i?vw.('.v"iiuTii!i'. ;wj California Fish and Game V. 20 1934 Bound volume DATE DUE NOV California Fish and Game -w— V. 20 1934 Bound volume ^--v: >o_ 1/JjO I California Resources Agency Library 1416 9th Street, Room 117 Sacramento, California 95814 CAUFORNIA RESOURCES Miu. . .. .. lb»S0urces BuUCt.tfft ftoom 1 T7 Sacramento, Calf forn>«9 95814 SEP 51935 California Fish 'CONSERVATION OF WILD LIFE THROUGH IEDU Volume 20 SACRAMENTO, JANUARY, 193^"'—^'' ~^/ No. 1 :, 193)—-^ CONTENTS Page A PRELIMINARY SURVEY OF MISSION BAY STATE PARK Donald H. Fry, Jr., d Richard S. Croker 1 TAGGING OF STRIPED BASS G. H. Clark 14 OCTOPI OP CALIFORNIA J. B. PMlUiis 20 PREDATORY ANIMAL STUDIES D. D. McLean 30 HISTORY OF THE YOSEMITE ELK HERD James Moffltt 37 MULE DEER STUDY PROGRAM James Moffltt 52 EDITORIALS AND NOTES 67 REPORTS — Statement of Income 95 Statement of Expenditures 96 Violations of Fish and Game Laws 98 Fresh Fishery Products 100 A PRELIMINARY SURVEY OF MISSION BAY STATE PARK* By Donald H. Fey, Jr., and Richard S. Croker INTRODUCTION After Mission Bay was declared a State park and a wild life sanctuary, it was desired to learn how the wild life of the bay could be maintained and how sport fishing could be improved. At the request of Assemblyman George B. Bowers of San Diego, two members of the Staff of the California State Fisheries Laboratory (Division of Fish and Game) were sent to the area to make a survey, to report upon the existing conditions, and to suggest methods by which those in charge could improve them. Conditions ])roved to be far better than might have been expected in an area so close to a city the size of San Diego. * Contribution No. 134 from the California State Fisheries Laboratory. Novem- ber 28, 1933. 9030 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Fig. I. Ma]) of Mission Bay, San Diogro County, California. November, 1933. Con- tour lines are dashed; contour interval 25 feet; dotted lines mark channels; depths in feet at mean lower low water. Only the roads nearest the bay are shown. There are many marshy islands in the western part of the bay but very few in the eastern section. There may be channels which are not shown, and undoubtedly there are many deep holes. Many sm.all sloughs are not shown on the map. C K CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME DESCRIPTION OF MISSION BAY Mission Bay (False Bay) is an enclosed body of water immediately north of San Diego Bay, California. A square, 2f miles on an edge, would include all of Mission Bay, nearly all of the marshes Avhich border it on the south, Crown Point which projects into it from the north, and very little else. Country Surrounding the Bay Little of the country surrounding the bay is under cultivation. Wherever there are no habitations, gardens or marshes, the land is dry and barren and supports very little vegetation. The various sections are discussed separately below : The southern marsh is about two miles long and in most places is from half a mile to a mile wide. It is hard to limit it definitely because there is a gradual change from a typical salt marsh to a dry sandy wasteland; many sloughs and strips of marsh extend into this waste. The moist area is a paradise for shore and marsh birds. There are numerous small sloughs in the marsh which are not shown on the accompanying map. The eastern shore is bordered by a new highway which will soon be part of the main route from Los Angeles to San Diego. Low barren hills rise back of the highway. The northern marsh is much smaller than the southern one and although important it is far inferior to it as a retreat for birds. Crown Point is a mesa which projects about three-quarters of a mile from the northern shore. There is a sandy beach at its base. Connecting Crown Point with the southern marsh is a mile of highway which passes over a bridge, a fill, and then a second bridge. This highway crosses the marsh on a causeway and joins the Ocean Beach-San Diego road. The north shore west of Crown Point is of sandy clay, low and barren. The sand spit (Mission Beach) which separates the bay from the ocean, is 2^ miles long and at no point much over one-quarter mile wide. A combination highway and street car bridge connects the southern end of the spit with Ocean Beach. Houses and Other Buildings Ocean Beach, south of the western part of Mission Bay, is a residential district. The sand spit (Mission Beach) is built up fairly solidly with resort type houses. Crown Point is a real estate sub- division. To the east of Crown Point and along the eastern shore of the bay are a few scattered houses. On the southern marsh is a group of a half dozen houses known as Duckville. This spot can be reached by water or by a dirt road from Old Town. Streams Entering Mission Bay The San Diego River flows through the southern marsh and enters the bay at about the middle of the southern shore. The stream is dry all summer but is a serious flood menace in the winter. There are a few fresh-water potholes near the point where this stream enters the marsh. 4 CALIFORXIA FISH AXD OAMK Kose Creek enters llic bay tliroueach. Most of these are private. Fishing for rock bass and croakers is said to be good at times. A wharf on the mud fiats n<'ar the mouth; of Rose Creek is in tlie midst of the best sting ray and skat6 grounds. It may be possible to catch other species here. Beach and Shore Fiahing There are beaches at the entrance to the bay on both sides of the cuds of tlie bridge. The beach on tiie north side extends along the shore of the peninsula. There is a board walk along the most northern part of this beach. Fishing is said to be good sometimes at certain ])laces along the beaclies. Rock bass, croakers, flouiulei's and perch can be cauglit here. The beaches ardiiiul Crown Point are favorite fishing spots. Good croaker and rock bass fishing can be had here at times. There is fishing from the shor(> at several other ])laces, notably along the causeway rock fill aiul at the ends of the Crown Point bridges. Boat Fishing There are many good fishing grounds — channels and holes — that are accessible only by boat. Ci"nak(M- fishing is often good in the holes or deep spots. Some of the channels aloiig the marsh and around the islands are accessible at present only by boat. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME The current under the Mission Beach bridge is so swift and tricky as to be dangerous for row boats that venture near the breakers when the tide is ebbing. CONSERVATION OP WILD LIFE The most important item in the protection of all forms of wild life in this region is to leave the marshes and mud flats in their present natural state. Game Fish The species of game fish which are at present in the bay will probably need no additional protection for many years, provided there is no reduction in their food supply. Bait Animals By far the largest part of the bait animals taken from the bay are : jack-knife clams, burrowing shrimps (known locally as crawfish), top minnows, and gobies (small fish known as mud suckers). These animals form a very valuable food supply of the birds and game fishes. Since there are noticeable signs of depletion, these forms should be given added protection. Commercial bait men could obtain their stock from San Diego Bay, which is close by and is reputed to have more than ample supplies of bait. Birds Mission B'ay is closed to hunting — as it should be. At present, there seems to be no need for any sort of predator control, though the problem may arise in the future. Seals There is said to be a small herd of seals resident in Mission Bay. These are probably harbor seals {Phoca vitidina) . They were not seen by us. Fishermen comi)lain that the seals not only destroy game fish but also drive them out of the bay. We are not prepared to say to what extent this is true. However, the seals are an attraction of the park. Many people who do not care to fish do enjoy watching the antics of a herd of seals. Therefore, the seals of Mission Bay should not be destroyed. If their numbers become too large, in the judgment of the California Division of Fish and Game, that body can be empowered to kill a few males. This can be done without in any way endangering the existence of the herd. Control of Sting Bays A reduction in the number of sting rays in Mission Bay would be highly desirable. These species form serious competition for game fishes, and the round sting ray is a great menace to bathers. There is no way to eliminate sting rays entirely, but their numbers can be reduced by interesting anglers in taking them. Sportsmen's clubs in the San Francisco Bay region do this by having contests and awarding prizes for the largest rays caught. Once or twice a year great numbers 10 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME are taken by tlie elnb members, but no consistent effort is made to catch them throughout the year. Contests sliould be held on IMission Bay, not once a year but continually. The park board or possibly some sportsmen's organization could publicize the contests and award prizes for the largest bat ray and the largest round ray taken each month. While trying to catch large ones, the anglers would destroy hundreds of others and would learn what sport the bat ray affords Avlien taken on rod and reel. Introduction of Xcw Species Any native species of plant or animal that could thrive in the bay under present conditions Avould already be there in numbers. Non- native species form an entirely different problem. An introduced species may seem highly desirable in itself and yet crowd out or devour many valuable native species and become a serious pest. For this reason, new species should never be introduced until a thorough investi- gation has been made to determine what harm they may do. Striped bass have been introduced into Mission Bay. These fish may perish, they may migrate out of the bay, or they may grow up and stay in the bay. They will not re]:)roduce and any striped bass fishing will have to be kept up by continued planting. Striped bass require fresh water for spawning and there is no suitable stream enter- ing the bay. Tt is to be ho]ied that these fish will not markedly interfere with native game fishes. The soft-shell clam (Mya arenaria) is an introduced species which thrives in San Francisco and Tomales bays. It might do well in ^Mission Bay if introduced there. It is equal to the native jack-knife clam as bait and is superior as food. However, it might prove more attractive to sting rays (which feed upon and destroy great quantities of soft-shells in northern California bays) and less attractive to game fishes. It might supplant the now abundant jack-knife clam almost entirel}- and then prove to be useless to local game fishes. (It has supplanted other si)ecies in San Francisco Bay.) We do not recom- mend introducing this or any other species of shellfish into IMission Bay without a fairly extensive investigation, and certainly not without consulting F. W. Weymouth, Paul Bonnot, or II. C. ]\lcMillin, authori- ties on shellfish. PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENTS IN MISSION BAY Flood Coiifrol Channel The largest proposed change of which we have heard is to make a wide flood control channel to lead the San Diego River straight out to the mouth of the bay. Several years ago the river was diverted from the same route and forced to enter the bay east of Crown Point. Since then, it has been showing tendencies to silt up the marshes and fill in the bay. The new channel should be a great improvement. Breakwaters In connection with the flood control channel, it is proposed to run one or two jetties into the ocean at the entrance of the bay. If this is done, we recommend that fishing be permitted from the jetties, and CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 11 if they are of the usual broken granite construction that board walks be placed along them. These would probably be washed away periodically but could be replaced. They would not need to be elabo- rate, anything is far better than climbing over broken granite. Bulkheads We have heard proposals to bulkhead the bay shore in various places. In any M'ild life preserve, bulkheading should be used as sparingly as possible, and above all things the edges of the marshes should not be bulkheaded. Fig. 3. Part of the eastern half of Mission Bay. One of the causeway bridges is at the left; Pacific Beach in the background. Photo by authors, November, 1933. The main channel hugs the western shore for a half mile or so and is said to be cutting the sand away. Bulkheads may be necessary here and would not be particularly objectionable, but we recommend that groins be seriously considered before any construction is started. Roads A highway could be built to advantage along the edge of the pro- posed San Diego River flood control project. Because of the effect on the wild life of the marsh, we recommend that no other roads be built between the flood control channel and the bay. If any are built, all but the very smallest sloughs should be bridged and these should be provided with large culverts. Under no circumstances should any sloughs be blocked. 12 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Dredging Only a small ainoniit of dredpinp' could be done to advantafre in Mission Bay. There should be no atteni])t to dreday and adjacent Avaters. This was due to tlie fact tliat fish -were more ])lentifnl or at least easier to catch in this refjion. However, about 80 fish Avere tafrfied in Napa River, one fish in San Pablo liay and about 70 in liroad Slouht exce])t the very small ones under seven inches. Table TT shows the sizes tafi<;ed durinp; the first year and those tagged in October and November of the second year of the work. The greatest number of fish tagged between September, 1932, and September, 1933, were 11 inches in length, the smallest fish was 5 inches, and the largest 41 inches. There are two groups of sizes, those between 8 and 12 inches and those between 14 and 18 inches, and possibly a third group around 19 and 20 inches. The 8 to 12 inch group is in the main composed of 2 year old fish,* the 14 to 18 inch group 3 year old fish, and the 19 to 20 inch group 4 year old fish. The same groups are also apparent in the fish tagged in October and November of 1933. but the majority tagged were of a slightly smaller size. The proportion of each groiq) to the whole in the fish caught and tagged by the Division in October and November, 1933, is : for the first group about 75 per cent, the second about 23 ])er cent, and the remainder about 2 per cent. Tf this proportion re]')resents the true condition of the striped bass population in the bay, and it may, although the material is much too scanty to hazard definite opinion, it is not welcome news for the continuation of good striped bass fishing. Tf the anglers are drawing heavily on fish from 12 to 18 inches in size and not allowing sufhcient numbers to reach maturity at 4 to 5 years of age, the population in a short time may fall alarmingly. Now' these "ifs" may or may not be true. There is very little evidence to support them, yet there is some basis as shown by the catch of tagged fish, which were caught with various sizes of hooks and of bait. It is food for thought. As yet, ver}^ little iiirnnnation about striped bass movements is apjiarent. As said before, 42 tagged bass were recovered, which is 6 ])er cent of the amount tagged, within a little more than a year's time. A great many of the recoveries were made ver^- near the vicinity where the fish were tagged and liberated. There is no evidence as yet that there is a definite movement of the bass in any direction ; the bass that moved any distance moved from theii- tagging s])ot in all directions. No conclusions of striped bass movements can be made until more bass are tagged and recovered. The longest movement known was that of two bass which were tagged on the Middle Ground in Suisun Bay and recovered in the ]\Tokelumne River. One bass tagged in Soutliamiiton Bay, Carquinez Strait, Avas recovered at Antioch Bridge. Another recovery was made in San Pablo Bay from the ]\Iiddle Ground, Suisun Bay. Still another from Napa River was recovered at Toland Landing, Sacramento I^iver. Table III shows the recovered fish, tag numbers, date and locality of recovery, date tagged, place tagged, size when tagged, and number of days between tagging and capture. • Scofleld, E. C. The striped bass of California. Calif. Div. Fish & Game, Fish Bull., No. 29, 1931. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 17 00 •-« cc '* lO ■* '^ o oo r^ >n ^ « 1 ■rt* o CO ""^ tn lO CO 00 .— 1 1— « N T— 1 O CO O CO "T CO t^ ^^ »o CO t- o C^ CO o o CO CO CO o to 00 CO ^_^ -^ X5 ca o .— t -rf « C-l iC t^ OS »o ■^ o '* CO CO 00 o t^ CD CO 00 lO < CO CO l:~ o -^ ' '^ t^ W3 CO o ^ ; ^ to « iO o ^ 1 ^ W3 M o "^ CO , Ol , -o M 43 a? rt —- CO a x> ing fi toSe ingse embe T3 O, dur 932, dur Nov -o — i-O O V , a>T3 ^ bC C be C bC oj bC cc ber ta ptemb ber ta tober f2 5 icSio H ;z; z CO CD CT. « 6 Oi OS 00 ja .£ CO 1 l: a; aj ; C5^ >>co s £i-g§ ^ •cm » « T3 .S°.S g .S. s<>.-s§ m '^g"°Z t« -aST3_ O M tT bO = bC 5 bO ca -3? ber ta ptemb ber ta tober J2 o H C3 leg 15 >^ iS ;^; ^ 2 — 9030 18 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME if lis ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^C^ ^ ^C^ C^OIM C^ CO »-" ^ ^ CO CO •ess CO "^ OOkCOOIOOOOOUOOOOiCOOkOOOUOOOiOOOOOOOOUSUOOOOOUOOUOiOO O;DMt0C^U5-H-^U0'^O05-^'*OOt^C^C0«OOC0^^^-M--f^U000IMaiO»0C^OO — I^OOO^t^ CO N ffS n rt cQ •■>■ ra mmcacQ gm a a G a •- a 3 ;3 3 3 CJ 3 « « en « ^ w ■3'3'3'3 .'3 CO a> CO CO >.co I o CQ g §-§'m gra * -Oi*-' -^H cirri PQ u) 03 oaP9 >, '5' 3,-o -o^ g-o ga-S St3t3 _ k^ t^ W (W , rt C3.C.S >,aaa3«cj iS a a rt n w 3 3 a a _ w 2 rt CS 3 3 3ZZ ''3 - McoM . .jacooj ■3 . . e* M Sf_r_r •^ ■S 33^^ 3 3 o»j^j goo !? QJ ^ J"^ J^ X^ OJ 4J 03 pa >,aa c c =3 3 3 sCQ 3 OT «J _ WJ '3'3 §'3 coco MCQ ■"3_r P3 a-r-s-sro-s siK-^w-s 3^1- Z^H 3 t4^ P "O rt I- 1^ rt fc- ^ rt OOgO">5 ■i3S >-S a o ^ «a <: .4 -<; H <-. H O 03 P3 c^cccco(^^c^coc^(^^'^a(^^»^lcoco'^lcoc<^coco COCOCOCOS^«>C^COC*3COeCCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCCC»OCOC*OC^COCOCOCOCOfOCOCCCCCOCOC^COC*3CO ■.^ -fc3 -*J D.-*-* - c6m!»cSa3- 3 ST c?^ 3 4;^ »" " 3 3 0-3 u t5 o O >. ^^ - 3 o rt &"•§ °-S ■^ . S :f ?5 -*J r5 " Xi ■ - U) a; O) V ? u bS bO 03eQO3 ec CO 3 sa OS- » m2 ° ■^ — — ^■|-2-2m^'£m-33 fee g 3^=5^ ?:::; >^ ■go-s ■5 ■= a 0 ■Is o a i" '="3- ^ £ o CJ — ^oaww^S '? O ,:9S art Q ^ > w HSH(:t.*5 0:; pq g « ■5|.SK2 3 2 <5 -M O O O t3— 2 =3 3 CJ »J4i rt203 g a, o o Cstoiss cirtoa<50aj^ bo bo .a •| .S '3 ui 03 1, oiK ua 0 0 T3 -^^ ■♦J c a CQ B a -s 03 rt Q S ^ > > o > o , - T" I-. -->>>»« 2 ^^ ^Zl ^Zj ^ ^ ^T" TT ^\ /•\ J*-* e-i f\ r-\ f-t fi ^-\ ' §■««« o o S 5 S g 2-S^J3,2i3 o.^^ B.&^.3 g S'B'B'g 3 3 Sr ST aj , 'Piinity Co., in4 sq. mi. Elevation 2800 feet to 6262 feet. Powell Game Refuge 111 in 'I'luihiniiie Co., 151 sq. mi. Elevation 1600 feet to 7500 feet. Game Refuge 3E, Santa Clara Co., 6 sq. mi. plus 4 sq. mi., totaling 10 sq. mi. Elevation 2250 feet to 4209 feet! Munneke Game Refuge IG in Tehama Co., 169 sq. mi. plus 24 sq. mi., totaling 193 sq. mi. Elevation 1000 feet to 5500 feet. Game Refuge IF in Lassen Co., 75 sq. mi. plus 4 sq. mi., totaling 79 sq. mi. Eleva- tion 5100 feet to 7000 feet. J of Game Refuge 3D, Ventura Co. plus 72 sq. mi., totaling 133 sq. mi. Elevation 950 feet to 6300 feet. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 31 Trapper Size of areas trapped Wallace Half of Game Refuge 4A, San Bernardino Co., totaling 280 sq. mi. Elevation 2000 feet to 11485 feet. Also on the quail refuges at Los Floras and Talmadge in that district. Williams Game Refuge 4E, San Diego Co., 81 sq. mi. Elevation 3000 feet to 5000 feet. CATCH DATA Coyote Bobcat Skunk Fox Coon J. N. Ray 175 117 52 29 31 Shawr 68 19 34 7 1 R. Ray 80 70 22 14 3 McDonald 26 44 32 33 43 Willburn 10 5 4 15 Munneke 102 31 34 32 6 Powell 22 22 35 9 9 Wallace 63 20 90 15 2 Williams 17 41 17 57 4 Totals 563 369 320 211 99 Ringtail Badger cat Bear Mink J. N. Ray 20 R. Ray 1 __ __ 2 3 McDonald — 11 5 19 Willburn __ — 1 Munneke 4 Powell 2 Wallace 1 Williams — 2 Totals 28 13 6 21 3 932 coyotes and bobcats 16 80 total nuinber of animals The following tables apply to coyotes and hol)cats only. Opos- sum House cat 5 4 1 14 18 22 Mountain Weasel lioyi MILES PER ANIMAL Total No. miles of trap line J. N. Ray 18,500 Shaw 6,419 R. Ray 11,419 McDonald 9,932 Willburn 1,347 Munneke 10,971 Powell 7,118 Wallace 3,395 Williams 2,592 No. of coyotes 175 68 80 2G 10 102 22 63 17 Miles per coyote 105.7 94.4 142.7 382.0 134.7 107.5 323.7 53.9 152.5 No. of bobcats 117 19 70 44 5 31 22 20 41 Totals 71,693 SETS PER ANIMAL Total No. Sets per of sets coyote J. N. Ray 16,872 96.4 Shaw 13,263 195.0 R. Ray 12,630 157.8 McDonald 13,673 526.0 Willburn 3,958 395.8 Munneke 10.902 106.8 Powell 12,570 571.4 Wallace 4,757 75.5 Williams 2,297 135.1 Total 90,922 77 miles per animal for the group 97.5 sets per animal for the group Miles per bobcat 158.1 337.8 163.0 228.8 269.4 353.9 323.7 169.7 63.2 Sets per bobcat 145 698 180.4 310.7 791.6 351.7 571.4 237.8 56.0 Total No. anivials 292 87 150 70 15 133 44 83 58 932 Sets per animal 57.7 152.8 88.9 195.7 264.0 82.7 285. 7 54.7 39.7 :]2 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME COST DATA Daxis Salary Coyotes Bobcats Miles Sets J. X. Ray 539 $1,800 00 175 117 18,500 16,872 Shaw 511 1,790 32 68 19 6,419 13,263 R. Ray 476 1,790 32 80 70 11,419 12,630 McDonald ___ 540 1,790 32 26 44 9,932 13,673 Willburn _— 187 650 00 10 5 1,347 3,958 Munneke 395 1,548 39 102 31 10,971 10,902 Powell 421 1,500 00 22 22 7,118 12,570 Wallace 232 1,480 00 63 20 3,395 4,757 Williams — 183 750 00 17 41 2,592 2,297 Totals 3,484 $13,099 35 563 369 71,693 90,922 Each animal cost Number of days per animal, 3.7 3 Days Cost per per animal animal 1.8 $6 16 5.9 20 60 3.3 11 93 7.7 25 57 12.2 43 33 2.9 11 64 9.6 34 05 2.8 17 83 3.2 13 00 $14 05 RECORD OF STOMACH EXAMINATIONS Predators' stomachs to the number listed below contained the particular items mentioned : Coyote- -537 stomachs Skunk —133 stomachs 297 empty 95 empty 240 with contents 28 insects 38 with contents 1 pine squirrel .00 deer 45 ground sq uirrel 2 lizard 1 cow 2 quail 40 cow i mice 1 junco egg 13 bird 24 sheep 2 deer 1 wood rat 78 rabbit 5 hog 4 bird 1 ground squirrel 11 mouse 7 chicken 6 rabbit 6 wood rat 7 gray squi rrel 8 gopher 3 kangaroo rat Coon- -b9 stomachs 2 insects 1 goat 39 empty 3 lizard 1 antelope 1 8 6 snake insects frogs 20 w: ith contents 1 duck 1 grebe 1 rabbit Bobcat— -324 stomachs 3 mice 2 berries 168 empty •> bird 1 garbage 156 witli contents Fox — 152 stomachs 13 deer 5 quail 17 ground squirrel 2 chicken 101 51 empty with contents 34 bird 9 gray squirrel 8 bird 2 quail 24 rabbit 8 gopher •) insects 1 ground squirrel 31 mice 1 house cat 10 berries 1 chicken 35 wood rat 1 skunk 30 mice 1 kangaroo rat 1 insect 1 sheep or goat 0 rabbit 1 lizard 1 lizard 1 cow 1 deer 2 wood rat DEER REMAINS IN COYOTES BY MONTHS 1932 Male January 1 Foljruary 2 March April 4 May 3 .lune 1 July 2 August 4 September 5 October 7 November 4 December 9 Female 2 1933 Male January 1 February 1 March 2 April 3 .May 4 June Totals 53 Female 5 1 1 2 2 47 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 33 RANGE OF COYOTES AND BOBCATS In refuge 3B in San Benito County during the first three months of the year, most of the coyotes were taken between 1200 and 1500 feet elevation, and during' the next seven months at about the 2000-foot level. In November and December they were back down to the 1700-foot level. In refuge 1-0 in El Dorado County from January to May most of the coyotes were taken near the 4000-foot line. During June and July they had moved up to about -1500 feet. November and December, before the heavy storms, found most of them at the 6000-foot level. In refuge IJ in Amador County, during the month of October, all coyotes were taken between 5300 and 6500 feet altitude. During the months of August and September in refuge l-I in Placer County, coyotes were taken near the 5000-foot contour. On refuge IG in Tehama County few coyotes were caught possibly on account of heavy trapping in the foothills to the west by private trappers. On refuge 2A in Lake, Mendocino and Glenn counties there was little shifting of the coyote population. Few were taken above the 3500-foot contour. One interesting thing pertaining to the range of coyotes was noted in 1-0 in El Dorado County. On Big Silver Creek and its middle fork, 23 miles of trap line was run for a considerable period of time when deer were plentiful in the area without a single coyote being- caught. They did not come into the area during the entire summer. Certain refuges appear to be in the concentration areas of coyotes. Refuges IF in Lassen and 3B in San Benito are so situated. Both of these refuges are in sheep grazing areas. In IF the coyotes left when the sheep were driven out, which was about a month before the deer went to their wintering ground. In 3B there were plenty of coyotes throughout the year but the sheep remained also. Other refuges, although well supplied with game and other food but harbor- ing no sheep, did not have coyotes in such numbers. The area over which a resident coyote will range is not as large as might be supposed. It is a circuit covered at intervals of several days, each day covering an area about five miles square. The female coyote during the pupping time has a short range ; at other times it is about the same as the male. I have only two definite records where coyotes were seen killing deer. In El Dorado County, in snow about 3^ feet deep, a deer was killed by a coyote and in San Benito County three coyotes had killed a doe. In the last instance one coyote was ham stringing the doe while the other two were working from the sides near the head. They all came down a steep slope together and finished her in the creek bed. Bobcats range below 5000 feet, which is the approximate upper limit of the heavy brush region. A few are found in the timber area. These are mostly wandering males. They were caught at all seasons and elevations m 3B. In 1-0, IJ and l-I they were scarce as most of these refuges are above the average bobcat range. In refuge IG few bobcats were found in the refuge, but just out- side its western boundary at a lower elevation they were fairly .3—9030 34 CALll'UKXIA I'l.Sii AND UAME plentiful. Ill refuge 2A tlie avorap:e elevation of capture was 3100 feet. Squirrels and rabbits are the i)riiieipal food of: the coyote while the wood rat is the mainstay of the bobcat. Both animals eat carrion but the bobcat does so to a much less degree. Coyotes gnaw on carcasses fi-oni the time they are fresh until nothing but hide and bones remain. In the San IJenito County refuge and vicinity dvu'ing the hunting season for deer and the month following, 7 coyotes had eaten deer. During the other 15 months the trapper was operating, only 11 had eaten deer. Thirty-nine per cent of the coyotes tliat had eaten deer did so in one-sixth of the time the trapper was working. This would indicate that the liunter is of considerable help to the coyote. Wounded deer, hides, legs, heads and other remains thrown away by the hunter are very acceptable to the hungry coyote. In refuges in the northern Sierras where heavy winter conditions prevail, the findings are not the same as in the Coast Range. Only three coyote stomachs of those trapped in the hunting season con- tained deer remains. However, during the two winters the trapper was operating, there was a heavy loss of deer on account of deep snows. When the carcasses of these deer were available in the late winter and .spring, deer remains showed up in almost all the stomachs. Heavy winters are good for the coyote but hard on deer. Of the 537 stomachs examined, 240 contained food and of that luimber 100 or 41f per cent contained deer meat, bones, hair or other l)arts; 27 per cent of the 100 were taken during and in the month following deer season; 30 per cent of the 100 were taken in the winter deer kill area, leaving 43 per cent for other times of the year. It is possible that the first kill is made by some other agency (mountain lions kill over 30,000 deer a year in California) and that the coyote, at this time of the year, is a second feeder. Only two coyote stomachs contained hair of young fawns during the time spots were present. These were both taken in San Benito County. SUMMARY In San Benito County it required 18,500 miles of trap line and 16,872 sets to take 175 coyotes in 17 months. An average of 105.7 miles of trap line and 94.6 sets for each animal. In Lake County coyotes were not so numerous. In 18 months time only 26 coyotes were taken on a trap line of 9932 miles with 13,675 sets. An average of 382 miles and 526 sets per animal. In El Dorado County in 18 months time with 6412 miles of trap line and 13,263 sets, 68 coyotes were taken. An average of 94.4 miles and 195 sets per animal. In San Diego County in 7 months time, by running 2592 miles of trap line and 2297 sets, 17 coyotes were caught. An average of 152.5 miles and 136.1 sets per animal. In Lassen County in three months with 2585 miles of trap line and 1272 sets, 51 coyotes were taken. An average of 50 miles and 25 sets per animal. In Kern County during 10 months, with 8604 miles of trap line and 7414 sets, 52 coyotes were taken. An average of 165.6 miles and 142.5 sets per animal. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 35 In Trinity County durinf? 6^ months time on 104 square miles, 1347 miles of trap line was run to ea])tui-e 10 coyotes or an average of one coyote to 10.4 square miles ; and one coyote to 134.7 miles of trap line. A total of 3958 sets were exposed or an average of 395.8 sets per coyote. This summary shows something of the relative abundance of coyotes in the various refuges. Bobcats were most numerous in San Benito and Lake counties. In the Coast Range, coyotes and bobcats are practically resident wherever found, not migrating perceptibly. In the Sierras the seasonal migration of coyotes is east and west. The summer resident coyotes at high elevations drop down replacing those at a lower level, which in turn move down replacing others until there is a greater or less movement into the valleys. This migration begins at approximately the time sheep are moved from their summer range. The upward migration follows the receding winter and possibly the spring herding of sheep to the summer range. After winters of heavy snow in which many deer are killed, these coyotes find a bounteous food supply. In the Pinnacles region of San Benito County where the coyotes are mostly resident, the best catches of coyotes were made when sheep were concentrated in a relatively small area. Trapping became poorer when sheep ranged over greater areas in the spring. In Kern County on IM very few coyotes were taken on the refuge when the sheep had been moved to the valley ranges. From the information at hand, the movement of sheep has a greater effect on the abundance of coyotes in a given locality than any other factor. Trapping on certain areas did not prove worth while. The Gray Lodge Refuge in the Sacramento Valley north of Marysville Buttes at an elevation of 60 feet, is a good example. No coyotes were secured in 38 days of trapping, with 25 miles of trap line each day, and an average of 30 sets per day. Refuge IG in Tehama County was not satisfactory possibly because of private trapping to the west on the wintering ground. Part of 1-0 in El Dorado County in the drainage basin of Big Silver Creek and its middle fork did not produce a coyote during a month's trapping in July when coyotes should have been in that region. No signs of coyotes were in evidence. A total of 393 miles of line with 659 sets were exposed during the month. The Mount Hamilton region is interesting because in the refuge, which includes the mountain above the 2200-foot contour, practically no bobcats or coyotes are found at any season, while around the base of the mountain below the refuge they are not uncommon. It is impossible for coyotes and bobcats to be numerous beyond their food supply. When the population reaches the point where the food begins to decrease, then the predators must decrease. The coyote is dependent to a large extent on rabbits and squirrels, and w'here coyotes are plentiful, as in San Benito County, squirrels and rabbits are also numerous. Although quail are particularly abundant (more than 300 were seen per day) in all parts of that area trapped, only one coyote out of 175 had quail remains in its stomach. Only two coyotes out of 563 trapped, in this study, had quail remains. In this same region in San Benito County wood rats, which are the bobcat's mainstay, are fairly plentiful and we found bobcats were 30 CALIFORNIA FTSII AND GAME also relatively iiuiiiei'ous. In only liv(> ))()l)ent stonuielis wove we able to find - badly infected and ulcerated. From 1924 until 19;]2, the nund)er of adult bulls ecpialed or out- numbered the old cows in the Yosemite herd. It is thought that this condition was responsible for the small number of calves that were born each year as an excess of fipliting on behalf of the disproportionate number of bulls ])i'obably interfered with their breeding activities. At any rate, the proportion of sexes was deemed unsatisfactory so the Park Service, early in 1932, decided to remove some of the surplus males and on February 21, four adult bulls were killed and their remains were ))reserved for scientific study by several California institutions. The favorable effect of this reduction of surplus males upon the herd is indicated by the fact that six calves, two more than were bom in any other season, w^ere dropped the following spring, although it is a fact that the mating season Avas over before the surplus males were killed. Early in 1928, sentiment began to develop against keeping the elk in Yosemite Valley ])ermanently. For one thing, the tremendous increase in the number of annual visitors to the Valley since the original introduction in 1922 resulted, by 1928, in the need of every foot of available space on the valley floor for the accomodation of the public. Park officials saw^ that the space occupied by the elk corral would soon be required for this purpose. The unsatisfactory experiment of liberat- ing the animals in the Valley in 1927 indicated that relief could not be found in this direction. Another reason for the change in sentiment toward the elk was that by ]928 the National Park Service's policy with reference to exhibiting caged or nonnative animals within the Parks had altered, and the Service was now definitely on record against such exhibits. A letter from Acting Superintendent E. P. Leavitt of Yosemite National Park to M. Hall McAllister in June, 1928, outlined the Service's attitude regarding this problem, but stated that no immediate action Avas ])lanned. The subject was carefully considered by the National Park Service during the next months when opinions regarding it were secured from interested persons both within and without the organization. Some of the opinions may be of interest for notwith- standing the need of the space occupied by the elk corral for the pub- lic's use, then Assistant Field Director Horace I\I. Albright and now Assistant Director Dr. 11. C. P>ryant were among the Service's men who expressed the hope that if might be jxissible to keep the animals in the Valley. Superintendent Thomson tenaciously contended for their removal from the Park. Dr. Jose])h Grinnell was, as originally and always, ojiposed to keeping the elk in Yosemite because they are nonnative to its fauna. ]\I. Hall McAllister suggested if the land occupied by the iiaddock Avas recpiired for other ])urposes, it might be possible to erect a corral in Bridalveil jNIeadoAvs or elscAvhere Avhere CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 41 space was available and to transfer the animals there. He also sug- gested the possibility of reducing the size of the herd and keeping its maximum at 12 animals, the surplus to be butchered and marketed, or turned loose. Thus the matter Avas, from time to time, brought up and discussed for a period of nearly three years, but no definite solution was reached. Early in 1932, Superintendent Thomson interested Charles G. Dun- woody, Director of Conservation of the California State Chamber of Commerce, in the National Park Service's problem with the Yosemite elk herd which he hoped to solve by locating a satisfactory area in which to place the animals. Dunwoody at a subsequent meeting of the State Chamber, announced Superintendent Thomson's problem and asked if any of those in attendance could suggest a suitable place to which to transfer the herd. Fig. 7. This type of country extends along tlie Owens River for at least 60 miles. The elk were released on the river about at the place marked by the cross. The Sierras are seen in the background, the Wliite Mountains border the other side of the valley. G. W. Dow, Lone Pine, a leader among Owens Valley sportsmen, was present at this meeting and stated that he would like to have the elk moved to Owens Valley. Dow explained that he considered this an ideal locality in which to permit the animals to roam at large a strip of seemingly ideal habitat bordering Owens River for a distance of nearly 70 miles and owned almost entirely by the City of Los Angeles. He pointed out the natural attractions of Owens Valley for elk habitat, stressing the fact that little agriculture now exi.sts in the valley wdth w^hich the animals could interfere and asserted that the sportsmen and people of the vicinity would welcome the introduction aiid protect the animals. Dow and Dunwoody shortly thereafter met with other interested parties in Los Angeles to contact the Water and Power Board with 42 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME reference to the plan. Tliis ^ronp's inquiries met witli the immediate favorable reaction of the board and soon the City of Los Angeles issued formal perniissiou to introduce elk into its Owens Valley prop- erties. Credit is due to ^Messrs. Dow and Dnnwoody, Hoy Booth, Supervisor of the Inyo National Forest, Dean L. Sears and Dr. M. A. Williamson, both of Lone Pine, and the Water and Power Board for brinyinji' the nialter to such a speedy and successful conclusion. In the meantime, Dunwoody and Dow corresponded in this regard with C. G. Thomson, Superintendent of Yosemite National Park, and kept him informed of their progress. Supt. Thomson seemed to favor the plan from the start. On -May 10, 19132, Dunwoody advised the Superintendent that details were completed with the City of Los Angeles and that the jxTiiiit had been granted. A few days later, Dow advised Supt. Thomson that he was already to send trucks in which to move the animals. This prompt action was a bit prenuiture, for the National Park Service had not yet decided to move the elk and would not agree to do so until it was satisfied beyond any question that the herd would succeed in its new location. The National Park Service soon delegated George M. Wright, Chief of its Wild Life Division, to conduct a thorough study into the details of the proposed transfer both from the viewpoint of its desirability and necessity, and of the suitability of Owens Valley for the animals' success. Wright, on account of other Avork, was unable to undertake this investigation until the following spring. On June 1, 1933, he rendered a most comprehensive report on the subject to the Director of the National Park Service. It seems advisable here, even at the expense of some duplication in this paper, to put a goodly portion of this report on record, for it indicates how thoroughly the Park Service went into the matter before reaching a decision. In regard to the necessity and desirability of removing the elk from the Park, Wright outlined the manner in which conditions as they obtained in 1922, when the elk were placed in Yosemite, had changed, as follows : 1. Now contrary to policy to harbor exotics in a National Park. 2. Against National Park policy to exhibit animals in confinement. 3. Inconsistent with National Park's educational program, which is to stimulate visitors to study nature in place, to have elk enclosed in a paddock within sight of its Educational Museum, a living contradiction to this principle. 4. Space used by elk pasture required for caring for great crowds of Park visitors. 5. Maintenance of elk herd costs Educational Department of Yosemite $400 per year for feed for animals. 6. Need for preserving species from extinction that threatened in 1022. now removed with establishment [in 19.S21 of 1000 acre State Park in San Joa(|uin \'alley with 140 'i'ule lOlk mi it. Wright's report then outlined tlie requirements that should be met before acting on the pro]-)osal to transfer tlio nuinuils to Owens Valley, as follows : 1. Obtain approval of California Academy of Sciences. 2. Obtain approval of scientific groii)) at the University of California. 3. Obtain approval of the California Division of Fish and Game. 4. Local inhabitants should be favorably disposed to the introduction. (This requirement already met by assurance of G. W. Dow and otiier residents of Owens Valley.) CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 43 5. That there should be no danger of conflict with economic interests. (This requirement met, no danger of conflict with agriculture for the few remaining farms in Owens Valley are being rapidly acquired by the City of Los Angeles and when its program is completed, there will no longer be any farms there. Presence of elk should be conducive to the prosperity of inhabitants of Owens Valley because of their interest to the tourist trade Fig. 8. Messrs. Walker, Dow and Merrill demonstrate the height of undergrowth which covers large areas along the Owens River. This should make an ideal home for the elk. which is a source of considerable income to residents. Stock grazing is no longer heavy in Owens Valley and is now being reduced by the policy of the Water Board. Therefore, feed is abundant and the elk should prosper.) 6. Elk should range on publicly owned lands. (Tliis requirement already met as the City of Los Angeles owns 00 per cent of the land in Owens Valley.) 7. Obtain a means to finance the cost of moving the elk. (G. W. Dow already offered to be responsible for this.) 44 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 8. Essential that plan of liberation be conducive to the in Elk once abounded. Althoufih the elevation is greater tiiaii in the San .Ioa(iuin Valley, snows that remain on the ground occur only wilii llie greatest rarity in Owens Valley. Nature has fenced the valley to preclude the animals' escape from it, for if the elk attempt to leave the river marshes, high mountains or hostile deserts hem them in on all sides. The.se factors .seem to meet this requirement.) Wripht closed his report with tlie foilowing- reeommeiuhitious regarding the elk transfer. First, that it is his opinion that the animals would prosper in Owens Valley. Second, that the transfer be Fig. 9. Bull elk after dehorning. After their horns were removed, they quieted down, showing little interest in each other. made in Ictte fall, after the rutting season wlieu the bull's horns could be sawed aff to prevent their injuring tliemselves in transit, when tlie calves would be large and strong enough to stand the trip and when the cows Avould already be impregnated to.insm-e securing a calf crop the following spring. Director of the National Park Service H. M. All)righl on .June 20. 1933, approved AVright's recommendations and authorized the transfer provided that each requirement was md bcfoi-c making the shipnicnt. Accordingly, Supt. Thomson addressed the agencies whose approval was required, requesting that same be granted. Dr. C. E. Grunsky, President and Acting Director of the California Academy of Sciences, provided Supt. Thomson with that institution's approval of the transfer on September 15, 1033, but expressed some reluctance over it for the reason of M. Hall ^ilcAllister's opinion in CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 45 its-.regard. It is only 'fair liere, in deference to McAllister's unfailing, interest in the Yosemite elk herd, to ])ut on record his views in this regard", which everyone, including McAllister himself, hopes will prove to be unfounded. McAllister believes that the move is to be regretted because the elk had a good home in Yosemite where their increase was normal. He thinks that fewer people will see and enjoy them in Owens Valley than in Yosemite and fears the danger of their raiding farms there, citing the examples of the ]\Ionterey and Eden Valley (Mendocino County) introductions, where ranchers are said to have protected themselves against elk depredations to their crops by employ- ing rather drastic means of control. Dr. Grinnell had already, in March, provided Wright with his views regarding the transfer, writing that he considers "Owens Valley appoints the best of their own home range." He is enthusiastic over the prospects in Owens Valley for the species, and is glad that the herd has been removed from Yosemite. Executive Officer J. L. Farley expressed to Supt. Thomson the California Fish and Game Commission's atttude on the subject on September 8. This was that the Commission approved the transfer but can not undertake to purchase feed, if necessity for same arises, for the elk in their new home. Further, that in so far as it is consistent with its other duties, the Commission will endeavor to protect the herd in Owens Valley. All the conditions having been satisfactorily met, Supt. Thomson on September 30, 1933, so informed the Director of the National Park Service and advised him that the transfer date had been set for October 10. Meanwhile rather careful and elaborate preliminary work was being done in Yosemite by the Park Service. Specifications for carry- ing crates were secured from Yellowstone National Park, and the requisite number were constructed in Owens Valley at G. W. Dow's expense. Preshipment handling of the animals themselves can best be described by quoting from Chief Ranger F. S. Townsley's report in this regard (see Figs. 9 and 10) : For several weeks before the transfer, very definite plans were made to handle the elk with as little difficulty as possible so as not to get them excited. The old deer trap at the upper end of the pasture was rebuilt and a dehorning shoot was made so that it could be used to force the elk into the shipping crates. The dehorning was done over a period of several days, by trapping only one or two bulls at a time ; the rest of the herd did not realize that anything unusual was taking place. A few days before they were to be crated, all water was shut off except inside the trap, resulting in very little excitement when some of them had to b^ driven through the trap door. At the same time, Dow was active on the ' ' receiving end ' ' in Owens Valley. There, bordering Owens River, near Aberdeen, about 14 miles from Independence (see Figs. 7 and 14), he constructed a paddock in which the herd was to be held for a week or ten days after arrival and fed hay until they became acclimated. :\Iaterials for the construction of this corral were supplied gratis by the Department of Water and Power of the City of Los Angeles and by some enthusi- astic Big Pine and Lone Pine business men. Several employees of 46 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Fig. 10. Small paddock used in connection with trap, trapdoor up ready for use. Two inside doors made it possible to force one elk at a time into dehorning shoot and shipping crate. Fig. 11. Forcing elk to front of crate so door could be bolted on. Mr. Dow at front of crate adding some reinforcement with wire. Chief Ranger Townsley at the right, holding prod. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 47 the City Department of Water and Power assisted in the erection of the fence, on their own time. He also arranged to supply a large truck for hauling the crates to Yosemite and the elk back to Owens Valley and arranged to come himself to. Yosemite for the loading and then accompany the animals home. Dow personally expended several hundred dollars in connection with this venture in which he was assisted by a $100 appropriation from the County of Inyo. The Division of Fish and Game donated the use of one of its large fish planting trucks for hauling the elk, and the services of Fish Planting Assistant E. L. Walker and Game Warden C. J. Walters. The Gov- ernment supplied a third truck from the Civilian Conservation Corps and a driver for same, Lee Rust. This equipment was assembled in Yosemite the evening of October 9 and the work of loading the elk was commenced at 8 a.m. the follow- ing morning under the supervision of Chief Ranger Townsley (see Fig'. 11). Six of the bulls were loaded into individual crates which were placed on the Division's truck and left the valley at 3.30 p.m. (see Fig. 12). By 6.30 p.m., 16 more animals were individually crated and loaded on the larg'e semitrailer type of truck furnished by Dow. This truck left Yosemite an hour later, escorted by Dow in his private sedan. The remaining elk, five calves, were loaded into two crates on the C. C. C. Chevrolet truck which left the valley at 9 p.m. Ranger W. K. Merrill and Assistant Park Naturalist A. E. Borell accom- panied Rust in this truck. The trip from Yosemite to Owens Valley is well described in Ranger Merrill's report from which the following is quoted: Ranger Naturalist Borell, Lee Rust and I left at 9 p.m. in a truck with five young elk. We arrived at Fresno at 1.15 a.m., inspected the elk, gassed the truck and left at 1.30 a.m. I relieved Rust from driving from Fresno to Bakersfield. We overhauled the second load of elk about twenty-five miles this side of Bakersfield. We arrived at Bakersfield at 5 a.m. Borell relieved Mr. Dow at the wheel and Rust relieved me. Arrived at Mojave at 9 a.m., had breakfast, inspected the elk and tried to water them, but they would not drink. We left at 9.35 a.m. I relieved Rust to Olancha. We arrived at Lone Pine at 1.30 p.m., unloaded some of onr things, got some more help to unload the elk and left Lone Pine for the elk refuge, which is some forty miles beyond Lone Pine, at 2 p.m. We arrived at the refuge, which is some three miles off from the main highway, at 3.15 p.m. Assistant Park Naturalist Borell's report of tlie transfer contains some information relative to the animars new home in Owens Valley that is of interest and is quoted, in part, as follows: The 27 elk (7 bulls, 3 yearlings, 11 cows, and 6 calves) were crated, under supervision of Chief Ranger Townsley and hauled from Yosemite Valley to Owens Valley under escort of Merrill and Borell. Each adult animal and two of the largest calves were in separate crates which were furnished by Mr. Dow. Some of the bulls fought viciously during the crating and as a result were rather badly bruised and skinned up by the time we got them loaded. Once on the road the animals were quiet and I believe received no further injury. We tried to water thorn at Mojave, but they refused to drink. It was cloudy and cool, there was no car trouble or other delay en route. All except one old bull was delivered in good condition. The paddock into which we released them is on the Owens River near Aberdeen, which is 14^ miles northeast of Independence. Inyo County. The new home of the elk seems to be ideal, plenty of water, abundance of willow, 48 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Pis'. 12. The first load ol" elk lift on Fish and dame Commission truck at 3.30 p.m., October 10. The next truck (seen at left rear) furnished by Mr. Dow (stanil- ing third from left) started at 7.30 p.m. Government truck with five calves left at 1» p.m. Fig. 13. The next morning after delivery the elk seemed to be full of life. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 49 tule, mulei'ffi'owtli aiul srass. Mnr-li of the undergrowth is from three to six feet high (see Fig. 8). Most of the area belongs to the City of Los Angeles and is luswl only for watershed and cattle grazing. There are a few private ranches left in the valley, and if the elk take to these ranches, there may be difficulties. However, the ranch neai-est to the place of liberation was 10 miles south. Mr. Dow, the Fish and Game officers, and county sheriff seemed to be extremely interested in the welfare of the elk and will do everything they can in the way of care and protection. The animals will be kept in the paddock about a week, until they recover from the trip. The preceding excerpts from reports of Park Service employees indicate the successful manner in which the elk transfer was executed. Too much praise can not be given these men for their care and fore- sight in this regard. Dr. Grinnell, writing Superintendent Thomson on November 8, 1933, said: "You can not overestimate my personal satisfaction that the transfer of the elk out of Yosemite Valley was so successfully accomplished. It is evident that a lot of administra- tive thought and skill was necessary to bring the whole undertaking to conclusion. * * *" It is believed that the careful preshipment handling and loading methods used were largely responsible for the ultimate success of the transfer, for, in the ease of the earlier elk plantings, considerable loss seems to have resulted from rough handling of the animals prior to shipping (see Evermann, California Fish and Game, vol. 2, 1916, p. 77). It may well be, too, that the modern methods of transportation used in the present transfer (see Fig. 12) and resulting in the animals being confined in their crates for a minimum of time, also influenced the final success of the venture. For transportation by modern auto- mobile trucks presents a strange contrast to the horse-drawn wagons used in the earlier plantings (see Fig. 24, California Fish and Game, vol.1, 1915, p. 92). The elk apparently adapted thenxselves quickly to their new sur- roundings in Owens Valley. All, with the exception of an old bull that was injured prior to shipping, seemed to thrive in the holding pen in which they were kept for nine days. The following account of their liberation from this pen on October 20 is quoted from a letter by G. W. Dow to Supt. Thomson. We liberated the elk at 9.30 this morning with 100 per cent of the herd in fine condition or in as fine condition as they were when loaded at Yosemite. The old bull that had been hurt previous to the transfer seems to be getting along fairly well and while we have been doctoring him some every day since his arrival here we decided that he would be about as well off turned out of the corral. We opened the gate this moniing and aft-^r some time we persuaded them to come out and after they were out in the open they realized there was no fence and they galloped off through the willows and disappeared, with the old bull following along behind calling them. We tried to follow them a short distance but decided they had left and had gone to see if they could find the end of the pasture. After circling around with our cars we made a trip down the river and found that they had not passed so presumed they had not gone very far so we all returned home. About an hour later one of my former employees went down to the corral thinking he would have a chance to see the elk and found that the herd had all returned to the corral. While the elk were in the corral we fed them about a ton of hay and I believe they were beginning to put on some flesh. 4—9030 50 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME I\Ir. Call Walters and Mr. Gene Walker of the Fish and Game Depart- ment have taken a very keen interest and have made a trip to the corral every day since the elk arrived. A later report upon the successful adaptation of the herd to its new habitat was provided by Assistant Executive Officer A. E. Burghduff on November 10, when he wrote as follows: "I saw this band of elk this week and the entire shipment is looking tine except for one crippled bull elk tliat died because of its injury." Evidently, the old bull that was injured prior to shipping and probably should not have been trans- ferred, died of his wounds. The j-emaining elk, consisting of the fol- lowing animals, then comprise the nucleus of the Owens Valley herd : 6 bulls, 11 cows, 3 yearlings and 6 calves; a total of 26 animals made 11 11 of what is thought to be an excellent proportion of sexes. Fig. 14. Tule elk in temporary holding corral on Owens River near Aberdeen, Cal. October 12, 1933. Beside the individuals and agencies previously mentioned in tliis paper as being concerned directly or indirectly with the elk transfer, especial mention should be made of G. W. Dow's unfailing interest and work in its consummation. It would be impossible to give Dow too much praise and credit for his trouble and labor in this regard. The antlior ]irepared this paper at the request of Executive Officer Parley and with Superintendent of Yosemite National Park Thomson's approval. Supt. Thomson kindly furnished correspondence that was helpful in preparing the article and the photographs which are here used for illustrations. A visit to Yosemite Park was necessary to secure further data and it is a pleasure for the writer to acknowledge the help and cooperation afforded him at that time by Chief Ranger Townsley, Park Naturalist C. A. Harwell and Assistant Park Naturalists Beatty and Borell. Harwell informed us that he had in the course of prepara- tion a paper on the habits of the Yosemite elk herd. On account of the CALIFORNIA FISU AND GAME 51 accessibility and ease of study of the animals when they were confined in the Valley, unusual opportunity afforded for observing their habits and we will look forward to the appearance of Harwell's paper in this regard. In addition to those nientiojied above, the writer is indebted to Assistant Executive Officer Burghduff, Joseph Dixon, Field Naturalist of the Wild Life Division, National Park Service, and to M. Hall McAllister for information and assistance in the preparation of this paper. — Decemher 20, 1933. 52 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME MULE DEER STUDY PROGRAM By James Moffitt The Division of Fish and Game lias received numerous reports in the past two or three years from its game wardens, sportsmen, game conservationists and U. S. Forest Service employees purporting a decline in tlie numbers of mule deer inhabiting the northeastei'n por- tion of the State. Deer kill statistics indicate a reduced kill in this area in the past two seasons, which, as discussed beyond, may indicate deer depletion in this section. The Division has investigated the matter and is of the opinion that some reduction, although not an alarming one, has occurred among these deer in recent years. It now desires to ascertain the reasons for the depletion in order that remedial measures may be undertaken. Before proceeding with an explanation of the mule deer study program, by which means it is intended to procure the information needed, it seems desirable to indicate in more detail than has liereto- fore been done the range of mule deer in this section, to review the status of these deer in the past and the kill statistics for the area, to recount the increasingly restrictive game laws enacted in recent years and to speculate upon some of the probable reasons for the recent depletion. The species concerned is the Rocky Mountain mule deer, Odorm- leus hemionus hemionus, which California hunters often term the "Modoc" mule deer in distinction from the smaller California mule deer {O.h. calif ornicus) of southern California. This is the common deer of Modoc County and it is also plentiful in most parts of Lassen County, the eastern half of Siskiyou County and in extreme eastern Plumas, Sierra and Nevada counties (see Fig. 15). South of Placer County, where this deer is of rare occurrence, its status is not well known but a few individuals undoubtedly enter California in suuhium- along the eastern border south to j\Iono County, where the present species is thought to meet the range of the newly described Inyo mule deer {O.h. inyoensis), (see California Fish and Game, vol. 19, 1938, p. 274). Therefore, the vast majority of the Rocky Mountain mule deer's range in the State is included in the area under consideration, which, for convenience, will be termed the "Modoc" region. The accompanying map (Fig. 15) indicates as nearly as the writer has been able to ascertain, the average summer range of the Rocky Mountain mule deer in California. Some few individuals may. in summer, stray west of the north and south line drawn through Shasta Valley, but the bulk of the mule deer in this section doubtless stop their westward spring migration at this valley's eastern edge. Similarly, further south, occasional mule deer may be noted west of the boundary line indicated ; but it is believed that in general this line marks the western range of this deer. Columbian black-tailed deer {Odocoileus columbianus columhianus) frequently occur east of this line, in fact they do so commonly and regularly at many points. This is especially CALIFORNIA FISU AND GAME 53 true in summer, when the black-tailed deer that generally winter to the westward invade the eastern parts of Siskiyou, Shasta, Plumas, Sierra, Nevada and Placer counties and western Lassen County. Some black- tailed deer probably winter with the mule deer east of the boundary line, as in eastern Siskiyou County (Red Rock Valley) and in eastern Plumas County (east of Quincy between Keddie and Beckwith peaks, fide L. B. Mercer), however the great majority of black-tails winter to the westward. In preparing this map, no attempt has been made to show the eastern range limit of black-tailed deer or the winter range of mule deer. Mule deer winter at many points throughout the area that they occupy in summer. In fact they winter almost wherever snow depths will permit them to do so throughout their summer range. When they migrate, they generally, but by no means always, do so to the eastward in fall, but at a considerably later date than do the black-tails move westward. There is never a winter mule deer migration west of the summer line shown on the map and it is of the greatest rarity that an individual of this species is said to accompany the black-tails to the westward, however, there are one or two purported records of this having happened in Tehama County. Mule deer winter west to Red Rock Valley, Siskiyou County, in the vicinity of Game Refuge 1-B and in the rough lavas south of it. In heavy winters, when deep snows invade the 1-B country, these deer are said to work westward into Red Rock Valley which is an area of less snowfall (F. B. Starr). They also winter in the Crowder Flat country, along both slopes of the Warner Mountains, and on Big Mountain, near Adin, Modoc County (^4. A. Jordan). A considerable number winter on Bieber Mountain in northwestern Lassen County and in extreme southwestern Modoc County {Paid Kehrer). The country between Pittville and Westwood has too much snowfall to i)ermit deer to winter there and the mule deer of this area work eastward in late fall to winter east of the Madeline Plains and in Game Refuge 1-Q, to or across the Nevada line. The animals that summer in eastern Plumas County southwest of Honey Lake along the main divide of the Sierra Nevada Mountains winter on the east slopes of Long Valley and east into western Nevada, south of this point all Rocky Mountain mule deer summering in Cali- fornia apparently winter in Nevada. It should also be mentioned that many, if not most of the mule deer summering in that section of extreme soutii central Oregon, bounded by the towns of Malin, Bly and Lake- view, apparently migrate southwesterly in fall to winter in the vicinity of Game Refuge 1-B in Modoc County. According to the reports of some early residents of the Modoc region (L. N. Lorenzen, Mt. Shasta, Thomas Ivory, Canby, and others) in the early days, fifty years or so ago, mule deer were not at all ])lentiful in the area. Lorenzen recently told tlie writer that old time cattle riders have informed him that one could ride for a day without seeing a deer in regions where similar excursions today would reveal many of these animals. Deer seem to have increased steadily in the Modoc region from early times until about 1928 when most local inhabitants agree that the peak population for modern times was attained. The following year, and 1930, was apparently the time that the present depletion commenced. The winter of 1932-1933 may, 54 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME and we hope did, mark the low point in this decline, for a number of local informants have recently expressed to the writer the view that there were more deer in the area in 1933 than in the previous year. Althoufjh many people have been interviewed on the subject, it is Fig. 15. Summer range of the Rocky Mountain mule deer in northeastern California. difficult to ascertain the extent of the recent depletion, however, the consensus of such opinion seems to indicate a reduction of about 15 per cent in the herd in the fall of 1932 over a similiar time in 1928. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 55 Prior to about 1920, the number of "outside" hunters visiting the ]\Iodoc region each season was small and the majority of deer killed tliere were taken by local residents. From that time until about 1930, the number of sportsmen from other sections of the State who made limiting trips into the area grew by leaps and bounds so that by the end of this period a veritable army of outside hunters made annual pilgrimages after these large animals. This condition naturally resulted in a correspondingly higher annual legal kill which kept pace Avith the increase in numbers of hunters until 1931, when reports of less comparative success began to emanate from the sportsmen. In the same period, restrictive legislation which will be discussed later, kept up with the increase in hunters and was apparently responsible for preserving the numbers of deer until 1928 or thereabouts. The Division had no means of recording the annual kill or total number of deer hunters prior to 1927 when the deer tag license law was enacted. The statistics provided below for the deer kill in Modoc and Lassen counties for the years 1927 to 1933, inclusive, will serve well to indicate the relative mule deer kill for the entire area for this period and reports from these counties only are provided for the reason that prac- tically all the deer killed in them are mule deer whereas there is no means of distinguishing between mule and black-tailed deer, in our tag system, both of which are taken in the other counties in this area. We have no means of ascertaining the number of hunters who annually go after mule deer, but because of their known rapid recent increase in this area, we are certain that the increase of sportsmen afield in the Modoc region has been proportionately far in excess of the total increase for the State, at least through the 1931 season. The Division hopes, before the 1934 deer season opens, to evolve a means of checking hunters in and out of the mule deer area which will in future provide this nuich needed information. Deer killed Deer tags. Total both Total in total sold Ygar Lassen Co. Modoc Co. counties State in State in97 296 510 806 19,507 110,760 l't?S 393 729 1,122 21,515 105, u38 lO->o '511 835 1,346 21,222 115,472 i^on 585 1,129 1,714 24,132 123,999 q^l - 607 1,486 2,083 25,805 129,005 iqQo 508 916 1,424 18,380 96.702 I'ct'ln 551 954 1,505 17,689 94,500* * Approximate, exact 1933 total not yet available. It should be noted in the above table that the total State deer kill in all years save 1928 bears a rather consistent ratio to the total number of deer tags sold or number of hunters in the field. At the same time, the kill in Lassen and Modoc counties increased out of all proportion to the State kill. This is a result of more Imnters visiting the area, at least through the 1931 season. The decrease in the number of deer Idlled in these counties in 1931 and 1932 is out of proportion to the decline in deer tag sales for the same period and is probably, in part at least, a result of deer depletion. The increase in the 1933 Modoe deer kill is gratifying for, in spite of unsatisfactory (dry) hunting conditions that obtained in the region last season, more deer were taken there than in the previous year, notwithstanding a falling off in the total State kill and a decrease in number of hunters. 56 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME The fact that the numbers of Modoc mule deer held up well in the face of greatly increased hunting; effort from 1920 to 1928 may probably be explained by the additional restrictions that were placed upon the hunters in that period. From 1911 to 1925, Modoc and Lassen counties were included in Fish and Game District 1 which still embraces most of the Sierra Nevada country and prior to 1919 also included Del Norte, Humboldt and Siskiyou counties. In 1919, District 1^ was formed, composed of the last-named counties. During this period the following open season on deer obtained in District 1: 1911 to 1914, August 15 to October 31 ; 1915 to 1920, August 15 to October 14; 1921 to 1924, September 1 to October 15. The bag limit was two buck deer per season throughout the period, but after 1915 it was illegal to kill spike bucks. District If was formed in 1925 when it consisted of Modoc and Lassen counties. Here a 30-day open season was declared, September 15 to October 15 in contrast to the six -weeks' season that persisted in District 1 until 1927. Forked-horn deer were also protected in Dis- trict If, but the limit was two bucks with more than two points on a side per season. The next Legislature (1927) reduced the limit to one such buck per season in Modoc and Lassen counties and changed the open season to September 16 to October 15, which season was also adopted for District. 1. The boundaries of District If were enlai'ged by the 1929 Legisla- ture to include in this district that portion of Siskiyou County lying east of the easterly bank of the Klamath River between the Oregon line and the Siskiyou line of the Southern Pacific Railway and south along this railway to the south line of Siskiyou County. This, from a biological standpoint, was an excellent boundary line, for it would be difficult to locate an artificial one more nearly paralleling the western boundary of the mule deer's range. It is a pity, therefore, that the 1931 Legislature changed this boundary to that portion of Siskiyou County lying east of the Pacific Highway (U. S. 99) between the county's southern line and the town of Weed and east of the Weed- Klamath Falls Highway between "Weed and the northern line of Siskiyou County (see Fig. 15). The latter is the present boundary of District If and no changes have been made in season or bag limit since 1927. It is unfortunate that the above mentioned boundary change was made for a six-weeks' season (September 1 to October 15) and a two-buck bag limit, with no forked-horn protection, now exists in the mule deer range west of the Weed-Klamath Falls Highway. This mat- ter should be corrected by our next Legislature and it is suggested that the Pacific Highway would provide an excellent western boundary to District If from the soutliern Siskiyou County line north to the Oregon line. Other westward enlargements to District ]f further south, especially in eastern Plumas, Sierra and Nevada counties are apparent from the accompanying map and we hope will be made in 1935. The Division endeavored to have such legislation enacted in the 1933 session, but was unable to accomplisli this. Senator Harold J. Powers, Eagleville, introduced a bill into the 1933 Legislature to shorten the open season in District If to the period October 1 to 15. This measure was supported by many sportsmen in IModoc County but mo.st of the local hunters in Lassen CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 57 County opposed it. The writer made a trip to the mule deer area in March, 1933, to secure the views of our game wardens and others in this regard. The result of these interviews was the conclusion that the measure was not a conservation one by reason of the fact that so short a season would congest the hunters unduly. This congestion of liunters which occurs yearly in the opening days of the hunting season, is the hardest thing that the bucks have to face, for men are every- where and once a mule buck is "jumped" he usually runs quite a distance before stopping. With a field full of hunters, if the man who jumps the buck does not kill him, there is much more likelihood that he will be shot by some other hunter before he stops running, than if tliere are not so many sportsmen afield. It seems desirable for this reason, to spread the season over as long a period of time as is reason- able. The Division adopted this policy and contended that the Modoc deer population was not in so precarious a position as to justify enact- ing this measure, which might not work out to the deer's advantage. This, and the Division's dislike to impose further restrictions on the hunters in the Modoc area until constructive measures to build up its deer population are adopted and tried out, was explained to Senator Powers w^ho did not push his bill thereafter and it "died in com- mittee." The 1933 Legislature conferred upon the Director of the Depart- ment of Natural Resources, with the Governor's consent, the power to close to hunting upon recommendation of the Fish and Game Com- mission, any area where added protection is needed for game for such a time as the Director may designate, or until new legislation thereon may become effective. This means that the Division could probably close all, or part of the Modoc area if justification to do so developed, so with a close watch being kept upon these deer, sportsmen need not fear that undue depletion will be permitted to occur. The thought has been suggested that portions of the Modoc area might now be closed to hunting. Not only does the Division consider that no neces- sity now exists to do so, but it believes that such a course would only liasten to create poor conditions in the area's left open by crowding more hunters into them. It is possible that study may develop that hunters camping near water in dry sections where springs are far apart is detrimental to the deer of the vicinity. In such cases it would seem to be in "order to either close the area to hunting or to prevent camping at the springs. Factors other than increased hunting effort are doubtless at least in part responsible for the recent deer depletion in the Modoc region. Foremost among these is a disease commonly termed calf diphtheria and caused by an organism known as Bacillus necrophorus an out- break of which occurred in the Medicine Lake country, especially in the vicinity of Mud Lake, in 1923 and 1924.* A more recent and widespread epidemic of this infection occurred in the same vicinity and also at White Horse and in other localities in 1931. The Division's pathologist investigated many cases of this disease from these areas in that year and definitely diagnosed the disease. This outbreak continued to a lesser extent the following year and very few reports of deer death from its cause were obtained in 1933 in spite * See California Fish and Game, vol. 10, 1924, p. 191 ; vol. 11, 1925, pp. 27-28. 58 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME of careful watch for it. Game wardens treated -water holes in diseased areas with bhiestone in ID.'i.S, whicli sterilization may have been liel])- fiil in controllino- and stampings out this disease. It has been impossible to ascertain the total number of deer that succumbed to the recent epidemic, but same was considerable and conservative estimates run into the hundreds. Illegal hunting', particuhii-ly winlci' l^illing of deer, is another factor that undoubtedly has luid its effect upon the Modoc deer popula- tion. In spite of the best efforts of our game wardens, this drain on the deer herd is known to be considerable and has doubtless increased in recent years due to economic stress and unemployment. Winter deer killing in remote sections of a country that is difficult to traverse at this season on account of deep snows is one of the most difficult types of violation to apprehend. Further, the all too liberal policy of many of our courts toAvard convicted violators in late years, on the plea of economic stress, has tended to ease the penalty for such violations, which fact works for more abuse of our game laws. Another possible factor to reckon with in regard to the status of the Modoc deer herd is that of increasingly intensive sheep grazing in the area. Formerly, much of the Modoc region was utilized for . horse and cattle grazing. These animals are mainly grass eaters and they do not compete with deer for food to the extent that sheep, which also browse, do. Sheep grazing has increased enormously in the ]\Iodoc region in the ])ast twenty years and the effect of overgrazing by these animals is apparent in many localities. This fact may have had an effect on the deer herd by reducing its available food supply. Other factors which may Avork in favor of or against the welfare of Modoc mule deer are enumerated beyond in the outline of the study. The Division decided to secure more information on Modoc mule deer preparatory to effecting game management measures in the region, in the spring of 1933. It also decided to increase the value of its game refuges in that section at the same time. The original plan to locate trappers on four of the mule deer refuges in 1933 and on addi- tional ones in 1934 was by necessity delayed and modified in the summer on account of reduction in personnel and in income. Nevei-theless, it was later found possible to proceed Avith a modification of this program and three skilled predatorv animal trappers and field observers Avere located on Game Refuges *1-B, 1-F and 1-Q in the fall of 1933. In addition to removing predatory animals, especially coyotes, from these areas, these men Avill do everything possible for the Avelfare of deer and other game and Avill also coo])erate in this study program. The Division's Bureau of p]ducation and Research has adopted for its chief field investigational Avork for 1934 (and ])robably succeeding years also) the administration of the present study ]irogram. The purpose of this Avork is to ascertain the favorable and unfavorable factors to the Modoc mule deer, means by AAdiich same can be altered for the deer herds' benefit, and to compile information that Avill later proA'ide the basis of a game management program for these animals. The latter means im})roving habitat and other conditions so that a lai'ger annual crop is secured and "harA'esting" this crop in such a manner that the entire herd may maintain its numbers or increase. It is quite evident that our present knowledge is insufficient to ])ermit CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 59 US to now adopt such a constructive program, so tlie present study has been instituted to secure the required information in as practical and speedy a manner as is thought possible. The natural course to pursue to procure this information would be to put two or three trained biologists into the field to work out the problem. On account of reduction in income and lack of funds for this: purpose, it is impossible for the Division to do so at the present time. Because we believe that it is imperative to secure information on the subject at once, we have, therefore, decided to do the best we can with our available man power and observations will be made by game wardens and predatory animal trappers under the supervision of two of the Division's biologists. Three game wardens, A. A. Jordan, P. Kehrer and F. R. Starr, men with proven ability to make accurate field observations, will con- duct prescribed courses of study in as many areas in Siskiyou and Modoc counties. Each of these men will have a predetermined work area on which he will be required to do several days' work each month. The exact location of these areas will not be divulged for the obvious reason that such a course would probably interfere with the study, which it is desired be made under absolutely natural conditions. Three State predatory animal trappers, A. L. Brown, J. L. McDonald and 0. R. Shaw, who were selected on account of their ability to make and record wild life observations, will, in addition to their trapping and patrol duties on State game refuges, conduct similar programs of study on portions of their respective areas. One of these men is located in Modoc County and two of them are stationed on Lassen County game refuges. Thus one man will conduct the study in Siskiyou County, three in Modoc and two in Lassen counties. The writer will direct the work of the game wardens and D. D. McLean, Bird and Animal Economist, Bureau of Game Refuges, will supervise the activities of the trappers. Junior Range Examiner F. W. Johnson, U. S. Forest Service, will cooperate with all the workers and his excel- lent knowledge of range plants will greatly assist them in tlie study of food plants and range conditions. The course of study outlined below was prepared at a meeting of Joseph Dixon, Field Naturalist, Oi^ce of National Parks, Buildings and Reservations, Dr. E. Raymond Hall, Curator of Mammals and I. McT. Cowan, University of California IMuseum of Vertebrate Zoology, J. S. Hunter, Chief, and D. D. McLean, Bird and Animal Economist, Bureau of Game Refuges of this Division, and the writer. The meeting was held in Berkeley, November 22, 1933. The writer presented the program adopted at this meeting to members of the the U. S. Forest Service and State game wardens at Mt. Shasta November 27. Among those present were : Sujiervisor T. J. Jones, of the Shasta National Forest, Junior Range Examiner Jolin- son and other Forest Service employees. Captain of Game A\^ardens S. R. Gilloon and game wardens Brice Hammack, Jordan. Kehrer and Starr. These men all agreed upon the practicability of the program and considered the study vital at this time. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the endorsement of and promises of assistance to our study program that Supervisor Jones and members of the Forest Service provided at this meeting. GU CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME The following is the study program that has been adopted : I. Areas. To be carefully solocted to present average conditions of different types of country within mule deer range. Thus one area should present semidesert con- flit inns. aiKiilier iiiin'-jnuiper associations, another mountain pine timber, etc. Eai-h individual area should be selected to incorporate, as far as it is possible within its bounds, all types of country (associations) occurring in the general vicinity. For instance, a i)inc timlier area should include the average amount of brusli and open meadow land and water that occurs in the general vicinity. '"Work areas" «n/»t not be selected because they are known to harbor either greater or lesser than the average number of deer in the vicinity. In other words, each AVork Area shoukl. as far as it is possible, be selected to present average conditions of its general vicinity. It is of course obvious that some of the areas should be located in known "summer range" and others in "winter range." Following are some vicinities suggested for consideration to locate AVurk Areas in. It is believed that most of the important different types of country contained within Modoc County can be found in these localities : A. Red Tiock Valley. (Semidesert tyjie with juniper.) li. Crowder Flat vicinity. (Pine, juniper, mahogany association.) C. Warner Mountains. (Mountain, pine, brush associations.) D. Little Hot Spring Valley. (Lava bed type.) E. Adin Mountain. (Pine, quaking aspen association.) II. Censuses. Two types of censuses will be made by the workers. In each case, the counts will 1)1" made as closely coincident as possible, preferably on succeeding days. As far as it is possible, censuses by all Avorkers should be made on the same day. A. Ntimher and date of cenuse.t. Four deer counts will be made each year. 1. Winter count designed to be made at end of fall migration, or when all deer are on their winter range. Date nearest to January 10 when satisfactory weather conditions obtain. 2. Late winter range census. To be taken at as late a date in spring as seems positive to still find all deer on their winter range. Probable date for this census, first half of April. (Note: By subtracting this count from "1" we should be able to figure the "winter loss." This count should provide about the minimum deer population for the year. ) 3. Faicn census. To be made late enough to be certain to include all fawns (after latest fawns are walking), yet as eai'ly as possible. Suggested date, last half of July or August 1. [Note: This census should provide the maximum deer population.) 4. Prehidifiup season coisus. To secure numl)er of deer immedi- ately before hunting season opens. Date September 10. {Note: l^y .subtracting number of fawns counted in this census from number counted in census "3," fawn loss may be estimated, except loss of very small young impractical to count, lost prior to census "3," on Work Areas. This will provide "hunting loss" by subtracting same from buck census here o!)tained (census "4") potential breeding stock may be computed.) 1*. Kinds of censuses. 1. Strip count. Not to be made in Work Area but to l)e taken over a definitely laid out course, preferably circular, either in the general vicinity of the Work Areas or on sojne other desirable tract of land. This count will be taken four times a year as above, each time over exactly the same course, by the same observer or observers and at the same time of day. In different y(>ars, each count should be made on corresponding days. The length of the route in this count will neces- sarily vary with the type of country in which it is to be taken according to the ease or difficulty with which deer may be counted (open versus brushy or timbered country) and with the number of animals to be counted. The course should be as long as it is practical for a man to cover carefully in a full half day, or 5 or 6 hours, perhaps 4 to G miles. CALirORNIA FISH AND GAME 61 When definitely selected, each "Strip Count Route" should he carefully laid out, marked (hlazed, etc.) and mapped. 2. Definite area count. Each area should be carefully selected as outlined in Part I and its size determined in accordance with the require- ments of this census. These areas will comprise the Work Areas. Each should be as large as possible, and yet conform with the following require- ments: that, by any devisable means, the man in charge may, alone, count with almost full accuracy within a given time, every deer within its confines. Here, just as in the case of the Strip Count Route, type of country will greatly affect the size of the Work Area. C. Census requirements. Workers will arrange to s(>gregate age clas.ses of (), 40, 30. ete.. years ago? Date of "iieak"' of deer abundance in your vicinity V Dates of low ebh in deer population your vicinity. (Get signed statements from old residents regarding this.) 1'2. Is the number of deer in your vicinity increasing or decreasing at the preseut time? (Statements from reliable persons solicited.) IX. Conclusion. A. Maps. I'repare a map of your general vicinity of sufiiciently large scale til enahif plotting upon it, so another could locate without your help. 1. Strip Couut Route. 2. Work Area. Prepare larger scale map of "Work Area showing in detail all tn- suses on these areas, and all other information requested in this outline shall be rendered monthly. Prejiare and forward these to the office as soon after the end of the month as possible. C Time expected to be dcxoted to this work. 1. Strip Count Ceiwuis. One day on dates designated. 4 tinu's a year. 2. Work Area.s. Days required for I'oui- annual censuses, jilus at least 3 to 4 full days per month, preferably more time, at workers' con- venience, to be devoted to studying predatoi-s. habits, food, searching for dead deer, etc. The above outline should be self -explanatory. The purpose of the -Strip Count censuses is to secure a broader cross-section of the inakeu]) of the whole deer herd (proportion of age classes and sexes) than would the counts on the smaller Work Areas provide. It is believed that these counts over a period of years may well be expected to indicate the trend of the deer population for the entire region. At the time that this paper goes to press, AVork and Strip Count areas have been selected and initial counts are scheduled to be niadr on them on or about January 10, 1934. This will mark actual com- mencement of the study Avliich will be closely followed throughout the year and most probably also in one or two succeeding years, until the desired information is obtained. The author wishes to acknowledge with thaidvs the assistance rendered him in the j)reparation of the range map here provided (Fig. 15) by the following Division employees : J. S. Hunter, S. R. Gilloon, Wm. Lippincott, C. 0. Fisher, P. Kehrer, L. E. Mercer. F. K. Stan- and C. 0. Elliger. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 67 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME A publication devoted to the conservation of vi^ild life and published quarterly by the California Division of Fish and Game. The articles published in California Fish and Game are not copyrighted and may be reproduced in other periodicals, provided due credit is given the California Division of Fish and Game. Editors uf newspapers and periodicals are invited to make use of pertinent material. All material for publication should be sent to James Moffltt, Division of Fish and Game, 450 McAllister Street, San Francisco, California. Vol. 20 JANUARY, 1934 No. 1 PERSONNEL CHANGES IN BUREAU OF EDUCATION AND RESEARCH On October 10, 1933, the resignation of Leo K. Wilson as Chief of the Bureau of Education and Research became effective, to permit liim to accept a partnership in the law firm of McClymonds and Wells. Mr. Wilson originally came to the Division of Fish and Game on December 10, 1929, as a publicity man. He was made successor to Dr. Harold C. Bryant, on July 1, 1930, and continued his work as editor of California Fish and Game. The Fish and Game Commission has chosen Dr. J. 0. Snyder to succeed to the responsibilities of the Bureau of Education and Research in addition to his duties as Chief of the Bureau of Fish Culture. The Bureau of Education and Research will retain its identity, and will continue to operate under a separate budget, under the supervision of Dr. Snyder. Accompanying the changes just noted, James Moffitt has been placed upon full time with the Bureau of Education and Research, and under the supervision of Dr. Snyder will be responsible for the routine work of the Bureau, and will also act as editor of California Pish and Game. With the high professional standing, and the friendly and untiring interest of Dr. Snyder in our conservation problems, the sportsmen of the State are assured of a continuation ef the fundamental scientific and educational work which should accompany a proper conservation program. — John L. Farley, Division of Fish and Game, San Francisco, December 12, 1933. NEW FISH AND GAME CODE The new Fish and Game Code which was adopted at the fiftieth session of the California Legislature and is known as Chapter 73, Statutes of 1933, became effective August 21, 1933. This code embodies all the former Penal and Political Code sec- tions relating to fish and game. The text of the code is clearly worded and the subjects are grouped together so that the average individual can refer to any game law that he desires to look up with greater ease than was possible in the case of our old law books. Everyone seems 68 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME to agree that the new code is a great improvement over the former coinpihition of our fisli nnd game laws. Coi)ies ol' the new Fisli and (Jame Code are avaihible, and may be secured from the Division of F'ish and Game at the price of 25 cents each. The code is i)ubli.shed in booklet form, size 5| by 8^ inches. In addition to listing all the active sections of the Fish and Game Code, there are also provided in smaller type original sections that were later amended by the 1933 Legislature. The code is completely indexed and a map showing the fish and game districts is included. — James Moffitt, Division of Fish and Game, San Francisco, December 21, 1933. REGULATIONS GOVERNING IMPORTATION OF CERTAIN WILD BIRDS AND ANIMALS In accordance with the duties imposed upon it by Chapter 76, Statutes of 1933, the Division of Fish and Game has prepared, and has on hand foi- free distribution to interested persons, a pamphlet known as "Rules and Regulations Governing the Importation of Wild Birds and Animals into the State of California and Conditions Under Which Same May Be Kept in Confinement." This pamphlet was prepared by the Bureau of Education and Research in cooperation with the State Department of Agriculture. It lists the species of birds, mammals, crustaceans and mollusks, the entry of which into California is prohibited by this law. Certain species which may be admitted to the State under permit are also listed, and proper form for application for such permit is provided. Next, regulations are provided for the destruction of excluded species if found at large in the State, and conditions undei- which species imported under this act may be kept in confinement. The officers responsible for enforcing this act are the fish and game wardens, the State plant quarantine officers and the county agri- cultural commissioners. Birds or animals that are held ca])tive in accordance witli this act may not be liberated in the State. The pamphlet closes with a description of some of the birds and animals covered by this act. In all cases, descriptions are accompanied by ])en and ink drawings of the species, which were ]>repared by D. D. IMcLean, of the Division. — Ja)nes MojJUi, Division of FisJi and Game, San Francisco, Decemher 21, 1933. C. W. A. WORK TO AID DIVISION ACTIVITIES California sportsmen are to rea]) much benefit from the Civil Works Administration program. Approval has been given by Captain Edward Macauley, engineer for the C. W. A., providing for the expendi- ture by the Federal government in California of upward of $100,000 on fish hatcheries, egg-collecting stations, game farms and refuges. This work will provide emijloyment for more than 300 men. Some of the projects call for 750 days divided between 32 men. The Division of Fish and Game furnishes all materials. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 69 Needed repairs to hatcheries, new roads, new brood ponds, new fences, receiving and aging tanks, all badly needed in the hatcheries, will thus be provided under the program. On the game farms and game refuges necessary improvements will be speeded. This Federal aid will help enlarge the Friant small-mouthed black bass experimental ponds where more tanks will be added. At Mount Shasta, Forest Home, Burney Creek, Fall Creek, Basin Creek and Brookdale the work will enable hatcheries situated in these localities to increase their output of trout. Work contemplated on the game farms at Yountville and Chine will enable them to produce more game birds. Each project will have a supervisor in charge, selected from the locality in which the project is located. — 0. L. Warner, Division of Fish and Game, San Francisco, December 21, 1933. COMMERCIAL FISHERY NOTES SARDINES During September a general strike of all northern (Monterey and San Francisco) sardine fishermen occurred. The fishermen claimed that under the existing price of $6 a ton it was impossible to make a living, so they struck for $8 a ton. Dissatisfaction of many of the fishermen fishing for the outside floating reduction plants was made known, they claiming that short weights were being given them by the outside plants. After many conferences between canners and fisher- men, and after the N. R. A. board. State Labor Commissioner, and finally T. A. Reardon, State Director of Industrial Relations, M^ere called upon to mediate the claims, the strike was settled on October 20, with a price of $7 per ton, after the Director of Industrial Relations had been selected as arbitrator. Several new canning and reduction plants are planning to operate this season in the northern half of the State. The Bayside Fish Flour Co. has commenced operating its new plant at Point Richmond. A new plant at Pittsburg, the Pittsburg Canners, Inc., has installed machinery in a bean warehouse on New York Slough and started opera- tions. The Benicia Canning Co. has thought of operating as a sardine cannery but to date has taken no fish. For the first three months of the season (August, September and October), 52,377 tons of sardines have been delivered; 227,650 cases of 1-lb. ovals and 37,440 cases of other sized cans have been packed, as compared with 41,349 tons received, 81,328 cases of 1-lb. ovals and 1872 cases of other sized cans for the same period last year (1932). SARDINE ABUNDANCE True to the predictions made the early part of the sardine season by the California State Fisheries Laboratory, sardines in Monterey Bay and off of San Francisco have been relatively scarcer than in the fall of 1932. Knowledge of the sardine population, gained through continual study and sampling of the catch, was the basis for this pre- diction. No new abundant year class has entered the sardine fishery in three years. As a consequence, the sardine fishery has been sup- ported in the fall by the existing older year groups. Naturally, the 70 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME sardines in these groups would decline in abundance when they are heavily fished, if no new supply of younger fish augmented the existing population. This has been the case. Also true to the predictions, a new gron]i of small sardines was apparent in the first catches made off San I'edro after the season o])ened on November 1, with tlie smaller fish predominating in numbers over the larger and older existing groups. MACKEREL The California mMckerel catch this year (19:}3) will be the largest of any season. In 1929 the catch was 57,974,000 pounds and this year, at the end of October, the catch was in excess of ()0,0()0,0()0 pounds and will probably exceed the 70.000.000-])ound mark by the end of the year. The greatest bulk of this catch is landed at San Pedro and San Diego, and most of the fish are canned. During October, Fish Bulletin No. 40, "The California Mackerel Fishery," was received from the printer. This bulletin gives an account of the mackerel fishery throughout the world but particularly of the fishery in California in all its aspects, from the fish in the ocean to the final labeled can on the consumer's shelf. FISHERIES CODES Various organizations and industries in the fisheries of the State have been at work preparing their codes of fair competition under the N. R. A. or C. R. A. The State Fisheries Laboratory has been able to aid the various groups in compiling statistics of catches of various species of fish and the prices paid per pound, for their use in presenting codes for adoption. In San Francisco the wholesale dealers have pre- sented a code for the wholesale dealers of northern California to the C. R. A. under which they will operate. — N. B. S. FRESH FISH MARKETING In its campaign to educate people to eat more fish and to try the various varieties of the sixty or more that are taken from California waters, the Division of Fish and Game has participated in exhibits and given demonstrations to over a million people since Seiitembei- 1. With the heavy drain on the six or seven popular table fish threatening a depletion, it is the purpose of the Division to show tlie public that there are dozens of other kinds of salt water fish that are equally tasty and which furnish just as high a percentage of iodine and other valuable food elements as do salmon, bass, sole, sand dabs, barracuda, halibut, smelt and yellowtail. The exhibit of the Division of Fish and Game represented Monterey Bay. with animated scenes of moving fishing boats and fishormon repairing nets. Two large educational signs showing statistical iiifoi-- mation of the importance of the fresh fish industry of California and "Reasons Why You Should Make Tuesday Fish Day Too" were posted in the center of the exhibit. Pamphlets giving the food value of sea foods and our cookery book "Five Hundred Ways to Prepare California Sea Foods" were distributed free to interested housewives. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 71 Demonstrations on methods of preparing and serving fish were given at various meetings. California newspapers maintaining home economics departments and household editorial pages are cooperating by publishing and demonstrating fresh fish recipes, in an effort to create a greater consumer acceptance and demand for California sea foods. — A. A. Alstrom, Division of Fish and Game, San Francisco, December- 21, 1933. KLAMATH RIVER SPAWNING CONDITIONS IN 1932 The season of 1932 was the occasion of an unusually large migra- tion of salmon into Klamath River. It presented also a temptation to take eggs for artificial propagation in excess of hatchery facilities. Pall Creek Hatchery, the only plant for salmon propagation in Klamath River, has a safe capacity for 3,000,000 eggs. A larger number, possibly 4,000,000 may be received, but in that case, crowding becomes entirely too severe for safety. At this time, then, something over 4,000,000 eggs were taken and the racks, still crowded with fish, were opened. Selected female fish to the number of 1302 were spawned, and an estimated number of 9154 were allowed to continue their migration and spawn naturally. There has been some question as to whether the bed of the river above the Klamathon racks presented a sufficient number of suitable gravel bars to accommodate any number of spawning fish, and also whether the tides caused by the power plant at Copco are destructive to eggs if such are deposited in the gravel of the bars. Two assistants, Charles F. Moore and Kenneth E. Sullivan, were detailed by Earl Leitritz, foreman of the Fall Creek Hatchery, to determine by actual observation just what happened after the racks were opened. Work was begun November 4 and continued until December 1. The observers covered the river between the racks and the dam and they also examined Fall, Jenny and Bogus creeks. They worked independently, and their excellent notebooks agree in the main in their findings. Spawning beds were numerous ; 25 or so measuring from 60 to 900 feet long and of various widths, were mentioned in particular. Upwards of 200 nests were examined. Many pairs were seen spawning — 2811 dead fish were counted by one observer, 2226 of which were in Pall Creek. This mortality was largely the natural result of spawning and bore no relation to the condition of the river. Most of the spawning operations are restricted to gravel bars which are left exposed at low water, and w^here the drainage is so com- plete as to destroy the eggs. In many cases, the sudden rise of the water Mdiipped out the disturbed gravel of the nests and completely destroved them. There are no spawning beds in the river above the mouth of Fall Creek as the channel is mostly in solid rock, although many salmon (300 or more) were found there. Jenny Creek is not fit for spawning; Bogus Creek was too roilv for examination; Fall Creek w-as overcrowded. Dead salmon were frequently found in situations Avhere they had been caught by falling water and perished before they were able to finish spawning. 72 CALIFPRKIA PISH AND GAME Both observers conclude that although manj- young fish may come from natural spawning above the racks, there is great destruction as the result of varying levels of the river Avater. If fairly constant water levels were maintained, much natural spawning might be permitted in that part of the stream. It follows that the plant at Pall Creek should be enlarged until it is capable of caring for all of the eggs that might usually be taken at the Klamathon racks. With ample justification for expansion there, improvements are being made as rapidly as funds will permit. Tlie improvements are of such a nature as not to become obsolete in the event of the erection of a high dam somewhat farther down the river. — /. 0. Snyder, Division of Fish and Game, San Francisco, November 1, 1933. REPORT ON BLACK BASS PROPAGATION WORK One year of actual experimental work in the propagation of small- mouth black bass has been completed by the Bureau of Fish Culture, and a brief summary of its accomplishment is of interest. At the outset it may be noted that the artificial propagation of this particular fish is generally conceded to be one of the most difficult, hazardous and expensive of any which confronts the fish culturist, and further that at no place has its culture gone very far beyond the experimental stage. Moreover, we are attempting the work here in the west far from the native habitat of the species, and in a region where it does not at present thrive well in nature. In the propagation of this bass, certain difficulties present them- selves. First, eggs can not be collected from wild fish and artificially fertilized as in the case of trout. Brood fish must be held under semi- natural conditions and allowed to pair and spawn over gravel nests in brood ponds. Second, the newly hatched bass begin to take food when they are but a fraction of an inch in length. They do not thrive on artificial food, and hence microscopic animals must be provided in large quantities and at the proper time for the little fish. When these small bass attain a length of an inch or so, they demand other small fish as food, and if not provided they will eat one another. Third, black bass are voracious and cannibalistic so that large and small fish may not live together. Grading and sorting are difficult. Fourth, brood fish must be provided with live food or they will become diseased or barren. It then becomes the business of the bass grower to be able to propagate not only the bass themselves, but also several other species of minute Crustacea and fishes as well, and have them present in sufficient quantities at the proper time. It is evident also that to acco7nplisli all this requires the services of a coni]ietont naturalist, particularly in a region where nothing of the sort had been ])reviously attempted. The Bureau was fortunate in having a well qualified man in its employ and any success that has been achieved is due largely to the untiring efforts of the present foreman, Merrill W. Brown.* • Doctors G. C. Embody, H. S. Davis and P. R. Needham and other recognized experts in the propagation of bass have been frequently consulted. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 73 Through the friendly cooperation of the Fresno Sportsmen's Club and Harold K. Fox, its president, a site was procured free of charge in a deserted gravel pit near Fresno and adjacent to the San Joaquin River. The construction consisted of a series of dirt ponds holding about eight acres of water. There was a .stock pond, a spawning pond and seven rearing ponds. In addition, six small concrete daphnia ponds were built. Pipes Avhich supply M^ater and afford drainage were connected with the river. An electrically driven pump formed a part of the equipment, and a small pump house served as a laboratory. Leakage soon developed and two of the larger ponds had to be abandoned. Further leakage also causes an unexpected amount of pumping and it also seriously interferes with proper fertilization of the brood ponds. Fertilization of the water is required to produce an abundant growth of single-celled algae (minute green plants) upon which daphnia or other microscopic animals may feed. The latter serve in their turn as food for the little bass. Brown found after much experimentation that a mixture of soy bean meal and acid phosphate produced the best fertilizer. He also discovered that the hot climate was unfavorable to daphnia, a minute crustacean commonly used for food in the east, and that a very similar little animal known as moina could be propagated as needed. In the process of casting about for suitable fish food of larger size, red shiners were brought from San Diego, goldfish, mosquito fish, native minnows and sunfish were experimentally propagated or studied. At last, it fell to the lot of the bluegill to do its part, and now these fish of all sizes and ages are available for the always hungry bass. In short, a system of propagation has been experimentally estab- lished by means of which a food supply depending upon a chain of complex operations is made available under the particular climatic conditions of the location. Various pests have appeared to deplete the pond fish— herons, large and small, kingfishers and mergansers. A handy shotgun, more noisy than efficient, kept these at bay, but it seemed unwise to use it on the biggest and worst offender, a local angler caught red-handed. At one time, countless numbers of tadpoles hatched out and seriously threatened the supply of moina which was intended for the small bass. The actual expen.ses incurred in the year's work amounts to $4,138.62. This includes supervision and labor (foreman and part- time assistant), supplies and miscellaneous charges — not a great deal when everything is considered. About 40,000 fish were hatched. Six thousand eight hundred seventy-six bass measuring 2i to 3 inches were planted in favorable situations where future observation is possible. Two thousand three hundred fifty of these were successfully shipped to the region of San Diego, 520 miles, to test the possibility of long distance transportation. The loss at the ponds is largely traceable to cannibalism, which was difScult to control as the hatching extended over an abnormally long period. Extremes of temperature occurring over short intervals of time interrupted hatching and destroyed fish. The net results are a carefully established background for future work and a demonstration that small-mouth black bass may be propa- gated here. — J. 0. Snyder, Divimon of Fish and Game, San Francisco. November 20, 1933. 74 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME >■ ^ r him with bowed neck, hair along the back and shoulders l)ristling. and they resumed their battle. I had a front row seat for the show and watched it from my automobile at close range. What an opportunity I lost for photographs liaving used all my film prcvioiis to finding tliese deer. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 83 I was amazed at the cleverness used by these animals in keeping themselves liead on to one another in order to prevent one from Retting in a broadside blow. Time after time, each buck was down on its knees, and like a flash he would be back on all fours. While down in this manner, his adversary would try to maneuver ai'ound in time to get a broadside blow at the other. There seemed to be no choice in size between these two bucks, but the one that left the road first seemed to be the stronger of the two. I left these deer fighting and returned to meet Game Warden Vernon Sutton whom I told about the incident. We then returned to the spot where the deer had been fighting and walked about a hundred yards up the hill where we saw the two bucks, one of which was with a number of does, and the other about 100 yards to one side where he would watch for a few minutes, and then start after the bunch of (loos. The other buck would let him come within .jO yards of the females when he would start to meet him, at which the outsider would turn back and quitx; evidently admit his defeat. Two days later, at only a short distance from the location of this battle, I found a dead two-year old buck, well scarred and with a large hole punctured just behind his ribs. Close examination of his carcass showed many scars of the sharp points of antlers. There was a scar about three inches in length which ran deeper -V- Fig 17. Game Warden Welch and the buck that was severely wounded in a fight with another. Photographed at Kernville, Cal., November 29, 1933. toward the puncture. On opening the carcass, I found that the intestines were punctured which apparently cau.sed the animal's death. On December 14, 1931, while patrolling the flume, some distance above Bear River, I found at an underpass, a large four-point buck that had evidently been in a terrific battle. He had deep scars all over his body, and was so crippled in the back that his hind legs were useless. He had dragged himself down the hill some distance from above the flume and was so weak he was unable to go any further. He had evidently been where I found him for a couple of days. On back-tracking this animal, I found the snow much torn up for some distance and all the evidences of a terrific battle. The finding of these two deer that had unquestionably died of injuries sus- tained in fighting during the rut, seems to be proof enough to show that there are a considerable number of male deer that lose their lives each year from this cause. I believe that there are many more male deer killed by being gored, or by being otherwise injured in fighting during the rutting season than are killed by locked horns or antlers, cases of which have been reported. My reason for this contention is the fact that the antlers must be very nearly the same size, spread and shape in both animals in order that they may lock. 84 CALIFORNIA PISH AND GAME Game Warden Roswell C. Welch, Kernville, California, provides the following report of another instance of buck injury tlirough fight- ing in the rut. On Wednesday, November 29, 1933, I received a report that an injured deer had boon found near Ilavilah by some C. C. C. men. Upon my arrival at the camp, the superintondont sent a couple of lads with me to point out the place whore the deer was. I found the deer to be a very large buck which had apitarontly been in a battle with another of his kind and had come out second best. One antler had broken off inside of the skull, aiid buns useless. There were two punctures in his side which had pierced his lungs. His body was covered with cuts and gashes. While still alive, it was plain he would soon die so we morci fully dispatched him and dressed the carcass in an attempt to save the meat. Apparently, there had been a terrific encounter, as brush and small (reos had boon tramj)lod and the ground had boon torn up over a considerable area. There was all the evidence of a battle royal. This buck was extraordinarily large for this vicinity ; his antlers had five distinct points on each side and several minor points which some would have counted, but I considered him a fine five-point buck. It would have been interesting to have seen what this buck's adversary looked like, and I am wondering how he fared in the encounter, not to mention' my curiosity as to his size. The deer in this vicinity are at present right in the middle of the rut, which was the cause of this fight. Quite often, on patrol, I see evidence of battles in the torn up ground, and sometimes I see a couple of bucks fighting, but usually these fights are of short duration. One would be fortunate indeed to have boon able to have witnessed this fight. —James Moffitt, Division of Fish and Game, San Francisco, Decemher 4, 1933. DEER FENCING LAW REPEALED Chapter 732, Statutes of 19-33, repealed sections 1G2 to 165 inclu- sive of the Agricultural Code. These sections included the so-called "Deer Fencing Law" which was enacted by the 1931 Legislature, and provided for State contributions toward the erection of deer proof fences to protect crops that were endangered by deer. The section providing for the issuance of revocable permits by the Fish and Game Commission for the killing of deer upon evidence of their destruction of crops was not altered by the 1933 Legislature, but was merely reworded and is now section 1293 of the Fish and Game Code. — James Mojfitt, Division of Fish and Game, San Francisco, December 21, 1933. DEER HUNTING SUCCESS IN ANGELES NATIONAL FOREST W. L. Sears, Acting Supervisor of the Angeles National Forest, has provided some interesting statistics relative to the number of hunters, cars and success of hunters entering the Saugus District of that national forest during the first three days of the 1933 deer season as compared with the previous year. This information was compiled by Ranger M. W. Durham of the Saugus District and is printed here through the kindness and permisison of J. W. Nelson, Assistant Regional Forester, U. S. Forest Service. Sears remarks that "there is a reduction in numbers [of hunters] under that of last year which is due, most likely, to the change in the dates of the opening of the season, there being two seasons in adjoining CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 85 districts now open at the same time, which gives us a better distribution of hunters." The following is a compilation of Ranger Durham's figures: Loss or 193S 19SZ gain Total number of automobiles 782 1,097 SlU loss Total number of hunters 822 1,531 709 loss Total number of persons 2,078 2,531 i'>-H loss Total deer killed, first 3 days of season 105 85 20 gain Thus, in 1933, 822 hunters killed 20 more deer than did 1531 hunters in the same area in the previous season. In 1932, only one hunter out of every 18 was successful in this area while the following year nearly one hunter out of 8 bagged his buck. — James Moffitt, Divi- sion of Fish and Game, San Francisco, December 21, 1933. SHELDON'S DEER OF CALIFORNIA A paper covered booklet of 72 pages entitled "The Deer of Cali- fornia," by H. H. Sheldon, former Field Naturalist with_ the United States' Bureau of Biological Survey, was issued as Occasional Paper No. 3 of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, November 1, 1933. Copies of this booklet may be obtained from that museum at $1.50 each. This publication is printed on coated paper which provides excellent reproductions of the many illustrations that it contains. The introduction informs the reader that this treatise is in answer to numerous discussions, stories, news items and arguments pertaining to the deer of California. Nevertheless, Sheldon states that considerable field w^ork and comparative study is yet required to complete the final classification of California deer. The author notes that just as a knowledge of football increases the pleasure of watching the game, so does a know-ledge of the game laws, characteristics and habits of the quarry add zest to the hunt. He states that California harbors more varieties of deer than are found in any other State in the Union, and that our deer hold their own numerically by reason of the natural protection afforded by wilder- ness haunts, the reduction of mountain lions, and wise game laws protecting does and limiting the kill of bucks, and the establishment of numerous game refuges. Following the brief introduction is a colored map showing the ranges of the kinds of deer occupying California, and following this map, the various species are described. These include the Rocky Mountain mule deer, California mule deer, burro deer, Columbian black-tailed deer, southern black-tailed deer and western white-tailed deer. Sheldon's distributional map is a great improvement over Hall's similar. one (see California Fish and Game. vol. 13, 1927, p. 57). _ The ranges that the present author provides for California deer coincide fairly well with the ones outlined in Grinnell's recent work (see p. 87, this issue), but Sheldon more definitely defines the area along the western flank of the southern Sierra Nevada in which the Columbian black-tailed and California mule deer evidently meet and intorgrade. His distributional map shows this to be slightly north of the Yosemite 86 CALIFORNIA FISH AXD GAME rejiion, "wliicli cipTeos witli inforniatioii at our disposal, oxeept in that tlie area inliabited by deer of botli species is probably larger than Sheldon's map indicates, for we have records of "good" black-tailed deer from the Yosemite Valley and Joseph Dixon lias recently told ns that he has seen specimens of true California mule deer from the ■western flank of the Sierras as far north as cast of Sacramento. Sheldon's map indicates that the California mule deer ranges east across the southern Sierra in Kern, Tulare and Fresno counties into Inyo County. This treatment must now be modified in view of Cowan's findings and ascription of a new mule deer to the Inyo region (see California Fish and Game, vol. 19, 1933, p. 274), so the California mule probably does not range east of the Sierra crest here or at any other point. Sheldon's description of the California mule deer states that "the upper surface of the tail is centered with the dark median line of black following its length to the tip, and is edged with white" (p. 15), he also states that the white rump patch is much restricted as com- pared with that of the Rocky Mountain mule deer. This description agrees with Caton's original one of the California mule deer, the type of which was taken near Gaviota Pass in Santa Barbara County, and apparently the tails of all mule deer from this region have the dark doi'sal median line. On the other hand, many examples of California mule deer from the w^estern flank of the Sierra Nevada from the Yosemite region to Kern County and also, we understand, from the San Gabriel and San Bernardino mountains of Southern California, have pure white tails except for theii- black tips, lacking the dai'k dorsal stripe. Sheldon does not mention this fact in his text, but in the cajition for the illustration of such a white-tailed mule deer, photo- graphed in Sequoia Park, which appears on page 22 of his work, lie draws attention to this fact and states that these deer come into this region from the Nevada side and meet the range of the California mule deer here. On page 25, he illustrates another deer from the same region which has a very narrow black dorsal tail stripe and avers that this is the result of intergradatiou between Rocky ^Mountain and Cali- fornia mide deer, adding that the dark median tail line is not suf- ficiently prominent to classify fliis deer as a typical California mul(> deer. The latter statement is doubtless true, but the reviewer can find nothing- in Sheldon's work to support his statement that Rocky IMountain (now correctly Inyo) mule deer come west into this region and interbreed Avith the California form. We consider that California mule deer are variable as to this character and that in the center of this form's range more animals have white than black-lined dorsal tail surfaces. The preponderance of black-striped-tailed deer in the north- ern extremities of tliis form's range, soutliern San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties on the west. Tuolumne and IMariposa counties on the east, maji be the result of intergradatiou of this species with black-tailed deer. If such is proven to be the case, then the type of californicus can not be regarded as typical of the race if such a state- ment can be made, but it represents a borderline specimen indicative of intergradatiou with black-tailed deer. Perhaps a thorough study of this form will show that typical examples from the center of its range have Avhite tails except for black tips. This hypothesis is simply pro- CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 87 vided as another explanation for the tail variability in this form, for the reviewer is loath to accept the theory that either Rocky Mountain or Inyo mule deer migrate west in fall to interbreed with California mule deer. It has been his experience that with the possible excep- tion of very rare instances in Plumas, Lassen or Tehama counties, all Rocky Mountain mule deer winter east of tlie Cascade-Sierra crests. Sheldon's descriptions of deer are accompanied by drawings of the ears of the various species, their hoofs and metatarsal glands, and the tails of the different species. Next the author discusses the antlers of our deer, and among the illustrations there is one of a large set of antlers from a doe. Sheldon admits that the number of points on the antlers does not always indicate the deer's age, but he states that in general this fact is true. We believe that this statement might more properly be restricted to mule deer, for black-tailed deer seem to bear forked horn antlers more often than those with three or four points to the side. In this section, the author presents some X-ray photographs of the lower jaws of deer showing the teeth by which the animal's age can be ascertained with fair accuracy. A short section on the glands of deer and one on their mating habits follow. Next the author discusses some methods of deer hunting in which he brings out some interesting points in regard to the animal's habits. There follows an excellent section illustrating and describing the methods of skinning a deer and of preserving the head for a trophy. The uses of deer are then discussed and here an excellent method for preparing jerky is described. A short section on predatory animals that prey upon deer follows and next a very brief discussion of the parasites that are harbored by deer. The next section, entitled "The Pack Trip and How to Throw a Diamond Hitch, ' ' wnll probably be of most interest to campers, for the description and excellent illustrations describe better than we have seen attempted anywhere the method of throwing this excellent pack hitch. The volume closes with a list of references to published literature on the various species of deer and predatory animals treated in this work. We believe that Sheldon has prepared a most interesting and useful booklet that will be of entertainment and value to all California deer liunters, whom we urge to study it in its original form. — James Moffitt, Division of Fish and Game, San Francisco, December 29, 1933. GRINNELL'S REVIEW OF CALIFORNIA MAMMAL FAUNA A publication entitled, "Review of the Recent Mammal Fauna of California," * by Professor Joseph Grinnell, Director of the University of California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, was issued September 26. 1933. This paper consists of a short inti-oduetion and an account of all the mammalian species and subspecies known to occur, or to have occurred within the confines of this State up to the time of publication. * Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., Vol. 40, pp. 71-2.'].''), September 26, 1933. Copies may be purchased from the University Press, Berkeley, Calif. Price $1.25. 88 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME The introduction advises that tlie first attempt to catalog Cali- fornia mammals was made by the pioneer California naturalist, Dr. J. G. Cooper, in 1868 when he listed 115 kinds of mammals for the State. Frank Stephens published in 1006 his ''California IMammals" which listed 276 kinds. In 1913, GrinnoU published "A Distributional List of the Mammals of California" (Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Vol. 3, pp. 265-390) which listed 337 species and subspecies. The same author in 1923 published a nominal list of 417 species and subspecies of mammals for California (Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., Vol. 21, pp. 313- 324). The author states that the present Review is in no sense to be considered more "final" than anj?^ of the similar preceding contribu- tions and it may therefore be considered in the nature of a progress report upon the classification of mammals in the State. The present Review lists 460 species and subspecies of mammals for California. The account of the species commences with the intro- duced Virginia opossum. The treatment of each species is as follows : First, its order, family and scientific name are provided, next vernacu- lar name, then reference for the animal's original description. Type locality is next provided and then vernacular synonyms. The mam- mal's range in the State is then provided in some detail, including its altitudinal range and the life zones it inhabits. Following the account of the opossum, moles, shrews and bats are treated. Next, two kinds of black bear and seven kinds of grizzly bear are ascribed to the State. The latter are all now thought to be extinct and the last positive record of a grizzly bear in California was for one shot at Horse Corral Meadows, Tulare County, in August, 1922. Fur bearers are next listed as follows: coons (3 kinds), ring-tailed cats (3), marten (2), fisher, weasels (6). mink (2), wolverine, river otter (2), sea otter, spotted skunk (7), striped skunk (4), badger (2), red fox, kit fox (3), gray fox (3), Island foxes (6), mountain, valley and desert coyotes, and plains wolf. The last wolf taken in California was secured in Lassen County, in 1924. The following cats arc ascribed to California : the IMexican jaguar, which historical evidence indicates once occurred as far north as the region between Monterey and San Francisco, two kinds of mountain lion and four wild cats. We learn from this review that California waters are, or were once, inhabited by two kinds of sea lions, the Pribilof and Guadalupe fur seals, the California harbor seal and the elephant seal. Griunell presents a novel, but doubtless logical, innovation to lists of mammal fauna on pages 118 and 119 of the report when he lists the subspecies of man inhabitating tlie State. Four subspecies are recog- nized, the Causasian, American Indian, Mongolian and Negro. The author, in his account of the status of the Caucasian, provides the following, almost facetious, statement: "Nonnative, but now thoroughly established and spreading and increasing, chiefly by immigration, at an amazing rate. First came, as voluntary pioneers, in year 1769, settling in a few coastal localities. Increased but slowly until about 1850 when great numbers arrived from many parts of the world. Disposi- tion aggressive and tendencies destructive, especiallv of natural habi- tats, as result of which much of native mammal life, including the endemic race of man {H. fi. nmericanus) , has been reduced; * * *" CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 89 The introduction advises that man is included in the list because he came into the State voluntarily. Domestic mammals are not included because man brought them in. On this basis, wild horses, which entered eastern California voluntarily, should be included and the Virginia opossum should be excluded from the list because man intro- duced it. The order Rodentia follows the order Primates in which man is classified. Among the order Rodentia, marmots, ground squirrels, chipmunks, chickarees, gray squirrels, flying squirrels, gophers, mice and rats are treated. Sportsmen will marvel at the fact that no less than 37 different kinds of gophers are ascribed to California, 31 kinds of pocket mice and 34 kinds of kangaroo rats. The beaver and muskrat are members of the order Rodentia and three kinds of beaver are ascribed to California, the golden beaver which inhabits the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, the Shasta beaver of the Pit River basin of northeastern California, and the Sonora beaver of the Colorado River and Imperial Valley. Two sub- species of muskrat inhabit California, the Nevada muskrat, which is native to the larger streams and lakes tributary to the Great Basin along the extreme eastern border of the State from Eagle Lake south to Mono County. Curiously, this rodent appears never to have been native in the basin of the Pit River. The Colorado River muskrat is indigenous to that river and since 1911 has spread into irrigation canals throughout the Imperial Valley. The porcupine and coneys are included in the order Rodentia. The following rabbits are ascribed to California: two kinds of white- tailed jack rabbit, or Sierra hare, two varieties of snowshoe rabbit, five kinds of jack rabbits, six cottontails, four brush rabbits and the Idaho pigmy rabbit of the Great Basin region. Sportsmen will no doubt take greatest interest in the classifica- tion of the elk, deer, antelope, bison and mountain sheep which are members of the order Artiodactyla. Two elk, the Roosevelt and dwarf, or tule, elk are native to this State. The former ranged from Marin County north through the coastal belt to the Oregon line and at the present day exists only in small numbers in Del Norte and northern Humboldt counties. The dwarf elk formerly occupied nearly the entire San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys and occurred in the southern coast ranges in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Monterey and Santa Clara counties. It has now been reduced to a herd of approximately 140 animals on the State elk refuge near Buttonwillow, Kern County, and several smaller herds that have been transplanted from this point. The eastern, or Canada, elk has been planted in California, and a small herd appears to be thriving in Shasta County and a lesser luimber of animals in Lassen County. Two subspecies of black-tailed deer occur in California. The Columbian black-tailed deer ranges south from the Oregon line, from the coast east to the Sacramento Valley, south to the north side of San Francisco Bay. Grinnell states that this subspecies also occurs south- east along the Sierra to both sides of Mt. Shasta and Lassen Peak, at least south to the lower Feather River region on the west flank of the Sierra Nevada. The reviewer believes that more intensive study of the deer population of the western flank of the Sierra will show that 90 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME this (leer occurs south at least into the Yosemite reg:ion. The southern black-tailed deer occupies the coast ranges from tlie south side of San Francisco Bar, south throns'h IMonterev and San Benito counties into northwestern San Luis Obispo County. Four subspecies of mule deer are ascribed to Califoi-uia. The Rocky Mountain mule deer CJi'innell properly ascribes to the north- eastern corner of the State, but we think that his statement that this deer's range continues south through the main Sierra Neveda to Tuol- umne Country will not be borne out wliou more evidence is secured. According to our observations, the typical liocky Mountain mule ilecr is a rather rare animal south of the vicinity of Truckee. South of that point, a few bucks appear to migrate each spring from Nevada west- ward toward the summits of the Sierra Nevada, and in the fall again return to the eastern deserts to wdnter. The Inyo mule deer (see California Fish and Game, Vol. 19, 1933, p. 274) occupies the eastern slope of the southern Sierra Nevada in Inyo and probably Mono counties. Grinnell states that the range of a third subspecies, the California mule deer, extends w^est from the western margins of the Colorado and Mojave deserts, northwest from the Mexican line in San Diego County, through Santa Barbara County into San Luis Obispo County. and northeasterly from Ventura County througli the Tehachapi and Piute mountains at least to the vicinity of Walker Pass. He states that this race probably occurs north along the western flank of the southern Sierra Nevada, and we feel quite certain that it is this sub- species that occurs northward in this region into the Yosemite region, in which region this deer seems to interbreed with the Columbian black-tailed deer, and probably even considerably further northward. Reference to page 81 in this issue of California Fish and Game will indicate that another subspecies of mule deer has been named from California and this new deer, the San Diego mule deer, occupies part of the southern range ascribed to the California mule deer above. The burro deer is another subspecies of mule deer which Grinnoll states occujiies the Colorado desert region, north along the Colorado River, through the Chocolate and Chuckawalla mountains to the Granite Mountains, and, formerly at least, from the Mexican line south of Salton Sea through the Imperial Valley into central Riverside County. Grinnell ascribes the western white-tailed deer to California on the basis of a very definite record of a buck taken in January, 1922. on Observation Peak, in eastern Lassen County. He also lists another. ])ut not quite satisfactory, record for this deer from Toi)az, ^Mono County, in 1930 (see ]\IcLean. California Fisn and Game, Vol. 17, 1931, p. 342). T''"nder the range of the ])roiig-horn antelope, Grinnell advises that this species apparently occui'rcd nearly throughout the State south and east of the humid coast belt and below the main timber line. Considerable numbers of antelope still exist in several separate bands in Modoc. Siskiyou and eastern Lasseu counties. A small herd still occupies the western side of the San Joaquin Valley, four individuals are known to yet exist in Antelope Valley. Los Angeles County (see page 91, this issue), a small herd is said to exist in northwestern Snu Bernardino Countv. and a few individuals on the Colorado Desert CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 91 near the Mexican line in eastern San Diego, or western Imperial counties. Many readers will doubtless be surprised to learn that Grinnell states that the Oregon bison without any doubt formerly occurred in the northeastern corner of California, where it apparently traversed the semidesert valleys of eastern Modoc and Lassen counties. Four varieties of bighorn, or mountain sheep, are ascribed to California. The lava beds bighorn formerly ranged this region in the extreme northeastern portion of the State, where it is now thought to be extinct as the last individuals are said to have died in eastern Siskiyou County in the winter of 1913. The Sierra Nevada bighorn still occupies the higher portion of the southern Sierra from the vicinity of Mammoth Pass, Mono County, south to the vicinity of Olancha Peak, in Tulare County. Under this form, Grinnell notes that ascriptions of the mountain goat to this region of the Sierra Nevada are apparently erroneous and are now thought to have been based on the presence of bighorns. This author states that the range of the desert bighorn is in general the mountain ranges of the Mojave Desert and Inyo regions, north to the lower slopes of the White Mountains, Mono County, south to the Chocolate Mountains and west to the San Bernardino and San Gabriel mountains. The fourth variety of mountain sheep treated in this Review is the Lower California bighorn, which occupies the mountains bordering the west side of the Colorado Desert from the Mexican line, northwest to the lower northern slopes of the San Jacinto Mountains, in San Gorgonio Pass. Considerable discussion has recently arisen regarding the number of sheep of this subspecies now inhabitating the State. Investigations by M. Hall McAllister, Edmund C. Jaeger and State game wardens seem to agree in that there are between two and three hundred of these animals now ranging in Riverside and San Diego counties. Grinnell's account of mammalian species ends with the aquatic mammals, of which he lists nine whales, four porpoises, the dolphin, cowtish, killer, grampus and blackfish. The paper closes with a very complete index. — James 3Ioffitt, Diinsion of Fish and Game, San Francisco, December 22, 1933. THE PRONGHOEN ANTELOPE IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY This is a supplementary note to the account of the antelope of Antelope Valley, Los Angeles Countj^ in the July, 1932, issue of California Fish and Game (Vol. 18, p. 258). The antelope herd at that time was composed of seven individuals — one male and six females. On December 3 of this year, 1933. I again found the herd in the rolling low hills of Antelope Valley five miles north of Sandberg and counted four individuals, all females. I followed the herd in my car across country for two miles and got as close as one hundred and fifty yards on several occasions by approaching slowly. At this distance field glasses brought them into good view for study. ]\Iy partner tried to attract them by waving a red bandana in the breeze on the end of a stick, but though their curiosity was aroused to the extent of their standing still to look, they would not come toward us. They could probably see all they wanted to at one hundred and fifty yards. 92 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Various ranchers of this region have seen these animals recently and they too have seen only four in the herd. Tnasmnch as it wonld be improbable that a herd as small as seven would split, it appears that three individuals, including: the one male, have met their deaths. At this rate of depletion and with no male in the herd, antelope in Antelope Valley -will shortly disappear unless conservation forces can introduce more antelope to bolster up tliis rapidly disai)i»76 07 $64,220 99 SI 365 DO Chief and assistants . $127 72 $118 9R 525 78 27 01 28 58 17 96 480 45 78 81 246 70 Traveling •^■'5 78 27 01 Telephone and telegraph 98 58 Freight, cartage and express 17 96 Heat, light and power _. 480 45 Maintenance 3,164 71 243 43 1,200 00 1,344 13 4 587 65 Temporary help _ 243 43 Quail trapping and expansion of quail program. 95 65 390 79 1,686 44 Total bureau game propagation , . _ $5,973 14 $1,200 00 $1,567 50 $1,668 36 $13 09 134 76 $9 209 GO Bureau fish rescue: Chief and assistants $1 213 09 Traveling 134 76 Temporary help 13 00 13 00 Heavy truck service 190 90 190 90 Total bureau fish rescue $1,213 00 $2,124 99 480 00 $338 75 $1 551 75 Bureau game refuges: Chief and assistants $2,124 99 Clerical and office $12 50 44 58 868 78 492 50 Automobiles.. . . $27 78 72 36 Traveling . . _ 868 78 Laborers 900 00 1,177 00 180 00 900 00 1,177 00 Refuge posting . ISO 00 Predatory animal control 1,110 00 271 41 1,110 00 Refuge maintenance 1,140 00 1,200 00 885 00 391 47 1,802 88 Predatory animal hunters and trappers — • seasonal. 1,200 00 Temporary help — «easonal.- 885 00 Total bureau game refuge . . $8,086 99 $3,285 00 $419 25 $2 46 $2,307 27 $5 60 I 00 240 50 75 907 50 $10,813 51 Bureau licenses: Clerical and office $3,293 06 Traveling . _..... 1 00 Postage 240 50 75 Premiums on bonds . 907 50 Total bureau licenses . $3,285 00 $2 46 $1,155 35 $4,442 81 Total 85th fiscal year expense paid from support appropriations- $138,401 25 $21,963 34 $36,363 15 $181 45 $196,909 19 7—9030 98 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES -Continued For the Period July 1, 1933, to September 30, 1933, of the Eighty-fifth Fiscal Year Function Salaries and wages Materials and supplies Service and expense Property and equipment Total Special items: Deer tight fences— Chap. 872-31, from July 1, 1933 to December 31, 1933 $1 498 05 License commissions 7,131 25 209 49 State Fair and other e.xhibits Total sppninl it/>ms $8,838 79 $3,793 88 $17,807 49 $495 47 Permanent improvements: Construction, improvements and equipment.. Prior year expense: Eighty-fourth fiscal year Bureau of commercial fisheries. Chap. 825-33 Fresh fish marketing: Chief and assistants $495 47 149 03 Clerical and office $11 55 2 50 105 80 (Mi 49 23 1 15 2,013 70 160 58 Automobiles 2 50 Travelng 105 80 Telephone and telegraph 66 Freight, cartage and express 49 23 Kent... 1 15 Exhibits $99 84 2,113 54 Total bureau of commercial fisheries, Chap. 825-33 fresh fish marketing $644 50 $99 84 $2,184 59 $2,928 93 Grand total proprietary group $230,278 28 SEIZURES OF FISH AND GAME Juy, August, September, 1933 Fish: Abalones- Barracuda, pounds Bass — Calico.. Black Striped, fish... Striped, pounds White sea, pounds Clams . Crabs Catfish Crappie, perch, sunfish Lobsters Salmon, pounds Trout, pounds. YcUowfin, pounds Sturgeon, pounds Fish traps Game: Deer... Deer meat, pounds Ducks, geese Doves Pheasants . Quail Rabbits Shorebirds Bear hides Bear meat, pounds Rifles ' . 306 54 45 307 251 531 600 115 39 17 233 294 451 556 2,904 20 11 55 1,018 87 118 12 31 17 1 2 100 2 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 99 FISH CASES July, August, September, 1933 Offense Number arrests Fines imposed Jail sentences (days) Abalones; small; overlimit 17 24 1 1 3 15 1 7 13 7 47 15 4 10 3 1 1 5 3 15 4 $400 00 430 00 5 00 25 00 10 00 185 00 25 00 220 00 165 00 105 00 110 00 320 00 175 00 325 00 25 00 10 Angling; no license 10 Barracuda; small .._ Bass^ Calico; overlimit-— Black; small Striped-. . . 20 White sea . ... Clams; small; overlimit . _ 25 Crabs; small -.. . 20 Crappie; perch; sunfish; overlimit . Commercial &hing; no license...^ . . Lobsters; closed season.. ... 125 Salmon; overlimit; untagged. . . . 50 Trout; overlimit . Yellowfin; small ...... Operating set lines Fishing too near mouth of stream and from fish ladder 75 00 40 00 550 00 40 00 Seines; nets; illegal use of .. Totals 197 $3,290 00 260 GAME CASES July, August, September, 1933 Offense Deer; closed season; killing does, fawns; untagged deer. Bear; closed season Ducks; closed season Doves; closed season; overlimit Hunting; no license Hunting in refuge Spotlight hunting Killing non-game birds Pheasants; closed season Shore birds; killing of Quail; closed season Rabbits; closed season Trespassing Shooting from auto Totals.... Number arrests 126 4 11 17 67 28 22 2 7 1 10 5 5 9 314 Fines imposed $4,305 00 60 00 200 00 307 00 1,157 00 265 00 1,230 00 35 00 260 00 25 00 195 00 110 00 75 00 125 00 $8,349 00 Jail sentences (days) 1,020 50 5 2 '320 25 "120 1,542 lOU CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME iij UJ Q Z < I- «5 3 C! 3 < > 3 I § 1- 3 z CQ o o S E a UJ CJ I 1- c <« o •g u. u. CO 1- •s C3 3 n o oc 15 0. ^ >• cc ^ UJ I o. E O u. O I C/} cc o < Monterey oo ■ ra ; t 1 1 t^oo 1 I 'c^ CO CX) I < I»0 I I 37,252 5,536 786,955 1 CTt t :g : 1^ I 1 .o ■«< 1 h* is i i 1^" 1 1 O IcB O itO 0_ 't-;. ,-H Ic*3 Ico ' 1 40 »o »o W5 u^ oo t ^^ o c^ t^ c» 1 -r o Ci^ —^ ' ioeo«^"oo"c^ , o^^ -^ c^ <^ Alameda, Contra Costa. . 1 " 1 i C^ \ CO ' O ' S i Sacramento, San Joaquin lo— 1 1 i^iO i 1 f- 1 1 *"* 1 O 1 Solano, Yolo 1 1 1 CO ' oo I Marin • 00 ' .— « t c^ » CO ' Mendocino, Sonoma, Lake ioo Icoo 1 ."» 1 tiOlO 1 t 5fe ■£3 ! Halfmoon Halibut — Northern o O.S www 11 = Hi OS rt c 1 ( 1 c >.'t 3 5 eg eg g •5 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 101 iO I 1 1 tin •!>• i09 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lOO 1 >m ICO ' ' 1 It^ i-i "* 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 .to 1 ICO 00 '^ "^ 1 1 I40 1 ICO 1 iiit'*I'=^lc^iJlIIIIIl !! 1 'III I** .'^ I . I I I I I ! I II OO of CD Oil OllOll-H^HlO oo 1 I U3 1 lO 1 1 kO CO 1 1-« O 1 1 CD 1 li-" 1 IrHOa it^ coll ^llcollo I»o II ^11 II 1 Ol oo iO Ol CO Ol^ CO CD 1 l'^ lO 1 1 I'^.rJ*^ 1 , .CO 1 It^ 1 ICO lO 1 1 't^OOi III C^l 1 lO 1 lO lOl ' ' iCO^Oi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 >OJ I I*« I I I I^ I I I I I I I I I I I^ CO OO Ol di oq Ol OOI I I 1 IiO I lo^ I I I lO 1 ii.i-»iicDiii CO 1 1 1 1 ^H . 1 .11 Ol oo Ol Ol Ol 1 i01»000 lO it^OliO 1 »0 1 1 . . 1 1 .CO '' I'-H 1 leoooi 1 1^ 1 c^ »o C7i 1 1— 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 an i lOO I . '-' "^ ' t^ '^'^'"1. 'OOi 1 I . 1 . .(M 1 it-H II CO I"^ 'c^^oo IcD I I I ! I I Ico I I 1 1 I I c^ I I I ! I I I I II CO o o oioo I I I I Ico Io»oo I CO^i tii.COiiOOl'^i Oi^-^ 1 1 1 1 1 ' CO Oi r— 1 Ol -f 1 I I 1 I Ico'osf-T ! cooo I I I 1 I 1 1 CO Oi iM CD CO 1 1 1 r-l 1 1 I tO 1 . OI i-H . 1 ( r CD 1 1 i^H 1 I ( .M 1 .COC» 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 < .CO II CO ' 1 Oi -'^^^ II. Ill 1 I I I '-^" I I *>^ I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I CO Ol IcD I I I I lo I 1 I I I lO 1 1 1 1 ICO 'Ol 1 1 1 I 'CO I*'^" I I I I I 1 1 ! I I i'** 1 1 1 1 1 I r 1 I 1 1 oo CD 1 1 t !>. 1 1 1 t . 1 1 1 -rt< . 1 . 1 1 1 1 I . 1 1 III 1 I I I I I I 1=^ I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I •o I i i i i I i I I I I I I i i ! i i i i i i i i Ol CO 00 Ol Ol 1—1 CO od Oi I.'* coco i.^^^.i.i it^titiicnoiiii Oiitit iiOl OI»0.iit Oit.i II I 1 I 1 Icoo I I I I I 1 I I I*-*" I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 .c^ ^^ . I 1 1 I 1 1 1 . 1.11 o Ol CO o CO i(M' icOii-**i'00^i lO' ir-lliOll^COl 1 CO 1 ICO 1 1 00 1 'OO'^ 1 Ico I 1 id" 1 1 1^ I |c^f^ I Ico ; 1 I .-^ 1 loi I 00 CO o oo Ol I I ! I 1 1 1 loi Icoo IlO I I 1 1 1 1 04 1 1 u^ 1 lOl i^Ol iiO 1 II ■ 1 ICO I lOI 1 1 I 1 1 1 I . C-l 1 -^ 1 CD 1 ' i I 1 1 Oi 1 1 1-t ; i ; ; ! ; i i" ;?f ; : i i i i i" i i oo Ol ■ 1 1 Ol CO 1 CO 1 Ol 1 1 1 cnit icocDi^it^iii ^H 1 1 1 OiOO ' oo ' III CO CO CD 1 1 1 1 U5 1 iO 1 O '-0 CO 1 1 ■ r ( O 1 1 1 ^H 1 . T}< 1 1 1 1 c<. ICO 1 1^ 00 -^ till tin 1 1 lO 1 ICO 1 1 1 ICO 1-^ I05 ^. ' ' ' ' '^^ ' ' '^' '^ ! ! ! ! I^ I "^ oi" I I I I I ! ! 1 1^ 1 Ico 1 1 1 1 1 1 "* 1 1 1 1 1 III , |CO oo Ol Ol o CO C* 1 I I IiM I I I I I I 1 si; 1 ;s 1 : : ; : ; ; c^ I 1 I 1^" I I I I I I I CO I I I ; I CO CD Ol oo CO Sculpin Sea Bass— Black Sea Bass— White. Shad Shark Sheepshead Skate Skipjack __ Smelt.... .- Smelt — Jack Sole Splittail Striped Bass _ Sucker Swordfish'-Broadbill Swordfish — Marlin Tom Cod _.- Tuna — Yellowfin Turbot - Whitebait- Whitefish YeUowtaiL- Miscellaneous Ill I I 1 I I 1 I 4> I 1 ....... "^ . . Ill 'V ! I C3 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 .'"» I 1 III , . 1 1 1 1 IT3 . , III l_J I 1 ' 1 1 "■ 1 1 II' 1? ' 1— 1 1 S aJ 1 •1 "ss^iiS ! «« : 15 ^ ►l^x^o 1 wz ; S ' '3 '^T'f'V^ 1 a 1 1 |o^c& -o cc 111 z X CO Ul oc < z oc o < ■s Total fish from south of the International Boundary brought into California. Fish from south of the International Boundary brought into San Diego. Fish from south of the International Boundary brought into San Pedro. — o C73 00 CO CO 00 r^ Total. San Diego, Imperial. Orange. r^CTiooo005^HC30occ-rooooOiCOOl^l--i^ -r30»o-^'MC: — ^~oo o '-' i^ t^ oo (M CO 1^ o Oi ^ »o r^ cc o o r~. -jr -,o i n oo o -i" — ic -*" »o r^ 'rfOOOO-^iOCOt^cOOO'»J"t-C'lt>-OC-10CCt^ il— -^r-cico — c^rcco •^»o CO CO ^co «o odccco co-^c^'-h" odoco ' " -" .-_-._-_.-._- Los Angeles. San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura , o o »o r- OS CO'* ^40 O Csl OS ITS CO r>- o oo rr -^ T-H OOOOO C5 o -^ O 05 00 CO OS CM CO t^ OS o r^ COM iC CO OS CO 05 CO 40 '— "^ r-t .— . O lO »0 O "^ to O OS CO.O ^ •**f ^D^- o ^- •-< c^ CO OS CO CO CO ^^ ,-«o CO 03 -f OS iO CO lO ?D •-I OS -f 00 »'^"^-S 3"°^ CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 103 O CO 05QO O Oi •"^ CO 00 00 cooo CD ?0 O OS 00 --0 cc CD u:>o CD CD ■* "^ OiO CO CO lOCO CD CO cno t^ CO CD CD t^ CD CD Ol CO r- coo r-. CD W3 Oi CO CO Oi OO CO CO CD "^ Ci >0 Ol •— ' CO OO 05 CO CO C^ CO ^^ 1-- lO Ci CO -^ »-<" ■^'" lO CO c^ c^ oo o ^ ^ O t^ uo cor* CD lO CD CO »o ■-f (M lO CO Oii-H co^-i^incsuoooiio-— 'CiOii-^oor^c^j 05_CD003SO tOCOC^)'— 1(M(MO-^^05COO »o c^r-^r^O'-rcDi^'Moo -t-oc^odos cococo»o cooo OS •^ ■^ CO O CD CO 00 CO (M CO C^ "Tt* CO UO lO CO CO 00 OS CO o cooo OS -t< 00 oo -r (M CO •— ■ CO »o CO OS »o — ' CO — ' in m-^ tn I I " d c3 ancQ. m =1 05 =3^ ^ ■s 13 o 3 3-is^^^il 4J OJ "^ I I w ty OJ K- 03 i5oS||-53g = . -^t3 O^ ■O O rt w I I I I g M I s ^ ■- "oiJOOOO^sOOOa! a 3 o s 01 > z CO z O < O 3 a. California Fish and Game "CONSERVATION OF WILD LIFE THROUGH EDUOATION" Volume 20 SACRAMENTO, APRIL, 1934 No. 2 CONTENTS Page PIITTE TROUT {Saimo sele7iiris Snyder) Frontispiece A NEW CALIFORNIA TROUT John O. Snyder 105 STREAM IMPROVEMENT A. E. BurghduffllZ NOTES ON THE FOOD OF TROUT P. R. Needham 119 STREAM AND BAY POLLUTION STUDIES Paul A. Shaio 128 THE LAKE ALMANOR HATCHERY J. H. Vogt 130 CHANGES IN SARDINE FISHING GEAR IN THE MONTEREY REGION, WITH A NOTE ON EXPANSION OF FISHING GROUNDS___J. B. Phillips 134 THE KERN COUNTY ELK REFUGE Lewis A. Burtch 140 PORCUPINE CONTROL ON FORESTS OF CALIFORNIA Joseph Keyes 148 EDITORIALS AND NOTES 151 STATISTICS- STATEMENT OF Income 169 Statement of Expenditures 170 Violations of Fish and Game Laws 1T3 Number of Hunters Killing Two Deer, 1933 1T4 Hunting Accidents, 1933 175 Sbven-Ybar Record of Deer Kill in California Between 174-175 Statistics on Deer Kill, Season 1933 Between 174-175 Fresh Fishery Products 176 A NEW CALIFORNIA TROUT By John 0. Snyder HE REMARKABLE galaxy of brilliantly colored California trout has been enlarged by the addition of another which takes a conspicuous place amongst its fellows. It is named Salmo seleniris* for a fancied resemblance of its evanescent tints to the lunar rainbow. Piute Trout has been suggested as a common name, recalling other aboriginal inhabitants of the region in which it is found. * A brief description of the species appears in tlie Proceedings of the Cali- fornia Academy of Sciences, Fourth Series, Vol. XX, No. 11, pp. 471-472, Nov. 16, 1933. In the parlance of trinomial nomenclature this form would be called Salmo henshaivi seleniris. The writer can see no particular advantage in writing the name thus. Here it leads to no better understanding of relationships, and elsewhere if trinomials are used in relation to western trout their application will often have to be based on mere speculation. 10775 U)G CALII'OHXIA FISH AND GAME The newly described sjjeeies is an isolalcd \;iiiiiii1 of N. In nslnnvi, differing' markedly in tlie a])sence of spots fi'oni tlie body, the more sU^nder I'oriu and the rebitively small and inoi'e numci'ous scales. The oiitstandiny characteristic of Ibis ti-ont is the color, well portrayed in the reproduction of a i)aintin. aiul Trans- ferred upAvards of 150 fish to the Alpine Hatchery near Markleeville. These were fed and held in troughs for a time without loss and ulti- mately pi'eserved as tlie type and pai-atypes (September 17). Later tlu' same men packed many moi-e out of Fish Valley to Pickle .Meadow and delivered them to William ]\Iartin of tlie Steinhart Aquarium who l)riiiit:h1 ihem to San Francisco (October 'A). A few days later Dobler and Thond)urji- followed with a small truck of live fish and delivered them also to the A(piarium. At tiiis date, these fish are still on display and in fiiu' condition. In a brief letter recounting the work, Doblei- writes: "The trip from Pickle Meadow to Fish Valley, a distance of 14 miles, can be made in about live hours with pnak stock. On arriving in the Valley we made our camp and later distributed our empty ])ack cans along the creeks. In fishing we ])lace(l tlie ones eauglit in a bucket uiilil lliei-e ^^ TjcnsL mg: catf T.'-'' *• Fig. 22. Suniniit of the pa.s.s Ironi Tickle Meadow, looldnj? toward Fi.-^h Valley on the right. Photo by E. L. Macaulay. were several and then car.ri(Hl them to the nearest i)ack can. The latter was then partly submerged in the cre(>k to insure a circulation of water in the can, where it could remain until \vt' were ready to come out. "The fish strike the fly very hard, doing most of their fighting under water, darting every way in trying to get free, and not breaking water very often. When a fish missed a fly. it would break water, turning back on its side insteac mo viuL;' on in a t'oi-wai'd direction. A royal coachman No. 12 hook seemed best. They are game fish and one of the best flavored that I have eaten.'' Thornburg writes: "Because of automobile ti'ouble, I arrived at Pickle Meadow a little too late to join the pack train. Leaving the meadow at 2 ji.m. with my bedding, I took up the trail leading along Silver Creek for some nine miles u]) the steep mountain sides. 1 stopped on the summit long enough for a sigh of relief, and then CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 111 lieaded down the opi)Osite slope toward Pish Valley some six miles away. Arriving at seven, I found Dobler camped at the head of the Valley with preparations for dinner in full swing, certainly a most welcome sight to me. With a good meal disposed of and a hard hike of 14 miles behind me, a sound sleep followed. "Arising early the following morning, we were soon out to get the fish. Pishing hard for some time and with little success was dis- appointing when around 10 o'clock they began to strike. By the middle of the afternoon, a rain drove us to cover and we spent some time by a little fire. The rain slacking, we were out again and by nightfall we had around 100 trout. "Early Monday morning (October 2), we loaded the packs and fish cans on the horses and started fishing again, adding 20 or more fish to our catch. We left the Valley at noon and by three in the after- noon, we delivered the fish to the holding pond in the West Walker. "We then went to Bridgeport for a night's rest. Leaving there early on Tuesday, we returned to Pickle Meadow from where we again packed over into Pish Valley to try our luck once more with the trout. "Early Wednesday morning we found the fish striking well and it was not long before 10 or 12 trout would be in the pail and we would have to hurry for one of the cans which we had located along the stream. "I used a fly most of the time although in one pool I baited it wath pieces of grasshopper wath good results. "These trout strike the fly very well and seem to be a little faster than the regular black-spotted ones, but not so lively as the rainbows. They are not very easily frightened. ]\Iany times Avhile walking along the banks, T saw a fish leave the shallows and move to deeper water, when after a few casts he would rise to the fly and even come back several times if not hooked. In one pool where there w^ere six or so in sight, I hooked one about eight inches in length. It fell off on the edge of the bank and finally escaped into the water. After taking a couple from the pool, this same trout tried it again and before long managed to join the collection. On this day, I svicceeded in taking 77 trout, getting them safely into the cans. "It seemed to make little difference whether a man led or was in the rear, he had about the same good luck. They seemed to take the fly as well in the bright sun as in the shady places. "Upper Fish Valley is a wild mountain meadow through wliich the stream winds back and forth and has many pools. The sides of the Valley rise very steep to some two thousand feet. After leaving the Valley, the stream becomes much faster and the banks are lined with willows. There are many soda s])rings along the stream. "The falls are over granite rocks and they have some 20 feet of perpendicular drop. The water falls on a sloi)ing apron of granite and soon enters a narrow gorge after which the stream o])ens into Lower Fish Valley. Here the stream keeps to the west side and it is bordered by willows and has many fine pools. Pish are more plentiful here. On leaving the lower Valley, the stream narrows, presenting much very fast water and many splendid pools. When it reaches Silver King Valley, it slows up again to its entrance into East Carson River. 112 CALIFORNIA PISH AND GAME "We left Fish Valley October 5 and on tlie sixth avo started for San Francisco with the fish on a small truck and delivered them at nine o'clock on the following morning without the loss of a fish. They were all full of pep." Most of us will take off our hats to such anglers. Some fishermen protest against a size limit, contending that hooked fish can not be safely returned to the stream. Here is presented a case where several hundred fish of various sizes were caught, transported considerable distances and finally kept for a long time under adverse conditions and without material loss. As this region presents an apparently clear cut and unusual biological demonstration in nature, everything within reason should be done to preserve it so. As no trout have ever been introduced into Fish Valley, it is proposed to preserve the purity of the native stock by keeping it free from foreign introductions or artificial propagation. This policy will not prevent the transfer of fish of the species elsewhere if it seems desirable for practical or experimental purposes. Fig. 23. Fish Valley above Llewellyn Falls, the habitat of Sahiio seleniiis. by E. L. Macaulay. rhoto CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 113 STREAM IMPROVEMENT By A. E. BURGHDUFF Stream improvement is a phase of conservation that is receiving much attention at the present time. In a general way, the subject may be divided into two classes of endeavor : first, retardation of stream flow by the construction of weirs or erosion dams; second, stor- age of water near the source of streams, to be released in a continuous quantity sufficient to maintain stream flow during that portion of the year when streams would normally be very low or dry. The first type of improvement is particularly adaptable to spring- fed meadow streams and undoubtedly the carrying capacity of such streams can be greatly increased by this method of improvement. It is this type of construction which makes possible effective stream improve- ment in the Eastern States. Improvements of this kind do not fit conditions existing in most of our western streams, where precipitous rock-bound streams fall thousands of feet in a score of miles. What the western type of stream needs is an equalizer to insure constant flow and this can be accomplished by the second class of improvement. In many instances, and at moderate cost, water can be stored near the source of streams in sufficient quantities to insure ample flow during that part of the year when streams are dangerously low or entirely dry. Climatic conditions in California which cause streams to go dry during the late summer, entails the loss of millions of young trout, possibly more than our total hatchery output. If these annual losses are added to those brought about through agricultural add hydro-development, it indicates that every effort must be made to counteract these conditions wherever possible. The Cherry Creek project in Tuolumne County demonstrates the possibilities of this method of stream improvement in this State. Th^s is a typical granite area in the High Sierra, differing only in locatio'n from scores of similar areas where like results may be obtained. This area was originally barren of fish life. Many years ago settlers and stockmen carried trout from Laurel Lake, now included in Yosemite National Park, and placed them in some of the streams and lakes in tliis area. These fish throve and increased until excellent fishing was to be had in several of the lakes and streams in the early season. There are no springs in the high granite country and when the surface water runs off, the streams dry up and the lakes recede. As long as seasons of normal rainfall continued, conditions were favorable and the fish needed no assistance to maintain their abundance. When the prevailing dry cycle of years started in the early twenties, the normal run-off was gone long before the first fall rains commenced, with the result that fish in the streams were lost and the carrying capacity of the lakes greatly reduced. Two sportsmen, F. W. Leighton and W. E. Burnliam of Sonora, had a summer cabin near a small lake at the base of Mt. Gillett. They stocked this lake with fish carried there in old oil cans. Their problem 2—10775 114 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME was to make tlu' lake .si'lt'-.sii.staiiiiii<:' and tliis Avas aceomplisliccl by goin^ up the canyon a few miles and building an earth and rock dam at the outlet of a jjroup of lakes about fifty acres in extent. The stor- a<,'(' wat(M' thus impounded was am]ile to insure a prood flow of water below the dam and to j)ermit the trout in the lake below to ascend the stream to spawn and insure that the young fish could find their wa.y back into the lake. This lake thus became self-sustaining and a move- ment was started to have similar projects commenced on a more elaborate scale. In the late summer of 1930, the writer together with F. W. Leigh- ton and J. R. Hall, Supervisor of the Stanislaus National Forest, made a survey to determine the feasibility of constructing similar dams near the source of Cherry Creek tributaries. At this time, all of the upper ^["mjgfi^f/^eaaai*^ Pig. 2 4. Cherry Creek area, Tuolumne County, showing location of (l:im.s regulating; stream flow. tributaries to Cherry Creek were dry except for pools in some of the meadow sections. It was probable that even those pools would dis- appear before the first fall rains. Consitlerable numbers of trout of various sizes were stranded in these pools, an annual occurrence which resulted in heavy losses. Cherry Creek divides into three main branches, the West, North and East forks. As a result of the 193U survey, storage dams were built on each of these branches. Control storage on the West Fork is accomplished l)y dams on Long and Buck lakes; the water released from Long Lake passes through Deer and Jewelry lakes. From Buck Lake it ])asses through Wood Lake and combining with water from Long Lake, flows two CALIFORNIA FIRII AND OAME 115 Fig. 25. The Buck Lake Check Dam is eight feet high and 56 feet long. Photo by Louis Jensen. Fig. 26. Main Check Dam on Long Lake, Cherry Creek project. This dam is eight feet high and stores 520 acre-feet of water. Photo by Louis Jensen. IK! CAIJKOUNIA FISH AND GAME miles into West Fork at the upper end of Louse Can3()n. Tliese stor- ages maintain a constant Avater level in the lakes throuj,'li which it flows and a <;o()d sti'cam of live uatoi' from tlic stoi'a^-c hikes to the junction of the West Fork witli the juain Cherry. TJie flow through Louse Canyon September 18, 1933, was about 60 miner's inches. The lakes and streams in this chain are well stocked with trout and many small finfiforline's of this year's hatch were observed. It is not known whether any available storage exists above Buck Lake. If so, an ideal permanent spawning area in the stream channel above this lake could be developed, where all natural spawn is now lost through lack of continuous stream flow. The center or North Fork chain of lakes includes dams at Emi- grant Meadow Lakes and Emigrant Lake. The latter, on account of its large storage capacity, is the key control to the entire watershed project; wdth the construction of a 24-inch top extension on this dam, the storage will provide a minimum flow of 80 miner's inches or more, the full distance to the junction of Cherry and Elinor creeks. Emigrant Meadow Lakes furnish sufficient storage to adequately protect the spawning areas above Emigrant Lake and to insure natural reproduction in the latter. About three miles below Emigrant Lake the stream enters Cow Meadow. This meadow is several miles long and for much of the distance fine gravelly spawning beds exist. A canal-like lake about one mile long and ranging from ,50 to 100 feet wide and up to 4 feet deep is situated at the lower end of the meadow. It is proposed to construct a low erosion dam at the lower end of this canal, to raise its water level 24 to 30 inches. In addition to deepening this canal, raising the water level 24 inches will connect up a 15 acre lake which is about 18 inches higher than the present water level in the meadow. This lake is now barren but will become a valuable stocking reservoir W'hen connected with the creek system. The results of the 1931 con- struction are very pronounced in Cow Meadow. It has never been my privilege to see any section of stream better stocked with fingerlings and one and two year old trout than is this section. One has to see these results to fully appreciate the accomplishment. The East Fork chain lacks sufficient storage. A dam at Bigelow Lake supplies live water into Huckleberry Lake at all times but the evaporation in Huckleberry Lake is greater than the inflow will replace, resulting in the stream below Huckleberry Lake to its junction with the North Fork going dry. Storage at Snow Lake, located 21 miles northeast of Bigelow Lake, would supply the necessary water to offset evaporation in Huckleberry and would also open up two miles of excellent spawning area in Horse IMeadow. In addition to a storage dam at Snow Lake, an erosion dam should be built at the lower end of Horse Meadow and a low flat dam at the lower end of Huckleberry Lake to prevent excessive early runoff of surface water. Regulation of water discharge from these storage dams is accom- ])lished in a simple manner which does not require frequent adjust- ments. A gate valve, which can be locked in any position, allows for an opening which will pass a predetermined flow of water. The valves are then opened to this extent and remain so at all times. When dams are full and water flowing over spillways, a portion of the surplus water 1 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 117 necessarily passes through the valve. This flow continues after water has receded below the spillway level and assures a continuous discharge. The type of construction of these dams is determined by the character of the lake outlet, but in general it consists of a rock and concrete wedge built into the narrow lake outlet. Only lakes where the outlet is narrow and wedge-shaped are selected for storage in order that material requirements shall be limited. Rock walls are built up to the required height and each side of the wall is then tied in with concrete. Walls at the base are one-half as thick through as the height of the dams and taper to twenty-four inches at the crest. The valves are placed in the lower center with the locking control stem extending to the crest of dam. From the nature of this project and its indicated success, it will likely become an example of what can be accomplished in the high ^^p»i ^"'^^' ..^dlll^^^^^^^^^^l ■'■•^ '^, &v 1^^"'" ■^ t-^gMp''"f^-'« AT-i' - 'j '■ ^k^ ^■!^ ■_ irl ■R' 1% J •<*« " C' » ^i^iZ^^B^^B "'\.i P- r^sm ? ■^>? 1 fWff X, . r d>^^ «aP ;^|f y.^ -. -V i 1" ^w' WHp^^IEv * ^■^SJKa 1 vlBi*o0HH^v^ ^..^c^H^H ^**-L .. ■ fit- iJBB^Isi^ltea kk l^jHii^'^SP '■■ ^ "■-,•' ^;>w- ^ V- * ■ ^f^'^'T^mi L rj^M s_ ■■1 Fig. 27. Huckleberry Lake. Looking upstream. Photo by Louis Jensen. granite areas of the Sierra in water storage and fish conservation. F'rom its permanency, it insures economical administration and is undoubtedly an outstanding conservation achievement. If the recom- mended 1934 construction is done, the Cherry Creek area project can be considered completed. Additions and improvements to the system will present themselves from time to time, but the main objective, insuring a constant flow of water in Cherry Creek and its tributaries will have been accomplished, and about 70 miles of live trout stream restored. During the 1933 season, a C.C.C. subcamp was established on the upper Clavey River at Bear Lake in Tuolumne County. This camp, under the jurisdiction of Supervisor Hall, constructed a rock-concrete dam at the outlet of Bear Lake and, at this date, September 23, 1933, is engaged in constructing another at Y Meadows, 3 miles above. The combined storage of these two projects will be about 500 acre-feet. / 118 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME sufficient storage to keep this fork of Clavey River alive throiigliout the year. The meadow storage will insure natural spawning areas above Bear Lake wliile the combined release will provide for natural reproduction tlirough about 17 miles of average spawning stream. This should result in good stocking of the lower portion of the Clavey River. The work done by the C.C.C. men is of excellent quality and is permanent in nature. The following cost and operation chart indicates the moderate cost of these projects and the accompanying photographs show the general type of construction employed. COST AND OPERATION OF CHERRY CREEK DAM PROJECT KU'va- Name of Lake tinii Bigelow !l,SOO lOmigrant 8,850 Emigrant Meadow 9,750 Buck 8,400 Long 8,700 Valve .Sacks Area Release No. days Storage opening Days of In miner's protec- capacity, number to cement .\cres inches tion acre-ft. of turns Cost Iniild used 59 80 100 460 9 $1,128 17 51 213 150 120 1,491 12J 788 12 38 23 50 90 160 5 852 13 65 48 70 100 360 5 1,416 24 70 67 80 130 520 7 1,016 15 56 Totals 410 430 540 2,991 __ $5,200 81 280 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 119 NOTES ON THE FOOD OF TROUT By P. R. Needpiam, Ph.D., Associate Aquatic Biologist, United States Bureau of Fisheries With seven photographs by the author Trout foods are normally derived from two sources, the water itself, and the adjacent land. Any angler who has lifted stones or sticks from the bed of a permanent stream has seen the great array of organisms present. Underwater foods include a host of aquatic insects such as caddis-fly, mayfly, or stonefly larvae and nymphs, beside numer- ous shrimp, snails, and fishes. Counts of submerged trout foods from given areas have shown insect foods to average over 7835 in number per square yard in certain coastal streams in California. On the other hand, land foods eaten by trout are mostly insects or other terrestrial animals that are blown or fall into streams accidentally. Water living food organisms are available to trout the year round, while in localities where winter is severe, land foods will be abundant only during the warm summer months. Many anglers open stomachs to see what trout have been eating and use their observations as a guide in the selection of lures. The varied assortment of bugs in most stomachs and the difficulty of identi- fying them properly due to their small size usually leads anglers to conclude that the trout are bottom feeding and hence, they should turn to bait or sunken fly to stimulate their gastronomic interests. In the course of the work of the California Trout Investigations we have had occasion to examine microscopically many stomachs ** of rainbow and Loch Leven trout and below are presented a few of our observations along this line that may prove of interest to anglers. In no sense is this data intended to show how to overcome a trout's critical taste for our feathered offerings, but instead, may serve to point out a few interesting dietary idiosyncrasies along with some observations on the food organisms themselves. In Table 1, it is shown that the dominant food of young steelhead trout from the coastal stream, Waddell Creek, were caddis-flies, over 50 per cent of all items eaten belonging to this group. Of the 557 eaten, only one was eaten in the adult stage at the surface of the water. All the rest were taken as larvae or pupae below the w^ater surface where they normally live in their immature stages. * Published by permission of the U. S. Commissioner of Fisheries. ** Thanks are due Francis Sumner of the staff of the Trout Investigations for his help in both field and laboratory work herein reported. Permission to collect trout for scientific purposes at all times was granted by the Division of Fish and Game. 120 CALIKOK.MA FISH AND GAME Table 1. Foods Consumed by 22 Steelhead Trout from Waddell Creek, Santa Cruz County * Number found Per cent Class of food in 22 stomachs of total •Caddis-flies 557 50.54 True-flies '. 400 36.29 True bugs 56 5.08 Beetles 53 4.82 Ants, bees, wasps 13 1.17 Miscellaneous 23 2.09 Total 1,10 0 * Fish taken August 9, 10, 1933. Average length, 4 inches ; maximum, 6.9 in. minimum, 2.6 in. Fig. 2 8. Caddis-fly larva, Limnophilus, removed from its case. Natural size. Caddis-flics (Trichoptera) are probably tlie most important single trout food in streams. They are abundant in coastal and Sierran streams. A few inhabit lakes. The life cycle of a caddis-fly is as follows : the female flies lay their eggs in water. These hatch into larvae which live from several weeks to months in the stream bed and then change to pupae and emerge from the water as adults, thus completing the cycle. Large numbers of adults emerging from the water at the same time constitute the so-called ''hatches" of anglers. "Salmon flies" which emerge in large numbers at times, are members of the stonefl^y group, though emerging caddis-flies and mayflies are often termed "salmon flies." Caddis-fl}^ larvae and pupae generall}' live in conspicuous fixed or portable cases (Fig. 28) made of bits of bark, sand grains, twigs, etc. The larvae may always be recognized either by their cases or by the pair of hooks found at the posterior end of the body. Trout often eat caddis larvae, case and all, and many stomachs contain large amounts of debris from materials that formed the cases. Many anglers collect caddis larvae, remove them from their cases, and fish them as bait. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 121 The second most important item was the two-winged or true-flies {Dipt era) which formed 36.29 per cent of the total foods eaten. These have a life cycle similar to the caddis-flies in that Q,g^^ larvae, and pupal stages are passed in the water. Only 20 of the 400 flies eaten were taken as adult or so-called "dry" flies, 380 being secured as larvae and pupae below water. These larvae are readily recognized by their worm-like form, lack of legs, and apparent lack of a definite head (Fig. 29). Most of the true-flies eaten belonged to the family Chironomidae or midges. Their aquatic stages are abundant in streams and lakes, cold or warm water, and furnish one of the staples in the diet of young fishes. In size they are usually from one-eighth of an inch to an inch in length. Many of the larvae are often blood- red in color whence they derived the name "Bloodworms." True bugs (Hemiptera) were the third most abundant food eaten, forming slightly better than 5 per cent of their diet. Part of these organisms were aquatic "water striders" that skip about on the sur- faces of pools and a portion of them were strictly terrestrial forms such as leaf hoppers that had fallen into the water from vegetation on the banks of the stream. Fig. 29. Midge. Left to right, adult, pupa, larva. Six times natural size. Of the 53 beetles eaten, 18 were aquatic forms — diving beetles, riffle beetles, etc. — and the remainder mainly ground and bark beetles that had fallen into the water. The few ants, bees, and wasps found in the stomachs were all typically terrestrial forms. Included in the "miscellaneous" column in Table 1 are five mayfly and four stonefly nymphs, one grasshopper, a few mites and spiders. Of the total 1102 items eaten, over 87 per cent were aquatic in origin and consisted, as pointed out above, largely of aquatic insects 122 CALIPORXIA FISH AND GAME which ii()i-iii;illy live in 1hr water. Tlic i-ciiiaiiiiiiy l.'! per cent were terrestrial in oiiizin tlial had fallen into tlie water accidentally. If we now examine tlie food of trout from a typical mountain stream such as the ^Merced River, certain marked ditferences in the selection of food becomes evident. In Table 2 is summarized the food of 10 rainbow ti-out taken recently in the ^Merced River on the floor of Yosomite Valley.* Instead of caddis-Hies being numerically dominant in the stomachs, wc f(jund leaf hoppers to predominate along with beetles, there being almost as many of the latter as of the former in the ten stomachs. 1 Vj ■/ ^ w / Fig. 30. Larva and adult of riffle beetle. Twelve times actual size. Table 2. Foods Consumed by 10 Rainbow Trout from the Merced River in the Floor of Yosemite Valley * Number found Per cent Class of food inlOstomaehu of total Leaf hoppers 294 35.46 Beetles 293 35.34 True-flie.s 108 13.02 Caddis-flies 61 7.35 Mayflies 22 2.65 Stoneflies 21 2.53 Miscellaneous 30 3.63 Total 829 * F^isli taken Oct. 31 and Nov. 2, 1933. Average length, 5.5 inches; maximum, 8.3 in., miiiinnim, 4.05 in. Leaf hoppers are small insects, usuallj^ less than a quarter of an inch long, often green in color, that live by the thousands on leaves of trees and grasses adjacent to streams. Naturally, when as abundant as they were this year, many fall or are blown into the water. As many as 104 occurred in a single stomach and only one failed to con- tain any at all. * Thanks are due C. G. Thomson, Superintendent of Yosemite National Park, for his hearty cooperation in furthering our field investigations in the streams and lakes of the Yosemite region. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 123 The great majority of beetles eaten were aquatic, most of them being either larvae or adults of riffle beetles (Fig. 30) that live in the gravel beds in swift water. A few, 35 of the 293 beetles eaten, were typical land forms and nonaquatic. This is a surprising find and is the only instance in the hundreds of stomachs I have examined where riffle beetles formed a major portion of the food. A few other aquatic beetles were eaten, such as diving and whirligig beetles, and are included in the figures given here. True-flies found in these rainbow trout formed only 13.02 per cent of the total foods, while it will be recalled that in the young steelheads Fig. 32. Adult stonefly (Sal- FiG. 31. Nymph of stonefly mon-fly), Pteronarcys. Com- ( Salmon-fly), Pteronarcys. One mon in streams of northern and a half times natural size. California from early June to late August. Drawing by Miss Helen Thorsen. One and a half times natural size. they formed approximately 36 per cent. Of the 108 flies, exactly 100 were typically aquatic larvae and pupae, only eight being secured as adults after they had left the water. Caddis-flies which ranked first in numbers in the young steelhead trout, here rate but fourth place (7.35 per cent) and all of them eaten were immature larvae and pupae. About equal numbers of mayfly and stonefly nymphs (Figs. 33 and 31) had been eaten and are surprisingly low, for members of both groups are abundant in the Merced River as shown by our bottom collections. Most anglers believe mayflies and stoneflies to be major foods of trout and large numbers of artificial flies are patterned after these insects. Mayflies often are eaten in large numbers but stoneflies or "salmon flies," as they are usually called, are extremely "spotty" 124 CALIFORNIA riRTT AND GAME in their distribution and actually far fewer of these are eaten, on the average, than is generally supposed. In Califoi-nia, the large "salmon fly," Ptcronarcifs ('(difornira (Fig. .'52), is ahuiuhnit in streams noi'th of Lake Tahoe and in coastal streams north of San Francisco, but is rare or absent in many of the drainage basins in the more southerly portions of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, To attempt to introduce the large salmon fly, Pteronarcys into streams where they are not now present, would probably prove to be wasted effort by reason of the fact that being winged forms, they can, and probably would, have distributed themselves before now had the Fig. 33. Mayfly nymph Iron. Note gill-plates on side of abdomen and de- pre.ssed body and legs for living in swift water. Six times natural size. Fig. 3 4. Damselfly nymph, Artjia. Note three gill-plates on end of abdomen. Three times natural size. necessary environmental conditions that they require as home sites existed therein. Further, every cold-water, unpolluted stream invari- ably contains many smaller kinds of stonefly nymphs that are equally as good food if not of as large size as Pteronarcys. Mayflies and stoneflies have similar life cycles. The eggs are laid in the water where they hatch into nym])lis. Wlien grown they emerge from the water as adults. They have no pupal stage. Mayfly nymphs can always be recognized by the presence of gills on the back of the abdomen (see Fig. 33). Xo other aquatic insect possesses gills in this position. Stonefly nymphs are easily distinguished by their two tails and tufts of filamentous gills at the bases of the legs. Many possess CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 125 very beautiful contrasting black and yellow bands on their dorsal surfaces. Over 55 per cent of the total foods eaten by these rainbow trout from the Merced River were aquatic in origin and about 45 per cent terrestrial. In Table 3 below are listed the foods eaten by eight Loch Leven and four rainbow trout from another quite different type of stream. These trout were taken from spring runs tributary to Hot Creek in Mono County. Three springs supply a large volume of water of even temperature the year round. Little run-off and no flood waters ever disturb the stream bed thus offering fairly stable environmental con- ditions to aquatics. As a result watercress and other aquatic plants have grown up in the runs in enormous abundance. ■ ^B ^^H ^^^1 ^^^HP ^rF' j^^^^^^^l ^^^^^1 ^^^^^^^ff v ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M ^^H m^^^ L ". ' \Mj ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ^^H ^^If ..^flH^^^l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ^^^^1 1 '-^H ^M K. , .<^ i^^^^^^^i ^^B ^1 1^ Jf^^^^^HH (■l^^l ^^^^^^H ^^^^^^^^K "^WI^^^^^B ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^B|^ i^^l Pig. 35. Fresh-water shrimp, Gammarus. Common at Hot Creek, Mono County. Two times natural size. Table 3.— Foods Consumed by Eight Loch Leven and Four Rainbow Trout from Hot Creek, Mono County* Number found Pej- cent Class of food in 1~ stomachs of total Snails and small clams ^92 '«■?,• Ijd Shrimp ^35 3o.3.i Oaddis-flies ^'6 ^■^.'^ Damsel fly nymphs 1^ '^■■^'' Miscellaneous ■* •'^' Totals 705 * Fish taken November 15, 1933. Average length, 9.74 inches; maximum, 12.1 in., minimum, 8.4 in. Here it is seen that snails and small clams ranked first forming 55.6 per cent while shrimp were second forming 33.33 per cent of the total numbers of organisms eaten. Bottom collections from the spring 126 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME runs have sliowii slirimp (Pif?. 35) to occur in enormous numbers here, over 1000 bein": found in an area of one square foot. Snails and chims are likewise very abundant and the trout a?ain prove them- selves rank opportunists, eating what they can get, where they can get it. It is interesting to note that only one snail and 150 shrimp were eaten by the four rainbows from Hot Creek, tliis species appar- ently preferring shrimp to snails and clams. With the Loch Levens the reverse was true, the latter tish showing decided preference for snails and clams rather than shrimp. The shells of the snails and clams apparently pass through the digestive tracts of the fish without harmful effects. Of the 56 caddis-flies eaten, only four were taken as adults, 52 of them being aciuatie larvae and pupae. Damsel fly nymi)hs (Fig. 84) which formed 2.5 per cent of their diet, are usually absent from the swifter mountain streams, preferring rather the Aveedy margins of quiet or slowly flowing waters. Their life cycle is similar to that of the mayflies and stoneflies. They can always be recognized by three long slender plate-like gills on the tip of the abdomen. In the case of the Hot Creek rainbows here reported on, 99 per cent of their foods were aquatic in origin, just five items being terres- trial in origin. In summary it is to be noted that the dominant foods eaten by trout from the three streams reported on above, were mostly small in size, except for the shrimps, snails, and clams, and large numbers of each Avere consumed. Also, that the water supplied by far the majority of food, land forms being comparatively scarce, except for leaf hoppers found in the rainbows from the Merced River. It probably takes about as much effort for a trout;to secure a large caddis-fly larva as a small leaf hop])er, and when Over 100 leaf h()])])crs or fly larvae are found in a single stomach, it is evident that that fish had been very busy just previous to his demise. It is generally conceded that small foods are eaten by small trout and though the average length of the three lots of fish reported on here was only slightly more than six inches, I have opened many trout up to fifteen and eighteen inches in length that contained only such foods as were found in the stomachs of these smaller fish. Larger fish will eat larger foi-ms such as cray- fish, minnows, fingerling trout, etc., if they can get them. In many streams, how'ever, large food organisuLs are lacking and the fish are mainly dependent upon such everyday iniderwater sta])les as caddis- flies, ma}"flies, true flies and shrimji. Last opening date on the Truckee E-iver the 8- to 12-inch trout I caught Avere packed with just such small underwater forms. One good-sized caddis larva Avill equal man}' small mayfly nymphs in body weight. The latter forms make up in numbers what they lack in size in most SAvift-water streams. Caddis- fly larvae and other large foods are scarce in many streams Avhich makes it necessary for the fish in such streams to eat the smaller foods or go hungry. The above .stomach examinations shoAV that they do just this, eating hundreds of small forms in lieu of a lesser number of large foods. In conclusion, the data presents a l)ricf rcA'ieAV of the food of a few trout from three streams. Due to lack of space, no attempt has been made to giA^e any data on stomach examinations of trout from CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 127 lakes where their feeding habits are markedly different, or to correlate actual abundance of foods in streams with actual consumption by trout. We are doing this as a part of the work of the California Trout Investigations, the data obtained to be applied toward the development of a scientific stocking policy. The real basis of all economic progress is a detailed knowledge of life histories and habits. Applied to the conservation of trout, the more facts that can be discovered concern- ing their life histories and habits, the better fitted we shall become to develop intelligent methods of stream management. 128 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME STREAM AND BAY POLLUTION STUDIES By Paul A. Shaw INTRODUCTION In order to deal intelliofently with the iiiiportaiit problem of maintaining California waters free from detrimental pollution, it is essential to have a clear picture of present conditions, based on accurate data collected in all areas aifected. Such a picture would be valuable in formulating a general policy relative to i)ollution control, and in dealing justly with individual cases. The purpose of the present outline is to indicate the need of certain studies and the general program of activity that will be conducted relative to pollution. ORGANIC WASTES Wastes containing oxidizable organic matter include discharges from dairies, tanneries, fibre board and paper plants, canneries, win- eries, domestic sewage, slaughter houses, etc. While the relation of this important class of wastes to fish life has been the subject of exten- sive investigation in various eastern States, it has been given but slight attention in California. The most dangerous feature of organic wastes lies in their ability to consume large quantities of dissolved oxygen. This process is rela- tively slow and the detrimental effect on fish life may pass unobserved, due to the fact that fish will avoid the area and fatalities occur only when high temperatures and bacterial activity result in a rapid deple- tion of oxygen. Thus, while heavy fatalities may be rare, the average condition of dissolved gases, bottom enviromnent and aquatic life may be altered sufficiently to make the area undesirable for fish. With an increasing density of industries and municipalities discharging organic wastes, important water areas may become unsuitable for fish, reduc- ijig the normal incoming runs as well as causing tlsh within the area to seek a more suitable environment. The ratio between the oxygen available from the diluting water and the oxygen demand of the waste is particulai'ly valual)le as an indicator of the intensity of pollution. When this factor is sntficiently high, natural purification will iirogress without appreciable oxygen depletion and beneficial nutrient material is furnished for aquatic life. In such instances, the streams and bays should probably be recognized as a legitimate means of disposal. However, where this factor is low, a detailed study of the intensity and extent of pollution may be required, while in certain cases immediate steps to abate the condition may be indicated. The program for study of pollution from oxidizable organic wastes Avill include the following: 1. Inspect and list industries according to watershed, obtaining data on the quantity and kind of product, character of discharge, treatment if any, and point of disposal. 2. Obtain corresponding data on high and low stage stream or tidal dilution. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 129 3. Correlate 1 and 2 with published or experimental data to esti- mate the ratio between oxygen available and the oxygen demand. 4. Conduct special studies to determine the dissolved oxygen and oxygen demand, preferabl}' at times of low water and high tempera- ture, in those areas where the above ratio is low^ 5. Cooperate with industries to work out modified methods of dis- posal in areas definitely polluted, resorting to legal action only when absolutely necessary. In view of the many California industries discharging wastes of an organic nature, the value of the above program in maintaining Cali- fornia waters reasonably free from pollution should be obvious. It will serve specifically as a basis for : 1. Immediate action in polluted areas. 2. Increased watchfulness in areas of potential pollution. 3. Evaluating and dealing fairly with reported complaints of pollution. 4. Showdng the trend of pollution if the study is repeated in later years. 5. Progressive modifications in the pollution code. OIL POLLUTION In the past, the most troublesome source of pollution in California waters has been from oil. Control of this type of pollution has been particularly emphasized and as a result marked progress has been made in the control of oil waste. However, continued watchfulness is essential and inspections at wharves, shipyards, refineries, sewer outfalls, etc., will be conducted at frequent intervals. OTHER POLLUTION WORK The following items will be given attention in addition to the gen- eral program on organic wastes and oil pollution : 1. Pollution from hydraulic mining, particularly in the Klamath and Trinity District. 2. Pollution from sawdust, etc., in lumber mill areas. 3. Pollution from plants discharging toxic chemicals. 4. Study of current literature on pollution control. 5. Study possibility of special code to apply to fish hatchery water supplies. 6. Investigate specific complaints. 7. Keep the importance of clean streams before the public through : published articles; local newspaper accounts of control activities; personal contacts; and through cooperation Avith otlier organizations interested in abating, or having jurisdiction in regard to pollution. CONCLUSION It is to be hoped that conditions which have caused numerous complaints, such as exist in the Eel and Klamath river districts and others which may or may not have been brouglit to the attention of the Division of Fish and Game, will be cleared up satisfactorily as this study progresses. The task is not a simple one, and the writer will appreciate receiving all data on which game Avardens, sportsmen and others have definite information. 4 — 10775 130 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME THE LAKE ALMANOR HATCHERY By J. H. VoGT Tlie new Lake Almanor Hatchery, situated on Clear Creek, was located at this point after many unsuccessful attempts to construct a hatchery in this district where fish cultural operations could be prop- erly conducted. This hatchery w^as sufficiently completed January 20th of the present year to permit placing eggs in the troughs and the hatcherj' was in operation a few days following this date. All indica- tions point to the approach of a satisfactory solution of our fish cul- tural problems in the district with the completion of the new hatchery. '*»•' ^ "1 ©«.;■ '; ai^ i -Jf - ^m^^^^mi » "V- - '^■i '''wkKKK t ' f \ S I! H B SSTI It an SIT^HB^^Mi Fig. 36. First Lake Almanor Hatchery located near Big ]Meado\v.s Dam. Photographed in 1917. The Fish and Game Commission, realizing the importance of the fishing that would be developed by the construction for power and irrigation purposes by the Great Western Power Company in the reservoir known as Lake Almanor, decided to begin fish cultural opera- tions in that district in the spring of 1916. So many unforeseen difficulties presented themselves before a satisfactory hatchery site could be procured in this area that a brief history of operations in the district is deemed advisable as a matter of record. The work during 1916 was conducted in a crude waj' and with very little equipment. The plans were to prove the value of the district for collecting rainbow trout eggs before beginning extensive develop- ments. Operations were carried on below Big Meadows Dam where over 1,750,000 rainbow trout eggs were collected. Investigations made flua'ing the late spring and summer indicated that additional develop- ments would be justified on the North Fork of the Feather River near CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 131 Domingo Springs and on Hamilton Branch, both of which are tribu- tary to Lake Almanor. During tlie fall of this year, a small hatchery was constructed near Big Meadows Dam (see Pig. 36). Racks were installed below the dam to trap fish, rack and trap were constructed in Rice Creek a short distance below a falls in the stream, and an experimental hatchery was built near Domingo Springs. Operations were conducted for a few years at Domingo Springs without satisfactory results when the hatchery w^as moved to its present location near the egg collection station on Rice Creek. This hatchery has since been operated with excellent success. The water supply at the hatchery located near Big Meadows Dam proved to be unsatisfactory for fish cultural purposes, so hatching operations were transferred to a site on Clear Creek, near Westwood. After conducting operations in this small hatchery for a number of years it became evident that the hatchery equipment was inadequate to properly supply the district tributary to Lake Almanor and the adjacent territory in Plumas and Lassen counties. Plans were then made for the construction of a larger hatchery, but its construction was delayed for some years pending selection of a suitable site. The Division was unable to purchase or lease a site on Clear Creek, where operations were being conducted in the small hatchery, so it was finally determined to build a new and larger hatchery on Benner Creek near Chester, where the water supply originated from this creek. A new hatchery containing ninety-six troughs and other neces- sary buildings were constructed here in the fall of 1930 by the Divi- sion of Architecture of the Department of Public Works. Operations on Clear Creek were suspended and all buildings and equipment belonging to the Division there were moved to the new hatchery. Construction work on the new hatchery was completed in January, 1931, and it was immediately prepared for fish cultural operations. Eggs were transferred from Clear Creek during the early part of February. However, this site did not prove favorable. Difficulties in operations were encountered immediately after placing eggs in the hatchery. The water supply line, troughs and tanks froze solid, making it necessary to return the eggs to the Clear Creek site. After repeated attempts to overcome this defect it was decided to hold the Loch Leven and eastern brook trout at Clear Creek until later in the season when they were placed in the hatchery at Benner Creek. Rainbow egg collections were conducted at the tributary egg col- lection stations and over 5,000,000 rainbow eggs w^ere eyed in the hatchery during June. The water supply, however, began to rise in temperature and the quantity of water became insufficient to care for the eggs and fish on hand. This condition continued until it was neces- sary to plant all fish during the month of July. A well over fifty feet deep was dug near the hatchery during 1931 with the view of developing a supply of water to care for the hatchery during the cold winter months. This effort failed to develop enougli water to operate a sufficient number of troughs for winter service. The following winter the supply from Benner Creek again froze and it was once more necessary to discontinue operations which necessitated hatching the quota of Loeh Leven and ea.stern brook trout for the dis- trict in other hatcheries. 132 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Fig. 37. New Lake Almanor Hatchery. Photo hy AVm. Berrian, December, 1933. Fig. 3S. Interior view of new Lake Almanor Hatchery. Photo by Wm. Berrian, January, 193 4. ' CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 133 Operations during the late spring of 1932 developed conditions similar to the spring of 1931. Insufficient water and its high tempera- ture made it necessary to move a large number of fish to tanks and ponds temporarily constructed on Last Chance Creek, and the balance were distributed to nearby waters as rapidly as possible. The efforts made to operate the hatchery located on Benner Creek fully demonstrated that successful fish cultural operations could not be carried on there. Extensive investigations failed to indicate that a satisfactory water supply could be developed, so as a last resort, investigations were made of other possible sites. After considering all the advantages and disadvantages of differ- ent sites, it was determined to locate on or near Clear Creek, using water from Clear Creek, a spring fed stream, for supplying water to the hatchery. An agreement was entered into with the Red River Lumber Company covering a twenty-year lease of a site and water supply. Plans for moving the buildings from the Benner Creek site to Clear Creek were made and work of razing the buildings and recon- structing them at the new site commenced in August, 1933, under the direction of the Division of Architecture. The new hatchery building was enlarged, making room to hold ten tanks and to provide space for a food preparing room. Additional quarters will be provided for the employees and ample garage and storage space allowed. All buildings are set on concrete foundations and it is believed the new construction will last for many years (see Figs. 37 and 38). The Division of Architecture was unable to complete the new structures within the estimates and the money available, so the project is being finished by labor furnished by the C.W.A. and is under the supervision of Ernest Varnum of the Bureau of Fish Culture. The district adjacent to the Lake Almanor Hatchery h^g gradually developed into one of the most important trout fishing areas in the State. Every year an increasing number of sportsmen visit the vicinity for vacation purposes. This increased fishing makes it necessary to increase the output of the hatcheries. During the years of operations at the small hatcheries at Domingo Springs and Clear Creek, several rainbow trout egg collection stations have been established on the streams tributary' to Lake Almanor, and these at the present time constitute one of the most important sources of supply of rainbow trout eggs for our State hatcheries. With the completion and increased output of the new Lake Almanor Hatchery available for the 1934 season, the Division believes that satisfactory fishing conditions can be maintained in the district for many years. 134 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME CHANGES IN SARDINE FISHING GEAR IN THE MONTEREY REGION, WITH A NOTE ON EXPANSION OF FISHING GROUNDS By J. B. Phillips NUMBER OF BOATS The 1933-34 sardine season at ]\Ionterey found a greater number of purse seine boats fishing out of this port than any previous season. About 53 purse seine boats fished consistently throughout the greater portion of the season. The total number of purse seine boats that delivered at this port was 61. The number of launch and lighter com- binations showed a decrease from previous seasons. About 15 launch Fig. 39. Sardine boats anchored off some of the Monterey processing plants, unloading or waiting to unload by means of suction pumps. Photo by J. B. Phillips, September, 1933, and lighter combinations fished rather steadily throughout most of the season, whereas the total number that fished was 23. Several launch and lighter captains chartered i)urse seine boats during the course of the season. In all, 84 different boats made deliveries in the 1933-34 season. Of these, 68 may be considered to have fished consistently throughout most of the season. CHARTERED BOATS A number of the purse seine boats (about 17 of the total number that fished) were chartered by the local owners or crews of launch and * Contribution No. 135 from the California State Fisheries Laboratory, Febru- ary, 1934. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 135 liyliter combinations. Most of the chartered boats were from Wash- ington waters, the balance from southern California waters. Ordi- narily, the original captain and engineer accompanied the chartered boat, the balance of the crew being made up by the charterer. (The crew usually consists of 10 men and the captain.) The charterer usually furnished the net. However, sometimes only the engineer accompanied the chartered boat but occasionally several of the original crew went along with the captain. PURSE SEINES AND RING NETS All deliveries of sardines to processing plants at Monterey were made by boats using purse nets, except in one case at the beginning of the season when a small delivery was made to one of the plants by a market crew that used a lampara net. The purse nets are of the purse seine type used largely by the purse seine boats, and of the ring net type that the launch and lighter combination crews adopted a few seasons ago in place of the lampara net formerly used. During the current season, only two of the purse seine boats used a ring net instead of the purse seine. These were two of the smallest purse seine boats that can not be readily adapted to the use of the heavier purse seine. Since the ring net was adopted in a wholesale manner by the launch and lighter combinations and by many of the purse seine boats at Monterey in the 1929-30 season, it has come to resemble the purse seine to a very great degree, especially when used on the purse seine boats. Now that tanned purse seines are gaining favor with the purse seine crews at Monterey in place of tarred purse seines, about the only remaining difference between the purse seine and the ring net is in the rounded or tapered ends of the latter, the cork and lead lines being joined to form a single pull rope in the latter. In the purse seine the ends are square, the cork line and the lead line extending parallel beyond the ends of the net to form separate pull ropes. Ordinarily, the ring net is also constructed of lighter webbing. Ring nets have been losing favor steadily with the crews of the purse seine boats since the 1930-31 season, when almost 50 per cent of these crews were using the ring net. Fishermen have found that the lower initial cost of this net does not offset the constant care auid repair required because of the lighter construction. TANNED vs. TARRED PURSE SEINES Purse seine boats at Monterey are finding that tanned purse seines are not only cheaper to operate than the conventional tarred purse seine but are also easier to handle and thereby speed up hauling opera- tions. The only objection is that the tanned purse seine requires a periodic tanning treatment so as to lengthen its lasting qualities. Dur- ing intensive fishing the tanning treatment should be performed at least once a month. The logical time for this is during the few days' lull in fishing activities at full moon period, when hard-working crews like to take a well-earned rest on shore. Nevertheless, the double life of the tanned net over the tarred net and the easier operation and the speeding up of hauling operations are becoming the deciding factors. A few crews experimented with tanned purse seines last season, and this season about one-quarter of the fleet used the tanned seines, 136 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME either wholly or partially. In some cases, tarred seines are being replaced witli tanned webbing in ])laee of tarred webbing, and in some instances a wliole net has l)een snbstituted for the tan-ed net wlien the latter has worn ont. Althongh it is evident at this time that the tanned purse seine is gaining favor, its universal adoption in succeed- ing seasons will depend njion facilities for taiiirmg aiid drying these large nets. Also, whether all crews believe that the added life and speeding up of hauling operations offsets the periodic treatment that must be given a tanned net. The tanning of a purse seine is simplified by removing the bulky cork line and by splitting a large net into two sections. Near the end of the 1933-34 season, the crew of the purse seine boat Ranger of Monterey had two large wooden tanks constructed aboard a floating barge to facilitate treatment of tanned ])urse seines during future seasons. The original purpose in building this tank was to treat nets with a minimum amount of trouble after the crew had encountered anchovies instead of sardines. A school of anchovies makes the same characteristic luminescence at night that a school of sardines does. The capture of anchovies in sardine nets is annoying because the anchovies often times gill in large numbers necessitating hand-picking, and also it is claimed that the slime from this fish has a detrimental effect upon the net unless it is thoroughly cleansed at the time. COST OF WEBBING GREATLY INCREASED Lasting qualities in a net have become a very imi)ortant factor this season since the price of webbing has increased more than two and one-half times over that for last season. American webbing (9-thread) has increased from 40^ a pound at the beginning of last season to $1.07 a pound at the beginning of this season. Japanese webbing has increased a corresponding amount and sells for about 85^ to 90^ this season. Most of the crews have found that it is cheaper in the end to buy American rather than Japanese webbing because of the longer lasting quality of the American-made product. There is also less knot slippage in the American webbing. One or two of the crews have been experimenting Avith English and Dutch webbing but do not know of their respective lasting qualities at this time. HOLD CAPACITIES OF SOME PURSE SEINE BOATS INCREASED During the past two seasons, a few of the purse seine boats have increased their hold capacities for carrying sardines by rearrangement of fuel tanks or forAvard cross-wall below deck. For example, the hold capacity of the Neiv Admiral was increased from 75 to 85 tons. Pal from 65 to 83 tons, Portola No. 1 (formerly Agnes 8.) from 75 to 80 tons, Ohio No. 3 from 55 to 68 tons. NETTING OPERATIONS OF PURSE SEINE BOATS SPEEDED UP The universal adojition by purse seine boat crews of labor and time saving devices, such as the power roller on the turntable, the long bag dip nets for unloading from net into hold, submarine light-scare, and now the gaining popularity of tanned purse seines, and in general CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 137 * a familiarity with the fishing areas in this region has increased the average efficiency of purse seine boats over that of several seasons ago, when the purse seine boats first seriously threatened the launch and lighter combinations. Several years ago, it took the average purse seine boat fishing in the Monterey region about three hours to lay out, haul in the net, and load a catch of 50 tons of sardines. Now the same can be accomplished in two hours by the average boat using a purse seine. LIGHTED BUOYS The lighted buoy has not gained favor as a marker for sardine schools in the Monterey Region. The schools of sardines during the greater part of the season are readily located and judged by the lumin- escent areas that they produce. However, in the San Francisco region, marker buoys are more popular due to the much reduced or entire absence of luminescence (due to Golden Gate drainage). With reduced or absence of luminescence, schools are located mainly by the splashing that accompanies sardines feeding at the surface of the ocean. SUCTION PUMP TRIED EXPERIMENTALLY ON FISHING BOAT A suction pump as an aid to unloading the catch from the net into the hold of the purse seine boat was first experimented with in the Monterey Region during the latter part of the 1931-32 season on the purse seine boat Pal. The apparatus did not prove satisfactory and was revised by the inventor. It was tried again during the early part of the 1933-34 season on the purse seine boat Olympic, but again found unsatisfactory. The principle of this apparatus is the same as that of the centrifugal suction pumps that are used by all but one of the Monterey sardine plants for unloading boats in deep water. The long bag dip-net (see Fig. 2), now common equipment of purse seine boats, is a simple, inexpensive, fool-proof means of unload- ing the catch from the net into the hold of the boat. These large dip nets can hold as much as 2^ tons and will unload as much as 80 tons per hour from net into boat. This long bag dip-net, however, is not used in unloading the boat at the processing plants. The shallow dip- net or ''brail" (see Fig. 3) is used alike for this purpose by purse seine boats and launch and lighter combinations. The shallow dip- net or "brail" is emptied in a manner opposite to that used with the long bag dip-net. The former is emptied by allowing the weight of the contents to force open the bottom of the net when the purse chain is slackened. The bottom of the net is kept closed while the net is being dipped full, by pursing the bottom of the net by means of the chain that runs through a series of small rings around the bottom edge of the net. On the other hand, the long bag dip-net is em})tied through the same opening by which it is filled. After the long bag has been filled by guiding the mouth or hoop of the dip net into the bunched fish, the hoop is placed perpendicular to the edge of the hold of the boat and the end of the bag hoisted. The hoisting is accomplished when the rope, that is fastened to the end of the bag and which passes through an overhead block at the end of the boom, is reeled in on a revolving drum. 5—10775 138 CALIFORNIA PISII AND GAME ELECTRICAL SHOCKING DEVICE TRIED EXPERIMENTALLY ON FISHING BOAT An electrical device which the inventor hopes will be an aid to fishennen in controlling the movements of sardines as tiie net is being laid around them was given a ])r('liiiiinaiy trial on the purse seine boat Olympic during the latter part of the .1933-34 season. The move- ments of fish were to be controlled by shocking them by means of elec- trodes spaced at inter- vals around the net, receiving charges from a large generator on the boat. This appara- tus did not prove very successful during the trial period. It is highly improbable that the electrical device could replace the simple but effective submarine light that can be lowered to any depth and flashed in- termittently as a scare to keep the fish back in the bag of the net while the bottom is be- ing pursed. A scare that the fish can see, such as the flashing light, is more effective than something which is unseen. EXPANSION OF FISHING GROUNDS IN TIIE MONTEREY REGION Until the season of 1924-25, sardine fish- ing activities in the ]\Ionterey region were conducted in waters adjacent to Monterey. Beginning with the 1924-25 season, the seining area extended gradually northward until in 1928-29 the boats fished as far as Half- moon Bay, a distance of some 70 miles northward of Monterey. With the advent of a large mnnber of purse seine boats into the Monterey sardine fishery in the season of 1929-30, the area fished was extended still farther northward to Point Reyes, a distance of about 115 miles from Monterey. This fishing area remained constant until the 1933-34 Pig. 40. Long bag dip net such as is used by purse seine boats for unloading catch from net into hold of boat. Note that the end of the bag is closed and fas- tened to hoisting rope, by means of which the net is emptied. Photo by J. B. Phillips, February, 1932. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 139 season when it was extended southward of Monterey to Pfeiffer's Point, some six miles south of Point Sur and about 28 miles south- ward of Monterey. The southern area between Point Sur and Pfeiffer's Point was first fished by a portion of the fleet between January 15 and 19, when schools of sardines became scarce to the northward of Monterey. The area to the southward of Monterey was not fished again until February 11, when a portion of the fleet again fished between Point Sur and Pfeiffer's Point. The catches dur- ing the last trip were com- posed mainly of medium small fish which the pro- cessing plants were re- luctant to handle, so that operations in the south- ern area again ceased. Probably about 2000 tons of sardines were taken during fishing operations in the area to the south- ward of Monterey (Point Sur and Pfeiffer's Point) . Sardine crews in the past have been reluctant to try the coast southward of Monterey because of the rugged nature of the mountainous coast, re- ports that wicked cur- rents at various points interferred with laying out and hauling nets, and the lack of safe anchor- age in case of a sudden blow. Furthermore, land- marks are scarce ; for ex- ample, there are only two lighthouses to guide a boat along the 80 miles of coast immediately south- ward of Monterey, where- as, the 80 miles of coast immediately northward of Monterey has four guiding lighthouses. The crews that have fished the southward area successfully do not relish the northward trip back to port when loaded because the sea is running against them. Fig. 41. Shallow dip net oi- "brail" with ap- proximately 500 pounds of sardines about to be emptied into the suction line hopper or "sump" alongside of boat. The weight of the contents will force open the bottom of the net when the purse chain is slackened. Photo by J. B. Phillips, Febru- ary, 1932. 140 CALIFORNIA FTSTI AND GAME THE KERN COUNTY ELK REFUGE By Lewis A. Burtcii, Agricultural Commissioner, Kern County With three photographs courtesy of Wharton Huber Tile tule. or valley, elk {Cervus nannodes) is a s})ecic'S jxa-uliai' lo California which made its last stand in the southern end of the San Joaquin Vallej^ They originally roamed in vast abundance through- out the great iiiterior valley and large herds inhabited the marshes and sloughs of Tulare, Buena Vista and Kern lakes and those border- ing the San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers. The survivors of these bands inhabited the foothills above Buena Vista Lake and Button- FiG. 42. Bull tule elk along slough in Kern County Elk Refuge. .Tune, 1933. Avillow and for many years raided the cultivated fields of the Kern County Land Company and of IMiller and Lux, who were farming in that area. Many of these animals were killed by residents for their teeth. This was a common practice at the time the Elks Lodge was first organized in Kern County. Henry Miller, founder of Miller and Lux, feared that the species would be exterminated and was instrumental in securing legislation, CALIFORNIA PISH AND GAME 141 both. State and Federal, making' it a felony to kill an elk. Though fewer elk were killed after this law became effective, the herd con- tinued to diminish in numbers. These animals had no regard for fences and were doing considerable damage to the cultivated crops of Miller and Lux and the Kern County Land Company. A letter written to James Ogden, manager of the Miller and Lux Ranch at Buttonwillow, in 1904, by F. T. Hittett indicates that the elk were given to the government by Mr. JMiller. He states in this letter : " I have a very large pasture enclosed for these elk in Sequoia National Park and would like to be able to get these elk there as soon as possible." C. Hart Merriam, then Chief, United States Bureau of Biological Survey, described an attempt in that same year to drive this elk herd into a corral which had been especially constructed for the purpose {The Scientific Monthly, Nov., 1921, pp. 465^75). The plan was to drive the main band from their nightly feeding grounds to the corral, a distance of six and one-half miles. The date had been set for November 12, 1904. About 35 expert riders and cattle ropers had volunteered, among them our State Senator, James I. Wagy, who did such splendid work in securing the refuge which has recently been built. The drive was in charge of Superintendent of the Ranch James Ogden, who reported that the riders were out long before daylight in order to get behind the elk, between them and the foothills, before day- light. Members of the Biological Survey went to the corral with cameras, expecting to photograph the incoming herd. While waiting they reported that a cloud of dust was seen moving steadily westward at some distance. From a water tank tower, one spectator stated that he could see the elk in front of the moving dust, but suddenly the dust disappeared and it was more than an hour before a rider finally arrived with the depressing news that the elk had broken and scattered to the hills and could not be turned. They had turned and charged the riders, broken through the line and escaped to the hills. A few had been pursued, roped and hog-tied and a horseman had been sent to the ranch for wagons in which to bring them in. After a long wait, the first wagon arrived at the corral bearing three elk, an old bull, a two-year old male and a calf which was already dead. All had been injured in the roping and fighting before they were thrown and tied and the two survivors were nearly paralyzed from lying so long hog-tied. When the bindings were released and the animals freed in the corral they had great difficulty in getting up and standing. It was some time before they recovered the use of their legs. Nevertheless, the old bull, although scarcely able to stand on his feet, charged the men in the corral as soon as his fetters were loosened, driving them over the fence. He then attacked the two-year old bull, driving his brow tines into its side. The younger animal soon began to bleed from his nose and mouth and later died. To pre- vent further harm, the old bull was again caught up and his antlers were sawed off close to his head. Shortly after noon, a second wagon, which had been obliged to travel a long distance to pick up the widely scattered hog-tied elk, arrived bearing five animals. Three of these were already dead, only an old cow and a bull calf reaching the corral alive. Thus eight elk were captured, of which fomr reached the corral alive and four dead 142 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME The skins and skulls of the elk that died during the drive were pre- served for the U. S. National IMuseuin and these specimens, when later examined by Dr. Merriam, proved to be a new species which he named Cervus nannodes {Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 18, 1905, pp. 23-26). The cow, calf and the wounded young bull were then moved, without great difficulty, from the corral into a cattle car. The utmost difficulty, however, was encountered in attempting to similarly load the old bull. Merriam 's account goes into some detail regarding the Fig. 43. Two fine bull tule elk photographed on the Kern County Elk Kefuge in June, 1933. terrific battle that this si)lendid animal, already hornless and much weakened from previous fighting, waged against horses and men before he was finally loaded into the car. The elk were shi])ped in the car by rail to Exeter and on arrival there it was found that the young bull and the old cow had died, leaving only the old bull and the calf alive. The latter was here loaded without difficulty into a crate for wagon transportation 35 miles to Sequoia Park. Not so with the old bull, who again put up a tre- CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 143 mendous struggle before he was finally dragged with ropes from car to wagon crate. He continued to fight in his crate throughout the trip to the Park, necessitating two stops to i-einforce it against the effects of his kicking. The following day, the wagon reached the enclosure that had been prepared for the elk on the Middle Fork of the Kaweah River, where the two survivors were liberated. The old bull had finally reached the limit of his endurance and he could scarcely hobble from his crate. When liberated, he slowly staggered to the river, where he drank, crossed to the far side to lay down on its low bank. Here he was found in the same spot the next day — dead. Thus the only animal to survive the original transplanting efforts was the solitary bull calf. In the following year, different methods were employed which proved much more successful. Instead of attempting to drive the elk into a corral they were chased and roped by vaqueros. On October 15, 1905, 28 elk were thus captured near Buttonwillow. Three of these died before shipment and of the 25 shipped, 20 reached Sequoia Park alive, where they formed the nucleus of what was then thought to be a promising new herd. There were no more attempts to move elk from the Buttonwillow herd until 1914 when it had .increased considerably and the animals were doing much damage, different methods were used this time ; a large corral a quarter of a mile long was built in an alfalfa field where the elk had been coming to feed nightly. Here 150 animals were captured the night of October 11, 1914, but the next day, 90 fought their way out. Three days later, 25 more were captured and during the month 54 were distributed to seven localities in the State (Ever- mann, California Fish and Game, vol. 1, pp. 85-96). In 1915, the same corral was used when 92 more elk were dis- tributed to 14 additional places (Evermann, California Fish and Game, vol. 2, pp. 70-77). Dr. Evermann estimated , that tfiere still remained in Kern County between 350 and 400 animals. '' ,Jffi: most instances, the animals did not do well in their new localities so no further attempts were made to move elk from the Buttonwillow herd. The elk continued to raid agricultural crops in Kern County but no complaints were heard regarding their depredations until Miller and Lux subdivided their large holdings and sold many pieces of prop- erty to small ranch operators comprising 40, 80 and 160-acre tracts. These farmers complained considerably of damage caused by the ani- mals but it was not until 1929 when their demands became insistent that the agricultural commissioner's office in Kern County was peti- tioned by the growers for relief. Recitations of damage which had cost some growers their entire year's work were made, some of them stating that if something were not done it would be necessary for them to abandon their places. - * The agricultural commissioner took the matter up with the Fish and Game Commission and demanded some action from them. A plan was proposed by the Commission to remove the entire herd from Kern County to public parks in other parts of the State, Los Angeles County already having made a request for tliis band of elk. Wlien this was announced publicly a storm of protest was made by the Elks lodge, the Fish and Game Protective Association of Kern County, and many lU CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME individuals who were interested in the presentation of native species and who were not desirous of seeinfr tlie last remaiiiiii^' baud of a species of animal luitive to this county exterminated within its borders. Many editorials and newspaper articles were written protesting against the removal or destruction of this herd of animals. Articles headed in large type read, "Remember the Fate of the Bison." Not wishing to incur the enmity of so large a representative group of tiie jieople as was making these protests, other means of solving this agricultural problem were considered. Among them was the suggestion that Kern County should purchase a tract of land in the vicinity of Elk Hills, where this band had taken up their last stand, to be given to the State for an elk refuge. This proposal was made to the Board of Supervisors !^: ^^^f- ^#, -^m^jA^i. Fig. 44. A new arrival at the Kern County Elk Refuge. June, 1933. at a meeting in January, 1930, bj^ a group of citizens representing the Elks lodges of Kern County, the Bakersfield Civic Commercial Asso- ciation, the Fish and Game Protective Association, the American Legion and others. The agricultural commissioner and members of the county farm bureau were present and (hMnandcd that some action be taken to relieve the damage to farmers wlicther it be the piirciiase of a refuge, the destruction of the herd or its removal from Kern County. The Board of Supervisors appointed a committee at this meeting to investigate the cost of sufficient land for a refuge and to recommend to the board the amount of money that Kern County should spend on this problem. This committee represented most of the civic organiza- tions of the county and made a very careful and thorough investiga- CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 145 tion of the matter, making- a tour of the farms in the vicinity and noting" the losses suffered by the farmers involved. The investigation showed a cost of approximately $100,000 to purchase and fence 1000 acres of land. The committee felt that Kern County should not stand tlie entire cost of this enterprise but that the State of California and the Fish and Game Commission should participate equally with Kern County. Their recommendations to the board were that an elk refuge should be established and that the county of Kern should contribute not more than $35,000 for this purpose. Following" this report, the Fish and Game Commission and the elk committee attempted to get the State Park Board to assist in the pur- chase of this refuge. The Fish and Game Commission had already ])]eclged $35,000 as the maximum amount which could be supplied by the Division of Fish and Game. It was therefore necessary to get the State of California to participate to the extent of the other one-third of the expense. Considerable work was done by the committee in an effort to get the State Park Board to take over this project. After spending much effort and time in this regard, it was the opinion of the committee that the State Legislature should be requested to make an appropriation for this work. In the meantime, complaints were coming in from the farmers and considerable damage was taking- place. Miller and Lux agreed to furnish a piece of ground near where the refuge would likely be established and furnish fencing for it if llie Fish and Game Commission would fence it and corral the elk pending final decision on the refuge. Authorization was received in September, 1930, from the Fish and Game Commission to proceed with this program. After the fence was erected on this temporary refuge a big elk drive was put on by the members of the Division of Fish and Game and the interested ranchers. The result of this drive was very similar to that of the first drive recorded in 1904. When the elk neared the corral, they broke and ran toward the horsemen, past automobiles, dodg- ing and jumping everything in their way and scattered like a band of quail to the mesquite brush. Attempts were made to follow them and try to drive them but they were so wild by this time that there was no chance to get near them. Finally, a lone rider with a number of dogs succeeded in gathering up a small band and driving them into the refuge. This man was an experienced cowhand who knew how to liandle wild cattle, so he was employed to attempt the corralling of the elk herd. He was successful in getting about 75 head into this enclosure but the balance of them had taken to the hills where they defied all further efforts to approach them. This somewhat alleviated the trouble for the time being, but in a short while those animals remaining outside the corral were back in the cultivated fields again. They were chased out of the fields with dogs and shotguns, in spite of whicli they returned to them at night to feed. At the request of the farmers in tliat district, the Fish and Game Commission put on a night patrol to ride between the hills and the cultivated fields. This patrol continued until after the fall harvest of crops was completed. 146 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME The San Joaquin Valley Elks Association interested themselves in the refuf2:e project and through the efforts of Frank H. Pratt, District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler, a bill was introduced into the Legis- lature by Assemblyman Jewett, llanford, Kings County, on January 22, 1931. This measure, known as Assembly Bill No. 973, asked for an appropriation of $50,000 for the creation of a game refuge for tule elk in Kern County. The Elk Conserv^ation Committee of the Cali- fornia Elks Association assisted greatly in getting this bill through the Legislature and in seeing that the elk refuge was completed. The bill was referred to the Fish and Game Committee and when first con- sidered by this committee, it was rejected. Following this, a long battle, headed by tlie committee from the Elks Lodge was waged in an attempt to get this measure out of com- mittee. The bill was amended on April 24, 1931, reducing the amount of the appropriation from $50,000 to $35,000. Governor Rolph was contacted and he agreed to sign the bill if it was passed by the Legis- lature. A group from the Elks lodges of the San Joaquin Valley and other interested organizations appeared before the Fish and Game Com- mittee asking for consideration of this bill. They received a very cool reception by this committee and were given but little opportunity to express themselves on its merits. IMembers of the committee referred to the animals as "mangy critters" and very quickly turned the bill down and dismissed the delegation that went to Sacramento. We were quite discouraged after this reception and felt that it would be necessary to seek other means of handling the ])r()blem. Senator Wagy, who had been working vdth us constantly on this prob- lem, introduced a bill into the Senate on April 23, 1931, known as Senate Bill No. 951, entitled "An act to provide for reimbursement of persons suffering loss by reasons of the act of tule elk during the closed season." Senator Wagy agreed to withdraw this bill pi'ovided the committee would i)ass Assendily Bill No. 973. which called for the appro])riation to take care of the problem. After the above-mentioned group once more went to Sacramento where they had another session with the Assembly Committee on Fish and Game, the bill was finally passed out of committee with the recommendation "do pass." It experienced no difficulty then in ])assing both the As.sembly and Senate and in due time it was signed by the Governor. Considerable discussion followed the signing of the bill as to which division of the State government should purchase the land. It was finally determined that the State Park Commission should do so and on March 15, 1932, this Division purchased a tract of ai)i)roximately 1000 acres near the original site east of Tupman, Kern County. The Division of Fish and Game, which is charged with the administration of the refuge, prepared plans for enclosing the area with a seven-foot fence of steel construction. Contract for its erection was let by the Department of Public Works on May 1, 1932, and was completed August 29, 1932. All construction costs were borne by the Division of Fish and Game out of the Fish and Game Preservation Fund. The elk which were held in the temporary refuge were then trans- ferred to the new enclosure. Members of the Division of Fish and Game then commenced gathering up those animals remaining on the CALIFORNIA PISH AND GAME 147 outside and after many months of hard work, the last was finally enclosed in the refuge. About 140 elk comprised the herd thus estab- lished in the refuge. Administration of the Kern County Elk Refuge is in the hands of the Bureau of Patrol of the Division of Fish and Game. Captain 0. P. Brownlow of that unit is in charge and Game Warden Lester Arnold, Bakersfield, is handling its direct supervision. James Culp, Tupman, is guardian and caretaker of the refuge. The final establishment of this refuge was a source of considerable gratification to the members of the committees who worked so long and so hard for its accomplishment. — January 12, 1934. 148 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME PORCUPINE CONTROL ON FORESTS OF CALIFORNIA By Joseph Keyes, Leader, Rotlent Control, Bureau of Uiological Survey For years many sportsmen, hunters and lovers of outdoor stories believed that the porcupine was protected by law. Even today, when statements are made that the Federal Government is actually enyayed in the control of porcupines, many comments are heard that would indicate that there are still some who believe these animals to be protected. The fact is, however, that these rodents are not protected in the United States, and, moreover, that two Eastern States have been paying bounties on them for several years. Losses occasioned by the attacks of porcupines on our national forests have been recognized for several years, and it has been reported in the Southwest that the damage caused by these animals exceeds that resulting from fires. The peculiar type of attack wherein the tree may be completely girdled, especially near the top, may be seen on many areas of the Modoc, Lassen, and Plumas National Forests in California — especially along the eastern slopes. Damage is also apparent on the Tahoe, Eldorado, and ^Nlono Forests. Porcupines consume succulent plants of many species, and the buds, leaves, inner bark, and cambium of numerous kinds of trees. In general, during summer they feed on juicy ground vegetation. Their fall and winter diet consists largely of bark and leaves of coniferous trees, especially the western yellow pine and several species of juniper. During the late summer, fall, and Avinter months, porcupines, in 1h('ii' ctforts to get at the inner layer of bark, often partly or completely girdle the main leaders, or boles, of the trees. Many of the small seedlings are com])lelely consumed, while larger ones frequently suffer injuries serious enough to cause their death, but more often this injury results in a weakened bushy-topped or spike-top tree that is useless for commercial purposes. Deep snow may hold these animals to individual trees for periods of one to three months, in which time the tree may be completely ruined. Fortunately, the rate of reproduction of porcupines is not rapid. They breed but once a year and produce one young (rarely two), born fully quilled. I\Iany attain the weight of 80 jiounds and live to a ripe old age. The quills are white, with dark ti})s, sharp, and finely barbed at the tip, and are used as a means of defense, the greatest damage being inflicted by the porcupine striking an object with its powerful tail. The quills are not thrown. Many domestic and wild animals have * This paper is published to acriiiaint (ho roaders of Cat.tfoiinia Fish and Game with tlie reasons for and mctliods of Federal porcupine control work in California. The Pivision lias, as yet, taken no definite stand regarding this work, but is watching' its results closely, especially as regards the incidental poisoning of harmless or beneficial species of animal life. No evidence of the destruction of such species incident to this campaign has been procured to date. — Ed. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 149 been tortured by tliese quills working into their muscles, and when they lodge in the mouth of an animal, death often results. Control operations as now conducted on the forests of the north- FiG. 45. A. Diagram for preparing a wooden cup for u.se in exposing poisoned salt for porcupines ; B. Method of attaching poison block to pine tree. eastern section of .the State involve methods that have been worked out during the past several years. Salt, of which the animals are very fond, is treated with strychnine and exposed in small wooden blocks five inches long cut from two- by-four-inch lumber. Holes are bored into each block and filled with about three tablespoons of the strychnine-treated salt to which a small amount of dex- trine has been added to make it firm. These blocks are nailed to trees frequented by porcupines, and are securely held in place by 30-penny nails above a limb on which a porcupine may rest while eating the salt (Fig. 45). Such trees are clearly marked with a yellow-tin poison sign (Fig. 46). This tree-blocking method is supplemented by den poisoning, in which the poisoned STRYCHNINE POISONED BLOCK Porcupine Station in this Tree CAUTION: -This Block must be kept out of reach of livestock at all times. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Biological Survy Fig. 46. Facsimile of tin poison sign placed on each tree blocked. Black let- ters on a yellow background. Actual size 3J inches square. I.jU CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME salt is placed far back in the rock dens under lava, Avliere porcu- pines occasionally concentrate, especially dnrinj; the breedin DpopTTiKpr 31 1Q33 $2,259 11 1,498 05 18,7.50 00 21,853 07 432 44 Electro Metals Company's claim — Chap. Sfnfft Pair JinH othrr Pxhibits $44,792 67 Permanent improvements: PnTwtrurtinn imTirovemonts and efiiiioment $43,780 82 IVior year expense: 171 70 25,94? 52 Tntal nrinr vear exDCnse $26,015 22 Bureau commercial fisheries — Chap. 825-33: Fresh fish marketing— $1,710 47 479 03 $1,710 47 $2 15 5 50 $11 55 2 50 238 88 35 00 2 61 59 49 5 15 2,623 39 492 73 9 00 238 88 35 00 2 61 59 49 Rent 5 15 133 39 2,756 78 315 00 315 00 Total bureau commercialfisheries— Chap. 82.1-S3 frosh fish marketinc $2,504 50 $142 04 $2,978 57 $5,625 11 $535,066170 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 173 SEIZURES OF FISH AND GAME October, November, December, 1933 Fish: Abalones Abalones, pounds Bass, striped, pounds Bass, striped (fish)_.- Clams Crabs Cockles Catfish, pounds Lobsters, pounds _ _ Mussels, pounds Salmon, pounds Spears, fish Traps, fish Yellowfin, pounds - Halibut, pounds Spotfin Croaeker, pounds Game: Antelope Deer _ Deer meat, pounds Ducks , geese, mudhens Doves ^ Non-game birds Pheasants Pigeons Quail Rabbits Shorebirds Swan Bird nets Guns 2m 4,500 1,962 44 3,178 244 254 10 2,055 208 2,458 4 41 3,619 1,150 400 1 20 484 90 33 4 17 39 44 2 151 4 2 2 GAME CASES October, November, December, 1933 Offense Antelope; killing of Bear; closed season Deer; closed season; killing of does, fawns; spike buck; illegal deer tags Ducks; geese; closed season; selling of Doves; over limit Hunting; no license or with an illegal license Non-game birds; killing of Pheasants; closed season Pigeons ; overlimit Qusil; closed season; trapping of Rabbits; closed season; snaring of Shorebirds ; killing of Swan; killing of Shooting from auto, boat or highway Spotlight shooting _ Firearms in refuge Trapping; closed season Trespassing Totals Number arrests 1 2 67 54 8 26 6 13 4 10 6 14 19 5 1 11 262 Fines imposed $100 00 25 00 1,485 00 350 00 55 00 727 50 130 00 455 00 400 00 410 00 35 00 235 00 75 00 179 50 392 50 165 00 15,219 00 Jail sentences (days) 135 ioo 50 907 174 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME FISH CASES October, November, December, 1933 Offense Abaloncs: small: overlimit Angling without license Bass, striiKid; small: overlimit: closed season Bass, white sea: small Catfish; small Clams: small; overlimit Crabs; small Cockles : small Commercial fishing: no license Halibut; small Lobsters; small; trapping of Mussels; overlimit Nets, seines: illegal used Night fishing Salmon: untagged Illegal fishing apparatus Trout- closed season Totals.. .- Number arrests 39 4! 14 1 1 23 4 3 31 1 21 3 13 1 9 7 1 213 Fines imposed $840 00 4:?5 00 lUO 00 25 00 20 00 710 00 125 00 75 00 75 00 100 00 245 03 050 00 110 00 ion 00 25 00 ?3,725 00 Jail sentences (days) 12 05 90 112 22 345 30 67 r. NUMBER OF HUNTERS KILLING TWO DEER 1933 County of residence of hunter Number of hunters County of residence of hunter Number of hunters 88 1 7 43 6 21 22 3 10 79 17 139 2 22 63 11 11 21 251 9 19 3 62 13 1 9 80 20 6 33 19 Plumas 29 Alpine - Riverside Sacramento . . 23 Amador 46 Butte San Benito 17 San Bernardino 21 Ooliisa San Diego 21 Contra Cost& San Francisco 130 Del Norte San Joaquin 30 El Dorado San Lviis Obispo 63 San Mateo 28 Glenn Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz . 66 Humbo Idt 57 Imnerial 29 Shasta 33 Kern . . . Sierra. _ Siskiyou _ .. 10 Kings Lake 00 Solano L'Ci Lassen Sonoma 99 Los Angeles Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare ... Tuolumne i.- 20 Madera 10 Marin . _ 20 Mariposa 8 Mendocino ----- 42 Merced - 1 40 Yolo J 20 Monterey Yuba 9 State of Nevada. 2 Total. 2,057 Placer . Alameda. Alpine.— Amador. Butte... Calaveras Colusa.. Contra Ci Del Nort( El Doradi Fresno. Glenn... Humbold Imperial. Inyo Kern... Kings.. Lake... Lassen.. Los Ange Madera. Marin... Mariposa Mendocir Merced.. Modoc Mono Monterej Napa Nevada.. Orange. - Placer.-. Plumas. - Riverside Sacramer San Beni San Bern San Dieg San Fran San Joaq San Luis San Mati Santa Ba Santa CI Santa Cr Shasta.. Sierra.. Siskiyou Solano. Sonoma. Stanislai Sutter.. Tehama. Trinity. Tulare.. Tuolumi Ventura Yolo... Yuba... Tot; Deer Ta 10775- Ala All An Bu Cai Col Coi De El Fre Gle Hu Im] Tny Kei Kit Lai Las Los Ma Ma Ma| Mei Mej Mol San San San San Sha Siei Sisl Sol! Son Sta] Sut Tei Trii Tul Tuc Veil Yol Yul 10' CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME HUNTING ACCIDENTS— 1933* 175 1933 1932 Number of persons killed. 47 99 29 58 18 41 9 20 19 45 19 34 32 Number of persons wounded, not killed ... ..... 124 Number of self-inflicted accidents — Fatal 17 Nonfatal . 64 Number of accidents inflicted by others — Fatal 12 Nonfatal . 53 Occurred while hunting large game (deer, bear, etc.) — Fatal 10 26 Occurred while hunting small game (rabbit, duck, quail, etc.)— Fatal 12 Nonfatal 57 Occurred while hunting unknown game- Fatal 10 41 1933 Figures only Fatal Nonfatal Occurred while hunting — Ducks 2 1 3 1 9 11 10 Quail... 8 Dove . . 6 Pigeon .__.._._ . . ... Deer- 20 Rabbit 18 Squirrel _ _ _ 2 Coyote. . _ ..._.. 1 1 'Figures compiled from newspaper clippings. 17(i CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME DC LJ CO S UJ o UJ a a z < cc UJ a> CO 1. s x: UJ tf> > u. o z ]5 111 E m h o o H U U o 3 u. o s k V) GO I . 1- z E o n s •o UJ a X c 1- (O U. oc o o u. c CO 1- •.— u 3 a Q O ^ OC ■o D. _aj > a. E UJ I O t/> Ul I UJ CC cc o < u Monterey 1 '"' 1" 8 oo CO 71.500 4,121 247.366 «■ i ii 00 GO CO Santa Cru» 03 0> tooo oo — c 'O 1 1 00 <« ^ OS — o San Francisco, San Mateo :g ; ; lOO • 1 05 oo CD CO s i to • 2 NO I— ( Alameda, Contra Costa . . ?5i to CO i'^r Sacramento, San Joaquin . 0500 ' !co ! .in . Solano, Yolo ; Marin CO to 1 00 i "» 1 Mendocino, Sonoma, Lake i cm" C00»0 CO -V CI ;§ : § i COO (DCS «o 1—1 Dei Norte, Humboldt g52 oo ^Cs ^ t^O r^co (MOO'^C-l^ «D <-H»0 CO CO J3 •3 tn c8 1 ill C3 O « c I- 1 t ^ c c c c B 1 ■a il St (- — ■III 'c a; i o. 5 5 t- (D C ferSc 1 y 1 V 1 c: Q C eg CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 177 1 r* ic o coco eo»o lOOCO t^cceo to l>- T-t CO 00 <^_ 5DOO lO CO OS O g C0 4« CO OS ooo £T3-a ;a'^ o o a C ^-^a^fl"-^ X! ua ^ =: o s aia2CGa3a3coooa!ccci2CQt-it-it-ii>!>?*<'« , o _o a >> X3 ■ -^ w t3 o ja "O ^ a w WSKc U 3 I, . a 178 CALIFORXIA FISH AND GAME Total 6sh from west coast south of the Interna- tional V)oiindary brought into California m UJ o LJ Q i » Z a> < fe CO ^ S M Ul u i i o CC O UJ ^ CQ O O 3 o z. CO Fisli from west coa*:t south of the International boundary brought into San Diego_ _ Fish from west coast south of the International Boundary brought into San Pedro Total- San Diego, Imperial- ccoo c: -- CC PO ccc^^ OO CO oooo 0- -v c^ ■Tt- a; ^j* O ^OO — ^ CC C<1 *— cM»cr-oiC^oo^cc>r*air-^cD CD'MOiOCiOiO'C'MOOOOCOOi COCC'^^'— -^ COOOt^CC— ^C5CC iC Oi t^ CT -^ '^" oC O I^ t-C CO *- it^OOuO — COfM I'-C^OO C^ — CM — t^ •-' eo^ ■f-^fOCliC-XJOiO r^ liO CTi ^ — ■ r^ r- (M -<»" ^ir> coo-^c^^ ■^ CO »/5 f oc o o — mi^ Orange. CO CC 00 IC 00 QO M (M r- CO I O o Los Angeles. X o OC 'in o ■> ^ 5 g I > oc UJ I X U OC O «i O OS Tf OCOCsI »r3 r*iO ■^05 0 0^- CO OD O O) o:> 00 -^-^ ^ San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura _ oc o < u . C9 CD OO — t^OOO o ■>«r CT> CO Tf lC O C^ CC OO CO •V « Oi CD r^ CO -— lo OO O ^ OS CO "^ Oi r- CO oi"od 05 '— CO CO o C'l »C CO CO CO r^ c^ CO c?sco W -^ OCS CO — 00 00 .co»oo COW3 1 CO -o O I rt I 1 r O iM = _C c cs c n .C^OOiOCOGO»0'^(M -C^'— «^00lO'-<(M , ,_! t^ CO 'M 00 CO OS 00 Oi 00 t- >— < 00 t- CD (N »f5 O [>• CD CO W 00 (M to oo 0S^»0 — r CD '-' t-^ t-^ cj 1-H CO -^t* ^^ iC »0 -^ 00 «0 iO TP 05 -^ t-- CO O -H o r^ -H C9 ^ =3 =^ c3 U OJ OCO CD OscDCq oooo ^ to C^) CD ,—1 -"S^ e«. • 1' Id TT O 00 OS 00 CM 00 -^ CD OCO CO '-' lO t^ o ooc^ o OS CO -^ CO ^t^ o r^ ic 00 ooco o CD t-'T'^ OS l>- lO t^co ^ COQOcDOOOOtI^i— <00 ■— 'CDiOCOOOi— "COCO C^J^COOOIOC-IOOCDOS CDCOCDCO'--CO}S LEGISLATIVE SESSION byENTAND CLOSED SEASONS WHITE SQUARES INDICATE OPEN SEASON. NUMBERS IN SQUARES ARE OPEN DATES DEER l'"|"°|"'l'"l"l-'l-l--H- I »o- I Die I BAG AND POSSESSION LIMITS. ETC. I-I».' -41^-23-35 innnnnnBEnnr Rabbits— CoUonldil and Brush Bear, Fur Animals Ducks, Geese, Jack Snipe, Mud Hens All tXCtPl 4.4'/., 19. 21 ALL ALL • EDO nncBE i No Does, Fawns or Spike Bucks No Fotktd Horned Deer in Dist. IH No salt- of Venison or Deer Skins Iwo Gu(ks per Season except in Vt where limit is one. SeeNolt->6-9-lO-12 15 per ddf. JU piT Milk, ifivin al*vd)^ open in4.4'i, n. 21 Sec Not(( I limil Unr 8 Mud tlin limil \tf itilr i Sff Hirfrt 1(8 U. nnl. Quail— Valley, Desert and Mountain ALL EXCEPT I IK. I Valley • Desert - Mountain E.th V.r,,., 10 per day. 10 in possession. 20 per week Dove ALLEXtEPI r~\_rrm~] 4-41/2-43/1 1 5 Per Day 1 S in posftesiion 30 Per Week Pheasant Pigeon Mn m 2 Mjlf hirtJv pff dd 2 m pijsM ••Mon 1 10p*''djy 10 Steelhead and all Trout (except Golden) Whitefish Unlawful to take trout in waters closed by Gov- ernor's proclamation Klddidlh Rivfr. tdkg Almanor 2 'A I I Bag limll for taking and possession, 25 trout or 10 pounds and one trout. S« Nolt 22 1 \-i-i and Winter hidmalh River ■ ■■II I noB 5 Trout regardless of weight Golden Trout BLACK BASS Sunfish Sacramento Perch and Crappie Striped Bass Crabs Abalones Pismo Clams Spiny Lobster GRUNION All ( net PI i-4( ;..iit*pi{oi ALL EXCEPT 4'/. ALL AIL EXCEPT CLEAR LAKE ; unnnanDLrnB E ALL All txapj l;^. 6-7-8-9 ALL ALL jnnnr I 3 Trout regardle&s of weight i Trout regardless of wtight No Sale No Spearing tor other reslrittions See Notes 12-15-16-20 2t-22-27-2S 30-32 On this Card 20 per day. None under 5 inches Not more than 10 Ibt. and one See Note 22 15 per day Clear Lake 10 per day 25 per day No Black Bass under9 in. No sale Hook and line only 25 per day 10 per day Hook and line only No sale luMdllUMI, lU ld*,».< )U| Bnnnom >tdton UiiUul* 1 ' -6-7-S-9 Ot.T»mb«r IS lo Au(u»l 10 See Note 23. None under 7 inches. No female ■nnnoH Onl, lor luod. Mu,l b>' bruufhl lo vhvr,. ali-c m ,hrmpanied by written statement to effect that trout were I'^^ral. signr-d by aliipptr. countersigned by agent to whom offered for shipment. Black bass legally taken may be trans- ported from open district into closed district. 16. To ship wild birds, mammals, or fish except smoked or dried (ish other than trout by parcels post, or in conct-aied packages or without a tag bearing name and address of con- signee and consignor and contents, or to ship game out of State. IT. To operate a commercial hunting club without license. 18. To plr.ce obPtructions in streams In Dtsts. 1, IJ. 2, 2i, 2J, %, 4. ii, 23 and 25 that will stop or Impede fish. 19. To sell striped ba.ss taken with hook and line; to trans- port or carry striped bass out of State. To ship stri|u-d boss less than 20 in. in length or more than 10 lbs. in weight. To I)osse?s more than 5 shad per day between June 1 and I-'eb. 14. 20. To take trout other than with rod and line held m hand or with lure with more than 2 attractor blades or more than o hooks. To take trout except by angling In such manner as to cause trout to voluntarily take hook in its mouth. 21. To li.'ive in possession any Tish spear or gaff (except landing gaff) within 300 feet of any lake or stream when uiilnwiul to spear salmon. 22. To take trout in any lake within 200 feet of mouth of any stream from Oct. 31 to Aug. 1. or in that portion of any stream flowing Into any lake In Dlst. 23 within 2 miles from Its mouth. upstream, from Oct. 31 to Aug. 1. To take golden trout in Cottonwood Lakes group. Including South Fork Cottonwood Lakes group and * mile of strearp below the lower lake in each of said groups, except from July 1 to Oct. 31. 23. To bring to shore crabs or lolisters In such condition that size can not be taken ;or to ship or carry crabs out of DIstg. li. 2i, 5, 6. 7, 8 or 9. To sell any crabs taken In Eel River or tributaries or to possess more than 10 crabs taken there or to lake any between i hour after sunset and J hour before sunrise. 24. To take or possess in Dist. 3 salt water eela of less than 12 in. or more than J5 per day. 25. To take or possess cockles less than 1 J In. in diameter, or to take or possess more than 15 (Dlsts. 2 and 10) Washington clams or more than 10 horse clams or more than 30 razor or jackknife clams per day, or in Dlsts. 18, 19, 21 more than 15 lbs. of mu.-^sels per day. To take or possess any Pismo clams in Dist. 18 between i hour after sunset and J hour before sunrise. or to poAseaa any clam digging implement in that district. To possess any clam digging implement in any clam preserve. 26. To take red abulooes less than 7 In., in greatest diameter; grnon. G' : pink, G ; black. 5 ; to dry abalones ; to dive for aba- lones In JDlsta. 7, 15, l£. 17, \0. 20 and 20a : to take more than 10 iwr day or 20 per week In Dials. 7, 15, 16, 17.19,20 and 20a. To take more than 10 per day from shore in Dists. 7. 10 and 18; to take m-^re than 10 black abalones per day In Dlsts. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20a, 21. To possess more than 10 per day In Dlst. 2. 27. To fish for game flsh without having an angling license. 28. To take game flsh between 1 hour after sunset and I hour before sunrise In Dists. 1. 1), IJ. 2. 2\. 2J. 3. 4, H. 4|. 23. 2.5. To take strli>ed bass by hook and line between sunset and sljnrlse. 'J9. To fish with nets except In commercial districts or to Injure any legal neL 30. To f\ft\\ through Ice for any flsh or to take flsh In Dial. 14. 31. To place, cause to be placed, or di.scharge Into any waters substances deleterious to flsh or plant life. 32. To fish within 210 ft. of flshway or 150 ft. of upper side of flsh screen, or lower side of dam. or to take flsh except salmon within I mile of eitht-r side of spawning station, or any laks wi'hln i mile of spawning station when station is In operation. 33. To kill. Injure or capture Cal.sea lions In Dists. 19. 20.20a. 3 i. To take Invertebrates or marine plants In Hopkins Mnrin'^ Rr-fuL-e (Mnnlerey Co.) or In that area between the west Hne of the properly of the Srrlnps Institute and a line l.onn foet wom of low tide lino (San Diego Co.). 35. To take more than 5 white sea bass from May 1 to June 30. or t>«d. or brouflit atliorr In «urt) rmrllilon thai ils* can n't tip drtormlneO. S-Wmon may tw laken wllti hoolc am! line In any dlttrlct wlien irout (caton for aald dlitrlct li ot^n. In t>lil 1. talniDn may tit taken with hi^^k ani line or *p^ir bfl»»een Mnr 29 and Oct Hl.eircpt la) In Feather RUer from II* m'MJth to m« : (h) la Amtrlran Hivrr from III mouth to Fair nik!- brlilco. In Plil 2. (e i In Ruiilan. Nipa anl NtTfTo riven; (di In Eel Rher and it\ In tidewater in Diitt :. 1 •nd 15. irlth liook and lln« from May 1 to lait day of Feb . Un lltntt 1 r«r day. in Feather Rlier henveen mnuth of Yu'ja and Thermallin lirlilK'. with hook tni] line briwren May 1 and Dre. 31. bta limit 2 per day. In 5an Joaquin Rl*er. frgm mou'h to Mendott weir, with hook and line from April 1 toper. 31. In Dttt. 1%, (*Uh hook anil line from fttay 29 to Pee. 31 : with ipear from Aug. 1 to Ort 31. bae limit 2 prr ifay In PliK. 2. 2%. with hook anj line from ftlay I (o Feb. laii : with freir from Nov 1 to Feb last, bae limit 2 per day. In Dlit. 3. with h'-oU atd line fr.-im May I lo Oct. 31. bac limll 3 per d^y. In KlamAth Rtrar Dlst. atjuve nde\»anT. *lih hook and line from May 20 to Pec, 31 ; wlih »pe*r. from AkiE. 1 to Orl. 31. hai; limit 2 per d4y. In Kt;imith Hirer Dltl. In tidewater. wlUi hook and line from ^tay 29 lo Dec 31. B>k llnill I* S per day from Miy 2B to Sept. 5. and 2 per day from Sept. 6 to Pec. 3 1 . n'. lf>. 17. 18. with hook and line from Mar 1 i" July l j LICENSES MUST BE SHOWN UPON DEMAND Dtitncis la. lb. Ic. Id. le. H. Ir. lb. li. 1|. Ik Im. In. lo. Ip. Iq. Ir. is. IL 2a, 2b, 3i. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3k. 3h. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. 4/. 4fi. arc Came Rcfugi-s Hunlirg pro- bibited Anr;!ing in accord.ince wuh law relating to main districts in which refuge is located DiBirict8 5.,12. 12ti. 12b. 12c. 13, 16. 17, 18, 19. 19a, 20, 20a. 21. 22, are CoitiroercLil Fishing District* Ranting -md aiK''"!; ■" accord.tnce with law rclaling to mam dislricl m which small district i» located District 14 IS a Fuh Reservation All fishing prohibited. District 2* J includes those townships in Mendocino County bordering on Uie Pacific Ocean (except 15 and 16 W. 11 N) and townships 13, H. IS, 16. 17 and 18 N.. R 16 W District 2^4. Those parts of Mendocino. Lake and Colusa counties lying east of the Redwood Highway and north of the L.ikc Tahoe Ukiah Highway. ;ind all of Glenn County. District 23 The wat*r shed of Lake Tahoc and Truckce " iver, Rubicon and LiUlc Rubicon above confluence Water shed of American River and Silver Creek above confluence Includes waters in water shed of Co^umnes above mother lode highway bridge, waters of South Fork American River be twcen Chill Biu* Bndge and mouth of Sliver Creek, the waters of the C&rMn. West Carson and all inbuUriea, Twin Lakes, Silver. Twin. Blue. Meadow, Wood. Wmnemocca, Scott. Bumside Lake and all tnbiitnry streanu nnd the drainage .irea of Webber Creek above mother todc high- way bndje Help Present Forest Fires ItiMtJ by Dept. of Natural Resources Division of Fish and Game Smcrmmtmt» Ssm Trauchcm L»t Amgtt*! FISH AND CAME DISTRICTS or CALirORNlA /Mit. ...(M, 6. Mi Ml •M'i/x*. ifwt.k ar N„l ,,« <>.... Mlb,t,-t. hm'-tirit*. *••.!«. •«* fvi.. CAt.ffim «*.»..< (..r.* !.«»■ ., ,..a... fJ ,-./ f,H. ,tlUm fm. <-'*.ir>, •ff^m <'u4r'. .*(«•.. ,ltr4kr„l mmd llvr »■•■•. r*-r., kWr*.*. il'.ftJ b»». kUft A^.t. ft.t^. ftHf. fl.n ha,%, tl.m^ ('•■•, •kWaari. «.i all LICENSE PROVISIONS HUNTING t.*,n« ,..r J„l. I .B J-„, )• Rfsidrnis under 18 $1.00 Resident ciii7erts 2.00 NonreMdcnt citizens 10.00 Decl.irani aliens 10.00 Other aliens 25.00 ANGLING Lmchh Ttir Jinuiry I I* DmMbfr > 1 Resident citi/ens JI.OO Nonresident citizens . ._ 3.00 Aliens . $.00 Under 18 no license required TRAPPING ,...)-'. I ■•I"-' >» Citizens $1.00 Aliens „ 2.00 Under 18 no license required DEER TAG t.«f-.t r*<' J.o'i'T I ••> 0<.r*