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H 5- C2* vk * \ s OS b <#* *Y \\ Ml P -'•.? \ \ 0 V-^^-^ o r-^ '.•'(<«/ c o o w c The Polynesian Wanderings Tracks of the Migration Deduced from an Examination of the Proto-Samoan Content of Efate and other Languages of Melanesia BY WILLIAM CHURCHILL Sometime Consul-General of the United States in Samoa and Tonga, Member of the Polynesian Society, the Hawaiian Historical Society, the American Philological Association PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON 1911 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON Publication No. 134 PRESS OF GIBSON BROTHERS WASHINGTON, D. C. PREFACE. To introduce the work contained in the succeeding pages would be irksome; it partakes of the nature of a task, for the book must be its own best record of the results of years spent in study in the distant South Seas, of yet other years of intimate toil. But there is pleasure in making a brief and prefatory record of my introduction to these Polynesian researches. That I owe to James D wight Dana, not the least distinguished of the scientific staff of the United States Exploring Expedition which, under the naval command of Lieutenant Wilkes, made that brilliant cruise of discovery in the Pacific Oceans between the years 1838 and 1842. It was a work of supererogation on the part of my pre- ceptor to answer my questions about the discovery of savage men in the distant sea half around the globe; it formed no part of the studies which I was pursuing under his direction. Yet he was ever cordial; my questions never went unanswered. Thus gradually I acquired a distinctly personal knowledge of the great work which had been done in Polynesia, an intimate acquaintance with men and scenes which serves still to supplement the formal record con- tained in the reports of that historic voyage. Not long thereafter, yet it was all of forty years since Dana's day in the bright South Sea, it was granted me to cruise over many of the inter-island courses which he had followed. That my cruises were easy was a debt which I owed to the cartographic work of that expedition ; that they were almost always safe was no less due to the moral effect which |the American voyagers had impressed upon the savages at their first discovery. When once I landed on the island of Malolo, remotely set in the Fiji Islands, and found the people coming to the beach to greet me with yams and bamboo tubes of water, it seemed an interesting, somewhat picturesque, ceremony. When I inquired into the reason I learned that it was called an ancient custom to proffer food and water to all visiting strangers. Yet I found that in less than half of a stagnant century a custom had become ancient. It was at Malolo that a boat's crew of the Wilkes expedition had been cut off, as duly set forth in the third volume of the narrative; after exacting punishment for this act of murder the Americans laid the IV PREFACE. injunction on Malolo to welcome the stranger, and thus the custom arose. After an interval of a dozen years I was called to take a part in the administration of the affairs of the kingdom of Samoa in that historic tangle in which the United States was striving to hold a disinterested balance. The most vivacious, and to me the most valuable, of the small group of island sages whom I gathered about me in the windward outskirts of Apia to help in the prosecution of my researches into the past of their people, was a very old chief of Vaiala. It seemed that he must have lived forever, this ancient Lauta who had long since retired from the active duties which fall to the village chief. Like all Samoans he had no sense of the lapse of time and no knowledge of the date of his birth. But he was able to contribute one early landmark : when he was a mere stripling he had gone to Tutuila to undergo his tattooing; when that painful but socially necessary operation had been completed he returned to Apia on the deck of "the first man-of-war." So far as related to that brief voyage from Pagopago to 'Upolu he was a survivor of the Wilkes expedition which had passed through his seas more than half a century before I knew him. In these and many other ways my participation in the study of the South Sea has always seemed to me an inheritance from the voyagers who sailed with Wilkes so many years ago. Nor should I omit acknowledgment of the obligation under which I lie to Laupepa, the last of a long line of Malietoas who had ruled Samoa from a period which corresponds to the time in our own reckoning when Norman William crossed the Channel and fought down Saxon Harold on Senlac Field. We had made him king. Poor weary soul, we could not make him royal, for we made it impossible for him to reign. Now that he has gone beyond the sufferings of a king, now that the line of the Malietoas has been broken off, now that the puppet kingdom of Samoa is no more, I recall with pleasure that he did enjoy the respite from the cares of his troubled state in the many hours in which he delighted to communicate to me his stores of the wisdom of the past. Few there were who could speak Samoan with his grace of diction ; few indeed had minds so replete with the myth and tradition in which is preserved the ancient history of his race. In regardful memory I must not neglect to include among those who introduced me to these studies the name of Malietoa Laupepa, the last king of Samoa. PREFACE. V By rigid processes of exclusion I have sought to make the lin- guistic material assembled in this volume tell the tale of the peopling of so much of the Pacific as is comprehended within the range of its extent. It will be seen that Micronesia is wholly omitted; con- siderable material is available for the study of that equatorial region, but it is removed by an irreducible gap from the sweep of the data upon which these studies are based. In Melanesia this material tells no tale of the origin of the dusky races there found; it gives us no more than the assurance that the dark races were already settled in their crude savagery when the migration swarms of the brilliant Polynesians swept onward to happier homes ever eastward. Not all of Polynesia are we to find included within the scope of this work. The linguistic record here dealt with excludes of its own motion the later sweep of migration, that to which I have given the designation of Tongafiti, the adventurous voyagers who swept onward past central Polynesia to found new races at the utmost verge of the great South Sea. Our material restricts us to the most ancient Polynesians, the first- comers into the Pacific, voyagers who swept the unknown sea some two thousand years ago. Of these Proto-Samoans we find here a history which carries them back to their expulsion from the Asiatic archipelago. I have essayed to plot their ocean fairways. I have shown that in two swarms they came out from Indonesia ; that one swarm came around the north of New Guinea and entered the Pacific by way of Saint George's Channel and at last came to new homes in Samoa ; that the other was driven by advancing Malayans into the Arafura Sea and south of New Guinea through Torres Straits and thence onward to a new home in Fiji. There in Nuclear Polynesia the sundered kin resumed their fellowship ; thence they despatched yet other expeditions which brought them to Hawaii, to New Zealand, and to several spots in the distant east of the Pacific. Upon the smaller of the accompanying charts I have plotted so much of these Proto-Samoan voyages as I have been able to determine, and to these I have added the voyages of the Tongafiti folk who came later, by about a thousand years, leaving uncertain the voyage which brought them into Nuclear Polynesia, since this material affords no record thereof. Nor is this all. This record points to something of wider value than the wandering of an unimportant folk in a world of islands which can attain but scantily to economic importance. We are VI PREFACE. engaged upon a group of languages of the most elemental character, a speech wherein the parts of speech have but just begun to make their appearance. That in itself would be matter of no great moment, for we know many languages of the isolating type. That which is of particular value herein is that we find ourselves engaged with a language family in which we can discover the beginnings of human speech. We find ourselves made witnesses of the man who can emit a cry because he has the animal equipment of a throat and lungs, and we see that man, with a sentient mind to give him the impulse of progress, striving by rude and uncouth mouthings to attain to facility in the use of the consonants which make speech. It will be an acceptable reward of pleasant toil if it shall be found that the Polynesian language family is capable of affording us a true knowledge of a genesis of the speech of man. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Chapter I. The Problem of Melanesia i Inosculation of the Melanesian and the Polynesian languages and the determi- nation of values therein. — The position of Melanesia. — Viti an area of the mingling of the two stocks.— Polynesia has charmed and Melanesia revolted their discoverers; our acquaintance with the latter therefore falls short of our knowledge of the former. — Islands of the Polynesian verge. — Polyne- sian inclusions. — Languages which borrow. Chapter II. The Dictionary of Efati 5 Most of the accessible vocabularies are very scanty. — Only three Melanesian dictionaries, those of Mota, Efate, and Viti, are at all considerable. — The development of Macdonald's theory of Semitic origin. — His Efate dictionary and its false lexicography. — Some words hidden from sight. — Clumsiness in the definition. — Introduction of polemic dishonesty. — His false etymology. — No clear distinction of several dialects. Chapter III. Sawaiori Migrations 13 Paucity of our knowledge of the Melanesian origins. — They may be autoch- thons.— There are two principal theories of Polynesian migrations. — The sieve theory and the argument of Thilenius in its behalf. — A spurious tale of seven times seven retailed by Deeken. — The general migration theory. — Tregear's statement that this is the commonly accepted hypothesis. — -Percy Smith in its support. — A fallacy into which Thilenius has been led. — Per- sisting memories of an inferior race once encountered. — The log of one of the great voyages. Chapter IV. The First Polynesian Home 25 A race always under an eastward momentum. — No positive statement of the place of origin possible. — Bopp proposed an Aryan source. — Max Mtiller connected it with the Turanian stock. — Logan regarded the Ganges valley as the ancient home. — Macdonald's Semitic theory of a great and widely diffused Oceanic language set forth at large. Chapter V. Dissection of the Theory 31 The result of independent treatment of the data should be identical. — As the other elements have long been known and carefully studied, the Melane- sian is the critical test. — The computation of exactly what material is now made available for study. — In what proportion the Efate vocabulary con- tributes to the solution of the problem and the manner in which properly it may be employed. Chapter VI. Efate" and Viti and Polynesia 35 Comparison of the vowels of the Melanesian element of Efate and Viti. — The establishment of consonantal variety . — Assumption of a parent speech from which these deviate. — Viti appears to be the younger son. — The compar- ison continued through the Sawaiori element of Viti. — Viti, Samoan, and their parent speech, the Proto-Samoan. — Comparison of Efate" with Poly- nesia and summation of results. — The extent to which Efatd identifications penetrate into Polynesia. — Argument from recorded anomalies. — It is im- probable that Efat£ received its Polynesian content through westward drift of castaways. — Proof that this element came through the migration of the Proto-Samoan wanderers. — Check-list of Polynesian phonetic mutations. VII VIII CONTENTS. Chapter VII. Polynesian Relics throughout Melanesia 55 Check-list of the material for this section of the work. — Tables of the phonetic relations of 81 languages of the Melanesian archipelagoes. — The several mutations of vowels and consonants and the languages which employ them. — Analysis of these mutations, those which are found in Polynesia and those confined to Melanesia. — The groundwork of Polynesian muta- tion and the Melanesian system compared therewith. — Two Melanesian foci of Polynesian influence brought to light. — The sieve theory disproved by this material. — Proof of the general migration theory. — -Crop colonies and the important part they play. — Two tracks of Proto-Samoan migration through Melanesia. — Proof that a Melanesian sojourn preceded the settle- ment of Samoa. Chapter VIII. Sawaiori Material in Indonesia 151 Limitation of the points of inquiry. — Check-list of the Indonesian material. — Synoptical tables of mutation varieties. — Mutations compared with the systems of the Pacific languages. — Character and probable place of the contact of Indonesian and Polynesian.- — -The nature of an ethnic swarm discussed. — The Malay advance was an affair of outposts. — Whence arose the speech community, which after all is a matter of but a gross of words. — The Indonesians are shown to be borrowers. — Two lines of Sawaiori escape through the Malay archipelago lead to the two tracks identified through Melanesia. — The designation Malayo-Polynesian should be discarded because false. Chapter IX. The Sawaiori Beginning Rests Unknown 175 Check-list of the Semitic words for which affinity has been sought. — Failure of the effort to identify this material with Sawaiori stock.— The reasons lie in false definitions and irregularity of phonetic principles. — -The Semitic does not conform to the laws of the family. — Summation of the results of this inquiry. — -The two Sawaiori swarms, the earlier through Melanesia, the latter not yet discovered on the face of the trackless sea. — The double migration track in the western Pacific. — The problem of the Melanesians has been considered only in so far as they have been affected by the wan- dering Sawaiori. — End of the classification which has joined Malay and Polynesian. — The beginning of the great Polynesian race is lost in west- ward and empty sea. Appendix i. Data and Notes 18.5 Appendix 2. The Southern Gateway 433 Appendix 3. Bibliography 493 The Polynesian Wanderings Tracks of the Migration Deduced from an Examination of the Proto-Samoan Content of Efate and other Languages of Melanesia CHAPTER I. THE PROBLEM OF MELANESIA. Inosculation of the Melanesian and the Polynesian languages and the determination of values therein — The position of Melanesia — Viti an area of the mingling of the two stocks — Polynesia has charmed and Melanesia revolted their discoverers ; our acquaintance with the latter therefore falls short of our knowledge of the former — Islands of the Polynesian verge — Polynesian inclusions — Languages which borrow. Based upon the possession of a greater mass of material than we have ever enjoyed for the examination of any one of the languages of the islands of the Western Pacific, the purpose of this work is to present such determinations of ascertainable values in the inoscula- tion of the Melanesian and the Polynesian tongues as the present state of our knowledge may be found to warrant. We shall find it convenient, in due course, to list a brief bibliography of such works as have become available in the study of this topic. These inter- esting and valued works of my predecessors in this tangled field will be found to lie in two classes, the record of data and the discussion based upon such data. The publication of Dr. Macdonald's studies in the speech of Efate, eagerly welcomed and as warmly reprobated, has seemed to make it incumbent upon me to engage more intimately upon the prose- cution of the studies whose results are offered in the present volume. His work upon Efate falls into each class. It is a considerable vocabulary of a speech largely Melanesian; it is a labored essay to build a structure of criticism and comment upon this material. We shall welcome it in its former capacity as a long stride onward in our knowledge of Melanesia; we shall find it quite as necessary to subject its argumentative deductions to rigid scrutiny, in which our interest is to remain cordial even though our judgment prove adverse. The least known of the trine division of the Pacific, Melanesia affords the most numerous and the greatest problems which confront those of us who have given time and have expended thought upon the study of the life of man in the South Sea. These problems are of two sorts. One great class consists of the problems internal to Melanesia itself, the other has to do with the problems of the Poly- nesian ethnic and linguistic stock. Being problems of human life, they are by no means discrete. The closer into them our examina- tion carries us the more intimately do we learn the interdependence of the problems of the one sort upon the problems of the other. 2 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Considered geographically, Melanesia is a unit easy of definition, save at its northern projection where it impinges upon areas in one direction known to be Papuan and in another upon yet other areas known to be Indonesian. The islands (to which the skin pigmen- tation of the inhabitants, in marked contrast with that of their neighbors eastward, has made it a simple metaphor to apply the designation of the Black Islands) lie in a loose linking of chains a thousand miles offshore from the northeastern coast of Australia, and in their extent in a roughly northwest direction they closely parallel that coast. The southern verge of this area falls little short of the Tropic of Capricorn ; its northern limit lies almost exactly on the Equator. These limits are, respectively, the considerable land mass of New Caledonia and the tiny islets of the Admiralty Group. Reckoning northward from New Caledonia, we include in the larger subdivision of the area the Loyalty Group, the New Hebrides, the Banks Group, the Solomon Islands, and the Bismarck Archipelago. The designation of this last component we owe to a colonizing zeal which has proved sufficiently potent to act upon the Germans, geographers as well as statesmen, in blunting a sense of common geographical propriety. The islands had borne the names of New Britain, New Ireland, the Duke of York, and New Hanover, collec- tively the New Britannia Archipelago, so long and so familiarly that it was force rather than any necessity which new-named them Neu- Pommern, Neu- Mecklenburg, Neu-Lauenburg, and dedicated them in totality to the then Iron Chancellor. A geographical sin, unfortu- nately a sin accomplished. The Fijian Archipelago may or may not be included in Melanesia; all depends upon the interpretation of certain well-defined problems of its own. Geographically it is not necessary so to include it, for it lies remote, out of the northwest chain, set by itself in its own sea midway between the scarcely contaminated Melanesia of New Caledonia and the equally uncorrupted Polynesia of Samoa and Tonga, the region to which I have assigned the convenient designa- tion of Nuclear Polynesia. Ethnically and philologically Viti must be acknowledged to lie in a position of mixture of the two neighbor stocks. I know that I go beyond many, if not all, of my fellow workers in weighing the Polynesian element in Viti. While with this exception we find Melanesia a well-defined unit upon the charts we are by no means qualified to decide if this unity extends to the ethnography and philology of the region, and that because of our lack of consistent information. We are sadly deficient in the necessary data, for Melanesia has received scant attention. While Polynesia has attracted, Melanesia has repelled its dis- coverers. About the islands of the central tract of ocean romance has cast its charm; its power remains even in these later days. THE PROBLEM OF MELANESIA. 6 Sensitive natures have counted the world well lost for the enjoyment of its delights; ignorant men have yielded to the same compulsion and have found dingy pleasure in settling down as beachcombers. The great nations have sent brave fleets to the exploration of these islands, have lent their most competent administrators to foster the states of island monarchs. The people have won those who came to seek them; they have been treated as gentlefolk. But Melanesia is a volume whose chapters are horror upon horror. The islands of this western area lack the charm which holds the eye upon the atoll with its palm tiara or upon the towering summits forest-clad and necklaced with cascades so familiar in the Polynesian scene. The people of Melanesia have an aspect more savage than the statuesque dignity of the Polynesian. It does no violence to the sense of the fitness of things to look upon them as a servile crew. It was only upon the score of our morals, not of social propriety, that objection was raised to the labor trade in Melanesia, a form of slavery to which the Polynesian never was subjected. Explorers in Melanesia have relatively been few. Missionary endeavor was slow to attack this field of crying need, and when the missions did effect a lodgment in this dark region of the sea the pioneers were members of a sect which affected repugnance toward all matters which make solely for broader culture. From many the crown of martyrdom was not withheld. Yet that blessing was, after all, indi- vidual; we compare the information derived from the Melanesian missionaries with the treasures of scholarship which mark the work of their fellows in Polynesia, and we deplore the comparison. Of such sort are the reasons wherewith we must account to our- selves for the fact that Melanesia yet remains to the student almost wholly in darkness and gross darkness upon the people, and that the light which here and there in a random ray has been shed upon its problems must first be subjected to close analysis. In the early lines of this chapter use has been made of the term inosculation of the Melanesian and Polynesian tongues. It is now in order to define the nature of the approximation of these two language series within the Melanesian area. We have first the several islands wholly or principally inhabited by folk of Polynesian race and speech, yet lying within the region which geographically is classed as Melanesia. Such, among others in a short list, are Aniwa and Fotuna,* Sikayana, Ticopia, Liueniua,t *This spelling having been in some general use, I find it a convenient means of differentiation from the Futuna of Nuclear Polynesia. f "The name of this atoll as given on the chart is Leueaeuwa, but the name, I think, is wrongly spelled, as it bears no meaning that I know of in any Polynesian language. The proper spelling is Le ua Niua. This was certainly the way in which I wrote it before I knew of the other spelling, and the Samoan who was with me also spelled it in the same way." The Rev. G. Brown, D. D., "Reports of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science," IX, 258. 4 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Tauu, Nukumanu, Nuguria, Rennel,* and Moiki. Since these islands represent the western limit of Polynesian race and Polynesian speech, we may name them the islands of Polynesia's western verge, or sim- ply and briefly the Polynesian verge. In the next class we find small communities on islands with an otherwise Melanesian population, where Polynesian speech is spoken by folk presenting sometimes more and sometimes less of Polynesian race traits. Under this designation come, among others, Mae in the New Hebrides (on the island known as Three Hills) and Fileni in the Swallow Group. To this class of traces of Polynesian origin we shall apply the term the Polynesian inclusions. Necessarily the foregoing classes are limited in the number of the instances properly to be assembled under one or the other. The third class is more widely extended than we are yet in a position to estimate. This class is to include all the instances in which we find peoples of Melanesian stock and speaking languages prepon- derantly non-Polynesian, who yet derive some portion of their vocabulary from Polynesian loan material. For convenience we use this term, recognizing that the subject is open to argument. In a diagrammatic scheme of the possibilities it is as antecedently pos- sible also that the Polynesian has borrowed from the Melanesian, or that the common element derives in Melanesian and Polynesian from an earlier undistributed source. Yet I have no hesitation in anticipating the result of the argument and describing this common matter as Polynesian loan material. It is this latter topic which is principally to engage our attention in this work. At this point it seems proper to invite attention to the appendix introducing a bibliography of the published matter which has been consulted and which has yielded more or less of assistance in the study of this topic. This will be found on pages 493-506. *A word of explanation may not be out of place as to the unequal dealing with the names of the twin islands Rennel and Bellona. These are chart names and secondary in rank to the names in use by the islanders. For Bellona we have the valuable record of Dr. Sidney H. Ray, who has recorded its vocabulary under the name Moi-ki; the hyphen is wrongly placed through a typographical error, as has been pointed out by W. von Biilow; I prefer to standardize the name with other Polynesian forms and there- fore omit the hyphen. The name of Rennel is cited by Wawn and by Thilenius as Muava or Mungava; probably it should be Moava, but as my notes are not positive I hesitate to adopt the form. Thilenius makes the distinct statement that Moiki has no fixed population and is no more than a fishing station for the people of Rennel. This is not in accord with my observation nor with that of Captain Wawn, who has written an interesting narrative of the long search for his home in which he assisted a labor boy who had been carried away to Queensland. The home was found at last in Moiki, which Wawn calls Mungiki. CHAPTER II. THE DICTIONARY OF EFATrL Most of the accessible vocabularies are very scanty — Only three Mel- anesian dictionaries (those of Mota, Efatd and Viti) are at all consider- able— The development of Macdonald's theory of Semitic origin — His Efate dictionary and its false lexicography — Some words hidden from sight — Clumsiness in the definition — Introduction of polemic dishon- esty— His false etymology — No clear distinction of several dialects. Quantitatively regarded, the lists presented in the bibliography seem to show that we have no inconsiderable material bearing more or less directly upon the philological problems of the islands of the Western Pacific chain. When investigated more closely, when measured in a qualitative analysis, the tale is far other. Many of these vocabularies, so diligently sought and so sedulously treasured, are mere lists of but a score or so of words and often of problematical accuracy in reporting. In very few cases have they been subjected to intelligent criticism. Yet they are by no means to be despised. They are the best we have, and with them we must perforce be content until future exploration affords better data. We have in the Melanesian tract but three vocabularies of any considerable magnitude. The dictionary of the Fijian is of inesti- mable value, a storehouse of information; yet it has been found to yield its most valuable results when associated with more strictly Polynesian investigations. The Mota dictionary is of far lower order, yet none the less is it a valuable implement of Melanesian study. The Efate dictionary is by far our best contribution of data upon which is to rest the science of Melanesian speech; and this hearty com- mendation must be kept in mind through all the adverse criticism which it will be necessary to pass upon it in many details. Dr. Macdonald awakens our envy when we note the opportunity he has enjoyed for the study of the speech and the habit of Efate\ thirty-five years spent in the search into the language and the mind of this interesting family of Melanesians, a study directed solely to the attainment of such knowledge as should better fit him to become the guide of the souls to whose cure he had been sent in the isles of the sea at the uttermost parts of the earth. In the bibliography it will be observed that in 1882 he exhibited his Semitic theory to the Royal Society of Victoria. In 1889 he presented it anew and in richer development in "Oceania." At intervals he has contributed minutely prepared papers to the Journal of the Polynesian Society exhibiting yet further argument in behalf of his theory. Now he has attained to such a mass of evidence, 6 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. so satisfactory to himself, that he feels justified in entitling his latest work "The Oceanic Languages — Origin," rather than the dictionary of Efate, which it really is. His Semitic theory we shall have to study in a later chapter of this work; at this point we feel it proper to comment upon the work as dictionary alone and freed from its speculative adornments. An initial and serious objection to the work is that it is devoid of even the slightest summary or sketch of the grammar of the language. True there is an introductory section of well nigh a hundred pages to which a hint in the title points as grammar. Yet in the whole treatise there is not so much as a single page by read- ing which the student may arrive at any comprehension of the manner in which to combine into sentences the words so plentifully listed in the vocabulary; there is no hint by which he may be directed in the use of these many words as actual speech expressive of the thoughts he would convey. Despite its presence where a grammar is properly to be expected, this assemblage of introductory chapters is the argument of a fine-spun theory, interesting to phi- lologists, yet wholly useless lumber to the person who must rely upon this work as his introduction to the speech of Efate. So little has Dr. Macdonald understood the proper purpose of a dictionary-maker that he will not even head his vocabulary for what it really is, but prefers the polemical statement of his dear theory in the title "The Oceanic Languages, their Material or Vocabulary Set Forth in a Complete Dictionary Comparative and Etymological of One of Them, the Language of Efate. " It is only as an afterthought, deferred to the last possible moment, that the man who has spent more than a generation in the study consents to affix its title to the really valuable part of his work. Such a mental attitude on the part of a lexicographer, the gran- deur of his privilege to record that which is being so completely obscured in his zeal to register what he fondly imagines ought to be, is difficult of comprehension to those of us who content our- selves through busy years of dictionary-making. Yet this attitude is not new with Dr. Macdonald; it is well known that Webster refused to sully the first edition of his great dictionary of the English language by including the word "bridegroom," which merely existed in English speech and had no right to exist, yet in the end he failed to secure currency for "bridegoom." With this record of lexico- graphic pertinacity we are ready to make due allowances for the outcrop of the theory which to Dr. Macdonald means so much. To what extent this dictionary answers the author's character- ization of "complete" we have no means of ascertaining. I prefer to record the fact that it contains 3,657 word entries, a fact estab- lished by my own tally. This gives us a positive measure rand THE DICTIONARY OF EFATE. < establishes at once the great superiority of the Efate dictionary over all Melanesian word collections. It is of inestimable value to us by reason of its comprehensiveness as speech record. When we examine carefully and in detail this work in the aspect of that which must represent its permanent value, that which will remain after the demolition of the theories of which it is made the vehicle, namely, its value as a dictionary of the Efate speech, our criticism will fall broadly into two classes, the mechanical and the sense characteristics. The former class is but a particularization of the postulate that lexicography has grown into a science with no little exactitude in its method. Without close study of the principles of the science, it is wholly impossible for any student of language, no matter how intimate may be his knowledge of the speech upon which his study has been directed, to win success as a lexicographer solely by reason of his familiarity with his language theme. Sage as Dr. Macdonald is in all that pertains to the speech of Efate, he makes all the typical errors of the unskilled dictionary-maker. In a dictionary the alphabetical order of entries is necessarily supreme. Almost any page at random in this work will exhibit instances where the entries capsize the alphabetical order. Our author will undoubtedly explain his inversions on the score that thus he is able to keep together stems and derivative forms which on the alphabetical system would be scattered. It is hardly worth while remarking that the user of a dictionary has the right to demand that the word of which he is in search shall be found in its proper place. I may note that in the most assiduous use of this dictionary, extending over many months of close examination, I have not succeeded in conquering my annoyance at the difficulty of finding many a word which is not in the place where it should be; in fact that I have been able to make use of it only after the compilation of an index — an index to a dictionary ! If this is the case in the mere arrangement of the words on the page, where a misplacement entails no greater hardship than a search through one or more of the neighboring pages, what shall we say of those forms which are secreted — it may be pages away and under a different initial — in some entry from which they may be extracted only through a knowledge of the language far beyond those who are likely to use this work? For the exhibition of this blemish we may cite the noun futei, the white ant, the entry con- taining note of the variant forms mitoi and mitei; yet neither of these forms, though equally in use, occupies its alphabetic position by so much as the merest tag of a cross-reference; to a student of Efate encountering the word mitei and seeking its meaning this dictionary would offer no help. 8 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. In the latter class of criticism we note that many of the defini- tions are so clumsy as to suggest that the author had very slight knowledge of what the English name is of objects which he is describ- ing. This is notably illustrated in the definition sumili, a thing like india rubber in a clam shell which, when touched, causes the shell to close. This fairly parallels the entry in Shirley Baker's Tonga dictionary of "balolo, a reptile much like the earthworm found in the sea." In further showing of Dr. Macdonald's ineptitude in definition we note the following, somewhat at random: alo-fi, wave (with a circular and rolling motion) to him, to beckon to. atu saki, plop up (of a turtle, also of the sound of the breath in the throat of a man recovering from a faint or dying), beingo, a kind of flute (coconut shell). bisa, to utter inarticulate sounds (as those made by a coconut on the gravel which a rat is turning about trying to get at its kernel). nakasu nabwo na, the cartilaginous substance on the front of the throat, lit. the stick, or tree, of the bwo (pectus). klta roa sa, to hate turning after him (someone), as a boy sent a message meeting another boy and (hating to do the message) turns after him to play. libu, lebu, the middle of the lower part of the body at the upper part of the back of the pelvis. These are sins of ignorance, and ignorance, though stupid, is at least innocent. In general, in my work upon these dictionaries coming first hand from missionaries who lay no claim to skill in the arts of lexicography, I have welcomed the naivete and have employed the definition wherever its terms have not been too ridiculous. They are original documents ; their simplicity is their warrant of honesty. In some former paper, I believe, I have mentioned the care with which I have refrained from recasting these definitions and the reasons therefor. Such sins as have been here presented we are glad to forgive. Our glee at their discovery carries no malice. But when the definition begins to squint at something ulterior, when a word is added with the sly insinuation of a purpose to link the fact and the theory more tightly, when definition becomes polemic, such exhibitions I do not hesitate to stamp as scientific dishonesty; they prove an absence of conscience, without which speculation is mere trickery held in check only by consideration of the risk of discovery. A very few instances here (the volume abounds with such and they will receive detailed attention in the critical notes) will suffice to show at this point that my characterization is not lacking in support. tere, the mast (of a canoe or ship), calf (column) of the leg; Arabic, sariyat, sari, the mast of a ship, a column. If Dr. Macdonald's compelling Semitic theory had not already pro- duced a moral strabismus of the insight, is it to be imagined that he THE DICTIONARY OF EFATE. 9 would have cast into a parenthesis that word "column" in explica- tion or suggestion of an explication of the sense of calf? That offensive and offending parenthesis was not set into the definition innocently. alo, to swim (wave hands). The parenthesis is expressly for the purpose of linking it with the verb alo-fi, which I have already cited for its clumsiness of definition. bare, to be dirty-looking, like a sightless eye (of half-raw food) ; Hebrew 'avar, Ethiopic 'awir, to be blind. bwes, besii, a young pig whose mother is dead and which is brought up as a pet and is therefore tame and gentle; also a motherless child, so called from being deprived of the mother's milk and, as it were, arid; Arabic yabisa, to be dry. The same leering argument will appear in the study of ngoko (95), where he introduces hack in definition of Hebrew hakah. If his use of italics has any meaning at all it must be intended to mark his obiter dictum that the name of the Teutonic ax is Semitic. And this in a work of polemical philology! Such childish efforts to misdirect the comprehension arouse repugnance ; they cast upon the whole work a suspicion which really it does not deserve. The result of such discoveries of obliquity is that one loses confidence in each uncorroborated point in the book. To many students it will render the work valueless. Yet so far as my acquaintance with the speech of Efate extends, reinforced by a considerable familiarity with other tongues of Melanesia and of Polynesia, I have no hesitation in repeating my former statement that this is far and away the most valuable contribution to our knowledge of the speech of the Western Pacific. It is not only when Dr. Macdonald espies the chance to lug in his Semitic theory that he takes unwarranted liberties. He etymol- ogizes generalities on materials which do not reach beyond the two entrances to Havannah Harbor. binauta, to be numb, devoid of feeling, as one's limb from stoppage of circulation of the blood in it : bi, to be, nata, a person (as if the limb belonged to some other person). bitua na, the knee, prob. bau, the head, and tua, leg. kuruku, the ankle is so called because the leg gathers itself, as it were, into the knob of the joint. To these three add tere, as presented a little earlier. It is quite fortuitous that no less than four glaring errors have to do with the leg; one can but wonder how it has come about that Dr. Macdonald 's legs have proved such unruly members. Yet another grave fault vitiates this dictionary as speech record. The author supplies a copious store of variant forms for many words, each ticketed with the simple notation of "d.," meaning dialectic. Nowhere is any hint afforded us of the habitat of such dialects. 10 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Efate is not a large island, yet in every smallest Melanesian island we are sure to find dialects from village to village, often amounting to such extensive variation as to produce incomprehensibility. It would have added clarity to this record if Dr. Macdonald had identi- fied these dialects by their place names, if by nothing else. As it is, we are left without the knowledge of what is the speech which he assumes as the standard from which these dialects diverge. It is inferential, and only inferential, that he has assumed for such standard the speech in the community nearest his mission station; that is to say, one of several petty villages on Havannah Harbor. Since the seat of the administration of the New Hebrides is at Vila, in a different bay, it is possible that the speech there in use may tend to become standard for official communication; yet not a single entry in connection with these comprehensively noted dialectic variants indicates which are Vila forms. More than this. In the examination of Efate material presented in extenso in a succeeding chapter we have felt a grievous loss in the inability to coordinate the several dialects in order that we might study the several systems of vowel and consonant mutation, a matter of vital importance. The most we can say from the study of this dictionary is that at one spot on Efate, presumably proximate to the mission station, the people use this word, other peoples at one or more undefined places on Efate use this or that other and frequently quite dissimilar word. To what a disadvantage this necessarily puts the student appears in quantities that may be measured in two brief Efate vocabularies,* upon which we had to rely before Dr. Macdonald 's dictionary was published. From Hans Conon von der Gabelentzf we learn that one of these vocabularies comes from Mele, the other from Erakor on the south coast of the island. The two lists contain resembling words to the number of 26, all lying within their common Polynesian content. The Mele list, numbering 118 words, shows no less than 87 words immediately recognizable as Polynesian; the Erakor list, numbering 121 words, shows but 27 of Polynesian source. Mele is the language spoken between Havannah Harbor and Vila; Erakor, on the south coast, has the mountain center of the island between it and the mission station which we have inferred to be the seat of Dr. Macdonald 's standard speech. Yet the Erakor dialect, and not the nearer Mele, most accords with this dictionary. With this suggestion of the magnitude of the dialectic differences we shall feel great uncer- tainty as to the results of the more intimate inspection of this dictionary record upon which we are to enter. Dr. Macdonald'is the one man who knows these dialects apart; it was his dutyUo ♦Turner, "Samoa a hundred years ago and long before," page 354. fDie melanesischen Sprachen II, 1. THE DICTIONARY OF EFATE. 11 differentiate them for the benefit of others who must rely upon his accuracy.* No one can regret more than I the necessity under which I lie to pass such comments as those which have preceded. Yet let it be well understood that they are by no means conclusions superficially drawn. The difficulties mentioned have been encountered by me in no mere casual glance at the work, but have arisen to hamper me in my close study to learn this language from the material here afforded. How close this study has been will be shown in the follow- ing discussions, in which it will appear that the words have been analyzed down to the very letters of which they are composed. Despite these great drawbacks, despite a still greater fault yet to be discussed, I would not recede from the characterization which I have presented and which I have reiterated. Imperfect as it proves itself to be, Dr. Macdonald's dictionary is amply the most valuable contribution to our knowledge of any speech of Melanesia. *Even as these pages are passing to print I am in opportune receipt of a letter from Captain Rason, until quite recently British commissioner in the New Hebrides. This letter affords us valuable information upon this very point and not ungracefully mani- fests the writer's true kindness of heart. "I wish to explain as soon as possible, if possible in time for your book, the inner meaning of Dr. Macdonald's muddle. When the missionaries established themselves on Efate" he was in Havannah Harbor, and natives who first became Christians left their villages and came to the mission station for protection. Thus the language of the mis- sion station became a medley of all the dialects around. This gradually coalesced into a special dialect which became a lingua franca with the natives and was partially under- stood by all. As the heathen natives died out or became Christian the mission language was claimed as the language of the island. Then the Bible was translated into this language and Dr. Macdonald wrote a dictionary of it as if the missionary language was the original language of the various villages before they were Christian. The poor man only deceived himself and is now deceiving others, but it is not wilful scientific dishonesty. I should like him cleared of that. It is a case of self-deception." CHAPTER III. SAWAIORI MIGRATIONS. Paucity of our knowledge of the Melanesian origins — They may be autochthons — There are two principal theories of Polynesian migra- tions— The sieve theory and the argument of Thilenius in its behalf — A spurious tale of seven times seven retailed by Deeken — The general migration theory — Tregear's statement that this is the commonly accepted hypothesis — Percy Smith in its support — A fallacy into which Thilenius has been led — Persisting memories of an inferior race once encountered — The log of one of the great voyages. Thus far we have considered the work in respect of its status as an Efate dictionary, a status which it has comported with Dr. Macdonald's lucubrations in the realm of theory to adumbrate in the text even as he has buried it as an afterthought in the title. Before advancing upon his main theme, the theory and effort at substantiation of a Semitic origin for the languages of the Pacific, we shall find it well to devote some consideration to the present state of our opinion as to the movement in migration which has brought to the Pacific area the peoples now spread to its remotest isles. So far as relates to migrations of the Melanesian peoples, we are wholly without information. This work of Dr. Macdonald is practi- cally the first essay toward giving any of the Melanesians a race history anterior to their residence upon the islands which they now inhabit. Until this or some other theory is properly established, we can do no more than to regard them as ex hypothesi autochthons. If future students of their life and thought succeed in bringing to light traditions which may point to a movement over seas from an older to their present homes, then we shall have a basis on which to found new speculations. Until such a time arrive we shall find it better to stand on the commonly accepted hypothesis. But in the case of the brown Polynesian race the circumstances are far other. We have ample traditions of migration, we have the names of the halting-places; we find a whole race, widely sun- dered upon the sea, looking back to the west with a single gaze to an ancestral home. We have here and there the belief in westward Pulotu as the abode of the dead; no mean proof, since the dead go home. Above all we have the primordial Hawaiki across the great sea of Kiwa, the illuminating Saba myth, than which no tradition of men has ever had a wider extent. 13 14 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. In so far as this element of knowledge impinges upon Melanesian areas we have theories which have been elaborated to account for the recognized inosculation of brown Polynesian and black Melane- sian. Omitting mention, as here unnecessary, of movements of convection within the general migrating mass, we find two main theories ably propounded and stoutly argued. Each will receive our attention to the extent in which it bears upon the phenomena of this inosculation. We are first to examine the theory which may be not inaptly designated the sieve theory. In its briefest presentation it is that the islands of Melanesia and the Polynesian verge have served as the meshes of a net to catch the drift of castaways from islands of central Polynesia blown away from home and set to the westward by the concurrence of the prevailing winds and currents of that oceanic area. Its most recent and not the least ingenious presentation is found in the extensive studies of Dr. G. Thilenius,* professor of anthropology and ethnology at Breslau. His theory is brilliantly conclusive — upon the hydrographic charts. Taking the eastern islands of Malaysia as a datum-point, he draws the line of least resistance to migrant fleets, the line where the current sets them on their way and where the wind blows fair. On the chart he dots their track far to the north of New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago. He gives them successive landfalls in the southern Carolines and along the chains of the Marshalls. Thence onward to the Gilberts the constants of the weather are still in their favor. They make fair weather of it still further to the Tokelaus, and at last they come to port in Samoa. Once established in central Polynesia, the winds and currents which have served them so well become malefic. They blow boats away from peaceful shores and out for starving, thirsty voyages upon unfriendly seas. If the Melanesian sieve catches any of these involuntary wanderers their fate is that of the castaway upon inhospitable shores of savagery. In the work cited it is very argutely presented, yet it can scarcely be called convincing. No one who has had occasion to recognize that the work of the real Polynesian research is being to-day, as always, painfully prose- cuted by enthusiastic workers in remote islands of the sea, where one book is a treasure indeed and library privileges seem no more substantial than the seraphic and impossible vision, will regret the space here given to a presentation of the arguments of Dr. Thilenius. Thus only will they reach earnest students in savage scenes who could never have access to the rare and costly work in which these arguments are presented. We acknowledge the pleasure in helping these distant students, for they are the real workers. *Ethnographische Ergebnisse aus Melanesien: Die polynesischen Inseln an der Ost- grenze Melanesiens. SAWAIORI MIGRATIONS. 15 After recording known instances of involuntary voyages from central Polynesia to the safe landfall of the Polynesian verge, after discussing the Polynesian verge as a sieve for such migrations, Dr. Thilenius concludes his argument as follows :* When one considers the remarkable exiguity of our islands [the Poly- nesian verge], of whose surface, furthermore, only a fraction is habitable or productive of food, certainly we find an adequate explanation of their present population through these involuntary migrations. Whether at any former time a Melanesian population of any sort lived upon these islands is a question easy to put but hard to decide. No data of any nature bear upon this idea. It is possible to hold the idea that there had been a Melanesian population, but that for reasons unknown it had withdrawn before the coming of the first wanderers, for the earliest settlers on Nuguria and Liueniua found the land uninhabited and there is no ground on which to set aside their testimony as false. Therefore the migration theory needs a brief discussion. Our islands might have been halting-places of the peoples swarming from somewhere in the northern Moluccas toward Polynesia. These early Polynesians must have come hither out of the northwest, fairly enough along the same course as was traversed by the boats coming from Ninigo, Taui (?) and Kapinga- marangi. That presupposes that our little atolls, at least 800 or 1,000 years ago, constituted a region offering an adequate supply of vegetation. Whether this was the case may readily be questioned on the score of the thinness of the soil-layer on the islands to-day. It is always a possibility. The wanderers found the islands uninhabited and left behind them, on each or on some, a company of those who were travel-weary. But these folk, wholly ignorant of geography, in some wonderful fashion hit upon the course to the other islands of northwest Polynesia. The knowledge of these may have come to them from the fabulous aboriginal Melanesian population, who surely, to have been able to give such information, con- trary to the character of the present north Melanesians, must have con- ducted extended voyages and thus have known one or other of the large islands of Melanesia. The wanderers would surely have made sufficient inquiry. Yet they prefer to follow a chain of poor atolls instead of seizing and holding the great and fertile islands that lay close at hand. They had sufficient numbers, for we can think of them only as the complement of a fleet. But Buka, which lies so close to Nuguria at which they first touched, shows no trace of Polynesians. f Then the whole aboriginal Melan- esian population of our atoll is become a picture painted by the fancy. None the less it is highly probable that the wanderers came to one of the great islands, for they sailed hither against the trades, and it is more likely that they fell to leeward than that they, ignorant of the situation of Samoa, busied themselves to make headway against them. At the least it is probable that wind and current set the wanderers westward. That not a single boat, on the ten-degree stretch from Nuguria to Sikayana, was driven westward by only so much as a degree and a half, which was sufficient to bring one of the great islands into sight, is so much the stranger since Kilinailau and Nisan lie west of Nuguria and approximately in the longitude of Buka. These were originally settled by Polynesians, and in *Op. c, page 78. fl can not let this statement go unchallenged. In this work I have collated thirty- one vocables from Buka, of which twenty-four are borrowed from the Polynesian, the quality being computed at 70 per cent. — W. C. 16 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. the sense of the migration theory simultaneously with Nuguria. This can be understood only on the theory that a part of the fleet, at least on this stretch, was set somewhere about two degrees westward. Are we then to assume that a people endowed with the energy to enter upon a voyage into the unknown were not in condition to set foot on one of the great Melanesian islands? Did they find the whole island thickly set with towns which beat them back? Had the weeks since they had forsaken the homeland caused them to avoid a conflict which would have put them into possession of a fertile island in order that on the other hand they might follow with marvellous instinct a chain of islets which would lead them next to Ticopia, after which they must sail a long voyage on the open ocean? And all this against the trades! Furthermore we are confident that the wanderers carried with them useful animals and plants. Probably they landed some of these upon our islands. What has become of them? Tradition and history know them as introduced by settlers or altogether the gift of the white men. Have those originally introduced perished, have they run out? The more we try to establish details of the voyage in regard of local conditions and the present character of the Polynesians, so much the more improbable becomes the thought that strikes us at first glance that our atolls were the halting-places of the early Polynesians. Readily enough the possibility is suggested in accordance with which the wanderers journeyed in close accord with the theory, used the islands as stopping-places, etc. But among the multitude of possibilities that suggest themselves the exact coincidence would mark this as an astounding accident. For not only during the voyage along the Melanesian islands must an unusually great series of accidents have been actively at work, but in the same measure the same must have been true from the outset of the journey. The early Polynesian left the Malayan tract, as is properly to be assumed, by way of the Celebes Sea and Straits of Molucca and then encountered current and wind conditions varying from season to season. From Novem- ber to March northwest and north winds blow with interruptions and a current sets toward the southeast. In the latter case the Polynesians might actually reach our islands. But that implies the beginning of the voyage in the bad season. If one takes into consideration the remarkable sensitiveness of the Oceanic peoples to rain, almost laughable in our sight, he will scarcely admit the conclusion that the Polynesians intentionally set forth in the stormy season of the rains. To this is to be added the fact that the seasonal change of wind and current which holds in the Pacific was unknown to them, for they are assumed to be coming out of regions in which this change does not exist in anything like the same fashion. Consequently there is much in support of the argument that the early Polynesians left the Malay Archipelago during the good season, that is to say while the southeast trades held in the eastern regions. They came then immediately into the equatorial countercurrent, which, moreover, flows in the northwest season, although with diminished strength ; or they were forced into it by the south equatorial current. This area is also the region of calms and variables. They were thus especially directed toward the current upon which they were necessarily borne. The importance of these equatorial currents, which attain a considerable velocity, is known through the Spanish attempts to reach the Palaus and from the history of boats drifted off from the Carolines. From the Palaus the boats always drift to Samar or the southern Philippines (north equatorial current) ; on SAWAIORI MIGRATIONS. 17 the other hand there never came folk from the Philippines to the Palaus, but only from Celebes and the Celebes Sea (equatorial countercurrent) . The journey against these streams is possible only with very favorable winds; they are so considerable that even in the present time the sailing vessels of the white men have to take them very largely into the reckoning. The schooner in which I went to Ninigo traveled the long stretch from New Hanover to Ninigo only with the south equatorial current, and most of the time against the stormy but certainly light northwest wind. On the return voyage the current was so strong against us that we had a great notion to work up to 40 N., where we could catch the countercurrent which would help us to an easting from which we could reach southward — that is, back to the Gazelle Peninsula. The early Polynesians coming out of the Celebes Sea drifted in all prob- ability along the southern edge of the Carolines toward the east. With this current, not exposed to strong contrary winds, they could reach the Gilbert Islands, where local currents make their appearance ; among them such as would set them southeast, even through the Ellice group. Accord- ingly, on meteorological grounds, the Polynesians voyaged, not along the Melanesian islands, but by a straight course through Micronesia, and reached Samoa, whose Savai'i may have been the prototype of Hawaiki. Perhaps the boats drifted still farther to Fanning Island, in order to reach Samoa. There are many possibilities in a region where the countercurrent has less force than between the Moluccas and the Gilberts. This is not the place to follow out the further distribution of the wanderers after they had once reached the present Polynesia. But that an importance attaches to the countercurrent for migration theories, particularly in its western part, is clear from the phenomena of the flora. Its distribution is such that the botanical boundary incloses central Polynesia, Viti in part, next the Ellice and Gilbert groups, finally the Carolines, as closer to India, while Melanesia forms a province of its own. The men and the plants of Polynesia, there- fore, must be regarded as having migrated along the same track. Would it not be intelligible that to the Polynesian, who came from the rich Moluccas, the atolls would be less pleasurable and after a short sojourn they swept farther along until at last they reached again a better endowed, a moun- tainous, and a greater island, Samoa? Considerations such as these, of which much is lacking to the theory, suggest themselves with divers variations. Here, before all things, should there be but a single probability, it would be of significance for the further fate of the early Polynesians who reached the equatorial counterstream, and for the case that they migrated from Halmahera, in favor of which are many good arguments. The initial point of the wandering is of great importance for our chain of islands, for upon that it depends with great probability that the early Polynesians did not come to Nuguria, etc. This would not be altered by the arrival in Liueniua of the boat from Kapingamarangi, for the conditions of current allow us to recognize with certainty such voyages as exceptional. We can make our account always and only with typical phenomena. Wind and current conditions do not allow a decision at variance with the tradi- tions of our islanders, which seem all the more credible since the industrial products as yet met with on the islands quite confirm the essential points of all these statements. The peopling of the northwestern Polynesian islands quite uniformly has its origin in small beginnings, through the coming to shore of crews of for the most part single boats, and through infrequent raiding expeditions. The great majority of the immigrants 18 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. came hither from the east, from Micronesian and from Polynesian groups ; a distinctly smaller portion went out from Melanesia, a movement which did not assume larger proportions until it came to the southern islands of the series on account of the more peaceful relations with the southern Solomons, with the Deni Group (Santa Cruz), and other neighbors. It is easy to point out the easy way upon the charts and to prove it easy. To us, in these days of veritable islands which make their way across the seas under impulse of mighty enginery, it is easy to feel convinced that if Polynesians ever did travel far and wide over the stormy ocean in frail canoes held together with stitches, they must have selected the course where the resistance was least. So far a most excellent case has been made out. But the Polynesians were the most hardy race of daring navi- gators that the world has ever known. They know which way they came, they have preserved the logs of these ancient voyages when yet the sea was all their own, theirs alone. They were not afraid of the sea, they fought it, and they had no charts to point them to an easier traverse.* Before we proceed to further examination, it seems proper to interject a brief mention of another presentation of the theory to whose support Dr. Thilenius has brought all the resources of his great acumen. The presentation upon which I would animadvert does not pretend to be a scientific statement. But since it has found its way into print as something proved, I can not feel it time wasted to impugn the bona fides of the author who presents it or the source from which he derived it. This pseudo-myth, this rather clever fabrication, is given to the world, at a by no means ungraceful length, in the fourth chapter of Richard Deeken's " Manuia Samoa," a volume of travel sketches which has been somewhat severely criticised from the economic side. With no word of credit to any authority, with all the positiveness of statement proper to the record of approved history, he begins his chapter with the account of a plague in Sumatra: "Niemand kann sagen wann es war, wahrscheinlich jedoch lange bevor Christi Geburt, als auf Sumatra eine vernichtende Seuche wiitete? die die junges und altes Leben in Massen hinmordete." The story is all the more dangerous because well told. He recites the ineffectual efforts to stay the disease culminating in the heroic *I had written these words several months before the first of such charts was put into the hands of the skilled navigators of the world, the Pilot Chart of the South Pacific for the months of September, October, and November, 1909, issued by the Hydro- graphic Bureau of the United States Navy. In the three months for which these data are tabulated, months, as I well know, of good sailing in those seas, the currents between the Gilberts and Samoa do not facilitate canoe voyaging, as Dr. Thilenius is so satisfied. The average set is westward and southwestward, and the rate averages between 10 and 50 knots a day. SAWAIORI MIGRATIONS. 19 determination of forty-two of the bravest young men and seven of the fairest maidens (the sacred seven squared by a race to whom four was the perfect number) to offer themselves in sacrifice to the plague demon that he might spare the people. They put to sea in seven canoes, and the plague ceased. The tale now follows these victims oversea, to an island in the Philippines, where seven were claimed by the demon. The second seven was overwhelmed in a gale upon the high sea. The third seven was drawn to abysms of destruction by a fish monster. The fourth seven got drunk on toddy at Nukuoro and blasphemed the god until he slew them. The fifth seven was killed for food on the eastward voyage. The survivors reached Hawaii and refreshed, then sailed seventy-seven nights to the south and came to land on Manu'a. From what source this tale came to Lieutenant Deeken I can not say. To me it smacks of the ability at fabrication of a half-caste in Samoa whom I was never able to meet, but whose store of tradi- tions was tantalizingly reported as truly remarkable. Their worth may readily be judged from this synopsis of one of them that was brought me at second hand, namely, that the Samoan ancestors set sail from "Sumatala" under the leadership of their hero-chief "Niu-sisila." If one is willing to believe in this preservation of a recognizable name of Sumatra, what shall be said of the prophetic instinct which gives to the voyagers a chief already named New Zealand? Slightly pro leptic. Whatever source may be responsible for the myth which Deeken records so positively, I should not rest content without recording its total lack of credibility. We are now to take up the general migration theory, a division of our subject which may be dismissed with more summary treat- ment since it is commonly known. In the foregoing consideration of the sieve theory it will have been observed that Thilenius explains the route of peopling between termini, Malaysia as the point of departure, Samoa or Nuclear Poly- nesia as the point of arrival. This traverse he covers by a northern and generally equatorial route. Relative to the same termini the general migration theory covers the traverse by a southeasterly course, largely a coasting voyage through or on the fringes of Mela- nesia. The final link, the distribution eastward from Nuclear Poly- nesia, remains unaffected by the diverse views herein presented. Similarly the Indonesian link is common to both theories. That Malayan or Indonesian link, regarded solely as filling geo- graphical space, we may safely assume as an antecedent probability ; yet when we reflect that it has been regarded as a linguistic link, although this estimate of its value rests upon high authority and we find the names of Wilhelm von Humboldt, Franz Bopp, and Friedrich Miiller associated therewith, we must not be carried away 20 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. by the weight of the authority. Skilled as were these distin- guished students, I can not avoid the conclusion that their results are vitiated by two sources of error : Polynesia was known to them from scanty and not always accurate information, and Melanesia was scarcely known at all. In the course of the present work we shall have to animadvert upon this Indonesian link in its philologic bearings and, from the material which is about to engage our attention and exact our best powers of analysis, we shall essay to draw certain conclusions which will point to the need of revising the estimate which served as the foundation for the name Malayo- Polynesian, under which designation these languages of the ocean have entered into the classification of linguistic systems. In its most concise form the general migration theory could not be stated more clearly than in the words of that master of Polynesian lore, Edward Tregear, recently president of the Polynesian Society : We must leave the fascinating subject of the whence of the Maori as an open question, to be settled hereafter when more full and perfect knowl- edge enables the student of the future to gather up the ravelled strands of evidence and twist them into a cord that will bear the strain of scientific investigation. In the meantime the Polynesian Society is doing much to gather together the facts and preserve the knowledge fading fast with the elders of the Maori people. It may be of interest to put before the reader the hypothesis most generally accepted by Polynesian scholars as to the advent of the Maori in the Pacific. It is as follows: The Polynesians are a people which either originated in India or in central Asia and passed through India. Leaving the mainland they journeyed eastward through the Malay Archipelago, occupying perhaps many generations in the voyages from island to island. At the time of their passage the archipelago was not occupied by Malays, who are a sub- sequent migration from the Mongolian seaboard. The Maori expedition or expeditions passed by the Melanesian and Papuan islands, inhabited by black people (New Guinea, New Caledonia, etc.), and reached the Fiji Group, where they settled for a long time. From Fiji as a center they colonized Samoa, Tonga, Hawaii, the Marquesas, Mangareva, and extended their colonies even so far as Easter Island. In process of time they either hived off or were expelled from Fiji and the waves of migration passed to and fro among the groups of islands. (Tregear: "The Maori Race," page 558.) So much in the general aspect of the case. Now let us note from another scholar, S. Percy Smith, the present incumbent of the presidency of the Polynesian Society, the traversing in detail of some of the elements of the problem upon which Thilenius founds his argument. These are cited from "Hawaiki" in its second edition. I refer to this edition because it is intended as the defini- tive statement of the author's position and because it will be the edition most readily accessible. For myself I have a fond prefer- ence for the earlier edition, the same materials treated in a different manner. That first " Hawaiki" appeals to me with a personal note SAWAIORI MIGRATIONS. 21 lacking to the rewritten edition; it was the intimate record of the periplus which the distinguished author and myself made in Samoan storm and sun in a tiny boat upon the sea, and of our wanderings over the northern ocean and on the hot slopes of Hawaii. Of the objection that early Polynesians could not sail against the wind he says : In the present state of our knowledge of the Polynesians as navigators — about which we shall learn something further on — it is useless for some writers to insist that the prevalence of the southeast trade winds would form a bar to voyages made from central Polynesia to the American coast. The number of easterly voyages on record from various parts and under all sorts of weather conditions is so large that we must conclude these able navigators paid little attention to the trade wind if a sufficient object required them to face it. (Page 40.) Whatever powers of navigation the people may have possessed prior to their arrival at Java (Hawaiki), the vast number of islands in the archi- pelago would induce a great extension of their voyages, and generate a seafaring life, through which alone were they able at later periods to traverse the great Pacific from end to end in the remarkable manner that will be indicated. In the archipelago, where most of the islands are forest- clad to the water's edge to this day, the water was the principal highway and this necessitated constant use of canoes; whilst the location of the various branches of the people on different islands with considerable spaces of sea between would induce the building of a larger class of vessels. It certainly seems from the very nature of the surroundings that Indonesia was the school in which the Polynesians learned to become great navigators. (Page 99.) Having now presented the two opinions on this vital point, this seems a fitting spot in which to record a flaw in the reasoning of Dr. Thilenius which will have suggested itself already to the reader. He is ready enough to admit the possibility of early Polynesians navigating against a head wind from Samoa eastward, while denying their ability to perform the same sort of navigation toward Samoa from Indonesia. Samoa was no Annapolis for this race of seamen; the skill of seacraft which carried them for thousands of miles over eastward ocean was the skill which had brought them over balanced thousands of miles of westward waters. Where Tregear has outlined the disputed section of the route in general, yet wholly unmistakable, terms, Percy Smith is particular, as we shall see. Starting from Avaiki-te-varinga, which is probably Java, the route followed by the migrations would be via the Celebes, Ceram, and Gilolo, where, no doubt, were colonies of their own people, to the north shores of New Guinea. Finding this country already occupied by the Papuans they would coast along to the southeast end, where, it would seem, a very early migration settled, which is now represented by the Motu and cognate tribes. This same route was probably followed by the ancestors of the Rarotongans until they branched off past New Britain and the Solomon 22 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Islands on their way to Fiji, probably leaving a colony at Sikayana, or Stewart's Island, off the coast of the Solomons, where the people speak a dialect of Maori or Rarotongan and are Polynesians. Whether Lord Howe's Island, or Liueniua, also called Ongtong Java, was peopled at the same time is uncertain. It is inhabited by Polynesians, as Mr. Churchill tells me. Possibly Nukuoro and Lukunor were also colonized at this time. In more than one Rarotongan tradition an island or country is mentioned named Enua-kura, or the "land of the red feathers," which is possibly New Guinea, so called by the Rarotongans after the bird of paradise, the beau- tiful feathers of which would be to them treasures of the highest value — such treasures as Europeans who do not know the race can hardly believe in; they were their jewels. (Page 113.) The same indefatigable research supplies us yet another argument, a persisting memory of intercourse with an inferior and servile race. Because of its length I am forced to omit a few details : Again, there ought to be traces of some recollection of the black or very dark-brown negrito races of Indonesia. In the Maori traditions there are incidental notices of an ancient people called Manahune or Manahua, who are by some supposed to be a diminutive race and somewhat like the elves of Old World stories. But they are not said to have lived in New Zealand. This people is also known in Hawaii under the same name, where they are described as somewhat like those of the Maori traditions. They appear at one time to have been very numerous and lived in the mountains, but were in a state of subjection to the Hawaiians. Again in Tahiti we find mention of the same people, Manahune, who in Ellis's time formed the lower orders of the people, but they were an ancient tribe or people. In a Paumotu genealogy in my possession I find one of their chiefs named Tangaroa- Manahune, who lived many generations ago ; and it is known that there was a tribe in old times in Mangaia named Manaune. We shall find later on a reference to them in Rarotonga history, where they are again referred to as little people. The word manahune, both in Maori and Rarotonga, means a scab or mark on the body. It may be that the origin of the name is due to the people who bore it being marked with cicatrices. The vague notions the Polynesians generally now have in regard to the Manahune — their living in the mountains and forests, the wonderful powers of sorcery, etc., accredited to them — seem to point to their having been a race living in the remote past, conquered by the Polynesians, and probably often enslaved by them. In fact the traditions no doubt point to the Papuan or Melane- sian race, who, it is well known, mark their flesh in gashes as an ornament, instead of tattoo as with the Polynesians. The same Nga-Puhi tradition goes on to state: "Some of the people of those parts were very black, a people who smelt very strong when near, their hair was bunched out to be stiff and appeared in tufts, and their appearance was ill-favored." This is in brief form a fair description of a Papuan or Melanesian. (Page 103.) I have preferred to use the words of these two great authorities because they are authorities and because my own conclusions as to the two theories will more properly be presented in the discussion of the pertinent linguistic material. As between the two theories, we must recognize that each is an attempt to close a gap, the gap between Indonesia and Polynesia SAWAIORI MIGRATIONS. 23 in the race history. Thilenius works it out painfully but coldly, with every resource that may be drawn from the armamentarium of the ocean physiographer. He neglects wholly the record of the only folk who retain any recollection of this great ethnic movement, the corpus of Polynesian tradition. This we shall summarily examine. In the Rarotongan accounts of the voyages and discoveries of Ui- te-rangioro we find the following list of new lands : Te Ravaki. Nu-taara. Nu-amo. Iti-takai-kere. Avaiki. Rangi-raro. Nu-mare. Iti-nui. Papua. Kuporu. Mata-te-ra. Nu-pango. Iti-rai. Tangi-te-pu. Te Tuira Nu-kare. Xu-iti. Iti-anaunau. Rara. Manuka. Nu-takoto. These last we have no difficulty in comprehending as Savai'i, 'Upolu, Tutuila, Manu'a — Samoa, in fact, plainly named. A little earlier in the list the four which bear specific names of Iti are quite as clearly the Viti Archipelago. These two points establish the direction of the voyaging, a direction which in the long remainder of the list, after the mention of Samoa, covers the eastern Pacific. It is not improper, then, to reason back in the same direction from our two known points and assign to the unidentified places a position somewhere between Viti and Indonesia. CHAPTER IV. THE FIRST POLYNESIAN HOME. A race always under an eastward momentum — No positive statement of the place of origin possible — Bopp proposed an Aryan source — Max Miiller connected it with the Turanian stock — Logan regarded the Ganges Valley as the ancient home — Macdonald's Semitic theory of a great and widely diffused Oceanic language set forth at large. Noting that the Indonesian area presents its own group of prob- lems relative to the Polynesian, which have yet by no means come to a satisfactory solution, we pass for the present to a summary statement of the theories which have been proposed in elucidation of the Polynesian migration before its entrance upon the Malayan region. Wherever we know this race we find it under a momentum directed eastward, under the impulse of some power behind, which has sufficed to overcome the inertia of a race settled as autochthons. But what that power may have been, what the place of autoch- thonous settlement, we are without positive information. Beyond peradventure we recognize the momentum toward eastern Polynesia from Nuclear Polynesia. In Nuclear Polynesia we recog- nize the momentum, some of it from Viti. In Viti we are more and more distinctly certifying ourselves of the same momentum exerted along intervening steps of the Melanesian archipelagoes from the Malayan exits. In Indonesia we find the same momentum from Sumatra toward the east. But behind Sumatra, the Malayan entrance, while we may believe in the impulse, we are at a loss to find the next earlier point from which dislodgment was made. Yet, as the direction sense remains constant, we need have no hesitation in looking toward the west. The first great guess at a point of origin we owe to Bopp in his classic study (1841) "Uber die Verwandschaft der malayisch-poly- nesischen Sprachen mit den indisch-europaischen." His effort was to establish these sea wanderers as an early, perhaps the earliest, offshoot from the stock which, after long wanderings otherwhither, has produced our race. After discussion of the same material Max Miiller evolved the theory that the sea people, by then definitely accepted as Malayo- Polynesian, were related to the Turanian through the Thai of Siam. Later students along the same line have reached a similar conclusion through the Mon-Khmer. 26 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Percy Smith (in "Hawaiki" passim) follows the conclusions of J. R. Logan in seeing the more probable seat of the early Polynesians in the Ganges valley. Logan himself says, in his " Ethnology of the Indo-Pacific Islands:" I was especially struck with the constantly accumulating evidence of the derivation of the leading races of the islands (Indonesia) from Ultra- india and India, and was led to the conclusion that the basin of the Ganges and a large portion of Ultraindia were occupied by tribes akin to the Malayo- Polynesians before the movement of the Aryan or Indo-Germanic race into India. A survey of the character and distribution of the Gangetic, Ultraindian, and Asianesian (Indonesian) peoples renders it certain that the same Himalayo- Polynesian race was at one time spread over the Gangetic basin and Ultraindia. As this race is allied to the Chinese and the Tibetan, it is probable that it originally spread from Ultraindia into northeast India. We shall now proceed to the presentation of Dr. Macdonald's Semitic theory, premising that in his writing Oceanic race and Oceanic language are an anticipation of the proof of his deductions. This he explains in the following form: These three groups of languages and dialects — the Malayan, the Poly- nesian and the Melanesian — naming them in the order in which they have successively become known, are, as Friedrich Muller has shown, members or branches of the Oceanic, which is as perfectly well-defined a family of languages as is the Semitic or the Indo-European. The Oceanic is, as its name indicates, insular. Its habitat, which we may call Oceania, stretches from Madagascar off the east coast of Africa, across the Indian Ocean to the Malay Archipelago, and on through the Pacific Ocean to Easter Island. On the north it has invaded from the island world and settled only on the southeastern extremity of the Asiatic continent, hence called the Malay Peninsula. On the south it has not reached the Australian continent, though closely approaching it in New Guinea. The islanders who speak Oceanic number about fifty millions, or one-thirtieth of the human race. To say that the Oceanic languages are a perfectly well-defined family is to say that they are all sprung from one mother tongue — the Oceanic mother tongue ; and to establish the Asiatic relationship of the Oceanic is to estab- lish that that mother tongue was originally carried by its speakers from the Asiatic continent to the island world. * * * It is not until we take into account the linguistic data that we get upon the solid ground of certainty. And first of all it is to be observed that though there was an element of negro blood in the race, due to intermixture, the race itself, as its language proves, was not negro. What that race was can only be determined from its language, and what that mother language was is to be learned from an examination of its descendants and repre- sentatives, the spoken Oceanic languages and dialects of the present day. If the race came from the Arabian Peninsula, the Semitic motherland, sprung from the people of the commercial empire that existed there, then their language was Semitic. For the Phenicians, the people of that ancient South Arabian empire and of their Abyssinian colony, and their descend- ants now in Abyssinia and Arabia, all are Semitic speakers. If the race THE FIRST POLYNESIAN HOME. 27 came from the Indian Peninsula one might suppose with Bopp that the language was Indo-European; if from the Indo-Chinese Peninsula, with Max Muller that it was Scythian or Turanian. The problem thus, as is clear, can only be solved linguistically; and the praiseworthy efforts of Bopp and Muller to solve it are valuable if only as having led to the certainty that the Oceanic mother tongue was neither Indo-European nor Turanian. Their attempts failed because made on insufficient data, and their methods were for the same reason inadequate * * * When we say that Arabia was the motherland of the island family of languages, this does not mean that the primitive Oceanic tongue — of which the multitudinous dialects of Oceania as at present spoken are the analytic or simplified descendants, as English is of Anglo-Saxon, or the Romance dialects of Latin — was derived from the Arabic ; but that Arabia was the motherland of the primitive Oceanic as it is of the Ethiopic, Amharic, and Tigre, and of the Assyrian, Phenician, Hebrew, and Aramaic. If it had more in common with Arabic than with any other Semitic language, that is because Arabic has more than any other preserved the features of the primitive Semitic tongue, the common mother of all of them. The primi- tive Oceanic must be regarded, not as a descendant of, but as a sister to the Arabic, Himyaritic, Ethiopic, Assyrian, Phenician, Hebrew, and Ara- maic and the Efate, Samoan, Malagasy, Malay, etc., as cousins to the Mahri, Amharic, Tigre, Mandaitic, Modern Syriac, and vulgar Arabic dialects, due allowance being made for the fact that these latter have always been more or less under the conserving influence of the surrounding Semitic lit- erature and civilization, from which the island dialects have been for ages completely cut off, as well as completely isolated from each other. It should be premised that Dr. Macdonald's argument, loaded with minute details and seldom stating clear principle, is nowhere lucid. The profundity and the breadth of his Semitic erudition will be estimated by each student in proportion as he is fitted to pass crit- ically upon such topics. From the confusion of statement tangled with partial proof involving more statement with yet more proof I have endeavored to present a simple syllabus of his argument : A. The gist of our author's chapter on Oceanic phonology, a plexus of multitudinous detail, is this : i. Letters interchange freely within their own vertical series. 2. Letters interchange freely as between series and series. 3. Letters conveniently efface themselves, whether initial, medial, or final. 4. Initial syllables may drop off. 5. Initial syllables may be added " to lighten the pronunciation." Granting all or most of these postulates, it will be seen that no particular limit need be set to philological comparison. For such proof as these positions seem to require the student will have to follow out the intricacies of Dr. Macdonald's argument to such con- viction as he may be able to discover. 28 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. B. Dr. Macdonald now plunges into the critical test, that triliteralism of the root which has stamped the Semitic as a speech apart. It is so vital to his contention that the thesis must be presented in his own words: It is now to be shown that the Oceanic primitive language had, like each of its sister dialects, Arabic, Assyrian, etc., its share of the common stock of purely and exclusively Semitic trilateral words (nouns and verbs) with the purely Semitic common method of word formation or inflection by internal vowel change and external additions (prefixed, infixed, suffixed) and its share also of the limited common stock of purely Semitic particles. This, if it can be shown, will be admitted to be conclusive. The particles will be dealt with subsequently. The ancient Semitic finite verb, with its perfect and imperfect, was simply a verbal noun joined in a certain way with the personal pronouns, and with it or from it other and numerous verbal nouns were formed by vowel changes and external formative additions. The ancient finite verb with its perfect and imperfect so formed is no longer found in the existing broken-down Oceanic languages, though as analytic substitutes for it we have as the finite verb, for instance, in Efatese "the verbal pronoun" joined with these verbal nouns after the fashion of the imperfect ; as a bano I (amor was) going, equal to I go (or I went), and in Malagasy the "pro- nominal adjunctive" joined with these verbal nouns, after that of the perfect, as tiaku, my loving, equal to I loved or I love. The verbal nouns that were formed with or from that of the ancient finite verb were numerous, and in them we have the ground forms of the modern Oceanic verb. * * * We now proceed to compare the Oceanic triliteral words with Arabic, Assyrian, etc., just as, for instance, we compare, say Assyrian or Himyaritic words with Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac, or Ethiopic. Take the simple Efate lifai, to bend round ; malibai, bent ; lofa, a thing bent; lofai, to bend; malofa, bent; kalofa or kolofa, bent; lufa (Samoan lavalava), a wrapper round the loins; Samoan lofa, to crouch; lofata'ina, to cause to crouch; lave, lavelave (Arabic la/elafa, to wrap round, etc.), to entangle; lavelavea, to be entangled; Fiji love, loved ha (Samoan lavasi), to coil, to fold, to bend; kalove, bent; salove, flexible; Malay lipat, lampit, lampis, lapis, a fold, to fold, to plait; Malagasy lefitra, also lufitra, folded, bent, plaited; Arabic lafja, to be involved, intertwined, to wrap up, wrap round (oneself, as clothing), to fold; laff, lifj, laffat, lifjat, involved, inter- twined, etc. ; lofja, loffat, coil of turban, winding of road. In this example the six commonest forms of the modern Oceanic verb (or noun), the ancient verbal noun, are seen, viz : i. lave. 3. lofa, love, lufa. 5. lipat. 2. Ufa. 4. lampit, lavasi. 6. lovedha. The inference is irresistible that in the Oceanic primitive or mother tongue this word was triliteral, and had the vowel changes peculiar to the Semitic languages most fully preserved in the ancient Arabic ; and that as a triliteral word with the middle radical doubled it underwent the usual contractions, set forth in all Semitic grammars, of such words, as is plainly seen by comparing it with the Arabic. These forms, originally verbal nouns and still often used as such, formed from the ancient finite verb, as lipat, a fold, lofa, a thing bent or bending, have become ground forms THE FIRST POLYNESIAN HOME. 29 of the modern verb, as lipat, lipatkan, to fold, lofai, to bend ; from which again are formed, by external additions, modern verbal nouns and derived verb forms. Thus we have lipatan, a fold; lofaian, a bending or being bent; lavelavea, entangled or entangling, malibai, bent; and the derived verb forms — Safal Fiji salove, flexible. Mafal Malay malipat, to fold, plait; Efate malifus, bent, flexed. Mifal Malagasy milcfitra, folded. Tafal Fiji kalove, Efate kalofa, bent. Manfal Malagasy mandefitra, to fold, bend. Matafal Samoan fa'alave, to take a turn of a rope as round a pin. As seen in this example the vowels of the ground forms of the Oceanic verb are retained in the modern derived forms and verbal nouns. It is in the ground forms, therefore, that we find the proof of the part played in the ancient language (the primitive Oceanic) by internal vowel change. To show that this is a fair specimen of modern Oceanic words, that it is not exceptional but only one out of the mass and of a piece with the rest, would prove conclusively that the Oceanic primitive or mother tongue had, like each of the sister dialects, Arabic, Assyrian, etc., its share of the purely and exclusively common stock of Semitic triliteral words with the purely Semitic common method of word formation or inflexion by internal vowel change and external additions. This then is what we have now to endeavor to show. This he follows by an example of intricate ingenuity in bringing many insular words under one or other of eight types of triliterals ; and thus concludes: These examples sufficiently show that the above Oceanic word first given (lifai, etc.) is not exceptional, but only one out of the mass and of a piece with the rest, and this conclusively establishes, etc. [in the same form of words as before, a protracted Q. E. F.]. C. He next takes up the subject of prefixes, infixes, and suffixes. Employing the freedom of phonetic treatment which he has already postulated in his chapter of phonology, he identifies every form of these inflectional or word-forming elements known to Semitic speech with word components in Malayan, Melanesian and Polynesian. The value of such identification is wholly conditioned by the adhesion which one inclines to give to his system of sound mutation. D. The last chapter of the presentation of the theory rests upon the pronouns and particles, the demonstrative elements of speech. With remarkable patience in research, and with even more remark- able generosity of treatment, he satisfies himself that he has detected the same kinship in this section of the compared vocabularies. Yet, while permitting himself the use of this material and erecting much of the edifice of his argument thereupon, he takes the similar 30 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. use of the same class of data by other students as the basis upon which to combat their conclusions when they differ from his own. He says of his predecessors in this field : They trusted mainly if not wholly on the comparison of words, chiefly the pronouns and numerals, in which there is always great liability to error, and which apart from comparison of grammar and structure can never be conclusive. As to the pronouns, for instance, Bopp, and Max Muller following him, chose to regard the Malay kita, kami, we, and kamu, ye, as composed of an article ki, or ka, and the pronouns ta, mi, mu. This enabled Bopp to compare the latter with the Indo-European pronouns, and Max Muller, it should be added, to compare them with equal prob- ability or improbability with the Turanian ; and by this method the Oceanic pronouns might just as well be compared with any others whatsoever. The fact is, as the Melanesian clearly shows, that this ki, or ka, is not an article at all, and that this comparison of Bopp, and also that of Muller, founded on the notion that it is, is illegitimate and futile. In this chapter it has been my aim to present the line of Dr. Macdonald's argument as simply as possible; to avoid, wherever it might be done, the complexity and intricacy of the detail of his method; and in general to refrain from debating the controversial points which arise, the latter pleasure being reserved for the critical examination of his material, upon which now we shall enter. CHAPTER V. DISSECTION OF THE THEORY. The result of independent treatment of the data should be identical — ■ As the other elements have long been known and carefully studied, the Melanesian is the critical test — The computation of exactly what material is now made available for study — In what pro- portion the Efate vocabulary contributes to the solution of the problem and the manner in which properly it may be employed. The force of Dr. Macdonald's argument, the proof of the theory thus summarily outlined, must rest upon the data which he has utilized for its development. Those data we find available in the vocabulary which he has given us as a complete dictionary of Efate. He has made use of this material in a certain fashion, such as most commended itself to his thought ; he has prosecuted long and pain- fully a certain method. All this was within his prerogative. If the theory be valid, if the method be true, the same data should yield the same result, and no other than the same result, when studied in accordance with such other method, being valid, as may commend itself to another philological investigator. This it is which is now to engage our attention. We are to take his data, his vocabulary material assumed to be in itself accurate, to argue it afresh and, I feel confident, without preconception or other such prejudice, and let it lead us where it may. If really there be an Oceanic speech family tree, with its roots in the Hadramaut and its distal twigs in Te Pito te Henua, then we may expect to find in the material in the course of this examination such a mass of words showing clearly a nexus of development — enabling us thereby to establish a distinct and probable law of the mutation of sounds — that we may finish the investigation with the happy satisfaction that the Oceanic tongue has proved itself. We are not to ask that every Polynesian word shall reveal to us through the operation of this law of mutation its primitive triliteron in some Semitic household. We are by no means to expect that we can take any Semitic stem and by the application of the rule develop the succeeding forms in Indonesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia. Not even Grimm's law will do that for us in the Aryan family. But we do have the right to expect that, if there prove to be a substantial base for this theory, there be a sufficiency of examples in each direction and a consistency in their establishment. 31 32 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Dr. Macdonald has presented a captivating theory of an Oceanic family wandering from a Semitic home, bold sailors over unknown seas and far from the tents of Kedar. This theory must rest on the data which he presents to us. If it be valid, the data must yield the same result to independent examination. This Oceanic speech family comprises four households. The Polynesian is known intimately, the Malayan has been even more extensively studied, the Semitic has engaged the attention of the most able scholarship for centuries. The Melanesian is now just being admitted to the family circle; it has been scarcely known until the publication of this Efate work. But the position of this new household is significant geographi- cally, for it bridges the gap between Indonesia and the nearest point of Polynesian culture. We are therefore warranted in expecting Melanesia, on this theory, to establish its articulation with the Malayan speech group in one direction, with the Polynesian tongues in the other, and internally we look to find some thread of inter- relation between Efate and such other languages of Melanesia as are known at all. In the order of antecedent probability, a mathe- matical deduction as generally applicable as an algebraic equation, these associations should be arranged in the following order : Melanesian interrelations ; the most frequent. Indonesian and Polynesian articulations; either equal in frequency or exhibiting a slight preponderance toward the Indonesian. These two terms are immediately limiting. Established cases in which the two terms are combined will have a great weight. Similar weight will attach to examples which are found common to Mel- anesia, Indonesia, and the Semitic. The examples which can be established in an indisputable chain from Polynesia through each link back to the Semitic will be compelling evidence. These are the matters which we are to look for in the exploration of the material, in independent study of the Efate dictionary. In an earlier chapter I mentioned the number of the dictionary entries, 3,657, and I gave that as the result of a count seriatim. The operations of arithmetic did not cease with the attainment of that figure. I made a table of all the words for which Dr. Macdonald claimed relationship with other households of his Oceanic family. This table I now present, for it contains matter of note. In it I have cast out the purely demonstrative words. Since I have shown that Dr. Macdonald is willing to base his own theory upon them to a certain considerable degree, but is averse from allowing their use to other inquirers, I think it preferable to put them aside lest I be classed with Bopp and Max Miiller. DISSECTION OF THE THEORY. 33 In this table I have made use of the convenience of abbreviations, M for Melanesian, V for Viti, P for Polynesian, My for Malayan, S for Semitic. With each entry the name Efate is to be understood. Thus the first entry in the table, M 31, signifies that Dr. Macdonald notes 31 words in which he finds for Efate relation with some lan- guage elsewhere in Melanesia, but without recognizing further affilia- tions. Similarly the final entry signifies that he has found 29 words in Efate for which he provides identification with words along the whole chain from Polynesia to the Arabian Saba. In such a study as this the position of the Fijian speech is anom- alous. It is neither wholly Melanesian nor pure Polynesian. As in part it may be claimed for each household, there seemed but one way of securing fair treatment wherever it chances to be involved in this investigation; namely, to set it apart and in each instance to sift out the Melanesian or the Polynesian affiliation. M V P My S M 31 V 22 P 67 My 43 S 346 MV 3 MV 3 MP 9 MMy 10 MS 31 MP 9 VP 9 VP 9 VMy 7 VS 30 MMY 10 VMy 7 PMy 17 PMy 17 PS 103 MS 31 VS 30 PS 103 MyS 100 MvS 100 MVP 1 MVP 1 MVP 1 MVMv 0 MVS 6 MVMy 0 MVMy 0 MPMv 3 MPMv 3 MPS 22 MVS 6 MVS 6 MPS 22 MMyS 28 MMyS 28 MPMy 3 VPMy 9 VPMy 9 VPMy 9 VPS 25 MPS' 22 VPS 25 VPS 25 VMyS 26 VMyS 26 MMyS 28 VMyS 26 PMvS 95 PMvS 95 PMyS 95 MVPMy 4 MVPMy 4 MVPMy 4 MVPMy 4 MVPS 8 MVPS 8 MVPS 8 MVPS 8 MVMvS 6 MVMvS 6 MVMvS 6 MVMyS 6 MPMyS 24 MPMvS 24 MPMyS 24 MPMyS 24 VPMyS 44 VPMyS 44 VPMvS 44 VPMyS 44 MVPMyS 29 MVPMyS 29 MVPMyS 29 MVPMyS 29 MVPMyS 29 Total 217 229 468 443 923 P. ct. 5 ■93 6 .20 12 ■ 79 12 . 1 1 25-24 The total of the words for which his ingenuity has suggested affiliations outside the island of Efate is 1,154, or 31.55 per cent of this dictionary, which he calls complete. That is to say, for not so much as one-third of the vocables in the language of Efate can his liveliest fancy — how lively that may be we shall see hereafter — find any sort of ground for his promise of "the Oceanic languages, their material or vocabulary set forth in a complete dictionary of one of them." Furthermore we find that an even smaller number, in effect no more than a quarter of the whole number of entries, covers all the suggestions of Semitic affiliation which he has ven- tured upon. Compare his claim that no more than 29 words establish the complete chain from Arabia to Samoa with his identification of 346 words which connect Efate with the Semitic without having left a trace elsewhere in Melanesia or anywhere throughout the 34 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. varying languages of Indonesia. As soon as he attempts to link Indonesia in the backward bight of the chain, his figures fall to ioo, and when he links in Melanesia he finds but 28 available words. Accepted even at his own valuation, philo logically a most faulty one, these are but small foundations for so lofty an erection of a Babel building which is to confound Max Miiller and other names by no means inconsiderable in systematic philology. In these studies my position is eastward. From Polynesia I am looking through all available linguistic material toward the west, hoping to find some data that will establish the partition of the Polynesian and the Melanesian elements in Viti, welcoming any- thing that promises to enable us to comprehend the Melanesian in areas where its proportion in speech is the more considerable, rejoicing at the accession of new knowledge which will equip us to give better study to the possibility of some manner of proof that kinship does or does not exist among Polynesian, Melanesian, and Indonesian, convinced that only as we establish these three links of the chain in positive knowledge can we approach the yet earlier history of these tongues with clear sight. In Dr. Macdonald's material I see three classes of data. 1. A central area, Melanesian material for which we have not yet established connections with either of the known areas, Polynesian and Indonesian, respectively. We therefore want the means to subject this to comparative study, and on this account it remains unavailable. 2. An eastward extension, through so much of Melanesia as is known, to the well-established knowledge of Viti and Polynesian. 3. A westward extension, through Melanesia to the equally well- established knowledge of the Indonesian; and, yet more remote, Dr. Macdonald's confident projection to the Semitic. The second class is that which shall provide the instruments for our study of these data upon which we are now to engage at much length and with the utmost attention to the minuteness of detail. The Indonesian languages, and in yet greater measure the Semitic tongues, have their own enthusiastic students, and to such we may confidently leave the prosecution of similar research from the vantage-ground of their own knowledge, in case this ambitious theory should seem at its western extremity as proper a subject of debate as it does to those of us who are engaged at the eastern extremity. In the following detailed study I have purposely omitted many examples, for simple inspection will show our author patently in error. At the same time I have endeavored to afford room for all such as seemed at least debatable. The process of elimination will be continued in these studies. CHAPTER VI. EFATE AND VITI AND POLYNESIA. Comparison of the vowels of the Melanesian element of Efate and Viti — The establishment of consonantal variety — The assumption of a parent speech from which these deviate — The Viti appears to be the younger son — The comparison continued through the Sawaiori element of Viti — Viti, Samoan and their parent speech, the Proto- Samoan — Comparison of Efat6 with Polynesian and summation of results— The extent to which Efate identifications penetrate into Poly- nesia— Argument from recorded anomalies — It is improbable that Efate received its Polynesian content through westward drift of casta- ways— Proof that this element came through the migration of Proto- Samoan wanderers — Check-list of Polynesian phonetic mutations. At the eastern extremity of the language groups which it is sought to associate into this Oceanic family we have two firm, if unsaintly, foundations, the Polynesian (or Sawaiori of Whitmee's proposed nomenclature, convenient even if not wholly acceptable), and the Viti. Such element of the Viti, somewhat less than half of the vocabulary according to my estimate, as is not identifiable with the Sawaiori we assume to be of Melanesian origin. The larger element we shall consider in its clear connection with the Sawaiori. We shall examine the Efate first in its relation to the Melanesian Viti ; thence we shall proceed to the examination of the Efate in its relation to the Sawaiori with the inclusion of so much of the Viti as properly pertains to that stock; last of all to the consideration of the element of Efate which appears in the Sawaiori without having left an impress upon the Viti. The data 1-47 in Appendix I enable us to complete our con- spectus of the material in Efate which is identifiable with that element in the carefully wrought-out Viti vocabulary which has not been identified with any of the equally familiar tongues of Polynesia. Two explanations here are possible: the former that this is truly a portion of the Melanesian component of Viti; the latter that this element is Polynesian, but that it has failed of preservation in the eastward languages. The former we adopt provisionally as by far the more probable. Now let us sum the observations as to the phonetic relations of Efate and the Melanesian component of Viti, and first the vowel system. By far the largest mass of vocalic dissimilarities in the data under study lies within the area of the neutral vowel. I have* already *I7 Journal of the Polynesian Society, 87. 35 36 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. had to deal with this matter in the consideration of the phonetics of the more strictly Polynesian languages. The same holds true, mutatis mutandis, of these two Melanesian tongues. I cite the earlier discussion of the subject : A man with a quick ear and an obedient tongue may, as the result of long discipline, acquire almost perfect use of the Samoan consonants, but it is most probable that no Caucasian has really mastered the art of the Samoan vowels. It is as in their music : the intervals, the supertones, and the fractions of the tone are developed on a system which we find it impossible to acquire. It establishes a new group of units of vibration of the vocal cords, for which the fundamental diapason of our own speech is not set in unison. With this in mind, we shall find a plain explanation of the central triangle of the vowel changes if we regard the short a, e, o as merely so many approximations to a primal obscure short vowel which lies centrally situ- ated in respect of these three apical points. One congeries of the Polyne- sian tongues may have had a vibration series and period which inclined its use of the primal obscure vowel somewhat in the a direction ; to another congeries the e component was the more grateful; to yet another the tendency was in the o or labial grade. * * * Thus we have no hesitation in taking this central triangle of d-e-o out of the group of vowel changes in Samoan, of regarding it as no more than a doubly muffled rendering of a single central sound, and of removing it entirely from consideration among the criteria of vowel changes as dialectic indicia. When we diagram upon the common alphabetic scheme the vowel changes not in this class, we find some interesting developments. Along the palatal strut, that which rests upon i and peaks in a, in the data thus compared we find but a single instance of the dialectic vowel change a-i in bila (12) to pick up Viti vili, and of i-e in seri (22) to loose a tabu Viti sereka to untie; and the weight of these instances is considerably lessened by the fact that they lie in an unaccented syllable, and a terminal one at that, unaccented terminal vowels in Viti being evanescent. On the labial strut, from a to u, most of these vowel changes are seen to lie. The maximum frequency, four instances, is found between o and u, the change u-o is seen in bure (14) to wash Viti mborea; lume a (19) to dip Viti lomotha; and suba (33) to break Viti sovetaka; the change o-u in mako (41) offspring Viti makumbu grandchild. A change over a slightly longer interval, o-a, is found in trbm (38) turmeric Viti ndamu, red. A still longer gap is found in a-u in bera (27) to crumble Viti vuruvuru; and in the reverse direc- tion, u-a, in mutrei (5) breadfruit cake Viti mandrai. There remain three changes which vary from the foregoing simple system of vocalic mutation along one or the other of these struts, for they cut across diagonally. Of the change e-u we have two examples, in tefa ki (24) to range Viti tuva, and in bera (27) to crumble Viti vuruvuru. The change i-o is found in bo ri (28) to break Viti vorota; and u-i in lubwa (30) to pour out Viti livia. EFATE AND VITI AND POLYNESIA. 37 We now proceed to the examination of the consonant scheme of the two languages. They thus appear in the diagram: Efate. Viti. Semivowels y r, 1 w y r, 1 w Nasals ng n m ng n m «*-te:::::::::::::::::::= 7 =7 w— {ST:::::::::::::::::::*^0? --- Miitw /Sonant g — b ngg nd mb Mutes \Surd k t — k t — (kw-bw-kb) (ngm-ngw-mw) ts tr The constant consonants are ng, k, I, n, s, m; the constant muta- tion is f-v. It does not seem advisable, in the limited supply of data, to essay the quantitative weighting of the mutations; but in qualitative examination it seems altogether permissible to deduce a scheme of the consonant skeleton of the common ancestor from which derive the Efate and the Melanesian component of Viti. This we shall designate the Efate- Viti parent speech, and for convenience shall refer to it by initials E-V. In this diagram we present in each triple entry the Efate consonant at the left, the parent in bold-face type, the Viti at the right: Efate-Parent- Viti. r-r-r, 1 1-1-1 tr-r-ndr ng-ng-ng n-n-n m-m-m dh-dh-dh b-v-v (ch) — f-f-v g-g-ngg t-d-nd b-b-mb k-k-k t-t-t b-p-mb The characteristic Melanesian compounds, kw-bw-kb, ngm-ngw-mw, and ts are left unplaced in reference to E-V by reason of the fact that this particular group of data affords no opportunity to link them to the known physics of the Viti consonant structure. Abundant material for their intimate study will be afforded us later in the work. For the present, our comments on the results thus far attained shall be summary; the discussion will properly follow upon the similar analysis of the remaining data, so much more voluminous. If we examine the diagram attentively we note the particular features in which the offspring equally favor the parent. In the upper portion the resemblance is perfect; the nasals and sibilants are the same; so, in effect, are the semivowels; so the sonant lin- gual spirant, and of the surd mutes the palatal and the lingual. In 38 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. the palatal series and again in the lingual series only one of the two inheriting languages falls away from the ancestral estate and that in but a single item in each series. In the labial series both lan- guages have lost, and in equal measure, a possession of the parent. In the comparison of the two junior languages we shall see that the Efate* more nearly takes the property as heir-at-law, and the Viti is struggling to keep a younger son's uncertain hold upon the family possessions. The proof of this lies in our comprehension of the inward significance of the reinforced or prefaced consonants. Both languages show the impossibility of reproducing the uvular r without a conscious effort to produce a sound for whose expression the buccal organs lack training. The effort takes the same form; Efate* with its tr shows a shade less exertion to be necessary than the Viti ndr. In all other cases where Viti employs the nasal of the same series, namely, in the three sonant mutes, it is seen that Efate is able to take the sound without assistance. This makes it clear that Efate, lying relatively toward the west, closer approaches E-V than Viti, which lies so far at the eastern verge of Melanesia as to have been overlaid deeply by Polynesian sounds, forms, and usages. So far as these two points may determine the line, so far as the comparison of the two tongues shows the direction along that line, we look for E-V at some point on the line produced beyond Efate. Now the inspection of our charts shows that the line produced westward beyond Efate is immediately drowned in empty sea. We may, then, look for the E-V parent either among the islands lying south of the central New Hebrides or among those lying in the northern area. So far we have considered but these two points; we need new points to establish to our satisfaction what becomes of that line when once it turns the corner at Efate. The remaining data, which we are now to study, will tend to acquaint us with these points. That is the definite object which the close scrutiny of this store of newly available Melanesian material has presented to my investigation. Table A. Viti. Proto- Samoan. Samoan. Viti. Proto- Samoan. Samoan. Viti. Proto- Samoan. Samoan. a :} e i i e u a o a (Obscure vowel) e 0 a II e i e i i o u u o a y r ndr 1, n ng, v n, ng m, ng u y r r 1 ng n m o u u u 1 1 1 ng n m h dh dh s mb mb, v ngg,k,dh t, nd, k, dh, s mb, v h h s s V f k h p s s s V f t p EFATE AND VITI AND POLYNESIA. 39 We shall next pass under review the comparison of Efate with that element of Viti which has been proved to be Polynesian. The data for this study will be found under the items 64-72, 1 21-146, 186-238, 272-365. Before entering upon this examination we present a tabular aspect of the mutations between Viti and Samoa as derived from the discussion of the 465 words in the Viti dictionary which are satis- factorily identified as Polynesian, and to collocate therewith the Proto-Samoan as in the relation of parent. (See table A, page 38.) Table b. E V P-S S Data. E V P-S S Data. a 0 a a e a a a /320 \34Q 322 324 339 ng m ng ng ng ng ng ng (12 cases) 199 i a a a 232 322 324 n n ng ng 125 0 a a a 195 357 k k k (28 cases) u a a a 129 ng k k 136 297 299 36i a e a a 70 188 307 — ngg k ' 188 a u a a 144 202 k ngg k ' 191 202 224 e e e e ng ng k ' 135 a e e e 134 203 s s s s (12 cases) i e e e [203 1354 210 297 338 t s s dh s s s s 232 ( 65 143 134 1 342 298 337 0 e e e 189 344 a a e e 121 126 s s — 206 339 e i e e 65 s dh h f 72 215 338 340 i 0 e e 191 1352 363 i i i i — dh h — 274 278 e i i i 204 319 f dh — — 235 0 i i i 196 t t t (34 cases) a a i i 225 t nd t (208 347 348 349 a e i i 237 I350 353 u u i i 298 305 362 t dh t 70 141 e u i i 133 s s t 133 0 0 0 0 t s t 238 a 0 0 0 137 133 205 VI m m m (25 cases) e 0 0 0 349 m ng m m 3i3 i 0 0 0 205 231 33i 353 b m m m 191 u 0 0 0 219 } V V V 296 0 u 0 0 3i4 b V V V 307 u 11 u u } w V V 291 a u u u 273 b w V V 281 i u u u 134 284 321 34i bw w V V 189 0 u u u 125 286 273 f V (10 cases) a 0 u u 129 b V (13 cases) 0 0 u u 138 194 u V 206 273 363 u 0 u u 288 — V 360 I I 1 I (27 cases) b mb 273 r I 1 I (11 cases) bw mb *33 I r r I [123 134 1 138 3" 3i5 b mb p p (65 125 \207 285 190 289 192 r r r I fi32 1336 136 355 225 359 327 364 bw mb p p fl24 128 1279 139 218 I ndr r I 272 f mb p p 134 r ndr r I 334 335 b V p p 45 284 286 n n n n bw V p p 361 n n n I 296 — V p p 361 f V — w 295 40 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. The mutations properly referable to the parent neutral vowel are very numerous. The less frequent vowel mutations are here set down with the authority on which they rest, and in case of material involved in this collection of data the serial number is appended for convenience of reference. i-e siapo-seavu. Note, the mutation e-t is extremely common. \-a ofanga-ovi. \-u 'ili-kuli (294), milo-mulo, isu-uthu (289), ilo-uloulo (334)- u-i tulu-tiri (332). u-o 'uli-koli (11&), lofia-luvu (253), mafu- mavo, ufi-ovi, jangu-vango. u-a ngungulu-ngalo , liu-lia (197)- The less frequent of the constant mutations are these \-n lama-nama, lamu-namu. ng-k anga-dhaka. ng-v lingi-livi (103). n-ng sina-singasingau. m-ng lima-linga (313). k-dh k-ng t-k t-s t-dh se'e-dhedhe. 'i-ngi. tupoto-tumboko. lata-lasa, uta-usa (238). tofe-dhove, matala-madhala. Table C. E P a Data. E P Data. a (73 cases) J53 95 "7 157 i63 164 \i65 256 268 m ng 246 264 e a mw ng 167 i a 63 86 117 175 178 258 k ng 248 0 a 95 109 161 181 g ng 248 u a 86 167 250 / ng 61 e e (12 cases) k * (21 cases) a e 120 163 172 249 ng ' 95 169 171 178 2 5o i e 87 115 152 173 261 — 258 0 u e e 247 87 / s s (20 cases) 90 (cf 96) 169 i i (30 cases) t s 170 a i 171 241 h s 255 e i 165 174 241 254 t t (36 cases) 0 i 241 m m (26 cases) u i 91 242 251 b m 76 0 0 (25 cases) bw m 172 a 0 96 99 I72 244 255 in — 102 e 0 88 244 mw — 107 i 0 87 244 255 bw V 50 84 109 242 J52 58 59 75 160 163 w V "7 u 0 \i84 264 1 V 152 u u (42 cases) b V 87 a u 103 109 no 123 } f (17 cases) e u 179 l f J49 51 83 86 147 148 i u 105 \i74 243 246 0 u 51 83 88 245 bw f 245 I 1 (26 cases) kb f 157 r 1 (22 cases) b p (15 cases) r 158 bw p 179 183 241 n n (18 cases) f p 173 J76 250 /83 92 93 94 J5i *54 m p 103 ng ng \i77 246 264 1 Dealing now with so much of the Efate material as possesses in the Viti a possible bridge across the gap, we construct table B, on the preceding page. The mass of the data under consideration, amounting to 175 entries, is sufficient to establish these results upon EFATE AND VITI AND POLYNESIA. 41 a satisfactory basis. The Efate material is adjusted to the preceding table of Viti-Proto-Samoan-Samoan. Corroboration is not listed in the case of the more frequent concords or mutations. The following mutations, which have been observed in the com- parison of Viti and Samoan, are not involved in any of the material for which we possess Efate data : a-u, nd-h, dh-k, k-t, v-ng, ng-n, mb-v. The results of this collation are exhibited in the following table showing to what extent there is an agreement persisting through Efate- Viti-Samoa, in cases where Viti and Samoa differ to what extent Efate agrees with Samoa and with Viti respectively, and to what extent it differs from each. The cases of agreeing vowels have been omitted for convenience. The spirants and mutes of the labial series have been omitted because, owing to the absence of one or other from each language, it has proved impracticable to establish a comparison; the items involved in this omission amount to 52. Vowels. Semi- vowels. Pala- tals. Lin- guals. Labi- als. Total. Throughout With Samoa With Viti 8 8 43 41 6 1 1 12 40 3 2 6 46 18 3 8 25 1 152 36 24 69 With neither We now pass to the consideration of the data involving Efate and Polynesian which find no bridge in Viti. (Table C, page 40.) These will be found under the items 48-63,73-120, 147-185, 239-271. Here again, in the possession of 160 items, we have satisfactorily sufficient data for a comparative study. The results of this collation are displayed in the following table. As before, the spirants and mutes of the labial series have been omitted because comparison is impracticable; /, however, being comparable, is included. Vowels. Sem!' vowels. Pala- tals. Lin- guals. Labi- als. Total. Same Different 182 26 /i 23 30 12 74 5 43 15 355 126 From this material we diagram the relation of Efate and Samoa to their common parent. Efate -Parent-Samoa. r-r-1 1-1-1 tr-r-1 ng-ng-ng n-n-n m-m-m bw-v-v f-f-f g-g-' t-d-t b-b-p k-k-' t-t-t b-p-p 42 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Comparing this with the similar diagram Efate-Parent-Viti (page 37) we note the following differences: 1 . That Samoan ' has to do duty for parent g and k. 2. That Efate" and Samoan t alike are called upon to do duty for parent d and t. 3. That Samoan p does duty for parent b and p. 4. That Efate" b does duty for parent b and p. 5. That Efate bw does duty for parent v. In yet broader comparison we observe that all but one of these differences is found among the mutes in their three series; that Efate" possesses both sonant and surd of the palatal mutes; that it accords with Samoan in the loss of the sonant lingual mute, and that in the labial mutes it has lost, or has not yet acquired, the surd, while Samoan has lost the sonant. When we add to this latter item the consideration that Ef ate" has difficulty in compassing the sonant spirant of this same series and has to render it by the muted semivowel bw, we are led to the conclusion that while the Efate" folk have a richer endowment of palatals their lips are not sufficiently under nice control to do justice to the wealth of the Proto-Samoan labials, a determination which naturally arises from inspection of what we may deem a mouthing process in pronunciation. We are, therefore, not at all surprised that in the instances where Efate is comparable with Viti and Samoan, and they are not in concord, this ruder speech of the west- ern seas agrees with the rougher Viti in 40 per cent of such cases. We shall next pass to the consideration of the width of these Efate identifications with Polynesian, and we shall reckon the tale of those that are found only in Nuclear Polynesia, the proximate islands ; and those which have reached to the most distant verge of Sawaiori migration. We shall be narrowly particular in specializ- ing geographically the identifications in Nuclear Polynesia, except for a certain important subdivision more general in regard of the classification of identifications in the eastward Polynesia of the later swarming. In each case we treat Nukuoro* as practically Samoa, and the few instances drawn from Polynesian inclusions in Melanesia or islands of the Polynesian verge t we class with Nuclear Polynesia. Furthermore we segregate the data as involving or omitting the Viti, a major subdivision in scope, yet one which more complete scrutiny of distal Polynesia may quite as probably show to be devoid of existence; it is accordingly maintained as no more than provisional. ♦17 Journal of the Polynesian Society, 152. ^27 Amer. Journal of Philology, 370. EFATE AND VITI AND POLYNESIA. 43 Efali- Viti-Nuclea r Polynesia . Samoa 65 191 357 Tonga 121 Nukuoro 348 Moiki 356 Samoa -Tonga 70 Samoa-Futuna 186 Samoa-Niue 127 Futuna-Nukuoro 45 Samoa-Tonga-Niue . . .195 Samoa-Tonga-Futuna . {^p9^ Samoa- Tonga-Niue- \ Uvea/ " " * 1 f66 135 188 337 Samoa-Tonga-Niue- \ .■{225 341 (and Nu- FutUnaqkuorof Samoa-Tonga-Futuna) _ , . N Uvea/217 22° Samoa-Tonga-Niue- 1 Futuna-Uvea/-136 I45 3" Samoa-Tonga-Niue-\ ("132 198 200 Futuna-Uvea-Nukuoro/ \ (etc.) 209 Samoa Samoa-Tonga-Niue Efatt-Nuclear Polynesia. '54 60 77 79 84 102 105 109 115 117 119 247 251 246 (and Nukuoro) Samoa-Tonga 56 85 156 169 Samoa-Futuna 50 82 /i57 93 (and Nu- \kuoro) Samoa-Tonga-Futuna[gor254 (and Nu- Samoa-Niue-Futuna . . 1 1 1 Samoa-Niue-Uvea .... 53 Tonga-Futuna-Uvea ..112 174 Samoa-Tonga-Niue \ „ Futuna/--57 95 181 Samoa-Tonga-Niue^j 2?o (and Nukuoro) Samoa-Tonga-Futuna) , Uvea/ b2 Tonga-Niue-Futuna-\ , Uvea/02 Tonga-Niue-Futuna- . ) Uvea/51 Samoa-Tonga-Niue-) Futuna-Uvea/ ' '^" 255 91 178 Combining these two tables, we have noted 69 cases of identi- fications of words common to Efate and Nuclear Polynesia and which extend no farther along the track of the migration eastward. As I have been at pains to indicate* that there is a possibility of segregating the residua of the former, or Proto-Samoan, migration and the latter, or Tongafiti, migration in Nuclear Polynesia, it is of the highest interest to note that all but seven of these identi- fications involve the Samoan, and that no less than eighteen reach Samoa and go no farther. ; i We shall next take up the tale of Efate and all Polynesia, distal as well as nuclear, with, however, certain very important data reserved for yet more particular note. Efati- Viti- Polynesia. 64 67 68 72 123 125 126 133 134 138 139 141 142 143 146 187 190 192 193 196 201 203 204 206 207 208 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 218 222 223 226 227 228 229 230 231 233 234 235 238 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 281 282 283 284 285 286 288 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 300 301 302 304 305 306 307 308 310 312 313 3i4 3i5 317 3i8 3i9 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 330 33i 332 335 336 33« 339 340 342 343 344 345 346 347 349 350 35i 352 353 354 355 358 359 360 36i 362 3&3 364 EjaU-Poly nesia . 48 58 61 63 73 74 75 76 78 80 81 87 89 90 92 94 IOI 106 107 118 120 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 158 159 161 162 163 164 166 167 168 171 172 175 177 179 183 184 185 240 241 243 244 245 248 249 253 256 257 258 260 261 263 264 266 267 268 269 271 ♦17 Journal of the Polynesian Society, 214. 44 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. From the 1 88 items of the identification of K ate material with Polynesia, including the Nuclear Polynesian and the most remote terminus of migration, we have withheld for particular note the following interesting items, which, with others of similar import yet to be developed, call for special comment. These items are identifications made in Nuclear Polynesia and thence traced, not to distal Polynesia in general, but to particular termini with at least one intervening or intermediary point. We group them as they fall into three classes as southern, eastern and northern swarms. c ,, (Maori-Mangareva 72 120 272(nefu) *outhern {Maori-Tahiti 137 *55 309 328 180 250 Swarm. [Maori-Tahiti-Mangareva. . 106c 239 74 116 165 147 194 197 219 (Other intermediate points in several items are Mangaia, Rarotonga, Tongarewa, the Paumotu.) Eastern fTahiti-Mangareva 106 232 Swarm: \Paumotu-Mangareva 242 ». ., ( Hawaii-Mangaia 332c Northern , Ha waii.Tahiti o8 , 4o 1 60 252 Swarm. [Hawaii-Tahiti-Paumotu. .316 We have next to consider a small but well-marked group of identifications where there is a leap from Efate to distal Polynesia without having left a trace in Nuclear Polynesia except in so far as that may be held to exist in the instances linked to Viti, these being distinguished by V in the list. General 99 176 V237 Southern swarm 96 97 V1366 V124 Eastern swarm 1060 Northern swarm 59 88 104 1 10 Finally we come to a group where identification has been estab- lished in Nuclear Polynesia and in one, and only one, of the per- ipheral languages. In the same classification and with the same notation they are listed in the following table : Swarm: Southern .. 1066 V122 V130 V144 182 V199 V236 262 V287 V329 V3436 Eastern ... 100 108 113 ¥1390170 173 V299 V334 Northern.. 55 V 69 83 86 114 V128 V189 V224 V3435) Nukuoro. . . . 166' Sikayana. . .321' Tonga 53' o-a Moriori 287 Rarotonga. .257° o-e Rarotonga. .205' o-i Viti 2480 o-w (92,314) Futuna 92 Hawaii 314' Mangareva. .314' Maori 314' Niue 92 o-ui Hawaii 1396' Fotuna 76', 343° c Hawaii 277' Uvea 286' Rotuma. . . .305' Viti 305' Tonga 52' Tongarewa. .147° Paumotu. . .314 Sikayana. . .192' Tonga 92 Uvea 92 Viti. I55" Mangaia. . . . 1680 Niue 271 u-o (129) Fotuna 129', 3280 Maori 361 Nukuoro. . . . 1390 u-au Fotuna 151 u-ia Tahiti 347 Tahiti 139, 216', 285' Sikayana. . .261' Viti 129', 1380, 194, 288' 52 THE POLYNESIAN u-ow Aniwa 151 ae-e Niue 261', 315', 347' ai-ei Maori 268 au-a Mangareva. .61' au-ou (61,200,335) Aniwa 200', 267', 301' Mangareva. . 161', 162', 226', 335' Maori 283' Marquesas . . 335' ei-i Tonga 78' ou-au Fotuna 282' ng-n (note 125) Hawaii Marquesas (western dialect) ng-fc Marquesas (eastern dialect) ng-ngg Viti 248' ng-v Viti 1540 ng— Maori 310° Marquesas. .151' Niue 93' kg Paumotu . . . 306' k-ng Mangareva. .67, 214 Uvea 178 k-ngg Viti 188, 191, 202, 224 k-t Niue 250 k— Hawaii Marquesas . . 204, 261 Niue 57 Nukuoro. . . .300 Paumotu . . . 248 l-« Hawaii 154 Nukuoro 100, 200, 297, 309, 310, 350 Tahiti 100, 154 1-ng Moiki 1-/ Rotuma. . . .354 l-t Mangareva. .257 l-nd Viti 287 l-ndr Viti 272, 307, 314. 334, 335 WANDERINGS. Niue 61', 200' Nukuoro. . .200' Tonga 61', 200', 335' Uvea 61' Rotuma 2850 Sikayana Viti 332'b Tahiti Uvea 690 Viti 135 Rotuma. . . .300, 305 Tahiti Tonga 181 Samoa Tonga 3".3i3 Uvea 312,313 EFATE AND VITI I— Hawaii 257 Marquesas Niue 200, 230, 244, 301, 322, 327,336 n-l Nukuoro 296 n-r Rotuma. . . .328 n-ng Moriori h-h Niue 47, 81, 206, 278 Tonga h-s Rotuma .... 206, 278, 340 h-th Viti 47, 72, 215, 274, 278, 352 h-w Hawaii 295 «-/ Futuna 239 &-h Hawaii Mangareva Maori Marquesas Niue 91, 98 8-(f, h) Manahiki Nukuoro s-sh Moiki s-ndr Viti 232 s-th Viti 65, 91, 143, 198, 233, 298, 337.338,340,341.344 s — Hawaii 245 Mangaia. . . .204, 205 Mangareva Maori 239 t-j (ch, tsh) Aniwa 166, 329 Fila 166,329 t-f Rotuma 294,324,350 t-k Hawaii Mangareva. .1416 Paumotu. . .216, 237 t-.r Futuna 3326 Rotuma. . . .352 t-nd Viti 141a, 208, 329, 350, 353 t-th Rotuma ... 294 t— Marquesas . . 350 AND POLYNESIA. Tahiti 281 Nukuoro . . . 349 Tonga 244,327,356 Uvea 301 Samoa 296 Tahiti 328 Viti 342 Uvea 47.295.33i Viti 206,331,339 53 Paumotu Tahiti Tonga Tongarewa Tonga Uvea Marquesas. .239 Rarotonga Tahiti 90, 140, 239 Fotuna 133, 165, 219, 329, 355 Tonga Tonga 355 Liueniua. . . . 350 Uvea 165, 196, 219, 325 Viti 238 Viti 1416 54 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. m-ng •3i3 \-h Nukuoro. . . 281 .296 v-w Hawaii Maori i-h Hawaii Manahiki . . Mangareva Maori •259,329.36o .201, 259, 290, 292 t-p .86 f-v Bukabuka . Fotuna. .. . .290 . 166, 329 i-w Manahiki. . .290 J Mangareva. .290, 293 Marquesas . . 290 Hawaii 290 i-hw Bukabuka. .292 Maori 122, 130, 133, 147, 148, 166, 170,213,214,223, 243,273, 283,292,293,294 f-6 Tonga 86 f-mb Viti. 273a f-tch Sikayana ... 259 Bukabuka Mangaia Nukuoro 290 Mangareva. .92, 147, 148, 213, 214, 272, 290, 292, 294 p-b Rotuma. . . .285 Fotuna 192, 286 p-mb p-h p-v Viti 64, 125, 128, 173, 190, 192 Rotuma. . . .284 Viti 103, 284, 286 Viti 313 Rotuma. . . . 122 Viti Fotuna. . . .281 Marquesas. . 130, '133/166, 292, 293, 296 Moiki 201, .206, ,2 1 5, 2736, 329 Moriori 2 14,^272 Niue 137 Tongarewa Uvea 86 Paumotu . . . 290 Tahiti 290 Uvea 314 Viti Maori 290 Moriori 287, 293 Fila. •329 Rarotonga Rotuma. . . .206, 214, 290 Tubuai 290 Sikayana. . .285 Tonga 52, i2{ CHAPTER VII. POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. Check-list of the material for this section of the work — Tables of the phonetic relations of 81 languages of the Melanesian archipelagoes — The several mutations of vowels and consonants and the languages which employ them — Analysis of these mutations, those which are found in Polynesian and those confined to Melanesia — The ground- work of Polynesian mutation and the Melanesian system compared therewith — Two Melanesian foci of Polynesian influence brought to light — The sieve theory disproved by this material — Proof of the general migration theory — Crop colonies and the important part they play — Two tracks of Proto-Samoan migration through Melanesia — Proof that a Melanesian sojourn preceded the settlement of Samoa. In an earlier chapter I have written that in accordance with Dr. Macdonald's theory of his Oceanic language equal weight should attach to the identification of Efat£- Polynesia and Efat£-Melanesia. The former we have just had under rigorous review and we have been led to certain conclusions. We are now to examine the Melanesian material in its turn. This is distributed irregularly through the collected data, the distribution being based upon the tabulation of the Efate" words in several series. To facilitate reference to the material of each of these languages the following catalogue will be found of service. Alite 217 239 250 251 259 265 275 278 285 291 300 301 306 309 313 317 330 337 350 351 352 356 360 361 Alo Teqel 122 123 147 190 193 214 217 239 250 251 272 275 278 294 300 301 306 307 309 316 317 318 324 328 333 335 337 343 350 360 361 Ambrym 46 147 194 212 215 239 242 252 258 265 266 274 278 284 287 290 291 297 298 300 305 312 318 324 329 336 350 352 356 357 360 361 Aneityum 124 126 147 149 154 168 173 188 191 194 198 204 205 206 207 214 216 217 228 229 240 241 256 258 260 262 264 265 266 268 269 270 271 273 274 278 279 282 283 285 288 291 293 294 298 301 306 307 309 310 312 313 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 326 328 329 335 337 339 340 342 344 347 349 35Q 360 361 Arag. ...122 149 152 153 160 190 193 209 212 214 215 217 239 250 258 259 265 272 275 278 284 285 290 291 292 294 300 301 306 307 309 312 313 317 318 324 328 329 330 333 335 336 352 356 357 360 361 Baki....i47 149 156 182 190 194 199 208 210 211 217 228 237 240 247 254 258 263 273 278 282 285 290 291 292 297 298 305 308 309 312 313 315 317 320 321 324 336 340 344 346 347 350 352 356 358 359 361 362 364 Baravon. 74 122 147 149 156 190 207 214 215 217 257 270 273 280 284 285 290 291 294 300 313 319 320 323 324 327 329 336 346 358 360 361 Bauro ... 47 56 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Belaga.. 46 147 152 203 207 211 258 284 285 290 300 317 338 339 342 343 346 352 Bierian..i48 156 199 207 210 216 217 240 252 256 258 259 260 263 270 278 282 285 290 291 292 293 294 297 298 300 301 302 305 308 309 311 312 313 3i5 3i7 3i8 320 321 322 323 324 329 336 340 344 35o 352 356 358 361 364 Bougainville 149 192 259 265 278 350 Brierly Island 190 294 317 324 340 347 361 Brumer Island 298 324 344 Bugotu..i22 147 213 214 217 239 251 257 272 275 278 284 285 290 291 298 301 305 306 309 312 313 316 317 322 328 329 330 338 339 343 346 35i 352 361 ^000 Buka.... 46 149 158 190 207 217 239 247 257 259 265 278 280 285 298 300 306 308 313 318 324 328 330 343 344 35o 352 355 360 361 363 Bululahai90 217 239 250 251 259 265 291 298 300 301 306 309 317 329 330 35o 35i 352 356 360 361 Deni 194 212 214 265 266 278 285 306 307 324 335 339 358 360 t 361 Dufaure Island 167 340 Duke of York 46 74 122 147 149 164 169 207 214 217 265 269 272 275 285 290 292 294 300 301 309 312 313 314 316 318 319 320 321 324 325 327 328 329 332 335 336 343 350 3526 358 360 361 Epi 39 44 47 75 77 186 200 202 212 265 286 330 343 363 Eromanga 194 206 217 218 240 265 270 273 274 278 282 285 290 291 294 305 312 317 324 329 333 337 338 349 350 352 360 361 Fagani..i22 147 149 190 214 217 239 250 251 257 258 259 265 272 273 278 285 290 292 294 298 300 307 309 312 313 3J6 3*7 318 324 328 329 330 342 350 351 352 356 357 358 360 361 Gog 46 122 123 147 149 *5i *54 *9<> 203 206 214 217 239 251 268 272 275 278 284 285 298 300 301 306 307 309 312 313 317 318 322 324 328 333 335 336 338 339 342 343 356 357 358 360 361 Guadalcanar 149 272 278 285 298 309 328 335 Iai 194 259 265 294 318 324 Kabadi.. 46 74 265 266 292 330 361 Kabakada 122 147 214 285 320 327 Kalil....294 296 312 322 329 352 King 47 74 147 151 196 213 217 247 258 264 266 280 294 296 309 312 313 318 319 320 321 323 324 329 336 342 343 344 349 35o 352 358 361 363 Lakon...i22 123 147 149 190 193 206 214 217 239 251 265 272 275 278 284 285 292 301 306 309 312 313 317 318 324 328 333 335 337 343 350 35 1 356 360 361 I,amassa. 47 74 151 190 213 216 247 265 266 280 285 292 294 296 309 312 313 316 317 3*S 319 324 329 342 343 344 35Q 358 361 363 Lambell. 47 74 147 *49 J5i 190 196 213 216 247 264 265 266 280 292 294 296 309 312 316 317 318 319 320 324 329 336 342 343 344 346 35o 352 358 361 Laur ... 47 151 156 190 216 217 247 257 265 266 277 292 294 295 296 309 312 313 315 3i6 317 3i8 319 324 329 333 343 344 350 352 361 363 Lemaroro 258 274 Leon 4G 122 147 149 187 193 203 214 265 292 307 318 337 Lifu 214 259 265 318 324 326 330 333 36i Lo 46 122 147 149 152 169 190 193 195 212 214 217 239 251 265 266 272 275 278 285 290 291 300 301 305 306 307 309 312 313 316 317 3i8 321 324 328 333 335 336 339 343 35<> 35i 356 357 358 36o 361 Maewo. . 46 122 147 H9 152 153 19° *93 203 206 212 214 215 239 259 264 266 272 275 278 284 285 291 292 298 301 306 309 312 313 316 317 3i8 324 328 329 333 335 336 337 346 352 357 358 360 361 Mai 281 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 57 Makura.. 74 165 265 273 290 297 302 306 309 312 317 321 333 335 352 Malanta.312 324 Malekula.43 47 74 77 121 147 148 156 157 161 193 194 199 208 210 211 217 227 228 239 242 246 247 251 252 254 258 259 270 274 276 278 282 285 287 289 291 292 294 297 300 301 302 306 309 312 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 323 324 328 329 335 339 340 344 345 346 347 350 351 352 356 358 359 360 362 363 364 Malo. ... 44 47 121 124 147 148 190 193 194 199 203 206 207 208 217 218 228 239 247 252 254 258 266 270 282 285 289 290 292 293 297 301 302 305 306 308 309 311 312 313 316 318 319 320 321 324 328 333 335 336 337 338 339 340 343 344 346 347 35i 352 353 354 356 358 359 361 362 Marina.. 39 46 147 193 212 214 250 272 275 278 284 285 291 292 301 306 309 311 312 313 317 318 321 324 328 333 335 336 343 350 352 356 357 358 360 361 Matupit. 74 147 214 244 280 285 287 300 320 346 347 352 358 Meli 147 Merlav.. 46 122 123 147 149 151 154 190 193 197 206 207 210 214 217 239 251 265 268 275 278 284 289 291 300 301 306 307 309 312 313 316 317 318 322 324 328 333 335 337 338 339 342 357 358 360 361 Modnus. . 74 126 190 215 239 265 284 285 290 291 294 305 308 312 317 324 328 329 33o 335 345 35o 352 360 361 Mosin...i22 123 147 154 193 214 217 239 251 265 272 275 278 284 300 301 306 307 309 312 316 317 318 324 328 333 335 336 339 343 356 357 360 361 Mota 46 47 75 122 123 147 151 152 153 154 156 160 163 167 169 189 190 192 193 196 197 198 199 203 205 206 207 209 212 213 214 215 216 217 223 227 228 230 237 239 240 241 243 247 248 250 251 252 253 254 257 258 259 262 263 265 266 267 268 269 272 274 275 276 278 279 280 283 284 285 286 287 289 290 291 292 294 295 297 298 300 301 302 306 307 309 310 312 313 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 328 331 332 333 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 346 347 348 351 352 353 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 Motlav..i22 123 147 149 151 154 169 190 193 214 217 239 251 258 259 265 272 275 284 285 290 291 292 300 301 306 307 309 312 316 317 318 321 322 324 328 333 335 336 337 339 346 35o 35i 356 360 361 Motu 42 44 47 76 125 158 168 182 190 201 205 208 214 217 241 243 248 249 265 268 271 272 273 282 285 288 292 293 298 299 301 304 306 309 310 312 313 317 318 319 321 326 327 328 330 331 332 333 334 335 539 342 343 346 347 349 350 351 352 354 358 359 36o 361 362 363 364 365 Murray Island 275 301 305 309 361 Natalava 335 350 361 Nengone 122 214 245 265 274 291 300 306 309 322 330 333 335 361 New Britain 46 76 125 149 152 154 167 190 200 207 214 217 267 275 289 290 297 306 309 313 318 319 320 322 323 324 326 327 336 343 345 352 360 New Caledonia 273 330 333 New Georgia 149 190 192 217 285 298 300 301 305 312 313 324 350 35i 361 New Guinea 217 265 273 276 290 324 330 334 346 350 365 New Ireland 247 273 278 290 296 300 312 313 317 318 324 329 344 35o 35i 361 363 365 Nggao...20i 214 215 217 239 251 272 278 285 298 301 305 309 312 313 324 336 346 35i 352 361 Nggela.. 45 46 122 147 149 152 155 190 197 198 203 207 208 213 214 216 217 239 251 258 259 272 273 278 284 285 290 291 292 294 296 297 298 300 301 305 306 309 312 313 315 316 317 318 321 322 323 324 327 328 329 330 332 335 338 339 342 344 346 35o 351 352 357 358 360 361 58 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Nguna... 46 74 75 159 206 214 240 261 266 294 301 317 318 321 336 338 346 35o Nifilole. .149 212 214 217 239 284 290 291 294 313 328 330 357 300 361 , Norbarbar 75 122 147 H9 J90 193 212 214 217 239 251 265 272 278 285 289 291 292 300 301 306 307 309 312 316 317 318 324 328 331 333 335 336 337 338 344 350 356 357 358 360 361 Omba... 42 74 122 147 149 152 153 169 190 206 207 212 214 217 239 254 275 278 284 285 290 291 292 295 300 301 306 307 309 312 313 317 3i8 324 333 335 336 338 346 352 356 358 360 361 Paama..252 274 312 329 Pak 122 123 147 149 190 193 203 214 217 239 250 251 265 270 272 275 278 292 300 301 306 307 309 312 316 317 318 324 328 333 335 337 339 35Q 356 357 360 361 Raluana.214 294 314 336 358 Retan... 46 122 123 149 193 292 312 317 318 33^ 336 344 357 35*> Ruavatu.313 317 361 Saa 122 187 190 200 214 217 250 251 259 265 266 273 291 292 294 298 300 307 309 313 317 3i8 329 330 338 339 350 351 352 356 358 360 361 Santo... 47 153 199 206 216 217 228 239 253 255 278 285 292 300 302 305 312 313 316 318 324 336 343 346 352 355 356 Sasar.... 46 123 147 190 193 217 239 250 251 272 275 278 292 301 306 307 309 3i6 317 3i8 328 333 335 337 343 35<> 356 360 361 Savo 190 214 239 250 251 272 275 285 305 316 328 337 361 Sesake.. 39 40 45 46 147 J49 151 *53 *58 162 169 194 200 203 206 209 212 214 215 217 239 246 251 257 258 260 270 272 274 278 285 291 292 294 296 298 300 301 305 307 3io 312 317 318 322 329 330 333 335 336 337 338 339 342 35° 352 356 357 358 360 361 Solomon Islands 190 243 276 290 291 294 297 301 304 309 312 318 324 33° 361 363 Tangoan Santo 41 147 148 193 *94 206 209 217 239 247 265 278 301 302 313 316 328 333 338 340 346 358 Tanna...i47 150 168 173 190 194 200 207 216 217 218 238 240 247 256 251 258 266 273 274 285 290 291 293 306 308 312 313 317 319 321 322 324 328 333 334 337 34° 35© 352 358 360 361 363 Treasury Island 265 Uea 265 274 290 Ugi 214 250 259 265 292 300 317 318 357 361 Ulawa...i22 190 200 214 217 239 250 251 259 265 291 294 298 300 301 309 312 313 3i7 318 324 329 330 343 350 35i 352 356 360 361 Vanikoro 273 292 Vanua Lava 291 292 317 Vaturanga 122 123 147 190 200 201 206 214 215 217 251 257 258 259 272 278 284 285 294 298 301 305 306 309 313 316 317 318 324 328 329 330 335 336 338 346 352 358 360 V0I0W...122 147 149 151 154 190 212 214 217 239 251 265 268 275 278 284 285 290 291 294 300 301 306 307 309 312 316 317 318 322 324 328 333 335 336 337 338 339 35o 35* 357 358 360 361 Vuras... 46 122 123 147 149 214 217 239 251 278 284 285 292 301 306 307 309 312 316 317 318 324 328 333 335 336 339 343 346 356 357 358 360 361 Wango..i22 149 190 214 215 217 239 250 251 257 259 265 273 278 284 298 300 305 307 309 312 313 317 318 328 329 330 335 337 339 342 344 348 350 35 1 352 356 357 358 360 361 POLYNESIAN REUCS IN MELANESIA. 59 We shall next take up in a series of tables the relations of Melane- sian tongues with the Proto-Samoan (uniformly exhibited in bold- face type), the data upon which each of these mutations rests, and certain other results which have a bearing on our study. These tables are prepared for all the Melanesian languages for which a sufficiency of data is available. Several of the groups in the pre- ceding catalogue, while seeming to be well enough equipped with examples, have not been included in this tabular review for the reason that earlier compilers, to whose efforts we owe these data, have not been precise in identifying the language. Such omitted collections are to be seen under the headings of New Guinea, New Britain, New Ireland, large lands in which are many distinct languages. Prefixed to each of these tables will be found two particular notes. The figure following the note Polynesia expresses the number of words in the available material in each language which are identi- fied as of Polynesian stock. The note of Quality is a valuable index which will be explained and discussed at length after the prelimi- nary matter has been arranged. The final notes in each table call for slight explanation. Under the note Identical are assembled those words in which the Melane- sian is the same in consonant and vowel structure as either the Proto-Samoan or the modern Samoan, or where the vowel change is so slight as to be explained by the difference in the system of reducing the language to our alphabet by those missionary collec- tors whose zeal must serve as the excuse for their lack of skill. The second note refers to those words, otherwise identical, which have lost their ending by abrasion. Under Consonant Identity are listed those words of identical consonant skeleton where the vowels have undergone change, and the converse is the case under Vowel Identity. In the next pair of notes we record those cases where the consonant skeleton has undergone a mutation, but where the vowels remain constant or terminal abrasion has taken place. 60 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. ALITE. Polynesian 2 1 Quality 57 a a e 00 i t u u 1 / wg ng n / m w h s, t 8 S, t, — v ku f V k — , ng t w, — p 6 a-a 217, 239, 250, 278, 291, 300, h-s 352 309, 3i3, 3i7, 337, 35o, 360 ht 278 \-i 259, 285, 291, 300, 313, 330, s-.y 239 35o s-t 337 0-0 259, 285, 309 s— 251 u-w 239, 278, 306, 317, 330, 360 t-m 217 1 ' 309, 3i3, 35o t— 306, 350, 352 ng-ng 285, 309, 350 mm 217, 313, 317 k — 300, 301, 306 x-ku 291 k-ng 251 f-v 259, 360 n-Z 259, 317, 330 p-b 250, 285 Identical 300, 309, 3 1 3 Vowel identity 217, 300, 317, 330 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 259, 278, 285, 350, 360 Terminal abrasion 306 Frontal abrasion 250, 301, 306, 350, 352 Frontal accretion 239, 291 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 61 ALO TEQEL. Polynesian 26 Quality 19 a a, e, o, u e e, u o e i e u u, e, i 1 /, t, ng ng ng, n n n, t m m, ng h s s v w f V, w k g, w t t, m, — p p a-a 123, 147, 214, 217, 250, 309, ng-w 350 318 k-# 250, 251, 300, 301 a-e 294, 324, 337, 350 k-w 306 a-o 239, 307, 317, 328 n-n 147, 317, 343, 350 a-w 250, 307, 316 n-t 328 e-e 122, 190 s-,y 239, 251, 272, 337 e-u 272 t— 294, 306, 318, 324 i-e 300 t-t 350 0-e 123 t-tn 217 u-w 272, 306, 316 mm 217, 316, 317, 318, 324, 328 u-e 294 m-ng 316 u-i 343 v-w 307 I-/ 123, 307, 309, 350 f-v 122, 147, 214, 294 \-ng 123 f-w 272, 360 K 335 p-/> 190, 250 ng-ng 309 Identical (terminally abraded) 190, 309 Consonant identity. . . .317, 337 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 147 Terminal abrasion 147, 190, 214, 217, 239, 300, 306, 317, 318, 328 Frontal accretion 301 Terminal accretion 122, 324, 335, 350, 360 62 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. AMBRYM. Polynesian 27 Quality 44 a a, e, i, u e a o 0, u i i u 11, a, i, 0 1 I, r ng ng n n m m h h, — S h V /, w f 7;, b, h k &, ^, h, — t t, s, dr p — a-a 147, 215, 258, 284, 300, 318, k-k 194, 300 324 kg 297 a-e 239, 258, 324, 352 k-h 258 a-i 293, 350 k— 305 a-w 252 n-n 242, 290 e-a 297 h-h 215 i-i 194, 215, 242, 290, 297, 300, h— 352 305, 312, 350, 352 s-h 239, 252, 298 0-0 252, 336, 356, 357 t-t 258, 324, 352, 356 o-w 287, 357 t-s 329 u-w 194, 212, 298 t-dr 357 u-a 258 mm 258, 312, 318, 324 u-i 212, 239 v-/ 242 U-0 212, 284, 329 \-W 29I 1-/ I94, 212, 252, 284, 287, 297, i-V 147, 215, 290 305, 312 i-h 290, 329 1-' 336, 350 i-b 287 ng-ng 274, 336, 350 p— 284 Identical 194, 300, 305 Identical (terminally abraded) 312, 356 Consonant identity. . . .212, 274, 284, 318, 324, 352 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 215 Terminal abrasion 147, 242, 287, 290, 312, 318, 329 Frontal abrasion 284, 305, 350 Frontal accretion 212, 242, 274, 298 Terminal accretion. . . .258, 336 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 63 ANEITYUM. Polynesian 67 Quality 46 a a, c, i, 0, u ee, a, i o o, i , u i i, a, e , o u 1 I, r, j, u, e, i, o, v, p k ng ng, k, g, nj n n, ny h h, j, f s s, h m m k k, g, ng t t, s, th V V, p, w f /, p, u, k, w, p p, I h a-a 147, 188, 198, 207, 214, 217, 229, 256, 258, 260, 262, 279, 282, 291, 293, 294, 307, 309, 312, 313, 317, 318, 320, 323, 324, 337, 339. 340, 350 SL-e 198, 216, 217, 256, 268, 278, 294 a-i 271, 274, 350 a-o 124, 294 a-w 168, 307, 316, 328 e-e 173, 240 e-a 126 e-i 191 \-i 154, 194, 204, 241, 268, 288, 291, 319, 323 i-a 154 i-e 342 i-o 269 0-0 126, 205 o-i 285 o-w 205 u-u 168, 194, 269, 273, 288, 294, 320, 326, 344 u-e 278, 306 u-i 271 u-o 329, 360 u-v 206 u-p 262 1-/ 191, 228, 241, 307, 309, 310, 316, 320, 339, 349 \-r 126, 194, 205, 260, 268, 288, 335 l-fc 312, 350 1-; 154, 312 Identical 126, 173, 194, 241, 293, 294>3i9, 323.335 Identical (ter. abra) . 198, 207, 256, 282, 317, 349 Consonant identity. . 124, 285, 301, 316, 324 Vowel identity 318 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity. . .262, 283, 288, 291, 342 Vowel identity (ter. abra.) 147, 188, 273, 309 ng-ng 285, 350 ng-fe 309 342, 309 274 126, 194, 269, 301, 328 188, 258, 306, 361 191, 204 147, 271, 294, 317 328 278 340 339 [344 188, 198, 206, 323, 337, 342, 204, 205 126, 207, 216, 217, 256, 258, 268, 269, 274, 282, 293, 294, 306, 324, 347, 349, 350 318, 327, 337 168 124, 191, 198, 216, 217, 256, 258, 274, 282, 294, 312, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 323, 324, 326, 328, 340 293, 294 147 206 214 [360 147, 271, 273, 288, 294, 329, 283 294, 310 307 291 [361 124, 173, 207, 241, 279, 285, 279 Terminal abrasion. 147, 154, 188, 193, 214, 270,273,285,306,309, 316,318,328 Frontal accretion. .147, 154, 204, 206, 217, 228, 229, 256, 268, 269, 270,273,274,285,288, 319,328,342,344 Terminal accretion 206, 274, 307, 310, 319, 324,326,339,340,347 ng-g ng-nj k-k kg k-ng Tl-n ti-ny h-h h-y h/ s-s s-h U t-s t-th mm t-f i-p i-k i-u i-h i-w \-v \-p \-w v-P v-i 64 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. ARAG. Polynesian 41 Quality 75 a a, e, o e e, a, i 00 i * u u, i, o 1 /, r ng ng n n, I m m h h s h V IV, — f V, W kg t t, d, h p p, v, kpw a-a 152, 160, 193, 209, 214, 215, n-w 285, 290, 292, 309, 317, 328, 217, 250, 258, 284, 290, 291, 330 292, 294, 309, 312, 313, 317, n-l 259 318, 324, 328, 352, 356 hh 215, 278, 352 a-e 278, 300 s-h 239 a-o 357 t-t 160, 209, 217, 258, 294, 306, c-e 122, 153, 190, 290, 318 318, 324, 352, 356 e-a 272 t-d 357 e-i 152 t-h 329 \-i 149, 193, 215, 259, 290, 291 m-w 217,258,312,313,317,318, 300, 312. 3*3, 329, 33o, 352, 324, 328 0-0 153, 160, 259, 285, 309, 326, \-w 291 356, 357 v— 152 u-w 212, 258, 272, 278, 284, 292, f-v 122, 193, 214, 215, 272, 290, 294, 306, 317, 328. 330 292, 294 u-i 212, 329 i-iv 259 u-o 239 p-p 190, 250 \l 152, 153, 212, 284, 312, 313 p-i; 284 \-r 149, 160, 335, 336 p-kpw 285 ng-ng 209, 309, 336 k-g 149, 193, 250, 258, 300, 301, 306, 357 Identical 153. 160, 190, 209, 217, 309, 312, 313, 317, 318, 324, 328, 330, 335, 336, 352, 356 Consonant identity. . . .152, 212 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 193, 214, 215, 258, 259, 284, 285, 290, 291, 292, 294, 306 Frontal abrasion 329 Terminal accretion. . . .250, 272 Inner abrasion 152 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 65 BAKI. Polynesian 46 Quality 26 a a, e, i, 0, u e e, a, i, o o 0, i i i, o, u u u, i 1 /, j, mj ng ng, n, g n n m m h— s y, k v v, u f v, b, mb k k, mk t t, j, dr p b, mb a-a 147, 240, 263, 292, 308, 309, l-j 309, 312, 313 3!3, 34o \-tnj 336 a-e 156, 254, 315, 317, 320, 340, ng-ng 285, 336, 346 346, 350, 352a ng-w 308, 350 a-i 350 ng-# 309 a-o 156, 228, 278, 292, 312, 364 k-k 149, 156, 194, 2ii, 305 a-u 290 k-mk 297 e-e 190 n-n 147, 156, 254, 290, 292, 317, e-a 240 321 e-ii 210, 297 h — 278, 340 e-o 247, 290 &-y 182 \-i 149, 194, 2ii, 254, 273, 290, s-k 263 297, 308, 321, 346, 350, 352, t-t 247, 346, 350, 352 362 t-j 2IO, 211, 346, 358 \-o 285 t-dr 359 »« 305, 313 m-w 156, 254, 312, 313, 315, 317, 0-0 147, 263, 282, 285, 309, 336, 320, 321, 340 362 X-V 210 0-i 336 x-u 291 VL-U 156, 182, 194, 211, 228, 240, i-V 254, 290, 292 272, 278, 282, 292, 317, 320, i-b 273, 282, 290 321, 358, 359 f-mb 147 U-i 247, 359, 364 p-6 190, 285 1-/ 149, 182, 194, 228, 297, 305, p-mb 190, 247 308, 315, 320, 350, 359, 362, 364 Identical 194, 254, 362 Consonant identity. ... 156, 340, 352 Vowel identity 182, 273 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 147, 190, 211, 282 Frontal accretion 149, 228, 247, 320 Terminal accretion .... 305, 358 Metathesis 298, 321 66 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. BAR AVON'. Polynesian 30 Ouauty 66 a a, e e e, a o 0, a, e, u i i, u u u I /. r, — ng ng n n m m h— s V V, w f v, p, w k k, — t /. ;/(/, A- p />. /», wife a-a 74, 147, 156, 207, 214, 215, k-k 149 217, 279, 284, 290, 291, 294. k — 156, 300, 323 313, 320, 323, 324, 346 n-» 74, 147, 156, 290 a-p 360 h — 215 e-e 190, 257 t-i 74. 207, 217, 294, 324, 346, e-a 122 358 \-i 149, 215, 290, 313, 319. 323, t-nd 329 346 t-k 270 l-M " 74 m-7;/ I56, 2 17, 257, 3I3, 319, 320, 0-0 336 323. 324- 327 o-« 147. 257 \-v 291 O-t 257 V-U' 122, 147 o -it 285 i-v 215, 329, 360 u -K 156, 207, 270, 273, 284, 320, f-/> 273 358, 360 t-W 12 2, 147, 214, 290, 294 1-/ 313, 320, 336 p-p 284 \-r 257, 327, 358 p-6 190, 285 1 — 284 p-mb 207 ng-ng 285, 336, 346 Identical 217, 313, 324, 336, 346, 358 Consonant identity. ... 74, 149, 257, 327 Vowel identity 156, 284, 320 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 190, 207, 214, 215 Terminal abrasion. . .273, 290, 294 Terminal abrasion 149, 270, 273, 285, 290, 294, 300 Frontal accretion 74, 215, 291, 336 Terminal accretion 285, 300, 323, 336 BAURO. e-a 47 h-.v 47 \-i 47 t— 47 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 67 BELAGA. Polynesian 17 Quality 100 a a, i, ai e c, i o 0 \ i uk 1 I, V ng ng n n m m h h, th S S, til V V f x; kg,- t t p i', »//> a-a 147, 152, 203, 207, 258, 284, k-g 258, 300, 338 300, 317, 338, 339, 342, 346. k— 211 352 n-n 290, 317, 342, 343 a-i 203 h-// 338 a-a?- 290 h-^ 352a 339 e-e 290, 338 s-.y 203 e-i 152 s-M 342 \-i 211, 285, 290, 3OO, 342, 346, t-t 207, 211, 258, 343, 346, 352a 352 m-m 258, 317 0-0 285 v-x' 152 u-w 207.211,258,284,317,343 i-v 147.290 1-/ 152, 284, 339 p-v 284 !-/• 203 p-m6 207, 285 ng-ng 285, 346 Identical 317, 346 Terminal abrasion 343 Consonant identity. . . . 152, 203 Vowel identity 211 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 207, 258, 284, 285, 290, 300, 338, 339, 342, 352 Terminal abrasion. . 147 Terminal abrasion 147, 343 Terminal accretion .... 339 68 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. BIERIAN. Polynesian 52 Quality 48 a a, e, o, u e e, a, i 00 \ i, u u u, i 1 /, m, — ng ng, m n n, I m m h h s h, s v u f /, v, b k k t t, d, s, h p b, m a-a 156, 199, 207, 216, 217, 240, 1— 364 256, 258, 260, 263, 270, 278, ng-ng 285, 309, 336, 350 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 300, ng-m 199 302, 309, 312, 313, 315, 317, kk 156, 258, 297, 300, 302, 305, 318, 322, 323, 324, 340, 352, 323 364 n-n 156, 292, 317, 321 a-e 320, 350 n-Z 259 a-o 148, 350 hh 278, 340, 352 a-u 252 s-.y 323 e-e 210,290,311,318 s-h 252,263,298,344 e-a 240 t-t 148, 199, 216, 217, 256, 258, e-i 297 270, 293, 294, 302, 318, 324, \-i 259, 270, 290, 291, 297, 298, 358 300, 302, 312, 321, 323, 329, t-d 210 35o, 352 t-s 350, 352, 356 \-u 365 t-h 329 0-0 252, 259, 263, 285, 309, 311, mm 156, 216, 217, 258, 312, 313, 336 315,317,318,320,321,322, u-w 148, 216, 258, 270, 278, 292, 323, 324, 340 294, 298, 317, 320, 321, 344, v-w 291 358, 364 i-f 282, 290, 292 u-i 156, 329 f-v 210, 259, 293, 294, 329 \l 252,260,297,305,309,311, i-b 148 312, 315, 320, 336, 350 p-6 285 1-;;? 322 p-m 207 Identical 216, 217, 256, 258, 260, 270, 290, 292, 302, 312, 317, 318, 323, 324, 336, 340, 358 Consonant identity. . . . 156, 297, 320 Vowel identity 263 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 199, 210, 294 Terminal abrasion. .285 Terminal abrasion 207, 305, 356 Frontal abrasion 313 Frontal accretion 210, 256, 263, 278, 293. 297, 298, 302, 309, 311, 312, 315, 320, 336, 344, 358 Terminal accretion .... 344 Metathesis 321 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 69 BOUGAINVILLE. BRIERLY ISLAND. BRUMER ISLAND. a-a 192, 35° a-a 294, 317, 324, a-a 324 \i 259, 350 340, 347 \-i 298 i-e 149 e-e" 190 u-u 298, 344 0-0 259 Q-i 190, 347 s-s 344 \-l 192, 350 h-6- 340 s-sh 298 I-y 149 t-/ 324, 347 t-t 324 ng-wa 35° t-k 294 k-& 149 n-n 317 n-/ 259 m-ra 317, 324, 340 t-t 192 i-p 294 t-nd 350 p-6 190 f-h 259 p-/> 192 BUGOTU. Polynesian 33 Quality 79 a a, at, 0 e e, a o 0, a i i u w, 0 1 /, r, t, th ng wa n n, ng, gn m m, r h h s h v m6 f v k k, g t t, nd, th p p, mb a-a 147, 213, 214, 217, 239, 275, ng-ng 213, 285, 309, 346 284, 309, 312, 313, 316, 317, k-k 251 322, 328, 338, 339, 346, 351, kg 275, 301, 305, 306, 338 352 n-n 147, 290, 317, 330 a-ai 290 n-ng 351 a-o 275 n-gn 328 e-e 122, 257, 290, 338 h-h 278, 298, 338, 339, 352 e-a 272 s-h 239, 251 a 285, 290, 298, 305, 312, 313, t-t 217, 306, 343 ,346, 352 329, 330, 346, 352 t-nd 329 0-0 147, 285, 309 t-th 343 o-a 257 mm 217, 257, 312, 313, 316, 317, U-U 239, 272, 278, 284, 298, 306, 322, 328 316, 317, 328, 329, 330, 351 m-r 322 U-0 343 \-mb 291 I-J 257, 305, 312, 313, 316 f-v 122, 147, 213, 214, 272, 290, \-r 272, 284, 322 329 \-t 339 p-p 284 \-th 309 p-mb 285 Identical 217,251,278,312,313,316,317,330,346,352 Consonant identity. . . .301, 305 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 147, 2 13, 2 14, 239, 284, 285, 290, 298, 306, 309, 329, 338, 339, 35 1 Frontal accretion 272, 275, 305, 328 Terminal accretion. . . . 339, 351 70 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. BUKA. Polynesian 24 Quality 70 a a, c, u e e, a, 0 o 0, a, u i i, a, e u u, a, 0 1 /, r, nd ng nq, n n n, gn, I m ;;/ h .9 s s, h V f h k — t /, d, ,? p b, mb, v, w a-a 207, 217, 313, 318, 324, 328, 35o, 352, 360 a-e 158, 300, 308 a-M 239 e-e 190, 318, 363 e-a 190, 257 e-o 247 \-i 259, 285, 300, 308, 343, 350, 352 ■-a 355 i-e 298, 313, 330 0-0 259, 285, 263 o-a 355 o-w 285 U-« 158, 207, 237, 247, 298, 306, 328, 330, 344 U-a 343 u-o 298, 360 1-/ 3i3» 350 1 ' 257, 355 \ nd 308 ng-ng 285, 308, 350 ng-w 285 k — 300, 306 tin 259, 330, 343 ti-gn 328 n-/ 259 h-J 352, 362 S-s 298, 343, 344 s-h 239 t-f 207, 217, 306, 318, 324, 350, 352, 355 t-d 350 t-s 247 mm 158, 217, 258, 313, 318, 324, 328 '-* 259, 360, 363 p-b 190, 285 p-mb 207 pv 247 p-w 1 90 Identical Terminal abrasion Consonant identity . Vowel identity Terminal abrasion . Frontal accretion . . . Terminal accretion . .217, 318, 324, 328, 350, 352 •344 •330 .207, 285, 306 .285 .158, 239, 285, 298, 306, 308 •257, 308 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 71 BULULAHA. Polynesian 19 Quality 74 e e ng ng a a I / II n h s s s O O U It, m ;» V w f h k— t t, - P P 217, 239, 250, 291, 300, 301, k— 250, 300, 301, 306 309, 317, 350, 351. 352, 360 n-w 259, 317. 33o 190 h-s 352 259, 291, 300, 329. 33o, 350, S-S 239, 298, 35i 352 u 329 259, 309 t— 217, 306, 35o, 352 239. 298, 306, 317. 329, 330, m-m 217, 317 35i, 360 V-W 291 301 f-h 259. 329. 360 309. 35o P-P 190 a a e-e \-i 0-0 u-u u-i \l ng «2 309, 35o Identical 190, 300, 309, 317, 330 Consonant identity .217 Vowel identity .... 250, 306, 350, 332 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity. .259, 291, 329, 360 Frontal abrasion . . 35 1 Frontal accretion. .239, 298 DKNI. Polynesian i i Quality 63 a (/, ( ', >< e 0 0 i /' 1 / n u It ng m in h h, - s v b f V k k t t, k p mb a-a 214. 278, 324. 339, 360 h-h 339 a-e 307, 335 h— 278 sl-h 307, 324 t-t 306, 358 \-i 194 t-k 324 0-0 285 m-;» 324 u-u 194. 2 12, 278, 306, 335- 3 58 v-b 307 1 / 194. 212, 307, 335, 339 f-v 214. 360 k-k 194. 306 p-mb 285 I den tical 194- 212,2 78, 306, 339, Consonant mutation : 358 Vow el identity. .28; 5 72 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. DUFAURE ISLAND. a- a e-e e-a \-i \-u o-o o-u u-u u-a u-o 1 / \r a-a u-w 167 167 167 \-n ng- 167 167 DUKE OF YORK. Polynesian Quality 38 79 a a e e, i i, u ng ng, n k k, — 74, 147, 164, 169, 207, 214, 217, 275, 290, 292, 294, 300, 309, 3i3, 3i6, 318, 320, 324, 328, 35o, 352 122 272, 290 149, 169, 269, 290, 300, 312, 3i3, 3i9. 321, 327, 35o, 352 321, 329 269, 336 285, 325 207, 272, 292, 316, 320, 327, 328, 329, 332, 343, 358 325 3H H9. 164, 309, 312, 313, 3i4, 316, 336, 350 320, 332 1 I, r n n h— s t t, nd o o, u u u, a, 0 m m v f b, w, P ft ng-w 74 k-k 149, 269, 275 k — 300 n-n 147, 169, 290, 292, 321, 328, 343 352 74, 164, 207, 217, 269, 294, 318, 324, 325, 343, 350, 352, 358 329 mm 217, 312, 313, 314, 316, 318, 319, 320, 321, 324, 325, 327, 328 122, 147, 169, 214, 290, 292, 294, 329 h- U t-nd f-w ng-ng 169, 285, 309, 336, 350 Identical i-b f— p-b 272 360 207, 285 Terminal abrasion Consonant identity . Consonant mutation : Vowel identity. . . Terminal abrasion Terminal abrasion 217, 269, 275, 313, 316, 320, 324, 327, 328, 336, 35o, 352, 358 74. 149, 309, 312, 318, 343 321, 325 122, 147, 169, 207, 214, 272, 292, 300 294 74, 147, 164, 169, 207, 217, 231, 275, 290, 292, 294, 300, 309, 313, 316, 318, 320, 324, 328, 350, 352 Frontal accretion 272, 332 Terminal accretion 164, 169, 300, 314, 320, 336, 358 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 73 EPI. Polynesian 14 Quality 43 a a, u e a, 0 o 0, a i i u u, i 1 I, r ng n n m m h h s j- V f V k k t / p t, 7726 a-a 200 \-r 75 a-w 202 k-k 202 e-a 47, 186 n-n 286, 330, 343 e-o 363 h-h 47, 363 i-* 47, 200, 330 s-s 343 0-0 75, 363 t-t 47, 75 0-a 186 m-i;j 200, 202 u-u 75, 200, 212, 330, 343 f-v 363 u-t 212, 286, 330 p-v 186 1-/ 200, 212 p-mb 286 Identical 75, 200, 330, 343 Consonant identity. . . .202, 212 Terminal abrasion 286 Frontal abrasion 75 Frontal accretion 186, 202, 343 74 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. EROMANGA. Polynesian 26 Quality 58 a a, e, 1, 0, u e e 00 i i, c, 0 u k, e, 0 1 /, r, h ng ng, g n n m m h h, s s s V 11 f v, p, b, s k k, h t /, d, s p />, w/> a a 218, 270, 274, 294, 337, 338, ng- 218, 361 Identical 194, 218, 270, 274, 285, 337 Terminal abrasion. . .312, 349 Consonant identity. . . .217, 317 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 282, 350, 360 Terminal abrasion. . .273, 294 Terminal abrasion 206, 273, 290, 294, 312, 329, 338, 349 Frontal accretion 270, 273, 282, 291, 312 Terminal accretion. . . .218, 305, 317, 337 POLYNESIAN REUCS IN MELANESIA. 75 FAG AN I. Polynesian 39 Quality 82 a a, e, i, 0 e e, a o o, a i i, e, u u 11 1 r ng ng n n, ng, ! m >// h ^ s s v / f /, v k &, , &, / a-a H7, 214, 217, 239, 250, 258, k-k H9. 250 278, 292, 294, 300, 307, 309, k-g 214, 251, 258, 300, 357 312, 313, 316, 318, 324, 328, tin i47, 290, 292, 317. 328, 33o, 342, 350, 352, 357, 360 342 a-e 290 n-nq 35i at 292 n-l 259 a-o 250 h-s 352£ \ e-e 190, 257, 290, 318 S-s 239, 251, 298, 342, 35 1 e-a 122, 272 t-t 258 \-i 149, 259, 273, 278, 285, 300, t-k 329, 350 312, 329, 330, 342, 350, 352& t— 294, 318, 352, 357, 358 i-e 290 t-w 217 \-u 298, 313 m-m 217, 257, 258, 312, 313, 316, 0-0 147. 259, 285, 309. 357 317. 318, 324, 328 o-a 257 v-/ 307 U-tt 239, 258, 272, 2 73, 292, 294. t-f 122, H7> 214. 2 59. 290, 292, 298, 316, 317. 328, 329. 33o, 294, 329, 360 35L 358, 360 f-v 272, 2 73 1 -;■ 257, 313, 272, 316, 278, 350, 307- 358 309. 312, V-P p-6 190 285 ng-w^ 278, 285, 309, 35o P7 250 Identical 147, 190, 239, 294, 309, 312, 316, 317, 328, 330, 342, 36o Consonant identity- • • 122, 257, 272, 290, 292, 298, 313 Vowel identity 217 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 214, 258, 259, 273, 278, 285, 300, 307, 318, 329, 350, 352 Terminal abrasion 324 Frontal abrasion 351, 352 Frontal accretion 298, 351 Terminal accretion. . . .257 76 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. GOG. Polynesian 38 Quality 76 a a, e e e, 0 00 i i, e, u u u, a, i, 0 1 /, r, ng, nd ng ng, n n n, ng m m h s s s X V, w i v, w k g, w t t, m p b, v, mb, kpw 3L-a 123, 147, 203, 214, 217, 239, ng-n 285 268, 301, 307, 309, 313, 3i7, k-0 I5i. 251, 300, 301, 33», 357 318, 322, 324, 328, 339, 356 k-w 306 a-e 324 n-n 147, 31?, 328, 343 e-e 122, 190 n-w^ 342 e-o 272 h-$ 206, 338, 339 \-i 154, 312, 313, 342 s-s 203, 239, 25i, 278, 342 i-e 300 " t-t 268, 306, 318, 324, 343, 356, \-u 206 357, 358 0-0 147, 285, 309, 336, 356, 357 t-m 217 u-u 239, 284, 298, 306, 343, 358 m-w 217, 312, 313, 317, 3i», 322, u-a 151 324, 328 11-* 301 v-t; 307 u-o 272 v-w 206 U 123, 154, 203, 284, 307, 309, f-v 122, 147, 214 312, 313, 339 f"w 272, 36o \ r 268, 272, 322, 336, 358 p-r 284 \-ng 123 V-b 190 \-nd 335 p-w6 151 ng-n^ 154, 298, 309, 336 p-kpw 285 Identical 239, 309, 313, 356, 35§ Terminal abrasion. . .154, 203, 268, 307, 312, 317, 318, 328, 336, 343 Consonant identity. . . 301, 324 Vowel identity 217, 306 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 147, 214 Terminal abrasion. . . 190, 206, 284, 285, 338, 339, 342, 357 Terminal abrasion 151, 154. 190, 206, 268, 284, 285, 300, 306, 307, 312, 317, 318, 324, 328, 338, 342, 343 Frontal accretion 203, 272, 298, 301, 312, 339 Terminal accretion. . . .122, 336 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 77 GUADALCANAL Polynesian 6 Quality 66 a a e a oo \ i u u, i 1 r, - ng ng n n m m h ta s s v f z> k t p b 98, 309 a-a 278, 309, 328 ng-ng 285, 2 e-a 272 n-n 328 i-i 285 h-tfz. 278 0-0 285, 309 S-i- 298 u-u 272, 278, 298, 328 m-ra 328 u-i 298 f-v 272 \r 272 p-b 285 1— 309 Identical 278, 3: Consonant identity .... 296 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 285 IAI. Polynesian 5 Quality 40 ng k k a-a 324 a-e 294 a-o 318 \-i i94, 259 0-0 259 u-u 194 VL-0 294 k-k 194 a a, e, 0 0 0 u u, 0 1 r n n m m h s V f v, - t t, k p \-r 194 n-n 259 U 294 t-k 318, 324 m-ra 318, 324 i-v 294 f— 259 Identical 194 Vowel identity 324 78 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. KABADI. Polynesian 3 Quality 33 a-a 74, 292 \-i 330 \-u 74 u-u 292, 330 Identical 33» ng-n 74 n-n 292, 330 t-fe 74 i-v 292 KABAKADA. Polynesian 6 Quality '50 a-a 147, 214, e-a 122 i-i 327 0-0 147 o-« 285 u-u 320, 327 1-/ 327 320 \r Ug-ng n-n m-m f-w p-6 ^20 285 i47 320, 327 i47, 214 285 Identical 21 4- 320, 327 KAIJL. a-a 294. 322. 1? 312 I-tt 329 0-?* 296 11-7/ 329 1 / 312. 322 Polynesian 6 Quality 17 n-n 296 h-s 352 t-* 294. 352 t-cW 329 mm -1 12 122 f-fc 294, 296, 329 Identical 312 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 79 KING. Polynesian 32 Ouauty 53 a a, e, t, o, u e e, a, i, 0 o o, a, i, u i i, e, u u u, i 1 /, r ng ng, n n n, ng m m h s s s V f v, w, p k. k t /, (/. k, n p 6, mb a-<7 147, 213, 217, 258, 294, 309, 1/ 309, 312, 313, 336, 349, 350 313, 318, 324, 329, 350, 352 !-/• 320, 358 a-e 151, 323 ng-ng 213, 264, 309, 336, 350 3L-i 320, 323 ng-« 74, 151 a-o 213 k-k 196 R-11 74, 266 n-n 147, 15 r, 296, 321 e-e 151 n-m7 266, 342, 343 e"« 313 hr* 47, 352, 363 e'* 47 8-J 264, 323, 342, 343, 344 e-o 247, 363 t-i 74, 196, 217, 247, 258, 266, \ i 47, 196, 312, 319, 321, 323, 294, 318, 324, 350, 352, 358 352 t-d 47 i-e 342 t-k 349 i-u 74 t-« 329 0-0 196, 336, 363 m-m 217, 258, 312, 313, 318, 319, 0-0 264 320, 321, 323, 324 0-1 349 f-v 147, 213, 363 o-it 296 i-w 294, 329 u -it 258, 320, 321, 329, 343, 344, i-p 296 358 p-ft 247 U-/ 247, 296 p-77i^ I5I Identical 196, 217, 321, 324, 336, 358 Terminal abrasion. . .309, 318, 344 Consonant identity- ■ 264, 312, 313, 320, 350 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 343, 352 Terminal abrasion . . . 294 Terminal abrasion. . . .266, 294, 309, 318, 329 Frontal abrasion 151 Frontal accretion 213, 266, 312, 318, 358 Terminal accretion. . . . 147, 213, 264, 336, 343 Metathesis 196 80 THH POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. LAKON. Polynesian 32 Quality 75 a a, e, i e a, e o o, a i i, e u u, an 1 /, ng, dr ng ng, n n n m m h h s s, h v f t;, w k g, w t t, m p p, v, kpw a-a 123, 147, 193, 214, 217, 239, ng-ng 309, 350 292, 301, 309, 313, 317, 318, ng-n 285 324, 328, 335, 337, 35o, 35i k-g 193, 275, 301 a-e 275, 324, 350 k-w 251, 306 a-i 275 n-w 147, 292, 328, 351 e-e 190 h-/i 206, 278 e-a 122 s-fc 239, 351 I-» J93, 3i3 s"^ 337 i-e 206, 312 t-* 306, 318, 343, 350, 356 0-0 147, 285, 356 t-ra 217 0-a 123 m-w 217, 312, 313, 317, 318, 328 u-u 278, 284, 292, 306, 328, 335, i-v 122, 147, 193, 214, 272, 292 343, 35i f"w 2o6> 36o u-au 239 p-p 190 1-Z 123, 284, 309, 312, 313, 350 pv 284 \-ng 123 p-fe/>w 285 l-dr 335 Identical 214, 313, 328, 337, 351 Terminal abrasion. . . 190, 278, 309, 318, 343, 356 Consonant identity. . . .312, 317, 324, 350 Vowel identity 217 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 147, 285 Terminal abrasion. . . 193, 206, 284, 292, 306, 351 Terminal abrasion 190, 193, 206, 217, 278, 284, 292, 301, 306, 309, 312, 317, 318, 343, 351, 356 Frontal accretion 272, 301, 312 Terminal accretion. . . .328, 335, 350 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 81 LAMASSA. Polynesian 29 Quality 69 a a, e, u e e, a, o o u i i, e, u u u, 0, i 1 /, r, nl ng ng, n n n, ng m m h s s .y v f /, t, />, — , w k fe t 2, fc, rt p &, w6, m a-a 213, 216, 292, 294, 309, 313, k-k 196 316, 317, 318, 324, 350 |! n-n 292, 296, 317, 343 a-e i5*» 35o n-w<7 266, 342 a-w 74, 266 h-s 47, 280, 363 e-e 151, 190 s-j 342, 344 e-o 47 t-< 47, 74, 196, 247, 266, 294, e-o 247 318, 324, 342, 350, 358 \-i 47, 196, 312, 313, 319, 342 t-k 216 i-e 342 t-n 329 i-w 74 m-*» 216, 312, 313, 316, 317, 318, o-w 196, 285, 296, 363 319, 324 u-w 247, 292, 316, 329, 343, 344, f-/ 292, 294 358 i-v 280, 363 u-o 216 i-p 296 lit 317, 343 i-w 329 1-/ 309, 312, 313, 350 f— 213 \-nl 316 p-b 190, 247 \-r 358 p-mfe 151, 285 ng-ng 213, 285, 309, 350 p-w 190 ng-n 74, 151 Identical 313, 319, 324, 344, 358 Terminal abrasion. . .292, 294, 309, 312, 318 Consonant identity. . . . 196, 213, 317, 343, 350 Vowel identity 316 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 47, 247 Terminal abrasion . . .151, 363 Terminal abrasion 190, 266, 280, 285, 292, 294, 296, 309, 312, 318, 329, 342, 363 Frontal abrasion 151, 213, 216 Frontal accretion 216, 289, 344, 358 Terminal accretion . . . .213 82 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. LAMBELL. Polynesian 32 Quality 8 1 a a, e, 0, u e e, a, o 00, u i i, u u u, a, i, 0 1 /, r ng ng, n n n, ng m m h s s s V f p, h k k t /, k, n p 6, m6 a-a 74, 347, 213, 216, 292, 294, 1 >- 320, 358 309, 312, 316, 317, 318, 324, ag-ng 213, 264, 309, 336, 346, 350 346, 35o, 352 ng-n 74 a-e 151, 342 k-k 149, 196 a-o 321 n-n 147, 151, 292, 296, 317, 343 3l-u 266 n-ng 266, 342 Q-e 151, 190 h-s 47, 352 e-a 47 s-s 264, 342, 344, 346 e-o 247 U 47, 74, 196, 247, 266, 294, i-t 47, 149, 196, 312, 319, 342, 318, 324, 343, 346, 350, 352, 346, 352 358 \-u 74 t-k 216 0-0 196, 264, 336 t-w 329 o-u 296 mm 216, 312, 316, 317, 318, 319, u-u 247, 292, 329, 343, 344, 358 320, 324 u-a 316 f-/> 296 ui 317, 343 i-h 147, 213, 292, 294, 329 u-o 216, 320 p-b 190, 247 1-/ 149, 309, 312, 316, 336, 350 p-mb 151 Identical 196, 312, 319, 324, 336, 346, 358 Terminal abrasion. . .149, 264, 309, 318, 344 Consonant identity. ... 74, 247, 316, 317, 343, 350 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 47, 213, 292, 342, 352 Terminal abrasion. . .147, 151, 294 Terminal abrasion 147, 149, 264, 266, 294, 296, 318, 329 Frontal abrasion 151 Frontal accretion 190, 264, 318, 344, 358 Terminal accretion. . . .213, 336 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 83 LAUR. Polynesian 28 Quality 75 a a, e, u e e, a, i, 000, i, u i i U u, i, o, h 1 I, r ng ng, n n n, nq m m h s s J V f v, h kg t t, n p b, mb a-a 156, 216, 217, 292, 294, 309, 1 ; 257 313, 3i5, 3i6, 317, 318, 324, ng-no 309, 35o 35o, 352 ng-w 151 a-e 295 kg 156 a-w 266 n-w 151, 156, 292, 296, 317 e-e 151, 190 n-ng 266, 342 e-o 47 h ^ 47, 352, 363 e-* 257 s-* 343, 344 e-o 247 t-t 47, 216, 217, 292, 294, 309, it 47, 295, 312, 313, 319, 350 313, 315, 316, 317, 318, 324, 0-0 363 350, 352 o-i 257 t-n 329 O-u 296 mm 156, 216, 217, 257, 312, 313, u-w 156, 216, 292, 316, 329, 344 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 324 u-i 247 f-v 363 no 343 f-h 292, 294, 296, 329 U-h 295 p-b 190, 247 1-/ 295, 309, 312, 313, 315, 316, p-mb 151 350 Identical 217, 313, 334, 344, 350 Terminal abrasion. . .309, 312, 317, 318, 319 Consonant identity. . . .257, 315, 316 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 47, 190, 292 Terminal abrasion. . .151, 156, 294, 352, 363 Terminal abrasion 151, 156, 266, 294, 296, 309, 312, 315, 317, 318, 3i9. 329, 343, 352, 363 Frontal abrasion 151 Frontal accretion 216, 352 Terminal accretion. . . .216, 257, 316 84 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. a-a i-i u-u \l LEMARORO. 258, 274 274 258 2 74 LEON. ng-na k— t-l 274 258 258 Polynesian 10 Quality 90 a a, e, 0 e e, i 0 0 i i 1 /, r U 0 ng n n h s ^ m m V w f V k g t— p a-a 147, 214 a-e 193, 318, 337 a-o 292, 307 e-e 122 e-i 203 i-i 193 0-0 u-o \-l \r k-g n-w 187 292 307 203 i93 i47, 187, 292 s-s t— mm \-w i-v 203, 337 3i8 3i8 307 122, 147, 193, 214, 292 Identical Terminal abrasion . Consonant identity . . Consonant mutation : Vowel identity Terminal abrasion . . .214 187 • 203, 122, • 147, Terminal abrasion . . . 147, 187, 193, 203, 292, 318 318, 337 Frontal accretion 187 Terminal accretion. . . 122 214 Metathesis 139 193 LIFU. Polynesian 7 Quality 42 a a, e e i 0 0 i i 1 n n h u u ng m m s k k a-a a-e e-i i-i 214, 361 318, 324 318 259. 33o Identical Terminal abrasion Frontal abrasion . . . 0-0 u-u k k n-n 2 59, 324 214 t k 259 326, 330, 361 361 259, 33o 33o, 361 V f P P t-k 318, 324 m-ra 318, 324, 326 v-P 361 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 85 LO. Polynesian 37 Quality 84 a a, e, i, 0 e e, a, i 00 \ i, u u u, i \ I, r, h ng nq, n, g n n, ng m m, mw, ng h j s h V v, p, w f v, w, h kg t t, nd p p, kw a-a 152, 169, 193, 195, 214, 217, k-g 149, 169, 193, 195, 251, 300, 290, 300, 301, 312, 324, 328, 301, 305, 306, 357 339, 35o n-n 147, 169, 290, 317, 321, 328, a-e 147, 169, 309, 313, 316, 318, 343 35i n-n^ 351 a-* 307 h-j 339 a-o 317 s-/i 169, 239, 251, 351 e-e I22 t-t 195, 306, 318, 324, 343, 356, e-i 190, 193 357, 358 e-a 290 t-nd 350 l-» 149, 169, 290, 300, 305, 312, m-w 217, 312, 316, 317, 318, 324, 313, 35o 328 \-u 321 m-mw 313 0-0 285, 307, 336, 356, 357 m-ng 316 u-m 212, 306, 316, 343, 351, 358 y-v 152 U-i 239 y-p 291 1-/ 212, 305, 307, 309, 312, 313, \-W 307 3l6, 350 f-V 122, 147, 193, 214, 290 \-r 149, 152, 336 i-w 290 \-h 335 i-h 169 ng-w^ 309, 336, 350 p-p 190 ng-w 285 p-kw 285 ng-^ 169 Identical 214, 312, 324, 358 Terminal abrasion. . . 152, 212, 328, 336, 343, 356 Consonant identity- • • 152, 190, 217, 309, 316, 317, 318, 321 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 169, 193, 195, 214, 285, 300, 305, 313, 350, 351 Terminal abrasion. . . 149, 306, 357 Terminal abrasion 122, 147, 149, 152, 190, 195, 212, 306, 309, 317, 318, 321, 328, 339, 343, 356 Frontal abrasion 217, 239 Frontal accretion 290, 301, 312, 339, 351 Terminal accretion .... 305, 336 86 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. MAEWO. Polynesian 39 Quality 87 a a, e, 0 e e, i 00 i i, u u u, i 1 /, r, nd ng ng, n n n, I m m h s s ^ v nib, — f v, w, — k k, g, w t t, nd p b, w, kmbw a-a 147, 152, 193, 214, 215, 239, ng-w 285 278, 284, 292, 309, 312, 313, k-fe 149 316, 317, 318, 324. 328, 346, kg 193, 214, 301, 357 352 k-w 306 a-e 272, 291, 301, 337 n-rc 147, 292, 317, 328 a-o 335 n-l 259 e-e 153, 190, 318 h-s 206, 215, 278, 352 Q-i 152, 303 s-^ 203, 239, 298, 337, 346 i-t 149, 193, 215, 259, 291, 298, t-t 306, 318, 324, 346, 352, 357, 312, 313, 329, 346 358 \-u 206 t-nd 329 0-0 147, 153, 206, 259, 285, 309, mm 312, 313, 316, 317, 318, 324, 336, 357 328 u-w 212, 239, 272, 278, 284, 292, \-mb 291 298, 306, 316, 317, 328, 329, v— 152 335, 358 f-v H7, 193, 214, 215, 272, 292 u-i 301 f-w 206, 259 1-/ 152, 153, 212, 284, 309, 312, f— 329, 360 313, 316 p-& 190 \ r 149, 203, 336, 358 p-w 284 \-nd 335 p-few6w285 ng-ng 309, 336, 346 Identical 149, 153. 212, 239, 298, 309, 312, 313, 316, 317, 318, 324, 328, 329, 336, 346, 358 Consonant identity .... 203, 337 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 147, 190, 193, 214, 215, 259, 272, 278, 284, 285, 291, 292, 306 Terminal abrasion. . .352, 357 Frontal accretion 272, 298, 312 Terminal accretion. . . .212, 259, 298, 301,324, 335, 346, 358 MAI. a-a 281 s-.? 281 u-n 281 x-b 281 \-r 281 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 87 MAKURA. Polynesian 13 Quality 92 a a, 1 s e e 0 i *', u I I, r u it, i ng n, g n n h h s m m V f v, - k ngg, k t / P a a 74, 335, 290, 302, 309, 352 312, 3i 7, ng-« ng-? 74 309 a-e 165 k-k 306 e-e 290, 297 k-ngg 297, 302 \-i 74, 165, 290, 297, 302 , 3: 12 n-n 290, 3i7, 321 \-u 321 \\-h 352 U-M 273, 32r, 335 t-t 74, 165, 302, 306, 352 u~i 306 m-iii 312, 3i7, 321 M 297, 309, 312, 335 f-v 290 \r 165 f— 273 Identical 312 Consonant mutation: Terminal abrasion. 3 17, 352 Vowel identity. . . 74, 290, 297, 302 Consonant identity. .165, 306, 321 Terminal abrasion . 309 Vowel identity 273 Terminal abrasion. . .273, 306, 309, 317, 352 Frontal accretion. . . .321 MALANTA. a-e 312, 324 1-/ 312 \-i 312 m-m 312, 324 MALEKULA. Polynesian 68 Quality 51 a a, e, i, 0, it e e, i, ou 00, i, u i i, e, u u, u, e, i I /, r ng ng, n, g, m n, n, r m m h s, j s -y v v, w, u, pw f v, p, b, — , /, mbw k k, kit, g, h, — t t, j, r p p, b, mb 88 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. MALEKULA— Continued. a-a 74, 147, 157, 161, 193, 199, k-k 194, 217, 297, 323 217, 239, 252, 302, 309, 312, k-kh 251 316, 324, 339, 340, 345, 350, kg 211, 301, 306 360 k-h 193, 258, 300, 302 a-e 74, 121, 156, 254, 258, 274, k— 156, 251, 301 292, 318, 323, 324, 346, 239 n-w 147, 156, 157, 217, 242, 254, a-* 157, 208, 252, 294, 315, 317, 292, 317, 321, 328 352 ll-r 259 a-o 258, 320 h-s 47, 278, 339, 352, 363 aw 148, 328, 364 h-;' 340 e-e 47, 210 s-j- 239, 252, 323, 344 e-i 121, 297 t-t 47, 74, 148, 161, 199, 208, e-oti 247 210, 211, 217, 247, 258, 270, \-i 47, 74, 193, 194, 217, 242, 294, 306, 324, 345, 346, 347, 254, 259, 289, 297, 300, 302, 352, 356, 358, 359 312, 321, 35o t-j 208, 227, 289, 302, 318, 329 i-e 211,254,319 t-r 276,294,350 i-w 362 mm 156, 161, 254, 258, 312, 315, 0-0 252, 259, 287, 356, 363 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 323, o-i 252 324, 328, 340 O-U 285, 362 Y-pW 242 u-w 77, 156, 194, 228, 239, 246, v-w 242 270, 278, 289, 292, 306, 316, v-w 291 344, 358, 359, 360, 364 \-v 121 u-t 211, 247, 329, 359 f-/ 287, 292 u-e 239 f-v 147, 161, 193, 210, 294, 329 1-/ 252, 316 i-p 246 \r 121, 194, 228, 252, 287, 289, i-b 148, 259, 363 297, 309, 312, 315, 320, 335, f-mbw 157 339, 35o, 362, 364 f— 360 ng-ng 246, 285, 346, 350 p-p 121 ng-n 74, 274 p-b 247, 289 n&-9 3°9 p-mb 285 ng-m 199 Identical 74, 77, 194, 239, 312, 316, 324, 358, 345 Terminal abrasion . . . 344, 356 Consonant identity. . . . 156, 194, 239, 252, 254, 270, 317, 323, 328, 346, 359 Vowel identity 210, 285, 335 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 47, 242, 246, 289 Terminal abrasion. . 147, 306, 363, 292, 300, 309 Terminal abrasion 121, 147, 156, 161, 193, 199, 208, 217, 228, 242, 246, 258, 274, 278, 292, 294, 300, 306, 315, 317, 318, 320, 321, 323, 328, 329, 340, 344, 346, 352, 356, 363 Frontal abrasion 251, 350 Frontal accretion 72, 148, 239, 252, 274, 285, 301, 321, 360 Terminal accretion 77, 148, 239, 321, 325, 335, 347, 360 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 89 MALO. Polynesian 6i Quality 65 a a, \ l, 0 e e, a, i, 0 0 0, * i i, e, U u, a , e, i, c t I /, r ng ng, n, mo n n m m, t h s s .y V f u b, u k k, g, v, - t *, d , s P b, v, bu a-a 121, 124, 147, 148, 193, 199, \r 121, 194, 203, 305, 308, 335, 203, 207, 217, 218, 228, 239, 336, 354, 358, 359 252, 254, 258, 266, 270, 290, ng-ng 285, 309, 336, 346 292, 293, 300, 301, 302, 308, ng-n 308 309, 312, 313, 316, 318, 320, ng-wo 199 324, 335, 337, 338, 339, 340, k-ife 258, 297, 3or, 302, 338, 353 346, 347, 352, 356 k-g 193 a-i 208 k-v 194 a-o 121, 203 k— 193, 305, 306 e-e 124, 190. 297, 311, 318, 338, n-n 147, 266, 290, 292, 321 354 hs 47, 206 e-a 47, 121 s-s 203, 239, 252, 337, 338, 339, e-i 208, 290, 347 340, 344, 346, 352 e-o 247 t-t 47, 148, 199, 217, 247, 258, \-i 47, 193, 194, 206, 254, 266, 266, 270, 302, 306, 3i8, 324, 270, 290, 305, 312, 3X3, 321, 346, 347, 352, 356, 358, 359 346 t-d 208 i-e 297, 302, 308, 319 t-s 207, 293 \-u 305, 362 m-m 124, 217, 258, 266, 3*2, 313, 0-0 H7, 336, 206, 252, 285, 353, 356, 362 309, 3ii, m-t 316, 254 318, 319, 320, 324, 340 O-i 353 v-« 121 U-U 148, 289, 343, 194, 228, 239, 292, 306, 316, 344, 358, 359 258, 321, 270, 335, f-v l-b H7, 293 I48 193, 208, 2 54, 290, 292, u-a 320 i-u 206 u-e 359 p-b 121, 190, 207, 218, 247, 285, u-i 247, 301 289 U-o 266 p-bu I24 U 228, 312, 252, 289, 297, 313, 316, 320, 309, 339, 3". 362 p-v I90 217, 228, 2 39,25 2,258, Consonant mutation: 270,302,306,321,337, 309, 3", 312, 313, 316, 318,324,336,343,344, 346, 347, 356 Consonant identity. 203, 266, 302, 320, 353, 358, 359 Vowel identity .... 190 Vowel identity. . 147, 193, 199, 292, 218, „, . 254,335,354 Terminal abr . . .285 Terminal abrasion. 207, 352 Frontal abrasion. .193, 306 Frontal accretion. . 148, 203, 208, 293, 340 Terminal accretion. 194, 337, 316, 319, 335, 337 90 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. MARINA Polynesian 31 Quality 89 a a, e e e, a 00 \ i u u 1 I, r ng ng n n, I, — m m, n h s s v p, t f V kg t t, s p p, v a-a 147, 193, 214, 250, 278, 284, k-g 193, 214, 250, 301, 306, 357 292, 301, 309, 312, 317, 318, n-« 147, 292, 317, 328, 343 324,328,335,350,352,356 n-/ 321 a-e 291 n — 321 e-e 311, 318 h-s 278, 352 e"a 272 t-^ 306, 318, 324, 343, 352, 356, l-t 193, 285, 291, 312, 313, 350, 357, 358 352 t-s 350 0-0 285,309,311,336,356,357 \-t 318,321,328 u-n 212, 272, 278, 284, 292, 301, m-ra 312, 313, 317, 324 306, 317, 321, 328, 335, 343, mn 291 358 \-p 291 \l 212, 284, 309, 311, 312, 313, i-v \\-j, 193, 212, 214, 272, 292, 35o 360 1-r 335, 336, 358 V-P 285 ng-ng 285, 309, 336, 350 p-v 250, 284 Identical 285, 309, 311, 31S, 328, 335, 336, 343, 356, 358 Consonant identity. . . .272 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 193, 214, 278, 284, 292, 301, 306, 312, 313, 317, 324, 35o, 352 Terminal abrasion. . . 147, 212, 357 Terminal abrasion 147, 212, 306, 357 Terminal accretion 328, 336, 358 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 91 MATUPIT. Polynesian Quality i i 63 a a, e 1 x ng ng 1 r n n h s O o, a, u u u k— t * a-a 147, 214, 287, 320, 346, 352 ng-ng a-e 300 k — \-i 300, 346 n-n 0-0 244 t-t o-a 147, 287 m-w o-u 285 f-w u-zt 287, 320, 358 i-p \-r 244, 287, 320 p-b Identical 320, 348 Vowel identity 300 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 147, 214 Terminal abrasion . . . 244, 285 Terminal abrasion 147, 244, 285, 352 Frontal abrasion 74 Terminal accretion .... 300, 320 m m V f w, P P b 284, 346 300 147 74, 346, 352, 358 320 147, 214 287 244, 285 MELE. a-a 0-0 147 H7 n n f-/ H7 i47 92 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. MERLAV. Polynesian 40 Quality 77 a a, e, o e e, a 00 i i, u u u, a, i 1 I, r, t, nd, ng ng ng n n, ng m m, mw h s S s V T/, w6 f V, w k fe, g, w t t, m p b, mb, v a-a 123, 147, 193, 197, 207, 214, ng-ng 154, 197, 309 217, 239, 268, 307, 309, 313, k-fe 301 316, 317, 318, 322, 324, 328, kg 149, 151, i93. 251, 300, 338, 337, 338, 339 357 a-e 291, 301, 324 kit) 306 a-o 335 nn T47, 3i7. 328 e-e 151, 190, 210, 318, 338 n-w^ 342 e-a 122 h -^ 206, 338, 339 \-i 149, 154, 193, 291, 300, 312, s-s 239, 251, 337, 342 313, 342 t-t 207, 210, 268, 289, 306, 318, i-u 206 c 324, 357, 358 0-0 147, 206, 357 t-ra 217 n-u 207, 239, 284, 289, 306, 316, m-m 217, 313, 316, 317, 318, 322, 328, 358 324, 328 u-a 151 m-mw 312 u* 301, 335 v"^ 307 1-/ 123, 154, 197, 284, 289, 307, \-mb 291 309, 312, 316, 313, 329 f-v 122, 147, 193, 210, 214 1-; 149, 268, 322, 358 i-w 206, 360 U 335 p-6 190 \-nd 335 p-mb 151, 207, 289 \-ng 123 p-T> 284 Identical 239, 313, 316, 318, 324, 337, 358 Terminal abrasion. . .154, 197, 307, 309, 312, 317, 328 Consonant identity. . . .268, 301 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 147, 193, 207, 214, 289, 338 Terminal abrasion. . . 149, 190, 210, 284, 300, 306, 339, 342, 357 Terminal abrasion 123, 149, 151, 154, 190, 193, 197, 210, 217, 268, 284, 300, 306, 307, 312, 317, 328, 339, 342 Frontal accretion 149, 197, 301, 339 Terminal accretion. . . .122, 149, 312, 324, 337 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 93 MOAN US. Polynesian 23 Quality 83 a a, e, i e i 00 i i, u u u 1 I ng ng, n n n, nj m m h s s -y v u f p, mb, t, — k k, — t t, r, ndr p p, mb, v a-a 74- 126, 239, 291, 294, 308, tin 290, 317, 330 312, 317, 324, 328, 335, 345, n-nj 328 35o, 352, 360 h-s 352 2L-e 215, 290 s-j" 239 a-* 350 U 74, 126, 294, 305, 324, 345 e-i 190 t-r 329 i-i 215, 290, 291, 305, 312, 330, t-ndr 350, 352 350 mm 312, 317, 324, 328 \-u 305 \-u 291 0-0 126, 285 i-p 290, 294 vl-u 126, 239, 284, 317, 329, 330, i-mb 329, 360 335, 360 U 215 ng-w^r 285, 308, 350 f— 290 ng-n 74 p-p 190, 285 k-k 305 p-w& 284 k— 143 p-v 285, 290 1-/ 126, 284, 305, 308, 312, 335, 35o Identical 126, 239, 285, 312, 317, 324, 330, 335, 345 Terminal abrasion ... 74, 308 Consonant identity. ... 190 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 291, 350, 352, 360 Terminal abrasion. . .284, 294, 352 Terminal abrasion 74, 284, 285, 290, 294, 308, 328, 352 Frontal accretion 190, 239 Terminal accretion. . . .305, 317, 335 94 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. MOSIN. Polynesian 27 Quality 62 a a, e, 1, 0, u e e o o, e i i, e u u, 0 1 /, r, n, ng ng ng n n m w, mw h j s j- V w i v, w k 9, ng, w t t, m p w a-a 123, 147, 214, 217, 239, 309, \-n 335 317, 318, 328, 339, 357 ng-ng 154, 309, 336 a-e 193, 324 kg 193, 251, 300, 357 a-i 307 k-w# 301 a-o 316 k-w 306 a-M 272 n-w 147, 317, 328 e-e 122 h-j 339 \-i 193, 312 s-j- 239, 251 ie 154, 300 t-< 306, 318, 324, 343, 356, 357 0-0 307, 336, 356, 357 t-m 217 o-e 123 mm 217, 316, 317, 318, 324, 328 u-u 272, 306, 316, 343 m-mw 312 u-o 284 \-w 307 i-l 123, 154, 284, 307, 309, 312, f-V 122, I47, I93, 214 316, 339 i-w 272 1-;- 336 p-w 284 l-ng 123 Identical : Terminal abrasion. .239, 309, 312, 317, 318, 328, 336, 356 Consonant identity. . . 154, 316, 324 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 214, 339 Terminal abrasion. . . 147, 193, 306, 343 Terminal abrasion 147, 193, 214, 217, 239, 284, 300, 306, 309, 312, 317, 318, 328, 336, 339, 343, 356 Frontal accretion 272, 339 Terminal accretion 122, 154, 272, 301, 336, 339 POLYNESIAN REUCS IN MELANESIA. 95 MOTLAV. Polynesian 42 Quality 50 a a, e, i, 0, u e e, a o o, e \ i, e u u, i, o 1 /, r, ng ng ng, n n n, no, I m m, mw h h s /« v nib, w i v, w k g, ng t t, nd, m p b, w, kmbw a-a 123, 147, 169, 214, 217, 239. k-<7 l69, 193. 25i, 258, 300,306 318, 324, 339 k-ng 301 a-e 258, 309, 317, 322, 328, 337, n-H 147, 169, 290, 292, 317, 321, 346, 350 328, 351 a-i 307 n-ng 151 a-o 290, 307 n-/ 259 a-w 316 h-fc 339 e-e 151, 190 s-h 169, 239, 251, 337, 35i e-a 122 t-t 258, 306, 318, 324, 346, 356 \-i 154, 169, 290, 321 t-m 217 i-e 193, 259, 300, 312 t-nd 350 0-0 147, 259, 285, 336, 356 mm 217, 258, 316, 317, 318, 322, o-e 123 324> 328 U-ti 316 m-mw 312 U-i 306, 351 \-mb 291 u-o 239, 284, 292 v-w 307 1-/ 123, 154, 284, 307, 309, 312, f-V 122, 147, 193, 214, 290, 292 316, 339, 35o f-w 259, 360 \-r 322, 335, 336 p-6 190 >^?C5lCj>S. l-ng 123 p-w 284 /8^^— -OX" ng-wa 154.309,336,346,350 p-kmbw 151, 285 ZJ /^'^Vf "g- ^ 285 /Q3 A -^•■^ V^ 1 Identical 214, 324 Terminal abrasion. .154, 318, 321, 336, 339, 356 -**♦*< / Consonant identity. . . .316, 317, 328, 346 S^, \4?A8%>/'v Consonant mutation : \& w^ Vowel identity 122, 147, 169, 259, 285 Terminal abrasion. . . 190, 217, 258, 272 Terminal abrasion 151, 154, 190, 217, 258, 272, 300, 306, 309, 312, 317, 318, 328, 339, 346, 351 Frontal abrasion 151, 351 Frontal accretion 147, 193, 290, 301, 312, 339 Terminal accretion 122, 147, 336, 350 96 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. MOTA. a-a a-e a-i a-u e-e e-a e-i e-oi \-i i-a i-e i-o \-u o-o o-a o-i o-ai Polynesian Quality 123 92 a a, e, 1, u e e, a, i, oi o 0, a, i, ai 1 i, a, e, o, u u u, a, e, i, o, v 1 /, r, ng, n ng ng, g, n, m, n n, ng, I mm, mw h s s s V V, p, w, u f V, w, t k g, ng, w t t, s, r p p, v, kpw 75, 123, 147, 152, 156, 160, 169, 189, 192, 193, 197, 198, 199, 203, 207, 209, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 228, 230, 239, 240, 250, 252, 253, 254, 258, 262, 263, 267, 268, 270, 274, 276, 279, 283, 284, 287, 290, 292, 294, 295, 300, 301, 302, 307, 309, 3io, 312, 313, 316, 317, 3*8, 320, 322, 323, 324, 328, 335, 337, 338, 339, 34Q, 342, 344, 346, 347, 348, 351, 352, 356, 357. 360, 364 291 167 167 151, 152, 153, 189, 190, 257, 276, 290, 318, 338, 347, 363 47, 122, 240, 272 203, 297 247 47, i54» l69, 193, 206, 215, 223, 227, 241, 243, 254, 259, 270, 290, 291, 295, 300, 312, 313, 342, 346, 348, 355 34i 3i9 34i 362 75, 147, 153, 160, 192, 196, 197, 206, 248, 252, 259, 263, 267, 285, 309, 325, 336, 353, 355, 356, 357, 362, 363 205, 248, 257, 287, 331 353 123 u-u 167, 207, 212, 216, 228, 239, 240, 247, 258, 262, 270, 283, 284, 286, 287, 289, 292, 294, 298, 306, 316, 317, 320, 325, 326, 328, 335, 343, 351, 358, 368 u-a 151 u-e 30 1 u-*' 156, 359 u-o 360 u-v 295 [-1 75, 123, 153, 154, 161, 189, 197, 203, 212, 228, 252, 274, 284, 289, 295, 297, 307, 309, 310, 312, 313, 316, 339, 348, 362 1-r 152, 160, 192, 205, 241, 243, 248, 257, 262, 310, 322, 331, 336, 34i, 355, 358, 359, 364 1-w 335 l-ng 123 ng-ng 167, 197, 209, 230, 248, 274, 298, 309, 346 ng-9 154, 336 ng-m 199 ng-n 285, 343 k-g 151, 156, 169, 193, 196, 214, 227, 250, 251, 297, 300, 302, 323> 353, 357 k-ng 301 k-w 306 n-w 147, 156, 169, 227, 254, 286, 290, 292, 317, 321, 328, 351 n-ng 342 n-/ 259 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 97 MOT A— Continued . h-s 47, 206, 215, 331, 339, 340, m-mw 312, 313 363, 352 \-v 307 s-j 169, 198, 203, 205, 239, 251, v-p 291 252, 263, 323, 338, 341, 342, x-w 189, 206, 310 344, 35i, 205 v-M 310 t-t 47, 75, 160, 196, 199, 208, f-v 122, 147, 152, 193, 213, 214, 209, 217, 227, 247, 258, 267, 215, 223, 243, 254, 272, 283, 268, 270, 286, 289, 294, 302, 290, 292, 294 306, 318, 324, 325, 343, 346, i-w 360, 363, 259, 286, 287 347, 348, 353, 355, 356, 357, t-t 290 358, 359, 207 V-P l5*, J90, 192, 207, 247, 279, t-s 298 ' 289 t-r 276 p-v 250, 284 m-*» 75, 156, 198, 217, 230, 253, p-kpw 241, 285 254, 257, 258, 316, 317, 318, 319, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 328, 340 Identical 152, i53> i54» l6°> l67, 190, 192, 197. J98, 207, 209, 212, 216, 217, 228, 230, 239, 240, 252, 253, 258, 262, 263, 267, 268, 270, 279, 289, 307, 309, 316, 317, 318, 320, 324, 325, 328, 336, 337, 344, 346, 347, 348, 35i, 355, 356, 358, 364 Terminal abrasion. . . 75, 163, 203, 274, 327, 343 Consonant identity 205, 247, 248, 257, 272, 319, 321, 331, 341, 362 Vowel identity 259, 276, 298 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 47, H7, 156, 169, 189, 193, 199, 206, 208, 213, 214, 215, 227, 241, 243, 250, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 290, 292, 294, 295, 300, 306, 312, 313, 336, 338, 339. 340, 342, 363 Terminal abrasion. . .154, 196, 223, 254, 294, 302, 306, 310, 323, 343, 352, 358 Terminal abrasion 75, 151, 154, 196, 203, 223, 241, 243, 254, 272, 294, 297, 321, 323, 343, 346, 352, 358, 359 Frontal accretion 189, 190, 279, 301, 310, 312, 331 Terminal accretion 189, 190, 279, 301, 310, 312, 331 f 98 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. MOTU. Polynesian 56 Quality 85 a a e e, a, i, 000, u, ia i i, e, o, u, ei u u, a, o 1 I, r, - ng «, — n n m m h d s h, d v v f x>, /& k k, g. — , m t t p p, b a-a 125, 208, 214, 217, 268, 271, 1-/ 243, 268, 309, 310, 335, 339, 292, 293, 301, 309, 310, 312, 354, 362 3*3, 317, 3i8, 328, 334, 335, \-r 182,205,241,248,272,288,304, 339, 342, 346, 349, 35o, 35i, 327,33i, 332,334,359,364 352, 360, 364 1— 312, 313, 350 e-e 190, 208, 318, 354, 363 ng— 285, 309, 332, 346, 350 e-a 47, 272 ng-w 125 e-i 190 k -k 249 e-o 249 kg 299 \-i 47, 241, 243, 249, 268, 304, km 304 312, 313, 321, 327, 330, 342, k— 301, 306 346, 35o, 352 n-w 271, 292, 317, 321, 328, 330, le 273 334, 342, 343, 351 «-° 288 h-d 47, 339, 352, 363 i-u 362 s-h 182, 205 i-ei 319 s-d 298, 342, 351 0-0 201, 285, 309, 331, 349, 362, t-t 47, 125, 168, 208, 217, 249, 363 268, 293, 306, 318, 343, 346, 0 u 205 349. 352, 358, 359 o-ta 331 m-m 76, 217, 312, 313, 317, 318, u-w 76, 125, 168, 182, 271, 272, 319, 326, 327, 328 273, 288, 292, 298, 299, 301, \-v 310 306, 317, 321, 326, 327, 330, i-h 201, 208, 243, 271, 272, 273, 332, 334, 335, 343, 35 1, 358, 288, 292, 360, 363 359, 360, 364 f-v 214, 293 U-a 76 p-b 125, 190, 241, 285 u-o 248, 328 p-p 279 Identical 168, 214, 217, 268, 271, 279, 301, 306, 309, 317, 318, 321, 326, 327, 330, 334, 335, 343, 346, 349, 354, 359, 364 Consonant identity. ... 76, 249, 328, 331, 362 Vowel identity 304, 346 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 47, 125, 182, 201, 208, 241, 243, 272, 273, 285, 292, 293, 298, 299, 339, 342, 352, 360, 363 Frontal abrasion 248, 301, 306, 310, 312, 313, 332 Frontal accretion 190, 208, 241, 243, 339, 351 Terminal accretion 208, 299, 321, 343, 359 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 99 MURRAY ISLAND. a-a au-ai u-u 275 301 305 \-r k-k kg NATALAVA. 305 275 301, 305 a-a SL-U l-i u-u 335, 35o 35o 335 350 W \-r ng-nd t-k NENGONE. 350 335 35o 35o Polynesian i i Quality 45 a a, e e e 00 i i, e u u, e, 0 I I, r, n ng ng n n h s s V f w w, k k, - t t p p a-a 214, 274. 361 \-n 309 a.-e 300, 309, 322 ng-ng 274, 309 e-e 122 k-k 361 \-i 300 k— 300, 306 i-e 245 n-n 33o 0-0 309 s-s 245 u-w 330, 361 U 306 u-e 306 \-w 291 u-o 245. 306 i-w 245 U 274 f— 122, 214 l-r 335 P-P 361 Identical .361 Consonant identity . . • • 306, 335 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity. . . . • • 309, 330 Terminal abrasion . • 274 Frontal abrasion .... 122, 214, 306 Frontal accretion ... • 274 100 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. NEW GEORGIA. Polynesian 16 Quality 63 a a, o, u e e 00 i i, e, o u u, o I I, r ng ng n m m m s s v f k k, h t t, s, m p p, b a-a 217, 300, 312, 313, 324, 350, \-r 192, 305 351, 361 n%-n9 285, 298, 350 a-o 361 k-fe 305, 361 aw 192 k-h 300, 301 e-e 190 n-m 351 i-» 149, 285, 300, 312, 313, 350, s-s 351 351 t-t 324, 35o i-e 305 t-j 298 i-o 305 t-m 217 0-0 192, 285 mm 217, 312, 313, 324 u-u 298, 351 p-/> 190, 192, 361 vl-o 361 P-6 285 1-/ 312, 313, 350 Identical 190, 312, 313, 324 Consonant identity. . . . 192, 305, 350 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 217, 285, 300 Frontal accretion 351 Terminal accretion 149, 190, 300, 351 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 101 NGGAO. Polynesian 18 Quality 77 a a & a o 0, i i i, e, u u u \ I, r, k ng ng n n, m m m h h S s, h V f /, ng, kr k k, g t t p mb a-a 214, 215, 217, 239, 309, 312, k-k 251 313, 324, 346, 352 kg 305 e-a 272 n-w 201 i* 215, 285, 305, 313, 346, 351, n-ra 351 352 h-h 215 i-e 298, 313 s-J 251, 351 i-w 305 s-h 239, 298 0-0 201, 285, 309, 336 t-t 324 o-i 336 m-ro 217, 312, 313, 324 u-w 239, 272, 298, 351 i-f 214, 272 l-l 305, 309, 312 i-ng 215 1-r 272 i-kr 201 1-& 313 p-w6 285 ng-ng 285, 309 Identical 214, 251, 312, 324, 346, 351 Consonant identity. . . .272, 309, 336 Vowel identity 201, 239, 309 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 215, 285 Frontal abrasion 217 Frontal accretion 239, 272, 298, 309 Terminal accretion .... 324 102 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. NGGELA. Polynesian 6i Quality 80 a a, at, o, u e e, i oo \ i u u 1 /, r ng ng, g n n, ng, I m m, v, r h h s J, /i V V f v, w6 k k, g t t, nd, k p 6, roo, -y a-a 45, H7, W 197, l9%, 203, k-fe 149, 251 207, 208, 213, 214, 217, 239, kg 258, 297, 300, 301, 305, 306, 258, 272, 278, 284, 300, 309, 323, 338 312, 313, 3i5, 316, 317, 318, n-M 290, 292, 296, 317, 321, 328, 322, 323, 324, 328, 332, 338, 33o, 342 339, 342, 346, 352, 360 n-ng 351 a-ai 290 n -I 259 a-o 45 h-A 278, 323, 338, 339, 352 a-u 350 ** 45, 203, 351 e-e 122, 208, 290, 297, 318, 338 s-h 198, 239, 251, 298, 342, 346 e-i 152, 203 t-t 207, 208, 217, 258, 294, 306, it 149. i55, 259, 273, 285, 290, 318, 324, 346, 352, 358 297, 298, 300, 305, 312, 313, t-nd 329 321, 323, 327, 329, 33o, 332, t-k 350 342, 346, 350, 352 m-w 198, 217, 258, 312, 313, 315, 0-0 197, 259, 285, 296, 309, 357 3i6, 317, 318, 322, 324, 327, u-w 155, 207, 239, 258, 272, 273, 328 278, 284, 296, 298, 306, 316, m-v 323 317, 321, 327, 328, 329, 33o, m-r 322 332, 35i, 358, 360 y-v 152 1-/ 152, 155, 197, 284, 297, 305, f-V 122, 147, 208, 213, 214, 259, 309, 312, 313, 315, 316, 322, 272, 273, 290, 294, 296, 329, 339, 35° 36o \-r 203, 272, 327, 332, 358 f-mb 292 ng-ng 213, 285, 309, 332, 346 p-6 45, 190 ng-o 197 P-™b 207, 285 p-v 284 Identical 152, 155, 214, 217, 309, 312, 313, 3*7, 3*8, 321, 324, 327, 328, 330, 332, 335, 339, 346, 352 Consonant identity. . . .203, 272, 315 Vowel identity 259, 273, 316 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 122, 197, 198, 207, 208, 213, 239, 251, 258, 259, 273, 278, 284, 285, 290, 294, 296, 297, 298, 300, 306, 329, 338, 342, 351, 360 Terminal abrasion 147, 350 Frontal abrasion 332 Frontal accretion 190, 197, 273, 305 Terminal accretion 339 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 103 NGUNA. Polynesian 16 Quality 93 a a e e o 0, u i i, a, u u u I /, r ng ng, n n n m m h j s V f /, V, w k k t t p a-a 74, 75, 214, 261, 294, 301, ng-ng 336, 346, 350 3i7, 318, 338, 346, 35o ng-w 74 e-e 261, 318, 338 k-k 214, 301, 338 \-i 206, 346, 350 n-n 317, 321 \-a 321 h-.? 206, 338 i-w 74 t-/ 74, 75, 294, 308, 346, 350 0-0 206, 336 mm 75, 317, 318 O-w 75 f-/ 294 u-w 159, 294, 301, 317, 321 i-v 214 l-l 75, 35o f-w 206 \-r 159, 261, 336 Identical 159, 261, 294, 301, 317, 318, 336, 346, 350 Consonant identity. ... 74, 75, 321 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 206, 214, 338 Frontal accretion 301, 321 104 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. NIFILOLE. Polynesian 13 Quality 66 a a, e, o, u e 00 \ i, a u u, i, o 1 /, w ne n n m m h s s v f i/, p,^w, n k k t t P a-a 214, 217, 239, 284, 360 1-w 3J3 a-o 291, 357 k-fe T49 a-e 313 nn 328, 330 a-w 217 s-j 239 \-i 149, 291, 313 t-t 217 i-a 149 m-m 217, 313, 328 0-0 357 ^ 294 u-w 212, 330, 360 i-p 284 u-i 239 f-w 214, 291 u-o 284 f-n 360 1-/ 149, 212, 284 Identical 328 Consonant identity. ... 149, 212, 217, 239, 330 Vowel identity 360 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 214 Terminal abrasion 294 Frontal abrasion 212 Frontal accretion 239 Terminal accretion 217, 284 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 105 NORBARBAR. Polynesian 37 Ouauty 54 a a, e, i, 0, u e e 00, a, e, i \ i, e U u, i, o 1 /, r, nd ng ng, n n n m m h h S s, h v p, w f V, w kg, — , w t t, nd, m p />, b, mb, kmbw a-a 147, 217, 239, 309, 317, 318, kg 193, 251, 301, 338 338 k— 300 a-e 193, 300, 312, 328, 337, 3.50 kw 306 a-i 350 nn 147, 292, 317, 328, 350 a-o 75, 292, 307, 316 h-h 331, 338 a-M 307 s-j- 239, 251, 337 e-e 122, 190 • s-h 239 \i 300, 312 t-^ 75, 306, 318, 324, 356, 358 i-e 193 t-wrf 350 0-0 75, 285, 336, 356, 357 t-m 217 o-a 147 mm 75, 217, 312, 316, 317, 318, o-e 33i 324, 328 O-i 33i v-/> 291 u-w 212, 239, 289, 306, 316 \-w 307 u-o 272 i-v 122, 147, 193, 214, 292 VL-i 292, 358 f-w 212, 360 I-/ 75, 289, 307, 309, 312, 316 p-p 190 1-r 33i, 336 p-6 190 \-nd 335 p-m6 289 n%-ng 309, 336, 350 p-^wftw285 ng-w 285 Identical 324 Terminal abrasion. . .309, 317, 318, 336, 356 Consonant identity. ... 75, 316, 328, 331, 337, 358 Vowel identity 217 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 122, 212 Terminal abrasion. . . 147, 190, 289, 306, 338 Terminal abrasion 147, 190, 193, 214, 217, 239, 289, 306, 309, 317, 318, 328, 336, 338, 356, 357 Frontal abrasion 239 Frontal accretion 301, 312 Terminal accretion 122, 212, 307, 331, 336, 350 106 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. OMB A. Polynesian 40 Quality 75 a a, e, u e e 00 \ i u u, e, v 1 I, r ng ng, n n n mm h h s h V V, w f V, IV k g, w t t, m p b, mb a-a 74, 147, 152, 169, 207, 214, ng-ng 285, 309, 336, 346 217, 239, 254, 290, 291, 292, ng-n 74 307, 309, 3i7, 318, 324, 338, kg 169, 214, 300, 301, 338 346, 351, 356 k-w 306 a-e 278, 284, 292, 295, 300, 312, n-n 74, 147, 169, 254, 290, 292, 3i3 3i7 a-u 307 h-h 169, 206, 278, 338, 352 e-e i22, 152, 153, 190, 290, 318, s-h 239 338 t-t 74, 207, 306, 318, 346, 352, \-i 74, 169, 206, 254, 285, 290, 356, 358 291* 295, 3oo, 312, 313, 346, t-vi 217 352 m-m 217, 254, 312, 313, 317, 318 0-0 153, 206, 285, 336, 356 x-v 152 u-w 212, 239, 278, 284, 292, 306, v-w 291, 307 317, 358 f-V 122, I47, 206, 212, 214, 254, u-e 207 284, 290, 292 u-v 295 i-w 360 1-/ 153, 212, 284, 295, 307, 309, p-6 190 312, 313 p-mb 207, 285 \r 152, 335, 336 Identical 74, 152, 153, 309, 317, 318, 335, 336, 346, 352, 356, 358 Terminal abrasion . . . 324 Consonant identity. . . .278, 312, 313 Vowel identity 217 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 169, 190, 206, 214, 239, 254, 285, 290, 291, 306, 338 Terminal abrasion . . .147 Terminal abrasion 147, 324, 336 Terminal accretion 212, 313, 335, 336 POLYNESIAN REUCS IN MELANESIA. 107 PAAMA. a-a 252, 274 u-i 329 s-j- 252 a-e 312 \l 274, 312 t-s 329 \-i 312, 329 1— 252 i-h 329 O-i 252 ng-ng 274 PAK. Polynesian 31 Quality 45 a a, e, 0, u e e, i, u 0 o, e i i, e u u, o I /, /•, ng, t ng ng, n n n m m h j s J V w f 7, k g, ng, w t t, — , ra p /> a-a 123, 147, 217, 250, 309, 318, U 335 339. 357 ng-ng 309 a-e 214, 317, 324, 328, 337, 350 ng-n 350 a-o 239, 292, 307 kg 251, 300, 301, 357 3L-U 250, 316 k-Mtf 30I e-e 122, 190 k-w 306 e-t 203 n-w 292, 317, 328 e-w 272 h -s 339 i* 300 s-j 203, 239, 251, 337 »« 312 t-/ 350, 356 O-o 356, 357 t— 270, 318, 324, 357 o-e 123 t-m 217 u-u 270, 272, 306, 316 mm 217, 312, 316, 317, 318, 324, u-o 292 328 1-/ 123, 307, 309, 312, 316, 339, \-w 307 35o f-v 122, 147, 214, 292 I > 203 p-p 190 l-ng 123 Identical Terminal abrasion. . .190, 309 Consonant identity. . . .203, 239, 312, 316, 317, 328, 337 Vowel identity 324 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 122, 214 Terminal abrasion . . . 300, 339 Terminal abrasion 147, 190, 203, 214, 217, 239, 292, 300, 306, 309, 312, 317, 318, 328, 339, 356 Frontal abrasion 270 Frontal accretion 301, 312, 339 Terminal accretion. ... 122, 350, 324, 335, 350 108 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. PALA. Polynesian 54 Quality 80 a a, e e e, a, o 00, a, e, u i i, e, u u it, i, h 1 /, r, n ng ng, n n n, ng m m h s s s v b, u f h, 11, s k k, g, — t /, d p 6, p a-a 74, 147, 156, 214, 2 1 6, 217, ng-n 151 253,290,294,307,312,313, k-k 196,211 317, 318, 324, 350 k-g &-e 215, 295, 352 k— 151, 156 e-e 47, 151, 203 n-n 147, 156, 201, 290, 317, 343 e-a 47, 122, 363 n-ng 259 e-o 247 h-s 47, 215, 352, 363 \-i 215, 259, 290, 295, 312, 313, s-.y 203, 344 35o t-t 47, 74,125,196,211,216, i-e 211 217, 247, 289, 294, 318, 324, »« 329 343. 35o, 352, 358 0-0 201 t-d 329 o-a 363 m-m 156, 216, 217, 253, 312, 313, o-e 259 317, 318, 324 o-u 196, 285 x-b 307 U-M 125, 151, I56, 211, 2l6, 273, V-M 289, 329, 343, 344 i-h 122, 147, 201, 215, 214, 273, U-i 247 290, 294, 329 U-h 295 f-u 363 1-/ 203, 289, 295, 312, 313, 350 is 259 !->' 358 p-6 125, 151, 247, 285, 289 l-n 307 p-p ng-ng 285, 350 (Note: k-g, p-p, and \-u do not appear in the material here collated, but each has been observed in other Polynesian loan words in Pala.) Identical 156, 216, 203, 313, 324, 358 Terminal abrasion. . .289, 317, 318, 343, 344 Consonant identity ....211 Consonant mutation : Terminal abrasion. . . 147, 273, 294 Terminal abrasion 47, 74, 147, 151, 196, 201, 289, 290, 294, 317, 318, 343, 344, 352 Frontal accretion 74 Terminal accretion 312 Metathesis afi-iah, tina-etna. POLYNESIAN REUCS IN MELANESIA. 109 RALUANA. a-a 214, 294 0-0 314, 336 u-w 358 l-J 314, 336 \-r ng-ng t-t f-w 358 336 294 214, 294, 314 Terminal abrasion Terminal accretion . . . .294 •314 RETAN. Polynesian 14 Quality 2 1 a a, e, o e a o o, a, e i e u e, i 1 /, r, ng ng ng n n mm, mw h h s V f v kg t t p a-a 123, 318 1-r 331, 336, 358 • a-e 193, 292 \-ng 123 a-o 317 ng-ng 336 e-a 122 k-o 193 i-c 193, 312 n-n 292, 317 0-0 336 h-/i 331 O-a 331, 357 t-< 318, 357, 358 O-e 123 m-ra 317, 318 u-e 292 m-mw 312 U-* 358 f-T; 122, 193, 292 \-l 123, 312 Identical : Terminal abrasion . . .318 Consonant mutation : Terminal abrasion . . . 336 Terminal abrasion 193, 292, 317, 318, 336 Frontal accretion 312 Terminal accretion 122, 331, 336, 357 Metathesis 193 RUAVATU. a-a 317 U 313 a-e 313 n-n 317 \-i 313 m-w 313, 317 VL-U 317 110 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. SAA. Polynesian 30 Quality 80 a a, e e e 00 I i u u \ I, r, n ng ng n n, ng m m h s, t s s v w, h f h k— t— /, k v P a-a 200, 214, 217, 250, 291, 292, n-n 187, 259, 292, 317, 330 294, 307, 309, 3i7, 318, 338, n-ng 351 339, 35o, 352, 360 h-y 352 a-e 292, 300, 313, 350 h-t 338, 339 e-e 122, 187, 190, 318, 338 s-s 251, 298, 351 \-i 200, 259, 273, 291, 300, 313, t-t 329 329, 330, 35o, 35i. 352 t— 217, 294, 318, 350, 352, 358 0-0 187, 259, 309 t-k 356 u-u 200, 273, 292, 294, 298, 317, mm 200, 217, 313, 317, 318 329, 33o, 35i, 358, 360 \-w 291 1-/ 307, 309, 339, 350 \-h 307 \-r 200, 358 f-h 122, 214, 259, 273, 292, 294, 1-w 313 ' 329, 36o ng-ng 309, 350 p-p 190, 250 k— 214, 250, 251, 300, 338 Identical 187, 190, 200, 298, 309, 317, 33°, 358 Vowel identity 214, 217, 250 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 259, 273, 291, 292, 294, 307, 318, 329, 350, 352, 360 Frontal abrasion 217, 250, 351, 352, 358 Frontal accretion 298, 300 Terminal accretion 351, 358 Metathesis 351 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. Ill SANTO. Polynesian 27 Quality 8 1 a a, e, i, 0 e e, i o o, a i i, e, u u u 1 I, r ng n, m n n, mm h s, — s ^ V f V, w k k t t p p a-a 199, 216, 217, 228, 292, 300, l-r 305, 336, 355 312, 313, 318, 324, 356 ng-n 285, 336, 346 a-e 216, 253, 316, 324 ng-m 199 a-i 217, 292 k-fe 300, 302, 305 a-o 239, 302, 346, 352 n-rc 292, 343 e-e 47 h-j- 47, 206, 278, 352 e-* 153, 318 h— 255 \-i 47, 206, 300, 305, 312, 346, s-j 239 352, 355 t-t 47, 199, 216, 217, 302, 318, \e 313 324, 343, 346, 352, 355 i-u 305 mm 216, 217, 253, 255, 312, 313, 0-0 153, 206, 285, 336, 355, 356 316, 318, 324 o-a 255 f-v 292 u-w 216, 228, 239, 278, 292, 316, i-w 206 343 P-P 285 [I 153, 228, 312, 313, 316 Identical 153, 228, 300, 312, 343, 355, 356 Consonant identity. . . .216, 217, 239, 253, 302, 316, 318, 324 Vowel identity 199 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 47, 206, 292, 336 Terminal abrasion. . .278, 285 Terminal abrasion 278, 285 Frontal accretion 312 Terminal accretion 153, 239, 305, 313, 324, 336 112 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. SASAR. e e, ng ng, n k g, ng, w a-a 123, 147, 217, 250, 309, 318 a-e 317, 337, 35o a-o 239, 292, 307, 328 a-M 250, 316 e-e 190 e-u 272 0-0 356 o-e 123 u-u 272, 306, 316 u-o 292 U-* 343 1 / 123, 307, 309, 316, \-ng 123 I-« 335 ng-wo 309 Identical: Terminal abr 190, 309 Consonant identity . .316,317, Vowel identity 217, 306 Consonant mutation: Terminal abr 147 Polynesian 22 Quality 45 a a, e, 0, u 1 O 0, e u u, 1 /, ng, t n n h i, 0 m m s s t t, m, — V w f v, w P P 35o 356 328,337 ng-w 350 kg 250, 251 k-ng 301 k-w 306 n-n 147, 292, 317, 328 s-j 239, 251, 337 t-t 306, 350, 356 t-m 217 t— 318 m-w 217, 316, 317, 318, 328 x-w 307 i-v 147, 292 f-w 272 p-p 190, 250 Terminal abrasion . 147, 190/2 17, '2 39/306, 309, 3i7.?3i8,*328,?356 Frontal accretion . . 301 Terminal accretion. 250, 272, 335, 350 SAVO. a a e e, a o 0 1 a, 0 u w 1 / ng ng n n h s s, z m m X V f k k, g t P P> a-a 239, 250, 316, 328, 337 k-a 250 e-e 190 n-n 328 e-a 272 S-S 337 i-o 305 s-z 239 i-a 335 mm 316, 328 0-0 285 x-v 272 u-w 239, 272, 316, 328 p-p 285 \-l 272, 316 p-v 250 ng-wa 285 p-b 190 k-Jfc 305 ■v, POLYNESIAN REUCS IN MELANESIA. 113 SESAKE. Polynesian 57 Quality 76 a a, o, u e e 00 i i, e u u, a, o 1 /, r, nd ng ng n n m m h s, v s J v v, u f /, v, p, w k k, g, w t nd, t p />, b, tnb, v a-a 45, 147, 151, 162, 169, 200, ng-ng 151, 209, 246, 274, 285, 336, 209, 214, 215, 217, 239, 246, 350 258, 260, 270, 272, 274, 278, k-k 151, 194, 214, 251, 258, 300, 291, 292, 294, 300, 301, 307, 301, 338, 361 310, 312, 317, 318, 322, 324, k-# 169 335, 337, 338, 339, 342, 350, k-w 305 352, 356 n-w 169, 296, 317, 330, 342 a-o 203 lw 206, 215, 278, 338, 339, 352 a-u 307 h-v 169 e-e 151, 153, 318, 338 s-^ 45, 203, 239, 251, 298, 337, \-i 149, 169, 194, 200, 206, 215, 342 270, 285, 291, 298, 300, 305, t-t 162, 217, 258, 270, 294, 318, 312, 329, 330, 342, 350, 352 324, 352, 356, 357, 358 i-e 305 t-nd 209, 329, 350 0-0 153, 206, 285, 296, 336, 356, mm 158, 200, 217, 257, 258, 312, 357 3i7, 318, 322, 324, 343 u-tt 151, 162, 200, 212, 239, 246, x-v 307 258, 270, 272, 278, 292, 294, \-u 310 296, 298, 301, 317, 330, 335, f-/ 296 358 i-v 147, 214, 246, 292, 294 u-a 329 i-p 215 u-o 194 i-w 206 1-/ 153, 212, 257, 305, 307, 310, p-p 151 312, 339, 35o p-b 361 \-r 194, 200, 203, 260, 322, 335 p-mb 285 \-nd 336 p-v 45 Identical 151, 153, 194, 200, 212, 217, 239, 258, 270, 296, 300, 301, 312, 317, 318, 322, 324, 330, 342, 356, 358 Terminal abrasion . . .357 Consonant identity. . . .203, 239, 257, 307 Vowel identity 158, 162, 291, 336 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 169, 206, 209, 214, 215, 246, 278, 285, 292, 294, 338, 339, 35o, 352 Terminal abrasion 147, 274, 310, 357 Frontal abrasion 329 Frontal accretion 158, 162, 260, 274, 291, 298, 310, 339 Terminal accretion 194, 239 114 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. TANNA. Polynesian 37 Quality 29 a a, e, 1 e e, i o e, u i i, a, e u u, a, e, i 1 r ng ng, n n n mm h / S s, r v u f /, v, k k k, g, y t t, s, h p p, b, m a-a 150, 173. 216, 218, 238, 249, ng-w 285 256, 274, 293, 317, 322, 334, kk 150, 194, 258, 361 337, 352, 360 kg 306 a-c 147, 34o, 350 k-y 251 a* 217, 313, 340 n-n H7. 3i7, 321 e-e 173, 240, 290 h-t 340 e-i 147 s-^ 25i \-i 150, 194, 200, 274, 312, 313, S-r 337 319, 321, 350, 352 U 150, 168, 274, 306 i-e 290 t-s 207 i-o 319 t-fc 258 o-e 285 m-w 200, 258, 274, 317, 321, 322, o-w 1 50 340 u-w 168, 173, 194, 216, 238, 240, V-u 291 247, 273, 317, 321, 358 f-/ 293 u-a 168 f-v 147, 290 u-e 306 f-fc 273 VL-i 334 P"# x73, 36i \-r 194, 200, 322 p-b 285 ng-n^ 274 p-w 207 Identical 194, 274, *73> 293 Consonant identity. . . . 150, 168, 313, 319, 334, 35° Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 352 Terminal abrasion 147, 273, 306 Frontal abrasion 321 Frontal accretion 147, 150, 273, 291, 306, 340, 350, 358 Terminal accretion. . . .200, 317, 321, 340 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 115 TANGOAN SANTO. a a e e, o oo [ i u u 1 I, r ng ng n n m n h s, ts s s v f b, p, th k k, v t t p b &-a 147, 148, 193, 209, 217, 239, k-v 194 278, 302, 312, 316, 338, 340, n-w 147 346 h-s 206, 278, 338 e-e 338 h-ts 340 e-o 247 s-s 239 i-z 193, 194, 206, 302, 312, 346 t-t 148, 209, 217, 247, 302, 346, 0-0 147, 206 358 vl-u 148, 194, 239, 247, 278, 316, m-n 312, 316, 340 358 i-b 193, 206 1-/ 312, 316 i-p 148 \-r 194, 358 i-th 147 ng-ng 209, 346 p-6 247 k-k 193, 302, 338 UEA. a a 274 ng-ng 274 UGI. a- a 214. 250 e-e 318 \-i 259, 300 0-0 259, 357 u-w 292, 317 k— 214, 250 Polynesian 8 Quality 75 n / 259 t-t 357 t— 3i8 m-m 3i7 i-v 292 i-h 214, 259, 292 n-w 292, 317 p-p 250 116 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. ULAWA. Polynesian 28 Quauty 77 a a e e, a 00 i i u u I I, r, n ng ng n n, ng m m h 5 s s V w f fe k— t t, — v P A-a 200, 214, 217, 239, 250, 291, ng-ng 309, 343, 350 294, 300, 309, 312, 313, 317, k— 214, 250, 251, 300, 301 318, 324, 350, 352, 360 n-n 259, 317, 330 e-e 190, 318 n-ng 351 e-a 122 h-s 352 \-i 200, 259, 291, 300, 312, 313, s-^ 239, 251, 298, 351 329, 33o, 35o, 35i, 352 t-t 329, 343 0-0 259, 309 t— 217, 294, 318, 324, 350, 352 vl-u 2oo, 239, 294, 298, 317, 329, m-w 200, 217, 312, 313, 317, 318, 330, 343, 35i, 360 324 \l 309, 312, 350 \-w 291 \-r 200 i-h 122, 214, 259, 294, 329, 360 \-n 313 V-P x9o, 250 Identical 190, 200, 250, 309, 312, 317, 330, 343 Vowel identity 214, 217, 239, 294, 313, 318, 324, 350 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 259, 291, 300, 329, 360 Frontal abrasion 217, 250, 350, 351, 352 Frontal accretion 239, 294, 298 VANIKORO. a-a a-e 292 292 273 u-u f-f i-p 273, 292 273 292 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 117 VATURANGA. Polynesian 39 Quality 76 a a e e, a o 0, a i i, a, 0 u u, o 1 /, r, k, — ng ng n n, I m m h s, h s s v f v, h, ng k k, h, ng t t, nd p 6, wz&, v a-a 123, 147, 200, 214, 215, 217, ng-ng 285, 309, 336, 346 258, 278, 284, 294, 309, 313, k-fe 305, 338 316, 317, 318, 324, 328, 338, k-ng 251, 306 346, 352, 360 k-h 258, 301 e-e 122, 190, 257, 318, 338 n-n 147, 201, 317, 328, 330 e-a 272 n-l 259 \-i 200, 206, 215, 259, 285, 298, h-s 206, 215, 338, 352 313, 329, 33o, 346, 352 h-h 278 \-a 305 s-* 251, 298 i-o 305 u 217, 258, 294, 306, 318, 324, 0-0 123, 147, 201, 206, 259, 285, 346, 352, 358 309, 336 t-nd 329 o-a 257 mm 200, 217, 258, 313, 316, 317, u-u 200, 258, 272, 278, 284, 294, 318, 324, 328 298, 306, 316, 317, 328, 329, f-v 122, 147, 206, 214, 259, 272, 330, 358, 360 294, 329 u-o 306 i-h 201 1-Z 123, 284, 309, 316 i-ng 215 l-r 200, 272, 305, 335, 336 p-o 190 1-fe 313 P-w6 285 1 — 123 p-v 284 Identical 200, 214, 217, 278, 298, 309, 317, 318, 324, 328, 330, 346, 358 Consonant identity. . . .257 Vowel identity 123, 215, 258, 259, 313 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 147, 190, 201, 206, 284, 285, 294, 329, 338, 352, 360 Terminal abrasion 214 Terminal accretion 258, 316, 336 118 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. VOLOW. Polynesian 38 Quality 37 a a, e, i, o e e 00 \ i, e u i, e, o 1 h r, g ng ng, n n n, ng m m, mw h h s // v mb, w f v k g, ng t *, nd, m p 6, w, nggtnbw a-a 147, 214, 217, 239, 294, 318, kg 251, 300, 301, 306 309. 337, 338, 339, 357 k-w? 357 a-e 268, 290, 316, 317, 322, 324, n-n 147, 317, 328 328, 350 n-ng 151, 351 a i 350 h-fc 338, 339, 35i a-o 307 s-& 239, 251, 337 e-e 122, 151, 190 t-/ 268, 294, 306, 324, 358 i-i i54, 35i *-wrf 35o i-e 290, 300, 312 t-m 217 0-0 285, 336, 357 mm 217, 312, 316, 317, 322, u-e 316 324, 328 u-i 212, 306, 358 m-mw 316 u-o 239, 284 v-rao 291 1-/ 154, 212, 284, 307, 309, 312, x-w 307 3l6, 339, 35O f-V 122, I47, 2 14, 290, 294 \-r 268, 322, 335, 336 p-b 190 \-g 358 P-w 284 ng-ng 154, 3°9, 336, 350 p-nggmbw 151, 285 ng-w 285 Identical 214, 324 Terminal abrasion. 154, 309, 318, 336, 339 Consonant identity. . . .212, 268, 317, 328 Vowel identity 357 Consonant mutation : Terminal abrasion. . . 190, 285 Terminal abrasion 151, 154, 190, 214, 268, 284, 285, 290, 294, 300, 306, 309, 3i6, 317, 3i8, 328, 336, 338, 339, 35i Frontal abrasion 351 Frontal accretion 290, 301, 339 Terminal accretion 122, 212, 312, 350, 351 POLYNESIAN REUCS IN MELANESIA. 119 VURAS. Polynesian 28 Quality 40 a a, e, o, u e e o o, e i c u u, 0 1 /, r, nd, ng ng ng, n n n m m h s s s V w i v k g, w t /, m p w, kpw a-o 123, 147, 214, 217, 309, 317, ng-ng 309, 336, 346 318, 328, 339 ng-n 285 a-e 239, 316, 324, 346 kg 251, 301 a-o 292, 307 k-w 306 aw 307 n-w 147, 292, 317, 328, 343 e-e 122 h-s 339 i-e 312 s-.y 239, 251 0-0 147, 285, 336, 356, 357 t-t 306, 318, 324, 343, 346, 356, o-e 123 358 u-w 306, 316, 343, 358 t-m 217 u-o 284, 292 m-w 217, 312, 316, 317, 318, 324, \ I 123, 284, 307, 309, 312, 316, 328 339 v-w 307 I-r 336, 358 f-u 122, 147, 214, 292 l-nd 335 p-w 284 \-ng 123 p-kpw 285 Identical 214, 285, 318, 358 Terminal abrasion. . .309, 317, 328, 356 Consonant identity. . . .239, 316 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 147 Terminal abrasion . . . 357 Terminal abrasion 214, 217, 239, 284, 306, 312, 316, 317, 318, 328, 336, 339, 346, 356 Frontal accretion 123, 301, 312, 339 Terminal accretion 122, 324, 336 120 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. WANGO. Polynesian 36 Quality 75 a a e e o 0, a \ i, u u u, 0 1 I, r ng ng n n, ng m m h s, t s .S-, t v fc f fc kg,— t t, k, g, — p b, h a-a 214, 215, 217, 239, 250, 284, k— 214, 250, 300, 305 300, 397, 309, 312, 313. 3i7, k-9 251 3i8, 335, 337, 339, 342, 348, n-n 317, 328, 330, 342 35o, 352, 357, 360 n-ng 351 e-e 122, 190, 257, 318 h-s 215, 352 \-i 215, 259, 273, 298, 300, 305, h-t 339 312, 313, 329, 33o, 342, 348, s-s 239, 251, 298, 342, 351 350, 352 S-2 337 i-u 305 t-t 348 0-0 259, 309, 357 *-fe 35o, 356 0-a 257 t-g 329 U-m 239, 273, 284, 298, 317, 329, t— 217, 318, 352, 358 330, 335, 35i, 358, 360 mm 217, 257, 312, 313, 317, 318, u-o 328 328 1-/ 309, 348 V-fc 307 l-r 257, 259, 284, 305, 307, 312, f-fe 122, 214, 215, 259, 273, 329, 313, 335, 339, 35o, 358 360 ng-ng 309, 350 p-b 190, 250 p-h 284 Identical 239, 250, 298, 309, 312, 313, 317, 330, 342, 348 Consonant identity. . . .257, 328 Vowel identity 214, 217, 250, 259, 300, 318, 339, 350, 352, 357 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 190, 215, 273, 284, 307, 360 Frontal abrasion 217, 250, 305, 351, 352, 358 Frontal accretion 298 Terminal accretion 335, 351 POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 121 In our next series of tables we present the various observed muta- tions reduced to the Proto-Samoan original. The collation of the liquid semivowel is designedly incomplete for the reason that we lack sufficient and sufficiently positive data upon the occurrence of the r grasseye and its reproduction in terms of / and r. Under the l-r head, therefore, we note only anomalous changes. a-i Alo Teqel Eromanga Leon Moanus Pala Ambrym Fagani Lifu Mosin Retan Aneityum Gog Lo Mota Saa Arag Iai Maewo Motlav Santo Baki King Makura Nifilole Sasar Baravon Lakon Malekula Norbarbar Tanna Bierian Lamassa Marina Omba Vanikoro Buka Lambell Matupit Paama Volow Deni Laur Merlav Pak Vuras Ambrym Eromanga Lo Mosin Santo Aneityum Fagani Malekula Mota Tanna Baki King Malo Motlav Volow Belaga Lakon Moanus Norbarbar Alo Teqel Eromanga Lo Motlav Retan Aneityum Fagani Maewo New Georgia Santo Arag Iai Malekula Nggela Sasar Baki King Malo Nifilole Sesake Bierian Lambell Merlav Norbarbar Volow Bugotu Leon Mosin Pak Vuras Alo Teqel Buka King Mota Nifilole Ambrym Deni Lamassa Motlav Omba Aneityum Dufaure Id Lambell Natalava Pak Baki Epi Laur New Georgia Sasar Bierian Eromanga Mosin Nggela Sesake Belaga Bugotu Nggela Ambrym Bugotu Lakon Marina Nifilole Aneityum Buka Lamassa Merlav Pala Arag Duke of York Lambell Mota Retan Baki Epi Laur Motlav Savo Baravon Fagani Lo Motu Ulawa Bauro Kabakada Malo Nggao Vaturanga Bierian King Aneityum Brierly Id Lifu Malo Nggela Arag King Lo Moanus Pak Baki Laur Maewo Mota Santo Belaga Leon Malekula Motu Tanna Bierian Baki Gog Lambell Malo Pala Buka King Laur Motu Tangoan Santo Epi Lamassa Alo Teqel Pak Sasar 122 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Mota e-ou i-M Malekula 1 Aneityum Buka Mota Nguna Savo Tanna Vaturanga Alo Teqel Aneityum Bougainville Buka Eromanga Fagani Gog Kabakada King Lakon Lamassa Malekula Malo Mosin Mota Motlav Motu New Georgia Nggao Norbarbar Pak Pala Retan Santo Sesake Tanna Volow Vuras Aneityum Baki Eromanga Mota Motu New Georgia Savo Vaturanga Baki Baravon Bierian Duke of York Fagani Gog Kabadi Kalil King Lamassa Lambell Lo Maewo Makura Malekula Malo Merlav Moanus Mota Motu Nggao Nguna Pala Santo Wango i-ei Motu Baravon Bugotu Buka Epi Fagani King Lakon Matupit Mota Norbarbar Pala Retan Santo Vaturanga Wango Alo Teqel Baravon Mosin Motlav Norbarbar Pak Pala Retan Sasar Tanna Vuras Aneityum Baki King Laur Malekula Malo Mota Nggao Norbarbar Paama Ambrym Aneityum Baravon Buka Duke of York •Kabakada Kalil King Lamassa Lambell Laur Malekula Matupit Motu Nguna Pala Tanna Mota Motu Ambrym Buka Duke of York Gog Lambell Malo Merlav Mota Motu Sesake Tanna Alo Teqel Aneityum Eromanga Malekula Malo Mota Omba Retan Tanna Volow POLYNESIAN RELICS IN Alo Teqel Bululaha Lambell Ambrym Epi Laur Aneityum Gog Lo Arag Guadalcanar Maewo Baki King Makura Bierian Lamassa Malekula Ambrym Aneityum Arag Bugotu Buka Duke of York Eaur Eromanga Gog Iai Lamassa Lambell Leon Malo Mosin Mota Motlav Malo Paatna Merlav Pala Mota Retan Motlav Sasar Nifilole Tanna Norbarbar Volow Motu Sesake New Georgia Vaturanga Nifilole Volow Pak Vuras Sasar Wango 123 Lakon U-h Laur u-p Aneityum Pala Aneityum Mota Omba AE Nggela Aneityum AI \-e Eromanga Lo Malekula Motlav AU Norbarbar i-ai Arag Murray Id New Georgia Nggela au-e l-nd H Norbarbar Malekula Mosin Norbarbar Alo Teqel Baki Bugotu Buka Gog Aneityum Baki (note 312) Motlav Merlav Maewo Pak Pak Merlav Pak Ulawa Vuras Sasar Norbarbar \-dr Lakon Bierian l-tk Bugotu \-nl Lamassa 124 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. l-k \-h \-n \-mj \-ng Aneityum Nggao Erotnanga Lo Dufaure Id Mosin Mota Nengone Baki Alo Teqel Gog Lakon Merlav Mosin Vaturanga (note 312) Pala Mota Motlav Saa Pak Retan Ulawa Sasar Vuras Baravon Bierian ng-rag Alite Alo Teqel Ambrym Arag Baki Baravon Belaga Bierian Bougainville Bugotu Buka Bululaha Guadalcanar Motu Paama Vaturanga ng-» Alo Teqel Baki Buka Duke of York Gog Kabadi NG Duke of York Lo New Georgia Sasar Eromanga Maewo Nggao Savo Fagani Malekula Nggela Sesake Gog Malo Nguna Tangoan Santo Guadalcanar Marina Norbarbar Tanna Kabakada Matupit Omba Uea King Merlav Paama Ulawa Lakon Moanus Pak Vaturanga Lamassa Mosin Raluana Volow Lambell Mota Retan Vuras Laur Motlav Saa Wango Lemaroro Nengone King Maewo Motlav Pala Lakon Makura Motu Santo Lamassa Malekula Nguna Sasar Lambell Malo Norbarbar Tanna Laur Moanus Omba Volow Lo Mota Pak Vuras ng-w; Aneityum ng-nd Natalava ng-g Aneityum Baki ng-m Bierian ng— k-k Dufaure Id Ambrym Aneityum Baki Baravon Bierian Bougainville Bugotu Deni Eromanga Lo Malekula Motu Makura Malekula Malo K Mota Mota Duke of York Lifu Motu Epi Maewo Murray Id Eromanga Makura Nengone Fagani Malekula New Georgia Iai Malo Nggao King Merlav Nggela Lamassa Moanus Nguna Lambell Nggela Santo Nifilole Santo Savo Sesake Tangoan Santo Tanna Vaturanga POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 125 k-g Alo Teqel Ambrym Aneityum Arag Belaga Bugotu Fagani Gog Lakon Laur Leon Lo Maewo Malekula Malo Marina Merlav Mosin Mota Motlav Motu Murray Id Nggao Nggela Norbarbar Omba Pak Pala Retan Sasar Savo Sesake Tanna Volow Vuras Wango k-kh Malekula Tangoan Santo k-ng Alite Aneityum Mosin Mota Motlav Pak Sasar Vaturanga Volow k-»gg Eromanga Malekula k-h Ambrym Malekula New Georgia Vaturanga k-m Motu k-mk Baki k-v Malo k-w k-v Alo Teqel Lakon Maewo Tanna Tangoan Santo Merlav Mosin Mota Norbarbar Omba Pak Sasar Sesake Vuras n-ng Alite Buka Malo Nengone Ugi Ambrym Bululaha Matupit Norbarbar Ulawa Baravon Duke of York Moanus Pala Wango Belaga Malekula Motu N Leon Saa Alo Teqel Eromanga Mota Saa Ambrym Fagani Lifu Motlav Santo Aneityum Gog Lo Motu Sasar Arag Guadalcanar Maewo Nengone Savo Baki Iai Makura Nggao Sesake Baravon Kabadi Malekula Nggela Tangoan]Santo Belaga Kabakada Malo Nguna Tanna Brierly Id Kalil Marina Nifilole Ugi Bugotu King Matupit Norbarbar Ulawa Buka Lakon Meli Omba Vaturanga Bululaha Lamassa Merlav Pak Volow Duke of York Lambell Modnus Retan Vuras Epi Laur Mosin Ruavatu Wango Bugotu Lamassa Merlav Nggela Ulawa Fagani Lambell Mota Pala Volow Gog Laur Motlav Saa Wango King Lo n-gn n-nv Bugotu i Aneityum Buka Moanus 126 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. n-/ Alite Bougainville Maewo Motlav Ugi Arag Buka Marina Nggela Vaturanga Bierian Fagani Mota New Georgia Nggao n-t Malekula Alo Teqel Marina h-h h-s Ambrym Bugotu Lakon Nggela Retan Arag Deni Makura Norbarbar Vaturanga Belaga Epi Motlav Omba Volow Bierian Eromanga Nggao Alite Gog Malekula Mota Sesake Bauro Kalil Malo Nguna Tangoan Santo Brierly Id King Marina Pak Ulawa Buka Lamassa Merlav Pala Vaturanga Bululaha Lambell Modnus Saa Vuras Eromanga Laur Mosin Santo Wango Fagani Maewo h-t h-d Alite Saa Motu h-th Belaga Guadalcanar h-ts h-j Tangoan Santo Aneityum Aneityum Lo h-v Sesake h— Tanna Malekula Ambrym Baravon Deni Baki S Maewo Alite Fagani Alo Teqel Gog Mai Aneityum Guadalcanar Malekula Belaga King Malo Bierian Lakon Merlav Brumer Id Lamassa Moanus Buka Lambell Mosin Bululaha Laur Mota Epi Leon Nengone Eromanga Wango Duke of York Santo New Georgia Sasar Nggao Savo Nggela Sesake Nifilole Tangoan Santo Norbarbar Tanna Paama Ulawa Pak Vaturanga Saa Vuras Santo Wango Savo s-sh Brumer Id POLYNESIAN REUCS IN MELANESIA. 127 s-/» s-d s-t s-k Ambrym Aneityum Arag Motu Alite Baki s-th s-y Belaga Baki Bierian Bugotu Buka Wango Lakon Lo Motlav Motu Nggao Nggela Norbarbar Omba Volow Tanna (note 239) Duke of York. Alite Santo t-t t-d t-nd t-dr Alo Teqel Bululaha Laur Motu Saa Ambrym Deni Lo Nengone Santo Aneityum Duke of York Maewo New Georgia Sasar Arag Epi Makura Nggao Sesake Baki Eromanga Malekula Nggela Tangoan Santo Baravon Fagani Malo Nguna Tanna Belaga Gog Marina Nifilole Ugi Bierian Iai Matupit Norbarbar Ulawa Bougainville Kalil Merlav Omba Vaturanga Brierly Id King Moanus Pak Volow Brumer Id Lakon Mosin Raluana Vuras Bugotu Lamassa Mota Retan Wango Buka Lambell Motlav Arag Buka King Malo Pala Bierian Eromanga Kalil Baravon Lo Motlav Norbarbar Vaturanga Bougainville Maewo Nggela Sesake Volow Bugotu Ambrym t-ndr Modnus t-lh t-s t-h t-j t-r Aneityum Baki Bugotu Ambrym Aneityum Bierian Buka Eromanga Malo Marina Arag Bierian Tanna Baki Malekula Lemaroro Malekula Moanus Mota New Georgia Paama Tanna Mota (note 258) 128 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. t-n King t-m t-w t-k H Wango t— Nggela Bugotu m-t Lamassa Lambell Laur Alite Alo Teqel Gog Lakon Merlav Mosin Motlav New Georgia Norbarbar Omba Pak (note 217) Sasar Volow Vuras Fagani Baravon Brierly Id Deni Fagani Iai Kabadi King Lamassa Lambell Lifu Nggela Saa Wango Alite Bululaha Pak Sasar Ulawa Alo Teqel Fagani Saa Ugi Wango Bauro Leon m-rn M Alite Deni Laur Mota Saa Alo Teqel Duke of York Leon Motlav Santo Ambrym Epi Lifu Motu Sasar Aneityum Eromanga Lo New Georgia Savo Arag Fagani Maewo Nggao Sesake Baki Gog Makura Nggela Tangoan Santo Baravon Guadalcanar Malanta Nguna Tanna Belaga Iai Malekula NMlole Ugi Bierian Kabakada Malo Norbarbar Ulawa Brierly Id Kalil Marina Omba Vaturanga Brumer Id King Matupit Pak Volow Bugotu Lakon Merlav Retan Vuras Buka Lamassa Moanus Ruavatu Wango Bululaha Lambell Mosin m-mw Merlav Mota Motlav Retan Volow Mosin m-n Marina Tangoan Santc 1 (note 312) m-«g Alo Teqel Lo Nggela Malo v-/ \-b Baki Baravon Belaga Ambrym Deni v-mb Bugotu Gog Merlav Omba Sesake Lo Mota Savo Vanua Lava Malekula Nggela Fagani (note 291) Mai Pala Maewo Merlav Motlav Volow POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 129 v-p Aneityum Lo v-p-w \-h Malekula Saa Marina Wango Mota Norbarbar Vanua Lava Alite Baki Bierian Eromanga Malekula Malo Moanus Mota Pala Sesake Tanna v-t Alo Teqel Ambrym Aneityum Arag Baravon Marina v-ku Bululaha Gog Leon Lo Malekula Mosin Mota Motlav Nengone Norbarbar Omba Pak Saa Sasar Ulawa Volow Vuras Alite Arag Maewo f-v Alite Epi Laur Mota Retan Alo Teqel Eromanga Leon Motlav Santo Ambrym Fagani Lo Motu Sasar Arag Gog Maewo Nggela Sesake Baki Guadalcanar Makura Nguna Tanna Baravon Iai Malekula Nifilole Ugi Belaga Kabadi Malo Norbarbar Vaturanga Bierian King Marina Omba Volow Bugotu Lakon Merlav Pak Vuras Deni Lamassa Mosin N Bierian Malekula Nggao Nguna Tanna Fagani Meli Nggela Sesake Vanikoro Lamassa f-p Aneityum Eromanga Lambell Moanus Tangoan Santo Baravon King Malekula Nifilole Vanikoro Brierly Id Lamassa Matupit Sesake i-b Ambrym Bierian Eromanga Malo Tangoan Santo Baki Duke of York Malekula f-mb Moanus Nggela f-mbw Malekula t-k f-kr Aneityum Nggao f-n Nifilole f-ng Nggao Tanna Vaturanga 130 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. f-s i-th Eromanga U i-h f-u i-w f— Pala Tangoan Santo Moanus Mota Ambrym Bululaha Lo Pala Ulawa Aneityum Kalil Motu Saa Vaturanga Bougainville Lam bell Paama Ugi Wango Buka Laur Aneityum Malo Pala Alo Teqel Kabakada Matupit Nguna Santo Aneityum King Merlav Nifilole Sasar Arag Lakon Mosin Norbarbar Sesake Baravon Lamassa Mota Omba Ugi Duke of York Lo Motlav Raluana Ulawa Gog Maewo Nengone Duke of York Lamassa Maewo Malekula Nengone Iai Lifu Makura Moanus p-p Alo Teqel Bugotu Lo Nengone Sasar Aneityum Bululaha Malekula New Georgia Savo Arag Eromanga Marina Norbarbar Sesake Baravon Fagani Moanus Pak Tanna Belaga Lakon Mota Saa Ugi Bougainville Lifu Motu Santo Ulawa p-mp Eromanga p-b Alite Fagani Laur Motu Sesake Baki Gog Maewo New Georgia Tangoan Santo Baravon Guadalcanar Malekula Nggela Tanna Bierian Kabakada Malo Norbarbar Vaturanga Brierly Id King Matupit Omba Volow Buka Lamassa Merlav Pala Wango Duke of York Lambell Motlav Savo p-mb Baki Deni Lamassa Merlav Norbarbar Baravon Epi Lambell Moanus Omba Belaga Gog Laur Nggao Sesake Bugotu King Malekula Nggela Vaturanga Buka p-w Bierian Lamassa Tanna (note 207) p-kpw Arag Lakon Maewo Motlav Volow Gog Lo Mota Norbarbar Vuras P-/ Fagani p-bu Malo p-l Aneityum POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 131 p-v p-w Arag Belaga Buka Epi Gog Lakon Malo Marina Merlav Mo&nus Mota Nggela Savo Sesake Vaturanga Buka Maewo Mosin Motlav Volow Vuras p-h P— Wango Ambrym We shall next subject these Melanesian mutations to a comparison with those which have been observed in the Polynesian family, as set forth in the tables beginning on page 50, confining our atten- tion to the consonants. The following changes are common to the two families : L to t, to nd, to dr, to n, these in the same series ; to ng in the palatal series ; to extinction. Of these the most widespread in the Polynesian family are the extinction and the w-change, the others being found in but one language apiece. In the Melanesian family the most widely extended are the extinction and the changes to n and ng. Distinctly Melanesian mutations are these: L to j, to m, to //;, to nl, to k, to h, to mj. Of these, \-j identifies itself with the \-t mutation, as will appear in the examination of T; and with this the Baki mj is probably associable as a reinforced /. Similarly the \-th of Bugotu is seen to belong to the \-t mutation when we observe the t-th mutation in that speech. Lamassa nl is a reinforced /. The purely Melanesian mutations, then, are 1 to m, to k, to //. NG Common to the two families are : NG to n, to k, to extinction, the more extended in Polynesia being the first and the third, the ^-change occurring only in the eastern Marquesas and in Viti. The ^-mutation in Melanesia occurs but once, in Aneityum. The change to n is very frequent. Extinc- tion is met with only in Torres Straits, at Dufaure Island and Motu, in the latter speech forming one of the points of great resemblance with Tahiti. Distinctively Melanesian are: NG to nj, to nd, to g, to m. The ^-muta- tion is easily seen to be a variant upon the ^-change; it occurs in seven languages of the New Hebrides and in one of the Solomons. The purely Melanesian mutations are NG to m, to nj, to nd. K Common to the two families are : K to g, to ng, to ngg, to extinction. The extinction is the most widely extended in Polynesia, being the rule in Hawaii, Tahiti, and in Samoa where it is so recent that the failure of vowels wholly to glide over the gap is represented by 4 as an alphabetic character under the name of the catch. In Melanesia the most frequent is the ^-mutation, and the extinction comes next in frequencv. 132 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Distinctively Melanesian mutations are: K to kh, to mk, to h, to m, to v, to w, to y. The M-change is of the same order as the ^-mutation, a further move in the same series. The mk of Baki is but a prefatory rein- forcement. The purely Melanesian mutations are : K to h, to m, to v, to w, to y. N Common to the two families are : N to /, to r, to ng. None is frequent in Polynesia ; the /-mutation occurs in Nukuoro and Samoa and in but one word (fonu-volu 296), the r-mutationin but a single word in Rotuma and Tahiti. In Melanesia the mutations to ng and l-r are of wide extent. Distinctively Melanesian mutations are: N to gn, to ny, to m, to t, to extinction. The first of these is probably an ng-form, for we recall that the early missionaries in the Pacific adopted that spelling in the case of Rarotogna for the indisputable Rarotonga. The purely Melanesian mutations are: N to ny, to m, to t, to extinction. H The aspirate is difficult to trace in Polynesia. It is preserved as aspira- tion only in Niue, Tonga and Uvea ; it appears as j in Rotuma and Viti, as th in Viti, and once as w in Hawaii. In Melanesia the aspiration is preserved quite widely, still more widely it has passed into the sibilant. The //i-mutation appears in Belaga and Guadalcanal The purely Melanesian mutations are : H to t, to d, to ts, to ;', to /, to v, to extinction. Common to the two families are : S to sh, to h, to th, to extinction. In each family the most widely extended mutation is that from the sibilant to the aspiration. Distinctively Melanesian mutations are : S to z, to t, to d , to k, to r, to y, to w. Common to the two families are : T to nd, to /, to th, to s, to k, to extinc- tion. In Polynesia the widest extent is measured by the t-k mutation. In Melanesia no one mutation has a marked frequency over several others. Distinctively Melanesian mutations are : T to d, to dr, to ndr, to h, to r, to n, to m, to w, to g. The d-mutation is but a slight variant upon t itself, the ^-mutation is a variant of the fe-mutation. The purely Melanesian mutations are : T to dr, to ndr, to h, to r, to n, to m, to w, to g. M In Polynesia the sole variation upon the labial nasal (m-ng) occurs in but a single word in Maori and Viti. Similarly in Melanesia this, the only common mutation, occurs in but a single word, not the same, however, as the Polynesian, in Alo Teqel and Do. POLYNESIAN REUCS IN MELANESIA. 133 Distinctively Melanesian mutations are : M to mw, to n, to ng, to v, to r, to t. The mw-change is scarcely to be classed as a mutation; it is a fashion in pronunciation which exists but in a restricted area of the Banks Group in the northern New Hebrides. The purely Melanesian mutations are : M to v, to r, to /, to n, to ng. Common to the two families are: V to h, to w. The latter alone has width of extent in either; x-h in Polynesia is found in but one word each in Niue, Nukuoro, and^Rotuma; and in Melanesia in but one word common to Saa and Wango. f j Distinctively and wholly Melanesian are these mutations: V to/, to b, to mb, to p, to pw, to u, to t, to ku, to extinction. Common to the two families are : F to v, to h, to p, to b, to w, to extinc- tion. In Polynesia the widest extent marks the mutations to //, to v, and extinction; in Melanesia the order of frequency is v, w, p, h, extinction. Distinctively Melanesian mutations are: F to mb, to mbw, to k, to kr, to n, to ng, to s, to th, to t, to u. Of these the mb and mbw are reducible to p (b), and the u to the common w. The purely Melanesian mutations are: F to k, to kr, to n, to ng, to s, to th, to t. Common to the two families are : P to b {mb), to v, to h, the last occurring in a single word common to Rotuma and Wango. Distinctively and wholly Melanesian are: P to mp, to m, to kpw, to/, to bu, to /, to iv, to extinction. In a former paper in which I subjected the truly Polynesian lan- guages to a similar detailed examination* it was pointed out that with certain exceptions noted the wdiole play of consonant mutation was a vertical or series matter : One more preliminary statement: we have already said that for con- venience we should enter upon our alphabetical conspectus the aspirate in the neighborhood of each of the three series. The convenience is this, that the aspirate is not palatal, not lingual, not labial, yet it lies as close to the one as to the other. We shall find it involved in all these changes, but it does not affect the rule which we are about to enunciate. With the three exceptions noted (s-v, ng-n, t-k) the whole play of con- sonant mutation in Polynesian is a matter of vertical change. When a palatal changes it changes to another palatal, lingual modified remains lingual still, and labial remains labial even though its play of mutation carries it bodily into the vowel tract. But there is no horizontal move- ment, the labial under stress of change does not become palatal or lingual. ♦"Samoan Phonetics in the Broader Relation," 17 Journal of the Polynesian Society, 217. 134 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Now, vertical and horizontal are convenient terms to employ when the conspectus is before the eye, but as terms they have no real value in nature. That which it is of value to recognize is that which underlies this talk of vertical mutation, of labial, lingual, palatal invariability. That all- important underlying fact is this : no matter which of the three organs of speech mechanism this early speaker elected to employ for the expression of any given sense he does not change to another organ in case the result is not satisfactory, and this holds true with his remotest descendants wherever they may to-day be found. A novice at the trade of speaking, he may fumble the tool he has chosen to employ, but, being man and obstinatively progressive, he sticks to the use of that same tool until he has learned the knack of it. Accordingly we are to omit all such instances from our discussion of the Melanesian dealing with Polynesian material, for inasmuch as the mutations are found in Polynesia without exterior influence we can not prove that similar vertical mutations when found west of Viti are due in any degree to Melanesian influence. The motion in each series is downward, excepting, of course, the three mutes which stand at the foot of each column and whose vertical motion can only be upward. Any exception, therefore, to this general downward motion of mutation calls for attention. There are but three such. i. K-y. This is found only in Tanna yasuk (251) rat. As set forth in the note upon this item the matter is too obscure to serve as a satisfactory base for any deduction. 2. S-r. This is found only in isd (337) bad Tanna ra, a poor language from which to draw conclusions, particularly when the instance is unique. 3. V-u. This, with the x-w, which involves no more vital a dis- tinction than an alphabetic symbol, is truly an upward motion on our charts of the sounds. But under the appearance there is a deeper principle. In the labial mutations we find such forms as m-mw, p-pw, p-kpw, p-bu, x-ku. If we are to interpret m-mw, for instance, as implying that m stands fast and at the same time moves upward, we are at once engaged with the phonetics of Sir Boyle Roche's bilocal bird. It becomes clear that the nucleus of all the labials is the vowel- semivowel u-w. In another place I comment upon the fact that the Melanesians have but recently begun to acquire command of their lips, not as yet facile. Thus the pri- mordial semivowel persists with the consonant which is evolving therefrom, plumule and cotyledon breaking ground together to tell the tale cf origins. When these vertical mutations are omitted we shall find a con- siderable number remaining which we are justified in characterizing as Melanesian. They are the following, some effort having been made to assort them in reasonable groups. POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 135 1. Involving the aspiration : k-h h-v x-h h / i-h p-h Superficially these are extra-serial mutations. If, however, my expla- nation be valid that the aspiration should be regarded as close to each series it will be permissible to regard it as the decay stage of each of these columns. The f-h change, too, is frequent in Polynesia. K-h. This rests upon five instances, one triply and two doubly sup- ported. In mataku (258) we find Ambry m matehag Malekula metoh Vaturanga matahuni. In kafika (193) Malekula Pangkumu has havih, two instances in one word. In ika (300) we find New Georgia thani Malekula na-ih. In feast (301), noting the existence of a second stem hai, we find New Georgia hai Vaturanga hai. There are two widely separated foci of the mutation, Ambrym- Malekula, leeward islands in the central New Hebrides ; Vaturanga and New Georgia, leeward in the central Solomons. H-/. For this we have the single instance of hala (339) path Aneityum ne-falaig. The language is not very satisfactory and no great value may attach to this unique instance. H-v. For this we have but a single example, Sesake vinaga (169); and in this there is uncertainty as to whether the Proto-Samoan was aspirate or sibilant. \-h. This, the converse of the next preceding item, rests upon a single instance. In lava (307) we find Saa laha and Wango raha. The occurrence of this mutation is in the southern Solomons on either side of the straits which part San Cristoval and Malanta, not far from the northern k-h focus. P-h. This rests upon the single instance of vula (284) in which we find Wango hura. This lies within the focus of the preceding item. 2. We have, then, two distinct and distant foci in which there is a ten- dency to reproduce certain of the Proto-Samoan consonants by the aspira- tion. The islands on which this occurs are large islands, with the possible exception of Ambrym, which is near the dividing line between the large and the small. By far the larger group of the anomalies in mutation is that in which there is clearly a passage from one series to the next in order. 3. Lingual to labial: L-ra. This rests insufficiently upon the single instance of mala ma (322) light Bierian ma ma ma. N-m. This rests on a single doubtful instance, arms (351) to spit, in which we find Nggao misu and New Georgia kamisu. It occurs in the central islands of the Solomons. T-m. If this be a valid mutation it rests upon but a solitary word, tama (217), which in Omba, Gog, Alite and New Georgia becomes mama, and in Merlav, Lakon, Pak, Sasar, Vuras, Mosin, Alo Teqel, Motlav, Volow and Norbarbar mam. The argument for this mutation will be found in the note upon this item in the systematic study of the data. This again has two foci: one, the Banks Group (omitting Mota), dipping down to Omba in the northern New Hebrides; the other in the central Solomons. 136 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. T-w. This change rests upon the single instance of the same tama, in which we find Fagani wama. As its immediate neighbors in the central Solomons, Ulawa, Wango, Saa and Bululaha, have the decapitated ama this may amount to no more than an obscure mouthing of the same form. 4. Labial to lingual : M-r. This occurs in malama (322) light Bugotu Nggela marara, neighbors in the central Solomons. M-w. For this we have no less than five examples, four Marina and one Tangoan Santo, our scanty vocabularies not allowing us to coordinate the two languages even in a single example. These are: lima (312) five Marina Una; lima (313) hand Marina hna± manu (317) bird Marina nanu; mala (324) eye Marina nana; malu (316) gentle Tangoan Santo nalum. This mutation is restricted to the island of Espiritu Santo in the northern and leeward New Hebrides, a large island. M-2. Found in a single instance, manifinifi (254) thin Malo tanivinivi. \-t. In vai (291) water, we note the doubtful case of Marina tei, an alternative with pei. F-n. This rests upon the single instance jua (360) fruit Nifilole nua, and, as will be found in the systematic study of the data, a more consistent explanation is probable. F -s. This is based on nifo (259) tooth Pala ngise, and fafine (290) woman Eromanga sivin. I incline to see in this, first a mutation i-h, which is common in Polynesian and is found elsewhere in Melanesia (Ambrym whin), then a secondary mutation h-s, which is extremely common. F-*. This is found as a variant Mota form in the same word fafine Mota vavine and tavine; perhaps in fia (218) how many Moanus tje. f-th. Occurs once, in fano (147) to go Tangoan Santo thano. PL Such a mutation is doubtfully suggested in papa (279) a board Aneityum apalapal, thin, fiat. 5. Lingual to palatal : L-k. This rests upon lima (313) hand Vaturanga kima Nggao kame Aneitvum ni-kman, and talinga (250) ear Aneityum tiknga. L-ng. This rests doubtfully upon the single instance lalo (123). 6. Palatal to lingual : NQ-mi. It appears solely in talinga Natalava kidinda. The second and smaller group of these anomalies is made up of the mutations from and to series two removes away. 7. Palatal to labial : NG-m. This rests, abundantly supported, upon the single instance of ngata (199) snake Santo mata Efate mwata Mota mata Malo moaia, all probably equivalent, and a variant Efate mata is equiv- alent with Santo mata Bierian n'mata Malekula na-mat. K-m. If this be valid it must rest upon kill (304) Motu miri, with the added disadvantage that Melanesia affords us almost no identi- fications of this word. The m in kati (302) Bierian mkati follows a line quite other, it is clearly akin to the prefacing of the mutes in Viti ; this is found again in keli (297) Baki Bierian mkili. POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 137 K-v. For this we find the single instance of kidl (194) clog Malo vuria Tangoan Santo vuriu. It will be observed that the area of this leaping mutation is included in the but scantily more extended area of the similar ng-m mutation. K-w. This very interesting mutation, not only a leaping mutation but as well from a consonant to a semivowel, while most firmly validated, rests upon the single instance of kutu (306) louse Omba (etc.) wutu Merlav (etc.) wut Pak (etc.) wu. The area of its occurrence includes all of the ng-m k-v area of the Banks Group and the northern New Hebrides, with a yet further extension in Sesake to the central tract of the latter archipelago. 8. Labial to palatal : Ni-ng. In a single instance, malum (316) Lo melunglung Alo Teqel mulunglung. It lies in the same Banks Group area of anomalies. F-ng. For this, too, we have but one example, fiha (215) how many Nggao ngiha Vaturanga ngisa. It lies in an area of marked anomalies, in fact with the k-h and n-m areas it completes a triangle in southern Ysabel and New Georgia and northern Guadalcanal' of the Solomons, within which lies Savo of a far different linguistic character. F-k. This rests as yet uncertainly on ufi (273) yam Tanna nuk, and then only if n function as article with a substantive uk, n-uk. We note in uncertainty ifo (206) down Aneityum suko Gog sug. The mutation in nojo (201) to sit Nggao nokro is wholly abnormal. 9. Finally we have left for consideration a half dozen variants which elude the foregoing effort to find order in irregularity. NQ-nj. Noted in matangi (274) the wind Aneityum ni-mtinjop. It is possible that m(i)tin is the survival of the stem matangi and jop an accretion of some sort ; I have been unable to identify jop as an independent word or in other composition in Aneityum. N-ny. This occurs in namu (328) mosquito Aneityum inyum Moanus njam. Buka and Bugotu have already been noted as varying this n to gn. S-y. In sulu (182) torch Baki yidu. T-dr. Found in to'a (375) to subside Ambrym dro dru to abide; tutulu (367) to leak Baki drudruli. Associated herewith is t-ndr talinga (350) ear Moanus ndrilinga, tahi (352) sea Moanus ndras. In this reinforced r we have elsewhere found evidence of the effort to reproduce r grasseye. The result of this inspection of the anomalies in mutation is that we identify two distinct areas in which Polynesian material was rudely subjected to purely Melanesian methods, one area somewhat diffuse in the northern New Hebrides archipelago, including the Banks Group and Torres Islands, the other sharply defined on the larger islands in the mid Solomons; and that in at least the two more numerous of these anomalous mutations there seems an inter- relation between the two areas. If the result of all this painful examination were no more than the circumscription of these two small areas, interesting as that result 138 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. might become when the material for Melanesian study is more abundant, we should judge, and rightly, the time and labor ill spent which brought no better returns. But I feel confident that this material, thus handled, does unfold to us the log of the Proto-Samoan swarm and does prove to us that this migration, at least, followed the Melanesian course quite regard- less of the wind-and-wave argument on which Dr. Thilenius has expended so much attention. It will be observed that these studies have identified Proto-Samoan elements in Melanesian, and scarcely other than Proto-Samoan. The Tongafiti swarm does not appear. That must be left for later study : first, its segregation in Polynesian philologv, then its identification in whatever travel lane it may have followed It may be that it can be identified in that mid-Pacific track which Thilenius proposed . This much is certain, the Tongafiti migration has left absolutely no trace of its passage in Melanesia. On the sieve hypothesis, namely, that the Polynesian content of Melanesia is due to drift of castaways from Nuclear Polynesia, we should look to find such content strongly localized at those points more immediately to leeward of the point of involuntary departure, that is in Viti and the New Hebrides. Yet as to Viti the Samoan record is clear. It was not drift of castaways, it was a long series of purposeful voyages from Samoa to Viti, from Viti to Samoa, for love and for war ; it was such a common voyage that the sisters Tilafainga and Taema swam it. And as to the New Hebrides, where the Polynesian content by this theory should be at its best, we have just proved the existence there of an area in which the Polynesian is at its poorest. Furthermore this Polynesian element is found quite as strongly, in fact more strongly, in the Solomons and yet more northern groups quite outside the normal course of drift, so far as I am able to identify it upon the charts with the aid of no merely theoretical familiarity with the winds and currents of this western Pacific. Let us rather examine our data in the light of what might be expected of a great ethnic swarm, and not the feeble struggle for life of fishermen landed in distress upon inhospitable shores. Let us set before ourselves the manner of such voyaging. Under the stress of some expulsive force acting upon their rear in Indonesia, under the draft of some force leading out into the eastward unknown, the Proto-Samoan fleets passed through some one or more of the free channels out of the Malay seas. They were navigators, for, as I have already had occasion to remark, we can not deny them their ability to sail the seas to Nuclear Polynesia, while granting, as we must, their ability to sail voyages of equal length out of Nuclear Polynesia to yet ulterior eastern lands. Samoa was no dockyard, it was no school of navigation; Bougainville's name POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 139 of Navigators' Islands for that group had no deeper signification than that he found his ships surrounded by a fleet of canoes. We know the type of these vessels. Discoverers have described them in the accounts of their South Sea voyages ; sketches of them there are a-plenty. I have seen the last in Samoa of the type of double canoes with sails fit for ocean-going. We know that each could carry its hundred or so of passengers, could eat up into the wind and lay a course almost as close as the fore-and-afters which are the American contribution to the marine. The one principal defect in these vessels as the vehicles of long voyages was in the victualling, and that defect produced a system of voyaging with- out which we should be at an utter loss to prick their course upon our charts. Each of these voyages was an Odyssey. Stocked with such food and water as they could find the means to carry they coasted wher- ever coasts were available to follow, and thus they voyaged until the commissariat called for replenishing. Then they landed, they established, albeit temporarily, food colonies until the land could yield them a crop sufficient to carry them yet farther, until the same ventral need established them yet again in a like food colony. These revictualling settlements are of the utmost moment in our study. Three elements are primal in the establishing of each such settlement. It must have a sufficient supply of water ; it must show an encouraging area of soil fit for tilth; its autochthonous population must be such that the voyagers might feel secure of maintaining themselves and their families during the months of the crop period, whether by superiority in numbers or by better skill in warlike arts is immaterial. In general the supply of potable water would be found ample wherever the two other conditions were satisfied. In the whole western Pacific area there is a wide contrast between two types of islands mingled in close juxtaposition. The large islands are commonly high, great masses of volcanic extrusion with forbidding shores and little productive soil in sight save in small patches in deep bays. A race in whom the ethnic sense had reached such a high stage of development as to send them forth in company as these Proto-Samoans swarmed, would naturally expect that the large population of a large island would assemble in concert at the point of attack to repel the invader. The small islands are commonly low; their acreage is greater up to the visible forest, this being an important criterion, for visible possibilities of tilth point to a neces- sary sojourn of but one crop season ; to clear the jungle for plantation would require three and probably more seasons. The population of a small island, even if aggressively hostile, would be more within the control of the adventurers of a single vessel or small squadron. We 140 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. should look, then, to find the Polynesian element most strongly- marked in these smaller islands rather than on the adjacent main where Dr. Thilenius is so insistent in pointing out their absence. Remember the Proto-Samoans are voyaging under sail. What must a Nelson have before Trafalgar can be his day ? The weather gage. Dreading the perils of a lee shore, does not every sailor hug the wind ? There is in this no deep ethnic principle which we are called upon to establish as in the possession of our Polynesian swarm. It is sufficient to know that they were under sail upon the sea; the rest follows as an elemental principle of the mechanics of seamanship. Thence we shall do well to look for them to windward in the lands along which they pass, less to leeward. Coming from Indonesia into the Pacific, the coasting voyage along the rugged heights of the Solomon Islands, which rise in the sea from Buka to San Cristoval, set for these voyagers a course approximately southeast as we now should lay it by compass, full and bye when reduced to the rhumb of the wind prevailing during the months which would be found most favorable for navigation. After 600 miles of navigation by landmark in this great chain which with consistent uniformity has coincided with a full and bye, what more natural than that, when the last landmark has sunk astern and the open sea is to be adventured, the pilots still should follow the course set for them by the wind? Next upon the track thus hugging the wind lies the Santa Cruz Group. Beyond this small archipelago lies yet another void of the sea, always the sea they must have loved, always the constant draft of the trade wind which hitherto not only had carried them on their course but had laid for them that success- ful course. We must never lose sight of the fact that it was only those who followed this course full and bye who found the chance to survive — a few points off and the voyage was protracted in pain and ended mutely in starvation and thirst upon an empty sea which marks no memorial of the manhood it takes. From Santa Cruz the intervals of the sea which we know are uneven. Working on the wind there lie a thousand miles of all but unbroken ocean before the next landfall. To the south — near, yet out of eyeshot — lie the New Hebrides. With chart and compass we can find the nearest land, to seek or to avoid as may best suit the purpose of our voyaging. But these navigators of the Polynesian swarm had no knowledge of what land might be in the unknown sea. For many leagues the course set for them by the unchanging wind had led them coastwise where land was, and when the sea grew empty the same sailing track had led them on to yet new land. Thus may we reasonably expect that taking their departure from the last sight of Santa Cruz the fleets would set bravely forth upon the course that so long had served them and so well. POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 141 I feel that I can not set too acute an accent upon this idea of course. Without knowledge of what might lie before them, with no chart and with no compass to guide them, even had they known what they sought, there was but one fixed and recognizable fact in empty sea under the cloud-flecked emptiness of sky. This fact was direction, the angle with the wind at which their canoes were at their best sailing speed. Where all else was uncertainty the fixity of this fact must have kept them true upon the sea by night as well as by day, for in the darkness, when the eye could no longer see the tremor of the after leach of the great mat sail bellying above them, the ear could be warned by its quivering. All else uncertainty, this alone was fact. The New Hebrides, therefore, lying so near would yet be distant because out of course. Upon the shores from Norbarbar to Aneityum, still more remote and still more to leeward, in Uea, Lifu, and Mare, at the most remote spot to leeward beyond which lay no land whatever, at New Caledonia, would come only the dull sailors and those who through blast of gales had sagged down the wind. Therefore from the point where the axis of the land masses breaks from its northwest- southeast direction and sets off north-south we should expect to find a difference in the Polynesian content of the indigenous languages. So far in these notes our attention has been given to the direction of the Polynesian traverse through Melanesia. We may pause briefly to consider a point of relative duration of this traverse, and we note with surprise that Thilenius has permitted himself to write of a measure of weeks. Much earlier in this work I have noted the instances of Polynesian inclusions within Melanesia. Stated in terms of the point as now presented, these are cases where the duration of the traverse has reached the absolute maximum in a fixed and permanent settlement, a relinquishment of the voyage. Remember that we have no means of determining what was the impulse upon which these voyages were undertaken. It will, how- ever, involve no great strain of the probabilities if we assume as established the reasonable hypothesis which has been proposed, that the impulse upon the Polynesians commorant in Indonesia was an expulsive force and that it was applied upon them on their exposed northern flank and upon their rear equally exposed to the crowding of swarms of alien and incompatible migration from the Asiatic main- land. Upon this assumption we may naturally draw the conclusion that the power of expulsion had practically vanished when the Polynesian swarm had set the great island of New Guinea behind them. This we know of a certainty, in all the unknown ages which have elapsed, the Malayan peoples (if it were their ancestors who 142 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. crowded out the Sawaiori) have been able to effect no lodgment of settlement upon that dark island, and their trade settlement has scarcely advanced beyond the occasional raiding dash of the sea rover and slaver. Once in Torres Straits, for such as found the exit in the Arafura Sea, once within the great bight of the Bismarck Archipelago, for what seems to have been the main flight, the voyagers lacked impulse as they certainly wanted direction. They were afloat, but they were headed nowhere in particular. The world may have been in a sense before them, but choice was limited to such lands as they might chance upon. I have already spoken of the necessity of crop settle- ment as a condition of their naval economy. Without destination to lure onward, without force behind to drive them yet farther along, such crop settlement under favorable conditions of soil, water, and subduable autochthons tended inevitably to become a perma- nent colonization. If we note upon the charts the position of such Polynesian inclu- sions, crop settlements become fixed colonies — the islands of the western verge of Polynesia in Nuguria, Tauu and Liueniua, Matema, Ticopia, Sikayana, Mai, Aniwa, Fotuna — we shall find them with- out exception the windward islands of the archipelagoes with which respectively they are associated in descriptive geography. Even Rennel and Moiki, although they lie to leeward of San Cristoval in the southern Solomons, are yet a weather ly achievement to such voyagers as issued easterly from Torres Straits. Where we find these fixed colonies in such number there must have been other crop settlements similar in their beginnings which endured in the measure of years or perhaps generations until inability to withstand the assaults of the indigenes or the lure of some new squadron of wanderers of their own race and speech led them to essay yet again the great sea, never forgetting that it is inborn a character- istic of the Polynesian to hold himself proudly the master of the ocean. If these considerations are to be held somewhat of more worth than the divagations of fancy there must somewhere be some record to give them substance. Where else, then, than in these speech records which we have subjected to such minute analysis? But how to make the record appear? For Mota, for Aneityum, and for Efate we now have dictionaries of unequal excellence. These languages we may, therefore, compare with the Polynesian languages for which we have similar standards, indeed regulate by so much of the comparative Polynesian phil- ology as has been elaborated upon these data. For so much we are thankful, yet these are but three, and in the data upon which these studies rest we have had under intimate dissection no less than POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 143 ninety languages in Melanesia. Had we dictionaries of each of the ninety we might easily note the exact percentage of words which mark the Polynesian content in each. Then our comparison would be as exact as it would be facile. Unfortunately there remain eighty-seven languages of which our knowledge rests upon a very few words preserved at random in many works of reference. The exact measure we seek is impossible of application. Yet we are by no means left without recourse. There is at our hand a certain measure of the quality of the Polynesian inclu- sions in these Melanesian tongues. The identifications have been made with all the assistance which can inhere in long practical acquaintance with the comparative Polynesian philology. I have, accordingly, had no hesitation in definitely accepting as Polynesian identification many a word which would completely fail of recog- nition by the Polynesian of any one tongue. This is due to the fact that the Melanesian, alien to the Sprachgeist of his loan material, may deal with the Polynesian word which has come into his possession according to the spirit of his own speech. Thus the Samoan who says fajanga, to feed, might quite fail of recognizing his mother tongue when the New Irelander had trimmed here and added there to make Ivambell angan; and his familiar longo, to hear, would be wholly inaudible to him in Marina rogotag. Yet there are words which he could comprehend. I have therefore taken as criteria of this measurement the words in each Melanesian language which a Samoan, knowing only Samoan, could comprehend if he were set down on the alien shore amid a hostile folk under circumstances where every instinct of life would fill him with anxious desire to know from the strange sounds what disposition was to be made of him. Not the learned pursuits of a philologist this, but the working of the wits of a man under the compelling stress of elemental need. I assume that his ears thus pricked up would gather those words which exist in common in his language and that of his savage hosts, and there are many such, even where the final vowel has undergone abrasion. Further I assume that when the consonant structure of any given word remains the same in the two languages his wits would be sharp enough to recognize the word when the vowels had undergone modification; thus Epi fefene would be easily comprehensible to the Samoan who says fa fine for woman. The same will hold when the vowel structure is constant ; thus Ulawa nimanima could not but be comprehensible to the Samoan who knows his hand as lima. Finally, in those cases where the vowels remain unaltered and the mutation of consonants is not at variance with the system of mutation normal to the Polyne- sian languages, I feel justified in the assumption that the strain of need would awaken our Samoan to a conscious recognition of his 144 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. own word in its new guise. In effect I set before the individual the task which has proved easy to his race.* For each of the languages of sufficient representation I have tabu- lated the results of this examination and have set them down in the foregoing tables. Employing the sum of these several elements as dividend, and for divisor the whole number of words in the available material which have been identified as Polynesian, we obtain a figure which stands for the quality of the resemblance of each lan- guage with the Proto-Samoan, and this coefficient of quality has been inserted in its proper place in the tables. Now for the graphic presentation of the results. Upon the chart of the island-studded ocean between the termini of Indonesia and Polynesia, respectively, we insert these coefficients of quality and delimit the areas of equal resemblance. *Not a single detail of such westward drift and its result can be lacking in interest to us. Therefore I note the following double instance from the Rev. John Inglis's "In the New Hebrides" (page 33) : "On Aneityum the idols were all, like the Jewish altars, of uncarved, unhewn stones. The only exception to this which we ever found was in the case of Tuatau, a natmas which I found at Anauunse and took home with me. Tuatau was of wood, a piece of a breadfruit tree. Like the idolaters mentioned by the prophet, the maker of this idol had chosen a tree that will not rot. It was a rudely shaped, uncouth figure, its countenance only very slightly resembling the human face divine. I was struck with its being made of wood, and afterwards learned that it was not a native idol— it was of foreign manufacture. It had a little history of its own, which may serve to illustrate that of ' the image which fell down from Jupiter '(Acts xix, 35). About the beginning of this [the nineteenth] century as nearly as native chronology supplied me with the date on which to calculate, in the days of Tuatau, a great chief of Anauunse, this poor idol was one morning found drifted ashore by the northeast wind. How long it had been tossed upon the ocean nobody knew. But as it bore all the marks of a Malay idol [Dr. Inglis thus denominates the Polynesians], and was very like the fisher- man's god of Rarotonga, as given in Williams's ' Missionary Enterprises' and which, he says, 'was placed on the forepart of every fishing canoe; and when the natives were going on a fishing excursion, prior to setting off they invariably presented offerings to the god, and invoked him to grant success' — it seemed highly probable that this idol was a Rarotongan fisherman's god— that the canoe on which it was borne had been wrecked— that the poor fishermen had been drowned— and that the idol had been drifted along before the tradewinds till it was cast ashore on Aneityum. But, be that as it may have been, its subsequent history was well enough known. Among a people remarkablv unskilled in the pictorial arts, its faint resemblance to the human form secured for it favor and veneration. The day on which it was found was one on which Tuatau was making a great feast. The natmasses were always closely connected with the feasts. It was one of the fundamental articles in the creed of heathenism on Anei- tyum that the man who made the largest feasts and who presented the most costly offerings to the natmasses was the man that most effectually propitiated their favor. The sacred men all declared that the natmasses had made this image and brought it to Tuatau; and the chief and the ignorant populace accepted the statement as readily, and believed it as firmly, as the Asiarchs and the idolaters of Ephesus believed that the ugly little statue, made of ebony and vine wood by Canetias, was, as the priests of Diana affirmed it to be, 'the image that fell down from Jupiter.' The chief received it as a token of the special favor of the natmasses, placed it within the sacred enclosure, and thenceforth regarded it as his tutelary divinity. After the death of Tuatau the idol received his name, and was supposed to be watching over his spirit; and it continued to be worshipped till Christianity was accepted in Anauunse. "Had the idol been a man — a shipwrecked sailor, or one of the poor fishermen on the prow of whose canoe it sat conspicuous as Castor and Pollux did in the ship that carried Paul — to a certainty he had been killed, and most probably also eaten; at least a ship- wrecked sailor met with this sad fate at Eromanga within less than a twelvemonth of the time when Tuatau fell into my hands; but being a block of wood, shaped so as to have a faint resemblance to a man, it was set up and worshipped as a god." POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 145 As soon as we trace the contours connecting the islands whose languages show approximately equal coefficients of Polynesian qual- ity it becomes at once manifest that we are concerned with two great areas. These are so distinct, so widely separated, that it is practically impossible to conceive of them as having the same origin, at least in this Melanesian tract of the Pacific with which we have to do. We shall therefore do well to consider them in detail, each by itself, and to reserve the discussion of their diversity of origin until after that preliminary survey. One of these areas embraces southern Melanesia, from the Torres Islands to New Caledonia. In these islands, the New Hebrides form- ing the principal and determining mass, the contours of equal quality extend from northwest in a general direction toward the southeast. Along the axis cutting these contours from northeast toward south- west we find that the coefficient of quality diminishes from the east. In the southern New Hebrides we find two instances of purely Polynesian speech, at Aniwa and at Fotuna, these representing the position of the contour of ioo. It is important to note that Aniwa and Fotuna are the most weatherly of the New Hebrides archi- pelago, that is to say they are the points to be reached by a fleet steering full and bye, the best sailing point of canoes and the only sailing point which gives the helmsman on unknown seas a sense of direction for his course. The three larger islands in this section of the archipelago show scant traces of Polynesian admixture, and the quality coefficient is low; Eromanga 58, Aneityum 46, and Tanna no more than 29. Still farther west the Loyalties make no better showing: Nengone 45, and Lifu 42, while Uea records a Polynesian content entirely of the modern epoch and known to be derived from an involuntary voyage from Uvea in Nuclear Polynesia. In the examination of the central and northern New Hebrides, for except in the history of discovery it is not advisable to disso- ciate the Banks Group, we are able to draw contours of 90, 80, and 70 quite plainly. Along the windward face of the archipelago appear spots which might establish the curve of 100, such being the Polynesian settlement in Efate and Mae on the island of Three Hills. At the north the curve of 90 is established on Vanua Lava by Leon, the other languages of that island standing at 40 and the bush language (Alo Teqel) at the lowest mark of 19. Working down the weather aspect of the archipelago, Arag falls but little below this contour and Makura, Nguna and Efate lie above it. Mota in the extreme north shows the same influence as Leon on Vanua Lava. The contours of 80 and 70 are satisfactorily drawn in close paral- lelism with that of 90 and are well established by a sufficiency of points of identification. The high value of Marina 89 in the deep bay of the north coast of Espiritu Santo need not prove as anoma- 146 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. lous in position as at first sight it might appear. While Vanua Lava-Mota-Arag identify one point of migration entrance into the archipelago, it is quite probable that Marina- Arag identify another entrance for fleets sailing a little to leeward when making this landfall. We next examine the northern area. Its curve of ioo is beauti- fully established along a great length ; from southeast to northwest we note Anuda, Ticopia, Matema, Sikayana, Liueniua, Nukumanu, Tauu and Nuguria, all Polynesian communities, all the most weath- erly islands of the Santa Cruz Group, of the Solomons, and of New Ireland respectively. At the other limit the curve of 60 may dis- tinctly be traced along the leeward faces of the Solomons and of the Santa Cruz Group. Between these two well-marked contours the curves of 70 and 80 are very distinct in the Solomons and in the strait between New Britain and New Ireland. Along the range of the Solomons the migration track is plainly drawn along the weather coast or in the easy channel from southern Ysabel toUlawa. We may now examine the points at which the migration streams which establish these two areas come into closest approximation. These points are two, the interval between Deni and the Torres Islands, and the interval between Moiki-Rennel and the southern Solomons. Here, if anywhere, the two streams came their nearest to a chance of mingling. In this examination we must bear in mind a few clearly estab- lished facts. These voyages were performed without chart or com- pass. The leaders knew nothing of what land might lie before them. Their only norm of direction was set by the constancy of the trade wind and their only method of conforming to that norm was by sailing closehauled, to which they had the added inducement of seamanship in that this was the best sailing point of their canoes. To deviate from that course where no landfall had been made and where there was no knowledge that land might exist would be to relinquish a purposeful voyage for merely idle cruising. In the case of the gap south of Deni intermingling could have taken place only from the north toward the south. It is incon- ceivable that a fleet having made the most northerly landfall of the New Hebrides, whether at Lo or at Vanua Lava, should leave the new lands already in sight to beat dead to windward where no land was known to exist. Similarly there could be no reason for vessels taking their departure from the Santa Cruz group to leave the one course which they knew, to set out toward the south which was a direction they had no means of determining, and to run free upon their least convenient and most dangerous point of sailing. At the other point of approximation we should note that Moiki and Rennel are invisible from the nearest islands, Guadalcanar and POLYNESIAN RELICS IN MELANESIA. 147 San Cristoval, and that no land is visible from them. They are islands having the speech quality coefficient of ioo, for they are settled by Polynesians. Such islands we have already learned to look for as the most weatherly achievements of Polynesian voyagers in this great migration movement. In the southern Solomons the course of migration is distinctly marked to windward of Malanta and through the island-dotted channel north of Guadalcanar and San Cristoval. With all these landmarks to point the way it is inconceivable that canoes should leave the coastwise course and head to leeward for islands far beyond their sight and wholly out of their knowledge. Likewise for voyagers passing beyond Moiki- Rennel the closehauled course would not carry them within sight of San Cristoval, but would give them a more distant landfall in the Torres Islands, and thence the land in view would deflect them southeastward on a coasting voyage. It is quite clear, therefore, that these two points of approach were gaps not crossed and that the two streams of migration remained largely distinct. The dull canoes of the northern stream, a few set to leeward by gale or other accident, may have reached the southern stream and have escaped notice ; but that there was any accretion to the northern stream from the southern is wholly out of the question. No account has yet been made of the two western points of this identification, Moanus 83 north of New Guinea, and Motu 85 in the Gulf of Papua on the southern coast of that great island. With the mass of this almost continental island beween them these two distant points of equal quality must stand apart. Each represents the most westerly identifiable point of a migration swarm and these two swarms must have been wholly distinct. Moanus I regard as the first point of the stream which in part went to windward of New Ireland and in part has left its traces in St. George's Channel, thence has swept along the Solomons, thence past Matema and Ticopia and onward to Rotuma, and still beyond to its lodgment in Samoa — the Samoa Stream. Motu and Moiki likewise establish early points on the migration track which generally parallels the Samoa Stream, but runs some distance southward until it makes the landfall of the northern New Hebrides and then is deflected sharply south by the opportunity and the convenience of sailing coastwise with its double joy of war and victual, which sets forth once more upon empty sea from Aniwa and Fotuna and at last enters Nuclear Polynesia by way of Fiji — the Viti Stream. Now it comes to us to discuss briefly the relative age of the Polynesian content identified in Melanesian possession and the same material in Polynesia itself. Of two forms in general, one with a final vowel and one with a terminal consonant following the same vowel, which in all proba- 148 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. bility is the elder? As between two great groups of speech, to one of which the final consonant is most repugnant, to the other of which the final consonant is so distinctly pleasurable that in many parts of the group a stem final vowel is abraded in order to reach a closed syllable, in antecedent probability which of these repre- sents an earlier type? We do not have to rest on the antecedent probability, clear as we shall find it. That the form in the terminal consonant, the characteristic Melanesian form, is the earlier and elder is shown us in the Polynesian itself. Look at valu (281) to scrape taro; Efate bar u- si Mae barusi, of the same sense, might lead us to infer that the root form is barus; in Samoan valusanga, the derivative meaning taro scrapings, we find a direct proof that the >? is radical, for the formative suffix was applied early enough to protect the final con- sonant from abrasion. Examples abound in these data; I note but these few for the reference of such as wish to give the topic extended study: 71, 81, 160, 162, 191, 204, 224, 227, 266, 283, 289. This, too, plays an important part in the condemnation of the sieve theory and the castaway drift. Which is more reasonable, that a dozen very closely allied languages should act harmoniously in dropping final consonants, or that ninety languages with very scant community and no intercommunication should agree in adding precisely the same consonant as closure to open roots brought them in storm-driven canoes, and that the same terminals should be picked up in several cases by the score of languages in Indonesia, a region physically exterior to all such possibility of canoe drift? There can, indeed, be no shadow of doubt that the Melanesians in their keeping of the Polynesian loan material have preserved an earlier type. Therefore the conclusion is inevitable that the Polynesians were commorant in Melanesia at some time, and for some time, anterior to their settlement of the unoccupied lands of the central and east- ern Pacific. We are dealing in these studies with the record of what the Poly- nesians taught the Melanesians, no inconsiderable contribution in the aggregate. But did the Melanesians teach the Polynesians nothing? Was the gift altogether so one-sided? In the rigid examination of the material I can find but a single word which I suspect to have come into Polynesian possession from Melanesian tongues. This is Samoan 'isumu (251) rat, and it calls for no little agility to identify this word, not elsewhere Polynesian and by no means in common Samoan use, with the word which means rat in certain parts of Melanesia, namely in the New Hebrides, and in the Solomons in just that area of the islands of the Malanta channel which marks our curve of maximum quality of Polynesian content. POLYNESIAN REUCS IN MELANESIA. 149 The reason is by no means far to seek. Homekeepers have ever homely wits. Our Polynesians, who had the genius to conduct such voyages as under far more favoring conditions have brought immortality to Quiros and Mendafia, to La Perouse and Dumont d'Urville, to Magelhaens and Roggewein, to Cook, to Byron and to Bligh, to Wilkes — such were a folk far in advance of the rude autochthons of the islands they encountered in their passage. The black man could learn much from the brown; there was little in the liberal arts that the Melanesian could com- municate to the bright, aye the brilliant, Polynesian. Where they came into contact could only have been in the crop settlements, and in such it must have been an essential condition that the black sat in subjugation to the brave brown sea-rover. What does the slave in any community teach to his lord which comes into the prevailing speech? One word in these two hundred is all we can suspect the Polynesian to have taken from the Melanesian, and that one very doubtful. Yet who of us without painful research can identify for so much as the five fingers of but a single hand a word apiece which the Britons have set into the language which is ours by right of the conquest of Britain by the Roman, the Saxon, the Norman? Yet one more reason is simultaneously and equally operative. Crop settlement approximating semi-permanence may have taken place piecemeal among ninety varying languages. Such Melanesian elements as each settlement might have permitted itself to adopt in the particular spot of its sojourn would be incomprehensible to all other members of the migration swarm who had sojourned in con- tact with each of the other eighty-nine languages. Upon their reas- sembling in Nuclear Polynesia the alien elements comprehended but by the company of a single vessel would be restricted in compre- hensibility to that crew alone, and, thus from the beginning limited in use, would tend toward disuse and Polynesia would know them no longer; the superior language would heal its own wounds. Before leaving this central chapter in which we have discussed in many lights the Polynesian content of Melanesian speech I wish to sum up the major conclusions to which we have been led. i . In the plexus of Melanesian speech a certain element has been proved to have a common origin with the Polynesian. 2. That this varies in quality according to the ability of its Melanesian possessors to respect the vital principle with which it came into their possession. 3. That this represents, wherever the data admit of deduction, a phase more primitive than the Polynesian of the eastern archi- pelagoes. 150 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 4. That it can not be drift material brought by eastern castaways, but is derived from the sojourn of Polynesian ancestors in Melanesia when on their way from Indonesia to the mid-Pacific. 5. That from the material here involved in discussion we can lay out one great track of the migrant swarm with much precision, and that a second may be laid out with considerable probability. 6. That along these two tracks the only Polynesian voyagers who have left any trace are those of the earlier Proto-Samoan swarm, and that the wanderings of the later Tongafiti migration must be sought elsewhere than in Melanesia. CHAPTER VIII. SAWAIORI MATERIAL IN INDONESIA. Limitation of the points of inquiry — Check-list of the Indonesian material — Synoptical tables of mutation varieties — Mutations com- pared with the systems of the Pacific languages— Character and prob- able place of the contact of Indonesian and Polynesian — The nature of an ethnic swarm discussed — The Malay advance was an affair of outposts — Whence arose the speech community, which after all is a matter of but a gross of words — The Indonesians are shown to be borrowers — Two lines of Sawaiori escape through the Malay Archi- pelago lead to the two tracks identified through Melanesia — The designation Malayo-Polynesian should be discarded because false. The scope of this work does not include such a detailed dissection of the Indonesian languages as that to which the Melanesian tongues have been subjected in the foregoing chapter. This speech area has its own diligent students, and to their researches we owe the present advanced state of our knowledge of the multiplicity of Malaysian speech. Thus are we spared the necessity of pathfinding. In the present chapter we shall limit our attention to the con- sideration of such Indonesian material as is brought into comparison with the data from the Pacific areas here under discussion. We shall examine it for the purpose of discovering to what extent it may be used either in support or in disproof of the theory that the Pacific languages have developed out of the Indonesian, or that both derive from a common parent. In this we shall develop whatever support such examination may give to the theory that this common parent was Semitic. We shall be led to a rigid consideration of the validity of the older consociation of these speech areas as the Malayo-Polynesian family. Beyond these several points of inquiry we shall not advance. We shall do no more than to place these data conveniently at the service of students of Indonesian philology. As we have done in the earlier chapters we present a series of tables for readiness of access to the material here assembled. For a large amount of the Indonesian material indebtedness is gratefully acknowledged to the industry and research of Mr. Tregear recorded in his "Maori Comparative Dictionary." Malay 9 10 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 45 46 47 79 170 171 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 181 183 185 215 216 218 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 232 233 236 237 239 240 241 243 244 245 246 247 248 250 251 255 256 257 258 260 261 262 264 265 266 268 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 281 282 283 284 286 287 151 288 152 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Malay... 289 290 291 292 294 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 304 305 306 307 303 309 310 311 312 315 316 317 318 321 323 324 325 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 Malagasy 28 35 37 38 46 47 169 171 172 175 177 179 184 213 216 218 219 220 221 223 228 231 232 234 235 236 238 239 242 244 246 247 249 250 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 267 272 273 274 277 278 281 282 283 288 290 293 294 296 297 298 301 302 307 308 311 312 314 316 317 318 319 320 321 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 343 344 345 346 347 348 350 353 355 357 35S 362 363 364 Ahtiago.217 290 291 300 305 306 312 317 324 329 330 333 352 360 Allor....291 Amblaw 217 265 278 291 300 312 316 317 33o 360 Amboyna 190 352 Aru 284 Awaiya.180 217 257 278 290 291 300 312 317 324 330 333 350 352 Baju ...251 257 265 278 291 301 305 306 309 312 317 324 333 335 350 360 Baliyon . 250 269 308 324 335 343 Basakrama 250 266 279 312 350 Batak. . .329 Batavia .243 Batumerah 278 290 291 300 312 313 316 317 324 330 333 350 Beu 243 Bicol....2i4 237 250 274 292 330 Binue . . .343 Bolanghitam 217 278 306 309 312 313 317 324 Borneo . . 300 309 350 360 Bouton..2i7 257 259 290 300 305 306 312 313 317 324 333 350 Brissi West 259 Bual ....278 Bugi ... 47 267 274 277 279 292 308 328 343 344 350 352 360 Buru 291 352 356 361 Catmarian 217 265 278 290 291 300 306 312 317 324 329 330 333 350 352 360 Cajeli...2i7 265 278 290 291 312 313 317 330 333 360 Ceram...278 291 329 352 356 Chamorri 350 352 Champa. 291 308 312 313 Dorey. . .291 312 Dyak.309 312 317 324 328 330 350 Ende....278 Gah 217 251 257 26s 275 278 290 300 306 312 316 317 324 329 330 352 360 Galela ..278 352 Gani 278 290 291 298 300 306 312 317 352 Gilolo...284 Goram. .291 Guaham.317 352 Ilocan 267 277 284 290 294 300 323 324 332 334 339 342 346 Java 31 171 182 224 225 251 261 265 267 270 272 273 274 276 277 278 283 285 288 289 290 295 298 299 300 306 308 312 316 321 324 330 333 334 335 336 339 342 344 346 350 352 357 360 364 Jobi 312 Kaili....278 284 Kaioa Id. 291 Kandayan 343 Kavvi ... 250 334 352 Kayan.259 263 273 275 277 278 294 308 309 312 317 322 324 328 344 346 Ki<=a 259 265 273 274 276 278 282 283 284 295 312 313 317 318 323 324 Lampong 312 343 Landa . . . 343 SAWAIORI MATERIAL IN INDONESIA. 153 Lariko..2i7 265 278 290 300 306 312 317 324 330 333 350 Loabnog.:.l84 ^ ^ 29° 291 30° 312 3'3 3'7 » 33o 333 350 360 Macassar 78 216 252 256 267 279 285 290 294 306 308 313 318 324 Madura..^ 305 IE "" ^ ^ ^ ™ 35° 352 353 355 Magindano^ 250 259 274 276 284 294 308 312 313 317 318 321 342 Mame. . .312 Manatolo 259 Massaratty 217 251 290 291 300 306 312 329 3,0 33* 350 360 Matabello 259 265 278 300 306 312 316 317 324 329 333 352 Matu....261 267 276 277 305 317 327 336 344 350 333 Mayapo..2i7 265 290 291 300 306 312 317 329 330 33, 350 360 Menado..2i7 291 300 306 309 312 313 317 324 333 360 Menankabau 350 Molucca . 284 Morella.joo 217 278 290 291 300 306 312 313 317 324 330 333 350 Mysot...2i7 278 290 291 300 306 312 324 361 Nicobar . 300 324 326 Pampangas 276 277 278 309 312 321 324 327 328 344 353 Pangasinan 329 Pani 295 Rotti . . .278 284 291 Salayer .217 275 285 290 306 312 324 330 33* 360 Salibabo 257 278 290 291 312 317 330 360 Salu 278 Sambawa 312 329 343 Sandol..278 Sanguir 217 290 306 309 312 317 329 333 ^2 360 IarPurUa.m V\l 259 29° 29' 30° 312 316 31? 324 333 335 35° Sassac . .343 Satawal 294 7 so *52 Save... 259 Savu....294 305 317 324 335 343 Silong..29o 291 294 300 323 324 339 350 Sirang . .312 Siwa .... 346 Solor 284 29 1 Sula. ...259 275 278 306 317 350 Iunda:::352 267 290 291 294 3°° 308 3l2 3I3 3I7 324 330 335 350 Tagalog . 45 ,85 214 249 250 259 267 274 276 277 287 295 308 309 312 321 324 327 344 346 350 353 Teluti...2i7 265 290 291 300 312 316 317 324 330 3^3 360 350 360 285 29° 291 30° 3QI 3°5 3°6 3'2 3'3 317 324 ^ Ternati. .276 Tidore...278 295 300 352 Timor... 278 284 312 329 T0D0....217 278 329 330 333 352 TrnTanudS 284 ^ ^ 291 292 294 298 3°8 3'2 3l7 321 324 352 Ulea 350 Utanata 284 Vaiqueno East 259 291 Visayas..l85 274 278 287 292 310 312 317 327 344 350 361 Wahai.217 278 300 306 312 317 324 330 333 350 360 Waigiou.290 291 317 344 361 J 33° °U 154 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. It will now be in order to tabulate as in other chapters the refer- ences to the several mutation varieties. A. a-ai Bolanghitam 309 Menado 309 a-e Malay Malagasy Avvaiya Baju Batumerah 216 239 316 35o 35o 35o 250 250 302 Caimarian Dyak Lariko Liang Mayapo Morella 35o 309 324 350 350 350 35o Saparua Satawal Sula Teor Togean Ids Wahai 350 350 350 290 292 350 a-i Malay Malagasy 183 246 302 312 Saparua Teluti 290 290 Teor 3i3 324 360 a-o Malay Baliyon Basakrama Bugi 324 324 312 277 279 Dyak 317 325 Kisa 282 Macassar 350 Menankabau 350 Salibabo Saru Togean Ids 278 312 312 a-u Malay Bugi 181 35o 224 307 Java Mysot 224 324 324 Ternati 276 ai-e Allor Rotti 291 291 Teluti 291 Togean Ids 291 ai-ei Batumerah 291 Morella 291 ai-oi Baju 291 Vaiqueno East 291 E. Malay Malagasy Ahtiago Awaiya Batumerah 47 247 249 290 290 290 128 272 297 132 297 338 Bugi Caimarian Java Lariko Liang Salibabo 47 290 272 290 290 257 Saparua Sulu Tagalog Teluti Teor Visayas 290 290 249 290 290 3io e-ai Matu 276 e-i Malay Ilocan 132 3" 338 290 261 3i5 347 290 3iS Java Kisa Macassar Madura 261 276 290 276 318 323 347 290 Magindano Matu Salayer Sanguir 276 261 290 290 Java T70 - / - e-y Malagasy 172 318 SAWAIORI MATERIAL IN INDONESIA. 155 \-a Malay Malagasy Batavia i74 288 355 243 ^5 }29 Chamorri 350 Dorey 291 Java 225 Sanguir 329 Silong 300 Tobo 330 Malay Avvaiya Basakrama Caimarian Java 170 171 352 180 291 312 291 171 Kisa Sanguir Saparua Saru Silong 2 74 290 35o 171 291 Teluti 330 Timor 312 Ulea 350 Waigioti 291 Malay Gah 225 352 Madura Savu 305 305 Teor 305 Malay Malagasy 222 223 225 362 171 362 Ahtiago Baju Bouton 305 305 305 Matu Savo 305 259 \-y Malagasy 219 346 347 350 o-a Malay 255 257 296 Awaiya 257 Kisa 259 3" 336 353 Baju 257 Matu 336 362 Bouton 257 Salibabo 257 Malagasy 255 282 296 Gah 257 Tagalog 287 355 Kayan 259 263 Visayas 287 0-OJt Malay 309 Tagalog 309 Malagasy 353 Malagasy Bouton Brissi West 33 1 259 259 353 362 Manatolo Savo Sula 259 259 259 Tagalog 259 Vaiqueno East O-tt Malay Malagasy 181 33i 171 33i 221 357 314 325 325 Baliyon Java Magindano 269 285 336 354 259 Pampangas Salayer Tagalog 353 285 353 o-y Malagasy 259 U Basakrama Java Lariko u-a Malay Malagasy 79 239 299 273 220 266 3i6 281 221 281 266 299 316 278 Matu Samba wa Sula 344 343 306 u-au Malay 334 259 156 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Malay Malagasy Ahtiago 176 224 358 296 316 306 329 329 Ceram Gani Java Kandayan 329 317 224 343 Mysot Teor Waigiou 306 301 3i7 U-0 Malay 179 328 34i Malagasy 179 216 273 278 320 334 Amblaw 316 Batumerah 317 Bolanghitam 278 Bugi 328 Dyak 317 328 330 267 294 343 317 Gah Ilocan Kayan Lariko Liang Macassar Magindano Massaratty Matabello Mayapo 317 294 317 317 317 216 317 306 317 306 360 328 344 306 328 Pangasinan Pampangas Salayer Saparua Sula Sulu Tagalog Teor Togean Ids Wahai 329 321 33o 3i7 306 294 267 321 3i7 321 3i7 34i U-0 Malay 262 u-v Malagasy 335 u-o Malay 226 233 262 u-we Awaiya 330 Batumerah 330 Caimarian 330 u-wi Amblaw Cajeli 330 330 Massaratty Mayapo 330 330 Morella 330 u-yo Bicol 330 u-yu Malay 301 NG. n8-g Malay 332 Ilocan 332 ng-h Malagasy 336 ng-n Malagasy Batumerah 169 213 246 2 74 308 346 35o 35o Caimarian Lariko Liang Morella 350 350 350 35o Saparua Teor Wahai 35o 35o 350 ng-nh Satawal 350 ng-nj Chamorri 350 K. k-ch Malay 224 kg Malay Bieol 178 225 297 299 214 227 302 Java Menado 225 300 299 Nicobar Tagalog 300 214 k-h Malagasy 249 258 301 302 297 353 Teor 305 306 SAWAIORI MATERIAL IN INDONESIA. 157 Java k-ng Malay k-ngk Malay 224 181 171 Java 171 Ahtiago 300 Awaiya 300 Batumerah 300 Caimarian 300 306 Gani 300 \-d Malay 260 261 272 334 335 336 364 Malagasy 297 311 327 348 350 364 H Togeanlds 308 272 l-kl Malay Timor Malay 1— Sulu n-/t Kayan Ti-kn Kayan 284 220 35o 328 259 Lariko 300 Liang 300 Matabello 300 306 Morella 300 306 Mysot 306 L. Baju 335 Baliyon 335 Ilocan 334 Kawi 334 Java 272 Wahai 312 350 Tagalog 350 N. n-l Macassar 328 296 ring Malay n-nj Dyak 328 n — Ilocan 290 h-h Bolanghitam 278 h-d Ilocan Java h-y Malay 339 278 339 278 Sassac 343 Kisa 284 Macassar 328 H. Matabello 352 Kaili 278 Silong 339 Tagalog 353 Saparua 300 Teluti 300 Tidore 300 Wahai 300 306 Macassar 327 Matu 261 Sulu 335 Togean Ids 284 Wahai 317 Tagalog 259 Matabello 278 158 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. h-/ Amblaw 278 h-ndr Malagasy 47 h-wg Kisa 278 h-nr Bugi 47 h-r Malagasy 278 h-s Malay Ahtiago Amboyna Awaiya Bugi Buru Caimarian 352 352 352 352 352 352 3.52 Ceram Chamorri Galela Gani Guaham Ilocan Java 352 352 352 352 352 323 352 Kawi Kayan Sanguir Tidore Tobo Togean Ids 352 278 352 352 352 352 h-t Satavval 352 h— Macassar 352 Sunda 352 s-ch S. Malay 45 s-d Malay 47 298 338 s-g Malay 132 s-k Malay Malagasy 233 169 337 223 Awaiya Java 180 342 Kayan Saparua 263 180 Malay 34i Malagasy 34i s-» Malagasy 344 s-ng Togean Ids 298 s-r Malagasy 298 Java 298 s-t Malay 170 225 Malagasy 239 T. Java 225 t-ch Malay 237 26S Sunda 352 t-d Malay Gah 357 329 35S Java Matabello 357 329 Timor Tobo 329 329 t-g Galela 352 Gani 352 Tidore 352 SAWAIORI MATERIAL IN INDONESIA. 159 t-h Satawal 294 t-j Malagasy 358 Macassar 352 Tobo 217 t-k Malay Caimarian 225 329 Java 324 Kisa 318 323 324 Teor 35o t-m Gah 217 Mysot 217 t-n Java Kayan 346 346 Massaratty 217 Mayapo 217 t-ndr Malagasy 238 t-nch Batak 329 t-nt Malay 216 222 256 Macassar 329 Malagasy 256 Pangasinan 329 352 t-s Malay 225 247 329 Bum Malagasy 324 t-tj Bugi 350 Samba wa 329 Sanguir 329 t-ts Malagasy 329 t-2 Malagasy 47 t— Malay 47 Malagasy 47 Amblaw 217 Awaiya 2 1 7 Bolanghitam 217 Bouton 217 Ahtiago 217 Bugi 47 Caimarian 2 1 7 M. m-b Malay 224 315 327 Malagasy 172 m-h Tagalog 327 m-lm Menado 313 m-p Malay 325 m-v Malagasy 327 m-w Java 224 m — Visayas 327 Cajeli 217 Lariko 217 Liang 217 Sanguir 352 160 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. V. Malagasy 307 Baju 291 y-k Vaiqueno East 291 v-6 Malay 310 v-/ Malagasy 281 v-p Malay 281 v-w Malay 307 310 Dorey 291 Saparua 291 Ahtiago 291 Gani 291 Silong 291 Allor 291 Liang 291 Solor 291 Amblaw 291 Massaratty 291 Sulu 291 Awaiya 291 Mayapo 291 Teluti 291 Batumerah 291 Morella 291 Teor 291 Buru 291 Mysot 291 Togean Ids 291 Caimarian 291 Rotti 291 Visayas 291 Cajeli 291 Salibabo 291 Waigiou 291 Ceram 291 v — Malay 291 Champa 291 f-/ Malagasy 233 235 254 Massaratty 290 329 360 Sulu 290 259 273 296 Matabello 259 329 (Ph) Teor 36o Ahtiago 329 (Ph) Mayapo 290 329 360 Timor 2 84 Ceram 329 (Ph) Satawal 2 94 Tobo 329 Gah 329 f-6 Malay 174 175 220 Bugi 36o Molucca 284 222 246 272 Cajeli 36o Salayer 290 360 273 291 292 Gah 290 Salibabo 290 360 294 360 Iloean 290 294 Sanguir 329 360 Malagasy 273 3i4 Kayan 2 94 Silong 290 294 Amblaw 360 Liang 350 Sulu 2 94 Baju 360 Macassar 290 294 Togean Ids 292 294 Bicol 292 Madura 290 Visayas 292 Borneo 360 Menado 360 Waigiou 290 Bouton 290 f-ch Bouton 259 i-h Malay 215 Lariko 290 Sanguir 290 (how) Malagasy 213 329 Liang 290 Sula 259 Awaiya 290 Madura 290 Teluti 290 360 Caimarian 290 360 Manatolo 259 Timor 329 Kisa 259 Morella 290 360 Wahai 360 i-m Bicol 214 Sulu 214 Tagalog 214 i-mb Cajeli 290 SAWAIORI MATERIAL IN INDONESIA. 161 f-p Malay Beu Bicol t-s f-v Malagas)' f-w Bouton Bugi Gah f— Batak 170 223 245 287 288 296 329 243 214 Brissi West 259 246 273 282 288 293 294 290 292 360 329 Batumerah 290 Caimarian 329 Gani 290 Java 288 Kayan 259 Magindano 259 Mysot 290 Savo Java Kisa Macassar Salayer 259 Ahtiago 290 360 272 273 283 290 360 273 282 283 329 290 Panga^inan 329 Samba wa 329 Saparua 290 Tagalog 259 287 Visayas 287 Vaiqueno East 259 Kayan 273 Magindano 294 Savu 294 Teor 290 Saparua 259 Teluti 290 v-P Mala)' 183 217 241 247 250 279 289 Malagasy 179 250 Amboyna 190 Baliyon 250 p-b Malay 45 171 176 178 221 241 286 Malagasy 218 Batavia 243 P-/ Malagasy Aru p-mb Malagasy 175 284 218 Basakrama 266 279 Bicol 250 Bugi 279 Java 289 Kawi 250 Macassar 279 Ilocan 284 Java 171 285 Kaili 284 Salayer 285 Lobo Rotti 284 284 Magindano 250 Morella 190 Saru 1 7 1 Tagalog 250 Teor 285 Solor 284 Tagalog 45 Togean Ids 284 Tringanu 284 Togean Ids 284 p-v Malay 128 284 p-w Gilolo 284 Malagasy 171 Kisa 284 Frontal Abrasion: Malay 47 177 258 290 291 323 Malagasy 177 325 Ahtiago 217 290 Amblaw 2 1 7 Awaiya 2 1 7 Borneo 350 Cajeli 290 Dyak 312 Magindano 284 Gah 275 290 Java 290 Kayan 344 Massaratty 350 Matu 350 Menado 217 Morella 217 Mysot 290 Nicobar 300 Utanata 284 Pampangas 328 Salayer 217 Sanguir 217 Saparua 217 Sulu 290 Teluti 217 Teor 217 Wahai 217 Waigiou 290 162 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Frontal Accretioi Malay 79 170 175 Gani 312 Salibabo 3^2 176 241 278 Java 274 278 321 Sandol 278 304 321 337 342 Saparua 180 Malagasy 175 Lariko 278 vSilong 291 Ahtiago 305 Liang 278 Sula 278 Awaiya 1 So Macassar 327 Tagalog 274 295 321 Baju 278 Magindano 274 313 321 Teor 278 Bicol 274 Menado 300 Ternati 276 Borneo 300 Morella 278 Tidore 295 300 Bolanghitar 1 217 Pampangas 321 T ogean Ids 321 Bouton 305 306 313 Pani 295 Visayas 274 Galela 278 zrminal Abrasion: Malay 79 132 170 Gani 290 312 Kar Nicoba r 324 175 176 270 Ilocnn 267 Sirang 312 289 299 302 Java 299 357 Tagalog 214 304 357 Jobi 312 Teor 306 35o Baliyon 250 269 Macassar 350 Ternati 276 Bicol 214 Mayapo 329 Tobo 320 Bugi 350 Mysot 217 290 306 Waigiou 290 Dorey 312 312 324 Gah 312 erminal Accretion: Malay 128 171 177 Borneo 300 Matabello 259 278 300 178 179 185 Bouton 217 257 300 316 3i7 324 222 223 226 305 312 Matu 267 277 305 227 228 237 Brissi West 259 336 344 239 245 247 Bual 278 Mayapo 300 317 3.50 360 248 250 255 Bugi 267 274 277 Menado 300 256 260 266 279 308 352 Molucca 284 274 278 279 Caimarian 278 291 300 Morella 190 291 300 284 291 298 306 330 350 3i3 330 300 305 308 360 Mysot 291 3" 317 323 Cajeli 217 278 290 Pampangas 277 278 327 327 328 329 3*3 317 360 328 353 33i 332 335 Ceram 278 329 Pani 295 34i 352 353 Dorey 291 Rotti 278 359 362 364 Dyak 317 324 328 Salayer 33o Malagasy 171 177 179 Gah 278 290 300 Salibabo 257 278 223 235 238 316 317 324 Salu 278 239 250 255 329 330 352 Sambawa 343 258 260 267 Gani 291 300 317 Sandol 278 273 274 278 Gilolo 284 Sanguir 217 352 360 298 302 308 Guaham 317 Saparua 180 300 335 314 320 335 Ilocan 277 284 300 Silong 290 300 323 338 341 353 323 332 334 324 339 355 362 364 339 342 Solor 284 Ahtiago 217 300 306 317 324 329 Java 171 267 274 277 298 308 Sulu 267 335 308 317 330 360 316 339 350 Tagalog 18 5 259 267 274 Amblaw 217 278 300 352 364 277 295 308 3i7 330 360 Kawi 250 352 Teluti 2 1 ; • 291 300 317 Amboyna 190 Kay an 259 277 278 324 330 360 Aru 284 308 317 328 Teor 278 285 300 Awaiya 257 278 291 344 305 313 317 300 317 330 Kisa 259 276 278 324 360 Baju 305 335 312 313 324 Tidore 27S 300 Baliyon 308 335 Lampong 343 Timor 278 284 Basakrama • 250 279 350 Lariko 300 Tobo 217 27S Batavia 243 Liang 300 313 Togean Ids ; 278 284 Batumerar 1 278 290 291 Lobo 284 Tringanu 284 300 313 316 Macassar 216 267 279 Utanata 284 324 330 350 353 Visayas 185 274 278 Beu 243 Magindanc 1 259 274 284 317 327 Bicol 274 330 30S 317 340 Wahai 278 300 306 317 Bolanghila m 217 317 Massaratty 300 350 360 324 350 360 SAWAIORI MATERIAL IN INDONESIA. 163 Infixion: Am blaw 300 Awaiya 278 Baju 278 Basakrama 250 Batumerah 278 Bual 278 Bugi 277 Caimarian 278 Cajeli 278 Ceram 278 Ende 278 Galela 278 Metathesis: Malay 3i6 Malagasy 316 Ahtiago 330 Baliyon 250 Bicol 250 Gani 278 Ilocan 277 Java 267 2S3 Kisa 282 283 Lariko 278 Liang 278 Massaratty 329 Matu 277 Mayapo 329 Morella 278 Pampangas 278 Rotti 27S Ilocan 346 Java 316 Kawi 250 Macassar 2 go Silong 290 Salibabo 278 Salu 278 Sandol 278 Sulu 267 335 Tagalog 277 Teor 278 291 Tidore 278 Timor 278 Tobo 278 Togean Ids 278 Visayas 278 Wahai 278 Sulu 330 Tagalog 250 Teluti 330 Teor 291 Wahai 330 Next we shall compare the mutation series of the consonants in Indonesia with the variants observed in the Pacific areas as set forth in the tables in each of the two preceding chapters. The results of such comparison fall under the several following classes : Indonesi an only. ng-h k—ngk a—kn h-ng s-d s-ng t-ndr t-ts m—lm m — ng-nh l-kl a—nj h-nr s-g t-ch t-nch t-2 tn—p i-ch k-ch \-s 11-/ h-r *~j t-z t-nt m-/> m— w t—m k-j n-h h-ndr s-ch S-tt t-h t-tj m-h k-ns n-ng Indonesian-Polynesian. I nil ones ia n -Mela n est a n . ng-g ng-nj k-k H n — h-j h-t h-d s-t t-n v-/ v— t-d m-v v—p f-mb t-tn v-b Indonesian- Mela nes ian-Polyncsian. is P-t D-mb p-x p— ng-n k-g k— \-d \-n 1— nl n-ng h-h h-.v t-j t — V-w h— t-s v-h i-b s-h t-k i-h t-p i-v f-w f— p-b We shall forward our understanding of whatever interrelation may exist among these three several language groups by a more detailed examination of each of these classes. If there be any valid- ity in the theory that the three families are descendants of a com- mon parent we should look for confirmatory evidence in the amount of their concord in mutation principles. This can be made to appear only in a detailed examination. In Polynesia we have seen the palatals to be subject to but slight derangement. In the case of ng the more frequent mutations are of the form ng-n and ng — . Only the former extends through all these families. In Polynesia it is normal in Hawaii, the western 164 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Marquesas, and Sikayana, sporadic in Rotuma. In Melanesia it is not normal (with a possible exception in the case of Santo); it is traceable through the languages of that area rather as a quality with which a certain few loan words are endowed. In Indonesia it is seen to be a quality of talinga (350) ; in Malagasy only is it suffi- ciently frequent to be considered as a speech endowment ; the Mala- gasy words in which this mutation is found are all identifiable as Polynesian material, and several of them are carried with the same modification through Melanesia. In Polynesia the mutation ng-£ is normal in the eastern Mar- quesas, sporadic in one instance in Viti. In Melanesia its place is taken by ng-g, a word quality. In Indonesia it is found but once. ng-n; is highly problematical in the sole instance in which it is found in Aneityum. Its presence in the Indonesian rests upon Tregear's citation talinga (350) ear Chamorri talanja, against which we set talanga from Fritz's Chamorro dictionary. ng-n/*, resting on longo (336) sound Malagasy rohona, is not cer- tainly Sawaiori. ng-nh in talinga (350) ear Satawal talinhe is a good identification but the mutation is without parallel. K. In Polynesia the principal variation of k is to extinction, this being normal in Samoa, Hawaii, and Tahiti, and not unknown in several other languages. In Melanesia it is found widely extended as a word quality; in Bululaha, Saa, Ugi, and Ulawa it appears as a speech endowment, these being in the region of crop colonies in the Solomons. In Indonesia it appears as a word quality of but two vocables. Of the k-g mutation we have record of but a single instance, sporadic in the Paumotu. In Melanesia this is of frequent occur- rence and in many languages it is normal. In Indonesia it is infre- quent outside of the Malay, a speech endowment none the less though sluggish; the Malay and Javanese words in which it occurs are Sawaiori, those in other languages doubtful. k-h is of rare occurrence in Melanesia. In Indonesia it is satis- factorily identified in Teor and in some, though not in all, of its occurrences in Malagasy. k-ng is of rare occurrence in Polynesia, equally rare in Melanesia, and its single appearance in the Malay is not a wholly satisfactory identification. k-ngk practically corresponds to the k-ngg found four times in Viti, rarely in Melanesia. In Indonesia it is found in but two vocables, each in two languages. k-ch and k-j are not satisfactorily identified. SAWAIORI MATERIAL IN INDONESIA. 165 L. Grouping 1 and r because of the frequently mentioned impracti- cability of establishing a stem independence in our present data, we note that in Polynesia the most frequent mutation is the extinc- tion. This becomes most strongly marked in the Marquesas. It is infrequent in Melanesia. In Indonesia it appears in Sulu and Tagalog in the same word, talinga (350) ear, and in the Togean Islands in pula (284) to shine, at least the \-y mutation noted in that instance is a close approximation to extinction. The \-n mutation in Polynesia seems more a word quality, for it appears in two languages each for data 100, 154, 312, 313; these removed from the reckoning, we find it only five times, all in Nukuoro. In Melanesia it is rare. In Indonesia it is found in pula (284) to shine Timor junan the moon, twice in Wahai; these three words are included in the list of those similarly affected in Polynesia. The long leap from lingual semivowel to mute of the same series is found but once in Polynesia (\-t Mangareva 287) and once in Viti (\-nd 287). In Melanesia it is scarcely more frequent. In Indo- nesia \-t does not occur; \-d appears sporadically in several lan- guages, one instance (350) containing the greater number of its Melanesian occurrences as well. This mutation is most marked in Malay (seven times) and Malagasy (five times). Of the Malay instances but two (260, 334) are open to any doubt, of the Malagasy but two (348, 350) are really convincing. The \-j mutation, really a t- variation, is found but once in Indonesia, three times in two lan- guages of the New Hebrides, and not at all in Polynesia. \-s is noted in a single instance in Malay and very unsatisfactory. \-kl, noted once in Malay and Java, is rather an accretion than a mutation. N. The variants of the three nasals follow two cleavage planes, the vertical in series, the horizontal across all series. In the case of ng we have observed as well ng-n and ng-k. In Polynesia n shows this horizontal movement only backward, n-ng, and this only in Moriori and once in Viti. In Melanesia n-ng is quite widely spread, affecting several vocables and most of them repeated in several lan- guages; here is found in one instance the forward n-m mutation. In Indonesia the n-ng mutation occurs once each in Malay, Kisa, and Tagalog, the Kisa instance doubtful. In Polynesia the only vertical mutation is upward in the series to the semivowel, to / in a single word in two languages, to r in another word in two other languages. This mutation in Melanesia has a wide extent in the case of nifo (259) tooth, and is less widely found in three other of our data. In Indonesia it is found once each in Macassar, Sassac, and Wahai, the latter affecting the same vocable as in Alite. 166 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. The extinction of n, found once in Marina, is highly doubtful in the single Indonesian case in fa fine (290) woman Ilocan babai. The n-l in Kayan, n-nj in Dyak and Macassar, and n-y in Pam- pangas are found only in the vocable (328) which in Macassar has also afforded an instance of n-l and gives n-ny in Melanesia. The single instance of k-kn is of uncertain nature. H. The foregoing tables record a considerable number of mutation forms for the aspiration in Indonesia. For the mutation h-s, no less than twenty-two languages afford examples; yet on closer inspec- tion it will appear that in the latter case but three vocables are at all involved, and that six vocables only are involved in the whole range of mutation of the aspirate. We feel justified, therefore, in regarding this as partaking more of word quality than of speech endowment. In Polynesia the aspiration has all but vanished; comparison of mutant forms, therefore, would be futile, the only forms common to the three families being h-s and extinction. Mela- nesia, in stiong contrast with each family, shows a marked ten- dency to employ the aspiration in its proper function ; over an equal and interlacing area it follows the h-s mutation. Common to Indo- nesia and Melanesia are these, h-t, h-d, and h-j, the two latter being variants upon the primal h-t mutation; the vocables involved in these changes in Indonesia are similarly involved in Melanesia, which has a few in addition of its own. Mutations peculiar to Indonesia are the following: h-l, h — , h-ra, an upward movement in the series, discoverable only in the two vocables recorded in our data under numbers 47 and 278; regarding ndr, as so frequently, in the light of an effort to compass the r grasseye, h-ndr (Malagasy 47) falls into this group. In Kisa 278 h-ng is explicable as the upward shift h-n (which is nowhere discoverable), upon which is added the rearward shift n-ng; confirmation being found in our record of the latter mutation in that speech. S. The sibilant is better retained in Indonesia than in Polynesia, a facility which it shares with Melanesia. The mutation common to the three families is s-h, normal to at least eight Polynesian lan- guages, far less frequent in Melanesia, and in Indonesia affecting but seven vocables in six languages. Of the mutations common to Indonesia and Melanesia, s-r (found in Malagasy and Java 298) rests doubtfully on Tanna 337; and s-t is found in Alite and Wango in the same 337. Wholly Indonesian are s-ch, s-j, s-d, but they group naturally with s-t. s-n (Malagasy 344) lacks confirmation. s-ng (Togean 298), however, seems quite feasible, s-g (Malay 132) is very doubtful. SAWAIORI MATERIAL IN INDONESIA. 167 T. Common to the three families are the mutations t-s and extinc- tion. The former is quite rare in Polynesia, not particularly fre- quent in Melanesia, and in Indonesia involves but five vocables in four languages, one of these being similarly affected in four of the Melanesian languages. t-k is the rule in Hawaii, rapidly becoming normal in Samoa, well established in Melanesia, and somewhat common in Indonesia, t-j is well established in Tonga; Melanesia shows it in Baki and Male- kula; its use in Indonesia is but slight; with it should be grouped the t-ch of Malay, t-tj of Bugi, and t-nch of Batak. For the extinction of t we muster but a single example in Poly- nesia (Marquesas 350), quite a respectable number of instances in Melanesia, but its Indonesian record is almost exclusively written in 217, a doubtful case as will be seen in the discussion of the note thereupon. In the forms common to Indonesia and Melanesia t-d is the sim- plest variant, rather widely (including t-nd) disseminated in Mela- nesia, in Indonesia involving but three vocables in six languages. t-m in both families rests wholly upon the doubtful 217. t-n in Melanesia is found only in New Ireland 329; in Indonesia it rests soundly on 346 (Java and Kayan) and doubtfully on 217. Of forms wholly Indonesian, t-nt is not infrequent and is under- stood as a nasal reinforcement of the mute, t-ts and t-z are met with but once apiece, both in Malagasy, t-h (once in Satawal) may be regarded as a secondary mutation of the t-s hitherto noted. For t-ndr we find but one example, in the Malagasy, yet it is quite satisfactory, t-g, a violent mutation, rests upon a single vocable (352) in Galela, Gani, and Tidore. M. The mutations of m need scarcely engage our attention in this rapid review. Polynesia affords but a single instance ; in Indonesia but five vocables are involved ; even in Melanesian crudity of speech m is almost constant. V. The v-mutations common to all three families are \-w and \-h. In Polynesia \-w has become normal in Maori, Hawaii, and Viti; in Melanesia it is satisfactorily established over a wide area or sev- eral areas interlaced by this mutation; in Indonesia it rests almost wholly on vai (291), a word quality at best. The Indonesian \-h rests wholly upon this vai, in a single instance; it is found in Mela- nesia in but one vocable in two languages; our Polynesian data afford us onlv three instances. 168 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Of the forms common to Indonesia and Melanesia v-/ is scantily represented in either; v-6 in a solitary Malay instance is rather more common in Melanesia ; x-p, once in Malay, occurs in but two vocables in Melanesia; and v extinct is represented in Melanesia by one vocable in two languages and in Indonesia by the somewhat doubt- ful Malay and Champa identifications of vat, F. In Polynesia the most common f-mutations are i-h, normal in Hawaii, Mangareva, Maori, and Tongarewa; and f extinct, normal in Bukakuka, Mangaia, and Raro tonga. In Indonesia i-h involves but six vocables in fifteen languages, in Melanesia it is more frequent. The extinction of f in Indonesia is found in four vocables in seven languages, in Melanesia in eight vocables in eight languages. i-b is met with but twice in Polynesia; including i-mb, it is rather more common in Melanesia, is frequent in Malay and, with narrower application, quite generally extended over Indonesia. Closely asso- ciated with this is i-p, twice appearing in a single vocable in Poly- nesia, widely extended in several Melanesian instances, frequent in Malay, and of considerable extent in other Indonesian languages, f-i; is normal in Viti ; in all the rest of Polynesia involves but five vocables in eight languages ; is very common in Melanesia ; in Indo- nesia is found several times in Malagasy and rarely in Malaysia, f-w, once met with in two Polynesian languages, is very common in Melanesia ; in Indonesia is found several times in Java and rarely in seven other languages, is is common to Indonesia and Melanesia, but is rare in each, i-ch is peculiar to Indonesia and rests upon a single and satisfactory example, Bouton 259. The f-w mutation (214) is most uncertain. P. The only mutation common to the three families is p-6. For this Polynesia yields but few examples; including p-mb it is by far the most frequent Melanesian variant; it is frequent in Malay and nar- rowly extends to ten other languages of Indonesia, p-/ appears in but a single Melanesian example; in a single vocable it appears in four languages of the Malay Archipelago and doubtfully once in Malagasy, p-v has a somewhat wide distribution in Melanesia, but is rare in Indonesia, p-w appears once in Gilolo and in the same vocable in the New Hebrides, in another in Buka. The extinction of p involves the same vocable in three Indonesian and one Mela- nesian languages. In the Indonesian check-list I have distinguished in bold-faced type the vocables which appear in Malayan tongues with the quality factor of recognizability by the Samoan, of which I have made such SAWAIORI MATERIAL IN INDONESIA. 169 use in treating of the Melanesian languages. Beyond this record of quality I hesitate to tread upon a field already so well cultivated by its own specialists; yet in so far as this area is involved in the erection of a Malayo- Polynesian speech family it is a fair field for the Sawaiori student. Since we have now brought one ethnic swarm of Polynesian voyagers back to the threshold of Indonesia at two doorways respectively, and have made it plain that the later Tonga- fiti swarm has found its exit elsewhere than at these identified por- tals, we are amply justified in our examination of Indonesia so long as our search is restricted to the replevin of Sawaiori material. The prominent numerals in the preceding list make it wholly mani- fest that the Polynesian and the Indonesian have at some place and at some time been in intimate contact. That this place of inter- mingling was not the Pacific is equally manifest, for the Pacific languages contain no elements of Indonesian origin save this scanty collection picked out of Polynesian and Melanesian. A second line of proof lies in the consistent tradition of the Polynesians that they came over seas on a long voyage from the west. Restricted, then, to Indonesia as the place of mingling, we must first examine the history of the two races. Of the Malay race we know, for their records of their own history show it, that Indonesia was not the place of their origin. Upon it they are intruders; from the Asiatic main they came by the easy path of the Malay Peninsula. So far as the traditions of Java can be reduced to a measure of synchronism, we can fix Java as uninhabited by Malayans about 400 b. c, and a century later settled by 20,000 families emigrating from northwest India under Arishtan Shar and dispersing to Mala- bar, the Maldives and Madagascar; a large emigration from the Pan jab to the archipelago between 200 and 150 b. c. ; and by 125 b. c. the archipelago overrun with these races. As concerns the Sawaiori we lack all but the most indefinite infor- mation before their sojourn in Indonesia. We do not regard them as autochthons, for their traditions call for a migration yet earlier. But we are fairly entitled to regard them as in possession of the islands from Sumatra to the Philippines at the time of the Malaysian swarm. All indicia point to their retreat before the swarm advanc- ing upon their western flank, the only lines of retreat open to them being in the eastern quadrants. It is difficult for us to arrive at the comprehension of the expulsion of a race from its home. We have to go back to rude times to find ground for the belief that such things can be, to the swarming of the Huns upon Europe reported to us in the testimony of eye- witnesses and sufferers at the bloody hands of Attila. Without detail we have accepted, with dull imaginations and no great com- prehension, the westward movement of the Aryan races. 170 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Such movements we denominate ethnic swarms; a convenient designation ! no hesitation has been felt in employing it in the fore- going chapters. But in denomination do we really describe? In calling the movement of the Sawaiori an ethnic swarm do we get sight of the nature of the movement? In the hydraulic physics of geography Niagaras are rare; few streams go tumbling over cliffs in a mass ; the course of the greatest rivers is marked by many an eddy, many a backwater, many a pool where motion scarcely appears. It is only in the errant fancy of the runaway child that tired feet on a weary way will at last bring him to a real jumping-off place. A stream of human migration can only flow in succeeding waves; many an eddy current will bear on a new destination. Particularly must such have been the case with the expulsion of the Sawaiori before the Malay. In bulk and in the end it did indeed become a great ethnic swarm. In detail and in the performance it could have been no more than affairs of outposts. The genius of Polynesian culture has nowhere as yet touched the idea of a national life. Samoa is almost singular in the possession of a collective name for its archipelago; the Samoan, the Viti, the Marquesan, and the Maori are alone in the possession of national names. Civic righteousness goes not beyond the village; village does not go to the relief of village in distress; there is even now nowhere a nation to arise in unity to set a bold and united front against an invader. Each tiny village makes its own defense. Vic- torious it holds its ground until the next attack; defeated it is a sufficiently mobile unit to set forth in search of a new home. We must remember that such were the conditions of the Sawaiori in the archipelago when the Malay in a similar wise were advancing upon them. Under such conditions there are three main possibilities. A Sawai- ori village resists attack after attack, maintains its good defense, retains the little islet or the pleasant bay of some larger island which is its home, is surrounded by settlements of the alien race, in time peaceful relations arise. A Sawaiori village realizes that resistance is futile, puts out to sea, seeks a new home. A Sawaiori village, debellated in some sudden onfall or by the crush of overwhelming force, goes down in defeat, and the sole survivors, the noncombatant women and children, are incorporated with the conquerors. The second event accounts for our wanderers over sea, those whose voyages we have traced through Melanesia and into their present Polynesian homes. The first and third events are to account for such speech community as may be found in Indonesia and Polynesia. It is not a great community. There are very few items which are not included in the data here assembled. See what a small basis SAWAIORI MATERIAL IN INDONESIA. 171 it forms for the erection of a Malayo-Polynesian family. In the Malay itself, the speech of which we have the longest record and the fullest comprehension, there are but 75 vocables safely identified as common in these data to the two families. Making the most gen- erous allowance, a lavish allowance, for the vocables which evaded compilation under the conditions of this research, we can only thus doubtfully find a community of 150 words. We are to consider the source of this petty common vocabulary. In the analysis of the possibilities it may have been borrowed from Indonesia by the Sawaiori during their joint occupancy of that area ; it may have been delivered to each from a common source. It may have been contributed by the Sawaiori to their Malaysian conquer- ors, by such of the Sawaiori as persisted as inclusions in the Indo- nesian settlement, it being well understood that sooner or later they were absorbed in the alien culture and outside this linguistic record have left no mark, or at best a scarcely measurable trace. If the Malay peoples advancing upon the Sawaiori peoples whom they found in possession of the islands of the Indian Archipelago forced their vocables upon the folk whom it was their pleasure and \ to their interest to scatter before them, then we are at an utter loss to comprehend the nature of such intercourse, for it is not in one generation nor yet in three that a people adopts any considerable element of an alien speech. Furthermore, if the Sawaiori borrowed directly from the Indonesian, incomprehensible as such a contin- gency is, we should expect to find the greatest range of variety, the widest divergence from phonetic principles, among the several divi- sions of the borrowing race, the closest uniformity among the lenders. Yet in the case of each of these seventy-five vocables here discussed the Polynesian keeps the word practically without alteration; in Indo- nesia the range of variety is enormous. The nature of the Indonesian variety is plain to see in the phonetic tables heretofore drafted. We note three types, and careful study of the tables will show that all variants fall under one or other of these types. First : phonetic variation recognizable as a Polynesian type. This may mean that dialectic variation in the Sawaiori material existed at the time when the two races had the word in common, a very possible contingency. It may mean that in the word itself was a disposition or motion toward a certain type of mutation which was carried over with the loan, a contingency almost impossible, for we have yet to learn of an instinct in the word ; the Sprachgeist resides in the speaker. Second: incorporation upon the common stem of formative ele- ments distinctively Malaysian. This sort of thing is very common in all speech, markedly characteristic of our own English in its word- pilfering from every source. 172 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Third : modification of the common stem by mutation unusual to the Indonesian phonetic and probably representing the resultant of an effort to reproduce foreign sounds difficult to the borrower's vocal organs. Similarly we should expect to find a word delivered by the Malay- sians to the Sawaiori diminishing in frequency along the wide eastern extent of the migration, practically constant in Indonesia itself. The answer thereto is patent in the check-list : Polynesia holds each of these words practically to its utmost east ; it is Indonesia which shows great gaps. We can not, therefore, regard the common vocabulary as in any sort borrowed by Sawaiori from Indonesia. To the theory of derivation from a common parent the objections are insuperable. A common parent would have delivered a greater community of vocabulary, would have delivered a grammatical sys- tem that would show some interrelation between the two branches of the family. There is absolutely no record of a speech of man which contains these few vocables which Polynesia and Indonesia share, for it must be plain long ere this point is reached that the Semitic theory has no sound base. The third possibility is that to which alone the objections are so few and so slight as readily to yield to the study of the problem, namely, that the community of vocabulary is Indonesian borrowing from Sawaiori. How this might be brought about has sufficiently been indicated already in the consideration of the nature and extent of the Sawaiori expulsion. The indication of quality of such borrowed material presented in the check-list affords more matter of interest. As in our study of the Melanesian traverse it indicates by lines of higher quality the lines of travel. Assuming, and this the well-recorded traditions of Java warrant — assuming the appulse of the advancing Malaysians as delivered upon the islands of the archipelago by the convenient way of the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra first would feel the shock, and Java next in practically undiminished volume. From Java two eastward ways lie out like a < . The northern line, following the north shore of Borneo, leads directly to the Philippines; following the south shore of that great island leads equally to the Philippines in their southern extent, but affords many opportunities of deviation by Celebes toward Gilolo northward and toward Buru and Ceram in a southerly course, and there the flight would be stopped by the inhospitality of New Guinea with the obstacle of its fierce and immiscible Papuan race. The southern line leads directly into the Arafura Sea and Torres Straits. The halting-places are such islands as Bali, Lombok, Rotti, SAWAIORI MATERIAL IN INDONESIA. 173 Sambawa, Timor, and lesser groups yet farther east. In the Arafura Sea the southern line would be joined by such of the fugitives along the northern line as deviated on the Celebes-Buru-Ceram course and were turned still further away by New Guinea. New Guinea is no theoretical obstacle. We find less trace of the Sawaiori on its almost continental mass than upon any spot of land which their canoes could have reached in the flight. Even up to the present day the Malays, for two millenniums holding all of Indonesia and voyaging hither and yon for the equal joys of fighting and of trading, have succeeded in making no permanent lodgment upon the Papuan shore. The Sawaiori flight out of Indonesia inverts the seasonal migration of the geese — its < opens forward. Thus parted, approximately at Java, it is to be a long flight before those diverging lines come together, not until Samoa is reached and a new home for the united race, for such at least as have escaped the infinite perils of unknown seas. It will be recalled that in the study of the migration through Melanesia the material under examination was assembled to prove the existence of a northern and a southern track, the Samoa and the Viti streams respectively, one emerging from Indonesia through an eastern portal in the Bismarck Archipelago, the other through a southern portal in Torres Straits. The latter is readily recognizable as the direct production of the southern line of flight in Indonesia. If we examine such vocables as exhibit a difference between the two streams in Melanesia we shall find that those which characterize the northern stream find their greatest frequency, preserve the highest quality, in the several languages of the Philippine Archipelago, Bicol, Ilocan, Magindano, Pampangas, Sulu, Tagalog, Visayan and others from which our material is less complete. It seems that now it is time to relinquish the term Malayo-Poly- nesian. There is neither ethnic nor linguistic unity. If the Indo- nesians in the paucity of their original speech have borrowed some 150 vocables from their victims, if they have been willing to take even their numerals from a conquered and fugitive race, it does not seem that they are entitled to be bracketed, and that with the honors of first mention, with a distinct family of speech. The Poly- nesian is an older speech than the Indonesian, one that has been carried greater distances of sea and land than even our Aryan until after centuries the Aryans grew bold enough to conquer the sea; yet uncounted generations earlier the sea had been the easy path for the Sawaiori to come to his Polynesian own. CHAPTER IX. THE SAWAIORI BEGINNING RESTS UNKNOWN. Check -list of the Semitic words for which affinity has been sought — Failure of the effort to identify this material with Sawaiori stock — The reasons lie in false definitions and ignorance of phonetic prin- ciples— The Semitic does not conform to the laws of the family — Summation of the results of this inquiry — The two Sawaiori swarms, the earlier through Melanesia, the latter not yet discovered on the face of the trackless sea — The double migration track in the western Pacific — The problem of the Melanesians has been considered only in so far as they have been affected by the wandering Sawaiori — End of the classification which has joined Malay and Polynesian — The be- ginning of the great Polynesian race is lost in westward and empty sea. As in the earlier chapters, we provide a check-list of the various Semitic identifications sought to be established by Dr. Macdonald in the data here collated. Thus those still curious in the further examination of the theme may follow the topic back to the several languages which he has involved in the elucidation of his theory. Arabic . . 13 17 18 19 21 22 23 25 26 29 30 3i 32 34 35 36 37 38 42 43 44 45 46 47 80 83 84 85 86 88 89 90 9i 92 93 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 no in 112 114 116 117 120 133 135 136 137 138 139 140 142 143 144 145 146 150 151 152 153 154 156 158 160 162 164 165 166 168 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 178 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 202 205 206 207 210 211 212 220 221 222 224 225 226 227 228 229 231 232 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 249 250 251 252 253 2 54 255 256 257 258 259 260 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 2 75 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 287 288 289 295 296 297 298 299 301 303 304 305 306 309 3" 312 313 314 3i5 316 317 318 319 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 33i 332 333 334 335 336 337 339 340 34i 342 343 344 345 346 348 349 350 35i 352 353 354 355 356 358 359 36i 363 364 365 Hebrew . 11 H 15 19 20 21 27 28 32 38 42 46 81 82 86 90 9i 95 96 98 106 118 134 141 145 146 147 148 156 157 161 163 171 177 179 181 188 189 190 193 198 201 203 204 208 209 21 1 212 21S 219 223 224 225 233 235 236 2 39 242 248 253 269 271 276 279 282 286 288 289 291 292 2 93 294 298 300 301 303 304 307 30S 310 3" 3H 315 317 319 320 321 326 33i 333 336 33S 340 343 344 347 350 356 357 358 360 364 Ethiopic . 1 1 12 27 44 87 98 "3 "5 119 136 149 156 160 173 189 191 230 243 248 261 264 276 287 291 294 303 308 3" 3-' 1 333 342 358 362 Syriac . . . 16 317 94 321 101 33i 106 333 159 340 171 343 177 35o 179 iSS 248 267 282 298 302 Chaldee. • 33 160 303 321 35o Aramaic • 203 208 338 360 P|' Amharic :.28o 329 363 k*: Mahri . . .167 312 /o >8 A? Sokotra .312 Tigre. . . .119 .«-,-->■ 176 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Beyond this we may not venture. The effort has been made to tabulate for each of these languages a scheme of consonant mutation, and the effort has proved vain. The trouble begins even earlier than the tabulation of variant forms. There are cases in which there is a resemblance of form between some Semitic vocable and some vocable in Efate and Melanesia and Polynesia. If to the form resemblance were added correspondence in signification, then we should not truly in any one instance have proof that though widely separated in space they are homogenetic. A single instance will suffice as well as a thousand to show the utter lack of evidential value in such a case. The Hawaiian like means to resemble, to be like, yet no one has yet arisen to predicate upon the double identity of form and sense a theory that Hawaiian and English derive from the same source, except in so far as Fornander's project might be susceptible of extension to such an absurdity. A long catena of such dual resemblances of the common element in Melanesian and Polynesian with a Semitic parent speech would add confirmation with each new link as welded to the chain. Yet the weakness of any chain is in its weakest link ; that weakness meas- ures its utmost strength. Many of these links have been vitiated by the falsity in definition hitherto animadverted upon. We have pointed out instance upon instance in which through ignorance, some through manifest design, the definition of Efate vocables has been distorted for the clear purpose of establishing a sense resemblance where a form resemblance has already been noted, either by eyesight or in a rather fertile imagination. Losing our faith in this link and in that we can place no trust at all in the chain. So much for that. We find Semitic triliterals proposed as the parents of vocables in our Pacific islands in which the consonantal skeleton consists of but a single consonant, or of two. We find island vocables having a skeleton of three consonants proposed as in direct descent from Semitic stems in which it is impossible to discover a trace of more than two consonants, sometimes not even two. We find some Sem- itic triliterals identified with triconsonantal stems in island languages in which the order of the consonants is deranged. We find some Semitic triliterals identified with triconsonantal island stems in which the first Semitic element has vanished, the second and third are respectively first and second in the island stem, to which is added a third which corresponds to nothing in the Semitic; expressed dia- grammatically it is sought to establish ABC as equal to BCD. In vain we strive to unravel Dr. Macdonald's attempts at con- sistent explanation. These things remain a tissue of irreconcilables, and the explanation but serves the more to confound them. Pretermitting as hopeless the task of comprehending these anoma- lies so gravely proposed and so argued with what must be regarded THE SAWAIORI BEGINNING RESTS UNKNOWN. 177 as fabrications which will stand under no law of evidence, assuming that these obliquities can be made straight, we are to encounter a new jungle of difficulties in the examination of phonetic mutation. We have been able to develop for the Polynesian a very simple system. In the primary and even in the secondary Melanesian borrowings of Sawaiori loan material we have developed a system that seems to hold good as far as it can be put to the test, and this despite the confusions of the attempt of the Melanesians to catch in unaccustomed ears and to reproduce with untrained organs of speech, above all the lips, sounds unfamiliar. We have subjected the diffusion of these elements in various Indonesian languages to the same analysis. What principle or principles of mutation have we been able to discover in this trine examination as a factor common to the three families which use this common stock of vocables and which possess them in fee or as bailee? They are but few, these principles; corre- spondingly they are simple : i. The nasals tend toward a mutation, if any, backward in the direc- tion of the glottis. Less frequent is variety in the series to which each belongs. The mutation is horizontal rather than vertical. 2. The consonants in each of the series tend normally to mutation downward in the series. 3. At the foot of each series, palatal, lingual, labial, the mutes tend to mutation upward in the series, surd mute to sonant mute, mutes to spirants. 4. Mutation extra seriem, horizontal mutation, is rare outside of the nasals, most such cases being explicable as mutation to the aspi- ration in the first instance and then secondarily from the floating aspiration to some adjacent series. How far do the proposed Semitic identifications conform to these broad principles which, in the intricate detail of the study put upon them in the foregoing chapters, have been established as perspicu- ously as simply? It would be idle to attempt to list all the concordances and equally the discrepancies of the Semitic offered in identification when meas- ured by these established principles. We note from the Arabic, from which Dr. Macdonald has drawn most largely, the proposed mutations in but two of the representative Polynesian consonants, t as being central in the diagram and f as representing the labial series and with it the maximum mutability. For each mutation we note but a single instance in reference; it seems that there will be no lively desire to seek out more. Polynesian t may become in Arabic: / (107), t (44), d (38), s (35), f (160), z (267), h (36), n (37), gr (247), rd (306), '(356). 178 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Polynesian f may become: / (86), b (83), m (93), n (170), w (296), y (296). We fail to see how such movement, even if established on far better ground than we have here, can be brought into harmony with the foregoing briefly stated principles. These principles are fundamental in the three speech families which share the possession of this common element in the vocabu- lary. A fourth family, claiming admission to the clan yet showing so plainly that it fails to conform to the law of the household, must knock long at the door and long in vain. One more point and we are done with Dr. Macdonald and his Semitic origins. If he has proved his thesis his proof must exclude all use of the same materials to prove some other origin. There is another Richmond in the field, long earlier in the field, and he has been just as substantial and just as stout in defense of his theory that the Polynesians stem in the pre-Sanskrit Aryans. In the third volume of Judge Fornander's "Polynesian Race" will be found dozens of instances in which he uses the same Polynesian and the same Indonesian material that Dr. Macdonald groups about his Melanesian data for the proof of Semitic origin. Yet employing the same material Fornander sees naught but Aryan source. Let us compare the two lines of argument in but a single instance to serve as illustration. Brevity will best be conserved by pinning such comparison on 243. In this Dr. Macdonald carries the Samoan fili, to plait, through Melanesian and Indonesian to the Arabic fatala and jatV and the Ethiopic fatlat, to twist, to spin. Hear now Judge Fornander as champion of the other cause : * Greek, eUwf to roll up, to press together, pass to and fro, to wind, turn round ; ^-iWw, turn round or about, roll, whirl ; eXtg, twisted, curled ; s, any- thing of a spiral shape, twist, curl, coil; tXXut, to roll, of the eyes, to squint, look askance; ?AA©?, squinting; Ma?, a rope, band; Uiy£, a whirlpool. Sanskr., vel, vehl, to shake, tremble; vcllita, crooked; anu-vellita, a band- age. To this Sanskrit vel Benfey refers the Greek sUai, the Latin volvo, and the Gothic walojan. Liddell and Scott also incline to connect eUw and volvo with the same root. To me it would seem as if the Sanskrit vrij, whose "original signification," Benfey says, is "to bend," and the Sanskrit vrit, whose "original signification," Benfey says, is "to turn," were nearer akin to the primary form from which the Greek eUw, tXXm, and the Poly- nesian hili, wiri, descend : that primary form being vri, now lost to the Sanskrit, with a primary sense of to bend, twist, turn over, braid, and of which vel, veil, or vehl, is possibly another secondary and attenuated form. With such a Sanskrit vri, surviving in vrij and vrit, the derivation of the Latin filum, thread, as twisted, spun; of the Latin varus, bent asunder, parting from each other, varix, crookedness; of the Saxon wile, deceit; of the Swedish willa, confusion, error, wilse, astray, becomes easy and intelligible. *3 Polynesian Race, 117. THE SAWAIORI BEGINNING RESTS UNKNOWN. 179 It is impossible that each can be right in his deduction. To those who have followed thus far this review of the data it will seem far from impossible that each is in equal error. In summation we are to consider what facts are established in our knowledge of the earlier history of the Polynesians. A. In Polynesia. We have the excellent authority of concurrence of tradition, and to those who can bring themselves into harmony with the Poly- nesian manner of thought their tradition has the validity of history. We shall find this history most succinctly set forth in the volume of "Hawaiki" to which reference has been made earlier in this work, and we shall find its several incidents as derived from diverse sources most satisfactorily synchronized and intelligently discussed in the same work. We have in the foregoing pages and in the data upon which they are based a very considerable mass of language history. Fortunately we are not under the necessity of estimating the com- parative moment of each of these sources of information. That would be a problem as interesting as intricate in case of conflict. In our studies they run in confirmation and reciprocal corroboration. For every inference to which the philological line may lead us we find support in this fragment or that of some tradition; for every statement set down in the tradition we find such corroboration in the philological analysis that the legend handed down in memory is proved to have the value of history. Confirmed and upheld thus doubly at every point we are assured of the following facts in Polynesia : i. Nuclear Polynesia (Samoa the nucleus and Niue, Tonga, Viti, describing the perimeter) was under settlement by Polynesians from a date so remote that they had lost all direct memory of an anterior movement thither. They held themselves autochthons, and in the greater groups had creation myths in which land first emerged from the tireless sea, their own the first of lands and they upon it the first of men. These we style the Proto-Samoans. The indirect tra- dition of a former home told no rearward tale to them. It is only by inference and through digestion of many such traditions that we are able to read into the consistent belief in the westward home of the spirit a dim record of an earlier abiding-place. The dead go home, home to a home that the living have long ceased to remem- ber ; blessed are the dead in their direction sense. 2. Upon this Proto-Samoan settlement came a later wave of migration of the same race. This second migration held its footing upon Nuclear Polynesia through a period whose duration we are quite without the data to estimate. In general the later migrants behaved so harshly to the original inhabitants, albeit of their own 180 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. race and almost word for word of the same speech, as to provoke reprisals. For these later migrants we have adopted the name by which they are known in Samoan history, the Tongafiti, it being understood that the present names of the archipelagoes of Tonga and Fiji (Viti or Fiti) did not supply the name, but are derived there- from. From skirmish to pitched engagement these reprisals grew as the Proto-Samoans, driven from the shore to inner recesses of their islands, recovered strength in resistance. At last came the critical battle of Matamatame, somewhere about 1 200 of our era or a little earlier. The Tongafiti were expelled from Samoa and began their eastward wanderings as far as Hawaii and New Zealand, the era of the great voyages. 3. Nowhere in the present data are we able to pick up the track of the Tongafiti prior to their descent upon Nuclear Polynesia. We have made it clear that they did not follow the Melanesian route between Indonesia and Polynesia. It must remain for the students of the Tongafiti collaterals to discover their route; our concern in this study has been to identify the migration that did sweep along the Melanesian chain. At this point it is profitable to add the comment of S. Percy Smith upon a syllabus of my reasons for rejecting the Tongafiti migration from the Melanesian area : The Solomon-New Hebrides is not the only route open to them; they may have stretched across from the north shore of New Guinea, or even from the northern Solomons, to the Gilbert, Ellice or Phoenix Group and so down to Viti. But for all that, until I see your argument, I must at present think they came by way of the Solomon and Santa Cruz groups to Futuna. The specimens I have seen of the dialect of Sikayana show a close connection with Maori and Rarotongan. Just consider this case: the Tongafiti came by the north of New Guinea following the first Samoan route, and as they came across their own people in various places along this route, such as in the Solomons, Santa Cruz and elsewhere, they would learn of former migrations having gone farther south and followed without delay, leaving none of their dialect behind among their fellow-countrymen they fell in with en route. The general argument has already been advanced at length. Spe- cifically I note in comment on the foregoing interesting note, as follows. Our data in Melanesia show a marked absence of traces of the vocables and mutation forms which characterize the Tongafiti in distinction from the Proto-Samoan. Furthermore the Tongafiti have left abundant traces of their passage through Nuclear Poly- nesia and all the more on that account is it inconceivable that they should have quite failed to affect their congeners in Melanesia if they had passed that way. I feel confident that a similarly careful examination of the islands along the Line will disclose the Tongafiti track. THE SAWAIORI BEGINNING RESTS UNKNOWN. 181 B. In Melanesia. From the Isle of Pines, which at the bottom of New Caledonia sets the full stop to Melanesia, to the Admiralty Islands, which draw the northern line of that island province around and overlapping eastern New Guinea, we find three classes meeting our investigation. In the first is grouped the islands of Polynesia's western verge in which, ethnically and philo logically, we are dealing with Polynesians as surely as if we were in Samoa or Te Pito te Henua at the eastern limit; with this class, and because of its established Polynesian posi- tion, we have little concern in the present series of studies. The last class contains all those islands, if any there be, which represent Melanesia uncontaminated by a Polynesian influence even at second or third remove. This class also is removed from our present study. The central class is that with which we concern ourselves here, those many Melanesian lands in which the language record enables us to trace a Polynesian connection in speech, the amount and the quality of such contamination varying largely from group to group and from island to island and from the shore to the interior of an island. It is upon this class that our attention is fixed in this inquiry. It has been our task to analyze and identify each item of the contamination in so far as we possess the record with which to study it. It has been our duty to pass definitely upon each such item, to reject or to admit it to Polynesian kinship as the facts may seem to warrant. From the items so admitted we have sought to comprehend the system of variation from the true Polynesian form to which they have been subjected in passing into alien use. We have massed these items to the proof that they are loan words borrowed by Melanesia from Polynesians. We have sought to account for the contactof thetwo races in this area. In following up and, it is hoped, plainly establishing the overrunning of Melanesia by a Polynesian migration swarm, we have essayed to direct attention upon two par- allel tracks of swarming, parted far to the west and destined not to reunite until a long eastward traverse has been concluded. With the Melanesians themselves we have nothing to do save in so far as we find them recording the passage of the Proto-Samoans, a passage as to which the Polynesians have retained no direct memory. It suffices here to state that the students best acquainted with them regard them as a mixed race, the Polynesian admixture in blood being more a matter of inference than a result of anthropometrical investigation. There seems good reason to believe that under the Polynesian admixture there is not one but several races. Up to the present, on rather better grounds now than could be the case in even the recent past, there seems to be a line of demarcation quite sharply drawn between the Melanesians of the islands and the Papuans 182 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. of New Guinea. To this conclusion point the brilliant studies of Sidney H. Ray upon the Melanesian population of Torres Straits. The same divergence, even within the most narrow limits, is pointed out by Pastor Hanke as existing on the shores of Astrolabe Bay on the northern coast of New Guinea ; the map accompanying his Bongu dictionary, unfortunately without a scale for the measurement of distances, shows Melanesian languages upon the offshore islands, on the coast Melanesian languages in three areas abruptly separated by two Papuan areas. It answers our purpose in these studies to observe that the languages of Melanesia are not Polynesian, no matter how much they may differ the one from the other. In general, and this note must be understood as of equal appli- cability to the Indonesian division of the topic, the culture plane of the peoples is the predeterminant factor in regulation of the nature and amount of the loan material which they may assume, the pho- netic system of their own speech functions in the degree of the assimilation to which they may subject the matter thus assumed. In this work I have refrained from consideration of the former factor. The data here presented, offering a record of probably very nearly all the loan material, should readily provide the stuff from which the student of manners might construct the history of the difference in the arts which marked the Melanesian as lower than the race of hardy and brilliant adventurers who swept past his islands these ages ago and brought to him a glimpse of a world where achievement ran higher. So far as relates to the modification of the loan material in the process of assimilation by the borrowing races I have been careful to draft a table of such modification for every one of the languages of which we have sufficient record, and in many cases I have supple- mented this with a fuller discussion in the notes. The conclusion to which I am led is that the element common to Melanesian and Polynesian is Polynesian material directly impressed upon the Melanesian by borrowing under stress of the lack of name for a new object or a new idea, or by the influence of some quirk of fashion, a principle no less operative in primitive man's mental equipment than it remains to the highest culture attainment of the summit races. C. In Indonesia. When we enter upon the island world to which New Guinea stands as the eastern barrier we find an immediate and a great decline in the element which has been found common to Melanesia and Poly- nesia. Only a few of the vocables in Melanesia for which we have discovered Polynesian affinities are found to carry that affinity back to Indonesia. Still fewer are the words which display an affinity THE SAWAIORI BEGINNING RESTS UNKNOWN. 183 between Polynesia and Indonesia without having left a record of their passage through Melanesia. The presence of these double and of these more common triple affinities has served as the basis for the erection of the Malayo-Pcly- nesian speech family. That family was created by great scholars and has been supported by their followers no less great. One hesi- tates to deviate from the conclusions upon which there is substantial agreement of Humboldt, Bopp, Friedrich Muller, Max Muller, Whit- ney, and the generality of students of systematic philology. Yet now I have the less hesitation. In preceding works, where topically, however, I was dealing only with the Polynesian, I found myself forced to set aside the earlier estimate of the character of the languages of the Pacific and to establish them as of the isolating class,* a position in which I am more and more confirmed as my studies go more deeply into the matter. Therefore I am ready to pronounce the decree of divorce upon Malay and Polynesian. Lan- guages of different classes, of uncoordinate syntax, of irreconcilable vocabularies — too long have they been unequally yoked. In the present collection of data there is not a single item which is not most readily explicable as loan material, there is not one in which there can be mustered any proof that its source was Indonesian. D. The Old Home. The material with which we have so long been engaged, and it is hoped not without profit and interest, leads us from Polynesia back- ward along Melanesia and to many a remote shore of the Malay Archipelago. Did the Polynesians have no earlier history? Was it in these warm islands that they became man and slowly acquired that control over certain muscles susceptible of high specialization in function which gave them speech? A most interesting speculation. It has engaged the zeal of all such as have felt the attraction of this least contaminated of the races of men. Every shred of tradition has sedulously been studied for such record as it might reveal. The interpreters of these tradition- histories have been led back to Indonesia as distinctly as this mass of linguistic material has led us who have been studying it together. All paths lead to Indonesia as an early, a very early, home of the Sawaiori. But backward ? Dr. Macdonald has toiled for a lifetime to prove a Semitic origin, a yet eastern heme in the region to which the Bab el Mandeb is indeed a gateway. I can not find that his theory stands the test of examination. "27 American Journal of Philology, 380. 184 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Myself, I have fancied that from the inner content of many of the elemental words of the language I might reconstruct a vision of the geophysics of the earliest home, ancestral Hawaiki in the great sea of Kiwa. It was a pleasant speculation ; almost I could see the old home. In casting about for a terrain which would in some sort correspond to this artificial cloudcuckooland I was led to pitch upon the Hadramaut, close to Dr. Macdonald's seat of origin. I have found pleasure, better yet it has been given me to find enduring profit in great joy, sweeping concentric circles of study upon the languages that ring about the Hadramaut in Arabia and across the straits in Africa. Yet nowhere have I found so much as a single word upon which I might rely in confirmation. Fornander, with much labor, has sought to find the origin of the Polynesians in the origin of our own speech family. It has not seemed to any Polynesian student necessary to enter upon a detailed disproof of his argument ; every item sufficiently disproves itself by the discovery of his complete lack of philological training and the language instinct. The school of students of Polynesian origins, that unanswered "whence of the Maori," which has grown into enthusiastic existence in New Zealand, has been sedulous in this study, at times almost inspired. At present they are in general accord in regarding the Polynesian ancestral home as somewhere in the Indian peninsula, either in its great valleys of the Ganges and the Panjab, or else upon the heights rising farther to the north. The best statement of this opinion is most lucidly and most compellingly set forth in Percy Smith's "Hawaiki." I wish that I might take my stand with that rich scholarship which has proved such an inspiration to me in my work. In following out the only method which I feel sure in handling I can not go farther than the material in my hand will lead me. At Java, or thereabout, the last thread slips past. Up to that point I have followed the leading toward Pulotu whither the dead go, toward Hawaiki whence the living come, always westward with the words to go with me from land to land — now at last the tale of the words is done. I may go no farther. In Java I halt, and Java may be in itself a Hawaiki. There is no further leading. Out yonder beyond my sight, out yonder over the unended sea and the sun going down, out and away whither my eyes tire with the strain of unavailing seeing, somewhere lies the Hawaiki of our vain search. There I would that I might see the canoes setting bravely forth with the rhythm of song and the pulse of paddles, bravely out on the great sea of Kiwa, their crews the forebears of that race of men who beyond all others made the sea their own, even to its uttermost islands. APPENDIX I. DATA AND NOTES. EFATE-VITI. I. baso, to pierce. Viti: veso-ka, id. 2. bei, preposition connecting verbs with their objects ; the final i belongs to the pronoun of the third person. Viti : vet, to, from ; used only before personal pronouns and personal names. 3. kilakila, to be shy. Viti: kila, to be wild (of animals), suspicious. 4- malua, niailua, malilua, malulu, to do anything gently, to be in no hurry, to do after a time, by-and-by. Viti : malua, to go gently, to be in no hurry, by-and-by ; vakamalua, gently. This may be found associable with malum 316. 5- masere, to be torn. lg|iN Viti: kasere, broken, loosed. This falls more properly under note 21. 6. mutrei (given as a variant of mitei 232), breadfruit fermented and preserved. Viti: mandrai, bread, i. e., a cake of preserved breadfruit. 7- sanga, senga, a crotch, a fork made by two branches; sanga-fi, to take hold of with a crotch or forked stick. Viti : sanga, a crotch, the thighs, a pair of tongs ; sanga-va, to take hold of with tongs. 8. toki, to gather up one's things or pack up preparatory to flitting. Viti: toki, to remove one's goods and residence. EFATE-VITI-MALAY. 9- bara ti, to bind together ; farati, sticks fastened above and upon the rafters of a house. Viti: vorati, the wind beams or upper small cross-beams of a house. Malay: barot, to gird, to bind around; baroti, rafters. 185 186 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 10. buta, blind (in meta-buta, lit. eye-dark). Viti: mbutb, dark, darkness; mat ambuto, to become dizzy and fall, lit. eye-dark. Malay: buta, blind. EFATE-VITI-SKMITIC. ii. ba, ba si, fa, va, to come, to enter, to tread (to go upon), to tread upon. Viti: va-tha, to tread upon. Hebrew: bo, ba. Ethiopic: bawi, to come, to enter. This naturally suggests an association with bano (147) to go. The Efat6 ba-si implies a final ^--radical, which implication is further hinted by Viti vaiha, for s-th is a not infrequent mutation. In bano, however, the radical n is constant throughout Melanesia with the exception of a New Hebridean (Mota-Ambrym-Sesake-Eromanga-Pak) and a Solomon (Nggela-Belaga) group, which have va. In view of the constancy of n in bano and the appear- ance of s in this item it is uncertain whether to regard this ba as a distinct root and to transfer from 147 the two va groups to association therewith, or to regard the latter as mere coincidences in the result of abrasion. With this bd, Dr. Macdonald associates as a dialectic form mai to come, which is, of course, nothing but the universal Polynesian directive. 12. bila i, to pick up, to gather up anything, as fallen leaves, fruit, fish lying on the ground. Viti : vili, to pick up fallen fruit or leaves. Ethiopic: 'araya, to gather, as fruit, herbs; to glean. *3- bitelo, butol, bitol, to be hungry. Viti: vitolo, hunger, to be hungry (an unusual dialectic word). Nggela : vitolo, to hunger. Motu : hitolo, hunger. Arabic : talaha, tolilia, to have an empty belly. The first classification of these data was based upon the comparative material afforded by the Efate dictionary. Later research through other sources of information have in several items brought to light new data which interrupt the applicability of the class heading, as in this case. The serial number of the items, however, had by that time been so extensively employed in man)* calculations that it has seemed hardly worth the while to recast the arrangement and to provide a new notation. Peculiar interest attaches to the entry which conveniently, yet inaccu- rately, is credited to the Motu. It is drawn from a vocabulary of 160 items collected by F. R. Barton and included in Seligmann's "Melanesians of British New Guinea." Captain Barton designates this vocabulary by the name "Lakatoi Language" and notes that it is "the trading language spoken by the Elema natives and their visitors." In this remarkable lingua franca I have been able to identify no more than this item as having any association with the languages of our province. The lakatoi are the DATA AND NOTES. 187 composite vessels which set out fromMotu laden with pots and sail westward to the Papuan communities across the Gulf of Papua, there to barter their wares at Elema and other ports for the sago of that country. This voyage, an adventure of annual argosies, is performed with great ceremony and much ritual, not the least of which formality is the employment of this language. 14. bure, fure, to wash, to rub. Viti : mbore-a, to scrape or wash the dirt off a thing, to brighten ; a dialectic word. Hebrew : marak, to rub, to polish, to cleanse by washing. 15. fanau, bunu, to teach, to instruct, to preach. Viti: vunau, to admonish, to harangue, to preach, a speech, reproof. Hebrew: 'anah, to harangue, to proclaim, to preach, to admonish. ka, k\ tense sign, past. Viti: ka, id. Syriac: ka, ga, id. 16. 17- kilakila, knowing, sagacious. Viti: kila, to know, to understand, to acknowledge. Arabic: 'akala, 'akil', to be intelligent, prudent, sagacious. 18. lele, lili, to wind, to go around, to turn, to curve; malele, to be bent or curved, as a branch of a tree heavy with fruit. Viti: lele, the end of a branch farthest from the body of a tree; leletha, to bend a branch in order to gather the fruit on it. Arabic: lawa, to wind, to bend, to turn. 19. lume a, to wash (immerse), to dip. Viti : lomotha, to dip, to dye, to daub the hair with ashes, to dip the head into urine to clean or stiffen the hair. Hebrew: saba1. Arabic: sab"a, to dip into, to immerse, to dye. 20. saf i, bisab, bisif, to excel. Viti: sivia, to outstrip, to exceed, to pass another, to get past or before, to surpass; uasivi, to exceed. Hebrew: yasaf, to add, to increase, to surpass, to excel. 21. sere, masere, to tear. Viti: sereka, to untie, to unloose; kasere, broken, undone. Arabic: nasara, to tear, to rend. 22. seri, bakaseri, to loose a tabu. Viti: sereka, to untie. Hebrew : sarah, to loose. 188 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 23- si, soi, to scrape. Viti: soya, soi, to scrape off the skin of yams for boiling. Arabic : saha', to scrape off. 24- tefa ki, tefa-ngi, to put things in a series, to range. Viti: tuva, to place in regular order, to range. Arabic: saffa, to set or place in order in a series, to arrange. It is at least suggestive of association with Samoan tufa, to divide, to share out, to distribute. The Viti form readily consents. Tonga: tufa, to divide, to portion out, to distribute. Niue: tufa- tufa, to divide, to portion out. Uvea: tufaki, to distribute, to divide, a partition. Futuna : tufaki, to distribute, to divide, Fotuna: no-tufa, to give. Tahiti: tufa, to share or divide portions. Marquesas: tuha, to divide, to apportion. Rapanui, Mangareva: tuha, to divide, to share out. Maori: twwha, to distribute, to apportion. Nggela: tutuva, to distribute (food). Belaga: tuva-lisa, to apportion. Sesake : cf . ga tova wango, I cut pig. In note 31 2 I have suggested the recurrence of this stem in the compound numeral of the tavalima series. 25- tirikit, to begin to drop or spatter, of rain (kit, small). Viti: tiri, to drop, of liquids. Arabic: s'als'ala, to drip, to fall in drops. This is properly included in 359. 26. tu na, bones of fish. Viti: ndua, bone (dialectic). Arabic: s'a'a, to become spiky, to be rayed. EFATE-VITI-MALAY-SEMITIC. 27- bera, fera, to crumble, to fall to pieces. Viti: vuruvuru, a crumb, to crumble. Malay: author, tabur, to be scattered. Malagasy: mahavera, mivcraberaka, to crumble. Ethiopic: farfur, a crumb. Hebrew: parpor, a crumb; pur, par pirper, to break in pieces. Cf. 28. 28. bori, boriuori-si, to break. Viti: vorota, to break, of brittle or thin things, as pots. Malagasy : puritra, to break. Hebrew: por, pur, to break in pieces. Cf. 27. DATA AND NOTES. 189 29. lita, liti, to crackle, to burst, to explode, as wood or a stone in the fire; lita nakabu, a spark. Viti: lindi, thalindi, to burst or explode, the report of an explosion or bursting, as of thunder or a stone in a heated oven ; lindi ni buka, a spark. Malay: latok, latup, latub, to crackle, to crepitate; latum, to boom, to give out a booming noise. Arabic: la^ata, la"t, li"at, to crackle, as water boiling. . u 3°- lubwa, to pour out. Viti: livia, talivi, to pour gently or in a small stream, to spill. Malay: tumpah, manumpah, to spill, to shed, to pour out. Arabic: sabba, to pour out. In 154 the same Viti identification has been employed in a better set of sense resemblances. 31. sabe-li, to beat, to slap. Viti: sambalaka, to strike in a certain way, to slap. Malay: tampar, to slap. Java: tampel, id. Arabic: safa'a, to beat, to slap. 32. samit, samut, to beat, to chastise. Viti : samuta, to beat, generally with a heavy stick. Malay: chamiti, chamati, a whip or scourge. Hebrew: s'amat, to strike, to smite. Arabic: s'amat, to whip. The identification of the Malay entails the s-ch mutation, for which our material affords no confirmation save so much as may lie in 45. 33. siba, suba, to break. Viti: sovetaka, to break the head to pieces; sovuta, to break a hole in thin things. Malay : sumba, simba, to break. Chaldee: s'ibeb, to break in pieces; s'iba, a fragment. We are to meet with no other instance of a v-mb mutation in Indonesia and only one (Malay 310) of v-b; the identification, therefore, lacks con- firmation. 34- son, to give. Viti: solia, to give, to grant, to permit. Malay: sdrah, srah, to submit; sdrah kan, to give. Arabic: s'ara'a, to submit, to give. 35- tatalai, to warm oneself at the fire. Viti: tatalai, id. Malagasy: mitulu, id. Arabic: sala, salyy' , to warm, to be warmed at the fire. 190 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 36. tiro, to sink, to roll down. Viti: tiro, siro, sisiro, to descend, to go down a steep or hill. Malay: turun, to go down. Arabic: hadara, hudur', to descend, to put down. 37- toto, tiso, to exude, as gum or juices from plants. Viti: ti, titi, titiva, to ooze, to flow gently down, as gum from a tree. Malay: titik, to exude. Malagasy: viitete, mitate, tetevana, id. Arabic: nas's'a, to exude. 38- trdm, torn, turmeric, a reddish curry powder. Viti: ndamu, red, crimson, brown, dun. Malagasy: tamutamu, turmeric; tumamutamu, yellow. Arabic: 'adoma, to be red. Hebrew: 'adamdom, reddish. EFATE-MELANESIAN-VITI. 39. bati, tooth. Viti: mbati, tooth. Sesake: mbati, tooth. Epi: bati, id. Marina: peti, id. f- Dr. Macdonald has considered this under two entries.yet with full appre- ciation that his nabati is this bati with the article. It will be found fully discussed in 259, where, however, the stem under examination is that of a different word and of much wider dissemination. This bati is confined to Viti and the central New Hebrides. 40. bui na, bua na, backbone, tail, rump. Viti: mbui, tail. Sesake: mbuena, tail. 4i- mako, maka, offspring. Viti: makumbu, mokunibu, grandchild (mbu, grandmother). Tangoan Santo: maka pi, grandchild, offshoot of pi (grandfather). EFATE-MELANESIAN-VITI-SEMITIC. 42. fara, a sprouting coconut. Viti : vara, a coconut when filled with meat and ready to shoot. Motu: vara, to grow, to be born. Omba: kmbwiri, to grow. Hebrew: par ah, to burst forth (as the young from the womb), to sprout; perah, a sprout, a shoot. Arabic: farh", offspring, sprout, shoot. loa, black, dirt. 43' Viti: loa, black. Malekula Pangkumu: roro, dirty. Arabic: lo'wat, lawla', blackness. DATA AND NOTES. 191 44. taku na, the back. Viti: ndaku, the back. Epi: taka, the back. Malo: tura, id. Motu: ndolu, id. Ethiopic: dahr, posterior part ; dahari, the last; dahara, to be after, to be behind. Arabic: fahr', the back. Dr. Macdonald finds kinship with Samoan tua the back. Neither that nor the Malo and Motu identifications can be sanctioned. EFATE-MELANESIAN-VITI-MALAY-SEMITIC. 45- bisa, fisa, basa, to speak. Nukuoro: pasa, to speak. Fotuna: visau, id. Viti: nosa, to speak. Sesake: vasa, to speak. Nggela: bosa, id. Malay: bacha, to read, recite, chant; basa, voice, speech. Tagalog: basa, to speak. Arabic: nabasa, to speak, to peep or chirp; nabsat' , a word. An interesting suite, all the more because of the sparsity of the occur- rence of the stem in each of the provinces. The proposed Semitic affinity contains at least one element which is not found at all in the Sawaiori. 46. kan i, kanikani, to eat; kanien, food. Viti: kana, kania, to eat; vakania, to feed, to cause to eat; veikanikani, devouring one another; kani, laukana, edible. Melanesia, all signifying to eat — Marina, Tubetube, Galavi, Boniki, Mukawa: kani. Sesake: ganikani. Galoma: ganigani. Belaga, Sinaugoro: gani. Rubi: gania. Gog, Merlav: gan. Nggela: gana, ganigi. Mota: ganagana. Retan, Lo, Mota, Maewo: gangan. Duke of York: wangan. Leon, Sasar: gen. Vuras : gengen. Ambrym : ngene. Nguna : ngani. Ambrym : ngene. Gog: ngongot. Buka: nan, nanni, tuanan, iana (restricted to cannibal eating). Duke of York, Roro, Uni, Pokau, Kabadi, Motu, Hula, Tavara, Awalama, Taupota, Wedau : ani. Mekeo: angi. Keapara: hani. Sariba: kai. Suau, Mabuiag : ai. Dobu : c'ai. Kabadi : ania. New Britain : an, ian. Malay: makan, to eat. Malagasy: hunt ana, hanina, id. Togean: mokonie, id. Arabic: 'akala, to eat; 'akxV , messmate. Hebrew: 'akal, to eat. Although the alternative form nganikani points (see note 117) to a Polynesian stock, it is impossible to link kani with the Polynesian kai to eat. While the omission of a medial consonant sometimes takes place, and in the tabulation of the phonetic results we have a solitary example in inum (32 1 ) to drink Marina o'omia, yet if it were far more common it would 192 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. still remain impracticable in this instance for the distinct reason that we are quite unable to adduce a single word in which all Polynesia has dropped a medial consonant which all Melanesia has retained. Viti shows that a or i may be the final vowel. The z-forms are found in Efate, Viti, Marina, Sesake, Belaga, Nggela, Nguna, Duke of York, Buka, Kabadi; to which may be added an e-form in Ambrym. The a-forms occur in Viti, Nggela, Mota. Terminal abrasion is found in Gog, Merlav, Retan, Lo, Maewo, Duke of York, Nguna, Buka, Kabadi, New Britain, Leon, Sasar, Vuras. The earlier vowel of the radical is found as a in Efate, Viti, Marina, Sesake, Belaga, Gog, Merlav, Nggela, Mota, Retan, Lo, Maewo, Duke of York, Nguna, Buka, Kabadi, New Britain. An e-form occurs in Ambrym, where it is associated with final e, and in Leon, Sasar and Vuras. If indeed it be the same radical an o-form is seen in Gog. The initial consonant k occurs in Efate, Viti, Marina, Sesake. It passes from surd to sonant g in Sesake, Belaga, Gog, Merlav, Nggela, Mota, Retan, Lo, Maewo, Leon, Sasar, Duke of York, Vuras, Ambrym. It goes still higher in the palatal series to ng in Nguna, Ambrym and perhaps Gog. It is abraded in Duke of York, Kabadi and New Britain. The second consonant remains n without change in all these cases, save again the Gog anomaly and the Mekeo. We therefore diagram this radical thus: I a I | K > hi'e I e I ng J J la The anomalies are now to be considered. With a vowel not elsewhere found, with a change n-ng which the radical but once elsewhere exhibits, and with the assumption of a final t which elsewhere does not appear, Gog ngongot is not acceptable in this record. The only way by which it can be included is to assume it to be a composite form, ngon-got, and this parting of the palatal nasal would be wholly indefensible. The remaining anom- alies, at the extreme north of the Samoa track, suggest an explanation by a developmental series. Frontal abrasion is sufficiently well established in the Melanesian handling of Polynesian loan words to admit Duke of York ani to the kani radical. This admission will naturally carry with it Kabadi ania (a the common verb isolating objective suffix), and by terminal abrasion New Britain an. This an may be taken to admit New Britain tan, and this in turn carries with it Buka iana. The other Buka forms involve a further leap. Reverting once more to Duke of York ani, if we can regard nanni as in some sort a reduplication (which it must be ac- knowledged is informal) that would carry nan with it and for tuanan we should have to postulate a composite of this nan. This is far too involved to be satisfactory. Our Indonesian material is based on a radical m-k-n and the identifica- tion should be overruled. The Malagasy is at variance with Indonesian and Melanesian alike and should be rejected. It is impossible to see that the Semitic has anything to do with the case. DATA AND NOTES. 193 47- tai na, brother's brother, sister's sister. The Proto-Samoan radical is tehi, as shown by Niue, Tonga and Uvea. Samoa: tei, younger brother or sister. Niue: tehina, younger brother. Tonga : tehina, younger brother or sister. Uvea : tehina, brother, sister. Rarotonga, Paumotu, Mangareva, Tahiti, Maori: teina, younger brother or sister. Marquesas: teina, a younger brother. Sikayana : teina, brother. Futuna : taina, brother's brother, sister's sister. Hawaii: kaina, the younger of two brothers or of two sisters. Viti : tathi, a younger brother or sister. Mota: tasi-k, brother. Malo, Laur, Lamassa, Lambell, Kiriwina, Dobu: tasi, id. Epi: fo/w, id. Motu : tadi, younger brother or sister or cousin. Malekula : test, brother. King: dirsi, id. Bauro: asi, id. Santo : tesi-na, his younger brother. Pala: tes, tasi, brother. Keapara, Hula, Galoma: art, id. Waima: hati, id. Kabadi: kadi, id. Misima, Panaieti: tari, id. Sinaugoro: tali, id. Malay: adik, brother. Bugi: ami, id. Malagasy: zandri, id. Arabic: rasi', brother. The initial consonant is t in Polynesia (Hawaii k), and in Melanesia, with the single exception of Bauro asi where it is dropped ; this is our only Bauro word, so that we are without information as to the frequency of the frontal abrasion of this mute, but it is not unknown in Melanesia. The change to d in King is normal. The aspiration is found in Epi ; it undergoes the normal transition to the sibilant in Mota, Malo, Laur, Lamassa, Lambell, Malekula, Bauro, Santo; its mutation to th in Viti is usual; the sound in King is not quite clearly identified, it was collected by the same German explorer who gathered Laur, Lambell and Lamassa ; Efate alone drops the aspiration ; the Motu d is normal to that New Guinea settlement; and elsewhere in Melanesia, involving the surd instead of the sonant, is found in Alite, Saa and Wango. The final vowel is constant. Of the former vowel there are two main groups. Polynesia generally, and Malekula and Santo have e; Melanesia generally, and Viti, Futuna and Hawaii have a. King again stands in a class by itself with i. In Santo the na is clearly possessive suffix, such also is the k in Mota. The only common element in Indonesia is a-i parted by a consonant, which is not the aspiration or a normal mutation thereof; the initial con- sonant is absent. We can not accept this identification. The Malagasy may be associable with Bugi, certainly not with the Proto-Samoan. EFATE-POLYNESIAN. 48. alo, belly, abdomen, the front, before. Samoa: alo, the under side (as of a cloth or the belly of a fish), a chief's belly, the seat of the affections. Tonga: alo, the abdomen of great personages. Futuna : alo, the entrails, in the 194 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. presence of, before. Maori: aroaro, the front, presence, face. Tahiti, Mangaia: aro, id. Hawaii: alo, id. Marquesas: ao, before, in front. Rarotonga: aroaro, the presence. Manga - reva: aro, the presence, before. Paumotu: aronga, the visage. 49. bafano, fafano, to wash the hands. Samoa: fafano, fanofano, to wash the hands and rinse the mouth. Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea: fanofano, to wash the hands. 5o. bwefe, fefe, oven cover made of leaves. Samoa: veve, leaves covered over an oven to keep in the heat. Futuna : veve, name of a mat of leaves of coconut or other plant placed on the viands in an oven to keep them from being soiled by the earth which covers them. 5i. boboi, a mask, cover or disguise. Tonga, Uvea : fufu, to hide, to secrete, to conceal. Futuna, Niue : fufu, id. 52. bukubukura, full of little swellings, pimples. Samoa : po'u, pimple. Futuna : poku, id. Tonga : bokubaku, a scab. 53- fet, a bird's nest. Samoa: fataninga, a bird's nest. Niue: fata, id. Uvea: fatal, id. Tonga : bununga, a nest. Nggela: niku, a nest. Bugotu: gniku, id. Mota : nig, to build a nest. 54- ata, a man. Samoa: ataWi, (li'i, small) son, lit. little man. Rapanui: atariki, oldest son. Nuguria : atariki, son-in-law. 55- mafa, to be broken, cracked. Samoa: mafa, ora vaginae aperta. Tonga: mafaa, to open, to extend; mafaafaa, split, cracked, choppy. Futuna: mafaa, broken, cracked. Niue : mafa, mafafa, a crack, a rift. Hawaii: maha, to make a rent or hole in. Nukuoro : mahaa, to break. Uvea: mafaafaa, to yawn, to gape. 56. niaia, a species of banana. Samoa : mamae, one kind of banana. Tonga : mamae, the plantain. 57- makinikini, to be itchy. Samoa: ma'ini, to tingle, to smart. Tonga, Futuna: makini, id. Niue: maeneene{9), to tingle. The absence of the k in Niue is anomalous and points to an association with Samoan eneene to tickle. Cf. 227. DATA AND NOTES. 195 58. manu, a multitude, a very great number, a thousand. Samoa: mano, manomano, 10,000, a myriad, a great number, innu- merable, the limit of counting. Tonga, Nuguria : mano, 10,000. Maori, Rapanui, Tahiti: mano, 1,000. Hawaii: mano, 400,000, multitudinous. Mangaia: mano, 2,000, innumerable. Mar- quesas : mano, 4,000, any great number. Paumotu : manomano, innumerable. Nukuoro: mano, 100; mano-tini, a very large number. 59- manubunubu, nobwanobwa, to be soft, sleek as the skin of a newborn pig or infant. Hawaii: nopunopu, thoroughly cooked, soft, spongy, large, plump, fat, swelled out ; nopue, plump, round, as a well fed fat hog. Oiun: nubanuba, soft, as cooked food. Kiviri: nunubas, id. Motu: manokamanoka, id. Pokau : manomano, id. Kabadi :manova, id. 60. mataisau, matakseu, a carpenter. Samoa : mataisau, an honorific term for carpenter. The derivation from mata as "the eye (or director or master) of cutting" does not seem so valid as that in which I have assigned it to the Samoan matai, one skilled as a master of craft, and sau, a particularized cutting as shown in saupapa to cut off the outer part of a log to make it level and smooth. The Viti matai means carpenter and then by extension a mechanic of any craft. 61. mauta, mautu, rising ground. Polynesia, all signifying mountain: Samoa, Futuna, Mangaia, Maori, Rarotonga, Manahiki, Bukabuka, Fakaafo: maunga. Paumotu : mahunga. Hawaii : mauna. Sikayana : fakamauna. Tahiti: maua. Mangareva: manga. Tonga, Uvea, Niue, Rapanui: mounga. Nuguria: mauna, mouna. The derivation suggested as from man to remain firm does not particu- larly appeal to me, although mau-nga is in form a typical noun-making from an attributive in which the verb sense has so strongly developed as to call for such differentiation. I set contra the note that in the languages in which maunga has undergone vowel change {mounga, manga) the pro- posed radical mau as verb remains unaltered. 62. me, name, namai, a rope, a string. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Uvea: maea, a rope, cord, cable. Nuguria: maia, a band. 63. mitariki, the Pleiades. Polynesia names the Pleiades thus: Samoa: matali'i. Futuna, Tonga: mataliki. Fotuna, Nuguria, Maori, Mangaia, Ma- ngareva: matariki. Tahiti: matarii. Hawaii: makalii. Marquesas : mataiki. 196 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Micronesian names for the same constellation : Ponape : makeriker. Lamotrek : magarigar. Yap : magirigir. Mortlocks : marikir. EFATE-VITI-POLYNESIA. 64. bule, a shell, lit. gleaming, shining, glittering; cf. bila 284. Samoa : pule, a white cowry, general name for marine shells ; pulepule, small shellfish; pulei, to be checkered, to be mixed alternately as different colored beads in a necklace; pulepule, spotted, striped with various colors. Tonga: bule, a cowry; bulebule, a shellfish; bulevaka, the white cowry; bulebule, spotted. Futuna: pule, a univalve shell; pulepule, striped, spotted with various colors. Niue: pule, the cowry; pulepule, striped, variegated. Uvea: pulepule, variegated. Hawaii: pulepule, varicolored, spotted, speckled. Tahiti, Rapanui: purepure, spotted, checkered. Mangareva: akapurepure, to color, to variegate. Paumotu : hakapurepure, to dye, to color. Maori : opure, pied, variegated. Rapanui, Nuguria: pure, a shell. Viti : mbuli, the white cowry. Mota: pule, a very dark cowry shell. Miriam: ka-(a shel\)-buli- buli, a small univalve. 65. fiso, an annual reed-like plant whose top is used for food. Samoa : fiso, wild sugar cane. Proto-Samoan : f iho. Viti: vitho, wild sugar cane. Mota: viso, a reed with edible flower head. Motu: hido, id. 66. ngongo, an aquatic bird, to wade. Samoa: ngongo, the tern (Sterna longipennis) . Tonga, Niue: ngongo, the sea gull. Futuna: ngongo, the name of a bird. Viti: ngongo, a sea bird. The proposed derivation through Samoan 'a'au to swim from Arabic hamma is not convincing. 67. kie, the plant whose leaf is baked, dried and split into threads to be woven into mats. Maori: kiekie, the name of a climbing plant (Freycinetia banksii), the leaves and fiber were formerly used in making fine mats. Tonga : kie, a mat ; kiekie, a girdle. Futuna : kie, a mat ; kiekie, a species of liana. Rarotonga : kie, the Freycinetia banksii. Marquesas : kiekie, moss resembling a fine beard. Tongarewa : kie, the pandanus leaf, the mat woven therefrom. Mangareva: ngie, small pandanus leaves used in mat-making. Samoa: 'ie, fine mats; 'ie'ie, a Freycinetia used in making fish traps. Tahiti : ie, a sail (of matting) ; ieie, fibrous roots used in basketry. Hawaii : ie, a vine used in basketry, material braided into mats. Viti: kiekie, fine mats, pandanus whose leaves are used in mat making. DATA AND NOTES. 197 68. langa ti, langa i, langai, to raise, to lift up. Samoa: langa, to raise, to rise. Tonga: langa, to raise up the soil; fakalanga, to raise up. Uvea, Futuna : langa, to raise. Niue : langa, to rise against ; langaaki, to raise up. Nukuoro : langa, to float. Hawaii: lana, id. Maori: ranga, to raise, to cast up. Mangareva: ranga, to float on the surface of water. Paumotu: fakaranga, to raise, to lift up. Tahiti: toraaraa, to raise up. Marquesas: aha, ana, to swim on the surface. Viti : langa, to be lifted up, said of a brandished club. Mota: langa, to lift up, to turn up. 69. langilangi, to be proud, uplifted. Samoa : fa'alangilangi, to be angry because of disrespect. Tonga : langilangi, powerful, great, applied to chiefs; fakalangilangi, to honor, to dignify, to treat with great respect. Hawaii: lanilani, to be proud, to show haughtiness. Uvea: fakalai, to compliment, to adulate. Viti: langilangi, proud. 70. lofa i, to bend. Samoa : lofa, to cower down, to crouch as a dog. Tonga : lofatia, obedient, yielding, respectful. Proto-Samoan : Iofat. Viti: lovetha, to bend. 7i. mono-ti, munu-ti , to close, to plug, to stop, to block up ; though given as a dialectic form of bono-ti it is probably of a different stem. Samoa: momono, to cork, to plug; monomono, to calk. Tonga: mono, to squeeze, to press in : monoji, to cork ; monomonoji, to patch, to mend. Futuna: mono, to calk, to bung, to plug. Uvea: momonono, to patch. Proto-Samoan: monot. Viti : mononotaka, to stop up sennit or other holes in a canoe with breadfruit gum, to calk. 72. sakau, a reef. Samoa: a'au, a coral reef. Tonga: hakau, a sunken reef or rock. Maori : akau, the coast. Mangareva : akau, lowland, shoal, a ridge of rocks. Paumotu : akau, a reef of rocks. Mangaia : akau, a coral reef. Nuguria: agau, id. Proto-Samoan: hakau. Viti: thakau, a reef. EFATE-MELANESIAN-POLYNESIAN. 73- ata na, spirit, soul, shadow, image. Maori: ata, morning personified, a reflected image, shadow, spirit, soul. Samoa: ata, shadow, spirit, dawn, reflected image. Tonga : ata, a shadow, the dawn, to reflect. Niue : ata, shadow, 198 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. reflected image. Futuna: ata, shadow, twilight. Fotuna: ata, ghost, shadow, image. Tahiti: ata, shadow, twilight. Marquesas: ata, shadow, likeness. Mangaia: ata, shadow, soul, dawn. Mangareva : ata, shadow, image, twilight. Nukuoro: ata, shadow. Fila : ata, the soul. Uvea : aata, shadow ; ata, image. Moriori: ateata, dawn. Hawaii: aka, shadow, likeness, dawn. Nuguria: te ata te mahina, the waning moon. Rapanui: ata, image, picture, dawn, break of day, close of day; ataata, close of day. Mota: ata, soul. Bierian: ata mate, ghost. 74- ati na, nati, nutu, child. Maori: ati, descendant, a prefix to tribal names as descendants of certain persons. Samoa: ati, a particle denoting a number of chiefs of the same name or title. Tahiti : ati, patronymic prefix grouping the name of an ancestor with the descendants. Mangareva : ati, descendant. Also, Maori : ngati, patronymic tribal prefix, descendants of. Mangaia: ngati, a tribe. Omba : nati, native of. Makura : nati, son, people of. Bierian : nati, son. Makelula: anati, netin, child. Malo, Nguna: natu, son. Baravon: natu, son. LambeH: natu, child. Wagawaga: natu, son, child of a woman's sister. Tubetube: natu, child, grandchild, child of a woman's sister, child of brother of man or woman. Motu: natu, son, daughter, brother's son. Sinaugoro, Suau, Sariba, Panaieti, Dobu, Tavara, Awalama, Taupota, Wedau, Galavi, Boniki, Mukawa, Kubiri, Raqa, Kiviri, Oiun: natu, child. Kabadi, Pokau, Doura: naku, offspring, child. Roro, Hula: nahu, child. Kiriwina: latu,\&. Keapara, Galoma: nau, id. Mekeo: ngaunga, id. King: nutu, child. Lamassa: nutu, child. Matupit: tu, son. Duke of York, Pala, Moanus: nat, child. Lamassa: fandt, child. The existence of the ati-nati in Efate and Maori ati-ngati shows that the common Polynesian forms are the result of frontal abrasion. The pre- sumably older complete form holds throughout Melanesia, except as noted below, and the n undergoes no change. So, too, the second consonant remains unaltered except that in Kabadi t-k shows a far western instance of a change which is resistless in parts of Polynesia to-day. The former vowel remains without alteration throughout Melanesia except for the w-form of King and Lamassa on the New Ireland coast, yet the presence of the a in Duke of York within eyeshot shows this a merely local variant. The principal variation involves the final vowel. Polynesia and the central New Hebrides (Efate, Omba, Makura and Malekula) have i. Nguna in the same tract of the New Hebrides has u, thence we encounter no record of the word until we find the w-form in the extreme north in Torres Straits, Baravon, Lambell, King and Lamassa. Duke of York and Moanus nat may be an abrasion of nati or natu, but from the fact that they lie in the natu region the latter is probably their source. Matupit tu and Lamassa fandt are included more on account of general suggestion of resemblance than from established identification. DATA AND NOTES. 199 75- matulu, matultul, matoltol, to be swollen, thick. Samoa: mdtolutolu, matoutou, thick (restricted to pork). Nukuoro: matolutolu, thick. Tonga, Futuna, Niue : matolu, thick. Uvea : matolu, thickness. Maori: matotoru, id. Fotuna, Tahiti: matoru, thick, full-fleshed. Mangareva: matoru, fat, thick, heavy. Rapanui : matorutoru, thick, not compact. Hawaii : makolu, wide, thick, deep. Marquesas: motou, thickness. Epi: torn, large. Norbarbar: motoltol, thick. Mota: matoltol, id. Nguna: matulu, id. Malekula: metetir, id. Baki : mererolu, id. This root is discussed under 163. um, ubu, oven. Samoa, Maori, Nukuoro, Niue, Tahiti, Hawaii, Mangaia, Marquesas, Mangareva, Paumotu: umu, oven. Tonga: ngotoumu, id. Uvea: ngutuumu, id. Futuna: umu-kai, id. Fotuna: amu, cooking place. Rapanui: umu, oven; humu hare, cook house. Motu : amu, oven. Mabuiag : amai, id. Miriam : ame, id. New Bri- tain :ubu, id. Mota: um, id. Ponape: um, id. Bierian : baumo, id. Tanna: noanumun, oven stones. Aneityum: inmunum, oven (inmun, an opening) ; nehpanum, a large fire for cooking. The Polynesian radical is consistently umu. Tonga and Uvea compound with it a word which in Uvea is distinctly ngutu mouth and in Tongan we may feel that ngutu has been specifically differentiated in this composite. In the Futuna composite the latter element is merely kai food. The principle of terminal abrasion is sufficient to identify with this the Efate and Mota um, and even the remote and extralimital Ponape um. It is no difficult task to find the identification in Motu and Fotuna, for the u-a mutation is general. The fact that Efate has ubu as well as um serves to link in the New Britain ubu. We lack data on which to discuss an m-b mutation; the nearest approximation lies in a single m-v instance in masaki (323) ill Nggela vahagi. Codrington (Mota dictionary) cites the New Britain word as umbu. This would correspond to the system in Viti where a b requires the preface of an m. It might be that a people who required thus to preface a b would by attraction add a b to an m in loan material. Then when it passed along in secondary borrowing to others who could manage an unprefaced b the proper m would be relin- quished in favor of the intrusive b. This is purely speculative, yet we may cite at least one instance in which a similar principle has been active in the borrowing. We have this on Dr. Codrington's excellent authority (Melanesian Languages 92) : The formation of the Fagani figti (star) deserves notice. In that place the h of Wango, three miles off, regularly turns to /, but g represents the same letter left out, perceptibly j with a gap in the sound, in Wango. The Fagani (Ha'ani at Wango) word figu ought \ then, to represent the Wango hi'u, and in fact it represents he'u. But it is very instruc- tive to observe that the gap in the Wango word really means t, not g, and has been filled up with g in the Fagani word under a misapprehension. It is plain that the Fagani and Wango words are independent, because one comes from vitu, one from vetu. The interest lies in the filling up the gap with g in Fagani, because the gap in Wango generally represents g, though sometimes it is in place of t. 200 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 77- usu, iu, u, a reed. Samoa: u, a reed. Malekula: ui, a reed. Epi: yi, id. The community of u in Samoa and Efate together with the presence of the longer form usu in the latter argues in favor of usu as the earlier radical, which has been preserved in Efate. We are not without examples in these comparisons of the possibility of a double terminal abrasion, first the abrasion of a final vowel, then the abrasion of the consonant thereby exposed, thus presenting a new vowel final. This seems rather to have been the method than the bodily dropping of a final syllable. This note will be found extended in 98. Malekula and Epi are by no means satisfactorily identified. They seem much more distinctly to be variants of some radical of which i is the con- stant component. EFATE-POLYNESIAN-MALAY. 78. ne, here, there, this, that. Samoa: nei, this, here. Mangareva, Aniwa, Sikayana, Futuna, Uvea, Nuguria, Niue: nei, this. Maori: nei, denoting near position. Tahiti: nei, here, now, this. Hawaii: nei, this (of place, time, person) . Marquesas: nei, here, now. Paumotu: nei, here. Nukuoro: net, now. Rarotonga: ainei, this. Tonga: ni, this. Macassar: inni, this. 79- tumatuma i, to knock, as at a door as a sign to open it. Samoa: tuma, to strike with the knuckles. Malay: antam, to knock. EFATE-POLYNESIAN-SEMITIC. 80. aliali, taliali, to delay, be slow. Hawaii : alia, to wait, to stop one when doing a thing, to restrain, used imperatively, stop ! wait ! take care ! stand aside ! Tahiti : aria, stop ! hold ! Mangareva : karia, an interjection used to show off a thing in the sense "there! do you see!" Samoa: tali, to wait for; fa'atali, id. Futuna, Uvea: tali, tatali, to wait for, to expect. Maori : tatari, to wait, to tarry. Tahiti : tatari, to wait, to delay. Rapanui: tatari, to wait for. Nukuoro : hakatari, to wait. Hawaii : kali, to wait, to tarry, to stay. Tonga: tali, to wait for. Rarotonga: tatari, to wait. Marquesas: tetai, to wait for, to stay for. Arabic: ala (alu), alia', to delay, be slow. Particular interest attaches to the synonymy in Efate of two forms, each of which is found in Polynesia though never again are they brought DATA AND NOTES. 201 together in the same speech. The existence in Polynesia of a third form in k (Mangareva karia, but not Hawaii kali) seems to point out this as an instance in which shades of meaning are communicable by the system of consonantal modulants which I have elsewhere argued at length (27 Ameri- can Journal of Philology, 392). 81. amos i, amo, aino-taki, amo-rua, tak'amo, amoamo, to carry, to bear, to carry on the shoulder. Samoa, Maori, Hawaii, Marquesas, Mangaia: amo, to carry on the shoulder. Futuna : amo, to carry a burden. Uvea : amonga, a burden, carrying pole. Tahiti : amo, to carry on the back. Moriori, Nuguria: amo, to carry on a pole. Aniwa: amo, to take. Rapanui: amo, to carry; amo mat, to bring; amo, a yoke; amonga, a burden. Tonga: haamo, to carry on the shoulder. Niue: hahamo, to carry a burden on a pole. Hebrew : 'amas, to bear, to carry, especially to lift up a burden and put it on a beast. That the Proto-Samoan radical is hamos is established as to the initial aspiration by Tonga and Niue, as to the final consonant by Efate. 82. bakateba, to watch, to look out for. Samoa: tepa, to look upward. Futuna: tepa, to turn the head or eyes in order to look. Hebrew: sapah, to look out for, to view, to watch. 83. beingo, baingo, a shell trumpet, a kind of flute (coconut shell). Samoa, Futuna, Uvea: fangufangii, a flute. Tonga: fangufangu, a flute, to blow through the nose. Uvea: fangn, to blow the nose. Niue : fangu e ihu, id. Hawaii: hanu, to emit breath from the lungs ; hanuhanu, to smell, as a dog following the track of his master. Arabic: baka, to blow a trumpet; ba'ku, ba'ko, a trumpet. The sense of the Polynesian will be made satisfactorily clear by the note that the flute is played at the nostrils. If the coconut shell is really used in Efate as a musical instrument it has escaped my observation and all record, so far as I have seen, and at any rate it would properly be classed rather with the ocarina than with the flute. 84. bua, to divide. Samoa: vaevae, to divide. Arabic: fa'a, fa'w', fa'y', to split, cleave, to be open, separated. If there be any validity at all in this identification it must be with the element va as meaning to have or to be a space between. It will call for bu-v mutation. The only light which our material sheds upon such a mutation lies in the similar pn-v in vivini (242) to crow Malekula puinpuin to whistle. On the radical sense of va see 27 American Journal of Phil- ology, 387. 202 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 85- bubu, to gargle. Samoa: pupu, to gargle, to rinse out the mouth. Tonga: bubu, to gargle. Arabic: ba'ba', ba'ba'u, gurgling sound of water flowing from a bottle. 86. bulifulia, mabulu, mafulu, swollen here and there, fat. Samoa: fula, dropsy of the belly, stout; fulafula, swellings on the body ; fufula, to swell ; fulafula, fulanga'i, to be swollen. Tonga : fula, a tumor, a hard swelling ; fufula, to swell ; bubula, a swell- ing, protuberance, to swell, to bloat. Futuna: fula, fufula, fulafula, pula, to swell. Niue": fufula, to swell. Uvea: fufula, mapula, id. Hawaii: hula, a swelling, a protuberance under the arm or on the thigh. Fotuna : no-fura, to swell ; niko-fura, swollen. Hebrew: 'afal, to swell up, to be tumid. Arabic: 'afila, to have a tumor or hernia. The Proto-Samoan radical being fulang we should look for the final con- sonant in Efate. Since it is not found, since even the vowel is different, we are not to accept this identification as altogether satisfactory. The labial uncertainty, however, is perhaps critical. The hesitation as to the employment of the spirant or the mute is carried along into Nuclear Poly- nesia ; Tonga uses surd spirant and sonant mute ; Futuna and Uvea use surd spirant and surd (their only) mute. The Semitic is still farther away from the mark. 87. buri, biri, to pierce, to stick. Samoa: velo, to cast a spear or dart, to spear. Tonga: velo, to dart. Futuna: velo, velosi, to lance. Uvea: velo, to cast; impulse, incitement. Niue: velo, to throw a spear or dart. Maori : wero, to stab, to pierce, to spear. Tahiti : veto, to dart or throw a spear. Mangaia : vero, to pierce, to lance. Manga - reva: vero, to lance, to throw a spear. Marquesas: veo, to lance, to throw a spear. Ethiopic: barara, to stick, to stab. The Proto-Samoan radical being velos brings this under the same com- ment as in the last preceding item. elo, el', lolo, sweet, pleasant, agreeable. Hawaii: olu, to be pleasant, agreeable. Arabic: hala', halw', to be pleasant, agreeable. Without more data we may neither wholly affirm nor quite deny this identification as between Melanesian and Polynesian. The sole point of Semitic resemblance lies in the possession of /. DATA AND NOTES. 203 89. emai, emwai, in the distance, far away, Samoa, Nukuoro: mao, distant, far. Samoa, Uvea, Fakaafo, Vate, Maori, Hawaii, Mangaia, Manahiki, Rarotonga, Paumotu, Nuguria: mamao, distant, far away. Tonga: mamao, id. Futuna: mamao, id. Niue: mamao, id. Tahiti: taumamao, to hang out of reach. Mangareva : akamamao, to send away. Marquesas : memao, distant, far away. Arabic: ma1 oka, to be far off, distant; ma'k', distance. The Polynesia mamao can scarcely be brought into association with Efate emai, as our author suggests without any consideration of the difficulties. To me emai seems far more likely to be the widespread mai, from, with a verb-making prefix. In neither case can the Semitic be said to have any- thing to do with the matter. 90. fam i, bam i, to eat. Samoa: samusamu, to eat the remains of food; samuti, to eat (jocu- lar). Tonga : hamu, to eat food of one kind only. Futuna : samuko, id. Maori : hamuhamu, to eat scraps. Tahiti : amu, to eat; aamu, a glutton; hamu, gluttonous; aihamu, to eat gluttonously the leavings of others. Hawaii: hamu, to eat fragments of food. Mangareva: amu, to eat with the mouth, not using the hands; to eat scraps or leavings. Hebrew: pa' am, to have the mouth full, to swallow down. Arabic: fa'ama, id. The Proto-Samoan radical is samut. Against the identification lie two objections. In my note 77 I have shown how the abrasion of a final syllable may be accounted for as the abrasion of a vowel to a new terminal in a consonant followed b)r a second abrasion of the consonant to a new terminal in a vowel. Such operation is sufficiently rare in our material ; far rarer would be such a case as this, the abrasion first of consonant, then of vowel, to end upon a closed syllable once more. The mutation s-f, s-b, must be rare indeed, for these materials show not a single instance of at all a satisfactory nature, not a single instance in which an s migrates to any point in the labial column. The Semitic identification is as remote from Efate as it is from Polynesian. 9i- fasu, fasua na, a part, portion, member of the body. Samoa : fast, to split, a bit, a piece. Fotuna : no-fafasia, to split. Tonga: faahi, a side, a half of anything divided. Futuna: faasi, a side, a portion. Niue: fahi, a side, a place. Uvea: faahi, a side, a part, to divide. Nuguria: te vahi mahina, the crescent moon. Viti : vathi, to cut (chiefly of yams) ; pieces of yam for planting. Hebrew: basa', cut in pieces. Arabic: bas'a'a, to cut, to cleave; bas''at, a part, a piece. The vowel change i-u is not so rare as to vitiate this identification (see 17 Journal of the Polynesian Society, 85). 204 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 92. fonga, afo, nafo, whetstone, grinding stone, and (because used as a whet- stone) pumice. Tonga, Futuna, Uvea, Niue: fuanga, a grindstone. Tonga: juo- fuanga, pumice. Samoa : foanga, grindstone. Maori: hoanga, grindstone, whetstone. Mangareva: hoanga, oanga, a fine volcanic stone used for whetstones, a grindstone. Hawaii : hoana, a hone, whetstone, grindstone. Tahiti: hoaa, a whetstone. Arabic: nasfa-t, whetstone, pumice. The stem is fo and fu. This surely can have nothing to do with the Semitic identification proposed. There is reason for doubt as to the defini- tion. It will be understood that whetstone must be a very modern sense of the word in the Pacific, for until the Europeans brought iron the islanders had nothing to whet, since the process of putting an edge on stone imple- ments is a tedious process of grinding. How far pumice is susceptible of such employment in whetting iron I am unable to say, but in the grinding of stone it can have little value. If it were not for the fact that the pumice sense is recorded from Tonga I should incline to regard the explanation given in the Efate case as a labored effort to produce harmony with the Arabic. 93- ngafa, a fathom. Samoa, Tonga, Nukuoro: ngafa, a fathom. Niue: ofa, id. (L,amotrek: ngaf, id.) Arabic: kamat, a fathom. The exact agreement of Efat<§ and Nuclear Polynesia suggests no connec- tion with the proposed Arabic source other than that of identity of meaning. 94. ngaingai, to pant, to be out of breath. Samoa: nga (Tutuila dialect), nga'e, to breathe hard, to pant, to be out of breath. Tonga: nga, to pant; ngaaki, to cough. Futuna : ngaaki, to pant, to be out of breath. Mangareva : nga, to be hoarse. Maori: nga, to breathe; tunganga, to be out of breath. Hawaii: na, to gasp, to half-breathe; nae, to pant. Marquesas: nae, obstructed respiration. Rapanui: ngaengae, shortness of breath, out of breath. Syriac : kah, to pant. The Proto-Samoan radical is ngak. The Efate is explicable as formed from the already abraded stem by the verb-forming suffix. 95- ngoko i, ngokoi, ngokei, ngokai, to scrape, to mark, to paint, to smear (all used in reference to najona or bast cloth) ; koko, reddish juice or paint for bast cloth made from a plant of the same name. Samoa : 'o'ai, to mark or paint bast cloth ; 'o'a, the tree (Bischofiia javanica) from which is obtained the coloring matter for this use. Tonga: koka, the name of the tree ut sup. ; to paint cloth. Futuna: koka, id. Niue : koka, name of a tree whose wood is used for rafters. DATA AND NOTES. 205 Hebrew : hakah, hakak, to cut into, to hack, to engrave, to carve, to draw, to paint, to delineate. The identification involves none but frequent mutations as between Efate1 and Nuclear Polynesia. The verb may be derived from the tree name; the tree may have been named from the purpose to which it is put. Of the two equal possibilities I incline to the former, for the use of the i in forming the Samoan verb tends to make it transitive and specific, literally to put-&o£a-on. If this be so the sense is one of painting or daubing. Therefore in Efate, where our author specifies that it is used only of bast cloth as in Samoa, the sense "to scrape" can only be descriptive of the motion of painting and without signification of removing aught. He has evidently relied upon that sense to clinch his identification of meaning with the Hebrew word proposed as ancestral. The general quality of his Semitic parallels is quaintly illustrated in this Hebrew word. He has given, in which I have duly followed him, the emphasis of italics to the definition hack, evidently struck with the resemblance hakah-hack, and not unwilling to let the implication stand that our hack is Yiddish. Our Germanic fore- bears had the word long before they acquired the raw material of the Judenhetze. 96. kaf, to be bent. Maori: kohu, somewhat bent, concave, warped. Hebrew : kafaf, to be bent. Cf. kabwe 179. 97- kari, takan, to hasten, to go swiftly. Maori: kari, keri, to rush along violently, as wind. Arabic: kara, to hasten. 98. kon, kona, kokon, ngkon, to be bitter. Samoa : 'ona, 'o'ona, bitter, sour, acid, poisonous ; 'onasia, to be drunk, poisoned. Tonga: kona, konahia, bitter, drunk, poisoned. Futuna: kona, bitter, poison. Niue: kona, konahia, bitter, acid, nauseous, drunk, poisoned. Nuguria: kona, sour. Uvea: kona, bitter, poisoned, drunk; konahia, drunkenness. Fotuna: kona, drunk. Hawaii: ona, drunk. Tahiti: onaona, sharp, disagreeable. Mota: gogona, bitter. Santo: kogona, id. Eromanga: nakan, id. Arabic: homa-t, bitter, heat, gall, poison. Ethiopic: hama-t, id. Hebrew: hamah, id. The Proto-Samoan radical is konas. The Efate forms show us still more clearly than in 77 the graduation of the process by which a final syllable is lost, not as syllable but by successive abrasion of its members. In kona we have the transition form after the abrasion of the final s. In kon, kokon, ngkon we find the ultimate result upon the abrasion of the then final vowel. Thus it is made clear that the syllable does not drop off as a unit. The proposed Semitic identifications accord with this only in one or in two vowels, the consonant structure being wholly unlike. 206 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 99- leba, a species of earth, clay, mud, dirt. Maori :repo, dirt. Tahiti: repo, earth, dirt, mold, dust, filth. Manga- reva: repo, dirt, ordure. Paumotu: repo, dirt, mire. Hawaii: lepo, general name for dirt, dust, defilement of any sort, clay. soil, earth, dung. Marquesas: epo, dust, dirt, mire, mud, earth, Arabic: tabi'a, dirty; tabe', taba', dirt, mud; tub' an, clay. ioo. Iffaru, libuis, rafalu, rifalu, a part, some. Niue: falu, some, a little. Fotuna: efaru, some, many. Tahiti: fanu, some. Nukuoro: hanu, a little. Arabic: ba's'u, a part, some. IOI. mak, to fall, become mild, gentle, die away, as the wind; mao, maomao, to be gentle, mild. Samoa : mao, lull in the wind or the waves, the lull in a reef opening. Tonga : maomao, dry, applied to the intervals between showers. Niue : mao, fine after rain, to cease raining. Futuna, Maori, Tahiti: mao, to cease raining. Hawaii: mao, to pass away, as fog or cloud. Marquesas: mao, dry, as land once wet. vSyriac: mak, to be cast down, prostrated, humble, mild. Arabic: mahiha, to be mild. The difficulty here is that mak, which has to do with the wind, does not identify itself with the Polynesian mao; and that mao, which accords in form with the Polynesian, lacks accord in sense. Because we must rest upon the Polynesian base of form and signification we cannot accept this identification with Efate and therefore must decline the Semitic which our author identifies with his Efate material. I02. malei, to divorce. Samoa : alei, to divorce. Aneityum : arei, to drive away. Arabic : hala'a, to divorce. If Melanesia or Polynesia afforded more identifications we could pass more confidently on this. If malei be an older form of the word we then have to do with a case of frontal abrasion, not wholly unknown yet rare, as will be seen in the tables in the Melanesian chapter. But the Semitic accords with neither. 103. maloi, buloi, a mask, cover of the face. Samoa: pulou, a head covering, bonnet, turban. Tonga: bulou, a veil or cover to conceal the face ; b uloa, a mask. Futuna : pulou, to veil, to cover the head. Uvea : fakapulou, to veil. Hawaii : pulou, to cover the head, to blindfold. Tahiti: purou, to cover the head. Mangareva : puroku, to cover the head, as with a hat. Rapanui: pud, to put on a hat. Nuguria: buloo, a hat. DATA AND NOTES. 207 Viti : vulou, pulou, to cover oneself up face and all. Arabic: barka'a, to cover the face, to veil; burka'o, burk'u, a veil. 104. maloiloi, to be feeble, tottering from weakness. Hawaii: loeloe, maloeloe, feeble, faint, weary. Arabic: la'la'a, to be infirm and weak from disease and languor. 105. masirsir, to sob, as after crying. Samoa : masusu, to sob. Arabic: zahara, to pant or gasp with vehemence and groaning. The equivalence herein involved, sir-su, is extraordinary; and Dr. Macdonald's grammar of Efate is so completely devoted to the statement of his Semitic theory that we encounter no suggestion as to the pronuncia- tion of sir. It may be that he intends it to be pronounced as the syllable would be if English. In that case the vowel change is reasonable and the identification excellent. The Semitic, however, seems not to fit. 106. (a) mau, true ; loamati, truth, true. Tahiti: mau, true. Mangareva: mau, id. Rapanui: mau, certain. (6) mau, firm, intrepid, brave. Samoa: mau, to be firm, decided, unwavering. Tonga: mau, fast, firm, constant, unwavering. Maori: mau, fixed, steadfast. Nuguria: tamau, to bind. (c) mau, to come upon, to obtain, to find. Samoa: maua, to get, obtain, have, take. Maori: mau, to take up, lay hold of, seize. Tahiti : mau, to hold, to seize. Tonga : mau, to obtain, possess. Mangareva: mau, to hold, to seize. Tongarewa: mau, to possess. Uvea: mau, to seize, to grasp, to hold, to contain. Rapanui: mau, to hold, to accept, to acquire; maua, to find; maoa, to hold. (d) mau, very, indeed, continually. Maori: mau, continuing, lasting. Samoa: mau-, very. Hawaii: mau, constantly, continually. Tonga : mau, always, perpetually. Bierian: lehmau, truth, true. Hebrew: 'aman, to prop; 'amen, firm, unshaken, faithful. Arabic: 'amana, to confide in; 'amuna, to be faithful; 'amina, to trust, to be secure. Syriac: 'eman, to persevere, to be constant; 'amen, verily, truly, certainly. The Efate- Polynesian identifications are satisfactory in all four groups. The Semitic is not satisfactory in form at all. 107. mwota, motamwota, refuse, rubbish, as fallen leaves. Samoa: otaota, rubbish, filth, ordure. Tonga: otoota, sweepings, rubbish. Futuna: btabta, impurities in a badly strained fluid. Niue: otaota, rubbish, refuse. Uvea: otaota, excrement, dung, filth, dirt. Maori: ota, sawdust; otaota, weeds, litter. Tahiti: 208 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. ota, chaff, refuse. Paumotu: ota, residue. Rapanui: hakaotaota, to crumble. Hawaii: oka, refuse; okaoka, dust. Arabic: "ota', rubbish, refuse. Again we encounter what seems to be a frontal abrasion, and it involves the same consonant as in 102. More evidence on the Melanesian side is needed before the identification will be quite satisfactory. But if the m is indeed radical it removes the resemblance on which the Semitic identifica- tion is based. 108. nai, side board of a canoe, defender of a place, fence. Samoa: a, ai, a fence, railing. Tonga: a, fence, hedge; ai, to surround, inclose, defend. Futuna: a, wall, hedge, fence, anything which makes an inclosure. Uvea: a, wall, fence. Tahiti: nanai, to put in a hedge. Arabic : nawa', naa', to guard, to protect. This involves a frontal abrasion, namely of n; but the recurrence of the n in Tahiti nanai is very good evidence in favor of the identification. 109. nobwa, ob, naob, lime (ashes of coral); nobwanobwa, to be dusty, to become dust, to fly in the air (dust). Samoa: navu, lime. Pokau: avu, lime. Mekeo: apu, id. Motu : ahu, id. Hulaiabu, id. Galoma: gabu, id. Sinaugoro: gau, id. Rubi: gou, id. Sariba: gauarana, id. Nada : pwau, id. Kiriwina: pwak, id. Wedau: gabubua, id. Panaieti, Misima: aru, id. Arabic: cf. no. The Samoan may be homogenetic with nobwa, but it is impossible to associate it with ob and naob, unless the decrepit forms from Torres Straits are susceptible of interpretation as transition stages. That nobwa is not itself a modification of ob with the article is clear from the fact that nobwa takes the article and then becomes nanobwa. no. noba-ni, in ma ni, tumu na, tomo na, manubunubu, to wrap in leaves with hot stones and cook ; nobwanobwa, to be cooked, soft. Hawaii: nopu, thoroughly cooked, soft, plump, fat, swelled out; nopunopu, to spring or swell up (in the mind), to swell, to be large, round, to spring up. Arabic : tabaha, tabh', to cook, roast, ripen, to grow up, to be cooked ; tubbah', tabih', fatness; tabW , cooked. In the fact that there may be a satisfactory sense identification of the Hawaiian with nobwanobwa I see no warrant to extend the identification to the inclusion of nobani and manubunubu where the difference in significa- tion seems prohibitive. Granted that this complete identification be valid it can serve in no way to admit tumani and the other forms in t; yet it is upon the t in these forms that our author hangs his Semitic identifications. They bear no relation to the Polynesian. DATA AND NOTES. 209 in. nu e a, nunu ea, to wipe, to rub ; nunu, a wiper, a rubber. Samoa: nunu, to grate down, as turmeric; nuanga, the grating of arrowroot and turmeric. Futuna : nu, nunu, to grate arrow- root. Niue: nu-pia, id. Arabic: t'amma, to sweep, to rub, to wipe off. 112. ofiofi, ofi, afi, to be near to, alongside of. Tonga: ofi, near at hand, nearness. Futuna: ofi, ofiofi, near, close to. Uvea: ovi, id. Arabic: wahaja, wahf, to draw near to, to approach. ii3- rakei, raki, to adorn, to dress. Samoa: la'ei, dracaena leaves tied to a stone to attract cuttlefish, to fish with that device, to wear a train, to dress for a review of troops; la'ei'au, to exercise troops at a review, to have all ready for war. Tonga : lakei, leaves made fast to the stone used in catching the catfish as an ornament, to fish therewith. Futuna: lakei, used only of a garment, to have a long train. Nuguria : lagei, to paint the body with turmeric. Mangareva : rakei, to ornament, to adorn, a garland, chaplet, decoration. Rapanui : rakei, an ornament, to adorn, to embellish. Ethiopic : lahaya, to adorn, to dress. 114. raku sa, raraku sa, taraku sa, taku-ti, to bind up, to remove one's things as in a flitting, to remove, to carry away. Samoa: la'u, to clear off, to carry away; la'u mai, to bring. Uvea: laku, to send, to throw into. Hawaii: laulau, a bundle, bag; a wrapper of a bundle, the netting in which food is carried; lalau, to seize, to catch hold of. Arabic: raka, to dig, to bind up. "5- ras i, tas i, to shave the head, to strip off fruit from a tree. Samoa : lase, to scrape off warts. Mota: ras, rasa, to scrape, to scratch, to rub. Malo: rosi, to scrape. Ethiopic: las'aya, to shave. 116. ruru, a cluster; rei, a band of men, a clump of trees. Maori : ruru, to tie together. Tonga : lulu, the reeding of a house. Tahiti: ruru, to congregate. Mangareva: rurue, to bring together a crowd ; ruruku, to head up leaves. Paumotu: ruru, a coop, a cage ; ruruhanga, an assembly, to collect an assembly. Arabic: ra'a, to grow, luxuriate, be congregated; ri'at, a band, a crowd. 210 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 117. siuer (siwer), suara, suuara, surata, to walk, proceed, go away; sisiuer, susuara, to walk about. Samoa : savali, savavali, to walk. Arabic: safara, sifar\ to make a journey, to go away. The identification is not wholly satisfactory nor yet to be set aside, for we have no such chain of data as would enable us to make a sure determi- nation. The v-u(w) mutation is sufficiently frequent to call for no remark; thus siuer and suuara are accounted for and suara is but a slight and single step removed. But surata is not by any means in the same line and is impossible of association. In the reduplicated forms lies the strongest argument against identity ; it will be observed that while Samoa duplicates the latter member, savavali, Efate duplicates the former, sisiuer. In the discussion of a single item in the great topic of duplication (Duplication by Dissimilation, 30 American Journal of Philology, 173) I have presented the argument in proof of the determination of the relative importance of the two parts of a composite word as revealed in the duplication. It is here seen that in Samoa the latter element, bearing the duplication, is of the more importance. We can scarcely believe it possible that this assignment of importance is but a modern development in Polynesia; it surely must have been even better recognized in the earlier phase when they were migrant through Melanesia. If siuer be a Polynesian loan word, and I have already remarked (1. c. 180) upon the fact that wherever the words which undergo duplication in Efatd are susceptible of identification they are uniformly of Polynesian stock, it seems strange that in adopting the Polynesian mech- anism of duplication these Melanesians should have misapplied it. Of the twenty-five identifiable duplications in that paper thirteen correspond exactly with the Samoan duplicated forms; eleven are not comparable because of the absence of duplication in these words in Samoan ; one only is at variance with the Samoan duplication, and in this case the Samoan has two words of the same sound but of different sense, only one of which is duplicated, and the duplicated Efate form corresponds with the form of the duplicated Samoan, but with the sense of the unduplicated, and it would seem that the Samoan had but specialized to avoid the chance of error. We may, then, accept the general principle that Efate duplicates the same elements as Samoan. This determination, and I must regard it as based on good grounds, militates against this identification. The Semitic identification proposed is altogether too good in form when we regard the length of their separation from the putative common stock. The Samoan has but the single sense of walking, the act of such locomotion with no slightest suggestion of either terminus. The sense of the Arabic bears no relation to the Samoan. It is only in Efate that the two signifi- cations are brought together so that a transition might be possible. If the two words are formally identifiable Efate has the walking sense. Unfortunately our author's propensity to make out his case at any cost is now so well comprehended that little dependence can be placed in his ingeniously devised transition through "proceed" to "go away." DATA AND NOTES. 211 118. suli na, shoot (as of a banana), offspring (of man); sulia, to have shoots. Samoa: suli, shoot of a banana, son of a chief. Tonga: huli, a plant, a sapling, a shoot (as huli fuji, the shoot of the banana). Niue : huli, young seed plants of the taro. Hawaii : huli, the name of taro tops for planting. Maori : huri, seed. Rapanui: hurt, a stalk. Mangareva: huri, banana shoot. Viti: suli, a banana sucker. Mota Maligo: suliu, a sucker from roots, a shoot from tubers. Mota Veverau: sului, id., and children, offspring. Hebrew: neser, a sprout, shoot, offspring. 119. tafa, a hill, lit. that which goes up or is high; high, above. Samoa : tafa, the side of a hill. Rapanui : taha, to lean, to incline ; tahataha, boundary, frontier; hakataha, to turn aside, to decline, to be on the side. Tigre: dayaba, to go up. Ethiopic: diba, above. A squinting etymology. 120. tera, to be quick, swift. Samoa : telea'i, to run quickly ; teletele, to be quick, step out ; televave, tclelise, to be very quick. Futuna : telekaki, to run swiftly, to go with speed ; televave, one who goes swiftly. Mangareva : tere, to go well, to sail well. Maori: tere, to move swiftly, to be quick. Sikayana: tere, to run. Fotuna: no-tere, id. Rapanui: tere, id.; hakatere, to urge to haste. Arabic : darra, to run vehemently or swiftly, to turn a spindle very swiftly. EFATE-MELANESIAN-VITI-POIATNESIAN. 121. barab, baraf, barau, baram, long, high (as a hill). Tonga: baleva, tall, long, overgrown. Viti: mbalavu, long, generally of space. Malo: barauo, long, wide. Makelula Uripiv: periv, id. Our author's association of this with laba (307) expresses his curiosity rather than his acumen. The identification as here set down seems excel- lent; it certainly bears very prettily upon the Viti track and its extension to Nuclear Polynesia in Tonga rather than in Samoa. 122. bi, fi, reflexive preformative. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea : fe, reciprocal prefix. Cf . Maori whe in wheanganga. Viti : vet, reflexive prefix. Rotuma : hoi. 212 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Arag, Nggela, Vaturanga, Bugotu: vet, reflexive prefix. Wango, Saa: hei. Ulawa: hai. Fagani: fai. Koro :bai. Kabadi: vai. Sinaugoro, Keapara, Kabadi, Hula : ve. Galoma : be. Pokau: vi. Duke of York : we. Motu: he. Nengone: e. Mota, Merlav, Retan: var. Pala: har. New Britain, Bara- von: war. Kabakada: wara. Lakon: va'. Motlav, Pak, Leon, Vuras, Mosin, Alo Teqel, Gog, Norbarbar, Lo : ver. Volow : vear. Omba: vui. Maewo: vagal. We have several elements in this problem which detailed examination will tend to simplify. (i) The Nuclear Polynesian type, fe. In Melanesia this is found in Efate' hi, fi; in Duke of York we; in several variants in Torres Straits; and as an attrition fragment probably in Nengone e. (2) The Viti type, vei. This I regard as the same as fe but representing a later development, for the t-suffix is well marked as verb-formative when the language is beginning to feel the need of specification in the use of the much including attributive (27 American Journal of Philology, 378). Its fullest form is in Viti, Arag, Nggela, Vaturanga, Bugotu, vei; thence to Wango, Saa, hei. A second series is Fagani fai, Ulawa hai. With the single exception of Arag in the New Hebrides to serve as a link these forms are all from the Solomons, with New Guinea offshoots of Kabadi vai, and Roro bai. Rotuma hoi is the second element in yet a third series, the spirant form with this vowel nowhere appearing. (3) We now have a widespread suite with a second consonant. For this reason we must dissociate it from the foregoing. It does not come over into Polynesia with the slightest trace of the second consonant. Yet it is possible that it represents an original from which the foregoing derive by abrasion. Its fullest form is in New Guinea in Kabakada wara. With abrasion of the final vowel we have Mota, Merlav, Retan var; New Britain, Baravon war; Pala har. In Volow it is a characteristic peculiarity to introduce e before a in a closed syllable; its vear serves as a transition form to Motlav, Pak, Leon, Vuras, Mosin, Alo Teqel, Gog, Norbarbar, Lo, ver. The Lakon va' is a degeneration of var, dependent on the language peculiarity which Dr. Codrington records "at the end of words r is not trilled and sometimes with abrupt pronunciation is not heard;" it may be taken as the transition stage from the forms with two consonants to the Poly- nesian type. This suite is found in the Banks Group, New Britain and New Guinea. Omba vui is not explained in our vocabularies. If it be permissible to regard the u as functioning as semivowel w, then vwi might be regarded as associable with Efate bi, fi, which also shows an uncertainty in striking the exact sound of the labial. From its close neighborhood to Arag, which has vei, Omba might be expected to show some form of this type. The Maewo vagal seems an utter anomaly. Dr. Codrington says "it is not clear what vagal may be." It will be seen that va-ga-l suggests the common Banks Group type var with an infix; but we have no authority DATA AND NOTES. 213 to assume that infixation is a formative principle so remote from Indonesia. I note one more statement by Codrington: "the syllables are mostly open; indeed, though it is common to close a syllable, it is hardly looked upon as correct." If this has any bearing on the problem it may serve to indicate a probability that vagal is loan material. 123. lalo na, lalu na, the belly, the front, the under side (as of cloth). Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Hawaii: lalo, below, beneath, under, down. Nuguria: hakalalo, south. Maori, Tahiti, Rarotonga, Tongarewa, Bukabuka, Mangareva, Paumotu, Sika- yana, Aniwa, Fotuna, Nukuoro: raro, id. Rapanui: raro, under, leeward. Aniwa: iraro,iroro, under, below. Nukuoro: kiraro, below ; kailalopoli, mean, stingy. Marquesas : ao, below, beneath, under, down. Moiki: ngango, id. Viti: ira, kira, maira (ra), below. Mota: lalangai, the under side; alalange, ilalange, talalange, under. Motlav, Volow, Pak, Mosin, Alo Teqel: Mange, id. Lakon: lalnga, id. Vuras: alalnge, id. Retan, Sasar: lalange, id. Leon: lalanga, id. Merlav, Gog: lang, id. Vaturanga: ilao, id. While I have followed our author's suggestion of identification and have carried it out to the limit of my material I remain quite unconvinced that there is anything valid in the Efate identification. To begin with, the Poly- nesian material all means below, the Fijian below, the Melanesian under, except that in Mota appears also the signification of the under side which Dr. Macdonald ascribes to his Efate. Next, so far as concerns lalo the belly we shall have no hesitation in bringing it into association with Samoa alo belly in the courtesy speech, for not only have we elaborated the prob- abilities of frontal abrasion, but in Efate we have also alo (48) belly as a variant of lalo. Assuming that Efate has a lalo which has so much of the "below" sense as is suggested by "the under side (as of cloth)" we now proceed to the examination of its identification. The identification in that sense is satisfactory so far as relates to the Polynesian. In Melanesia it will be found in Vaturanga lao, for an inner / is frequently dropped in that speech in words where Nggela retains it, a statement by Dr. Codrington which may lead to the assumption of Nggela lalo, although my material is empty at that point. The Viti forms are all compounds on the base ra. This at best is but a half of lalo, and we do not claim the identification as more than a sug- gestion. The Viti form is not identified in Melanesia either. The remaining Melanesian forms are all from the Banks Group and are clearly variants of one stock. The fullest forms are Mota lalangai, lalange; Leon lalanga; Retan, Sasar lalange. The second group is characterized by obliteration of the second vowel — Lakon lalnga; Motlav, Pak, Volow, Mosin, Alo Teqel lalnge; Vuras alalnge of the latter type. If we regard Merlav, Gog lang as a decrepit form of this stock we leave this collection a com- pact group identifiable with nothing in sight. It resembles lalo only in the possession of two l's and the a, it nowhere suggests the 0 on which Poly- 214 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. nesia is united, and it leaves final nga or ng unrepresented in any region beyond, unless the ephelkustic na of Efate lalo na, which our author does not explain, is really radical, in which case lalona represents the transition type from lalanga to lalo. Another explanation is equally considerable. Assume that Merlav lang is not a broken-down form but the simple stem lal. The l-ng mutation is represented in our material solely by this possible instance. The mutation, however, occurs. It is found in two languages and both in this region, although they are Polynesian inclusions or verge islands be it said, namely in Aniwa (though not in this word) and in Moiki. The Moiki word is ngango, as cited above. To be sure Merlav employs the ng change for but one of its Vs. If this be considered reasonable lalanga and its devolved forms are then reduplications. This explanation is deficient in regard of the characteristic Polynesian o. Neither suggestion is one to be held satisfactory. The identification is sadly imperfect. 124. mabwe, the chestnut tree and its fruit. Tahiti: mape, the chestnut (Inocarpus edulis.) Maori: cf. mapau, mapou, mapauriki, tree names. Viti : mamba, the name of a tree, fruit edible. Aneityum: mop(o), the chestnut. Malo: mabue, id. 125. tobu na, grandfather, ancestor. Samoa: tupunga, ancestor. Tonga: tubunga, tubuanga, ancestor. Futuna: tupuna, grandparents. Tahiti: tupuna, ancestor, grandfather. Mangareva : tupuna, grandparents, great uncle, great aunt. Niue, Mangaia, Marquesas, Paumotu: tupuna, ancestor. Rapanui: tupuna, tapuna, id. Hawaii: kupuna, ancestor, grandparent. Uvea: tupuanga, parent. Fotuna: bua, maternal grandparent ; rufeitupuna, grandfather and grand- son. Nuguria: tipuna, mother-in-law. Viti: tumbuna, ancestor, grandmother. Motu: tubuna, grandparents, ancestor. New Britain: tubuna, ancestor. Tanna: tupu(n), grandparent. Mota: tupui, one of the second generation in the ascending or descending line, ancestor or descendant. Malo: tubu, maternal grand- parents, paternal grandfather. Baki: kumbuo, id. Aneityum: etpon, grandparents, ancestor. Malekula: apu, grandparents. Pala : tubu, grandfather. Tubetube : tubu, grandparents. The identification is good throughout. In the Polynesian languages which employ both ng and n the form in n is used except in Samoa, Uvea and Tonga tupunga, etc., which are in form derivative verbal nouns from tupu to grow but otherwise are anomalous. The same suggestion appears in Mota, Malo, Baki, Pala and perhaps Malekula. Efate falls in with the M-forms, provided that the na be radical. DATA AND NOTES. 215 126. tokalau, an easterly wind. Samoa : to'elau, the northeast wind. Futuna, Niue, Tonga : tokelau, the north. Nuguria: tokcrau, southeast, the trade wind. Maori: tokcrau, eastern. Mangaia: tokerau, the northwest wind. Bukabuka: apatokerau, north. Paumotu: tokerau, the north; patokerau, the northeast. Rapanui: tokerau, air, wind, fresh breeze, a squall, the noise of the wind, a season, south ; tokerau alio, west. Tahiti : tocrau, the west or north- west. Tonga: apatoerau, the south. Mangareva: tokorau, the north. Moriori: tokorau, a wind name of uncertain appli- cation. Marquesas : tokoau, the north or northeast. Hawaii: koolau, the east. Fakaafo: Tui-Tokclau, a divinity. Viti : tokalau, the east wind ; tokalaulutu, north or northeast ; toka- lauvualiku, north or northwest. Aneityum: na-tokarau, the northwest wind. Moanus: tolau, the north wind. Santo: tokalau, northeast wind. Our author proposes the derivation tok (toko) to remain, alau on the sea. These respective elements have the assigned meanings in his Efate diction- ary. From the Kfate point of view it is a definition even if it does not particularly define. So far as I know it is the only definition, for the word is quite incomprehensible in its Polynesian elements. On his element tok consult 357, where it will be seen that in Polynesian it may very doubtfully be recognized in Samoan and in a sense that would in no way fit this wind or compass rhumb, and that in Viti it is primarily a posture in sitting. His element a-lau, lau the sea, he identifies in Malo a lau, Epi lau and Malay laut the sea. To which I may add that in Viti lau is the designation of the windward islands opposed to ra (ra down) the leeward islands, on either side of the central part of the archipelago which bears in that sense the name Lomaiviti. The word lau in the sea sense does not occur in Polynesia, nor do I recall it elsewhere in Melanesia. If the derivation of the word lies in mystery, so is its use lacking what we should call precision. But first the mutations, the second vowel being critical. Forms in a: Viti, Efate, Aneityum, Santo — all Melanesian. Forms in e: Samoa, Futuna, Niue, Tonga, Maori, Mangaia, Bukabuka, Paumotu, Tahiti, Fakaafo, Nuguria, Rapanui. Forms in o: Mangareva, Marquesas, Moriori, Hawaii. (Moanus irregular.) Now we shall examine the sense, whether of wind or of direction in general. North quadrant (from northeast to northwest by the north) : Viti, Samoa, Futuna, Niue, Tonga, Mangaia, Bukabuka, Paumotu, Tahiti, Mangareva, Marquesas. East quadrant : Maori, Efate, Hawaii. South quadrant : Tonga, for comparison with Bukabuka and Paumotu shows that the prefix, of wholly uncertain signification, does not avail to establish the direction within 1800; and Rapanui. 216 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. West quadrant : Tahiti, and Rapanui with a determinant word. Moriori uncertain. The onlv deduction we can draw from this is that the two extremes of Polynesian settlement are in accord in fixing the sense in the east. Yet the accord is only a seeming one, as we shall next see. In all the South Sea islands we find four cardinal points : uta, shoreward ; tai, seaward ; sake, up ; lalo, down. The latter pair are used in two dimen- sions: in a vertical plane their directions are absolute, up and down; in a horizontal plane their directions fluctuate, for sake is always up the wind and therefore windward no matter how the wind may chop and change, and lalo is leeward. The uta-tai direction may vary through opposite semicircles beginning at any point and with a range of 1800. We may not quite say that it adjusts itself always to the position in reference to the nearest visible sea of the speaker in each act of speaking, although it very frequently does so adjust itself. But for every little village community it does establish itself with reference to its own cove and there is no com- pass agreement on even the smallest island. The locus of the maximum discordance would be a town built on the center of a circular island, in which case every direction would be tai and there could be no uta. Thus it will be seen that tai and uta may under certain conditions coincide with sake and lalo, yet on the opposite shore of the same island they would be in diametric disagreement. This digression is introduced to make it clear that we have no positive direction sense by which to rate a norm for the tokelau sense of direction. I incline to the opinion that the solution will be found to lie somewhere in relation to the one fixed index of direction in the tropical Pacific, the trade wind. This is seen in the Samoan name of the fair weather season, the Vaito'elau, the "time of tokelaus," namely, the months in which the trade blows regularly every day long from east-southeast. Let us note in how many instances we can see an easterly sense: Efate, Samoa, Maori, Paumotu with a qualification, Marquesas, Hawaii. In the Marquesas, Samoa and the Paumotu this is clearly not the trade wind but at right angles thereto, yet such breezes are rare in the trade wind season. This makes it appear that the direction is not the wind's eye, yet that it is in some way associated therewith as a departure. The Maori must owe its easterly sense to the signification brought with the word from its earlier home, for New Zealand lies outside the trades and in the region of the westerly vari- ables. I can not pretend to solve the problem. But I am sure that the solution will be found to lie in the identification of the tokelau direction in some angular displacement or departure from the prevailing trade wind in each group — or in some point from which its people migrated with the word already oriented — and this angle most probably has to do with the sailing quality of their canoes, in other words, the number of points by which they can lie the wind. DATA AND NOTES. 217 EFATE-VITI-P0LYNESIAN-MAI,AY. 127. alialia, insane; lala, an idiot, a fool, one demented. Samoa: lielievale, to boast without reason. Niue: lialia pou, giddy. Uvea: fakalialia, deformed. Viti : lialia, foolish, absurd, crazy, out of one's mind, an idiot. Malagasy: adala, foolish, infatuated, a lunatic, a fool. The identification is quite satisfactory so far as it has to do with lialia forms. I can not see that Efate lala belongs here, and certainly the mere / is not sufficient to establish a Malagasy relationship. 128. bwelu ki, bwelu, beluuelii, to fold, to double. Samoa: mapelu, to bend, to stoop, to bow down, persons stooping with age, housebeams sagging under weight. Tonga: pelu, bebelu, to fold, to crease. Futuna : pelu, peluki, to fold. Uvea : pelu, id., mapelu, to bend, to bow. Hawaii: pelu, to double over, to bend, to fold. Rapanui: peu, axe, adze. Viti : mbeluka, kambclu, to bend, to curve. Malay: valuna, folded, doubled. The Proto-Samoan radical is peluk. The Samoan mapelu is pelu with the condition prefix; pelu is found in use in the sense of bent, crooked. Pratt indicates pelu, a sword, as intro- duced ; I incline to the opinion that it is not the word but the specific appli- cation which has been introduced, for my Samoan instructors told me that the first swords ever seen were curved (pelu) on the edge and hence the name. But as the first swords seen were undoubtedly cutlasses and not scimitars an armorer will have to pass on the question of fact. Pelu'i, also introduced, is wholly introduced, word as well as meaning, for it is clearly a transliteration of the English word billhook. Samoa and Viti lack the precise signification of pelu as it elsewhere occurs, yet not on that account is the identification at all doubtful. The Malay identification shows that the word had already been abraded before the Indonesians took it from the Polynesian remnant, for only in this state could the Malay treat it in accordance with his own methods of word formation and add the -na. 129. bungafunga, fungafunga, bungo ni, to be awake, to awaken. Samoa, Tonga, Uvea, Futuna: fafangu, to rouse from sleep, to awaken. Fotuna: no-fagona, to awaken, to be awake. Viti: vangona, to rouse, to awaken. Mota: vangvangov, vavangov, to waken. Malagasy: fuha, awake; mifuha, to awaken. In view of the fact that nowhere in the Pacific areas do we find a ng-h mutation, and in the utter absence of possibly intermediate Indonesian forms, we are not warranted in accepting the proposed Malagasy identi- fication. 218 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 130. fai, the skate. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Tahiti: fai, the sting ray (genera: Disco- batis, Dasyatis, Taniura, Himantura, Hypolophus, sp. pp. ; the type in Samoa is Himantura fai). Marquesas: hai, fai, the stingray. Maori: what, id. Nukuoro: haimanu, uruhai- pokorua, id. Viti : vai, the sting ray. Malay: pari, the sting ray. Tagalog: pagi, id. We can not accept the Indonesian identification on account of the intru- sive consonants. The Nukuoro haimanu is especially interesting in connection with the fact that in Polynesia passim manu means bird and beast but not fish, for haimanu must here of marine necessity mean hai-ftsh. Dr. Codrington has pointed out (Melanesian Languages, 56, 69) that Lakon mah means both bird and fish and that in Maewo and Vanua Lava as masi, mes, the same word is in use for fish but not for bird. Of course it is not to be understood that he implies that masi is a manu variant. I note, however, Aneityum numu, Tanna namu, Eromanga nomu, the same word and all meaning fish, which it would be no straining of metathesis to associate with manu. Nuku- oro has the manu-fish again in manumangamanga, starfish. 131- fakau, f ikau, a message, messenger, ambassador, agent sent to do something for a chief or community ; kau, to carry. Samoa : 'au, to send ; fe'au, a message, to send for. Tonga : fekau, a command, an order. Niue: fekau, a message. Uvea: fekau, a servant, a messenger, to send. Fotuna : kau, to send. Viti : kauta, to carry. Java: panggawa, a noble, title of one of the five chief councillors of state ; gawa, to bear, to carry, to convey, to bring. While Java gawa does not quite accord with the Polynesian it agrees with Viti and Efate. But panggawa seems not to be fekau, for the term is menial in the Pacific and honorific in Java; furthermore in 122 we find no evidence that fe- appears at all in Indonesia. 132. seru, a comb. Samoa, Futuna, Nukuoro: selu, a comb. Tonga, Uvea: helu, id. Nukuoro: seru, id. Niue: hetu (anomalous), id. Fotuna: seru, id.; ko-seserua, to comb. Viti: seru, a comb. Malay: sisir, garu, a comb. NoTE — Marquesas: heu, to scratch the ground with the hands. Mangareva : heru, to reject with hands and feet ; pahere, pahore, a comb. Paumotu: heru, to brush with the hands. Rapanui: heruheru, a rake. Tahiti: heru, to scratch as a hen; pahere, pahoro, a comb. Hawaii : helu, to scratch the earth as hens. Aneityum : ero, to scratch as a fowl. DATA AND NOTES. 219 Tregear (Maori Comp. Diet. s. v. iveku) points out a probable inosculation of roots in a series veku-veu-heu-heru-huru. It is to note that the oceanic comb is not used to smooth the hair but, without disarranging the some- what intricate coiffure, to scratch the scalp and vex its population. There is nothing in Polynesian which sheds any light upon the /-/ mutation in Niue, if indeed it be permissible to associate hetu with the selu stock. In the dissection of the Melanesian material a very few instances are recorded of l-t mutation, but they are so poorly supported as to afford little base for the opinion that such a change has any real standing. EFATE-VITI-POLYNESIAN-SEMITIC. 133- bwase, bwasu, to break off with a snap or jerk. Samoa, Futuna, Niue, Tahiti, Paumotu : fati, to break, to break off as twigs or pieces of wood. Fotuna, Tonga : faji, id. Nukuoro, Rapanui: hati, id. Maori: whawhati, id. Hawaii: haki, id. Mangareva: ati, id. Mangaia: aati, id. Marquesas : fati, hati, id. Viti: mbasuka, mbasuraka, to break. Arabic : fas' s' a, to break off ; fassa, to detach, shiver off. There can be no doubt of identity in Efate and Viti, an identity which holds in respect of each of the four root sounds. On the other hand we have substantial unity in Polynesia and the only sound in which there is identity with Efate-Viti is the former vowel. We have no supporting instance to establish a mutation of the series Polynesian / Viti mb Efate bw or b, and little more for the mutation t-s. The identi- fication is therefore, not cordially accepted. If the Polynesian fasi is regarded as homogenetic with fati I do not look upon it as a t-s mutation but rather regard fa as the stem modulated by each consonant in turn with substantial sense agreement. 134- fira-ni, bifira, to supplicate, to pray. Futuna: pule, to pray. Tahiti, Hawaii, Rarotonga, Mangareva, Paumotu: pure, to pray, worship, prayer. Maori: pure, to utter incantations to purify. Viti : vibure, a temple, house for the gods. Hebrew : fatal, to supplicate, to pray. 135- ngT, ngkl, ngiki, to creak, to squeak, to moan. Samoa : 'i, to cry, as a fly or a bird. Rapanui : hi, to say. Tonga, Futuna: hi, kiki, to squeak, a sharp cry or squeal. Niue: kikii, to squeak. Uvea: hi, a cry. Fotuna: noh-ki, to whistle (bird). Viti: ngi, to squeak, to make a shrill noise. Arabic: nakka, nakik', to creak. 220 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 136. (a) ngor i, kor i, to enclose or surround with a fence (nakoro). Samoa: 'olo, a fort, stronghold. Tonga: kolo, a fort, a town, cloth hung around a house in which a corpse lies. Futuna, Niue, Uvea: kolo, a fort, tower, citadel, castle. Viti : koro, a town, village, settlement. Arabic: higr', hogf, a fence. Ethiopic: hagar, a town, village. (6) koro, a halo around the moon. Maori: aokoro, pukoro, a halo around the moon. Viti : virikoro, a circle around the moon. Arabic: hagar a, to have a halo. There is complete accord from Efate through Viti to Polynesia in the main use of this stem and in the particular use which is set to itself apart. In Efate koro answers equally well for fence and for halo. In the marked advance which characterizes social life in Viti and among the Maori the need has been felt of qualifying koro in some distinctive manner when its reference is celestial. In Viti virimbai has the meaning of putting up a fence (mbai fence) ; viri does not appear independently in this use, but it is undoubtedly homogenetic with Samoan vili, which has a basic meaning of going around ; virikoro then signifies the ring-fence-that-goes-about, sc. the moon. In the Maori, aokoro is the cloud-fence. The Semitic here is triliteral. While the sense concord is notable, the form resemblance involves only the second and third Semitic consonants and we are left without explanation of the first, no shadow of which appears in our Pacific areas. 137. kabu, koau, the native pudding, tied up in a bundle and cooked in the oven ; kofu sa, to wrap up or enclose (as a pudding in leaves to be put in the oven) . The pudding koau is laid on a mass of leaves very wide and long which are rolled up or over it all around completely enclosing it and then tied up. Samoa : 'ofu, food tied up in a leaf ready to cook. Tonga : kofu, to wrap up. Niue: kohukohu, to enclose, wrap up as in a taro leaf. Maori : kohu, to cook in an oven any article con- tained in a hollow vessel. Tahiti: oh u, food tied up and cooked in a bundle. Uvea : kofu, clothing. Rapanui: kahu, clothing, cloth. Viti : kovu, banana leaf in which puddings are done up. Arabic: kabba, to make food into balls for cooking; kobbat, kabab', food so cooked; kabkaba, to be wrapped up, enveloped. Our author cites koau as a dialectic form of his theme kabu, which hardly seems likely. The identification eastward with kovu and kofu is satisfactory. The clothing signification in Viti and Polynesia is derivative, and since that secondary sense does not appear in Efate it has not seemed necessary to give it extended consideration. The Arabic certainly shows resemblance in form and, so far as is admis- sible in a different practice of kitchen mechanics, in sense also. DATA AND NOTES. 221 138. lako, loko, laku, loku, roko, nrok, to stoop, to be curved. Samoa: lolo'u, to bend down or around. Tonga: loku, to draw together, to gather in sewing, to pucker in a heap. Futuna, Niue: loloku, to bend, to curve. Hawaii: lou, to bend around; loulou, to bend down. Maori: roku, to be weighed down, to decline. Viti: roko, a bowing posture, bent like a bow; rokota, vakarota, to bend a bow ; rokova, to pay respect to ; vakaroko, to bow down with weakness, to go stooping. Arabic: raka'a, roko', ruku', to stoop, to be curved or bent, to bow or be bent down. 139- (a) nab wo, nabwoa, tamo, to smell (intransitive). Cf. 221. Samoa: ndmu, odor, to have a bad smell. Tonga: namu, to smell; namuaa, namuku, bad in smell. Futuna: namuku, to smell bad. Niue: namu, a smell; namud, bad smelling. Uvea: namu, nanamu, odor; namuku, a stench. Tahiti : naminami, stinking; namurea, savor. Nukuoro: namu, namo, a scent, a smell. Fotuna: ehnamu, to stink. (6) bwoa, bwon, odor, to emit odor. Samoa: poapod, fishy smelling. Tonga: boa, the smell of fish; tauboa, to scent the water with fish to catch others. Futuna : poa, popoa, to smell fishy. Maori: poa, to allure by bait, to chum. Tahiti: parupoa, to bait for fish. Hawaii : po, puia, to emit odor. Mangareva: poa, bait, oil cast on the water to attract fish ; akapoa, to communicate a smell of flesh to the water to attract fish. Viti: mboi, to smell, to yield a perfume. Arabic : fdha, to emit odor. In comparing bwoa and nabwoawe suspect the na to be verb-formative in much the same use as the no thus employed in neighboring, but far more distinctly Polynesian, Fotuna. Thus there can be no association of nabwoa with Polynesian namu. As relates to tamo, clearly not of the same stem as nabwoa, Nukuoro with two forms might seem to provide the transition, but this affects only the unaccented final vowel, the least important detail. This leaves us the far more difficult problem of establishing a t-n mutation. This does not exactly appear in the Efate material, the nearest approach being t-ng found in mauta-maunga (61) as this instance is solitary. So, in the wider Melanesian field we find but a solitary instance, namu (328) mosquito Alo Teqel torn. The identification is not established. The formal identification of bwoa with the poa of the eastern islands is satisfactory. We are to note that in Polynesia the sense is highly special- ized except in Hawaii, which, with Viti, is identical with Efate. 140. nasu na, juice, that which flows out or exudes. Samoa: su, ngasu, wet; sua, juice. Futuna: su, watery; sua, juice. Nukuoro: suisui, wet. Tonga: huhu, wet; hua, huhua, juice; 222 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. huai, to pour out; tigahu, damp, moist. Niue: huhua, liquid. Uvea: huai, to pour; huhua, sap. Nuguria: hua, coconut water. Hawaii: hu, to overflow. Tahiti: u, to be damp, wet. Viti: suasua, wet, moist. Arabic : nazza, to exude ; nizu, flow, water. While there is a close association in all the material here collected we are to observe that in the Polynesian three forms exist, that Samoa and Tonga possess all three, that Futuna alone has two. These three forms are su, sua, ngasu. su: In the sense of wet this is found in Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Tahiti. The Hawaiian hu is in form a variant of su, but while the sense has to do with liquids it does not conform to the meaning of this stem as elsewhere found. Nukuoro suisui I regard as a derivative of su by means of the verb-formative i. sua: Is found in Samoa, Futuna, Tonga as juice ; in Uvea specialized as sap ; in Niue as liquid or as juice; in Nuguria still more highly specialized as the water of the coconut. The Tonga and Uvea huai, a verb-derivative of the sua stem, means to pour; this is comparable with the Hawaiian hu as showing probably the coming up to the surface of a primordial general signification which elsewhere does not break through the highly particular sense, and this will be taken to include the Niue in the sense of liquid. ngasu: This is confined to Samoa and Tonga and has the particular meaning of su, wet, damp, moist. The Viti is of the sua form but of the su sense. The Efate is of the ngasu form but of the sua sense. The manner of the interrelation of these three forms is by no means simple. If su meant wetness then sua would follow in the adjectival sense of being wet, in the common Samoan system of formation. We see here the oppo- site movement, which is anomalous; yet it will serve to fix the position of Viti as regular. Su is clearly the basic element of all these words which carry the common sense. I am not familiar with any use of a prefixed nga which has but the object of forming merely ornamental compounds, for ngasu equals su, and in Tonga ngahu equals huhu. In Efate nasu we note that it is impossible that it is na-su, for na is expressly not the article. We have but one other instance (125) of the Efate n representing a Poly- nesian ng. The Samoan suati is the equivalent of this Tonga-Uvea huai. The form of the Viti vakasuasuataka, to wet, gives ground for the impression that the t is radical, vanishing somewhat unusuallv from huai. We should then have the stem suat and by progressive degradation reach sua and su. Provisionally we may hold nasu to be the remnant of a parent nasuat which has undergone in general an abrasion at each end. In this view it seems particularly difficult to understand how the Semitic, instinct with the zeal for triliteralism, should have come to sacrifice the already existing third consonant and then have reached exactly the same stage of demoli- tion as in Efate and the heart of Nuclear Polynesia, and all this without having left a trace in crowded Melanesia and Indonesia which intervene. A resemblance rather than an identification. DATA AND NOTES. 223 141. (a) rat i, tat i, nrat, to loosen, to unite. Samoa: tala, tatala, to loosen, to untie. Tonga: tatala, to tear off, to separate what adheres, to open, to rend. Futuna: tala, tatala, to loosen, to untie, to disunite. Hawaii: kala, id. Maori: tatara, loose, untied. Tahiti: tatara, to loosen, to untie. Nuguria: taraki, to open. Marquesas: taataa, separated, loosened. Viti : ndala, to be open (of a shellfish) ; ndalanga, to open one's mouth. (b) mirati, minratinrat, to be loose, untied. Samoa: matala, to be open (as a leaf), untied, unloosed. Tonga: matala, open, expanded (as a leaf or flower), free from restraint. Futuna: viatala, open, untied. Niue: matala, to open, as a flower or leaf. Hawaii : makala, to open, to untie, to unloose. Maori: matara, untied, untwisted. Tahiti: matara, untied, disentangled, loosened. Rapanui: matara, patara, to untie, to acquit, to clear; patala, to let loose. Mangareva: akamakara, to cut the first thread so as to unravel anything. Mangaia : matara, to be loosened. Paumotu: hakamataratara, to unloose. Viti: mathala, clear, plain, understandable, to be unfolded as a leaf. Hebrew : nat'ar, hitlr, to loose. The metathesis is evident. As between the groups of words here assembled the Efate mi is the equivalent of the general via of condition. In the Polynesian of each group we find no further evolution of meaning than will readily be reducible to the basic signification upon which Efate" and Samoa are in exact accord . The Viti merits consideration. We have instances in which the Poly- nesian t becomes the Viti nd; we have instances of the t-th mutation ; this so far as I can recall is the only instance in which / becomes both nd and th. From the instances presented in this work we might be led to the conclusion that /-initial becomes nd and /-medial becomes th. That this is not the case is doubly instanced in words not included within the essential limit of this work; for example, tca-thea, mutu-mundu, fiti-vindi. We can but note the anomaly. The final vowel is weakened in Efate and tends to vanish. In the dia- lectic forms we see a tendency toward nasal reinforcement of the l-r, which is unusual. The dialectic form tati may indicate an l-t mutation from the tala stem or it may be an r-t mutation from the metathetic Efate rati stem. We have no record of such l-t mutation between Polynesia and Efat£; in the wider Melanesian field we find it in but a solitary instance sala (339) path Bugotu hatautu. I incline, therefore, to consider it due to merely local variation. 142. ror, lor, the oily juice of grated coconut used to moisten or fatten puddings. Samoa : lolo, oil, the coconut prepared for making scented oil ; loloi, a dish of taro and coconut juice. Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Nukuoro, Nuguria: lolo, oil. Hawaii: lolo, brains, marrow. 224 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Maori : roro, id . Tahiti : roro, the brains of mankind . Mangaia : roro, brains. Mangareva : roro, soft, pure milk from the breast or from coconuts, the skull, the head. Paumotu: takaroro, headache. Rapanui: roro, brain, skull. Viti: lolo, milk of the coconut squeezed from scraped kernel. Arabic : rd'a, to moisten bread with fat. In Efate and Nuclear Polynesia we find complete accord upon the par- ticular signification of the word. In the Polynesia of the Tongafiti swarm we find the word identical in form, but in sense in complete accord upon a different signification, to which brain meaning the ultimate migrations have added in Hawaiian and Maori the meaning of marrow. Along the Tonga- fiti track the word for oil is sinu, which appears in Nuclear Polynesia con- currently with lolo, and in the western verge in Ticopia. Now in Nuclear Polynesia the word for brain is derived from the coconut but from another part, the spongy substance (uto) which in an old nut occupies the space where the water has been : Tonga, Uvea, uto ; Niue, uhoniu o he ulu (coconut sponge of the head) : Samoa, uto, the head as a term of abuse, while for brains yet another coconut product is employed, one advanced in manufacture, fai'ai the cooked juice, which in Futuna faikai is restricted to the literal sense. This uto also signifies marrow in Tonga, Uvea, Viti (utoni sui). We next pass to the southeastern terminus of all possible migration, Mangareva and the Paumotu. Here we pick up once more the coconut milk in Mangareva roro and find it extended to the human breast. Con- joined with this we find a strange variation from the Tongafiti sense, a passage from the soft parts to the hard, from the contents to the calvaria. Here the word uto means marrow, utuhupoko brains. Altogether a strange fact and remote spot in which to find an inosculation of Proto-Samoan and Tongafiti. Rapanui unites the soft and the hard parts in this word. The lolo reappears in such parts of Nuclear Polynesia as have the animal as a component of Samoa palolo, Tonga balolo, Viti mbalolo. I cite a note on this subject which I wrote out for Dr. William McMichael Wood worth, who identified the palolo as the posterior epitokal part of Eunice viridis (Gray) : Stair's derivation from pa'a-lolo, luscious crab, is out of all consideration; it is on all fours with the classic definition of a crab as a small red fish that walks backward, for pa' a (paka) could not in the Samoan system of word structure undergo such a syncopa- tion as to cut itself in two. As the bit beastie is in no sense a crab, and I must claim for my islanders that their intelligence is sufficiently high to prevent them from putting two such dissimilar animals together, so in turn is lolo not luscious. The organs of sense perception by which the Samoan apperceives lolo lie, not in the peripheral nerve endings of the tongue, but of the fingers; it is a matter of touch and not of taste such as luscious principally connotes. I got a very instructive glimpse at this word from my cook boy and a dish of vermicelli soup. After it had served my uses the tureen went back to the kitchen. I found the servitor dabbling his fingers in the dish, which he pronounced to be fa'alolo. I regard the primal signification as one of consistency, some- what custardy, a substance partially solid that may to a certain extent be grasped in the fingers yet which seems to slip out and elude the grasp. That, it will be noticed, is a thread that can be run through all the significations. It applies equally to the palolo as you feel it in the water on the great day of its appearance. In the slightly specialized sense of slippery it applies similarly to its other two compounds in the Samoan, ngalolo and umelolo, both being fishes and the latter a variety of Naseus lituratus or unicornis. DATA AND NOTES. 225 H3- suki, to stick, to stab. Samoa: su'i, to sew, to stitch. Nukuoro: suki, to pierce, to stab. Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea : huki, to pierce, to prick, to punc- ture, to lance. Maori: huki, pierced. Marquesas: huki, a small stick used to strengthen thatch. Rapanui: huki, to transpierce. Mangareva: huki, to pierce (said of lightning); ukiuki, piercing, lancing. Paumotu: hukihuki, to bore, to perforate. Tahiti : hut, to pierce, to prick, to lance. Hawaii : huiuna, a seam, a uniting by sewing together. Viti : thuki, a digging stick. Lambell, King, Lamassa : suki, to sew. Lambell, Lamassa : suki, to prick. Moanus : susui, to sew. Arabic : s'akka, to transfix with a spear. The root suk retains its k except in Tahiti and Hawaii, where this loss is normal, and in Moanus. Our data instance two stems in Moanus involv- ing k; in this instance fe-medial vanishes; in 305, there initial, it remains; of course these two instances are not sufficient to establish the usage. 144. takutaku, to speak. Samoa : ta'u, to tell, to mention, to announce, to certify, to acknowl- edge. Tonga : taku, to call by, to designate ; takua, to mention, to call by name. Rapanui: taku, to predict. Maori : takutaku, to threaten, to recite imprecations. Fotuna : no-tukua, to confess. Viti : tukuna, to report, to tell. Arabic : nataka, to speak. The Fotuna word is no more divergently specialized away from the plain sense of Efate and Viti than is the Tonga or the Maori; it is particularly interesting because it confirms the Viti vowel plan. In the proposed Semitic identification a syllable is supposed to have been worn away by frontal abrasion in passing from a common parent to the Pacific, or the Arabic has picked up a syllable. Without confirmatory evidence of intermediate forms this assumption is too violent. H5- tui, a chief. Samoa : tui, a chief, king. Tonga : tu'i, a king, a governor. Futuna : tui, god, supreme ruler, king (of god only). Niue: tui, a high chief. Uvea: tui, king. Viti : tui, king or principal chief. Arabic: waddu, watadu, watada, to fix, stake, make firm. Hebrew: yated, a pin, a nail, a prince. No explanation is offered of the anomalous ' in Tonga tu'i. The char- acter is seldom used in Tongan and is not noted at all in Shirley Baker's grammar of the language. How inconsistent with himself he is in regard of this character in the dictionary is exhibited in this suite : ma'u to get 226 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. (Samoa maud), maugataa hard to get, ma'ugofie easy to get. It seems to me that he has inserted ' into tu'i in order to differentiate that word to the eye from five other meanings of tut. Those of us who had the pleasure of knowing Tonga under that polemical missionary-statesman will have no difficulty in comprehending why he should see fit to accentuate the ruling power. Other than this slight visible but inaudible deviation the word is identical throughout Nuclear Polynesia and in Ef ate, to which it is limited . It can have no possible connection with Semitic words for stake. 146. tuku, to go down, to sink down, to lower. Among the many uses of the apparently cognate Polynesian tuku I select only such as concord with the Efate tuku, for a close study of the Samoan tu'u (yielding no selection for this purpose) leads to the feeling that it is the remnant of several dissimilar stems. Maori: tuku, to subside, to settle down. Tahiti: tuutuu, to slacken or ease a rope. Hawaii : kuu, to let down, to slacken. Tonga : tuku, to slacken, to let go as a rope; tukutuku, to sink in the sea. Futuna: tuku, to put down. Niue: tuku, to bury. Rarotonga : tuku, to let down, to let out, to drop down. Manga- reva : tuku, to throw the fishing net or fillet. Paumotu : tuku, to lay down. Sikayana: tuku, to put down. Nukuoro : tuku, to permit, to allow. Manahiki, Fakaafo: tuku, to place. Nuguria: tuku, to set. Rapanui: tuku, to give, to accord. Viti : tukutha, to let go, to slacken a rope ; vakatukutha, to let down in a basket. Hebrew: s'uah, to sink down. Arabic: sah'a, sah'a, tah'a, t'ah'a, id. F.FATE-MELANKSIAX-POLYNESIAX-SEMITIC. 147- bano, to go, to go off or away. Samoa : jano, passing along. Tonga : jano, to go, used in reference to small fish going in shoals. Futuna: jano, to go, to depart. Niue : jano, to go, to walk ; fcnonga, a journey. Tahiti : jano, to set sail, to depart. Paumotu : jano, to set sail. Aniwa, Sikayana, Vate: jano, to go. Nukuoro: liano atu, to go, to depart; hano saine, to go around. Nuguria: uhano, to go. Maori : whano, to go on. Tongarewa : hana, to go. Mangareva : ano, to appear. Uvea: jangona (metath. janonga) road, path, to go a journey. Fotuna: no-jano, to walk, to go. Baki, Epi: mbano, to go. Meli, Fagani: jano, id. Maewo, Malo, Baki, Mota Veverau, Motlav, Vuras, Merlav, Gog, Lakon, Santo, Vaturanga, Bugotu: vano, id. Volow: vono, id. Malekula, Marina, Omba, Arag, Mota Veverau, Volow, Leon, Sasar, Mosin, Alo Teqel, Norbarbar, Maewo: van, id. King: va?iwin, to come. Lo: ven, to go. Bierian Epi: mbene, id. Tanna: (t)uven, id. Eromanga: ve, id. Mota Maligo, Ambrym, DATA AND NOTES. 227 Sesake, Nggela, Belaga, Pak: va, id. Aneityum: apart, han, id. Pala: han, id. Duke of York, Matupit : wan, id. Kabakada, Matupit, Baravon : wana, id. Lambell : han, id. King : ivuan, id. Norbarbar: vana, a going. Vuras, Gog, Lakon: vanog, id. Motlav: navnog, id. Tangoan Santo: thano, to go. Hebrew : panah, to turn the back, to turn to go. See note 1 1 . With the readily adjustable exception of the metathetic form in Uvea the Polynesian is a unit and in perfect identification with Efate bano. Other Efate forms are banbmai, banamai, banimai, compounds with directive mat; banbtu, binotl, bariats, bhiats, compounds with directive atu, with which our author most cryptically includes bin'en, baina, notu, net; ba-ki, which he says is "contracted for" ban, bano, while ba (n) is not. In considering the word in Melanesia we observe that there is a partition into two markedly unequal areas according as the radical vowel is a or e, to which is to be added the single instance of Volow which has o for a (neutral vowel). The a-series has a wide range among the labials from b to v, but the forms in v are far the most widely spread . The only exception to this vertical muta- tion is the Tangoan Santo involving a f-th or horizontal mutation, that is from labial to lingual, a change of which we have no other example, yet in this case it seems quite correct. Aneityum, Pala, Lambell han, according to my principle of the aspiration, is a vertical mutation. It maybe that in this we see a transition form to Tangoan Santo thano; a labial h reached verti- cally would in no way, save with the resources of comparative philology, be distinguishable from a lingual h, and for the change from this h vertically downward to th we have abundant evidence ( 1 7 Journal of the Polynesian Society, 160). The mutation to w is abundantly supported and is all but vertical; it is found only in the gate by which the Samoa track leaves Indonesia, and, disregarding the extra prefix, which is probably formative, I incline to regard the vu of King ivuan as but a reinforced w. In Kaba- kada, Matupit, Baravon wana we shall best regard the final vowel as an o-a change within the triangle of the neutral vowel ; the a-final in Norbarbar vana is formative and establishes the verbal noun of van to go, as appears above. In Vuras, Gog, Lakon, Motlav the final g is formative of the verbal noun; the Motlav is na-vno-g, article-stem-suffix. There remain for con- sideration a few irregular forms. Aneityum a pan we include because our author includes it as an identification, which it is not. Apan means to go, apam means to come ; the merest tyro should recognize the common stem as apa, far removed from vano and further exhibited in apahai to go land- ward and apaahni to go everywhere. He quite overlooked, or did not know where to look for han, which is the true identification. The King vanwin contains the vano stem together with an extra element which in the paucity of our material from that center of New Ireland culture we may not comprehend. The smaller e-series runs through its simple course of mutation and abra- sion and calls for no more extended comment than to call attention to Tanna (t)uven as a mixed form. 228 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. We have now left for consideration the va and the ve. In each case we have a record of the abrasion of final vowel and then of the consonant left final, thus there is no reason in etymology why we should not regard them as regular mutations of the fano stem. Since Mota shows vano in Veverau and va in Maligo, where the differences are no more than dialectic and of neighbor dialects at that, we are forced to the conclusion that va is from the fano stem despite the efforts of our author to confuse the record as shown in 1 1 . We are not left to the compelling power of resemblance visualized to comprehend Dr. Macdonald's indentification of the fano stem with the Hebrew panah. Here is his extended argument in full as spread upon the record under the classification of "triliterals doubly weak, that is, with two weak letters or quiescents." "Efate bano-mai or bana-mai, to come ; banats, i. e., ban ats, to go ; Maori whanatu; Efate bano, to go; Maori whano, to verge toward, to go on, proceeding toward; Hebrew panah, to turn, to turn oneself, to turn the back, to turn in order to go anywhere. Thus banotu, whanatu, equals to turn, going away, or outward, and bano-mai, bano-be, equals to turn coming, to come." Any person who can find herein the common term wherein to turn equals to go will have no greater difficulty in finding in fano a trilateral, even though two of its letters are "weak or quiescent." 148. batu, bate, to close up the roof by weaving thatch on the ridgepole. Samoa: fatu, to commence plaiting. Tonga: fatu, to tie rafters, to commence plaiting. Futuna : fatu, fetu, to plait. Uvea : fetufetu, id. Niue: fatufatu, to fold; fatunga, a rafter. Tahiti: fatu, to plait, to braid. Paumotu: pifalufatu, to fold. Rapanui: haatu, to plait; hahatu, a plait. Hawaii : haku, to braid a wreath; hakuhaku, to fold up. Maori: whatu, to weave. Mangareva : atu, to fold up. Epi : bofungo, to close up the roof by weaving thatch on the ridgepole. Hebrew : 'abat, to interweave ; 'abot, wreathen work. So far as it is given us to follow out the tangles of some of these definitions it appears that Dr. Macdonald has sought to draft a statement which should allow him to incorporate fatu the ridgepole with this batu. The Polynesian has a word, stem fatu, which signifies to plait or braid or weave or in some such way with deft fingers to reduce a tangle of shreds to order. In Niue, Mangareva and the Paumotu the sense is restricted to one of the incident operations in this broader meaning. In Hawaii we find the two senses side by side, thus linking the two groups of meaning. With this Efate batu is in accord so far as relates to the matter of weaving which our author has distinguished by italics. This stem in Polynesia is nowhere particularly applied to thatching, this roof covering being put on by imbri- cation and not by interlacing. But Tonga fatu to tie rafters, Niue fatunga a rafter, are distinctly roof words. That, while they are identical in form with the weaving fatu, they are not homogenetic therewith is apparent in the existence of Efate fatu a ridgepole. In Samoa the roof fatu is found in fatu'ulu the thatch next DATA AND NOTES. 229 the ridgepole, and in jatulau old thatch, and in fatunga the timbers to which the purlins are fastened. The ridgepole Jatu is continued in the same sense to Tangoan Santo papain, Malo uobatu, Malekula Uripiv uobut, and Bierian botqu. The Epi word Dr. Macdonald notes as identical in sense with batu, it seems in no other wise related. 149. iki, kiki, riki, small. The following words all mean small : Maori: riki. Samoa: li'i. Tonga: iki, liliki, likiliki. Uvea: liliki. Nuguria: likiliki. Futuna: ikiiki, liki. Niue: ikiiki. Tahiti : Hi. Hawaii : Hi. Rotuma : lilii. Marquesas : iki. Mangareva: rikiriki. Paumotu: rikiriki. Mangaia: rikiriki. Sikayana : likiliki. Samoa, Tahiti, Rarotonga, Manahiki, Rapanui, Maori: Hi. Duke of York: lik. Baki: teliki. Mae wo: riki. Nifilole: laki. Motu : malaki. Kabadi : mara'i. Guadalcanar, Pokau : kiki. Tubetube: kikiu. Nada, Kiriwana: kikita. Murua: kakiti. Oiun: kafakiki. Galavi: berokikina. Bougainville: kekereke. Aneityum : tintin. New Georgia : kikina. Pak, Leon : tiktik. Vuras: netui, menet. Merlav: wirig. Mota: rig. Sasar: wogrig. Alo Teqel : wowrig. Gog : iveskit, wesekit. Nor- barbar: sosogut, sosogot. Retan: seget, sogot. Lo: ring. Omba : mbiti. Ararg : tirigi. Sesake : kiki, ngiki. Fagani : kikirii. Wango: kekerei. Nggela: kikia. New Britain: ik. Baravon: ik,ikilik. Buka: kekereke, kikerei. Lambell: liklik. Hula, Galoma: kirikiri. Keapara: kiri. Suau: gagiri. Sariba: gagirini. Ethiopic : clawik, to be small. In the three Efate words for small the common element is ki. The simplest form is the reduplicated kiki. With a vowel prefix we find iki, and when that in turn is modulated by a liquid coefficient we find riki. Two of these forms appear in Polynesian, kiki not having survived that far: iki: Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Moiki, Tongarewa. liki: Maori, Samoa, Tonga, Uvea,Tahiti, Hawaii, Rotuma, Mangareva, Paumotu, Mangaia, Sikayana. In Melanesia we find all three forms, distributed as follows : kiki: Guadalcanar, New Georgia, Sesake, Nggela, New Guinea. iki: New Britain, Baravon. liki: Maewo, Baki, Nifilole, Motu, Duke of York, Lambell, Arag, Mota, Merlav, Lo, Sasar, Alo Teqel. kiki and liki: Bougainville, Buka, Fagani, Wango. iki and liki: Baravon. Not immediately referable to the three forms in Efate our Melanesian studies afford us the following forms: 230 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. kit. This may be the basic ki with a persisting radical final consonant, or the / maybe an irregular accretion ; it is impossible in the paucity of data to come to a conclusion. If Pak, Leon tiktik be kit under metathesis this is the simplest form. In Norbarbar and Retan, with floating vowel, we have this stem with a prefix sc, so, common to both. In Gog I see such resemblance to Retan that I diagram its composition as we-s-kit. From this stem, by a common frontal abrasion, we may perhaps derive the common word of Polynesia for small; Samoa, Tahiti, Marquesas, Rapanui, Mangareva iti; Tonga jii (metathetic), Moiki itiiti by and by, and Hawaii iki (a kappation of radical t and not to be confounded with the stem iki). This would restore to Polynesia the possession of the third Efate" stem, and it now seems to be proved by Rarotonga ngiti. Omba mbiti we lack data to coordinate. The first impression that this is iti with a prefixed modulant will hardly stand against the fact that */* is an eastern form nowhere found in the west, and the other fact that we know of no well attested instance in which a stem which has had its head rubbed off acquires a new one by random selection. We now are left with Vuras and Aneityum, which have the common element net or tin according as we consider the metathesis to have been applied to one or to the other. If we regard net as primal and as equivalent to nit we shall find any attempt to associate it with iti by frontal accretion blocked by the same bar as at Omba, and this somewhat considerable array of data affords no example of a k-n mutation by which we might account for it. Uvea sii, with Aniwa aiihi, may open for us a small group of Melanesian relationships in Aneityum sisi, Efate ses, sos; Epi takisi, Lakon sik, Volow siwi, Motlav su, and thus connect with the se, so, element of the compound forms of Norbarbar, Retan and Gog. It should be observed, however, that Uvea sii devolves normally through Tonga jii from iti. Dr. Codrington (Melanesian Languages, 81) comments "as is the case with most adjectives there is but scanty agreement in the words meaning little." I think that in working over his material quite another conclusion has been reached and that the Polynesian content is distinctly marked from end to end of Melanesia. Indonesian affiliations are rare. We find Wahai kiiti, Bouton kidikidi, Salayer kedi, and beyond these three we may scarcely venture, perhaps not even so far. In none of the foregoing is there aught which points to the Semitic identification. 150. kiat, the sticks which cross from the canoe to the outrigger. Samoa: 'iato, the outrigger struts. Tonga, Nuguria: kiato, id. Futuna: kiato, id. Fotuna: akiato, id. Maori: kiato, the thwart of a canoe. Tahiti : iato, the transverse beams which connect the outrigger to the canoe. Hawaii : iako, the arched sticks which connect a canoe with its outrigger. Mangareva : kiato, a large raft. Mangaia: kiato, the outrigger. Paumotu: kiato, to pierce and cross for joining. DATA AND NOTES. 231 Tanna : nikiatu, the outrigger bars. Arabic : h'ata, h'iato, to sew, to join together. 151. kubenga, a fish net. Samoa: 'upenga, a net, not restricted to fishing. Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Nukuoro, Maori, Rapanui, Rarotonga: kupenga, id. Nuguria: kupena, id. Anivva: kowpenga, id. Marquesas: upea, tipeka, upena, id. Hawaii: upena, id. Tahiti: upea, id. Mangareva, Paumotu : kupenga, a thread, a filament. Fotuna: kanpenaua, the neck. Sesake: kupenga, a net. Mota: gape, id. Merlav: gambe, id. Gog: gamb, id. Lambell, King: mbene, id. Lamassa: mb'dne, id. L,aur: mb'dn, id. Motlav: kmbweng, id. Volow: nggmbweng, id. Pala: u6t'n, id. Arabic: fc*/7a^ a net, from fca^fa, to wrap around. In form the Polynesian word has the appearance of a verbal noun from some verb stem kupe which we do not identify, for Tregear's suggestion of Viti kumbe to catch hold of, to cleave or cling to, does not commend itself in signification. Against this idea militates the fact that the word has been preserved in Efate and Sesake, termination and all. The sense is always and everywhere a net or meshed fabric, except in Mangareva where it has become limited to that of which nets are made. The Fotuna form is clearly a composite of kupenga and ua the neck, but its precise explanation is not clear. In Melanesia we find two groups of identifications after passing Sesake as an unchanged loan word. In the first group we have the languages which have assimilated a putative stem kupe. These are Mota, Merlav, Gog. In the second group are the languages which, while abrading the first syllable, have used as their stem penga and have preserved more or less of the seeming noun-formative termination. In the order of their strength these are Motlav, Volow and the New Ireland group. The Pelion on Ossa of the Motlav and Volow forms, it must be remembered, are each a single sound ; therefore these do not, as might seem, reproduce the full kupenga; it is just the Melanesian clumsiness in compassing a Polynesian p with lips which play havoc with the fine precision of labials. In view of the fact that the palatal nasal is most probably radical we may scarcely accept the Semitic identification. 152. lafi, to take up, to carry. Samoa : lavea, to be removed, of a disease. Tonga : lavea, to bite, to take the hook, as a fish. Futuna: lave, to comprehend, to seize. Niue: laveaki, to convey. Rarotonga: rave, to take, to receive. Tahiti: rave, to take. Mangareva: rave, to take, to take hold; raveika, fisherman. Maori: raw, to take up, to snatch. Hawaii: lawe, to take and carry in the hand. Marquesas: ave, an expression used when the fishing line is caught in the stones. 232 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Mota, Omba: rave, to catch (of fish). Lo: rav, id. New Britain: rapa, to take by force. Nggela, Belaga : lavi, to take. Maewo : lailai, id. Arag: lai, id. Arabic: raja' a, to take up, to carry. Samoan lave has a line of significations none of which is found outside its immediate vicinage in Nuclear Polynesia. The nearest approach to the Efate signification is in lavea, and that is not to be supported against the first objection that may suggest itself. The sense of taking extends from Efate to Fotuna and thence eastward to Rarotonga, Tahiti, Mangareva, Maori. The carrying sense is found in Nine. The two come together no nearer than Hawaii. The specialized use in relation to fishing is absent from Efate; but its presence in Tonga, Mangareva and the Marquesas of Polynesia, and in Mota, Omba and Lo of Melanesia is amply suggestive of a common source. The other Melanesian identifications call for no comment, except that in Arag and Maewo; if this identification be acceptable, we have no other example in all this material of the vanishing of a v. These two, therefore, remain a little more than doubtful. 153- leo, le, lo, lu, voice, speech, word. Samoa: leo, voice, sound, noise. Tonga: le'o, voice. Futuna: leo, id. Uvea, Nuguria, Niue: leo, voice, sound. Hawaii: leo, voice, sound, speech, language. Maori, Tahiti, Mangareva: reo, id. Rarotonga: reo, voice. Paumotu: reko, voice, speech ; reo, the air of a song. Rapanui: reo, voice, language, air of a song, a tale; hakareoreo, a story, to tell. Aniwa: noreo, voice. Marquesas: co, ceo, id. Uvea: lea, to say, to speak to, to accost, to address. Tonga : lea, speech, language. Niue : lea, to speak. Rotuma : Ho, voice. Sesake, Arag, Mota, Omba, Maewo: leo, the voice. Mota: lea, speech. Maewo: leo, law. Santo: liona, the voice. Arabic: la"a't to speak; la"w', sound, voice; lo"at, word, language, dialect. The Proto-Samoan stem is leo, an open form and thereby readily distin- guishable from leo (31 0 to watch, which stems in leos. The general sense is the sound of the voice in speech or in song, and to this signification the word is confined in Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Uvea, Niue, Aniwa, Rarotonga, Paumotu and the Marquesas, that is to say all of Nuclear Polynesia with three tongues of the eastward migration ; and the same is true of the occurrence of the word in the New Hebrides except Efate. If Paumotu reko be really referable to this stem the interpolation of the k is anomalous. To this idea of the sound of the voice is added a connotation of the product of the voice, and we find the signification of speech, language, in Hawaii, Maori, Tahiti, Mangareva, in the Paumotu subject to the doubt already noted as to reko, and in Efate. In the latter we pass still farther into particulars with leo meaning a word. In Maewo the secondary meaning ho law receives no confirmation elsewhere. On Tonga lclo see note 145. DATA AND NOTES. 233 In four languages, one of Melanesia and three of Polynesia, we find a different yet appreciably similar word for the expression of this latter sense in differentiation from the former. These are: Uvea: leo, voice, sound; lea, to say, to speak to. Niue: leo, voice; lea, speech. Tonga: le'o, voice; lea, speech, language. Mota: leo, voice; lea, speech. We are, therefore, abundantly warranted in predicating two parallel stems of which lea, by sense similarity and by reason of carrying its form and sense distinction nowhere else than in an unaccented final vowel, always a weak spot, has become assimilated to leo, this being particularly true in the regions covered by the Tongafiti swarm. Efate we find in possession of leo voice; it has not now lea speech; we are not justified in the statement that it never had the latter, for the form le might survive just as well from lea as from leo. 154- lingi-si, malingi, malingsi, to pour out, to spill. Samoa, Tonga: lingi, to pour. Niue: lingi, to pour in or out. Uvea: lilingi, to sprinkle. Futuna, Nuguria : lilingi, to pour out. Maori iringi, id. Raro tonga : riringi, to pour. Paumotu: riringi, to pour from one vessel into another. Tahiti: ninii, to pour out. Hawaii: nini, to spill, to pour out. Rapanui: nininini, to pour, to shed ; hakanininini, to water. Marquesas : iki, to pour out; iniu, teat. Samoa, Tonga: malingi, spilled. Rarotonga: maringi, to spill. Paumotu: maringi, to suppurate. Mangareva: meringi, to trickle, to flow. Hawaii: manini, to spill or spatter out. Tahiti : manii, to overflow, to be spilling. Viti: livi, to pour gently or in a small stream. New Britain: ligire, to pour out. Motlav, Volow, Merlav, Gog: ling, id. Mosin: lenglengir, fluid. Mota: ligligira, ligiu, id. Aneityum: aijangjing, to pour out. Arabic : raka, to pour out. The Proto-Samoan stem is lingis. Efate has the simple stem and at least the form of the conditional deriv- ative in ma. These two there will be no difficulty in tracing through the Polynesian. I have given room to Viti livi because of sense identity. Superficially it is in form a three-quarters identification. In all my close study of the Polynesian content of Viti this is the only case in which the leaping muta- tion ng-v at all suggests itself, and there is not a single confirmatory instance in this study of the broader field of Melanesia. In the unlocalized New Britain instance collected by Tregear we are uncertain whether this g is really g or represents ng, a common device in the writing of South Sea languages. However this may be, in Mota there can be no doubt that g is g and represents a not infrequent ng-g mutation. In the other New Hebridean languages where the word occurs it has undergone 234 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. no change more serious than terminal vowel abrasion, except for a slight vowel change in Mosin. Aneityum has aijangjing to pour and ajaingjanse to pour in ; this speech, so remote from either of the Proto-Samoan migra- tion streams that it falls almost into the lowest class of quality of its Poly- nesian content, has been too little studied to warrant our acceptance of this identification. But we can sense a Polynesian ghost in its j-ng-s, all the more since the l-j mutation plainly appears in lima (312) five Aneityum ni-jman. 155- liu, liliu, lilia, ler, bilui, bilu, to turn back, return, go or come back. Samoa: liu, liliu, to turn, to go backward and forward. Tonga: liu, liliu, to return. Futuna: liliu, to return, to go or come back. Niue: liu, liliu, to turn, change, return. Uvea: liliu, to turn, to return. Maori: ririu, to pass by. Tahiti: riuriur to go around in a circle. Mangareva : akariu, to come and go- Viti: Ha, to transform, to metamorphose. Nggela : liliu, to change, to turn away. The identification of liu is complete through all these notes. With the dialectic occurrence of Efate lilia there need be no hesitation about admit- ting Viti lia. 156. manuka, a wound. Samoa: manu'a, a wound. Tonga: manuka, manukaia, to kill, murder, applied to chiefs. Fotuna : manuka, a sore, an ulcer. Nuguria: manua, to wound. Mota Maligo: maniga, wound. Mota Veverau: manuga, id. Bierian: manika, a sore, an ulcer. Baki: menuko, id. Laur: manug, a sore, an ulcer, an abscess. Baravon, Pala : manua, wound. Malekula: menu, a sore, an ulcer. Arabic : naka', to wound. Hebrew : nakah, id. Ethiopic : nakaya, id. It is interesting to note that while on the one hand this word is confined to Nuclear Polynesia it occurs on the other not only in the New Hebrides but even so far back along the Samoa track as the east Indonesian gate. Tonga makes far less use of the courtesy speech, the Polynesian Basakrama, than does Samoa. In Samoa manu'a is an open word, the wound of a chief is mdsoe. It would appear that Tonga manuka was an importation from Samoa and was set aside for courtesy use as being a foreign novelty. Any note is valuable which tends toward the elucidation of the differentiation of Proto-Samoan and Tongafiti in Tonga. 157- nakbe, a hollowed log used as a drum. Samoa, Tonga, Uvea, Niue: nafa, a drum. Malekula Uripiv: nambwi, a drum. Hebrew: nekeb, a hollowed thing used as a musical instrument. DATA AND NOTES. 235 158. ruma, the breast, bosom. Maori : uma, the breast, bosom. Samoa : uma, awide chest. Tonga, Futuna, Uvea, Niue: uma, the shoulder. Nuguria: uma, breast of a man. Marquesas: uma, the breast. Hawaii: umauma, id. Tahiti: ouma, id. Rapanui: huma, breast, chest. Sesake: ruma, the breast. Dobu: rumaruma, id. Buka: nunume, id. Motu: geme, id. Galoma: komakoma, id. Arabic: ha'zum', the breast, the bosom. Frontal abrasion is so well established that we need have no hesitation in accepting the identification of Melanesian ruma and Polynesian uma. The r-n mutation which will admit Buka nunume is the most frequent l-r change in Polynesia, and in the Solomon Islands finds support in lima (313) hand Saa ninime. Motu geme is much more remote and uncertain, and does not well accord with the high quality of the identifications in that Torres Straits migration station ; the r-g mutation finds a measure of support in the l-k mutation lima (313) hand Vaturanga kima Nggao kame, where, however, Motu has the abraded ami. Galoma with its k form adds con- firmation. 159- ruru, to tremble, an earthquake. Samoa : lulu, lue, to shake. Tonga : luelue, to roll ; lulu, to shake. Futuna: lulii, to tremble, to shake, to agitate. Niue: luelue, to shake; lulu, to shake, to be shaken. Nuguria: ruhe, motion of the hands in dancing; luhe henua, an earthquake. Uvea, Hawaii : lu, lulu, lululu, to shake, to tremble, to flap. Fotuna : no-ruruia, to shake. Maori: ru, ruru, to shake, an earth- quake. Tahiti, Rarotonga, Rapanui, Paumotu : ruru, to shake, to tremble. Mangareva: ru, to tremble; ruru, to shake. Marquesas : uu, to shake the head in negation ; uuuu, to shake up. Uvea: wet, to shake; ueue, to move. Rapanui: ueue, to shake. Nguna: ruru, a trembling. Mota: rir, to quake, an earthquake. Syriac: rlel, to tremble. Here we seem to have a common stem in two states. The simpler is lu. This is found in its bare state in Uvea, Hawaii, Maori and Mangareva. With a persistent reduplication, lulu, it is found in all the above and in Samoa, Futuna, Fotuna, Tonga, Niue, Tahiti, Rarotonga, Paumotu, Rapanui and the Marquesas, Efate, Ngunaand Mota. In Hawaii it appears in triplication, and in the Marquesas even in quadruplication. The modified stem is lue. This is nowhere found to the exclusion of lulu, but with it is found in Samoa, Tonga, Niue and Uvea ; that is, it is a Nuclear Polynesian type. While there can be no difficulty in form or sense involved in the Mota identification we notice the confirmatory agreement of Mota and Maori in the particularized seismic meaning. 236 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 1 60. taru-si, taro-si, tarotaro, to pray. Samoa: tatalo, to pray; talosanga, a prayer. Futuna: tatalo, to imprecate, to desire. Tahiti: tarotaro, to pray. Rapanui: tarotaro, a malediction, to curse. Hawaii: kalokalo, to pray to the gods, to supplicate favors. Nukuoro: tarotaronga, a prayer. Mota, Arag: tataro, a prayer. Aravic: sala', to pray. Ethiopic: salaya, id. Chaldee: sela, id. The Proto-Samoan stem is talos. The word has passed along its course with little variety in form or sig- nification. Tregear, with such recognition of doubt as the cf. note may carry, associates Avith this stem the Maori tarotaro to cut the hair. His explanation "that the cutting of hair among Polynesians was generally accompanied by a solemn and religious ceremony," while unimpeachable as a statement of manners and customs, seems, for the purposes of philolog- ical comparison, an impossible exaltation of the incident over the essential. 161. taumafa, taumofa, to invoke or pray while sacrificing or giving an offering. Samoa: taumafa, to eat, to drink (of a chief or a chief's pigeon). Tonga : taumafa, to eat, applied to the Tuitonga but now used to high chiefs. Futuna : taumafa, a thank-offering to the gods or to a chief. Niue: taumafa, to eat, used to chiefs only. Uvea: taumafa, a religious feast, to eat. Fotuna: taumafa, an offering to the gods. Nukuoro : taumaha, taamaha, a feast, a sacrificial feast; hakataumaha, to forbid. Maori: taumaha, a thank-offering to the gods ; whakataumaha, to offer in sacrifice. Tahiti: taumaha, an offering of food to the gods. Hawaii: kaumaha, a sacrifice, to offer in sacrifice, to kill a victim for sacrifice. Rarotonga: tau maa, to curse. Mangareva : toumaha, a prayer offered up before a feast or a meal, to offer first fruits to a god. Malekula Pangkumu: tomav, to offer in sacrifice. Hebrew: habhabim, offerings. The Proto-Samoan stem is taumafat. The identifications show remarkable accord in form and sense. It is only in Samoa, Tonga, Niue and Futuna, strictly Nuclear Polynesia, that the word is applied at all to mortal men. It might be taken as a piece of gross flattery to the chiefs to assign to their eating the word which belongs to the great gods. In my understanding of the spiritual ideasof thiscentral area of Polynesia, which holds the most primal concepts of the race, it seems more reasonable to regard the word as originally belonging to the great chiefs (Polynesian Basakrama) and thence extended to the divine essences when the Polynesians had learned to make gods in their own image. Dr. Macdonald finds no difficulty in accounting for the word as a com- posite of materials now in Efate, tau to pray or invoke, ma fa (mo fa) giving or offering. The latter element he thus explains: "when the blood of men DATA AND NOTES. 237 or animals has been shed and forms a pool on the ground, one feeling the smell of it, or of any similar thing, says i nabwo mofa, it smells mofa," and identifies it with Arabic ma'habat a small pool, wahaba to give, to make an offering. Yet in the foregoing there nowhere appears for mofa the sense of giving or offering which without hesitation he assigns when dealing with it in the taumafa composition. The only sense which may be derived from the narrative, not definition, of mofa is to say that when the smell of blood is felt, if indeed that be possible in sense perception, and one says it smells mofa the word is meant to describe the apperception of shed blood by the nose. Not in the least inclined to accept the circuitous Arabic identifi- cation I see in mofa no suggestion of the radical t. Working on different materials Tregear has isolated tau to pray in Tahiti and the mafa of mamafa heavy. The latter at least is Proto-Samoan maf at. But tau nowhere else in Polynesian means to pray. Bishop Jaussen gives tau in the prayer sense but altogether omits tarotaro (160), which Tregear must have obtained from English missionary sources. Assuming the sub- stantial accuracy of the bishop's dictionary it is possible that Tahiti tau by the not infrequent loss of / (e. g., valu eight Tahiti vau) may be associable with talo to pray. The association with mafat is excellent in the preserva- tion of the radical t, but the correlation of sense leaves much to be desired. 162. tauri, to bind, to be bound firmly to, to marry (a woman), to tie firmly to (as a boat to a ship to be towed) ; taura ki, to be fixed or bound firmly to one, bringing out one as from bondage or from her relations, to redeem, to marry; bitauri, to be bound, tied, attached firmly to each other, to be married. Samoa : tau, taulia, to be anchored, to be fixed (as colors in cloth) ; taula, an anchor; taulanga, anchorage; taula'i, to anchor with or to; tauvale, to marry beneath one. Tonga: taulanga, anchorage ; taufau, to tie. Futuna : taula, an anchor, a cable ; taulanga, anchorage. Niue : taula, an anchor. Uvea : taula, an anchor; taulanga, anchorage. Nukuoro: taura, a rope. Maori: tow, to lie at anchor or moorings; taura, a rope; tauranga, anchorage; tatau, to tie; taunga, a support, bond, tie, a bond of connection between families; taumau, betrothed. Tahiti: tau, an anchor; taura, a rope; tauri, to be intermixed as a family in a house ; tardea, to rescue, to deliver. Rarotonga : taura, a rope. Marquesas : tau, a rope ; katau, atau, an anchor. Mangareva: tauri, to tie together; tour a, a cord. Hawaii: kau, to tie on ; kaula, a rope ; kaupili, to unite, as man and wife. Sesake: matau, an anchor. Mota: taur, to hold. Arabic: sabara, sabr', to bind, to be bound to. The Proto-Samoan stem is taul. The Polynesian tau is protean in its shifts of meaning. I have here segre- gated only such as are associable with Efate tauri. Other senses will be found in 236 and 267. In the Melanesian identifications Mota is satisfactory. We lack the data to establish the value of ma in Sesake matau which seems to be a composite of this tau. 238 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 163. telatela, matulu, mutultul, matoltol, large, swollen. Samoa: tele, latele, vatele, large. Mangareva: terc, to be fat, to swell out. Maori: tetere, large, swollen. Hawaii: kelekele, fat, plump, large. Samoa : matolutolu, matontou, thick (of pork only) . Tonga, Futuna, Nukuoro: matolutolu, thick. Niue: matolu, id. Uvea: matolu, thickness. Hawaii : viakolu, wide, thick. Maori: matotoru, thick. Fotuna, Tahiti: matoru, id. Mangareva: matoru, fat, thick. Marquesas: motou, thickness. Mota: matoltol, thick. Epi: torn, large. Norbarbar: motoltol, thick. Nguna: matulu, id. Baki: mererolu, id. Malekula: metetir, id. Hebrew: W*r, large, great. Dr. Macdonald includes in his identifications Samoa telatela, which, if valid, would avail to connect the two groups which follow. Unfortunately this identification is form resemblance only, for telatela in Samoan is the clitoris and in no way associable with the signification of these stems. Yet without this there is abundant reason to consider matolu a conditional derivative of tele. If this be the fact, the conditional, which remains practi- cally uniform, must be held to preserve a primitive which since then, in its unsupported state, has developed other vowels. In the Melanesian identifications all is plain except Baki and Malekula. They seem to have me as the conditional element. The primitive, then, will appear in Baki as rerolu and in Malekula as tetir, evidently reduplica- tions. In view of the plural preduplication of Samoa tele tetcle Malekula tetir seems explicable in form and interesting as exhibiting the much desired transition form between tele and matolu. Baki rerolu, apart from the irregu- larity of vowel change in duplication, would argue a t-r mutation. This is unusual but not impossible. These data afford four examples, which are here presented for consideration : futi (329) banana Moanus mbur; ate (276) liver Malekula ere Efate are; fatu (294) a stone Malekula var; talinga (350) ear Malekula riring. The last I withdraw for reasons which will be offered sub voce. The Baki form may pass. 164. tere, teretere, (a) the comb of a cock ; (b) the eaves of a house. (a) Samoa: tala, a thorn, the barb of a spear, the spur of a cock; talatala, prickly, thorny, rough. Tonga: tala, a thorn, the pricking fin on the back of a fish ; talatala, tala, thorny, prickly. Futuna : tala, thorn, horn of an animal, fin of a fish ; talatala, prickly, thorny . Niue : talatala, prickly. Uvea : tala, thorn, horn ; talatala, prickly. Nuguria, Nukuoro : tara, a thorn. Maori : tara, a point, as a spear point, spines in the dorsal fin of a fish, membrum virile, clitoris ; taratara, a spine, spike, prickly, rough. Tahiti: tara, a horn, thorn, cock's spur; taratara, prickly, thorny. Rapanui: tara, a horn, spine, thorn. Hawaii. kakala, rough with sharp points ; kalakala, thorny. Mangareva : DATA AND NOTES. 239 tara, a horn, a spine, crest of a bird ; taratara, prickly, thorny, spiny. Moriori: hokotara, to sharpen. Marquesas: taa, a thorn, spike, point. (b) Samoa: tala, the round ends of a house. Maori: tara, the side wall of a house. Tahiti: tara, the corner or end of a house; fautarajare, the bend of the round part of a house. Hawaii : kala, the ends of a house in distinction from the sides. Viti : teretere, combs of some birds, crest of serpents. Duke of York: talaglagano, thorny. Arabic : torra, crest, comb of a bird ; torrat, extremity, end of anything. There is no reason to suspect any closer association between these two groups than is involved in identity of spelling, which, despite change of vowel in Polynesian, extends to their last occurrence. The Viti carries the Efate vowel scheme within the borders of Nuclear Polynesia and serves as the connective for the thorn sense. In the architectural tala, Samoa, Tahiti and Hawaii agree upon the ends of the house, Samoa and Tahiti upon their being curvilinear; with a differ- ent plan of structure the Maori assign it to the side wall. Of the Efate word the most that can be said is that it is architectural even if widely different from any Polynesian use. The only Melanesian resemblance beyond Efate, Duke of York talaglag- ono, in the east gate of Indonesia, suggests a stem talak, of which no trace survives elsewhere and the gap in Melanesia precludes confirmation. 165. tere, the mast of a ship, calf (column) of the leg. Samoa: tila, the sprit of a sail. Futuna: tila, the long boom or sprit to which a sail is bent. Tonga: jila, yard of a canoe. Fotuna: jira, mast. Maori: tira, mast of a canoe. Tahiti, Rarotonga, Mangareva: tira, a mast. Uvea: sila, yard. Makura: no-tire, mast. Tanna: tila, id. Bierian: n'dalin, id. Arabic: sariyat, sari, the mast of a ship, a column. In devising his second definition Dr. Macdonald has squinted so strabis- mically at his Arabian entertainment that a single degree added to his angle of vision would have turned him into a One- Eyed Calender. In the Polynesian group the t-s mutation in Uvea sila is sufficiently common. The Melanesian identifications are simple, except Bierian n'dalin. Omit- ting the final n, for which we have no explanation other than that it may be noun-formative, we may reduce the word to tali, and this, it is at once apparent, is metathetic for tila. The variety of sense as between boom, sprit, yard, and mast is more apparent than real. It is due to an attempt to establish as a fixed concrete a term which is undoubtedly abstract and descriptive. In the navigation where the triangular sail has an enormous sprit or boom and a short mast tila goes with the longer spar; where the mast is high and the sprit, boom, yard or gaff is subordinate, tila still goes with the longer spar. If we had the data whereby to analyze tila down to its elements we should probably find that it meant no more than long spar. 240 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 1 66. tifai, thunder, ti, article, and fai. The following words all mean thunder and those in which the fai element is indisputable are grouped : Samoa, Fakaafo: faititili. Tonga: Jaijijili. Manahiki: faititiri. Tahiti: patiri. Tongarewa: hatitiri. Maori: whatitiri, whaitiri. Bukabuka: watitiri. Paumotu: fatitiri. Nukuoro: haturi. Rapanui, Mangareva: atutiri. Hawaii: hekili. Nuguria: hetuturi. Marquesas: hatiitii, fatutii, hatutii. Aniwa, Fila: te-fachiri. Fotuna: vajiri. Vat6: vatshiri. (Malay: tilir, to make a noise, a noise which gives alarm.) Arabic: bahh', hoarse, used of thunder. Dr. Macdonald's simple attempt at etymology in respect of his designa- tion of ti as article must have reference to the Tongafiti te, the weak demon- strative functioning as article at times, for his dictionary does not identify ti in Efate" in any sense. The common Polynesian words for thunder involve the two elements fai and tili. The Efate alone in Melanesia contains ele- ments in the thunder word which resemble the Polynesian. As to the fai there can be no doubt ; ti may readily be an abraded form of tili. I know of no instance in which the Melanesian has inverted the order of the ele- ments in borrowing a Polynesian composite, yet in default of more definite information this seems not unlikely in this case. The former element in Polynesia has the following forms: fai: Samoa, Fakaafo, Tonga, Mana- wa: Bukabuka. hiki. wha: Maori. whai: Maori. ha: Tongarewa, Nukuoro, Mar- fa: Paumotu, Aniwa, Fila, Mar- quesas. quesas. he: Hawaii. va: Fotuna, Vate. a: Mangareva. pa: Tahiti. The latter element falls into groups, which yet may not have diagnostic significance, according to the duplication of the stem, as follow: tili: Tahiti, Maori, Hawaii, Aniwa, Fila, Fotuna, Vate" (Nukuoro). titili: Samoa, Fakaafo, Tonga, Manahiki, Tongarewa, Maori, Buka- buka, Paumotu (Mangareva, Rapanui). tilitili: Marquesas. Mangareva atutiri, Marquesas fatutii, hatutii, suggest a fatu former ele- ment. Yet the Nukuoro haturi, which can scarcely be hatu-ri, seems to argue a remoter tutiri duplication through an ignorance of the stem vowel which Nukuoro reveals. The first of the three Marquesas forms is recorded by Tregear, but is not found in Bishop Dordillon's modern dictionary. If we had none other than the /ai-composites we should say that the former element signifies "to make." Not one of the other forms of this element offers in any of the languages a sense which might explain the composite, but not one of the languages has anything which would contra- indicate this sense. Provisionally, therefore, we may assume that faititili means "to make-tilt intensively." DATA AND NOTES. 241 Nowhere in Polynesia can I find a meaning of till which would shed any light on this composite, and I am forced to the conclusion that this element has passed out of independent existence. The presence of the composite in Aniwa, Fotuna, and Fila argues its great age as a compound. I am very loth to accept an Indonesian identification except it be supported by a satisfactory chain of evidence. To present such a resemblance based upon a single instance goes against my practice in the present work. Yet with this deprecation I note the Macassar djili the lightning flash. Faitili then might mean that which makes the lightning. It may be that we shall find a trifle in geographical support of this suggestion. Macassar is the region in Celebes which lies in closest proximity to the island of Salayer, a name which seems not remotely preserved in the honorific fa'alupenga of Samoa in the high phrase for all Tutuila. Tuloutia a 'oe le motu o Salaia. Saving thy grace, island of Salaia. 167. ulumwa, a pillow for the head. Samoa : alunga, alulunga, a soft pillow. Nuguria : aruna, headrest. Tonga : olunga, pillow. Futuna, Uvea, Niue : ulunga, id . Maori, Mangareva: urunga, id. Hawaii: uluna, a pillow, to sleep on a pillow, to tie up a bundle for a pillow. Paumotu : r urunga, a pillow. Tahiti: urua, turua, id. Rapanui: rangua, id. Dufaure Island (New Guinea) : unua, a pillow. New Britain : ulula- lag, id. Mota Maligo : ilinga, head-rest, pillow. Mota Veverau : ulunga, id. Mahri: here, haroh, hare, eres' , the head. Dr. Macdonald repeats and again repeats the hint that this is a derivative of ulu the head. Tregear notes that the word is probably connected with uru the head, turn, and runga. This can only apply in those instances which have initial u, Futuna, Uvea, Niue, Maori, Mangareva, Hawaii, Tahiti, Mota Veverau. It leaves unsatis- fied Samoa, Tonga, Paumotu and Mota Maligo. The Samoan plural is proof that the word is a composite of which the latter element is lunga. The former element is most commonly u, but a, o, and possibly i occur. The Paumotu rurunga is accordingly a preduplication of the second element and the common first element does not appear in it at all. If, then, lunga inde- pendently or in composition carries the sense of headrest it will be seen that the stem can not be ulu the head. The alternative Tahiti turua is anomalous on either theory of the word. The Rapanui form is susceptible of explanation by double metathesis. Mota Veverau ulunga is of the general type. I incline to regard Mota Maligo ilinga as a mere variant of local dialect. The only way by which Dufaure unua can be brought into correlation is by establishing the loss of n and the l-n mutation. Each of these changes is abundantly manifested in Melanesia and Polynesia; whether they are current in Dufaure Island the only other word we have from that speech (ama (340) outrigger Dufaure sarima — unsatisfactory) does not allow us to judge. The New Britain ululalag can be correlated only as a compound of ulu head and lalag equiv- alent to lunga with reduplication, and there is no evidence forthcoming to support the latter, while the former is distinctly contraindicated. 242 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 168. utu, ut i, to fill (by immersing) a water vessel. vSamoa : utu, to draw water, to fill a bottle, to charge a gun. Tonga : v.tu, to draw water; utufia, to pour out, to run as water from a vessel or tears from the eyes. Futuna : utu, to draw water, to fill with a liquid ; uku, to plunge into the water. Uvea : utu, uutu, to draw water, to pour into. Niue : utu, to draw water. Nuguria: utu, to fill. Maori: utu, to dip up water, to fill with water. Tahiti: utuhi, to dip into the water, to rinse. Mangareva : utuhi, to draw water. Hawaii : ukuhi, to pour, as water into a cask, to fill a vessel with any fluid. Mangaia: uti, to draw water. Fotuna: no-citu, id. Rapanui: uutu, to fill up ; ootu, to draw water. Motu: utu, a flood, to draw water. Tanna: atu, id. Aneityum: athun wai, id. Arabic: "ata ("a'tu) to immerse. The Proto-Samoan stem is utuf. Rather more frequently than is the case in general the influence of the radical / is found not only in Nuclear Polynesia but persists to distant extensions of the Tongafiti swarm. The Mangaia uti is singular in Poly- nesia but accords with an alternative Efate form. The irregularity of the initial vowel in Fotuna looks toward the Tanna and Aneityum forms, and they are its close neighbors. Dr. Macdonald in his definition squints as usual quite obliquely at the Arabic. It is only by the accident of the container, the common water vessel of the South Sea being the coconut pierced at the eyes, that it is more convenient to fill by immersing. That the immersion in no sense inheres in the word is shown by the Samoan use of utu to charge a gun or to cram tobacco into a pipe, and by the general use of the word to signify pouring out from the container. EFATE-MELANESIAN-POLYNESIAN-MALAY. 169. finanga, food. Samoa : sina'aiunga, grayheaded from eating the hermit crab (unga), old but foolish. Tonga: hinakaiunga, grayheaded as a punish- ment for eating the hermit crab. Mota, Marina: sinaga, food. Malo: sinaca, id. Motlav, Omba: hinaga, id. Lo: hinega, id. Sesake: vinaga, id. Duke of York: ivinangan, id. Malagasy: hinana, food. There is a possibility that the Efate contains a misprint, for in Dr. Macdonald's alphabet the ng differs from the g by no more than a dot above. The mutation g-ng is by no means impossible, but it is strange that Efate is the only speech except the distant Duke of York in which this word varies from the standard. The two words in Nuclear Polynesia have hitherto been a puzzle unsolved. The interpretations offered in the dictionaries of Pratt and Baker respec- DATA AND NOTES. 243 tively are just such philology as the islanders invent for the student who attempts to go under the surface of their speech. It is of a piece with the Samoan etymology of tangata man from ta to strike and ngata snake, with Genesis iii, 15, cited as decisive. We now reduce the word to sinaka food in a verbal use as shown by verb-formative *, and unga, the particular sense of which does not yet appear. The Melanesian forms are all in accord, even including Duke of York winangan, for in this island we find s-w mutation although no other example thereof is included in these data ; and the Sesake vinaga is transitional. EFATE-POLYXESIAN-MALAY-SEMITIC. 170. afis i, afit i, afin i, afan i, afen i, to put or carry under the arm or arms held between the arm and the side, to cover with the wings as a bird its young, clasping them between the wing and the side ; afini na, the armpit; afili na, the armpit, the groin. Samoa: afisi, to carry under the arm, to carry a child astride the hip, afisinga, a load carried under the arm. Tonga: efi, to carry under the arm. Futuna: efi, to carry under the arm, the under side of a fin. Mangareva: ahi, when used after a word signifying a load or a bundle it means a load carried on the chest or in the arms. Maori : awhi, to embrace ; awhe, to measure a tree by embracing it. Tahiti: ee, armpit. Malay: kapet, manga pet, to carry under the arm. Arabic: "abana, to put under the armpit; ma" bin , groin, armpit. The Proto-Samoan stem is afis. This appears only in Samoa and in Efate, where variants are found in /, n and /. The efi of Tonga and Futuna marks the transition in respect of the former vowel, and Maori awhe the transition form for the latter; together they substantiate Tahiti ee, the / normally vanishing in that language. 171. bangobango, to be crooked. Samoa : pi'opi'o, crooked, wrong. Futuna, Tongarewa, Marquesas, Mangareva, Paumotu: piko, bent, crooked, awry, twisted. Nukuoro : piko piko, crooked. Niue : piko, to think erroneously ; piko piko, to speak falsely. Uvea: piko, pipiko, crooked, slug- gish. Maori: piko, to bend, to stoop, to be curved. Rapanui: hakapiko, pliant, to bend, to make crooked. Tonga: biko, crooked. Tahiti: pio, bent, crooked, wrong. Hawaii: pio, bent, crooked. Malay: bengkok, crooked. Malagasy : vitkuka, id. Java: bengkong, id. Saru: pekok, id. Hebrew: hafak, to turn. Syriac: hpak, id. Arabic: 'apaka, id. Hebrew: hapakpak, crooked, twisted. 244 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 172. bwala, to be smooth. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea: molemole, smooth. Nukuoro: molemole, soft. Hawaii: molemole, smooth, bald. Tahiti: moremore, id. Maori: more, bare, plain, bald. Mangareva: akamore, to decapitate, to cut off horns. Paumotu : moremore, without hair on the body, polished. Malagasy: bory, deprived of, shorn, cropped, polled. Arabic : mara, maur', to fall off or pluck out, as wool or hair. 173- biau, beau, biaufiau, biafiau, a wave; biaufiau, to be raised in waves, rough sea. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Fotuna, Niue, Marquesas, Nuguria: peau, a wave. Mangareva: peau, peahu, id. Viti: mbiau, a wave. Tanna: peau, a wave. Aneityum: ne-peau, id. Malay : ombak, a wave. Ethiopic: ababi, waves. Arabic: 'ubab, id. 174. bule, fule, complete (adverbial). Tonga : fuli, fulibe, all, everyone. Futuna : fuli, all, universal ; fuliai, all without exception. Uvea: fuli, all, universal, the whole. Malay: bulah, the whole. Arabic: bala'la, bulu", to complete, to go through to the end. 175- busf, to blow, to spout as a whale. Samoa : pusa, to send up a smoke (applied also to dust, spray, vapor), Nukuoro: pusa, steam. Fotuna: noh-pusa, to rise (of dust). Tonga: buhi, to spit; bubuhi, to spout as the whale, to blow anything from the mouth. Futuna : pupusi, to blow, a blast of wind. Niue: puhi, to spurt out. Uvea: pupuhi, to blow. Maori: puhi, to blow. Tahiti: pupuhi, to blow the fire, to blow out a candle; puhipuhi, to blow with the mouth, with a fan, with bellows. Hawaii: puhi, to blow (as wind), to blow (the fire, a shell), to puff, to spout. Marquesas : puhi, to blow, to breathe. Mangareva: puhi, to blow. Paumotu: puhipuhi, to blow. Rarotonga: pupui, id. Malay: ambus, ambusi, to blow; ambusan, bellows. Malagasy: mifufutra, to blow the bellows. Arabic: nafat'a, nafah'a, to blow out, to puff, to eject spittle. I do not take cordially to Dr. Macdonald's inclusion of Samoan pusa in his identification. This word is found also in Nukuoro and Fotuna and nowhere else in Polynesia. The accord of all other instances upon pusi, evidently pus advanced in manufacture by the verb-formative i, renders it well-nigh impossible that this rare and rigidly Proto-Samoan pusa can be associable therewith. The only difference between the two pusi senses is that to spout is blowing made visible; this sense in Polynesia appears in Tonga, Niue, and Hawaii. DATA AND NOTES. 245 176. butu, futu, butafuta, futfut, to spring up or out, as water from a spring or smoke from a fire; butu-raki, buti-raki, to appear, to come in sight. Maori : puta, to gush out, to spurt, to come in sight, to pass through, to pass in or out. Hawaii: puka, to enter in or pass out; hoopuka, to appear in sight when at a distance. Marquesas: puta, to arrive. Mangareva: puta, to go out from. Malay : tarbit, to issue, to come out, to emanate, to appear. Arabic: nabata, to spring up or out as water, to appear, to go or come forth, to come in sight. If it were not that the Maori and Hawaiian comprehend the two senses in one word I should scarcely consider buta and buturaki associable. The latter, despite our author's division of the word by the hyphen, seems to be butur-aki, btdir-aki, in which the hi which he describes as transitive par- ticle seems better comprehended as aki which is verb-formative all through Polynesia. In this case the stem is closed with a liquid. The absence of this closing radical and the difference of vowel in buta argue against its association with the butur stem. The Polynesian forms preserve the a and therefore have a formal identification with buta, but in the sense there is a mixture with significations of butur. It will be observed that this is one of the infrequent identifications with the Tongafiti swarm having no trace in Nuclear Polynesia ; therefore it should not be accepted without a clearing up of these difficulties far beyond our present power. The buturaki, butiraki, sense is found in Nuclear Polynesia in Samoa fotu, Tonga fotu, fotui, fotuaki, Futuna fotu, Viti votu, all of identical meaning. Yet there is nowhere any trace of the radical final consonant. The Tonga fotuaki would appear to negative the possibility that modern fotu stems in fotur, but this is more apparent than real, for Tonga seems not to have adopted these inflected forms until the final consonants of closed roots had vanished. In Samoa, where closed roots are normally preserved in com- posite (inflectional) forms, we have no record of any form which might give evidence upon this point. Accordingly this is not offered as an identifica- tion, but to record a resemblance sufficient to suggest identity. It is to note that Samoan fotu could not undergo any known variation and become Maori puta. 177. ngal i, kal i, al i, to stir water around. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna: ngalu, a wave, a breaker. Fotuna, Maori, Rarotonga: ngaru, id. Mangareva: ngaru, scum, froth. Paumotu: puhingaru, a bubble of water. Hawaii: nalu, a wave. Tahiti: aru, id. Marquesas, kau, nail tai, id. Malay: alun, a wave. Malagasy: aluna, id. Hebrew: galal, to roll; gal, fountain, well, waves. Syriac: galo', a wave. In addition to the identification with ngalu Dr. Macdonald, led by abraded forms of his ngal, adds the Hawaiian ale to well up, which is negligible. Both he and Tregear link with ngalu a wave ngalue to shake. In this case 246 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. the nga is a formative prefix, and the stem lite has already been studied under 159. The identification ngali-ngalu satisfies in form as little as in sense. In the Polynesian the word has a distinct and concrete meaning. The Efate, if it be regarded as concrete, means something quite different from ngalu; and if it be regarded as a loose and abstract term it has nothing in it to suggest a wave of the sea. Furthermore we find in these data almost no instance in which we are satisfied with the identification of a Polynesian concrete with a Melanesian abstract. 178. ngiringiri, bright, shining, brilliant, polished. Samoa: 'i'ila, to shine, to glisten, to glitter. Tonga: kikila, to shine, to glare; ngingila, bright, shining. Futuna: kikila, bright, shining; ngingila, brilliant, resplendent. Niue: kikila, brightness, to shine. Uvea : ngingila, bright, shining, brilliant, fiery, to beam ; pakila, a ray, a beam. Malay: gilang, to shine, to glitter, to dazzle, bright, brilliant. Arabic: gala', galiyy' ', clear, bright, shining, polished. The concurrence of ng and k forms in Tonga, Futuna and Uvea, while Samoa and Niue have but the k form, seems to point to two channels by which the word reached these several parts of Nuclear Polynesia. Of these the migration which reached Samoa- Niue seems to present an earlier stage of the root, if the Malay identification prove to be as good as it seems. Then Efate-Uvea-Futuna-Tonga are finger-posts of a later migration overlaid upon the earlier. We shall again and again notice evidences of two waves in the Proto-Samoan migration stream. The consociation of Samoa and Niue is supportable by Niue tradition. 179. kabwe, a small basket. Samoa: 'apu, a cup or dish made of a leaf. Tonga: kabu, the banana leaf so folded as to hold water; kabu, the banana leaf tied at both ends to hold water. Mangareva : kapu, a cup, a leaf dish. Rarotonga: kapu, a cup. Marquesas: kapu, a handful; curved, rounded. Tahiti: apu, the shell of a nut or gourd. Hawaii : apu, a dish or cup ; aapu, a concave vessel. All the Polynesian words are associated with the curving hollow of the hand, Maori: kapu, id. Malay: kabok, goblet. Malagasy: kapoaka, a cup, a goblet. Syriac : kapo', a goblet. Hebrew : kaf, kap, the hollow of the hand ; plural a hollow vessel, pan or bowl; kafaf, to bend, to curve. Cf. kaf 96. 180. las, lasi, big, large, great, sufficient, to suffice. Samoa: lasi, many. Futuna: lasi, many, great. Tonga: lahi, large, many, abundant. Niue : lahi, great. Uvea : lahi, many, great. Maori, Tahiti : rahi, many, great. Manahiki: rahi, great. Rarotonga: rai, large. Saparua: ilahil, great. Awaiya: ildhe, id. Arabic : 'arus'a, to be wide, large. DATA AND NOTES. 247 There should be a limit to the confidence with which we are to follow our author. Our limit is reached at this word "suffice." For it is thus that Dr. Macdonald proceeds: "to meet, i. e., to suffice, be sufficient for, as nafinanga i lasingita, the ford is sufficient for (meets) us and you, tilasi, id., also to meet, come upon, come across (a person) i tilasinauii nabua, he met us — them on the way." So far as las, last, means great the Polynesian identification is perfect. The Indonesian suggestions are derived from Turner; they are presented as resemblances; there seems no other relation. soko, masoko, true, exact, to the point. Samoa: sa'o, sdsa'o, correct, right. Futuna: sako, right, correct. Tonga: sao, pleasing, agreeing with what is right and just. Niue: hako, straight; hakohako, perfect, upright, just. Malay: sung"nh, true. Arabic: sadaka, sadk', true. Hebrew: sadak, to be straight, right, just. The extinction in Tongan of Proto-Samoan k is so unusual as to cause the thought that perhaps Tonga sao is really Samoa sao perfect, without fault or blemish, and not properly to be identified with sako. 182. sulu, a torch; sulu e, to scorch with the flame, to illuminate with a torch. Samoa: sulu, a torch; to light by a torch; sulusulu, to carry a torch; susulu, to shine (used of the heavenly bodies and of fire). Futuna: susulu, the brightness of the moon. Tonga: huluaki, huluia, huluhulu, to light, to enlighten; fakahuhulu, to shine; tuhulu, a torch or flambeau, to light with a torch. Niue : hulu , a torch ; huhulu, to shine (as the moon) . Maori : hum, the glow of the sun before rising, the glow of fire. Baki: yulu, a torch. Motu: hururu, id. Java : stduh, a torch. Arabic: s'a'ala, to light, kindle a fire, torch; s'u'ulu, flame of fire; mas'iaV, torch. The Efate gives us the torch sense ; this runs through Samoa, Tonga, Niue, Baki, Motu, Java. In Polynesia we encounter the sense of shining, which may be taken to mean that the torch is the shining thing. The abstract sense is found with the torch name conjointly in Samoa, Tonga and Niue, and exclusive of the torch in Futuna and Maori. The Samoan susulu, which expressly points out that fire and the heavenly bodies shine in the same word, is the link which joins the two significations, and the Maori would be exactly as valid if it but included a sulu torch. The celestial shining in Samoa and Tonga is general, in Niue and Futuna is moonshine, in Maori is the sun in the dawn glow. Of the Paumotu huru color, height, figure, shape, only the first sense can be in the least referable to sulu to shine, and then only to dismiss it. The Motu identification will pass muster. If the Baki is to stand it introduces a new mutation, s-y, one which rests upon this single instance ; 248 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. and our Baki material is so scanty, this being the only case involving s, that we can neither prove nor dispute it. The Java suluh seems good, for in cases where form and sense are in perfect accord we need not exact corroboration from other Indonesian sources. 183. tabwa n, tauba na, side, shore. Samoa: tapa, the uncolored border of a bast cloth. Tonga: tapa, the border or edge of bast cloth or of anything; kapa, the corners and edges of anything. Niue: tapa, side. Rapanui: tapa, edge, border, fringe, cloth, clothing. Maori: tapa, the margin, the edge, the brim of a vessel. Mangareva: tapa, bast cloth, the border of cloth. Marquesas: tapa, bast cloth. Tahiti: tape, a fragment of cloth; tapemoana, the edge of the deep water. Hawaii: kapa, bast cloth, bank, shore, side. Malay: tapi, edge, border. Arabic: taff , side, shore. The sense of side, without particular restriction, is found in Efate, Niue, Maori. The specialized sense of the border of the bast cloth, which is absent from Efate, is found to the exclusion of the general sense in Samoa and Mangareva, and inclusive of the general sense in Tonga. In Mangareva the word means not only the border but the cloth, and in the Marquesas and Hawaii the border idea has vanished and the word is applied to the cloth in general, while in Tahiti it designates any fragment of the cloth. The shore sense takes a long leap from Efate to Tahiti and Hawaii. 184. taii-ni, tao-ni, to cook, to bake in the oven; tao, leaves for cooking which are put into the oven along with the food to be cooked. Samoa: tao, to bake; taofono, taona'i, to bake food the day before it is used ; tan, the leaves used to cover an oven. Tonga : tao, to cook food in an oven, to bake. Futuna: tab, to put in an oven, to cook. Niue: tao, to bake. Uvea: tao, to cook, to bake. Maori, Rapanui : tao, to bake or cook in a native oven, properly to steam, to boil with steam. Tahiti: tao, the rocks and leaves with which a pig is covered when cooking; baked, boiled, cooked. Marquesas, Mangareva. Mangaia, Tongarewa : tao, to bake in an oven. Malagasy: tatao, the rice, milk, and honey cooked at the annual feast. Arabic: taha, tahw', to cook. The Proto-Samoan stem is taon. The word refers to the specific manner of cookery which involves the pit oven. The suggestion in the Maori, therefore, does not mean a different method ; it is but an attempt more precisely to describe the kitchen method, a very tasty cookery, be it said. The suggestion of boiling is found only in Tahiti, yet in his dictionary Bishop Jaussen does not record it under the word bouillir; boiling was little known to the Polynesians before the European introduction of pottery and other fire-resisting utensils. The DATA AND NOTES. 249 sense of the noun tad is found in Tahiti, and in Samoa where it is distin- guished from the verb by the form tau, and this corresponds to taunt, which nowhere else appears in Polynesia. The Malagasy affiliation is suggested by Tregear with the apologetic note cf. It does not seem good, for rice and milk with honey scarcely lend themselves to this cookery. The failure to recognize Polynesian kitchen conditions in regard of rice once mislaid some charity of excellent intention. The Apia hurricane of 1889, in addition to the destruction of two fleets, left the Samoans on the verge of starvation by the uprooting of their planta- tions and the snapping off of the crowns of coconut trees. As soon as their plight became known in Australia the warm-hearted Colonials despatched a cargo of rice to keep the poor islanders alive. Unfortunately the Samoans had neither stoves nor pots, they could not bake rice in a pit oven, and they were as badly off as ever until food supplies better adapted to their con- ditions reached them. 185. uta na, uta i, to pay for, repay, give in payment for. Niue : uta, to pay, to render. Maori : utu, an equivalent, a recom- pense, the price paid, to pay for, to compensate. Marquesas: utu, wages. Tahiti: utua, compensation, reward, wages. Hawaii: uku, to pay, to remunerate, wages. Malay: utang, a debt. Tagalog, Visayas: utang, id. Arabic: 'ada', to pay for, repay. The Niue identification is a satisfactory showing that the word has made an entrance into Nuclear Polynesia. The utu forms are all in the Tongafiti migration, and that is so much later as to have allowed the word to change, or it may have been a dialectic variant ab initio. These words are in accord among themselves and vary from Efate only in form and that upon the weak point of the unaccented final vowel. They are, therefore, acceptable. The Malayan identifications are imperfectly satisfactory. Polynesia has the sense of something that is paid to a person who has the right to receive it; Indonesia has the sense of what a person has to pay out. The distinction is one that would have found Wilkins Micawber, Esq., at his best, to the rest of us a tragedy. Yet in form the Indonesian words agree in a terminal consonant, which is also in Efate utana, if I am correct in thus reading the word. EFATE-VITI-MELANESIAX-POLYNESIAN-SEMITIC. 186. afa, afafa, ofa, ofaofa, to swim. vSamoa, Futuna : opeope, to float. Viti : nawa, to float. Epi: viava, mia, to swim. Arabic: 'ama, to float, to swim (said of a man), to go (of a camel), to dispose in sheaves or bundles ; 'amat, a bundle, float or raft for carrying things across water. If the following were but an exercise of Dr. Macdonald's reasoning I should have left it in his volume where the curious might find it, yet on 250 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. account of what seems a definite and positive ascription to a "native" I must give it place : The first meaning (to swim) seems not connected with the second (to carry), to a European, but a native connects them thus: a man afa natas, swims or floats on the sea, the sea afa natamole bears or carries the man; so a man afa ki nakasu, swims holding a floating stick, but if he gets on to the stick and lets it float him ashore the stick is said to afa i carry him. The sea or the stick carries him thus, hence afa, v. t., denotes carry a man on one's back, then to carry anything on the back: and as a man so carried clasps with his arms the carrier round the chest, the head of an axe is said to afa its handle, and as one carrying a basket on his back holds the string of it over his shoulder, so a man drawing a log by a string thus over his shoulder is said to afa it, and a tug steamer is said to afa or tow a ship. A dog afa a piece of meat, carrying it off firmly held by its teeth, and a man afa a pipe or a twig, i. e., carries it held by his teeth. A messenger afa, carries his message, a horse its rider, and a warrior afa, carries, i. e., leads his troop; also a person afa narongitesan, bears a disease or infirmity or trouble. In the Arabic word there is the idea of connection together (as things in a bundle). In afai, carry him as a floating stick carries a man in the water, or a horse carries him on land, the transitive preposition i gives the verb its transitive force, make to swim, to go, i. e., carry. This identification seems very doubtful at every point. In the matter of signification, floating is by the islanders quite distinguished from swim- ming. Through of a the Efate afa approximates ope in form, but the sense difficulty remains. Efate and Samoa are the forms which lack an initial con- sonant. Between Viti and Epi there is sense dissimilarity, but there is a certain formal resemblance except for the initial consonant. It might be argued that the fact that there is such dissimilarity shows that this con- sonant is in a state of flux and therefore the more readily tends to vanish. The mutation is not recognized in any of our Epi material. Regarded as n-m mutation, we have but three instances of its occurrence in our data, and that no nearer than Marina (312-3, 317, 324). If regarded as m-n mutation, our only support will lie in the equally distant Nggao and New Georgia in the single word 351. The Semitic requires all Dr. Macdonald's reasoning above cited, and even then wholly fails of giving satisfaction. 187. aran, oran, arain, oraone, on, uen (in on and uen the radical r is changed to n), sand. Samoa, Fakaafo, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Nukuoro, Aniwa, Fotuna, Maori, Tahiti, Hawaii, Rarotonga, Manahiki, Mar- quesas : one, oneone, sand. Nuguria : one, sand ; oneone, beach. Mangareva: one, the soil; onepatapata, sand. Rapanui: oone, sand, gravel, clay, dirt, filth. Vate: ngone, sand. Viti: Oneata, the name of an island. Mota, Santo, Malo, Keapara, Galoma, Saa: one, sand. Leon: leon, on the sand. Baki: iono, sand. Bierian: eniono, id. Santo Wulua: parono, id. Malekula: dambanaiin, id. Motu, Sinau- goro, Hula, Rubi: hone, id. Kiriwina: kana-kenua. Boniki: gonugonu. Oiun: ganas. Arabic: horr', horron, sand; from harm, to be hot. Through inability to use his critical apparatus Dr. Macdonald has solved his quite unnecessary difficulty by his note as to the change of radical r-n. A different arrangement of the Efate material will develop the true radical DATA AND NOTES. 251 quite simply, on, uen for the simple stem; oraone, arain, aran, oran for the composite. The stem is one and the Viti, Polynesian, and much of the Melanesian identification is exact. The form oraone shows that one is compounded with an element ora, and this may be the same as ara. In these compounds the one member through in is degraded into a mere n. This ora or ara may have somewhat to do with the per of Santo Wulua perono. When unsupported one loses its final vowel in on, and in uen seems to undergo such vowel shift as is found in arain. In Melanesia, so far as is not included in the general identification, we find the loss of the final vowel in le-on, and probably in Malekula dambana-un we have the same loss together with vowel shift. The form ono is found in composites in Baki and Bierian and in Santo Wulua. Having thus removed the ara from the Efate words there is left to the Arabic identification not even a resemblance. 188. aso, to burn, to be scorched. Samoa: 'a'asa, glowing hot. Tonga, Uvea: kakaha, hot, fiery, painful. Futuna: kaka, fiery, reddened by fire. Niue: kaka, hot, red-hot. Viti : nggesa, burnt or scorched in cooking. Aneityum: acas, cas, to burn, hot, burning; ecescas, burnt. Arabic: wakada, to burn, to be kindled. Hebrew: yakad, id. Syriac: ikad, id. The Proto-Samoan stem is kas. The vanishing of radical k in Efate finds support in mataku (258) to fear Efat£ mitaku, where also we have mitan. This granted we have an excellent identification in sense and form from Melanesia through Viti to Nuclear Polynesia. The Niue and Futuna kaka are the reduplication of the root after abrasion of its final consonant. One of the Aneityum forms points the way very neatly to the Viti vowel change. 189. bwalo, to be empty, vain, null and void, to no purpose or effect. Samoa: vale, inactive, needless, worthless. Tonga: vale, in vain, in ukiuki-vale, to inquire in vain. Hawaii: wale, gratuitously, idly, without reward. Viti: wale, uselessly, idly, only, for nothing, gratis. Mota: tuwale, only. Arabic: batala, but/, bot/, to no end, in vain, for nothing, idle. Hebrew: batal, to be empty, vacant, idle. Ethiopic: .batala, to be empty, vain. 190. bebe, a butterfly. Samoa: pepe, a butterfly, a moth, to flutter about. Nukuoro, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Fotuna, Nuguria, Tahiti, Marquesas : pepe, a butterfly. Maori : pepe, a grub, a moth ; pepepepe, a butterfly ; pepeatua, a species of butterfly. Tonga : bebe, a butterfly. Viti: mbembe, a butterfly. Rotuma: pep, id. 252 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Arag, Ulawa, Saa, Fagani, Bululaha, Hula, Keapara, Galoma : pepe, butterfly. Epi: lepepe, id. Moanus: ndraplpi, id. New Georgia: pepele, id. Omba, Maewo, Wango, Vaturanga, Buka, Baravon, New Britain, Solomon Islands, Rubi, Suau, Sariba: bebe, id. Laur: bdbd, id. Mugula, Tubetube, Tagula, Murua: bebi, id. Savo: bebeula, id. Motu, Sinaugoro: kaubebe, id. Panaieti, Misima: bebebi, id. Pokau: ebebelo, id. Roro: peropero, id. Nada, Kiriwina: beba, id. Boniki: bebabeba, id. Mukawa, Raqa: arabebemta, id. Kwagila: karabibim, id. Taupota, Wedau: bebeu, id. Awalama: kapeu, id. Tavara: gw/w, id. Dobu: pepega, id. Mekeo: /e/e, id. Kiviri, Oiun: /e/e&, id. Lakon, Pak, Sasar, Alo Teqel: pep, id. Lo: pip, id. Norbarbar: peb, id. Volow, Merlav, Gog, Motlav: beb, id. Lamassa: 6aw, id. Lambell: 'hamb'd, id. Mota: pepe, rupe, id. Nggela: uleulebe, id. Buka: 6awe, id. Brierly Island: bebi, a moth. Malo: vebe, a butterfly. Baki: bembe, id. Tanna: paubauuk, id. Morella: pepeue, butterfly. Amboyna: pepeul, id. Hebrew : 'w/>, '«6'e6, to flutter. The identification is so complete that we need no more than simple inspection until we reach the forms which are either more or less than pepe. The pep, by abrasion of the final vowel, finds itself in Rotuma, Lakon, Pak, Sasar, Alo Teqel, Lo, Norbarbar, Volow, Merlav, Gog, Motlav. Still further abrasion, or what amounts to the same thing, the unduplicated stem pe, does not, with perhaps a single exception, appear unsupported ; but as a composition member it is found in Lambell 'hambd, Mota rupe, and Nggela uleulebe. Our possible exception is Lamassa bam. Laur, Lamassa, and Lambell we have through a single channel, very German and the most com- petent piece of ethnography I know. From this we see that bd is close to be. In Lambell the bd is compounded ; in Lamassa, but a few miles away, bam may be regarded as but bd nasalized, as is sometimes the Melanesian case; or the m may be a mutant from p, as we shall discuss in note 207. Variants of pepe are easily traced in Malo vebe, Baki bembe; and Tanna pau- bauuk, while remote from the standard, as Tanna lies remote from the free track of migration, seems struggling to preserve the same stem. In Indo- nesia the pepe stem is unmistakable in Morella and Amboyna. We now turn to the pepe composites. Lambell 'hambd we have already noted. Not by any means identifiable with 7*aw,but associable because at the northern verge, we note Motu kaubebi and Moanus ndraplpi. There is a liquid component which so frequently associates itself with pepe as to attract notice. Its simplest form is le, initial in Epi lepepe, final in New Georgia pepele. There is a stronger form, yet I incline to regard it identical : ula final in Savo bebeula, Amboyna pepeul, Morella pepeue; initial as tde in Nggela uleulebe. This may appear in oriori butterfly in the Lakatoi language. This consistent reducibility to elemental pe, and Buka bawe is so reduc- ible as well, removes all possibility of identification with the Hebrew word offered. We should not pass unnoticed a group of forms which Dr. Ray has col- lected on the New Guinea shore of Torres Straits. The meaning is wing, DATA AND NOTES. 253 but that is not particularly remote from the butterfly signification. At least the comparison is worth making. Starting with pepe and ending with ani, these forms show a remarkable process of dilapidation of the Polynesian stem in the custody of Melanesians or worse, yet there is a perfect chain from pepe to ani. The form pepe is found in Mugula,Tube- tube, and Panaieti. The slightly variant pape is found in Dobu, Awalama, Taupota, Wedau, and Kubiri ; and Tavara apape is a modification of the same. The simple, unduplicated stem, pe, is recognizable in mape of Galavi, Boniki, and Mukawa; in mabe of Mugula; and in peapea of Sariba. Recurring to the pape stem we have no difficulty in following it to Oiun baben and Kiviri fafen. At this point we have acquired a final n, which thenceforward dominates the stem. Its simple series runs in this order: Sinaugoro pane, Mekeo pant, Galoma bane, Uni bani, Keapara vane, Pokau vani, Motu hani, Rubi ani. More involved forms are, Misima bpeni, Nada papane, Murua pinpene, Kiriwina pinipanela. 191. bilikit, to peel. Samoa : mele'i, to husk coconuts. Viti: longgata, to peel: meleka, to break off a small piece of food. Aneityum : milinga, to peel. Ethiopic : lahasa, to peel. The Proto-Samoan stem is melek. We can find this in Samoa, Viti and Aneityum. The Efate m-b mutation we have already been compelled to recognize in umu (76) oven Efate" uba. These two instances are very satisfactory, yet there are no other except that similar m-v mutation in masaki (323) sick Nggela vahagi. The Viti longgata in which our author sees identity is no more than a partial resemblance. 192. boro, the coconut leaf; a basket made thereof; the leaf plaited for thatch- ing houses. Samoa: pola, a plaited coconut leaf used to inclose the sides of a house. Tonga: pola, the nut leaf plaited for thatch and other purposes ; bolobola, a large basket made of the nut leaf. Futuna : pola, plaited coconut leaves. Niue : pola, a coconut-leaf mat. Maori: pora, a kind of mat. Tahiti: farepora, a small, neatly thatched house on a double canoe; haapora, a sort of long basket. Mangareva : pora, a general name formats. Paumotu : kaporapora, a mat. Fotuna: borabora, a coconut leaf basket. Marquesas: poa, coconut leaves. Sikayana: pur a, thatch. Viti : mbola, a coconut leaf plaited for thatching, a basket. Mota : pora, a basket. New Georgia : poru, a mat. Bougainville : polta, sl mat. Aneityum : naburabura, a coarse basket. Arabic: fara', to split, to rend, to slit. The identification is perfect in our territory, the only variants from the pola type being Sikayana pur a and Aneityum burabura, in New Georgia poru, and the unaccountable injection of t in Bougainville polta. This, however, may be a syncopation of polata, the pola screens which serve for Venetian blinds about the islander's house. As usual our author : "bworai 254 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. to split open ; bora a basket woven out of the frond of a coconut palm whose stalk is split asunder." He is looking not only at bworai, hut at the Arabic he is about to suggest. The slitting of the stalk would appear to the islander, as to us, the first and least important of the operations whereby the basket is produced. 193- kafika, the rose apple. Samoa: nonufi'afi'a, the Malay apple. Futuna: kafika, a fruit tree. Niue: kafika, a lofty tree. Fotuna: kafika, the rose apple. Tahiti: ahid, Malay apple. Maori: kahika, the white pine. Marquesas: kehika, kehia, ehia, tree names. Hawaii: ohia, a tree name. Viti : kavika, Malay apple. Mota, Lo, Maewo, Arag, Marina: gaviga, the rose apple. Tangoan Santo: kabika, khabika, id. Santo Wulua: keviga, id. Malo: avica, id. Merlav, Lakon: gavig, id. Mosin: gevig, id. Leon: vegig, id. Motlav: na-gveg, id. Norbarbar: geve, id. Re tan: vege, id. Malekula Pangkumu: havih, id. Pak: marag, id. Sasar: merag, id. AloTeqel: mereg, id. Tanna: ni-gauvug, id. Hebrew: tapuah, an apple. Arabic: toffah, id. The Proto-Samoan is kafik. The modern Samoan has reduced this stem by the initial syllable, but in compensation it has incorporated the name of the custard apple (Morinda citrifolia). With mere color justification this nonu passes in Samoan over to varieties of the kafika {Eugenia malaccensis) as nonuui the white and nonu'ula the red variety. It will, therefore, be not out of place to introduce a brief record of nonu, all the more since it is one of the very few words in Polynesia which points at all clearly to a Sanskrit source, nona in that language being the custard apple. nonu: Samoa, Nukuoro, Gilberts, British New Guinea, Tonga, Niue, Futuna, Marquesas (noil). nono: Tahiti, Mangareva. nino: Mortlocks, Marshalls, Tagalog, Pampangas. nunu: Viti. nona: Sanskrit, Malay. In reducing the element of the composite which pertains to Eugenia malaccensis Samoa with its fi'a differs from every language in the Polynesian system ; yet this vanishing tendency of the first syllable shows itself in the initial abrasion which gives us Tahiti ahid, Marquesas ehia and Hawaii ohia. In Melanesia the trisyllabic form is maintained intact in Mota, Lo, Maewo, Arag, Marina, Tangoan Santo, Santo Wulua, and in Malo with the abrasion of the initial k as in the extremes of eastern Polynesia. Our next group includes the dissyllables which now appear as closed stems through abrasion of the final vowel ; these are Merlav, Lakon, Mosin, Leon, Motlav, Malekula Pangkumu, and Tanna. We find yet a third group, dissyllables of open stem through the abrasion of the final consonant of the last preceding group ; these are Norbarbar and Re tan. DATA AND NOTES. 255 The change in the initial syllable from a to e, which we find in the remote Marquesas, is here observed in Santo Wulua, Mosin, Leon, Norbarbar, and Retan. Metathesis is observed in Leon from Mosin, and in Re tan from Norbarbar. Retan vege might be fika, after the manner of the loss in Samoan ; but as Leon vegig must be Mosin gcvig, which is kafik, we prefer to consider Retan in accord with its neighbor. Motlav na-gveg I have classed in the foregoing with the dissyllables of closed stem. The initial n is the shadow of the article, just as ni in Tanna, but Motlav is a very diffi- cult language to write because the article attracts the nearest vowel of the stem, in this case gaveg; therefore na is article for this word and in attract- ing has also subtracted. Pak, Sasar, and Alo Teqel are a separate and unassociable group. The Semitic proposed by Dr. Macdonald is clearly irrelevant. 194. kori, kuri, oria, kuria, a dog, a brave, a warrior. Samoa: 'nil, a dog. Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Fotuna, Aniwa : kuli, id. Maori, Rarotonga, Manga reva, Paumotu, Sikayana: kuri, id. Tahiti: un, id. Viti: kali, a dog. Baki, Epi, Ambrym, Santa Cruz, Deni: kuli, a dog. Iai, Tanna, Eromanga, Malekula, Aneityum : kuri, id. Epi : koria, kuliu, id. Sesake: koriia, id. Malo: vuria, id. Tangoan Santo : vuriu, id. Bierian: kuliu, id. Santo: wurin, id. Arabic: gorw', a young dog; gariyy' , brave. The identifications are satisfactory and the stem shows no variations until we reach Malo and Santo with the k-v mutation, which is found only in these two languages and in this word alone. The closely similar k-w mutation spreads over a wider area of speech, yet also is found in but a single word. The Santo word wurin derived from Dr. Macdonald's gram- mar of that language is so close to Tangoan Santo vuriu that I must regard the final n, otherwise incomprehensible, as a fault of the press. The Arabic does combine in similar words the Efate significations, yet not even on that account is it convincing in the absence of confirmatory evidence to bridge the gap. 195- koto bolo, a basket (bolo, basket). Samoa: 'ato, a basket. Tonga, Fotuna, Uvea: kato, a basket. Niue : kato, a basket, a bag. Viti: kato, a basket. Lo: gat, a bag. Malekula: na-cat, a basket. Malo: cete, id. Tanna: katum, id. Aneityum: in-cat, id.; nefehcat, a large basket. Arabic: ka'tat, a basket for carrying dates. As koto means a basket and bolo means a basket, the use of synonyms in composition is an interesting example in Melanesia of the principle of determinant compounds, the existence of which in Samoan I have else- where established (14 Journal Polynesian Society, 40). Koto is readily identifiable with kato in Nuclear Polynesia and Melanesia and no forms call 256 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. for explanation except the as yet inexplicable m-final in Tanna katum. The Malo cete is here included. It is probably a member of the kete series, which it will at least serve to introduce here. The consonant skeleton being the same in kete and kato, we may venture to look upon them as variants of very early introduction. Maori, Rarotonga, Futuna, Marquesas : kete, a basket. Tonga, Uvea, Viti : kete, the belly. Mangareva : akaketekete, to grow big (said of adolescent girls). Rapanui: kete, keete, basket, sack. Nuguria : kete, fishtrap, kiddle, food basket. Samoa : 'ete, basket, bag. Tahiti, Nukuoro : ete, id. Hawaii : eke, a bag, a small sack. Mota: gete, a basket. Malo: cete, id. Aneityum: in-ced, in-cet (in composition), id. The Aneityum with in-cat {kato) and in-cet {kete), Samoa 'ato and (ete, establish satisfactorily the transition forms. As covering the sense passage from basket to Tonga, Uvea, and Viti belly, we may instance that in English of the Marquis of Queensberry rhetoric the bread-basket is a parallel case. 196. koto-fi, kote-fi, to cut, to cut off, to break off. Samoa : 'oti, to cut, to clip (as the hair) ; 'oto, 'otofia, to pluck one. here and another there. Tonga: koji, to cut with scissors; koto, to crop, to shorten shrubs; koso, to cut. Futuna: koti, to cut; koto, to pluck a leaf from its branch. Niue: kotikoti, to notch. Maori, Rarotonga, Paumotu: koti, to cut. Mar- quesas, Mangareva: kokoti, id. Rapanui: kokoti, to cut off. Uvea: kosi, to clip, to shear. Tahiti: oti, id. Hawaii: oki, id. Viti: koti, shears; kotiva, to clip or shear; kosova, to cut across. Lambell: koti, to cut. ~Kmg: toki, id. Lamassa: knti, id. Mota: got, id. ; igot, a cutter; goso, to stab. Pala : kut, to cut through. Arabic : kata'a, cut, cut off, separate. The Proto-Samoan stems are kotif and kotof. We here assemble three forms. Koti and koto are manifestly associable. As to the final radical consonant we establish kotif on Viti and Efate, kotof on Samoa and Efate, and kosof on Viti. Of these forms kotif and kotof are identical in respect of the complete consonantal skeleton and differ only in the unaccented and weak vowel ; kotof and kosof are in vowel agreement and differ only in the t-s mutation, which has been proved a normal Polynesian change. With such strong concords and with such simple differences I regard the three as ancient variants of a parent stem. Let us now examine the distribution of these forms. kotif: Samoa, Viti, Efate, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Maori, Rarotonga, Paumotu, Marquesas, Mangareva, Tahiti, Hawaii — in other words it belongs equally to the Proto-Samoan and the Tongafiti swarms. kotof: Samoa, Efate, Tonga, Futuna — purely Proto-Samoan. kosof: Tonga, Viti, and Uvea an interesting transition form. Our Melanesian material except in Efate does not include kotof, the Mota /-stem being omitted from the consideration. In King we have a simple DATA AND NOTES. 257 metathetic variant. Kotif occurs in Efate, in three of the New Ireland languages at the eastern Indonesian gateway, and probably here are to be classed the abraded Mota forms. Kosof is not positively but quite likely identified in Mota goso. Tonga alone employs the three forms. 197. lago, to prop, the wooden pins whose sharpened ends are driven into the sama (outrigger) of a canoe and whose upper ends crossed hold and bear up the nakiat (struts). Samoa : lango, props to rest a canoe on, to raise on supports. Tonga : lango, a fulcrum, to raise by logs or pieces of wood, blocks of wood on which anything is raised. Niue: lango, a support. Maori : rango, the skid or roller over which logs, canoes, and the like are dragged. Mangareva: rango, floor joists. Rapanui: rango, bed, scaffold, ladder; rangorango, stool. Rarotonga: tirango, threshold. Paumotu: tirangorango , joists. Tahiti: rao, a block or roller under a boat, sleepers under a floor. Viti: lango, a threshold, pieces of wood on which anything is set. Mota: lango, to put rollers under; ilango, a roller; taplagolago, cylindrical. Nggela : tapalagolago (from Mota) , a cart, a wheel. Merlav: geilang, a roller for a canoe. Santo: lako, props of a canoe. Arabic: rakaha, to prop. The Proto-Samoan stem is langom. The word runs its course across our area with only the minor ng-g mutation in Efate and Nggela and partly in Mota, and the equivalent ng-k mutation in Santo. 198. mat', ebb, low water. Samoa: masa, taimasa, low tide; masamasa, to be making ebb. Futuna: masa, dry, waterless, empty. Nukuoro: masa, dry. Tonga: mahaifo,mahamaha, mamaha, ebb; maha, empty. Niue : maha, empty. Uvea : maha, dry. Rapanui : taimaha, low tide. Nuguria: umasa, low; tai kumaha, lagoon is dry. Viti: matt, to ebb; matha, empty, dry. Mota: mamasa, dry; mamasaiga, parched. Nggela: mamaha, dry (of land). Aneityum: mese, dry; in-mas, ebb tide. Arabic : mat' a, to macerate and dissolve. Hebrew : masas, to melt, to flow down, to waste. We have here two words : one, Efate mat1 and Viti mati, ebb tide, with no previous history; the other, masa, becomes ebb tide only in a resultant fashion. Masa has the basic signification of dry; this is the only sense in Uvea and Nukuoro, in Mota and Nggela ; it is associated with another sense in Futuna, Viti and Aneityum. The first secondary sense, empty, is the only signification in Niue, and in association with another sense it occurs in Viti and Futuna. The third signification is dryness in a restricted sense, the beach or reef from which the water has receded, that is to say, ebb or low water. This is the only sense in which the word is used in Samoa ; in Tonga it is associated with the empty, and in Aneityum with the dry sense. 258 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. InViti we find matha of the mas a stem; this renders it quite unlikely that mati has any relation thereto. If Viti mati fails, then Efate maV is left un- supported. We are therefore justified in rejecting this identification, so far as it enters Polynesia; we can only recognize an Efate- Viti identification to be added to the list of words established in Viti as of Melanesian source. Of course even without these considerations the proposed Semitic iden- tification fails utterly on the ground of sense, for it can have no relation whatever to words of the meaning here involved. 199. mata, mwata, a snake. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea : nga ta, a snake. Maori : ngata, a snail, a slug, a leech, a looper caterpillar. Fotuna: ta-ngata, a snake. Viti: ngata, a snake. Malo, Rubi, Dobu : moata, a snake. Mota, Mugula, Sariba, Misima : mata, id. Suau, Tavara, Awalama, Taupota, Wedau, Galavi, Boniki, Mukawa, Raqa, Kiviri, Oiun: mota, id. Santo: mata, maura, id. Bierian: n'mata, id. Malekula: na-mat, id. Baki: maro, id. Murua: mateta, id. Nada: moteta, id. Arabic: 'it' at', 'at'a', a snake. The parent of these forms is a problem. It can scarcely have been ngata, for ng is a consonant which in all the Melanesian languages here adduced is susceptible of ready reproduction as ng or n. Still less can it have been mata, for in one of the Efate forms, in Malo, and in Mota (Codrington dis- tinguishes it as mata) we see a positive effort to express not the pure m which they have and use but something somehow different, a suggestion of mb. We have no means of determining or of representing a parent sound which shall class as its children ng-mw-m. The identifications of this ngata are in other respects distinctly satisfac- tory. I can not include therewith the Baki maro and its congener Santo maura. These we shall consider true Melanesian material. The absence of the word from the Tongafiti migration (except Maori with its modified sense) is a zoological rather than a linguistic lacuna; it is conditioned by the fact that east of the strait which parts German from American Samoa there are no snakes. The Semitic words mean snake; they possess an a and a t apiece, but these are insufficient proof of identity. 200. mauri, to live; maurian, life. Samoa : maui, a Manu'a salutation, 'ua mdui mat. Tonga, Niue : moui, alive, life, to live. Futuna, Uvea: mauli, id. Vat6: mauri, to live. Aniwa: mouri. Nukuoro: mouni, to live. Fotuna: no-mauri, id.; ta-mauri, life: emauri, to feel well. Viti: maurimu, a word of blessing used by the priests when people take a thing to the house of the god ; conjecturally, mauri, life, and -raw, possessive suffix of the second singular, "thy life," or, "may thou live." Rotuma: mauri, to live; amauri, to make, to live; amauringa, savior. DATA AND NOTES. 259 Sesake, Ulawa, Waima, Kabadi, Galoma, Motu: manri, to live. Saa: manri, meuri, id.; maurihe, life, safety. Santo: meuri, to live. Bierian: maidi, id.; ni mauliana, life. Baki: meouli, to live; meoulian, life. Malo: mauru, life, to live. Tangoan Santo: nauri, to live. Mota: maur, to live. Malekula: maur, id.; mauran, life. Ponape: maur, to live. Marshalls: mour, id. Vaturanga: maumauri, to live; maurisali, life. New Britain: wamanrpa, to make to live. Tanna: murif, life. Laka- toi language : makuri, life, alive. Keapara, Hula : maguli, life. Arabic: 'a^'a, 'a'isn, ma'as", ma'is'', ma'is' at, to live. Before discussing the stem in its greater extension I would comment on my identification in Samoa and Viti. When we observe the general use of mauri, to live, we should expect to find it certainly in Samoa and very likely in Viti. In neither does it appear on the surface; Samoa has ola to live, a word wholly of the Tongafiti migration, and Viti in mbula to live employs a word of Melanesian stock which enters Samoan only in the inter- jection apuld in congratulation upon safe delivery from a sneeze. The Viti maurimu is susceptible of no other explanation based on exist- ing Viti material, and the explanation which I have proposed has no objec- tion other than that mauri is not elsewhere used in Viti as signifying to live ; therefore I have no hesitation in believing this to be a valid explanation. It is interesting to observe that in wishing long life in ceremonial phrase the Viti uses the Samoan word, the Samoan the Viti. Yet we have a par- allel example in our own speech. Those of us who salute the sneezer are more than likely to ejaculate Prosit! Dieu vous benisse! Gesundheit! rather than English. Piety has always been prone to find somewhat esoteric in the foreign: "Mesopotamia, blessed word!" In our Samoan authorities, and George Pratt was a marvel of recondite information, no explanation is offered of the pleasant Manu'a phrase 'ua maui mai. To give it sense by identifying it with mauli to live needs but to establish the evanescence of the inner liquid. In my work on Samoan phonetics ( 1 7 Journal of the Polynesian Society, 1 54) I have proved not only that this is a Polynesian change, but that it holds in Samoa in partic- ular. In this material it needs but the comparison of Futuna with Tonga. The l-n mutation is peculiarly persistent in Nukuoro. Thus far we have found the word Nuclear Polynesian and signifying to live. But it is found in Tongafiti possession and meaning native, indige- nous rather than foreign. There is no gradation of signification. We are thus led to discriminate between the two swarms. The Proto-Samoan swarm left the common center with mauli meaning to live ; the Tongafiti did not follow until it had popularized ola in the sense to live and had set mauli into the background of a secondary sense. Meaning native, it is in the following series : Maori, Tahiti, Mangareva, Paumotu : maori. Hawaii : maoli. Marquesas: maoi. 201. nono, ne, noi, to dwell or be beside some one, to abide. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna : nofo, to sit, to dwell, to live with. Niue, Uvea: nofo, to sit, to dwell. Fotuna: no-nofo, to dwell, to remain. Fakaafo, Aniwa, Vate: nofo, to sit. Maori, Tahiti: 260 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. noho, to sit, to dwell, to live with. Hawaii, Marquesas, Paumotu : noho, to sit, to dwell. Mangareva : noho, to remain, to dwell. Sikayana, Tongarewa : noho, to sit, to stay. Mana- hiki, Nukuoro :noho, to sit. Bukabuka : noo, to be. Raro tonga : noo, to sit, to dwell. Moiki: noho, id. Rapanui: noho, to sit, to dwell, a bench. Nuguria: nofo, to sit: unoho, to dwell; nahoa, bench. Viti: no, to lie (of things) ; nbnb, a place to lie on. Rotuma: noh, to sit, noho, a place. Motu: noho, to dwell, to stay. Vaturanga: noho (are mate noho, they are dead, have died: "this is, no doubt, the Maori noho to sit" — Codrington). Nggao: nokro, to sit. Pala: noh, to lie. Hebrew: navah, naah, to sit down, to rest, to dwell. The Polynesian stem is unalterably a dissyllable, the only change which it exhibits being the mutation /-/i-extinction, the last being found in Raro- tonga and Bukabuka. In Rotuma noh (i.e., noho under terminal abrasion) we find a transition form to no in Viti and Efate, thence by reduplication nono. The principal objection to this chain of forms lies in the fact that while Viti and Efate agree upon wo-forms Motu and Vaturanga, at a greater backward distance from Polynesia, have noho. In Nggao f-kr gives us an anomalous mutation, of which this is the sole instance, for in all our colla- tion of /-variants we find nothing approximating this wholly irregular kr. The passage from ^-sense to 6e-sense seems far greater to us than to the islanders. They have not arrived at the need of a word to express being in the abstract. The occurrence of this signification in Vaturanga far to the west balances the extremeness of the easting of Bukabuka, in which it is again found. 202. rakum, rakoma, a crab. Samoa : 'ama'ama, a crab (Grapsidae) found in the rocks. Tonga : kamakama, a rock crab. Niue : kamakama, a crab. Futuna : kamakama, a little black crab that lives in chinks of the rocks. Viti : nggumunggumu, a kind of crab. Epi : lakum, a crab. Arabic : h'umh'um', a crab. We lack data on which to establish through transition forms the identity which seems probable between the kama of Nuclear Polynesia and the Efate and Epi ra-kum. 203. sar i, sari, to saw ; seri, to cut with a sawing motion ; sara, a saw. Samoa : sala, to lop, to cut off ; sele, a bamboo knife, to cut or clip (as the hair) ; selei, to cut, to shear, to slash. Futuna, Uvea : sele, a knife, to cut off, to cut. Nukuoro : selesele, to carve, to engrave. Fotuna: no-sere, to cut; seria, a saw. Tonga: hele, a knife, to cut, to lacerate; hehele, to cut. Niue: hele, hehele, to cut up, to reap, to castrate. Hawaii: mahele, to divide, to cut in pieces. Maori : here, a spear for killing birds. Paumotu : kohere, to cleave, to split. DATA AND NOTES. 261 Viti: sele, a bamboo knife; seleva, to cut with a knife, to castrate. Nggela, Belaga: sari, to cut. Malo: sarosaro, to saw; isaro, a saw. Mota : sal, to cut with a drawing motion ; gasal, a knife ; sir, to shave. Gog: gasal, a knife. Maewo: siri, to shave; siriva, to shave off something. Pak, Leon : sir, to shear. Sesake : soro, a saw; soroa, to saw. Pala: sele, a bush knife. Hebrew: nas'ar, to saw. Aramaic: nsar, id. Throughout the data assembled in this item there is manifest a tendency to particularize the manner of cutting. Thus Efate, Fotuna, Malo, Sesake, all specify the saw ; Samoa, Pak, Leon have the shearing and clipping sense ; Mota and Maewo shave ; many of these languages indicate the knife ; Nuku- oro suggests the burin. From this presentation we might infer an equip- ment of saws, scissors, razors, lancets and all manner of edged tools. Far otherwise is the fact. The silex-edged bamboo splinter, the lip of a shell ground sharp, the tooth of a shark — these are the cutting tools of the Pacific islands, east as well as west. The definition is at fault which gives the sense of saw to any word of a people which has no tool that cuts by notches in a blade, of shear to men who know no scissors. It would be idle to seek to differentiate these words by the tool employed, for a rude knife is all there is. The most that we may venture upon is to segregate the data by the former vowel. E. sele: Samoa, Futuna, Uvea, Nukuoro, Fotuna, Tonga, Niue, Hawaii, Maori, Paumotu, Viti — altogether Polynesian. seli: Fotuna, Efate — Melanesian, and wholly so if the Fotuna form be considered due to neighboring New Hebrides influence. I. sili: Mota, Maewo, Pak, Leon — all northern New Hebrides. A. sala: Samoa, Efate. salo: Malo. sali: Efate, Nggela, Belaga. sal: Efate, Mota, Gog. 0. solo: Sesake. Viti and Maewo seem to indicate a root closed in v which does not else- where appear, which had been quite lost at the time when Samoa erected the verb selei upon the noun sele. 204. sik e, sek e, saki, to raise; sike-ti, to grasp with tongs. Samoa: si'i, to lift. Futuna: siki, to lift, to raise, to remove. Uvea: fakasiisii, to raise; hiki, to lift up. Tonga: hiki, to lift, to remove. Niue: hiki, to land, as fish from a canoe. Maori: hiki, to lift up, to carry, to nurse. Mangareva : hiki, to hold a child in the arms or on the knees. Paumotu : hiki, to fondle. Mangaia: iki, to nurse a child in the arms. Marquesas: hiki, hii, to nurse a child. Tahiti: hii, to nurse, to dandle, to take a child in the arms. Hawaii : hii, to lift up, to carry, to nurse. Viti: sikita, to raise, to lift up. Aneityum : ahieng, to drag, to draw up. Hebrew : hazak, to hold fast, to take hold of, to seize. The Proto-Samoan stem is sikit. The Efate siketi is associable by reason of its form, but the sense is too remote and too particular for a satisfactory identification. 262 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. In Polynesia are a primary and a secondary sense. The sense of to raise is exclusively Nuclear Polynesian including Efate. In the Tongafiti migra- tion the sense is exclusively to nurse a child, a particular instance of lifting up. I have been willing to mark the sharpness of this division by using in the foregoing sentence the word exclusively, yet with the full knowledge that Hawaii and Maori seem to contradict. I have already pointed out the evidence of single words showing a direct migration from Samoa to Hawaii by the north and to New Zealand by the south. This combination of the two sharply marked senses in Hawaii and Maori seems to me to be associable therewith. Mr. Tregear's suggestion that Aneityum ahieng shows kinship with this stem does not commend itself to me. 205. sila i, sela i, sol i, to rub, as to rub oneself with oil. Samoa : soloi, a towel, to wipe ; solo, a towel, to wipe as after bathing. Futuna: solo, to wipe. Tonga: holo, a towel, to wipe, to dry; holoi, to wipe, to dry off, to rub off. Niue : holoholo, a hand- kerchief, towel, napkin, to wash the hands or body. Uvea : holo, holoi, holoholoi, to rub, to wipe, to clean. Hawaii: holoi, to wash, to wipe, to brush, to cleanse. Rapanui : horoi, to clean, to wipe out ; horohoro, to brush. Maori, Tahiti : horoi, to wash. Mangareva: horoi, oroi, to wipe, to wash. Mangaia: oroi, to wash. Rarotonga: orei, to wipe, to wash. Marquesas: hooi, id. Viti : solota, to rub, to dry oneself after bathing. Motu: huria, to wash, to scrub. Mota: sarag, to wipe; sarav, to rub; saravag, to brush. Aneityum: ruhoi, to rub. Arabic: "asala, "usul', to wash. This solo stem is not clearly distinguishable from olo (331) to rub. The motion of the hands being the same, solo may be a particular instance of olo. For this reason it has not seemed desirable to attempt rigid accuracy in assigning the Melanesian examples. In general we may note a distinction in sense between Nuclear Polynesia and the Tongafiti eastern extension, Nuclear Polynesia referring to the drying after bathing, eastern Polynesia to the bathing. The only exception to this in Nuclear Polynesia is Niue which has both senses. Maori, Tahiti and Mangaia are restricted to the washing sense ; Hawaii, Mangareva, the Marquesas, and Rarotonga have both. In Melanesia Motu has the Tonga- fiti washing sense, Mota and Aneityum accord with Nuclear Polynesia. Aneityum ruhoi is metathetic. 206. siua, siuo, si wo, suwa, sua, to descend. The following words signify down, to be down, to come down : Tonga, Niue: hifo. Samoa, Futuna, Uvea, Fotuna, Nuguria, Aniwa: ifo. Maori, Tahiti, Hawaii, Marquesas, Rapanui, DATA AND NOTES. 263 Mangareva, Moiki: iho. Paumotu: ihoiho. Nukuoro: hakaiho, to go down. Viti: sivo, debased, dethroned, put out of office, a tropical sense germane to that in Samoa ifonga. Rotuma: sio, down. These words signify down : Vaturanga: sivo. Tangoan Santo : sibo. Omba: hivo. Nguna, Mota, Santo, Sesake: siwo. Malo: siuo. Merlav, Maewo, Sesake : suwo. Gog:suw,sug. Aneityum : asuol, suko. Lakon: hew. Eromanga : sep. Roro : tivo. Pokau : divo. Mekeo : kipo. Wedau: ipu. Mukawa: sipu. Tavara: ho pit. Wedau: opu. Galoma: ribo. Keapara: rigo. Motu: diho. Tubetube: siio. Raro: zi, azi. Arabic: safala, suful', sifl', to be low, to descend. With unchanging vowels the Polynesian identifications move in a regular course of mutation of the two consonants, ^-//-extinction, f(v) -//-extinction. We observe in this a tendency, not without exceptions, to maintain the labial strong when the lingual is preserved, and to obscure the labial in the aspiration of its series where the lingual has become extinct. The Melanesian affiliates call for more detailed examination. The sibilant is retained by all except that in Lakon it merges in the aspiration, and here the initial aspirate is explosive, as if hv or vh; Omba, too, employs the aspirate. We do not find a single instance in which the labial is of the same value as in Samoa. In two languages it has been strengthened to a mute, in Tangoan Santo to the sonant, in Eromanga to the surd. In these languages the surd spirant is replaced by the sonant, v: Vaturanga, Omba. In the greater number the reduction has progressed as far as the semivowel of this series, w, or to the nearest vowel, u, the distinction not being made clear in the absence of the scientific alphabet : Efate, Nguna, Mota, Santo, Sesake, Merlav, Maewo, Gog, Lakon, Malo. In two instances there occurs the rare leap from labial to palatal, to k in Aneityum and to g in Gog. The former vowel remains at i in about half of Melanesia. It changes to u in Efate, Merlav, Maewo, Sesake, Gog and Aneityum, Efate and Sesake having the i-form as well. It changes to e in Lakon and Eromanga. The latter vowel remains fixed at o except in Efate and the languages which admit terminal abrasion, Gog, Lakon, and Eromanga. The Aneityum asuol I include because of the sense, but I can not identify the beginning and the ending, yet embraced therein is an element which, if independent, could be referred to sifo. 207. tabu, tab, bakatabtabu, to be forbidden, prohibited, sacred. Tonga: tabu, forbidden, consecrated, sacred. Samoa,' Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Maori, Tahiti, Rarotonga, Rapanui, Marquesas, Mangareva, Fotuna, Aniwa: tapu, id. Paumotu: tapu, an oath, to swear. Nukuoro : tapu, prohibition. Hawaii : kapu, forbidden, consecrated, sacred. Viti: tambu, unlawful, forbidden, sacred. 264 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Buka, Baravon, Nggela, Belaga: tambu, sacred, holy, prohibited. Merlav: vatambu, to make holy. Omba: tambetambe, to worship. Dukeof York : tabu (watabunabulu) , sacred. Dobu, New Britain : tabu, sacred, holy, prohibited ; watabu, to hallow. Suau : tabuna, sacred. Pokau: kabukabu, id. Mekeo: afu, id. Motu: koau- aku, id. Aneityum : in-tap, a sacred place ; itap, sacred, holy, for- bidden ; imiitap, to hallow, to make sacred. Mota : tapu, sacred. Malo: sab, saburu, id. Tanna: asim, id. Bierian: ham, id. Motu: tabu, a very important feast, a species of mythical beings. Arabic : dabba, dabbu, to prohibit. An interest exterior to our present study pertains to this word in the fact that it is one of the two words, tattoo the other, which the English has borrowed from the Polynesian. In scarcely altered skeleton of vowels and consonants tapu occurs in Polynesia and in Melanesia. In the western island world it undergoes less variation than almost any of the Polynesian loan material. In Omba the final u becomes e, in Efate and Aneityum it undergoes a terminal abrasion. We need give particular attention only to the following forms. Malo sab (of a man) saburu (of a woman). This needs but the establish- ment of the t-s mutation to prove its identity. I have already (17 Journal of the Polynesian Society, 212) proved it to exist as between Polynesia and Viti; in the material now under examination it clearly appears in talinga (350) ear Marina salinga, buto (247) navel Buka vuso, mate (318) to die Aneityum mas. Next upon this follows Tanna asim . Taking the s as now accounted for, we have to consider a p-m mutation. In note 190 I have found a case which is susceptible of this interpretation, and taking that with this there seems to me a probability of this change. We have abundant proof of a nasal reinforcement of p and b, mp and mb. It is quite possible that when such a nasalized consonant was transmitted at second hand to others to whom the double consonant was harsh they might excise the radical mem- ber of the composite and in their ignorance of the true form retain the purely accidental nasal. Bierian ham, then, would derive from Malo sab in the vowel and from Tanna asim in the p-m mutation, while the change from s to h is so common as to call for no note. 208. tafe, tabe, to flow out, to go out. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea: tafe, to flow, to run. Fotuna: no -tafe, id. Tahiti, Mangareva: tahe, id. Paumotu: take, a river. Nukuoro: tahea, to drift along. Maori: whakatahe, to clear from obstruction, as a watercourse or channel. Hawaii : kahe, to run, to flow. Marquesas: tahe, to flow, to gush, to stream, to trickle. Rapanui: tahe, to flow. Nuguria: tahe, a current. Viti : ndave, to flow ; ndavendave, the channel in which liquids flow, or the source of them ; ndaveta, a passage through a reef. Nggela: t ave, to flow. Motu: atahedid, to overflow. Malekula: jivjiv, to run (nose). Malo: madividivi, id. Baki: jevi, id. Aramaic: dub, to flow out. Hebrew: zub, id. DATA AND NOTES. 265 There is no need to comment upon the identifications within the Pacific area except in respect of one particular. Viti ndaveta has a form resem- blance to ndave but the sense does not so clearly hang. I have included inhere because it seems to suggest a radical tafet, which may appear also in Motu atahedid. Yet in Viti the passive is ndavena, in which the sug- gestion of final n is equally worthy of consideration. In Polynesia there is no evidence to warrant the idea that tafe was ever other than an open root. 209. tanga, tonga, tronga, rong, a basket, the stomach. Samoa: tanga, a basket. Futuna: tanga, a sack. Niue, Uvea, Rapanui, Nukuoro: tanga, a bag. Tonga: tangai, a narrow bag, a sack. Nuguria: tana-mimi, the bladder. Viti: tanga, a bag, a pocket, a purse. Arag: tanga, a bag. Sesake: ndanga, id. Motu: tanga, a bag, a deep basket. Tangoan Santo : tanga, a basket. Hebrew: tene', a basket. 210. tef i, tefi, tetefi, to cut, to circumcise. Samoa: tefe, to cut, as circumcising. Fotuna: tefe, to circumcise. Maori: tehe, the glans penis left uncovered by the prepuce as if circumcised. Tahiti: tehe, to castrate animals, to slit the prepuce above. Mangareva, Marquesas: tehe, to circumcise, to castrate. Rapanui : tehe, to split ; tehetehe, a notch. Hawaii : kahe, to cut or slit longitudinally, to castrate; kaheomaka, kaheule, to circumcise after the Hawaiian fashion. Viti: teve, to circumcise. Mota : teve, to cut with a drawing motion ; teveteve, a knife. Merlav : tevtev, a knife. Malekula: teve, to circumcise, to cut with a bamboo knife. Bierian: mdeve, to circumcise. Baki: jivi, id. Arabic : 'as' aba, to cut. Little calls for note in the Pacific identification. In Hawaii we observe the e-a change which does not elsewhere appear. The Bierian mdeve is a variant of the t-nd characteristic of that Epi dialect. The Baki jivi and tafe (208) to flow Malekula jivjiv to run at the nose exhibit the t-j mutation which is rare in Melanesia but is the normal change from Samoa to Tonga before e and *'. The word appears in Nuclear Polynesia only in Samoa and Viti, and is there restricted to circumcision. In its occurrence in eastern Polynesia it combines with the circumcision sense that of castration. In Samoa it is defined as "the operation equivalent to circumcision," in Hawaii "to cir- cumcise after the Hawaiian fashion," in Tahiti "to slit the prepuce above." The operation is so singular that in almost all the versions of the Bible in the Pacific the word circumcision has been rendered by peritome, a trans- literation from the Greek, rather than by the employment of this word from the vernacular. 266 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. The operation is surgically described by Dr. Kramer in "Samoa," ii, 6r : Die Beschneidung, 'o le tefenga (tefe beschneiden) , bei der es sich nicht um Circum- cision wie die Englander sagen, handelt, sondern um einfache Spaltung der Vorhaut, also Einschneidung am oberen Rande, wie allgemein in Indonesien iiblich, wird so ausgefiihrt,dassmaneinenSpatelunter die Vorhaut schiebt und diese durch einen Schlag mit einem scharfen Gegenstand als Haifischzahn, Muschel, Bambusmesser, neuerdings natiirlich mit Eisenmesser durchtrennt. Sie wird bei den samoanischen Jiinglingen, ahnlich wie bei den Mohammedanern, bei Eintritt der Mannbarkeit, stets zwischen dem 7. und 15. Lebensjahre ausgefiihrt. Religiose Gebrauche wie bei andern Volkern, z. B. auf Fidji, wo die Operation auf den Nangaplatzen geschah und wo richtige Circumcision geiibt zu werden scheint, scheinen auf Samoa nie mit der Operation, die meist von einem darin Erfahrenen ausgeiibt wurde, verbunden gewesen zu sein. Das leitende Motiv scheint fur Samoa nur in der Reinlichkeit zu liegen, indem gesagt wird, dass kein samoanisches Madchen mit einem unbeschnittenen Tiingling schlafen wurde. Deshalb nennen die Samoaner die Bliite der Amorphophallus-Pflanze (teve) welche dem mann- lichen Gliede nicht unahnlich sieht und einen fotiden Geruch verbreitet, wie ich mich selbst zu iiberzeugen Gelegenheit hatte, tajao, und ebenso nennen sie einen unbe- schnittenen Jiinglingspenis. DerArztweiss, dassdiesnichtohneGrund geschieht. Wenn mann nun behauptet, dass die Beschneidung bei den Juden an Stelle unserer Taufe (am 8. Tage) ausgeiibt, rein rituell sei, und dass Reinlichkeitsgedanken ferae lagen, so mag das sekundar so geworden sein, ursprunglich wird man aber die bei den oriental- ischen Volkern ausgeiibte Beschneidung auf den Reinlichkeitsgedanken, der in Samoa nach langst eingefiihrtem und allgemein ausgebreitetem Christentum heute allein noch diese Sitte aufrecht zu erhalten im stande ist, zuriickfiihren miissen. 211. tuk i, tuki, to strike, to beat, to pound. Tonga: tuki, to strike, to drive, to drub. Futuna: tuki, to beat, to strike, to hit with a hammer, rock or fist. Uvea: tuki, to strike, to beat. Niue: tuki, to knock. Nukuoro: tuki, to beat, to strike, to pound. Maori: tuki, to ram, to butt, to strike endwise, to beat. Rarotonga: tuki, to strike, to beat. Rapanui: tukituki, to bray. Marquesas: tuki, to beat poi, to bruise, to strike, to bra}' with a pestle. Mangareva: tuki, to pound, to bray with a pestle. Paumotu: tukituki, to hit against, to strike, to pound. Nuguria: tukituki, to beat; a breadfruit beater. Fotuna : no-tukia, to strike with the fist. Samoa: tu'i, to thump, to beat, to pound, to strike with the fist. Tahiti: tui, to butt, to strike, to pound. Hawaii: kui, to pound with the end of a thing, to smite, to hammer. Viti: tuki, to beat or knock with the fist, to hammer. Belaga : tutui, to pound. Baki : Juki, to strike with the fist. Male- kula: tice, id. Pala: tuke, to beat. Hebrew: duk, dakak, to beat, to pound. Arabic: dakka, dakka, id. There is nothing in these identifications involving any principle with which we have not already become familiar. There is, however, an interesting specialization in the sense. It is, of course, well understood that peoples on the speech plane in which we find the languages of this study have a large number of distinct terms whereby to describe an act as performed in a certain manner or through the employ- ment of a certain implement in cases where the languages of superior culture make use of a general term for the act limited by an adverbial modifier DATA AND NOTES. 267 detailing the manner or the implement. Thus, in the terms of the present instance, we should say "to strike with A, B, C, . . . X, Y, Z," covering every possible thing with which a blow could be inflicted from the simplest pugilism through fustigation to the fulmination of the bolt from the blue ineluctable. But our islander would maintain a series of distinct verbs from "to strike with A" clean through to the crisscross row if the tale of his striking machinery should extend so far. In this instance we shall find that we are dealing with material collected by just short of a score of observers, each independent of the other, each under the control of his own personal equation of observation, apprecia- tion, and ability to reproduce in one language the idiom of another. For this reason we shall all the more highly regard the evidences of special sense in tuki. Maori gives us "to strike endwise," Hawaii "to pound with the end of a thing," the Marquesas and Mangareva the same idea in particular terms as "to bray with a pestle." Next we find a group "to strike with the fist," Futuna, Samoa, Viti, Baki, Malekula. From sight of many such encounters I can aver that Pacific pugilism has none of the niceties of the straight-arm jab, the left hook to the jaw, and the other fine touches of the diction of the prize ring. A blow in such combats is delivered by regard- ing arm and fist as helve and head respectively of a hammer wherewith to belabor the head and shoulders of the opponent. The motion of such a blow is exactly that of using the pestle or the hammer or the rock in the hand. The motion can be traced still farther by the curious in the defini- tions here assembled. 212. ulua, to put forth leaves, to grow up (of plants and hair) ; uluulua, to be full of leaves, to be hairy. Samoa: uluulu, to be umbrageous (of trees), to be bushy (of the beard) . Tonga : ulu, thick, bushy (as a dress of leaves) . Niue : ulu, hair. Nuguria: rauulu, id. Hawaii : ulu, to grow ; uluulu, to grow thick. Maori: uru, a single hair. Mangaia: uruuru, coarse hair. Mangareva: uru, feathers, hair on the body. Viti : vakaulu, having a large head of hair or a wig. The following words signify hair: Lo: ul. Deni: ulu. Mota, Maewo: ului. Sesake: ululu. Kpi, Arag: ilu. Ambrym, Hi, wolu. Marina: vul. Omba: vulugi. Norbarbar: wulugi. Volow: iligi. Nifilole: lu. Suau: uru. Tubetube: hulu. Mugula, Sariba: kuru. Nada, Kiriwina: kulu. Tagula: wuluwulia. Arabic: lala, 'aluw', to go up; 'ilawat, the head. Hebrew: 'alah, to go up; 'aleh, leaf, leaves; 'oleh, sprouting forth, growing up. lulu, hair (of the head, face or body). The following all mean hair, feather : Samoa, Uvea, Futuna, Tonga, Niue: julu. Maori, Tahiti : huruhuru. Mangareva: huru. Rapanui: huhuru. Nuguria: hahuru. Hawaii: hulu. Marquesas: huu. Rarotonga: uru. Viti: vidua, hair about the pubes. Rotuma: leav, hair. 268 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. In connection with the words here assembled it is quite impossible to dissociate the two stems ulu and fulu. It is probable that in my theory of word formation by consonantal coefficients the explanation will be found. Before proceeding to our task of tracing out the intricacies here presented I wish to call attention to the existence in Polynesia of yet another word for hair, lauulu. Where a distinction is made fulu is the hair of the body, lauulu that of the head inclusive of the beard, yet frequently accompanied by a specific term for the beard. Tregear interprets this as lau leaf and ulu head ; such also is the interpre- tation given by the islanders, the value of their etymologies having been mentioned in note 169. This is very simple, very obvious. Yet the form of lauulu used in Tahiti is rouru, and in that language ro does not mean leaf at all ; nor yet does it in the Viti dialect which employs ro ni vulu for ndrau ni ulu in the same sense. Furthermore, the vulu in the Viti Levu form is not ulu head but vulu hair, and ndrau itself means hair as well as leaf. Thus we have found that hair as ' ' the leaves of the head " is not such a simple explanation as it appears. Having already established the nature and employment of determinant compounds, I recognize in this composite lauulu two words of one identical sense among others, lau hair and ulu hair; their employment together determines for the composite the sense of hair beyond any doubt. Cod- rington (Melanesian Languages, 73) seems to have felt some suspicion about the leaves of the head explanation, but, the determinant compound not having come within his knowledge, he was unable to carry on his note to a satisfactory issue. We shall now examine the interlacing of these two stems in the area of their greatest intricacy, Melanesia ; and shall rearrange the material in the order of a developmental series. It should be noted that such termina- tions as gi, ge, and i are merely local means to indicate a noun as absolute. fulu series. ulu series. vulu: Gog, Malo, Omba, Mosin, ulu: Deni, Malo, Sesake, Mota, Vuras, Eromanga. Maewo. wulu: Norbarbar. uli: Merlav. wolu: Ambrym. ilu: Epi, Arag. holu: Buka. Hi: Ambrym, Volow, Motlav. weu: Duke of York, ul: Lo. houi: Motu. lu: Nifilole. vul: Marina, Lakon. kalu: New Georgia. vili: Makura, Bierian, Pak, Sasar, Alo Teqel. viji: Baki. The two series inosculate in vulu-ulu, vili-ili, thus showing that the intimacy of their interrelation is not fortuitous. The bare simplicity of Nifilole lu is repeated in the Efate lulu. The Eromanga novlimpu becomes clearer by indicating the several members of the composite, no-vli-mpu. Baki viji, so close to its neighbor Bierian vili, clearly establishes an /-/ mutation; we find confirmation in sola (339) path Bugotu hatautu, and (l-nd) langi (308) sky Buka indengid. Finding, then, in Melanesia this form DATA AND NOTES. 269 in t we may incline toward a warmer reception of Indonesian /-forms where the vowel is truer to stem than in Baki. Such are Tidore, Galela : hutu; Menado: uta; Sanguir: utan; Gah: uka; Matabello: ud; Batumerah: hud; Wahai : hue. Other Indonesian forms in which a resemblance appears are these : Mayapo : folo; Massaratty : olofolo; Cajeli : buloni; Baju : buli tokolo; Malagasy: volo; Bouton: bulwa; Ahtiago: ulujuim; Tobo: ulvu; Salayer: uhu; Teluti: keulo; Morella: keiule; Liang: kaiola; Caimarian: keori. Rotuma leav and Tobo ulvu and Ahtiago ulujuim show interesting vari- eties of metathesis. Assigning position, we mark vulu 1234; then Rotuma represents 3412, Tobo 4312, and Ahtiago probably 4321, or less likely 2341. EFATE-MELANESIAN-VITI-POLYNESIAN-MALAY. 213. banga, bangan i, fanga, to feed, to charge, to fill. Samoa, Tonga, Uvea: fafanga, to feed. Tonga: fafangai, id. Futuna, Niue, Paumotu : fangai, id. Tahiti: faaai, id. Rapa- nui: hangai, id. Hawaii: hanai, id. Maori: whangai, to feed, to nurture. Mangareva, Rarotonga: angai, to feed, to nourish. Marquesas: hakai, to feed. Viti: vdkania, to feed. Mota: vangan, to feed. Nggela, Bugotu: vanga, food. King: ivangon, to eat. Lambell: hangdn, id. Lamassa: angdn, id. Malagasy: mamahana, to feed, to load a gun; ma causative and fahana. The Proto-Samoan stem is probably fangan. Yet the final n nowhere appears in Polynesia, while it is plainly to be seen in Efate, Mota and our three New Ireland languages. Dr. Macdonald's identification with Viti vdkania at first seemed to me wholly superficial. On closer examination it is found to be worse; it is an attempt to wrest the record. The only place in which the word appears in the Viti dictionary is not in its alphabetic place, but as a note under the word kana to eat, of which it is clearly stated to be a causative. That our author had this entry before his eyes is shown by the fact that he cites the word as vdkani-a, just as Hazlewood has printed it. He forgets that he identified it correctly in 46. Since va is the causative prefix and kana means to eat there can be not the remotest relation with the fangan stem. The discussion of these two Viti stems will be found under 214 and 46 respectively. In Polynesia generally the word is transitive, yet there are uses in which evidence appears of the intransitive as well. Regarding the primary sense of the word as transitive, we find in its use as signifying the charging of a gun or the filling of a pipe in Efate no great deviation from an elemental signification of putting something into the mouth. 214. baka, faka, causative prefix. Tonga, Paumotu, Niue, Futuna, Uvea, Fakaafo, Fotuna, Sikayana, Aniwa: faka. Marquesas, Paumotu, Nukuoro, Rapanui, Tongarewa: haka. Maori: whaka. Samoa: fa' a. Tahiti, 270 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Uvea, Tonga : faa. Tahiti, Hawaii, Marquesas, Nukuoro : haa. Moriori: hoko. Hawaii: hoo. Paumotu: fa. Hawaii: ha. Maori: wha. Hawaii: ho. Rarotonga, Mangareva, Buka- buka: aka. Mangareva: anga. Rapanui, Paumotu: a. Viti: vaka, va. Rotuma: faka, jak, a. vSesake, Kiriwina, Santo, Nguna: vaka. Malo: vaca. Marina: Nggela, Belaga, Sinaugoro, Omba, Maewo, Mota : vaga. Fagani : faga. Tangoan Santo : thaka. Keapara: vaha. Ulawa.Wango, Saa, Ugi : ha' a. Sesake, Nguna : paka. Bierian : baka. Sesake, Marina, Arag, Merlav, Gog, Lakon, Mota, Motlav, Volow, Lo, Deni, Vaturanga, Nggela, Bugotu, Motu, Pak, Leon, Vuras, Mosin, Baki, Kabadi, Hula, Nguna: va. Nifilole, Duke of York, Raluana, Kabakada, Matupit, Baravon : wa. Aneityum : ua. Nggao: fa. Roro, Pokau: ba. Mekeo, Panaieti, Nguna: pa. Motu, Pala : ha. Nengone, Lifu, Motu, Panaieti, Dobu : a. Motlav, Pak, Leon: ve. Vuras: vi. Norbarbar, AloTeqel: v-. Savo: au. New Britain: wara. Malekula Pangkumu: vaha. Sulu: mak, maka. Tagalog, Bicol: mag, pag. faka: Futuna, Efate, Tonga, Pau- fa: Uvea, Nggao, Paumotu, Efate. motu, Uvea, Rotuma, Samoa. faa (fa): Tonga. faga: Fagani. va: Viti, Sesake, etc. faa: Tahiti, Uvea. wha: Maori. fak: Rotuma. ba: Efate. vaka: Nguna, Viti, Sesake, Malo, ve: Motlav, Pak, Leon. Santo. vi: Vuras. vaga: Marina, Maewo, Omba, Mota, v — : Norbarbar, Alo Teqel. Nggela, Belaga. b — : Efate. vaha: Malekula Pangkumu. f — : Efate. baka: Efate, Bierian. pa: Nguna. paka: Nguna, Sesake. ha: Hawaii. whaka: Maori. ho: Hawaii. haka: Marquesas, Paumotu, Nuku- wa: Nifilole, Duke of York, Raluana, oro, Tongarewa. Kabakada, Matupit, Baravon. thaka: Tangoan Santo. ua: Aneityum. haa: Hawaii, Ulawa, Tahiti, Marque- a: Rotuma, Nengone, Lifu, Pau- sas, Wango, Saa, Ugi, Nukuoro. motu. hoko: Moriori. au: Savo. hoo: Hawaii. wara: New Britain. aka: Rarotonga, Mangareva, Bukabuka. anga: Mangareva. It is manifest that two forms are here involved and that the sense is identical. I have given close attention to the examination of those lan- guages in which the two forms are in use simultaneously, and except for one slight discrimination I have failed to discover any principle in the selec- tion of the form which shall be used. It is not euphonic, for the long form is used before consonants as well as before vowels and the same is equally true of the short form. The only discrimination which I have satisfied myself to exist consistently is in Uvea, where faka is causative and fa (faa) is used of resemblance. DATA AND NOTES. 271 The stems are faka and fa . Rotuma fak is the only vestige of the transi- tion form. To show the devolution I have rearranged the forms in two lists. We need comment on but few facts. The forms in o seem to have developed sporadically and, of course, independently in Hawaii at the extreme north- ern limit of the Tongafiti swarm and in Moriori at the extreme south and apparently earlier than the Tongafiti movement. Not a vestige of the o has been retained along the migration tracks. In Savo au and New Britain wara we find apparently irreducible forms, possibly heterogenetic. 215- bia, bisa, fia, fisa, how many. In the same sense — Tonga, Niue: fiha. Samoa, Futuna, Uvea, Nukuoro, Aniwa, Nuguria, Sikayana: fia. Maori, Moiki, Tahiti, Marquesas, Mangareva, Rapanui, Paumotu: hia. Mangaia: ia (eia). Viti: vitha. Mota, Maewo: visa. Sesake: pisa. Vaturanga: ngisa. Pala: hise. Wango: siha. Arag, Ambrym: viha. Nggao: ngiha. Baravon: aivia. Moanus: tje, id tjt. Malay: hia, what. The Proto-Samoan stem is fiha. Dr. Macdonald disposes of the matter with the declaration "the final part of bia and blsa, namely a or sa, is the interrogative pronoun." Refer- ence to these several words in their proper places in the dictionary confirms his statement — so far as relates to Efate. He offers no explanation for the former element of such a composite, and I have none to suggest. But: Language. How many. What. Language. How many. What. Mota Maewo Vaturanga.. . visa visa pisa ngisa sava sava sa na hua Wango Arag Ambrym. . . . Nggao siha viha viha ngiha e taha hava, havanau ha na no It is tantalizingly close, yet with such instances as Vaturanga and Nggao we are debarred from accepting the explanation until we know enough of the /i-element to enable us to account for the word as a whole. 216. matua, to be old, mature, large, great, wise. Maori, Manahiki, Tongarewa: matua, parent. Rarotonga, Buka- buka: metua, id. Samoa: matua, parent, mature, elder. Tonga: matua, parents, old people; motua, old, mature, ripe. Futuna: matua, old, parents, mature, ripe. Niue: matua, parent; motua, old. Uvea: matua, parents, old, mature. Rapanui: matua tamaroa, father; matua tamaahine, mother. Tahiti : -matua, old ; mitua, metia, parent. Marquesas: motua, father. Mangareva: motua, father; -matua, old. Nuguria, 272 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Sikayana: matua, old. Aniwa: tomatua, to be able. Hawaii, Paumotu : makua, parent, old, mature. Fotuna: mahtua, old. Viti: matua, ripe, mature. Nggela : kukua, ancestors. Laur : imdtuk, ripe. Lambell : makos, id. Lamassa: imakos, id. Bierian: matua, old; tamatua, old man. Tanna : matu, ripe. Santo: metu a, ripe. Mota: matua, ripe, full-grown. Aneityum : meto, ripe. Pala: matua, uncle. Malagasy: matoa, eldest son or daughter. Malay: mdntuwah, a parent-in-law ; mentua, mother. Macassar : matowang, father- in-law. Three senses are involved herein, to be old, to be ripe, parent. I should like to see my way to the idea that age is the central idea, but the mate- rial does not warrant this conclusion — or, in fact, any. The three senses (assuming the mature of the dictionaries to cover ripe) appear concurrently in Tonga, Uvea, Futuna, Hawaii, Paumotu. In Samoa matua does not mean ripe and that language is not included in this category. Concurrence of the two senses old and parent obtains in Samoa, Niue, Tahiti, Mangareva. Differentiated forms (matua, motua) are found in Tonga, Niue, Mangareva ; and in Tahiti matua, mitua, and metua. In Tonga and Niue motua is old and matua is parent, which is its sole signification in Maori, Manahiki, and Tongarewa. But in Tahiti and Mangareva the usage is opposite. In the Marquesas motua is the only form and its only sense is father. In our Melanesian area Nggela kukua ancestors is included only as sug- gesting a partial resemblance. Efate is the only language which gives the stem an extended range of meaning. Bierian shares with it the common Polynesian signification of old. All the other forms have the sole meaning of ripe and the languages employ other words for age and parent. 217. tema na, tama na, father. In the same sense — Samoa, Fakaafo: tama. Aniwa: tama. Tonga, Uvea: tamai. Futuna, Sikayana, Fotuna, Nuguria, Nukuoro: tamana. Viti: tama, father. Pala, New Britain : tama. Redscar Bay (N.G.) : tamaa. Aneityum : etma. Eromanga: temi. Mota: tamai. Nifilole: tumai. Mota, Duke of York, Buka, Baravon, Nggela, Laur, King, vSesake, Malo, Bierian, Tangoan Santo, Arag, Vaturanga,Bugotu, Motu, Sinaugoro, Rubi, Suau, Sariba, Tubetube, Panaieti, Misima, Nada, Murua, Kiriwina, Dobu, Mukawa, Kubiri, Raqa, Kiviri: tama. Oiun: tame. Tanna: timi(n). Santo: tima. Pokau, Doura : kama. Ulawa, Wango, Uni: 'ama. Fagani: wama. Saa, Bululaha, Wagawaga, Mekeo, Hula, Keapara, Galoma, Tavara, Awalama, Taupota,Wedau : ama. Roro : hama. Nggao, Lo : ma. Mota, Omba, Gog, Alite, New Georgia, Koita, Motu : mama. Boniki, Galavi : mamai. Merlav, Lakon, Pak, Sasar, Vuras, Mosin, Alo Teqel, Motlav, Volow, Norbarbar : mam. Malekula, Tangoan Santo : tata. Nengone: chacha. Baki: ka- rama. Panaieti, Misima : nam. Tagula : rama. Raqa: dada. DATA AND NOTES. 273 Salayer, Liang, Lariko, Saparua, Awaiya, Caimarian, Wahai, Teor: ama. Morella :a'ma. Cajeli: a'mam. Ahtiago : amdi. Teluti: amaeolo. Amblaw : amao. Bouton : amana. Menado : iama. Sanguir : yaman. Tobo : jaman. Bolanghitam : kiamat. Gah: mama. Mysot: mam. Mayapo: nama. Massaratty: ndama. In the Polynesian this is distinguished from tdma child by the accent iama or by the addition of a final syllable which automatically secures the same incidence of the accent, tamdi, tamdna. Diacritical marks have been but sparingly used in our Melanesian vocabularies and for that reason we lack a sure guide as to the accenting of the western affiliates. We find but the cases of New Britain, and Pala in which the accent is printed, and Mota, Nifilole, Redscar Bay, and Aneityum in which it is inferential. In not one of these languages have we any evidence of the use of tdma child, therefore the accent is not a differential in their own material, but has carried its ictus from the source whence the tarn a father has been borrowed. We shall first examine the languages which retain the t-m consonant skeleton. There is a long series in which the two vowels remain as in Polynesian ; they are therefore identical words except that the accent may vary, and on that point we are without information. The final a is almost wholly permanent, not only in the t-m series but in the m series which will come up for our later consideration. The solitary exceptions are Tanna timiin) and Eromanga temi. The former a in this case becomes e in Ero- manga and i in Tanna. The i- mutation also appears in Santo lima. In Nifilole we find u in tumai. Our next variant of tama involves frontal abrasion affecting the t. This we find in two discrete areas in the Solomons, respectively, north and south of Malanta and separated by an area of greater degradation. With the ama of this abraded type I include Fagani wama. This middle type gives us a suite of occurrences of the transition form by which we arrive at forms in which not only the initial t but the vowel a thus become initial have been subjected to frontal abrasion. The simplest form is ma in Nggao and Lo. By reduplication of ma we may more logically account for mama than by attempting to establish a t-m mutation. By final abrasion of mama we arrive at mam, a form very widespread in the Banks Group, the northern subdivision of the New Hebrides. Few forms lie outside this chain. Aneityum etman is only superficially irregular, for by punctuating apart its formative elements we find in e-tma-n our tama theme with loss of the former vowel, which is character- istic of many of the Polynesian homogenies in that language. The lata of Malekula and Tangoan Santo and the chacha of Nengone appear to be the result of a terminal abrasion involving the final syllable and then a redup- lication. There is a priori no reason why such a course should not have been followed by the former syllable as well as the later; we must note, however, that we find no evidence such as transition forms would afford in support thereof. If Baki karama stems with the ma type of tama it involves a component kara as to which we lack information. The Indonesian homogenetic forms are most largely of the transitional ama type, only Tobo jaman suggesting a tama possibility and in our igno- rance of the source of this record jaman may be but a variant transcription 274 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. of Sanguir yaman. The still more dilapidated forms of ma, mama, and mam also appear. From the Micronesian Pacific we record Gilbert Islands tdma father, and in passing note that this archipelago has borrowed much from Samoa and in somewhat recent times ; and Ponape jam father. EFATE-VITI-POLYx\ESIAN-MALAY-SEMITIC. 218. bwaka, a fence of stone or wood made for protection or fortification in war. Samoa, Tonga, Niue, Tahiti, Marquesas, Moriori: pa, a wall, fence, hedge. Maori: pa, a barricade, an obstruction, a fort, a stockade. Paumotu: pa, a rampart, bulwark. Rapanui: pa, a wall, to inclose. Hawaii, Mangareva: pa, a wall and its inclosure. Rarotonga: pa, an inclosure. Fotuna: pa, kaupa, a fence. Samoa : 'aupa, a wall, fence, hedge, bulwark. Viti: mba, a fish fence ; mbai, a fence around a garden or a town, but not around a house. Malo: baba, a fence. Tanna: kaupa, id. Eromanga: nim-pa-t, id. Mabuiag: pa (plural pal), a fence for a garden, a stockade. Malay: pagar, a fence, a railing; palang, a bar, a piece of wood laid crosswise in obstruction. Malagasy: bako, a pinfold; bamba, a wall or fence in fortification. Hebrew : ma'akeh, a parapet (surrounding a fiat roof) to hinder one from falling off ; 'akah, to hold back, to hinder, to impede. Our Polynesian, Viti, and Melanesian identifications deal only with a simple pa stem which exhibits but the slight normal ^-variations. Efate bwaka involves a new element which we are unable to identify, and the same is true of the Indonesian. 219. bakauti, buti, to make an end, to finish. Niue : oti, all, entirely ; jakaoti, together, to destroy utterly, to make a clean sweep. Maori: oti, finished, ended. Tahiti: oti, to be done, finished. Mangareva: oti, the end, finished, all over. Rarotonga: oti, finished. Paumotu: jakaoti, to finish, to con- clude. Nukuoro: hakaoti, to end, to finish. Moriori: hokoti, to cause to cease. Nuguria: huoti, to finish. Sikayana: oti, all, to finish. Samoa: talafa'aoti, to tell all. Tonga: oji, to be finished, to be done, all gone. Fotuna : oji, all, the whole. Uvea: fakaosi, to finish. Viti: otia, vakaotia, to finish, to bring to an end, to complete, to perfect; oti, finished, done, destroyed, utterly ruined. Aiieityum: oti, gone, done, finished. Malagasy: cf. oty, picked off, gathered (of fruits), weaned. Hebrew : kaseh, an end ; kasah, to finish. In Efate buti I find an instance of the most degraded faka-fa stem, b-uti, paralleled by the similar v — shown in 214. The identifications here offered are so patent that they need not detain us. DATA AND NOTES. 275 A particular interest of an ethnographic nature will attend our exami- nation of the areas in which this homogeneity is found traceable. OH seems to be a word of the Tongafiti swarm. It is found at the remotest beaches upon which broke that wave of migration. In the Nuclear Pacific we find it in Samoa, Tonga, Nukuoro, Uvea, Viti, and Niue. In Samoa it has found a lodgment in but the one word cited. In the islands of the Western Verge we find it in Sikayana and Fotuna. In Melanesia it appears only in Efate and Aneityum. Compare with this any of these records showing a word of the Proto-Samoan baggage ; Melanesia is speckled with its occurrences. In this case we are at no loss to account for the Tongafiti word in Nuclear Polynesia, for we know that to have been a halting-place for the later swarm in the permanent home of the former. We know, too, that Samoa by a mighty effort cast off the invaders, and we are therefore not surprised to find so slight a remnant of the enemy's speech. The presence of this Tongafiti word in two of the islands of the Western Verge and in two of the New Hebrides calls for attention. The absence of Tonga- fiti homogenies in Melanesia indicates for that migration a different course in general, but such instances as this go to show that, while our conclusion is in the main true, now and then a small squadron may have found its way down the ancient track, or that when the second swarm was expelled from Nuclear Polynesia some of its fleets may have gone westward to homes where the chances of settlement were but slight. 220. balo-ni, bano-li, balo-si, bilo-si, bulo-si, bulu-ngi, bulu-ni, bunu-li, to wash anything, to wash by rubbing. Cf. bafano 49. Samoa : fufulu, fulua, to rub, to wash, to wipe ; fulunga, the rubbing of a thing. Nukuoro : fufulu, fulua, to wash. Tonga, Futuna, Uvea: fufulu, to wash, to cleanse. Fotuna: no-furuna, to wipe. Viti: vuluvulu, to wash the hands. Malay: basuh, to wash. Malagasy: uza, id. Arabic: masa, maus', to wash, to rub with the hands. These Efate" forms are in a snarl which needs disentangling before we can give them precise study. We shall first examine the forms which exhibit the skeleton b-l-n. These are baloni, buluni, each being accompanied by a metathetic form, banoli and biinuli respectively. With the b-l-n skeleton I must include the slightly variant bulungi. Another skeleton, b-l-s, occurs in balosi, bilosi, bulosi. Dr. Macdonald's crossing of reference to bafano can only apply to the forms which I have preferred to regard as metathetic. If he regards them as principal, his identification with fufuluhas no standing; and if he regards baloni as principal, his reference to bafano is irrelevant. But neither b-l-n forms nor b-l-s forms can be properly identified with the fulu stem of Nuclear Polynesia, for that is an open stem. Yet in Fotuna no-furuna we find an n as to which we have no explanation in the jejunity of our only account of the grammar of that speech. It may be a formative suffix, even as we know the no to be a formative prefix. It may be the sole Polynesian survival of a fulun stem. It may be grafted upon 276 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. the open stem by attraction from a New Hebridean neighbor. If fulun be the Proto-Samoan stem its affiliates will be the b-l-n forms of Efate. To associate therewith the b-l-s forms entails an n-s mutation of which we can not find a single trace in this material. The Malay and the Semitic identifications do not come up for consider- ation at all. 221. bwoa, nabwo, tamo, to emit odor; bwon, odor. Cf. 139. Samoa : poa, a yam having a fragrant odor ; poapoa, fishy smelling ; fa'apoa, to feed young children with fish. Futuna : poa, popoa, to smell fishy ; poa tai, odor of the sea. Tonga : boa, the name of a species of yam, the smell of fish ; fakaboa, to scent anything with fish, to smell of fish ; tauboa, to scent the water with fish to catch others. Viti : mboi, to emit an odor. Malay: bua, odor. Malagasy: fufuna, id. Arabic : faha, fall' a, to emit odor. 222. but i, buti, futi, to pluck (as a fowl), to pluck out or up (as weeds) ; mafuti, to be plucked. Samoa : futi, to pluck feathers or hair, to pull up weeds ; fufuti, to haul in the fishing line. Futuna : futi, to pull out feathers or hair ; futitaula, to raise the anchor. Niue : futi, to draw up (as a fish on a line), to hoist (as a flag), to pluck (as a hair). Nukuoro : futi, to pick, to pluck. Sikayana : ufuti, to pull or haul. Tonga: fufuji, to pull, to stretch out; fuji, to pull, to pluck, to deplume. Maori: huti, huhuti, to hoist, to pull up out of the ground ; huti-ika, to pull up a fish. Tahiti : huti, to pull or draw up a fishing line, to hoist a flag ; huhuti, to pluck feathers, hair, grass. Marquesas : huhuti, to pull one another by the hair; hutihuti, to pull out the feathers of a bird, to pull the hair. Mangareva: huhuti, to pull up as by the roots; hutihuti, to pull up herbs, to pull out feathers ; uhuti, to pull up by the roots. Paumotu : hutihuti, to denude the body of hair. Rapanui : huhuti, to weed ; hutihuti, to pluck feathers. Hawaii : huki, to draw, to pull ; uhuki, to pull up as grass or weeds. Viti: vutia, to pluck feathers or hair, to pull up grass or weeds. Mota : cf . pit, to take up or off with the tips of the fingers, to pick, to pluck. Malay: bantun, to pluck, pull out. Arabic: namasa, to pluck out, as hairs. Because of its signification I collate Mota pit, yet with some hesitation because of the fact that in the study of some 1 50 Mota words homogenetic with Samoa this is the only instance of the f-p mutation. This objection rests upon this case rather than the broader knowledge of consonant move- ments in these languages, for f-p is a sufficiently well-established mutation in the true Polynesian and appears frequently in the Melanesian material here collated. DATA AND NOTES. 277 The Malay proposed in identification assumes without confirmation a stem of three consonants. The Arabic shows not the slightest resemblance save in meaning. 223. fis i, fisi, fifis i, fif i, to bind around or about, to twine around or twist; fifi, to twine or go around, a fillet. Samoa : fisi, to entwine, as a vine around a stick ; fa'afisi, to entwine, to coil; fifi, the small intestines; aft, to do up in a bundle. Tonga : fihi, thick, bushy, entangled ; fihifihi, curled in the grain, linked one into another, inextricable ; fifihi, one who in wrestling is dexterous with his limbs locking the limbs of his antagonist ; fi, to plait, to twist, to curl; fifii, to enclose fish in plaited coconut leaf. Nuguria: afii, to wrap up. Futuna: fifi, a bundle of cooked fish. Niue : fi-ika, a bunch of fish. Tahiti: fifi, entangled; faafifi, to entangle. Maori: whiwhi, twisted together; whakawhiwhi, to wind around; whiwhiwhi, the fat covering the intestines. Hawaii: hihi, the twining of vines; hoohihia, to entangle. Viti: ww, to roll up or around, to coil around. Mota: viv, vivis, to wind around, to bind around and around. Malay: pusing, to turn around, to twist. Malagasy: fihina, grasp, seizure, fihitra, a clutch, a grasp. Hebrew : habas', to bind, to bind on, to bind about. In"this group we are dealing with a stem fis, which may be expanded to fisi and which may be abraded to fi; see note 243. In Polynesia we find only fisi and fi, in Viti only fi, in Efat£ all three forms, and in Mota only fi and fis. The Indonesian suggestions involve the difficulty of a third radical con- sonant which has left no vestige in our area; see also note 245. The Hebrew likewise entails a third consonant in the root, differing from the Indonesian in being applied frontally. 224. katnut i/ngamut i, kami, to take, to grasp with the fingers, to nip, to nip or cut with scissors ; kam, native tongs (a split stick for grasping hot oven stones and lifting them) ; kamkam, scissors. Tonga : kamu, to cut off anything round. Futuna: kamu, to cut, to shorten. Samoa: 'amu, to cut off, as part of a beam. Hawaii : amu, to shear or shave the hair from the head, to trim the hair. Viti : nggamu, pincers, vise ; nggamuta, to take hold of or hold with pincers or between the teeth. Malay : cubit, chubit, to nip, to pinch. Java : juwit, id. Malay : angkub, tongs, nippers. Hebrew : kamas, to squeeze together, to take with the hand ; kamat, to hold fast with the hand, to seize firmly; kafas, to contract, to shut (as the mouth) ; kabas, to take or grasp with the hands. Arabic : kabasa, to take with the tips of the fingers ; kabas' a, to grasp with the hand. 278 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. The Proto-Samoan stem is manifestly kamut, yet the material is so scanty in Nuclear Polynesia that we can establish it only from Viti, and possibly from Hawaii amuku to cut short, which, however, Andrews associates with muku to cut, without pointing out or explaining the difficulties which such derivation entails. 225. kar i, ngar i, karu-ti, ngaru-ti, to scratch; karo i, ngaro i, to scratch, to scrape, to shave, to seize; tangaru, to seize, to grasp. vSamoa : 'Hi, a rasp, a file, a saw. Tonga : kili, a saw ; kilijakamata, a file ; kiliji, to saw. Futuna : kiliti, to file ; kili, a rasp, a file. Uvea: kili, id; kilisi, to file. Niue: kili, a file, a saw. Viti: kari, to scrape. Melanesian : all meaning to scratch or scrape — Galavi : giri, lagiri. Nada: qiri. Raqa: kairi. Wedau: giai. Mukawa: giagiai. Kiriwina : kuriqari. Panaieti : ktirikuri. Kubiri, Kiviri : gagara. Oiun: kakakara. Motu: hekagalo. Taupota: karakaroi. Wedau: kakaroi. Boniki: kelologi. Mota, Nggela: karu. Bugotu: g'ag'aru. Wango: karohi. Malo: garasi. Malay: garis, to scratch, to score; garut, to scratch, to scrape, to claw; garok, to scrape. Java: garit, to scratch, to score. Arabic: garra, to drag, to snatch, to sweep, to seize. Hebrew: garar, to scrape, to sweep; gara', to scratch, to scrape. Dr. Macdonald has amassed a number of similar forms, there are many more than these in his dictionary, and we shall have to disentangle them. The Proto-Samoan stem is kilit, and by a normal Polynesian mutation this becomes kilis in Uvea. This permits us to identify karuti and ngaruti. Thence we may pass to karo and ngaro, kar and ngar, so long as they carry the meaning to scratch, to scrape. Here we find the Viti kari to fit into the scheme ; its form shows that it was not derived from the neighboring Polynesian kili, but came from the stem by way of Efate. The Indonesian forms are in closer accord with Efatd and Viti than with the Nuclear Poly- nesia and give the impression of an earlier type. It will be observed in the Efate that while the scratch sense runs through all the forms the grasp sense is absent from those which exhibit the radical t. We may, therefore, judge that there are two stems interlaced, karut-karo-kar to scratch, and karo-kar to grasp, and that the reduction forms of karut have become involved with the karo-kar forms of the other stem. This will remove the Arabic identification entirely from considera- tion and will leave to the Hebrew but a partial resemblance. 226. kau, a collection, bunch, herd. Tonga : kau, plural sign. Futuna : kau, a multitude, a troop. Niue : kau, a troop, a company. Uvea: kau, a company, herd. Mangareva: kou, a multitude (kouika, a shoal of fish). Samoa : 'an, a troop, a gang, a bunch, a cluster. Tahiti, Hawaii : au, collective plural. Viti : kau, a bunch. Malay : kawan, a herd, a troop. Arabic: gam', gama'a, a collection. DATA AND NOTES. 279 In view of the fact that kau retains its place in Nuclear Polynesia and has scantily entered the Tongafiti languages it will be interesting to cite Tregear's note (Maori Comparative Dictionary s.v. tckau) : It is evident that there was an original Polynesian word kau, a troop of persons, a cluster of things, etc. The Tongan kauvaka, a crew; kaugane, fellow-workmen; kau- mea, a companion; the Samoan 'au, a bunch of bananas; a troop of warriors; 'aujale, women living together in a house; the Tahitian auono, a large fleet or company of travelers; autahua, a company of priests; the Mangaian kaunuku, in groups, etc., all point to a word signifying collection, assemblage. I can not see that the Arabic has aught to do with it. 227. kinit i, nginit i, ngunut i, to nip with the fingers ; nakini na, fingers (nippers), toes. Cf. 57. Tonga : kini, to strike, to cut the hair short, to let blood ; kiniji, to strike with anything light, to hit with a whip. Futuna: kini, kikini, to beat, to strike, to whip. Niue : kini, to beat down (as bushes) . Uvea : kini, to whip. Maori : kini, to nip, to pinch. Samoa : 'ini, to take hold of with the nails, to pinch, to pull up small weeds. Hawaii: iniki, to pinch with thumb and finger. Viti: kinita, to nip, to pinch between finger and thumb. Mota : gin, ginit, to nip, to pinch. Malekula Pangkumu : kinji, id . Malay : gantas, to break off, to nip off, to snap off. Arabic: karasa, to nip with the fingers, to pinch, to snip off. The Proto-Samoan stem is kinit. The distribution of this word is striking. The nipping sense is found in Mota, Malekula, Efate\ Viti and Samoa, thence far north to Hawaii, far south to New Zealand ; yet in Tonga, Futuna, Niue and Uvea we find the word completely devoid of this sense and charged with a wholly different meaning which nowhere else appears. I find it quite inexplicable. The Semitic has no relation other than that of sense. 228. lua, le, lai, to vomit, to put out the tongue (or anything), to flow out. Samoa: lua'i, to spit out; lulua, to be sick, to vomit, to puke. Tonga : lua, lulua, to vomit, to disgorge ; luaki, to be sick with ; jakalua, to nauseate. Futuna : lulua, luaki, to vomit ; fakalulua, to nauseate. Niue: lua, to vomit; jakalua, id.; fakalue, to spew out. Uvea: lua, to vomit. Fotuna: noh-lua, id. Rapanui : rua, seasick, to vomit. Maori, Rarotonga, Nukuoro : ruaki, to vomit. Paumotu : ruaki, to vomit, toeructate, to belch. Tahiti: ruai, to vomit. Mangareva: aruai, akaruta, id. Hawaii: luai, id. Marquesas: iid, akaruta, id. Viti : lu, to run or leak out ; lua, to vomit ; loloa, qualmish, seasick. Mota: lua, to spew. Malo: lua, id. Santo: lulua, id. Baki: mjuluo, id. Malekula: ru, id. Aneityum: a-lo, id; aluo, aluun, to put out the tongue. Malay: luwat, luai, to vomit; luwar, luar, out, away; luwari, luwar- kan, to put out, to expel. Malagasy : lua, to vomit ; mandua, to vomit ; luatra, over and above, taken up, put out ; manduatra, to take out or up. Arabic: t'a't, ta'a, tai'at, t'a'at, to vomit. 280 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. The Proto-Samoan stem is lua. The Mangarevan akaruta is quite singular, and, while not succeeding in identifying its primitive ruta, I can not admit it as a lua derivative. The same word akaruta cited by Tregear from the Marquesas is not found in Bishop Dordillon's dictionary. The le and lai of Efate are profoundly degenerate forms if they be really of the lua stem. The most degenerate form in Melanesia is the ru of Male- kula and the ro as a component of Aneityum a-lo. The discovery of these two forms in the sense to vomit gives a certain probability to the Viti lu in a sense which, while different, is not wholly irreconcilable with this stem. The Efate sense "to put out the tongue (or anything) " — and I am free to acknowledge that I can not imagine what Dr. Macdonald means within the parentheses — finds support in Aneityum aluo and aluun, to put out the tongue, to thrust out the tongue, respectively. But the sense is only remotely, if at all, related to the stem sense of lua. The Indonesian carries lua identifications with much extraneous matter. The value of the Semitic identification wholly fails to appear. 229. ma i, to chew (softening food for an infant). Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Tahiti, Rapanui, Marquesas : mama, to chew. Niue: mama, a mouthful, that which is chewed. Hawaii: mama, to chew with a view to spit out of the mouth. Man- gareva : mama, to chew, to bruise with the teeth. Nukuoro : manga, to chew. Uvea: maanga, a morsel. Viti : mama, to chew, used chiefly of the kava root. Aneityum : a-mai, to chew (kava or any bark) . Malay: mam ah, to chew. Arabic: ma"ma"a, to chew meat, but not wholly. 230. manga, maka, to open out, to gape, to wonder, to speak, to open the jaws ; tnangamanga, to gape often and rapidly, to pant, manga, a part of the names of places, as gorges and valleys, and especially of the abysses of Hades below Bokas. Samoa: manga, a branch of anything forked, as a tree, river, road or fishhook ; tnangamanga, branched, forked ; fa'amanga, to open the mouth, to gape ; fa'amangai, to set astride. Tonga : manga, a branch of a tree, road, fishhook, stream, open, forked, spread- ing ; mangamanga, to branch off, to spread open ; mamanga, to stride, to extend the legs; fakamanga, to open, to gape; faka- mangamanga, to barb, to jag, to make forked. Futuna : manga, a branch, a fork ; fakamanga, to have the legs spread out. Niue : manga, forked ; mangaua, cloven ; fakamanga, to open the mouth, to gape; fakamamanga, to straddle, to open the mouth, to spread out, to extend. Maori: manga, the branch of a tree or a river. Mangareva: manga, the branch of a tree, forked, cloven. Paumotu: manga, a branch, a division. Rapanui: mangamanga, a branch ; mangamanga rima, a finger. Hawaii : mana, a branch, a limb, to branch out, to be divided. Mar- quesas: mana, a branch, as of a river. Tahiti: maa, cloven, divided; amaa, the branch of a tree. DATA AND NOTES. 281 Viti: manga, pudendum rauliebre. Mota: manga, an opening with lips, mouth, to open, to gape. Malay : manga, open ; mangah, to pant, to palpitate ; nganga, to gape. Ethiopic :nakaKa, to gape, to yawn, to be rent, parted, sundered ;nka'at, an opening, gap, fissure. Arabic: naka'a, to rend asunder. This forms an excellent and consistent series from Polynesia to Indonesia. The Semitic identifications proposed by our author have not the least connection with the Polynesian m-ng root. 231. mina, pleasant, nice. Samoa; momona, fat, rich (of pigeons and fish). Tonga: momona, fat (as shellfish). Futuna: momona, flesh of sea food. Maori: momona, fat, rich, fertile. Hawaii: mona, fat, rich, fertile, round, plump, the fat of an animal. Tahiti: mona, momona, sweet, delicious. Marquesas : momona, delicious, good to taste, fat part of an animal. Mangareva: momona, grease, fat. Paumotu: momona, odor, savor. Viti: mona, brains. Malagasy: monamonany, fat, plump, of a child or young animal. Arabic: 'anik\ pleasant, nice. The Marquesas combines the two significations of fat meat and deli- cious. The meat sense runs through Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Maori, Hawaii, Mangareva. In 142 we have seen a word beginning in oil and ending in brains; the Viti attains the same end from an equally greasy beginning. The Paumotu momona has undergone a particular and independent special- ization. Taking a fresh start from the Marquesas and examining the sense of delicious we find that to be the only sense in Tahiti and Ef ate ; possibly it may be inferred in the rich of Samoa, Maori and Hawaii. Again Dr. Macdonald's Semitic is not even a resemblance. 232. mitei, breadfruit fermented and preserved. Cf. mutrei 6. Samoa : mast, fermented breadfruit ; matt, stale (of water, coconuts, kava) . Futuna : mast, breadfruit or bananas fermented ; matt, wilted and yellow, of leaves of tobacco and taro. Nukuoro: mast, bad-smelling. Tonga: mahi, sour, acid; maji, sour, decayed, as the nut when kept too long. Tahiti : mahi, bread- fruit fermented. Mangareva: cf. mahimahi, cooked food kept until the next day to make it better. Viti : masimasia, the breadfruit in a certain state. Malay: masin, salt. Malagasy: masimasina, saltish. Arabic: mast', salt (of water). The alternative form mutrei I have (note 6) carried out to its Viti con- gener mandrai. This form mitei we may adopt as related to the Polynesian mast, as set forth above. I have noted the Polynesian mati as being nearer mitei in form, but it clearly has no connection in sense. Mati carries the impli- cation of being unfit to eat, and no Polynesian would think so ill of his mast, even though the odor is overpowering to Europeans and suggests the reflec- tion that stale would be but a weak description. I am not quite confident 282 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. enough of the Nukuoro vocabulary to accept bad-smelling as the definition of mast, though it is fact none the less. There is no physical fact in the fermentation of pounded breadfruit to enable us to connect it with the Indonesian and Semitic here proposed. The Malay masin finds its near relative in Nuclear Polynesian masima salt. 233- sau, gentle breeze, cold air, as in the morning and evening. Tonga : haua, to be exposed to the wind, to blow to and fro. Niue : hahau, hauhau, cool. Maori: hau, wind, to be borne on the wind: hauhau, cool. Tahiti: hahau, to go aslant or beat in, as the rain driven by the wind into a house ; haumoe, the cold night breezes of the valleys ; mehau, wind ; puihauhau, to blow gently, as a small breeze; haumaru, cool, grateful. Hawaii: hau, the name of the land breeze that blows at night, any cool breeze ; hauhau, cool ; kehau, the mountain breeze in the morn- ing, a cold fine rain or mist. Marquesas : tohau, a gentle wind. Mangareva: hau, to blow gently. Rapanui: hou, breeze; hahau, hauhau, air, breeze; hakahahau, to expose to the air. Viti: thauthau, the land breeze. Malay: hawa, wind. Hebrew : nas'af, to blow ; ncs'ef, the evening twilight when a colder gale blows, the morning twilight. In discussing the sau stems which are involved in this and the next two items Mr. Tregear with truth remarks that it is difficult to seg- regate the several senses under proper headings since the significations all pass into one another. The only contribution toward the classification of the matter which I can offer is the note that sau dew belongs to a stem which is either saut or saum in Proto-Samoan, and that saxi to cut derives from a stem in sauf . True, this will not avail much in the present stage of Polynesian with open stems, but it will serve as a safe guide so far as it may go in tracing out earlier affinities. The sau of wind and temperature seems to be from a primitive sau. The Semitic identification offered is distinctly triliteral. Even were we to grant that the Hebrew / might become Polynesian u we are still left with an initial n upon our hands and unaccounted for. 234- sau, the dew. Samoa: sau, the dew; sasau, heavy dew; fa'asau, to bedew. Fu- tuna: sau, the dew; fakasau, to expose to dew. Tonga: hahau, dew, mist; haujia, hauhau, wet with dew. Niue: hahau, dew; haumia, bedewed. Uvea: hahau, dew. Maori: hau, haurutu, hauku, haunui, dew; haumaku, hautaku, bedewed, wet. Tahiti: hau, dew; tahau, to bleach clothes in the dew of the morning ; tiohau, to bleach in the dew ; toehaumi, soft or damp as by dew. Hawaii: hau, cold dew. Mangareva: hau, an, dew. Rapanui, Marquesas: hau, id. Rarotonga: au, dew. Viti: sasau, dew. Malagasy: andu, dew. Arabic: nada' (for nadau), dew. DATA AND NOTES. 283 The Proto-Samoan saut rests upon protected forms in Samoa, Tonga, and Maori. The stem saum in the same sense is preserved in Niue, Tahiti, and Maori. I can find no evidence of the interchange of t and m except the apparent instance in 2 17, which, as there shown, is susceptible of a far simpler explanation. The Viti sasau is a dialect form, the Bau using tengu and mbite, but with sau appearing in Efate it is not necessary to consider sasau a recent acqui- sition from the Tongan. The Malagasy and Arabic might better be offered as homogenetic with dew itself than with saum and satit. 235- sau fi, to scoop or shave the surface off water; to cut or shave off the sur- face of wood ; sau- baba, an adze, to strip off, to peel off (as clothes) . Samoa: sasau, a large axe; saupapa, saupapa, to cut off the outer part of a log of wood to make it level and even ; saujono, to cut planks for a canoe ; sautasi, one wide plank of a canoe. Tonga : hahau, to adze, to chip logs of wood square. Maori: hau, hauhau, hahau, to hew, to chop. Tahiti: hauhau, to take off the first chips in hollowing a tree. Hawaii : hahau, to hew stones. Viti: sautha, to cut (as bamboos, reeds), to break a coconut for drinking (by cracking off a piece at the tip). Malagasy: sauka, saufina, to scoop out (of water), to draw water. Hebrew : s'a'ab, to draw water. The primary idea lies in the raking off the surface, sahaf, to sweep, to scrape off, hasaf, to strip off. Arabic: sahaf a, to scrape, peel or rub off, to shave. My recognition of a Proto-Samoan sauf is based upon the Efate, for our Polynesian is scanty and affords us no protected forms from which the stem might be revealed. I recognize that this stem does not seem to apply to the Viti, but that is in sense a doubtful identification. The first of Dr. Macdonald's definitions of saufi is a treasure; it surely was first drafted by one of the Danaids in her aquatic employment. The reason for its presence in the Efate dictionary will, of course, be found in the Semitic suggestion. The true signification is to hew with the adze, and it is only in the Maori that this sense is not made to appear in the definition. This stamps the Viti identification as inconsistent. The Malagasy has not the Polynesian sense, but it does accord with the Efate scooping of water. 236. tau-ngi, to grasp firmly with the hand, to pluck off with the hand (as fruit). Samoa: tau, to pluck fruit with the hand; tau, to press out (as juice), to milk. Tonga : tau, to squeeze or wring out. Futuna : tau, ta-tau, to squeeze, to express. Niue: tau, to gather gardenias; tatau, to wring, to strain, to press out. Uvea: tatau, to press; taui, to pluck. Maori: tatau, to squeeze, to express juice. Fotuna: ko-tauia, to wring, to express. Viti: taura, to take hold of. Malay: sambut, to lay hold of. Malagasy: sambutra, id. Hebrew: sabat, to grasp, to lay hold of firmly, to seize, to pluck. Arabic: s'abata, s'abat'a, id. 284 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. It is impossible to see how the Indonesian and the Semitic, though there is a superficial resemblance between them, can have anything to do with the Efat6 and Polynesian of this item. 237- tula, earwax. Maori, Tahiti : taturi, earwax. Mangareva: teturi, id. Paumotu: katuri, id. Hawaii: kokuli, id. Fotuna: turituri, id. Mar- quesas: tetui, id. Viti: tule, ndule, earwax. Baki: tiro, earwax. Mota: tul, id. Malay: chulik, to clear the ears of wax. Bicol: tuli, earwax. Arabic: salah, deafness. Because of the fact that the island diagnosticians regard cerumen as the sole cause of deafness and in their practice of medicine not infrequently produce deafness by their exploratory excavation of the ear, and because of the intimate association of this stem with the most common word for deafness, I include the latter for the extension of this record. Samoa: tuli, talingatuli, deaf. Tonga: tuli, id. Futuna: tuli- tuli, id. Uvea: tuli, id. Niue: talingatuli, id. Hawaii: kuli, id. Tahiti : turi, taturi, id. Maori: turi, id. Marquesas: tui, to disobey, to turn a deaf ear ; hadtetui, to turn a deaf ear ; putui, deaf, disobedient ; hadputui, to turn a deaf ear. Rarotonga : turi, deaf. Mangareva: turi, noise. Paumotu: taringaturi, disobedient. Fotuna: eturitura, deaf. Nuguria: tarina- turi, id. Viti: ndalingatule, deaf. Motu : tuia, to quiet. Malay: tuli, deaf. Matu: turang, id. From this it apppears that in the very center of Nuclear Polynesia tuli means deaf, yet that the sense is more precisely conveyed by joining with it the organ affected, talinga being, of course, the outer ear, which is as far as their knowledge of aural anatomy goes. This composite is the only means of recording deafness in Niue, which has not retained the tuli-stem in independent existence. It is the only means in Polynesian Viti (for it has a Melanesian term, ndindivara), which retains tule {ndule) for the ceru- men. In Samoa both talingatuli and tuli exist side by side in the same sense. In the remotest Polynesia of all, the Paumotu, an archipelago of linguistic problem, the word exists in a tropical sense only. But the rest of Polynesia expresses its deafness satisfactorily by tuli, and we find the word in Indonesia and possibly in Motu. Now if we regard the employment of tuli for cerumen we shall note that such use extends from Indonesia into Viti. Of Nuclear Polynesia we can not speak with greater precision than to say that all our dictionaries have omitted this sense in defining tuli; at the same time they have neglected to define cerumen at all. But in all eastward Polynesia, the lands of the Tongafiti swarm, it is necessary to reinforce tuli with another element in differentiation from the sense of deafness. This element stems the same throughout this second migration, subject to the normal variation. It is ta DATA AND NOTES. 285 in Maori and Tahiti, ka in the Paumotu, ko in Hawaii, te in Mangareva and the Marquesas. That it was brought by this migration from its western home is shown by this uniformity, and it is in use wherever that migra- tion has reached. It is so ancient that no trace of its original significance can now be discovered. By combining these two records we find : (i) The Proto-Samoans used tuli to mean the visible physical obstruction of the ear, and to convey the sense of deafness they employed a locution signifying waxed-ear. (2) The Tongafiti when their migration swarmed had reached a stage in which tuli had lost its primal sense, was altogether used of deafness, and to convey the cerumen meaning a compound was necessary. (3) Nuclear Polynesia, being a meeting-ground of the two migrations, shows the record of the earlier overlaid by the later. The use in Fotuna of the /w/i-cerumen and tuli-deai is one of the inter- esting pieces of evidence to show that the squadron which settled that verge island had been in the area where the Proto-Samoan and Tongafiti swarms had been in conjunction, and that the period of its voyage must have been subsequent to the coming of the Tongafiti fleets to Nuclear Polynesia. 238. uta i, uta ki, to load (to make sink, to immerse) a canoe ; uta, a canoe load, a cargo. Samoa: uta, the cargo, the load of a boat, ship or canoe. Tonga: uta, the cargo or freight of a vessel. Uvea: uuta, to fill up. Futuna: uta, cargo, lading. Maori: uta, to put on board a canoe, to freight, to load ; utanga, cargo, lading. Mangareva : uta, to carry by sea to land or by sea to another country ; utanga, a big loading ;'or freight. Marquesas: uta, to carry, to transport; utatina, utaia, cargo. Paumotu: utanga, bag- gage, burden, freight, the lading of a ship. Rapanui: hakauta, to give passage. Tahiti: utaa, the burden or load of vessel. Hawaii : ukana, baggage on or to be put on a canoe or vessel; hoouka, to freight, to put aboard a canoe. Fotuna: auta, cargo; fakaute, to load. Viti: usana, usa, to convey a cargo; usana, usausa, a cargo. Tanna: (t)auuta, to load; nauuta, cargo, Malagasy: undrana, to load a canoe. Arabic: "ata ("a'tu), to immerse. There is no evidence to show that this is other than an open stem, yet Dr. Macdonald joins it with utu (168), of which the stem is demonstrably utuf, and derives both from a Semitic parent of an Arabic word meaning to immerse. In clinching the identification he so defines this uta as to lose all sight of common sense. The one aim of the Efate stevedore and of the lumpers aboard the greatest cargo tramp that ever steamed away from the Broomielaw is so to stow the lading of his canoe, of their whaleback, as to preclude all risk that he shall "make it to sink or immerse." Does not the man know that in the days when shipmen had the piety that fears the sea all ships' papers, after reciting the cargo, wound up with the prayer, at least the formula, "and so may God send the good ship safe deliverance" ? 286 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. "To load, "he says, "to make sink, to immerse," and all because the Arabians of the nights use for immerse a word which he thinks to look like uta. The word, belonging to both migration swarms, is practically one from Melanesia to the Paumotu, both in form and in sense. Very little, there- fore, calls for comment. In the Marquesas utatina involves the termination Una peculiar to that language, but which has the same function as the common nga or na wherewith nouns are formed from verbs. Our Uvea dictionary is very jejune, but there can be no doubt that uuta has the char- acteristic cargo sense. In Viti we encounter the t-s mutation, which is by no means unusual in that speech and will be found elsewhere in Melanesia. The Malagasy has the usual distortion of the resemblance of the words in that language which stem upon the Polynesian. EFATE-MELANESIAN-POLYNESIAN-MALAY-SEMITIC. 239- asua, to smoke. Samoa: asu, smoke. Nuguria: ohu, thin smoke ; aw, thick smoke. Nukuoro: asu, smoke. Rotuma: aasu, osu, id. Tonga, Niue, Uvea: ahu, id. Futuna : afu, id. Maori: au, auahi, id. Tahiti: au, smoke, vapor; au auahi, smoke; auahi, fire. Ma- ngareva : aw, cloudy mist on the ocean ; ahu, mist, cloud ; auahi, smoke. Marquesas: auahi, smoke, vapor. Rapanui: au, auahi, steam, vapor. Hawaii: uahi, a cloud, a vaporous appearance. Rarotonga: auai, smoke. Moanus: kdsu, kdsumoan {moan, fire), smoke. Sariba, Panaieti, Mukawa: kasu, id. Awalama: bogahu, id. Malekula Aulua : basua, id. Galavi: basu, id. Taupota: bahubahu, id. Wedau, Boniki : bau, id. Motu : qalahu, id. Nifilole : nggasi, id. Ulawa, Bululaha : sasu, id. Alite: r asu, id. Malo, Tangoan Santo, Maewo, Merlav, Gog, Mota, Wango, Fagani, Suau, Dobu : asu, id. Sesake: asua, id. Savo: azuazu, id. Mosin: as, id. Mafoor (New Guinea) : aas, id. Malekula Pangkumu: ese, id. Ambrym: walehi, id. Vuras: es, id. Sasar, Alo Teqel, Pak: os, id. Santo: osun, id. Nggao: ngganggahu, id. Bugotu, Nggela,Omba: ahu,id. Motlav, Volow, Arag: aho, id. Lakon: ahauav, id. Lo: hiev, id. Roro: hiavu, id. Norbarbar: ah, suio, id. Buka: uruhu, orru, id. Nada, Murua: museu, id. Kiriwina: umseu, id. Malay: asap, smoke. Malagasy: ctuna, id. Hebrew: 'as' en, 'as'an, to smoke. Arabic: 'at' ana, id. As between the two migrations we observe that the Tongafiti has under- gone a loss of the consonant element. Our Melanesian homogenetic forms are numerous and widely placed; we shall have to examine several con- siderable changes, but in not a single instance do we find this central con- sonant obliterated. When we look more closely into the Tongafiti languages we shall see that au has not only lost the radical s; it has scarcely succeeded in retaining the recollection of its own meaning. Mangareva is the only Tongafiti speech which recalls the consonant, in ahu, and this is paralleled by au; and both have gone so far away from the brands of the fire as to mean no more than DATA AND NOTES. 287 any vapor. Maori and Tahiti are the only languages in which au means smoke; in each it means vapor in general, each employs more freely a definitive compound, and Maori has several other words for smoke. Hav- ing expanded in signification to mean vapor in general, the only way in which it was possible to make it plain when smoke alone was meant by au was to make the definitive compound fire -vapor auahi. This we find in Maori, in Mangareva, in Rarotonga to mean smoke. In the Marquesas this too means vapor as well. By an odd mischance in Tahiti auahi passed from the smoke to the fire itself, and to designate smoke it became neces- sary to cry back once more to au and devise au auahi. We have seen that in the Marquesas auahi means vapor as well. Passing thence to Hawaii we find that auahi has lost even the memory of the fire and it has broken down in form to uahi, used of any vapor. Judge Andrews, ignorant of the life history of the word, etymologizes this — no other description so fits — as u ooze or milk, and ahi fire ; unfortunately the author of the very respect- able Hawaiian dictionary was no philologist. It is proper to note that in Emerson's English-Hawaiian dictionary (1845) smoke is defined as uahi. In Nuclear Polynesia asu carries the vapor idea as well. Samoa differ- entiates by the use of the primitive for smoke and the conduplicate asuasu for haze and mist ; as is commonly the sense of conduplication forms, it is intensive. Futuna employs afu for both. In this area no matter of form change need engage our attention except this of Futuna. It is a particu- larly interesting case, one with a story to tell. We have in the material here assembled no record of an s-f mutation; in my more extended studies in Polynesia I have encountered no other instance and but two which are at all near it. We know that the Samoan has the primal form asu. The normal mutation is to h, and thus we have ahu in Tonga, Niue, and Uvea. But Futuna has no aspiration and it does possess the sibilant. Now if Samoan users of the word had carried it to Futuna, Uvea would have learned to say asu. From the Futuna afu we see that the word came to them in the ahu form. Our charts will show us that of the three languages which use ahu Uvea lies almost within sound . But Uvea uses both s and //. If asu had come to Uvea from Samoa asu it would have remained; that it is ahu shows that it came to Uvea from some language in which ahu was the form, and, having the aspirate, Uvea was under no compulsion to change the form which it received. But Futuna had to provide some way of dealing with the inconvenient or dis- agreeable h. In Polynesia h is a mutation result from s and from /. For some reason Futuna felt the impulse to work back from h to / instead of to s, which was all wrong, but, like all error, the more picturesque it is the better does it teach. Now the line is sharply drawn between the s-h and the f-h mutations; s-h is general in Polynesia; f-h occurs only between the Proto-Samoan and certain of the Tongafiti tongues. If, then, Futuna inter- prets the h which is brought to it in terms of / it can only be that the Futuna folk have the Tongafiti Sprachgeist, in other words that they are a Tongafiti folk left behind on their exiguous two islands when the swarm of their fellows swept along to distant discovery. At the beginning of this excursus I mentioned two instances of a near mutation. They involve Samoan salo to rasp (Tonga-Niue halu)Viti varo, Samoan scle to snare Tonga heleViti vcre. 288 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. We have already seen that the Tongafiti folk have found it necessary to particularize smoke as fire-vapor. The same usage is found, though far less commonly, in Melanesia. We have in Moanus kasumoan, in which moan is fire although by no means of our ahi-fire stem ; Lakon ahau av and Lo hiev are clearly homogenetic with auahi; but these are all. The stem asu we find intact in a considerable group of languages in the New Hebrides and two in the southern Solomons. This stem is altered by frontal accretion of three palatals in Moanus, Nifilole, and Nggao, severally too remote to be regarded as local interinfluence ; of two linguals in Ulawa- Bululaha and Alite, which only once more in all our material, sa (337) bad Tanna ra, are found interchanging; of one labial. I note Codrington's opinion that "Nggao ngganggahu is the Mota gagavu thick, clouded." But is it ? Moanus kasu is nearer phonologically and far nearer in the migration track, for a derivation from Mota to the Solomons is an upstream movement and against the current. I do not incline to regard this frontal accretion as a Melanesian device; it seems more reasonable to look upon it as the remnant of an earlier stem form, but what that earlier and now vanished radical initial may have been we may not seek to know. Savo shows asu with the slight change from surd to sonant. Two lan- guages in the Solomons and one in the New Hebrides have asu with equally slight change from sibilant to aspirate. Motlav, Volow and Arag, all in the New Hebrides, carry the change a small step farther by the alteration of the final vowel. A step beyond in the change of the final vowel brings us to Lakon. Efate and Sesake have the asu stem unchanged save for the terminal accretion of the vowel a. Thus far we have kept close to the primal form. Now, while holding fast to the s, we are to find a greater vowel change in Malekula Pangkumu ese and one which sacrifices the differentiation of the two vowels which has hitherto been found to persist. To this branch of the stem belongs the Vuras es. With it I have included Ambrym walehi provisionally ; the ehi can not be a mutant of afi fire, for that is av in Ambrym ; I have thought it possible that ehi is a further mutant upon ese, and wal is as yet unac- countable. Santo osun with a terminal accretion introduces the o-branch which will be noticed in Rotuma as well and in three of the Vanua Lava languages with terminal abrasion. Norbarbar shows in one of its forms a terminal abrasion deriving from either ahu or alio, but probably the former. Lo suggests in hi a frontal abrasion, and that principle may also account for a part of the second Norbarbar form suio. One Buka form, uruhu, quite plainly suggests in uhu another vowel change of asu, leaving ur unaccount- able yet somewhat smacking of wal in Ambrym walehi, or perhaps in these words ruhu and lehi are akin to Alite rasu ; the second Buka form is mani- festly a devolution form from the former. In the Malay asap we recur to the definitive compound of the Tongafiti, as-ap, in which the latter component is again afi fire. The Malagasy seems like an asu derivative. In the Semitic there is seen the initial palatal which appears here in Melanesian, the former vowel is the same, the s is present, and the final n is found once at least in Melanesia. So far as this one stem is concerned the resemblance is striking. DATA AND NOTES. 289 240. aue, interjection of surprise, commiseration. Samoa: aue, alas, oh (wonder). Niue: aue, alas. Maori: aue, alas (surprise). Hawaii: aue, auwe, alas. Mangareva: aue, alas (surprise and grief) . Tahiti, Raro tonga, Paumotu : aue, alas. Tongarewa: awai, id. Tonga: oiaue, alas. Aniwa: kawe, alas. Futuna: uei, alas (indignation, surprise). Marquesas: aue, ue (surprise). Fotuna: awe, alas. Rapanui: aue, aueue, ue, alas. Aneityum: awe, auwe, iyauwe, alas. Nguna: ai, id. Mota: awa, id. Eromanga: uwe, id. Tanna Weasisi: awe, id. Bierian, Baki: awa, id. Malay: ahi, ayi, ayue, alas. Arabic: awwi, alas. It is a sure identification from the Paumotu through all Polynesia, through all Melanesia, through all Indonesia, and to the Semitic if one so will. And to the cow, if one so will, for I have caught it in the calf-call of lowing kine. And why should it not be identifiable, for the word lacks all the elements of strength which part the word from the cry? There is not a consonant anywhere in it, for the w is no more than a matter of tran- scription ; it might just as well be u. Only in Aniwa do we find a consonant, the deepest palatal and initial at that. To me it seems no more present than is the initial m in the moo of cattle, a mere appulse. What is this cry which our primitive islanders share with the animals? Look at its elements, all full-throated. First we have a, the sound of mouth open, fauces open, lungs full of air. As air expires the sound recedes in the mouth toward the palate and we find the u. Last comes the con- scious finish of the utterance, the muscles begin to retract, the sound-mak- ing point is forced forward and the sound is e. If the man had but a few more cubic centimeters of lung capacity he could attain cow volume for his cry, or interjection, since it amounts to the same thing. 241. bwala, bwela, bwola, to incline to, to be close to, to be stuck. Samoa : pili, to be near, to approach, to be caught, entangled. Niue : pili, to stick together. Hawaii : pili, near, close, to stick together. Maori : piri, to stick ; pipiri, to be close together. Tahiti: piri, to be squeezed or confined close. Rarotonga: piri, to stick together ; akapiripiri, to get near. Mangareva : piri, to stick together; akapiri, to patch, to glue. Paumotu: pxripiri, glue ; fakapiri, to adhere. Rapanui : piri iho, to devote oneself to; pipiri, glue, gum, sticky; hakapiri, to join to. Marquesas: pit, to be joined together, to stick. Motu : hebirihebiri, to sit or stand close together, as trees standing close together; hebirimatemate , to be squeezed, crowded. Mota : kpwir, to be close together; vakpwirkpwir, to crowd together. Aneityum: bili, promiscuously. Malay: ampiri, to bring near to; ambir, near, nigh. Arabic: mala, mayl', to incline, bend, or lean to, to be close or near. 290 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. The identifications here in Polynesia, Melanesia, and Indonesia are closer than the Efate, yet that is not so far away as to be excluded. It will be noticed that the places in which these Melanesian identifications appear — Motu, Mota, New Hebrides — are those which go to establish the Viti track which I have proposed as one of the migration courses. In the Malay words the pili stem is recognizable in company with a formative element. The m is manifestly not associable with piri-bir. It must be upon these Malay words as transition forms that our author relies in passing to his Arabic. This lacks permissibility. 242. bwinu, bwin, bonge, to whistle. Samoa: vivini, to crow. Futuna: vini, vinivini, to utter a cry of alarm, of distress or of joy. Mangareva : vinivini, a soft sound, musical, music. Paumotu: vinivini, the cry of a baby, to chirp, to warble; hakavinivini, to whistle, to hiss at. Malekula Pangkumu and Uripiv: puinpnin, ivinivin, to whistle. Ambrym: mo fin, id. Malagasy: enu, ncnu, manena, to sound, to crow, to ring, to sing. Arabic: ma'anu, a singer; "aniya, to sing, to coo; "ina, song. Hebrew: 'anah, to sing. As to the homology of v-bm-pu see note 84 dealing with Efate bu. The dialectic form bonge does not seem such that we may include it. The word is singularly rare in its distribution. The Malagasy can not properly be included in the identification, and the Semitic with its deepest guttural for an initial is far remote from the island stem. 243. bir i, to plait a string or rope. Samoa, Futuna, Niue : fili, to plait, to braid, to twist. Tahiti : firi, id. Maori: whiri, id. Mangareva: hiri, id. Hawaii: hili, id. Mangaia: iri, id. Tonga: fi, id. Marquesas: fix, to twist. vSolomon Islands: fili, a rope. Motu: hilia, to twist round and round. Mota : vir, to twist, to wring, to squeeze with a twist, to plait. Malay: pintal, to twist. Beu: pilin, id. Batavia: bilan, id. Arabic: fatala, fatV, to twist, to spin. Ethiopic: fatlat, id. In the Tongan fi here included because of identity of signification we encounter a form anomalous in the vanishing of the second of the stem syllables. In fisi (223) it will be observed that a similar loss is observed in Futuna, Niue, Viti, and the Tongafiti identifications. If in this light we examine the Mota identification of that group, vivi, vivis, it may be proper to separate them, vivis to go with the fisi stem, and viv to go (as abraded vivi) with a fi stem. To that would also belong the Efate fif i and probably the Samoan. The remaining identifications are satisfactory, excluding Malay pintal, until we reach the Semitic. This involves the triliteral ftl. To link this with the fili stem requires that we account for the loss of I without having left a transition form anywhere along the line, all the more difficult to account for since, being centrally situated, it is protected from the common casualties. DATA AND NOTES. 291 244. boro-aki, biro-aki, bero-aki, baro-aki, to bequeath to or order to do (by- will when dying), to commission (one to do something), to give orders to. Samoa: poloa'i, to send a message to, to command a person at a distance, to leave commands, as when going a journey or dying. Futuna : poloaki, to order, to command, to bid farewell. (Niue : poaki, pnaki, to command. Tonga : boboaki, to send a message.) Hawaii : poloai, to send orders for one to come. Maori : poroaki, to leave instructions when departing, to take leave. Ma- ngareva : poroaki, to command, to order. Marquesas : pooai, podhaki, to command, to entreat. Tahiti: poroi, a direction given, a charge, to take leave. Mangaia: poro, last words. Matupit : bor, to shout at, to scold harshly. Malay: pasan, to commission, to enjoin. Malagasy: haf aha , a will or testament, order. Arabic: wasa', to bequeath by will, to command, to enjoin. The stem is polo. This is seen in a radical signification in Mangaia, the only case in which the noun has been preserved. This sense of the last words, or, in the verb, to impart dying injunctions, has as much importance to the Polynesians as police attach to ante-mortem statements, a fetish in the performance of their peculiar functions. He dies well in the Pacific who, upon fine mats and with the members of his family seated gravely about him, can divide among his kin not his possessions, for those are largely communal, but the functions in life upon the successful performance of which he can look back with pleased gratification. This is so concrete an act that I incline to the belief that it is the gravely underlying sense of the word. It is found as noun in Mangaia, as verb in Samoa, where, however, the particular sense is in modern usage more defi- nitely expressed in fa'amavaenga or parting words. A secondary sense, as the word broke down, was to cover the farewell of any parting; this in Samoa, Futuna, Maori and Tahiti. Next, with the idea still persisting of the inexorability of the death-bed injunction, the word weakens still further into the sense of a command ; this in Futuna, Mangareva, Tahiti and the Marquesas, and, disregarding now the form anomaly, in Tonga and Niue. All these languages have other words meaning to command. That this command differs from other orders is felt in all these tongues; it is defi- nitely expressed in Samoa "to command a person at a distance" and the tantamount Hawaiian. Except for Efate we do not find the stem in Melanesia. I have included the Matupit form from New Britain because of its form resemblance; the sense is so far awry as to make the identification quite doubtful. In Efate and Polynesia, excepting Tahiti and Mangaia, we find that the word has spread in its most highly finished form. In general the Polyne- sian verbs in -aki impress me as a most modern development. The diffu- sion of this one shows that it must have existed in this form at the time of the expulsion of the Tongafiti swarm from Samoa. The form in Niue and 292 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Tonga is anomalous; we do not often find the excision in Polynesian of a whole root syllable ; yet the sense and the identity of the remnant seem to prove these forms of the polo stem. Backward of Efate, save the Matupit resemblance, I recognize no identi- fication. 245« bwosi, to twist (a rope). Samoa: fust, a belt, a girdle, to tie, to bind, to gird, to clasp, to embrace. Tonga: fuhi, to fasten on. Niue: fuhi, a bunch, to tie together. Uvea : fihu, to tie. Hawaii : hut, a bunch, a cluster. Mangareva: huhui, a tied-up bundle of fruit, a cluster, a bunch. Viti: vusi, to suspend by a loop, to fasten, to tie up. Nengone: wose, to bind; nawose, a band. Malay: pusing, to twist, to turn round. Arabic : 'afasa, to twist. Because Dr. Macdonald has identified bwosi with fusi I have here expanded the ramifications of that stem, the more particularly as it has Melanesian affiliations. Yet I do not by any means accept the initial identification. Principally from the sense I regard bwosi as homogenetic with fisi (223); and the form variety is no more than we find in other Efate identifications which we are quite ready to accept as valid. Of Polynesian fusi we are to note that it is wholly Nuclear Polynesian, the Uvea variant being readily resolvable as metathetic of the 1432 type. This fusi we find in Viti, Nengone, and Malay. The Arabic is a triliteral, *fs, and we can not account for the sacrifice of the initial. The Hawaiian and Mangareva forms I have expressly included in order that I might clarify a Niue peculiarity. They are not of the fusi stem; their stem is fui, so found in Samoa and in the Polynesian of each migration swarm. Niue fuhi is of the fusi stem in the sense of tying; to the cluster (fui) sense it has assigned the fusi stem. This I can not regard as a transi- tion form between the two stems, for neither s nor h undergoes extinction in passing from Samoa to Niue. I take it as simply a Niue blunder. That such blunders may happen I have already made sufficiently clear in Futuna afu (239). Dr. Macdonald equally identifies the Malay pusing with fisi (223). 246. buma, funga, to flower, to blossom. Samoa: funga, a flower, a blossom. Nukuoro: hunga, a flower. Sesake : vunga, a blossom, a berry. Malekula Pangkumu : pung, to blossom. Malay: bunga, flower, blossom. Malagasy: vuni, flower; mamuni, to blossom. Arabic: fukah, flower. It is impossible to avoid the impression that there lies somewhere a con- nection between this relatively infrequent word and the widespread fua (360) fruit. The consideration of this stem, therefore, will be involved, so far as may be fitting, in the discussion of that item. DATA AND NOTES. 293 247. buto, the navel. Samoa : pute, the navel. Tangoan Santo, Lambell, Lamassa : buto, the navel. New Ireland (Carteret Harbor) : buta, id. New Ireland (Duffield) : ambu- tang, id. Laur, Pala, King, Malo: bito, id. Malekula Pangkumu: bitou, id. Baki: burimbito, id. Buka: vuso, bussusse, id. Mota: putoi, id. Tanna: nu-puti, id. Tagula: bibido. Roro : botoa. Kabadi : puko. Mekeo : fuko. Motu : udo. Pokau : mudo. Mukawa : puso. Suau : uso. Tubetube : pusua. Awalama: buhoho. Wedau: buo. Nada, Murua: poso. Sariba: post. Mugula: poasi. Panaieti, Misima: pohu. Hula : buro. Rubi, Keapara, Galoma : bulo. Sinaugoro : ulo. Malay: pusat, the navel. Malagasy: fuitra, id. Arabic: bugrat, the navel, a knob. With this should be included the general Polynesian pito navel. Samoa, which has pute for navel, uses pito only in the sense of the end of a thing and \pitopito for anus, this apparently for modesty's sake in preference over pu. Maori : pito, navel, end. Tahiti : pito, navel, navel string; pitoraoere, the ends of a leaf surround in fishing. Marquesas : pito, navel, navel string, end. Mangaia : pito, navel string. Mangareva : pito, navel, end; pitopito, button. Paumotu: pito, navel; pito pito, button. Tonga: bito, navel. Niue, Rapanui, Nukuoro, Futuna: pito, navel. Hawaii, piko, navel, end. I have no hesitation in associating the two as probable offshoots of the same stem and as certainly alternate forms. I can not yet produce any one of these languages in which the two forms appear side by side, yet it is possible to present evidence but little inferior. We have four languages recorded from a sixty-mile stretch of southern coast on the west face of New Ireland, and three of these are so intimately associated that the differences are but dialect variations. In fact before the casting of this note into its final form the Pala speech has become accessible and shall stand as a fifth consenting speech. In these five we find buto in Lambell and Lamassa, bito in King, Laur, and Pala, all in the sense of navel. The conclusion is not to be gainsaid that buto and bito mean navel and that Samoan is the only Polynesian speech which has retained the buto form and thus avoids confusion with pito the end, a confusion which exists in other Polynesian speech, particularly of the Tongafiti swarm. The possession of the 5-forms in Buka and New Guinea leads the way to the acceptance of the Malay pusat, regarding the final t as due to local needs. But we have no evidence for the Malagasy. The Arabic is scarcely a resemblance. 248. goro, koro, to snore. Maori: ngongoro, to snore. Mangareva: ngoro, id. Paumotu: ngooro, id. Hawaii: nonolo, id. Tahiti: ooro, id. Niue: tungolo, id. Samoa, Tonga: t&ngulu, id. 294 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Viti : nggonggori, a man that a god enters when asleep, indicated by a singular kind of snore. Motu : uru, stertorous breathing. Mota : ngora, to grunt, to snort, to snore. Malay: ngorok, to snore. Hebrew : nahar, to snort, to breathe hard through the nose. Syriac : nhar, id. Ethiopic: nehera, to snore. In Nuclear Polynesia we find the stem in association with an element whose function we can not explain, ta in Samoa and Tonga, tu in Niue. The remaining identifications, including the Malay, are free of difficulty. The Paumotu ngooro is a rare form of duplication ; that it is a case of pre- duplication is established by comparison with the Maori. The Semitic exhibits the usual difficulty in that it calls for the reduction of a triliteral, nhr, by internal loss. 249. kita, to divine; kikita, ngkita, to perceive or feel with the eye or mind. Samoa: 'i'ite, to predict, to foretell; fe'ite'itea'i, to see indistinctly as in the twilight, to be just distinguishable. Tonga : kite, to appear, to see at a distance when at sea; kikite, fakakikite, to divine, to foretell, to augur, to prophesy; jekitengaki, to be in sight of each other; jakakite, to look anxiously and narrowly at anything, as at what may be reported (land at sea or a vessel in sight) ; fakakitekite, anything new or strange done or said by a person just before his decease and afterwards referred to as a prognostication. Futuna: kite, to appear; kikite, to predict, to foresee, clairvoyant. Niue : kitekite, to look at, to examine ; jakakite, to make known, to show; fakakiteanga, a vision, Uvea: kikite, fakakikite, to augur, to divine, to prophesy; kite. to appear. Maori : kite, to see, to know, to perceive ; whakakite, to reveal, to disclose. Mangareva : kite, to see, to understand, to perceive. Rarotonga : kite, to see. Marquesas : kite, to see, to know ; haakitea, to appear. Paumotu : kite, to perceive, to know; jakakite, to show, to presage. Tongarewa: kite, kikite, to see ; hakakikite, to cause to see. Nukuoro : kite, to see ; hakakitea, to show ; matakite, a soothsayer, a prophet. Manahiki : kitea, to know. Sikayana: kite, to see. Aniwa: citi, id. Tahiti : ite, to know, to understand, to perceive ; jaaite, to teach. Hawaii: ike, to see, to understand, to perceive; hoike, to show. Motu: kito, to spy, to watch for. The following mean to see: Panaieti: kite. Sariba: kita. Galavi, Boniki, Mukawa: kitai. Sariba : gita. Sinaugoro, Tubetube : gitai. Motu, Rubi, Kubiri, Kiviri: itai. Doura: ikai. Suau, Dobu: ita. Roro: itana. Raqa: iti. Oiun: itin. Pokau: ikala. Hula, Keapara: gia. Galoma: ia. Kabadi: is'ana. Tagalog: quita, to see. Malagasy: hita, mahita, id. Arabic: wagada, to find with the eye or the mind, to perceive. DATA AND NOTES. 295 I suggest an identification in Viti ndike to look at, to scrutinize. This is permissible if we regard this as metathetic and in the 3214 type, a rarity in metathesis, yet exactly paralleled in the same language in uila-liva. If it were not for its occurrence in Efate and in Motu I should class this word as of the Tongafiti migration, for in very few instances do we find a stem so well nigh universal in Polynesia which has left vestiges so rare and so widely scattered in Melanesia. It seems quite as rare in Indonesia. The Semitic involves Dr. Macdonald's favorite principle of whittling down a triliteral (wgd) in any way which will fit it to his proof, in this instance by excision of the first syllable. 250. kufangufa, to fly, to flap the wings, to flutter. Tonga: kapakau, wing; kapakapa, the side fins of sharks, to flicker, to flutter, to hover on the wing. Futuna: kapakau, wing; kapakapatau, the movement of birds about to perch. Niue : tapakau, wing, fin ; kapakapa, to flap, to flutter. Uvea : kapa- kau, wing. Maori, Mangaia: kakapa, kapakapa, to flap, to flutter. Samoa: 'apa'au, wing; 'apa'apa, fin; 'apata, to clap the wings. Nuguria: kapaukau, upper arm. Tahiti: apaapa, to flap. Fotuna, pahkau, wing. Rotuma: papau, id. Ulawa, Saa, Bululaha, Ugi : apaapa, wing. Wango, Alite : abaaba, id. Mota : gava, to fly with flapping wings. Fagani : kakafo, wing, Marina: gave, id. Arag: gapaun, id. Pak, Sasar, Alo Teqel: gapugi, id. Savo: gavara, id. Magindano: kapakapa, a fan. Malagasy: kepakcpaka, flounced in the wind. Malay: kapak, to fly with flapping wings; kepak, wing. Kawi: paksa, bird. Basakrama: paksi, id. Magin- dano: papak, a wing. Baliyon: papak, a bird. Tagalog, Bicol: pacpac, wing. Arabic: h'afaka, to fly, to flap the wings. In Polynesia gliding flight is expressed by lele, flight on flapping wing by kapa. In Nuclear Polynesia kapa does not pass into the wing sense except through the aid of a composition member kau. In Samoan 'au we find this to mean a stalk, a handle; in reference to the body its sense as that of some projecting member is exhibited in 'aualuma (the 'au in front) as a very delicate euphemism for the penis. So 'apa'au would mean liter- ally the projecting member that flaps. We encounter kapakau in Tonga, Futuna, Uvea, and in Samoan 'apa'au. In Niue we find a change that can only mean failure to comprehend and to preserve the primal signification of the composite, for, while kapakapa is to flutter, tapakau shows a modi- fication that has no reason either in sense or in phonology. I am no little doubtful as to Rotuma papau. But as that interesting language has many irregularities which as yet quite elude systematic reduction I deem it advisable to class papau with kapakau; it does seem an echo form. Fotuna pahkau shows a frontal abrasion of kapakau. This is character- istic of the Tongafiti word for wing. Maori: pakau, wing. Moriori: pakau, arm. Tahiti: peheu, fin. Marquesas: peeheu, pekeheu, wing. Mangareva: pehau, wing. Hawaii: peheu, wing, fin. 296 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. There is a uniformity about these Tongafiti words which indicates a reason acting upon them all which was not in action upon the Proto- Samoan swarm, and we see that the change is progressive in the Tongafiti. As I feel it this reason is that by the time the Tongafiti were ready to leave Indonesia they had lost all recollection of kapakau as the flapping member, and being a mere vocable used uncomprehendingly as a label for a natural object it was subject to the humors of speakers in making changes. Thus we may comprehend the changes in Indonesia. Malay, Magindano and Malagasy alone retain the first syllable. All the others received the word when that syllable was gone, received it at the same time probably, received it certainly from the Tongafiti after they had reduced the word. The Magindano papak wing and Baliyon papak bird smack more than a little of Rotuma papau. Next, when we turn to Melanesia, we find forms variant only of the kapa stem. Mota, Marina, Arag, Pak, Sasar, Alo Teqel, Savo, and Fagani all retain the initial palatal. It is only in the Solomons that we find this vanishing, and the mere dropping of the k is yet a long way from the dropping of the first syllable entirely. The Arabic has more than we can digest for our plain kapa, and even were we to admit the propriety of Dr. Macdonald's method of obtaining pleasing results by dropping out inconvenient elements the consonants of the Arabic stem, hfk, which might be identifiable with kp, appear in the inverse order. 251- kusue, kusuiie, rat, mouse. The following words all signify rat : Samoa: 'isumu. Nuguria: kisumu. Sesake: kusuwe. Mota: gasuwc. Vaturanga: ngasuve. Fagani: gasufe. Wango: gasuhe. Lo: gahuwa. Merlav: gasuw. Sasar, Vuras, Alo Teqel, Norbarbar : gosow. Pak : gosog. Gog : gosug. Tanna : yasuk. Mosin : gusuw. Motla v, Volow : gohow. Lakon: wohow. Alite: nguaua. Ulawa, Saa, Bululaha: asuhe. Malekula Pangkumu : asua. Nggao : kusi. Nggela, Bugotu : kuhi. Savo: kuzi. Malekula: khasup, akasu. Malay, Java, Baju: tikus. Massaratty: tikuti. Gah: karufei. Arabic: kutrub' . This is a peculiarly interesting word, for, if Polynesian, it seems to be a form that in the travel from Indonesia was widely disseminated by the way and yet not carried the whole distance. The Samoan 'isumu differs in one element from kusuwe, and nowhere in the many forms in Melanesia do we find a trace of this m. Yet the two earlier syllables in Samoan 'isumu and Nuguria kisumu strongly indicate a connection with the Melanesian in the backward past. Samoa has three rat names. It has this 'isumu; it retains, but little uses, the Tongafiti 'iole; it employs most frequently the word 'imoa, which is identifiable only in Nukunau. Codrington (Melanesian Languages 87, note) says that "the old black Fiji rat is ngatho," a clear equivalent of kusuwe. This is not in Hazlewood's DATA AND NOTES. 297 dictionary, but Dr. Codrington had the benefit of notes on Viti by Lorimer Fison, a most competent authority; therefore this does not contravene but supplements the earlier dictionary. In the order in which I have arranged the Melanesian material it will be seen that there is a simple and easily followed sequence down to Alite, except for three items which need comment. In Gog -g suffixed to a stem determines its use as a noun, the same holds true of Pak; the two taken together argue the same explanation of the Tanna form. These, therefore, are not to be taken for a mutation to the final palatal. So little is known of Alite that we are not in a position to judge nguaua satisfactorily. I have examined all my material carefully with a view of identifying con- sonant mutations between Alite (and its neighbors Saa and Bululaha) on Malanta, and Vaturanga across the strait, and to no result. It will be plain that ngua echoes Vaturanga ngasuve, thus ng(a)(s)u(v)a; but this wholesale amputation of vowel and consonants too much resembles the freehand proof of Semitic origins to meet with cordial approval. Malekula khasap and akasu belong somewhere in this sequence which retains the initial consonant. So, too, do Nggao, Nggela, Bugotu, and Savo, in which the final syllable has been abraded. We find a small group in which the initial consonant has been abraded, Ulawa, Saa, Bululaha, and Malekula Pangkumu; and in the last the third consonant has vanished, although under the protection of a final vowel, but compare fua (360) Malekula Pangkumu mi uan for a vanishing /. The Indonesian offered by Macdonald and by Codrington does not seem susceptible of coordination. The Arabic is, of course, out of the question. 252. laso, the testicles. Samoa: laso, the scrotum. Tonga, Niue: laho, id. Hawaii, Nuguria : laho, the testes in man and animal. Fotuna : raso, id. Tahiti: raho, pudendum muliebre. Maori: raho, the testicles. Ambrym: luho, testicles. Paama: as'i, id. Malekula: list, erasi, raso n, id. Bierian: loho, id. Malo: laso, id. Mota: lasoi, the male genitalia. Macassar: laso, penis. Arabic: h'isy', h'usy', h'usyat, h'usa', testicles. It is quite uncertain what was the primal sense of this stem. In Samoa, Tonga, and Niue it distinguishes the scrotum, and in Samoa the testes are designated by the name fua (360) fruit, to which Codrington assigns the root sense of anything globular. This use of fua extends into eastern Polynesia. Tahiti: hud, testes. Marquesas: hud, genitalia in general. Hawaii: hua, testes. Mangareva: ua, genitalia. In the area of Tongafiti colonization (Futuna therein inclusible) and in Melanesia wherever the word is identified, laso has passed definitely from the scrotum to its contents. In the latter subdivision Mota exhibits for laso the same comprehensiveness that fua exhibits in the Marquesas and Mangareva, if it be not too violent an interpretation of our vocabulary definitions to assume this to apply only to the male parts. The switch of sex in Tahiti raho is unexpected ; the entry is derived from Tregear's com- 298 THE POLYNESIAN wanderings. parative dictionary without opportunity to check his record by consul- tation of his original source; in Bishop Jaussen's dictionary the word finds no entry. In Macassar the word passes to yet another part. The only resemblance which the Arabic bears to laso is that its forms also contain a modification of the radical s as the second consonant, no sufficient proof of identity. 253- ma, me, with, and. Samoa: ma, with, and. Tonga, Rotuma : ma, and. Futuna: mo, with. Niue: ma, and; mo, and, with. Uvea: mo, with. Tahiti: ma, and, with. Hawaii: me, with; a me, and. Rapa- nui, Marquesas : ma, and (in a particular numeral use) ; me, with. Mangareva : me, with, and . Paumotu : ma, together with ; me, with. Rarotonga: ma, and. Maori: ma, and; me, with, and. Nuguria, Aniwa: ma, and. Fotuna: ma, for, with, along with. Mota: ma, me, with, and. Santo: we, with: wo, and. Pala: ma, and, with. Malagasy: amana, with. Hebrew: 'im, with, and. Arabic: ma', id. I can not do better in comment upon this item than to repeat the ana- lytic conclusions which I reached in an earlier study of root reducibility (27 American Journal of Philology, 389) : Let us now look at the root ma. In its paradeictic function we find it serving as a connective; it is the spoke that joins tire and hub into the effective unit of the wheel. It is the conjunction "and," yet its development is in a dual sense incomplete; it is available to connect words of the same grammatical function; it has not yet become sufficiently conjunctive to link clause with clause. At the same time another function, that which we know and employ as prepositional, exhibits in the sense of "with," "for" (for the sake of), thence differentiating to "from" and "on account of"; these different uses we in analytic speech find it necessary to distinguish by varying words; to the Samoan it is sufficiently clear to use ma and trust to inference from existing conditions to elucidate the character of the relation the existence of which is thereby indicated. Stated in terms coordinate with those employed in the preceding particulars of this series of roots, we may say of ma that it points to the non-ego and not-here and links it to the central concept of that which is active and present. In the elaboration of my theory of explanation in the paper from which the foregoing is extracted I dissected the central signification of the a and sketched out the coefficient value of the several consonantal modulants which might be prefixed thereto. In dealing according to that theory with the other forms associated in this item, me and mo, we should hold the consonantal value as carrying the linking, conjunctive, associating sense; the shade of variety in meaning would be found to exist as the nucleus of the e and of the 0 respectively. 254- manifenife, to be thin. Samoa, Nukuoro: manifinifi, thin. Tonga, Futuna : manifi,manifi- nifi, id. Uvea: manifi, id. Fotuna: mafinfini, id. Omba : m anivinivi, thin . Mota : mavinvin, id . Baki : m enivinivi, id . Malekula :mcn iven iv, id. Malo: tanivinivi, id. Roro: nivinivi, DATA AND NOTES. 299 id. Mekeo: mangipina, id. Galoma: magipi, id. Keapara: magivi, id. Kabadi: kevekeve, id. Galavi, Boniki: kavaka- vana, id. Taupota: wogevagevana, id. Awalama: wogewoge- wana, id. Wedau: avavana, id. Malagasy: manifi,thm. Arabic: nahifa, nahafat, nahif,' manhuf,' thin, slender. The word exists for us only as a composite, for the element ma is most clearly the prefix of condition which so frequently occurs ; the stem nifi is nowhere apparent, either independently or in other composition. Simple metathesis occurs in the Fotuna and Mota forms. The word is confined to the Proto-Samoan. The Malagasy identification is far better than is commonly the case with that speech. Macdonald's Semitic identification entails laparotomy of a syllable protected by its inner position. 255- maso, main', to be cooked, done. Futuna : moso, cooked. Tonga : moho, cooked, ready to be eaten, rotten ; momoho, ripe, brown in color, ready to burst. Niue : moho, cooked, done; momoho, ripe, mature. Uvea: moho, cooked. Santo: mda, cooked. Malay: masak, cooked. Malagasy: masaka, id. Arabic: nas'iga, to be ripe, cooked. The Proto-Samoan stem is absent in Samoa, for the reason that Moso is the name of one of the great terrestrial gods. The mere suggestion of cookery, the plaiting in coconut leaves and the slinging on a pole like a pig ready for the oven, added the pitch of indignity to the Samoan ifonga or solemn rite of submission. It must therefore be clear that moso would never be permitted in the land where Moso was revered. How little Moso would put up with any such disgraceful kitchen verb in the very accents of his name may be inferred from one of the prayers addressed to him: "Oh, Moso, make haste, show thy power, send down to down-below-here, sweep them away like a flood, may they never see the light of another day!" Oh, no, it's not strange that moso does not mean cooked in Samoa. I can not accept Macdonald's Santo identification. This involves the dropping of s from the inner and protected position. This is not only objectionable in itself, but is contraindicated by asu (239) smoke Santo osun, and except as to position by hifo (206) down Santo siwo. The Malay and Malagasy may be sound ; in the dearth of other instances in that area we may not accept them definitely. Dr.Macdonald undoubtedly relies upon mahi, a dialectic form in Efate and nowhere else found, and upon the k in the Malay and Malagasy, to bolster up his Semitic identification, which furthermore involves the m-n mutation. This is too much to rest upon premises so insufficiently established. 256. meta, raw, unripe, crude, green. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Maori, Mangaia, Tongarewa, Rapanui, Mangareva: mata, raw, unripe. Hawaii: maka, id. Fotuna: mata, raw. Nuguria: oimata, raw; koimoto, unripe. 300 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Aneityum: emetmat, raw, not dry or seasoned; mat, new, raw. Bierian: nmata, raw. Tanna: (t)e'mta, id. Macassar: mala, raw, unripe. Malay: matang, mantah, id. Mala- gasy: mania, id. Arabic : 'anut'a, to be raw. The dissimilant duplication of Aneityum emetmat establishes perfectly the unity of Efate meta and the mata which belongs to the Polynesian of both migrations. The other Melanesian forms are readily recognizable, and in Indonesia the series is confirmatory inter se. The Arabic is, of course, entitled to no consideration. 257- miel, mimiel, red. Samoa: melomelo, memelo, red. Tonga: melo, melomelo, brown, ripe. Futuna: memelo, red. Hawaii: meomeo, omeomeo. red, orange, blushing. Mangareva: metometo, yellow, orange. Rarotonga : muramura, red. Bukabuka : kura melo, light red. Mota: mera, red light in morning or evening sky. Vaturanga: mera, yellow. Wango : meramera, red. Fagani : merameraga, id. Baravon: mera mere, id. Bugotu: mela, id. Buka: mar ara, id. Laur: mirik, id. Sesake: miala, id. Malay, Gah, Baju: merah, red, bay. Bouton: merai, red. Awaiya: meranate, id. Salibabo: maramutah, id. Malagasy: mena, id. Arabic: ma"ir', reddish; 'am"aru, of the color of red clay. In the Polynesian the stem ismelo. Its appearance as meto in Mangareva is unusual, but not without the precedent of an l-t mutation. The Raro- tonga mula is a valuable transition form in respect of the final vowel, to link the Polynesian and the Melanesian. In the Bukabuka locution we find melo used in limitation of the more widely diffused word for red, kura. In Melanesia the stem is mera, with which mar a in Buka mar ara is readily associable; while Baravon merarnere naturally leads to Laur mirik. In Indonesia also the stem is mera, both independently and in composi- tion, and mara also appears. Malagasy mena is more remote yet not improbable. We have yet to discuss two puzzling forms, Efate miel and Sesake miala, which are evidently in close consociation. If it were not for the intrusive i they would fall into ready alignment with the mela-mala stem of Melanesia, but in the present stage of our knowledge we are quite at a loss to account for the intrusion of the vowel. We may feel that these anomalous forms derive from the common stem, but we have no proof which we may bring to bear. The preduplicated Efate mimiel shows that the vowel i is no mere accident, but is regarded as an essential part of the syllable mi, and therefore structural. To bring our author's Semitic into alignment calls for the evisceration of an interior consonant, the strongest palatal at that and perfectly supported. Even if that were permissible, which is open to grave doubt, the Arabic mal'ir would be brought only imperfectly into likeness with no more stand- ard a form than the miel-miala which we have just seen to be wholly unaccountable deviations from regular stem forms. DATA AND NOTES. 301 258. mitaku, mataku, mitau, matau, to fear, to be afraid of. Niue: matakutaku, to fear; matakumataku, dreaded, inspiring fear. Maori: mataku, to fear, to be fearful, inspiring fear. Uvea, Fakaafo, Nukuoro, Aniwa, Fotuna,Vate, Rarotonga, Mangareva, Bukabuka, Manahiki: mataku, to fear. Rapanui: mataku, alarm, dread, fear. Samoa: mata'u, to fear, to be afraid. Tahiti: matau, fear, dread, to be in terror. Hawaii: makau, id. Marquesas: hadmetau, id. Sesake, Bierian: mataku, to be afraid of. Malo: matacu, id. Arag: matagu, id. Nggela : matagu, fear, to be afraid of; mamataguga, fearful. Belaga: matagu, to fear; mamataguga, fearful. Mota Maligo: matagut, to be afraid of; tagut, to be startled. Fagani: maguta, afraid. Mota Maligo: matagtag, to fear. Motlav: metegteg, fear. Ambrym : matehag, to be frightened at. Vatu- ranga: matahuni, to fear; matahu, fear. Malekula: metoh, id. Aneityum: i-mtac, afraid, timid, cowardly; imiimtac, to fear, to reverence. Suau, Tubetube : matausi, id. Dobu, Wedau : matauta,id. Oiun: matautei, id. Sariba: matousi, id. Tavara, Awalama : matouta, id. Pokau : maka'u, id. Kabadi : mekau, id. King: matiit, to fear. Tanna: meheker, id. Lemaroro : matau, afraid. Baki: merou, to fear. Tagula: marode, id. Malay: takut, fear. Malagasy: tahutra, fear; matahutra, to fear, to be afraid. Arabic: taka', to fear; takiyyat, fear, caution. The Proto-Samoan stem is matakut, and it is not only in form a com- posite of the ma of condition with takut, but we have the stem preserved in independent existence in Mota Maligo, in Malay, and in Malagasy. In the Mota tagut to be startled, taken in conjunction with Uvea mataku a trembling with fear, we may find the primal sense of the stem, the quivering of the body in expectant poise to seek refuge in flight when some unwonted noise in the forest home has at last become identified with danger too overpowering to face. The final t has vanished except in Samoa objective aspect mata'utia, where it is protected, in Mota Maligo matagut, and in the Indonesian forms. The stem vowel u remains in Mota Maligo, Sesake, Bierian, Malo, Arag, Nggela, Belaga, Fagani, Vaturanga. By abrasion of that vowel we find a new closed form in which the final stem syllable has disappeared ; Mota Maligo matagtag, Motlav, Malekula, Aneityum. The following irregularities call for comment. In Nggela and Belaga occur forms involving the duplication of the conditional ma; this is of very rare occurrence and may perhaps argue that the mataku stem was so archaic that the recollection was lost that this was the ma of condition. This mamatagu in these two Solomon Island languages may be understood as introducing a g in the stem /-place ; Ambrym matehag seems to do the same ; Vaturanga matahuni has an n in that place. We have not sufficient information as to these languages to warrant venturing an opinion as to whether these are mutations of the stem consonant or local devices of word formation. I have refrained from including Aneityum imiimtac with mamatagu as duplication of the condi- 302 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. tional prefix, for we recognize in imi a verb-formative prefix of a causative value. Fagani maguta is metathetic from the neighboring Bugotu matagu. To associate King matut with the matakut stem involves the extirpation of an inner and therefore abundantly protected syllable, a syllable of a type (ak) to class which as a syllable would be doing violence to the whole structure of the Polynesian word ; furthermore I can find in the brief King vocabulary no other word of Polynesian resemblance which depends upon such a procedure. Against these valid objections we raise in support of matut only its resemblance. Tanna meheker is another case of resemblance. These resemblances are by no means without their value. On the theory that the Polynesian content of Melanesian is loan material we should expect to find for many words no more than the ghost and echo. On a far higher culture plane it is notorious that Hodge, when he marries according to the ordinances of the Church of England as by law established, solemnly avers "with all my worldly goods I thee and thou," the echo of a word of his native language. To establish Lemaroro viarau and Baki merou as even a resemblance it will be necessary to maintain the t-r mutation ; this is found in our material four times: in fatu (294) stone Malekula var, talinga (350) ear Malekula Pangkumu riringa, ate (276) liver Malekula Uripiv ere, futi (329) banana Moanus mbur. If this be considered sufficiently well established we find in marau a variant of the Efate matau, a reduced form involving the loss of the k, which nowhere else appears until we encounter it ultimately in extreme eastern Polynesia. The Indonesian identifications have already been mentioned as preserv- ing the primal stem. In the Semitic offered for our consideration the verb has a partial resem- blance to the takut stem, the t being represented by a palatal. The resem- blance of the noun is more specious than real, for it is hard to see why, when there is already a verb or bare stem, we are to accept an almost inflected form as a noun to enter upon a new course of activity in the Pacific as a verb. 259. nabati, tooth. vSamoa, Tonga, Niue, Futuna, Uvea, Fakaafo, Fotuna, Vate, Moiki: nifo, a tooth. Nukuoro, Aniwa, Maori, Tahiti, Hawaii, Mar- quesas, Mangareva, Manahiki, Rapanui, Paumotu: niho, id. Sikayana: nitcho, id. Mangaia, Rarotonga: nio, id. Nuguria: ngiho, id. Ulawa, Saa, Bululaha : niho, tooth. Buka : niho, liho, lihon,uliho, id. Lifu: nyo, id. Iai: niou, id. Fagani: lijo, id. Alite, Vaturanga, Nggela, Bierian, Epi: livo, id. Arag: liwo, id. Mota, Maewo: liwoi, id. Motlav: lewo, nc-lwo, id. Ugi, Bougainville: liho, id. Wango: riho, id. Mukawa: nibo, id. Awalama: niwo, id. Tavara: niuwo, id. Taupota, Wedau: ivo, id. Roro: nihena, id. Kabadi: nise,id. Pala: ngise, id. Motu: hise, id. Mekeo: ni'e, id. Pokau: nike, id. Doura: ike, id. Uni: igeo, id. Galavi, Boniki: oke, id. Panaieti: ni, id. Tubetube, Misima: nini, id. Tagula: nungi, id. Makekula: riho, id. DATA AND NOTES. 303 Matabello: nifoa, tooth. Saparua: nio, id. Malagasy: nify, id. Guam: nifin, id. Manatolo, Sula : nihi, id. Bouton: racfti, id. East Vaiqueno: nissy, id. West Brissi: nissin, id. Savo: nuhsi, id. Kisa: nihan, id. Kayan: knipan, id. Magindano: nipun, id. Tagalog: ngipin, id. Arabic: 7ta6', nnbiib', tooth. Dr. Macdonald does record that this is &a/i (39) with the article, and he does set it down that Polynesian nifo is "another word for tooth, teeth," and he includes his Semitic writhin the same brackets as the lower set of these teeth. But why does he collate the nifo material with this nabati if, despite his protestations, he did not think it added to his Semitic scheme? The w-form which holds without exception through Polynesia is found in the western Pacific only in Ulawa, Saa, Bululaha, and Buka, stages in the northern Solomons on the Samoa track, and in Lifu and Iai at the extreme south, the terminus of a migration concerning which Codrington notes (Melanesian Languages, 17) "more archaic they well may be, belonging to an earlier movement of population, carried forwards by an earlier wave of speech passing onwards among the islands, but having somewhere a com- mon origin with those which have since and successively passed among them." Yet in the instance of this word we observe as a curious fact that they most closely resemble Mangaia and Rarotonga of the Tongafiti swarm, known to be the most modern of the successive waves of the speech. Buka with its niho and liho is the sure identification of the transition phase of the passage to the /-forms which are so characteristic of Melanesia. These forms differ in the second consonant from the primal / in Fagani lifo and the immediately proximate h in Ugi and Bougainville liho and Wango riho, all these in the Solomon Island crop colonies of the Samoa track ; up the labial column to v in Alite, Vaturanga, Nggela, Bierian and Epi (if this be not a reference to the Bierian) ; thence to the semivowel approximating the labials, w, in Mota, Motlav, and Maewo; finally down the column to b in Malekula ribo. So far, in all Polynesia and in all Melanesia, the two vowels have remained unaltered in quality and fixed in position. When we examine the Indonesian retention of the nifo stem we shall find but one of the four elements of the word which has been treated with care, namely, the former vowel, which preserves its place unaltered in all except Savo. Matabello alone has nifo and has added a decoration of its own; Saparua has the form which we have seen in the Loyalties and in Mangaia and Rarotonga. There are here no /-forms; the n is found intact in Mata- bello, Saparua, Malagasy, Guam, Manatolo, Sula, Bouton, East Vaiqueno, West Brissi, Savo, Kisa, Magindano ; in Kayan it is prefaced by a palatal, and in Tagalog it has become the palatal of its own group. The second consonant is kept as / in Matabello, Malagasy, Guam. It becomes h only in Manatolo, Sula, and Kisa, and in Bouton nichi it follows the same change as in Sikayana nitcho. It passes irregularly to s in East Vaiqueno and West Brissi, and to a gruffer sibilant in Savo. This mutation we explain as meaning that the first change is to an aspirate lying close to the labial posi- tion of the buccal organs; then that the mouth can not hold in this position so amorphous a sound as this aspirate; that the aspirates lying near all three series tend to assume the position of the central, or lingual, aspirate; 304 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. thence easily pass into the sibilant, regardless of the source from which the aspirate derived. In eastern Indonesia the mutation down the column to the p of Kayan, Magindano and Tagalog correlates the b form in Malekula. The final vowel, o in Matabello and Saparua only, is i in Malagasy, Guam, and all the rest save only Kisa and Kayan, in which it becomes a, and in Magindano which has u. An ephelkustic n is found in Guam, West Brissi, Kisa, Kayan, Magindano, and Tagalog. To bring the Arabic in nab' into identity with the nifo stem requires but the establishment of the following laws of mutation: (i) That a shall pass into i without a vestige of transition form. (2) That b shall represent / against the universal practice of the Poly- nesian users of the word, and the occurrence of this change among the less careful Melanesians and Indonesians only in a single instance among the former and but three times among the latter. (3) That a final palatal, a strong guttural, shall drop off unnoticed. (4) That an o strong enough to hold throughout the Pacific area and to be represented by some substitute in all of Indonesia shall be acquired somewhere and somehow. The initial n, however, withstands all hostile assault ; it is there in the Semitic. 260. ra na, a branch. Samoa: la, a branch of a tree; laid, small branches. Nukuoro: la 0 te manu, a branch. Niue: la, laid (plural), branch of a tree. Hawaii: lala, limb or branch. Futuna: lad, branch. Maori: rara, a twig, a small branch. Tahiti: rara, a branch; ara, small twigs or branches. Rarotonga, Mangareva: rara, branch. Fotuna: ra, id. Sesake: ndara, a branch. Aneityum: in-ran, id. Bierian: la, id. Malay: daan, a branch. Malagasy: rahana, rahaka, id. Arabic: s'agnat, s'agan', a branch. The Polynesian stem is found in Efate, Aneityum and Bierian, and in Malagasy. In all this range we find no transition forms to account for the d which occurs in Sesake and in Malay. Yet an l-t mutation is by no means unknown ; in fact it occurs in the next item. I fail to see on what score, even of mere resemblance, it is sought to include this Semitic. rai, re, the forehead, aspect, face. Samoa: lae, the part between lip and chin without hair; ta'alaelae, a wide or bald forehead, a beardless chin. Tonga, Futuna, Uvea, Nuguria, Hawaii : lae, the brow, the forehead . Sikayana : moalae, id. Niue: le, matale, muale, id. Maori, Tahiti, Paumotu, Rarotonga: rae, id. Mangareva: raemata, the face, the countenance ; akarae, to cut the hair on the forehead ; korae, to cut the hair of women on the forehead ; akakorae, to cut the ends of the hair short behind. Rapanui: korae, the brow. Nguna: rae, the front. Malo: rai, forehead. Malay, Matu: dai, the brow, the forehead. Java: rai, id. Ethiopic : rey, the sight, aspect. DATA AND NOTES. 305 The stem signification relates to something which, by being clear, comes into prominence from out of its surroundings. This we see from the refer- ences to the hair in Samoa and in Mangareva. In Niue matale and Ma- ngareva raemata we have the same two elements ; the meaning is the clear spot of the face, and in a people so bushily bearded as are the men of Niue this must be localized upon the brow so long as the primal significations per- sist. In Niue and Sikayana we find in muale and moalae composites which define the forehead as the bare spot in front. The town green, malae (315), is in form a conditional derivative of this stem. The sense is equally clear, for the malae is distinctly a place clear of growth and of the habita- tions of men; it must be clear in order to fit it to be the stage of the public activities of the simple island life. The Melanesian identifications are satisfactory, but in the brevity of our vocabulary material we have no means of knowing if aught of the primary sense here persists. The alternative Efate re finds a parallel in Niue le, the change of ae to e being notably common in the latter tongue (17 Journal of the Polynesian Society, 91). The Indonesian identifications, though few, are found in the strongest languages of that area and are acceptable, continuing from the preceding item the note as to l-t mutation. The Semitic proposed is at least in form a resemblance, but the sense is widely remote from the stem signification of lae. 262. rau, rarau, to grope for with the hand, to seize, to snatch out or away. Tonga: lau, lalau, lauji, to pinch with the fingers, to nip. Hawaii: lau, to feel after a thing; lalau, to extend (as the hand), to seize, to catch hold of. Mota: rau, to thrust the hand into a bag; raun, to thrust in the hand and take out something. Aneityum: rap, raprap, to grope for. Malay : raba, to feel for, to grope ; rawa, to handle. Arabic : lamaa, to feel for, to grope, to take away. It is by no means certain that Tonga lau is herewith correlated, for in that the sense is particularly to nip and in the Efate, Mota, and Hawaii to grope for and take hold of. The Tonga stem is laut, and this does not elsewhere appear. In Mota raun it is explained that n is a suffix to make verbs defin- itely transitive; yet, as no less than seven of the Mota consonants are stated to be thus employed indifferently, I incline to view this n as radical, the stem being laun. Aneityum rap involves a most infrequent mutation from the vowel u to the labial mute. The sense is satisfactory, but this change is not to be accepted until a better knowledge of this crabbed tongue shows this muta- tion to be normal though violent. The same consideration casts grave doubt upon the validity of the Malay raba. Of course the Arabic lamaa is too remote for attention. 306 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 263. soa (saisai), so, companion, follower, especially of the opposite sex. Samoa, Futuna: soa, friend, fellow, companion. Ticopia: soa, friend. Sikayana: tosoa, id. Nuguria: haisoa, id. Maori: hoa, a friend, a mate ; hoahoa, a spouse. Tonga, Tahiti, Hawaii, Marquesas, Rapanui, Paumotu: hoa, friend, fellow, companion. Mangareva: hoa, oa, id. Rarotonga: oa, id. Fotuna: soa, brother's brother, sister's sister. Nukuoro : soa, soka, a friend. Bierian: ohoa, wife, husband. Baki: koa, id. Mota : soai, member, component part of an organic whole. Kayan : hawa, a wife. Arabic : s'ai1, an associate, follower. Dr. Macdonald associates sod and so with saisai to assemble, with less attention to the eytmology of Efate than to the Semitic with which he wishes to affiliate it. The sex idea is widely extended ; in Efate, Maori, Bierian, Baki, and Kayan the opposite sexes, distinct statement of the same sexes only in Fotuna. In Nukuoro the intrusion of k in the alternative form soka is not understood. In Baki koa the change from h to k is so violent, particularly when it is recalled that the small island of Epi is the home both of Baki and Bierian, that we suspect the not unnatural error of a printer in reading foreign manuscript. Without cognate forms in Indonesia we may neither quite accept nor wholly reject the Kayan word. The Arabic is greatly in need of proof before it can be accepted. 264. song i, sung i, sum i, to kiss. Samoa : songi, to rub noses, to salute ; songisongi, to smell. Futuna, Nukuoro: songi, to kiss. Tonga: hongi, to smell, to sniff. Niue: hongi, hohongi, honungi, id. Uvea: hongi, hohongi, id. Rapanui: hongi, to kiss, to smell; hongihongi, joy. Paumotu, Tongarewa: hongi, to rub noses, to kiss. Marquesas: honi, hoki, to kiss, to smell. Hawaii: honi, id. Rarotonga, Mangareva: ongi, to smell, to kiss, to salute by rubbing noses. Tahiti: hoi, hohoi, id. Lambell : isong, to smell. King : sangopi, id. Aneityum : aijnmnyi, to kiss. Maewo: cf. mbunimhuni, mbunimbunisi, to smell, to kiss. Malay: chyum, to smell, to kiss. Ethiopic: sa'ama, to kiss. Arabic: s'amma, to smell (there is no trace of this meaning in Efate). The Proto-Samoan stem is songit. Outside of Efate we do not recognize this stem in Melanesia until we reach the New Ireland coast at the east gate of migration. The Maewo forms noted are quite irreconcilable with this stem even in abrasion, and the Aneityum word is more a puzzle than a comparable form. The Lambell isong is clearly homogenetic. King is in geography and speech so close to Lambell that we have no doubt in the recognition of sang- in sangopi, but DATA AND NOTES. 307 the language is yet so little known that we can not explain the change of vowel or the latter member of the composite. The Malay is not at all to be considered . It seems to me that Dr. Macdonald has brought in the Aneityum and the Malay to establish a chain running sungi-sumi-aijumnyi-chyum-s'amma. Inasmuch as there is no strength in the inner links the chain scarcely supports the Semitic load. 265. suma, uma, himwa, house. Maori: ruma, a room, an apartment. The following words mean house : Duke of York, Motu, Uni, Doura, Kabadi : ruma. Wango : rumwa. Lambell, Lamassa : rumai. New Guinea, Laur : rum. Buka : luma, aluma, lumu. Bougainville, Alite, Ugi, Uni, Pokau: luma. Iai, Kpi, Rubi: uma. Lifu, Uea: uuma. Lakon: umwa. Waigiou, Moanus: urn. Tubetube: yuma, id. Treas- ury Island, Sinaugoro, Hula, Keapara, Galoma, Suau, Sariba, Tavara, Awalama, Taupota, Wedau, Galavi, Boniki: numa. Saa: numwe. Tubetube: numi, id. Fagani: rima. Ulawa, Bululaha : nimwa. Tangoan Santo, Ambrym : ima. Eromanga : imo. Aneityum: im. Mota, Arag: imwa. Deni, Nengone: mwa. Merlav, Mosin : imw. ho:emwa. Motlav, Volow : e mw. Norbarbar, Pak, Leon : eng. Makura : na-ingma. Aneityum: neom, niitn. Malay, Baju, Liang, Lariko: rumah. Matabello: oruma. Kisa: rome. Amblaw : lumah. Cajeli, Caimarian : luma. Q&hJume. Mayapo: humah. Java: humah, uma. Teluti, Nikunau : uma. Arabic: h'a'mat, h'im', house. Tregear is by no means convinced that Maori ruma is not the borrowing of the English room. Since the word does not anywhere else enter the Polynesian area I prefer to let our best Melanesian authority argue the case for his client. I cite herewith Codrington's highly interesting note (Melanesian Languages, 77) : This is an interesting and important word. The very wide range of the word, which in Malay is ruma, and the great variety of its forms point to the great antiquity of this as a common possession of these languages. As is the case with the very widely pre- vailing name for a canoe, we may argue that a word which has spread so far and changed so much goes to show that the thing which it names was known to the undivided people whose dispersion spread the word so widely abroad. If the presence of certain common words in Aryan languages shows that the Aryans did not separate till certain arts were known and practised by the common ancestors, so we may argue that the ocean lan- guages testify that the ancient speakers made canoes, built houses, cultivated gardens, before the time came when their posterity branched off on their way to Madagascar and Fiji. The word now immediately in view as the name of a house ranges from the Malay Peninsula, through the islands of the Indian Archipelago, to the very extremity of Melanesia in the Loyalty Islands. It has not a continuous range, it appears and dis- appears at intervals, but in that line and chain of islands it is never absent long. It appears in Mafoor at the northwest of New Guinea, and in Motu at the southeast, and in the Marshall Islands of Micronesia. In Polynesian languages it does not appear; in the Kingsmill it is im. The fact that the word has in this way established itself 308 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. generally, but not universally, at intervals, and not in a continuous line, shows that it is not one which can be traced to one center, from whence it may be thought to have been introduced by commerce or modern intercourse. The same conclusion is enforced by the consideration of the great variety of the form of the word, which ranges from ruma to eng. If a word appearing in its full form in Malay were to appear corrupted and changed as it receded in distance from the region in which Malay is spoken, we might well suppose the Malay the original. But when the changes in form bear no certain relation to the distance from Malayan regions, and the variations are local and discon- nected, it is not so; some center there must have been, but it can not now be pointed out. The geographical range of the word must be observed by comparing the vocabularies with the map. The variation of the form can be seen in the vocabularies. In Mr. Wallace's list the Malay rumah and the Javanese umah give at once typical forms, one with and the other without an initial consonant. Of the first type there are also luma and huma, of the second um and probably om. (The Ceram word jeiom, used by Alfuros, is probably om, a form of uma, with the collective prefix fei, Fiji vei.) Out of thirty-three words twenty-two are forms of these types. The variety of forms in Melanesia is greater, but the types are the same; ruma is in Duke of York and San Cristoval, uma in Api and Lakona. The vowel also changes, and ruma, with changes of initial consonant and vowel, becomes luma, nume, huma, rima, nima. By similar change uma becomes ima, ema, and dropping the vowels at the beginning or end, 'ma, im, eom, em, eng. To account for this last change it is enough to say that, in the neighborhood where it is made at any rate, the m is the nasal one which, as mentioned above, regularly changes into ng; ima, im, makes eng, as lima "a hand" makes Fiji linga, Maori ringa. This m in Nengone is written 'm, and the Nengone 'ma is identical with the Santa Cruz mwa. It will be noticed that Efate has three forms, all more or less remote from the primal stem. Suma is found nowhere else, this being the only language in which the word has initial s. Himwa, so far as the initial is concerned, seems to be a transition form leading to the general imwa-ima of the north- ern New Hebrides. Uma is found in Epi and the distant Loyalties. As to the Arabic I venture the suggestion that it taxes philological prin- ciples far less to present its affiliation with the German Heimath and Heim. 266. tanu mi, tanu-maki, to cover with earth, to put into the ground; tan i, tun i, to earth it, to cover with earth and then with anything ; tano, tan, earth of any kind, soil, clay, ground. Samoa : tanu, to bury, to pave ; tanufale, to cover a house with coco- nut leaves in a storm; tanuma'i, to cover up with. Tonga: tanu, tanua, to bury, to conceal, to hide ; tanuanga, a burial place ; tanuma, to bury the dead by numbers; tanumaki, to earth up any plant or tree, to hoe, to cover up; tanumia, to be buried by falling of earth debris ; tanutanu, to bury, to cover over with earth ; tano, a burial place. Futuna : tanu, to bury, to inhume, to cover with earth; tanuma, a tomb, ditch, trench. Nuguria : tanu, to bury; taruma (? tanuma), a grave. Niue: tanu, to bury, to cover up. Uvea: tanu, to bury; tanuma, tano, ceme- tery, sepulcher; tanumanga, a pit. Maori: tanu, to bury, to plant, to fill up. Tahiti : tanu, to plant, to bury. Mangaia : tanu, to plant. Mauke: tanu, to bury. Rapanui: tanu, to hide, to conceal, to plant ; tangata tanu kai, a cultivator. Man- gareva : tanu, to plant, to bury, to inhume. Paumotu : tanu, to cultivate. Fotuna : no-tanu, no-tanumia, to bury. Hawaii : kanu, to bury, to cover up in the earth. DATA AND NOTES. 309 Mota: tano, ground; tanu, to bury with earth. Maewo, Nguna: tano, ground. Malo: tanomia, to bury. Kabadi: kano, land. Deni: ndano, ground. Saa: 'ano, id. Tanna: tana, land; (t)anum, to bury. Tarawa: tan, id. Ambrym: tan, ground. Aneityum: in-tan, id. Lo: ten, id. Laur, Lambell, Lamassa: tun, a grave. King: nutun, id. Malay: tanam, tanuman, to bury, to inter, to plant. Basakrama: tanam, id. Malay: tanah, land. Arabic: tana, to cover with clay; tino, tano, earth, clay. After defining tanumi and tan as burial with a covering of earth Dr. Macdonald says boldly "hence" and proceeds to join therewith tano-tan, earth, soil, ground. We have clearly two distinct stems mingled here. That which means the ground does not at all appear in Polynesia. In Melanesia it is tano, ndano, kano, 'ano, tana, tan, ten. In Indonesia we find Malay tanah land. With this stem the Arabic certainly has an identity of form and of sense. The stem signifying to bury is in the Proto-Samoan tanum, and the radi- cal m holds in Polynesia almost without exception when under the protec- tion of a succeeding vowel. This radical m is found in two instances in Melanesia and it persists in Indonesia. The stem in use in Polynesia is tanu, but in Tonga and Uvea tano is found along with tanu. Similarly in Malo we find tano, but with the radical m to fix the word. It would seem, therefore, that in these instances abraded tanum and tano have been con- fused. The Efate tun to bury is confirmatory of the New Ireland grave words tun and nutun. With the tanum stem the Semitic proposed is in no great accord. This word has been exhaustively examined in the inner record of its structure in my paper on root reducibility (27 American Journal of Phi- lology, 383). 267. tau, a season, time, year. Samoa : tau, a season, a year; tausanga, a season, a year of six months. Tonga: talu, a season, a crop, a year; ta'ube, annual. Futuna: tau, season for planting and particularly for yams. Uvea: tau, era; tau, year. Niue: tau, a year, a season. Maori: tau, a year. Tahiti, Rarotonga: tau, a season. Marquesas: tau, a year (of ten months). Rapanui: tau, a year, a season. Mangareva : tau, a year, the season of the breadfruit. Paumotu : tau, a season, a period. Nukuoro : tau, ngatau, a year. Aniwa : tou, a year. Hawaii: kau, a season, the summer or warm season, a lifetime. Mota: tau, a season. New Britain: taun, a year. Java, Sulu: tahun, a year. Matu: ta'un, id. Ilocan: taoen, id. Tagalog: taon, id. Bugi: ta ung, id. Macassar: taoeng, id. Malagasy: taona, a year, a time, a season. Arabic: zaman, a year. Syriac: ziban, id. Modern Syriac: zona, id. 310 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. The Samoan tausanga seems to suggest a taus stem. This can not further be recognized in Polynesia; therefore we are not justified in putting it forward adversely to the taun stem which appears in all the Indonesian identifications and in Melanesia is found in New Britain. The Semitic is impossible except Modern Syriac zona, and that is but a partial resemblance. 268. telei, talai, the ancient axe or adze-like axe (a shell) . Samoa : talai, to adze. Tonga : talai, to smooth off rough edges. Futuna: talai, to cut off knots or thorns. Niue: toki talai, an adze. Maori: tarai, tarei, to chop or smooth as with an adze. Tahiti: tarai, to chop or adze a piece of timber; toi tarai, an adze. Mangaia : tarai, to adze, to hew. Mangareva : tarai, to rough hew. Paumotu : tarai, to cut, to hew. Hawaii : kalai, id. Marquesas : tadi, to smooth with an axe or tool. Motu: talai, to chop. Mota: tara, to hew, chop, cut. Merlav: tara, to cut. Massim: tara, to cut off. Gog: tar, to cut. Volow: ter, id. Aneityum: inpas aterei, adze. Malay: charai, to part, to separate. Arabic: s'araha, to cut, to slice, to carve, to dissect. This stem is readily identified as homogenetic in Polynesia and Mela- nesia, and it preserves the verb-formative i as far away as Motu. The undoubtedly earlier verb tara exists in Mota and Merlav, and has undergone terminal abrasion in Gog and Volow. In the Aneityum locution aterei has altogether the appearance of identity with talai; but Inglis in his vocabu- lary of that language defines the word: aterei, crooked, bent; inpas aterei, an adze. Inference should not be allowed to outbalance the record of the reporter; therefore we leave the matter open pending further research in the field. In the Malay charai we find a change of initial t which is not wholly without precedent, but of far greater moment is the change of sense ; the identification is, therefore, doubtful. The Semitic is remote from talai both in form and in sense. 269. toki, an axe; tok, violence, force. Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Nukuoro, Fotuna, Mangaia, Marquesas : toki, an axe, a hatchet. Maori, Mangareva: toki, an axe, an adze, or similar tool. Tongarewa: toki, an adze. Rapanui: toki, a stone axe. Nuguria: toki, a shell axe. Paumotu: toki, to hit, strike, drive in, the edge of tools. Samoa: to'i, a hatchet. Tahiti : toi, a hatchet or tomahawk. Hawaii : koi, a small adze. Duke of York: torki, toki, to cut or lance, to cut out a spear point. Mota: toto, totogag, to chop. Aneityum: cf. etuko, to split wood. Baliyon: tuk, to chop. Arabic: takka, to cut. Hebrew: tok, violence. DATA AND NOTES. 311 The Efate tok violence is visible nowhere within the horizon of our studies, and is suspicious in view of its positive resemblance to Hebrew tok violence. In Polynesia we find no variation from the axe signification except in the Paumotu, which in many particulars represents a very primitive type of the language. The Paumotu meanings make it possible to accept with- out hesitation the Duke of York signification, which is not readily associable with a hatchet sense. The second form in Mota totogag, of which ag is recognized as a verb definitive suffix, yields us an abraded form tog, which undergoes yet further abrasion into toto. The Aneityum etuko is, like most of the identifications in that obscure speech, by no means distinctly established. We meet the stem but once in Indonesia, an abraded form as in Mota and with a vowel change like that in Aneityum. The Arabic is a resemblance; more, however, to the eye than to the ear, for when spoken the triliteral is at once apparent. 270. tuai, tuei, old, ancient, long ago, a long time hereafter; bakatuai, to pro- long, to put off, to delay. Samoa: tuai, former, olden, to be a long time; tuatuai, somewhat long, to delay; fa'atuai, to prolong, to put off, to defer, to delay. Tonga: tuai, delay, procrastination, slow, dilatory, to be long, to defer; fakatuai, fakatuotuai, to linger, to delay, to defer, to procrastinate, to protract. Niue : tuai, old, ancient ; fakatuai, slow. Uvea : tuai, to delay, to loiter. Nukuoro : tuai, ancient. Aniwa, Vate: tuai, old. Rapanui: tuhai, old, ancient. Eromanga: itetuai, of old; etuai, some time ago. Sesake: tuai, formerly. Mota: tuai, old times. Bierian: tuai, long ago. Malo: tuai, old. Malekula: tue, old. Aneityum: itu, old, former. Baravon: kua, old. Pak: 'ue, id. Malay: tuwah, old. Java: tuwa, id. Arabic: 'adiyy', old, ancient. It seems that here we are dealing with a tua stem of which, with conditional ma, matua (216) may be a derivative. That the stem really is tua, and i but the definitive suffix, appears in the duplicated Tonga faka-tuotuai. In tracing the stem in Melanesia we find in Eromanga and Aneityum pre- fixes of uncertain value. Most of the identifications in the western Pacific maintain the full tuai form. Absence of the definitive suffix is found in Baravon, if we accept the t-k mutation despite the fact that this is its only appearance among eight cases of t found in our material, and in Malekula. In this group belongs Pak 'ue, for it is characteristic of that tiny speech to throw out t. The last stage of abrasion is found in Aneityum i-tu. The Indonesian identifications are scanty but valid. The Polynesian has a t in tuai; a Semitic word meaning old has been found which has a d in it somewhere. Another link has been forged in the chain of Semitic origins. 312 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 271. un, a fish scale. Samoa : una, a scale of a fish, a plate of tortoise shell ; unafi, to scale a fish. Futuna : una, tortoise shell ; unafi, fish scale. Niue : una, tortoise shell; hinafi, fish scale. Maori, Marquesas, Rapanui, Mangareva: unahi, fish scale. Tahiti, Marquesas, Paumotu: unahi, to scale a fish. Hawaii: una, tortoise shell; unahi, fish scale. Tonga: uno, fish scale, tortoise shell. Uvea: uno, fish scale. Fotuna: ano-na-unafi, id. Nuguria: unafi, id. Motu: una, fish scale; unahia, to scale a fish. Aneityum: ninihen, fish scale. Malay: unus, to pull out. Hebrew: halas, to pull out, to pull off. Arabic: h'ala'a, id. The Proto-Samoan stem is unaf . In general these closed stems are better preserved in the Proto-Samoan migration than in the Tongafiti; here, however, the strong stem oddly appears where least it would be expected. Unafi is in form a verb ; the verb-formative suffix i is added to the simple stem. In Samoa and Motu unafi is a verb and distinct from the noun, in which the final consonant has been abraded ; in Maori, Mangareva, Futuna, Niue, Fotuna, and Hawaii unafi is the noun and una is either absent or else specialized to mean one of the plates in a head of turtle ; in the Marquesas it is both noun and verb. The only phonetic variants in the Polynesian are these: in Niue the frontal accretion by an aspirate, this seeming to be sporadic, since a primal aspiration in the stem would have been represented in other languages of the stock in some mutation form ; in the same speech the change of u to i, a change which we shall find again only in Aneityum ; in Tonga and Uvea the change of a to 0 in the second vowel. In Motu, that very remote colony of the swarm which left Indonesia by the southern gate, we find noun and verb used exactly as in Samoa. The only other identification which Melanesia has afforded us is n-inihe-n of Aneityum. In this the initial n is clearly the article ; the final n is observed upon a great many noun stems which end in a vowel. For the initial vowel of inihe we have already observed a precedent in Niue. The mutation f-h is common in Polynesia and we have several instances of its occurrence in Aneityum. The Malay identification is not only presented as fact by Macdonald,but has also received very respectful consideration by Tregear, who is by no means cordially disposed to the Malayo- Polynesian theory. Yet to accept this identification requires us to assume the equivalence of unaf and unus, an assumption far too violent to be satisfactory ; and then in addition to disregard the fact that in the sense of the Malay unus to pull out Samoa has unusi, Tonga has unuhi and so have several of the Tongafiti languages. About the only point of identity upon which the Semitic could be hung is the final s in Malay unus. Now that that is removed from consideration the Hebrew can show no resemblance. DATA AND NOTES. 313 EFATE-MELANESIAN-VITI-POLYNESIAN-MALAY-SEMITIC. 272. abu, afu, au, ashes; abuabu, afuafu, to be dusty, to fly in the air (dust); libu, lifu, to be ashy, ash-colored, dirty or covered with ashes, as in mourning for the dead; mafu, a thick vapor like dust, uncleanness (ritual) which makes the sight dim. efu. Samoa: efu, efuefu, dust, to become dust. Tonga: efu, dust; efuefu, ashes; efuhia, dusty, covered with dust; fakaefu, to raise a dust; maefu, dust; ngaehu, muddy, turbid. Futuna: efu, dust in general. Niue : efu, efuefu, dust; efuefu-afi, ashes. Uvea: efu, ashes; efuefu, dust. Marquesas: ehu, fragments, to fall in particles ; ehu ahi, ashes ; ehuehu, twilight of morning and evening. Maori : ehu, turbid, mist. Tahiti : ehu, dis- colored, muddy. Hawaii : ehu, spray, steam ; ehuehu, darkness arising from dust, fog or vapor; kuehu, to shake the dust from a mat. Mangareva: ehu, dust, ashes. Rapanui: ehu, fire- brand, ashes. lefu. Samoa: lefu, ashes; lelefu, to be burnt to ashes; fa'alelefu, to reduce to ashes. Niue: polefu, mist, fog. Futuna: lefu, ashes slacked in water for dressing the hair. Uvea: lefulefu, ashes. Nukuoro: lefu, ashes; rehu, dust. Nuguria: lehulehu, ashes. Hawaii: lehu, ashes; lelehu, to see with difficulty, to become blind. Maori: rehu, mist; pungarehu, ashes; rehutai, sea spray; turehu, indistinctly seen. Tahiti: rehu, ashes, soot, powder in general; rehurehu, the dusk. Rapanui: rehu, dust. Mangareva : rehu, reu, ashes ; rehurehu, the morning soon after sunrise; reureu, morning. Sikayana: rehu, lime. Rarotonga: reu, ashes; reureu, dark. Moriori: purungehu, ashes. nefu. Samoa: nefu, to be stirred up, turbid, muddy; nenefu, to be dim, indistinct. Tonga: nenefu, twilight, dimness, dim, dull, uncertain. Futuna: nenefu, dimness of vision. Uvea: nefunefu, darkness, gloom, mist, vapor, turbid, dusty. Maori: nehu, dust, steam; nehunehu, dusky. Mangareva: panehu, to dry up, to wither; paneu, gray, covered with dust. Viti : ndravu, ashes ; ndravundravua, ashy ; ndravukasi, dust, dusty ; ndravusa, ashes, to rub the head with ashes. Rotuma : roh, ashes. Marina : avuavu, ashes. Arag: taniavu, id. Lakon: tangehav, id. Maewo : ndigevu, id. Fagani, Vaturanga, Nggela, Guadalcanar : ravu, id. Bugotu : pindaravu, id. Nggao: parafu, id. Motu: rahurahu, ashes, a fireplace. Doura : kokorahu, ashes. Kabadi : rauna, id. Savo: lavu, id. Roro: r abu, id. Vni : labu, id. Wedau, Galavi, Boniki : lapukare, id. Duke of York : kabu, id. Taupota: gabuwari, id. Wedau: ai-gabuwari, id. Sesake: 314 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. tano au, ashes. Mota: rav, dusk; ravrav, dusk of evening; malurav, id. ; marav, dim, misty. Pak, Sasar, Alo Teqel : uwtis, ashes. Mosin: tuwus, id. Mota, Gog: tarowo, id. Vuras, Motlav: wowo, id. Lo: ivowa, id. Norbarbar: powo, puio, id. Keapara: abu, id. Mekeo: ae-apu, id. Motu: ^a/m, id. Tavara: gahue, id. Awalama: gahuwe, id. Sariba: gavara, id. Malay: abu,dabu, labu, dust, ashes; kalabu, klabu, ashy, ash-colored. Java: aww, fc/ituitt, dust, ashes. Malagasy: vuvuka, id. Arabic: fca&a (/*a&w), to rise, to float in the air (dust), to become like dust, ashes; habwat, dust; habut, dust, dust mixed with ashes; hebwa, fine dust, powder; mutahabbi, weak in sight. There can be no doubt that an intimate relationship obtains between efu, lefu, and nefu. It is too early to establish the relation, yet from the form I am hopeful that further inquiry along the lines which I have already discussed in the presentation of my theory of development by consonantal modulants will lay bare the life history of this interesting group. The only backward glimpse which our material affords is that which Tonga efuhia gives us of a Proto-Samoan stem efus, and this is found again to the westward. As the stems indicate relationship by their form, so do the several signifi- cations show that the stems are so near that it is possible for a certain meaning to appear first in one and then in another. The following tabu- lation will make that clear : Dust. Samoa Tonga Niue Uvea Futuna . . . . Nukuoro. . . Maori Moriori . . . . Tahiti Marquesas . Rarotonga . Mangareva Hawaii. . . , efu efu efu efu, nefu efu rehu nehu rehu ehu ehu, neu ehu Ashes. Vapor. lefu efu efu efu, lefu lefu lefu rehu. . . rehu rehu ehu reu ehu, rehu lehu lefu nefu I ehu nehu rehu ehu Darkness. Twilight. Muddy nefu nefu nefu nefu rehu, nehu reu ehu, lehu nefu reh u ehu nefu ehu nefu ehu ehu A glance down these columns will show how the sense plays from one stem to each of its associates ; there is but one column that does not carry all three stems, and the Maori employs all three to express the signification vapor. We are, therefore, wholly justified in dealing with the three as a unit in examining their exterior relations. In the three Polynesian lists there is little which calls for explanation, for we scarcely need pause here to dissect the few simple composites. The Moriori purungehu ashes is readily reducible as a metathesis upon the Maori pungarehu. The crepuscular sense is plain in Tonga, Tahiti, and the Marquesas as an immediate development out of the yet more general meaning of darkness and indistinctness of vision ; yet in Mangareva rehurehu we find the word transferred from the gloaming before the dawn to a posi- DATA AND NOTES. 315 tion after sunrise, when, in the clear light of day, the primal sense is lost. The vSikayana rehu lime, a specialized powder, finds a far-eastern parallel in Tahiti rehu, which is distinctly applicable to any powder. In Efate we find efu {abu, afu, au) and lefu (libu, lifu); mafu is not to be correlated with any of the Polynesian stems. Viti ndravu, both dust and ashes, recalls the vowel found in Efate' abu, and at the same time the ndr is evidential that the Proto-Samoan stem was ref u with the r grasseye (Samoan Phonetics, 1 7 Journal of the Poly- nesian Society, 152). In Melanesia we shall institute our search for the simple stem. I have already remarked that this was efus. This enables us at once to pick up theVanua Lava forms, the uwus of Pak, Sasar, and Alo Teqel; the s, in fact the us, is clear at first sight, the f-w mutation is confirmed by a widely extended range of examples. Mosin tuwus is this identified uwus with frontal accretion of some sort. Vuras is but a few miles from Sasar along the same beach, therefore wowo is readily acceptable as a dialectic variant ; the terminal ^ has dropped off and the then final wu has undergone modifi- cation to wo and later duplication. Motlav has the same form, and Lo wowa but slightly differs. Having now established wo as the vestige of efu we find it a composition member of puwo of Norbarbar and tarowo of Gog and Mota. Starting afresh with efu, we find it in Efate afu, abu; in Marina avuavu; as a composition member in Arag, Lakon and Maewo forms ; having lost its labial we have au in Efate and Sesake, this identification being open to such doubt as our lack of cordiality to internal loss may warrant. We next examine the lefu stem. In Efat6 lifu and libu are clear. Ravu is well distributed, both independently and in composition, rafu, rahu, lavu, and in Mota rav. The Duke of York kabu ashes is to be rejected, but I have left it with this material because of its reappearance in Viti kambu vapor, which is one of the senses pertaining to this protean efu stem. Our Indonesian material is scanty, but efu and lefu stems are recognizable. In the Semitic offered for our consideration it must be acknowledged that there is a certain resemblance, but the disclosure of a final t where our Polynesian has the ^-terminal is enough to stamp this as not a family resemblance. 273- (a) 5fa ki, 5fa ki, to bury. Samoa : iifi, a lid, a cover, to cover, to conceal ; ufita'i, to cover with. Tonga : uufi, a cover, to cover, to overspread ; ufiufi, to cover, to conceal. Futuna: uufi, to cover, to hide, to conceal, to disguise ; ufia, covered ; ufiufi, to cover things without envelop- ing them. Uvea: ufi, uufi, to cover. Niue: iifi, a covering, to cover up, to conceal. Maori: uhi, uwhi, to cover, a cover- ing. Hawaii : uhi, a covering, a veil, to cover over a thing so as to hide it. Mangareva : uhiuhi, to hide, to cover. Viti: umbia, to cover over; umbi, the top, lid, cover, a quilt. Malagasy : afina, to be concealed ; manafina, to conceal, to bury. Arabic: uaba, to conceal, to be concealed, to bury. 316 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. (b) ui, uui (uwi), the yam. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Aniwa, Sikayana : ufi. Vat6 : uf. Maori: uwhi, uhi. Nukuoro, Moiki, Tahiti, Hawaii, Mangareva, Rapanui, Paumotu: uhi. Marquesas: buauhi. Mangaia, Rarotonga: ui. Fotuna: aufi. Viti: uvi. Rotuma: uk. British New Guinea, Murua, Kiriwina, Galavi, Boniki: kuvi, yam. Nggela: kuikuvi, a cover, to cover; kuvihia, to cover; kuikuvi, a leaf used as an umbrella. Mukawa: kubi, yam. Nada: kuva, id. Fagani: uvi, id. Pokau: veu, id. Wango, Saa: uhi, id. Motu: uhe, the end of the yam, which is kept for planting. Aneityum: n-uh, yam. Tanna: n-uk, id. New Caledonia: ubi, id. Vanikoro: upie, id. Baki: yubi, id. Eromanga: n-up, id. Baravon: up, id. Makura: na-u, id. New Ireland (Carteret Harbor): u, id. Pala: uh, id. Malay: ubi, yam. Kayan: uvi, id. Java, Kisa: uwi, id. Malagasy: ubi, ovy, id. Arabic: "ayab, roots (so called because buried in the ground). The cause of this collocation is the satisfaction of Macdonald's Semitic theory in his naif interpretation that roots are things buried in the ground. A. It is highly problematical whether there is any identity between afa ki and ufi. The Polynesian and the Viti make no reference to burial ; the dominant sense is to cover by setting the covering agent upon the object to be con- cealed. It is not until we reach the Malagasy, and a secondary form at that, that we find any recognition of the burial sense. In general I am opposed to the acceptance of any Malagasy identification where there is any but the closest resemblance of form and meaning, except where we find it upheld by a satisfactory suite of transition forms in Indonesia. The Arabic is quite as imperfectly correlated with Polynesian ufi as is Efat6 afa-ki, in fact more so, for we should need evidence as to the abrasion of so strong a palatal as ". Furthermore the Proto-Samoan stem is uf it. Its only Melanesian appearance is in Nggela kuvihia, which bespeaks a kuvis stem, not wholly to be accepted as to ^-accretion and t-s mutation in the absence of transition forms, although we have some evidence tending to establish this mutation. B. The absence of the inner labial spirant in the Efate forms finds a true Polynesian parallel in Mangaia and Rarotonga; in Melanesia it is found only in the most degenerate forms, in which naught survives of the word but its initial vowel. The Polynesian life-history of the word is plain ; it is written about the successive mutations of the central consonant, /-z>-/*-extinction. In Melanesia we shall examine the identifications by the same criterion. The form kuvi is anomalous in the frontal fe-accretion and it is loosely accredited to a territory too wide and heterogeneous to admit of more pre- cise identification. The ufi form is absent from this area. The first stage DATA AND NOTES. 317 of the upward progression therefrom, uvi, is found in Fagani, and probably in Pokau if we regard veu as a 231 metathetic form. The next stage, the passage to the aspiration, is found in Wango and Saa uhi, Motu uhe, and in the abraded uJi of Aneityum and Pala. A further step is represented by the uwi of Efate. Last of all we find that the consonant has vanished to extinction in ui, also of Efate. In the downward progression the first step rests upon the ubi of New Caledonia and the Baki yubi; the next upon the abraded up of Eromanga and Baravon. The last degeneration is shown in the u of Makura and New Ireland. In Tanna n-uk shows a mutation, labial to palatal, which we should scarcely be able to support if it were not that Rotuma, far more intimately within the Polynesian sphere, has also the form uk. In Indonesia we find five identifications of the most satisfactory character. The Arabic "ayab offers several difficulties in form besides its manifest lack of connection in sense, even after the pleasing parenthetical informa- tion. The guttural "might readily pass into k as in kuvi, but that is an uncertain form at best and in the wide range of the stem the initial k is nowhere else discoverable. The duplicated u in Tonga, Uvea, and Futuna is in no sense a parallel to argue a double vowel sound persisting after the dropping of the y in "ayab, for the uu in these three languages is no more than a device to express the long vowel in a font of mission type which lacked the macron. 274. angiengi, the air, breeze; in, the wind, the air; langi, the wind. Samoa : angi, to blow (of the wind) ; angiangi, to blow gently. Tonga : angi, to blow ; angiangi, to begin to blow. Futuna : angi, angiangi, to blow. Niue: aw^', id. Uvea: angiangi, id. Nukuoro: angi, the wind; angiangi, a fan. Maori: angi, a gentle breeze; hengi, to blow gently. Mangareva: angi, a light wind ; angiangi, to blow gently. Moriori : hokaangi, to shake in the wind. Hawaii: ant, aneane, to blow gently. Marquesas : ani, the air. Samoa, Tonga, Fakaafo, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Maori, Mangaia, Mana- hiki, Rarotonga, Mangareva: matangi, the wind. Paumotu: matangi, the air. Rapanui: matangi, the air, a squall. Sikayana, Nuguria, Liueniua: matani, the wind. Hawaii: makani, id. Tahiti: matai, id. Marquesas: metani, meiaki, id. Aniwa: tu-mtangi, id. Fotuna: mtangi, id. Viti: thangi, the wind, the atmosphere; thangina, to be blown away by the wind. Rotuma: lang, the wind. Tanna, Eromanga: matangi, the wind. Tanna: mtangi, id. Anei- tyum: nimtinjop, id. Lemaroro: langi, id. Sesake, Paama, Mota: lang, id. Nengone: 'n lang, id. Ambrym: leng, ling, ying, id. JJeaiang, id. Malekula: ni-en, id. Tobi: yang, id. Malay: angin, the wind, air, atmosphere. Java, Visayas, Tagalog, Magindano: hangin, the wind. Bicol: hagnin, id. Bugi: anging, id. Kisa: ange, id. Malagasy: anina, id. Arabic : nasama, to blow gently ; nasam',na'sam, nasim', a light wind. 318 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. In Polynesia angi is generally the verb ; the noun matangi is a composite of angi in its earlier attributive value with mala (324). Only in Nukuoro and in Maori, Mangareva, and the Marquesas does angi function as noun. The Proto-Samoan stem is hangi, this being the true light aspiration which has wholly vanished in the current phase of the languages and is recoverable only from Viti thangi. With this angi is affiliated the angiengi of Efate. So, too, in an abraded and degraded form is, in my opinion, Efate in. In its first stage, the simple abrasion, we find Uea (Loyalties) ang; parallel with this, but in the remoter Micronesian area, is Tobi yang. Thus we reach Ambrym ying, from which it is but a simple step to in. Another short step thence leads us to ni-en of Malekula. The common Polynesian matangi appears intact in two of the languages of the New Hebrides, of which Tanna has a shortened form mtangi, which also appears in the Polynesian verge islands Aniwa and Fotuna. A yet further deviation from this stem is the rude ni-mtinjop of Aneityum. Interwoven with these wind words we find langi. I feel that this is the Polynesian langi sky borrowed with only a general regard for its sense. We find it in the wind meaning and in its full langi form in Efate and Lemaroro; abraded in Sesake, Paama, Mota and Nengone; abraded and subjected to vowel deterioration in Ambrym leng, ling. Of these Nengone and Mota express the sky by Melanesian words. The Melanesian lang wind occurs in Rotuma, which uses langi for the sky. In Indonesia the primal aspiration is retained in Java, the Visayas, Tag- alog, Magindano and Bicol ; and in these and in the other instances cited the identification is wholly satisfactory except for the apparent inversion gn in Bicol. Between hangi and Semitic triliterals nsm it is impossible to see any relation. 275- (a) aka, koa, stringy, fibrous ; akoa na, ako ana, root (literal and figurative) ; aka na, ek, eka na, a relative, family connection (considered as root or offshoot from) . Samoa : a' a, fibers of a root, family connections, a plant whose root is sometimes eaten. Tonga: aka, the root of trees, to take root in the earth. Futuna : aka, root in general, a vine with an edible root. Niue : vaka, a root ; aka, a soft-leaved creeping plant whose root is eaten in time of scarcity. Uvea : aka, root. Maori : aka, long fibrous roots, a climbing plant. Tahiti : aa, roots. Hawaii: aa, small roots. Marquesas: aka, a root; eka, young roots of trees from which native cloth is made. Rarotonga, Nukuoro, Rapanui, Paumotu : aka, root. Nuguria : haka, id. Viti: yaka, a creeper whose root is edible. (b) kaka naniu, the fibrous substance, like coarse cloth, that grows around the stem of the coconut. Samoa : 'a'a, lau'a'a, the fibrous stipule of the coconut leaf. Tonga : kaka, thin fibrous substance found around the young coconut. Futuna: MM, species of tissue which grows on the coconut. Maori : kaka, anything fibrous or stringy. Marquesas : kaka, DATA AND NOTES. 319 web or cloth covering the leaves of coconut trees, a sack. Mangareva: kaka, the envelope of coconut leaves. Tahiti: aa, the fibrous substance which grows on the coconut, the husk or covering on the young breadfruit branches. Hawaii: aa, the cloth-like covering near the roots of coconut leaves, a coarse kind of cloth. Viti: waka, the fibers or roots of a tree. Rotuma: va'a, root. These all signify root : Murray Island : sip kak. Duke of York : akar. New Britain : okor. Bugotu: oga. Savo: ogni. Arag: garo. Alite: kalokalo. Lo: gurah. Merlav: gari. Gog: gerin. Mota: gariu. Motlav: goren. Sasar: gorgi. Pak, Alo Teqel: gergi. Volow : girigi. Mosin : sigrigi. Omba : goarigi. Maewo : goarii. Lakon : gegi. Marina : goe. Malay: akar, the roots of a plant, a scandent plant, the parts of a plant that climb ; akar, root, origin, principle, foundation (this last word is said by Crawfurd to be Arabic). Kayan: aka, root. Salayer, Gah: akar, id. Sula: kao-akar, id. Arabic : 'akka, 'akak, to be split, fissured ; 'akko, a fissure ; 'akikat' , a bag; lawako, small sprouts shooting from the upper part of a palm; 'ikkano, shoots sprouting from the roots of palms and vines; 'akka, to send forth such shoots from the roots. A. In aka we find two words alike in form, aka a root and aka the vine. In general these two words have exactly the same form, but in Niue and Viti they are distinguished and in practically the same way. The root signifi- cation in Niue is expressed by vaka (vaka is also canoe) ; in Viti waka (canoe being wangga), and Rotuma va'a (vaka being canoe) are the same. If this ^-initial were radical we should expect its recurrence somewhere along the line ; the frontal accretion of Polynesian stems is so unusual that we are without data for its intelligent study. The plant name in Niue is aka, as in the rest of Polynesia. In Viti it is yaka. This Viti ^-initial is of great interest and therefore I give in the following list all the instances in which I have identified the word in which it is used with a Polynesian stem. Viti. Samoa. Meaning. Viti. Samoa. Meaning. yambia pia arrowroot yate ate liver yandra ala awake yatu atu a row in series yaka aka a plant I yava vae foot yane arte a moth i yava pa barren, of women yam ane directive yavato ajato a maggot yasi asi sandalwood yawa ava a fish In yambia and in both identifications of yava it will be seen that it is not merely y-initial but the syllable ya. There is nothing in the life-history of these words (cf. 276 for the only other instance included in these data) to indicate that the Viti y-initial retains the impress of something radical. Yet one must regard the impression unavoidably acquired that Viti yaka, e. g., retains some delicate intonation of vowel which characterized in the Proto-Samoan the initials of these words. 320 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Efate aka of relationship is repeated only in Samoa. The word for root, akoa, despite its extra syllable, may be found to come into concord with Polynesian aka through the equivalence of aka-koa fibers. The type of root embraced in this word is the fibrous roots, as reappears here and there in these definitions. In Melanesia the identification is intricate. The Murray Island locution seems to include a form of this word. The Duke of York akar is a certain identification. New Britain okor is clearly the same word, and Bugotu oga comes readily into line, and Savo og-ni is recognizable. If now we accept an abraded form ka, not found independently, we shall find a chain of development as follows : gar Savo, Merlav, Mota, Alite. gor Motlav, Sasar, Omba, Maewo. ger Gog, Pak, Alo Teqel. gur Lo. gir Volow, Mosin. Lakon gegi and Marina goe are not to be omitted, but they are highly irregular. The Indonesian identifications are very clear. Unfortunately for the Semitic identifications offered their correlation depends on the harmonizing of aka and kaka. Even then they have no significations which mean fiber, root, or this specialized stipule. B. It is not improbable that aka and kaka are homogenetic, but the lan- guages have not yet been sufficiently studied after my theory of coefficient modulants to enable us to present any sort of proof. Ex hypothesi we should have a stem ka with a broad meaning of fiber ; the element a should determine the ka fiber in some such manner as to limit it to root fibers; the reduplicated kaka with its intensive force should picture the interlacing fibers of this natural product. Unfortunately we can not yet prove a single one of these points. Our kaka is limited to Polynesia and restricted to the coconut fabric except that in Tahiti it extends to the breadfruit, the bam- boo, and the sugarcane, and that among the Maori, who have not in their colder land the coconut, it has possibly reverted to the primordial sense of anything fibrous. 276. ate, the liver (of a shark), the spleen; are, the liver; uateam, the kidneys. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Fotuna, Nuguria, Maori, Tahiti, Marquesas, Mangareva, Rarotonga: ate, the liver. Rapanui: ate, the liver, the lungs. Hawaii: ake, id. Viti: yate, the liver. Solomon Islands: ati, the chest. Malekula Uripiv: ere, the liver. New Guinea (Maclay Coast) : arre, the liver. Mota : varai, vare, the chest, the liver. Rubi, Suau, Dobu: ate, the liver. Wedau : ate, the gall bladder. Motu : ase, aze, the liver. Roro : ahe, id. Mekeo: ae, id. Nada: ata, id. Sariba: kate, id. Mukawa: katekate, id. Kiriwina: kata, id. Murua: katu, id. DATA AND NOTES. 321 Sinaugoro: gase, id. Galoma: gae, id. Hula: aie, id. Awa- lama: ade, id. Malay: ati, the liver, the heart (morally). Java: ati, the heart. Kisa: akin, id. Magindano: ati, the liver. Pampangas: ate, id. Ternati : fatf, id. Matu: atai, id. Tagalog: atay, id. ; afo', the middle. Arabic: fcaW, kabid', the liver. Hebrew: fea&ed, id. Ethiopic: kabde, id. In the Efate are several puzzles. The general name for the liver in all Polynesia is here the spleen of men, and it should be borne in mind that in an anthropophagous society the works of one's own kind are far more familiar objects than in communities of a wider dietary. The word does appear as the liver, but of the shark ; the human liver is are. It is possible that ate may become are, this depending on the validity of the proof establishing the t-r mutation presented in note 258. A re is readily identifiable as ere in Malekula Uripiv, aire in New Guinea. Mota vare may indicate : (1) that there is a stronger stem from which are develops by frontal abrasion — in which case the ate-are identification is scarcely probable ; (2) that Mota has acquired v by frontal accretion, a process which is by no means satisfactorily established ; (3) Mota vare in conjunction with Viti yate (see note 275) may indicate some light initial sound in Proto-Samoan, too light to be caught in the general scheme of Polynesian consonant mutation, but attracting the ear of the Melanesians as a sound to them difficult and unusual, therefore requiring special effort to preserve, thus accounting for the variance of the result in Mota and Viti. My own opinion inclines to the third view. The fact that in Mota the liver word includes the chest leads naturally to the inclusion of Solomon Island ati chest and Tagalog ati the middle in these identifications. The Indonesian citations are perfectly satisfactory. The Semitic is the triliteral kbd. No trace of the d is found in the three eastern areas. The subject of an initial sound has already been dis- cussed. We know it only as astronomers know invisible celestial bodies by the regularity of certain perturbations in their computations. We do not certainly know what this echo of an initial sound may have been, but we do know beyond any doubt that it could not have been k, for the mutation scheme of that palatal is abundantly understood. There remains to us the consideration of Efate tiateam. I cite Dr. Macdonald in extenso: In Efate uateam' (d. uateau) the kidneys is ua ate am', lit., fruit of the liver (or inside) of the belly {am' the belly); ua-nate-natuo or ua-nate-tuo, the calf of the leg, in one dialect is denoted by uateau natore, lit., kidneys of the shin (i. e., the leg from the knee to the foot), and uateau laso denotes kidneys of the scrotum; ua, fruit, is used because the parts spoken of are round or fruit-shaped. The validity of this determination of uateam' as pertaining to the ate liver stem rests upon ua-ate, fruit of the liver, becoming uate through crasis. In my judgment it is simpler to avoid all reference to ate liver and to find in uate an identification with fuata, the stronger form from fuat fruit, as to which see note 360. 322 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 277. aiia (awa), naiia, ua, veins, muscles. Samoa: ua, sinews, tendons, veins, arteries. Tonga: uoua, sinew, tendon; uouatanu, deep, out of sight, the veins of the arms. Futuna: ua, vein, sinew, muscle; uaica, veins which show. Uvea: ua, vein. Maori : uaua, a sinew, vein, artery. Tahiti: uaua, sinew, tendon, ligament, vein. Marquesas: uaua, vein, artery, nerve, tendon. Mangareva: ua, tendon, vein, nerve. Rapanui: ua, sinew, tendon; uaua, vein. Paumotu: tareua, tendon. Moriori: uau, artery. Nuguria: nauka, vein. Hawaii: aa, vein. Viti: ua, a vein, muscle; vakaua, uauana, muscular, strong. Laur: urat, vein. Malay: urat, nerve, sinew. Matu: tirat, vein, sinew. Ilocan: urat, vein. Tagalog: ugat, id. Pampangas: uy at, id. Kayan: uat, sinew. Java: wad (through uhat, uat), vein, muscle. Bugi: urdk, vein. Malagasy: uzatra, huzatra, vein. Arabic: 'irk', 'araka, veins. Excising the article a(na) the Efate ua accords with the ua of Polynesia in form and general signification. In the crude anatomical knowledge of these races it is easy to see what zia really is, the cordlike bodies in the flesh which appear under the skin. Thus vein and tendon are the same thing and one word describes them. It is not until we reach Hawaiian aa that we find any variant of ua. Our only Melanesian identification is Laur urat. This is a form which appears exactly in three Malayan languages. Laur is right in the east gate in a region where it is possible to suspect a late Malayan source of the word after the Polynesian migration had passed through. The Indonesian forms exhibit a remarkable treatment of the ua stem, so remarkable that we may entertain grave doubts of their identity. There is everywhere one consonant unaccountable and generally two, the Polyne- sian stem nowhere exhibiting the slightest trace of any consonant. Kayan uat is the nearest approach to ua; from that to Malay urat we have a steadily strengthening chain. These two consonants are such as the Polynesian would have had no difficulty in preserving had they been primordial. The Semitic here offered is yet farther removed from ua; it is even stronger than urat, which only imperfectly does it resemble. 278. bwa, ua, boua, to rain. Samoa, Fakaafo, Futuna, Uvea, Fotuna, Nuguria, Maori, Tahiti, Hawaii, Rarotonga, Marquesas, Mangareva, Rapanui, Manahiki : ua, rain. Aniwa: ua, towa, id. Sikayana: oua, id. Nukuoro: mata-ua, raindrop. Tonga, Niue: uha, rain. Viti: utha, rain. Rotuma: ttas, id. The following signify rain : Sesake, Marina, Tangoan Santo, Suau, Maewo: tisa. Dobu, Kubiri: usana. Kiviri: usan. Sariba: kuse. Vaturanga, Bugotu, Nggela: uha. Deni: ua. Epi: ua, yua. Baki: yuo. DATA AND NOTES. 323 Bierian : nihua. Arag, Omba : uhe. Aneityum, Eromanga : ehe. Guadalcanar : utha. Alite : uta. Santo, Vate, Malekula : us. Lakon: uh. Ambrym: o. New Ireland (Duffield) : eyus, eus. Rubi : ura. Buka : urata, uroto, uruotta. Bougainville : urata. Gog: urei. Arag, Merlav: reu. Pak: wat. Sasar, Alo Teqel: wet. Lo : weta. Volow : wend. Norbarbar, Vuras, Mosin : wen. Mota: wena. Wango, Fagani: rangi. Nggao: hani. Kayan: usan. Togean Islands: udjan. Rotti: udan. Matabello: udama. Kaili : uda. Malay, Sandol : hujan. Java : hudan. Gani, Wahai, Salu, Timor, Visayas: ulan. Tobo: u'lan. Cajeli, Caimarian: ulani. Bual: ulanu. Awaiya: uldne. Liang, Morella: hulan. Batumerah: hulani. Amblaw : ulah. Ende : ura. Tidore, Pampangas : uran. Ceram : urana. Sali- babo: urong. Kisa: ungang. Gah: uan. Malagasy: orana. Galela: hura. Baju: kron. Teor: hurani. Lariko: haran. Sula: huya. Bolanghitam : oka. Mysot : golim. Arabic: ba'a, to rain continuously; ba'a'a, rain, rain water. The Proto-Samoan stem is uha. This is shown by Viti utha, which might derive with equal facility from uha or usa, but if the latter were radical Samoa would have preserved it as usa, and it would have appeared as uha in the long list of sister languages which represent a Proto-Samoan sibilant by the aspiration. It does appear as uha in Tonga and Niue, which nor- mally preserve the Proto-Samoan h. In Rotuma it has become usa and has then undergone metathesis to comply with the local idiosyncrasy for closed stems. In Efate the prefixing of b is unexplained. The Proto-Samoan uha is preserved in Vaturanga, Bugotu, Nggela; with one vowel change in Arag and Omba, with alteration of both vowels in Aneityum, and with terminal abrasion in Lakon. Guadalcanar repeats the Viti utha. The mutation to s is seen in the usa of Sesake, Marina, Tangoan Santo, and Maewo; the us by abrasion in Santo, Vate, and Malekula; prob- ably in Duffield's New Ireland eyus, eus. The ua of the modern phase of Polynesian is found in Deni and Epi, and in the latter island both Baki and Bierian preface it with weak sounds. The uta of Alite is a degeneration form of Guadalcanar utha arising from a second borrowing of loan material and without knowledge of the true form of the original. This is no merely theoretical deduction. In Fiji I have observed that Melanesians in learning the Viti almost uniformly reproduce the dh of that speech with t, d, nt, nd, where the sound (though the Fijians had no knowledge of the fact) was the preservation of Polynesian stems containing the aspiration. The o of Am- brym is explicable as a degeneration form to which we are led by Lakon uh. We must postpone further consideration of the Melanesian material until we have examined the Indonesian record. We shall compare these forms with the primal and successive forms hereinbefore developed. uha. This appears in but a single instance, Bolanghitam oha. usa. This, too, is found but once, Kayan usan, in which appears the final Indonesian n which is so prevalent in this area and will not be further noticed here. ua. In Gah uan and in Sula huya with the prefix of the aspiration which is found in Bierian ni-hua and freely in Indonesia. 324 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. We now enter upon a great group of forms in which the primal aspiration has undergone greater mutation. The majority of these mutations are in the lingual series, a proof that the original is the h near the lingual closures. In this series we shall consider the weakening mutations, those upward in the vowel direction, disregarding the initial accretion of h and the formative terminal n. ula. Gani, Wahai, Salu, Timor, Visayas, Tobo, Cajeli, Caimarian, Bual, Awaiya, Liang, Morella, Batumerah, Amblaw. Mysot golim may be considered in this series, but with no great insistence. ura. Ende, Tidore, Pampangas, Ceram, Salibabo, Malagasy, Galela, Baju, Teor, Lariko. We next examine the strengthening mutations, the downward movement. The first of these is usa, already presented as a normal variation. udja. Togean Islands, Malay, Sandol. uda. Rotti, Matabello, Kaili, Java. We have a single example in which occurs h-ng mutation ; this represents a resultant of the first weakening variation to ula and then the horizontal strengthening by movement to the palate, l-ng being a mutation of which the tabular view will supply examples in Melanesia. These are to be regarded as specifically Indonesian mutations; they are not found at all in Polynesia, and h-j and h-d very sparingly in Melanesia outside this stem. We shall now resume the consideration of the Melanesian material. The ula-ura which has occupied so large a space in Indonesia may with consider- able probability be identified in Buka and Bougainville urata and variants. In case this identification be considered acceptable I would ascribe it to a Post-Polynesian period, a raid along the ancient track conducted by Indo- nesian peoples, for these two northern outliers of the Solomons are within reach of the prahus. In note 277lhave already introduced this explanation. But Gog urei and Arag-Merlav reu, metathetically derived therefrom, lie geographically too remote to be susceptible of this explanation in view of the fact that no intervening record appears. But is such the case? In Buka uruotta, readily seen to be a variant of urata, we find the pos- sibility of a transition form, a stem in which the final / is established for this area. It is possible that in further borrowings uruotta, losing its first two letters (not a true syllable), might, as uotta, lead us to weta of Lo, wet of Sasar and Alo Teqel, wat of Pak. From wet to Volow wend is easier than it might seem, for wet varying toward wed would encounter the idiosyncrasy that Volow and several other Melanesian languages, as well as Viti, can not essay the d without the supporting preface of the nasal of the same series. From wend to wen and wena is very simple on the explanation of secondary borrowing, as already pointed out in the case of h-th-t, the reinforced con- sonant being objectionable to later borrowers, and on that score they reject the final one of two linked sounds in their ignorance that this it is which represents the primal sound. Thus we may bring the second group of Melanesian identifications into line, representative of a Post- Polynesian movement. The third Melanesian group, Wango-Fagani rangi and Nggao hangi, is the Polynesian langi the sky, which we have already seen (274) pressed into DATA AND NOTES. 325 Melanesian service to denominate the wind. The reason is not far to seek, for it's the wind and the rain and the sky above us all, for it's all one and naught lies beyond but the great, the pitiless gods. And this Semitic, foolishly treading on the heels of so wide a unity, has but this plea to make, that Efate has added to uha a b, which nowhere else appears to have left a trace. 279. bwabwa, a hollow, channel or bed of a stream dry except after heavy rains, an opening through the jungle, a board ; bwala, level. Samoa: Papapapa, the name of a rocky path among cascades in the bed of a stream just south of the tuasivi on the alasopo from Apia to Safata; papa, a rock, a board, plane, level, flat; papapapa, level, as a rocky road. Tonga: papa, a board, plane, even (as a road much trodden) ; papapapa, smooth. Uvea, Futuna : papa, a board. Niue : laupapa, a board, a floor. Nuguria: papa, rocks. Maori: papa, anything broad, flat and hard, to lie flat, a flat rock, a slab, a board, a door, a shutter. Tahiti: papa, a board, a flat rock. Hawaii: papa, applied to many substances having a hard flat surface, a board. Mangaia : papa, a base, a foundation. Mangareva: papa, a foundation, a plank. Marquesas : papa, stones on the shore ; papahua, a board ; papapoho, a plank, a gate, a door. Paumotu : papa, a rock ; tipapa, lying flat. Nukuoro : papapa, flat ; papapapa, low. Viti: mbamba, a board. Motti : papapapa, a flat rock. Mota : taptapapa, flat-sided ; tapa, a board ; papalak, papalaota, thin. Aneityum : apalapal, thin, flat. Malay, Basakrama: papan, a board. Macassar: papang, id. Bugi: papon, id. Arabic: baba-t', surface, board, table, slab; bib', channel; bab', door, gate, hall ; baba, to dig a hole. Hebrew : babah, a gate. A particularly interesting coincidence of specialized significations lies in Efate bwabwa and the Samoan Papapapa. In the Polvnesian which we can mass this stem appears as a duplication of pa. But Efate bwala, paralleled by Aneityum apalapal and Mota papa- lak and papalaota, very strongly suggests a stronger closed stem pal. The other Mota forms seem to be composites of ta and pa, for taptapapa is explained by Codrington as a duplication form, although highly irregular when referred to Polynesian duplication mechanics. If this pal stem be acceptable it interposes difficulty in the way of Semitic identification through form resemblance. 280. balu-sa, to paddle, row; balusa sa, paddle or row with it (a paddle or oar). Epi dd. mbeluo ka,mbahuakin,v . t., Aneityum aheleth, to paddle, to row, to sail, Ambrym fuloh, to paddle, Fijian ai vothe, an oar, vothe, to paddle, to row, vothe-taka, v. t. ( = balu-saki, to paddle a canoe, to row a boat), Paama palusa, Malekula d. masu, Malekula Aulua sua, Malo mo sua, Tanna asua, Futuna sua, Malagasy vui, act of rowing ; mivui, to row ; vuizina, rowed ; fivui, an oar; Malay dayung, an oar; dayung, bdrdayung, to row. 326 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Note: Balu-saki is the same as vothe-taka. The verb " to row " is balu, vothe, (m)beluo, (m)bahua, vui, masu, and without the preformative b', (v' , m'), asua, sua, dayung, and the I in balu, th in vothe, h in mbahua, s in sua, d in dayung, all are variations of the same original consonant which is elided in vui. The word for oar, ai vothe, fivui, is in Efate uose, d. uohe (wose, woke), Futuna joi. In Futuna the connection between sua, to paddle, and foi, an oar or paddle, is not so apparent as that between Malekula Pang- kumu su, to paddle, and bos, a paddle, because in joi, as in vui (Viti vothe) the s has been elided; and the connection between Efate balu, to paddle, and uose, a paddle, is not so apparent as that between Epi mbahua, to paddle, and voho, a paddle, Epi d. bahua, to paddle, and boho, a paddle. Arabic gadaja, kadafa, (or 'at'afa) , Amharic kaza} (or 'azaf), to propel with oars, to row, Modern Arabic kaddaf, or ' addaf, part, mo' addij (anc. mo'addif, or mo'azzij, cf. vothe, bose, uose, vui, foi). Sua is without the preforma- tive, cf. 'azafa, 'addaf: balu seems to have the same prefix as Samoa pale, to row, with- out which is Samoa alo (ps. alofia), and alo-fa'i, to paddle, row, and with another verb, Samoa taualo, to row, to keep on rowing. The foregoing is cited from Dr. Macdonald's work, an excellent example of his dictionary method : I subjoin a few notes from the Melanesian tract as a slight addition to the record. Mota: sua, to paddle; suava, a paddling. Buka: sschue, soa, to row. Matupit: walua, to row. Baravon : wahie-vue, to row off. Lambell: valiso, to paddle. King: vulusii, id. Lamassa: iavds, id. Moiki: ango, to row, is Polynesian, Samoan alo, under the influence of the local change of / to ng. 281. baro-si, baru-si, to rub, to grate ; farofaro, a thing which rasps. Samoa: valu, to scratch, to scrape out (as coconuts) ; valu, to scrape (as taro); valusanga, scrapings (as of taro). Tonga: valu, to scrape. Futuna: valu, to rub, to rasp, to scrape. Nuguria: valuvalu, to peel taro. Tahiti: varu, van, to shave, to bark a tree, to scratch. Mangareva: varu, to scrape fruit, to cut the hair. Rapanui : varuvaru, to scrape, to rasp, to shave, to plane, to peel; hauhau, to scrape. Marquesas: vau, to shave; vavau, to scrape cooked breadfruit. Maori: warn, to scrape, to shave, to cut hair quite close; waruwaru, peeled. Hawaii: walu, to scratch, to rub, to rasp, to polish. Niue: halu, to scrape, to peel. Fotuna : wurusia, to scrape. Viti : voaluya, to rub or scrape pandanus leaves to render them pliant for mat-making ; wandrutha, to clear the nose of mucus, to wipe dirt off a thing with the hand; varota, to saw, to file, to rasp. Mai : barusi, to scrape. Malay: paras, to shave, to pare close to the surface. Malagasy: fara, to scrape, to scratch, to make smooth. Arabic : faraka, to rub, to grate. The Proto-Samoan stem is varus, which reappears in Efate, Viti {wandru- tha), Fotuna, Mai and Malay. While the two Samoan words are akin in sense it would seem that they have different stems, or perhaps that valu is a modification by vowel prolongation entered upon when the closing con- sonant of the stem had dropped from memory; the evidence for this lies in the objective aspect of the two verbs, of valu valusia, of valu valua. On the other hand the noun of action derived from valu, taro scrapings, is recorded by Pratt in the two forms valunga (without the macron) and valu- DATA AND NOTES. 327 sanga . Yet as this distinction of special use by quantity is not carried along even into Nuclear Polynesia we may be justified in considering this an error on the part of Pratt, the more since Pere Violette marks diacritically no such distinction. The fact that the valu stem carries the specific action of the rasp (a sprig of coral being the common implement) through Futuna as far as Hawaii removes any obstacle which might exist as to the affiliation of Efate faro- faro and Viti varo with valu. It is interesting to find in Viti three phases of the same stem. The varying treatment of the radical I suggests that Viti borrowed and twice repeated the borrowing from different sources. The varota points to a loan when the stem held its r, and Efate farofaro hints at the loan coming along the migration track which I have segregated as the Viti stream, but in this the closing radical s had vanished. The wandrutha points to a loan from a source which had rgrasseye and the closed stem, in local terms to Samoa. Then walunga indicates a source wherein the stem was open and the r had passed definitely into /. In our knowl- edge of the Polynesian waves over Viti this corresponds to theTongan. The Semitic is triliteral frk. There is a sense resemblance, but stated as a triliteron the Polynesian is vrs, the difference in the third element being considerable. 282. bau, bao, fau, fao, new. Tonga: foou, foofoou, fofoou, new. Futuna: fo'ou, new, recent. Uvea: foou, id. Samoa: fou, new, recent; fa'afou, to make new. Niue: fou, new, young, recent. Aniwa, Vate: fou, new. Fotuna: fau, id. Maori, Nuguria, Hawaii: hou, new, fresh, recent. Mangareva, Tahiti, Nukuoro: hou, new. Mar- quesas: hou, new, recent. Rapanui, Paumotu: hou, young, new. Rarotonga: ou, id. Viti: vou, new; vovou, young. Rotuma: fo'ou, new. Eromanga: ite-vou,new. Malo: baro, id. Malekula: meaner, id. Motu: matamata, id. Baki: bou, id. Bierian: feu, id. Aneityum: mat, new, raw. Taupota, Wedau, Galavi: vou, new. Kubiri, Raqa: baubau, id. Kiviri, Oiun: bobu, id. Malagasy: vau (havauzana), new. Malay: baham, id. Kisa: wohruwohru, id. Arabic: mahdut' (Jiadat'a), new. Hebrew: hadas', id. Syriac: hdat', id. Ethiopic: hadas, to renew. No explanation is offered in the Efate dictionary as to the use of the diaeresis on the former vowel. Yet we may be justified in assuming that it is clumsily an indication of long quality, for in Tonga, Futuna, Uvea, and Rotuma the doubled 0 is used for the same purpose. This stem is soundly identified throughout Polynesia, in Efate, in Ero- manga, in both the Baki and Bierian of Epi, in Malagasy, and less clearly in Malay. Tregear's inclusion of the Kisa -wohruwohru seems somewhat to reflect Malo baro; but in the great facility with which our Sawaiori retain l-r we are not warranted in admitting this to the company of fou. The Malekula mermer may be a variant of baro, yet that is hardly likely, since in note 207 we have seen that p-m is only a rare possibility. 328 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. In Motu and Aneityum we find the intrusion of another stem, yet even this intrusion has both interest and value. Aneityum mat new, raw, sup- plies a sense link between Motu matamata new and Polynesian mata (256) raw. The position of these two intrusions is very significant. Motu in Torres Straits establishes for us one point of the migration through the south gate; Aneityum is in that more southern region which is a second determining point in the Viti stream. The Semitic stems in the triliteron hdt (hds) and it is impossible to bring into association therewith a stem whose only consonant is a sliding labial centered at/. 283. bau-si, fau si, bau-fau, to fasten together, to plait a mat. Samoa : fau, to tie together, to fasten by tying, the tree {Hibiscus tiliaceus) whose bast is used for cord, the kava strainer made therefrom, strings in various uses; fafau, to lash on, to fasten with sennit; faufau, to fasten on, to tie together. Tonga: fau, to fasten up the hair, the name of the hibiscus, the kava strainer made therefrom ; faufau, to fasten on the outriggers of small canoes; hau, to fasten to; fehaiiaki, to tie. Futuna: fau, the hibiscus, the kava strainer ; fah, fafah, faiifait, to attach, to tie. Niue : fau, fafau, to make by tying. Fotuna : no-fausia, to tie, to fasten. Tahiti: fau, the hibiscus; fafau, to tie together. Paumotu: fau, the hibiscus. Nuguria: hau, id. Maori : hou, to bind, to fasten together ; whan, a shrub ; whauwhau, to tie. Hawaii: hau, name of a tree with a practicable bark. Marquesas: hau, the hibiscus. Mangareva: hau, id.; hahau, to join or tie with cords. Nukuoro: hau, the hibiscus, a garland. Mangaia: aw, the hibiscus. Viti: vau, the hibiscus; vautha, to bind together. Aneityum: in-wau, a creeper, a vine. Mota: vau, a pandanus; to mat, to plait, to weave. Malay: baru, the hibiscus. Java: waru, id. Kisa: warau, id. Malagasy: fehi, fehizana, to tie, to knot. Arabic: habaka, habikaf, to weave, to bind, to intenveave. The Proto-Samoan stem is faus. In the utter absence of perspective in which these languages appear before us it would be idle to engage upon the attempt to discover whether in sense the tree or the act of using its bast is primordial. In the records before us the stem carries the tree sense without the verb in the Paumotu, the Marquesas, Nukuoro, and Aneityum ; nowhere the verb where the noun does not designate a plant which yields a string. Niue and Fotuna are the only instances of the verb without the noun, and these may be negligible since the vocabularies on which we rely do not attempt to name this tree. For comparison I add the following hibiscus names from Micronesia on the authority of Mr. Christian's researches. Ponape: kaVau. Mortlocks: kili-fau. Ruk: sili-fau. Pulawat: kini-fau. Satawal: kini-fau. Lamotrek: gilt- fau. Sonsorol: giri-fai. Uluthi: gili-fai. St. David's: gini-fai. DATA AND NOTES. 329 In Indonesia we encounter a stem with an intrusive consonant and, as in 282, we can not accept the identification. The consonant skeleton of Malagasy fehi, fh, readily associates with the Polynesian fs. But this should not lead us astray into the idea that we have an identification of stems. If ati were diphthongal and e a very long vowel it would be a great task to entertain the possibility of a vowel mutation au-e. The Malagasy requires even more than this: it requires the extirpation of an inner and protected vowel, for fau is not diphthongal and the proof thereof lies in the preduplication fafau in Samoa, Futuna, Niue, Tahiti, Mangareva. The Semitic hbk is certainly far away from the fs skeleton. 284. bila, bilafila, to shine, to lighten, to gleam, to flash, to appear. Cf. fill 295. Samoa: pula, pupula, to shine. Futuna: pula, to fix the eyes on, to regard fixedly. Niue: pupula, to shine (of the eyes), the new moon. Uvea: pupula, to shine, to glow, to gleam, to beam. Maori: kapura, mapura, fire. Tahiti: pura, a flash of light or fire, to flash, to blaze. Mangareva: pura, a spark, to shine, to glow. Rapanui: pupura, to shine, to be bright; hakapura, to kindle, to light. Paumotu: pura, phosphorescent. Nukuoro: purapura, bright. Marquesas: pupua, phosphorescent, shining. Viti: vula, white; vula, the moon. Rotuma: hula, hual, the moon. Nifilole: polao, the light. Bugotu, Nggela : pura, white. Santo: pula, light. Baravon: puapua. id. Mota: vula, white. Nggela, Belaga, Marina, Arag, Mota, Vaturanga, Bugotu: vula, the moon. Pokau: vula, id. Uni: bulo, id. Pokau: vuia, id. Uni: buia, id. Doura: huia, id. Motu: hua, id. Keapara, Galoma: hue, id. Rubi: wui, id. Omba: vule, id. Merlav, Gog, Lakon: vul, id. Moanus: mbul, id. Maewo: wula, id. Vuras, Mosin, Motlav, Volow: wol, id. Wango: hura, id. Ambrym : ola, id. Aneityum : laav, lav, to shine (of the moon). Malay, Ilocan: bulan, the moon. Tringanu: bulang, id. Solor: burang, id. Molucca: bulam, id. Kaili: bula, id. Gilolo, Solor: wulan, id. Aru: fulan, id. Rotti: fula, id. Lobo: furan, id. Timor: funan, id. Togean Islands: fuya, id.; buya, white. Kisa: ulang, moon. Magindano: ulan, id. Utanata: uran, id. Arabic : barak, bara', to shine, to gleam, to flash, to glitter, to appear, to lighten, to open the eyes, to glance at. The Proto-Samoan stem is pulaf. Dr. Macdonald's identification of this and the lightning stem is, of course, disposed of by the comparison of this material with that assembled in item 295. In terms of color psychology we are here dealing with the unreduced ray of light, the union of the spectrum colors in white. Furthermore we are dealing with a singularly elemental people, but little advanced in the arts, not yet emerged from the stone age. The back- 330 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. ground of their color life is brown — brown mats to sleep upon, brown thatch to shield them from the gods and from the rain, these the browns of mar- cescent leaves, brown tapering trunks of coconuts, the brown of seasoned hard wood in the club without which in hand life is not long to be lived, brown skins to look upon in love or hate and to live within. Not merely the deductions of philology these remarks ; the eye trained in color values has looked upon these scenes, and those who have gazed upon John LaFarge's sketches from the South Sea have seen a suite of studies in brown. Their simple arts rarely produce a white; I recall but the white of siapo made from the bast of Broussonetia papyrifera or Pipturus incanus when retted in still waters and bleached in the sun. It is beyond the resources of their few pigments to produce a synthetic white. The red of a few mineral oxides, a purple from a sea mollusc, the yellows of the turmeric, the black of soot, are all that so advanced a people as the Samoans might spread upon a palette. Mix these and brown residts. Bathed in white light they see little white in nature. Their eyes no more than ours may rest upon the sun undazzled by its glory long enough to separate from its heat and glare any true sense of color. But there is one object which never fails to yield a white, the moon. Therefore we are not surprised to note in what number of tongues of these remote islands the word which means to shine, to be bright with the undissolved light beam, should be used to designate the moon. There are fewer exceptions than would appear. Niue alone among the Polynesian tongues in this record has the moon in this pula shine. But a glance farther along at the notes upon item 342 will show that these languages which here omit the moon present it in that record as masina, again the shining one, the most conspicuous object in the perfect light, composite white. Few of these forms in our three nesiote areas but are self-explanatory. In Rotuma we find the metathesis so characteristic of that language. This, too, I am convinced is found in Aneityum laav-lav. The Semitic triliteron is brk. While the resemblance in sense is very close and there is a resemblance in form covering two elements of the consonant skeleton, I hesitate before accepting so violent a mutation as that involved, f-k, when we put alongside of brk the Proto-Samoan pit. 285. bong, black, dark ; bongi, bong, darkness, night, day in calendar reckoning ; bongien, darkness ; bong, a dark black powder used in painting. Fakaafo, Niue, Uvea, Vate, Fotuna, Tahiti, Manahiki: po, night. Samoa : po, night, day in calendar, blind ; pongipongi, twilight ; pongisd, darkness. Futuna : po, night, day in calendar; pongia, benighted. Maori: po, night, a season; pongia, benighted. Hawaii, Mangaia : po, night, darkness. Marquesas : po, night, day in calendar, darkness. Mangareva : po, night, darkness, obscurity. Rapanui : po, night, late ; po rah, day in calendar. Nukuoro: po, pongi, night. Paumotu: matapo, blind (as elsewhere in Polynesia) ; potangotango, darkness. Aniwa : kopo, night; pouri, dark. Bukabuka: popo, black. Tonga: bo, night. Nuguria, Sikayana: bo, po, night, dark. Viti: mbongi, night; mbombo, blind. Rotuma: boni, night. DATA AND NOTES. 331 Nggao, Belaga, Nggela, Vaturanga, Bugotu, Omba, Sesake: mbongi, night. Fagani, Alite, New Georgia, Guadalcanal-, Epi : bongi, id. Sinaugoro, Galoma, Kiriwina : bogi, id. Marina, Southeast Epi : pongi, id. Keapara, Galoma, Rubi: pogi, id. Western Epi: ombongi, id. Bierian: im-bong, id. Malo: bong, id. Savo: />0W<7, id. Duke of York, Matupit, Kabakada, Pala, Baravon: bung, id. Malekula: ambling, id. Tanna: la-ben, id. Santo: />ow, id. Santo Wulua: />om', id. Maewo, Gog, Motlav, Norbarbar: kmbwon, id. Arag, Vuras, Lakon: kpwon, id. Mota: mpwon, id. Lo: kwon, id. Volow: nggmbwon, id. Aneityum: />twg, night; aping, black; poing, dark. Motu, Rubi: 6oi, night. Dobu: boiboi, id. Vaturanga: fcora, black. Baki: bongian, night. Deni: m&o, black; w&w, night. Nggela: pungi, darkness. Bugotu: puni, darkness. Bugotu: puni, dark. Buka: abung, evening; boni, night. Pokau, Sariba, Tubetube : boni, night. Baravon : bobotoi, darkness. Lamassa : mbung, dark. Moanus : pong, vong, day in calendar. Santo : pon, id. Baki: bongo, id. Bierian: bong, id. Eromanga: po-arap, evening. Murua: bogu, night. Kiviri: pom, id. Mukawa: pomai, id. Java, Salayer: bungi, night. Macassar: boetta, dark; boeta, blind. Teor: pogaragara, night. Arabic: fahuma, to be black; fuhum, black; fahma-t, night. (Darkness — Samoa: pouliuli. Niue, Futuna, Nuguria: pouli. Tonga : bouli. Rarotonga, Manahiki : pouri. Tahiti : poiri. Aniwa: ouri (vide sup.). Hawaii: poeleele. Marquesas: potana (vide sup.). Fakaafo, Vate, Maori: po.) The Proto-Samoan stem is pongis, which appears in Samoan pongisa. By a continuous process of terminal abrasion we reach successive operative stems in pongi, pong and po, all of which will readily be found in this record, and all except the closed stem pong in Polynesia. The primal sense is the absence of light, just as the common name for day, aso, is mediately a sun term and ultimately a word for light. This absence of light is most conspicuous in life by the night ; a very easy tropical change establishes the night word out of the dark word. It marks an advance in capacity for thinking in analogies to recognize in black color and in the black pigment, in which color knowledge first becomes practical, the absence of color, therefore the absence of light. Physiology drawing upon optical physics and the psychology of the color sense in equal drafts is but lately beginning to discover that some rod and cone structure of the retina is responsive to color stimulus and other to the varying stimulus of the amount of light. Yet certain of our islanders have seen the analogy ; Efate bong is the black pigment. To all comes alike the darkness after the day. In the crudity of island life there may come to almost anyone the accident of a life all warfare which may bring night upon the sight, the sunset forever of the blind. To far too many helpless innocents comes ophthalmia neonatorum. Hence po darkness (more commonly in the composite matapo eye-dark) means also blind. 332 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Daytime is life time, its joys are joys only when the eye can see clearly. When the shadows snap suddenly upon the swiftly fading glow of the sunset the cruel gods are abroad, man in black terror cowers with his kin in a gloomy home about the fat smoke and dull glow of his string of kindled candlenuts. From the dusk of evening until the eastern gleam he will not venture from his shelter except that, under the pricking of his scatomantic dread, in some middle hour he slinks out under the wheeling stars and to the beach where in the darkness and the swirl of the tide not even the whistling gods may see that which might work him harm. Man may live heedless days, but when it comes to the reckoning it is the nights he counts, the nights he has lived through. Here, there, and well nigh everywhere in the Pacific world, po as night means calendar day. The Maori goes yet farther: po may mean to him a season, it may mean the obscurity of eternity. We now pass to the consideration of the forms of this stem beyond the Polynesian limits. Our records are too scanty to reveal in Melanesia the existence of the pongis stem, but pongi is very common, pong is of equal frequency, po is rare. We observe a group of forms in which the initial consonant is subjected to a wide yet systematic variation. This peculiarity is known as the Mela- nesian q. It is a composite of k and b and w; in this composite k may become ngg, b may become mb or p. It is not to be interpreted as the effort on the part of Melanesians to compass an unwonted Polynesian sound, for it is of far greater frequency in Melanesian words for which we can find no affiliation with Polynesia. Rather are we to regard it as showing the struggle in sound evolution by a primitive people in the genesis of their speech who are coming into first possession of a labial mute and whose untrained buccal muscles reveal to us the wrestling. And if we can thus look upon the birth of one sound in human speech may we not indulge ourselves in the fancy that man went through a similar struggle to acquire each of the consonant sounds in his phonetic system? At last across ages, uncountable ages, we see the first of speaking men lifting himself above the crying animal when he is teaching the muscles of his tongue to move its tip here and there within the mouth to give him some clumsy / or fugitive ;■ which is to give him speech, and upon speech knowledge, and perhaps to some chosen ones of his remote descendants the promise of intelligence. It is not without interest that we are in a position to observe the Mela- nesian rounding out his phonetic range by this last gift of the labial mute, even though it strike our ears as anything but sweet concord of sounds. In the Polynesian material here under discussion we encounter the Mela- nesian q but twice besides its presence in the variation of this stem, namely : naja (157) a drum Malekula Uripiv nambivi; and 'upenga (151) a net Motlav kmbweng Volow nggmbiveng. An index of its frequency in Mela- nesian will be seen in the fact that in Codrington's Mota dictionary there are no less than 337 principal entries under ^-initial, and yet Mota has already attained to the possession of v and p. The Aneityum forms give in poing (perhaps a 1 243 metathesis of pongi) the transition to ping, the only wide variant from the radical 0. Motu boi is bongi with elision of ng; this is found so uniformly (309, 332, 346, 350) that DATA AND NOTES. 333 we have but a single instance (151 ng-n) in this language of any other treatment of the palatal nasal, and that a doubtful one. Vaturanga bora, Baravon bobotoi, and Eromanga po-arap are evident composites on the po stem. Deni is the only language embraced within our inquiry in which the attempt has been made to differentiate po sense variety by vowel variation. In Indonesia we find the pongi stem in Java and Salayer, the other identi- fications are po composites. Revert now to our Proto-Samoan stem pongis, skeletonized to pngs. What can Semitic f hm have to do therewith ? 286. bon, bono, to be shut, closed, stopped ; bono-ti, bonu-ti, bunu-ti, to shut, to close, to plug, to stop, to block up. Samoa: puni, a place inclosed to catch fish; pupuni, to shut, to inclose; punitia, to be shut up, inclosed. Niue: pupuni, to shut in, to inclose; ponoti, to cork, to calk, to stop up, to close. Uvea: pupunu, to shut in, to inclose. Nuguria: hakapunu, to stop up. Maori: puni, stopped up. Tahiti: puni, to be inclosed, to hide. Hawaii: puni, to inclose. Mangaia : puni, to hide. Mangareva: pupuni, id. Paumotu: punipuni, to take shelter. Marquesas : pupuni, punipuni, to hide oneself, to squat. Nukuoro: pono, to shut. Tonga: buni, closed, shut; bubuni, bunibuni, bubunu, bunubunu, to close, to shut. Fotuna: buna, to block up. Viti: vuni, hid, concealed; mbonota, vonota, to stop up water by a dam; vono, a canoe plank. Epi: mbin, to block up. Mota: wono, ivonot, to close, to fill up, to make solid, to oppress. Malay: buni, to hide, to conceal. Hebrew : baham, bahan, to shut, to cover, to conceal. The Proto-Samoan stem is punit. The insecurity of the vowel in the Polynesian is of no little importance. Niue ponoti is Samoan fonoti. Uvea gives us punu, Tonga bunu for puni. Nukuoro pono recalls Niue. Fotuna buna is a yet wider variant. In Viti we find not only vuni for puni, but in the homogenetic of fono we have vono and mbono, which again recalls Niue. Epi mbin is identifiable. Efate has not the exact analogue of puni, which would be buni. But its bono recalls Niue, its bunu recalls Tonga. It is not until we examine the Mota words that we begin to see the reason for all this shifting; wono, wonot has the fono form but the puni sense. It functions as a transition form to account for all this variation heretofore noted ; it points to a time when punit and fonot were themselves divided by so slight a distinction as to escape alien notice. The Polynesian has yet another root meaning to plug, to stop up, monot (71). These three have the common factor not, or nit as a slight variant. The conclusion is irresistible that the general sense of closing inheres in not, that the other and variable elements are in some sense limiting. Now since we find pu in the sense of a self-existent hole, pu-nit is hole-closing when the hole is always there. The fo-stem we find in foa, to chip as a hole in an eggshell, 334 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. to break the head; fo then is a hole not self-existent, but the result of acci- dent or design ; fo-not is hole-closing when the hole has been made where it does not belong, therefore fono is to patch. The root mo we find in moa and more specifically in moalili, the soft flesh in the round hole which appears when the operculum is prized out of the shell of Turbo petholatus, momo'ulu clitoris (cf. Maori horn a loop, bight, or fold) ; mo-not is the closing of a round hole, putting a plug into the open eye of a coconut as the com- mon water-container. Malay bum, in form close to the Polynesian punt, has a sense, a particular result of closing upon the object included, which reappears not in Proto- Samoan but in the Tongafiti migration in Tahiti, the Marquesas, Mangaia, Mangareva, the Paumotu. If we confine ourselves to the Proto-Samoan stem punit, pnt is in no agreement with Semitic bhm, far less is the not root which has just been evolved from these several forms. 287. borau, to ride, to be carried (on a canoe, ship, horse, vehicle or other thing), to voyage. Samoa: folau, a voyage, a ship, to go a voyage, to die. Tonga: folau, a voyage, a fleet, a voyager, to sail. Futuna: folau, a navigator, to navigate, to go a voyage. Niue: folau, to commit suicide by jumping into the sea. Uvea: folau, to navigate. Fotuna: ko-forau, to go a voyage. Moriori: wharau, a ship. Rapanui: horau, to hasten, to run to. Viti : vondo, to embark, to go on board, to ride. Matupit: parau, a ship. Ambrym: bulbul, a boat. Malekula: foro, to navigate. Mota: walawalau, to paddle all together; walaua, to collect things for a voyage. Tagalog, Visayas: parau, a boat. Malay: prahu, prau, id. Arabic: markab', a ship, a vessel. Ethiopic: markab, id. The sequence of the Efate definition is, of course, inverted, the voyaging sense being primal, and the extension of the definition as "to be carried . . . on a horse, a vehicle" can have had significance only since the imme- diately modern introduction by Europeans of horses and their concomitants. A strange admixture is twice found in Nuclear Polynesia. The word in vSamoan which means to sail means also to die. In Niue the only signification of folau is to commit suicide by jumping into the sea. The vocable is of the most obscure ; probably a distinct word in all but form is involved, for we can not imagine any seafaring race so pessimistic as to see death the goal of their voyaging and thus to develop such a secondary significance. In Melanesia we find two distinct epochs of the stem. The earlier and more worn phase is shown in Malekula foro. This forms an easy transition to Viti vondo so far as the vowel element is concerned, and the l-nd muta- tion is not without warrant in our table of consonant mutation. Anei- tyum bulbul is a form which to abrasion adds vowel degeneration. The Mota walau is nearer to the folau stem in form, its two senses are easily recognizable particulars of the general meaning, and, so far as the general theory of duplication may be considered to hold in Mota, the duplicated walawalau shows the division of the stem elements as fola-u. Matupit DATA AND NOTES. 335 parau is of most modern type ; in form and meaning it is exactly Indonesian ; I have no hesitation in assigning it to the Post- Polynesian period and to Malaysian rovers, all the more since Matupit lies in the jaws of the eastern gateway. The explanation of Moriori wharau eludes our search. With this exception the word is Nuclear Polynesian, and Moriori is a curious sur- vival of an uncomprehended migration earlier than the current Maori, before whose coming it was driven onward to the chill of the Chatham Islands. It is impossible to reconcile with this stem of fl the Semitic mrkb. Not only is the latter of a far more complicated nature, but the only point in which it suggests fl is in the r and the b, and these are not only in an order the reverse of fl but they are parted as well by k, one of the most permanent of consonants as it is one of the first acquired. 288. bulo ki, bulosi, bulusi, bulisi, to turn, to twist ; tafolo, to be turned, twisted ; tafulus, to be turned; bolonga, tafllonga, to turn itself (as a thing sinking in water) ; bulora, filora, twisted, confused (as a lot of things turned or twisted about). Samoa : full, to turn over, to capsize ; fulifuli, to roll over and over ; mafuli, to be turned over, upset ; tafuli, to turn over. Tonga : fulihi, to turn over, to upset, to reverse ; mafuli, to be capsized ; tafuli, to move around. Futuna: fuli, fulisi, to turn, to over- turn, to reverse ; mafuli, id. Niue : fuluhi, to turn, to overturn ; mafuluhi, turned over. Uvea: fuli, fulihi, to turn over, to overthrow. Hawaii : huli, to turn in general, to turn over and about. Maori: huri, to turn around, to overturn, to roll over; hurihuri, to turn over in the mind, to ponder. Tahiti: huri, to turn over, to roll. Sikayana : huri, to turn over. Rapanui : huri, hakahuri, to turn over; tahuri, to pirouette. Rarotonga: uri, to turn over, to roll over. Marquesas: hut, to turn over, to roll. Viti : voli, to go around ; volivoli, to revolve. Aneityum : uhuri, to dig or root as a pig. Motu : huro, a grindstone. Malay: pulas, to wring, to wrist, to turn, to turn round, to turn aside out of the way. Java: pulis, id. Malagasy: vorivory, round, circular. Hebrew: palas, to turn round, to twist, to spin. Arabic: falakat, a spindle. The Proto-Samoan stem is fulis. We are therefore in no doubt as to the Efate forms involving the sibilant. The remaining forms may with varying degrees of certainty be connected with forms in s. In Polynesian, as is quite common, the fulis stem is readily discoverable in Nuclear Polynesia. The Tongafiti languages use the abraded form and betray no recollection of the earlier closed stem. The Viti voli is not quite satisfactory as an identification. Its definite transitive is voli-ta. This may suggest a stem volit, yet in the Viti verb we can never be quite certain that ta may not have acquired sufficient identity as a mere termination to be applied to any open stem without consideration of what former closing consonant may have been abraded. 336 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Our Melanesian material is so scanty and so widely separated, in form and in sense so uncertain, that we include Aneityum and Motu without argument, but solely on the score of resemblance. In Indonesia, on the contrary, we find in Malay and in Java the most satisfactory identifications, and Malagasy quite probable. The Semitic pis and Polynesian fls are distinctly coordinated through Malay pis. They may therefore be accepted as at least resemblances. bulu-ti, to plaster, to overspread with some sticky substance (as oil, lime, paint, pitch), to cover with a plaster or poultice (as a wound) ; nabulu, a plaster; bubulu, bulubulut, buloki, mabulu, to be sticky (as a plaster). Samoa : pulu, gum, breadfruit gum, glue, coconut husk, resin ; puluti, to glue, to pitch ; pupulu, to apply gum, to interpose, to mediate (cf . puluvanga) ; pulupulu, a large cloth about the whole body ; pulupuluta'i, to cover up so as to take care of. Tonga : bulu, a gum used in calking canoes, coconut husk ; buluji, birdlime, paste, plaster, to paste; bulubulu, a shawl, a cloak, to cover the back and shoulders ; bubulu, slimy, adhesive. Futuna : pulu, coconut husk, gum, resin, pitch, all sticky stuff; puluti, to cement, to plaster, to pitch; pupulu, pitch; pulupulu, cloak, wrapper. Niue: pulu, coconut husk, fiber, sennit. Uvea: pulu, pitch. Hawaii: pupulu, adhesive, soft; pulu, scales from fern fronds used as plugging or stuffing material. Maori : puru, a plug, a cork, to plug up, to stuff up, to calk. Tahiti : puru, coconut husk. Rarotonga: puru, coconut fiber used as a plug for calking, anything used to calk with. Mangareva : puru, coconut husk, the almond of the pandanus. Rapanui : puru, a covering, to cover. Marquesas: puu, a band of tow made of coconut fiber. Viti : mbulu, an external application, a thing that covers or buries, coconut husk; mbuluta, to cover with earth, to bury, to repair an injury, to apply an external remedy; bulubulu, a grave, that which covers or buries, a peace offering. Rotuma : pul, gum ; pulpul, gummy. New Britain: pulpul, a cloth wrapped round the body. Mota: pul, pulu, gum, to stick ; pulut, to stick together ; gapulut, glue, paint. Pala: bulitt, to smear. Merlav: mbulut, to make to stick ; gambulut, glue. Norbarbar : -vambulmbul, to make to stick. Malekula : burji, to plaster; buruj, sticky. Malo : bulla, to stick. Java: pulut, gum, birdlime. Malay: pulur, the pith of plants, farina. Hebrew: kapar, to cover, to cover over; koper, pitch. Arabic: "afara, to cover over, to pardon (sin). The Efate words are all in satisfactory accord with one or other of several stems which in Polynesia interlace within the abraded form pulu. These we shall examine with the aid of the Proto-Samoan stem where that is discoverable. DATA AND NOTES. 337 pulut, gum, pitch, sticky, to stick. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Uvea, Viti (?), Rotuma, Efate, Mota, Merlav, Norbarbar, Malekula, Malo, Hawaii. pulut (this ascription resting solely on Samoa pulupuluta'i), a large article of clothing. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Viti (?), New Britain. puluv, to interpose, to mediate. Samoa. pulu, coconut husk. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Viti, Maori, Tahiti, Rarotonga, Mangareva, Marquesas, Hawaii. The pulut stem is thus seen to belong to the Proto-Samoan migration. If the identification in Hawaii is good we have this stem to add to our fragments of evidence showing a Proto-Samoan migration from Samoa to Hawaii. The pulu stem is common to both migrations. In Melanesia the pulut stem preserves its t except in Malo. In Indonesia the Java pulut is exact in form and sense. Malay pulur may be connected with the pulu stem, but the sense is almost impossible to reconcile. The Semitic kpr can not be said to stand in strong likeness to Poly- nesian pit. 290. fafine, bite, fite, matu, woman, female. Samoa: fafine, ma fine, a woman, wife, female; afafine, daughter; tama fa fine, id.; tua fa fine, sister. Tonga : feflne, fafine, woman ; ofefine, daughter; tuofefine, sister. Fakaafo, Futuna, Uvea, Sikayana, Vate, Moiki: fafine, woman, female. Liueniua: fafini, id. Niue : fifine, id. Nuguria : tahine, wife. Maori, Hawaii: wahine, woman, female. Tahiti, Manahiki: vahine, id. Marquesas: vahine, vehine, id. Rarotonga, Tubuai, Bukabuka: vaine, id. Tongarewa: oahine, id. Nukuoro: ahine, feflne, id. Mangareva: veine, ahine, aine, id. Aniwa: tafine, fine, id. Fotuna: fine, woman, female. Paumotu: vahine, a wife; mohine, a woman. Uvea : finematua, mistress. Tahiti: mahine, daughter. Tonga: fine, women. Mangareva: mohine, daughter. Maori: hine, girl. Rapanui: nuehine, old woman; tamaahine, daughter. Viti: yalewa, alewa, woman. Rotuma: hoina, id. Solomon Islands : fafini, a sister. Fagani : fefene, woman. New Ireland (Duffield) : fifine, feefeen, id. Makura, Arag, Omba, Uni, Kabadi, Sinaugoro, Hula, Keapara: vavine, id. Mota: vavine, tavine, id. Nggela, Bugotu: vaivine, id. Belaga: vaivine, vinekama, id . Duke of York, New Britain : wawina, id . Tavara, Wagawaga, Awalama: wawine, id. Taupota, Wedau, Galavi, Boniki: wavine, id. Dobu: waine, id. Suau: waihin, id. Mukawa: wasike, id. Baravon: wawin, id. Roro, Uni, Galoma: babine, id. Oiun: babin, id. Mekeo: papie, id. Rubi : gaiine, id. Nada : ilna, id. Murua : vine, id. Kiriwina : vivila, id. Port Moresby, Motu: hahine, id. Redscar Bay: 338 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. ahine, id. Ambrym: vihin, id. Suau, Sariba, Tube tube sine, id. Dobu: sinesine, id. Mugula: sina, id. Dobu ine, id. Eromanga: sivin, id. Moanus: pein, id. Uea in, a girl. Nifilole: singenda, woman. Pala: hahin, id Volow: linggmbweven, id. Motlav: Ikmbwovin, id. Lo lakwavina, id. Mota: wte, feminine. Malo: othwm', woman, female. Malekula : ne-ven, old woman, young woman ; febin, female ; nev-seven, woman, female ; febinin, man's sister. Tanna : nau vene(n), man's sister. Baki: buvino, female; kovivine, man's sister. Bierian: fafine, woman, female; fefine, man's sister; buvino, female. Sulu: fina, a woman. Massaratty: fineh, id. Mayapo: gefineh, id. Ahtiago: vina, id. Teor: mewina, id. Bouton: bawine, id. Java: winih, the female of animals. Sanguir: mahoweni, woman. Waigiou Alf uros : bin, id. Malay: bini, id. Gah: binei, id. Cajeli: umbinei, id. Salibabo: babineh, id. Mysot, Waigiou: />&», id. Gani: mapin, id. Saparua: pipina, id. Liang, Morella, Lariko, Awaiya, Caimarian : mahina, id. Teluti : ihina, id. Madura: bahini, id. Salayer: baini, id. Batu- merah: mainai, id. Silong: benaing, id. Macassar: banie, daughter. Ilocan: babai, woman. Malagasy: tow, female; vehivavy, woman. Of the Efate forms /o/?we is in full accord with the Polynesian. Our author proposes fite as a mutant of fine; the material shows but a single instance of n-t mutation, namn (328) mosquito Alo Teqel torn; fite and bite, if coordinated with fine, stand by themselves in a class apart in the handling of this stem. The primal stem is fine, and this it is which carries the sex sense. We find it in independent existence in Tonga, Uvea, Maori, Fotuna, Aniwa, Uea, Mota, Tanna, Murua, and in composition away from the type forms in Belaga vinekama and in Moanus. The most common form in which this stem appears is fafine. Neglecting the range of variation of the /, fafine is found throughout Polynesia and Melanesia, less frequently in Indonesia. Upon this as a secondary stem several compounds are erected. Mafine is a secondary stem which is found in Samoa, the Paumotu, Tahiti, and Mangareva. T a fine is found in Aniwa and Mota. Sifine is found in Malekula nev-seven, Eromanga sivin, and metathetic in Ambrym vihin. In Volow, Motlav and Lo we find a composite of fine with another stem which it is impossible to identify. Nifilole singenda seems scarcely possible of correlation, and Viti alevoa is also anomalous. The Indonesian forms are readily reducible to the foregoing forms, fine, the most common, and mafine more frequent in reference to fafine than in the Pacific. Macdonald's explanation is that fafine is a composite wherein the first member is human being and the second characterizes it as feminine. We may not yet isolate the particular sense of fa, ma, ta, which we find in our DATA AND NOTES. 339 three island areas, but of the three only one and that the least frequent one, ta, is susceptible of association with any word meaning man, tangata of the human being, while in tane we have the sex antithesis of fine. Dr. Macdonald's effort is labored but unconvincing. 291. fai, vai, nlfai, noai, n'uai, n'wai, nai, n'ai, ai, water. Samoa, Fakaafo, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Nukuoro, Tahiti, Rarotonga,Tongarewa, Marquesas, Mangareva,Fotuna, Nuguria, Vdit€: vai, water. Rapanui: vai, juice, liquid, water. Aniwa: vai, tavai, water. Maori, Hawaii: ivai, id. Sikayana: wai, vuuai, id. Viti: wai, water. Rotuma: vai, voi, id. Motu : vai, river. Omba, Ulawa, San Cristoval, Mwala, Saa, Bulu- laha, Arag: wai, water. Sinaugoro, Hula, Keapara, Galoma: wa^, river. Moanus : uai, water. Alite: kuai, id. Aneityum: in-wai, id. Nifilole: woi, id. Tubetube: waiila, id. Sariba, Massim: waira, id. Taupota, Wedau: waira, water, river. Kiriwina: waia, river. Misima: weil, river; weweil, water. Panaieti: wel, river; wewel, water. Tubetube: wawei, water. Mugula, Suau, Awalama, Kwagila: goila, id. Tavara: goila, water, river. Sesake, Southeast Epi : noai, water. Bierian : nuai, id. Epi, Baki: ue, id. Ambrym, Uni: we, id. Nengone, Duaru: wi, id. Yengin, Balade: ue, id. Murare:gm, id. Nikete: que, id. Malekula: n-ue, id. Tanna: nui, id. Eromanga: nu, id. Motlav, Volow : mbe, id. Maewo, Merlav: mbei, id. Roro: bei, id. Bugotu: mbea, id. Nggela: beti, id. Roro, Mekeo, Uni, Pokau: vei, id. Doura: vei, water, river. Kabadi : veina, water. Vanua Lava, Norbarbar, Lo : pe, water. Mota: pei, id. Marina: pei, tei, id. Baravon: tava, id. Nada, Murua: rai, river. Buru, Ceram, Salibabo, Cajeli, Mayapo, Massaratty, Amblaw, Sapa- rua, Ahtiago, Solor, Sulu : wai, water. Waigiou Alfuros : ue, we, id. Allor: we, id. Togean Islands: ue, id. Rotti: ue (oee), id. Baju : voi, id. Vaiqueno East: hoi, id. Waigiou: wayer, id. Gani: waiyr, id. Mysot: wayr, id. Liang: wehr, id. Teor: weha, id. Batumerah, Morella: weyl, id. Awaiya, Caimarian: w'deli, id. Teluti: welo, id. Dorey: waar, id . Kaioa Island : woya, id . Malay : ayer, id . Menado : aer, id . Champa: aya, id. Goram: arr, id. Silong: awaen, id. Hebrew: me", water. Ethiopic: mai, id. In general I am most reluctant to admit the possibility of diphthongs in Polynesia, at least in Nuclear Polynesia. In the case of this word, vai has always been received by my ear as two vowel sounds and in perfect distinction from vae the foot. Yet without receding from my position in regard of diphthongs we shall find it a great simplification of our analysis of the vai mutants to adopt a working hypothesis that, even if not properly a diphthong in Polynesian speech, the ai of vai has been accepted by its Melanesian borrowers as of diphthongal value. The need for this assump- 340 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. tion is that vai undergoes a series of vowel changes which would not be possible unless its ai were regarded as a vocalic unit and susceptible of variation as such. The Efate forms are reducible to four types, vai, jai, ivai, ai; we shall discuss our collected material in relation to these types, this discussion referring only to the initial consonant. vai. This is the most common type in Polynesia, is absent from Mela- nesia, and is found but once in Indonesia, Baju voi. fai. Efate alone shows this type. In general it is to be said that the spirant rarely alters from sonant to surd, our only examples being lava (307) very Fagani raja, and vivini (242) to crow Ambrym nofin to whistle. The change from surd to sonant is of great frequency. wai. This is found in Polynesia only in Maori, Hawaii, Viti, Sikayana. It is the most common type in Melanesia and Indonesia. In the former it is found in Omba, Ulawa, San Cristoval, Saa, Arag, Bululaha, Moanus, Aneityum, Nifilole, Baki, Ambrym, Nengone, Duaru, Yengin, Balade. A secondary Efate form is noai, n'uai, n'wai, the n probably functioning as article. The same prefix, and probably of the same value, we find with wai in Sesake, Bierian, Southeast Epi (probably the Bierian), Malekula, Tanna, and Eromanga. These n-forms are found nowhere outside of Melanesia. ai. This type is exclusively Efate. It is normal to find the labials when in mutation so extensively — we should interpolate the aspiration form of this series in Vaiqueno, hoi — progressing to extinction ; yet this Efate type is our only instance in this stem. Over against this we set for comparison Eromanga, which has lost its radical vowel and exists only by the complete alteration through the w semivowel to vocalic u; the chain is a complete one in the links Bierian, Malekula, Eromanga. We have already examined a secondary wai type in u. We find yet another secondary wai type in k, a prefix whose purpose does not appear. It occurs in Alite and in New Caledonia in the languages of Murare and Nikete. This, too, does not pass outside of Melanesia. Before entering upon the discussion of forms consonantly less obvious it will be proper here to engage upon the consideration of the vowel forms. ai. Polynesia altogether, Viti, Rotuma, Efate, much of Melanesia, most of Indonesia. oi. Rotuma, Nifilole; Baju, Vaiqueno East, Kaioa Island. e. Baki, Ambrym, Yengin, Balade, Nikete, Malekula; Waigiou Alfuros, Allor, Togean Islands, Rotti. i. Nengone, Duaru, Murare, Tanna. Having thus acquainted ourselves with the vowel variability we may recur to the consideration of a second group of Melanesian homogenetics. In these the vowel has changed to e, or to ei which is the same in effect. The consonantal change is from spirant to mute, to b, mb, p. The table of variations will afford abundant store of examples of this change. We may, then, having confirmed both consonant and vowel mutation, accept Mota, Marina, pei; Maewo, Merlav, mbei; Vanua Lava, Norbarbar, Lo, pe; Motlav, Volow, mbe; Bugotu, mbea. Marina has not only pei but a DATA AND NOTES. 341 synonym tei as well ; we are without evidence to support a mutation from labial to lingual among the mutes and will not venture to suggest that tei is homogenetic with pei, but it certainly means the same thing. This may explain the Nggela beti, a determinant compound of the two stems which, among others, have one like meaning (14 Journal of the Polynesian Society, 41). We are left with Baravon tava; it is permissible to see in va an abraded derivative of vai; the ta may be associable with Marina tei, with Nggela beti and, even more remote, with Aniwa tavai, of course with the possibility that in the last form the ta may prove to be the weak demonstrative functioning as article. We have already examined such of the Indonesian variants of the vai stem as have been found in concord with the general mutation. There yet remain for us distinctively Indonesian types of mutation. These involve assumption of a final liquid. Based on the wai type we may follow this from Waigiou wayer through Gani, Mysot, Batumerah, Morella, Awaiya, Caimarian, Teluti, Dorey, Liang, Teor. A shorter series based on the ai type begins in Malay ayer and runs through Menado, Champa, and Goram, with Silong awaen in some way connected. The initial consonant of the vai stem has run a long course, even to extinc- tion, in our three island areas, but nowhere has it approached an m which might give warrant for accepting the proposed Semitic identifications. 292. fanua, inhabited country, land. Samoa: fanua, the land, the earth, the ground. Aniwa: fanua, the whole earth, the land, the soil. Fotuna: fanua, land, country. Futuna : fenua, people, race, nation, land, country. Uvea, Tahiti, Sikayana, Moiki, Fakaafo, Vate: fenua, land, country. Nuguria: henua, id. Marquesas: fenua, henua, id. Rapanui: heenua, id.; puheenua, soil. Paumotu, Manahiki: henua, land, country. Maori: whenua, the whole earth, a country, land, the ground, the soil. Bukabuka: whenua, land. Rarotonga, Bukabuka: enua, id. Mangareva: enua, land, used to denote shallow places in the sea. Tonga : fonua, the whole earth, a country, the land, the soil. Niue: fonua, land, soil, mold. Hawaii: honua, id. Viti: vanua, a land, a region. Rotuma: hanua, land. Arag, Vanua Lava, Marina, Maewo: vanua, land. Sesake: vanua, a place, a village. Malo: vanua, land, house. Mota: vanua, a place, island, land, village. Kabadi: vanua, village. Pokau: vanua, land, village. Uni: vanua, land. Omba: vanue, land. Lakon: vanu, id. Baki: venuo, land, country. Duke of York: wanna, id. Galoma: banua, village. Mekeo: pangua, land, village. Panaieti: pangua, land. Ugi: vanua, hanua, id. Laur: hanua, a place. Lambell: 'hanua, id.; hanua, a town. Motu: hanua, a village. Tubetube: ianua, land, village. Suau: eanua, village. Lamassa: fdnu, a place; fanu, a town. Bierian: fanua, land, country. Roro: anua, land. Rubi: anu, village. Epi: venua, land. Santo: venua, a house, a village. Malekula: fenu, land. Retan: 342 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. vene, island. Saa : hernia, henue, a village. Vanikoro : jenua, land . Fagani : finua, a place. Nggela : mbona, id . Norbarbar : vonio, island. Pak, Sasar, Vuras: vono, land. Leon: vono, country. Motlav: na-vno, land. Baki: vonua, land. Sinau- goro, Hula, Keapara: vanuga, village. Malay: banua, a land, a country. Bicol: banua, a town. Visayas: banua, a village. Bugi: wanna, land. Malay: benua, a region. Togean Islands: benua, a house. Hebrew: banah, to build, as a house; banu', built; binyaha, building. Dr. Macdonald makes this note: The Santo word has best preserved the primary meaning "house" or "building" ; then a country, district or land is called bdntia, or fanua, because, like a house or village (or building), it is the dwelling-place of men, or place of buildings. And all this because Hebrew banah is to build! As to the primary meaning, circumspice. In Polynesia the structural idea finds no place whatever; fanua means the land, from the mold at one's feet (Samoa, Aniwa, Maori, Tonga, Niue, Hawaii) to the land in which one lives (Samoa, Aniwa, Fotuna, Futuna, Uvea, Tahiti, Sikayana, Moiki, Fakaafo, Vate, Marquesas, Paumotu, Mana- hiki, Maori, Bukabuka, Rarotonga, Tonga, Viti, Rotuma, Niue, Hawaii), to the whole world of many lands (Aniwa, Maori, Mangareva, Tonga). And what has the Hebrew builder to do with even the least of these? In our Polynesian material the variations affect but the first syllable. Its radical vowel is a and it varies to e in eastern Polynesia and in the islands of the Western Verge ; to o in Tonga, Niue, and Hawaii, again a memorandum of the direct migration from Nuclear Polynesia to the north- ern archipelago. The consonantal variations are all in the lingual series upward, from / to v to h to wh to extinction. In our examination of the Melanesian material we shall observe the same three vowels; a is very common; e is found in Baki, Epi, Santo, Malekula, Retan, Saa, Vanikoro; o is found in Nggela and the Banks Islands. Fagani gives us finua, the only occurrence of i in all our material. The consonantal variation of the first syllable gives us / in Lamassa, Bierian, Malekula, Vanikoro, Efate, Fagani. The common form is in*», found in Arag, Vanua Lava, Marina, Maewo, Sesake, Malo, Mota, Kabadi, Omba, Lakon, Baki, Ugi, Epi, Santo, Retan, Norbarbar, Pak, Sasar, Vuras, Leon, Motlav. The h form is in Ugi, Laur, Lambell, Motu, Saa. The w form is found only in the Duke of York group. Nggela gives us a down- ward stronger variant in mbona. Polynesia admits its variability only in the first syllable, so in general does Melanesia. But there are instances where other parts of the word are affected. Final a becomes e in Omba, Saa, and vanishes in Lakon and Lamassa. In Baki final a becomes o in venuo; Norbarbar vonio establishes an alteration of u in the penult, which proceeds to extinction in vono of Pak, Sasar, Vuras, Leon, Motlav, and indicates the same loss in Nggela mbona. The Indonesian identifications modify only the first syllable, the vowels are a, e, o, the consonants b, v, w. In conclusion we are to note upon what slight ground rests the statement that the primary signification is house. This meaning is found only in DATA AND NOTES. 343 Malo, Santo, and the Togean Islands. Knowing this to be a loan word we are better warranted in regarding it as a misunderstanding or an inten- tional misapplication on the part of the borrowers, three among fifty- odd. I do not regard the use of fanua for town or village to arise from the rare house sense. The village sense is found in Sesake, Mota, Kabadi, Laur, Lambell, Motu, Santo, Saa, Fagani, Bicol, and the Visayas. Rather does it seem to me to record the fact that our connotation of land is wider by far than is within the scope of these poor islanders. When one lives at the edge of the jungle and has to wage a steady fight against the voracity of the advancing timber the dread forest is not a land or a country, it is the dripping abode of the gods ever vengeful. Land is only the place of human habitation, hence a village or a town, the designation varying as foreign observers may choose to record their impression on a volumetric scale which is always loose. 293- fata, uenr\ uere, uete, kofeta, a bench, shelf, stand, platform. Samoa: fata, a raised house in which to store yams, a shelf, a hand- barrow, a bier, a litter, an altar, to carry on a litter; fatamanu, a scaffold. Tongan: fata, a loft, a bier, a handbarrow, to carry on a bier; fataki, a platform. Futuna: fata, a barrow, a loft; fatataki, two sticks or canes attached to each other at each side of a house post to serve as a shelf. Niue : fata, a cage, a handbarrow, a shelf, a stage, (sometimes) the upper story of a house. Uvea : fata, a barrow, a bier. Fotuna : fata, a stage. Tahiti: fata, an altar, a scaffold, a piece of wood put up to hang baskets of food on ; afata, a chest, a box, a coop, a raft, a scaffold; pafata, a cage, a box; ahata, a box; ihata, a box, a cage, a scaffold. Paumotu: fata, a heap; afata, a box, a chest. Maori: whata, a platform or raised storehouse for food, an altar, to elevate, to support. Moriori : whata, a raft. Marquesas: fata, hata, hatad, shelves. Rapanui: ha ta, a table. Hawaii: haka, a ladder, an artificial henroost; alahaka, a ladder. Mangaia: ata, a shelf; atamoa, a ladder; atarau, an altar. Mangareva : avata, a coffer, a box. Viti: vata, a loft, a shelf; tavata, a bier. Aneityum: ne-fata, a press, a shelf; noforofata, a ladder, scaffolding. Motu : vatavata, a ladder. Tanna : nafatafata, a stage. Bierian : kovata, id. Malo: ivasa, id. Malagasy: vata, vatra, a box, a trunk, a coffer. Hebrew: 'omed, a platform, a place; 'cmdah, a lodging-place. The Samoan fata is a pair of light timbers pointed at the ends and tied across the center posts of the house, one in front, the other behind the line of posts ; rolls of mats and bales of sennit may be laid across these timbers ; baskets of reserved victuals may be hung on the ends. The litter and the barrow are two light poles with small slats lashed across at intervals. The Marquesan fata is a stout stem of a sapling with the stumps of several branches, a hat tree in shape, though found among a barehead folk. These illustrations are sufficient to show what is the common element in all these 344 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. fata identifications, light cross-pieces spaced at intervals. With this for a primal signification it is easy to see how a ladder, a raft, a henroost, an altar come under the same stem for designation. Perhaps Samoan fata fata the breast obtains the name by reason of the ribs ; it would be convincing were it not that the plumpness of most Samoans leaves the ribs a matter of anatomical inference. In our three island areas the fata stem is unmistakable. Malo ivasa probably belongs with fata, for tapu (207) forbid Malo sab exhibits the t-s mutation in this speech and it is found in other Melanesian tongues. This form ivasa finds its parallel in Tahiti ihata. Bierian kovata and Efate kofeta are the same /ato-composite. Efate uete may be a derivative from fata, for f-w has a wide range and a-e mutation is so frequent as to call for no comment except that in all our homogenetics we have found both the a's permanent. Uete may produce uere (on the t-r mutation see note 258). Having once accepted uere we can accept uenr', strange as nr seems. But the Semitic md can have no relation with a stem in ft. 294. fatu, a stone. Samoa : fatu, a stone, the stone of fruits, seed, heart, gizzard. Tonga : fatu, gizzard; fatukala, a black pebble-stone; matafatu, hard, not easily made to cry (stone-face). Tahiti : faturei, fatuumuti, stones in special uses. Fakaafo, Niue, Futuna, Aniwa, Sika- yana, Vate, Manahiki: fatu, a stone. Maori: whatu, a stone, the stone of fruits, the pupil of the eye, a testicle. Nuguria, Nukuoro: hatu, stone. Hawaii: haku, a hard lump of any- thing, the eyeball, adze-stones; pohaku, rock. Mangaia: atu, kernel of fruit ; koatu, a stone. Mangareva : atu, a round fruit stone, any round form; atumata, pupil of the eye; atutaha, a stone used in turtle fishing. Fotuna: tafatu, stone. Viti: vahi, a stone, a rock. Rotuma: hof, -both, hathu, id. Nggela, Vaturanga, Sesake, Bierian, Mota, Arag: vatu, a stone. Bierian: votu, id. Eromanga: ni-vat, id. Mota: vat, id. Nguna: fatu, id. Fagani: fa'u, id. Lamassa : fat, id . Volow: veat, id. AloTeqel: ve'e, id. Nifilole: ve, id. lai: veto, id. Aneityum : na-fetumanava, na-fotumanava, the heart (cf . Samoa : fatumanava, id.). Duke of York: wat, watwat, id. Raluana: wat, id. King: wat, id. Baravon: watwat, id. Solomon Islands: patu, id. Moanus: pat, id. Aneityum: ne-pat, a whinstone. Brierly Island: pak, stone. Kalil: 'hat, id. Laur: 7m/, id. Pala, Lambell: hat, id. Aneityum: n-hat, id. Saa: /jaw, id. Ulawa: hoihau, id. Malekula: var, ni-vit, id. Kabadi: vakuna, id. Kiriwina: daku, gaku, id. Tagula: varu, id. Mekeo : fan, id. Hula, Keapara : vau, id. Galoma : bau, id. Tubetube : veku, id. Sariba : weku, id. Mugula, Suau : veu, id. Malay, Kayan, Silong, Macassar, Togean Islands: batu, a stone. Magindano: watu, id. Savu: wawatu, id. Ilocan, Sulu: bato, id. Malagasy: vato, id. Satawal: fahou, id. Hebrew: eben, stone. Ethiopic: ebdn, id. DATA AND NOTES. 345 In the Polynesian identification of jatu the variants all follow well-com- prehended laws until we reach Rotuma hof, both, haiku. In the preceding Polynesian we have seen the f-h mutation; in the succeeding Melanesian we shall see yet more of it. The mutation t-tk in hathu and hoth is found in the passage from Proto-Samoan to Viti, and yet other instances are found in Aneityum and Bugotu. The still further mutation t-f, found nowhere else in our present material, is common in Rotuma, as in these instances, talinga (350) ear Rotuma faliang, fetu star Rotuma hefu. We shall examine our Melanesian material first in reference to the initial consonant. fatu. Nguna, with elision of t in Fagani fa'u, abraded fat in Lamassa. Fetu and fotu are found as composition members, the latter with Bierian votu and Rotuma hoth and hof being the only occurrence of that stem vowel. vatu. Nggela, Vaturanga, Sesake, Bierian, Mota, Arag. Bierian votu, an alternative form, has just received comment. Abraded vat is found in Eromanga and Mota. The value of the evidence for the t-r mutation appears in note 258; if this be considered valid Malekula var belongs in this group. With vowel change we find in series Iai veto, Volow veat, Alo Teqel ve'e, Nifilole ve. With change to yet another vowel we have abraded Malekula vit. hatu. Rotuma hath u. With elision of t, Saa and Ulawa hau. Abraded hat in Aneityum, Kalil, Laur, Lambell. watu. Abraded wat, Duke of York, Raluana, King; duplicated watwat, Duke of York, Baravon. These have been ascending variations. Descent in the series is found in : patu. Solomon Islands (?). Abraded pat, Moanus, Aneityum and probably Brierly Island pah. The Indonesian identifications, though few, are satisfactory. It is impossible to find any resemblance, to say nothing of more intimate relation, in the Semitic proposed in identification. k P* ^ 295. fill, fila, bfla, bile, file, lightning. Samoa, Fakaafo, Futuna, Sikayana, Nuguria, Rarotonga: uila, lightning. Tonga, Niue: uhila, id. Uvea: uhila, lightning; hila, to lighten. Hawaii : uila, uwila, wila, lightning. Tahiti, Mangaia, Nukuoro, Rapanui, Manahiki: uira, id. Maori: uira, lightning, to gleam, to flash. Moriori: rauira, lightning. Marquesas: uia, id. Viti: liva, lightning. Mota: vila, lightning. Omba: vile, id. Pala: hile, id. Laur: hille, id. Malo: uila, id. Kisa: uila, lightning. Pani: kuilat, id. Tagalog: kuirlat, id. Java: chalirit, id. Tidore: kila, id. Arabic : barak, bara', to gleam, to flash, to lighten ; bark', the lightning. Macdonald derives his lightning words from bilafila (284) to shine. If these words be kin to Polynesian uila this derivation can not stand, for the Proto-Samoan stem of bilafila has been shown to be pulaf, and of uila we have probably a stem uhila. 346 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. It is advisedly that I use the adverb probably. The true aspirate is so gentle a breathing that we have no very sufficient evidence for its existence in Proto-Samoan. From a careful examination of all the available material I have been led to the conclusion that Proto-Samoan possessed two aspi- rations, one so weak that it has failed of influence upon Samoan in its modern phase, but is retained in such other tongues of Nuclear Polynesia as employ the aspirate; the other, probably of a stouter intonation, which has passed into the sibilant in modern Samoan and remains an aspiration in Nuclear Polynesia. The uila of Samoa (uhila in Tonga, Niue, Uvea) involves the former or weak aspiration. The verb hila in Uvea goes far to prove that the aspirate is structural and no mere grace note of speech. The presence in Hawaii of the form uwila is another finger-board to the direct migration from Samoa to that group, and the verb wila is confirmatory of Uvea hila. Viti liva is metathetic, closer to Melanesian consonantal forms than to the Polynesian initial vowel. In Melanesia Malo has the modern Samoan form. Laur hille, Pala hlle are akin to the verb form in Uvea. Mota, Omba and Efate forms also derive from the verb. Indonesian forms are in accord with the later Tongafiti uila, except per- haps Tidore kila in kinship with the verb hila, and in their own cycle of development they have undergone accretion by prefixes and suffixes which correspond to nothing in Polynesia. Having segregated an effective stem hila, it needs but to put the Semitic by the side of it to show that kinship is out of the question. 296. fonu, turtle, tortoise. Tonga: fonu, turtle, tortoise. Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Fotuna: fonu, turtle. Tahiti, Hawaii, Mangareva, Rapanui, Tongarewa: honu, id. Marquesas: honu, id. Samoa: volu, tortoise. Nukuoro: holu, turtle. Viti: vonu, turtle. Nggela : vonu, turtle. Sesake: fonu, id. New Ireland (Duffield) : kauk-foon, id. (kauk, fish). Kalil, Laur: 'hun, id. Lamassa, Lambell: pun, id. King: puni, id. Malay: panu, turtle. Malagasy: fani, id. Arabic: 'dwinat, 'ayinat, turtle, tortoise. Two matters engage our attention at the outset of the examination of this material. Nukuoro and Samoa are the only languages which present the n-l mutation, a mutation of wide extent in Polynesia and of considerable frequency in the Melanesian area, as the table will exhibit. This is but one of many evidences which go to show that Samoa in its modern phase and Nukuoro form a binary system in the general sphere of Polynesian affinities. The other point is that while the variation in Melanesia is generally upward, we find the downward mutation in Lamassa, Lambell, and King, and the extreme of upward mutation in Kalil and Laur; yet these five languages are comprehended within 61 miles of New Ireland littoral. Thus we see that, considered by itself, the direction of mutation lacks diagnostic value. DATA AND NOTES. 347 The Indonesian identifications are satisfactory. In the Arabic offering there is far too much, and of what does exhibit some resemblance, 'd-win-at, the alternative form sacrifices a half. Further, the change is not in series, which we have come to regard as essential in our speech family, but in w-y, a two-column leap from labial proximity to palatal proximity. No matter were the superficial resemblance even greater, we could not accept an identification which so far violates the instinct of Polynesian phonetics. 297. ngil i, kil i, kili, to dig. Tonga: keli, to dig, to sink, a dyke, a trench, a ditch; jekeli, to paddle quickly. Niue, Uvea: keli, to dig. Samoa: 'eli, to dig, to pull hard in paddling. Hawaii: eli, to dig in the ground. Maori: keri, to dig, to rush along violently. Manga - reva, Nuguria, Rapanui, Paumotu: keri, to dig. Marquesas: kei, id. Nukuoro: keni, id. Tahiti: eri, to undermine; fieri, to dig a hole, as a rat or a crab ; ari, to scoop out the earth with both hands. Viti: keli, a ditch; kelia, to dig a hole. Santo: keli, to dig. Kiriwina: kelikeli, id. Sariba: keri, id. Malo: cele, id. Nggela: gelt, id. Motu : gei, id. Solomon Islands: eli, id. Makura: nggili, id. New Britain: kir, kire, id. Baki, Bierian: mkili, id. Mota:^z7, id. Malekula: kiri, id. Keapara: gia, id. Misima: giar, id. Ambrym: gali, id. Kwagila: karo, id. Taupota : garai, id . Wedau, Galavi: g'arai, id. Awalama: haraia, id. Tavara: halaia, id. Dobu, Kiviri, Oiun: sara, id. Malay: #a/t, to dig. Malagasy: hadi, id. Arabic: kara', karw', to dig. In the Polynesian section Nukuoro keni (l-n mutation) is a common variation. In the broader aspect the variants in the three island areas are the usual changes of k and /. The former vowel is somewhat critical ; in Polynesia and Viti it is e throughout, in Indonesia (one sound identification, one debatable) it is a; in Melanesia the characteristic form is in i. Variants from the Melanesian kili stem are : in the Polynesian direction Nggela, Santo, Malo and the Solomon Islands (?); in the Indonesian direction Ambrym, Efat6, and several New Guinea languages. It would be better if we had transition forms to assist in the Malagasy identification, but its changes are in line with Polynesian phonetics and are no bar to acceptance of the form. The Semitic here is at least to be accepted as a resemblance, for in the klh triliteron the final consonant might readily pass from a Polynesian lan- guage, yet it must be said that it would more probably be retained as s. There is no evidence to show that the Proto-Samoan stem was ever other than keli, that is the root kel with the suffix of the verb-formative i. Even when reduced to kel the Semitic resemblance is not abolished. Item 303 should be included with this. 348 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 298. ngore, usu, ngusu, the nostrils, nose. Samoa: isu, nose, snout, bill. Futuna, Fakaafo, Aniwa, Manahiki : isu, the nose. Nuguria: kaisu, id. Fotuna: eisu, id. Moiki: ishu, id. Tonga, Niue, Uvea, Maori, Tahiti, Hawaii, Marquesas, Mangareva, Paumotu, Rapanui, Tongarewa, Nukuoro: ihu, id. Rarotonga: putaiu, id. Vate: tus, id. Viti: uthu, nose. Rotuma: isu, id. Vaturanga, Suau, Sariba, Tubetube: isu, the nose. Mugula: is'u, id. ~Roro : izu, id. Nggela, Bugotu: ihu, id. Sesake, Epi: ngisu, id. Bierian: kinihu, id. Baki: sunu, id. Brumer Island: ishuda, id. Maewo: Usui, id. Wango: barisu, id. Roro, Kabadi: #«, id. Pokau: idu, id. Sinaugoro, Keapara: i/w, id. Hula, Galoma, Rubi: iru, id. Raqa, Oiun: iu, id. Awalama, Taupota, Mukawa: niu, id. Nggao: nehu, id. Buka: wem, uies, osu, id. Ulawa, Bululaha: palusu, id. Saa: pwalusu, id. Fagani: barusu, id. Ambrym: gw/m, id. Motu: wtfw, id. Aneityum: in-gidjin, id. Gani: usnut, the nose. Malay: idung, id. Java: irung, id. Togean Islands: iri^w, id. Malagasy: uruna, id. Hebrew: nhiraim, the nostrils. Syriac : nhiro', the nose. Arabic: noh'rat, the aperture of the nose. In the Efate the form ngore is not to be found in Polynesia nor is it con- spicuous in our Melanesian material. It may be that it reappears in Alite ngongora and Duke of York gigiro. The other words, usu and ngusu, serve as transition forms, usu pointing to isu the nose in Polynesia and ngusu to ngutu the mouth, which is very near, nearer yet when we bear in mind that ngutu the mouth is snout as well and that isu the nose is snout too. We shall examine our material first for the discrimination of the isu homogenetics. The Polynesian languages have isu firmly differentiated and this form goes over into Rotuma. In the foregoing list Vate tus rests on Turner's col- lation of two languages from Efate, Meli and Erakor, differing widely from the unnamed language which Macdonald records, and not distinguished by name in Turner's work. In Melanesia isu is found unmistakably in Vaturanga, Nggela, Bugotu, Brumer Island, and probably Buka (wesu, uies). In Indonesia it is possible that the Togean Island preserves it ; the Malay and Javanese are remote and beyond proof. Next we shall correlate the usu forms, restricting these to such as have u for the former vowel and are devoid of a consonantal modulant. This is found in Efate, Viti, Buka (osu), and Motu udu. It is recalled by Gani usnut, and perhaps by Malagasy. Efate identifies for us usu and ngusu. The latter is not common, Am- brym guhu is the only affiliated form. More common is the wg-modulant upon the isu stem: Sesake, Epi, ngisu; Bierian, ki-nihu; Nggao, nehu; Baki, sunu (metathetic). We now encounter another group of forms, the Z-modulant upon the isu and the usu stem. Simply it is Usui in Maewo. Beyond this point it does DATA AND NOTES. 349 not appear independently, but only in composition with another element, ba-pa-pwa: Wango, barisu; Fagani, barusu; Ulawa, Bululaha, palusu; Saa, pwalusu. The value of this prefatory member is at present unknown. As regards the lisu-lusu member of the composite we are by no means certain. We may choose to regard it as a mutant form of ngusu, but it should be noted that neither in Polynesia nor in Melanesia have we confirmatory evidence of ng-l mutation. We have already seen the interchangeability of isu and usu. The Mela- nesian material shows also the interchangeability of ngisu and ngusu, Usu and lusu. As to the former of these pairs Efate shows that usu and ngusu are not only broadly interchangeable, but that they may exist as alternates in the same language. Now ngusu of Efate is clearly Polynesian ngutu. Accordingly we are now to pass the homogenetics of that stem under review, not stopping to distinguish in sense between mouth, snout, lips, beak, bill, all of which are found : Samoa, Tonga, Futuna,Uvea, Niue, Fakaafo, Moiki, Maori, Rarotonga, Mangareva,Rapanui,Paumotu: ngutu. Hawaii :nuku. Tahiti: utu. Fotuna : rangutu. Marquesas : kiikutu, kiinutu. Aniwa : tangutu. Nuguria: launutu, launuhi. Viti: ngusu. Rotuma: nuchu. Mota Maligo : ngusiu. MotaVeverau, Merlav: ngusui. Gog: ngus, ngusun. New Georgia : ngusu. Baki : sunu. Guadalcanar : ngisu. Pokau: nutu. Motu: udu. Saparua: nuku. In this latter collation it will be seen that the Polynesian is altogether of the ngutu type, the Melanesian of the ngusu type, except that Motu with the very same which reappears in Tahiti serves as the transition phase. We may lay out this material in a degenerative series, ngutu-ngusu-usu- isu. Yet it seems to me far more consonant with that we now know of the spirit of Polynesian to present them in the other as monuments of progress from a broadly diffuse primitive su root in the direction of higher speciali- zation in use by modulant coefficients, u, i, ngu, ngi and li. In that view of the case we need recognize no difficulty in the fact that Usu does not readily derive from ngisu, lusu from ngusu; they do not have to, they stand on their same plane of specialized evolution and they stand independent. And with this primal root su the Semitic presents not the slightest resemblance. 299. ngum i, urn i, ngu i, ngw i, mw i, to seize, to grasp, to catch, to hold (with or in the hand). Tonga : kuku, to clench the fist, to hold fast in the hand ; kukukuku, to hold and carry in the hand. Futuna: kukumi, kuku, to clasp in the hand. Niue: kuku, to hold fast, to grasp. Uvea: kumi, to grasp after; kukumi, to throttle; nima kuku, the fist. Mangareva: kukumu, to close the fist. Samoa: 'u'u, to take hold of, to grasp, to clutch. Fotuna: no-kumia, to grasp. Viti: kukuva, to hold a thing fast; nggunggu, clinched; nggumi, to clench; nggunggutha, to hold in the hand. 350 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Motu : guguba, to hold tightly, to squeeze with tight fingers. Malay: gangam, to clutch, to clench, the clenched hand, the fist. Java: gagcim, id. Arabic: kamkama, to collect, to seize or catch with the hand, to take. The Proto-Samoan stem is kum. This is apparent in Efate nguvi and um. It is purely a Nuclear Polynesian stem except for the extreme eastward extension to Mangareva. That it is identified only in Motu, Efate, Viti, and Nuclear Polynesia shows it to have been brought by the migration stream through the south gate and along the Viti stream ; and its sole Malay identi- fications lie along the channel which that stream must have followed before leaving Indonesia. Our Viti forms are of particular interest. They reduce to stems kum, kuv, and kuh. Of these the first is the stem common to Nuclear Polynesia, Efate, and Indonesia ; the second accords with Motu, far back in the Torres Straits fairway; the third nowhere else appears. The sense is so close for all three as to show their unity in essentials. This is exceptional, but it falls readily into accord with the hypothesis of seed as well as root in this primordial language family. In brief, this is that out of a seed of speech roots become such by the addition of consonantal modulants to differentiate specific particular mani- festations of the primordial act or state. I have worked out the value of a number of these consonants when prefixed as coefficients. Ex hypothesi we should look for a similar range of differentiations with consonants suffixed. In this instance we have ku as a root thus developed. Its primal sense is clearly something to do with the hand and its elemental activity. What then is the elemental activity of the human hand ? Our ergographs might not register it at a milligramme, but the curling baby fingers are in the position of grasping, the instinct to clutch which Dr. Louis Robinson has said embodies whole ages of comprehension of the first need of arboreal life. In its primal sense ku is the expression of the primordial clutch of this race of primitive speech inventors. Such variety as succeeding conso- nants may affix to the primordial clutch may express the manner or the degree of such grasping. In our three Viti stems we find a certain order of degree ; just to hold in clutching hand, kuh; to clench the hand, kum; to clench and hold fast, kuv. In even degree h is one of the weakest of consonants, merely a breath ; m is so little removed from the vowels that it is among the very first of the consonant acquisitions; v is one of the latest acquisitions, a strong sound for men who have long since learned to speak and to speak strong as becomes men. 300. ika, a fish. Fakaafo, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Moiki, Nuguria, Sikayana, Vate, Maori, Marquesas, Mangareva, Mangaia, Paumotu, To- ngarewa, Rarotonga, Manahiki: ika, fish. Aniwa, Fotuna: eika, id. Samoa: i'a, id. Nukuoro, Tahiti, Hawaii: ia, id. Rapanui: ika, fish, animal. DATA AND NOTES. 351 Viti: ika, fish. Rotuma: i'a, id. Epi: yika, fish. Sesake, Ambrym, Santo, Southeast Epi: ika, id. Bierian: ne-ika, id. Mota, Lo, Fagani, Belaga, Nggela: iga, id. Arag, Omba: ige, id. Wango, Bululaha: i'a, id. Ugi, Ulawa, Alite: ia, id. Roro: maia, id. Norbarbar: ie, id. Nengone: wa ie, id. Saa, Tubetube: He, id. New Georgia: ihana, id. Dobu, Tavara, Awalama, Taupota, Wedau, Boniki, Mukawa, Kubiri: iana, id. Kabadi: veana, id. Duke of York: ian, id. Kiviri : iun, id. Kiriwina : iena, id. Murua : iini, id . Matupit : ten, id. Baravon: en, id. Buka: eina, aenna, aienne, aiena, id. Merlav, Pak: ig, id. Motlav, Gog, Mosin, Alo Teqel, Volow: eg, id. Malekula: na-ih, id. New Ireland (Duffield) : kauk, id. North Borneo: jikan, fish. Malay, Massaratty, Teor, Ilocan, Mayapo, Gah : ikan, id . Bouton : ikani, id . Amblaw : ikiani, id. Menado: maranigan, id. Silong: ackan, id. Sulu: m?a, id. Kar Nicobar: &a, id. Central Nicobar: ga, id. Lariko, Wahai, Gani, Saparua, Ahtiago, Matabello: ian, id. Liang, Morella: iyan, id. Tidore: nyan, id. Batumerah, Awaiya, Caimarian: iani, id. Mysot: «'n, id. Java: iwa, id. Teluti: yano, id. Hebrew: da#, d&fo dagah, degath, fish. In the data here assembled we have two working stems, which, from the regions of their greatest frequency, are to be described as ika the Polynesian stem, and ikan the Indonesian stem. We find ika as the stem in all but five of the Polynesian languages ; and the only change affects the consonant; in Samoa and Rotuma it has so lately vanished that enunciation still marks the gap ; in Nukuoro, Tahiti, and Hawaii it has been forgotten that a consonant ever intervened. This stem is of the most common occurrence in Melanesia. In various stages of dilapidation we may trace it from Nengone in the far south to the central Solomons and with possibly one sporadic instance farther north in the eastern gateway. Epi shows in yika the ika stem with a slight semi- vowel reinforcement, possibly repeated in North Borneo jikan, though the value of this j is not distinctly set forth. The normal ika is found in the New Hebrides, and with a variant not possible in Polynesia, as iga and ige in the New Hebrides and the central Solomons. The change of the final vowel from a to e is so slight as not to call for detailed consideration. Wango and Bululaha reproduce Samoa and Rotuma i'a. Ia is found in a part of the Solomons, but not restrictively, for ie carries it along to Norbar- bar and Nengone. We are last to consider a variant which would be im- practicable in Polynesia, terminal abrasion to a closed stem, ig and eg in the Banks Group, ih in Malekula, perhaps in the New Ireland composite ka-uk. Modifications of the ikan stem are found in the northern part of Mela- nesia, the southernmost occurrence as well as the least altered being New Georgia ihana. The presence of the n serves to identify ikan for us, despite the dropped k, in Duke of York, Matupit, Buka and Baravon. These are all within the range of Post- Polynesian Malayan voyaging, recourse to which explanation has been had in jolau (287). 352 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Regarding the suffixed n as characteristic of Indonesia and affixed upon Polynesian loan material in accordance with an idiosyncrasy foreign to the source of the loan, we may dispose of many of these forms by a list which exhibits their progress in variation from the standard type: jikan, ikan, ikani, ikiani, maran-igan, ackan, iani, yano, nyan, iyan, ian, ein. Sulu isda is impossible of coordination. Nicobar ka and ga would need proof that ika could sacrifice that former syllable which only in Silong ackan has admitted of any alteration whatever. Java iwa is last to be noted ; it should not be understood as involving a k-w mutation, but rather does it represent some- thing very much like Samoa i'a, and the semivowel w is but the attempt to hold the two vowels apart, as is accomplished in Samoa by the '. This is a particularly interesting identification, for it is the only language in Indonesia which has not added n to the Proto-Samoan stem. Concerning the Semitic Dr. Macdonald writes : "It is possible that ika is the same by the elision of the d." Equally is it possible that darksome is irksome "by the elision of the d." A simple philology. "I'a is the general name for fishes," Pratt notes in his Samoan dictionary, "except the bonito and shellfish (mollusca and Crustacea)." We may for- give the inaccuracy of the biology in our gratitude for the former note. The bonito is not a fish, the bonito is a gentleman, and not for worlds would Samoa offend against his state. The Samoan in his 'upu fa'aaloalo has his own Basakrama, the language of courtesy to be used to them of high degree, to chiefs and bonitos. One does not say that he goes to the towns which are favorably situated for the bonito fishery; he says rather that (funa'i) he goes into seclusion, he withdraws himself. He finds that the fleet which is to chase the bonito has an honorable name for this use, that the chief fisher has a name that he never uses ashore. He will not in so many words say that he is going to fish for bonito, he says that he is going out paddling in the courtesy language (alo) ; he even avoids all chance of offending this gentleman of his seas by saying, instead of the blunt vulgarity of the word fishing, rather that he is headed in some other direction (fa'asanga'ese). He does not paddle with the common word but with that (pale) which he uses in compliment to his chief's canoe. He will not so much as speak the word which means canoe; he calls it by another word (tafanga), which may mean the turning away to one side. In this unmentioned canoe he may not carry water by its common name, he must call it (malu) the cool stuff. He will not men- tion his eyes in the canoe; he calls his visor (taulauifi) the shield for his chestnut leaves. Even the word for large becomes something else (sumalie) in this great game. The hook must be tied with ritual care; it is called (pa) out of the common name for hook ; no bonito will take a hook which has not been properly tied ; the fastening is veiled under the name (fanua) for the land. There are many rules to observe; their disregard is called (sopoliu) the stepping over the bilges, from the most unfortunate thing that the fisher can do. He may hail the bonito by his name (atu), or he may call him affectionately or coaxingly (pa'umasunu) old singed-skin. If he has the fortune to hook his bonito he must raise the shout of triumph, Tu! Tu! Tu e!, not his whole name but one of its syllables; he triumphs as over a foe honorably slain in combat, but he avoids hurting the feelings DATA AND NOTES. 353 of the other gentlemen of the sea. The first bonito caught in a new canoe he calls (ola) life ; the first bonito caught in any season bears a special name (ngatongia), of uncertain signification, and he presents it to his chief. His catch he reckons by a special notation ; to his numerals he adds the word (tino) body; he counts them as one-body, two-body, three-body. Parts of the gentleman have specific names of their own; his fins (asa) and his entrails (fe'afe'a) are called in terms nowhere else employed; the tidbit of the belly part, which the fisher must give to his chief, is called (ma'alo) by the honorific title of the chief's abdomen. And if the rites were not duly observed, if the hook was not rightly tied, if the fisher was so incautious as to mention his eyes, if one of a hundred faults was committed and the fishing was in vain, then the fisher acknowledged his ill success abjectly by saying that (malod) he was conquered. Such is the language Samoans use to the gentleman of the seas, and he is not i'a. 301. kasu, kas, kau, tree, wood. Samoa: la'au, a tree, a plant, wood, timber; 'au'auli, 'auali'i, names of trees. Futuna : ladkau, a tree, plant, wood ; kauasi, sandal- wood. Niue : lakau, a shrub, a tree, wood; akau, a tree, wood, timber; kauhuhu, the name of a shrub. Fakaafo, Manahiki: lakau, a tree. Nuguria: lakau, rakau, id. Hawaii: laau, a tree, wood, timber. Maori: rakau, id; kauere, kauka, kauri, names of trees. Rarotonga, Tongarewa, Fotuna, Mangareva : rakau, a tree. Paumotu : rakau, a tree, a plant. Sikayana : rakau, wood. Nukuoro: rakau, a tree; ururakau, medicine; haiururakau, a doctor. Rapanui: rakau, medicine. Vate: rakau, a tree, a club. Tahiti: raau, a tree, wood, timber. Aniwa: foirakou, a tree; rakao, a club. Tonga, Uvea, Mar- quesas: akau, a tree, wood, timber. Moiki: ngakau, tree. Viti: kau, kai, a tree, wood. Rotuma: oi, a tree. Nggao: gazu, a tree. Sesake, Hpi: kau, id. Marina: gau, id. Nguna: nakau, id. Motu: du, a tree, firewood. Aneityum: nelcau-un, a rafter; cat, a tree. Solomon Islands: au, a tree. Omba, Arag, Nggela, Bugotu : gai, id. Murray Island : gair, id. Maewo : geiga, id. Tangoan Santo : tagai, id. Mota : tangae, id. Gog: regai, id. Lakon: rega, id. Lo: raga, id. Bierian: lakai, tree; leke, wood. Malo: wu-cai, tree. Tanna: ni-gi, id. Epi: lakai, yesi, id. Merlav: tankei, id. Volow, Motlav, Norbarbar: tenge, id. Vuras: retenge, id. Mosin: rekenge, id. Pak, Sasar, Alo Teqel: enge, id. Malekula: ni-ge, n-ai, id. Ulawa, Bululaha, Alite: ai, id. Vaturanga, New Georgia: hat, id. Duke of York: diwai, id. Malay, Baju: kayu, tree, wood. Teor: kai, id. Malagasy : hazu, id. Hebrew: 'es, tree, wood; from Hebrew, 'asah, Arabic, 'asa', to be hard, firm. The stem kau does not appear independently in any language of Poly- nesia proper. For tree and for timber we have the composite lakau in various stages of transformation. But kau will also be found as an initial 354 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. component of various tree names. It is in Yiti first that we find it in free existence. In Melanesia this form is rare. It occurs as kau in Efate, Sesake, Epi, Nguna, and perhaps may be preserved in Aneityum ; as gau in Marina ; as au in Motu and somewhere in the Solomon Islands. The triplicity of the Efate forms suggests a possible transition. Kasu and kas are easy to be correlated, kasu and kau less easy. They might be linked by the assumption of a parent form kahu, from which each might derive. This would appear in modern Samoan as kau; but I have found it the rule that even the mildest aspirate in Proto-Samoan becoming extinct in modern Samoan is yet retained as aspiration in Nuclear Polynesia and as th in Viti, none of which mutations is found on this record. With the statement of this contrary argument, let us adopt this as a working hypothesis. With kasu we identify Nggao gazu and Malagasy hazu. With a parent kahu we may associate Malay and Baju kayu. This is as far as this unsupported hypothesis will carry us, although kayu invites enticingly as a bridge to kau. We next employ the comparison of Polynesian lakau and Bierian lakai to give us a transformation phase by which we may cross from kau to kai, and in Viti we find kai occurring as a dialectic variant of kau. This secondary stem kai (as kai, cai, gai, gae) is discoverable in the free state or in com- position over a wide Melanesian range, and in Teor in Indonesia. In Vatu- ranga and New Georgia hai we find the transition to Malekula n-ai and to at of Ulawa, Bululaha, and Alite, probably including Duke of York diwai as a composite. For the next deterioration phase we have the benefitof a similar transition member. As we were able to link lakau and lakai, so may we link lakai and Lo raga, Lakon rega, and Bierian leke. Thus we obtain a tertiary stem ka, ke. The ka (ga) form occurs only in Lakon and Lo. The ke (ge) form we list from Norbarbar, Vuras, Mosin, Pak, Sasar, Alo Teqel, Malekula ; and the gi from Tanna. Let us not neglect to observe that in many of these Melanesian languages kau is able to stand free, as in Viti and Efate ; omitting the combined article n variously vocalized, we list free forms in Nggao, Sesake, Epi, Marina, Nguna, Motu, Aneityum, Solomon Islands, Omba, Arag, Nggela, Bugotu, Murray Island, Tanna, Malekula, Ulawa, Bululaha, Alite, Vaturanga, and New Georgia. In the Polynesian area we have noted that the prior composition element is la, variously modified to ra, nga, a. We find this recurring in Melanesia. First as la: Aneityum, ne-lcau-un. Then as e, corresponding to a in Tonga, etc. ; Pak, Sasar, Alo Teqel, further establishing a variant stem nge out of the tertiary ge. We now pass from la to ta, a mutation ill supported ; it may be better to regard it as an independent member of the composite. As ta we note its occurrence in Tangoan Santo, Mota, Merlav; as te, in Volow, Motlav, Norbarbar. It may even be di in Duke of York diwai. The form tenge illuminates Vuras retenge as a double composite, the com- mon la stem prosthetic upon the te-nge compound ; and upon retenge hangs Mosin rekenge. The prior element in Malo wu-cai is not elsewhere found. Maewo geiga eludes analysis, except upon the scheme that it is a duplicate of slightly variant kai derivatives. DATA AND NOTES. 355 This is all very intricate, but the proof needs just this link by link elabo- ration. The only point as to which we may retain proper doubt is as to the kasu group of forms ; they are certainly an anomaly. Yet it is just upon the kasu group, this irreconcilable kasu, that the whole of the pro- posed Semitic origin rests. 302. kat i, katikati, ngat i, to bite; kakat, a bite; fikit, to bite each other. Futuna : katikati, to gnaw off the bark of sugar cane with the teeth ; kakati, to corrode, to pierce, to eat in. Niue: kakati, to bite, to chew. Maori: kakati, to eat into, to gnaw through, to corrode; katikati, to nibble. Rarotonga: kati, kakati, to bite. Paumotu: kakati, id. Nukuoro: kati, id. Rapanui: katikati, to scratch. Samoa: 'ati, to eat in, to corrode; 'a'ati, to eat in, to corrode, to gnaw off, to pierce (as the teeth of a dog) ; 'atimotu, to bite through. Tahiti: ati, to bite; aati, to bite, to gnaw, to tear with the teeth. Hawaii: aki, aaki, akiaki, to bite, to nibble. Viti : katia, to bite. Malo: cate, to bite. Tangoan Santo: kati, id. Makura: nggati, id. Bierian: mkati, id. Santo: kotkot, id. Malekula: haji, id. Mota: ngit, id.; gat, to chew. Tagula: gadu, to bite. Nada: gad, id. Kiriwina: gadi, id. Tubetube: letai, id. Suau: retai, id. Murua: gedi, id. Kubiri: gitaboni, id. Dobu: go'i, id. Boniki: kutai, id. Mukawa: kutakibai, id. Taupota, Wedau: utai, id. Malay: gigit, to bite; gigitan, a bite. Malagasy: hehitra, to hold, to grasp, to seize, clutch, bite; kaikitra, a bite; manaikitra, to bite. Syriac: nkat, to bite. At the time of the earliest, the Proto-Samoan, migration the effective stem was kati, this, however, being formed upon the root kat by the verb- formative *, The bare root must have been carried down into Melanesia by the Proto-Samoans, for it is found preserved in Santo and Mota. Fur- thermore, in these two languages reproducing the archaic form we find the only deviations from the radical a. One of these, represented by the Mota ngit, is the vowel of the Malay identifications. The Syriac stands as a resemblance, form and sense. 303- kil i, kill, to dig; kali, a digging stick; kfli, a current (as in the sand; lit. that which digs). Cf. ngil i (297) to which this note is supplemental. Ethiopic: karaya, to dig. Arabic: kam', id. Hebrew: karah, id. Chaldee: kera', id. 304- kirikiri, gravel, pebbles. Tonga: kilikili, small stones placed on graves. Futuna, Niue: kilikili, gravel. Samoa: 'Hi' Hi, gravel, pebbles, small stones; 'iliti, to be pained by walking over sharp stones ; ta'ili, stony, 356 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. gravelly. Maori : kirikiri, gravel. Mangaia : kirikiri, flints, small stones. Moriori: kiripohatu, gravel. Rapanui: kirikiri, polished stone. Mangareva: kirikiri, flints, small stones. Paumotu: kirikiri, stony, pebbly, gravelly; huakiri, gravel, stony. Sikayana: kirikiri, shingle. Tahiti: iriiri, gravel. Hawaii : Hi, iliili, small stones worn smooth by water. Nukuoro : kerikeri, pebbles. Marquesas: kiikii, gravel. Viti : kilitha, to turn up stones, to turn a thing up and look under it. Solomon Islands: kilifela, flint; pokiri, a fishing sinker. Motu: miri, gravel. Malay: krikil, karikil, karikil, gravel, pebbles; batu-kelikir, gravel. Arabic: girgir', a berry; garaV, gravel. Hebrew: garger, a berry. The Proto-Samoan stem is kilit. To the significations assigned in the Polynesian section should be added that of fragments of broken coral such as are used for flooring houses where shingle of volcanic rock is not available. I am very doubtful of the miner- alogy which assigns flint to Mangaia, Mangareva and the Solomon Islands. The Viti langgere gravel may perhaps be a composite of this stem. While kilitha very clearly reproduces the kilit stem its signification is far from satisfactory. So far as we are in a position to judge Motu miri amounts to no more than a partial resemblance, for in all this material we have no evidence confirmatory of a k-m mutation, and Motu in four instances disposes of k thus: twice by extinction (301, 306), once preserves it (249), once alters it to g (299). The Malay forms are coordinate with the modern abraded form of the stem. The Semitic has a general resemblance, but it has the stem grh, of which the last member throws it out of accord with the Polynesian skeleton kit. 305- kuli na, uili na, the skin, the bark. Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea: kili, the skin, bark, husk. Nukuoro: kili, kiri, the skin. Fotuna, Maori, Mangaia, Mangareva: kiri, skin. Paumotu: kiri, the bark. Rapanui: kiri, iri, the skin. Marquesas : kii, skin, hide, leather. Samoa : 'iliola, the outer skin; 'iliasina, light-colored, as the skin; fa'a'ililua, to injure down to the second skin by scratching. Tahiti: iri, skin, hide, bark. Hawaii : Hi, the skin, the bark. Viti: kuli, skin. Rotuma: uli, id. Ambrym: Hi, skin, bark. Sesake: weli, id. Moanus: kulit, id. ho: gilit, id. ~Epi: kulu, id. Murray Island : egur, id. Nggao: guli, id. Bugotu, Nggela: guiguili, id. New Georgia: korekore, id. Savo: korakora, id. Vaturanga: kokora, id. Wango: uriuri, id. Malo: uri, id. Baki: kulukuti, id. Bierian : kul, id. Eromanga : no-kohitan, id. Santo : kurina, id. Malay: kulit, skin, hide, leather, bark, rind, husk, shell. Baju: kulit, skin, bark. Matu: kulit, id. Ahtiago:ikulit,id. Bouton: okulit, id. Teor : holit, id. Madura : koli, id. Savu : kori, bark. Arabic: gilid, skin, bark. DATA AND NOTES. 357 The Polynesian word varies but slightly, and that normally, from kilt. As it is in use solely with the value of a noun and hence needs no formative affixes which might protect a radical terminal consonant as in verb-deriva- tives, we have no means of proving a kilit stem. Indonesia exhibits a stem which differs in the former vowel and preserves a final consonant, kulit. Melanesia sometimes approaches the Polynesian, other times the Indonesian. Of the Polynesian type we note Ambrym and Sesake, both of which have abraded the initial k, and in neither is it usual to drop that letter, Lo pre- serves the vowel in gilit and at the same time has the Indonesian /-final. Codrington (Melanesian Languages 90, note) suggests as a possibility that Mota wil to peel is homogenetic ; in his Mota dictionary, however, he defines with great precision "to turn round horizontally, to peel, turning the fruit over in peeling," this in sense and in form bringing the word into close association with vili to turn round ; the k-w mutation in Mota is suggested but once, kutu (306) a louse Mota wut. The two forms in Efate are not wholly satisfactory as transition phases, for they would involve the unsupported k-w mutation. Still we do find kuli, a frequent Melanesian and altogether Indonesian form, alternative with uili, which seems to offer some possibility of a connection with the Polynesian kill. The kuli form without consonant termination is found in Viti, Rotuma, Epi (Bierian and possibly Baki), Murray Island, Nggao, Bugotu, Nggela, New Georgia, Savo, Vaturanga, Wango, Malo, and Santo. There is a con- siderable variation in these forms, but they are to be connected with this stem. In Baki kulukuti we may have a composite of which kulu alone pertains to this group. In Moanus we have a distinctly Indonesian form; geographically it is within the feasible limit of Post- Polynesian Malayan intercourse ; yet Lo, almost too far south for this explanation to be consid- ered valid, has the /-final in gilit; and Eromanga no-kohit-an is suggestive, although we have no other instance in that language of l-h mutation. All the Indonesian identifications are of the kulit type, except that Madura and Savu have either lost or have not acquired the /-final. The Arabic shows resemblance to the Indonesian type as to consonants, to the Polynesian as to vowels. 306. kutu, the louse. Tonga, Futuna, Uvea, Fotuna, Marquesas, Mangareva, Rarotonga, Rapanui, Nukuoro: kutu, the louse. Niue: kutu, the louse, the flea. Maori: kutu, the louse, human vermin in general. Samoa: 'w/w, the louse; 'utufiti, the flea. Paumotu: gutu, the louse. Tahiti: utu, id. Hawaii: uku, a small insect. Viti: kutu, the louse. Deni, Nada, Kiriwina, Mukawa, Raqa: kutu, the louse. Murua: kuti, id. Arag, Nggela, Bugotu, Sinaugoro: gutu, id. Kiviri, Oiun: guta, id. Vaturanga: ngotu, id. Marina, Lo, Malekula Pangkumu: gut, id. Hula, Keapara: gu, id. Aneityum: get, id. Tanna : kiget, id. Motlav, Volow: git, id. Makura: na-kit, id. Nengone: ote, id. Buka: autu, id. Motu, New Britain, Malo, Rubi, Dobu, Awalama, Taupota, Wedau, 358 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Kubiri: utu, id. Pokau, Doura: uku, id. Kow.uhu, id. Bululaha: u'u, id. Galoma: uu, id. Alite, Mekeo, Galoma : u, id. Omba, Maewo, Mota: wutu, id. Merlav, Mota, Gog, Lakon, Vuras, Mosin, Norbarbar: wut, id. Pak, Sasar, Alo Teqel: wu, id. Malay, Java, Salayer, Menado, Bolanghitam, Sanguir, Gani, Lariko, Gah, Baju: katu, the louse. Bouton: okutu, id. Sula: kota, id. Mayapo, Massaratty : koto, id. Macassar: fettfo, id. Ahtiago Alfuros: kutim, id. Teor: /m*, id. Morella, Mata- bello: utu, id. Caimarian: utua, id. Wahai: utun, id. Mysot: w/, wit, id. Arabic: kurdw, the louse. Pediculus seems from the uniformity of the occurrence of this stem to have been an ancestral possession of the Pacific races in their voyaging. That other source of uneasiness, the flea, would appear a later acquisition, since it is rather commonly described in kutu composites as the jumping louse. In Efate the flea was unknown, the people say, until it was intro- duced by white visitors. While the Melanesian forms show a wide range of variation, they may readily be set forth in two series, according as they keep or lose fe-initial. i. kutu, gutu, ngotu; gut, get, git, kit. 2. utu, ote, uku, uhu, u'u, u. There remains a group of three forms characteristic of the northern New Hebrides. This seems to involve, in its several forms wutu, wut, wu, the k-w mutation which nowhere else appears nor is it exhibited in any other Polynesian loan word in these languages except in the very doubtful kusue (251) rat Lakon wohow. I incline to look upon this w as not at all a fe-mutant, but rather as an accretion after the k has been dropped, a hint that something has vanished. I have suggested the same in ika (300) to account for the Javanese form. In Indonesia we find the same double series, with and without the k. The Arabic krd< contains two elements foreign to the Polynesian, of which the protected r could not have been dropped arbitrarily. 307- laba, to be much, many; laba, leba, lafulafu, to be or become or grow big; leb, indeed, very; barab, baraf, barau, long, cf. barab, 121. Samoa: lava, to be enough, to complete, the whole, indeed, very. Nukuoro: lava, enough. Nuguria: hulava, id. Rarotonga: rava, much. Rapanui: rava, to be able, capable; hakarava, to make large. Maori: rawa, numerous, many, quite, very, at all. Hawaii: lawa, enough, a sufficiency. Niue: leva (in o leva), very, quite. Viti : levu, great ; ndrawa, a thing that fills up. Mota: lava, greatly; liwoa, large. Sesake: lavulavu, very large. Merlav, Gog : lav, large. Lo : lilav, large. Omba: law ua, id. Arag: gaivua, id. Fagani: rafa, id. Wango: raha, id. Saa: laha, id. Deni: lebu, id. Mosin, Motlav: liwo, id. DATA AND NOTES. 359 Lo: liliwo, id. Leon, Sasar, Pak, Volow: lowo, id. Vuras, Lo, AloTeqel: luwo, id. Norbarbar: luwoa, id. Aneityum: lu pas, id. Pala: nabd, very; /a&a, great. Malagasy: /ova, long, tall, continuing long. Malay: luwas, wide, extensive, large, ample. Hebrew: rabab, to become much or many; rabah, to be or become great, to grow up. There seem to be involved two stems here, one characterized by a-forms, the other by some weaker vowel. Yet the consonant structure exhibits a degree of connection between the two. The a-form is the rule in Polynesia, with the exception of Niue. It occurs in Efate\ It appears in Mota and Viti together with the weaker form, but especiallydiff erentiated therefrom. It is found in Sesake, Merlav, Gog, Lo, Omba, Arag (?), Fagani, Wango, Saa, Bululaha, Pala. Of the weaker type we find c-forms in Niue, Viti, Efate and Deni. An t'-form occurs in Mosin, Motlav, Mota, Lo ; and lilav in the last-named may serve as a transition phase between weak and strong types. An o-form is found in Leon, Sasar, Pak and Volow. Forms in u come to light in Vuras, Lo, Alo Teqel, Norbarbar and Aneityum. In Indonesia we are able to identify one instance of the strong and one of the weak form. The Semitic has at least a resemblance. 308. langi, the sky, heaven, above. Samoa, Fakaafo, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Manahiki: langi, the sky. Nukuoro: langi, id.; para-o-te-langi, rain; rang, a day; huarangi, noon. Rapanui: rangi, sky, heaven, blue. Maori, Rarotonga, Mangareva, Aniwa, Fotuna, Paumotu, Tongarewa: rangi, the sky. Nuguria, Hawaii: lani, id. Tahiti: rai, id. Marquesas: aki, ani, id. Vate: rang, id. Viti: langi, the sky. Rotuma: langi, id. Moanus: lang, the sky; rang, day (the lighted hours). Buka: indengid, the sky. Tanna: neai, id. Malo: tukaelange, id. Baki: lani, day. Bierian : ligian, day. Tanna : lenyan, day. Malo : rane, light, day. Pokau : lani, daybreak, light. Kabadi : rani, id. Roro: rani-ne-rere, daybreak. Roro: lani, wind, time. Waima: la unwind. Wedau: VaneVanene, id. Galoma: lagi, id. Dobu, Kiriwina: iagila, id. Wedau: Vagi'na, id. Galoma: gagi, id. Murua: yagi, id. Hula, Keapara: agi, id. Misima : Ian, daybreak. Panaieti: ran, id. Motu, Nada : lai, wind. Nada: laina, id. Malay, Kayan, Java, Tagalog, Magindano, Sulu: langit, sky. Baliyon: langid, id. Bugi, Champa, Macassar: langi, id. Togean Islands: janggie, id. Malagasy: lanitra, id. Hebrew: rum, ram, to be high, to raise, to lift up. Ethiopic: aryam, heaven. In this very smooth series of identifications only a few merit comment. The general signification is the sky, in some obscure fashion conceived of as disposed in concentric layers; for in Samoan legend Tangaloa, self- 360 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. existent and heedless creator of all things, rests in the eighth heaven or the ninth. In Nukuoro, where the Samoan influence is altogether para- mount, and in Moanus, the first identifiable halting-place of the migra- tion swarm through the eastern gateway, we find the word used for the bright half of the day; this usage occurs in Baki and Bierian of Epi, in Malo, and probably in Tanna. In Moanus we have positive record (po 285), and in Nukuoro we are warranted in assuming the common Polynesian practice, that the calendar days are counted by the lapse of darkness. We note with surprise that in these two languages the day sense is differentiated from the sky sense by the use of r for the former and / for the latter. We are not justified in drawing a conclusion that on this account is there any particular association between these two languages. Moanus marks the exit from Indonesia, Nukuoro can only be understood as a very modern counter current from Samoa ; the same differentiation holds in Malo. We have already had occasion {matangi 274) to discuss yet another langi sense, that of the wind. In San Cristoval rangi is the rain. Buka indengid seems resolvable into in-dengi-d, the former element functioning as article. We have no other example from Buka of the l-nd mutation, but in the table it will be seen that l-nd, or its practical equiv- alent l-t,\$ not unknown. The d-final points to the possibility of acquisition from Malay influence, and Buka is within the range of such cruises. Malo tukae-lange is clearly a composite, and the former member is not explic- able from our scanty memorials of that speech ; but the latter element is confirmed in yet another composite, tae-lage cloud. Tanna neat may not improbably be ne-(l)a(ng)i. The Indonesian identifications are satisfactory, noting only that the J-final as a formative element is generally idiosyncratic of this language SrollP- The only way in which the Semitic can be brought into association with langi sky lies in the Efate preposition (?) elangi above. If that becomes "above" by reason of a development of a secondary sense out of the literal "in the sky," then it has nothing to with this Semitic. If, on the other hand, its primal sense is "above" (possibly akin to Polynesian lunga), then it has nothing to do with langi the sky. In either way the Semitic is irrelevant even before we consider the amount of its resemblance. 309- lango, a fly. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea: lango, the common house-fly. Nuguria : lano, id. Fotuna, Maori, Rarotonga, Paumotu : rango, id. Nukuoro: nango, id. Tahiti: rao, id. Hawaii: nalo, id. Viti: lango, a fly. Rotuma: lang, id. Arag, Omba, Bululaha, Alite, Marina, Maewo, Gog, Mota, Malo, Ulawa.Wango, Saa, Vaturanga, Nggela: lango, a fly. Fagani: rango, id. Bugotu: thango, id. Nggao: glango, id. Nengone: nengo, id. Bierian: alago, id. Motu: lao, id. Guadalcanar: ango, id. Baki: jago, id. Sasar, Vuras, Mosin, Alo Teqel, Laur, Lambell, King, Lamassa, Duke of York, Merlav, Lakon, Pak, Volow, Norbarbar : lang, id. Motlav, Lo : leng, id. New Britain: laga, id. Makura: na-lag, id. Malekula: ne-rag, id. DATA AND NOTES. 361 Aneityum: inlag, id. Murray Island: narger, id. Solomon Islands: lau-au, id. Pokau: lalo-maka, id. Motu:/ao, id. Doura : lao-maka, id. Mekeo : angu-ma, id. Roro : au-maha, id. Kabadi: ao-kama, id. Panaieti: nagunagu, id. Nada: nigunagu, id . Murua : niga u-wari, id . Kiriwina : nigonagula, id . Dobu: nene-wara, id. Kayan, Sanguir: lango, a fly. Pampangas: lango, id. Menado, Bolanghitam: raingo, id. Baju: langow, id. North Borneo : lalangou, id. Tagalog: langau, id. Dyak: lengeau, id. Malay: langau, a large fly, a bluebottle. Arabic: lakka'u, a fly. With the exception of the /-w- mutation in Nukuoro and the plain meta- thesis in Hawaii we encounter nothing calling for note until we have advanced a considerable step into the Melanesian area. By far the greater part of this western region falls somewhere along the regular series of progression downward: lango, rango, lang, leng, loo, lag, rag. Bugotu thango is unique, yet the sense and resemblance may be counted on to carry the unusual l-th mutation. The same may be remarked of the prosthetic g in Nggao glango. Nengone nengo and probably Murray Island narger are carried in the company of Nukuoro nango, the /-n mutation appearing in no less than five Polynesian languages, and in Melanesia several times recurring in lima (313). The Epi forms are out of step, for Bierian without explanation acquires an initial vowel alago, and Baki jago presents an /-;' mutation which is supported only by lingi (154) to pour Aneityum aijangjing, and lima (312) five Epi jimo Aneityum ni-jman. Motu lao, as is a by no means uncommon accord between these two widely separated languages, is Tahiti rao. The dropping of the / in Guadalcanar ango appears nowhere else in the life-history of the word; the form is recorded by Tregear without statement of its source; it is clearly from a speech other than Vaturanga. The same author preserves the Solomon Island lau-au, but with no record of what one of the many languages of that archipelago employs it ; there is such a resemblance to Malay and Dyak forms that I have little hesitation in assigning it to the Post- Polynesian period. The Indonesian forms exhibit the usual local peculiarities in dealing with loan material, but the sense is plain. The Arabic most resembles the Indonesian, differing therefrom most markedly in the intrusion of a palatal between a and win the final syllable, and this is the point where the Indonesian forms least resemble the Proto- Samoan. We shall, therefore, have to regard the Semitic as yet farther removed from suggestion of a common origin with the Polynesian and Melanesian stem. 310. lau, kalau, kolau, kalai, a spiderweb. Samoa: apungaleveleve, apongaleveleve, a spider, a web. Tonga: kaleveleve, a large spider. Futuna : kaleveleve, a spider, a web. Niue: kaleveleve, a cobweb. Nukuoro: halaneveneve, a spider. Uvea: kavelevele, a spider. Mangareva: pungaverevere, a spider. Paumotu: pungaverevere, cloth. Mangaia: pungaverevere, a 362 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. cobweb. Tahiti: puaverevere, id. Maori: pungawerewere, puawerewere, puwerewere, a spider. Hawaii: punawelewele, a spider, a web. Marquesas: pukavecvee, punaveevee, id. Viti: lawa, a fishing net; viriialawalawa, a cobweb; butalawalawa , a spider. Sesake: kalau, a spiderweb. Mota: talau, id.; marawa, a spider. Motu: valavala, a cobweb. Aneityum: nilva, a cobweb; nilvanilva, caulfat of a pig. Malay: labalaba, lawalawa, a spider; sarang-lawalawa, a cobweb. Visayas : toa, a cobweb. Hebrew : 'araft, to weave. This word has provided the theme of a curious paper by Mr. Tregear (32 Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, 298). There is an enormous metathesis here, and for that reason I have ordered my Polynesian material in two groups, leve and vele. It will be seen at once that the distinction is practically that of Proto-Samoan and Tongafiti, specifically older and later forms. With the Proto-Samoan go the forms in Viti, Efat6, Sesake, Mota, and perhaps Aneityum. Motu is the only Melanesian form in accord with the Tongafiti, and it will be recalled that several times, and no farther away than the last item, I have had occasion to remark upon the resemblance between Motu and Tahiti. Nor is this matter of the order 1-v or v-I the only point of divergence. The stem is found free only in Viti, Efate, Motu, and perhaps Aneityum. With it in composition we have two distinct elements. The simpler is ka, and probably ta is the same ; Nukuoro hala differs, yet we assign it provisionally with this element, for it certainly is not associable with the other. We find ka in Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Efat6, Sesake ; ta we find in Viti and Mota, and in the latter we find a ma distinguishing marawa the spider from talau the web. These are all Proto-Samoan, and they are all found as compounds upon the Proto-Samoan stem leve, except Uvea which shows a mixture, Proto-Samoan ka and Tongafiti vele. The other compounding stem is, in series, apunga, punga, puna, puka, pua, pu. These are compounded upon Tongafiti vele, except Samoa which shows a mixture balancing contrarily the Uvea mixture, for Samoa has Tongafiti punga and Proto-Samoan leve. The lau of Efat£, Sesake, and Mota will readily be recognized as a degen- eration form of a parallel Proto-Samoan stem lava, lav, lau. Aneityum nilva seems to be ni-liva, of which n functions as article and according to the common usage of that language extracts the nearest stem vowel; but nilvanilva puzzles me ; I can hardly conceive it possible for a word to con- duplicate article-stem ; this casts a doubt upon the otherwise plain inter- pretation of nilva. The Indonesian here recorded preserves the Proto-Samoan stem, whereas more commonly it resembles Tongafiti forms. As to the Semitic ; if Mr. Tregear and the Indonesian authorities can find their parent stem in the Sanskrit, and if Dr. Macdonald reads his title to a mansion in Semitic skies, the student of Polynesian may be justified in regarding each with equal doubt. DATA AND NOTES. 363 3"- le, leo, Io, to see; lele, to look for; leo, Io, to watch, to look. Samoa: leo, to watch. Tonga: leo, leohi, to watch, to guard. Futuna: leo, leosi, to watch, to be vigilant. Niue: leoleo, to guard, to watch over, to protect. Uvea: leoleohi, to guard. Viti: rat, seeing, to look; raitha, to look at. Rotuma: io, to look. Marina: leleo, to see. Malo: leo, to look; leleo, to open the eyes. Bierian : mleo, to look, to open the eyes. Malay: Hat, to see, to look. Malagasy: hiratra, sight, seeing. Hebrew: ra'ah, to see. Arabic: ra'a', id. Ethiopic: re'ya, id. The Proto-Samoan stem is Ieos. Our Melanesian forms are in exact accord with the Nuclear Polynesian and with the Efat£ leo. In Efate- we may easily see in le a still further degradation of stem, but lo with an internal abrasion is anomalous. The position of Viti rai, raitha, is baffling. It suggests a stem rais as a parent. If we look upon Efate as suggesting an origin for rai, raitha from rais raises an insuperable obstacle, for in the series leos-leo-le it will be seen that le is twice removed from the least hint of s, and rais would need to have les in Efate, which neither is nor could be found. The Malay may stand as a good identification, the Malagasy not. Simi- larly the Semitic has a palatal to prevent identification with leos. 312. lima, five. Samoa, Futuna, Niue, Nukuoro, Nuguria, Sikayana, Hawaii: lima, five. Maori, Tahiti, Rarotonga, Rapanui, Moriori, Aniwa, Fotuna, Mangareva: rima, id. Tonga, Uvea: nima, id. Moiki: ngima, id. Marquesas: ima, id. Viti: lima, five. Rotuma: Ham, id. Pala: liman, five. Epi, Solomon Islands, Sesake, Arag, Makura, Malo, Santo, Nggela, Bugotu, Nggao, New Georgia, Lambell, Moanus, Kiriwina: lima, id. Nada: aqai-lima, id. Tagula: go-lima, id. Brierly Island : paihe-lima, id. Bierian : ilima, id. Santo Wulua : kilima, id. Paama, Omba, Malanta, Likkilikki : lime, id. Yela: limi, id. Epi: Hmo, id. Baki: jimo, id. Tangoan Santo, Marina: Una, id. Duke of York, Laur, Lamassa, New Ireland (Port Praslin), Ambrym: Urn, id. Ero- manga : (Sie) siklim, id. ; (Utaha) sukrim, id. ; (Ura) suorem, id. King: telim, id. Malekula Pangkumu : erim, id. Malekula, Wango, Fagani : rima, id. Kubiri, Panaieti : nima, id. Misima, Panaieti: nima-ma-panuna, id. Mukawa: nima-masiana, id. Taupota: nima-ruag' a-i-tutu, ten. Galavi: ko-ma-nima-sago, six. Kiviri: nim, five. Murua: qei-nim, id. Tavara: nim-i- tutu, id. Espiritu Santo : lum, id. Tanna: (Weasisi) karilum, id.; (Kwamera) karirum, id.; (Naviliag) kadilum, id.; (Numerat, N erokwag) kilkilep, id.; (Ra'na.)kerkcrep, id. Waima, Roro, Mekeo, Uni, Pokau, Doura, Kabadi, Motu, Domara, Mailu: ima, id. Boniki: ima-i-kove, id. Sinaugoro, Hula, Keapara, Galoma, Keakalo, Rubi: imaima, id. Galavi: ma-i-kove, id. Lo: tevelima, id. Mota: tavelimwa, id. Gog: 364 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. tavalima, id. Aneityum: ni-jman, ni-kman, id. Maewo: tevelim, id. Norbarbar: teveliem, id. Merlav: tavalimw, id. Mosin: tevelimw, id. Vuras, Motlav, Volow: tevelem, id. Lakon : tivilem, id. Sasar, Pak : 'evelem, id. Leon : 'evelimw, id. Retan: tavalemw, id. Malay, Java, Cajeli, Morella, Batumerah, Teor, Magindano, Champa, Sulu, Sambawa, Visa}ras, Tagalog, Pampangas, Kayan, Mame, Salayer, Sanguir, Mayapo, Massaratty, Amblaw, Awaiya, Caimarian, Teluti, Ahtiago, Baju: lima, five. Lampong: limah, id. Sam: limoh, id. Togean Islands: limo, id. Kisa: liman, id. Bouton: limanu, id. Salibabo: delima, id. Timor: lema, id. Basakrama: leww, id. Sirang, Gah, Mysot : Zrw, id. Gani: leplim, id. Menado, Liang, Bolanghitam, Lariko, Saparua, Matabello: nwa, id. Jobi, Dorey: rim, id. Wahai: nima, id. Malagasy: ctoray, id. Dyak: ma, id. Arabic: h'amsat, h'ams, rive. Mahri: khomo, id. Sokotra: khemah, id. The numeral five being in many cases the same word as that for the hand on which the tale is reckoned we shall first note the cases in which the sense differentiation is indicated by a form modification. By comparison with 3 1 3 it will be seen that such distinction is found as follows : Five. Hand. Remarks. Maori Viti Moriori Marquesas . . . Vv'ango Ulawa Fagani Tanna Baki Duke of York Laur Lamassa Omba Cajeli Morella Batumerah . . Teor Liang Maewo Merlav Mota Lo Magindano. . . Bouton Menado Nggao Bierian King rima lima rima imi rima lima rima kari-lum jimo Urn lim Urn lime lima lima lima lima rima tavalima tavalimw tavelimwa tevelima lima limanu rima lima ilima telim ringa linga ririma iimi rimarima nima nima rum a n el' I imi juma lima lima lima limegi limamo limaka limawah limin rimak lima lima limwai limwe a lima olima rilma kamc ma lama m-mutant preduplication eonduplication and /-mutant t'-mutant (inverted order) " anda-mutant abbreviated five final accretion (gi noun formative) (a-mutant) frontal accretion of five frontal accretion of hand interior intrusion Which of these is the primal signification? Is the numeral called by the hand name because of its five digits? Is the hand called by the numeral because its digits tot up five? So far as I have seen, all my predecessors DATA AND NOTES. 365 in these studies have assumed that there is first the hand and then by the accuracy of digital mathematics the numeral has followed. It has not been found necessary to call the numeral one after some object which is a visible unit in nature: one is not the word for nose, for an instance; nor is two the word for eyes or ears, which as pairs upon the primitive mathematician are surely as visible, tangible, obvious as the five fingers of one hand. Three is found to be independent of any such concrete presentation ; four also. Why, then, must five be considered a secondary sense of hand ? As to our English five we might see a beautiful reasonableness in naming it from the fingers of our own mathematical hands. We stick up our fingers in reckoning ; the first task of our nursemaid mathematicians at school is to teach the child that sums are no longer to be done on the fingers but on slates with pencils. Thereafter follows mental arithmetic with a new series of tortures all its own. But in the islands of our study fingers go not up but down for the count. The hand with its digits displayed coram publico is zero, cipher, naught. It is the clenched fist which counts most, it reckons five ; a usage paralleled, to be sure, in our idiom of that noble art of defending usually most ignoble selves, "I put my 'bunch of fives' in his — " mug, was it? Or peeper? Or possibly breadbasket, this being before the days when solar plexus had given to the ring the dignity of astrological anatomy. The five of the clenched fist I recall from many an island race. Let me, however, confirm my testimony from an authority who believes that five is the hand, Dr. Codrington (Melanesian Languages 222, notei): The way of reckoning on the fingers differs in various islands. In Nengone the fingers are turned up and brought together at five. In the Banks Islands the fingers are turned down. This is often done with the spoken numerals, often without the use of words. The practice of turning down the fingers, contrary to our practice, deserves notice, as perhaps explaining why sometimes savages are reported to be unable to count above four. The European holds up one finger, which he counts, the native counts those that are down and says "four." Two fingers held up, the native counting those that are down, calls three; and so on until the white man, holding up five fingers, gives the native none turned down to count. The native is nonplussed, and the enquirer reports that savages can not count above four. It may well be that I shall seem heterodox in placing five as the parent sense, yet if there be any meaning at all in the foregoing table I am resting upon demonstrable facts and not upon mere fancy. Many of the languages collated in this and the next item show no difference in form between the two senses, the word is the same. Such instances are negative, they lack evidential value, they prove nothing, they disprove nothing. This table which I have compiled is far from complete ; in many languages I have the five word and the hand word has not been recorded in the scanti- ness of most of this vocabulary material. Here I have assembled twenty- eight languages, all that I have been able to bring into comparison, in which the five word and the hand word are homogenetic yet variant. I might have extended the list by the inclusion of languages in which the five word is a lima form and the hand word is heterogenetic. These I omit, for, while they are not without their value in pointing to a primal ftve-lima, they would beyond that complicate the problem by the addition of incommen- surable factors. 366 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. We shall then examine these eight-and-twenty languages. Four lan- guages seem to point one way, two dozen point the other. The twenty-four congruent languages have the five- lima in its clearest form, and hand-lima has undergone some form of secondary mutation, the nature of which is indicated in the remarks. The four opposing languages are now to be examined for the ascertain- ment of the value of their testimony. Tanna is an island remote from either of our migration streams, the quality of its Polynesian content is absolutely the lowest in my scale. The five-lima and the hand-/iwa are alike obscured by alien admixture, so much so that they are barely recognizable. The testimony of Tanna, therefore, should not for one moment count against the agreement of twenty-four. The Duke of York has not only Urn for five, but also lima. The posses- sion of the latter is sufficient to remove this speech from this consideration ; it belongs in the outer ring in which the five word and the hand word are the same lima. Laur and Lamassa (and King, despite another variation element, may be associated therewith) are really the only evidence in opposition. What do these witnesses amount to against a principle established in our triple area, in Polynesia, in Melanesia, in Indonesia? They are three languages, dia- lectic variety at best, spoken on the New Ireland coast in the very jaws of the eastern gateway. The source from which I derive the vocabularies con- tains also a social register, a city directory, of two of these abodes, or huts, of culture : Lamassa has a population of 23 men, 28 women married to them, and 40 single persons including children ; King is peopled by 38 women and girls, 30 men and boys. Not many in the census are these who reverse the system of the whole Pacific. On the whole we may disregard such exceptions entirely. Therefore I am willing to aver that in every case where five-/tmo and hand-lima differ it is the latter that is secondary in form ; therefore five it is which is the primordial sense; the hand is lima simply by virtue of its possession of five enumerable fingers. The following notes have to do with the varieties in form of the five-lima. In Baki and in some other unnamed dialect of Epi the o of jimo, limo, is explicable on my theory of the neutral vowel; this vowel change is found in Basakrama, Saru, and the Togean Islands in Indonesia. The l-j muta- tion occurs also in Aneityum ni-jman. The m-n mutation in Marina and Tangoan Santo Una is found again in manu (317) bird Marina nanu, and mata (324) eye Marina nata. Eromanga shows a /iw-composite with the element sik-suk-suo. Motu ima finds its only congener in the extreme east, not in Tahiti this time but in theadjacent archipelago of the Marquesas. Aneityum, with n-article and attraction of the nearest vowel, yields two forms, jiman and kiman, each with the n suffix. The former has already been discussed ; the l-k mutation is found only once again in lima (313) hand Nggao kame Vaturanga kima. We now find in the northern New Hebrides a group of lima forms prefaced by tava in no less than four vowel variants and a fifth in which the initial t has been abraded. Not a word of expla- nation is offered in any of Codrington's disquisitions upon these numerals. I venture the suggestion that the added element may find some illumination DATA AND NOTES. 367 in Efate tefa (24) to arrange in a row, as one who should tally one-two- three-four, and five-in-a-row, this being as plain to view when the fingers are down as when they are up. The prefix in Bierian ilima and Malekula Pangkumu erim is probably not a formative accretion ; it is very close to such a truly Polynesian use as e lima for five, the e being the visible sign that lima functions as verb. Thus, also, may Santo Wulua and King be accounted for. In Tanna we have (Weasisi, Kwamera, Naviliag) three composites of a lima form {lum, rum) with the initial element kari. In two other Tanna forms (Numerat, Nerokwag, Ra'na) we see fccm-variants (kit, her) capable of carrying the five sense without lum. Therefore I regard the karilum forms as determinant composites in which each member has the same meaning. In Indonesia the variations are less extreme. We note composites in Salibabo and Gani, but neither de- nor Up- is at all associable with the composition members which have been found in Melanesia. Wahai nima reproduces Tonga, Uvea, and Moiki forms, yet the only trace thereof in Melanesia is found in lima (313) hand Saa ninime New Ireland nemdn Nifilole nime Ulawa nimanima, for which we have no record of a five-Ztwa. Dyak ma finds a transition phase in Motu ima and yet more positive support in Bierian ma hand. It is quite impossible to see in Arabic Warns a form homogenetic with lima. 3*3- lima, nalima na, the hand. Samoa, Fakaafo, Nukuoro, Futuna, Niue, Sikayana, Hawaii, Mana- hiki: lima, hand, arm. Liueniua: makalima, id. Tahiti, Rarotonga, Nuguria, Aniwa, Fotuna, Rapanui, Mangareya, Paumotu: rima, id. Moriori: ririma, id. Maori: ringa, id. Tonga, Uvea: nima, id. Moiki: ngima, id. Marquesas: iima, ima, id. Viti: linga, hand, arm. Epi, Maewo, Merlav, Gog, Nggela, Arag, Malo, Mota, Santo, Lakon, Bugotu, Buka, Duke of York, New Georgia, New Britain, Baravon, Pala, Laur, Lamassa : lima, the hand, arm. Alite : limalima, id. New Ireland (Carteret Harbor) : limak, bralima, id. Ruavatu: limenamanu, wing of a bird. Omba: limegi, hand, arm. Buka: tenia, id. Mota: limwat, id. ho: limwe, id. Kiriwina: iamila, id. King: lama, id. Marina: Una, id. Wango: rimarima, id. Mugula, Tavara, Taupota, Galavi, Kubiri, Kiviri: nima, id. Suau, Sariba, Tubetube, Panaieti, Tagula, Nada, Dobu, Wedau, Mukawa: nima, hand, arm. Ulawa: nimanim a, hand. Nifilole : nime, id. Saa: ninime, id. New Ireland (Duffield) : nemdn, id. Epi : sima, id. Vaturanga : kima, id. Hula, Keapara: gima, hand, arm. Sinaugoro: gima, hand. Nggao: kame, id. Epi: yima, id. Roro, Motu: ima, arm. Mekeo, Pokau, Galoma, Rubi: ima, hand, arm. Uni, Doura, Kabadi, Sinaugoro, Galavi, Boniki, Kwa- gila: ima, hand. Kabadi: imana, arm. Roro: imana, hand. Fagani: ruma, id. Epi (Baki) : juma, id. Oiun: uma, id. 368 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Epi (Bierian) : ma, id. Aneityum: ni-jman, ni-kman, id. Tanna: neVlimiin), id. Santo Wulua: lemantra, id. Macassar, Champa, Sulu: lima, hand, arm. Kisa: liman, id. Cajeli: limamo, id. Morella: limaka, id. Batumerah: limawah, id. Magindano: alima, id. Bouton: olima, id. Teor: limin, id. Bolanghitam: rima, id. Liang: rimak, id. Menado: rilma, id. Arabic : alh'ams, the fingers. Most of the form varieties here presented have received consideration in the preceding item. Note should be made of the fact that the meaning includes the whole member from fingertip to shoulder, along the inner aspect as far as the axilla. Two forms, sima and yima, assigned to Epi without particularization of dialect, are entirely anomalous, yet their der- ivation from lima is not to be doubted. Santo Wulua lema-ntra introduces an unexplained element ; the same is true of the Tanna composite and of the bralima of Carteret Harbor in New Ireland. 3H- lolofa, lulum, lumu, to be wet, moistened ; Iuma, to sink, to dip. Samoa: lolo, lofia, to flood, to overflow; lolo, to be wet (as the clothes). Tonga : lolo, to rain in torrents; lomaki, flood, deluge. Futuna : lofia, inundated, submerged, inundation ; lomaki, deluge, inundation. Niue: lofia, overflowed. Uvea: lolo, to flow; lovai, deluge; lomaki, id. Maori: roma, a stream; rumaki, to duck in the water. Hawaii : lu, to dive or plunge in the water; lama, lumai, to put to death by putting the head under water. Mangareva: akarumakimaki, to dive often, to inun- date. Paumotu : rumaki, to sink in the water. Viti : luvu, to sink in the water, to drown ; luvutha, to flood, to over- flow; luvuraka, to put under the water, to press a thing down under the water; ndrondro, a current, chiefly of the sea. Raluana : lowon, a stream ; lolonga, to flow. Duke of York : lomon, a flood. Kiviri: loloro, a. river. Malagasy: rubuka, plunged, dipped, soaked. Hebrew: seba', to dip into; 'istaba', to be wet, moistened. Arabic, Chaklee, id. We find two stems, lof and lom, each showing a tendency to vowel shift and appearing as luf, lum. The common factor is lo or lu, the common signification of water and a motion, one of water in motion, the other of motion into water. These senses are not restrictive in the languages which have both stems, and we are not warranted in suggesting more than that there may have been a distinctive value to each of the terminal consonant modulants, but that in the drift along the ages and across the seas the distinction has in some places become obscured. Stem lof. This is found in Efate, Samoa, Futuna, Uvea, Niue, Raluana, with the o-radical. This is accordingly seen to be Nuclear Polynesian ; the omission of Tonga from the habitat of this stem is due to the fact that our dictionary authority affords no instance which distinctly proves a lof form, yet Tonga records lolo, which in Samoa is seen to belong to lof. DATA AND NOTES. 369 Stem lom. This occurs in Tonga, Futuna, Uvea, Niue, Maori, and Duke of York with the o-radical ; and with the ^-radical in Efate, Maori, Hawaii, Mangareva, and Paumotu. If it were not for the ^-radical in Efate we should be wholly justified in the statement that Iof and lom are Proto- Samoan, lum Tongafiti; and this is indeed probable, for Maori roma is explicable as carried by the direct migration which our material shows to have passed from Nuclear Polynesia to New Zealand. This would afford us an explanation of malu water, the bonito fishing euphemism. It might be a conditional form of the lum stem, adopted for this purpose as a slightly alien word and therefore incomprehensible since the bonito understands Samoan perfectly. This would not be the only instance in which the honorific speech has drawn from a foreign source. In the Viti ndrondro is clearly the Proto- Samoan lolo (Iof stem) and the reinforcement of the r points out that the primal stem was rof with r grasseye. Luvu would seem to be a vowel mutation on the luf stem derived from a source in which the r had become /. Against this is to be set the fact of luvutha and luvuraka. The former implies a stem luvuh, luvus, or luvut; in the latter we may choose to regard, and with much reason, the r of raka as non-radical and that this termination is applied evenly to all open stems. Without support in transition forms we are not at liberty to admit the Malagasy, the extraneous k being the obstacle. The Semitic is, of course, beyond the range of possibility; the sole point of resemblance being the b, and this is not sufficient to carry the load of the former consonants. 315- mala, malala, the cleared place in each village where the ceremonial drums are set up; a place or part (as of a garden); malmal, a small place or part. Samoa : malae, the town green. Nukuoro : malae, a cleared space, an open place, a plantation. Tonga : malae, a green, a grass plot. Futuna, Uvea: malae, the public place in front of the houses. Hawaii: malae, smooth (as a plain) . Niue: male, an open space, plaza of a village. Fotuna: marai, public house. Maori: marae, an inclosed place in front of a house. Tahiti: marae, the sacred place of worship. Mangaia: marae, the sacred inclosure of sacrifice. Tongarewa : marae, a sacred inclosure. Paumotu: marae, a temple. Mangareva: marae, a temple. Nuguria: marai, an open meeting-place. Viti: mora, a burying-place. Nggela: male, malei, a place. Laur: malar, a town, a place. Bierian: ka-mali, public house, village. Baki: ko-meli, id. Malekula: he-mir, id. Malay: balai, an audience hall, a reception room. Arabic: 'ardf, 'ara', 'arat, an open place. Hebrew: 'arah, ma'ar, sl naked space ; ma'drah, a plain or field devoid of trees. In note 261 I have advanced the opinion that malae is in form a condi- tional derivative of lae. This holds of the signification found in Nuclear Polynesia. The secondary sense which the Tongafiti carried to eastern 370 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Polynesia has obscured the lae element ; but the sacrosanct content of the viarae in the four-godded theology of eastern Polynesian is after all but a logical outgrowth of the Nuclear Polynesian malae as the civic center of social life where god is sole, supreme — and Lucretian. We note with interest that the Maori marae is Nuclear Polynesian rather than Tongafiti — again that Samoan voyage due south. In the Viti vara is the town green. Mara, therefore, shows the condi- tional form of this abbreviated ra-stem. In Efate mala is the homotype of Viti vara, and the subduplication malala is clearly a duplication of stem la under the conditional prefix. It is clear, then, that malmal, duplicated mal, can have nothing to do with mala, and there is nothing in the signification to require its association therewith. In the remainder of our Melanesian material we shall have no difficulty in following out the signification by metonymy, its most conspicuous area standing for the town which surrounds it. The word public house in Epi and Malekula is awkward as suggesting the tavern idea with its connotation in the English mind of the traffic in liquors. Island hospitality maintains the largest house in every hamlet for the reception of visitors, and as this is always at the point of honor on the town green it might reasonably assume the designation thereof. Aneityum has inmaleom, inmaliyum, inmalyum, town or city. At first sight, after dissociating the article in, they look like malae homogenetics. They are really composites of in-mal a collection of objects and eom (265) house. Without supporting evidence the Malay balai (Tregear's suggestion) is no more than an interesting resemblance. The Semitic stems in 'rh. The resemblance to the Polynesian lies only with respect to the I of the simple /a-stem, and this is not enough to serve as a basis for further deduction. 316. malum, weak, faint, soft. Cf. malua 4. Samoa: main, gentle, easy, soft. Tonga: main, loose, soft, mild, easy. Uvea, Nukuoro: malu, tender, soft. Hawaii: malu, quiet. Futuna: malu, tender. Nuguria: mam, soft. Tahiti: maru, soft, gentle, easy. Paumotu: hakamaru, to grow milder. Rapanui : maruaki, to decay. Viti: malumu, weak, faint, sick, soft. Nggela, Savo, Bugotu: malumu, soft. Duke of York: malumalum, to faint with hunger; galom, soft. Malekula: malum, soft, meek, gentle. Laur: malmalungana, weak, feeble. Maewo, Merlav, Malo, Mota: malumlwm, soft. Mota: mala, id. Vuras, Santo: melumlum, id. Mosin, Norbarbar: molumlum, id. Pak, Sasar, Motlav: mulumlum, id. Aneityum: mulmul, id. Vaturanga: maluka, id. Lo: melunglung, id. Alo Teqel: mulunglung, id. Volow: melemwlemw , id. Lambell: mala, weak, feeble. Tangoan Santo: nalum, soft, meek, gentle. Fagani: marumurumu, soft. Lamassa: martin, calm (of the wind. Mukawa: merumeruna, soft. Kubiri: m em eruna, id. DATA AND NOTES. 371 Saparua, Teluti : main, soft. Matabello, Gah : maluis, id. Amblaw : maloh, id. Batumerah: mahita, id. Malagasy: lemi, soft- ness, meekness; malemi, soft, meek, gentle. Malay: lamah, soft, flexible, weak. Java: lamas, id. Arabic: haluma, halim', to be gentle, weak. The stem is malum or malumu. This is in form a conditional of lumu, a primitive not yet as such identified. In the Polynesian we have the utmost abrasion in main. This may per- haps be identified with Lambell mala. I have associated herewith Lamassa manlu; we are not yet sufficiently acquainted with this recently reported language to know whether n is such an infix as is common in the not distant Indonesia, or if man is a local form of the common wa-conditional. The malum form appears in Efate and Malekula. Vaturanga maluka is not properly in this family ; it forms a small group with Eromanga molok- loku, Sesake manukunuku, Mota manoga, and Motu manoka. On the m-n mutation in Tangoan Santo malum see note 312. The Duke of York galom may not be malum, but there can be no doubting the identity of lorn. The subduplicated malumlum occupies an interesting position in the New Hebrides and is illuminative of the manner in which loan material is broken in foruse byan alien race. Itwillmore convenientlybe studied by dissection. The ma-conditional retains its a in Mae wo, Merlav, Malo, Mota. It becomes me in Vuras, Santo, Lo and Volow. Mosin and Norbarbar have altered it to mo. Pak, Sasar, Motlav, and Alo Teqel have allowed it to degenerate to mu. If we regard this last as an attraction to the vowel of the lum element we shall find the same principle of attraction operative in Volow wielemwlemw, but not in Lo melunglung. The lum-stem remains unaltered over the greater part of this subdistrict ; in Lo and Alo Teqel it becomes lung; in Volow it not only changes to the difficult mw, but accompanies it with a vowel change to e. Aneityum mulmul offers a problem. Codrington (Melanesian Languages 91) suggests the probability that it is metathetic for lumlum; metathesis is rarely employed in Aneityum, but see pula (284) to shine Aneityum laav, lav, and it would be the solitary instance in which we have identified the primal stem lum. On the other hand Aneityum has taken such liberties with its Polynesian loan material that if we regard mulmul as a degraded mulumulu the foregoing note as to the impracticability of Efate malmal would have far less application. The duplication anomalies of Duke of York m alum alum and Laur malmalungana are less considerable when we record that the remote languages of the eastern portal have developed their duplication mechanics along lines quite other than those which I have established for Polynesia. In Indonesia the best identification, despite wide vowel diversity, is the Malagasy. Inverting the apparently metathetic Java and Malay forms we find stems in s, malas, malah, akin to Amblaw maloh, probably to Matabello and Gah maluis, and by a frequent change akin to Batumerah maluta. For this reason the malu of Saparua and Teluti, despite its present identity with Polynesian malu, probably is an abraded mains. In the Arabic haluma we should have a close resemblance if it were possible to establish the identity of ha as a conditional and homogenetic with ma. 372 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 3*7- manu, a bird. Samoa, Tonga, Tahiti, Mangareva, Rarotonga, Mangaia: manu, birds and animals in general. Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Fotuna, Bukabuka : manu, animals. Maori, Hawaii, Nnguria, Rapanui, Marquesas, Tongarewa : manu, birds. Paumotu: manu, birds; manumanu, animals, insects. Viti: manumanu, birds and animals. Rotuma: manman, birds. New Ireland (Carteret Harbor) : manuk, bird. Tanna: manug, id. Motu, Sesake, Epi, Bierian, Maewo, Mota, Ulawa, Wango, Bululaha, Fagani, Saa, Arag, Omba, Vaturanga, Bugotu, Nggela, Nguna, Ruavatu, Ugi, Belaga, Pokau, Kabadi, Sinaugoro, Hula, Keapara, Galoma, Rubi, Suau, Nada, Awalama, Taupota, Mukawa, Wedau: manu, id. Uni: manumanu, id. Lambell, Lamassa, Tubetube, New Ireland (Carteret Harbor): mani, id. Kiriwina, Dobu: manua, id. Moanus: manual, id. Merlav, Mota, Norbarbar, Gog, Vuras, Mosin, Tubetube, Murua, Pala, Laur: man, id. Brierly Island: maan, id. Aneityum: in-man, id. Makura:na-waw,id. Eromanga: menok, id. Baki, West Epi: menu, id. Pak, Motlav, Norbarbar, Sasar, Volow: men, id. Malekula: ni-min, id. Vanua Lava, Lo, Alo Teqel, Retan: mow, id. Alite: malu, id. Marina :nanu, id. Kubiri, Raqa, Oiun: mamu, id. Lakon: mah, id. Tagula : ma, id. Malay, Sulu, Visayas: manuk, bird. Guaham: manug, id. vSavu, Kisa, Menado, Sanguir, Sula, Morella, Caimarian, Baju, Sali- babo: manu, id. Togean Islands: manu, the domestic fowl (tonji, bird). Bouton: manumanu, bird. Amblaw, Awaiya: manue, id. Cajeli: manui, id. Mayapo: manuti, id. Teluti: manuo, id. Ahtiago: manuwan, id. Kayan, Magindano, Matu, Gah, Matabello, Teor: manok, id. Bolanghitam: manoko, id. Saparua, Lariko, Liang, Batumerah: raawo, id. Gani : manik, id. Waigiou Alfuros : mani, id. Dyak : monok, id. Wahai: malok, id. Malay: burung, id. Malagasy : vuruna, id. Hebrew: />arafr, to fly. Syriac: parah, id.; par oh to, birds. Arabic: farhu, young of birds. Hebrew: efroah, id. Several of the early missionaries comment with a fine sense of humor upon the mistake the islanders made in calling the cow when first seen a bird. This is the word which led the good missionaries into the error of their own ignorance. Manu is as wholesale in its signification as our word animal, it is generic. In the paucity of brute mammalia the first missionaries found this general term most frequently used of birds, and it was their and not a Polynesian mistake to translate manu into bird. In the material here collected it will be seen that the significations animal and bird are widely extended. In the Paumotu insects are included ; the same is true of Mota, where manu signifies beetle as well as bird. Nor is its applicability restricted to earth and air; it reaches into the sea as well. Samoa uses ilamanu (fish-animal) for the whale, and see note 130 for a discussion of manu in the fish sense. Lakon mah means bird and fish. If this stood by itself we might accept it DATA AND NOTES. 373 as manu in an advanced stage of dilapidation ; but since it appears as mes in Vuras and as mast in Maewo we see that it can not be from the waww-stem. Aside from this Lakon mah the Melanesian identifications are sufficiently satisfactory to pass without detailed comment. We find a final palatal in New Ireland, Tanna, and Eromanga. The former might be ascribed to a Post- Polynesian Indonesian source, but Tanna and Eromanga lie outside the limits which we may conveniently assign to the raids of Dyak prahus. On the other hand, if we ascribe the fe-final to a stem manuk we shall be forced to regard that as earlier than manu, both from the internal motion of the language and from the fact that these two languages in general preserve primitive forms. Two objections arise in opposition to the view that manuk is primordial : one that the fe-final has not been preserved in those Melane- sian languages which have an idiosyncratic disposition toward closed stems, and these are the languages in which the word appears as man and variants ; the other that Indonesia in general preserves the later rather the earlier Polynesian forms, Tongafiti rather than Proto-Samoan. The Moanus manuai may be a local suggestion of inflection; yet since that language is the propylon of the eastern gateway, the nearest to Indonesia, we need have no hesitation in recognizing its association with such forms as Ahtiago manuwan, Teluti manuo, Amblaw and Awaiya marine, Cajeli manui. These occur in Ceram and Buru, south of Gilolo, and one might expect to find their influence most prominently felt through the southern gateway; but our earliest records from New Guinea distinctly mention Ceram as the source of the Malay raids along the north shores of that great island, therefore in the direction of Moanus. The preponderance of manuk-stems is manifest in the Indonesian record. Wahai malok shows the same n-l mutation as Alite main. Malay burung and Malagasy vuruna are clearly homogenetic inter se; equally they are dis- sociated from the common word of the three island areas. If the Semitic has even a resemblance it can only be to the Malay and Malagasy, therefore none with the manu or manuk of this study. 318. mate, to die ; matemate, to be quiet, soft, gentle ; matian, death ; matingo, the grave. Samoa: mate, to die (used of beasts; oti used of mankind). Tonga, Fakaafo, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Vate, Maori, Tahiti, Rarotonga, Marquesas, Mangareva, Bukabuka, Manahiki, Paumotu: mate, to die. Nukuoro: mate, id.; hakamate, to kill. Rapanui: mate, ill, dead, to die; hakamate, to murder. Tongarewa: mate, death. Nuguria: umate, dead. Aniwa: komate, to be dead. Hawaii : make, to die. Fotuna : kono-mate, to die ; tah-mate, death. Viti: mate, to die. Merlav, Maewo, Omba, Arag, Marina, Malo, Bierian, Sesake, Nggela, Vaturanga, Nguna, Motu, Solomon Islands, Suau, Mota: mate, to die. Tubetube: unui-ia-mate, to kill. Fagani, Wango, Mekeo,Ulawa; ma'e, todie. Doura: make, id. Kiriwina: katu- mata, to kill. Dobu : loe-masa, id. Saa : ma'e, ma'esie, to die; ha'ama'esi, to kill. Ugi : mae, to die ; haamaesi, to kill. Santo : mati, id. Nada, Massim, Murua : matt, to die. Mosin, Gog, 374 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Lakon, Norbarbar, Retan, Pala, Laur, Lamassa, Duke of York, Motlav, Volow : mat, id. New Britain: matmat, makmak, sick, faint. Lambell, King: imat, to die. Buka: nimat, matte, maten, sick; mat, matte, amatte, dead. Pak, Alo Teqel; ma', to die. Sasar: ma, id. Ambrym: mar, id. Sinaugoro: mase, id. Motu: maze, id. Kiriwina: masisi, id. Aneityum: mas, id. Vuras: meat, id. Lo: met, id. Malekula : mej, id. New Ireland (Duffield) : oumet, id. Lifu: ram, id. Leon: me', id. Iai: mofe, id. Motlav, Vuras, Lakon, Retan, Marina, Vaturanga: mate, death. Merlav, Malo, Mota, Maewo: matea, id. Omba, Bierian, Arag, Nggela : matcana, id . Fagani: ma'efa, id. Wango (upland) : ma'ha, id. Ulawa: ma'enga, id. Mosin: wa/a, id. Pak, Sasar: ma' a, id. Volow, Norbarbar: mete, id. Alo Teqel: rae'e, id. Lo: miji, id. Malekula: mejan, id. Macassar : mate, dead. Malay : mati, to die. Malagasy : maty, dead ; matimaty, lukewarm. Kisa: maki, dead. Magindano: to die. Arabic : mata, to die, to become calm (of wind), to soften by cooking The employment of oti in Samoa for the death of a man is not so much euphemism as the paying of proper respect to the superior animal, for oti (219) means finished. To the high-minded Samoan there can be no sym- pathy with Ecclesiastes : "the sons of men are a chance and the beasts are a chance, and one thing befalleth them ; as the one dieth, so dieth the other ; yea, they have all one spirit; and man hath no preeminence above the beasts." Not the meanest Samoan sinks to the level of the brute, even in the article of death. The beast dies, the humblest of men at least finishes. For them of high degree there is yet more compliment ; the head of the house dies not, but goes to the council (usufono), the chief goes on in majesty (maliu, afio), the heavens are rent in twain (inasaesaelelangi) , and the rain beats down (timuto). Certain families die with circumstance. Death comes not to Tangaloa, he has but gone far afishing (ta'atin) ; and similarly on Asiata's demise the stools of bamboo are swept clean away (tafealetau'ofe), such a fishing has he gone upon. When Tuala goes the very winds hold their peace (matangitongaina); over the funeral mats of Fiame the moon comes tumbling out of the sky (pa'Tdemasina) ; when Te'o's eyes are closed darkness palls the land (polenu'u), and when Mata'afa leaves the earth the heavens are turned upside down (mafulilelangi) . If this be euphemism it is of the nth power. In Melanesia we find a considerable area in which the full form of the mate-stem is preserved, and within it is a district at the extreme south of the Solomon Islands in which the t vanishes. Rudely and at a considerable distance Lifu meet may be considered to preserve the full stem, yet with such a t-k mutation as is found near by in Iai mok, in one of Tregear's unprecisely localized New Britain forms, and in Hawaii and in the most modern Samoan. Interlaced with the mate-area is another equally consid- erable in which we find the abraded mat. Aneityum mas rests upon the t-s mutation, which is rather well established; it appears in Ugi haamaesi and occurs again in sa (337) bad Aneityum has. Vuras meat probably DATA AND NOTES. 375 results from the insertion of e before a and i before e in a closed syllable which Codrington (Melanesian Languages, 322) notes as characteristic of Volow; there is, however, a possibility that it is rudely metathetic. Abra- sion proceeds still further to ma in Pak, Alo Teqel, and Sasar, and with vowel change to me in Leon. The noun forms follow the same course. In Indonesia the stem is rare, but the identifications here presented are satisfactory. The Semitic bears a strong resemblance. 3i9- me, meme, urine; me, mea, to make water, to flow, to wet. Samoa: muni, to make water; mianga, urine. Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Tahiti, Rarotonga, Marquesas, Mangareva: mimi, urine, to urinate. Paumotu, Nukuoro: mimi, to urinate. Nuguria, Rapanui: mimi, urine. Maori: mi, to urinate; mimi, urine, to urinate; mianga, urination, to urinate. Hawaii: mi, mimi, mia, to urinate ; mii, miana, the place for urinating, the member employed; mimi, urine. Viti: mi, mimi, urine, to urinate. Lamassa, Lambell, New Britain: mimi, urine, to urinate. Laur: mim, urine. Aneityum: ami, to urinate. Tanna: (t)ami, id.; n-ami, urine. Baravon, Duke of York: minimi, to urinate. King: minime, urine. Motu: mei, urine. Mota: meme, urine, to urinate. Malekula: meme, to urinate ; ne- me, urine. Malo : meremerc, urine, to urinate. Malagasy: amani, urine; mamani, to urinate. Arabic: maha, to have water (of a well), to leak (of a ship), to pour water. Hebrew: me, euphemism for urine. The Proto-Samoan stem is clearly mi, for had it been a closed stem the commonly abraded consonant would have been preserved in the Samoan derivative, whereas we find it mianga. This stem is preserved through Melanesia with but few variations. For Malo meremcre we can suggest no principle upon which to account for the r. Our other variants look toward Malagasy in two ways. Aneityum and Tanna have its introductory a, which is inexplicable. In the eastern gate- way we find the pure Polynesian mi, yet within sight of New Britain and New Ireland we find minimi on the Duke of York Group and even in New Britain itself in Baravon; and in New Ireland King minime marches with Laur, Lambell, and Lamassa mimi, mim. This introduces the Malagasy n. I prefer to regard it as an infix and ascribe it to Post-Polynesian influence from Indonesia. As we have no supporting evidence in Indonesia the Malagasy forms may not wholly be accepted nor yet wholly denied. The Hebrew me is a resemblance, the Arabic maha is foreign in sense and not easily to be reconciled in form. 320. melu, shade, protection; melu, melumelu, to be shady. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea: mala, a shade, a protection, to be sheltered, to be shaded. Hawaii: main, a shade, a 376 THE: POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. shadow. Tahiti, Raro tonga, Mangareva: maru, id. Rapanui: hakamaru, to cover with shade; marumaru, a shade, dark; koona (place) marumaru, a shelter. Maori: maru, to be shaded, sheltered. Fotuna: marumaru, to be clouded, shade. Nukuoro: maru, a shadow. Paumotu: hakamaru, to shadow. Marquesas: man, a shade, a shadow. Viti: malumalu, shade. New Britain : malur, shade. Baravon: malmalur, shady. Duke of York, Kabakada : marum, night. Matupit : marum, darkness. Uambell: morrom, dark. King: mirrum, id. Mota: malu, shade. Malo: mala, id. Malekula: na-mor, id. Baki: vamelu, id. Bierian: fomelu, id. Malagasy: malomaloka, shady, cool, gloomy. Hebrew: 'afel, 'afal, obscure, dark; 'amel, 'amel, to languish, to droop, to hang the head. The Proto-Samoan stem is malu, in contradistinction from malu cool of the malung-stem. The Polynesian and Efate are in sense agreement. The vowel a of Samoan malu would readily be represented in Efate by e; the e is not explained. In other of the New Hebrides the identifications may be followed readily as noted above. For comparison I include here Aneityum nalmui, nalmun, picture, shadow ; removing the n-article and restoring the attracted vowel to its proper position we find a stem lamu which might be admitted as metathetic malu. In the eastern gateway we find what seems to be a very probable group of identifications ; in sense the passage from shade to dark- ness and thence to night is a rational chain, and there is no more form difficulty in malu-malur-marum-mirrum. The Malagasy is probably homogenetic, but in the absence of central Indonesian forms we may not be positive. Where the Hebrew agrees in meaning it is remote in form; where the form seems to come into some suggestion of resemblance the sense is remote. 321. mini -ngi, minu, minu ngi, munu, munu-ngi, munuina, to drink. Samoa, Fakaafo, Nukuoro, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Nuguria, Maori, Tahiti, Hawaii, Marquesas, Mangareva, Mangaia, Tonga- rewa, Rarotonga, Manahiki : inn, to drink. Aniwa : inumia, id. Rapanui : unu, to drink ; hakaunuora, to wrater, to make to drink. Sikayana: unu, id. Fotuna: no-cinu, id. Viti: ngunuva, unuma, to drink. Rotuma: inu, id. Malo, Roro, Mekeo, Motu, Waima: inu, to drink. Motu, Pokau: inua, id. Nggela: inu, inuvia, id. King: iniim, id. Kabadi: inura, id. Uni: inui, id. Hula: niu, id. Sinaugoro, Keapara, Galoma, Rubi: inua, id. Uni: bibinu, id. Duke of York: inim, id. Motlav: in, nin, id. Malekula: min, id. Mota : tin, unuv, ima, id. Panaieti : im, id. Misima : nai-im, id. Lo: m-un, id. Nguna: manu, id. Makura: munum, id. Epi (Baki, Bierian): muni, id. Marina: o'omia, ulumia, id. DATA AND NOTES. 377 Sariba, Tubetube, Dobu: numa, id. Tanna: numi, id. Suau: nom, id. Tavara: uma, id. Taupota, Wedau, Galavi, Boniki: umai, id. Awalama: umaia, id. Kiriwina : mum, id. Tanna: (t)amaniim, id. Kiviri: toman, id. Raqa: tanuma, id. Kubiri: foraa, id. Oiun: torn, id. Murua: amomu, id. Aneityum: umnyi, id. Malay: minum, pinum, to drink. Pampangas: minom, id. Magin- dano: ominum, id. Tagalog: ominom, id. Malagasy: ram- nuna, id. Java: nginum, id. Togean Islands : mangino, id. Syriac: mistuta, to drink. Chaldee: .y'/'a', }is't'o\ id. Hebrew: .y'a/'a, id. Ethiopic: sataya, id. Hebrew: s'akah, id. Arabic: saka\ id. Ethiopic: sakaya, id. It is by no means easy to determine the primal stem. We shall best consider the series of forms, paying no regard here to the vowel change. inum. Polynesia ubique, Viti, Rotuma, Malo, Motu, King, Duke of York, Motlav, Mota, Tanna, Marina. minum. Efate, Malekula, Lo, Nguna, Makura, Baki, Bierian, Tanna, Malay, Pampangas, Magindano, Tagalog, Java. minung. Efate, Malagasy, Togean Islands. inuv. Nggela, Mota. nginuv. Viti. The vowel interchange appears not to be critical, for most of the t-forms are paralleled by similar u -forms. The common factor of all these stems is inn; this may be modulated by a final m, ng or v, and by a frontal m, ng. If we take the position that m and ng may stem in a common parent we have simplified the problem in but a small degree ; we still have to consider an inn which may be intro- duced by a nasal and which may close in a nasal or a labial spirant. After the preceding stem classification we need comment on but a few more irregular phases. In Motlav nin we find an uncoordinate form; in may be abraded inu, nin may perhaps present the central nasal n, which should stand in the position of the parent of initial ng-m, or it may be some obscure duplication. Mota un, nnuv, falls systematically into the scheme of stems ; but the Maligo ima seems impossible to place. The Marina forms suggest affiliation with the mwm-stem ; the n-l mutation is well established over a wide area, but this is the only case in which it is found in Marina ; and the excision in o'omia is left unexplained. Tanna numi and Epi muni are most readily disposed of as metathesis, of the types 2341 and 4321, respectively. Aneityum is very obscure, yet it does seem to preserve a trace of minu. There is, as we have seen, abundance of confusion in the island areas; but not so much as one confounded form comes into the slightest resem- blance with the Semitic st root. 322. mirama-ni, merama, to be light, to shine; e meromina, in the light (as opposed to abokas, the dark and gloomy underworld of Hades), in the world, the world. 378 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Samoa: malama, the moon, a light, a lamp or torch, to be light; malamalama, to be light. Tonga: malama, brightness, to shine. Futuna : malama, the world, the universe, a lamp or light, brilliancy. Uvea: malama, a light, a lamp, to light up. Hawaii: malama, light; malamalama, a light, to shine. Sika- yana: malama, the moon. Manahiki: malamalama, light. Fotuna: marama, light; mrama, the moon. Nuguria: marama, light. Maori: marama, the moon, light, to be light, to be bright. Tahiti: marama, the moon ;maramarama, the light, to be light. Mangareva : marama, daylight, the moon. Rapanui : marama, brightness, light, day, to be bright; hakamarama, to shine. Rarotonga: marama, the moon, the light, bright, shining. Nukuoro: marama, the moon, bright. Niue: maama, light, to light up. Marquesas: maama, light of day; meama, the moon. Aniwa: umrama, the months. The month sense is found in Tahiti, Marquesas, Rarotonga and Maori asso- ciated with the moon signification, and in Hawaii is specificallv dissociated therefrom to characterize a solar month. Viti: malamalawa, the early part of the morning before daylight; rarama, light, rdmaka, to cast light upon; ramaka, shining from a distance. Sesake: marama, to be light. Gog: marmaran, to be lighted. Motlav: memreren, to become light. Volow: merercn, id. Tanna: mararen, light. Mota: maran, light, morning. Merlav: maran, light ; mamaraniga, lightsome. Bugotu, Nggela : marara, light. New Britain: malana, light. Kalil: mdlau, bright. Nengone: nerenc, to shine; ncreneni, to light. Aneityum: cf. alauma, to blaze. Bierian: mamama, light. Kayan: mala, a light, flame. Arabic : lama1 a, to shine. The Proto-Samoan stem is malamang, as shown in malamalamangia. The duplication form shows this to be a composite of the two stems mala and mang; thus it must be kept apart from forms of lama, which in Poly- nesia has the lighting sense only as secondary to its primal signification of a torch. The presence of n in Efate mirama-ni and eromina serves to associate these forms with the malamang-stem. Sesake marama is plainly Polyne- sian malama. Beyond these two points we seem forever on the verge of establishing an identification and as steadily the light proves to be but will-o-the-wisp glimmer. In Viti malamalawa is almost Samoan malamalama; this would require an m-w mutation; but m is the least variable of Polynesian conso- nants, our material not affording one instance of this hypothetical mutation ; the nearest is m-v in the solitary instance of ma'i (323) sick Nggela vahagi. The other Viti examples stem in lama, and that is contraindicated. The nearest approach to malama in the doubtful Melanesia is New Britain (not specified) malana; on the m-n mutation see note 312. The marara of Bugotu and Nggela requires an m-r mutation, for which we find no support. In the New Hebrides we find various phases of a stem which at its simplest DATA AND NOTES. 379 is found as maran in Mota and Merlav. It is quite plain that if maran is to be associated with malamang at all, it can only be with the composition element mala; this maran may be recognized in New Britain malana in its full strength and, after abrasion, as a subduplication form in marara. From maran the duplication of mar gives us Gog marmaran, yet side by side with this we find in Merlav mamaraniga a duplication of ma and not mar. Tanna mararen and Volow mereren require a peculiar duplication of ran. Motlav mcmreren joins to this anomalous duplication of ran an equally irregular duplication of ma. Kalil mdlau may derive from the abraded form of maran. Nengone ncrene, if we may accept the initial m-n mutation, brings us to a yet more archaic form of maran as an open stem marane, and that the ne is radical is made manifest by the subduplicated nereneni. Kisa mala is in kinship with this maran. The Semitic Im' skeleton is alien. 323- misaki, masaki, to be sick, to be ill, to have fever ; misaki, misakia, sickness. Futuna: masaki, sick, illness. Tonga: mahaki, id.; mahamahaki, feeble. Niue: mahaki, very great. Uvea: mahaki, sick, ill. Maori: mahaki, a cutaneous disease. Marquesas: maki, a wound. Rapanui: maki, a wound, plague. Mangaia : maki , sick, sickness. Mangareva, Nuguria, Paumotu: maki, sick, ill. Fotuna: maki, makinga, ill. Samoa: ma'i, sickness, to be ill; very. Tahiti: mai, disease. Hawaii: mai, sickness in general. Rapanui: mai, to be ill; a boil. Viti : mathake, specifically aphthae or thrush. Malekula Pangkumu: mcsek, sick, sickness. Epi: msaki, miei, id. King: miseit, sick. Saa: mated, id. Nggela: vahagi, id. New Britain: maki, makmak, matmat, id. Baravon: mail, id. Aneityum: mehe, sick; masaki, leprosy. Mota: masag, ague. Ilocan: masaquit, sick. Silong: makit, id. Kisa: maki, dead. Malay: sakit, sick. Arabic: s'aka' , to afflict one with a disease; s'akat,disease^,mas'kuw7v,, afflicted with a disease. In Polynesia the line of demarcation between masaki and maki is the classic division between the Proto-Samoan and the Tongafiti migrations, masaki pertaining to the older stock. That Samoa has the Tongafiti form need cause no surprise, for in Samoa the Proto-Samoans were held under Tongafiti subjugation until the historic battle of Matamatame. Similarly the presence of Proto-Samoan masaki in the Maori is but one more incident of that direct migration from Nuclear Polynesia to New Zealand which we have already isolated, and this reading is corroborated by the special use of mahaki as the name of one disease in particular. We observe a like particularization in Rapanui, Viti, Aneityum, and Mota. In Niue the expletive mahaki finds its parallel in Samoa in the same use of ma'i. "A plague on both your houses." Efate preserves the true masaki form, and Epi (Bierian) msaki is but slightly altered therefrom. Nggela vahagi would be reducible to masaki by 380 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. applying an m-v mutation. Mota masag and Malekula Pangkumu mesek are abraded forms. Aneityumme/^ is a further abrasion of mesek. Saadrops all its k's; therefore we can restore matai to mataki, hut we have no instance of s-t mutation in that language and perforce must deny ourselves this identification. King miseit needs but the restoration of k to come into agreement with Indonesian forms which have final t, Ilocan masaquit and Malay sakit. Baravon mait by the same restoration comes into agreement with Silong makit of the Tonganti stem. Furthermore New Britain maki is the same as Kisa maki. These three forms may be ascribed to Post- Polynesian intercourse with Indonesia. In form masaki sick is a conditional and implies a primal noun saki illness. This saki is found perhaps in Maori hakihaki the itch, and then not in quite the signification demanded ; again in the Malay with the same falling short in sense. Thus we see that, while the Arabic with its s'akat and mas'ktiww' offers a specious resemblance, it is after all a resemblance to something which does not really exist in our island languages. 324- mita, meta, bakamita, to look at, to watch, to observe, to view; mita na, the eye, the beginning, a bud or shoot, a window or door or other opening. Samoa: mata, matamata, to look at, to see, to view; mala, the eye, the face, the point, the edge, a mesh, the source or origin. Fakaafo, Moiki: mata, the eye. Nukuoro: mata, the eye; matakite, soothsayer; mata, the point; matakapupu, blunt; matapunou, blunt; mata, the face, looks; matapaupau, ugly; matatcnua, pretty; mata, any small thing; mataua, raindrops. Tonga: mata, to be seen; mamata, to see; mata, the eye, the face, the edge, a mesh. Futuna: mata, the eye, the face, the point of a lance; mamata, matamata, to see, to look at, to view. Niue: mata, mamata, to look at; mata, the eye, the face, an edge, a blade, a point of land. Uvea: mata, the eye, the face, a point; mata, matamata, to look like. Nuguria: mata, the face, to see; anomota, the eye. Maori: mata, the eye, the face, the edge, the point, the mesh; matamata, the point, extremity, source, a headland. Manahiki: mata, the eye. Tahiti: mata, the eye, the face, the beginning, the edge. Raro- tonga: mata, the eye, the face, the beginning. Marquesas: mata, the eye, the face. Mangareva : mata, the eye, physiog- nomy, the front, the point. Paumotu: mata, the appearance of a person. Rapanui: mata, the eye, face, visage, aspect. Tongarewa: mata, the eye; matamata, beads. Fotuna, Aniwa foimata, the eyes. Sikayana: karimata, the eye; lofimata, the face. Hawaii: maka, the eye, the face, the point, the edge, a bud. Viti: mata, the eye, the face, the front, the point, the source, the origin. Rotuma: maf, the face; maja, eye. Vaturanga, Pala, Kiriwina, Nggela: mata, the face. New Georgia: mata, isumata, the face. Southeast Epi, Bierian, Sesake, DATA AND NOTES. 381 Malekula, Arag, Maewo, Malo, Redscar Bay, Motu, Sinaugoro, Rubi, Mugula, Sariba, Tubetube, Misima, Nada, Murua, Dobu, Awalama, Taupota, Wedau, Galavi, Boniki, Mukawa, Kwagila, Kubiri, Raqa, Kiviri, Ohm, Port Moresby, Buka, Lambell, King, Lamassa, Moanus, New Ireland (Port Praslin), New Britain, Duke of York, Solomon Islands : mata, the eye. Suau, Tavara : mata, the eye, face. Lo : mata, a spear. Norbarbar : matah, id. Maewo : mataso, id. Merlav: matas, id. Mota: mata, the eye; matag, to see; matarag, to gaze at. Motlav: mata, na-mtege, the eye. Laur: mata, the eye; mat mata, the face. Baravon: mata, the eye. Volow: mata, the eye ; met, to see. Merlav: mete, eye; mata, to see. New Ireland (Carteret Harbor) : matak, the eye. Nggao : matata, the face. Brumer Islands : matada, the eye. Brierly Island : matara, id. Vuras: matai, id. Gog: mate, eye; matarag, to gaze at. Motlav, Vuras, Lakon : mate, eye. Kiriwina: mati, id. Iai: emakang, eye ; nimakan, the face. Uni, Pokau, Doura, Kabadi : maka, the eye. Aneityum: nes-ngani-mtan, ni-mtan, id. Panaieti: matan, id. Deni: maku, the face. New Ireland: mala, the eye. Tagula: mara, id. Pak: ma' an, id. Roro: maha, id. Mekeo: raa'a, the eye, face. Ulawa: waa, the face. Fagani, San Cristoval, Malanta: ma, the face. Hula, Keapara, Galoma: ma, the eye. Ambrym: meta, the eye. Santo: metana, id. Malekula: metan, id. Mosin: m«fe, id. Vuras, Mosin: mete, eye; meteg, to see. Alo Teqel: me'e, me'egi, the eye. Pak: me'ei, id. Duba: wa/, id. Gog: met, id. Volow: «!d, to see. Lifu: 7wefe, the eye. Maewo: ete, to see. Norbarbar: et, id. Tanna: nanime,nugane-mti(n), the eye; nupugane-mti, the face. Eromanga: nipmi, ni- mtu(m), id. Marina: nata, id. Baki: rat'ra, eye, face. Tubetube: mani, the face; manipo, the eye. Panaieti, Dobu: martini, the face. Misima: maneni, id. Murua, Kubiri, ma^', id. Nada, Kiriwina: ra^z, id. Galavi, Boniki: mag'ig'i, id. Kayan, Sulu, Savu, Ilocan, Tagalog, Pampangas, Bouton, Sanguir, Liang, Wahai, Baju, Togean Islands, Salayer, Menado, Bolang- hitam, Morella, Lariko, Saparua, Caimarian: mata, the eye. Malay: mata, the eye, the blade, the edge, the mesh, the source, the origin. Macassar: mata, the point, a mesh, a spring, the source. Awaiya : mata mo, the eye. Nicobar Central : matsha, the face. Matabello: matada, the eye. Silong: matat, id. Ahtiago Alfuros: matara, id. Wahai: matalalin, the face. Gah: matanirta, the eye. Teluti : matacolo, id . Batumerah: ma tava, id. Baliyon: matoh, id. Ahtiago: matan, id. Dyak: maten, id. Teor: matin, id.; matinotin, the face. Kar Nicobar: wa^, the eye. Kisa: makan, id. Tagalog: mucha, the face. Java: muka, id. Ilocan : muguing, id . Madura: m«a, id. Mysot: wwi morolu, the eye. Malagasy: wmso, the eye. Arabic: 'ana, to emanate (water), to see, to look at. 382 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. There is a wide range of significations in this stem. It will serve to express an opening as small as the mesh of a net or as large as the door of a house; it will serve to designate globular objects as large as the eye or as small as the bud on a twig or the drop of rain, and designating a pointed object it answers with equal facility for the sharpened tip of a lance or the acres of a headland ; it describes as well the edge of a paddle or the source from which a thing originates. As the islanders find no need to distinguish these and yet other senses no obligation rests upon us to seek to establish an artificial classification. We shall, therefore, in these notes consider only the varieties of form. In Polynesia the only variants are Hawaii maka, a modern kappation, and Rotuma maja under the influence of a local idiosyncrasy. It will be found making for greater simplicity to list the Melanesian forms and the Indonesian irregularities. mata. Vaturanga, Nggela, New Georgia, Bierian, Se- sake, Malekula, Maewo, Malo, Arag, Buka, Lambell, King, L,a- massa, Laur, Moanus, New Ireland (Carteret Harbor, Port Praslin), New Britain, Baravon, Duke of York, Solomon Islands, New Guinea (Port Moresby, Redscar Bay), Lo, Mota, Mot- lav, Merlav. matah. Norbarbar. matas. Merlav. mataso. Maewo. rnatak. New Ireland (Carteret Harbor). matata. Nggao; Silong. matada. Brumer Islands ; Matabello. This is a startling picture of degradation, yet at no point may we halt for any non plus ultra check to the dilapidation, for each step represents a sufficient transition phase between that which has gone before and that which is to come. Deni maku might suggest kappation, but even then the final u remains out of accord. Iai emakang and nimakan are clearly kappa- tion forms. In Tanna nanime and Eromanga nipmi it is possible that mi or me represents a yet more degraded phase than appears in Fagani, San Cristoval, and Malanta ma. Baki mira and New Ireland mala are to be grouped in development plane, but we have no evidence to establish their connection with mata. In Indonesia mata has equal predominance, but there are many variants. Of these, four are to be found in Melanesia: matada, matata, matara and mat. Many of these Indonesian variants are composites. The principal stem matara. Brierly Island; Ahtiago Alfuros. matai. Vuras. mat. Omba; KarNicobar. mala. New Ireland. ma'an. Pak. maa. Ulawa. ma. Fagani, San Cristoval, Malanta. mate. Gog, Motlav, Vuras, Lakon. meta. Efate, Ambrym, Santo, Malekula. mita. Efate. mete. Mosin, Vuras, Merlav. me'e. Alo Teqel, Pak. met. Gog, Volow. mek. Lifu. mt. Aneityum, Tanna, Ero- manga, Motlav. ete. Maewo. et. Norbarbar. DATA AND NOTES. 383 diversity is in the occurrence of »-forms in muka, mucha, muguing, mua, and mut, this deviation not being found in the Pacific areas. |# The1 Semitic 'ana resembles mata only in the possession of two a's, not at all a basis of association. 325- mot, motu, island, place, district; lit., that which is broken off. Samoa: motu, an islet, a district; motu, to be broken off, snapped asunder, severed. Tonga: motu, an island. Futuna: motu, an islet. Niue: motu, land, island, a country, (?) a clump of forest. Uvea: motu, an island; motu, to cut off. Nuguria: motu, an island, to break. Maori: motu, anything isolated, as an island, a clump of trees. Tahiti: motu, a low islet. Marquesas: motu, an island. Mangareva: motu, an elevated island. Rapanui: motu, an island, to cut, to break. Raro- tonga: motu, an island, a grove. Paumotu: motu-puhere, an island. Fotuna: tanga-motu, forest; motu tangata, multitude. Viti: Moturiki, name of an islet near Ovalau. Mota : motumotu, an island ; mot, bush, uncleared ground, land grown over with trees; motu, to break, as string; mot, to cut, to break, to stop short off. Duke of York: mutamuta, crumbs. Malay: put us, to break. Malagasy: maitu, broken asunder, snapped; maituitu, broken in pieces; utusana, being cut, broken, ^ snapped. Arabic: makta', a place. (Deriving this from kata'a, to cut off, Dr. MacDonald provides a common source for motu and koto-fi). The Proto-Samoan stem is motus. The island sense is particularly well marked in Polynesia, and the forest sense is closely parallel. In Niue I have felt it right to query the forest sense for the reason that it does not appear in the vocabulary, though it is clearly inferential from PercySmith's sketch map of the island. In Viti the word is found in one place name, Moturiki or little island, yet it is clearly established since this is the only interpretation that the word can have. In Melanesia it has not been recorded save in Efate and Mota. The Duke of York mutamuta may be related, but it lacks confirmatory support. The Indonesian is uncertain. The Malay requires evidence to uphold the m-p mutation. In the Malagasy it is quite unlikely that the composite ma-itu can have anything to do with motu, and utusana calls for an explana- tion of the abrasion of m-radical. In the Semitic if makta1 stems in a kt< root it can have no relation with motus. 326. mu, fu, to coo as a dove. Samoa: mui, to murmur; mumu, words spoken in private conver- sation; mumu, to be in swarms; langomumu, langofufu, the carpenter bee; muna, to grumble; musumusu, to whisper. Tonga: muhu, the sound as of persons talking together; muhu- muhu, to speak quietly together; mumu, to collect together; muna, to talk nonsense; langomu, a large fly. Futuna: mui, to collect together; muna, to speak, to murmur; musu, to 384 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. whisper. Niue: mumu, to crowd, to make a noise; langofufu, the carpenter wasp. Uvea: munamuna, to murmur. Maori: mu, a gentle noise; mumu, to murmur, to hum; muna, to tell privately. Tahiti: mu, a buzz; mumu, to make a confused noise, as a number of persons talking together; langomumu, the carpenter bee; omuhumuhu, to whisper to one's discredit. Hawaii: tomtom, to hum. Mangaia: mu, to sigh. Marquesas: mumu, a confused noise. Mangareva: amui, to assemble, as flies. Paumotu : muhumuhu, a dull confused noise ; muhimuhi, to murmur. Fotuna : mu, to buzz ; mumu, to whisper. Moiki : muna, to speak, to say. Nukuoro : fatumuna, to lie ; munaputonu, true; silengamuna, to interpret. Rapanui: huhu, buzzing. Viti : mumu, to go in troops or swarms. Motu: mu, to coo. Loyalty Islands: mumu, the pitcher wasp. Aneitvum: Hmu, to low (as cattle); ilmurilmu, to mumble. New Britain: mukumuku, to whisper. Mota: mum, to make an indistinct hum. Nicobar Central: mumu, a dove. Malagasy: moimoy, a low mur- mur, a hum; monomonona, a grumbling. Hebrew: hamah, to coo, to hum (as a multitude). Arabic: hamhamah, to murmur. I have here collected the principal stems having raw-initial for purposes of comparison. Connected with the mu of cooing there is a mu in Polynesia and beyond, and it is with this that we shall concern ourselves. In Samoa langomumu and langofufu it shows the same alternation as in Efate mu, fu. This fu is found but once more, Niue langofufu. Tonga exhibits this ele- mental mu only in the composite langomu. In Futuna this mu is absent; for mux, which is the same in form as Samoa mui to murmur, is here formed upon that mu to be a crowd which is found in Samoa, Tonga, and Niue mumu, and which is probably the same in Mangareva amui. In Niue mumu fails to observe the distinction between mu to buzz and mu to be a crowd. Fotuna, Maori, Tahiti, Marquesas and Hawaii have preserved this mu, and generally without duplication. Viti mumu is the mu to be a crowd. Motu has the same mu of sound, Aneityum ilmurilmu seems to be some sort of a ww-composite, Mota mum is readily seen to be mu reduplicated and then abraded. Nicobar mumu a dove may quite safely be identified with this mu of sound. But in the Malagasy moimoy, although the sense is satisfactory, the vowel anomaly is too great to be overcome ; and the monomonona could be associated only with muna. The Semitic involves elements not present in our mu; in fact the only point of form likeness is the m, and that is insufficient. 327- muri na, the after part of a thing. Samoa, Futuna : muli, the end, hind part, bottom, rump, to follow after. Uvea: muli, the end, the last, to follow. Nukuoro: muli, after, behind, in future; mule, slow. Nuguria: muri, aft. Rapanui: muri, the stern; i muri, hi muri, afterward, DATA AND NOTES. 385 behind. Maori: muri, the rear, hind part, afterward. Tahiti: muri, behind, afterward. Rarotonga: muri, behind, in the rear of, after. Mangareva: muri, behind, after. Paumotu: muri, the rear, behind, after. Bukabuka : tainamuri, younger. Fotuna: no-muri, to follow; muri, behind. Aniwa: wamuri, behind, after. Tonga : mui, the tail (of a bird), the end, hind part, to follow. Niue: mui, the last, to follow; muimui, the stern, hind part; muli, to follow. Marquesas: mui, after, behind. Viti: muria, to follow, to go behind. Nggela: muri, behind; tumuri, to follow. Motu: murimuri, out- side; muritai, the younger. Duke of York: murimuri, to follow; murumuru, to be behind. Kabakada: muru, back; mule, again, away. Baravon: muru, murmur, the last. New Britain: mulumulu, to follow after. Pala: mur, id. Matu: muli, to return. Pampangas: mulin, the stern. Macassar: kamudi, rudder, helm. Malay: burit, the fundament; buritau, the back, hind part, stern ; kamudi, rudder. Tagalog : huli, the stern. Visayas : uling, id. Malagasy : vudi, the posteriors, stern. Arabic: 'ah'h'ara, to be behind; mouh'ir, stern, hind part; 'eh'ir, end. Efate" muri is in exact accord with the Polynesian muli, muri, mui. The excision of the / in Tonga and Niue is not a regular mutation in those lan- guages, yet there are other instances. The fact that Niue has both muli and mui leads to the recognition of an attempt, not yet completed when the language was set by reduction to writing, to differentiate muli to follow and mui last. In Bukabuka tainamuri we can recognize tei (47) younger brother ; and in Motu the same elements in a different order, this being still one more instance of the concord of that Torres Straits station with the extreme east of Polynesia. Nukuoro mule slow is not a muli form ; it does not appear in Samoa, a rare instance of the failure to find in the most modern Samoan the source of Nukuoro vocables, but in Niue mule a long time, the source is plain. Since we know Niue to have been under direct obligations to Samoa we may regard Niue and Nukuoro as preserving a word which in Samoa went into disuse before record was made of the language. In Melanesia the muri identifications are few and widely scattered. The Duke of York muri and muru forms afford a transition phase by which we are enabled to accept muru despite the vowel modification, and to localize it in the eastern gateway and adjacent New Guinea. The Kabakada mule has no such signification as would serve to establish its affinity with the Nukuoro-Niue mule just discussed, or with muli. In Indonesia we encounter great variety of consonant mutation with absolute fixity of the u-i vowels. Pampangas mulin the stern is in form and in sense a perfect identification, after noting the ephelkustic n of this area. Matu muli to return is exact in form, but the sense is not so satis- factory. For I we have mutations to r and d; the former so common as not to need discussion, the latter found in Samoa and Sikayana of the Polynesian group and existing in a few traces (/-/, l-nd, l-j) in Melanesia. For m we have mutations to h, to v, to b, and to extinction. Not one of 386 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. these occurs in Melanesia save m-v in the solitary instance of ma'i (323) sick Nggela vahagi. In Polynesia none is represented, save as it may be considered to exist in the rare m-p exhibited in Samoa tumua'i the crown of the head Maori tumuaki and tupuaki Tahiti and Paumotu tupuaki. Acceptance of these forms, therefore, should be postponed. The Arabic mouh'ir is clearly a secondary form from stem 'hr, which shows no kinship with any form in which viuli appears. 328. namu, mamamami, the mosquito. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Sikayana, Nuguria, Nukuoro, Mangaia, Paumotu: namu, the mosquito. Maori: namu, the sandfly; namunamu, a blistering plaster. Marquesas: namu, a reddish gnat. Tahiti : namu, ramu, the mosquito. Fotuna : namo, id. Viti: namu, the mosquito. Rotuma: rom, id. Arag, Maewo, Duke of York, Mota, Nifilole, Fagani, Vaturanga, Nggela, Guadalcanar: namu, mosquito. Savo: namunamu, id. Marina: namugi, id. Lakon: namug, id. Bugotu, Buka: gnamu, id. Motu, Raqa, Wango: namo, id. Mukawa: namonamo, the fly. Galavi, Boniki: namonamo, the fly; namokiri, mosquito. Kubiri: nanamo, mosquito. Kiviri: nanam, id. Mekeo: anguma, the fly. Roro: aumaha, id. Merlav, Mota, Gog, Lo, Vuras, Mosin: nam, mosquito. Sinau- goro, Hula, Keapara, Galoma, Rubi : nemo, id . Dobu : nema, id. Sariba: nimai, id. Kiriwina: nim, id. Norbarbar, Pak, Motlav, Volow: nem, id. Sasar: nom, id. Malekula Uripiv : num, id. Moanus: njam, id. Aneityum: inyum, id. Alo Teqel: torn, id. Tangoan Santo: moke, id. Malo: mohe, id. Panaieti: gumu, id. Tanna: kumug, id. Misima: kimu, id. Taupota: himokini, id. Awalama: himoiodi, id. Nada: simunika, id. Murua: sumoniku, id. Wedau: imokim, id. Tavara: moeoti, id. Malay, Bugi: namok, mosquito. Dyak: njamok, id. Macassar: njamo, lamu, id. Kayan: hamok, id. Pampangas: yamuc, id. Malagasy: muka, id. Arabic: namus, mosquito. It is very difficult to understand the second Efate form mamamami. It does not appear in its proper place in the dictionary nor are any of its parts identifiable in the material which Dr. Macdonald affords. It is quite pos- sible that it would not have found entry under namu as an alternative had not our author misread his Samoan and entered the first of his affinities as "Sa. mamu." There is no such word in Samoa; the mosquito there, as generally, is namu. The only variants in Polynesia are Fotuna namo, a very slight change and possibly a fault of dulness of ear on the part of the recorder in catching the light sound of the unaccented final syllable; and Rotuma rom. In the latter the n-r mutation is by no means uncommon in Polynesia, is well represented in our Melanesian material; and rom, in fact, reappears as Tahiti ramu. DATA AND NOTES. 387 In Motu and Wango we find a recurrence of the namo already noted in Fotuna. Marina gi and Lakon g are recognized as noun-formative termi- nations; the peculiar strengthening of the initial in Bugotu and Buka is local to the Solomon Islands. With these notes we shall have no difficulty in following through Melanesia a sequence of namu-nam-ncm-nom-num. The Moanus njam, as in several other vocables noted from that first station of the eastern gateway, may be assigned to Post- Polynesian influence from Indonesia, noting particularly Dyak njamok and Macassar njamo ; still there is Aneityum inyum of probably equivalent phonetic value and I can not trace Dyak raids so far to the south. In Alo Teqel the n-t mutation is a local idiosyncrasy. In Indonesia we have no difficulty in identifying the Malay, Bugi, Dyak, and Macassar forms, but beyond that we shall find complications. Kayan hamok, Pampangas yamuc seem to be in accord with Tanna kumug. MaXo.- gasymw&a,Tangoan Santo wofcf, and Malo mohe seem to form another group. The relation between the two groups seems to depend upon the assumption or loss of the prior syllable. Assuming a common stem in mok I have searched the Pacific material for some variant of that stem used in designa- tion of an insect or other flying animal, but with no success. While I have twice grouped Melanesia with Indonesia in these obscurities it has been solely on the score of form resemblance ; it will not have escaped notice that these are New Hebridean languages found much farther south than I have been ready to admit within the sphere of Dyak raiders. Now what is the animal to which the namu designation pertains? The mosquito and none other, say all our authorities save the Maori and the Marquesans, to whom it represents the sandfly and the gnat respec- tively. But is the mosquito indigenous to this wide area of the Malay seas and the Pacific? This is a question for the biologist with his story of the migration of species. In certain parts of Polynesia the mosquito was long unknown. Read the historical record for Hawaii as set down by Prof. William DeWitt Alexander in "The Brief History of the Hawaiian People" page 195 : "Dur- ing this year (1826) mosquitos, hitherto unknown in the islands, were intro- duced at Lahaina by the ship Wellington from San Bias, Mexico." Seventy years later on the neighboring island of Hawaii I found them spread from the port of Hilo no greater distance than to Olaa, less than a score of miles. In Samoa we may not execrate the ship that brought the pest, but we have equally valid record of the introduction of this and yet another insect. In the manuscript of my "Samoa o le Vavau, " awaiting its due season, I have preserved the tale of the king's daughter of Manu'a who stood on the shore gazing out into the east and into the face of her hero coming over the unknown seas to greet her. "I'll come back and marry you," he said, "and meanwhile keep my treasure safe against my return, but on no account open it." He gave her a tube of two joints of bamboo with their inter- vening septum and with the open ends of each cavity plugged. Pandora of the South Sea, from one end flew a swarm of flies, from the other a mist of mosquitos, and her hero never did come back. It may be objected that these migrations could never have preserved the name when thev no longer had reason to remember it in new lands whither 388 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. the mosquito had not penetrated. Then how shall the student of the Viti account for the possession there of karavau as a name for cattle in a land which knew no horned beasts until the missionaries came ? It seems to be the carabao of the Philippines. Or how account for ngeli, the Viti name for monkey, when the nearest quadrumane is no nearer than Indonesia? 329- nate, nase, ate, atse, the banana, the plantain (plant and fruit). Samoa, Futuna, Niue: futi, the banana. Tonga: fuji, the generic term for all bananas. Fotuna: vuji, the banana. Moiki, Nuguria, Nukuoro : huti, id. Maori: cf. hutiwai, a plant name (Acoena sanguisorba) . Aniwa: hutshi, the banana. Fila: butsh . Viti: vundi, banana, plantain. The following words all signify banana : Fagani : fuki. Vaturanga, Nggela, Bugotu : vundi. Saa, Bululaha, Ulawa: huti. Wango: hugi. Maewo: undi. Sesake: audi. Baravon: vundu. Duke of York: wundu. Kalil: 'huddu. Pala, Namatanai: hudu. Lambell: 'hun. Laur: hun. King : wun. Lamassa : wun. New Ireland (Carteret Harbor) : un. Epi, Bierian : vihi. Paama : ahisi. Malekula : na-vis. Malekula Uripiv: na-vits. Malekula Pangkumu: ne-vij. Arag: ihi. Malekula: abus. Eromanga: no-bos. Moanus: mbur. Ambrym, Aneityum: nohos. Dobu: udi. Kiriwina: usi. Sariba: udu. Ceram, Ahtiago: phitim. Matabello: phiidi. Ceram: judi. Gah: fudia. Tobo: fud. Massaratty: fiiati. Mayapo: fuat. Malagasy: hutsi, untsi. Timor: hudi. Caimarian: u'ki. Batak: unchi. Macassar: unti. Sambawa: punti. Panga- sinan: ponti. Sanguir: busa. Malay: pisang. Arabic: muz', banana. Amharic: muz, id. In Polynesia there are many names for banana and plantain and futi is the least usual; but its existence is well established, and Tonga fuji marks it as ancient, for generic terms are imperfectly developed in the intellectual plane of our islanders. Incidentally to the mention of Tonga fuji I must note that Codrington (Melanesian Languages, 55) has cited it incorrectly as fugi and treats the g as a k derivative ; thereby he has unfortunately gone astray in so much of his discussion as is based thereon, for t-j is the common Tongan mutation before e and i (17 Journal of the Polynesian Society, 212). Before taking up the Melanesian forms I cite, on the authority of Mr. Christian, these Micronesian affinities : Ponape 'ut; Kusaie, Mortlocks, 'tis; Uluthi, ut; Palawat, Uleai, Lamotrek, Satawal, uis. Nowhere in Melanesia do we find exactly the primal form futi. The nearest approximation is huti of Saa, Bululaha, and Ulawa. The mutation t-g is found only in this one instance in Wango, but t-k is not only well represented in our Melanesian material but is a presently active principle in Hawaii and Samoa ; therefore we may associate huti, hugi, and huki as DATA AND NOTES. 389 futi forms. The vnndi of Vaturanga, Nggela, and Bugotu, the same as Viti, is also futi. We have, therefore, a perfect identification of futi in the Solomon Islands, a series of crop colonies on the Samoa track. Baravon vundu is easily associable with vundi and therefore with futi, and Kalil 'huddu represents the same secondary stem with the d not reinforced. I have already commented on the borrowing at second hand of a reinforced consonant by speakers to whom a double consonant was objectionable and who, in their ignorance of the primal form, have ignorantly retained the reinforcement and have dropped the radical. Thus from vundu of Baravon and wundu of the Duke of York we pass to the 'hiin of Lambell, the hun of Laur, the wan of Lamassa, and the un of Carteret Harbor in the Lamassa region of New Ireland. These form a second, a more remote, stage on the Samoa track ; they lie within the eastern gateway. We are next to examine a group of forms having a for the earlier vowel, a for u. These have all lost the initial consonant. Our studies in the east- ern gateway have shown us the vanishing of v in progressive stages. Here we have no record of progress in the dilapidation, yet we may accept the result and view this group as representing an original fati variant of futi. We find this in Efate ate, Sesake audi; and Maewo undi may be taken as retaining somewhat of the transition phase which links fati and futi. Look- ing back at Efate we find dtse. This is no unusual /-variant. In Polynesia it is regular in Niue and Tongarewa; in this stem we find a blunter form of it in Aniwa hutshi and Fila butsh. Then by reduction of the doubled consonant and selection of the wrong member we come to ase. We next find a group in which primal futi has become fiti. We do not find fiti itself any more than we found fati. But its immediately secondary phase is found in Malekula Pangkumu ne-vij and Uripiv na-vits. From na-vits we pass as before to na-vis, and thence it is a normal step in one direction to villi which we find in Bierian of Epi, in the other to hisi which is preserved in Paama ahisi. Through vihi we are led simply to Arag ihi. Paama ahisi has shown us a futi derivative assuming a prefixed a. We have already become acquainted with the change of / to s. Therefore we need have no hesitation in accepting Malekula abus as a futi derivative; still less in joining therewith Eromanga no-bos, for its no- is readily seen to be the Melanesian n-article chameleon-colored by the nearest radical vowel. Twice already have we seen the primal / develop into h; therefore the no-hos of Ambrym and Aneityum takes its place as a futi derivative. Moanus mbur is the only form which for the present seems irreducible. We find somewhat parallel variations in Indonesia. Primal futi is repre- sented immediately by Ceram fudi, Matabello phiidi, Gah fudia, Timor hudi, Malagasy hutsi, Tobo fud, Caimarian tiki, Malagasy untsi, Batak unchi, Macassar unti, Samba wa punti, Pangasinan ponti. Sanguir busa introduces the ^ which we have twice already developed. Massaratty fuati, Mayapo fuat may represent the transition phase of futi to fati. The fiti form is seen in Ceram and Ahtiago phitim, and with the ^--change may pass into Malay pisang. We have passed in review many variants of the initial consonant of futi, v, p, b, w, h, and its complete vanishing. Not one case suggests the m which this Semitic requires to bring it into kinship. 390 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 330. niu, the coconut palm. Samoa, Fakaafo, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Tahiti, Hawaii, Rarotonga, Manahiki, Tongarewa, Paumotu, Rapanui, Fotuna, Nukuoro, Nuguria, Moiki: niu, coconut. Mangareva: niu, the coconut palm when young, ripening into nikau. Maori : niu, a means of divination by sticks; nikau, a palm. Marquesas: niu, a top, a species of coconut. Mangaia: nu, the coconut palm. Viti: niu, the coconut palm. Rotuma: niu, id. Sesake, Epi, Arag, Ulawa, Wango, Fagani, Saa, Bululaha, Vaturanga, Nggela, Bugotu, Motu, Kabadi, Pokau, Doura, Sinaugoro, Hula, Keapara, Galoma, Mugula, Suau, Sariba, Tubetube, Panaieti, Nada, Dobu, Port Moresby, Moanus, Solomon Islands, Lifu: niu, the coconut. Misima: nihu, id. Buka: neu, id. Alite: liu, id. Mukawa: niura, id. Awalama, Taupota : neura, id. Kwagila: diura, id. Kubiri, Kiviri: rura, id. Nengone, Nifilole: nu, id. Kiriwina: nuia, luia, id. New Caledonia: ni, id. Malagasy: nihu, the coconut. Dyak: nju, id. Salibabo: nyu, id. Salayer: nydrah, id. Malay: nior, id. Liang: nier, id. Gah: niula, id. Bicol: niyog, id. Cajeli, Mayapo, Massaratty, Amblaw: niivi, id. Morella: niwil, id. Lariko: nimil, id. Batumerah, Caimarian : niwcli, id. Awaiya : liweli, id. Teluti : nuelo, id. Wahai: luen, id. Java: nu, id. Sulu: nui, id. Ahtiago: nuim, id. Tobo: niia, id. Malay: nw, id. Arabic : nah'lu, nah'ilu, palms (general and collective respectively) . In Polynesia the only form variant is Mangaia nu, an unusual loss and to be met with again only in Nengone and Nifilole and in a part of Indonesia. In the Marquesas niu is not the usual name of the coconut, but it does occur and is recorded by Bishop Dordillon. The sense of top lies in the fact that the bud end of a coconut shell is used for spinning, both in the sport of children and as a means of applying to island life the practical side of the doctrine of chances. Thus it may be that in New Zealand, in lati- tudes higher than are grateful to the coconut, the divination sense has per- sisted even to different implements whereby the arbitrament of fate may be declared. In Melanesia there is no deviation from sense and very few instances of form variation. Buka neu is a very slight variant. In Alite the n-l muta- tion is normal; thus liu is readily identified. The occurrence of nu has already been mentioned. Such internal loss is not regular in these lan- guages. Furthermore the ni of New Caledonia leads us to infer that niu was anciently a composite in which ni carried at least some sort of generic sense, it being understood that this refers to those characteristics which might strike the islanders as indicating a genus. In composition with kau (301) tree we should then see nikau, the m'-tree, serving in Mangareva for the coconut palm, in New Zealand for the characteristic palm (Areca sapida) of that land, in Tahiti as niau for coconut leaf, and as niau in Hawaii for the leaf stalk of the coconut. The ?^'-form is found in Micronesia, and in the Marshall Islands ni is the coconut. DATA AND NOTES. 391 In Indonesia there is much form diversity, but we may distinguish two classes, those in ni and those in nu. ni-class. The closest approximation to the classic niu is Salibabo nyu and Dyak nju, and Malagasy nihu comes next. From nihu we are led to infer that in the East Indies this u was scarcely felt to be a pure vowel; this naturally admits w as the semi-vowel form of u. Thereby we draw into accord Cajeli and development forms of niwi. We find now a group which picks up a final liquid, Malay nior, Liang nier, Morella niwil; and a new final vowel, Gah niula, Salayer nydrah, Batumerah and Caimarian niwcli. Lariko nimil is so strangely remote from niwil as to avoid explana- tion. Awaiya liweli shows the n-l change already noted in Alite of Mela- nesia. Bicol niyog is the only instance of the assumption of a final palatal. nu-class. This appears baldly in Java. Sulu nui is at least in form metathetic and if that be a permissible explanation nu becomes a secondary abrasion form. We have, however, no transition forms in Polynesia and Melanesia to point the way to the nu-iorms in those areas. Tobo una is a nui variant. The assumption of the final liquid converts nu into Malay nur, and nui into Teluti nuelo, Wahai being a metathetic nuel of the 4231 type. Ahtiago nuim is left without explanation. The Semitic here proposed conies into closest resemblance with Teluti nuelo. This we have seen to be a secondary development of the nu-c\ass, and that class we have seen to be anomalously removed from niu. Even niu itself we have been willing to suggest as an advanced phase of a primal ni. Thus the chances of Semitic affinity become very small indeed. ori, to rub, to grate, to make a creaking grating noise (as tree branches rubbing) ; ari, to plane, to scrape off, to rub off. Samoa: olo, to rub down, to smooth, to grate. Tonga: olo, to rub, to brush, to scrub, to sharpen, to grind. Futuna: olo, olol, to rub, to grate. Niue: olo, to rub, to plane; oloi, to grind; holo, to rub. Uvea: holoholo, to rub. Hawaii: olo, to rub, to grate. Maori: oro, to grind, to sharpen on a stone. Tahiti: oro, to rub, to grate. Mangareva: oro, to rub, to whet, to sharpen; ororo, to rub, to chafe. Fotuna: no-wurusi, to plane, to shave ; no-soroa, to grate. Viti: solota, to rub, to grind, to grate; thoronga, a stone or coral on which cane is grated. Motu: oria, to grate coconut; uro, a grindstone. Norbarbar: heri-v, to rub. Re tan: hara-v, id. Mota: sara-v, id. Malay: urut, to rub. Malagasy: utra, rubbed; urina, being rubbed. Arabic : 'arata, 'arat'a, to rub. Syriac : gra', to scrape off, to shave. Hebrew: gara', id. It is impossible to consider this as wholly distinct from the stems gathered in item 205. In that we have Samoa solo. From this the Samoan derives a transitive verb by the addition of the usual verb-formative. In abundance of cases in this assemblage of data we have seen that this verbal i has sufficed to protect and to preserve the final consonant of Proto-Samoan closed roots. 392 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. The fact that here when added to solo it gives us soloi is sufficient evidence that in solo we have to do with an open root. The open root is unmistak- able in Motu hnria and Aneityum ruhoi. Now as to Mota. Codrington dis- misses the suffixes to verbs as certain consonants which make them transi- tive, but he offers no explanation of the principle which governs the choice of one consonant over another. Consistently I have found reason in these studies to regard them as the persistent final consonants of closed roots. Mota, then, yields the roots sarag, sarav, not proper kin of the open Poly- nesian solo. Viti is again a problem with solota. In general I have found it possible to treat these verbal terminations as indicative of root closure ; therefore we may infer a root solot. Taking up now item 331, we find Samoan olo, which we may faintly discern to be Proto-Samoan holo. That would give us solo and holo stems, differing slightly as would be expected in my theory of consonantal modu- lants. In Fotuna no-soroa would affiliate with solo. The other word, no-wurusi, we may link with Samoa fiifalu (220). The Tonga fulufuluhaa points to a fulus stem, and this Fotuna is in immediate accord therewith. Yet in item 220 we developed a furun-stem. Now Viti thoronga argues a Proto-Samoan stem of either solong or holong, and the latter is appreciably proximate to furun. The Mota .yara^-stem already noted we here find con- tinued to Norbarbar and Re tan. We have assembled the following stems : solo, holo, fulus, fidun, sarag, sarav. It is impossible as yet and in the scantiness of material to separate them. The Malay and Malagasy might be adjusted if we could clear away the difficulties in the Pacific area. The triliteron of the Semitic is gr% and this is not identifiable with any of the stems here isolated. 332- oro, to grunt, to growl, to snarl; oro-maki, to bark at; bioro, to make a confused murmuring noise, as a crowd of men all speaking at once ; orooro, uru, uruuru, to growl, to grumble, to mutter, to murmur, (a) Samoa : ngongolo, a rushing sound, as of wind, waves or thunder. Tonga: ngolo, to snuffle, to speak through the nose; taengolo, to cough with a rattling hoarse sound; kokolo, a continuous rumbling noise. Futuna, Niue: tungolo, to snore. Maori, ngoro, to snore, to utter exclamations of surprise or admiration. Mangareva: ngoro, to snore, to rattle in the throat; ngongo: the noise of phlegm in the throat; ngoio, to snore, to breathe through the nose ; tongoro, the noise of water shaken in a bottle. Rapanui: ngorongoro, to grunt, to grumble, to snore, to sleep soundly. Paumotu: ngooro, tagoro, to snore. Hawaii: nono, to snore, to gurgle; nonoo, to snore; nonolo, to breathe hard, to snore, the sound of singing birds ; hoononolo, to chirp, to coo, to growl, to grunt, to snort. Tahiti: ooro, to snore. Viti: cf. nggolou, nggonggolou, to shout. Mota : ngora, to grunt, to snort, to snore. Malay : ngorok, to snore. Malagasy : ngorodona, the scuffling sound of many feet ; gogogogo, screaming with pain. DATA AND NOTES. 393 (6) Samoa: tangulu, to snore, to emit a hollow sound. Tonga: ngulu, to make a grumbling, grunting, muttering noise ; ngungidu, to groan, to roar; fakangungidu, to breathe hard; fengului, to mutter or murmur to one another; tangulu, to snore. Futuna : ngungulu, to grunt, to emit a deep tone, a grunt, a growl, the sound of rumbling thunder; songulu, to snore; iiidu, whistling of the wind, any great noise, rumbling of the bowels. Niue: ngungulu, to growl. Maori: nguru, to sigh, to grunt, to utter a suppressed groan, to rumble, to hum. Rarotonga : ngurunguru, to grunt, -to cry out, to wail. Mangareva: ngunguru, a far- off noise, a heavy noise as of many voices; ngurunguru, to murmur, to grunt, to stammer, to speak through the teeth. Paumotu: ngurunguru, to gasp, to moan, to sigh, to breathe. Hawaii : nunulu, to grunt, to growl, to sound as the singing of birds, to chirp, to warble. Tahiti: unru, to groan, to grunt. Fotuna: tangurunguru, thunder. Viti: kuru, to thunder; ngguru, to scranch; langguru, to make a scranching sound. Nggela: ngurunguru, to roar. Motu: urn, deep groaning, sterto- rous breathing. Duke of York: pakpakuru, thunder. Malay: guruh,guroh, thunder; ngaluh, to sigh.; nguru, to sigh, to groan, to rumble ; kurkur, to grunt. Ilocan : gurruud, a thunderclap, (c) Samoa : ngu, to growl, to make a murmuring noise as distant voices; ngungu, pa'angungu, to scranch; mangungu, to be scranched, to make a grinding noise as when walking over gravel ; jenguingui, to talk in a low tone. Tonga: ngu, to grunt; fakangungu, to grumble, to mutter. Futuna : nguu, to grunt, to groan. Niue : ngu, to moan, to grunt, to roar; ngungu, to scranch; fengui, to murmur. Mangaia: mangungu, thunder. Hawaii: nu, to groan, to roar as wind, to grunt; nunu, a moaning, grunting, groaning, a dove. Fotuna: noh-ngu, to grunt, to groan. Rapanui: henguhengu, to murmur; henguingui, to read. (d) Maori: ngara, to snarl. Nggela: ngangaralia, to scream. Macassar: ngangara, to shriek; gagara, to speak roughly. (e) Maori: ngerengerc, to growl. Mangareva: ngere, a loud confused noise. Viti : ngcngele, to sing. (/) Maori: ngeringeri, to growl. Samoa: ngingili, to have a good voice for singing or speaking. Nggela: ngingili, shouting. Arabic: nah'ara, to grunt; h'ara, to low; h'arh'ara, snort, snore; harra, to growl, to snarl ; harharat, murmur or sound of copiously flowing water. We have assembled here a number of stems which have a common ele- ment in form, ng-l, and in sense are united by the fact that they designate things audible, almost wholly vocal noises, and uniformly they deal with the inarticulate sounds. With the ng-l forms I have associated ngu, which seems to be yet more elemental and to represent in itself a common factor. 394 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. The ng-l forms vary in the vowel used, as follows : ngolo, ngulu, ngala, ngele, ngili. It is noted that the special form tangulu has already been examined in item 248 and will be here omitted. ngolo. It is only in Samoa ngongolo that we find this stem to deal with sounds other than animal; in this language the common ngolo sense is carried by 'o'olo of the stem kolo which is readily associable with this group. Samoa 'o'olo, according to Pratt in one of his naif definitions, is "to have a voice like a hen, to speak indistinctly." Uvea kokolo is to murmur. But Tonga kokolo passes from the human sound to that in exterior nature which the Samoan expresses by ngolo; it signifies a continuous rumbling noise. In Futuna kokolo is the grumbling of the bowels, echo, dull noise ; sound of water when bubbling or flowing or falling ; the sough of the wind in the leaves of the ironwood. If Samoan ngongolo deviates from the general sense of an animal noise it comes back to the norm in its derivative fa'angongolo to curse, to utter a malediction, and this seems to err as far in the other direction, for such curses as come to most of us depend for their accuracy of impact upon their clear articulation. We find the same suggestion of articulation in the second sense of Maori ngoro. In Tonga taengolo the former element is toe, an alternative of talc to cough. In Mangareva and Hawaii the forms lacking the liquid we postpone for consideration with the ngu-stem. The Viti nggolou is set here for comparison ; ngg is the equivalent of Proto-Samoan k, not of ng; the sense is not exactly in agreement with ngolo or kolo. Mota ngora, despite vowel change in the unaccented final syllable, is clearly of this kin. Here too we note for inclusion Efat6 forms of oro; oromaki suggests a stem closure in m which is not elsewhere identified. ngulu. As we have seen ngolo paralleled with kolo, so this stem has its k-iovm kuht. That is found in Futuna iiiilu and probably in Samoa fa'a'ulu'ulu (which Pratt records as fa'auluulu) to cry out, to shout either from pain or fear; in Tonga uulu the sound of anything in motion, and in Viti kuru. The basic signification of ngulu and kulu is the deep, confused inarticulate sound, principally animal but capable of extension to outside nature. In Hawaii, the northern limit of migration, ngolo and ngulu have lost enough of the gruff sense to admit of the inclusion of the note of birds, inarticulate but light and cheerful. With this belongs Efate uru. ngala. This stem is of infrequent occurrence, but we have one excellent identification in each of the three island areas, and the Macassar gagara proves that for it also there exists a fc-form. ngele. This must not be dissociated from ngili. This stem we identify in Polynesia, in Viti, and in Melanesia. ngu. This involves as well the stem ngo. The latter is found in Ma- ngareva ngongo and ngoio, in Hawaii nono and nonoo; these are in the sense of snoring or the rattling of phlegm, senses quite cognate with those we find for ngu. This covers all the dull and deep inarticulate sounds from the snore to the peal of thunder. I regard this stem as that which primarily contains the idea of inarticulate sound. The compounds with a Zo-form do not express specific differences. I therefore regard them as determinant compounds, each member having inter alia one common signification, the compound emphasizing that sense and restricting the meaning to it. DATA AND NOTES. 395 Of the Semitic here offered the stem is hr. Of our Polynesian we have seen that ng is a sufficient stem. The Semitic is not in accord therewith, and if that difficulty could be obviated it looks toward the later develop- ment and not toward the primordial ngo. 333- ra, tra, ta, nra, blood; mita, to bleed. Samoa, Fakaafo, Nukuoro, Tonga, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Aniwa, Fotuna, Nuguria, Sikayana, Vate, Maori, Tahiti, Marquesas, Rapanui, Mangareva, Rarotonga, Manahiki: totb, blood. Pau- motu: putotoi, bloody. Bukabuka: kura toto, dark red. Hawaii: koko, blood. Viti: ndra, blood. Rotuma: tot, id. The following signify blood : Sesake : nda. Makura : na-dah. Motlav, Volow, Norbarbar, Gog, Merlav, Vuras: ndar. Arag: daga. Lo: ndara. Lakon: data. Mosin: nar. Mota: nara. Pak, Sasar, Alo Teqel : tar. Tanna: neta. Nengone: dra. Lifu: mondra. Pala, Eromanga: de. Laur: da. New Caledonia : 'nte. Maewo: ndai, ndei. Omba : ndai, ndrai. Malo : dai. Marina : tsae. Tangoan Santo : rat. Motu : rara. Sinaugoro, Nala : lala. Java, Malagasy: ra. Salayer: rara. Malay: darah. Matabello, Teor: larah. Saparua, Awaiya: lalah. Cajeli, Liang, Morella, Lariko, Caimarian: lala. Batumerah, Gah: lalai. Teluti: lata. Tobo: lawa. Mayapo, Massaratty: raha. Baju: lahah. Ahtiago: lahim. Wahai: lasin. Menado, Sanguir : daha. Bouton: orah. Arabic: dam', blood; damiya, to bleed. Hebrew: dam, blood. Ethiopic: dam, id. Syriac: dem, id. The Melanesian stem is evidently ta. I find it impossible to bring this into accord with the Polynesian toto. There is at no point a vestige of a transition form from a to o. On this point I cite Mr. Codrington's note (Melanesian Languages, 59) : The Polynesian word for blood is toto, which does not appear in the Malay Archipelago at all, and in the Melanesian Vocabulary only as tot in Rotuma, where it is probably an importation. But toto is used in Melanesia, and in such a way as to show that it is at home there and can not possibly be an importation from Polynesia. In San Cristoval toto is congealed blood; in Florida the disease haematuria is mimi-toto; and though it is not unreasonable to maintain that toto may have been borrowed in those parts, it would be very hard to conjecture how it had been done. But toto in the Banks Islands is a poisoned arrow, and this can be shown to be the same word. The arrow is called after the tree with the viscous sap of which it has been smeared, and the tree has its name from the abundance of its sap, in Mota totoai, in a dialect of Fiji dotoa. The sap of a tree is its blood, and it is very easy to conceive a word at one time more general in its meaning being particularized to signify in one set of languages blood and in another sap. It assists this view to observe that toto in San Cristoval is clotted thick blood, like the thick sap totoa. In Efate we have ta and ra {tra and nra being m-variants) . Viti ndra argues a parent in uvular r, but this does not appear in Poly- nesia at all. A mere glance at the chart will show that in our Melanesian 396 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. identifications of the ra-stem we have Viti at the hither end and Motu at the yonder end and that the intervening area lies altogether from the northern New Hebrides southward. The only exception to that is Laur da on the New Ireland coast. Omitting Laur, these three points mark out the south- ern migration, that to which I have assigned the designation of the Viti stream. The Melanesian occurrences of toto as presented in the foregoing note almost wholly lie along the Samoa stream. Similarly when we prick the Indonesian identifications upon the chart we find them to lie nearest the southern gateway. The Semitic proposed stems in dm. The latter is not found at all in the Melanesian; and the former is not the radical r, not even a regular r-d mutation, but the resultant of a second loan acting in a manner that has already been sufficiently explained. There is, therefore, no reason to accept this as an affinity. 334- ran, water. Samoa : lanu, liquor amnii, to wash off salt water (ja'alanu) . Tonga : lanu, fakalanu, to wash off salt water with fresh. Futuna : lanu, liquor amnii, to rinse off salt water with fresh {fakalanu) . Niue : fakalanu, to wash in fresh, after bathing in salt, water. Mangareva: rami, saliva, globules of foam. Viti: ndranu, fresh (of water), to wash in fresh water after having bathed in salt. Motu: rami, water. Galoma: nalu, id. Sinaugoro, Hula, Keapara, Rubi: nanu, id. Tanna: rani, fresh (water). Malagasy : rano, water ; lano, swimming. Java : ranu, water. Kawi : rami, danu, id. Ilocan: danum, id. Malay: danau, the ocean. Arabic: rahalu, water (of a kind). Here we have one of the rare instances in which a Nuclear Polynesian vocable reappears in Mangareva, although the sense is highly modified. The word has been carried along the Viti stream, and in Torres Straits we have several stations. In Nuclear Polynesia the sense is specialized, the waters of birth being recorded in Samoa and Futuna, and in every case the word refers to the rinsing off of sea water. To wash away the saltwater is not only for appear- ance sake in the tropical Pacific. The sea has a high degree of salinity and the salt crystals are not only the clearly visible signs of an unkempt habit when they glisten upon the brown skins, but they are uncomfortable as well. This use stamps upon lanu a sense in which the fact that it is fresh water is more prominent than the water sense. While the Kawi has both rami and danu the extension of the latter in Malay danau to the ocean signification estops us from considering ranu and danu as variants ; they seem more likely to be differentiated in mean- ing and form. The Arabic rahalu, rhl, presents no close resemblance to an rn stem such as we have in our island areas. DATA AND NOTES. 397 335- rau, leaves (for food to be cooked, and for putting food on, as on a plate, when cooked). Samoa : lau, a leaf ; lalau, to be in leaf ; laulau, a food tray plaited from a coconut leaf, to set out food on such a tray or on a table. Tonga: lau, lou, a leaf; laulau, a tray. Futuna, Uvea, Nuguria: lau, a leaf. Niue: lau, a leaf; laulau, a table. Hawaii : lau, a leaf ; laulau, the netting in which food is carried. Maori, Tahiti, Rarotonga, Rapanui, Paumotu, Nukuoro, Fotuna: rau, a leaf . Manga re va: rau, rou, id. Marquesas: au, ou, id. Viti: ndrau, a leaf; rau, thatch, coconut leaves shaken in the water to drive fish into the net. Rotuma: rau, a leaf. Sesake, Sinaugoro, Hula, Keapara, Galoma : lau, a leaf. Makura : lau, aplant. Moanus : laun- (always composite), a leaf. Marina, Arag, Vaturanga, Nggela, Motu, Waima: rau, id. Natalava: tharau, id. Aneityum: in-rau, a covering, a preparing of food for a feast; in-raurau, coconut leaves for a net. Malo, Roro, Kabadi: rauna, a leaf. Wango: raua, id. Mukawa: raurau, id. Vaturanga: rarau, id. Malekula: raun, id. Lakon: drawi, id. Mota: naui, id. Maewo: ndoui. Merlav, Vuras : ndoi. Lo : hoi. Vuras, Gog : ndo. Duke of York : dono. Mosin : no. Mota : nau, no, id. Mekeo : ngangaunga, id. Motlav: ron. Volow: raren, ro. Nengone: ru. Deni: leu. Guadalcanar : talu. Omba : raugi. Norbarbar : ndugi. Pak, Sasar, Alo Teqel : togi. Savu: rau, a leaf. Java: rou, id. Malagasy: ravina, id. Saparua: laun, id. Baliyon, Baju: daun, id. Malay: daun, dawun, id. Sulu: dahun, id. Arabic: hadab', branches, leaves; hadiba, hadaba, to pluck, to have long eyelashes, to have long branches. In Efate rau- does not have the simple leaf sense, but the meaning of leaf tray is found in Samoa, Tonga and Niue of Nuclear Polynesia, and in Hawaii. Here it is accompanied with the meaning of leaf, and that is the only signification in the Tonga fiti languages. That Hawaii laulau, if not the food mat, is at least different from leaf and has to do with food is to be attributed to that direct A^oyage from Nuclear Polynesia for which we have gathered so many pieces of evidence. That Futuna and Uvea, though geographically in Nuclear Polynesia, have not the food-tray signification is a point to be considered with other evidence as tending to show that the settlement of these two islands in such close proximity was principally Tongafiti. The Samoan lalau by its preduplication shows lau to be considered a com- posite, la-u. The latter member we may not presume to identify, but the former has a suggestive resemblance to la, lala, a branch, also a botanical term. We note in Tonga, Mangareva, and the Marquesas alternative forms with the vowel o. The fact of two forms in Viti of different sense points to two distinct sources. The ndrau leaf is derived from a stem rau having the r grasseye ; rau is derived from rau of the lighter r. This suggests that 398 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. in Proto-Samoan the two forms were distinct, a distinction which in the later weakening of the liquid it has been found impossible to preserve. Thus may we account for the occurrence of the food-tray sense in Efate and Aneityum without the leaf signification. It will be observed that Aneityum has the fishing sense found in Viti, which further is found in Samoa lauloa a surround of coconut leaves, and in Tongarewa raurau driv- ing fish with coconut leaves. In Melanesia rau a leaf is found somewhat widely: Sesake, Motu, Marina, Arag, Vaturanga, Nggela ; Omba raugi is the same with a formative suffix. Makura is only slightly removed in signification. Natalava tharau is a raw- composite, as is Wango raua. Vaturanga rarau is in form a parallel of Samoa lalau. Moanus and Malekula lann and Malo rauna introduce the Indonesian final n; Moanus we might ascribe to that influence ; Malo and Malekula lie beyond its reach. This n, therefore, may represent a persistent radical w-closure. We are next to examine a group of forms with i'-final, all New Hebridean. This i is a suffix to noun stems when they are used absolutely. Of the a-series we have Lakon drawi preserving the r grasseye by a preface as in Viti, Mota naui nau. Of the o-series we have Maewo ndoui; Merlav, Vuras, ndoi; Gog, Vuras, ndo; Mosin, Mota, no. These two series introduce that r-nd-n-d mutation which we find it so hard to comprehend. Pak to-gi is a direct derivative from Vuras ndo. Still on the o-series we have Duke of York dono and Motlav ton, both with the n. Volow ro, and Nengone ru, Guadalcanar ta-lu (suggesting Natalava tha-lau) and Norbarbar ndu-gi belong in this series with still a further vowel change. Deni leu is probably a form of lau, but unique. A still different mutation, r-h, is needed to account for Lo ho-i, also unique. In Indonesia we find rau, rou, laun and daun, all occurring in Melanesia; and Malagasy ravina is very close to Lakon drawi. The Semitic here proposed is represented without variation by the triliteral hdb, which can have no relation with our island composite la-u or la-un. 336. rongo, rong i, tongi (dongi), nrong, tong i, to hear, to obey, to feel, to know ; marongo, matrongo, manrong, to be idle, to amuse oneself at the expense of someone. Samoa : longo, to hear, to feel, to report, a sound ; longona, to hear ; langona, to understand, to feel, to perceive by the senses; fa'alongo, to hear, to obey. Fakaafo: jakalongo, to hear. Futuna: longo, a report, tidings, to perceive, to feel. Niue: longona, to hear, to perceive by the senses, to understand, to smell; langona, to hear; ongo, a report. Uvea : longo, to hear, to perceive, to feel, to comprehend, a message, a report ; jakalongo, to obey. Nukuoro: longo, to hear; longo mai, to obey. Raro- tonga: akalongo, to hear. Hawaii: lono, to hear, a report; hoolono, to listen, to regard. Nuguria: ulono, to hear. Maori: rongo, to hear, to feel, to smell, to taste, to obey, tidings, report, fame, sound, noise. Mangaia: rongo, a report; akarongo, to listen. Mangareva: rongo, to hear, to listen, to understand, DATA AND NOTES. 399 to know, to apprehend. Aniwa : jakarongo, to hear. Fotuna: no-rongona, to hear. Paumotu: rongo, to hear; fakarongo, to cause to believe. Rapanui: rongo, to hear, to believe, to comprehend, to understand; hakarongo, attention, to adhere, to hear, to comprehend, to understand. Tonga: ongo, to hear, to feel; ongoongo, to report; fakaongo, to hearken, to await commands; longona, to inform, to report. Marquesas: ono, oko, to listen, to understand; hakaono, to listen. Viti: rongo, to hear, to be heard, to sound, a report, tidings; vaka- rorongo, to listen, to obey. New Britain : logor, to hear, to report. Lambell : longor, to hear. King: longor 6, id. Duke of York: longor o, id. Baravon: walongore, id. Raluana: ivalongore,7valawalongor, id. Bierian: mlongo, id. Mekeo: longo, to hear, to know. Tagula: ilongwe, to hear; kau-lungwe, to know. Nguna, Arag, Sesake: rongo, to hear. Maewo: rongo, to believe. Omba: rongo, to feel any sensation. Vaturanga : rongo, to feel a sensation. Malo : rongo, to hear. Nggela: rongorongo, news; vaovarongo, the hearers; rongovia, to hear. Vaturanga: rongovia, rongomi, to hear, to listen to. Mukawa : nonora, to hear, to know. Tavara, Wedau: nonori, id. Awalama, Taupota: nonori, to hear. Oiun: nowara, id. Raqa: anoara, id. Kabadi: oonova, id. Roro: ona, id. Uni: abai-oa, id. Nggao: rongi, to under- stand. Volow: rong, to hear. Sesake: ndongo, to smell. Omba : ronghogosi, to listen ; rorongtagi, to hear a sound. Arag : rorongtai, to listen to. Marina, Mota: rogotag, to hear. Gog: rongtag, id. Ambrym, Retan: rongta, to hear, to feel. Motlav, Vuras: rongteg, to hear. Mosin: rongte, id. Norbarbar: rongte, to feel. Lo: rongte, to hear, to feel. Santo: ronoa, to hear. Maewo: roro, roroi, rore, a report. Mota: roro-i, a report ; ronga, famous ; rongo, to apprehend by the senses, to feel, hear, smell, taste. Baki: mjongi, to hear. Java: rungu, to hear. Matu: langan, sound, noise. Malay: dangar, to hear. Malagasy: rohona, a sound, as of thunder. Arabic: 'adina, to hear, to know, to feel the smell of, to cause to hear, to make known. Hebrew: 'azan, he'zin, to hear, to listen, to obey. In the Polynesian at least three senses are entangled in the stem longo, to hear, a thing heard, and to preserve silence. The latter, fa'alolongo, falls easily into place, for it is a composite with the fa'a of comparison, to be as one listening, therefore to be silent, "be silent that ye may hear." We find at least two Polynesian closed stems, longon of the sense perception and longos of the production of a sound that may be heard. The latter seems to appear in the Viti rongotha but with the longon sense to hear, the former in Tonga longona but with the longos sense to report. Beyond these two inverted instances the closed stems have left no definite record. In the examination of this material we shall confine ourselves to so much thereof as finds identification in our Melanesian records, namely, the matter of sense perception. 400 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. In item 324 we have discussed the stem mata the eye and the sense of sight. This longo seems to serve for the other sense. This we shall examine in general and in particular. (1) Sense perception in general: Samoa, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Maori, Mangareva, Tonga, Marquesas ; Efate, Omba, Vaturanga, Nggao, Ambrym, Retan, Norbarbar, Lo, Mota. (2) To hear: Samoa, Fakaafo, Niue, Uvea, Nukuoro, Rarotonga, Hawaii, Maori, Mangaia, Mangareva, Aniwa, Fotuna, Paumotu, Tonga, Marquesas, Viti; Efate, New Britain, Lambell, King, Duke of York, Baravon, Raluana, Bierian, Nguna, Arag, Sesake, Malo, Nggela, Vaturanga, Volow, Omba, Marina, Mota, Gog, Ambrym, Retan, Motlav, Vuras, Mosin, Lo, Santo, Baki ; Java, Malay. (3) To smell: Niue, Maori; Sesake, Mota. (4) To taste: Maori; Mota. (5) To feel: Maori; Mota. The last three deserve a little closer inspection. (3) To smell. Niue: longona, to smell; hongi, to smell. The latter is external ; it is the sniff with which the odor-emanations are welcomed to the olfactory nerve-endings ; the apperception rests in longona. Maori: rongo, to smell; hongi, to smell; whakamono, to smell. Whakamono is to sniff, to sniff up, to smell, and probably in reference to a nauseous odor, for mono- mono means unpleasant to the smell. It also is external ; the apperception rests in rongo. Mota: rongo, to smell; punpun, to smell; soman, to smell. Punpun in sense is the Mota equivalent of Polynesian songi as found in the Niue and Maori preceding, this shown in the fact that it means to sniff in general and in particular designates the salutation roughly called rubbing noses. Soman means to put the nose to. These two, therefore, are external; the apperception rests in rongo. (4) To taste. Maori: rongo, to taste; wharakai, to taste. We have only the definition of the latter and are without information as to the extent and manner of its use. Mota : rongo, to taste ; nam, namis, to taste. The latter is physical ; it means to touch with the tongue ; it is external ; the apperception rests in rongo. If rongo in Maori and Mota had not such a catholic applicability to all sense perception except sight we should find an interesting text in the fact that these savage people had arrived at a comprehension of the intimate association of taste and smell which has not become at all commonly familiar to persons of far wider range of information. (5) To feel. In the extreme brevity of our vocabularies no attempt has been made to note the distinction between feel in its tactile sense and the broader signification of perception in general. We are therefore not justi- fied in attempting a differentiation not warranted by our authorities. The following general conclusions seem well supported by the facts of this record. At a period but narrowly anterior to the Tongafiti or later migration the psychology of the Polynesian recognized two sense perceptions, the sense of sight and the other sense. When this other sense began to differentiate in the direction of the knowledge of the sense perceptions which our own DATA AND NOTES. 401 race has so long possessed that only recently they were classed as instincts, it was the sense of hearing which first came up for particular designation. I am somewhat in doubt as to this statement ; it is hard to comprehend the psychology of conditions so different from our own. The same material might equally bear the interpretation that the other sense was most commonly understood as that of hearing. In a psychology of which the sense perception is at no higher speciali- zation than sight and the other sense it will not surprise us to discover that the sense of touch has not yet been isolated from the merely mechanical pressure of the skin upon an exterior object. I do not say that tactile sense is as yet unrecognized, but I will let the vocabulary tell its own story in a few of the better-known Polynesian languages. Samoa: tangotango, to feel; it is used in the sense to take hold of, therefore it means no more than to have in the hands or to have the hands upon. Tonga : ala, alafi, to feel ; its particular use is to touch, to feel after with the hand. Viti : yamotha, to feel; to feel for with the hand, to run the hand over. Maori: whawha, to feel; to handle, to grasp. Hawaii : haha, to feel ; to move the hand over a thing. These are representative of the central and of the distal languages of Polynesia and they represent varying culture planes. It is clear that in not one of them does the sense of feeling exist independently of the physical impact which constitutes the touching. In the matter of form the Polynesian variations of longo are strictly according to rule, except that in Samoa and Niue a longona form is intro- duced, not found elsewhere until we reach Indonesia. In the eastern gateway we find an extended form longoro, which may be found again in Malay dangar. In the New Hebrides the termination which varies from tagi to te is verb-formative. The Omba ronghogosi may best be understood as a composite. In Nggela and Vaturanga we have rongovia, and in Vaturanga rongomia, consonant forms which agree neither with the forms in the eastern gateway nor with those found in Nuclear Polynesia. In Indonesia Java rungu is a satisfactory identification ; the Malay is far less sure. Matu langan is in good form accord with Nuclear Polynesian langona, but the sense is not so clearly of kin. The Malagasy rohona inter- jects a syllable for which we have no means of accounting. The skeleton of the Semitic is 'dn, 'zn, with which it is impossible to establish our Polynesian longo in any sort of accord. 337- sa, to be bad, evil. Samoa: isa, an expletive of disapproval. Tonga: sa, an expression of disgust and disapproval ; isa, to hiss, to disapprove. Fu- tuna: saa, indecent, improper; isa, exclamation of indignation. Fotuna: sa, bad. Viti: tha, bad; isa, interjection of disapprobation. Rotuma: raksa, bad. 402 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Sesake, Lakon: sa, bad. Pak, Leon, Sasar: se, id. Alo Teqel: see, id. Malo, Eromanga: sat, id. Norbarbar: set, id. Motlav: het, id. Volow: heat, id. Aneityum: has, id. Merlav: sasat, id. Mota: tatas, id. Maewo: seseta, id. Wango, Alite: faa, id. Tanna: ra, id. vSavo: isarongo, id. Malay: /a/ia/, bad. Malagasy: ratsi, id. Arabic: ^a', sawat, to be bad, evil. Although all our identifications of sa in Nuclear Polynesia are inter- jections they seem quite satisfactory. In Viti we find the word in two forms. It would appear that isa is a more modern appropriation of the word, for exclamations in any language travel far and travel true. This will not be doubted by such as have had occasion to welcome as an old friend in the most distant surroundings our own truly Athanasian contribution to the vocabulary of the world's objur- gation. The Rotuma raksa, like so much in that odd speech, remains for the present inexplicable, but it is safe to identify the sa. In Melanesia we find that the Proto-Samoan stem was sat. The abraded form is found in Efate, Sesake, Leon, Lakon, Pak, Sasar, Alo Teqel. Malo, Eromanga, and Norbarbar retain the stem form. Motlav het is an easy variant of Norbarbar set. Volow heat ishat with the vowel interpolation cus- tomary in that language. Aneityum is easily deducible as hat with the t-s mutation. Merlav sasat and Maewo seseta are preduplications of sat and set. Mota tatas is therefore metathetic. Savo isarongo is probably an isa- composite. Wango and Alite taa is hard to adjust ; the fact that in each language an inner t is frequently excised might warrant us in suggesting lata, but even though that has some resemblance to Mota tatas it fails to be convincing. On the possibility of s-r mutation in Tanna ra see note 239. Malay jahat will pass muster as a /m/composite. Malagasy ratsi can not be accepted without more evidence. The Semitic is certainly a resemblance. 338. saki, to ascend, to go up ; sakesake, to be up, to sit upon. Samoa: a'e, upward, to go up; sa'e, to elevate one leg, as in the act of falling in a club match ; 'a'e, to ascend, to rise. Tonga : hake, upward, to ascend. Futuna: ake, up, to ascend; sake, to raise the leg at one in derision or mockery; kake, to climb, to ascend. Niue: hake, up, to go up. Uvea: ake, up; hake, to go up. Maori: ake, upward; kake, to climb, to ascend. Marquesas : ake, on high, upward ; kake, to ascend. Mangareva : ake, upward. Bukabuka: ake, up. Tahiti: ae, up, to go up, to ascend, to climb. Hawaii: ae, to raise, to lift up, to mount. Fotuna: no-jikijiake, to lift up; no-tukake, to stand upright. Nukuoro: kake, to go up. Nuguria: kake, up; hanage, northwest. Rapanui: kake a, to go aboard. Viti: thake, upward; thaketa, to dig or lift up. Sesake, Tangoan Santo, Nguna: sake, up. Malo: sace, up. Vatu- ranga: sake, id.; sahelia, to go up into it. Mota, Merlav: sage, up. Omba: hage, id. Nggela: hage, to go up ; hagelia, hagevia, to embark. Bugotu: hage, up; hagelia, to go up on DATA AND NOTES. 403 a ship. Belaga: hage, to enter; hagelia, to embark. Gog: sag, up. Norbarbar: hag, id. Eromanga: sah, id. Volow: ha, id. Saa: ta'e, landwards. Motu: dae, up. Wedau: g'ae, id. Sinaugoro: rage, id. Keakalo: agi, id. Malay: daki, up. Malagasy: akatra, ascended, gone up. Hebrew: nasak, up, to go up. Aramaic: nsak, sak, id. By combining various elements in the material here assembled it is seen that the Proto-Samoan has three stems, ake, sake, kake. Regarding ake as the primitive stem the others devolve naturally therefrom in variant significations conditioned by the prefixation of consonantal modulants. The primal ake is evidenced by its existence in Futuna along with sake, and in Uvea with hake. Sake is restricted to the Proto-Samoan migration ; it is by no means clear whether it was originally hake or sake, for in that early stage there seems to have been little distinction between aspiration and sibilant; the employment of hake in Uvea (which has both h and s) inclines for so much weight as it may possess toward hake over sake. From the fact that kake is confined to Nuclear Polynesia and the Tongafiti area it is evident that it was carried by the later migration ; it appears nowhere in Melanesia. In the Solomon Islands hagelia (Nggela, Bugotu, Vaturanga, Belaga), and hagevia (Nggela) suggest closed stems sakel, sakev, of which no further trace exists. Our Melanesian forms all derive from the sake stem and very few call for comment. Volow ha is doubtful for the reason that we have no record of the dropping of g in that language ; while the form seems akin to Nor- barbar hag, there is not a single instance here of a terminal abrasion from an open stem to other than a consonant closure. Saa ta'e is readily brought into line, for k is commonly elided in that speech, and the s-t mutation is seen again in the next item; the sense is quite comprehensible, for every landward direction in Malanta is upward, and Mota sage makes this inland sense plain as defined by Codrington "to go inland towards the inner upper part of the country," but generally a'e means to windward. The Indonesian identifications are too slight to have any particular value. One of the Semitic forms bears a close resemblance to sake, but this amounts to little if we may look back to a primal sakel. 339- sela, road, path, landing place of a canoe. Nukuoro: sailenga, ala, a road, a path. Tonga, Niue: hala, id. Samoa, Futuna, Uvea, Hawaii: ala, id. Nuguria: hara, id. Maori, Tahiti, Mangaia, Rapanui, Mangareva : ara, id. Pau- motu: ear a, id. Marquesas: aa-nui, the highway. Viti: sala, a path, road. Rotuma: sala, id. Mota, Malo: sala, road, path. Deni: hala, id. Saa: tola, id. Taupota : talaka, id. Awalama : talaha, id. Tavara : taeaha, id. Roro: tai-ara, id. Motu: ariara, a road through a village; dara, a road through forest. Uni, Pokau : dala, road. Wango : tara, a road. Belaga: thalautu, id. Bugotu: hatautu, id. Wedau, Kubiri, Kiviri, Oiun: eta, id. Raqa: eta-fu, id. Suau, Dobu: eda, id. Galavi, Boniki, Mukawa: keta, id. Sariba, 404 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Murua, Kiriwina: keda, id. Nada: keza, id. Sinaugoro, Rubi: da, id. Wedau: tete, id. Nggela: halautu, id. Male- kula: ne-sar, id. Aneityum: ne-falaig, id. Mota, Mosin: matesala, id. Pak: me'esal, id. Merlav: metsal, id. Volow: metehal, id. Motlav: na-mtehal, id. Sesake : matakisala, id. matawirsal, id. Vuras: matekpwersal, id. Lo: luwomejal, id. Mekeo: ke-anga, inengea, id. Malay: aZafe, course, direction; .raZefe, a road; jaZaw, id. Silong: ja/on, id. Java, Ilocan: cZaZaw, id. Malagasy: aleha, id. Arabic: s'ala', to proceed, to call. The Proto-Samoan stem is hala. The Nukuoro sailenga is incomprehensible. In Melanesia we find two groups of composites. That which occurs in the New Hebrides is in the simplest forms mata and sala, the evolutions of the former being here negligible. Sala varies to sal, hal, and jal. The last form is in Lo luwome-jal, of which the former member is obscure. The Solomon Islands composite is kala-utu, of which the succeeding member has so far escaped identification. In this group we have hala, thala, and hata, and on the l-t mutation see note 312. Saa and Wango involve the h-t mutation noted in 338, the same applying to Motu dala and Indonesian dalan and jalan. If Aneityum na-falaig be admissible we have no direct evidence in support of the h-f mutation, but h-v once occurs, sina'a (169) Sesake vinaga. The Indonesian forms are satisfactory except for Malagasy with the anomaly of an interpolated syllable. The Arabic has a form resemblance, but the sense is not at all satisfactory. 34o. seme, sama, the outrigger, or, more accurately, the part of the outrigger, shaped exactly like a canoe, which floats in the water. Futuna : ama, the outrigger ; saynatasi, a small canoe. Tonga : hama, the outrigger, the smaller part of a double canoe ; fakahama, to put an outrigger on ; ama, the port side of a canoe (the outrigger side). Samoa, Tahiti, Marquesas, Mangareva, Tongarewa, Nuguria, Paumotu: ama, the outrigger. Maori: ama, the outrigger, in a double canoe the space between the two hulls. Hawaii : ama, the longitudinal stick of the outrigger. Fotuna : ti-ama, id. Viti: thama, the outrigger. Rotuma: sama, id. Mota, Tubetube, Brierly Island : sama, outrigger. Malo: isama, id. Bierian: ni-hama, id. Baki: ni-ame, id. Yaraikana : tama, id. Koko-Yimidir : darman, id. Nada: Jam, id. Tangoan Santo : tsama, id. Tanna: timen, id. Malekula: ni-jam, id. Anei- tyum: jmaing, id. Kiviri, Oiun: rama, id. Raqa: aurama, id. Kubiri: ramani, id. Wedau: g'ama, id. Galavi: gamanaki,id. Mukawa: g' amani, id. Mugula, Kiwai: sarima, id. Sariba: sarime, id. Mabuiag: saima, id. Motu: darima, id. Pokau: dalima, id. Hula : ralima, id. Kiriwina: lamila, iamila, id. Awalama, Taupota: haruma, id. DATA AND NOTES. 405 Malay: sampan, a small boat. Malagasy: sambu, a ship. Arabic: safinat, safin', a ship, a vessel. Hebrew, Syriac: sefina, id. The Proto-Samoan stem is hama, which appears in Polynesia as ama, sama, hama, thama. In Melanesia we find sama, hama and ame. The h-ts mutation in Tangoan Santo appears in Polynesia itself. The h-t mutation in timen is not else- where recorded from Tanna, but a glance at the table will show it to be not unusual in other parts of the Melanesian area. The same is to be said of Malekula jam, and this leads readily to Aneityum jmaing. The Torres Straits sarima and devolution forms lie outside the possibility of cordial acceptance. The Indonesian identifications which Dr. Macdonald presents depend for their force upon the actual employment of an outrigger. This is not the common naval architecture of the sampan ; it is quite out of the question in the Malagasy. The value of the Semitic lies in the establishment of so small a part for so great a whole. Even were that acceptable the Semitic has a resemblance in but a single consonant. 34i- sili, to enter; sili-fi a, to enter into (as a spirit or [demon into a man); sili-faki, sili-fiki, to make to enter into, to thrust or throw into. Samoa : sulu, to thrust into, to plunge into (as a canoe into waves), to take refuge in; sulufa'i, fesulua'i, fesuluna'i, to take refuge with; suluma'i, to thrust or push through or into. Tonga: hulu, to plunge, to push, to rush under water as a canoe in a heavy sea; hulumaki, to push in or through. Futuna: sulu, to put or place within, to thrust into. Niue: huhulu, to thrust, to push. Nukuoro: sulu, suru, to dive. Fotuna: sum, to dive, to swim under water. vSamoa: sili, to lodge in, to stick in (as a pen behind the ear); silinga, a penholder, the place to stick in the fish hook; sisili, to shoot, to dart (as pain from one part of the body to another) . Tonga : hili, hilifaki, to lay or put upon ; hilinga, a number of spears tied together, a platform on which things are laid. Niue : hilifaki, to stick in. Viti : thuruma, to enter; thurumaka, to push a thing into or through. thiliva, to cut or lance the body. Mota: saro, to go in; saromag, sarovag, to sheathe. Malay: julok, to thrust into. Malagasy: juluka, to enter. Arabic: dahala, duh'uV, to enter (a house), to take refuge with, to thrust in. In form our Polynesian material preserves two distinct series, that in u and that in i, but the consonant skeleton is the same and the significations interlace. We are justified, therefore, in dealing with them, at least pro- visionally, as homogenetic. Both series are confined to Nuclear Polynesia. For the sulu series we find Proto-Samoan stems suluf, sulum, sulun. For the sili series we find a Proto-Samoan stem silif. Viti has both series as derivatives of sulum and silif. 406 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. In Melanesia Efate" is of the silif-stem ; Mota, with vowel changes, derives from the two stems suluf and sulum. In Indonesia the two identifications are clearly of sulu with its proper final consonants abraded and passed from memory and then treated with a formative termination of Indonesian habit. The Semitic must account for additional radical matter before we can accept the partial resemblance. Where we have sulu and sili in parallel series we find it difficult to make a plain separation of the shades of signification. The utmost upon which we may venture is to note that the sense varies generally in relation to the size of the thing which is thrust, sili denoting the smaller or finer-pointed, this distinction being best seen in Samoa and Viti. 342. sina, sine, to shine, to be clear. Sina, hina, ina, is used throughout Polynesia in the senses of glistening, white, gray. Samoa, Futuna, Fakaafo, Sesake : masina, the moon. Tonga, Niue, Uvea, Hawaii, Maori, Tahiti, Rapanui, Marquesas: mahina, id. Mangareva: maina, id. Nuguria: masina, mahina, id. Viti: singa, the sun, day; thina, a torch, a lamp; singasingau, white. Fagani: sina, the sun. Misima: sinasina, id. Nada: silasila, id. Misima: hilahila, id. Dobu: sinara, id. Wango: sina, id.; haasinaria, to dry in the sun. Nggela: hina, to shine (sun); hinari, to burn. Belaga: thina, sunshine. Mota: singa, to shine; singasingai, a shining; singesinge loa, sunshine (loa, the sun). Lambell: singsinge, to dry (presumably by putting out in the sunlight, as in Wango). King: sengesenga, id. Lamassa: sdngsdng, id. Merlav: sing, to shine ; singsinge aloa, sunshine. Gog: sing, to shine; singsinge walo, sunshine. Aneityum: gesega, the sun. Doura, Motu: dina, daylight, the sun. Uni: Una, the sun. Mekeo: hina, id. Uni: dia, id. Malay: siyang, day, clear; sinar, a ray of light, luster; ber-sinar, to shine; sinar-hulan, moonlight. Ilocan: sinamar, splen- dor. Magindano : sinang, sun, midday. Java : rahina, day. Sulu : jasina, the moon. Arabic: saha', sun, day, to shine, to be clear. Ethiopic: sahawa, id. Hebrew: sahah, id. It is matter of no slight interest to find that a stem which in Polynesia serves to designate the lesser luminary is used in Melanesia to denote the sun. In this connection our linguistic material has left two records. One that la, the general Polynesian word for the sun, was not carried in the Proto-Samoan migration, for it has left no trace in the Melanesian halting- places. The other that masina, the general Polynesian word for the moon, was brought into Polynesian, in its present derivative form, by the Tonga- fiti migration, for it is only in Sesake that we find masina as moon. Our Polynesian records show us that sina was a sun name, i. e., the shiner. At the same migration era the moon was also a shiner, see pupula 284. The Tongafiti now comes to Nuclear Polynesia bringing la sun and masina moon, DATA AND NOTES. 407 and the Proto-Samoan early colonists finding their earlier names not suffi- ciently differentiated, for the root sense of shining is equally in use, adopt the later forms. It is only in Niue that we find a persistent relic of the older moon name, pupula the new moon. But Viti, untouched by the Tongafiti swarm, preserves singa sun and vula moon. In Melanesia sina designates the sun, but there is not lacking evidence that its root signification of shining is close to the surface. Thus in Nggela, Mota, Merlav, and Gog hina does not denote the sun as a name but is used of its shining, and in three of these instances the Melanesian word for sun, alo, walo, aloa is subjoined. In Indonesia we find sina in the root sense of shining. Malay siyang is not properly to be included, but sinar and its composites are unmistakable. The Magindano sinang is the only instance outside of Melanesia in which we encounter the sun sense. Java rahina seems to be a composite of ra sun and sina to shine. The Semitic is, as so often in Dr. Macdonald's material, a one-letter resemblance and valueless. 343- sinu, sislnu, to be hot, to burn (of the grass on the hills yearly) ; slnu, the burning of the grass, a place on which the grass has been burned ; tuni, to heat; tunu, to heat, to oppress or make to suffer; bitunu, bitin, bitsin, to be hot, painful; tutun, to light up torches or the evening cooking fires. (a)Futuna: masinu, the smell of burning fat (feathers, hair). Hawaii: ohinu, to roast meat; ohinuhinu, to be parched and dried, as the outside of roast meat. Viti : cf. sinunganga, a tree whose sap has a burning effect on the skin. (b) Samoa: susunu, to burn up; sununga, a burning; sunusunu, the burnt bush where a plantation is made; masunu, to singe (as the hairs of a pig) . Futuna : sunusunu, to singe a bird ; susunu, to burn, to broil, to put on the fire; masunu, burnt by the sun, the odor of burning hair or feathers. Tonga: huhunu, to singe, to sear; hunuhunu, to toast, to singe, to broil; mahunu, blighted. Niue : huhunu, to burn ; mahunu, to blister with heat. Uvea : mahunu, a burning. Maori : hunu, to char, to singe. Viti : kuro-susunu, the name of a disease, an epidemic, (c) Samoa: tunu, to roast, to toast, to broil, to fry, to boil. Tonga: tunu, to toast, to broil. Futuna: tunu, to broil, to roast, to toast, to boil. Niue: tunu, to broil, to boil, to roast. Maori: tunu, to roast, to broil, to burn. Tahiti: tunu, to roast, to boil. Rarotonga: tunu, to broil, to cook on embers. Mar- quesas, Rapanui, Nuguria, Nukuoro: tunu, to cook. Hawaii: kunu, to roast on embers. Uvea: tutu, to toast. Fotuna: tuna, to roast, to cook. (d) Samoa: tutu, tungia, to set fire to, to kindle, to light (as a lamp); tunga'i, to light up a fire at night. Tonga: tutu, to burn, to set on fire; tungaki, to light a beacon; tungia, to set on fire. Futuna : tutu, to light, to burn, to set fire to ; tungaki, to light a beacon; tungia, to kindle, to set fire to. Niue: 408 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. tungi, to light a fire or a lamp, to burn. Maori, Rarotonga: tungi, to kindle, to set on fire. Hawaii: kuni, id. Uvea: tutu, to set on fire. Tahiti: tutui, id. Rapanui: tutu, to kindle, to set on fire; tutunga, combustion. Viti: tunu, warm; vakatunu, to warm up cold food; tutuvaka, to light, to set on fire; tungiva, to kindle. Rotuma: sunu, hot; fuf, to light, to kindle. Buka: sinanga, warm. King: suniin, fire. Baur: songsong, hot. King: misongot, id. Epi: pisusunu, id. Malo: tunu, to roast, to heat. Motu: tunua, to bake pottery. Marina: tutunu, hot. Gog, Lakon, Mota, Santo, Vuras, Mosin : tutun, id. Belaga: tutun, to burn. Duke of York, New Britain: tun, id. Pala: tun, to cook. Lo: tun, hot. Mota Maligo: tin, to roast over embers ; Veverau : tun, id. Sasar, Alo Teqel : i'in, id. Lambell, Lamassa : tuni, to cook. King: itutiin, id. Mota: tutunsag, fever. Ulawa : tunga, fire. Bugotu : totha, to light (a lamp). Malay: tunu, to burn, to consume with fire. Macassar: tunu, to bake, to roast. Savu : tunu, to roast. Bugi, Landa, Binue, Baliyon: tunu, to burn. Sambawa: tunang, id. Sassac: tulu, id. Lampong: tunkan, the hearth. Kandayan: tinu, to burn. Malagasy: tono, to roast. Arabic : sal/ana, suh'un', to be hot. Hebrew : s'ahan, id. Syriac : s'hen, id. Our Efate material groups several consimilars exhibiting both vowel and consonant distinctions. These reduce to the four primitives sinu, sunu, tunu, tung. It is not difficult to trace these to a common source particu- larized by modulants. We shall examine these in detail. sinu. This is the least frequent. It occurs in Efate, Viti, enters Nuclear Polynesia by way of Futuna, and is found again in Hawaii, a landmark at that end of the direct migration to that outlier which was reached only in a roundabout circuit by its main, or Tongafiti, peopling. We lack Motu data, but, so far as Efate-Viti-Futuna may determine the course, we are disposed to charge this to the Viti stream. The Viti sinunganga is a com- posite readily resolvable into this sinu hot and ngdngd which is variously defined as poisonous, bitter, sour, salt, in other words highly objectionable. In Futuna masinu is of the common composition with wa-conditional ; it is a synonym of part of the meaning of masunu. Hawaii ohinu is influenced by the local idiosyncrasy which prefixes to many verbs this distinctive o. The only forms in i noted elsewhere in our material are the not wholly satisfactory Buka sinanga and Kandayan tinu. sunu. This also is a Nuclear Polynesian form, but as sinu pointed the way along the direct northern migration this points out the southern migra- tion direct from Nuclear Polynesia to New Zealand. We have seen reason to credit sinu to the Viti stream; similarly we find reason to hold sunu to have been a particular form of the Samoa stream. Sunu does not appear in Efate or in Viti, but its presence in Rotuma is significant by reason of the fact that this island lies northward from Viti. In Melanesia (except in DATA AND NOTES. 409 the single instance of Epi pisusunu) it is found only in King and Laur in the eastern gateway, and Buka sinanga may turn out to be a sunu form when we have more abundant data from the northern Solomons. In Nuclear Polynesia we have generally sunu and masunu with no great diversity; the only wide division in apparent signification is Tonga mahunu, and as to this the Baker vocabulary is too terse to enable us to draw any conclusion. The Viti kuro-susunu (kuro being a pot) is of uncertain application. tunu. This is the form common to the Proto-Samoan and Tongafiti migra- tions ; it is found in Viti and Polynesia generally, largely in Melanesia, and it has a good representation in Indonesia. Sinu and sunu have shown senses which imply contact with the naked fire, and that idea is largely predominant in tunu, as exemplified by the definitions of toasting, roasting, broiling, cooking on embers. Disregarding the instances in which the word is rendered by our general verb to cook we shall examine the exceptions to this naked flame sense. It is used of boiling in Samoa, Futuna, Niue, and Tahiti. It is significant that not one of these peoples had taken so much as the first step in fictile art, and such heating of water as was needed was performed by dropping hot stones into the water in a wooden bowl. Equally significant it is that in Viti, where pottery had advanced to the possession of luster and glaze, the word does not mean to boil (Viti : kere, kerea, to boil; wevue, ndanda weruweru, to boil to pieces). I have no hesi- tation, therefore, in ascribing this signification to the careless lack of pre- cision of European influence. In Samoa alone is it used of frying and here there can be no doubt whatever; the infamy of the frying pan is distinctly European, the islanders had not that suicidal implement for the assassi- nation of their digestion. In Melanesia the course of tunu may easily be followed. The Mota Maligo tin suffices to account for an unrecorded pre- duplication titin, and from this by excision of t, normal to those Vanua Lava dialects, Sasar and Alo Teqel obtain i'in. The Indonesian forms are all homogenetic with tunu. tung. This also is common to the Proto-Samoan and Tongafiti migrations. It also shares the sense of the open flame but with this difference : the other forms have dealt with objects brought to the flame, this in its senses of lighting and kindling deals with the flame brought to some object, exactly paralleled by our English locution of setting fire to an object. The dis- criminating final consonant is carried over into the languages of the Tonga- fiti second swarming out of Samoa more distinctly than is commonly the case. Rotuma fuf is characteristic ; Proto-Samoan t is commonly changed to / in that speech; therefore fuf is tut, a simple abrasion of Samoa tutu. Viti has the word in two forms, tungi and tutu, and has applied to each its own formative terminations, these two forms representing the earlier epoch when Proto-Samoan retained its closed stem and the later in which it had undergone abrasion. This difference of development level also appears in Ulawa and Bugotu of the Solomon Islands. The Semitic has the shn skeleton, and that does not accord with any of these island forms. Furthermore the meaning amounts to no more than heat, whereas the stems here assembled are explicit in their insistence, not upon warmth but upon the open flame. 410 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 344- susu, the breast, to suck the breast; bakasusu, to suckle. Samoa: susu, the breast; fa'asusu, to suckle. Futuna: susu, to suck; u, the breast. Tonga: huhu, the breast, to suck the breast; fakahuhu, to suckle. Niue: huhu, the breast, nipple; fakahuhu, to suckle. Uvea : huhu, the breast, the nipple, to give milk, to suck. Nuguria: huhu, milk; u, the breast. Tahiti, Rarotonga : u, the breast, milk. Maori, Hawaii, Marquesas, Mangareva, Paumotu: u, the breast. Fotuna: ko-u, to suck ; vai-u, milk; ta-u, nipple. Rapanui: u, the breast; vaihu, milk. Viti : suthu, the breast, to suck the breast, to be born. Mota, Lamassa, New Ireland (Port Praslin), Mugula, Dobu, Galavi, Boniki, Mukawa, Kubiri, Kiviri: susu, the breast. Laur: susu, id. Mabuiag: sus(u), id. Motu, Suau: susu, milk. Aneityum : nasusu, an infant. New Ireland (Carteret Harbor) : susun, the breast. Brumer Island : susuga, id. Buka : ssussuge, the nipple. New Ireland (Duffield) : susung, kasiing, the breast. Lambell, Pala, King: sus, id. Mota Veverau: sus, id.; Maligo: sis, id. Nada: sese, id. Buka: mata na sus, the nipple. Buka: suss, the breast. Waima: tutu, id. Kiriwina, Raqa : nunu, id. Oiun: mini, id. Taupota: g'ug'u, id. Wedau: gugu, id. New Britain: n, id. Malo: susu, the breast, to suck. Baki: yu, milk, nipple. Malekula: mi sus, to suck; na sus, milk; susin, the breast. Bierian: ohun, the breast. Wango: haasusu, to lay (of a hen). Mota: mm,*-, to give birth. Nggela: vahu, to be born. Norbarbar: visis, to give birth. Retan: vusus, id. King: vusiis, id. Lambell: 'hiasus, id. Lamassa: ia.yj<.y, id. Malay: mra, the breast, milk. Java, Bugi, Pampangas, Macassar: susu, the breast. Tagalog: suso, id. Matu: susan, id. Visayas: dughan, id. Kayan: twofe, the breast; .yo, milk. Waigiou : sus, the breast. Waigiou Alfuros : su, id. Malagasy : nunu, id. Hebrew: s'od, the breast. Arabic: t'idy', t'udiyy', id. The data here collated will be found subject to a double complication. In Viti we find suthu meaning the breast, to suck the breast, to be born. If it were solitary we might strain analogies and strive to bring these two into correlation, but we need go no further than Wango haasusu to find reason to give over the effort, for it is only in botany that ornithogalum can be conceived of as even a remote possibility. It will best be disposed of by regarding susu of parturition as a distinctively Melanesian element which chances to have the same form as the Proto-Samoan susu the breast. In a separate paragraph I have set aside the Melanesian homogenetics of this non- Polynesian susu. It will be seen that in general it appears in com- position with the causative haa-va, and in Lambell and Lamassa it will be observed that this has greatly disintegrated. In the sense of the breast susu is distinctly a Proto-Samoan possession, primarily the breast and secondarily to suck the breast; for in Efat6, Samoa, DATA AND NOTES. 411 Tonga, and Niue we find a causative to convey the latter signification. This form runs through Melanesia, and greatly to our surprise it prevails in Indonesia, where in general the agreement is more close with the Tongafiti stage of the Polynesian. The Tongafiti word for breast is u. This we may not regard as a dilapi- dated form of susu, su-hu-u, for in that case we should expect the aspiration to be present in the languages in which it entails no difficulty. The only way in which I can adjust it to the susu series is to regard u as primal and su to have become a particularized form through the employment of a consonantal coefficient. In Nuclear Polynesia this w-form appears only in Futuna, a language in which Tongafiti influence is strongly marked — not so strongly in this instance, however, as to obliterate the Proto-Samoan susu to suck. At a distance, and in the western verge, u appears in Fotuna in the sense of sucking, which the word nowhere else carries, for in exterior Polynesia the words meaning to suck have no relation to the word for breast. New Britain u is of the Tongafiti type, and in Epi the Bierian ohun sug- gests a su form which undergoes yet further demolition in Baki yu. The Indonesian identifications, as before remarked, are quite generally of the susu or Proto-Samoan type. The Malagasy nunu is out of order, for we have no data tending to establish an s-n mutation. The Semitic proposed is sd, td, in structure a resemblance of but one consonant and without attempting to account for the other, therefore not to be accepted. 345- ta i, tata, to chop, to cut, to speak or utter (as it were making a chopping noise). Samoa : to", to strike, to beat ; tata, to speak rapidly, to break fire- wood (by hitting a tree or a stone with the billet to be broken) . Tonga: to, to strike, to beat, to hew; tai, to strike, to beat. Futuna : ta, to strike, to beat, to cut, to hew. Niue : ta, to strike, to kill, to adze. Uvea: ta, to strike, to cut. Maori: ta, to beat, to cleave, to split up. Tahiti: ta, to strike, to repeat or tell a tale. Rarotonga, Marquesas: ta, to strike, to beat, to kill. Mangareva: ta, to cut. Paumotu: ta, to strike, to cut (in composition). Nuguria: taa, to hew. Sika- yana, Moiki: ta, to strike. Nukuoro: ta, to cut. Hawaii: ka, to strike, to beat, to cut or split wood. Viti : ta, tata, to chop or cut with an axe. New Britain : ta, to strike. Moanus : ta, to beat, to strike. Male- kula : tai, to cut. Malay: tatah, to chop. Macassar: tatta, to fell, to cut off. Mala- gasy: ta, the sound of beating or knocking; tatana, to chop. Arabic : hadda, to cut quickly, to utter speech quickly. With this stem we have an irregular associate referring to speech. Efate- ta to speak, to utter; Samoa tata to speak rapidly; Tahiti ta to tell a tale. Dr. Macdonald's parenthetical suggestion "as it were making a chopping noise" is far too childish for consideration. We must regard this as the survival of a to-vocable elsewhere forgotten. 412 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. The root ta I have already (27 American Journal of Philology, 383, 386) treated by dissection to the seed and consonantal coefficient, and have developed the suggestion that ' ' the root ta through its long series of known combinations carries a strongly featured sense of action that is peripheral, centrifugal, and there seems to be at least a suspicion of the further conno- tation that the action is exerted downward." Thus in most of our Poly- nesian occurrences of the simple root and in two out of the three Melanesian identifications we find the primal sense to strike. The secondary sense of cutting will easily be seen to be a striking with a specialized implement, and we find this sense stated without recognition of the primal striking only in Mangareva, Nukuoro, Viti, and Malekula. In Indonesia this secondary sense is predominant, although Malagasy ta may come somewhat close to the striking idea. The Semitic is far too complex, hdd, to stand in kinship with the sim- plicity of our ta. 346. tangi, to wail, to cry, to ring, to sing, to clank, to hum ; tangi-si, to bewail. Samoa: tangi, to chirp, to bellow, to roar, to wail, to lament, to weep, to chant a poem, to complain ; tatangi, to tinkle, to ring. Tonga: tangi, to cry, to weep, to call out; tatangi, to ring, to tinkle; taangi, to chant a poem. Futuna: tangi, to weep, to groan, the cry of any animal, the sound of any implement. Niue : tangi, to weep, to cry. Uvea : tangi, to weep, to shed tears, to howl, the cry of animals, to appeal to. Maori : tangi, to cry, to sound, to coo, to roar, to weep, to wail; tatangi, to rattle, to jingle; takitaki, to recite a song. Mangaia: tangi, to sound, to cry, to sing, to wail, to weep, to lament. Manga- reva : tangi, to mourn, to wail, to weep, to sing, to make a noise, the sound of a bell or of a trumpet. Rapanui : tangi, to cry, to howl, to groan, to weep, to pity, to covet. Paumotu: tangi, tatangi, to weep, to bewail, to lament. Tongarewa, Nukuoro, Manahiki, Fakaafo: tangi, to cry. Aniwa: noko- tangi, id. Vate: tetangi, id. Nuguria: hakatani, to bewail. Marquesas: tani, taki, to sound, to sing, to bark. Tahiti: tai, to sound (as an instrument), to weep, to cry; tatai, to rehearse or recapitulate the particulars of an agreement. Hawaii: kani, to make a sound more or less musical, to hum a tune, to sound (as a trumpet), to make a report (as a gun), to crack (as a whip), to rumble (as thunder), to squeak, to crow; kanikani, to tinkle. Viti: tangi, to cry, to weep aloud, to lament, to crow, to sing. Nguna: tangi, to weep. Omba: tangi, to cry; tangisi, to cry for someone. Nggela: tangi, tangihia, to lament; tangitangi, to sing (of birds) . Vaturanga : tangi, to weep ; tangisia, to weep for. Bugotu : tangi, to weep ; tangihia, to weep for. Nggao : tangi, to weep. Matupit: tangi, to cry. Baravon: tangi, to weep. Belaga: tangi, sounding (of a bell). Lambell: tangis, a tear. Maewo: tangtangisa, pitiful; tangtangisi, to DATA AND NOTES. 413 feel pity for, to show mercy to. Mota : tangi, tangis, tangtang, to cry, to weep. Vuras: tengteng, id. Motlav: teng, id. Sinaugoro : tagi, to weep, to cry. Motu : tai, to cry, to howl, to weep. Redscar Bay: tai, to cry. Aneityum: taing, to cry, to weep ; ataingataing, to sing (as a kettle before boiling) . Santo: toni, to cry. Malekula: teng, to cry; tengsi, to bewail. Malo: tangtange, to cry; tangisia, to bewail. Baki: jengi, to weep, to bewail. Tangoan Santo : tangi, to cry; tangsia, to bewail. Pokau : kani, to weep, to cry. Uni : cani, id. Hula, Keapara, Galoma : agi, id. Roro : hai, id. Waima : hat, to cry. Malay: tangis, to weep. Siwa: tangi, to weep. Tagalog: taghoy, to weep, to lament. Java : nangis, to weep. Kayan: nangi, id. Ilocan: sangit, to cry, to weep floods of tears. Malagasy: tany, a cry, a lamentation. Arabic: tanna, to tinkle, to clank, to ring, to hum; tanien, din; tantun, to tinkle, to jingle. The Proto-Samoan stem is tangis. The significations are polyphase; therefore the time will not be ill employed in segregating them into such classes as may be found to exist. A. Non-vocal. Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Maori, Mangareva, Tahiti, Hawaii, Efate, Belaga, Aneityum. B. Vocal. a. The animal cry: Samoa, Futuna, Uvea, Maori, Marquesas, Hawaii, Viti, Nggela. b. The human voice: i. Sounds of pleasure: Samoa, Tonga, Maori, Mangaia, Mangareva, Marquesas, Tahiti, Hawaii, Viti, Efate. 2. Sounds of pain: Samoa, Futuna, Niue, Uvea, Maori, Mangareva, Mangaia, Paumotu, Tongarewa, Nukuoro, Manahiki, Fakaafo, Aniwa, Tahiti, Viti, Efate, Omba, Motu, Redscar Bay, Santo, Malekula, Nggela, Mota, Vuras, Motlav, Aneityum, Matupit, Malo, Baki, Tangoan Santo, Tagalog, Ilocan, Malagasy. 2a. The howl and the tear: Samoa, Tonga, Futuna, Uvea, Maori, Mangaia, Mangareva, Paumotu, Tahiti, Viti, Nguna, Vatu- ranga, Bugotu, Nggao, Baravon, Mota, Aneityum, Baki, Malay, Siwa, Tagalog, Java, Kayan, Ilocan. ib. The wail of petition: Samoa, Uvea. To these should be added Lambell tangis, a tear, and Maewo tangtangisi, in which the tear drops in pity. Until we reach the ultimate items the common factor of this wide range of significations is the inarticulate sound, and even where it distinctly means to sing or chant the sense rests upon the music and not the words. The form calls for no extended comment beyond the general remark upon the frequency with which the final .? is preserved. Aneityum taing is metathetic. The a varies to e in several New Hebridean languages, and in Santo to o. Java and Kayan show the t-n mutation which appears in four New Ireland languages in 329. Ilocan sangit seems to be a most unusual metathesis, type 52341. 414 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. The Arabic approaches but a small sector of the sense of tangis, shows no sign of the radical s, and is really in resemblance only so far as relates to the initial consonant, no satisfactory showing of kinship. 347. tai, excrement, filth. Samoa: tae, excrement. Tonga: tae, excrement; tee, dung of animals. Futuna: tae, excrement. Uvea: tae, id. Niue: te, id. Maori: tae, gum exuding from plants; tahae, filth; tutae, excrement. Tahiti: tutae, tiatae, id. Marquesas: kae, slaver; tutae, excrement. Mangaia, Mangareva, Paumotu: tutae, id. Rapanui: tutae, excrement, mildew. Moriori: hokotae, disgusting, abominable. Hawaii: kukae, excrement, dirt, filth; haukae, filthiness; kae, the exterior of the anus. Fotuna: tah-tai, excrement. Viti : nda, excrement of man ; ndc, of beast. Motu: tage, excrement. Hula: kage, id. Matupit: taka, id. Brierly Island : tai, dung. Malo : tai, excrement. Baki : ta, te, id. Mota: ta, tae, id. Malekula: ne-ten, id. Aneityum: in-tin, id. Malay, Macassar: tai, dung, ordure, excrement. Magindano: tae, id. Malagasy: tay, id. Hebrew: seah, excrement, filth, from yasa' to go out. The simple stem tae is Proto-Samoan, the Tongafiti has tutae. This discrimination gives us a time measure for the Moriori hokotae (Jioko is the equivalent of }aka of resemblance). Once more we have a landmark of the direct southern migration and we find it to be Proto-Samoan. Tonga and Viti distinguish between man and beast, and by the same means. A similar form distinction is found in Baki, but we lack informa- tion of a corresponding source distinction. In Aneityum in-tin refers to beasts and a word of another stem, nohok, refers to men. That this should voluntarily be assumed as a personal name passes comprehension. Yet in the ancient story of the swimming sisters (terato- logically a Siamese twin monster) of Samoa the first object seen glistening on a Tutuila beach on which they came to shore caused one of the sisters to give herself the name Taenia (ma to shine). Exactly the same word appears in Mota gak taenia as an endearing expression of admiration. The Motu and Matupit forms with an inner palatal are listed for so much resemblance as they possess ; I doubt their affinity. The Malekula ten and Aneityum tin are of this stem with the local assumption of w-ephelkustic. The Indonesian identifications are quite satisfactory. I note again the accord with the Proto-Samoan rather than the Tongafiti and later form. Except for the subject the Hebrew offering can have nothing whatever to do with this stem. 348- tale, a belt, rope, string. Nukuoro : tali, a rope. Viti: ndali, a rope or large cord. Mota: tali, a cord. Wango: tali, a rope. Malay: tali, a rope, string, bandage. Malagasy: tadi, a rope. Arabic : dara, to go round, to whirl, to turn. DATA AND NOTES. 415 Although established at few points this stem is of peculiar value. We note its identification at two Indonesian points, at three in Melanesia, and in Viti. In another subdivision of these data we have encountered several instances of stems common to Indonesia, Melanesia, and Viti. This instance very brilliantly illuminates those, for here we are prevented from assuming a Polynesian migration which got no nearer its destination than Viti. Tali is found nowhere in Nuclear Polynesia or exterior migration lands, but it is found in Nukuoro. That distant island, almost a backward eddy, we have already shown to have received its population from Samoa in a secondary colony. The preservation of tali on Nukuoro shows it to have existed in Samoa at the time of this northern voyage. Since the date of that voyage tali has vanished from Samoa and in Nuclear Polynesia has been replaced by maea (62). The Semitic proposed has a consonantal resemblance, but there is abso- lutely nothing in signification to support the resemblance. 349- tale, the taro (so called because round; talo, taltal, round). Samoa, Fakaafo, Tonga, Futuna, Niue: talo, the taro. Maori, Tahiti, Mangareva, Bukabuka, Rarotonga, Fotuna, Aniwa, Vat6 : taro, id. Nukuoro: taro, tao, id. Moiki: tango, id. Mar- quesas: tao, id. Hawaii: kalo, id. Viti : ndalo, the taro. Motu: talo, the taro. Eromanga: tal, id. Aneityum: in-tal, id. King, Rubi: kali, id. Sinaugoro: hare, id. Hula: hale, id. Keapara: ale, id. Malay: tolas, the taro. Arabic: data, to go round, to whirl, to turn; da'ro, orb, round. This staple food product is excellently identified in our three island areas. The etymology in Efate "so called because round" is worse than childish; it is a fabrication to establish an identity with the Arabic proposed. After observing that Arabic data has just been employed (348) to account for the cylindrical slimness of a cord and now for the roughly ovoid shape of the taro underground stem, than which two objects could scarcely be more dissimilar, one pauses in wonder at the mental process. 35o. talfga na, linga na, nalfga na, the ear. Samoa, Fakaafo, Futuna, Uvea : talinga, the ear. Nukuoro : talinga, a horn; taninga, the ear. Maori, Rarotonga, Paumotu, Fotuna, Manahiki, Aniwa, Fotuna, Rapanui : taringa, the ear. Nuguria : tar ina, id. Sikayana: kautalina, id. Liueniua: karinga, id. Tahiti: taria, id. Tonga, Niue: telinga, id. Mangareva, Vate: teringa, id. Moriori: tiringa, id. Moiki: tanginga, id. Marquesas: pu-aika, pu-aina, id. Viti: ndalinga, the ear. Rotuma: faliang, id. Pala, New Britain, Nguna, Duke of York : talinga, the ear. Laur : talingd, id. King, Lambell: talngd, id. Buka: dalinga, talinga, taliga, id. New Georgia : talenge, id. Sesake, Epi, Lo, Bougain- ville, New Georgia : ndalinga, id. Wango, Fagani : karinga, id. 416 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Marina, Vella Lavella (Bilua) : salinga, id. Ulawa, Bululaha, Alite: alinga, id. Saa: alinge, id. Kiriwina: taigila, id. Tavara, Awalama, Taupota : taniga, id. Wedau: tanig'a, id. Suau, Mukawa, Kwagila, Raqa: taina, id. Mugula, Kiviri: teina, id. Oiun: tain, id. Galavi, Boniki: teini, id. Dobu: iena, id. Murua: fe^a,id. Nada: fo'wa, id. Panaieti, Misima : tanan, id. Motu: /o/o, pig. Roro: aiporo, id. Kubiri, Raqa, Kiviri, Oiun: foro, id. Uni: foloma, id. Bugotu: 60^0, id. Nggao: bosu, id. Pala: ftdre, id. Laur: mbor, id. Solomon Islands: boa, id. Tube- tube: £oa/o, id. Natalava: boalo, id. New Ireland (Carteret Harbor): bouri, id. Moanus: pou, id. Fagani: 600, id. New Ireland (Duffield) : bogh, id. Alite: bo, id. Brierly Island, Tubetube, Tagula: bobo, id. Panaieti, Misima: bobu, id. Rua- vatu: 6e, id. Ugi, Ulawa, Wango, Bululaha: po, id. Malo: 6oi, id. Marina, Nifilole: /50c, id. Ambrym, Epi Baki: bue, id. Deni: 7«/pot, id. Omba, Maewo: kmbwoe, id. Merlav: kmpwoe, id. Arag, Mota: kpwoe, id. Motlav, Gog, Norbarbar : kmbwo, id. Volow: nggmbwo, id. AloTeqel: &m£wo,id. Pak, Sasar: fe6wo,id. Lakon, Vuras, Mosin,Lo: £/>wo,id. Saa: />wo, id. Buka: ^w, wgw, paum, apum, id. Sesake: wango, id. Waigiou: 60, pig. Mysot: 6o/f, id. Buru: babue, id. Malay: 6a6i, id. Arabic: fuka, fuak', fuwak', to emit hoarse guttural sounds; fakfaka, to bark. Both Pratt and Hazlewood, in the Samoan and Viti dictionaries respec- tively, credit pua'a and vuaka with derivation from and corruption of English pork. They little knew the extent of this ancient island word. To show that I am not alone in my view I cite Mr. Tregear's interesting note (Maori- Polynesian Comparative Dictionary, s. v. poaka) : This word (generally supposed to be a corruption of the English word porker) is genuine Polynesian. It was probably received by the Maoris from the Tahitian inter- preter of Captain Cook, although the passage in Vol. ii, p. 372, of Cook's Voyages, ed. 1793, urges that the Maoris already knew the word. It is possible that the Maoris had kept a traditional knowledge of the animal, just as in some smaller Polynesian islands the natives called the dog kuri at sight, although the animal was not to be found amongst them. The hogs were numerous in Tahiti, Hawaii, etc., before the arrival of the Euro- peans, and the native hog appears to have been of a different species from the imported breed. In the Hervey Group pigs were found on Atiu and Rarotonga, but not on the neighboring islands of Mangaia and Aitutaki. However, at Mangaia, districts known as pa-puaka (hog-pen) and puaka-ngunguru (grunting hog) are names in evidence of the pig having once been known on the island. In the Melanesian area we find at least three stems. Of one the full stem is pakasi, as found at Aniwa and Fotuna. Sesake bokasi and Bierian bukahi are but slight deviations therefrom. The first alteration is the DATA AND NOTES. 429 abrasion of the final vowel, yielding Eromanga mpokas, Efate bwakas and bwokas; and Aneityum pigath derives from this stage. The second altera- tion is abrasion of the then final consonant yielding Tanna puka'. The Efate bwakas affords the transition phase to the puaka type of Polynesia in general, which is found in Lifu and Nengone (yet possibly a direct intro- duction by Samoan missionaries) and in boako of New Georgia. Efate uango, uak, Sesake wango, derive from puaka by frontal abrasion and k-ng mutation. The next stem is boro. In New Guinea we encounter boro with ra-accre- tion, Kabadi boroma, Motu buruma, Miriam borom. As boro the stem is found in the eastern gateway, New Britain, Duke of York, New Ireland, in boroi, boro, mbolo, polo, boalo, bouri, botho, bosu, mbor. The third stem is po. This appears in a wide range of forms. It is not beyond probability that po may be an attrition form of boro. The Laur mbor, in a district adjacent to boro forms, and the Solomon Island boa may provide transition phases leading to po. The forms found in Buka are not susceptible of derivation from any of these three forms. In Indonesia Waigiou bo and Mysot boh are satisfactorily identified with the Melanesian po-stem. The Malay babi, Buru babue, offers a difficulty. Codrington (Melanesian Languages, 86) offers Sanguir and Salibabo bawi as a transition to boh and bo. The Semitic, fk stem, can not be brought into relationship with our primal pakasi. 362. ula, a maggot. Samoa, Futuna, Hawaii: ilo, a worm or maggot in putrid flesh or ulcers. Maori, Tahiti, Mangareva: iro, id. Fotuna: eiro, id. Viti: uloulo, a maggot. Motu: uloulo, a maggot. Mota, Malo: ulo, id. Baki: ilo, id. Malekula: na-uru, id. Malay: ulat, a maggot. Malagasy: ulitra, id. Ethiopic : 'es'e, a worm ; 'as'ya, to breed worms. The identifications are quite satisfactory, the i-u vowel change being well established. While the ilo forms are characteristically Polynesian and ulo characteristically Melanesian, Baki ilo is a Melanesian occurrence of the Polynesian form. The Efate ula has the same vowel scheme as Malay ulat. The Semitic forms have no possible relation to the island forms. 363. uose, uos, uohe, an oar, a paddle. Tonga: fohe, a paddle; taufoe, a rope belonging to the steer oar. Niue: fohe, a paddle. Samoa: foe, a paddle; foefoe, to paddle briskly. Futuna: foe, an oar, a paddle. Fotuna: foi, id. Maori, Tahiti, Marquesas, Nukuoro, Nuguria, Rapanui, Tonga- rewa : hoe, a paddle, an oar, to row, to paddle. Mangareva : hoe, id. ; ohe, an oar, a paddle. Hawaii : hoe, a paddle; hoehoe, to row. Viti : vothe, a paddle, to paddle. 430 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. King: voso, a paddle. Epi: voho, id. Laur, Lamassa: vos, id. Malekula: bos, id. Suau: vosc, id. Mugula: wosi, id. Sariba: w 190 ng-<7 3°8 P ^ 2°7» 285 ng-w 199 Identical 74, 190, 239, 276, 317, 324, 330, 342, 344 Consonant identity. . . .328 Vowel identity 46, 329, 360 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 199, 207, 278, 290, 306, 313 Frontal abrasion 46, 214, 249, 306 Frontal accession 46 Terminal accession 190, 278, 300, 317, 342 Metathesis 308 440 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. DOMARA. a-a 312 1 — 312 i-i 312 m-w 312 DOURA. a a, e e a o e [ i XX u 1 I, r, i, — ng — n n, — m m h s d V V f h, k k— t k p h a-a 74, 217, 265, 284, 309, 312, ng— 309, 350 3i3» 3i8, 324, 342, 350, 360 k— 249, 306 a-e 291 n-n 74. 33°. 342 e-a 249, 272, 318 n — 259 i-i 249, 259, 291, 312, 313, 330, s-d 342 342, 350 t-k 74, 217, 249, 306, 318, 324, o-e 259, 309 35o u-« 74,265,272,284,306,330, m-vi 217,265,312,313,318,324 360 v-v 291 1-/ 309 f-A 272, 360 \-r 265, 272 f-k 259 |-t 284, 309 V-h 284 1— 312, 313, 350 Identical 265, 330 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 74. 217, 3°6, 318, 324, 342, 360 Frontal abrasion 249, 259, 306 Terminal accretion 249 DUBA. a-a 324 t-* 324 mm 324 THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 441 GAL AVI. a a, e, i, o e a, e o o, e i i, a, o U u, o 1 /, r, n, — ng n, m n n, k, — mm h g s s V f v, w, p, k, k k, g t t, m p a-a 46, 74, 199, 217, 239, 265, 1 — 313, 350 290, 312, 313, 324, 328, 340, ng-n 350 360, 363 ng-w 199 a-e 350 k-k 46, 149, 249 a-i 350 k-^ 225, 297 a-o 199 n-w 46, 74, 290, 328 e-e 290, 363 n-k 254 e-a 249, 272 n — 259 \-i 46, 149, 225, 249, 273, 290, h-g 340 312, 3i3> 350 S"J 239, 344 [-a 254 t-t 74, 199, 249, 324, 350 i-o 259 t-m 217 0-0 282 m-m 217, 265, 312, 313, 321, 324, o-e 259 328, 34° u-w 74, 239, 265, 272, 273, 282, f-v 254, 273, 282, 290 321, 344, 360 i-w 290, 360, 363 no 328 " f-p 272 1-/ 272 f-fe 259 1-r 225, 297 f— 360 \-n 265, 312, 313 Identical 46, 74. J49» 239. 324» 344 Consonant identity. . . .249, 328 Vowel identity 217, 265, 273, 360 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 225, 290, 312, 313, 363 Frontal abrasion 321 Frontal accretion 149, 239, 273, 360 Terminal accretion 149. 217, 225, 249, 254, 272, 321, 340 Metathesis 360 442 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. GALOMA. a a, e e e, a o o i i u u, i, o 1 /, r, g, n, — ng g n n, g m m h r S r \ b, w f />, & kg,— t /, — p £, 6 a-a 46, 74, 109, 217, 254, 265, ng-^ 285, 306, 346 290, 291, 292, 294, 308, 312, k-g 46, 149 313, 3i7, 324, 334, 335, 346, k— 249, 306 351, 360 n-n 46, 74, 187, 290, 292, 317, a-e 284, 328 321, 328, 33°, 334, 35* e-e 122, 187, 190, 276, 290 n-g 109, 254 e-a 47, 249 h-r 47, 206 \-i 46, 74, 149, 206, 249, 254, s-r 298 285, 290, 291 t-l 247 0-0 187, 206, 247, 285 t— 47, 74, 217, 249, 276, 294, u-w 74, i°9, 247, 265, 284, 292, 306, 346 294, 298, 306, 317, 321, 330, mm 217, 254, 265, 312, 313, 317, 334, 335, 360 324, 328 u-i 351 v-6 109 u-o 328 v-w 291 M 308, 334, 335 f'b J22, 206, 29O, 292, 294, 36O, \-r 149 f-p 254 \-g 308 V-P !9°, 285 \-n 265 p-b 247, 284, 285 1— 284, 312, 313 Identical 187, 190, 317, 321, 330, 334 Vowel identity 217, 265, 334 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 46, 74, 109, 122, 206, 254, 285, 290, 292, 308, 346, 360 Terminal abrasion 324 Frontal abrasion 47, 249, 306 Frontal accretion 276 Terminal accretion 321 Metathesis 149, 334 THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 443 HULA. a a, e e e, a o o i i, e u u, i, o 1 /, r, g, n, — ng g n n, k, — m m h r S r V b, w f b, v k k, g, — t h, i, k, r, — p p, b a-a 46, 74, 109, 214, 217, 265, k-k 149, 351 276, 290, 291, 292, 294, 308, kg 249, 306 312, 313, 317, 324, 334, 335, k— 46 346, 349, 351, 360 n-11 46, 74, 187, 290, 292, 317, a-e 328 321, 328, 330, 334, 351 e-g 122, 187, 190, 276, 290, 349 n-fe 254 e-a 47, 249 n — 109 \-i 46, 47, 149, 249, 290, 291, h-r 47 298, 308, 312, 313, 321, 330, s-r 298 346 t-h 74 i-e 254 t-i 276 0-0 187, 247 t-k 349 U-tt 74, 109, 247, 265, 292, 294, t-r 347 298, 306, 317, 321, 330, 334, t— 47, 217, 249, 294, 346 335, 360 m-m 217, 265, 312, 313, 317, 324, u-t 351 328 u-o 328 v-6 109 \l 335, 349 v"™ 291 \-r 149 i-b 360 \-g 313 i-v 122, 214, 254, 290, 292, 294 1-n 265, 334 V-P i9° 1— 308, 312 p-6 247 ng-9 308, 346 Identical 190, 330, 335 Consonant identity . . . .328 Vowel identity 46, 109, 187, 217, 265 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 74, 122, 214, 290, 291, 308, 313, 334, 346 Terminal abrasion 306, 324 Frontal abrasion 46, 47, 109, 308 Frontal accretion 187 Metathesis 149, 321 444 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. KABADI. a -a, e e e, a o o, e i i, e u u, o 1 r, — ng «, — n n m w h d s ; V V f v, s, — k — t k, s p p a-a 46, 74, 214, 258, 265, 290, 1— 309, 312, 313, 336, 350 292, 294, 300, 308, 309, 312, ng-n 308, 336, 350 3i3, 3i7, 324. 335, 35o, 35i. nS— 309 360 k— 46, 249, 258 a-e 258, 291 n-n 46, 74, 259, 290, 292, 317, e-e 122, 290, 363 321, 330, 351 e-a 47, 122, 249, 272 h-d 47, 363 i-i 46, 47, 122, 259, 290, 291, s-t 298 298, 308, 312, 313, 321, 330, t-k 47, 74, 247, 258, 294, 324, 350 35° i-e 300 t-s 249 0-0 247, 309, 336, 363 mm 258, 265, 312, 313, 317, 324 o-e 259 v-v 122, 291 u-w 74, 247, 258, 265, 272, 292, f-v 122, 214, 290, 292, 294, 360 294, 298, 317, 321, 330, 335, f-s 259 35i f— 272, 363 VL-0 360 pp 247 \-r 265, 272, 308, 335 Identical 265, 317, 321, 330, 335 Consonant identity. . . .122 Vowel identity 46 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 74, 122, 214, 290, 292, 298, 308, 324 Frontal abrasion 46, 249, 336 Frontal accretion 300 Terminal accretion 249, 272, 294, 300, 321, 335, 336 Metathesis 360 KEAKALO. a-a 312, 338 1— 312 e-i 338 k-a 338 i-i 312 m-m 312 THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 445 KEAPARA. a a, e e e, a o o \ i u u, i, o 1 I, r, g, n, — ng g n n, g mm h r s / v w f v, b, g k k, g, h t I, — p p, b a-a 46, 74, 214, 217, 254, 265, ng-# 285, 308, 346 290, 291, 292, 294, 308, 312, k-k 149 313, 317, 324, 334, 335, 346, kg 249, 297, 306 349, 351, 360 k-h 46, 214 a-e 284, 328 ^ n-w 46, 74, 187, 290, 292, 317, e-e 122, 187, 190, 290, 349 321, 328, 330, 334 e-a 47, 249, 272 n-g 254 \-i 46, 47, 149, 206, 249, 254, h-r 47, 206 285, 290, 291, 298, 308, 312, s-l 298 313, 321, 330, 346 t-l 247 0-0 187, 206, 247, 285 t— 47, 74, 217, 249, 294, 346, U-w 74, 247, 265, 272, 284, 292, 349 294, 298, 306, 317, 321, 330, mm 217, 254, 265, 312, 313, 317, 334. 335, 360 324, 328 n-i 351 v-w 291 u-o 328 f-v 122, 214, 254, 290, 292, 294 1-J 335, 349 f-& 272, 360 \-r 149 i-g 206 \-g 313 V-P 19°. 285 \-n 265, 334 p-b 247, 284 1 — 284, 297, 308, 312 Identical 187, 190, 317, 321, 330, 335 Consonant identity. . . .328 Vowel identity 217, 265 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 46, 74, 122, 214, 254, 290, 291, 298, 308, 313, 334, 346, 360 Terminal abrasion 306, 324 Frontal abrasion 47, 308 Terminal accretion 321 Metathesis 149 446 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. KIRIWINA. a a, e, i e e, a, i o o, a, u \ i u u 1 /, r, n, — ng g n n, I m m h s s s, n v w f v, k, g, d, — k k, kw, g t t, d, s, k p b a-a 74, 214, 217, 276, 291, 294, k-k 149, 214, 225, 297, 306 302, 308, 309, 312, 313, 317, k-kw 225 318, 324 k-g 302 a-g 300 n-n 187, 317, 328, 330 a-i 290, 309, 324, 328, 350 n-/ 74 e-e 190, 297 h-s 47 e-a 47, 187, 190, 276, 290, 318 s-.? 239 e-z 318 s-n 344 i-i 47, 149, 273, 285, 290, 291, t-t 47, 74, 217, 276, 306, 318, 297, 300, 302, 308, 312, 313, 324, 350 329, 330, 350 t-d 302 00 285, 309 t-s 318, 329 o-a 187 t-k 294 o-u 309 m-m 217, 312, 313, 317, 318, 321, u-w 47, 149, 273, 285, 290, 291, 324, 328 297, 300, 302, 308, 312, 313, \-w 291 329. 33°. 35° f-v 214, 273, 290 1-/ 212, 290, 308, 312, 313, 350 i-g 294 \-r 225, 297 f-& 212 I-w 309 i-d 294 1 — 291 f — 329 ng-£ 285, 308, 309, 350 p-6 190, 285 Identical 149, 217, 297, 306, 312, 317, 324 Consonant identity. . . .318, 328 Vowel identity 273, 329, 344 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 74, 212, 214, 285, 291, 302 Terminal abrasion 328 Frontal accretion 187, 273, 276 Terminal accretion 149, 300, 309, 317, 330 Metathesis 308, 313, 350 THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 447 KIVIRI. a a, e, o, u e e, a, too \ i u u, a 1 r, n, — ng n, m n n m m h s, r s .$• V f b k k, g, s, — t t p p, f a-a 74, 199, 217, 278, 313, 324, ng-w 199, 285 328, 340, 350 k-k 350 a-e 350 kg 225, 306 a-o 199 k-y 297 a-w 300 k — 249 e-e 190 n-n 74, 328, 350 e-a 249 h-^- 278 Q-i 363 h-r 340 \i 249, 300, 312, 313, 350 s-^ 344 0-0 285,363 t-t 74, 199, 2 1 7, 249, 306, 324, u-w 74, 278, 306, 344 35° u-a 306 mm 217, 312, 313, 324, 328, 340 \-r 225, 297 f-b 282, 363 1-n 312, 313 V-P 285 1— 350 Vf i9° ng-n 350 Identical 74, 217, 324, 344 Terminal abrasion 350 Vowel identity 350 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 190, 278, 313, 340, 363 Terminal abrasion. . .285, 312, 328 Terminal abrasion 285, 312, 328, 350 Terminal accretion 190, 278 a-a 217 KOITA. mm 217 t-m 2 1 7 448 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. KUBIRI. a-a a-e e-e e-a \-i o-o o-a u-u u-o \-r \-n e e, a a, a o, u, o ng r, n n, m s, r m m b, — k k, g, — t t 74, 217, 278, 3°°, 302, 312, k-k 3I3. 3!7, 324> 328, 340, 351, k-g 360 k — 316 n-n 363 n-m 249 h-s 249, 300, 302, 312, 313 h-r 363 S"J 282 U 74, 278, 282, 306, 316, 317, mm 344, 35i, 360 328 f-6 225, 316 f— 312, 313 Identical 74, 217, 324, 344, 351 Frontal abrasion 249,' 306 Consonant identity 316, 328 Terminal accretion . 249, 278, 300, Consonant mutation : 302, 34° Vowel identity.,278,306,312,313,363 Metathesis 302 35i 225, 302 249, 306 74, 328, 351 3J7 278 340 344 74, 217, 249, 302, 306, 324 217, 312, 313, 316, 317, 324, 328, 340 282, 363 360 KWAGILA. a a, 0 e i o \ i u u 1 r, - ng 11 n d in m h s v g f k k it p b a-a 313, 324, 350 a-o 291 e-i 1 90 \-% 291, 313, 330, 350 u-u 330 \-r 297 1— 313, 350 Identical -124. Vowel identity . 350 ng-n 3.50 k-k 297 n-d 330 U 324, 350 mm 3i3, 324 \-g 291 V-b 190 Frontal accretion 190 Terminal accretion. . . . 190, 330 THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 449 MAILU. a-a 312 1 — 312 \-i 312 m-m 312 MASSIM. a-a 268, 291, 318 mm 318 e-i 318 t-t 268, 318 \-i 291 \-w 291 [r 268 MEKEO. a a e e, a o 0, e, u \ i u u 1 *, - ng ng, n n w, ng, — mm h k s k v £ f /, A - k— t k, — v 1 a-a 46, 74, 109, 207, 214, 217, k — 46 254, 276, 290, 292, 294, 309, n-n 259, 321, 342 312, 313, 318, 342, 350, 360 n-ng 46, 74, 254, 292 e-e 190, 276, 290, 318, 363 n — 109, 290 e-a 272 h-k 206, 363 \-i 46, 206, 254, 259, 290, 312, s-k 342 313, 321, 342, 350 t-k 247 0-0 246, 247, 336, 363 t— 74, 207, 217, 276, 294, 318, o-e 259 35° o-w 309 m-m 217, 254, 312, 313, 318 u-w 74, 109, 207, 247, 272, 292, \-p 109 294, 321, 360 f-/ 294 1-/ 336 f-p 206, 214, 254, 272, 290, 292, 1— 309. 312, 313. 350 360, 363 ng-na 309, 336 f— 259 ng-w 350 p-/ 190, 207, 247 Identical 321, 336 Vowel identity 46, 109, 217, 276, 318 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 190, 206, 207, 214, 254, 290, 342, 360 Frontal abrasion 46, 109 Frontal accretion 272 Terminal accretion 74, 254 450 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. MABUIAG. a a 1 i ng a-a 46, 218 i-i 46 U-w 344 u-a 76 u-a* 76 Identical 217, 344 Vowel identity 46 Frontal abrasion 46 1 n h s s k— mm P-P u z/, a, at m m v f P P 46 344 76 218 MIRIAM. a e i "g e-i 64 U-tt 64 u-a 76 u-e 76 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 64 1 / n h s M 64 mm 76 p-b 64 U w, a, e m w v f P b THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 451 MISIMA. a a, e, i, u e e, a, too \ i u it 1 I, n, — ng n, m n n, I, k, — m m h r s s, k v w, r f k k, g t /, n p p, b a-a 109, 199, 217, 308, 312, 324, k-k 351 342, 350 kg 297 ZL-e 291 n-n 259, 330, 342, 351 at 328 n-Z 342 a-w 351 n-k 328 e-e 190 n — 109 e-a 47 h-r 47 e-i 190 s-j 342 i-t" 47, 259, 291, 312, 330, 342 s-h 342 0-0 247 t-t 47. i99» 217, 324. 35° u-w 109, 247, 328, 330 t-n 217 U 308 mm 217, 312, 324, 328 \-n 312 v-w 291 I — 297, 350 v-r 109 ng-n 308, 350 p-/> 247 ng-m 199 p-6 190 Identical 217, 324, 342 Vowel identity 109, 330 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 190, 199, 308, 312 Terminal abrasion 259, 308 Frontal abrasion 109 Metathesis 247 452 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. MUGULA. a a, e, o e e, a, i o o, i \ i u u, oa ng n, m n n h s 1 I, n, ■ n n h * s .y, sh m] m v 9 f v,\w, s, k t t, k, h p />, b a-a 199, 3i3. 324 nn 29°' 330 a-e 294, 350 h-s 363 a-o 291 *-* 344 e-g 190 s-^/i 298 e-a 290 t-i 199. 324, 350 e-i 190, 363 i'k 294 i-i 290, 291, 298, 313, 330, 350 t-h 247 0-0 363 m-w 3i3, 324 o-i 247 v-^ 291 U-W 212, 294, 298, 33O, 344 f-V 294 u-oa 247 f-w 363 1-/ 212 f-tf 290 \-n 313 f-fe 2I2 1— 350 V-P 247 ng-w 350 P-b 19° ng-ra 1 99 Identical 324. 33°. 344 Vowel identity 350 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 190, 199, 212, 298, 313 THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 453 MUKAWA. a. a, e, o e e, a o o, u \ i u u, o 1 r, n, — ng n, m n n, k mm h s, g s s, t, — v f p, b, w, s k k t t, s p p, b a-a 46, 74, 199, 217, 239, 276, k-k 46, 249, 306, 351 290, 300, 312, 313, 317, 324, n-n 46, 74, 259, 317, 328, 336, 328, 335. 340, 350» 35i. 360, 351 a-e 316 n-fe 290 a-o 199 h-j- 206 e-e 190, 276, 290, 363 h-^ 340 e-a 249 s-j- 239, 344 i-i 46, 206, 249, 259, 273, 290, s-t 351 298, 300, 312, 313, 330, 350 s— 298 0-0 259, 285, 336, 363 U 74, 199, 217, 249, 276, 302, o-M 206, 247 3°6, 324. 35° U-w 74. 239. 247, 273. 298. 3°2, t-j 247 306, 316, 317, 330, 335, 344. «nw 217, 312, 313, 316, 317, 324. 35i. 360 328, 340 U-o 328 f-& 259, 273, 363 \r 316, 335 f-P 2o6 1-n 312, 313, 336 f-w 290, 360 I— 350 f-J 290 ng-n 336, 350 V-P 247, 285 ng-m 199, 285 P-b 19° Identical 46, 74, 217. 239, 276, 306, 317, 324, 330, 335, 344. 35i Consonant identity. . . .249, 316, 328 Vowel identity 273, 350 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 190, 259, 312, 313 Frontal accretion 190, 239, 273, 276, 298, 302 Terminal accretion 190, 249, 285, 302, 330, 336, 340 Metathesis 360 454 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. MURUA. a a, e, t, u e e, i, u o o, au i i, u u u, i, o 1 11, y, — ng g, m n n, s m m h s s v r f v k k, g t t, d, s p p, b a-a 199, 217, 276, 291, 308, 317, 1 — 35° 318, 324, 350 ng-g 285, 308, 309, 350 a-w 109 1-/ 212, 308, 312 v-r 291 \-r 225 f-"y 273 I-m 309, 313 i-h 212 1— 350 f— 290 ng-^ 309 P-/> 247 ng-?z 350 p-6 190 Identical 149, 217, 306, 312, 317, 324, 330 Consonant identity. . . .318, 344 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 212, 225, 313, 342 Terminal abrasion ... 302, 340 Terminal abrasion 302, 340 Frontal accretion 273 Terminal accretion 149, 199 Metathesis 109 456 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 01 UN. a a, e, o e e, a, i o a i i, u u u, a, i 1 r, - ng n, m n n, m m m h r s n, — v f b k k, g, s, — t * p / a-a 74. r99» 2I7. 258, 290, 313, ng-m 199 3i7, 324. 340, 35o kk J49. 225 a-e 217 kg 306 a-o 199 k-j 297 e-g 190, 290, 363 k — 249, 258 e-a 187 n-n 74, 187, 290 e-i 249 n-m 317 i-i 149, 249, 290, 298, 350 h-r 340 i-tt 313 s-n 344 o-a 187, 336, 363 s— 298 Vk-u 74. 258, 298, 306, 317, 344 t-t 74, 199, 217, 249, 258, 306, u-a 306 324. 350 U-t 344 m-m 217, 258, 313, 317, 324, 340 \-r 225, 297 f-6 282, 290, 363 1— 3i3. 350 V-f J90 ng-n 336, 350 Identical 74, 149, 324 Consonant identity • • • 217 Vowel identity 317 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 190, 340, 363 Terminal abrasion . . .290 Terminal abrasion 290, 350 Frontal abrasion 249, 336 Frontal accretion 149, 187, 225 Terminal accretion 187, 190, 249, 336 THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 457 PANAIETI. a a, e, u e e, a, i o o, u \ i u u 1 r, n, — ng n, g n n, ng, g, — mm h r s s v w, r i P,- k k t t, h, n p p, b a-a 74, 109, 214, 217, 239, 292, k-k 225, 249 308, 309, 312, 313, 324, 350 n-n 74, 259, 330 a-e 291 n-ng 292 a-w 328 n-£ 328 e-e 190, 249 n — 109 e-a 47 h-r 47 e-i 190 s-j 239 \-i 47, 249, 259, 312, 313, 330 t-t 47, 74, 217, 249, 324, 350 0-0 247 t-h 247 o-M 309 t-n 217 u-t< 74, 109, 239, 247, 292, 328, mm 217, 312, 313, 324, 328 330 v-r 109 \-r 225, 308 v-w 291 1-w 309, 312, 313 *-P 2I4» 292 1— 350 f— 214 ng-n 308, 350 p-/» 247 ng-^ 309 P-b l9° Identical 74. 217, 239, 249, 324, 330 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 190, 214, 292, 308, 312, 313 Terminal abrasion 259, 308 Frontal accretion 239 Terminal accretion 324 Metathesis 247 458 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. POKAU. a a, e e e, a, i o o, e i i, e u u, o 1 I, < — ng n, I, — n n, — m m h d s d V V f v, b, k k k, — t k, d p b, v a a 46, 74, 109, 207, 214, 217, ng-u 285, 308, 346 258, 265, 284, 292, 308, 309, ng-/ 309 312, 313, 317, 324, 339, 346, ng— 350 35«» 35ij 360 k-k 149 a-e 291 k — 46, 249, 258, 306 e-e 190, 363 n-w 46, 74, 259, 292, 317, 321, e-a 249 330, 351 e-* 122 n — 109 \-i 46, 149, 206, 249, 259, 285, h-d 206, 339, 363 291, 298, 3O8, 312, 3I3, 321, Srd 351 330, 346, 350 t-k 74, 207, 217, 249, 258, 306, i-« 273 324, 346, 350 0-0 206, 285, 309, 363 t-d 298 o-e 259 m-w 217, 258, 265, 312, 313, 317, \x u 74, 109, 207, 258, 265, 273, 324 284, 292, 298, 306, 317, 321, x-v 109, 291 330, 360 i-v 122, 206, 273, 292, 360, 363 u-o 351 f-6 214 1-/ 265, 284, 308, 309, 339 i-k 259 \-i 284 p-b 190, 207, 285 1— 312, 313, 350 pv 284 Identical. . 149, 265, 317, 321, 330 Vowel identity 46, 109 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 74, 190, 206, 207, 214, 217, 284, 285, 292, 298, 306, 308, 309, 324, 339, 360, 363 Frontal abrasion 46, 109, 306 Frontal accretion 1 90 Terminal accretion 190, 249, 321 Metathesis 273 THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 459 RAQA. a a, o e e, i o o, a i * u u, o 1 r, - ng n, m n n, m m m, d h r, I s 11, — V f b k k, ka, — t t, d p 6 a-a 74. i99» 217, 317, 324, 328, k-ka 225 340, 350 k— 249 a-o 199 n-w 74, 328 e-e 190, 363 n-w 317 e-i 249 h-r 340 \-i 225, 249, 298, 350 h-l 363 0-0 336, 363 S-n 344 o-a 282, 336 s — 298 u-11 74, 282, 298, 306, 317, 344 t-t 74, 199, 217, 249, 306, 324, u-o 328 350 \-r 225 t-d 217 1— 336, 350 m-ra 217, 317, 324. 328, 340 ng-w 336, 35° md 217 ng-m 199 f-6 282 k-k 306 p-6 190 Identical 74, 217, 306, 324 Consonant identity. . . .328 Vowel identity 225, 317, 344, 350, 363 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 190 Frontal abrasion 249, 336 Frontal accretion 190, 340 Terminal accretion 190, 336 460 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. RORO. a a, e e e, a o o, a, e, u \ i U u, i, o 1 I, r, - ng n, — n n m m h t, z, — s k, z, t v v, b f v, b, h, — k— t t, h p p, b a-a 46, 74, 214, 217, 276, 290, ng— 309, 346, 350 292, 300, 308, 309, 312, 313, k— 46, 249, 306 324- 335. 339. 346, 35°. 360 n-w 46, 74, 254, 259, 290, 321 a-e 291 h-2 206, 363 e-e 190, 276, 290, 363 h-2 206 e-a 122, 249, 272 h — 339 \-i 46, 122, 206, 249, 254, 259, S-h 239 290, 291, 298, 300, 308, 312, s-z 298 313, 321, 346, 350 s-t 298 0-0 206, 247, 336, 363 t-t 247, 249 o-a 336 t-h 74, 217, 276, 306, 324, 346, o-e 259 350 o-w 309 m-m 217, 312, 313, 324 u-w 74, 292, 292, 298, 306, 321, v-v 291 335> 360 v-6 122, 291 u-i 239 f-v 206, 254 u-0 247 f-6 214, 272, 290, 360, 363 I-/ 308 f-h 259 1-r 272, 308, 335, 339 f— 292 1— 3°9, 312, 313, 336, 350 p-/> 190 ng-w 308, 336 pb 247 Identical 190, 321, 335, 339 Vowel identity 46, 276 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 74, 206, 214, 217, 254, 290, 298, 308, 324, 360, 363 Frontal abrasion 46, 239, 249, 292, 306, 336 Frontal accretion 300, 339 Terminal accretion 190, 247, 249, 259, 335, 350, 360 THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 461 RUBI. a a, e, i, o e e, a, i oo \ i u u, o 1 /, n, — ng g, mo, — n n, g mm h s r v — i w, g, — k k, g, — t t, k, r p p, b, w a-o 46, 199. 217, 265, 276, 278, ng— 285 292, 312, 313, 317, 321, 324, kk 351 334. 349. 351, 360 kg 46 a-e 328 k — 249, 306 a-i 284, 290 n-w 46, 187, 290, 317, 321, 328, a-o 109 334, 351 e-e 187, 190, 276, 290 n-<7 109 e-a 249 s-r 298 e-t 349 t-t 199, 217, 249, 276, 306, 324 \-i 46, 249, 285, 290, 298, 312, t-k 349 313, 321 t-r 278 0-0 187, 285 m-w 217, 265, 312, 313, 317, 324, u-w 109, 265, 278, 284, 292, 298, 328 306, 317, 321, 334, 351, 360 v— 109 u-0 328 i-w 360 I-/ 349 t-g 360 I-n 334 f — 290, 292 1— 265, 284, 312, 313 p-p 285 ng-o 285 p-6 190, 285 ng-mo 199 p-w 284 Identical 217, 276, 317, 321, 324 Consonant identity. . . .328 Vowel identity 187, 265 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 46, 190, 199, 278, 285, 298, 306, 334 Terminal abrasion 292 Frontal abrasion 249, 265, 292, 306 Frontal accretion 187 Terminal accretion 46, 249, 321 Metathesis 360 462 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. SARIBA. a a, e, i, o e c, a, i o o, i i i, u u u, a, o 1 r, n ng n, m n n, g m m h s s s V IV, — f V, u, w, s, k,— k k, g, — t t, d, k, s p p, b a-a 46, 74, 109, 199, 217, 239, k — 258 258, 265, 276, 291, 313, 324 n-w 74, 290, 321, 328, 330 a-e 278, 294 n-g 109 a-i 328 h-> 278, 363 a-o 258 s-,9 239, 298 e-e 190, 276, 290, 297, 363 t-t 74, 199, 217, 247, 249, 258, e-a 249, 272 276, 324 e-i 363 t-(/ 329 \-i 46, 149, 249, 285, 290, 291. t-A' 294 297, 298, 313, 330 t-s 258 \ u 329 m-;» 217, 258, 265, 313, 321, 324, 0-0 285, 363 328 o-i 247 \-w 291 u-n 74, 109, 212, 239, 265, 278, v — 109 294, 298, 321, 329, 330 f-v 272 u-a 272, 328 i-w 294, 363 u-o 247 i-u 363 \-r 149, 212, 297 is 290 I-n 265, 313 f-& 212 ng-n 285 f — 329 ng-w 199 p-p 247 k-/v' 46, 249, 297 p-b 190, 285 k-a 149, 249, 272 Identical 46, 74, 217, 239, 276, 297, 298, 324, 330 Consonant identity. . . .249, 328 Vowel identity 265 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 190, 199, 212, 285, 291, 313, 363 Frontal abrasion 321 Frontal accretion 149, 239, 276, 278 Terminal accretion 109, 149, 272, 321, 328 Metathesis 149 THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 463 S1NAUGORO. a a, e e e, a o o i i u u, o 1 /, r, n, g, — ng g n n, g m m h I s /, r v iv, — f V k k, g t t, k, s, I p b, — a-a 46, 74, 109, 214, 217, 265, k-& 351 276, 290, 291, 292, 312, 313, kg 46, 214, 249, 306, 338 317, 318, 321, 324, 334, 335, n-n 46, 74, 187, 290, 292, 317, 338, 346, 349. 35i 321, 328 3L-e 328 n-g 109 e-^ 122, 187, 190, 276, 290, 318, h-l 47 338, 349 s-/ 298 e-a 47, 249 s-r 338 \-i 46, 47, 249, 285, 290, 291, t-t 47, 74, 217, 249, 306, 324, 298, 312, 313, 321, 330, 346 346 0-0 187, 247, 285 t-k 349 u-w 74, 109, 247, 265, 292, 298, t-l 247 306, 317, 330, 334, 335, 351 t-s 276, 318 u-o 328 mm 217, 265, 312, 313, 317, 318, 1-/ 335 324. 328 \-r 349 v-w 291 l-n 265, 334 v— 109 l-<7 313 f-v 122, 214, 290, 292 1— 312, 313 p-6 190, 285 ng-# 285, 346 p— 247 Identical 74, 217, 317, 321, 324, 330, 335 Consonant identity. . . .325 Vowel identity 109, 187, 265, 276, 318 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 46, 122, 190, 214, 285, 290, 291, 298, 306, 313, 334, 336 Frontal accretion 187, 190, 276 Terminal accretion 249, 321 464 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. SUAU. a a, e, o e e, a o o i i u u, o 1 r, n, — ng n, m n n m m h s s j- v g f i>, w, ^, h, e, — kg, — t t, s, — p b, — a-a 46, 74, 199, 207, 217, 239, k— 46, 249, 258 258, 265, 276, 278, 290, 292, n-rc 74, 290, 292, 317, 321, 330 313, 317, 318, 324, 350, 360 h -s 278, 363 a-e 294 s-j 239, 298, 344 a-o 199, 291 t-t 74, 199, 207, 217, 249, 258, e-e 190, 276, 290, 318, 363 276, 318, 324 e-a 249 t-s 247, 258 i-i 46, 149, 249, 290, 291, 298, t — 294 3i3» 33°, 35o m-ra 217, 258, 265, 313, 317, 318, 0-0 247, 363 321, 324 u-w 74, 207, 212, 239, 247, 258, \-g 291 265, 278, 292, 294, 298, 317, i-v 294, 363 330, 344, 360 i-w 290 U-o 321 i-h 290 \-r 149, 212 f-.? 290 1-w 265, 313 i-e 292 I— 350 f— 212, 360 ng-w 350 p-b 190, 207 ng-ra 199 p — 247 kg 149 Identical 74, 217, 239, 276, 298, 317, 318, 324, 330, 344 Vowel identity 46, 265 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 190, 207, 212, 278, 313, 350, 363 Terminal abrasion 290 Frontal abrasion 46, 247, 249, 321 Frontal accretion 149 Terminal accretion 207 Metathesis 149 THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 465 TAGULA. a a, o e e, i o o, u, we i i, u u u, ia 1 /, n ng ng n n, ng m m h s V f W, V kg,— t d, r p b a-a 217, 258, 294, 302, 312, 313, l-n 313 317, 324 ng-ng 336 a-o 258 k-<7 302 e-e 190 k — 258 e-i 190 n-w 259 i-z 247, 259, 312, 313 n-ng 259 «-« 259, 302 t-d 247, 258, 302 0-0 247, 336 t-r 217, 258, 294, 324 o-M 336 m-m 217, 258, 312, 313, 317, 324 o-we 336 i-v 294 U-W 212, 294 f-W 212 u-t'a 212 p-b 190, 247 I-/ 212, 312, 336 Identical 312 Vowel identity 217 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 190, 212, 247, 294, 313, 324 Terminal abrasion 259, 317 Frontal accretion 247, 336 466 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. TAUPOTA. a a, i, o e e, a o o i i, a, e u u, o 1 /, r, n, g ng n, g, m n n, g, h, — m m h t s fe, g\ — v w f v, iv, b, — k k, g, — t /, — p b a-a 74, 199, 217, 239, 265, 290, ng-w 199 291, 300, 312, 313, 317, 324, k-k 225 339. 35°. 360 kg 297 a-* 328 k — 46, 306 a-o 199 n-x 46, 74, 290, 317, 330 e-e 190, 290 n-g 254 e-a 272 n-Ii 328 i-r 46, 259, 290, 291, 298, 300, n— 259 312, 313, 350 h-* 339 i-« 254, 330 $-h 239 i-a 254 s-^' 344 0-0 259, 282, 336 S— 298 u-u 74, 239, 265, 272, 282, 298, t-/ 74, 199, 302, 306, 324, 350 302, 306, 317, 321, 330, 344, t— 217 360 mm 217, 265, 312, 313, 317, 321, u-o 328 324, 328 W 339. 35° V-w 291 \-r 225, 297 i-v 254, 259, 282, 290 1-w 265, 312, 313, 336 i-w 290, 360 l-<7 272 f-6 272 ng-w 336 f— 360 ng-9 350 p-b 190 Identical 74, 239, 317, 324 Vowel identity 46, 217, 259, 265, 344 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 190, 282, 290, 291, 306, 312, 313, 350 Frontal abrasion 46, 259, 306, 32 Frontal accretion 225, 239, 298 Terminal accretion 190, 225, 254, 272, 300, 302, 321, 330, 336, 339 Metathesis 360 THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 467 TAVARA. a a, o e e, a, u o o, u i i, o u u, o 1 I, n ng n, g, m n n m m h //, / s v g f />, w, 1 1 k gr, //, — t t, — p p SL-a 46, 74,199,217,258,265, ng-w 199 290, 300, 313, 324, 339, 350 k-^ 272 a-o 199, 258, 291 k-h 297 e-e 290 k — 46, 258 e-a 272 n-n 46, 74, 259, 290 e-u 190 h-// 206 \-i 46, 259, 290, 291, 300, 312, ht 339 3!3» 35° t-' 74. 199- 258, 324, 350 i-o 206 t — 217 0-0 259, 336 mm 217, 258, 265, 312, 313, 321, o-u 206 324, 328 u-M 74, 258, 265, 272, 321 x-g 291 11-0 328 f-/> 206 1-/ 297 i-w 259, 290 !-» 265, 312, 313, 336, 350 i-h 272 ng-w 336 p-/> 190 ng-9 350 Identical 74, 324 Vowel identity 46, 217, 265 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 259, 290, 313, 350 Terminal abrasion . . .312 Terminal abrasion 312 Frontal abrasion 46, 321 Frontal accretion 190 Terminal accretion 272, 300, 321, 336, 339 468 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. TUBETUBE. a a, e, i e e, a, i o o, ua i i u u, i \ I, n, y ng n n n m m h s s s V w f h, s, i, v, w, — k k, g, — t t, s, k p p, b a-a 46, 74, 217, 258, 265, 291, k— 258 292, 294, 298, 321, 330, 360 n-n 46, 74, 259, 290, 292, 317, a-e 291, 294, 300, 360 330 a.-i 265 h-s 206, 340 e-g 190, 290, 318 s-s 298 e-o 249 t-t 74, 217, 249, 258, 318, 324 e-i 190 t-s 247, 258 \-i 46, 149, 206, 249, 259, 285, t-k 294 290, 291, 298, 300, 313, 330 mm 217, 258, 265, 313, 317, 318, 0-0 206, 285 321, 324, 340 o-ua 247 x-w 291 u-w 74, 212, 247, 258, 265, 292, i-h 212 294, 298, 321, 330, 360 f-s 290 u-i 317 i-i 292 \-l 212 f-i; 294 1-w 265, 313 f-w 360 \-y 265 f — 206 ng-w 285 p-p 247 k-k 46, 149 p-6 190, 285 k-g 249 Identical 46, 74, 149, 217, 298, 318, 324, 330 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 190, 206, 212, 285, 291, 313, 340 Terminal abrasion 259, 317 Frontal abrasion 321 Terminal accretion 149, 249, 321 Metathesis 360 THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 469 UNI. a a, e, o e e, a o o, eo, a \ i u u I I, r, i, - ng w, — n w, — m w h d s / V V, w f v, b, g k — t k, — p b a-a 46, 217, 265, 284, 290, 292, 1— 312, 313, 336 312, 313, 317, 324, 339, 342, ng-w 346 346, 360 ng— 336 a-e 291 k — 46 a-o 284 n-w 46, 290, 292, 317, 321, 342 e-e 290 n— 259, 342 e-a 272 h-d 339 \-i 46, 259, 290, 291, 312, 313, s-t 342 321, 342, 346 t-k 324, 346 0-0 336 t — 217 o-eo 259 mm 217, 265, 312, 313, 317, 324 o-a 346 x-v 291 u-u 265, 272, 284, 292, 317, 321, x-w 291 360 f-v 290, 292, 360 l-l 265, 272, 284, 339 f-6 272, 290 l-r 265 i-g 259 I-t 284 p-6 284 Identical 265, 321 Vowel identity 46, 217, 339 Consonant mutation : Vowel identity 290, 292, 324, 342, 360 Frontal abrasion 46, 259 Frontal accretion 321, 336 Terminal accretion 259, 321 470 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. WAGAWAGA. a-a 74, 217, 290 t-/ 74 e-e 290 t— 217 it 290 m-m 217 \-u 74 f-w 290 n-n 74. 290 ng n, — i'AIMA. a a a 0 1 /, >', — n n h ft s t t t, h u » m m a-a 308, 312, 335, 346 ng— 346 e-a 47 n-n 321 i-i 47, 308, 312, 321, 346 h-h 47 u-w 321, 335, 344 s-t 344 1-/ 308 tt 47 !->' 335 t-h 346 1— 312 mm 312 ng w 308 Identical ■ • 47. 321, 335 Consonant mutation Vowel identity . . • • • 308, 344 Metathesis •■•47 THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 471 WEDAU. a a, i, o e e, a o o, u i /'. a, c, o u u, o 1 /, r, n, g ng n, q, m n n, g, — m m h g, ~ s g, — v 6, w f w, />, v, b k /,-, ^, - t t, — p 6 a-a 46, 74, 109, 199, 217, 239. ng-# 308, 350 258, 265, 276, 290, 291, 300, ng-;;/ 199 3°8, 313. 317, 324. 328, 340, k-k 225 350.35i.36o kg 297,338 a-i 328 k — 46, 258, 306, 338 a-o 199 n-;; 46, 74, 290, 317, 351 e-e 190, 276, 290, 338, 363 n-g 109 e-a 272 n — 254, 259, 328 \-i 46, 206, 259, 290, 291, 300, h-g 340 308, 313, 350 h — 206 i-a 254 s-g 344 i e 308 s— 239 \-o 206 t-t 74, 199, 258, 276, 302, 306, 0-0 247, 259, 282, 336, 363 324, 350 o-M 206 t— 217, 247 u-« 74. 109, 239, 247, 258, 265, m-;» 217, 258, 265, 313, 317, 321, 272, 282, 302, 306, 317, 321, 324, 328, 340 344, 351, 360 x-b 109 u-o 328 \-w 291 1-/ 272, 308 i-v 254, 259, 282, 290, 363 \-r 225, 297 i-b 272 \-n 265, 313, 336, 350 i-w 290, 360 \-g 272 i-p 206, 272 ng-n 308, 336 p-b 190, 247 Identical 74. 276, 317, 324 Vowel identity 46, 217, 239, 259, 265, 344 Consonant mutation: Vowel identity 190, 282, 290, 291, 306, 308, 313, 340, 350, 350, 363 Frontal abrasion 46, 259, 306, 321 Frontal accretion 225, 239, 254, 360 Terminal accretion 109, 190, 225, 272, 300, 302, 308, 321, 336 Metathesis 360 472 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. As was done in the preceding part of the work, we next group these mutations under their several phonetic elements. Regarded locally the following tables provide the means for an analytical study of the Poly- nesian content of the languages which, on the northern shore of Torres Straits, reach from the head of the Gulf of Papua to the Louisiade Archi- pelago. Considered more generally they fall into place as supplementary to the series of similar tables beginning on page 121. Boniki Dobu Doura Galavi Galoma Hula Kabadi Keapara Kiriwina Kiviri Kubiri Misima Mugula Mukawa Murua Nada Oiun Panaieti Pokau Roro Rubi Sariba Sinaugoro Suau Tubetube Uni Awalama Boniki Galavi Kiriwina Misima Murua Nada Rubi Sariba Taupota Tubetube Wedau Awalama Boniki Dobu Galavi Kiviri Mugula Mukawa Nada Oiun Raqa Rubi Sariba Suau Tagula Taupota Tavara Uni Wedau Kiviri Misima Murua Panaieti i-c Boniki Dobu Doura Galavi Galoma Hula Kabadi Keapara Kiriwina Kiviri Kubiri Mekeo Misima Motu Mugula Mukawa Nada Oiun Panaieti Pokau Roro Rubi Sariba Sinaugoro Suau Taupota Tavara Tubetube Uni Waima Wedau Keakalo Kiriwina Kiviri Kwagila Miriam Misima Motu Mugula Murua Nada Oiun Panaieti Pokau Raqa Rubi Sariba Tagula Tubetube Motu Boniki Murua Tavara Awalama Boniki Galavi Nada Taupota Wedau Hula Kabadi Motu Pokau Taupota Wedau Awalama Boniki Galavi Motu Tavara Wedau Motu Murua Oiun Sariba Tagula Kiriwina Kubiri Oiun Raqa Roro Uni Boniki Dobu Doura Galavi Kabadi Mekeo Pokau Roro Uni THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 473 Motu Mugula Sariba Kiriwina Mekeo Mukawa Nada Panaieti Roro Tagula Tavara Tubetube Wedau xx-a Dobu Kiviri Mabuiag Miriam Motu Oiun Sariba u-e Miriam Nada u-i Galoma Hula Keapara Murua Oiun Tubetube u-o Awalama Boniki Galavi Galoma Hula Kabadi Keapara Kubiri Motu Mugula Mukawa Murua Nada Pokau Raqa Rubi Sariba Sinaugoro Suau Taupota Tavara Wedau H Galoma Hula Keapara Sinaugoro Taupota Wedau It Doura Murua Pokau Tubetube Uni 1 / Awalama Boniki Dobu Doura Galavi Hula Keapara Kiriwina Mekeo Miriam Misima Motu Mugula Nada Pokau Roro Rubi Sinaugoro Tagula Taupota Tavara Tubetube Uni Waima Wedau \-n Awalama Boniki Dobu Galavi Galoma Hula Keapara Kiriwina Kiviri Kubiri Misima Mugula Mukawa Murua Nada Panaieti Rubi Sariba Sinaugoro Suau Tagula Taupota Tavara Tubetube Wedau \-r Awalama Dobu Doura Galavi Galoma Hula Kabadi Keapara Kiriwina Kiviri Kubiri Kwagila Massim Motu Mukawa Nada Oiun Panaieti Raqa Roro Sariba Sinaugoro Suau Taupota Uni Waima Wedau 1— Boniki Dobu Domara Doura Galavi Galoma Hula Kabadi Keakalo Keapara Kiriwina Kiviri Kwagila Mailu Mekeo Misima Motu Mugula Mukawa Murua Nada Oiun Panaieti Pokau Raqa Roro Rubi Sinaugoro Suau Uni Waima ng-g Awalama Dobu Galoma Hula Keapara Kiriwina Murua Nada Panaieti Rubi Sinaugoro Taupota Tavara Wedau ng-l Pokau 474 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. ng-m Awalama Kiviri Murua Boniki Misima Nada Dobu Mugula Oiun Galavi Mukawa Raqa ng-n Awalama Kwagila Mukawa Boniki Mekeo Nada Dobu Misima Oiun Galavi Motu Panaieti Kabadi Mugula Pokau Kiviri ng-«g Mekeo Tagula ng— Dobu Kabadi Nada Doura Motu Pokau kg Dobu Keakalo Motu Galavi Kiriwina Murua Galoma Kiviri Nada Hula Kubiri Oiun Keapara Misima Rubi k-/j Awalama Keapara Tavara k-fe Boniki Kiviri Mukawa Galavi Kubiri Murua Hula Kwagila Nada Keapara Misima Oiun Kiriwina Motu Panaieti k-wt k-s Rubi Sariba Suau Raqa Roro Sariba Suau Taupota Roro Rubi Sariba Sinaugoro Suau Tagula Pokau Raqa Rubi Sariba Taupota Tavara Wedau Tavara Tubetube Uni Waima Wedau Uni Waima Taupota Tavara Tubetube Wedau Sinaugoro Taupota Tubetube Wedau Motu Dobu Kiviri Oiun n-d n-g n-k n-k n-l Awalama Dobu Doura Galoma Hula Kabadi Kiviri Kubiri Mabuiag Mekeo Motu Oiun Pokau Raqa Roro Rubi Sariba Suau Tagula Taupota Tavara Tubetube Uni Wedau Kwagila Awalama Galoma Keapara Panaieti Rubi Sariba Sinaugoro Taupota Wedau Awalama Taupota Boniki Galavi Hula Misima Mukawa Kiriwina Misima Nada Kubiri Oiun Raqa Awalama Boniki Dobu Doura Galavi Galoma Hula Kabadi Keapara Kiriwina Kiviri Kubiri Mekeo Misima Motu Mugula Mukawa Murua Nada Oiun Panaieti Pokau Raqa Roro Rubi Sariba Sinaugoro Suau Tagula Taupota Tavara Tubetube Uni Wagawaga Waima Wedau n-ng Mekeo Panaieti Tagula THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 475 Murua Nada h-d h-2 h-h h-k h-l h-r hs h-t h-z h— S-d s-g s-h Boniki Doura Galavi Hula Mekeo Misima Nada Panaieti Kabadi Motu Nada Galavi Mukawa Wedau Tavara Waima Mekeo Raqa Sinaugoro Galoma Hula Keapara Kiviri Kubiri Misima Dobu Kiriwina Kiviri Kubiri Mugula Mukawa Awalama Roro Taupota Roro Awalama Roro Wedau Doura Motu Pokau Taupota Wedau Awalama Misima Motu s-k 8-1 8-5 s-sh s-t Mekeo t-d t-h Pokau Taupota Pokau Oiun Panaieti Sariba Suau Tavara Roro Uni Wedau Uni Raqa Tubetube Taupota Keapara Sinaugoro Kiriwina Oiun Raqa Galoma Hula Rubi Sinaugoro Boniki Dobu Galavi Kiriwina Kiviri Kubiri Mabuiag Misima Mugula Mukawa Murua Nada Panaieti Sariba Suau Tubetube Mugula Kabadi Mukawa Roro Uni Waima Roro Awalama Boniki Mukawa Oiun Raqa Taupota Wedau Awalama Dobu Kiriwina Murua Nada Pokau Raqa Sariba Tagula Awalama Hula Mugula Panaieti Roro Waima 476 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. t-i t-fe Hula Doura Hula Kabadi Kiriwina Mekeo Mugula Pokau Rubi Sariba Sinaugoro Tubetube Uni t-l Galoma Keapara vSinaugoro t-m Boniki Galavi Koita t-n Misima Panaieti t-r Hula Rubi Tagula t-s t-t Dobu Kabadi Kiriwina Mukawa Murua Nada Sariba Sinaugoro Suau Tubetube Awalama Boniki Dobu Duba Galavi Kiriwina Kiviri Kubiri Kwagila Massim Misima Motu Mugula Mukawa Murua Nada Oiun Panaieti Raqa Roro Rubi Sariba Sinaugoro Suau Taupota Tavara Tubetube Wagawaga Waima Wedau t — Awalama Dobu Galoma Hula Keapara Mekeo Suau Taupota Tavara Uni Wagawaga Wedau m-d Raqa \-b v-p f-b t-d Awalama Boniki Dobu Domara Doura Duba Galavi Galoma Hula Kabadi Keakalo Keapara Kiriwina Kiviri Koita Kubiri Kwagila Mabuiag Mailu Massim Mekeo Miriam Misima Motu Mugula Mukawa Murua Nada Oiun Panaieti Pokau Raqa Roro Rubi Sariba Sinaugoro Suau Tagula Taupota Tavara Tubetube Uni Wagawaga Waima Wedau Galoma Hula Roro Wedau Awalama Kwagila Mugula Suau Tavara Mekeo Nada Misima Murua Nada Panaieti Doura Kabadi Motu Pokau Roro Uni Galoma Hula Keapara Kiriwina Misima Panaieti Sariba Sinaugoro Taupota Tubetube Uni Wedau Rubi Sariba Sinaugoro Galoma Hula Keapara Kiviri Kubiri Mukawa Oiun Pokau Raqa Roro Taupota Uni Wedau Kiriwina THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 477 f-e f-g t-h ft f-k f-p f-s f-u f-v f-w f— p-6 Suau Mekeo Keapara ', Kiriwina Rubi Uni Doura Motu Roro Suau Tavara Tubetube Tubetube Boniki Doura Galavi Kiriwina Mugula Nada Pokau Sariba Boniki Galavi Galoma Mekeo Mukawa Panaieti Tavara Wedau Dobu Kabadi Mugula Mukawa Sariba Suau Tubetube Sariba Awalama Boniki Galavi Hula Kabadi Keapara Kiriwina Motu Mugula Murua Nada Pokau Roro Sariba Sinaugoro Suau Tagula Taupota Tubetube Uni Wedau Awalama Boniki Dobu Galavi Mugula Mukawa Rubi Sariba Suau Tagula Taupota Tavara Tubetube Wagawaga Wedau Dobu Galavi Kabadi Kiriwina Kubiri Nada Panaieti Roro Rubi Sariba Suau Taupota Tubetube Awalama Boniki Dobu Galoma Hula Keapara Kiriwina Kwagila Miriam Misima Motu Mugula Mukawa Murua Nada Panaieti Pokau Raqa Roro Rubi Sariba Sinaugoro Suau Tagula Taupota Tubetube Uni Wedau p-/ p-h PP Kiviri Doura Mekeo Oiun Awalama Kabadi Misima Murua Rubi Dobu Keapara Motu Nada Sariba Galoma Kiviri Mugula Panaieti Tavara Hula Mabuiag Mukawa Roro Tubetube p-v Pokau p-w Rubi P— Sinaugoro Suau 478 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. The elaboration of this New Guinea material, the more particularly in consideration of its important bearing upon the Viti Stream in the southern gateway out of Indonesia, has made it advisable to extend and, when there is reason therefor, to amend the notes in several cases which have found their place in Appendix I. 46. Until this Torres Straits material became available the line of partition between kai and kani was quite distinctly the division between Polynesia and Melanesia, for kani found its utmost eastern extension in Viti. Lack- ing support from areas of pure Polynesian, the Viti kani could be regarded only in the light of a Melanesian component of that mixed speech. But on the New Guinea coast, at the very portal of exit from the Malay Archi- pelago, we find the two stems in use side by side. Sariba exhibits the Polynesian kai unaltered ; Suau, Mabuiag, and Dobu show the loss of the initial k, that loss being normal in those languages. The supposition that a medial n has been lost, which would be necessary to the argument of the devolution of kai from kani, has been opposed by the fact that in the four languages not only is n never lost, but it retains its proper value far more consistently than in most of the neighbor tongues. We may, then, safely regard kani as an ancient Polynesian stem which maintained its existence to a point just within Nuclear Polynesia and then was dropped from the synonymy. 47- With this considerable record of two forms appearing side by side in each of the Pacific areas, we need have no hesitation in assuming tahi to be an ancient variant of the tehi radical. This slight phonetic change is satisfactorily explained on the theory of the neutral vowel. The series which we find in New Guinea should offer a satisfactory identification of the Indonesian material, which in the earlier note I denied. Waima halt is the tahi radical under 3214 metathesis. For the mutation of the aspirate to the sibilant in Dobu and Kiriwina tasi there is abundant confirmation. The mutation hd in Motu and Kabadi is normal to those languages, and the kappation in the latter has become very familar in these studies. We now pass to a group of forms susceptible of less simple explanation, that of which Misima tari is the type. Nowhere have we found evidence in support of a mutation h-r, except in Sinaugoro with its similar s-/ muta- tion. But we have some evidence in support of a t-r mutation, on the nature of which refer to note 258. If, then, we are precluded from the direct passage from tahi to tari we have no difficulty in finding a Motu bridge which shall give us the series tahi-tadi-tari, each span of which may be safely traversed. Thus we are carried over to the identification of the tari of Misima and Panaieti, and to Sinaugoro tali. Thence to art is a safe step, for t is normally dropped in Galoma, Hula, and Keapara. This shows that the languages which use the forms tari-ari did not acquire the word from the Polynesian wanderers through direct contact, but as a secondary loan from the Motu-Kabadi folk. Thus having found the r in the h place and the loss of stem t, and both within regions of Proto-Samoan influence, we may safely accept the Indonesian identifications. THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 479 74- • It is now quite clear that our record shows the existence of a natu series parallel with ati. Therefore the forms which exhibit an initial nasal with the final i are to be regarded as natu attracted by ati. In this examination of the New Guinea material it is safe to assume natu as a Polynesian stem. Mekeo ngau-nga is readily establishable upon Galoma nan with a nasal termination, and the latter may perhaps be seen in Malekula netin. 76. Particular interest attaches to the discovery of the ainu type in Mabuiag and Miriam, western and eastern islands of the straits and remote from the New Guinea coast, for we shall make opportunity to discuss the paucity of Polynesian material in these islands. The existence of amu in Fotuna affords us reason to regard the type as ancient Proto-Samoan, and that Mabuiag and Miriam received it directly and not on secondary loan from Motu. 109. We note here two series, yet reference to the several phonetic tables will show that the essential mutations, while in general feasible, are in par- ticular not well supported. A. Retentive of the initial consonant: Galoma, Wedau; and with obliteration of the inner labial, Sinaugoro, Sariba, Rubi. B. Abrading the initial, but retentive of some representative of the inner labial : Pokau, Mekeo, Hula, Motu, Panaieti, Misima. Nada pwau may be regarded as apu under 213 metathesis, and the then initial labial under such maltreatment as marks the Melanesian q, cf. 285. But from pwau Kiriwina pwak conforms to no phonetic law as yet found in this region. 122. Kabadi vat and Roro bai may be taken as simple variants upon the vei type which has effected a lodgment in Nuclear Polynesia in Viti and Rotuma. Kabakada wara has already been under comment in the principal note on this item. The other forms are clear variants upon the Proto- Samoan fe. 149. The Motu and Kabadi forms, referred to the simpler stem in Nifilole laki, may be adjudged composites of a liki variant. The liki type is found in New Guinea only in a metathetic variant : Keapara, Hula, Galoma, Suau, and Sariba in series. The other forms are of the kiki type with various foreign elements in composition. 190. In the principal note on this item we have established an elemental pe; in this district it is recoverable from composites in Awalama and Tavara, in which the u suggests the intimately associable ula component elsewhere widely extended. The duplicated stem pepe is found in Hula, Keapara, Galoma, and in composition in Dobu. The ready mutant bebe is found simply in Rubi, Suau, Sariba; Taupota and Wedau are consimilars of »- 480 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. composites in Awalama and Tavara ; Motu and Sinaugoro of this stem are initial composites in a class by themselves; Mukawa and Raqa are com- posite initial and final, the latter not identifiable but probably not mata, the former showing the ula component ; the doubly composite Pokau involves the same liquid component, which has elsewhere been identified in each position; and from this we pass easily to Roro. The slightly variant bebi stem appears simply in Mugula, Tubetube, Tagula, Murua; the Panaieti and Misima form is most readily explicable as preduplicated. The next stem variant is beba, simply in Nada and Kiriwina, conduplicated in Boniki. In Kwagila we release stem bibi with an initial kara suggestive of the common liquid component. The stem feje appears simply in Mekeo, and with a termination of unascertained value in Kiviri and Oiun. Thus is established a very satisfactory series of evolution forms. 206. The few New Guinea forms exhibit harsh but not wholly improbable mutations of the consonants and, to a less degree, of the vowels of Proto- Samoan hifo, the i being the most consistent element. The aspirate is found only in Tavara ; it passes to the sibilant in Tubetube, Mukawa, and Roro (zt) ; the mutation to d is abundantly established in Motu and Pokau, passes easily to / in Roro, and thence is caught in the general kappation movement to Mekeo kipo; these have all been downward mutations, the change to r in Keapara and Galoma, upward in the lingual column, has been discussed in the supplementary note 47 as diagnostic of secondary borrowing; in Wedau the aspirate is extinct. The /-mutations to v, p, h, b, are abundantly familiar ; the ^-mutant in Keapara looks like a secondary borrowing from Galoma neighbors; in other items it appears in Kiriwina, Rubi, and Uni; the peculiar siio of Tubetube is no doubt due to the fact that this language has acquired neither v nor/. The vowel changes call for no note except the occurrence of \-o in Tavara and Wedau; elsewhere in these data this mutation is identified in Awalama, Boniki, Galavi, and Motu. 207. These forms entail no difficulty until we reach ahu, which Motu uses along with tapu. Inasmuch as the t is abundantly determined in this language, ahu looks like a secondary borrowing from Mekeo, where t is commonly elided. 212. The New Guinea forms are all/w/w derivatives, except possibly Suau uru. As that language has no/, this may derive from fulu; equally it may derive from the ulu which we have well established as in Proto-Samoan posses- sion during the Melanesian transit. 214. As in the principal note on this item, so in the Torres Straits littoral we have no difficulty in recognizing the two stems faka and fa. 217. The presence of the form ama in Awalama, Taupota, Tavara and Wedau, languages which possess the t, forms a connecting link for this state of the stem between its occurrences in Melanesia and those in Indonesia. THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 481 225. In the Pacific we find as stems kill, kali, kalo, and kalu. These are found in New Guinea as follows, but because of this consonantal fixity we shall not list mutant vowels. kili: Galavi, Nada, and perhaps Raqa. kalo:Kubiri, Kiviri, Oiun, Motu, Taupota, Wedau and Boniki. kali: Kiriwina. To the above New Guinea contributes : kuli: Kiriwina and Panaieti. Wedau and Mukawa giai scarcely seems associable, the resemblance to kili being only in the first syllable. 239- Interesting results appear in the comparison of these New Guinea forms with the variants already noted from the Proto-Samoan asu. Take first the initial elements. The palatal is found in Moanus, the first landmark of the Samoa Stream ; in Torres Straits, at the first landmark of the Viti Stream, in Sariba, Panaieti, Mukawa and Awalama; the whole island bars these two streams. The labial preface of Malekula Aulua is found in Galavi, Taupota, Wedau, and Boniki. Ambrym walehi seems paralleled with Motu kwalahu. The asu stem is identified in Suau and Dobu without alteration. Roro hiavu is strikingly like Lo hiev, in which we distinguish hi as the asu derivative and ev-av-avu as the a/i-fire derivative. Nada and Murua museu (and the invert umseu in Kiriwina) seem like asu with the wz-preface not elsewhere seen. In the phonetic tables regard has been had only of the recoverable asu and its mutants. 247. Tagula bibido is our sole New Guinea occurrence of the pito stem, all the other examples in this area deriving from puto. These have been freely dealt with by the New Guinea tribesmen, but close analysis will show several series of variants, each consonant being strongly affected in the mutation. For p we have p, b,f, m, and extinction; for t we have /, d, k, s, h, r, and extinction. The ^-forms find distant support in Buka. The muta- tion to / has a satisfactory extension in this area and affords valuable support to the note on the subject under item 258. 249. In the absence of t in the languages, Hula and Keapara gia and Galoma ia derive from Sariba gita. As to Kabadi is' ana, Dr. Ray states distinctly that s' is found only once in New Guinea and that once is not Kabadi; however, it hangs quite properly upon ihana which he presents as a variant of itana in Roro, and the latter connects through ita and gita with kita and kite. 254- For the most part these New Guinea identifications exhibit the wt/i-stem before the acquisition of the conditional ma, which, however, appears in Mekeo, Galoma, and Keapara. In Taupota and Awalama we have an initial element which is probably formative, but we are without evidence 482 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. of transition phases which may establish wo as a mutant of ma. In the former consonant of the stem the mutation n-ng-g-k to extinction is steady and well established ; so, too, the series of the latter consonant f-v-p-w. 258. In the Proto-Samoan stem matakut we find four consonants to engage our attention. The m, in fact the whole conditional preformative ma with the exception of Kabadi me, exists unaltered through our New Guinea identifications. The t in second place undergoes no greater change than the kappa tion in Pokau and Kabadi and the change to r in Tagula, on which see the principal note. In Tagula mar ode we shall arrive at the most satisfactory conclusion by assuming that the stem syllable ku has vanished, thus leaving d as representative of stem t. The stem k has van- ished completely in all these New Guinea identifications. The final t is preserved in Dobu, Oiun, Awalama ; becomes d in Tagula, s in Sariba ; has vanished from Pokau and Kabadi. 259- The development of these widely diverse forms is to be studied in the mutations of the stem consonants. The former remains n in Mukawa, Awalama, Ta vara, Roro, Kabadi, Mekeo, Pokau, Panaieti.Tubetube, Misima, Tagula; it is no more than a breathing in Motu; is lost from Taupota, Wedau, Doura, Uni, Galavi, Boniki. The / becomes v in Taupota and Wedau, b in Mukawa, w in Awalama and Tavara, h in Roro, and vanishes in Mekeo. From this stage we reach the extirpation of the second syllable in Panaieti, Tubetube, and Misima; and Tagula I regard as a devolution form of the latter. Returning to Roro we find the h passing to ^ in Motu and Kabadi. Here comes a lacuna. If we imagine a passage to t, prac- ticable but nowhere recorded, the not infrequent kappation would account for Pokau, Doura, Galavi and Boniki. Thence to Uni is an easy passage. 265. The forms in the Torres Straits area run in the series ruma-luma-numa- numi-yuma-uma. With the exception of numi we find Melanesian instances of each form. 272. The probably more elemental stem e/uis traceable in Keapara and Mekeo. The lefit stem appears in Motu, Doura, Kabadi, Roro, Uni, Wedau, Galavi, Boniki. In the principal note I pronounced, on the material then acces- sible, against kabu of the Duke of York. We now recognize a kefu stem, either coordinate with lefu and nefu or possibly derivative from the latter. This is found in Taupota, Wedau, Motu, Tavara, Awalama, and Sariba. 273- The addition of this material removes the objection noted in the principal note (b) against the form kuvi. The assumption of initial k is of wide extent in New Guinea ; in fact but two identifications lack it, Motu uhe, which is not the common yam name, and the variant in Pokau, which is metathetic of the 231 type. THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 483 276. This series of identifications runs very smoothly and calls for little com- ment. In a group of the languages we encounter the preface k which has been noted in 273. So far as comparison may be made this appears in the same languages in the two items. 278. The identifications are very simple and faithful to the uha stem. Sariba exhibits the preface k as in 276. The Rubi form with the liquid is com- parable with matching forms in the other gateway. 282. These forms are simple until we reach Kiviri-Oiun bobu. This seems to be a duplication of fou degraded either to fo or to/w, the former being intrin- sically the more likely form, but we lack the data to make a determination. 284. The course of the initial consonant in this area is to b, to v, to h, to w. The liquid passes through i to extinction. This passage from consonant to vowel has not been segregated in Melanesian phonology, but in New Guinea it is found in five languages and in several items. 285. The absence of complication in these identifications in the southern gate- way affords me the opportunity to note here, as satisfactorily as anywhere, my surprise that in this New Guinea material we find so marked an absence of the final consonants of the closed stems. In the hypothesis we are to regard these landings on the shore of Torres Straits as among the most ancient way-ports of the migration of the Proto-Samoan swarm, yet in this particular we find a predominance of the junior forms which in Polynesia we are to regard as developed in general since the Melanesian transit. It may well be that the New Guinea languages shared the tendency of objec- tion to closed stems and had not yet advanced to the employment of formative suffixes, which has been the chief agent in preserving once final consonants in Nuclear Polynesian. In this case, having no means of pro- tection for closing consonants, the process of final abrasion proceeded with scant interruption to remove them. 290. Here, as in remoter Polynesian migration, we find the trace (Murua vine) of the earlier stem -fine. Another simple stem calls for comment, sina in Mugula, sine in Suau, Sariba, Tubetube, Dobu. I incline to regard this as fine under a first mutation (hine) to the aspiration of its own series ; then, by the floating of h, swung into secondary mutation normal to the lingual series. Thus we may establish the transition phase by which Sina has become a woman's name in Polynesia and is thus removed from possibility of association with the shining sina (342). In the general fafine stem this material gives us reason to suspect that the former and the latter/ are not of the same potency or quality; for that reason I note separately their mutation series for comparison. For 484 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. fa we find fai in Suau, confirming its occurrence at three Solomon Island stations : Former/: to h, to w, to p, to b, to v, to extinction. Latter/: to h, to s, to w, to p, to 6, to -y, to extinction. Diversely mutant: w-v, Taupota, Wedau, Galavi, Boniki; w-s, Mu- kawa ; w-h, Suau ; w — , Dobu ; — h, Redscar Bay. The only changes of n are to k in Mukawa, to / in Kiriwina, to extinction in Mekeo. In Rubi gaiine I regard ga as a foreign composition member and iine as the remnant of fifine after extirpation of/, as also in Nada. 291. The final liquid hitherto recognized in Indonesia is of wide extent in New Guinea. It occurs in these languages: Tubetube, Massim, Taupota, Wedau, Misima, Panaieti, Mugula, Suau, Awalama, Kwagila, Tavara. It will tend toward simplicity to include therewith Kiriwina waia and Kabadi veina. The p-b forms discovered in Melanesia account for Roro bei. The k forms, sparsely found in Melanesia, are here represented by goila in five languages. The vowel change from vai to vei has already been discovered and accepted. In Nada and Murua rai offers a form without parallel, unless we are prepared to establish the \-r mutation upon this instance and a single form in Misima and Panaieti in item 109. 292. These identifications are very satisfactory. We note two which are unusual. In Tubetube and Suau the initial labial is replaced by a light vowel sound, evidently transitional to its entire absence in Rubi and Roro. In Sinaugoro, Hula, and Keapara we lack explanation of the inter- jected palatal. The loss of the final vowel in Rubi is rare, but not without parallel in Melanesia. 297. The Proto-Samoan stem nowhere exactly appears in any of these New Guinea languages save Sariba and Kiriwina. The closest approximation is stem gila recoverable from Keapara and Misima. Next we find a gala stem with its range of consonant mutation. At the last we find a karo stem in Kwagila. I have collated only for the consonantal elements and with no great insistence on the validity of these groups. 298. A very good series is here exposed. The only unusual element is the preface in Awalama, Taupota, and Mukawa; and this recurs in Nggao. In the principal note I expressed doubt as to the Malay and Javanese ; we come nearer to them with this New Guinea material, where idu and ilu are regular in their mutation. 300. The prevalence of n in these New Guinea identifications inclines me now to the establishment of the Proto-Samoan stem ikan, the more particularly as this region of the great island seems to have been little visited by Indo- nesian rovers. The central k is altogether absent, except perhaps that the THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 485 extra * in Tubetube He is some such recognition of recent loss as is carried by the ' in Samoan. Inexplicable and unrelated prefixes are found in Roro and Kabadi. 302. The kali stem is easily recognizable in Kiriwina and Nada, and the change of final vowel does not interrupt the identification in Tagula. The Dobu form seems associable, yet we have in that speech no confirming instance of a t elided under full protection. The former element of Kubiri gitaboni I regard as gati under 1432 metathesis, and thus admissible. Murua gedi is a simple variant of gadi. The Tubetube and Suau forms are not to be explained. In Boniki, Mukawa, Taupota, and Wedau I recognize a different root, the Proto-Samoan ut of the same meaning. In the two former it is modu- lated by the preface k which has already been seen in this area. In Nuclear Polynesia we find this root as follows : Samoa : u,feu, utia, to bite. Futuna : u, uti,id. Uvea : uu, uusi,id. Tonga: uu, uji, feuuji, feuutaki, id. The Taupota utai and forms associable therewith derive quite satisfac- torily from this Proto-Samoan ut, except that Melanesia, so far, has exhib- ited no identifications which might bridge the great gap between Torres Straits and Nuclear Polynesia. 306. The New Guinea identifications are truer to type than many which are found in Melanesia. The series is kutu-gutu-utu-uku-uhu-uu-u, and from gutu along an offshoot to gu. 308. In this Torres Straits material we find no occurrence of the sky sense, which is the only meaning which the stem carries in Indonesia and in Polynesia. In several cases the stem designates day and its light, more commonly it is the wind, and these two meanings are found in Melanesia. Yet on the eastern coast of New Guinea, at Gorendu in Astrolabe Bay, Miklucho Maclay has recorded lang in the sense of sky. 3°9- Lacking in the simplicity which marks many of the New Guinea identi- fications, we shall best account for the variety in this item by assuming that the loan has been made in several instances at second or third hand. Thus, while Dobu nene is remote from lango, the latter element in the composite nene-wara points to a borrowing of the nigau-wari of Murua ; this is easily derivative from Panaieti nagunagu, which may readily come from the same parent as Mekeo angu, and that parent is an easy variant of lango. In one devolution series we find lalo-lao-ao and angu-au, in another nagu-nigu-nigo-nene. The acquisition of these forms clears up some of the difficulties noted in the principal note: Guadalcanar ango is abundantly established ; and the Solomon Islands lau-au no longer requires assignment to the Post- Polynesian raiders. 486 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 312. Not one of these forms fails of recurrence in Polynesia itself except nim, and the Polynesian intolerance of closed syllables precludes that. In this added material we note the following instances where the five word and the hand word diverge : Five. Hand. Language. nim lima ima lima nima nima gima ia-mila Tavara, Kiviri. Tagula, Nada. Keapara, Hula, Sinaugoro. Kiriwina. 1 313- In Kiriwina ia-mila the metathetic form, of the 3214 type, has the same prefix ia as in ia-gila in item 308 where also it is associated with a meta- thetic form. 316. Mukawa and Kubiri exhibit the stem as melu, which reappears in Santo, Lo, and Volow. They differ slightly in their treatment of it, Mukawa con- duplicating, Kubiri preduplicating the stem. The syllable na may have locally a formative function, or it may represent the final m of the stem. 317- The word remains almost without change in this area until we reach the tnamu form in three languages neighboring in a single bay. The n-ra muta- tion has been observed but once, in the New Georgia and Nggao forms in item 351. Tagula ma has lost distinctive form, yet it is reasonable to associate it with manu as a product of excessive degradation. 321. There are two distinct loan series in this area. The one borrows the form inu and subjects it to no change greater than the suffixation of local formative elements. The metathesis in Hula is patent, 2 1 3 type. The Uni bibinu is clearly a preduplication of binu, but we have no other example of a prefix to this stem. It would undoubtedly have served Judge Fornander as a link between Polynesian and Greek. It should, however, be noted that similar preface consonants have elsewhere been noted in New Guinea despite their anomaly in Polynesian. The second loan series is based upon the stem inum with a consistent sacrifice of the former vowel. This series runs clear from numa to nom; then with a further frontal abrasion we have the series from uma to im, and probably Kiriwina mum adjusts itself there- with. Then with a preface / it is possible that we can trace yet another series in tanuma, toman by metathesis, toma and torn. Murua amomu may be related in some obscure fashion to mum. 324- Excellent identifications are found in the series mata-maka-mati-matan- mara-maha-ma. We encounter a group based on a mani stem which we can not reconcile with mata; they are included in the list for so much value as may lie in the resemblance to ma. THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 487 328. We should remove the Mekeo and Roro words from this item; they are variants of lango (309) and have already been discussed in their proper place. So far as we have words with the n-m skeleton we may feel secure in the identification. At the same time it should be noted that the vowel treatment is the less usual one in each of these New Guinea languages, but each finds confirmation in Melanesia, and the namo form is found in the Polynesian of Fotuna. The more complicated forms call for examination in detail. In the composites two alien elements are involved. The iodi of Awalama is so clearly the eoti of Tavara that we are assured that the mo of the latter is a wasted form of Awalama himo. As between the succeeding members of the other group, kini of Taupota and Wedau, and the nika and niku of Nada and Murua, there is an evident metathesis, but it is imprac- ticable to determine from our material the direction in which it has acted. We then encounter namu in the series giwiu-kimu-sitmo-simu-kimo-imo-mo. The gumu form illuminates Tangoan Santo moke, and himo the Malo mohe, both by metathesis. 329- It is interesting to note in this area the close proximity of udi and udu, the latter of which is so strongly prevalent in the eastern gateway. 330. As soon as we pass from the identical niu in New Guinea we encounter some very interesting series of Indonesian resemblances. Misima niku, with the inner assumption of the aspirate, is identical with the Malagasy. The forms with final liquid in Mukawa, Awalama, Taupota, and Kwagila are readily comparable with forms in Indonesia subject to the same modifi- cation. The riira of Kubiri and Kiviri is a doubtful form, but the presence of the final liquid syllable may serve as a link to the foregoing. The Kiriwina forms seem associable with the Sulu and Ahtiago, metathesis of the 132 type affecting the two vowels. The Motu identification is so distinct (and Galoma is clearly metathetic, of the 3214 type) that it carries the nanu forms. Furthermore the muta- tion \-n is well established, not only in New Guinea and in Melanesia but in Polynesia as well. All these identifications are satisfactory until we encounter Mekeo nga- ngau-nga. I have admitted it for inspection because it has the lau stem vowels properly placed, but the consonant mutation (which, however, is normal in Moiki and has a certain standing in Melanesia) and the dupli- cation lack confirmation in the speech and in the life-history of the word. 336. After the excellent identifications in Mekeo and Tagula we shall have to grope our way through local modifiers and degradation forms. Excising the formative elements, we pick out nono in Mukawa, Tavara, Wedau, Awalama, and Taupota ; and this is cut down to no in Oiun. The loss of the initial liquid (a well-supported movement in the four languages) gives ona in Roro, ano (321 metathesis) in Raqa, oono in Kabadi, which is yet further reduced to oa in Uni. 488 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. 338. In this collection Motu dae would scarcely find a place if it were not for the Saa tae to account for the initial t, and for the establishment in other items of the extinction of k. Wedau also has established the k loss, and the initial g may be regarded as a modified kappation of the Motu /. Both these forms may proceed from the stem sake. So, too, does Sinaugoro rage, for the s-l mutation found in 298 confirms the r in this instance. The Keakalo agi rests upon the simpler ake stem. 339- The forms which exhibit the mutation of the initial aspirate to /, d, and extinction are satisfactory. Thus we have no difficulty in accepting Tau- pota, Awalama, Tavara, Roro, Motu, Uni, and Pokau. In Tavara the e in the / place may be an error in transcription and the word be identical with the Awalama form, or it may be comprehended as a phase of the mutation from the liquid to the vowel noted in item 284. The remaining forms are too remote from type to establish themselves, except that we note the presence of a series keta-eta-ta. 340. A considerable group of these languages has a vocable of sarima type, but we have no explanation of the interjection of a syllable within any Polynesian word ; we note the curious resemblance and constant difference, but may venture on no identification. Divested of extraneous matter, the other New Guinea forms rest upon the mutation series for the aspirate of s-t-d-r. It is interesting to note the persistency of an n either in the stem itself or characteristically associated therewith. This is found in Kubiri, Koko-Yimidir, Galavi, and Mukawa, and in Astrolabe Bay on the east coast in Gorendu saman-mole. It comes again to light in Tanna and Aneityum. 342. To these satisfactory identifications we add from Astrolabe Bay the equally satisfactory Gorendu sing, the sun, a form by no means uncommon in Melanesia. 344- The mutation proceeds regularly from s to /, to n, to g. Vowel variety appears but twice, in Nada and Oiun, and is associable with the only Melanesian instance of vowel change, Norbarbar visis. 349- The fact that Motu talo is of the present Polynesian type and that the other New Guinea identifications are of the Efate type is proof that during the traverse of Torres Straits both forms were in the possession of the migration. 350- There is little difficulty in these identifications. Kiriwina taigila is so clearly metathetic that the intrusive i need give us no concern. We have next a series in which the \-n mutation dominates. Next comes the loss of I in taina, tain, teina, tcini, kaina. Then follows the loss of the vowel THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 489 in the second syllable. The extirpation of an inner syllable in these lan- guages is rare, but in this case it is incontestable ; this gives us the tertiary series tena, tega, Una, tenan. Simultaneous loss of / and ng gives a sec- ondary series of taia, taiya, kaia, haia-na. Mekeo aina shows loss of t and /, but retains a trace of ng. Forms associable with the stem kanus hitherto postulated are kanu, kan, kanudi, kanuna, kanuta, kanunu, kaninu, kanuru, kinura, kunruvi. The series of the anus type runs aninu, anumai, anodi, aniulu, atiulu, ainuku. It may be that the final s of the two stems appears in kanudi, kanuta, anodi; but it is unsafe to attempt to trace it beyond these well-established mutations. „*-„ 360. A critical point is the position of the stem /. From it we obtain two series : the more direct is vua, pua, bua, gua, hua; the other, affected by metathesis quasi ufa, is uwa, uwe, ova, owu, awu; this accounts for the Kabadi and Rubi forms. It is a matter of no great moment, save in the establishment of radiant foci for this loan material, that while ua might devolve from the other series it follows more normally in the languages where it is found as a reduction form of uwa. 361. Of the three stems conjoined in these data, New Guinea lacks the Poly- nesian puaka. Therefore I have omitted the phonetic collation of the material. The data are so ordered, however, that it will be easy to follow the ramifications of the stems poro and po in this region. Nowhere in this mass of material does any middle term appear by which we may certify ourselves that poro and po are homogenetic. What, now, is the position of these three dozen languages of New Guinea from which we have extracted material, some more and some less satis- factory? In 1892, and again in 1894, Dr. Sidney Herbert Ray declared them Melanesian. In 1907, in the linguistic volume of the Cambridge reports, he continues this designation with renewed argument in its behalf. In 1 9 10 Dr. Seligmann, working upon this material and a valuable supple- ment of his later collection, follows this leadership and designates the people of the eastern Gulf of Papua and the continuing coast and islands well along into the Louisiade Archipelago as Melanesian. At the point of demarca- tion in the Gulf of Papua, approximately at Cape Possession, set down by these students, there is a difference in the people ; more than the language shows it. They have decided that the difference is one between Papuans and Melanesians. In this inquiry we shall devote no attention to the differences of physical appearance, to the diversity of custom of life; we are limited to the evidence which may be found to lie in language. What, then, is a Melanesian? In Dr. Ray's studies the men eastward of Cape Possession who differ from the men living westward of that boundary point are the Melanesians of New Guinea. We are then to discover whence he derives his knowledge of the Melanesians. It is from Dr. Codrington that he has drawn — from the same work which we have been so glad to use in this work, albeit to a far different conclusion. 490 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Assuming for the present, and only for the present, a standard Mela- nesian, we must consider how that element could be communicated to the New Guinea coast. Either the inhabitants of the Gulf of Papua voyaged to some place of Melanesian culture, remained sufficiently long to acquire the Melanesian element they are considered now to possess, and voyaged home again; or else the Melanesians put to sea from their own lands, colonized the New Guinea coast, and survive in these settlements discrete from the Papuan autochthons. Either movement predicates navigation. The Melanesians are notoriously not a seagoing race ; with very few excep- tions their art of canoe building has advanced no greater distance than is required for the construction of light dugouts in which the single paddler scarcely dares follow the fish outside the still lagoon water within his reef. The seamanship of the coastal peoples of New Guinea is of no better order ; when the most adventurous of all this race sets forth upon its annual sago voyage, the putting to sea remains so unusual to their custom on the water that it is surrounded with all the formality of religious rites. It is not like the free adventure of the hardy seaman who hoists sail on the canoe in which he has confidence, trims the sheet to force the wind to work for him, and gaily sails to a distant port, all in the day's work. The voyage of the New Guinea traders of pots for sago is no more than across the head of the gulf, from Motu to Elema, yet it can be accomplished only with the favor of fair winds; the return voyage can not be made until the wind changes in the seasonal break of the monsoon. Even the name of the vessel which has specially to be compacted for this voyage shows that its navi- gation is a foreign art, for lakatoi is a survival from something borrowed ; it is a mutant of vaka-tolu, which we have no difficulty in interpreting as "three boats," and that is true to the naval architecture, for the Motu man fears the sea so cordially that he will not allow even his zeal for trading to trust himself to the waves in anything less stable than three boats lashed together. Whether the fleets of Motu went to northern Melanesia or Mela- nesia came to the Gulf of Papua, we are confronted by the need of canoe- craft and seamanship which has utterly vanished. Neither voyage could be repeated in these days ; the people at each end have not the boats nor the ability to sail them ; they fear the sea. On either side these folk who fear the sea we have the clear record of a race who made the sea their own, even to its empty limit, who have adven- tured such voyages to distant lands and a safe return as proved beyond the power of our own race until four centuries ago. Dr. Ray rests his Melanesian identification upon the Melanesian of Dr. Codrington's study. In this volume we have worked intimately over that Melanesian possession. We have found no language which we might estab- lish as the standard Melanesian, no Ursprache from which the jangling multiplicity of languages might be shown to derive. There is none such ; there is no standard Melanesian. In these data we have examined the element common to the languages from Moanus to the southern tip of New Caledonia. We have found this element everywhere reducible to its par- entage ; we have found it Polynesian material borrowed by ruder people. The same identification holds when we examine the data collected in Torres Straits. It is Polynesian material. It would have been possible THE SOUTHERN GATEWAY. 491 for voyagers from the Gulf of Papua to some Melanesian island, for colonists coming out of Melanesia, to bring this Polynesian content of the Melanesian speech. But the language record militates against this. As between dif- ferent languages on the New Guinea coast we have found differences which indicate secondary borrowing, but these readily reduce to well-marked foci on the same coast; as to the material segregated at these foci, their char- acter is clear: they are primary loans of the Polynesian. On the strength of such material as was then available from the Motu, I had no hesitation in adopting that language as establishing a proof point of the swarm of Polynesian migration through Torres Straits, the first point fixing the course to which, from its ultimate destination, I have assigned the designation of the Viti Stream. This newly accessible material but confirms the former conclusion; instead of a single early station on that course we now have a number and all confirmatory. The Torres Straits stations, with two exceptions, are all along the coast. The two exceptions are Mabuiag and Miriam, which Dr. Ray assigns respec- tively to the provinces of Australian and Papuan speech. Although the vocabularies are the largest in our possession from the region, the material which they have contributed to these studies is the least ; six vocables from Mabuiag and three from Miriam are all that may be associated with the Proto-Samoan. On the map these islands seem to lie in the fairway for any voyage through the straits; it would seem that there the Polynesian influence should be at its maximum. But in the conditions of Proto- Samoan sailing these islands were remote. The Polynesians were sailors, but they were not bigoted in their navigation. Hardy to risk the unknown expanses of open sea when the sky lay empty before them, they preferred the greater certainty of a coast to follow; any shore, even when it lay alee, served to deflect their course. This is a part of their seamanship which we have already had to consider when examining the courses through the Solomons and the New Hebrides. It is this facility of coastwise voyaging which has established for us so many points of Polynesian influence along the New Guinea shore from the great gulf to the remote eastern islands. In conclusion we judge that these languages of New Guinea that have been called Melanesian are susceptible of correlation with languages situ- ated geographically in Melanesia ; that such correlation rests almost wholly on the vocables here examined ; that this element common to Torres Straits and Melanesia is common to Melanesia and to Polynesia. Therefore the result of the investigation is not the establishment of a distinctively Mela- nesian content in the languages limited by Motu and Nada, but the asso- ciation of that content through the Melanesian with the earliest type of the Polynesian. As the result of this added study we now find the southern gateway out of Indonesia most satisfactorily established. APPENDIX III BIBLIOGRAPHY. I have been permitted to publish in the Bulletin of the American Geo- graphical Society (vol. xli, pages 305-343) a far more extended list of the works which have contributed to the foregoing studies. Since that publi- cation is readily accessible I have restricted this bibliography to the purely linguistic works upon which I have drawn for this material. A few of general applicability are grouped as General, the remainder will be found under the name of the language upon which they bear, with such repetitions of authorities cited as will be found to facilitate reference. — W. C. General Brandstetter, Ren ward. Eine Prodromus zu einem vergleichenden Worterbuch der malaio-polynesischen Sprachen fur Sprachforscher und Ethnographen. Luzem: E. Haag, 1906, pp. 74. Churchill, William. Duplication by Dissimilation. American Journal of Philology, xxx, 171. Duplication Mechanics in Samoan and their Functional Values. American Journal of Philology, xxix, 33. Principles of Samoan Word Composition. Journal 0} the Polynesian Society, xiv, 24. Root Reducibility in Polynesian. American Journal of Philology, xxvii, 369- Samoan Phonetics in the Broader Relation. Journal of the Polynesian Society, xvii, 79, etc. Weather Words of Polynesia. Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association, ii, r, 1907. Codrington, R. H. The Melanesian Languages. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1885, pp. -> via, 572. Crawfurd, John. On the Malayan and Polynesian Languages and Races. Journal of the Ethnological Society, London, i, 330. Finck, Franz Nikolaus. Die Wanderungen der Polynesier nach dem Zeugnis ihrer Sprachen. Berlin: Nachrichien von der Koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wis- senschaften zu Gottingen, philologisch-historische Klasse, 1909, Heft 3, 308. Qabelentz, Hans Conon von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen nach ihrem gram- matischen Bau und ihrer Verwandtschaft unter sich und mit den malaiisch- polynesischen Sprachen. Aus dem VIII Bande der Abhandlungen der Kbniglich. Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Leipzig: S.Hirzel, i860, pp. 266. Id., zweite Abhandlung. Des VII Bandes der Abhandlungen der philologisch- historischen Classe der Kb'niglich. Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften No. I. Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1873, pp. 186. Qabelentz, Georg von der, und Adolf Bernard Meyer. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der melanesischen, mikronesischen und papuanischen Sprachen, ein erster Nachtrag zu Hans Conon von der Gabelentz Werke "Die melanesischen Sprachen." Des VIII Bandes der A bhandlungen der philologisch-historischen Classe der Kb'nigl. Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften No. IV. Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1882, pp. 170. 493 494 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. General — continued Macdonald, Daniel. New Hebrides Linguistics, Introductory, Three New Hebrides Languages: Efatese, Eromangan, Santo. Melbourne, 1889: Printed at the Expense of the Trustees 0} the Melbourne Public Library, pp. 134. Oceania, Linguistic and Anthropological. Melbourne: M. L. Hutchinson, 1889, pp. xii, 218, plates 7. The Oceanic Languages, their Grammatical Structure, Vocabulary and Origin. London: Henry Frowde, 1907, pp. xv., 3,52, 2 maps. South Sea Languages, a Series of Studies on the Language of the New Hebrides and Other South Sea Islands. Vol. II: Tangoan-Santo, Malo, Malekula, Epi (Baki and Bierian), Tanna and Futuna. Melbourne, 1891 : Printed at the Expense 0} the Trustees of the Public Library, Museum and National Gallery of Victoria, pp. xxvi, 281. MUller, Friedrich. Reise der osterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahre 1857, 1858, 1859 under den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wiillerstorf-Urbair: LinguistischerTheil. Wien: Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1867. (IV Abtheilung: Malay o-polynesische Sprachen, pp. 267-357.) Quatrefages, A. de. Les Polynesiens et Leurs Migrations. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, n. d., pp. 200, 4 charts. Ray, Sidney H. The Common Origin of the Oceanic Languages. Extract Journal of the Polynesian Society. Schmidt, P. W. liber das Verhaltniss des melanesischen Sprachen zu den poly- nesischen und untereinander. Wien, 1899: Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, philosophisch-historische Classe, Band CXLI, 6, pp. 93. Smith, S. Percy. Hawaiki: The Whence of the Maori: Being an Introduction to the Native History of Rarotonga. Wellington: Whitcombe and Tombs, 1898, pp. 128. Hawaiki: The Original Home of the Maori, with a Sketch of Polynesian History. Second edition, enlarged and mostly rewritten. Wellington: Whitcombe and Tombs, 1904, pp. 223. The same, third edition. Wellington: Whitcombe and Tombs Limited, 1910, pp. 301. Tregear, Edward. The Maori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary. Wellington, N. Z.: Whitcombe and Tombs, n. d., pp. xxiv, 676. Turner, George. Samoa a hundred years ago and long before, together with notes on the cults and customs of 23 other islands in the Pacific. With a preface by E. B. Tylor. London: Macmillan and Co., 1884, pp. xvi, 395. Ahtiago Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Alite Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Alo Teqel Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 355. Amblaw Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Amboina Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 495 Ambrym Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 38 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 449. Gabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen. Aneityum Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 477. Gabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen. Inglis, John. A dictionary of the Aneityumese Language; in two parts: I. Anei- tyumese and English; II. English and Aneityumese; also, Outlines of Aneityumese Grammar; and an Introduction Containing Notices of the Missions to the Native Races and Illustrations of the Principles and Peculiarities of the Aneityumese Language. London: Williams and Nor gate, 1882, pp. 200. Aniwa Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 123 words. Samoa, p. 354. Comparative vocabulary of 15 words, source unknown. Arag Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 431. Gabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen (Vun Marama). AWAIYA Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. AWALAMA Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Baki Fraser, R. M. A Grammar of the Baki Language of Epi, New Hebrides. (With vocabulary.) (In Macdonald's South Sea Languages II, 73.) Balade Gabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen. Comparative vocabulary of 15 words, source unknown. BATUMERAH Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. BlERIAN Fraser, R. M. Grammar of the Bierian Language of the Island of Epi, New Hebrides. (With vocabulary.) (In Macdonald's South Sea Languages II, 98.) BOLANGHITAM Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. BONGU Hanke, A. Grammatik und Vokabularium der Bongu-Sprache (Astrolabe-bai, Kaiser-Wilhelmsland) ; mit einer Karte, einer wortvergleichenden Tabelle von neun Orten des Astrolabegebietes und einem Vokabularium der Sungumana-Sprache. Berlin: Archiv fur das Studium deutscher Kolonial- sprachen, Band viii, Commissionsverlag von Georg Reimer, 1909, pp. xii, 252, 1 map. BONIKI Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. BOUTON Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. 496 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. BUGOTU Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 546. BUKA Ray, Sidney H. Mittheilungen iiber drei Dialekte der Salomon-Inseln. Zeitschrift fur ajrikanischc und oceanische Sprachen ii, 54. BUKABUKA Hutchin, J. J. K. Traditions and some wordsof the language of Danger or Pukapuka Island. Journal 0} the Polynesian Society, xiii, 173. BlJLULAHA Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Buru Islands Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words in the dialects of Cajeli, Massaratty and Amblaw. Samoa, p. 354. Caimarian Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Cajeli Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Celebes Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words in the dialects of Bolang- hitam, Bouton, Menado, Salayer. Samoa, p. 354. Ceram Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words in the dialects of Ahtiago, Awaiya, Caimarian, Gah, Teluti, Tobo, Wahai. Samoa, p. 354. Chamorro Fritz, Georg. Chamorro- Worterbuch: in zwei Theilen, Deutsch-Chamorro und Chamorro-Deutsch. Auf der Insel Saipan, Marianen, gesammelt. Berlin: Archiv fur das Studium deutscher Kolonial sprachen, Band ii, Commissions- verlag von Georg Reimer, 1904, pp. vi, 124. Deni Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 486. Dobu Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. DOURA Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. DUAURU Gabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen. Comparative vocabulary of 15 words, source unknown. Duke of York Brown, G. Notes on the Duke of York Group, New Britain and New Ireland (contains a vocabulary of 58 words.) Journal 0} the Royal Geographical Society, 1877, *37- Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 69 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Ray, Sidney H. Texts in the languages of the Bismarck Archipelago (Duke of York texts with bibliography.) Zeitschrift fur afrikanische und oceanische Sprachen, i, 334. Ebon Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 123 words. Samoa, p. 354. bibliography. 497 Efate Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 471. Qabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen. Macdonald, Daniel. The Oceanic Languages, their Grammatical Structure, Vocab- ulary and Origin (Efate" dictionary). London: Henry Frowde, 1907, pp. xv> 352> 2 maps. Turner, George. Comparative vocabularies of 119 and 121 words, dissimilar, one showing a strong Polynesian content. Samoa, p. 354. Epi (see Baki, Bierian.) Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 51 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 469. Eromanga Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 43 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Gabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen. Gordon, J. D. Sketch of the Eromangan grammar. (In Macdonald's Three New Hebrides Languages.) Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 128 words. Samoa, p. 354. Comparative vocabulary of 15 words, source unknown. Espiritu Santo Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 69 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 441. Gordon, J. D. Sketch of the Santo grammar and vocabulary. (In Macdonald's Three New Hebrides Languages.) Fagani Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 499. Fakaafo Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 1 13 words. Samoa, p. 354. FOTUNA Gunn, Dr. William. Grammar of the language of Futuna. (With vocabulary.) (In Macdonald's South Sea Languages II, 163.) FUTUNA Gre"zel, Pere. Dictionnaire Futunien-Francais avec notes grammaticales. Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie., 1878, pp. 304. Gah Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Galavi Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Galela Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Galoma Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Gani Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of ,59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Gilbert Islands Bingham, Hiram. A Gilbertese-English Dictionary. Boston: American Board 0} Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1908, pp. viii, 179. 498 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Gilolo Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words in the Dialects of Galela and Gani. Samoa, p. 354. Gog Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Laguages, p. 367. GUADALCANAR Gabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen. Guam Safford, William Edwin. The Chamorro language of Guam. American Anthro- pologist, vols. 5-7. Hawaii Andrews, Lorrin. A dictionary of the Hawaiian language, to which is appended an English-Hawaiian vocabulary and a chronological table of remarkable events. Honolulu, H. I.: printed by Henry M. Whitney, 1865, pp. xvi, 559- Emerson, J. S. He hoakakaolelo no na huaoleloBeritania i mea kokua i na kanaka Hawaii e ao ana ia olelo. Lahainaluna: Kulanui, 1845, pp. x, 184. Hula Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Java Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Kabadi Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Kalil See Stephan und Grabner: New Ireland. Keapara Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. King See Stephan und Grabner: New Ireland. KlRIWINA Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. KlVIRI Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. KUBIRI Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. KWAGILA Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Lakon Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 377. Lamassa See Stephan und Grabner: New Ireland. Lambell See Stephan und Grabner: New Ireland. Lariko Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Laur See Stephan und Grabner: New Ireland. Liang Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 499 LlFU A. C. Notes grammaticales sur la langue de Lifu d'apres les manuscrits du P. F. P. Parts: Maisonneuve et Cie., 1882, pp. 72. Gabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen. Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 122 words. Samoa, p. 354. Comparative vocabulary of 15 words, source unknown. LlUENIUA Parkinson, R. Die ostlichen Inseln. (Dreissig Jahre in der Sudsee, pp. 513-564.) Thilenius, Dr. G. Ethnographische Ergebnisse aus Melanesien: erster Theil, Reisebericht; die polynesischen Inseln an der Ostgrenze Melanesiens. Halle: Nova Acta, Abhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopold-Carolinischen deutschen Akademie der Naturjorscher, Band Ixxx, Nr. 1, 1902, pp. 102, 4 plates, 1 map, 9 text illustrations. ho Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 391. Mabuiag Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 88. Madagascar Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Marre\ Vocabulaire syst&natique, comparatif, des principales racines des langues Malgache et Malayo-Polynesiennes, n. p., 1885, pp. 83-214. Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Comparative vocabulary of 15 words, source unknown. Maewo Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 408. Makura Tregear, Edward. _ The Language of Makura. Journal 0} the Polynesian Society, v, 187. Maeekula Gabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen. Morton, Alex. Grammar of the Language Spoken at Pangkumu, Malekula, Noticing Occasionally a Dialect Spoken North of Pangkumu and Beginning at a Village Called Rukumbu. (With vocabulary.) (In Macdonald's South Sea Languages, II, 34.) Malo Landels, J. D. Outline Grammar of Maloese as Spoken on the West Side of Malo, New Hebrides. (With vocabulary.) (In Macdonald's South Sea Lan- guages, II, 15.) Manahiki Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 126 words. Samoa, p. 354. Mangareva Tregear, Edward. A Dictionary of the Mangareva (or Gambier) Islands. Published under the Authority of the Board of Directors of the New Zealand Institute. Wellington: John Mackay, Government Printing Office, 1899, pp. 121. Marquesas Dordillon, I. R. Grammaire et dictionnaire de la langue des lies Marquises. Paris: Imprimerie Belin Freres, 1904, pp. 294, 205. 500 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Marshall Islands Erdland, August. Worterbuch und Grammatik der Marshall-Sprache nebst ethno- graphischen Erlauterungen und kurzen Sprachiibungen. Berlin: Archiv fur das Studium deutschen Kolonialsprachen. Band iv, Druck und Kommis- sionsverlag von Georg Reimer, 1906, pp. xii, 248. Qabelentz, G. von der, und A. Meyer. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der melanesischen, mikronesischen und papuanischen Sprachen, 1882. Gabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen. Hernsheim, Franz. Beitrag zur Sprache der Marshall-Inseln. Leipzig: 1880, pp. 28. Senfft, A. Worterverzeichniss der Sprache der Marshall-Insulaner. Zeitschrift fur afrikanische und oceanische Sprachen, v, 79. Steinbach-Grbsser. Worterbuch der Marshall-Sprache nach hinterlassenen Papieren des verstorbenen Stabsarztes Dr. Edwin Steinbach (vom 1891 bis 1894, Regierungsarzt in Jaluit, Marshall-Inseln) umgearbeitet und herausge- geben von Herman Grosser, Direktor der Jaluit-Gesellschaft zu Hamburg. Hamburg: L. Friederichsen und Co., 1902, pp. x, 126. Massaratty Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Matabello Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Mayapo Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Mekeo Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Menado Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Merlav Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 357. MlLLE Comparative vocabulary of 15 words, source unknown. Miriam Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 131. MlSIMA Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. MOANUS Meier, Jos. Berichtigungen zu Dr. Schnee's Mitteilungen liber die Sprache der Moanus. Anthropos, i, 210, 472. Moiki Ray, Sidney H. Mittheilungen iiber drei Dialekte der Salomon-Inseln. Zeitschrift fur afrikanische und oceanische Sprachen, ii, 54. MORELLA Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Mosin Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 350. MOTA Codrington, R. H., and J. Palmer. A Dictionary of the Language of Mota, Sugarloaf Island, Banks Islands, with a Short Grammar and Index. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1896, pp, xxiii, 312. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 501 MOTLAV Codrington, R. H P- 39- Grammar. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, p. 310. Comparative vocabulary of 55 words. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Motu Codrington, R. H. P- 39- Ray, Sidney H. MlJGULA Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. MUKAWA Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. MURARE Comparative vocabulary of 15 words, source unknown. Murray Island (see Miriam.) Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 52 words. P- 39- MURUA Ray, Sidney H. Mysol Turner, George. Nada Ray, Sidney H. Melanesian Languages, Melanesian Languages, Melanesian Languages, Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Nengone Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 69 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 478. Gabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen. Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 125 words. Samoa, p. 354. Comparative vocabulary of 15 words, source unknown. New Britain Bley, B. Grundziige der Grammatik der Neu-Pommerschen Sprache an der Nordkiiste der Gazellen-Halbinsel. Zeitschrijt jiir ajrikanische und ocean- ische Sprachen, Hi, 85. Parkinson, R. Dressig Jahre in der Sudsee: Land und Leute, Sitten und Gebraiiche im Bismarckarchipel und auf den deutschen Salamoinseln. Herausge- geben von Dr. B. Ankermann, Direktorial-Assistent am Koniglichen Museum fur Volkerkunde zu Berlin. Stuttgart: Strecker und Schroder, 1907, pp. xxii, 876, 4 maps, 56 plates, 141 text illustrations. Ray, Sidney H. Texts in the Languages of the Bismarck Archipelago. Zeitschrijt fur afrikanische und oceanische Sprachen, i, 334. New Caledonia Gabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen. Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 117 words. Samoa, p. 354. Comparative vocabulary, source unknown, of 15 words in the languages of Balade, Duauru, Murare, Nikete and Yengin. New Georgia Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 61 words. Melaresian Languages, P- 39- 502 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. New Guinea Qabelentz und Meyer. Die Sprache von Errub und Maer. Die Sprache in cler Bai von Segaar. Miklucho-Maclay, N. Papua-Dialekte der Maclay-Kiiste in New Guinea. (In Gabelentz und Meyer.) Timoteo. Notes on the Kabadi dialect of New Guinea. Journal of the Polynesian Society. (?) New Ireland Brown, Q. Notes on the Duke of York Group, New Britain and New Ireland (contains a vocabulary of 19 words). Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 1877, 137. Duffield, A. J. Notes on the inhabitants of New Ireland and its archipelago, their fine and industrial arts, customs and language (contains a vocabulary of 350 words). Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, i, 115. D'Urville, Dumont. Vocabulary of Port Praslin. Voyage de I' Astrolabe, vol. ii, Philologie, p. 143. Gaimard. Vocabulary of Carteret Harbor. Voyage de I' Astrolabe, ii, 143. Stephan, Emil, und Fritz Graebner. Neu-Mecklenburg: die Kiiste von Urauddu bis Kap St. Georg. Forschungsergebnisse bei den Vermessungsfahrten von S. M. S. Mowe im Jahre 1904. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1907, pp. xii, 242. Nggao Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 555. Gabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen (Mahaga) . Nggela Ray, Sidney H. Texts in the languages of the Solomon Islands. Zeitschrift fur afrikanische und oceanische Sprachen, Hi, 103. Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 522. Gabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen (Anudha). NlFILOLE Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 493. NlKETE Comparative vocabulary of 15 words, source unknown. NiuE Tregear, Edward, and S. Percy Smith. A vocabulary and grammar of the Niue dialect of the Polynesian language. Wellington: By authority, John Mackay, Government Printer, 1907, pp. 179. NORBARBAR Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 384. NUGURIA See Liueniua. NUKUMANU See Liueniua. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 503 NUKUORO Christian, F. W. Nukuoro vocabulary. Journal of the Polynesian Society (?). OlUN Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Omba Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 420. Paama Gabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen. Pak Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 332. Pala Peekel, P. Gerhard. Grammatik der Neu-Mecklenburgischen Sprache speziell der Pala-Sprache. Berlin: Archiv fur das Studium deutscher Kolonialsprachen, Band ix, Commissionsverlag von Georg Reimer, 1909, pp. xiv, 2i6,si /nap. Panaieti Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. POKAU Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Port Moresby Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 35 words. Samoa, p. 354. Rapanui Roussel, Pere Hippolyte. Yocabulaire de la langue de l'lle-de-Paques ou Rapanui. Louvain: he Musion, nouvellc serie vol. ix, 159. Raoa Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Rarotonga Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 122 words. Samoa, p. 534. Roro Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. ROTUMA Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 401. Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 116 words. Samoa, p. 3,54. Comparative vocabulary of 15 words, source unknown. Rubi Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Saa Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 516. Salayer Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Salibabo Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. 504 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Samoa Churchill, William. A dictionary of Satnoan speech. (MSS.) Samoa o le Vavau: Samoan contributions to Polynesian history. (MSS.) Samoan grammar: an evolutionary essay toward the comprehension of the speech method and linguistic mechanism of the Polynesian, a primordial language of the isolating type. (MSS.) Funk, Bernhard. Kurze Anleitung zum Verstandniss der samoanischen Sprache; Grammatik und Vokabularium ; nebst einem Anhange, meteorologische Notizen; mit einen Plan von Apia. Berlin: Ernst Siegfried Mittler undSohn, 1893, pp. vi, 82. Neffgen, H. Deutsch-Samoanisches Konversationsbuch. 'O le tusi-fetalia'i fa'asia- mani ma fa'asamoa. Leipzig: Otto Ficker, 1904, pp. Hi, 64. Grammatik der samoanischen Sprache nebst Lesestiicken und Worterbuch. Wien und Leipzig: A. Hartleben, n. d., pp. viii, 168. Newell, J. E. English and Samoan vocabulary ('0 le fa'asologa'upu Peritania 'ua fa'asamoaina) . Being Part Hi of the Grammar and Dictionary of the Samoan Language, fourth edition, enlarged and revised. Malua, Samoa: London Missionary Society, 1905, pp. 158. Pratt, George. A grammar and dictionary of the Samoan language, with English and Samoan vocabulary. Third and revised edition. (N. P.) : Printed by the Religious Tract Society for the London Missionary Society, 1893, pp. viii, 416. Violette, L. Dictionnaire Samoa-Francais-Anglais et Francais-Samoa- Anglais pre- cede d'une grammaire de la langue Samoa. Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie., 1879, pp. xcii, 468. Sanguir Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Saparua Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Sariba Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Sasar Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 337. Savo Codrington, R. H. P- 39- Gram mar . SESAKE Codrington, R. H. P- 39- Grammar . Gabelentz, H. C. von der Die melanesischen Sprachen. SlNAUGORO Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. SUAU Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits Til, 482. Sulu Islands Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Tagula Ray, Sidney H. Comparative vocabulary' of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, p. 559. Melanesian Languages, Comparative vocabulary of 65 words. Melanesian Languages, Melanesian Languages, p. 459. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 505 Tahiti Jaussen, Tepano. Grammaire et dictionnaire de la langue Maorie, dialecte Tahitien. Paris: Neia i te Nenei Raa no Belin, 1898, pp. 388. Tami Bamler, Missionar. Bemerkungen zur Gramtnatik der Tamisprache : Vokabular der Tamisprache. Zeitschrijt fur afrikanische und oceanische Sprachen, v, 19S. Tangoan Santo Annand, J. A grammar of the Tangoan Santo language. (In Macdonald's South Sea Languages, II, 1.) Tanna Gray, W. Grammar of the Weasisi-Tanna language, with notices of other Tanna dialects. (With vocabulary.) (In Macdonald's South Sea Languages, II, 108.) Gabelentz, H. C. von der. Die melanesischen Sprachen. Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 121 words. Samoa, p. 354. Comparative vocabulary of 15 words, source unknown. Taupota Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Tauu See Liueniua. Tavara Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Teluti Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Teor Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. TlDORE Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Tobo Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354 Togean Islands Rosenberg, C. B. H. von. De Togean-Eilanden (contains a vocabulary of 88 words). Amsterdam: Werken van het koninklijk Institut voor Taal- Land- en Volkerkunde van Ncderlandsch-Indie; tweede Ajdeeling; ajzonder- lijke Werken, 1865. Tonga Baker, Shirley Waldemar. An English and Tongan vocabulary, also a Tongan and English vocabulary, with a list of idiomatic phrases; and Tongan grammar. Aucklatid, N. Z.: pp. vi, 212, 44. TONGAREWA Smith, S. Percy. Tongarewa, or Penrhyn Island, and its people. Transactions 0} the New Zealand Institute, xxii, 85. TUBETUBE Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. UGI Ray, Sidney H. Mittheilungen iiber drei Dialekte der Salomon-Iuseln. Zeitschrijt fur afrikanische und oceanische Sprachen, ii, 54. Ulawa Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 512. 506 THE POLYNESIAN WANDERINGS. Uni Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. Uvea A. C. Dictionnaire Latin-Uvea a l'usage des eleves du college de Lano par les missionaires maristes revu par le P. A. C, pretre mariste. Paris: Librairie Poussielgue Frhes, 1886, pp. iv, 186. Vaturanga Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 539. VlTI A. C. Essai de grammaire de la langue de Viti d'apres les manuscnts des mission- aires maristes coordines. Paris: Poussielgue Freres, 1884. Hazlewood, David, and James Calvert. A Fijian-English dictionary and a grammar of the language. By the late David Hazlewood, Wesleyan missionary. Second edition, with map, edited by James Calvert. London: Sampson Low, Marston and Co. (1872), pp. 282, 64. Moore, William. Handbook of the Fijian Language. Levuka: G. L. Griffiths, 1881, pp. 40. VoivOW Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 322. VURAS Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 345. Wahai Turner, George. Comparative vocabulary of 59 words. Samoa, p. 354. Wango Codrington, R. H. Comparative vocabulary of 70 words. Melanesian Languages, P- 39- Grammar. Melanesian Languages, p. 505. Wedatj Ray, Sidney H. Expedition to Torres Straits III, 482. YENGIN Comparative vocabulary of 15 words, source unknown. INDEX. PAGE. o-mutations 50, 121, 154, 472 a 208 abrasion, final 200, 203, 205,228, 252,377 abrasion, frontal 192, 198, 206, 208, 213,225,235,254,273 abrasion, medial 191, 212, 213, 225, 237.259.302,385,422 a}apnc 337 a/t- 277 afisi 243 age of Melanesian-Polynesian . . 147 Ahtiago, check-list 152 ai 208 a'a 318 a'au 197 a'e 216, 402, 488 aki, verb-formative 291 ala 403, 488 alei 206 Alexander, William DeWitt 387 Alite, check-list 55 phonetic table 60 Allor, check-list 152 alo 193 alo 326 Alo Teqel, check-list 55 phonetic table 61 alunga 241 ama j.04 , 488 Amblaw, check-list 152 Amboyna, check-list 152 Ambrym, check-list 55 phonetic table 62 Amharic, check-list 175 atno 201 Andrews, Lorrin 278, 287 Aneityum, check-list 55 phonetic table 63 animals, introduced 16 Aniwa 3, 142 anu 417, 489 angi 317 apula 259 apungaleveleve 361 Arabia, Oceanic motherland ... 27 Arabic, check-list 175 Arag, check-list 55 phonetic table 64 Aramaic, check-list 175 Arishtan Shar 169 Aru, check-list 152 Aryan origin 25, 176, 178 aspiration 318, 346 Melanesian mutations 135 triply placed 133, 303 asu 286,481 ata 197 atali'i 194 PAGE. ate 320, 483 ati 198, 479 aue 289 Avaiki-te-Varinga 21 Awaiya, check-list 152 Awalama, check-list 435 phonetic table 437 Baju, check-list 152 Baker, Shirley Waldemar 8, 225,409 Baki, check-list 55 phonetic table 65 Baliyon, check-list 152 Baravon, check-list 55 phonetic table 66 Basakrama, check-list 152 Batak, check-list 152 Batavia, check-list 152 Batumerah, check-list 152 Bauro, check-list 55 phonetic table 66 be 424 Belaga, check-list 56 phonetic table 67 Bellona Island, see Moiki. Beu, check-list 152 Bicol, check-list 152 Bierian, check-list 56 phonetic table 68 Binue, check-list 152 bird of paradise 22 Bismarck Archipelago, change of names 2, 14 black 331 blind 331 boiling 248, 409 Bolanghitam, check-list 152 Bongu 182 Boniki, check-list 435 phonetic table 438 bonito, courtesy language 352 Bopp, Franz; Polynesian theory 19, 25, 27,32, 183 Borneo, check-list 152, 172 borrowing, second-hand 199, 264, 323,324,389 Bougainville Id., check-list 56 phonetic table. 69 Bouton, check-list 152, 172 brain 224 bridegoom 6 Brierly Island, check-list 56 phonetic table. . 69 Brissi West, check-list 152, 172 brown color 330 Brumer Island, check-list 56 phonetic table. . 69 Bual, check-list 152 Buelow, W. von 4 507 508 INDEX. PAGE. Bugi, check-list *52 Bugotu, check-list 56 phonetic table 69 Buka, check-list 5° phonetic table 70 traces of Polynesians ... 15 Bululaha, check-list 5° phonetic table 71 Bum, check-list 152, 172 Caimarian, check-list 152 Cajeli, check-list 152 canoe voyaging conditions. .139. 49°. 49 * cardinal points 2 J6 Caroline Islands, Polynesian mi- gration 14, 16, 17 castaway drift 14, 45. I38> *44. x48 Celebes 21, *72 Ceram, check-list 152 mentioned 21, 172, 373 cerumen 284 Chaldee, check-list 175 Chamorri, check-list 152 Champa, check-list 152 cicatricial ornament 22 circumcision 265 closed roots, a Proto-Samoan distinction 48, 148 coconut derivatives 224 Codrington, R. H 45, 268, 296, 297, 303, 307, 332, 357, 365, 366, 371,375.388, 392. 395, 403 concrete expressions 266 consonantal modulants 201, 219, 268, 298, 314, 320, 349, 35o, 403, 4" consonants, easy to acquire. ... 36 mutation direction. 133, 177 cookery 24S, 409 count by fingers 3°5 course, determination of. 140, 141, 146, 216 courtesy speech 234, 236, 352, 374 crop colonies 139 currents, influence of 16 cutting 261 Dana, James Dwight iii darkness 331 day 332 deafness 284 death 29i,374 Deeken, Richard, "Manuia Samoa" 18 definitions, clumsy 8 squinting 8 Deni, check-list 56 phonetic table 71 determinant composition 255, 268,341,394 diphthongs 339 direction constants 216 Dobu, check-list 435 phonetic table 439 Domara 440 Dorey, check-list 152 Doura, check-list 435 phonetic table 440 PAGE. drift theory of migration 14, 45, 138, 144, 148 Duba 440 Dufaure Island, check-list 56 phonetic table . 72 Duke of York, check-list 56 phonetic table . . 72 duplication 2 10 Dyak, check-list 152 e-mutations 51, 12 echo words Efate, Turner's two word-lists. . under Proto-Samoan in- fluence Polynesian phonetics. . . . Viti phonetics Viti-Samoan phonetics . . Macdonald's dictionary. . e}u Ellice Group, migration eneene English borrowings from Poly- nesian Enua-kura Ende, check-list Epi, check-list phonetic table equatorial currents Erakor vocabulary Eromanga, check-list phonetic table Ethiopic, check-list ethnic swarm exclamation /-mutations 54, I29> x33> 160, 168, 178,276 fafanga fafangu fafano jafau fafine Fagani, check-list phonetic table fat faititili fa'a fa'afisi fa'afou fa'alanu fa'alangilangi fa'alelefu fa'alolo fa'alolongo fa'alongo fa'apoa Ja'asau ja'asusu fa'atuai fa'atulutulu Fanning Island, migration fanofano fano fangufangu famia fasi , 154,472 302 10 45,46,47 42 35,37,42 38,41 6 313,482 17, 180 194 264 22 152 56 73 16 10 56 74 175 170 289,402 , 136, 137, 303,476 269 217 194 328 337,483 56 75 218 240 269,480 277 327,483 396 197 313 224 399 398 276 282 410 3" 425 i/ 194 226 201 341,484 203 INDEX. 509 PAGE. fata. 343 jataninga 194 fati 219 fatu 228 fatu 344 fatu'uhi 228 fatulau 229 fatumanava 344 fatunga 229 fan 328 h 211,479 feel 400 fe'au 218 felelei 42 1 fenguingui 393 fesulua'i 405 fesuliina'i 405 fetu 199 fetulele 42 1 fia 271 fifi 277 Fiji, see Viti. Fileni 4 fili 178, 290 fingers in counting 365 fisi 277 fiso 196 five, hand 364 flight 295 flora, provinces 17 foanga 204 foe 429 folau 334 fonoh 333 foreign novelty 234, 259 Fornander, Aryan theory 178, 184 fotu 245 Fotuna, differenced in spelling. 3 settlement 142, 285 fou 327.483 four, the perfect number 19 frying ' 409 fua 297, 426, 489 fuata 321,427 fufula 202 Jufulu 275 fufuti 276 fui 292 fula 202 fuli 335 fulu 267, 480 fulua 275 funga 292, 427 fusi 292 futi 276 futi 388,487 Futuna, Tongafiti settlement. . . 287 397,408,411 Gah, check-list 152 Galavi, check-list 435 phonetic table 441 Galela, check-list 152 Galoma, check-list 435 phonetic table 442 Gani, check-list 152 general migration theory 19 PAGE. Gilbert Archipelago 17, 180, 274 Gilolo, check-list 152 mentioned 21, 172 Gog, check-list 56 Gog, phonetic table 76 Goram, check-list 152 Guadalcanar, check-list 56 phonetic table ... 77 Guaham, check-list 152 A-mutations 53, 126, 132, 135, 157, 166,227,287,323,324,475 hack 9, 205 Halmahera 17 hand activity 350 hand, as five 364 Havannah Harbor mission sta- tion 10, 11 Hawaii, direct migration 44, 49, 262, 2 79.337,346,408 Sumatra voyage to. . . . 19 Hawaiki 13, 17, 49, 184 "Hawaiki" 20,26, 179, 184 hearing 401 Hebrew, check-list 175 bog 427 Hula, check-list 435 phonetic table 443 Humboldt, Wilhelm von 19, 183 i-mutations 51, 122, 155, 472 Iai, check-list 56 phonetic table 77 ifo 262, 480 i'a 350,484 i'amanu 372 ilo 429 Ilocan, check-list 152 Indonesia, common to both mi- gration theories . . 19 Malayan settlement . 169 Indonesian, community of speech with Polynesian. 151, 170 contact with Poly- nesian 169 not a linguistic link. 20 Polynesian exit (Thilenius) 16 infixation 212 inu 376, 486 isa 401 isu 348, 484 iti 230 Java 21, 169, 184 check-list 152 Jobi, check-list 152 ^-mutations 52, 124, 131, 135, 136,156, 164,255,474 'in Tongan 225 Kabadi, check-list 56, 435 phonetic table 78, 444 Kabakada, check-list 56 phonetic table 78 'ai 191, 478 Kaili, check-list 152 510 INDEX. PAGE. Kaioa Island, check-list 152 'a'a 318 'a'asa 251 'a'e 402, 488 Kalil, check-list 56 phonetic table 78 'ama'ama 260 'amu 277 Kandayan, check-list 152 kani 191, 478 'apa'au 295 'apatd 295 Kapingamarangi 15, 17 'apu 246 karavau 388 'aii 355, 485 'ato 255 'au 218 'an 278 'au 295 'auali'i 353 'aualuma 295 'au'auli 353 Kawi, check-list 152 Kayan, check-list 152 Keakalo 444 Keapara, check-list 435 phonetic table 445 'eli 347,484 'ete 256 '* 219 'iato 230 'ie 196 'i'ila 246 'i'ite 294, 481 'Hi 278,481 'ili'ili 355 Kilinailau, Polynesian settle- ment 15 'iliola 356 'imoa 296 King, census 366 check-list 56 phonetic table 79 'ini 279 'iole 296 Kiriwina, check-list 435 phonetic table 446 Kisa, check-list 152 'isumu 148, 296 Kiviri, check-list 435 phonetic table 447 Kiwa, sea of 13, 184 'oju 220 Koita 447 'o'ai 204 'olo 220 'ona 205 'oti 256 'oto 256 Kramer, Dr. Augustin 265 Kubiri, check-list 435 phonetic table 448 '«'« 349 'uli 255 'upenga 231 'Upolu 23 PAGE. 'utu 357- 485 Kwagila, check-list 435 phonetic table 448 /-mutations 52, 123, 131, 135, 136, 157. 165, 219, 223, 234, 268, 300, 304, 305, 334. 361, 385. 473, 487 la 304 labials, last acquired in speech.. 332 lingual mutation 136 palatal mutation 136 Melanesian difficulty. . . 42, 134, 212, 263,332 lac 304, 369 La Farge, John 330 Lakatoi language 186, 490 la'au 353 la'ei 209 Lakon, check-list 56 phonetic table 80 la'u 209 laid 304 lalau 397 lalo 213,216 Lamassa, census 366 check-list 56 phonetic table 81 Lambell, check-list 56 phonetic table 82 Lampong, check-list 152 Landa, check-list 152 lanu 396, 487 langa 197 langi 318,324,359,485 lango 360, 485, 487 lango 257 langofuju 384 langomumu 384 langona 398 Lariko, check-list 153 Laur, check-list 56 phonetic table 83 lase 209 last 246 laso 297 latele 238 lau, sea 215 lau 397,487 lau' a' a 3*8 laulau 397 Lauta iv lauulu 268 lava 358 lavalava 28 lavasi 28 lave 28 lavea 231 leangiangi 421 lefu 3T3,482 lele 42 x lelefu 313 Lemaroro, check-list 56 phonetic table 84 leo 232 leo 363 Leon, check-list 56 phonetic table 84 INDEX. 511 229, PACE. 153 217 56 84 176 479 234 486 233 135 136 234 142 56 85 153 197 368 26 Liang, check-list lielievale Lifu, check-list phonetic table like-/^c li'i liliu lima 363.367. lingi Unguals, labial mutation palatal mutation liu Liueniua 3, 15, 17,22,45,46, Lo, check-list phonetic table Lobo, check-list lofa 28, lofia Logan, J. R., Polynesian theory. lolo 223 lolo 368 lolo'u 221 longo 398, 487 longona 398 lua'i 279 lue 235 Lukunor, Polynesian settlement 22 lulu 235 lulua 279 w-mutations 54, 128, 132, 136, 137. 159. 167,253,378,476 ma 298 Mabuiag, check-list 435 phonetic table 450 Macassar, check-list 153 Macdonald, Rev. Daniel. Efate dictionary 1,5 Madura, check-list 153 maea 195 Maewo, check-list 56 phonetic table 86 Mai 4, 45, 46, 47, 142 check-list 56 phonetic table 86 Polynesian settlement 46 maja 194 mafine 337 mafuli 335 Magindano, check-list 153 Mahri, check-list 175 Mailu 449 ma'i 379 ma'ini 194 Makura, check-list 57 phonetic table 87 malae 305, 369 Malagasy, check-list 152 malama 378 malamalama 378 Malanta, check-list 57 phonetic table 87 Malay, check-list 151 race, early distory 169 Malayan influence Post-Poly- nesian 322,324,335,351,357, 360, 361, 373, 375, 380, 387, 398 PAGE. Malayo-Polynesian family 20, 25, 26, 170, 171, 173, 183 Malekula, check -list 57 phonetic table 87 Malietoa, Savea the first 45 Laupepa iv malingi 233 Malo, check-list 57 phonetic table 89 main 375 malil 370, 486 malu 369 mama 280 mamac 194 Mame, check-list 153 Manahune traditions 22 Manatolo, check-list 153 manifinifi 29S, 481 mano 195 matin 218, 372, 486 manu'a 234 Manu'a 23 Sumatra voyage to 19 manga 280 mangungu 393 mao 203 mao 206 mapelu 217 Marina, check-list 57 phonetic table 90 Marshall Islands 14 masa 257 masi 281 masina 406 Massaratty, check-list 153 Massim 449 masunu 407 masiisii 207 maia 299 tnata 380, 486 Matabello, check-list 153 matai 195 mataisau 195 mata'u 301 , 482 matala 223 matali'i 195 matangi 317 Matamatame 45, 180, 379 mate 373 Matema 142 mati 281 matolutolu 199, 238 Matu, check-list 153 matua 271,311 Matupit, check-list 57 phonetic table 91 man 207 maua 207 mdni 258 maunga 195 Mayapo, check-list 153 Mekeo, check-list 435 phonetic table 449 Melanesia, a geographical unit . . 2 dialects abundant. . . 10 early history un- known 13 512 INDEX. PAGE. Melanesia, little attractive to voyagers 3 mutation tables. ... 59 problems of i Melanesian contribution to Poly- nesia 148 q 332 races 13. lSl Mele, check -list 57 phonetic table 91 vocabulary 10 mele'i 253 melomelo 3°° Menado, check-list 153 Menankabau, check-list 153 Merlav, check-list 57 phonetic table 92 metathesis 218, 223, 227, 230, 239, 241, 262, 269, 275, 292, 295, 314, 317, 330, 332, 346, 361, 371, 376, 377, 39i. 4i3. 417 mianga 375 mimi 375 Miriam, check-list 435 phonetic table 450 Misima, check-list 435 phonetic table 45 * Moanus 147. 360 check-list 57 phonetic table 93 Moiki 4, 45, 46, 142, 146 molemole 244 Molucca i5i 17 check-list 153 momona 281 monkey 388 Mon-Khmer 25 mono i97i 333 moon 33° Morella, check-list 153 Moriori migration 271, 335, 414 Mosin, check-list 57 phonetic table 94 Moso 299 mosquito 386 Mota, check -list 57 phonetic table 96 transitive verb suffix. . . . 305, 392 Motlav, check-list 57 phonetic table 95 motu 383 Motu, check-list 57 phonetic table 98 Polynesian settlement. . . 21, 147 eastern Polynesian asso- ciations 349,361, 362,385 Mugula, check-list 435 phonetic table 452 mui 383 Mukawa, check-list 435 phonetic table 453 muli 384 Miiller, Friedrich 19, 26, 183 Miiller, Max, Polynesian theory . 25, 27, 32,34.183 mumu 383 mumu 383 PAGE. muna 383 Murray Island, check-list 57 phonetic table. . 99 Murua, check-list 435 phonetic table 454 musumusu 383 mutation, basic principles 177 Indonesia-Melanesia- Polynesia 163 by series 133 Mysot, check-list 153 myth fabrication 19 ra-mutations 53, 125, 132.. 135, 137,157, 165,346,386,474 Nada, check-list 435 phonetic table 455 nafa 234 namu 386, 487 namu 221 Natalava, check-list 57 phonetic table 99 national life unknown 170 natu 198, 479 navigation, Polynesian 21 Navigators' Islands 139 navu 20S, 479 neju 313 net 200 nenefu 313,482 Nengone, check-list 57 phonetic table 99 neutral vowel 35, 36 New Britain, check-list 57 New Caledonia, check-list 57 New Georgia, check-list 57 phonetic table. . . 100 New Guinea 14, 21, 22, 26, 141, 142, 172, 173, 180, 182 check-list 57 north coast voyages 2 1 obstacle to Malayan settlement 141, 173 New Hanover 17 New Hebrides 137, 140, 141, 145, 180 New Ireland, check-list 57 New Zealand, direct migration.. 44, 49, 262, 279, 369, 370, 379, 408, 423 Nicobar, check-list 153 Nifilole, check-list 58 phonetic table 104 nijo 3°2, 482 Ninigo 15, l7 Nisan, Polynesian settlement . . 15 niu 390,487 Niu-Sisila 19 nofo 259 nonu 254 nonufi'afi'a 254 Norbarbar, check-list 58 phonetic table 105 nuanga 209 Nuclear Polynesia. ... 2, 19, 25, 42, 43, 179 Ef ate identifications . . 43 Nuguria 4, 15, 16, 17, 142 check list 433 INDEX. 513 PAGE. Nukumanu 4 Nukuoro, Samoan settlement .22, 42, 346, 360,385,415,419 Sumatra voyage to . . 19 nunu 209 Nggao, check-list 57 phonetic table 101 Nggela, check-list 57 phonetic table 102 ng-mutations 52, 124, 131, 136, 137, 156,163,233,349,473 ngafa 204 nga'e 204 ngalolo. 224 ngalu 245 ngasu 221 ngata 258 ngeli 388 ngingili 393 ngongo 196 ngongolo 392 ngu 393 Nguna, check-list 58 phonetic table 103 ngutu 349 o-mutations 51, 122, 155, 472 Oceanic language, Macdonald's statement 26 phonology 27 race 26,31,32 Oiun, check-list 435 phonetic table 456 oh 39i Omba, check-list 58 phonetic table 106 one 250 Ongtong Java, see Liueniua. opeope 249 otaola 207 oti 274, 373 /^-mutations 54, 130, 133, 135, 136, 161, 168,264,477 pa 274 Paama, check-list ... 58 phonetic table . 107 Pak, check-list 58 phonetic table 107 pa'angungu. ._ 393 Pala, phonetic table 108 palatals, labial mutation 136 lingual mutation 136 Palau Islands 16, 17 palolo 8, 224 Pampangas, check-list 153 Panaieti, check-list 435 phonetic table 457 Pangasinan, check-list 153 Pani, check-list 153 papa 325 particles 29 Paumotu, a primitive type .... 311 peau 244 pepe 251,479 pelu 217 pelu'i 217 PAGE. Philippine Islands 16, 172, 173 Phcenix Group 180 Pig--.- 427 pi'opi'o 243 pili 289 Pilot chart, U. S N. Hydro- graphic Office 18 pito 293, 481 plants, introduced 16 Pleiades 195 P° 330,483 poa 276 poapoa 221, 276 Pokau, check-list 435 phonetic table 458 po'u 194 pola 253 polata 253 poloa'i 291 Polynesian expulsion from In- donesia 170 inclusions 4, 42, 45, 141 migration 13, 25 mutation tables ... 50 origin 179,183 verge. . . .4, 15, 42, 45, 142, 181 pongipongi 330 pongisa 330 pork 428 pottery 409 pronouns 29 prosit. . 259 Proto-Samoan migration . . 38, 43, 45, 48, 49, 50, 138, 179, 184, 246, 259, 262, 285, 303, 312, 362, 379, 431 pua'a 427 pula 329,483 pule 196 Pulotu 13 pulou 206 pulu 336 pulupulu 336 puni 333 pupil 202 pupula 329 pupulu 336 pupuni 333 puna 244 pute 293, 481 Qakea, Polynesian settlement. . 46 quality of Polynesian content. . 143 r-grasseye" 38, 121,315,327 rain, sensitiveness to 16 Raluana, check-list 58 phonetic table 109 Rapanui, check-list 433 Raqa, check-list 436 phonetic table 459 Rason, Capt. Ernest, R. N. . . . 11 Ray, Sidney H., Melanesian studies 4, 182, 252, 489 reinforced consonants 38, 199, 223,264,324 Rennel Island 4,45,46, 142, 146 Retan, check-list 58 514 INDEX. PAGE. 109 436 460 153 58 109 436 461 uma 307 1 482 Retan, phonetic table . . Roro, check-list phonetic table . . . . Rotti check-list Ruavatu, check-list phonetic table Rubi, check-list phonetic table. .^-mutations 53. I2°\ 158, 166, 203, 247 Saa, check-list Saa, phonetic table Saba myth sailing quality sola Salayer, check-list motu o Salaia Salibabo, check-list Salu, check-list Sambawa, check-list Samoa 14, 17, 19, 23. 49 Samoa stream 147 samusamu Sandol, check-list Sanguir, check-list Santa Cruz Group Santo, check-list phonetic table Sapartia, check-list . . Sariba, check-list phonetic table Saru, check-list Sasar, check-list phonetic table sasau sasau Sassac, check-list . . Satawal, check-list saupapa sailpapa Savai'i savali Savea, the first Malietoa Savo, check-list Savo, check-list phonetic table Savu, check-list Sawaiori, proposed by Whitmee seamanship, Polynesian ... 18, 21 seed of speech sele selu Semitic theory discussed sense perception Sesake, check-list phonetic table mentioned seven not mystic Sheppard Group sieve theory 14 132, 137, ,287,475 58 1 10 13 216 402,488 247 260 153 241 153 153 153 , 138, 180 , 173,408 203 153 153 140, 180 58 1 11 247 153 436 462 153 247 58 112 282 283 153 153 282 195, 283 283 17.23 210 45 153 58 112 153 35, 169 , 138, 140 350 260 218 26, 176 399 58 113 47 19 45 , 138, 148 PAGE. Sikayana 3, 15, 22, 142, 180 si'i 261 sili 405 stlinga 405 Silong, check-list 153 sina 406, 488 Sina 483 sina'aiunga 242 Sinaugoro, check-list 436 phonetic table 463 Sirang, check-list 153 sisili 405 Siwa, check-list 153 skull 224 sky 359 smell 400 Smith, S. Percy, general migra- tion theory 20, 21, 26, 180,184,383 "Hawaiki" 20, 26, 179, 184 Tongafiti migration 180 smoke 286 soa 306 Sokotra, check-list 175 <;5loi 262 Solomon Islands, check-list 58 mentioned. ... 18, 21, 137, 140, 180 Solor, check-list 153 songi 306 spirant mutation 340 strike 266 sit 221 sua 221 Suau, check-list 436 phonetic table 464 substantive verb 260, 424 sn'i 225 Sula, check-list 153 suit 211 Sulu, check-list 153 sulu 247 sulu 405 sulufa' i 405 sulunia'i 405 Sumatra 18, 19, 25, 169, 172 Sunda, check-list 153 sununga 407 susu 410,488 susulu 247 susunu 407 Swallow Group 45, 46 sword 217 Syriac, check-list 175 /-mutations 53, 127, 132, 135, 137, 158, 167, 177, 221, 238, 256, 264, 265, 302, 316, 321, 345, 374, 475 ta 411 tabu in speech 4S, 299 tae 414 Taema 138,414 tafa 211 taje 264 tafuli 335 Tagalog, check-list 153 Tagula, check-list 436 phonetic table 465 INDEX. 515 PAGE. tai 216, 418 taimasa 257 ta'alaelae 304 ta'ili 355 ta'u 225 tola 223 tala 238 talafa'aoli 274 talai 310 talele 42 1 tali 200 talinga 4i5> 488 talingatuli 284 talo 415.488 talosanga 236 tama 272, 480 tamafafine 337 Tanna, check-list 58 phonetic table 1 14 tanu 308 ianga 265 tangata 243 tangi 412 tango 401 Tangoan Santo, check-list 58 phonetic table. 115 tangulu 393 tangulu 293 tao 248 tapa 248 tapu 263,480 taste 400 tata 411 tatala 223 tatalo 236 tatangi 412 tau 237 tail 248 tan 283 tau 309 tau 283 Taui 15 taula 237 tatitnafa 236 Taupota, check-list 436 phonetic table 466 tausanga 309 Tauu 4. x42 tauvale 237 Tavara, check-list 436 phonetic table 467 teje 265 tei 193.478 telaicla 238 tele 238 telea'i 211 Teluti, check-list 153 Teor, check-list 153 tepa 201 Ternati, check-list 153 "thee and thou" 302 Thai, as a Polynesian source. ... 25 Thilcnius, Dr. G., sieve theory . . 14, 18, 19, 21,23, 138, 140, 141 Ticopia 3, 16, 45, 46, 142 Tidore, check-list 153 Tigre, check-list 175 tila 239 PAGE. Tilafainga 138 tilotilo 422 Timor, check-list 153 tio 422 toa 423 Tobo, check-list 153 Togean Islands, check-list 153 to' a 423 to'elau 215 Tokelau Islands 14 to'i 310 to'o 420 Tongariti migration 43, 45, 48, 49, 138, 179, 180, 245, 259, 262, 285, 2S6, 295,297,303,312,362,379 Tongariti, traces in Melanesia . . 138, 275 toto 395 touch 401 Treasury Island, check-list 58 Tregear, Edward. ... 20, 21, 151, 219, 231, 236,237,241,245,268,279, 280, 282, 297, 307, 312, 362, 428 triliteralism 28, 176 Tringanu, check-list 153 tu 424 tualafine 337 tuai 311 Tuatau, driftwood idol 144 Tubetube, check-list 436 phonetic table 468 tufa 1S8, 367 tui 225 tu'i 266 tu'u 226 tula 424 tula j.24 tuli 284 tuliii 425 tulutulu 425 tuluvao 425 tuma 200 tunu 407 tungia 407 tupunga 214 Turanian origin 25 tutu 407 Tutuila 23 tutula'i 424 tutulu 425 w-mutations 51, 122, 155, 305, 473 u 200 « 485 ua 322 ua 322,483 Uea 45, 145 check-list 58 phonetic table 115 uii 316, 482 ufi 315 Ugi, check-list 58 phonetic table 115 uila 345 ula 430 Ulawa, check-list 58 phonetic table 116 ule 431 Ulea, check-list 153 516 INDEX. PAGE. uluulu 267, 480 uma 235 umelolo 224 umu 199, 479 una 312 anafi 312 Uni, check-list 436 phonetic table 469 unusi 312 iita 216 uta 285 Utanata, check-list 153 utu 242 Uvea 397 •v-mutations 54, 128, 133, 135, 136, 160, 167,476 vaevae 201 vai 339, 484 Vaiqueno East, check-list 153 vaito'elau 216 vale 251 valu 326 vdlu 326 valusanga 326 Vanikoro, check-list 58 phonetic table 1 16 Vanua Lava, check-list 58 vatele 238 Vaturanga, check-list 58 phonetic table. ... 117 telo 202 Verge, Polynesian; defined .... 4 Thilenius theory of set- tlement 14 windward position 142 veve 194 Vila, seat of administration .... 10 PAGE. vili 220 Visayas, check-list 153 Viti 20, 23, 25, 138, 180 race mixture 2 Efat6 concords 42 speech mixture 35 > 47 stream 147, 173,211,290, 328,350,396,408,491 Viti, Samoan phonetics 39 vivini 290 Volow, check-list 58 phonetic table 118 volu 346 vowels, mutation frequency ... 36 difficult to acquire 36 Vuras, check-list 58 phonetic table 119 Wagawaga 470 Wahai, check-list 153 Waigiou, check-list 153 Waima, check list 436 phonetic table 470 Wango. check-list 58 phonetic table 120 Wawn, Capt. William T 4 weather gage 140 Wedau, check-list 436 phonetic table 471 white 329 Whitney, William Dwight 183 winds and migration 16, 216 obstacles to migration . . 21 set the course 141 windward islands, significant set- tlement 142 ^-initial, Viti 319.321 "".si A I S T II \ I I A MIGRATION TRACKS l!li:oi(,ll MELANESIA ■ The Polynesian Wanderings Tracks of the Migration Deduced from an Examination of the Proto-Samoan Content of Efate and other Languages of Melanesia BY WILLIAM CHURCHILL Sometime Consul-General of the United Stales in Samoa and Tonga, M ember of the Polynesian Society, the Hawaiian Historical Society, the American Philological Association PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON 1911 m^m mt ' ■ MBL/WHOI LIBRARY UH 1SJE 5