thin thin en jou » = se i ‘a Poy p mre « Li, bit ay A nk ie nN a f wn Py £ BVOL. VE 1893 qs / eA Wa. NATURALIST. BEING VOL. VIII oF THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ‘Orrawa Figtp-Naturauists’ CLUB. Rt Wa Tsk ON Sy ES a: i =, > phe a ( ( | On ganized March, 1879. ILuncorporated March, 1884.) iad OTTAWA: TAYLOR’S PRINTING Housk, 48 RIDEAU STREET. | 1892. ee. Bite Sols ih os . j Patron: HIS EXCELLENCY THE LORD STANLEY -OF PRES, GOVERNOR GENERAL OF CANADA. President: DR. GEORGE M. Dawsoy. Vice-Presidents : 1st, FRANK T. SHUTT, | 2NbD, W. HaGuE HARRINGTON. Secretary: Dr. Henry M. Amt, Geological Survey Dept. Treasurer: A. G. KINGSTON, Dept. Public Works. Librarian: WiLu1am Scort, Normal School. Miss E. Botton, Miss G. HaAarRMER, Miss G. LOVICK Committee : d z : JaMES FLETCHER, R. H. Cow.ey, JAMES M. Macoun. Standing Committees of Council: Publishing—JAMES FLEICHER, Editor; W. H. Harrincton, A. G. KINGSTON, WILLIAM Scott, Assistant Edtiors. E-xcursions—Dnr. H. M. Amt, A. G. Kincston, R. H. Cow.ey, Miss G. HarMER, Miss G. LOvICcK. Soirées—FrRANK T. SHuttT, Miss E. BoLton, JAMES FLETCHER, WILLIAM Scott, JAMES M. Macoun. Headers : Geology and \ineralogy —H. M. Amt, W. F. FerrtER, Dr. R. W. Exits. | Botany—R, H. Cow xey, James M. Macoun, R. B. WHYTE. Conchology—F. R. LATCHFORD, J. Ff. WHITEAVES. Entomology—W. H: HARRINGTON, J. FLETCHER, T. J. MACLAUGHLIN. Ornitholog yA. G. KincsTon, W. A. D. LEEs, PRor. J. Macoun. Zoology—F RANK T. SHUTT, PRor. Macoun, J. BALLANTYNE. — The Librarian will furnish the Publications of the Club at the following rates :— ee ‘Transactions, — Part 1, Not sold singly. ae tee cts. ; to members 15 cts. | $1.00 for Vol. I. Cl ; | : ClO 1 aaa 15 “ (To member, yore: ‘ ce ce ce Io : 4, 25 ; 15 f ¢6 “<“ ¢ T: O 20 F A agoe a 3 | $1.00 for Vol. [I 40 25 r Ws $3 ei ~ { To members, 50 cts. ix-3e win The Ottawa Naturalist, $1.00 per annum. Monthly parts, ro cents ; to members, 5 cents. Quarterly parts, 25 cents each ; to members, 15 cents. Extras — Bituincs, W. R. Palscontology. An elementary lecture, Dp. bia. 5S Evuis, R W. Asbestus ; its history, mode of occurrence and uses. pp. 24, 10C. Allan, W. A. = Ami, 4..M.; D.Sc., ode. 2. Anderson, Mrs. W. P. Angus, Miss FE. R. (Regina, N.W.T.) _ Archibald, Miss E. _ Armstrong, John R. me. &.S.C. (Fredericton, N.B.) Baldwin, Miss E. G. Baldwin, Miss H. A. Balland, Kev. J. B., O.W.2., DD. Ballantyne, Miss I. M. Ballantyne, J. Ballantyne, Norman F. Baptie, George, J7.4., M.D. Barlow, A. E., 4Z.A. - Barlow, Scott. Bate, H. Gerald. = Bate, H. N. Beddoe, Chas. H. Bell, E. B. Mer 2. 51C., 2. G. S.A. Bennetts, F. K. (Port Hope, Ont.) Billings, B. B. Billings, W. R. . . Berchet, Cra. - Boardman, Wm. F. aaa a. C. a (Paris, Ont.) FG.S., FIGS.A. Anderson, Lzew?/.-Col. W. P., C. £., Bailey, Prof. L. W., MZ. 4., Ph. D., Bell, Robert, B. 44.Sc.,M.D., LL.D., Betmme, kev. C.J. S., 1.A., Dal. LIST OF MEMBERS. Borden, F. W., JZ.D., 4. P. (Canning, N.S?) Boulton, Arthur. Bovillé, T: C.; BAR Bowen, Miss Alice (Quebec). Bowerman, J. T., B.A. Bristow, A. A. Bristow, Mrs. A. A. Broadbent, Ralph L. Brodie, R. J., B. App. Sc. (Smith’s Falls, Ont. ) Brodie, W., Z.D.S. (Toronto. ) Brown, Mrs. R. D. Brumell, H. Pareth. Bureess,'T..J. W.,00 a Beek. Bae. (Montreal. ) Burland J. H., B. App. Se., F.G.S. Butterworth, Miss Maria E. Campbell, A. M. (Perth, Ont.) Campbell, Miss C. Campbell, R. H. Carstairs, J., B.A. (Iroquois, Ont.) Casey, M. W. Chamberlin, Mrs. B. Christie, A. J., Q.C. Chubbock, C. E. D. Cochrane, A. S., C. 2. Code, R. Gs Cornu, Felix, 44.D), (Montreal. ) Coste, E., AZZ. (Buffalo, N.Y.) Cousens, W. C., 47. OD. Cowley, R. H., B.A. Craig, Prof. J. A. (Madison, Wis.) Craig, John. Craig, Wm. (Russell, Ont.) Coughlin, Mrs. M. A. Creighton, J. G. A., B.A., B.C.L. Darcy, Miss T. Dawson, G. M., LZ.D AAI. , wes Assoc. R.S.M., FG. Sage Re SC. Deeks, W. E., 2.4. (Montreal.) Deeprose, Hev. C. S. Devlin, R. J. Dimock, W. D., B Asati euro, Naot) Dixon, F. A. Dowling, D. B., B.A. Se. Doyon,, J. A. Elkins, A. W., C.-2., 7.2. Somer brooke, Que.) His RR. We LD. FG Ells, Mrs. R. W. Empey, Miss M. Evans, Jno.D., C.#.(Copper Cliff, Ont.) Ewart, D. Faribault, FE. R., Ci. Ferrier, W. F., B.A.Se. Fleming, Sandford, C. 4%. G., C.Z., FM vl ly Pn eto Fletcher, Miss C. F. S. Fletcher, Hugh, 2. A. Fletcher, James; #2952, Fikes. Fletcher, Mrs. J. Fortescue, L. Fortescue, Mrs. L. Fraser, Basil H. Fuller, Thos., 2.C.A. Gemmell, R. E. | Gemmill, J. A. Gilmour, T. Giroux, .N. J., C.2.; #1G@eaewes Glashan, J. C. Gobeil, A. Grant, Ser J. A., A. CAG F ER:C.S.,£dt#;; ih. Se eee Grist, Henry. Grist, Mary L. Hardie, John. Hardie, Miss Jessie, + Harmer, Miss G. (Hintonburgh, Ont.) Harmon, Miss A. Maria. Harrington, W. Hague. Harrington, Mrs. W. H. Harrison, Edward. Hay, George, Sr. Hayter, F., Bowe Henderson, Thomas. Herridge, Rev. TT. Wa, ABP. Hilborn, W. W. (Leamington, Ont.) Hodgins, John. Hope, Jas. Hunt, Miss Sophia. Fenkins, S. Jc; 7s. Johnson, E.V., C.Z. Johnson, J. He E. Johnston, Robt. A. A. Jones, C. J. Kearns, J.C Keefer, Thos. C., C.Z. Keeley, D. ‘He Kingston, A. G. Laflamme, fev. J.C. Kjaer oe. (Quebec. ) 7 Lambart, Hon. O. H. Lambart, Hox. Mrs. O. H. Lambe,.L. M.,; #.G.S., Pies Lampey, Wm. G., AZZ. Lampman, A., B.A. Latchford, F. R., B.A. Law, John. Lawson, Prof. G., LEG Pra, F.R.C.L., # RS. C. (aia) Lee, Miss Katharine. Lehmann, A., B.S.A. Lees, Miss Jessie. Lees, Miss V. Lees, W. A. D. LeSueur, W. D., B.A. LeSueur, Mrs. W. D. Lett, W. P. Library of Parliament. Lindsay, A. ~ o Living, Miss A. Marion. Robert, J. A., B.A..Sc. (Montreal.) Loux, Wm., 17.D. Robertson, Prof. J. A. Lovick, Miss G. Robertson, N. Lowe, John. Robins, R. N. (Sherbrooke, Que.) mracCabe, J. A., LL.D. Robinson, Miss Lucy. McConnell, R. G., 2.A.,/7.G.S. A. Rondeau, ev. S., B.A. (Sudbury). MacCraken, John I., 4.4. Ross, Niles G. MacDougall, P. A., J7.D. Ross, Miss C. C. McElhinney, M. P. Ross, Wi As 7. C.-C McEvoy, Jas., B.A. Sc. Kothwell, Miss Lina. MacFarlane, T., 4/.2., F.R.SEC. Ryckman, Xev. E. B., D.D. BieGil, A., 2. 4.,8. Se. Saint-Cyr, D. N., (Quebec). McInnes, Wm., &.A.,/.G..5. 4. Saucier, F. X. BR: McLaughlin, S. Saunders, Fredk. McLaughlin, Mrs. 3. Saunders, Jvof. W., F.L.S., #.R,SsCi, MacLaughlin, T. J. FCs McLean, J.D. Saunders, W. E., (London, Ont.) McMinn, W. J. R., B.A. Scott, Duncan C, McNab, Chas. Scott, Fred. McNaughton, H. F. Seott, Wi: Macoun, /ro/:. John,. 47.4.,%.2.S., Scott, W., 2.A. wok, S.C. Scott, W. L.,.h.Ae Macoun, J. M. selwyn, A. R. .C.) Gopi e eee Matheson, D. F.R.S., FURS, Gag Gad tee Matheson, W. M. Senate, The Mearns, Caft.E.A.(Fort Snelling, Minn) Senecal, C. O., C.Z. Meneilly, W. J. Shenick, Miss A., &. Se. Mills, Miss Margaret A. Shutt,.F..T 4 A447 Ge CS. Moore, H. B. Simpson, Willibert. Nelson, F., 2.A. Small, H. B. Nicholls, William. Small, H. Beaumont, A/D. Nicholls, Rupert W. Smith, D. E. (Churchville, Ont.) O’Brien, S. E. Smith, Miss Eloise. Odell, W. S. Smith, Miss Ethel M. Oxery M. B.A.,8.C. LZ, Smith, W. H., C.Z. Panet, Maurice. Sowter, T. W. E. Paquet, F. X. Steacy, Miss Isabel. Perley, Major Henry F., C.Z. Steckel, R.; Oud, Perkins, Miss E, Stewart, John. Peters, H. J. (Regina, N.W.T.) Summerby, Wm. J., 47.A.(Russell,Ont.) Poirier, Hon. P. S. (Shediac, N.B.) Surtees, Robert, C.Z. Pratt, H. O. ‘E. Sutherland, Miss C. F. S. Sutherland, J. A. (Richmond, Que.) Sweetland, John, 47. 2). Symes, Miss E. Symes, P..B., A.kaG. ‘Tanper,. R.. J. Taylor, Rev. G. W. (Victoria, B.C.) Thayne, E. Stewart. Thompson, T. W. Thorburn, John, 47A., ZZ.D. Topley, Mrs. W. J. Treadwell, C. W., B.A., B.C.L. Tyrrell; J. Bi, GA}, Se, 2eG.S FIG STA. Varley, W. B. (Toronto). Verner, F.W.2D. Waghorne, Rev. A. C., (New Harbour, Nfid.) Wait, Gi; AA. Walker, J. L., A7.A. (Sudbury). Warwick, F. W., &.Sc. (Buckingham, Que.) Watters, Mrs. A. Watters, Henry. Watts, J. W. H., 2.C.A. 6 Weldon, Prof. R. C., WP. (Halifax). Weston, T. C. Wheeler, A. O., D.7.S. (New West- minster, B.C.) White, George R. White, Zzezt.-Col. Wm. White, W. R. (Pembroke, Ont.) Whiteaves, J: 3. G.S., RG, Whyte, Miss Isabella. Whyte, J. G. Whyte, Miss Ethel. Whyte, Miss Marion. Whyte, R. B. Whyte, Mrs. R. B. Willimott, Charles W. Willing, T. N. (Calgary, N.W.T. Wills, J. Lainson, AZZ, #Gas. Wilson, C.W., .14.D. (New York). Wilson, W. J. Wintle, E. D. (Montreal). Wood, Josiah, AZ. P., (Sackville, N.B.) Wright, W. R. Young, Rev. C. J., MA. (Lansdowne, Ont.) CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Hitt, ALBERT J., AAA., C.Z., New Westminster, B.C. MERRIAM, Dr. C. HART, Department of Agriculture, Washington, U.S. © OrMEROD, Miss E, A., #. 2. Alert. Soc., Torrington Houre, Holywell Hill, St. Albans, England. SMITH, PRor. |lOHN B., Rutger’s College, New Brunswick, N.J. ON NATURAL PHOSPHATES. By J. Lainson Wills, F.C.S. (Delivered 12th March, 1892.) Wnen your President and Treasurer did me the honour to request me to read a paper on “Phosphates” before the Ottawa Field- Naturalists’ Club, I hesitated in complying. ‘‘ Phosphates” in a general way, as we employ the word in this locality, implies the crystallized Mineral Apatite, so abundant in certain parts of our Laurentian formation. The good work done by the Geological Survey, has from time to time, through its officers, kept us well informed ef the localities and peculiarities of the occurence of the Canadian Apatite, by valuable contributions form the pens of Sir Wm. Logan, Sterry Hunt, Vennor, Dr. Geo. Dawson, ‘forrance, Dr. Robert Bell and others. At the present time, I understand that Mr. Ingall also, who has been in charge of a special study of onr Canadian Apatite fields, is about to terminate and publish his preliminary report, so with deference to his opportunities and approaching publication, I could not presume to undertake a paper purely on Canadian Phosphates or Apatites as was proposed, but thought it might be acceptable to our members here, to give their attention to a more extended and _ general consideration of natural mineral Phosphates, and hence the title of my paper this evening, instead of being ‘‘ Canadian Apatite” is ‘ Natural Phosphates” in a general way. My present occupation prevents me from giving much time and study to the preparation of this work, but if by some generalization of facts, we can awaken a healihy discussion and exchange of ideas, my humble attempt will not have been useless. Natural phosphates owe their commercial value to the proportion of phosphoric element contained in them, and are employed as raw material for the manufacture of phosphatic fertilizers, being also some- times applied in the natural and raw state direct to the soil by the farmer. They are also in demand for the manufacture of phosphorus, baking powders and some other chemical products. By far the greatest demand for them, however, is made by the manure manufacturers for 8 agricultural requirements, and this demand is yearly increasing at a very rapid rate. The occurence of natural phosphates presents the most varied and interesting modes of formation, as may be surmised by find- ing their deposits, not only in nearly every geological system, but in many different series of the same system. Now in beds which may-be, have a fresh water or marine origin, now appearing as hardened conglomerate or rocks, and sometimes as sand and loose gravel: then again in vein formation or pockets, some- times amorphous, at other time crystallized. In the matter of texture, colour and other physical characters, we find the same endless variation. The origin of the demand for ihese phoshatized products is com- paratively of recent date. It was only in the commencement of the present century that crushed bones were employed as a fertilizer in agriculture, and strange to say, only then on occount of the gelatine or organic matter they might contain. The following curious statement which appeared in a scientific journal in the year 1830, a propos of the employment of crushed bones in England, exposed the ignorance on the subject at that day and reads as follows:—‘‘As to earthy matter or phosphate of lime contained in the bones, we may disregard it. It is insoluble and indestructible, and cannot serve as a manure, even in danp soil, and in immediate contact with the rootlets of the plant. ” The suggestion of Liebig, to treat the bones with sulphuric acid, opened a new era, to the utilisation of phosphatic materials in agricul- ture and the manufacture of artificial manure was soon established. The illustrious Elie de Beaumont thus expressed himself with reg- ard to the commencement of the mining of mineral phosphates. * Colbert has said that France would be lost for want of forests, and everyone perceives that without coal his prediction would soon be accomplished. In his day, one would have failed to comprehend how a great country might disappear.” NATURAL PHOSPHATIC DEPOSITS. These valuable provisions of nature are the result of various causes and agencies familiar to the geological observer and their contained “Jean Baptiste Colbert, born 1619, Minister of Finance to Louis XIV. 9 phosphoric acid is mostly due to animal life; and when we say “ due” to animal life we wish to imply that animal life is the assimilating and con- centrative medium of pre-existing phosphoric acid : whether as sea and fresh-water shells, as fish and animal bones, as excreta of birds and saurians, etc., animal organisms have been from the beginning of life and still are, the silent but mighty laboratory of nature, never resting to collect and store up the dispersed molecules of phosphoric acid. Among such are the guano beds of recent epochs, coprolite deposits, bone beds, shell beds, etc. Nature’s operations of bringing these materials or their debris together to form whole geological areas are equally varied, but the estuaries and depressions of the sea-bottcms of the different and respec- tive geological periods, are recognized to have been the receptacles or storehouses of these wonderful supplies. A curious disposition to concretionary action, displayed by nuclei of certain organisms to absorb and accumulate phosphatic matter, with which the ancient seas abounded, is more easily seen in its effects than explained. Such is the origin of many odd species of nodules, some varieties of which exist in immense quantities. The abrupt or imperceptible, but never ceasing operations of geo- logical rearrangement, follow the afore mentioned accumulations, and we then have new forms of mineralized phosphatic matter, giving rise to conglomerates, breccias, phosphatic limestone, shells and marls, sandy and ablation deposits, etc., and most of the known natural de- posits of mineralized phosphate display examples of two or more of these products. For listance, the perplexities experienced just now with some of the exploratory workings of the lately discovered Florida deposits, are chiefly occasioned by the character of these beds contain- ing boulders, and nodules from pea size to masses of several hundred pounds in weight, fish bones, sharks’ teeth and fossil bones, in fact debris from several geological epochs, each of these materials naturally varying in purity, and therefore also in commercial value, so that the more successful enterprises may be looked for where regular and homogenous deposits occur, or some cheap and efficient mechanical means are applied for the separation of the marketable products from the less valuable or worthless intermixtures. 10 The classification of natural phosphates of lime is, as remarked by Dr. Penrose in Bulletin No. 46 of the U.S. Geological Survey, ‘“‘a matter attended with many difficulties, not only on account of the great variety of forms in which phosphate of lime occurs, but also because many varieties blend into one another, thus often rendering it uncertain to which class a special deposit should be referred,” and he adopts the following classification, based mainly on the chemical composition of the deposits, and grouped under the headings thus :— { Apatites | Fluor-Apatites Peer « Phosphorites Chlor-Apatites { Loose nodules. | Cemented (conglomerates) Phosphoric limestone beds { Soluble guanos | Leached guanos Amorphous nodules Rock Phosphates Guanos Bone beds. We shall recognise as we proceed with the study of the various phosphatic depcsits, formed during the different geologic periods, that by tar the greater part owe their origin to animal or organic remains, and we shall see that as soon as the organic compounds of a guano, for example, are dissipated and resolved into their elements, we may consider that the residual products, to all intents and purposes, revert to the mineral state, in accordance with the iamiliar expression “ earth to earth.” We pass over, for the present, the guano of various localities, which however will be observed to lie mostly within 10 to 20 degrees of the equator. We should remember, however, that this product has attained its zenith, both as to quality and quantity, and must cede its commercial importance ultimately to the mineral resources of phosphoric acid, which are before us for our more particular consideration. We shall find the diagram on the wall which shows the approximate geological position or age of the different phosphate deposits, very use- tul to our present purpose, and we will commence with the more recent- ly formed or mineralized products, a << — ee ll OCCURENCE OF NATURAL PHOSPHATES IN THE GEOLOGICAL EPOCHS. Post-tertiary or Quarternary System. True guanos. Crust or “leached” guanos. West Indian and Pacific Phosphates. Tertiary System. West Indian Rock Phosphates. Nassau or Lahn nodular concretions. Suffolk Coprolites in the Red Crag and Coralline Crag. (Repos- ing on the Lower Eocene ) S. Carolina beds, resting upon Eocene. Deposition of Florida phosphate debris and organic remains. N. Carolina overlying Eocene marl. Fundamental rock of Florida Phosphate deposits. Clays and debris of Bordeaux Phosphates. Cretaceous System. Belgian (Liege) Hesbaye nodules. American Alabama amorphous nodules. New Jersey marls. Belgian (Mons) Ciply nodules (Maestricht beds). Somme deposits, arenaceous and nodules. Russian “Samorod” nodules Desna-Don. Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire Coprolites. French nodules of Ardennes, Meuse. r. # Montpellier and Bellegrade. Oolitic or Jurassic System. Bordeaux Phosphorites and nodules overlain by Tertiary (Eocene) clays and dedvzs. Algerian Phosphates. Triassic System. Highly phosphatic beds (between Trias and below Lias) con- taining exuvize of huge reptiles as well as remains of fish and crusta- ceans. Permian System. (Appearance of reptilia.) Carboniferous System. (Appearance of Ainphibia. ) Devonian or Old Red Sandstone. Hignly phosphatic beds in conjunction with Lower Carboniferous. Highly phosphatised beds in Shropshire, containing oldest known remains of vertebrate life associated with crustaceans. 12 Stlurian System. (Appearance of vertebrata ) Welsh Bala beds. Berwyn Phosphate mine. Lingula flags (Quebec) 407% tribasic. Angers slates (France). Phosphate limestone of Kentucky. Logrosan (Spain) Phosphorities (Apatites ?) Caceres (Spain) Portugal 2s Cambrian System. (Appearance of Protozoa, Mollusca, Annuloida, and Crustacea.) Laurentian System. Canadian Apatite. Norwegian Apatite. Thus at the present time, we have Mineral phosphates of lime in process of formation, and principally known in commerce as “ Crust guano” . Looking at the chemical composition of average Bird guano, we find it to be composed of the following constituents :— Moisture. .... ... «aviichupGedigih-ccn cos: . . «ogeleemnne Organic matter and Ammoniacal Salts . «eee ons Phosphates Of Timie =... ssictei<,<;2cis.s:* + - «s.r 19.5 Phosphates. of Lronsang. Alumina... ... eee 1 ae Maenesidpeitiee. icc, «tian - - - Seer 2.6 Ico oO and analysis of the original gave as follows :— Alumette. Hawkesbury. R. Quelle. Phosphate,of lime cs cree - Sete. - 36.28 AsO. Aiea Carbonate of lime and some fluorine.... 5.00 6.60 5-14 Carbonate, ot, Macnesia meget ss es - 4.76 9.70 Oxide of Tron and Aluntinges......-... Oo 8.60 — T2068 WMACMOSIA, 65 ok. «napa eee eg a Insoluble «06.15 255 ¢o pay Mew a -- 40006 | 2 Nolatile by heals. oc sfc eee Skee 1 ce 5-00 2.13 100.00) O72 50n rose ag We here observe an average of 407% of phosphate of lime. It would appear that our knowledge of the proportion of phosphatic element in similiar animal remains is very imperfect, so that upon further investigations, we may expect to meet with many other similar accumulated supplies of phosphoric acid. | Some authorities attribute a large portion of the phosphate of lime in the Charleston fields to such molluscs and principally Zingula pyramidata, which are found abundantly on the present coast. CLASSIFICATION OF NATURAL PHOSPHATES. I prefer for all practical purposes and from rational observation to modify the classification proposed by Dr. Penrose, thus :— \ Fluor-Apatites. Apatites Chlor-Apatites. | Phosphorites. Nodules, Coprolites. Concretions. Mineral and Rock Phosphates } Conglomerates. Phosphatic Limestone. Phosphatic Marls. J Crust Guanos. 15 Nitrogenous. Phosphatic, or “leached.” Guanos , Bat Guano. Bone beds. » Shell beds. Animal exuvie. Animal remains We will now proceed to trace in a cursory way the commercially known deposits, commencing with the most recent, and passing stratigraphically in descending order to the more ancient formations. GUANOS. Guanos are of two kinds—Nitrogenous or those containing their original manurial qualities, and phosphatic or “leached,” the latter being in a more or less mineralized condition by exposure to weathering. _ Among the Nitrogenous guanos, we have the Peruvian, Ichaboe, Patagonian and Falkland Islands. The phosphatic or weathered guanos include those of the Pacific or Polynesian Islands, Sidney, Phoenix, Starbruck, Baker, Howland, Jarvis, Enderbury, Malden, Lacepede and Arbrohlos Islands. Some of these deposits are more or less exhausted, and new Islands furnishing similar products are from time to time worked. The West Indian guanos are from Aves, Mona, Tortola. Other South American are Patos Islands, Mcgillones, Rata. From Africa, Saldanta Bay and Kuria Muria Islands. Bat Guano, the product from the floors of caverns inhabited by bats, have sometimes been sent to market as arich fertilizer. It is found notably in Cuba (W. I.) and in N. Borneo. It possesses a char- acteristic dark brown colour and exhibits the undigested parts of beetles wings and insect debris. BONE BEDS. These are found in nearly all sedimentary strata, from the Devo- nian up to the present time, but with the appearance of those remark- able reptilia in the Permian age, we find that these kinds of phosphatic provisions of nature took enormous developments, augmenting the resources previously furnished by the amphibia of the Carboniferous epoch. 16 Bone beds, however, in their original state have furnished little to commercial supplies of phosphatic products, except those found in the Tertiary and Quarternary ages, such as Bordeaux, Carolina, Florida and Sombrero (breccia). SHELL BEDS. Since these must have existed from a time well into the Paleozoic periods, or that is to say, from the Cambrian age, we may expect and do find these mollusca remains, through a wide range of systems and strata and up to recent times. The Silurian Lingula beds are remarkable, and have been already particularized as a probable abundant source of phosphoric acid. The Welsh Silurian beds, and the French Bellegarde and Ardennes deposits in the lower Green-sand (Cretaceous), exhibit evidence of this origin, while the Tertiary and Quaternary phosphates contain very frequently these marine and fluvatile remains as a contribution to their value in phosphate of lime. Some very interesting specimens are on the table from the Dutch West Indies, containing from 75 to 80% of tribasic phosphate of lime, and exhibiting in some cases, one mass of shells belonging to recent times. COPROLITES. Owe their name to Professor Henslow, and should be applied only to the fossil exuviz of animals. ‘The appelation has extended itself to many rolled or gravelly products, chiefly found in the Cretaceous form- ation. In England they have been worked to a large extent in Bedford- shire and Cambridgeshire, where they appear in the (Neocomian) strata, between the chalk and the subjacent Jurassic system, in nodules and pebbles of size from a pea to a hen’s egg, and sometimes cemented by ferruginous sand into a hard conglomerate; organic remains are present, and casts and fragments of fossils with abundance of ammonites, vegetable remains and other debris of the Jurassic epoch, (Jguanodon and Megalosaurus, etc.). The comr.ercial products contain from 45 to 55 { phosphate of lime. The Coprolites of Suffolk occur in the ‘Tertiary, being in the older Pliocene (the Red Crag and Coralline Crag). They are poorer in phosphate of lime, more ferruginous and harder in texture. ¥ eS eS ¥ : | li | ; France also possesses some deposits of this character at Bellegarde, near the Swiss frontier, and also at Montpellier and Avignon, yielding 54% tribasic phosphate of lime. NODULAR, CONCRETJONARY AND ARENACEOUS PHOSPHATES. These by far the most important of nature’s phosphatic reserves, comprising as they do, the South Carolina deposits, the French deposits of the Somme, Ardennes and Meuse, the Belgian fields of Mons and those more lately opened up at Liege (Hesbaye). The so-called ‘“Bor- deaux Phosphates,” because being formerly shipped from that port, but having their real origin in the region of Quercy, comprising portions of the departments of the Lot, Tarn and Garonne and Aveyron, also fur- nish a considerable quantity of nodular or phosphatic concretions of kidney shape of great purity (88%), and curious geological interest. These are well represented by specimens on the table, and coming from the crevices in the Oolitic limestones, accompanied by debris of Tertiary age (Eocene), the walls of the crevices or fissures being at the same time incrusted with phosphorite of a high degree of purity attain- ing 80% of tribasic phosphate of lime. We must not omit here the Florida nodular beds of land and river formation, which are now enjoying such a glorious boom. As a peculiarity of this Bordeaux phosphorite, we may mention that it contains a very appreciable proportion of iodine. The Russian deposits, situated between the Rivers Desna and Don, occur in the Cretaceous system, at about the same horizon as the Cam- bridgeshire coprolites and may be described as nodular. The Nassau or Lahn concretions in clay are of Tertiary age, and although not exhibiting signs of organic remains are generally believed to be of animal origin, they attain 60 to 75% phosphate of lime, but too ferruginous to be much in request for superphosphate manufacture. The Belgian (Ciply) deposits, which have furnished over 150,000 tons per annum ofa 40 to 50% product, are of a nodular character, although the grains are often so fine as to be considered more correctly arenaceous. The sarue may be said of the very remarkable French deposits, discovered near Amiens in 1886, and known as the Somme phosphates. 18 These are granular or arenaceous, and to this feature as well asto their richness (65-80) may be attributed the enormous development which they have enjoyed in such a short period, attaining the annual productien of 200,000 tons. CONGLOMERATES AND BRECCIAS. Phospnatic beds may also assume these characters, sometimes with the cementing material as the phosphatic element, and at others with the enclosed pebbles or angular fragments as the valuable portion for commercial supplies. Thus the Cambridgeshire coprolite fields furnish a conglomerate of phosphatic pebbles, cemented by ferruginous sand, while in the Ardennes district (France), is found a peculiar agglomeration of granules of chlorite in a phosphatic cement, the whole yielding 4o to 45 4 phosphate of lime. The Belgian (Cipley) deposits yield abundant supplies of a mass of phosphatic nodules, shells casts and fossils, cemented in a calcareous matrix, to utilize which, has puzzled the ingenuity of many an ‘“exploitant.” PHOSPHATIC LIMESTONE AND MARLS. Are found in tnost strata from the Silurian epoch down to more recent time. The metamorphosis or transmutation of earthy carbonates into phosphates, is a very simple and comparatively rapid process, and the evidence of Dr. R. Ledoux in the following description is instructive. He says ina recent article on Phosphates :—‘*Some clients of mine sent a ship to a coral island in the Southern Pacific to bring away a cargo of bird guano. The birds were still in countless thousands. The captain had been there for a load 20 years before, and since that time no guano had been removed. At his first visit the crew had cleaned off a space and made a house of coral rock, covering it with a sail and had used it for a shelter and storehouse while at work. On leaving, the sail was taken away and the walls and board floor left. On the return, 20 years after, there was an average depth of 20 inches over the floor—an inch a year. The underlying limestone was altered into Phosphate for a depth of several feet, but the conversion of carbonate into phosphate gradually became less perfect as depth from surface was attained.” I have observed the same effect myself taking place in the West Indies, where the surface of the coral rock is speedily converted into phosphate of lime, wherever the seabirds are in the habit of congregating. Such indeed is the simple origin of some of the most important deposits of phosphate in that portion of the world: i. e., Curacao, Sombrero and Aruba, etc. The prospecting and first development of the latter named island having fallen to my own care and experience, [ am able to produce some interesting specimens here, illustrating very clearly the history of their formation, by examination of their fossil organisms, originally carbonate of lime (coral rock), and now seen to be, by analysis, phosphate of lime of over 807. The deposits of Florida and South Carolina would appear to owe much of their phosphatic wealth to debris of phosphatized limestones and marls. One of nature’s operations, which is a factor in enriching already- formed phosphate beds, may be here alluded to, namely, the property of spring waters (which often contain considerable proportions of bicarbonates and free carbonic acid) to disolve neutral carbonate of lime, even when presented to them in apparently as the most compact and impervious material. Such has been the origin of the many remarkable caves existing in the limestone rock formations (Cheddar, Derby, Kentucky, etc.) This property applied to a calcareous phosphated miterial will, in course of time, ablate, as it were, more carbonate than phosphate, and to this action is attributed the value of many thousand tons of material, in such extensive beds as those of the Somme, Ciply, Liege, and probably of Florida. While speaking of these beds of the Cretaceous period, I may mention the recent opening up of another similar field in France. 1 refer to that in the department of the Pas de Calais, which would appear to be of the same nature as that of the Somme. APATITES. Although crystallized phosphate of lime is found as a component et rock masses in more recent strata, yet we do not yet know of any 20 workable deposits of this mineral before passing to the oldest of fossil- iferous systems, the Laurentian. The rocks of this formation are among the most ancient on the North American continent and probably correspond to the oldest gneiss of Scandanavia. ‘The modes of occurence are so varied in the Cana- dian Apatite field, that the subject would require to be treated by itself in order to do it justice herve. We are all here familiar with how it is found, both in Ontario and Quebec provinces. Dr. Hunt thus describes in 1884, the main features of its mode of occurence: “‘ The deposits of Apatite are in part bedded or interstratified in the pyroxenic rock of the region, and in part are true veins of poste- rior origin. The gneissic rock with their interstratified quartoze and pyroxenic layers, and an included band of crystalline limestone, have a general northeast and southwest strike, and are much folded, exhibiting pretty symmetrical anticlinals and synclinals, in which the strata are seen to dip at various angles, sometimes as low as 25 degrees or 30 degrees, but more often approaching the vertical. The bedded deposits of apatite, which are found running and dipping with these, I am disposed to look upon as true beds, deposited at the same time with the enclosing rocks. ‘The veins, on the contrary, cut across all these strata, and in some noticeable instances, include broken angular masses of the enclos- ing rocks. They are tor the most part, nearly at right angles to the strike of the strata, and generally vertical, though to both of these con- ditions there are exceptions. One vein, which had yielded many hundred tons of apatite, I found to intersect, in a nearly horizontal attitude, vertical strata of gneiss, and in rare cases what appear, from their structure and composition to be veins, are found coinciding in dip and in strike with the enclosing strata.” | The apatites of Norway are known since 1854, and occur on the southern coast in similar rocks to our own (Canadian), and many of the associated minerals are similar to those observed in the Laurentian rocks, the vein matter differing chiefly in freedom from carbonate of lime. Rutile may be mentioned as an exception, which in some mines is so abundant as to form a considerable revenue to a working mine, since 21 it is worth 1/6d. per lb., say $800 per ton. These are fluor-apatites, although they contain also some chlorine. Continental geologists (Brogger and Rensch) who have studied these formations, have supposed them to be of eruptive origin, in consequence of the absence of phosphoric acid in the surrounding rocks, but the question seems to be most doubtful, as well here as in the case of the same opinion held on the Canadian Apatite deposits. THE SITUATION OF CANADIAN PHOSPHATE TRADE. Although this Canadian industry has not progressed on the same scale as many other phosphate fields, Somme, Cipley, Liege, Carolina and Florida, yet there are some facts offering an explanation for this. The peculiarity of the occurence of the mineral in vein-like formation in hard rock, calls for a sciencific and economic system of mining, which has been little applied to the development of our deposits, and the cost of production is thereby more considerable than that attained in other fields of supply. Certain centres of manure manufacture still require our high testing products to complete their standard types of concentrated supers, and the rapidly increasing demand for fertilizers by all the civilized world, both the new and the old,-will tend to maintain a fair value for natural phosphates. We are getting into the era in which - steam does not work fast enough, and on every hand we are seeking to accomplish our ends by electricity with lightning speed. Someone has said that the man who could made ‘wo blades of grass grow where one grew before, was a benefactor to his race, but the rush and the struggle for existence imposes that every cultivator shall be a benefactor in this regard, and carry on agricultural science at the highest possible tension for his very existence. With increasing populations, with better means of transport, and lastly but not least, advanced scientific education, fertilizers and all other artificial means of stimulating our exhausted soils will continue to be in increasing demand. We see no reason therefore to suppose that the mineral-phosphate industry or phosphate mining has attained its zenith, and so far as we can see at present, the future demands of the world for phosphoric acid are destined to increase with time and agricultural progress. 22 RESUME. We may shortly generalize the foregoing facts and observations. Of the sixty four elementary substances at present known to compose the material of our original globe, phosphorus is found to be among the twenty more abundant elements, and is recognized to have been widely disseminated in all the original and.ancient rock masses. With the exception of the segregations of crystallized Apatite in the Laurentian rocks, we do not find any marked local accumulation of phosphatic bases in any of the azoic formations, or intrusive rocks. The existence of the Eozoon Canadense is still debatable, and it is problematical whether the apatite of these older metamorphosed strata is not the mineralized product of organic remains, but passing from the Laurentian epoch to the succeeding and less altered rocks we are immediately in presence of abundant evidence of organized life, and cannot fail to remark how much more frequent are the accumulations of phosphatic beds. The function of organized life to assimilate and concentrate the disseminated phosphoric element 1s strikingly apparert. The natural forces which are ever restless and continua! in building up the varied geological strata of succeeding epochs (attrition, deposition, cementation, ablation, etc.) may alter and vary the manner of presentation of the phosphatic deposits which we have been considering, but the silently working power of assimilation by the organized cell, would appear to triumph over the mighty disruptive and more violent operations of nature, for the latter forces fail to re-disseminate the work accomplished by the former, but rather complete the task required to secure to man the providential supplies.of phosphatic deposits with which we may satisfy our present demands, and therefore these economic supplies are seen to be chiefly in the more recent geological formations. 23 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR 1891-1892. To the Members of the Ottawa Fteld-Naturalists Club : LaDIEs AND GENTLEMEN,—In presenting the customary annual report your Council has pleasure in stating that the progress of the work during the fourteenth year (which by the unscientific and superstitious might be considered an unlucky period) has been satisfactory, and that the present condition of the Club is very encouraging. The membership continues in the vicinity of three hundred, which may be considered a very large membership for a purely scientific society Unforeseen difficulties prevented the Excursion Committee from completing the arrangements for some of the proposed excursions, so that these popular outings were not so numerous as in former years. Two very successful ones were, however, held; the first to King’s Mountain on 30th May, and the second to Montebello on 26th June, both being well attended and profitable. Sub-excursions, or small outing parties, visited many of the neighbouring localities, and not a few more distant places. Of these may be mentioned Wakefield, High Falls, Cassleman, Moose Creek, Chats Falls, Buckingham, Mer Bleue, Aylmer, Kettle Island, Hog’s Back, Templeton, Donaldson’s Lake, etc. By the Botanical Report it will be observed that some of these localities yielded new plants; in entomology and ornithology many good species were also taken and observed, while the geologists discovered very interesting exposures of different formations. The winter course of meetings consisted of six soirees; the Council having decided to omit for one year the former elementary, or afternoon lectures. The soirees were held on Thursdays in the lecture room of the Normal School, and the following papers and reports were read :— 1891. ‘Dec. 17.—The Work of the Geological Survey (Pre- , sigent’s Add@ass) ™ 2.2. ...-...---65> Dr. Ells. 24 1892. Jan-#14.—Notesion Travel im Japan :'s.:.'. Sg Mr. Harrington. Jan. 28.--Report of the Ornithological Branch. Report of the Botanical Section. A Botanical Excursion to “ The Chats”..Mr. R. B. Whyte. Feb. 18.—A Microscopie Soiree with papers as follows :— The Microscope in Entomology........ Mr. Harrington. Petroptaphy 3/70 laeee ul... Coe Mr. Ferrier. Forms of Animal and Plant Life in Swamp Water 5. Sse. 62.1... a Mr. Shutt. Feb. 25.—The Natural History of the vicinity of Lansdowne: ant :).... 1... eee Rev. C. J. Young. Report of the Entomological Branch. Parasitic Fungi¥}.. . ode Mch. 10o.—Water ; its properties and functions..... Mr. Lehmann. The Librarian’s Report will show that a number of valuable volumes have been bound, and that many publications Lave been received, The Otrawa NATuRALIsT, which has been issued regularly, and forms for the year a volume of 214 pages, contains many valuable papers and affords both to our members and to the outside scientific world a useful and appropriate record of the work of the Club. It is particularly gratifying to state that, notwithstanding the large amount required for the publication of this monthly, the Treasurer’s Report will show that there is a satisfactory balance. In conclusion the Council desires to express its gratitude for the continued enjoyment of lecture and library rooms in the Normal School, and to tender its thanks to Dr. MacCabe, through whose courtesy this accommodation is granted. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Council. W. HAGUE HARRINGTON, Secretary. 25 FAUNA OTTAWAENSIS. HEMIPTERA. By W. Hague Harrington. In the report of the Entomological Branch for 1890 (OrTaw, q NATURALIST, Vol. V, 193) it was promised that a preliminary list of local Hemiptera would be published. ‘The collection and study of our species has been of a very limited and fragmentary nature, and the _ list now submitted (with some reluctance) is correspondingly incom- | plete. It may, however, serve some purpose as a basis for future _ study of our many interesting forms, and, as few lists of Canadian Hemiptera have been published, a record of the distribution of the species enumerated. When the Abbé Provancher was publishing the third volume of his Petite Faune Entomologique du Canada, specimens of our Hemiptera were communicated by Mr. Fletcher, Mr. Guignard » and the writer, and reference to his work will show that from our material he described several new species, and made a number of _ additions to his records. | The appearance of the present list, however, has been possible only through the kindly assistance of Mr Van Duzee, of Buffslo, N.Y., who has examined nearly all the writer’s collections, and has also furnished a generic arrangement of the Homoptera, and in other ways given valuable aid. In the Heteroptera the check list of North American “species published by Mr. Uhler in 1872 has been followed. | The following list contains nearly 200 species, but it only shows how much yet remains to be done before any satisfactory knowledge of our fauna is gained. The references to the relative abundance of the Species, and the dates of their appearance, are given from the writer’s collection, but in many instances are of small value, as these insects have not been systematically collected, but obtained when the main object of the chase was the capture of Hymenoptera and Coleoptera. The greater part of this collecting has further been in the early summer, when many of the species are immature, and comparatively little in ‘July, August and September, when the mature insects would probably be most abundant. Our Psyllide, Aphide and Coccide have been ; omitted, for though the species are numerous and important, especially 26 from an economic standpoint, few have been collected and determined. Let us hope that Mr. Fletcher, whose professional duties bring to his notice many of these destructive forms, may at an early date be able to prepare a preliminary list of the species. HETEROPTERA. SCUTELLERIDA. Homemus eneifrons, Say. Nvot common. July. Eurygaster alternatus, Say. Common. May to August. CORIMELANIDE. Corimelzna atra, dm. et S. One specimen. Corimelzena pulicaria, Germ. Abundant. May. CYDNID&. Amnestus spinifrons, Say. One specimen. Canthophorus cinctus, Pal. Beauv. Not common. May. PENTATOMID&. Perillus circumcinctus, Sta/. ‘Two specimens. April. Podisus cynicus, say. Not common. | Podisus modestus, Da//as. Abundant. May, June. Podisus sp. ? Perhaps var. of modestus. One specimen. Neottiglossa undata, Say. Common. July. Cosmopepla carnifex, 4ed. Abundant. Mormidea lugens, 4a. Common. May. Euchistus fissilis, UZ. Abundant. May. Euchistus tristigmus, Say. Abundant. May. Coenus delius, S $8: ,aspernummney: Trea. 71 $3 edentula, Say. 36°. “+ lborealisjoAu, KafGray. 72 iy Ferussaciana, Lea. 37). * » Canhadelasiey Ieea: 73 . fluviatilis, Dillwyn. 3 ‘..« bearioeus) Ineni 74 ‘yj Footiana, Lea. 39 «6S. ~S—s complanatus, Sol. 75 HH fragilis, 1am. 40 .(* »hellipistss Tsea, 76 a implicata, Say. 41 ‘* gibbosus, Barnes. 77 i Kennicottil, Lea. 42 “ gracilis, Barges: 78 - lacustris, Lea. 43 ‘* + lachrymiosus, lea: 79 “s Lewisii, Lea. 44 “ ligamentinus, Lam. 80 “i Nuttalliana, Lea. 45. «hoteohasgaia ny: 81 ‘f ovata, Say. 46 ‘“ multiplicatus, Lea. 82 Pt plana, Lea. 47 |“*.> nasuttisy Say. 83 . Simpsoniana, Lea. 48 * occidens, Lea. 84 fs subcylindracea, Lea. 49 ‘* phaseolus, Hildreth. 85 i undulata, Say, 50 “ plicatus, LeSucur 86 “ Wahlamatensis, Lea. 35 B.—Freshwater Univalves. 87 Valvata tricarinata, Say. 11g Limnea humilis, Say. 88 «sincera, Say. 120 iS lanceata, Gould. 89 ‘¢ pupoidea, Gould. [21 *¢ gracilis, Jay. go ‘¢ ~ virens, Tryon. 122 Physa Lordi, Baird. gt Campeloma decisum, Say. 123 i) ‘gyrina Gay, 92 Bythinia tentaculata, L. 124° \-triticens hea. 93 Bythinella obtusa, Lea. 125 ‘* ampullacea, Gould. 94 Somatogyrus depressus,Tryon.126 ‘* ancillaria, Say. 95 af isogonus, Say. 127 1‘ Billingsii, Heron. 96 Amnicola porata, Say. 128 ‘* heterostropha, Say. 97 i pallida, Hald. 129 Bulinus hypnorum, L. 98 fe limosa, Say. 130 Planorbis corpulentus, Say. 99 3 Cincinatiensis, Anth. 131 trivolvis, Say. 100 : granum, Say. 132 . macrostomus, Whit- 1o1 Fluminicola Nuttalliana, Lea. eaves. 102 Pomatiopsis lapidaria, Hald. 133 ¥ bicarinatus, Say. 103 a lustrica, Say. 134 % campanulatus, Say. 104 Plurocera subulare, Lea. £35 ‘ opercularis, Gould. 105 Goniobasis livescens, Menke. 136 ce exacutus, Say. 106 § salicula, Gould. 137 et deflectus, Say. 107 Limneea stagnalis, L. 138 albus, Mull. 108 ‘“ ampla, Mighels. 139 * nautileus, L. 109 ** decollata, Mighels. 140 a parvus, Say. IIo * yaceolumella, Say. I41 x umbilicatus, J. W. ma? seul lepida; ‘Gould. Taylor. I12 ia megasoma, Say. 142 a Billingsii, Lea. 113 «palustris, Mull. 143 Segmentina armigera, Say. 114 ** catascopium, Say. 144 Ancylus parallelus, Hald. 115 ‘* emarginata, Say. 145 ‘* rivularis, Say. 116 *‘ _ caperata, Say. 146 ‘* caurinus, Cooper. x7 ‘‘ — decidiosa, Say. 147 ‘“* . fragilis, Tryon. 118 & Adelinz, Tryon. 148 - Kootaniensis, Baird. C.—Land Shells. 149 Selenites concava, Say. 151 Selenites sportella, Gould. 150 be Vancouverensis,I.ea. 152 Limax agrestis, Mill. 153 Limax campestris, Binney. 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 180 181 182 183 74 hyperboreus, Wester- lund. Vitrina limpida, Gould. “6 Pfeifferi, Newcomb. Zonites fuliginosus, Griff. ag ligerus, Say. intertextus, Binney. inornatus, Say. cellarius Mull. nitidus, Mull. arboreus, Say. radiatulus, Alder. indentatus, Say. minusculus, Binney. milium, Morse. Binneyanus, Morse. ferreus, Morse. exiguus, Stimpson. fulvus, Drap. suppressus, Say. multidentatus, Binney. Pristiloma Lansingi, Bland. Stearnsi, Bland. Tebennophorus Caroliniensis, Bosc. a dorsalis, Binney. Ariolimax Columbianus,Gould. Prophysaon Hemphilli, 81d. & Binney. Pacificum, Cock- erell. Patula alternata, Say. ce cc strigosa, Gould. perspectiva, Say. 36 184 Patula striatella, Anth. 185 186 187 188 189 Igo 1g 1g2 £93 ee £95 196 — 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 2:18 ce asteriscus, Morse. Helicodiscus lineatus; Say. Acanthinula harpa, Say Punctum minutissimum, [.ea. conspectum, Bland. Helix aspersa, Mill. hortensis, L. fidelis, Gray. arbustorum, L. Townsendiana, Lea. hispida, L. rufescens, Pennant. Cantiana, Montagu. thyroides, Say. albolabris, Say. dentifera, Binney. Columbiana, Lea. devia, Gould. Sayii, Binney. monodon, Rackett. Leail, Ward. germana, Gould. tridentata, Say. palliata, Say. pulchella, Mull. costata, Mull. labyrinthica, Say. Pupa muscorum, L. Hoppu, Moller. decora, Gould. corpulenta, Morse. fallax, Say. corticaria, Say. armifera, Say. 29 PHYMATID&. Phymata Wolffii, S¢a7. Common. August. On Solidago. NABID&. Coriscus subcoleoptratus, Az7dy. Common. June, July. Coriscus inscriptus, Azrdy. Common. Coriscus propinquus, few/. Not common. May. REDUVID&. Sinea diadema, “ad. Abundant. August, September. Diplodus luridus, S¢aZ. Common. Darbanus palliatus, /7ov. (Petite Faune Ent. III, 182, n. sp.) Evagoras marginata, Prov. (ibid, n. sp.) Opsiccetus personatus, Zzzz. Not common. Pygolampis pectoralis, Say. One specimen. May 31. ) LIMNOBATID&. Limnobates lineata, Say. (Prov. Petite Faune Ent. II1., 193.) HyYDROBATID&. Limnotrechus, n. sp. ? One specimen. SALDID. Salda major, Prov. One specimen. Salda deplanata, U7. One specimen. . Salda sp., probably undescribed. Common. (Hull.) BELASTOMATIDA. Zaitha fluminea, Say. Abundant. Belostoma americanum, Lezzy. Very common. NEPID. Nepa apiculata, £’47. One specimen. (Leamy’s Lake.) Ranatra fusca, Pal. Beauv. Common. NOTONECTID&. Notonecta undulata, Sey. Abundant in lakes and streams. Notonecta undulata, Say. Var. almost white. Not common. Notonecta irrorata, U#/. Not common. (Hull Brook.) Plea striola, #7eb. Common. (Hull Brook and Canal.) 30 CorIsID&. Corisa calva, Say. Not common. Corisa alternata, Say’. Abundant. Corisa planifrons, Kzvdy. Several specimens. Corisa Harrisiti, UA7, Very abundant. Corisa trivittata, Prov. One specimen. HOMOPTERA. CICADID&. Cicada pruinosa, Say. Abundant. Tibicen rimosa, Say. Not common. MEMBRACIDA Enchinopa binotata, Say. Common. August. Campylenchia curvata, ab. Abundant. Ceresa diceros, Say. Abundant. July, August. Ceresa bubalus, #ad. Abundant. August. Ceresa subulata, Sav. (?) (Prov. Petite Faune Ent. IIL, 338.) Stictocephala festina, Sav. (Prov. ibid., 237.) Acutalis semicrema, Say. One specimen. Entylia sinuata, aby, Common. June. Publilia concava, Say. Not common. Cyrtosia vau, Say. ‘Two specimens. Cyrtosia trilineata, Say. (2 var. of preceding.) One specimen. Cyrtosia ornata, Prov. (Petite Faune Ent. III., 240, 2. sp.) Atymna castanea, /vich. One specimen. Thelia univittata, Harris. One specimen. July ro. Telamona unicolor, Az/ch. Females. Common. July. Telamona fasciata, Fitch. Maks. ‘lwospecimens. Telamona reclivata, Fitch. No. common. Telamona sp., near monticola, Aad. One specimen. Carynota mera, Say. Not common. Carynota marmorata, Say. ‘Two specimens. Carynota picta, Frov. (Petite Faune Ent. IIT., 246, 7. sp.) =var. of marmorata? FULGORID&. Scolops sulcipes, Say. (Prov. Petite Faune Ent. III., 223.) 31 Cixius pini, 7itch. One specimen. Cixius stigmatus, Say. Not corimon, May. Oliarus quinquelineatus, Say. (Prov. Petite Faune Ent. III., +23.) Myndus impunctatus, /’th. Two specimens. Stenocranus dors ‘lis, Fitch. Not common. May. Liburnia pellucida, #ad. Two specimens. May. Helicoptera vestita, Prov. (Petite Faune Ent. III., 221, 7. sp.) Otiocerus Degeeri, Kivdy. (=Coquebertii, Azrby. Prov. ibid. 217.) Lamenia vulgaris, Az¢ch. ‘Not common. Bruchomorpha oculata, /Vewm. Rare. CERCOPIDE. Lepyronia quadrangularis, Say. Common. July, Augus). Aphrophora parallela, Say. Common. Aphrophora saratogensis, Fitch. ‘Two specimens. Aphrophora quadrinotata, Say. One specimen. Philzemus lineatus, Zzzz. Not common. June and July. Clastoptera proteus, A#éch. Abundant. July. Clastoptera obtusa, Sey. Common. July. BYTHOSCOPID&. Bythoscopus sobrius, Walk. ‘Three specimens. Bythoscopus fenestratus, /7#A. ‘Two specimens. Bythoscopus variabilis, Az¢ch. Two specimens. Bythoscopus pruni, /vev. One specimen. Pediopsis trimaculata, /7/ch. One specimen. July. Pediopsis insignis, Van Duzee. Two specimens. Pediopsis viridis, Az¢ch. One specimen. Pediopsis subbifasciatus, Say. (Prov. Petite Faune Ent. III., 292.) Idiocerus verticis, Say. (Prov. ibid., 292.) Idiocerus alternatus, /z¢ch. Abundant. May. Idiocerus pallidus, /z¢ch. One specinien. Agallia quadripunctata, Prov. Common. June. Agallia novella, Say. Not common. TETTIGONID&. Oncometopia costalis, Fad. Abundant. May. Oncometopia undata, ad. (Prov. Petite Faune Ent. III., 265.) 32 Tettigonia hieroglyphica, Say. Common. May, August. Diedrocephala coccinea, orst. Abundant. July, \ugust. Diedrocephala noveboracensis, 7th. Common. July. Diedrocephala mollipes, Say. Not common. Helochara communis, /7/ch. Several specimens. May 24. (High Falls.) Gypona 8-lineata, Say. Not common. July, August. var. flavolineata, /i/ch. One specimen. Gypona quebecensis, Prov. (?) One specimen, _ Gypona albomarginata, Woodsworth. (=Hullensis, Prov., Petite Faune Ent. IIL, 269, m. sp jameearee. June. JASSIDE. Ulopa, n. sp. ? Common in moss, etc. Collected in November. Gnathodus punctatus, 7Ziuub. Three specimens. May 28. Cicadula variata, Fal. Not Common. July. Cicadula sexnotata, Ma//. (?) One specimen. Scaphoideus immixtus, Say. Two specimens. July 8, 11. Thamnotettix clitellarius, Say. Not common Thamnotettix unicolor, Aztech. Two specimens. July 7. Athysanus plutonius, UA#/. One specimen. Athysanus, n. sp. ? One specimen. Platymetopius acutus, Say. ‘Two specimens. Deltocephalus Sayi, /z7ch. One specimen. June 23. Deltocephalus configuratus, UA/. One specimen. Deltocephalus debilis, VA/. Two specimens. July 11. Deltocephalus Melsheimeri, /7¢ch. One specimen. TYPHLOCYBID&. Typhlocyba vitis, Harris. Var. Abundant. Typhlocyba sp. Common. 41 ON THE SEQUENCE OF STRATA FORMING THE QUEBEC GROUP OF LOGAN AND BILLINGS, WITH REMARKS ON THE FOSSIL REMAINS FOUND THEREIN. By Henrv M. Ami, M.A., F.G.S., &., of the Geological Survey. (Presented to the Royal Soctety of Canada by Dr. G. M. Dawson, F.R.S. &c., May, 1891.) (Abstract. ) The paper dealt with the Geological facts and grounds upon which the Quebcc group rested and made it a necessary term in the geological nomenclature of strata in North America, but especially in the Province of Quebec. The grounds, upon which the separation of the various terranes constituting this natural group was based, as well as the faunal and physical relations of its different members, were pointed out, showing the validity of the existence of such a series of fossiliferous sedimentary strata as that which Sir William Logan had recognized and Mr. Billings so clearly demonstrated early in the “‘ sextzes.” The removal of the so-called Hudson River black graptolitic series of shales, etc., which are met with at Quebec City, at the west end of the Island of Orleans, along the Marsouin River, and at many other places in the Prevince of Quebec—at Norman’s Kiln, in the State of New York, and in Penobscot County, Maine, and other places in the United States—from an uppermost position in the Ordovician System— immediately above the Utica, or just below the base of the Silurian System—was absolutely necessary in the light of facts whether palzontological or stratigraphical or in the light of other physical reasons. The characteristics of this so-called “ Hudson River” series of rocks, when studied in the field as well as in closer detail, point clearly to its intimate relation and association with the “ Levis” of Sir William Logan’s Quebec group. The Levis and the Quebec formations or terranes along with the Sz//ery, form a group of terranes geologically and geographically closely related, which can be divided and sub-divided 42 in many instances into definite zones or horizons and smaller sub- divisions, all of which were deposited under peculiar conditions such as characterised the lower half of the Ordovician (Cambro-Silurian) Epoch in geology. It will thus appear that the rocks constituting the Quebec terrane (which term has b2en used and is being adopted by many American geologists as a proper one with which to designate these so-called ‘‘ Hudson River” rocks) form part and parcel of the original “‘ Quebec Group” of Logan. | The paper went on to refer to the faunas entom'ed in each of these three divisions, care being taken to exclude from the list of characteristic species—such forms as were not tound zz stu or from the rocks proper of each series—whether from loose pieces or from conglomerates or conglomerate like bands, in order that the possibilities of error in correlation as well as in palzeontologicai or faunal differenti- ation might be lessened in the problem which like the present one affords such diversity of relations and complicated terms. The paper is, in fact, a sequel to the writer’s contribution read before the Geological Society of America at Washington, last December and published since. (See Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, Vol. II., pp. 477-502, plate 20, 1891.) \Whilst the latter dealt more particularly with the region about Quebec City—the present one referred to the relations and characteristics of the Quebec Group of Logan and Billings throughout the whole extent of the Province ot Quebec and contiguous districts, upon which to base the proofs for the validity and actual existence of such a group or series of terranes in that portion of North America. The equivalency of the term “Canadian Period,” or ‘‘Canadian Epoch,” as used by Prof. James D. Dana and others, is also adduced as further evidence, corroborative of the magnificent work performed by Sir William Logan in elucidating the complex structure of the Province of Quebec-—which work with the exception of Sir William Dawson, in several papers and reports— found scarcely any advocate, whilst its factors are based upon principles and data which are as durable as the rocks from which they proceed or with which they are related. ie, 43 Terranes. 1. HuDSON RIVER, (= LORRAINE.) Sons Weotes 2: UTIca, O a Pl 3. TRENTON, -~TRENTON GROUP. tes 4. BLACK RIVER, | Terranes. rae) (s. CHAZY | | Quebec. ) Lower {2 pe ‘QUEBEC GROUP. 4 Levis. © \6. CALCIFEROUS, yQ G aie Sillery. The above table is yiven to indicate the relations of the various ‘members of the Ordovician (Cambro-Silurian) System in Canada showing the position of the “* Quebzc Terrane” in the lower half of the system instead of being classed or grouped along with the Hudson River (= Lorraine) terrane at the very top of the system as formerly. The exac: relations, stratigraphical and paleeontclogical, which exist between the Quebec, Levis and Sillery terranes have yet to be defined. Their sequence aid order in the scale of time require further investi- gations before this interesting fact can be ascertained on which Sir Wm. Logan and Mr. Billings were stlll actively engaged when called away. NATURAL HISTORY OBSERVATIONS. A form for registering observations of the first and last records in Natural History has just been issued by the Royal Society of Canada. This form has been drawn up by a committee of the Royal Society and distributed to the different Natural History and Scientific Sucieties throughout the country. Observations are asked for upon certain well- known wild plants in all the Provinces of the Dominion, the time of sowing and harvesting grain and the ripening of wild and cultivated fruits. Then follow the arrivals and departures of birds and the most noticeable meteorological occurrences. There is no doubt that the Royal Society will gather together by this means most valuable information. It is proposed to have the schedules collected once a year and the results laid before the Royal Society for publication in their annual Volume of ‘Transactions. 44 OBITUARY. We regret to have to record the death, on 23rd ult., at Cap Rouge, near Quebec, of the Abbé Léon Provancher, F.R.S.C., a noted Canadian Naturalist, and one of the corresponding members of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club. For many years the Abbé had devoted almost his whole time to the study of the natural history of Canada (especially of the Province of Quebec) and to the publication of the results of his labours. In 1869 he began to issue the ‘Natural- iste Canadien,” the last volume of which, No. XX., was completed in 1891. He also wrote a Flora of Canada, three volumes upon portions of the Insect fauna, a treatise upon the Univalve Molluscs, and several other works. Of the above the most important is the Faune Entomologique, in which are described many new species of insects captured at Ottawa. The types of many of these, and of the other species described by the Abbé, remain in his collection, and we sincerely hope that arrangements will be made by which this collection, which has a special value from that fact, may be deposited in some public institution and may not be either broken up and distributed, or even neglected until destroyed by insects. The Abbé*Provancher was born at Becancour, Que., in 1820, and before residing at Cap Roukg was for some years Curé of Portneuf. BO EXCURSION No. 1.—TO KIRK’S FERRY. The first excursion of the season will be held on Saturday, June 4th, to Kirk’s Ferry. The excursionists will leave the Union Depot by the Gatineau Valley Railway at 9.45 a.m., punctually, and will Le back in Ottawa at 7.30 p.m. This will give the party from 10.45 in the morning until 6.30 in the evening for collecting in this beautiful locali- ty. It is hoped there will be a large attendance of members of the Club and their friends. The Railway Company have promised ample accomodation, and tickets may be obtained at the railway station or previously of any member of the Council, at the following rates :— Members, adults’. , ' : i 50° cents. gs children. : : i Non-members, adults ; . : . ch children ; , so, 45 NOTES ON THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE BLUE MOUNTAIN, CO. OF LEEDS, ONTARIO By Rev. C. J. Young, Lansdowne, Ont. (Read February 25th, 1892.) Travellers by the Grand Trunk Railway from Montreal to Toronto have possibly noticed the rocky and broken nature of the country they pass through between Brockville and Kingston. ‘This is especially the case in the townships of Escott and Lansdowne and in these townships it is that the subject of the present paper ‘The Blue Mountain” is situated. The rocky tract referred to is most pronounced in the vicinity of Charleston Lake; it extends thence in a south-westerly direction, and continuing along the’ River St. Lawrence, helps to form the inimit- able scenery of the Thousand Islands. In past years this country was densely timbered with pine and other forest trees, and until the lumber- tnan’s axe made its onslaught on these, was, we are told, a veritable wilderness, through which the bear, the wolf and the deer roamed at will. ‘To-day the greater part of the’ large timber is cut away, and in the more level places the land is cleared'and cultivated, yielding some of the finest crops in this part of Ontario. In other parts, where the rocky nature of the soil forbids cultivation, a second growth has sprung up, consisting of pine, hemlock, birch, oak and poplar. Here and there patches of the old woodland remain, where the maple, the elm, the beech, and an occasional oak and hickory flourish in all their pristine vigour. But the pine are mostly gone. Besides the curiously shaped con- ical hill known as the Blue Mountain some six miles north of the Rail- way and which according to the Government Survey rises to a height of: 360 feet above Charleston Lake, there are several other rocky eminences to the South, towards the’ river St. Lawrence, reaching an altitude of from two to three hundred feet.. The whole of this country is to-day. 4 curiously diversified with woods, rocks, swamps and in places.excellent farms. But it is the rocky tract known as the Blue Mountain that I am -_- going to speak of. Almost every one now is familiar with the‘“Thousand Isles ;’ the portion that remains a wilderness extends for about ten miles on the easterly side of Charleston Lake, and varies from three to four miles in width. To lovers of nature it is a most interesting tract of country. Within’ these limits there is no cultivation. The larger’ 46 timber, as I have stated, has been mostly cut away or destroyed by fires, but its place is taken by the dense second growth of trees above referred | to. On approaching from the south, a traveller is at once struck by ‘ the extremely broken ground. On this side and on that, huge masses | of rock rise up among the trees. Chaos reigns supreme and many a | one well acquainted with the country who has gone out in summer to pick berries and has lingered till twilight, has failed to reach home that night. There are deep gullies and chasms between the rocks. The south side of the Blue Mountain proper is very steep, rising in ter- races one above another; the outlying ridges contain steep rocky bluffs,in places bare, in others thickly wooded. Between these bluffs are swampy spots, little creeks, or here and there a marsh. In some places the : chasms between the rocks are so narrow, though from forty to fifty feet — in depth, that a good sized tree that has fallen across, forms a natura] : bridge. Few except such as are lovers of nature or are fond of romantic scenery, with hunters and berry pickers, visit this spot. The latter are numerous in the summer months, for the ridges, as they are called, : abound with blueberries, the gullies with raspberries and blackberries | and the small marshes produce very fine cranberries. Near the crest of the highest ridge, running parallel with the large lake below, are two small lakelets, about half a mile long by a quarter wide. The highest of these is a romantic spot, a complete basin among the rocks. On the east side rise abruptly from the water precipitous rocks, to a height of probably a hundred feet, clothed with scrub pine and oak. The water in these lakes is: said to be very deep, it is clear and cold, and cn a fine day of a lovely blue. The only fish in these lakes is a species of minnow or small chub ; speckled trout if introduced, I do not doubt, could thrive well. I should suppose the rugged nature of this district is due to volcanic forces, and those who know the geology of the country better than I do, will say whether it is not altogether probable that © these lakelets are the craters of extinct volcanoes. Charleston Lake at the foot of these ridges is now pretty wellknown. It has been much frequented for some summers past by American tourists, who resort thither for the sake of sport, retirement and the pure air. The salmon trout of this lake are held in much repute, and by those who understand the method of fishing for them, are easily caught in the summer and a age 47 The American visitors are very successful, using a long line and allowing it to sink in the deep water to a depth of upwards of one hun- dred feet. The rocks to the east and south of the lake are of the Laurentian formation, but contain no economic mineral, at any rate none have been discovered so far. In the lake itself are islands of crystalline limestone, and on the west shore I believe both lead and iron have been found and were formerly worked. But to return to the Blue Mountain. From its highest pa-t theround conical hill already mentioned, a magnificent view may be obtained on a fine day. Charleston Lake stretches below, at its head is the little village of that name ; a little beyond, the spire of the church at Pine Hill rises amid a grove of pine trees ; to the north-west the eye ranges over a tract of rock and woodland, to the south and east is the river St. Law- rence, the fertile country intervening, and far beyond, the hills in the United States, where the limit of vision is bounded by the foot hills of the distant Adirondacks. Altogether the view is unique in this part of Ontario. But a ramble among these rocks and ridges is very tiring on a warm day, and few would care to undertake it alone. Formerly as mentioned this region was a great resort for deer, and the older settlers tell how numerous they used to be. But within the last few years they may be said to have disappeared and now only an occasional straggler is seen. Bear too and wolves were formerly num- erous ; the last bear that I have heard of was seen four or five years ago by two farmers in the neighborhood, although traces of them have been since seen ; and during the past “ fall” three are said to have been met with near the Gananoque water some four miles from Charleston Lake. _ Wolves were thought to have become extinct, but in October 1887 a large one was poisoned close to the Blue Mountain. (sally aie... ... 0. i ae 9 35 ** ‘Received for Authors © ixtras ” ...... 2) ccm ae 27 65 ‘* Net proceeds Excursion to Kingsmere 30 May ’9I.... II 55 309) 67 EXPENDITURE ——_- 1892. March 15--By Ottawa Waturalist, Vol>V.,..:.... ce ameeen $225 97 F> Postage,@m Same, ...e dks 6 i!ne's)s 26 SR ee IO 75 236 72 ‘* General postage «. 2.5: NOM OOS ne sake 7 38 a ‘<< . printing and stationery. .....\5. Jags eee 4 60 “Cost of Authors ** xtras ”.."... .:. aan rr 25 05 ‘* Gratyity4o Janitor Normal School’. 292. 392. @ouees 5 00 ** Wx pemses Qf SOmrees. ... 2... 2. - «252 2 20 ‘We iamee an aman s,s ss. 10: See 28 72 329 67’ Audited and found correct A. G. KINGSTON, Ottawa East. April'qgth, 18¢2. Treasurer. J. BALLANTYNE, WM..A. D. LEES; Auditors. (i: EXCURSION NOTICE. An excursion will take place on Saturday afternoor, July gth, to: Casselman by the Canada Atlantic Railway. This isa most interesting locality, and very satisfactory rates have been received from the railway compiny. ‘lhe excursion will leave the Elgin St. station by the 2.15 train, and the party will reach Ottawa again at 8’30 p.m. Tickets may be obtained from any member of the Council before leaving, or upon. the train, at the following rates : Members of the Club : ‘ 4o cents. Children under 12 . . » eee Non-members . ; 4 &: 5a. fe Children under 12 ; oe 57 SOME OF THE PROPERTIES OF WATER. By Adolph Lehmann, B.S.A. (Delivered March roth, 1892.) In addition to being one of the most wiuely distributed substances known to us, Water is one of the most valuable compounds. Without it life from the highest to the lowest forms would be impossible. Owing to its solvent action it is the carrier of plant life in the soil. It enables transformation and translocation of materials in the tissues of all living bodies, enabling them to grow. It plays a part in the electric currents of the atmosphere, and acts as a most powerful equalizer of the climate of our globe. It is one of the principal factors in the formation of soils; and has at the same time assisted in the production of many of the rock formations. It is a purifier of the atmosphere. In short it may be considered as a balance-wheel of nature. Having such useful and varied functions to perform, it would doubtless be interesting to study its properties, even if they were the most simple ; how much more so is this the case when they are, as we find them, very varied and manifold, giving ample room for study and thought. Water exists in different forms and locations. In addition to the vast expanse of oceans, lakes and rivers in the Torrid and Temperate Zones, and the plains of ice and snow to the north and south of these, it is present in varying percentages in nearly all organic substances. It can be detected in apparently perfectly dry paper or wood. Hay, straw, and the various grains contain in the neighborhood of Io per cent. We find it also in some perfectly dry crystals, which without this “water of crystallization,” as it is called, would fall into powder. It may be interesting to note that while milk (a liquid) contains about 87 per cent. of water, cucumbers and melons (solids) are made up of 95 per cent. of this compound. The difference is that in the former the solids are largely held in solution, while in the latter they form tissues to enclose the water—as it were a mass of minute sacks, called Cells, filled with water. Since it is incompressible it helps to prevent cells from collapsing which, having thin walls, they would otherwise be liable to do. The water in succulent fruits or other parts of the plant 58 therefore makes them firmer rather than otherwise, as is clearly demon- strated when a portion of the water is removed as in fading. In addition to snow, ice, and ordinary water, an invisible form exists in nature as vapour suspended in the atmosphere, or as steam enclosed in the boilers of our engines. These three torms of aggregation—-solid, liquid and gaseous—have of course the same composition ; but, as we know, vary in appearance and properties. They are easily transformed one into the other, and frequently exist in nature in contact with each other. Although easily accomplished this transformation is not so simple as, without reflection, we might suppose. Ifa thermometer be placed in contact with melting ice, it will always indicate the same temperature no matter what the heat applied to the ice may be, and furthermore, so long as any of it remains in contact with the resultant water, this also does not vary, but remains constantly at the freezing point. Since neither the ice nor the water have increased in temperature the heat applied to them is not indicated by the thermometer, and is hence called /atent heat. Heat, as we know, can be transformed into force, and in this case it has it has been used to overcome the force which holds the minute particles (called molecules) of which the ice is composed, in their place, preventing them from moving past each other as they do in liquids. ‘The heat necessary to do this work can be measured by applying a definite amount (in the shape of hot water) toa pound of ice. If we were to mix a volume of water at 80°C. (176°F.) with the same weight of ice at its melting point, and could prevent the loss of any heat, we should find that after a time the ice would have disappeared, and two volumes of water at the freezing point would be the result; clearly showing that considerable heat had been rendered latent. Very frequent use is made of this property of water, as for example in “freezing mixtures.” In these the heat required to melt the ice is supplied by the materials to be cooled or frozen. A convenient form is that in which this material (i.e., a can of cream) is imbedded ina mixture of salt and ice. Since salt is very soluble it can cause the ice to melt at a much lower point than it generally does, thereby materially reducing it in temperature. In the construction of the scale for his thermometer Farenheit used the lowest point obtainable by this mix- 59 ture as the beginning, while both the other makers used the freezing point as their zero. In the transformation of water into steam a very much greater amount of heat is consumed (about 6% times as much) than by melting ice. This is illustrated to some extent by the comparatively long t-me required to vaporize water after it has reached the boiling point. - Since the steam generated has the same temperature as the water from which it has been formed, the length of time required to vaporize the latter compared with that necessary to bring it to the ebullition point indicates to some extent the heat rendered latent. If this latent heat in steam did not exist we should be unable to use boiling water, as at present, for the preparation of our food ; for as soon as it had reached this point it would immediately vaporize to be almost instantly deposited again as water on the somewhat cooler materials with which it would come in contact. Although the boiling point like the freezing point serves asa standard in the manufacture of thermometers, it is not constant under all circumstances. On the top of mountains it is much lower than at the sea level; in fact so material is this variation that comparatively small differences in altitude can be determined by it. Thus it may be made to partially serve the purpose of a barometer ; for, like the height of the mercuric column in that instrument, its height is dependent upon the weight of the atmosphere. ‘That by an increased pressure this point is also increased is often seen in the boilers of steam engines ; and that low pressures have the opposite effect is strikingly illustrated by numerous simple experiments. If, for example, a flask containing some water be heated till it is entirely filled by steam and the residual water, and then tightly corked, the water in it can be made to boil by cooling the flask. The steam being condensed the pressure would be reduced and the vapour developed finding less resistance could pass through the water to the surface and cause what is known as boiling. Water contained in a tube enclosing a partial vacuum can reach this stage when heated by the hand. The temperature at which water, or rather watery solutions, dis- engage steam, is, in addition to pressure, considerably influenced by the nature and quantity of the materials dissolved. Many gasses reduce 60 and solids increase it. A saturated solution of salt boils at 102°C., and one of calcium chloride at 179°C. Several other factors have been noticed to influence the boiling point, e.g., the quantity of water used and the material composing the vessel in which it is heated. Single drops of water suspended in other liquids have. been heated many degrees above this point before they suddenly transformed into a volume of steam. In a perfectly clean glass vessel, water has been heated to 106°C. before ebullition com- menced. ‘Together with the first bubble, however, sufficient steam was generated to reduce the temperature to the normal boiling point. This cause of “‘ bumping” may be overcome by placing a piece of metal in. the bottom of the flask. The value of water as an extinguisher of fire is partially dependeat upon the large amount of of heat absorbed when transformed to steam and partially upon the fact that it serves to prevent the oxygen of the atmosphere from coming as readily in contact with the burning material. Combustion of such substances as wood and coal is dependent on their union with oxygen, and this does not take place to such an extent as to cause what is known as burning, unless they are heated to a consider- able degree. Although taking place more quickly when boiling, we know that water Can evaporate at any temperature between the boiling and the freezing points, in fact considerably below the latter. Ice will evaporate on a cold winter day as clearly shown by clothes drying at such a time. We might therefore be almost justified in saying that we could boil ice. This term is, however, only applied to liquids, and only when the vapour is formed throughout the mass and rises as bubbies to the surface. When this is not the case we speak of liquids as evaporating and solids as volatilizing. The singing noise sometimes heard in water shortly before it reaches the boiling point is produced by the formation and subsequent collapsing of bubbles of steam. } As in melting ice, the heat rendered latent in vaporization is expended in changing the relation of the molecules to each other. ‘These are much further apart in steam than in water. One volume of the latter would occupy nearly 1700 volumes when converted into the 61 former by boiling, at the ordinary pressure of one atmosphere. If, however, half this weight be removed the steam would occupy double the space. Therefore we say that steam is elastic. But it is not so to an unlimited extent; for if, instead of diminishing, we were to increase the pressure a large portion of the steam would be converted into water. That is to say, the tension of steam at roo'C. or its power to withstand pressure, is equal to one atmosphere (the weight of a column of air from the sea-level to the limit of the atmosphere, equivalent to the weight of a column of mercury of the same diameter 760 mm. high). Steam heated to a higher temperature (as can be done in the boilers of steam engines) can resist a greater force before being converted into water. It is, therefore, able to do some work in addition to resisting the atmosphere. If cooler than 100°C. its tension is less than that necessary to resist the atmosphere; and, therefore, being unable to entirely resist it, the steam must be mixed with the air (in proportion depending on the temperature) if it is to remain uncondensed. The cooler it is, the greater the proportion of air mixed with it must be; or, since the temperature of the steam and the air are the same, we may say the cooler the air the less aqueous vapour it is able to hoid. When air is completely saturated with vapour, it is said to be at its dew point. If subsequently cooled, a portion of the vapour will separate ; if heated, it can absorb still more. This we find frequently illustrated in nature. A glass of cold water brought into a warm room frequently condenses a film of water on its surface. During cold weather dew is often deposited from the atmosphere of the warmer room on the windows. Clouds and fogs, which consist of minute drops of water too small to fall to the ground, are produced by a warm current of air laden with moisture coming in contact with a colder one, lowering its temper- ature below the dew point. That the clouds surrounding the pcaks of mountains appear to remain there permanently, notwithstanding that a slight wind may be blowing, is due to the cold atmosphere produced by the ice, snow, or glaciers being confined to narrow limits. The warm air striking these produces a cloud which disappears when the warmer ‘region is again reached; for the drops of water being once more evaporated become invisible like aqueous vapour always is. The minute drops of water in the clouds, if gathered together into 62 larger ones, replace, by the formation of rain, hail or snow, the evapora- tion continually taking place at the earth’s surface. At the same time it removes some of the moisture from the atmosphere. ‘Thus the variations in temperature, in addition to supplying us with rain and the beneficial results following it, viz., the purifying of the atmosphere from dust and various gasses, returning to the soil the fertilizing materials i ‘ expended in the atmosphere, and feeding the springs and rivers, and é furnishing the higher lying districts with water; they also serve to pre- ‘ vent the air from being at all times at its dew point. ; As has been mentioned water has a great power to act as an . equalizer of climate. By its evaporation during the day it has a power- i fully cooling influence. This is easily observed when comparing the refreshing coolness of a lawn, which is largely due to the moisture evaporated by the grass, with bare streets and saady plains. In addi- tion to this cooling influence, which is the greater the warmer the day, } vapour has a tendency to preserve the heat during the night, as it acts % as a mantle or blanket to the earth, preventing the too rapid radiation : of the heat absorbed during the day. The rapidity with which the } thermometer drops during a clear star-light night, when the vapour has : been partially deposited as snow or rain or drifted by the winds to other parts of the globe, is frequently observed when compared with what takes place on cloudy nights. aie But the water, as such, acts also as an equalizer of temperature. We find that some materials do not increase in temperature as rapidly as others when exposed to the same source of heat ; 1.e., some do not vary as easily as others, notwithstanding that they may absorb the same quantity of heat. This is easily seen when comparing the rapidity of increase in temperature of dry sand with that which has been previously moistened; or water with iron or some other metal when exposed to the heat of the sun. The metal and the dry sand become warm much more quickly than the wet sand or the water, Yet, making allowance for the evaporation of water and the quantity of heat reflected from them, the water, though very much colder, will have absorbed the same quantity of heat as the other materials and can again transmit it to cooler bodies. ‘Thus during the day, more especially during the sum- mer months, it absorbs the heat of the sun and liberates it again at i ee ee ee eee 63 night, or during the colder part of the year, at the same time remaining itself comparatively uniform in temperature. Even a small Jake frequently protects plants growing on its shores from injury, while those at some distance may be killed by an early autumn frost. The larger the body of water the more marked its equalizing influence will be, and the greater the extent of country benefited by it. Generally bodies expand with heat and contract with cold. Water is no exception to this rule at the higher temperatures, but when below 4°C. it acts exactly opposite to this law. At this point, therefore, it has its maximum density, i.e., is heavier than at any other temperature. by this property water is still further preserved from variation, for the heaviest portion (that nearest 4°C.) will remain at the bottom where it is protected by the layers overlying it. A popular impression is that, owing to this pecul arity of water rivers and lakes are prevented from beiag frozen solid to the bottom in winter. Although, in addition to the high specific heat of water, it doubtless helps to prevent this, the principal cause is to be sought tor in the properties of ice. During its formation it expands very consi- derably and, therefore, occupying more space than the water is lighter than it and floats on the surface. Being a bad conductor of heat it serves asa mantle, retarding very materially the action of the cold atmosphere on the water. That ice occupies more space than water is shown by the fact that when water is allowed to freeze in pipes or other vessels they are very frequently broken by it. The heaving of fence posts and, to some extent, the bad roads in spring are also indications of this property. Although doubiless sometimes doing considerable injury this expansion of water when solidifying has been of immense value in the formation of soils. Ice follows the general law of expanding with heat and contracting with cold. ‘The rolling, thundering noise sometimes heard on large planes of ice, when the temperature is falling is caused by the contrac- tion and subsequent cracking of ice. The fissures being filled with new ice, the plane, on the advent of warmer weather, expands increasing -Inarea. The force with which this takes place is very considerable, as _ frequently large stones are moved and heavy timbers broken by it. As the melting point of ice is always the same under ordinary 64 conditions, so the freezing point remains constant under similar conditions. But if water be subjected to pressure or kept entirely undisturbed it can be cooled considerably below the temperature at which it generally solidifies. A like result is said to follow if it be exposed in fine capillary tubes. As soon as the pressure is removed or the water disturbed, ice forms very rapidly, the water at the same time increasing in temperature till the point at which it generally freezes is reached. The heat then manifested, by an increase of temperature was up to that time latentin the water. A very interesting experiment to show that pressure affects the freezing of water was made by filling a cannon ball (shell) with water, closing the opening and exposing it to a low temperature. After a time the pressure produced by the formation of ice was sufficient to break the ball. The pressure being relieved the water froze*so quickly that the portion of it which had been forced out had not time to drop to the ground but formed a well defined, sharp ridge of ice. A factor influencing the freezing of watery solutions is the nature and quantity of the material dissolved. If these be gaseous the water will generally freeze more readily, therefore, water which has boiled requires a lower temperature than that from which some of the gases have not been driven off by boiling. On the other hand solids held in solution lower the freezing point. Since the sap of plants consists of a watery solution of principally solid materials separated by the cell walls into narrow channels or small drops-——both factors retarding freezing—we may look in this direction for the explanation of the fact that some herbaceous plants can withstand several degrees of frost without injury. Reinembering that water is only a simple inorganic compound, and reflecting upon its many properties and varied functions, not only in nature but also in the arts, how it is made use of in the steam engine, the hydraulic press, and the water wheel; in the laundry and the kitchen—its effects in the lakes and rivers—how it has excavated monstrous caves and deep ravines— its aid to commerce and its important offices in the soil and the atmosphere, in plants and in our own bodies—and then, when we notice how every property it possesses seems specially designed to make this globe more perfect and to assist in the working of the laws of nature, I am convinced that those who reflect on these things must all feel a desire to study these laws more thoroughly. 65 EXCURSION TO CASSELMAN. No. 2.—1862. The second excursion of the season took place on the gth inst., and, as advertised in our last issue, the vezdez-vous was Casselman. SS, ee eee Notwithstanding threatening skies and occasional showers, about twenty-five members and their friends assembled at the Canada Atlantic Railway Station and, nothing daunted, boarded the 2.15 p.m. train. An hour’s pleasant ride brought the party to their destination, where by the courtesy of the railway officials'a car was side-tracked for the accommodation of the excursionists. As it came on to rain shortly after our arrival, this kindness of the C. A. R. was much appreciated by many of the ladies who determined to make the car their head- quarters. Despite the shower and braving the mosquitoes, the rest of our party, headed by the energetic Vice-President, Mr. F. T. Shutt, struck down to the river bank. At first the walk along the valley of the i winding stream was easy and pleasant and as many a picturesque vista ; of meandering river and forest-clad banks opened out to view it was ; very much enjoyed. But soon, alas, the way became more slippery, the i underbrush thicker, the mosquitoes more numerous, and some of us,wet and irritated by the myriad attacks of our winged foes, succumbed— gave up further scientific pursuit and returned to the ladies and the car, Those who kept on, however, were well rewarded by the collection of a 3 large number of plants in flower (49) and some magnificent and beautiful ferns—specimens of the Onocla Struthiopterts over six feet in ‘ height being obtained. & The exploring party returned from their expedition with keen . appetites and enjoyed their tea in the country thoroughly. i The Acting President, Mr. Shutt, spoke for a short time of the beauty of the locality and the pleasures always to be found in attending 3 the Club excursions. Although the party was small, owing to the j weather, he felt sure that all had spent a pleasant and instructive after- ; noon. He suggested that as so few were present it might be better to dispense with addresses upon many of the branches of Natural History. The locality was a rich one in all the different lines of study and on the 66 present occasion they had,with them Mr. J. F. Whiteaves and Mr. IF. R. Latchford, both distinguished conchologists. Ite learned, how- ever, that no species of particular interest had been secured. Ones previous occasion Mr, Latchford had found here the only Ottawa specimens of //elix dentifera. Most of the collections of the day had been plants, and he therefore invited Mr. Whyte, the Botanical leader, to speak of some of the more interesting species. Mr. Robert B. Whyte spoke with his usual ease of the many floral treasnres that had been observed or collected by members of the party. About fifty different plants had been found and specimens were shown of the following: Willow-leaved Meadow-sweet (Sfi7@a salicifolia), Twin-berry (JZc¢chella repens), the Loosestrifes (Lystmachia stricta and L. ciliata), the Moonseed (Aenispermum Canadense). ‘Vhis last was used as an illustration of the beauty of many of our native climbing plants and their value as ornaments to our dwellings. The Evening Primrose (Gnothera biennts) in like manner served to introduce the subject of night-flowering plants. The three wild Raspberries (Audbus strigosus, R. odoratusand R. Canadensis) were used as a text for remarks concerning fruits, and their structure was compared with the Apple, the Plum, and the Strawberry, all of which belong to the same large order the Rosacee. The Gooseberries, w.ld and cultivated, were also treated of, as well as some of the ornamental members of the Heath family as Kaimia angusiifolia and the Round-leaved Winter-green, (Pyzola— rotundifolia). When speaking of the White Meadow Rue ( Zhalictrum Cornutt) the fertilization of plants received attention, and the seeds of Avens (Geum strictum) and the Traveller’s Joy (Clematis Virginiana) showed the manner in which the distribution of plants was secured. When Mr. Whyte had finished his interesting discourse it was time to return home, and Ottawa was reached at 8.30 pm. Although the weather prevented many from going and those who d.d venture from enjoying themselves as much as they might otherwise have done, the excursion was by no means an unsuccessful one, and no regrets were heard from the returning party. 67 BOOK NOTICES. MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR COLLECTING AND PRESERVING INSECTS, by C. V. Riley, M.A., Ph D., United States Entomologist. We have just received a copy of the above named work which will be gladly welcomed by a large number of students of nature. There is, perhaps, no enquiry which is more frequently made by amateur naturalists than, ‘Where can I get the best directions for collecting and preserving insects ?” And there is also, now, since Economic Entomology has become recognized as so imyortant a factor in agricultural pursuits, a constant demand from farmers and gardeners for information as to the best means of collecting for study or for forwarding to specialists for identi- fication any insects which may be found attacking their crops, or concerning which they may wish for enlightenment as to their habits. Prof. Riley has provided in this volume a most complete answer to these demands’ Great skill has been shown in selecting from so vast a subject those details only which the author’s great knowledge and experience enabled him to judge, were essentials. ‘his work, which is a pamphlet of 149 pages, excellently well printed ar.d profusely illustrated with figures of the very first order, many of which have been prepared especially for it, is issued by the Smithsonian Institution, as Part F of Bulletin of the United States National Museum, No. 309. A concise classification of true insects gives in a few pages an excellent summary of the science of Entomology, which is so well illustrated that any tyro will with ease recognize the order to which such specimens as he may find belong. The different apparatus and means of collecting and killing insects are then dwelt upon at length with special directions fer each order. Under the heading Entomotaxy the preparation, labelling and care of specimens, with the necessary apparatus, cabinets and materials, are treated. Special attention is given to cabinets and their arrangement, and under Museum Pests, Mould, etc., much valuable advice is given which could be gained only by the experience of many years of constant work, 68 The rearing of insects from the egg is the next snbject. Here we find full instructions for carrying on successfully this fascinating work. The directions for packing and transmitting insects are short but complete, and it would be well if many that are not merely amateurs would read them carefully and carry them out. A useful appendix to this manual is a list of text books and other entomological works, with suggestions as to the best way to obtain them. The publication of this book must, we believe, be followed by a largely increased interest in the study of insect life, as we feel strongly that the chief reason why so few young people, both boys and girls, on this continent have not had their eyes opened to the charms of this branch of Natural History, to say nothing of its usefulness, is the want of such a help as Prof. Riley has now provided in this concise, complete, and plainly written manual. THE ORTHOCERATID OF THE TRENTON LIMESTONE OF THE WINNIPEG Basin, by J. F. Whiteaves, (Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., Vol. Lx Section IV., pp. 77-90, 1892.) This paper as the author indicates “consists of a critical and systematic list of the Orthoceratide at present in the Museum of the Geological Survey of Canada from the formation and region indicated it its title, with descriptions of such species as appear to be new.” ‘The specimens were obtained, for the most part, by officers of the Geological Survey of Canada: Dr. Bell, Messrs. Tyrrell, Weston, Dowling, Lambe and also by a number of gentlemen interested, e.g., Messrs. Donald Gunn and A. McCharles, the last mentioned having sent unusually fine specimens in 1884. . In this paper Mr. Whiteaves departs from the classification of Cephalofoda by Karl Zittel and considers the genera Actinoceras and Sactoceras as distinct from Orthoceras, and Poterioceras from Gomphoceras. The characters of the specimens examined by Mr. Whiteaves and the grounds upon which that author separates these genera are in our estimation valuable and valid. 69 The following is a list of the species described and figured (for the y } 4 ; i most part) in this important paper : 1. Endoceras annulatum, Hall, var. * iy subannulatum, Whitfield. 3 x crassisiphonatum, N. Sp. | 4. Orthoceras Simpsoni, Billings. 5. ‘i semiplanatum, N. Sp. | 6. ES Selkirkense, N. Sp. | Fi 2 Winnipegense, N. Sp. 8. Actinoceras Richardsoni, Stokes. G. * Bigsbyi, Bronn. 10, - Allumettense, Billings. 11. Sactoceras Canadense, N. Sp. 12. Gonioceras Lambii, N. Sp. 13. Poterioceras nobile, Whiteaves. 14. - apertum, Whiteaves. , oe, iki gracile, N. Sp. It is interesting to note the wide geographical distribution of Actinoceras Bigsbyi, Bronn, and of A, Al/umettense. These two species r are well known in the Ottawa region, where there are many Cephalo- pods of considerable interest which deserve careful study and examina- tion. A. BOOK FOR BOYS. We are much pleased to announce that Mr. S. H. Scudder, the well known author of an extensive work on the “ Butterflies of the i Northern United States and Canada,” has now in preparation a Manual for Boys, upon the same subject as his great work. A most noticeable difference between boys and girls in Europe and on this continent _ is that, in the former nearly every child has some hobby—some pleasant and in most cases improving, but at any rate all-satisfying occupation— . to keep it out of mischief. To children Nature offers great charms. i _ There is not a single large school where some of the boys do not study Natural History. The masters, well knowing the value of these pursuits ft eta aad not only on account of their great use in education as preparing the 70 mind for careful and accurate methods of thought and observation ; but also as inducing healthy exercise and out-door occupation, do everything to encourage scholars to investigate Nature. In Great Britain, in France, in Germany, there are good, cheap, illustrated works upon insects. Many an Entomologist who has afterwards risen to eminence owes his distinction to having had his attention drawn to the study of insects either by a schoolfellow or from having been presented with one of these books. We have absolutely no work upon the many beautiful Butter- flies which frequent our Canadian woods, prairies and mountains. Such a volume for Canada and the Northern States as “Coleman’s British Butterflies” would be an inestimable boon to many—not only the young, who would be charmed with the many treasures which they would find they had everywhere around them; but also to fathers as mothers and aunts and uncles who are so often at a loss to find suitable presents for children. Mr. Scudder’s name alone is a guarantee that the work will be well done. | THE FALL WEB-WORM (Ayphaniria cunea.) By J. Fletcher. In the above figure are shown the caterpillar, chrysalis and per- fect insect of the Fall Web-Worm, one of the greatest pests to our shade and fruit trees. The moth, which in the northern form, as it 3} occurs at Ottawa, is pure white aA NSS with gray antenne or feelers; its front thighs are yellow and the feet dark. Further to the south the moths are frequently ornamented with many black spots, but I have never seen this form in Canada. At the present time, many of our shade trees are rendered unsightly by the nests of the social caterpillars of this insect and this note is inserted to request the members of the O. F. N. C. to set a good example by destroying them whenever they 1 OO) EES so = 4 Gl observe the nests, and requesting others to do the same on every opportunity. As yet the webs are not very large, but they will be rapidly increased in size by the caterpillars as they grow to maturity, and unless removed will remain through the winter as a disfigurement . to the trees and a disgrace to the community. The eggs are laid upon the leaves of a great many difierent kinds of shrubs and trees in July, in clusters which are composed of a large number of greenish white eggs and are more or less hidden by a loose covering formed by the female of her own scales. The eggs soon hatch and the young caterpillars at once begin to spin a protecting web. They are pale yellow at first, with black heads and two rows of black spots along the body, and are covered with slender hairs. When small they eat only the upper surface of the leaves, skeletonizing them. They grow rapidly and enlarge the web as they develop. They remain almost entirely in their tent and will destroy the foliage of a large-sized branch in a short time. When full-grown they are about an inch in length and vary greatly in their markings. Some specimens are pale yellowish, whilst others are of a deep gray. The head is black and there is a broad dark stripe down the back. Along each side is a yellow spotted stripe. The body is covered with long soft hairs which vary in colour, and whice arise from a number of small black or orange tuber- cles. When almost full-grown they give up their social habits and scatter in all directions to continue their depredations. ‘They pass the winter in the chrysalis state within slight cocoons which they spin either amongst fallen leaves, in crevices of bark, or a short distance beneath the surtace of the soil, where they remain until the following summer. The webs from the very first are conspicuous objects and from the social habits of the caterpillars a whole colony is easily destroyed by cutting off the nest and trampling it under foot. To take this small rouble in order to pretect our shade trees from one of their worst enemies 1s what I am asking our members to do. 40 A. A. A. Se The next Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Associated Societies, will be held this year at Rochester, N.Y., beginning on August 15th and ending about August 24th. The proximity of Rochester should induce many of our members to take this opportunity of meeting the uumerous men of note who always attend the A. A. A. S. meetings. “9 Soa EXCURSION 111. TO LA PECHE ON THE GATINEAU. The Third Excursion of the Club will most probably be held on Saturday, September 3rd, to La Pécug, on the Gatineau Valley Railway. The great success of the first excursion up the Gatineau, added to the fact that a large number of members who have asked tor another expedi- tion by the Gatineau Valley Road, have induced the Council to arrange for another outing as soon as possible. Definite arrangements cannot yet be made as to the prices of the tickets. These will probably be about 50 cents for adults. ‘Che larger the number that attend, the smaller will be the price. There is no desire to make any profit on the Club excursions, all that is wanted is to cover the necessary expenses. An effort is always made to get as large an attendance as possible so as to popularise the Club and its objects, which are to bring together fora pleasant day in the country those interested in the various branches of Natural History, and to take every opportunity of inducing more to study the things of beauty which surround them on every side. Arrangements are always made to give members of the Club an advan- tage in the prices of the tickets; but the excursions ure open to all without exception. ‘The Council trusts that every member will help to make this excursion a succes and endeavour to attend and induce others todosoalso. Definite notice of the prices of the tickets and of the times of the trains will be given in the September Orrawa NATURALIsT, which our readers are respectfully requested to consult. Every notice of an excursion which is made by circular costs, for printing and postage, about $4 which has to be made up by charging a higher rate for the tickets. If, therefore, members will look for NoTiceEs on the top outside cover of the monthly magazine they will see at a glance if there is to be an excursion, and inside on the last page will be found the full parti- culars. In this way the expense of the circulars will be obviated and — the price of the tickets will be reduced. 73 “ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE GEOLOGY AND PALA‘ON- TOLOGY OF OTTAWA AND I1:S ENVIRONS. By Henry M. Ami, M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S., &c., &c. ‘ INTRODUCTION. The following notes comprise a brief sketch or résumé of work . done by the writer during the season of 1890 in connection with the Ottawa Field Naturalists’ Club. From my note book I find that no less than nineteen excursions and sub-excursions were held in various directions around Ottawa. Old Chelsea, Lachute, Casselman, Rockliffe, Moose Creek, Hull, Gloucester and several localities within the city limits, were visited and numerous forms of interest were gathered ‘The variety and quantity of material still to be discovered and described which the various geological terranes about Ottawa can afford are sufficient to satisfy as well as entice the student of Geology for years to come. NOTES. Old Chelsea.—On the 31st of May, Butternut Grove, Chelsea, was visited by about 125 members of the Club. The geological party, amongst whom were Prof. L. W. Bailey, of the University of New Brunswick, and Mr. H.T. Martin, of Montreal, visited the magnificent outcrops of crystalline limestone at the ravine, near Old Chelsea, and brought back an interesting suite of specimens illustrating the character of the belt of Archzean rocks in that district. Specimens of apatite, asbestus, serpentine, pyroxene, wollastonite, gneiss, diab?se, and numerous other rocks were obtained and described by some of the leaders on the spot. Lachute.—On the 7th of June, a joint excursion of the Natural History Society of Montreal and of the O. F. N. C. was held in the picturesquely situated town of Lachute, Que., where the geological section was put in charge of Mr. McOuat, B.A., and the writer. _ The Laurentian and Calciferous horizons were visited and a number of _ the characteristic fossils from the latter terrane were oberved in the collections, which, as judge in the awarding of prizes, I had an Opportunity of examining. Ofhileta compacta, Salter, (O. complanata, Vanuxem), Pleurotomaria Canadensis, Billings, Murchisonia Anna, Billings, and fragments of other forms were noted. 74 Mr. Wnhiteaves, of our Club, gav2 a graphic description of the - geological structure of Lachute and its vicinity, whilst the writer was called upon to read the results of the competition in geology. Casselman.—On the 21st of June over 109 members and friends of the Club visite 1 Casselman, a favourite locality for all branches of our Club’s work, along the line of the Canada Atlantic Railway, and a considerable amount of work wis done inthe Zvez/on and Quarternary deposits there exhibited. Quite a hst of Trenton fossils was obtained and specimens of pottery and an arrow-head together with bones of the beaver and other creatures were found close to where on previous occa- sions numerous collections of Indian relics had been made. The old’ aboriginal fire-place, in which debris of pottery, bones, charcoal, and Indian remains were found, had been washed away by the high water and spring floods. This locality is a most interesting one, and careful research may reveal unexpected treasures in Ethnological studies. Hog’s Back, Rockliffe, Gc.—The Chazy terrane which offers such an interesting field for research about Ot'awa, was visited, at Hog’s Back, in Nepean, and at Rockliffe, below Governor-General’s Bay. Interesting rocks and trails of marine animals, some of which are perfectly new to science, and others resemble the /rotichartes of Sir Richard Owen described in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, London, from the Potsdain of Canada, were obtained and pre- liminary studies of them have been made. The Trenton rocks of Governor General’s Bay, Moose Creek, and the Beaver Meadow were also visited at sub-excursions and notes taken at each of these localities as to the charac:er of the rocks, dip of the strata and fossil remains contained therein. Gloucester.—The Utica terrane in the vicinity of the Rideau Rive rapids opposite the Rifle Range in Gloucester was again visited. I was fortunate enough in finding two more examples of the Zurrilepas — Canadensis, recently described by Dr. Woodward in the Geological © q Magazine, and it is expected that these additional representatives of : that antique style of barnacle will through some light on the type speci- — men found at the same locality in 1388. The Tethzeoid sponge from the Utica which I bad found in the | q excavations on Albert street in 1888 and in rocks of the same horizon J 75 on the Montreal Road about 200 yards east of the St. L & O. Ry. crossing and noted inthe last Report of the Geological Branch, has beensince referred to Dr. George Jennings Hinde of Croydon, Eng., _ the best authority on fossil sponges, and he has described ii in the ~ Geological Magazine” for January 1891, pp. 22 to 24. under the name of Stephanella sancia, (N. gen. et n. sp.) - This species along with Brachiospongia digitata, Owen, Astylospon- gia parvula, Billings, Stetella Billingst, Hinde, Stetella crassa, Hinde, and /7/yalostelia sp. from the Trenton of Ottawa, comprise most of the ancient sponge fauna occurring in the Ordovician Seas known from this region. | Moose Creek.—The Pleistocene deposits of Moose Creek, Green’s Creek, &xperimental Farm and Casselman were ¢xamined in several casesin detail and interesting notes obtained ;— At Moose Creek the following species were obtained in the strati- fied gravels north of the C. A. R. track : — . Tamias striatus, Linn. . Mytilus edulis, Linn. . Macoma fragilis, Fabricius, . Macoma calcarea, Chemniiz. . Saxicava rugosa Linn. galanus crenatus, Bruguiere. Mr. Walter S. Odell, one of the recent and valuable additions to the membership of our Club, brought to my notice several specimens of fossils from the ‘ Zeda’ clays of Odell’s brick yard, just S.E. of Ottawa city, and amongst the forms examined there were bones of the seal, and fine specimens of a fossil sponge, besides foraminifera. List 0F FossILS FROM THE CLAYS OF ODELL’S BRICKYARD . Phoca Groenlandica, Mueller. . Tethzea Logani, Dawson. . Saxicava rugosa, Linneeus. . Polystunella crispa. . Dentalina sp. : . Eschara elegantula, d’Orbigny. Besides the above nbtes on specimens and excursions, as well as 76 localities visited, Montebello and Kirk’s Ferry, on the North shore of the Ottawa, were visited, and interesting collections and notes taken at. both places. Montebello.—At Montebello on the 19th July, and through the kindness of Mr. I.. J. Papineau, who placed his yacht and services at the disposal of the Geological Branch, an interesting exposure of the Potsdam terrane, showing rippled-marks in abundance, besides the tracks and tralis of marine animals (Protichnites septemnotatus, Owen), was visited on the Presquwile north of Squirrel Island. This exposure of the Potsdam presents a bold bluff of from ten to twenty-five feet front in height, above low-water mark at this time of the year, facing the north or Laurentide Hills, clearly indicating the existence of an open and free chinnel from east to west in Pre-glacial times. The sandstones were beautifully glaciated in several places, and showed that the march of the old glaciers was at right angles to the present flow of the Ottawa, and in a north and south direction, down from the adjoining slope to the north. Kirk’s Ferry,—At Kirk’s Ferry, up the Gatineau River eleven miles, a most successful excursion was held, and the magnificent rock cuts along the Gitincau Valley Railway afforded excellent opportunity of exainining the relations of Archzean rocks of various kinds, in close contact and at times fused one into the other. Crystalline limestones, graphite, ophite, calcite, diorites and pyroxenites, as well as apatite and mica, were collected, This region and cutting is well worthy of close attention on the part of the petrographical geologist. RADIOLARIANS. In May, 1890, I prepared a number of sp2cimens of rock from the Shales of the Utica, in Gloucester, from the limestones of the Trenton, Ottawa, and also from the calcareo-arenaceous shales of the Chazy of Nepean, for Mr. Tyrrell, who was sending away to Dr. Rust, in Ger- many, specimens of radiolarian rocks from Manitoba and the North-— West. Mr. Tyrrell has since heard that the Ottawa specimens have been examined, but no radiolarians were found therein. Although this note is negative, still it shows that probably these low organisms in the economy of nature were absent in the Ordovician seas of the Ottawa Paleozoic Basin. ai CRINOIDS. Mr. John Stewart, of our Club, whose collecticns of crinoids and blastoids from the Trenton of Ottawa have recently been purchased by the Geological Survey Department and placed on exhibition in the Museum, informs me that he has cleaned and prepared /wenty-five more specimens to snow the cup, arms and pinnules. The great care, indus- try and skill which Mr. Stewart has displayed in developing these “stars” and “lilies” of the old abyssal depths in our district are worthy of much commendation and eulogy. . OsTRACODA. Amongst the new forms of ostracoda recently described by Prof. Rupert Jones, F.R.S., we find the following species from Aylmer and Ottawa. These forms were collected by Messrs. W. R. Billings, ~T. W E. Sowter and the writer, of our Club. 1. Primitia Logan, Jones, Aylmer, Que. 2. Beyrichia clavigera, Jones, a Ne. of evar. clavifracta, Jones, i" Oue. 4. Isochilir.a Ottawa, Jones, var. intermedia, Jones, Ottawa; Ont. 5 i labellosa, Jores, Aylmer, Que. 6. Leperditia Balthica ( Hisinger), var. primzeva, Jones, Carleton Co. ie i sp. (cf. L. Hisingeri), Aylmer, Que. Of the above, only Primitia Logani, Jones, is referred to the Trenton terrane, the others and this torm are all Chazy species. In the ‘Journal of the Cinciniati Society of Natural History,” Prof. E. O. Ulrich, well known to several members of our Clu, has _ described the new species of Ostracod from Ottawa and also a variety of the same species from the same block of impure limestone. The specimen sent contained abundance of individuals of an Isochilina, besides a Cyrtodonta o1 allied genus of lamellibranchiate mollusks—all from the Chazy. Prof. Ulrich, on pp. 44 and 45 of his paper on ‘“‘ Mew and Litt-e Known American Paleozoic Ostracoda,” and on Plate XL, figs. 124, 12b, t2c and 13, has described the following forms and named them after one of our Club :— 1. Isochilina Amiana, Ulrich. 2. Isochilina Amiana, var. insignis, Ulrich. 18 Both forms occur together and were collected on Sussex Street, Ottawa, from a block of erratic limestone of Chazy age, showing marks of glacial action, having come from the “till,” or ‘‘ boulder clay” of the vicinity. ! It is the purpose of the writer to present to the Club throzgh the pages of the NATURALIST a suite of articles on some of the best fossili- ferous localities in Ottawa and Ifull for the use of collectors and students in Geology. {Oe BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR TILE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE, EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND. The 61st meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science was held, in Edinburgh, Scotland, under the presidency of Sir Archibald Geikie, F. R.S. etc. Director of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, Aug. 3rd, 1892. This year is the one hundredth anniversary of the publication of Hutton’s “Theory of the Earth” which is admitted to be the first plausible and rational view presented of the upbuilding and construction of the Earth’s crust. It sought to account for such diversity of phenom- ena, formations and strata as were visible on the Earth’s surface at the present day, in the changes which are now taking place. By applying — this rule 7 vetrospectu Hutton was able to account for the different — formations now visible. Sir. Archibald then went on to describe the various points of indebtedness which modern geologists still owe to Hutton and the Huttonian School; the “high antiquity of the Earth,” the explanation of olden time phenomena by present ones, the progression in organic types, &c., &c., which with views held by Sir James Hall, William Smith, Kelvin, Playfair and others, placed the main results and leading objecis in view on a scientific and practical basis. Many opposing forces had to be met. Preconceived notions, — theories and so-called orthodox views of learned men of the days of ' Hutton, all assailed the new theory. But it was founded on facts and — te hard facts which told a tale of paramount importance and exciting interest, revealing in each formation of the Earth’s crust pages of unwrit- ten history: it was the Earth telling its own tale. Sir Archibald Geikie then pvinted out the salient conclusions which had been already arrived at, with reference to the boundless anti- quity of the g obe, presented Lord Kelvin’s views as to the limit of time that may be assigned to our planet’s antiquity. ‘ He estimated that the surface of the globe could not have consolidated less than zo millions of years ago, for the rate of increase of temperature inwards would in that case have been higher than it actually is; nor more than 400 millions of y-ars ago, for then there would have been no sensible increase at all.” ‘One hundred millions of years” was regarded by him _as the probable amount of time which embraces the Geological history of the globe.” These calculations, Sir Archibald holds, “ may require revision,” and states “that there must be some flaw in the physical argument.” the erosion of rocks and deposition of sediments, he has reached the con- From his own observations on “ degredation’” or ‘‘ denudation,’ : 9 clusion that ‘‘ the rate of deposition of new sedimentary formations over an equivalent area of sea-floor, may vary from one foot in 720 years to one foot in 6,800 years.” Then the “‘slow progress of organic variation ” is discussed, giving its quota of evidence in support of the antiquity of the world. Precise data are wanting in this particular. ‘‘ We know, says the distinguished geologist, “‘that within human experience a few species have become extinct, but there is no conclusive proof that a single new species has come into existence. nor are appreciable variations readily apparent in forms that live in a wild state.” He then instances the seeds and plants found with Egyptian mummies being precisely the same as those of modern Egypt. This negative evidence, of no change, is an important factor in the problem, and indicates the lapse of an enormous interval of time sufficient to modify forms of shells, etc. With reference to this problem and the Ice Age on which Sir Archibald Geikie has so ably and oftimes written, he says: “If the _ many thousands of years which have elapsed since the Ice Age have pro- 80 duced no appreciible modification of surviving p'ants and animals, who vast a period must hive been required for that marvellous scheme of organic development which is chronicled in the rocks? After careful reflection on the subject I affirm that the geological record furnishes a mass of evidence which no arguments drawn from other departments of nature can explain away, and which, it seems to me, cannot be satisfac- torily interpreted save with an allowance of time much beyond the narrow limits which recent physical speculation would concede.” In conclusion the President referred to the geological features of Edinburgh, which had furnished so much material for enjoyment during his life. bs ees 0: BOOK NOTICE. THE CULTIVATED NATIVE PLUMs AND CHERRIES (BULLETIN 38. CoR- NELL UNIVERSITY ExPT. STATION, JUNE 1892.) By-L. H. BAILEY. In this monograph of 73 pages Prof. Bailey has embodied a large amount of practical information as well as accomplished the very diffi- cult task of making a thorough classification of our native Plums and Cherries. | With plums the work has been particularly complicated, and only the most patient study and research could have been rewarded by such gratifying results. : Up to the present time our cultivated native varieties have been roughly assigned to three wild types. (1) Prunus Americana, Marshall the plum of the north and west (2) Prunus angustifolia, Marshall, or PP. chickasa, Michx, native of the middle and Southern States and (3) Prunus maritima, Wangheim, known as the Beach plum of the south. Much confusion existed however as many o* the cultivated forms could not be satisfactorily assigned to any of these original types. Prof. Bailey says, ‘ There has been no attempt so far as 1 know, to make a com- prehensive study of these fruits and as a consequerce our knowledge of them is vague and confused. In fact, the native plums constitute probably the hardest knot in American pomology. ‘Their botanical status 1s equally unsatisfactory aud the group is one of the most inextric- — ably confused of any of equal extent in our whole flora.” Asa result of 81 the author’s labours we shall recognize hereafter anotier class, known heretofore as the Wild Goose group, under the name of /’7sus hortulana’ and falling under this as a variety the Miner, a plum of considerable value tous in the north. This group is ass gned an intermediate position between P. Americana and P. chickasa. To these three groups belong practically all our cultivated native varieties in Canada. The origin of the marianna and myvrobolan varieties, which are now so generally used as stocks tor budd ng and grafting, is ably discussed. By most authors these are supposed to be of American origin, Prof. Bailey however traces them to Europe and points to a common parentage. The Beach plum has as yet given us no cultivated varieties of any value. In this work we have the only authentic account of ‘fan un- doubted hybrid” between Troth’s Early peach and the Wild Goose plum. “The leaves are long and peach like, although rather broad and short- pointed but the flower buds, although they form in profusion, never open, so the tree is barren”. The Bulletin also discusses, stocks tor the propagation of and the fungous diseases of the plum. Concluding the author fitly remarks that the native plum industry has made astonishing progress and it has already assumed large- proportions. It is certain to occupy a large place in future American horticulture.” In discussing the natlve cul- tivated cherries the author is of the opinion that two or possibly three _ Species are being grown under the name of /runus pumila the sand cherry of the north and west. ‘This is the only wild form which has gained much prominence under cultivation. In the north western States it is now being grown toa considerable extent, and under cultivation is said to be very susceptible toimprovement. Other native species are discussed though their fruit does not appear at present to be of econo- mic value. Such Bulletins elevate the character of Experiment station research _ in horticultural lines, are of exceeding interest to the intelligent fruit grower and are fundamentals to a sound basis for the bui'ding of a correct nomenclature of our American Pomology. JOHN CRAIG, florticuliurist, Central Experimental Farm. as I 82 THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA: The Fourth Annual and Summer Meeting of the Geological Society of America was held last week in Rochester, N. Y., and in connection with the Forty first Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. There were upwards of fifty fellows present. Monday and Tuesday, August 15th and 16th, were the days set apart for the reading and discussion of papers. ‘The warmest and most animated discussion took place on the second day—when ‘two papers on the ‘Ice Age,” by Messrs. Warren Upham and G. Frederick Wright, well known glacialists, were taken up. Mr. Upham’s paper was a detailed description of the origin, mode of formation and “conditions of accumulation of Drum- lins,” illustrated with numerous diagrams and figures of various forms met with in different districts. Drumlins were made up of ez-glactal drift material accumulated rapidly and during the departure of the ice close to the border. The author referred to the irregularity of the drumlins as puzzling. The relation of drumlins to the terminal moraine was also discussed, as also the different shapes drumlins assume owing to the conditions under waich they are accumulated. Prof. G. F. Wright’s paper then followed on the subject: ‘The extra-morainic drift of the Susquehanna Valley.” This so-called “fringe” of the long, great terminal moraine was of much importance and significance. Its remote antiquity was discussed. o.0 02 siete "2936 Specific gravity at 15°5° C.... 1028°48 The water was colourless ; odourless; taste, strongly saline with slight bitter after taste ; reaction, neutral. Tuscarora, Brant Co. (a)—On the Indian Reserve in this town- ship and about nine miles south of Brantford and three miles south of the Grand River, is located what is known as the ‘‘Sour Spring of i yi gi 174 ‘a Tuscarora.” The waters of this spring form several pools of from three to four feet in diameter, where owing to a constant discharge of inflam- mable gas the water is ina state of agitation. In appearance it is slightly turbid and brownish and has a peculiar styptic, acid and sulphurous taste. Analysis showed the water to contain, in October 1847: Sulphate CCE SESS eae "0502 |, Phosphosie: acid’. J). .. dau ages traces POreaivarate «...5.'-« ‘0608 Hydrated sulphuric acid (S03, Ho) 4'2895 a CO in 7752 ERE he bi DIBCMeWA, 2 .j.58. 2. "1539 In 1,000 parts of water ....... 6°1615 Pr protoxide of iron..... 3638: Specific gravity’. .: ..2t ties 1005°58 nf BIMUMDe ks. i se “46081 Westmeath, Renfrew Co. ( (a)—In the Geology of Canada 1363, on page 547, is given the description of two springs in this township as follows :—“On the thirteenth lot of the sixth range of Westmeath is a spring which deposits a considerable amount of calcareous tufa and is known as the Petrifyirg Spring”. The water contains, besides carbonate of lime, small quantities of chlorids, and is feebly sulphurous. On the twenty-third lot of the same range, a copious spring, occurs on Tucker’s Creek. It contains a large amount of carbonate of lime, and a little iron ; besides which, it holds only traces of sulphates and chlorids.” Whitby, Ontario Co. (a)—A copious spring of saline water is met with at Bowerman’s Mills on lot 32, concession 3, township of Whitby where | the water rises from rocks of the Trenton series, The following analysis was made of a specimen collected in October 1853 :— Ciiemoe sodium..........-... 18’ors8, - Cathonate Time). So aeaye a ‘O4II Pe eOGraeslUM 2... . ee. traces ae magnesia .......... "0227 Smee slew 6, ves... < 17 RL5 Ft Stem fia. 550-03; vaisids 6 traces Sei tagmesigim ... ...... 9°5437 i: Ipepet eA) oat Aged das Sar traces eaeade “0 GU *2482 — — Iodide DERE bak nina « ‘0008 In 1,000 parts of water........ 46°3038 MINERAL WATERS IN QUEBEC. Ascot, Sherbrooke Co.—The water of a spring near the Belvedere Iron mine and on lot 8, range 9, township of Ascot was examined during 1887 in the laboratory of the Survey (rep. Geol. Surv. Vol. IIT, 1887-88, p. 22 T) with the following result :— Potassa os: is. PN seni a cw e 92 trace Sulphuricacid....... ..large proportion aa eteeessinall proportion © Carbonig- aie fut aa. 324: small proportion 1917) a rather large proportion Silica...... Oe Er aE PE trace Magnesia...... ieee - be Cipro 5.4 ae ets. small proportion 2 USSG 0 Fore ee trace ‘¢ Total discovered saline matter, dried at 180° c., equalled 0°0746 parts in 1,000. 178 Baie du Febvre, Nicolet Co. (a)—The waters of four springs in the seigniory were examined, though of these the analysis of but one is preserved in its entirety. The analysis given below is that of a water from Courchénes spring about one and a half miles east of St. Antoine church Grand Range, and was collected in September 1852. Chloride soditmr. ....2%..4 syns. 4°8334 . Catbonate lime::, |... ic ieee "2180 6 ., POLASHIUMI c/o aniennne s+ 5 ‘0610 - MAGNESIA. ~. ..1e eee 4263 Bromide sodium.........s..5%... | “tundet .a.)ae nae ee undet, Carbonate lume........n0eumee "0470 6 calqiim ©... Sienae tae 0466 oF magnesia ... sp eemne "8354 ‘6 MAGNESIA. Gagan 0856 Se Bromide magnesium.......... undet In 1,000 parts of water ....... 9*0600 179 Caxton, St. Maurice Co. (a)—A saline spring rising from Cambro- silurian limestones, occurs in the township of Caxton on the banks of the Yamachiche river. The water is accompanied by very considerable quantities of carburretted hydrogen gas and had at the time of the collection of the specimen examined, October 1848, an estimated flow of eight gallons per minute. It afforded the following analysis :— SMGMaeSCdiM,........-.... 11°7750 Carbonate magnesia .......... 1°0593 Des POtAnstU .. 5.455... ‘0800 s ION ..230') eae 0054 “ i ee "050g, FPIUEHIOd os... - » «2. cs "0050 ‘a PIMSRIID gk ins 374 «BUCA. oer... sos eee ‘0479 Bromide er ae 0342 _ Todide Se 0039 In 1,000 parts of water........ 136512 Darporete Hime... ... 2... ‘2160 Specific gravity...) ', . "0980 In: 8,000 parts ob waren. 2.,:4 4. 2°1322 " MROMCSIAN sia !s 6 aes. als 0765 Temperature of water......... aa e Henryville, Iberviile Co. (a)—A water containing a large amount of carbonate of soda, with chlorides, and a trace of iodides occurs about two miles south of this place. The water at the time of exami- nation, prior to 1863, contained 16 cubic inches of sulphuretted hydrogen in 1,000 cubic inches of water. No anatysis is available. Jacques Cartier River, Portneuf Co. (a)—A water strongly impreg nated with sulphuretted hydrogen rises from the Utica formation near Marcotte’s Mills on the Jacques Cartier river, near Quebec. The specimen examined was collected in the summer of 1852 and gave :— OCICS SOCIO: s)o\Sierws saa "0347 Carbonate magnesia........... 0278 ees WGtAsSUMY ee cases *GO76.° ANIMA a ack he eee aen 60 0 Oy oe undet Beate POtashhs Wis... as traces: Silica’: Frageus ayes eb cere. gre =) Chae Gaebonate soda’. !.s.......... "1052 eS Side MEER cta Oe alate: ss ‘o710 «In 1,000 parts of water...... ieee 130 Joly, Lotbinitre Co. (a)—A sulphurous water is found in this township on the Magnetat Brook about five miles from Methot’s mills. The water is feebly saline and contains a portion of boracic acid, besides sulphuretted hydrogen equal to 75 cubic inches per litre. A specimen collected in July 1853, afforded the following analysis :— Chloride sodium... s.2 #5e 3 "3818. Carbonate mapnesia .. cee een 0257 Chloride potassium........... ‘e067 \ Aliimina, :25%... 22 v.. eee undet Sulphate soda’. \.tnaaeaneee "o2zt5 « “Sil@a’.t'.-: She 2S sen eee {+ as Carbonate? seda<;aqianeee > "2301 — . lime (2pemewreee <5 °0620 .In 1,000 parts of water ....... "7523 Lanorate, Berthter Co. (a)—A saline spring occurs at a point about midway between the village of Lanoraie and Industry. The water evolves large quantities of carburetted hydrogen and contains some- what large proportions of baryta and strontia as shown in the following analysis of a specimen collected in March 1851. Chloride sodium... gyn ¢ 11°1400 ‘Carbonate stfontia.... 22a 0137 cE potassnig)): Soe ee "1460 = lime: AS. 5 eee "4520 BS v1 2 DANAUS cass oes eateerees 0303 * Mapnhesia) -ope oeeae "4622 coc PStroONtniml.... Sic. serene "0185 Ni IFO. J.) 2 eee traces Agere Best his bay eget te *2420 2 Alumina |. epee undet eS 4" SMA QBEsNIM J. 2 sone 2960 4 Silica... |e 0552 Bromide Sey ee es 0283 ——-—— Iodide $07 ae aoe Se 70052 In.1,000 parts of water. eee 12°8830 Carbonate baryta’ -....-. J2.50.4 79106. Specific gravity :.... ceases 100942 LD Assomption, L’ Assomption Co. (2)—A saline water which some years ago was used quite extensively and was somewhat widely known is found in the range of Point du Jour, near the village of L’Assomp- tion. The spring, known as the ‘ Aurora spring” rises from Cambro silurian rocks and an analysis of its waters showed them to contain 7°36 parts of solid matter in 1,c00 of water as well as considerable quantities of carburetted hydrogen. Longueuil, Soulanges Co. —In the report of the Geological Survey Vol. I. 1885 page 12 M is given the analysis of a water from a spring in this seigniory and which rises from rocks of the Chazy formation. The spring has an estimated flow of about 450 gallons per minute and the water was odourless and practically tasteless. The analysis gave the following result ;— pda tone 181 REO cfs dinise _ (O02) Silicg feet. oy... ft pee a ‘0092 SUIDMIRES SOUA, sc cc cao wees ‘0078 — -- ot GRRE sige. blasts ss « "0028 "1482 “a NTs es vac. ‘0233 Carbonic acid, half combined .. ‘0483 (Garponate lime... 52......, , *06Re si “H" \treaisteae sens ‘O128 “ PA QU@SIg is 66 i oii» - 0357 — --— a ESN S's a +0 Lies - traces In 1,000 parts of water........ "2093 Specific gravity at 15°5° C..... 1 .000°16 Matsonneuve, Hochelaga Co. (a)—An examination was made by Mr. G. C. Hoffmann in the laboratory of the Survey (report Geol. Surv Vol. IV. 1888-89. part R.) of a water from a deep boring on the property of Messrs Viau et Freres at Maisonneuve, near Montreal. The boring attained a depth of 1.500 feet, in rocks of Cambro- silurian age from which the water emanated. Of the physical features of the specimen, Mr. Hoffmann writes as follows :— ‘“ The sample of water sent for examination had, when received, a faint yet decided odour of sulphuretted hydrogen ; it contained but a trifling amount of sediment; colour of the clear water, when viewed in a column two feet in length, lignt yellow; taste, mildly saline ; reaction, faintly alkaline.” The analysis gave the following result :— ileride Sodium. ..0........... 4°035S . Silita: J ike ee Gee O135 pO easoiMin ys... 5. 0301 — Smipmate 800A... .06. 5.66... 2°8624 7°3587 Se INVES SP ce ke ‘0867 Carbonic acid, half combined... "1658 Waneomate Hime! 2 ...)) 6.6... 70855 a AS Tray Se. we aa 0503 = MWAIESIA, hs. so bu os, 0 ts "2447 —_ ——_ Ss es aa trace In 1,000 parts of water........ 7°5748 Specific gravity at 15°5° C..... 1006°3, Quarante Arpents, Nicolet Co. (a)—Near the line of St. Gregoire and in the concession of Quarante Arpents occurs an alkaline water, impregnating a small area of marshy ground in which a pit was dug and the specimen, of which the following is an analysis, collected in the Autumn of 1853. The water is yellowish and alkaline in taste, and rises from rocks of the Hudson River formation :— (Citeride sodiiim ..5+......... "2300: Carbonate mom << 66< oak. ous ne undet f SSO ies. oe pee "“OgTS | Alumina s saeeonliek oo by eh . Burpiate potas... ......-.- i Hthaces “ SICR se aes Ae dips rte ae ok arooOnate SOda: ao... ... 0-0 £°h 354 ‘ id HOC 6S a undet In 1,000 parts of water........ I*5591 RE magnesia 7.0.60... ) Rawdon, Montcalm Co. (a)—In the ‘“‘ Geology of Canada” 1863, page 541 the following description of two springs in this township is found :— 183 “ Two springs have been examined from the township of Rawdon. One of the third class from the twenty-fifth lot of the third range, is somewhat strongly saline, containing 4°96 parts of solid matter, in 1,000, and yielding the reactions of baryta, boracic acid, bromine and iodine. ‘The other from the twenty-seventh lot of the same range is an abundant spring, of slightly sulphurous water, belonging to the fourth class, which yields only 0°32 parts of solid matter in 1,000 and contains portions of sulphates and borates, with a trace of bromine. These springs apparently rise from the Potsdam formation.” Riviere Ouelle, Kamouraska Co. (a)—In the third concession of the seigniory of Riviére Quelle, are several small basins wherein is found a saline water. No analyses are available though a partial examination showed the water to contain 13°36 parts of solid matter made up principally of chlorides of calcium and magnesium and a small proportion of earthy chlorides, in 1,000 parts of water. Ste. Anne de la Pocatitre, Kamouraska Co. (a)—Several saline springs are known to exist in this seigniory of which however no analyses are available. Two of these, mentioned in the “ Geology of Canada, 1863” as occuring in the second concession gave 0°36 and 5:06 parts of solid matter in 1,000 of water, the latter amount (5°06) being contained in a bitter saline water holding besides chlorides an abundance of the sulphates of lime and magnesia. The water affording 0°36 parts is slightly sulphurous and is strongly saline to the taste. St. Benoit, Two Mountains Co. (a)—“ A spring nearly opposite to the old church of St. Benoit, rises thorough the clays, which here overlie the Potsdam formation. ‘The specific gravity of the water is 1004°3, and it contains about 6’o parts of solid matter to 1,000. This water ** * * * contains traces of carbonates, and large amounts of calcareous and magnesia salts, both chlorides and sulphates” vide Geology of Canada, 1863. } St. Eustache, Two Mountains Co. (a)—A feebly saline water, yielding 1°88 parts of solid matter to 1,000 of water and rising from rocks of the Trenton formation occurs near the village of St. Eustache in the parish of that name. 2 Set een OR He —— —— eee eee eer 183 Ste. Genevitve, Battscan Co. (a)—Several medicinal springs are known to occur in the vicinity of St. Genevieve and near to the Batiscan river. The waters which are strongly saline, flow from rocks of Trenton age, and in the case of that, of which No] is the analysis, give off no inconsiderable quantities of carburetted hydrogen. The analyses refer to I, trom a spring about three miles above the church, and II, from a spring at the ferry landing directly opposite the church. The specimens examined were collected in August 1853. Trudel’s spring Ferry spring I II ES 17°2671 11°5094 RS rr , *2409 undet DI cays noviw c | 50 wine ac ead dues "6038 "2264 oO 2°0523 "8942 a 0587 ‘0273 Todide ROE sista ww vio a nein ee ae 0133 0183 ES ESS GS ee o O120 "0180 ct 0 Le eran ee oe "7506 "4464 4 IR oan ol Sos 5 Sanka, on hw wie Des traces traces ‘a Pease Os thoak Rye: |. Siftica 1.1) ew. ee Ee "O145 Sy ANA RRE STN, Nopy aie Chats "6636 : —- Bromide magnesium.......... ‘oogiI_ In 1,000 parts of water......... 13°8365 Iodide RET ob Ge aero eam °0046' ‘Specific'pravity ..... 25. see IOII‘23 Ste. Martine, Beauharnois Co. (a)—‘ A feebly saline water from the parish of Ste."Martine, in Beauharnois, * * * probably rises from the Calciferous formation. It gives 1°98 parts of solid matter to 1,000 and contains a small portion of sulphates. The spring is said to be sulphurous”-—vide Geology of Canada, 1863. St. Ours, Richelieu Co. (a)—Some years prior to 1852, in which year the specimen affording the following analysis was collected, a spring was tapped while constructing a lock on the Richelieu River at St. Ours. As the water could only be obtained by means of a pump it was difficult to state positively as to the purity of the specimen obtained The analysis illustrates the character of the water afforded : 185 Emtoriae sodium: ............. 0207 « Carbonmewen.. a... s.caaeee « traces ye 04906, Alumingis Gah ay. Phosphate soda’... .... ./2. .auaee a PotassiMm 2... 38°59 Bi-carbonate lime ............ 8°61 ‘ GOS os. Ske vee 7°29 * magnesium....... 119°72 ‘ POERUMI tase ss trace 4 MOM.) «tjee aoe: 18‘ol “li VS 1 rr 1°49 a manganese ....... 28 2s: Maemesia. -....... St) pe eS tals oes cy at 2 ees oo 37°85 PCE (Giiee ss... ..:,. 3908'S% Silica... cc. 62.3 ...00e yceeel 5°46 Todide “ow gS ae att 6°42 ——$— SOMONE ie see trace Grains in imp. gallon.......... 1255°25 Varennes, Verchéres Co. (a)—Two springs known locally as the “Saline” and ‘‘Gas” springs occur at this place, the waters rising through the clay from rocks near the summit of the Utica or base of the Hudson River formation. In both instances carburetted hydro- gen is given off, in the case of the saline spring in but small quantities at infrequent intervals, while from the gas spring sufficient was evolved at one time to warrant its collection and utilization in the lighting of the house that had been erected over it. In November 1847 the temperature of the Saline spring was 47° F. and that of the Gas spring 40° F., the air being 19° F. Again on the 18th of October in the following year the temperature was taken and found to be 47°52 F. in the Saline spring, while the Gas spring was 45°5° F. the atmosphere being 44° F. ‘The following analyses are available : Saline Spring Gas Spring (18 SCTE Tov ine i an ae Pa 9°4231 8-4286 RIPSPASHIOON. ec se nv eels ced hee able Gale "1234 ‘0382 I CMMI oo aig 52) p les nimi ie dim ne’ eae dlica tye oie .. “ORaG "0046 Iodide Re ys Sere ed 2355 5 a le aint b's Oe aaa el 0054 ‘008 5 oo 4h 4 cis se eonhore ype! ow wht Awe aime "1705 "3260 a tree error err 0226 ‘0123 “af BPRGNMEMM Jlardid.c i. ihe da OAs Ws. eR es ang "O140 "0096 -s eM ow. 4°s - ¥ Bi-Carbonate sodium.......... 12°44 a s calli. vag =sien 19°80 Grains in imp. gallon ......... 161°76 Norton Dale, York Co.—In the vicinity of Norton Dale, a settle- ment on the Nacawicac River, is a spring affording a water which 187 evolves a_ sufficient quantity of sulphuretted hydrogen, to give the water a strong sulphurous taste and odour. No examination of the water has been made, though it is said to be used to a considerable extent locally. Many similar springs are known to occur in the vicinity, of none of which, however, is anything definite known. MINERAL WATERS IN NOVA SCOTIA. Bras D’ Or Lake, Victoria Co.—On the north shore of the Little Narrows, Bras D’Or Lake, and about twelve miles south-west of Baddeck are several brine springs, a specimen of the water of which was examined by Mr. G. C. Hoffmann (report Geol. Surv. 1873-4, p. 181). Although more correctly a brine, it has been thought advisable to note its occurrence here, the following analysis is by Mr. Hoffmann: (Chiomde sodium... ............ RO OSS Alina cosas. sae oe wn traces SemeepOtassiam.-.. ......- "1Oqays Gillean. peace 6 1 aly’ ceded atahguale * SemMacMesiumM,.......... 1593 Seen Sulpiate calcium ............. 56810 In 1,000 parts of water........ 56°7226 Unsuccessful efforts were made to utilize this brine in the manu- facture of salt ; works etc. having been erected and abandoned many years prior to 1873. Mr. Chas. Robb, who collected the specimen examined, states that in the neighborhood of the springs, of which there are several, there is a noticeable odour of sulphuretted hydrogen. East Bay, Cape Breton Co.—At the junction of the Ben Eoin and Gaspereaux River roads, and about four miles from the shores of East Bay, is a spring which at one time had a comparatively wide reputation and was resorted to by many in search of relief from rheumatic troubles. The spring rises from syenitic rocks and the water has an unpleasant brackish and astringent taste. An analysis afforded Prof. Hy. How, Kings College, Windsor, the following result; Chioride Sodium... ........se0. 343°11» - Phosphoric 2610 gat. wend dae traces BOIEASSIMIN . 0.5. eco a‘55 Carbonate limerc. ...csane sees oo OS 308 “90 x magnesia......... See imaenesiiMm:...,........ 4°47 TEATS SUL eg) hee A Sra °94. ~Grains in imp. gallon......... 662°57 RSS ee traces Specific gravity at 54° F....... 1007 °397 Grande Anse, Richmond Co.—In the “ Mineralogy of Nova Scotia 1868,” page 194, Prof. Henry How, writes thus of a water found at this place :—*‘ At Grande Anse, at the mouth of the McKenzie River, two springs issue from the metamorphic Lower Carboniferous rocks 188 resting on the flanks of a mouitain of granite and syenite. The first is highly sulphurous and contains sulphate of magnesia, and the water has very decided aperient qualities. The little pool in which it rises is coated witn a white earthy deposit ; yas is evolved, particularly when the neighboring ground is trodden on. The second water is mentioned as having a strong taste of magnesia, not having any sulphurous odour, and as being rnuch used as a gentle laxative.” Halowell Grant, Antigonish Co.—About eight or nine miles north of Antigonish and on the Halowell Grant is a spring, the water of which was analysed by Mr. G. C. Hoffmann (report Geol. Surv. Vol I. 1887, p. 15 M.) and gave the following result :— Chloride sodinim. 105 pis f).5 heat 0793 Carbonic acid half. combined .. 0457 $6.0°. POLASSIUAN Fay 0 <)> a0 : 0137 free... .kReeeee "0075 Sulphate limite vc. \arae ee «= + AT RESO as Carbonate Times.) ten so +. = "0666 "5922 Sb, MagMesin tari oa. 0296 Chlorine, in excess of that required Bite 4g AR OURS, coe «oh Bae eee, ie ‘0024 ~=+by the potassium and sodium.. ‘ooo1 Aliumantiay 10 Ges. - Pis ah a hs "0005 OEE ee Silicate ee. s peas oe ok ae ee ‘0081 In 1,000 parts of water........ "5923 Phospmerte acid! Ts. 5 Sts ene traces Specific gravity at 15°5°C.... 1000°53 Organic matter, ¢... .'j/eiving .) yh tkaees ; The water was inodorous aa of any special taste and had a faint brownish tinge. Queensville, Inverness Co.—The water ot a spring at McMaster’s Mill, Queensville, was examined, (report Geol. Surv. 1879-80, page 7 H) a qualitative analysis showing it to contain the following to the extent of aa parts of dissolved solid matter in 1,000 parts of water. Potassa osc < . spautrace Salphume acid... .2cae a small quantity Soda tin weer a very large quantity Phosphoric acid........ a's Ps LUNE o's eke ae a small Garbonateracid) «-\-aie aac ‘ Magnesia 4 ~ s.< 55% .) 7 ee eee trace $5.) POLASSA yn Ce arin "0096 k<’S POSSESS ysis Skin ee Es A "2070 sgsst “s dime......-.---2--+- . *§627 Carbonic acid, halfcombined... 0510 Carbonate lime 2.7 > athens "1148 - free .

Hee ee undet In 1,000 parts of water........ 10495 ‘‘The water was examined for lithia, iodine, and bromine, but no other constituents. Distinct evidence was obtained of the presence of lithia; iodine and bromine were not detected: this does not necessarily imply that they were not present in the water, in as much as the amount of water operated on was far less than would be required for the detection of traces, or even very small quantities of these substances. Geol. Surv. Rep. Vol III., 1887-88, part II, p. 22 T. The physical features most apparent were: colourless ; devoid of any marked taste ; odourless ; reaction faintly alkaline ; specific gravity of filtered water, at 15.5% C.=1ooo’99, Mr. McConnell in referring to this spring says :—** The water has a temperature of rr1° F. in summer, but it is said to rise to 119° F. in winter. The lower temperature in summer may be caused by the water being affected to some extent by the surface drainage, which is more active at that season. It has a large flow, and is forced up in large quantities through an aperature several inches in diameter” * * Ibid, page 21 T. 191 Brandon, Manitoba.—A partial analysis was made in the laboratory of the Survey—Geol. Surv. Rep. 1882-84, p. 18 MM.—of a water from a shallow well north of Brandon: Potassa and soda........... a large quantity ; soda predominating a cba ns on otk a ie ae - CE a very large quantity SG a rather large quantity ere . a. ee |° Sulphuretted hydrogen ..... After being filtered it was found to have a content of solids—dried at 100° C=equivalent to 268'9 grains to the imp. gall. The water at the time of the examination smelt strongly of sulphuretted hydrogen and had a most offensive odour. Clearwater River, N. W. T.—In the same volume an analysis is given of a specimen collected by Dr. Robert Bell and labelled as follows :—‘‘ Salt resulting from the evaporation of about five and a half quarts of water of a spring situated on the north bank of the Clearwater River, about four miles below the Cascade Rapid, N. W. T. From 2 to 1 more adhered to the kettle and was lost.” The residue handed in for examination weighed 595 grains. Na 2 soy os + hia’ 5 very small quantity Ferric oxide.. ...... very small quantity es sé . : Py ‘2 EE ee large Sulphuric acid ...... large oS) Ae = life, * “ Chiotitie h.iyg0 Heist “« ‘6 6 SS ae 4 Carbonic acid....... “ 6 am 0 Eee oye Insoluble residue ... ‘‘ * “s Rosenfeld Station, Manitoba.—The water was obtained from an artesian boring made at Rosenfeld Station, C. P. R., at a depth of 235 feet, from which depth and lower points the water rises and flows in considerable quantities, Mr. G. C. Hoffmann, Geol. Surv. Rep. I, 1885. p- 13M—says:—The filtered water was perfectly colorless ; taste, strongly saline with a very slight bitter after taste ; it did not affect the color of turmeric paper, but exhibited a slightly alkaline reaction with reddened litmus paper. ‘fhe reaction for boric acid, although faint, was quite distinct. Bromine and iodine are both present—the amount of the former exceeding, apparently, that of the latter,—but owing to a total insufficiency of material, the determination of the respective amounts of these constituents, could not be carried out. The specific gravity of the water, at 15°5° C., was found to be 1032°86.” 192 The analysis gave the following result :— Ghikgeite. SOdI0M 2 i. Paiste sees 36°4971 \ Sulphate lime... 3,65, fo.3eee 41511 Po OLASSIUI sf). -<.» - »/» Ss ig Western Butte, Sweet Grass Hills, Alberta.—In the same volume Mr. Hoffmann gives the following result of the examination of a specimen collected by Dr. G. M. Dawson from a spring at foot hills of Western Butte, Sweet Grass Hills, where the water rises from dark Cretaceous shales. ‘The water, which as it issues from the spring, is charged with sulphuretted hydrogen, still contained a large quantity of that gas. It contained some suspended and sedimentary matter, con- sisting of carbonate of lime, a little iron, and separated sulphur, together with argillaceous and organic matter, and some sand. The filtered water had a specific gravity, at 15°5° C., of 1001°36. Total dissolved saline matter, dried at 180° C., equalled 0°857 parts in 1000” A qualitative analysis gave the following result :— Potassa:s<.5-./eepeeee trace Ferrousjoxides:).:). trace S0Ga.. os arene small quantity Sulphuric acid..... small quantity Lithia | yaereneen very distinct quantity Carbonicacid...... very large quantity Lime: ;.. «see .fairly large quantity. _ Chloriné..c..5... .small quantity Magnesia, ..7sceuee very." ‘¢ . Hydrosulphuric acid. large ‘* Alumina .. .2. ga small — ‘ Organic matter... .small A: 193 MINERAL WATERS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. Dougherty’s Spring, Maiden Creek.—This spring known also as the _ “Carbonic Acid Spring ” on account of the great quantities of that gas _ evolved, is on Maiden Creek, south of Clinton, and between that place : and Cargeriles. Water, collected by Mr. A. Bowman, was examined by Mr. G. C. Hoffmann, (Geol. Surv. Rep. II, 1886, p. 13 T :)— ee a ee trace Sulphuric acid..... fairly large quantity i eS small quantity Carbonic acid...... large quantity BEAMG 425s... large ‘‘ SiGe. h des eke’ « small ‘S BECOMING vokicn..... trace CHIORINGS, ».< ais vas Me es mMapnesia ......... large quntity Organic matter.... ‘‘ “ _ Alumina.... ......very small quantity | The water when filtered was found to have a specific gravity, at q 15°5. C., of 1000-90 and contained in rooo parts of water 1°442 parts _ of dissolved solid matter, dried at 180° C. Harrison Hot Springs.—At the southern end of Harrison Lake _ two springs have been noted viz:—The Potash Spring and The Sulphur Spring, both of which are thermal. Samples of the water were examined . (Geol. Surv. Rep. IV, 1888-89, part R.) Potash Spring. —Temperature of water at spring 120° F. The filtered water was perfectly colourless, inodorous and had a slightly saline taste ; it showed alkaline reaction with reddened litmus paper but did not affect turmeric paper Miloriae SOGIUM.............. ‘4059 Carbonate iron, very small amount undet Dea oe 8 ‘STS, ve TONIM GN. jer ravls ocerels Sancta Sig Shave undet SMUT UIIIN 0... 50. .---- MEIAEt,* RPC. «oy stn 3.5 oe a a atn es he ees 0586 Mephate SOda 26... ee ee “‘qro7s HOrmanic matter so. J. ica pe trace SUMMING rc cree es eee "2256 ae) Seewimernesia.... 5.25.2... 70024 In 1,000 parts of water ........ I*1600 tal POMMPSUYOINGIG ¢ ose 5 sacs treo os undet Specific gravity at 15°5° C...... IOOI ‘00 mcarbonate lime............... "0366 \! Sulphur Spring—Temperature of water at spring, 150° F. Physical features similar to last with the exception of the specific gravity, which mvas at 15°5° Co., 100113. meeloride SOdIUM.............. “4471: , Sulphate. strontiag, oo ais 6 undet BeeCOUASSIOM .). soa... "0246 Bi-carbonate lime ............ "0621 id hath: i i undet (Alumina ses ‘rtiie aes eit trace (OEE i UCSF A a SARS UBINEAL. 5 aici ieee teeth art a = Claus "0662 194 Hot Spring Island, Queen Charlotte Islands.—No analysis of the thermal waters from the spring on this island is ayailable, the only in- formation at hand is that found in the report on the Queen Charlotte Islands, by Dr. G. M. Dawson, (Geol. Survey Rep., 1878-9, p. 22 B). “On the south side of Hot Spring Island is the spring from which it has been so named. Its situation is easily recognized by a patch of | green, mossy sward, which can be seen from a considerable distance. Steamfalso generally hovers over it. The actual source of the water is not seen, but is probably not tar from the inner edge of the mossy patch. * * I had no thermometer reading sufficiently high to take the temperature of the warmest streams, in which the hand could scarcely be held with comfort. * * The water has a slight smell of sulphuretted hydrogen, and a barely perceptible saline taste. The stones over which it flows, in some places show traces of a whitish deposit, and the streams and pools are choked with a slimy confervoid growth.” Nanaimo, Vancouver Island.—I\n Geol. Surv. Rep., 1872-73, p. S2, is an analysis of a saline water, from the so-called “Salt Spring at Nanaimo.” ‘The water, according to Mr. Jas. Richardson, who col- lected the specimen, issues from the coal-bearing strata near the Douglas seam, and had, in 1872, an estimated flow of about 3,500 gallons per diem. The Hudson Bay Co., prior to that date, had erected a building near the spring with the intention of manufacturing salt from the water, but the enterprise was abandoned, probably on account of the impurities the product would contain. Chloride«sodium: .. :..>.=: here -39°1 17» Carbonate'iron.... :.... 0. eee traces s¢ potassium . 277. < 2s 627. Alumina: .....).) 3: ¢ eee 038 *:-\ calleiuia ::..4\.i. eee eee LO°O4Gy Silicagéars.. tase Se loo cal ae “038 **) mgapnesiam..}. “see "135 Sulphate limes vic 2°08: eee 1°803 In 1000 parts of water ......... 52°154 Carbonate lime: .... 4... Sees "347 ~Specitic.pravity. : ...\) ese 1;039°00 Shuswap Lake-—In Geol. Surv. Rep., 1877-78, p. 25 B, Dr. G. M. Dawson: describes a spring on the Spallumsheen Arm, Shuswap Lake. The spring is known to the Indians as “ Pil-pil-poopil,” and flows into a shallow bay. No data regarding the character of the water are available, beyond the fact that it has a faint, ferruginous taste, and traces of sulphuretted hydrogen. ‘The temperature of the water as it comes to the surface of tbe bay was, in August, 1877, 70° F. 195 Upper Columbia Lake, North End.—About seven and a half miles - north of the north end of Upper Columbia Lake is located a thermal spring, the water of which afforded (Geol. Surv. Rep. II, 1886, p. 15 T) the following result : POtaSSIWM.. trace Sulphuric Acid ....very large quantity 2 OE Se rather small quantity Carbonicacid..... % , < (SU) i trace i Ries Vr trace PIATVEs ee... es ee Be Chlorine seen... .\ fairly large quantity So very small quantiy Organic matter....small quantity ete... > “large : In 1000 parts of water, dried Magnesium ....... large quantity dt TBO Manes. « « «bala e See 2°177 Ferrous oxide ..... trace Specific gravity at 15°5° C..... 1001 °48 Dr. G. M. Dawson, who collected the specimen, states that the discharge is not less than 20 gallons per minute, and that the tempera- ture at the hottest point was 112°F. Vermillion Pass.—Dr. G. M. Dawson reports several chalybeate springs which flow out through the gravel on the river flats about 6 miles west of the summit and near the place alluded to in his report as “the bend.” He states that the springs are copious and of such a character as to suggest their use medicinally.— Vzde Geol. Surv. Rep. Po1ee5, p. 120 B. Many thermal and other springs are, of course, known locally in British Columbia, but no data are available. Of some, how- ever, although no analyses are at hand, the following notes by Dr. G. M. Dawson in his ‘‘ Report on the Mineral Wealth of British Columbia Geol. Surv. Rep. III, 1887-88, 162 R. may not prove uninteresting. * Admiralty Island.—Salt spring. According to analysis quoted by Pemberton in the place above cited (Nanaimo). The spring con- tains 65 parts of saline matter to 1,000, but with more impurities than the last ( Nanaimo ).” ‘* Near Lilooet River.—about five miles from head of Harrison Lake. Hot springs known as St. Agnes’s Well; no particulars.” “Sinclair Pass—Rocky Mountains, Hot Springs, on south side of Berland’s Brook, near the point at which it issues from the mountains into the Upper Columbia valley. Three springs reported, and said to be copious. Mr. John McKay, who discovered these springs, states the temperature of one as 118° F.” “ Elk River Valley.—Rocky Mountains, about lat. 50°7 ; warm sulphur spring reported on east side of river, by Mr. H. M. Hatfield.” 196 “ Kootanie Lake.—Hot springs, giving its name to the “ Hot Springs Mining Camp.” Situated on west side of lake, directly opposite the ‘Blue Bell Claim.” Several springs occur near the edge of the lake and some below the water level, temperature estimated at about 100° F.” “Upper Arrow Lake.—Hot springs. On the east side of the lake, twelve miles from its head, and one hundred and fifty yards from the lake, Said to be about as hot as can comfortably be borne in bathing.” “ Albert Canyon Station. C. P. Ry.—Hot spring. About a mile to the north of the station. Temperature about the same as the last. “ Near Upper Arrow Lake.—Hot spring reported by Indians at some distance back from the lake, 3 or 4 miles from its southern end.” “ Mear Albert Canyon Station.— Soda spring.” One mile anda half west of the station on south side of the track. This and the following springs are known as “soda springs” in consequence of the presence of large quantities of carbonic acid gas.” “ Near Carnes Creek.—On west side of Columbia River and opposite the mouth of Carne’s Creek. Groups of springs with copious escape of carbonic acid gas.” : “ Near Downie Creek.—Soda spring.” Is situated about three fourths of a mile north-west of the trail from Downie to Gold creek and about four miles from the latter.” “ Four miles above Smith's Creek.—West side of Columbia River. Springs with considerable escape of carbonic acid gas, and deposition of iron-oxide, reported.” ‘“Skeena River.—Left bank about fourteen miles above “ Inverness Cannery.” Hot spring, no particulars.” “Stikine River.—Hot spring. Situated a short distance above Buck’s Bar and directly opposite the Great Glacier. No particulars.” “ Kennicot Lake.—At head of south branch of Taku River. Hot spring. Said to feed the lake. (Alaska and its Resources. Dall, p. 628)” ‘“* McDonald’s Oil Spring.—Head waters of Omineca River, lat. 56° This spring is marked as above on Trutch’s map of British Columbia. It is not, however, an oil spring, but is described as a smalll mound in the centre of which a hollow exists charged with carbonic acid to such an extent as to prove fatal to birds and small animals.” A, A. A. S. Meeting, 71. Agricul’ Investigations at Rothamsted, 89 Albino Aster Nove-Anglia, 104. Liatris scartosa, 116. Limnea stagnalis, 118. Passer domesticus, 118. Verbena hastata, 116. Ami, H. M., Address by, 53, 98. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci. Meeting, 78. Excursion to the Peche, 96. Geol. Soc’y of America, Meeting, 83, 137, 152. Mineralogical Notes, 105. Notes on Geology and Paleontology of Ottawa, 73. Quebec Group, 41. Anthracnose of the Grape, 114. Asplenium ruta-muraria, 115. Aster Nove-Anglig, Colour varieties, 104. Autumn tints, 113. Bagnall, J. E., On Macoun’s Catalogue, Part VI, Musci, 121. Bailey, L. W., Address by, 53. Barren-ground Caribou, Winter home of the, 121. Bethune, Rev, C. J. S., Address by, 53. Blue Mountain, Leeds, Ont., Natural History of, 45. Botanical Nomenclature. Rules. 87. BOTANY, edited by W. Scott, 104, 113. Book Notices. ; Bailey, L. H., Cultivated Native Plums and Cherries, 8o. Brumell, H. P., Manganese Ores in Canada, 105. Edwards, W. H., Eutterflies of North America, 168. Macoun, John, Catalogue of Canadian Plants, Musci, 121. Martin, H. T., Castorologia, 108, 123, 126. Ormerod, E. A., Text-book of Agricu’l Entomology, 122. Portland Catalogue of Maine Plants, 136. Riley, C. V., Instructions for Collecting Insects, 67. Scudder, S. H., A Book for Boys on Butterflies, 69. Vasey, George, Grasses of the Pacific Slope, 135. Warington, Robt., Lectures on Agricul- ture, 89. INDEX. 197 Whiteaves, J. F., Orthoceratide of Winnipeg Basin, 68. Brit. Ass. Advt. Science, Meeting at Edin- burgh, 78. Brumell, H. P., Mineral Waters ot Can- ada, 167, 173. Burgess, T. J. W., On a Fern new Canada, I15. Calosoma scrutator at Ottawa, 113. Chubbuck, C. E..D., Native Song-birds, 112. Clothes Moths, 125. Coleoptera from the Cypress Hills, 149. Council, Annual Report, 1891-92, 23. Country North of the Ottawa, 157. Cowley, R. H., Introduced Plants, 115. Craig, John, Anthracnose, 114. Autumn tints, 113. Bailey’s Cultivated Plums and Cherries, 80. Destructive Disease of Native Plums, 109. Fusicladium on Cherry, I15. Impotency of Hybrids, 115. Destructive Diseases of Plums, 109. Ells, R. W., The Country North of the Ottawa, 157. ENTOMOLOGY, Edited by W. H. Harring- ton, 84, 103, 113, 150, 168. | Entomological Branch, Rep. for 1891-92, | 147. Excursions: No. 1, Kirk’s Ferry, 44, 51. No. 2, Casselman, 56, 55. No. 3, La Péche, 72, 88, 96. Fall Web-worm, 70. Fauna Ottawaensis, Hemiptera, 25. Fletcher, J.,. Address by, 97. sotanical Notes, 104. Clothes Moths, 125. Editorial Notes, 107, 120. Entomological Notes, 103. Fall Web-worm, 70. Fusicladium dendriticum on Cherry, 115. Gentiana Saponaria, 104. Geological Society of America, 82, 108, 137, 152. Glacial Epoch, A., 170. Glycerta elongata, 104. Harrington, W. H., Cypress Hills Coleop- tera, 149. Entomological Notes, 84, 103, 150. Fauna Ottawaensis, Hemiptera, 25. Glacial Epoch, A., 170. Report of Council, 1892, 24. Helianthus decapetalus, 104. Helix dentifera, 118. . Hemiptera of Ottawa, 25. Hudsonian Chickadee, I13. mpotency of Ilybrids, 114. Introduced Plants, 115. Kingston, A. G., Albinism in English Sparrow, 100. Chimney Swifts, 86, 137. ¥ Migration Notes, I00. Ornithological Notes, 86, 100, 137. Swaliows, 87. Treasurer’s Report, 1891- -92, 56. White-headed Eagle, 137. Latchford, F. R., Albino Zimna@a stagna- las, 118. Helix dentifera, 118. Lees, W.A.D., Hudsonian Chickadee, 113. z, » Lehmann, A., ’Parasitic Fungi, 38. Properties of Water, 57. - FF vad <2 . + >t Ps MacCabe, Dr., Address of Welcome, 141. McConnell, R. G., Ovts Canadensis Dalit, 130. Mackenzie River Notes, 117. Macoun, John, Address by, 98. Fauna and Flora of the Selkirks, 172. Mackenzie River Notes, 117. Members, List of, 3 Mineral Waters of Canada, 167, 173. Mollusca of Canada, 33. Natural Phosphates, 7. Natural History Observations, 43. Natural Science in Illinois, 332. ORNITHOLOGY, Edited by A. G. Kingston, 86, 100; "182 a87- 198 Ovis Canadensis Dalli, 130. Parasitic Fungi, 38. Phosphates, 7. Potato-rot, 104. Prévost, L. C., Food in Health and Dis- ease, 172. Provancher, L’Abbé, Obituary notice, 44. Rangeley Lake Trout, I19. Royal Soc’y of Canada, Ann. Meeting, 37. Natural History Observations, 43. Science-Teaching at Ottawa, 107. Scott, W., Aster Nove-Anglia, 104. Botanical Notes, 104, 114. Glycerta elongata, 104. Helianthus decapetalus, 104. Sequence of Strata of Quebec Group, 41. Shutt, F. T., Addresses, 52, 65, 96 Inaugural Address, 141. Notes on Warington’s Agriculture, 89. Snow Buntings, 112. Song-birds, native, 112. Sub-Excursion to Beaver Meadow, Hull, Lectures on Ls ee to Rockliffe, 55. Taylor, Rev. G. W., Check-list of Cana- dian Mollusca, _ 33. Treasurer’s Balance-sheet, 1891-92, 56. Tyrrell, J. B., Winter home of the Barren- ground Caribou, 128. Umbrella Mushrooms, 204. Water, Some of the Properties of, 57. Weston, T. C., Beetles from the Cypress Hills, 149. Whiteaves, J. F., Sa/velinus Oguassa, 120. Whyte, R. B., Addresses, 53, 65, 97. Wills, J. Lainson, Natural Phosphates, 7. Winter Lectures, .108, 139, 141, 172. Young, Rev. C. J., Natural History of . Blue Mountain, 45. ee ’ » aA 4 , a ie a o hee Cony ¢' 4 neal ‘i ee oa _ ~~ » a ~ - mae *. ute : a PON SEP Pee, iq ‘ . r + £4 € ‘ a ‘ eh Four). = uy af SAG 7.” i ‘ . ag 7 - rv ; er ; ; ; ar, 2 rs 1] “te. , ou ¢ ¢ 5 Ly = i & ; iw Ore A cM . - rn 7 oe ‘ ° it We! 4 , AY; bys yee aft 4 .* » 3 bas = ae -- : 4 j > + 7 as F & ~j av i Ae y ¢ Are, a nd ae a yr — » oes wr" 7 a » ~~ 4 /~ ' h ~%" - aut" rt. al e tf “a 7 % \ < = 7 > « 2 - 4 . 4 a pra) Mes “Awe. be Lu ead ay of fh FA ey, Cole , . : if A MSP Car sre adie tw is YY | § [IDG QH The Canadian field-naturalist PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET ERLE L SOS eh ev SMS cd MRE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY + fe Wey tog Breda ae Be PP Ne tate opel Natee ei is stu? et Peru eas Sate whe pees shia fa > Serene See ae eT ee eee Aw. met ask @ Geneve Hi ge@oer yt y 17] Pd ay * ie, Hol Per Dee . a wie