Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/carefeedingofdaiOOhopkrich PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE (LIVE STOCK BRANCH) CAEE AND FEEDING OF DAIRY CATTLE BULLETIN No. 67 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE CF BRITISH COLUNeiA. PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. VICTORIA, B.C. : Trlnted by Williaji H. Clllin, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1916. Department op Agriculture, Victoria, B.C., June, 1916. To His Honour Frank Stillman Barnard, Lieutenant'Oovernor of the Province of British Colunibia. ilAY it please Your Honour : I have the honour to submit herewith for your approval Bulletin No. 67, entitled " Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle," which has been prepared by Mr. S. H. Hopkins under the direction of Mr. Wm. E. Scott, Deputy Minister of Agriculture. 1 have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, W. MAN SON, Minister of Agriculture. Department op Agriculture, Victoria, li.C, June, lOlG. Hon. W. Manson, Minister of Af/riciilUire. Sir, — T Iiave the honour to .submit herewitli t'oi- voiiv ajtpioval Hiilletiu No. C7, prepared by Mr. S. H. Hopkins, on the '' Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle." I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, WM. E. SCOTT, Deputy Minisfer of Agriculture. I PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (LIVE STOCK BRANCH). HON. WM. MANSON. Minister of Agriculture. WM. E. SCOTT, Deputy Minister of Agriculture. w. T. McDonald, b.s.a., m.s.a. Live Stock Commissioner. S. H. HOPKINS, B.S.A., Assistant Live Stock Commissioner. *H. RIVE, B.S.A., Chief I^airy Instructor. J. R. TERRY, Chief Poultry Instructor. *WM. NEWTON, B.S.A., Soil and. Crop Instructor. E. HOGAN. B.S.A., Soil and Crop Instructor. H. E. WALKER, B.S.A., District Agriculturist, Prince George. A. KNIGHT, V.S., Chief Veterinary Inspector. W. W. ALTON, V.S., Veterinary Inspector. WM. J. BON A VI A, Secretary to the Department * Granted leave of absence for overseas service. T. A. F. W^IAN^TTKO, Dairy Instructor. H. E. UPTON, Poultry Instructor. H. O. ENGLISH. B.A., B.S.A., Soil and Crop Instructor. J. H. Mcculloch, b.s.a.. District Agriculturist, Quesnel. GEO. C. HAY, B.S.A., District Agriculturist, Telkicn. S. A. K. white, V.S., Veterinary Inspector. B. R. ILSLEY, V.S., Veterinary Inspector. CARE AND FEEDING OF DAIRY CATTLE. INTRODUCTION. jjGREAT INCREASE iu urban population over rural has made British Columbia a large importer of dairy products. In the last few years our farmers have gone in for dairying more extensively, and the supply of dairy products is beginning to overtake the demand. It will, how- ever, be many years before the home market is fully supplied. The opportunities for the dairy-farmer are many. Dairying is and should be the backbone of our agriculture. The most prosperous agricultural communities of the world, where intelligent farming reaches its highest level, depend chiefly on dairying. Denmark, Holland, and the Island of Jersey are examples. There are many reasons why dairy-farming is practised on the highest-priced lands and pays good returns. The dairy cow is the most economical prochicer of food of all farm animals. A good cow giving about 7,500 lb. of average milk in a year will produce four times as much solid food as a well-fed steer during the same time. The hog comes next in order to the cow as a profit-maker, and hogs are generally raised on a dairy-farm to consume the skim-milk or buttermilk, thus enhancing the profits. Intelligent dairy-farming tends to conserve and increase the fertility of the farm, unlike exclusive grain or fruit growing, which reduces fertility. The selling of dairy products takes away very little from the land, most of the fertility con- tained in the crops being returned to the soil in the barnyard manure. The manure from a well-fed cow is worth $25 a year. Much of this fertility is taken from the air during the growth of the crops, the clovers grown being especially beneficial iu adding nitrogen to the soil. Any foodstuff purchased by the dairy-farmer also adds fertility to the farm. The foregoing explains why the average yield of wheat per acre in Denmark is 42 bushels, England 32, and on this continent less than 20. An important item is the low cost of freight on concentrated products like butter and cheese having much value in small bulk. Labour is distributed evenly through- out the year, winter as well as summer. iVnother advantage connected with dairy-farming is the steady market available and the certainty of returns. Market prices for dairy products vary but little from year to year. Dairy products are food necessities, while some farm products ai'e more or less luxuries. Moreover, the market is close at hand. " There is no market like the home market," and that is very far from being supplied by home production. Although returns at any one time are not large, they are coming in the whole year through. Thus intelligent dairy-farming is not at all speculative, but is essentially " safe " farming. DAIRYING DISTRICTS. The Coast districts of British Columbia are most favourable to dairying. In these sections the industry is most developed, especially in the Lower Fraser Valley and on Vancouver Island. A mild, moist climate with a long growing season, together with proximity to large markets, make these the premier dairy districts of the Province. A large amount of fresh milk is required by Vancouver, Victoria, and other centres of population. In addition, twenty creameries are in operation in the Coast sections. Seven of these are farmers' co-operative creameries, and the rest are owned by city milk companies. Three condensed-milk factories are operated, two on the Mainland and one on Vancouver Island. A list of the co-operative creameries at present operated follows : — 10 DEPAKTMfiNT OF AgRICULTUBE. Coa^t Districts. — Chilliwack, Edenbank (Sardis), New Westmiuster, Saltspring Island. Comox Valley, Xanalmo, and Cowichan. Interior Districts. — Salmon Arm, Armstrong, Kelowna, and Cranbrook. Grand Forks. Xelson, and Kamloops have each a privately owned creamery. This list will be lengthened in the near future. "? It is gratifying to find that the Interior districts have also taken up dairying. They already have four co-operative creameries established. There is no reason why dairying should not be developed in the Interior. The climate is dry in many districts and pasture not abundant. But all the Interior valleys grow splendid crops of clover, alfalfa, roots, and other staple dairying crops, with or without irrigation, according to the district. Wherever these crops can be grown dairying can be suc- cessfully carried on. All these sections at present have to import large quantities of dairy products from outside the Province. I>arge importations of butter come from the Prairies, where conditions are not so favourable for dairying. This state of aflfairs should be remedied. Home butter-making is practised to some extent, but the quality of butter so made is not up to standard generally. Creamery-made butter is better and more uniform in quality. The aim should be to build creameries at convenient centres in each district when the number of dairy cows warrants it. DAIRY BREEDS. Holsteik-Fbiesiax. This is the most popular dairy breed in British Columbia at present. The Holstein is the oldest improved breed in existence. It has been kept and improved in Holland since the time of Caesar. The " black and whites '' are the largest of our dairy breeds. Holsteins p)ossess the highest average milk yield of any breed, and although the per cent, of cream or fat is the lowest, the total yearly yield of milk solids is highest, on the average. They are an especially vigorous breed, with large, strong frames. The cows possess a very quiet disiK>sitiou and are usually regular breeders. The calves are large and make fine veal. The beefing qualities of the breed are good for a dairy breed. Aybshibes. This hardy, white-and-brown Scotch breed has won recognition by its merits. In New Zealand it is the most important dairy breed. This breed is noted for a good, uniform production rather than for remarkable records. Few inferior Ayrshires are found. Being an alert, active breed, they are good rustlers on rough and scanty pastures. The milk is of a good, average composition, but. like the Holstein. lacks the colour of the Channel Island breeds. It is richer in butter-fat than Holstein milk, averaging about 4 per cent. In beef production Ayrshires rank high for a dairy breed. Jebsbtt. As economical producers of butter-fat the Channel Island breeds — ^Jersey and Guernsey — have first claim. Although the total average yield of milk is less than in most other dairy breeds, Jersey milk has the highest average per cent, of butter- fat of any breed (slightly over 5 per cent.). A pronounced yellow colour adds to the saleability of Jersey milk, and the fat globules are so large that the cream rises quickly to the surface and churns easily. Jerseys are early maturing and are very persistent milkers, but are more apt to be delicate as c-alves than other breeds. In size they are the smallest of the common dairy breeds. The Channel Island breeds are ill-adapted for beef-making, the fat being very yellow and not well distributed. Jersey calves are small for vealing purposes. GUEBXSEY. This breed is considerably larger and coarser-^oned than the Jersey. The colour differs from the fawn-shaded-with-black of the Jersey, and is a yellow or buff with Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 11 white markings. In yield of milk this breed ranks a little above the Jersey. The per cent, of fat is slightly less on the average. The yellow colour of the milk and butter and the size of the fat-globules are more pronounced even than in the case of the Jersey. Dual-purpose Breeds— Daiky Shorthorn and Red Poll. These two breeds have been developed as a result of the demand for a cow giving a medium quantity of milk, but with better beefing qualities than the dairy breeds. In England the majority of the cattle are dairy or dual-purpose Shorthorns, but the Shorthorn as found generally on this side the water is the beef type, and has usually no claim to be styled dual-purpose. For this reason genuine dual- purpose Shorthorns are difficult and expensive to procure in British Columbia. Shorthorns are often called Durhams. Red Polls as a breed in America are fairly good milkers, and possess better beefing qualities than any of the dairy breeds. Dual-purpose cattle find their place where facilities and fodder are available for raising the male calves as steers rather than disposing of them when young for veal, as is the practice with those keeping the strictly dairy breeds. Dual-purpose type stands midway between the dairy and beef types. Hence neither the largest millv yields of the special-purpose dairy breeds nor the ideal beefing qualities of the beef breeds can be expected from dual-purpose cattle. CHOICE OF BREED. The Holstein and Ayrshire breeds are well adapted for supplying market-milk. The yield is large and the fat and other milk solids are well balanced for human food. The per cent, of fat is nearer the legal standard of 314 per cent., and the milk is not apt to churn during transportation. Jerseys and Guernseys are specially suited for cream or butter production or as family cows. Colour and Fat in Milk. While the yellow colour of the milk of the Channnel Island breeds is very attractive, it has nothing to do with the richness of the milk. This is shown by the fact that milk of exceptional Holstein cows analysing 5 per cent, of butter-fat still has the natural white colour of Holstein milk. Goats' milk is richer in fat than Jersey milk, but both the milk and butter are perfectly white. Holstein and Ayrshire milk is better for feeding infants than the milk of the Channel Island breeds, due to the small size of the fat-globules and their consequent easier digestibility. Comparison of Breed Records. The following table given by ICckles is an average record of the pure-bred cows of different dairy breeds kept at United States experiment stations. It cannot be taken as a complete breed record, but may serve as a guide. Holsteins Ayrshires Jersey (riiernsey Dairy Shorthorn Red Poll Pounds of Milk per Year. 8,699 6,5;« 5,508 5,509 6,017 5,906 Per Cent, of Fat. 3.5 3.8 5.1 5.0 3.6 4.0 Pounds of Fat per Year. 300 252 283 274 218 238 Per Cent, of Total Solids. 12.29 12.9 14 9 14.2 12.8 Care axd Fkedixc; of Dairv Cattlk. 13 COMMUNITY BREEDING. There are many advantages in choosing a breed favoured by the district round about rather than one not well represented. The locality becomes famous for that particular breed and buyers of surplus stock are attracted. Systematic and more intelligent breeding is possible. The best bulls become known and are retained in the district by trading. CROSSING BREEDS. A'ery often the result of the first cross between distinct breeds is good, many animals inheriting the good qualities of both breeds, especially vigour. But as a rule many inferior animals appear in the second generation. Crossing distinct breeds defeats the very object for which the breeds have been developed. Pure breeds are kept pure in order that certain characteristics may become fixed so strongly that they will be transmitted regularly. Crossing brealis the chain of inheritance, and no one can tell the outcome. It may seem natural in crossing the Holstein and Jersey breeds to expect the cross-bred to yield the quantity of the Holsteiil with the quality of Jersey milk. But it is just as natural to get the opposite result, because all tendencies, both good and bad, are transmitted from parents to offspring. STARTING A DAIRY HERD. I'sually tlie sale of dairy products is the prime object, and in that case high- class gi'ade cows will serve the purpose better than pure-breds, because tliey are not so expensive. A few registered females may be bought when funds allow if it is the expectation to sell breeding stock. The Iierd must be kept up mainly by home-bred stock. Purchased stock is very apt to be unprofitable and expensive. Sellers do not readily part with their best animals. There is also the constant risk of bi'inging in disease, such as tuberculosis and contagious abortion. For these i*easons good dairy-farmers raise most of their own cows. Hence every dairy herd sliould own a good registered bull backed by good dairy records. The bull is half the future herd, so no chances should be taken with a grade animal whose breeding is unknown. With a registered animal it is possible to know the ancestry more fully and to get more certain results. He must, however, be a good individual himself. Pedigi'ee breeding, combined with selection, has been the means of improving all our modern breeds of live stock. Kkepi'ng Melk Records. Breed, weed, and feed is a good maxim. No matter how carefully the breeder may be, some cows will disappoint him and turn out simply " boarders." It will be impossible for him to detect and weed out these undesirables by his own observation. Only by periodically weighing and testing the yield of each cow Avill he be able to arrive at figures showing him exactly what each cow returns above or below cost of keep. Yearly records are of far more value than short-time tests. The persistent milker is the profit-maker. The daily weighing of the milk of each cow and keeping a record of the weights involves surprisingly little extra trouble. This system has many advantages. In fact, intelligent dairying is impossible without it. Without knowing a cow's yield of milk and butter-fat it is impossible to feed her accordingly. A cow giving the same amovmt of milk as another may be yielding twice the quantity of butter-fat. The milk charts are also an infallible indication of loss of health. A sick cow may often be detected early by the decreasing milk-flow. The effect of a change in milkers will also be shown. Some milkers will obtain 25 per cent, more milk than others from the same cow. ^ • 14 Department of Agriculture. Cow-testing. Testing milk for i)er ceut. of butter- fat need not be done more than once or t\vice a mouth. Samples sliould be taken of both morning and evening milk. Testing is most easily and cheaply carried on where a cow-testinig association is in operation with Government assistance. The following figures were obtained by the Dairy Division of the Live Stock Branch. Department of Agriculture, in carrying on cow- testing work in the Ijower Fraser Valley : — Comparison of Ten Best and Ten Poorest Coics. Average of 242 cows. . Highest 10. . ' 12,347 Lowest 10 Food Cost Total Cost Total Cost UUk. Kat. Food Cost. of 100 Lb. of 100 Lb. of Keep of Milk. of Milk. per Cow. lb. 11). 7,373 31.5 $44.25 80.61 SI. 15 S84.25 ' 12.347 4(J6 53.25 .43 0.75 93.25 3,477 167 34.5(J .99 2.15 74.50 Profit per Cow. S 67.00 126.85 11.00 XoTE. — Cost of production figures would be higher in the Interior. The following scale of charges was adopted : — Ranch-grown produce at actual cost of production. Bought produce at car-load prices. Grain bought at car-load prices. Grain home-grown at car-load prices, less 40 per cent. Pasture at $1 to ?2 per acre. Hay at ?10 to $12 per ton. Mangels at ?4 per ton. Corn ensilage at $3 per ton. Green feed at ?2 per mouth. Fixed charges (in addition to cost of feed) for labour, interest, and depreciation ou barn and cow. taxes, insurance, veterinary, etc., are assessed at $40 per cow per year. In the above table butter-fat was reckoned at an average price of 35 cents per pound; skim-milk at 25 cents per 100 lb.; calf at birth, $5; and manure was cal- culated as worth $25 per cow for " highest 10," $20 for average cow, and for the •• lowest 10 " it is $15. The Dairy Division of the Live Stock Branch, Department of Agriculture, will be glad to help in the organization of cow-testing associations where not already formed. They will also send, free, upon request, special sheets for recording daily milk yields. Where necessary, the testing may be done at home. A small BaLcock tester, acid, pipette, and graduated bottles wilUcost about $12, The method used is quite simple and easy to follow. The yield of butter is about one-sixth more than the quantity of butter-fat from which it is made. This is called the " overrun." It consists mainly of the water and salt incorporated in the butter. SELECTING COWS. GlTAKDING AGAINST DISEASE. Tuberculosis and contagious abortion are the two most serious contagious diseases that may be introduced into a herd by means of purchased animals. They are both germ diseases. One tubercular cow may soon infect most of the herd, and that means heavy financial loss and the risk of tubercular milk danger- ous to human beings. The tuberculin test is the only reliable means of detecting affected animals. All animals should be bought subject to passing this test, which Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 15 will be applied free by the veterinarians attached to the Department of Agriculture. Contagious abortion is a more difficult disease to guard against, and the losses from it are very heavy. All that can be done is to make careful inquiry as to the freedom from cases of abortion of the herd from which the animal comes. The bull may carry germs of this disease. Often when stock is bought from dealers and not from the breeder it is difficult to get reliable information. Age. A cow will usually give her greatest yield during the fourth milking-period, or about her sixth year. Some, however, make their best record later. If a cow con- tinues to breed eveiy year, as she should do, she usually shows no very marked decline until twelve years. Most cows have to be disposed of for different reasons before reaching that age. A three-year-old will give about 75 or 80 per cent, as much milk as when mature at six years. The per cent, of butter-fat tends to decline with advancing years. The Dairy Type. - The special points to be seen in a good dairy cow in full flow of milk are : — (1.) The extreme angular form, without surplus flesh, but showing health and vigour : (2.) The great development of udder and milk- veins : (3.) The middle or barrel of the cow is very large in proportion to the size of the animal. The difference between the dairy and beef types will be shown by the accom- panying diagram. A good dairy cow never carries much flesh when in full milk. She may put on flesh when dry, but after calving the strong stimulation to produce milk, which every good cow possesses, makes her part with this flesh and fat in the form of milk. A cow that carried any considerable amount of flesh after milking some months lacks the necessary stimulus. She may yield well for a few months, but she will not be a persistent milker. A thiivcow, however, is not necessarily a good cow, but it is easy to distinguish between a starved, dull-looking animal with rough, staring coat, and the well-fed, sleek-looking but thin dairy cow carrying a look of thrift, contentment, and capacity put to good use. The wedge shape is particularly noticeable in most good cows. The point of the wedge is at the withers or top of the shoulder, which are sharp and not beefy. The wedge gradually widens out along the top of the back until its greatest width is reached across the hips. The ribs are well spread and deep to provide the capacity to consume large quantities of bulky food. The heart-girth or chest capacity is large to provide room for the vital organs — the heart and lungs — which purify and pump the blood from which the milk is made. The rump from the hip-bones to the tail is long and level with the rest of the back. A drooping rump is unsightly and often indicates a faulty udder below. The proper conformation of the thighs and udder will be seen from the illus- tration. The thighs should not be beefy, but should appear quite thin and arched on the inside. The L'ddeb. A good udder is attached high behind and well forward on the abdomen. This, with good depth and width, gives great capacity. The fore-quartei's more often lack development than the hind-quarters. They should be equally developed, making the vessel shapely. The teats should be level and wide apart when the cow is milking. The texture of the udder is important. Large, well-formed udders may contain to*o much connective tissue to be effective. These are termed fleshy udders. In such 16 Depabtment of Aghiculture. udders the quantity of milk-secreting glands is really small, and after milking the udder is almost as large and distended as before. A good udder " milks away." and "when empty shows a lot of loose skin of a soft, pliable texture. The Mii,k-veixs. •« These pass out of the front of the udder, one on each side, along the abdomen, and can readily be felt just beneath the skin. They enter the body-cavity through openings called " milk-wells " toward the fron*^ legs. These veins carry the blood, from which rhe milk is secreted, on its way from the udder tack to the heart and lungs. A large supply of blood means a large milk production. The milk-vein is one of the most reliable indications of milking capacity. The larger the vein and the more crooked and branching, the better are the indica- tions. In judging a dry cow or one that has been milking a long time, the size of ^^ A l,i,.w». Ayi>..;iO cow. the milk-wells should be noted. The veins decrease in size as the lactation period advances, but with mature cows the size of the milk-wells remain constant. In young animals tlip vpins will be smaller than when mature. THE HERD BULL. It is a well-known saying that " the bull is half the herd." Some authorities claim that he counts for more than half the future herd. Investigations seem to show that the sire possesses the faculty of transmitting dairy qualities even more than the dam.' It Is, then, mistaken economy to buy a bull simply because he is cheap. A pure- bred bull of the breed chosen should be got. He should be a typical specimen of his breed, with good conformation and strong vitality and constitution. In addition, he must have Ancestors with good dairy records. His dam especially should be a high producer. Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 17 The reason why a pure-bred animal is more likely to transmit good dairy qualities and improve the production of the herd is that the pure breeds have been bred generation after generation along the same lines. The longer this has been carried on, the more firmly fixed are the desirable characteristics, with the greater certainty of their transmission to the offspring. It must be remembered, however, that all breeds have been improved from the original common or wild stock. The greater the improvement made, the greater is the tendency to revert to the original type. This " drag of the average " makes continued improvement more and more difficult past a certain point. If a cheap grade or scrub sire is used, the chances are that progress will be in the wrong direction. But it may be said that almost any pure-bred bull with good milking ancestry will improve a mixed herd or one of poor dairy quality. Even pure-bred bulls vary greatly in their ability to pass on the desirable points of the breed to their offspring. Prepotent bulls — sires that transmit good dairy quality to a marked degree — are rare, and exceedingly valuable to any breeder. Too often such bulls are disposed of before the owner has time to discover their Avrjsliire bull, '• llolishuid I'rrlrct VU worth in their offspring. A bull should be kept if possible until his capabilities are known. It pays also to try out a young animal on a few cows before finally adopt- ing him as the herd bull. The only way to try out a dairy bull is to breed from him and then see what his offspring will do at the pail. Age of Bull to Sei.ect. Instead of buying a young untried bull, as is the general practice, it will often pay a farmer to look around for an aged bull for sale by a reputable breeder. A young animal is generally preferred, however, being more easily handled and shipped. There is also danger of an aged bull being an uncertain breeder, due to lack of exercise, and there is the further risk of introducing contagious abortion into the herd. 18 Department of Ageiculture. CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF THE BULL. Bull calves of the dairy breeds are usually raised on skim-milk supplemented by a fairly liberal graiu ration, the object being to obtain good growth without too much beefiness. A little flesh will not do any harm. ., In summer the natural feed Is green stuff with a little grain. In winter, clover or alfalfa hay with a good allowance of roots, and for grain a mixture of oats, corn, bran, and linseed-oil meal, will give good results. Bull calves should be separated from the heifers before six months old, but can run with other bull calves of about their own age. Age to Use. Most bulls can be used for light service at ten or eleven months, week is enough at first. Later this number can be increased. One cow per Guernsey bull, " Pilot of the Glen." RiMOING THE BUIJ.. At about one year of age the bull should have a ring put in his nose. This provides a means of controlling him. The bull's head must be tied securely. The ring is vaselined and a circular hole cut through the cartilage between the nostrils. A bull-punch is the proper instrument to make the hole, but a trocar can be used as well. After the ring is closed and the screw inserted, it should be sandpapered if there are any rough edges. He should not be handled by means of the ring until the wound is perfectly healed, because if so hurt he will become difficult to catch. A good staff and a strong ring are the only safe means of leading a bull. Impobtance of Exebcise. Hardly one dairy bull in a hundred gets sufficient exercise to keep him in proper breeding condition unless he runs with the herd, and the latter is bad practice. It is dangerous because no bull is safe at large. Many persons every year are killed by " quiet " bulls. Furthermore, when the bull is out with the cows, the owner Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 19 cannot keep any record of the date of breeding, as he should do. The heifers are liable to be served far too young and be stunted in growth. Another bad feature of the practice is that the bull exhausts himself until he becomes an uncertain breeder. The bull should be kept away from the herd, but he should be able to see what is' going on around him, and not kept in solitary confinement. The best way is to run two bulls together, and let them work off surplus energy in friendly fights. A dairy bull has much more nervous energy or " steam " than the lethargic beef animal, and this must be worked off in some way. An open shed and paddock are best best when available. Some have the bull's ring attached by a chain to an extra strong wire stretched tightly from post to post above the animal. He can travel from end to end of this cable at will. One prominent dairyman of the Province uses the herd bull on a tread-power to run his milking-machines. The open-air treatment is best except during severe weather, although it causes the animal to appear somewhat rough owing to the long coat of hair he grows. Dehobning. Dehorning is best done while very young. If a mature bull has horns, they are better removed. All bulls are dangerous, but they are less dangerous without the horns. Get a veterinarian to dehorn the bull with a special dehorning instrument. A typical Guernsey cow. It should be understood that it is never safe to trust any bull. He should be treated firmly but kindly. Bull calves should never be petted or teased. CALF-RAISING. Holstein calves at birth are the largest of any breed, often weighing over 100 lb. when born. They average about 90 lb., Ayrshires 65 lb., and Jersey calves about 55 lb. Heifers' calves are smaller at birth than calves from mature cows. The cows are an important part of the herd. If care is taken in the choice of a sire and in raising the calves, the dairyman who is compelled to start with a herd of ordinary quality may in a few years raise the production of his herd greatly. 20 Department of Agriculture. RAISING CALVES ON WHOLE MILK. Although this is the most natural method, it is a costly process. After the first month a calf needs an average of about 16 lb. of milk a day. This means nearly 500 lb. per month for four months. When milk is woiled by manure and trampling. The manure can be saved and used to better advantage under the soiling system. It has been fully proven that dairy cows give more milk when properly soiled than when on good pasture. A small holder in the Kootenay District grows roughage enough on five acres for four cows for the year. Owing chiefly to the large quantity of manure available, this small farm has been built up from " an absolute wilderness of thistles " to pro- ducing " about double per acre any other in this valley." All the land produces two crops in the year, and some three crops. On this farm a small silo has recently been erected. Oats and peas were used to fill it the first year, and produced enormously. Eckles says that, " taking all data into account, it seems conservative to say that when following the soiling system one acre will produce at least twice as much, and oft«i three times as much, food as an acre of pasture." Objections to the Soilisg Ststem. The main objection which prevents wide adoption of the system is the extra labour involved. Another is the difficulty in providing the right amount of a suit- able series of croi)s. Green crops are heavy to handle, and each cow will require about 100 lb. per day. The crops must he fed fresh. Some cut and haul every day, others every alternate day. It is better to have a surplus than to run short. The surplus can be either made into hay. put into the silo, or ploughed under for green manure. Successiox of Soiling Crops axd Acreage beqcired fob Tks Cows. Winter rye % acre. Winter wheat and vetch % ,. Alfalfa (three cuttings) 2 Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. Clover and timothy % acre. Peas and oats 1 „ Corn (after the wheat) % „ Kale (after the rye) % „ Millet, Sudan grass, winter oats, soy-beans, and barley are also used as soiling crops. Silage is just as good a food in summer as in winter. The Western Wash- ington Experimental Farm uses corn ensilage for winter feeding, and the silo is refilled in early summer with fall-sown oats and vetch for summer feeding. When the silo is filled with corn again the feeding of green kale is commenced. Pabtial Soiling. Few farmers are prepared to adopt complete soiling. With nearly all, however, partial soiling or silage is necessary to help out the pasture. When pasture fails during the heat of summer the cows must be fed succulent feed in the barn. In the heat of the day they are better tied up inside the darkened barn, going to the pasture at night. Not only will the cows give more milk, but the lactation period will be much longer, if soiling or summer silage feeding is practised. FEEDING FOR MILK PRODUCTION. Authorities claim that the average yearly milk production per cow could be increased over one-half by following better methods of feeding. Turning on Pasture in the Spring. No feed gives as good satisfaction to both cow and dairyman as grass, especially in spring. However, in changing from dry feed to pasture, it is best to go slowly. Young grass is very watery and has not much food value in proportion to its weight. There is also danger of an objectionable taste appearing in the milk if the change is not made gradually. Grain-feeding on Pasture. This pays in the case of heavy -producing cows. Besides giving more milk at the time, they will continue to milk longer. A cow yielding 40 lb. of milk on pasture may get 7 lb. of grain. Grain-feeding helps to keep up the condition and vitality of the best cows, and the benefit of it is seen during the next lactation period. Providing for Short Pastures. A great loss occurs each summer, not so much on account of the heat and flies as because of shortage of feed for the cows. They fall off in milk yield, and never again give as much as they would have done if they had been better fed. Summer soiling crops are essential to the best success in dairying. Plots of oats and peas, alfalfa, clover, corn, and kale will doubly pay for themselves. Many are now using silage also to help out during a dry spell in summer-time. If unused, old silage can be covered by the new. These feeds are less expensive than grain. Amount of Feed. A maintenance ration is the food required to just support the animal's body without producing any milk. In the case of an ordinary dairy cow the ration of maintenance is from 50 to 60 per cent, of all she can eat. She then has 40 to 50 per cent, of her food available for milk production, if well fed. If the amount of food is cut down the maintenance requirement remains the same, so that the part used for milk production is lessened. This illustrates the importance of liberal feeding. Usually heavy-producing cows are underfed and light-producing cows are over- fed. A common practice is for all cows in a herd to be fed the same amount of grain regardless of the milk yield of each cow. Each cow should be fed according to her production. 30 Department of Agriculture. Amount of Gbain and Roughage to Feed. With her enormous pauuch. a cow can take care of a lot of roughage. An animal with an immense middle has a much greater producing capacity than a shallow cow, but needs grain or some more concentrated food to do her best. The following rules for winter feeding are practical : — (1.) Feed all the clover or alfalfa hay that the cow will clean up at feeding- time. Feed for the succulent part of the ration at least 35 lb. of roots or silage per day : (2.) In addition, feed 1 lb. of grain per day for each pound of butter-fat pro- duced per week, or 1 lb. of grain daily for each 4 lb. of average milk. The latter rule applies only when good roughage is fed, such as clover or alfalfa hay combined with silage or roots. For a cow giving richer milk (over 4 per cent.) more grain should be fed- If timothy hay is used, more grain will be necessary. HoifE-GBOwN Balanced Rations. Timothy hay is not a good dairy feed, as it is poor in protein and requires expensive concentrates to balance it. The cheapest source of protein is legume hay, such as clover and alfalfa. These are much better than timothy, and less of the expensive grain is necessary to feed with them. By replacing timothy with alfalfa the grain part of the ration may be cut in two. Roots and silage provide succulence in the winter ration, which helps production and tends to keep the animals healthy. Most farmers fail to provide enough suc- culence for their cows. A balanced ration is one in which the proportion of protein or nitrogenous material to the other nutrients is about right. Protein goes to form the curd of milk, and it is the nutrient usually lacking. The following are some good rations for cows giving about 25 lb. daily : — (1.) Com silage or roots 35-45 lb. Clover hay 15 Wheat bran 4 Ground oats 3 (2.) Corn silage or roots 40-50 .. Alfalfa hay 15 .. Ground barley 4 Bran - (3.) Clover hay I'n Mangels 4i > Ground oats o Ground barley 3 (4.) Com silage 40 Clover hay 1' ' Carrots 20 .. Wheat bran 3 Ground oats 2 Cotton-seed meal or linseed-oil meal 1 (5.) Clover and timothy hay 15 Green kale CO Bran, oats, and barley-chop 4 (6.) Ration for cow giving 40 lb. of 4-per-cent. milk daily : — Corn silage 35 lb. or mangels 55 lb. Alfalfa or clover hay 12-15 .. Grain mixture 10 „ (Oats, bran, and barley, 3 lb. of each ; linseed-meal or soy-bean meal, 1 lb.) Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 31 PURCHASING FEEDING-STUFFS. The farmer does not need to be a chemist to purchase feeds intelligently. He needs to know the functions of the main constituents of feeding-stuffs — protein, fat, carbohydrates, fibre, and ash. Knowing this, and having the analysis before him, he is well able to valuate and compare different feeds. Protein. This part of a food goes to form the tissues and organs of the body, the blood, hide, hair, horns, and the curd of milk. Lean meat, blood, and the white of eggs are nearly pure protein and water. The main element in protein Is nitrogen. Hence we say that the protein is the nitrogenous part of a food. It will be readily seen what an important part protein plays in the growth of the body, the repair of the wear and tear constantly going on in the body, and also in milk production, since milk is a very nitrogenous product. Cabboh tdrates. Starch and sugar, made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, are pure carbo- hydrates. Other similar substances are included under this name. Carbohydrates are used in the animal body to produce heat and energy, and, where plentiful, to produce body-fat as well. Fats or Oils. These form body-fat and the fat in milk. Fats or oils also produce heat and energy in the animal body, and for this purpose they have a value two and a quarter times as great as starch or carbohydrates. Fibre. This constituent is the least valuable of the nutrients in a food. In composition and function it is similar to carbohydrates, but is of less value to the animal, because more or less of it is indigestible and cannot be used. Moreover, this Indigestible part of the fibre has to be moved through the intestines. So that the more indigest- ible or woody fibre a food contains, the less valuable it Is. Ash. This is the mineral matter taken from the soil the crop grew upon. It is composed chiefly of lime, magnesia, potash, and soda, combined with phosphoric and other acids. All the cells of the body contain some mineral matter and the bones are largely phosphate of lime. Importance of Protein and Fat. A farmer usually has enough home-grown fodder to supply all the carbohydrates and fibre needed. He usually buys feeding-stuffs for the protein and fat they con- tain, and generally the protein is the most important to him. We will suppose that he is offered bran at $1.35 and linseed-meal at ?2.10 per 100 lb. He finds from the analysis given in the table that good bran contains 15.4 per cent, crude protein and 4 per cent, of fat, a total of 19.4 lb. of protein and fat in 100 lb. bran. From the analysis of the linseed-meal (which should be on every sack) he finds that it contains 37.5 per cent, crude protein and 2.7 per cent, fat, or a total of 40.2 lb. of protein and fat in 100 lb. linseed-meal. By dividing the price per 100 lb. by the above totals— $1.35 -^ 19.4 and $2.10 -v- 40.2— he arrives at the conclusion that for each pound of protein-fat in bran he must pay 7 cents, while he can buy a pound of protein-fat in linseed-meal at 5 cents, at the above prices. Furthermore, owing t<5 bran containing more indigestible fibre than the linseed-meal, 32 Department of Agriculture. there is a larger proportion of the nutrients digested in the case of the latter. Buying on a protein-fat basis the higher-priced linseed-meal would be the cheaper in this case. The " Commercial Feeding Stuffs Act " of Canada requires that most of the milling and manufacturing products sold as feeds (except bran, shorts, and the meal of whole grains) bear on each sack the guaranteed percentage of protein, fat, and fibre in the feed. It should be remembered that it is usually the total percentage of these nutrients that is given and that thds is not wholly digestible. Only the digestible part of the ration is used by the animal. For the guidance of buyers of feed-stuffs both the total nutrients and also the digestible part of these are given in Table 2. Table 1 will be found useful in " balancing " a ration to make it conform to the standards generally accepted for average-weight c-ows. These standards are not arbitrary, but will be useful as a guide in comjwunding rations economically. Classification of Feed according to theib Nctbitive Ratios. (Based on Bulletin 92, Washington Experiment Station.) Verv Wide (X.B. 1:12 kixl up). Wide (X.R.l:8tol:12)i Dry rooghage or hay Com fodder. 1 Wheat bay. „ , . ,1 1 . , h ay. I Barlej- hay. .-rasshay Oat hay. ' _ - hay. Rye hay. Succulent feeds. Concentrates. Orchard grass. ; Green oat hay. Green corn. jCarrota. '■ •' -26. Rutabagas. Sugar-beets, pulp. j Dried beet-pulp. Com. ' Dried molasses Barley, beet-pulp. Rice-DieaL Medium (X.R. 1:5 to 1:8). Narrow (N.R. less titan l:5i. Pea and oat hay. j Alfalfa tiay. Vetch and oat bay iCloA'er hay. Timothy& clover. ! Vetch hay. Peas and barley. Field-pea hay. V^etch and wheat. Alsike hay. Any of the above Any of the above in green form| crops in green or as silage, i form or as si- tarnip«, beeta, j lage ; kale, cab- mangels, pnmp- 1 bage, rape, kins; green' wheat, barley, or ne. ' Oats. Wheat- Rve. Peas. Wheat bran. Wheat shorts. Oil meal or cake. Soy-bean meaL Dried brewers' grains. Dried malt sprout*. Cocoanut-cake. Cotton -seed meaL Note. — ^The nutritive ratio is the proportion of protdn to carbohydrates. A ratio of 1 : 5 means that tbe feed contains 1 of protein to 5 of carbohydrates. PALATABILirr OF THE RATION. A COW must relish its food to eat the maximum amount. To milk well she must eat well. Much hay is allowed to get woody and unpalatable before cutting, and often the best parts, the leaves, have fallen off before It is fed. Silage and roots are well liked, and a mixture of silage, pulped roots, and grain is greatly relished. Obdkk of Feeding. Regularity is essential in indoor feeding. The cow is a creature of habit aud expects the same routine every day. Grain is usually fed first, and hay is always Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 33 given after milking to avoid filling the air with dust. If the cow receives her grain at milklng-tlme, she will always expect it, and will not yield her best unless it is forthcoming. In case she has been taught to expect it afterward, she will not look for it until then. The two main feeds of both roughage and grain are given night and morning, with perhaps a light feed of hay at noon. Watering should be done twice a day with milking cows. a typical dairy head. FEEDING HIGH-PRODUCING COWS FOR MAXIMUM PRODUCTION. An animal must have been dry for at least two months and be in good flesh to do her best. Succulence and palatability are essential in the ration. Sugar-beets or mangels are better for this purpose than silage, and may be fed up to 60 lb. or more per day. The following is a ration fed to a Jersey (weight 900 lb.) yielding 40 lb. of milk and 2 lb. of butter-fat per day : — Corn silage 35 lb. Alfalfa hay 15 „ Corn-meal 2 ,, Bran 3 „ Oats 3 „ Oil-meal 2 „ The above ration will be found to conform closely to the standard given in Table 1. 34 Department of Agriculture. The following is a winter ration for Holstein on test giving 80 lb. milk : — Alfalfa hay 18 lb. Mangels 75 ,. Ground oats 8 ,. Ground barley ..\ 5 .. Oil-meal 5 ,. The following is a daily ration for a Holstein weighing 1,350 lb. and giving 100 lb. of milk daily :— r Mangels 30 lb. Sugar-beets 30 ,. Alfalfa hay 20 ,. Corn-meal 6 ,, Bran 6 .. Oats 6 .. Gluten feed 2 ,. Linseed-meal 2 ,. Cotton-seed meal 2 ,, Grain mixed with pulped roots and moistened. The British Columbia Holstein, " Pietje Canary's Jewel," recently completed a Canadian record of 938 lb. of butter-fat and 24,149 lb. of milk in a year. She .was fed and milked four times a day. For the first few days after calving only hay and mangels were fed. Then a mixture of grain was gradually added- consisting of 3 parts oats and 1 part each of barley. oU-meal, and soy-bean meal. When in full milk a day's ration consisted of 100 lb. mangels, 24 lb. grain mixture, and hay. Later in the test more linseed-oil meal was substituted for the soy-bean meal. The large amount of succulence is the feature of this ration. This cow is bred and owned by Mr. J. M. Steves, Steveston, B.C. -Cost of keeping an Avebage Cow. A yearly balance-sheet for a cow giving 6,000 lb. of milk testing 3.S per cent, fat would read somewhat as follows : — Debit. Credit. Feed— 223 lb. butter-fat @ 35 cents S 80 00 Pasture and soiling. 6 mos. $ 8 00 5.250 lb. skim-milk @ 30 cents ... 16 00 Grain, % ton @ $30 15 00 Manure 24 00 SUage. 3 tons @ $3 9 00 Calf 5 00 Hay, 1^ tons 13 00 Cost of feed (at farm prices) . .$45 00 Bam (interest and depreciation) . . 3 50 Cow (interest and depreciation) ... 8 (X) Tools and implements 50 Veterinary, etc 1 00 Bull 3 00 Labour charges 24 00 Total $85 00 Total $125 00 The above figures show a profit of $40 for the year, but the actual profit would be more than this. Feed is eaten by the cow which otherwise would be wasted. The above is an average cow, but the wise dairyman will try to get cows above the average. Cost of kzepixg a Recohd Cow. Contrast the above record with that of the Holstein. " Young Springwood," which at the Ontario Agricultural College Farm recently completed a record of 20,073 lb. milk and 820 lb. butter-fat in a year. During the year she consumed 1.753 lb. bran, 440 lb. oats, 1,032 lb. dried brewers' grains, 494 lb. cotton-seed meal. 73 lb. gluten feed, and 33 lb. wheat, a total of 3,825 lb. of concentrates, or an average Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 35 of IQi/^ lb. per day. Of roughage she consumed 12,650 lb. silage, 5,560 lb. mangels, and 8,956 lb. hay, mostly clover. The cost of feed alone, including the eight weeks she was dry before calving, was no less than $135, but her yield of butter-fat alone was worth over $270. This cow was fed in the stable all year and received no green feed of any kind. Her highest day's yield was 77 lb. and the lowest 40 lb. Meagre and Libekal Feeding. For a year acurate records were taken of a herd of poorly fed cows kept by a farmer in New York State. The herd was then removed to the Cornell Experiment Station, where it was liberally fed for two years. Then it was returned to the farmer, who fed them poorly as before. The returns for these seven cows were as follows : — Weekly yield of milk per cow Weekly yield of fat per cow . Average fat in milk First-and Fourth Years on Farm. 109 lb. 4.7 « 4 . 45 per cent. Second and Third Years at Station. 155 lb. 7.1 " 4 . 7 per cent. By good feeding and care 42 per cent, more milk and 51 per cent, more butter- fat was obtained by the Station herdsman. The per cent, of fat in the milk was increased only ^ of 1 per cent, by the liberal feeding. Feed and Richness of Milk. We have now come to know that the milk of each cow has a fixed inherent composition which cannot be controlled by changing the feed. Feeding large quantities of fatty food may cause an increase in the per cent, of butter-fat in the milk, but in a week or two the milk will be of normal composition again, although there may be more of it. A cow in extra good condition at calving will give richer milk than when thin. When drying off, the milk may be richer than earlier in lactation. The shorter the periods between milkings, the richer the milk. Sudden changes of feed or excitement may cause the milk to be richer or poorer than usual. Often, when the per cent, of fat in- creases, the quantity of milk given decreases, so that the total yield of fat is not increased. Impobtance of Lime and Mineral Matter. It has been found by experiment that a cow yielding 30 lb. of milk excreted each day in the milk and manure nearly 2 oz. of lime. Salt, Thin thighs, well arched on the insides to give room for a large udder. lime, and phosphorus are the substances most often lacking. Ordinarily the rations 36 Department of Agriculture. of dairy cows contain enough lime and phosplionis, but salt should be supplied extra. The legumes and grasses are high in lime. The cereals, oilcakes, and brans are rich in phosphorus. In many cases where soft water is drunk there may be a lack of lime or of both lime and phosphorus. These minerals can be supplied by feeding precipitated phosphate, "bone-ash. or ground rock phosphate. NOTES ON FEEDS. Timothy Hay. This forage is too much used by dairy-farmers. It is woody and unpalatable as usually cured, and is poor in protein. This makes it necessary to feed with it large quantities of concentrates rich in protein. Corn stover is in the same class. Legume Hay. Alfalfa and clover are the best hays, alfalfa being the richer of the two. Both are palatable and high in protein and mineral matter, especially lime. In one experiment 14 lb. alfalfa hay replaced 7 lb. timothy and 7 lb. grain without loss in the milk-flow. Alfalfa is an excellent soiling crop, giving at least three crops in a season. A bulletin is issued by the Department on alfalfa-growing. Alsike clover is adapted to a wet situation where it is too moist for red clover to do well. Soy- bean hay is equal to alfalfa in feeding value. Soy-beans are not yet grown much in this Province. SrL.\GE. Either silage or roots will provide the succulence necessary in the cow's ration. Fed in combination with legume hay they make ideal roughage. Corn silage can be put up cheaper than roots can be grown. It is more fibrous than roots, and about 35 lb. a day is enough for one day for a small cow and 40 to 45 lb. for a large animal. In feeding value, 450 lb. corn silage equals about 100 lb. mixed hay. Silage should be fed after milking, so that the odour is not absorbed by the milk from the air. Otherwise silage will not taint milk if properly made. Oats and peas, winter wheat and vetch, clover, alfalfa, etc., are sometimes made into silage. The feeding of silage in summer is bound to become more general. Many silos for storing silage are being built every year in British Columbia. The silo has solved a hard problem in dairying — the providing of a cheap, succulent feed ready for use at any time throughout the year. The Department sends out free information about silo-building and silage. Do not feed frozen silage. If silage could be made more like the composition of green grass, richer in protein, by the addition of soy-beans, alfalfa, clover, oats, peas, etc., it would furnish a ration rich enough in protein to nearly do away with the necessity of feeding grains. It was found that cows receiving 4 lb. grain, with 58 lb. silage composed of 2 parts soy-beans, 1 part cow-peas, and 7^ parts corn silage, yielded more milk and fat than cows of similar capacity getting 13% lb. grain but no silage. Both lots got the same amount of hay. Roots. Both old and young animals fed roots in winter will be in better condition than those given dry feed. The large amount of water contained in them is of much more value tlian the same amount of water taken from the trough. Mangels and sugar-mangels are the most widely used by dairymen, because they yield heaviest. As high as 65 tons to the acre have been grown in the Chilli wack District. Sugar- beets are much richer than mangels in sugar, but usually do not yield nearly as well. and are hard to harvest, growing deep in the soil. Field carrots will do better than Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 37 mangels on pooi" soil, and are more nutritious, but require more labour to grow. Turnips are much affected by green-fly (aphides) in this Province. Turnips may taint the milk of cows fed on them. Do not feed frozen roots or fatal results may follow. Regarding the feeding value of mangels, it has been found that 1 lb. of the dry matter in mangels equals 1 lb. of mixed grain, and is slightly superior to 1 lb. of the dry matter in corn ensilage. When concentrates cost $30 per ton, mangels are an economical feed if they can be raised and stored for $4 per ton. Kale. Many dairy-farmers are now using this crop for fall feeding. It yields excel- lently, many plants weighing 25 to 30 lb. when full-grown. Kale stands a good deal of hard frost, and can generally be used until December in our main dairy districts. Rape, cabbage, and turnips are valuable feeds, but if fed to dairy cows there Is danger of the milk becoming tainted. Cows heavily fed on potatoes are apt "to yield poor-quality, salvy butter. Corn. Used as grain, soiling crop, or as silage, this crop has proved of immense value to dairymen. The yield of green corn averages about 15 tons to the acre in this Province. The grain is very rich and palatable, but is low in protein and needs balancing with some concentrate richer in nitrogenous matter. A well-developed system of milk-veins. (Photo by courtesy of Prof. C. H. Eckles.i Wheat Bban and Shorts. Bran is widely used, being rich in the protein and mineral matter necessary for milk production, except lime. Its light weight and palatability makes it valuable for mixing with heavier feeds, making the ration more digestible and preventing constipation. Shorts or middlings is also a good dairy feed and is somewhat richer than bran. It also lacks in lime. It is close in texture and should be mixed with other feed. Sometimes ground-over bran is sold as middlings. Oats. Ground or crushed oats is a splendid feed for dairy cows. Good oats are worth about 10 per cent, more than bran, weight for weight. They make a well-balanced grain ration fed alone. Oat hulls are about equal to timothy hay in feeding value. The oatmeal-factories dispose of a large quantity of this poor material combined with other feeds and sold as mixed feed. 38 Department of Agbiclltlre. Barlet. This grain is somewhat like corn in composition, inclined to fatten. In Denmark oats and barley are sowed together in the proportion of 2 of oats to 1 of barley. The resulting ground mixed grain is reckoned one of thely best dairy feeds, equal to bran and shorts. Wheat. When finely ground and mixed with oats or bran, wheat makes a fine dairy feed, if cheap enough. Cotton-seed Meal. This is the ground-up seed of the cotton-plant with most of the oil extracted. It is the richest in protein of all dairy feeds. It should not be fed alone or in large quantity. From 2 to 4 lb. per day is enough. If fed wisely. 1 lb. of cotton-seed meal equals 2 lb. of bran. Cotton-seed meal has not the same beneficial action on the digestive organs as linseed-meal, but is very useful in balancing a ration poor in protein. When fed to cows on spring grass it prevents scouring, being costive in its effects, and tends to harden the butter-fat, Ltnbeed-meai.. Most of the oU is extracted from the flax-seed, and the seed is then ground. Most of this product exported to Europe is shipped in cake form. Although a little lower in protein than cotton-seed meal, this feed is more healthful. It has a slightly laxative eflfect and tends to keep the animals in good condition, with sleek, shiny coats. It is especially useful when animals are on dry feed. Protein is the essential element in milk production and is also the dearest. It is well to investigate whether it cannot be purchased more cheaply in linseed, cotton-seed, or other protein-rich feeds than in the more commonly bought feed- stuflfs. Look up the analyses and the prices. Soy-bean meal is about equal to linseed-meal for milk production. It is very rich in fat. Gluten Feed. This Is a by-product from starch and glucose factories. It is the residue of the com grain after the starch has been extracted- In protein it stands midway between bran and oil-meal and is a very palatable feed, but expensive in British Columbia. Dried Beet-fclp. This feed is becoming widely used in the United States, owing to the spread of the sugar-corn industry. It is almost as rich in starchy matter as com, but is poorer in protein. It is best fed after being moistened, and will take up about six times its weight of water. Apart from its value as succulence when wet, its actual feeding value is about two-thirds that of bran for milk production. Molasses. This is well liked by cattle. If dissolved in warm water and sprinkled over the feed it adds greatly to its palatability. Some mixed feeds containing molasses also contain a lot of waste hulls. Care must be exercised in buying this class of feed. Bbe webs' Ga.Mys. The wet grains are a good dairy feed if fed fresh every day. Up to 20 lb. per day can be given. They must not be allowed to ferment, and the mangers must be kept clean and sanitary to avoid objectionable odours being imparted to the milk. Dried brewers' grains can be kept indefinitely and are a valuable feed, rich in protein. They give slightly better results than bran for milk production. Garb and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 39 AXF ALFA- MEAL. If alfalfa is cut when starting to flower, raked up the same day, and properly cured by leaving in the cock four or five days, it is almost equal to bran in feeding value. Moal tiom such hay as this appears quite green. When whitish, strawy specks appear, it indicates that the alfalfa has been allowed to get woody and has probably lost the leaves, which are the most valuable part. The feeding value of such alfalfa is much depreciated. It is not wise to pay more than the price of bran for alfalfa-meal, unless for some special purpose. Mixed Feeds. These often contain a poor quality of alfalfa-meal, waste hulls, and the like, and should only be bought after a study of the guaranteed analysis, which, according to law, should appear on the sacks. Rice-meal. This feed is rich in fat, but very poor in protein and mineral matter. Hogs fed largely on it are liable to have weak, spongy bones. It has, however, given good results fed to cows in combination with other feeds rich in protein and mineral matter. It should not contain rice hulls, which are practically worthless, and it should not smell at all rancid. Oat Feed. Oat feed is a by-product from the rolled-oat factories. It contains quite a large percentage of indigestible fibre or hull. STOCK-FOODS. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are annually paid out by farmers for different brands of proprietary condimental or stock foods. Authorities claim that by far the greater part of this is money wasted, as farm animals usually have appetites which do not need stimulating, and, if sick or out of condition, they should get specific treatment rather than be given some doubtful " cure-all." In rare cases where an animal is out of condition and without appetite some spice may prove helpful. In " Feeds and Feeding," Professor W. A. Henry gives the following formula : — Powdered gentian 8 lb. Ginger 8 ,. Fenugreek 8 .. Powdered sulphur 8 „ Potassium nitrate 8 „ Resin 8 „ Cayenne pepper 4 Linseed-meal 44 Powdered charcoal 20 Common salt 20 Wheat bran 100 This formula can be made up for about a quarter of the cost of the stock-foods usually sold, and. Professor Henry says, will supply more drugs of value. Feed a tablespoonful with each feed. PASTURE MIXTURES. Probably not enough attention is paid to the production of suitable hay and pasture, the most important dairy crops. Cows are more cheaply fed on pasture than in any other way. Too often, after slashing and burning, the logged-off land is left to grow a crop of weeds and brush, when by seeding it down to grass and 40 Department of Agriculture. clover it could be made to bear a crop of good pasture between the stumps. Do not turn the cows on to pasture in the spring until a good crop has grown. The growth may be checked so that the field never recovers that season; besides which, the younger the growth the more watery it is. Fifty per cent, more pasture is obtain- able by the system of^hanging to another field when a pasture gets fairly well eaten off to allow it a period of a few weeks to grow, unchecked by cropping and trampling, etc. Big fields can be split up to good advantage. The following clovers and grasses are given in order of nutritiousness :-^ Xutritive Ratio. Alfalfa 1 to 3.6 White Dutch clover 1 to 3.9 Alsike clover 1 to 4.8 Red clover 1 to 5.2 Kentucky blue-grass 1 to 7.6 - Meadow-foxtail 1 to 8.3 Italian rye-grass 1 to 9.4 English rye 1 to 10.0 Red-top grass 1 to 11.6 Meadow-fescue grass 1 to 12.0 Orchard-grass 1 to 12.0 Tall oat-grass 1 to 14.0 Timothy-grass 1 to 14.0 A good pasture mixture which has proven satisfactory under fairly moist Coast conditions is as follows: — Red clover 4 lb. per acre. White Dutch clover 3 ., Alsike clover 3 .. Kentucky blue-grass 3 .. English rye-grass 2 .. Italian rye-grass 3 .. Meadow-fescue grass 3 .. Meadow-foxtail 2 ,. In drier climates it may be advisable to sow orchard-grass, tall oat-grass, and brome-grass with alfalfa, although, of course, there is the danger of these less nutritious grasses crowding out the alfalfa. It is often found best under dry conditions to plant the alfalfa alone in rows and cultivate the first .season until the plants begin to fill up the rows. Orchard-grass grows in tufts. It is a good pasture, but soon gets coarse and woody if not eaten young. It withstands drought well. Brome-grass is hard to kill when once established and is looked upon as a weed for that reason, but it produces well and is palatable to stock. Kentucky blue-grass is the most nutritious of the cultivated grasses. It is at its best during the early part of the season, but does not withstand drought well. The plants are too short for hay purposes. Red-top grass, along with alsike clover, is very suitable for rich, wet bottom lands, being hardy and long-lived. Meadow- foxtail is a very early grass, heading out at the Coast in April. The following mixtures have been recommended by the Pullman Experiment Station, State of Washington : — 'Weiiem Districts. Lowlands — Orchard-grass 4 lb. per acre. Red-top grass 3 .. English rye-grass 4 .. Red clover 3 .. Alsike 3 •■ Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 41 Uplands (fairly heavy soil) — Orchard-grass 4 lb. per acre. Italian rye-grass 4 .. English rye-grass 4 .. Red clover 3 ,. Alsike 3 „ Uplands (light and gravelly soil) — Orchard-grass 4 lb. per acre. Tall oat-grass 4 „ „ English rye-grass 4 .. Alfalfa 3 .. Red clover 2 ,, Eastern Districts. (Rainfall above 20 inches.) Alfalfa 4 lb. per acre. Red clover 3 ,. Orchard-grass 4 .. Italian rye-grass 4 ., „ (For very light soil substitute tall oat-grass for the latter.) Where the annual rainfall is from 12 to 20 inches only, 6 lb. each of alfalfa and orchard-grass per acre is recommended. Western rye-grass (or bunch-grass), brome- grass, and orchard-grass, 6 lb. each, is also a good mixture for a Dry Belt pasture. Sudan grass has been tried successfully as pasture and hay in some sections of the Interior. DISEASES AND OTHER TROUBLES. In many districts a qualified veterinarian is, unfortunately, not available. Where a veterinary doctor is within reach he should be called early in case of serious sickness. Too often he is called too late to be able to save the animal, when otherwise he would probably have been able to effect a cure. Supplies needed. The following list is taken from Dominion Bulletin No. 72. It is recommended that these supplies be kept in a locked cupboard or medicine-chest. (Quantity. Drugs. Purpose. Dose for Adult. Dose for Calf. 10 lb 1 lb 1 lb Igal.... h pint . . i'lb...!. m ilb Epsom salts Ginger Baking-soda Raw linseed-oil Olive-oil Saltpetre. . Sulphate of iron Gentian-root Boric acid Turpentine. . . . . Purgative, indigestion Tonic, diarrhnea, indigestion Indigestion Laxative, purgative Soothing for external . use, udder Urinary troubles Tonic Tonic. , Injections into udder. ... Colic, bloating Fever, cramp, colic External use External use External use l-lilb 2 oz 2 oz 1 to 2 pints 1 to 14 oz ^ to 1 dram 4 drams 4 oz. 1 oz. i pint. 1 dram. 1 dram. hp 1 pint . . i lb Igal.... 1 lb 1 oz 20 grains to 1 oz. water ^ cup, 2 to 3 oz. . 1 fluid dram 5 to 100 water. . 1 to 30 water 1 to 1,000 water.. Fluid extract, bella- donna Zenoleuni or creolin .... Carbolic acid (poison) . . Corrosive sublimate (poison) * . . One tablespoonful is equal to about i/^ oz. ; 1 dessertspoonful is equal to about 2 fluid drams; 1 teaspoonful is equal to about 1 fluid dram; 2 tablespoonfuls 42 Department of Agriculture. carbolic acid in 3 pints water equals a 2-per-cent solution ; 5 tablespoonfuls carbolic acid in 3 pints water equals a 5-per-cent. solution. Besides the above drugs, it is recommended that the following appliances should be included: Long-necked bottle for drenching; trocar and canuTa; graduated glass, 4 oz. ; clinical thremometer; i^-inch rubber hos^, 5 feet long, with glass funnel to fit end; milk-fever apparatus; hard-rubber syringe; teat-tubes, plugs, and bistoury; small weighing-scale. Drenching Cattle. In giving fluid medicines to cattle, a bottle with a long, strong neck, such as a wine-bottle, should be used. The animal's head is held up by the left arm or by an assistant, while the right arm holds the bottle. The neck of the bottle is inserted (At top.) Cross-sections through a typical dairy cow at shoulder and at paunch. (At bottom.) Cross-sections through typical beef animal at same parts of the body. (Eckles, " Dairy Cattle and Milk Production.") in the mouth between the grinders and front teeth, and the medicine allowed to run out as far back on the tongue as possible. If the beast coughs, the head must be lowered at once to prevent the fluid getting to the lungs, where it may cause pneumonia. Cattle are fairly easy subjects to drench. TUBEBCULOSIS. This is a contagious or germ disease, and it may be transmitted from the cow to the human family by means of Infected milk. Unfortunately it is impossible to Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 43 judge from outside appearances whether an animal is tuberculous or not, except in extreme cases. A cow may be apparently sound and in good flesh, and yet have one or more organs badly affected. The only reliable means of identifying tuberculous animals is by the tuberculin test, which is applied free of charge by veterinarians attached to the Provincial Department of Agriculture. Apart from the question of human health, it pays a dairy-farmer to apply the test and get rid of affected cows, which are a source of contamination and loss. Tuberculosis may attacli almost any part of the body of the animal. Often the lungs are affected. When the bowels are attacked the discharge may be frothy and evil-smelling. When deep-seated glands are affected, perhaps no external sign may be noticed. The udder is sometimes affected, and also the joints. Suspects should be isolated. The germs are transmitted by the slobber on the mangers, in the drinking- water, or by means of the dung, which when dry is scattered about as dust. Calves may become infected by drinking tuberculous milk. Hogs may contract the disease from cows in the same way. This is a most insidious disease, often working its effects unseen. An animal apparently healthy may be spreading the germs of the disease broadcast, unless the tuberculin test is used periodically to discover such cases. Once the herd is free from this disease it can be easily kept so, each new addition heing also tested before being added to the herd. The whole herd should be tuberculin-tested at least once a year. MiLK-FEVER. This used to be one of the most fatal diseases of milk cows, but the discovery of the air treatment in recent years has robbed the disease of most of its terrors. A heifer seldom has this trouble. It mostly attacks the best milkers among the mature cows. An attack of milk-fever usually comes on within forty-eight hours after calving. The cow first appears restless and excited. In a short time the hind legs become paralyzed and the animal soon falls down. She becomes unconscious and will die in from one to two days unless treated. The position assumed by the unconscious animal is characteristic of the disease. The head is turned sideways, with the nose pointing towards the flank, and the. vA'hole body is paralyzed. No medicine must be given by way of the mouth, as the muscles of the throat are paralyzed and there is great danger of choking the cow. Pumping the udder full of air is the remedy. Where the special apparatus, costing about $3, is not on hand, a home-made arrangement can easily be put together. Some have even used successfully such a crude affair as a bicycle-pump with a quill for a milk-tube, but Cow's teeth arranged according to age. (These are the Incisor teeth in the lower jaw. Upper jaw has no incisors.) From top to bottom: 12 months, 18 months, 27 months, 36 months, 45 months, and 10 years of age. 44 Depabtmext of Agriculture. there is danger of infecting the udder and causing inflammation if unpurified air is used. The absoittent cottoo used in the middle receptacle purifies the air pumped throogh it by catching germs and dust. The cotton-holder, the milk-tube, and the rubber tube attached to it should l>e boiled for fifteen minutes before using and before the cotton is inserted. The cow's udder and teats' and the operator's hands should be washed with soap and water and disinfected with a 5-per-cent solution of carbolic add or creolin. The receptacle for holding the cotton is filled with ordinary cottoo, or, better ^still, absorbent cotton, obtainable at any drug-store. The milk in the udder is left there. The four quarters of the udder are inflated one at a time by inserting the milk-tul»e into each teat and pumping air in through the^ apparatus. When a quarter is full of air. the teat is tied with tape to keep the air in. The whole udder should be tightly distended. If it goes down, more air must be pumped in. I'sually in one to three hours the cow will regain consciousness and get on her feet olized lard or vaseline. The left arm holds the protruding membrane while the right is inserted along the right side of the passage into the womb. The circular attactuuents with the womb have to be located and brought within reach by gently pulling on the membranes in the left hand. Each circular projection on the membrane is attached by many soft processes to a similar circular, moshroom-like growth on the inner surface of the womb. These are separated one from the other by squeezing in the hand or by inserting the thumb between the two. The process of separation must, however, be carried on gently and gradually one after another until the after-birth can come away freely. Suiitarjr mllk-pail and scaJes for weigUng each cow's milk. Care and Feeding op Dairy Cattle. 45 Aboetion. Abortion is the birth of a calf before the proper time. There are two forms, contagious aud nou-contagious. When abortion occurs it is often difficult to tell whether it is contagious or not, so that precautions must be talien, anyway. Acci- dental or non-contagious abortion may be the I'esult of a severe blow or kick, excitement, or improper feeding. Ergot is also a well-known cause. Ergot is a black fungus growing on the heads of grasses or grains. Rye, rye-grass, and blue- grass are especially subject to ergot. A single case of abortion will likely be acci- dental, but if several occur the cause must be found and removed. Contagious Abobtion. This is one of the most serious diseases of cattle, causing enormous losses annually. No sure remedy has yet been found. The germs of the disease may exist in the womb, blood, or milk of the cow, and it is a difficult matter to get rid of them. In this disease the calf is usually expelled about the sixth or seventh month. Generally, the cow does not become sick, but the milk yield is much smaller than normal. If the cow is milking at the time she aborts, the fact may never be noticed. The small foetus and the slight discharge may not be seen by the attendant. Having once aborted, a cow is liable to have the same trouble about the same time in the next pregnancy. Besides the females, the bull may also carry the germs of abortion on the genital organs. Apparatus for weighing, recording, and testing milk. Babcock testing outfit. Millc record slieets, scaies, and It must be remembered that abortion is only a symptom of the disease itself, which is caused by a specific germ, the abortion bacillus. Inyestigators say that infection by this germ occurs chiefly during two danger periods — viz., during the time the young calf is being fed infected milk and later in life at breeding-time. It has been definitely shown that the milk of apparently healthy dairy cows may contain the abortion bacillus. This milk fed raw to calves may cause infection soon after birth. The disease then seems to become dormant until the animals reach breeding age, when the degree of the infection is greatly intensified, and abortion usually follows in the first pregnancy of females. It is claimed that infected calves can be identified by the external appearance of the genital organs. In the infected heifer calf or cow the tuft of hairs at the lower end of the vulva will be matted together with black crusts of micro-pus or matter. In the case of infected bull calves or older bulls the hairs at the opening of the sheath will be similarly matted. 46 Depabtment of Agricultuse. ADeordiBg to leseaidieB eondoeted at Conidl UnirendtT. flie blood of a laige pto- portiffiB of calves in wliidi tbe aexnal haixs are matted with pm reacts to tlie ag^otinatiim test for contasioiB abortion. Ttaese calves had been fed raw mUlL. TtMne fed boiled milk showed no tfeos of infoetian and did not react to the test It is not; however. plactieaMe to Deed anj hot tlie stiODgeat calves on boBed or sterile millL, hot they^ may be reared on paatenrind milk, irtiicfa is neatly as safe. According to present knowledge; it seems veij nnsato to feed a new-bomealf raw milk from a cow wliicfa has aborted or has had retained after-birth or dtadiarBes from the vnlva. If flie milk Is fed raw, it aiioifld be from a cow wliidi has calved normallr, has deanaed prumptlj (within two boors after calving), and which lias not shown any almormal pos-^scharse after calving. Soch a cow is nme lil^j to be free from infectloa. The vimlenoe of the Infertiwi is greaflf increased bj sexnal intereovTBe. In bonds whKe thoe is a large amoont of stnilitr and consequently eopolation is always occurring, the infection beeomes intensified in toth the cow and boU. Care, then, most be taken in sdtecting a male ttom a he^ firee from abortion. The vimlenee of the infecti(m may also be increased by intro- docing an animal from a badly affected herd or by letting the aniinah^ get mn down in cmiditiMi. Dr. W. L.. Williams, of Gor- ndL states that friMn present knowledge nearly all herds may be said to lie inCeeted with the abortiMi bacOlns. bat that the disease may lie dormant and not show itsdf, like tobercolofiSSw Given a favoorable erliaps no milk can be drawn. Prompt measures will be needed to save the quarters. Blankets or woollens wrung out in hot water may be applied to the udder. They may be k^t in place by a sheet passed round the body, which will also supi^ort the * jccpr iCTSTi^ I ^ increased weight of the udder. The blankets should I ^h^^^^^otL ffH be kept as hot as the animal can bear, by pouring on hot water every few minutes for an hour or two. The udder should be then thoroughly dried and ■ibbed and kneaded for same time, applying cam- iiorated oil. marshmallow ointment, or melted lard. An application of antiphlogistine is then very bene- ficiaL In place of fomentinir witli hor watpr h->t poultices can be used. IXFECTIOUS MaMMITIS. There is an infectious form of garget caused by germs entering the udder and causing seriotis inflammation. In addition to the above treatment, autliorities recommend an injection into each quarter of the udder of a solution of hydrogen peroxide or a solution of chinosol 4 per cent., glycerine 10 per cent., and water 86 per cent, warmed to about 100° Fahr. Camphorated oil is useful for applying with the hands to inflamed parts, allaying the pain. Equal parts of lard and Standard milk-fever apparatas. Tbe iodine ointment or a mixture of equal parts lard cylinder holda absorl.ent cotton. ^^^ mercurial ointment are recommended in bad cases by some veterinarians. EVEBSIOK OF THE WOMB. This occurs usually immediately after calving, but may happen at almost any time. The uterus or womb is thrust out and hangs down from the vagina in a large mass. The protruding mass must be carefully washed clean with cold water con- taining 2 per cent, of zenoleum, creolin, or carbolic acid. Then it should be gently but firmly shoved back into place by means of the closed fist. Straining on the part of tlie cow can be lessened by tying cords tightly round the body just behind the fore legs and just in front of the hind legs. After replacing, stitch together the lips of the vulva, or put on a truss and build a platform under the hind legs 6 inches high. This trouble is likely to recur next calving-time. Bloody Milk. This is not an indication of disease. It is caused by the rupture of small blood- vessels in the udder. There is no remedy, and the only thing to do is to watch for the appearance of the trouble and reject the affected milk. Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 49 Bitter Milk. Some cows far along iu the lactation period are liable to yield bitter milk. <'specially ou dry feed. Reducing the grain ration and administering a physic of 1 to 1% lb. Epsom salts is effective in some cases. The flavour of milk may also be affected adversely by any sudden change of food or by eating turnips, rape, wild onions, or strong-flavoured weeds or brush. Haed-milkij^^g Cows. This trouble is generally caused by too strong sphincter muscles surrounding the opening of the teats. Some cases answer to the use of the teat-plug, made of lead or hard rubber, which is kept iu from one milking to another. This is used until the muscles are relaxed. Where this treatment is not sufficient, the sphincter muscles must be cut through by means of an instrument called the bistoury, and An emergency milk-fever apparatus, (a.) Bicycle-pump, (b.) Bottle, glass tubes or quills, and absorbent cotton, (c.) Rubber tube and milk-tube. the teat-plug kept in until the wound heals. The bistoury may sometimes be em- ployed also to remove lumps or growths inside the teat, which often stop the milk- flow. Another way to remove lumps in the teats is for a veterinary surgeon to slit the teat and cut them out while the cow is dry. This is sometimes the only way to save the quarter. Leaking and Tokn Teats. This may be caused by weak sphincter muscles at the end of the teat, or it may result from an opening higher up the teat. Small openings may be closed after each milking by applying collodion. Injuries from barbed wire and other things which lay open a teat are often difficult to cure when the animal is in milk. The lips of the new wound should be drawn together and stitched. Openings left by old wounds will have to be scarified 50 Department of Agriculture. and then closed by stitches. The milk-tube should be kept in all the time to prevent distension of the teat. It must be disinfected frequently to avoid the risk of earsr'^t genus infecting the udder. Sore Teats axd Wabts. » -» These may be caused by cold weather, milking with wet hands, or long finger- nails. Vaseline is a very good rememdy. and may be used all the time. For severe cases, washing well and applying glycerite of tannin is recommended. If troublesome, warts may be cut off close and touched with a stick of caustic potash. Vaseline or olive-oil will often cause them to disappear. CO /A From left to right : Bistoury, self-retainm? milk-tube, milk-ttibe, trocar and canola. BlDXTTSQ. Wet, fresh clover or alfalfa pasture will cause bloating. For the first time cows should go on to the clover only when it is dry. Other feeds sometimes cause animals to bloat. If taken in time, the accumulation of gases in the paunch is easily reduced Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 51 by a dose of raw linseed-oil aud turpentine. Up to 3 pints of linseed-oil may be given to a cow in pint doses, with 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of turpentine added. Some authorities recommend 300 c.c. (sliglitly more than % pint) of a 4-per-ceut. solution of formalin. Tying a wooden gag in the mouth is also effective, the movements of the tongue causing the gas to escape. If the animal is near suffocation, the paunch must be stabbed into to let the gas escape. A knife may be used, but a trocar aud canula is better, the hollow sheath remaining in the wound to allow the free escape of the gas. The point to be stabbed is midway between the last rib, the hip-bone, and the backbone, on the left side, in the middle of the space which is quite hollow when the cow is in health. The sliin is first slit for about an inch. The paunch-wall is just underneath, and a bold stab must be made right into it. A dose of 1 to l^o Ih. Epsom salts or a quart of linseed- oil may then be given. Some experienced cattlemen cure cases of bloating in a few minutes by inserting a piece of oiled rubber hose in the throat, pushing it down gently until the gas escapes. Choking. Bloating may be due to choice. A root, apple, or potato may lodge in the entrance to the gullet or lower down. If the bloating is serious, it may be necessary to use the trocar and canula as described for bloat, because no medicine can be given until the obstruction in the gullet is removed. The foreign body may sometimes be reached and removed by hand if high up. When lodged lower down its location may often be seen and felt, and it may be dislodged by gentle rubbing in every direction. If this is not successful, or if the obstruction is lower down and cannot be felt, pass an oiled ^/.-inch rubber hose down the gullet until it reaches the mass, then press gently downwards. Small quantities of linseed-oil may be poured through the hose to help matters. Rough methods of breaking or pressing down the obstruc- tion must not be used ; they will injure or rupture the gullet, and these injuries will likely prove fatal. Impaction of the Stomach. This disease is slow in showing itself. A little loss of appetite and dullness occur, with some gruuting or groaning and perhaps distension of the belly. The dung is very deceptive, as it may pass away in a thin stream. The bowels are coated with walls of hardened material, with a liquid lane running between. The tempera- ture will rise, and the condition of the animal will become very serious. Both linseed-oil and Epsom salts can be given in repeated doses the same as for bloating, until the hardened faK?al matter comes away. Sometimes this disease is caused by the animals eating indigestible objects, such as old clothes or boots. Such a case Is difficult to cure. It indicates a lack of some mineral element in the food. Some cases are caused by cows swallowing pieces of hay-wire. Pink-eye. This is a contagious disease of the eyes, occurring usually in late summer. The eyes discharge and are inflamed. Later the eyes become opaque, and the animal cannot see. The patient should be kept in a dark place, fed lightly, and the eyes washed twice daily with a boracic-acid solution (1 dram in 4 oz. of water). This is applied with a syringe. FoOT-ROT. This is a contagious inflammation that occurs between the toes and may extend above the hoof. The animal limps and there is swelling of the part. The odour is offensive. This is easily treated if taken early. The cleft of the hoof should be well cleaned by drawing through it a rope or rag ' saturated with disinfectant, undiluted. If there is much swelling, bran or flax-seed poultices should be applied. This disease is often induced by failure to trim the overgrown hoofs of cattle. 3'2 DePAIIT.ME.XT Mr AciairiLTL BE. LcMPT Jaw (Actiaomyoosis). The first appearance is a painful swelling on either jaw. Later this may break and discharge a yellowish, sticky pus. The bone Is eaten into and the teeth may be affected. Sometimes the tongue is the aflfected parU The parasite causing this disease must be destroyed as quickly as possible. Paint or inject the affected parts daily with tincture of iodine. Give also internally iodine of potash 2 to 3 drams daily (in two doses) with a pint of warm water. This should be kept up for two weeks, discontinued for a week, and then repeated if necessary. Failukk to Bbeed — Stebiuty. During a normal heat period in females a ripe egg or ovum from the ovary descends into the Fallopian tube. Without the presence of this mature egg and its union with the male sperm conception cannot occur. Persistent abnormal sexual e.xcitement may not be accompanied by the rii>ening of the ovum, in which case the female is sterile. In some cases the male spermatozoa may lack the vitality- necessary to reach and fertilize the ovum, due to the bull being over- worked, underfed, or in want of exercise. Fluid extract of nux vomica may be given to induce animals coming into heat. Commence with 14 dram and gradually increase the dose. Should the animal show an involuntary t\vitching of the muscles or restlessness and excitability after the medicine has been given for some time, go hack to the first dose and repeat Nux vomica Ls poisonous and must be carefully used. Fat animals must be made muscular by exercise and thin animals built up by generous feeding. Where the young are suckling, they may have to be weaned before the mother will breed. Errors in feeding must be corrected: more protein may be necessary. A young robust bull should be tried. Mechanical obstructions often prevent conception. Vaginal tumours may have to be removed, or a persistent hymen obliterated, or the mouth of the womb may need to be opened artificially (before service) by a qualified practitioner. Sterility may also be caused by the abortion germ. Yeast Treatment for Sterility. — As sterility may be due to any one of a number of different causes, there can be no one cure for all. In many cases the yeast mixture has aided concejv tion by bringing about a right condition of the vaginal passage. The mixture is made as follows: Thoroughly moisten one cake of compres.sed yeast or dried yeast with fresh boiled water, used lukewarm. Allow to stand in a warm room for at least twelve hours; then stir in a pint of lukewarm water and let stand twelve hours more. At the end of twenty-four or thirty hours the mixture may be used, after straining it through cheesc<-loth. First cleanse the vagina by syringing out with warm water; then inject the yeast mixture into the vagina by means of a syringe or clean %-inch rubber hose, with funnel stuck in the end which is elevated above the cow. It is best to inject the mixture when the animal is first seen to be in heat and have her bred when the i»eriod of heat is about over. The Window Tentilation is soitable for tbe mild Coast cliinate&. Care axd Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 53 heat pei'iocl will usually last one day or more, aud the periods occur about three weeks apart. The proper time for preparing the above mixture may thus be reckoned bj' setting down the dates of heat periods. Soda Treatment for Sterility. — Acid conditions often exist in the vagina and womb of the barren animal. In these cases alkaline solutions are beneficial in acting as neutralizers. About an hour before service inject into the vagina l^ gallon of lukewarm water containing 1 tablespoonful of bicarbonate of soda (baking-powder). The passage may first be cleansed with warm water and the mouth of the womb dilated. Even better results are claimed from the use of \-y oz. of pure phosphate of soda in 2 quarts of watei'. This latter must be kept iu a tightly closed bottle to prevent change. These solutions may also be used two or three times a week. Half an ounce of either substance may also be fed daily iu the feed for ten days before service. Leucorkhcea — Vaginal Discharges. Leucorrhoea is caused by chronic inflammation of the womb or vagina, or both. It may follow injuries, or retention of the after-birth, or exposure to cold, or any other disturbance of the health at the time of parturition. The main symptom is the glairy white discharge which flows when the cow lies down. If the discharge continues and is putrid, the health fails and the milk-flow shrinks. Half an ounce of granular hyposulphite of soda dissolved in 2 gallons of blood-warm water is a useful injection. If not quickly effective, change to a solution of permanganate of potash. Strong solutions should not be used. Better results are had from the frequent use of large quantities of mild antiseptics, 1 to 1,000 down to 1 to 5,000. Permanganate of potash is a safe antiseptic to use in a great variety of cases. It is non-irritating. Discharges may also occur as the result of inflammation of the vagina ^ vagin- itis). In granular vaginitis nodules can often be seen on the inner mucous membrane. This form of the disease is infectious and may affect heifer calves as well as cows. Thorough disinfection, both internal and external, is the remedy, especially before breeding. In addition to the injections before mentioned, it is recommended to give by the mouth daily y^ oz. of hyposulphite of soda for ten days, then miss a week and commence again. This substance is a good internal antiseptic. * Poisoning. Cattle are liable to poisoning, especially by poisonous weeds, such as water- hemlock or poison-hemlock. There are many different kinds 'of poisoning, so that only general treatment can be given here. A non-irritating purgative should be given, 1 to 4 pints of castor-oil or raw linseed-oil. For poisoning by a narcotic, 10 to 20 drops of croton-oil should be added. Repeat the dose in two or three hours if necessary. To protect the lining of the intestines, give large quantities of the whites of eggs, milk, butter, lard, or olive-oil. Baking-powder may be used to neutralize acid poisons and diluted vinegar in the case of alkali poisoning. Kicking Cows. The habit of kicking may easily be formed in a heifer if she is abused the first time she is milked. A kicking cow or heifer should never be struck. She can easily be prevented from kicking by a heavy strap or rope with a loop. The tie is looped around one leg above the hock, and then tied lightly enough around the other to draw both legs well together. Self-sucking Cows. A good remedy for this vice is to insert a bull-ring in the cow's nose, and then hang another ring to the first. 54 Department of Aghiclltlre. DISEASES OF CALVES. Common Scours. The fii'st sign of tbis trouble will be foul-smelling dung. Mix up }/» oz. of formalin in lo^^ oz. of water, and add 1 teasix)onful of ftiis mixture to each pint of milli fed. The feed should be reduced about a half. In severe cases 3 oz. of castor- oil should be given in a pint of milli. After this for two or three days give a tea- spoonful of a mixture of 1 part salol and 2 parts subnitrate of bismuth three times daily. The formalin mixture should also be continued. Formalin should be kept in an amber-coloured bottle to prevent chemical change. Another good mixture for sc-ours. to be used after the castor-oil, is as follows: Compound tincture of morphia and chloroform, 4 drams; liquid bismuth, 4 drams; oil of cloves, 1 dram ; cooled linseed tea, 7 oz. One tablespoonful of this mixture is given every eight hours until better. This mixture can be Ijept in stock ready for use. Lime-water. 1 oz. to a quart of milk, is also a good remedy. Scours is a sign of indigestion, and is often caused by improper feeding — cold or sour milk, dirty pails, etc. For sickly calves, from 1 to 4 teaspoonfuls of specially prepared blood-meal, well mixed with the milk, will often be found beneficial. Infectious ob White Scoubs. This fatal disease is caused by a germ which enters the calf's body through the broken navel-cord soon after birth. The calf becomes sick a day or two after birth. A common but not an invariable symptom is the passage of white, foul-smelling dung. Very few calves recover from this disease. A cow should not be allowed to calve in a place where a case of white scours has been, as the disease is very infectious. The calf should be born in a clean stall, disinfected if necessary. If born in the pasture the calf is fairly safe, but if in the bam the navel-cord should be tied up at birth and disinfected with a 3-per-cent. carbolic solution. This will prevent the germs entering the body. The medicinal treatment is the same as for ordinary scours. , Lice. Young cattle are especially liable to be affected with lice during the winter. When cattle rub themselves much they should be examined for lice. When badly affected the hair comes out in patches. One species sucks the blood and is very injurious. The eggs or nits are attached to the hair. As a remedy two applications of any of the coal-tar. dips ten days apart will be effective. Kerosene emulsion is a sure remedy. To make this, dissolve ^ lb. of hard soap in 1 gallon of boiling soft water. When dissolved, add 2 gallons of kerosene and mix by pumping with a spray- pump until emulsified. Add to 19 gallons of water. Wet the animal thoroughly. Husk or Verminous Bronchitis. Calves and pigs sometimes have a cough caused by worms in the air-passages. An old-fashionetl but effective remedy is to shut both calves and attendant in a tight shed in which sulphur is burned. When the fumes become so strong that the attendant cannot stand them any longer without suffocating, he removes the pot of sulphur, but leaves the calves in the fumes for fifteen minutes longer. Half-ounce doses of spirits of turpentine can also be given with benefit. Goitre — Swollen Neck. This malady is quite common in some districts in this Province, both in cattle and human beings, but the cause has so far never been ascertained. The two thyroid glands are enlarged so that a swelling appears in front of the windpipe below the angle of the jaw. Calves are often born thus affected. Sometimes they are too weak to rally, and sometimes the swelling subsides and they recover. Older animals may Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 55 become affected. Present indications point to the cause being a lacli of some mineral, such as lime, in the feed. At any rate, the feeding of lime-water in the milk of calves seems to have proved beneficial in some cases. In other instances salt and sulphur have been used with apparent benefit. Some authorities claim that the cause is the presence of some unknown toxic substance in the feed or water of the locality. This disease is so prevalent in one or two localities as to prove a serious hindrance to stock-raising. The treatment of goitre consists in, where possible, removing the patient to some other locality. Iodine ointment or tincture of iodine should be applied to the swelling. Injections of iodine solution into the substance of the gland are also recommended by authorities (5 grains of iodine in 1 dram of 25-per-ceut. alcohol). Potassium iodide may also be given internally in li^-dram doses twice daily for a cow, or in 20-grain doses twice daily for a calf. Samples of the soil and water of an affected district should be sent to the Dominion Chemist, Ottawa, for analysis. The feeding of lime-water to breeding stock will supply any deficiency in lime, and the feeding of ground rock phosphate or of bone-meal will supply both lime and phosphorus. Ringworm. Due to a fungus parasite in the skin, the hair comes out in circular patches in this affection. Scabs form later which appear silvery gray. Remove these by wash- ing with soap and water and apply strong viiiegar, sulphur ointment, tincture of iodine, or murcurial ointment. HOUSING DAIRY CATTLE. The dairy-barn is the kitchen in which a large part of human food is prepared. It should ahove all things be sanitary. The public is insisting more and more on clean barns and clean milk from healthy cows. Besides being sanitary, the barn must be comfortable for the cows and convenient for their care. A sanitary barn need not be expensive. A good, convenient barn is the cheapest in the long run. Cows properly housed are more productive, and can be more cheaply and conveniently cared for. Hired help is cheaper and better satisfied under improved conditions. TYPES OF BARNS. The one-story barn is, of course, the most sanitary. Certified milk-barns are almost all of the one-story type. It is the easiest to light and ventilate. With the extra storage-room necessary, it is generally more expensive to erect. This, how- ever, need not be the case in a mild climate with an unlined building. An exi>erienced barn-builder informs us that in the Chilliwack District he is building one-story barns with cement floors, to hold twenty cows, for $350. The cost of sanitary steel stanchions and cow-stalls would be about an addi- tional $8 per cow. If individual water-troughs or cups were installed, the cost would be about $2.50 per cow more. Where it is desired to improve sanitary conditions, a one-story sanitary barn can be built extending from the old one, which will then be used for feed-storage and housing young stock. The two-story or loft barn is the one most generally used. It is well adapted to the general farm. The room in the upper story for storing bulky feeds is gener- ally provided cheaper than in a one-story barn with separate storage-room. The two-story barn can be sanitary and well lighted and ventilated, if properly built. Round barns are not at all common, but they have the advantage of compactness and cheap construction. To house the same number of animals a round barn requires about 25 per cent, less wall to enclose it, and 30 to 40 per cent, less material, than a rectangular barn. Usually the silo is built in the middle, and the cows are in a single row facing inwards. Department op Agriculture. The basement barn is the least sanitary type. It is built by excavating in the side of a hill, so that a great deal of needed sunlight is cut off. The basement barn is warm, but usually lacks light and proper ventilation. The covered yard is another system of housing used by some with entire satis- faction. The plan consists in having a large shed or c^vered yard into which the cattle are turned between milliings. The roughage is eaten from raclis while loose. and the grain is fed at milking-time while they are tied up. The milking-stable should be sanitary, but need not be large, elaborate, or expensive. An old bam can often be used for the exercise-shed, and a small sanitary milking-stable can be built zv f/t^r Rutherford system of ventilation. adjoining. A disadvantage of this system is the large amount of bedding required to keep the cows clean in the o\mx shed. The animals, however, obtain the maximum amount of freedom. They must be dehorned for this system to work satisfactorily. Care and Feeding op^ Dairy Cattle. 57 LOCATIOX. The barn should be built on a high and dry site. Good drainage is needed to keep the yards as clean as possible. The location and the inside arrangements should be convenient for carrying on all the work that has to be done around the barn. The barn should be built to stand north and south, so that both sides get about equal amounts of sunlight. Lighting. Sunlight is the best and cheapest disinfectant. Lack of clean windows is a common and serious defect in most barns. Sunlight npt only kills germs, but it shows up all the dirty corners, so that they get cleaned up. A dark barn is usually a dirty barn. There should be at least 4 square feet of glass to each animal. Windows cost not much nioi'e than other wall material. In cold climates they should be double-sashed to con.serve warmth. Windows should reach from 4 feet above the floor nearly to the ceiling, to allow the sunlight to jienetrate the barn. PLANK fKAME DAIKY DAKN CONSTOTCTION. ARRANGED WITH COWS FACIMG IN. Fl.ior Dmin<^ Shown Alx'vo arc I'std Onl> When Flushins L I tfrv AUey i>' A- " J&uttey /' 6' 5ta?l 4' 8" to 5; Feed /^'ley ^6' 2.' Plans and specifications of different types of barns are sent free on application to tile Department of Agriculture. 58 Department of Agriculture. Vextilatiox. Fresh air is as essential as good food for the health of the cow aud for the highest milk yielcL A cow requires over 3.500 cubic feet of fresh air per hour, but the question of cubic space in the bam has not much-io do with ventilation. The important point is to provide for a constant and ample renewal of the air in the barn. It is not necessary to install an expensive aud complicated system of ventila- tion. In the mild climate of our Coast districts ventilation by means of the windows is quite practicable and inexi>ensive. For colder climates, where doors and windows are kept shut, the Rutherford system or some .eimilar system can be cheaply installed. The Rutherford system is simple and gives good satisfaction. The flue area per cow should be about 50 square inches. One or two large foul-air flues about 2 feet square are better than many small ones. The large flues give a better draught. They should he smooth on the inside to prevent friction, and give better results if they go straight to the roof without turns. Sanitary one-story dairy barn built on to old bam by Messrs. Shannon Bros., Cloverdale, B.C. A bam need not be expensive to be sanitary. Material fob Floobs. Wood floors are the warmest, but are not durable or sanitary. Under the most favourable conditions a wood floor will last from six to ten years. A well-laid cement floor is almost permanent and absolutely sanitary, and costs little more than wood. Concrete, however, is a good conductor of heat, and therefore is cold for the animals to lie on. This objection may be lessened by laying the concrete for the cow-stall on hollow tile and having it higher than the ground outside to keep it dry underneath. Another very good arrangement is to place 2-inch planks directly on the part on which the animals lie. To prevent the cows slipping, concrete floors should always be left rather rough. Arrangement of Stalls. There are reasons in favour of the cows facing both in and out. but the most is to be said in favour of two rows of cows facing in. with the feed-passage in the Care and Feeding op Dairy Cattle. 59 middle. The light is then on the " business end " of the cow, where most needed. The most convenient width for such a barn is 30 feet. Mangers are best made of cement in the form of a continuous manger. This type is easiest to keep clean. Metal partitions, which can be raised or lowered, are sometimes used to Iceep each cow's food separate. The manger should be at least 2 feet wide, and the bottom should be raised about 2 inches higher than the cow's platform. Otherwise the cow strains to reach the food. The length of the platform on which the cow stands varies from 4^^ feet for Jerseys to 5 feet for Holsteins. Most malies of sanitary stanchions have devices for adjusting according to the size of the cow. The object is to keep the animal's hind feet at the edge of the gutter, so that no manure drops on the platform. Interior of Mr. Robert Kelly's barn near New Westminster, B.C. A good barn, but too expensive for most farmers. The essentials are : Lots of light, good ventilation, conveni- ence, and a well-laid concrete floor. MANURE. The actual value in increased crops of the manure from one cow is at least $24 per year. Barnyard manure gives a return of about $2 per ton when applied to the soil. The total amount — liquid and solid — excreted by a cow in a year is about 12 tons. Mixed with bedding, this is increased to 14 or 15 tons. It is important to remember that most of the fertilizing value is in the liquid manure. The solids hold most of the phosphoric acid, but the liquid manure con- tains half the nitrogen and three-quarters of the potash. A great waste occurs in the loss of most of the liquid manure. Handling the Manure. One way of conserving the liquid is to use enough litter to soak it up. Another method is to drain all the liquid manure into a water-tight cistern. If the cistern is built into the side of a hill it facilitates emptying and distributing. 60 Department of Agriculture. Another very serious loss of fertility takes place where manure-piles are left exposed to leaching and fermentation. Over half the fertilizing value may be lost in a few months. Fermentation causes the escajje of nitrogen as ammonia and rains wash out much fertility into the soil. Manure should be'taken away from the barn immediately, either into a separate shed or pit. or direct to the field. On flat land, spreading immediately on the land has much to recommend it. It saves labour and there is little loss of fertility. If the manure is kept in a pile it should be stored in a shallow c-oncrete pit to hold the liquids from escaping. Some authorities say that, as long as the liquids are prevented from escaping, rain is beneficiar rather than otherwise, in making the pile moist, thus holding the ammonia. The overhead track carrier for manure and feed should be installed wherever l>ossibIe. It is one of the conveniences, of the modem dairy-barn. The track will lead out of the barn to the pit or to the manure-spreader. Where other bedding is not available, sawdust or shavings makes a very good litter. Shavings will absorb as much liquid as straw, but sawdust does not absorb half as much, weight for weight. Sawdust and shavings manure is not as beneficial to soils as straw manure, and should be kept moist in the pile to prevent fire-fang. Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 61 TABLE 1.— FOOD VALUES. This table gives tlie digestible nutrients contained in 1 lb. of some common feeds. It is adapted from table in Bulletin No. 206, Ontario Department of Agriculture. Kind of Food. Green rape and kale, I lb Green fodder and corn, 1 lb Green peas and oats, 1 lb Green red clover, 1 lb Green alfalfa, 1 lb Corn silage, 1 lb Potatoes, 1 lb Mangels, I lb .Sugar-beets, 1 lb Carrots, 1 lb Turnips, 1 lb Timothy hay, 1 lb Mixed hay, 1 lb Alfalfa hay, 1 lb Red-clover haj', 1 lb Corn fodder, 1 lb Corn stover, 1 lb Pea straw, 1 lb Wheat straw, I lb Oat straw, 1 IT) Corn (grain), 1 lb Wheat (grain), 1 lb Rye (grain), 1 lb Barley (grain), 1 lb Oats (grain), 1 lb Buckwheat (grain), 1 lb Pea-meal, 1 tt> . . . . Corn and cob meal, 1 lb WMiefit bran, 1 lb VV^heat middlings, 1 lb Low-grade fioiir, 1 lb Rice-meal, i lb Oat feed, 1 lb Dried brewers' grains, 1 lb Gluten feed, 1 lb Gluten-meal, 1 lb Linseed-meal (new process), 1 lb Cotton-seed meal, 1 lb f Soy-bean meal, I lb Cocoanut cake, 1 lb Sugar-beet pulp (wet), 1 lb Sugar-beet pulp (dry), 1 lb Apple-pomace, 1 lb Skim-milk (separator), 1 lb Buttermilk, 1 lb Dried blood, 1 lb Feeding standards for daily rations— For support of l.OOO-tt). cow, dry and not in calf. (For each extra 100 lb. weight add ^) 1,000-11). cow giving 20 lb. average milk 1,000-lT). cow giving 30 It), average milk 1,000-lb. cow giving 40 lb. average milk. ... . 1,000-lb. cow giving 50 lb. average milk PorND.s OK Digestible Nutrients. | Total Dry Matter. Carbo- Protein. hydrates and Fat. 0.14 0.C20 0.086 0.20 0.010 0.125 0.16 0.018 0.076 0.29 0.029 0.164 0.28 0.0.39 0.138 0.26 0.014 0.157 0.21 0.010 0.165 0.09 0.011 0.056 0.13 0.013 0.104 0.11 0.0tt8 0.082 Q.IO 0.010 0.077 0.87 0.028 0.465 0.87 0.058 0.460 ' 0.92 0.110 0.423 0.85 0.077 0.430 0.5S 0.025 0.373 1 0.60 0.017 0.340 0.86 0.043 0.341 0.90 0.006 0.372 0 91 0.012 0.404 0.89 0.079 0.764 0.90 0.088 0.708 ! 0.88 0.095 0.721 0.89 0.084 0.692 0.89 0.092 0.568 0.87 0.081 0.536 0.90 0.168 0.534 0,85 0.044 0.665 0.88 0.122 0.453 0.88 0.128 0.607 0.88 0.082 0.647 0.89 0.074 0.751 0.93 0.052 0.359 0.91 0.200 0.455 0.91 0.213 0.593 0.91 0.298 0.566 0.91 0.315 0.411 0.92 0.332 0.424 0.88 0.291 0.558 0.89 0.154 0.652 0.10 0.006 0.073 0.91 0.041 0.649 0.23 0.011 0.164 0.09 0.029 0.059 0.10 0.039 0.065 0.91 0.709 0.056 16-21 0.7 7.00 25-29 1.6-1.9 9.8-11.2 27-33 2.2-2.5 11.8-13.9 28 34 2.8-3.2 13.9-16.6 29-36 3.2-3.8 16.0-18.5 Nutritive Ratio. HI i>KrAl;T.MEXT OF A<;l{ICl KTURE. Direction for using Table 1. — To find the pounds of nutrients in a given number of pounds of any feeding-stuff, multiply the weight of nutrients in ] lb. (as given in the table) by the pounds fodder, meal, etc., which you exi)ect to feed. For example: Ration fed to Cote giving 40 -ifi. Milk dailii. M^. ; p«>t*'"- Carbo- ] .Nutritive hydrates. Ratio. 12 It., alfalfa hay. 35 tb. corn silage. 4 lb. ground oats 4 lb. bran 1 lb. Ijarlej' ... 1 lb. linseed-meal 11.04 1.320 9.10 (1.490 3.56 0 369 3.52 0.488 0.89 0.(184 0.91 0.315 5.076 5.495 2.270 1.812 0.692 0.411 Total nutrients in ration Feeding standard (as given in table) 29.02 3.065 28 34 2.8-3.2 1 : 15.756 1:5.2 13.9-16.6 1:5.2 TABLE 2.— FOOD VALUES. AvniAOi Pebcextaok Coxpasmox. Mineral ; Crude Matter. Proteiii. 10.6 9.5 9.2 10.5 11.2 11.9 8.7 10.8 8.0 10.4 7.0 7.4 13.4 12.4 10.2 10.5 11.7 9.2 9.0 9.8 7.5 10.4 10. S 8.6 10.8 10.7 lO.O 8.7 75.7 8.4 89.8 7.0 9.1 87.2 74.6 90.6 90.1 93.8 10.7 6.0 8.5 7.0 10.8 8.0 15.0 14.2 7.0 14.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.8 4.4 5.8 2.1 2.5 3.9 3.2 5.3 6.7 2.0 0.4 8.1 2.6 4.8 4.3 5.5 5.5 6.7 4.3 5.9 2.6 6.7 4.9 7.9 3.7 1.0 4.5 0.6 5.5 11.2 0.7 1.6 0.7 0.7 0.4 4.1 37.4 4.7 15.9 29.2 64.4 4.5 4.4 6.8 5.7 10.3 33.8 25.0 11.9 16.9 15.4 11.3 12.0 11.5 11.4 8.0 3.4 10.8 7.4 vt.fy ao.2 33.5 22.6 37.5 33.9 39.9 16.8 19.7 16.3 32.8 47.6 31.2 K.O 5 4 8.1 0.9 9.6 13.1 3.6 17.6 3.1 4.0 0.6 71.2 39.5 84.4 53.9 48.4 23.9 6.0 5.7 6.8 8.9 Carboh vdrates. Starches, \ Sug«r,etc 2.2 i.O 6.8 1.8 6.2 9.0 1.5 4.2 U.l 10.8 21.5 30.7 U.7 0.2 5.4 14.4 4.5 7.1 8 9 7.3 9.9 24.0 14.4 29.9 13.5 5.1 11.3 13.6 3.8 17.5 2.4 16.1 22.4 5.8 29.6 28.1 26.5 27.4 70.4 46.6 63.5 71.9 56.2 53.9 74.5 68.7 62.9 50.4 56.3 50.5 50.7 79.2 51.2 51.1 28.3 23.2 36.4 35.7 27.8 35.0 38.7 21.4 27.1 23.7 30.0 42 3 12.5 eo.8 6.3 61.3 42.1 4.9 2.7 5.3 4.0 5.1 0.3 6.3 sis 3^4 41.9 44.6 51.2 41.2 Fat. 5.0 6.6 3.5 2.1 5.1 4.0 1.9 1.8 2.2 4.8 2.9 1.3 2.4 0.4 13.1 1.2 17.2 33.7 2.7 7.8 8.1 0.5 11.0 tl.2 9.1 8.0 9.6 6.7 1.6 0.7 6.5 2.1 3.7 3.6 0.3 1.1 0.1 1S.7 10.8 2.5 11.8 11.6 0.3 3.*' 3.0 1.0 2.8 Com (dent) Gluten-meal Gluten feed. Wheat. Wheat middlings or aiiorta.... Wheat bran Bve Bailey Euinier (miscalled spelt). . . t»ats (gTf)Und). Oat lead Oat hulls. Buckwheat Rice Kice-meaL Canada field-pea meal Soy-bean meal Flax-jn<:^\ fH*!. 1 bone > , full Moon>. ... soon after bloom. " Dt-ai ^a^ I Oat hav .. PorXDS D1OB8TIBL8 IN KACH 100 Lb. Protein. Carbo- hydrates. 7.8 66.8 29.7 425 21.3 S2.8 8.8 67.5 13.0 45.7 11.9 42.0 9.5 60.4 8.4 65.3 10.0 70.3 10.1 52.5 5.2 30.1 1.3 38.5 8.1 48.2 6.4 79.2 7.4 48.3 16.8 51.7 291 23.3 30.6 17.1 31.5 35.7 30.2 32.0 33.1 25.1 16.0 52.6 15.4 41.2 14.8 29.7 29.5 23.3 42.8 20.4 25.3 23.7 20.0 32.2 4.9 9.4 4.1 64.9 0.5 7.7 6.1 68.7 9.8 40.8 3.4 4.8 17.6 2.7 2.9 5.3 3.8 3.9 0.6 5.0 66.2 36.7 6.5 70.9 50.1 45.0 3!4 43.3 2.5 39.2 4S.7 36.7 Fat. 4.3 6.1 2.9 1.5 4.£ 2.5 1.2 1.6 2.0 3.7 2.6 0.6 2.4 0.4 11.9 0.7 14.6 29.0 2.4 6.9 7.6 9.0 10.7 18.2 8.0 7.2 7.« 6.0 1.7 0.9 3.7 3.6 0.3 1.0 0.2 13.4 10.6 2.5 11.6 11.4 i.4 1.' O.J 1.7 Care and Feeding of Dairy Cattle. 63 table 2.— food YAhVES— Concluded. 20.8 21.2 9.7 9.7 9.6 9.2 11.8 8.1 4.9 15.0 10.0 15.0 12.9 9.6 7.1 9.2 14.2 9.9 10.1 79.3 42.2 62.2 70.8 71.8 75.1 79.7 80.0 75.0 79.1 90.9 80.5 88.6 90.1 79.5 85.7 90.0 73.6 72.0 76.0 AVKRAGK PkRCKNT.\OK CO.M POSITION. Mineral Crude Matter. Protein. 6.6 12.4 6.1 10.7 8.3 12.8 8.3 15.7 8.6 15.2 8.5 17.3 7.0 14.9 8.8 14.6 14.5 23.3 7.3 14.8 7.1 10.3 7.4 12.8 5.5 10.1 4.2 3.4 3.2 3.0 5.1 4.0 5.7 3.5 5.5 5.2 6.8 4.6 1.2 1.8 2.7 4.5 2.5 3.4 2.1 4^4 2.7 4.8 2.0 4.0 1.6 2.4 1.6 3.4 1.6 2.9 0.9 2.1 1.1 1.4 0.9 1.8 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.3 1.0 2.6 2.5 2.2 0.8 2.6 2.1 2.7 2.6 4.2 2.4 2.5 Carbohydrates. Fibre. 21.9 24.5 25.6 24.1 27.2 28.6 24.2 28.9 13.2 20.4 28.3 26.7 27.6 38.1 38.9 37.0 36.0 43.0 40.4 5.0- 14.3 11.2 8.1 7.4 6.7 6.1 6.4 8.0 0.4 0.9 0.9 1.3 1.2 0.8 2.1 0.9 7.8 8.4 Starches, Sugar,etc. 33.8 33.6 40.7 39.3 36.6 33.7 37.8 37.4 41.2 39.5 41.2 35.8 41.3 43.4 46.6 42.4 39.0 35.1 37.4 12.2 34.7 19.3 13.5 12.3 10.6 9.6 8.1 11.7 17.4 5.5 9.8 7.6 6.3 15.9 7.0 5.5 12.9 11.6 11.1 4.5 3.9 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.7 4.3 2.1 3.0 3.0 2.6 2.3 2.6 1.3 1.2 2.3 1.5 1.3 1.7 0.5 1.6 1.4 i!i 1.0 1.(1 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.9 1.2 0.8 Kind of Feedintf-stuff. ; Red-clover hay in bloom j Mammoth red -clover hay .... Alsike-clover hay ! White-clover hay i Crimson-clover hay ! Sweet-clover hay Sov-bean hav ! Alfalfa hay ." i Alfalfa leaves . Sanfoin hay Oat and pea hay J Oat and vetch hay Mixed jjrrass and clover hay. . . Wheat straw Rye straw Oat straw Barley straw Buckwheat straw Soy-bean straw Green fodder corn Dry fodder corn Green oats, in milk Green oats in bloom Green red clover Green Alfalfa Green soy-bean Green oat.s and peas Green wheat and vetch Green grass and clover mixed. Potatoes. Mangels Sugar-beets Carrots ... Turnips Artichokes Kale and rape Cabbage Corn silage Red-clover silage Com and soy-bean silage Poinds Digestible ix EACH 100 Lb. Protein. Carbo- hydrates. Fat. 7.7 34.0 2.8 6.2 34.7 2.1 8.4 39.7 1.1 11.5 42.2 1.5 10.5 34.9 1.2 10.0 37.0 1.5 10.6 40.9 1.2 10.5 40.5 0.9 16.8 35.9 1.3 10.4 36.5 2.0 7.6 41.5 1.5 8.3 35.8 1.3 5.8 41.8 1.3 0.8 35.2 0.4 0.7 39.6 0.4 1.3 39.5 0.8 0.9 40.1 0.6 1.2 37.4 0.5 2.3 40.1 - 1.0 1.0 11.9 0.4 2.5 34.6 1.2 2.5 18.2 1.0 1.1 12.4 0.5 2.9 13.6 0.7 3.6 12.1 0.4 3.1 11.0 0.5 1.8 10.2 0.4 2.6 10.3 0.3 2.3 14.6 0.5 1.1 15.7 0.1 1.0 5.5 0.2 1.3 9.8 0.1 0.8 7.7 0.3 1.0 8.1 0.2 1.3 14.7 0.2 2.0 8.2 0.2 2.3 5.9 0.1 1.4 14.2 0.7 1.5 9.2 0.5 1.6 13.2 0.7 PrJL-ted by William H. VICTORIA, B.C. : Clllin, Printer to the Kiuj 1016. 's Most Excellent Majesty. tb^ 1JS.S1 vh"^ ^'V^ BOOK o^, ^o 5°^; -rne ^e^ AUG I -r I I u ^■8587 i UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY *.» .•^ *",