LIBRARY OK THE University of California. GIF^T OF" Class 9 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DIVISION OF OHEMISTKY. BULLETIN No. 13. Kgricultural LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY — 0F*~ CALIFORNIA. FOODS A2fD FOOD ADULTERANTS EfVESTIGATIONS MADE UNDER DIRECTION OF Chief of the Chemical Division. PART EIGHTH. Canned Vegetables. BY K. p. McELROY, Second Assistant Chemist, WITH THE COLLABORATION OF W. D. BIGELOW. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OP THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE. WASHmOTOIT: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1893. BULLETINS OF THE DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. No. 1. An Investigation of the Composition of American Wheat and Com. Bdited by Clifford Richardson. 1883. Pp. 69. (Out of print.) No. 2. Diffusion : Its Application to Sugar Cane, and lieoord of Experiments with Sorghum in 1883, Edit<'d by H. W. Wiley. 1884. Pp. 36. (Out of print.) No. 3. The Northern Sugar Industry : A record of its progi-ess during the season of 1883. Edited by H. W.Wiley. 1834. Pp.120. (Out of print.) - No. 4. An Investigation of the Composition of American Wheat and Com. (Second report.) Edited by Clifford Kichardson. 1884. Pp.98. (Out of print.) No. 5. The Sugar Industry of the United States. Edited by H. W. Wiley. 1885. Pp. 224. (Out of print.) No. 6. Experiments with Diffusion and Carbonatation at Ottawa, Kana. Campaign of 1885. Edited by H.W.Wiley. 1885. Pp.20. (Out of print.) No. 7. Iklethods of Analysis of Commercial Fertilizers. (Proceedings of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, September 1 and 2, 1885.) Edited by Charles W. Dabney. 1885. Pp. 49. (Ont of print.) No. 8. Methods and Machinery for the Application of Diffusion to the Extraction of Sugar from Sugar Cane and Sorghum, and for the use of Lime and Carbonic and Sulphurous Acids in Purifying the Diffusion Juices. Edited by H. W. Wiley. 1886. Pp.85. (Out of print.) No. 9. Tliird Keport on the Chemical Composition and Physical Properties of American Cereals, Wheat, Oats. Railey, and Rye. Edited by Clifford Richardson. 1886. Pp. 82. (Out of print.) No. 10. Principles and Methods of Soil Analysis. Edited by Edgar Richards. 1886. Pp. 66. (Out «f print.) No. 11. Report of Experiments in the Manufacture of Sugar at Magnolia Station, Lawrence, La., Seaaon of 18S5-'86. (Second report.) Edited by Guilford L. Spencer. 1886. Pp. 26. (Ont of pnnt.) No. 12, Methods of Analysis of Commercial Fertilizers. (Proceedings of the Third Annual Convent tion of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, August 26 and 27, 1886. Edited by Clifford- Richardson. 1886. Pp. 59. (Out of print.) No. 13. Food Adulterants. Part First. Dairy Products. Edited by H. W. Wiley. 1887. Pp.132. Part Second. Spices and Condiments. Edited by Clifford Richardson. 1887. Pp. 130. Part Third. Fermented Alcoholic Beverages— Malt Liquors, Wine, and Cider. Edited by C. A. Crampton. 1887. Pp.140. (Out of print.) Part Fonrl'.i. Lard and Lard Adulterations. Edited by H. W. Wiley. 1889. Pp.154. Part Fifth. Baking Powders. Edited by C. A. Crampton. 1889. Pp. 63. Part Sixth. Sugar, Molasses, and Sirup, Confections, Honey, and Beeswax. Edited by H. W. Wiley. 1892. Pp.255. Part Seventh. Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa Preparations. Edited by Guilford L. Spencer. 1892. Pp. 155. Part Eighth. Canned Foods. (In prepar'ation.) Part Ninth. Bread, Flour, and MeaL (In preparation.) No. 14. Record of Experiments at Fort Scott, Kans., in the Manufacture of Sugar from Sorghum and Sugar Caiiea in 1886. Edited by H. W. Wiley. 1887. Pp. 64. No. 15. Report of Experiments in the Manufacture of Sugar at Magnolia Station, Lawrence, La., Season of 188»-'87. (Third report.) Edited by Guilford L. Spencer. 1887. Pp.35. No. IC. Methodsof Analysis of Commercial Fertilizers, Feeding Stuffs, and Dairy Products. Adopted att'he Fourth Annual Convention of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. August 16, 17, audl8. 1887. Edited by Clifford Kichardson. 1887. Pp.80. (Out of print.) No. 17. Record of Experiments Conducted by the Commissioner of Agriculture in the Manufacture ef Sugar from Sorghum and Sugar Canes at Fort Scott, Kans., Rio Giaude, N. J., and Lawrence, La., 1887-'88. Edited by H. W. Wiley. 18H8. Pp. 118. No. 18. Sugar-producing Plants: Record of Analyses made by Authority of tile Commiasionor of Agriculture und^r direction of the Chemist, 1887-'88 (Sorghum— Fort Scott, Kans., Rio Grande, N. J.; Sugar Cane — Lawrence, La.), together with a study of the data collected on Sorghum aud Sugar Cane. E«Uted by n W. Wiloy. 1888. Pp.132. No. 10. Methods of Analysis of Commercial Fertilizers, Cattle Foods, Dairy Products, Sugar, and Fermimted Liquors. (Adopted at the Fifth Annual Convention of the As.sociation of (>ffiper and zinc salts to secure and preserve the green color of canned peas, beans, etc. The use of cop]>er for this purpose is a very old one. Long ago it was observed that the cooking of pea.s, beans, and other green vegetables in imperfectly cleaned copper COPPER IN CANNED VEGETABLES. 1017 vessels would secure a deeper and more attractive green appearance for the cooked product. It did not take the observing cook long to discover that this improvement in appearance was due to the copper or zinc present in the copper or brass vessels. The same effect was found to be produced when these vegetables were cooked in ordinary vessels with the use of small quantities of copper or zinc salts. Upon the whole, copper salts were found more convenient for this purpose, and hence at the present day an immense industry has grown up in the greening of canned vegetables by the use of copper and zinc, especially of the former. By consulting the analytical data which follow, it will be found that a large part of such canned goods exposed for sale in this country has been greened by the addition of copper, and in some cases of zinc. For instance, the amount of copper found in peas of French origin was uni- formly much gTcater than that found in American canned peas. Of forty-three samples of American canned peas examined 32.56 per cent were found to contain no copper, while 67.44 x^er cent were colored with copper. Of thirty-six samples of French peas all were colored with copper, except one, which was colored with zinc. In regard to the quan- tity of copper found the following comi^arison will be of interest: Amount of copper per kilogram. American peas. French peas. Less than 10 mg copper per kilo Between 10 and 18 mg copper per kilo Over 18 mg copper per kilo Over 25 mg copper per kilo Over 50 mg copper i>or kilo Over 75 mg copper per kilo Over 100 mg copper per kilo Per cent. 30.23 11.63 25.58 16.28 6.98 0.00 0.00 Per cent. 0.00 5.74 94. 29 88.57 60.00 31.43 11.43 The literature on this subject, it will be found, has been carefully collated in the pages which follow, and, as in the case of added pre- servatives, it is difficult to come to a definite conclusion in the matter. Almost the same statements may be made in regard to the use of greening materials as have been made in respect of added preserva- tives. The occasional use of a small quantity of a copper or zinc salt, it must be allowed, can be practiced without practical injury to health. On the other hand, the continual and regular consumption of even the small quantities of these materials present in canned vegetables must be regarded as at least prejudicial to health. Therefore it is con- cluded that the public health will be sufficiently conserved provided each can of vegetables which has been greened artificially in this way shall bear plainly marked upon the label the nature of the greening material and the amount thereof employed. The responsibility of the use of these vegetables will then be thrown upon the consumer and he can exercise his own judgment in regard to the matter. 1018 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. The question of the use of copper in canned goods has been agitated in France for nearly a quarter of a century. At first the committees appointed by the Government to investigate the matter reported uni- formly against the use of copper for greening. While French packers were not allowed for some time to sell their copper treated goods to French consumers, they were not prevented from using copper when the goods were intended for export. For instance, in 1875 some Bor- deaux packers labeled their goods " Green peas (or beans) greened with sulphate of coj)per. Made specially for exportation to America and England, and not sold for French use." Copper was present in some of these samples to the extent of 40 nig per kilo. After this practice had gone on for some time the board of hygiene of the Gironde concluded to prohibit it, stating that no distinction should be made between goods destined for exportation and those intended for home consumption. Nevertheless, there was such a demand for goods of this kind that the exigencies of commerce gradually got the better of the hygienist, with the result that the French Government has finally permitted the use of copper in greening canned vegetables, requiring, however, that some definite mark shall be used in connection therewith. The canners, however, were shrewd enough to elude the necessity of marking their goods as having been greened with copper or zinc and fulfill the letter of the law, if not the spirit, by marking them with some indefinite mark such as a Vanglaise. The result is that the purchaser of these goods has no intimation, as far as the label is concerned, of the nature of the material which is employed in greening, and the canners themselves claim that if they were compelled to mark their goods as having been greened with copper or zinc it would entirely destroy their sale. The question here is one of sight and not of taste or digestive value, and it seems that it would be wise to recommend to the consumer of canned goods to be content to use them, even if they are slightly pale or yellow, rather than to have them of a bright green color at the pos- sible expense of health and comfort. The vast extent of the practice of greening foods, together with the amounts of greening material which have been found in the different cans, will be seen by consult- ing the analytical details which follow. VESSELS USED. Another prominent feature of the work which we have conducted is found in the examination of the vessels containing the vegetables. In Germany the law requires that the tins employed for holding the canned goods shall not contain more than 1 per cent of lead. In this country there is no restriction whatever in regard to the character of the tin employed, and as a result of this the tin of some of the cans has been found to contain as high as 12 per cent of lead. There is no question whatever among i)hy8iologists in regard to the effect of lead salts upon the human system. The continnal ingestion of even minute LEAD IN CANNED VEGETABLES. 1019 quantities of lead into the system is followed eventually by tlie most serious results. Painters' colic, lead palsy, and other serious diseases well known to physicians, are the direct effects of the continual ex- posure of the system to the influence of minute portions of lead salts. Therefore the greatest care should be exercised in the preparation of canned foods to exclude every possibility of the ingestion of lead. Even tin salts are poisonous, but not to the exteut of lead, so that the presence of a minute portion of tin in canned vegetables, coming from the erosion of the cans containing them, is not a matter of such serious import as the presence of lead. Perhaps it would be quite impossible to exclude tin absolutely from canned goods when they are canned in tin, but it is possible to exclude the salts of lead. This can be done by requiring that the tin shall not contain more than, say, 1^ jjer cent of lead, and, in the second place, that the solder which is employed shall be as free from lead as possible. In Germany the solder employed in sealing the cans is not allowed to contain over 10 per cent of lead, while in this country the analyses of numerous samples of the solder employed show that it contains fully 50 per cent of lead. In addi- tion to this there is no care taken to prevent the solder from com- ing in contact with the contents of the can. It is a rare thing to care- fully examine the contents of a can without finding pellets of solder somewhere therein. Often on examining the inside of a can it is found that large surfaces of solder on the seams are exposed to the action of the acid contents. The result of all this is, as will be found by con- sulting the analytical data which follow, that lead is a very common constituent of canned goods. Another great source of danger from lead has been disclosed by the analytical work, viz, in the use of glass vessels closed with lead tops or with rubber pads in which sulphate of lead is found to exist. As a sample of this maybe mentioned the goods of Eugene Du Raix, of Bor- deaux. All the samples of his goods examined were put up in lead- topped glass bottles. All except one contained salicylic acid and all of them save one contained copper. In one of these samples lead existed to the enormous amount of 35.2 mg per kilo ; in another 15.6 mg per kilo were found, while in one sample, viz, Ko. 10937, the extraordinary quan- tity of 46 mg per kilo was discovered. It is not difficult to see how goods covered with lead tops can be con- taminated. It may be claimed that these goods should never be turned upside down, but the shippers pay little attention to such directions and the result is that the goods maybe kept for days or even weeks in such a position as to bring the contents of the can in contact with the lead tops or with the rubber pads containing lead. The constant con- sumer of such goods, therefore, must run some risk of being exposed to the insidious inroads of some of the diseases peculiar to the action of small quantities of lead upon the human organism. It is not too much to ask that the law should require the canners to exercise the utmost care to exclude all dangers of this kind. 1020 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. The general result of the examination of the canned goods exposed for sale iu this country leads to the rather unpleasant conclusion that the consumers thereof are exposed to greater or less dangers from poison- ing from copper, zinc, tin, and lead. These dangers could be easily re- moved if the manufacturers of these goods were required to follow the dicta of a reasonable regard to public hygiene. FOOD VALUE AND DIGESTIBILITY OF CANNED GOODS. In regard to the food value of canned goods, interesting data have also been obtained. It will be seen that many expensive articles of canned goods contain an amount of nutrient matter totally out of pro- liortion to the price paid therefor. The conclusion is therefore forced upon us that the use of canned goods is in every sense a luxury and a luxury which is attended with many dangers. On the whole, the less rich portions of our i)opulation should rather congratulate themselves that their incomes do not warrant them in purchasing at a high price foods of so little digestive value and fraught with so many dangers to health. As an illustration of the excessive cost of some goods put up in cans, attention may be called to the analytical data in the tables which follow. These tables will be useful to consumers who have not time to search through all the details of the bulletin. The quantity of dry food material in canned goods varies within wide limits. It is very low in such vegetables as string beans, aspara- gus, etc., and quite high in such materials as canned corn, succotash, and other bodies of that description. The lowest percentage of dry matter in string beans of American origin was 4.17. In other words, in buying 100 pounds of such material the consunier purchases 95.83 pounds of water. The price of the packages of string beans varied within wide limits, depending both upon the size of the packages and the labels they bore. The highest price paid was 35 cents, and the weight of the contents of the package was a little over 3 j^ounds. The lowest price paid was 10 cents, and this was paid in many instances. The highest price paid, according to the percentage of dry matter, was in sample 10928, cost- ing 30 cents and containing only 254 grams of string beans, 31.1 grams of dry matter, and 94.37 per cent of water. The jirice of the dry mat- ter in this package was nearly 1 cent per gram, which would be almost $5 per i)ound. The enormous cost of food in canned goods is illustrated to the fullest extent by this sample, showing in a striking way that such food materials must be regarded in the light of luxuries or con- diments rather than as nutrients to sui)port a healthy organism. In regard to the composition of the dry material of string beans of American origin, full data are found in the analytical tables in the l)ody of the report. To illustrate its nutrient value it may be well to give the analysis of the sample Just mentioned, viz, 10028. The dry matter of this sample contained 0,4() per cent of matter soluble in ether, FOOD VALUE OF CANNED VEGETABLES. 1021 presumably of an oily or fatty nature; 8.67 per cent of indigestible fiber; 25.5 of mineral matter, of which 18.37 per cent was common salt and 6.68 per cent of other mineral substances. Of nitrogenous matter in the form of albuminoids it contained 16.16 per cent, of which 11.23 per cent were digestible. Of carbohydrates, including sugar, starch, etc., it contained 49.63 per cent. Of the total solid matter pres- ent only 69.19 per cent were digestible. We have here a substance which cost nearly $5 per pound, and of which, in round numbers, only 70 per cent were digestible. Thus the digestible matter cost about one- third more, or about $6.50 per pound. In regard to the use of common salt in these canned vegetables, it may be said that as a rule it is added as a condiment and not as a preservative. The proportion of it in relation to the whole contents of the can is not very high, but the percentage in the dry matter of the can is very considerable. In one instance, viz, 10923, of American string beans, it was found that 40.58 per cent of the dry matter con- sisted of salt. In this case the salt evidently had been added either as a preservative or with the fraudulent intent of increasing the weight, more likely as a preservative. The extent to which common salt may be added is a matter which has, I believe, not been regulated by law in any country. There should, however, be a limit even to the addition of this comparatively harmless substance. The percentage of water in the French haricots verts was even higher than in American string beans. In one instance, No. 10939, the per- centage of water found was 96.13. The percentage of salt in the dry matter of the French product is quite uniform, the maximum being 19.13 per cent and the minimum 8.34 per cent. The percentage of albuminoids is somewhat higher than in American goods, but the digestible albuminoids are in no greater abundance. GENERAL REMARKS. A general view of the digestive experiments must lead to the con- viction that the process of canning, especially when preservatives are employed, such as salicylic acid and siili)hites, tends to diminish the digestibility of the albuminoid and other bodies. The low percentage of digestible albuminoids will be remarked with some degree of aston- ishment in all the analytical tables. A careful perusal of the data in the body of the report will not fail to convince every unbiased person that the use of canned vegetables is upon the whole an expensive luxury. It is not tlie purpose of this investigation to discourage the use of such bodies, but only to secure to the consumer as pure an article as possible. Nevertheless these practical conclusions may prove of some help to the laboring man and the head of a family, when he finds himself in straightened circum- stances, by assisting him in investing his money in a wiser and more 1022 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. economic way than in the purchase of canned vegetables. An expendi- ture of 10 or 15 cents for a good article of flour or meal will x^rocure as much nutriment for a family as the investment of $3 or $4 in canned goods would. The investigations which are recorded in the accompanying report" were made upon the following canned vegetables: Artichokes, aspara- gus, beans, Brussels sprouts, corn, okra, peas, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, macedoine, mixed corn and tomatoes, mixed okra and tomatoes, and succotash. The samples were purchased in the open market in Washington, D. C, Schuyler, Nebr., Kissimee and Orlando, Fla. Dealers were not acquainted with the purpose of the jmrchase, and it is believed that the goods represent fairly the character of the canned vegetables found in the markets of the United States. The analytical work was conducted by Messrs. K. P. McElroy and W. D. Bigelow, assisted by Messrs. T. 0. Trescot, Gus. Wedderburn, and E. G. Eunyan. Mrs. K. P. McElroy voluntarily contributed largely to the successful issue of the investigations. The work has been one of great magnitude and has consumed more time than was originally intended for this i)urpose. The character of the work, however, and the value of the data which have been secured fully compensate for the expenditure of the additional time required to complete this branch of the investigation. KEPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS AND ANALYSES. By K. P. McElroy and W. D. Bigklow. ITisTOEiCAL, Notes. The process of jireserviug food by canning in its present form appears to date back to the patent of Pierre Antoine Angilbert in 1823, though it is said to have been in use at least three years earlier. ^ The method described by Angilbert does not vary essentially from the present practice. The food, together with some water, was placed in a tin can, a lid carrying a minute aperture fastened on and heat applied. When the liquid in the can boiled briskly and all air was expelled, the hole was closed with a drop of solder. Preserving food in bottles instead of cans, but by a method identical in principle with that just described, is an older inventi Letheby,.Chem. News (Amer. Repr.), 1869, 4, 74. ^ American Grocer. CONTAMINATIONS OF CANNED VEGETABLES. 1025 tered work has been done on canned foods, though nothing systematic, and rich as is the Hterature relating to food adulterations, singularly little of it has to do with the examination of these goods. In this country little attention has been paid to the matter. Massa- chusetts, working under an efficient food and drug law, has done some work toward preventing the sale of sophisticated imported canned foods, but as far as the records show has done little or nothing with American goods. The Brooklyn board of health for some years has been devoting more or less attention to canned foods, and in particular to those which are coppered. Canned vegetables are not much subject to adulteration in the restricted sense of the word, which implies the addition of foreign sub- stances to food for the purpose of increasing its quantity. The only practice in vogue which can properly come under this head is the addition of undue amounts of water during the canning jirocess. This often occurs. Additions of salt might be regarded in this way, but this substance is added primarily as a condiment. Of adulteration in the more modern sense, that which includes sophistication, there is a great deal, and indeed it may be said to be almost universal. There are few canners who do not use salicylic acid or other preservatives, and the trade in coppered vegetables has grown to enormous propor- tions. Besides these wilful additions there is a class of what may be called unintentional sophistications, such as the presence of lead, tin, or zinc in these foods. These substances are often present, but are never, except occasionally in the case of zinc, added intentionally. Ptomaines are often said to be present in canned foods, and this may sometimes be the case, but their occurrence in canned vegetables must be extremely rare. Ptomaines are by definition the result of bacterial action, and where this action does not occur they must of necessity be absent. Vegetables are usually canned in the fresh state, and if they are in any degree spoiled at the time, the fact is usually conspicuously evident to the taste, so that the canner can not afford to use them. Bacterial action seldom occurs in the can without bursting it or render-' ing it unsalable. Ptomaines may, however, develop where the canned food is allowed to stand for some time after opening, though even then this is unlikely in the case of ]nx^.served vegetables. It may be said, therefore, that the principal risks to health which may arise from the use of cinned goods are those due to the use of pre- servatives, or to the presence of the heavy metals, copper, tin, lead, and zinc. Iron, though often taken up by the food in considerable quantities from badly tinned cans, may be disregarded in this case, since it is not only a normal constituent of food, though hardly in the forms which it assumes in canned goods, but is not poisonous. Its desirability as an addition to food may be questionable, but it can not be called materially deleterious. In regard to the other substances mentioned, the case is different. 23368— liTo. 13 2 1026 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. Lead is extremely poisonous, and tin is also poisonous, though in a much less degree. As to the preservatives in common use, of which salicylic acid may he taken as a type, and the salts of copper and zinc, their toxic action is not yet definitely known. This much is certain, however, that they have a marked physiological action and are all of them more or less potent medically. In large quantities they create very evident symptoms of poisoning, though this is usually only tem- porary. In the quantities in which they are liable to occur in canned foods, their action is at the best uncertain. They may be innocuous — they may not be. Much evidence can be collected to prove either side of the question. It is a question which science is not yet prepared to settle. Pending tliat settlement, however, it may be said that their use is to be reprobated, inasmuch as any benefit which may be derived by the canner from their presence he can secure in other and less dubi- ous ways. At the very least any food which contains them should be clearly and distinctly labeled, with the fact expressed in direct lan- guage. Where this is not done, their presence should be considered to be an adulteration and x)unished as such. If there is any fact which is clearer than another, it is that no man or set of men has any right to administer surreptitiously to any other man a more or less potent drug. Every man has a right to knowledge of the fact of being drugged, unless he expressly waives this right in favor of a physician. Even hero the law steps in and i)rescribes that this physician shall be a member of a recognized school. This the can- ners seldom are. Salicylic acid, which may be taken as a type of these additions, for instance, is a valued medicine in many cases, is in fact one of the best known remedies for rheumatism, and is believed never to have caused death in any dose.' But this is no justification for its use. It is certain that it disturbs the normal course of the bodily func- tions— it must of necessity do so to have medical value — and this fact is alone enough to demand its exclusion from any food intended for gen- eral use, unless the food be so labeled. There is another thing which may be said on this i)oint. Were it as harmless as distilled water, there would be no excuse for its addition to food without notification to the consumer. Salicylic acid is not a nor- mal constituent of any common food, and its addition to such foods for any purpose and in any quantity, without due notice to the consumer, is plainly adulteration. If any man desires to have salicylic acid in his food there is no doubt of his right to have it, since it is not a sufficiently violent poison to warrant the Government's forbidding him. But there is also no doubt of the fact that the canner has no right to admix it ' There are several ca««'s on rerord of death siijiposod to have boeu due to thia sub- stance, notably the one reported in the Virginia Medical Monthly, June, 1877, where death followed the taking of 3 grams, divided into several doses, within a ])eriod of forty hours after the lirst dose. All these cases, however, are at the best doubtful, for in most instances the patient has had enough the matter with him to have killed him anyhow. METHODS FOR PROXIMATE ANALYSIS. 1027 surreptitiously. lu any case there can no possible harm result from labeling. The same arguments may be repeated almost word for word in the case of copper. Lead, tin, and zinc are not usually added intentionally, but are often present, and can not be otherwise described than as dangerous to health. Zinc is sometimes used as a substitute for copper in greening peas, but t comes into canned goods accidentally as a rule. Lead comes from the lavish use of solder rich in lead and from the use of low grades of tin plate. As to its dangerous nature there can be no question. Tin in many instances is almost unavoidably a constituent of canned goods where the common unvarnished cans are used. There are few samples of these goods in which it can not be detected. Scope of the Investigation. The directions given by the Chief Chemist for carrying out the work on canned vegetables provided that analyses be made of the com- monly occurring brands in order to establish their nutritive value and that preservatives, metallic contaminations, and other foreign sub- stances, be searched for. Furthermore, directions were given to exam- ine a few of the tin cans to ascertain tlie quality of tin plate and solder in common use. In accordance with these instructions crude fiber, albuminoids, digestible albuminoids, ash, salt, fat, and carbohydrates were determined in each sample. The preservatives looked for Avere boric acid, salicylic acid, benzoic acid, sulphurous acid, saccharin, and hydronaphthol. In working ui)on metallic contaminations, copper, lead, tin, and zinc were searched for, and determined in many instances. Methods for Proximate Analysis. general examination. The full can was weighed, opened, the juice i^oured off, and the can reweiglied. The can was then completely emptied and once more weighed. The difference between the first and last weighings gave the total contents of the can ; that between the second and third the solid contents, together with what moisture adhered thereto. The moist solid matter was put into a mortar, thoroughly disinte grated, and mixed with the fluid. Portions of this mixture were dried to constant weight at 100° in a steam-heated oven. In the bath used this required about four hours. The loss gave the total water and other substances volatile at the temperature mentioned. The rest of the i)ulped sample was placed on ordinary china plates and dried at 100° in a steam-heated bath. When the sample became dry enough to grind it was scraped oft" the plate, ground in a drug mill, and sifted through a sieve having holes 1 mm in diameter. All glob- ules of solder were picked out as far as possible before grindiug. Those 1028 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. which then escaped notice were ilatteued by the drug mill and easily picked out of the sieve. The ground sample was bottled and used for analysis. In this powdered sample water was determined by drying at 100° in a platinum dish. ETHEU KXTKACT. For the ether extract the sample used for water determination was extracted with anhydrous ether in a Knorr extractor, the ether driven off by a gentle heat, and the flask and extract dried to constant weight in a steam -jacketed bath. This required about three hours. CKUDK FIBER. The ether-extracted material was transferred to a flask and treated according to the method of the Association of OflBcial Agricultural Cliemists^ for fiber. The solutions of acid and alkali were each 2.50 per cent. ALBUMINOIDS. Nitrogen was determined by the Kjeldahl method.^ Albuminoids were calculated by multiplying the per cent of nitrogen by the cus- tomary factor, 6.25. DIGESTIBLE ALBUMINOIDS. Indigestible nitrogen was determined by Niebling's method,^ viz: One gram of sample was washed with ether and the washed residue introduced into aflask, together with 50 cc of 0.2 per cent hydrochloric acid. The mixture was brought to a boil, allowed to cool, exactly neu- tralized, and 50 cc of Stutzer's pancreas solution added. The mixture was then kei)t at a temperature between 37° and 40° for six hours, shaking occasionally. At the end of this time it was cooled, allowed to settle for a few minutes, poured through a 14 cm Munktell filter, and the residue thoroughly washed with warm water (37° to 40°). The filter and residue were dried at 100°, introduced into a flask, and treated by the regular Kjeldahl process. The nitrogen thus found, multiplied by 0.25, gave "indigestible albuminoids," and subtracting this number from the total albuminoids found in the sample, left " digestible albu- minoids." The pancreas solution was made uj) according to Stutzer's directions,* as follows : Free a cow's paiureas from fnt ns far as pobsible, iiiintf, nil> up with saiul. and allow to stand in the air from twenty-four to thirty-six honrs. Mix the mass with lime ' Bull. 35, 215. ^Bull. 35,200. = Landw. Jahrb, 19, 140; abs. Chom. Centrbl., 18U0, 2, IIB. « Verssuchsst. 36, .321; aba. Chem. Centrbl., 181)0, 1, 176. USE OP PRESERVATIVES. 1029 water aud glycerol, using for every kilo of fat-free pancreas 3 liters of lime water and 1 liter of glycerol, »p. g. 1.23. Add further a little chloroform, and set the mixture aside for from four to six days. Press the mass through a bag and lilter the fluid through a coarse filter. Warm the fluid to 40" for two hours and refilter. The solu- tion used in digestion is prepared by taking 250 cc of this extract and mixing with it 750 cc of water containing in soluti(m 5 grams of sodium carbonate. Warm to 40*^ for two hours and filter. It is then ready for use. From the fact that canned goods always contain heavy metals, it was imj)racticable to determine the ash in the platinum ash dishes usually employed in this laboratory. An efficient and satisfactory substitute was found in the lids which are furnished with porcelain crucibles. Burning was done in a gas-heated muflfle, on the floor of which was laid a piece oi asbestos perforated at intervals. The rings were knocked oflf the lids and the slight residual projection was accommodated in the holes of the asbestos. Some little care is necessary in picking up the dish thus formed with the tongs. It is best to put one jaw of the tongs under the dish and the other above, thus picking it up sidewise, as from the slanting conformation of the sides of the dish an attempt to grasp it as an ordinary dish would be grasped is hazardous. These lid- dishes change very little in weight from use, and from their shallow- ness, permitting free access of air, a good ash is readily obtained. They are best marked with hydrofluoric acid. They seldom break. The ash obtained as above described was washed into a 100 cc flask with water and enough dilute nitric acid added to make the mixture blue Congo paper. To this solution powdered calcium carbonate was added till there was a distinctly visible excess, and the solution boiled long enough to expel carbonic acid. After cooling it was made up to the 100 cc mark, filtered, and an aliquot part, usually 50 cc, measured into a beaker and titrated with tenth-normal silver solution, using potassium chromate as an indicator. Duplicates by this method are concordant. "corrected ASII." In the tables the result found by subtracting the per cent of salt from the i)er cent of ash is recorded as " corrected ash." Preservatives. The use of preservatives is becoming quite common in the canneries. Some goods, corn for instance, are rather difficult to sterilize by short periods of heating, and with others heat exercises an influence upon the flavor or consistency, so that the addition of an antiseptic materi- ally facilitates the canner's work. If a can of food is heated to a temperature suflicient to kill all grow- 1030 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. ing bacteria, the presence of an extremely small amount of a germicide like salicylic acid suffices to restrain all further fermentation, although the amount of antiseptic added might not have been sufficient to mate- rially affect bacterial life if added to a solution in an active state of decomposition. Most of the bacteria commonly found will not resist a temperature of 65° to 70° when in the active state in a fermenting liquid, but these bacteria in the condition in which they are found in dust, or when in the shape of spores, resist this heat pretty well. If, however, the liquid in which these desiccated bacteria or spores occur contains a minimal amount of salicylic acid or other antiseptic, devel- opment into the vegetating form does not occur. Now, in exposing a can of food to the action of heat, no matter how conveyed, it is always a matter of difficulty to insure that the central portion of the contents of the can shall receive as much heat as the portions lying next the surface, and this is particularly true of solid-packed goods, such as corn and baked beans. It can be done in time, of course, but time is expensive. Dosing a food with a cheap antiseptic saves time and trou- ble and enables the canner to be quite certain of the keeping qualities of his goods, no matter in how slovenly or sloppy a manner his work may have been conducted. For this reason antiseptics are daily growing in favor among the preservers. One objection to the use of chemical preservatives arises from the fact that they do not confine their anti-fermentative action to the food in the can, but continue to exercise it after the food reaches the stomach, which is not desirable. Digestion is effected by the action of unor- ganized ferments to a large extent, and on this action most antiseptics have a greater or less restraint. It is difficult to say how far the use of preservatives cheapens canned goods. Of course all saving of labor or time tends to lessen the cost of production, but there seems to be no material difference in point of cost to the consumer between those brands of canned goods which contain antiseptics and those which do not. Probably were the use of preserv- atives discontinued there would be no material change in the retail price. In the work done on the canned vegetables but two preservatives were found, if salt be disregarded, viz, salicylic and sulphurous acids. Salt is supposed to be added primarily as a condiment, and only secon- darily as an antiseptic. It was jjresent, however, in some cases in inor- dinate quantities. In one case (No. 10923) it constituted 40 per cent of the dry matter. Salicylic acid was found in 47, per cent of the total samples examined. Sulphurous acid was also very common. METHOD FOR DETECTION OF PRESERVATIVES. In the method' adopted for preservatives, the contents of the can ' This scheuio is based in part on one proposed by the late I. T. Davis iu an unpub- lished pai)er on meat preservatives. METHOD FOR THE DETECTION OF PRESERVATIVES. 1031 were thoroughly pulped, about 50 grams mixed with dilute phosphoric acid, and the mixture allowed to stand for some time. The mixture was then strained through a coarse cotton bag. The resulting liquid, of which there should be about 50 to 75 cc, was then subjected to distil- lation. The first 5 cc of the distillate were examined for sulphurous acid. For this purpose add bromin water, boil till the yellow color disappears, and add solution of barium chlorid. Any precipitate of barium sulphate is of course indicative of sulphurous acid. A portion of the first distillates can also be tested for hydronaphthol by Beebe's method.^ This is done by making the liquid very faintly alkaline with dilute ammonia, and then as slightly acid with dilute nitric acid. Next add a drop of concentrated solution of sodium nitrate. In the presence of hydronaphthol, a rose color is developed. The reaction is a delicate one, but the process requires much practice with known solu- tions before it can be used. The test, however, is extremely charac- teristic. After testing for sulphurous acid and hydronaphthol, the distillation is allowed to proceed till the contents of the distilling flask are nearly down to dryness and salicylic acid tested for in the last portions, preferably in the last 10 cc. In case much is present salicylic acid comes over daring the whole course of the distillation, but it is mainly contained in the final portions. This tendency may be illustrated by the following experiment: Twenty-five mg of salicylic acid were dis- solved in 250 cc of water containing a little phosphoric acid and the mixture distilled, the distillate being collected in portions of 25 cc each. The first fi'action gave a distinct but pale color with iron chlorid, the next a somewhat stronger reaction, and the next a still more marked color. In this last j)ortion the salicylic acid amounted to about 0.3 mg. The next two portions gave increasingly brighter color tests, the amounts of the acid contained in each being, respectively, 0.4 and 0.5 mg. In the sixth portion there were about 0.8 mg, and in the fol- lowing fraction about 0.9 mg. The eighth portion of 25 cc contained 2.2 mg, and a final portion of 15 cc contained 3 mg. The amount of salicylic acid in these distillates was estimated colorimetrically. In detecting salicyltc acid the method of macerating the contents of the can with dilute acid and distilling the resulting fluid directly works very well in those cases where the quantity of the acid present is not too small, but much better reactions can be obtained by drying the sample of canned food, powdering, making into stiff jiaste with sul- phuric acid, extracting with ether, evaporating the ether, taking up the residue with water containing a little alkali, making acid with phosphoric acid, and then distilling. In the distillate thus obtained, salicylic acid can be distinguished even when existing in the original substance in quantities too small to be identified by the first mentioned course of procedure. ' Analyst, 1888, 13, 52. 1032 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. Tlie test finally used to identify the salicylic acid is preferably that with ferric chlorid, thoujih the methyl ester reaction can also be used. The solution of ferric chlorid employed should contain about 5 mg to the cc and about 2 or 3 drops should bo employed for each test. In tlie ethereal extract obtained in the method for salicylic acid just given, saccharin if present may be identified by evaporating off the ether from a portion and tasting the residue. Should saccharin be present in the original sample in quantities sufQcient to communicate to it a sweet taste, and it would hardly be A\^orth while to add less, an unmistakable sweet taste will be obtained. There is no better method than this for saccharin, though many have been proposed. It is prac- tically that used by the French customs officers. Benzoic acid may be tested for by taking the unused portion of the distillate from the canned food sample, making alkaline with caustic soda, after adding a little silver sulphate, transferring to a porcelain dish and evaporating to dryness. Next heat on a sand bath to a fairly high temperature for about fifteen minutes. While still hot a little sulphuric acid is added, and the benzoic acid which is liberated, if pres- ent, recognized by the smell, or rather by its irritating effect on the nose. Considerable jiracticeis necessary to use this test, but with pure chemicals as little as half a milligram can be recognized. Mohler's test^ may also be used on the dried residue obtained after the evapora- tion. The reaction given by this test, however, is not characteristic for benzoic acid being also given by salicylic acid. Besides the method already given for sulphurous acid, another was used frequently which is very convenient. In this method a portion of the liquid obtained by mixing the contents of the can with acid and straining off is mixed with hydrochloric acid, placed in a test tube, and powdered zinc added. It is then covered with a layer of ether and a piece of lead paper (paper moistened with lead acetate) laid above the mouth of the tube. In the presence of sulphurous acid, hydrogen sul- phid is evolved and its presence shown by the paper assuming a brown color. The object of the ether is to keep down any frothing. Results obtained by this method agree very well with those furnished by the distillation method. SULPHUROUS ACID. This preservative, in the form of the fumes from burning sulphur, has been used from time immemorial as a general disinfectant and antisep- tic. It exercises a bleaching as well as an anti-putrefactive action, and it is therefore greatly favored by corn canners. Sulphurous acid, although not a normal constituent of food, is prob- ably not directly harmful in itself. Its use, however, for foods put up in tin cans is to bo dtsprecated for the reason that it attacks the tin and brings it into solution. > See page 1167. USE OF SALICYLIC ACID AS A PRESERVATIVE. 1038 SALICYLIC ACID. Salicylic acid was discovered in 1838 by Piria.^ He prepared it by oxidizing tlie oil of Spircea ulmaria. In 1843 Proctor ^ discovered it in oil of wintergreeu, and Cabours ^ prepared it from this source in 1844. In 1852 it was synthetically made by Gerland.* In 1860 Kolbe and Lautemann^ discovered a process for preparing it from carbolic acid, and in 1874 Kolbe ^ so improved the method as to render the acid com- mercially available. It is from this time that the use of the acid as a food preservative may be dated. Shortly after discovering his im- proved method for its preparation, Kolbe made an extensive study of the antifermentative action of salicylic acid which extended over the space of a year or two. He came to the conclusion that the acid restrained or prevented the action of organized ferments, and likewise that of unorganized ferments, to some extent, but that it was harmless to animal life. In the course of one series of experiments he took a daily dose of salicylic acid for over a year, commencing with half a gram and gradually increasing it to 1 J grams daily. He reports his health to have been the same as usual during this experiment. He also administered the acid to others, and reports the same result. He strongly advocated its use as a food preservative. Since that time the use of salicylic acid for this purpose has steadily increased, and there are probably now few canners who do not at least occasionally use it. The aggregate of the amount used yearly by the canners and sold for home use in the form of fruit i)reservatives must be very large. Most of the secret preservatives sold by the druggists and others owe their activity to Its presence. The use of salicylic acid as a food preservative has been forbidden by several European governments. France prohibited it in 1881, and renewed the prohibition in 1883. An exhaustive discussion of the propriety of the use of salicylic acid as a food preservative took place at the Nuremberg meeting of the Freie Vereinigung der bayerischen Vertreter der angewandten Chemie, August 7 and 8, 1885. The association refused, by a x^ractically unani- mous vote, to sanction the addition of salicylic acid to beer. A special committee of the Paris Academy of Medicine'^ reported on this subject, that, while persons in good health might suffer no injury from the inges- tion of such small amounts of salicylic acid as are liable to be contained in food, this did not necessarily hold good for the aged or for those in feeble health. Persons suffering from dyspepsia or diseased kidneys it was found were especially sensitive to the action of this substance. The report closed with a recommendation that tlie addition to food of » Amer. J. Pharin., August, 1843. ^ Lieb. Ann., 115, 201. ^Ann. de chim. et de pliys., 1838, 69, 298. " J. prakt. Cheiii., 2, 10, 93. sj.prakt.Chem., 29, 197. "Hull de I' niM. (Paris), 1886, ••Quarterly J. Chem. Soc., 5, 133. 16, 582. 1034 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. salicylic acid or its salts, even in small amounts, be absolutely pro- hibited. Regarding the physiological effects of salicylic acid, the testimony is conflicting. There is a dearth of reliable experiments upon the human subject. As already mentioned, however, Kolbe took daily doses for the period of a year without injurious effect. Lehmann' administered to each of two Munich laborers half a gram of salicylic acid daily for sev- enty-five and ninety-one days, respectively, without a trace of injurious effect. These amounts are much larger than would ever be found in food. Administration of doses of salicylic acid, ranging between 6 and 12 grams, soon causes symptoms of cerebral x)oisoning. Four grams of sodium salicylate have been known to cause exceptionally severe toxic symptoms. The minimum dose for salicylic acid as given by the dis- pensatory is, on the authority of Ewald, 5 grams, repeated in five hours when necessary in cases where its antipyretic action is sought. Sal- icylic acid is one of the best known remedies for rheumatism in all cases where it is not directly contra indicated by renal affections. As to its influence on digestion, information is lacking. It is certainly not beneficial, however. Its detection in food is fairly easy. It gives two very characteristic reactions. With ferric chlorid in nearly neutral solution it gives a deep-purple color, and treated so as to produce its methyl ester, a highly characteristic odor of wintergreen. It can be separated from food in a fairly jiure state by acidulating the sample, extracting with ether, and distilling the extract in a current of steam. Regarding the i)ropriety of the use of salicylic acid by the canners, it may be said, as before remarked, that this use should be unhesi- tatingly condemned in cases where the fact is not indicated on the label of the goods. Salicylic acid may be harmless in very small doses to 99 out of 100 consumers, but the interests of the hundredth man should be guarded. Moreover, there is no safeguard against the use of inor- dinate quantities, for while the qualitative detection of salicylic acid is very easy, the quantitative estimation is a matter of very considerable difficulty. For this reason the canner who uses any at all may use almost any quantity he pleases with perfect impunity. Moderately large doses of salicylic acid are quite likely to prove detrimental to many people. The whole salicylic acid question was quite thoroughly gone into in a previous iiart of this bulletin.* SACCHARIN. Saccharin was not found in any sample of canned goods. It is an article of too recent introduction to have found its way into many can neries. A sample of clear li(]uid in a bottle labeled " Superior sweetener, ' Metliodcn der praktischon H ygieno, Wiesbaden, 1890, 281. ^ Bulletin 13, part 3, page 298. TIN PLATE AND ITS VARIETIES. 1035 Alex. Fries & Bros., 92 Eeade St., New York," was sent in by Mr. H. E. Taylor, of 152 Clifton Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. The accompany- ing letter stated that this sweetener was used largely in the canneries of this country as an addition to canned corn, and was claimed by Fries & Bros, to be a good antiseptic, but perfectly harmless. On examination it proved to be a 12.8 per cent solution of sacchariu. As to the physiological action of saccharin little definite is known, although there is already a large literature pertaining to the subject. It seems probable, however, that in most cases it is not particularly deleterious to the human system. BENZOIC ACID. Benzoic acid was not found in any instance. The methods for its detection, however, are far too imperfect to allow the conclusion to be drawn that it is never used to preserve vegetable foods. HYDRONAPHTHOL. "Hydronaphthol" or beta-naphthol was not found in any sample. BORIC ACID. Neither boric acid nor borax was found in any sample. Both flame test and turmeric test were used. It is not probable that either anti- septic is used for canned vegetables. Tin Plate in Cans. Commercially tin i^late is divided into two classes, known respectively as " bright " and " terne " plate, the former being covered with more or less pure tin and the latter with a varying mixture of lead and tin. "Bright" plate is, or should be, the kind used in canning food, terne- plate being intended for roofing. Inasmuch, however, as the price of tin is between four and five times that of lead, plate containing a little lead is somewhat cheaper, and there is a constant tendency among canners to use these cheap grades. In tinning iron plate with a mix- ture of lead and tin, the coating may be regarded as composed of two layers, the undermost being an alloy of iron and tin containing little lead and a surface layer of tin richer in lead than was the original metal used for plating. This concentration of lead on the surface is due to the fact that iron and lead have little affinity for one another. Metallic tin placed in a weakly acid solution containing a small amount of lead throws down the latter in the metallic form, becoming itself oxidized. Similarly, if an alloy of lead and tin containing a small amount of lead is exposed to such an acid solution the tin dis- solves first.^ This play of affinities, however, does not hold good in the case of alloys containing large amounts of lead, such as solders, O. Hehner, Analyst, 1880,5, 218; G. Wolff hiigel, Chem. Centrbl., 1887, 592. 1036 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. for from these lead and tin may be simultaneously dissolved. In any case the diifeience in the affinities is too slight to allow the con- sumer to implicitly rely on it to save him from the effects of the can- ner's greed. Lead poisoning is a serious thing and tio chances should be taken. In Germany the laws relative to the composition of alloys used for plating tinware are rigid. The law of June 25, 1887,^ reads : " ^ 1. Cooking, eating, and drinking vessels, as well as measuring vessels for fluids * * * shall not l)o tinned with an alloy containing more than 1 part of lead in 100 parts, nor be soldered with an alloy containing more than 10 parts of lead in 100 parts by weight. "The tinning on the interior of cans for i)reserving food must satisfy the require- ments of § 1." The plating alloy of a few cans from the pea samj)les Avas examined. In most cases lead was present. The quantity found varied within tol- erably wide limits, as may be seen from the subjoined table : Per cent of lead in plating alloy. Serial No. Lead. Serial No. Lead. Serial No. Lead. Serial No. Lead. 10694 2.21 i 10706 6.63 10724 1.93 1 10889 0.00 10695 1.21 i 10708 13.03 10870 .53 [ 10890 4.16 10696 1.08 10709 9.87 10871 0.00 1 10891 11.69 10697 0.00 10710 4.86 10872 .47 10898 0.00 1069S 3.12 10711 .86 10873 .44 1 10900 5.30 10699 11.53 10715 .22 10874 0.00 10901 0.40 10700 12.42 10716 1.51 10876 .66 10905 0.88 10701 0.54 10717 1.41 10881 0.00 ! 10906 1.64 10702 9.02 10719 .91 10882 3.26 <10980 3.20 1070:t 0.40 10720 1.86 10884 L68 10981 0.00 10704 0.00 10721 .41 10886 0.15 10984 0.62 10705 1.06 10722 •"l 10888 0.00 The results shown under Nos. 10699, 10702, and 10703 were all from cans packed by a single firm whose goods arc widely sold in Washing- ton. No. 10699 cost l.J cents per can and No. 10702 10 cents, but No. 10703 was sold at 18 cents, thus enabling the i)acker to use a better quality of tin. Nos. 10700, 10706, 10708, 10709, 10710, 10882, 10891, 10900, and 10980 are all bad. No. 10891 was put up in France. In regard to the methods of analysis usually given for the detection of lead in tin plate and for the analysis of the coating alloy, it may be said that they are unsatisfactory. Pinette^ proposes to attack the tin coating with dikite nitric ac;id, decant the fluid and suspended matter from the residual iron, evaporate to dryness on the water bath, take up with nitric acid, filter and weigh the tin oxid, and in the filtrate esti- mate the lead as sulphate. Eesults are calculated by adding the ' Quoted by J. Tinette, Cheni. Ztg.. 1891, 15, 1100. «Chem. Ztg., 18U1, 15, 102iJ. ANALYSIS OF TIN PLATE. 1037 lead and tin found together and ascertaining the per cent of the sum due to lead. This method suffers from the radical defect that alloys of tin and iron, such as are found under the outermost layer and in imme- diate contact with the iron, can not be parted by the usual nitric acid separation.* Tin goes into solution and iron remains with the tin oxid, from which it can not be extracted by nitric acid. In the tin oxid ob- tained by following Pinette's method the amount of ferric oxid ranged from 4 to 12 per cent of the total, running usually between 4 and 10. In Altering the tin oxid the nitric acid solution was difficult to filter clear and when wash water was used the filtrate became turbid. Of course all tin going into the filtrate would count as lead when using the customary sulphuric acid precipitation, and of course the error due to ferric oxid retained by the stannic oxid tends to ccmnterbalance that due to dissolved tin, but for the increase in lead there is no such com- pensation. It may therefore be safely concluded that the method is not accurate. In the analyses given the method used was to dissolve the plating with weak aqua regia, neutralize the solution Avith ammonia, add excess of ammonium sulphid, digest on the water bath, filter, once more digest the solid residue with sulphid, and refilter. In the united filtrates tin sulphid was precipitated by hydrochloric acid, filtered and w^eighed as stannic oxid. The solid residue from the sulphid separation was dissolved in nitric acid and lead determined as sulphate. This method, although accurate, was too cumbrous and time-consuming to permit the examination of many samples. The tin-iron alloy is more difficult of solution than the surface alloy of tin and lead, so that in stripping the tin plate by acids, as in the methods just described, there is a tendency to leave this interior layer to a greater or less extent. For this reason, unless care in this respect be exercised, the subsequent analysis will show the ratio of lead to tin greater than it was in the original alloy used for tinning. There is a qualitative method often proposed,^ which consists in put- a drop of weak nitric acid on the tin, evai^orating to dryness, and moistening the spot with solution of potassium iodid. A yellow col- oration resulting is supposed to indicate lead and by its intensity to give an approximate idea of the amount present. An alloy of 99.5 parts tin and 0.5 parts lead thus treated gave a yellow color which did not materially differ from that given by an alloy of 88 parts tin and 12 parts lead. Use of Soldeii in Canning. The analysis of the solder presented no difficulty. Weighed portions were treated with nitric acid and the tin oxid filtered and weighed. In the filtrate the lead was estimated as sulphate. Traces of copper, coming ' FTemy, Traite cle chim., 3, (pt. 1), 795. 2 Perron, Cheiu. Centrbl., 1890, 1, 731. 1038 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. possibly from tlie soldering tools, were nearly always present, but were not estimated. All the solders examined were taken from the interior of the can, and were all from the pea samples. Lead in solder from inside of can. Serial No. Lead, per cent. Serial No. Lead, per cent. Serial No. 10915 Lead, per cent. 10695 61.84 10711 51.86 62.47 10699 57.64 10717 53.90 10916 63.73 10700 54.78 10719 55.98 10917 52.18 10702 58.58 10720 62.37 10918 51.03 10704 59.94 10910 60.31 10919 56.05 10706 60.34 10912 65.47 10920 60.64 10708 63.31 109)3 53.87 10921 53.05 10709 43.60 10914 54.48 10990 53.07 It will be noticed that none of these samples api)roaches the German limit of JO per cent. They are evidently "half and half" solder. It is said by the trade, however, that a 10 per cent solder is extremely diffi- cult to use, owing to its infusibility. The German caniiers use it in compliance with the law, but dislike it and are resorting to many de- vices to avoid exposed solder. One way of doing this is to varnish the inside of the can and put on the top with a rubber joint.' Lead-topped Bottles. Several of the French samples were packed in glass bottles closed by a lead top. In view of the fact that the only assignable reason for the preference of bottles over the ordinary tin can is to avoid all danger of metallic contamination of food, this practice is a most extraordinary one. Sample No. 10885 may serve as an example of this method of packing. This bottle bore the inscription " Petit pois, extra fins, Dan- dicolle & Gaudiii, Limited, Bordeaux, France," and cost 40 cents. The bottle itself was an ordinary white glass bottle witli the top ground off. The cover was formed of a piece of sheet lead, fastened around the neck by an iron band. There was nothing whatever in the way of protec- tion between the lead and the j)eas. Probably the packers wont oh the assumption that the bottle was not likely to get wrongside up dur- ing its travels from France to this country and thought the iirecaution superfluous. On analysis the metal was found to consist of 93.57 per cent lead and 6.43 per cent tin. Strangely enough the contents of the bottle were found to be almost free from lead. Copper there was in plenty, but little lead. Samples Nos. 10738, "haricots verts;" 10978, macMoine; 10979, Brus.sela sprouts; and 11146, asparagus, were all bot- tled by the same firm in a similar manner. Samples Nos. 10879, peas, and 10936, " haricots verts," were packed by Eugene Du liaix, also of Bordeaux, and were put uj) in a similar fashion. • See puge 1163. DETECTION OF HEAVY METALS. 1039 Metallic CoNTAMmATiONS. In searching for the metallic combinations of the samples of canned vegetables examined in this laboratory, the method generally used was as follows : As large a quantity as possible (50 grams when size of sam- ple permitted) of the dried sample was burned or cliarred, this depend- ing on the nature of the sample, in a caj)acious porcelain crucible. The charred mass was extracted with weak nitric acid in the cold, to avoid solution of organic matter, filtered, and washed. The mass of char and insoluble matter on the filter was dried, together with the filter, and then burned to a white ash in a porcelain crucible. This ash was trans- ferred to a platinum dish and covered with a mixture of hydrofluoric acid and normal potassium fluorid. It was then heated over a low flame till all the water was driven off, and then the heat pushed till the mass in the dish after fusing finally became infusible. The heat was then raised to redness, and kept at that point for a few minutes. After cooling, the fritted mass was treated with dilute sulphuric acid and heated till white fumes came off. It was next taken up Avith dilute hydrochloric acid and the solution added to that first obtained. From the mixed solutions cop])er, tin, and lead were thrown down, after ado^jting the usual j^recautions, by means of hydrogen sulphid. In the filtrate, zinc when i)reseut was determined by the Low ferrocyanid method (see page HOG). The mixed sulphids of lead, tin, and copper were treated with hot dilute solution of sodium sulj^hid, the resulting solution filtered, and the residue once more extracted in the same way. From the mixed filtrates tin was precipi- tated by hydrochloric acid, regulating the addition by congo paper. The tin sulphid was converted to oxid by careful ignition, and weighed in that shape. The residual sulphids of lead and copper were oxidized by nitric acid and the lead separated as sulphate or chromate. In the filtrate copper was determined electrolytically. In many cases copper was determined colorimetrically, but lead was invariably estimated gravimetrically. Tin and lead estimations in the case of canned goods are always sub- ject to a grave element of doubt, from the fact that it is an extremely difficult thing to remove all traces of solder. Of course lead and tin in this shape are not particularly dangerous to health, or, at all events, not nearly so much so as are these metals when occurring in foods in the dissolved or combined state. Extreme care was taken in the effort to avoid this source of error, but the attempt can not have been always successful, LEAP, As just stated, the estimation of lead in canned goods is a matter of extreme difficulty — that is, the estimation of the lead existing as salts in contradistinction to that existing in the metallic form. Careless 1040 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. work oil the part of the canners is responsible for the fact that many cans contain fragments of solder of varying sizes. Above a certain limit these particles can be hand picked and below this point in the method of grinding the samples used in the analyses of canned vegeta- bles, much of the solder was flattened suflflciently to be picked out dur- ing sifting. Metallic lead is i)robably also present in another form in these goods. The food dissolves out more or less of the metal from the solder, and this is again precipitated in a finely divided state by the tin of the walls of the cans. This of course can not be mechanically sepa- rated. It is probable, however, that this latter metal, by reason of its state of aggregation, from a hygienic standpoint is about as dangerous as if it were oxidized. This is of ccmrse not true in the case of lead existing as solder. Solder, or metallic lead in any shape, present in food is bad, but in point of danger it is not comparable with lead exist- ing as salts. For the reasons adduced above, the quantities of lead found in the various samples of canned foods must be understood to represent merely the sum of the metal i)reseiit in a finely divided condition and that in an oxidized condition. Were it otherwise, and did these figures repre- sent altogether dissolved lead, canned goods would be a source of great danger to health. Of course, in the case of samples put up in bottles, solder is not present and the lead found was probably all in an oxidized condition. Lead is a dangerous metal, and the canners are very free with it. The solder used seldom contains less than 50 ])er cent and it is found on the inside of the can in liberal quantities, not considering that pres- ent as detached particles. Besides this, the tin plate often carries lead to large extents. Were it not for the reaction cited in speaking of tin- ning alloys, that metallic tin precipitates lead from its solutions when present in large excess, careless canning would be much more danger- ous than it is. Unluckily, because tin, although not innocuous by any means, is not so dangerous as lead, this reaction is not absolute. After a certain quantity of tin is dissolved lead begins to go into solution to some extent. The relative quantities of the two metals in solution will depend partly upon the nature of the food and partly upon the relative quantities of metallic lead and tin exposed to the action of the food. Some lead is frequently found dissolved, though not often where the canning has been condu(!ted Avith proper care and good materials have been used. Little need be said in regard to the poisonous nature of lead com- pounds. This is so well known that its repetition here is almost unnec- essary. The most unpleasant characteristic of lead is its propertj^ of accumu latiug in the system and then suddenly manifesting a strong poisonous action. "Wrist drop," "printer's palsy," "painter's palsy," and "lead colic" are common names for maladies produced by its action. The ZINC AND TIN IN CANNED VEGETABLES. 1041 literature of inediciue is full of fatal cases, though it is believed there are none recorded from lead in canned goods. Blythe states that in the five years ending in 1880 there were 324 deaths from lead poisoning registered in England. This is equal to about 20 per cent of the total recorded number of fatal cases from poisons of all kinds. But one was accidental and none were criminal. Lead is the most dangerous from a toxicological point of view of the common metals. Its use in any way or place where it is liable to come into contact with food is to be earnestly condemned. Nearly all Euro- pean states render such employment illegal. ZINC. Zinc is probably not often purposely introduced into canned goods. Zinc salts have been proposed for greening peas, and are said tp be in use in France to some extent. The process is said to be a secret. It is not likely, however, that it is often used for this purpose. Around canneries the use of galvanized iron is very common and vegetable juices coming into contact with it could readily dissolve more or less zinc, for that metal is quite soluble in acids, even when weak. Its in- troduction into canned goods might also happen from the use of zinc chlorid as an aid in the soldering operation. Toxicologically zinc resembles copper in that, while an emetic in large doses, small quantities are not known to be specially poisonous. The dose of sulphate given as an emetic is about 1.3 grams (equivalent to 294 mg of zinc). For this purpose the salt is regarded as one of the best known. Many cases of fatal poisoning are on record from zinc salts, but these are all from the use of large quantities. Ordi- narily, however, a large dose of a zinc compound is not dangerous, for the reason that the stomach at once rejects it. Little is known rela- tive to the effect of small amounts of zinc, continually administered for long periods of time. There is no legitimate reason for this metal being in canned goods and its presence there is usually the result of gross carelessness. It was found in many of the samples of canned vegetables examined and occasionally in relatively large quantity. In the pea sample, No. 10629, packed at Bordeaux by Yve. Garres & Fils, and bought in Florida, it was present to the extent of 85.5 mg per kilo. This may be one of the samples greened by the zinc method just referred to. The peas were bright green. TIN. Of the possible metallic contaminations, that caused by tin is, next to that of lead, probably the worst. It is assuredly the most common. In every sample of canned goods, which has been put up for any length of time, tin may be found dissolved or rather present in the oxidized or combined state. Varnishing the inside of the can, which is sometimes 233G8— No. 13 3 1042 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. done, hinders this solution of the tin in great measure, but generally there is sufficient metal left bare to allow appreciable quantities to dissolve. The quantity which is taken up from a bare can is of course almost entirely dependent upon the nature of the contents. Higlily acid liquids like those which surround some canned fruits dissolve the greatest quan- tity. Goods which have been sulphured also act heavily upon tin, form- ing tin sulphid, which probably then slowly dissolves to some extent. This appearance may be often noticed on the inside of cans which contain corn. The tin sulphid forms soft pasty deposits on the metal, looking very much like mold to the naked eye. Indeed, these spots are very often taken for fungoid growths. The tin sulphid in this form is readily rubbed off into the food by any shaking of the can. The formation of the sulphid occurs by virtue of the fact that metals very readily reduce sulphur dioxid, forming a metallic sulphid or hydrogen sulphid, according to circumstances. Tin poisoning resulting from the use of canned foods is not often recorded, although it is probable that minor disturbances to health fre- quently occur from this cause. In 1880 O. Hehner examined a large number of canned foods, repre- senting most of those thus preserved, for dissolved tin. In most of these it was found. Experiments made on Guinea pigs with doses of stannous hydrate showed a marked poisonous and in many cases a fatal action. This is the state in which tin occurs in foods. Stannic hydrate was found to be relatively harmless. The doses of tin which he employed, though not large in themselves, were, considering the size of a Guinea pig, rather heavy. Still, his conclusion that tin has well- marked toxic properties seems well justified. A^ abstract of this work is given on page 1164. In 1883 Ungar and Bodlander examined a number of samples of canned goods, mainly asparagus. There had been a number of cases of illness resulting from the use of canned asparagus, which led them to make the investigation. Most of the foods examined contained the metal in greater or less quantity. In 1887 they resumed the subject and made a number of experiments upon the toxic properties of tin, using animals. An abstract of this work will be found on page 1165. Their conclusion was that tin in the stannous form, the one in which it occurs in canned foods, is capable of causing disturbance, more or less grave, when swallowed, and that chronic tin jjoisoning might pos- sibly occur. They also proved tliat tin present in food in an insoluble form was dissolved and absorbed during digestion. Greening Vegetables with Salts of Copper. Copper in varying proportions is found in many samples of canned goods. It is derived to some extent from copper pans and other uten- sils of the canneries, and to some extent it is added directly in the form of soluble copper salts. Its natural occurrence, at least occasionally GREENING VEGETABLES WITH COPPER SALTS. 1043 and in minute quantities, is also probable. Green vegetables in the presence of minimum amounts of copper compounds do not turn yel- low in cooking, but preserve a fresh, green color. This phenomenon is well known to all canners and has been in use since the beginning of the art. For greening pickles, the use of copper kettles has been known for centuries. The cause of the phenomenon has never been satisfac- torily elucidated, though Tschirch has proposed an explanation.^ This is that in the process of cooking the chlorophyl is converted by the weak vegetable acids into two bodies, one of a basic nature and one of an acid — phyllocyanic acid. By this change the vegetables lose their original color and become brown. If, however, a salt of copper is pres- ent this combines with the phyllocyanic acid, forming a body of intense tinctorial power, being comparable in this respect with eosin. Solu- tions of one part in 200,000 show a blue color. The salt is soluble in alcohol, but not in water or dilute acids. It contains 9.2 per cent of copper oxid. Tschirch, from physiological investigations, was of the opinion that the compound is not harmful and that the presence in canned goods of 100 mg of copper oxid in the form of the alcohol- soluble salt should be made legally allowable. Since the earliest development of the art of canning, it has been a maxim in the canneries that in order to secure the best results green peas should always be cooked in copper kettles and that the kettles should not be too clean. Vegetable juices, even when only faintly acid, exercise a remarkable solvent action on copper oxid, and, in turn, in their presence copper oxidizes readily ; so that when cooking is done in copper kettles and too much cleanliness is not exercised, vegetables readily absorb enough copper to produce the desired effect. The amount nec- essary is very small, only 20 to 30 mg per kilo, or, in other words, 20 to 30 parts per million, of the vegetable. Lately, that is, within a few years, the preservers have learned that copper kettles are not neces- sary, but that the desired effect can be as well produced by the direct addition of copper sulphate or acetate, and this is now the usual prac- tice. In 1890 an Alsatian firm (J. Clot & Cie) patented a method of greening peas by which the copper vessel containing them was placed in connection with one wire from a dynamo, while the other wire was con- nected with an electrode hanging in the fluid surrounding the food. The current passing through the mixture dissolved enough copper to color the peas. A translation of this patent is given on page 1162. For many years there has been a dispute as to whether copper might be called a normal constituent of food. Many cases of its occurrence in the animal kingdom are known, and it is of course pretty certain, in view of this fact, that it must be a constituent of some vegetable tis- sues. One noteworthy occurrence of copper in the higher animals was discovered by Prof. A. H. Church in 1869.^ The wing feathers of a > Ztschr. Nahr. Hyg., 1891, 5, 221. «Chem. News, Amer. Rep. 1869, 5, 61; Chem. News, 1892, 65, 218. 1044 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. I number of species (18 out of 25 known) of the turaco, or plantain eater, an African bird, are colored red by a pigment containing about 6 per cent of copper. These birds undoubtedly derive their copper from their food, and from its constant occurrence in their plumage it must be a normal constituent of the vegetable foods upon which they live. In 1858 A. Dupr6 and Dr. Odling^ investigated a large number of common vegetable materials and foods for copper. In nearly all cases the metal was found, though always in very minute quantity. Out of 22 samples of bread 21 contained traces ; 20 samples of flour were all found to contain it, and the same was the case with 43 miscellaneous samples, comprising wheat, barley, maize, wheat straw, barley straw, turnips of different kinds, and beets. In 25 samples the metal was estimated. The maximum amount found was in a sample of wheat ash, being 0.024 part in 100 parts of ash. This corresponds to about 1,000 parts of fresh wheat, equivalent to about one part of copper oxid to 240,000 parts of wheat, in turn equivalent to something over 3 mg of copper per kilo. A sample of turnip contained the minimum amount determined, the copper as copper oxid amounting to about 1 part to 4,375,000 of the fresh turnip. When enough material was taken the cop- per was almost always found. That naturally present, however, sel- dom ever amounted to more than 1 part to 200,000 (5 mg per kilo). Animal substances (29 samples) were also tested and nearly all yielded the metal. Human liver showed 2 parts of copper oxid per million ; sheeps' liver, in two cases, 50 parts 5 and kidneys, about 10 parts. Dupre and Odling came to the conclusion that in the case of vegetable foods the presence of more than 10 parts of copper per million of food must be looked upon as an adulteration. Fo^* green peas, however, they placed the limit at 18 to 36 parts. The method of analysis employed was to precipitate the copper on a platinum wire by a weak galvanic current, redissolve in nitric acid, and finally weigh as copper oxid. Many other chemists have sought to show the constant existence of copper in animal and vegetable tissues, and a fairly large literature on the subject has accumulated. It seems to be proved that copper often occurs, but the proof adduced does not show at all that the metal is a constant component of the tissues in question. The mere fact that it is not found in many cases proves that it is not a normal constituent of living tissues. The drift of the evidence seems to be that it was an accidental ingredient in many cases where it has been found in tissues from the higher animals and plants. That it is not always so is shown by the case of the turaco. Copper is present in many soils, and since the metal forms no salts which are particularly insoluble, it must often happen that plant roots find dissolved copper presented to them, and no doubt they sometimes absorb it. The amounts of copper found in common plants, however, Ony'8 Hospital Reports, 1858, 103, Analyst, 1878, 2, 1. PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF COPPER SALTS. 1045 SO far as known, for a systematic search for the raetal throughout the vegetable kingdom has never been made, do not amount to more than the veriest traces. In the work done on the question of the natural occurrence of copper it is a noticeable fact that fresh, unmanipulated vegetable products invariably have yielded the lowest amounts and that the highest have been found in such things as chocolate and other much-handled substances. Tn animals it is natural to expect copper to be more abundant than in plants, since copper undeniably has a ten- dency to accumulate in the system to some extent. One of its most usual depositing places is the liver. All these facts, however, relative to the frequent occurrence of small amounts of copper in unexpected places have no bearing on the ques- tion whether the metal is injurious to health or not. If it is injurious to health, the fact that it sometimes occurs naturally in wheat is to be deplored, but is no excuse for artificially introducing it into another food. If it is not injurious, the addition would be less culpable, but by no means laudable. Copper is certainly not needed by the human sys- tem, and when introduced the organism can make no use of it, but sets to work at once to expel as much as possible of it. As to whether the metal in small doses is injurious or not, this is still a debatable question. It seems quite evident that it is not nearly so poisonous as it was once reputed. Since Igtrge doses, however, unquestionably produce markedly unpleasant, though possibly not deadly, effects, it seems a plausible conclusion that small ones are not altogether innocuous. Galippe made careful experiments, first on dogs and subsequently on himself and family, as to the effect of daily repeated small doses of copper, and came finally to the conclusion that they were not injurious. His experiments have been tried by others, though not on so extensive a scale, and as a general thing with the same result. He, however, has been trying to do a hard thing — prove a negative. The mere fact that one man can bear a certain medicine very well by no means proves that his neighbor is equally insusceptible. Common experience is sufficient to show this. One man habitually uses tobacco; to another it is an acrid poison. Granting for a moment that copper is injurious, it might very well follow that M. Galippe and his fellow experimenters formed a copper habit, and acquired the power of tolerating the metal in a manner analogous to the way in which toleration for many notorious poisons — arsenic or morphin, for instance — can be attained. It is not contended, of course, that this was necessarily so, but the fact remains that M. Galippe's results, which he interprets to mean that copper is absolutely non-poisonous, may be interpreted in other ways. On the whole, it may be said that the question of the poisonous na- ture of copper salts is still an open one, and science is not yet ready to form an opinion. This being the case, it is believed that the practice of coppering peas, even when it is made known to the consumer, should be discouraged, and surreptitious coppering should be repressed. 1046 t^OODg ANi) FOOD ADULTER ANTSi The consumer should have all the facts before him, aud if he then elects to run the possible risks there is no good reason in the present state of knowledge for restraining him. It is not, however, fair or good policy to make him take through ignorance greater or less amounts of a possibly or probably deleterious substance. COPPER-GREENING IN FRANCE. The whole question has probably been more extensively investigated in France than elsewhere. As is well known, in that country the pre- serving industry is one of the best developed, and the quantity of canned and bottled foods yearly exported reaches enormous proportions. For this export trade the United States is one of the most important markets. Of the foods thus preserved canned leguminous vegetables form by far the greater proportion, and of these it is estimated by the French that 90 per cent are artificially greened, mostly by copper. This trade is comparatively old and is firmly established. Peas, beans, etc., when coppered assume a peculiar green color not altered by cooking, and resembling the color of the raw vegetable, though not at all like the natural color of the fresh-cooked legumes, and a taste for goods of this color has grown up. The preserving of goods thus colored has, until within a few years, been prohibited in France. It is true the law has been a dead letter, but it has none the less been on the statute books. Of course, the pro- hibition has not been a pleasing one for the canners, and they have been persistent in their efforts for its abolition. This, however, they were not able to secure from the government for many years in spite of the influence which so great an industry must necessarily have had. Anx- ious to please them, the Government has appointed commission after commission of scientific men to investigate the copper question with a view to rescinding the prohibition, should these investigations show just ground for such action. Uniformly, up to 1889, however, these commissions reported adversely, and the Government could not take the desired action. In all, the struggle between the scientific Dr. Jekyll and the commercial Mr. Hyde in France lasted nearly half a century before culminating in the victory of the latter. The history of the con- test is an interesting one. In Paris, a police ordinance,' dated February 28, 1853, prohibited the use of vessels and salts of copper in the preparation of food. In 1860 the Comity consultatif d'hygiene publique on the report of a committee composed of MM. Bussy, Ville, and Tardieu, recommended that this local law be made applicable to all France. The report in substance, read as follows : ^ The fact of the iutroduction of copper salts into preserved greeu vegetables and fruits has been proved. Though the amounts present are not sufficient, generally 'Recueil des trav. du Comit«S consultatif d'hygiene puhlicjuo, 1875, 358. "Gautier. Conserves alimentaircH reverdies au cuivre. Aim. d'hyg. publ., 1879, •. 3, 1, 14. COPPER-GREENING IN FRANCE. 1047 speaking, to produce serious accideuts, yet the additiou of au emineutly poisouous substance to food, in indeterminate proportions, constitutes a danger which can not be ignored and which the Government should not tolerate. The committee does not hesitate to condemn the use of vessels and salts of copper for preserving fruits and leguminous foods. This resulted in a ministerial decree, dated December 20, 1860, car- rying tbis recommendation into effect February 1, 1801.^ It read as follows : In consideration of the fact that the employment of vessels of copper, or the addi- tion of copper salts, in preserving fruits and legumes, presents danger to the public health, and in consideration also of the fact that the prohibition of this practice, which is rendered necessary to protect the health of the consumers, will not be injurious to the welfare of the industry, inasmuch as other greening methods exist: 1. Manufacturers are forbidden to use vessels or salts of copper in the preserva- tion of preserved fruits or legumes intended for food. 2. Violations will be prosecuted before the courts aud punished according to law. This law, however, remained a dead letter for many years, though the Parisian police went through the form of buying and examining samples in 1869, 1872, 1873, and 1875, finding no copijer, however. In 1876 public and ofl&cial attention was once more called to the sub- ject. In that year Dr.Mic6 was commissioned by the prefect of the Gironde to investigate copper greening, a manufacturer having asked permission to put up copper-greened vegetables destined for export. The report* of Dr. Mice was unfavorable and permission was refused. About the same time P. Carles of Bordeaux examined a number of samples of canned vegetables for a Bordeaux merchant, who was anx- ious to send his customers in foreign countries only irreproachable goods and in whom the bright green color of the goods he had been selling had awakened suspicion. The examination showed that they contained copper in considerable quantities. From one can were ob- tained 49 mg of copper oxide, equivalent to 155 mg of the sulphate. The conclusion of M. Carles, however, was : As a can is ordinarily divided up among several persons, this quantity would not appear to present serious danger. In the same year ^ a manufacturer of canned foods called the atten- tion of the Parisian police to the fact that foods greened by copper were on sale in Paris, and stated that this was dangerous to health. The police bought 18 samples of the goods in question and submitted them to Pasteur for analysis. This chemist reported the presence of copper in 10 samples. hi his report (February 8, 1877) to the Conseil d'hygifene publique et de salubrite, he stated as follows : ' Brouardel, Ann. d'hyg., 1880, s. 3, 3, 198. 2Trav. du Conseil de salubrite de la Gironde, 1876; quoted by A. Chevallier, Rep. depharm. (Fr.), 1877, 5, 371. =» Ann. d'hyg. publ., 1880, s. 3, 3, 199. 1048 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. Tho presence or absence of copper in preserved peas can be readily ascertained by simple inspection. If tbo ^leas present the slightest green tint copper is present; if they are of a yellowish hue unmixed with green copper is absent. From my own observations, as well as from reliable testimony from another source, I can confidently state that, in the present state of the preserving art, it is impossi- ble to put up peas of a green color without recourse to the salts of copper. The liquid surrounding copper-greened peas contains very little copper and the bulk of the metal is contained in an insoluble state in the peas, lying for the most part in the outer layers. In those samples examined which contained the most copper, the quantity did not reach one ten-thousandth (100 mg per kilo) of the weight of the peas, exclusive of the surrounding liquor. Dr. Galippe, in his study of the toxicity of the salts of copper, came to the conclu- sion that they were not poisonous. Granting that later experieuce confirms his re- sults, the government should none the less proscribe the treatment of food with copper salts. He who asks for peas (petits pois) asks for a natural product of the vegetable world, from which copper is absent. Toleration of copper-greening should not be granted, save on the condition that the manufacturer and retailer legibly mark the packages coutainiug peas thus treated : " Peas greened by copper salts " ("conserves de petits pois verdis par les sels de cuivre "). In this case tol- eration amounts to prohibition, since it is not likely that the consumer would buy goods bearing this inscription. The Conseil adopted liis report at the meeting on February 9, 1877. M. Pasteur's letter was submitted to the minister of agriculture and commerce by the Paris prefect of i)olice, May 17, 1877, together with a statement from the president of the association of Parisian cauners, a M. Dumagnou, saying in effect,, that experience had demon- strated that copper in the quantities used was harmless and, secondly, that the rigorous enforcement of the law of February 1, 1861, by in- terdicting the practice of copper greening, would effect the complete ruin of the preserving industry. On receipt of this communication the minister laid the question be- fore the Comite consultatif d'hygiene, which appointed another commis- sion, this time composed of MM. Bussy, Fauvel and Bergeron. M. Bussy had been a member of the 1860 committee. On July 15, 1877, Bussy submitted a report, reaffirming the conclusions of the former com- missions. Abstracted the report reads as follows: ' The leading argument of the manufacturers who are using the copper process of greening peas is that tho consumers prefer those brands in which copper is used, and that this fact has forced the use of the process. Doubtless it is true that buyers prefer "green peas "but not "peas greened with copper sulphate," as is shown by the state- ment of the manufacturers themselves, that not a can would be sold, if it were so labeled. It is an adulteration by which the buyer is forced to take, contrary to his intentions, a food which he would regard as prejudicial to health if informed of its true character. Furthermore, it is contended that the amount used is not danger- ous, but who can answer for the innocuousuess of a possildy poisonous sul>8tance, administered daily for indefinite periods? Who can give a safe limit, taking into account varying ages, constitutions, and states of health of possible consumers f Grant that a limit could be fixed, would the manufacturers who have violated the existing law — a matter easily detected — be more likely to observe a law whose vio- ' Recueil des trav. du Cumit^ consultatif d'hygiene publique, 1877, 7, 302. COPPER-GREENING IN FRANCE. 1049 latioii would be far more difficult of detection? Who will answer for the mistakes and carelessness which pertain to every industrial process? From the point of view regarding public health, two considerations dominate all others: (1) salts of copper are iioisonous; (2) their addition imparts no useful qual- ity to the food, but only a factitious color intended to mislead the consumer. Even if there Avere no other methods of preparing these foods than this, this one would be inadmissible — but there are others. If those now known do not prove satisfactory, and the demand for green Vegetables should still continue, it is not too much to require of the science and industry of our packers that they should find a process for securing the desired results without the use of questionable means. So far from the practice tending to promote foreign commerce, it is injuring it. In England dealers are already being prosecuted for selling French peas. The sus- picion cast upon the products will, if perpetuated, certainly work only harm to our foreign trade. Can the Government, which, in the interests of foreign commerce and of the health of children, pushes its foresight so far as to forbid the sale of toys colored with poisonous pigments, sanction the staining of a common article of food with sulphate of copper? The report was accepted and the prohibition of the use of copper re- newed. M. Bussy again appears on tlie scene in the next year, 1878, as a member of another commission to investigate the copper question, his colleagues this time being MM. Wurtz and Gavarret. It appears that MM. Lecourt, a canner, and Guillemare, a professor of chemistry at Eheims, addressed a joint petition to the minister of agriculture and commerce. The substance of the document was that the petitioners had discovered a method of greening peas not depend- ent upon the use of copper salts, and wished the full rigor of the law brought to bear upon the other canuers who still used copper. Abbre- viating this petition it reads as follows:^ We have found a method capable of imparting to leguminous preserves the green color required by commerce, yet not involving any dangerous substance. The process is applicable on the large scale, is salubrious, and does not, like the present process, involve the salts of copper so justly prohibited by law. We demand in consequence that the administration, after ccmvincing itself of the value of the proposed process, in the interest not only of justice but of public hygiene, rig- orously enforce the laws against the employment of copper salts for greening vege- tables. Ought we, in the presence of a tolerance which jjermits our competitors to manu- facture vegetables greened by the inexpensive copper process — a practice which is, according to the Comite d'hygiene, a true fraud — ought Ave to perscA^ere in the use of a process which, under these conditions, is unprofitable and irksome? We think not. We beg the minister to submit our process of greening by chlorophyl to the Con- seil d'hygiene. We believe that our method would meet with approbation. We would further ask that the laAvs which regulate the matter of copper greening be rigorously enforced. The petitioners' process consisted in the addition to the vegetables to be greened of an alkaline solution of chlorophyl, preferably extracted from spinach. ' Recueil deu trav. du Comity consul tatif d'hygiene publique, 1878, 8, 366. 1050 FOODS AND POOD ADULTERANTS. The petition was referred by the minister to the Oomit6 whicli appointed the commission just named. A report was rendered December 30, 1878. The result of its deliberations may be summed up as follows: The process submitted by MM, Lecourt and Guillemare gives satisfactory results, and from a hygienic standpoint is free from the objections which have been urged against the use of copper and its salts. Howeve^, while awarding commendation to the petitioners, the commission regard it as desirable that the Comit6 should express the opinion that, no matter how inof- fensive the means employed, it is desirable that the manufacturers renounce all artificial methods of coloring. It is believed that the public would prefer vegetables of good quality with their natural color to those presenting the seductive green which could be a means of concealing inferior quality. This progress in the methods of food preserving, however, furnishes a further rea- son for a more vigorous enforcement of the laws prohibiting the nse of salts of copper for coloring vegetables. The commendation of the administration should be expressed to the petitioners for the service they have rendered public health. This was not altogether unmixed commendation. The next appearance of the question is due to MM. Bouchardat and Gautier, who were appointed a commission to investigate the general subject of the artificial coloring of articles of food and drink, and the dangers resulting therefrom, by the organizing committee of the Inter- national Congress of Hygiene, which met in Paris in 1878. That por- tion of their report as delivered to the congress which deals with the subject of artifi^cial greening of preserved vegetables is as follows:* The packing of canned vegetables may be called a French industry. Twenty to twenty-two million packages (demi-boites) of peas, green beans, flageolets, etc., are annually packed, 90 per cent of which are exported. Copper-greening of these vegetables has been in use for twenty-five to thirty years and is practiced by nine-tenths of the packers. It originated in the observation that vegetables cooked in copper kettles preserved their color. The copper absorbed is deposited in the outer layers of the vegetables, forming a blue albuminate. The color of this deposit, mixed with the yellow produced by the cookery in the vegetable, forms the green tint so much desired. We believe that copper acts largely by virtue of its antiseptic and antifermenta- tive properties, opposing the action of diastase which would tend to destroy the chlorophyl. To confirm this wo may cite the fact that metals giving colorless albnminates also preserve the color. This is true with zinc and mercury. Legumes preserved by the copper process always contain this metal, sometimes iu notable quantities and sometimes in mere traces. Nine-tenths of the preserved green vegetables sold in France or foreign countries are greened by copper. The process is in use at present in Germany, Italy and Spain. By virtue of a general understanding, every can of legumes sold in I^auce and not bearing the inscription " Legumes au naturel " is known to be greened with copper. There are, however, other processes in use. Coloring by a lake of chlorophyl is one, the process in which lime sucrate is used is another, the Garges method a third, and, iinally and lastly, zinc salts are some- times used. ' Comptes rendns stenog. Cougres Interuat. d'hyg., tenu £ Paris, 1-10 a6ut, 1878; Paris, 1880, [10], 1, 501. COPPER-GREENING IN FRANCE. 1051 In the first-named process, chlorophyl is extracted from spinach or nettle with caustic soda, precipitated in the form of a lake by potash alum, this dissolved in sodium phosphate and the legumes plunged into the hot solution, from which they take up the coloring matter. This process was patented in 1876 by MM. Lecourt and Guillemare, who amended it in February, 1877, by proposing to replace the alum by soluble lime and magnesium salts. Coloring by this process is irregular. Some packages contain legumes which are of a good green color, but with others this is not the case. Furthermore, the vegetables thus prepared have lost their own delicate flavor to assume that of the nettle or, worse, that of the spinach, Avhich served as a source of chlorophyl. Besides all this the method is long and delicate and difficult of execution. Again, the goods do not keep well, and the cans are liable to explode, from internal fermentation. The calcium sucrate method was patented August 8, 1877, by MM. Possoz, Biardot, and Lecuyer. They add to the can, before the final cooking, a liquid composed of 100 parts water, 3 parts sugar, 1 part sea salt, and 0.4 parts lime, with the idea of precipitating a comparatively stable lime lake in the tissues of the vegetable. The process gives variable results and has yet to stand the test of time. The color of goods thus preserved is yellowish green. Garges' patent was taken out September 4, 1877. He treats the vegetables first with sodium carbonate, then with alum. The results are unsatisfactory. The zinc process is still kept a secret, but in principle it consists in substituting zinc chlorid for the copper sulphate used in the common process. It is in use by one of the large factories. Vegetables treated by it assume a green tint or a natural yellowish green, but they do not assume the French green, which the consumer unhappily associates with these goods. This method of greening in our opinion should be suppressed, since zinc is a substance whose presence in food in quantities as large as those in which copper is customarily employed, can not be tolerated without risk to public health. The liquor which surrounds the canned green peas, beans, etc., ordinarily con- tains no copper. In some factories, however, it is a custom to add a little copper sulphate to it, which is a reprehensible practice. The copper in the legumes is not soluble in boiling water, but if artificially digested, copper passes into solution. A part of the copper dissolved in digestion is absorbed and part passes into the excrement. It is necessary to consider the effect of the introduction into the system of small and repeated doses of a metal reputed to be dangerous. In France, the Conseil d'hygiene, consulted upon this point, has not hesitated to condemn the use of copper salts, and the administration has accordingly taken measures to pre- vent it. The salts of copper are poisonous : they are violent emetics. It is not easy, how- ever, to poison an animal capable of vomiting. Numerous experiments' show that a dog or even a man can swallow daily several grams of acetate, sulphate, phosphate, or iodid of copper without experiencing any greater discomfort than a temporary colic or fit of vomiting. However, it is not known whetlier small doses taken daily can cause even these slight symptoms. Copper colic is described by some writers, admitted in rare cases by others, and by most authors totally denied. To-day it may be said that it is admitted to be an unimportant phenomenon. Workers in copper absorb the metal directly by contact and also in the state of dust. Often they become so saturated with it that their eyes are turned green and the urine contains it. Galippe and his family lived for more than a year on foods prepared in copper vessels and suffered no bad results. It would seem that in doses in which the metallic taste is not perceptible and in which there is no emetic action the ingestion of copper salts leads to no immediate inconvenience ; but it also seems that a longer experience and more rigorous observa- iToussaint, Bui. th6rap., 55, 237. Galippe, Theses de Paris, 1875. 1052 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. tion of statistics is necessary before the absolute innocuoasness of oft-repeated small doses can be declared. It appears a logical conclusion that the introduction of cop- per in the greening process is to be viewed with suspicion, and therefore prohibited ; but this conclusion would have less weight were it shown that copper existed in equal quantity in any of the usual foods of which experience has shown the inuocuousness. The quantity of copper found by different chemists in various samples of peas, beans, etc., varies widely, running all the way from 20 to 222 ing of copper per kilo, this being a tolerably wide range. In many instances more was found than was requisite for coloring purposes. The results would probably have reached a higher figure had "haricots verts," "ecossdes," or " flageolets" been added to the list of those samples examined. The variations may be partly due to the different absorbent powers of the different vegetables. It is also due in part to the blame- worthy practice of some cauners of introducing a small quantity of copper sulphate into the liquor in the can just before sealing. Pasteur found a maximum of 100 mg of copper per kilo of vegetables (after pouring off the juice); Bussy found 10 mg; Galippe, 60; and Carles, 210 mg. In the course of our own work on this subject we wished not merely to determine the copper, but also to answer the serious question whether lead is introduced into the animal economy by means of the tinning and solder habitually employed by the canners. In determining the heavy metals by the method adopted the dried substance mois- tened with nitric acid is carbonized in a platinum dish at a low temperature over a glass lamp and in a room free from floating dust. The char is tlien finely ground and treated with water acidulated with nitric acid. The carbon filtered off is easily burnt at a low red heat. The filtrate and washings are evaporated to drj-ness. They do not generally contain any copper. To this residue is added the ash resulting from the burning of the carbon. The mixture is heated till no more nitric fumes are given off, burned, water added, boiled and cooled, and filtered after twenty-four hours. The lead and tin remain on the filter and the copper passes into the filtrate in the form of sulphate. This is easily precipitated with a two-cell Bunsen battery, the filtrate being rendered moderately acid. Wash at the end of forty-eight hours by successive dccantations and weigh as metallic copper. Lead remains as sulphate, tin as metastannic acid, on the filter. Boil the residue several hours with a, little crj'S- tallized barium hydrate. The lead passes into the state either of hydrate or of barium plumbate; tin becomes a stannate. Treat with hydrochloric acid, heat and filter through glass wool. Wash with boiling water, acidulated with hydrochloric acid, to extract all the lead chlorid, and mix the filtrate with boiling hydrochloric acid. From this solution tin and lead are precipitated by hydrogen sulphid. The sulphide are collected on a filter, washed with water charged with hydrogen sul- phid, and digested in a little dilute, tepid solution of alkaline polysulphid, which dissolves out the tin and leaves the lead. Precipitate the tin from the resulting solution by a few drops of acid and calcine the sulphid after having oxidized it with nitric acid to some extent. The residual lead sulphid from the separation is transformed into sulphate by nitric acid and weighed as that salt. The maximum amount of tin found was 71 mg; of lead 7.7 mg per kilo. It may be said of tin, as of copper, that its action on the animal economy is uncertain in such small doses, but in the case of lead, even the small portions found in the vege- tables examined must be regarded as a serious matter. The source of lead is gen- erally the solder. In making a tin can there are left three lines of solder, one at each end and another down the center of the can. Pieces of solder are also ofttm dropped in in sealing the can, and this increases the danger. This solder consists of two ]»art8 lead and one part tin. A further aggravation of the dangers existing from these sources is found in the employment of cheap tin plate, the cheapness of which is in direct ratio to the amount of lead found in the tinning alloy. COPPER-GREENING IN FRANCE. 1053 Action on this matter is strongly urged, and the following addition to the ordi- nance of 1853 (that relative to the use of copper vessels) is suggested : "The use of lead, of zinc and of galvanized iron is forbidden in the manufacture of articles destined to contain alimentary substances or for drinking vessels." The claims urged by the canners in defense of the practice of coppering may be summed up : The practice has existed 28 years ; it is used with 95 per cent of the legumes preserved and no accident has happened from their consumption in the his- tory of the industry. The laborers employed in the canneries consume them in large quantity for several months in the year with entire impunity. The consumers pre- fer green vegetables to those au naturel. The demand both at home and abroad for those brands prepared with copper almost to the exclusion of the others, proves that they are not only safe but more pleasing, and it is this demand which has little by little universalized the practice of greening. If the manufacturer does not put copper in, the cook will and it is better that it should be added under the strict sur- veillance which au extended industry demands than that it should be left in incom- petent hands. The addition of too much copper is impossible. The bad taste re- sulting from too large a dose furnishes sufficient guaranty against its use. It is true that legumes not coppered will keep indefinitely, but they gradually contract a slight taste of the can, become yellow in cooking, and are little sought for, France has almost exclusive control of the industry. Such are the principal arguments of the canners. As regards the consumption of coppered vegetables in the canneries by the work- men, those questioned by the commission denied that they ate the goods to any extent, averring that they soon acquire a distaste or even a repugnance for articles of food which they are called upon to handle so much. It is true that no accidents are recorded from the use of small quantities of cop- per. However, its effect is uncertain, and although modern work shows that it is infinitely less dangerous than has been supposed, yet the hygienist can not in the name of science declare it innocuous in every dose, nor pronounce otherwise than "if in doubt, abstain." As for the rest can any one answer for the ignorance and negligence of the work- men, the indifference of the canners, caprices, temptations, etc. ? Has it not just been shown that some introduce salts of copper or leave an excess of sulphate of cop- per in the liquor which bathes the legumes in the can? The consumer prefers them greened, it is said. These products are a luxury ; they are set ou the tables of the rich and in hotels and restaurants, where they can be made to pass for the fresh product. That is the secret of their demand. It does not follow that the consumer, even if he has learned to prefer green peas to yellow ones, should prefer them greened by copper. His satisfaction rests upon a deception — to say "green peas" is not to say "peas greened by copper." Greening offers no advantage in the process of pre- serving. If it preserves the aroma it slightly alters the taste. Nothing can hinder the greening industry from extending into Alsace-Lorraine, Italy, Greece, Spain, or any other country where the same vegetables are well and cheaply grown. The processes of greening with copper are no longer secret, but familiar in all their details. Only the perfection of the French products may enable a. large part of the ancient custom to be retained. It is for the manufacturers who do not use copper to make known by all means and especially by their labels the preference to be given to products prepared without the use of copper salts. Foreign nations are already aroused upon this point. In Germany, Switzerland and England, analyses are made and prosecutions commenced. Very soon the bouses and even the countries which practice the use of copper salts will find them- selves in bad repute. In conclusion, taking into account the quantity of copper existing in the animal organism and in many articles of daily food, sometimes in larger quantities than in copper-greened preserves ; considering that recent works seem to show that feeble 1054 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. doses of this metal are not dangerous, but that absolute innocuousness has not been shown for small but oft repeated doses ; interested as we are in the industry of pre- serving foods, an industry whose methods can not be completely transformed in a day ; we recommend, without approving the principle of greening with copper, to tolerate temporarily the use of copper up to a certain limit. This limit is placed at the smallest amount of copper which investigation has shown to be sufficient to impart the desired color. It appears to be 18 mg per kilo of peas or other vegetable taken without juice, or 6 mg per can (demi-bolte). The amount is slightly more than is found in farinaceous foods, but less than the amount contained in chocolate. It is advisable to prosecute canuers who use larger proportion of copper, or who use zinc or any other metal. It seems also advisable to allow this temporary and limited toleration in order to gain time for the investigation of new methods which can be successfully substituted for those in general use to-day. The introduction of lead solder into alimentary substances preserved in cans made of tin plate has given rise to poisoning. The custom is to be deplored. Manufac- turers are urged to substitute other means not involving the use of materials pro- scribed by law and not constituting serious danger to public health. The report of this commission was adopted by the Congress. In 1879 Gautier published a paper ^ which is substantially the same as the report just abstracted. On March 15, 1878, M. Pasteur reported* to the Paris prefect of police the results of the examination of twenty- five samples of canned veg- etables submitted to him. Six samples were found to contain copper. Prosecutions were instituted against the vendors of these samples and the matter laid before the procureur of the Republic. He submitted samples of the goods which had been seized to a commission composed of MM. Brouardel, Riche, and Magnier de la Source. They were in- structed to report as to the quantity present, to decide whether its presence constituted an adulteration, and if its presence was danger- ous to health of the consumer. This committee reported in substance as follows : ' Adulteration may be defined to be the addition to an article of food of a foreign substance for the purpose of fraud or gain. Fraud does not exist in this case, inas- much as the practice is sufficiently well known. The manufacturers whom we vis- ited cheerfully gave all desired information. The fact of the addition has been published by Galippe and Gautier, to the latter of whom it was communicjited in an official way by the president of the association of Parisian canners. How- ever, if it be not an adulteration it is certainly a violation of the law. In spite of the existence of the prohibitive regulations, the packing of copper- greened vegetables is a prosperous industry. Paris and its vicinage pack (yearly) 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 cans (demi-boltes), each holding about 300 grams ; Nantes and Brittany, 4,000,000; Bordeaux, 4,000,000 to 5,000,000; Angers, Le Mans, etc., 3,000,000 to 4,000,000; and Perigueux, Cahors, Agen, 2,000,000 to 3,000,000. In regard to the toxicity of copper salts, it may be said that it is almost impossible to take a dose large enough to produce death, both from their horrible taste and from the violent vomiting which they produce. In small quantities the taste is not • Des conserves alimcntaires reverdis au cui vre. Ann. d'hyg. publ., 1879, [3], 1, 5. » Brouardel, Ann. d'hyg. publ., 1880, [3], 3, 204. ^Loo.cit. COPPER-GREENING IN FRANCE. 1055 perceptible, and the salts are not only tolerated but absorbed. Workers in copper are often completely saturated with the metal, but do not suffer from it. Experiments on tlie animal and human subject have never given a worse result than vomiting or a temporary fit of colic. Copper normally exists in the human body. It gains entrance from various foods and drinks in the absence of all adulteration. It accumulates to a certain extent, but injury from this accumulation is unknown. In the samples submitted copper exists to an extent varying between 16 and 45 mg per kilo. In conclusion, we will state that the amount of copper sulphate in the samples sub- mitted to us does not constitute an adulteration, but that the presence of any copper whatever is illegal. The quantity found by us does not constitute a danger to health. As a result of this investigation the procureur directed that the suits against the retailers be dropped. A letter to the prefect of police rela- tive to the matter concludes, however, with the following words : Under the circumstances I submit to you the report of the expert committee, and beg of you to resubmit the question, if you think it advisable, to the Conseil d'hy- gi^ne. In accordance with this request the conseil formed a new committee of three, consisting of MM. Poggiale, Pasteur, and Brouardel. M. Pog- giale, however, died before the completion of the committee's labors. The committee' submitted a report, of which an abstract follows: The commission is of the opinion that the Government should not assume the responsibility of allowing the use of copper salts in food xmless the public be made aware of the fact. Discussion of the toxic effect of copper salts in this or that dose has been going on for a long time. Carefully conducted experiments have been made to show that copper salts are inoffensive and with apparent success. But all conclusions drawn from these experiments are applicable only to the circumstances under which they were conducted, and go only to show that this or that animal, this or that human being is insensitive to the action of copper salts. Generaliza- tions are dangerous. Similar answers must be made to the question of the propriety of allowing the use of benzoic acid, salicylic acid, and the like in food. There is but one way For the Government and French industry honorably to escape responsibility in this respect, and that is to require a frank declaration in each case where foreign substances are added to food. For instance, " Petits pois conserves par tel ou tel ingredient" (peas preserved with this or that substance). Manufacturers would be at perfect liberty to attach any explanation they desired in the nature of expert testimony as to the harmlessness of the substance used. Let the industry defend itself. It can not demand that the Government give it authority for such practices when such a concession would make the Government pronounce authoritatively upon questions of hygiene as yet unsettled by science. The commission recommends that the Government tolerate the artificial greening of peas upon the condition that on each package shall be legibly printed the namQ of the agent employed. The report was adopted by the Conseil. Evidently, however, this report did not cause universal satisfaction, since on February 2, 1880, the minister of commerce and agriculture ' Brouardel, rapporteur, Verdissage desjconserves alimentaires au moyen des sels de cuivre. Rapport de MM- Pasteur, Poggiale^ et Brouardel. Ann. d'hyg. publ., 1880, [3], 3, 193. 1056 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. once more appealed to the long-sufferiug Coraite consultatif d'bygiene relative to the copper question, transmitting copies of the report of Pasteur and Brouardel to the Conseil d'hygiene et de la salubrite de la Seine, and asking for an expression of opinion on it. He inclosed, further, a letter from the prefect of police to the same general purport. A commission consisting of Wurtz, Gallard, Girard, Brouardel, Chatin, and Eochard was appointed to deliberate on the subject. It was to consider whether it were possible to can leguminous vegetables, pro- ducing a salable article, without use of copper salts ; in what propor- tion copper salts were found in commercial goods and in what shape; and, lastly, if such quantities were dangerous to health. It reported, by Gallard, somewhat as follows : ^ Legumes preserved bj' Appert's process take a color disagreeable to the eye, and in spite of their excellent quality are not liked iu commerce. Greening artificially is almost a necessity. There are in Paris two canneries which impart to their goods a beautiftil green color without the aid of copper. In one of these greening is done with chlorophyl extracted from spinach. In the other the natural green of the peas is retained by a complicated process involving the use of lime sucrate, salt, soda, and sulphite of sodium. Analyses of samples from both factories were made, but in neither case was copper found. One of the largest of the Parisian canneries employing the copper process was visited. In this establishment 45 grams of copper sulphate are used with every 45 liters of small peas. The resulting peas on examination gave 270 mg of copper per kilo. From this it was calculated that 41.550 grams of the copper sulphate originally employed were absorbed by the peas and 3.450 grams remained dissolved in the water (120 liters) of the coppering bath. Copper in this great quantity was not found iu other goods furnished by this fac- tory. In these the copper descended to 170 or 180 mg, averaging about 175. Anal- yses of preserves from other factories gave approximately the same figures, being in one case 180 mg and in another 195. In these analyses (Chatin) the copper pres- ent in the peas alone was estimated, the surrounding liquor being poured off prior to the analysis. Other analyses, giving the copper present iu the total contents of the can (Wurtz), gave 45 to 60 mg of copper. Even after calculating for the water there is a difference between the two sets of figures. It is claimed that a very small quantitj'^ of copper (15 to 20 mg per kilo) is amply sufficient to give the desired hue. It is also said that quantities of copper very much in excess of that necessary to color properly would give an objectionable flavor. Leguminous preserves containing 195 and 270 mg of copper per kilo do not betray it to the taste. Not only is it a fact that the copper in vegetables artificially greened can pass the limit prescribed, but it is a fact that it usually does. It would be interesting to determine by actual experiment just what degree of saturation is possible and how the limit varies with the different vegetables. As to the nature of the compounds of copper contained in artificially greened veg- etables this is a matter of secondary importance. They are principally insoluble albuminates, capable of being changed in the digestive process into soluble salts, readily absorbed. Copper is not a cumulative poison like lead, and is not violently poisonous even in large doses, its action causing vomiting, colic and possibly diarrhea of a mild type. There is great doubt as to whether death has ever been caused by copper poisoning. This, however, does not ai)pear sufficient ground to the majority of the ^Seoueil des trav. da Comity consultAttf d'hygiene publique, 1881, 11, 362, COPPER-GREENING IN FRANCE. 1057 commission to cause it to admit the ]ierfectly harmless nature of the copper present in artificially greened vegetables. It is not possible to unreservedly admit the impossibility of mild bodily derangements arising from the long continued consump- tion of copper. The morbid troubles which all the world knows it may cause have appeared to constitute a danger sufficiently serious to awaken the solicitude of the Government. It is thought that the possibility of an error or accident in the fac- tory, allowing the entrance into the food of sufficient of the metal to injure the con- sumer, is a good reason for maintaining the proscription. Since there are at least two processes already known by which the desired green color may be imparted to legumes without the use of copper, the commission regards it as eminently undesirable to remove the prohibition now resting upon the employ- ment of copper and refuses to recommend the toleration, even to the amount of 18 mg per kilo, recommended as a compromise by the Hygienic Congress of 1878. It is objected that the new methods are insufficient, but the commission has exam- ined numerous samples of goods preserved by them, some of which had been kept in stock for a year, and is able to pronounce them eminently satisfactory. In order to judge correctly of the efficacy of various processes of preservation it is recommended incidentally by the commission that each package bear the date of packing. The minority in favor of the toleration of the use of copper salts suggests as a perfectly fair means of settling the question that it be required of each manufac- turer to describe his process on the label and leave to the consumer the responsi- bility of selecting. This, it is thought, however, would amount to a prohibition and would be difficult to enforce. The commission reports that, after having examined the documents submitted and established the possibility of producing preserves of the color desired without the use of copper, it is of the opinion that it is inadvisable to authorize the use of salts of copper in the preparation of foods. This conclusion was adopted by the Comity at the meeting of April 21, 1881. The reports of Brouardel and Pasteur also stirred up the Societe de medicine publique. This body decided to pass upon the subject and to that end formed a commission consisting of Brouardel, Bouley, De- caisne, A. Gantier, A. J. Martin, l!^apias, Proust, Eochard, E. Trelat, and Galippe, the last being reporter. The report received at the meet- ing of April 28, 1880, was in substance as follows :^ The report of Brouardel and Pasteur recommends that coppering be tolerated if the packages of food be legibly marked with a statement of the fact. Would the administration force a business man not only to reveal the secrets of his factory but stamp them on the goods offered for sale? Such an obligation could not be imposed on the packers. If the process is dangerous to health the Government can suppress it. But in the actual state of science it is impossible to prove that the health of the consumer is exposed to any risk whatever by the greening process as at present carried on. To advertise the presence of copper would be to ruin the canning industry, since a large part of the public still believes, in spite of expert testimony or in ignorance of it, in the toxic nature of copper and its salts. A can of peas contains 6 mg of copper. If eaten by three persons each consumes 2 mg of copper, which seems insignificant, since most people do not live upon peas exclusively. Furthermore, copper exists in the preserves in the form of insoluble ' Ann.d'hyg. publ., 1880, [3], 3, 531. 23368— :N^o. 13 4 1058 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. albuminates and ia ouly slightly assimilable. For twenty-eight years the custom of greening has been followed and there is no recorded accident. Many foods, notably chocolate, contain copper in larger quantities than greened preserves. The existence of lead in the tinning and solder of the cans is a much more serious danger, coming, as it does, into contact with the liquid contents. Since copper exists in the animal and in many useful foods, sometimes in larger quantity than in greened preserves ; since an experience of twenty-eight years fur- nishes no example of accident, and influenced by the interests of the canning Indus, try, it is resolved that there is no reason for interdictingthe process of copper green- ing so long as an established limit is observed. After a discussion between Drs. Eanse, Gautier, and Galippe the society unanimously adopted the report. The most ardent partisan of the absohite innocuousness of copper and its salts was Dr. L. M. V. Galippe, whose extended researches it can not be denied have shed much light on the toxic nature of copper, as well as furnished most powerful arguments for the interested canners. In 1875 he published in book form^ a study of the physiological action of copper salts. He concluded from experiments upon dogs that, apart from the temporary emetic, etc., eftect of large doses, these salts were not poisonous. In 1878 appeared his paper -^ on tlie use of copper vessels in cookery, in which he endeavored to show that no harm was to be apiireheuded from such use. His statements may be summed up as follows: The object of this paper is not to show that cookery performed in copper vessels is superior to any other, but that it is devoid of the dangers usually attributed to it. The prejudice against this metal has gone so far in the past that in Sweden, under Queen Christina, a statue was erected to Prof. Schoffer, who had been largely instrumental in securing a prohibition of the culinary use of copper pots and pans. For fourteen months I had all the food of my family booked in copper vessels, and my diet was as varied as possible. No tro uble was experienced by anyone, women, children, or visitors. If, however, there was no trouble there were certain incon- veniences. Food, especially fjftty articles, thus cooked readily turns green. This inconvenience, however, is purely optical. Certain other foods, particularly peas and beans, resting long periods in contact with copper, often absorb enough of the metal to give them a feeble metallic taste, capable of offending a delicate palate. Dr. T. M. Jenkins, United States Commissiouer to the exposition (Paris), was of the opin- ion that the glycerophosphoric acid contained in the yolk of an egg, was capable of forming a poisonous compound with copper. I therefore mixed milk and eggs in a copper pan and heated and stirred till the mixture was of the consistence of cream, and then allowed it to stand twenty-five hours. At the end of this time that part in contact -with the pan was green from the action of the air and sour milk on the metal. The general appearance of the mixture Avas by no means agreeable and its taste very far from being so. Nevertheless it was eaten and with no bad results. By legal enactment the tin for plating culinary vessels and the like is allowed to contain 5 per cent of lead. From such an alloy food when hot, especially if con- taining much salt, dissolves lead. Tin also goes into solution. Personally I prefer salts of copper to tliose of either tin or lead, and therefore prefer copper cooking utensils. ' I5tudes toxicologique sur lo cuivre et sea composes. Paris, 1875. « Ann, d'hyg. publ., 1878, [2], 50, 426. COPPER-GREENING IN FRANCE. 1059 On May 20, 1881, M. Tirard, the minister of agriculture aud com- merce, addressed a circular ^ to tlie prefects of police, calling their attention to the copper laws. Abstracted, it reads as follows : At this time, when the preparations for the season's packing of fruits and legumes are under way, I wish to call attention to the fact that the greening of these foods by means of salts or vessels of copper is formally prohibited. It is important that this prohibition be once more brought to the attention of the canners and retailers. They have lately obtained some opinions favorable to the copper process, but the Comity d'hygiene considering the question anew has decided that ib should not be allowed by reason of the danger which it may i)re8ent to pub- lic health. The Comit6 was influenced in demanding the continuance of the interdiction of the copper process by the fact that otlier processes exist which are in successful operation in large factories. Therefore I invite you to inform the packers and retailers of your department that they expose themselves to risk of prosecution if they green vegetables by means of copper. M. Tirard issued a further circular on June 28, 1882. It appears that retailers prosecuted under the instructions of the i^revious circu- lar had set up the successful defense that they were not mentioned in the law of 1860, which prohibited simply the use of copper in greening vegetables, and not the sale of such goods. This circular in substance read as follows : This interpretation is £|.gainst the spirit of the \a\f and against the interests of public health and can not be allowed. You [prefects of police] are therefore instructed to insert after (1) of the old law; "It is forbidden to all retailers or dealers to sell, or place on sale, preserves so prepared. " Probably as a result of the enforcement of the provisions of these circulars, though this is not shown by the accessible records, the sub- ject was once more brought before the Comit^,^ for in 1882 a fresh reiiort was submitted to it. M. Gallard was again reporter. He was evidently getting tired of the ceaseless protests of the canners, for his report was severe and to the point. It was as follows : Gentlemen, the question of greening preserved legumes is once more before the Comity, and we can not hope for the last time; for, however wise, however just the course which the Government will pursue as a result of our deliberations, it can not fail to injure certain interests, which will as usual unite in alleging persecution and demanding revision of our decisions. The Comity in 1881, as a result of most careful investigation, recommended the renewal of the prohibitions placed upon the cop- pering process twenty years before, the principal reason given being the discovery of satisfactory and harmless processes for obtaining the same results. This was not enough for the canners, who have fallen into the habit of using salts of copper and do not wish to change, finding the old process more convenient and somewhat more economical. Two of the members of the trade, desirous of satisfy- ing the requirements of the Government, have made the necessary sacrifices in seek- ing out a new process by which they can procure without salts of copper the green • Recueil des trav. du Comit6 consultatif d'hygiene publique, 1883, 13, 431 and 432. ^Recueil des trav. du Comite consultatif d'hygiene publique, 1882, 12, 270. 1060 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. - color whicli tlie customers insist upon, although it adds nothing to the nutritive quality of vegetables. The others have preferred to defy the law, alleging that con- formity to it would ruin a national industry. This argument, which must necessa- rily have weight with the statesmen in charge of commerce and industry, is a fla- grant error which we can not leave uncorrected. In our previous report (April, 1881) we have indicated processes now in use by manufacturers by which they are able to produce, without employing a particle of copper, legumes of a green color, apparently as well preserved as those containing copper. These canners, whose efforts the Government is desirous of encouraging, are as well worthy of considera- tion as those who have refused to conform to the law, and it would be as beneficial to the industry of the country to make their process general as it would be to remtomaincs. Speaking generally, it may be said that from a hygienic standpoint all unnecessary additions to food should be discouraged. The only benefit of the coppering process, inasmuch as taste, nutritive value, and digestibility remain the same, is the improved COPPER-GREENING IN GERMANY. 1071 appearance of the goods. No disadvantage is found iu the addition of the copper as long as the addition is a small one. If the amount be larger slight bad results may bo produced, but very bad results are not to be feared even with very careless work. In the opinion of the reporter 25 mg per kilo are insignificant from a hygienic point of view, but 100 mg are not altogether a matter of indifference. A line at which injury to health begins, however, can not be drawn. In making a final conclusion upon this point purely practical questions shoTild be considered, and it must be left to the technical expert to decide whether the commercial advantages of allowing the use of this substance overbalance the possible danger of the goods suffering discredit in the minds of those ignorant of the subject. It is, however, best to fix a low limit like 25 mg. It may be finally reiterated that hygienically there is nothing against the concession. DISCUSSION. In the subsequent discussion Mayrhofer spoke of the results of Tschirch. He further remarked that there was an opinion that copper was unnecessary, inasmuch as there were other non-injurious colors which could serve the same purpose. This was true for many substances, but not for canned foods. A coloring matter has been sold in Vienna for this purpose, but it did not resist the action of acids. Hilger remarked that in some investigations on marine animals he had frequently discovered copper. In some of the Tunicatie he had discovered 0.02 per cent copper (200 mg per kilo). In salt and fresh water crabs he had also detected it. Copper is a normal constituent of the human body. In the neighborhood of Treuchtlingen a a copi^er-poisoning case occurred. The patient ate some soup and died in a few hours. The soup contained a large amount of copper. A fatty soup standing in clean scoured copper vessels can absorb considerable metal. In one case this amounted to 0.163 per cent copper. Kayser remarked that, in discussing the presence of copper in preserved foods, it was irrelevant whether it was iu part of natural origin or all artificially added, He was of the opinion that the limit should be placed at 25 rag and that this limit should not be overstepped. Borgmann meutioned the danger of copper contamination from Bunsen burners in carrying out tests for the metal. Lehmann remarked that he had been on the watch for this danger, but had found no evil results from the ordiuary brass Bunsen burner. Von Kerschensteiuer said that it had long been known to physicians that copper was a normal constituent of the body, either in small amounts or iu larger accumula- tions. It is also a piece of familiar knowledge that occasionally copper exerts a poisonous action. It was, however, now evident that copper salts administered up to a certain amount were not injurious, and in the future cases of illness resulting from food which was found to contain coi^jjcr would be regarded in a different light. It is easily conceivable, however, that a small dose of copper administered in the form of one organic combination might have a different action from that of the same dose in another shape. Maximal allowable limits might be different for different substances. Kiimmerer inquired if the copper occasionally present iu mineral waters would be likely to exert a different action from that present in canned foods. Halenke thought caution and further knowledge were necessary iu taking a stand on the matter of maximum limits, in view of the great fear which had hitherto been entertained of copper. Kayser was of the opinion that the time had come to take a definite stand in the matter. Lehmann remarked that time was expensive, and that since 1818 .30 or 40 authors had hacdled the subject. Cuprophobia dated from the middle of the previous cen- tury, but he thought it was without foundation. As to the impression that one 1072 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. copper salt might have different action from another, he would say that he and pre- vious investigators had tried many salts, chlorid, sulphate, nitrate, acetate, buty- rate, oleate, stearate, succinate, albuminate and others, and iipon the whole the results agreed very well. He also stated that at one time Galippe had taken the trouble, to convince an American who cherished a conviction that copper glycero- phosphate was specially injurious, of cooking a complicated mixture of eggs and milk in copper vessels, allowing to stand and finally eating the unappetizing green mass. No injury had resulted. As to the idea that there might be a coiiperative action between the products of putrefaction and copper salts, this had been expressed by Dr. Pasch in 1850. In his opinion, this was not impossible. In the literature there were cases on record which were difficult of explanation without assuming an occasional abnormal toxicity for copper salts. These isolated and difficultly explain- able cases, however, should not deter from taking profit by the results of exact laboratory experience. He reiterated his conviction that there were no hygienic grounds against the toleration of 25 mg of copper to the kilo of preserves. Sendtner recalled the fact that the Italian Government had declared 100 mg allowable. Haleuke remarked, after the further explanation by Lehmann, that he thought the limit could be allowed, but only for preserved foods. Hilger said that it was time to settle the matter. Horman thought that it was of economic importance for the canning industry that the question be finally settled. A discussion now followed as to the exact form the resolution fixing a maximum limit should take. It was closed by the presiding officer calling upon Mayrhofer to present the resolution. Mayrhofer moved: "Judging by experience an amount of copper in preserved foods not exceeding 25 milligrams per kilogram is not to be viewed as injurious to health." The resolution was unanimously passed. In how far the views of the Bavarian chemists were biased on this point by their very evident desire to promote German commerce is a question hard to decide this side of the water. At all events, their reports give the use of copper in foods a decided "whitewashing." The Brunswick case alluded to occurred in 1891.' A Brunswick preserving firm used copper sulphate to green peas, and the authori- ties instituted legal proceedings against it. In the preliminary pro- ceedings, among other testimony it was stated that an adult would consume at a meal about 170 grams of peas, corresponding, in the case of the goods in question, to about 6.5 mg of copper at the highest, and that in this quantity copper as copper sulphate would not be at all dangerous, even in repeated doses. It was also stated that physicians frequently administer copper sulphate as an emetic in doses of 200 mg, and that the x)harmacopceia gave a gram as the maxinuim dose. As a result of this evidence the defendant was acquitted, the court stating that he had but exercised the ordinary mercantile right of beautifying (herausputzen) his goods. COPPER-GREENING IN ITALY. In 1892 the Italian Government ^ amended the food laws so that the section which had hitherto read that preserved gootis containing more » Chem. Ztg., 1891, 15, 49. "Ztschr. Nahr. Hyg., 1892, 6, 269. COPPER-GRKENING IN GREAT BRITAIN. 1073 thau 100 lug of copper per kilo were to be condemned, now reads that amounts of copper not exceeding 100 mg per kilo are to be allowed in green vegetable preserves. COPPER-GREENING IN GREAT BRITAIN. In England the practice of greening foods with copper has never been favorably regarded. In Accum's celebrated book " A Treatise on Adulteration of Food and Culinary Poisons, exhibiting the fraudulent adulteration of bread, beer, etc.," better known by its startling subtitle, "There is Death in the Pot," much attention was paid to the subject. It seems that the cook books then in vogue recommended cooking pickles and vegetables with half pence to insure their retaining their green color. This practice Accum strongly objected to. A great part of his book indeed was devoted to the contamination of food by copper, and he cites many cases of poisoning. He states on page 353 (second edition, London, 1820) that the senate of Sweden in 1753 prohibited copper culinary vessels, and ordered that none but such as were made of iron should be used in the Swedish fleet or armies. In 1851 the London Lancet founded a commission to investigate food adulteration in London, placing it in charge of A. H. Hassall. The investigation continued through the next three years, and the results were published in book form in 1855. Hassall found that the use of copper for greening vegetables was quite common. Ten samples of mixed pickles, 4 of gherkins, and 3 of pickled beans all gave good cop- l)er tests. Hassall characterizes these results as " simply fearful." He also found that 27 out of 34 samples of bottled fruits and vegetables contained more or less copper. With fruit preserves, marmalades, etc., 33 out of 35 showed the occurrence of copper. In almost all of the published prosecutions of English dealers for selling coppered peas convictions have been obtained. Public opinion appears to be strongly against the practice. In 1877 and 1878 much attention was paid to this matter The Ana- lyst for those years contains many articles on the subject. In 1890 the city authorities of Glasgow appointed a committee to investigate the subject, and their rei)ort has been published in pam- phlet form under the title, " Report on the Greening of French Vege- tables with Sulphate of Copper." This report gives a history of the practice in France and a discussion, and finally concludes : We are of the opinion that the process of regreening is essentially fraudulent in its intention and commercial results; that regreening with sulphate of copper cer- tainly does not make vegetables more wholesome — probably makes them less whole- some, and in some proportions always does so; that the public in purchasing pre- served vegetables should call for preserved vegetables free from salts of copper; that the local authorities, as guardians of the public health, ought to como to no understanding as to the sale of vegetables containing sulphate of copper, but hold themselves free to act according to the circumstances of the case and the scientific evidence to be had from time to time. 23368— No. 13 5 1074 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. This report was signed by the medical officer of health, James B. Kiissell; Peter Fyfe, sanitary inspector, and E. E. Tatlock and John Clarke, city analysts, and was dated September 17, 1890. Probably the market gardeners were not without influence in framing this report, as may be judged from the remark which also occurs in the report: * * * the cultivator of the genuine fresh green vegetables is grossly prejudiced hy the substitution for the produce of our market gardens of the last season's growth of foreign market gardens, colored so as to mislead the eye. There is a good deal of truth in this complaint. COPPER-GREENING IN THE UNITED STATES. The subject of coi)per- greened vegetables has never attracted much attention in this country. In 1889 and again in 1891, the Massachu- setts board of health caused analyses to be made of a large number of French preserved vegetables, and, finding copper, ordered cessation of their sale in the State. The reports are given on page 1159. For a number of years the Brooklyn board of healtli has paid some attention to the presence of coppered foods on the Brooklyn markets, and has published a number of reports from chemists and others on the subject. In the annual report for 1887 there is a history of the copper- ing practice, written by Dr. W. H. Kent. In 1885 dealers were forbid- den to sell pickles colored with copper (see page 1159). Shortly after the issuing of this prohibition a death occurred, alleged to be, according to the report of the board,i from the use of pickles so colored. The vic- tim was ]\Iiss Maggie Martin, of 97 Adelphi street, Brooklyn. The New Jersey dairy commissioner has also caused a number of analyses of imported canned vegetables to be made. Copi^er was dis- covered in many samples. (See page 1161.) Packers in the United States use the copper process to some extent. ANALYTICAL DATA. Samples Bought. All the samples whose analyses are recorded in this bulletin were bought at retail. Where it is not otherwise specified the samples were bought in Washington. A few were bought in towns in Florida, and a few in Schuyler, Nebr., the buying in both instancies being done by emi)loy^s of the Chemical Division of the Department of Agriculture. This was also the case with the samples purchased in this city. Full retail price was paid in each instance. No particular, eftbrt was made to i)rocure either old or fresh samples, it being desired to get samples fairly representing the character of the canned vegetables on sale. In the statements of the quantities of metallic contaminations found in these goods tlie amounts are invariably given as the number of milli- Annual report of Brooklyn Board of Health, 1885, 140. COPPER IN CANNED PEAS. 1075 grams of the metal iu question in a kilo of the material as it came from the can. In some cases calculations are given of the quantities con- tained in a single can, and in this instance also the figures refer to the Mliole contents of tlie can, not to the vegetables alone. PEAS. There were 81 samples of canned and bottled i)eas examined. Of these 43 were i)acked in this country and the remaining 38 were labeled or sold as being of foreign packing. All these foreign samples were French, with one exception, l^o. 10719, which came from Italy. In the subjoined tableare given the amountsof copjjer found in the French peas. The quantities of the metal given represent milligrams per kilo (parts per million) of the total contents of the bottle or can. This is the cus- tomary method of calculating, but in France anotlier is sometimes used by which the copper is estimated only in the peas, the surrounding liquor being poured off before the analysis. This is done on the assump- tion that all copper is present in the peas and that none exists in the surrounding liquor. Copper in French peas. No. Copper. No. Copper. No. 1 Copper. mg. No. Copper. mg. mg. mg. 10629' * 0.0 10724 78.0 10879 66.2 10894 65.8 10661 157.7 10870 •■' 0.0 10880 85.3 10895 55.5 10715^ 79.2 10871 21.9 10885 99.2 10896 24.6 10716' 42.7 10872 61.9 10886 31.0 10897 41.9 10717 15.8 10873 » 31.2 10887 ■« 71.8 10903 17.1 10718 35.4 10874 39.0 10880 83.5 10904 65.8 10720 131.2 10875 77.8 10890' 61.4 10907 28.3 107213 53.0 10876 34.8 10891" 127.4 10722 28.5 10877 73.1 10892 78.0 10723 28.0 10878 128.0 10893 « 84.6 ' Colored with zinc. •'' " Au naturel." 'Bore no label, but v/aa sold as French peas. *"X I'anglaise." It will be seen from an inspection of this table that copper was pres- ent in every sample, with two exceptions, Nos. 10629 and 10870. The former of these samples was undoubtedly greened by the zinc i)roces8 (see page 1051). The other when bought bore no label, but was sold as being " French peas." It may not have been packed abroad. In the other samples copper is present in amounts below Grimaux's proposed 18 mg limit in two cases. In the American peas copper is not nearly so common, and in few instances does it occur in quantities sufficient to warrant the assump- tion that it entered otherwise than through the use of copper utensils. The occurrence of copper in these samples may be tabulated as follows: 1076 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. Copper in American peas. No. Copper. No. Copper. No. Copper. No. 10900 Copjwr. 0.0 10625 51.0 10700 7.4 10711 20.9 10626 4.8 10701 29.1 10712 25.0 10901 0.0 10627 0.0 10702 0.0 10713 0.0 10902 15.1 10628 2.1 10703 :?5.o 10714 3.4 10905 0.0 10059 7.0 10704 19.1 10881 74.1 10906 0.0 10694 4.6 10705 0.0 10882 44.0 10980 6.4 10695 4.6 10706 11.4 10883 0.0 10981 40.0 10696 1.8 10707 7.3 10884 0.0 10983 0.0 10697 1.6 10708 56.6 10888 12.8 10984 0.0 10698 9.0 10709 0.0 10898 16.5 10985 20.4 10699 6.5 10710 10.8 10899 0.0 It will be seen from this table that 14 out of the 43 American peas were free from copper, 13 contained less than 10 mg and 5 more less than 18. In other words, there were altogether 32, which either contained no cop- per or contained it in an amount less than Grimaux's limit. The compa i..on between the American and French peas in this regard may be tabulated as follows : Copper ill American and French peas. Without copper Containing copper Containing copper, but les.s than 10 m Containing between 10 nnreservative found. The peas were very green, and contained 53.0 mg of copper per kilo. The packer evidently does not regard the " au naturel " recommenda- tion of M. Grimaux (page 1064) as a thing to be observed. There was no zinc and but little lead, though considerable tin. No. 10722. Petits pots fins. Dandieolle^- Gaudin, Bordeaux. This sample was bought from J. B. Bryan & Bro., 608 Pennsylvania avenue NW., at a price of 25 cents. The label was: "Petits pois fins. Dandicolle & Gaudin, Bordeaux." The can was corroded. No preservative was found. The peas were green and contained copper to the extent of 28.5 uig per kilo. There was no zinc. Lead and tin were present, the latter in the larger quantity. No. 10723. Petits pois extra fins. Gobelin Fils ^- C^", Bordeaux. This sample was bought from Beall & Baker, 486 Pennsylvania avenue, and cost 25 cents. The label was: "Petits pois extra fins. Gobelin Fils & C'«, Bordeaux, France. Conserves alimentaires de quality extra." The can bore a complicated design in the nature of a trade mark, rep- resenting a banner with the monogram '' G. F." and an eagle perched above. The can was corroded. No salicylic acid or other preservative was found. Copper was present to the extent of 28.0 mg per kilo. No. 10724. Petits pois. Tissei'and et Fils, Paris. This sample was purchased of Jackson &, Co., 626 Pennsylvania avenue NW., at a cost of 20 cents. The label was " Petits pois. Tisserand et Fils, Paris." The can was corroded. No preservative was found. The bright green color of the peas was due to the presence of a high amount of copper, there being present 73.0 mg per kilo or 35.6 mg per can. Lead and tin were present, but there was no zinc. No. 10870. No label. This sample was bought from William T. Davis, corner of Fifteenth and P streets NW., at a coat of 15 cents. It bore no label whatever, but was sold as containing French peas. The can showed a slight corrosion and the contents a slight green color. No copper or zinc was present, however. There was no pre- servative. No. 10871. Petits pois fins. Vve. Aubin-Salles, Nantes. This sample was bought of E. E. Berry, stand 1, Riggs Market, and cost 25 cents. The label was: "Petits pois fins. Vve. Aubin-Salles, Ville-en-bois, Nantes. Exploita- tion a proximit<^ de mes usiner de deux vastea fermea pour la culture et la gurautie de fraichenr des letit pois, haricots verts, etc, etc. Produits garanties." The can was but slightly corroded. Salicylic atnd was present. The peas, which were a faint green, showed 21.9 mg of copper per kilo. No ziuc or lead was found. LABELS OF PEA SAMPLES. 1085 No. 10872. I'etits pois fins. Couteau, Paris. This sample woi8 extra fins. E. Bu.liaix, Bordeaux. This sample was bought of John P. Love, 1534 Fourteenth street NW., and cost 35 cents. It was jmt uj) in a glass bottle with a lead top, and with nothing to intervene between the peas and the lead. It was labeled: "Petits pois extra flns. Eugene Du Eaix, Bordeaux. Conserves extra.'' The peas were very small and green. No preservative was found. There were 66.2 rag of copper per kilo, or 27.1) per bottle. There was no zinc or tin. Lead to the enormous amount of 35.2 rag per kilo, or 14.8 rag per bottle, was present. It was, of course, derived from the lead top. The use of this style of package displays the most flagrant disregard of the laws of hygiene. Goods thus preserved should not be allowed to enter our ports. It seeras incomprehensible that the health authorities of Bordeaux should alloAv the two Arms, Du Eaix and Dan- dicolle & Gaudin, to bottle food in this way. No. 10S80, Petits pois extra fins. Henri Lambert <^- Cie, Bordeaux. This sample was also bought of John P. Love, 1534 Fourteenth street NW., and cost 35 cents. It was labeled : " Petits pois extra fins. Henri Lambert &, Cie, Bordeaux, France." No preservative was found. These were very small green peas and contained much copper, 85.3 mg per kilo being found. This is equal to 35.7 mg per can. There was no zinc. Tin was present in some quantity, but there was no lead. No. loss 1. Peninsular brand June peas. W. C. Satterfield, Greensborough, Md. This sample was bought of John P. Love, 1534 Fourteenth street NW., for 15 cents. It was labeled: "Standard June peas, Peninsular brand. Packed by W. C. Satterfield, Greensborough, Caroline Co., Md." A scroll map of Greensborough and vicinity forms a part of the label. Noijreservative was found. These peas were large-sized and yellow in color, apparently having been mature at the time of packing. Not- withstanding their color, both roi)per and zinc were present and iu large quantity. Of the former there were 74.1 mg per kilo and of the latter 163.0 mg. There was a trace of lead. Comment on this sample is superfluous. No. 10882. Sifted earl !/ June peas. Jas. WalUne i^- Son, Cambridge, Md. This sam2)le was bought of John W. llardell, 1428 Ninth street, at the rate of 12^ cents per can. The label was: " Abbsco brand sifted Early June peas. Packed by Jas. Wallace jS: Son at Cambridge. Dorchester Co., Md. First quality." These peas were medium in size, but appeared to be mature. Not- withstanding the fact that they were yellow in color, copper to the LABELS OF PEA SAMPLES. 1087 extent of 44.0 iiig per kilo and zinc to that of 15.3 mg were present. Traces of tin and lead were also found. No, 10883. Early June peas. J. Ludington ^^ Co., Baltimore. This sample was bought from J. H. Hungerford, 1334 Ninth street NW. Price 18 cents. Label: "Early June peas, J. Ludington & Co., Baltimore.'' These peas were medium-sized and j'^ellow colored. They contained no preservative, copper, or zinc, and but. a trace of lead. No. 10884. Sifted early June peas. Chas. Laing t fni^. Geo. Cadeau ij- Cie. This sample was bought from John Keyworth, 318 Ninth street, and cost 30 cents. The label was: "Petits pois fins. Geo. Cadeau & Cie. Produits perfectiounds et garantis 1™ quality. All our goods are warranted to be prepared in their natural form without any adulteration what-so-ever." No preservative was found. The peas were small and covered with a thick .juice. Notwithstanding the guaranty of the packers, copper- ing had been practiced. The metal was present to the extent of 78.6 mg per kilo. There was no zinc, but lead was found. No. 10893. Pois a Vanglaise. S.Nicolas reservative was found. The peas were small and green colored and had been coppered. The amount of the metal found was 28.3 mg per kilo. There was no zinc or lead. No. 10980. Clymer early June peas. Mound City Preserving Co., St. Louis. This sam- ple was bought from Schuster & Knox, Schuyler, Nebr., aud cost 12i|^ cents. It was labeled "Clymer extra early June peas. Mound City Preserving Co., St. Louis, Mo." The peas were large, yellow, soft, and of a slimy appearance. They contained no preservative which could be detected, but there was a little copper, 6.4 mg. No zinc was found, nor was lead. Tin to the amount of 23.9 mg per kilo was present. No. 10981. White marrowfat peas. Curtice Bros. Co., Rochester, N.Y. This sam- ple was bought of O. Nelson, Schuyler, Nebr., and cost 30 cents. The label read: ''White marrowfat peas. Curtice Brothers Co., Rochester, N. Y., U. S. A. We guarantee the contents of this can to be of extra quality and packed at Rochester, Monroe Co., New York, U. S. A., Cur- tice Brothers Co., preservers. All goods under this label are of our own packing and are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Our fruits and vegetables are grown in this immediate vicinity especially for our wants." No preservative was found. The peas were large and yellow, pre- sented a slimy appearance and were somewhat soft. In spite of their color copper to the extent of 40 mg per kilo was present. There was no zinc or lead, but tin to the amount of 33.2 mg per kilo was detected. No. 10983. White marrowfat peas. H. F. Hemingway if Co., Baltimore. This sam- ple was bought from Towle & Morian, Schuyler, Nebr., and cost 15 cents. The label read: "White marrowfat peas. Packed by H. F. Hemingway & Co., Baltimore. First quality." The peas were large and yellow, soft and slimy looking. No preserv- ative or copper could be found. Lead and tin were present in about the proportions to form solder. No. 10984. Morgan brand green peas. Cicero Canning Co., Chicago. This sample was bought from A. M. Parsons, Schuyler, Nebr., and cost 20 cents. It was labeled : " Green peas, the Morgan brand. Cicero Canning Co., Chicago, U. S. A." Preservatives, copper, zinc, and lead were absent. Tin was present in solution. The peas were large, yellow, soft, and covered with a mucilaginous substance. 1092 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. No. 10985, White marrowfat peas, Bafaria Preserving Company, Batavia, X. T. This sample was bought from A. M. Parsons, Schuyler, Nebr., and cost 20 cents. The label read: "White marrowfat peas. Batavia Preserving Co. Packed at Batavia, Genesee Co., N. Y. All goods bearing this trade mark are guaranteed to be of the finest quality. Packed by the Batavia Preserving Co., at Batavia, Genesee Co.,. N. Y. In packing the Batavia brand we employ the most experienced labor and have adopted the most modern machinery. The fruits are received daily from the growers, fresh from the field, consequently retain when packed all their natural flavor, as nothing but pure granulated sugar is used in the pre- serving process. - The vegetables are packed with equal care, being brought daily from the field as rapidly as they have sufficiently matured thereby giving them freshness. After opening, empty contents of can into colander, straining ofi" liquid before using." The peas were large, yellow, hard, and apparently fresh. No pre- servatives were found. Copper, to the extent of 20.4 ing per kilo, was found. Peas — Weiglfts. Serial No. Price per pack- age. Weight of full pack- age. Weight] of pack- age. Total con- tents. Peas. Weight of dry matt«r. Dry matter. Water. 1 Cents. Grams. Grams. Grams. Grams. Grams. Per cent. Per cent. 10625 20 707 122 585 84.2 14.40 85.60 10626 30 466 94 372 42.7 11.47 88.53 10627 20 716 135 581 85.7 14.75 85.25 10628 25 691 107 584 74.2 12.71 87.29 10629 30 492 98 394 47.5 12.05 87.95 10659 25 701 119 582 75.0 12.89 87.11 10661 30 493 87 406 43.1 10.62 89.38 10694 12i 716 134 588 490 117.8 20.03 ' 79.97 10695 12 687 119 568 374 94.4 16.62 83.38 10696 12 711 121 590 385 102.' 8 17.43 82.57 10697 13 716 118 599 360 92.4 15.42 84.58 10698 14 690 119 571 401 99.8 17.48 82.53 10699 14 714 120 594 370 92.3 15.54 84.46 10700 11 698 117 581 363 89.4 15.38 84.62 10701 14 695 121 574 387 105.4 18.36 81.64 10702 10 704 124 580 401 74.2 12.80 87.20 10703 18 742 132 610 398 102.7 16.84 83.16 10704 10 690 130 560 540 125.5 22.41 77.55. 10705 12 711 136 575 453 106.2 18.47 81.53 10706 15 685 119 566 385 94.7 16.74 83.26 10707 15 712 124 588 399 85.5 14.54 8.5.46 10708 13 702 130 572 353 89.5 15.64 84.36 10709 10 751 121 630 421 120.9 19.10 80.81 10710 15 705 128 577 375 97.1 16.40 83,51 10711 12 773 143 630 620 121.0 19.21 80.70 10712 10 723 124 599 360 96.9 16.17 83.83 10713 16 707 110 588 393 101.5 17.27 82.73 10714 18 686 117 560 351 62.2 10.04 89.06 10715 30 524 90 434 271 44 4 10.22 89.78 10710 25 530 93 437 283 57.8 13.23 86.77 10717 19 523 105 417 282 56.5 13.55 86.45 10718 20 496 100 306 268 57.3 14.46 »■<. 54 WEIGHTS OF PEA SAMPLES. Peas — Weights — Coutiuiied. 1093 Serial No. Price per pack- age- Weight of full pack- age. Weight of pack- age. Total con- tents. I'eas. Weight of dry matter. Dry matter. Water. Cents. Grams. Orams. Orams. Orams. Qrams. Per cent. Per cent 10719 15 531 114 418 272 49.1 11.74 88.26 10720 15 524 104 420 282 62.7 14.92 85.08 ! 10721 30 524 93 431 293 42.7 9.90 90.10 10722 25 517 90 427 274 46.5 10.89 89.11 10723 25 490 85 405 309 48.8 12.04 87.96 10724 20 579 91 488 370 89.4 18.31 81.69 10870 15 515 ' 107 408 280 61.1 14.97 85.03 10871 25 513 95 419 283 51.5 12.29 87.71 10872 18 511 105 406 266 49.3 12.15 87.95 10873 18 529 103 426 301 48.2 11.32 88.68 10874 15 527 89 438 289 67.2 15.34 84.66 10875 25 521 89 432 285 56.9 13.18 86.82 10876 12 510 94 416 283 67.2 16.16 83.84 10877 35 509 85 424 297 46.4 10.95 89.05 10878 20 .523 86 437 285 77.8 17.80 82.20 10879 35 811 390 421 263 32.8 7.78 92.22 10880 35 517 99 418 313 41.7 9.98 90.02 10881 15 734 120 614 384 110.3 17.97 82.03 10882 124 740 127 614 327 87.9 14.32 85.68 10883 18 731 126 605 390 100.7 16.65 83.35 10884 20 695 120 575 339 81.0 14.08 85.92 10885 40 800 352 448 303 44.3 9.89 90.11 10886 25 529 95 434 294 50.6 11.67 88.33 10887 25 522 99 423 308 63.5 15.02 84.98 10888 15 736 135 601 566 132.3 22.01 77.99 10889 16 514 85 429 290 69.8 16.27 83.73 10890 25 505 86 419 275 46.8 11.18 88.82 10891 30 509 100 409 294 45.6 11.15 88.85 10892 30 526 95 421 289 65.2 15.49 84.51 10893 16 520 99 421 301 65.6 15.59 84.41 10894 25 544 104 440 292 43.7 9.94 90.06 10895 20 550 104 446 299 42.9 9.62 90.38 1089G 16 513 90 423 280 35.7 8.45 91. 55 10897 35 754 325 429 280 36.3 8.46 91.54 10898 25 709 123 586 378 73.8 12. 59 87.41 10899 30 710 116 594 393 65.8 11.07 88.93 10900 12i 706 130 576 352 41.8 7.26 92. 74 10901 15 725 137 593 468 124.8 21.05 78.95 10902 15 707 125 582 364 87.9 15.10 84.90 10903 20 510 99 412 258 64.2 15.59 84.41 10904 25" 510 85 413 284 40.0 9.69 90.31 10905 13 722 125 597 363 91.3 15.29 84.71 10906 12i 710 124 587 472 122.5 20.93 79.07 10907 4U 781 350 431 283 44.5 10.33 89.07 10980 m 715 119 590 373 109.1 18.31 81.69 10981 124 722 131 641 474 124.3 19.39 80.61 10983 15 750 122 628 390 118.8 18.91 81.09 10984 20 740 147 599 553 135.0 22.54 77.46 10985 10 820 125 695 370 126.4 18.18 81.82 1094 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. Peas. Serial No. Wator. Total dry matt«r. Ether ex- tract. Crude fiber. Ash. Salt. Cor- rected ash. Nitro- gen. Albu- mi- uoids. Diges- tible albu- mi- noids. Carbo- hy- drates. Per ct. Peret. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Perct. Per ct. Perct. Perct. 10625 85. CO 14.40 .442 1.228 .600 .241 ,419 .559 3.489 3.288 8.581 10C26 88.53 11.47 .195 .919 1.394 .644 .750 .380 2.375 1.857 6.587 10627 85.25 14.75 .215 1.081 1.127 .736 .391 .562 3.513 3.282 8.814 10628 87.29 12.71 .188 1.144 1.014 .636 .378 .534 3.340 3.012 7.024 10629 87.95 12.05 .219 1.202 ■.727 .310 .417 .512 3.200 3.011 6. 703 10659 87.11 12.89 .205 1.177 .731 .322 .409 .579 3.619 3.256 7.158 10661 89.38 10.62 .137 .749 1.109 .768 .341 .461 2.881 2.757 5. 744 10694 79.97 20.03 .208 1.126 .567 .024 .543 .795 4.909 4.312 13.160 10695 83.38 16.62 .203 1.171 1.218 .686 .532 .608 3.800 3.544 10. 228 10696 82.57 17.43 .235 1.121 1.685 1.164 .521 .579 3.019 3.280 10. 770 10697 84.58 15.42 .239 1.238 1.408 .948 .460 .577 3.606 3.306 8.929 10698 82.53 17.48 .267 1.381 1.332 .241 1.091 .694 4.338 3.964 10. 162 10699 84.40 15.54 .205 1.205 1.455 .987 .468 .546 3.413 3.113 9.202 10700 84. 62 15.38 .289 1.524 1.164 .675 .489 .618 3.863 3.505 8.540 10701 81.64 18.36 .301 1.324 1.439 .905 .534 .599 3.744 3.448 11. 552 10702 87.20 12.80 .241 1.157 1.355 .937 .418 .490 3.063 2.781 0. 984 10703 83.16 16.84 .253 1.465 1.206 .628 .578 .542 3.388 2.950 10. 538 10704 77.59 22.41 .303 1.277 1.414 .840 .574 .892 5.575 5.040 13.841 10705 81.53 18.47 .281 1.094 .826 .323 .503 .700 4.375 3.971 11.894 10700 83.26 16.74 .291 1.250 .793 .288 .505 .658 4.113 3.611 10. 293 10707 85.46 14.54 .237 1.170 .935 .438 .497 .571 3.569 3.117 8. 023 10708 84.36 15.64 .280 1.334 .956 .491 .405 .024 3.900 3.544 9.170 10709 80.81 19.19 .359 1.341 1.128 .564 .504 .637 3.981 3.675 12. 381 10710 83.51 16.49 .305 1.321 1.243 .947 .290 .510 3.188 2.749 10. 433 10711 80.79 19.21 .254 1.385 .930 .354 .570 .672 4.200 3.861 12. 441 10712 83.83 16.17 .285 1.015 1.505 1. 119 .380 .534 3.338 3.066 10. 027 10713 82.73 17.27 .347 1.285 1.154 .794 .360 .611 3.819 3.366 10. 00.") 10714 89.00 10.94 .211 1.000 .926 .563 .363 '.472 2.950 2.601 5.853 10715 89.78 10.22 .078 1.100 1.006 .724 .282 .380 2.375 2.183 5.001 10716 86.77 13.23 .069 1.283 1.058 .708 .350 .517 3.231 2.989 7.589 10717 86.45 13.55 .009 1.101 .865 .501 .304 .508 3.175 3.007 8.280 10718 85.54 14.46 .122 1.491 .596 .192 .404 .571 3.569 3.337 8.082 10719 88.26 11.74 .105 1.159 .984 .649 .335 .458 2.803 2.520 6.629 10720 85.08 14.92 .118 1.308 .947 .567 .380 .549 3.431 3.087 9.116 10721 90.10 9.90 .056 1.155 1.153 .800 .287 .396 2.475 2.219 5.062 10722 89.11 10.89 .142 1.158 1.044 .735 .309 .387 2.419 2.254 6.127 10723 87.90 12.04 .117 1.240 1.139 .701 .438 .543 3.394 3.085 0.150 10724 81.09 18.31 .203 1.434 1.011 .400 .551 .052 4.075 3.073 11.587 10870 85. ('3 14.97 .084 1.184 1.392 .494 .898 .591 3.094 3.307 8.612 10871 87.71 12.29 .232 1.124 l.OftO .656 .424 .486 3.038 2.716 6.817 10872 87.95 12.15 .067 1.035 1.244 .874 .370 .459 2.809 2.477 6.935 10873 88.68 11.32 .207 .943 1.477 1.083 .394 .445 2.781 2.547 5.912 10874 84.66 15.34 .106 1.338 1.454 1.034 .420 .523 3.269 3.064 9.173 10875 86.82 13.18 .082 1.355 1.446 1.099 .347 .456 2.844 2.678 7.453 10876 83.84 16.10 .092 1.353 1.130 .646 .484 .561 3.506 3.255 10. 079 10877 89.05 10.95 .204 1.043 1.246 .906 .340 .445 2.781 2.452 5.070 10878 82.20 17.80 .132 1.260 .990 .336 .054 .703 4.394 4.112 11. 024 10870 92.22 7.78 .089 .550 .916 .693 .223 .293 1.831 1.584 4.388 10880 00.02 9.98 .202 .840 1.005 .640 ..305 .447 2.794 2.639 5.139 10881 82.03 17.97 .428 1.236 1.438 .819 .610 .739 4.600 4.146 10.628 10882 85.68 U.82 .295 1.229 .762 .278 .474 .569 3.494 3.263 8.560 ANALYSES OF PEAS. Peas — Continuetl. 1095 Serial No. Water. Total dry matter. Etlier ex- tract. Crude liber. Aftli. Salt. Cor- rected anh. Nitro- gen. Albu- mi- noids. Diges- tible albu- mi- noids. Carbo- hy- drates. Per ct. Per ct. Perct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. 10883 83.35 16.65 .313 1.380 1.129 .663 .466 .666 4.163 3.676 9.665 10884 85.92 14.08 .244 1.250 1.276 .794 .482 .591 3.694 3.475 7.616 10885 90.11 9.89 .175 .878 1.174 .920 .254 .381 2.381 2.122 5.282 10886 88.33 11.67 .099 1.083 1.458 1.127 .331 .434 2.713 2.383 6.317 10887 84.98 15.02 .125 1.514 1.084 .671 .413 .668 4.175 3.756 8.122 10888 77.99 22.01 .372 1.279 2.009 1.299 .710 .869 5.431 5.062 12. 919 10880 83.73 16.27 .119 1.058 1.095 .514 .581 .075 4.219 3.871 9.779 10,ii90 88.82 11.18 .142 1.195 .845 .493 .352 .468 2.925 2.637 C.063 10891 88.85 11.15 .226 1.130 .929 .564 .365 .498 3.113 2.801 5.752 10892 84.51 15.49 .136 1. 293 .976 .514 .462 .626 3.913 3.572 9.173 10893 84.41 15.59 .273 1.381 .950 .539 .411 .658 4.113 3.748 8.875 10894 90.06 9.94 .212 .961 .519 .210 .309 .459 2.869 2.589 5.379 10895 90.38 9.62 .177 .888 .564 .259 .305 .447 2.794 2.555 5.197 10896 91.55 8.45 .154 .952 .341 .169 .172 .423 2.644 2.263 4.359 10897 91.54 8.46 .082 .737 .928 .638 .290 .361 2.256 1.822 4.457 10898 87.41 12.59 .218 1.190 .953 .533 .320 .551 3.444 3.112 6.785 10899 88.93 11.07 .183 1.063 .930 .496 .434 .547 3.419 3.085 5.475 10900 92.74 7.26 .166 .464 .604 .388 .216 .263 1.644 1.498 4.382 10901 78.05 21.05 .324 1.380 1.271 .562 .709 .808 5.050 4.564 13. 075 10902 84.90 15.10 .221 1.147 1.643 1.128 .515 .631 3.944 3.520 8.145 10903 84.41 15.59 .158 1.249 1.433 .737 .696 .670 4.188 3.837 8. 562 10904 90.31 9.69 .093 1.049 .869 .562 .30(r .417 2.606 2.290 5.073 10905 84.71 15.29 .258 1.193 1.395 .914 .481 .610 3.850 3.410 8.594 10906 79.07 20.93 .316 1.421 1.482 .980 .502 .856 5.350 4.908 12. 3G1 10907 89.67 10.33 .036 1.057 1.109 .853 .250 .407 2.544 2.369 5.584 10980 81.69 18.31 .353 1.285 1.298 .712 . 586 .776 4.850 4.493 10. 524 10981 80.61 19.39 .376 1.183 1.413 1.068 .345 .787 4.919 4.469 11. 499 10983 81.09 18.91 .399 1.142 1.276 .834 .442 .749 4.681 4.272 11. 412 10984 77.46 22.54 .401 1.267 1.413 .830 .577 .978 6.113 5.700 13. 346 10985 81.82 18.18 .342 1.345 1.062 .649 .413 .809 5.038 4.601 10. 393 1096 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. Peas — Calculated to dry substance. Serial No. Ether extract. Crude fiber. Ash. Salt. Cor- rected ash. Nitro- gen. Albumin- oids. Digesti- ble albumi- noids. Percent di^^^ti- Carbo- hy- drates. Per cL Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Perct. Por ct. Per et. 10625 3.07 8.51 4.58 1.67 2.91 3.88 24.25 22.83 94.15 59.50 10626 1.70 8.01 12. 18 5.01 6.57 3.31 20.69 16.19 78.25 57.42 10627 1.46 7.33 7.64 4.99 2.65 3.81 23.81 22.25 93.45 50.70 10628 1.48 9.00 7.98 5.00 2.98 4.20 26.25 23.70 90.20 55.20 10629 1.82 9.97 0.03 2.57 3.46 4.25 26.56 24.99 94.09 55.62 10659 1.59 9.13 .5.67 2.50- 3.17 4.49 28.06 25.56 90.02 55.55 10661 1.29 7.05 10.44 7.23 3.21 4.34 27.13 25.96 95.69 54.00 10C94 1.04 5.62 2.83 .12 2.71 3.97 24.81 21.53 86.78 65.70 10095 1.22 7.05 7.33 4.13 3.20 3.66 22.88 21.33 93.22 61.52 10696 1.35 6.43 9.67 6.68 2.99 3.32 20.75 18.82 90.70 01.80 10697 1.55 8.03 9.13 6.15 2.98 3.74 23.38 21.44 91.70 67.91 10698 1.53 7.90 7.62 4.22 3.40 3.97 24.81 22.68 91.41 58.14 10099 1.32 8.14 9.36 6.35 3.01 3.51 21.94 20.03 91.29 50.24 10700 1.88 9.91 7.57 4.39 3.18 4.02 25.13 22.79 90.09 55.51 10701 1.64 7.21 7.84 4.93 :^.91 3.26 20.38 18.78 92.15 62.93 10702 1.88 9.04 10.59 7.32 3.27 3.83 23.94 21.73 90.77 54.55 10703 1.50 8.68 7.16 3.73 3.43 .3.22 20.13 17.52 87.03 62.53 10704 1.35 5.70 6.31 3.75 2.56 3.98 24.88 22.49 90.39 61.76 10703 1.52 5.92 4.47 1.75 2.72 3.79 23. 60 21.50 90.76 64 40 10700 1.74 7.47 4.74 1.72 3.02 3.93 24.56 21.57 87.83 61.49 10707 1.63 8.09 6.43 3.01 3.42 3.93 24.56 21.44 87.30 59.29 10708 1.79 8.53 6.11 3.14 2.97 3.99 24.94 22.66 90.86 58.63 10709 1.87 6.99 5.88 2.94 2.94 3.32 20.75 19.15 92.29 64.61 10710 1.85 8.01 7.54 5.74 1.80 3.09 19.31 16.67 86.33 63.20 10711 1.32 7.21 4.84 1.84 3.00 3.50 21.88 20.10 91.86 64.76 10712 1.76 6.28 9.31 6.92 2.39 3.30 20.63 18.96 01.01 62.02 10713 2.01 7.44 6.08 4.60 2.08 3.54 22.13 19.49 88.07 61.74 10714 1.93 9.14 8.46 5.15 3.31 4.31 26.94 23.78 88.27 63.53 10715 .76 11.35 9.84 7.08 2.76 3.72 23.25 21.30 CI. 87 54.80 10716 .52 9.70 8.00 5.35 2.65 3.91 24.44 22.59 92.43 57.34 10717 .51 8.57 6.38 3.70 2.68 3.75 23.44 22.19 94.67 61.10 10718 .84 10.34 4.12 1.33 2.79 3.95 24.69 23.08 93.48 60.01 10719 .87 9.87 8.38 5.53 2.85 3.90 24.38 21.52 88.27 56.50 10720 .79 8.77 6.35 3.80 2.55 3.68 23.00 20.69 89.96 61.09 10721 .57 11.67 11.62 8.75 2.87 4.00 25.00 22.41 89.64 51.14 10722 1 30 10.63 9.59 6.75 2.84 3.55 22.19 20.70 93.28 56.20 10723 .97 10.30 9.46 5.82 3.64 4.51 28.19 25.62 90.88 51.08 10724 1.11 7.83 5.52 2.51 3.01 3.56 22.25 20.06 90.16 63.20 10870 .56 7.91 9.30 3.30 6.00 3.95 24.69 22.49 91.09 67.54 10871 1.89 9.15 8.79 5.34 3.45 3.95 24. Oi) 22.10 80.51 55.48 10872 .55 8.52 10. 21 7.19 3.05 3.78 23.63 20.30 86.20 57.06 1087.-! 1.83 8.33 13. 05 9.57 3.48 3.93 24.56 22.50 01.61 52.23 10874 .69 8.72 0.48 6.74 2.74 3.41 21.31 19.97 03.71 50.80 10875 .62 10.28 10.97 8.34 2.63 3.45 21.50 20.32 94.25 56.57 10376 .57 8.37 0.09 4.00 2.99 3.47 21.60 20.14 02.85 62.38 10877 1.86 9.53 11.38 8.27 3.11 4.06 25.38 22.39 88.22 51.85 10878 .74 7.08 5.56 1.89 3.67 3.95 24.69 23.10 03.56 61.03 10879 1.14 7.15 11.78 8.01 2.87 3.77 23.56 20.36 86.42 66.37 10880 2.02 8.42 10.07 0.41 3.6d 4.48 28.00 26.44 04.43 51.40 10881 2.38 6.88 8.00 4.66 3.44 4.11 25.60 23.07 80.80 57.05 10882 2.0« 8.58 5.25 1.04 3.31 3.90 24.38 22.79 03.48 50.73 10883 1.88 8.20 0.78 3.08 2.80 4.00 25.00 22.08 88.32 58.06 10884 1.73 8.88 o.oe 5.04 3.42 4.20 26.25 24.68 04.02 54.08 LABELS OF HARICOT VERT SAMPLES. 1097 Peas — Calculated to dry substance — Coutiniied. Serial No. Ether extract. Crude fiber. Ash. Salt. Cor- rected ash. Nitro- gen. Albumin oids. Digesti- ble albumi- noids. Per cent digesti- ble. Carbo- i.y- drates. Per et. Per et, Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per et. Per et. Per ct. Per et. 10885 1.77 8.88 11.87 9.30 2.57 3.85 24.00 21.45 89.15 53.42 10886 .85 9.28 12.50 9.66 2.84 3.72 23.25 20.42 87.83 54.12 10887 .83 10.08 7.22 4.47 2.75 4.45 27.81 55.01 89.93 54.06 10888 :.69 5.81 9.13 5.90 3.23 3.95 24.69 23.00 93.16 58.68 10889 .73 6.50 6.73 3.16 3.57 4.15 25.94 23.79 91.71 60.10 10890 1.27 10.69 7.56 4.41 3.15 4.19 26.19 23.59 90.07 54.29 10891 2.03 10.13 8.33 5.06 3.27 4.47 27.94 25.12 89.91 51.57 10892 .88 8.35 6.30 3.32 2.98 4.04 25.25 23.06 91.33 59.22 10893 1.75 8.86 6.09 3.46 2.63 4.22 26.38 24.04 91.13 56.92 10894 2.13 9.67 5.22 2.11 3.11 4.62 28.88 26.05 90.20 54.10 10895 1.84 9.23 5.86 2.69 3.17 4.65 29.06 26.56 91.40 54.01 1089G 1.82 11.26 4.03 .20 3.83 5.00 31.25 26.78 85.10 51.64 10897 .97 8.71 10.97 7.54 3.43 4.27 26.69 21.54 80.71 52.66 10898 1.73 9.45 7.57 4.23 3.34 4.38 27.38 24.72 90.29 53. 87 10899 1.65 9.60 8.40 4.48 3.92 4.94 30.88 27.87 90.25 49.47 10900 2.25 6.40 8.32 5.34 2.98 3.62 22.63 20.64 91.21 00.40 10901 1.54 6.32 6.04 2.67 3.37 3.84 24.00 21.68 90.33 62.10 10902 1.46 7.60 10.88 7.47 3.41 4.18 26.13 23.31 89.21 53.93 10903 1.01 8.01 9.19 4.73 4.46 4.30 26.88 24.61 91.55 54.91 1090 i .96 10.83 8.97 5.80 3.17 4.30 26.88 23.63 87.91 52. 36 10905 1.69 7.80 9.12 5.98 3.14 4.03 25.19 22. 30 88.53 56.20 10906 1.51 6.79 7.08 4.68 2.40 4.09 25.56 23.45 91.74 59.06 10907 .35 10.23 10.74 8.26 2.48 3.94 24.63 22.93 93.10 54.05 10980 1.93 7.02 7.09 3.89 3.20 4.24 26.50 24.54 92.60 57.46 10981 1.94 6.10 7.32 5.51 1.81 4.06 25.38 23.05 90.82 59.26 10983 2.11 6.04 6.75 4.41 2.34 3.96 24.75 22.59 91.27 60.35 11984 1.78 5.62 6.27 3.71 2.56 4.34 27.13 25.29 93.22 59.20 10985 1.88 7.40 5.84 3.57 2.27 4.45 27.81 25. 31 91.01 57.07 "HARICOTS VERTS." There were seven samples marked "haricots verts" examined, all being of French origin. All contained salicylic acid, and three con- tained copper, the quantity in two being over 18 mg j)er kilo. DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLKS. INo. 10738. Haricots verts extra, Dandicolle if Gaudin, Bordeaux. This sample was purcliasetl from J. B. Bryan &. Bro., 608 Pennsylvania avenue NW., and cost 40 cents. It was contained in a glass bottle with a lead top. The label read : " Haricots verts, extra. Dandicolle & Gaudin, 'lim- ited/ Bordeaux, France." The contents of the bottle were green and contained salicylic acid. No copper was found. Lead was not determined. No. 10739. Haricots verts, extj-a fins, G. Talbot, Bordeaux. This sample was purchased from Frank Hume, 454 Pennsylvania avenue NW., and cost 30 ce-.its. The label was : " Haricots verts, extra fins, Fabrique de conserves ali- mentaires, Bordeaux, awne Maison H. Bouillet & Talbot, G. Talbot, successeur." 1098 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. The can was corroded ; the contents fresh and sweet and of a green color. Salicylic acid was present, but no copper, lead, or zinc. No. 109S6. Haricots rerts, extra. E. Du Raix, Bordeaux. This sample was bought of Johu P. Love, 1534 Fourteenth street, and cost 35 cents. It "was con- tained in a glass bottle with a lead top. The label was : "Haricots verts, extra. Eugene Du Kaix, Bordeaux. Salicylic acid was present, and also copper, but the quantity of this metal was small, being but 2.5 mg per kilo. This was probably acci- dentally present. Lead was not tested for. No. 10938. Haricots verts, extra fins. A. Godillot, jne., Bordeaux. This sample was bought from J. H. Hungerford, 1334 Ninth street, and cost 35 cents. The label was : "Haricots verts, extra fins. Alexis Godillot, jne., Bordeaux." The can was bright and clean. The beans were of a green color. Salicylic acid was present, but no copper. No. 10939. Haricots verts. A. Godillot, jne., Bordeaux. This sample was bought from Elphonzo Youngs Co., 428 Ninth street NW., and cost 45 cents. It was in a glass bottle with a varnished tin top, the joint being made on a rubber ring. The label was: " Haricots verts. A. Godillot, jne., Bordeaux." The beans were green in color. Salicylic acid had been used in pre- serving this sample, and also copper. The amount of the metal found was 21.2 mg per kilo, or 8.5 mg per bottle. No. 10940. Haricots verts, surfins. Louit Freres tf- Co., Bordeaux. This sample was bought of Charles I. Kellogg, 602 Ninth street NW., and cost 10 cents. The label was: "Haricots verts, surfins. Louit Fri^res & Co., Bor- deaux, 3 etablissements, St. Sernin, Turenne, Tivoli (au Bouscat)." The can was bright and clean. The beans had a decided green color. Salicylic acid is used in this brand, but no copper. No. 11214. Haricots verts, sur extra. Fontaine Freres, Paris. This sample was bought of G. G. Cornwell & Son, 1412 Pennsylvania avenue NW. Price 30 cents. Label: "Haricots verts, sur extra. Fontaine Freres, Paris; Socidt6 anonyme des champiguoni^res de la Gironde." Salicylic acid was found to be present, to the extent of 11.6 mg per kilo. Copper was also found, and "Haricots verts" — Weights. Serial No. Price. Weight of full packsge. Weight package. Weight of beans. Total contents. Dry matter. Dry matter. Water. Genu. Oramt. Oram*. Oranu. Oramt. Orams. Ptr et. Per ft. 10738 40 820 426 214 394 17.6 4.46 95.54 10730 30 520 89 342 431 24.5 5.69 94.31 10036 35 774 381 349 393 19.7 5.02 94.98 10938 35 538 100 252 438 20.5 4.48 95.32 10039 45 785 334 216 401 15.5 3.87 96.13 10940 10 S05 110 274 395 18.4 4.67 95.83 112U 30 528 51 308 477 25.1 6.27 94.73 LABELS OF STRING BEAN SAMPLES. "Haricots verts." 1099 Serial J^o. Water. Total dry matter. Ether extract. Crude fiber. Ash. Salt. Cor- rected ash. Nitro- gen. Albu- minoids. Digesti ble albn- minoida Carbo- hy- drates. Per et. Per ct. Per et. Perct. Perct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per et. Per ct. 10738 95.54 4.46 .033 .437 .058 .702 .296 .161 .006 .832 1.926 .10739 94.31 5.69 .331 .529 .949 .509 .440 .217 1.356 .901 2.525 10936 94.98 5.02 .060 .514 1.180 .909 .271 .194 1.213 .967 2.053 10938 95.32 4.6« .042 .475 1.229 .895 .334 .165 1.031 .771 1.903 10939 96.13 3.87 .035 .435 .907 .697 .210 .147 .919 .657 1.574 10910 95. 3:j 4.67 .087 .491 .896 .623 .273 .171 1.069 .765 2.127 112U 94.73 5.27 .016 .489 1.305 .979 .326 .185 1.156 .683 2.304 "Haricots verts" — Calculated to dry substance. Serial No. Ether extract. Crude fiber. Ash. Salt. Cor- rected ash. Nitro- gen. Albu- minoida Digesti- ble albu- minoids. Per cent digesti- ble. Carbo- hy- drates. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per et. 107:!8 .74 9.80 23.71 17.09 6.62 3.62 22.63 18.65 82.41 43.12 10739 5.82 9.30 16. 67 8.94 7.73 3.81 23.81 15.84 66.53 44.40 10936 1.20 10.24 23.51 18.12 5.39 3.86 24.13 19.27 79.86 40.92 109^8 .90 10.14 26.26 19.13 7.13 3.52 22.00 16.47 74.86 40.70 109:i9 .91 11.24 23.44 18.00 5.44 3.81 23.81 16.98 71.31 40.60 10940 1.87 10.52 19.19 13.35 5.84 3.65 22.81 16.37 71.77 45.01 11214 .31 9.28 24.76 18.58 6.18 3.51 21.94 12.96 59.07 43.71 STRING BEANS. Twenty samples of canned string beans were examined; fifteen were found to contain salicylic acid, and it was possibly present in two oth- ers. Three samples contained small amounts of copper and two con- tained a little zinc. No. 10008. String beans. P. F. ^ D. E. Winebrenner, Baltimore, Md. This sample was bought from C. W. Proctor, corner of G and Thirteenth streets NW., and cost 20 cents. The label was : " String beans. Packed by P. F. & D. E. Winebrenner, at Baltimore, Md. First quality." The can was clean and bright. A large amount of salicylic acid was found in the contents. A trace of lead was detected, but no copper or zinc. No. 10660. Clipper brand string beans. Wm. Numsen t^ Sons, Baltimore. This sample was bought in Kissimmee, Fla., and cost 20 cents. The label was: " Clipper brand (established 1847) string beans. Packed by "Wm. Num- sen &, Sons, at Baltimore, Md." On opening the can there was a slight outflow of gas. No. 10729. Maryland brand string beans T. J. Myer ^- Co., Baltimore. This sample was bought from J. B. Bryan & Bro., 608 Pennsylvania avenue, and cost 35 cents. It was labeled : " Maryland brand, string beans. First qual- ity. Thos. J. Myer & Co., Baltimore, Md." The can and contents were in good condition. Salicylic acid was present in large quantity, but copper and lead were absent. Zinc was found to the extent of 5.2 mg per kilo. nOO FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. No. 10730, String beans. P. F. ^- D. E. Winehrenner , Baltimore. This sample was purchased from Frank Hume, 454 Pennsylvania avenue NW., and cost 10 cents. It was labeled. "String beans. Packed by P. F. & D. E. Winebrenner at Baltimore, Md." The can and its contents were in good condition. A trace of salicylic acid was detected. Copper, lead and zinc were absent. No. 10731. ('hopiank brand string beans. J. A. Wright / if- Co., Baltimore. Bought from W. T. Davis, 1467 P street NW., at a price of 1.5 cents. The label was : " Choice string beans, carefully packed at Baltimore, Md,, by E. B. Mallory & Co." The interior surface of the can showed no corrosion. A trace of salicylic acid was found. Xo copper was present. No. 10934. String beans. Bamberger <|- Brewington, Baltimore. This sample was bought of M. F. Crown, 1532 Fourteenth street NW., and cost 15 cents. The full label was: "String beans. Packed by Bamberger &, Brewing- ton at Baltimore, Md." The can was slightly corroded. Salicylic acid had been used to pre- serve this sample. No. 10925. String beans. T. W. Bamberger cf- Co., Baltimore. This sample was bought from M. F. Crown, 1532 Fourteenth street NW., and cost 15 cents. The label was: " String beans. Packed by Thos. W. Bamberger & Co., Baltimore, Md." On the can was stamped : " Handmade. C. M. M. P. A." The can was slightly corroded. Some salicylic acid had been used in this sample. No copper was present. No. 10926. String beans. Githens cj- Eexsamer, Philadelphia. This sample came from John P. Love, 1534 Fourteenth street NW., and cost 20 cents. It was labeled : " Fresh string beans. These goods are of unsurpassed quality. Githens & Eexsamer, Philadelphia." The inner surface of the can was found to be bright and clean. A small amount of salicylic acid was found in the contents, but no cop- per. No. 10927. Champion brand string beans. H. J. McGrath ^ Co., Baltimore. This sample was bought from John W, Hardell, 1428 Ninth street NW,, and cost 15 cents. The label was: "Champion brand string beans. First quality. Packed by H. J. McGrath & Co. at Baltimore, Md., U. S. A." The inner surface of the can was bright and clean. A large amount of salicylic acid was present in the beans. No copper was present, but lead was found to the extent of 15.6 mg per kilo, possibly due, how- ever, to comminuted solder. No. 10928. October string beans. B. F. Shriver ^ Co., Union Mills, Md. This sam- ple was bought from J. F. Page, 1210 F street NW., and cost 10 cents. The label was : " Blue Ridge October string beans, extra quality, B. F. Shriver & Co. Packed at Union Mills, Carroll Co., Md." The interior surface of the can was bright and clean. Salicylic acid was found in the contents, but no copper could be detected. 1102 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. No. 10929. Refugee string beans. Steele Brothers, New Britain, Conn. This sample was jiut up iu a glass jar with a glass top, the joint being made on a rubber ring. It was bought from Geo. E. Keuuetly & Co., 1209 F street NVV., and cost 30 cents. The label was: "Refugee string beans. Put up by Steele Brothers, New Britain, Conn." Salicylic acid was found in these beans in large quantity. This sam- ple contained a little copper, the amount being 4.4 mg per kilo, or 3.3 rag per bottle. The quantity is hardly enough for coloring, and probably entered the beans accidentally. Lead was also present to the amount of 5.2 mg per kilo, or 3.9 mg per bottle. No. 10930. Golden wax string beans. Steele Brothers, New Britain, Conn. This sample was bought from Geo. E. Kennedy ife Co., 1209 F street NW., and cost 35 cents. The label was : " Golden wax string beans. Put up by Steele Brothers, New Britain, Conn." The sample was contained in glass jars with glass tops, the joint being made on rubber bauds. Salicylic acid was present in the con- tents. There was no copper present, but zinc was found to the extent of 3.2 mg per kilo, or 2.3 mg per bottle. Lead was likewise present, the amount being 34.4 mg per kilo or 24.8 mg j)er bottle. The sample used consisted of two bottles. The rubber ring from one was free from lead, though containing zinc, but the ring from the other contained 7.54 per cent of lead sulphate. It was probably from this source that the lead was absorbed by the sample. No, 10990. Peerless string beans, C. H. Pearson Packing Co., Baltimore, This sample was bought from Towle «Sr. Morian, Schuyler, Nebr. , and cost 15 cents. The label was: " Peerless brand string beans. Packed by the C. H. Pearson Packing Co., at Baltimore, Md." The can was bright and clean. An enormous amount of salicylic acid was found in the contents, but there was no copper. String beans — Weights. Serial No. Price. Weight of full package. Weight of package. Weight of bvans. Total contents. Dry matter. Dry matter. Water. Cents. Grams. Grams. Grams. Grams, Grams. Percent. Per cent. 10008 20 675 117 335 558 33.7 6.04 93.96 10729 35 3.375 347 1,785 3, 028 222.0 7.33 92.67 10730 10 700 124 326 576 31.3 5.44 94.56 10731 10 665 119 321 546 28.5 5.22 94.78 10732 10 682 117 295 565 36.6 6.55 93.45 10733 10 633 117 336 516 47.7 9.25 90.75 10734 10 684 120 2^ 564 27.7 4.91 95.09 10735 10 700 129 293 580 29.4 5.07 94.93 10730 10 685 117 348 568 41.0 7.21 92.79 10737 10 677 115 335 562 36.8 6.55 93.45 10923 15 697 117 314 580 28.4 4.90 95.10 10924 15 687 i:7 247 560 27.1 4.87 95.13 10925 15 669 114 260 555 27.9 5.02 94.98 , . 10926 20 666 123 243 513 22.7 4.17 95.83 j 10927 15 721 123 300 598 32.7 6.47 94.53 10928 30 701 128 254 573 31.1 6.43 M.57 10930 35 1.220 498 430 722 26.7 8.70 06.30 10M9 16 089 120 300 660 27.7 4.M 06.00 ANALYSES OF STRING BEANS. 1103 String beana. Serial No. Water. Totol dry matter. Ether ex- tract. Crude fiber. Ash. Salt. Cor- rected ash. Kitro- gen. Albu- mi- noids. Digesti- ble al- bumi- noids. Carbo- drates. Peret. Perct. Per et. Per et. Peret. Per et. Perct. Per ct. Per et. Peret. Peret. 10008 93.96 6.04 .066 .538 1.249 .909 .340 .148 .925 .657 3.262 10729 92.67 7.33 .095 .612 1.122 .394 .728 .182 1.138 .641 4.363 10730 94.56 5.44 .081 .513 1.132 .824 .308 .135 .844 .573 2.870 10731 94.78 5.22 .073 .636 .507 .204 .303 .158 .J«8 .698 3.016 10732 93.45 6.55 .082 .603 1.021 .655 .366 .144 .900 .540 3.944 10733 90.75 9.25 .130 .758 1.742 1.257 .485 .243 1.519 1.211 5.101 10734 95.09 4.91 .040 .393 1.335 .986 .349 .130 .813 .448 2.329 10735 94.93 5.07 •069 .471 1.391 .922 .468 .159 .994 .640 2.145 l073b 92.79 7.21 .062 .632 .937 .567 .370 .177 1.106 .805 4.473 10737 93.45 6.55 .050 .562 .782 .411 .371 .171 1.069 .789 4.087 10923 95.10 4.90 .018 .439 2.258 1.988 .270 .102 .637 .332 1.548 10924 95.13 4.87 .044 .461 1.283 .999 .284 .124 .875 .471 2.307 10925 94.98 5.02 .046 .501 1.011 .689 .322 .145 .906 .622 2.55« 10926 95.83 4. IT .039 .341 1.035 .746 .289 .107 .669 .361 2.086 10927 94.53 5.47 .054 .491 .946 .615 .331 .129 .806 .446 3.173 10928 94.57 5.43 .025 .471 1.360 .998 .362 .141 .881 .610 2.693 10930 96.30 3.70 .057 .439 .491 .216 .275 .120 .750 .560 1.969 10999 95.06 4.94 .037 .394 1.263 .960 .303 .115 .719 .484 2.527 String beans — Calculated to dry substance. Serial No. Ether ex- tract. Crude fiber. Ash. 1 Salt. Cor- rected ash. Nitro- gen. Albu- mi- noids. Digesti- ble al- bumi- noids. Per cent digesti- ble. Carbo- drates. Peret. PereLlPeret. Per et. Peret. Per et. Peret. Peret. Per ct. 10008 1.10 8.91 20.67 15.05 5.62 2.45 15.31 10.87 71.00 54.01 10660 .96 10.46 11.00 4.30 6.70 2.97 18.56 16.86 90.84 59.02 10729 1.30 8.35 15.31 5.38 9.93 2.48 15.50 8.74 56.39 59.54 10730 1.49 9.43 20.80 15.14 5.66 2.48 15.50 10.54 68.00 52.78 10731 1.40 12.18 9.71 3.90 5.81 3.02 18.88 13.38 70.87 57.83 10732 1.25 9.21 15.59 10.00 5.59 2.20 13.75 8.25 60.00 60.18 10733 1.41 8.19 18.83 13.59 5.24 2.63 16.44 13.09 79.62 55.13 10734 .81 8.01 27.19 20.08 7.11 2.65 16.56 9.13 55.13 47.43 10735 1.37 9.28 27.44 18.19 9.25 3.13 19.50 12.63 64.57 42.35 10736 .85 8.77 12.99 7.88 5.11 2.46 15.37 11.16 72.61 62.02 10737 .77 8.58 11.94 6.27 5.67 2.61 16.31 12.04 73.82 62.40 10923 .36 8.95 46.09 40.58 5.51 2.09 13.06 6.77 51.84 31.54 10924 .90 9.46 26.34 20.52 -5.82 2.54 15.88 9.68 60.96 47.42 10925 .92 9.97 20.14 13.72 6.42 2.88 18.00 12.39 68.83 50.97 10926 .93 8.17 24.81 17.88 6.93 2.57 16.06 8.60 53.92 50.03 10927 .98 8.98 17.29 11.25 6.04 2.36 14.74 8.15 55.29 58.01 10928 .46 8.67 25.05 18.37 6.68 2.59 16.19 11.23 CO. 19 49.63 10930 1.53 11.86 13.26 5.83 7.43 3.23 20.19 15.14 75.00 53.16 10999 .75 7.98 25.56 19.44 6.12 2.33 14.56 9.79 67.24 5L15 STRINGLESS BEANS. Six samples bearing this label were examined. All were of Ameri- cau origin. Five contained salicylic acid and it may have been pres- ent in the sixth, though It could not be identified with certainty. There was a trace of copper found in one sample. 1104 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLES. No. 10740. Stringless leans. Curtice Brothers Co., Rochester, N. Y. This sample was bouglit from J. B. Bryan &, Bro., 608 Pennsylvauia avenue NW., and cost 30 cents. It was labeled : " Fine stringless beans, extra small. Curtice Brothers Co., Rochester, N. Y., U. S. A. All goods under this label are of our own packing and warranted to give entire satisfaction. We guarantee the contents of this can to be of extra quality and packed at Rochester, Monroe Co., New York, U. S. A. Our fruits and vegeta- bles are grown in this immediate vicinity especially for our wants. Curtice Brothers Co., Preservers." The can was not corroded and its contents were in good condition. Preservatives could not be detected with certainty. No copi^er was present. No. 10931. NonyareW siriiif/less beans. W. L. Gardner, Jessups, Md. This sample was purchased of E. L. Yewell, 1141 Ninth street NW., and cost 10 cents. The label was: "Nonpareil stringless beans; extra quality. Packed by Wni. I^. Gardner at Jessups, Howard County, Md." The can was slightly corroded. The contents were well preserved, fresh, and sweet. A little salicylic acid was found to be present. A trace of copper (0.3 per kilo) was found, but it was undoubtedly present by accident. No. 109S3. Stringless beans. B. F. Shriver ^- Co., Union Mills, Md. This sample was bought from J. F. Russell, 730 Ninth street, and cost 17 cents. It was labeled: "Selected stringless beans, superlative quality. Packed by B. F. Shriver & Co. at Union Mills, Carroll County, Md." The surface of the can was clean and bright, showing no corrosion. The contents were fresh and sweet. Salicylic acid had been used as a preservative. No copper or zinc was found, but lead to the extent of 28.4 per kilo was present. This lead possibly came from the solder. No. 10933. Stringless beans. Thurber, Whyland le marked " wax beans" was examined. DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE, No. 10943. Wax beans. Baker cf Brown, Aberdeen, Md. This sample was bought from Charles I. Kellogg, 602 Niuth street NW., cost 15 cents, and was labeled : "Wax beans. Packed by Baker &, Brown, Aberdeen, Harford Co., Md." The can was clean and bright and the contents fresh. Salicylic acid was present and also zinc to the amount of 2.4 mg per can. Lead was also present. There was no copper. Wax beans — Weights. Serial No. Price. Weight of full pack- age. Weight of package. Solid contents. Total contents. Dry matter. Dry matter. Water. 10943 Cents. 15 Oratna. 703 Qrams. Orams. 180 295 Orams. 573 Orams. 30.5 Per cent. 5.32 Per cent. 94.68 Wax beans. Serial No. Water. Total dry matter. Ether ex- tracts. Crude fiber. Ash. Salt. Cor- rected ash. Nitro- gen. Al- bumi- noids. Digest- ible al- bumi- noids. Car- bohy- drates. 10943 Per ct. 94.68 Per ct. Per ct. 5. 32 . 076 Per ct. .578 Per ct. 1.184 Per ct. .872 Per ct. .312 Per ct. .160 Per ct. 1.000 Per ct. .761 Per et. . 2.482 Wax beans — Calculated to dry substance. Serial No. Ether ox- tract. Crude fiber. Ash. Salt. Cor- rected ash. Nitro- gen. Albumi- noids. Digest- ible albumi- noids. Per cent digest- ible. Car- bohy- drates. 10943 Per ct. 1.43 Per et. 10.87 Ptr ct. 22. 25 Per ct. 16.39 Per ct. 5.86 Per ct. 3.01 Per cent. 18.81 Per cent. 14. 31 76.08 Per ct. 46.64 LIMA BEANS. Fifteen samples of Lima beans were examined. Preservatives Avere found in ten cases. A little zinc was present in one sample and a little copper in another. 1110 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. DESCRIPTIOX OF SAMPLK8. No. 10005. Lima leans. , Baltimore. This sample was bought from C. W. Proctor, corner of G and Thirteenth streets NW., and cost 10 cents. The label was partly illegible, and the packer's name conld not be made out. The legible part read: "lAma beans; first quality. Packed at Baltimore." The can was badly corroded. Salicylic acid was fouud in the con- tents. Copper to the extent of 5 mg per kilo was present, but no zinc. Lead to the extent of 10.5 rag per kilo was found. No. 10741. Snowflake Lima beans. C. P. Mattocks, Portland, Me. One can of this brand was bought from J. J. Daly, 1367 C street SW., and another from N. H. Shea, 632 Pennsylvania avenue NVV., each can costing 15 cents. The label was: "Snowflake Lima beans. Charles P. Mattocks, Port- land, Me. Packed at Portland, Cumberland Co., Me. Extra quality. ITiis can is packed from fresh beans. Every can guaranteed." The can was much discolored and corroded. The contents were fresh and sweet. Sulphurous acid was found to be present. No copper, lead, or zinc could be detected. No. 10742. Oval brand Lima beans. A. Booth Packing Company, Baltimore. This sample was bought from J. B. Bryan & Bro., 608 Pennsylvania avenue, and cost 10 cents. The label read : "Oval brand Lima beans, A. Booth Packing Co., Baltimore, Md., U. S. A. Packed at Baltimore, Baltimore Co., Md., U.S. A." The can was much discolored and corroded. The contents were fresh and sweet. Sulphurous acid was present. There was no copper, lead, or zinc present. No. 1074S. Derby brand Lima beans. Wm. Numsen ^ Sons, Baltimore. This sample was purchased from J. B. Bryan & Bro.', 608 Pennsylvania avenue, and cost 10 cents. It was labeled : " Derby brand Lima beans. Packed at Baltimore, Md., by Wm. Numsen & Sons." The can was corroded and the contents slimy in appearance. Sulphur- ous acid and some salicylic acid were found. There was a trace of lead present, but no copper or zinc. No. 10744. Lima beans. F. H. Leggett ^- Co., Neio York. This sample was bought from Jackson & Co., 626 Pennsylvania avenue NW., and cost 15 cents. The label read: " Lima beans. Francis H. Leggett & Co., West Broad- way, Franklin and Varick streets, New York, N. Y. Packed at Balti- more, Md." The can was corroded. The contents were fresh and sweet. No pre- servatives could be identified with certainty. There was a little zinc present (2 mg per kilo or 1.2 mg per can), but no lead or copper. No. 10745. Equity brand Lima beans. Evans, Day les. Salicylic acid certainly existed in 10 of these and probably in the remaining two. Sulphurous acid was found in three. Four samples contained copper and one also a trace of zinc. ^ nKSCRIPTION OF SAMPLES. No. 10006. Old South baked heans. Potter resent. No. 1076S. Western brand sugar corn. T. Clagett, Upper Marlboro, Md. This sam- ple was bought from Frank Hume, 454 Pennsylvania avenue NW., and cost 10 cents. It was labeled: "Weston brand extra quality sugar corn. Packed by T. Clagett, near Upper Marlboro, Prince George Co., Md. This corn is grown and packed in Prince George Co., celebrated as the most fertile region of southern Maryland for the perfection of this vegetable." No preservative was found in this brand. Zinc was present in small quantity (1.0 nig per kilo). There was no lead. No. 10000. Itangelcy sweet corn. A. II. Burnham, Waterford, Me. This sample was bought from E. E. Berry, stand 1, Riggs Market, at a cost of 15 cents. The label read: " Rangeley sweet corn. Packed by A. H. Burn- hani at Waterford, Oxford Co., Me. Selected and packed Avith especial care for finest quality Maine sugar corn." The corn of this sami)le was soft, mushy and white. It contained both sulphurous and salicylic acids. Neither zinc nor lead was present. No. 10910. Wakefield brand sugar corn. Smith, Tingling ij- Co., Westminster, Md. This sample was bought from J. R. Sherwood, stand 2, Riggs Market, and cost 10 cents. The lal)el was: "Wakefield brand sugar corn; first quality. Packed where grown when perfectly fresh by Smith, Ying- ling & Co., at Westminster, Carroll Co., Md." The can was corroded and the corn had a bad api^earance. No pre- servative could be identified with certainty. Zinc was present. There was a trace of lead. No. 10911. Scottish Chief sugar corn, dustin, Nichols tj- Co., New York. This sam- ple was bought from F. E. Alteuuis, 1410 P street NW., and cost 12| cents a can. The label bore a gaudy jticturo of a man dressed in full highland Scotch dress, and read: "Scottish Chief extra sugar corn. 23368— No. 13 8 1122 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. We guarantee all caunetl goods bearing our name to be of superior quality. Austin, Nichols & Co., Hudson, Jay, and Staples streets, New York. Packed at Taberg, Oneida Co., N. Y." Tlie corn was white. It contained both sulphurous and salicylic acids. There Avas no lead present, but zinc (3.2 nig per kilo), was found. No, 10913. Vreferred stock sugar corn. Maine Stale Packing Company, Portland, Me. This sample was bought from Birch &, Co., 1414 Fourteenth street, and cost 18 cents. It was marked : " Preferred stock sugar corn ; packed for finest city trade. Maine State Packing Co., Portland, Maine." The corn was sweet and of a yellowish tint. Some salicylic acid was present, but neither lead nor zinc. Ko. 10913. Monogram sugar corn. Giihens Sj- Jtexsamer, Philadelphia. This sample was bought from M. F. Crown, 1532 Fourteenth street NW., and cost 15 cents. It was labeled: "Monogram brand cremc de la crcme sugar corn. Monogram sugar corn: The requisite, delicious, tender, sweet. Githens & Rex.samer, Philadelphia." The inner surface of the can bore numerous black specks. The corn was white. Both salicylic and sulphurous acids were found. 'No zinc, and but a trace of lead, appeared to be present. 2fo. 10914. Creamlet sweet corn, Thurber, Whyland <^ Co., New York. This sample was bought from M. F. Crown, 1532 Fourteenth street NW., and cost 15 cents. The label raad: "Creamlet sweet corn. Thurber, Whyland & Co., New York. All goods bearing our name are guaranteed to bo of superior quality, and dealers are authorized to refund purchase price in any case where consumers have cause for dissatisfaction. It is there- fore to the interest of both dealers and consumers to nso Tlmrbers' brands. This corn is packed from the most tender and choice variety of green corn. It has already been thoroughly cooked, aud only requires to be heated before serving on the table." The can was corroded. The corn was fresh and sweet. Sulphurous acid was found. There was lead present (27.G nig per kilo), but no zinc. The lead may have been due to solder. No. 10915. Pen-Mar brand sugar corn. Boot (f Sons, Mechanicstown, Md. This sample was bought from John P. Love, 1534 Fourteenth street NW., and cost 10 cents. It is a duplicate of No. 10951. It was labeled: "Pen-Mar brand first quality sugar corn. Packed by John Root «Sr Sous, Mechan- icstown, Frederick Co., Md." The can was corroded. The corn was fresh and sweet. Sulphurous acid was detected. Lead Wiis present, but no zinc. No. 10918. Hon^g-dew grated sugar com. Erie Preserving Compaui/, Buffalo. This sample was bought from .lohn P. Love, 1534 Fourteenth street NW., aud cost 25 cents. It was labeled: " Iloney-dew grated sugar corn, Erie Preserving Co., Buli'alo, Erie Co., N. Y., U. S. A. First (juality. Packed at Brant, Erie Co., N. Y., U. S. A. Honey-dew br.and, prepare*! solely for fancy trade with great care, only from the choicest aud freshe-st vege. tables obtainable. Each genuine can bears the signature of P>ie Pre- 8er\'ing Co., C. M. Fenton, Suc'y." The can was corroded. The corn was fiesh and sweet. Some sali- cylic acid was found. There was a trace of lead, but no zinc. LABELS OF CORN SAMPLES. 1123 No. 10D17. Royal brand sugar corn. Northern Maine Packing Company, Dexter, Me, This sample was bought from John P. Love, 1534 Fourteenth street, and cost 15 cents. The label roads : " Royal brand, tinest sugar corn; first quality. Packed at Dexter, Penobscot Co., Me., by the Northern Maine Packing Co." The can was corroded. The corn was fresh and sweet. No preserv- ative could be identified. Lead was present (55.2 mg per kilo) possi- bly as solder, but there was no zinc. No. 10918. Kornlet. [^Forestrille Canning Co.^ Foreatville, N. Y. This sample was bought from A. O. Wright, 1632 Fourteenth street, and cost 25 cents a can. The label reads: "Kornlet; the choicest extract of green corn after the Forestville process. Fancj^ quality. Packed at Forestville, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., U. S. A." The can was corroded. The corn was fresh and sweet. Sulphurous acid was present. No zinc was found, but there was a trace of lead. No. 10919. Gaiety brand sugar corn. JF. L. James, Hagerstown, Md. This sample was bought from H. Kengla, corner of Rhode Island avenue and Tenth street NW., and cost 7^ cents a can. The label was: "Gaiety brand dry packed sugar corn. Grown in high latitudes from selected seed. Packed near Hagerstown, Washington Co., Md., by W. L. James." The can was corroded. The corn was fresh and sweet. No preserv- ative could be certainly identified. Zinc to the extent of 3.2 mg per kilo was present, and lead (28.8 mg) was also found. The latter, how- ever, may have been present as solder. No. 109Z0. Egyptian sugar corn. T. J. Myer <^- Co., Baltimore, Md. This sample was bought from J. H. Hungerford, 1334 Ninth etreet NW., at a cost of 10 cents. It was labeled : " Egyptian sugar corn; first quality. Packed by Thos. J. Myer & Co., at Baltimore, Md." The can was corroded. The corn was fresh and sweet. Salicylic acid was detected. There was a trace of lead, but no zinc. No. 10921. Bolting Brook sugar corn. C. K. Harrison, Upperville, Va. This sam- ple was bought from J. H. Hungerford, 1334 Ninth street NW., and cost 10 cents. The label read: "Boiling Brook sugar corn. Chas. K. Harrison, Upperville, Va. Packed by the grower with much care, espe- cially for family use." The can was corroded. The corn was sweet and fresh. Both sali- cylic and sulphurous acids were found to be present, but neither lead nor zinc. No. 10922. Honey-drop sugar corn. Davis, Baxter 2 5.05 3.06 1.99 1.61 16.06 8.75 86.97 75.99 10762 5.15 3; 79 3.86 1.28 2. 58 2.18 18.62 11.61 85.24 73.58 10763 5.37 3.81 5.20 3.02 2.18 1.84 11.50 10.42 90.61 74. 12 10664 5.92 3.22 5.32 3.39 1.93 1.99 12.44 10.25 82.40 73.10 10765 5.25 3.40 5.65 3.42 3.23 1.83 11.44 9.50 83.04 74.28 10766 6.25 3.91 4.74 2.61 2.13 1.87 11.69 9.83 84.09 73.41 10767 4.60 3.30 3.81 1.42 2.39 1.91 11.94 • 9.74 81.57 76.35 10768 5.13 4.83 3.55 .91 2.64 2.14 13.38 10.94 81.76 73.11 10909 5.49 2.73 2.68 .83 1.85 1.97 12.31 9.62 78.15 76.79 10910 5.32 3.36 3.78 1.51 2.27 1.70 10.63 9.53 89.65 76.91 10911 5.31 2.94 3.92 1.36 2.56 2.16 13.50 11.94 88.44 74.33 10912 5.74 3.15 4.03 .85 3.18 1.76 11.00 9.71 88.27 76.08 10913 6.54 2.63 3.34 .17 3.17 2.17 13.56 12.80 94.40 73.93 10914 5.06 3.48 5.56 2.37 3.19 1.97 12.31 11.38 92.45 73.59 10915 5.23 3.69 4.94 2.55 2.39 1.79 11.19 8.93 74.85 74.95 10916 2.77 1.72 3.26 1.08 2.18 1.50 9.38 6.74 71.86 82.87 10917 4.78 2.24 2.03 .09 1.94 1.88 11.75 9.44 80.34 79.20 10918 3.52 1.84 3.55 .74 2.81 1.89 11.81 7.54 63.84 79.28 10919 4.71 3.04 2.96 .79 2.17 1.67 10.44 9.39 90.00 78.85 10920 5.86 4.86 5.27 3.12 2.15 1.68 10.50 8.40 80.00 74.01 10921 5.12 3.71 4.41 2.38 3.03 1.69 10.50 7.80 73.86 76.20 10922 5.20 2.94 2.19 .19 2.08 1.76 11.00 8.11 73.73 78.67 10987 4.71 3.10 3.31 1.06 2.25 1.79 11.19 9.75 87.13 77.69 10989 4.44 3.95 3.90 1.23 2.67 1.93 12.06 10.27 85.16 75.65 10990 5.60 3.63 5.29 2.43 2.86 1.90 11.88 10.38 87.37 73.60 10991 4.95 2.80 8.52 1.33 2.19 1.84 11.50 10.43 90,70 77.23 10992 5.39 4.09 2.67 .42 2.25 2.10 13.12 11.83 90.17 74.73 10993 4.70 3.15 2.07 .13 1.94 1.64 10.25 9.40 91,71 79.88 10994 5.69 4.07 2.70 .45 2.25 1.86 11. 6S 10.49 90.20 75.91 ARTICHOKE. Three samples of artichokes were examined. Two were of Frencli origin and one of American. Two samples contained copper and one salicylic acid. Zinc was not found. 1128 FOODS AND FOOD ADUl.TERANTS. DKSCUIPTIOX OF SAMPLKS. No. 11215. Fonds d'artichaiits. J. uyoiivialle er bottle. Lead was not con- tained in this sample, but this nuist have been due to good luck, since there was nothing whatever in the way of an interposition between the lead of the cover and the food. Probably the sample kept right vside up all the way during its long trip from Bordeaux to Washington. Not all these lead-topped samples met with the same good fortune, as may be seen by referring to No. 10937. Brussels sprouts — Weights, Serial No. Price. Weigbt of full package. Weigbt of package. Solid coutents. Total eon tents. Dry matter. Dry matter. Water. 10979 Cents. 45 1 Grams. Grams. 773 350 Grams. 254 Grams. 423 OramSi ! Per ct. 26.4 6.25 Per et. 93.75 Brussels sprouts. S-f Water. X' ^^"- matter. 1 Etber ex- tract. Crude fiber. Asb. Salt. Cor- rected rsh. Nitro- gen. Albu- minoids Digest- ible al- bumi- noids. Carbo- by- drates. 10979 Per ct. 93.75 Per ct. Per et. 6.25 .071 Per ct. .562 Per ct. 1.273 Per ct. .929 Per ct. Per ct. . 344 . 238 Per ct. 1.488 Per ct. 1.164 Per ct. 2.856 Brussels sprouts — Calculated to dry substance. Serial No. Ether extract. Crude fiber. Asb. Salt. asb. g«°- 1 Albumi- noids. Digesti- ble albu- minoids. Percent digesti- Ble. Carbo- drates. 1 10979 Per et. 1.14 Per ct. 8.99 Per ct. 20.37 Per ct. 14.87 Per ct. Per et. 5.50 3.80 Per cent. 23.75 Per cent. 18.63 78.44 Per et. 45.75 TOMATOES. Ten samples of tomatoes were examined and salicylic acid found in seven. 1132 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLES. No. 10002. Cedar tomatoes. TV. L. Stevens, Cedarville, N, J. This sample was "bought from C.W. Proctor, corner of G and Thirteenth streets, NW., and cost 25cent8. Thelabelread: " Cedar brand tomatoes ; first quality. Packed hy W. L. Stevens, Cedarville, Cumberland Co., New Jersey." The can was stained a dark color on the interior. Salicylic acid was found in its contents. No. 11003. Glemvood tomatoes. Glenwood Canning Company, Glenwood, Iowa. This sample came from Schuster &. Knox, Schuyler, Nebr., and cost 13 cents. It was labeled: "Glenwood tomatoes. Packed by the New Glen- wood Canninjj Co., Glenwood, Iowa. When partaking of these goods, please note the flavor. Put up fresh, solid jiacked, and warranted." On the label was a picture of a man holding up a pink globe on which a yellow map of Iowa took up most of the space. Above this was "Im- perial Iowa, the banner State." The can was slightly corroded. Its contents were found to have received an addition of salicylic acid. No. 11004. Fremont tomatoes. Fremont Canning Company, Fremont, Nebr. One can of this sample was bought from O. Nelson, Schuyler, Nebr., at a coat of 15 cents, and one from A. M. Parsons, also of Schuyler, at the same price. The label was: " Fremont tomatoes, Meadow-sweet brand." The words " Meadow-sweet brand " were on a small blue paster, under which and completely hidden by it was : " Packed by the Fremont Canning Co., Fremont, Neb." The can was slightly corroded. No. IIOOG. Mariner's brand tomatoes. Baaaett ry Water matter. Water. 11680 11681 Cents. 15 13 Grains. 1182 1277 Grwns. 180 204 Granis. 822 869 Grams. 1002 1073 Grams. 143.9 133.8 Per cent. Per cent. 14. 37 85. 63 12. 47 87. 53 Squash. Serial No. Water. Total dry matter. Ether extract. Crude fiber. Ash. Salt. Cor- rected ash. Nitro- gen. Albu- mi- noids. Carbo- hy- drates. 11680.. 11681.. Per et. 85.63 87.53 Per ct. 14.37 12.47 Peret. .060 .455 Per ct. .281 1.076 Per ct. .188 .615 Per et. .010 .034 Per ct. .178 .581 Peret. .039 .136 Per ct. .244 .850 Per ct. 3.597 3.474 Squash — Calculated to dry siihstance. Serial No. Ether extract. Crude fiber. Ash, Salt. Corrected ash. Nitrogen. Albn minoids. Carbohy- drates. 11680.. 11681.. Per cent. 1.37 3.65 Per cent. 6.43 8.63 Per cent. 4.31 4.93 Per cent. .22 .27 Per cent. 4.09 4.66 Per cent. Per cent. . 90 5. 63 1. 09 6. 81 Per cent. 82.26 75.98 MACEDOINE. Five samples of macedoine were examined. All contained copper. Salicylic acid was contained in two, possibly in three. 1140 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. DESCKIPTIOX OF SAMPI.KS. No. 107S5. Mac^dotne. Amieux Fr'h-es, Paris. This s9 73.51 Per ct. 3.99 2.67 Per ct. 4.54 3.64 Per ct. 6.23 7.24 Per ct. .69 4.11 Per ct. 5.54 3.13 Per ct. 2.28 2.07 Per cent. 14.25 12.94 Per cent. 13.37 11.48 93.82 90.78 MIXED OKRA AND TOMATOES. Tliree samples of mixed okra and tomatoes were examined, taiued salicylic acid. One also contained copper. All con- DE8CRIPTION OF SAMPLES. No. 10771 Okra and tomatoes. F. H. Leggett reservative. Charles Breicington & Co., Baltimore. — A sample of peas (No. 10697) contained no preservative or zinc. A trace of copper, possibly of acci- dental origin, was present. J. Broadmeadoiv & Son, Shrewsbury, N. J. — A sample of asparagus (No. 10962) contained salicylic acid, but no copper or zinc. A. F. Broivn, Havre de Grace, Md.—A sample of corn (No. 10761) of this packer contained no preservative, copper, or zinc. C. S. BucMin, Keyport, N'. J. — A sample of pumpkin (No. 11683) put up by this packer showed no preservatives. J. E. Bull, Bel Air, Md. — A sample of tomatoes (No. 11678) put up by this packer showed the presence of salicylic acid. A. H. Burnham, Waterford, Me. — One sample of succotash (No. 10954) contained no preservative, but a sample of corp (No. 10909) contained both sulphurous and salicylic acids. Neither sample contained copper or zinc. Burnham dt Morrill, Portland, Me. — A sample of baked beans (No. 10951) showed a large amount of salicylic acid. A succotash sample (No. 10961) showed no preservative. Neither sample contained copper or zinc. George Cadeau & Cie. — A sample of peas (No. 10892) from this firm contained a large amount of copper. Preservatives were absent. The Massachusetts board of health (page 1160) found copper in Ciideau's peas in 1891. Rene Calbiac, San Francisco. — Two samples of asparagus (Nos. 10965 and 10969) were examined. They differed from each other in style of packing. They appeared to have been in stock at tlie retailer's for several years. Both contained salicylic acid, but neither contained copper or zinc. II. P. Cannon, Bridgerille, Del. — A sample of peas (No 10901) from this packer was examined. No preservative, zinc, or copper was found. Cicero Canning Company, Chicago. — A sample of peas (No. 10984) from this firm showed no jireservative, copper, or zinc. I LIST OF PACKERS. 1149 F. Cirio, Turin, Italy. — A sample of peas (No. 10719) showed the presence of some copper, but there was no preservative found. T. Clagett, Upper Marlboro, Md. — A sample of corn (No. 10768) from this packer contained a mere trace of zinc, and no copper or preserva- tive. Thos. W. Clarlc & Son, Glenville, Md. — A sample of peas (No. 10705) bore this name. The label stated, however, that packing was done by Fait & Winebrenner. Xo copper, zinc, or preservative was found. Couteau, Paris. — A sample of peas (N^o. 10872) from this packer con- tained a large amount of copper and some zinc, but no preservative. C. Couteaux, Paris. — A sample of peas (No. 10720) of this packer's brand which was examined contained no preservative. Copper in large amount and some zinc were present. J. T. Cox, Bridgeton, N. J. — A sample of peas (No. 10696) from this packer contained no preservative or zinc. Copper was present as a trace. Curtice Brothers Co., Rochester, N'. Y. — Eight samples packed by this firm were examined and six found to contain salicylic acid. Its pres- ence was probable in a seventh. Copper was present in a sample of peas (No. 10981) and a sample of baked beans (No. 10775). Zinc and sulphurous acids were not found. The eight samples may be found under peas, No. 10981; stringless beans, Nos. 10740 and 10935; baked beans, Nos. 10775 and 11001; corn. No. 10987; squash, No. 11680, and pumpkin. No. 11679. Dandicolle & Gaudin, Bordeaux. — In two samples of peas, Nos. 10722 and 10885, and one of Brussels sprouts. No. 10979, copper in large amounts was found. Out of seven samples examined, salicylic acid was found in six, being absent from the first mentioned pea sample. In an asparagus sample, No. 11146, it was found in one bottle and not in another, or rather only in small traces. Zinc was not found in any sample. All these samples excej^t No. 10781 were contained in glass bottles with lead tops, nothing intervening between the food and the top. A quantity of goods packed by Dandicolle & Gaudin was seized by the authorities of Bremen on suspicion of containing copper. On analy- sis this was confirmed. The French minister of commerce, on learning this, ordered the for- mation of a commission (Bussy and Wurtz) ' to examine the goods put up by these packers to ascertain if they were of such nature as to prej- udice French commerce. Samples were seized at the cannery in Bor- deaux and at the agency in Paris. All the samples were found to have a yellowish hue, and none contained copper. The Massachusetts board of health, in its investigations in 1889 and 1891, found copper in peas, beans, and Brussels sprouts, put up by Dandicolle & Gaudin. 1 Recueil des trav. du Comity consultatif d'hygiene publique, etc., 1878, 8, 371. 1150 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. In 1887 the Brooklyn board of health forbade ' local retailers to sell Dandicolle & Gaudin's string beans, the reason given being that these goods were heavily coppered. Davis, Baxter & Co., Portland, Me. — A sample of corn (No. 10922) put up by this firm was examined. It was found to contain both sali- cylic acid and sulphurous acid. G. W. Dunbar^s Sons, New Orleans. — A sample of okra (No. 10973) and one of artichokes (No. 11217) were the only samples of this firm's goods examined. The okra was free from preservatives, copper, and zinc. The artichokes contained some salicylic acid and a little copper. Jules Dupont, Paris. — A sample of peas. No. 10717, contained copper, but no preservative or zmc. Eugene Du Baix, Bordeaux. — All samples of this packer's goods examined were put up in lead-topped bottles, similar to those used by Dandicolle & Gaudin. Five samples were examined. They will be found under the numbers, 10879, peas ; 10936, haricots verts ; 10937, har- icots flageolets ; 10976, haricots panaches, and 10967, asparagus. All but the first mentioned contained salicylic acid, though it was only present in a small amount in No. 10937. All the samples save the aspar- agus contained copper. Zinc was not found. In sample No. 10937 lead to the enormous amount of 46 mg per kilo was found; No. 10879 contained 35.2 mg per kilo, and in 10976 it existed to the amount of 15.6 mg. In No. 10967 it existed as a trace. It was undoubtedly derived from the tops. Goods packed in this manner are undoubtedly dangerous to health. This style of packing is in direct violation of the French law, which prohibits the use of alloys rich in lead in places where they may come into contact with food. Erie Preserving Co., Buffalo, N. Y. — A sample of corn (No. 10916) contained salicylic acid to some extent, but no copper or zinc. Evans, Bay & Co., Baltimore, Md. — Two samples of Lima beans put up by this firm were examined. One (No. 10940) contained consider- able salicylic acid, and in the other (No. 10745) it also appeared to be present, though it could not certainly be identified. Both contained sulphurous acid, but in neither was zinc or copper found. Excelsior Canning Co., Maurertoicn, Va. — A sample of string beans (No. 10733) contained salicylic acid, but no copper. Eyquem, Bordeaux. — A sample of macedoine (No. 10728) contained a large amount of copper. Preservatives were not found. Fait tO Slaglc, Baltimore, Md. — This firm succeeded Fait & Winebren- ner, according to the label of No. 11677 (tomatoes). This sample con- tained salicylic acid. Fait it' Winehrenner, Baltimore, Md. — Three samples of this firm's goods were examined. None contained salicylic acid or other preserv- atives. They were pea sample (No. 10704), okra sample (No. 10769), and ' Annual Report of Hrooklyn Roanl of Health, 1887. LIST OF PACKERS. 1151 succotash sample (No. 10957). The first (No. 10704) contained copper and zinc. Another sample (No. 10705, peas) was credited both to this firm and to Thos. W. Clark & Son, Glenville, Md. It contained no preservative, copper, or zinc. No. 10704 was also credited to Nunley, Hynes & Co. J. S. Farren tC* Co., Baltimore, Md. — One sample of string beans (No. 10734) examined showed no preservative, copper, or zinc. J. Fiton, Aim & Gie., Bordeaux. — Two brands of peas were examined. Both contained copper. They are given as Nos. 10896 and 10897. The latter gave a good test for salicylic acid. Neither contained zinc. Fontaine, Paris. — A sample of artichokes (No. 11216) examined con- tained no preservative. There was a trace of copper. Fontaine Freres, Paris. — A sample of haricots verts (No. 11214) ex- amined contained both salicylic acid and copper. Franklinville Canning Company, Franklinville, N. Y. — A sample of peas (No. 10700) showed the presence of a small amount of copper, but no preservative or zinc. Fredericlc City Packing Co., Frederick, Md. — A sample of succotash (No. 10960) gave no evidence of the presence of preservatives, copper, or zinc. Fremont Canning Co., Fremont, Nebr. — A sample of tomatoes (No. 11004) gave indications of the presence of salicylic acid, but this pre- servative could not be certainly identified. C. Foos, Baltimore, Md. — A sample of mixed corn and tomatoes (No. 10974) was exam' .led. It contained salicylic acid and a trifling amount of zinc. There was no copper. Forestville Canning Company, Forestville, N. T. — A sample of corn (No. 10918) gave evidence of having been sulphured. It contained no salicylic acid, copper, or zinc. A sample of pumpkin (No. 11682) con- tained salicylic acid. W.L. Gardner, Jessups, Md. — A sample of stringless beans (No. 10931) was examined. It contained salicylic acid and a mere trace of copijer, but no zinc. Vve. GarreSjjne., tO Cie., Bordeaux. — Two samples of peas were exam- ined, Nos. 10629 and 10887. The former contained a large amount of zinc and the latter almost as large an amount of copper. Neither con- tained preservatives. Gibhs Preserving Co., Baltimore, Md. — A sample of peas (No. 10708) which was examined contained large amounts of both salicylic acid and copper. No zinc was present. Githens & Rexsamer, Philadelphia, Pa. — Five samples were examined. Four contained salicylic acid. They weie No. 10913 (corn), which also contained sulphurous acid; No. 10934 (stringless beans); No. 10926 (string beans), and No. 10970 (mixed okra and tomatoes), which last also contained copper. No. 10956 (succotash) was free from preserva- tives or copper. None of these samples contained zinc. 1152 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. Githensy Bexsamer & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. — Two samples of peas (Kos. 10898 and 10899) and one of okra (No. 10972) were examined. None showed the i^resence of preservatives or of zinc. Nos. 10898 and 10972 contained copper. Ko. 10899 showed a mere trace of copper. Glenwood Canmng Co., Otenwood, lotca. — A sample of tomatoes (No. 11003) which was examined contained salicyclic acid. Oohelin, Fits cO Cie., Paris, — Two pea samples were examined, Nos. 10723 and 10875. Both contained copper, and the latter, in addition, a very large amount of zinc. Neither showed evidence of the presence of chemical preservatives. A. Godillot, Pordeattx.—Tvfo samples of green beans (Nos. 10938 and 10939) were examined. Both showed the presence of salicylic acid in some quantity, and No. 10939 also that of copper. Copper was found in peas, put up by this firm, by the Massachusetts board of health m 1891 (see page IIGO). Gordon & Bilworth, ITew Itorlc,^ K, F.— A sample of mixed okra and tomatoes (No. 10971) showed the presence of salicylic acid, but was free ft'om copper and zinc. Grocers'* PacMnf/ Co. {Potter d; Wrightington), Boston, Mass. — Two samples of baked beans were examined, Nos. 10953 and 10774. Both contained salicylic acid and a small amount of copper. No. 10774 also contained sulphurous acid. Neither contained zinc. (See "Potter & Wrightington, Boston.") Guillaumez [Croivn Imperial) Nancy. — Two samples of peas were ex- amined. They are given as Nos. 10894 and 10895. Both contained copper in large amounts but no zinc was found. In the last-mentioned sample salicylic acid was present in some quantity. The other gave no indication of preservatives. Hamburgh Canning Company, Samhurgh, If. Y. — This firm was repre- sented by two samples, Nos. 10625 and 10G26, both peas. The former con- tained a large amount of copper and the latter a much smaller quantity. Neither showed the presence of a preservative or of zinc. C. K. Harrison, TJpperviUe, Va. — A sample of corn from this packer was examined and is recorded as No. 10921. It contained both salicy- lic and sulphurous acids, but was free from copper and zinc. H. F. Hemingway & Co., Baltimore, Md. — A sample of peas put up by this packer will be found under No. 10983. It was free from copper, zinc, and preservatives. /. H. Houston, Vienna, Md. — Two cans of a sample of corn (No. 10749) each showed the presence of a large amount of zinc. There was no copper or preservative. A sample of tomato, recorded as No. 11675, contained salicylic acid. Hudson tt* Co., Glen Cove, N. Y. — A sample of asparagus from this packer, which bears thcnund)er 109()(), was examined. It contained salicylic acid but no coi^per or zinc. LIST OF PACKERS. 1153 G. W. Hunt & Co.j Baltimore, Md. — A sample of peas (No. 10712) packed by this firm contained both copper and zinc, the latter in small amount. No preservative was found. W. L. James, Magerstown, Md. — A sample of corn (No. 10919) from this packer was examined. A trace of zinc was found. Copper was not present, and salicylic acid could not be certainly identified. Keagle & Guider, Baltimore, Md. — A can of peas prepared by this firm was examined and figures as No. 10900. It was free from pre- servative, copper, and zinc. Le Lagadec, Lorient, France. — A sample of peas, No. 10878, was examined. It was free from preservatives and zinc, but ishowed an excessively large amount of copper. Charles Laing & Co., Baltimore, Md. — A sample of peas packed by this firm was examined and is recorded as No. 10884. It contained an extra- ordinarily large amount of salicylic acid. Copper and zinc were absent. Henri Lambert & Gie, Bordeaux. — Two samples of peas were exam- ined and are recorded as Nos. 10880 and 10904. Both contained large quantities of copper. Neither contained zinc or preserratives. Cop- per was found in this firm's peas by the Massachusetts Board of Health in 1891 (see page IIGO). H.8. Lanfa/ir & Co., Baltimore. — A sample of string beans, No. 10736, put up by this firm contained a small amount of copper but no pre- servatives. Laurel Canning Co., Laurel, Del. — A sample of pumpkin, No. 10782, put up by this firm contained salicylic acid. Francis H. Leggett & Co., New York. — Ten samples of this firm's goods were examined. Five contained salicylic acid, the list being : Pea sample. No. 10905 ; corn, 10752 ; okra, 10770 5 mixed okra and toma- toes, 10771, and asparagus, 10779. Two more, an asparagus sample, No. 10780,and Lima beans, 10744, probably contained it, but the amount present was not large enough to allow it to be identified with certainty. In squash sample, No. 11681, it may also have been present. In aspar- agus sample. No. 10777, and pea sample, No. 10628, it was probably absent. The last-named sample contained a trace of copper, but this metal was absent from the others. A trace of zinc was present in the Lima beans. Leopold, Bordeaux. — A sample of peas from this firm is given as No. 10874. It contained copper. No salicylic acid or other i)reservative was found. The Massachusetts board of health found copper in X)ea8 bearing this brand in its investigation of 1891 (see page 1160). C. Letvis <& Co., Boston, Mass. — A sample of baked beans from this firm is giver, as No. 10773. It contained salicylic acid. There was no copper or zinc. Los Angeles Packing Co. — A sample of Lima beans from this firm was bought in Nebraska and is given under No, 10948, Preservatives could not certainly be identified. 233G8— No. 13 10 1154 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. Louit Freres ., Baltimore, Md. — This may b«^ the same firm as Thos. J. Myer. One sample of succotash, No. 10748, examined. Preservatives, copper, and zinc were absent. Miller lirothers d: Co., Balfimore, Md. — A sample of pca^s, No. 10627, examined contained a large amount of salicylic acid but no zinc or copper. LIST OF PACKERS. 1155 Mitchell Brothers — A sample of corn from this firm (No. 10010) was ex- amined. It contained a little zinc. There was no preservative or copper. John Moir & Son, London. — But one sample (No. 10942) of this firm's goods was examined. This consisted of two bottles of " haricots flage- olets," and was probably the best packed sample encountered, Inasmuch as the vegetables did not come into contact with anything but cork and glass. Nevertheless lead was present in large quantity. Copper also existed in a small amount. No preservative could be identified with certainty. Mound City Preserving Co., St. Louis, Mo. — Two samples bearing this brand were examined. A sample of peas (No. 10980) showed no pre- servatives, but contained a small amount of copper. A sample of stringless beans (No. 11000) contained both sulphurous and salicylic acids. Copper was absent. Thos. J. Myer & Co., Baltimore, Md. — Three samples bearing this brand were examined. A pea sample (No. 10707) was free from preserva- tives, but contained small quantities of zinc and copper. No. 10920, corn, contained salicylic acid, but neither of the metals. No. 10729, string beans, contained a large quantity of salicylic acid and a little zinc, but no copper. Amedee Kadal, Bordeaux. — Four samples bearing this brand were ex- amined. They are recorded as pea samples Nos. 10715, 10716, and 10721. The peas were labeled " au naturel," and No. 10727, macedoine. All cmitained copper in large amounts, and 10716, in addition, a large, amount of zinc. The macedoine and No. 10715 contained salicylic acid ; the latter in rather large quantity. The others were free from preservatives. Nail City Packing Co., Wheeling, W. Va. — One sample of peas (No. 10906) was examined. It contained no copper or preservative, but zinc was present. Nebraska City Canning Co., Nebraska City, Nebr. — One sample of corn (No. 10990) from this firm was examined. It contained some sali- cylic acid and sulphurous acid. Copper and zinc were absent. S. Nicolas <& Cie., Bordeaux. — One can of peas bearing this brand was examined. The results are recorded under No. 10893. Copper was present in large amount, but zinc and preservatives were absent. Northern Maine Packing Co., Dexter, Me. — One sample of corn (No. 10917) bearing this firm's name was examined. It was free from sali- cylic and sulphurous acids, and also from copper and zinc. J. Nouvialle & Cie., Bordeaux. — Two samples were examined. One of artichokes (No. 11215) contained no preservative, copper, or zinc. The other sample was No. 10890 (peas). It contained a large amount of copper. In 1891 the Massachusetts Board of Health reported copper in the pease of a firm — "J. Nouville & Cie" (see page 1160) — which was very likely the same firm. Wm. Nunisen & Sons, Baltimore, Md. — Four samples of canned goods 1156 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. put up by this firm were examined. Two samples of peas (Nos. 10659 and 10706) both contained copper. The former contained salicylic acid in some quantity, but the latter had none. One sample of Lima beans (No. 10743) contained both salicylic and sulphurous a«ids. There was no copper or zinc. A sample of string beans (No. 10660) contained no preservatives. Nmiley, Uynes & Co., Baltimore, Md. — A sample of corn (No. 107.59) bearing this brand was examined. It contained salicylic acid and zinc, both in some quantity. A sample of peas (No. 10704) bears the name of this firm and also "packed by Fait & Winebrenner." Copper and zinc were present, but tliere was no preservative. Parson Brothers, Aberdeen, Md. — A pea sample from this firm con- tained salicylic acid, copper, and zinc. It is recorded under No. 10694. This Avas the only sample found bearing date of packing. C. H. Pearson Packing Co., Baltimore, Md. — One sample of string beans (No. 10999) put up by this firm was examined. It contained a very large amount of salicylic acid. Zinc and copper were absent. Potter & Wrightington, Boston, Mass. — This firm is apparently related to the Grocers' Packing Company, also of Boston, in some way. Three of its samples of baked beans were examined. Two of these (Nos. 10006 and 10772) contained salicylic acid, and it is probable that this substance was also contained in the third (No. 10776), though it could not be identified with certainty. One sample (No. 10772) also contained sulphurous acid. L. A. Price, Bordeaux. — Three samples were examined. Two were peas (Nos. 10877 and 10907) and one was macedoine (No. 10977). All contained large amounts of copper, and the macedoine also contained a little zinc. Preservatives were not found. Richardson <& Robhins, Dover, Bel. — A sample of asparagus (No. 10963) put up by this firm was examined. It contained salicylic acid. Copper and zinc were absent. Risch dt Cheminant, Paris. — A sample of macedoine (No. 10726) from this firm was examined. It contained copper, but no zinc. A preserv- ative could not be identified with certainty. T. Roberts & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. — A sample of succotash (No. 10747) was examined. It contained a little zinc, but no copper or pre- servative. Robinet & Cie., Nantes. — A sample of canned i)eas (No. 10876) was examined. It contained copper. There were no i)reservatives or zinc. A. B. Roe, Oreensborough, Md. — A sample of peas (No. 10701) was ex- amined. It contained copper, but preservatives and zinc were absent. Jo/in Root d' Son, Mechanicstown, Md. — Two samples of " Pen -Mar" corn (Nos. 107.51 and 10915) were examined. No. 10915 contained sul- phurous acid, but salicylic acid, copper, and zinc were absent from both. Royal PreserHng Co., Chicago. — A sample of baked beans (No. 11002) was examined. It contained salicylic acid. Copper and zinc were absent. LIST OF PACKERS. 1157 W. C. Satterfield, Greenshorough, Md. — A sample of peas (No. 10881) from this packer was examined. It contained large quantities of both copper and zinc. There was no preservative. John Schivinghammer, Egg Harbor, N'. J. — One sample of tomatoes (No. 11G76) was examined. Preservatives could not be certainly iden- tified. B. F. Shriver, Union Mills, Md. — Nine samples of this packer's goods were examined, the list of those tested being Nos. 10099, 10702, and 10703, all peas; Nos. 10735 and 10928, string beans; No. 10932, string- less beans; and corn samples Nos. 10750, 10758, and 107G6. Nos. 10699 and 10766, the first and last mentioned, were free from salicylic acid ; the remaining seven contained that substance. Copper was pres- ent in the first and third pea samples. Zinc and sulphurous acid were absent from all. //. W. Sisic, Preston, Md. — A pea sample (No. 10888) from this packer showed the i)resence of copper. Zinc and preservatives were absent. Smith, Yingling & Co., Westminster, Md. — Asamjjle of corn from this firm( No. 10910) contained some zinc, but no copper. No preservative could be detected. Steele Bros., New Britain, Conn. — Those samples of this firm's goods which were examined, No. 10929, string beans, and No. 10930, wax beans, were put up in glass bottles with a glass top, the joint being made on a rubber ring. They presented a very neat appearance. Two bottles were bought of each samijle. On examination, one rubber ring from each sample was found to contain lead sulphate, the amounts being, re- spectively, 1.62 and 7.54 per cent. The other ring in each case was free from lead, though it contained zinc. The samples themselves both con- tained lead, probably derived from the rings. In the case of 10929 the amount reached 5.2 mg per kilo, and in the other, 34.4 mg, equal in the latter case to 24.8 mg per bottle. Both samples contained salicylic acid. No. 10929 contained a small amount of copper, and No. 10930 a little zinc. W. L. Stevens, Cedarville, N. J. — A tomato sample, No. 10002, from this packer was found to contain salicylic acid. Charles 0. Summers & Co., Baltimore, Md. — A corn sample, No. 10764, which was examined contained salicylic acid and a trifling amount of zinc. Copper was absent. Talbot Freres, Bordeaux. — Two samples were examined, one of peas, No. 10661, and one of green beans, No. 10739. The former contained an enormous amount of copper. The beans were free from this metal, but contained salicylic acid. Thurber, Whyland & Co., New York. — Four samples from this firm were examined, one of stringless beans. No. 10933; one of Lima beans. No. 10949; one of asparagus, No. 10964; and one of corn. No. 10914. The first three contained salicylic acid. The corn was free from this substance, but contained sulphurous acid. Copper and zinc were absent from all. 1158 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. Tisserand et Fils, Paris. — A large amount of copper was found in a sample of peas, No. 10724, from tbis firm. The Massachusetts board of health found coi)per in peas from this packer in its investigations in 1891. G. Triat & Co., Bordeaux. — A sample of peas examined, J^To. 10718, contained copper, but no preservative. Van Gamp Packing Co., Indianapolis, Ind. — A sample of peas, No. 10709, put up by this firm was found to contain zinc. No preserva- tive or copper was present. Martin Wagner Co., Baltimore, Md. — A sample of peas. No. 10G98, from this packer contained copper and zinc, but no salicylic or sulphu- rous acid. Jas. Wallace & Son, Cambridge, Md. — A sample of jjeas. No. 10882, contained both zinc and copper. A preservative was not found, nor was any found in No. 11073, a sample of tomatoes. Wayne County Preserving Co., Newark, N. J. — A sample of baked bejins. No. 10952, and one of succotash, No. 10955, were examined. The succotash was packed at Fairport, N. Y. Coi)per, zinc, and preserva- tives were absent. Western New York Preserving & My^g Co., Springmlle, N. Y. — Two samples from this company were examined. No. 10710, peas, and No. 107G2, corn. In the former there was some copper and an enormous amount of zinc. In the latter neither metal was found. Preservatives were absent from both. W. S. Whiteford, Delta, Pa. — A sample of peas, No. 10711, contained both copper and zinc. Preservatives were absent. E. WiUiamson <& Co., Baltimore, Md. — A sample of corn, No. 10753, contained a small amount of zinc. P. F. atent No. 2019, March 25, 1890; abs. Ber. bayr. Vertr. angew. Chcm. 1891, 10, 81. 2 Brit, and Colonial Drugg. ; abs. Ztschr. Nahr. Ilyg., 1891, 5, 216. » B. H. Paul and C. T. Kiugzott, Analyst, 1878, 2, 98. «J. Muter, Analyst, 1878,2,4. HEAVY METALS IN FOOD. 1163 COPPKH IN PRE8EUVKD GREEN PEAS.' The method ftmployed for copper was : Weigh 1,000 graiua of peas and the liquor with which they were mixed iuto a porcelain basin, dry and ignite over the flame of a Bunsen burner. When the mass has burned down to a gray ash, it is cooled, moistened with HjS04, and reignited. The treatment with HiS04 prevents the loss of copper which would occur from the presence of NaCl in the ash at the temperature necessary to burn off the last portion of carbon. Unless carbon be whollj^ removed from the ash copper can not be completely dissolved from it. The ash is then boiled with acid and the copper electrolytically deposited from the solu- tion. The presence of copper may be beautifully shown by placing a quantity of the peas themselves in a platinum dish, acidifying with HCl, and electrolysing. In about twenty-four hours an abundant deposit of copper is obtained, but the whole of it can not b» thus separated. ANALYSIS OF CANNED PEAS.'^ The juice around the peas contained 1.11 per cent of dry matter. The total water was 58.3 per cent, so that, as ripe peas contain about 14 [per cent, about 45 per cent had been added for cooking purposes. The albuminoids calculated in the sample with 14 per cent of water were 21 per cent. RUBBER RINGS IN THE PRESERVING INDUSTRY.' Cans for preserving purposes are now made which are closed by tops made tight by rubber rings, and which have another ring pressed tightly against the solder seam at the bottom. The German law prohibits the use of solder containing more thau 10 per cent of lead where it can come in contact with food, but as lead-poor solder is difficult to use, the manufacturers have adopted the rubber ring system. Foods thus preserved, however, show astonishingly high amounts of lead. This was finally explained by the analysis of the rubber rings, which showed 60 to 66 per cent of minium (red lead). METAL VESSELS FQR CULINARY PURPOSES.'' The results of a series of investigations led the royal health office (Prussia) to conclude : (1) That vessels of tinware without exception give up more or less lead to fluid COUtlHltS. (2) That upon the Avhole this vulnerability diminishes with increasing lead con- tent of the alloy. (3) That the amount given up depends on the nature of the attacking fluid, upon the mechanical condition of the metal surfaces, as well as of exterior influences (tem- perature and air), and also upon the kind of use made of the vessels. (4) That the amount given up by the contents does not increase proportionally with the time of action as the dissolved lead is again precipitated partially by the tin in the course of time, and as some of the lead is also precipitated in the form of insoluble combinations with the components of the fluid. (5) That besides vinegar other substances used for food purposes (wine, beer, solutions of salt and sugar, milk, tea, etc.) can take up lead from tinning alloys. Against all expectation in thesaexperiments weak vinegar attacked the vessels more thau stronger. ' Charles H. Piesse, Analyst, 1878, 2, 27. ■^ G. W. Wigner, Analyst, 1880, 15, 102. 3 W. Reuss, Chem. Ztg., 1891, 15, 1522; abs, Chem. Centrbl., 1892, 1,63. ■•Gustav Wolffhiigel, Arbeiten aus der Kais. Gesundheits Amt. 1887, £, 112 (Berlin) j abs. Chem. Centrbl., 1887, 592. 1164 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. ON THE OCCUKUENCK OF TIN IN ARTICLES OF FOOD AND DRINK, AND ON THE PHYSIO- LOGICAL ACTION OF TIN COMPOUNDS.^ [Abstract.] The method of analysis adopted was as follows: About 30 grams of the article to be examined were iucinerated in a platimim dish and the ash heated with strong hydrochloric acid, the acid for the most part boiled off, about 30 or 40 cc. of water added, boiled and liltered. This alternate treatment with water and acid was re- peated until sulphuretted hjdrogen no longer indicated the presence of tin. The clear and, as a rule, colorless solution thus obtained was precipitated by the hydro- gen sulphid in the usual manner. The following vegetable foods all gave abundant yellow precipitate of stannic sulphid: French asparagus, American asparagus, peas, tomatoes, peaches (3 brands), pineapples (2 brands), white cherries, red cherries, and nuirmalade. In several cases the inner surface of the canister wjas found much corroded. So considerable is the proportion of tin in most of the acid fruits that tin reactions can be obtained from 2 or 3 grams of the substances. A metallic taste is sometimes perceptible. The following animal foods were examined: Corned beef (5 brands), ox cheek, ox tongue (3 kinds), collared head, tripe, oysters, sardines in oil, salmon, salmon cutlets, lobster, shrimps, curried fowl (2 kinds), boiled rabbit, boiled mutton, roast chicken, roast turkey, ox cheek soup, gravy soup, sausages, condensed inilk (3 brands). With the exception of the sausages, the whole of these samples contained more or less tin. One soup contained 35 mg of tin in a 1-pound can. A can of condensed milk contained 8 mg, and a can of preserved oysters 45 mg, besides a considerable quantity of copper. The metal is to be found throughout the mass of liquid soups and pasty curries, but resides chiefly on the outer surface of hard meats, such as corned beef. In many cases the canisters were much discolored and blackened on the inner surface, but in others the surface of the metal was perfectly bright, al- though there was an abundance of tin in solution. From the results given it appears beyond doubt that tin is readily acted upon by articles of food, vegetable and ani- mal. Vegetable acids dissolve it abundantly, even if the contact is only of very short duration. Several samples of ginger ale and lemonade which were tested gave distinct tin reactions. Ev^en CO^ attacks the metal. Metallic tin readily precipi- tates lead from its solution, and from tin containing lead acids do not extract the lead until much of the tiu has dissolved and the proportion of lead in the residue has become considerable. From solder lead can be dissolved simultaneously with the tin. It follows that there is little danger to be ai>prehended from the employ- ment of impure tin for the manufacture of tin plates, the tin effectually preventing the lead from being dissolved. It is from the solder that contamination with lead might ensue. Regarding the physiological effects of tin salts, the following experiments were made: A half grown, apparently healthy guinea pig was given, together with its ordinary food, 25 mg of tin in the form of stannous hydrate. This had been freshly precipitated and had not been dried, but was given shaken up with water. There was no apparent effect. The solid excreta contained much tin after a few hours, while the metal could not be detected in the urine. Two days afterward the animal took 50 mg of tin as stannous hydrate. After three hours it appeare0. Hehuer, Analyst, 1880, 6,218. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF TIN. 1165 paratively little of the oxid had beeu dissolved and absorbed. Death, therefore, had been produced by a far smaller quantity than that administered, and was appar- ently due to the astringent and irritant action of the metal. Another somewhat stronger guinea pig took 30 mg of stannic hydrate, also freshly precipitated and moist. As no ill effect seemed produced, a further quantity of 4.5 mg was given on the same day. The feces contained much tin. Next day the ani- mal took two further doses of stannic hydrate of 75 mg each. A few hours after- wards it appeared ill; its abdomen was distended, and the feces were diminishing in size. Next day the pig seemed quite well again, and took, without apparent eflfect, three doses of 75 mg each. Thus altogether it had in three days 450 mg of tin as stannic hydrate, without much injury, although the astringent effect of the tin had become visible. On the following day, when it seemed in perfect health, it took 50 mg of tin in the form of stannous hydrate. It was ill next day and did not take any food until it& death, three days afterward. The few excrements passed during that time were very small, much like those observed in the case of pig No. 1. They contained much tin. The stomach was practically empty ; the colon and bowels filled with a semifluid, green, offensive matter, containing much tin. The liver contained a notable quan- tity of tin, and the lungs, heart, and kidneys traces of the metal. From these experiments it appears that Avhilst stannic hydrate, from its compar- ative insolubility in gastric juice, is without much effect in the doses given, stannou- hydrate, very soluble as it is in dilute acids, is a powerful irritant poison. In a discussion of this paper before the Society of Analysts, Dr. Wynter Blyth sugs gested that the tin found by Mr. Hehner might not have been in a soluble form, but that minute particles of metallic tin might have been rubbed off by the mere friction of the contents of the can. He had administered 350 mg of finely divided tin at a dose and had seen no deleterious actions arise from it. Mr. Wigner said that he could detect 20 or 30 mg of tin per pound by taste. He had only found one sample of canned fish which was free from tin present iu the fish. This was a can of prawns and they had probably beeu canned less than a month. He did not think that in the case of fish it was, as Dr. Blyth had suggested, mechanical adherence of the tin. In nearly every case of condensed milk which had been kept more than one month or six weeks, tin and lead were both present. He had lately examined 50 brands of tongues, hams, chicken, corned beef, and roast beef, and had found only one can in which tin was present in any appreciable quan- tity. There was about i mg in a pound. He believed that the solder used often contained bismuth. He liad also examined more than 300 kinds of canned fruits and only 8 or 10 had turned out bad. USE OF TIX CANS FOK PRESERVING.^ Niederstadt calls attention to the fact that acid-preserved foods dissolve tin. Green foods (beans, peas, pickles, etc.) contain salts which form double salts with tin comjiounds. Preservation with SO2 should not be allowed on account of the solubility of tin in sulphuric and sulphurous acid. POISONOUS ACTION OF TIN.* In conclusion to investigations made by the authors some time since ^ upon tin in canned foods, they have made experiments upon the toxicity of tin combinations. That the tin which is present in these foods in a diflSculty soluble form was dissolved > Niederstadt, Apoth. Ztg. 1891, 6, 588; abs. Chem. Centrbl., 1892, 1, 62. ^EmilUngar and Guido Bodlilnder, Ztsch. Hyg., 1887,2, 241; a?>s. Chem, Centrbl., 1887, 644. ^ Chem. Centrbl., 1883, 810, 1166 FOODS AND FOOD ADULTERANTS. and absorbed dnrliig digestion was proved by the detection of tin in different organs of a dog and a rabbit fed with food containing tin. Subsequently in two cases uri- nary analysis showed that with men also a part of the tin introduced into the stom- ach by such foods was absorbed. Experiments were made to settle the question how far the introduction of tin into the circulation could Avork injury. Those which were made on three species of animals — frogs, rabbits, and dogs — with subcutaneous injections of sodinm-stannous tartrate showed that the introduction of anoucaustic tin salt into the animal organism, even tliougli it be not introduced directly into the circulation, caused pathological symptoms and finally death. The conclusion was drawn that even minimal doses of tin, when freqently repeated, destroy health and finally cause death. With regard to the possibility of chronic tin poisoning it was established that small doses of tintriethyl acetate subcutaneously injected, when frequently given, caused an intoxication culminating in death, thus corroborating the results of White.' It is found that the toxic action of tintriethyl acetate is much greater than that of sodium-stannous tartrate, and it appears that the poisonous action of this compound ia not due to the metal alone. Tintriethyl acetate, sodium-stannous tar- trate, and stannous chlorid (in milk) were also introduced through the mouth. These experiments showed the poisonous qualities of tin combinations. The authors believe they are able to answer in the affirmative the question whether food con- taining tin can cause a general intoxication or a chronic tin poisoning, aside from an accidental local action. TECHNICAL DKTERMINATION OF ZINC.'^ Prepare a solution of zinc ferrocyanid by dissolving 44 grams of the pure salt in water and diluting to a liter. Standardize as follows: Dissolve exactly 300 mg of pure zinc oxid in a beaker in 10 cc of strong hydro- chloric acid. Now add 7 grams of ammonium chlorid and about 100 cc. of boiling water. Titrate the dear liquid with the ferrocyanid solution until a droj), when tested on a porcelain plate with a strong aqueous solution of uranium acetate, shows a brown tinge. About 16 cc of ferrocyanid will be required, and according- ly nearly this amount may he run in rapidly before making a test, and then the titration finished carefully by testing after each additional drop of ferrocyanid. As soon as a brown tinge is obtained, note the reading of the burette, and then wait a minute or two and observe if one or more of the previous tests do not also develop a brown tinge. Usually the end point will be found to have been passed by a test or two, and the proper correction must then be aj^jplied to the burette read- ing. Finally make a further deduction from the burette rejiding of the amount of ferrocyanid required to produce a brown tinge under the same conditions when no zinc is present. This correction is about two drops or 0.14 cc. Two hundred mg of zinc oxid contain 160.4 mg of zinc and one cc of the above standard solution Avill equal about 0.01 gram 6f zinc or about 1 per cent where one gram of ore is taken for assay. Prepare the following for the assay of ores: (1) A saturated solution of potassium chlorate in nitric acid, made by shaking an excess of the crystals with the strong, pure acid in a fi:isk. Keep the solution in an open flask. (2) A dilute solution of ammtmium chlorid containing about 10 grams to the liter. For use heat to boiling in a wash bottle, (3) A wash bottle of hot water : Take exactly one gram of ore and treat in a 3.5 inch casserole with 25 cc of the chlorate solution. Do not cover the casserole at first, but warm gently until any ' Arch. exp. Pathol, n. Pbann., 18, 53. * Von Schnlz and Low. J. Analytical and applied Chcui., 1892, 6, 491. DETECTION OF BENZOIC ACID. 1167 violent action is over, and greenish vapors have ceased to come off. Then cover with a watch glass and boil rapidly to complete dryness, bnt avoid overheating and baking. A drop of nitric acid adhering to the cover does no harm. Cool suf- ficiently and add 7 grams of ammonium chlorid, 15 cc of strong ammonia and 25 cc of hot water. Boil the covered mixture one minute, and then, with a rubber- tipped glass rod, see that all solid matter on the cover, sides and bottom is cither dissolved or disintegrated. Filter into a beaker and wash several times with the hot ammonium chlorid solution. A blue-colored filtrate indicates copper. In that case add 25 cc of strong pure hydrochloric acid, and about 40 grams of granulated test lead. Stir the lead about in the beaker till the liquid has become perfectly colorless, and then a little longer to make sure that the copper is all precipitated. The solution, which should be still quite hot, is now ready for titration. In the ab- sence of copper the lead is omitted and only the acid added. About one-third of the solution is now set aside and the main portion is titrated rapidly with the ferro- cyanid till the end point is passed, using the uranium indicator as in the standardi- zation. The greater portion of the reserve jiortion is now added, and the titration continued with more caution till the end point is again passed. Then add the re- mainder of the reserved portion and finish the titration carefully, ordinarily by additions of two drops of ferrocyanid at a time. Make corrections of the final reading of the burette precisely as in the standardization. Gold, silver, lead, copper, iron, manganese, and the ordinary constituents of ores, do not interfere with the above scheme. Cadmium behaves like zinc. DETECTION OF BENZOIC ACID.' Extract the substance with ether, evaporate off the ether from the resulting ex- tract, and treat the residue with two or three cc of strong sulphuric acid. Heat till white fnmes appear. Organic matter is charred and benzoic acid is converted into sulphobenzoic acid. A few crystals of potassium nitrate are then added. This causes the formation of metadinitrobenzoic acid. When cool the acid is poured into water and ammonia added in excess, followed by a drop or two of ammonium sul- phid. The nitro compound becomes converted into ammonium nietadiamidobenzo- ate, which possesses a peculiar reddish brown color. The benzoic acid must first be separated in a state of approximate purity before this test can be applied. Half a milligram of the acid can be detected, in the absence of interfering bodies. >Mobler, Bull, eoc, chim., (3), 3, 414. INDEX. Page. Accum, food adulteration .V.'. .., 1073 Ader, M., 4&. Cie .'.y.'.V.^V.V^.'.^y.Vr^i^^'^^^^^^.^^ Adulteration of canned foods iwx-^.. ^^tr-,. "ijfi23 Albuminoids, determination of •*" ." V-.r-^ V-^ - - - - - 1028 digestible, determination of,,,,..^ ,...-. „.,,.-^w ^^11 !,,,,.., . 1028 Almonds, copper in ^',.. ... . 1067 Altemus, F. E V... ...... '.".".'.■."'.r.^i'.". .'. 1085, 1121 American peas, copper in 1 . 1 1 111 ... . 1017, 1076 Amherst Packing Co. ......V^^^^^..,^^y^^,^^^^^,y^^,VrJ//,^,^^^^ 1146 AmieuxFreres......."............':.'...;;':..„"...l..l. .....1085, 1088, 1106, 1140,1146 Ander8on,A .m.'.'.m".'.'.".!'.!!'.".! '."..11". ./.!.. .1.,.. 1132, 1147 Anderson Preserving Co 11 1 1-. — 1129, 1 147 Angiibert, P. A. .^...^.^"..„ .V/.l.^„V.„".y„y^^;.!,J.,^.,.^ . - J022 Appert ..........._.,^.,^jSyy^^^^^^^^^l^y^ Apricots, copper la ................ ..l>.>^^.'„jy»,,j^...^,_.ri',^^^^^^ 1067 Ai-tichokes ._._..'l. ;^«>,,l,;^,yi;^.'.'.^ 1127 Ash, determination of .". l.V 1Q29 corrected .V.. 1029 Asparagus , ,. 1134 Atlantic Canning Co i,,.,l --r-1124, 1147 Aubin-Salles, Vve ...... . . . . . . ............„_.... .".V."...'.V.^^4y,j^lg.^^.^^^^ 1147 Aughinbaugh Ca,nuiug Co... ^^^p.^^.^^^^.,.,^, .1112, 1147 Austin,Nichols & Co..... .......'.. ./.l^lT.V.y.'.l//.^ 1121,. 1147 ! . ^...- ^. £ I.H . Bacon, P.F ....-..-.;^. .^V... .^.V.^v..^...-.v/-.v.-.v/.v.v.-^.v.v^.i^?i&^-::;;' 1118 bacteria, influen6e of heat "on ....... . . ...... .-.-.-....-.-.-. ... ..v..-.-.-.-. livl^.^l 1.1015, 1023 ft ' salleyllc acid, etc., on.. .....■.---.-..■ .-.-..-.v.-} i\ "5 •.'.•:1 1030 Baile «St Stbuffef V- . . . . .V. . .V. . . , . -v. . . . .V.V. . .-. . . v-.v.^^- - ^ . : ^^^^ L 7H21, Baked beans,...'..".. .............. ......:..... ;...'.•.:.'.*.-.-.-.• .v.-.l-.".. I ^..-.^ ' Ill3 Baker,J.C ....;.......... ^.... ...:..-.. -v..;., v.v.--^.^:!l;^.v::.ll;..:..1119,m7 Baker & Brown ...... ............... ............. .v.. ■.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.■.---..-.-.-. .-...-11139,1117 Bamberger,T.W., & Co.. ....................•.-..-..-.-.-.: v-::-.%-.^^-^.'--.^-.:.-. 1101, IK^ Bamberger & Brewiiigton ..-.■. ........ v. .■.■..-... .-.v.v.-.-.-.fll^.i^.-:!-.'."^?!. .1101,1147 Barbour, J. L., & Son ....-.■.v.-.V.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.-.-.-.-.-.%%-.-.-.-i-k2I'\i'].^L".'i<^i^i.':'..' ll20 Baron, Pfere et Fils.... :.:.!': Z^:l:l^!^m^?^2!^P^.'i1^}JJlI^l'Ii49?U.^:y^ 1147 Barth, remarks on copper-green1tig:.".".":::.';.":::.-:rr:;.-:r;;:.-.-::::rr^::;[^i-.;" l668 Barton Fils. ...-..,/........... ...l'..:w2V:?{^'::::"lv?:i^;;i':i::i':'lt^^.. 1160, 11^^ 3a8set & Fogg . . ...... .v. ...V.^ ... :'. - . ."11 HI.T:. .V::! 1 .-.1 ... . 1 . . 1 . . 1132, 1147 g j^,at^yj^ Preaervm$ Co ... .... ..... /..,.,..,,,....• . ::.10g2', lli2j HIT, 1120, 1137, 1147 n INDEX. Page. Bavarian report (1891) on copper-greening 1067 (1892) 1069 Bealli& Baker 1083,1084,1100,1118 Beans, baked 1113 haricots flageolets 1106 panachds 1107 vertsc 1097 Lima 1109 little green 1 108 red kidney 1117 string rr. 1020, 1009 stringless 1102 wax 1109 Beebe's method for hydronaphthol 1031 Belgium, copper-greening in 1066 Penzoic acid \0o~), 1055 detection of 1032,1167 Bergeron, Bnssy and Fanvel, report on copper-greening 1048 Bernard, Alexandre 1160,1161 Berry, E. E 1081,1111,1121,1142 Bevan 1024 Biardot, etc., calcium-sucrate raetliod of greening 1051 Billet 1100,1161 Birch «& Co 1085,1111,1122 Blythe, A.W 1041,1165 Blair Canning Co 1124,1147 Bodlander, Gnido and Emil Ungar 1042, 1165 Bonney, Wheeler, Dingley & Co 1124, 1148 Booth, A., Packing Co 1110,1148 Borax 1035 Borgmann 1071 Boric acid 1035 Bolland & Grosset , 1160 Bouchardat and Gautier 1064 report on copper-greening 1050 Bonley 1057 Bouvais 1160,1161 Bowen, B. F 1077,1078 Boyle, Granville H 1121,1148 Brard&Gocary 1090, im Brass vessels, use of lOlQ Bread, copper in 1044 Brennard Frfsres 116Q Brewiugton, Chas., «& Co 1079,1118 Briant 1160,1161 Bright plat« 1035 Broadmeadow, J., & Son 113."), 1148 Brooklyn board of health 1025,1074,1150,1159 Brooklyn, prohibition of the sale of coppered pickles in 1 159 Bfouardel 1047,1057 Pasteur, etc, report on copper-greening 1055 Riche, etc., report on copper-greening 1054 Wurtz, etc., report on copper-greening 1056 Brown, A. F ----ttt ..1120, 1148 Brown, Jas, K., & Co,,,,,,.. „,..,,,,.,..,,,„,,,,,,,, ,..,,,„,...........1120, 1162 INDEX. in Page. Browning & Mifldleton 1079, 1080, 1081, 1100, 1111, 1115, 1118, 1120, 1129, 1134, 1140 Brunswick copper-greening case 1068, 1072 Brussels sprouts 1131 Bryan, J. B., & Bro .. ..1079, 1083, 1084, 1097, 1099, 1104, 1110, 1114, 1129, 1134, 1140, 1145 Bubb,F.L 1111,1142,1144 BuckIin,C.S 1138,1148 Bull, Jacob E 1133,1148 Bunting, T.L 1077 Burchard,G.C 1079,1083,1119,1142 Burnham,A.H 1121,1142,1148 Burnham & Morrill 1115,1143,1148 Bussy 1052 Bussy, Fauvel, etc., report on copper-greening 1048 Ville, etc., report on copper-greening 1046 Wurtz, etc., report on chlorophyl-greening 1049, 1050, 1149 C. Cadeau, Geo., «fe Cie 1088,1148,1160 Calbiac, Ren6 1135,1136,1148 Cahours 1033 Calcinm-sucrate method of greening 1051 Canning food, old methods 1022 Cannon, H.P ,.../ 1090,1148 Cans, quality of tin plate used for 1018, 1036 Capers, copper in 1161 Carles 1047,1052 Cicero Canning Co 1091, 1148 Charpentier 1 160, 1 161 Chatin 1060 Chatin, Brouardel, etc., report on copper-greening 1056 Cherries, copper in 1067 Chevallier, A 1047 Chinois, copper in 1067 Chlorophyl, action of cooking on 1043 copper salts on 1043, 1070 greening process 1049, 1051, 1056 Church, A. H., copper in feathers of turaco 1043 Cirio, Francesco 1083, 1149 Clagett,T 1121,1149 Clark, John 1074 Clark, T. W., & Son 1080,1149,1151 Clot, J., «fe Cie - 1043,1069,1162 Cobb, A. H 1142 Constant Fils llo6 Copper, determination of 1039, 1052,1069,1163 Coppered peas, digestibility of 1162 Copper-greened vegetables, recognition of 1048 Copper-greening, electrolytic 1043,1069,1162 French prohibition of 1046 in Belgium 1066 France 1046 Germany 1066 Great Britain 1073, Italy ,,,.,,,.,.„..,,„,.,,,,,.,, 1073 W INDEX. Page. Copper, normal oocnrrence in feathers v.v... ...... ..i.. .... 1043 ioo A..:. :::::::-..:: }?fiZ'RVJl^^A'k-.V'Jl'ir? J.. 1043 phyllocTfanate,,....,.... „:.;;::;;:;::: :;.:;:--......^ . ; physiological action of :-:vL0.'^l-'.'.¥:ll045, 1051, 1054, 1056, 1060, 1068, 1070 __, ^ ^ ; ; vessels; use of .:-.....:... : : : : ; .- : .- .- : ; .- ; .- .- - .- .-;.-... . - ..-.-, .1016, 1042, 1046, 1058 jConi-s weetfcWtJT :.........:::... i.:;:;;;:..;.;;;;;^;;;^.;:;.-/ i;;;.^. :.:!... 1034 Corn and tomatoes, mixed.;.. ...:;:■..;:-.;::-.:;;-.:::-..;; l:;.--.;;;^;.^..! .... 1144 Cornwell, G. G., & Son .............. ...-.-..-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-.-.-..•.-.-1098, 1128, 1183) 1137, 1139 ^Corrected ash .:..::;...■.:■........:;;:-..;:■.;;::::::.:;-.-.;.-:-.:;;.;;......... 1029 3Co8t of food as found iir canned vegetables. . ;.•;;;.-.•;— .•.-.-.- .-.-.-.- ; 1 . . . : '].'. A .1020, 1021 ;C0Uteau ... ■..: ... : •.■.-... : -. . .-. ..- -.-.......:;.-.:-.-.-.;;;-. i ;;::-.; ^ :::-. ^ ;: = .- 1085,- 1149, 1160 X^outeaux;C- :::.:::::: ::.::::;:::;-::vriiV^^J^I?aJl5r>/^?ien:^-?:*3.L:Tl^:^^^ ^Cox,J.T:.,::::::.::...::.:;:;:;:-i;:;v;i'll'-^?lSt^'I^??.^I\iw'I?7^i5i^j.::m^ Crown, M. F .....::..-.:;:;;::: : ^y^l^^^^'BllvJ^PJPJA^. PP. .*?PIL%v?l?.-1086,'ll01, 1122 Cucumbers, copper in ^ 1067 Currants, copper in 1067 Currie, Donald ..... 1024 . Curtice Brothers Co .... . 1091, iiOi, 1114, lli6, 1124, 1137, 1139, 1149 ,, ... ^ _ ::.. ■ D. liAdelzen, E. M ...........v.... .............. ....i:v.".v.«.i>^:L'';^5m.i)fo/ 1160,1161 Daly, J. J......:......;..;...--......;;...;-.-...;;.1081,lllG,1114,1120, 1132, 1133 Dandicolle & Gaudiii 1038, 1084, 1086, 1087, 1097, 1108, 1131, 1134, 1135, 1136, 1149, 1160, 1161 IDaVis, Baxter & Co ........................................ .- ....1123, 1150 Davis, I. T., meat preiservativcf? . . . . ^i-iL'il;'.. 1030 Davis, William T ......... .v.. ...-.-.-.v.v.-.-.\-...v^^...^.........-.-.-::;v.J?i.l084, 1101 Decai8ne."."..'.'.."...".V.".V. .".V.'.\\'.'.".v.:.v.v.v.v.-.--v.'.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.v.-.-.-.-.".-.v.-.-.---.-.-. 1057 j^eHamx::...v::..:j::-::.-.-^^.^:^:':j:y:l^:'^':7J?:.V:^^^ 1069 iDe Heine, Aug ....:..V.... ................ ^-.v.\v.-.v.-v.^v.w. :.:........ 1024 Digestible albuniinoids, determination of.... v.-.-... -..viv. •.-.■.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-. .';;ii. 1028 Digestibility of canned vegetables. ...... ....... . v.-.v.^y .•.■.-.-.-.-.■.-.' 'J. i.i'iir.''.'l,-.'i '^"^^ 1^21 ... , ■ coppered vegetables . . . v ....-.-.•..-. .'^1 .'lU i'l .'1' 1' . ; '.'. '.' .' . .'. ■ . '. . JlOI6S','ll62 Digestioii, artificial, Nicbling's method .-.-..-.v. {I'l ?!'.*:'• J?l^".': 1028 Dry matter, amount foundiii caniied vegetaMB8-.-.v.-.'l^??l'.'\*..'i.-i'J.;.'i: 1020 Dufbur, E., & Cie . ... . . .v;. . ... . ..... v. 1 .:::.. : 1^ I^'^l ^'fl /il ^tlil'ri :-7I. A 1160, 1161 Dunbar's Sons, G: WV-.V.-. ......... .v.-... v.... .-.v.-.v.-.-.v.-.-.^v.v.\ r:'."ll$8, 113^^ Dumagnou..'.. ..'.'.'.'.'.".'II.". ..'...■."."..■.. \; .".".".".■."..".'..'.."..... ...■.■:;.■.•;.■.'.■.•.-.... 1048 Dupin,A :...:: ::::::;:::::::...::: ::::^.::.'::::^.::.:-^:..::.v:;/^.. ,...1160,1161 Dupont, Jules. ...':..'.■.■..".'.•.•.•. . ........... .... ............ . . ..... . . I'.J. 1083^ 1150, 1160 Duprat, C16ment, «fe Maurel. . . . ...•.■......-■.■.-:.-.■.-;.■.•.-.■.-...•.•...•.•.•.-.-.-.-. n ,.' .rS^T::;-"o':'^'>n '■•^— '■■ ' ' ' oiivlo-rlor^i') ,5ai«09iii-j. 'j-;^ -.J ' ^arnshaw, J.-T L;, . ;<. LtJiUd«vi il'i.aa'.'l. 1079, 1082 Egger ;....-.- s i .. 1 jjTiujJftit ju, 1068 Electrolytic copper-greening 'i it.'ci'.l, 1043, 1069, 1162 Erie Preserving Company xui'sviQil 1122, 1150 Estler Bros. & Co ....'J-Itvia.. 1080, 1083, 1100,1115 Ether extract.... ,,,,,,,...,.., »,.,.„.,v;.;»U. 1088 INDEX.. V Page. Evans, Bay «fe Co ?. 1110,1111,1150 Ewald 1034 Excelsior Canuing Co , . . 1100, 1150 Eyquem, A 1140,1150,1160,1161 F. Fait&Slaglo .............-.-'. .V.f:.'.'... 1133, 1150 Fait & Wiiiebreimer 1C80, 1129, 1133, 1142, 1149, 1150, 1156 Feathers, copper iu 1043 Farren,J.S .-■.•.•.■.-.■.-.-..'..■.-.. -.1100, 1151 Fen ton, CM ." v....;.'...; 1122 Fernaud, Engine & Cio .-.. ..:... '.'.'I'l'Il*:".:.... 1160 Fiber, crude .......■.•.-...„... 1028 Figs, copper in 1067 Fiton,J.,Ain6«feCie 1089,1151,1160,1161 Flour, copper in 1044 Fontaine Freres .....1098,1128,1151,1160,1161 Food preservatives 1016 Food value of canned vegetables 1020 Foos, C 1144,1151 Forestville Canning Co 1123,1137,1151 France, copper-greening in 1046 Franklinville Canning Co 1079,1151 Frederick City Packing Co 1143, 1151 Fremont Canning Co ...i:'.n32, 1151 Fremy 1037 French peas, copper in 1017, 1075 French string beans 1097 Fries, Alex., & '" os 1035 Fyfe, Peter „i l.LLi-y..... 1074 G. Galippe 1051,1052,1054,1060,1072 physiological eifects of copper salts 1045, 1048, 1058 report on copper-greening 1057 use of copper cooking utensils 1058 Gallard 1063,1064 report on copper-greening ^ . . . , 1059 ^^ Wurtz, etc., report on copper-greening 1056 '13ardner, W. L 1104,1151 Garges 1050,1051 Garres, Vve., & Fils 1041,1078,1087,1151,1160,1161 Gautier 1054,1057,1058 and Bouchardat, report on copper- greening 1050 General examination of canned vegetables 1027 Gerland 1033 German law relative to tin plate 1018, 1019, 1036 solder 1019 Germany, copper-greening in ,.. 1066 Gibbs Preserving Co ^..."'.11...... .1081, llol Gillard .J....1160, 1161 Girard, Gallard, etc., report on copper-greening 1056 Githeus, Rexsamer & Co 1089,1130,1152 VI. INDEX. Page. Githens & Rexsamer 1101,1104,1122,1142,1145,1151 Glasgow, city of, report on copper-greening 1073 Glenwood Canning Co 1132, 1152 Gley 1064 Glycerophosphate of copper 1058, 1072 Gobelin, Fils & Cie 1084,1085,1152 Godillot, jne., A 1098,1152,1160 Gooseberries, copper in 1067 Gordon «fc Dil worth 1 145, 1 152 Gouleau 1160,1161 Great Britain, copper-greening in 1073 Green gages, copper in 1067 Grimaux, Ed 1063,1065,1066,1075,1076,1084 report on copper-greening 1064 Grocers' Packing Co 1114,1115,1152 Guillaumez 1088,1089,1152,1160,1161 Guillemare and Lecourt 1051 petition of 1049 n. Hagan & Gilkison 1085,1115 Halenke 1071,1072 Hamburgh Canning Co 1077, 1152 Harden, John W 1086,1101 Haricots flageolets 1106 panachds 1107 verts 1097 Harrison, Chas. K 1123,1152 Ha88a11,A.H 1073 Hazelnuts, copper in, 1067 Heat, influence of, on bacteria 1015, 1029 Hehner, O 1035,1164 tin in canned goods 1042 Hemingway, H. F., & Co 1091,1152 Hilger 1071,1072 Historical 1022 Horniann 1072 Houston, I. II 1118,1132,1152 Hudson*. Co 1135,1152 Hume, Frank 1078,1082,1083,1097,1100,1118,1119,1121,1140 Hungerford, J. 11 1115,1123,1087,1098 Hri.t, G.W., & Co 1082,1153 Hydronaphthol 1035 detection of 1031 I. Italy, copper-greening in 1072 J. Jackson & Co 1079,1080,1084,1110,1114,1118,1119 James, W.L 1123,1153 Jenkins, T. M 1058 Jones andTrovithick 1024 Juliou, Chs 1160,1161 INDEX. vn K. Page. Kammerer 1071 Karsch 1067 Kayser 1068,1071 Keagle «fe Guider 1090,1153 Kellogg, Chas. I 1090, 1098, 1104, 1108, 1136, 1143 Kengla, II 1123 Kennedy, G. E., & Co 1091, 1102, 1106, 1135, 1140 Kent, W. H 1066,1074 V. Kerschenstciner 1071 Key worth, John 1088, 1111, 1135 Kidney beans, red 1044, 1069 Kidneys, copper in 1117 Koehler 1069 Kolbe, H 1033,1034 L. Laing, Charles, & Co 1087, 1153 Lamau, Franyois, & Co 1160, 1161 Lambert, Henri, & Cie 1086, 1090, 1153, 1160, 1161 Lancet commission 1073 Lanfair, H . S . , & Co 1100, 1 153 Laurel Canning Co 1137, 1153 Lautemann 1033 Lead, action on tin solutions 1035, 1163 determination of 1039, 1052 in canned goods 1039 Lead-poisoning 1041 Lead in rubber rings 1019, 1102, 1163 Lead in solder 1037 Lead in tin plate 1035,1058,1162 German law relative to 1018, 1019, 1036 Lead, physiological effects of 1018, 1040 Lead-tin alloys, action of food on 1058, 1163 Lead-topped bottles "!' 1019, 1038 Lecourt and Guillemare 1040, 1051 Leggett, F. H., «fe Co 1077, 1090, 1110, 1119, 1129, 1134, 1139, 1145, 1153 Lehmann .' 1034, 1071 report on copjier-greeuing 1069 Leignette 1024 LeLagadcc 1086,1153 Lemouies 1160, 1 161 Leopold, V 1085, 1153, 1160, 1161 Lewis, C, &. Co 1114,1153 Lewis, W. K 1114 Lima beans 1109 List of packers 1146, 1160 Liver, copper in 1044, 1069 Los Angeles Packing Co 1111, 1153 Love, John P 1086, 1098, 1 1C6, 1122, 1123, 1142, 1145 Louit Freres & Co 1098,1154 Low and Von Schuiz 1 166 Lowekamp, J. F 1078, 1100, 1154 Ludiugton, J., & Co 1082,1087,1154 tat INDEX. M. Page. Macddoine 1139,1162 proximate compoaition of 1140 McGaw, C.A 1119,1154 McGrath, H. J., «fe Co 1101, 1154 McMurray, Louis, Packing Co 1111, 1154 McShane, John 1144,1154 McWaid ife Martin 1124,1147 Mach 1069 Magruder, J.H 1136 Maine State Packing Co 1111, 1122, 1154 Mallory, E. B., & Co 1101,1154 Marcelino 1160, 1161 Marcies «fe Cie 1160, 1161 Markell Bros 1090, 1154 Martin, A. J 1057 Martin, Miss Maggie 1074 Massachusetts board of health 1025, 1 149, 1153, 1159 sale of coppered vegetables in 1074 Mattocks, Charles P 1110,1119,1154 Mayrhofer 1069,1071,1072 report on copper-greening 1067 Meader,H.I 1079,1121 Medlars, copper in 1067 Mercier, Eugene 1160, 1161 Merkel,G 1068 Merrell & Soule ...1111, 1142, 1154 Metals, heavy, determination of 1039, 1052 Metal vessels for culinary purposes 1016, 1042, 1046, 1058, 1163 Meyer, T. J., & Co 1142,1154 Mic€ 1047 Mick, Bernard 1124 Micro organisms, destruction of 1015, 1023, 1029 Miller Brothers & Co 1077,1154 Minium in rubber rings 1163 Mitchell Bros 1118,1155 Mohler, method for benzoic acid 1167 Moir, John, 4 Son 1106,1155 Monbadou, R ..........1160,1161 Montgomery, C. F .'..'.1. . 1115 Mound City Preserving Co 1091, 1105, 1155 M iishrooms, copper in 1161 Muter, J 1162 Myer, Thos. J., «fe Co 1081,1099,1123,1156 N. Nadal, Am<