%s*:^..7:!^-^ 'xon Free, Peeve's Favourite, Moore's Favourite, Ward's Late, Stump the World and Smock. He says that the Shakers at Enfield, Connecticut, last year thinned their Early Crawford's so that one hundred and forty peaches filled a bushel and sold them at their nearest market for eight dollars per bushel, and adds, " let all remember that fancy fruit brings fancy prices ; it is the poor article that begs a market." The Mountain Rose takes the place of the Early York now ; the Old Mixon Free is i*egarded as having many good qualities, and can be raised probably more cheaply than almost any other |)each, and is excellent for canning, only that the fashion now THE CANADIAN HORTIOULTfJEIST. runs to yellow-fleshed peaches, hence E-eeve's Favourite, Crawford's Late and Siyiock take the first places for canning. While this may be true of canning, your Editor is credibly informed that for drying the white-fleshed peaches are all the rage, and that the drying establishments pay more for white peaches than for the yellow. HOW TO DESTROY THE CABBAGE WORM. A correspondent of the Fruit Re- corder writing from Port Huron, Michigan, says that he commenced a series of expeiiments for the purpose of discovering something that would kill the worms and yet not be poison- ous to human beings, and finally found that a solution of common alum made by dissolving one pound of alum in three gallons of rain water would kill the worms. His mode of proceeding was to dis- solve the alum in a small quantity of water by heating the water, and then add sufficient water to make the whole three gallons. When this was cold he put it into a common watering pot having a rose sj)out, and sprinkled his cabbage and cauliflower plants, keeping up this sprinkling as hmg as any of the insects were about, from the time that the white butterfly began to lay her eggs. He says that he watered them almost every evening, and thus kept his cabbage and cauliflower perfectly clean. He also tried the alum solution on his currant bushes and with equally successful results, and recommends it for washing the trunks of young fruit trees, for the reason that it is a cheap, efiectual and non-poisonous insecticide, acting instantaneously on the worm or caterpillar by means of its astringency and so contracting their tissues that they cannot breathe. If any of the readei-s of the Canadian Horticulturist should give this simple method a trial they will confer a favor on others by giving the results of their experience. GRAPES UNDER GLASS. It is not so difficult a matter to grow grapes under glass as many seem to imagine. The writer recently visited the cold grapery of S. D. Woodrufi", Esq., St. Catharines, where the grapes were yet hanging on the vines in great profusion, beautifully ripened. Besides the splendid bunches of White Syrian and Black Hamburg, so frequently to be found in such houses, were some tine clusters of Canon Hall Muscat, the first that we have ever seen growing in On- tario. These grapes are all grown under Mr. Woodruff"s personal supervision, without the intervention of a profes- sional gardener ; and the question na- turally arises, why is it that there are so few gentlemen who undertake the culture of grapes under glass. It seems to be the general opinion that no one can grow these grapes but a profess- sional ; this is evidently not the case, as Mr. WoodruiF has so abundantly demonstrated. A little application on the part of any gentleman to this matter will enable him to give such directions to his man-of-all-work as will result in a fine supply of these delicious grapes. Wintering Cabbage. — We know of no better way to preserve cabbages through the winter than to plant or set them up in rows as they grow — that is, with the roots down — fill in with soil pretty freely, then make a covering by planting two posts where there is a fence to rest on, or four where there is not, allowing for a pitch to carry off the water ; lay bean poles opposite the way of the pitch and cover with corn-fodder or straw or boards. In using through the winter avoid as much as possible the sun side and close up again. We have not found setting the cabbage upside down in the rows, as some do, of any advantage. — Rural New Yorker. THK CANATtlAN HOKTIOULTUiaST. CORRESPONDENCE. FRUIT TREES IN ALGOMA. Mr. Editor, — I am unable to give you any news of interest as to our future j)rospects for fruit-growing in this part of Ontario, as I planted a hunch-ed line apple trees the spring be- fore last, and they were all winter- killed last winter, except three liyslop and three Traiiscendant Crabs ; and these six trees afford me encouragement to try again, as they have made a good gi-owth this summer. Amongst those that I lost were, twenty Duchess of Oldenburg, ten Alexander, ten Snow, ten lied Astracans, and ten Russets. I had great confidence in these vari- eties standing our winter; and now they are standing examples to my other half-hardy favorites, which, of course, perished with them. But I have great j)leasure in informing you and friend J. H. Cumming, of St. Hilaire, P. Q., that the Wealthy apple I received from the Association last spring, after being almost dried up in the mail-bags from the long delay in getting here, made a fair growth, stood the winter well, and has made three feet of growth this summer ; and my hope is that it will come out all right in the spring. Yours with reajject, W. Warnock. Bliud River, 11th Nov., 1882. Mr. Editor, — Enclosed please find my subscription for 1883 of one dollar. You will i)lease send at distribution one of the Wordon Grape vines, as I intend the planting of viues, and see if we cannot have improved grapes to gi'ow here. There are some Concord and a few other sorts growing in the older settled i)arts of this Island. I think I can get these new hardy kinds to do as well with good care. The vine of the Moore's Early, received a few weeks ago, is looking well ; but I will know by spring how it will stand the winter. We are having very open weather, thunder and lightning twice during the past week. I suppose this indicates open weather for some time yet ; so the old settlers say. My crops this season have been, for s[)ring and fall wheat and rye, very good ; barley has not been good in our part ; oats only an average crop ; pota- toes only half a crop, on account of the bugs, and we could not get Paris green in time to save them ; but I intend having a supply in time for next season. Yours, with respect, Jas. C. Cooper. St. Joseph Island, Nov. 13, 1882. DO BEES INJURE GRAPES? Seeing an article from the pen of Mr. Taylor, in November Horticidturist^ on paper bags, grapes and bees, I thought said article certainly called for a reply. Mr. Taylor states that certain interested parties contend that bees do not punc- ture graj)es, while he along with Hon. J. C. Rykert and other horticultural friends have actually seen them do it. Now, with all deference to these gen- tlemen, I must beg leave to differ with them. Whether I may be considered an interested party or not, I may sim- ply state that I have a very fine collec- tion of the finest varieties of grapes, also keep a number of colonies of bees, not for the profits they bring but from the pleasure they afford, mentally and ])hysically, both to myself and family. I have kept from four to thirty colonies of bees for several years in the same garden as the grapes grow, and ] have never lost a single bunch of gi*i\pes by bees. I have seen bees, wasps and flies all sucking the juices out of a bunch of graj)es some of the berries of which had either cracked or been damaged by the cat-bird or oriole. The THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. oriole is a great enemy to grapes, as it just picks a hole in the berry and then leaves it, thus destroying all the berries on a vine in a few minutes. The bees quickly follow and take up the juices, but in this case are the bees not a bene- fit instead of an injury ? Mr. Taylor is certainly misinfoi-med as regards last winter being destructive on bees. On the contrary, it is rai-e to have bees come through a winter so strong and healthy. For proof see Bee Journals. Some time ago two bills were intro- duced in the California Legislature to do away with all bees, on account of j)uncturing and destroying grapes, but a careful examination and an extended debate proved that tliere was not a single case of bees puncturing grapes. I may just state that I never had more bees and honey or a finer crop of grapes than this season. A desire to prevent others from falling into the same error, and also to prevent the innocent but industrious and useful bee from being blamed for some other guilty pest, must be my only excuse for asking you to insert the above in your valua- ble journal. D. V. Beacock. Brockville. GLUCOSE HONEY. Under the above heading, in the October number of the Horticulturist, page 239, will be found a short extract from an editorial in the Boston Journal of Chemistry ior July, 1881: it con- cludes as follows : — Human ingenuity, it is stated, has i^ached the point of making honey and storing it in the comb without the intervention of the bee. By appropriate machinery a nice looking comb is made out of parafiine, and after the cells are filled with glucose syrup, this fictitious honey is warranted true white clover honey from Yermont. It seems strange to us slow, easy going Canadians, that respectable Am- erican journals should give circulation to such absurd and untruthful state- ments as the above. Dr. J. B. Nichols, the editor of the Journal of Chemistry y ought to have known the making of of artificial comb-honey to bean impos- sibility ; and if so, what excuse can be offered by him for giving circulation to a story which must of necessity very materially injure one of the most pleas- ant and profitable industries in the country, and in which many thousands of honest, respectable jieople are en- gaged ? Did he, like many others, assume the story to be true because it appeared in the resi)ectable pages of the Popular Science Monthly ? If so, he has prob- ably seen his error before this, as the author of that article, in a letter to the Bee Journal in June last, after quoting from his own article the following sentence : — "In commercial honey which is entirely free from bee media- tion, the. comb is made from ]>araftine, and filled with pure glucose by appro- priate machinery " — states that this sentence was meant for a " scientific pleasantry." The author of this " scien- tific pleasantry " admits that he knew his fabrication was being published and accepted as a truth in nearly all the papers in the country, yet lacked the manhood to affirm it a joke until the Bee Journal exposed the falsity and absurdity of the article. I have pur- posely omitted giving the name of the author of this " scientific pleasantry," as I do not wish to give him that which that class of " professors " so earnestly desire — a fine advertisement. T. B. Lindsay, Nov., 1882. The Colorado Bketle. — A laboiirer working on the American steamer Wis- consin, at Liverpool, on Thursday, found a live Colorado beetle. Liformation was sent to the Lords of the Privy Council, who ordered the insect to be killed and sent to Whitehall, which was done. THE CANADIAN HORTIOULTDEIST. CaLTIVATlON OF THE SUGAR BEET. The quantity of seed required to the acre for the Sugar Beet would seem to be an insuperable objection to its culti- vation as a financial enterprise, if the statement on page 238 of the Canadian Horticulturist is correct, for it says *' about 10 tons of seed were used to the acre " at Coaticook, P. Q. T. B. Lindsay, Nov., 1882. Thanks are due to our coi*respondent for calling attention to the above error. It should doubtless have read "10 lbs. of seed," tliough we have not now the article at hand from which the paragraph was taken to verify the correction. EASTER BKURRE PEAR. This pear does well here. The tree is a ffood srrower and bearer. I have it planted for but live years, and it has borne tliree crops of pears. This year it bore a bushel and a half I think that a most excellent crop for so young a tree. The quality is very good for the season when pears are scarce, but it is not as good as some of the fall pears, though a great deal better than some of them. Heba Rawlings. Ravenswood, Out. SOME GRAPES THAT HAVE NOT SUCCEEDED. The Rural New Yorker has an ex- perimental station of its own, some- where in New Jersey we believe, where the new and old fruits and other things are tried. We learn as much from failure as from success, and it is but right that the public should be informed of the failures, that they may judge whether it is wise for them to continue the experiment. We clip the following from the Rural Neio Yorker of Nov. 2 .th :— After what seems a sufficient trial, we have this Fall dug up and thrown away the following grape vines : Quassaic (Ric- ketts), too tender ; El Dorado (Ricketts), mildews and rots ; Highland (Ricketts), too late in five seasons out of six, and aour when it does ripen ; Newburgh (Ricketts), too tender ; Rogers' No. 1, Goethe, too late — mildews badly, both leaves and fruit ; Eumelan, grapes fall off. PREVENTABLE LOSSES. I see harvested on one farm a mode- rate crop of corn and potatoes ; just across the t'l^uce the yield is only about half as much, an I just beyond it is a total failure. Tlio land has every appearance of being equally fertile naturally. All have suffered from the drought, but not all alike. Here are certainly losses due to thoughtlessness and want of knowledge. It is suppos- able that each of these parties did nearly as well as their knowledge, training and energy permitted, yet the results are widely different, caused by the different degree of these elements pos- sessed by eacli. If this be so, then to avoid the losses of the less successful farmer, his knowledge and land must ai)proximate towards those of the more successful one. I have cited what I consider preventable losses of only two men, but there are thousands of just such men, and tens of thousands of just such cases, in every state. Who is to energize and instruct them ? Who is to train and educate the 12,000,000 youth that now reside on the farm, so that such losses may not occur in the future 1 Who is to keep honored fathers abreast of the times — who were born in the beginning of the centuiy, with limited opportunities for acquiring knowledge, and are hardly able to keep pace in their growth unassisted — with th(! improvements wrought by machin- ery, steam and chemistry? Twenty millions of men, women and children on the farm, all to a greater or less THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. degree desiring to be taught how to avoid the preventable losses and fail- ures ! Who is to do it 1 How is it to be done 1 — PaoF. I. P. Roberts, in I' he Journal of the Ainerican Agricul- tural Association. THK GLADIOLUS AS A FALL FLOWER. The Gladiolus is one of the most beautiful an.l charming of all bulbous flowering plants, and should be far more exten- sively cultivated. As a late autumn flower, there is nothing to siirpass it. They are of the easiest culture, and succeed in almost any variety of soil. I have not tried them in pure sand, but my poorest soil has given me as fine flowers and bulbs as I could desire. I usually plant them four or five inches deep, covering lightly, and after they have grown a few inches, hoe, drawing the earth to them, thus completing the covering. I find planting thus deep is a great aid in Glabiolus. keeping them erect, and enables one to dispense with the use of stakes, and as the new bulbs are formed on top of the old ones, they are suffici- ently below the surface to obtain requi- site moisture and avoid being checked in growth should the surface become dry. Many persons fail to get the most satisfaction, by planting too early and all at one time. If planted at intervals of two weeks or so for two or three months, the flowering season is much extended, and the later plantings come into flower when the bulk of other flowers are past. I know of no flower that embraces so wide a range and variety of color and shades, from the most intensely brilliant and dazzling to the softest and most delicate tints, with various blendings of the same. The plants will stand quite a servere frost, or several of them, without injury, and after their more tender companions that helped to make up the beauty of the flower garden and lawn have with- ered and faded, the charming Gladiolus still remains to cheer our eyes and gladden our hearts. Even when the weather has become so cold as to freeze the ground, any flower -stalks near the point of blooming, if cut and put in water in the house, will continue to develop and unfold their bloom for two or three weeks, furnishing a source of great admiration to every visitor, and by their cheerful presence a welcome and attractive feature to any household, long after their companions have "with- ered and gone." After the plants have ceased flower- ing, and before the ground is frozen deep enough to injure the bulbs, the}' should be taken up, the tops i^moved and the young bulbs put in })aper l)ags, boxes, or something similar, ]al)('](nl if the varieties are named, and kept in a dry cellar. The price of bulbs is now so low that no one need be deterred from engaging in their culture, in a small way at least. It is not necessary to pay fifty cents to one or two dollars for a single bulb ; such prices belong to new and scarce varieties or novelties, and aix3 no index of their beauty. A dozen bulbs of mixed coloi-s can be had for a dollar, and as many choice-named varieties for double the amount, so that for a small investment the owner of the humblest yard or garden may be able to realize, and say with equal truthful- ness, as has been said of the Lily, • ' That even Solomon in all his glcry Was not arrayed like one of these." E. Williams, in Americari Garden. THE CANADIAN IIOimCULTUKIST. 9 STAYMAN'S EAELY BLACKBERRY. Dr. Stayman writes to the Fruit Recorder that he has a blackberry ear- lier, more hardy and perfect in blossom, and more productive than Brnnton's Early. It is a rather large, round berry, of the best quality, and is propagated either hy suckers, cuttings, or from tips layered like the raspberry. STAYMAN'S EARLY BIACKBERBY. A HORTICULTURAL SWINDLE. I write you for a little information concerning Russian fruit trees. Two brothers of Iowa City are canvassing this (Audubon) county for what they call " genuine Russian a])ple trees." They say that there are no genuine Russian trees in America but theirs. They claim to sell for one Albaugh, president of the United States Horti- cultural Society. They get their trees shipped from Russia free of duty, and can sell them cheaper than other so- called Russian varieties. Is there any truth in these state- ments 1 Who is president of the United States Horticultural Society I I did not " catch on," as I believe them to be fruit tree swindlers. This county has been sadly bled by such classes of men. By answering the above you will greatly oblige a reader of the Prairie Farmer. E. J. Audubon, Iowa. The persons are unmitigated swind- lers. 1. There is no United States Horticultural Society. 2. There are plenty of Russian apples in America, and plenty of bearing trees, and at the Agricultural college farm of your State. 3. These chaps can got no better terms so far as tariff is concerned than any one else. 4. Trees of x size for ])lanting cannot be economically shipped from Russia to the United States ; only scions for grafting are sent. The above is taken from the Prairie Farmer for the information of our readers, some of whom may have a visit from some of tnese swindlers, who do not confine their oj)erations to Iowa, l>ut visit Ontario with similar tales of the wonderful things which nobody can have but they only. 10 THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. GRAPES, IN ULSTER AND ORANGE COUNTIES IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Mr. E. Williams writes to the liural New Yorker an account of liis visit to these famous grape regions, and gives his impressions of quite a number of varieties of grapes that he found grow- ing and bearing. The following are some of the kinds he mentions : Empire State, a white variety pro- duced from Hartford and Clinton ; foliage good, vine productive ; cluster of good size, compact shouldei-s ; berries medium ; very promising ; quality good. Lady Washingtoji was found to be doing well — much better than we had expected from the culture it received. We had expected to see these grapes under the very highest condition of culture. Mr. Ricketts said this was the general impression of visitors, but here under reverse conditions they cer- tainly gave evidence of more merit than we could expect under the circum- stances. Next season the Lady Wash- ington will fruit for the first time over a wide extent of territory and begin to make its reputation for the future. The Editor of the Rural New Yorker remarks that this has fruited at his ex- perimental grounds, but disappoints him. Newhurgh Muscat, raised by Dr. Culbert, of JSTevvburgh, a cross of Hart- ford and lona ; white, of first quality ; one of the best of vines ; vigorous and apparently healthy. It was bearing its first fruit, and we could not, there- fore, judge of its productiveness, but its quality so impressed all that the desire to have a vine for our own use was unanimous. Belirida (Miner), white, sweet; cracks badly. Of the Lady and Martha type. Linden /"Miner), black ; not as sweet as Concord, otherwise similar. Brighton here was in absolute per- fection. We failed to discover the least trace of mildew, and the proprietor says he has never seen it at all affected in this way on his grounds, which is the reason he has so confidently recom- mended it for years past, as it always does well with him. Fo'keepsie Red (Caywood), we here saw outside the originator's ground, and it is doing as well, if not better. It is said to be a cross of Delaware and lona, much of the same character as the former — some say better. Although it originated some years ago, it is not yet disseminated. Wyoming Red, a vigorous grower ; fruit larger than Delaware and darker in color ; very foxy and poor in quality ; ripens with Champion and keeps well. Duhess was seen at home under the master's care at Mr. Caywood's, yield- ing a fair crop and splitting consider- ably. A portion of the clusters had been bjigged axid these were found to bo splitting worse than those exposed. As to the best time to apply the bags, Mr. Caywood claimed that those clus- ters inclosed at or before blooming were the most perfect. He thought the most failures with the Duchess were due to continuous fertilizing. If the soil was thin he would manure it well at the start before setting the vines and after- ward withhold fertilizers, otherwise an excessive growth of wood and little fruit would be the result. When once established a little fertilizer in the shape of bone or wood ashes was all that seeijied to be needed. Ulster Prolific, a red variety of his, presented quite a vigorous appearance ; fruit medium ; bunch small and rather foxy. The Editor of the Rural adds that specimens of this variety sent to him wei-e among the very best he liad ever tasted. THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. 11 Mr. Williams' next call was on Mr. Lucas, one of the most careful and painstaking cultivators in the vicinity, whom he found in the vineyard gather- ing the luscious Delawares, and they were very fine ; clusters large and per- fect. He was then getting 15c. per pound for them and 1 2c. for Marthas, both of which lie grows largely. His Hartfords and Concords were also fine ; but the long rows and well cropped Delawares attracted the most attention, as none of the party had ever seeii the like before. Mr. Lucas tries to avoid over-cropping his vines and prefers a good crop of first-class fruit to a large one of second quality. BEGONIA REX. Nothing can be haudsomer than a good plant of this, and it is an easy BhooNiA Rex. matter to have fine specimens if only one particular is remembered, and that is, not to wet the leaves or expose them to the strong rays of the sun. They do not requii-e any sjxicial culture, all tliat is required is to keep them in a light, but sunless i)lace ; keep them moist without wetting stems or leaves, and not repot- ting them often, for some very nice l)lants have Ix^en killed by this operation. A very interesting feature in connection with these plants is their pro[)agation, which is ordinarily done by taking off a well-matured and healtliy leaf, and cut- ting through the fleshy vein on the under side of the leaf, laying thes^ leaves with the under aide down on pans of very sandy soil, mixed with finely cut moss, and putting a couple of small stones on the loaf to kee}) it down close to the sand. Keep the latter moist, and in a little while the veins will strike root whore they have been cut, and young ])lants will subsequently appear; let these grow until well established, and then pot off singly in peaty, sandy soil, keeping close and well shaded for a few days ; for this purpose a starch box, covered with a pane of glass, is a cheap convenience and will hold a good many ix)ts. — Farm and Garden. THE SQUASH. As the Squash is of tropical origin, it is altogether useless to sow the seed until the ground becomes warnj, and all danger of frost is over, which in this latitude is about the middle of May Lideed, there is nothing to be gained by planting earlier, for when once es- tablished they grow with extreme rapidity and great luxuriance. The Squash is highly ])rized by many, and with a little care and attention to the proper selection of varieties and the preservation of their fruit, they can be had in perfection for at least nine montlis in the year. It is also a vege- table that i-equires but little skill and care in its cultivation, and although they will grow readily in almost any soil, yet they will more than repay a lil)eral and generous treatment, and as they delight in a warm, rich soil, it is best to manure in the hill, care being taken to break the manuie up well, and also to thoroughly and deeply incorporate it with the soil. At least a dozen seeds should be placed in each hill, and when the j)lants become strong and well established, all should be removed with the exception of three of the most projnising. When young, the plants should be spiinkled occasionally with air-slaked lime, ashes, or soot, in 12 THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. order to preserve them from the attacks of the bug. There are niimerons varieties of the Squash, some being of a yellow color, others pale green, and some mottled or striped ; again, some are smooth and hard, others warty and rough ; they are usually classed as winter and summer varieties, but from a cultural stand-point it is preferable to class' them as bush and running. For the bush varieties the hills may be placed about three feet apart, and for the running sorts six or eight. Good stable manure is to be preferred. As some sixteen or twenty varieties are enumerated in the cata- logues of our leading seedsmen, it is j rather a difficult task for a novice to select a few of the best, and although so;.ie may differ from me regarding the merits of the varieties named below, I believe that any or all of them will prove to be satisfactory. Where garden space is limited, and only one variety can be given one cannot do better than to choose the Perfect Gem. For amateurs I would have no hesitation in placing it at the head of the list, as it is excellent both as a summer and winter Squash. It is re- markably productive, the fruit being from four to six inches in diameter, and of a creamy- white color. It is also an excellent keeper in a cool, dry room, remaining in perfection until spring. It also has the peculiar property of setting the fruit near the main stalks before commencing to run ; the vines occasionally reach the.leugth of twenty feet. The Early Bush Summer Grookneck is the best and richest flavored of the summer sorts. It is very early and is j also remarkably productive, the fruit being of an orange-yellow color, covered with rough warty excrescences. The Early Yellow Bush Scolloped, is an abundant bearer. It is a good, early Squash. It is not as richly flavored as the preceding sort, but is earlier. The White Bush Scolloj)ed, is a variety of this, differing in color only. Both varieties are more generally known under the name of Patty Pan. The Turhan or Turk^s Gap is an excellent variety for fall and early win- ter use. It is of a greenish-yellow color, occasionally striped with white. The flesh is thick and of an orange-yellow colov, and of ^ne flavor when properly ripe. T'he Yokohama is also an excellent early winter soi't. The flesh is of a deep orange color sweet and dry. It is said to be superior to any Pumpkin for pies. When in perfection it is a verv desirable addition to our list of Squashes, but with me has proved to be very variable, some seasons being all that could be desired, and at other times almost worthless. The Mammoth is desirable for exhi- bition purposes principally, as the fruit can be grown to an enormous size, some specimens attaining a weight of over two hundred pounds. The Winter Grookneck is of fair qua- lity, and is a good keeper. The fruit is of a pale yellow color, with a long neck. It is much prized in the Eastern States, where it is extensively grown for fall and winter use. Ganada Grookneck is a small, early variety of the preceding. It })ears and keeps well, and is by many considered preferable. The Hubbard is a well-known sort, and is more extensively grown than any other Squash. It is the best table Squash yet known, and is a general favorite. It is an excellent keeping variety, with a dry, fine-flavored flesh, and a hard, flinty skin when properly ripe. The Marblehead resembles the Hub- bard in appearance, but is more produc- TIIK CANADIAN HoR ricUr.TUKIST. 13 tive than that well-known sort. It is also sjiid to be a better keeper, but I do not find it to be any improvement in this respect. Its flesh is lighter in color than the Hubbard, and is of excellent flavor, sweet and dry, and is a very de- sirable variety. The Butman resembles the Hubbard in size, but can be readily recqgnized from all other sorts by its bright-green color, being occasionally stri])ed with white. It has a thick shell and cream- colored flesh. Its flavor differs from all other varieties and is dry and sweet. I'he Boston Marrow is veiy highly esteemed by some, and is the most pop- ular kind in the Boston markets. The flesh is of a deep orange color, and is finely flavored. — Chas. E. Parnell, in American Garden. ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS. The proper selection of the kinds of shrubs best suited to the extent and general character of our lawns is always a matter of importance, and, even after a judicious choice has been made, the requirements of each kind should be regarded in planting. To obtain suc- cess, j>recaution must be taken as to their adaptability to soil, and that the more tender ones be placed in sheltered positions. Shrubs may flourish and be perfectly hardy on one spot, while but a short distance off* they will prove a failure. The soil must be thoroughly drained and the wood well ripened, or else tlie shrubs will not stand the winter. The Massachusetts Horticultural Society during the past year devoted several meetings to the discussion of this in»i)ortant subject, and the list be- low comprises the species most highly recommended by members of the So- oiety. Hydrangea paniculata grandijlora, though introduced here over a quarter of a century ago, and one of our most beautiful and desirable shrubs, has not been cultivated to any extent until a few years ago. The plant is perfectly hardy, and requires no care other than that bestowed upon our finer varieties Hydrangea Paniculata Flower-Spike. of flowering shrubs. Hydrangea pani- culata, of which grandiflora is a variety, has a finer foliage, is more graceful, and quite as hardy. Whether grown singly or in groups, the Hydrangea represents all that is grandest in a shrub, as Exo- choida ./randi/lora does all that is most beautiful. To these may be added a third. Viburnum plicatum, introduced into this country some thirty years ago, and, though neglected at that time, has re- cently taken its place among our hand- somest shrubs. It resembles the com- mon Snowball, but is much more delicate. It produces large trusses of pure white flowei-s in great profusion. The trusses are very compact and the individual flowei'S have great substance. It is not as common as the Hydrangea, being of slower growth and more diffi- cult to propagate. 14 TttE CANAniAN ttORTlCtTLTURTST. Viburnum macrocephalum resembles V. plicatum, only the cluster of flowers is larger. There are several native species well worthy of cultivation, and which thrive wondrously under a little attention. Kalmia latifolia, also a native, is one of our most beautiful as well as showy flowering shrubs, though somewhat difficult to grow ; yet, with proper attention to the condition of the soil, success will generally reward our eflbrts. Prunus triloba is a beautiful shrub, with wreaths of rosy pink blossoms. Spirea aricefolia, S. pfuni/olia, and S. T/iunbergii, are all fine, handsome shrubs, and readily cultivated. Thun- berg's Spirea does not grow large, and is very appropriate for small places. It blooms in early spring. Cornus sdnguinea, the Red Dogwood, "is well known, and is desirable for its winter effects, its red branches being very showy when divested of their leaves." Deutzia crenata Jlore-pleno. The dou- ble-flowering Deutzias are rapidly grow- ing in favor, and they ought to find a place in every garden, large or small. The dwarf single^floWering is a charm- ing plant, which, on account of its small size, free flowering qualities and hardi- ness, cannot be too highly recommended for small gardens. It has ample, bright foliage, its flowers are snowy white, and are produced in great profusion early in June. Weigela rosea has held its own against all new-comers, on account of its fine habit. The Rhododendrons and Ghent Aza- leas are too well known to need any description here. Few shrubs possess the attractions of these magnificent plants, and the admiration they excite should be a spur to their more general dissemination. Clethra alni/olia and Cassandra caly- culata, both native shrubs, are also very beautiful under cultivation. Among shrubs of recent introduction the following are named as being of great promise, and desirable for hardi- ness and beauty : Clematis Davidiana and G. tubulosa are erect-growing species^ from two to four feet high, and in midsummer are covered with beautiful blue flowers like panicles of Hyacinths* Unfortunatelyj they do not seed freely, and are difficult to propagate. (7. Davldiana is the more desirable of the two. Desmodium pendulijlorum D. pend^ ulijiorum album, and D. Canadeuse, are hardy on dry soils. All are suffi-u- ticose rather than shrubby. The first two are especially valuable on account of blooming late in autumn, when there are but few flowers. The flowers of the first are purple, and all are pea-shaped. • Styrax Japonica is perfectly hardy in dry soils. It has white flowers, similar to those of S. Americana, but perhaps a little larger. The latter is a very pretty shrub, from four to six feet in height, which ought to be in every collection. The flowers resemble those of Ilalesia, or Silver Bell. Andromeda poli/olia is a native spe- cies, which, under cultivation, becomes one of the gems of the garden. The foliage is of a glaucous color. It is perfectly hardy. AndromedaCatesbcei is of rapid growth and easily propagated. When planted with Rododendrons nothing is more beautiful, and with the protection they afford is perfectly hardy ; if not shel- tered, the ends of the shoots are some- times injured. Andromeda Japonica is perfectly hardy. It wants to bloom too early in spring, but five years out of six it will be good. THE CANADIAN HORTICULTtJRlfeT. 16 Berheris Sinensis is perfectly hardy, grows two or three feet high, and is of drooping habit. When full of ripe fruit, it looks like a fountain of scarlet. Berheris Thunhergii has fine autumn foliage, and when the fruit, which is of a deep, rich .scarlet color, is ripe, forms a perfect picture. It is a low growing shrub. Neviusia Alahamensis belongs to the Rose family ; it has numerous bunches of pure white flowers, and is quite showy. Though from Alabama, it is perfectly hardy. Erica vagans, E. v. rubra, E. carnea, and Calluna vulgaris all do well on thoroughly drained land, with a slight covering ; if the snow blows off and leaves them bare, they burn. Leiophyllum buxi/olium has stood in the Botanic Garden at Cambridge for twelve years. It is a small evergreen bush, growing about one foot high. A larger foim, from the mountains of North Carolina, has a larger leaf, of a more waxen appearance. — American Garden. RELATION OF SEEDS TO QUALITY IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. In 1879 I was strongly impressed with the apparent relation between the abundance of seed and the quality of the fruit in the case of the Christiana melon. Of the crop of this year I tasted many hundred melons, keeping the seed only of those which were of very superiorflavor and quality. Where the quality was very superior, the quantity of seed was small ; where the quality was not up to standard, the seeds were in greater abundance; where the quality was very inferior, the seeds were very numerous. I have not as yet collected sufficient material for the thorough discussion of the relation between quality and seeding, but such observations as I have thus far obtained seem to indicate that such a relation exists ; and as our fruits and vegetables gain in certain respects, this gain is counterbalanced by a loss elsewhere. — ^ E. Lewis Sturtevant, M.D., m The Journal of the American Agricultural Association. SOUHEGAN BLACK CAP RASPBERRY. The Souhegan Black Cap Rasjyherry was grown from the seed by a farmer in Hillsborough County, N. H., in 1870, and bearing fruit of great promise was propagated and extended into fruiting plantations, and the fruit sold in the large towns of the County, for at least eight years past. A tree dealer saw merit in its beauty and quality, and contracted to take all that could be grown for his orders. His sales were not veiy large, and the origi- nator and grower of the plants did not receive much satisfaction in trying to get his rich production upon the market. He continued to grow ancl sell fruit, selling few plants, knowing it would sometime become known and command a place on the market. In Hawthorne Hall, Boston, Sept. 1881, the Souhegan was under discussioa before the American Pomological Soci- ety, before an audience of fruit growers from all parts of the country. Jacob W. Manning of Reading, Mass., Mr. Hale of Conn., Mr Lovett of N. J., and others, had only good words for it. It originated in the valley of the Souhegan River, K. H. The old merits were stated as I gave them in 1879. Perfect hardihood, unparalleled in fruitfulness, berries often thl'ee-fourths of an inch in diameter, with thirty berries on a single branch, ripening before any other Black Cap known, of superior quality, a clear black color, not the light bloom borne by all other varieties of the species ; the bloom or mouldy look has been a detri- 16 THE CANADIAN HOBTICUL'JURIST. merit to the sale of the older Black Cap Raspberries, but with the Souhegan that objection disappears. It is likely that millions of plants will be required to supply the coming de- mand for it. The tests of its superiority are such that it may well be said to be " a new epoch " in small fruit culture. The Souhegan Raspberry has again fruited, this exceptionally dry season, and justifies my claim of superiority over all others of its class. It is again the very earliest, coming in just as the late strawberries go out. With good culture it will grow three-quarters of an inch in diameter, often bearing twenty to thirty berries on a cluster and carries well to market. It is of superior quality to eat, making a rich sauce, pie or pud- ding, or a spirited wine in case an excess of crop, or long rain, should soften the berries. We saw fruit gathered on Saturday that stood in boxes until Monday, before sending to market, yet in condition to stand at lea8t two days longer. It is a marvel to see the immense number of clusters of fruit that a single cane will yield. A great number of fruit growers were slow to admit the merits of the Souhe- gan, who now regret the delay ; but are ready to plant by the hundred or thou- sand now. One planter proposes to set twenty thousand, being convinced of its superior advantages, enduring the hard- est winters, early ripening, quantity, size, quality, firmness, and popular de- mand where known in market. The earliest picking for eight years past commenced in June. A first-class Certificate of Merit was cheerfully awarded me for a display of the Souhegan Raspberry, by the Fruit Committee of the Massachusetts Horti- cultural Society, where it was shown for the first time in 1882. There is no higher authority than the approval of the above Society where testimonials for fruit are desired. Jacob W. Manning. Reading, Mass. CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA. This shrub is now attracting attention as a forage for the honey bee. It is prac- tical to plant for this purpose by the acre ; it transplants safely, is propagated very easily by suckers and layers ; will grow on any soil, even if too wet for cul- tivation, and in any situation ; blossoms late and through a long season, from July 1st to Sept. Bees swarm upon it, apparently to the exclusion of other flowers. Miss Parsons, of Cape Ann, Mass. (where it grows naturally in the greatest perfection, in the winter of 1876, called the attention of the Editor of the Am- erican Bee Journal of Chicago to it in these words, — " I never knew it to fail from any cause whatever * * * Cold appears never to harai it. The honey is about white, thick and of fine fiavorT Its leaves are light green ; flowers are pure white, in spikes three to six inches long. A group of this Clethra in bloom will perfume the air for twenty rods around ; a handful will fill a room with its delightful fragrance. It blooms from July 1st to September; its cultivation is simple, growing to perfection where the lilac will succeed. It never fails to bloom after a hard winter. Its eftect is impres- sive when grown in large masses, as pro- duced by a dozen or more plants set in a group. It has never been so w^ell shown to the public as in Central Park, New York. It leaves out late in spring and blooms on plants one to eight feet high, accord- ing to age and vigor of growth. A strong plant in vigorous soil would make a hundred plants by suckei-s alone in three years, and the planter THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. of a thousand can extend its culture to acres. The only question is, can the bee-keep- er afford to furnish his bees with addi- tional forage in this sweetest of flowers, blooming as it does at a time when flow- ers are limited. We say, that planting the Clethra Alnifolia is not a doubtful experiment, and certainly not an expen- sive one. It is a neat, upright growing shrub as an ornamental plant. Its fragrance in a bouquet is as strong and enduring as the Lilium Auratum or the Tuberose. I predict its coming popularity so that no collection of shrubs will be complete without it. Its abundance and lasting fragrance suggest its use for a new perfumery. Following is an extract of a letter by Charles Downing, the Horticulturist, whose opinion is of as much weight as that of any man in America : — " The Clethra has always been a favorite shrub with me, flowering at a time when there are but few shrubs in bloom , the fragrance is delightful. It is not so much planted as it should be." Jacob W. Manning. Reading, Mass. THE LOMBARD PLUM. This plum holds about the same posi- tion among other varieties that the Baldwin does among apples, the Bart- lett with other pears, and the Wilson among strawberries. Although moder- ate in flavor, the hardiness, free growth and great productiveness of the tree, and the beauty of the brilliant fruit, render it one of the most valuable sorts for market. Nelson Bogue of Batavia gives special attention to the cultivation of this variety, and when on his grounds two years ago, we saw many trees, then in the third year of their growth from transplanting, bearing by estimate not less than half a bushel of plums, the 2 centra] branches being covered with dense masses of brilliant violet-red plums. He now imforms us that the product of the ninety trees which we then saw, was forty -six bushels, being slightly over half a bushel each as an average. Last year, or the season fol- lowing, he had only twenty-tive bushels; present season the crop is estimated at seventy-five bushels, this being tlie fifth year from transplanting. The trees receive the best cultivation, and from some cause which we cannot explain, the fruit is not attacked by the curculio. The branches are kept clear of the black knot by prompt excision, the laborers being directed when they see any ap- pearance of it on any tree, to drop all other work immediately, cut off the diseased portion and burn it. — Country Gentleman. THE BLACK WALNUT. An address delivered last winter by W. H. Rag AN, secretary of the Indiana Horticultural Society, on cultivating the black walnut for profit, contains so much that is valuable that we are induced to refer on the present occasion to some of the facts which it presents, and to add a few further suggestions. Mr. Ragan thinks the black walnut the most valu- able of all trees for artificial plantations and timber belts. He states that a man in Wisconsin planted " a piece of land" twenty-three years ago with this tree. We are not informed the extent of the land covered with it, but that the trees, sixteen to eighteen inches in diamet?r, were sold for $27,000. He adds that walnut lumber now commands from $75 to $100 per thousand feet in the cities^ for parlor decoration and other purposes. The tree bears nuts at an early age, ami annually thereafter, which have aix im- portant commercial value. In raising the trees, it is of utmost importance to do everything ia the best, 18 THE CANADIAN HORTICULTUKIST. manner. Those who carelessly plant the nuts, especially after they have dried for a long time, will probably fail to get trees; or if any grow, and the owner expects the young trees to take care of themselves, he will be greatly disappoin- ted. Mr. Eagan's directions are, there- fore, to the point, when he says the ground should be prepared in the best manner in the autumn. Furrow the ground off each way as for corn, except that the rows should be seven feet apart. Take the nuts, fresh from the tree, and plant two at each crossing. They are to be covered shallow, just enough to hide them. So much for planting. Then next spring furrow the seven-feet spaces intermediate between the rows, and plant with corn or potatoes. The corn and young trees will be all cultiva- ted alike, and the young trees must be kept clean. The second spring thin out the trees to one in a hill. The thinnings will fill any vacant spaces where needed. Corn or potatoes may be planted the sec- ond, or even the third year, and after that the trees must be cultivated and kept clean until they occupy the whole ground so fully as to keep down by their shade all weeds and grass. Standing so near as seven feet, the trees will not re- quire trimming, but will thus trim them- selves. But when they begin to suffer from crowding, take out every alternate tree in each row, and in a few years an- other thinning may be made by taking out alternate trees in the rows at right angles to the fii'st, leaving them fourteen feet each way. If the trees are to stand until they become quite large, additional thinning may be necessary. But they should always be thick enough to obviate the side trimming of branches. The thinnings will always possess consider- able value. At fourteen feet apart there would be over 200 trees to the acre, and these should sell for five dollars each in a quarter of a century, or $1,000 an acre. It is not likely that the timber will be- come cheaper in future years. If the good cultivation and management here described are given, there will be little or no failure of a full, even growth. If the work is carelessly performed, and the trees neglected, they will be poor and scattered. The regular planting in rows, and the continued cultivation until they wholly shade down all other growth are indispensable to success, and they are equally necessary in raising plantations of any other trees, as chest- nuts, locusts, or catalpas. — Country Gentleman. SOME NEW SORTS OF BEANS. The White Marrow is still as popular as ever and is extensively grown for large markets. The Early Feejee will always be a popular variety from the fact of its extreme earliness and being very hardy. It is one of the most productive we have, and the quality is excellent. In New England many of the farmers after hoeing the corn the first time plant beans between the hills, and so obtain two crops from the same field, while the latter product is protected by the grow- ing corn, and if a little late is not liable to be injured by early frosts. Yery often from eight to ten bushels are obtained to the acre when the season is favorable and the soil is moderately rich ; for be it remembered that soil for beans must not be too rich since they are apt to " run to vines " instead of beans, hence the soil should not be too fertile. We wish in this article more especially to call attention to two or three new sorts of dwarf or bush beans as being well worthy the attention of all growers of the low growing sorts. There are four sorts of wax beans — Black Wax, Dwarf White Wax, Crys- THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. 19 tal White Wax, and Golden Wax Dwarf. TJie first sort is not a new sort, but its excellent quality makes it a popular variety to cultivate wherever known. As a string bean it has but few equals, and it is also a good shell bean. The White Wax, a pure white sort, cannot be too highly praised, and every kitchen garden should contain a few hills of this desirable bean. The Crystal White Wax and the Golden Wax Dwarf, two new sorts, are deci- dedly among the best varieties of bush beans grown, and command the very highest price in the markets. The first sort is a beautiful white bean, with large waxy transparent pods. It is stringless, very crisp and tender and of fine flavor. The pods harden slowly, so that they remain in good condition for the table longer than most of the other sorts. This sort commands the highest price of any bush bean grown. The Golden Wax Dwarf has the name of being not only a good snap bean, but also a good shell bean, and is there- fore a desirable sort to grow for the market, while for the farmer's own table hardly any other sort can take its place. The pods are of good size, long and quite brittle. Some marketmen pronounce it the best snap bean culti- vated, its tenderness and flavor making it extremely popular. When grown on suitable land the bean crop is one of the best paying of all products grown on the farm, since they command a ready sale and usually are a cheap article of food. Of running beans the new sort from France known there as the Moret D'Or and here as the Golden Butter bean is attracting considerable attention. It is without doubt one of the most prolific of the pole or running sorts, while its quality is unsurpassed. The pods are a golden yellow, very hand- some and well-filled. Growers of the pole bean should certainly test this sort. — Farm and Garden. WHAT PLANTS TO GROW IN THE HOUSE. Most amateur florists undertake too much. They would like a large collec- tion and they want choice kinds like those they see in conservatories belong- ing to wealthy people. After several yeai's of experience I have come to the conclusion that we have but a comparatively small list of plants which it is advisable for the am- ateur to select from for ordinary window culture. As one gains experience and becomes familiar with the requirements of the plants under his care, it will do to " branch out." Plants which they would have failed with at the beginning, they may succeed with later. It is better m this, as in most other undertakings, to go slowly. Learn how to take care of a few less particular plants before you undertake to care for some which require more careful treat- ment. Let us suppose that you have but one window in which to grow plants ; you want flowering kinds for the most part, and you cannot have more than a dozen in all unless your window is a large one, for it is far more satisfactory to have a few plants with room for development than a large number crowded together until all individuality is lost in a con- fused mass of foliage. Shall I select for you 1 Well, my first choice is the GERANIUM, because it is one of the most easily cared for plants that we have, and it is one of the most free flowering, and its foliage is always bright and vigorous. There are other plants that I prefer to the Geranium, but under the supposed cir- cumstances none that I would unhesi- tatingly recommend. It is sure to do well if not shamefully neglected. It is the flower for the million. The pai*tic- ular varieties I would leave you to se- lect for yourself. I think I would first 20 THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. choose a scarlet. The variety called " Herald of Spring " is my favorite among the scarlets. But there are dozens of others which you might con- sider equally as fine, possibly finer ; and where there are so many to select from it is not of much use to name one par- ticular variety. I would select the Single Geraniums for winter culture because the double varieties do not Moom freely beyond November. To my mind the single ones are handsomest. If you want a pink variety, one that is almost always in bloom, you can do no better than take "Master Christine." It is a beautiful, soft rose color, marked white, and blooms profusely. You can suit your taste about color, for we have Geraniums in all shades of scarlet and crimson, pink, salmon, magenta and white. The "nosegay" or Dwarf Ger- aniums are better for small collections than larger growers, for, while the plant is dwarfish, the flowers are as large and profuse as those on the robust kinds. Of course you want a Rose Geranium. No collection is complete without it. HELIOTROPE. This favorite flower will bloom all through the winter, and though not showy, its fragrance and its modest beauty make it a general favorite. It likes a warm sunny place. You want a CALLA. It would be well worth cultivating if it did not bloom, because of its large, fine leaves, borne on stalks from a foot and % ijalf to three feet high, giving the plant 9, tropical appearance. When we add to fk» attractive foliage its large, trumpet- shaped white flowers, with their delight- ful fragrance, we have one of the finest and most desirable plants in the entire list of kinds suitable for house-culture. It requires a large amount of water and the pot should stand in a deep sau- cer which is never allowed to get empty. Let the water given it be as warm as you can bear on your hand. For an additional list, I would name Carnation, Abutilon, Begonia, Chrys- anthemum, Cyclamen, Eupatorium, Pet- unia, Chinese Primrose, Oxalis, Lan- tana, and for training about the window, Ivy, Cobea and Smilax. — E. R. Rex- ford, in Farm Library. FRUITS IN RUSSIA. The readers of the Canadian Horti- culturist will remember some communi- cations from Mr. Chas. Gibb, written while he was in Russia investigating the fruits of that country, and published in the November number for 1882. He was accompanied by Prof. Budd, of the Iowa Agricultural College, who writes as follows to the Iowa Homestead : — "The blackberries, huckleberries and cranberries we see here are wholly unlike those of the United States. I should also state that plums and cherry trees are not grown in tree form any more than are the gooseberries and currant. They are really large bushes with several stems from the roots. The pruning is done by cutting out the older stems, as the most and the best fruit is found on the younger off- shoots. Really these northern cherries and plums are large shrubs rather than trees, but very desirable in fruit. ** In fruit growing the Russian is ^ creature of habit and a close follower of the habits of his forefathers. This ten- dency is bad enough in south Europe, but it is intensified here to a degree often painful to the versatile American. For instance, in the immense province of Vladimio, east of Moscow, the whole pro- vince is given to growing the cherry. Hundreds of proprietors have orchards of THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. 21 ten thousand trees (or rather bushes), and the products are shipped to every part of the empire. In the cherry season, Vladimio cherries are plenty and cheap in every Russian city reached by railroads or water. We are told that whole trains are loaded with them for Siberia and the far north- eastern cities of the plains. South of Vladimio, but still near to the 50th par- allel, where the thermometer reaches at times 50 degrees below zero, Fahrenheit, is grown the plum in quantities absolutely immense. These plums vary in season and color, but they are all of one race, which seems indigenous to northern Asia. Many of the varieties we met at Nishney are equal to the best German prunes, which they resemble in shape and texture of flesh. The color is usually red, and the suture at one side is peculiar to the race. As we go south (or rather east of the Volga), we reach the apple growing districts, not because the soil or climate are better than in Vladimio, but because the people happened to drift in the early ages in this direction. One of the large orchardists who brings fruit here by the barge load grows only four varieties specially suited for the Nishney market during August and the first week in Sep- tembei . These varieties are (1) Borovetsky, a large oblong variety with crimson stripes. In quality and appearance it is superior to Our Duchess. (2) Miron Krasnui, a.n early variety now past its prime. It is showy, mild in flavor, and much eaten from hand by Russians, who do not like acid apples except for cooking. (3) Titofka. — This is not our Tetofskyy but it is a very large, oblong, ridged, highly colored, and really good variety. Many of the specimens look so much like large specimens of Benoni as to deceive the expert. The flesh is pinkish white, somewhat coarse, but breaking, tender, juicy, and pleasantly sub-acid. This variety seems popular in all parts of Europe. (4) Summer Aport. In Russia are grown four Aports, three of which are late autumn or winter. The one now in market on the Volga in im- mense quantity is known in Moscow as Aport Oseniaii. It is large and highly colored with splashes of pink and crimson . It may always be known by its one-sided stem and lip, something like Roman Stem." PARIS GREEN FOR ROSE BUGS. I heard a member of the Western New York Horticultural Society say at the meeting at Rochester last winter, that Paris green could be used with safety on grape vines, to protect them from the ravages of rose bugs, and it encouraged me to try it Rose Bug. ^^ ^y. ^^^^^ ^^lis summer. I have about 150 newly planted vines that were growing finely. They were attacked by the rose bugs ; many of them were nearly covered with them, and were fast being destroyed. I applied Paris green in water in the same proportion that I use on potatoes — about one teaspoonful to a pailful of water. It cleaned the vines of bugs, but a two days' rain washed ofi" the poison, and we gave them a second application, thoroughly drenching the vines, and they are now free from bugs, and I cannot see that they are at all injured by the poison. I give this ex- perience as rose bugs have proved a great pest to grape vines in this State. — C. D. S., Spencer, Mass. GRAPES, THEIR VALUE AND CULTURE. The value of the grape, and the ease with which it is cultivated, are two points not yet so well understood by American farmera as they should be. No Fruit is more refreshing, and none more healthful. There can be no doubt that if grapes were grown and freely used by every family in the land, the avoidance of sickness and its attendant loss of time and expenditure for medi- cine, would many times compensate the time and money expended in their culture, saying nothing of the comfort they would add to many a household. But besides being among the fruits most valued by the rich, no fruit is so emphatically the poor man's fruit as the 22 THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. grape. Whoever owns a house with a strip of land three feet wide around it may produce an abundant supply of grapes for his family ; and in order to do this he need not spend more than three or four hours' labor during the year. Even he who lives in a rented house may produce his own grapes, as his vines may be planted in tubs of earth which he can carry with him from place to place, bedding them in the soil of each successive home until the time for removal comes, and feeding them with the material which is the universal product of every household, and which might thus be made a means of adding to the comfort and health of its inmates, instead of being, as it now so often is, a medium for the spread of disease. The grape vine is ordinarily propa- gated by taking well-ripened wood of the present season's growth, after the leaves have fallen, cutting it into lengths containing two or three joints each, and planting these cuttings in mellow earth at such depth that the top bud shall be just above the surface. In making the cutting, the vine should be cut away close below the lower bud, but a couple of inches should be left above the top bud in order that the cutting may be more easily seen in hoeing. Of cuttings thus managed and kept moderately moist, the larger portion will strike root and will make, during the season, a growth of a few feet of vine and a dense mass of fibrous roots. These make the " yearling " vines of the nurserymen, and are decidely preferable for trans- planting to the older vines in our esti- mation. One-year-old vines of the common sorts may be bought at a price which leaves no excuse on that score for neg- lecting to plant. Such a vine, if plant- ed in a well drained and thoroughly pulverized plot of land, will be ready to begin bearing by the third year from the planting, and when in full bearing will yield annually from a few pounds to several bushels of fruit, according to the season and to the manner in which it is trained, since it may be kept with- in a very small compass, as in field culture, or allowed to spread at will over a wall or tree. Any soil which will produce wheat or corn will produce grapes ; but drain- age either natural or artificial, is essen- tial. If the soil is not naturally rich, it should be well manured, in order to produce a rapid and vigorous growth of vine during the first three years. Of varieties, the Concord is the one grape for the million. Vigorous, hardy, productive, of a flavor that only the connoisseur finds defective, it combines more excellencies than most other varieties. For him who plants but one vine, the Concord, therefore, is the vine to plant. When the vineyard becomes large enough to begin to admit of var- iety, then plant the Delaware, which is nearly as hardy as the Concord, while the fruit is of more delicate flavor. — Farm and Fireside. FUNKIAS. These, botanically known as Funkia, and commonly called Blue or White Day Lilies, according to the color of their flowers, are among the good old- fashioned, hardy perennials we should like to see more recognized in our gar- dens than they are at present. They are natives of China and Japan, perfect- ly hardy, and adapt themselves very agreeably to cultivation in our gardens. There are several sorts well worth grow- ing and not uncommon in our gardens bat there is great confusion in their no- menclature. Siebold's Funkia is a noble plant and forms a large mass of tropical-appearing, glaucous-green leaves which are of themselves very or- namental. It blossoms about or before the middle of July, and has large, THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. 23 lilac-blue, scentless flowers. Fortune's Funkia is nearly related to Siebold's. The species commonly known as the White Day Lily, namely subcordata and its larger form called grandiflora are, however, perhaps the best of all for us. They have large masses of green leaves, and in July and August, lots of large, funnel-shaped, white, fragrant blossoms. The common Blue Day Lily, known as ovata, is at its best during the last fort- night of July ; it is, too, a vigorous spe- cies with ample leaves ; but of it there are some varieties of smaller growth and later season. The Narrow-leafed Funkia is a pretty little species that blossoms in September ; its flowers are blue. Besides these species and several other varieties esteemed for their flow- ers, there are many very distinctly variegated-leafed varieties, such as the White, the Blue, the Lance-leafed, and especially one called undulata. The most prominently variegated form of undulata has white leaves banded around with green, not unlike those of a recently introduced hydrangea. The variegated forms flower as freely as the plain-leafed ones, except, perhaps, in the case of undulata, but in that instance the foliage is reckoned of more import- ance than the flowers, and in order to prolong the season of the good condition of the leaves, the flower spikes are usu- ally plucked ofi" before the blossoms open. Besides, as border clumps the variegated sorts are often used as edgings to shrubbery borders. These Funkias are of the easiest pos- sible culture, and enjoy a rich, friable soil and a sheltered but faintly shaded situation. They will grow well enough in the open, sunny border or under the thin shade of trees, and the stronger kinds especially will hold their own with profit if planted out as clumps upon the grass in some slightly shaded place. The great di-awback to the planting of them in open, sunny places is their suscepti- bility to '• scorching " in Summer. It is very vexing to find that when your Funkias are in untarnished vigor, there comes a shower or a day or two of dull weather succeeded by hot sunshine, and your Funkia leaves are all damaged. But such is the case, and we know of no plants more certainly affected in this way than the Funkias. They all ripen seeds ; some kinds, as ovata, do so extravagantly, but for tidi- ness sake it is well to cut over the spikes as soon as the flowers are past. They are readily propagated from seeds ; in- deed, even so fine a species as Siebold's sows itself freely; but the variegated forms are perpetuated by division. They are perfectly hardy, but the first frost cuts them down as if they were dahlias, but the roots are unhurt. It is a good plan then to cut away the leaves and place a forkful of decayed manure about their crowns there to remain ; when they begin to grow in Spring, their leaves will soon cover the manure which not only stimulates them as food, but preserves the soil cool and open about the crowns. Funkias used to be known as Day Lilies, but this common name being also used for the genus Hemerocallis, Mr. Robinson, of England, recently ad- vertised for a new English name for Funkia. Among the many proposed "Plantain Lily" was the one he accep- ted. He deemed it a happy one, because of the likeness of the Funkia leaves to those of some of the tropical plantains. — Rural New Yorker. Wilson Strawberry. — A correspondent of the Country Gentleman writing from Ohio, says in an article on the fruit raised in his State : "Of strawberries, the Wil- son takes the lead in about the proportion of ten acres to one of all other varieties gro^^n ; and as far as I can judge will con- tinue to lead for some time to come, as no other variety that I know of is so popular both with growers and buyers." u THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. THE CARDINAL FLOWER. Clare, Anabel, and little Hugh, Brush from the grass the morning dew. In quest of flowers. With laughter sweet. They press with eager, tireless feet, Down lanes ablaze with Golden Rod, Where white and crimson Thistles nod. Where purple Asters, leaning, look At purple Asters in the brook. Tliey gather wreaths of Clematis, And blithely, deeming naught amiss, Where pale pink Roses lately grew, Pluck shining spheres of scarlet hue, And berries like red ivory gleam From stems of glossy Wintergreen. And now their bright, enraptured eyes Are fasteiied on a rarer prize ; Upon a steep bank, just beyond The confines of a marshy pond. In lonely grandeur brave and tall, There flames a scarlet Cardinal. They pick their way among the rocks, Their pains the radiant vision mocks. All reaching is in vain, and they. With backward glances, turn away, Till, flushed and weary with their toils. And laden with the brilliant spoils, That, wilting now within their arms. Are losing fast their early charms, They rest beside the roadside brook. With half a disappointed look. Ah, Clare and Anabel and Hugh, Not if you search the meadows through. And gather more than you can hold Of autumn's purple, red, and gold, Will you find aught so fair to each. As that one flower you could not reach ! Congregationalist. COVERING STRAWBERRY BEDS. The Germantown Telegraph says : " Often there is much said, and especi- ally at this season of the year, about cover- ing strawberries ; and many persons are induced by what they read to act so as to heartily regret it when the spring comes round. We have known people to act on this suggestion, and cover their strawberry beds with manure, and find the whole com- pletely rotten in the spring. And yet a little covering with the right kind of material is not a bad thing. If the plants are left entirely unprotected the leaves are browned and often destroyed ; while it must have been noted by every observant gardener that the best fruit comes from plants that have managed to keep their leaves bright and green till their spring flowers appear. And this is why a cover- ing of snow the whole winter is so good for the strawberry crop. As we have remarked, when the leaves are browned the crop is small ; but when the snow covers the plants all the winter long, they come out in the spring in the best possible condition. *" But we cannot always depend on the snow. It does not always come, or con- tinue in the regular way. So if some light material can be put over the plants, that will not smother and rot them, and yet will be just enough to make a shade from the winter sun and a screen from frosty winds, it will be doing a good turn to the strawberry plant. Manure is bad. There is salt in it, especially when fresh, which is destructive to foliage ; but clean straw, or swamp or marsh hay that is free from weeds, answers the purpose very well. But it must not be put on very thick. The idea is, just enough to make a thin screen, and yet not enough to hold the moisture long. Shade without damp is the idea. Sucli light protection is good for the straw- berry plants." The Cardinal Flower. — There is no diflficulty in cultivating the Cardinal Flower {Lobelia Cardinalis). It prefers damp, rich soil, but with a little care it can be grown almost anywhere. The best way is to get a good load of swamp dirt, which is mainly leaf mould, and make a bed in a shady or half-shady position. Of course the plants will do better if they can be removed from their native place with care, retaining a good quantity of soil with the roots, and be speedily re- planted ; but we have taken them up with but little soil, kept them several days, carried them a hundred miles, and planted them in conditions not particularly favor- able with very good results. Among the many too much neglected native wild flowers there are none whose form and color better challenge our admiration ; and when we know with what ease they are started, and that, being perennial, they continue from year to year to repay the attention once bestowed, we wonder they are not more frequently seen in our gardens. PRINTED AT THE STEAM PRESS ESTABLISHMENT OF COPP, CLARK * CO., COLBOfiNE STREET, TORONTO. LEMATIS COCCINEA THE VOL. VI.] FEBRUARY, 1883. [No. 2. THE This interesting and valuable genus of climbing plants is attracting much attention both in Europe and America. As the result of careful cultivation and the crossing of different species we have now some very beautiful and showy varieties. These plants belong to the natural order Crowfoots (Ranuncula- cese), and are characterized by a valvate coloured calyx, and by having the carpels when ripe terminated by long, feathery styles. In some of the species the flowers are not as attractive as the seed vessels are when plumed with their long feathery styles. In England the most common species is known as the Traveller's Joy, Clematis vitalba, which runs over the hedges in some parts of the country, covering them with a profusion of white blossoms, to be succeeded by heaps of silky tufts. Some of the species are fragrant. The one known as Clematis jiammvla^ a native of France, is exceedingly rich in perfume. Until within a few yeara the Clematis were chiefly used to cover unsightly objects, though occasionally C. viticella, a purple flowering species introduced into Enghind from Spain, was used as an ornamental climber. In the year 1851 a large flowered vari- CLEMATIS. ety, known as C. lanv-ginosa was brought fi'om China, about fifteen years after, some English gardeners, notably Mr. Jackman of the Woking nurseries, conceived the idea of crossing these two last named species. The result of this crossing has been the production of a race of hardy, free flowering Clematis, with large, showy flowers, which make a grand display either as climbers upon pillars or lattice, or trained upon the ground as bedders. These beautiful flowers are mainly of two colours, purple and white, of various degrees of in- tensity and purity. The only variety approaching a red is of a dirty brick-red hue, by no means satisfactory to the or- namental gardener. In the variety (Chmatis coccinea) now presented to the notice of our readers in the beautiful colored plate which adorns this number, and for which we are indebted to the liberality of Messrs. V. H. Hallock, Son e inserted a couple of inches in the ground. J. McL. Owen Sound, Dec. 4th, 1882. ENGLISH GOOSEBERRIES WITHOUT MILDEW. , On page 124, Canadian Horticul- turist for 1882, the standard sorts of English gooseberries are condemned as worthless on account of mildew, If'< every morning, and spread out to div, where they are frequently turned over to dry and to prevent heating. It is of first importance to get the dung into proper condition, not so wet as to pro- duce violent fermentation, nor so dry as not to ferment, but of that degree ot moisture that will secure a nice, gentle heat. The second i-equisite is a suitable place in which to prepare the bed. This should be where the temperature will not fall below fifty degrees of Fahren- heit, nor rise above sixty. If the room can be kept dark, so much the better, and the atmosphere never allowed to become dry. On this account many prefer a cellar having a dry bottom. The third requisite is a properly prepared bed. This is made by placing first a layer of the dung, which has been collected and prepared for this purpose, laid regularly and evenly to the depth of five or six inches, and beaten hard as it is laid down, then in the same manner adding layer after layer until the bed is from a foot to eighteen inches deep. Now plunge a thermometer into the bed and watch the temperature. It should not rise higher than 110°; it may be that it will not rise above 100°. Giadwally the heat will decline, and when it has fallen to 80°, the spawn should be planted. This you will procure of any of our larire deah seeds. The bricks of spawn should be broken into pieces about the size of a lien's a^^^, and these inserted into holes made iu tlio bed about nine inches apart an! two inches deep, which should be closed again, and the whole beaten down firm. About a week or ten days aftei- cover the bed with an inch and a half of light turfy soil, neither wet nor dry, but just moist enough to firm readily when beaten down with the back of t lie ^pih'. To prevent evaporation cover the UA 52 THE CANADIAN HORPICULTUKIST. to the depth of six inches with dry, clean liay. And now little can be done but wait for the mushrooms to appear, which niMj be expected in about six weeks. AVlien they begin to appear a nice moist atmosphere should be maintained. iSome do this by sprinkling tepid water on tlie hay covering from a very fine rose, just sufficient to moisten it, as it by a heavy autumnal dew; while others distribute ])ans of water sufficient to kee]) up the requisite degree of moisture by evaj)oration from the pans. When a considerable crop of mushrooms has been harvested, and the bed shews symptons of exhaustion, a good water- ing witli tepid water, just once applied, will start the mushrooms again, and in this manner the bed may be kept yield- in o- mushrooms for about three months. o To THE Editor of the Canadian Horticulturist. Will yoa be so good as to inform us in next Horticulturist as to which stiM wherries combine productiveness, sweetness and fitness for growing in hedvy clay soil. I have a Concord grape, ten years old, which neither grows nor fruits (does not cover four feet of trellis), wliile Salem and Creveling either side grow luxuriantly and fruit reasonably well. What is the matter 1 Had I not better dig it out % And will it do to replant angther grape in the same spot 1 As elsewhere, apples were a short crop in this region last season. But Ji assets and Baldwins stood out con- spicuous for full bearing amid other- wise scantily fruiting orchards. Rustic. Goderich, Feb. 3, 1883. Reply. — You will find Charles Down- ing, Triumph de Grand, President Wilder, Jucunda, Forest Rose, Sharp- less and Springdale to thrive on rich clay loam. Surely among these you will find some that will suit your taste for sweetness. There is surely something wrong at the root of your Concord vine. Dig it up and see what you can find. It may be the soil is not suitable, or insects are preying on the I'oot. You might try the vine in another spot, and see if it will do any better j this more as a matter of curiosity than profit, for a young healthy vine will be worth more than this stunted plant. Yes, try another variety in the place where the Concord now stands, and see how it will behave. — Ed. Can. Hort. THE CURRANT- WOKM. To THE Editor of the Canadian Hokticultorist : I notice the remedy recommended in your January number for the cabbage- worm pest, and mean to try it, as I have been obliged to give up growing cauliflower on account of the ravages of the worm. For years past, however, I have kept my currant and gooseberry bushes clear of the worm by li}>erally mulching the bushes with tobacco-stems as early in the spring as the gi-ound will work, first spading in some com- post, and, after levelling off, laying a thickness of about fifteen inches of the stems under each bush. This mulch is beneficial to the bushes, keej>ing the ground moist, while the potash con- tained in the stems serves as a ferti- lizer. My bushes make vigorous growth, bear well, and are under this treatment proof against the worms. I get any quantity of stems I want from a local tobacco factory without charge. Yours truly, H. Primrose. Pictou, Nova Scotia. [Note. — We trust that our corre- spondent will give the result of his trial to the readers of the Canadian Horticulturist.^ TirK CAN'AinAN II<>UTICULTURIST. 53 SMALL FRUITS FOLl FARMERS. (For the Horticulturist.) Why is it so few farmers grow small fruits enough for their own tables 1 It is not on account of the work required to grow them, because there is no crop grown on the farm that will give better returns for the amount of labor be- stowed upon them. There are several reasons; perhaps the greatest is, they know so little about growing them, they think it requires a great amount of labor and skill, and, again, so many have bought a few plants and put them out in the garden, where all of the work has to be done by hand, hence requires so much time they do not get attended to. The time is not far distant when farmers will think as much of having their patch of strawberries and rasp- berries as they do of their potatoes and cabbage. Every farmer's lady knows how difficult it is to get up a nice meal early in the summer without having a patch of strawberries to run to. The plan that is most practicable for farmers, as a rule, is to plant out a few rows in the spring, on any soil that is good enough to grow potatoes. Clay loam is to be preferred, if not too heavy ; if it has been plowed in the fall do not plough again in the spring, but culti- vate well and plant early. It will take but a short time to set the plants, and they will not need any more work until after seeding is done. For strawberries, plant in rows four feet apart and twelve to eighteen inches apart in the row. Cut off the first runners that make their appearance, also cut off all fruit stems. As soon as they send out three or four strong runners at once let them run, but keep working with your corn cultivator be- tween the rows, narrowing the cultiva- tor as the rows spread out until you get a row eight(;en or twenty inches wide, letting the plants grow as thick together as they choose in the rows. In the fall, as soon as the ground freezes, cover with straw, putting the most between the rows and just enough on the plants so you can see them through the straw. Leave it on until after the fruit comes off. The plan we have found to take the least work where land is plenty, is to plant out a few rows every spring and work as above. It does not take as much work to set out and take care of a new patch as it does to clean out tlie old one. You can leave the old patch to bear another season without any work, except cutting out the large weeds that grow up among them. You will get quite a crop of earlier fruit, but not so large as from the new plantation. By plant- ing several sorts, such as Crescent Seedling for early, Wilson and Cnptnin Jack for medium, and Sharpless and Kentucky for late, you can have them on the table every day from four to six weeks, and if 3'ou want to grow some of the finest and best flavored you ever saw, plant a few of Longfellow, Warren and Bright Ida. Raspberries should also be planted so they can be worked with a horse and cultivator. Put in rows six feet apart and four feet apart in the row. When new growth is tw o to three feet high pinch br •"k \nd >^l :n side shoots get fifteen incneo .onp ;)inch back again, then your bushes wiii grow strong and will not need staking. For the Cap varieties, cover the ground in the row, where you cannot cultivate (between the bushes) with coai-se manure. It will keep the ground from drying out and largely increase the crop of fruit. The red varieties will grow too rank if manure is put around them until they liave borne one or two crops of fruit. Let only four or five canes grow in a hill of the red sorts, hoeing of!' all suckers as soon as they make their appearance. If worked well until July, will not need any after that time, and THE CANADIAN IIORTICCLTCRIST. but few weeds or suckers will grow. The most popular Black Cap at the pi'esent time is the Gregg. It is very late. It, with some one of the early sorts, of which there are several now offered by responsible dealere, will give all that is desired in black varieties. Turner and Cuthbert are the two best red varieties yet fully tested and will give a succession of fruit from early to the very latest. W. H. HiLBORN. Arkona, Jan. 22nd, 1883. THE ENGLISH SPARROW. I regret to see that at the meeting of the Ontario Fruit Growers' Association, Mr. W. E. "Wellington's advei-se reso- lution regarding the English Span'ow was passed. Having had a very long acquaintance with the bird, and having observed it closely in England, as well as in other countries, my conclusion is most decid- edly, completely in its favour ; in fact, I do Jiot know of any small bird equally useful as a destroyer of moths, butter- flies and catei"pillars. Times without number have I watched the sparrow in the early morning carefully searching crevices and chinks in buildings for moths ; and numbers have I seen turned out of their hiding places and captured by the little bird. So fond of moths is the sparrow that I have even seen it abstract dry, dead ones in the winter time and eat them. Many and many a time have I seen the white cabbage butterfly (Fieris rapce) hotly chased for a hundred yards or more by the sparrow, which seldom failed in making a cap- ture, although the zig-zag, unsteady flight of the insect frequently sorely puzzled the sparrow. I have, too, often seen the sparrows collecting caterpillars and flying off" with them to their nests; and anyone who has closely studied the habits of the sparrow in England, knows to what a great extent cater- pillars form the food of the young. It should be borne in mind that the young of the Fringillida3 are not fed on hard seed, nor on fruit, but principally on insect food. It is principally as a destroyer of moths that I admire the sparrow. To some butterflies it is partial, but any modei'ately sized moth it will greedily seize ; and a more clever searcher for moths in their day time places of concealment it would be diffi- cult to imagine. On this account, if no other, the sparrow should be care- fully protected. It is the very best friend the gardener and the fruit grower could have, but unfortunately in this country its habits seem to differ from those of the old country, for there it is freely distributed over every farm in the land, while here it will not leave the shelter of the towns and villages. My farm is only about a mile and a half from Milton, where there are a number of sparrows, but I have not seen a sparrow on my place yet. The sparrow will take its small share of grain and fruit, but this is amply paid for by the insects destroyed by this most useful bird. I need not say more in favor of the sparrow than that I most surely know it, from my own careful observation, to be a great de- stroyer of injurious insects, and it would be indeed a pity and folly to exterminate it, now that it has been introduced to the country. I only wish it were generally spread as at home, and I am sure it is most welcome to the run of my farm and orchards. I don't think any reliable conclusion will be come to by the proposed com- mittee on the little bird, and if they come to an opposite conclusion to the statements of the three leading British naturalists whom I shall now quote, I shall be sorry for the committee as well as the sparrow. THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. 55 Yarrell, the author of the standard work oil British Birds, says: — " Tlieir young are fed for a time with soft fruits, young vegetables and insects, particularly caterpillars, and so great is the number of these that are con- sumed by the parent birds and their successive broods of young, that it is a question whether the benefit thus per- formed IS not a fair equivalent for the grain and seeds required at other sea- sons of the year." Macgillivray, author of an elaborate and critical History of British Birds, says : — *' The seeds of various plants, such as the field mustard, Sinapis arvensis, the charlock, Raphanun ra- p/umLstrum, the chick weeds and mouse ears, Stellaria and Cerastium, as well as of the field and garden pea, Pisum sativum, are also gathered ; and in summer it partly subsists on insects of various kinds, which also afford the chief nourishment of its youmj." Dressor, the author of the recently published magnificent work on the Birds of Europe, says : — •' In open places where there are a few trees in the towns, such as the gardens in the squares or in the parks, it is eminently useful in ridding the foliage of the insects which would otherwise destroy the leaves and tender shoots ; and its utility in this respect has led to its being introduced into the United States, where in the main streets there are avenues of trees which, previous to the introduction of the present species, were rendenjd bare and leafless by the ravages of caterpillars. During the breeding season insects, whenever they are to be h;id, form the staple food of both old and young birds. Mr. Snell says that it is very fond of the seeds of Poly- (jonum avidxlare ; and it may occasion- ally he seen to catch the common white butterflies (Papilio bi'as/dcm et rapce) on the wing, though not so frecpiently as one could wish. It destroys, however. myriads of the small smooth caterpillars and larvcB lohich feed on the buds of the trees, and is one of the best guardians of the orchard. It is true that it also takes toll of the fruit, but one can well spare a little when one reflects how much the crop of fruit is dependent on its active labors in destroying these noxious insects." The authors referred to speak of the sparrow being a consumer of the seeds of weeds ; this is the case with almost all the Fringillidae, and I have observed the snow bunting {Plectrophanes 7iival- is), and the mealy redpole (Linota linaria), on many occasions very busy with the seeds of difierent weeds which got the better of us in this land of weed luxutiauce, as it is also the land of caterpillars and vigorous insect growth. We want not only abundance of Pas.ser domesticus, the common sparrow, but of as many similarly disposed birds as we can get, for the little birds of the country don't make any headway against the insect pests. During last summer the trec^s in my " bush," and in all other "bashes" that I saw, swarmed so with caterpillars that walking in them was most unpleasant, we got so covered with caterpillars. Pray let everyone advocate the care- ful preservation of so useful a bird. Better let the sparrow have a little of fruit and everything else, than let the insect pests have nearly all, or all, as the case may be. I did not secure a single one of my cabbages this year owing to the ravages of the catei pillar of the white butterfly. I did my best, trying to catcli the insects with the butterfly net, but they stole a march upon me and the c.iterpillars were abundant. Did not I wish for a flock of the English, or any sparrow that would do the work. All the small birds and thrushes {Tardus wigratorius, the "Robin" in- 50 THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. eluded), are most useful in regard to insects and tlieir larvae, and we can well afford the very little fruit some of them take. At least three pairs of "Robins" bred near my house, and I hardly missed the cherries taken ; but the Red-headed Woodpeckers (Melan- erpe.i crythrocephalus), did take a con- siderable number of cherries, and when cherries were over they scooped out many an apple, especially col verts. A selection of our useful insect de- stroying birds, such as common and tree sparrows {Passer Diontanus) Chaf- finch (Fringilla coelebs), Brown Ijinnet (Li/iota cannahina\ and the Buntings, Emheriza citrinella, E. iniJiaria, E. schceniclas, E. cirlus and E. hortulana, would be of great service to the country. Apart from their useful work, the songs of some wo\ild render the country doubly delightful. The Skylark [A lamia arven- sis), ought also to be introduced as a great devourer of field insects ; and would not its song be an acquisition to Canada. I believe one or two attempts were made to introduce the skylark in the States ; but English birds, instead of Norwegian or Swedish, were tried. In the north of Europe the skylark is migt atory, so is the song thrush (Turdus musicus). North European examples would have gone south on the approach of severe weather, but English larks would not know what to do, and I aia afraid they all perished in the States with cold. Of the European insectivorous birds, the true Silviadise, we have not any in Canada. They would be very difficult to import, but the Finches, Thrushes and Larks might be naturalized in Canada. This is the work that ought to be done, instead of exterminating the poor useful sparrow. I remain, yours faithfully, W. E. Bkooks. Milton, 1st Feb., 1883. DO BEES INJURE GRAPES? To THE Editor of the Canadian Horticulturist. Sir, — -A letter in last issue of the HortlcultuH^, from the j>en of D. Y. Beacock, reminds one that this vexed question is not yet settled to the satis- faction of everybody. The testimony of the Hon. J. C* Rykert and Mr. Taylor has been given against the bees; whilst the testimony of many others, both here and elsewhere, has been adduced as evidence of their guilt. At a meeting of the Canadian Horticult- ural Society, recently held at Owen Sound, this question was brought up and discussed. The .poor bee, having no friends in court, was found guilty, and convicted of the crime charged against it. Absence from home on that occasion prevented my being present and testifying in behalf of the innocent insect. That bees work upon injured grapes there can be no question. That they work upon injured apples, rotten pears, bruised peaches, and damaged plums, is equally true; but my own observation satisfies me that they never puncture or in any way injure a perfectly sound giape, or any other sound fruit. I have grown grapes and kept bees for some years. I have closely watched the operations of my bees upon my own grapes. I have repeatedly tempted them to commit the depredations charged against them by hanging bundles of sound grapes upon and in close proximity to their hives, and I have never yet known them to attack or injure a perfect berry. I have afterwards gone round and bruised some of the grapes by pressing them between my fingers, and immediately those bruised grapes would be covered by bees, utilizing what would otherwise bo lost ; but the unbruised grapes were invariably left untouched and uninjured. I have frequently extracted honey in my glass grapery when the fruit was THE CANADIAN H0RTICULTUK18T. 57 ripe, and although the building would be swarming with bees, and the berries that had burst (as they frequently do) would be emptied of their juices, I have not seen a sound grape punctured or otherwise injured by them. With out- door grajKJS my experience has been the same. I have had as good an op- portunity of judging on this question as most men, and my testimony is that bees never injui^e perfect fruit of any kind. R. Mc Knight, President Ontario Beekeepers' Association. Owen Sound, Jan. 19, 1883. REPORT ON FRUITS. Tlie apple crop in this part of the country has been the j>oorest I have seen for some time ; the show of blos- som was as fine as I ever saw. We had cold, bad weather at the time, which I think injured the blossom. The Snow Apple, Early Joe, Harvest and Nor- ton's Melon set an abundant crop, but the fruit was so spotted and knotty that it was of little worth. Baldwin, Red Astrachan, King of Tompkins, Maiden's Blush, R. I. Greening, Canada Reinett and Ribstone Pippin had a light crop of good fair apples. Alex- ander, Duchess of Oldenburg, English, Roxbury, A. G. Russet, Hubbardston's Nonsuch, Hawthornden, N. Spy and Dutch Mignonne were heavily laden with fruit, some of them as tine as I ever saw. The Fall Pippin, Esopus Spitzenburgh,Gravenstein, Hawley and Indiana Rose Rii)e failed badly. Some did not set any fruit. The Dutch Mig- nonne ai)ple was the heaviest loaded and finest, in size and appearance, they have ever been since bearing. I find ready sale for them on the Brantford market at $1.40 per bushel. They do not appear to be much known. I have not seen any at the market or shows besides my own. They are not on any fruit catalogue that I have. A. J. Downing speaks highly of it in his Fruits and Fruit IVees of America. The Burnet gi"ai>e has done well with me. It fruited the fii-st time the past season. The Seiiasqua grape failed to grow. The Moore's early gmpe vine, sent last spring, has lived and made fair growth. I remain yours truly, James Cowherd, Newport P. 0., Ont. PEARS CRACKING AND SPOTTING. To THK Editoh of the Canadian Hokticultubist : Will you, or some of your i-eaders, tell me through your magazine what the cause is of my peai*s cracking and blotting "^ The kind most affected is the Flemish Beauty. I almost lost my whole crop last year. They seemed to be all right until they were about two- thirds gi-own, and then they were first taken with black blotches— just as though they had been splattered over with black ink. This caused the skin of the young fruit to harden, and shortly after the fruit started to crack open. In a great many cases the cracks ran horizontally and reached nearly around the fruit, and in very bad cases it nearly penetrated into the core, and in other cases the cracking will run in all directions without any limit or rule — only to destroy the entire fruit. This trouble made its firet appearance two yeai-s ago, but it was not fatal until last year. I have some trees highly cultivated with top-dressings of wood- ashes — a clean surface — no other crop grown amongst these trees. I also have trees growing in sod without any culti- vation, and their fate is exactly the same as before sttited. All my early pears up to the Bartletts have not shown any signs of the aforesaid disease. My soil has a clay bottom, with a black, rich mould on top, with a good descent in the direction of a running stream of water. I have well on to a hundred 5S THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. pear trees, and about one-third of them are now coming into bearing, but dis- eases are, it seems, following up as fast as the trees are growing. Please, sir, if there is any cure, will you let me know through the Canadian Horticul- turist, and oblige your constant reader % D. B. H. January 19, 1883. FRUIT IN CLINTON, ETC. To THE Editor of the Canadian Horticulturist. I think that the readers of the Hor- ticulturist should return you thanks for its excellent appearance, and for the valuable reading it contained during the past year. I think it a shame that every fruit-grower cannot be induced to take it. As an old member and resid- ing in a cold part of Ontario, the diffi- culties of fruit-growing the past year have been many. I think that it was the spring frost that killed the plum and peach crop and lessened the grape crop. I trimmed the grape in the fall, laid them down and covered them with leaves and boards. 1 had a medium crop. The Clinton and other thin-leaf vnrieties were eaten bare, so that the fruit did not ripen ; the spring was late and the frost came on early in the fall, so that the late grapes were destro3'^ed. My Burnet grape has fruited three years. I have had to root it up as I cannot prevent it from mildewing ; also the Salem. I potted strawberry plants, and they bore a good crop the first year. There was an insect that eat the leaves in small holes. If I found a plant dying, on digging up the root there was the larva of the June beetle, good to feed chickens. The gooseberry and currents were badly affected with worms on the leaves all the season till the fruit was ripe; the rain washed the helebore off". To avoid the loss of my bushes by the pith worm, I think the bush form is the best, as you can cut out the affected stems and renew with new wood ; not so with the single stem or tree form, as it will destroy it. I tie them together in the fall, so as to prevent the snow from breaking them down. I have a number of unfruited English gooseberries ; most of them are aff'ected with the mildew. The Down- ings and Houghton Seedlings are the best for a sure crop here. The Grimes golden pipin apple has fruited some years. I picked three bushels last fall badly affected with the worm ; the fruit is good quality for eating, cooking or keeping. I have them on hand now. The crop of apples was not good in this country last fall — worm-eaten, spotted and disfigured — yet thousands of barrels were shipped ; but the greatest diffi- culty is to get fruit-growers to be honest and pick and pack them right for the English market. My Grimes golden pipin tree is badly affected with the bark coming off in scales, leaving a hole open into the wood underneath ; it is full of insects, and I call them the woolley aphis. They are red and look like a mildew on them ; they came with the tree. What is your remedy to kill them 1 I was going to wash the tree with soft-soap water in the spring. [Yes, that is right. — Ed.] What is the cause of the strawberry flower going into a black, hard substance instead of to fruit ] [Probably late frost. —Ed.] The plum trees are all getting badly affected with rot and black knot. We ought to get a law passed, making a fruit-grower a constable, to protect him from boys stealing his fruit. I have tried differ- ent ways to keep grapes. The only way I have succeeded is in putting them down in sawdust. I found hemlock best, dried in the oven. We j)ut down some Clinton, Isabella, Salem and a few of Rogers in cork sawdust that I pro- cured at the fruit stores, that the Span- ish grapes are packed in. My grapes are opening out as fresh as when they came off the vine ; some of the stems THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. 50 are quite green. I sent to St. C;ith:i- rines' cork-factory for a barrel of dust, but they sent cork-shavings. If they would grind it up to dust, it would pay grape-growers to buy it, as tough-skin grapes will keep till after this, and our best grapes are better quality than the tough white Spanish grape. We brush the bunches with a downy feather, and it takes the dust off the grapes. I syringe soap-water over my vines to protect the leaves from the insects. 1 think it stops them some. Do you know any remedy? I consider the Champion grape not much account here, only being early. The Council give me power to get all the shade trees on the street that are dead or ob- jectionable. I have been going for Lombardy poplar, abele, willow and the locust The last is like a honey- comb, eat out with borers. We have had a planting-day in the spring. We have set out over a thousand maples a season. I have cut down poplars eighteen inches through, making sev- eral cords of wood, since I fii-st saw them planted. It is not every town that heats its town hall with trees planted by its citizens. W. C. Searle. EARLY RIPENING GRAPES. I would like to see the names of about twelve of the best early grape vines in the Candian Horticulturist. jNIy Concord gra])es did not ripen last year. I think that if they would ripen before the Concord they would answer here. I bad ripe grapes on one vine, and fruit on three that did not get ripe. H. P. Moore's Early, Early Victor, Jessica, Hei-bert, Lady, Massa.soit, Worden, Delaware, Champion (but of poor ({uality); Janesville (also poor quality), h^arlv Dawn (very subject to mildew), Hal ford Prolific.— Ed. Can. Hort. PROPAGATION OF THE WEIGELA. To THK EDITOK OF THK CANADIAN HORl ICULl UUIST. Would you kindly give in the next issue the plan pursued in ]n*opagating the Weigela Rosea, and oblige, Yours truly, R. M. You will probably succeed best by largering the young shoots of last sea- son's growth. Peg them down in the spring, burying the bent portion deep enough in the soil to keep it moist, and remove from the parent plant in the fall or spring following. It can be propagated from cuttings of the young wood under a hand-glass, or better from cuttings of the half ripened wood taken off in summer and rooted in a frame. PACKING CELERY. Can the Editor, or any reader of the Horticulturist ^ give a recipe for pack- ing celery for winter use ] 1 had about sixty heads taken up and buried in sand, in the cellar, to about the same depth as they stood in the ground. They took root and did finely for about two months ; then they wilted at the top and began to decay. The decay ran all the w^ay to the root, following the two centre leaves. This was my first experience, and not very success- ful at that. G. H. F. English Sparrows. — At the Michigan horticultural meeting several fruit growers told us that the English sparrows were rapidly bringing grief to the farmers and fruit growers. It was the old story of de- structiveness and fighting proijensities. And now we notice in an excnance that at Mt. Vernon, 111., a gentleman had twenty acres in wheat, from which he expected a fourth of a crop, the heads having every appear- ance of promising such a yield. He resolved to cut it for seed, and sent some persons to gather it. They returned soon after and re|M)rted that there was not a grain of wheat in the field, the sparrows having eaten the entire crop. — Prairie Farmer. 60 TIIF: CANADIAN IIOiaiCULTUKIST. THE che:^»ry slug. fSelandria cerasi.) This troublesome enemy, which at- tacks alike the cherry, pear and quince, has now nearly completed his opera- tions for the present season. The foli- age of the cherry is apparently his special favorite; although judging from results where he is allowed to operate unchecked, there would seem to be but slight difference. Fig. 1. Wh can but feel a degree of surprise that where a few moments of time and the scattering of a fewhandfuls of lime, ashes, or even dust, occasionly repeated, would suffice to exterminate them, they should so generally be permitted to run their race, year after year, often even to the utter ruin of the trees. We detected them this season upon our quinces, which, in pass- ing, we frequently ex- FiG. 2, amined, and by the use of an occasional handful of dry earth scattered over them, saved the foliage. In doing the same with perhaps one hundred young pear trees, embracing perhaps forty distinct varieties, stand- ing together in nursery rows, we dis- covered that the insect manifested a very decided preference for certain varie- ties, since those with smooth, glossy foliage were persistently avoided; while others, with different foliage, were as constantly attacked; the difference being equally manifested, even when the branches of the two interlocked. On several varieties, with very firm, glossy leaves, not a slug was discoverd during the entire season ; while with others ad- jacent constant watchfulness was requir- ed to keep them in subjection. — T. T. Lyon, in Michigmi Farmer. [Note by the Editor. — The insect above alluded to by Mr. Lyon is shown in the accompanying cut. Fig. 1 rep- resents a leaf upon which may be seen a couple of these slugs feeding upon the upper surface. The slug shown in Fig. 1 and marked a is of full size. Fig. 2 represents the fly which laid the eggs, from which these slugs are hatched. They lay their eggs usually early in June, which hatch in about a fortnight. The slugs attain their full growth in twenty-six days, and in this time they moult or cast their skins five times. After the last moult they are no longer of their usual olive green color, nor are they shiny, but are smooth and of a yellow color. They now pass to the ground, burrow in it to the depth of two or three inches, form each a little cell, and in this cell change to the chrysalis, and in sixteen days the fly hatches out and lays her eggs for a second brood of slugs. This usually occurs about the first of August. This second brood attain their full growth about the end of September, go into the ground and remain there until spring. Hellebore mixed with water and sprinkled upon the slugs is sure death to them. Sometimes dry soil and even ashes fail to kill them ; they crawl out of their sanded skins and go on as if nothing had happened.] SHAFFER'S COLOSSAL RASPBERRY. Last spring I planted tips of the new Raspberry, Shaffer's Colossal. To my surprise, there soon appeared shoots that set blossoms, and which were folJoweil by the largest raspberries I ever saw. It wiis not an isolated case, but at least 10 per cent of the plants were beaiing. They came in when other Raspberries were gone, and are in full blast THE CANADIAN HOirncUr.TUHIST. 61 now, (July 29tli), with a prospect of beiries for a month to come. Not a few scattered berries, but trusses SHAFFER'S COLOSSAL RASPBERRY. with fifty berries on one shoot, and such berries — an inch in diameter. The fruit is the color of the old purple cane that 62 THE CA.NADIAN H0RTICULTUKI8T. I used to gather in my mother's garden more than fifty years ago. It has the flavor of the Catavvissa and about the same texture. Not firm enough for very distant carriage, but it will be a splendid one for home use and a near market. It is not sweet like the Turner, but has a pleasant acid mingled with it, which makes it superior for pies, tarts and pre- serving, and with cream and sugar, I can endorse it fully from experience. — Samuel Miller, in Fruit Grower. THE HIGHLAND GRAPE. I am not sure but we should review, and perhaps modify our opinions about the Highland Grape, as, when quite ripe, it loses its objectionable acidity, and as it has no foxiness, it may be, for southern regions and wherever the Catawba will ripen, a desirable grape. It is unfortunate that its period of ripening has been so misrepresented, for many have doubtless planted it in northern localities, where it will never ripen. This has been an unusual season, and many grapes have been a full month later in ripening than in other more favorable seasons ; but I cannot believe the Highland should be classed as an early ripening grape under any circumstances. It is healthy and vigorous in growth, and the clusters are unusually large and hand- some, and I think, from my experience with it this year, it will be found at least " good " in quality for southern planters, and for all places where it will ripen perfectly. G. W. Campbell. Delaware, Ohio. Hem ARKS. — ^With the above Mr. Campbell sends us a bunch each of High- land, Lady Washington, and Naomi, the first two of which ripened with us per- fectly this season, as until Nov. 3rd we had no frost. The berries of the High- land bunch were large and showy, but sour. As to the Lady Washington, there is nothing remarkable about it as to quality. The Naomi is a green grape, without bloom or color. Its flavor is peculiar, but not agreeable. — Rural New Yorker. FLAT CULTURE FOR POTATOES. Eds. Country Gentleman — Several years ago I became a convert to flat cul- ture for potatoes, and every season con- vinces me that this mode is preferable to the forming of hills around the plants. This season being a very moist one in this section, fully demonstrated with me that in moist as well as dry seasons flat culture is the better of the two. Just across the fence from my potato patch was a field of my neighbor's, of about four acres, planted about ten days before mine. The ground is alike on both patches — clayey loam. My neighbor manured more liberally than T did. He adopted the hilling method of cul- ture, and I the flat method. In the early part of the season his made a m\ich more vigorous grovvth than mine; in fact the foliage in his field covered the ground before mine had apparently well begun to grow. As the season advanced mine gained in growth upon his, and main- tained greener foliage longer. His ripened about a week ahead of mine, but while his crop averaged 180 bushels to the acre, mine averaged 250 bushels to the acre. There was seventy bushels difierence, upon soil similar, his having the advantage of more manure than mine. I consider that flat culture re- quires less labor than hilling, produces heavier crops, and the quality is just as good, with all other conditions the same. M. Milton. •Mahoning County, O. Strawberries at Rochester. — T. T. Southwick writes to the Gardener's Monthly that the fruit dealers in Roches- ter have paid out for strawberries this year ^84,000. One canning establishment ab- sorbed 10,000 quarts a day, which at only five cents a quart would be $500 daily, or $1,000 at ten cents. The same hou.e is said to have canned ten tons a day of cherries, or 200 tons in all. THE CANADIAN IIOBTICLLlLRIST. 03 HOW TO GROW EARL^ CABBAGE. I sow the seed of the kinds I wish to grow in February or first of March, in small shallow boxes in forcing pit, liot- bed, or if these are not to be had, a sunny window of the house will do. The boxes I use are eighteen by twen- ty-four inches, three inches deep ; made of one-half inch boards. The kinds of early cabbage I generally raise are Eai ly . Early Jersey Wakefield. Jersey Wakefield (best if pure), Early "Winningstadt, Early Summer and Fotler's Early Drumhead. The first two for early ; the others for second early. I only treated the first two as above stated ; the second early I sow in common hot- beds 1st to the 15th of March. After the seeds sown in boxes (say 15th of February) are uj) and about three inches high, it is necessary to trans- plant them in other boxes, like those they were sown in, about one and a half to two inches apart every way; or if any wish to have them in small pots (two and a half inch) put one plant in each pot, and pots close together in boxes, treating the Stime as if planted in boxes. Pots are better than boxes and I use them largely. About one week or ton days before ])lanting in garden, the^ must be hardened off by exposing grad- ually, night and day, in oi>en air. I set out my plants from 15th of April to 1st of May. The plants which are in boxes are taken in the boxes to the part of the garden where the groun