tj; ee ty Sy Gy L YS “yy Ge SI tj}; Sz Zi yy Yi Lj ty Z ti Lp Le ue tj ZZ Z iiss SA; iit tj Cue GA tt ty Ge Z Ze BZ CA oes Zo ty Z \\ AY LAN \ « \ \ \ \ NS ty Zig Gj Sty: ty ZZ A Zz Zs Tn ZZ ZZ ty Sy Z Gy an Z \ \ \\ \ tj Sz tj Yi; Y tj Yj Ze Cz Gy Ze y $ b ey \ GZ \ WY Sy tute Cjueeien ti LA LZ tn TH Y Cy un SS WS KK AK Sy \ \ WOH A Cttpg7Z273; Guyeen Zw AX AN \ IY WY \ : LAS \\ \ \ IY \ \ \ \ ~ \\ - — \ cis A \ \ \ AY \ A \ \ A \ < UN \ \ \\ \ XX << \ \ << \ i Hata rte, Lay i SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BuLueTin 166 THE OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA BY MARY J. RATHBUN Associate in Zoology, United States National Museum UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1937 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. - - - - - - - - - - Price 60 cents ADVERTISEMENT The scientific publications of the National Museum include two series, known, respectively, as Proceedings and Bulletin. The Proceedings series, begun in 1878, is intended primarily as a medium for the publication of original papers, based on the collec- tions of the National Museum, that set forth newly acquired facts in biology, anthropology, and geology, with descriptions of new forms and revisions of limited groups. Copies of each paper, in pamphlet form, are distributed as published to libraries and scientific organi- zations and to specialists and others interested in the different sub- jects. The dates at which these separate papers are published are recorded in the table of contents of each of the volumes. The series of Bulletins, the first of which was issued in 1875, contains separate publications comprising monographs of large zoological groups and other general systematic treatises (occasionally in sev- eral volumes), faunal works, reports of expeditions, catalogs of type specimens and special collections, and other material of similar nature. The majority of the volumes are octavo in size, but a quarto size has been adopted in a few instances in which large plates were regarded as indispensable. In the Bulletin series appear volumes under the heading Contributions from the United States National Herbarium, in octavo form, published by the National Museum since 1902, which contain papers relating to the botanical collections of the Museum. The present work forms no. 166 of the Bulletin series. ALEXANDER WETMORE, Assistant Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. Wasuinaton, D. C., September{1, 1937. II CONTENTS Page AMtETOGUCtIO nme se sees Cree ee ee ee a en oe Se il Measurements and abbreviations used_--- 22222-22222 _-.._----- 2 The oxystomatous and allied crabs of America___--------------------- 4 Analogous species on opposite sides of the continent_-___------_---- 5 Species on both sides of the continent___-_--_---..--------------- 5 Order.) ccapoua 22a 2 aes Scie ae 6 Keyatowsubtribes of the:tribe. Brachyura-2-. = ee eee 6 SMD trier Gyno pleirase 16s fo ee he A ee ee e 6 amily Ranimage: 2 ee or asa ee Me ee eee SS 6 Cenusricanewoud cS. een eee te ee eee ee aS @ Genussian7 1a eoen ees ee eek See Mien ee ee 17 Genushisiyrerd use ce ee Are es Pt a ES ete 21 GenuseSymethis tesa en Serene Gages CU Eee Ne eke od 24 SUL DCHUOMIACE Rete ts ae Hee t AA nol aS nine once Come te 2S 27 Super amily: romildea= <= een -- cee are eee) oe 2 eS 27 Bamilyebronmtid ac sas @ ements ee 30 CGenustDromia=aa2 2222 2 eae ets ee ae el ee ee 30 Genusen0mid1d =< ae Sa en ee SE ys 32 Cenusgllyjpoconcha ane te. See ee ee ee 44 arnt) yea) VaTO Te Ini ae ea en ee tas See eee 51 GenustDimomence et. eee ee oe ee ee 54 GenuspAcanthodromia= = == a ek ee eee 55 iKamilyHomolodromidaes== 223 an ae ee Be Ae 2 eee 57 GenuseHomolodromiaas =i as ae ee ee ee 58 (Genuse Cranodrom ase ae eee ee ees 59 Supetianiny. Phelxiopedea 22th weed cee ee ow tot ee 61 amily; ihelxdopeld ae = 2s) Sees et ee ee Lt 62 GETS ED CLOLO TICS seh ga eee 62 (Genuseearomola yt at ee ee 68 GenuspHomologentus= see ae ee ee 70 Family Latreilliidae_-____ Se a OO aa See ae ay 73 Genuspiatierll (aaa op mete ae eee eee eae 73 SETI De LOXVSlLOM Abas. oe 2 so oo ee ne Jee ee eee cee se 75 RamilyWorippidae a2. See ea ee ee eee oes oneness 75 Cenusshthwsa ss 2 sepa ee ae ae te ee oe 77 Cenuiseltusiiate ne oe ee ee Res ee ae aap eee 89 GenusiCymonomus= sae ae ee ee ee 96 Genus Cumopoluseeea 4. 2 asec ae L Ro eo 98 (Gentus@o7n cod ts ee eee wae oe 101 GenussCycloderinpe 332 Soe 2 2 see eee ee Fe 103 GenussCiythrocertte= eo se a ee ee 8S 109 amily sbeucoslidaess 5 ee eee ee ee eee ee 121 SubtamilyeWbaliinkessao 2! oi Pete ta Be So 123 (GenuspHe DGG ee ae & pey eert eeeere) aete eee Se e 123 Gents Path Uae pn ee es se ee ee ee 136 GenusiS PelocOpOnusses =. eee eee oe oe ee eee 141 Genus a UUntdene eee ae ie eee SS os ote Se ee 149 iV BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Subtribe Oxystomata—Continued. Family Leucosiidae—Continued. Page Subfamily Philyrinae: 222 = se ee ee ee ees 151 Genus Persephond pt 2 FRSA Son eee 151 Gens: iM yropsise: 2252 On Me ot See ee 164 Genus Philyraq SE Vase ee eee 2 ee ee 167 Genus Leucosilia 225 2&2 ns ee 170 Genus ‘Randalita 22. c. 52. See ge oe oe Sees 171 Subfamily: eu cosiins eee appa en pee 183 Genuspiizacanth a sey he 2 ote te eek ee 183 Genus) Callidachlusi ssc ats ee a eee ee 192 Genlls*heucosia 2. a eee ee eee 194 Family Calappidae 9 5. 2 ue eee Fees Say eS Mie eager 196 Subfamily Calappinnaeauaee_ oh) _ oe ee 197 Genus Calappa a. 2. 28.2 5 ee ee eee 197 Genus: Mursta@= <2 = 5 = <= pee ee aaa i ee ere 215 Genus -Acanthocarpus =... peer eee en ee 220 Gents *Cycloés os oe oe ne ee ee ee 220 Subfamily: Matutinaesees Se es Rea eee eee 234 Genus Hepaturieata 2) saeiiet gue tee sie es 82 ee 234 Genus Hepatella. oc hoes Bo 2 eee es es 247 Genus Osachtla: 25. == 25.2 oe te eae rea 248 Subtribe Hapalocarcinides: = 222 = ees oe ie ee ee 258 Family Hapalocarcimid tems. = = eee ee ee ee 259 Gentis’ Hapalocarcinuss 242 ee ee eae eee 259 Genus. Cry piochige se 22 = 8 eh ee eee ee 262 Subtribe Brachygmathaesac soe ee cee ee ae ee 264 Superfamily Brachyrhynelia soa eee ee ee 264 Family Goneplacid aes sea = = ns) eee ae pera Sees Sey 265 Subfamily Carcinoplacinae 2-2 2 twee ee oe eee 365 Gents ‘Geryort eo eee eee nd ee 265 Imdewxieerot ef ee ee os eS ee I eee opm ee 273 ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURES . Diagram of dorsal view of an oxystomatous crab, showing terms Used imudescription 4. leah ways Se est ee esse . Diagram of ventral view of an oxystomatous crab, showing terms HSed IM GescrippOnes these te at et ee ae . Carapace and right cheliped of Raninoides loevis_____-------------- ihaninoides benedict, male holotype-==2--=- +=—---- 2-2-2 --5e- Carapace and right cheliped of Raninoides benedicti__.------------- Raninoides louisianensis, male holotype.__-_----- -.-------------- Carapace and right cheliped of Raninoides lowisianensis_--_-~ - ee ea . Carapace and right cheliped of Raninoides lamarcki__-------------- . Carapace and right cheliped of Ranilia angustata, male-_------------ MSU TLEURUS SUC TUOLOSO mene tere eee ee eee ee eR ey Rei eS . Outline of carapace and eyes of Dromia erythropus, male_-- ~_---- -- . Outline of carapace of Dromidia antillensis, male_..-_-_------------ . Outline of carapace of Dromidia larraburei, female holotype --------- . Hypoconcha spinosissima, female holotype------------------------ WeAbdomen of Drcranodromia ovata, male_ 2. = 2 eee MPNNVElL CIO Ne UGTOUGLG IMAG arte ee oe ee oe ee ee MELT OLOLOGETLUSST OSETALUS ea BN 2 De ee ee eee ee Belaineniia elegans, temale sets We a eS ee ee a ee . Antennal and oral region of Ethusa lata, female-_-__-- Bee eee nee . Anterior part and abdomen of Hthusa ciliatifrons, male_____-_------- PELLIVIESt ICON GUY SSUCOLO-eIN ALG = = ete ee ee eee e MPT E AEST ILOS TIUUEILUCL TOs ean ee ee ee a ae Oe ee am eR . Outline of carapace of Cymonomus quadratus, male_________-------- . Outline of carapace of Cyclodorippe antennaria, male_______-------- . Outline of carapace of Cyclodorippe agassizii, male_____--_---------- Se Ciunnocerus nieaus, femMBle se. oe ee ee BO MCG LR ROCETILD At US WINGO se aos Se ee See eee ee EEC LULRTOCenUS per puUsilusntemale. 222-5) 25 enn meee eee ee ee ee MOLIERTOCERUS MIanus, Male. 2as2 Sek ee Pe en Bee me eee 4 Carapace of Clythrocerus decorus; malese... 22 3.2 - =. 22 222 Lee siOhthrocerus granulatus; female holotype... 1=-. . -22..-2-2 25-23 = . Outline of carapace of Clythrocerus stimpsoni, female holotype_------ ME DAMONSLAIE DSON tt TOMI NIGH ea a ee eS . Ebalia magdalenensis, female holotype__..-----_------------------ pe Odiarcristata male holovypere- soo 2 toe ee eee ee eee . Carapace, left cheliped, and first and last right ambulatory of Lith- OAUGROTONULOSAE 2 Eom OE ee Nees ye ee ee fete . Carapace of Persephona finneganae, male type_____---------------- w@arapace of handaliia, pullugerd,. male. == 82272 Le eS . Carapsce of Randallia laevis, male holotype___-__------------ aes Winandatwaragaricras, male holotype. 2 2-22 -—- -— ee ee ee = ee BIA CONINGLLOGACULUS MONO. 2. So oe ee ne ee ee . Outline of carapace of Iliacantha schmittt.___.__..__--------------- Page 12 13 13 19 26 31 33 35 46 65 71 74 84 88 91 93 98 104 105 110 110 111 114 118 120 121 125 129 134 141 161 176 DAL 178 187 192 VI 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. oe ~ BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Calappa saussurei, male holotype Hepatus lineatus, male Osachila lata, males) 639 es Seance a= Soe a eee Dorsal view, antennae and antennules, chela, and third maxilliped of ‘Ha palocarciius marsupials, temales-.-- — ee Cryptochirus corallicola plenaale== 3 222s ee ee ee ee PLATES (FOLLOWING PAGE 272) 2. Species of Raninoides. 4. Species of Ranilia. 5. Species of Ranilia, Lyreidus, and Symethis. 6. Dromia eryihropus. 7. Species of Dromidia. 8. Species of Hypoconcha and larval dromid, Evius. 9-11. Species of Hypoconcha. 22-— 26, 12. Dynomene ursula and Acanthodromia erinacea. 14. Species of Homolodromia and Dicranodromia. 16. Species of Thelxiope. 17. Homologenus rostratus. 19. Species of Paromola. 21. Latreillia elegans. 25, 28. Species of Hthusa. 27. Species of Hthusina. 29-31. Species of Corycodus, Cymopolus, Cymonomus, and HEthusint. 33, 35, 32. Species of Cyclodorippe. 34. Species of Clythrocerus. 37. Species of Ebalia. 36. Species of Uhlias and Ebalia. 38. Species of Lithadza. 39-41. Species of Speloeophorus. 42-45. Species of Persephona. 46. Myropsis quinquespinosa. 47. Philyra pisum. 48. Leucostlia jurinei. 49-52. Species of Randallia. 53-57. Species of Iliacantha. 58. Callidactylus asper. 59-65. Species of Calappa. 66, 67. Mursia gaudichaudit. 68. Acanthocarpus bispinosus. 69. Species of Acanthocarpus and Cycloés. 70-75. Species of Hepatus. 85, 76. Species of Hepatella. 77. Species of Osachila. 78. Species of Osachila and Cryptochirus. 79. Species of Osachila and Hapalocarcinus. 80. Clythrocerus laminatus and Raninoides ecuadorensis. 81. Cyclodorippe bouviert. 82. Species of Hbalia and Osachila. 83. Iliacantha schmittt and Osachila galapagensis. 84. Randallia minuta. 86. Geryon quinquedens. Page 207 246 258 260 262 THE OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA By Mary J. RatHBun Associate in Zoology, United States National Museum INTRODUCTION Tus voLuME is the fourth of a series of handbooks on American crabs; the others are United States National Museum Bulletins 97, 129, and 152, on the grapsoid, spider, and cancroid crabs of America, respectively. The introductory remarks in those bulletins relating to sources of material, special researches, acknowledgments, and glos- sary of terms apply to the present work also. In recent years the most fruitful expeditions, so far as collecting American crabs is concerned, were those of the Velero IIT on the Pacific coast, sponsored by Capt. G. Allan Hancock.’ In consequence, 16 new species or subspecies have been added to the groups here de- scribed. Various stops were made in Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, and the Galapagos Islands, where Crustacea were collected by Dr. W. L. Schmitt, Dr. C. M. Fraser, Dr. H. W. Manter, Dr. W. R. Taylor, John Garth, and Fred Ziesenhenne. Dredging was carried to a depth of 150 fathoms. New Pacific forms were obtained by Steve A. Glassell and Herbert N. Lowe, especially at the head of the Gulf of California, which, it appears, has developed a fauna of its own. We have also benefited through the courtesy of the California Academy of Sciences, which has loaned material obtained by the Crocker expedition on the Zaca. Dr. Manuel Valerio, of San Jose, has from time to time added to our knowledge of the Costa Rican fauna. The Museum also has been enriched by vast collections of crabs from South America obtained by Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt in the course of two extended series of explorations in South American waters under the auspices of the Walter Rathbone Bacon scholarship. Besides the material collected, Dr. Schmitt was able to arrange advantageous exchanges with various South American museums and when that was not feasible to borrow specimens for study. In this way many gaps in the National Museum collections were filled, both as to species and numbers, and our knowledge of the fauna greatly increased. 1 We are indebted to Captain Hancock for permission to publish these records in advance of the formal publication of the results of the expeditions. 1 3 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM On the Atlantic coast the Carnegie Marine Biological Laboratory at Tortugas, Dr. William H. Longley, director, has enlarged its scope, enabling Dr. Schmitt and others to make expeditions to deeper water than previously. The results have added notably to our knowledge of the fauna of the region. The Johnson-Smithsonian expedition of 1933 to the Puerto Rican Deep, Dr. Paul Bartsch, naturalist, secured a goodly number of Gymnopleura and Oxystomata, including an un- FIGURE 1.—Diagram of dorsal view of an oxystomatous crab, showing the terms used in description. By Waldo L. Schmitt. described species. Dr. Horace G. Richards has continued his con- tributions to our collections, while Stewart Springer discovered a new giant Calappa in the Gulf of Mexico. The State University of Jowa has been very helpful in putting its collection of Decapoda at our disposal; it is now part of a loan deposit in the United States National Museum. MEASUREMENTS AND ABBREVIATIONS USED EXPLANATION OF MEASUREMENTS The length of the carapace, unless otherwise stated, is measured on the median line, from the anterior to the posterior margin. The width of the carapace is measured at the widest part. The fronto-orbital width or exorbital width is measured from the outer angle of one orbit to the outer angle of the other. The length of the articles of the chelipeds and legs is measured on the upper or anterior margin. The length of the whole cheliped or OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA Qo leg is measured on the lower margin, from the articulation of the coxa with the sternum to the tip of the dactylus. The width of articles of the chelipeds and legs is measured at the widest part. The length of the immovable finger is measured from the tip to the extremity of the sinus between the fingers. See figures 1 and 2 for diagrams of an oxystomatous crab. FIGURE 2.—Diagram of ventral view of an oxystomatous crab, showing the terms used in description. By Waldo L. Schmitt. CHARACTER OF BOTTOM Under ‘Material examined” and in the tables the abbreviations indicating the character of the bottom are those employed by the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. Nouns begin with a capital, adjectives with a small letter. kere. black Gist es eee grass | 2( 8 | Pigeon p a A rotten bre_ 202) brown py St ORD EIGe gray SS) ona sand brke- heer broken hrdisryhay = tected hard setrd aes. Fealets scattered bueweis so blue Ise. ee ee large SO ie ape an tie sandy cale_____.-_ calcareous Nis os ee light Bite ste fee ose soft Wor soee ue = coral Meroe ee ee mud Sites ren eens shells COMM = eee coralline INTO Cte nee teers nodules™ ("sm s-2e 2 small CISeee Ss see coarse Ons, Peel 00ze Spit Ss VGos __specks Gkes ative: dark Pie Ths melee ite pebbles | St_....________stones fries y= fine Bohra t eee pteropod | stky_.._._..___sticky Or eas sa G Foraminifers,|k oo sas Sk rock VOlwers eee eee voleanie (ee eet es gravel RO ea rae red Ped ahs wae eee seaweed Globs.225.2 globigerina RE toe seined oe reef peda iedeclvee st oelY! ere white 4 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM ADDITIONAL ABBREVIATIONS AND NOTES Tn the lists under ‘‘Material examined” and elsewhere, a number in parentheses following an indication of a specimen or specimens de- notes a catalog number of the United States National Museum unless otherwise indicated. M. C. Z.=Museum of Comparative Zoology; P. M. Y. U.=Peabody Museum of Yale University; 5. U. I.= Museum of the State University of Iowa; Mus. Paulista is at Sado Paulo, Brazil; the words “‘U. S. Fisheries Steamer” should be understood before Albatross, Fish Hawk, Grampus, and Speedwell; and ‘‘U. S. Coast Survey Steamer’ before Bache, Blake, and Hassler; Zaca= Croker Expedition, California Academy of Sciences; Anton Dohrn in the Atlantic—Carnegie Institution; Anton Dohrn in the Pacific= Venice Marine Biological Station, University of California; y=young. In the color notes made by Dr. Schmitt, the 1886 edition of Ridg- way’s ‘Nomenclature of Colors’ is used. THE OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA Of the crabs treated in this volume, the Gymnopleura are the most unique and the most primitive, being derived from the Macrura.? The anterior thoracic sterna are broad, the posterior narrow and keel-like, carapace elongate in the shape of an urn, the last pair of legs reduced and dorsal in position. Represented in America by only four genera. The Dromiacea include the “hairy crabs’, which are typically subglobose, and others that are subquadrate, but all with a narrow front. The outer maxillipeds have the merus and ischium sub- quadrangular. The last one or two pairs of feet are small and subdorsal and hold jn place a sponge, ascidian, or shell, which is used for concealment. The subtribe contains two superfamilies, in one of which the eyes are 2-jointed. The Oxystomata are by far the largest group represented. They include the circular or ball-shaped crabs, the box or shame-faced crabs, and the smaller, usually flat and shield-shaped dorippids, or mask crabs, in which the legs of the last two pairs are short, slender, and elevated. In the oxystomes the mouth parts taper narrowly toward the front. The Calappidae, or shame-faced crabs, are distinguished by their large chelae, which when closed spread over the anterior part of the ventral surface. The subtribe Hapalocarcinidea is represented on this continent by two genera and species, both of which live in coral galls. Its position in the Brachyura has not been definitely determined. The single example of the subtribe Brachygnatha is inserted here because it was accidentally omitted from Bulletin 97, ‘The Grapsoid Crabs of America’’, Geryon quinquedens, p. 266. 2 See Bourne, The Raninidae, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., vol. 35, p. 25, 1922. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA ANALOGOUS SPECIES ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE CONTINENT FAMILY RANINIDAE ATLANTIC PaciFic Raninoides loevis. Raninoides benedictt. Ranilia muricata. Ranilia angustata. Ranilia constricta. Ranilia fornicata. FAMILY DROMIIDAE Dromidia antillensis. Dromidia larraburet. Hypoconcha arcuata. Hypoconcha panamensis. FAMILY DORIPPIDAE Ethusa mascarone americana. Ethusa mascarone panamensis. Ethusa microphthalma. Ethusa lata. Ethusina abyssicola. Ethusina smithiana. FAMILY LEUCOSIIDAE Ebalia cariosa. Ebalia magdalenensis. Uhlias limbatus. Uhlias ellipticus. Persephona punctata punctata. Persephona subovata. Iliacantha liodactylus Iliacantha hancockt. Iliacantha sparsa. Iliacantha schmittt. FAMILY CALAPPIDAE Calappa flammea. Calappa convexa. Calappa angusta. Calappa saussuret. Hepatus princeps. Hepatus kossmannt. Osachila antillensis. Osachila galapagensis. SPECIES ON BOTH SiDES OF THE CONTINENT FAMILY RANINIDAE Raninoides loevis. Symethis variolosa. FAMILY DORIPPIDAE Ethusa mascarone americana. FAMILY CALAPPIDAE Cycloés bairdit. Order DECAPODA Suborder REPTANTIA Tribe BRACHYURA KEY TO SUBTRIBES OF THE TRIBE BRACHYURA A}, Anterior thoracic sterna very broad, posterior thoracic sterna narrow and keel-like. Posterior thoracic epimera largely exposed by reduction of the branchiostegite__.. GYMNOPLEURA (p. 6) A?, Anterior thoracic sterna not unusually broad, posterior thoracic sterna not keel-like. Posterior thoracic epimera covered by branchiostegite. B!. Mouth field (endostome) prolonged forward to form a gutter. Last pair of legs normal or abnormal. Female openings generally sternal. First abdominal limbs lacking in female. Gills Pew 2 2s aoa ee ae een OXYSTOMATA (p. 75) B?. Mouth field roughly square. C1. Buccal cavity covered by the external maxillipeds or nearly so. D!. Last pair of legs abnormal, dorsal. Female openings coxal. First abdominal limbs of female present. (Grills erst alll aeiran ey ray eee ere DROMIACEA (p. 27) D?, Last pair of legs normal, rarely reduced or dorsal. Female openings sternal. First abdominal limbs of femalelacking. Gills few___---- BRACHYGNATHA 3 (p. 264) C?. Buccal cavity very wide, not covered by the narrow external maxillipeds___.__------. HAPALOCARCINIDEA (p. 258) Subtribe GYMNOPLEURA Bourne Gymnopleura Bourne, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., vol. 35, p. 55, 1922. Anterior thoracic sterna broad, posterior thoracic sterna narrow and keel-like; posterior thoracic epimera largely exposed by reduction of branchiostegite; female openings on coxae; last pair of pereiopods dorsal in position, normal or reduced in size; sternal canal present; thoracic nerve ganglion-chain elongate; antennary sternum triangular, spout-shaped; branchiae eight on each side. (Bourne.) Family RANINIDAE Dana Raninidae Dana, United States Exploring Expedition, Crustacea, pt. 1, p. 390, 1852; pt. 2, p. 1428, 1853.—HrnpERson, Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, Anomura, vol. 27, p. 27 (characters on p. 26), 1888.—Atucocxk, Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, vol. 65, p. 288, 1896.—Bourns, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., vol. 35, p. 56 et seg., 1922. 3 In this buNetin the genus Geryon only, family Goneplacidae. 6 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 7 Carapace remarkably elongate, but not covering the abdominal terga, the first four or five of which lie exposed in the dorsal plane of the body. The last pair of legs also is raised in the dorsal plane of the body. Antennae large; antennules also large, but they do not fold into fossettes. The vasa deferentia protrude through the bases of the fifth pair of legs; the oviducts pierce the basis of the third pair of legs. The sternum is broad anteriorly, very narrow or linear posteriorly. A pair of respiratory orifices between the tergum of the first abdominal segment and the coxae of the last pair of pereiopods. The external maxillipeds completely cover the buccal cavern, and their palp is concealed in repose; their exopodite is but little longer than the ischium. The branchiae are less than nine in number on either side. (After Alcock.) Manus very flat, terminating in a finger so bent that the movable finger is applied against the anterior border of the hand. KEY TO THE AMERICAN GENERA OF THE FAMILY RANINIDAE A!. Fronto-orbital border more than half width of carapace. B!. Orbits of moderate size, slightly oblique, situated on anterior border of carapace. Last pair of legs slender-_--_-- Raninoides (p. 7) B2. Orbits very large, deep cavities in lower side of carapace, which form a V, with point at rostrum. Last pair of leps nob unusually slender:o22_..2.-ss2-5-5-5-2-=+-- Ranilia (p. 17) A?. Fronto-orbital border less than half width of carapace. B!. Carapace smooth. Chelae broad and flat_------------- Lyreidus (p. 21) B?. Carapace eroded. Chelae elongate, manus swollen, fingers longvandislender. 254.2. 2 bie a oliose oe Canty Symethis (p. 24) Genus RANINOIDES Milne Edwards Raninoides MitnE Epwarps, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 2, p. 196, 1837 [type, R. loevis (Latreille)]—Atucocx, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. 65, p. 292, 1896. Carapace elongate-obovate, strongly convex from side to side, often nearly twice as long as broad, its surface for the most part smooth, regions undefined. Fronto-orbital border slightly less than greatest width of carapace. Eyes typically small but distinct, eye- stalks broadly dilated at base, orbits slightly oblique. Antennules about equal in size to antennae; antennae with a stout peduncle and slender flagellum, the peduncle not concealing the antennulary peduncle. Merus of external maxillipeds usually shorter than ischium, its edges slightly thickened and raised. Sternum broad between chelipeds and as far as the bases of the second pair of true legs, then becoming extremely narrow. Last pair of legs abnormally short and slender, arising much in advance of the penultimate pair. Abdomen of both sexes with seven separate segments. (After Alcock.) Atlantic and Pacific coasts of America; Indian Ocean; East Indies. 8 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM KEY TO THE SPECIES OF THE GENUS RANINOIDES A!. Only one lateral spine on carapace. More than three frontal prominences. B!. Two spines on carpus of cheliped. C!. A spine at distal end of merus of cheliped. Four spines on lower margin of manus. A spine at base of mobile finger. D!. Lateral tooth not reaching middle of length of outer frontal tooths22) 332 22h ws fee Se fe ee loevis (p. 8) D?. Lateral tooth longer, reaching middle of length of outer frontal toothty. she 4s se ele oe ee benedicti (p. 9) C?. No spine at distal end of merus of cheliped. D',. A spine at base of mobile finger. Five or six spines on lower margin of manus>-=----222-. 5. See louisianensis (p. 12) D?. No spine at base of mobile finger. Three spines on lower margin of manus. E!. Anterior end of carapace roughly granulate. A well- marked lateral tooth on rostrum______--_- ecuadorensis (p. 15) E?. Anterior end of carapace smooth to naked eye. Rostrum laterally angled, not toothed___-_-_-_- lamarcki (p. 13) B?. Only one spine, and that rudimentary, on carpus of cheliped_ fossor (p. 16) A?. Two lateral spines on carapace. Only three frontal promi- LCT COS see ae ae ee ee ee nitidus (p. 16) ANALOGOUS SPECIES OF RANINOIDES ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE CONTINENT ATLANTIC PaciIFic loevis. benedictt. RANINOIDES LOEVIS (Latreille) FiaureE 3; Puate 1, Ficures 1, 2 Ranina dorsipes DesMAREsT, Considerations générales sur la classe des Crustacés, p. 140, pl. 19, fig. 2, 1825; not R. dorsipes Lamarck, 1818. Ranina loevis LATREILLE, Encyclopédie méthodique, Hist. Nat., vol. 10, p. 268, 1825 (type locality unknown; type in Paris Mus.). Ranina levis MILNE Epwarps, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 2, p. 197, 1837. Raninoides laevis A. MILNE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 34, 1880. Raninoides loevis RATHBUN, Univ. Iowa Studies Nat. Hist., vol. 9, no. 5, p. 66, 1921. Raninoides laevis lamarcki Boont, Bull. Vanderbilt Mar. Mus., vol. 2, p. 48 (part), pl. 9, fig. A, 1930; not R. l. var. lamarcki Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1923. Diagnosis.—A spine at distal end of merus of cheliped; two spines on carpus; four spines on inner margin of manus; one spine at base of mobile finger. Description.—The four sinuses of the front appear longer than they are, owing to their continuance in a narrow gutter. The sinuses bor- dering the 3-toothed rostrum are not parallel but converge posteriorly. The tooth next to the rostrum is spine-tipped, the spine reaching to a line midway between the tip of the median tooth and the tip of the OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 9 submedian tooth. The succeeding sinus is longitudinal. Outer orbital tooth bifid, the inner branch very short, dentiform, the outer branch long, slender, and curved, tip directed inward but not quite reaching level of intermediate tooth. Hepatic spine slender, slightly curved. The spines of the cheliped are as follows: A small sharp spine near distal inner end of ischium; a curved spine at upper ex- tremity of merus; two unequal spines placed obliquely-transversely on distal half of carpus, the outer spine much the larger; a similar spine near distal end of outer margin of manus and four irregular spines on inner margin; about 13 small spines on prehensile edge of immovable finger; a very small spine at proximal end of outer margin of dactyl. Distal end of dactyls of first and second ambulatories slender; inner edge of third dactyl very arcuate, outer edge distinctly hollowed. if FIGURE 3.—Raninoides loevis: a, Anterior portion of carapace; 6, distal half of right cheliped, upper surface. Color (66749).—Grayish across middle, little yellowish brown anteriorly, all so faint that in life it is almost colorless; beneath with red flecks at base of antennae. Measurements —Male (22560), length of carapace 34, width at middle 19.6, width between tips of hepatic spines 19.3, width of front 12.6 mm. Range.—West coast of Florida to north coast of South America and Barbados; Pacific coast of Panama and Colombia; 10 to 40 fathoms, 107 fathoms (Barbados). Material eramined.—See table 1, page 10. RANINOIDES BENEDICTI Rathbun Fiaures 4, 5; Puate 1, Figures 7, 8 Raninoides laevis lamarcki Boone, Bull. Vanderbilt Mar. Mus., vol. 2, p. 48 (part), pl. 9, figs. B, C 1930 (Pearl Islands, Panama); not R. l. var. lamarcki Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1923. Raninoides benedicti Ratusun, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 48, p. 1, 1935 (type locality, off La Paz Bay, Mexico; type, U.S.N.M. no. 57685). Diagnosis.—Lateral tooth longer than in loevis, reaching middle of length of outer frontal tooth. Palm long and narrow, movable finger exceeding immovable finger in length. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 10 OG eS Oni ees toe CIP69 UC liet allen ow na 1Z£69 *podxg sosedeyey, yooouspy |~-~~~~ ““@t869 --4Ueqx0 JON a ad ThL99 ee 09622 a te G786 , ae 81602 ee he LECCE 777557" 88602 a me 66606 ceed 02606 See tips 12202 fet he 61206 Ss ae 91602 Fp L1Z0Z OG alt ia 6F299 20s ile aoa €PL99 BOC ee tee LPL99 BOG mee: jeer ae PFLOD Ce Ses SPL99 Oa Br aoe 97199 OO age sr 0S299 “MOr4N 414 “Ul C1S0UIBD JO WID |------7- 8F199 aa ZFLI9 SyIVMey “ON B0[B{8O Se AST ge rece em ODioan Se OnL. eee eee ODtesa OP Qeeetee IIT 043]9A *podx a ensijUVy-sopeqieg ATL) BMo] ‘AIUQ OBIS O'S eee AqsolD “VM Sa: ner aap 1 1948 “AO PRL le oe 8S01}0Q77 eee BS Re a "952 =525 OD his SEDANS Ul nee eto oan ODaeaas eae DAS ees Ope one aoe Rep Oo comes yi caeeODe Saas AY a ees oo eT OD RAS. ae SZ |e Sena - ~~~“ OD emer agar DSN a pce ne me OD at 9 BT eel pets ee OD ress San See ae sndwunipy Ssh (Oe alco aera tee OD aaa me PONT Ne omen Chraae mA OR ls eee ee ok OD mame ERA ORT Nl nee ier ct = ca ae OD aaa mA OL tm oe Veo Ops 4 T= SKETSla> eas oe A ES Opts=- > EA alece. ce Ss ee OP ce SATS iS meee JATWTYYS "TM wie OUT en Bae ae YROET YSty Sa 109091100 ------|-------- See oe Telia ees ~gurod Jo "AA N 3uIspoiq. ‘soJUsII0g edeg 0&% =| FBT ‘ET “Qaq ‘ARG BIIGVO :VIAINOTOO OFC PSB T OCs CON ess ons eemtan yt ANOUS | FG (ons aR ae ae al OPIS Ga |"ar S5"TS pURsy eyed 8F2 | PEBT ‘ZS “GAN | 7- Fs ie Sie a US “WG | 0&-So | Avq Jojurod *g yo |-7----~ “““spuoy viysg ‘VAVNVd ouiong ‘e1OYSO BUTqJIIp PUB SO[TUL EZ ‘puBIST “‘sopeq O01 STC o ee CaAlia | ears te ee et § ‘ouy | 20T UBdT9d JO'N Aq ‘A | -IU sSAITINY uassaT Ae ke see. eRe || haere mc ante ee | vipa | ce age atc crs eae Be BIB, BIUBY :VIEGHOTOD “Us “4q OLFS | S88T ‘ST “ABT |~--7 7 ‘dg ‘¥q “§ ‘YM ‘sUy | 82 ST S@ €8) 0€ Lh 9G | JOQIVH o}opIWYO Jo" 6909 | 688T ‘9% “G97 OORLIe saa W ‘43 “Ys | €% O02 SF 28 aleee ec Oes ey estas oe od 6019 | 6881 ‘1S “VIN 19 |---dg "xq ‘g ‘AB ‘ouy | FZ OO=100: SB ais08 AT W9C, Gar ae menses ore od ZOTS | G88T ‘ST “ABI | 8°69 | 77 TT dg -4q's | €&8 OOS 4c; S88 100) 80 0a | Sie ann ens a od 8609 | 6881 ‘ZT “IVIL 99biieas > a S$ ‘plq | 81 00> '88-"C8i08" 20) 59Gr| ner ean ce od ‘Us Z60G | G88T ‘ET “AVTAT 69 | “x41q ‘dg ‘¥q °g “43 | 18 OOM 0G E85 ROOM Bo 100s aes ara wee od 9609 | G88I ‘OT “ABTA | 9°99 [-F 7 W's 43 | 9T 00: 66° C8siC00> F8 Sos| =e tea ee ae od G80S | 688T ‘IT “IVI | 2°99 |--0D 'g ‘euy "4g “xq | F GT Sh (SSa|ECe shes SC tee ieee eae oe od 0808 | 6881'S “ABIL LON ee ag US “HAG 'S “4 | $s 00" 309 28a|200! HE 9Ce |e cee ee ne od T80S | 6881 ‘ES “ABIL LORS en. 5 eee § ‘ouj | 02 00 6€ 28108 €& 2 | BPMOLY JO SBOo jsoM FO 8 OL6T. Sle AICS |e 9 | ee Saale sates oo OC DE i eet a SE oe ke eee od UGS isth KS eee 4 ODT Sele laeeh Se ee RE eee OS Eee crate ODS Sas lita: Lat eee es od Cale eas es ODF sats es Bleeaee <2 Jog ‘g Ayeys | 9T =: | 77-7 > AGNO Pate OW JO". ee sonia ceaenoos od “£onq pod jouuvy DO *q 03 Aonq eds jou 11d SCOTS TROCU S| eninge ane ome See BO -UBYOPIUL YOV[Q WOT | oO” “£onq pol Leia RCO Tes OTe CUE at is Seen eee g Ayjoys | Ze g ou jo“g “par yp Moqwa | --~- e— od ‘Aonq ouuBYD “AS 8 Sey CODE alto online cat cha eee “W'S | $Z JOST SiPUBE ST UGG MAO Sia es in on een od v PCO eo ees CLV | ete | ann 270 ‘AB “4s | LE “£0nq jeuuvyD "M8 Jog | od “Aonq [ou 68 POOL Con ATO | eaten | eames eerie OF -uweyO uleyyMog Jo *g |~~77 7777777 sesnj1oy, ‘Tur %8 “MA “( 18.198 LSHE AGG UO Tes koe 0 Clim | ONY Lie eae aaa emia {hn fie es Cl, RE a ploy) Aey pueg ‘To “a 4 ° “ul ‘ ° -VaINoTy a uen 018 oA woy}Og mune opnyjator opniyie Ayyeooy 819 Arey “YB ssuliveg SIAIO] Soploutusy fo pauruvxa Jvr1sajop[_—*T AIAV], OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 14 Description.—Allied to R. loevis. Front similar; carina and lateral angle of median tooth less evident; inner angle of outer frontal tooth not spiniform. Propodus of cheliped elongate, two and one-half times as long as wide; proximal margin of fixed finger forming a FIGURE 4.—Raninoides benedicti: Male holotype (57685), dorsal view, enlarged. right angle with margin of palm; distal margin of same finger forming much more than a right angle with margin of palm; dactyl very long, considerably overreaching fixed finger, and with one, sometimes two, minute teeth near base of upper margin; tooth smaller than in : b FIGURE 5.—Raninocides benedicti: a, Anterior portion of carapace; 6, distal half of right cheliped, upper surface. loevis. Dactyl of third ambulatory wider than in loevis, its posterior margin more arcuate. Measurements.—Male holotype (57685), length of carapace 35.2, width at middle 16.3; width between tips of hepatic spines 19, width of front 12.8 mm. 80232—37_2 12 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Range.—Gulf of California, Mexico, to Ecuador; 2 to 26.5 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 2, page 14. RANINOIDES LOUISIANENSIS Rathbun Ficures 6, 7; Puate 1, Figures 5, 6 Raninoides louisianensis RaTHBUN, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 46, p. 186, 1933 (type locality, east of Mississippi Delta, 68 fathoms; cotypes, U.S.N.M. no. 9659). Diagnosis.—No spine at distal end of merus of cheliped; five or six spines on lower margin of manus. A slender spine on ischium of sec- ond leg in male. Description.—Differs from R. loevis as follows: All the sinuses of the front are longitudinal and shorter than in loevis and are continued FIGURE 6.—Raninoides louisianensis: Male holotype (9659), dorsal view, enlarged. backward by a very short gutter. Tooth next to the submedian tooth with a nearly straight inner margin, not distinctly angled; the slender outer orbital tooth is nearly straight. Hepatic tooth longer and straight instead of curved. No spine at extremity of merus of cheliped. Subterminal spine of manus nearer the end of the upper margin; lower margin with more numerous (five or six) and slenderer spines, with a few minute spinules interspersed. Dactyls of first and second ambulatories shorter and broader, of third leg larger and straighter on outer margin. A slender sharp spine near distal end of ischium of second leg of male. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 13 Measurements.—Male type (9659), length of carapace 35.6, width at middle 18.4, width between tips of hepatic spines 20.8, width of front 12.2 mm. Range.— Gulf of Mexico, 68 fathoms. Material examined.—East of Mississippi Delta, La.; lat. 29°14’30’ N., long. 88°09’30’’ W.; 68 fathoms, gy. M., February 11, 1885; station 2378, Albatross, 13, 292 (1 ovig.) (9659), 1 male on exhibition (20215). FIGURE 7.—Raninoides louisianensis: a, Anterior portion of carapace; 6, distal half of right cheliped, upper surface. RANINOIDES LAMARCKI Milne Edwards and Bouvier Figure 8; Puate 1, Ficures 3, 4 ?Ranina dorsipes LAMARCK,! Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertébres, vol. 5, p. 225, 1818. Raninoides laevis var. lamarcki MitNE Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 47, p. 299, pl. 1, figs. 8, 9; pl. 2, figs. 4, 5, 1923 (type local- ity unknown; type in Paris Mus.). Diagnosis.—Postorbital sinuses parallel and shorter than the dis- tance separating them. Only three spines on lower margin of manus; no spine at base of mobile finger. ret FIGURE 8.—Raninoides lamarcki: a, Anterior portion of carapace, enlarged (after Milne Edwards and Bouvier); 6, distal half of right cheliped, upper surface. Description.—Akin to R. louisianensis. The tooth on either side of the front, bounded by the sinuses, is devoid of a spine. The outer orbital spine and the hepatic spine are reduced. The arm lacks a spine. The dactyl of the third ambulatory is wider than in lowisi- anensis. 4 The dorsipes of Lamarck is said by him to inhabit the Indian and Southern Oceans. This would throw some doubt as to the identity of the specimen in the Paris Museum with that actually seen by Lamarck. The characters of the specimen figured by Bouvier in Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 47, 1923, as lamarckt are those of the four American specimens that I here record as R. lamarcki. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 14 ; 1 we WN lar Gas Ag | WOSs[aN e3108H STO yee so Slo Spee en ee | [noe a = pee cope age ee eee pus “SJ UBMG ‘VEG NVAaElAvO Z0066. Se ATO Gn ale meee SURO) ie ee ae a as aul ag eee tees oe | en ae oe ae a eae ae ae ee ean od “YSTH ‘JEN ‘00g U04{sOg MIO | gcgegQ =| ---- 77 => OT een UCAS Ey So seee GSSIe ge palma wales ee or oo osc lee eos > a ee ae Eco ae SANVIS] VAVHVG “Syoeulojys Ysy WO | TEZo free GieeCh || somes aoe OD mec seh ee age al ke all Naa re gue omen om em ola oa oe a aa eee oe “0d Boy | BIAS 8 TN --grwang soppy. |-2----|-mnnnmnn ence se| St Fe sen eennee asec ened anne sano er ons] secant ae gers ejoowstog Z£96 ~--eoedeieo [ [77-7 -~ 880.1j0017 | BLES | S88T‘2Z “QOq | 9% |-~7---- US AIG HP'S | 9 00 62 {8 | OE IT 6% |"""~""selg UBg odBH Jog a OGG, |ent oe OTOL | ynegy yshe | PHL | ZOKT ‘FS “UBL | ST |-----7-- US “3414'S | eo OF FO) S8is TOG ke eS seein ee TOTJOS BJOPUY “wosdwumus a) sdowupny jo oddsy, |°Z'O'W 7-77-7777" Gulelim ce Snot 00 cia lemate nl ZL8I ‘te ‘Ady oO) nnn e nen ne [anne ene [ann eneec eee [ao ee eee eenea|en ee eee ---BPILO[T S04 LONG saa 6 I |77777-endwosp | SITS | 6881 ‘2% “IVIL BO Ne > ee eae g 43 | 12 00) Zo ZSe OO Ce 6 OGr es ser een OdIBTY JO" M cm 1G)? AL al na at BLAOWG ihe |man mare JOD [Oe Sekanal lees ene aS ee ee 9] ------2-- +n 2-2 2-2---|--2220-]--2-2-222-2-|------------ “sBanqIoOy, ‘WOsieyger 410.7 ‘Z-O°W | Teusqyos 6 T |-~~4sanqeyiq AA |----- 7] 777 SS PE Dl eeelisce anions | ieeege [Se ero Ones oo ae ae sesnqioy, ‘Aoy WepiByH BESTT: = vee ee 25 SIT. | aan! $8047097V | 6696 | 98816 “Ady |-~~>~ Joon §'09 | 9¢ OST OSs NOS iO Scr eran amns le Wee “WYaI T2200)" ier es ae Pian Ops LISL | S06T ‘OS “ABIL | &°€% |" "4S “HAQ‘g “AB ‘ouy OSS: SRC t= 3 peel cares ce oe AOMOT JOANN ‘IL YS Do iVaINoT POOLS) - ines SAO; One |meeeecge OD aanen TIGL ROTOR HZ IOSe Ob won| wen sr esas eat us 9T 0099 O20 COMA PG i were oeepeennmer Te o”d GELS 9S |e LT | "yoy ysty |---- ~~ LOG Teta AG TT | eta | meals Sete ge [OSS S GES Seles See se oe eee Jloqiey jiojnvsg FO To ii ie ON) a SRO !VNITOUVO HLYON oun Spr sib7] Seana a 41n7B 1 I SyIBUIOY eae g | steupodg 10WaT[09 Pa aed -1ad ur0} og sutre Aqeoory “WOT, sSureog BYLBOLINUL VIIUBY fo paurunxa 191.1010 (\[—'§ ATAV I, 0g CO | eae AGL OPP Oy | Grae 8 ee Ora Oleg alls ger cs OD Sie |e [pee SOTUINIA 0G eee noe eemes ag | ae a eeeeed oe od ‘od 0269 | Arejueusey g “A ZO | [77-770 ODeeaae OZ |) PSOL RLeeOuinlinams clea SlIqop "WW CE qynoum JIAII YO |---~- ooslouvly ueg edeD moavaog *pedxq@ sos *B1q ~eduey) =yoooueH | £0269 | ~~ 7 77 Sebo le IIT 04979A | €9%_ | HBL '$Z “QOH |7--72]- OD: /:| senate aaeee Aeq UJ | -91NO Oyend :vory VvIsOO SOCAN O[O RR ORO) Gp. |Snnenetnen caam nae sos La. = $501709/F | $Z8% | 8881 ‘0G ‘Ady |~-~-~"|----- YS “41d | ¢'9 | 00 2 OTT) 00 Sl Z| ABA 2eq VT VO ‘ooxaw ‘i ‘ °o “a 4 °o ain ° saitoeh anttnien ; Int pny H SH IVUIEY 3 one 9 suourlsedg 10309[[0D a eed -vied m10340q Soe AjBIO'T poten sdueag IyoIpoueq soplouluvy fo pautwupxa jorwaywyy—'Z WIAV OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 15 Measurements.—Type (from pl. 2, fig. 4, E. and B.), width between tips of hepatic spines 44.5, between tips of outer orbital spines 33 mm. Female young (7754), length of carapace 15.3, width between outer orbital angles 6.5, between tips of hepatic spines 8.4, and at middle of carapace 8.6 mm. Range.—Greater Antilles to Panama. Material examined.—Off Colon; lat. 9°27’ 00’ N., long. 79° 54’ 00’” W.; 25 fathoms; gn. M. brk. Sh.; April 2, 1884; station 2145, Albatross; 2 males, 1 female, all young (7754). North of Puerto Rico; lat. 18° oiveao Ne» lone. 66° 14”? 55” W.; 120 fathoms; March’S,’ 1933" station 105, Johnson-Smithsonian Expedition; 1 male (67813). RANINOIDES ECUADORENSIS Rathbun PuatE 80, Figures 5-7 Raninoides ecuadorensis RatHBUN, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 48, p. 1, 1935 (type locality, La Plata Island, Ecuador; type, U.S.N.M. no. 69319). Diagnosis —Anterior end of carapace roughly granulate. Three spines (rarely four) on lower margin of manus. No spine on merus. Description.—Carapace widest at middle, tapering toward either end; finely and closely granulate across the front which is irregularly roughened. Anterolateral spine inclined slightly outward, the tip curving inward. Rostrum with two longitudinal furrows, a slender median tooth and a short lateral tooth directed forward. Outside the rostrum the adjacent angle is nearly a right angle, and is followed by a short tooth with convex sides and a short terminal point. Outer orbital tooth slender, curved, and reaching nearly as far forward as the tips of the lateral teeth of the rostrum. Merus of cheliped unarmed, carpus somewhat flattened above, each upper margin terminating distally in a minute tooth. Manus short, upper surface with two thin, parallel, erect rims, lower edge with three long slender spines (four in one of the largest specimens). No spine on movable finger; five on inner edge of fixed finger. The dactyls of the first three legs are crescentic, of the first leg short and broad and slightly hollowed out, of the second and third legs longer, narrower, and more crescentic, the second acutely pointed, the third bluntly tipped. The narrow fourth leg reaches only to middle of carpus of third leg; its dacty] is suboval. Measurements.—Length of male 20.1, width 11.6 mm. Type locality Ecuador: La Plata Island; 45-55 fathoms; sand, shale, rock; February 10, 1934; station 212, Hancock Galapagos Expedition; type specimen, male (69319); 50 specimens (69320). 16 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM RANINOIDES NITIDUS A. Milne Edwards Puate 2, Fiaures 1, 2 Raninoides nitidus A. MILNE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 34, 1880 (type locality, off Grenada, B. W. I.; type not located) —A. MILNE Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 47, p. 298, pl. 2, fig. 1; pl. 3, fig. 1, 1923. Diagnosis.—Front with three prominences, a triangular rostrum and a postocular spine on either side. Two spines behind the post- orbital angle. Description.—Rostrum elongate, postocular spine slender, slightly divergent, and nearly as long as the rostrum. One short orbital sinus. Lateral margins arcuate; the posterior of the spines corresponds to the lateral spine of R. loevis, but is situated much farther back, nearly to the widest point of the carapace; the anterior spine short, broad, and dentiform. Carapace glossy but with large punctae; cardiac region outlined. Ocular peduncles short, massive, one and one-half times as long as wide, not reaching end of rostrum or distal border of orbital spine; cornea large, ovoid, extending chiefly on the ventral side. Only one spine on wrist; manus unarmed above, three sharp teeth below near the fixed finger, the cutting edge of which has only two or three blunt prominences; mobile finger flat. Ambulatory legs as in R. loevis. Antennules and antennae unarmed; the flagellum of the latter is scarcely longer than the peduncle. Merus of outer maxilli- peds a little longer than ischium; the following articles are much reduced. Measurements.—Type male, length of carapace 8, width 4.5 mm. Range.—Known only from the type specimen from off Grenada, B. W.1.; 159 fathoms; temperature 53.5° F.; 1878-79; Blake (where- abouts unknown). RANINOIDES FOSSOR A. Milne Edwards ! Puate 2, Fiaures 3-5 Raninopsis fossor A. MILNE Epwarps, MS. Raninoides fossor A. MiunE Epwarps and Bouvinr, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 47, p. 300, pl. 1, fig. 10; pl. 2, figs. 2, 3, 1923 (type locality unknown; type in Paris Mus.). Diagnosis.—Distance between rostrum and next tooth greater than length of tooth. Spine of wrist rudimentary. Mobile finger un- unarmed. Dactyls of ambulatory legs sickle-shaped. Description.—Carapace wider than in other species; strongly granulous on frontal region as far back as a transverse line a little in advance of lateral spine. Sinuses of fronto-orbital border more reduced than in R. lamarcki. Rostrum composed of a slender median spine and two short subrectangular teeth a little produced at their 4 It is not certain that this species belongs to the American fauna, but I follow A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier in grouping it here. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA lay outer angles. The quadrangular space between either one of these teeth and the next tooth is about subequal or very slightly greater than the length of this latter tooth; between this latter tooth and the slender postocular spine that follows it a triangular sinus intervenes. The postocular spine is strongly curved and inclinded inward. Postor- bital spine similar. Ocular peduncles short and wide, similar to those of R. nitidus. Wrist with a rudimentary spine; manus with a slender spine above and three below; prehensile edge of immobile finger armed with five small spines; dactyls of ambulatory legs sickle-shaped. Measurements (after figure by Milne Edwards and Bouvier).— Width of carapace just behind lateral spines 13%, width of front 7% mm. Range.— Unknown.® Genus RANILIA Milne Edwards Ranilia Mitne Epwarps, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 2, p. 195, 1837 (type, R. muricata Milne Edwards). Notopus De Haan, Fauna Japonica, p. 138, 1841 (type, N. rumphii Rathbun, 1897=N. dorsipes De Haan, 1841, not Cancer dorsipes Linnaeus, 1758). Raninops A. MitnE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 34, 1880 (type, R. constrictus A. Milne Edwards, 1880). Carapace broad oval. Orbits directed very obliquely downward from the rostrum, together forming an inverted V, and invisible from above; eyes stout. Antennae directed forward, basal article a little dilated inward. Third article of outer maxillipeds longer than second. The sternal plastron becomes linear between the first pair of ambulatory legs, but between the second and third pairs it enlarges again in a slightly concave, hexagonal disk. Last pair of legs not remarkably reduced. East and west Atlantic and east and west Pacific Oceans. ANALOGOUS SPECIES OF RANILIA ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE CONTINENT ATLANTIC PAcIFIC muricata. angustata. constricta. fornicata. KEY TO THE AMERICAN SPECIES OF THE GENUS RANILIA A!, Manus with a spine on upper margin. B'. Carapace about 1.4 times as long as wide. Dactyl of third ambulatory broad, its upper margin nearly straight _ muricata (p. 18) B?. Carapace narrower, smoother, and more glabrous--_-- angustata (p. 19) A?. Manus without spine on upper margin. B!. Dactyl of third ambulatory crescentic____________-_- constricta (p. 20) B?. Dactyl of third ambulatory with convex lower border, upper nearly straight! seme Sey bape apd ee ee St fornicata (p. 20) 5 It is not certain that this species belongs to the American fauna, but I follow A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier in grouping it here. 18 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM RANILIA MURICATA Milne Edwards PLATE 3, Figures 3-6; Puiate 4, Ficures 1—4 Ranilia muricata Minne Epwarps, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 2, p. 196, 1837 (type locality unknown; type in Paris Mus.).—Gissss, Proc. 3d Meet. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., p. 23, 1850 (Florida); Proc. Elliot Soc., Charleston, S. C., vol. 1, p. 225, pl. 18, 1857 (North Carolina to Florida).— Kinesutey, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1878, p. 325.—Hay and SHore, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., vol. 35 (1915-16), p. 420, pl. 31, fig. 1, 1918. Raninops stimpsont A. MILNE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 35, 1880 (type locality, reefs of western Florida; type in Mus. Comp. Zool.). Ranilia stimpsoni A. M1tnE Epwarps and Bouvisr, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 47, p. 308, pl. 1, fig. 14; pl. 2, fig. 6; pl. 3, fig. 6-9, 1923. (The captions of figs. 8 and 9, pl. 3, should be transposed.) Diagnosis.—Manus with a spine above. Dactyl of cheliped rough above at proximal end. Dactyl of third ambulatory broad, its upper margin nearly straight. Description.—Carapace oval, strongly convex from side to side, slightly so from front to back, smooth posteriorly but anteriorly with numerous short, transverse, arcuate lines, denticulate and ciliate; rostrum slender; anterior border of carapace with four strong spines on each side; the third surmounts the external angle of these cavities, and the fourth is at the external angle of the front. Eyestalks strong, capable of being turned back into the deep, oblique orbits. Anten- nules very small; antennae directed forward and slightly longer than the eystalks. Chelipeds stout, flattened distally, squamose-denticu- late above and with a strong spine on the supero-distal margin of carpus and manus and the inner distal margin of merus; distal margin of manus perpendicular, toothed; dactyl strong, curved, three crenu- lated ridges above on the basal portion. First three pairs of ambula- tory legs with flattened, triangular dactyls; fourth pair elevated and densely fringed with hairs. Abdomen short and narrow. Color.—Porcelain white with red vermiculate transverse lines on the carapace and red dots and blotches on the legs. (See figure by Hay.) Color prevailing in the dry specimen is purplish, mixed with yellow and orange in places, particularly about the articulations and spines; the latter are generally purple at the base, orange in the middle, and white at the tip; and the movable finger of the first pair of feet is colored much in the same manner; the upper surface of the first pair of feet is purple, purple tracings ornament the outer surface of the remaining pairs of feet, particularly the fourth and fifth, and the outer surface of the abdominal segments is marked with two longitu- dinal lines of purple. (Gibbes.) Habits —‘“‘This species * * * appears to be confined to the sand bottoms well off shore. In the operations on the Blackfish Banks in 1913 and 1914 several specimens were obtained in the dredge OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 19 and fragments of others were secured from fish stomachs. It has not been met within the harbor nor along the beaches.” (Hay.) Measurements.—Carapace (9632), length 39.4, width of middle 28.3, width at outer spines 26.7 mm. The largest specimen, female (5231), from a fish stomach, measures about 41 mm long. Range.—North Carolina to Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea; to 56 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 3, page 14. RANILIA ANGUSTATA Stimpson FiGure 9; PLATE 3, Fiaurss 1, 2 Ranilia angustata Stimpson, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 7, p. 240 [112], 1860 (type locality, Cape St. Lucas; type not extant). Description.—‘‘Very closely allied to R. muricata, but with the carapax conspicuously narrower, smoother, and more glabrous.” \G a FIGURE 9.—Ranilia angustata, male: a, Anterior portion of carapace; 6, distal half of right cheliped, upper surface. X3. Color.—‘“‘Carapax pale red in alcoholic specimens, closely maculated with white, the spots being generally about one-fifteenth of an inch in diameter, but sometimes larger, and so much crowded, that the carapax appears white, reticulated with red.” Measurements—‘Length of carapax in a male, 0.93; breadth, 0.66 inch” [23.6 mm long, 16.8 mm broad]. (Stimpson.) The margins of the middle half of the carapace are nearly parallel and are straighter than in muricata. Spines of carapace slenderer in angustata; rostral spine longer relatively than in muricata, extending noticeably beyond the adjacent pair of spines. Of the four antero- lateral spines in angustata, the distance between third and fourth is less than between third and first, while in muricata the reverse is true. The short granulated lines which cover the greater part of carapace in muricata are present in angustata only on the anterior, arcuate portion of carapace; the rest of the surface is smooth and covered with separated punctae. The spine on upper margin of palm is less erect and more curved in angustata. Range.—West coast of Mexico. Material examined—Tiburon Island, south end; 10 fathoms; January 1, 1932;S. A. Glassell; 1 female. La Paz, Gulf of California; 1882; L. Belding; 1 female (5232). 20 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM RANILIA CONSTRICTA (A. Milne Edwards) PuaTE 4, Fiaure 5; Puate 5, Fiaurss 1, 2 Raninops constrictus A. MILNE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 35, 1880 (type locality, near Sombrero, 47 fathoms; whereabouts of type un- known). Ranilia constricta A. Mitnr Edwards and Bovuvirr, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 47, p. 302, pl. 1, fig. 11-13; pl. 3, fig. 2-5, 1923. Diagnosis.—Manus without spine above. Dactyl of cheliped smooth. Dactyl of third ambulatory crescentic. Description.—Carapace much constricted laterally in the form of a roof, especially in the anterior half. Surface punctate and with short denticulate lines a little behind the orbital margin. The narrow rostral spine extends definitely beyond the line of the adjacent teeth; frontal sinuses shallow, the supra-orbital border appearing straighter than in muricata; the orbit is longer than in muricata, and the lateral spine is nearer the orbit. Manus unarmed above; carpus and merus armed as in muricata; three or four wide subobtuse teeth on fixed finger; dactyl smooth. Dactyl of third ambulatory crescent-shaped, of fourth similar to that of first leg. Measurements.—Female (48642), length of carapace 22.8, width at middle 15.7, width between tips of outer spines 15.5 mm. Range.—Florida Straits *®; Cuba. Material examined.—Cuba: Bahia Honda; caught with handline on reef; June 17, 1914; from Henderson and Bartsch, Tomas Barrera Expedition; 1 female (48642). RANILIA FORNICATA (Faxon) PuaTE 5, FiGuREs 3, 4 Raninops fornicata Faxon, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 24, p. 162, 1893 (type locality, station 3369, Albatross; type in M. C. Z.); Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 18, p. 41, pl. 7, figs. 1, la, 1b, 1895. Ranilia fornicata A. MILNE Epwarps and Bouvirr, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 47, p. 302, 1923. Diagnosis.—Front part of carapace conspicuously narrow and much produced beyond the anterolateral angles; rostrum definitely longer than adjacent spines. Merus and carpus of cheliped with a superior terminal spine and propodus without. Dactyl of third leg with very convex inner border. Description.—Carapace very convex from side to side, naked, smooth or nearly so, punctate. Rostrum acute, lightly carinate, 6 Prof. Bouvier in listing the species of Ranilia (op. cit., 1923, p. 301) gives ‘‘Antilles, 47 brasses’’ for the type locality of constricta, which is (p. 303) ‘‘au large de Sombrero.”’ The collector of the type specimen, Dr. William Stimpson, spent several seasons on the Florida reefs including Sombrero and, so far as can be ascertained, made no excursions to the island of Sombrero, east of the Virgin Islands. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 21 the carina extending backward for a short distance on the carapace. Superior margin of orbit armed with three acute teeth, the second of which is curved forward; the anterior tooth is separated from the rostrum by a deep rounded sinus, from the second tooth by an angular notch; the second tooth is separated from the third by a nearly straight interval; the third tooth lies some distance in front of the posterior end of the orbit. Back of the orbit there is a long and strong pro- curved spine on the margin of the carapace. Eyestalks compressed, equal in length to one half the width of the carapace. Second segment of the third maxilliped equal to the third joint, and crossed by a piliferous line; third segment notched at the antero-internal angle. Cheliped: Merus microscopically spinose above, setose below, and with an inner distal spine, tip sometimes broken off; carpus minutely rugoso-spinulose, the superior distal angle projecting as a sharp tooth; propodus lightly rugose, upper and lower borders margined, unarmed, palmar edge irregularly and inconspicuously toothed; dactylus without any prominent tooth. The dactylus of the third pair of legs has a very convex internal border, the dactylus of the fourth is long, narrow, and spatulate. Abdomen setose; telson obtuse at the end. (Faxon. ) Measurements.—Type specimen, length of carapace 12, breadth 8.6 mm. Range.—From Cape St. Lucas to Ecuador; 7 to 70 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 4, p. 22. Genus LYREIDUS De Haan Lyreidus Dr Haan, Fauna Japonica, Crustacea, p. 138, 1841 (type, L. tridentatus De Haan).—Atcock, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. 65, p. 294 [299], 1896. Carapace elongate-obovate, the anterolateral margins independent and gradually convergent; strongly convex from side to side and slightly convex from before backward; smooth and polished, regions undefined. Fronto-orbital border less than half the breadth of carapace. Eyes small; eyestalks short, broad at base, orbits hardly oblique. Antennules about equal in size to antennae; antennae with a stoutish peduncle and rather short slender flagellum, the peduncle not concealing the antennulary peduncle. Merus of external maxil- lipeds a little longer than ischium. Sternum broad as far as the bases of the first pair of true legs, then becoming narrow. Last pair of legs abnormally short and slender arising well in advance of the posterior pair. The abdomen in both sexes consists of seven distinct segments. (Alcock.) West Atlantic, Indian, and west Pacific Oceans. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 22 ‘oa ‘od od ‘od od od ‘od od *podxa sosederey yoooueyy SyIeu1977 Se Tipe uals ~~“ [[09 [[esselpH ‘ON S0[8]8D een eoa hee cod mCi E -ed4} AT OFS 698e P6LG F662 FECT ‘FZ “UBL sueur -joedg 10}03]]09, m0}} -B4g PeOLseig er Me g5|-- =a eee os { Be ODE aa ar calito te 5 eee a ie S$ | 02 FEOTCOCPR UU | aaerssiie "Te" oo ces cease pe ey OD ii ltes eae ee a OlBUS a BS) nee-oR. PESTO enol, |aeenee| nt eceen FS adh aa A¥1 | OI-L “pea Sar aa!) pee ee = |e ae Ge as -pald FOCI ci OCileiae< c| et ea ee 02 FECT OG GC Nis eac non |p s commen a ceL ea) ALIOUS:|- Ye TOSI Scere OC WNGeeO sl tees cee te ~-£¥I | 2 8881 ‘9 “AWW | 969 |--- 4S “IQ ‘dg “Aq "gs “43 | ZO GSSLi9) SBI 909) ||iee cee aes 0D “HAq | #9 LES T6100 Ges | ere salen sar eae ee or ROSTCT AGING lear cal cago s aeeS e ee AyI | 1¢ TSG MOC mere I me aaa ee cI ‘To 91n} eed -erad wo0}0g ae “010, qe 02-0¢ |puBls] somer ‘Avg sommes “"--9A0D JO 'g ‘puBys] O[AVIIG TY ‘9AOH sn3ey, 00 0€ 06; 99 0 O 09-8 | 00 0€ 06; 99 0 O epnyisuo’y ssulIveg epniney a "to od “"""""puB[sy] BUOZIO :VIEKOIOO ee Bueueg YO se" suleurg jo Avg :VAVNVd ~~" puvysy WONeID JO “BTUIOJ[BO JeomoT ‘ABg seuly -Bg ‘pUuBis] UeMlIED “-"seon’T 49 sdep yO Avg vuolepseyy [OOIXAL AjpeooT VYBOUIOJ VIpLUBY fo paur2upxa JoUwapp—F AAV], OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 93 LYREIDUS BAIRDII Smith Puate 5, Ficures 5, 6 Lyreidus bairdii S. I. Smiru, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 3, p. 420, 1881 (type locality, off Marthas Vineyard, Mass., 100 fathoms, station 873, Fish Hawk; type, U. S. N. M. no. 21363). Diagnosis —Median frontal tooth longer than lateral. Antero- lateral spines small. No spine on outer surface of arm or wrist; a spine on upper edge of palm. Description.—Carapace about one and three-fourths times as long as breadth at anterolateral angles, back of which it narrows only slightly for half the length of the lateral margins, which then curve regularly around to the articulation with the abdomen. The rostrum or median tooth of the deeply tridentate front is acutely triangular and longer than broad; lateral teeth narrower and a little shorter. The orbital sinuses are nearly as deep as broad and broadly rounded behind. Edge of anterolateral margin rounded but armed with a spinule about one-third the way from the lateral to the anterior angle, and in front of this spinule the carapace is suddenly narrowed so that the margin in front of the spinule is concave in outline as seen from above. Posterior half of lateral margin marked by a distinct carina, but the anterior half is smoothly rounded. The eyestalks are narrowed to triangular tips, which scarcely reach the tips of the lateral teeth of the front; eyes black, on outer and inferior edge of stalks. Chelipeds nearly as long as carapace; carpus with a spine and some granules on upper margin; propodus short and much compressed; distal margin transverse and nearly as long as the length of the article; dorsal edge thin and sharp, terminating in a sharp tooth near the articulation of the dactylus; back of the thin digital process the inferior edge is armed with three to six teeth, decreasing in size proximally. Dactylus compressed and very thin, the outer edge regularly curved and sharp; prehensile edge sharp and slightly irregu- lar in outline, but not dentate, although the opposing edge of the propodus is armed with about five or six low teeth inside the “thumb”. Dactyls of first and second ambulatories long, narrow and thin edged; carpus and propodus broader in first than in second. In the third pair the propodus is nearly twice as broad as long, the inferior edge expanded into a thin, broad, lamellar process nearly as large as the body of the article, and with a ciliated and regularly curved margin nearly semicircular in outline. Dactylus nearly as broad as propodus, lamellar throughout, articulated at the upper end of proxi- mal margin, which, below the articulation, is concave in outline and ciated to match the adjoining lamellar process of the propodus; lateral margins naked and convex in outline, except near tip, which is sharply acuminate. 94. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Abdomen slightly more than two-thirds as long as carapace; it is bent at fourth somite, which is armed with a small, conical spine projecting from the middle of the dorsal surface. Subhepatic and adjacent pleural regions slightly hairy or pubescent and finely granu- late. (After Smith.) Color.—Carapace all over above light orange-rufous, darker toward rostral spines, which are white on margins and tips. Edge of cara- pace all around white as are margins and tips of lateral spines. Legs paler than carapace. The last legs and paddles pinkish vinaceous (looking as if a dash of lavender had been added), as are chelipeds and fingers; a tinge of orange-rufous at articulation near insertion of movable finger on palm; under parts a sort of bluish or grayish china white. Dactyls of all legs more like lilac than pinkish vinaceous. (W. L. Schmitt.) Measurements.—Type female, length of carapace 38.4, breadth just back of lateral spines 22, between tips of lateral spines 22.5, breadth of front between tips of spines 6.8, length of rostrum 4, of abdomen 25mm. (Smith.) Range.—Off Marthas Vineyard, Mass., to Gulf of Mexico and the Greater Antilles; 65 to 260 fathoms. Material eramined.—See table 5, page 25. Genus SYMETHIS Weber Symethis Wreser, Nomenclator entomologicus, p. 92, 1795 [type, S. variolosa (Fabricius) ]. Zanclifer HENDERSON, Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, vol. 27, p. 34, 1888 [type, Z. caribensis (de Freminville) ]. Carapace ovate, convex from side to side and from before back- ward, its surface partly uneven. Fronto-orbital border very narrow, considerably less than half the width of carapace, frontal region trilo- bate produced anteriorly. Eyes rudimentary, placed in ul-defined orbits; the peduncles short, and the corneae of small size though pig- mented. Antennal peduncle massive, first segment fused with cara- pace, second with a very prominent external prolongation; flagellum short. Antennules small, completely concealed by the antennal peduncles, which meet in the middle line. Outer maxillipeds moder- ately broad, ischium twice the length of the merus. Sternal thoracic shield narrow, becoming linear between ambulatory legs of first pair, but slightly dilating again between first and second pairs. Chelipeds of considerable length, propodus swollen laterally, fingers long. Ambulatories with uncinate dactyli, last pair of small size but not filiform. Male generative appendages similar to but shorter than those of Raninoides. (Henderson.) East and west coasts of Middle America. 25 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA Race ts FISL9 sere STE 0996 ange oe £926 0Gh | a a ae 9€999 20h Fe. eo sas a 6E999 ‘oq. renner SOG totes «iP = au ae ge999 SO@iemm finn wera ZE999. SOG aE sine Se" S5 8£999 ‘0h. 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Series tr F aaa || aap the iar| aes ee 4s9M\ AOM VO SL OL Tal Ole aot eee a e ee OD Aas, |e. aa tae oe eel eee as ORSOUA S35 Sere S| eee ga | |e ee, he ee 0d CHEZ | tothe eS epe te oe uosispueH “gq Uyor | - GLB eke eree ell | ic || nr OO! 2B eS* aa S oa Se amas |S eee ee eae IUIelyW VO “l ‘ ° ad 4 fe] :VaIUoTy ‘Ahoy | opnty ON | suaur mor} oe suro | OPM4}ou0'T WT SYIVUIOY sore | 10499][0D Meat eyed -vied moog =| AYeVI0'T eg | Peds 849 -19 J, Wea ssuliveg BSOLOMIBVA SIYJOUTAG fo paurmpxa 101.19]D 7 —'9 ATAV J, 29 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA “They Jo pue Jedsep ay} A[qB -qoid st ueA1s yydeq “84ST “ORTISeGIS “S “[NG@d “SOIL (FTA C60 | JP[PMIOpON'T “HE | CC6T AON Gling oe | ne = ORs c eel oats ee, 9p VU ‘BI[P BITLA |" O[NB OVg JO 04BYg OC UING @ | ee eee ACTS |i eee sa kmaes See Some pee ea | RS aks een T4]| ees IDS oo ee cae aca | ee puvs] IBY |~ ~~ ~“Odleuvsr Op ONY 10) ING Ae | Onis (Gotan e sree CE DIQOC TAY Eo Ss alieecs po a ROSTS |S Gy > teens ae Oo cen = gees | a Vaasa niet | a ain tes Bye, *podxy zIssesy ‘Joo 99162 ““"£ P | | -qouuelg ‘A[seIH “Ay °W |77777 77> GEST OTA Cae eae Reems Sac aos roan oes 9u0js OONGCUIBUJed |~~~"“BILENZON 9p BYIT ‘smorye.s0jd EISOFS, Se) Sees OL | =X Je “aonguIey “YW ie mal CLSQLS 1 | eaaegs le eae wee a ie aaa | eros OXIO[Y OJUBG |~~-- OoNnq UIBUL8 J S apnzyoT “SNI PUuZVvag WepleJsuLy |~~~-~~ ACTOR Saas Se FOUTeMUM “qs 2 Gl ABING |= a\-> SOUOISAOPU) >= =. ee lien cee (99 010G) (E53 tal owe ee ee ollBuOg OLQ00r Be lisss— 7 I PSE qslOoY IOp UBA *C °C |°>- >I OC6TAST ABING| can lie [BLO DF | ees ree es ee ee AVG SBdVIVs) |S=sae ase oBdeing ‘SHIGNT LSaM HOLA *IGAID eS, PSIhO) Oe l|ae-ce ta Ge ae ae ODay sit alta oe Oe a ee AG GN YANO Gs |S" sae ae assis ee pussy weoreg |~--~- 7777-77777 od ‘pedxq enz1ju y-sopeq LO6L9: oo st ||ie =e Oak | ABE BMOT ATOM. 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Fingers of chelipeds generally short, stout, and strongly calcified in their distal half. The abdomen of both sexes consists of seven separate segments. Many species are protected by a commensal sponge or ascidian, or by a valve of a lamellibranch shell. (After Aleock.) KEY TO THE FAMILIES OF THE SUPERFAMILY DROMIIDEA A’. Vestiges of sixth abdominal limbs present (except in Hypoconcha, where also no mastigobranchs). Carapace usually not longer than broad, with well-marked side edge. B!. Mastigobranchs on first legs (chelipeds) only or on none. Fourth and fifth legs small, subdorsal, and usually prehensile. Dromiidae (p. 30) B?. Mastigobranchs on all of first three pairs of legs. Fifth legs onlyssmallvand subdorsal eee ee ee Dynomenidae (p. 51) A?. No vestige of sixth abdominal limbs. Carapace longer than broad, with ill-marked side edge. First three legs with mastigobranchs, fourth and fifth small, subdorsal, and pre- hensil@: oo he ae Bae eS as DES ANE a Ae Homolodromiidae (p. 57) Family DROMIIDAE Alcock Dromiidae Atcock, Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, vol. 68, p. 128, 1899.—Scumirtt, Univ. California Publ. Zool., vol. 23, p. 188, 1921. Carapace subglobular, rarely flattened; no lineae anomuricae (a pair of longitudinal suture lines on the carapace); sternum of female traversed for more or less of its extent by two obliquely longitudinal grooves. External maxillipeds generally operculiform. Legs of moderate size, fourth and fifth pairs short, subdorsal in position, and furnished with a small, hooklike nail or dactyl. Sixth segment of abdomen generally with rudimentary uropods. (Schmitt.) KEY TO THE AMERICAN GENERA OF THE FAMILY DROMIIDAE? A!, Carapace convex, pilose. Bt. Sternal sulci of female produced to segment of chelipeds, and approximating ‘in ‘a tubercle. 2) 3822429. 28 oe Dromidia (p. 32) B?. Sternal sulci of female produced to segment of second pair of feet and not’ approximate: 27. 3 ae Be ee Dromia (p. 30) A?, Carapace flat, membranous above____-________--___- Hypoconcha (p. 44) Genus DROMIA Weber Dromia WreBeEr, Nomenclator entomologicus, p. 92, 1795 (type, Cancer dromia Fabricius, 1793).—Fapricius, Supplementum entomologiae systematicae, p. 359, 1798.—Mitng Epwarps, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 2, p. 170, 1887.—Stimpson, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 226 [64]. Carapace transverse, convex, pilose. Palate smooth. Sternal sulci of female not approximated, produced to segment opposite second 7 Evius (EZ. ruber Moreira, Bull. Soc. Ent. France, no. 15, p. 322, fig. 1, 2, 1912) may be the larval stage of Dromia erythropus. The original figures 1 and 2 have been reproduced on pl. 8. GXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 31 pair of feet (first pair of ambulatories). Feet mediocre, merus not dilated; digits of first pair with apices calcareous. Four posterior feet smaller, shorter, extremities subcheliform, a spiniform process on penultimate article. Atlantic coast of Middle and South America; Atlantic coast of Europe, Mediterranean Sea, west and south Africa, Indian Ocean, east Asia. DROMIA ERYTHROPUS (George Edwards) Figure 11; Puate 6, Ficurss 1, 2; Puate 8, Ficurss 1, 2 Cancer marinus chelis rubris Catrspy, The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands, ed. 1, vol. 2, p. 37, pl. 37, 1743. Cancer erythropus GEoRGE Epwarps, Catalogue of animals in Catesby’s Natural History of Carolina, with the Linnaean names, 1771. Dromia lator M1tnE Epwarps, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 2, p. 174, 1837. Dromia erythropus RatTuBun, Ann. Inst. Jamaica, vol. 1, p. 39, 1897.—V=rri1, Trans. Connecticut Acad. Sci., vol. 13, p. 430, fig. 50, pl. 28, fig. 2, 1908. ? Evius ruber Moreira, Bull. Soc. Ent. France, 1912, no. 15, p. 322, figs. 1, 2.8 Diagnosis —Carapace wider than long; anterior half subglobular; posterolateral margins convergent. Description.—The pair of frontal teeth are larger than the median tooth which forms with them an angle a little larger than a right angle. FIGURE 11.—Dromia erythropus, male (2197): Outline of carapace and eyes, one-half natural size. A small shallow tooth above orbit, a large elongate one below. Fronto- orbital distance in the old one-third or less than a third of carapace width. Hairs closely placed; when they are removed from the carapace, a median impressed line is visible leading back to the meso- gastric region, faintly outlined; on either side is a prominent rounded lobe. A deep crescentic furrow on each side of the cardiac region nearly meets the curved branchial furrow. A small tubercle at posterior inner angle of branchial region. Four strong conical antero- lateral spines; between the second and third a low blunt tooth. Upper border of merus of cheliped marginate, a few minute tubercles above; 8 Probably the megalops of Dromia erythropus. 32 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM upper third of outer surface uneven; lower margins sparsely tubercu- late or granulate. Outer surface of carpus uneven; two blunt teeth on distal margin, and a blunt spinule at inner angle. Proximal two- thirds of upper margin of palm tuberculated, the line continued part way on the proximal margin. First and second pairs of legs very broad; carpus with a smooth carina on upper margin and a sinuous one on middle of outer surface, terminating in a sharp tooth; on lower margin of dactylus a row of four or five black spines diminishing in size toward the propodus. Third leg stout, merus two and one- half times as long as wide; that of fourth leg narrower, about three times as long as wide; both legs have a slender articulating spine forming a chela with the dactyl; on the last leg there are in addition two shorter and extremely slender movable spines, one above the convex base of the dactyl, the other longer and situated inside of and parallel to the smaller chelate spine. Color—Densely covered with dark brown or blackish stiff hairs, only the tips of the dactylus being naked; these are light red. Beneath the hairs the surface is whitish. (Verrill.) Carapace wine purple like some of the sponges in the same haul; exposed fingers of chelae scarlet-vermilion, with white tips. (W. L. Schmitt.) Habit—Dromia always covers its back with a concave fragment of some living sponge. (Verrill.) Measurements —Male (2197), length of carapace 89, width 115.4 mm. Range.—Florida to Brazil; Bermuda; shallow water to 15 fathoms; 100-200 fathoms (Verrill). Material examined.—See table 7, page 28. Genus DROMIDIA Stimpson Dromidia Stimpson, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 225 [63] (type, D. hirsutissima Lamarck); Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 49, p. 170,1907. Carapace convex and pilose, the hair being often of considerable length; front narrow, hepatic regions more or less concave, or exca- vated anteriorly. The palate is marked by a strong ridge on either side. Sternal sulci in female approximated at their extremities in either a single or more or less bifurcated tuberculiform projection, situated between the bases of the chelipeds. Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North and South America, Hawaiian Islands, Australia, Asia, and South Africa. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF THE GENUS DROMIDIA A!. Carapace longer than broad, lateral margins of posterior two- thirds fubparalllel- Vo. 7 Us Peo ee ee woes antillensis (p. 33) A?. Carapace broader than long, lateral margins of posterior two- thirdsiconvergingeposterior) ya eee larraburei (p. 35) OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 33 DROMIDIA ANTILLENSIS Stimpson Figure 12; Puats 7, Ficures 1-3 Dromidia antillensis Stimpson, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 7, p. 71 [25], 1858 (type localities, St. Thomas, Key Biscayne, and Tortugas, Fla.; cotypes in M. C. Z.).—Verritu, Trans. Connecticut Acad. Sci., vol. 13, p. 431, fig. 51 [?], pl. 28, fig. 3 (not fig. 2, which is Dromia erythropus), 1908.— Hay and Suorg, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., vol. 35 (1915-16), p. 417, pl. 31, fig. 5, 1918.— Boong, Bull. Vanderbilt Mar. Mus., vol. 2, p..42, pl. 7, 1930. Diagnosis.—Carapace longer than broad, lateral margins of poste- rior two-thirds subparallel. Fronto-orbital border in adult half width of carapace, in small specimens more than half. The branchial furrow running inward from the last lateral tooth is shallow. Cardiac furrows shallow. Carapace moderately deflexed in front. Description.— Body everywhere short-pubescent, with longer hairs on sides and feet. Carapace somewhat longer than broad, strongly convex, smooth. Frontal region longitudinally grooved along the FIGURE 12.—Dromidia antillensis, male (42913): Outline of carapace, X2. middle. Front strongly deflexed and 5-toothed (supra-ocular teeth included); teeth small and slender, almost spiniform, horizontally projecting; the median three subequal, and about as long as the distance between them at their bases; teeth over the eyes shorter but acute. External angles of orbit prominent but obtuse. Lateral margin of carapace 4-toothed, and deflected anteriorly toward the corners of the buccal area, where there is a tubercle. First three teeth of lateral margin subspiniform; posterior one, situated at lateral sulcus, as large as the others but less acute. External maxillipeds elongate; merus large, longer than ischium, with its antero-exterior corner prominent, forming a right angle. Chelipeds rather short and stout, nearly smooth, inferior edges of ischium and merus-joints granulated; carpus dentated at anterior angles with small teeth; hand short, smooth externally; palm shorter than dactylus, and armed with two or three small spiniform tubercles on basal half of superior margin. Ambulatory legs rather slender, smooth. Last pair of legs much longer than penult pair. Penult joint of abdomen in male elongated and slender; terminal joint longer than broad. (Stimpson.) 34 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Color.—Brownish red, fingers crimson, claws of legs horn color. (Hay and Shore.) Dirty yellowish green, pincers carmine red with white tips. (Hen- derson.) Tortugas: Color of fuzz varies. Gray-white with touch of vina- ceous-rufous on proximal upper half of movable finger and a few dots of same color across base of fixed finger (66875); fuzz olive-buff, corneae dark vandyke brown, fingers distally white, basal two-thirds scarlet (65998); general color between a vinaceous-cinnamon and vinaceous-rufous in places; basal two-thirds of finger very light coral- red; palps of maxillipeds and antennular peduncles pale glaucous blue; corneae grayish (drab-gray) with brownish suffusion; thicker antennu- lar flagellum almost orange-vermilion basally; hairs white (66866); largely pinkish vinaceous, with reddish specked corneae with tiny black center, hairs fuzzy, dirty white (66861). Specimen under black sponge with salmon coral-red fuzz, tips of fingers white, a line of scarlet-vermilion at base of fingers demarcating end of fuzz (66872). Orange-buff. Eggs orange-vermilion. Eyes hazel. Fingers of chelae scarlet vermilion with white tips (67744). Carapace about 29 mm wide, coral mud gray, darker on upper surface of chelae and wrists, which seem to have blackish maculations between spines; same coloration on dactyli and propodi of legs. Several hazel spots on carapace more or less symmetrically disposed; near posterior margin two larger bay or blackish bay spots. Fingers peach-blossom pink. Corneae with maculations of same over transparent bay or black central spot; stalk with streak of bay above and white before, making the eyes disappear against the white body. Second specimen almost a slate gray with a slight heliotrope purple cast. Chelae china white distally, orange-vermilion basally. Eye stalks with white streak in front; above slate color, corneae hazel (66860). (W. L. Schmitt.) Habit—Dromidia carries a covering usually larger than itself, a compound ascidian, a sponge, or a zoanthoid polyp. Measurements.—Female (66335), length of carapace 37, width 36 mm. The width of carapace may sometimes equal the extreme length. Range.—North Carolina to Gulf of Mexico and Brazil; Bermuda; shore to 170 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 8, page 36. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 35 DROMIDIA LARRABUREI Rathbun FicureE 13; Puats 7, Ficurss 4, 5 Dromidia sarraburei (by error) Ratusun, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., vol. 38, p. 553, pl. 48, fig. 4, Oct. 20, 1910 (type locality, Bay of Sechura, Peru; types, U. S. N. M. no. 40475). Dromidia segnipes WrrmoutTsH, Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ. Publ., Univ. Ser., no. 4, p. 15, pl. 1, figs. 1, 2, Nov. 12, 1910 (type locality, Monterey Bay; type in Stanford Univ. Mus.). Dromidia larraburet Scumitt, Univ. California Publ. Zool., vol. 23, p. 183, pl. 33, fig. 1, 1921—Ratuson, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 48, p. 619, pl. 33, fig. 1-4, 1923; Proc. California Acad. Sci., ser. 4, vol. 13, p. 374, 1924. Diagnosis.—Carapace broader than long; lateral margins of pos- terior two-thirds converging posteriorly. Fronto-orbital border in adult less than half width of carapace, in small specimens half width of carapace. Branchial furrow deeply incised. A deep crescentic furrow either side of cardiac region. Carapace high, in front sub- globular. Description.—Frontal teeth stout, bluntly rounded at tip. Ex- ternal angle of orbit not advanced. Tooth at branchial furrow acute, directed outward and behind a well-marked triangular notch. FIGURE 13.—Dromidia larraburei, female holotype (40475): Outline of carapace, natural size. The protuberance on the pterygostomian region, adjacent to the buccal tooth is large and smoothly rounded, not dentiform. The small tubercles on upper surface of palm are ball-shaped, not pointed. Ambulatory legs broader than in antillensis, the last two pairs shorter than in that species. Color.—In alcohol, yellowish tan, tips of chelipeds flesh color; color in life similar (Weymouth). Measurements.—Ovigerous female (41839), length of carapace 32, width 35.6 mm. Range.—Monterey Bay, Calif., to Peru and Galapagos Islands. Low tide to 60 fathoms. Material eramined.—See table 9, page 42. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 36 aan 6F09F ie no oe £1899 ae ¢96c¢ “‘SUIPpeus ST laa.) 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I Daa Hele || ee AC eos uOTy a etia, ABLE Gd AGTal | eazaSAAOAD UL Vacs vas Glial em aa mall aaa OTOTMOLC ASTIN e ecscemt | (reine ena | aoa [ns oem oanen cn aun maa emO.AO()KOTTLLOSO TAL :VOIVAV ES BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 42 quae ta Di aes aterm ce Hiouaptay |ag serena sae MOL Rarer ra RT ees ees Spip tae [Paces od RLIQD) (LOSS ato) itl ennecunae AT |>>~TICSselp “VW °Si|--7>--> Sea Reas TEBTHETOO Glin | Gaeca ral caedener ssteeses ce OZ es aera eeeedan caer PUBIST UoMILD praperse ROU ta|fen or tone Real ris et O Dies ea Epa TOOE |" 688I ‘OT IVI | 9 $9 | US'HIQ'g AS ‘ouy | ge 00 6€ OTT) SIT GG 2% |“ pUBS] vsor uvg JO Ghar COCI0 a giicansiate Ohle| OF avec OD a. ctl caang LOStl ls cawuatinO Dp MIM LT a|es cee es eas LeOT OOM SSE OOU EC resi ceo) | ener oer nme OCT “purysy kya en OPSIP4 canieiemann et he kem, cure OD er mall Gem BGSe ilies SSSI OS sty, |p tumelib mara ae Ue Ol 00 S@ 601) 0€ IL FZ] O}UBG N4yWIdsy BO :BIUIOJ -1[8O JO JINH ‘oolxaypy ‘TISUs os | REGGIE iacncn na aren OLR aes OD rs las ae Seep s ce a OD oiag ano. 4 Pat enen arn haat | eee cian lliedee nin fr aoe at ae Mies at eeOnTCIS 1aMorT io eee a oe “edo } op ‘USIA “£°O LORS MITE Celie teense Maa MiPledd ees bolliitss co ODT erat seen ih ae ce ce ac, Sab Cire or | Sid eae ae RR em fee cael | ei Oca eaten eae ‘shy ‘JOU e300 WU ¢ F P a edo] ae Sos aaa 89009 | -esour Es Mapai OP pale ties Pou cas & OORT Ibe = sees IER aca La ont ipeeeigl |aReeae aee |e aa ea od 3 ta “Beco “4USI] O14g00[9 Ag |~------~ ecoog | -BseUI WU g T |~--~~--- 7 (0) opts | hears aan Scania LG Taal beans leaned ae E eee ee apar coar eseioyous s,diqg |-~-~~svon’y ueg edeg aaneoanea tcc Oe ea aa ee sere alie tal TESS |" S881 “e SBI, |= g A3 ouy | Zr 00 6¢ ITI| 00 ze # |-~A¥g vUoTepseyy YO “mod ex1B[ Uy] ee Na : BLE yovecuce Opt sces| woe |--1n6r ‘Te “seme |------|------ ys "114 's |54ET 08 IN One ME Weal ne teat od 2 mcrae TPSUF.s |i aumeecn ea Tulsa vga pucseOHOGiy ses chon jinn sOS8h 6 AdWei|00) |as---= GAB ony | 77 08 SO SEE OOS SS SFG: | nna ete nO SULOYID kien ZAOMIN al cat AOr ONS Oyler: Meant ale Teds =| Deehk AMEE S| Lac [aks oo ce eeae eae oe a kee | eee OCT yoroq BLIQONTOSSB 0) S| Gis cos a aaa 12h eee LOSS PVA a|na an ee cial EEG Tere O8 Gia genn liege sara een U0 DUOC. gece ceri Se ee era ele sera ee eee od eas OUC0C Tesco meni (L|n Bae OLO Bet Olesen women. |e ameiapeCTOWGlh tasciluteeal tuaeLe aeaealraeen cialis eR EP calle = ehhi eee ll PaO Ge oOlEpoaIy ‘AB 90LINYL saadaen o age DECOR ce bene A aera OD ayia ee SRC | men CON Oca | enc | ln aaa OLS8 0 il SES 0 Spee ee {ulog vInyL JO sosedvyey x000 “ue ‘youeiq -Ipnu ‘uvipiose ‘estuiods ul eul0g |-~~---~~ TOOSD | 35 Gites ACen DT TRONGT Ot one ana TSCOLM GRACING eo calliagom aaa oS-aga|le oes ol ees roar ally trees eer cl nee aR od pee WOCODR ener atte leant eROMed TP 2 te ore | eIOI OL MB IN| es tat joe a(t COT | og eaamenreaaa nc Seeeetiaear ppt Clap Uae “ysuy sddiiog |----31A0 6Z et “mOr} SULOYID A Heeneitdl sas 996€9 |~~"BIAO 6% OZJ| -nyWsUy sddisog |---~~ TSO Ts1 | COG Teg leet COSp a rontea mae eam uc Tae £& OOM SO Si | ete Faia: cal | eke eeneeneennns od $1ajav [eareyysod Ape |------ OS000% eaeatann ais (oh | Be ee ESOUID0I Vale tits bale LO MG Ta Le IN 4 iors seaalige so ocene “na | cee ee OPIS “ JO SIPPY, |7- puBjsy So.1psp ees OD ie ag |(tate eet NO: Oia memes ee OD MEAT Oca Ch |etaGGT- Ol eo El Ve | mam na |e eee iain | etna em a oe | a eee eal ILE [BT SOLDO@) AGO Ni 10g “podxa “purl REO AMEN ie CBTAOND) ES Gn AON OOIH)) DOD 7d SAT Se SGU liecCEOL ACG AatUyeln mare |Phnnac Gan SEA ae] 8 DSGan S| Taam csaaon allktaes cae clas “ST UljIw ues YO TBIMIOJI[VO IeMO'T JO 4S¥00 “AA ‘OOIXa]T “yovog See ied GESTRH > aras- BSIAO 6T |-777~ OMOG CIN SH Sa eesa ono gars Seas nar S= Seo eee Ss (Sparen n esses S52 ganea sn nt | Se ene oan eens su07T :VINUOALITVO fio eto RS olny ee AN SyAvuIEAy ‘ON SOlL}ED sueuoedg 10409109 013849 eed -ei0d m10940q yydog SPE Oe DE AyI[v00'T -W9 ssulIveg LOANGBIIB] VIPIMIOIG fo paurwnxa JpILaIDY.— 6 ATAV J, 43 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA “QUOUL “UIDAOK) UBIA TI8q JO YO ‘asuods Ul “pa -insg ‘eds,o[oR ‘od *pedxq sosed -R[By) 9yooounAy *19A.00 Iteqs Wy! ‘pedxq sozv —vley yooouusxH ‘od ‘pedxqy sosed -B[By =yooouv yy ‘sosuods uy ‘od od *pedxq sosed -BiBy) yooouryy “UvIpIOsSB punodwmoo ul T ‘od *podxq sosvd -B[BH 9=yoooue Fy “prqyueoz Ul T “ploip -Aq YjIM pojzed -o00p 9su0ds uy *Japues 07 pouinjoy See toe CHOP se a0 ONL i eee aes T6200: js os OT a CLLOL eae eee ST OT cies TELL te ee ee AST ama ca GYCO9) les vues See tO Dee hey LSCOO nl hanes’ om OLE ae Se LECOOMIES = et ‘aoe 6SZ60E|Ee- ee AT. = ay eae 1#Z69 |~~-~"~" SIAO ST oie aoe OLL0U5| ca eee me OL ce ia 692025 iain os nase SISOHT ene et S920) 7 |ektnatea thas IE Cte some SESTP Ss eas Ang eae 02969 |p" Le ae OFZ69 | AT “SIAOST OT ade ok: 88C69) |enanae 1 OFT ae ee OOSG A Se ge 4Z 351 : ae E069 |-- 7-7-7" "30S T ae T2960 Ueto AG aoe oe 896G¢ |~""-~~"ssBIj UE en oa o96ss |---"""~“S6T LT Gores BCL Oe eres Siew MeO oe ea SOOO as eee ieee ok Rese a OD kaha lade Ser rea AN (}C- [[09 [[essepy |--->-7 77> Pa a ¢ ee a ee “TOI Sad Sen C9699 |S ee se ONT Bn OOD) it Melee cc tas vl me LOG LAS Uy, TT4PTOLYOS “TWA TTT OL |= 7392602 490 a oe Op---~"}"-"""""L6T |"" "Peer ‘ez ‘weL noo eae Opt i= ZOL | P86 ST User Fe ee Op-~---]""""""$OS [77 FEST ‘Te “ueL Bo oo ae ace Op ="""|5-"-="69L |= “Feel; 0. UeL ane Eee OP=--"* |S c= S81 ler (Eee re USL = a? IIT 04970A |~~~~~"LLT |--"pe6t ‘ez wer “IOJUBI “AA ‘HH pue UM] qo ‘TIT 010ja4 |-~~7 ~~ 681 |" "Pe6r ‘Sz ‘ueL ae ODiee clini OST eo a OPse alith PST lim CeO oL- war ey IIT 043]aA_ |-~~~~" LT |-~"F86T ‘er “wer "AVISIOA “uy pasojaezg Bo Tae ares Op 7/2 FT LOT ia Ree enc ase Ae ree ODe— |e COL Ie PeGlarl er as III 049704 |~~~-~-6T |>-~ FRET ‘ET “UeL *AUSIOA ICQ) PloymEyg [Pe nas 5e | 668T ‘OT “TBI goa Op----"]-- 7" "STS |--- FSET ‘OT “99 apes IIT 490A _|-""~~ "68% | “Heb ‘ST “G9R eee te OD Fas val te wes OG08, ce aes nO Danes pa $solj0Q)Y |~~~~"SZO8 |"~-688T ‘8s “JBTAL ae a mes OD ese TS aSe6r SIAOAB TT a OMOT "N° [7777777777 [0777 $S6T “qeuT ieee OD eee | *eeOL er ar pane TLOSSCLD) ayes Oils umes ral |e “""ZS6r ‘Bg "uBL ena Joye Poel |-~----"---"|--"1Z6t ‘ez adv ges cse ree op-----|--"""er08 |-"688I ‘82 “TEIN “B[[BQBoRIBIY JO Sete SPA as C kaeee ae c Sali. Sokal Gl a eee |) SAA BANOS Jorssg, ea bee: apo REE hog Sal] pea ee ol Recta eae en emia tage sie ae | cette i ce mee Bed 4 ‘Aud ws las SE aes 8 OF=98s ieee ise ies eee CLOG TO) |= aepesatras wees OCT pa Oy | Ce mee ee he se a cI “"~-"~""ABET DIO ISO |~-~~"puvIsy sejreyO ee neg es eee Aps | og ~c7oo=--"--Keg JouUpIBy) |------~ puvlsy pooy “puey pe ee be eR ee pespeiq |--------"Avg Awloproy | -sy e[qedyvyopuy 2a eer a ha ee og Er Tap he EAS Gy ROU (Mea sos aaa aes OI Be Se Saas ee 0z-¢ ~cooeser-=--AB UBAI[NG |--""""" pussy somer eee SOOT OT ese nee W\ ee oe ee. OBI IGE) | ames eeer ager OG, 09-0¢ “"[@A00 JO “OA0D SNSB I, [99857 Se od “THE cc, ae | Ree Bae eee ms kT e10qg JO'N Jool 9A0D snsBy, |-~---777 777-7" -0g PTS a wen ae og -"@A00 JO "S ‘ANH SNEBY, [77-77-7777 7777 -0O|G Gly eae S| os en OD Ste ~ a ae aero aes od ma ee ae: ae eS atl as eee Sl eres eee ee QAOM!SNSRT,) |= > ss seae ce OG SS ape CE ee [BIOO NU ga saa = as OLOUS UTIONT jinn cams et ee OCT ou ae Tee Re os ee eG 0% [== sONOD BSNS BT; JONG! IF Sana aes oe ee OCT! Fc |e See ares DI Ra ee Soom IUH Snsey, Jo'N Jooy |-"puey[sy spremeqry :spup[s] sosedven F leaie, | Ghai U e8ys °S gc-cP <7 oun “a Geehc)) oil) > eenDUYlel stole oul “Sl apnqu0T :woavanog “OTST e10qg 19jn0 ‘apis 1oUUT JooYy |~BIIZQ 410g :VIANOTOO Pe mee LI CP LO) SPU OOMGC” LShi mee un ee cee od 1°99 |-~""-""g ‘AB “oul 1346 OO) 769! SST ST Tis TSS so = Avg iiepy yO are ie | ea en een to aie eee eam ee inane re ele ee can ears ee oe edijaq usg *BIOU0g Bee oe paces == Fe Sage ea Se ee en ee ae ae aos ROOS BUG ejung ‘YS “Iq ‘gs °A3 opr} MOT Oc. SR ler eee ages puo “as SAP. |e So cae al | eae aie aa PI 00 99 III] oF € 82 ‘giouog ‘Avg edod -OL ‘JUlog SjuesIBg *pursy epivny B® ep jesuy ‘a8 -I1OYOUB PULIST SOIVg *puRisy IqIeypy OIpeg ueg jo ‘gq 80232—37——4 44 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Genus HYPOCONCHA Guérin Hypoconcha Gusrin, Rev. Mag. Zool., ser. 2, vol. 6, p. 333, 1854 [type, H. sabulosa (Herbst)].—Bovuvirr, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, vol. 4, p. 374, 1898. Front and lateral margins expanded, covering the eyes and all parts of the head except the flagella of the antennae; middle surface very thin and membranous. Margin of anterior half usually hairy, also the lower surface and appendages. The fourth and fifth pairs of feet are prehensile without being subchelate; dactyl lunate. The shape of the crab has been modified to suit its dwelling or protective covering, for it carries over its carapace the valve of a lamellibranch, holding on by some of its posterior feet and by the angular abdomen inserted under the hinge. North Carolina to Brazil; Mexico to Peru. Africa (?). KEY TO THE SPECIES OF THE GENUS HYPOCONCHA A!. Merus of outer maxiJliped subtriangular, its anterior border longer than lateral border and as long as two preceding articlesiunited : 2-2 + -. 225 bee ee californiensis (p. 51) A. Merus of outer maxilliped trapezoid, its anterior border shorter than lateral and shorter than two preceding articles united. B!. Three large granulated tubercles forming a triangle on either side of ventral surface of carapace__----_---_------- sabulosa (p. 44) B*. Not three large granulated tubercles on either side of ventral surface of carapace. C!. Distal end of merus of outer maxilliped swollen. A large spine-tipped protuberance on either side of ventral surface of carapace. Spines numerous, upwards of 25__ spinosissima (p. 46) C*. Distal end of merus of outer maxilliped thin. D!. Granules of ventral surface of carapace more or less concealed by dense hair. E!. Manus with many longitudinal rows of granules and three granulate lobes near fingers; outer face of carpus bordered with hair below and at proximal end and with a raised, granulate line above__-panamensis (p. 47) E*. Manus with about 10 pointed and well-separated granules through middle of outer surface; carpus with two distant spines arranged lengthwise__--_- lowei (p. 50) D?. Granules of ventral surface of carapace plainly visible. arcuata (p. 47) ANALOGOUS SPECIES OF HYPOCONCHA ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE CONTINENT ATLANTIC PAcIFICc arcuata. panamensis. HYPOCONCHA SABULOSA (Herbst) PuaTE 8, Ficurss 3, 4; Puatse 9, Figures 1—5 Faux Bernard l Hermite P. Nicouson, Essai sur l’histoire naturelle de Saint- Domingue, p. 338, pl. 6, figs. 3, 4, 1776.—Lamarck, Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertébres, vol. 5, p. 264, 1818. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 45 Cancer sabulosa Hersst, Versuch einer Naturgeschichte der Krabben und Krebse, vol. 3, pt. 1, p. 57, pl. 48, figs. 2, 3, 1799 [type locality, Africa (probably error) ]. Hypoconcha sabulosa GumiRIN, Rev. Mag. Zool., ser. 2, vol. 6, p. 333, pl. 5, 1854 (figs. 1-5 copied from La Sagra’s figs. 1, without color, 5, 7, 9; fig. 6 copied from Nicolson’s fig. 3).—La Sacra, Historia fisica, politica y natural de la Isla de Cuba, pt. 2, vol. 8, Atlas de zool., Articulata, pl. 1, figs. 1-11 (figs. 10 and 11 copied from Herbst without color), 1855; vol 7, text, p. xiii, 1856 (1857).—Stimpson, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 226 [64]; Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 7, p. 72 [26], 1859.—Bovvirr, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, vol. 4, p. 374, 1898.—Brnepict, Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., vol. 20 (1900), pt. 2, p. 133, 1901.—Hay and Suorg, Bull. U.S. Bur. Fisheries, vol. 35 (1915-16), p. 418, pl. 31, fig. 2 (not 3), 1918. Diagnosis. Three large tubercles on either side of ventral surface of carapace. Four stout spines on anterior margin. Chelae covered with small pointed tubercles. Description.—Carapace in the old pubescent above, margin densely hairy and armed anteriorly with four large curved spines with sharp tips pointing obliquely downward; they are followed by a few small spines, all well spaced. Front between the two submedian spines subtruncate or sometimes sloping slightly backward toward the short narrow fissure on the median line. Lower surface tuberculate and along the margin finely granulate. An uneven transverse ridge directly in front of the hollow in which the cheliped fits; farther for- ward three large unequal granulated tubercles forming a triangle. Antennary fossae limited in front by a pair of strong, oblique ridges, which arise between two of the spines of the anterior border and meet each other in the middle at the front of the epistome. Posterior border of epistome raised into a prominent ridge, which is continued across the front and some distance along the sides ot the buccal area. Peduncular articles of antennae tuberculate; the basal one has a strong, inwardly directed tooth, and the terminal one a tooth on each side of the base of the flagellum. A large swelling on outer side of orbit and a small one above and below. The carpus of the cheliped bears several denticulated tubercles, two of which are on the outer margin; the manus is covered with tubercles more or less pointed. Color.—Coral sand above, with whitish gray hairs. Ground color beneath, vinaceous-rufous. Rounded bosses on legs and subfrontal region in ventral view vinaceous-cinnamon. Eyes black or bay. Eggs Chinese orange. (W. L. Schmitt.) Measurements.—Male (66796), length of carapace 23.2, width 22.4 mm. Range.—North Carolina to the West Indies; 9% to 49 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 10, page 48, 46 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM HYPOCONCHA SPINOSISSIMA Rathbun Fiacure 14; Puate 10, Figures 1, 2 Hypoconcha spinosissima RATHBUN, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 46, p. 185, 1933 (type locality, off Cape Hatteras, N. C., 49 fathoms; holotype, ovi- gerous female, U.S.N.M. no. 55957). Diagnosis.—One tubercle on either side of ventral surface of carapace. Many spines on carapace, chelipeds, and other appendages. Description.—Carapace broader than long, short pubescent above, hairy all over below, especially in the old; front subtruncate between antennae; a short wide median fissure is followed by a shallow furrow; anterolateral margin sinuous. Ventral surface granulate, granules sparser on the carapace than on the appendages. Spines are dis- ~ FIGURE 14.—Hypoconcha spinosissima, female holotype (55957): Ventral view, enlarged. tributed as follows: Five or six at the angle of the margin of the deflexed front; a longer spine where the epistome joins the front; a strong, curved spine above and below the middle of the orbit; one or two slender spines on a protuberance of the carapace in horizontal line with buccal angle; three spines on carpus of cheliped; 9 or 10 spines on outer surface of manus, irregularly disposed in three rows; a possible spine on outer surface at base of dactyl; a spine on coxa and ischium of cheliped and first ambulatory. A row of short spines and tubercles on border of epistome; a row of six or seven very slender curved spines at outer angle of merus of maxilliped; an elongate swelling lies just inside and parallel to the distal margin of merus. Color —Generally pinkish buff, darker parts salmon color, fringing hairs primrose yellow. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA AT Measurements.—Ovigerous female, holotype (55957), length of carapace 16.6, width 18 mm. Largest specimen, male (66793), length of carapace 23.5, width 24 mm. Range.—North Carolina to Yucatan and Jamaica; 14 to 60 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 11, page 48. HYPOCONCHA ARCUATA Stimpson Puate 11, Figures 1-4 Hypoconcha arcuata Stimpson, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 226 [64]; nomen nudum, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 7, p. 72 [26], 1859 (type localities, South Carolina and St. Thomas; types not extant).—Bovvirr, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, vol. 4, p. 375, 1898.—Bernepict, Bull. U. S. ¥ish Comm., vol. 20 (1900), pt. 2, p. 183, 1901.—Hay and Suorg, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fisheries, vol. 35 (1915-16), p. 418, pl. 31, fig. 3 (not 2), 1918. Diagnosis.—Lower surface everywhere granulate. No tubercles on carapace; many small spines on margin of anterior half. Chelae densely and coarsely granulate, rough along middle line. Description——Lateral lobe of carapace strong. Front margin densely cilated, nearly semicircular in outline, a shallow V at middle, followed by a “buttonhole” in the old, or a short open fissure prolonged for some distance by a shallow sulcus. A minute notch either side of middle, continued on the under side by a narrow fissure in front of the eye for the lodgment of the antennary flagellum; outer posterior margin of orbit fissured. Granules of carapace larger than those of appendages. Distal and outer margins of merus of maxilliped thin and meeting at a prominent sharp angle. Carpus of cheliped as broad as long, gran- ules crowded. Granules heaped up and acute through middle of palm. Measurements —Female (53404), length of carapace 12, width 13 mm. Male (S. U. I.), length of carapace 23.6, width 23 mm. Range.—North Carolina to Brazil; 1 to 22 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 12, page 49. HYPOCONCHA PANAMENSIS Smith PLATE 9, FicurREs 6, 7 Hypoconcha panamensis SmitH, in Verrill, Amer. Nat., vol. 3, p. 249, 1869 (type locality, Panama, under valve of Pecten ventricosus; type in P. M. Y. U.).— Bouvier, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, vol. 4, p. 375, 1898.—RatTuBoun, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 38, p. 594, 1910. Hypoconcha diguetti Bouvisr, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, vol. 4, p. 374, 1898 (type locality, La Paz Bay; type in Paris Mus.).—Ratupun, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 48, p. 620, 1923. Hypoconcha peruviana RatuHBun, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., vol. 38, p. 553, pl. 47, fig. 2, 1910 (type locality, Matapalo; type, U. S. N. M. no. 40474). Diagnosis.—A prominent crescentic lobe on the carapace either side of buccal region. Carpus and manus of cheliped with a raised line of granules above; carpus bordered with hair below and at proximal end; manus with several longitudinal rows of granules outside and three granulated lobes near the fingers. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 48 goo ee OGO2F ee AEs oe came OD gan |ne ea PERL LI Tcle IN| eee ipo uae ke ae | ce tae en pee ool noes eee tae A VOLVINIV (a “purysy [soqqor] xoq Re ZEON OO Gs| mememar Ocala" aes) ae ayDIT | --- 625) sae ee SLSVIR ala ie sae Ree eal eae Bll sae nae i ae eee “OH JO‘N ‘Tul 9] (NVLVON 00 Z& 98 | SI SI 62 aia ae. GBL99) |= 5 CiCalp aes ee Oar PLECROVE CH SieeG Sle a Cle nena banana ranean “1E-GG 04 04 ~"“setg avg advo jo" Ms 00 62 $8 | 0€ IT 62 Saar aes O21 GE eeemmenOn) tc cmneneeesOD meres |enecdO7.|namnenenODsuann sams (NO) 11 caaon |e ami0GN| 00) (CONS! NCO) Grasch pee CoIOO DLA Giedua org Begere £6299 |-“""""- PT |" > 8804jnq7H |-~-~-90FS |" “S88I “GT “ABI |-~--" "|" ----- "0D “GS ‘sso |----92 | 00 6F ¥F8 | 00 & 8% |" “PURIST e310 “4g Jo's “fonqg sOCie Br Sse ¢6199 |---- ">" Lona ee Wee OD Ee er | eee SER eee Tele CoAT emo Erm mame 2 oro = ets! | mageet OO ii DOLG Gm OU) O NaS EATUCING, Te: | remo ee cae aia “od “WOrjN414SUT OIZOUIBO JO YJ [77-77-77 POLO | neem AST |= SASTOLUDG 21 SAAS || teem ten 9 CO Le 0 CULL fre | soa ee laa. pai |. oes cp |" AO pvoysess0'T JO*g |-~~~-- >>> sesn}qJ0, :VCIUoOT oka CCGCSe |i ease nicl ||pnmmnn oa) OD eaecnle eaan00Ge|meageels Sl 4°On eamenal ends UG oln|) aero lech 168) 92, NOS e2e eten | sean MO MOOT Ode ITO) SOC'AY O[OTU |5 saan ane 29699 |~"BIAO 9 [ [77-7 >> 7> ssoj0q7y |-~~-~ OG Sir eno SS lar) [s:40 On |erentan (nein mane SieAcsinee Ova COMO s02e|L0Sn SOc On| iaiaemen sv10jqVH sdvO UO ipmpe oS iL oo ‘VNITOUVO HLUON “M *N ein4 smo | 9PMUSU0T | opnyyeT SYICUIOY ‘ON SO[RIeOQ | sueuttoedg 104991[09 morTye19 a1eq -Bied u1014,0gq yea Aqpeo0'T WAL SsulIveg eursstsourds ByouooodAy fo paununxa 2vIaIMDPYY— [ AITAV J, aes gee ee LSP OO sake ss (OMe eo ROO Mes Ob lt Saeen eee e ae Ree Oa OR Sakae Tha Eas lise la hee alee ae ae ~"~""" pee IoqieAy : VOIVNVE ae HP SCO | enemies ©) le inant nn aeemeernnmmmen |e 0) Gal emma OD mata | inane ment Se: Y)01 0 OC) aah (00) 2 78h O8e Zi =8cr | famine aaa OG “Sin Rae TTS90N|ieanun acon | so a cenassOugng? 90%% | “S88T “ST “IBTAL |-~"~~ "| ----"-09 “g§ “s10 | 92 00 6F #8 | 00 9F 8% | ~PULIST E8109 “4g Jog ana ZnO MAG CeO if | emenmenninaes Tele meena ae AUDI U2 | aren Se S218 Tal traced pcan aetna LE (i) stg tA) 2 GN sesnjioL JO" M ‘AO pvoysesso'Ty pue [Rous eT LOG lS scae 96299) |e sree meNG.||aeee > me ae Opis 9 EO Tent ChOUE) (aetna | een et a maa mae 346 TX @/0/AA09 (0 CT OCLICL SCT (0) | eee eee ee ocieea od “m019N414SUT OTJOUIBH JO WI [777-77 LLL Rate BIAO 6T |~>--49TmMIIS "TM | G pe C6 lie OC ROU) (Ga | eee | ene neces IT Aonq UNN WOIj Ie} AON |-7 777 sesnqlog, TYRONE A ALS | eee Cale pa = eee OToieataies ence ie CLST AO PAC Vel | Goan nlie gens amen Glos (ieee Soa. = - eae eae Ct eae ore aa ShOY BVPHOlT “mos Bas) INGO Ce | ieee mee OWDe QUILTS) AN SOU DDE a eS amis mo ec Tae (lia oat EGE Demet CRA Fy, ci Gece eal Rage OER TSAI Eke ame O19IQUIOg OpIsuy Valuo1g *$e10}}8H fo ine cy TLZOIT |-SIAO 6T LT |------~--~ss04gjnq7y | 969% |--“S88T ‘ZT “990 |--~~~"|"---------g *43 | BF 00 OL GZ | 08 80 ge | ed¥D HO :VNITOUVO HLUON “é ‘ ° “l ‘4 ° “MA “N mon e1ny SUI0 epnysuoyT | opnyiyey syIeUey ‘ON B0[RIeO sueumedg 10499[[0D “B19 aed -e1ed m10940q weg Aypeoo'T ed sdulreeg esoinqes eyouooodAy fo pautwunxa 2011a}D Y.— ‘QT ATAV I, 49 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA SYIVUIOY ‘ON SOl[BIBO arree éT susumoedg ‘podxy JoAvyyL ‘pusjedog »=pue «yaw | OPae "i kens leo aes ee en arr wae te POAXi ACACU | |= eel mee OO COS alte alten tr on = WOOO] [00.040] 0 NUOLU Misi linac -ealieaee wee «ey aes ene ee ne as ae cca LIA wor AAO reer eal nace: oe aa lapem elinnets eae Foc che Cees FIONA OSIOON)) | Sean <|pieericeee | TOL OVO | tauaan’ a |e in ee eae ete Le Oar ynoy ysl | S6LL \~~ “Set ‘T Uee |7--- 77} A Gg el SES BOR eet eed Fee ec Cee ere Eee eee Se. 3e eee ODE Was 2. apace OD ae leas Dee rn: Se ea ae MOSAUATVS “ULM ey IDE ice aC; |eCLSIEPS SOV alae levees 0 scan Le “pedxg euUeyegd BAO] ‘AU 0}B4Yg |~~-~ ~~ “E681 ‘s8 QUIT (| cman eens ace --"WOTJOOI[09 ESa[[OO Uo A oe ear SO[BIINO THe Tellien 1 nil: ee ee COSTA sea Fn eae WE GET ee) OD === 73210 sce es OD es alla eee tle SG “Si TAsi0 Meet eee ODF TESTOGH i naGSBIt 06390) |x ral ein ks “AB pean a cae 2 $801]0Q1F7 |~609% |~~S88T “61 990 [777777 |7 7777" “AB “ou ein} 10}09][00 ee aed -e red w101}0g 45 -W10 I, S apnyyoT perGakh its 5_ ie | eee meas TERVOP ales kot le Tur 4% “ON “SSI sae cee te |e OD saa on SOU Seas wee S00 ADT NG: ie y [rroerce rere | rece “"""FT | OF 92 22) 08 LE &é “"""gt | 00 9% 22 | 00 oF & "8% | 00 ZL 92) 00 92 FE dt ° 6a ° “AN "NI smo | 9PAWSu0T | epnjzyeT “47° A ssuliveg eyenoie eyouoood Ay] fo pauiupxa 2pi1ajD[— ZT ATAV "oyUBS OyIIds| ‘BIIOJTA Decker ome ss. ovyuRie yy V1IZVU << ae OOIBIT a Ap. Pek SBCUIBXBD) “"4ysrT pues] Poqrueg = in ae eet aa O GI: st, Se aS svanjqioL, ee Avg epHold :VaINoOT ie oh et ae oa SER od aoa ieveaq 0dvp YO ae ynoyoo’T odep UO i:VNITOUVO HLYON Aqq[B00T 50 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Description.—Allied to H. arcuata. Carapace in the old hairy above and below, concealing the granules; in the young the surface is nearly bare. Anterior margin broadly rounded, edge broken by a marked median incision and by distinct notches at insertion of the antennae. Four or five white subspiniform teeth on each frontal lobe; and 8 or 10 on each margin of the carapace behind these lobes. Some obtuse denticles irregularly disposed and little prominent on the supero-external border of the orbit, as on the inferior lobe. Lower surface of facial region sparsely granulated, granules separated by smooth spaces. Merus of outer maxilliped more plainly squarish than in H. sabulosa; its anterior border is much shorter than the lateral borders and scarcely longer than half the total length of the two pre- ceding articles. The endostome has two broad, obtuse, longitudinal prominences. The large granules on the outer surface of the manus are concentrated on the middle half; they are numerous on the supe- rior face of the dactyl and the inferior face of the fixed finger; the car- pus, beside the prominent border, has a spinule at the distal corners. Color.—Uniformly reddish (Bouvier). Measurements.—Male (66790), length 12.7, width 13.3 mm. Female (40474), length 18, width 19.5 mm. Range.—Mexico to Peru; 3 to 60 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 13, page 52. HYPOCONCHA LOWEI Rathbun PuaTeE 8, Figures 5, 6 Hypoconcha lowei RatHBtn, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 46, p. 149, 1933 (type locality, San Felipe, Gulf of California; type female, U.S.N.M. no. 67575). Diagnosis. —Carapace not produced laterally in a narrow lobe. A strong, conical spine on lower border of orbit. Two spines in a longi- tudinal row on carpus of cheliped. Description.—Surface hairy above and below. Anterior margin of carapace arcuate, very slightly sinuous. Lateral angle bluntly rounded, not forming a distinct lobe as in H. sabulosa and kindred species; posterolateral borders rapidly converging. A marginal row of four distant spines on either side of the front, the anterior spine over the orbit. Lower surface of carapace mottled with acute granules but not sculptured. A short spine at angle of buccal cavity. Ischium of outer maxilliped coarsely granulate. Carpus of cheliped with two long spines inclined distad in a median row. About 10 or 12 pointed tubercles scattered through middle of outer surface of manus; fingers finely granulate. Measurements.—Male, length of carapace 16.4, width 17 mm. Female holotype, length 20, width 22.3 mm. Range.—Mexico to Ecuador; to a depth of 55 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 14, page 53. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 5l HYPOCONCHA CALIFORNIENSIS Bouvier PuateE 10, Fiacurses 3, 4 Hypoconcha californiensis BouviER, Bull Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, vol. 4, p. 374, 1898 (type locality, San Jose Island, Gulf of California; type in Paris Mus.). Diagnosis.— Margin of carapace with short, dense hairs. Merus of maxilliped subtriangular, its anterior margin longer than the lateral margin and as long as the two preceding articles united. Carapace slightly pilose below. Description.—The subacute teeth bordering the carapace number three on each median frontal lobe and six on each side between the superior orbital notch and the point where the carapace is widest; the inferior orbital border has five spines on each side. Median furrow of frontogastric region scarcely indicated. The anterolateral walls of the buccal cavity present a strong flap directed inward, upon which is supported the anterior border of the merus of the outer mawxilliped; the upper wall of the endostome is armed on either side with a prominent ridge, which has a denticle at its middle. Merus of outer maxillipeds three times as wide on the anterior border as on the border in contact with the ischium; length of merus equal to that of the two basal articles together. Chelae with numerous tubercles on outer face; some almost continuous (on thumb and neighboring palmar portion), some widely separated; they become very small on the lower border where they form an inconspicuous longitudinal row; a stronger tubercle, terminating in two points, occupies the middle of the external base of the hand. The greater number of these tubercles are acute or subacute; they occur also on the flat outer face of the carpus, where they form two rows which converge a little from behind forward. (After Bouvier.) Color.—In formalin a uniform reddish. Measurements.—Female, type, length of carapace 12.5, width 13.5 mm (Bouvier). Male (42224), length and width 6 mm. Range.—Gulf of California, Mexico, to Panama. Material examined.—Off Cerralvo Island; lat. 24°11’30’’ N., long. 109°55’00’’ W.; 10 fathoms; shells; April 30, 1888; station 2828, Albatross; 1 male (42224). Panama: Near Changone, Taboga Island, dredged December 24, 1933; 1 male, 1 female (69407); E. D. Robson collector. Family DYNOMENIDAE Ortmann Dynomenidae OrtMANN, Zool. Jahrb., vol. 6, p. 541, 1892; in Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, vol. 5, pt. 2, Arthropoda, p. 1155, 1901.— Aucock, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. 68, pt. 2, p. 127, 1899; Catalogue of the Indian decapod Crustacea in the collection of the Indian Museum, fasc. 1, p. 34, 1901. Dynomeninae A. MinngE Epwarps and Bouvier, Crustacés décapodes provenant des campagnes du yacht I’ Hirondelle (supplément) et de la Princesse-Alice, fasc. 13, p. 9, 1899; Mem. Mus. Comp Zool., vol. 27, p. 22, 1902. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM o2 od od 0d od *pedxg sosedeen yooourH eZ A) GING *INpPUES 0} PeuINjoy od od 0d ‘od *podxg sosody[ey yooousx ‘TIeys 4J0S “pedxa sosedyer yoooury, “podx ay sosvdejey) yooouexy SIVUIEA OL gall eee here Soke ASG |e Maple a OD i sen COSCO Smal Po ee SVAORGH|i 283 a aan nnmen CD aaa OTP EGA Seer alpen ey ZiT OF coi) | aaa mae OD een CkCOoR Se eo Olt sea Shake Cael 02860 Soe Bcc: Oo ale | tear III 94970A Boke Cae See ae he ae ose eee [ |roccroco rere Sree arte ge glee or or ee PAT ae ceas See ODE “aan C0769 mee Male Ee BIAO ST |~~-"uosqoy ‘dq “W “uueu ROO) ) eat tea aera 6T | -YolWWd YIeqezi[y PICOOaeaey We cane ae OG Calle me aoe = ODF Sean GOV Ome = . “salt aGk ee Ctl aataain se” Gam oe Male ne (0) ne ooc69 AZatAO T)OionGi |seemaa te nee CDs 94269 ar id TAOS oe © | eneiten nate ODamese SECOORRY 4 | sae ee AD eva ee ae IIT 042724 6299 Sir he age; mete Gall oc eMOT 'N 'H ecZ69 == ol a a ae AT) || Sie eens III 04072A SUCCr eee | ME cea ce at 9 B27 ee ee a $so1j0q) 7 COVGGS a. lit ase OL || see 89MOT ‘N “H TOOOG" —» = alr tae tacts Onis es uate $801}70q) S[LOOM[OSSS [aii oan 9 ee wemne £2 |" TlesstIp “V's ‘ON SOTeIVO sueuroedg 10409109 CCCinl linen OD ean SCC wal i eae oe OD seems OC Zcga (eaters wee ORaeae OZ len aee wei O Dik eras SIZ |" F6T ‘ZT “G9 eae SEO ON ae oawal PEPCO COUN GPCiem nage cae OD seme TOS bale aoe OD mena 08% |" "FST ‘2s G9a 19% |" “FE6T ‘SZ “Geq PS Ciiee| caee es OD oem €6% |" “F86l ‘FZ “99T woe og6T ‘Tudy ZEl |" -" "PEST ‘FUEL 8282 |" ~888T ‘OE “dV man ees PET “GOT cos “"1T6L ‘et ‘dy Sa eal eae Ze6r ‘FURL aor} “24g aed iat | Sees ck a W | ST ea oe eNO D Roo ‘jou Sd Oe Set W | ST -UBYO BI [TMOSIOL IAN Seer 7 aE ees el ees pea OI-8 |~~ “ opis “AA ‘qoReq IvON PaaS > ne ae 0G Re a a ee OD TSN ANG ero lp tee oe ee 610Y4S|~~~~~~~~ ~~ 9ST JO pue "NV pe Src eon aoe cise age tara ia ase pe pespe1d |e sea ee 0Z-ST |" ABq JO “g OTST JO epIsjInO Peg ie sol0di[]NN | ST ~----qnois JO" AA pues = Sale US P¥sp “WA | So em an emeCLTOT ON On i *Avq Ul eet cal |tiee ee Mee caer an cae se[sI punoIe suIspeId ioe MCh ee ee OSes St CD oe "23 al = - a a OL ga pacar pa mare ARC OUT ca a SS. oo OF 00 249 OTT) 00 €F &T “as a YS | OT 00 So 601} O€ IL 2% eo eee oseea 0z Le ee os | aoe een as soe “aa ° “ed ° “M “N 91m emo epnyisuoy | opnqyey -eled m10940q Erie -W10 I, qyea SSULIvO g Pie ei puv[s] BU0sI0H ‘VIAWOTOD ea: en oe vulvued :VAYNVd aia ae BIqI[NO OVEN ivOly VLSOO isan ames MOOTRCBO Ve *puvs] 0110009 ‘Avg oeleMyyleig “CIULOP[BD JO JL ‘puB[s] OATRIIOD VO *BIOW0G ‘esooseueg eyundg *BIULONITVD JO JIN ‘pus, UBqEisy UBg “BIULOJ -I[WQ JAMO 4SBOd ‘q ‘Avg sojesuy [OOIXA TAL A4I[BOO'T eee eee eee SS eee ee ee. ee ee eee sisuousued Byouooo0dAy] fo pauvunaxa 1pt.lajv— GE] ATA |, 53 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA “SBUI[BS pueB ROG: Lae |e eee 89269 [7777777 AG | omaoare ODRr galled OLGr lpg ene OD Se, calla aaltoaen = ee an eee Ol=2ey || DETIOOT a) BUCA OTe |sas sneet av aie ne od BS ear a ZSCOOR nes AS irene Ope alta GOH EHEG Ts Gar Oe | aeeel |e oem ace mame OI-8 | eueTy 39 JUIOd Jo*NY |7-7 peqieqry BT “padxg Sosedeiepy yoooury | -- 99269 }7-7 7" IN TET 040} Ar| sao 1Gri| speOl Ole «AO || en lies ee ar eB S| ne eee ek aie a od ‘Iepues oj peuunjyoy |- 5 TO ZII--- Ages || Fetes ia nee oel (os Salle 2 Sy eet Sea ba snr ees ei SEee Soe |e VIUIOJVO JOMO'T OGAYST OT lj a PELLY |-S5 GL a ACA Nae Be6T'S 1-9 ABN { Jo 4svoo Jn3 ‘edijag ueg “N 9pnqyoT SOOIXA TL syIvuley “ON SOTRIVO puoud 10409][O pon aed Sain 110330 SLO s3ul1ve Ayryeoo s -1oedg II oO -B19 -W9], a “UIC : a : ry TOMOT BYDUODOdAT, fo pautmmnxa 1N1.10jDY—"F ATAV "AQIOMOS DUIL -ladsp = auolyg jo OA[VA JOpUuy) “DUD ‘modeg Ivo opedeye pl =1anuad “F710! CGA Tia) PLb0p2 = lip 7 soue a. Gil eos eLO OO We Melua laeeen tee. OM OM R ar ara Bac aaae saa" Sao || Se, ee JO speq JajysAQ ‘aug ‘od SECOOme ee Gilivore cca ae cae OMe cas aes ODamam Colum |i mer COLT aCe nein alan eas een! OG eel niece Aeg somep |7-7777 ~~ puvysy seurer “I9AOO [TOUS UTM | OFE69 OSs tee Sy OD ma 1 ements OPS Toei il ipac 3 ce OG tee ean wee ng OD ia S5s|Seort wees od ‘od POLOO mw 1 | nis ba samen gan CASTS | ae aaa OD eines Lye |e ee OD 3g a (5-5 = ee geee: gee fous OG Sa ae oee oak aes OD igo er eens baa od “QA0D SNSBL ‘od O9Z60Ke =) wRaeeea assess ES) iliges Boe Se OD meats Eee nenP COIs Cine ly || a cae eee Renee OS sil ene eae GADD JOS | ‘puBls, e[1eVUlEeqlV ‘od CPCODME. Wephin|o0a cae wee i2als iaieees lee ODF aime COGS Mae P SGT: OGssUG 0s |e cree yi apeneanh aia tae © OF-S2|" “AV ooWJoysog JO" N J od ‘od OOZSOZH kes. digiaaee Rao ks OSes one es ODiag a CC iene CeO coax Onl || inmanan “9S5PIIP 19}SAQ | 9¢ og LT 06 | 0€ £0 TI |" ~pUuRIsyT sefzeyO BO “‘podxgy DIG het ie me | Aen ee eae Alsat: go OD epee OGL Rast ean: OP gae4||(< 25). |bs Lee aren 09=891100! 502" 106; |"00)e0S 50) \|ineeesmesoemn od sosedvjep yoooueH | 9769 fT Tele Sones DLT 077245) 061 7S FE61 9G URE | cise |e se 09=89/ 00 08 06) 00489 0 |i oy Se od GSZ99 ee ee ylitsaec ae, Olga war $9017097¥ | S18% |“ SSSI ‘2 “AMY [se $ ‘00 | OF SI OF 68 | 00 1% I_ |~~"spuvysy sosedelep “St apnziyoT moadvnoy 54 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Carapace either longer than broad and convex, or broader than long and flattish, the lateral borders well defined. Front broadly trian- gular, sometimes notched at tip. Antennal flagella not so long as carapace. External maxillipeds typically opercular, completely clos- ing the buccal cavern. Chelipeds equal or slightly unequal, generally stouter than legs. First three pairs of legs stout, about as long as chelipeds; fourth pair dorsal and rudimentary. The abdomen in both sexes consists of seven segments, and there is a pair of lateral platelets intercalated between the last two segments. The gills are phyllo- branchiate. The sternal grooves of female end at level of genital openings. (After Alcock.) KEY TO THE GENERA OF THE FAMILY DYNOMENIDAE A!, Carapace flattish, broader than long, pilose__--__---_--- Dynomene (p. 54) A. Carapace convex, longer than broad, spinose-_-_-_---- Acanthodromia (p. 55) Genus DYNOMENE Latreille Dynomene LATREILLE, in Desmarest, Considérations générales sur la classe des Crustacés, p. 133, footnote, 1825;%n Cuvier, Le régne animal, ed. 2, vol. 4, p. 69, 1829 (type, D. hispida Desmarest).— MILNE Epwarps, Histoire natu- relle des Crustacés, vol. 2, p. 179, 1887.—OrtTMANN, in Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, vol. 5, pt. 2, Arthropoda, p. 1155, 1901.—- Aucock, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. 68, pt. 2, p. 133 and synonymy, 1899; Catalogue of the Indian decapod Crustacea in the collection of the Indian Museum, fase. 1, p. 35, 1901. Mazillothrit Srresine, Ann. South Afr. Mus., vol. 18, pt. 4, p. 456, 1921 (type, M. actaeiformis Stebbing). All parts usually tomentose. Carapace subcircular or polygonal, flattish, slightly broader than long. Front broadly triangular, dor- sally grooved, more or less distinctly notched or divided at tip. Palate well delimited from epistome; efferent branchial channels well defined. Feet of fourth pair very small, not prehensile, dorsal in position and inconspicuous. Indo-Pacific, from Mauritius and Madagascar to Mexico; tropical Atlantic in neighborhood of Cape Verde Islands. DYNOMENE URSULA Stimpson PuaTE 12, Figures 1-4 Dynomene ursula Stimpson, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 7, p. 239 [111] 1860 (type locality, Cape St. Lucas; type not extant). Diagnosis.—Lateral margin of front regularly curved, not sinuate. Dactyls of first three ambulatories setose, tips black. Hind pair of feet setose like the others, dactyls without pigment. Description.—The whole upper surface is covered with stout thick setae of two kinds; the first kind very short, clavate, or even pedicel- late, and densely crowded; the second long and nearly as thick as the first, but fusiform, with pointed extremities, and sparsely distributed OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 55 over the surface, generally in groups of three or four, of unequal lengths. Surface of carapace beneath the setae densely granulated; granules not prominent; sulci defining areolets of moderate depth. Anterolateral margin as long as posterolateral, regularly curved and armed with five small spines, not including that at angle of orbit. Front low-triangular; margin somewhat arched, and continuous with the superior margin of orbit, which forms a low projection opposite the juncture of the cornea of the eye with its peduncle. Dactyls of ambulatory feet setose and have black, much-curved unguiculi. Color.—More or less reddish or crimson; setae of a light golden color. Measurements.—Male (68316), length 20.4, width 27.2 mm. Fe- male (68314), length 16.5, width 21.8 mm. Habit—Stimpson says °® of the last pair of feet, “not prehensile, since the animal does not cover itself with a foreign body like the Dromiae; and they fill, apparently, no office in the economy of the animal, except when in place, they fill up neatly the chink between the carapax and the stouter walking feet.” Range.—West coast of Mexico to Galapagos Islands. Material examined.—See table 15, page 56. Genus ACANTHODROMIA A. Milne Edwards Acanthodromia A. M1LNE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 31, 1880 (type, A. erinacea A. Milne Edwards).—Bovvirr, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 8, vol. 8, p. 56 [23], 1896.—Atcock, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. 68, p. 134, 1899; Catalogue of the Indian decapod Crustacea in the collection of the Indian Museum, fase. 1, p. 36, 1901.—OrtMaANn, in Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, vol. 5, pt. 2, Arthropoda, p. 1155, 1901.— A. Minne Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 22, 1902. Differs from Dynomene in having the carapace longer than broad, convex, closely covered with spines instead of hairs. Caribbean Sea; Andaman Sea; 75 to 150 fathoms. ACANTHODROMIA ERINACEA A. Milne Edwards PLATE 12, Ficurss 5, 6 Acanthodromia erinacea A. MitnE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, 1880 (type localities, off Guadeloupe, 150 fathoms; type in M. C. Z.).— BovvikER, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 8, vol. 8, p. 56 [23], fig. 18-21, 1896.— A. Minne Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 23, pl. 3, fig. 5-15; pl. 4, fig. 1-4; text fig. 7, 8, 1902. Diagnosis.—Long spines predominate in dorsal aspect. Upper margin of orbit slightly concave. A single smooth tubercle on fourth and on fifth abdominal segment; terminal segment triangular. 9 Op. cit., p. 240 [112]. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 56 BO Glee jae corona POGROT er a a STILT OK GC | ae IE COLAO it nro arte og AT SOC Bir ea ae CCESOIIES os once waa 61PT SOG —i/(— tae aa PRCGOR | 0 = dee A6I cOGem. al soa te 9189 |~~~“(-BIAO €) 66.28 BO Gian: | Tets ae LTE€89 |~-('BIAO €) 5 FLLOT sOGias Fg at CLERO ee as 5016 OG Eines: ae CESGO! le = ean Apat Ode a ee = CEEOO li =. eae 3b FOG, fal Ba: as TCSSO he = => ees ae LT OG Gil ae STERS ee aS ee ae rom f SCOGIMm San oe Seg OT EROR Be sec a a 6TLE rOGia. jal hea se FIE89 |~~~"(-BIAO 1) 379 FOC S| Fea SLEsor |e = Sk 68% FOG 6a gs5 > ae OCEROEY Se ee rom § FOGLE Bl te= ae CGGSO |e oe ae = 62% LOGS “S| ea ae 6LE8o: | ea éT *podxq sosedelep yooousyy |~~~-~--~ 6Ehsolis= = eee = bI = a ee ORSON omen crn Or oak aa €2609 |i a, ee OS ey "ze GSO tne sae at SLLQO}([S5S 311) een een 6% syIeuley ‘ON S0[vI2O sueumloedg aes eel aM0'T "N ‘HH aoe 34N0IO “A *O “e101I0 ori qysnoiq4y ‘oyusemO0g A BIn}g[Nno113 Vv 9p BI1B491009 1090911909 FO.” lee SCOL COCO ahd ame ie ee oe ea (ee Sal Seo eos Avg Ulaieqd |----~ puvys] JoMOL est NOSE: FOOD GRU s omer nme ses Raeailieor mam Sens on ree OD 35 silos oe od TL me CSG Zi GOltm| eer alms ass a ae Ga Genre Gobeaney: Avg soup |----~ pues] somes OSes hel: ComUeialitee well eee ae WAI giccag|o. SPs noe ons ODE. Gel sag ara od 92 ec CCOE PE COME as: alae nt © tela es | eter ees OD Sle ae ae od CE e886 Or GO oe sale Sear Se so eS es ag eee oe AGB OSB 13 0) ame mena od (ain) SES ry Gl QO IG Col etal liga eee we || ag eee = quIOg 9[IBUIeqTY |~~~~~-~-7 >> od SPLe ers PEO sae elise esl aeee son ae CISC lala. Se se SULO Ge] OG Oia steeceaenn ae od Pole ale sPeO LCG SO ORO one. wi cegaet ee aney| oes Seal a pee ee ODES Fs 3 | Leer | ee eas Se OD ase "aero oe hae od POM eC CO ley CaS Co | een ine cca? heer eid | peg ee | ee By Avg Joupiepy |-~-~~~ pues] pooH ispurjsy sosederey CLG ea SCLnOl ce peer ne POIBU SUC Sh Gg =O Pa ar ae mae eo ao gee en ea pues] B4e[d BT “S apnyy0T MOavanoy ‘mg Siecle T26T :OOMe | saaes al nee eee | tee eel aa Re en cree aeee eel) [ADU B EMU Sv Oot Wor NT Sick bar’ (aigtes on ee a OTOL seo alec ee ee ea ce cae > oo eens RBOCKEO es uiysOluelicy “LO6T ee BUAY STAT == aici SSFATia | inaarniatas inn atin 2 ae S| al | nara oe ean eee eee DOSS OLD en Ghaa ry: *BIUIOJI[VO jo j[Iny ‘soqrenyy peta | tae ZEB RP oc UG il pene aa Peace Ee eS es es cee eae |) SO @O Das DELON Gn “AT 9pnqujoT :OOIXA 91n} 01} . su0 B19 218d i aoe m10340q eq ssulieveg Aqye00'T e[nsin suewo0uAd fo paurwoxa poisajppy—'G TIAV L, OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 57 Description.—Body and feet everywhere bristling with numerous large spines; some smaller spines in the intervals. Carapace regularly convex from front to rear and transversely, sutures indistinct. Front forming a beak, very advanced and deflexed; margin of front and orbits furnished with a row of close-set spines. Orbits very oblique. Basal article of antenna spinous, closing the orbit below; basal article of antennule also spinous. The epistomian point joins the front. Eyestalk spinous, two curved spines overhanging the cornea. Cheli- peds equal, short, very spinous outside, and with spiniform tubercles within; fingers spooned, the propodal finger denticulate, the dactyl with only two terminal denticles and a proximal notch. Last pair of feet much reduced, chelate, not surpassing in length the merus of the preceding foot. Abdomen of mature female thick, narrow, sides parallel from first to sixth segment; armed with spinules and numerous spines; fourth segment with a large, median lobe near anterior border, which is smooth except for a longitudinal sulcus on proximal half; a similar lobe, much smaller, on fifth segment; on these two articles spines are scarce on median line, forming a sort of wide gutter, which is continued to middle of terminal segment; lateral pieces of sixth article very small. Thoracic sternum smooth, very concave, with a crest a little inside the base of the chelipeds and the next three ambula- tories; a transverse crest between the bases of second and third ambulatories. Measurements.—Female (9547), length of carapace without spines 11.5, with spines 12.3, width without 9.6, with spines 11mm. Length of holotype without rostral spine 17 mm. Range.—Caribbean Sea. Material examined.—Mexico: Off Arrowsmith Bank, Yucatan; lat. 20°59’30”" N., long. 86°13’45’’ W.; 130 fathoms; Co.; January 22, 1885; station 2354, Albatross; 1 female (9547). Greater Antilles: Off Mona Island, Mona Passage; lat. 18°03’45” N., long. 67°48/10’’ W.; 240-300 fathoms; February 11, 1933; sta- tion 43, Johnson-Smithsonian Expedition; 1 female, ovigerous (68165). Leeward Islands: Off Guadeloupe; 150 fathoms; temperature 59%° F.; 1878-79; station 166, Blake; 1 ovigerous female, holotype (M. C. Z. no. 6509). Windward Islands: Off St. Vincent; 88 fathoms; temperature 62° F.; 1878-79; station 232, Blake; 1 carapace, paratype (M. C. Z. no. 2641). Family HOMOLODROMIIDAE Alcock Homolodromidae Aucock, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. 68, pt. 2, no. 3, p. 127, 1899. Carapace longer than broad, convex in both directions, the true cervical and the branchial grooves present. Front cut into two prominent teeth, between which, but on a much lower plane, a third 58 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM small tooth is sometimes present. Antennal flagella longer than carapace. External maxillipeds with a marked pediform cast. Chelipeds equal, slender, though stouter than legs. First two pairs of legs much longer than the chelipeds; last two pairs much shorter than the first two pairs, subdorsal, prehensile. Abdomen in both sexes consists of seven separate segments; no lateral platelets inter- calated between the sixth and seventh segments. Gills trichobran- chiae or intermediate between trichobranchiae and phyllobranchiae; gill-plumes very numerous—there may be as many as 20 on either side. Epipodites on the chelipeds and first two or three pairs of lees. Sternal grooves of temale short, ending at level of genital openings. (After Alcock.) KEY TO THE AMERICAN GENERA OF THE FAMILY HOMOLODROMIIDAE A‘, Carapace subquadrate. Antennules not concealed. Ambula- tories very long.and slender 2.222 2 Homolodromia (p. 58) A?. Carapace ovoid. Antennules folding under rostral teeth. Ambulatories shorts tas 2 S200) Bay see as Dicranodromia (p. 59) Genus HOMOLODROMIA A. Milne Edwards Homolodromia A. M1tnE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 32, 1880 (type, H. paradoza A. Milne Edwards).—Bovvinr, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 8, vol. 8, p. 37 [4], etc., 1896.—A. M1LtnE Epwarps and BovviEr, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 9, 1902. Carapace narrow, wider behind than in front. The antennules are too large to fold into their fossettes. Antennae very mobile, inserted below the ocular peduncle; they are much longer than the carapace. The eyes are very small and have no special orbital cavity. Buccal area quadrilateral; epistome very distinct. Teeth of fingers sharp, fitting together. The first and second ambulatories are slender and very long, the third and fourth pairs are elevated on the dorsum, small and cheliform. Abdomen of male composed of seven segments, which are in contact only in their middle part, their lateral parts narrower and free. West Indies; east Africa; 356 to 472 fathoms. HOMOLODROMIA PARADOXA A. Milne Edwards PuaTE 13, Figures 1, 2; PLats 14, Figures 1-4 Homolodromia paradoza A. MitnNE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 33, 1880 (type locality, off Nevis, 356 fathoms; type in M. C. Z.); Recueil de figures de Crustacés nouveaux ou peu connus, pl. 6, figs. 2-2e, 1883.— Bouvier, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 8, vol. 8, p. 38, etc., figs. 1, 2, 3, 32, 1896.—A. Minne Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 11,, figs. 1,;2, pl: 1, 1902. Diagnosis.—Eyes small, without special orbital cavity. Last two pairs of legs with cheliform extremities. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 59 Description.—Carapace thick, much swollen transversely, and bent down anteriorly; clothed with a scattered down which does not con- ceal the test; surface smooth, punctate behind. Posterior branchial regions dilated, their anterior limit a deep branchial furrow which is interrupted a little before reaching middle of cardiac area; this last is strongly marked except behind where its periphery is marked by wide, shallow depressions. The cervical suture is represented in its median part by a shallow median arc, concave forward, which does not join the lateral parts. Front armed with two strong, triangular, flat rostral horns, which reach to the level of the extremity of the second article of the antennae and are deeply separated by a furrow continued on the gastric region. A large postorbital spine is conical and directed outward and a little forward. Lateral borders unarmed and almost parallel. Latero-inferior regions unarmed. Ocular peduncles nearly as long as rostral horns and almost cylindri- cal; armed in front with a small spine and terminating in a cornea very little dilated and with a deep sinus behind. The antennular peduncles reach almost to the end of the antennal peduncles. Chelipeds of male feeble, equal, covered with smooth scattered hairs; a spine on upper distal border of merus and another outside overlapping carpus; prehensile margins of digits dentate, the immobile finger ending in a sort of fork which fits the tip of the mobile finger. The first two ambulatories are smooth, cylindrical; dactylus very long and strongly curved; merus armed with a small spine above at distal end. The chela of the last two pairs of feet is formed by a very curved dactyl opposed to a short projection of the propodus, armed with several spines. Measurements.—Male holotype, total length of carapace 18, width at base of anterolateral spines 9, maximum width of posterior branchial regions 12.5 mm. Range.—Leeward Islands, Caribbean Sea. Material examined.—Off Nevis; 356 fathoms; station 151, Blake; 1878-79; 1 male holotype (M. C. Z. no. 6512). Genus DICRANODROMIA A. Milne Edwards Dicranodromia A. M1unE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 31, 1880 (type, D. ovata A. Milne Edwards).—FiuHo1t, La vie au fond des mers, p. 127, 1885.—Orrmann, Zool. Jahrb., vol. 6, p. 549, 1892.— Bouvirr, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 8, vol. 8, p. 48, etc., 1896.—A. Minne Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 14, 1902. Arachnodromia Aucock, Deep-sea Brachyura, Investigator, p. 17, 1899 (type, A. baffint Alcock and Anderson). Carapace narrow, ovoid, elongate, scantily hairy. The antennules fold longitudinally under the broad rostral teeth and the eyes are concealed in the deep orbital cavity. A strong crest on either side of endostome; epistome triangular, the point joining the front. The 80232—37——5 60 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM facial region occupies nearly the width of carapace. The sutures of the sternal plastron of the female are lightly marked and do not overreach the line of the third pair of feet. Ambulatories slender, shorter than in Homolodromia; last two pairs with subcheliform extremity, the propodite not forming a distinct digit. Epimera of segments of female abdomen in contact; terminal segment of enormous size. Caribbean Sea; east Atlantic; Indian Ocean; Japan; 150 to 651 fathoms. DICRANODROMIA OVATA A. Milne Edwards Figure 15; PLate 13, Fiaurss 3, 4 Dicranodromia ovata A. M1uNE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 32, 1880 (type locality, Barbados, 180 fathoms; type, M. C. Z. no. 6510).— A. MitnEe Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 15, figs. 5, 6; pl. 2; pl. 3, fig. 1-4, 1902. Diagnosis.—Eyes large and deep in orbital cavity. Last two pairs of legs subcheliform, the propodite not forming a distinct digit. Description.—Carapace and appendages covered with very short blunt spinules; ventral surface and legs hairy, especially the margins, FIGURE 15.—Dicranodromia ovata, male (68887): Abdomen, enlarged. which are clothed in long fine hairs. Carapace more convex trans- versely than from front to rear; side margins nearly parallel; they diverge slightly behind, the carapace being wider in its posterior than anterior part. Front formed of two large triangular teeth between which there is a small median point, a vertical prolongation from the epistome. Upper orbital border interrupted toward the outside by a narrow fissure; a wide V-sinus outside the orbit and below the antero- lateral angle; suborbital border lobiform; some very small spines on the orbital lobes and the anterior part of the lateral borders of the carapace. The ocular peduncles turn laterally in orbital cavity; they OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 61 narrow gradually from base to the rather reduced cornea; basal article of peduncles mobile and very distinct. The basal article of the antennular peduncle enlarges from base to extremity; it is flattened on ventral side; the next article turns almost transversely outward under the concave surface of the rostral horn; between this article and the horn is folded the following article, and the flagellum recurves outward above the last named; there is, therefore, a perfectly formed antennular cavity comprised between the vertical partition of the front, the rostral horn, the basal article of the ocular peduncle and the antennal peduncle. The antennal flagellum nearly reaches the extremity of the chelipeds. Buccal cavity quadrangular, narrowing behind. Chelipeds slightly unequal; merus 3-sided; a shallow arched sinus on outer surface of carpus. Fingers spooned, white and naked except at the base; the dactylus is bent downward and slightly inward from the palm; it has a tooth at base of outer prehensile edge, and a small tooth on either side of the pointed tip which fits into the notch of the immobile finger; this last has, beside its two terminal teeth, four more on the outer edge. The next two pairs of feet do not overreach the chelipeds; the last two pairs are scarcely chelate, the strongly arched dactylus in the midst of a crown of spines bordering the extremity of the propodus. The terminal segment of the abdomen is nearly as long as the sum of the remaining segments; in the male it is narrower than segments 3-6 and is much longer than broad; in the female it is somewhat heart-shaped and broader than long. Measurements—Type female, total length of carapace 26, greatest width 19 mm (after Milne Edwards and Bouvier). Ovigerous female (57069), total length of carapace 9.8, greatest width 8 mm. Range.—From Straits of Florida to Barbados; 70 to 229 fathoms. Material exramined.—See table 16, page 64. Superfamily THELXIOPEIDEA, new name Homoliens (part), Minne Epwarps, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 2, pets, 1837, Homolidea Aucock, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. 68, p. 126, 1899. Carapace longer than broad; linea anomurica, or suture line, running on either side from posterior border of carapace to inner side of an- tennal spine, usually present. Eyes not retractile into orbits, nor antennules into pits. Basal article of antennules subglobular. The eyestalks consist of two movable joints, a slender conspicuous basal joint and a stout terminal joint that carries the eye. Antennal flagella, except in Latreilliidae, much longer than carapace. Inter- antennular septum a distinct vertical process. The front forms a slender triangular prominent rostrum which may be bifid at tip, and often has a spine on either side at base. Division between epistome 62 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM and palate distinct, vault of palate shallow. External maxillipeds pediform or suboperculiform. Chelipeds and legs long and slender. Only the last pair of legs is dorsal and reduced in size. Sternum of female broad. Abdomen of male and usually of female, consists of seven separate segments. Gills phyllobranchiate; gill-plumes vary from 14 to 8 on either side. (After Alcock.) KEY TO THE FAMILIES OF THE THELXIOPEIDEA A}, Gills 13 or 14 on each side. Mastigobranchs on first one or three pairs of legs. First article of eyestalks not much longer than second a seer. we. ee ee eee eee Thelxiopeidae (p. 62) A’, Gills 8 on each side. Mastigobranchs not found on any legs. First article of eyestalks much longer than second__-.Latreilliidae (p. 63) Family THELXIOPEIDAE, new name Homolidae Hrenperson, Voyage of H. M.S. Challenger, vol. 27, Anomura, p. 18, 1888.—OrRTMANN in Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, vol. 5, pt. 2, Arthropoda, p. 1155, 1901. Carapace elongate-quadrangular, ovoid or urn-shaped. Terminal joint of eyestalk, including eye, either longer or shorter than the slender basal joint. Antennal flagella much longer than carapace. External maxillipeds pediform or subpediform. KEY TO THE AMERICAN GENERA OF THE FAMILY THELXIOPEIDAE Al. Carapace broadest anteriorly. Second article of antennal peduncle with antero-external spine___-_------------- Thelxiope (p. 62) A?, Carapace broadest posteriorly. Second article of antennal peduncle without antero-external spine. B!. Carapace with dorsolateral margins. Rostrum short_--_Paromola (p. 68) B?. Carapace without dorsolateral margins. Rostrum elon- gates: 03 _ Us BOD SO Hash Dione sie seek Homologenus (p. 70) Genus THELXIOPE Rafinesque Hippocarcinus ALDROVANDI, De mollibus, crustaceis, testaceis et zoophytis, p. 178, 1606 (type, H. hispidus Aldrovandi). Thelziope RAFINESQUE, Précis des découvertes et travaux somiologiques, p. 21, 1814 (type, 7. palpigera Rafinesque). Homola Lracu, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 11, p. 324, 1815 (type, H. spini- frons Lamarck); Zoological miscellany, vol. 2, p. 82, 1815.—Atcock, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. 68, p. 154 and synonymy, 1899. Homolus Lracn, in Dict. Sci. Nat., vol. 21, p. 416, 1821. Leach here recognizes that Rafinesque and Latreille had described the same genus under the names Thelaiope |Thelxiope] and Hippocarcin. [Hippocarcinus], respectively. Carapace square-cut, longer than broad, broadest in front, and with deep vertical sides; gastric region well demarcated and occupy- ing the anterior half of carapace, linea anomurica distinct and dorsal. Front narrow, forming a rostrum, either entire or bifid at tip, and with a spine on either side of its base. Orbits quite incomplete, not concealing eyestalks, and the eyes, which project far outside them, OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 63 are retractile against sides of carapace. Eyestalks long, composed of two joints, a slender basal joint, and a swollen terminal joint that carries the eye; terminal joint nearly as long as basal. Second article of antennal peduncle having its antero-external angle produced in a spine. Palate distinctly delimited from epistome everywhere except in middle line; expiratory canals well defined. External maxillipeds subpediform. Chelipeds rather slender and generally somewhat spiny. Legs long, more or less compressed and spiny, the last pair reaching to end of carpus of preceding pair, and subcheliform, the propodite dilated near the basal end and never twice length of dactylus. Abdomen of both sexes rather broad, consisting of seven separate segments. Gill plumes 14 on either side; epipodites on chelipeds and first two pairs of legs. East and west coasts of America; eastern North Atlantic and Mediterranean; Indo-Pacific. The substitution of Thelriope for Homola is called for under the International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature. Thelxiope pre- cedes Homola by a year. Rafinesque’s definition is above question. His description of the type species also certainly applies to the barbata of Fabricius. The name Thelxiope has been mentioned by Desmarest,!° Roux," Cuvier,’? White, and Stebbing “ as synonymous, or probably synonymous, with Homola, but so far no one has used the weapon of priority to do justice to Rafinesque’s genus. KEY TO THE AMERICAN SPECIES OF THE GENUS THELXIOPE AMeRostrumubidentatess: eee oe te ee ee ee barbata (p. 63) AgvaRostrumva single spine. oss86. 0 03s eh ose 2 ee So ee vigil (p. 66) THELXIOPE BARBATA (Fabricius) Figure 16; Puate 15, Fiaures 1, 2 Cancer barbatus Fasricius, Entomologia systematica, vol. 2, p. 460, 1793 (type locality, Bay of Naples; type not located).—Herrgsst, Versuch einer Natur- geschichte der Krabben und Krebse, vol. 2, p. 166, pl. 42, fig. 3 (col.), 1796. Thelziope palpigera RAFINESQUE, Précis des découvertes et travaux somiolo- giques, p. 21, 1814. Doripe spinifrons Lamarck, Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertébres, vol. 5, p. 245, 1818 (type locality, Mediterranean; type in Paris Mus.). Synonym, D. fronticornis Lamarck, MS. Homola spinifrons Leacu, Trans. Linn. Soe. London, vol. 11, p. 324, 1815, (type locality not given); Zoological miscellany, vol. 2, p. 82, pl. 88, 1815.— DeEsMAREstT, Considérations générales sur la classe des Crustacés, p. 134, pl. 17, fig. 1, 1825——Mitne Epwarps, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 2, p. 183, pl. 2, fig. 1-4, 1837; im Cuvier, Régne animal, Crustacea (Disciples’ ed.), p. 102, pl. 39, fig. 2 (col.)—2b, 1837. 10 Desmarest, Considérations générales sur la classe des Crustacés, p. 134, 1825. 11 Roux, Crustacés de la Méditerranée et de son littoral, p. 85, 1828. 12 Cuvier, Le régne animal, ed. 2, vol. 4, p. 68, 1829. 13 White, List of the specimens of Crustacea in the collection of the British Museum, p. 55, 1847. 14 Stebbing, South African Crustacea, pt. 2, p. 22, 1902. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 64 *poinsy ‘ed A, 9 ‘edAyeieg |°Z'°O° ‘loyyne yueseid Aq uess JON ‘odAqereg ‘UeIplose edulis Jopuy) 2 oe l‘a‘s ‘adAyered poinsig |°Z°O'W ‘TIS9 SHIVUIOY ‘ON dOTRIVO ea STAORG [mel Sie sa OD 526900 SHecas SOD eel| es | he ae TenORT S seenes cates TA os secaeeacnee OD as ae | 00 ial pee OL OLS ]e | ea calls hewmen tl nee emUUL SS ae eles samen e FOND] onl orcad ae Tae Se el ap calle > RR al CE ‘OIT Gane seo SOkO eli. ome: ODiane FO) 25 |kecer tee ODE ealb-s apo saan oe ynoqy (aces (Oo 1el-cs5- aaa O Dm aeee RCO mal peeamenteOD ic: ua |s cn pala a gene ea encOnen . SS wa ea een OD mama RCO Ml EOS MCG) OLE It | ace ceall egret onal | mea O SC es Baek SONS Talos eas SOD nC Gas OD ea ei ee --OIT-SOT ‘O01 = a (@STAOS) 3OiCiultis eae a OD staan TO ealeamc OR leec OU (h)| cane all een cme ats ynoqy eS ee eee ‘06 SS See BE aorta ee Ota es GH “NS e6QieIGieUN > = srlrscecss st) WWOay ‘podxg eueyeg ‘OOT on oe *BIAO él BAOT “AIUL) 9384S oe --"E68T 02 (2) 0491 P| es ae Sete oe et DOM YY: SAUL OUe Same 4D |e A ses Si= 0.8 ie | sage eee oe es 62G-ZST mol) naa suom1oedg 104991109 ry o18q -ered | woyog | smoqyey 48 -W10 I, So agS5 === 2a|a eS) te See eh So eee sopeqivg Se SS S|” a ai cea arc aR adnojepeny ISUTTIINY Uassa’T SSe cee s SES eae ae. eee ly Sear © eueqeyH yO :vaago “1UL 8 qnoqs "AA Aq °N UST od ‘Tur g ynoqe SUT SK fi os Cae NT 1 Ld Sec ae od “yur § *N Aq ‘GN JUPT [77-77-77 Od ‘TUL OT yNoGU SMNGS MCA GENT AUST tn cee oom od “Tul OT “MM 4q‘N Sureed yysVT | [Boys UBONOULY HO “soy tur ¢ ynoqe? MNN 4a -180q 143". ASW pusg |~~-- od “MNN Sul -Iveq qs] AoM pueg | od 00 gf 28 | 00 St 2 |~--~~~380M AO BO “a 4 ° “a é ° :VaINoTy “AN “NI epnysuoT | apnzye'y Ay[e00'T ssuliveg BYVAO BIMOIPOUBIOIG fo pauunxa JDLLajDAY—'9T ATAVL OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 65 Homola barbata Wurte, List of the specimens of Crustacea in the collection of the British Museum, p. 55, 1847.—S. I. Smiru, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., vol. 3, p. 420, 1880; Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1885, p. 637 [33], pl. 2, fig. 1, 1886.— STEBBING, South African Crustacea, pt. 2, p. 22 and synonymy, 1902.— Hay and Suorge, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fisheries, vol. 35 (1915-1916), p. 419, pl. 30, fig. 10, 1918. Diagnosis —Carapace widest in anterior half. Rostrum bidentate. Orbital spine distant from spine at base of rostrum. A tooth on second segment of abdomen. Description.—Rostrum small, bidentate; upper orbital teeth larger than those situated on either side of the base of rostrum and placed FIGURE 16.—Thelziope barbata, male (19290). After Smith. on the same line. Gastric region rough with nine large spines, of which one is median and posterior, four middle disposed in a square, and two lateral on each side opposite middle of square and in nearly a transverse line; lateral margins of carapace armed anteriorly with a very large spine, situated at extremity of the suture which separates the gastric and hepatic regions; a second spine shorter and slenderer, a little farther back, followed by a series of small spinules; no spines on rest of carapace. Arm prismatic, a row of spines on each margin; hands a little compressed, spinous on lower border only. Ambula- tory legs compressed; first three armed below with one row of small 66 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM spines on propodus and dactyl and above with a row of rather strong spines on merus; fourth or dorsal leg with a row of large spines on lower edge of merus, propodus and dactyl. ~~ssouznqry | si#z |--~esst ‘T ‘adv |9°¢h |-~"~4Og “US ‘g “S10 “OD | OFF 00) 92 Gln | SCOMTP OSS Seaen cies viInxoat) JO — ‘do “ “4 ‘ ° P | Se ee ee ee ee ee ee . . 3 / shot gas 10402 [[0 uoly 03e aed 10940 SUIO apmijauoy apne] A41/B00 SHIVUIOY ON s0BI8O -1oodg 92[[9D “81g eC Srey a “We PHLEOOrE sullveeg ee psa odorxjoy, fo spsovayy7— ST aATAV 72 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 73 Family LATREILLIIDAE Aleock Latreilliidae Atcocxk, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. 68, p. 130, 1899. Carapace elongate-quadrangular or pyriform. Basal article of eyestalk very much longer than terminal article. Antennal flagella not so long as carapace. Outer maxillipeds suboperculiform. Gill plumes eight on either side; no epipodites to chelipeds or legs. Genus LATREILLIA Roux Latreillia Roux, Crustacés de la Méditerranée et de son littoral, p. (1), 1828 (type, L. elegans Roux).—Atucock, Catalogue of the Indian decapod Crus- tacea in the collection of the Indian Museum, pt. 1, fase. 1, p. 70, 1901. Proctor GisTEL, Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs, p. 1x, 1848; substituted for Latreillia because named for a man. Carapace elongate-pyriform, not covering basal articles of legs, its anterior part prolonged to form a subcylindrical ‘‘neck”’ at the end of which are the spiniform rostrum (lying deflexed between two long slender divergent ‘‘supra-ocular’’ spines), the eyes, antennules, and antennae. Regions fairly well indicated; no linea anomurica. Eyes large, the slender basal article of the eyestalk being several times longer than the terminal article. Antennules inserted behind the eyes, first article very large, globular and swollen, other articles filiform; an- tennae behind the antennules, first article small, globular, second and third elongate. Epistome of great length. Buccal cavern well de- marcated, efferent branchial channels well defined. Outer maxillipeds not completely closing the buccal orifice; they have a pediform cast, the ischium and merus being rather narrow and the flagellum coarse. Chelipeds long and slender, but much shorter than the first three pairs of ambulatory legs; all the articles are slender except the palm, which in one or both sexes is club-shaped; fingers shorter than palm. First three pairs of ambulatory legs very long and slender; some of their articles are spiny. Last pair of legs more or less reduced in length, subdorsal. Abdomen of male with seven separate segments; of female with segments 4, 5, and 6 fused. (After Alcock.) Atlantic coast of North America; off Canaries and Azores; Mediter- ranean Sea; South Africa; Indian Ocean; Japanese Seas; and New South Wales. LATREILLIA ELEGANS Roux Figure 18; Puate 20; Puate 21, Ficures 1-8 Latreillia elegans Roux, Crustacés de la Méditerranée et de son littoral, p. (2), pl. 22, 1828 (type locality, Sicily; type in Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille).—MILNE Epwarps, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 1, p. 277, 1834.—Lucas, Exploration scientifique de l’Algérie .. . 1840—42, vol. 1, Animaux articulés, p. 3, pl. 1, fig. 1, 1849.—HEuuEr, Die Crustaceen siidlichen Europa, p. 147, pl. 4, fig. 14 (after Lucas), 1863.—Smiru, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., vol. 3, p. 419, 1881; Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish and Fisheries for 1882, p. 351, pl. 2, fig. 2, 2a, pl. 3, fig. 1, 1884; for 1885, p. 637 [33], 1886.—Bovvisrr, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 8, vol. 8, p. 64 [31], fig. 26, 1896.—Atucock, Catalogue of 74 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM the Indian decapod Crustacea in the collection of the Indian Museum, fasc. 1, p. 80, 1901.—Stessina, South African Crustacea, pt. 2, p. 24, 1902 (part; not L. valida nor L. pennifera).—Hay and SHors, Bull. U.S. Bur. Fisheries, vol. 35 (1915-16), p. 419, 1918. Latreillea elegans A. Mttne Epwarps and Bouvier, Crustacés décapodes pro- venant des campagnes du yacht 1’Hirondelle, fasc. 7, p. 59, pl. 6, figs. 13- 15, 1894; Crustacés de la Princesse-Alice, fasc. 13, p. 13, 1899. Diagnosis.—Eyes and pair of frontal spines of subequal length. Fingers little less than half length of palm. Propodus of last leg plumed on both sides. Female abdomen with four lateral spines. Description.—Carapace finely granulate, truncate in front and armed with two long divergent horns between which a slender spine- FIGURE 18.—Latreillia elegans, female: a, Dorsal view, lacking chelipeds and legs; 6, left side. X 2. like rostrum projects obliquely downward; each of the lateral horns is armed with three spinules separated by subequal intervals. Front margin of carapace with a small acute spine projecting downward at outer base of eyestalks. Abdomen broad in both sexes terminating in a short spine; in the female, the first segment has a median tubercle, second and third segments each with a strong median spine, fourth and fifth segments (fused to sixth) with a spine near each lateral mar- gin; in the male the segments are distinct and there is a spine on sec- ond segment. Eyes pyriform, with their slender stalks about equal tn length to the supraorbital horns. Chelipeds very slender, three times as long as body and about half as long as third ambulatories; thela a little longer than carpus; dactylus a little less than half the length of palm. Legs very long, almost filiform, their basal, ischial and meral articles spinulous; dactyls very short. Color.—Yellowish; legs with red bands. (Milne Edwards.) Measurements —Length of carapace of female (19296) 12.7, width 7.8, horn 8, length of third leg 79 mm. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 75 Range.—Both sides of North Atlantic Ocean; Mediterranean Sea; 70 to 200 fathoms. Natal, 25 fathoms (Stebbing). Material examined.—See table 21, p. 76. Subtribe OXYSTOMATA De Haan Oxystomata Dr Haan, Fauna Japonica, Crustacea, p. 111, 1841 (not Raninoi- dea).— Dana, United States Exploring Expedition, Crustacea, pt. 1, p. 389, 1852.— Mirrs, Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, Brachyura, vol. 17, p. 337, 1886.—OrtTMANN, Zool. Jahrb. (Abt. Syst.), vol. 6, p. 550, 1892. Oxystoma or Leucosoidea Autcock, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. 65, pt. 2, no. 2, p. 135, 1896. Epistome reduced or absent. The efferent branchial channels ter- minate at middle of buccal area, the buccal cavern produced forward and generally of an elongate triangular shape; the efferent channels are closed in by an elongate lamellar process of the exopods of the first maxillipeds. The afferent branchial openings are either in front of bases of chelipeds or at sides of endostome. Branchiae six to nine on either side. The antennules fold either longitudinally or obliquely, rarely transversely. In the male the genital ducts pro- trude either side through the bases of the fifth pair of legs or through the fifth thoracic sternum close by. (After Alcock.) KEY TO THE FAMILIES OF THE SUBTRIBE OXYSTOMATA Al, Carapace short, exposing the first two or three abdominal terga INVGOTSAI VIC Ween ee ee ee ees ee See ae Dorippidae (p. 75) A?, Carapace of ordinary brachyurous shape. B!. Afferent branchial openings on either side of endostome. Leucosiidae (p. 121) B?. Afferent branchial openings in front of bases of chelipeds. Calappidae (p. 196) Family DORIPPIDAE Dana Dorippiens Minne Epwarps, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 2, p. 151 (partim), 1837. Dorippidea Dr Haan, Fauna Japonica, Crustacea, p. 120, 1841. Dorippidae Dana, United States Exploring Expedition, Crustacea, pt. 1, p. 390, 1852.— Miers, Voyage of H. M.S. Challenger, Brachyura, vol. 17, p. 326, 1886.—Atcock, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. 65, p. 2738, 1896.—InHLE, Die Decapoda Brachyura der Siboga-Expedition, monogr. 39 b!, p. 98, 1916. Carapace typically flat, hiding not much more than half of the abdominal terga, the first three of which are commonly visible in a dorsal view, quite uncovered. Orbits somewhat incomplete. Anten- nules often too large to fold inside their fossettes. Antennae large. Buccal cavern prolonged forward to form an efferent branchial canal. First two pairs of true legs remarkably long and stout; last two pairs remarkably short and slender and occupy a singular posi- tion in the dorsal plane of the body. The vasa deferentia perforate the fifth thoracic sternum on either side. 80232376 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 76 ee eae DOQTC | at gees ae OSD |e pee 88049007 Pa | Ocecaieagesl 2h Uti | casa sae OO ens ao he 7 LECOS GN: gel aot) | eer cei eOPRr in| Rerum otea. > SS OLODet se lapels a SR BA Oe a A SRECG seats ce gSEAO) Omi | UOSIO DOOM Me filnes vse|uemn ics a OlGle| on an leer - eee laa Poe ea Se ee OPLLO |~~~BIAO 6 1 J |----- Op --" "| O8ZL | ~ZO6T ‘FT “G9 Chilo) S wees 8 eens On 68699 |~-~"~"~"BIAO 6 B |-------yMDFT YstA | 8GZL |" ~ZO6T ‘9% “GAA | °8G |-~--~ "7-7-0 *pedxq eumeyeg CS i TZ0L9 |"-""""""" 6 TOT | VmMoy ‘Atay 03879 | Ze TEEOST LEOUN a |p ee, [cn ts ce eee oa Ss O9OT Os CBAC orgy ae aca OD EAy sie leeerg|: ea al asleep es ope dee SBOLCul cha a ee lips men: SOLFD07 Fs | LO0Glo a GSSE mh 400) |, mellan te Td aoe oe OD Raa le wnen ue mae Onl |e 2 aap ODe on aa CPO alan roSsOle oO OP se ate. es ees i ie ASIN Pee > queursedy |--~~~~~ yoy ystT | PLB |~“OB8l ‘et “ydeg Dy a | egg W ‘4x38 “438 safer te a oF we ee $804709Q1F | 480% |~~E€88T ‘Oz “300g OU eee = reereraeaes W “1q me TAL od CRS ee ee (|| ewe retro ee oe ate (Ne ; E Sra tee Ro eae a ae ae op 21g |-“-osst ‘b “3deg | ¢ 0g |-soBuodg “yg “p's “MOT}Ie[[0I UeULION INV | LLG gers ec nee: ; ES ee Ne ORE ZEOTS|ScLSST: Flee OSs | Oh Spi |e ccm sm § “ouy ES Nee Se SB Ee a Lae i a Feats “KW 'd 96261 |-(81A0z) 5 ae AND YStT | OF6 8st ‘7 “sny og sesuods *g ‘pay ao oe THOSE pete eed OlL | mena nseOLD0 PalnG6lonirs FSS IucD Vole o ilscnt aula S49 ‘To mr oi} SYIVWYT ‘ON SOlBIBO suem1edg 10409109 oan a1eq -e1ed m10}4,0q ; -Ma,L O&T PPL 0ZT céT 02T OTT-SOT O&T $8 OL 98 £6 FEL 8L suo “WB 8h 8I 28} 68 OL & S@ $9 18 | S0 LI ¥ SF 6& 181 00 61 2% “M54 *M AQ*N ‘Tor OT ynoqy Of €& GL | ST 68 F& 00 IT 8&2 | 00 68 8& 00 249 OL | 00 00 OF Sh F& OL | 00 0 OF co €@ OL | 6€ SO OF 00 61 69 | 00 00 OF og Tf 69] 00 Fo 68 OL IF 69 | 08 Lo 68 “a ‘ ° “a ‘ ° “M “N epnysuoT | epniyeT ssullvog SUBZIIO VIT[Lo1yVT] fo pauswwunxa yo1.uawyy—1Z AIAV ----gueqeyH YO :vano “qsoM AY Iv0u ‘syooy AIC U104se 480M Aoy ive ‘oquieg “4SOM Aoy Yo urvelyg JINH “qa [eoyg uvollouly JO :VaINoTT *qynoyoo'yT odvg Jo “gs ‘Tul 0€ “{noyoo'T pue sv10} -yBy sedeg usemyog :VNIIOUVO HLUON “QIBVABIOCT JO sedeg JO :aquvAv1add sjeogs JoyxonUeN FO :SLLASAHOVSSY AL AqIB00'T OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA es KEY TO THE AMERICAN GENERA OF THE FAMILY DORIPPIDAE Al, The external maxillipeds leave all the anterior part of buccal cavern uncovered. B!. Basal segments of antennules normal. Eyestalks movable, dweeted, forwards .< f2f2 o2.08 IPs oe we wel Se hoe bs Ethusa (p. 77) B?, Basal segments of antennules very large and swollen, crowd- ing eyes and antennae almost transversely. LEyestalks ATTATING Vid LCs a ee mene Rene aoe enn. Mn EI rete ee Ethusina (p. 89) A?. The external maxillipeds are greatly elongate and do not leave any appreciable portion of buccal cavern uncovered. B!. Carapace quadrate. Rostrum rather narrow, triangular, acute at end. Afferent orifices reduced or rudimentary. Efferent orifices more or less separate and situated behind the front. C!, Eyes without pigment. Antennules large, unconcealed. Merus of outer maxilliped produced forward far beyond carpal articulation 730s 2 ae aes a Cymonomus (p. 96) C?. Eyes normally developed. Antennules folding under front. Merus of outer maxilliped not overreaching fiat ees ROTO ORR OE! ee eee Pl Seo ke Cymopolus (p. 98) B?, Carapace oval or subcircular. Rostrum little prominent or divided at end. Efferent orifices contiguous and united in a gutter approaching frontal border; no afferent opening at base of anterior feet. C!, Carapace transversely oval, branchial regions much dilated in all directions. Efferent orifices reaching anterior bor- der of front, which is triangular, obtuse. Eyes pig- menteds.Baus09 BOA. TeTIGHe UCL ROR FIT BNE Corycodus (p. 101) C?, Carapace subcircular. D'!. Antennules long, incapable of folding into antennular cavity. Antennae with narrow peduncle____Cyclodorippe (p. 103) D?. Antennules small, completely retractile; antennae very short, with valviform peduncle_________-_-_-_ Clythrocerus (p. 109) Genus ETHUSA Roux Ethusa Roux, Crustacés de la Méditerranée et de son littoral, p. [81], 1828 (type, E. mascarone Roux). Pridope Narvo, Mem. Ist. Veneto, vol. 14, p. 307, 1868 (type, P. typica Nardo). Carapace flat, truncate-oblong and broadest behind, covering little more than the first two thoracic sterna; hepatic region small. The front consists of two laminar teeth, each of which is bifid. A tooth or spine at antero-external angle of carapace. The antennules fold obliquely; they are large and project beyond their fossae. The antennae have a long flagellum; their basal article is inserted between the eyestalk and the basal antennular article, but on a slightly lower level. The buccal cavern is elongate-triangular and does not extend to the front; the external maxillipeds cover only its basal three-fourths, but the distal part is closed in by the stout, foliaceous processes of the first maxillipeds. The palp of the external maxillipeds arises from the summit of the merus and is completely exposed in flexion. The 78 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM afferent branchial orifices are wide openings immediately in front of bases of chelipeds. Chelipeds in adult male often unequal. First and second pairs of ambulatory legs long and usually rather stout. The last two pairs short and rather slight; they arise much higher than the other legs and have a small hooklike dactylus folding back- ward. The abdomen of the male usually consists of five pieces, the third to fifth segments being fused or partially so; that of the female consists of seven separate segments; the first three segments visible in dorsal view. East and west coasts of Middle America, eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, and Indo-Pacific region. KBY TO THE AMERICAN SPECIES OF THE GENUS ETHUSA Al, Eyestalks long, extending laterally beyond outer orbital spine. B!. Outer orbital spine directed obliquely forward. mascarone americana (p. 78) B*. Outer orbital spine directed longitudinally forward. mascarone panamensis (p. 79) A’, Eyestalks short, not extending beyond outer orbital spine. B!. Branchial regions separated by the cardiac and gastric regions. C!. Dactyls of first and second ambulatories flattened above. D'. Carapace as broad as, or broader than long. E!. Eyestalks longer than cornea. Appendages of second abdominal segment of male shorter than those of first SCEIMeMb. oe AI ye Seay eS microphthalma (p. 82) E*, Eyestalks very short, much stouter than cornea. Ap- pendages of second abdominal segment of male longer than, those, of first isesment2s--cet oe oat ete ea SD lata (p. 84) D?. Carapace longer than broad____._____.__--_---- truncata (p. 85) C?, Dactyls of first and second ambulatories not flattened tenuipes (p. 87) B?. Branchial regions meeting on median line, separating cardiac from) gastric region. 2s<")- 3's eee Ae ee ciliatifrons (p. 88) ANALOGOUS SPECIES OF ETHUSA ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE CONTINENT ATLANTIC PaciFic mascarone americana (and Pacific). mascarone panamensis. microphthalma. lata. ETHUSA MASCARONE AMERICANA A. Milne Edwards PLATE 22, FiguRE 2; PLaTE 23, FIGURE 2 Ethusa americana A. MitnE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 30, 1880 (type localities, West Florida, 13 fathoms, type in M. C. Z., and lat. 26°16’ N., 20 fathoms, type in Paris Mus.).—A. MiLnnE Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 67, pl. 18, figs. 1-4, 1902. Ethusa mascarone americana RaTHBUN, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 11, p. 109, 1897; Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, vol. 4, p. 293, 1898; Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1900, vol. 20, pt. 2, p. 89, 1901.—F1nNEGAN, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., vol. 37, p. 615, 1931. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 79 Ethusa mascarone (pars) BouviER, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 8, vol. 9 (1896-— 1897), p. 65, 1898. Diagnosis.—Kyestalks long, extending laterally beyond postorbital spine. Carapace elongate, not much wider posteriorly then anteriorly. Description.—Carapace somewhat lyre-shaped; length about one- fifth greater than width in male, one-seventh greater in female; sur- face smooth and finely pubescent. Regions well marked; branchial regions moderately swollen; they and the cardiac region are equally high. Spine at antero-external angle of carapace and at external end of orbit, broad at base but tapering to slender and acute, and project- ing obliquely forward as far as the line of the median sinus. The divisions of the frontal teeth are sharp spines well separated and equally advanced. Eyestalks long, rather slender, extending lat- erally by the full length of the cornea beyond the antero-external spines. Chelipeds equal, not strong, reaching to end of carpus of the first leg; this leg reaches about to middle of dactylus of second leg; the second pair in male is 2.5 times length of carapace, in female not so long. Measurements.—Male (24518), entire length of carapace 7, width 5.8 mm.; female (17880), entire length of carapace 10.7, width 9.4 mm. Range.—North Carolina to Gulf of Mexico and West Indies. Gulf of California; Taboga Island, Panama (Finnegan). Shallow water to 45 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 22, page 80. ETHUSA MASCARONE PANAMENSIS Finnegan PLATE 22, FicuRE 1; PLATE 23, FicurE 1 Ethusa mascarone americana RatTuBuUN, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 21, p. 615, 1898; not H. americana A. Milne Edwards. Ethusa mascarone var. panamensis FINNEGAN, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., vol. 37, p. 616, 1931 (type locality, Perlas Island; type in Brit. Mus.). Diagnosis —External-orbital spine shorter than any frontal teeth and forwardly directed. Distance between tips of frontal teeth on one side very little less than distance between tips of median pair. Remarks.—The specimens examined have a patch of fine granulations on all the protuberances; only in the smaller specimen (22143) is there evidence of the tubercles figured by Milne Edwards and Bouvier; the tubercles are not sharp and the specimen is of the same size as the type of L. americana. Measurements Female (66797), total length of carapace 9, width 8.5 mm. Range.—Mexico to Ecuador. Material examined.—See table 23, page 81. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 80 Si men eas LONG. eo ae ake eS OS8ZT | oT ae eo I88ZT | © T ey ae Z88LT | OT Si c0899 | oT Bs ae. aaa 10899 | 6 T ee Go9sz | © T me ip 90899 | OT MS we ClZST | LT osc a OF9EZ | “AT ssa Ss FLEST | OT ia eee ae €ZcST | 6 T tOGh es “lee ae €0899 | YT L0G es -: | =a oss $0899 | 6 T SOG ae |e ae ae 40899 | OT “HOr4N4I4SUy eIseUIVO JO WD | 00899 | A dT eddy, |Z OW ‘6908 | OT a5: 10 ‘9 |------- oe £882 éT SyIVUIEy ‘ON BOTBIBO Seda oo ee eS op----- ~~ 94taryosg "Ty "MA ‘muosduiig MUM -IYIDG ‘pedxq vureyeg VMO]T “AIUQ 04819 ‘a ae re §S$01709] 7 10}09[[09 9809 OLEZ GLED LORS L082 5 GSU OCU |e men Rk ee ce $°90 aie i oe. eee og “ee SST OG MIO OL lacs = |i ae Ug “Iq ‘g ‘[A ‘sI0 ‘To einy eyed -e1od 110940 -W9,L WL ACI £1 9€ 08 c& LE SP 9% Le-Sé 81 AoTreqs tI smOT}eT "Tu 548 “§ 34 "MS *puv[s] vq esnoyyysll BIN YUIOg | -eINO YO ‘:ooly oLvwand OO) (Zar ioSe (OT Si aCe beens eae ere od 0f 62 $8 | 0€ SI 62 | StI@ Ug edeD jo"MS "9d1004) 00 2€ #8108 Zr 82] 38S edeDO Jo “aS ‘TUL Ye12 "HA % "N ‘U8IT SAoy epeD |----~ shoy IBpeD BO ch ST €8 108 FE 8 "TU $412 “N 84° SUlIvEg JUST oJO[OUV 0€ CI €8 |] 0€ TO 8 ee Joy UNE “4S aa 55 U0IJ00g aj0/00V “sho 9J0[DUV JO" MS 00 €& €8 | 00 61 92 | SPURS] [eqraes JO" A OD} 790; SESE | "O85 Fo: Go| ae od QO). file G8) |G Fie C0) Scams bine: od 00 F€ €8| 00 ZO Sz |~~~~sednqI0O7, JO" MN “fonq polzZ “OW JOS ANS TEL OL COA) |; cae nein od *£0nqG DOI Ze Os JOR Os (O0 Res een oe od *£onqg Doli OUp Ol Ses rurn() |. seaman mee od ‘Aonq jouuvyy SANGO) (Qi TUL 6:3 KO Giy7|| =o ametenennes segnj10 J, nore Gets peal ia pee heal [Ve a BPHOL A ISOM get Ge ee (See eee cee 480.4 Ao JO :VaIUOT A OSetOS LAE OSeeS 288i eee amie Ivey edep BO :VNITOUVDO HLYUON “é a ° “a é/ ° oun ay “M “N epnyisu0T | epnyyeT AjTeO0'T ssuliveg Nee eee eee eee ee eae ee a re a Se Se a eas SUBOIIOWIG QUOIBOSBUL BSNYIY fo pauwpxa 1DILIIDIY—"7Z AIAV 81 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA Oia OSS oe 68169) | sa" ae 4) (9 lie ee he ah Opes 602 Se PECTS OMe: Ss" Gil wes oe et alee ee OL-8 | +800 IS FalOd JON |o" =" “Sar ee 5 od ‘podxg “qoveq sozede[en yqooouvsy |--~- 7-77-70 NCH ace cae IIL 049)9A | 6 my) ABO TART SUB Ree 5 ait ae sere a OSB[[IA BUO[B BuIBpeiqy |~-~~-~~ ~~ peyeqryT BT “Sl apnjquvT woavaog “qulog smBUuO peeled 90%69 |-~-- Out |e MORO “GoW ia ae |S oe PEGE LUC Lal: aegis aie endl ck oe eee aa ae | ee ee pues spuv[s] se[iog “poadxg sozedelery yoooueH [~~ --- ~~ TOS. |e Oath || a ee IIT 040704 | G SS AS86T OLSUCPs soo Cian mea ere ee eg mo ee ol wee ee eee epuoy Biqeg “uUBUL o-=5--- 26499 |S ‘BIAOT | -YoIod YyoquzITA |-----~~~~|-"Pe6T AIMe-ABY |---- 77" |---- Ss yOOY |--epyy MOT |------------]------------|--- -eureneg Jo e10qg :VAYNVdG “Aeq Ul "OCke Al 08169 |G egg) | een cs == ODs= ia 192 Br PSO els GOW Sera ee Ag gee Sols] punoI’ BSuIspoiq |~---~-7 "~~~ > - > od *podxq “fegq sov0D sodede[ey yooouey |~--- ~~ T99229).1 S20 Pawo) lean ne IIT 049394 | 9IT mr ESO: AS TNin| oa. tual iar Seem Gao) cute PEGS > dive cami | nn at cata aed ‘BIqe[nO oJleng :VOIY VLSOD “BO[BUIg ‘TOS *podxy ‘IWAIY BuOAB JO acti SDEOVETVO | ATAONGMTt | LO TBOLO Spopye || On | wee. ak oy | ae alh-720) Me Gee cls an LI-2I | 00 $¢ GOT] 00 8& 2 | YINOUT JO’ SOTIU OT ‘Pp sodedejen yooousy |----~~~ S8I69. |= (OATS caer III 043]8A | 112 SC PCOS CIN masa. ee eee SZ-O1 |-@ISI punors [Te SuIspeiq, |-~------~ puRisy [equsy PS ion ited. =O SOOIXA YL “MM ‘N 91ny epnyisuoT | opnqyey SYIVUIOY ‘ON S0[BIBO | sudtAIOEdg 10409[[00 Uu01381g a8q -B.ied m10}10q suloyje AyBo0'T “WL ssulivog sisuoulvued suorvoseul Bsnyyy fo pauruovaxa pp149}0D Y[.— "EZ AIAV J, ec sae a EPIS ““TLOOTT9ssetH | 2 T Cee LISE ie Sah PS8LT oT oT bz na Oo ee §8017DQ1V | 628% reas TI9sse[p “V °S | 902 “"““888T ‘T ABI “""Gee6r ‘T “Use TSP alee SaeagR SS ee AyI | 18 00 S¢ 601 00 Zo zz |~~~svon'T “4g edeD BO “BIUIOJITBD JO Fy ess See a a at 02 Gee AS J9jJBM YSely | J[ny ‘puv[s] uoIngL TL, [O0IXa JL ayfavg ‘N% ii I Seis ees 0d |¢z-02 "N Aq “M YOON [leg |77 ~~" "svMOqT, 3S ZO Ste Sel ee Pe ae ee Gell eR Kee |e ae” cae = ee | ae eee semoy,L, 439 ISVHOHY, “Lg 82 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM ETHUSA MICROPHTHALMA Smith PLATE 22, Ficure 3; Puats 23, Ficure 3 Ethusa microphthalma Smiru, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 3, p. 418, 1881 (type locality, off Marthas Vineyard, Mass., 142% fathoms, station 878, Fish Hawk; type, U.S.N.M. no. 7300); Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 6, p. 22, 1883. Diagnosis—Eyestalks longer than cornea. Dactyli of first and second ambulatories vertically compressed. Appendages of second abdominal segment of male shorter than those of first segment. Description—Carapace as broad as or broader than long, very much narrowed anteriorly so that in front it is only half or less than half as broad as the widest part, which is at the swollen branchial regions posteriorly. Front between the orbits half or less than half as wide as the entire front and, as seen from above, is divided by a triangular median sinus and two slightly less deep sinuses at the extremities of the antennular fossae; the angles between and outside these sinuses are spiniform, so that the front between the eyes is armed with four similar and nearly equidistant spines, of which the lateral are slightly more prominent than the median. Orbital sinuses nearly as deep as broad and formed on the outside by the spiniform anterolateral angles, which reach farther forward than the spines of the front. Anterolateral margins long and nearly straight. Dorsal surface slightly convex and not deeply areolated though the cervical suture is well marked and the whole surface is granular and pubescent. Eyes small, on very short peduncles, so that they do not nearly reach the angles of the orbital sinuses; cornea terminal, not expanded, pigment black. Chelipeds of female equal, small and very slender; chela scarcely stouter than carpus, the basal portion smooth and nearly cylindrical and the digits alike, fully as long as the manus, strongly compressed, longitudinally grooved, slightly curved laterally, prehensile edges nearly straight, and very regularly dentate. Chelipeds of male very unequal, the left is slender like those of the female, the right is considerably longer than the left and has a stout and swollen chela, about four times as high and two and one-half times as thick as the left; the fingers much shorter than the manus, tapering to the tip, prehensile edges oblique and unarmed; carpus and merus much longer and stouter than in the left cheliped. The first two pairs of ambu- latories are twice as long as the minor cheliped and nearly naked, propodus shorter than merus, slightly grooved longitudinally, dac- tylus longer than propodus, much compressed vertically, slightly curved, of nearly uniform breadth to a short distance from the acuminate tip, and strongly carinate. Third and fourth pairs of ambulatories nearly alike, not half so long as first and second, slender, and covered with short pubescence except on the dactyls, which are very short and strongly curved. 83 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA “‘eqnO CRLF 5 ee WIGS 3 ae oper: OSI | PRS '2e “eq [7-7 7-7 -|-- = US “HIG 'S “WW AB | o2t 6h 6h GL} oS 99 61 | OP os¥WUBS BO ‘vaaAD JO00IS | 2 ea ee fe lees oe sso4jnq)y | COKE | S88I ‘FI “TBI, |--~-~ Gi eae D cheat W ‘43 | TIT 0& £& 98100 98 8@ “sug sdurey Jo“ ‘od { Feel ea as 8} oor ee ops---; 60 se ltgsse "ep ser aos ee ee ee T6-G8am|-=2 see g"jarerynogy: sts ee oa ‘0d COOUUH | ee aR web on ee alae oe ce ODES T as 8¢ CET Se AIRC lee gad pa pea eT Leola il eee ee ee Seay JNO, eae gee bes ae oe od ‘od ECSO08 | Saeed ule ea ages: Oper bo COOL OIMAINE IE =i eae | sae eee Sl) SSOCHO TEU ican citeeaen GO ESTULi0G: FOG WA aa: i wen cers See od ‘od OC8098 Sa T a OS Gulisluee hectare ORT OG: cant BN ee OS OD Seale ai ke =e ee ee ae | 09". ey Wee a ae ODS ee Se we od ‘od LESOOL| say OT Gale Tone eee eae 9 2) CeO OSsPUNt "sie nt pe ieee a4 Oa a § TOT noqy |e ee od ‘od T2899 |" (SIAO T) SZ ¢ OSGI GtseAIN Cit So | oer emens ae edar cet OOT=0S i | Sa veenes § ‘Tar gt ynoqy |--"~-~ ckegaaid od ‘od 82899 |" (31407) SEL € OSE ST “ATO | Racaaa| = ties eS en See NL Olea ||P iees- SONG 4ANeg Wy, sae gee eee nee od ort 6C800n pmo rea oes os OS6L: PIANC ses ala cen pe a we pe O9s0S pee | cee crs 8 VOUS) INOW. vances aes =. od “UO! -Iysuy 91 Z0u ‘sonq PAG i) ed O CdS) eGCS00u eer cst ee LF OLGTeE Tee Ait fell Sarees ec pee ene eee marae! 08; Ae RNS Saee sees § ‘IUl gT JnOqY | perzg ‘OU jo “g :sBsNnzIOJ, :VINOT,T “‘punog ,oOnIWIND O086 16 een gages eee sce OG i aieemes ssouqnqiy | SthZ | SSSI ‘hb ouNnf | G°Tg |---"-~ § ‘eUy ‘AS “HP | GIT Of OF FL] FH 0G 9E | JO ISVY -VNITOUVD HLYON “ABA AGESTR ness aaa oes oa (all aawemamecan ODS: = L¥OT | IS8T ‘OT “290 6e |S eos ae eee S | 991 00 12 €4 | 00 I€ 8€ | owMBIPq HO -auvMvIad "edAJO[OH | 008, [7777 Oils oe ente ty, ODD a, SL8> | OS8E sh Ids go" n ae a ee WA |342FT Gis, 793 O28) 00) Soe 68) lea ene ae od PSPS | aa ee ee ONO TS eee YNOT YStT | 1 TS8T ‘9t Arne GON Sage Sen ae W “us | 29 Po Sh OL | 8h LO OF |~-preAoUTA seqWeW FO ye aeS “ ‘ ° a“ ‘ ° :SLLASOHOVSSV JL “M "N ‘ON u0or} 91ny epnysuoy | apniiye'yT SY ICUS Y 20] sueunloedg 104021199 “B19 eyed -eiod m10310q sulo AP[BIO'T -BIBO -M9,T, ares ile pes ee NT 03 eerie III 942]2A | $8 FOOL PE AO. ean cee Pe nen Gace eer |e OG ‘Us “Iq. ae Op7--~"| #622 | 888t's “Je | 969 | “ds "Hq ‘sg ‘AB | 29 ees OD Bern O0 Scr | cmmaeme O Diecres =| ian mane inne aeremT ELS || ee) Seas 850170977 | €08Z | S881 ‘08 “IBIL |~-~-7- 7-7-8 9% a a ODS 24988 | 1681 ‘Se “qeq LO Sai" ae" S57 sae AyI 00T a. cae ODS. Sa K89s HECISEG 200: |nenaas| =< 0 hee ae OL ee OU Bercy ol lge | eceleel SeIN ecg | eros se ge leeycG i a: Op”--~~"| 696 POOLE Sem ON | lant niin | eee amen nein mane | em i= Te —s TIT 049]9A | $9% PLO Tec. LETAT: || eat | Siac eens simmer eee ee ae es ODS ge |PESOe) | 68STL26 ABINT | Sk69) licen ee Us ee ae ae Op-~~~"| €10€ 688T ‘8% “ABTA ¢c9 |--"4Sg “H1q'g ‘43 FI 3 op"-"""| €286 | 888T ‘08 “Id [-----~“|----- "=" GS “HIG | .3492 Fee wien Op--~~"| O&8% S88I‘T ABI, | TPZ |777---~" “7g ‘eu YS ao ae op-"-""| geese | s88r'% ABI | 1g [IW Us| Ig _. sso1j00/P | PE8S | SBST‘e ABI | 6'89 |-------- Ww TA 8P LISSsSSI Dr SVesSu lea o> llckee ee tet |G wade |e ae ae og ‘To 10}0a[109 Fe aed bake u10}}0g ee -U19,J, ST 8& FIT) Sh 90 TE 00 8G IIT] Sh € 8 00 2% OTT) 00 8I Fz 00 2 OTT] 00 && & 0& LI ZIT} 00 8& 00 €I €IT| 00 FI 92 “ é ° “ é ° “M *N epnyisuoyT | epnqyeT SSUIIBO SRE = Sai Avg uvpiejog “BIUIOJITBO JO J[NH ‘Avg odiaq ueg go ~~“ BIUIOJITBO JO JIN “BIMIOJI[BO JO jIny ‘Avg zeq ®T JO *BIUIOJI[BO IOMO'T ‘spon{T 49 9deg JO *BIUIOJI[VO IOMO'T ‘Avg euo[epse yy *BIULOJI[BO JOMOT ‘qulog sofoaiqy JO “pue[sy enboy ues JO “§ solla 02 LOOlXA WT AY BOOT 4B BSN fo pauwpxa por1iawpy—GZ AAV], OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 87 Chelipeds bare, carpus short, chela very long, especially the fingers; these are bent inward toward the base in relation to the palm; they are wider than the palm, gaping a little at base and finely denticulate. The first two pairs of ambulatories are sparsely pubescent at various points, especially on the margins and on the outer surface of the dactyl; this last is longer than the preceding article, compressed vertically and finely acuminate; its inner face is slightly convex and armed with a line of short bristles; its outer face is much more hairy and presents some traces of two longitudinal prominences. The propodus does not narrow sensibly in its distal part and presents a very slight curvature. The last two pairs of feet are a little more pubescent than the others. Abdomen of male characterized by its narrowness and the strong dorsal convexity of all of its articles, above all those of the median part. The segments are all independent, the sixth shorter than the preceding and much shorter than the telson. (After Milne Edwards and Bouvier.) Measurements.—Male (Blake station 49), length of carapace 4.7, width 3.8 mm. Range.—Gulf of Mexico to Trinidad, British West Indies. Records.—As follows: Florida: West of Charlotte Harbor; lat. 26°31’00’’ N., long. 85°53’00’"W.; 119 fathoms; 1877-78; station 50, Blake; 1 male, cotype (M. C. Z. no. 6657). Louisiana: Off Delta of Mississippi; lat. 28°51’30’’ N., long. 89°01’30’" W., 118 fathoms; 1877-78; station 49, Blake; 1 male, cotype (Paris Mus.). Not examined by the author. Venezuela: Northwest of Trinidad; lat. 11°07’00’’ N., long. 62° 14’30’’ W.; 73 fathoms; bu. M.; January 30, 1884; station 2120, Albatross; 1 young male, soft shell (18455); specimen in bad condition. ETHUSA TENUIPES Rathbun PLATE 24, Figure 3; Puats 25, Figure 3 Ethusa tenuipes Ratusun, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 11, p. 110, 1897 (type locality, off Key West, 50 fathoms; type, U. S. N. M. no. 19855); Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, vol. 4, p. 293, 1898. Diagnosis.—Eyestalks short, the first article of the antenna reach- ing the cornea. Dactyli of first and second ambulatories not com- pressed. Appendages of second abdominal segment very slender and much longer than those of first segment. Description.—Closely allied to E. microphthalma but much smaller; shape of carapace and outline of front similar; cardiac region more elevated and surrounded by a deeper groove. Abdomen of male narrow; penultimate segment slightly narrower at distal than at proximal end. The appendages of the first segment have a lanceolate, foliaceous extremity and sheath the appendages of the second 88 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM segment, which extend far beyond those of the first and have slender, converging tips. Right chela of male swollen, upper and lower margins convex. Dactyli of first and second ambulatories as long as the merus, not compressed but with four sides of subequal width, each with a carina. Measurements.—Male holotype (19855), total length of carapace 6, width 5.5 mm; ovigerous female (66815), total length of carapace 11, width 11.1 mm. Range.—East Florida to Gulf of Mexico; 25 to 118 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 26, page 90. ETHUSA CILIATIFRONS Faxon Ficure 20; Puate 24, Figure 2; PuatEe 25, Ficure 2; PuatEe 28, Fiaure 4 Aethusa ciliatifrons Faxon, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 24, p. 159, 1893 (type locality, Bay of Panama, 153 fathoms; type, U.S. N. M. no. 20630); Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 18, p. 34, pl. 5, fig. 3, 8a, 3b, 1895. Diagnosis.— Cardiac separated from gastric region by the meeting of the branchial regions on the median line. Both chelipeds of male slender. Eyestalks very short. Appendages of second abdominal segment slender and no longer than those of first segment. Description.—Carapace broader than long, branchial regions much inflated; surface granulated on branchial and cardiac regions, pubes- a b FIGURE 20.—Ethusa ciliatifrons, male: a, Anterior part from below; 6, abdomen. Slightly enlarged. After Faxon. cent on gastric region; front and anterior part of lateral border orna- mented with long up-turned cilia. Front between the orbits divided by a triangular median sinus and two slightly shallower lateral sinuses into four triangular teeth of equal length. Orbital sinuses very deep, the external orbital angles reach as far forward as the frontal teeth. Dorsal surface of carapace deeply areolated; the branchio-cardiac lines are deeply impressed and meet in the median line in front of the heart, cutting off the depressed cardiac area from the gastric. Gastric region uneven with pits and furrows. Eyes small, on very short peduncles, just reaching, when extended, to the posterior angles of the orbital sinuses; the eye is terminal, not wider than the peduncles, OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 89 and black in color. Chelipeds equal, small, slender; chela smooth, not more robust than carpus; fingers longer than palm, laterally compressed, curved inward, longitudinally grooved, their prehensile edges straight and regularly denticulated. The two ambulatories are very long, the second considerably longer than the first, naked and granulated; propodus a little shorter than merus, slightly com- pressed, with a longitudinal groove on each side; dactylus one half longer than propodus, vertically compressed, slightly curved, longi- tudinally grooved and ribbed, upper edge very sharp. Last two limbs of about equal length, not reaching beyond the distal end of the merus of the second ambulatory, pubescent, except the nail at tip of dactylus; propodus much shorter than merus and not much longer than carpus; dactyli very short and strongly curved. Sternum rather coarsely granulate. Color—Conspicuous red transverse bands on chelipeds and first two pairs of ambulatories; two bands on merus, one on carpus, one on propodus, and one on dactylus. Measurements —Male, cotype (M. C. Z. no. 4498), length of carapace 26.5, breadth 29.5 mm. Range.—Bay of Panama, 127 to 259 fathoms. Material excamined.—See table 27, p. 90. Genus ETHUSINA Smith Ethusina Smiru, Rept. U. 8S. Comm. Fish and Fisheries for 1882, p. 349 (5), 1484 (type, EH. abyssicola Smith). Nearly allied to Ethusa, from which it differs in the form of the front and the structure of the eyes. The front between the eyes is quadridentate as in Ethusa, but the basal segments of the antennules are very large and swollen, and occupy the whole width of the front and crowd back the eyes and antennae into an almost transverse position nearly beneath the outer orbital angles, which are reduced to small lateral teeth far back from the front. Eyestalks very small and immovably embedded in the orbits, which closely surround them to near the tips, except for a narrow space beneath. Only six branchiae on each side. Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. Deep water. KEY TO THE AMERICAN SPECIES OF THE GENUS ETHUSINA A’. Front with four teeth or spines. B!. Outer orbital tooth directed outward, not overreaching eye. abyssicola (p. 91) B?. Outer orbital spine directed forward and overreaching eye. Cl, Outer orbital spine longitudinal, not reaching the line of theifrontallisinuses=#= SS. see Se Ss smithiana (p. 92) C?. Outer orbital spine oblique, reaching beyond the line of the*irontalisinuses: £8. 5. oe eS gracilipes (p. 94) A’. Front sinuate at middle and with a short outer spine. Cara- pace twice as wide as fronto-orbital distance_____________ faxonii (p. 93) BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 90 ‘adsyojoy sit |"Z "OW ‘sore |g [777777 ops-="-| gece | TéeI 6. “TeW| 8'ep |-“S-aa-7enn wus oie o| 00 Gn Of (or Ot A cee ae oa eae zoset | 21 |--------ope----| gece | Test ‘TT “zeIe | F:Lb |--77777777777S AB “pag | ose | 0 98 B£| 00 ze Z [7777777777 ‘sodAyereg |-7------- oegos | '4t© 1 |---------op-----| tess | test ‘6 “sent | g's¢ |--t77-2-2tot ae us| ger. 9| de ey OL Op sh 2 lee od age 62902 | A © 1 |------ssosgnqry | zgee | 1681'S “ae | Z'9g |--wTnnTTTooog AB “ou | Zzt | 0S ZT 62 | 00 OF 2 |--------eUMeURY Jo Keg ‘A ° a 4 ° a a ° :VAVNVd ein} genital Baran « Oo * . syseur9 yy Aono epeiaa| — 2S2TOGel aig ioe 110930 ccna AqI[8007] ssulive qd en SUOLJBITIO BsnyyY fo paurunaxa owapyy—"1Z WAV J, “‘IddIsstsstJW 9} JO BITC JO TOOOT eee mn ues att ce 8801709077 | 88&% “""GSSt ‘FBI |-7-7---|---- dg “AG ‘SIA | GE 00 Woe 08 ie 62 | “A -A¥q 9IQOW JOS :-VAVEVIV : pol Zz ‘ou ‘od FOSTL |~-~ Ant 6g |-s9jUvy, pus AO[suUOT |-~----~--|--~ TOP eV slo eae wie Lo Sree See all OF SAQSTi JP BOUMA0SO7Te Ole Cs | ene n ements enna od *“m013N414SUy OISOUIVH JO IIH) | ST899 |~~3IAO ST |-----~ qqyuayos “TM | &F Bae CO Dros TEE (on he mnmeciooneal | cairn tae ae Chee ET ag ey oT ae a |e ae puSrow, “480M 02800) aa STAO Gye ts ss cae OPaagall Sate Ob eeeee e S E. S aor Clilfe-w|a es a a soy ivou ‘Aoy «oquitg nvoyel qd sojeqin0g jo espe 61899) sane as aT | ee MIOSIO PUG: 1s [el ses ll wae <5. See ae ae ee SJUIUISBIJ [VINOD | 06 IGOU SULGOIIG! JIM) UD Sees ees ae 4SOMA ow Jo's “KOH OT Sl eke Gas ABS ieee eae are ey OD 5 ies Pas PM LG | epee OD RSET S|? aes Ag naa Ss SS ee a ce Ne pueg pus ysoM AOY FO BE GS eae oe 2 if *podxy vueyeg 08002 | -- >” OG) BMOT SATUS C1BIGRI6B = | anit me S68Ts lesa Ak ee ee ae ale weer ml > aie cs ee cere ee od “ed AjO[OH | SS86T |7---- Aa | Ser $8017097V | 918% Re CSSI a SE SUC CPL. alana: ane eee at og Gr. Lyme SmOGn (See kS of can an a3 eae. od LAGS) | Ser OOM | eee ee OD=Fae alist etal Menneers caer a Peas cc |ee > Sac ae OWE. | \eec cae calc: Se ee a ee eee ysaM AO BO S180) |e ei he ere on Ga te ODS gael Saat ae eee eae eo Ree NR we 009i Pulp ees WeeyS J[NH Ul | qqsvT Aoy pues Jo's 1909 [777-7 >- Gile| cae ee ee ODE seeaie her Tees 3] 8 ler a — Cote wiles Ae: eae [o> eee eile reve eat: Magee Aoy pues tt OYE? lise WOSIGDUGET SG cfe|uemes ss ul\ume Cl6L “AON Ge ale. ae ee ees CG Lt a CTSA JULES) CT |e ne FURL JO oT “d é ° “i / ° :VCINOT N eonc ane Sprit Wey ‘O [suo'T t SyIvU0 YY Z0[ |sueurtoedg 10409[[09 014819 eed Ener m10340q ener Ayeoo'T -B48 i ce a. eee ° sauteed sodmnuey esnyyy fo pautwpxa 2pwayppy—9Z% ATAV I, XYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA QO] ANALOGOUS SPECIES OF ETHUSINA ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE CONTINENT ATLANTIC PACIFIC abyssicola. smithiana. ETHUSINA ABYSSICOLA Smith Ficgure 21; Puate 26, Figure 1; PuatE 27, Figure 1 Ethusina abyssicola SmitrH, Rept. U. 8. Comm. Fish and Fisheries for 1882, p. 349 [5], pl. 2, fig. 1, la, 1884 (type locality, off Nantucket Shoals, 1,731 fathoms; types U.S.N.M. no. 7119, and in P.M.Y.U.); ibid., for 1885, p. 635 [31], 1886—Bovvisr, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 8, vol. 9 (1896- 1897), p. 66 [13], 1898; Résultats de campagnes scientifiques . . . Monaco, vol. 62, p. 53, pl. 2, fig. 1 (col.), 1922—A. Minne Epwarps and. Bovvirr, Crustacés décapodes provenant des campagnes du yacht Il Hirondelle (supplement) et de la Princesse-Alice, fase. 13, p. 18, 1899; Expéditions- scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman, 1880-1883, pt. 1, Crustacés, Décapodes, p. 29, pl. 1, fig. 6 (col.), 1900. Ethusa (Hthusina) abyssicola DorLEIn, Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutsch- en Tiefsee-Expedition . . . Valdivia, 1898-1899, vol. 6, p. 31, pl. 13, figs. 1, 2, 1904. Ethusina abyssicola typica Iuun, Zool. Anz., vol. 46, p. 360, 1916; Die Decapoda Brachyura der Szboga-Expedition, monogr. 39b!, p. 147, 1916. Diagnosis —Outer orbital tooth directed outward, not overreach- ing eye. Dactyl of second ambulatory sensibly longer than that of first. . FIGURE 21.—Ethusina abyssicola, male: a, Dorsal view, natural size; b, front and oral region, X2. After Smith. Description—Male. Carapace at branchial regions as broad as the length to middle of front, but much narrowed anteriorly, the breadth of front being about three-eighths of length. Submedian teeth of front triangular, slightly upturned and separated by a tri- angular sinus broader and deeper than the rounded antennular sinuses, while the lateral teeth are spiniform and longer than the middle teeth but more strongly upturned, so that they scarcely pro- ject in front of them. Surface of carapace pubescent, granulate, and areolated similar to Ethusa microphthalma, the cardiac region being broadly open in front. Eyestalks stout, reaching very slightly beyond the minute postorbital teeth, and bearing at the tips black eyes much smaller than the diameter of the stalks. 80232—37——_7 92 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Chelipeds nearly equal, smooth, naked, unarmed, and much less than twice the length of carapace; merus about one-third the entire length, slender and somewhat 3-sided, but without angles; carpus short and rounded above; propodus nearly one-third as broad as long, basal portion somewhat swollen and about as long as the digits, which are compressed, longitudinally grooved, prehensile edges undulate. First and second ambulatories nearly alike, second the longer, about twice the length of chelipeds, slender, smooth and nearly naked. Dactyli much longer than propodi, compressed, regularly curved, of nearly uniform breadth to the short, acute tip and longitudinally grooved. Third and fourth pairs of legs very slender, pubescent. The abdomen is broadest at base of third normal segment which has a smooth rounded tubercle on either side; third to fifth segments fused; penult segment about one-half broader than long, terminal segment nearly as long as the preceding, broader than long, rounded at tip. Appendage of first segment stout and pubescent near ex- tremity, which is obliquely truncate; it sheathes the appendage of second segment which is much longer, the exposed terminal portion being thin, linear, and acuminate. Female. Compared to male, carapace broader, thicker, much more convex; front narrower and armed with much smaller teeth; chelipeds smaller, chelae more slender. Color —Carapace bluish with a slight violet tint. Feet and abdomen yellowish white; fingers and ambulatory dactyls rose color. (Milne Edwards and Bouvier.) Measurements—Male (7119), length to tip of submedian spine 15, width 13.2 mm. Range-—Off southern New England to Gulf of Mexico; Brazil; eastern Atlantic Ocean; 671 to 2,220 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 28, p. 95. ETHUSINA SMITHIANA Faxon Ficure 22; Puate 26, Ficure 2; Puate 27, FIGURE 2 Aethusina smithiana Faxon, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 24, p. 160, 1893 (type locality, off Panama, 134 and 899 fathoms; types, U.S.N.M. no. 20631 and M. C. Z. no. 4503); Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 18, p. 37, pl. 6, figs. 2, 2a, 1895. Diagnosis.—Outer orbital spine directed forward, overreaching the eye. Dactyls of first and second ambulatories subequal. Description —Carapace longer than broad, not much narrowed anteriorly. Front 4-toothed, middle pair of teeth large, triangular, separated from one another by a wide triangular sinus which is broader than the antennular sinus; between these teeth the margin is bent down till it meets the epistome below; lateral teeth of front OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 93 spiniform and shorter than middle teeth. Surface of carapace clothed with a short pubescence and lightly granulous; branchio- cardiac grooves well marked. Postocular teeth spiniform, projecting far beyond extremity of the small eyestalks. Eyes smaller than the extremity of their peduncles. Chelipeds equal, smooth, naked, unarmed; merus cylindrical, carpus short and rounded; fingers about equal in length to body of chela, compressed, prehensile edges sharp and not provided with distinct teeth or tubercles. Ambulatory legs nearly naked, second pair more than twice the length of carapace, FIGURE 22.—Ethusina smithiana: a, Dorsal view, enlarged; b, maleabdomen. After Faxon. the dactylus longer than propodus. The last two pairs of legs terminate in short recurved claws which are setose on posterior edges. (Faxon.) Measurements —Male type (20631), length of carapace 9.3, breadth 8 mm. Range.—Pacific side of Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia. Material examined. —As follows: Off Costa Rica: Lat. 5° 36” 40’’ N., long. 86° 56’ 50°’ W.; 134 fathoms; R. Sh.; 54.8° F.; February 28, 1891; station 3370, Albatross; 3 female paratypes (M. C. Z. no. 4503). Off Colombia: Southeast of Malpelo Island; lat. 4°03’00’’ N., long. 81°31’00’’ W.; 899 fathoms; R.; 37.2° F.; March 5, 1891; station 3380, Albatross; 1 male, 1 immature female (20631.) ETHUSINA FAXONITI Rathbun PuaTE 26, FIGURE 3; PLATE 27, FIGURE 3 Ethusina challengeri? Faxon, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 18, p. 36, 1895; not Ethusa (Ethusina) challengeri Miers, Voyage of H. M.S. Challenger, Brach- yura, vol. 17, p. 331, pl. 28, fig. 2-2c, 1886. Ethusina fazonii RaTuBuN, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 46, p. 185, 1933 (type locality, west of Mexico, 2,232 fathoms; M. C. Z. no. 4502). Diagnosis.—Carapace as broad as long. Palm with upper and lower margins subparallel. Fingers slightly wavy on inner margin. Description.—Carapace very convex longitudinally and_ trans- versely. Frontal teeth shallow, middle pair broad, obtuse, separated by a broad V-shaped sinus, slightly rounded at base; outer pair of teeth small, triangular, shorter than median teeth. Exorbital tooth Q4 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM minute. Chelae slenderer than in challengeri, lower margin concave until near proximal end of manus; manus of nearly equal width throughout. fingers longer than in the related species. Third and fourth ambulatories slenderer than in chaliengeri. Abdomen of female broader in distal half than in that species, inner distal angle of ischium of outer maxillipeds more salient and merus more pear- shaped. Measurements—Female type, length and breadth of carapace 12.5 mm. Range.—Off west coast of Mexico. Material examined.—South of Gulf of Tehuantepec; lat. 10°14’00’’ N.j-long= 96°28/00’’ W.; 2,232 fathoms; ony M.; 35.8° F.: April 3; 1891; station 3414, Albatross; 1 female (M. C. Z. no. 4502). ETHUSINA GRACILIPES (Miers) - PuLaTteE 30, Figure 4; Puatse 31, Ficure 4 Ethusa (Ethusina) gracilipes Miprs, Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, Brachyura, vol. 17, p. 332, pl. 29, fig. 1 [not pl. 28, fig. 3], 1886 (type locality, near the Philippines, 700 fathoms; type in British Mus.) —Atucocx, An account of the deep-sea Brachyura collected by the Royal Indian Museum Survey Ship Investigator, p. 34, 1899. Ethusa (Ethusina) gracilipes var. robusta Mrmrs, ibid., p. 333, pl. 29, fig. 2 (type locality, Banda Sea, 1,425 fathoms; type in British Mus.). Aethusina gracilipes Faxon, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 18, p. 36, 1895. Ethusina gracilipes RatHswun, Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. for 1903, vol. 23, pt. 3, p. 891, 1906. Diagnosis.—Outer orbital spine oblique, much longer than frontal spines and sometimes overreaching them. Basal article of antennules bearing a small distal spine or tubercle. Description.—Carapace finely and closely granulated, longer than broad, narrowed anteriorly; cervical and cardiaco-branchial sutures distinctly defined; front armed with four spines, the two median separated by a somewhat wider and deeper interspace than that be- tween the median and the outer spine; outer orbital spine strongly developed; orbits incompletely defined. Eyestalks stout, tapering to a small cornea. Bases of antennules considerably dilated and usually bearing a small distal spine or tubercle. Basal article of antennae short, slender, not nearly reaching front; flagellum elon- gated, reaching when retracted to posterior margin of carapace. Chelipeds with merus subcylindrical, carpus very short, palm but little longer than carpus, slightly compressed and shorter than the fingers, which are grooved and meet along the slightly siuous edges; tips crossing. The compressed dactyli of the first and second ambula- tories are deeply grooved, the second longer than the first and both longer than their respective meri. 95 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA “772 °O WW “p999 Pee ae 68622 Seaesaneal ca orl TaeutOS parcel 20 “01D “34 @ Sy1IVULEY “ON SOTBIeD Sueur -loadg 91n} -eled goers upuisyDy |-----~~| E881 ‘FZ “8NV cy eae ee rahe Op----"} €92% | L881 ‘0& “00q ee ae op-----| ¢gez | S88T‘e “eT ieee Op---~~| ¥22Z | 988T ‘ee “320 nga T on Op---~-| 922% | #88T ‘OT “3dog ae ey Op-----| 8zz@_| F88T ‘TT “3deg pe gh Op---~-| GOTZ | €881‘9 “AON ipsee ae OD saan RSG, dle BODE te lens sia morta t ets Op-----] F1Z% | 9881 ‘ZT “3deg oe op----"| ST2% | 9881 ‘8T “3deg eee Ope yare | OS0C pier OD ae a eae op---~~| 280% | €88t ‘st Arne aor erg op-~-~-} g9cz_| Ssst ‘Te “sny ct ssoi70q]¥ | OLS | S88I‘T “3deg 1010909 ae aed -WO9L, 1103}0g {lozea-rz1e 00 L4& € | 00 ST GF “N 9PN}WQDT TL9 O€ 8h Gh) 00 LI Fz S apnyyoT O&L 00 8f 88} 00 Tg 8% TP9L 00 SZ €Z2|00 Lb 98 Ch0G 00 #2 TZ) 00 00 2Z€ Z8ST 00 90 €2) 00 9% 2& S6ET og €0 €Z2|00 OF LE 6S8T 0€ 80 02] 00 02 8€& SZ8T og LE OL} 00 2 8& eSLT og #9 OL | OF 62 8E SELT OF $2 69 | OF 2& 8E TELT 0& € 69] 00 & 8 I8ZT 00 80 89 | 00 SI 68 €I8T 0g $0 49] 00 9 6E “ue (f ° Mf ‘ °o “M "N epnyisuoy | epnyyeT SuIOy}B ssul.iveg elooissfqe vuisnyyy fo paurzwpxa pp1sajDP—'8Z ATAVL, Sea ulvdg JO ISOM, :‘AdOUN | tae omg edeo Yo ‘11zvug “rd dIssIsst Ay jo ej9q YO ‘YNVISINOT *punog yonqWINg” JO ‘W] ‘VNITOUVO HLUON ~---£BG oyevedeseyO PO Ee Co es ne od ~“s[voyg JoyonIUVN TO *pavsoulA SVYPIVTY JO US “UL 00Z ~-"yueg ses10en Jo 'qAS [CGNVIONG MON Ayeoo'T 06 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Remarks.— Faxon says of the American specimens that in most of them the spine at the external angle of the carapace is long as in Miers’ typical form, but is bent outward at a sharper angle, as in his var. robusta. The outer spine of front is longer in proportion to inner spine and the carapace rather narrower. Legs shorter, while the chela is midway in form between typical gracilipes and var. robusta. Color.—Carapace and limbs covered with an extremely short brownish or whitish pubescence. Range.—Pacific coast of Central America; Hawaiian Islands; western Pacific and Indian Oceans, 257 to 1,823 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 29, page 97. Genus CYMONOMUS A. Milne Edwards Cymonomus A. MitnE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 26, 1880 (type, C. quadratus A. Milne Edwards).—A. Mine Epwarps and Bouvier, Crustacés décapodes provenant des campagnes du yacht 1’ Hirondelle, fase. 7, p. 57, 1894; Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 80, 1902.—BovvirR, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 8, vol. 9, p. 59, 1898.—LANKESTER, Quart. Journ. Micr. Soc., new ser., vol. 47, pp. 439, 453, 1903.—Intz, Die Decapoda Brachyura der Siboga—Expedition, monogr. 39b!, p. 118, 1916. Carapace squarish, not concealing the anterior segments of the abdomen. Regions faintly defined except cardiac and postgastric, which are very distinct. The front forms a rostrum and the orbito- antennal border is prominent beyond the anterolateral angles of the carapace; apart from this there is no indication of orbits or antennular fossae. Eyestalks either fixed or with their mobility diminished; eyes unpigmented and vestigial. Antennules large, unconcealed; antennal peduncle not hidden and its renal tubercle particularly prominent. Buccal cavern large and square, its roof high and not well differentiated from the receding epistome. The external max- illipeds almost cover the buccal cavern ventrally, extending beyond base of antennal peduncle; merus produced far beyond carpal articula- tion so that it is not much shorter than the ischium; flagellum large, coarse and completely exposed. No afferent branchial fissure. Chelipeds equal, much shorter, and in male stouter than the crawling legs. First and second pair of true legs very long, especially the dactylus, and are somewhat compressed; third and fourth pair short, dactyli clawlike; not chelate. All segments of abdomen distinct. (After Alcock.) Caribbean region; eastern North Atlantic; Indian and western Pacific Oceans. 97 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA FOCAIO ME SZ Ost 9P2o. |. 2 wee Pali So> vrs some ODE > nae 16¢= sin aeee es ODe ras LY! Ben | ap RE ZOQp AS OUT Ge ieee sae gee 5) Soke age ol coe ncaee e Bpeuelt) JO ZO INE 9806. | Nae Ses Tes ieee cee ODs = te ORC os © || sain ODE Sly aul See coe a a EOP sae cet IN: fy eit ell oe een JUB.UIA “48 BO (OCS309h 727 ON B10Gal oe sa Volker cane re Opie SBI. lige are ODS ose SP Tier = WA SIG ESL SU AZZ See Sl Eoeee: ee ulcer Bn aan vorulmi1od BO 200 M100) lien sarn- oe FOC80s| SEAOUOT lieve noc ee OD iaaas LOL 28 MC Sie nr ODF 3 I ee le a a OL Wile aes CUR cae Be Rod Gene ednojspenh HO *eA409"|"=Z °O. WW ‘2899 | -- = Lol eee ml O40]: | SET | GL=BLELIASP Se ZQ ‘45 °4JS A1OA | 80S pesy_oepoly VO | x101D ‘38 JO ‘BHTILNY Yassa’T ‘podxy a ees ee P6089 |--~"" "LT | “Wosyyiurg-uosuyor | €z% Ae eeOh se Ode” ae ieee ote cen var 3 (M09G SI 13 99] 00 CGE ST |" JO'N :oory OLuaag STISYS OSs aes oe 43}! i ae a O} lei Re meccaran S8O120QIV | 821% “"P88I ‘22 “Q0N |46R | § ‘9Uy “JN “Nq | OOF &% 6b GL | 9F Ge GL |~~~BqnD op OsetURS FO *edAI0D 17" ZO “WI ‘206% [777 Tul gesr ees ee ayojdy | 89 SL-LLSTC |. wer cae (tes: ea ee ae BPS OS TEBCS" | KOS O0 ACGulie ca cee eae euvqeH JO Se ZO IN: 008. | "= + jee uosduys “UA | & MCLE OM Ot |S ke a eercey coe WSS: (bras [PS Bgge ae se ee I Fa o1mojuy UBS JO :vanO *$B3N410,,, “pomagng |--Z°O “WI ‘1899 |------ >> [alae se pe: PYDIT Sha || en oes S/-LLSTS| Yer). a | aie hes ae ee a. TOT 00 12 #8 | 00 €& GZ | JO “MN ‘O0IxXay 40 ATAH ‘Ho dime ° leat ° ean Suet tapaniaery Capes SYIVUIOY ‘ON SoeIVO | suamoedg 104991100 w0lyByg e1eq -erad m10}}0 “We Peene k Breaerl Aypeoo'yT -m0 a SsulIBeg snyeipenb snutououldsd fo paurunxa Jo1iajopyyY—"0g ATAV I, 7 "LZ °M ‘ol 'S era a PEGCCH |e. |e eg OD man 11 CELE: ZO6I‘T “snW | 8°9F |-"~-""W'g ‘42 ‘oul | ZIg-29z |‘esnoyerem N[NeuIVUBA |--- TO ‘201 °H ae ee66% |--~ 8 T |----------cop----"| gzor =| zoeT ‘be CUNEC | OF |77-"""~"GOTD *g 43 | Szt-FPP | ‘,08028'°S quiog ey, | - ene JO APUIOTA “8S "AH “oTE N ie ae GEGGGee see i, |ban cn ee OP a= = a O06S: ZO6T‘G =AVI | 9'Sh |" --- WS “YM “ou | 7ZE-80E ‘sy8ry ‘peeH puoweld Torseeee=="nyBO JO 48800 *§ “N 8PNYYDOT ISQNVISI NVIVAVH Tas SP CE00ZE aeons aoe teen OP tn | O0RE T68T ‘ZZ “IVIL | 1°98 |777Z0 “GOTH °A3 “41 | 228 ‘T 00 9F 98] 00 98 0 |~~~"SpULIsy sosvdrTeH Joa BS ho he aie FEQO GH anO .|se cakes OD ayer | et0ne T6STe) “Idi Gib | Seas cas ancO SGOT) 2988 OSS PCx OSRIMO0) sPOP Ol tie ase ae cee pe OCT ‘S epnzyoT Rix = hy CS00G |rOdwe S | ese OD ase ae SIPs T6st ‘¢ ‘idy 96 |""ds "xP “ZO ‘GOTH | 098 ‘T OO 90 CON 00) PEs Sim | eee spurs] sosederepy YO ZA @> JN cOGF: tema: Gis ae ee (0) Oe a 86EE T68T ‘EZ “IVIL ODE ere Fee mes ZQ ‘Usd | E29 ‘T OORST CEZOSSINOOL 20-1 slice on cn amnane ee oat Brea We O0UF IROliy 9 | Seo et Opares PLES. | TOS ARIAL || F508, | oe tay ee zQ ‘U8 | ecg‘t | 00 ef €8| 00 Se @ [777 useyNOs YO :VIAMOTOD eee Ze90% |-"" 3 T [--7"7-""ssougoq7y | T9ee | Test ‘sz “qeg | 99g |~~"-"-------"zO "US | TZh‘T | 00 90 €8| 00 OL g |-~-~~~eueUeg Jo Avg :VAVNVd “To “a 4 0 44 ‘bei sueur pay, sao cllennitanona conan syIvUlEy "ON 01829 | Aoedg I0109][09 moneys eed -e1ed m103}0g aan DO ero, eee A AyyRoo'T ’ “WL sdurreeg sodyiovis vuisnyyy fo paurwnza JoriajvpAI—"6G ATAV 98 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM CYMONOMUS QUADRATUS A. Milne Edwards FicurE 23; Puate 30, Figure 3; Puate 31, Ficure 3 Cymonomus quadratus A. MiLtNE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 26, 1880 (type localities, from Havana to Grenada, 175-508 fathoms; cotypes in M. C. Z.).—Bovuvirr, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 8, vol. 9, p. 66 [13], 1898—A. Mitne Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 81, pl. 16, 1902—LanxkEstTER, Quart. Journ. Micr. Soc., new ser., vol. 47, pp. 448, 453, fig. 10 (upper), 1903. Diagnosis—Carapace squarish, rostrum linear, eyestalks long, without cornea. Merus of outer maxilliped elongate, the palp attached at middle of inner margin. FIGURE 23.—Cymonomus quadratus, male (68094): Outline of carapace, x 3. Description.—Surface finely granulate. Anterolateral borders of carapace almost on the same transverse line as the facial region, which is very narrow. Rostrum slender and pointed, shorter than eyestalks; the latter are partially movable and denticulate on inner border; they do not reach the tip of the antepenult article of antennal pedun- cle. Antennules stout, the peduncle about two-thirds as long as carapace. Antennae shorter and slenderer; the peduncle does not reach beyond the penult article of the antennules; subantennal tooth visible in dorsal view. Anterolateral margins armed with some small spines, posterolateral unarmed and parallel; posterior margin broad. Chelipeds short, granulate; two spinules on inner margin of carpus; fingers as long as palm. Ambulatory legs of first two pairs smooth. Measurements —Female (6921), length of carapace to tip of rostrum 7.2, width 6.9 mm. Range.—Gulf of Mexico to Lesser Antilles; 101 to 508 fathoms. Material eramined.—See table 30, page 97. Genus CYMOPOLUS A. Milne Edwards Cymopolus A. MitNE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 27, 1880 (type, C. asper A. Milne Edwards).—Bovuvisr, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 8, vol. 9, p. 66 [13], 1898.—A. Mitng Epwarps and Bovuvinr, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 74, 1902. Near Cymonomus; differs in its eyes normally developed, merus of outer maxilliped not overreaching palp, antennules smaller and OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMHRICA 99 susceptible of being folded under the front and by the shorter and stronger feet. Gulf of Mexico to Leeward Islands; 70 to 300 fathoms. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF THE GENUS CYMOPOLUS Al. Sides of carapace nearly parallel. Cornea black____-_------- asper (p. 99) A?, Carapace widest in front of middle. Cornea light brown__ agassizii (p. 100) CYMOPOLUS ASPER A. Milne Edwards PLaTE 29, Fragures 5-8 Cymopolus asper A. Mitnr Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 27 (part), 1880 (type locality, Montserrat, 148 fathoms; type in M. C. Z.).— Bouvier, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 8, vol. 9, p. 66 [13] (part), 1898.— A. MILNE Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 74, pl. 14, figs. 1-6, pl. 15, fig. 7, 1902 (not all synonymy). Diagnosis.—Sides of carapace nearly parallel. Cornea black. Merus of outer maxillipeds subquadrilateral, inner margin twice as long as outer. Description.—Carapace thick, sides nearly parallel, surface covered with numerous spines of different sizes and very often bent in a hook at the end. Branchial suture very narrow, cervical suture wider, continued on the sides. Cardiac area in the form of a vase, the neck joining the gastric pentagon, which includes the meso-, meta-, and urogastric lobes; this pentagon has convex borders toward the median line; it is very prominent in the wide part and gradually narrows to a point; it is covered with spines of medium size and dominated on either side by three conical prominences, two of which are epigastric and the third anteriobranchial. These prominences are covered with long and strong crowded spines; there are similar ones on outer part of epigastric lobe, at antero-external angle of carapace, and a little within this last one, that corresponds to a hepatic lobe. This last belongs on the inclined part where the carapace is directed vertically downward to form the pterygostomian region. These regions, as well as the flanks and almost the whole of the branchial area, are armed with stronger spines than those on the cardiac region and the gastric pentagon. There are especially strong spines on the pterygostomian region outside the anterior border of the endostome. Some sparse hairs among the carapace spines. Rostrum triangular, concave above, strongly deflexed; behind the eyes the margins show on each side a strong conical prominence of large spines; in front a series of six or seven strong, arcuate, marginal spines on each margin besides the terminal spine. Below, the rostrum is convex and pre- sents the form of a roof with two sides, the edge of which has two strong spines directed backward; these spines conceal the point where the rostrum is attached to the epistomian region. 100 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Ocular peduncles short, stout at base, gradually narrowing to the black cornea; surface partly granulous, some spines on the summit. The antennules can fold wholly under the front; when so placed their second article is inside the eyes, parallel to frontal border, concealing the last peduncular article which is folded below it. Basal article in form of a rectangle rounded behind; armed inferiorly with numerous spinules, especially forward; it is almost in contact, on median line, with the corresponding article of the opposing antennule. First article of antennae entirely smooth, appearing to be a prominence of the epistome; next article elongate-quadrangular and a little bent; it has a strong spine at antero-external angle and on its lower surface a number of spinules; flagellum scarcely longer than second article; it is composed of three or four articles, the last furnished with two hairs longer than the whole flagellum. Ambulatory legs 1 and 2 covered with many strong spinules; at their base sometimes 3 or 4 arranged in a group. (After Milne Edwards and Bouvier). Measurements.—Male holotype, length of carapace (rostrum incom- plete) 8.5, width 6.5 mm. Range.—Leeward Islands. Material examined.—Off Montserrat; 148 fathoms; stony; station 158; Blake, 1878-79; 1 male holotype (M. C. Z. no. 6684). CYMOPOLUS AGASSIZII A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier PuaTE 30, FigurRE 2; PLATE 31, FIGURE 2 Cymopolus asper A. MILNE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 27, 1880 (part).—RatTuHBUN, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, vol. 4, p. 293, 1898. Cymopolus agassizii [agassirii] A. Minne Epwarps and Bouvier, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, vol. 5, p. 385, 1899 (type locality, Sand Key, 75 fathoms; type, male, M. C. Z. no. 6683). Cymopolus agassizi A. Minne Epwarps and Bouvirr, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 78, pl. 14, figs. 7-9 5; pl. 15, figs. 1-6, 1902. Diagnosis—Carapace widest in front of middle. Cornea light brown. Merus of outer maxillipeds suboval, outer margin arcuate, longer than inner. Description.—Carapace widest at the middle, sutures very distinct; gastric pentagon reaching to a point on the basal half of the rostrum; cardiac region wide, prolonged on the posterior branchial areas. On the dorsal face of the carapace, most of the projections resemble large granules, but three or four are stronger and form conical promi- nences on each epigastric lobe; others become equally long and strong on the anterior lobe of the branchial area, and form there some obtuse spines or one or two more conical protuberances. The deflexed sides of the carapace are rough with obtuse and arcuate spines up to the 18 The caption on pl. 14, “‘Cymopolus asper Agassizii’’, is a blunder. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMBRICA 101 anterolateral angle; these spines have a tendency to form fingerlike groups. Rostrum deflexed at base and elevated a little toward extremity; inferior spines short; the two basal prominences above consist of a strong obtuse spine accompanied by some smaller ones; behind the rostrum, a transverse depression of carapace. Ocular peduncles longer than in C. asper, and with spines reduced; corneal surface small with light brown pigment.'® Antennules barely concealed under rostrum; flagellum of antennae composed of five articles. Epistome shorter than in C. asper, terminated behind by a vertical palate, the median part of which forms a regular curve and has only a slight elevation. Feet garnished with obtuse spines of all sizes. Chelipeds strong and equal; chelae convex on both faces; fingers bent inward and downward from their base, granulate and with a narrow hiatus. Merus, carpus, and propodus of first two ambulatories stout; dactyl bent slightly inward and somewhat longer than propodus; the largest spines have a tendency to dispose in longi- tudinal lines on merus. The last two pairs of legs barely reach base of carpus of the preceding, and have a strongly falciform digit. Terminal article of male abdomen reduced, its lateral borders slightly convex inward. Measurements.—Male (18684), length of carapace 8, width 7 mm. Female (18684), length 9, width 7.2 mm. Range.—Florida Keys to Puerto Rico; 70 to 300 fathoms. Material exramined.—See table 31, page 102. Genus CORYCODUS A. Milne Edwards Corycodus A. Minne Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 23, 1880 (type, C. bullatus A. Milne Edwards).—Atucock, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. 65, p. 274, 1896.—A. Minune Epwarps and Bouvizr, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 86, 1902.—_I utr, Die Decapoda Brachyura der Siboga-Expedition, monogr. 39b!, p. 124, 1916. Nasinatalis Srespine, Ann. South Afr. Mus., vol. 6, p. 340, 1910 (type N. dis- junctipes Stebbing). Carapace subpentagonal, extraordinarily swollen and thick espe- cially in front where the facial region represents the anterior angle of a pentagon. A considerable space between insertion of cheliped and that of the first ambulatory. The body seems truncate behind by reason of the very backward position occupied by the abdomen of female, which covers only the last three segments of the sternum. Antennules much reduced, completely retractile in orbital cavity where they are protected by the valvular peduncle of the antennae. Exognath short, surpasses a little the end of ischium of endognath; the first and second maxillipeds have short palps on the exopodite. West Indies; South Africa; Sulu Sea. 16 The type specimen has lost its pigment. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 102 *pedxy PET pe a GZ8L9 |---~-" O T | UeIUOsyyIUIg - UOsuYOL | EF G86 ‘IE “Gq [7-77-77 717- 7-77-77 77771777 > 008-07 | OT SF 29 | Sh SO ST |77-77-777-JO°M ‘ONY OLadog See Oe TSP limes AOlO) I eee ee wee se ODEanna|) TOGL, NNCOB Ley mtU TAIN ES) Rn AMM eres See tLC0 | HO0F 40 Gee [Sel eG eS lee kG, || 2 eee anenet mO CT “4SO AA er ce ZEPLO [~~ BIAO HT |---- 77-7 MOET YstT | O8ZL | ZO6I ‘FT “Ga | Zo Siar. sas) nacre ee SICeE 9G, SGmelSa|GOn les bone hOu Ons ULeOln SST TEN) tates: Bop) Onl earaee Onlie lied ees gas aes ROD ER GRITS AD CIPGGS Te ae IRE IC ee IE Se ae GGT |C~ eee = een ope eo eine AO ACG UIERL DO rage aR COP LO align TS oA Ths liege OSTA DUO Tn PUTO (io |S ase salle en aie Sa pee mee |e ae cme ier eae OZ ae os Se coe eS ee ce rae od “edAAOIOH |--Z°OW ‘E899 |777 Lu Pecks ee ODE act ee Sia See sen eee ee eee ees O) GI cS eeees = all ee peer ea | o> ieee Aoy pues JO ‘odAqeied |--Z'°O ‘IW ‘4008 |7--~ ~~ Oolalpe teas wosdultyg “UIA, |-~-- CLT COM IGIADS | Lseoeee | ae See eee Pelee os wee oe FOOD 721 089 ST Cie cs oe ee od “Tu 9 ete TONES Meas coe |= sce ee ee OP eee CORTMOGE CULT) \n wanna) uaaitnen yaneeleenCOl QMOCiys | QNOGM AACE 4-< Ning CITC Gr namin een eenaninee OCT meee ae fet: Galeries cet |e ame ae ot bee OD ee eal Sc G68T ‘61 oUNg |~-~~~~~|7-- 7777-77 |----OTT | -“Targ ynoge "N sulseog |-------"-“4qQsITT Aoy pueg “TU g ynoge "MNN Su! Saree MS CROST ilies IS |e em cee NODE gOS COST IGROULL Cs scm saan | Ge oaue vn neal me sa00 2DOCiVi| BOQ i) a( qe AON DUGS (se anne ss sane OGE “MNN 3UI aaa Tas Gulley ea: mea ley cae Slates ee OR= 5 11 08 e68t ‘0Z oun |--~--~~|------------|---OOT noqy | -1e0q 4ysIT Aoy pusg |----~~~-----4s0A4 AO BO ‘Tar g ynoge See Re PeOR eae Oreo L. ||eienenenn anmces OD meet RCO Res OP ara ls cae iaaks ea ER does SO ee Sis ha Gly Soe AGT INS UTI Gilat | meoe tenia nema amnanecen O Gli “TU pee es TINS UST ee aes Tied oe Ges poe OD er HINO) Gans = a OD> aa le |S oae | geen aes wOSTOL || Re NPEAG INT Ul LO Ca | peter meee nnniae tam O CI ‘TUL g ynogeB S sae Wie CSOR Ta lmea Onc onl -|enneminamer ons amO Dineen 9 COSTOGMOUTL( |cieme cma |lne mem samme! mae OLOGY ||) ANC ACs oIN Ie mea UG CO Clie | eases nencentemennc nee CI) “Tur OT INOge “AA Pee | Te de|e oes |e ke ROD tea IEZS Sea SSOP ae a|pa sane ||) ae) Gln [meee OUE—SOL io) SANA CLO Nimo O1TOD Ga | sanensimn miermnmeinnng OC “Tur Sits iat Tees Sli “mae Seg" eeeraie peo aeODeer it TG mo tremergprtnna|aomonopemm=s"-"-="-)---aoT gnoqy | OF “M Aq ‘N Suleog |~~“94SI] [ogg UvolIeury ‘pedxy euey eer er €898T |" -- ST | -BA BMOT “ATU 044g | 99 €68I ‘2% eunf |-~~~~~~}-----------"]}---90S gnoqy | 00 2 8] 00 9T FZ | ~~~ NveIVl_ soreqinog ‘To “é 4 ° 4d 4 ° ‘VdINOT “M “N mor) ein} epnyisuo7yT | epnjyeyT SyIVM8Y ‘ON SO[RIeO «|suemmTDeds 10309109 “24g e1eqd -eied m10},0q ieecolegucn: § Aype00'T -M19,,, ssulieeg lzissese snjodouAd fo pautwnxa poisajopy—"1§ ATAV], OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 103 CORYCODUS BULLATUS A. Milne Edwards PuLatE 29, Ficures 1-4; Pirate 30, Ficure 1; Puate 31, Ficure 1 Corycodus bullatus A. Minne Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 23, 1880 (type locality, off Morro lighthouse, 175-250 fathoms; whereabouts of type unknown.).—A. Minne Epwarps and Bouvirr, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 86, pl. 17, 1902. Diagnosis.—Carapace pentagonal, anterolateral border longer than posterolateral. A long distance between base of cheliped and of first ambulatory. Description.—Carapace covered with tubercles flattened at tip, which tend to disappear on the median line and the rear, but are very prominent along the anterior borders. Regions scarcely marked except the cardiac region, which is small but limited by deep furrows, very divergent behind, closer in front. Anterolateral longer than posterolateral borders. rent very deflexed, its point bent between the eyes to join the epistome. Eyes small. Lower part of carapace, sternal plastron, and ambulatory legs covered with small tubercles like those on dorsal face. A strong prominence tipped with a spine on median line at base of external maxillipeds. A row of three similar spines on basis and ischium of mawxillipeds. A median promi- nence at base of cheliped. Subhepatic region excavate. Merus of cheliped stout, subcylindrical, reaching to extreme line of lateral border. Merus of first ambulatory slender. Fourth leg very slender, not over half as long as carapace; merus longest, carpus very reduced, propodus straight, considerably longer than the curved dactylus. Measurements —Female (18061), median length of carapace 5, width 9, thickness at base of maxillipeds 4.6 mm. Range.—Off Habana, Cuba. Material examined —Off Habana; lat. 23° 10’ 39’’ N., long. 82° 20’ 21’ W.; 201 fathoms; Co.; January 19, 1885; station 2342, Albatross; 1 female (18061). Type locality —Oft Morro lighthouse; 175-250 fathoms; 1878-79; station 101, Blake; 1 female (Paris Mus.). > Genus CYCLODORIPPE A. Milne Edwards Cyclodorippe A. Minne Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 24, 1880 (part) —A. MILtNE Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 94, 1902 (type, C. agassiziti A. Milne Edwards). Carapace narrow in front and behind, lateral borders regularly rounded, greatest width near the middle. Eyes very short and closely placed in the orbit, the edge of which is not fissured. Anten- nules very long and when folded cannot fit into the antennular cavity; antennal peduncles very narrow, flagella many-jointed. Buccal cavity prolonged in a canal which attains the level of the front and is divided almost to the extremity by the outer maxillipeds, the merus 104 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM of which is very elongate. Abdomen of male very small, composed of five segments, fitted into a deep opening in the sternum and not encroaching on the second sternal segment. Abdomen of female 6-segmented and wide with parallel borders; its last segment very large and advanced to the base of the chelipeds. JLegs long and narrow; the genital orifices of the female are sunken in the basal article of the third pair of legs. Gulf of Mexico, West Indies, and Indo-Pacific region; in deep water. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF THE GENUS CYCLODORIPPE Al, Carapace with two low median tubercles. Three elongate gastric. elevations. 60 222. tn de ec tee ee antennaria (p. 104) A?. Carapace with two median spines. B!, Median spines conical. A stouter spine on protogastric NORIO yes oe eee ere eee agassizii (p. 105) B?2. Median spines cylindrical. No spine on_ protogastric Tegion= TAL oe ee PE ee ee ee bouvieri (p. 106) CYCLODORIPPE ANTENNARIA A. Milne Edwards Figure 24; PLATE 32, Fiaures 1, 2 Cyclodorippe antennaria A. MiLtNE Epwarbs, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 25, 1880 (type localities 20, ranging from Habana to Barbados, 88 to 287 fathoms).—BovvieEr, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 8, vol. 9, p. 66 [13], 1898.— RaTuBun, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, vol. 4, p. 293, 1898.—A. Miune Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 99, pl. 19, fig. 8, pl. 20, figs. 4-12, 1902. : Diagnosis —Three low longitudinal prominences on gastric region, one median, the others lateral. Two low median tubercles, one gastric, one cardiac. Frontal border rounded, continuing in a regu- lar curve with upper border of orbit. Upper margin of orbit transverse. Description.—Carapace subcircular, narrow behind, covered with prominent, subequal granules. Furrows well marked; cardiac area FIGURE 24.—Cyclodorippe antennaria, male (68294): Outline of carapace, X 4. prominent, well defined behind and on the sides, merging with the posterior branchial area; in front it is completely fused with the urogastric lobe. Front advanced much beyond orbital angles, de- pressed on the median line, its border very finely serrulate. Post- orbital angle spiniform; a small branchial spine just within the OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 105 lateral margin and slightly in advance of the widest part of the cara- pace. Ocular peduncles short and wide; the cornea occupies at least two-thirds of total length. The antennules are very long and slender and cannot entirely fold up under the front. The roof of the orbit is little advanced. Merus of outer maxilliped wider and more rounded in front than in agassizii. Chelipeds of male short, granulous; arm scarcely projects beyond carapace; fingers very high, sharp edged, very finely denticulate and equal in length to palm. Ambulatory legs finely granulous, the first two pairs long and slightly compressed in their terminal part, the first pair with a fringe of long hair on the upper face of the three distal articles. Legs of last two pairs very slender and elongate. Measurements —Male (9498), length 5.7, width 5.8 mm. Female (9517), length 5.5, width 5.6 mm. Range —Gulf of Mexico; West Indies. 50 to 357 fathoms. Material eramined.—See table 32, page 107. CYCLODORIPPE AGASSIZII A. Milne Edwards FIGURE 25; PuaTE 32, Ficurss 5, 6 Cyclodorippe agassizii A. Miune Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 25, 1880 (type locality, Cariacou, 163 fathoms; type, M. C. Z. no. 6680).—Bov- viER, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 8, vol. 9, p. 66 [13], 1898. Cyclodorippe agassizi A. Mine Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 94, pl. 19, figs. 1-7, pl. 20, figs. 1-3, 1902 (part). Diagnosis.—Four conical prominences on carapace, one cardiac, one metagastric, two protogastric. Front triangular, having a lateral angle. Orbit wide in dorsal view, its margin directed obliquely backward from rostrum. Description.—Carapace rounded on the sides, a little depressed above, covered with fine, unequal granules rather near together. FIGURE 25.—Cyclodorippe agassizii, male (68071): Outline of carapace, X 3. Rostrum wide, nearly horizontal and a little excavate, and limited in front by a denticulate border forming an obtuse angle; at the level of the base of the ocular peduncles the two sides are directed nearly parallel backward and at this point are more elevated than in front. Upper border of orbit smooth and directed obliquely backward, rising in a spiniform prominence at its outer extremity. A strong spine above lateral border slightly in front of widest point of carapace. Cardiac spine very large, embracing the entire region. Ocular pedun- 105 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM cles narrowed at middle; the corneal surface does not reach to the middle of the peduncle, although it extends much farther below than above and presents a very oblique inferior border. Basal article of antennules dilated especially toward the base and surpassing the rostrum; the two following articles very slender and of nearly equal length; flagella reduced; total length of antennules nearly equal to total len¢th of carapace. Antennae extremely small, flagella very slender, barely reaching extremity of second article of antennular peduncles. Outer maxillipeds remarkable for length of ischium and exopodite, the latter dilated, ending in front at same level as the ischium. Chelipeds well developed; palm short, swollen outside, especially below; fingers a little bent inward near the base and nearly twice as long as palm. Outer face of chela armed, except on fingers, with fine granules forming in places curved lines. Carpus short, granulous, armed inside with a spinulous lobe, and with a right angled outer line but no prominent tooth. Merus triangular, bordered with tubercles or denticles. The first ambulatory nearly surpasses the chela by the entire length of its dactyl; the second surpasses the first by a similar length. Last two pairs of feet very slender, reaching when straight- ened nearly to the eyes; dactyls arched, two-thirds as long as propo- dites. Measurements —Female (Blake station 238) total length of carapace 7.5, width 8 mm. (Milne Edwards and Bouvier.) Range.—West Indies; 127 to 220 fathoms. Material eramined.—See table 33, page 108. CYCLODORIPPE BOUVIERI Rathbun PLATE 32, Figures 3, 4; Puate 81, Ficurss 1, 2 ) ) ? J ’ Cyclodorippe agassizi A. MILNE Epwarps and Bouvirer, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27 p. 94, 1902 (part). Cyclodorippe bouviert RatHBuUN, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 91, no. 3, p. 1, pl. 1, 1934. Type locality —Northeast of Puerto Rico; 300 fathoms; Johnson- Smithsonian expedition; 1 male holotype (67990). Diagnosis.—Difters from C. agassizii as follows: No spine on proto- gastric regions. Median spines tubular, higher than in agassizii; granulation coarser on carapace and cheliped. Rostrum arcuate. Orbit narrow in dorsal view, margin rounding, orbital spine smaller than in the allied form. Wrist with a prominent blunt outer tooth or spine near distal end and directed forward. Measurements —Male holotype, length of carapace 5.2, width 5.6 mm. Range —Off Cuba and Puerto Rico; 150 to 300 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 34, page 108. 107 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA ZOU “9997 | Gila eae ee Oise Ore leas, ODaaaas (|S een (ak See pee ZO) Aa .0054 |) pOTt |; ame a cera allege ates: we Geman cae epeudin Eee Zi ON NPS Veco ms | Map cats woul Poe UDI NSEC ent eeeaie Al GL=S78T lp OC Alana acs mo SO OUTS LCTY oils gene ca apenas Bean | eee SoUIpBUdIy Bec OMIN: GSoC elma 7 Cel eee ee LaqssDpy |---| ELST 2O0 Clin ateacan | poet nacannn co soaiapieinade 00 4 | paar AC Ce ADUGC CHT Ou |emeceennema od "sed £400 (|---Z "OW ‘S199 |7-7> ~~ I *‘SUONBIIVA SUI PaO IN LOOPY ies lime oe he ee ODiaan = TOG? 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For Or cr sine ene Se OGL “pedx 7 ego 22829 |"3140 6 T OT | UBluOsyyIUg - UOsUYOL | OOL | ee6T ‘h JBTL | OORT OT 109)-349" | SU OP (80 Gs ssaee an OL IN: (O0lyY OLUANT IoyyNe Aq pourumexe JON |~ SN] seq jo ON hee atien eee oe fa CuO emi eames eens Peg OUST legal cee cages oe Cio | ape ee aes |e eae | suvqeH JO :vdnp “4 4 ° “é 4 ° “M *N uo einy smo epnyisuoyT | opnqiyjey SyIVUIEY “ON S0[RIeH | suoeurIoedg 10409[[0D “3, eed -eiod m10}40g -w13 Ay[B00'_ 418 -W19,], qed ssuliveg toranog oeddi10popoAy fo paummopxa 2oIajV[—" FE AIAV Bee SUN SEO Till ar bteniant uO. ate liab pee neni eel OD iF SES. SERS ae OD 5 ieee ghee DETR a ee aaa eager ete SoUIPBuely) FO ‘SOUIpBUOIL) ‘od 440[0H |°Z *O “IW ‘0899 |----~ pret SHIM as 2s ans eget ayn | We | CLES Rr ie aie aos SOT seed" peae es ale pes eben ‘noovleg BO ‘SATTIILNY WASSA'T pats ea pene Z0S0 nN CAISON) NO) GILG) | einen a aaeneulee Ops ts COT tise waren Sa=O Dae aes ote |. ce eee oie OFT 00) SS 8)5-09!)/00) 2 1o-=i 81s ae eam gen od Pegi? ces OURLON | pemne tar) LOOP, ects oe By areal ODS O01 SSCOT Pe AC IAL [Pe aS aps SRT Ses = ae eee OST GTP OS FD in 8 9 Tes Opt Ten fee eames “od SOSLOMi) sieeceme | aca: RT AR Te | epee gece ; Pe Dy 66 Ta GeO beer Le Na liner mares |S" ae ee 022 he A) UW aU Ze LU || Sota ee JO°HN 7 ce SR IGS gh 608L9 |-~"""" "ST | UBIMOSyATUIg - WOsMYyoL | ET Sec CCOL CuO |lnensae en |ir or oememinnns am O0G-00G) SO) sFOre G9) | O08) 0816 Lin | lnm nemieme amnanrs can IN. dt de en ste ar oe (00ly OLUTAd “M “N e1ny smo epnyisuoyT | epnyyey SYIVUIOY ‘ON SO[BIBO suemoodg 10409109 017849 08d -Bied 109}0g “498 A4I[800'T “W190. ssulieeg uzissese oddi10popAyg fo pauzupxa porsajppyy— "EG ATAV], OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 109 Genus CLYTHROCERUS A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier Clythrocerus A. M1tnE Epwarps and Bovvier, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, vol. 5, p. 387, 1899 [type, C. nitidus (A. Milne Edwards)]; Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 99, 1902.—Ratusun, Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1900, vol. 20, pt. 2, p. 90, 1901. Resembles Cyclodorippe in the rounded carapace, the mediocre sternal plastron, and the complete atrophy of the exopod of the an- terior and intermediate maxillipeds. Differs in its small antennules, completely retractile in the orbito-antennal cavity, in the valviform peduncle of the very short antennae and the comparative shortness of the ambulatory legs. East and west coasts of Middle America; Japan. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF THE GENUS CLYTHROCERUS A}, Only one lateral tooth or spine behind the orbital tooth. B!. Front with two teeth. C1, Carapace thick, smooth, and shining______.._______- nitidus (p. 109) C2. Carapace flat, finely granulate. D!. Carapace with an indentation either side of lateral tooth. perpusillus (p. 111) D2. Carapace without marginal indentations. Carpus of male cheliped with a large inner plate__-__-_-~- laminatus (p. 115) B?. Front with three teeth. Carapace and appendages densely granulate. Margins of carapace spinulous- - _-_--- granulatus (p. 119) A?. Two lateral teeth or spines behind the orbital tooth. B!. Distance between lateral spines greater than between fore- most tooth and orbital tooth. Frontal teeth with short UI OS 2 ete a RN ga ag ne el nk a planus (p. 114) B?, Distance between lateral spines less than between foremost tooth and orbital tooth. Cl, No spine above lateral spines. Two frontal teeth... decorus (p. 118) C2, A spine above and between lateral spines. Three frontal TECLN 2s wemegeie) ee A ee stimpsoni (p. 121) CLYTHROCERUS NITIDUS (A. Milne Edwards) Figures 26, 27; Puate 33, Ficurss 1, 2 Cyclodorippe nitida A. MiuNE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 24, 1880 (type localities, Florida Keys and Grenada; cotypes in M. C. Z.).— 8. I. Smrrx, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 10, p. 7, pl. 2, figs. 1, lb, 1882.— BovvikEr, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 8, vol. 9, p. 66 [13], 1898.— Ratusun, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, vol. 4, p. 293, 1898. Clythrocerus nitidus A. MitnE Epwarps and Bouvinr, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 90, pl. 18, 1902. Diagnosis —Carapace and appendages smooth and shining. Only one lateral tooth or spine. Description.—Carapace entirely smooth, thick, not swollen, slightly depressed transversely behind the front. Branchio-cardiac and uro- gastric sutures distinct. Front deeply depressed and with a broad V-shaped median sinus; its lateral angles are at the same level as the 110 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM dorsal face of the carapace and are advanced as two rostral teeth. Antennae short and folded under the front. A subspiniform tubercle on each side on the front part of the branchial region. A V-shaped notch in upper margin of orbit. Ocular peduncles with a deep rounded FIGURE 26.—Clythrocerus nitidus, female (M. C. Z.): a, Dorsal, <3; 6, front view, X6. After Smith. sinus above and dilated in corneal region, at the summit of which there is a slight, pointed tubercle. Chelipeds of male very large; arm smooth, much exceeding the carapace; carpus with a small obtuse tooth on inner margin; palm flat above and very thick; fingers shorter than palm, incurved, gaping in proximal half, some FIGURE 27.—Clythrocerus nitidus, male: a, Dorsal, X2 (approx.); b, cephalic region, ventral (left maxilliped removed), X7 (approx.). After A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier. hairs on inner surface. Ambulatory legs rounded like the chelipeds, not flattened; smooth and ending in a dactyl slightly arcuate and styliform. The first leg reaches the middle of the palmar portion of cheliped and the middle of the dactyl of the following pair. The last two legs do not surpass the distal part of the merus of the preceding. Measurements.—Male (66848), length of carapace to tip of spine 9.5, width 10.3 mm. Range—South Carolina to west Florida and Grenada; 6% to 262 fathoms. Material examined —See table 35, page 112. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA Lit CLYTHROCERUS PERPUSILLUS Rathbun Figure 28; PuatTe 33, Figures 3, 4 Clythrocerus perpusillus Ratasun, Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. for 1900, vol. 20, pt. 2, p. 90, fig. 14, 1901 (type locality, off Vieques, 15 fathoms; type, U.S.N.M. no. 23777); Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, vol. 9, p. 66, 1921. Diagnosis ——Carapace flat, finely granulate, margins pubescent. One lateral tooth and two indentations. Description.—Carapace slightly broader than long, finely and closely granulate; regions slightly marked; surface flat, the front in the same plane; two triangular, blunt frontal teeth, separated by a sinus equal FIGURE 28.—Clythrocerus perpusillus, female (23777): a, Dorsal view, X14 (approx.); b, extremity of fourth leg. to the reverse of either of the teeth; emargination of orbit a quadri- lateral obliquely placed; preorbital angle flat, inconspicuous; post- orbital angle a little thickened, dentiform; the eye projects beyond line of orbit. A small, sharp spine, just before middle of lateral margin; a notch behind the spine; halfway between the spine and the orbital angle there is a slight indentation; lateral margins in front of spine fringed with a short pubescence, as are also the merus and carpus of the longer legs. Outer mavxillipeds long, the merus joints projecting between the rostral teeth and visible in a dorsal view. Cheliped stout and short, about 1.5 times length of carapace; wrist with a prominent antero-external lobe; hand and movable finger with an inner superior crest; fingers bent strongly inward; thumb stouter than movable finger; they meet along their closing edges. The second pair of ambulatories exceeds the first by about the length of dactylus; both pairs slender and flat. Dactylus of last two pairs strongly curved and about as long as the curved propodus, against the base of which it fits. Measurements —Female type, length of carapace 2.2, width 2.5 mm. Range.—FPuerto Rico to Barbados. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 112 aes a L€899 f ue POS sgt *sodAyop |Z °O ‘W ‘2908 “ZO "IW ‘0008 “ZO “W ‘2662 “ZO “W ‘866 “I'S ‘6FZ8T “I'S ‘ecto ~I°O.'S ‘S6Tst =*I “A “8 “TOIT Sane T898T WarM peseduog ||-------- I'n's ZO "W108 ee ebPL9 eiggeae GPPLO PCE PPPLO “"yaTtIg SYIVUIEYT ‘ON B0[B1BO (*31A0 ‘syooy AI CERRO SO EG iis tr neac ss OD ies ites tae Coal iyo rae ce See eee cay Seo OUT, ge | enc aan ee a 110386 M GO RGIAOR)O CLL | > sects ar OD ee [pan ead ao cap lho aloes ek RC IIRQONS ~ - 15S 5e6 ““ pee ono ape aa pena od GATACIC RO Gi Os ler cea tacwe “eODocun|.- omeor cl eee? Bee NS als sec te BOGE ee tl ee eee el eerie erat | pee! od (CAIAOIS) GEPONOE. | sac ass WORDS gene Leo) BA ose ee orl tse an eet St ee | OTR Re Sa epee cert ieee += ale gatam aaa od Pye hea BIAO 6% SPT SSaG si Ta eee eee GT OD “480M AoW 1807 “(BIAOT) 6827 Spats er a wae Speier Saag kets. Ics See ae ae OL ae eg (ee ee cee ‘Aoy oquieg FO en es : qed f b cacs |Eaeeoeen So “002 { “neeye aS aeiikemar warnay orerey gest ‘22 ous (hance y}| 00 e t8'|-00.o0 cll or uneniee Cowes =F () ial een een e107 C70 |00 Ta OL RLLST 8499) eae ete all NUL ie eee ee WW ACUIS MUL a| comeeneerO cae Sadie SO Cal lpch cakesi een OD rac laa ae Se ZL8T TAG C55 5 | Sa eee a Cor. — | Secears — |S soe ae se es od Tae oe eecoGele ogee er a Dace se ae) SEbe To ee | aa) eee OCT Se S| aes Pape cela ee OG “aos PS nc +92 | -duig “uM -ayong | 1 CAST OCima STA. | name ie | ummieean meee |ROZ ee eee sage eel |e pee re OCT GOTT ORIOL Ney oo" OD reese Ror ice ele ere 7 eee) 2 | ee Doe OCI tee |RSS ce eeilaes cee |e Aoy puss YO Mines coe DSc s an og ODES peeates nals nos ae || es ee nee Po O80. oe ee ee alle Aoy pusg jog OS Se a Be ok ‘a Aq Ala | \SWOSIOpUS He: UU OR ane tea |e ome) clits cea geet: me OL = NSS Sse ae" ieee ae See ‘a9 Aoy pusg wae ‘Tur § Jnoge “| ea OTN cngark es ceo oan CO pagan OD Ag ale a | eee es weer =a % ‘a Aq ‘N Sulweg |----------oq “ToL Be ke PO Toligpemens at era OD ra IkCO, SES nOC OU em ates | earn eames NORA), 8°N 4q ‘a'N Sulweg |----------oq ene ee ed pe ell ne ee es, a ed |e eft: BORER ae ‘OT ‘TOI ST “N % (BIAOT) 67LT op #9 S00 35> 57g wales ae ee { m0 "N 4q "M'N S3Utreeg |---~------ od : ee oe “TUT QT MOR * AA As aS OTs | pam cones he ODS taal cg Risener OD eames |e onl |e ae naan ee etl OC O [ema nots AA eel ie Ne Le cle | emer O ol aa aaa 8¢.2o\| ‘podxg emeyeg ; fo a ae ae eee “O0T “Tu SEO EL eee eee ee : 1g e681 ‘ZZ ouns : : : -yq31T jleoug a BMOT “ATU () aie { ynoqy | Or ‘M 4q ‘N auton eon uO ‘aos ‘ko OBC ays eeyeeO Rec UNIS: (ONC eNOUE see ae encee «cae || and (emcees So Lea a Nice came pepe a an area 0191q M10§ HO Lees cea S i eo a ORI ee se cal ee ee eens eee bet. 2 [Petter ee | eee eee selesas Koy poaseyy eet ot SG ara at CD ead | WEG Se Mee See nc aa) slack tall oa ae = GOL, Tae Ti |e cae gaa roe te OGL: Ranren AT | ¢UOSdo DUH Ul Olea sae ses agli ee | all amelie = O6n) (ea Seeecze epee ce aa oe syooy AQMOT iValuoT *punog a RC GO| ee eet a Sle «2 eusloH 49 JO “g ét ayD1_ | BIE 555" OS8T: |S49P |e nae ea 29% 08 ct LL) 00 2 28] :VNITOUVD HLNOg ito “a 4 ° “a ‘ ° “M "N o1n4} epnyisuo'T epnyyeT sueutoedg 104997109 moNeIS oyeqd ~er0d 104404 SULOY YC A{1[B00'T “WAL SATILIBO Snprztu sns900144A[Q fo paurmuopxa pDIsaIv]YY—'"GE ATAV J, 113 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA “9d £400 ‘od "ZO “W ‘2299 ‘od “ZO “W ‘1299 ‘od “ZO “WN ‘192% ed440D |Z OW ‘6FLZ 4g |-Yg "Iq ‘00 $°6F |-°2Z0 *0D “4S Coleen ae ames 8 9/7 Mae 3 ID's OOPS hob we Ss VS. Neo ao 9) GE CUF | ia etea ae 99 pn A es, SE Tego So - tuk te ODE PSS "FL BL-RL8E ‘pedxy survyeg a “Opa BMOT sAII() (09899) 15-52 50 | Ge BOSE i. eos, AT |7777 7777777" 88017097 | FLEC-69EC| S88T*L “F9A “mos Pras te Ae 9 | -durng “uly ‘ayong Oe ips eee D LT a ena 3IAO ST |-‘uOsIepue *g UYOLr Pwesedecost ones I Pore gee eas Dela 2 eee ee Pr a eg Sora OD. 7 ee ee Sere 4 oe Bt ey os PM Sepe | ee se ayDIT | 9 Gane OLAALSE a a BIAO see Sia eae ACD es | LOSGE ZOBI ‘FI “G94 (TIEUS IOs g SSIAONZ) 0:0) Sal ia ae EL OD ares SSCL) “ey lowetancae ODranse “(T1eqs 4Jos SOE DIO Pil Sai ar ee aes OD aaa Z8ZL ZO6T ‘6I “Gea it cere ee iCu|icceneegesCD. im |m96cL tcp een ODE guna ae SLAOR Gis | sceaas neeanaTakOD oem | SOL, ZO6I ‘9% “GOT (‘3140 CC)its O08 WiCZe|> as anne ANDY YSty | TOEL 2061 ‘F “IVIL ay Eat: oer Gecsone ceaedes Fas en £681 ‘61 ounr epee oer 9\| “peaxy & a ae Tes +o) SMO] ‘ATU cies) , eel 0G Sunt Cr ee eee [ |rocrc tr -0 Sai aa o Saas ae LI Bes ae eee cee Sa pe nee | rer aio ape nes [a sere | Seem ea SACLE (CSTAO LL) CSN O 6s s5 eae 2 OD ae ris sagt cane aro ees carey ree a in a POT 622-ZST LET oT LOT 60T Gor 0ZI Zor “epeuely me eee -------yo | :saTNENY HaSsa’] shoy Bpllopy “se[q ueg aes SR || aes ee edeg jo “Mg BS oe OE ee eee eee |e eplold “M epHor as 489M AOY ---JoJVMHvoIG YO "Turg | 0 osusseg “MN 00: ‘SE Z8-| 00 ‘Sh Fo tai eae od 00 60) %S.| 08 “AI =#2 | °-= od CG 89, 1G: |.00° 21 ee |e oe a od Qf 62 8)| SO8.21 ¥e |= Ss od qh 2g 18'| Sf -1¢ ¥e \t- Ge Gp. dy 1S 1a) We #0, Sa ee od 9 68 18| 00 61 ¥% |~-----~ od “480M AMT gf 18 | 2€ St 4% | Bo uwons jInp et 34 °N JUSIT 150M Aoy “N AQ" MN 30 -Iveq 4ysVT Aoy pug *“MNN 38uI \ seo se ees od -Iveq 4ysIT Aoy pues OR Se Tia | eM AON BO ns? dee, Spee |e eae le, od a a ae eee re shee OCT: 114 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Material eramined.—As follows: Puerto Rico: Off Vieques; Culebritas lighthouse NE. 4 N., 10 miles; 15 fathoms; Co.; February 8, 1899; station 6091, Fish Hawk; 1 female, holotype (23777). Barbados: 1 mile southwest of Pelican Island; 38 fathoms; fne. Co. frag.; May 18, 1918; station 1, Barbados-Antigua Expedition, State University of Iowa; 1 female, same size as type (S. U. I.). CLYTHROCERUS PLANUS Rathbun Figure 29; Puate 34, Fiacures 1, 2 Cyclodorippe plana Ratupun, Amer. Nat., vol. 34, p. 519, 1900. Clythrocerus planus RatuBwun, Harriman Alaska Expedition, vol. 10, p. 168, pl. 9, fig. 4, 1904 [type locality, southern California at Catalina Harbor (probably) ; type, U.S.N.M. no. 14256]. Diagnosis —Carapace finely and appendages coarsely granulate. Two lateral teeth or spines, the distance between them greater than between the foremost tooth and the orbital tooth. FIGURE 29.—Clythrocerus planus, male: Dorsal view, X12. Description.—Carapace subcircular, a little broader than long; dorsally flat, finely granulate, granules larger toward outer margin; gastric and cardiac-intestinal regions bounded by deep grooves. Front occupied by two triangular lobes, each tipped with a blunt tooth, and separated from each other by a broad V-shaped sinus, which is prolonged on the dorsal surface by a broad, shallow depres- sion continued to gastric region; outer margin of each lobe slightly concave. Outer orbital tooth narrow, blunt, well-marked, directed obliquely outward. >>>] - eh eigen aia iahae rbet Salen ge GIES | eT = ee oe O19IQUIOg OpIsUy *sonq pol BOC |e ares ET999 2 | akan © 16 | apo game aie OD san OlSeeiel eee a OD a aliitee ate eee § ‘AZ ‘slo | 02 G OU JO *§ “Tur 2 ynoqy | od ‘£0ng ZN 01 19 Woy ‘hoy peeysesso0T jo OG ree se casriee spe S900 lime LONTs |wmiearcaricns: aaa sas 0) Ue ra etd SaeeeOCOL ML Out tl eras |neni espelp yeog | OT “aH [ney jeuuByd Ssolg |~-~ od ‘£onq pelzZ FOG) Tease os DZS OONn rere iTS me aoe ay oe OD Rama CPs eaten hae TOO Ts Coy AT OICe canna Naan ana ann enna oP ‘OW JO *§ “Iu OT yNOGY |--- sesnj}10 J, “A0onq pslZ 0Gir Besse FLG9O| ON OuL | jeanne lea nak: ODiaee OSncekn |e FB Ocy STL Cp) leave ca | ee aes ae aan Da 00T-08 ‘OW JO *§ “lar ET ynoqY | od SOG ee Nf sepa eas S990) | seme Oslo [Sian shae ane ware Op" --""| 2 Sage ¥COl OF SID Cal eeaee Sid ee al Gr ROC Vil Pema | vale tet || oa aS ae od “HOTIN4ASUT “s[eous OISaUIVD JO YD |-----7 86999 |-""" ST [7777777 -99TaaqIg “TMA | 6T Te SPO Le SIMIC ee cece ore «bane ; woe SrLieee-@ sar cae | eo “| OVUM ‘Sesn}10], no ea oe TOGST [7-77 ST otro sndwnipy | 7909 =|" -~-688T ‘9T “Qaq |--"~"--| SULOs “pay ‘pour | 62 00 £0 €8| TE 00 Sz% |~~~s¥snj10,1, r “"N ‘ouBvUI rae. wae TOOSGH| ea 1) Ta |'eena ecm COVETANSHT IAPCTL, looses LOCTeGe LC ya |(camesmmilinenaans | v7: TPSu|| 1G ch Ib Z8| ST 09 9% | -Oy ed¥D Jo."M Do ded, OUn| 14 nd kO sVaIUoTy “M "N suourt 91nje OpnysuoyT | epnyyeyT SYIVUIIY ‘ON S0[BI8O ~oodg 10409[[09 W01}8Ig eed -10d 103}30q smOyye yy Au[e00'T sure ssulreeg tuosdurtys vipeqy fo pauupxa yoruajypyY—'Be AIAV 128 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM EBALIA MAGDALENENSIS Rathbun Ficure 34; Puatse 35, Ficurss 4, 5 Ebalia magdalenensis RaTHBUN, tn Glassell, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 7, p. 334, pl. 22, 1933 (type locality, Magdalena Bay, Mexico; type, U.S.N.M. no. 67429). Diagnosis.—Posterior lobes of carapace triangular, separated. Posterolateral lobes similar, larger. Front slightly bidentate. He- patic region not defined posteriorly by an impressed line. Lateral angle of carapace obtuse; the border behind slightly convex. Description.—Shape resembling that of EF. cariosa. Carapace covered with much finer, crowded granules. Front with two shallow, obtusangled lobes; orbits oblique, behind the front. Median carina broad and blunt, concave in profile, narrowing toward middle of carapace, indicating the mesogastric region. Hepatic prominence very slightly produced; anterolateral cavity suboblong, granules largest in the deepest part. The highest point of the branchial region is at its inner anterior angle, from which a concave line trends toward the lateral angle of the carapace. Behind this, the surface is convex and uneven, showing two low elevations. A right angled tooth at posterolateral angle. A deep furrow either side of the cardiac region surmounted by a blunt lobe. Intestinal lobes broad, trian- gular, blunt. Subhepatic projection prominent, extending downward and forward, tip lobiform. Chelipeds granulate, coarser on merus, becoming finer toward fingers; three lobes on posterior cristate margin of merus, manus coarsely granulate above, fingers slender, hairy on prehensile edge. Ambulatory legs with acornlike granules, one row on merus, two rows above on carpus and propodus, one row below on propodus. Color.—FPreserved specimens show four red dots in a square on the female abdomen, and red color on distal half of fingers. Measurements—Female holotype, length of carapace on median line 11, length to tip of intestinal lobe 11.7, width 11.3 mm. Range.—Mexico to Ecuador; 2 to 18 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 40, page 131. EBALIA HANCOCEI Rathbun Puate 36, Figures 6-8; Puate 82, Ficurss 1, 2 Ebalia hancocki RatHBUN, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 46, p. 183, 1933 (type locality, Charles Island, Galapagos; type, U. S. N. M. no. 67988). Diagnosis.—Carapace broader than long. Posterior lobes extremely shallow. Hepatic region elevated. An excrescence above base of movable finger. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 129 5", 1p D2>OP YD 3 9 PDP E 3 de DIGEST 2 49 395; FIGURE 34.—Ebalia magdalenensis, female holotype: a, Dorsal; b, ventral. XX 4.8. After Glassell. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 130 “SNYAL teseyuedog “e1euaijis § || - -D4Q DYPDYIT JO eds yj] SHIN CHLeR{ “Boleul “tr JO “4suy a eee 9S8ZT cee LIZ¢¢ eas ““STess SyeennnCOSZT Ce aeaNG cozes > Sian 6S8LT "MOTJOOTIOO OZ9[[0D uoluyQ =" DsoUNID? vippywy jo edAy, |-~--7- ~"92CF “‘YSIH “JBN ‘00S U0IsoOgG WOT i > sz C6299 rae 861S¢ ere | 90c¢¢ “‘psodiupsquiayyy WIM peysnioug |-----~ ~"SCSLT “HOT4N ALAS -U] BISeUIVDH JO YD [77-7777 62999 Tt ean 917s rouse t T98ZT rea hs LS8LT ea A PISSS “Sollogsiy ‘Ing WIOly |-------~ CSET SYIVUIOY ‘ON SO[BIBO TTP 08 T seers t Sr a ae ---oneuvs ep ony ‘S apnjyyoT suzvag See are Fa ae Sera eT SG (11°) AAU orT ||| siceias linn cea GSES BAT A | RRND | GEMS ERM | DEERE EE aaa | ERT eae ME AOMIIOSEVOLVILVC Sao Sore aon leer ITU ky «En | aman al Sara ecastea ante | eae | REE ee DOL EO1 Cla manana aa? || caaaaacecn aa | taca aaa an | EREEEEAOSTINU DOG) era a éT (Sa Gpees" o1zz |-"-To6T ‘6 “9eq | got |----~ -- Amys “Aps |--*7--7---2 | sy It 8 | of 09 gz |77777-AeM YON romeo Pome gmner Yen | OFGL |-"GOET “86 "URE | BT | -as-AAa'S "PAM |-——————n—E | OE TP eB} OF Be de | puelyatH “AOY ould JO e10ys JeUUr Fae ane a Sy [al ee LLCO Fe Te iain |e SSL CL. |r en me iagttn nn = Aerie erie eee sien Soe ecg SSS nll emer ne cealll CAB ET OBOTO) | COO “yolay “eeu ST Oe |-7---- mgr yst | 2082 |~~~eTOr ‘g “Wer |-77777)-7777--GS “AIG *g |-77777T7TT TT 4 “EN JOINT | og Su0T Jo ao Te alfa =r aOR esas a | POST, CLOUD Ry sat |" Na pew sare Saas A Sar ae a ieee ie |r cn ee come eg es OCT spe cee Te| ar sae ee Sere lc sonrbrerga laa "2) eae ses ester |scae-*rp eres Ee ase --a "00 Sete ITAL Ta | seel0') CIS) AAUMS OY Tial secession | NGcsseaaate aa os paeaaaan | emSCa aur Soe | |G etal aI = mal mee IEC JOBEIBS “Tur 49° pur] epieerarr rss wey |r--op-7---| ose | o-eter Fue [------|-- ag “Haq *g pay [----e-------] AQ sag ArT CTLEdsey | -s] eIEdseD FO ‘TU %Z 01 01 ‘AN “spuel Pears ssrroypy [ooo--symngy usa | 9622 |-v-eter ‘Tues | 29 |----~pavezy urvog, |------------] aqart yo onq [eg | -sI leques DO ‘To “95-6010 Gh. |c-- yeu sm <= -|- Sore" (peo rege PU wes ons oS So ele eo “-oose Jy “O01 [8 *A£onq pel ape --===- 81 [--qqnamgog "Ta | 212 |-$z6r ‘THLeung |------| -100 wx0gy poyorg |-------~-9¢ | Z ‘OW Jo “g “TH g jnogy |--~~"-~--sBBN{IO, “mooved Jooly MOGI Sasssy secs Wr |------ymnpez yon | L9¥2 |-E06T ‘et “Gea | 9°0g [---~-7n Silence % | 10 "N 4G “M ‘Tu 4p |-“TeumeyO AML “Aoy equind 4 “ease ae Hira [eco eee acga |e“ >~ |" °~~-~"="Oge.|ohsaaleo ns -"n- kOe aos | esr OD er lege ae ITs) BRST, TOMO “OPl} MOT cae eee ral lem CULO NT ee FT a ease allie 2 a oe Sea claal | a | aE SSUES ORTON CT) : ae cag ornge aaa | remaasTO SIT. AON re eS Reo aer inne coor [Gee cs2 See ee ae *Aoy IWIPIOG JO"AA Y= d1 yonogr ysig | 2972 | “e06T ‘4 “Ie | "ez Hor gape tan ce oa Avg oudvosig !VaINOTT Bis aes SOM Cale eA CEL AAG int eee CLOT CAIOL seinen Pate DOCDOIGE| meng a co elect | ae See | A cee OTERO GT. = ‘Do “é 4 °o “uf é ° yo ‘punog ensog !VNIITOUVO HLUON wor oy 9 ahem Soren sueutoedg 10}09][09 Bag eyeq ~e10d m0}}0g suoyjeg | PPM! I AyryR007T sa ssulIveg BSOLIvo BITBqy fo pautwopxa pDILaDIY—"6E AIAVL 131 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA mn “‘eua[ a RO Gis F Aalto COLES! merc eee Oks | ore aa ODsre GOSS RPEOTAG COW lee any | eee ee ee OI-8 49 «JUIOg JO YWON |~-~-"psByWoqiT &]T -woavaoy *S apNnyyOT ‘A£eq Ul 0G) - tee Se L269) | Po Oe ae OD ame LSS PECL GES AO ae cPetc ia paar Awa Sksa| ne eee So[sI pUnols suIspeIq, |~~7 7777 od SOCiepel|ta | tay G1ZG0. lear iD eas a = OD >. FAG | GESOT Fo FON. nee Olsé 4" fe aes Avq uy [777-777 BIqoIND OFeN ‘podxy sod “B1qgel -edeep =yooouey |---| QO089 sis stems Oks |sae mane III 04272A | OIL | S86L ‘ST “wey [7-77 ee os Fnot OF esas Sle Q oylond ‘Avg s0209 :VOIY VLSOO “8100 co S566800! co ~~ Osh |e MOT “NS [507% FE6L “0g ‘esooseueg Bund “BIUIOJI[VO 36 “"-"T]09 [Jessep |7-7-£ 6 Toleprocak ae ODmae f(s as TE6I ‘6T yinpy ‘Avg woodeou0p ~*~" [[09 [Jessel ~~~” o\\---- Sas eail=====- (pee eweeeean| ean eee aaa ee cea auee | mloscccscene ee |=sae nase eee Leone ceoaae ee are ales : IleSstlp “VS Te61 ‘g "00 8I Avg vuolep 6zFL9 |-edéy 6 4 “Sey ‘euuvyoQ Aoreyy “as4see Sh S020. LOdIXASL eim4 eemnorn epoiie lo eT syIBM9 yy ‘ON Z0e189 © |suemtoedg 104091109 ae eed -viod 1103}0g ae AyyR007T 48 -U18L, qed ssulieeg ee nN ee eee ee ee ee ee SISUOUDTBpSBUL BITVqy fo paurswpxa o1LajoHK[T— Op AIAV 132 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Description.—Near FE. magdalenensis. Carapace broader than long. Surface covered with large globular granules, in large part separated. Frontal margin divided by a short impressed line into two shallow blunt teeth. Branchial elevation larger than in ZL. magdalenensis; its anterior, highest portion has finer, closer granules. The anterolateral depression is restricted by a hepatic elevation; behind this the anterolateral margin of the carapace is plainly indi- cated; just below it, a rectangular pterygostomian tooth, behind which are two triangular spines, the hinder pair at the widest part of the carapace, the beginning of the lateral margin of the branchial region which is bordered with flat spinules. Posterior lobes broad, arcuate and very shallow. Subhepatic region acutely pointed. Chelipeds and legs very rough; a triangular tooth on upper base of movable finger; manus much swollen laterally. Measurements.—Female holotype, extreme length of carapace 7.2, width 8 mm. Range.—Mexico; Galapagos Islands. Material examined.—See table 41, page 133. EBALIA CLARIONENSIS Rathbun PuatEe 82, Ficurss 3, 4 Hbalia clarionensis RatusBwun, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 48, p. 2, 1935. Type locality—Sulphur Bay, Clarion Island, Mexico; 32 fathoms; nullipores; January 5, 1935, no. 136; Hancock Galapagos Expedition; 1 male (U. S. N. M. no. 69343). Diagnosis.—Surface covered with crowded punctae. No marginal teeth at widest part of carapace. A small median hollow on cardiac region. Description.—In general shape resembling FE. hancocki. Carapace narrower, more octagonal. Front more advanced but less elevated. Subhepatic tooth obtuse-angled. Posterolateral angles thickened and rounded. Posterior lobes very shallow, separated by a broad and very slight indentation. Cardiac region with a small hollow in a circular rim, facing obliquely backward. Chela less swollen than in hancock. Measurements —Male holotype, length of carapace 6.3, width 6.7 mm. Range.—Known only from the unique specimen. EBALIA CRISTATA Rathbun Figure 35; PLATE 35, Fiaures 8, 9 Nursia tuberculata RatHsBun, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 16, p. 257, 1893 (type locality, Gulf of California; type, U.S.N.M. no. 17503); not EH. tuberculata Miers, 1881. Ebalia cristata RaTHBUN, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 21, p. 612, pl. 44, fig. 5, 1898 (type locality, off Abreojos Point, Lower California; type, U.S.N.M. no. 21599). 133 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA a ee ae ee od od ‘0d od od “ped -xq sosedelen yooourR ‘pedxq sosed -B8H yooouvyH ‘adAj,o[oH “OC 0d ‘od od od od od “ped -Xq sosedzey yooourH SyIVUISY LOL6O ae aaa Oil oceans ODaazen CLileen PSO Le CGteae ek 6 Co! | sapaaei a (eee niece On a. milan pacer ee AG GROIOTOAN | Srp ae eer ns pues] Mourfeg qyNog 18Z69 |"BIAOSZLT |7----—- OD mae LOC | EPEC eC eRUp Ts licsacaes | cae eke oes a CERO ge PSS ey ABQ OUI TO AAG | ease cag Avg Joupiey :pue[sy pooyH SLE69n| eestAO dG | sta OD eters OL een | aeneren OD gee eae oS sos ae oes Coe. Alas ora reea S ODS ares [S20 See ee ee od LUCO9)- |e (Gel Bers tee OD sta a TL Teeo | PEO lel Ceec Ue eace toeaa| grins cre Or—ce = |-- 77-7 KG Ge MOOL MAIO: We || ances ceo es eee ae pues] weyyeyO VECB9 iow sy 2 O Gal sacs OD Stee LG Tes PEG MAGGS lea wenn cee en ee AM ISO 508 Ss aesaca see JUlOGD Or | sae- ste see ae od COLOQs ne eee bm Tels vase ODeerare SOTe ale peOleLome ala ease > aeeliner can see Ol-S8 il teres ABO O 4 S0de inn ore ca aE omnes aE od 88619 |~~S1AO @ T [777-7 ODmaess cg COO TACO OM alia meen ||s panic: Son 9¢ OfR 2 T206e] (Ghee Onan | ae aceaeater pomeertenat PUBS] sopieyO CLELORIE SBtAOaS Tle aaa (0) Os LCT Saeaee OD Re tlie | dees ees SISO S| > seeps eee ee GAOOLUY): |sssa> an nour, Soap TS nee od FPLC) lige ee Opbel set OD say OCS P RE EO le Clee Ol eee ert | ee eee O01=08)5|pssesss ese [OUUC OMT Seo 7 op aresn bGaerret aeae od 0869" )75 =d8 2.4 |= ODEaaca SVs gaeneny OD a hap eae I metas es ko Rael le geen eee a TULOG ON Gy IF “Gk ean a Saad Sead — are od 82269) |Sis OPiS Salk. cere op---- LITISEEOLS cle SOR 4| te cee sc poms See 0G. SS)" ae 8A00 JO "g Solu Og |~----- 9AOD SNS], :pULIS] s[IeMeqry GUZ69| Seto Geol ie eee OD igen SSISIEPSB late. SUC DSS a cegel| een aan ees 02509) =| SDUU[s i AUB Tyaree Nie licen annonce aan anaes aman od SLC69R | os g Gl Saees ODSesar LIT NSPEO TAGS) Olea s aa | tea cae Sa OCS alee eelescs sees alba Avg uBAI[[Ng :puv[sy somes 092600 | igae Galler corse ODaaaee OGL a |FRE6Ts0c: (UC RS fee eo cee Seca 09=89) S100) :08: -06' | 00) 99: (00) saa-sa2 sss spurs] sosedeepy :woavaog ‘S apNNOT “Avg GLZ6ON Sat AOrS Tale O4e7AA ESET. |) FEB Ip eocUels| see > als css cee ee OR a eee Rese car ween ee OHSMYUCIG :pULIS] O110D0G :OO1XAI “d d ° “s 4 ° ‘ON 91n} BET eHOy spain gore | sueumoedg | 104001109 ae aed -exed | woyog | _S0 ; AypeoorT “180 -WaL qe ssuliveg eee Ne a a | ee a eee Tyooouey viITeqy fo pauzwonza pray —'" | f AIAV], 134 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Diagnosis.—Carapace octagonal; front entire; chelipeds cristate. Description.—Length and breadth of carapace subequal; hepatic regions depressed; deep furrows outline cardiac and mesogastric regions. A blunt median carina extends from the front to the cardiac region. Surface covered with flat close-set granules, not quite so large on the anterior third. Front truncate, upturned. A blunt prominence at hinder end of hepatic region; directly behind it a triangular lobe or tooth on the margin of the branchial region, fol- FIGURE 35.—Ebalia cristata, male holotype (21599): Dorsal view, X 3%. lowed closely by a smaller, similar lobe at the widest part of the carapace, both lobes inclined downward; posterolateral angle fur- nished with an acute denticle; behind it the margin is concave; posterior margin with two shallow adjacent lobes. Of the dorsal branchial prominences, the anterior one is the highest; below it a ridge trends toward the midlateral tooth; the prominence behind it js irregularly broken up. In a larger male, these prominences are more confluent. Pterygostomian region drawn to an acute point. Merus of chelipeds cylindrical, length less than twice thickness; carpus, propodus, and dactylus with a thin, acute crest; palm swollen, lower margin convex. Legs granulate, margins spinulous; dactyls long, slender, fringed below. Measurements.—Male (17503), length of carapace 11.8, width 12.5 mm; male (21599), length 9.6, width 10 mm. Range.—West coast of Mexico. Material examined.—Lower California, Mexico: Off Abreojos Point; lat. 26°14’00’’ N., long. 113°13’00’’ W.; 48 fathoms; yl. M.; temperature 53.9° F.; May 3, 1888; station 2834, Albatross; 1 male (21599). OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 135 Off Angel de la Guardia Island, Gulf of California; lat. 29°30’00’’ N., long. 112°40’00’’ W.; 45 fathoms; 1880-82; Comdr. H. E. Nichols, U.S. N.; 1 male (17503). EBALIA ROTUNDATA (A. Milne Edwards) Piate 36, Figures 9-12; Puate 37, Ficurss 4, 5 Lithadia rotundata A. M1tne Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 22, 1880 (type locality, mouth of the Bermejo, Patagonia; type, M. C. 6662) — A. Mitnze Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 113, pl. 22, figs. 6, 7; pl. 23, figs. 1, 2, 1902. Diagnosis.—Carapace octagonal, without lateral teeth. Carapace hollowed out about cardiac region. Description.—Surfaces everywhere covered with flat, adjacent granules delimited by raised lines; on the digits, especially those of the ambulatories, the granules are replaced by spinules. Carapace wider than long, octagonal, sides unequal, margins thick. Front narrow, faintly bilobed. The anterolateral margins are the longest and have two obtuse prominences, one at level of hepatic region, the other more feeble and a little behind; lateral margins half as long as anterolateral, converging posteriorly and slightly concave; postero- lateral margins a little longer than the preceding and also concave; posterior margin twice as wide as front, having a broad sinus and two shallow lobes, more pronounced in male. The branchial regions are the most elevated portions of the carapace. The hepatic region is very convex above and below; not toothed below but more prominent in female than in male; dorsally it is surrounded by a depression. Cardiac prominence wider than long, oblong, with rounded corners and connected by a transverse line with the urogastric region. It is otherwise surrounded by a depression, on which are some isolated mushroom-shaped granules; it is narrow and shallow behind but becomes deeper on the anterior border, where it is divided into two lobes by reason of a prominence from its outer border which projects in the direction of the anterior cardiac angle. Third and fourth segments of male abdomen with three blunt longitudinal carinae; sixth segment with an acute spine at proximal end, pointing backward. Sternum with four deep transverse grooves. Measurements of cotypes.—Male, length 9.9, width 10.1 mm. ; female, length 8.5, width 9.1 mm. Material examined —Known only from the two cotypes (¢ and °) from off Bermejo Head, Patagonia, lat. 47°17’ S., long. 63° W., 17 fathoms, March 4, 1872, station 28, Hassler (M. C. Z. no, 6662). 136 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Genus LITHADIA Bell Lithadia Bewu, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 21, p. 305, 1855 (type, L. cumingit Bell). Carapace subrhomboidal, with cardiac region produced posteriorly, lateral margins produced over bases of legs; surface very uneven, branchial and cardiac lobes elevated, hepatic region much depressed ; the subhepatic region forms a distinct and oblique facet; surface rough with granules or tubercles. Front produced, narrow, upturned, orbits small; a considerable space between edge of lower wall of orbit and free edge of buccal cavern. Merus of external maxillipeds much more than half the length of ischium measured along inner edge; outer margin of exognath nearly straight. Chelipeds rather short and heavy. Segments 3-5 in abdomen of male fused, 4—6 of female. This genus is restricted to those species which have marked excava- tions on the upper surface of the carapace. East and west coasts of Middle America; South Africa (Stebbing), Indian Ocean (Laurie), Australia (Haswell). KEY TO THE AMERICAN SPECIES OF THE GENUS LITHADIA Al. An anterior median carina on carapace. B'. Major part of carapace excavate; highest points, 2 small lobes in line with widest part of carapace________-__--____- cumingii (p. 136) B?. Major part of carapace convex. Branchial region almost entirely swollen. Rostrum slightly concave_-__-_--- cadaverosa (p. 137) A?. No anterior median carina; highest point a small branchial pyramid either side in line with widest part of carapace___granulosa (p. 140) LITHADIA CUMINGII Bell PLATE 38, Ficures 1, 2, 7-15 Lithadia cumingii Bru, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 21, p. 305, pl. 38, fig. 6, 7, 1855 (type locality, Puerto Portrero, Central America [Potrero, Costa Rica]; type in Mus. Bell) —Ratuesvun, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., vol. 21, p. 613, 1898. Diagnosis —Major part of carapace excavate. Anterior median carina a single line of granules. Rostrum with two narrow arcuate lobes. Highest points of carapace two small lobes opposite widest part of carapace. Description—Male: Carapace very strongly marked by rude elevations, sharply circumscribing deep hollows. In a young male the elevations are more numerous and distinct, and the sulci separating them are continuous; in an old male these elevations are confluent, the sulci becoming four irregular circumscribed hollows, covered within with distinct granulations. Intermediate stages have been noted. Posterior branchial lobe forming a triangular tooth; lobes of posterior margin similarly modified. Rostrum slightly turned up, emarginate. Outer maxillipeds, sternum, and abdomen covered with distinct large and elevated granulations. The fused segment of male abdomen has a minute tooth at posterior angles and a slight OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMBRICA 137 mesial carina; sixth segment oblong-quadrate, posterior margin armed with a strong tooth pointed backward. Chelipeds very irregular, arms tuberculate and granulate; hand nearly as broad as long, distinctly carinated on outer side; dactylus with a lobe at proximal end of upper carina. (After Bell.) Female: Much broader than male; in young as well as old, the eleva- tions are found to be as numerous as In the young male described above. Color.—Pale brown; hollows of carapace gray; four minute red dots on abdomen. (Bell.) Measurements—Type male, length 18, width 15 mm. Adult female (22132), entire length 11.7, width 14 mm. Young female (22133), entire length 7.5, width 8.6 mm. Range.—West coast of Mexico to Ecuador; 2 to 51 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 42, page 138. LITHADIA CADAVEROSA Stimpson PuaTE 38, Ficures 3-6 Lithadia cadaverosa Stimpson, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 2, p. 159, 1871 (type localities, west of Tortugas, 35 fathoms, and off Conch Reef, Fla., 40 fathoms; types not extant).—RatusBun, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, vol. 4, p. 293, 1898. Diagnosis—A narrow median carina of granules. Rostrum slightly concave. Highest points of carapace the branchial regions which are almost entirely swollen. Description.—Carapace broad, suboctagonal, very little produced posteriorly and strongly convex; branchial regions much swollen especially in female. These regions and the other protuberant parts of the carapace are more or less covered with depressed, often con- fluent granules, arranged in lines or groups with depressed spaces intervening, giving to the surface an eroded or vermiculated appear- ance. Excavations between regions very deep, those surrounding the cardiac region dotted with flat granules irregularly placed; those sur- rounding hepatic region and lying in front of branchial very narrow. Hepatic region narrow, with a granulated ridge extending inward a short distance from the anterolateral margin, which is here defined by a similar ridge. Pterygostomian prominence triangulate. Be- hind the hepatic region and separated from it by a deep transverse sinus below, there are on the anterolateral margin of branchial region two strong, triangular, flattened teeth pointing downward; the anterior of the two is the larger. Posterolateral tooth of branchial region triangular in male, shallower and rounder in female. Intes- tinal projections lobiform, shallow. One or two rows of small tubercles on lower surface of branchial region. Front thick, slightly concave. Chelipeds rugose, with angular, granulated protuberances; merus subcylindrical. Ambulatories armed above with short thick spines; last two articles somewhat setose. (After Stimpson.) ‘0d od ‘od od ‘od *podxq soz -edejey yooousy, “muB0zos1q WIM *pedxq sosed B18) yooous ‘oa ‘od od *podxy soz -Bdu[ey yooouvy, *pedxq sozsndey,vy yooousyE «“AJOIIBA *pedxq sod -Bde[ey yooouvsy, BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM syIVUI0Y 138 durin vipeyyy fo paurupxa .or1sajppy—"Zp _ATAV I, STPOOE| sen | ue Sa aaa F OD iris cme: LED AGPSOU So: OBL sane melee ne ae OCESo | easter ae “Avg uBaltng |--77----~ sosede[ep ‘puvysy souus OSCOON | Scag > Gp | ent men ie OD rae |" Ser CTS) POT Ol CLO. || mee (een eee STIS | Olan | eee @SBIOUOUB ONG lsssennue ens ee omnis eee OO G008On | Ose me ao ODN ie Sa emvGCh | MOCOlNCG) LUC) ||mamaien o> +7 POSDOIG Es wat PRS as Tat Ben SR ye SRC. a a pues] 8}e[d BT ‘S' apnzyoT m0aVvaOg *(jou LT¥69 |BIAOST |---- ~~~ > 5 ODA 55> Samed SCOR CO Li 1 CO a | be cen |i =="-"W | ot |-weqo) BI[FWOS10 5) aa ot a al PUL[s] BUOZION) :VIAMOTOD FSCOOE | enemies natn wee OD eae so cra OFS ePSOl CO AACN a| sec slae cateentieen Gi) tal 0Z-ST] JO “§ SIS! JO OpIsyng jo---=- mee pee ees gee OCT *‘SpUBIS] B1IOD0q CRCOOE | en Telecoms Sh aaa ODES at VEC e EO terC mG Ooia | eceaain| phen ee me Ss Ge-08] PUB JOPIPsP Usemjog |o-~~ TTT m meen enn “epuoy siqeg i 6%L69 |---~ ae = ws ODS lke NoGalie> we ROD ESE Sea ie solodyimN | St |7--7 dnoid Jo * A PUB '*g [>> >~7TTm mo Ze OG “AT LSCOOs| ON Ti | nen one ee Opes Ite in a 092 |" FS6I ‘2% “GET |-----*|--= Us peop WL | 86 | T7EN OS JO! Gales pee es cae = ~"""""SpusBlsy sBo0g :VAVYNVd *A£Bq Ul Z8Z69 | S2L9 | - Week OD ge Tlie «aoe LSGile POOletC e GOH a|eea cn a(n weamnnts ne me. |e sos} punole sulspoid SS ee ke ee oe ee oY OT OSCOGS cee Le || ences i.e ODF es This RS FOZ. eeOlro SQ9u | cet |ic caw bas OTRO >| er ae 5 Aeq uy |--~~ BIGs[ND OJ10Ng #0089 |- “AST |--7-7~ Se eee OD os OL PEO Tash AC \le le aceon | (onamenes ee iio hcor || ees ae ae — ae aa “--"BIqge[ND oleng ‘Avg sooo :VOIY VLSOD *SpUBIST SIVILT 68C60) |e ©) [| amine i. O) Oe saa [agree FOC lmPeo Lice AB TALE teens | hm ee een ae &% SUITE 730. es DURH Satie sea = a. we Avg uepyejog 88269 |" ST PT | - TT O4aqag, [> - DLC |e PEO Nea) sO TA sl nciceors | ies mamemieanenn at ate GZ-0T} 00 #2 SOT] 00 29 12 | -- es ae CEICC1 ||: aa Le | Gna eeO4ID0) Allien oan SZC) SRST: Ogee lhy, || nemmen| onan “Ug “HAG |3492 00 2 OIT| 00 SI ¥2| -H¥O Jo JINH ‘Avg zg BT JO ‘Pg 00 T& 601} 00 90 & “‘pBoV ¢|-""" PT | pedxg Jox0019 ‘ponZ | YW Si‘ |-seel‘b “Amy |~--~~7|-- > aaa ee PI 04 04 ay SOR pao e OqBD [9p gsor UBS FO JHBO 00 98 60T} 00 £0 £8 “*BIUIOJ SETSGu lie mae Le | eee nr oor ss04j0q7h |~~- ~~ COSen le Sas bac, es OAL nema | nen W ‘us| 1¢ Of LL ZIT] 00 8& #%| “HBO JomoT ‘Avg suolepseyy dist @ dfs 48 OOIXa IL Spruce Sonne 9in} ‘ON 3O]| sueur P sumo : : -B}80 | -10dg 10909[[99 m01}843 978d ee m10},0g YBa 441800 ssulieog 139 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA SYIVUIOY I°n's ZOZ8T PS8LT SS8ZT “ON S0[B38D suoul *podxy vusyeg BAO) “ATU: 83899! Hse Secs5 EOSIN ST ABI Seascale tac. ae BS CEN ce | ee See Lal ee Ee syuvg euleyeg ‘sYRVHYg ae oa sndunsp ge09 GERI LE “AVN :|( 695 “lac Sr sa oe 8 sy | eee ll cae nee Ee Pica Bes eee OL oer i a gsr oe Op” ~~~] G28 are ee OD as i Selig Sto a ee Tete ee eta ate ss04z0q7V | OLES G88 ‘L “Goat |-~~-77|" "Ug “AQ “g “AB “sto | 9% 00 Z& $8] SI SI 62 |~“se[q weg od¥D Jo"MS ‘aT ° “é 4 ° “s é ° -VaIuoT ay “M "'N ein4 smo | SPNYSUOT | opniyeyT 104091109 081g ojeq -Bied m10340q “18 Aqe00'T -1oadg BSOIOABPBO BIPVYWT fo paurswupxa yoriwawpy—¢f AAV, ssulleog 10 80232—37. 140 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Color.—Bluish white, with flake-white ridges and tubercles; frontal portion and feet flesh colored; a few blood-red spots on abdomen and about bases of appendages especially of chelipeds. (Stimpson.) Measurements.—Male (17855), length of carapace 7.5, width 8 mm; female (17854), length 7.4, width 8.6 mm. Range.—West coast of Florida to Bahamas; 25-34 fathoms. Material eramined.—See table 43, page 139. LITHADIA GRANULOSA A. Milne Edwards FIGurRE 36 Lithadia granulosa A. MiLNE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 22, 1880 (type locality, off St. Croix Island, 115 fathoms; whereabouts of type unknown).—A. Minne Epwarps and Bouvinr, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 116, pl. 22, figs. 8, 9; pl. 23, figs. 3-5; pl. 24, fig. 1, 1902. Diagnosis —No linear median carina of granules. Major part of carapace convex; highest point a small branchial prominence either side of middle and opposite widest part of carapace. A large rec- tangular pterygostomian prominence, anterior margin transverse. Front truncate. Description.—Branchial regions very large, dominating the longi- tudinal rounded prominence which attaches the truncate front to the cardiac region; they present in the forward part a little outside the median line a high pyramidal prominence; farther outward an oblique but lower protuberance of the same form on the strong branchial arch; its summit is advanced almost to line of lateral margin. Cardiac area a rounded but very depressed pyramid, sur- rounded by a narrow, shallow depression where the unevenness of the granules is accented. Below the hepatic areas, little prominent and of small size, there is a conspicuous rectangular pterygostomian projection; behind this a small subbranchial tooth. The raised line of granules forming the anterolateral border is, in the hepatic region, divided into two curves, which form between them a very obtuse angle. Anterolateral angle of branchial region triangular and sepa- rated by an arched line from posterolateral angle; this is rounded, as are the two halves of the intestinal region. Female abdomen strongly discoid, its fused segment a little wider than long; telson subtriangular, margins arcuate. Granules of carapace depressed, unequal, confluent, forming a sort of mosaic; they are also grouped in prominent lines as on the lateral border of hepatic region and at divers points on branchial and cardiac regions. On lower surface of branchial region and on sternal plastron outside the abdomen certain granules are irregularly placed and protuberant above the others, giving the surface a cor- roded appearance. A similar disposition occurs on the free face of the abdomen, but the granules are larger and the differences of level less pronounced. On the ischium of the outer maxillipeds the granules form on the median line a strong longitudinal elevation. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 141 The granules of the other appendages are in general smaller than those of the carapace, but some frequently project above the others in an obtuse point; this is the case in the merus of chelipeds and on the three middle articles of the legs; the dactyl of the latter append- ages is ornamented with stiff hairs. Granules form a swelling on upper border of wrist and also terminate the upper beveled edge of the palm. (After A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier.) FIGURE 36.—Lithadia granulosa: a, Carapace of female, dorsal view; b, left cheliped, inner face; c, same, outer face; d, first right ambulatory, outer face; e, last right ambulatory, outer face. X74. After A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier. Measurements.—Holotype female, length 7, width 8.1 mm. Range.—Known only from the type specimen, from off Frederick- sted, St. Croix Island, West Indies; 115 fathoms; R. brk. Sh.; temp. 65° F.; station 132, Blake, 1878-79. Genus SPELOEOPHORUS A. Milne Edwards Speloecphorus A. Mitne Epwarps, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, ser. 4, vol. 5, p. 148, 1865 [type, S. nodosus (Bell)]—Ratusun, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. for 1900, vol. 20, pt. 2, p. 88, 1901. Carapace broad, roughly pentagonal, hexagonal or octagonal; lateral borders considerably prolonged over the base of the legs. Posterior half with a deep cavity in either branchial region which is roofed wholly or in part by a bridge formed by an extension of the cardiac region meeting a similar extension of the branchial region 142 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM along a suture line. Suborbital border entire. Endognath of outer maxillipeds overreaching exognath, which has a rounded extremity. Eyes large. Chelipeds short and strong. Abdomen of male with segments 3-5, of female with 4—6 fused; in male a backward-pointing spine on sixth segment. To this genus are referred all of the Hbalia or Inthadia species having deep hollows or caves within the posterior half of the carapace. North Carolina to Cape St. Roque, Brazil; west coast of Mexico. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF THE GENUS SPELOEOPHORUS A!, The deep cavity of the carapace has only two orifices, invisible in dorsal view. Bee Carapnce hexagonal _* = 2520. S20. 7 ea eee ee nodosus (p. 142) Be ¥@arapace trigonals 22 S222 ON See ee ee ee schmitti (p. 143) A?, Carapace octagonal and with four orifices, of which two are visible in dorsal view. B!. Carapace broader than long. C1, Dorsal pair of orifices small. Carapace highest at anterior end of branchialielevation-=222 "tas ses UL oe pontifer (p. 144) C?, Dorsal pair of orifices large. Carapace highest near middle of branchial elevation; narrower than pontifer_-_-_-- elevatus (p. 145) B?. Carapace longer than broad, strongly constricted behind frontal margin. Superior orifices circular_......_-_-- digueti (p. 148) SPELOEOPHORUS NODOSUS (Bell) Puate 40, Figures 1-5 Oreophorus nodosus BELL, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 21, p. 307, pl. 33, fig. 8, 1855 (type locality unknown; type in Brit. Mus.). Speloeophorus nodosus A. MILNE Epwarps, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, ser. 4, vol. 5, p. 149, 1865.—Ratuson, Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1900, vol. 20, pt. 2, p. 89, 1901.—Hay and Suors, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fisheries, vol. 35 (1915-16), p. 425, pl. 32, fig. 4, 1918. Spelaeophorus nodosus Stimpson, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 10, p. 119, 1871.—Ratuevn, Ann. Inst. Jamaica, vol. 1, p. 37, 1897. Dragnosis.—Carapace pentagonal or hexagonal, broader than long. Only two orifices in hinder half of carapace; orifices are posterior and invisible in dorsal view. Description.—Carapace about one-fifth broader than long, pen- tagonal, intestinal region concealed in dorsal view, posterolateral angles rounded; surface covered with crowded granules and nodose; an elevated protuberance on hepatic region, a transverse line of nodules across middle of carapace and one above each posterior cavity; a median ridge on gastric region. In a large specimen the nodules are fused, those over the cavities forming two large coils. Cavities large, invisible in dorsal view. Carapace of o& much more uneven than that of 9. Hepatic region thick, margin rounded; pterygostomian region with a prominent bunch of granules; antero- lateral branchial margin with two similar bunches of granules; posterolateral lobe and upper part of cavity sharp-edged. Posterior OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 143 margin of intestinal region bilobed, lobes more distinctly marked in o thanin 2. Front thick, bilobed. Entire lower surface granulate. Outer margin of arm irregularly bilobed, distal lobe the larger; hands dilated, outer margin cristate; fingers thin, flat, grooved. Legs cristate, crests dentate or narrowly lobed. In one small o (19361), the anterior angles of the cardiac region are not joined closely by the branchial surface, resulting in two small orifices, which lead into the large cavities. Color.—Like dead piece of coral overgrown with purplish and green- ish algae and patches of red ones. Hands perhaps of a natural greenish cast; reticulations around whitish areas greenish or pale bice green; above articulation of fingers faint vinaceous-pink; fingers dull china white. Legs dirty white, merus with whitish spots and greenish reticulations and with vinaceous median cross bar, as have also carpus and propodus across middle of upper side. Eyes not distinguishable from rest of coloration of body. Under parts dirty whitish, abdomen greenish, darker in pits; markings much as in Hay’s photograph (loc. cit.), perhaps vinaceous-cinnamon. Eggs transparent drab color, with black eye. Habit.—Very readily plays dead. Measurements—Male (19362), length 12.2, width 14.8 mm.; female (55191), length 17, width 21.7 mm. Range.—North Carolina to Puerto Rico; 1% to 10 fathoms. Material_examined.—See. table 44, page 146. SPELOEOPHORUS SCHMITTI Glassell PuateE 40, Fiaurss 6, 7; Puatse 41, Fiaurss 1, 2 Speloeophorus schmitti GuassELt, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, no. 14, p. 95, pl. 10, 1935. Diagnosis —Carapace trigonal, much broader than long. Two large posterior orifices, invisible in dorsal view. Description—Length of carapace about two-thirds of width; posterior margin nearly straight to the outer end where it forms a large, arcuate lobe on the side, which is nearly half as long as the carapace; a little farther forward on the margin a small blunt lobe or tooth, followed by a broad, shallow, triangular lobe extending to the branchiohepatic sinus. Hepatic region prominent, defined by a broad shallow groove; subhepatic region sharper, conical, appearing a little more than a right angle from above. Carapace laterally very convex and a little uneven; covered with flat, crowded granules; a small transverse elevation on anterior branchial region. Posterior hollows large, openings rhomboidal. The two blunt frontal lobes are separated by a depression, from which a single line of raised granules extends backward some distance on the gastric region. The under side of the body and the appendages are very rough. Palms bluntly carinate; merus with three stout conical, blunt lobes on upper surface. 144 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Two lobules on merus of ambulatories, and a double row of unequal, denticulate teeth on carpus and propodus. Measurements—Female holotype, length of carapace to tip of frontal teeth 27.1, width 36.8 mm. Range.—West coast of Mexico. Material examined.—Gulf of California, Mexico: San Felipe; May 6-15, 1933, H. N. Lowe, 2 females (one is holo- type) (67728); S. A. Glassell; 2 males (Glassell collection). Angeles Bay; under dense bed of sea lettuce at low tide; January 4, 1932; S. A. Glassell; 2 males, 1 female (Glassell collection). Pefiascosa, Sonora; February 1934; H. N. Lowe; 1 male (69400). SPELOEOPHORUS PONTIFER (Stimpson) Puate 39, Fiaures 1-3 ? Ebalia fossa DesBoNNE, MS., in Desbonne and Schramm, Crustacés de la Guadeloupe, etec., p. 55, 1867 (type locality, Guadeloupe; type perhaps not extant). Lithadia pontifera Stimpson, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 10, p. 115, 1871 (type locality, Barbados; type not extant).—RatusBun, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. for 1900, vol. 20, pt. 2, p. 88, 1901. Ebalia (Lithadia) cubensis von Martens, Arch. fiir Naturg., vol. 38, p. 114, pl. 5, fig. 9, 1872 (type locality, Bay of Rio de Janeiro; type in Berlin Mus.). Spelaeophorus triangulus A. MILNE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 23, 1880 (type localities, Charlotte Harbor and Sand Key, Fla.; type from Sand Key in M. C. Z., no. 6667).—A. MILNE Epwarps and Bovuvisr, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 120, pl. 24, figs. 3, 4, 1902. Speloeophorus pontifera Hay and Suors, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fisheries, vol. 35 (1915-16), p. 425, pl. 32, fig. 5, 1918. Diagnosis.—Carapace octagonal, broader than long. Two pairs of orifices, one posterior partially visible from above, the other smaller, dorsal, and situated at anterior angle of cardiac region. Carapace highest at anterior end of branchial elevation. Description —Carapace distinctly broader than long, with an angular outline, the sides projecting considerably over the bases of the legs. Surface covered with granules, the larger ones forming a finely reticulated pattern. The lobe at the inner angle of the bran- chial region is the highest part of the carapace; its summit is trans- versely ridged. Side margins of carapace thick. Hepatic region small and slightly elevated, with an incomplete circle of granules above, and an interrupted line on outer margin. Pterygostomian region prominent, with a conical downward-pointing spine, visible from above. A small tooth on anterior part of anterolateral margin of branchial region. Posterolateral margins rectangled, the outer portions of which are subparallel but bayed inward, forming a sub- acute tooth anteriorly and a rounded lobe posteriorly; the width of the carapace may be greatest at one or the other of these angles. Between cardiac and branchial regions on either side, a deep cavity bridged over by the meeting of a projection from the cardiac region OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 145 with a similar projection from the posterior branchial protuberance, and leaving a small dorsal cavity on either side of urogastric region. Posterior margin thinner than anterior and lateral margins on account of the deep excavation around cardiac region; intestinal region faintly bilobed. Front elevated, thick, bimarginate, a deep sinus across middle. Chelipeds somewhat cristate, forming a lobe at distal end of manus. Ambulatory legs granulate and tuberculate. Abdomen densely tuberculate; segments 3-5 only partially fused; segment 6 with a sharp, backward-pointing spine at proximal end. Color.—In the middle pale red, remainder white (von Martens). Measurements—Male (24519) length 6, width 7.5 mm.; female (17853), length 10.3, width at middle of carapace 13.4 mm. Range.—Beaufort fishing banks, North Carolina, to Barbados; low tide to 125 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 45, page 147. SPELOEOPHORUS ELEVATUS Rathbun PuatE 39, Figures 7-9 ? Ebalia mamillosa DresBponne, MS., in Desbonne and Schramm, Crustacés de la Guadeloupe, ete., p. 54, 1867 (type locality, Guadeloupe; type perhaps not extant). Speloeophorus elevatus RaTHBun, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, vol. 4, p. 290, pl. 3, fig. 1, 1898 (type locality, off Key West; type in Mus. S. U. I.); Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 21, p. 612, 1898. Diagnosis.—Carapace broader than long, narrower than in pontifer. Two pairs of orifices of good size, narrowly separated. Carapace highest near middle of branchial elevation. Description.—Carapace narrower and higher than in S. pontifer; the highest point is at middle of ridge defining inner and posterior boundary of each branchial region. Hepatic region convex; ptery- gostomian tooth stout, blunt. Branchial region with three lateral lobes, one on anterolateral margin, the others on lateral margin, the lobe at posterolateral angle much the largest and most produced. The posterior orifices are each nearly as large as the cardiac lobe; the anterior orifices are each about half as large as the posterior and sep- arated from them by narrow, cylindrical bridges; surface between anterior openings much depressed. Outer surface of merus of cheliped with stout, blunt lobes; palm swollen laterally, its outer margin thick and smooth. Upper surface of crab covered with depressed granules so crowded as to present a honeycomb structure; the more elevated portions are in addition tuberculated. On the lower surface are many more tubercles, large and beadlike, tending to form on the abdomen reticulating lines. Tubercles margining ambulatory legs acorn-shaped. Measurements.—Type female, length 9.7, width at posterolateral angles 12 mm. Range.—From Florida Keys to Cape St. Roque, Brazil. Material ecamined.—See table 46, page 147. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 146 “Sn MEA OMG R poses A OM ce: aes aD aes ea eae eee (ee | ee ae ae es le Bas wo eal) ge pe eee ee ee ee qdnotaavay “SnyAL uesequedog |------~"- Oi fe eee essa ae ee ee ee ee ee ee aI OS eee en See le pee en a) ee ee lew lie et ana | ae ---"SVHOHT, ‘1g ‘IOI [T ‘SBULOTO TT yulod “4q8 “Sg puvy jo qyuozuey, ‘yu 4p *1oqiey zonsvAé ee Eas O%SFe |-7-- 7777S CTL OTT yaweT YstT | 9909 | 668T ‘OZ “Ter | 0% f° 7 7700 | OF ¥% ‘AN WnoHY WOjsnH | -BW -OOIY OLUAAT ae ee TOCG Tele naaee Ie: [ee ese OD a la alan: cas ee ee a a ee |e Be el ee ee ORI ae ene ZOCOT MIS eT STACK Sel caer al| one cae ae nas | oan S| cae eee oo cape eee | eae ee ee ee “--~~"[ehOY 40g SVOIVAVE m0} *4SOMA -NjIysuy elseuIeD jo ey} mo syIop AI ID ‘Sep Ou ‘seloeds ‘OL Uapiey 07} sseoov BUT eules JO YOVUIO}S MIOI |~---" "~~ #L999 |~---- Opsesslre- 5 ae OD > oa SOPN EGCO Leek Oui liemmen 7 | enniee nae (2) oe SS= uey} sseTy | -Als jpuuByd deep Jo *g |--~--7----~ od *Sn4snis uojnumanzy ‘yUnIZ MOT -[94 ‘pzg ‘OU YORUIO4S *s[e.100 ‘spuevys Ao pvey ysy wmolg “uorjny ‘LjJo SAISSBUI JO Yo}ed “193307 QoIigm wo “[}SU] O1S0UIBD JO 4TH | -- e1g99 | S}UeuseIg |-------- OD aes PLE | SZ6I ‘Et eune j-----~ yeo1g «898 = ynoqy | OT [eoys Jo pus "NY pleMmoy, |---- od aq "00194 *aosI0ygoer 410.7 *1}SUJ oIs0UIVD Jo YTD | OC200Nl spear ce 6 T |yyarqos “TM | 8% OLSTa coe AIL Cy | teen | none $antog WO j- ‘YOOp SUTpUL 410} JO“ |---- ee ae ne TOLGSN| wus OLD Inn ones a OD eanal) SQRZalsTOGLu0G: AON? |KGsSlalpensctnnss) scCOnOmllOL 00 9F €8| 08 6I 62 | 4sgseddeg tor “AYO pvoqeloWw BO poet BLOIG |---7 7TH yume ystg |--7-""] STOLE Atm |--7---|---7------pesperq | Zz Ea So aoe | emcee 9 | eV NTO LY, 0) = HON ‘Oo SULoyjOT “4 e lige “M "N non 914 epnyisuoy | epnyyeT SHIVUIOY ‘ON 0[8j8D | suemTedg 103091109 819 eyed -viod 0109}0q qided AYTBO0'] -W10,L, sZulleeg snsopou snioydosojedg fo pauunxa po1iajop— "Fp AAV], 147 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA a anne anne nn ---- Tetze | OE pttct ttn 88043097 | 8OZ% | LZ88L‘9T “ed |------|""--ag “AIq | 02 00 24y FE | 08 6¢ 9 |--enboy 4g ed’ BO :1zvug SULOYIDT ‘8 apnyizoT ‘mOIssUTy ‘Bd -euur ysuy "sn | T 2 BolVUIBs JO OYN4I}sUT |~-- AP a ais ae ee Sooo el ae id ena a ate = yas Pa oma “ommojuy J10Od :VOIVAVS ‘pedxy suey *"IOJBM OC ANT alg oases Sarees ja 7 “Bq BAMOT “ATUL, 94845 | OF S68Te9e; CUNI ET sees | Soo open wana AKOTE BUCH: | iee 9 accep | Sat? ial cone ga can 4s0.\\ AO DO “wot, “Tyy4suy a3 SOULIGA)y JO0 31m enn ae Le POCOON MOT Aes seine ee q4FUAqOS “TM | WOOT Se “ANY | aes |e a Gy 9-3 ees as |e “sBsnqi0y, ‘Aoy SUO'T JO “g 19T 1 ae “ ° :VaINOT “M “N sueul won eim4 epnysuoT | epnjiyeT SYIVUIOY ‘ON do[eqeD -adg 103091109 -e39 eyed -Bsiod | 10430 qideq AqROO'T “M9, ssullveg I snyBagjs snioydosojedg fo pauswonxa 1p1iajpyJ— "9p ATAV J, NN *puBysy Bq 61S pantgpeine “gt Ute eo ~"ymozy ystT | 1809 | 6681 ‘8 “Geq | SOO SIAST. 2 a6 ae Seine Ca ee aes “89ND BO oly o1ngad "siswaqnd (Dipp -YNT) v1D9Qq JO dA, | “SNTAL Ul[Iog |~~~~ >= OTe Tse aes aes Sap a ope aaa ek 3 eae a bk ee ee | a a ol eooo eee ne ae elt ay ae ae a vano "839[[0D ‘ein4 woruy Aq pozsoded | S222 CULL O Ills cape aane amen el) ein Pee eee eee | kee |e a ee ee OL=E55 oS ae Sas aca ea sega ae eer ine (2) 8PHOLT *enjnbunts ‘SG JOOdAT, | "ZO IN “L999 |----- LEME Geen as ODEs s g CLSTS Slat LONG |e po| ee Sammy ar a GCE Fa Pane erst aaa a nln Sana Soy pues YO *10q, “sny seq jo AS Re ae cae YD || cee CLOTS Ge Idi ae GEE | cae as Sie oe AE Geers Tie: oop eg “"""| IBA 9370484 FO “01304143 -£onq jouusyo “Ul O[JeMIBH JO WI | 71999 6T |tuyos "TOpPIeM | 2 POOLS Ole SUY Wm sses| ee 1e8 oe 0% “MS JO °g ‘tur g yNOqY |--- seanjio., ‘SOUT ESS. Tee Olt es IwqdueH “HH |----~~ OSS Fe rt Fe SF =[B100) =) -SUOUIV4|:OD]} AOC]. 1s saes nee in| |(insramn Vee ane aan me oie] AO :ValUoT A 09 401 "US "IB9OT VdV_ Jo POSTS eee laa a0 TSO | ares ae ssouyoqiy | 619% | S88I‘0e “390 |----~"| “MId *S ‘TA ‘SiO | ST 00 98 242) 00 8& & | ‘HS :VNITOUVOD BHLYON “a é ° “a é ° “M “N mon einy epnyisuoT | spnyyeT SYIVUIOY ‘ON S0[e78O | suoum0edg 10903[[99 “819 aed -eiod m10}4,0q SuLOTIB Aq[Boo'T -W9,L, sauliBog eee ee ee ee eee ee eee 58 eee Jayyyuod snioydosvojedg fo pausupza poiajoy— "Gh ATAVI, 148 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM SPELOEOPHORUS DIGUETI (Bouvier) PuatTe 39, Figures 4-6 Lithadia digueti Bouvier, Bull. Soc. Ent. France, 1898, p. 330 (type locality, Gulf of California; type in Paris Mus.). Diagnosis.—Carapace longer than broad; a well-marked constricted neck. Two pairs of orifices; dorsal ones circular, surrounded by five stout lobes, four branchial, one cardiac. Four prominent, triangular, posterior lobes, two branchial, two intestinal. Description.—Carapace longer than wide, everywhere covered with unequal, flattened granules, almost touching, scarcely promi- nent; on the elevated parts the granules are stronger and irregular, giving the surface a corroded appearance. Front truncate, hollowed out at middle, and inclined strongly upward; behind the obtuse carina which limits this inclined part, there is a broad, prominent, longi- tudinal swelling, which widens behind under the form of a small mesogastric triangle; it is regularly concave, due to the elevation of the front. Hepatic tubercles strong and almost pyramidal; they form the outer limit of a deep, irregular depression which extends to the branchial area and the median swelling. Branchial elevations very high and irregular; their highest point is a large subpyramidal prominence, which is found in the neighborhood of the cardiac area; they are a little less elevated in front and present here three or four irregular and slightly corroded bosses; an arcuate swelling connects the outermost of these bosses with the posterior part of the hepatic tubercle; below this swelling the carapace is very inclined and forms a coarsely granulate facet which is continued behind to the postero- lateral angle. This last is very prominent, broad, obtuse, and directed backward and outward; it is attached to the hepatic tubercle by an S-shaped lateral border. Subhepatic tubercle slightly visible in dorsal view. The cardiac region forms an obtuse and very outstand- ing prominence which does not conceal the two large lobes of the intestinal region; it sends outward a broad prolongation which is soldered to, and forms a wide bridge with, a corresponding branchial area. Between the inner orifices of these two bridges the carapace is strongly depressed. Ocular peduncles short. Antennular fossettes very oblique; orbi- tal fissures completely closed. Opercular part of outer maxillipeds equally granulous throughout. Chelipeds subcylindrical, covered with obtuse granules; a tubercle on outer surface of merus, a row of three on outer surface of palm, bordered on either side by a longi- tudinal sulcus. Legs ornamented with large tubercles, obtuse or spiniform, on upper border of merus, carpus and propodus; also some spinules on lower border of propodus. Abdomen of male with a prominent row of tubercles on median line, also a lateral row on OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 149 segments 3 and 4; a conical, sharp, downward-pointing spine at proximal end of segment 6. Measurements—Male (66515), length of carapace 17, width of same 16 mm. Female.—A small specimen (69750) 6.7 mm long by 6.3 wide, is probably the young female of S. digueti. The striking protuberances of the male are replaced by slight ones; the median cardiac lobe is low, as is also the marginal lobe beneath it, which has a slight groove. The front is relatively shorter and less constricted than in the male. Range.—West coast of Mexico to Panama. Material examined.—aAs follows: Mexico: Carmen Island, Gulf of California; 20 fathoms; December 19, 1931; 1 male; S. A. Glassell collector and owner. Acapulco; April 1930; H. N. Lowe; 1 male (66515). Panama: Secas Islands; south and west of group; 25 fathoms; nullipores; February 22, 1934; Hancock Galapagos Expedition; station 251; 1 female young (69750). Genus UHLIAS Stimpson Uhlias Stimpson, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 10, p. 117, 1871 (type, U. ellipticus Stimpson). Carapace broadly elliptical, sides much expanded, depressed, laminiform, middle elevated; front nonprojecting; eyes concealed beneath orbital margin of carapace. Exognath of outer maxillipeds not tapering. Propodi of ambulatory legs expanded, dactyli short. East and west coasts of middle America. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF THE GENUS UHLIAS At, Ambulatory.legs subcheliform_... 2. ~..2......-.... ellipticus (p. 149) A?, Ambulatory legs not subcheliform_________.__________- limbatus (p. 150) UHLIAS ELLIPTICUS Stimpson PuaTE 36, Ficures 1, 2 Uhlias ellipticus Stimpson, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 10, p. 117, 1871 (type locality, Panama; type not extant). Diagnosis —Carpal and propodal articles of ambulatories cristate, the latter forming a process below against which the dactylus closes, giving a subcheliform appearance. Bottom of pits on carapace not granulate. Description.—Upper surface of carapace, with the exception of the central parts and the lateral expansions, covered with deep, rounded, or elongated pits. The posterior pits are the largest, and six of them, of a pentagonal or-rounded shape, are situated on the posterior part of the branchial regions, three on each side. A large transverse pit occupies the entire width of the intestinal region, following the poste- 150 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM rior margin. The pits on frontal and hepatic regions are elongated in a direction parallel with the longitudinal axis of the body. Entire surface, except bottoms of pits, granulate. Margins slightly waved but nowhere distinctly toothed. Frontal margin thick, eyes small, firmly embedded in their sockets. Intestinal margin straight. Chelipeds and feet granulate; chelipeds short, with a crest on merus and one on hand. Ambulatories compressed, with a laminiform crest on merus and two similar crests on carpus and propodus; the propodus is broadly expanded below, forming a process against which the short dactylus retracts, thus giving a subcheliform appearance to the extremities. Measurements—Female type, Panama, length of carapace 5, breadth 7.9 mm. Range.—Mexico to Ecuador and Galapagos Islands. Material exramined.—San Jose Island, Gulf of California, Mexico; December 10, 1931; S. A. Glassell; 1 female (Glassell coll.). Galapagos Islands; Velero IJJ, Hancock Expedition, 1933: Car- tago Bay, Albemarle Island, February 13, 2 females (68261); Darwin Bay, Tower Island, February 22, 1 female (68259). UHLIAS LIMBATUS Stimpson PLATE 36, FicurEs 3-5 Uhlias imbatus Stimpson, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 10, p. 118, 1871. (type locality, St. Thomas; type not extant).—RatTuBun, Ann. Inst. Jamaica, vol. 1, p. 38, 1897. Diagnosis.—Carpal and propodal articles of ambulatories flattened above, not cristate; extremities not subcheliform. Bottom of pits on carapace granulate. Description.—Carapace, chelipeds and legs closely granulate. Carapace moderately convex except toward the sides, which are strongly projecting. Hepatic region limited from the branchial region by an inconspicuous closed fissure. Cardiac region surrounded except in front by a deep furrow which posteriorly follows the hind margin of carapace. A deep circular pit on posterior part of branchial region; swollen part of carapace surrounded on the sides by a shallow concavity which deepens at its posterior extremity on branchial region. Lateral margins waved but not distinctly toothed. Pos- terior margin slightly convex. Merus of cheliped subtrigonal, not lobate; manus very thick, lower margin convex, upper edge thin. Third to fifth segments of male abdomen coalesced, proximal portion of this compound segment with a median sulcus, surface swollen on either side, anterior portion rising in a low median tubercle; penult segment in the shape of a short hourglass; terminal segment trian- gular, longer than broad, reaching a little into the buccal cavity. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 151 Measurements.—Female, type, St. Thomas, length of carapace 5.6, breadth 8.1 mm; male (55203), length 4.6, breadth 6.7 mm. Range.—Florida Straits to St. Thomas. Material examined.—As follows: Florida: Smith Shoal, west of Key West; 4 to 5 fathoms; Fish Hawk; 1 female (55204). Key West harbor; temp. 73.5° F.; Decem- ber 20, 1912; station 7793, Fish Hawk; 1 male (55203). Cuba: Point Colorado, lat. 22°05’ N., long. 84°21’ W.; 2 to 3 fathoms; Sh. Grs.; station 10; Henderson and Bartsch; Tomas Barrera expedition; 1 female (48522). Jamaica: P. W. Jarvis; 1 male (19425). Haiti: East coast of; lat. 19°09’50’’ N., long. 69°21’40’’ W.; 35 fathoms; February 16, 1933; station 53, Johnson-Smithsonian Expedi- tion; 1 female (67823). Subfamily PHILYRINAE, new name Leucosiinae Atcock, Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, vol. 65, p. 165, 1896 (part). Iliinae (part) and Leucosiinae Inte, Die Decapoda der Siboga-Expedition, Monogr. 3$b?, p. 205, 1918. Carapace almost hemispherical, surface only slightly uneven. The so-called frontal teeth are often well-developed inner-orbital angles. A median frontal tooth may be present. Infraorbital lobe seldom well developed, and usually the roof of the efferent branchial channel reaches the same level. Epistome mostly reduced. The margins of the mouth and of the pterygostome are chiefly or entirely in the same transverse plane. Merus of external maxillipeds half or more than half the leneth of the ischium measured along the inner border. The first abdominal segment in female is often under the carapace. Genus PERSEPHONA Leach Persephona Leacu, Zoological miscellany, vol. 3, pp. 18, 22, 1817 [type, P. latreillit Leach, 1817= Cancer punctatus Linnaeus, 1758 (partim)]. Guaia Mitne Epwarps, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 2, p. 127, 1837 {type, Cancer punctatus Linnaeus, 1758 (partim) ]. Carapace ovoid or globular, terminating posteriorly in three spines—two on the border and one median higher up. Surface smooth or granular, regions not all demarcated. Front well delimited from remainder of carapace; the dentiform prolongations of the septa of the branchial channels project beyond it. Hepatic region, the side wall of which commonly forms a distinct facet, generally separated from branchial region by a broad notch in anterolateral margin. Orbits deep, concealing the retracted eye; three sutures in roof and outer wall very distinct; the floor coincides with roof of buccal cavern. Antennae loosely lodged in gap at inner canthus of orbit. Antennules folded obliquely. Buccal cavern elongate; the 152 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM acutely triangular merus of external maxillipeds is half or a little more than half the length of ischium measured along inner edge; the second article of the exognath has the outer margin more or less curved. Chelipeds rather massive. Abdomen of male with segments 3-5 fused, of female with 4—6 fused. New Jersey to Brazil; Lower California, Mexico, to Chile. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF THE GENUS PERSEPHONA A‘. Less than seven spines or teeth on posterior and lateral margins of carapace. B!. Only three spines on carapace. C'. Subhepatic margin angled. Carapace subcircular. D!. A broad blunt tooth at subhepatic angle. Granulation fine. Front slightly produced_-_----_- punctata punctata (p. 152) D?. A granule at subhepatic angle. Granulation coarse. Front prominent==2 25. 2255. <= ~ see: punctata aquilonaris (p. 154) C?, Subhepatic margin arcuate, not angled. D!. Carapace subcircular; length and breadth equal, exclu- sive of spine. Palm of female less than twice as long SWC z ess = te le ae saline OY Seat eee aay Se ae edwardsii (p. 154) D2. Carapace suboval, longer than broad, exclusive of spine. Palm nearly three times as long as wide-_subovata (p. 158) B?. Only five spines or teeth on carapace; a spine or tooth at sub- hepatic angle. C!. Subhepatic spine or tooth of male short, acute, denti- FOUTS 8 ee yk a ee ds ee ee orbicularis (p. 160) C2, Subhepatic spine of male long, cylindrical______---- townsendi (p. 160) A?,. More than five marginal spines or teeth or tubercles, one of which is at widest part of carapace. B'. Seven lateral and posterior spines. Carapace slightly wider than Jong; ispines. exeluded.< 2 _.ehiten3 eis 5 lichtensteinii (p. 163) B?. Nine lateral and posterior spines, teeth or tubercles; a tooth between subhepatic angle and widest part of carapace. Carapace longer than wide, spines excluded. C1. Nine excrescences short, tuberculiform___------------- crinita (p. 163) C2, Seven spines, two tubercles_____----------------- finneganae (p. 161) ANALOGOUS SPECIES OF PERSEPHONA ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE CONTINENT ATLANTIC PAcIFICc punctata punctata. subovata. PERSEPHONA PUNCTATA PUNCTATA (Linnaeus) PLATE 42, Figures 2, 3 Guaia alia species? MARCGRAVE, in Piso and Marcgrave, Historia rerum natu- ralis Brasiliae, p. 182, 1648. Three thorned Crab Browne, The civil and natural history of Jamaica, p. 422, pl. 42, fig. 3, 1756. Cancer punctatus LinNAEvs, Systema naturae, ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 630, 1758 (part) (type localities, Asia; America). [Amboina (Rumphius) and Jamaica (Browne).] Not C. punctatus Hersst, Versuch einer Naturgeschichte der Krabben und Krebse, vol. 1, p. 89, pl. 2, figs. 15, 16, 1783, which is Myra fugax. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMBERICA 153 Cangrejo Tortugas Parra, Descripcion de diferentes piezas de historia natural las mas del ramo maritimo, p. 137, pl. 51, fig. 2, 1787. Cancer mediterraneus Hmrest, Versuch einer Naturgeschichte der Krabben und Krebse, vol. 2, p. 150, pl. 37, fig. 2, 1794 (type locality, Mediterranean Sea {probably incorrect]). Persephona latreillii Leacu, Zoological miscellany, vol. 3, p. 22, 1817 (locality not given) [West Indies (Bell) ].18 Persephona lamarckiit Leacu, Zoological miscellany, vol. 3, p. 28, 1817 (locality not given) [West Indies (Bell) ].!8 Guata punctata MILNE Epwarps, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 2, p. 127, 1837 (type locality, Antilles) ——DrsBonNE and Scuramm, Crustacés de la Guadeloupe, ete., p. 53, 1867. Persephona guaia Brut, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 21, p. 292, 1855; name substituted for Guaia punctata. Persephona punctata Stimpson, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 7, p. 70, 1859 (part: synonymy but not localities)—Ratusun, Ann. Inst. Jamaica, vol. 1, p. 38, 1897; Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1900, vol. 20, pt. 2, p. 87, 1901 (part).—Boong, Bull. Vanderbilt Mar. Mus., vol. 2, p. 54, pl. 10, fig. B, 1930. Persephone punctata VON Martens, Arch. fiir Naturg., vol. 38, p. 113, 1872. In a revision of P. punctata it was found that the form inhabiting the United States is different from that in the West Indies and South America; there are a few instances of overlapping and therefore the latest known form is made a subspecies of the typical or southern form. Diagnosis — Granulation fine. Subhepatic angle a broad blunt tooth. Only 3 spines on carapace. Description.—Carapace globular, with three sharp, stout, recurved spines, one at either end of posterior margin and one median just above posterior margin. On the upper surface of carapace are small granules of unequal size, numerous but not crowded and _ barely visible to the naked eye. Regions of carapace ill defined. Front broadly bidentate, the spiniform angles of the branchial channels can be seen beyond it in a dorsal view. Behind tip of front the antero- lateral boundary of carapace is formed by the side wall of the sub- hepatic region, which is continuous with upper surface of carapace and bounded below by a line of granules, which ends posteriorly in a shallow, blunt, obtuse-angled prominence or tooth. Between hepatic and branchial regions there is a very shallow and ill-defined sinus in margin. Above it the branchial margin begins and is marked by a line of fine, crowded, bead granules extending as far as the pos- terior margin, which is on a lower level and more coarsely granulate. Chelipeds rather stout, about 1.75 times the length of carapace in adult male. Arm cylindrical, tuberculate, and granulate, more coarsely above than below, and proximally than distally. Wrist and hand much smoother, very finely granulate above and below, 18 “Tt is also remarkable that Leach should have been unaware that those specimens were originally in the Sloanian Collection, and therefore brought from the West Indies.” Bell, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 21, p. 293, 1855. 154 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM coarsely granulate along margins. Palm nearly twice as long as wide, flattened, and a little dilated. Dactylus as long as palm and curved; prehensile edges of fingers finely denticulate, meeting for the greater part of their length. Legs stoutish; propodus of first pair reaches end of wrist; dactyli lanceolate, fringed with short hairs. Color.—Sometimes a uniform dull blue without spots, sometimes milky white with large russet or red spots very persistent and regu- larly disposed on each side of the carapace. (Desbonne and Schramm.) Measurements—Male (23007), length of carapace on median line to tip of spine 49, width 43 mm. Range.—West Indies to Brazil. Material examined.—See table 47, page 155. PERSEPHONA PUNCTATA AQUILONARIS Rathbun Purse CRAB PLATE 42, Figures 6, 7 Persephona punctata Stimpson, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 7, p. 70, 1859 (part: Florida and South Carolina; not synonymy).—RatusBoun, Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. for 1900, vol. 20, pt. 2, p. 87, 1901 (part: northern species). — Hay and SuHors, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fisheries, vol. 85 (1915-16), p. 423, pl. 32, fig. 9, 1918 (part: not all synonymy). Guaia punctata GisBes, Proc. 3d Meet. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., p. 185 [21], 1850 (Charleston Harbor, S. C., and Georgia). Persephona punctata aquilonaris RaATHBUN, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 46, p. 184, 1933 (type locality, St. Augustine, Fla.; male holotype, U.S.N.M. no. 62057). Diagnosis.—Differs from P. punctata as follows: Carapace more convex. Granulation coarser, plainly visible to naked eye, especially prominent on the lateral margins. Subhepatic angle small, subacute, tipped with a granule. Front narrower and more produced. Poste- rior margin narrower, the three posterior spines slenderer. Color.—Grayish brown, with darker irregular spots or marmora- tions, the granules white or tinged with red. (Hay.) Measurements —Male (18013), length of carapace on median line to tip of spine 48, to base of spine 45.3, width 42 mm. Range.—New Jersey to Texas, 2 to 17 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 48, page 156. PERSEPHONA EDWARDSII Bell Puate 45, Figures 3, 4 Persephona edwardsti Bru, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 21, p. 294, pl. 31, fig. 8, 1855 (type locality, Galapagos; types in Mus. Bell).—Sriupson, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 7, p. 70, 1859.—Boong, Zoologica, vol. 8, p. 284, fig. 101, 1927; not P. edwardsii Boone, 1930. Diagnosis.—Three spines on carapace, forming nearly a right- angled triangle. A distinct lateral line of granules. Palms less than twice as long as wide. 155 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA *yueururoid Ay[ensn -un 4uolg “Sul -Ioy] WOA “A aie Map CO PSLB ie ceca £T “SUI “dog UOA “AE WOT | 8P8Lh | éT “""ehP99 |-~~ pedieyo T ‘goed “""09F99 | -B1vd T OT “queulU -O1d A[[ensnun yu01q |---6SF99 |7~77 77-7 LT MRC OSL? | aaa LT ILCIEC: |i ae. o cae At mL OOGG: || ean ats LT SEN GU000 | oat ce anat LT syIeWey sain 9 | Steuads Mei OS OD on. | Pam nia Rik eae OC Deva | nae kan || BESET Rn aa| Sacd ah ee eats eae | NOLL BEROR SE OLIOTOUACUU I Pam ar ot TOUFOTNE) pid econ | oe ae Ee aT O OOPS |Reyse | egemuaa Opies aka gate 1 3| ay ed eee eee | et eEOS SUG SONS, pee: SPIVA TO DONTE EL Whew oo |e enee Ee cede GCOlalP i | ee aI ae ap we ded | ee Coe |e ee OT! ‘one, OBg ‘ovlseqes ae FOROS TAN WeeST# ieee SCOR SIGIUOS WEG 9 9|" "Se Ss sie capa gl ae me pe ili aie eee OVS, CUT Cilodueelinn “(Qyraryas “C61 TM) DluDY DJUDY |---- ~~ “Et aalye IOS OOIAAw. lite - anki ci RSE | Se SUR, a all se ea ee omeues 8p OY epIsino VUZVUg "S apnqyoT Pane ene. S8OL3N0IE linn talc etSSILCOROIGIAL lice waalltu ta sts 0> diiteh one) SIs ale nencaulaen tn (ols nailn mons 2UINUSOUGR VL OTO >) Caran anhiee YOUDET. YSU pins oa alee aaa OORT OG ACG laces allege cca ee call oboe Salle ae alla es ee ce eal le ZO AVABINT LOOLMMOmam Oley Se BOLBULGIP] OOF TIA SUA || 20 a5 a(t cap aR eS ee Ee eed | Bia eee ac OE a A See ie oe alk ke eer aaa | too ae ee eoremes Psa te MINOTO cM) |e ee ee Ce RE ea ee | EL Cae allay rams ee ce ape ee ale wae ees LOSS OTS es DUO MRQOGUSET: tb 50 th 10 :VOIVAVS “AA “N won einy epnysuoyT | opnyyey 10309[[99 ey eyed -elod | ul0yj0g = |smmon4e LT Aq[R00'_T 4S -W9aL ssulivag eyeyound vyejyound vuoydosiog fo pauruvxa JpiiajDjpy—' Jp A1IAV J, 11 80232—37. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 156 “SN 91819 plo, 0} peuinjery ‘ed AO]OH “S]9 YIP sgicg g81gg 8ZF9 LESLT ‘ZO ‘F692 SE8LT $°69 FESLT COFES 8S0ET 80299 60¢S¢ L8I¢¢ T1IZs¢ 29069 LS¥99 ‘ZO ¥99¢ 9L6LE T96LE TLEhL ILL8 TESL 9EZL "TN ‘STZ [e1OZOVU 0} SUIZTIIO | 06FF9 syIeuey ‘ON SOTRIBO OnCi2i7 eee eeaey Oa 6FSL SOOO 8G, UCN (TSuGh leads Sade se pm ss (08) atc) GReOBs OS) LS linen cnn un enue weuuns od Gilaned leer sat Yo] sit | 19Zl “GO6T ‘6G “URL | G“cT | US tC DAC WA Een OG ano PaaS elllOG ma Hare On| eens aeemenan puelqsiy OMe Citas aon (0) 0) seine lity esse = | ae TSSbweMOls |e alae aR. eal mR |) Coe 6 n(n ra Avg vyjosvieg On eee | Sans TQ Ee este aa ge ce cecal s acm ree aeee OR tae al cpuks || MS || ore pemmmetNe || oeor Avg ejoseieg 9[}41'T Gein = POCO) Nae eel ieae pe oe Src pedec a cas ee pre dees al cee te ote weak eee a ae qoved [eqrueg SGLT |SUTUAH UBA *O 'O [7 ESCOT Co COON igs ac | vee aap eee well oee vel ocean ee Sot ae es el oer pues] leqraes “AUq Cojiel I al eaes egee OD Sera oe el Se te eee piezo cca [en ae aes Se ci Becca licencia aes = Thal | ase a oe 1a3shQ ‘sseg smosns10,q7 CM PAlere rs Prt alee (0) S75 | | geeomceeen eee TOSICAGING |e gral eek pare Pe ha eas See ec at el | on ee Avg 1J0jshQ CLP ia WGC Ee Eas eas aoa te alt PL sac ek, tgs cholo eee cle antec se clic oi scl ee oole yl Slee le oa GOWN Oc100 fs | nee ae 9 | anos ae GUG Te ear ae | oes ek wee ae Teal ors | ee ee ee Sea a SEQUIBXBO ‘N'S'D LT SCOSONAT et teed ol naa a PLSRTARE Cad Ye |e S>= sean cue rer nae ae Geo a|Petcmeo acer | Ss om eee “ouvmoy 9deo Joy UF *sB3N}10J, OP k eee’ wee 1} es 0662 BCOUB ase) ACC ta |g | Sees een eee OO |0T O€ €° 18] ZL OF Fz | ‘jouURyH JseMqWON FO BL Mal ee a OD as Vite ieee Ops ses OB ae ee WS ‘S "AZ [ey | OF 82 18] OL OL Go |[---- od 2 Teh Se thes ODES Goel *ZO6T “LT “90d | 9°Se [7 ys ‘8 “45 |bc8 Coe Cee S OIG etO0 mec) |lamaiee aan arqeg edeD JO uooveg [[IH used ale ealle caeart YNDET YStY | 69FL “S061 ‘6T “G94 EOC yl ees arg Sule JOR SAC eo ANG me TCUNE al ee scan jouueyO yey LT pero OS ULERY ULC COSY | iam rece | rs a ae Sn oa sod |MeWna teen San edncan|Szazes | onesewnarnwa|wamn=e es plage eo oe euljsnsny 4s ‘OIVURT}PV SuOTe SiG eer 10 Glee ark |e ee ee sCeOl 6c LBINL |se-5-5| GOveq APUBR sss 3\--—.,- Sens eee rate | een nase ae eulpueule,, :Valyo1g Ongiere| eae aes ZISSUS Ven alname cater linn aera SZC TANS ail ae To Balla eS ds ee ae woysapIeyo, :VNITOUVO HLAOg AMC ae sc rele gre OD Beata FIZ RERSIROIS AONE TCLs cannes S “Hq ‘WW tI OOM OGet9 75 |FO0MOC sO Cn | eae arene od ae Co ee ODE ae CLGG. 2 “aiee aa OD Ree €'7Z |-"-- 48 “H1q “g “AB LT OS LDS in 80S? s0Grn Sen exces cgee crea od ASE) cea (cao a A OD Reso QECG 5 a3| = een OD Saat lee cle ea US “yIq “g “43 9I OFae Sees 0 Fen OGae ocean naan aneten od oe } a OD assem WS Gee |e hea ame (OD Seecaeeme | ems | mn CH CS e210 Ls fp) Tee | OG Tome 20 OG IO crt Co ce od ab See ee O Diana FSCS seco oe OD Mais || Sera eos g ‘43 ‘SIO er 09SEC eGR 0G- eC SCs Gainer ema od OLE ela seee = 8801]0Q]/P | S8Zo F815 ee O Oe lice | anaemia: § ‘43 “S10 €1 GGG SL\89G WG. “SEN Ss seen seie}1eH edeg UO IVNIIOUVO HLYUON “TES6T JOsseA JUST 483 éT Se UPA COL UCT cee oeee CETTE OL0 1 [2 2 0/ATH | rc | (nae nt ADs fe LN8 SFO) SSS as FE GT 018s ee AGSUAL MAN Lo “é 4 ° “a ‘ ° einy Bpninnen Saniiea Dy suour suo , : -oadg 104991109 m01481§ aed ae m0}}0q “uit AqyRoo'T ssuliee stieuojinbe eyeyound vuoydosieg fo pauwnxa 1p119j0 [.—8F ATAV J, 157 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA *410ys Ajjensnun yuoig *sol10]e10qR’T ‘Old uveqqiivg jmoig “YSTH “IBN ‘00g «UOJsSOg =wWoIg “410Y8 Ajjensnun yuo 8499 ‘ZO W'S#9 89012 T8089 ‘ZO "W ‘8569 T9#99 9FIPO ‘ZO W “0%L Z8L9S OZLSP 6606 9E8LT £T08T O1eS¢ CLECT O8TSs Ggrge PSIG 6619S 00z9¢ T0zS¢ 53 at ~uuBUepIN MA ‘0a Sold} -SNpuUyT puv sJ1y LT jo as9[[0D SBxa.L ‘ALIequosine?) I ‘A AlweWw ‘SIW ORS Wiese vaan ce aw ty 5 Tf 1| Woslopuy * A “UA é1 ~-gozutdg yzeMoyg 6 7 | uUueMepin A ‘02 Cee Wise quedlg e \ -UULUEpIN \\ “00H ‘uosdwmig LT pues wosiepusyy “uosS LT -lleyY UlUIefueg ite Alpena ee AND YSty ‘N’S'N éT ‘SOW “A “LVI On U2) |) pee empeen OD a nag Oilee Retort Sees. (0) ee Ont ine Gane Ganon OD2y sie Oia. |Pirumctinscnes (0) one 2 0 aes ee Op sas A Vera Someries OD Enna Se et ee ee Pe te eee. Ry a tea A Sar a ec tag | caper veg me ied Ne ge hp at hee NMONUNY) ALITVOO'T ce cp ee lS Sa eee TE Ae Pe er cee ee be maemmy ore rem | ee aime [my acter pe eae eg Be ae emer cancion cy oes an at a Mal SBXO,L Feet || ee oe Ae mpl heey ea| ers Sega ee | aoe ie acta prea [cee haan came ea orl mo a es od Poa spelcct oe 626TR| Se Cals oe eS ee eee ee es ee LSTA @)SRGL0% pict ws Meg ashe ee ae ae ae EZ STe 5 pak a Sere | eal kee le ee el ee oe LLO USCA TBA) ‘SVXOL Si ey epee OSGI “AOUTTIT Gig ae a ea ae aaa See lic eee ee | oatmeal eae na ee aa OLS 6 LG) ce eh res || eae O£6I “AON sala sls Me et ol! on |e me pak a eee oe ee TOLL OLD MELO OL Com ET i) :VNVISINO'T | eae”. Eo Rw kk ct ceed |) ence) taek ce mee ee ke | pee oot | eek ann aati a | ot © gare eee |e ee ae ea ak eae od eS aq ions gear) ot \eiebeg A ee ee RN eS EA Cee plea gnaw ead oe 1 na tw eee camel iGomst ye aoe Pan ate atl od Lee eT eT||| 2k ee A a EL es ea ec cee ak” ate eae | Magee gai mei tanger geal | > Soi Semi Uae rr al eR ae BplOoLT Fa a gage cA] nc emis im ae ca ma Rae aa ee cet ea | ing Sel | DR teal ec ln ae | Ce ae BplOoly "MAM SS tet seal oe he aie Saal eae ee gee creer er a) gall aaa tO [cna ge cecal | to a iia eta | Ne a a a BlooResue gd ZO0ZL SLOGT HO 00CTa| pki poe ee = oe OO Ue OF 408 16% 68 |kOS = 7Cei6crleaeeine: Avg suvurpvad Do eee? ler ee: LBSTNS 10 eal loess | pereeetee eet grr. We |(raae || ey ead ee ae hea | neem face peers OCT (LOSZ) TS RSTOD IL USL OPC nee one mena OD |G = |-IU 1S “ae N USI] |-77 777 SAO IBpeD ‘A LLL “TO6T ‘2G “AON Q CT ““"-""00 “AHI “APS 1549 OS Zere E84 |100ks 90! Gal inc utes or cena SoM YWION OFSL “ZO6I ‘Fe “UBL SINiiean Sip ‘AYI |348 OS MOO 88ic| FoF et Olan Rca |ieac cues pain eee od CCL ean ODmaaen Sle baer qs “441g ‘Aps |34g 005:29/ C8) KO0 St SOY Sch ictewrs cn) bencmennn OG GEZL SCOBTA ES: CUE Del Pele lise bn cae 0° ‘AHI |548 OO COMES h0GreT0) oSon | can cn snes od ‘0 (9082) 0% |"ET6T ‘IT “uee 06 “£9 ane Coe Tie sae OO mS Se omer Clue Lan eS eee CS Lien aren one ean ama aj0Puy 158 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Description (after Bell).—Carapace nearly orbicular, somewhat pro- duced and narrowed anteriorly, minutely punctate, covered, except at the anterior portion, with very small distinct granules, of which a distinct line borders the anterolateral portion; anterior margin waved, the subhepatic angle obsolete, marked only by a slight elevation. Front broad, slightly emarginate; lateral and posterior margin much rounded, the spines placed in almost a right-angled triangle, nearly equal, recurved at apex. Chelipeds with the arm everywhere tuber- culated, the wrist slightly granulated on inner side, hand minutely punctate. External maxillipeds as in P. orbicularis. Abdomen of female slightly granulated at posterior and lateral portions. Color.—Pale buff (Bell). 1n recent alcoholic specimens, red above, bluish white below (Stimpson). Measurements.—Type figured, length without spine 33 mm, breadth the same. Range.—Panama (Stimpson); Galapagos Islands (Bell); Ecuador. Material examined.— Ecuador: Cape San Francisco; 2 fathoms; off river mouth; mud and debris; February 11, 1934; Hancock Galapagos Expedition, no. 215; 1 male, 1 female, 6 young (69292). PERSEPHONA SUBOVATA (Rathbun) Puate 43, Fiaurss 4, 5 Myra subovata Ratrusun, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 16, p. 256, 1893 (type locality, Albatross station 3014; type, U.S.N.M. no. 17385). Persephona subovata RatuBun, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 21, p. 613, 1898. Persephona edwardsii Boone, Bull. Vanderbilt Mar. Mus., vol. 2, p. 53, pl. 10, fig. A, 1930; not P. edwardsii Bell, 1855. Diagnosis. — Three spines on carapace. Front produced. Chelipeds long and rather slender. Description. —Carapace perceptibly longer than broad; front pro- duced, ascending, its convexity continued backward on carapace and accented by a depression on either side; teeth of front well marked, inner margin longer than outer. Anterolateral margin of carapace sinuous. A definite line of granules on lateral margins, visible from above. Granules of dorsum small, depressed and widely separated except on intestinal region. Posterior spines conical, subequal, the median forming an obtuse angle with lateral pair. Chelipeds narrow, in adult male three times as long as carapace minus spine; outer mar- gin of palm nearly three times as long as wide; granules of merus larger on proximal than distal half. Measurements.—Largest male (22136), entire length of carapace 38; without spine 34.2; width 29.2 mm. Range.—Lower California, Mexico, to Bay of Panama; 20 to 52 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 49, page 159. 159 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA eee "7Z "OW ‘9499 ‘THeys Jos 1 | “peoy “WROD SYIVUIIY “ON S0[BIBO S083 S623 S88T ‘OE “IBIT S881 ‘¢ “ABIL eer ‘se Arne 688T ‘8S “IVI gor ‘8 “ues 888i ‘eg ABI Out allicowezseces Press ted PZ } ep Oily OM See en 880120977 622 2| “podxy IeyO0ID ‘nonZ AD CR Se Se ays eM0T 'N‘H éT -“padxq JoxIOIN ‘nonZF OT OT Gee a eG $301.00) 7 AGW Seer s eee Tlessep “V ‘Ss OM | Geena se $304)0Q) 7 nade 10{0aT][09 woneg oye paeer ao | prea grea WW ‘U3 |341¢ “US “Aq 149 | ‘dg Hq ‘sg “AZ| &8 caer eg Ron eg ee 2g aetna aes oa ae W | Gz Gyo Slha cy oe g ‘43 | 62 SOS coor sacaeceees ope 02 6E89) lipase WA | 8 ‘Ho 01n18.10 suo Adee Otte “WBA 08 I 62)°00 99 2 |7 . ia oy © “0d 00: 99.82. 00 229) 92, |e tee Se euieueg jo Avg !VNVNVd “pvoH 00 Sb 01] 00 S¢ ST | NoVA Jo"M Aq ‘sg “TU g Seo 9EP Sa es o (Gees cae sie o[[uBzue yl 00 Of SOT} 00 10 2% |----~ PUBIST [9QBST JO “T “BIUIOJITED) JO 0& FO ZIT] 00 82 8z | JINDH ‘puRisy uoInqrL, FO “BIULOJI[BO JOJNDH ‘purl SSeS aes | hee ee “SJ Bpleny vl ep jesuy *BIMIOJI[VO 1OMO'T 00 €T SIT| 00 FI 92 | “QUlog sofoaiqy JO “d 4 ° “d a ° OOIXTIT “M “N epnysuoyT | epnyney Aq[BO0'T ssulIBeg wyeaoqns vuoydosiog fo paurumvxa O12 JY—'6P LIAV I, 160 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM PERSEPHONA ORBICULARIS Bell PuaTE 45, Ficurss 5, 6 Persephona orbicularis Betu, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 21, p. 294, pl. 31, fig. 7, 1855 (type locality, Valparaiso; unique type in Mus. Bell).—Boong, Bull. Vanderbilt Mar. Mus., vol. 2, p. 56, pl. 11, 1930. Diagnosis.—Five spines on carapace, the hepatic short, stout, acute, the posterior spines slender. Carapace as broad as long, exclusive of spine, and broader in hinder half. Description (after Bell).—Carapace orbicular, anterolateral margin slightly waved, regions rather distinct, surface somewhat punctate, with numerous minute granules, which are more thickly crowded on lateral margin and on posterior portion; front with a very slight triangular notch; subhepatic angle produced into a distinct tubercle; the three posterior spines short, acute, recurved, the upper one forming with the two inferior almost a right angle. External maxillipeds with the ischium of endognath grooved longitudinally, and in the female the inner grooved portion separated from the outer by a ciliated ridge. Chelipeds with the arm wholly tuberculated, the wrist granulated; fingers the length of the palm. Abdomen of female with the first 3 segments and the base and margin of the shield, tuberculated. Color.—Dull yellowish, regularly mottled with dull and pale red. Measurement.—Type female, length of carapace including spine 38.1 mm. Range.—Perlas Islands, Panama (Boone) to Valparaiso, Chile. PERSEPHONA TOWNSENDI (Rathbun) PLATE 42, Figure 1; Puate 43, Figure 1 Myra townsendi Ratusun, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 16, p. 255, 1893 (type locality, Albatross station 3034; type, U.S.N.M. no. 17382). Persephona townsendi Ratusun, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., vol. 21, p. 613, 1898; vol. 38, pp. 594, 614, 1910. Diagnosis.—Five spines on carapace, two subhepatic, three posterior, the median one forming a right angle with the lateral. Description—Male: Carapace exclusive of spine slightly longer than broad, a cylindrical spine on the subhepatic angle, the three posterior spines longer, recurved, the median spine forming a right angle with the lateral; it is also a little the longer and slightly com- pressed laterally. Granules on the dorsum well separated and on the gastric region few and indistinct; crowded near and below the lateral edge, where there is no single marginal line. Front with two well defined teeth, sinus broad. Granules of merus of cheliped coarse on proximal half, gradually becoming very fine on distal half. Sternum granulate except for a bare patch at base of cheliped. Female: A little more rotund than male. Subhepatic spine more conical, posterior spines shorter. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 161 Measurements.—Male holotype, length of carapace, spine excluded, 31, width 28 mm. Female (69291), length 34, width 32.8 mm. Range.—From Gulf of California, Mexico, to Ecuador; 2 to 58 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 50, page 162. PERSEPHONA FINNEGANAE Rathbun Figure 37; PLats 42, Fiaurss 4, 5 Persephona lichtensteint FINNEGAN, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., vol. 37, p. 614, fig. 2, 1931; not P. lichtensteint Leach, 1817, nor P. lichtensteinii Bell, 1855. Persephona finneganae RatuBun, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 46, p. 184, 1933 (type locality, Sao Sebastiaéo, Brazil; holotype male, U. 8. N. M. no. 67989). Diagnosis.—Seven strong spines, one hepatic (paired) and one at widest part of carapace (paired); of the posterior spines the median reaches half again as far back as the lateral pair. FIGURE 37.—Persephona finneganae, male, type (Brit. Mus.): Carapace, 3. Description.—Carapace, exclusive of spines, slightly longer than wide; subglobular, posterior half narrower than anterior. Surface covered with coarse, separated granules on a ground of fine, close granulation interspersed with punctae. Intestinal region partially defined by shallow furrows; two pairs of short, thumbnail, almost longitudinal indentations just behind the middle of carapace. Seven slender, acute spines; the hepatic are more triangular than the bran- chial spines and of subequal length; between them, but nearer the branchial spine there is a low, blunt tooth; of the posterior spines the pair on the posterior border are a little longer than the hepatic spines; the median or intestinal spine is about one and one-half times the length of the posterior lateral spines and forms a right angle with them. In a small specimen from Trinidad (66784) the median spine is longer and heavier than the other spines, being twice as long as the neighboring spines. 19 Dr. Finnegan overlooked Bell’s description and figure. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 162 ~-eqst[neg ‘snyy |-sedAqeied 6 T © T\|------- , ie || Seowans|ooosoaenssesace]oceaaue|e= scales s|Pi cate. | oes eben ales coaco eee eo : eee eee }P[VMJopony “A ovlseges og :1izvug 68619 edAyojoy 2 Hh “S$ apnquyDT cee eee ee On ee oseqoperr a |p| oe geg [asse-ceae ole oos-ennens f= veg 30 JINH savarNrwL eee 2s 8 CISL |e a eI tees Boe eee LOR oe ape Te, OP ar ile ZT ule FOG F769 80 Lee OTe 6 Tae oe eee eae OCT i ae A CCSLO)) ane gaan pee bee aes a at a 99 cee OD Bar ra See = TORO OT 100! SGOT IFC OT eG] tale gueemenen een a0 Cl me oe 90829 |-""-" "ST | UBIMosyyUIg-Uosuyor |} Lg CCOTSOTS COs | sitnnnn | eaacuemennenen |i t40e | NOOMNGG m09.||s0Cus 0 lem6 a | eeaeinnnenenmmmen SCOOR CT “at é ° “i é ‘LIV “M “N wmor4 e1n4 su0 epnysu0T | epniyey SHIVUIO YY ‘ON s0[B41e0 sueurtoedg 104091109 “819 eed -Bied m109340q qe Ay[BO0'T -W8L ssuliveg evuvsouuyg Buoydosiog fo pautupxa 191L9]DJ[.— [1G WIAV], HeUG ie awa: 60F69 | Tle4s qos "A OT |-----~ np ORe are: OICE tralia apace ODF Tahara lis ore SOTA | OG: Set aes eer) | eee in en ae ee ee Geena od “pedxq sosede[ey, Yooousy |-~-------— 06269 |~eInyeuIM ST |~~ ~~~ III 049704 | LIZ FOG T able ACOs || enema ieee a AST i, Seal States cae eel |e edvd YO |-~~~“oostouelg ueg edep swoadvaAoW AEE ee O2LFOOE | iermeeeensstomet © s]0| eee De naan | CORG ogee AOD A aoe Ran pare ee TALS OT OSs LE; G25 s00) (S85 Sis line tec ent case G ler cele SOLO Eee ae ae eh ell ae Pea DF oar Ie SSS pote = “EOL | 7860 ‘6s Arne |-------|------------| 21-8 | 00 SS GOT] 00 8& 2 | JO YJMOUT JO "M “TUT OT *podxa aT Yamin | 12 O Res Se Ce ence | ee WN | & 00 OS SOT} 00 T0 GZ} PUBIST [Eqs] JO "| LE0e 6881 ‘TE “IVY | 2°99 | VW “us | 02 OO; 9s OL |"00) oh 2s | eenmanenen seudent) JO L108 6881 ‘FZ “ABIL | 8°19 7777 W ‘Us | g¢ QOM Os S10 ROSE eo 16c) | Geneeanees gunman od CSCC aan ODES as CO) saa W ‘43 | 0g Cie Ze PEL |) 00!) SEGaNOS | enn nine eieats od COUN} (0) 5 1 eae CSC TS | ora caer enn Pilea 880470017 | PEE 68ST ‘2G “ABP | $9 | W 4d | ¥2 CF LGay Ge | Os: a2e. O8))|ten ame BIULON[VD JO JINH ie Os i GG :OOIXAYL “M ‘"N ein4 sm0 epnyisuoT | epnqyey SYIVUIIY ‘ON B0[8I2O susm1oeds 10499109 1014849 ey8q -eiod 110340 Weg Aqeoo'T “We sSuyiveg IpuesuMo}, BuOoYydosiog fo pautwnxa pNI1LaIDYY—0G WTAV I, OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 163 Measurements.—Male holotype, entire length of carapace 37, length without spine 34, entire breadth 37, breadth without spines 32.2 mm. Male (Trinidad), length 17.5, breadth 17, spines excluded (Gordon in litt.). Range.—West Indies to Brazil. 3 to 17 fathoms, Material excamined.—See table 51, page 162. PERSEPHONA LICHTENSTEINII Leach Puate 45, Ficures 1, 2 Persephona lichtensteinii Lracu, Zoological miscellany, vol. 3, p. 23, 1817 (type locality not given; types, male and female, in Brit. Mus.)—Bertt, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 21, p. 293, pl. 31, fig. 6, 1855. Not P. lichtensteini Finnegan, 1931. Diagnosis—Three posterior spines of good length, forming an equilateral triangle. A short tooth at subhepatic angle and another at middle of lateral margin. Arm wholly granulate. Description (after Bell).—Carapace orbicular, depressed, sparsely granulated; subhepatic angle produced into a prominent tubercle or tooth; another on lateral margin on each side; between them is a row of 10 large contiguous bead granules; three posterior spines equal, so placed as to form the points of an equilateral triangle. Front broad, nearly straight. External maxillipeds with the inner stalk in the male nearly plain, with only a slight longitudinal groove; in the female more deeply grooved toward inner margin. Chelipeds more slender than in punctata, orbicularis, and edwardsit; arm wholly covered with tubercles, very large at proximal end, becoming much smaller at distal end; a line of granules on outer side of wrist. Measurements.—Length of carapace of male 26, width 26.4 mm, spines excluded (Gordon in litt.). Range.—Known only from 2 specimens, male and female, in British Museum; female is type (Leach). Locality not known. PERSEPHONA CRINITA Rathbun Pate 43, Fiaurss 2, 3; Puate 44, Ficures 1-3 Persephona crinita Rarusun, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., vol. 21, p. 128, pl. 2, 1931 (type locality, Horn Island Pass, Miss., about 3 fathoms; holotype male and paratype female, U. S. N. M. no. 63739). Diagnosis.—A tubercle on lateral margin at middle or widest part; another less than halfway to hepatic protuberance. No definite marginal line. Description.—Male: Carapace slightly longer than broad, more convex from side to side than anteroposteriorly; front little pro- duced; hinder end with three similar, short, conical spines, the median one forming an angle not much in excess of a right angle. Dorsal surface covered with a dense coating of short, hooked hairs that conceal the small and widely separated bead granules; granula- tion denser near lateral and posterior borders and continued on lower 164 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM surface of carapace where it is finer behind the hepatic region. A granular tubercle on subhepatic protuberance and two on lateral margin, one of which is at widest point of carapace and the outer anterolateral. Front almost transverse, forming a very wide V, median sulcus deep. Outer maxillipeds sparingly granulate, inner two-thirds of ischium smooth. Chelipeds narrow, less than twice as long as carapace, pubescent; merus slightly constricted near carpus, coarsely granulate except for a smooth patch on the distal two-fifths above and below. Carpus and manus finely granulate along outer margin; dactylus a little longer than outer margin of manus. Legs pubescent above on merus, carpus and propodus; dactylus fringed with hair on either side. Sternum coarsely granulate, interstices pubescent. Abdomen very narrow, first three segments granulate. Female: Lateral tubercles less prominent than in male, obsolescent; lateral posterior spines farther apart, forming a greater angle with median spine; posterior margin more produced at middle. Measurements.—Male holotype, length of carapace 22.3, width 21.6 mm; female paratype, length 24, width 22.8 mm. Range.—Gulf of Mexico to Brazil; 3 to 34 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 52, page 165. Genus MYROPSIS Stimpson Myropsis Stimpson, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 2, p. 156, 1871 (type, M. quinquespinosa Stimpson).—A. Mitne Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 21, 1880. Carapace subglobular, narrowed anteriorly; cardiac and intestinal regions defined; five posterior spines. The anterior extremity of the septa of the branchial channels does not extend beyond orbits. Basal article of antennules indurated and crested. Chelipeds very long and slender. Male abdominal segments 3-6 fused. Massachusetts to Venezuela. MYROPSIS QUINQUESPINOSA Stimpson Puiatse 46, Ficures 1-3 Myropsis quinquespinosa Stimpson, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 2, p. 157, 1871 (type localities, Tennessee Reef, Florida Keys, 21 and 82 fathoms; types not extant)—A. Ming Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 21, 1880.—A. MritnE Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 110, 1902. Myropsis constricta A. M1tNE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 21, 1880 (type locality, Barbados, 100 fathoms; type in M. C. Z.).—A. MILNE Epwarkps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 110, pl. 21, figs. 4-6; pl. 22, figs. 1-5, 1902. Myropsis goliath A. M1LNe Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 21, 1880 (type locality, Cariacou, Windward Islands, 163 fathoms; type in M. C. Z.).— A. Mitnge Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 111, pl. 21, figs. 1-3, 1902. 165 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA EET ase | Seer aes et ae Lae ae ‘orneg ogg ‘ogseq “SnyAL en} oT OqIeH “A |” Savas ge LOL | pas les ot ee | ee ee Ie ee my Teme 1g ae te oes Bul] :Uzvag “S apnjy0T “TT9qs aad ‘TW ce FF «€19:| «OF LE OT Sie a ge gzeoz | WOs “A ST [777 “""" 88017097 | ZZ1Z-IG1Z |" “F8BT ‘€ “QO | EL-L9 | “[00-0,8[s “HP |~"~"FE-TE 04 04 “---""grieg Jo jJINy) OF cr 19100 LE OT “SIH EN “toys *“(Ajqeqoid) ‘00g UOJSOg MOIg |~~~-~"~ QOPOGuINIJOSe Awd Tats co concn 7 AQ S801@) (| es= soso seal = ease SPST AC OMY ia eal nc ee ae ae sae eae OS-0Z Ae a See ee Avg olvovyqovoeyo SSHIGN]T ISH AA HSILIug ‘AVGINIUY, *‘TMB]] UIeEg [7~"~-7~ 2OF99) Neca esa 12 Pali aes toss yo ys 7-7-7 LEOLANT SSIOl GOUN TE |F=-“=s"| => ee ores BETS Tol seen, noel ERO el ee | ee GIGVNIVLAOND VIVO ee, opin > 89F99 |" ""S T LT | Wosiepuy "AA ‘WMA [~~->7 777 “O86 TMAOULUIN Gs | Ssa5 (Sa) Seacc ager sercit | > cee See ail pc wemmeriaataeae | eee eens og [SJ PUBIH :VNVISINO'T *S81104 -810q8'T “Tord Uveqqieg = worg |------~ WICYON|eoeee. Ce Olean ro ae ODR Ss Tges = Pa tere sese re Ope rail 22) Wel Che SCeeh. icere ee Gilbe ogs aor alee oa ~"" puv[syjqi0oH BO *S9110] BIOGB'T ‘Olg uUveqqiiey UOLT “SOMA T7775 6E289 |" -- 3 TOT |--“aesutidg yawmeyg [~~~ o5-99- 4-5 OS6T ‘0s “SY. 1-7-7777] ee pL aa FOMMOG Yo Sesaeec oa|aatee ee el -"ssBq pues] U1OF{ “Nig ats Bao ‘Idd ISSISSIJAL “M “N einy epnysu0yT | opnjryey SyIVUIEY ‘ON 30848 | suomtoedg 10409109 019849 o1eq -Biod m0}}0q suIOyyeT Aqypeoo'T -W19,L ‘ oo ao ssulieeg eyrulio wuoydesieg fo pautwnxa J01ajDY—*ZG AAV], 166 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Diagnosis.—Three tubercles on anterolateral margin, one at widest part of carapace, one hepatic, one between the two. Front bidentate. Five posterior spines. Description.— Body and appendages everywhere granulated except the ambulatory dactyls. Carapace, exclusive of spine, a little longer than wide; intestinal and cardiac regions defined by rather deep fur- rows on either side; hepatic region slightly swollen; cervical sulcus partially defined at hepatic region; granules of surface distant from one another by spaces equal to two or three times their diameter; anterolateral margin slightly sinuous. Of the five posterior spines, the median one is intestinal; the intermediate pair is marginal and in the adult equally long and more evenly conical; the outer pair very small, with tip strongly upturned, is situated on the branchial region over the insertion of the posterior legs. There is a tubercle at middle of lateral margin and another on the hepatic margin; also between the two and directly behind the hepatic suture a small granulated tubercle. Frontal teeth elevated, tips subacute. Merus of chelipeds cylindrical, longer than carapace exclusive of spine, granules densely crowded; granules of hand smaller, also crowded; hand broader than thick, upper face nearly three times as long as wide; fingers longer than palm, armed within with minute and acute teeth varying in size. Ambulatory feet naked (except dactyli), cylindrical, and microscopically granulated; those of first pair one and two-thirds times as long as carapace; dactyli with two fringes of hair on upper and outer surface. Variation.—In size of granules, especially noticeable on the an- terior part of the undersized type of M. constricta, which in no other way differs from the average quinquespinosa. In immature speci- mens the median spine is usually longer than the posterior marginal pair. In one specimen from off Puerto Rico the spines of the postero- lateral pair are longer than those of the posterior pair and inter- mediate in length between the posterior pair and the median spine, the latter being longer than in typical specimens. Color.—Yellowish white with a very delicate pinkish tint in legs and pincers; light brownish yellow on first joints of legs. Pure white beneath. (Henderson.) Buff to buff yellow on proximal and distal extremities of leg articles and margins of carapace; front between eyes darker, almost orange-ochraceous. (W. L. Schmitt.) Measurements.—Male (66484), length of carapace 45.6, width 40; length of cheliped, outer edge, 106 mm. Largest male (Caracas), length from tip of frontal tooth to middle of posterior margin, 68.2; from median sinus to tip of median spine, 71.8, width 65 mm. (Copenhagen Mus.). Range.—Massachusetts to Venezuela. 50-572 fathoms. Material eramined.—See table 53, page 168. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 167 Genus PHILYRA Leach Philyra Leacu, Zoological miscellany, vol. 3, p. 18, 1817 [type, P. scabriuscula (Fabricius, 1798) = ? Cancer cancellus Herbst, 1783]. Carapace usually circular and somewhat depressed, dorsal surface generally bounded by a continuous beaded line; hepatic and branchial regions usually fairly well defined. Front broad, truncate, the whole or the greater part of the edge of buccal cavern being seen beyond it in dorsal view. Buccal orifice transversely oblong, with anterior angles broadly rounded; exognath broadly dilated, outer and anterior borders forming parts of one wide curve; merus of endognath narrowly and acutely triangular, length of inner border not much less than that of the broad ischium. Orbits small and sunken, with 2 sutures in upper wall, and a hiatus at inner angle, where the minute antennal flagellum stands; antennules folding transversely. Chelipeds sym- metrical and, relatively to the legs, very massive; legs small. Abdo- men of male consists of three or four pieces, that of the female of four. (After Alcock.) With one exception, known only from the waters of the Eastern Hemisphere. PHILYRA PISUM De Haan Puate 47, Ficurss 1, 2 Philyra pisum [pisun, by error] Dr Haan, Fauna Japonica, Crustacea, p. 131, pl. 33, fig. 7, 1841 (type locality, Japan; type not located).—Brtt, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 21, p. 300, 1855.—Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. (Abt. Syst.), vol. 6, p. 582, pl. 26, fig. 16, 1892.—Catman, Ann. New York Acad. Sci., vol. 11, p. 262, 1898. Diagnosis—Front little shorter than epistome; pterygostomian region medially angulate; carapace granulate; chela of male exceeding carapace by half its length; fingers with five longitudinal sulci, ner margin denticulate. Description.—Length and breadth of male subequal, length greater than breadth in female. A median carina of granulated tubercles on gastric region; granules sparsely scattered on carapace, especially on branchial and gastric regions. A raised granulate line on lateral and posterior margins; posterior margin truncate in male, slightly arcuate in female, terminating in obtuse angles. Front with shallow emar- gination. Exognath finely granulate; sternum of male smooth except on margins. Chelipeds minutely granulate, granules interspersed with short, smooth, transverse lines; margins coarsely granulate; merus broadest at middle, almost smooth below. Segments 3-6 of male fused, sutures not wholly obliterated. Color.—Dark olivaceous. Measurements.—Male (17564), length 22, breadth 22.3 mm; female (17564), length 19, breadth 18.2 mm. Range.—Japan; Korea; Philippines; Puget Sound, one specimen (Calman; whereabouts of specimen undetermined). BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 168 ‘od Dawe -SE8PO0 oq. 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Wash Maa) Tae CPT Of 2 G8] OF BE 8s | B9YBYMBIDOYD Jo"'|G Se NOLOe| rae OL Ones abs gene ORs = arr GOFGn|MGSSL_ Pl LOWNial: (wee ape ec au Ae RT OB, G8) 498 | S00m 98! 2So: prea ewer OCT SS" LPSATA ace panr Ac Onl > tan. asec, we ODinw ota| (SOFC meaner sO DSRS El cee 1165 Same as ALAS) ESS OO (6G) (C8) ROS a CRESS | 57 ae es ae ge eT Tia to: S6OIG. jean ws ee AT |e os cr se8044N07 P|) FORGE OSSl Ol ABIAle|2 wales eae eae ee A100 00 9f 8 | 00 #F §@ | “SBIg UBg od¥D Jo"ME ae at GLSOOR ats a sana Ais Lui ota’ oO Dew. aa ail Tea csal | Me AG eka eo cea NE cea ae ee mee TLD Thc ay Ges | Pole a | s8nOOgy ATCh MIO Se MeITO a ae LENOpa ee SAO OG. hil aareawrtasats0 Daren va tel el AQTAE| => a al sae aan aes us | OL Bk |S eee ee SD aBRONg eee TSAZ OR ACO SSL ogee ie gee sOD Se aml Ta7 te9|| aas oo am ea RA LL ee PINS GET SDA Ee nemees OL. 5a eG ail | ee an | See OO OM EAO TaD SS a ek €1Z9¢ pee ea SeeUOSIOPUSH SG tal Fo" sit ae Rae Ml Cae ee ee lu LO. Ticker S| an wees | eds aOmepuugolmg PZSOGIN O90EH ns se Kell ean aan ODE saa 002s | eaoneen ODE eine onal epapee ce See Ss 6IT 00 €9 G8] 00 I8 92% | ~JOqIBy 9}30[18YO JO" AZ Oris CSocs| amine ae ane Ps | ees geen can ayn | ob 8L-LL8I WelO. lie gy er Ne ee 101 00 1% #8 eae a ae es SesNj10OL, JO MN Lar <4 re ae COS s1202) | meee Seehof OSL oF Oi ater ee ODr > ae|T Naalee asa eee ee 09-99 | Z ‘OW JO "Gg "JUIZT JNOGY |--~- ~~ - mom od ‘Aonq pol 7000. Beste oa 61799 |-~"- "7 BOUT eer ese soe Opie ae eae CLOT Nena ig ie aris ess ame eee GUTSOST | Sy OUsJO GS) FUL OT) AMO Gy So 55> See ssas od ‘£onq pot 0 Greees pas sts “OerODh| "r= Satie ere opaos GOSS CEBL ec. AIMS a2 Sle er mek Gk cer 16-€8 | Z ‘OW Jog “FUEL INoqy |------=--==+7===-- od 170 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Genus LEUCOSILIA Bell Leucosilia Brut, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 21, p. 295, 1855 [type, L. jurinet (Saussure)]. Carapace orbicular, subglobose, front with two divergent teeth; intestinal region unidentate. Antennular fossae oblique, hollowed out of the frontal teeth. Three orbital fissures. Exognath of outer maxillipeds slightly curved, margins parallel, apex obtuse. Chelipeds robust, of medium length. Abdomen of male with segments 3-5 coalesced, penult segment unispinous; abdomen of female broadly ovate, strongly convex. West coast of America; Indian Ocean. LEUCOSILIA JURINEI (Saussure) Puate 48, Fiaures 1-8 Guaia (Ilia) jurinei SaussurE, Rev. Mag. Zool., no. 8, p. 65 [12], pl. 13, fig. 4-4b, 1853 (type locality, Mazatlan, Mexico; type in Geneva Mus.). Leucosilia jurinii Bre.u, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 2, p. 295, pl. 32, fig. 1, 1855.—Stimpson, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., vol. 6, p. 471, 1857; Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 7, p. 69 [23], 1859. Leucosilia jurinei RaTHBUN, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 38, p. 552, pl. 45, fig. 1, 1910.—Boong, Zoologica, vol. 8, p. 283, fig. 100, 1927; Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 58, p. 583, fig. 18, 1929. Diagnosis.—Surface everywhere granulate; carapace without spines. A short protuberance on intestinal region, two prominences on hepatic region. Description.—Carapace convex, sides rounded, surface covered with large contiguous granules except on the frontal and part of the hepatic regions, which are covered with a pavement of minute flattened granules. A low, blunt elevation on hepatic, a triangular prominence on subhepatic region. A stout tubercle or tooth on the intestinal region; posterior margin curved, slightly projecting. Abdomen of male very long; penult segment shorter than terminal one, its spine overlapping the fused segment; abdomen of female with a broad central carina. Abdomen and sternum coarsely granulate. Cheli- peds half as long again as carapace, arm coarsely granulate, wrist and chela finely so; palm short and thick, fingers slightly curved, armed with small denticles on the inner edge; tips crossing. Measurements.—Male (20672), length of carapace 20, width 18.2 mm; female (39102), length 17.5, width 17.6 mm. Range.—West coast of Mexico to Peru; Galapagos Islands. Material examined.—As follows: Mexico: West coast; Forrer collector; 1 male, 1 female (6725, Berlin Mus.). Nicaragua: Realejo; Orsted collector; 1 male (20672), 2 males (Copenhagen Mus.). Corinto; J. A. McNiel; 2 females (6449, MC, Zi). OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 171 Costa Rica: Punta Arenas; P. Biolley; February 1907; 2 males, 2 females (39102); gift of J. Fid Tristan. Panama: Hassler Expedition; 2 females (6450, M. C. Z.). Pearl Islands, Panama Bay; S. Garman; April 1875; 1 male (6451, M. C. Z.). Peru: Oyster beds of Matapalo (near Capon); R. E. Coker; Jan- uary 23, 1908; 1 male, 1 female (40444); gift of Peruvian Government. Genus RANDALLIA Stimpson Randallia Stimpson, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 6, p. 85, 1857 (type, R. ornata Randall); Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., vol. 6, p. 471, 1857.—MzkErs, Voyage of H. M. 8S. Challenger, Brachyura, vol. 17, p. 316, 1886.—Atucock, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. 65, p. 191, 1896. Carapace circular and convex, almost globular; front narrow, usually broadly bidentate, and somewhat sunk behind the level of the front edge of buccal cavern. Subhepatic or pterygostomian regions convex and puffed out. A broad vertical interval between the orbits and the edge of buccal cavern. Surface of carapace usually covered with vesicular or pustulous granules, but these are some- times visible only with a lens. Regions usually, but not always, distinctly demarcated by grooves. Posterior margin generally, but not always, armed with spines or petaloid lobules or tubercles. Upper edge of orbits deeply emarginate, a wide gap at inner canthus, and three very distinct sutures in the upper-outer wall. The antennules fold obliquely; antennae loosely lodged in the inner canthus of the orbits. Exognath not dilated, outer margin almost straight; merus of endognath about two-thirds the length of ischium measured on inner edge. Chelipeds either massive or moderately stout, of moderate length; fingers stout, less than twice as long, or nearly as long as hand, which is usually much less than half the length of carapace. (After Alcock.) California to Peru; Pacific Islands; Indian Ocean; Curagao; [south] Trinidad Island, Brazil; shallow water to 350 fathoms. KEY TO THE AMERICAN SPECIES OF THE GENUS RANDALLIA Al, Five protuberances on posterior part of carapace, including one on intestinal region. B!, Three well-separated tubercles on lateral margin of cara- pace, aside from the spine on posterolateral margin. C!, Chelipeds of male one and one-half times as long as cara- pace. Carapace granulate, distinctly longer than EO 2 ee te ts a ee Eel ati ornata (p. 172) C?. Chelipeds of male nearly three times as long as carapace. Carapace smooth, about as broad as long______-_-_- laevis (p. 177) B?. A row of several tubercles or large granules on anterolateral margin. C!, Carapace with large, globular tubercles. Edge of efferent branchial channel -trilobedi._ 2-22-32 ae bulligera (p. 176) C2, Carapace with large granules on a background of fine ones. Edge of efferent branchial channel entire. Front pro- Gucedsss2. 2522 ee ee es Se americana (p. 182) 80232—37———12 172 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM A?. No protuberance on median line of intestinal region. B!. A smooth cap on rostrum and round plate on hepatic region_minuta (p. 179) B?. No smooth cap on rostrum nor round plate on hepatic region. C!. Four posterior lobes on carapace. Tubercles mushroom- shaped’. 20s AcL ee ee ee eee agaricias (p. 178) C*. No posterior lobes on carapace. Margin of efferent channel trilobed£? i415: 23% 222 SRA) of eae ee curacaoensis (p. 182) RANDALLIA ORNATA (Randall) PuatTe 49, Ficurss 1, 2 Ilia ornata RANDALL, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, vol. 8, p. 129, 1839 (type locality, California; type not extant). Guaia ornata GiBBEs, Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., vol. 3, p. 186 [22], 1850. Randallia ornata Stimpson, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 6, p. 85, 1857; Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., vol. 6, p. 471 (31), pl. 20 (not 19), fig. 3, 1857; Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 7, p. 69 [23], 1859.—Wzr8yYmoutH, Stanford Univ. Publ., Univ. Ser. no. 4, p. 18, pl. 1, fig. 3, 1910.—Scumirt, Univ. California Publ. Zool., vol. 23, p. 188, fig. 116, 1921. Diagnosis —Carapace distinctly longer than wide. Carapace gran- ulate. Branchiohepatic groove shallow. Two pairs of posterior protuberances triangular, acute. Description.—Carapace slightly longer than broad; generally smooth to the naked eye but very finely granulated; posterior margin promi- nent, coarsely granulate and armed with two short, stout spines; above, a row of three very short, distant spines or tubercles, one in- testinal, the others branchial. A row of pits defines the branchial region. Hepatic region angular, forming on obtuse tooth below; on the subhepatic or pterygostomian region there is a long, shallow, blunt lobe and behind these, but on an intermediate level, a row of three, or sometimes more, small anterolateral tubercles not far apart. An- terior part of carapace with a blunt median carina. Frontal teeth high, coarsely granulate. Basal article of antennule thin, cristate, forming an operculum covering half the fossa. Prolongation of septum of branchial channel trilobed. Chelipeds of male one and one-half times as long as carapace; merus rough with coarse granules; manus broad and thick, like the carapace smooth to naked eye; dactylus somewhat longer. Abdomen, segments 3-5 fused, 1 and 2 granulate, 2 with a spinule at either end. In the young, granules are coarser and crowded, unequal in size. This feature is sometimes continued in larger specimens up to 33 mm long (immature female, 5167). Color—Carapace variegated with sanguineous spots, confluent an- teriorly ; chelipeds variegated with red. Measurements.—Male (3101), length of carapace 56, width 53.2 mm. Range——From Mendocino County, Calif., to Magdalena Bay, Lower California, Mexico; 514 to 51 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 54, page 173. 173 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA “81S “TONE ‘IVI COIUGA WOT “BIS "[Olg “BJA OOT UeA Woy ‘AOIvA "819 “LOT ‘IBJ VOIUGA WOT B18 [Ol “IBJAl 9dr -UeA WO ‘AOLIVA "818 [Old ‘IV, OOIUGA UOT "B19 [Old “AVIA 991 -WdA UO ‘AJOIIVA "B1S [Old “IV COUGA WO1T ‘od *AVOUIBA *MOISSTUIUIO Ud “8 ‘OQ wo ‘od *AJOLIVA *AJOLIvA {101409 -[09 S,pfsgueg “Ad od ‘od “UOISSTUIMIOC) sq “S ‘Qh Wolly SyIVUIEY S9TOS SITIO GZT0E TLT0¢ LT10S 60109 90TOS F6ELT PSL c6ELT S6ELT PEZOP TOT’ raat LESS TO¢99 sos99 £0999 STOST 9TOST ISI8t LOTS 90¢99 cess SITE ‘ON B0[BIeO ate ae ig eras OD cg aaale ese e d\n ae oe Oars alae ae aes EL Sa Oy ROD Mee aa as ai ee CU ia toa ASCAlE2 Gee ee ODS=3 75 |aeagee |e PGK TAO | eee eee oar ea eee Ie ek a OOTUOACTOW AN incon san ees ae od ee RATT Sass RODE PAE: cee Ore 2 | noe er ae ar | aoe || ee eer O Dasma ce oir eat ce OCT “901 Pee Sa fiO le s=- sees O Dias al saan oa [eee PIG SR ASL ee | teen a ee anal aneeae POA Re AG Orns On | eackn me oe araaaaa oem CI ‘g01u9 A pue pe ass pl as=— =~ OD esos alana eas |a- ea PIOl SiS Es Vinl lla ba ea ae Cae na JI Me Or oom ey “------ABq BoluOy VIS PEASE Ee ten ACTS Paces: OD grees eae he et ee ROD eae smear a ee eed ee Sean tae ae | eee © emer prime oy eae rare OCG! ee ab Eee Gs SUL OCTLONLE. loo sao eal LOD eoGeAING: || ces eats ne cena llc ee ee | a ok |e ee OU Ig LC Aa © aaa ae ais i ees sesebONUNI Pee ere lece ORS LL OOul. 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OL AUST mas e0I Om eClUGS! iran can canweuaeas cumece “Tu T'8 “M oth “N ‘esnoH eens ar ARON |eeneees SOD wana COUP, TEeMTOOLSOUNT |cicecelaa eee Suite 0L AUDIT L201) AGIUGN casas ae ac Rhea CL err are GF Sean aay OD araenlse le Pr res cer cODS er a Pace te Nee eso6F OOM: ZO COLINOE 2199: 298) | eeenae con peer OGL hora eae IG |Gadeny a ODaneas| LRG Raja taes OD Wa | €o |" "W'S *A3 0uy | FZ C0! 2008 ZeT sO0E O98 08) ||Sia sea poemscue een OG Serge eo ae A ST |777777880270907F | ZFIE “"""O68L ‘ST “IBIAT |[--~~- >|" “AWTS “eu | ET OGPRSOI CTT MOT OCAOS er oth ns orcs see OCT aks ost NTT ess LUA TUCAA CS STIAT | cease | ee cases atari y oe sce Toe hac ee ce aN | EE ale a ml | om | em cromoom----Keg AQIOJUOPT rex STAOLS TL |aaes UBULIOUST \cacsos sclera OLOMOUC: ca vccal es pea aAe RGSS S| nea aad 2 4 |PaRoaeanmnal eaeesomian (oct Se OLZCRIOD eDISINOay gy. eee a as IDS es 5598019007 P7 Alp ck ook oe ee EOIN O UAC Wr cocues ||e os atone ve eas | ke eed |e ma pied oa een | peaeemmainedn “------Avg OosouBly UBg Mo > Sone BZ lee G DIO _C™ Ee Gi lies soa 5 callie sain OSS Tice | SG || ea | mie | aire te | eh een eam COSTE GLY Lo “d é ° “é ‘ ° : VINYOUITV “M “"N ein} rt epnyizu0T | epnyyey sueuroedg 10409][09 m0e49 aed -eiod m10}40q a AqvIO'T ssulivoeg pei ee Ree pe wee |e se 2 Se ee ee ee ee ee ee ee B}VUIO BIT[epuvy fo paurzwonzra pr1Uajvyy—"FG AAV], BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 174 “BIUIO} “MBO wioyynos "AIUQ ‘AZOTIBA ‘Od od od “*BIU IO} “18D W108 NOS “ATU () “819 ‘lOlg “Jv, eolueA : “elUIO} tO uszeyqynog "AIUQ. =‘AJOTIBA ‘od ‘od "B19 ‘Olg “IVY eolUaA “BIS “TOlG “IVIL Oot MOA ‘AJOTIVA ‘od “R18 ‘TOlg “IVT eolUaA “*RIUIOJi -[8D WIE INOS “AIT - B18 “[Ol@ “IB OdIUVA ‘AJOLIVA “DID}jNb DUaDdLoog jo yovmojs mol “BIULOSI -[8O WIeqynog “Alu "BIS ‘TO “IVIL GNUIA UIOIT “81S LOL “IVIAT 201 “U9A WON ‘Ajo1IvA SYIVUIEY *Iopuos 0} pouinjyoy 86#99 06499 68499 *Jepues 0} poeuinyoxy F899F €S109 00¢99 TGTOg S110 €1T0¢ 80T0S OZLOg cotog ¥6499 OTTO T6L1Z Jopues 0} pouinyoxy C6F99 &6499 16¥99 LOTOS 6110S ‘ON B0TRIVO --seececeg p |--n--22 22-2222 -|--------]---- Pama MDa Serre see dtc ce alee eee ee wf g |[rorner renee fence |= -0 wonnanacen gg [on nn none een en en- | on en ee =~ FS OIC A Chil eee nee See = soul ee En ee 62L Z |" 940T "NH Be ae Ag |"“usyoq uoqup | 8 eee T ST Gor Ni neat | isi ac | ecm | AULT UCT CCT a CL TCO cb Oe 6s LL 6 | mea CT aa 7S a as <1 I Dea seem Pees es ve (eee ties Be on ie SLE to fash ee eS AS TS | peacgiamenO Dime ale | ae aS SO Dar ® || pa agape |i oa Rae aes oye |p age Jace | ee Reed |b ipa od “qulog Se}Iq AA pus OUT eae ASS Saagae sO Dena TAF. 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OF wae ““--==quiog sofoolqy JO € ase== == OPsanaal ONS Seer eS SOD sass | ae aele Te ee BOS “ON UBY} ANO WOU TIE --a5 cee ce ee OGL rma III 04272A_ | €82 “—"""FRGT ‘6 “IBTAL “777 ~FUJod eopmngL, BO |7 ~-777--77-- Avg eopmy, TTOSSSLD WS EOL GAO OSS ae aS: US OG mea lig cen eens ina eames et pat lamer “"~~ pug[s] ojfueg uBg Bee III 042]2A | L8% “"""BE6T ‘OT “ABIL =" 93577755] “ARG W4N0G "a2 as SSS PUSS SOLID “AUOQIUY “MV > 777777 “0681 ‘O0-FG: (SN Vollmeseecs| > cr ae | ey gna me | ee 2 eae ae rae Avg sey vse *pedx ay “a TOMIOIOMUINT Al SCHL McmerCOOle UG aall Wa linn: uma| cause o> o> em|| ceep all ae Gace 2 | oes een nea | puv[s] UNIe;Y ues FO {BIMIOJI[VO IOMOT—OOIXAJT Spee ale igs Shee ee ee Se a ee Olena Reet ee El gy Mae ee One ro — meee eee CO Cid Sess EarnliScar Sar N TG ok Ea ale ae |e ae a Rc es a cee ca | See ONT ES ORULIOU INO SE6C eral sean 6881 ‘92 “UBL | E°LG |~~""S “AB ou] | 9 ST 9T ZLITl SF &% ZE |“ ““SPJ SopeuoloH soy JO Ton T9 “M ZI ‘N ‘osnoy Satay OD==-Sa|(POSR. las FOO Te IBIAL lage al cues a oR Adal TS USI, BUO Ges GUO nT ing mee ents sees OCT ion oe OP s5555| 5 las can ce OSS ICMUCIeINS 89 lee a 8 ASn| 08 00 91 LIT] O€ && Ze |~~7~--7"77"~“OseIq Ueg FO 10) 88029007022 > | aes ae FOC ESIBIAc tt aes |S A ee [80qg § ‘ON WosBeg |~~~~~--"7 ~~ Avg osv1q usg “maueuUl “U0 “G BsOy [TTT “"¢8st “qeq [7-777 7]7 Bes aig | on Sess Se ea = ee ae ee ea OS0Iq, UBg JO APIUIOTA = DIB MCW SE | arssialisssvas eames la Te | oc epee oe ok a . ae oe bese eee gS oss uBg reas s801209]7 | 2bF |~~~"FOGT ‘ET “dy |~~""-"|""""" Ug ‘g ‘43 | Te 6% “MA 09 ‘§ “QuIod ‘q |-------puLisy sefooIN uBg srcO MOU SNE: oo cee Seca. Same af ee eas 0k sige tae PUB|S] OUI O| esa cee ee ee od *10q reese aces se ete de Tall Bee Pee Ope ee | ater 8 | Fase A oes aaa | RdeD BUTTCIC A) JO SAN Ge tks sees cease HOC SEM pag nT SSS ES SS Sula OIG: OCCU | too ae | See ee ae come | Cee ea Rae EO Deer ray ame ce peueaieatinpenet OGM Cae Ge eae OD t= T Sol sae abe 8 Soe ai ice arama en eat OCA eae ew co MODS Chew "ieee me oes OCT ATIEGh SEGUIAA. || Fer sege |e ee sees Taree |e oon WW °Aps:| 0-08 |[""~t77 JOQIVA BUlTBIBO |--- 7 sc an0 “10qIBy ie aes ODE SAre lems anlar aoe on tO Deemer lec oo ace cr er Eelp so MU UITGIGG): OF" GOUU TUS Se nue te an eee OG ‘urd -[nds Yoo JO qynNour Gatakbac LOD a ects os ae eee CIBL ‘0g 3127 @) eh ie pees| | ae ee pas peal | dah ant modj ‘loqieH 3) qe 0g0 UC) (0) a at ens a = OGh ““usyoq wowup |-~---- 77 |--7 GIGI ‘SZ “IBJAL |---- ~~ Bass Sey ere | a eee |e IH O1peg Ueg OF, |" pUuLIs] BUI[TRIBO BIUBg papa 5 eo ats | Pea ley LTC Tee a ye eee ee ee ee ee a eee Oe oO ae ce er rere aa | me aT eer mane O (iT ae haa eS en cae GOV || ious 0 OTe 9 1 CLD ise lise are eee || OG) Se ae a ae ee ee el ae eke ae LOC AMON Sei eee ce asa aalyc. pa eemlia Maan CEO LP AONG tama cas eagaeap cates | 3 get all) ee ake oe ake cian aed | ORT etal ee ale od 176 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM RANDALLIA BULLIGERA Rathbun FiacureE 38; Puate 50, Ficurss 1, 2 Randallia bulligera RaTuBuN, Proc. U. 8. Nat Mus., vol. 21, p. 614, pl. 44, fig 6, 1898 (type locality, Magdalena Bay, 12 fathoms; holotype, U.S.N.M. no. 21600); Harriman Alaska Expedition, vol. 10, p. 70, 1904.—Houmss, Occ. Pap. California Acad. Sci., vol. 7, p. 101, 1900. (Not Weymouth, Stanford Univ. Publ., Univ. Ser. no. 4, p. 19, 1910.) Diagnosis.—Carapace subcircular, tuberculate; tubercles large, globular, separate. Branchiohepatic groove deep. Two pairs of posterior protuberances broad and blunt. Description.—Carapace very slightly longer than broad, dorsally covered, except on the frontal region and the branchio-hepatic, FIGURE 38.—Randallia bulligera, male (21600): Carapace 11.6 mm long. cardiac, and intestinal grooves, with large, smooth, rounded, bead- like tubercles of different sizes and distinctly separated from one another; intervening space pubescent. On the median line of the intestinal region a little behind the middle, a short tubercle composed of two or three smaller ones. Four posterior lobes, two branchial, two on posterior margin; the middle two farther from each other than they are from the lateral; lobes much shorter in female than in male. Pterygostomian region with a prominent blunt tuberculated projection. Front distinctly 2-lobed. Sternum and abdomen covered with large tubercles. Maxillipeds with a longitudinal row of tuber- cles through the middle of endognath and exognath; anterior half pubescent. Prolongation of septum of branchial channel deeply trilobed; exognath not reaching beyond base of lobes. Merus of chelipeds covered with pointed tubercles; intervening spaces granu- late; length about three-fourths the width of carapace in male, one- half in female; distal half slightly smaller than proximal. Carpus and OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 177 propodus granulate; fingers a little shorter than outer margin of palm. Legs finely granulate; dactyli with pubescent margins. Measurements.—Male holotype: Length on median line 11.6; width 11.5 mm. Ovigerous female: Length 12.8; width 12.6 mm. Range.—California to Peru. Material examined.—See table 55, page 180. RANDALLIA LAEVIS (Borradaile) FIGURE 39 Persephona (Myropsis) laevis BoRRADAILE, British Antarctic (Terra Nova) Ex- pedition, 1910, Zool., vol. 3, no. 2, p. 107, fig. 16, 1916 (type locality, South Trinidad Island, Brazil; type in Brit. Mus.). Diagnosis.—Chelipeds nearly three times as long as carapace. Five posterior protuberances; three short, blunt, marginal, branchial spines and one hepatic. FIGURE 39.—Randallia laevis, male holotype: Carapace, 24mm long. After Borradaile. Description.—Carapace longer than broad, smooth, and minutely pitted except on the hinder edge, where it is granulate; with a marked median keel, indications of the regions, and a very shallow notch between hepatic and branchial regions. Front with a median notch between two slightly swollen projections; its edge fringed with hair, barely hiding mouth-frame. Fissures of orbit well marked. Of five spines in hinder region of carapace all somewhat upcurved, median and laterals fairly slender, intermediates little more than rectangular corners of hinder edge. Besides these, three blunt 178 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM spines on branchial and one on hepatic region. Exopodite of third maxilliped about as wide as endopodite, its outer edge gently curved. All legs quite smooth and unarmed. Chelipeds of male a little less than three times length of carapace; fingers finely but irregularly toothed, gaping a little at base, nearly as long as palm, which is about one-third as wide again as wrist. Walking legs short, slender, about one-fifth longer than arm of cheliped; dactylopodite equal to propodite with about half of carpopodite. (Borradaile.) Measurement.—Male, length of carapace 24 mm. Type locality—Trinidad Island, off Brazil (latitude 20°30’ S., longitude 29°20’ W.). Only one specimen known, to all appearances picked up dead on shore. RANDALLIA AGARICIAS Rathbun Fiaure 40; Puate 50, Fiacures 3, 4 Randallia agaricias RATHBUN, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 21, p. 614, pl. 44, fig. 7, 7a, 1898 (type locality, off Cape St. Lucas, 31 fathoms; holotype, U. S. N. M. no. 21601). Diagnosis.—Carapace subcircular, covered with mushroom tuber- cles. A deep hollow either side of anterior carina. The lobes of middle pair of posterior protuberances nearly meet; those of outer pair minute. F1GuRE 40.—Randallia agaricias, male holotype (21601), X 2: a, Side view of two tubercles enlarged. Description.—Carapace slightly longer than broad. Posterior two-thirds convex and covered with large tubercles, which have OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 179 slightly convex surfaces and are mounted on short thickened stalks like mushrooms. On the anterior third a median ridge extends from the front across the gastric region; on either side is a hollow; surface covered with depressed granules. Hepatic region convex; pterygostomian region bluntly angular; neither is armed. Intesti- nal region distinctly outlined. Posterior margin with two broad rounded tuberculate lobes; posterolateral margin of branchial region with a smaller tuberculate lobe. Frontal margin with a blunt tooth at eitherend. Abdomen and sternum covered with beadlike tubercles; the maxillipeds with large irregular tubercles. The branchial chan- nels are equally advanced with the orbital wall, margin entire. Chelipeds covered with tubercles similar to those of carapace; the largest ones on merus and outer surface of carpus and propodus. Length of merus about equal to width of carapace; dactylus less than two-thirds length of outer margin of propodus; latter rather narrow, width less than half exterior length. Legs granulate, with marginal rows of mushroom granules. Measurements.—Largest male, median length 9.2, width 9 mm; larger female, median length 8.2, width 8.1 mm. Range.—Mexico to Ecuador; 3 to 55 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 56, page 181. RANDALLIA MINUTA Rathbun PuLaTE 84 Randallia minuta RatTHBUN, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 48, p. 2, 1935. Type locality. —Puerto Culebra, Costa Rica; dredging around isles in bay; February 25, 1934; station 257, Velero JJ, Hancock Galapagos Expedition; 1 male (U.S.N.M. no. 69745). Diagnosis.—Size small. A smooth cap over the bidentate front. A raised flat plate on hepatic region. Jour minute posterior promi- nences in male, absent in female. Description.—Male: Carapace coarsely granulate except in the depressions between regions, and the front and hepatic region. These last are elevated and nearly smooth; the cap over the front has two teeth projecting forward and two backward, which are directly behind the front teeth. The hepatic region is covered by a round flat plate. Two small shallow lobes on posterior margin, and an equally small but more pointed lobe on posterolateral margin. Lower surface granulate. Merus of chelipeds coarsely granulate, carpus and manus finely so. Ovigerous female: Posterior margin straight and adjacent margin slightly concave; neither has projecting lobes or teeth. Margin of posterior lobes of frontal cap more rounded than in male. Measurements—Male, length of carapace 4, width 4.2, length of manus 1.7, width 1 mm. Female, length of carapace 4.5, width 4.7 mm. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 180 ae Pecan ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee eS ee eee ee “Sn UI[10 OSOSh| cs. a Olan | aetna hd JOPUSEEF nae Ghali. eens PSS) |< set |e ee ee ee ee ee ae a ae Se Se |e oR[eO :Auad (OC es RCS oo I1g69 | e0edwivo T OT [77 OD 55 F | pero G0 Gh |e a PCOT: 6.0 es | um gene | cee eee en |(ee OI-8 |" TeUel AS IUIOdIJO"N | = od BOGOR Tallies ties? Ske = LEBLOMos es oe GG." lS oan eae: oa OD hep ode 6) | TS86E Sh Ue te | paca |e see meer lines Go| pe aco Pee oe aaa || er a peyoqrT eT SOC ie tee SGGZOM| ite suas mimO: Ducal |e eee OD aay a CFs SHES TCO Rell tae a lem | a O-5 CLG Tia li ae = ells eet peace om meat a fy eel eel a purest Bye[d BT “Sl apnqyyoT OAM ie fare ae SPLG0M | aeenae. og OS |* ace an OD lire Pico manF Olas [nO Hie | erm resOOtT “PIV: || ses" Ciel ae ae SS ea He oospouvig Ueg edeD moavoaog “OCT Ag| crs mt, cae | OLS69 |i pa ins | Saeeny ere OD ae 74/5 ates: CORE ices PEG Mesh GC Othe | omens | bain am ame ome | een OTF eee ee AGQAUY gee” pe ets ome od *psdxq “ABq soo sosvdejen yooouryy |----- ">" --~ CEB) Os ne acme bea | manaiae III 042724 |---~~ Lie Sa SSOl- Sl Sele sera iaee ae oem | tae Ole SS eee -09 ‘Biqe[nD oN :VOIY VISOD *pedxg TONED EOVe LBOule: 2s ae le 61 | Jeyo0IQ “pong |------- Op emer COG Ten Gree | ema | a DOspolGie lites |= eee ABCUTONUANOTAT, ||uae aa ee od ga cepa sas BHE9O S62 TB BEAO TL eae GROG Nee (a= e oes | O86 TCV sl ie ae cee eee e| se eee ee ee hy eae ey ‘Spl Sv "OGtiwa sire oe ee” GOE6OS |e So es Stale tec OD salina FOS | REO Ge LIN (= to ee 2 ee ee ee | GS | -d CUNM JOM YS |” Avg uepyei9d JO *pedxy “OOsI sosedvep yooourH |---------- SGG98 ean cam OSS | eaaenes III Os. re 2G la “SBMS RIAL + | Sere a Se | Saenger rae “ef ‘Avg e}1} BOBO T, *podx ay JOS SRY Ve TILUC) oan: ues an Spa | LONOOIG)) «DOD Zaleceh (OuGlt is anceO Luc’ LEU Ca |i anes |iaiee: emienaereaea 8% | 00 6F €6| 00 OF GT | BWeNd te Saagee bet! oa eae oi GLC6Ou| aes GIO Ol Sa| ns) ame one OD ssa | sae GOA lim SPLOT Coe AG ica as tome amt ge ame OGG See So ee eee ‘Avg vposue f-e[osue L, *podxay sosedeey yooousH |~---- 7 - €1e69 | ROTO Gielen ma III 04070A |" LIZ cae PEOL Gin le1\Gelnn ae ales eae oe SG=0 Trek eens 9[s! punole [TV folbte si aot at “BOTBUIS -800,, Boog ‘IOAIY euodvg jo yynouL a ae OPpan sel eames oO LD Oulaaes seas cOD>- can UG cl lime COL Sc AIL al = een | ean re eames | et OT MOO ERC Cm CON TOO lene, 1or || yOu 4q erentate ‘euomI0Uue *podxy ‘IOAIY suokeg Og ‘pVoY JNBO | TAM1)S57L2 | OHIO ‘voy |W 9 L |-~Zeer ‘6s AlME | “LI-Z@I | 00 ¢¢S GOT] 00 8E Zz | JO YINOUT JO "AA “TUIOT he SALOON TOSS E/E)! || occ: manne ASOT (oma LSS G Ven Sa | eee me Sin nme TS6USS00Ga lias la oes Ole 55 3 eel oe ces oem | a ee ae | ane kon ea od ----------- oogte{ ea es ae “ToK “BIUIOJI[BD JoMo'T edAyojoy LT |-------~ 88013091 |~~~~T&8% |-~~"888T ‘ABIL |---| g°AZ‘ouy |----Zt | 00 6 TIT] 00 ze ¥2 | ‘Ava euo[epsB yy :O01Xa *10}11M 0} nt Aq peulmexe JON |~"-~7"7~ Sores a rence epee or Seal eee HOLL LORIN Cis l| casi eee || seco tec ck | Cee | eae oe SES ea ral OCT S8a= Seco oS | aaa Ba gas 4. oe ee oZ01q (esta uw «40 | WS BO ‘:VINUOAIVO “M N 9in4 suo | SPNYSsUOT | epnzyeT SHIVUIOY “ON 30[IBO susm10edg 10309[[99 019849 eed -vied m107}0q “Wye Aj[B00'T -W9,L, SsUlLIveg Se ee) eS ee Seo BlIS [nq BiI[epusy fo pausmoza po1uajopyY—'GG ATAV J, 181 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA ‘oa ‘od ‘od ‘od ‘od ‘od ‘od ‘od ‘od ‘od od ‘od ‘od ‘od *pedxy sosedeey yooouvy, “ed Ay st T *podxg sozedelep yoooury SYIVUIOY hoa Toge9 | -A9‘'S6‘'O 9 et oe LOZED) ee cae OL ee g0e69 |---""ATS9 LT aS SOS6O | Sas are OAL Bat A te 86269) |S ss ae er a oo OCE69! Inoue cram sees OwL pian 66269 | (S140 1) 68 LF nat gy pa (COS69" | saecce cameo SS aad G6Z69! snare sc eet ONE: me, LPLOO! | ee taps ee pede. coe69 |" -- 6 FLEE gd ok a LOS6OE hae tee O Oar ae ot c0e69 | Sb ALS ag Fo 38 OBZ69) ci ee eee in es OOS69L aan sc cea OLE Segaey eee | ee ee LT ete TO9TS: 2-7-6 TLE {09 qessepp |--------- £8 ene a | POLES) jeer oo 3 cana 5 suemtoedg Ree BE NSO SS OD alNO0G) les FSGL 6 OOM "Ses mew ees iano ee eee OD TalEGIG) [azar OD aa le aw ere et Oleusics meee ee oe ODeirera NEIS vlmePCOLO OR GO \eccmcsl aay temas ea aos eehe eae ee OD ero SIS he |i Geet 1OD see ee ae oes oe a er ge ae OP ss ss |HOSTa 52 FEO SS UBl|S tamlfs es S Gal poo aaa Tego ot ODagasAlESICe- |e ae OD as lp eee Se ee Sg ee ae ODaa =aIEScG) a PEOL Ch Gem Po smalcs een ee IAT Sennen Sa OD astra NOLGw Gee COL Comoe Hin seus |e riser aes Tau a Miss toe ODses aallAbEC ln aheOlesIo sGCWs |n aaatilac eacacos wees Rio cae 1 eee ae ODS e1RIIG part OD iad 5 | sae ---~~s9J0d 1 [NN Sie: cy gaa op-----| 0S@ |" " FE6T ‘ts “AEA |------|---- Ug PREP “I Bee See gee ODis ral hZSZt Nee PEO Ge GOW ie: saeeles eee tes sae me te he es OD ete |"hSer | Mica OD tae ates Gk. eee Pas $e ae oe ak OD ges cal Soom | ee COL APCuICU ol mn game |) ta Nea cree ag year ite TITIOLNIIAS|. SOC2| 2 PE6l. ey BIN |\feaee | 0 sc. ee aS jor ro a OMOTe Nene sae /lba eOCOL GOW |P> -an In cue sc cee om ie eae 880170977 | 6282 |“ 88ST ‘T ABIL | T‘bL [777777777 AMI ee (eave wre yeh ed ele eae a en ee TITOLF 9A 3 FSS. |PesvEOl- GhaeIAL lence: uae) 0) wee ‘Ho ein} 101091109 Pe aed -e1ad m0}}0g 418 -W19 I, OI-8 | 8UeTA “38 JUIOd JO'N | PByIOqQIT BT COSA PA ie eS eek ck 1 eee | naagt beeen ings od OD esesars esvioyoue JO *NI |777 7777 PUBS] BIB[d BT “£eq Jo yaed Ol Si ilk VANS. ‘Av gi oseI Tes) ps saa sree ass od *HO01 OJIYM WIOI *puR[s] o[euEq( y Ze git % ‘AVg O3RIIVO | :SpuUB[S] sosedrTeH “S. aPN}DT aoavanog OIOU Silo cme OIST:JO;DUGSING || mea wae cake od “jou “pur cl -UByO BI[IU0ZION IvON | -S[] BUOZIOH -VIAWOTOD 0Z-ST |ABq JO “g BIST JO epIsyNg [~~~ od *pue[s] B1l0dvg Ge-0€ | PUB IOPIPeP UseMyog | spuoy viqeg Ces oleae GNOIF JOAN DUBE Salen ca 2 ee a ee od OG miko hn oaae spe Gn0i2 Jo;"S4er- + + SpuUbIs] svveg ‘VAYNVd *A£Bq Ul ee Sse[st punoie sUIspeIq |~~-~~"""-7-----" "0g Oe rae Soe oe OD egret | sae ee ae od OL Sate R ad aden oh a ABOSUT | seems v1qeing oJIeng [VOI VLSOD *SpuvIsT “OleIIeN SZ SIBIIT OUYA JO pue'N | ‘Avg uepejed JO ae arr eee kee spac peg pe |e SPUBIST SVIIBIL SOL], 1é 00 ¢¢ 601] 00 z¢ Zz |~~~svonyT 4g edvD FO ad af ° “é ‘ ° oF \ Sait a goeee Were pea Avg vuapepseyy *BIUIO}I[VO Bee Sains JUIOg s0TINYLJO*MN | JomoyT ‘Avg oping, SOOIXa JL peaianee SRC AeTT suo a z “Wye Ayt[B00'T ssuliveg SBIOIIVIB VIepuey fo paurunxa JDIUaIMPYyY—"9G ATAV], 182 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Range.—Costa Rica to Panama. Material examined.— Besides the male type above, one female was taken at Secas Islands, Panama, in 15 fathoms, southwest of group; nullipores; February 22, 1934; station 251, Velero III, Hancock Galapagos Expedition (69746). RANDALLIA CURACAOENSIS Rathbun Puate 51, Fiaurss 1-3 Randallia curacaoensis RatHBUN, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 35, p. 101, 1922 (type locality, Curagao; holotype in Amsterdam Museum); Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, Amsterdam, vol. 23, p. 13, pl. 3, fig. 1-8, 1924 Diagnosis—No protuberances on posterior part of carapace. Front bilobed. Margin of efferent channel trilobed. Description —Female: Carapace subcircular, covered, except on the anterior and anterolateral portions, with large, unequal, close-set, pustulous granules; intestinal region well defined, cardiac region 11] defined, gastric and hepatic regions not delimited. A granulated tubercle on the hepatic region. The tuberculate anterolateral margin terminates at the swollen and tuberculate pterygostomian protuber- ance. Intestinal margin arcuate, without lobes or spines. Front distinctly bilobed. Septum of branchial channel extending slightly beyond the orbit, the edge with three shallow lobes, the inner sinus shallow and arcuate, the outer one narrow and tapering to a point. Chelipeds covered with flat granulations, coarse on the merus, becom- ing gradually finer until near the fingers. Legs slender, subcylindrical, finely granulate. Abdomen and exposed part of sternum of female coarsely granulate. Measurements——Female holotype, length of carapace 8.4, width 7.5 min. Range-—Known only from the type locality, Spanish Water, Curagao; April 3, 1920; C. J. van der Horst collector; 1 ovigerous female, holotype (Amsterdam Mus.), 1 immature female, paratype (56907). RANDALLIA AMERICANA (Rathbun) Puate 52, Ficurss 1, 2 Ebalia americana RatuBun, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 16, p. 254, 1893 (type locality, Gulf of California, 29 fathoms; holotype, U.S.N.M. no. 17388). Randallia americana RaTHBUN, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., vol. 21, p. 614, 1898. Diagnosis.—Carapace longer than broad, covered with tubercles and granules. Front advanced, subtruncate. Hepatic and pterygo- stomian regions prominent. Five well-developed posterior protuber- ances. Description.—Entire surface of carapace granular, the small gran- ules crowded; on the posterior two-thirds large granules or tubercles predominate; they are acute, prominent, unequal. Cardiac and intestinal regions separated by deep grooves from the branchial region OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 183 and from each other; a large, pointed, granular tubercle on the median line of intestinal region. In the male the four posterior marginal protuberances are strong, the middle pair flattened, horizontal, blunt, the branchial pair more conical, acute and inclined upward; in the female the protuberances are shorter. A small cluster of large granules at summit of hepatic region and also on the pterygostomian promi- nence. A row of tubercles on anterolateral margin of branchial region. Rostrum upturned; carapace narrowed just behind orbits. The efferent branchial channel does not reach forward to the line of the orbital margin. Lower surface of body and also the merus of chelipeds covered with large depressed granules. Chelipeds of male about two and one-half, of female about one and one-half times the length of carapace; wrist and palm with small crowded granules; merus of legs more finely granulate; the fourth pair has a row of spiny granules below. Third, fourth, and fifth segments of male abdomen partially fused, the sutures persisting. Measurements.—Holotype, male, median length of carapace 12.5; width 11; length of cheliped about 30 mm. Range.—Gulf of California, Mexico; 9% to 71 fathoms. Material eramined.—See table 57, page 184. Subfamily LEUCOSIINAE ” (restricted) Iliinae Aucock, Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, vol. 65, p. 166, 1896 (part).— Inte, Die Decapoda Brachyura der Siboga-Expedition, monogr. 39b?, p. 205, 1918 (part). Merus of external maxillipeds less than half the length of the ischium measured along the inner border. Fingers slender, almost of the same diameter from base to near tip, either very much longer than the hand, or if shorter than the hand then of filiform slender- ness; either opening and closing in a vertical plane, or if in a nearly horizontal plane then the tip of the dactylus is movable through an arc of about 120°; hands either short, swollen, and subglobular, or tapering-cylindrical with a swollen base, always much broader at the base than at the point of origin of the fingers. Genus ILIACANTHA Stimpson Iliacantha Stimpson, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 2, p. 155, 1871 (type, J. globosa Stimpson). Carapace globular, having three spines (one median) at posterior extremity of carapace. Anterior half of carapace unarmed or with one spine on either side. Chelipeds and legs very slender; palms twisted so that the fingers open in a vertical instead of a horizontal plane. The anterior extremities of the pterygostomian channels pro- ject beyond the orbits. Abdomen of male with segments 3-5 fused. North Carolina to Bahia, Brazil; Lower California to Colombia. 10 Leucosia pacifica Poeppig, Arch. fiir Naturg., vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 140, pl. 4, fig. 3, 1836, from Bay of Talca- huano, Chile, is a pinnotherid. See also footnote 17, p. 123. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 184 ‘ed Ayelet g "sod A} -eied pue edAj0[0H "ZO 'W ‘F9%F ~~"T[09 TTessBlH SyIvM9Y ‘ON 50[8}8D og IL 2% CHI ie | ana Ope SZSC-OC8T| iment OD es ||| pe us | 0I-%6 | 00 S¢ 60T Ka 04 ‘ cl FZ 2 SS eae oo OD ree COSG,. san ||be ee OD Sees | te. sae YS “H1q ‘9 “43 | 12 00 2% OTT) 00 OT 2% fz ies Ten | Maen ee 88017090) | €28% SERT OS adel Gae call eee Ys “H1q | 349% 00 2 OTT] 00 8I 2 OG = Nee er 3 OD te ¢ |S ac.. Sae COOM Pose Ly eas Sallaas oo ome ce OC me Ae cea Cale ce, eR. Sees ar aes Al TATCSSELOM Vics! We coo er TESTU Gla OOCislaae =ealicas = mee aes OCR BGs an = Se RE art seul[eg ‘pUuB[s] UeulIBO roo Wat re Sa nen) Oa LE0e GEST TL Seet BAe 90 | eon mentee W ‘U3 | 02 00 Sh OTT) 00 Sh 22 ‘Us on eae er OD sar OG, Silas < s ODE sae 61g | “HIq “g “Ad ‘ous | TL cr 68 TIT} 00 20 8 1 LF ta os $801}09)V | FI0E BSS SGete IN | iOncOu | cama cate g °A3 | 62 0€ 0 ZIT] 00 82 8 A6TOT |---7 a1 sel os ee COG Li lee nets ape a cee pee tee 7 OC, Bite) waa rr ear eat “puede *N ‘pueysy womnqty, SSS e lee cages OD sam aligen a eee: C66 UCLA fea scala mee GO SUSSINOCIRe ae es alee cae alin amet a Avg sopesay ‘pue WS ‘pueR[sT ATONLOu a | sana ODEEe |S ak cae | eo 4 ODF = sara S| ae eee ey OCR eG ea, Coes epieny B[ op jesuy “4SBoo “Gq ‘pUeIST Ce OL imallOSSel Diy is aleneen omen Ze6r ‘8 “ues CO aero” ee ee TG Ome er 25 cae epienH el ep jesuy ‘Ho i) 10 wo¢ 0 | *BIUALOPTVD JOJTNH -Ooxa WL Spr OT epdiner m4 I suour suo ' 10}02[[09 mor}e19 aed -e1od m10}}0q eat AqpBIO'T -joodg wa] ye ssulIveg BUBOLIOUIB BIl[VpuRYy fo paunuDxa 1DILaIDJY—' LG ATAV I], OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 185 KEY TO THE SPECIES OF THE GENUS ILIACANTHA A'. No spine on subhepatic margin. B!. Fingers distinctly longer than palm. C!, Spines of posterior margin subtriangular, blunt____subglobosa (p. 185) C2, Spines of posterior margin conical, acute. D!. Median spine twice as long as lateral. Chelipeds 2% timesvas long as carapaces.—- 2-2-2 ea ne ee liodactylus (p. 186) D?. Median spine one and one-half times as long as lateral. Chelipeds twice as long as carapace___________- hancocki (p. 187) B?, Fingers subequal to palm in length________________~ intermedia (p. 186) A?, A short, blunt spine on subhepatic margin. B!. Posterior margin between lateral spines invisible in dorsal view. Carapace with many large granules__--_-_--_- sparsa (p. 190) B?. Posterior margin between lateral spines visible in dorsal view. Carapace for the most part finely granulate_________ schmitti (p. 192) ANALOGOUS SPECIES ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE CONTINENT ATLANTIC PACIFIC liodactylus. hancocki. sparsa. schmitti. ILIACANTHA SUBGLOBOSA Stimpson PuaTE 53, Ficurss 1, 2 Iliacantha subglobosa Stimpson, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 2, p. 155, 1871 (type localities, 3 stations in the Florida reefs, 40-80 fathoms; types not extant).—RaTHBUN, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, vol. 4, p. 291, 1898; vol. 9, p. 67, 1921—Hay and Suorg, Bull. U.S. Bur. Fisheries, vol. 35 (1915-16), p. 424, pl. 32, fig. 2, 1918. Diagnosis.—Carapace finely granulate. Fingers longer than palm. Description.—Carapace subglobose, smoothly and evenly convex, and unarmed except at posterior extremity where there are three spines, the middle one highest, longest, and curved upward and the lateral ones flattened, subtriangular, blunt. Hepatic region consider- ably swollen but entirely unarmed; bounded posteriorly by a depres- sion indicating the outer extremity of the cervical suture, which is entirely obsolete in its median portion. Intestinal region slightly protuberant above the base of the spine. Margin of carapace distinct and somewhat acute on the hepatic region and on the anterior part of the branchial, as far as a slight angular projection, posterior to which it ceases to be defined. Surface of carapace minutely granulate. Chelipeds two and a half times as long as carapace, excluding spine, and minutely granulate; merus more sharply granulate than carpus and hand; fingers very slender, much longer than the palm, and armed within with needlelike teeth. Ambulatory legs very slender and smooth, those of first pair reaching to middle of palm of the chelipeds; merus as long as the terminal three articles taken together; dactyli deeply grooved and with two fringes of hair 186 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM near together on upper and posterior surfaces. Male abdomen gradually tapering from fifth to seventh segment. Measurements.—Male (55193), length of carapace to tip of spine 15.2, width 12.6 mm. Range.—North Carolina to Barbados; 15 to 127 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 58, page 188. ILIACANTHA INTERMEDIA Miers Puate 54, Fiaurss 1, 2 Iliacantha intermedia Mimrs, Voyage of H. M.S. Challenger, Brachyura, vol. 17, p. 302, pl. 26, fig. 3, 1886 (type locality, Bahia; type in Brit. Mus.).— Hay and Snore, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fisheries, vol. 35 (1915-16), p. 424, pl. 32, figs. 3, 3a, 1918. Diagnosis.—Carapace coarsely granulate. Fingers much shorter than palm. Description Similar to J. subglobosa but with more coarsely granulate carapace; posterior marginal spines short, flat, triangular, connected by a prominent line of granules. Intestinal region not protuberant above the spine. Indentations of distal end of ptery- gostomian channel wider and deeper than in subglobosa. Chelipeds slender; merus cylindrical and granulate, granules much coarser proximally; chela nearly as long as carapace, manus smooth, more or less club-shaped, somewhat inflated proximally but tapering rapidly to the very slender fingers which are about half the length of palm, incurved at tip and denticulate on their occludent margins. Male abdomen widening at sixth segment, which has convex sides. Color —Gray, without markings of any kind (Hay and Shore). Measurements—Female, St. Thomas (Copenhagen Mus.), length of carapace 26.6, width 21 mm. Range.—North Carolina to Bahia, Brazil; 5% to 20 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 59, page 189. ILIACANTHA LIODACTYLUS Rathbun Ficure 41; Puate 55, Ficurss 1, 2 Iliacantha liodactylus RatusBun, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, vol. 4, p. 291, pl. 8, fig. 2, 1898 (type locality, north of Trinidad, West Indies; type, immature male, U.S. N. M. no. 20327). Diagnosis —Three posterior acute spines; fingers as long as or a little longer than palm. Inner tooth of pterygostemian margin small, outer sinus large. Description.—Carapace longer than wide, not counting spine; granules small, prominent and distant, intervening space minutely punctate. Lateral margin a definite line of crowded granules, hepatic OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 187 and branchial regions each bluntly angulate. Posterior spines conical, tips upturned, lateral pair two-thirds the length of median spine. Front not prominent, inclined slightly upward and divided into two blunt, finely granulated teeth, separated by a shallow sinus. Ptery- gostomian channel projects only slightly beyond orbital margin and does not exceed front; of the two notches, the outer is broad, deep and U-shaped, the inner very shallow. Chelipeds about two and a half times length of carapace; merus a little shorter than carapace, exclusive of posterior spine, slender, cylindrical, coarsely and rather densely granulate and with a blunt tooth at posterior proximal end; carpus and manus finely granulate; palm narrowing distally; fingers about one-fourth longer than palm, armed with about eight long, slender spines at intervals, the interspaces with from nine to twelve small irregular spines. Dactyli of legs smooth, with a thin fringe of hair on upper and lower margins. FIGURE 41.—Iliacantha liodactylus, male: Dorsal view. Measurements.—Immature male, type, length of carapace to tip of median spine 17, length exclusive of spine 14.5, width 13.6 mm. Adult male (tip of spine broken off) length 28 mm, width 21.7, length of right palm 16, of movable finger 16.7, length of left palm 16.6, of movable finger 16 mm. Range.—West coast of Florida to Trinidad, West Indies; 4% to 34 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 60, p. 189. ILIACANTHA HANCOCKI Rathbun Puate 57, Fiaurss 1, 2 Iliacantha hancocki RatusBwun, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 48, p. 2, 1935. Type locality.—Santa Maria Bay, Mexico; 35 to 40 fathoms; Hancock Galapagos Expedition; 1 male is type (U.S.N.M. no. 69260). Diagnosis.—Allied to J. liodactylus. Differs in its shorter median spine, shorter and stouter chelipeds, terminal segment of male abdo- men triangular. 80232—27 13 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 188 ‘od "BMOT JO ARIS -IOAIUQ, §=99819 =-------7'qQ'g NNNN NNNN OC0d C000 Saag sene ‘od ‘MOTN414SUT e1ZouIVH Jo IH SYIVUIOY ‘ON S0[BIBO isos (ee ee oe aoc aes aeneenret = “go doip Jo espe ynoqe "m01e19 Yds 1999 SI6r T oun A¥I | 014-09 ‘gr0ysyo ex0ur 30 “tur 3% | -efeT, JO “N Aq “My “‘YOINYH SermpyzeyAl eS ee re OD sean MG eal ce SLO TOCRACIND [= enue unl|@ canines easy (60)1"(0 ee eel ee a eee od e830) Sh Seay *pedxg ensu y-sopeqivg ‘Tur Z ‘puejsy uo BAO] “AUN 09819 | § |e STGIS ||| aae een ae ae Bu BO Sma |i cea © allies = ae ed JO"N Aq “M coo ee ee OD> == (5660: |e baa ODT eee |S tHle | Sas AIG OO) kOe Tne BP cone gee te ee | eae Saag waERSN OCI Oe See OD Sie 1] 8LSindl cee. ee OR es 169 eet ee 2 ee ODO Ege SS aan ee eee ies OG Pee tel 3s ODE ee | SLE ra ee, ee ORE ae || TD, hee ey eer O: Rie wanes aakenmaee alse Ege SOT, To Op | 22a | OP 9 «= | PAG “YS. "§ “sI0 | 92 ee ey |e > al [om gee a OUTST ag) sO0avauvg See see OD Rigas =| 22 Te | Sees eee ODE ee 109 Sie Me cre” IMSL oe ge |e | ae eee Tee NNO LALO, GT ese hone OD eS EGS aloes) OL OLo ln | 109 a ee ae, |e. 7S ai eke" 2s cae | Sean Spee eC UENO: Eee Meo OD SIS MNS aa oe be eMUSRL Goa |e erry CO: S0p OF 9& 82) 02 €f 8L | ~JO°M =VoOIVAVE TARE Ce a Ao DIETAGO Sal Pen OLE LUSLS emer pal; Mig Oe eT LG Leer | a call lege ae me CUB Ue my cul) et tae ae ere POTS |~~G688T ‘ST “IVT | 69 es re ge EE 00 + €8 | 00 SI 90 | ~~~ -4s800°M BO -UBy, pues Ao]suo'TT |------|--- TSG] pd Vs | soa 25] ae ee ee ee OF --AOy PeeystessO'T JOG pose ae od ‘£onq pel ee ae ere OCGee Pete Te OUR thc Ssaoo:|5 tees ee eee 0g 6 OUJO (Ge 6ANOG Vi. | sere “aan emn: od ‘£onq jeuuvyo oe FATE Sol AAU Pee em COURCCPA LLCs | enema | nia ee Geeeiemmrs | ST. ‘§ JO "g ‘Iu 9 ynOqy |~--~~~-~~~~~sesnqJ0 7, “4ysVT Aoy pues ae ee ODS Se me oe a aes eee | pee a | ais rumen eae eek | aie es |e a ee eae eS OOD) eG AC “Cs TUL, O “yqsI'T Ao pueg Seen So OD ok ae eae oe es a TSH o|S ae tee er | 00 re gem | as ime | (OYE) loon {PU YS i949 89} “qs0\4 AO [ee ODe senate cal saa ce peat = os || ata oe | PSP UOLIO G0) OC) alan wean |= sckieeahs aan teens eo eee a YOR Se ONG Sy eT) See LOSIO DUO Fyias Cltest [teas Sacal| eee Rae cage | ---~ PeplulLly ‘WH c@ «FF «9 |: OF ULE «COT [Od A OO almoae eat 4Z80% |*eINQeUIUIl OT |“ - 880.1709) |ZZ1Z-IZ1% |" ~ “F881 “E “AAT | SL-L9 | "[00-098[S “AP | FE-1E 04 OU Sie 7 nn an oe pepluliy, JO OF ch 19 | 00 LE OT “spuvyst ““sny UesequedOoD |-~-~----~ KASAM Resta eae Rene le se Ce a ee cea | gees cae | eel Peas cite eee meee ees |e UlIsIlA ‘aygor 4g ‘louop ‘q410} ‘OOlIyY 04 “We@arnd JIBMISH eat LET aasecaae nee Oa cca TMBSeI Act ap ers FOG LUM Wailcsc sas | eae oe eae: GH ee |e -long ‘zonsvAvy ‘podxg Uvrmos ortererenonn nn QI8Z9 |------S T OT | -uyrurg-uosuyor | Fo = COB Ia Obs GO: ||see coals ce win a seelAG | RaT SF 9% 69 | OT OL 61 | "HIBH Jo 4se00 “A [SHIGNT LSE M “SO[IUI 347 04 Ol ‘AN “U8VT puelst [qt Pea eS BO*SS |---- ATL [OOO yey yst | S6LL == -SI6L USE, | ss sacl iae WN UA AS! rer rs ee cae alee nee ee oO AOngi lech ‘To “i 4 ° “a é ° ‘VdINoT A Isa Mh | “AN “N syIVUIOy ‘ON SoTRIVO suourtoedg 101091109 money aed Eatord w0}0g en Spry lamer) SPIan aa Ayypeoo'T SSULIvEg sn[ApoBpol VYQUBOBTT] fo paursmwpxra poIsaDPyY—'09 AIAV I, ee oe OI R69 TOTO [ne ANoynog ureydeD |---| TOOTS WEL seas sala eee a ee BULUINO :VIGAZINAA = eM ONG UOMO Gl a= TOS loc sae re ae ae ead ee ee a ee sae lee ale esecee os lcaae 2 al teeta ee SVHOHL ‘Lg “qovuloys ysy uy |---------------- eG alaaae ca OTs sarees SuIwO SUL ola == soo leone acc aes ses eae sae | Race eeceen cele ees a aa aes = = | ae aa oe | Rloorsued ey oege ee (sek 68TS9s ls aes 7 | eres era ae OD OOTL NS > ae Opa Se CaO | Sar Pete Aps |34¢ OSS La S8a Ose COC | ieneenne me od greta @BIGg |o-77-7 BL [ovmno-7oe no op-----| gore | Toer ‘tz AoN | 6 |---| OF «=| 00 ZF 8] ST 80 62 |------~sox Ysyseddeg ‘Do ges ge Leis |------ OE [ono op---| Lose |--erer ‘TT “wes | gF'89 [-------0D [Heo |THE yeTe “aE 4 “N UBIT |-------S40x Jepe0 BO ‘A egies ge Sa ty OGISOR| ase || oases oc on tees ns OP ee ILS L Lael OBL SCRO ON LT PeUSeOO Str Or CI €% €8|ST 09 82 |--~~~~-~-7 40M THON Seen gear aa G6IGG |77 77 WOT [Tyg ys | 9TZL |--Z06T ‘ST “Uee | 9ST |~~~~SIpH ‘Aps OL 00 80 €8108 9% 8% | ~~~" Jooe UNIBW 4S “aOlyNyYsUy -gonq @1BeusED Jo wip |----- zig9g |------ PT |-gergog “Ta fusyod | 6 |-¥e6T ‘OT BMY || 0g | 1equedg “mg Jo ‘ag [------ = Sa eee Bea Beans = oe younger ys | otzg |-16t ‘IT “Bny |-----7-|--7-7--- prasepn |e - =o spunoss Surgstg |-------7-------- qaojnveg ‘Do uw « olw « e|8O ‘YNITOUVO HLYON sueur wor ey smostopmianoa log me SHIVUIOY ON Z0[0189 Saad 10091109 4 o1eqd -eied | w0j0g Dae Ee ee eres AqyROO'T See “818 -010,L WRT | s3ulie9 gq BIPOULIO}UI BYYUBIVIT] fo paununvaxa )D11aIDY—'6G ATAV I, 190 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Description.—Male: Carapace with a narrow, produced front, giving the appearance of greater carapace length than width, exclu- sive of spine. Surface finely granulate, granules separated, those in the middle third depressed in pits. Posterior median spine about one and one-half times as long as lateral spines. Hepatic region with rudimentary tooth. Pterygostomian border rounded, not angular, farther back than in liodactylus and much less prominent. The last two segments of the abdomen have straight sides which steadily converge to a narrow, rounded point. Chelipeds twice as long as carapace and much less slender than in the allied species. Color.—Reddish brown with a row of three light dots on either side of middle, forming an arch from the anterior corners of the cardiac region and continued diagonally forward along the cervical groove. Measurements.—Type male, length of carapace without posterior spine 23.4, width 20.6 mm. Range.—Lower California, Mexico, to Colombia; 10 to 40 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 61, page 191. ILIACANTHA SPARSA Stimpson Puate 56, Ficurss 1, 2 Iliacantha sparsa Stimpson, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 2, p. 156, 1871 (type locality, West of Tortugas, 30 fathoms; type not extant). Diagnosis —A spine on subhepatic margin. Fingers and palm of subequal length. Carapace sparsely covered with coarse granules. Description.—Carapace longer than broad; posterior margin un- usually broad, its spines widely separated and divergent. All three posterior spines triangular, tips upturned, the median one somewhat longer. Dorsal surface sprinkled with large, upstanding granules on a base of smaller, depressed granules. A broad, prominent spine on hepatic region. Depression between frontal and gastric regions very deep, giving great prominence to the facial projection. Median sinus of front very deep, frontal teeth much projecting. Outer maxillipeds large and coarsely granulated. Remainder of lower surface paved with flat granules. Palms slender, gradually tapering; fingers and palm of subequal length. Measurements.—Male (11020), length including spine 19.2, width 14.7 mm. Range.—Gulf of Mexico to Barbados; 30 to 40 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 62, p. 191. 191 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA EATS OC INCL GEON maul |inace Sear nee de] SSO e toes |e tse ties allo on Sal eRe ag RO OS Rieke cee eae weg ya |e es ee ee soavauvg Beer FOSLO} | aula era ae OD ieee NOL Gee C CGT) Oe CONG |e | anemia caer Se S18 O10 99st 00) 1S) (Se | peer nee OTS ‘ayiseied -"~pedxq uermos UY = Ue[fomg | -- om 9Z8L9 |" OT | -G}UIg - WosuYyor | 9% sons CCG eerL, 10h | nen mane | onmneetia sesuods “09 | OF SO; Ece 99h OF 08) “ST: || teers eee nas JO'N (O0IY OLUTAT o-20------ 69ZST |--7O T [7-77 sndwosp | 2209 |---6gst ‘T “Ie | $89 |--00 ‘yg ‘1D ‘A3‘sio | ge 00 8 €8] 1 88 ¢% |-ely ‘sesnqIOT, Jo "MN "qo -m10}s WS wloIg |---~-----" OZOUT: | eens | hea oes we S8O0.000) 7) | oer ORR Deer male es ean caer ot = = cae | bite en Farce ae cag | oe ae eee | ire ac OOXaJ 40 ATAH ‘To “a 4 ° “a ‘4 ° 9in4 ft 0 a epnysuoT | epnjyyeyT - suo m0 sto ' syIsm10ey ON Z0[8}80 | | 10499T[0D eae eyed -elod m10}40q . AjyI[BI0 joadg 21g Sat Wea [eoo'y SsulIvo g esivds ByyUBoBl] fo pauzwnxa 701.19]D YI —'Z9 ATaV | ‘od SOC OO a iitenas sale AGGaly|iaaes eae eas ODs tage £2 PEGL VD SOOM A es oa | nae cease WA G|OGie lise aan PULIST [[BUIS IBANT | ~- 7-7” B11) J10d :VIANOTOD *puv[s] Bl00Bg od $969 |~~~ (qoojroduat) “A % [777777 - TTT OD pane TEGeAMECOL LG OOM inne eerie teen eee a G-0E | pue JopIpeyy Woomyog |~~-~~~ epuoy eyed :VAVNVg ‘od 29269 |S OANJemUM T YT Jn OD Gases COS PEOIaPG SAO tama |iteae Seamnee a Ob Net rresas- ee ae Avq uy |-eiqo[nD oj1eNg :VOIY VLSOO ‘mM1Ig Byueg ‘0d C9069 livercrncaas ee POT Osh age ca Sc OD pe 696i FECT SS. aC | oo ee gee cee a OZ-ST | ‘Avg vlosueL-vjosuRy, |---~----- vpOsue L-vlosue J, “1000 UMOIG YSIP -pey “pedx@ soz “SpURIST SIVIIT -ederey yooouvy | 19269 |----- OMNI VOIUIN S/S) |iaa enn ean ODF ea i $96 PEO \e Cre OT heel lane eee GS OPA IO a AAS OTLB To S51 ciara = aria ueljej9 I ‘ed A40[0Y SIL T ‘Io[OO WMOIG YSIP -pey ‘pedx | sos “qulog *BITIO}I[VO -edelep yooousH | 09269 |------------ ‘AS Geos Gal nae ae ae MTT IOL9AL \ 18S | PSOE, RIN, | >> |= 5 ee ee OF-SE | SOUSN Jo “AA Of T |} JoMOT ‘Avg Bley BURG :OOIXAJL ‘ON SDR aUOTT epruen syIBUre 3 sueumtoed or pin eae SLO : 4 a ee ueulloeds 10}99][09 -219 oye -duez| 200d eq Ayt[B00'T SsulIve g Se ae a ng ba ee ol wl) ee Ee Ye A rt a es Be ee ae ree ee Tyooousy ByyUBoRT] fo pausunzxa por1uayyyy—[9 ATAV], 192 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM ILIACANTHA SCHMITTI Rathbun Ficure 42; Puate 83, Ficurss 1, 2 [liacantha schmitti RATHBUN, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 48, p. 2, 1935. Type locality —Gorgona Island, Colombia; 150 fathoms; Hancock Galapagos Expedition; 1 ovigerous female (69259). Diagnosis.—Rostral teeth triangular, acute. Posterolateral spines thin, connected by a narrow margin visible from above. Description.—Ovigerous female. Carapace nearly as broad as long to base of posterior spine and rostral spines. Surface covered with fine, close set granules, invisible to naked eye except at posterior end. Rostrum prominent, with two triangular, acute teeth, which are convex from side to side and from front to back, overreaching the eyes and deeply separated from each other by a triangular sinus. A deep groove above the pterygostomian channel. Anterolateral angle far- ther forward than in hancocki and tipped with a minute tooth or spine. Posterior margin of carapace beneath the median spine, transverse, visible from above, slightly convex in outline and with a large flat FIGURE 42.—Iliacantha schmitti, male: Outline of carapace, natural size. triangular tooth at either end. Merus and ischium of outer maxilli- peds with a fringe of hair along the lengthwise elevation. Palms not compressed. Fingers one and one-half times as long as upper margin of palm and armed with long, slender teeth interspersed with short ones. Dactyls of ambulatories with two rows of hair on upper surface. Color.—In alcohol, mainly orange-yellow, rostral end red. Measurements.—Length, measured between frontal teeth to base of posterior median spine, 31, width of carapace 28.8 mm. Range.—Colombia; Ecuador; 10 to 150 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 63, p. 195. Genus CALLIDACTYLUS Stimpson Callidactylus Stimpson, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 2, p. 157, 1871 (type, C. asper Stimpson). Carapace rounded, nearly as broad as long, regularly convex except near the anterior margins; hepatic region well defined, protuberant, and toothed; posterior half of carapace with seven spines. Front OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 193 short, basal article of antennules not indurated. Orbit longitudinal, with three very distinct fissures on the outer side, which extend to the base of the orbital tube. Pterygostomian channel strongly tridentate in front and extending beyond the orbit. Outer maxillipeds sharply granulated; exognath with a convex outer margin, little dilated; merus of endognath with a concave outer surface. Chelipeds of mod- erate length; chela much longer than merus; palm short, pyriform, much swollen within toward the base, and somewhat twisted, so that the fingers move in an oblique plane; fingers much longer than palm, very thin and delicate, laminate, curving upward and inward toward the tips, serrated on outer edge, armed within with numerous needle- shaped teeth. Ambulatory legs naked, except the dactyli which are sparsely pilose; propodus compressed, with a laminiform crest above and below; dactyli lanceolate, those of first three pairs 3-edged, those of posterior pair 2-edged and shorter and broader than the others. In the female there is a deep, smooth channel on the outer maxil- lipeds, between and on the ischium joints, defined on either side by a strong ciliated ridge. This channel does not exist in the male and has doubtless something to do with the flow of water which bathes the eges or young in the abdominal cavity. (After Stimpson.) Contains only one species, CALLIDACTYLUS ASPER Stimpson PuaTE 58, Fiaures 1-3 Callidactylus asper Stimpson, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 2, p. 158, 1871 (type localities, three stations in Florida Keys, 16 to 37 fathoms; types not extant). Diagnosis.—Carapace furnished with 11 or more spines. Exognath of outer maxilliped with convex margin. Fingers rough on both edges. Dactyli of first three pairs of legs 3-edged, of posterior pair 2-edged. Description.—The sulci separating the gastric, cardiac, and intes- tinal from the branchial regions are easily traceable, as well as that between cardiac and gastric; but there is none between cardiac and intestinal regions. Hepatic region surrounded by rather profound depressions, and on its posterior part there is a strong toothlike protuberance occupying about one-third its area. Upper surface of carapace ornamented with scattered, prominent granules or short, capitate spinules which become less prominent posteriorly and dis- appear altogether near the posterior extremity, where the surface is covered with smaller and more crowded and depressed granules. On the lateral parts of the branchial region the two kinds of granules are found together. In the median line there are three or four short blunt spines on the posterior part of gastric and cardiac regions, the posterior one of which is rather remote from the others and much larger, nearly as large as the median posterior spine. A strong triangular tooth pointing forward, on subhepatic region, and a smaller 194 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM tooth at anterior extremity of branchial region on anterolateral margin. On posterolateral margin a small tooth or short spine. Three short posterior spines form a triangle. Outer maxilliped some- what setose, the setae arising between the granules. The segments 4—6 of the female abdomen are soldered together; the surface is smooth and glossy about the middle, but there is a transverse tuberculated ridge on the fourth segment and the sixth is sparsely granulate. Segments 3-5 of male abdomen fused.” Measurements.—Female type, length of carapace 17.9, breadth 15.5 mm.; male (55183), length of carapace 13.2, breadth 11 mm. Range.—Coasts of Florida; 18 to 50 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 64, page 195. Genus LEUCOSIA Fabricius Leucosia Fasricius, Supplementum entomologiae systematicae, p. 318, 1798 (type not mentioned).—LATREILLE, Considérations générales sur l]’ordre naturel des animaux composant les classes des crustacés . . ., p. 422, 1810 (type L. nucleus Fabricius). Ilia Leacu, Zoological miscellany, vol. 3, p. 19, 1817—Prsta, Die Decapoden- fauna der Adria, p. 292, 1918. Carapace globular, having four spines on posterior half; very exceptionally the rudiment of a fifth spine may be noticed on the posterior half of the carapace. Frontal margin narrow, feebly pro- duced with median indentation forming two blunt teeth. Upper wall of oval orbit open toward the front and bearing two fissures. Basis of second antenna filling the inner orbital fissure. Both pairs of antennae very small. Chelipeds greatly lengthened; palms much longer than wide, swollen at the base, then tapering distally and turning somewhat about the axis, so that the long thin fingers open in a vertical plane, merus cylindrical and elongate. The following legs much shorter than the chelipeds and decreasing in length con- secutively. Sternal plate oval. Abdomen in both sexes 5-jointed; in the female the last segment abruptly narrowed and pushed up against the maxillipeds. (After Pesta.) LEUCOSIA PLANATA (Fabricius) 2 Cancer planatus Fasricius, Entomologia systematica, vol. 2, p. 446, 1793 (type locality, Tierra del Fuego; whereabouts of type unknown); Supplementum entomologiae systematicae, p. 350, 1798—Bosc, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 1, p. 238, 1802.—Larreiuie, Histoire naturelle . . . des Crustacés et des Insectes, vol. 6, p. 118, 1803.—LicuTENSTEIN, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag., vol. 7, p. 144, 1816.—MuLNEr Epwarps, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 2, p. 139, 1837. 21 Stimpson says that all the segments of the male abdomen except the terminal one are fused. His specimen was smaller than the male measured below. 33 This species has never been described with enough detail to enable one to place it with certainty. 195 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA ‘pedxy uvia LL SLOM ES a= > tee pa eee OT | -osyyturg - uosuygor | FOT SE6I 8. “BING | oa aan lnm omen an 0g 09ST 99 OL RO0Se Sie henner oom 4SB00 "Y -ILIVA VLZOL limon age Le eee iO |e Soe sndwoi) | Z10¢ | 6881 ‘St “eA | 9°69 |---"dg"xIq's | 8 OOM IESEIO0) {80K9C.4| 6 se cen enn ne men od “Ho COOGal ic atime aut vaca? OL || See pat a ynoy ys~7 | PIL | Wet‘ “tdy |} os = [77 Aps | 12 OP C8 oe 0G eS ei eet eect ome od ‘Do OCS Talo Pe ae 6 at |e aS sndwopigy | 8809 | 6881 ‘TT “Ie | 69 = |---7 77" § ‘ou | FE GI 16 €8 | G& ae Gg |" -“ouvmI0Yy advo Jo ysoM onq ‘od GOO narra tue coe AST 1 eae casein =e (0) are L1G CZOT lS OUN Ls eee meee emenie oe eit GZ pel jo *S§ ‘fur a rn oo ae seer Peer od “sonq ‘od OOO |e ee ae ee ae Rea aa oes O Daas 6 FOOL Ole SV | me tee oars oa ae 0a [QUUZU OE MAAS JOS me GS ae od “MOTINITYS “sonq jauusyO *U] S1Z0UIVHO JO IIH | OzSy9 |" A T TTeUs ee oe Le VUUUIYIS “TM | FF POOL CO RATING || eee pare | ern ieee cits 8I 18UJO8 Se Ol 9. NOGA 5 sr geet ag AEE a LOCSS Bae ee oa Pees tpiateee oe Ope Tass: Seal aes Gee een ake CO Sd Se em ke 2 tibet at | Se ces an |e 7 ci aia ns | a ee MR a stvsnjioy, CSL Gilet 2 eA aa OAs | ee WOOSIOP UOT: Gale race |e. ee Ol bee lee coco os alee scenes Cn imen bo ae eget “480M Aoy ‘jeuueyyD diyg GYSLIB Ce to. kee SO Oils |S = orgs: ssoiz0q77 | 918% | S88T‘ST “Wer | FL | 0¢ SE LE SES ROS 9CnPGi|F acme pene: 489M AO VO POLS SO ae ak at ae Ol)! || Sep LOSS DUO Tiesto ark 6 ane |e eel ea ea a aS OFS Waieeogecres [250 "=o weer eo ei a a TUrelyAy ‘Ho Me ade ax0 i> Vito ‘ValuoT A . “M “N ON ony ‘ syIvuley 30[ sueurjoedg 10}09[[09, ae aed -eiod m10}}0g a apnysuoT | epnyyey AqpBo0'T Beye, oa EG oo s3uieveg Jodse snjAjoVpl][eg fo paurwoxa 101.10jD 4] —"F9 AAV, “AT ‘oovdvivo RCeCOGn|LOsIe[ JO AUCUrseIy [|e 9s" se ae 0) Ogi =| ee CIS |PEPEC TOGO || es gieee los TaelBUS: SsleSSeSp Nes sek weer ail” coe eae a allow puLlsy 848 J BT -woavaog ‘S apnqyo'T *edA40[0H | 69269 | ~~~-7 7-77 DINOS Illes aati es OD aaa lian? OGG ‘ls aannen OD ee Sa lars, eee fae ale O°) \eicseley el eee oe O Dieu ena cae pum ane od “OSI ‘od 4 RE SECO! an age Se men ANT a cumad 2 See ee OD gar salsa: TL2Gin| PEO Tcl COL ge fern sain apes 8 ecg metre | mika OSs lite 2 ee JO) DUO Nis rs san puvys] vuosI0p “pa -xq so3 -edelen * (Soquel yoooueH |0ee69 |<" ---- ATS Se ee oe ae ee PTT OtdjPA\ “18S |"“FEOL Ol “Gee | = ao ee a OM eG qujod mwaN | -109 edeo) Avg viqeD “a 4 ° “a 4 ° ‘VIAKOTOD oN wor ean} smo | epnyfuoy | NePUIeT syIvMe yy B0| sueuoeds 10109][09 a aed -ei0d m10340q “ye a eewal Apeo0o'T “B80 “WAL sduleeg IyyluIYs ByyUBOVT] fo paurswnzxe por1UaDPY—"9 ATAV 196 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Description.—Minute. Carapace orbiculate, flat, margin smooth, slightly elevated. Rostrum with three small acute denticles. Sides bidentate, tooth at middle strong, markedly acute. Abdomen large, bent, orbiculate. Feet smooth, unguiculate. (Fabricius.) Color.—Dark, feet ferruginous. (Fabricius.) Range.—Known only from original specimen from Tierra del Fugeo. Family CALAPPIDAE Dana Calappidae and Matutidae Dana, United States Exploring Expedition, Crustacea, pt. 1, pp. 393, 394, 1852; pt. 2, p. 1427, 1853. Calappidae Atcock, Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, vol. 65, p. 137, 1896. The afferent channels to branchiae open behind pterygostomian regions and in front of chelipeds. Antennae small. Outer maxilli- peds not completely closing the buccal cavern and with the palpus not concealed by merus joint. Verges of male exserted from bases of fifth pair of legs. KEY TO THE SUBFAMILIES AND AMERICAN GENERA OF THE FAMILY CALAPPIDAEB Al. Last three joints of third maxillipeds not hidden by the mero- podite. Orbits not separated from antennular sockets. CALAPPINAE (p. 197) B!. Carapace provided behind with a pair of lateral clypeiform expansions, under which the ambulatory legs may be PONCE GO okt eee ee he ee Se ee oe eee Calappa (p. 197) B?. Carapace without lateral clypeiform expansions. C!. Carapace with a strong spine at middle of lateral mar- gin. Outer maxillipeds do not meet across the mouth, thusiexposing: mandibles<.) 5. 2p. oo nee ee Mursia (p. 215) C?. Carapace narrow, without spine at middle of lateral margin. D!. Merus of cheliped with a very long, outstanding spine. Stridulating ridges on inner surface of manus and suborbitel regions 2a ce ol. eas oe Acanthocarpus (p. 220) D?. Merus of cheliped without long spine. Carapace sub- circular, a small spine at lateral angle__________- Cycloés (p. 225) A?. Last three joints of third maxillipeds hidden by the meropodite. Orbits more or less separated from the antennular sockets. MATUTINAE (p. 234) B!. Carapace broad, suboval, convex, regularly arcuate in front. A well-marked depression below orbit___....-.__-_-- Hepatus (p. 234) B?. Carapace more or less angular, surface uneven. A very slight depression below orbit. C!. Carapace subrectangular, broader than long; lateral re- gionsconcave Qbove.zs i622. 4st. coe a eee ae Hepatella (p. 247) C?. Carapace narrow, octagonal. Front rostrate____---- Osachila (p. 248) OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 197 Subfamily CALAPPINAE Alcock Calappidae Dana, United States Exploring Expedition, Crustacea, pt. 1, p. 393, 1852; pt. 2, p. 1427, 1853. Calappinae Atcock, Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, vol. 65, p. 138, 1896. Merus of external maxillipeds not elongate and acute (except in the exotic and somewhat aberrant genus Orithyia), and never concealing the palp in repose. Legs gressorial (except in the exotic genus Orithyia). (Alcock.) Genus CALAPPA Weber Calappa WexseEr, Nomenclator entomologicus, p. 92, 1795 [type, C. granulata (Linnaeus) ]. Camara Dr Haan, Fauna Japonica, Crustacea, pp. 67, 69, 1837 [type, C. calappa (Linnaeus)=C. fornicola Dr Haan]. Lophos Dr Haan, Fauna Japonica, Crustacea, pp. 67, 69, 1837 [type C. lophos (Herbst) ]. Gallus Dr Haan, Fauna Japonica, Crustacea, pp. 67, 70, 1837 [type, C. gallus (Herbst) ]. Pistor GistEL, Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs, p. ix, 1848; substituted for Calappa. Carapace strongly convex, rounded in front, provided behind with a pair of lateral clypeiform expansions or wings, beneath which the ambulatory legs are concealed in flexion. Front small, somewhat triangular, projecting usually little or not at all beyond level of orbits, bilobed. Orbits small, circular; eyestalks short and thick. Anten- nulae nearly vertical. Basal article of antennae very broad and filling a wide hiatus at inner angle of orbit. Outer maxillipeds not meeting, but leaving exposed mandibles, and, in front of them, lamellar pro- cesses from first pair of maxillipeds. These processes form the bases of two channels separated by a deep vertical septum extending to antennulary fossae. Chelipeds very large, and in flexion fitting closely the front half of carapace, forming a sort of buckler. The merus has externally and near its distal end a transverse winglike expansion. Hand strongly compressed, its upper border forming a high dentate crest. Chelipeds equal except for the fingers, which on one hand have outside near the base a stout projecting lobule. Abdomen in adult with the third, fourth, and fifth segments fused. Atlantic and Pacific coasts of America; Japan to Australia, Indian Ocean; western Europe and Africa. 198 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM KEY TO THE AMERICAN SPECIES OF THE GENUS CALAPPA A!. Carapace without a spine at either end of posterior margin, the extremities produced downward or inward on either side of first abdominal segment. B!. No deep hollow between gastric and hepatic regions. C!. Carapace widest behind middle. Proximal tooth of manus dentiform, its margin pointed or angled. D!. Carapace broad, at least one and one-half times broader than long. E!. Posterior third of carapace without short transverse granulated ridges. F!. Posterior teeth of lateral wing obtuse, blunt; a con- cave longitudinal strip on lower half of manus-__flammea (p. 198) F?, Posterior teeth of lateral wing pointed; the smooth longitudinal strip on lower half of manus bent distally upward at an obtuse angle______--_- springeri (p. 205) E?. Posterior third of carapace with short transverse granu- lated ridges. Surface covered with fine dots of color ontatdark: eroumd 32. 55.fot hs es Se ee convexa (p. 206) D?. Carapace narrow, not more than one and one-fourth times broader than long. E!. Surface coarsely and nearly evenly granulate; tuber- Cles sbi ol eS aC uit es eee ee saussurei (p. 206) E?. Surface finely granulate; tubercles low, rounded. angusta, adult (p. 210) C*, Carapace widest in front of middle. Proximal tooth of manus lobiform, its margin arcuate, not pointed or an- SEL las a ee ee ee angusta, young (p. 210) B?. A deep hollow between gastric and hepatic regions. Posterior third of carapace covered with short transverse granulated lines! eteadrt ies tree ee eee so. See Be eee ee ee gallus (p. 214) A?, Carapace with a prominent horizontal tooth at either end of posterior margin. A sharp spine at angle of posterolateral wing and another at proximal end of manus___--------- sulcata (p. 211) ANALOGOUS SPECIES OF CALAPPA ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE CONTINENT ATLANTIC PacIFic flammea. convexra. angusta. saussuret. CALAPPA FLAMMEA (Herbst) PuatTE 59, Fiagures 1, 2; Puatse 60, Ficure 1 Cancer chelis crassissimis CaTESBy, The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands, ed. 1, vol. 2, p. 36, pl. 36, lower figure, 1743; ed. 2, 1771. Cancer granulatus LinNaEus, Systema naturae, ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 627, 1758 (America: Mus. de Geer); Systema naturae, ed. 12, vol. 1, part 2, p. 1048, 1767 (part).2—Guro. Epwarps, in Catesby, The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands, ed. 2, vol. 2, p. 36, pl. 36, lower figure, 1771. 23 In Systema Naturae, ed. 10, Linnaeus refers to Catesby’s figure of the American Calappa (flammea or marmorata of authors) and says ‘“‘Habitat in America. Mus. De Geer.’”’ In ed. 12, he says ‘‘Habitat in America. Mus. de Geer ex Algiriamihi.’”’ From this weinfer that the locality ‘‘America”’ was taken from Catesby and that Linnaeus’s type of Cancer granulatus was Mediterranean. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 199 Cancer flammeus Herrpst, Versuch einer Naturgeschichte der Krabben und Krebse, vol. 2, p. 161, pl. 40, fig. 2, 1794 (type locality, Ostindien; type not extant); vol. 3, pt. 3, p. 19, 1803 (America). Calappa flammea Bosc, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 1, p. 185, 1802.— Miers, Challenger, Brachyura, vol. 17, p. 284, pl. 23, fig. 1, 1886.—RatusBoun, Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. for 1900, vol. 20, pt. 2, p. 84, pl. 2 (col.), 1901.— Monon, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Maroc, vol. 8, p. 117, figs. 5, 9B, 1928. Calappa marmorata LaTREILLE, Histoire naturelle . . . Crustacés, vol. 5, p. 392, 1803 (not C. marmorata Fabricius). Diagnosis —Extreme length of carapace about two-thirds extreme breadth; posterior teeth of lateral wing obtuse, blunt; a concave longi- tudinal strip on lower half of outer surface of manus. Description.—Carapace, outer surface of winglike expansion of arm, upper surface of wrist, and outer surface of palm covered with coarse granules, more closely placed on anterior than on posterior half of carapace, and forming several longitudinal rows of flattened tubercles. Anterolateral border crenulate and granulate; posterior border, exclusive of wings, subentire with beaded edge. Wings well developed, with seven strong teeth with beaded edges, three behind and three in front of posterolateral tooth. Pterygostomian regions thickly covered with hair. Front with a large notch, projecting little beyond orbits. Endostomial septum extends forward in a strong tooth not reaching level of front. The winglike expansion at end of arm is conspicuously 4-lobed; the crest of palm is 8- or 9-toothed; its outer face has several large tubercles and a laminate inferior proximal spine. Color.—Ground of carapace smoke-gray behind, shading to drabbish mottled with white, over greater part of carapace; color pattern Indian purple in interlacing bands on anterior half, obliquely longi- tudinal stripes on posterior half. Ground of exposed surface of cheli- peds more of a heliotrope purple becoming almost white on lower half of palm and on fingers. Stripings of Indian purple on merus, carpus and upper part of proximal end of palm; two distant round spots of same color above middle of palm; spots and patches of sulphur yellow on teeth and tubercles of upper half. This same yellow is mixed with the background of merus and carpus and slightly so with that of carapace. Two or three cadmium orange spots near base of dactylus, a few spots near articulation of palm and wrist. A dragon’s blood red covers greater part of inner surface of cheliped, the ptery- gostomian regions, the anterior surface of first ambulatory leg and a small part of second leg. Remainder of ambulatory legs, lower face of arm, also abdomen and sternum whitish. (R. L. Barney.) Measurements.—Female, extreme length of carapace 80, width at sinus just in front of wings 105, greatest width of carapace 118 mm. Range.—Southeastern Massachusetts to Brazil; Bermuda; Cape of Good Hope (Miers); perhaps Indian Ocean. Surface to 40 fathoms; 125 exceptional. Material examined.—See table 65, pages 200-204. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 200 pee areas 41" te Zee eae ae Op se" | Sera" = SS OSL | Ste a q8B PULS [Sepl} WeeMIeg [~-—~-—- =o momen een Sota od “epyy MOT 910179 "Tleys Bulppeys |------- = BOOBS ae Sr He BS See Cele aos er el ae ol ar at OIG 489) Gal a a ele aes 4saM Soy ‘£O4 Ser er a PEP Ola| amet ae aed s || acs ens OLS aes |i anl|le iP RO ere 0 een te | enantio eee ome oie || OUT Tem] OPS OLOUS) MO UU | mer AG hGa 106) KBOO Gh ee OROH Lg Pe Se al ee GIOUOTOR SEt pean eres pe, | eee S| “SCIONS SRO. Se “Repo | Oa ee Seles oa ABS MIDE ‘AOM YON Jo pue gg aoe ee = BIGGIEOn| eee ul lis aaa YoY YstwT | 6ZHL |--“G06T ‘ZZ “WeL | GFZ |---- ASTM |e Sac eae Ws} jJO § AG ‘AS ‘TWH % |~~"jouuvyD Yavy Do iVaINoTy “1OGIBH WOJsepIeyO Tae os Sepa OCOVA|e ae gaa OM. Iie ee ep | sc aell HOSST, TRAV mua Sal ete kel mneen o|mrs Hee coe sl Wee Sarr gsc caer Sar ae [men ce NLCOUN OMA O Re gee ee alee GALB Tuy a mae MOUNT a) SED |e cael ROS Tae GN TAT | cee | cee gi on oe eek |e rae oaks eee ie te ee eee |e ae OC MANOR ee GUELT aim aaey GTO |e See Ae aN inc = eS TORT “deadivs | ess | Se” ReEDUCS. 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SOOIXE IL “M NI ‘9iny smo | SPNsU0T | epnqyey syIeUey ‘ON SO[RIBO suemoedg 10309109 more1S o18q@ -eiod m10}}0q “yea AYBoo'T -W10,L, = SS <= ae ssulIveg rainssnes Bdde[eg fo pautwnpzxa )n1WajyvpYy—" 1.9 AIAV ‘pedxy sosed “Avg O10] “BIB YWOOoUsH: (970 > SOL608 See ca Av o|e" gage III 04379A | €L1 praPeOl co UG |e eq aes aes| mee ae g | -OA ‘puBsy aimourfeg |--~~--------~ od ‘podxg “puBsy 9[qvsiye] ea St ee VCH GE sates aa OT | Ssodedvrep surenm[taa |---77 TT SCO Lae eas seen we omer (ais | nea oe -epuy YO puvjs] Uopy | “spuvysy sosvdvyvy “digs -1vjoqog uooeg euoquIey JepeAy [777 OTS OOF ita er ace AT eee VEO O Sc iTiey AAU! | ieee OCB TGs 1 GCS) iene |peene oa | ea Ove si tee ages | pes a SBul[sg SLC en ee aa S860) rma LS AST mee gee Se ODitaae £12 se POOL AO Us COL qs | chert liar ona gb |e aa O[-23 | aay adviIoyouR JO "N |~~~" pus] Bed BT ‘S apngyoT “OOSIO OCs BE Se ss PIeaS PCO! | tasaca ee MOS sa mena ae ese OD- saz FIZ Sr POL “Te ded Ie cee lee AC INN |Pas aoe Z |"""Syoor wou Zulspoiq | -uvig urg ede be: Colea getelc @ 210 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM CALAPPA ANGUSTA A. Milne Edwards Piate 64, Figures 1-6 Calappa angusta A. M1utnE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, no. 1, p. 18, 1880 (type locality, Barbados, 100 fathoms, teste Bouvier, 1902; type in M. C. Z., no. 6653).—A. Mitne Epwarps and Bouvinr, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, no. 1, p. 1238, pl. 24, figs. 5-8; pl. 25, figs. 1-8, 1902.—-Hay and Suorg, Bull. U.S. Bur. Fisheries, vol. 35 (1915-16), p. 421 (not pl. 31, fig. 7, 1918, a young flammea). Calappa saussurei tortugae RatHBuN, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 46, p. 188, 1933 (type locality, Tortugas; type, U. S. N. M. no. 66382). The word “angusta” is suited to the young of this species for which it was named by A. Milne Edwards, the posterior part being narrower than the middle. The adults, however, are of good size and are widest behind, as in other American species. Diagnosis.—Compared to C. saussurei, the adult carapace is wider across the middle. Tubercles low, arcuate, not acute; less prominent in posterior portion of carapace. Posterolateral wings less elevated. Tubercles less prominent on manus and smaller on lower half. Description.—Anterolateral margins finely granulate, with slightly larger granules at intervals. Front seen from above bilobed, each lobe with a sinuous margin which is also the margin of the antennular cavity. Inner superior border of orbit much swollen. Both margins of lateral expansion slightly concave; tooth at posterolateral angle much the largest, followed anteriorly by four small teeth gradually diminishing in size and posteriorly by one small and one or two minute teeth; tooth at either end of posterior margin obtuse-angled, raised, and thickened. Surface covered with protuberances, granulate between the tubercles. Orbit completely separated from antennular cavity. Manus with coarse granules interspersed with tubercles which form three irregular oblique rows, subparallel to proximal end of palm, and a row of five close to the superior row of eight marginal teeth. Abdomen with sixth segment subquadrate, terminal segment sub- triangular, slightly longer than wide, tip blunt in the full grown. Color (66381).—General ground color buff to buff-yellow; high spots or lumps on carapace brick red, on chelipeds blood red. Marginal spines of carapace, crest of chela and lumps on crest ground color. Hairs of carapace, especially those of hind margin, a sort of light olive- yellow; those of ambulatory legs light citrous yellow. Merus of chelipeds practically colorless. Under parts whitish, pterygostomian region and maxillipeds suffused with pale rose purple. (W. L. Schmitt.) Measurements.—Male (51070), length of carapace 16.7, greatest width 18.7, width at posterior angles 17 mm. Male (66382), length OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA Od 33.9, width at middle 39.8, greatest width 42.2, width at postero- lateral angles 39.4 mm. Range.—¥From North Carolina to Grenada; 7% to 115 fathoms. Material eramined.—See table 68, page 212. CALAPPA SULCATA Rathbun PuLaTE 64, FiaureEs 7, 8; PLatE 65, Ficure 1 Calappa sulcata RatusBun, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, vol. 4, p. 289, pl. 9, figs. 3, 4, 1898 [type locality, off Delta of the Mississippi, 35 fath- oms (14941)]; Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. for 1900, vol. 20, pt. 2, p. 85, 1901. Diagnosis.—Carapace with a prominent horizontal tooth at either end of posterior margin. A sharp spine at angle of posterolateral wing and another at proximal end of manus. Description Extreme width of carapace little greater than extreme length. Upper surface of carapace finely granulate; five prominent longitudinal rows of tubercles; anterolateral border with about 14 crenulations, granulate on edge. Posterior margin with a large triangular prominent tooth at either end. Posterolateral wings subrectangular, a large spine at angle, in front of which are three teeth diminishing in size; on the posterior edge are two larger sub- equal teeth, the inner one a little the smaller. Front divided by a round median notch into two teeth; a much smaller tooth at inner end of orbit. The endostomial septum has a short sharp tooth pointing forward and visible in front view. Arm expansion 4-lobed, outer lobe much the largest, prolonged to a spine. Superior crest of palm with six or seven teeth; outer surface with a broad, nearly smooth, horizontal sulcus which distally turns at an obtuse angle and terminates opposite the upper line of dactylus; it is bordered for the most part by coarsely granulate tubercules. Color.—In alcohol, light pinkish brown. Seven small and narrow rings of dark red: three on carapace, one median encircling the third median tubercle, counting from the front; one on each branchial region, about middle of length of carapace and encircling the fourth of the outermost continuous row of tubercles. One ring on each wrist and one on each palm near upper margin and inclosing the tubercle toward proximal end of margin; this tubercle is not in the center of the ring but near its upper periphery. Measurements —Female (24079), extreme length 21, width at posterior lateral spines 23.8, width at sinus in front of wings 23 mm. Range.—North Carolina to Gulf of Mexico and Puerto Rico; 12 to 35 fathoms. Material eramined.—See table 69, page 213. *selo.10q 1} 10438B G9IM AYOTIVA ‘OZ -NYYsu] sIs0uIVD JOSH “e}OW 1O[OH) | TREQO ae * eo ee 61 = *sepor9qny D wep qUM A4o f -ueA ‘UOTyNI1}s WM -UlesZeuIVDjoyly | -- CBCIO) | anaes 69 LG Dey ee ee ee GOTSON vee ate mee cd LT a itor! qi wee TROIS ens te a éT oe ee eee hy Bn 8c00G2|" = wae 2 T Z © — ae ee ee tee al EIS | ese “PZ < 27.-OV INGO) | es PT eee Me ee ae wo BROLIN ye ae ae jt tee ame oe Bee DOPED |an ee dT ie oe oes ae OSE: oa "Tg oT a eae 80989 | ATOT LT A ae eT 0980) |e dT LT Pom sew SOSITs | mae ee eee | Q ie) x i ee $9799 | pedipeyo T ig ame | = ee etes9 |'( 81405) 6 OT 8 eS ge eI | ee ee ee) cOS89 Le t Riker ee So + ee ee ODS eine > cae mous LT a eee ere Ae ae ORS SOR ee ae ar LT x | re] Pp AQ SHIVUISY ‘ON S0TB1BO suemedg 212 Sem tUOS Tee ANe enamel TCT “Corel 0 nse eke llmc rier ane en > 09 Some A ONG) POX GOW JON hm pues smenna SB2N410], ; SUOSTOPUCH Gh fel Cane Olan se ae LE SL ee oe Oh Jif SS eae ee qseM AVY Jo's ‘N Aq “MN 08 qqsIT 189M SOM “N Eo ies Tee OD inal) Lae J\eECOSl Oc OURO. Ge neeer lien saan: mepinmmend pry Clive | PAC) SAN S17] AO PUGS einen ame pe nen OU So he eee) ea ODss el OCs alse Sie cODTES 18 “mc alie ae uke bee ale ODE “la: a e S ea "$5 et tam, OG surieweq 4qSvT 4SOM ‘pedxq vmeyeg Sem ““MNMA 31 BMOT ATO MeO e MmlnhCes | |mECORK nOG OUI |r smecs lpniennin Gaus amen 09 -1e0q JqsIT Ay pueg | 3s0M AO BO => SOOSUIIAS “OL ANs eases ihr os TSIM les Se alia ae fot bats gh Cer Ee oe Sle o191qU10S FO ee oe OPes, ai 6800s ee OD Sses > OS” |e Gees ROD Gop Taleo 99, OES T OSs Ole FOr SCnlne net aan eee OG === Sen enn- 88017097 | 09% |" “98ST ‘6 “Ady |~--~--7|"-"""""~"g§ “0D 9¢ 00 ST 08 | 00 SO G@ | BPHOLy JOszresys oF ee a ODer alte ler ee ee [ST ee ce nia gk apeOL Re a et gee Se ae ee gel oe ee AO OG UTES “qqsr'T ae cee a ODES ans a le ee See sec I ee ee ALO Aoy pusg jo-q Aq ‘g |--------" 0g ‘Ao pues eS RUOSdOPUOMe: i: s talp AekecaeaeeS ee oe aI ee |e aa ae ee OBE Sl eO Net 65 | RAC aac > lesen Avy purg JO Bae age 88017091 | 1#9% |" 988I ‘6 ‘Adv | 2°69 |--~"-"""""S "0D | 09 00 OL O8| OE IL go |~-~~~~~940JsAzBD BO 5 *Syooy = SHLOSIG IO eye Glee (ai| ie eel |e San ee GLO: lecaee | Go ee eae gee’ Ge = Sano Se Sale See ee ce AeMOT JO “AS “WYSIT SyoYy an ynvzeT ysiqg | 9TSL |~~G06T ‘OE “IVI | $'0Z |7-O0 SAB ‘oul | OG A9MOJ JO'N 1% A TUT | ~~~ “syooy AMO ee OD2S "S| eee me SOL |e ee ee, eee ale Se ONG: Tee: OSI Ray aoOee caer eT = “TORO DUO (de Celt see eel ce ae ee to ele eee oe ae OR Geico a a ee] ee pusH “ad f 0€ ee o> 2-2 n nnn --- ODe=- =| GF8c |e PICT (€04GOC) Sco escclmc scence ce N al) La | ween SUUOL] SHINS) Ups | seen eee gdONved ‘TUL %T *N ${ ‘N 4q “q ‘esnoy Bae yng ystg | ZOGL |--coer ‘Fe Aime | 2@ |----~-~-"S ‘pay [Sz -4ysVT ynoyooT eduo |-ynoxooT edeO FO ‘2 epee pM 75.5 :VNIIOUVO HLYON Spec aen seen ein4 I I 01} Bs suo A4ITRO0! 10}09][0 a1eq 10d m10940q E 4I[B00'T— 11°90 -819 -W9 J, qed SsulIveg eysnsue evddeeg fo paumunpxza pilajppyY—'89 ATAV J, 213 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA “OTL 34 “MA 6L0PZ | ST |---"ymvpeT YstqT | (1909) eet | BEST ‘OZ “Wer |~~~~ ~~ T]~TTTT TT W's srt] 3 °M Aq ‘N ‘10qieq CoOUBIIME. “AONG! SOC: is =sacges ie at meet Ioqiey zonsvARyy OOlIy OLUNAAT OAT YORE =OL, \i-n 28 OD sas 88ES CRSTe ps IBN gall ace ds ‘3q ‘g ‘[4 | ge OO MOM S8a OSS Pom Cer neta came coe Avg o[IqoW JOS :VAVAVIV 2G 2 Teall a AS at | eerie OD eas LLOZ FSsloOk 3907) mee alas me US ‘41q ‘g “43 | OT O96 L | 0Ske OGee CaIRo = osc igen” tte ate ese ame od ATSSnl ow leo er S801]DQI1V | 9622 PSEC. 240 Ol Facer ees ee § AB ‘SIO | 12 CPseSICe Pla WOG re OG sand calli mein teeat ain aeenreneneel svisyieH ede YO ea oc eoetc ‘VNIIOUVO HLUON “Mm "N SON Ml eneur ein} suro | °PMYsUO0T | opnjyyeT SyIVUIEYy 80L_ load 109991109 014819 aed -e10d m10}40g ear Aqpeoo'T “e329 |? 8 -W9 J, GWA SsulIveg eyeoins vddeeyg fo pauswupza Jpr1ajpJ—'69 ATAV I], 7, ‘aoed COPE IAL 81601 | 8180 50 JO, iG gi saree cet Opo ees SOC. nlinnets sae oe ODRES fe a ee es OS Eolas See Gl ee ees cee | eee een ome od ipsa i gay aed praesent a cee S axDIT | 296 | ~~~ ~~~“ 6L-8L8T OO) se, wg OD er Tall C6 ie cis ae als een eee nad ae ere eB DBUOLE) podxg ‘aS en3ijU y-sopeqivg pursy, uvoypeg “N ieee | go tee TOES mA | -BMOT CATO) 098394) 88> Ie=sSI6T $2 CUNT |ns-ss-s|e--25--=-g cous --—— "| 84 SNe Aq son O19010zZ0T | s=- 7 > oos-OG ‘Z COOL Tel OleTAL CSO9 loacs = psa ee aT slip creo ae HOjSSDET along =| arma TZSE DOCS: tae aS Sion pa fe ally OOM sili 25 atiege © San, adl| a Rvs am eg ne ae od ‘Z T LOMAING A COLGalenam mi cena SAO eg es ope OD trees G26: || Sante i BOD 9869) le US AIO SOD as SO Te ise visser arten ct || emiepeiaces sapoeeie! ema ante sopeqivg reas es Wy Get oa |e miap er mean 1D alt COh | pavers mOL=SLe. 99° [GSEs Ua! OME lis ce? Go eal « teeeakn Sae | ek ALO POLES WessuUOdOO) |esss ae ae Coes tl Ge eo Sones ae SES oe os ee alia ea ll ties See Sn aos Seo co ete Benet eee a ee semoy,L 4S ‘SHIGN] LSA AA ‘Z i Oma anh TOGu i aes sac pls imieeen genres: (0) oe oa OS Fier ti oe. Op Fe 4 UD6o oe sag bee 8 OO OF 68) 00" Sle Serr ieas mee emer od Reece LAD GINS SORE seme Remon ences Ceo 20d D/ a Com Alen ee REL Ol alace so alec ae eee “OG 00 SO 88 | 00 GE €% | UBJvON A JO GION SO00IXA YL “STIINTAL penranree a | OLST i inenranan ase Oy): || PAN SUOG ACB e)l ieanen |p CC6l tOULUING yl came ceelig: carmen mech QP—O0 nen sean eenrn|( nacre cea gSUslINTO) pOATINOS SOC Eas oa LS perenne eee (6 Ue as ee OPE eal i cicadies wale OD re aloe || dealing ne Sesh cements OFe in Repo eee roms ODE alas Ree Corn. od “m01}N41}SUy *10} “Ao proy BIdeUIVO JO AID |----- 777 C0STLlFe roses —~"PT |-uey pus AojsuoT |------|--- TROT SLU era oe ae een ae ee O fica et aoa Aonq pelZ ‘ON | -10350T Jo yNog ‘as “Bp Pt dee Q9ZST |---| sndwosp | 9209 |-- "68st ‘Tze | 69 |'eus “0D ‘IN | 6E 00 8% €8 | 00 FE GS |} -IO[A JO 4SBOd 4SO MAM Ser cic COPOO Ml beas ane ee ar AaD | sew UObIO DUO HG: Gt lane = al ane mar ena ae coal ees apie me aoe OU" | ponee se ens eaters onl | OAC Er SAO MED UBS DA BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM CALAPPA GALLUS (Herbst) YELLOW Box Cras Puate 65, Fiacuress 2, 3 Cancer gallus Hersst, Versuch einer Naturgeschichte der Krabben und Krebse, vol. 3, pt. 3, pp. 18 and 46, pl. 58, fig. 1, 1803 (type locality, East Indies; type not extant). Cancer (Calappa) gallus LATREILLE, in Cuvier, Régne animal, ed. 2, vol. 3, p. 24, 1817. Calappa gallus Minne Epwarps, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 2, p. 105, 1837.—Ratuswun, Bul). U. 8. Fish Comm., vol. 20 (1900), pt. 2, p. 85 1901.—Monop, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Maroc, vol. 8, p. 116, figs. 2B, 3, 9D, 1928. Calappa galloides Stimpson, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 7, p. 71 [25], 1859 (type locality, Florida Keys; type not extant). Calappa squamosa DESBONNE, in Desbonne and Schramm, Crustacés de la Guadeloupe, etc., p. 51, pl. 6, 1867. Calappa gallus var. bicornis Mrprs, Crustacea, in Report on the zoological col- lections made in the Indo-Pacific Ccean during the voyage of H. M. S. Alert, p. 550, 1884 (type locality, Providence Island, 19 fathoms; type in Brit. Mus.). Calappa gallus var. galloides A. MitNE Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, no. 1, p. 122, 1902. Calappa gallus var. capellonis Laurin, Brachyura, in Herdman’s Reports to the Government of Ceylon on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, Suppl. Repts. no. 40, p. 354, 1906. Diagnosis.—A deep hollow between gastric and hepatic regions. Between the hollows two transverse rows of four tubercles each, the outer tubercles of the hind row much the largest. Posterior third of carapace covered with short transverse granulated rugae. Description.—Extreme length of carapace varying from about three-fourths to five-sixths of breadth; anterior two-thirds covered with tubercles, posterior one-third with short, transverse, granulate ridges; anterolateral margin crenulate; posterior border slightly arcuate, finely beaded, unarmed; clypeiform expansions well devel- oped, bearing six strong teeth with beaded edge, two teeth behind and three in front of posterolateral tooth. Orbits directed forward, only slightly upward. Rostrum wholly in advance of orbits, laminate, and with four subequal, blunt teeth. Hepatic region defined by furrows; a large median tubercle in front of cervical suture. Upper surface of wrist tuberculate. Winglike expansion near end of arm 4-toothed. About 10 tubercles on upper half of outer surface of palm; on the lower half the tubercles widen into crenulate laminae; on and near the fixed finger are small, round, flat tubercles. Color.—-Upper parts generally orange to orange-brown, becoming brighter on front of chelae; under parts dull yellow. Carapace above and front of chelae covered with irregular spots of dark red or reddish brown, variable in size and form; many of the larger granules and tubercles of carapace white, especially those that lie in rows on the posterior transverse ridges and those on the scattered elevations. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 1S Fingers smoky horn-color, becoming blackish on upper side of dacty]. Ambulatory legs yellow, finely reticulated with red lines. (A. E. Verrill.) Variation.—The carapace varies in relative length and breadth due to greater or less convexity; in size and prominence of dorsal tubercles; and in distinctness of rostral teeth, some having four teeth, others having no median sinus, or the lateral teeth slightly developed. The variations do not correspond with geographical regions. Measurements.—Male (66368, Bird Key Reef), extreme length of carapace 49, width at sinus just in front of wings 51.2, greatest width of carapace 64 mm. Range.—Florida Keys to Bahia, Brazil; Bermuda; west Africa; Red Sea and Persian Gulf; islands of Indian and Pacific Oceans; beach to 120 fathoms. Material eramined.—See table 70, page 216. Genus MURSIA Leach Mursia Leacu, in Desmarest, Dict. Sci. Nat., vol. 28, p. 231, 1823 (type not mentioned).—Dersmarest, Considérations générales sur la classe de Crus- tacés, p. 108 (footnote), pl. 9, fig. 8, 1825 (type ‘‘Mursie Mains-en-créte’’). — LATREILLE, in Cuvier, Régne animal, ed. 2, vol. 4, p. 39, 1829 (type not mentioned).—Mitnr Epwarps, in Cuvier, Régne animal (Disciples’ ed.), pl. 13, fig. 1, 18387 (type Mursia [Mursica, by error] cristata). Platymera Mitne Epwarps, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, vol. 2, p. 107, 1837 (type P. gaudichaudii Milne Edwards). Thealia Lucas, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, vol. 8, p. 577, 1839 (type, T. acanthophora Lucas). Carapace oval, moderately convex, rounded in front, rapidly contracted behind, the evenly arched anterolateral margins ending in a large lateral epibranchial spine. Front with a small acuminate tip. Orbits large, oval, with a distinct fissure in upper margin and with two deep gaps in lower margin in one of which rests the basal article of the antenna. Eyes large, eyestalks short and thick. Antennules fold obliquely; basal article of antennae not dilated. No distinct epistome; endostome prolonged into a canal incompletely divided longitudinally; first pair of maxillipeds have each a lamellar process to complete the canal below. The external maxillipeds do not meet across the mouth but expose the mandibles. Chelipeds enlarged much as in Calappa but merus with merely a distal ridge with one or more spines instead of a transverse crest. Palm with a dentate crest less high than in Calappa. Chelipeds asymmetrical as regards fingers, which on one hand have at base of prehensile edge a stout lobule. Legs large, first two pairs at least as long as chelipeds. Male abdomen with segments 3-5 fused; in both sexes the tergum of first segment is entirely concealed and that of second strongly carinate transversely. (After Alcock.) West coast of America to Japan and Australia. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 216 “HOTIN4AT}SUT e1seuIwy jo IID od 0d ‘od ‘od ‘od ‘od “od 0d od ‘od “M01YN4 SUT erseusey jo ID “SIH JEN ‘00g U0}sOg UIOLT *SUO| SOTOUI ST 1OyBOIO pexooy Aq pesi03 “SIq “WOrynyysUy e1saUIBO JO IID SHIVMIOY *poyses ie aan TOSOOs | TOPS CCheS Ds ae TUR ot OMA. ig | se ae ee [ae | ER eRe ONES bE ee eT |nike ig a vee erat il |e vee OT “cena SOC00m nce ate ey O Ta OOlAUOnT ET AAS \egetan lipases veek S0 |e oe alr omar te ak Sie cs Sens” | oe Gee oal| me ge eee pall ta ee ee OCT eee COOLLM||eaiek . Ben ae Iota AGE eset sles a oe SF tne a PEC N lie ees || eee gee rs, Sas CRT ae Seer en de | 7 oe eel eee od ae ae (OGEOOU|eaaaeckss gc Tel ee ae ODT |; tae lee CEOIeOG Ale enews. > wa fOD wy. ese nar sql geen eee ll eee pel ge eee ae OG *Iadnois Jo Wee ee POCOOR ease gen ee | eceet tem POD ae Se” | aie Sees TGEOD pg canteen OU LO] BIO OM: Nike os: Sacre eee eeet cael eae aie een ames Ole Teoys oy MA ea COLL Ge 5 mOOBOBIUON[S ieeecn igen ODs sana BOT SeCEOl9C CULL se asunn tees: Sarr ae eee LOLLXRCL. -[OUUB Ge cance omen ee OCT “Vol I9AO 4908 ae ae GSLIO ATOMS FOS pita | a1 POO Se yA |e ets | TLE Ponts eee Z, es EE | oem eam |) CN APACS LL ONY Sesto ee a | ee nore on me” pees | note amie O.(i]t "O1L0UL snjaydauid -dyq ‘1edno13 eee iH SO | eee La aartO} UL TATVAN SOT oi OS | pereers OOO Mig Coc NT CU Cpe ees pee | 200-1) SATO) yD cnc | erent || eco s | ee een ne GTI ee ee LOSOO Es tase = cn alias eee OD a on [eee we eee OD Ren ae ger || t ee gan: elie a ee | gy eee lr cha eae | te ee SRO ceases COCOOM ISS gens 25s eens ee MOSCLUMOU Taller see tes SCO QUEL lees ams oy Sa gen oe Rn gr Renee Tafa Gee bens olla ee eet oan ame Cage OGY psa ZI#99 |---~"--- AST |7* “lopuceg ‘gq ‘H | 8 Beads geV CONC an Pee || Sa Sethe gee ellis Ske war eal|t- ge ak, eel ee Pee cen OCT ae ees ECOOR can SOO BUCIBON al ease aes Dine ol ae all oe POOL PALL olor oe | Ci a Se a | Re a al eee ele ee Re > | eee SOU SLLTLION, ‘govdeieo ora nee = TRCOGe | MOMSIUOUT Seay = so Soa" O Diet hee aes | oe eer O Drags ieee (treme nao CR oS OS Se one e oa eo een ea | ean eee OG) ‘Joo Aoy cies apa GZEOOM |lmern OO GC LO NTs er PTT O Ry eco eee AAG | sommes | ame OT oe es [LD Me | mcm | na cn at mmc ose | gee anit | cnr inc | en meemeet |] 901 Clie Pana ae ee GZIZ hs | emmemmmaeenieea Ot all eset 99.08 Te NL Te | ees meen beret GT UE RC | ea ah reel au | ccc ala oer (nS LO \ Tame A OST PTTL “SOLO USI cae a EPEOOG eae Fae aL | REO MELBOUTL GU Oaaf) |. loka | was eee paleo Ss lacs coe ae ere ee ae Se ee ee ee | eel Aes eee OCT! wa ae QOSDC Eee cs coreg ON Se DIVUAU TY Pe) aemasiinpsess as. pies ln ger "Se ae es [nee ee ee alec cae | ees, ae| pie taee PISO AO, “AON tis aes OLCQw same = 755 seal eee ee OC heen OCG T SOCRSLLY [2S aups| mecca gee lay Mee as Ie eames eee | ee we cee| (DUO TOGO MOP TAK “AOY poy eee Vale ors re Orla | SP ATUO REE CAN eG a Se CeO T wOG OULU lee mien men cae ee a | eae een P| ee ee eel eee -10330T JO opis ‘a ‘epyy ‘AON on POP a eats vas cae | aaa aT CULO eae: inn camel mnie taeC SS 1) | cmnee nal peSSBid SLOUIY: | A\0 [AO]. | iacn nc matienal annie ial | OC ULI O 7 Lough Avy yon Jo pus a en PIGS9 |---| yer ystar | BShL |"-“E06T ‘22 “UBL | GHZ |------ ~~ AAI [HZ ‘AS Jo's AQ ‘Ag Tu $4 |“ ""jouueyO Ye ‘Oo ie =o Te itaan © -VaINoTy “M “N u0l 91n4e epnysuoy | epnqyey ‘ON S0[t}80 suem1oedg 102091109 “249 a4eq -1od m0340gq suLoqye A4Boo'T -W9aL SsulIveg snes edde[ey fo paumpza yorajvpy—02, ATAV I], 217 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA “SIAL uiepioysuary |---- "> 7-77 OS s1 cei ea OPS8T [7-7 T SAS Opes t|> Geeta T “SnyAL waepreysury |~---- 777 £PTI poh oe 9668% | =) 0 eT “10 -Duds! 0}: POUINjow, |= ts aise | COC T alae Tee OSS? aaemeceneaso). 0 en STG nage Oy “SNY, UOpleT pO LT ai ab PISO. name come eal car TSO¢ Gel eae eneoley hao aera OS8OFGa ns cece noe aE “med nares 82819 | JO JUouIsVIY ae eet SLSO0) > 25 tan ae ev Oeil Beet PLSO9 a ane SOL eters GASd2 sate arsaO. TE ahaa QUCOON a= fee aa ‘BOIBUL Bip oo PS Olea me ae OG peel en nates HICSPelcece ta bee AT XOXO RS 04 ama POISE orcs ies a LT *pedx a plaling svuwo 7 \-------~ Q2GSPclaans = = AT ‘91001 “y[Bq “0g “Is09p) |--- FSOTCu aeneen pate ae dT ery 7) XO DSTALS bee manera, OF aS UEGSO8| sos AOL eee se ng |-o--0-0o 2020-2 50 Cl okie ee BOC O ES a Taras LT SOMO EIOLU Fell asa al ppc guts cir aaa | 7- G, Sl fahactage aee | eomaeaac| acinar aks | Aine aa ance | ae aauemea yfipuo[ery ‘aUIVNOG Pcs SSOWDGTEZ = ee aPRRT SIROL GeHhl =: cea ales ons ces cle eae) ee eee |e oe |e oe ee OROGINIG) “qSI0 FT JOP BUBAKE TL “4: |F5 35 2 TOZE TCSII WP SaaS aa OUIONG|> aaaaaem a ote oe eae eee elt See AB SBovIBO So aamae OHOOGN | -- 2s aGOBT OG ARIAL iosas ca|n ace OBST us NOTTCUS! oes te ae | Senate eel os cam dO] CAT IOT, :0VdVUNO *pueiq -OPpIIH 3 Yoo |7-77 77 SS ATT OL GA CIAL amGe me alice a aa JOON [CIOOD Pao te er ea aR eee cee WO[OD :VAVYNYd ‘syusg Jeddeug aes Garrat GOSOps|7 esses sxerrarae et ao ae oe oe eal ees es ae Sees | a a ene ca mmr cer SlGeman Dees | SOU UCC ULE) emt OOLX GL TAT *podxy ens “WU V-sopeqieg *puByst MOT ATM MOTeIS ince aaclewet ers ora 7 SI6L. |\aernr as == ==1OGUUS Wir port Sa aan Bal Seek oa | RS uvolfed ae ca ccee bea ca bee cued Nac UIEceae IL Mo |G cu ens cag COUO deep eaera ‘pedxq uvluos = J LUrG-uosuyor WCOh |= eg6b 8 aBIAL |=) | C= ec OSE eo) PE §99 |0Ss Wes IST | S=s sans, JON ONY OLUTAT Teor Sas = ODe sper tas cee age cI as lcm re ea ee BEL ace Be calla eae aa Ramee 43 ORS COUT OG ODF le ae eae een cee | ee ec rms ee) de | A ap ce SET a eee COLON, ILIV, elo ODseaae ts oa te esa ca Se | Bees eo ae Se eee le ele ee le Le ce | CI edoy 2==“91NI OCW Ole. alee iett ae We a ee ee Cees one 5 oe aaetemeeey |S ie ano) Roll aeegeuars Avg [10g Sa SSTATUL SANeoer Ale oe Sava GER | Ske oil aae tee See aa lr aoa a ee aEN gar oe all aa ep aareeane | ee [eAOY 110g :VOIVAVE - ‘O£BO eT pues ey Seas etIIne ODie na a| seas oe tae eee eae te eal ee BDO! Osos aieen aed | aoa a ene) Ula) OnCPNIy tek POn Boe Aa O eh Bee sees OD= S75 (St “S| SPlGWG-P OU Calis ta eagles OD: oe Gl reas oe avian ee on met oll ie tas oan pel eee Re DLO Eine LUG oi “yosqie gd *soue pue wosiepueyxH | FI S-ETIO LAC OU laos e rales cats OO aIAHG=G. > 1 Ege Seen Gea ck EES -I[@J] SOS8AR’T Joot :vano aT WBO Ties iiss ocr ROOT O GM AI Ca| a caence |= ot arene cae lle Ma etr a cc| sw nea om spate enema pear OQ LG FI aOOUO401 (0) ‘moqieg pus AUB ATCASUO [Wale o> al ae ons Soak aS |e onl eee nn OSGi a. Wel ea oe ea amine | (micas ame cae Geo ad puss] ooBqy ISVAVHVG TLOSIO PUL Fete e000 sence | oe ks aha a eal | SSS eS emg eee [Sha ahaa ake alee eho sjooy Sesnj101, ‘pedxg vurey -BG BMOT SATU) 9 O18) Cia lemma amare naam BRT S| aes sears eee ea ae nal | Sas Es | el See $B3njJ0,1, Te Gees OP area eet s CSO TMOG OUT | eeaminees ats aaa on gallos ae pagina ng ee oi oo ricer aaa ee OO Te OTD OY ol BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 218 ‘Z A SON OOF neem rs 6 PF cal COLEGIO pols yore aye Sat sa PSS RICO LT yh {13/5 2) | ica et ae ia pained St | eae eam 2 | eae ae GSES! een ae aks BM otccke ar OU Eo OS meme amen Te ae CU CUO) | eee mens mn aa CUE OM an ian rea ciate ‘Z SO WNL | se gees AT Z 70) GINIZOPO) |= 2: meena £Z Sr ae NESLTG | ss eo nao) oT Sie eae COULTON Es a eee “sny. Ueseyuedog |-------- PaO iPaline een ae 6 i “STL uesvyuedog acuele.< FOLGG |i etree senna.) aL maces Ze OWN ce ee nae AT ‘Z SOLINROLPOS| So - 0 a LT SyIVUIN yy ‘ON SO[BIWO suempadg Bern BAL -----Joueg poly ace PIV M “V “H ““"9900GV "TM *IOUTPIBE) AoglUeVys'f fy4v) “DIS *S “WH 10091109 ee Sidenote iE | ate taal | aceecarac it acores sebcaed| ate an a “PI6L pa A ‘5 3 € ‘00d RCo ea S0B Ta comm lCvel | mania | ae SO Ad0 eeepc 02 COTO kamen a O Dre |= as | aaah een OO) til eerie ees 6 POLS a SOG shoe cO Wl! s| pena ama Dennen VAs | eee ST 6STO sesame OD ey =| ro Se allan aaa SPOO a as series Or oS a es SOO De) Coen ODD eee eae CT Ses ese Oa eran ZI am mest (eat COB SMe LA [seo | eens = are ceca | epee EC "ea | a GOR TR SCOT roa 2a ese coe eee ae eae Gaeta COG arse tra lie steko cg atonal a eee eee | oe LSS 1G 100 Gi =a redo pa ee See vgs aol ee eee Ee ce ee SOBT SOUL Ss aicad oo ae ee ee een eeenans ‘00 91n4e mon e1eqd -Jed m10j40q SULOYIe YL “818 -U19,], Oe ia aw | ee aoe aa aiid herr ay Se eas 2 Foie Ags anal | ae ae oa ect ee Tl PEE Fe val Seen BES ba Rn eee Ee uoqy ‘SGNVIS] TIVHSUVIT “BUInyes ‘Tynsnq] ‘eley, :NVdve ‘ORARL :VSONUOT “m0z NT] pue seung meeM4oq ‘puBIsyT Sy cO SI] CT Il €1}] efoS emIuy FO OS OSS GUT lO Gre: So] y. cr | ier nian od ‘dnoip tae Mey, ‘puelsy 0%2 cf GIT] OF 10 ¢ UOTVALESGQ BO ORF Sie G01 50S eae Gi eee od ‘dnoip IMB L-IMB LT, ‘puLy O€ Fo GIT} 00 GI ¢ | -SI eIXvUIL, YO “"q apnpbuoT ‘SGNVIS] ANIddI TING “SpuB[s] dATP 3 Seg ee ate lle Siena ered ‘puv[s. npuvl[eNn Pas a eee | Oe ir erento ae a eine ae eyynoVeO ‘N apnyyoT nae Saal SAB | OF Gl 2% 6IL Sh 69 8 | -SI vdvovay YO “puelst Ce eee $9809) | cuueeen: eoule ema) I CD ec ama| Ose 6881 ‘¢ ‘uer | 99g |7-~----7-"§ "Ug “Aq | &9 Of 8 O21 00 20 #8 | I9NZITN UeS BO a ee 152000) nan mC Pa | eo eianemeeets | arermame 2.00 SSO TGA |p aA ts] Net elon WEE Oe OL de Wee asf KGL “Bled aor caged PUA | oes OTe | anaes apace OD aan 6962 688 ‘TL “Get On ienaienene Surcien ge Som OG ch LE 6IL OF OZ 8 | Wa BULBS VO “Ul}e IA ea ee, GCCCH | aanaeamnin al LON Te | > Sora $301709q7Y | 6818 O68 Terran ela ce aa | eee WW! siz | 00 62 IZl 08 Sh Ge | UeBgS edeD FO "891109810 “qv [BoI1Zo| aay ae or 990TZ J" OT | Ol = OgJoed | IPT OEGTHOGH OUT) (re eens |ponmmnmetne eames eg] 105 ee ed ee owe ee ar a “yur F "M ol% ‘§ ‘osnoH rer nga Op---~~| actF POST ‘IT ABIL | @'8 |7~--~"S “OUST “US | 6F qqsry soulg julog |~~~"~~~~"0d ‘TUL FO ofL'9 ‘esnoH mc ae ODeaams cach FOSTCW COUN Saenes| Gar eae WWW ‘us | &2 qqzlg sould 4yulog |-~“Aeg fat TOHN “keg --------- op-----| 6z1& OBST EL GIeIAN || Jeep ulpcseucemcas Al (80) 0% 00 10 Zcl| OF 6& 9¢ | AetejUOTN JO i= tak Op-~~~~| 9FIE O68I ‘ST “IVIL | 96h =|7777 77 A IN “U8 | 29 OOMIZT GL OSms Cle OSes smn» cee Gk: --------- op-----| F0ze OBST ‘ZI ‘IdW | TBR 1777-77777 7S AG | ZOD | ST OZ ZT] Sh FF 98 | ~2NID BjUBS FO ane iene OD eam L¥I OSS Tacs ABN \ GaChan | noun ommenemes W “3q | 9S WO <(ige eal Ol Ol) LS | a od Ene aRe ZOow «1a | cea ODinsweed | UCOLS Damn aa OD ee rea NOVLo a |eraena ne Sel Dog /L0 0& ZO €21} 00 8& LE ae ee eran a ee 609ST |---7 7777-2 T |77 77> 88047097 | OOTE OBST ‘OT “IVIL | FOG |7--- ~~ 778 “SIO | 62 00 €h @c1| 02 eh LE | A O47 jJOIMH “Wo “a ‘ ° “ul é ° :VINHOAITVD “M ‘N ein4 suro | SPUHSUOT | OprayeT syIemey “ON 30[8480D sueuoedsg 10409109 m0]484S o8qd -eiod m10}}0q “WBA Ayl[V00T -M19 e ssulieeg eee ese ne eS oe | i ee eS SS See ee UIpNeyorpnes wisn, fo paurwuoxra por.lajppy—"1L ATAV LE 223 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA eo OO oe eee “SNA, SIV LOTS OCAIO 6) alee ee PSG | asker eeeeees éT “sny Uesequedog |--~------- PT er ae P0900 |i tun See Os en leql0 dy eG) *podxy sod -ede[ep yooouvH |----------- > POCOO toate eee EA ee ae IIT 043]2A ae Zins DEINE OO LY. | Eee seC ol || saaaceease eos a “Seer ee ea save [=== oP en ee LGIGG,|| ie OI ESst |e. mee nO a> a ae ea OGIGG lnc OLTOs Ts enone SOD tan a ee 8E1Z |" STL T [7-77 8s0sjnqiy *podx a sosederern yooo COCO} OU LOTO Ga |-" tn nn 0 oe OCC69)9l tagromene: AGO sass 3 II] 042704 *pedxy Tap OSMPEOV AED |pean meas 6 T | JexIOID /vonZ “e1S “LOld “IVI COLUO Ne OPe OT)! Stem eccaa ns = ¢9z09 |-eovdvivo "AT |-“usyogq uojupy eae ae COGOG | ieemmenniaee eC ieee nn O Dien cm (- RE ek E09 Es | Gaetan ne ra? | eaacaenas O Daas x 2 ae re CEOO TS) heae gana ee G: | eae gO Donn aa oe eae O80 Ni5* SaaS nw on, 8804700777 “pedx iy acne 1g "‘PBdY [VO |---77777" 6 Z | JOHOOIO ‘nIvz prea ae we PLPOS) | an(A) Ol OMT eier enc OD oer oe Be i ate ae GLPOG [~~~ ~~~ L [-> 7 880470q77 ae oe Same GYOOG)| suman na av Os | pur O MOSS Naget *“Jopuos JYBO use OF DIO US ANCL FOr | nee oan 1 | -qynog ‘alugQ Le aE ie, ball oe ee EE Gk ee Ce ee | P| oes ae BRE PURSE ooo GES | Cea aes See | CRESS ae es ee od ite gk Alanna PL tele ae || ake ee pes 5 as ee | eee oe ae oe Se Bol eee ositied[e A “*BO[R.L JO 9DUIAOIg 04 enavouody Jo eterna ae ee a Soo Fee ee am iliaa Ta Oe ke RPh Rela ET Eas | Gana ae aT OLA Ol jee LOT AUS “SpuLlst T61 FEOTeOG eal fel e seme | meee oa oer Ss | 02 00 0€ 06]00 ¢ O | sosedeen :uoavaog S epnqyoT L8EE TOSS) aTBTAL | GeOGhe| ee ars § ‘A3 ‘ouy | 221 OS LTs (624800 5(0P 2) |iencece cae od GOS © eee cee SODSSaee | Se esa hes oe TAP US ST TS ROGes TPR 624) 00s OC me Lie || nnn ae tea od F082 SSR TeOSesOINin! wan ooo mamaan W U3 | LP cy 18 64/08 9I 8 |-"BUIvUBg Jo Avg iVAVNVd “yuLod FESS SRS Tee meee Te | GuCg hy s|nma momen aera W ‘14 | 8F 00 €I &II} 00 #I 92 | Sofoeiqy JJO C83 PEO Gs KASING |i mer gal (amen ss eens eae OS) ea areas yea lite re Nea een ae ol Avg song, “purl WHOS GEN EGTA: CONE | oes cies ||(oaa eee ee ADS IOS “dl aemier come <7 © 5 | maa? a epee “SJ UlyIeyy uvg :BIULOJ “TBO JOMOT :OOIXa JT *BIULOJ GSC. Bee as ag oreil Go ores Peo ae Te eee ce | ie ee | ED Oe | ee “WBO Uleyynog ‘US LISG} =e |\aeeanean ODEs I '6F ‘yIq ‘g ‘AS ‘ouy | 06 08s S0R GIT 08: SC. CE! armen od “ued 8162 68ST ‘OT “UBe | F°CG |-~77 TTT g ‘43 ‘ouy | 19 O€ €0 6IT] OF 2 ZE | S9110D Jo o3py TOG: ees (| ingetae ts (0) ee Ohi O ae lnercr age S43 OUy Grr Weer GLLINOO)! -20e.ces| sacenr camer od 6Z66 GSS OU RS | TLS | ea, sa § ‘As ‘ouy | Lp SI SO 6IT) SI 20 f€ | yUV_ s0}10D FO SC a Cia GEO TsOC mola | cee? es|lna en name mate 5 Pe Lee a er PUSS: Oe | Gare es od OF FOG Tec mec ies cere | oe § ‘£3 ‘ouy | Eg Ce ee nee es gaa : CUaT *puLl CGFP FOGT SU uaeGyy, | sae onal cae YS ‘s-43 | 1 |g’ M 9 "Sg yUIOd “| | sBlOOIN UBS YO “purl Mice? Cat a ke ene Vis was | amen ee erat OG an eee aaee | eS CULO] e)i ay () “yalog eo onan PZ6I ‘ZT ABT |~---~ ba | acta an a aI an cnc cana ead oa cat AYIOY IvIN IDA BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Color.—Dorsal surface of carapace and chelipeds pale reddish orange, deepest in color upon elevations of carapace and upon bases of meral spines of chelipeds; carapace beneath, the sternum, abdo- men, and under surfaces of chelipeds and legs are white very slightly tinged with reddish. Measurements.—Male, Tortugas, station 21, 1932, length of cara- pace 43; width 42; length of larger meral spine measured from sinus 20; length of smaller meral spine 5 mm. Range.—From Massachusetts to the Windward Islands; 45 to 208 fathoms. Material ecamined.—See table 72, page 226. ACANTHOCARPUS BISPINOSUS A. Milne Edwards Puate 68, Fiaurzes 1-3 Acanthocarpus bispinosus A. M1LnNE Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 19, pl. 1, fig. 1, 1880 (type locality, reefs of the Grenadines, 140 fathoms; holotype in M. C. Z.).—A. Mitne Epwarps and Bouvier, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 27, p. 127, pl. 24, fig. 12; pl. 25, figs. 4-6, 1902.—-Scumirt, Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book, no. 31 (1931-32), p. 288, 1932. Diagnosis.—Carapace circular, with a long lateral spine. Postero- lateral margin tuberculate. No tooth on posterior margin and no conical tubercle on sternal plastron. Description.—Carapace more circular and more coarsely granulate than in alexandri, rostral teeth longer, posterolateral border furnished with a series of tubercles behind the spine; posterior border less produced on median line; no conical tubercle on first article of sternal plastron. A dense fringe of hair on exognath of outer maxillipeds. Meral spine more than half as long as width of carapace; hands coarsely granulate, outer crest not prominent; striae of stridulating ridge about 60, being finer and more numerous than in alexandrv. When touched or taken in the fingers under water, the crab may set up such a vibratory grating of the hand against the suborbital tubercles as to make one’s fingers literally tingle. Color (66386).—Ground color of hinder third of carapace (behind lateral spines) pale rose pink. Small spots and narrow strips defining middle third of carapace light lavender gray. Anterior two-thirds of carapace heavily spotted and speckled with scarlet-vermilion; longi- tudinally shaded portions of spines the same but tinged with orange- chrome; extreme tip whitish. Lower half of chelae rose-pink, upper half darker, appearance due to scattered red specks on some of gran- ules; teeth at top of chelae dirty white, fingers almost china white. Ground color of legs rose-pink toward lower margins, which are more a peach-blossom pink, upper margin nearly white; on anterior face of OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 925 third, fourth, and fifth carpus and at distal end of merus a few red reticulations (color of red on carapace). (W. L. Schmitt.) Measurements.—Male, Tortugas (66385), length of carapace 56.3, width 59, length of carapace spine 31.5, length of meral spine 35.6 mm. Range.—Florida Straits to Windward Islands; 135 to 197 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 73, page 228. Genus CYCLOES De Haan Cycloés Dr Haan, Fauna Japonica, Crustacea, pp. 67, 68, 1837 (type, C. granulosa De Haan). Cryptosoma BRULLE, in Barker-Webb and Berthelot’s Histoire naturelle des Iles Canaries, vol. 2, pt. 2, Crust., p. 16, 1840 (type, C. dentatum Brullé, p. 17= C. cristatum Brullé, pl. 1, fig. 2). Carapace heart-shaped or subcircular. Front narrow, emarginate. Orbits large, oval, a distinct suture or a fissure in the roof and two gaps in the floor, in one of which the slender basal-antennary article islodged. Eyes large, eyestalks short and thick. Antennules folding obliquely. The external maxillipeds close the buccal cavity; the antero-internal angle of the merus is prolonged obliquely forward to form a prominent lobule above articulation of palp. The endostomial efferent branchial channel is closed by lamellar processes from first pair of maxillipeds. Chelipeds similar to those of Calappa. Ambu- latory legs compressed and of moderate size. Third, fourth, and fifth segments of abdomen in male fused, in female all are distinct. West and east coasts of America; east Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. CYCLOES BAIRDII Stimpson PLATE 69, Fiaurss 8, 4 Cyclois bairdit Stimpson, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 7, p. 237 [109], 1860 (type locality, Cape St. Lucas; cotypes, U.S.N.M. no. 2001).—VeERRILL, Trans. Connecticut Acad. Sci., vol. 11, p. 18, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2, 1901. Mursia balgueriti DESBONNE, in Desbonne and Schramm, Crustacés de la Guade- loupe, etc., p. 52, pl. 4, fig. 20, 1867 (type locality, Guadeloupe; type not extant). Cyclois balgueriit Stimpson, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 2, p. 152, 1871. Cycloés bairdit RatuBun, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., vol. 21, p. 610, 1898; Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. for 1900, vol. 20, pt. 2, p. 85, 1901.—VeErriLL, Trans. Con- necticut Acad. Sci., vol. 13, pl. 27, fig. 2, 1908.—Finnerq@an, Journ. Linn. Soc., London, Zool., vol. 37, p. 6138, 1931. Cycloés bairdit var. atlantica VeRRitL, Trans. Connecticut Acad. Sci., vol. 13, p. 423, figs. 46, 47, 1908 (type locality, Bermuda; type in Yale Mus.). Diagnosis —Broader than long. A small posterolateral spine behind middle of carapace. A short deep furrow either side of middle is continued forward less conspicuously to the median interorbital groove. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 226 oe Sa ay ea Ba te a oo oc “TONINATYSUT eFBoUIwD JO IID syIvUEry oe ee IT P99 aes FLOP ‘Z'OW 'S8TE ae T1éZ ‘ZO ‘2668 ee Z088 “ON S0[BIBO GSPAOR DT Oicie> cn omen CDi say IZ ~“Ze6r ‘92 ouns Sey mae (Osu 5 sem see OD paella anne call COL GE oLuvs ee aes OLS: 0" ec oe MCD mee |G ~""TS6I ‘zz AINE ee ee TET a a ee ODES aa ce ~““086T ‘62 Aine Pace, oe Oat ie ea OD wa [OP =aoeee ee Oye ae 9 ca ae gr a nS a ae -4s0, AOy JO'aS ‘AO Sager gern Smses So = -0101GT10g nO *Sy00q a" ks. eae ae, “AOMOT JO ‘WS Be on eee een eas ‘syooy AOMOT YO :VaIUOT.T i¥0 Al ~~ 04s0[1ByYO BO 0} ,L0 62 | 04 ,OL dE SO pee 00 zO 92] 00 60 #€ | -MOOT OdBD BO 08) S88 ao7 {HOS MSSe PF Eiiie wr eee OGl *ynoyoo'T pus seviey1By Of €& G2) ST 68 FE | Sed¥D UceMjog :VNIIOUVO HLUON OS nile an R00 aL ON OF site een od Syste) | ie) Teme OF | en 0d (O10); AC OV (010), (10) (2 |g ee od He NE VAM GIN GS || eres od GTe ayo) (027) OO ssa 6Sn | eam memes od OF 8G. O25 Gyan c0 OF nae nee 0d *paivAoul A 8¢ 7 OL] 98 ZO OF | SBYIIVIN FO 00 9F 69 | 00 LO OF |" HURE SosI0eD on ee ae te GF ‘SLLOSAHOVSSVJL “M "N epnyisuoT | Epnyiye'yT A4[Bo0'T ssulivog 6 ee ee ee ee ee ee SSS oe lIpuBxe[e sndivooyjuvoy fo paurunxa poLiaoy—ZL, AIAV 227 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA ‘SOUIPBUOIL) WZa@ Ne PP 9Cu lee vee tee ae Coa |e erase OD speen |ESEZ Fei Openan Oona nae sas FSR OOMOUTS SGI Niet acteos ce a ease arate ‘ugnouusy YO UZRO WING OSV Ps las ate. ee ope wk ase me OD ae aas Giles, Plceeecce oe Ops 4=- Oy Sas cS BABI ZO OUI. im 0S1-00 ean na ess sae aga | ena RRR og ‘ZTAOUIA OSPF lias bee OilsTa| iss cae ODagatn SFI Sane OD vrs YACGi an oasy CGRATTCR SOUs9 SOCEM lero sms paaremnsn cma mri Ss} IS FO PZ KO) IAL O LOG |e octane cece (ay | elie es OIDIT EPL a | alee 9a Cue SUST Wied ulin aan | amen at OST Of €F €9 00 OF LT |-~““HUR_ vqeg TO ‘pedxqy uviuos ‘OolyY OJON See ce ep FO8L9 |---| -U4TUIg-Wosuyor | ce “"" S861 ‘6 “QO |--- TTP mmnnommm nn) O8T-08] ST FT 29 Sh Fo 8ST | JOIsv0D4SeEM FO ‘SIGN LSU MA yentas Laie CcOC nem 20 lone 9 tags CODE anc ,8L6c SaeGSS Tue oles ss teal aga) IAT AS!) 80 OSS360' “S8in08 Fl 16Cilisens eareeeCOCl eae oe LOAM newer | ASG ligne ene OD ie POP Gea | pais SOD pa eea|ioe stake cee ee g ‘43 | 09 OOMOL 298) "00 2Fr-28G |meraecwuaen od ne per cmap OLA Hine mes SEO, yo: Olllinn ts aages Dies: G0FZ TIGRSIIGT ABI || s| tsa Aes WAS] 88 008 162; OS MOSGr sScalenoneamnnal od Tee maid LYOVE |en vee = OTN | ee aeenaane Op----~| 00% Ce Reames O Die aamal | P-cckes| =o ep es W 43 | 691 (00)°205:98 SOOM It 2 3C) lineman “od ‘ D “ONIT UM PT poo So Galen ame OCG alan ate op == 10S ae OD pamen |e “T-"" ag MIG AL US | OPT 0 29 G8 OF 8E 8% |-~~----7*---0g “epHlol ay co aaaee 0926 |"-""~ SST PLOT |" ---“s8049Dq7H | OFZ ~ASS8TPitBIN a sal we cep 8 GIN AS ie 0€ €& $8 00 98 8Z]JO 4sB0d 4SOM Sees lees sCon iy leat HOS Ne-scuasqaeen wieer.| =e | eee [ete | sl Be Pek as gee are SoS ay iui e “od suLo “YIDT 5 Cae |e LOOT 2a erate sie O's 9) (paar A Gl: ST ticle pai | eae ne anit 20 Ve naeee ae | ana ae at ions | LOG ear Sao ae eral ae vga OGL: 700g ‘od Setnaa-SOVO0L|mawsan ay ASClp aasee aaa ODa amano “""O86r ‘g ‘snV GPI-OST|" "7 ~~ Ss ODi ngren Ove] Give: ence ae ““"od GRE eae a LOVOOM pas qese oe WiLL Ce| Ras Game OD ies 99 ““"SE6T 'T any OP TESST |iemanens O Di cneganO Tact OhV. ener od ‘0d Be as ee Z6£99 Sore OLS ae OD eae: CSL gliae ane OD ease .G=G8) | erm OD aaemaan: CT) V2 se ene cians od Pee hee erode ¢ fap tent Romeo at NO ‘sia z pe roca C2169 ||s5 ae oe AISENO Ten ame TIT 04272A | 682 TRE COLR CCE OC tallges onl es. twee ete 0Z-ST ~ABg Bposuey-ejosuvy, |‘vjosuey-vjosuey, PS pal SEROUS ae eo aD Gal CMON Nn CETC|" aa alr SOROR “TMU | Ge Glo sar ne Ra ae [ek al om Pee Ge ee ale oso pay? *SpUuvysT 50 Cite TR ae ee SOLGOS gam Calas” OD a Suet sik ee: oe OD a= eel aos SSo:8) lcs SIBIIY OUI M JO pue NI | od eI “SPUBIS] SIBILY 5 ROGiEe” Pill a aa CoCOORy ae a Olle eee ODT LOG we gil wae 1 ae Oe alae a er te GS OGM 03 Ave | od *podxq sod a Fl -Bde[Bp yooousy |-~77 7-77 O° “a = & EAST ea III 042}2A | 99% Sa PEO lane LeIAIM wa: [coe sae ST ees Oo Avq Jo o10ys ‘g |~~~-ABg ueReIeg ee ee I TQRSOR | ae eT ae ASS" 10 MOSENT Geer ee al ee EC ae ae all as ES Se le eae a ee en O[[Tuezue yy qo ‘ped a -xq soseduey 3 yooouury =“ yoR ‘Aeq pus pe ae LOI SRE LOS Le)? Se STOGO) | ise cmmnae Cee Soma CDiaecaam Were. RIES Se aass (ODges ae | cece sell eee ae ae OL esBi01joue meomlad ieee OCT) “vq pus & ee ae OZTCOM Sten ae s ATF aoe saan ae Ope eS (AKG APSO Tea) 28 TAI | cece | wacmatn seek ae GS SYOOI aUIGM WeoMjog | -- od ha ‘od ‘govdeieo : ‘ooslee a pO GUS cig | Sree 21089 | jO juetUseI |---- Ope Ss Got PaCGOl RE eso Nia ics oe males eee Me OG Man = || ee! a eee ae et ‘Avg vjyjeovuey, <_< £0 Gist > cag oer GOKGOR | meme a Teal eam == Opi > GéT fa SP CO led ake fal or ee ee ee Ssiec ees ap |Reek a. Avg imydng |~ “pussy aoe iP ol I S . ieee al oe gge69 | I Jo “Bey ‘A g |----- ORg sa. 631 FS MPeOL CMM lic: ail> ae = a ae ae SIStl- = je ee Avg oyremyyeig [~~~ od i oy) so fa -sdejep yooouey |--~- "> 2160 |pamm nee Tell nn ae IIT 042)2A | €&T SSP eOIecP Le Cal aro? lcs Bae eee Re OCS eee RS Sea eb Cee tpn “SpuBl[st ee oo nga OS#89 | -” fr AS Onl GOA OFT IN FET@ | Secs Bern s beer DEBT AGO Ten ee gE So eae nemo | eerste pen” || Ren se Oc Seam al SBUIIVYT Sols aH *podxqy soz RR -edejep yooousH |~--~- "~~~ OAC ae AOL YLT |--- III 04270A | Ll] Rear CO CS Alen | een | ae goa ee ee GC-Ok = ||eearees a 9[SI punol’ [TV | PURIST [OqesyT Q 00 T& 601] 00 90 & eee RR Tl OD Se ara Wee aaa me AValcan eae Co) Oe ESTEE LOE [ = taxa picked ah ip || Sie pa See | ee aaa an 04 Oeuf ep abkeaiets aeOGL im 00 9€ 601} 00 00 & i eee ee el ae OD REC SI. Gir ace iy OlglP a. ane ODS ae ST OGuC |e mec CO holler liana a “sjuomsely YOOY | 9% QORIGE ROOT MOO COmSon nnn anes od 7 10g *podxy “spony Dp STE |p LT CS lls Mamata eo OSD | ATO. ONE Ca) acta 0 ayaa eh T say coon ULI fee RCC Tse ac C1 77 | aceite ae ee | (OR at | eee eee nen | Rn ne 4g odep yO et ee eh calcite. aes GOQ0DS ie sien Oils Ga | anne ssougpgVy |- BROT SCsSOTAL a co cee yee ae ace ee ag ef ae ie | ec a |e Pater od © “ZO'W 19ST | OP =62L% ee ~ aes SOT, (IMMA G eae Ae lessees aes eagGOle ec OUND panna | meng cern canton pte aera: co || AODT DINGO a She TOY || Raaeetemanen OG ‘uosdu10y,L, 19}x0q “sppoys uo ‘Ao pci raeies a) LoaTe |LOG ty |e nee |e OCG Teel TOU Ce |brae cecil sion ona eae CF-01 pvoyiesd07T Jo'N ‘lurg |------ od WaT Bsr i ac a eee KAT Poe ce eee eres oe Rat IU re 2 eka See ters ei erve ate “£onq pel Rc reeens y ors a oP 91 ee § "AS "510: |; 06 te ‘ON JO‘Q ‘lulz ynoqgy |-"-""""""""0q *D140)]]20 ‘(ey jo ‘Aoy peey1es30'T Bee ga Sees ACT lee ODIs, aa Pele. --9z6l ‘II sung |--""-""] -D4p YL “AMI | pUo ye G-g| Jo “| ‘jeuUBYD SssOIDy |~~~-~"----"0d Fipeaeer iS TP PITT OS Mcrae Nee 26 Vie OULD [es | aeeeenans | nen nennCe cn aie| Panes SPREE “Jooy osnoy ys] 10jNQ |---- == od Peet ae (DJe|RAODUS GSE ETc |p aware = | Egmeeeacies MAP COD oa 2 case | mica cane aca |) | Deceit Pens eRe anal | Coie ‘eppoIp “onq jouueyD Pons A Sains fe | GRO eam yOGele wes nro aPCO le Oba LUVe | pmamnnal ie nlenammmS SL On | 0G “MS JO°S ‘fal 6 “340 V fn ‘HOS ‘ne pease AaTsSyle||p-1a DUS Eanes fall sees oc al aaa tel | an ee OD MCAOL Ce Seay --qsoqy, AO JO'G ‘IU OL | -BId sofeyinog SULOYIDT ee ea Sie PAGO TH Ee | pee SS PRS TH Ve BROT. | aes a | eel Feo e ccecet sine Sees. pe ne areal eal OS 41 Cle ELS cia | nemmnmnemaraal|p CEO Tn OG) STAD | rami neriain | ness nS et Sn jae paces Stec soso errs so | OU BO SLE sO 100 “mOS ace anni Loe | PeaO DUO Mec tomes. co pig en akr OG 1 heeaciery ot ieee cee oes aaa acer G2) sare eer UIverys JIN) |” Tm FO :VaIUNOT 7] ie oe SOC. oN fy eee UL SN Ae eal tee eae Sh (a4 Gate pe CA i Samco Fer ee eel iim Geel | ese mc SUEAENUN/OAEAhO) “diqsjqsrT yno -f00T “HSH TUL Gz iVNIIOUVO HLYON ‘N 2Pn4HoT DIaUL fo j8D09 91)UD SULOYPD i Oo unt 0 “M “N einy epnyisuoy | epnqyey sueujoedg 104091199 013849 aed -eied m10340q qydeq Ayo, ue u ssuliveg penuyu0g—tpireq sgopokg fo paurwoza por1ajvpy—'FL ATAV I], 233 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA psa ssng *pedxq SDULOT, THESE. a Sle ee Se PT COOLS) oo ee aoe Tes AT Te S| Remar a ét “SnIN MOssyudoD) |eecss saa T SLOFG ee eat | re ea 61 LT ANCE Sao 0 tiiisaeree pass éI DAS | oon ame éT S000 Name few SS) LT LOGO ie eee) nea eee ar OT *puvls[ COUSPIAOIG Piece S8ONJ00] Ps \aa.. oe GPSS) Geb sed Veltri | DIO MV AG NV Eero) “puv[sy eo age ODEcae lel “STB IMCL ASIA imar Salo (Sar Len TEES eS: IESE fo a was ak ea Me ee a NUBOTO da SOM Va Ly gi *pedxay ena -Uy-sOopeqd -IVG BAOT *10qIBAL SATE) 409819) lee om socal |e aoa ce STG Ls | aca mel Soe Cr eee dae | Sa en | a nee ia eee ae YSI[ZUq :VADILNY Ba en een earls ea Soa eB ae sa SS Ce Tea ee er ee | a RE AG Bee | eee aS VLOM RLS Suey IODE CNEL (a ae aa emal (pont GOSTe OSG fea tere calico roars baa Ae Cocteau > in| | kamek eet td cra “| g0u0g :Ooly oLuang “YosyIBE, “SOUdT[CIT puvuosiopusH |~-7 77777774777 PIO COUN LS Baan ve loaee “"""9T "g ‘OD | &-Z “-“"soseAvT OABD ‘ddo |} soseavy jooy :vang ‘podxg vur “Bye VMOT “STIOM SATUS (OTRYSE | isomer al inna COSTE CICA TILGS | ceunaees| aacuapccmenee nate nea Or Ae Style noaaes seein Sar ate a qstuvdg ‘svNVHVg *I0qIVAL “TY MDET YS |SBTL BLOG Tec Cyst OO I sae sen ~Aps | 86 00 OL €8 | 00 €& 9% SHOE BO rare snduni) |\6608 ““688T ‘LT “IVIL | 99 “""--"" GG “HIG “S 13412 00 6F 28100 #0 92 |-owedeD Jo "M 234 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Subfamily MATUTINAE ALCOCK Matutidae Dana, United States Exploring Expedition, Crustacea, pt. 1, p. 394, 1852; pt. 2, p. 1427, 1853. Matutinae Aucock, Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, vol. 65, p. 139, 1896. Merus of external maxillipeds elongate and acute, entirely conceal- ing the palp in repose. Legs natatorial. (Alcock). Genus HEPATUS Latreille Hepatus LatTrREILLE, Histoire naturelle... des Crustacés, vol. 8, p. 22, 1802 [type, H. princeps (Herbst) =H. angustata Fabricius]. Hepathus Lamarck, Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertébres, vol. 5, p. 267, 1818 (type H. calappoides Lamarck). Hepatulus ** Fow.rr, Ann. Rept. New Jersey State Mus., 1911, p. 590, 1912 (type, H. fasciatus Latreille). Carapace broad, convex, regularly arcuate in front, strongly narrow- ing behind; hepatic regions very large, branchial regions very small. Front narrow, straight or nearly so, rather prominent, and situated above the level of the lateral border of carapace, which is prolonged beneath the orbits to join the margin of buccal cavity. Orbits small, circular, on a level with front. Antennulae very oblique. Antennae at inner angle of orbit. Buccal cavity very narrow forward and tri- angular, extending as far as level of lower border of orbits and entirely covered by outer maxillipeds, of which the merus is triangular and has straight inner margin, under which are concealed the following segments. Chelipeds strong, and when flexed fit closely against lower surface of body. Hands with a superior crest, fingers inclined a little downward and inward. Ambulatory legs smooth, unarmed. Georgia to Brazil; west and south Africa; East Indies; west Mexico to Chile. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF THE GENUS HEPATUS A!, Sixth segment of male abdomen smooth. B!. Front advanced beyond line of suborbital cavities. C1. Carapace covered with small spots. Front bidentate. -princeps(p. 235) C?. Carapace covered with large spots. Front truncate_epheliticus(p. 238) B?. Front not advanced beyond line of suborbital cavities. Cara- pace covered with narrow arcuate stripes of color. Two large tubercles on fourth abdominal segment of male_kossmanni (p. 239) A?. Sixth segment of male abdomen not entirely smooth. B!. Front scarcely advanced beyond line of suborbital cavities. No teeth on posterior margin. Sixth segment of male abdomen with a median terminal tubercle._________ chiliensis (p. 244) B?. Front advanced; suborbital cavities not visible from above. A prominent tooth near either end of posterolateral margin. Segments 1-6 of male abdomen tuberculate__lineatus (p. 246) 4 Substituted for Hepatus Latreille, 1802, a name preoccupied by Gronow, 1763, for a genus of fishes. In 1925 Gronow’s name was rejected by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (Smith- sonian Mise. Coll., vol. 73, no. 3, opinion 89). 4% In pl. 70, fig. 1, the carapace of H. princeps is tipped backward. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 235 ANALOGOUS SPECIES OF HEPATUS ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE CONTINENT ATLANTIC PaciFric princeps. kossmanni. HEPATUS PRINCEPS (Herbst) PuaTE 70, Ficures 1, 2 ? Cancer thorace latiusculo convexo laevi, undique emarginato crenato, postice con- tractiore peded non contegente; manibus cristalis Gronovius, Zoophylacium, vol. 2, no. 960, p. 223, 1764 (type locality, Martinique; type not located). ? Cancer pudibundus Hersst, Versuch einer Naturgeschichte der Krabben und Krebse, vol. 1, p. 199, 1785; after Gronovius. Cancer princeps Hrrsst, Versuch einer Naturgeschichte der Krabben und Krebse, vol. 2, p. 154, pl. 38, fig. 2, 1794 (type locality, ‘‘Ostindien’’; type not extant). Calappa angustata Fasricius, Supplementum entomologiae systematicae, p. 347, 1798 (type locality, American Ocean; type not extant). Hepatus fasciatus LATREILLE, Histoire naturelle . . . des Crustacés, vol. 5, p. 388, 1803 (type locality, American Ocean; type not extant). Hepathus calappoides Lamarck, Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertébres, vol. 5, p. 268, 1818 (type locality, Antilles; type not located). Hepatus angustatus Dana, U. S. Exploring Expedition, Crustacea, p. 394, pl. 25, fig. 2, 1852.—Hewier, Reise der ésterreichischen Fregatte Novara, p. 69, 1865. Hepatus tuberculatus Saussurn, Mém. Soc. Phys. Nat. Hist. Genéve, vol. 14, p. 451 [35], pl. 2, figs. 9, 9a, 1858 (type locality, Guadeloupe; type in Geneva Mus.). Hepatus princeps von Martens, Arcb. fiir Naturg., vol. 38, pt. 1, p. 112, 1872. Ratupun, Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1900, vol. 20, pt. 2, p. 86, 1901. Diagnosis.—Carapace covered with transverse lines or small spots. Front bidentate, definitely advanced beyond the line of the suborbital cavities; lower margin of cavities slightly arcuate. Last three seg- ments of abdomen smooth. Description.—Anterior margin of front thick, obtuse, slightly bidentate. The line descending obliquely from the external orbital angle to anterior border of carapace is marked with a few granules chiefly on the lower half. Anterolateral margins divided into 12 or 13 teeth more or less rectangular, denticulate on their margins and not projecting. About 8 transverse rows of granules on dorsum. Outer face of hands with five rows of tubercles, exclusive of the marginal ones. Dactyli with a coating of fur, except for a narrow, smooth line on either side. Color.—Pale yellowish brown, with dark brown transverse lines, or transverse series of spots; legs subochreous, with one or two large purplish blotches in each joint. (Dana.) Measurements.—Male (24068), length of carapace 58, width 84 mm. Range.—Georgia to Brazil; west Africa; Cape of Good Hope (Herklots); Kast Indies (Herbst). Material examined.—See table 75, pages 236. 80232—37——16 ‘drqsiepoyag wooeg ou0qg “438 Joe mM | SIO |S S'S | 9TaS TM |e AG Tec | aie | Pe TG Ree skits "yur G26 TG DE Vin | nae eli sees ee tae ee ak | aes ae | pee eB . a, ent Zo wigs | 8 ges | uae ote see) a ae ergs ere roca aa evar = “ZO W Eee xt L 4a)8SDFT pe ie ed el eel e Sete Silas re Sad | ae ee escccnescee|eennneenne none OF = dcnosanatenee | es"; De ae ae ee lage PF ce a a Saleen ne Veg kt ate 2 = = : we tek Cee ee eS Se Roe Re a Rae EE Se Sie ee OSUeL Op O1Y =BIOWOX RALIBE [son coe ZROOe la oeet eer Te lzpo a a eiojdgxy 4 yWaeH Z8S0F 6TL I UNG UGB Ue, ees ei (eo ce LL.-QL8T [7-77 a Ge Sega oat 3 S| ee Ee, Sales a Se oll Race ; 8 eigeg ‘eurlojeie[q Z Se ae ‘S apnjzoT T1IZVU = ; od 777 MOG69 | cas SWaOME"G: linmaay caees OD gay sal merle SICRUC a sor ose cee oc alec a a AVAIMS *[OIg “pueiq Sere Te | Op ae a a eed Oe a vis maruoeus areclesoo---“annee. [eescs-—o- aime | nam ee |e soeeee="""1"""KVG TUVAIVSAHHD OTS OGaeLe. | Qe Sh: eects oc ch ¥0 82] 00 19 ge 04 ---1voq odvp JO 00 €0 82] 08 6F & “qovog OLLFASIUSTIM OPE CeC Ole 1G. CBilane ee od OUSSZE OLS) ON TS 98 |=-om7F==3 od OT Scaed2, [eG Teeicece) | percccoence ocr OFme re mGdel GZe\1g- OB [222752 °"= od OOLsGCaRCVE OSs 12. GGil-“sseSnase od "SB10} O€ OZ G4) 08 GZ Se | 48H edeDp FO :YNIIOUVO HLYON Aa den. Wiad oO “AM iy epnyisuoy | opnyyeyT AY[B00'T ssulieeg snorpyeyde snyedey fo paurwopza Jvr1wajppyy—"9), HTAV J, 241 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA *Sd1I0} -v10qe'l “101g uveqqueg wo \ Bplolg Wolg Se aE eee eee AP “SnyL “mOTyN4yI}sUy a1FeuIwQ JO IID “sABp € Ul 00Z weyy e10oul peulejqo |~~~"~---~ O61SS latte él “--""T AMD LiTaO Meee eee a soe ae aac Ee ae ae eee GPa Tse cae ate Ta | ood ame o> | ee ere OOXO| D7 *Alloquesintg weer ener seser= I af AIBN “SIT I ee ee ag ag ae a eh Nae ced | ect pela a Cae eeepc | SRA c, | | cs ener cana | A ea ne Re “ASEGO sndiog ae----- BuIRO Tele ae AOAC CSU OIA Uicea cesea coe ce mags Tose | ARS Ro camer ea | ees Mall CU fe ae me cea | ee OTRO ATED) ‘SVX, “mos anon Ses Slee PUNY MA e UL ANd ae ona | OCB AOULOIN Gs |'semrn ane aiinc miami: “Seca a] pein |fccia > ence |g Guerre eee meee Ol STs DUGLE) “purl ee ee Oils LOUIS IBMOIG) |< """ eu [9 PT ‘20rT wo-------- SOL BDUBMOLUIPPerpalss, Sessa leone in tunes Saale Bee Bal Eee a ee “yovog YjNog |" puvjs] BIsByseuy BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 242 ‘OPI urUT Z'9¢ |--snyt Ul[eg |-----~---7----- fe RAONTUTAM UNTO ic sssr so-so [es ears oc mallocr oe soca |iea ee aes aoe he | ee eee |e -NMONHNOA ALITVOO'T SSRSEs= se FLUSH Re Te sDOUI OUD dell TOLMER ake 8 ee aaa tee eal ane cen eee el nee Pane mee aE See ee ea VOLUN VE ‘AB BURT ‘OUI0 ef -JU] [op woog :oIT -guoureue WIM Z |------7-- Bipool|psess ae Aig: Maiti eaten 4-57-- 2 oe ZB 1 GOs | Psp cgaese ae ee eaaee aae ae e e -daddyY NVOININOG SM UMUOG) |raecrs sacs TEAL OUSESNY AAA [10 Cm lsc miles win eae cite eam fenemm scam a P| Ua | aise sen | aia a van *solsoYst,q JO neong “gS “9 “e[0o Wolg ‘sdv1y -esueg ~=‘'00 “Ayovedueg YS eee UO 1G eee GSPOON ienwteamne oe é6T | USla LO STG SAV | 5 eect iae i | ome ZEOTACTCATIE |p amuenaman||pon mance ene ate W GZ 00 O€ 26 | 00 OF 61} J9 JINH ‘-oolxayy 8 Ene eprine pny eT syIvul0yzy ‘ON S0pRIVO suetoodg 104091109 mone a1eq oe m101}0g Cae Ayye00rT ssuliee g ponutzu0g—snoryoyde snyedey fo paununxa pp1lajopy—'"9), ATAVY, 243 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA ‘od Wee cs OZZ69) ig sae ae K: Cal a eae OD amma {OG lites era OLF69"|Saaaeoe as SSit| ems os a pr ODE ‘Oar Wes OTZE0 eee teres - a asa Opras “TIEYS JOS L T S0GIif |e ee os STE Z60) lee nese Ate men ODS Vaan *podxg soz -ede[ey yooousH |~~-----"~ GL COON a mage hoa ers TIT 043704, Sa TGCS ale ae ts Crap IDIOMA ON Sa ee PORB9 |-- ~~~" ST [77 "Wosqoy ‘ad “A cera gece GLLOP. las eae Ole ce we OP name Cea 012% ieee Pam enrol O Das ae SZ OL WNMOLEOS | aanoe ake Wes2s-<-3 pesrraens 62122 a prey. SOG eles ta acs CO080)1|a- ae omen ASOD | Ramin char os ODatara *pedxq sos -edelen yooouey | 11269 52 Ss AS naa aes III 042704, io uo euOmIUe [T | - ODiEsoos rhe Ta OUT ee llc dee we op" *podx a iSUOESOUOUIOU BE 74 ean ort O Degen aa yo 6ZLT}] JOHI0IQ §‘vODZT ‘$s WY, IO) |sn OT | "euUeH “d “p SyIVUIIY ‘ON dO[RIBO susujoedg 10499[[0D “SBUI[Rg pus peyWeqiT VT woonjog “S apngyyoT :woavaog ens ee pus], veuosI0NH *soque “11109 odep ‘Avg eviIqeo ‘VIAHOTOO -------2+-|---------------|------|--------------|------)------------|------------|------------------ sureueg w0r}848 FECL.G: = GOs oscil) Saou ome: See seas ODsaapal tae ac ln LOLI PEGE LL “Oma so alee sIIqop “JA FEGLsch SOS Melle gles woe WwW PCOTe Glo Hallie = a 4| 5 eee aoa cennas Saar oe ODS sana sz|ecire as AG ODgeaaales alkene us 888T ‘08 “ABIL [7-7 W ‘ua COOTSC TRONS | eee leo cnn ons amme PLOTS. LOGE ‘Sho SAG a=" F& lesen ee UL ANOCG Val case BI[CqvoByey JO" AMA |-7 simyoeg Jo Avg :nudd *podxg sosedelep yooouvH | 90269 |--~~~7~ BST | tena TTL 01978A\ 1) 606, \sPE6T Bie Geale. - a | caest ee aie | ecm a OI-8 |" -eUe(q 3g JUIOg JO"N [7-7-7777 peyeqry] BI :woavaog “St! apnzyoT “IepUes 09 peuINjey |~-~-----|-- 7-77 GP alesse OP eal Pam E61 CAONT lies car | Sa. asc cacao etre | ee ae POS PIG |'ss5-2s27 ss eee B0}10J, 8069 |---AZLT |-Wosqoy ‘qd ‘gq |----7" EEG Fe OOGE IE: tee liter. gee ae aR Oc ae || Coeeeeete SUISpe1d |~ pURySs] es0qzR,y, ‘emoZuByO ‘pedxg sosvdeley yoooueH | ¢0z69 [~~~ ~~~ Ol Cae III 04979A | OSZ | F86L ‘tS “G9q |---- SUS DBOp -ialevee: OG) | seemaay sie dnoiz Jo ‘g |- ~~~-"~----" "spueys] sBveg IVNVYNVd ‘ON 30 wor} OE S¥IVMEYy “BBO sueuaedg 10409199 -84g Chutes -bied m10340q suloyye Ssuliveg Ay[B00'T -WO,L suelAniod viayeday fo pautwmnxa Jo1sajDP[—'08 AAV], *pedxg “OOSIOUBI AT sosedeyep yoooury |-~-~---- ~~ COL6ORI" gaa co ce MST Sees ee TIT 043] | $1 PSOE EE “GOW ae sae alee aw UW zs ~""syo01 1v9U ZUISPOIG, | UBg sd¥D :uoavaAIg “ATU () 9[BA *edAyojoH | ‘sn, Apoqveg |~--~7"~---7--- LO]: || aee> aan ac Se oa | | epee al eas SR aero | GE Ba | RETR eS al AT eee UE ea| es euleueg (OG selec er TO2698| Geos aae aes Logie Roan aoe = wate ODmen aa SZ lees a OD sss 3 acta selodyjmN | et = |77777 Anois Jo" AA puw'g |~~~spUBIs]T sBIag “pedx gq “ACq sosedeep yooouvy |-~------ ~~~ GOZ6O | sac aur same ANG) Somes aa ne “JIT 919194, | 64% FOE COMO: | eumen a 3 oats OZ-ST | JO “g OTS! JO episynO |~-epuoy viqeg *suvozoAiq pus *AOAING seqn} WOM Wy ‘lOlg UWeImOsyyIUIg pejsnioue Ajesiey |-~--~----- ~~ CRECSE | naa ae eannne LT | “puvlqepltH 2 Hoel |---777~ CIOL TUBA lines cme eee cea ee lee alee Gage ah bE cee mE “euleued Op ONT :VAVNVd “SPUBIST SIBIIT S0Giegs | Be eee L0Z695| Soe: cane ae Oi OG 4| Saetormna tat coe OD araiem $9Z PEG (CeLaAle\exomimen |e eet sae &% UUM JO “MM pus *g |--~Avg UByeIOg ae Reiger rca 80269 | - ae Te | Sagi esac ee ) Cea Glo PEO CATs pores eae cane ce-co | pee PSPIAEN BO. | Avg sy yeovuay, spedxqe «|||; Ses - ACT eee ees oe feed tee ie = “O[sI sees = sosedeen a orc60 --(‘BIAOT) 6 } III 94077A | 226 | FEET “9 “ABIN, S¢-OT (pare Ie Sane PES ee aeel LOO0IXATL worn Geil suIO SYIVMY ‘ON B0[B48O sueutloedg 104091109 an eed -eied | u10}j0gq ssuliveg AYROO'T “81S -W10 1, “yey wore voyedoyy fo pauzwnxa yoiajppy—'6), HTAV I, 250 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM ANALOGOUS SPECIES OF OSACHILA ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE CONTINENT ATLANTIC PAcIFIc antillensis. gala pagensis. OSACHILA TUBEROSA Stimpson PLATE 77, FIGURE 3 Osachila tuberosa Stimpson, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 2, p. 154, 1871 (type localities, five stations among the Florida reefs, 36-68 fathoms; cotypes not extant).—A. Miung Epwarps, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 8, p. 20, 1880 (part; specimen from Sombrero, 54 fathoms).—RarTugun, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, vol. 4, p. 290, 1898 (part; specimen from Station 24); Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 50, pp. 647, 649, pl. 36, fig. 3, 1916.—Hay and SHors, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fisheries, vol. 35 (1915-16), p. 423, pl. 31, fig. 10, 1918.—A. Minne Epwarps and Bouvinr, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 47, p. 304 (part), not pl. 4, fig. 4, 5, 1923.—Boons, Bull. Bingham Oce- anogr. Coll., vol. 1, p. 48, 1927 (part; not antillensis or semilevis). Diagnosis. —Carapace not eroded all over; posterolateral margin thin-edged, armed with triangular teeth, the first one, which is situ- ated at the lateral angle of the carapace, projected sideways beyond the anterolateral margin; fourth or last tooth prominent, larger than the two preceding. Cardiac region rounded behind. Upper margin of palm tridentate, proximal tooth bifid. Description.—Six large protuberances on carapace: One mesogas- tric, one metagastric (paired), one cardiac, one mesobranchial (paired). Protuberances and lateral margins finely eroded, as if worm-eaten. Lobes of front thick, separated by a deep closed or narrow button- hole fissure. Anterolateral margin (continued toward the buccal cavity) finely dentate. Posterolateral margin with four larger teeth or lobes, including the one at lateral angle. Maxillipeds, sternum and bases of legs below, eroded. Chelipeds eroded; upper margin of manus tridentate, outer surface covered with reticulating ridges and 8 or 9 tubercles. Margins of legs thin, punctate. Color.—Sand color with reddish cast, white below, claws and legs white. (Henderson.) Measurements.—Female (8746), length of carapace 18.2, width 20.2 mm. Range.—North Carolina to Florida; 40 to 65 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 81, page 252. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 951 OSACHILA SEMILEVIS Rathbun Puatse 77, FIGURE 1 Osachila semilevis Ratupwun, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 50, p. 652, pl. 36, fig. 1, 1916 (type locality, Gulf of Mexico, 25 fathoms; type, U.S.N.M. no. 17851).— Hay and Suore, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fisheries, vol. 35 (1915-16), p. 422, pl. 31, fig. 9, 1918. Diagnosis —Differs from OQ. tuberosa as follows: Carapace smooth except on elevations; posterolateral margin much shorter than anterolateral; thick, with rounded lobes, the first or lateral lobe projecting sideways equally with the adjacent anterolateral tooth, the last lobe prominent. Elevation between cardiac and meso- branchial elevations absent or insignificant. Outer surface of manus with five rows of tubercles; teeth on upper margin simple. Measurements —Female (17851), length of carapace 11.3, width 12.8 mm. Range.—North Carolina to northwest Florida; 13 to 27 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 82, page 253. OSACHILA ANTILLENSIS Rathbun Puate 77, Figure 2 Osachila antillensis RatuBun, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 50, p. 650, pl. 36, fig. 2, 1916 (type locality, off Habana, 114 fathoms; type, U.S.N.M. no. 9503). Osachila tuberosa A. Mitne Epwarps and Bouvinr, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 47, pl. 4, figs. 4, 5, (part), 1923. Diagnosis.—Differs from OQ. tuberosa as follows: Carapace eroded all over; posterolateral margin thick, with rounded lobes, the first or lateral lobe not projecting sideways beyond the anterolateral margin. Cardiac region not broadly rounded behind but narrowed and con- tinued backward almost to a point. Proximal tooth on upper margin of manus trifid; outer surface covered with irregular blunt tubercles, reticulating on lower half. Measurements —Female holotype (9503), length of carapace 19, width 21.6 mm. Range.—West Indies; 67 to 164 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 83, page 255. 80232—37——17 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Ge Zin) NINFOSG) |e nae eS STN COS CLUALT Se AA Cs of] 67 | cm | me aa | Ol ane ncn ee CQ et aN ee | Pe pebe eal nem np BplOly “M “STTTAL ooo CURT a | pate st Oe ee OC GG) al eecas = amen GECOTe AOULUITGN sano are | eens ae aeaeetes | )P-OPs men memebers baeeniae wn oor men SANIT DOCS Pee GEEST |--- A KSY I-77 bnduaip |\-----1609 |~ “6881 ‘TTB | 89 “Ug “H1q “§ “OUy | 6F Of Ie €8| ST O09 Gz |~~~~~ sBBNzI0T, JO’ MN soseeeeee- CIRRO a eee e ot (ae cae cee Op seer ler =e sens ae ene er peso scons esepsshog. Sescensases-"|pao 978 ="= henpoay Alc Wa0}20 AAO wrecccee-- SEOOP AR at aT: 928 ee OD tears [oF aes te | se OTETCABIAL [noo ran aaron coe eee THOP pe ee ee a voveons*" ho PUBS “qq 31] oy gs tgs a GS6LE |" ~~ ~--BIAOST Pre a eg eas | eae eae lg tee Cee ee ee [MED TE |S arama (nhs cepa ohh Star NOL Ts) “pedxg Soeeone OLOGOs mx ACTORE Osh | RO MOT ATO C10IG cs cae oC. iCOSIMOU CURE lar or nn | pamaanannaeamcnes|OOW 9 Gian names ailutnler i ni|nncumasss SO MEAO MEO Saas OCR. Faineeeiesaa= Cig: (ee LOSTODUOTT ¢ Gun ie sa |" oar coerce (ar ed SOMA OLN 5 Zia O SSN COC onieaen eae ST jWosduys MM ‘ayong |- 4880 WIG |-~~SL8T “GID rn DG) ed epee ca eee | gare rar eee eee a Se “TO OPLB JOT ST [oom s80s9ng py |---- "69S |" F8BT “ET “990 | LL “""g "Hq “A “s10 | 8p 00 SO G2 | 08 ZI gE |--~~sB10}3eH edeD FO iis eae Foes :VNITOUVO HLYON “M 'N em} suo | 9PMYUSU0T | epnqyeTy SHIVUIOY ‘ON 30[880 suemedg 10309[[09 01819 eyed sane 110340 Wea Ay[eoo'T -Ul Pt ab A uh ssuliesg 252 BSO1ogny BIyoVsCQ fo pauunxa Jor11aIVPY—'T WAV 253 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA “ed AJO[OH | TS8LT £0c8T POZST [Bly UIBEg | 10989 ‘od 99499 ‘od 0S#99 ‘od goH99 "1014N414SU] eIdeuIB) JO 4D | 6FP99 L019 SZ0TS SyIBMEYy 20] 0% "8S a ee ae ssolng7y | &L&z COST ae tlencoro| es een eras’ cee ee OO &@ ST 62 $8 | 00 FI 62 eoecteee sgn SOLO wl OSkTISe ABTA SO=: |tccust co ae eeztvV "S| 42 | 00 IT €8| 00 61 9% -------- snduvipy | 620¢ | 6881'S “IB | 89 |~-------"""dg "xq ‘seus | 2% | 00 10 £81 08 FE GZ ‘0 "N 4A 'N 0} ‘TUL 45% HW 82 “HN cee-c- ymoyy ysty | 9BLL CIGINZR UCLA: ceecl> case eo te ee cools eee ON ok ODUEAh) Boog “HES “LOGIT er as -----oprt----|---77--| ezer ‘Ig oung |---""~] ‘ON Ysg Joddeus Avis uy |----~"| AO pa JO “9 ‘Tw y *ZUIPURT satis s tort roprrrt-|-nnn--7| pe ZT “BMV [7-77-77 | 77" ppawzozT pues syooy |~---~~| wosseyor 4IOq IWIN *‘sBsny wn2e22---9p----- (hide eee OD ease slaeeaalces “u10}40q Jeddvus poy | 8ST | 107, JO "g ‘Turg ynoqy “soduodg “qqrmryos “TM | 912 | $26I ‘TT eung |-----~ wey “US “§ “43 “810 | 0% |---~sesNIIOL, Jo “g “TUT L ereeneeeee op-----| gZ6za|"eler ‘ez ‘3deg | 9£ «= |---- "77 GS 00'S [AFT | OF €% 22] 00 90 FE wae--- ynozy ysnr | OS6La|-"EI6I ‘2 °90eg | T8 |--~-7---- "US “0D | BT | 08 49 92] 00 & FE ‘To “f é ° “ é ° ein} Sana Cry are m0} i suo ’ WO1}99] [0D BIg eye. } a 110340 “Wey ssullVog eae pee as s sv[q ueg eden JO Ser sar sos PURIST [PQIUBE JO "AM ie roe hee S$BgN}10,,, JO'N Ka ee ci ae epuBly Boog JO Pt ae ake tae ee ee, $8304.10], :VaIUuol gy *10qIVy qaojneeg yo spunols SuIYysIy “lOqIV]Z Jlojynveg JON sojlu zg ‘spunoid surysi7 :VNIIOUVO HLUON Ay[B00T St ee SS ee) eS ee ee ee SIAQ[IUIOS BIIIVsO fo pausupxa JLdaMjyY—'ZB ATAV I], 954. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM OSACHILA GALAPAGENSIS Rathbun PLATE 82, Ficure 5; Puate 83, Figure 3 Osachila galapagensis RATHBUN, Proc. Biol. Soe. Washington, vol. 48, p. 3, 1935. Type locality—Wenman Island, Galapagos Islands, 100-150 fath- oms; Hancock Galapagos expedition, holotype, female (69215). Diagnosis —The two largest branchial elevations are more exten- sive than in antillensis. Tubercles of palm sharper. Margins of ambulatories distinctly dentate. Description.—Anterolateral margin with sharp denticles, three of which project beyond the others; the first and second of these termi- nate narrow, transverse ridges. The highest and largest branchial elevation is continued to the gastric region, its posterior slope divided by a wavy line of punctae, subparallel to posterior margin. Besides the tubercle at the posterior corners of the cardiac region there is a pair at the anterior corners, nearer together, narrow, oblique, and pointing backward and inward. Sides of terminal segment of female abdomen curved outward, not straight as in antillensis. Tubercles of palm and fingers acute and fairly well separated. Six or seven acute teeth on lower margin of palm. The thin edges of the ambu- latory legs—merus, carpus, and propodus—are cut into numerous projecting teeth. Measurements.—Female (69215), length 20.6, width 24.7 mm. Range.—Galapagos Islands, 10 to 150 fathoms. Material examined.—See table 84, page 255. OSACHILA LEVIS Rathbun Puate 78, Ficures 3, 4 Osachila levis RATHBUN, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 21, p. 612, 1898 (type locality, off Cape St. Lucas, 31 fathoms; type, U.S.N.M. no. 21598). Diagnosis —Carapace smooth to naked eye. Cardiac lobe single, trilobate in form, broadest in front. Surface of manus covered with coarse tubercles forming about 12 irregular, crowded rows. Description.—Resembling antillensis; metabranchial lobe similar in size and shape; on the inner side of its point a small round lobe. Lobes of carapace coarsely punctate, depressions finely so. Antero- lateral margin dentate in its anterior half only, the longitudinal portion subentire; the four thick posterolateral teeth project scarcely beyond the margin except for the anterior tooth which is directed slightly sideways at the lateral angle of the carapace. Upper margin of manus with three denticulated teeth. Measurements.—Female holotype (21598), length of carapace 19.1, width 21.4 mm. Range.—Mexico to Ecuador; 12 to 60 fathoms. Material eramined.—See table 85, page 256. 255 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA a ‘od F1Z69 |~~~~eoedvied 16% |~~7"---Op7 "> ~~ O61 PEGLL0G. Seales cl |Romeet sakes 09-89 00 O€ 06 | 00 gg 0 |-~"puBisy e[qesiyujopuy YO ‘0d C1 C69 |e cae ee AOI: gees OD be ras SIE | eee ee OD ogee ic a aa eee ee =O) ee | ee teen ea | ae GAO G) RULE || i5 eae aes od ‘od POCEQ Raingear sd meee Oa |i yo sae (0) Vee gcl PECTSG ie LOLs | eeaen linen eae ae OD OS e | Sam eae | te OAO OIE Ol |mecennn aks Penne aol ane “9A0 ‘od GIC697- |e i TAles=ea>s Opr L¥T PEGINGT 2c U [ey ants | eee hee OGsR liner oa ac gram a 9A0D Jo's | snsuy, ‘puLisy o[IvuEq Ty 'S apnqywT *podxqy sozedyey yooousy 70d} St 6 4sosIVy | ¢1z69 |-CSIAOT) 6 PLT | LT 940724 | SFT POCA, SUBD Ss = saaloas ae ee OSS O0 Til eae esate ors || meeenaieiane me a: | eee cee puB[syT UBUITO A Gearle uw ¢-o | iSpuBisy sosedeley—uodvoaog “M N ‘ON 01 ein} epnysuoT | epniney SyIBUIEY 30[ sueuedg 109091109 | pg, eed -veied | woyog |sul0qie Ayrpeoo'T “8480 18 -W19 J, SsulIveg SISUISBAL[VS BIIYOVSO fo pauimnza 1D1a}D].—F8 AAV L ee eee ge eee eg Ope =|e0g; |=" “rop7-7- 15499. [o7777 MB Atd¢0: Mog. |/Gte70 20100 9G att | wee ae ea Tat EZRO MIN C60) ae Osteo my Ge Re “=-"-Op--"""| 7SS | BAST ZS “G98 OP ene ancl Us ‘§ | F9T OOP ET 129) OO Lee Tl | cremains teeta VaYNdupy JO PZRORWECroCuiag Only | ose ee ODE rs tLe | BLST'S “BIN |¥eh9 |--7 ~~ Us AIG °0D 029 | Sy OR 62 | ei) FOGCL |= od OW ZO) IN G6SGy |e en |e eo pal web al a OD ayers 062 GZS 6 TRIAL F602. |= 5 eae ae Ws ‘s °9D | &Z OF MSEa 69) PoE ose): |memeeene anne ““"“sodvaduvg JO ZO MINE CCOGE | aeret ORs [Sho MRE cree a ae ees OD aan c6T 6281 ‘08 “UBL |HeE9 [-- W ‘S ‘9Uj |} SET ZG ate Ge LOM | Oc 22: Denis | can aa ae ae od EZ OmINSSOLon | MOlieiCu|Roonn =) ttn oan aaa oS OD mmead LLT 6L81 ‘Fe “UBL CE aes Sala US “X44 '°S | SIT O08 19 ESS ois | Sere cee VOININOd FO SYA 0) W ie ay Ses ae ete OD ass as 9ST 6L8I ‘QI “wer CSDM paeeraees Sa ea 88 Fo Sle Ouch) 1h S90 oes cee LVYUASLNOW JO eae at Se em --aynjg | cSt | 6zgt‘9 “ee | gg |---7-7 US Hq ‘u | str | 0c #9 £9] 99 LE LT |"PeISHoWepe.y YO :X10UO “tg THs SEOBROSs | Garios || hoe aee a, Cae mee pedxy euleyeg BAOT “ATU 03899 |------ COSTINOGMABIAL Sess smlscacr ee De See le cela ee | aa aks oe 1 DE ee eee od ‘ed A}0[OH [7777777777 SORBleeetLon ba sear cat oa) Ops TOES || OSSTG LT eMC, een esl cegranarn 3 OD PiTe|/02= OL 28.!/ Leh Ol. 07 eaeias eeeiee name od ean rarer SO9 Ox pee eer | ca as Vy ees "a5 7ss0ujng7y ||-FS8o |7Q88l-6f “USL |= al" sas 09 ‘YM | 29 Pra She CS | Gri O eC Co | nnmennaannin mens sueqeH YO ‘To {it On\eit apo “vaoO 9iny epniisTon Spam I . syiemoy | ‘ON SopeyeQ | SUOUr 10}09[[09 men a1eq -elod m109}0g sur? z AqBOO'T “pads “B19 “UT, “Ye ssulivog SISUIT[IZUB BIIYOVsC fo paur.wnxra poIMaMyY—'ER TIAV J, BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 256 ‘od ‘od ‘od ‘podxay] sosede[ep yooousx, “ed Ayo[OoRH syIVUey ‘eovdeieo 99269 | JO JuoUIseIy L601 eenameer bT LZ GOLCO sae aon nt é1 TCO) ike te san ee AT 8691S |" ~-> 3J40 6 T ‘ON 20[8 suom1oedg -B48O sagt op--"""| At jai OR ts gst ape op----| 06t ~““TIT 04272A_ | Z1% ~~~" 88019709017 | 6282 103091109 ae “pussy FOBU TS SUC hale see all eas Se OL Olea ones | Became meyyeyO ‘Avg Yoo JO *puvlsy FOGT Gite UR lr ceo eec|is cmromrreg paneas OO Ogul Enemas ones |e 9A00 YO | oremoeqry ‘eA0g snsey, PEBT ‘9% (00) {ORNs 061200) 499 Orn | peencneees spuvjs]t sosedyey FEOT OL 8d hoa ale cee ed CIBU 1100-08) he “a een sacs ann gan ee poe eps PUvs] B1VII BT ‘S apnjyoT moavnaog *RITLIO}JI[BO JOMOT SRST ACTA STGP Li | paras cumerne no A¥1 | 18 00 S¢ 601] 00 zo zz] ‘sveony 4g edeg Jo :ooxayw ‘To “re in “M *"N emmy suo | 9PNIsu0T | opniyeT eed -esod m10}}0q “18a A4[800T -WOL, s3ul1veg SIAQ] BIIGOVsG fo paurwnzea po1s9aDFY—"GQ ATAV], OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 957 OSACHILA ACUTA Stimpson Puate 79, Fiaures 1, 2 Osachila acuta Stimpson, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 10, p. 114, 1871 (type localities, Panama and Manzanillo; types not extant). Diagnosis—Rostrum with thin, sharp, denticulate margin. Posterolateral margin bearing two strong triangular teeth, one next the lateral tooth, the other next the posterior extremity. Outer surface of manus with five longitudinal ridges. Description.—Protuberances of carapace rather small, somewhat conical, tuberculated, and coarsely punctate; between them the surface is smooth, naked, and microscopically and crowdedly punctate. Rostrum flat, narrow, prominent, bilobed. Anterolateral margin with generally seven or eight teeth behind the point where the transverse subhepatic ridge joins the margin; the teeth increase in size posteriorly, each composed of two or three denticles, the median one largest where there are three. Posterolateral margin thickened as if double, and irregularly tuberculated and bidentate. The posterior extremity of the carapace is narrow, with two thickened tuberculated margins placed one above the other. Of the ridges on the outer surface of the hand, the upper three are formed of large tubercles, the lower two of small ones; superior crest with three equal teeth. Color.—Yellowish, with spots of red and white resembling patches of lichen. (Stimpson.) Measurements.—Male type, length of carapace 17.9, width 21 mm. Range.—Manzanillo, Mexico, to Panama (Stimpson); Darien (Nobili); Ecuador. Material eramined.—La Libertad, Ecuador; dredged north of Point St. Elena; 8-10 fathoms; February 9, 1934; station 209, Hancock Galapagos Expedition; 1 small male (69619). OSACHILA LATA Faxon Ficure 45; Puatse 78, Ficurszs 1, 2 Osachila lata Faxon, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 24, p. 159, 1893 (type locality, Western Mexico, 80 fathoms; type in M. C. Z.); Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 18, p. 32, pl. 5, figs. 2-2b, 1895. Diagnosis.—Carapace expanded laterally; length: breadth=3 : 4. Two transverse rows of low tubercles on hinder part of carapace anterior to hind margin. Description.—-Three low obtuse gastric protuberances, one cardiac, three or four branchial; the surface of all tuberculate tubercles coarsely punctate, as also the surface between protuberances. Frontal lobes thick, punctate. Anterolateral margin sharp; behind the point where the subhepatic ridge joins this margin it is divided into five obtuse, 258 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM denticulate lobes; posterolateral margin single, tuberculate; posterior margin narrow, concave; at the widest part of the carapace a short row of tubercles near and parallel to the margin. Manus sparingly tuberculate, the tubercles largest above; superior border a slight, denticulate crest split into three indistinct lobes. Edges of ambulatory legs slightly cristate. Color.—Traces of transverse red bands on ambulatories of preserved specimen. Measurements.—Male holotype, length of carapace 24.5, width 32 mm. FIGURE 45.—Osachila lata, male: Anterior part from below. After Faxon. Range.—West coast of Mexico. Material examined.—As follows: Off Tres Marias Islands; lat. 21° 22’ 15’’ N., long. 106° 25’ 00’’ W.; 80 fathoms; rky.; temp. 51.2° F.; Apr. 18, 1891; station 3427, Albatross; 1 & holotype (4497, M. C. Z.). Chamela or Perula Bay; lat. 19° 32’ 00’’, long. 105° 08’ 00’’ W.; 30 fathoms; S.; July 19, 1932, station T.3.R., Zaca; Crocker Expedi- tion; 1 male (Calif. Acad. Sci.). Subtribe HAPALOCARCINIDEA Verrill ” Hapalocarcinidea VERRILL, Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sci., vol. 13, p. 426, 1908. Epistome feebly developed; buccal area large and arched anteriorly. Lower border of orbit little developed. Outer antennae small and extraorbital. Antennules with a large, prominent basal article. Carapace narrow and more or less oblong, or semicylindrical, not much narrowed anteriorly. Front usually subtruncate or emarginate without a central tooth. Outer maxillipeds separated at base by a sternal lobe; ischium broad, often with a convex inner lobe; merus small, seated well back, with the palp articulating in a notch of inner edge; exognath small. Chelipeds feeble, often lttleif any larger than the next legs; chelae simple, with acute tips. Ambulatory legs sunilar, short, with short, sharp, hooked claws, for strong adhesion; the posterior ones not articulated much higher up than the others. (Verrill.) 27 This subtribe ranks among the Brachyura although of doubtful position therein. It is placed in this volume to complete the series of marine brachyurans of America. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 259 Family HAPALOCARCINIDAE Calman Hapalocarcinidae Catman, Trans. Linn. Soe. London, Zool., ser. 2, vol. 8, p. 8, 1900 (‘‘Incertae sedis’’).—BorRaDAILE, in Gardiner’s The fauna and geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes, vol. 1, p. 271, 1902; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, vol. 19, p. 488, 1907.—VbERRILL, Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sci., vol. 13, p. 427, 1908.—Porrs, Pap. Marine Biol. Carnegie Inst. Washington, vol. 8, p. 67, 1915.—Ratusun, U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 97, p. 15, 1918.—SHEN, Hong Kong Nat., suppl. 5, p. 21, 1936. Merus of third maxillipeds small, bearing terminally a carpus of nearly its own width; ischium very broad. Body somewhat oblong. Antennules not retractile into sockets. Parasitic or symbiotic in corals. KEY TO THE AMERICAN GENERA OF THE FAMILY HAPALOCARCINIDAE A!. Carapace smooth, anterolateral margin entire__--- Hapalocarcinus (p. 259) A, Carapace more or less granulate or spined, anterolateral margin dentiGuiateva 2322 Je Lesa te aie ee Cryptochirus (p. 262) Genus HAPALOCARCINUS Stimpson Hapalocarcinus Stimpson, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 6, p. 412, 1859 (type, H. marsupialis Stimpson). Front of carapace not bent downward; anterolateral margin and front not denticulate. Antennules not retractile into fossettes; antennae very small and orbits ill defined. Basal article of antennules with a stout dentiform lobe anteriorly. Abdomen of female much enlarged. Live in galls, which are formed to accommodate the crabs by the corals on which they make their homes. | Islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans; west coast of Central and South America. oat HAPALOCARCINUS MARSUPIALIS Stimpson Ficure 46; Prats 79, Ficures 3-9 Hapalocarcinus marsupialis Stimpson, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 6, p. 412, 1859 (type locality, Hilo, Hawaii; type not extant); Smithsonian Mise. Coll., vol. 49, p. 170, pl. 14, fig. 8, 1907—Cauman, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, ser. 2, vol. 8, p. 48, pl. 3, fig. 29-40, and synonymy, 1900.—Bor- RADAILE, in Gardiner’s The fauna and geography of the Maldive and Lac- cadive Archipelagoes, vol. 1, p. 271, 1902.—Rarusun, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. for 1903, pt. 3, p. 892, 1906; Trans. Linn. Soc. London, ser. 2, vol. 14, p. 242, 1911.—Ports, Pap. Mar. Biol. Carnegie Inst. Washington, vol. 8, p. 35, figs. 5C, 6B, 7B and D, 8B, 9-15, pls. 1, 2, 1915.—EpmMoNnpson, Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 5, p. 24, 1923.—SHEN, Hong Kong Nat., suppl. 5, p. 22, 1936.—Scumirt, Explorations and field-work of the Smith- sonian Institution in 1935, pp. 34-386, figs. 36a-f, 1936. Description.—Female. Carapace soft and membranous, depressed, broadly oval in outline and truncated in front and behind. Breadth equal to, or a little less than length. Front slightly deflexed, biden- tate (or obscurely tridentate). Lateral margins rounded off dorso- 260 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM ventrally and evenly arcuate from before backward. Posterior margin concave and about three-fifths as long as anterior margin. Surface smooth. First three abdominal segments visible from above, remaining four bent under the body, forming a broad oval plate equal in size to the carapace. Ocular peduncles large, subconical, not in distinct orbits; corneae devoid of pigment. Antennules large, exserted ; Fiaure 46.—Hapalocarcinus marsupialis, female: a, Dorsal view, x13; 6, antennae and antennules; ¢, thir maxilliped; d, chela. After Calman. antennae 5-jointed. Buccal area very large. The third maxillipeds do not nearly cover the buccal cavity and are widely separated from each other at the base by a semicircular area of the sternum. Ischium flattened, subtriangular, widening from a narrow base, its antero- internal angle produced forward, rounded and fringed with setae; merus articulated with the outer end of distal margin. Exopod rudimentary, epipod well developed. Chelipeds rather stout, about 261 OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA *Ser10 { *qsiq JO nNveing ‘§ ‘p “OTTH W105 Ayo fhsawmobjuoyy *g "§ 93 JO Si9j1eND $, 4400 UI [8.100 Jo ed01d Os18[ B WOI UdIxBy, “pedxy sosede[er SYIVUIOY ELelp LE06F SC68h T1Z#9 } OIE 8968F TIESS TOS6S yoooueH | 12169 “ON SO[8IBO st J bt oT 5% 5@ oT ot sueur -loedg ‘IOULPIB}) AOTUBIG; |-a=22-|-2-=s----- FTY;1 tl cated leedeieisisieieiataietel Wiaieseastentad irae a Bolas estcatos { ‘MOMIO[’S :NVAIO “Ly4DIDag “SW NVIGNI NUQLSaM *S apNyDOT *“1OqIBy nynfouoy pues yoReq oes TOMDING: (O90 lac san | eeese teat alae ate aa Ce ke ee eee || TAUIOURCM™ 20804 OCs Sere eer ee CO) “NOMBET JOLOS0[[00) lice oms Sec sessae co cle | ees cae ODI} MOTa z= > sJOOuU a: cca asteces alee OOM lips oe tenes aaa IBYO[OJL SS TOsie eg [Neg eso: miler sas ar a OSG TM sacs s2a | See ar mes [BIOOHUT sree = eon |e canoes aro RIN cas |e en SecOC Ba aC ANE VW. AN Wea APOE oO AIS 5 so San os Sige aie eBay. .|e10NS Up fis sess Fe NITBULE SM | sea eater =<="OGi Sn peege SGOKI0QI BE \|RSzoa5| LOGL. a eceU Weal Ses ee ee ee ea ee |e ee ak | eR cr | ee ORO sae eee ge OGL *o[}] 80g ‘pivog "WOH ‘peg |----~~ OBIS ABIALS sac wal eee oer eee ay acre Bene ae CF eee ees eae ees Off | Ser eS TBAB ISGNVIS] NVUVAVH *p10d07 “9ST pees ee III 943724 | 68% | PBL ‘ST Gea |-~7-~-77| -700g ULepl} MOT |~~~“eIOYg | JeyNO Op{s JOUUT Jooy |-~~-el41) Od :VIdWOTOD “A 'N mo1y omy epnysuo0y | epnqyey 10409199 21g eed -vied m10340q sum0y4e,T A4tpeo0'T “WO, ssulleeg sI[vidnsivul snuporeoojedeyy fo paurzwnxa p011ajDAY—9Q WAV, 262 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM twice the diameter of the legs; hand not much thicker than preceding joints; palm less than twice as long as broad, nearly twice as long as fingers. (After Calman.) b Measurements.—Length of carapace of female (69177) 5.8, width 5.5 mm. Range.—Indian Ocean, Torres Straits, Palmyra Island, and gen- erally through the Pacific northward to Hawaii. Philippines (Sem- per). Colombia, South America; Secas Islands, Panama (Hancock Galapagos Expedition). The female crab forms galls on certain species of corals of the genera Pocillopora, Seriatopora, Stylophora, Sideropora and Millepora (Edmondson). Coral-galls, possibly due to this species, are known from the Red Sea, Ceylon, and China Sea (Calman). Material examined.—See table 86, page 261. Genus CRYPTOCHIRUS Heller Cryptochirus HELLER, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 11, abh., p. 19 [17], 1861 (type, C. coralliodytes [later and obviously corrected spelling]); Sitzb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 34, abt. 1, p. 366, 1861. Lithoscaptus A. MiunE Epwarps, Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. (ser. 4), vol. 17, p. 362, 1862 (type, L. paradoxus Milne Edwards); in Maillard, Notes sur l’Isle de la Réunion, pt. 2, annexe F, p. 10, 1862, and ed. 2, vol. 2, annexe F, p. 10, 1863. Troglocarcinus VERRILL, Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sci., vol. 138, p. 427, 1908 (type, 7. corallicola Verrill). Front of carapace abruptly bent downward and operculum-like; anterolateral margin and front denticulate. Eyes not retractile; orbits feebly developed, a spine on outer margin. Bermudas, Straits of Florida, West Indies; Gulf of Guinea. CRYPTOCHIRUS CORALLICOLA (Verrill) Figure 47; Puatse 78, Fiaures 5-7 Troglocarcinus corallicola VuRRILL, Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sci., vol. 13, p. 427, fig. 48, 49, a, b, c; pl. 28, fig. 8, 1908 (type locality, Dominica, B. W. I.; type in Peabody Mus., Yale Univ.).—Batss, Crust. VII in Michaelson, Westafrika, vol. 3, lief. 3, p. 87, 1922. Cryptochirus corallicola EpMonpsoNn, Occ. Pap.-B. P. Bishop Mus., vol. 10, no. 5, p. 5, 1933.—SHEN, Hong Kong Nat., suppl. 5, p. 22, 1936. Description.—Carapace oblong, transversely convex; sides nearly parallel posteriorly; front bent abruptly downward and covered with small, unequal, sharp spinules and hairs to which dirt, etc., firmly adheres; front edge minutely notched at middle and finely spinulated; anterolateral margin with a row of fine sharp spinules; upper surface, back of the frontal bend, hairy and granulated, the granules larger anteriorly and toward the sides; minute posteriorly. The sloping anterior part of the carapace has a concave area each side of the median line. The anteromarginal spines decrease in size backward; OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 263 the one at the exterior edge of orbit is largest. Carapace much higher or thicker in front, especially at the bend, than posteriorly. Sternum smooth, concave at middle; genital openings of female lunate, near together on sternum. Eyes small on thick, short stalks; orbits looking forward. Pedicels of antennules large, longer than eyestalks, rather stout, near together, spinulous distally, with about three longer terminal spinules; remain- ing articles small, folding vertically, tips reaching but little beyond eyes. Antennae small, about as long as eyestalks. Outer maxillipeds with merus short and broad, with a decided notch on inner distal edge at articulation of palp;ischium broader than long, with a rounded or semicircular lobe on inner margin; exognath small and short; the large palps occupy about all the space to bases of antennules. The anterior lobe of sternum separates the bases of the maxillipeds. Legs and maxillipeds very hairy. Chelipeds small, smaller than first ambulatory legs; hairy; chelae small, with simple, acute digits. Ambulatories short, incurved, with FIGURE 47.—Cryptochirus corallicola, female: Anterior parts from below, much enlarged. After Verrill. simple, sharp, incurved claws; posterior legs becoming shorter, but similar to the others, articulated slightly higher up. Abdomen convex, the rings thin, somewhat indurated above; in the female the edges are expanded and form a well developed egg-pouch below. (Verrill.) Color—As follows: Station 28-31. Sepia (with sage greenish tinge when seen through hand lens). Nearly black in fore half of carapace, lighter behind with a narrow median streak. Chelae and carpi almost sage green above; fingers whitish to transparent; ischium and basis of ambula- tories whitish, merus like carapace, succeeding article whitish with few marks of carapace color. (W. L. Schmitt.) Female (67748). Anterior fifth of carapace sort of bay, shading over into middle third of carapace which is a sort of olive to tawny, shading to Indian or saffron yellow in hinder part of abdomen; carapace and abdomen all red specked; telson like middle third of carapace; color of abdomen due to eggs; epimera of abdomen white. (W. L. Schmitt.) Measurements.—Female (61517), length“of carapace 5.7, width 3.7 mm, 264 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Habitat.—Lives in oven-shaped cavities or dens formed in the upper surface of living corals; the opening of the den is usually semicircular or lunate, commonly oblique to surface of coral. The downturned, rough, and dirt-covered front of the crab serves as an operculum, closing the aperture. Full-grown crabs are probably unable to leave their dens, Range.—Bermudas; Straits of Florida; Dominica, B. W. I., 3 to 5 fathoms. Ilha das Rolas, off St. Thomas Island, Gulf of Guinea. {Balss.) Material eramined.—Tortugas, Florida; gift of Carnegie Institution: Symbiotic on coral, Meandra areolata; July-August 1925; H. Boschma; 5 males, 11 females (2 ovigerous) (59964). In mouth ridges of Meandra; July 1925; H. Boschma; 1 male, 2 females (1 ovigerous) (59973). August 1927; Wm. H. Longley; 1 female (61517). Seven corals with burrows containing crabs; Bush Key Reef; station 21; 1926; C. R. Shoemaker; 4 males, 8 females (4 ovigerous) (67747). From Meandrina; Bush Key Reef; station 29; July 23, 1930; Mr. Visscher; 3 ovigerous females (67748). In stomach of Fish no. 280, Apogon sellicauda Evermann and Marsh; off N. end of Loggerhead Key; June 9, 1925; W. L. Schmitt; 1 male (67749). From Meandrina; off E. side of Loggerhead Key; station 31; July 18, 1931; W. L. Schmitt; 2 females (67750). Subtribe BRACHYGNATHA De Haan Brachygnatha Dr Haan, in Franz de Siebold, Fauna Japonica, pp. XI-xIII, 1850.—BorraDAILE, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1900, p. 571; in J. Stanley Gardiner, The fauna and geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archi- pelagoes, vol. 1, pt. 4, pp. 425, 426, 1903; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, vol. 19, pp. 466, 468, 477, 1907— RatusBoun, U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 97, p. 14, 1918. Last pair of legs normal, rarely reduced, not dorsal, except in Cymopolia and Retropluma. Female openings sternal. First abdom- inal limbs of female wanting. Gills few. Superfamily BRACHYRHYNCHA Borradaile Brachyrhyncha BorraDAILEZ, in J. Stanley Gardiner, The fauna and geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes, vol. 1, pt. 4, pp. 425, 426, 1903; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, vol. 19, pp. 468, 479, 481, 1907.—Ratusun, U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 97, p. 14, 1918. Fore part of body broad. Rostrum usually reduced or wanting. Body oval, round, or square. Orbits nearly always well inclosed. OXYSTOMATOUS AND ALLIED CRABS OF AMERICA 265 Family GONEPLACIDAE Dana Gonoplacidae Dana, Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 2, vol. 12, p. 285, 1851; United States Exploring Expedition, Crustacea, pt. 1, pp. 208 and 310, 1852; pt. 2, p. 1425, 1853.—Atcock, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. 69, pp. 283, 286, 292, 297, and synonymy, 1900. Goneplacidae Ratusun, U. 8S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 97, p. 15, 1918. The palp of the external maxillipeds articulates at or near the anterointernal angle of the merus; the exognath is of normal size and is not concealed. The interantennular septum is a thin plate. The division of the orbit into two fossae is usually not indicated. The genital ducts of the male usually perforate the base of the last pair of legs, often passing forward through a groove in the sternum. Subfamily CARCINOPLACINAE Miers Carcinoplacinae Mirrs, Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, Brachyura, vol. 17, p. 222, 1886.—RatuBoun, U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 97, pp. 16, 17, 1918. Pseudorhombilinae Aucock, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. 69, pp. 286, 292, and 297, 1900. Carapace xanthoid, the regions seldom well defined; front usually of good breadth and square cut, often little deflexed; eyes and orbits usually of normal size and form, the eyes well pigmented and the eyestalks normally movable except in certain deep-sea genera; the antennules fold transversely; antennal flagella of medium length. Epistome well defined; buccal cavern square-cut and usually com- pletely closed by the external maxillipeds, which have a subquadrate merus. The base of the third segment of the male abdomen covers the whole space between the last pair of legs. Male openings not sternal, Represented in America by four genera, the other three of which have been previously discussed in Bulletin 97, ‘“The Grapsoid Crabs ef America.”’ Genus GERYON Kr¢gyer Geryon Kr¢yver, Nat. Tidsskrift, vol. 1, p. 1, pp. 20-21, 1835 (type, G. tridens Kroyer). Chalaepus GreRSTAECKER, Arch. fiir Naturg., vol. 22, pt. 1, p. 118, 1850 [type, C. trispinosus (Herbst)]. Carapace broader than long, anteriorly arcuate, posteriorly trun- cate, longitudinally strongly convex; front broad, deflexed, but little arcuate; anterolateral margins not recurved and provided with strong teeth. Branchial region prominent, hepatic region less so; eye peduncles short, stout; lower margin of orbit separated from the front, and orbit separated from the antennular fossa; superior margin “YSgpod Jo Gow “YyTas -m0jg ‘odAjoD | Aq pox10N -sodqoo{ “AAW 'd “p3y sedéyoo “snyy Apoqeog qv ‘sedfé100 “THHIOA “HV OL BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM SyIvMey ‘ON 308380 266 Aree enc O)ll eo casateanseuee|acsasaa—e8 (4) 650 *} oe age ee ee Cul aa: ge ODE te [aeons ee GOS i ae eee a oe Ua RODE eae ae are Eee giao co “meu -1oeds 9318] JOSIUCUISeI TT |~~-— 55 se ODE. wali et eee = 661 ee Ooo a)I\\| se aeemee ema, ae aee |= == as) oe ee i op e61-Z61 eae ee Seen Sis Palla= ggUDaaO ied lis cons aus aa cg ‘sahoy] ‘_ Bis eee cee 1_| psofsayiny “yos |-OTS ‘WO ‘ID oie be om oaesre==-st0 een" /4) UOC SIO) a 2S IT |-" "bunny “qog |-2482"d0d ‘Tp - aw OT [7777777 88017097P |-~- ~~" 806 ba eS ee z ee ee € |"p4oT ‘JT suo‘yos | i¢L*uod ‘TH “SLD "Ee ca oeg 4 1| ‘7 apip “yog | 1Fo ‘aOd ‘1D “uosuyor ‘H psnbny “‘Yyos | 8F8 ‘Uod ‘ID le eT gee ia T [77777 "2UAT “GOS | 9F8 "G0Cd “ID "SLaYjOLT ath ee 6T | 492904q “YOS | 60h UOC "ID susumloedg 109091109 woyeys “6181 ‘13 “BNW ““6L8T ‘OT “4deg ~““8L8I ‘% “4deg ~“SL8T ‘Te “SnV “LIST “61 “SnV “08st “92 ouns ~~" 08st ‘g “BnV ~E88T ‘62 “SNV ~-O88T ‘6z ounL ~““6L8T “9 “AON O88 ‘zz “deg ~“O88T ‘Iz 4deg IP See CAISs See S iT: IP “" SYA “AQ, “9S |-" "SCT. 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W ‘ua Seeieesie A Us OF S77 TW “Ns IF ed 19M OLT O9T 002 0LZ coe 89 83 BLP £96 LOL T18 g98 FPP 899 S6E #S¢ 0&9 cer FCS 8ZE Tr £18 02g LOL O18 ¥6S CoP BoE “qqsvT syo0y AOMOG JO "a 4% aH Aq aHg ‘TUL 8% |------------og “4qsry syxo0ry Aomog JO‘ ‘Tur 4% |---77-- 7-7 od “qq 3V'T “‘BplIo, yy edeg syooy AOMOTJO'Y lug | YO wmvang jinyH 00! 6% <6Ld0GsLh. OCs merce os oa of €& 62/00 60 T& | vulpuBuley TO ‘VOINoT 08° "99) 92) |MOOMRee ce llseces oo asa oa ST 62 142] 00 98 Zé | UreuOY edeD FO IVNITOUVO HLAOg Of OF 92; 00 6& Z| 1eeq 9deO VO “SB194 00 8F FL] 08 Gh ge | -yeH edeD jo"aN :VNITOUVQ HLUON OOL08 SEL HOO! SCP. (98) lnietanren od 00) {89 <€2: N08. Fer c28u|-aeeentoncen oad Of 99: £2.08 Os L8 joa VINIDULA OF Sh. OL OS Gtme2e inc aecs mae ane od 00 FF &L OT ORES SH exec cea jo" SONVIAUV OF9C VEPs hOGss OG e8e! licens samen oa OT: < 334, dorsal view; 4, same, ventral view; 5, C. stimpsoni, female type (M. C. Z. no. 8261), X 9, dorsal view; 6, same, ventral view. U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 35 SPECIES OF EBALIA. 1, E. stimpsonii, male (66514), X 4 (approximately), ventral view; 2, E. stimpsonii, female (66514), 4, dorsal view; 3, same, ventral view; 4, E. magdalenensis, young female, Concepcion Bay (Glassell collection), 3, dorsal view; 5, same, ventral view; 6, EZ. cariosa, male (17858), X 2, dorsal view; 7, same, ventral view; 8, E. cristata, male type (21599), X 3, dorsal view; 9, same, ventral view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM 1, BULLETIN 166 PLATE 36 SPECIES OF UHLIAS AND EBALIA Uhlias ellipticus, female (68259), 334, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view; 3, U. limbatus, female (55204), 270 (approximately), dorsal view; 4, same, ventral view; 5, U. limbatus, male (55203), X 2740 (approxi- 67988), < 334 (approximately), dorsofrontal .Z. no. 6662), X 2310, dorsal mately), ventral view; 6, Ebalia hancocki, female helotype ( dorsal view: &, same, ventral view; 9, E. rotundata, male (M. C rotundata, female (M. C. Z. no. 6662), X 2710, dorsal view; 12, same, view; 7, same, view: 10, same, ventral view; 11, E. ventral view. U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLEMIN 166 PLATE 37 7 ee, cote fetter use ole SS eB oEo 92 8tog8, uge# e390 O39 SPECIES OF EBALIA. wy “- 1, E. stimpsonii, female, dorsal view; . stimpsonii, male, sternum and abdomen, ventral view; 3, EP. stimpsonii, carapace of small male, dorsal view; 4, 2. rotundata, abdomen of female, ventral view; 5, FE. rotundata, female, dorsal view. All X 744. (After A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier.) U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 38 SPECIES OF LITHADIA. 1, 2, L. cwmingii: 1, Female (22132), X 3, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view. 3-6, L. cadaverosa: 3, Male (17855), X 3, dorsal view; 4, same, ventral view; 5, female (17854), X 3, dorsal view; 6, same, ventral view. | 7-15, L. cumingii: 7, Male, dorsal view; 8, right side of carapace; 9, left cheliped; 10, right outer maxilliped; 11, abdomen; 12, young male, dorsal view; 13, right side of carapace; 14, left cheliped; 15, right outer maxil- liped. (After Bell.) U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 39 SPEGCIES‘OF SPEEQGEOPHORUS: 1, S. pontifer, female (17853), X 2, ventral view; 2, same, dorsal view; 3, same, posterior view; 4, S. digueti, male (66515), X 2, posterior view; 5, same, dorsal view; 6, same, ventral view; 7, S. elevatus, male (66524), X 2 (approximately), posterior view; 8, same, dorsal view; 9, same, ventral view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 40 SPECIES OF SPELOEOPHORUS. 1, S. nodosus, male, dorsal view (after Bell); 2, posterior view of carapace (after Bell); 3, left cheliped (after Bell); 4, posterior leg (after Bell); 5, left outer maxilliped (after Bell); 6, S. schmitti, female holotype (67728), 2, dorsal view; 7, same, ventral view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 41 SPELOEOPHORUS SCHMITTI. 1, Male, San Felipe (Glassell collection), X 2, ventral view; 2, female (67728), X 2, posterior view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 42 SPECIES OF PERSEPHONA. 1, P. townsendi, male (17383), nine-tenths natural size, dorsal view; 2, P. punctata punctata, male (7565), nine-tenths natural size, dorsal view; 3, same, ventral view; 4, P. finneganae, carapace of young female (66784), X 27{0, dorsal view; 5, same, ventral view; 6, P. punctata aquilonaris, mele (17834), nine-tenths natural size, ventral view; 7, same, dorsal view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 43 SPECIES OF PERSEPHONA 1, P. townsendi, male (17383), nine-tenths natural size, ventral view; 2, P. crinita, male holotype (63739), carapace 21.6 mm wide, dorsal view; 3, same, ventral view; 4, P. swbovata, male holotype (17385), X 145, dorsal view; 5, same, ventral view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 44 PERSEPHONA CRINITA. 1, Male nolotype (63739), carapace 21.6 wide, frontal view; 2, male (66468), < 145, dorsal view; 3, same ventral view. U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 45 SPECIES OF PERSEPHONA. 1, P. lichtensteinii, dorsal view; 2, same, left side of carapace; 3, P. edwardsii, female, dorsal view; 4, same, abdomen; 5, P. orbicularis, female, dorsal view; 6, same, abdomen. (After Bell.) U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 46 MyYROPSIS QUINQUESPINOSA. 1, Male (66484), about one-half natural size, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view; 3, dorsal view, reduced, of specimen from Copenhagen Museum. U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 47 ~ NC fap Nie isn PHILYRA PISUM. 1, Male (45862), 2, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 43 LEUCOSILIA JURINEI!. i; Male (39102), <2, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view; 3, dorsal view; 4. left side of carapace; 5, left cheliped; 6, left outer maxilliped; 7, male abdomen; 8, female abdomen. (Figs. 3-8 after Bell.) U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 49 RANDALLIA ORNATA. 1, Male (3101), natural size, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 50 SPECIES OF RANDALLIA. 1, R. bulligera, female (66509), * 3, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view; 3, R. agaricias, male holotype (21601), X 3, dorsal view; 4, same, ventral view. U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 51 RANDALLIA CURACAOENSIS. 1, Female holotype (56907), 8.4 mm long, left profile; 2, same, dorsal view; 3, same, ventral view. U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 52 RANDALLIA AMERICANA. 1, Male holotype (17388), 3, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 53 ILIACANTHA SUBGLOBOSA. 1, Male (55193), X 3, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 54 ILIACANTHA INTERMEDIA. 1, Male (55189), X 254, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 55 ILIACANTHA LIODACTYLUS. 1, Male holotype (20327), X 2740, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view. U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 56 ILIACANTHA SPARSA. 1, Male (11020), X 214, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view. U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 57 ILIACANTHA HANCOCKI. 1, Male holotype (69260), dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view. U. S. NATIONAL. MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 58 CALLIDACTYLUS ASPER. 1, Female (55194), X 3, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view, immature; 3, Male (55183), X 3, ventral view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 59 CALAPPA FLAMMEA. 1, Male (66366), two-thirds natural size, ventral view for chelae; 2, same, dorsal view. U S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 60 SPECIES OF CALAPPA. 1, C. flammea, male (66366), three-fifths natural size, ventral view for abdomen; 2, C. springeri, male (66383), about cne-ha!f natural size, ventral view for abdomen. U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 61 CALAPPA SPRINGERI. 1, Male (66383), one-half natural size, ventral view for chelae; 2, same, dorsal view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 62 CALAPPA CONVEXA. 1, Male (66510), two-thirds natural size, ventral view for chelae; 2, same, dorsal view; 3, same, ventral for abdomen. BULLETIN 166 PLATE 63 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM STTBL “‘pauoAOYSoIoJ ATJYBIS JUOUISES [BULUIIO] ‘USTIOPA’ BUIMOYS MOTA Jotseysod ‘(Apoyeumrxordde) 44% & ‘Clg “pRoy )) OOLXeTY ‘o[VUIE] ‘fF SUOUTOPAR IOJ MOTA [BIJUGA ‘OUTS ‘g 'MOIA [BSIOP “OUILS *Z -BLTOYD OJ MOTA [BIJUOA IBYNSSNVS VddV1VD G x ‘ ( 96¢1Z) PdAJO[OY O[eTA ‘T U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 64 SPECIES OF CALAPPA. 1, C. angusta, ycung male (51070), X 123, vertral view for chelse; 2, same, dcrsal view; 3, same ventral view for abdomen; 4, C. angusta, adult male holotype (66382), five-sixths natural size, ventral view for chelae; 5, same, dorsal view; 6, same, ventral view for abdomen; 7, C. sulcata, male (24079), 124, ventral view for chelae; 8, same, dorsal view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 65 SPECIES OF CALAPPA: 1, C. sulcata, male (24079), X 2, ventral view for abdomen; 2, C. gallus, male (66368), natural size, dersal view; 3, same, ventral view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 66 MURSIA GAUDICHAUDII. 1, Male (15607), two-thirds natural size, ventral view for chelae; 2, same, dorsal view; 3, same, ventral view for abdomen. BULLETIN 166 PLATE 67 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM CAUSIGIO,p Jey) ‘“UsmOpqe pue UINUIe4sS orem ‘9 fpediypixem ysay ‘¢ !podippixeur 1aqno ‘fF ‘sndivo pue Bley Jo vovy Joyno ‘g ‘pesre[ue ‘suOTsed [eIUOysIda puv [BuUEJUB ‘Z Spasonped ‘MOTA [RSIOC] ‘T “HONVWHOIGNVS VISHUNW 2 + . - ‘ * ae U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 68 ACANTHOCARPUS BISPINOSUS. 1, Male (66389), reduced, ventral view for chelae; 2, same, dorsal view; 3, same, ventral view for abdomen. BULLETIN 166 PLATE 69 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM ‘Quies ‘f {MOIA [VSIOP ‘AZIS [BINJVU “MOIA [BIJUOA “(pPPOG) O[BUL ‘psig s2ophD “EG :MOIA [BIZUOA ‘ouies ‘z {MOIA [BSIOP ‘aZIs [BAN{Vu “( “HOYIVa SHOTDAD ANY INONYV X31¥ SNdYVOOHLNVOYV 10 £99) O[BUL ‘ LIPUDLIPD SNAIDIOYJUDIV *] BULLETIN 166 PLATE 70 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM [eanyeu syyy-ooryy ‘(GEp99) opeuIey ‘snodjpayda “TT ‘e “MOTA [BIJUOA ‘ouTRS ‘f {MOTA [BSIOP ‘9ZI1S ‘ ‘MOLA [BIJUOA ‘AUUIBS ‘7 SMOTA [BSIOP ‘OZIS [LANYVU SY}UOJ-oULO “(Z[OTQ) opeul ‘sdaoutd “PT “] ‘SNLWd3H AO Salads U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 71 HEPATUS EPHELITICUS. (After Herklots.) anterior portion, ventral view; 3, right cheliped, outer face; 4, abdomen of female. ) “) 1, Dorsal view, reduced; ‘ BULLETIN 166 PLATE 72 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM [esiop ‘azis [RANyVU SYIY-aINoy ‘(ZTLOF) eyBu “MOLA [BIJUOA ‘OURS “f SMOLA ‘TUUDULSSOY “TT “Gg tMOLA [BIZUAA ‘OUTIBS ‘ZS MOTA [BSIOP “SNLVdHH AO SAIOAdS ‘QZIS [RINQBU SYYY Inoj (9FF99) eTeUl ‘sysuayyiyo “IT ‘ i U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 73 of chela and carpus; 4, inner face of outer maxilliped; 5, outer antenna, 2 HEPATUS CHILIENSIS. ventral view of antennal region; 3, outer face ) “~) 1, Dorsal view, about natural size; + U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 74 HEPATUS LINEATUS. 1, Female, San Felipe (Glassell collection), X 135, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 75 HEPATUS LINEATUS. 1, Female, San Felipe (Glassell collection), * 155, front view; 2, male (67730), X 154, ventral view. BULLETIN 166 PLATE 76 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM od A 4O[0OY 9 BULOJ SNOLISTAO G "MOIA [BIQUOA ‘OUTS ‘P SMALA [BSIOp ‘ZX ‘(1GFOF) puplaniad “FT *@ SMOIA [RIZUAA ‘OUIRS ‘Z% SMOTA [BSIOp * ‘WTIALVWdS3H AO SAIOSdS I X (She6g) e[BUuL ‘ DIVULD “FT ‘T U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE77 SPECIES OF OSACHILA. 1, O. semilevis, female holotype (17851), X 2!4, dorsal view; 2, O. antillensis, female holotype (9503), X 2, dorsal view; 3, O. tuberosa, female (8746), 2!2, dorsal view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 78 SPECIES OF OSACHILA AND CRYPTOCHIRUS. 1, Osachila lata, male, Mexico (Calif. Acad. Sci.), X 2, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view; 3, O. levis, ovigerous female holotype (21598), X 2, dorsal view; 4, same, ventral view; 5, Cryptochirus corallicola, female (61517), X 3, dorsal view; 6, same, ventral view; 7, 8, C. corallicola, Tortugas, and its burrow in Maeandra areolata. 9 ( 4, S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 79 OSACHILA ACUTA AND HAPALOCARCINUS MARSUPIALIS 2, Osachila acuta: 1, Male (69619), * 214, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view, X 24 Hapalocarcinus marsupialis: 3, Female (69177), * 3, dorsal view; 4, same, ventral view, X 3; 5, same specimen in half of a Pocillopora gall, * 114; 6, the other half of the same gall, X 1!4; 7, a young gall in the making, X 114; 8, a full-sized gall, & 114; 9, side view of same gall showing breathing holes, X 1 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 80 SPECIES OF CLYTHROCERUS AND RANINOIDES. 1, Clythrocerus laminatus, female (69222), X 414, dorsal view; 2, piece of shell, normally carried by this species for protection; 3, C. /aminatus, male holotype (69221), X 419, ventral view; 4, same, dorsal view; =, Raninoides ecuadorensis, carapace (69320), X 145, dorsal view; 6, same species, male holotype (69319), > 145, ventral view; 7, same, dorsal view. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE81 —— Sa 2 CYCLODORIPPE BOUVIERI. 1, Male holotype (67990), 5.2 mm long, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view. U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 82 SPECIES OF EBALIA AND OSACHILA. 1, Ebalia hancocki, female (69273), X 3, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view; 3, E. clarionensis, male holotype (69343), X 3, ventral view; 4, same, dorsal view; 5, Osachila galapagensis, female holotype (69215), 2, dorsal view. U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 83 ILIACANTHA SCHMITTI AND OSACHILA GALAPAGENSIS. 1, Tliacantha schmitti, female holotype (69259), dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view; 3, Osachila galapagensis, female holotype (69215), 2, ventral view U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 166 PLATE 84 i, Male holotype (69745), X 5, dorsal view; 2, same, ventral view; 3, female, X 2, dorsal view; 4, same, ventral | | | RANDALLIA MINUTA. view | | | ) BULLETIN 166 PLATE 85 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM "A\OTA [ESIOP ‘OPIM WAU FT ‘(9LEFT) ORAL “SNSCSNONINO NOAYAD BULLETIN 166 PLATE 86 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM *“MOIA [BIJUOA ‘Cg 0}v[d Se UsUTOeds ouIEg *"SNSGSNONINO NOAYSAD INDEX abyssicola, Ethusa (Ethusina), 91. Ethusina, 5, 89, 91, 95. abyssicola typica, Ethusina, 91. Acanthocarpus, 196, 220, 221. alexandri, 220, 221, 226, 227. bispinosus, 221, 224,228. Acanthodromia, 54, 55. erinacea, 55. acanthophora, Thealia, 215. actaeiformis, Maxillothrix, 54. acuta, Osachila, 248, 257. Aethusa ciliatifrons, 88. lata, 84. pubescens, 84, 85. Aethusina gracilipes, 94. smithiana, 92. agaricias, Randallia, 172, 178, 181. agassirii, Cymopolus, 100. agassizi, Cyclodorippe, 105, 106. Cymopolus, 100. agassizii, Cyclodorippe, 103, 104-106, 108. Cymopolus, 99, 100, 102. Cymopolus asper, 100. alexandri, Acanthocarpus, 226,201. alia, Guaia, 152. americana, Ebalia, 182. Ethusa, 78, 79. Ethusa mascarone, 5, 78-81. americana, Randallia, 171, 182, 184. amica, Hepatella, 247-249. angst, Calappa, 5, 198, 210, 212, 213, 35 220, 221, angustata, Hepatus, 234, 235, 244. Ranilia, 5, 17, 19. antennaria, Cyclodorippe, 104, 107. antillensis, Dromidia, 5, 32, 33, 35-41. Osachila, 5, 248, 250, 251, 254, 255. Apogon sellicauda, 264. aquilonaris, Persephona punctata, 152, 154, 156, 157. Arachnodromia, 59. baffini, 59. arcuata, Hypoconcha, 5, 44, 47, 49, 50. areolata, Meandra, 264. asper, Callidactylus, 192, 193, 195. Cymopolus, 98-100. asper agassizii, Cymopolus, 100. atlantica, Cycloés bairdii, 225. baffini, Arachnodromia, 59. bairdii, Cycloés, 5, 225, 230-233. Cyclois, 225. Lyreidus, 23, 25. bairdii atlantica, Cycloés, 225. balguerii, Cyclois, 225. Mursia, 225. 80232—37——20 barbata, Homola, 65. Thelxiope, 63, 65-67. barbatus, Cancer, 63. benedicti, Raninoides, 5, 8, 9, 11, 14. bicornis, Calappa gallus, 214. Pies. Acanthocarpus, 221, 224, bouvieri, Cyclodorippe, 104, 106, 108. Box crab, 4. Brachygnatha, 6, 264. Brachyrhyncha, 264. Brachyura, 6. brasiliensis, Ebalia (Lithadia), 125. Lithadia, 130. bullatus, Coryeodus, 101, 103. bulligera, Randallia, 171, 180, 176. cadaverosa, Lithadia, 136, 137, 139. Calappa, 196, 197, 215. angusta, 5, 198, 210, 212, 213, 235. calappa, 197. convexa, 5, 198, 206, 208, 209. flammea, 5, 198-206, 210. fornicola, 197. galloides, 214. gallus, 197, 198, 214, 216-219. gallus bicornis, 214. gallus capellonis, 214. gallus galloides, 214. granulata, 197. lophos, 197. marmorata, 198, 199. saussurei, 5, 198, 206, 207, 209, 210. saussurei tortugae, 210. springeri, 198, 205. squamosa, 214. suleata, 198, 211, 213. xantusiana, 206. Calappidae, 4, 5, 75, 196. Calappinae, 196, 197. calappoides, Hepathus, 234, 235. Calico crab, 238. californiensis, Hypoconcha, 44, 51. Platymera, 220. Callidactylus, 123, 192. asper, 192, 193, 195. Camara, 197. eancellus, Cancer, 167. Cancer barbatus, 63. cancellus, 167. chelis crassissimis, 198. craniolaris, 123. decorus, 238. dorsipes, 17. dromia, 30. epheliticus, 238. erythropus, 31. flammeus, 199. 273 274 Cancer floridus, 238. gallus, 214. granulatus, 198. latiusculo convexo * #* talis, 235. marinus chelis rubris, 31. mediterraneus, 153. nucleus, 123. planatus, 194. princeps, 235. pudibundus, 235. punctatus, 151,152. sabulosa, 45. Cangrejo Tortugas, 153. capellonis, Calappa gallus, 214. caribensis, Eryon, 26. Zanclifer, 24, 26. cariosa, Ebalia, 5, 124, 125, 128, 130. Lithadia, 125. Caulolatilus princeps, 231. Chalaepus, 265. trispinosus, 265. challengeri, Ethusa (Ethusina), 93. Ethusina, 93, 94. chilensis, Hepatus, 244. chiliensis, Hepatus, 234, 244, 245. ciliatifrons, Aethusa, 88. Ethusa, 78, 88, 90. clarionensis, Ebalia, 124, 132. Clythrocerus, 77, 109, 118. decorus, 109, 118. granulatus, 109, 119, 120. laminatus, 109, 115, 117. nitidus, 109, 110, 112, 113. perpusillus, 109, 111. planus, 109, 114, 116. stimpsoni, 109, 121. constricta, Myropsis, 164, 166, 169. Ranilia;, 5; 176220: constrictus, Raninops, 17, 20. convexa, Calappa, 5, 198, 206, 208, 209. corallicola, Cryptochirus, 262, 263. Troglocarcinus, 262. coralliodytes, Cryptochirus, 262. Corycodus, 77, 101. bullatus, 101, 103. Crab, box, 4. deep sea red, 271. Dolly Varden, 238. hairy, 4. shame-faced, 4. three thorned, 152. craniolaris, Cancer, 123. Leucosia, 123. crinita, Persephona, 152, 163, 165. cristata, Ebalia, 124, 132, 134. Mursia, 215. Mursica, 215. Cryptochirus, 262. corallicola, 262, 263. corallicdytes, 262. Cryptosoma, 225. dentatum, 225. cubensis, Elbalia (Lithadia), 144. cumingii, Lithadia, 186, 138. curacaoensis, Randallia, 172, 182. Cyclodorippe, 77, 103, 104. agassizi, 105, 106. agassizii, 103-106, 108. * cris- BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Cyclodorippe antennaria, 104, 107. bouvieri, 104, 106, 108. granulata, 119. nitida, 109. plana, 114. Cycloés, 196, 225, 229. bairdii, 5, 225, 230-233. bairdii atlantica, 225. granulosa, 225. Cyclois bairdii, 225. balguerii, 225. Cymonomus, 77, 96, 98. quadratus, 96-98. Cymopolia, 264. Cymopolus, 77, 98. agassirii, 100. agassizi, 100. agassizii, 99, 100, 102. asper, 98-100. Decapoda, 6. decorus, Gancer, 238. Clythrocerus, 109, 118. Hepatus, 238, 244. dentatum, Cryptosoma, 225. Dicranodromia, 58, 59. ‘ ovata, 59,60, 64. digueti, Hypoconcha, 47. Lithadia, 148. Speloeophorus, 142, 148, 149. disjunctipes, Nasinatalis, 101. Dolly Varden crab, 238. Doripe spinifrons, 63. Dorippidae, 5, 75, 77. Dorrippidea, 75. Dorrippiens, 75. dorsipes, Cancer, 17. Ranina, 8, 13. Dromia, 30, 32. erythropus, 28-31, 33. 4 lator, 31. dromia, Cancer, 30. Dromiacea, 4, 6, 27. Dromidea, 27. Dromidia, 30, 32, 34. antillensis, 5, 32, 33, 35-41. hirsutissima, 32. larraburei, 5, 32, 35, 42, 43. sarraburei, 35. segnipes, 35. Dromiens, 27. Dromiidae, 5, 30. Dromiidea, 27, 30. Dynomene, 54, 55. ursula, 54, 56. Dynomenidae, 30, 51. Dynomeninae, 51. Ebalia, 122, 123. americana, 182. (Lithadia) brasiliensis, 125. cariosa, 5, 124, 125, 128, 130. clarionensis, 124, 132. cristata, 124, 132, 134. (Lithadia) cubensis, 144. fossa, 144. hancocki, 124, 128, 132, 133. magdalenensis, 5, 124, 128, 129, 131. mamillosa, 145. pennantii, 123. ee INDEX Ebalia rotundata, 124, 135. stimpsoni, 124. stimpsonii, 124, 125, 127. tuberculata, 132. tuberosa, 128. Ebaliinae, 122, 123. ecuadorensis, Raninoides, 8, 15. edwardsii, Persephona, 152, 154, 158, 1 63. elegans, Latreillia, 73, 74, 76. elevatus, Speloeophorus, 142, 145, 147. ellipticus, Uhlias, 5, 149. epheliticus, Cancer, 238. Hepatus, 234, 288, 240, 241, 242. Epinephelus morio, 216. erinacea, Acanthodromia, 55. Eryon ecaribensis, 26. trilobatus, 26. erythropus, Cancer, 31. Dromia, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33. Ethusa, 77, 78, 89. (Ethusina) abyssicola, 91. americana, 78, 79. (Ethusina) challengeri, 98. ciliatifrons, 78, 88, 90. (Ethusina) gracilipes, 94. (Ethusina) gracilipes robusta, 94, 96 lata, 5, 78, 84, 86. mascarone, 77, 79. mascarone americana, 5, 78, 79, 80, 81. mascarone panamensis, 5, 78, 79, 81 microphthalma, 5, 78, 82, 838, 87, 91. tenuipes, 78, 87, 90. truncata, 78, 85. Ethusina, 77, 89. abyssicola, 5, 89, 91, 95. abyssicola typica, 91. challengeri, 93, 94. faxonii, 89, 93. gracilipes, 89, 94, 96, 97. gracilipes robusta, Ethusa, 94, 96. smithiana, 5, 89, 91-93. Evius, 30. ruber, 30, 31. fasciatus, Hepatulus, 234. Hepatus, 235. Faux Bernard |’ Hermite, 44. faxoni, Homola, 68. Paromola, 68, 72. Ethusina, 89, 93. finneganae, Persephona, 152, 161, 162. flammea, Calappa, 5,198—206,210. flammeus, Cancer, 199. floridus, Cancer, 238. fornicata, Ranilia, 5, 17, 20, 22. Raninops, 20. fornicola, Calappa, 197. fossa, Ebalia, 144. fossor, Raninoides, 8, 16. Raninopsis, 16. fugax, Myra, 152. galapagensis, Osachila, 5, 248, 250, 254, 255. galloides, Calappa, 214. 275 galloides, Calappa gallus, 214, Gallus, 197. gallus, Calappa, 197, 198, 214, 216-219. Cancer, 214. Cancer (Calappa), 214. gallus, bicornis, Calappa, 214. gallus, capellonis Calappa, 214. gallus, galloides, Calappa, 214. gaudichaudi, Platymera, 220. gaudichaudij, Mursia, 220, 222, 223. Platymera, 215, 220. geometrica, Lithadia, 125. Geryon, 6, 265. quinquedens, 4, 266, 271. tridens, 265. goliath, Myropsis, 164, 169. Goneplacidae, 6, 265. gracilipes, Aethusina, 94. Ethusa (Ethusina), 94. Ethusina, 89, 94, 96, 97. gracilipes robusta, Ethusa (Ethusina) Gracillaria, 232. granulata, Calappa, 197. Gyclodorippe, 119. granulatus, Cancer, 198. Clythrocerus, 109, 119, 120. granulosa, Cycloés, 225. Lithadia, 136, 140, 141. griseus, Neomaenis, 232. Guaia, 151. alia, 152. (Ilia) jurinei, 170. ornata, 172. punctata, 153, 154. guaia, Persephona, 153. Gymnopleura, 4, 6. Hairy crab, 4. Halimeda, 253. hancocki, Ebalia, 124, 128, 1382, 133. Tliacantha, 5, 185, 187, 191. Hapalocarcinidae, 259. Hapalocarcinidea, 4, 6, 258. Hapalocarcinus, 259. marsupialis, 259, 260, 261. Hepatella, 196, 247. amica, 247-249. peruviana, 247-249. Hepathus, 234. calappoides, 234, 235. Hepatulus, 234. fasciatus, 234. Hepatus, 196, 234, 235, 247, 248. angustata, 234, 244. angustatus, 235, 244. chilensis, 244. chiliensis, 234, 244, 245. decorus, 238, 244. epheliticus, 234, 238, 240-242. fasciatus, 235. kossmanni, 234, 235, 239, 243. lineatus, 234, 246. princeps, 5, 234-239. sp., 246. tuberculatus, 235. vanbenedenii, 238. Hippa variolosa, 26. Hippocarcinus, 62. hispidus, 62. 276 BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM hirsutissima, Dromidia, 32. hispidus, Hippocarcinus, 62. Homola, 62, 63. barbata, 65. faxoni, 68. spinifrons, 62, 63. vigil, 66. Homolidae, 62. Homolidea, 61. Homoliens, 61. Homolodromia, 58, 690. paradoxa, 58. Homolodromiidae, 30, 57, 58. Homologenus, 62, 70. rostratus, 70-72. (Homolopsis) rostratus, 70. Homolopsis, 70. rostratus, 70. Homolus, 62. Hypoconcha, 27, 30, 44. arcuata, 5, 44, 47, 49, 50. californiensis, 44, 51. digueti, 47. lowei, 44, 50, 53. panamensis, 5, 44, 47, 52, 53. peruviana, 47. sabulosa, 44, 45, 48, 50. spinosissima, 44, 46, 48. Tlia, 194. ornata, 172. Iliacantha, 123, 183, 185. hancocki, 5, 185, 187, 191. intermedia, 185, 186, 189. Henne 5, 185, 186, 187, 189, 90. schmitti, 5, 185, 192, 195. sparsa, 5, 185, 190, 191. subglobosa, 185, 186, 188. Tliinae, 151, 183. inaequilaterale, Poecilasma, 228. intermedia, [liacantha, 185, 186, 189. jurinei, Guaia (Ilia), 170. Leucosilia, 170. ee Hepatus, 5, 234, 235, 239, 4 lacunosa, Lithadia, 125, 130. laevis, Persephona (Myropsis), 177. Randallia, 171, 177. Raninoides, 8, 9. laevis lamarcki, Raninoides, 8, 9, 13. lamarcki, Raninoides, 8, 138, 16. Raninoides laevis, 8, 9, 13. lamarckii, Persephona, 153. laminatus, Clythrocerus, 109, 115, 117. larraburei, Dromidia, 5, 32, 35, 42, 43. lata, Aethusa, 84. Ethusa, 5, 78, 84, 86. Osachila, 248, 257, 258. lator, Dromia, 31. Latreillia, 73. elegans, 73, 74, 76. pennifera, 74. valida, 74. latreillii, Persephona, 151, 1538. Latreilliidae, 62, 73. Leucosia, 123, 194. craniolaris, 123. nuclea, 1238. nucleus, 194. Leucosia pacifica, 183. planata, 194. Leucosidae, 121. Leucosides, 123. Leucosiidae, 5, 75, 121, 122. Leucosiinae, 123, 151, 183. Leucosilia, 123, 170. jurinei, 170. Leucosoidea, 75. levis, Osachila, 248, 254, 256. Raia, 270. Ranina, 8. hentensteint Persephona, 152, 161, 163 limbatus, Uhlias, 5, 149, 150. lineatus, Hepatus, 234, 246. liodactylus, ITliacantha, 5, 185-187, 189, 190. Lithadia, 122, 136. brasiliensis, 130. cadaverosa, 136, 1387, 139. cariosa, 125. cumingil, 136, 138. digueti, 148. geometrica, 125. granulosa, 136, 140, 141. lacunosa, 125, 130. pontifera, 144. rotundata, 135. Lithoscaptus, 262. paradoxus, 262. loevis, Ranina, 8. Raninoides, 5, 7, 8, 10-12, 16. Lophos, 197. : lophos, Calappa, 197. louisianensis, Raninoides, 8, 12, 13. lowei, Hypoconcha, 44, 50, 53. Lyreidus, 7, 21. bairdii, 23, 25. tridentatus, 21. magdalenensis, Ebalia, 5, 124, 128, 129, roils mamillosa, Ebalia, 145. marmorata, Cancer, 198, 199. marsupialis, Hapalocarcinus, 259-261. mascarone, Ethusa, 79. mascarone americana, Ethusa, 5, 78-81 mascarone panamensis, Ethusa, 5, 78, 9, Matutidae, 196, 234. Matutinae, 196, 234. Maxillothrix, 54. actaeiformis, 54. Meandra, 264. areolata, 264. Meandrina, 264. mediterraneus, Cancer, 153. Membranipora, 130. microphthalma, Ethusa, 5, 78, 82, 83, 87, 91. Millepora, 262. minuta, Randallia, 172, 179. morio, Epinephelus, 216. Murex, 247. muricata, Ranilia, 5, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20. Mursia, 196, 215. balguerii, 225. cristata, 215. INDEX Mursia gaudichaudii, 220, 222, 223. Mursica cristata, 215. Mursie Mains-en-crete, 215. Myra fugax, 152. subovata, 158. townsendi, 160. Myropsis, 122, 164. constricta, 164, 166, 169. goliath, 164, 169. quinquespinosa, 164, 166, 168, 169. Nasinatalis, 101. disjunctipes, 101. Neomaenis griseus, 232. nitida, Cyclodorippe, 109. nitidus, Paneer: 109, 110, 112, Ii Peers. Se Ge 7. nodosus, Oreophorus, 142. Spelaeophorus, 142, 146. Speloeophorus, 141, 142. Notopus, 17. rumphii, 17. nuclea, Leucosia, 123. nucleus, Cancer, 123. Leucosia, 194. Nursia tuberculata, 132. orbicularis, Persephona, 152, 158, 160, 163 Oreophorus nodosus, 142. Orithyia, 197. ornata, Guaia, 172. Tlia, 172. Randallia, 171-175. Osachila, 196, 248. acuta, 248, 257. antillensis, 5, 248, 250, 251, 254, 255. galapagensis, 5, 248, 250, 254, 255. lata, 248, 257, 258. levis, 248, 254, 256. semilevis, 248, 250, 251, 253. tuberosa, 248, 250, 251, 252. ovata, Dicranodromia, 59, 60, 64. Oxystoma, 75. Oxystomata, 4, 6, 75. pacifica, Leucosia, 183. palpigera, Thelxiope, 62, 63. Seley Ethusa mascarone, 5, 78, 79, 8 een 5, 44, 47, 52, 53. paradoxa, Homolodromia, 58. paradoxus, Lithoscaptus, 262. Paromola, 62, 68. faxoni, 68, 72. rathbuni, 68, 69. Pecten ventricosus, 47. Peltogaster, 227. pennantii, Ebalia, 123. pennifera, Latreillia, 74. perpusillus, Clythrocerus, 109, 111. Persephona, 122, 151, 152. crinita, 152, 163, 165. edwardsii, 152, 154, 158, 163. finneganae, 152, 161, 162. guaia, 153. (Myropsis) laevis, 177. lamarckii, 153. latreillii, 151, 153. 277 Persephona lichtensteinii, 152, 161, 163. orbicularis, 152, 158, 160, 163. punctata, 153, 154, 163. eae aquilonaris, 152, 154, 156, 157. punctata punctata, 5, 152, 155. subovata, 5, 152, 158, 159. townsendi, 152, 160, 162. Persephone punctata, 153. peruviana, Hepatella, 247-249. Hypoconcha, 47. Philyra, 122, 167. pisum, 167. pisun, 167. seabriuscula, 167. Philyrinae, 122, 151. Pistor, 197. pisum, Philyra, 167. pisun, Philyra, 167. plana, Cyclodorippe, 114. planata, Leucosia, 194. planatus, Cancer, 194. planus, Clythrocerus, 109, 114, 116. Platymera, 215. californiensis, 220. gaudichaudi, 220. gaudichaudii, 215, 220. Pocillopora, 262. Poecilasma inaequilaterale, 228. pontifer, Speloeophorus, 142, 144, 145, 147. arate Lithadia, 144. Pridope, 77. typica, 77. princeps, Cancer, 235. Caulolatilus, 231. Hepatus, 5, 234-239. Proctor, 73. Pseudorhombilinae, 265. pubescens, Aethusa, 84, 85. pudibundus, Cancer, 235. punctata, Guaia, 153, 154. Persephona, 153, 154, 163. Persphona punctata, 5, 152, 155. Persephone, 153. punctata aquilonaris, Persephona, 152, 154, 156, 157. punctata punctata, Persephona, 5, 152, 155 punctatus, Cancer, 151, 152. quadratus, Cymonomus, 96-98. quinquedens, Geryon, 266, 271. quinquespinosa, Myropsis, 164, 168, 169. quinquidens, Geryon, 4. Raia levis, 270. Randallia, 123, 171. agaricias, 172, 178, 181. americana, 171, 182, 184. bulligera, 171, 176, 180. curacaoensis, 172, 182. laevis, 171, 177. minuta, 172, 179. ornata, 171-175. Ranilia, 7, 17. angustata, 5, 17, 19. constricta, 5, 17, 20. fornicata, 5, 17, 20, 22. 166, 278 Ranilia muricata, 5, 14, 17-20. stimpsoni, 18. Ranina dorsipes, 8, 13. levis, 8. loevis, 8. Raninidae, 5-7. Raninoides, 7, 8. Raninoides, benedicti, 5, 8, 9, 11, 14. ecuadorensis, 8, 15. fossor, 8, 16. laevis lamarcki, 8, 9, 13. lamarcki, 8, 18, 16. loevis, 5, 7-12, 16. louisianensis, 8, 12, 13. nitidus, 8, 16, 17. Raninops, 17. constrictus, 17, 20. fornicata, 20. stimpsoni, 18. Raninopsis fossor, 16. rathbuni, Paromola, 68, 69. Reptantia, 6. Retropluma, 264. robusta, Ethusa (Ethusina) gracilipes, 94, 96. rostratus, Homolopsis, 70. Homologenus, 70-72. Homologenus (Homolopsis) 70. rotundata, Ebalia, 124, 135. Lithadia, 135. ruber, Evius, 30, 31. rumphii, Notopus, 17. sabulosa, Cancer, 45. Hypoconcha, 44, 45, 48, 50. sarraburei, Dromidia, 35. saussurei, Calappa, 5, 198, 206, 207, saussurei tortugae, Calappa, 210. seabriuscula, Philyra, 167. schinitti, Iliacantha, 5, 185, 192, 195. Speloeophorus, 142, 148. segnipes, Dromidia, 35. sellicauda, Apogon, 264. semilevis, Osachila, 248, 250, 251, 253. Seriatopora, 262. Shame-faced crab, 4. Sideropora, 262. smithiana, Aethusina, 92. Ethusina, 5, 89, 91-93. sparsa, Iliacantha, 5, 185, 190, 191. Spelaeophorus nodosus, 142, 146. triangulus, 144. Speloeophorus, 122, 141. digueti, 142, 148, 149. elevatus, 142, 145, 147. nodosus, 141, 142. pontifer, 142, 144, 145, 147. schmitti, 142, 143. BULLETIN 166, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM spinifrons, Doripe, 63. Homola, 62, 63. spinosissima, Hypoconcha, 44, 46, 48. springeri, Calappa, 198, 205 squamosa, Calappa, 214. stimpsoni, Clythrocerus, 109, 121. Ebalia, 124. Ranilia, 18. Raninops, 18. stimpsonii, Ebalia, 124, 125, 127. Stylophora, 262. subglobosa, Iliacantha, 185, 186, 188. subovata, Myra, 158. Persephona, 5, 152, 158, 159. sulcata, Calappa, 198, 211, 213. Symethis, 7, 24. variolosa, 5, 24, 26, 28. tenuipes, Ethusa, 78, 87, 90. Thealia, 215. acanthophora, 215. Thelaiope, 62. Thelxiope, 62, 63. barbata, 63, 65-67. palpigera, 62, 63. vigil, 63, 66, 72. Thelxiopeidea, 27, 61, 62. Three thorned Crab, 152. tortugae, Calappa saussurei, 210. townsendi, Myra, 160. Persephona, 152, 160, 162. triangulus, Spelaeophorus, 144. trilobatus, Eryon, 26. tridens, Geryon, 265. tridentatus, Lyreidus, 21. trispinosus, Chalaepus, 265. Troglocarcinus, 262. corallicola, 262. truncata, Ethusa, 78, 85. tuberculata, Ebalia, 132. Nursia, 132. tuberculatus, Hepatus, 235. tuberosa, Ebalia, 123. Osachila, 248, 250-252. typica, Ethusina abyssicola, 91. Pridope, 77. Uhlias, 122, 149. ellipticus, 5, 149. limbatus, 5, 149, 150. ursula, Dynomene, 54, 56. valida, Latreillia. 74. vanbenedenii, Hepatus, 238. variolosa, Hippa, 26. Symethis, 5, 24, 26, 28. ventricosus, Pecten, 47. vigil, Homola, 66. Thelxiope, 63, 66, 72. xantusiana, Calappa, 206. Zanclifer, 24. caribensis, 24, 26. on wi va < ive a al z ° E = = = 7) z = < = ° a = = = o | ll — —>— ee — ee ——— MEI 3 9088 01421 2500 tty ty tj tj f Hy HH? Gy Zs Z Ly Dy Hy ey Z YY; YHjgyy7 tj GY tijjjjj tj; Ti Yj Yi SZ HHwv@—'—' 7 ty Z Hn itz Ve. Ze ty