California. Dept. of Fish ana Gair.e " §iennial Report 1903-1904. ^jifTi'nxP ''C■^<\•i-^r^^.i^Y^ Ul. i. Wmm "'»«'' iGOMMISSIONE Hi California. Dept. of Fish and Game, Biennial Report 1903-1904. (bound volume) DATE DUE _^ California- Dept. of Fish and Game. Biennial Report 1903-1904. ^ (bound volume) — APR X5'93 y^l ^o '93 California Resources Agency Library 1416 9th Street, Room 117 Sacramento, California 95814 ■.P.A!; *f^y liiUk^u. / EIGHTEENTH BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE State Board of Fish Commissioners STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE YE^LRS 1903-1904. COMMISSIONERS: W. W. VAN ARSDALE, President, W. E. GERBER, - - - - San Francisco. Sacramento. CHAS. A. VOGELSANG, Chief Deputy, Mills Building, San Francisco, Cal. W. W. SHANNON, SACRAMENTO: : : : superintendent state printing. 1904. EIGHTEENTH BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. To Hon. George C. Pardee, Governor of the State of California : Sir: In accordance with law, the vState Board of Fish Commissioners has the honor to siihmit for your consideration its Eighteenth Biennial Report, being a record of its work and expenditures from September 1, 1902, to September 1, 1904. We submit, also, the recommendations which our experience in carry- ing on this important work has suggested, as tending, in our jvidgment, to the betterment of both the fish and the game interests. Since the Seventeenth Biennial Report was suVmiitted, the personnel of this Board has undergone one change. H. W. Keller tendered his resignation on April 24, 1903. On May 6, 1903, W. W. Van Arsdale Avas elected President of the Board, vice H. W. Keller, resigned. Regular meetings of the Board have been held during the first of every month, and at such other times as became necessary to the wel- fare of our work. Complete niiiuites of all the meetings are on file in our office, rooms 508 and 509, Mills Building, San Francisco. Duplicate bills of every item drawn against the appropriations over which we have control are also on file, and records of the same are on our min- ute and account books. On November 29, 1903, the California Fish Commission and all the people interested in the restoration and preservation of the salmon industry of the Pacific Coast sustained an irreparable loss by the death of Mr. Cloudsley Rutter. Mr. Rutter had been stationed on this coast by the United States Fish Commission for a term of years to study out some of the disputed questions regarding the salmon of the Pacific. He was an earnest, intelligent student of all forms of fish life, but his chief work was a study of our salmon, especially the Quinnat, or salmon of the Sacramento River. He had perhaps a more varied and general experience on this subject than any ichthyologist of this country, as he covered not only the scientific but also the practical side of the question. Naturally a man of great ability and force, he devoted all his energy and attainments to the work before him. He was frequently in our service and contributed valuable data and reports that threw light on many conflicting opinions regarding the 6 REPORT OF STATE HOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. movements and liahits of salmon. No undertaking was too difficult, no problem too hard to discourage him. He left behind him important notes, which, had he been spared to complete them, would have added nuich more to his reputation. At the time of his death he was filling the important position of naturalist on the United States Fish Com- mission's steamer Albatross. From his complete and interesting report, entitled " Natural History of the Quinnat Salmon " (covering a period of five years, 1896 to 1901), which appeared in the bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, 1902, volume XXII, we have taken some important and interesting extracts. A second article from his pen, on the value of artificial propagation, will also be found in the appendix to this report. We commend these papers to the careful attention of all who are interested in the subject of increasing a natural food supply by artificial methods. We regret that space does not permit us to reprint in full his report on " Investigations in the Sacramento River." The work of patroling the various streams and bays of this State in the enforcement of the fish laws has been intelligently and con- scientiously carried on to the full extent of our means. The last session of the Legislature granted an increase in our "fund for the restoration and preservation of game." It was timely, and enabled us to cover more territory in the mountainous districts than has ever before been done. At the same time, our appropriation for this purpose ($7,500 per year) is, in our opinion, ridiculously small when the size of the State and the varieties of game are considered. But few of the counties appoint game wardens. They seem to look to this Board for enforce- ment of the fish and game laws. It is a notorious fact that constables, who are sworn to enforce the provisions of the Penal Code, are blind to violations of these laws. It is only in rare cases that we find one who is willing to assist in this work. In some counties it has been necessary for the District Attorney to issue special instructions to these officers in regard to their duties in this particular, but the results have not been encouraging. Where an active, intelligent man has been appointed county game warden, we feel that it has been done in response to the pressure of public sentiment. Such officers have created a wholesome respect for the law and for the office, and have assisted us materially. They have made arrests and assisted our deputies in obtaining evidence that secured convictions. The territory covered by our limited force is so vast that we can not afford to keep a man long in one section. The deputies are hurried about from one end of the State to the other. The fund for the restoration and preservation of game should be increased $5,000, making a total of $12,500 per annum to be expended by this Conanission. This would enable us to increase our force of field deputies by four. When it is considered that California is the REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 7 second largest State in the Union and that Eastern States not one sixth of its size, with Httle or no mountainous sections, are using two and three times this amount of money to enforce the laws for the restora- tion and preservation of game, it will be seen how modest is our request in asking for an increase of $5,000. Some of our fellow citizens, realizing that violations of the fish and game laws constantly occur, propose to cure the evil by making radical changes. In our opinion this is not the proper remedy. We have suffi- cient laws on our statute books, but the means to enforce them are inadequate. We will, however, recommend a number of changes that, in our judgment, based upon our experience at court and with "public sentiment," will produce the desired effect; in some cases shortening the seasons, as for example the deer law. Experience has shown that the long open season that was allowed at the last session of the Legisla- ture, with the hope that the Boards of Supervisors would reduce it in their respective counties to two months, has not been carried out, with a result that some counties, with a better appreciation of the value of their deer, have a season of but six weeks, while others allow the full three months and a half. Careful consideration of the subject has brought the conclusion that a State law allowing an open season of two months, and applying to all counties alike, would be the fairest and most equitable settlement of the question. In our opinion the present duck law should be amended. Our first recommxcndation would be to reduce the bag limit from fifty to twenty- five. This undoubtedly will be contested by many of the preserve sportsmen, as on their baited ponds and patroled lands the growing scarcity of ducks is hardly, if at all, noticeable. Twenty-five ducks is three times the number that one man and his family could use in a single day, and is practically all that can be carried. One of the argu- ments advanced to retain the bag limit of fifty is that there are many days on which the sportsman goes to his preserve and does not get his full limit, in fact sometimes gets not more than a dozen birds, but this is probably due to weather or other local conditions. Is it not reason- able to suppose that if the bag limit is reduced one half, there will be a larger number of birds left, which will bring the average day's shoot nearer to the bag limit of twenty-five? We would also include the dove in the bag-limit reduction; and would recommend that doves, snipe, rail, and other shore birds be added to the non-sale list. With a few minor changes in the laws relating to the preservation of fish, we believe the best interests of the State will be served. We believe in following a liberal but progressive policy, from year to year, forging ahead and carrying with us public sentiment, the support of which is absolutely essential to a proper enforcement of these laws. 8 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. Public sentiment favorable to game protection is not created by the passage of radical measures. In fact, the converse is true. We believe in educating the public to the importance of these laws, and to the necessity for restrictions; it is therefore our policy to prosecute vigor- ously when the laws are violated. The Supreme Court of this State has set the seal of approval upon all of the important sections of the Penal Code that refer to fish and game. In our opinion it is wise to hold to that of which we are sure and which our people are learning to respect more and more every year. The fact that our efforts are sup- ported is best shown by the larger number of arrests and by the larger amount paid in fines; the violators have realized that public sentiment is not with them, but in favor of the law. We recognize the existence of slight inequalities, but we believe it to be the part of wisdom to make haste slowly and not to burden the Legislature with frequent and trifling changes. The public, the courts, and the peace officers are becoming more familiar with the present fish and game laws ; and with a limited number of changes we believe the majority of our people will be satisfied and their best interests fully served. In brief, we have plenty of laws, but we require a little more financial assistance and certain slight corrections in the Penal Code to attain the desired ends — the restoration and preservation of our fish and game. TABLE OF ARRESTS AND FINES PAID. The following statement is a brief record of the two years' work done by our patrol force, upon whom it reflects the greatest credit. The variety of cases indicates that their work has been thorough and far- reaching. In a large number of cases the defendants pleaded guilty, indicating the thoroughness with which the evidence had been collected; and the total amount of fines paid shows that public sentiment is strongly in favor of the enforcement of the laws for the preservation of fish and game. For the two years ending August 31, 1904, our patrol force has to its credit a record of 550 arrests, against 343 for the two preceding years, showing a gain of 207. There were 225 arrests for violation of the fish laws, against 105 during the two years previous. For violation of the game laws 325 arrests were made, against 238 for the preceding two years. The total amount of fines imposed for violations of both fish and game laws aggregates the substantial sum of $11,738. Of this amount $4,989 was paid by violators of the fish laws, and $6,749 by those who had violated the game laws. The largest amount collected for transgression of any game law was for violation of those provisions of Section 626 which relate to deer, there l)eing 135 arrests, and fines REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. » amounting to $3,035. Next on the list is the record of 109 arrests for violation of the quail law, for which the sum of $2,344 was paid. For transgressing the fish laws, the greatest number of arrests and the larg- ^est amount paid in tines were for violation of tlie laws relating to striped bass, showing a . total of 69 arrests and $1,340 paid in fines. The next in importance were the arrests and fines paid for violation of the salmon law, there being 15 arrests and a total of $1,040 paid in fines. This is a less amount than was collected during the two preced- ing years; but the minimum penalty of $200 for violation of the salmon law (the cases being triable in the Superior Court, where convic- tions are almost certain) and the rendering of an important decision by our Supreme Court, sustaining the salmon law {People vs. Pdvl Haagen, May 20, 1908), had their effect. In other words, fishermen realize that tampering with the salmon law is a dangerous and costly experiment. While the same numlier of arrests for violation of the duck law were made in the past two years as in the two preceding ones, it will be noticed that there was $170 less paid in fines. The market dealers and commission houses having organized themselves into transportation com- panies, which have a legal right to handle more than fiftyducks, it was extremely diflEicult to obtain evidence to convict; besides, many of them are corporations, and owing to a defect in the Code of Civil Procedure, which renders the prosecution of a corporation for a misdemeanor almost impossible, our efforts in that direction have been seriously handicapped. In addition to cases which were brought regvilarly into court, there have been examined hundreds of complaints, some of which were not made in good faith, and others in which sufficient evidence could not be obtained to warrant a prosecution. Our deputies also made many seizures of fish and game in transit — fish that were under weight or that had been taken in violation of law; prohibited game offered for sale or shipped contrary to law, and because of violation of the bag limit. In many cases convictions followed the seizure. In others we were unable to locate the shippers, who resorted to fictitious names. Their punishment was effected by confiscating the shipments, which meant a loss of time, labor, material, and goods. More than 13,617 pounds of striped bass, 24,000 pounds of salmon, 1,200 pounds of steelhead, 1,290 pounds of sturgeon, 260 dozen abalones, and 600 pounds of trout were seized as evidence against violators of the fish laws. More than 1,500 California deer hides that were ottered for sale, or cached awaiting a favorable opportunity to ship, have been seized by our deputies. Some were in transit as baggage, being packed in trunks; -others were in dry-goods boxes, marked " household goods," and con- 10 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. signed to private residences. In some cases sufficient evidence was secured to obtain convictions; in others, the shippers had covered their tracks by using fictitious names, but were penalized to the extent of losing their goods. There being no statute providing for the destruc- tion of the hides, they were disposed of to tanneries, and the proceeds deposited in the Game Preservation Fund. About 111 dozen quail, 175 dozen ducks, 30 dozen doves, and snipe, grouse, pheasants, and venison in small lots were distributed among the hospitals, the orphan asylums, and old people's charity homes of San Francisco. The Little Sisters of the Poor, the Almshouse, the Protestant, Hebrew, and Catholic orphan asylums were among the beneficiaries. From all of these institutions we have received most grateful letters of acknowledgment. FISH CASES. S%immari/ of Anrsln made by Deputies of the Fish Commission, and Disposition of Cases, for Two Years ending August 31, 1904. 3; i c ffl 0 > S T. \ Violation Charged Witli. 0 0 p. 1 > 2 0 3 CO John Doe Cora- plaints. Parties Unknown Fines. 3 • a: 4 Catching or possession of salmon, "closed season"'- .. . .. _ 1 2 4 5 2 HO 1 12 2 4 7 4 1 1 3 3 3 2 3 ....... 4 3 3 1 1 8 1200 00 40 00 8t)0 0(.) 110 00 60 00 1,340 00 25 00 220 00 80 00 85 00 400 00 110 00 25 00 , 25 00 60 00 70 00 165 00 500 00 4 Taking salmon above tidewater 7 Catching salmon on Saturday or Sunday. Spearing steelhead- .-_ . . 5 ...... 5 8 Steelhead, " closed season ". _- . 69 4 Possession or selling underweight striped bass Black bass, "closed season," and other than with hook and line - . 15 Trout, "closed season".. _. . . ^5 8 Catching trout with net Possession or selling underweight trout _. Usingset-net .. . ._ .. 5 17 2 2 166 6 Sturgeon in possession Catching or possession of "young of fish". Possession of female crabs... 1 1 4 8 Crabs, illegal size Crabs, "closed season" Shrimps, "closed season " . . . . i 1^ S 4 4 4 3 ? n Using explosives. .. .. 4 ?(> 3 Dumping slabs or sawdust into waters of State .. . 1 Set-nets removed from waters (parties un- known) . . . 47 2 Small-mesh nets . ... Abalones, illegal size ._ .. . 2 40 00 17 14 2 1 1 1 .325 00 120 00 140 00 49 00 30 9 8 Crawfish, "closed season " Crawfish, " illegal size " 8 H 6 ..... 50 6 Fishing without license . _ Totals . 225 160 17 48 47 .$4,989 00 '?93 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 11 GAME CASES. Summary of Arrests made by Deputies of the Fish Commission, and Disposition of, C'ases\ for Two Years ending A ugust SI, 1904- a B u- a> ►I o Ma > GO d- CQ Violation Charged With. o o < O > o (.+■ O u I John Doe Com- plaints. Parties Unknown Finos. Number of Days' Imprisonment. - *4 Doves, "bag limit" 3 12 4 12 1 10 59 10 4 1 3 2 1 23 30 29 4 9 6 2 6 2 1 3 4 3 1 4 $100 00 320 00 100 00 *1.S Killing or possession of doves, season" "closed 10 Ducks, " bag limit", . . 1 2 2 5 3 17 Killing or possession of ducks, season" . "closed 250 00 ' "y.^ 3 Netted ducks (drowned) . _ _ 25 00 278 00 1,576 00 240 00 100 00 25 00 125 00 50 00 25 00 710 00 845 00 820 00 15 Quail, "bag limit" 5 12 2 71 Killing or possession of quail, season " "closed '^5 15 Offering quail for sale. '>5 4 Trapping quail 1 Quail in possession without permit.. Chinese quail in possession. 3 2 Deer, "bag limit" 1 Running deer with dogs . 36 Killing deer, "closed season" 10 1 1 1 1 3 2 7 30 33 *38 Possession of deer meat, "closed Killing fenuvle deer or fawn . season". 43 40 5 Possession of female deer hides Removing evidence of sex fromdt Sale of deer hides Sale of deer meat .... 3er hides. 100 00 1 11 6 1 275 00 1 KiO 00 1 *3 50 00 12 Night shooting-. . . ... 6 150 00 25 00 25 00 75 00 100 00 2 Trespass - - 25 1 Snipe, "bag limit" . - . 5 Plover, "closed season" -. 1 1 1 5 Grouse, ' ' closed season " 3 Shooting meadowlarks . 45 00 ' 1 *5 Possession of pheasants Tree squirrel, "closed season" - Totals 50 00 L... 105 00 325 249 23 48 •16,749 00 ' 213 *5 cases pending. The following comparative table is interesting, showing the increase in the number of arrests from year to year and the amount of fines paid during the past eight years: Viola Deer tion of Law. Violation of Quail Law. Violation of Violation of Duck Law. Salmon Law. Violation of Striped Bass Law. Set Nets and Coi demnec Total 1 from Sourc Biennial Period. — iJ cc No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of 1 ' T> ' 'S. Ar- Fines Ar- Fines Ar- Fines Ar- Fines Ar- Fines N rests. Paid. rests. Paid. rests. Paid. rests. Paid. rests. Paid. P- 1897-1898--- 11 ,$100 7 $40 14 $220 19 $200 8 $100 30 $3,125 1899-1900--- 37 735 13 350 6 220 18 900 47 805 23 5,779 1901-1902--- 75 1,600 97 1,775 30 545 23 2,400 26 185 28 9,497 1903-1904--- 135 3,035 109 2,344 30 375 15 1,040 69 1,340 47 11,738 12 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 47 2 13,«17 •24, m) 1,200 l,2fK) tjOO ■2.(m 175 111 32 30 6 6 2 1,500 Seizures of Fish, Game, etc.. Made by Defcties — 1903-1904. set-nets removed from water. Owners unknown. Lines destroyed, sturgeon lines seized. Owners unknown. Lines destroyed, pounds underweight striped bass seized. Donated to hospitals and asylums, pounds of salmon seized. Donated to hospitals and asylums, pounds of steelhead seized. Donated to hospitals and asylums, jiounds of sturgeon seized. Donated to hospitals and asylums, pounds of trout seized. Donated to hospitals and asylums, undersized abalones seized. Dumped overboard, dozen ducks seized. Donated to hospitals and asylums. Donated to hospitals and asylums. Donated to hospitals and asylums. Donated to hospitals and asylums. Donated to hospitals and asylums. Donated to hospitals and asylums. dozen pheasants seized. Donated to hospitals and asylums. deer hides seized. Tanned, and converted into coin, which was deposited in the Game Preservation Fund. dozen quail seized, dozen plover seized, dozen doves seized, dozen snipe seized, dozen grouse seized. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The resources and expenditures of this Commission have been as follows for the fifty-fourth and fifty-fiftli fiscal years, ending June 30, 1904: Fifty-fourth Fiscal Yeak. Resources. Disburse- ments. Appropriation for support and maintenance of State hatcheries- Appropriation for restoration and preservation of fish - . -- - $10,000 00 7,500 00 3,750 00 1,305 15 $10,000 00 7,500 00 Appropriation for restoration and preservation of game Steelhead Propagation Fund — Balance on hand Jul V 1, 1902 __-__ _. 3,750 00 Drawn from fund during vear. __ _ 528 32 Balance on hand June 30,'l903 776 83 Pit Hirer Fishvaij — Ajipropriation' available July 1, l'JU2 Amount drawn during vear -. - . 3,000 00 2,058 50 Balance on hand June 30. 1903 . _ 941 50 Game Preservation Fund — Balance on hand July 1, 1902 .. Receipts during vear Amount drawn during year Balance on hand June 30, 1903- 1,090 27 3,051 67 Fixh Coiamission Fund — Balance on hand July 1, 1902 4,835 28 Receipts from licenses and fines ■. 6,872 93 Amount drawn from fund during year ' Balance on hand June 30, 1903 - j 2,343 03 1,798 91 6,799 94 4,908 27 Totals $41,405 30 i $41,405 30 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 13 Fifty-fifth Fiscal Year. Resources. Disburse- ments. Appropriation for support and maintenance of State hatcheries. Appropriation for restoration and preservation of fish Appropriation for restoration and ]>reservation of game Steelhead Propagntion. Fund — Balance on hand July 1, 1903 $12,500 00 10,000 00 7,500 00 776 83 .$12,500 00 10,0(K) 00 7,500 (K> Drawn from fund during year 151 50 Balance on liand June 30, "l904_ __ . ._ _ 625 33 SisKon Improvement Fund _ 10,000 00 Amount drawn during year _ . 10 (HKI 00 Game Preservation Fund — Balance on hand July 1, 1903 Receipts from fines during year _ . 1,798 91 3,040 22 Amount drawn during year . _ . . 2,922 27 Balance on hand June 3U, 1904 1,916 86 Fish Commission Fund — Balance on hand July 1, 1903 . . Receipts from licenses and fines . __ . 4,908 27 8,697 82 Amount drawn from fund during year. _- 6,280 57 7,325 52 Balance on hand June 30, 1904__ ._ " Totals ,.. $59,222 05 $59,222 05 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS IN FISH CASES. At the last session of the Legishiture, with your indorsement and approval, we presented a bill amending the Act approved February 27, 1887, relating to costs for prosecuting violations of fish laws, and making it mandatory upon all claimants to present their claims to this Board for approval and finally to be paid out of the Fish Commission Fund. In addition, other sections of the Penal Code, namely, Sections 629, 635, and 637, were amended and simplified. Trials for violations were confined to the Superior Court, the expense to be borne by the State instead of by the county, and the amount of the fines imposed to be paid into the State Treasury. We are pleased to report that the workings of this law have come up to our fullest expectations. It has brought justices of the peace and constables throughout the State in closer relationship with this office. They look to us for their fees (when under the fee system), and their claims are promptly met. Occasion- ally we are obliged to return claims for correction, and thereby have saved the State a considerable sum. Formerly these claims were paid out of a special fund appropriated at each session of the Legislature to meet the costs arising from prosecutions for violation of the fish laws. The State Board of Examiners had no means of knowing what services were rendered, and were simply paying claims in the dark. We are in a better position to audit such claims fairly. We feel this has been done. The expense of Superior Court trials has been met by us, and the District Attorneys have scrutinized their bills closely and sent them to us in detail, showing an itemized list of the expenses incurred. 14 HEPOl^T OF STATIC ROARP OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. The passage of this Act has made it unnecessary for the Legislature to make any special appropriation for this work. Therefore, Ave have effected a saving to the State of at least $2,000 per annum, besides which the claimant receives the full amount of liis claim, free from cost or unnecessary delay. SISSON HATCHERY. It is with much satisfaction that Ave refer to the splendid record made at our most important station during the past two years. The Legisla- ture of 1903 unanimously granted our request for an appropriation of ^10,000, the reasons for Avhich Avere fully set forth in our last biennial report. In this case, as in all others Avhich related to additional funds Avith Avhich to further the interests of our work, Ave had vour cordial and hearty support, and your approval of the bills after they had passed through both branches of the Legislature. During the fifty-fourth fiscal year we began to feel more than e\'er the scarcity of funds. The scope of our Avork had greatly broadened and demands were made upon this hatchery by sections of the State that had never before presented appli- cations for fish. We have ever been proud of our Avork at Sisson, but Ave had also taxed this station to its maximum capacity, and had not the means Avith Avhich to make the simplest improvements or e\^en ordi- nary repairs. AVe had there a most excellent force of trained hatchery employes, Avhose experience and knowledge of fish culture have induced other Commissions to seek their serA'ices. We Avere not able to make them comfortable on the grounds, nor to compensate them fairly for the efficient serAdces they Avere rendering. These unfavorable condi- tions were relicA'cd by this appropriation, and our capacity for efficient serA'ice to the State has been greatly enhanced. The purchase of land necessary for additional ponds, nurseries, and buildings to meet the increased work of the station Avas made as soon as the money became aA^ailable, on July 1, 1903. We Avere able to secure twelve and one third acres of land bounding our property on the north and Avest. Eleven and one half acres (more or less) on the west, together Avith a most valuable right to 80 inches of Avater, Avere pur- chased of F. J. Watson for the sum of $800. This land lies on a gentle slope toAvard Spring Creek, Avhich is its Avestern boundary. It consists of loam resting on a stratum of gravel, and could not be better adapted to the uses of the hatchery. As the Avork of the Commission increases and broadens, this land can all be laid out into additional ponds and nurseries, Avhicli Avill insure an unfailing supply of eggs. Our Avork will not then be interrupted as heretofore by storms and washouts in the rivers, to which in the past Ave haA^e been forced to resort for the capture of wild parent fish. We can then rest secure in the fact that the ponds, Avith efficient care, Avill furnish a regular and sufficient svipply of eggs. After the purchase of this land, buildings, ponds, and drains were built REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 15 thereon to relieve the overcrowded condition inside our original boundaries. In addition to the above described land, three quarters of an acre was purchased of the Sisson estate, adjoining the hatchery land on the north, for the purpose of erecting thereon a superintendent's dwelling. We immediately began the very much needed repairs and improve- ments that had been neglected for four years or more. We increased our number of rearing ponds from ten to nineteen, and built three spawning ponds. We were able to do away with the obsolete wooden flumes, substituting therefor iron pipe-lines; these were placed under- ground, where they are free from the constant danger that threatened the leaky and uncertain flume system, which was liable to break down under the snows of winter and had already become unsafe from age and decay. The water supply, our greatest necessity, was at all times menaced by interruption. Such an accident would have cost us thou- sands and perhaps millions of fish and fry. It is a great satisfaction and relief to know that this danger is entirely eliminated, and that our jugular vein is safe. We were also able to replace our old settling tank with a new one, cement lined, 10 by 32 feet, and protected on the out- side by corrugated iron, changing its general appearance so that it is one of the attractive features of our grounds. The old sand-box was discarded entirely and a new and improved one was built at the end of our ditch line, 100 yards from the hatchery, where it can be relieved at any time without danger and without shutting off our main supply of water. The new pipe-line supplies the main hatchery building, the auxiliary hatchery (newly built and referred to in Superintendent Shebley's report), and practically all of the ponds now in use. The newly purchased land is located directly under the range of our present Avater flow and every part of it can be easily reached by piping. We purchased a good and substantial buckboard, which not only has proved a great saving, but affords many advantages for quick transportation of our supplies that we had not enjoyed in the past. We built a substantial barn, 20 by 40 feet, ample for the needs of the station for years to come, and covered it with a corrugated iron roof. The meat house, where the fish food is prepared, was practically rebuilt. A new furnace with brick chimney, for cooking the mush and preparing the flesh food used to feed the pond fishes, has been installed. The engine-room was given new floors and foundation. Our ten nur- sery or rearing ponds have been given planked bottoms, so that the fish can be handled without danger of injury; the fish are also less liable to disease from foul bottoms. Many needed improvements have been made on our main hatchery building, Avhich is 120 feet in length by 40 feet in width. It had not been painted for four years, and at that time there was used a cheap grade of paint that soon wore off. We gave the entire building two 16 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. coats of white U'lul :ukI oil. The shingled roof, which had done duty since the huilding- was erected fifteen years ago, was rotten and leaky. It was torn off and a corrugated iron roof put on. This roof was given a substantial coat of metallic paint, and the exterior of the building now presents a very attractive appearance. The building, owing to the great weight of the tanks and troughs, had settled, so that it was with difficulty that the hatching boxes in the west end of it could be operated. The building was raised, leveled, and a new foundation put under it, which will last for years. A new distributing tank was constructed the full length of the building, 120 feet. New and improved troughs were added to the front half and all the dangerous ones taken out. We have now eighty-four hatching troughs in the interior of the building. All of them were coated with pure asphaltum, a substance impervious to water, guaranteeing absolute cleanliness and protection against spores and wood rot. We also took out the old wooden drains and substitvited new and improved ones. We felt it to be good judgment to further protect the west part of our enlarged holdings, and have erected, beyond the present line of ponds, a small but comfortable three-room cottage for one of the regular assistants, who occupies it with his family. It is known as the watch- man's cottage. It is almost impossible for any one to enter the hatchery grounds from the west side without passing in view of this house. The presence of this habitation serves to keep at a respectful distance king- fishers and other birds of prey that have fattened on our ponds for years. Our watchman has killed a sufficient number of predatory animals and birds that have been making regular inroads on our supply of breeding fish, to justify the expense of putting up this building. We are now in a position to double our output within the next three years. We have all the land the State will ever require for hatchery purposes in that portion of the State, and have an abundant and never- failing supply of the purest water, sufficient for the continued develoj)- ment of the station for all time. All the newly acquired land has been enclosed; the lower half of the land bordering on Spring Creek with a barbed wire fence about 1,200 feet long. That portion adjoining the original hatchery land is enclosed with a fence six boards high, which are fastened to extra large cedar posts that will last for many years. On top of the posts on the outside have been fastened arms of wood two by four inches in size and thirty inches long. To these arms are attached three barbed wires, the purpose of which is to prevent trespassers from climbing the fences and getting into the grounds other than through the main gates, which are open to the public every day from 10 A. M. to 4 p. m. The land pur- chased from the Sisson estate as a site for the superintendent's dwelling has also been enclosed by a substantial and neat picket fence. 2— FC 18 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. We next undertook the construction of a superintendent's dwelling, paying special attention to the conditions that are to be met in a moun- tainous district where the snowfall ranges from four to ten feet. A two- story eight-room cottage was planned and carried to a successful finish by our Chief Deputy, Charles A. Vogelsang. It was decided to cover the outside of this building with shingles, for two important reasons. The first was that it would render the house, which was ship-lapped on the inside and outside of the studding, as snug and comfortable as any hard-finished interior. The other was that the shingles would require no paint. This is a great saving of expense, for it is well known that to preserve the exterior of any house in good condition, especially in high altitudes, where the climate is subject to extreme changes, it would need repainting every two years. We used red cedar shingles. These were given two coats of oil — one of raw and the other of boiled linseed oil. The roof was given two coats of Cabot's shingle 'stain — moss green in color and a noted wood preservative. On all the window casings and other outside finished work an oil stain was used, conse- quently this building has no paint whatever and none will ever be required. We expect the house to present the same handsome appear- ance ten years hence that it does to-day. The house rests on a stone foundation. The material used is a hand- some mottled gray lava rock, which was found nearby. The same material was used in the construction of the chimney and fireplace in the living room. While the foundation work was going on, a commo- dious cellar was dug, and this was cement lined. The necessary drains and sewers were also provided for, and connections were made to them as the plumbing progressed during the construction of the house. Care- ful attention was paid to these details, both as to materials used and as to workmanship. On the first floor, besides the entrance hall, there are four rooms — a living room, kitchen, dining room, and library. In the large living room an artistic fireplace was built of rough lava stone. This work was done by Mr. Sawyer, of Sisson, a noted chimney and fireplace builder. It has been a success from the start. The entire first floor is finished in attractive, plain and figured burlap. The second floor contains four bed chambers, with spacious closets and a handsome and complete bath- room, fully equipped. Above the bathroom, under the roof, was installed a hundred-gallon water tank, which is kept constantly supplied by a No. 5 Rumsey hydraulic ram. The dwelling was also equipped through- out with electric light wires and fixtures, in view of the fact that we hope to utilize our own water-power to operate a dynamo, which will furnish light to the superintendent's dwelling and all other buildings on the premises, principally the main hatchery building, where, during the winter months, candles or oil lamps are burned for three or four 20 REPOKT OF STATE HOAKD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. hours each day, and also at night, while salmon eggs are lieing hatched. A woodshed was also added to the rear of the building and constructed on the same lines and with the same finish as the cottage itself. In every respect the building is first class. It is cozy, comfortable, attractive, and most substantial. Its presence adds greatly to the appearance of our grounds, but its chief value lies in the fact that it is occupied by the superintendent of the station, W. H. Shebley, whose watchful eye keeps the grounds constantly under surveillance. For many years there was not a soul on the grounds at night. They were practically open to poachers and other trespassers. Serious losses occurred in our ponds. Now this trouble is passed, in addition to which we have a building that is a credit not only to the station, but to the State. It was built, exclusive of the rock work and bathroom equip- ment, under contract by J. E. Lamborn for the sum of $2,500; the total cost to the State was less than $3,000. It would not have been possible to build such an attractive and thoroughly substantial house for this sum but for the fact that all of the larger establishments to which we applied for material made substantial concessions. We hold in this office receipted vouchers showing in detail every cent that was expended for labor, material, purchase of lands, and other necessary incidentals for which this appropriation of $10,000 was granted, and we respectfully submit that a more substantial or better showing has never been made by any State institution, and we desire to thank you, and every member of the Legislature, for assistance at a time when it was much needed. Two years ago, at the time our last biennial report was prepared, we had but 36,000 fish in our ponds, having just begun the rearing of a new stock of breeders. Two years is but a short time in which to accomplish much toward increasing a stock of brood fish, but we are pleased to' submit the following figures. We have increased the stock from 36,000 to 108,400 fish and fry, that are fast developing into stock fish. The following is a list of the fish in the ponds: Adult Rainbow trout (Sal mo irideus) l,tM)() Thirty months' old Rainbow trout {Salmo irideus) -. 10,00() Eighteen montlis' old Rainbow trout (Sal mo irideus) 15,(XXi Six months' old Rainbow trout (SoIdio irideus) 10,000 Eighteen months' old Steelhead trout {Salmo gairdneri) . 2,000 Adult Eastern brook-trout {Salmo fontinaJis) 1,000 Twenty months' old Eastern brook-trout {Salmo fontiualis) . 25,000 . Six months' old Eastern brook-trout {Salmo fontinalis)- 20,000 Adult Loch Leven trout {Salmo trnttn levnensit!) 400 Adult sunfish {Lepomis cyaiiellus) 2,000 Adult shiners 2,000 Grayling fry ( Thi/mnlliix inonfanvs) 7,00(» Loch Leven fry {Salmo trulla levnends) 10,000 Landlocked salmon fry {Salmo salar sebaffo) 3,000 Total 108,400 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 21 The output of this station during the past two years, its present pros- perous condition, and its prospects for the future, are best shown by the following report, made by W. H. Shebley, the Superintendent of Sisson Hatchery, and we commend its careful perusal by those of our citizens who are interested in this most important subject of fisli cul- ture. While some of his statements may seem extraordinary, we assure you that they are made by a conservative man, who is master of his profession. Sisson, Cal., September 1, 1904. To the Honorable Board of Fish Commissioners of the State of California: Gentlemen: I herewith submit a report of tlie operations of the Sisson hatchery for the years 1903 and 1904; also a report on the salmon ova received at tliis station from the United States Bureau of Fisheries stations in California, from the summer and fall runs of salmon of 1903, and the distribution of the fry. This was the largest hatch of salmon eggs ever made. It is the best record of any station on the Pacific Coast, and of a commercial value second to none in the United States. This fine record could not have been made, as we would have been unable to take advantage of the opportunities, were it not for the special appropriation made by the last Legislature, whicli gave us the means to make the many improvements necessary to put the station in order to do first-class work and to improve the pond system to such an extent that we were able not only to hatch these eggs, but to dispose of the fry under conditions that I believe will produce the very highest results. Without this additional money our work would have been seriously handicapped, and young salmon represent- ing hundreds of thousands of fish that are now swimming in our streams and coast waters would never have been hatched. In addition to handling an extraordinary number of salmon eggs, our trout work went steadily on and we shipped a larger number of trout fry from this station than had been done for years. Early in the fall of 1903, when it appeared from the large run of salmon in the Sac- ramento River that the fall run would be larger than the summer run, I planned an auxiliary hatchery, to be built on the canal leading from the hatchery water system to Cold Creek. This canal was dug tlirough the property of the Sisson estate, under an agreement or lease for a term of years to allow us^ to run the young salmon through it when they were large enough to plant. By distributing the young salmon in this way, a great expense has been saved, and the fry are in better condition to descend the stream to the river than when they are hauled out in wagons. This building is 35 by 40 feet and has a capacity of about 8,000,0(X» salmon eggs. It proved to be of the greatest value to us during the hatching of this enormous take of salmon ova. This hatchery receives its water supply from a 6-inch iron pipe-line, put in this' summer, connecting the division tank with the new hatchery and a branch line built to give the nurseries and a C(iuple of rearing ponds an independent supply of water, so that the fry can be kept free from zymotic diseases that are apt to attack them if the water becomes foul. Eight new ponds and a nursery were built — five rearing ponds and three spawning ponds. The rearing ponds were made by dividing the larger ones into smaller compart- ments. These were made by constructing walls of 2-inch red fir plank firmly spiked to 4 by 6 inch posts driven deep into the earth, and placed 4 feet apart. These walls were then braced by putting 2 by 6 inch scantlings diagonally across the walls from top to bottom. A track was laid on top of the wall and from there to a pit 600 feet distant. A car, with a cable attached to a steam engine, was used to haul the earth from the pit to the walls. This arrangement worked very satisfactorily. Four hundred and sixty feet of embankment .or walls were made, averaging 4 feet high, and 4 feet wide between the planks. These ponds are now filled with different ages and sizes of fish that are being raised for breeders. The spawniiig ponds were constructed entirely of plank. They were built to place 22 KEl'OKT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. the ti?o that they ean be liaiulled (hiring the breeding season without injury anil loss. By the old method of handling the sx)a\vners a serious loss occurred each season. The tisli in their efforts to spawn become emaciated, and if allowed to remain on gravelly or sanily bottoms, get wounded in their work of nest building and efforts at procreation, and a large number die from diseases produced at this time. But if they are removed from tlie rearing ponds before maturity and placed in the sjiawning ponds, they can tlien be handled by those skilled in the work with oidy a small loss. The loss does not average more than six or eight per cent, if they are carefully handled. These spawning ponds are made of smoothly planed planks placed on the sides and bottoms of excavations made for the purpose. They are H4 by l.i feet and from 3 to 3^ feet deep. The bottom is built on a gradual elevation, so as to be easily cleaned. Tliere is a spawning race or raceway that connects with the pond and forms the inlet for the water. This has an obstritction or dam in it, where it joins on to the pond, raised to an elevation of from 4 to 10 inches, depending on the variety and size of the trout. The fish when ready to spawn jump over the dam and enter the raceway, where they are caught u\> and stripped of their eggs. They are then placed in a SPAWXIXG PONDS— SISSON HATCHERY, smooth-plank-lined pond to recuperate. They are left there until such time when their desire to spawn leaves them and they have begun to feed again. They are then returned to the large rearing ponds. This system of handling spawning fish was improved and made practical by George N. Seagle, .Superintendent of Wytheville Station, Virginia, United States Bureau of Fisheries. We are under obligations to him for the plans and information that he kindly sent us. We have made some changes from his plan in <:onstructing the ])onds, that I believe are improvements over his. But in each section of the country different conditions arise that must be met by those in charge of the work. There can be no universal rule for the whole country. Mr. Seagle has perfected the system to his use and for the conditions as he finds them. The salmon eggs from the United States Bureau of Fisheries stations in California were received in good condition, considering the crowded condition of the buildings and the extra work necessary to prepare them for shipment. Superintendent Lambson, in charge of the United States Bureau of Fisheries stations, deserves great credit for the successful manner in which this great run of salmon was handled. Early in the summer of 1903 an unusually large run of salmon were found ascending the Sacramento River on their way to the spawning grounds. Superintendent Lambson accordingly made REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 28 arrangements to handle this increased run of tish, and notitied us early in the season that he would in all probability take about 30,000,000 eggs from the summer run at Baird station on the McCloud River. Our hatchery at this time was undergoing much needed repairs, which the special appropriation of the Legislature allowed us to make. The work on the troughs was rushed so as to have them in readiness for the eggs. The capacity of Sisson hatchery at this time was H),(MM),0()0 eggs during the hatching perioil and 8,000,000 embryos during the period of the absorption of tiie yolk sac. As the desire of the Board was to hatch all the salmon eggs furnished by tlie United States Bureau of Fisheries stations, I planned a system of troughs to be l)uilt over the ten imrseries or rearing ponds, into which the embryo salmon could be put as fast as they hatched. These troughs were made on the same plan as the regular hatching troughs. Two of them were placed side by side on supi)orts t)ver the nurseries, about ten inches from the surface of the water. They extended half way the length of the nursery. The water SISSON HATCHERY. Sectional view of nursery ponds, showing arraiiKenieiit of hrttoliiiig tronghs. for the nursery was run through the troughs and discharged from the end of the trough into the center of the nursery. The embryos were kept in these troughs until they had partially absorbed the sac and the pigment had taken the place of the mucus in the epidermis. They were then placed in the nursery underneath the troughs. The danger of smothering is passed when they arrive at this stage. This is one of the hardest things to overcome in rearing the embryos in large numbers outside of the regular hatching troughs. This method of handling them proved to be a great success. The embryos were released from the troughs into the nurseries at the proper age, and the troughs refilled from the hatchery with another lot that had just hatched. After the embryos had attained the swimming stage, they were allowed to escape from the nurseries into the canal or ditch connecting the hatchery water system with Cold Creek and from there pass into the main Sacramento River. The loss in rearing with this system was very small after the embryos were turned from the troughs into the nursery. The bottoms of the nurseries are built on an elevation, tluis making them easy to clean. 24 REPORT OK STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. The expectations of Superintendent Lanibson iit Baird Station were realized, and from August IHth to October 17th, 27,2(KI,(XK) eggs were shipj)ed from Baird station to Sisson hatchery. These were hatched and the fry released on the dates given in the list of shipments annexed to this report. The second or fall run of salmon proved to be larger than the summer run, and 31,432, (»00 eggs were secured at Battle Creek and Mill Creek stations, making a total of .58,rMISSIO\ERS. 57 from live to nine pounds and was distinguished for its fighting qualities. Specimens of these "landlocked" salmon were sent to Dr. Da\dd Starr Jordan, of Stanford University, who immediately pronounced them steelhead, which confirms the good judgment of Mr. La Motte and establishes the fact that it is not necessary for the steelhead to go to salt water. Judging from the success that has followed our experiments with steelhead fry*at Sisson and from the fact that these fish are now being caught in the Great Lakes, we liave every reason to anticipate splendid results from the plants made in the Tahoe region and shall be glad to continue our efforts in that direction. We have been able to materially improve the hatchery buildings and grounds at the^Tahoe station. We have enclosed the grounds with a substantial and attractive picket fence; a new foundation has been placed under the hatchery; the old "shake" roof has been replaced with a good shingled roof; the interior of the building has been ceiled through- out and neatly painted, and sleeping quarters for the men were con- structed in the loft of the building. The usual repairs were made at the Tallac station, although the extreme high water of the past season has damaged the foundation of the superintendent's cottage at the mouth of Taylor Creek. AMth this work overhauled, which will be done as soon as the water permits, both .our stations on Lake Tahoe will be in the best possible condition. The general supervision of the egg-collecting, hatching, rearing, and distribution of the fry has been under the direction of E. W. Hunt, an experienced fish culturist. He was assisted at the Tallac station in 1903 by W. B. Hunt and in 1904 by F. F. Anderson. We are glad to report the strict observance of the ordinances of El Dorado and Placer counties which prohibit the taking of fish in the Tahoe region until June 1st. This close season gives thousands of spawn-bearing fish an opportunity to deposit their eggs and permits us to secure all that we need. Lake Tahoe is just beginning to recover from the continuous drain to which it was subjected for many years in the taking of spawn-bearing fish, beginning on the 1st of April of each year. In that high altitude and low temperature the fish do not mature before the 1st of May and spawning continues up to the 15th of June. It has been frequently charged by market fishermen and others that the scarcity of fish was due to our operations; that we destroyed many fish; that artificial propagation was not a success, and that the county ordinances should be repealed. That artificial propagation is a failure is a statement so wild that it is not considered worthy of argu- ment. Our total take of spawn fish does not exceed 4,000. If ten per cent died through the operations of artificial spawning, which is a liberal allowance, there would still be 3,500 fish returned to the water in as good condition as they ever Avere, for food or for sport. If the 58 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. entire 4,000 were destroyed by our operations, it would be but a small fraction of the millions of Cutthroat trout that inhabit Lake Tahoe. The following figures are furnished us by Professor Juday, of the State University, who had l)een sent by the Federal Government to study certain problems regarding the supply of food fish in the Tahoe region. The figures were taken from the books of Wells, Fargo & Co. at Tallac and Tahoe City, and represent the actual number of fish shipped out in IHOo, aggregating 12,261 i3ounds,or upward of six tons of trout shipped during the months of June, July, August, and September. This does not take into account the enormous quantity consumed at the different resorts and by the thousands of campers who visit the Tahoe region each summer. The amount shipped in .June, 1904 (one month), exceeds 7,000 pounds, or three and a half tons of trout, which indicates a decided gain over previous years. We consider the foregoing statement a suffi- cient answer to any criticisms of the value of our work in the Tahoe region. We are indebted to Messrs. Comstock and Lawrence of Tallac and D. L. Bliss & Sons of Tahoe, also to Mrs. George W. Pierce of Glen Alpine Sjirings, for substantial assistance. We have had free trans- portation for our employes and the free use of teams and pack animals for distributing the young fish. We are pleased to commend again the tireless efforts of Prof. W. ^^^ Price of Alta. His work has been so skillfully and intelligently done and his achievements so marked, that we feel that the value of his work should l)e known to all our people. Each season he has made the Tahoe region the vacation grounds for the young men and boys of his school, and they have contributed their services and time to stocking l)arren lakes, carrying fish on pack animals or by hand to waters other- wise inaccessible. In that region there are upward of forty lakes, rang- ing in area from a few acres up to two hundred. Professor Price has stocked eighteen lakes this season, seven of them for the first time this year. Through the joint efforts of Mrs. Pierce and Professor Price, a small hatchery has been completed at Glen Alpine, with a capacity of 1,000,000 eggs. It will be in operation for the first time next season, and we have no doubt the results will justify the time and expense that have been given and will result in making that region one of tlie best fishing grounds in the State. For the past two seasons w^e have, for the first time, been able to maintain a patrol throughout the summer months on each side of Lake Tahoe and the streams tributary thereto, and have largely checked the depredations of the Nevada Indians. James Stout was the mounted patrol on the Tallac side during 1903. Harry Warr succeeded him in 1904. William Boyle has patroled the country from Tahoe City nortli KEPOKT OF STATE HOARD OK I'ISIf COMMISSIO.NKRS. 59 and south, and the Truckec Kivor to the town of Truckee, for the two seasons. Tliese deputies have heen conscientious and faithfvd in the discharge of their duties. Mr. W'nrr. in nddition t<» taking care of the /"ir"^^^ H southern end of the kike, lias covered a hirge portion of El Dorado. Alpine, and Amador counties. We believe less violations of the game laws have occurred this year than ever before. In addition to the Cutthroat trout frv liberated in the Tahoe region, GO REPORT OF STATE BdAlil) OF FISH COI\i:VIISSIONERS. \vr have sliippcd upward of 20(),()00 Easteni brook-trout fry and placed them in various streams and small lakes in that vicinity. The wonderful results that have attended these fish have already been alluded to. The complete distribution of eggs and fish from the Tallac and Tahoe stations during 1903 and 1!>04 is summarized in the following table: Stat ion niul Voar. Ea.stern Brook. Cutthroat. Rainbow. Fry. Fry. Eggs. Fry. 1903 'I'll hoc Station. 10,000 50,IK)0 900,000 810,000 85,000 1904 . Titlhir Stiitidit. Totals 60,000 1,710,000 85,000 1903 -. 35,000 125.ik;io 900,700 3,350,000 708 000 : ''.4.50.000 23,250 1904 Totals 160,000 1,608,700 5,800,000 23,2.50 EEL RIVER STATION, AND STEELHEAD PROPAGATION. During the Legislature of 1901, the sum of $2,000 was appropriated to be expended in the work of steelhead propagation in Humboldt County. This money became available after January 1, 1902. In the spring of 1902 we liberated a fraction over 300,000 steelhead fry. We had hoped to increase the number in 1903 by establishing a new egg- collecting station on Howe Creek, to be operated in conjunction with the one on Price Creek. Untimely freshets, coming at the time our traps were in operation, twice carried away our racks on Howe Creek; the last time the water continued at such a stage that it was impossible to replace the traps, and our total take of eggs was therefore about one half that of the preceding year. We liberated about 120,000 young steelhead in Price Creek and Eel River. On March 20, 1904, we again attempted to collect steelhead eggs. Tn addition to the traps operated on HoAve and Price creeks, we engaged the services of a crew of fisher- men to operate a seine in Eel River. Our work was again interfered with by the high waters, and it was disappointing in the extreme to see schools of these fish passing up the river and creek at a time when we were utterly unable, owing to the volume and velocity of the water ^ to capture them and bring our take of steelhead eggs up to what we had expected. AVhile we took quite a number of fish, they were late spawn- ers; in fact, so green that they could not he retained with safety in live cars, so we were obliged to liberate them. We secured only 104,000 eggs, from which about 90,000 strong, healthy fry were liberated. These small plants have, however, materially improved the steelhead o c w ffl w w H TI COMMISSIONERS. To Lieut.-Col. Joseph Garrard, U. S. A., and the men of his command we are under obligations for valuable services rendered in the summer of 1903, and to Maj. John P. Bigelow Jr., U. S. A., for similar services in 1904. In addition to assisting us in the distribution of the fry, they have assisted materially in the enforcement of the game laws of the State. During the past two years, the mountain streams of ^iadera County have been stocked from this hatchery. During the summer of 1903 this work was done under the direction of the county game warden, 8. F. Oyler. In the summer of 1904 the work was in charge of Kenneth L. Hughes, specially appointed by the Board of Supervisors of Madera County. Mr. Hughes also made a most successful plant of lilack bass in Crane Valley Lake. SONG AND INSECTIVOROUS BIRDS. We would most urgently recommend the passage of a bill at the coming session of the Legislature to protect all song and insectivorous birds. While no doubt there will be more or less opposition to such a measure, owing to a misunderstanding of the value of birds to the horti- culturist, we believe that California, a State in which the horticultural interests are so large and so varied, should take a step forward and protect all song and insectivorous birds, none of which do material damage, when compared to the actual good they do. It has been truly said that they are the best friends of the farmer. Tliey destroy myriads of injurious insects, such as caterpillars, bugs, tlies, moths, and their larvae. Statistics gathered by the United States authorities at Wash- ington from this and other States of the Union show conclusively the wisdom of giving them protection. For example, 238 stomachs of meadowlarks taken throughout the year contained 73 per cent of insects and only 14 per cent of grain. It is further shown that the useful birds comprise 95 per cent of the feathered denizens of field and woodland. But the number of birds destroyed by farmers, who erroneously believe that such birds are working an injury to them, is small com- pared to the thousands that are slaughtered by the foreign element in our State, to Avhom everything is game that has feathers. In addition to their great value as insect-destroyers, they are a most attractive feature in every field and woodland. Unless some action is taken for the protection and preservation of our songsters and other useful birds, this State will soon be rendered as unattractive, bv reason of their absence, as certain parts of Europe, where bird life has been practically exterminated. REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 65 PERMITS FOR LIVE GAME. Two years more of experience with tlie law in regard to the trapping, shipping, and possession of live game, show that the action of the Legislature in vesting this authority absolutely in the Board of Fish Commissioners was a wise move, as it has brought all sections of the State more closely in touch with our offtce, in other words, with head- quarters, and we have been able to keep a close record of permits. The law is being understood and respected. Many requests are declined. We restrict the issuance of permits to trap to the open season when game may be lawfully killed, the exceptions to this rule being when some large institution, which is open and free to the public, desires specimens for scientific purposes. So long as the general public is granted only a limited number of birds, which is seldom more than a half dozen, and is permitted to take them only during the open season and the permit granted when Ave are satisfied that the birds will be properly cared for, we feel that more good than harm can come from it. As people become more familiar with the various forms of bird life, they become less desirous of destroying or killing them, and it results often in an increase of birds. As in many places throughout the State the increase from these captive birds has been liberated, and as shooting is not allowed on the premises, the birds soon feel safe and make it a per- manent home, where they have an opportunity to further increase and spread into other sections. Some criticism has been heard because permits are issued by this Board to transport live birds from this State. We beg to say that the number is exceedingly small. There are not more than three hundred quail per annum, coming from all parts of the State, that are trans- ported outside of it. The requests come mainly from States that desire to try the experiment of introducing California quail. As no birds are trapped or transported without permission from this office, and an absolute record is kept of each individual who secures a permit to trap, ship, or possess, we feel there is no just ground for com- plaint, or any necessity for a change in the present law. All live game that is to be transported from any point inside of this State must be offered to the Wells-Fargo Express Company. This corporation has issued strict orders to all of its agents, and these orders are carefully observed. Live game has been offered at stations unaccompanied by permits, but it is invariably refused transportation until communica- tion is had with the office. On the suggestion of the Federal department having charge of game preservation at Washington, D. C, we have followed a liberal interpre- tation of the present law, as that department believed it would be of 5 — FC 66 REPORT OF STATI-: BOARD OF FTSTT COIMMTSSIOXERS. nuitual advantage to the different sections of the country to make lib- eral exchanges. We therefore recommend that tliis law should not be changed. IMPORTATION OF GAME BIRDS. Our means have at no time permitted us to take up seriously the introduction of any new species. The Mongolian pheasants that were introduced a number of years ago show a slight increase in certain favored sections of the State, particularly in Santa Clara County, due, in our opinion, to the splendid sentiment that exists among the people of that county to protect and preserve their game, and to enforce the laws. Favorable reports come from Fresno, Humboldt, Santa Cruz, and Kern counties. A number of our citizens have become interested in the sub- ject and are raising birds in captivity, liberating the surplus and dis- tributing others among their neighl)ors. A great many permits have l)een issued in the past two years for the transportation of these birds in pairs or trios to different sections of the State, to be used as breeders. Efforts were again made to secure pheasants direct from China, but we learned that the steamers plying between the principal Asiatic ports and those of Europe have made the pheasant an important item on their bills of fare, which has largely increased the demand, with the result that they are not found in any numbers except at points remote from the seaboard. This has increased their cost to such an extent that they are quite beyond our means. W^e believe that the bobwhite quail of the East, if properly placed, would adapt themselves to the conditions of this State. This work has never been undertaken by the State Board, but small shipments were secured by private individuals, though not in sufficient numbers, in our opinion, to make a fair test. We have been in correspondence for some time with the principal breeders in the East, and have been offering an even exchange for valley quail. Charles Payne, of Wichita, Kan., who is most successful in handling these birds, and who has perhaps shipped a larger number than any one else in the United States, quotes us his price at $10 per dozen. We are expecting this fall to secure a number of them in exchange for such valley quail as he may require, paying the difference in cash out of our funds. It is our intention to place these birds in considerable numbers in one or two selected localities, where they would have absolute protection, and from which the ground vermin have been driven or exterminated. During the summer of 1903, we secured permission, through Dr. T. S. Palmer. Assistant in Charge of Game Preservation, Biological Survey at Washington, D. C, to have transported from Alaska, to this State, fifty pairs of ptarmigan, believing that they would find a suitable habitat REPOKT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 67 around Mount Shasta and in the Tahoe region. It was represented to us that the birds could be secured without difficulty in the vicinity of Nome. We contracted for fifty pairs at $10 per pair, but not a bird was received. We renewed our efforts in the summer of 1904. We have again secured the necessary permits to trap the birds and have them shipped, at the same figure, and it is hoped that at least a portion of them will arrive. Early in this year, a deputy of this Board, H. T. Payne, was sent to Mexico to secure specimens of the quail of that country, believing that they would find a congenial breeding-place in our interior valleys. Owing to the continued drought that had prevailed in that countr}^ for a number of years, which interfered with the mating and breeding, he was successful only to a limited degree. Mr. Payne brought back with him al)0ut four dozen of the Callipepla elegcms, or Elegant quail, from the State of Sonora, Mexico. These have been placed in localities where they will receive protection and where the conditions are similar to those from which they were taken. It is yet too early to determine the results from this small number, but it is hoped that they will propagate. A number of Chinese quail that were brought into this State for market purposes were seized by deputies of this Board; arrests followed and the possessors of the l)irds were convicted and paid substantial fines. Several hundred of these quail were liberated in different parts of the State. They were in evidence for a short time, but seem to have totally disappeared. In our opinion the bob white quail would be a valuable acquisition to our' game birds. This variety is well adapted to the stul)ble fields and river bottoms of our great valleys, differing in that respect from our mountain and valley quail, both of which prefer the mountains and hilly sections. Much has been written and argued about the damage done to grapes and in grain fields by quail, but our observations and experience do not support the contentions. FISH AND GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATIONS. In many sections of the State, Fish and Game Protective Associa- tions have been organized during the past few years. They have exerted a wholesome and salutary influence in building up a local sen- timent in favor of the fish and game laws, and have in many cases been of great assistance to our regular deputies. These clubs and asso- ciations are in the main composed of the most intelligent and loyal people in their respective sections, who understand the value and impor- tance of protecting the fish and game, and the necessity for the restric- tions. Manv of the associations are in the mountain counties and are 68 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. composed of the practical, sensible fanner or workman. In no sense are they preserve clubs. The members usually fish in jiublic waters and hunt in most cases upon the public lands. They are always ready and willing to do their full share of the work of hauling fish to stock the streams in their vicinity, and by their interest and example encour- age a more general observance of the law. To H. T. Payne, one of our regular deputies, has been assigned the work of assisting these organizations in carrying out their aims, which has kept him constantly traveling throughout the length and breadth of the State. GAME WARDENS. Many Boards of Supervisors consider the appointment of a game warden a waste of money, a useless expenditure of county funds, and the conclusion is not surprising, considering the service that is often rendered. On the other hand, the i)roper sort of material for a good officer can not be found for the small salary attached to the office under the provisions of the present County Fish and Game \\'arden Act. In our oi)inion that Act should be amended in several important particulars. First, the compensation should be sufficient to induce good men to seek the office. Second, the Boards of Supervisors should have the right to appoint a warden at any time and for as long a period not to exceed two years, as in tlicir judgment good services could be rendered. In many counties we believe this would result in men being appointed for shorter terms, with liberal compensation during the seasons of the year such services are most needed. If the fitness of' the individual is considered and political influence is made "a secondary matter, the chances are largely in favor of finding a competent and faithful officer. We further believe that the appointment of game wardens should be mandatory and not optional, and if the present restrictions are removed and more discretion vested in the Boards of Supervisors, excellent results would follow. RECOMMENDATIONS. The only recommendation calling for an additional appropriation is made in the interest of game, to permit us to increase our force of regu- lar deputies by four. The amount necessary is the modest sum of $5,000 per annum, or $10,000 for two years, which would make a total of $12,500, the same amount tliat is allowed for the support and mainte- nance of hatcheries. We would recommend the following amendments to the game laws: Amend Section 626'^ by including ''any swan or any imported quail." REPORT OK STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 69 Amend Section 626r/ by reducing tlio bug limit on ducks and doves from fifty to twenty-five during any one calendar day. Amend Section 626/ by reducing the open season for the taking and killing of male deer to two months, from August 1st to October 1st. Amend Section 626// by making it a misdemeanor to kill a tree squirrel at any time. Amend Section 626i by reducing the number of male deer that can be lawfully killed in one season from three to two. Amend Section 626/ so as to prohibit the use of hounds at any time to run, track, or trail any deer. Amend Section 626^- by adding thereto " any dove, rail, or any snipe." Amend Section 626m by adding thereto "or animals." Amend Section 631 by prohibiting the use of any poisonous sub- stances, to take, kill or destroy either the birds " or animals" mentioned. Amend Section 631a by making the minimum penalty for violation of Section 626^, $50 instead of $25. We would recommend the following amendments to the fish laws: Amend Section 628, relating to black bass, by extending the open season, making it lawful to catch and have black bass in possession from May 15th to December 1st. We would also recommend that the season for the taking of spiny lobster or crawfish be closed for two years. Amend Section 632 by increasing the weight limit on trout that can be lawfully sold, from one half pound to one pound; by extending the close season from April 1st to May 1st; by placing a bag limit of fifty as the number of trout that can be lawfully taken during one calendar day; by making it an offense to have in possession any trout less than five inches in length, and by prohibiting the taking of steelhead with nets or seines at any time. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. To you officially and personally we desire to express our sincere appreciation of the confidence you have shown in us, and the encour- aging interest you have taken in our work. All our requests and recom- mendations have met with courteous recognition and approval, for which we thank you. The Commission acknowledges its gratitude to the following railway and transportation companies for the free transportation of all our employes, apparatus, eggs, and fish. Without their assistance our efforts would have been restricted to very narrow limits, and could not have been given for the benefit of the whole State: Southern Pacific Company, Santa Fe System, Sierra Railway Compan}^, California 70 RErortT OF STATK BOARD OF FTSTT rOM^ITSSIONERS. Northwestern Railway Company, North Pacific Coast Railway Com- pany, Lake Tahoe Railway and Transportation Company, Nevada- California-Oregon Railway Company, Boca and Loyalton Railway Company. To the Spring Valley Water Company of San Francisco we are indebted for a valuable concession, permitting us the free use of water at the Ferry Building to "set up" our shipments of young fish, which requires a considerable amount of running water for a length of time varying from three to twelve hours. To A. Christeson, General Manager of Wells, Fargo & Co., J. C. Tice, agent at San Francisco, and all the superintendents, agents, and employes of their company, we are specially indebted for many privi- leges and most courteous treatment. No reasonable request has failed to receive attention, and in many cases voluntary assistance that was of great value to our work has been freely given the deputies of this Board. To all employes of the Southern Pacific Company, officials or sub- ordinates, with wlioni our deputies or officers liave come in contact, we are under special obligations for assistance rendered our men when moving fish, eggs, or other material used in our work. To the various fish and game protective associations, that have been referred to, we are under obligations, not only for assistance rendered our deputies, but for the upbuilding of public sentiment, which is sucb an important factor in sustaining the fish and game laws. For substantial assistance in the form of free transportation for all of our men, the eggs and the fry, and for other courtesies, our thanks are extended to D. L. Bliss, Jr., Superintendent of the Lake Tahoe Railway and Transportation Company. To Messrs. Lawrence and Comstock, of Tallac, we are again indebted for free use of teams for hauling fish, eggs, and supplies, and for many privileges. Without the assistance rendered from these gentlemen at Tahoe and Tallac, respectively, our operations would be seriously handicapped. During the past two years all the salmon eggs hatched at t)ur stations have been furnished by the United States Bureau of Fish and Fisheries, from Baird on the McCloud River and from their Battle Creek and Mill Creek egg-collecting stations. Our thanks are extended to Hon. George M. Bowers, United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries; also to his able assistants in Washington, Dr. H. M. Smith and John W. Titcomb; also to Capt. G. H. Lambson, Superintendent of Baird Station. For much valuable information and also for interesting papers on the fishes of the Pacific, we are under obligations to Dr. David Starr Jordan, President of Leland Stanford Junior University. KlOroUT OK STATE BOAUD (>K IMSII COM.M ISSIO.NKKS. /I In submitting this report of ilic work done in llic past two years, permit ns to say tliat we feel satisfied witli tlie record, and believe tliat it will meet with the approval of yourself and of all fair-njinded citizens. We trust the incoming TiCgislature w'ill give careful considera- tion to our recommendations, which represent our l)est judgment, based on our experience and close observation of the various subjects, and which, if enacted into laws, will l)etter ena))le us to carry out the important reasons foi- wliicli this Commission was created. ^'ours res})ectfully, W. \V. VAN ARSDALE, W. E. GERBER, Fi><. San Francisco, Cal., September, 1904. APPENDIX TO THE EIGHTEENTH BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 1903-1904 CONTENTS, Page. 1. PACIFIC SPECIES OF SALMON AND TROUT. By David Starr Jordan, Prosidcnt of Lelaiul Stanford Junior T^nivcrsity 75 2. THE PARENT-STREAM THEORY OF THE RETURN OF SALMON. By David Starr Jordan, President of Leland Stanford Junior University 98 ;i ARTIFICIAL PROPAGATION OF SALMON IN THE SACRAMENTO RIVER. By Cloudslet Ritter, Naturalist. LT. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross.- 103 SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. 4. AH KING. Petitioner, vs. POLICE COURT OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO, Respondent. (139 Cal. 718) 108 Fish and Game Law — Title of Act — Constititional Law. The preservation of tish and game is a single subject of legislation; and the Fish and Game Law is not invalidated by the constitutional provision requiring Acts of the Legislature to embrace but one subject, to be expressed in their titles. 5. THE PEOPLE, Respondent, vs. THOMAS J. MILES AND S. S. DINWIDDIE. Appellants. (143 Cal. 636) 108 Criminal Law— Violation of Fishing Law — Use of Set-Net in Slough. Under the fishing law jirescribed in Section 636 of the Penal Code, the use of a set-net in any waters of the State is forbidden, and it is not material whether the waters have a current or tide. A net in a slough connected with a navigable river must be left free to drift, and not be set or permanent. 6. THE PEOPLE, Respondent, ;•*■. PAUL HAAGEN, Appellant. (139 Cal. 115)-_ 110 Criminal Law— Violation of Fishing Law — Penalty— Constriction of Penal Code — Jurisdiction of Superior Court — Case Affirmed. The Superior Court has jurisdiction of a criminal prosecution for the violation of Section 634 of the Penal Code in regard to the possession and sale of fresh salmon between the tenth of September and the sixteenth of October of a specified year. That section fixes no maximum limit of penalty for the offense ; and its construction is not affected by Section 19 of the Penal Code. The case of People vs. Tom Xop, 124 Cal. 150, affirmed and applied. Id. Defect in Information — Omission of Word. The omission of the word "did" before the verbs "have" and "sell" in the information, thereby making these verbs in the wrong tense, is a mere defect in matter of form, not tending to the prejudice of a substantial right of defendant upon the merits, and is not ground for reversal. Id. Date of Catching of Fish — Rejection of Evidence— Case Affirmed. Where the charge is to the effect that on the eleventh day of September, being the first day of tlie prohibited season, the defendant unlawfully had in his possession and sold fresh salmon, it was not error to refttse evidence that the fish were caught prior to that date. The case of E.r Parte Moier, 103 Cal. ■476 (1), affirmed and applied. Adviuice Notes from "A (iuiilf to Ihc Sliidv oi' 1m<1ic^. " I'.v (■(Hirtcsv ca. The air- bladder is large. The eggs are usually much larger than in fishes gen- erally, and the ovaries are without special duct, the ova falling into 76 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FI8H COMMISSIONERS. the cavity of the abdomen before exclusion. The large size of the eggs, their lark of adhesiveness, and the readiness with which they may be impregnated, render the Salmonidse peculiarly adapted for artificial culture. The Stihno)ii(bc are peculiar to the North Temperate and Arctic regions, and within this range they are almost equally abundant wher- ever suitable waters occur. Some of the species, especially the larger ones, are marine and anadromous, living and growing in the sea, and ascending fresh waters to spawn. Still others live in running brooks, entering lakes or the sea when occasion serves, but not habitually doing so. Still others are lake fishes, approaching the shore or enter- ing brooks in the spawning season, at other times retiring to waters of considerable depth. Some of them are active, voracious, and gamy, while others are comparatively defenseless and will not take the hook. They are divisible into ten easily recognized genera: CoregonuH, Argyr- osovius, Plecoglofi^us. Brachymystax, Stenodus, Oncorhynchus, Salmo, Hvcho, Cristiromer, and Salvelinus. Fragments of fossil trout, very imperfectly known, are recorded chiefly from Pleistocene deposits of Idaho, under the name of Rhabdo- fario larvstrifi. We have also received from Dr. C. Merriam, from ferru- ginous sands of the same region, several fragments of jaws of salmon in the hook-nosed condition, Avith enlarged teeth, showing that the pres- ent salmon runs have been in operation for many thousands of years. Most other fragments hitherto referred to Salmonidse, belong to some other kind of fish. Oncorhynchus, the Quinnat Salmon. — The genus Oncorhynchus contains the salmon of the Pacific. They are in fact, as well as in name, the king salmon. The genus is closely related to Salmo, with which it agrees in general as to the structure of its vomer, and from which it differs in the increased number of anal rays, branchiostegals, pyloric coeca, and gill-rakers. The character most convenient for dis- tinguishing Oncorhynchus, young or old, from all the species of Salmo, is the number of developed rays in the anal fin. These in Oncorhynchus are thirteen to twenty, in Sahno, nine to twelve. The species of Oncorhynchus have long been known as anadromous salmon, confined to the North Pacific. The species were first made known nearly one hundred and fifty years ago by that most exact of early observers, Steller, who almost simultaneously with Kraschen- innikov, another early investigator, distinguished them with perfect accuracy under their Russian vernacular names. These Russian names were, in 1792, adopted by Walbaum as specific names in giving to these animals a scientific nomenclature. Five species of Oncorhynchus are well known on both shores of the North Pacific, besides one other in Japan. These have been greatly misunderstood by early observers REPORT OF STATE BOARD OE FISH COMMISSIONERS. 77 on account of the extraordinary changes due to differences in surround- ings, in sex and in age, and in conditions connected with the ]n-ocess of reproduction. There are five species of sahuon {Oarorhytu-hus) in the; waters of the North Pacific, all found on l)oth sides, hesides one other whicli is known only from the waters of .Japan. These species may be called: (1) the quinnat, or king salmon, (2) the l)lue-l)ack salmon, or rcdfisli, (;>) tlie silver salmon, (4) the dog salmon, (5) tlie ]unnpl)ack salmon, and ((>) the masu; or (1) Onrnrhyiichus tsckawytscha, (2) Oncorhyiirliu>i nerka, (3) OncnrhynrJnis milJdschitch. (4) Oncorhynchus keta, (5) Onrorhyrirhus gorbuscha, (6) Ortcorhyurlm>< nxisov. All these species save the last are now known to occur in the waters of Kamchatka, as well as in those of Alaska and Oregon. These species, in all their varied conditions, may usually be distinguished by the characters given below. Other differences of form, color, and appearance are absolutely valueless for distinction, unless specimens of the same age, sex, and condition are compared. The quinnat salmon {Onrorliyiirhas UchawytHclui)* , called quinnat, tyee, chinook, or king salmon, has an average weight of 22 pounds, but individuals weighing 70 to 100 pounds are occasionally taken. It has about 16 anal rays, 15 to 19 In-anchiostegals, 23 (9+14) gill-rakers on the anterior gill-arch, and 140 to 185 pyloric coeca. The scales are com- paratively large, there being from 130 to 155 in a longitudinal series. In the spring the body is silvery, the back, dorsal fin, and caudal fin having more or less of round black spots, and the sides of the head having a peculiar tin-colored metallic luster. In the fall the color is often black or dirty red, and the species can then be distinguished from the dog salmon by its larger size and by its technical cliaracters. The flesh is rich and salmon-red, becoming suddenly pale as the spawning season draws near. The blue-back salmon {Oncorhynchus nerka) \, also called red salmon, sukkegh, or sockeye, usually weighs from 5 to ca. The gill-rakers are more numerous than in any other salmon, the number being usually about 89 (16-f23). The scales are larger, there being 130 to 140 in the lateral line. In the spring the form is plumply rounded, and the color is a clear bright blue above, silvery below, and everywhere innuaculate. Young fishes often sliow a few round black spots, which disappear when they enter the sea. Fall *For valual)le accounts of tlie habits of this species the reader is referred to papers by the late Cloudsley Rutter, ichthyologist of the Albatross, in tlie publications of the United States Fish Commission, the " Popular Science Monthly," and the "Overland Monthly." tPor valuable records of the natural history of this species the reader is referred to various papers by Dr. Barton Warren Evermann in the bulletins of the United States Fish Commission and elsewhere. 78 ■ RKl'ORT OF STA'PK BOAKD OK I'ISII COMMTSSIONERS. specimens in tlic lakes are bright crimson in color, the head clear olive-green, and they become in a higli degree hook-nosed and slab- sided, and bear little resemblance to the spring run. Young spawning male grilse follow the changes which take place in the adult, although often not more than half a pound in weight. These little fishes often appear in mountain lakes, but whether they are landlocked or have come up from the sea is still unsettled. These dM^arf forms, called kokos by the Indians and benimasre in Japan, form the subspecies OncorJij/iicliUS nerka kcnnerlyi. The flesh in this species is firmer than that of any other and very red, of good flavor though drier and less rich than the king salmon. The silver salmon, or coho (Oncorhynchus milktsehiterh or kisutch), reaches a weight of 5 to 8 pounds. It has 13 developed rays in the anal, lo branchiostegals, 23 (10+13) gill-rakers, and 45 to 80 pyloric coeca. There are about 127 scales in the lateral line. The scales are thin and all except those of the lateral line readily fall off. Tins feature distinguishes the species readily from the red salmon. In color it is silvery in spring, greenish above, and with a few faint black spots on the upper parts only. In the fall the males are mostly of a dirty red. The flesh in this species is of excellent flavor, but pale in color, and hence less valued than that of the quinnat and the red salmon. The dog salmon, calico salmon, or clium, called sake in Japan {Onrorhynrhii>i krt^rh is generally common, and with masou is known as masu, or small salmon, as distinguished from the large salmon, or sake. Tschawytscha and gorhuschd are unknown in Japan. Masou has not been found elsewhere. The <]uinnat and l)lue-back salmon, the " noble salmon," habitually " run "' in the sjtring, the others in the fall. The usual order of run- ning in the rivers is as follows: tschawytscha, nerka, milktsr kitsch, (jorhuscha, keta. Those which run first go farthest. In the Yukon the quinnat runs as far as Caribou Crossing and Lake Bennett, 2,250 miles. The red salmon runs to " Forty-Mile," which is nearly 1,800 miles. Both ascend to the head of the Columbia, Fraser, and Nass, Skeena, Stikeen, and Taku rivers. The (piinnat runs practically only in the streams of large size, fed with melting snows; the red salmon only in streams which pass through lakes. It spawns only in small streams at the head of a lake. The other species spawn in almost any fresh water and only close to the sea. The economic value of the spring-running salmon is far greater than that of the other species, because they can be captured in numbers when at their best, while the others are usuall}^ taken only after dete- rioration. The habits of the salmon in the ocean are not easily studied. Quin- nat and silver salmon of all sizes are taken with the seine at almost any season in Puget Sound and among the islands of Alaska. This would indicate that these species do not go far from the shore. The silver salmon certainly does not. The quinnat pursues the schools of herring. It takes the hook freely in Monterey Bay, both near the shore 80 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISPIOXERS. and at a distance of six to eight miles out. We have reason to beheve that these two species do not necessarily seek great depths, but proba- bly remain not very far from the mouth of the rivers in which they Avere spawned. The blue-back or red salmon certainly seeks deeper water, as it is seldom or never taken with the seine along shore, and it is known to enter the Straits of Fuca in July, just before the running season, therefore coming in from the open sea. The great majority of the quinnat salmon, and probably all the blue-back salmon, enter the rivers in the spring. The run of the quinnat begins generally at the last of March; it lasts, witli various modifications and interruptions, until the actual spawning season in November, the greatest runs being in early June in Alaska, in July in the Columbia. The run begins earli- est in the northernmost rivers, and in the longest streams, the time of running and the proportionate amount in each of the subordinate runs varying with each different river. In general, the runs are slack in the summer and increase with the first high water of autumn. By the last of August (inly straggling blue-backs can be found in the lower course of any stream; but both in the Columbia and in the Sacramento the quinnat runs in considerable numbers at least till October. In the Sacramento the run is greatest in the fall, and more run in the sum- mer than in spring. In the Sacramento and the smaller rivers south- ward there is a winter run, beginning in December. The spring c|uinnat salmon ascends only those rivers which are fed by the melting snows from the mountains and which have sufficient volume to send their waters well out to sea. Those salmon wliirli run in the spring are chiefly adults (supposed to be at least three years old). Their milt and spawn are no more developed than at the same time in others of the same species which have not yet entered the rivers. It would appear that the contact with cold fresh water, when in the ocean, in some way causes them to run toward it, and to run before there is any special influence to that end exerted by the development of the organs of generation. High water on any of these rivers in the spring is alwaj's followed by an increased run nf salmon. The salmon-canners think — and this is probably true — that salmon which would not have run till later are brought up by the contact with the cold water. The cause of this effect of cold fresh water is not understood. We may call it an instinct of the salmon, which is another way of expressing our ignorance. In general, it seems to be true that in those rivers and during those years when the spring rtm is greatest the fall run is least to be depended on. The blue-back salmon runs chiefly in .July and early August, begin- ning in late June in the Chilcoot River, where some were found actually spawning July 15 ; beginning after the middleof July in the Fraser River. . As the season advances, smaller and younger salmon of these species REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 81 (quinnat and blue-back) enter the rivers to spawn, and in tlie fall these young specimens are very numerous. We have thus far failed to notice any gradations in size or appearance of these young fish by which their ages could be ascertained. It is, however, probable that some of both sexes reproduce at the age of one year. In. the Fraser River, in the fall, quin- nat male grilse of every size, from eight inches upward, were running, the milt fully developed, but usually not showing the hooked jaws and dark colors of the older males. Females less tlian eighteen inches in length were not seen. All of either sex, large and small, then in the river had the ovaries or milt developed. Little blue-backs of every size, down to six inches, are also found in the upper Columbia in the fall, with their organs of generation fully developed. Nineteen twen- tieths of these young fish are males, and some of them have the hooked jaws and red color of the old males. Apparently all these young fishes, like the old ones, die after spawning. The average weight of the adult quinnat in the Columljia, in the spring, is 22 pounds; in the Sacramento, about 16 pounds. Individuals weighing from 40 to 60 pounds are frequently found in both rivers, and some as high as 80 or even 100 pounds are recorded, especially in Alaska, where the species tends to run larger. It is questionable whether these large fishes are those which, of the same age, have grown more rapidly ; those which are older, but have for some reason failed to spawn; or those which have survived one or more spawning seasons. All these origins may be possible in individual cases. There is, how- ever, no positive evidence that any salmon of the Pacific survives the spawning season. Those fish which enter the rivers in the spring continue their ascent until death or the spawning season overtakes them. Doubtless not one of them ever returns to the ocean, and a large proportion fail to spawn. They are known to ascend the Sacramento to its extreme headwaters, about four hundred miles. In the Columbia they ascend as far as the Bitter Root and Sawtooth mountains of Idaho, and their extreme limit is not known. This is a distance of nearly a thousand miles. In the Yukon a few ascend to Caribou Crossing and Lake Bennett, 2,250 miles. At these great distances, when the fish have reached the spawn- ing grounds, besides the usually changes of the breeding season their bodies are covered with bruises, on which patches of white fungus {Saprolegnia) develop. The fins become mutilated, their eyes are often injured or destroyed, parasitic worms gather in their gills, they become extremely emaciated, their flesh becomes white from the loss of oil; and as soon as the spawning act is accomplished, and sometimes before, all of them die. The ascent of the Cascades and the Dalles of the Columbia causes the injury or death of a great many salmon. When the salmon enter the river they refuse to take bait, and their 6— FC 82 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. stomachs are always found empty and contracted. In the rivers they do not feed; and when thej' reach the spawning grounds their stomachs, pyloric coeca and all, are said to be no larger than one's finger. They will sometimes take the fly, or a hook baited with salmon-roe, in the clear waters of the upper tributaries, but this is apparently solely out of annoyance, snapping at the meddling line. Only the quinnat and blue-back (there called red fish) have been found at any great distance from the sea, and these (as adult fishes) only in late summer and fall. The spawning season is probably about the same for all the species. It varies for each of the different rivers, and for different parts of the same river. It doubtless extends from Jul}' to December, and takes place usualh' as soon as the temperature of the Avater falls to 54°. The manner of spawning is probably similar for all the species. In the (|uinnat the fishes pair off; the male, with tail and snout, excavates a broad, shallow "nest"" in the gravelly bed of the stream, in rapid water, at a depth of one to four feet, and the female deposits her eggs in it. They then float down the stream tail foremost, the only fashion in which salmon descend to the sea. As already stated, in the head- waters of the large streams, unquestionably, all die; it is the belief of the writer that none ever survive. The young hatch in sixty days, and most of them return to the ocean during the high water of the spring. They enter the river as adults at the age of about four years. The salmon of all kinds in the spring are silvery, spotted or not according to the species, and with the mouth about equally symmet- rical in both sexes. As the spawning season approaches the female loses her silvery color, becomes more slimy, the scales on the back partly sink into the skin, and the flesh changes from salmon-red and becomes variously paler, from the loss of oil; the degree of paleness varying much with individuals and with inhabitants of different rivers. In the Sacramento the flesh of the quinnat, in either spring or fall, is rarely pale. In the Columbia a few with pale flesh are some- times taken in spring, and an increasing number from July on. In the Eraser River the fall run of the quinnat is nearly worthless for canning purposes, because so many are "' white-meated." In the spring very few are "white-meated"; but the number increases toward fall, when there is every variation, some having red streaks running through them, others being red toward the head and pale toward the tail. The red and pale ones can not be distinguished externally, and the color is dependent on neither age nor sex. There is said to be no difference in the taste, but there is little market for canned salmon not of the con- ventional orange-color. As the season advances the difference between the males and females becomes more and more marked, and keeps pace with the development of the milt, as is shown by dissection. The males have (1) the pre- REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 83 maxillaries and the tip of the lower jaw more and luure prolonged both of the jaws becoming finally strongly and often extravagantly hooked, so that either they shut by tlie side of each other like shears, or else the mouth can not be closed. (2) The front teeth become very long and canine-like, their growth proceeding very rapidly, until they are often half an inch long. (3) The teeth on the vomer and tongue often disappear. (4) The body grows more compressed and deeper at the shoulders, so that a very distinct hump is formed; this is more developed in the humpback salmon, but is found in all. (5) The scales disappear, especially on the back, by the grow^th of spongy skin. (6) The color changes from silvery to various shades of black and red, or blotchy, according to the species. The blue-back turns rosy-red, the head bright olive; the dog salmon a dull red witli blackish bars, and the quinnat generally blackish. The distorted males are commonly considered worthless, rejected by the canners and salmon-salters, but preserved by the Indians. These changes are due solely to influences connected with the growth of the reproductive organs. They are not in any way due to the action of fresh water. They take place at about the same time in the adult males of all species, whether in the ocean or in the rivers. At the time of the spring runs all are symmetrical. In the fall all males, of whatever species, are more or less distorted. Among the dog salmon, which run only in the fall, the males are hook-jawed and red-blotched when they first enter the Straits of Fuca from the outside. The humpback, taken in salt water about Seattle, have the same peculiarities. The male is slab-sided, hook-billed, and distorted, and is rejected by the canners. No hook-jaw^ed females of any species have been seen. On first entering a stream the salmon swim about as if playing. They always head toward the current, and this appearance of playing may be simply due to facing the moving tide. Afterwards they enter the deepest parts of the stream and swim straight up, with few" inter- ruptions. Their rate of travel at Sacramento is estimated by Stone at about two miles per day; on the Columbia, at about three miles per day. Those which enter the Columbia in the spring and ascend to the moun- tain rivers of Idaho must go at a more rapid rate than this, as they must make an average of ^nearly four miles per day. As already stated, the economic value of any species depends in great part on its being a " spring salmon." It is not generally possible to capture salmon of any species in large numbers until they have entered the estuaries or rivers, and the spring salmon entered the large rivers long before the growth of the organs of reproduction has reduced the richness of the flesh. The fall salmon can not be taken in quantity until their flesh has deteriorated; hence the dog salmon is practically almost worthless except to the Indians, and the humpback salmon was 8-4 HErOUT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. regarded as little better until comparatively recently, Avhen it has been placed on the market in cans as " Pink Salmon." It sells for about half the price of the red salmon and one third that of the quinnat. The red salmon is smaller than the quinnat but, outside the Sacramento and the Columbia, far more abundant, and at present it exceeds the quinnat in economic value. The pack of red salmon in Alaska amounted in 1902 to over two million cases (48 pounds each), worth wholesale about $4.00 per case, or about $8,000,000. The other species in Alaska yield about one million cases, the total wholesale value of the pack for 1902 being $8,667,673. The aggregate value of the quinnat is considerably less, but either species far exceed in vakie all other fishes of the Pacific taken together. The silver salmon is found in the inland waters of Puget Sound for a considerable time before the fall rains cause the fall runs, and it may be taken in large numbers with seines before the season for entering the rivers. The fall salmon of all species, but especially of the dog salmon, ascend streams but a short distance before spawning. They seem to be in great anxiety to find fresh water, and many of them work their way up little brooks only a few inches deep, where they perish miserably, floundering about on the stones. Every stream, of whatever kind, from San Fran- cisco to Bering Sea, has more or less of these fall salmon. The absence of the fine spring salmon in the streams of Japan is the cause of the relative unimportance of the river fisheries of the northern island of Japan, Hokkaido. It is not likely that either the quinnat or the red salmon can be introduced into these rivers, as they have no snow-fed streams, and few of them pass through lakes which are not shut off by waterfalls. For the same reason neither of these species is likely to become naturalized in the waters of our Eastern States, though it is worth while to bring the red salmon to the St. Lawrence. The silver salmon, already abundant in Japan, should thrive in the waters and bays of New England. Salmon-Packing. — The canning of salmon, that is, the packing of the flesh in tin cases, hermetically sealed after boiling, was begun on the Columbia River by the Hume Brothers in 1866. In 1874 canneries were established on the Sacramento River, in 1876 on Puget Sound and on Eraser River, and in 1878 in Alaska. At first only the quinnat sal- mon was packed; afterwards the red salmon and the silver salmon, and finally the humpback, known commercially as pink salmon. In most cases the flesh is packed in one-pound tins, forty-eight of which consti- tute a case. The wholesale price in 1903 was for quinnat salmon $5.60 per case, red salmon $4.00, silver salmon $2.60, humpback salmon $2.00, and dog salmon $1.50. It costs in round numbers $2.00 to pack a case of salmon. The very low price of the inferior brands is due to over- production. KEPOKT OF STATE BOAKU OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 85 The output of the salmon fishery of the Pacific Coast amounts to about fifteen millions per year, that of Alaska constituting seven or nine millions of this amount. Of this amount the red salmon consti- tutes somewhat more than half, tlie quinnat al)0ut four fifths of the rest. In almost all salmon streams there is evidence of considerable dimi- nution in numbers, although the evidence is sometimes conflicting. In Alaska this has been due to the vicious custom, now done away with, of barricading the streams so that the fish could not reach the spawn- ing grounds, but might be all taken with the net. In the Columbia River the reduction in numbers is mainly due to stationary traps and salmon-wheels, which leave the first relatively little chance to reach the spawning grounds. In years of high water doubtless many salmon run in the spring which might have otherwise waited until fall. The key to the situation lies in the artificial propagation of salmon by means of well-ordered hatcheries. By this means the fisheries of the Sacramento have been fully restored, those of the Columbia approxi- mately maintained, and a hopeful beginning has been made in hatch- ing red salmon in Alaska. SALMO, THE TROUT, AND ATLANTIC SALMON. The genus Salvia comprises those forms of salmon which have been longest known. As in related genera, the mouth is large, and the jaws, palatines, and tongue are armed with strong teeth. The vomer is flat, its shaft not depressed below the level of the head or chevron (the anterior end). There are a few teeth on the chevron; and behind it, on the shaft, there is either a double series of teeth or an irregular single series. These teeth in the true salmon disappear with age, but in the others (the black-spotted trout) they are persistent. The scales are silvery and moderate or small in size. There are 9 to 11 developed rays in the anal fin. The caudal fin is truncate, or variously concave or forked. There are usually 40 to 70 pyloric coeca, 11 or 12 branchi- ostegals, and about 20 (8+12) gill-rakers. The sexual peculiarities are in general less marked than in Oncorhynchus; they are also greater in the anadromous species than in those which inhabit fresh waters. In general, the male in the breeding season is redder, its jaws are prolonged, the front teeth enlarged, the lower jaw turned upward at the end, and the upper jaw notched, or sometimes even perforated, by the tip of the lower. All the species of Salmo (like those of Oncorhyn- chus) are more or less spotted with black. Unlike the species of Oncorhynchus, the species of Sahno feed more or less while in fresh water, and the individuals for the most part do not die after spawn- ing, although many old males do thus perish. 86 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. The black-spotted trout, forming the subgenus Sahn-, differ from Salmo salar and Salmo trutta in the greater development of the vom- erine teeth, which are persistent throughout life, in a long double series on the shaft of the vomer. About seven species are laboriously distin- guished by Dr. Guenther in the waters of western Europe. Most of these are regarded by Dr. Day as varieties of Salmo fario. The latter species, the common river-trout or lake-trout of Europe, is found through- out northern and central Europe, wherever suitable waters occur. It is abundant, gamy, takes the hook readily, and is excellent as food. It is more hardy than the different species of charr, although from an aesthetic point of view it must be regarded as inferior to all of the Sal- velini. The largest river-trout recorded by Dr. Day weighed twenty- one pounds. Such large individuals are usually found in lakes in the north, well stocked with smaller fishes on which trout may feed. Farther south, where the surroundings are less favorable to trout life, they become mature at a length of less than a foot, and a weight of a few ounces. These excessive variations in the size of individuals have received too little notice from students of Salmonida' . Similar varieties occur in all the non-migratory species of Salmo and of Salvelinus. Numerous river-trout have been recorded from northern Asia, but as yet nothing can be definitely stated as to the number of species actually existing. In North America only the region west of the Mississippi Valley, the streams of southeastern Alaska, and the valley of the Mackenzie River have species of black-spotted trout. There are few of these north of Sitka in Alaska, although black-spotted trout are occasionally taken on Kadiak and al^out Bristol Bay, and none east of the Rocky Mountain region. If we are to follow the usage of the names " salmon " and " trout " which prevails in England, we should say that, in America, it is only these western regions which have any trout at all. Of the num- ber of species (about twenty-five in all) which have been indicated by authors, certainly not more than about eight to ten can possibly be regarded as distinct species. The other names are either useless syno- nyms, or else they have been applied to local varieties which pass by degrees into the ordinary types. In the western part of America are found more than a score of trout of the genus Salmo, all closely related and difficult to distinguish- There are representatives in the headwaters of the Rio Grande, Arkan- sas, South Platte, Missouri, and Colorado rivers; also in the Great Salt Lake basin, throughout the Columbia basin, and in all suitable waters from southern California and Chihuahua to Sitka, and even to Bristol Bay, similar forms again appearing in Kamchatka and Japan. Among the various more or less tangible species tliat may be recog- nized, three distinct series app ^. These have been termed the cut- KEPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 87 throat-trout series (allies of Salmo clarHi), the rainbow-trout series (allies of Salmo irideus), and the steelhead series (allies of Salmo gairdneri). The steelhead, or (jairdneri, series is found in the coastwise streams of California and in the streams of Oregon and Washington, below the great Shoshone Falls of Snake River, and northward in Alaska along the mainland as far as Skagway. The steelhead trout reaches a large size (10 to 20 pounds). They spend a large part of their life in the sea. In all the true steelheads the head is relatively very short, its length being contained about five times in the distance from tip of snout to base of caudal fin. The scales in the steelhead are always rather small, about 150 in a linear series, and there is no red under the throat. The spots on the dorsal fin are fewer in the steelhead (4 to 6 rows) than in the other American trout. The rainbow forms are chiefly confined to the streams of California and Oregon. In these the scales are large (about 135 in a lengthwise series), and the head is relatively large, forming nearly one fourth of the length to base of caudal fin. These enter the sea only when in the small coastwise streams and have usually no red under the throat. The cutthroat forms are found from Humboldt Bay northward as far as Sitka, in the coastwise streams of northern California, Oregon, Wash- ington, and Alaska, and all the clear streams on both sides of the Rocky Mountains, and in the Great Basin and the headwaters of the Colorado. The cutthroat trout have the scales small, about 180, and there is always a bright dash of orange-red on each side concealed beneath the branches of the lower jaw. Along the western slope of the Sierra Nevada there are also forms of trout with the general appearance of rainbow trout and evidently belong- ing to that species, but with scales intermediate in number (in McCloud River), var. shasta, or with scales as small as in the typical cutthroat (Kern River), var. gilherti. In these small-scaled forms more or less red appears below the lower jaw, and they are doubtless what they appear to be, really intermediate between darkii and irideus, although certainly nearest the latter. A similar series of forms occurs in the Columbia basin, the upper Snake being inhabited by darkii and the lower Snake by darkii and gairdneri^ together with a medley of forms apparently intermediate. It seems probable that the American trout originated in Asia, extended its range to southeast Alaska, thence southward to the Fraser and Col- umbia, thence to the Yellowstone and the Missouri via Two-Ocean Pass; from the Snake River to the Great Basins of Utah and Nevada; from the Missouri southward to the Platte and the Arkansas, thence from the Platte to the Rio Grande and the Colorado, and then from the Colo- rado again from Oregon southward c Hwise and along the Sierra to 88 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. northern Mexico, thence northward and coastwise, the sea-running forms passing from stream to stream. Of the American species the rainbow trout of California (Salmoiri- deus) most nearly approaches the European Salmo fario. It has the scales comparatively large, although rather smaller than in SdhnofariOy the usual number in a longitudinal series being about 185. The mouth is smaller than in other American trout; the maxillary, except in old males, rarely extending beyond the eye. The caudal fin is well forked, becoming in very old fishes more nearly truncate. The head is relatively large, about four times in the total length. The size of the head forms the best distinctive character. The color, as in all the other species, is bluish, the sides silvery in the males, with a red lateral band, and reddish and dusky blotches. The head, back, and upper fins are sprinkled with round black spots, which are very variable in number, those in the dorsal usually in about nine rows. In specimens taken in the sea this species, like most other trout in similar conditions, is bright silvery, and sometimes immaculate. This species is especially characteristic of the waters of California. It abounds in every clear brook, from the Mexican line northward to Mount Shasta, or beyond, the species passing in the Columbia region by degrees into the variety or form known as Salmo masoni, the Oregon rainbow trout, a small rain- bow trout common in the forest streams of Oregon, with smaller mouth and fewer spots on the dorsal. No true rainbow trout have been anywhere obtained to the eastward of the Cascade range or of the Sierra Nevada, except as artificially planted in the Truckee River. The species varies nuich in size; specimens from northern California often reach a weight of six pounds, while in the streams above Tia Juana in Lower California, the southernmost locality from which I have obtained trout, they seldom exceed a length of six inches. Although not usually an anadromous species, the rainbow trout frequently moves about in the rivers, and it often enters the sea, large sea-run specimens being often taken for steel- heads. Several attempts have been made to introduce it in Eastern streams, but it appears to seek the sea when it is lost. It is apparently more hardy and less greedy than the American charr, or brook-trout {Salvelinus fontinalis). On the other hand, it is distinctly inferior to the latter in beauty and in gaminess. Three varieties of some importance have been indicated: Salmo iri- deus fitonei, the Nissui trout of the Klamath, with spots posteriorly only rarely; Salmo irideus shasta, of the upper Sacramento; and the small-scaled Salmo irideus gilherti, of the Kings and Kern rivers. In the headwaters of the Kern the waterfall of Agua-Bonita shuts off the movements of the trout. Above this fall is a dwarf form with bright golden fins, and the scales scarcely imbricated. This is the "golden trout of Mount Whitney," Salvio irideus agua-honita. It will REPORT OF 8TATE BOARD OF FISII COMMISSIONERS. 89 probably be found to change back to the original type if propagated in different waters. In beauty of color, gracefulness of form and movement, sprightliness when in the water, reckless dash with which it springs from the water to meet the descending fly ere it strikes the surface, and the mad and repeated leaps from the water when hooked, the rainbow trout must ever hold a very high rank. "The gamest fish we have ever seen," writes Dr. Evermann, " was a 16-inch rainbow taken on a fly in a small spring branch tributary of Williamson River in southern Oregon. It was in a broad and deep pool of exceedingly clear water. As the angler from behind a clump of willows made the cast the trout bounded from the water and met the lly in the air a foot or more above the surface; missing it he dropped upon the water, only to turn about and strike viciously a second time at the fly just as it touched the surface; though he again missed the fly, the hook caught him in the lower jaw from the outside, and then began a fight which would delight the heart of any angler. His first effort was to reach the bottom of the pool, then, doubling upon the line, he made three jumps from the water in quick succession, clearing the surface in each instance from one to four feet, and every time doing his utmost to free himself from the hook by shaking his head as vigorously as a dog shakes a rat. Then he would rush wildly about in tlie large pool, now attempting to go down over the riffle below the pool, now trying the opposite direction, and often striving to hide under one or the other of the Imnks. It was easy to handle the fish when the dash was made up or down stream or for the opposite side, but when he turned about and made a rush for the protec- tion of the overhanging bank upon which the angler stood it was not easy to keep the line taut. Movements such as these were frequently repeated, and two more leaps were made. But finally he was worn out after as honest a fight as trout ever made." " The rainbow takes the fly so readily that there is no reason for resorting to grasshoppers, salmon eggs, or other bait. It is a fish whose gaminess will satisfy the most exacting of expert anglers and whose readiness to take any proper line will please the most impatient of inexperienced amateurs." The steelhead {Sahno rivularU) is a large trout, reaching 12 to 20 pounds in weight, found abundantly in river estuaries and sometimes in lakes from Lynn Canal to Santa Barbara. The spent fish abound in the rivers in spring at the time of the salmon run. The species is rarely canned, but is valued for shipment in cold storage. Its bones are much more firm than those of the salmon — a trait unfavorable for canning purposes. The flesh when not spent after spawning is excellent. The steelhead does not die after spawning, as all the Pacific salmon do. It is thought by some anglers that the young fish hatched in the 90 REPORT OF i^TATE ROAKD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. brooks from eggs of the steelhead remain in mountain streams from six to thirty-six months, going down to the sea with the high waters of spring, after which they return to spawn as typical steelhead trout. I now regard this view as unfounded. In my experience the rainbow and the steelhead are always distinguishable: the steelhead abounds where the rainbow trout is unknown; the scales in the steelhead are always smaller (about 155) than in typical rainbow trout; finally, the small size of the head in the steelhead is always distinctive. The Kamloops trout, described by the writer from the upper Colum- bia, seems to be a typical steelhead as found well up the rivers away from the sea. Derived from the steelhead, but apparently quite distinct from it, are three very noble trout, all confined so far as yet known to Lake Crescent in northwestern Washington. These are the crescent trout, Salmo crescentis, the Beardslee trout, Srdvio heardsleei, and the long-headed trout, Salmo hathoecetor. The first two, discovered by Admiral L. A. Beardslee, are trout of peculiar attractiveness and excel- lence. The third is a deep-water form, never rising to the surface, and caught only on set lines. Its origin is still uncertain, and it may be derived from some type other than the steelhead. Cutthroat or Red-throated Trout. — This species has much smaller scales than the rainbow trout or steelhead. the usual number in a longitudinal series being IBO to 170. Its head is longer (about four times in length to base of caudal). Its mouth is proportionately larger, and there is alwa^'s a narroAv band of small teeth on the hyoid bone at the base of the tongue. These teeth are always wanting in Salvia iridevs and rivvlari^. in which species the rim of the tongue only has teeth. The color in Salmo clarkii is, as in other species, exceedingly variable. In life there is always a deep-red l)lotch on the throat.. between the liranches of the lower jaw and the membrane con- necting them. This is not found in other species, or is reduced to a narrow strip or pinkish shade. It seems to be constant in all varieties of Salmo darlii. at all ages, thus furnishing a good distinctive character. It is the sign manual of the Sioux Indians, and the anglers have already accepted from this mark the name of cutthroat trout. The cutthroat trout of some species is found in every suitable river and lake in the Great Basin of Utah, in the streams of Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana, on both sides of the Rocky Mountains. It is also found throughout Oregon. Washington, Idaho, British Columbia, the coast- wise islands of southeastern Alaska (Baranof. etc.), to Kadiak and Bristol Bay, probably no stream or lake suitable for trout-life being without it. In California the species seems to be comparatively rare, and its range rarely extending south of Cape Mendocino. Large sea- run individuals analogous to the steelheads are sometimes found in the mouth of the Sacramento. In Washington and Alaska this species REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 91 regularly enters the sea. In Puget Sound it is a common fish. These sea-run individuals are more silvery and less spotted than those found in the mountain streams and lakes. The size of Salmo clarkii is sub- ject to much variation. Ordinarily four to six pounds is a large size; but in certain favored waters, as Lake Tahoe, and the fjords of south- eastern Alaska, specimens from 20 to 30 pounds are occasionally taken. Those species or individuals dwelling in lakes of considerable size, where the water is of such temperature and depth as insures an ample food-supply, will reach a large size, while those in a restricted environ- ment, where both the water and food are limited, will be small directly in proportion to these environing restrictions. The trout of the Klamath Lakes, for example, reach a weight of at least 17 pounds, while in Fish Lake in Idaho mature trout do not exceed 8 to 9^ inches in total length or one-fourth pound in weight. In small creeks in the Sawtooth Mountains and elsewhere they reach maturity at a length of 5 or 6 inches, and are often spoken of as brook-trout and with the impression that they are a species different from the larger ones found in the lakes and larger streams. But as all sorts and gradations between these extreme forms may be found in the intervening and con- necting waters, the differences are not even of subspecific significance. Dr. Evermann observes: "The various forms of cutthroat trout vary greatly in game qualities; even the same subspecies in different waters, in different parts of its habitat, or at different seasons, will vary greatly in this regard. In general, however, it is perhaps a fair statement to say that the cutthroat trout are regarded by anglers as being inferior in gaminess to the Eastern brook-trout. Bat while this is true, it must not by any means be inferred that it is without game qualities, for it is really a fish which possesses those qualities in a very high degree. Its vigor and voraciousness are determined largely, of course, by the char- acter of the stream or lake in which it lives. The individuals which dwell in cold streams about cascades and seething rapids will show marvelous strength and Avill make a fight which is rarely equaled by its Eastern cousin; while in warmer and larger streams and lakes they may be very sluggish and show but little fight. Yet this is by . no means always true. In the Klamath Lakes, where the trout grow very large and where they are often very logy, one is occasionally hooked which tries to the utmost the skill of the angler to prevent his tackle from being smashed and at the same time save the fish." Of the various forms derived from Salmo clarkii, some mere varieties, some distinct species, the following are among the most marked: Salmo henshaivi, the trout of Lake Tahoe and its tributaries and out- let, Truckee River, found in fact also in the Humboldt and the Carson and throughout the basin of the former glacial lake called Lake Lahon- tan. This is a distinct species from Salmo clarkii and must be regarded 92 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. as the finest of all the cutthroat trout. It is readily known by its spotted belly, the black spots being evenly scattered over the whole sur- face of the body, above and below. This is an excellent game-fish, and from Lake Tahoe and Pyramid Lake it is brought in large numbers to the markets of San Francisco. In the depths of Lake Tahoe, which is the finest mountain lake of the Sierra Nevada, occurs a very large variety which spawns in the lake, Salmo henshawi tahoensis. This reaches a weight of twenty-eight pounds. In the Great Basin of Utah is found a fine trout, very close to the ordinary cutthroat of the Columbia, from which it is derived. This is known as Salmo clnrhii virginaJis. In Utah Lake it reaches a large size. In Waha Lake in Washington, a lake without outlet, is found a small trout with peculiar markings, called Salvia clarkii bouvieri. In the headwaters of the Platte and Arkansas rivers is the small green-back trout, green or brown, with red throat-patch and large black spots. This is Salmo clarkii ^tomias, and it is especially fine in St. Vrain's River and the streams of Estes Park. In Twin Lakes, a pair of glacial lakes tributary of the Arkansas near Leadville, is found Salmo clarl-ii maedonaldi, the yellow-finned trout, a large and very handsome species living in deep water, and with the fins golden yellow. This approaches the Colorado trout, Salmo clarkii plenriticus, and it may be derived from the latter, although it occurs in the same waters as the very different green-back trout, or Salmo clarkii stomias. Two fine trout derived from Salmo clarkii have been lately discovered by Dr. Daniel G. Elliot in Lake Southerland, a mountain lake near Lake Crescent, but not connected with it, the two separated from the sea by high waterfalls. These have been described by Dr. Seth E. Meek as Salmo jordani, the "'spotted trout" of Lake Southerland, and Salvia declivifrons, the "salmon trout." These seem to be distinct forms or sub-species produced through isolation. The Rio Grande trout {Salmo clarkii spilurus) is a large and pro- fusely spotted trout, found in the headwaters of the Rio Grande, the mountain streams of the Great Basin of Utah, and as far south as the northern part of Chihuahua. Its scales are still smaller than those of the ordinary cutthroat trout, and the black spots are chiefly confined to the tail. Closely related to it is the trout of the Colorado Basin, Salmo clarkii plenriticus, a large and handsome trout with very small scales, much sought by anglers in western Colorado, and abounding in all suitable streams throughout the Colorado Basin. HucHO, THE HucHEX. — The genus Hvcho has been framed for the Huchen or Rothfisch {Hvcho hvcho) of the Danube, a very large trout, differing from the genus Salvia in having no teeth on the shaft of the vomer, and from the Salvelini at least in form and coloration. The REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 93 huchen is a long and slender, somewhat pike-like fish, with depressed snout and strong teeth. The color is silvery, sprinkled with small black dots. It reaches a size little inferior to that of the salmon, and it is said to be an excellent food-fish. In northern Japan is a similar species, Hucho blackistoni, locally known as Ito, a large and handsome trout with very slender body, reaching a length of 2^ feet. It is well worthy of introduction into American and European waters. Salvelinus, the Charr. — The genus Salvelinvs comprises the finest of the Salmonidee, from the point of view of the angler or the artist. In England the species are known as charr or char, in contradistinction to the black-spotted species of Salvia, which are called trout. The former name has unfortunately been lost in America, where the name " trout" is given indiscriminately to both groups, and, still, worse, to numerous other fishes (Micropterus,, Hexagrammos, Cynoscion, Agonostomus) wholly unlike the Salmonidx in all respects. It is sometimes said that "the American brook-trout is no trout, nothing but a charr," almost as though "charr" were a word of reproach. Nothing higher, however, can be said of a salmonoid than that it is a "charr." The technical character of the genus Salvelinus lies in the form of its vomer. This is deeper than in Salmo; and when the flesh is removed the bone is found to be somewhat boat-shaped above, and with the shaft depressed and out of the line of the head of the vomer. Only the head or chevron is armed with teeth, and the shaft is covered bv skin. In color all the charrs differ from the salmon and trout. The body in all is covered with round spots which are paler than the ground color, and crimson or gray. The lower fins are usually edged with bright colors. The sexual differences are not great. The scales, in general, are smaller than in other Salvionidx, and they are imbedded in the skin to such a degree as to escape the notice of casual observers and even of most anglers. " One trout scale in the scales I'd lay (If trout had scales), and 'twill outweigh The wrong side of the balances." — Lowell. The charrs inhabit, in general, only the clearest and coldest of mountain streams and lakes, or bays of similar temperature. They are not migratory, or only to a limited extent. In northern regions they descend to the sea, where they grow much more rapidly and assume a nearly uniform silvery-gray color. The different species are found in all suitable waters throughout the northern parts of both continents, except in the Rocky Mountains and Great Basin, where only the black- spotted trout occur. The number of species of charr is very uncertain, as, both in America and Europe, trivial variations and individual pecul- iarities have been raised to the rank of species. More types, however, seem to be represented in America than in Europe. 94 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. The only really well-authenticated species of oharr in European waters is the red charr. siilbling, or ombre cheyalier {SaU-elinus alpinva). This species is found in cold, clear streams in Switzerland, Germany and throughout Scandinavia and the British Islands. Compared with the American charr or V)rook-trout, it is a slenderer fish, with smaller mouth, longer fins, and smaller red spots, which are confined to the sides of the body. It is a "gregarious and deep-swdmming fish, shy of taking the bait and feeding largely at night-time. It appears to require very pure and mostly deep water for its residence." It is less tenacious of life than the trout. It reaches a weight of from one to five pounds, probably rarely exceeding the latter in size. The various charr described from Siberia are far too little known to be enumerated here. Of the American charr the one most resembling the European species is the Rangeley lake-trout {Salvelinus oquassa). The exquisite little fish is known in the United States only from the Rangeley chain of lakes in w'estern Maine. This is very close to the Greenland charr, Salvelinus stagnalis, a beautiful species of the far north. The Rangeley trout is much slenderer than the common brook-trout, with much smaller head and smaller mouth. In life it is dark blue above, and the deep-red spots are confined to the sides of the body. The species rarely exceeds the length of a foot in the Rangeley Lakes, but in some other waters it reaches a much larger size. So far as is known it keeps itself in the depths of the lake until its spawning season approaches, in October, when it ascends the stream to spawai. Still other species of this type are the Sunapee trout, Salvelinus aure- olus, a beautiful charr almost identical with the European species, found in numerous ponds and lakes of eastern New Hampshire and neighboring parts of Maine. Mr. Garman regards this trout as the off- spring of an importation of the ombre chevalier and not as a native species, and in this view he may be correct. Salvelinus alipes of the far north may be the same species. Another remarkable form is the Lac de Marbre trout of Canada, Salvelinus marstoni of Garman. In Arctic regions another species, called Salvelinus naresi, is very close to Salvelinus oquassa and may be the same. Another beautiful little charr, allied to Salvelinus stagnalis, is the Floeberg charr {Salvelinus arcturus). This species has been brought from Victoria Lake and Floeberg Beach, in the extreme northern part of Arctic America, the northernmost point whence any salmonoid has been obtained. The American charr, or, as it is usually called, the brook-trout {Sal- velinus fontinalis), although one of the most beautiful of fishes, is perhaps the least graceful of all the genuine charrs. It is technically distinguished by the somew^hat heavy head and large mouth, the maxil- lary bone reaching more or less beyond the eye. There are no teeth REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 95 on the hyoid bone, traces at least of such teeth being found in nearly all other species. Its color is somewhat different from that of the others, the red spots being large and the black more or less mottled and barred with darker olive. The dorsal and caudal fins are likewise barred or mottled, while in the other species they are generally uniform in color. The brook-trout is found only in streams east of the Missis- sippi and Saskatchewan. It occurs in all suitable streams of the Alle- ghany region and the Great Lake system, from the Chattahoochee River in northern Georgia northward at least to Labrador and Hudson Bay, the northern limits of its range being as yet not well ascertained. It varies greatly in size, according to its surroundings, those found in lakes being larger than those resident in small brooks. Those found farthest south, in the headwaters of the Chattahoochee, Savannah, Catawba, and French Broad, rarely pass the dimensions of finger- lings. The largest specimens are recorded from the sea along the Canadian coast. These frequently reach a weight of ten pounds; and from their marine and migratory habits, they have been regarded as forming a distinct variety (Salrelinus fontinali^ immarulafvs), but this form is merely a sea-run lu-ook-trout. The largest fresh-water specimens rarely exceed seven pounds in weight. Some unusually large brook-trout have been taken in the Rangeley Lakes, the largest known to me having a reputed weight of eleven pounds. The brook- trout is the favorite game-fish of American waters, preeminent in wari- ness, in beauty, and in delicacy of flesh. It inhabits all clear and cold waters within its range, the large lakes and the smallest ponds, the tiniest brooks and the largest rivers; and when it can do so without soiling its aristocratic gills on the way, it descends to the sea and grows large and fat on the animals of the ocean. Although a bold biter it is a wary fish, and it often requires much skill to capture it. It can be caught, too, with artificial or natural flies, minnows, crickets, worms, grasshoppers, grlibs, the spawn of other fish, or even the eyes or cut pieces of other trout. It spawns in the fall, from September to late in November. It begins to reproduce at the age of two years, then having a length of about six inches. In springtime the trout delight in rapids and swiftly running water; and in the hot months of midsummer they resort to deep, cool, and shaded pools. Later, at the approach of the spawning season, they gather around the mouths of cool, gravelly brooks, whither they resort to make their beds. (Hallock.) The brook-trout adapts itself readily to cultivation in artificial ponds. It has been successfully transported to Europe, and it is already abundant in certain streams in England, in California, and elsewhere. In Dublin Pond, New Hampshire, is a gray variety, without red spots, called Salvelinus agassizi. The " Dolly Varden " trout, or malma {Salvelinus malma), is very 96 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. similar to the brook-troiit, closely resembling it in size, form, color, and habits. It is found ahvavs to the westward of the Rocky Mountains, in the streams of northern California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. Alaska, and Kamtchatka, as far as the Kurile Islands. It abounds in the sea in the northward, ami specimens of 10 to 12 pounds Aveight are not uncommon in Puget Sound and especially in Alaska. The Dolly Varden trout is. in general, slenderer and less compressed than the Eastern brook-trout. The red spots are found on the back of the fish as well as on the sides, and the back and upper fins are with- out the blackish marblings and blotches seen in Salvelinus fontinalis. In value as food, in beauty, and in gaminess, Salvelinus malma is very similar to its Eastern cousin. In Alaska the Dolly Varden, locally known as salmon trout, is very destructive to the eggs of the salmon, and countless numbers are taken in the salmon nets of Alaska and thrown away as useless by the can- ners. In every coastwise stream of Alaska the water fairly ''boils " with these trout. They are, however, not found in the Yukon. In northern Japan occurs Salvelimts pliirius, the Iwana, a species very similar to the Dolly Varden, but not so large or so brightly colored. In the Kurile region and Kamtchatka is another large charr, Salvelinus kundscha, with the spots large and cream-color instead of crimson. Cristivomer, THE Great Lake Trout. — Allied to the true charrs, but now placed by us in a different genus, Cristivomer, is the Great Lake trout, otherwise known as Mackinaw trout, longe, or togue {Cristivomer namaycush). Technically this fish differs from the true charr.^- in hav- ing on its vomer a raised crest behind the chevron and free from the shaft. This crest is armed with strong teeth. There are also large hooked teeth on the hyoid bone, and the teeth generally are proportion- ately stronger than in most of the other species. The Great Lake trout is grayish in color, light or dark according to its surroundings; and the body is covered witli round })aler spots, which are gray instead of red. The dorsal and caudal tins are marked with darker reticulations, some- what as in the brook-trout. This noble species is found in all the larger lakes from New England and New York to Wisconsin, Montana, the Mackenzie River, and in all the lakes tributary to the Yukon in Alaska. We have taken examples from Lake Bennett, Lake Tagish, Summit Lake (White Pass), and have seen specimens from Lake La Hache in British Columbia. It reaches a much larger size than any Salvelinus, specimens of from 15 to 20 pounds weight being not uncommon, while it occasionally attains a weight of 50 to 80 pounds. As a food- fish it ranks high, although it may be regarded as somewhat inferior to the brook-trout or the whitefish. Compared with other salmonoids, the Great Lake trout is a sluggish, heavy, and ravenous fish. It has been known to eat raw potato, liver, and corn-cobs, — refuse thrown from REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 97 passing steamers. According to Herbert, " a coarse, heavy, stiff rod, and a powerful oiled hempen flaxen line, on a winch, with a heavy sinker; a cod-hook, baited with any kind of flesh, fish, or fowl, — is the most successful, if not the most orthodox or scientific, mode of capturing him. His great size and immense strength alone give him value as a fish of game; but when hooked he pulls strongly and fights hard, though he is a boring, deep fighter, and seldom if ever leaps out of the water, like the true salmon or brook-trout." In the depths of Lake Superior is a variety of the Great Lake trout known as the Siscowet (Cristivomer namaycush siskawitz), remarksihle for its extraordinary fatness of flesh. The cause of this difference lies probably in some peculiarity of food as yet unascertained. -FC 98 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. THE PARENT-STREAM THEORY OF THE RETURN OF SALMON. By DAVID STARR JORDAN, President of Leland Stanford Junior University. [From the Popular Science Monthly, Novemher, 1903.] It has been generally accepted as unquestioned, by packers and fish- ermen, that the salmon of the Pacific (king salmon, red salmon, silver salmon, humpback salmon, and dog salmon) all return to spawn to the very stream in which they were hatched. As early as 1880, the present writer placed on record his opinion that this theory was unsound. In a general way, most salmon return to the parent stream, because when in the sea the parent stream is the one most easily reached. The chan- nels and runways which directed their course to the sea may influence their return trip in the same fashion. When the salmon is mature, the spawning season approaching, it seeks fresh water. Other things being equal, about the same number will run each year in the same channel. With all this, we find some curious facts. Certain streams will have a run of exceptionally large or exceptionally small red salmon. The time of the rvm bears some relation to the length of the stream: those who have farthest to go start earliest. The time of running bears also a relation to the temperature of the spawning grounds — where the waters cool off earliest, the fish run soonest. The supposed evidence in favor of the parent-stream theory may be considered under three heads : * ( 1 ) Distinctive runs in various streams, (2) Return of marked salmon, (3) Introduction of salmon into ncAv streams followed by their return. Under the first head it is often asserted of fishermen that they can distinguish the salmon of different streams. Thus the Lynn Canal red salmon are larger than those in most waters, and it is claimed that those of Chilcoot Inlet are larger than those of the sister streams at Chilcat. The red salmon of Red Fish Bay on Baranof Island (near Sitka) are said to be much smaller than usual, and tliose of the neighboring Necker Bay are not more than one third the ordinary size. Those of a small, *See an excellent article by H. S. Davis in the "Pacific Fisherman" for July, 1903. REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 99 rapid stream near Nass River are more wiry than those of the neighboring large stream. The same claim is made for the different streams of Puget Sound, each one having its characteristic run. In all this there is some truth and perhaps more exaggeration. I noticed that the Chil- coot fish seemed deeper in body than those at Chilcat. The red salmon becomes compressed before spawning, and the Chilcoot fishes having a short run spawn earlier than the Clhilcat fishes, which have many miles to go, the water being perhaps warmer at the mouth of the river which flows farthest from the parent ice-fields. The riper fishes run up the shorter river. In Bristol Bay, according to Dr. Gilbert, the great runs ascend sometimes one river, sometimes another. Perhaps some localities may meet the nervous reactions of small fishes while not attracting the large ones. In Necker Bay a few full-grown salmon run besides the little ones. A few dwarf individuals, two and three year olds, ripened prematurely, run in every salmon stream. These little fishes are nearly all males. Mr. H. S. Davis well observes that "until a constant differ- ence has been demonstrated by a careful examination of large numbers of fish from each stream taken a\ the same time, but little weight can be attached to arguments of this nature." It is doubtless true as a general proposition that nearly all salmon return to the region in which they were spawned. Most of them appar- ently never go far away from the mouth of the stream or the bay into which it flows. It is true that salmon are occasionally taken well out at sea and it is certain that the red salmon runs of Puget Sound come from outside the Straits of Fuca. There is, however, evidence that most species rarely go so far as that. When seeking shore, they usually reach the original channels. In 1880, the writer, studying the king salmon of the Columbia, used the following words, which he has not had occasion to change : It is the prevailing iiiipref^sion that the salmon have some special instinct which leads them to return to spawn in the same spawning grounds where they were originally hatched. We fail to find any evidence of this in the case of the Pacific Coast salmon, and we do not believe it to be true. It seems more probable that the young salmon hatched in any river mostly remain in the ocean within a radius of twenty, thirty or forty miles of its mouth. These, in their movement about in the ocean may come into contact with the cold waters of their parent rivers, or perhaps of any other river, at a considerable distance from the shore. In the case of the quinnat and the blueback, their "instinct" seems to lead them to ascend these fresh waters, and in a majority of cases these waters will be those in which the fishes in question were originally spawned. Later in the season the growth of the reproductive organs leads them to approach the shore and search for fresh waters, and still the chances are that they may find the orig- inal stream. But undoubtedly many fall salmon ascend, or try to ascend, streams in which no salmon was ever hatched. In little brooks about Puget Sound, where the water is not three inches deep, are often found dead or dying salmon, which have en- tered them for the purpose of spawning. It is said of the Russian River and other Cali- fornia rivers, that their mouths, in the time of low water in summer, generally become entirely closed by sandbars, and that the salmon, in their eagerness to ascend them, frequently fling themselves entirely out of water on the beach. But this does not prove that the salmon are guided by a marvelous geographical instinct which leads them to 100 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. their parent river in spite of tlie fact that the river can not be found. The waters of Russian Rivef soak through these sandbars, and the salmon instinct, we think, leads them merely to search for fresh waters. This matter is much in need of further inves- tigation ; at present, however, we find no reason to believe that the salmon enter the Rogue River simply because they were spawned there, or tliat a salmon hatched in the Clackamas River is more likely, on that account, to return to the Clackamas than to go u]) the Cowlitz or the Des Chutes. Attempts have been made to settle this question by marking the fry. But this is a very difficult matter, indeed. Almost the only structure which can be safely mutilated is the adipose fin, and this is often nipped off by sticklebacks and other meddling fish. The following experiments have been tried, according to Mr. Davis: In March, 1896, 5,000 king salmon fry were marked by cutting off the adipose fin, then set free in the Clackamas River. Nearly 400 of these marked fish are said to have been taken in the Columbia in 1898 and a few more in 1899. In addition a few were taken in 1898, 1899 and 1900 in the Sacramento River, but in much less numbers than in the Columbia. In the Columbia most were taken at the mouth of the river where most of the fishing was done, but a few were in the original stream, the Clackamas. It is stated that the fry thus set free in the Clackamas came from eggs obtained in the Sacramento — a matter which has, however, no bearing on the present case. In the Kalama hatchery on the Columbia River, Washington, 2,000 fry of the quinnat or king salmon were marked in 1899 bj' a V-shaped notch in the caudal fin. Numerous fish thus marked were taken in the lower Columbia in 1901 and 1902. A few were taken at the Kalama hatchery, but some also at the hatcheries on Wind River and Clackamas River. At the hatchery on Chehalis River six or seven were taken, the stream not being a tributary of the Columbia, but flowing into Shoalwater Bay. None were noticed in the Sacramento. The evidence shows that the most wlio are hatched in a large stream tend to return to it, and that in general, most salmon return to the parent region. There is no evidence that a salmon hatched in one branch of a river tends to return there rather than to any other. Experiments of Messrs. Rutter and Spalding in marking adult fish at Karluk wovild indicate that they roam rather widely about the island before spawning. A spawning fish set free in Karluk River was found three days later at R id River, sixty miles away on the opposite side of Kadiak Island. The introduction of salmon into new streams may throw some light on this question. In 1897 and 1898, 3,000,000 young king salmon fry were set free in Papermill Creek near Olema, California. This is a small stream flowing into the head of Tomales Bay, and it had never previously had a run of salmon. In 1900, and especially in 1901, large quinnat salmon appeared in considerable numbers in this stream. One specimen weighing about sixteen pounds was sent to the present writer for identification. These fishes certainly returned to the parent stream, although this stream was one not at all fitted for their purpose. But this may be accounted for by the to2:)Ography of the bay. Tomales Bay is a long and narrow channel, about twenty miles long and from one to five in width, isolated from otlier rivers, and with but one tributary stream. Probably the salmon had not wandered far from it; some may not have left it at all. In any event, a large num- ber certainly came back to the same place. REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 101 That the salmon rarely go far away is fairly attested. Schools of king salmon play in Monterey Bay, and others chase the herring about in the channels of southeastern Alaska. A few years since, Captain J. F. Moser, in charge of the Albatross, set gill nets for salmon at various places in the sea off the Oregon and Washington coast, catching none except in the bays. Mr. Davis gives an account of the liberation of salmon in Chinook River, which flows into the Columbia at Baker's Bay: It is a small, sluggish stream and has never been frequented by Chinook salmon, although considerable numbers of silver and dog salmon enter it late in the fall. A few years ago the State established a hatchery on this stream, and since 1898 between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000 Chinook fry have been turned out here annually. The fish are taken from the pound-nets in Baker's Bay, towed into the river in crates and then liber- ated above a dike which prevents their return to the Columbia. When ripe, the salmon ascend to the hatchery, some two or three miles farther up the river, where they are spawned. The superintendent of the hatchery, Mr. Nic Hansen, informs me that in 1902, during November and December, quite a number of Chinook salmon ascended the Chinook River. About 150 salmon of both sexes were taken in a trap located in the river about four miles from its mouth. At first thought it would appear that these were probably fish which, when fry, had been liberated in the river, but unfortunately there is no proof that this was the case. According to Mr. Hansen, the season of 1902 was remark- able in that the salmon ran inshore in large schools, a thing which they had not done before for years. It is possible that the fish, being forced in close to the shore, came in contact with the current from the Chinook River, which, since the stream is small and sluggish, would not be felt far from shore. Once brought under the influence of the current from the river the salmon would naturally ascend that stream, whether they had been hatched there or not. The general conclusion, apparently warranted by the facts at hand, is that the Pacific salmon, for the most part, do not go to a great dis- tance from the stream in which they are hatched, that most of them return to the streams of the same region, a majority to the parent stream, but that there is no evidence that they choose the parental spawning grounds in preference to any other, and none that they will prefer an undesirable stream to a favorable one for the reason that they happen to have been hatched in the former. Mr. John C. Callbreath, of Wrangel, Alaska, has long conducted a very interesting but very costly experiment in this line. About 1890, he established himself in a small stream called Jadgeska on the west coast of Etolin Island, tributary to McHenry Inlet, Clarence Straits. This stream led from a lake, and in it a few thousand red salmon spawned, besides multitudes of silver salmon, dog salmon, and hump- back salmon. Making a dam across the stream, he helped the red salmon over it, destroying all the inferior kinds which entered the stream. He also established a hatchery for the red salmon, turning loose many thousand fry each year for about twelve years. This w^as done in the expectation that all the salmon hatched would return to Jadgeska in about four years. By destroying all individuals of other species attempt- 102 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. ing to run, it was expected that thcso wcnild 1)ecome extinct so far as the stream is concerned. The result of this experiment has been disappointment. After twelve years or tnore there has been no increase of red salmon in the stream, and no decrease of humpbacks and other humbler forms of salmon. Mr. Callbreath draws the conclusion that salmon run at a much greater age than has been supposed — perhaps at the age of sixteen years, instead of four. A far more probable conclusion is that the salmon set free by him have joined other bands bound for more suitable streams. It is indeed claimed that since the establishment o'f Callbreath's hatchery on Etolin Island, there has been a notable increase of the salmon j-un in various streams of Prince of Wales Island on the opposite side of Clarence Straits. But this statement, while largely current among the cannery men, and not improbable, needs verification. We shall await with much interest the return of the millions of young salmon hatched in 1902, and turned loose in Naha stream. We may venture the prophec}' that while a large percentage will return to Loring, many others will enter Yes Bay, Karta Bay, Moira Sound, and other red salmon waters along the line of their return from Dixon Entrance or the open sea. KEPORT OP STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 103 ARTIFICIAL PROPAGATION OF SALMON IN THE SACRAMENTO RIVER. By CLOUDSLEY RUTTER. By courtesy of San Francisco Trade Journal. Editor Trade Journal: After this generally poor season for salmon fisheries the question of artificial propagation is sure to be discussed, and I have already heard numerous complaints about its inefficiency. These complaints seem to me to be more or less unreasonable, and yet as they have a foundation in a fact, that is, in the small catch, and as it has been a large part of my work during the past several years to investigate both artificial and natural propagation, I shall be glad if you will publish my views on the question, which I send herewith. Cannerymen and fishermen demand too much of the hatcheries. If there is not a big run of fish every season, the hatchery is a failure. In no other industry is such a demand made. Every few years there is a scarcity of cattle or hogs or bees, yet no one claims on that account that stock-breeding or bee-culture is a failure. The only difference is that we can determine the cause when there is a failure of cattle or hogs or bees, whereas we can not tell what destroys the salmon. For the sake of argument, let us suppose that natural propagation is as efficient as artificial propagation, which averages above 85 per cent for the time that the two methods come into competition. That is, 85 per cent of the eggs taken by the hatcheries produce healthy fry ready for the ocean, after which time the product of artificial propagation has neither an advantage nor a disadvantage as compared with that from natural propagation; the conditions of the two are identical. And if we grant that natural propagation is equally effective with artificial, 85 per cent of all eggs deposited must produce fry ready for the ocean. That is, for each pair of quinnat salmon that spawn naturally, 5,100 fry begin their migration toward the ocean. Call it 5,000 for conven- ience. That makes 2,500 for each spawning salmon, male and female; or stated in another way, the increase is 2,500 fold. Now, on an average from year to year, the number of salmon remains about the same. Therefore, 2,499 of these 2,500 swimming fishes must 104 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. perisli, else there will be an increase. If only 2,498 perish there will be two survivors among the offspring of eacli salmon, four for each pair, and the increase will be one hundred fold. The conclusion is, therefore, that while only 15 per cent of the young are destroyed during the help- less stage before they are able to swim, including the egg stage, yet of those that do arrive at the age when they can swim and are supposed to be able to take care of themselves, 99.9 per cent perish before coming to maturity, which is absurd. In fact, we know the contrary to be true. We see predaceous fishes and ducks gorging themselves with eggs and with alevins; we find dead eggs in the gravel very much more abundant than live eggs; we see the late spawning fishes tearing up the spawning beds of the earlier spawning fishes and killing the eggs in this way; and we see freshets covering the spawning beds with gravel or washing them away. We do not know, of course, what percentage is destroyed in this way, but none of these mishaps affect artificial propagation. The loss in artificial propagation lies almost wholly in eggs dying during incubation, and it is highly probable that such would die under any conditions. Nothing is said above about the completeness of fertilization in natural propagation, for the reason that there are but little data on this point. What little we have point to a high percentage, but it can hardly exceed that of artificial propagation, which is practically complete, 99 per cent. I do not mean to claim that artificial propagation is absolutely perfect, that there is no room for improvement; but the question of the improve- ment in methods is hardly pertinent to the present subject. The writer, in his report on the '' Natural History of the Quinnat Salmon in the Sacramento River," gives as his personal opinion that the relative eflPciency of natural and artificial propagation is about one per cent and eighty-five per cent respectively. (Bull. U. S. Fish Com., 1902, p. 137.) Further investigation only shows natural propagation to be of less value, if possible, than there stated. There have been enough eggs deposited in the little streams tributary to Karluk Lake, Kadiak Island, Alaska, during the past season that more than two might be placed on each square foot of the surface of the lake, which comprises about fifty square miles ! And this has been the poorest season ever known at that place. Surely if natural propagation approached anywhere near the efficiency of artificial propagation the ocean would be completely overrun with salmon. Think of 2,287,840,000 fry coming down one small river ! In general, there are two main causes for a scarcity of fish — a dearth of food, and a superabundance of enemies. The food of the growing salmon is largely small fishes. These may be scarce from ineffective propagation, lack of food, or superabundance of enemies, just as the salmon may be. But whatever the cause, if the small fishes are scarce, the salmon will go hungry or seek other feeding-grounds. REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 105 The superabundance of enemies is probably the most important factor in limiting the number of salmon. Their enemies during the egg and alevin stage have been mentioned above. After beginning to swim, the young salmon is a very active fish, and during his migration down the rivers to the ocean, when the young from the hatcheries are first exposed to the same dangers as those from the natural spawning beds, he is in no great danger from birds or fishes, with the exception of the Dolly Varden trout. While in fresh Avater the young salmon is too small to receive the attention of fish ducks, which feed largely on sculpins or minnows, while the cormorants feed on carp and (in Alaska) on trout that are larger than the young salmon. We do not know the enemies in salt water, except that the quinnat feeds to some extent on young salmon. But other enemies are numerous enough. I recently examined 500 adult salmon for the pur- QUINNAT, OR SACRAMENTO RIVER, SALMON. pose of determining the number that had been injured in any way, as shown by scars, scratches, and scale abrasions, with the result showing that 11 per cent had received at least some slight injury, and that 5 per cent carried scars indicating that they had had really close calls for their lives. When 11 per cent have been in danger, and when 5 per cent have barely escaped with their lives, how many must there have been that did not escape? It seems certain that the salmon taken by the fishermen, numerous though they may be, are only a few in com- parison with the number that perish before they meet the fishermen. Artificial propagation must not be held responsible for the safety of the fish among these dangers. And whatever the output of young from the hatcheries or from natural spawning beds, there are sure to be years of scarcity. Artificial propagation of salmon has not yet reached such proportions as to entirely supplant natural propagation, with the exception of the work on the Sacramento River, and until such condition is reached, lOG REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH CUMMLSSIOXERS. ample provision must be made for salmon, reaching their natural spawn- ing beds. But this necessity fishermen do not heed. When the enemies of the salmon have been particularly abundant, and there is therefore a slack run, instead of tishing lightly and permitting as many as possible to ascend to the spawning streams, the contrary is the practice. The amount of fishing is quadrupled during poor years, and every fish that it is possible to take is taken, with the immediate result that but few salmon reach the spawning beds, and wiili the- ultimate result that the small run will not only be repeated when the resulting offspring return as adults, but that it will ])e accentuated. Surely it will require great efforts on the part of artificial propagation to overcome the double odds of natural and human enemies, but of its ability to do so I have not the slightest doubt. Artificial propagation is keeping up the supply of salmon in the Sacramento River, ^^'itll one exception, there are now no natural spawning beds in the Sacramento basin that amount to anything. All of the Feather, Upper Sacramento, and Pit rivers, with their tributaries, have been practically abandoned, with the exception of the streams where the hatcheries are located. The only natural spawning beds still occupied are in the main river, between Redding and Tehama, which are yet visited by a considerable number of salmon. Otherwise, the salmon fisheries in the Sacramento are being kept up by the hatcheries; and what is being done in California can be done elsewhere. 1903. CLOUDSLEY RUTTER. ADDENDA.— REPORT ON SALMON EGGS, 1904. Since the foregoing has gone to print, other important and interest- ing figures relating to the take of sahnon eggs at the Battle Creek and Mill Creek stations for the season of 1904 havo become available, which would seem to bear out strongly the opiniun of Mr. Rutter as to the value of artitieiai propagation of salmon in the Sacramento River. In the report of Superintendent Shebley. of the Sisson hatchery, atten- tion is called to his statement that the total number of salmon eggs handled at that station for 1908 aggregated 58,632,000, of which he says: " This was the largest number of salmon eggs ever hatched at one station in one season. It is the best record of any station on the Pacific Coast, and of commercial value second to none in the United States.'" To be added is the number of eggs, 5, 522,900, shipped to our Eel River station; making a grand total of 64,154,900 eggs for 1903 For the season of 1904, at this date, December 10th, we have at the Sisson hatchery 35,000,000 eggs; at the Eel River hatchery, 6,590,000; or in round numbers, 42,000,000. In addition to these eggs, we have already hatched and liberated the fry resulting from 10.000.000 eggs REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. 107 taken from the summer run at Baird station on the McCloud River. The number of eggs on hand and now in various stages of development at Battle Creek and Mill Creek spawning stations will bring up the total to over 90,000,000, taken from the fall run of salmon; which, with the 10,000,000 from the summer run, makes a grand total of 100,000,000 salmon ova handled at our hatcheries in 1904. Under date of November 22, 1904, Capt. G. H. Lambson, Superin- tendent of the United States Bureau of Fisheries stations in Califor- nia, says: "The Sacramento River presents the best example of the good results of fish culture and protection of any stream in the country of which I have knowledge. The river is full each year to overflow- ing in spite of the great number of canneries, cold-storage plants, packers, and fresh-fish dealers, and they are increasing every year. I doubt if there were ever more fish running in the river than during the past few years, even in the old days when it was said a man could walk across the river upon their backs. It looks to me as if we will have no more seasons of bad runs, provided we can keep up our pres- ent output, as each year for the past three has been grand. Of course there will be seasons when we will not take so many eggs owing to high water, but the runs will be good." Quoting from his letter of December 5, 1904, he states: " There is a large run of fish in both Battle and Mill creeks and there is hardly any limit to be placed upon the number of eggs we could take if we had the room. We could have taken fully eighty to one hundred million at Battle Creek and about sixty million at Mill Creek if we could have fished daily. We have worked but one fishing crew at each place, and then only about two thirds of the time." CALIFORNIA FISH COMMISSION. December 20, 1904. 108 REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. SUPREME COURT DECISIONS, S. F. No. 3679. In bank. August 7, 1903. AH KING VS. SUPERIOR COURT. Application for writ of prohibition against the Pohce Court of the City and County of San Francisco — E. P. Mogan, .Judge. For Applicant — Wm. Hoff Cook. For Respondent — Lewis F. Byington, District Attorney. By the Court: Petition for writ of prohibition. The only question to be determined in this case is whether certain statutes relating to the preservation of fish and game are invalidated by the constitutional provision requiring acts of the Legislature to embrace but one subject. The contention of the petitioner is that fisli and game are different subjects. The court is of the opinion that the preservation of fish and game is a single subject of legislation, and may properly be embraced in the same act. Writ denied. Crim. Xo. 1144. Department Two. June 20, 19C4. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORIXA. Plaintiff and Respondent, ?•.?. THOMAS J. MILES AND A. S. DINWIDDIE. Defend.\nts and Appellants. Appeal from the Superior Court of Sutter County — K. S. Mahon, Judge. For Appellant — A. L. Shinn, T. H. Christianson. and A. H. Hewett. For Respondent — U. S. Webb, Attorney-General: C. N. Post, Assist- ant Attorney-General. Defendants were convicted on an information charging that on August 22, 1903, they were guilty "of the crime of setting and using a set-net in the waters of the State for the purpose of catching fish (a misde- meanor), committed as follows: That said (naming the defendants and the date) did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously in the waters of the State of California, to wit, in the Sacramento Slough, in the said county of Sutter, * * * rought into this State made it an article of merchandise, the posses- sion of whieli the Legislature could not forbid. The court, however, lield the contrary, and that case must be taken as decisive of the question. \\\^ lind no error in the record; and it is, therefore, ordered that the judgment be affirmed. SHAM', J. We concur: ANGELLOTTI, J. VAN DYKE, J. )t,. of Kty, Si wmM !,? 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