Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. tak ual DSgha td 4 aby ghee | _ EXCLUSIVE TO SN VALE STATE EXTENSION A! ; EDITORS ——_—— a ey = p24 o) No. 150 Ueiopepbirchenia sto). yAUS) ye CARE OF FERNS IN THE HOME The foundation of most fern troubles, says (name) , is improver watering, especially keep- (ext. horticulturist or floriculturist) ing the plant soaked or permitting it to become dry. Ferns should be watered Sparingly but should be kept moist at all times. It is esvecially difficult not to over-water when the fern is in a jardiniere, where drainaze is necessar— ily poor. In spring and summer, ferns require three times the water necessary in autumn and winter. recommends keeping ferns in a strong light although they grow well, says, without full sunlight. They should be repotted every year. tt # 527 86 (95-27)