VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOFHYLLUM. BY RAYMOND PEARL WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF OLIVE M. PEPPER and FLORENCE J. HAGLE WASHINGTON, D. C. : Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington February, 1907 Q.'^' CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON Publication No. 58 -3 ^/ / 7 CORNMAN PRINTING CO., CARI.IST.E, PA. CONTENTS. Page Introduction 5 Material and methods 9 Variation in Ceratophyllum — general results 16 Variation in different portions of the plant 27 Variation in whorls on the main stem 28 Variation in whorls on primary branches 36 Variation in whorls on secondary branches 40 Variation in whorls on tertiary and quaternary branches 45 The relative size of the different portions of the plant, and the variation in this character 48 Summary of results 54 Relation between the number of leaves in the whorl and position on the plant 57 Position regression in different portions of the plant — the first law of growth in Ceratophyllum 57 Summary 88 The correlation between differently situated whorls in respect to leaf-number ... 93 The variability of successively formed whorls— the second law of growth in Ceratophyllum 95 Summary 106 The relation of the presence of branches to the number of leaves in the whorl.... 109 The position of branches 116 Summary... 124 General discussion of results 125 General summary 133 Literature cited 135 3 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. By Raymond Pearl, With the assistance of Olive M. Pepper and Florencb J. Haqle. INTRODUCTION. The purpose with which this investigation was undertaken was to attempt to work out as exactly and completely as possible for a particular organism the laws according to which post-embryonic differentiation and growth occur. In higher plants and animals the phenomena of growth are accompanied by phenomena of differentiation. The two processes go along together until finally the adult condition is reached, in which the organism has attained not only a certain size, but also a complex condition of differentiation of parts or organs. In studies of variation it has been the usual— though by no means invariable— custom to take a particular character or set of characters found in the adult as something given, and then proceed, by processes now becoming well known, to investigate the nature and degree of the variation exhibited in these characters. But since the condition of the adult organism is, with respect to every character, the result of a process of gradual develop- ment and growth, it is clear that in order to gain anything approaching a satisfactory analysis from the biological standpoint, we can not take the adult structure as something given, but must investigate the laws according to which the morphogenetic processes concerned in its pro- duction operate. There is no doubt that the problem presented by the phenomena of morphogenesis is one of the most fundamental in biology. Just at present we are witnessing a period of remarkable activity in the investigation of the problems of heredity, and we are told that here lies the way to follow when in search of biological truth. No one can doubt either the immense importance of a determination of the laws of inheritance, or the value of the contributions to a knowledge of these laws which have been made during the last few years, both by the biometricians and by those working along Mendelian lines. Yet one ventures to think that it is of equal importance that our knowledge of the laws of morphogenesis be extended. In the zeal for the new thing represented by Mendelian inheritance and the phenomena of mutation there is a tendency to overlook the fundamental significance for our whole outlook on the broader problems of biology, of the results which 6 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. have been obtained in the field of ' ' Entwickelungsmechanik, * ' and to for- get that there is still a very great deal to be done in this field. Indeed, hardly more than a good start has been made towards the analysis of the factors concerned in form production. It is the belief of the writer that in the methods of biometry we have an analytical tool capable of rendering great aid in the investiga- tion of the problems of morphogenesis, and in just the direction where aid is most needed. Observation and experiment yield results which, whether they are quantitative or qualitative, certainly demand quanti- tative analysis if we are to get at their full meaning. In the physical sciences not only has the necessity for quantitative (i. e., mathematical) analysis of observational data long been recognized; but further, the greatest generalizations of those sciences have come as the result of such analysis. Unless one is prepared to maintain that the phenomena of the inorganic world are fundamentally different in kind from those in the organic, I can see no reason why a method of investigation which has proven so valuable in the physical sciences should not, with proper development, prove equally fruitful in the biological. We may now consider briefly the precise nature of the present study. As has been stated above, our problem was to determine and formulate so far as possible the laws according to which differentiation with growth occurs in Ceratophyllum. If we take an individual Ceratophyllum plant, we find it to include a number of whorls of leaves all generally like each other but differing in detail. For example, some whorls have a larger, some a smaller number of leaves. A very little study suffices to show that whorls with different numbers of leaves distribute themselves about a typical condition in a characteristic way. Whorls with one par- ticular number of leaves occur in a different proportion than do those with either more or fewer leaves. In this way, if we take into account all the whorls on the plant, we get a characteristic frequency distribu- tion for the different numbers of leaves, such as is shown, for example, in fig. 5 (p. 25, infra). Further, as we shall see, the character of the frequency distribution is fundamentally the same, whatever may be the absolute size or source of the plant. Our problem is to determine so far as possible the biological factors that result in the production of this characteristic distribution. A whorl of leaves is the product of a definite morphogenetic process in the growing bud, and it seems not unreason- able to suppose that there is a definite set of factors (internal and external) which determine the number of leaves which each particular whorl shall bear. Moreover, we can be reasonably certain that since the nature of the distribution is the same for Ceratophyllum plants gener- ally, some of these factors at least are constant in their action. Through INTRODUCTION. 7 them, in some way, it is determined that each definite kind of differ- entiated whorl shall occur among all whorls in a particular proportion. What are these constant factors and according to what laws do they operate? This is our problem. We have, then, by analysis of the gross frequency distribution for the plant as a whole, to investigate the biological laws which lead to the production in this particular organism of the characteristic distribu- tion observed. In biometrical terminology our problem is one of intra- individual variability. Specifically it seemed very desirable to study in detail such questions as the following: (1) The relation between the form of a given part and position in the organism as a whole. Does the number of leaves in a given whorl of a Ceratophyllum plant bear any definite relation to the position of that whorl? Such a relationship between position and differentiation has been found in a number of cases. (Cf . Pearson ( :05) , illustrations A and D; also Shull (:05) and Tammes (:03), for example.) (2) The relation of such a positional differentiation to the variation and correlation of the differentiated parts. Does the variation exhibited among all the whorls occupying the same position on Ceratophyllum plants bear any definite relation to the position on the plant? (3) The effect of environmental influences on positional differen- tiation. (4) The effect of environmental influences on the growth of the organism as a whole. (5) The relationship between intra-individual, intra-racial, and inter- racial variation and correlation. These statements will suffice to indicate the general standpoint from which the work was done, and consequently it will not be necessary to enumerate further at this point the specific questions investigated. Ceratophyllum is in many respects a very favorable form for the study of such problems as those outlined. It usually occurs in great abundance wherever it is found at all, and, being a widely distributed plant, can easily be obtained from a variety of habitats. Furthermore, the individual plant attains to a large size, which is very important for work on intra-individual variability. The plant is comparatively simple in structure and presents characters easily capable of quantitative deter- mination. It would, in fact, be almost ideal for an investigation of this kind were it not for the fact that, as will be shown later in the paper, the differences produced in the form of the plant by different environ- ments are not very marked. Ceratophyllum appears to be a much less plastic form than many of the land plants. 8 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. At the time when the work was begun the writer had not yet seen the brilHant memoir by Professor Pearson on ' ' Homotyposis in the veg- etable kingdom" (Pearson, :01). When later this memoir had been read it was apparent that the problems which had been set for investi- gation in Ceratophyllum were fundamentally similar to those which Pearson had before him. There were, however, certain differences in standpoint which seemed to make it desirable to go on with this work. Pearson was concerned mainly with the determination in a wide series of forms of the amount of the homotypic correlation. To quote his own words (loc. cit., p. 294), the principle he was investigating was "the principle that homotypes are correlated, i. e. , that the variation within the individual is less than that of the race, or that undifferentiated like organs have a certain degree of resemblance." From this standpoint he very naturally dealt, so far as possible, with undifferentiated or slightly differentiated like parts, not concerning himself at that time with any special investigation of the factors which produce differentia- tion in the repeated parts of plants. As will have been apparent from what has gone before, it is with this latter problem that the present work has to do. Our present aim is to examine as many as possible of the factors concerned in producing differentiation of homologous parts, and determine their effect on the intra-individual variability of the differentiated parts. For such a study it seems best for practical reasons to use at first only one organism, and make the investigation of that as thorough and as detailed as possible. It will thus be seen that this work, while not concerned with the determination of the degree of homotyposis in a particular plant, yet deals with one of the fundamental problems of homotyposis, and in so far may be considered supplementary to Pearson's memoir on that subject. This work was begun early in 1902 by Miss Olive M. Pepper, at that time a student in the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Michigan. During the summer of 1902 Miss Pepper collected and nearly finished the counting of the plants in Series I, II, and III (cf. p. 13, infra). During the first half of the academic year 1902-03 she continued the work, sorting the data into frequency distributions and making some start on the computing. During this year she determined and recorded the data for Series IV. As it was impossible for Miss Pepper to go on further with the work, it was then carried forward as opportunity offered by the writer, by whom practically the whole of the raw material was reduced. When in the spring of 1905 it became possible, through a grant from the Carnegie Institution of Washington, to get some aid for the biometric work in hand, an assistant, Miss Florence J. Hagle, was INTRODUCTION. 9 put on this work. To her are due the determinations of the raw material of Series V and VI, and an independent verification of the computations for Series I, II, and III. The rest of the work and the arrangement of the material for publication is due to the writer. To the Carnegie Institution I am greatly indebted for a grant in aid of this and other biometric work now in progress. Without this aid it would have been quite impossible to have brought the work to comple- tion at this time. To Prof. Karl Pearson I am very grateful for valuable suggestions and advice, especially on the mathematical side of the work. A word should be said regarding the arrangement of the paper. On account of the number of topics dealt with and the consequent length of the paper as a whole, it has seemed best to include a brief summary and discussion of the results of a particular section in that section itself rather than reserve all discussion for the end. This I believe will con- duce to clearness. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The plant on which this work is based, Ceratophyllum demersum,^ is a submerged aquatic which has a wide distribution. It is usually found in quiet rather than running water, and under favorable conditions forms great masses of vegetation. It commonly occurs in shallow water, frequently extending to the very edge of the pool where it is growing. The plant consists of a main axis, which may attain a length of 5 or 6 feet, from which spring a varying number of lateral branches. At more or less regular intervals along the main axis and the branches are whorls of leaves. These leaves are elongate and very narrow, being reduced practically to the form of rods. This shape of leaf is undoubtedly to be regarded as an adaptation to aquatic conditions. (Cf. Schenk, '86, and Henslow, '95.) At their outer ends the leaves divide, leading to the form of whorl shown in fig. 1. This division of the leaves at the outer end is the usual condition for Ceratophyllum. The plant has no root in the strict sense, but, as has been shown by the excellent physio- logical study of Pond (:05), probably absorbs all its nutrition directly from the water. It thus exhibits a practically perfect adaptation to aquatic conditions of existence. The lower end of the main axis of the plant is usually embedded for a distance of several inches in the layer of soft mud and plant debris which forms the substratum of a Ceratophyl- lum bed. This portion of the axis which is embedded is more or less etio- lated and usually bears only the broken remnants of leaf -whorls. There ij follow Pieters (:01) in designating the species of Ceratophyllum found about Ann Arbor demersum. I have not myself been able to get plants in flower. 10 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. is absolutely no indication of root-hairs on this etiolated portion of the stem. At the ends of the branches and of the main axis of normal, healthy plants are found growing buds which at intervals form new whorls. At the tips of the branches the internodes become progressively shorter as we go towards the end, thus giving rise to the compact mass of leaves at the tip of the branch which is so characteristic of Ceratophyllum. The plant is monoecious, both staminate and pistillate flowers being borne on the same individual. A detailed morphological study of the development of the flower has been published recently by Strasburger ( :02) . Reproduction is not entirely by seed, but a form of vegetative multiplication occurs very frequently (cf. Schenck, '86). At the ap- proach of winter the tips of branches bearing growing buds break off and sink to the bottom. Since the bud is protected by the thickly matted leaves of the whorls near the tip it is able to winter over in this condition. With the advent of spring, growth begins again and by its continuance the bud gives rise to a new plant. In the early spring young plants which have been formed in this way may be found in various stages of growth. When the conditions are not too severe the plant as a whole winters over, renewing its growth in the spring like a perennial. This fact was first noted by Irmisch ('53, p. 528), who says regarding the "Dauer der Ceratophyllum-Arten:" Sie sind, wie ich mich iiberzeugt habe, bestimmt perennierend. Viele Examplare fand ich im Friihjahr an der Spitze der deu Winter iiber frisch gebliebenen Zweige, die sich nicht weiter verandert batten, weiterwachsen; in anderen Fallen waren die Blatter der Zweigspitzen bogig iibereinander gekriimmt und die altern Internodien des Zweiges waren abgestorben, so dass sie kleine lochere, isolirte BoUen darstellten. Auch diese wuchsen im Friihjahr weiter. Certain of the plants (in Series V and VI) used in the present study were collected in the spring after having passed the winter in this way without dying or being broken up. • The characters of the plant with which the present study has prin- cipally to do are the following: (1) The number of leaves in the whorl. For verbal convenience this character will be referred to throughout as "leaf-number." (2) The position of the whorl on the plant, relative to the main axis. (3) The size of the various divisions of the plant, as measured by the number of whorls they bear. (4) The position of the branches, relative to the proximal end of the main axis. With reference to the determination and recording of these char- acters the following should be said: The character "number of leaves to the whorl " was easily determined for the majority of the whorls, but MATERIAL AND METHODS. 11 became difficult near the ends of the branches. There the whorls are very small and closely packed together, and in order to make an accurate count it was necessary to use a lens, and in some cases even the com- pound microscope. For the sake of uniformity it was necessary to adopt some arbitrary rule with reference to divided leaves. After examining a considerable number it was decided to count only the proximal ends of leaves. Thus the whorl shown in fig. 1, would be recorded as having 8 leaves. The number of leaves in every unbroken whorl on the plant was determined for each plant studied. In case a w^horl was so mutilated as to make the deter- mination of the number of leaves doubtful, it was so recorded. Unfortunately Ceratophyllum is rather liable to mutilation because of the fact that its tissues are brittle. In comparison with the total number of fig. i.-Diagram of whorls on the plant, however, the number so mutila- a whon, showing ted as to be undeterminable was very small. form of leaves. In recording the position of the whorls the plan followed was to give each whorl on a particular portion of the plant a consecutive number, beginning with the proximal. In doing this the different axial divisions of the plant were treated separately. The first of these is the main axis, or, as it will be called throughout the paper, the 'main stem." Using the usual notation for branching, we have designated the lateral branches arising from this main stem "primary branches;" those arising from primaries, "secondary branches;" those arising from secondaries, " tertiary branches, " and so on. "Quaternary branches" were the highest lateral-branch elements found in any of our plants. Of these divisions the main stem alone presented any practical difficulty in making the records. It often happens in Ceratophyllum that the main stem branches dichotomously at a distance from its proximal end which varies in different cases. Are the two new axes to be considered as continuations of this stem, or is one to be regarded as a continuation of the main stem and the other as a large primary branch to be included in the records with the lateral branches? If the axes really arise by dichotomy of the main stem it is clear that they ought to be recorded as parts of it. The only difficulty is the practical one of being certain in a particular instance that we are not dealing with a case of unusually vig- orous growth of a lateral branch which comes to rival the main stem in size. As a matter of fact it was found very early in the work that the first few whorls of lateral branches are so clearly differentiated that it is always possible in a given case of branching to tell whether 12 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. Fig. 2. — Diagram of Ceratophyllum plantjShowing plan of making record. A, main stem; A',A"y secondary main stem; B, B, primary branches; B', B', secondary branches; B", tertiary branch; B'", quaternary branch, The numbers indicate the manner in which position is recorded. or not dichotomy of the main stem has occurred. Consequently each case of this kind was decided by a careful examina- tion of the parts, and if it was found that each of the two axes possessed the charac- teristics of main stems they were recorded as ' ' secondary main stems. ' ' The whorls on each of these divisions of the plant (main stem, secondary main stem, primary branch, secondary branch, etc.) were numbered consecutively, be- ginning with the most proximal as 1. In this way the position of every whorl on the plant was recorded. These position records also gave the size, as measured by number of whorls borne, for each di- vision of a plant. Furthermore, in record- ing a whorl from the axil of which one or more branches arose, a note was made of the origin of branches at that point. The whole system of records will be made plainer by reference to a diagram of an imaginary Ceratophyllum plant. Such a diagram is given in fig. 2, in which the whorls are represented by short cross lines. It will, of course, be understood that in an actual plant the branching would usually be much richer than is in- dicated by the diagram. The diagram shows, however, that our records were such that we could reconstruct from them the entire plant as it existed. Thus the record on our data slips of a whorl like that marked with an x in the diagram would, when translated, signify that this whorl was the fourth whorl on a secon- dary branch from which no tertiaries arise and that this particular secondary branch sprung from the axil of the second whorl of a primary branch, which in turn arose at the ninth whorl of a secondary main stem beginning just beyond the 19th whorl of the original main stem. Since our records are of this kind for every MATERIAL AND METHODS. 13 plant studied, it will be seen that they give more complete data for the study of positional differentiation than probably has hitherto been available for any plant. Our material came from three localities and is representative of four distinct habitats. It is comprised in six series, an account of which follows. Series I, II, and III. —The plants composing these series were collected in the summer of 1902, from Carp Lake, near Grand Traverse Bay, in the northern part of Michigan. Carp Lake is a long and narrow body of water extending about 18 miles in a generally north and south direc- tion, with an outlet into Lake Michigan at its northern end. At its narrowest part it is only about a half mile in width. At this point there is a neck of marshy land extending out into the lake from the east side and reaching more than halfway across it. On the north side of this strip of land (known locally as Fountain Point), the plants of Series I, II, and III were collected. They all came from a small open space sur- rounded by an abundant growth of cat-tails and reeds (Juncus sp.). The situation in which Ceratophyllum was growing was well protected from the wind, and consequently the water about the plants was rarely much disturbed. The plants were directly exposed to the sunlight, there being no overhanging trees or bushes. The bottom was similar to that usually found under Ceratophyllum beds. The proximal ends of the plants were buried in soft, loose, black mud, containing much decayed plant debris, which came mostly from the Ceratophyllum itself. The growth of the plant at this place was very abundant. The individual plants were so matted together in the main mass composing the bed that it was only with difficulty that a single one could be disentangled unbroken. The dates of collection for the three series were as follows: Series I: Collected July 22, 1902. At this time the water at the point of collection was 2 feet deep. Series II: Collected August 18, 1902. Water at point of collection approximately 15 inches deep. The level of the whole lake had lowered since the first collection. The water surrounding the plants was very muddy. Series III: Collected August 25, 1902. Conditions were the same as when the Series II collection was made. Series I included 5 plants. Series II, 2 plants, and Series III, 1 plant. The reason why Series II and III did not include larger numbers was the great difficulty of collecting unbroken specimens after the water had become so low. The matting together of the plants in the bed was so close as a result of this lowering that to disentangle a large plant 14 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. without breaking off many of its branches was practically impossible. We had, then, to be content with few specimens. The individuals in these series were fairly large, and considering the dates of collection may be taken as representative of the "adult" condition of the plant. In other words, it is not probable that if these plants had been left undisturbed much further growth would have taken place that year. To sum up: Series I, II, and III, include 8 complete Ceratophyllum plants, coming from quiet water near the shore of Carp Lake in north- ern Michigan. These plants were collected in mid-summer, the three collections covering a period of time of approximately one month, and may be considered to represent the condition at the height of the grow- ing season. Series IV. —This series was collected at Ann Arbor, Michigan, on October 15, 1902. The plants were taken from a very extensive and flourishing bed of Ceratophyllum which grew at that time' near shore in the shallow back-water below the dam across the Huron River. The water was comparatively quiet, but there was always a slow- current, which after heavy rains became rapid. So far as this factor in the environment is concerned the Series IV plants represent dis- tinctly different conditions than do those of Series I, II, and III. The character of the bottom was also somewhat different. In the river habitat there was very little of the mass of plant debris which in ponds and lakes accumulates under Ceratophyllum beds. Apparently a con- siderable part of this material was carried away by the current in the river. The plants were attached; that is, the proximal ends were embedded in the soft mud of the bottom. The water at the point where the collection was made was approximately 18 inches deep. The bed was shaded by overhanging trees and bushes on its east side, but was fully exposed on its west side. As will be noted, the collection was made late in the season, so that the plants may be regarded as certainly full grown. The series includes two plants. One of these was a very large one, bearing over 900 whorls and over 100 branches. In some respects this was the most satisfactory series of all. There were comparatively few broken whorls and the large size of the individuals gave an excellent collection of data. Series V and F/.— The plants in these series all came from a small pond formed as a cut-off of the Huron River. It is situated some Si- miles below Ann Arbor, just west of the upper end of the Geddes mill- pond. The pond still retains its connection with the river through a ^Later this bed was completely washed away by the breaking of a dam in a spring freshet. MATERIAL AND METHODS. 15 narrow (6 to 8 feet) channel. It lies on the south side of the river. The bottom of this pond is covered with a dense mass of aquatic vegeta- tion, principally consisting of Chara, but with a good deal of Cerato- phyllum about the edges of the Chara banks. On the north side of this pond, which is about a hundred yards wide, there is a thick growth of willows and alders, which overhang the edge and give a considerable amount of shade to the Ceratophyllum beneath. On the south side, on the contrary, there is no shade whatever, the aquatic plants being exposed to the full glare of the sun during the whole day. On the south side the Ceratophyllum was closely associated with Chara, forming a fringe about the Chara bed. On the north side, however, the Cera- tophyllum was growing alone. In other respects the conditions were the same on the two sides of the pond. Series V, including 7 plants, was collected from the north side of this pond, and Series VI, including 6 plants, from the south side. The date of collection was May 21, 1905. The plants thus represent the early spring conditions. Nearly all the plants were small. The water where the different plants were taken varied between 6 inches and 2 feet in depth. The bottom was physically very like what has been described above for the Carp Lake habitat— soft black mud, with much plant debris. All the plants were attached. The water is very quiet, as the pond is well protected from the wind, and there is no appreciable current. The plants of these two series were of special interest because of the fact that they included representatives of each of the methods of passing the winter which have been mentioned above (p. 10) . Plants 1, 2, 6, and 7 of Series V, and plants 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 of Series VI had wintered over unbroken and had begun new growth in the spring without having lost their individuality of the previous year. The other plants of these two series had started in the early spring, either from seeds or from separated winter buds. Putting all the series together, it will be seen that we have plants from the beginning, the height, and the end of the growing season, representing lake, pond, and river habitats. Our material must, then, be regarded as fairly comprehensive. Finally, a word may be said regarding the calculations. I have followed throughout the plan of calculating the standard deviation from the unmodified second moment, wherever it was to be used simply as an index of variation. In calculating the moments for fitting curves to the observations I have tried Sheppard's corrections wherever there was any approach to high contact at the ends of the range, but usually with not very satisfactory results (cf . p. 23, infra) . In each case a statement is made as to whether the moments were modified or not. 16 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. VARIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM-GENERAL RESULTS. Before analyzing our material in detail it is desirable for purposes of orientation to examine in a general way the nature and amount of the variation exhibited by the plant. To this end the present section is devoted. In this section I shall only consider the variation in the number of leaves to the whorl, when all the unmutilated whorls on the plant are taken together without reference to their position, leaving until later other characters studied. The frequency distributions for this char- acter for each plant separately and for each series are given in table 1. We see at once from this table that the range of variation in leaf- number is rather limited in Ceratophyllum. Whorls with 4 leaves and whorls with 11 leaves include practically the whole of the variation in this character, though whorls with 12 and 3 leaves do occur very rarely. The great bulk of the whorls have either 8, 9, or 10 leaves. Consider- ing the first four series, it is seen that whorls with 9 leaves occur more frequently than do any other single class, thus making 9 the observation mode. From mere inspection of the frequency distributions it is quite clear that while Series I, II, III, and IV are all very closely alike in respect to the character under consideration, on the other hand the two series taken at the beginning of the growing season (V and VI) are in some respects quite diiferent. The plants of these latter series are generally small, and the distributions are irregular. The reason for this irregularity will be discussed later, but for the present it needs merely to be kept in mind that the distributions of Series V and VI represent the action of special factors which do not influence the other series. In order to bring more vividly to the reader's mind the nature of the variation in this character, the diagrams shown in fig. 3 have been pre- pared. These give frequency polygons for the totals of each of the series (distributions No. 44, 61, 62, 97, 139, and 176). These are so plotted as to have equal areas; that is, the frequencies are reduced for each series to percentages and then plotted to the same base unit. From these diagrams the essential similarity in the frequency distri- butions for Series I, II, III, and IV comes out in a very striking way. Series IV shows a higher frequency of whorls with 9 leaves and a lower frequency of those with 6 leaves than do Series I, II, and III, but other- wise differs very little from these. All the distributions show a marked degree of asymmetry about the mode. The range below 9 whorls is roughly twice as great as the range above that number. One point to which I wish to call attention here, as it is shown very clearly by the VARIATION— GENERAL RESULTS. 17 diagrams, is that if we compare Series I, II, and III with each other it is noticeable that, of the three, Series I has the lowest frequency of whorls with 10 leaves. Series II has about 2 per cent more 10-leaved Table 1.— Frequency distribution for variation in number of leaves per whorl for all unmutilated whorls, without reference to position on the plant. Series. Plant. Distri- bution num- ber.* Leaves per whorl. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total. r I- r m... f r v< I r 1 1 VI- I,II,III 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 12 11 17 17 4 25 18 17 35 4 45 32 38 71 16 65 56 56 77 22 78 38 31 58 13 2 4 3 5 2 "i 1 228 161 164 263 61 2 3 4 5 All plants.. 1 44 3 61 99 202 276 218 16 2 877 45 46 2 1 3 48 16 64 72 37 109 126 66 192 191 96 161 87 15 10 ... 615 ... 313 2 All plants.. 1 61 287 ,248 25 928 62 44 50 101 170 151 7 ... 523 1 73 74 "i "6 "i 3 16 54 118 140 196 228 182 326 261 3 3 620 922 2 All plants.. 1 97 1 0 1 19 172 336 554 443 6 1,532 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 ... j 4 30 i 30 "4 12 85 2 1 2 6 6 34 68 2 7 5 7 10 33 93 2 5 6 6 25 50 72 2 9 "5 16 16 3 "i 385 8 22 13 24 61 147 2 3 4 5 6 7 All plants.. 1 139 4 31 46 136 132 187 120 4 ... 660 140 141 142 143 144 145 t ... 1 "'3 1 "'5 2 11 7 4 5 3 6 2 27 7 15 5 12 15 23 10 11 27 95 1 79 76 46 41 216 236 2 20 11 "2 1 15 "i 3 15 9 60 43 174 8 5 74 130 251 4 5 26 ^P' 1 6 All plants.. All plants.. 13 78 30 134 176 .- 18 1 694 177 6 169 258 495 733 617 48 2 2,328 «The "distribution numbers" are merely the serial numbers by which the distributions are designated in our notes. They have been retained in the paper for convenience in referring to particular distributions. whorls, while Series III has 4 per cent more of such whorls than does Series I. In other words, there is a progressive increase in the pro- portion of 10-leaved whorls as we go from Series I to Series III. The 18 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. explanation of this fact will be taken up later when certain other results are in hand. In anticipation of these results it may be said that the matter is related to the fact that Series II and III were collected at later dates than Series I, and the change is a growth phenomenon. Examining the frequency polygons for Series V and VI, we see that these are essentially different both from each other and from all the other series. Series V, while it has as the most frequent whorls those Leaf number Fig. 3.— Frequency polygons for variation in leaf number. Totals for series. The abscisses give the number of leaves per whorl and the ordinates frequencies percent. Series I, • ; Series II, o ; Series III, m ; Series IV . K \ Leaf number Fig. 6.— Frequency polygons for variation in leaf-number in wliorls on the main stem. Series I, »— — ~— — ; Series II, o — ^ ; Series III, e ; Series IV, ^ —.; Series V, o — ; Series VI, x-o----0"--o. The ordinates give percent- age frequencies. these polygons are so plotted as to have the same area. The scale of the drawing is approximately the same as that of fig. 3 (p. 18) so that direct comparisons may be made. From the distributions and polygons it is seen that on the main stem the most frequently occurring whorls are generally those having 10 leaves. Series V is the only exception to the rule, and in that case whorls with 9 or 10 leaves are within the error from random sampling equally frequent. There is distinctly less "scatter" in the main-stem VARIATION IN DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF PLANT. 29 as compared with the "total" polygons given in fig. 3, indicating, of course, that main-stem whorls are less variable. A more precise notion of the variablity of the whorls on this portion of the plant may be gained from table 6, which gives the means, standard deviations, and coefficients of variation for the larger of the main-stem distributions. Table 6. — Constants for variation in leaf-number in main-stem whorls. ■Series. Plant.« Distri- bution number. Mean (unit=lleaf). standard devia- tion (unit=l leaf). Coefficient of variation. I^ III... IV... V. r v.. 1 3 178 179 9.500±0.066 9.480± .099 0.824±0.047 1.034± .070 8.671±0.486 10.909± .743 All plants .. 1 24 9.317± .053 1.062± .038 11.397± .410 47 48 9.873± 9.571± .069 .079 .807± .760± .048 .056 8.169± .494 7.945± .588 2 All plants .. 1 49 9.752± .053 .802± .037 8.225± .385 67 9.719± .049 .687± .035 7.066± .359 All plants 1 82 9.512± .074 .703± .037 7.387± .391 105 111 8.383± 8.933± .150 .110 1.524± .892± .106 .078 18.175±1.305 9.984± .878 7 All plants .. 2 112 8.734± .078 1.283± .055 14.694± .643 147 150 151 8.588± 9.366± 9.780± .135 .083 .086 1.166± .789± .812± .095 .059 .060 13.578±1.130 8.422± .632 8.301± .623 5 6 All plants .. 152 9.089± .065 1.212± .046 i3.338± .517 "■Tlie constants were not separately calculated for plants in which there were only a few main- stem whorls. On account of the small number of the main-stem whorls the results are not as regular as could be desired. Even in very large Ceratophyl- lum plants there are usually a comparatively small number of main-stem whorls, and of those originally present a part are usually so mutilated as to be uncountable. As the main stem is the oldest portion of the plant, it suffers most from accidental injuries, the attacks of aquatic animals (e. g., insects, snails, planarians) and from other injurious factors. Consequently, when one deals with comparatively few indi- vidual plants the results are bound to be irregular, because the propor- tion of unmutilated whorls in different regions of the main stem will differ from plant to plant. In spite of this irregularity in the constants for different individual plants, however, we are able to reach certain definite results. In the first place, it is quite clear, whether we compare single plants or series, that the mean number of leaves to the whorl is higher for the 30 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. whorls on the main stem than for the plant as a whole. Further, we see that both absolutely and relatively the main-stem whorls are on the whole distinctly less variable than are those from the entire plant taken together. But obviously the fair comparison is not between main-stem whorls and all whorls in the plant, but between main-stem whorls and all whorls on branches. Accordingly we may examine the distributions and their constants for the whorls on all branches of the plant. In table 7 are given the frequency distributions for variation in such whorls for the totals for the six series. It is not necessary to tabulate these distributions for each plant separately, for reasons which will appear as we go on. Table 7. — Frequency distributions for variation in leaf-number in whorls on all branches. Totals for series. Plant. Distri- bution nuinbei". Leaves per whorl. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total. I All plants .. 43 3 56 92 184 219 134 9 697 II do 60 3 64 108 187 258 194 9 823 Ill do 72 44 49 98 148 94 1 ... 434 IV do 96 i ... i 19 171 329 531 392 6 1,450 V do 138 ... 4 28 42 120 113 145 82 2 536 VI do 175 9 23 67 111 127 190 9 i 537 I, II, III, combined do 181 6 164 249 469 625 422 19 1,954 The difference between these distributions and the corresponding ones for the main stem given in table 5 is apparent. The "all-branch" distributions resemble closely those for the plant as a whole. The most frequently occurring whorls are those with 9 leaves (except in Series VI) as against 10 in the case of the main-stem whorls. The constants for the "all-branch" distributions are given in table 8. Table -Constants for variation in leaf-number in whorls on all branches. Totals for series. Distri- ! Mean standard deviation Coefficient of Series. Plant. bution number. {unit=.lleaf). (unit=l leaf). variation. I All plants .. 43 8.432±0.031 1.227±0.022 14.550±0.268 II do 60 8.520± .029 1.249± .021 14.657± .249 III do 72 8.465± .040 1.237± .028 14.611± .342 IV do 96 8.770± .018 1.042± .013 11.885± .151 V do 138 8.021± .042 1.429± .024 17.819± .447 VI do 175 8.741± .038 1.315± .027 15.047± .317 It is at once apparent that the whorls on the main stem have on the average a higher number of leaves than do whorls on branches. Further, VARIATION IN DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF PLANT. 31 main-stem whorls are distinctly less variable, both absolutely and rela- tively. That these changes are significant is shown in table 9, which may be called a "difference table." It gives for any designated series the difference (and its probable error) between the value of a particular constant for the whorls on all branches of that series as given in table 8, and the value of the same constant for the main-stem whorls of the same series. The absolute differences, expressed as per cent of the constant for the "all-branch" series, are tabulated as "relative differ- ences." The sign of a difference is taken positive when the main-stem constant is the greater. Table 9. — Difference table, comparing main-stem whorls with whorls on all branches. Totals for series. Series. I II III IV] V^ VI Difterences. Absolute difference Relative difference..per cent. Absolute difference Relative diff erence..per cent. Absolute difference Relative difference. .per cent. Absolute difference Relative difference.-per cent, Absolute difference Relative difference, .per cent. Absolute difference Relative difference.. per cent. Between means (unit=lleaf). 0.885±0.061 10.5 1.232± .060 14.5 1.254± .063 14.8 .742± .076 8.5 .713± .089 8 9 .348± .075 4.0 Between standard deviations (unit=l leaf). -0.165±0.044 — 13.4 — .447± .043 — 35.6 — .550± .045 — 44.5 — .339± .039 — 32.5 — .146± .060 — 10.2 — .103± .053 — 7.6 Between coeffi- cients of vari- ation. -3.153±0.490 — 21.7 — 6.432± .459 — 43.9 — 7.545± .496 — 51.7 — 4.498± .419 — 37.8 — 3.125± .783 — 17.5 -1.709± .606 — 11.4 There can be no doubt that these differences are significant in compar- ison with their probable errors. The only cases in which the differences are not more than three times the probable errors are for the standard deviations of Series V, and the standard deviations and the coefficients of variation of Series VI. Even in these cases the differences are more than twice the probable errors. There is a very substantial differentia- tion between main-stem whorls and whorls borne on branches. Main- stem whorls have on the average roughly 1 leaf more than do whorls on branches, and are from 10 to 50 per cent less variable, both absolutely and relatively. The very low variability of main-stem whorls both absolutely and as compared with whorls on other portions of the plant may be brought out by a totally different sort of consideration. We say with regard to any organ or character that it varies very little if the chance of finding any other than the typical condition is small. If the chance of the occurrence of deviations from the typical con- dition is large, we say that there is great variation. Now, in the case 32 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. of whorls on the main stems of Ceratophyllum plants, the chance that a whorl chosen at random will have 10 leaves is, on the basis of the combined Series I, II, and III, tVoV- Or, in other words, the chance in favor of the 10-leaved whorl is greater than the combined chance of all other whorls together. This means, of course, very low variability. In order to gain a more precise idea of the nature of this differentia- tion I propose to treat the distributions analytically. In doing this I shall, as before, combine the frequency distributions for Series I, II, and III. These series are so slightly differentiated from one another that the error made by combining them is altogether negligible. In fact it is practically certain that we shall come nearer to the true facts by using the combined data for these three series from the same locality than by taking any one of them separately. For the same reasons as before I have used the raw moments in determining the constants. The analytical results for 'main-stem" and "all-branch" whorls are given in table 10. The combined distributions are, for the main-stem whorls, No. 180 in table 5, and for the whorls on branches. No. 181 of table 7. Table 10. — Analytical constants for variation in leaf-number. Series I, II, and III combined. CJonstant. Total frequency M2 ^3 /*4 ^i-^- l//3i ^2 ^2—3 Main-stem whorls (Dis tribution No. 180). 374 .8798 — .9013 4.0691 1.1928 1.0921 5.2568 2.2568 + .9354 +1.2455 Whorls on all branches (Distribution No. 181). 1,954 1.5350 — .8739 5.8052 .2112 .4595 2.4637 — .5363 —1.7060 Constant. Skewness —0.4270 Modal divergence — .4005 Standard devia- tion 9380 Mean 9.5348 Mode 9.9353 Range Lower end of range Upper end of \ range 13.2096 Main-stem whorls (Dis- tribution No. 180). Whorls on all branches (Distribution No. 181). —0.6119 — .7581 1.2390 8.4765 9.2345 6.0426 4.5435 10.5861 This table brings out clearly the essential differences between ' 'main- stem" and "all-branch" whorls in respect to variation in leaf-number. We note at once that the main-stem distribution is markedly less skew than is the branch distribution, the distance from mean to mode being in the former case only a little more than half what it is in the latter. The direction of the skewness is the same however, in both cases, namely negative, or the mode is larger than the mean. The range for the "all-branch" distribution is, as was to be expected, less than what it is for the plant as a whole (cf . table 4) . VARIATION IN DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF PLANT. 33 For the "all-branch" distribution the criterion * 0 and < 1. We see at once that the main-stem distribution does not fulfill this latter condition, since «, = 1.2455, or is > 1. Clearly, then, one of the transition curves of Type V or Type VI is wanted. The condition for Type V is that <, = 1, while for Type VI we must have ^2 > 1 and < oo . Strictly speaking, then, our main-stem distribu- tion should be graduated by a curve of Type VI, but insomuch as k, differs from 1 by only a small amount we shall probably get sufficiently good results with Type V. I have accordingly fitted the main-stem distribution with a Type V curve and the "all-branch" distribution with a Type I curve. The equations to the curves are: Main-stem distribution (Type V) :' Log ?/=19. 6849467-18. 34909 log 0^-26.092355 (-) Origin at 13.2096; x positive towards small whorls. All branch distribution (Type I) : j/=581.6454 (l+^:69ro) (l-lTMs) Origin at mode = 9.2345. The histograms and their fitted curves are shown in fig. 7. The frequencies for both curves were reduced to percentages before plotting, so that, since the base elements are the same, both curves have the same area in the diagram. This method brings out most clearly the points of difference between the two distributions. ^For obvious reasons I have put the curve in the logarithmic form. The equation to a curve of this type is of the form ~P — y/* where y^, p, and y are constants. 34 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. It is evident that the graduations are as good as could reasonably be expected, considering the small number of classes from which the moments had to be calculated. I wish now to consider more fully a point that was raised earlier in the paper. In the section dealing with the methods used in collecting the material it was pointed out (p. 11) that in some cases the main stem of a plant divided, forming what we have called secondary main stems, and in some cases even a secondary main-stem was divided to form bb A \ 1 \ o C "Hi- / \ 1 /-"- '\ 1 «) oo ro -£24 8 I. 16 8 ■■/ [/ / 1 --V- A' / k i 1 \ ^ — -«— 1 ^4' / \ \ / j^^ 1 1 Leaf number Fig. 7,— Frequency histograms and fitted curves for variation in leaf-number in main-stem and "all-branch" whorls of Series I, II, and III combined. Main-stem distribution and curve in solid lines; "all-branch" distribution and curve in broken lines. "tertiary" stems. The statement was made that there was no difficulty in practice in distinguishing such main stem divisions from primary lateral branches. I wish now to present statistical evidence to indicate that the variation in leaf-number in these portions of the plants shows that they are parts of the main stem rather than branches. In table 11 are given the frequency distributions for all the secondary main-stem whorls which were found in the course of the work, and in table 12 are given the distributions for tertiary main-stem whorls. VARIATION IN DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF PLANT. 35 It is evident from these tables that division of the main stem occurred relatively infrequently in our material. All plants of Series II, V, and VI and and three out of five plants of Series I had the main stem undi- vided. Plant 1, Series III and both plants of Series IV had long secondary main stems. In these plants the main stem proper was very short, bearing only a few whorls. In the case of plant 2, Series IV, there were no unmutilated whorls on the main stem below the point of Table 11. — Frequeiicy distributions for variation in leaf-number of whorls on secondary main stems. Series. III.., IV Plant. All plants, All plants. Distri- bution number. Leaves per whorl. 7 8 9 10 11 Total. 182 183 "i 1 2 3 8 10 13 "i 14 25 16 66 1 3 1 11 11 23 51 1 6 39 69 184 185 4 1 6 2 18 2 28 5 80 5 8 20 33 Table 12.— Frequency distributions for variation in leaf-number oftvhorls on tertiary main stems. Series. Plant. Distri- bution number. Leaves per whorl. 6 7 8 9 10 Total. I IV... 1 186 187 'l 1 2 2 3 9 4 13 2 25 12 3 All plants.. 2 23 81 1 3 1 5 2 13 15 15 27 37 45 division. The distributions exhibit even on casual inspection a marked difference from what has been shown to be characteristic for the varia- tion of whorls on branches. - These differences are brought out in a still more striking way by the constants of the distributions, which are given in table 13. Now, I think it is perfectly obvious if we compare the values given in this table with those for the "all-branch" distributions given in table 8, or with those for the primary, secondary, or tertiary branches given in tables 15, 18, and 23, infra, that the whorls on those divisions of the 36 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. plant which we have called "secondary" and "tertiary" main stems are sensibly differentiated from whorls borne on any branches, of whatever order. These whorls have a higher mean number of leaves and are markedly less variable (absolutely and relatively) than are whorls on branches. That is, they have those characters which we have just seen hold for main-stem whorls generally. There can be, I believe, but one conclusion, namely, that these portions of the plant are parts of the main stem rather than primary branches. The results of this section of the paper may be summarized as follows: It has been shown that (1) whorls borne on the main stem of the plant have a significantly higher mean and modal number of leaves than do whorls borne on branches; (2) main-stem whorls are markedly less vari- able, both absolutely and relatively, than are whorls borne on branches; (3) the distribution of variation in leaf -number is distinctly less skew Table 13. — Constants for variation in leaf-number in whorls on secondary and tertiary main stems. Series. Plant and portion. Distri- bution number. Mean (unit = 1 leaf). Standard devia- tion (unit=l leaf.) Coefficient of variation. 1 and 3, second- ary main stem- 16 9.513±0.084 0.780±0.060 8.202±0.631 land 3, tertiary main stem 23 9.027± .117 1.052± .083 11.657± .926 III... 1, secondary main stem 66 9.899± .044 .542± .031 5.478± .315 IV- 1 and 2, second- ary main stem.. 80 9.455± .087 .742± .062 7.851± .655 2, tertiary main stem 81 9.511± .069 .687± .049 7.224± .515 in the case of the main-stem whorls than in whorls borne on branches; (4) the divisions of the main stem have the same characteristics in respect to variation in leaf-number that the main stem proper does. From these facts we conclude that ivhorls borne on the main stem of the plant are, as a class, clearly differentiated from ivhorls borne on branches. VARIATION IN WHORLS ON PRIMARY BRANCHES. Anyone familiar with Ceratophyllum will recognize that it is the primary branches which make up the greater portion of the plant. They usually contribute a considerably larger number of whorls to the total than does any other single division. This fact will be apparent by comparing the data of table 14, which gives the frequency distributions for primary branches, with those in the tables for other divisions of the plant. VARIATION IN DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF PLANT. 37 Comparing these distributions with those given in table 1, it is at once evident that there is a great similarity. The most frequently- occurring whorls in both cases are those with 9 leaves. The range of variation is practically the same for the primary branches as it is for Table 14. — Fi-eqiiency distributions for variation in leaf-number of whorls on primary branches. Series. Plant. distri- bution number. Leaf-number per whorL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total. I< r II. III.. IV. 1 I V. L VI. i,ii,iii 1 25 26 27 28 29 1 1 1 9 4 11 7 1 18 10 9 22 3 29 25 26 47 14 43 27 37 53 17 34 27 12 42 10 1 4 2 1 1 135 98 98 172 46 2 3 4 5 All plants.. 1 30 3 32 62 141 177 125 9 549 50 51 "i 19 10 46 25 79 47 114 64 102 63 2 6 362 216 2 All plants .. 1 52 1 29 71 126 178 165 8 578 68 13 25 59 76 59 1 233 1 83 84 "i "i 3 7 19 46 62 82 136 187 127 139 2 2 349 465 2 All plants.. 1 85 1 1 10 65 144 323 266 4 814 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 2 9 17 '2 7 33 1 1 2 5 4 24 10 6 3 6 8 15 54 "3 4 1 23 22 32 "2 16 7 2 159 1 12 9 12 47 75 2 3 4 5 6 7 All plants.. 1 120 2 9 26 70 48 107 51 2 315 153 154 155 156 157 158 "2 2 2 2 3 5 1 2 2 "8 5 7 18 9 7 11 7 8 24 16 10 8 10 5 23 24 9 3 2 2 31 85 "i "6 ... "i 28 35 30 23 100 145 2 3 4 5 6 All plants.. All plants 159 ... 6 15 47 73 80 132 7 1 361 188 4 74 158 326 431 349 18 1,360 the whole plant. In fact, these distributions make it clear that the characteristic features of the variation of the plant as a whole with respect to leaf-number are very largely determined by the primary branches. The same essential similarity as before is observed when 38 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. we compare the first four series. Tliis is so evident from the distribu- tions themselves and from the values of the constants which follow that it does not appear to be necessary to figure separately the polygons of variation in the primary branches. The general character of the distributions is shown graphically in fig. 8, p. 44, in which primary and secondary branches are compared in respect to variation in leaf-number. From distribution 84 it is seen that the single 3-leaved whorl observed in the course of the work was situated on a primary branch. In Series VI, the single 12-leaved whorl of that series was on a primary branch. Thus it would appear that the whole range of variation in leaf-number in Ceratophyllum may be shown by primary-branch whorls. Table 15. — Constants f( ?r varxat wn %n leaf-numb( ?r m whorls onp rimary orancnes. Series. Plant. Distri- bution Qumber. Mean(unit=l leaf). standard devia- tion (unit = 1 leaf) . CoefHeieut of variation. I- II- III... IV- V V- VI- 1 25 26 27 28 29 8.556±0.072 8.735± .085 8.337± .085 8.605± .058 8.761± .100 1.245±0.051 1.250zb .060 1.253± .060 1.124:fc .041 1.004± .071 14.555±0.610 14.310± .703 15. 031 ± .740 13.057± .483 11.460dr .816 2 3 4 5 All plants.. 1 30 8.581± .035 1.199± .024 13.976i= .290 50 51 8.663± .042 8.741± .056 1.179± 1.228d= .030 .040 13.605+ .347 14.044± .465 2 All plants.. 1 52 8.692± .034 1.198± .024 13.780± .278 68 8.627± .051 1.147± .036 13. 296 i .423 1 83 84 85 9.063± .033 8.867± .033 .925± 1.057± .024 .023 10. 206 ± .263 11. 923 ± .267 2 All plants.. 1 8.951± .024 1.007± .017 11.254± .190 113 119 120 8.138± .086 7.973± .091 1.608± 1.166± .061 .064 19.754± .776 14. 622 t .822 7 All plants.. 2 8.184± .053 1.386± .037 16.938=b .468 154 157 158 7.829±: .145 8.570=h .085 9.359+: .066 1.276± 1.259± 1.178± .103 .060 .047 16.297±1.348 14. 691 ± .715 12. 592 ± .506 5 6 All plants.. 159 8.759± .047 1.332± .033 15.202± .390 The chief physical constants for the distributions of table 14 are given in table 15. As we should expect, the values of the constants for primary branches throughout are of the same order as those for the "all-branch" distri- VARIATION IN DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF PLANT. 39 butions given in table 8. We note, however, that primary-branch whorls by themselves are somewhat less variable, both absolutely and relatively, than are the "all-branch" whorls. The means are also slightly higher in the primary-branch than in the "all-branch" distri- butions. This definite system of differences would appear to indicate that whorls on primary branches are as a class differentiated from whorls on other branch divisions of the plant. It will be seen later that this is the case. It should be noted how slight the differences are be- tween the constants for Series I, II, and III, for the portion of the plant under consideration. The means for the three series differ by 0.1 leaf or less, and the standard deviations by < 0.06 leaf. It is clear that these differences are only what would be expected to arise from random sampling, and that there is no sensible, real differentiation between these series. As has been the case in the other portions of the plant so far examined, there is a definite, though not large, divergence between the constants for Series IV and those for Series I, II, and III. Series V and VI fall in a class by themselves. Table 16. — Difference table comparing pHmary -branch whorls with main-stem whorls. Totals for seiries. Series. DiflFerences. Between means (unit =1 leaf) II III IV V VI Absolute difference — 0.736±0.064 Relative difference. . per cent. . . 7.9 Absolute difference — 1 . 060^r . 063 Relative difference. . per cent. . . 10.9 Absolute difference ;-1.092± .071 Relative difference. . per cent. . . 1 11.2 Absolute difference. Relative difference.. per cent... Absolute difference Relative difference. . per cent... Absolute difference Relative difference.. per cent... .561± .078 5.9 .550± .093 fi ^ — .330± .080 3.6 Between stand- Between coeffi- ard deviations cients of vari- (unit = 1 leaf). ation. 0.137±0.045 12.9 .396± .044 49.4 .460± .050 67.0 .304±: .041 43.2 .103zt .066 8.0 .120± .057 9.9 2.579±0.502 22.6 5.555± .475 67.5 6.230± .555 88 2 3.867zfc .435 52.3 2.244± .795 15.3 1.864± .648 14.0 The main-stem whorls form a definite base with which the primary- branch whorls may be compared. This comparison is made in table 16, which is a "difference table" corresponding in plan to table 9 above. In this case the differences are given the positive sign when the primary- branch constant is the greater. The relative difference is in each case the percentage which the absolute difference is of the main-stem con- stant. Only the totals for the series are compared. Considering the first four series, we see that both absolute and relative differences are large. There can be no doubt that they are significant. In Series V and VI the differences are smaller, but still probably in all cases significant. We conclude, then, that primary-branch whorls as 40 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. compared with main-stem whorls have on the average nearly one less leaf to the whorl, and are relatively 20 to 80 per cent more variable. The analytical consideration of the variation in primary-branch whorls will be taken up later in connection with the secondary-branch distri- butions. It is shown in this section that ivhorls on primary branches are as a class differentiated from whorls borne on the main stem. As we pass from main-stem whorls to primary-branch ivhorls the mean number of leaves in the whorl decreases and the variability increases. VARIATION IN WHORLS ON SECONDARY BRANCHES. The frequency distributions for the variation in leaf-number in this portion of the plant are given in table 17. Table 17. — Frequency distributions for variation in leaf-number in whorls on secondary branches. Series. Plant. Distri- bution number. Leaves per whorl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total. l< II- III.. \v< v' YU I,II,III 1 31 32 33 34 2 5 5 10 6 5 4 12 11 4 4 24 3 24 3 12 1 8 23 46 16 58 2 3 4 All plants.. 1 2 35 22 27 43 42 9 143 53 54 55 2 26 6 21 12 40 16 63 16 24 4 1 177 54 All plants.. 1 2 32 33 56 79 28 1 231 69 24 19 34 60 28 165 1 86 87 "9 34 64 73 105 86 119 33 92 1 1 227 390 2 All plants.. 1 88 9 98 178 205 125 2 617 121 122 2 7 1 4 3 22 5 14 8 15 7 12 4 76 28 7 All plants.. 1 123 2 8 7 27 22 22 16 104 160 161 162 163 2 3 1 3 6 2 4 4 6 4 9 11 12 13 9 12 21 24 "2 39 7 52 50 2 5 6 All plants.. All plants 164 2 7 16 30~ 34 57 2 148 189 2 78 79 133 181 65 1 539 It is apparent from the totals of this table that secondary branches (in the present material at least) contribute less than half as many VARIATION IN DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF PLANT. 41 whorls to the total number borne by Ceratophyllum plants than do primary branches. Also, one notes that the character of the distributions is changing. While the most frequently occurring whorls on the second- ary branches are, as in the case of the primaries, those having 9 leaves, yet whorls with fewer than 9 leaves occur proportionately much more frequently on secondary than on primary branches. We should expect, then, that the average number of leaves to the whorl would be less for the secondaries than for the primaries. That this is in fact the case is shown in table 18. Series V and VI still maintain their peculiar character. In Series V the actually most frequent whorls are those having 7 leaves, though 8 and 9 leaved whorls are nearly as frequent. Series VI has the greatest frequency at 10, as in the case of the pri- maries. Table IS.— Constants for variation in leaf-number in whorls on secondary branches. Series. Plant. Distri- bution number. Mean (unit leaf). = 1 standard devia- tion (unit = l leaf). Coefficient of variation. I "{ III... V j VI < 1. 2. 4. 1. 2. 1. 1 2. 1. 5. 6. 31 32 34 35 7.783d=0.131 8.543± .120 7.655± .088 0.930 ±0.093 1.211± .085 .992± .062 11.956±1.206 14.170±1.016 12. 962 ± .825 All plants.. 7.923± .065 1.159± .046 14. 631 ± .596 53 54 8.198± 8.000± .066 .103 1.311± 1.122± .047 .073 15.989± .587 14.027± .928 All plants- 55 8.152=b .056 1.272± .040 15.603± .501 69 8.297± .067 1.285± .048 15.487± .589 86 87 8.533± 8.574± .042 .037 .930± 1.095± .029 .026 10.904± .349 12.767± .313 All plants.. 88 8.559± .028 1.037± .020 12. 121 ± .236 121 7.737± .123 1.584± .087 20.476±1.166 All plants.. 123 7.817± .101 1.524± .071 19.494± .946 162 163 8.750± 9.180± .131 .102 1.399± 1.071± .093 .072 15.987±1.084 11. 669 ± .798 All plants.. 164 8.797± .072 1.294± .051 14.712± .589 We see in this case as before a close similarity between the results for Series I, II, and III. Series V shows the highest variabilities for this portion of the plant, and Series VI the highest means. Comparing the results with those for primary branches, it appears that secondary- branch whorls have fewer leaves to the whorl and are more variable than those on primaries. The nature and the extent of the differences 42 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. are shown in table 19. In this ' 'difference table' ' the differences are taken as positive when the primary-branch constant is the greater and nega- tive when the constant for the secondaries is the greater. The absolute differences are taken as percentages of the primary-branch constant, in each case, to obtain the relative differences. Table 19. — Difference table comparing secondary with primary -branch whorls. Totals for series. Series. n! m{ IV { VI j Diflferences. Absolute Relative Absolute Relative Absolute Relative Absolute Relative Absolute Relative Absolute Relative difference . difference.. difference difference.. difference difference.. difference difference.. difference difference.. difference difference per cent, per cent. per cent, per cent. per cent, per cent. Between means (unit = 1 leaf). 0.658±0.074: 7.67 .540± .066 6.21 .330± .084 3.83 .392± .037 4.36 .367± .114 4.48 - .038± .086 .43 Between standard deviations (unit = l leaf). 0.040±0.052 3.33 — .074± 047 6.17 — .138± 060 12.03 — .030± 026 2.97 — .138± 080 9.95 .038± 061 2.85 Between coefflcients of variation. -0.655±0.663 4.7 -1.823± .573 13.2 -2.191± .725 16.5 - .867± .303 7.7 -2.556dt:1.055 15.1 .490± .706 3.2 We see that generally the differences are positive in the "mean" column and negative in the two variability columns, thus indicating what was pointed out above, that whorls on secondary branches have fewer leaves to the whorl and tend to be more variable than those on primary branches. In respect to variation in leaf-number, then, the secondary branches stand in much the same relation to the primaries as the latter do to the main stem. In one case. Series VI, the order of the differences is reversed, the mean being higher and the variability lower for the secondary-branch whorls than for the primary, but no special stress can be laid on this apparent exception to the rule, because the differences are altogether insignificant in comparison with their proba- ble errors. The differences between the means are, with this single exception, significant in comparison with their probable errors. In the variability columns the individual differences when taken singly are in most cases not certainly significant. Due weight must, however, be given to the fact that all tend in the same direction (except of course Series VI) . I think we may safely conclude that, in general, whorls on sec- ondary branches are as a class more variable in respect to leaf -number than are whorls on primary branches. We may now consider analytically the variation in primary and sec- ondary branch whorls, in comparison with each other and with whorls on the main stem. As in other cases I have used the combined distri- VARIATION IN DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF PLANT. 43 butions for Series I, II, and III in the analytical treatment. The justi- fication for combining these three sets of data will have been apparent to anyone who has inspected the values of the constants which have been given in the preceding tables. The ''raw" moments were used in this as in the other cases. The values of the chief physical and algebraical constants of distributions 188 and 189 of tables 14 and 17 are given in table 20. Table 20. — Analytical constants for variation in leaf-number. Series I, II, and III combined. Constant. Primary- branch whorls( Dis- tribution No. 188). Total frequency ^2 f^i Ml 8,-3. 1360 1.4183 — .8671 5.3199 .2636 .5134 2.6448 — .3552 —1.5011 Secondary- branch whorls (Dis- tribution No. 189). 539 1.5753 — .6964 5.3816 .1240 .3522 2.1685 — .8315 —2.0351 Constant. Skewness Modal divergence... Standard deviation Mean Mode Range Lower end of range Upper end of range Primary- Secondary- branch branch whorls(Dis- whorls (Dis- bution tribution No. 188). No. 189). —0.5484 —0.9996 — .6530 —1.2547 1.1909 1.2551 8.6360 8-1354 9-2891 9.3901 6.5021 5.1929 4.2354 5.1923 10.7375 10.3852 From this table we note that: (a) The distribution for the secondary branches is markedly more skew than is that for the primaries. Consequently, since the standard deviation is also greater in the case of the secondary branches, we find that— (6) The distance from the mean to the mode is very nearly twice as great in the secondary branches as it is in the primaries. (c) Secondary branches have a lower mean number of leaves to the whorl, but a higher modal number than the primaries. Too much stress must not, however, be laid on the fact that the secondaries show the higher modal number, because, as has been pointed out, the values of the moments from which the mode has to be calculated have not been in any way corrected. id) The theoretical range of variation is smaller for secondary branches than it is for primaries by more than one leaf. The second- ary curve starts at a higher and ends at a lower value than does the primary. (e) The skewness is negative for both curves. (/) The kurtosis {v =(^2 — 3) is negative in both curves, but has a considerably higher value in the case of the secondary branches, thus indicating that the secondary-branch distribution is the more flat-topped. 44 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. (g) Both curves are of Type I, the equations being as follows: Distribution No. 188, primaries: 2.7363 !,= 433.4048(1 , ^^^^ Distribution No. 189, secondaries: ""•"^ 5^0536) \^ ~ 1.4484/ .784 .8726 y = 151.m2{l + ^y'^{l--^) .2063 The curves are shown graphically in fig. 8. The frequencies are reduced to percentages, so that both curves have the same area in the diagram. The greater skewness of the secondary distribution is very evident from the diagram. 40 30 20 4> •00 ID ./ ' / , / • *" 7--- / / . 1 ^ 1 1 !? .__. ._±_ \ / / fw m,-!^ =^ / / la) / / ', l4_. —4 10 li \2. 4 5 6 7 8 9 Leaf number Fig, 8. — Frequency histogiams and fitted curves for variation in primary and secondary branch whorls. Series I, II, and III combined. primaries; secondaries. It is interesting to note that the analytical results give a greater range of variation for primary than for secondary branches. This is what we should expect on general principles to find, because the prim.ary branches are so much longer, and consequently bear so many more whorls, than do the secondaries. Comparing the results for primary branches with those for the main stem given in table 10 (p. 32) we note that (a) the variation is dis- VARIATION IN DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF PLANT. 45 tinctly more skew in the whorls on primary branches than in those in the main stem; (6) the primary-branch whorls are the more variable; (c) the mean number of leaves per whorl is 0.8988 higher in the main- stem than in the primary-branch whorls, while the modal number of leaves per whorl is only 0.6462 higher; (d) the sign of the kurtosis changes in passing from main-stem to primary branches. From the results presented in this section we may conclude that whorls borne on secondary branches are as a class differentiated from those borne on either the main stem or primary branches. The changes in the constants as we pass from primary to secondary branches are similar in kind to those which we find in passing from main-stem to pri- mary-branch whorls. The most important of these changes are (1) the lowering of the mean number of leaves to the whorl, and (2) the increase in the variation in this character. VARIATION IN WHORLS ON TERTIARY AND QUATERNARY BRANCHES. As the number of whorls is comparatively small in these portions of the plant we may conveniently consider tertiary and quaternary branches together. It will be understood that by "tertiary branches" are meant those which arise from secondary branches, and by "quaternary" those which arise from tertiaries. Table 21. — Frequency distributions for variation in leaf-number in whorls on tertiary branches. Series. Plant. Distri- bution number. Leaves per whorl. 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total. I... II... III... IV< vJ Vli 2 and 4 36 56 70 •••■ 2 3 7 3 4 5 "5 5 "i 12 5 14 36 1 1 1 89 90 1 7 1 6 "3 2 17 2 All plants- 1 7 91 8 7 3 19 124 125 7 5 1 12 1 18 4 11 1 11 64 7 All plants.. 1 . 126 7 6 13 22 12 71 165 166 "i "i 1 3 1 7 2 11 5 23 5 All plants. 167 1 1 4 8 13 28 The frequency distributions for tertiary and quaternary branches are given in tables 21 and 22, respectively. The totals here are so small that much regTilarity in the distribu- tions can not be expected, nor can very accurate comparisons between 46 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. the constants be made, because of the large probable errors. It is of interest to note that the number of tertiary whorls is greater in Series III, than in Series II or I. The relative increase is greater than is indi- cated by the figures in table 21, since the total of Series III is smaller than that of either I or II. This increase in tertiary whorls is a rough index of the change which took place in the Carp Lake population, due to growth in the interval between the collection of Series I and Series III. Table 22.— Frequency distributions for variation in leaf-number in whorls on quaternary branches. Series. Plant. Distri- bution number. Leaves per whorl. 5 6 2 1 7 8 9 10 Total f 1 I 1 127 128 4 9 1 18 3 2 2 4 39 7 7 All plants- 129 4 3 10 21 4 4 46 In order that some judgment may be formed of the characteristics of tertiary-branch whorls I have prepared table 23, which gives, in addi- tion to the constants for the distributions of table 21, the absolute differences between these and the constants for secondary-branch whorls. Only totals for series are tabled, because of the paucity of material. The difference is taken as positive when the secondary-branch constant is the greater. The probable errors are very large, as was to be expected, and the results are not as smooth as could be desired. Still, I think, we may safely draw the following conclusions: (a) The mean number of leaves to the whorl is distinctly lower for tertiary than for secondary branch whorls. In only one case out of the five is the difference between the means negative, and then it is sensibly zero, in comparison with its probable error. In Series II, IV, and VI, the difference is 0.6 to 0.7 leaf, a very considerable amount, and cer- tainly significant in comparison with the probable error. It is of the same order as the difference between main-stem and primary-branch whorls (cf. table 16), and is distinctly greater than the difference between primary and secondary branches in respect to mean number of leaves per whorl. (6) The tertiary-branch whorls tend on the whole to be less rather than more variable than those borne on secondaries. The differences in the variability columns are all very small, and, taken singly, quite insig- nificant in comparison with their probable errors. Due weight, however, must be given to the fact that the sign of the differences is uniformly VARIATION IN DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF PLANT. 47 plus. In fact, Series III forms the only exception to this rule. This exception arises from the fact shown in table 28, p. 52 that the tertiary branches tend to be more variable in length than is the case in the other series. It will be shown in later sections of the paper that the positional differentiation of whorls within an axial division of the plant is such that the variation exhibited by groups of whorls may be greatly influenced by the length of the branches on which they are borne. Table 23. — Constants for variation in whorls on tertiary branches. Totals for series. Series. Portion of plant. Distri- bution number. Mean. standard deviation. Coefficient of variation. Il| mi IV i v] VI< Secondary branches Tertiary branches .. Difference Secondary branches Tertiary branches .. Difference Secondary branches Tertiary branches .. Difference Secondary branches Tertiary branches .. Difference Secondary branches Tertiary branches.. Difference 55 56 69 70 88 91 123 126 164 167 8.152±0.056 7.500± .202 1.272±0.040 l.llSi .142 15.603±0.501 14.907±1.942 -+- .652± .210 + .154± .148 + .696±2.006 8.297± 8.194± .067 .159 1.285± 1.411± .048 .112 15.487± .589 17.215±1.408 + .103± .173 — .126± .122 — 1.728d=1.526 8.559± 7.842± .028 .135 1.037± .874± .020 .096 12. 121 ± .236 11.150±1.235 + .717d= .138 + .163± .098 + .971±1.257 7.817± 7.831± .101 .119 1.524± 1.473± .071 .083 19. 494 ± .946 18.805±1.101 - .014± .156 + .051± .109 + .689±1.452 8.797± 8.021i .072 .140 1.294± 1.102± .051 .099 14.712± .589 13.735±1.261 + .776± .157 + .192± .111 + .977±1.392 (c) The tertiary-branch whorls thus appear to be differentiated as a class from those borne on other portions of the plant. Turning to the whorls on quaternary branches, we have, unfortu- nately, only a single series which gives any data at all. In our experience the extreme condition of lateral growth implied in quaternary and higher order branches is very rare. It seems possible that this may be due merely to the restriction imposed by the shortness of the growing season. The finding of quaternary branches in the plants of Series V lends support to this view, for the reason that, as has been pointed out above (p. 15) the large plants in this series had wintered over and were grow- ing like perennials. An examination of Ceratophyllum from more southern latitudes would be interesting in this connection. 48 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. The constants for the quaternary-branch whorls of Series V are given in table 24, together with their differences when compared with tertiary- branch whorls. Table 24. — Constants for variation in whorls on quaternary branches. Series V. Distri- bution number. Portion of plant. Mean. standard deviation. Coefficient of variation. 126 129 Tprtinrv Viranfhps 7.831-^0.119 1.473-t-0.083 18.805^1.101 Quaternary branches 7.652± .125 1.255± .088 ! 16.939±1.225 Difference + .179± .173 + .218± .121 +1.866±1.647 We see that the mean number of leaves in the quaternary-branch whorls is less than in those on tertiaries. The difference, however, is small, being of the same order as its probable error. The quaternary- branch whorls are also slightly the less variable. In the case of the standard deviations the difference is nearly twice its probable error. We may conclude, provisionally at least, that the same kind of change occurs in the mean when we pass from tertiary to quaternary branches as when we pass from secondaries to tertiaries. The differences between the constants for whorls on these higher-order branches in any case would probably be small in absolute amount, for reasons which will appear as we go on. THE RELATIVE SIZE OF THE DIFFERENT DIVISIONS OF THE PLANT AND THE VARIATION IN THIS CHARACTER. It will readily be admitted that if we are to get any light on the question of the factors which produce the characteristic frequency dis- tributions of variation for the whorls of a particular division of the plant, by a study of the laws of growth and differentiation of the whorls themselves, it will be necessary to know in addition something about what proportions of the total whorls on a plant fall within particular divisions, and to what extent these proportions are constant for different plants. Also, it is desirable to have definite information regarding the average length of the different axial divisions of the plant and the variation in this character. It is with these matters that the present section has to do. Taking first the question of the proportion of the total number of whorls found on different parts of the plants, we have the results set forth in table 25. The figures in the vertical columns give the percent- ages which whorls borne on the specified part of the plant are of the total. RELATIVE SIZE OF DIFFERENT DIVISIONS OF PLANT. 49 Table 25. — Proportionate numbers of whorls in different axial divisions of the plant. Series. Plant. Percentage of total whorls on— (a) Main stem and divisions. Pi'imary branches. (c) Second- ary branches. (d) Tertiary branches. Quater- nary branches. Total number of whorls l< "i III... .vj V< VI< 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 30.7 8.1 30.5 12.2 24.6 59.2 60.9 59.8 65.4 75.4 10.1 28.6 9.7 22.0 "2'. 4 ""'.'4 228 161 164 263 61 10.2 13.4 58.8 69.3 28.8 17.3 2.2 615 313 17.0 44.6 31.5 6.9 523 5.3 5.4 57.2 50.4 37.2 42.3 .3 1.9 610 922 12.2 87.5 45.5 30.8 50.0 23.0 20.4 41.3 12.5 54.5 69.2 50.0 77.0 51.0 19.8 ig'.b 16.6 "4'. 8 10.1 "4.8 385 8 22 13 24 61 147 8.9 44.7 34.8 43.9 19.0 17.4 35.4 46.1 65.2 56.1 46.3 61.4 49.4 9.2 24.1 21.2 6.3 16.6 79 76 46 41 216 236 These results are reasonably uniform, if, as is obviously fair, we leave out of consideration the very small plants, such as, for example, plants 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Series V. When the plant is so small as to have only a main stem and a few primary branches it is clear that the per- centage of whorls on these two portions will not agree with what is found on large plants with many higher-order branches. Making due allowance for these irregularities, the results set forth in the table show that— (a) In well-developed plants on the average more than half the total number of whorls are borne on primary branches. The actual v/eighted mean percentage given by the values in column (b) of the table is 54.7 per cent. As it is obviously unfair that a plant like No. 2 in Series V should have the same weight as No. 2 in Series IV, I have weighted each entry in determining this and the following means with the abso- lute size (i. e., in number of whorls) of the plant with which it is con- cerned. 50 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. Table 26. — Frequency distributions for size of primary branches. Series I. Series II. Series III. Series IV. Whorls per A c «i c3 •«^ ■iJ ■u -u *= .«j a c c HI a c a - a C fl d «5 d 2 cS 0 3 c9 rf, c3 (S ci St d « 03 CS es 0 H H Ph fl 4 Oh dl S 1 S PLI ^ s S 1 E Oh 1 P.I 1 2 4 4 4 . 2 . 1 . I .. '. i 1 1 3 1 i 2 1 2 5 2 3 1 4 6 14 8 7 5 0 i '2 1 i i 1 3 2 "i 1 '2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 7 3 2 0 4 5 12 13 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 . 3 1 2 2 6 3 1 i "2 3 4 9 10 2 . 1 . 2 1 0 1 1 1 i 2 1 1 11 12 13 1 . 1 0 0 0 14 15 1 1 . 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 16 17 18 0 1 1 19 0 1 1 20 0 0 21 u 0 22 0 1 1 23 0 0 24 0 0 25 0 0 26 0 0 27. 0 0 28 0 0 29 1 1 0 0 0 30 31 u 0 Tot al 28 1 3 2 4 7 18 60 4 7 8 4 16 21 59 1 RELATIVE SIZE OF DIFFERENT DIVISIONS OF PLANT. 51 (6) Of the remaining whorls usually somewhat more are borne on secondary branches than on the main stem. This of course only applies to plants which have secondary branches. Taking all the plants together as they stand in the table, the weighted mean percentage contribution of the main stem to the total number of whorls is 14.1 per cent. Reck- oned in the same way the mean percentage contribution of the secondary branches is 27.0 per cent, or very nearly twice that of the main stem. (c) Tertiary and quaternary branches contribute, on the whole, a very small proportion of the total number of whorls. Calculating the mean percentage contribution from table 25, I find that it is 3.3 per cent for tertiary branches. Table 27. — Frequency distributions for size of secondary branches. Whorls per branch. Series 1. Series 11. Series III. Series IV. Series V. Series VI. a c4 C 03 a a 1 a a a! a a E t p4 a a d i a 5 a a «3 a 03 3 0 H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ToUl.. 5 8 2 2 1 1 2 1 "i 1 i "i \ 4 4 2 . 5 5 3 2 3 1 15 17 9 3 3 4 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 8 8 5 5 4 4 2 1 i 4 8 3 1 2 9 16 11 6 7 4 4 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 10 2 4 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 8 8 5 7 6 4 2 2 1 1 'i 1 3 6 K 12 4 5 3 3 4 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 9 14 14 17 11 11 7 5 6 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 9 4 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 "i '2 1 1 i 9 5 1 8 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '2 2 1 1 1 "i '2 1 i 1 3 1 4 i ■3 2 1 1 2 0 1 5 9 4 6 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 8 10 19 55 48 19 62 43 52 60 112 25 6 31 8 3 11 9 31 The plants of Series IV differ in their percentage constitution very distinctly from the others, in the direction of having a lower proportion of main-stem whorls, and a higher proportion of secondary-branch whorls. The most striking exception in the table is afforded by plant 1 of Series VI, in which there are 14 per cent more whorls on secondary than on primary branches. But this is a small plant and clearly the probable errors of the percentages are high. As a matter of fact this plant had only three primary branches, while there were eight secondaries and one tertiary. It is not surprising, since the plant as a whole was so small, that the eight secondary branches should contribute a larger number of whorls to the total than the three primaries. I wish to call attention at this point to a matter which otherwise might be overlooked. If the values given in table 25 be studied in con- nection with the constants given in table 2, it will be seen that there is 52 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. in general marked agreement between the variation constants of plants which have similar percentage constitutions in respect to number of whorls. Thus, to take only a single example, we see from table 25 that plant 2 of Series I, and plant 1 of Series II, have very nearly the same percentage constitutions, although they are very different in abso- lute size. Table 2 shows that their variation constants are likewise in remarkably close agreement. This is of course what we should expect from our result that whorls on different portions of the plant form differentiated classes, and the fact that experience accords so closely with expectation is strong corroborative evidence, if any be needed, of the truth of our previous conclusions. Table 28. — Frequency distributions for size of tertiary branches. Whorls Series I. Series II. Series III. Series IV. Series V. Series VI. per branch. Plant Total. Plant 1 Plant 1 Plant. Total. Plant. Total. Plant. Total. 2 4 1 2 7 1 5 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6. . 7... 8... 9-15 16.. 3 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 2 3 1 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 1 1 0 2 4 1 2 0 2 0 1 "2 2 1 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 T( )ta 1... 3 1 4 9 1(1 2 9 11 11 2 13 1 5 6 We may turn now to the question of variation in the size of the different axial divisions of the plant. In dealing with this phase of the subject, the number of whorls on any division of the plant will be taken as the measure of its size. For our present purpose this is a more satisfactory measure than absolute length would be. What we wish to determine is the mira-plant variability in respect to size of branch. In the analysis of the morphogenetic processes which will be taken up in a later section of the paper, it will be necessary to have some quan- titative appreciation of how the branches of different orders compare in size, and what degree of variation in size they exhibit. We may turn at once to the data. The data respecting size of main stem have already been given in tables 5, 11, and 12. In table 26 (p. 50) is given for each plant, the frequency of primary branches of different sizes (i. e,, con- taining different numbers of whorls). In tables 27 (p. 51) and 28 are given in the same way the frequencies of secondary and tertiary branches of different sizes. As was to be expected, the range of variation in the number of whorls to the branch is very large for the primary branches, and distinctly less RELATIVE SIZE OF DIFFFERENT DIVISIONS OF PLANT. 53 for the secondaries. In order that a more definite idea may be obtained of the comparative distributions for the different orders of branches, I have prepared the diagrams given in fig. 9. These were made by plot- ting to the same base-unit the percentage frequencies of primary, secondary, and tertiary branches of different sizes, taking all the plants of Series I, II, and III together. In order to smooth out some of the irregularities in the distributions which arise from the relative smallness of our samples, I have doubled the size of the classes given in the tables. J530 ( ; 1 . 1 ■ 1 ', 1 \ \ \ ; \ ; \ • — ; 1 .'1 ; 1 1 1 .'1 \ ;l ;l k * [ ■' / ■ \ '. 1 < ■ '\^ "v 1/ '. 'v^ '--< \> >~~. 1 t , < r~ — 1 ^. -< •■ ' I i^ '^ ~ -- ' I — >V- ^ *^— '»' ■ I-H2 3t+ 5+6 7+8 9+10 11 + 12 13+14 15+16 17+18 19+20 2I+Z2 Z3+Z4 Z5+Z6 27+28 29+30 Number of whorls per branch Fig. 9.— Frequency distributions for length of primary, secondary, and tertiary branches. The ordinates give percentage frequencies and tlie abscissas tlie num- ber of whorls per branch. Primary branches, » ; secondary branches, o ; tertiary branches,® . From these diagrams we see clearly the general nature of the varia- tion in the size of branches. The smoothness of the primary and secondary branch curves is remarkable. The most frequently occurring branches, whatever their order, are those having from 1 to 4 whorls. The great range of secondary branches in length is rather surprising. As was to be expected, the proportionate number of branches with 1 or 2 whorls increases enormously as we pass from primary to tertiary branches. The diagrams show that the proportionate number of 54 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. branches having from 3 to 6 whorls is approximately the same for pri- mary, secondary, and tertiary branches. In table 29 are given the constants for the variation in the size of primary and secondary branches for the totals of the series. On account of the relatively small numbers in most instances it is not worth while to give separately the values for each plant, nor for the tertiary branches. Table 2^.— Constants for variation in size of primary and secondary branches. Series. Order of branch. I II III IV V VI Primary Secondary., Primary — Secondary.. Primary Secondary. Primary Secondary. Primary Secondary. Primary Secondary. Mean (unit = 1 whorl). 7.085±0 3.036± 7.756± 3.726± 6.650± 4.023± 8.324± 5.857± 5.567± 3.548± 6.559± 5.161± .427 .238 .411 .208 .622 .335 .313 .263 .392 .301 .367 .252 standard devia- Coefficient tion(unlt=l whorl) of variation 6.073±0.302 85.7 2.621± .169 86.3 5.657± .291 72.9 2.424± .147 65.1 5.829d= .440 87.7 3.253± .236 80.8 4.691± .222 56.4 4.127± .186 70.5 4.503± .277 80.9 2.487± .213 70.1 4.175± .259 63.7 2.081± .178 40.3 From this table we see that: (a) There is surprisingly little difference between the different series in respect to mean size of branches. (6) The mean size of primary branches is roughly twice that of secondaries. (c) As was to be expected, the mean size of branches is the greatest in the series which was collected latest in the growing season (Series IV) . {d) Both absolutely and relatively to the mean size the variation is greater in primary than in secondary branches, with the single excep- tion of Series IV, where, probably as a result of the great number and relatively large size of secondary branches, we get a higher proportion- ate variability in this group. SUMMARY OF RESULTS. Before taking up the discussion of the positional differentiation in detail, it is desirable to put together in a connected way the results which we have so far gained regarding the variation in leaf-number. By taking separately the whorls borne on different axial elements of the plant body we have found that there is a very sensible differentia- tion of whorls in respect to their leaf -number when they are grouped according to their general location on the plant. The nature of this SUMMARY— VARIATION RESULTS. 55 differentiation is such that a progressive change occurs in the charac- ter of the variation constants as one passes from central to peripheral 10 1.6 1.4 I.Z 1.0 0.8 0.6 20 16 12 8 4 0.6 0.2 -..^_ >,.,:;----^^^|r^;v^^^ ■ -> ^ rTTTr-r»C;53^ i ' ) .,J :- — f.. •) - ---^j ' ■'X ^^. *^ ' 1 "^'-K < i-^" , < _^ '" > < < ^^r..— ri r' } ( .-<^''' ( > < ^^ ( ^ I 2 to 0) c O O (Q 0) JQ i_ in u c 0--° Fig. 10.— Diagram showing changes in the constants for variation in leaf-number in different portions of plant. Series I, II, and III combined » ; Series IV, o ; Series V, X- "X. Series VI, »• . portions of the plant until tertiary branches are reached. Here the order of events in part changes, and where previously certain of the 56 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. constants had been increasing, they now begin to decrease, and vice versa. The nature of these changes in the character of the leaf- number variation in different portions of the plant may best be grasped as a whole from a graphical representation, such as is given in fig. 10. This diagram shows for four groups (viz, Series I, II, and III combined, Series IV, Series V, and Series VI) the changes as we pass from central to peripheral divisions in the following constants— mean, standard devi- ation, coefficient of variation, and skewness. The different constants are plotted to different vertical scales, which are in each case given at the side of the diagram. This diagram makes plain at once the law which the variation in leaf- number in different sets of whorls follows. It may be stated in the following way: The mean number of leaves per whorl is highest in the whorls on the most central division of the plant (the main stem) , and decreases regularly in the peripheral divisions. The whorls on the main stem are the least variable, and the variation increases regularly in the more peripheral divisions, till a maximum is reached in secondary-branch whorls. The variation then tends to diminish in the whorls on higher- order branches. Now, from the method of growth of Ceratophyllum, it is clear that as a class the main-stem whorls are the oldest, the primary- branch whorls as a class stand next in age, secondary and tertiary branch whorls next, while quaternary-branch whorls will on the whole be youngest. Of course these distinctions are not absolute for every whorl; there may, for example, be individual whorls on the main stem which are younger than individual whorls on any branch, but on the average it is evident that the more peripheral parts will be the younger. So, then, we find that as a general rule the older the portion of the plant the greater will he the average number of leaves to the whorl. Further, the variation in leaf-number is least in the oldest portion of the plant and increases in the younger portions, but reaches a maximum one or tiuo divi- sions short of the youngest. Besides the changes in type and variability, there are marked differ- ences in other respects between whorls in different parts of the plant. Thus for example, the skewness appears to be greater in the variation of whorls on the younger portions of the plant, though on account of paucity of material we can not go farther than secondary branches, with the analytical constants. It is perfectly clear from the results which have been presented that in a general way at least the number of leaves in a whorl and the posi- tion of the whorl on the plant are related. But how close is the relation? Does it hold within an axial division (say primary branches) that the POSITION REGRESSION— PRIMARY BRANCHES. 57 size of the whorl is a function of its position on the axis? So far we have demonstrated positional differentiation of broad classes of whorls. It now remains to determine whether this extends to the individual whorls, and in general to find out the laws of growth which result in main-stem or primary-branch, or secondary-branch, or other whorls, showing the particular characteristics in their variation which they do. Cases of positional differentiation in like parts are well known in a number of plants, ' but a complete analysis of the phenomenon which takes into account the whole series of repeated parts or characters for a large and richly branching plant like Ceratophyllum has not hitherto been undertaken. THE RELATION BETWEEN THE NUMBER OF LEAVES IN THE WHORL AND POSITION ON THE PLANT. We come now to the more direct investigation of the morphogenetic laws concerned in the formation of the leaf -whorls. From the method of growth in lateral branches of Ceratophyllum it is clear that we have an almost ideal form for such a study. The whorls on a branch present a linear series of parts in which we know the order of formation in time (cf. p. 10, supra). Such a system suggests at once a number of very interesting problems in morphogenesis. It will conduce to clearness, if we base the discussion of our results on such individual problems, taking up the different ones in order. POSITION REGRESSION IN DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF THE PLANT— THE FIRST LAW OF GROWTH IN CERATOPHYLLUM. The first problem which logically presents itself may be stated in this way: In a series of like parts produced in a regular ordinal succes- sion what relation exists between the form of a particular member of the series and its ordinal position? If there is a change in the character of successively formed parts, what law governs this change? It is obvious that this problem is a very fundamental one, because of the fact that one of the most frequently occurring plans of structure which we know in the organic world is the metameric. In this type of structure the organism is built up of a series of primitively similar units arranged in linear order. Our problem is to find out, if possible, in a very simple case the laws of differentiation in such a system. The biometrical solu- ^Many examples are given by Miss Tammes (:03) and the subject has been inves- tigated biometrically by Pearson ( :05) in Asperula odorata and Equisetum arvense and by Pearson and Radford ( :04) in beech leaves. 58 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. tion of the problem is theoretically clear. What we want to know are the correlations and regressions between any character of the members of such linear series and their position. In this particular case we have to determine the correlation and regression between the number of leaves in the whorl and position. It is evident that the different axial divisions of the plant must be treated separately. Logically the main stem should be considered first, but for reasons which will appear as we go on, it is desirable to take up the primary and secondary branches before the main stem. The cor- relation tables showing for each series the relation between number of leaves in the whorl and position on primary branches follow. In the case of Series V and VI the tables have been cut off at the tenth whorl because the very small number of entries beyond that point did not make it worth while to keep them. In the other four series every possible whorl has been included. Furthermore, the tables for Series V and VI differ from the others in that in these two series all branches (primary, secondary, tertiary, etc.) have been clubbed together. Otherwise the numbers would have been too small to get any results at all for these series. No confusion need result from this procedure, as the whole discussion of positional differentiation will be based on the first four series, the last two (V and VI) being used merely to illustrate and confirm the conclusions reached from the others. The method of designating position has been fully explained and illustrated in an earlier section of the paper (p. 12 and fig. 2, supra) and need not be repeated here in detail. It is merely necessary to recall that the whorls are numbered in order, beginning at the proximal end of the branch; the "first whorl" (1) thus being in the case of a primary branch the whorl nearest the main stem, in the case of a secondary branch the whorl nearest the primary, etc. Mere inspection of these tables shows us at once that the character of the whorls in respect to leaf-number changes as we go out on the branch. It is perfectly clear in a general way that the farther a pri- mary-branch whorl is from the main stem, the more leaves it is likely to have. Or, in other words, we see that there is a clear positional differentiation within an axial division of the plant. The character of successively formed parts changes with the order of their formation. We may at once proceed, then, to the analysis of the laws of this change. As a first step it is necessary to know the exact degree of the correlation between leaf-number and position, and to test whether the regression is linear or not. The test for linearity of regression has been given by Pearson ( :05) . It consists in determining for any system of correlated POSITION REGRESSION— PRIMARY BRANCHES. 59 Table 30.— Correlation between leaf-number and position of primary-branch whorls. SERIES I, Number of Position of whorl on branch. whorl. ^ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total. 5 3 3 32 62 141 177 125 9 549 6 2li 5 i i i i i 7 6 3 11 26 17 15 7 9 22 18 9 17 13 2 8 4 7 7 11 58 50 42 34 32 ■'2 'i 2 6 12 10 11 9 1 2 28 28 1 1 1 12 11 26 7 2116 1 . 3 8 9 211 . 1 4 1 4 3 fi 7 i 3 9 1 g . .19 26 1 .. 1 .. .. 1 1 i 2 'i 1 i 1 "i 1 9" "[[[['.'.['.. ...... 6 16 3 8 3 2 4 4 2 1.. 11 2 3 2 12 1 .. .. 1 .. .. 3.. .. 1 .. 1 .. .. 3 2 0 2 ]0 1 11 Total 70 61 1 1 5 13 13 11 8 6 5 4 3 3 3 1 SERIES II. Number of Position of whorl on branch. whorl. J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total. 5 1 1 29 71 126 178 165 8 6 19 2 1 2 .. .. 2 1 1 1 7 35 18 7 4 3.. 1 25 20 6 10 6 25 24 28 22 18 5 5 11 9 13 2 .. 1 .. 1 ;J5 53 51 41 39 1 2 5 4 10 7 14 17 30 30 8 12 25 3 -- 2 2 3 2 8 7 0, 1 1 9 2 7 .. 1 1 1 6 5 112.... 6 12 1 24 1 13 151 1 1 .... 2 4 2 2 3.. 10 4 2 12 2 .. 1 .. .. 1 1 1 1 - - 11 Total 70 69 611 11 9 7 7 7 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 578 1 1 Position of whorl on branch. whorl. 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111 213 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total. 6 . 12 1 13 2> 59 76 59 1 7 10 8 2 'i i .. .. 810 6 2 3 151013 9 6 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 .. 5 2 2 3 8 12 15 i 3 i ■ 3 i 'i 2 2 1 "i 2 '2 .. 1 1 .. 1 1 .. ..!.. Q 9 i 16 1 12 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 11 Total 34 34 29 24 23 14 12 10 7 4 4 4I 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 233 1 SERIES IV. Number of Position of whorl on branch. whorl. ^ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 111 L213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total. 1 0 1 =; 1 6 9 1 10 7 41 g 4 2 5 3 i :25:i4 7 5 a 5li5138 37 3E 8|15 27 26 2J .. 1 88 83 77 71 6^ 1 1 3 7 14 25 ' 65 144 323 266 4 5 4 18 11 1 ifl ' 1 i 2 ] 7 ( . 9 8 38 3 4 121c 1 . 16 11 1 ) £ '211..! ) 4 3 2 2 1 ) 32 24 21 1.. 1 . 155 40 35 11... 11 1 Total 93 9£ ir 2 1( )10 ) 6 4 3 2 2 11... ■ — — 814 J_ _ — — 60 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. variables a constant, v, called the correlation ratio, and defined by the expression V In other words, the correlation ratio is the ratio of the variability of the means of the arrays of one correlated character to the total vari- ability of that character, as exhibited by the sample as a whole. The constant v has the same value as the coefficient of correlation r only when the regression is perfectly linear. If the regression is not linear r] will be greater than r. Then evidently -7 ~ r is a measure of the approach of the regression to linearity. Recently Blakeman ( :05) has given methods of obtaining the probable error of various functions of 7/ ~ r. Table SI.— Correlation between leaf-number and position. Whorls on all branches. Number of leaves per whorl. Position of whorl oa branch— Series V. Number of leaves per whorl. Position of whorl on branch— Series VI. I 2 2 h 6 29 28 20 5 95 3 i 10 i 19 6 79 4 '2 1 14 17 26 i 64 5 'i 9 8 22 6 46 6 17 10 37 7 "i '2 3 13 8 27 8 i 4 '6 14 25 9 'i 3 4 4 12 10 i Total. 1 7 19 S7 2 ■4 16 33 26 12 3 '3 24 30 29 1 87 4 1 '4 12 32 2.5 1 75 5 "2 8 11 31 52 6 "i 6 6 19 1 33 7 i 1 5 16 1 24 8 1 "i 3 9 1 15 9 "i 2 10 1 14 10 i "2 4 Total. 4 2 17 16 40 19 4 27 36 118 111 5 9 23 66 105 123 160 6 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 20 6 5 9 9 5 7 5I 1S7 10 10 3 9 67 1 11 11 1 107 Total 94 91 Total 501 7 492 Table 32. — Correlation between leaf-nutnber and position. Whorls on primary branches. Series I, II, and III combined. Number of leaves per whorl. Position of whorl on branch. 1 2 3 4 5 6 'i 1 19 48 19 1 89 7 'i 2 18 37 23 2 83 8 '4 9 27 27 1 68 9 '5 10 3 1 11 "i 1 3 10 25 40 12 i "6 8 16 4 35 13 i 3 6 16 1 27 14 "2 5 20 27 15 '5 17 22 16 i '5 11 17 17 '2 3 10 15 18 i "2 4 7 14 19 "i 2 7 10 20 "3 "6 "9 21 'i 6 1 8 22 '3 4 7 23 "7 7 24 i 3 2 6 25 "4 4 26 "i ■5 6 27 "l ■3 4 28 29 30 Total. 5 6 3 1 8 42 66 "2 16 59 62 11 2 152 'i 11 ■3 7 ■3 3 '2 2 2 2 4 74 168 326 431 349 18 66 43 8 47 27 10 4 9 10 44 52 16 12-^ 60 18 1 116 19 29 2 65 19 26 1 54 10 11 Total 174 6 167 1,360 In table 33 are given the values of r and rj with their probable errors deduced from the data given in tables 30 to 32. The probable errors of r tabulated were computed from the formula (1-^0 Vn Probable error of >/ — ±0.67449 POSITION REGRESSION— PRIMARY BRANCHES. 61 Pearson (loc. cit. ) has shown that this expression is sufficiently ac- curate for all ordinary purposes, and it is much easier to calculate than the complete expression for the standard deviation of v. Table 33. — Correlation between leaf-number and position of primary -branch whorls. We see at once from table 33 that— (1) There is a very considerable degree of correlation between the number of leaves per whorl and the position of the whorl. (2) The degree of correlation is very closely the same for all series. We should expect, of course, that Series V and VI would give different values for the coefficients, because in those cases we are dealing with three and four different orders of branches together. (3) There can be no doubt that the regressions are not linear. The differences between v and r are so considerable that I have not thought it necessary to work out the probable errors for every case. The series which gives the smallest difference between rand ^ is V (>?— r=0.0197), but the apparent approach to linearity here is due to putting different orders of branches together. Considering the primary branches alone, the minimum difference between v and r is given by Series I (17 — r = 0.1142). We may take these two instances as a sample: It has been shown by Blakeman (loc. cit.) that if we let an approximate formula for the probable error of ^, i. e., E^^ is C Vn E^ 0.67449 il/f \n+(i-v'y-(i-ry Working from this formula we have for Series I, and for Series V, C = 0.1364 ±0.0193, ^ = 0.0191 ±0.0082. 62 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. In the first case the constant is, of course, certainly significant in com- parison with its probable error, and in the second case very probably significant. It thus being clear that the relation between leaf-number and posi- tion of whorl is not a simple linear one, it becomes necessary to find out what it is. To do this we must first see what the exact form of the observed regression is. In table 34 is given the mean leaf-number for each array of whorls occurring in a given position, as indicated in tables 30 to 32. Table 34. — Mean nurtiher of leaves in successive whorls on primary branches. Position of Whorl. Mean n umber of leaves. Series I. Series 11. Series III. Series IV. Series 1, Il.andlll combined Series V.a Series VI.» 1 7.057 7.014 7.000 7.441 7.029 6.981 7.149 2 7.875 8.043 8.029 8.453 7.970 7.642 8.286 3 8.293 8.492 8.724 8.685 8.461 7.873 9.011 4 8.520 8.566 8.625 8.988 8.559 8.188 9.040 5 8.524 8.902 8.783 9.130 8.741 8.500 9.365 6 8.912 8.976 9.071 9.211 8.966 8.838 9.394 7 8.844 9.179 9.000 9.313 9.024 8.889 9.625 8 9.250 9.233 8.800 9.491 9.176 9.120 9.333 9 9.179 9.300 8.857 9.550 9.200 8.916 9.786 10 9.192 9.208 9.750 9.438 9.241 9.222 9.286 11 9.300 9.000 9.750 9.360 9.425 12 9.267 9.438 10.000 9.875 9.429 13 9.462 9.455 9.667 9.714 9.481 14 9.615 9.727 9.667 9.750 9.667 15 9.727 9.778 10.000 9.900 9.773 16 9.250 9.857 9.500 9.600 9.529 17 9.667 9.571 9.000 9.444 9.533 18 9.200 9.000 9.500 9.667 9.143 19 9.750 9.250 10.000 9.750 9.600 20 9.333 9.000 10.000 9.667 9.333 21 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 22 9.667 9.000 10.000 9.500 9.571 23 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 24 10.000 , 10.500 10.000 10.000 10.167 25 1 10.000 10.000 10.000 26 9.000 10.000 10.000 9.667 27 9.000 , 10.000 10.000 9.500 28 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 29 10.000 10.000 10.000 30 10.000 10.000 10.000 "It will be remembered that in these two series all branches are clubbed together, while In the case of the otlier series we are dealing here with primary-branch whorls only. There is no doubt from the figures in this table that the form of the regression line is essentially the same for all the series. In order to show this graphically I have prepared fig. 11, in which the observed regression lines for Series I, II, III, and IV are plotted. To prevent con- POSITION REGRESSION- fusion Series V and VI have not been included, but examination of the values in table 34 is sufficient to show that they are not essen- "^ tially different from the others, i^ In the diagrams the ordinates give the means as recorded in table 34 and the abscissas the position of "' the whorls. c These diagrams at once make clear the following points: (a) The regression is evidently '^ not linear. Starting with a low ^ value for the first whorls, the curves all show a sharp rise, amounting to almost exactly one - leaf, to the second whorl. From - the second to the third whorl there ^ _ is approximately half as great a | '^ rise as from the first to the second, i + From the third whorl on, while °r: the general trend of the lines is j _ upward, their slope becomes more - "^ and more gradual. The maximum ^ towards which the lines tend is - clearly 10-leaved whorls, though on account of the small number of entries in the outlying parts of s the correlation tables at the upper ts> end, the regression lines become very irregular on these high "^ values. 5 (6) While the form of the re- n gression line is clearly the same in Series IV as it is in Series 1, II, '^ and III, it differs in being practic- S ally uniformly higher. It starts « nearly a half leaf higher on the first whorl, and m.aintains this °' difference on the whole very even- s ly out to the 15th whorl. From ^ that point it becomes more irregu- lar on account of the paucity of observations. ■PRIMARY BRANCHES. Mean leaf number 63 "-- "^. '^ ^. \ s w .A v • \ I \ \\ 4f 1? \ v. ■V \ 1 ' : X. -^ \: 9 1 >> TT \i < \ i)> i^< / ! i % C' .<< t - ,. , *' r 1 '''' { ^ Fig. 11.— Regression line, stiowing ctiangeol mean leaf-number with position. Primary ^branches. Series I, • ; Series II, o — ; Series III,^.. ; Series IV, ©-..— - — —©. 64 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. (c) There is evidently a definite functional relation (in the mathe- matical sense) between the number of leaves in a whorl and its position. Biologically this means that the form of a particular whorl is in some manner related to the number of whorls which the growing bud has previously formed. Successively formed whorls show an increase in the number of leaves. The values in table 34 and the diagrams indicate that this increase follows a definite law. We can in general formulate this by mere in- spection of the data. There is an increase in the mean number of leaves in successively formed whorls, but the increment in leaf -number diminishes with each successive whorl. So much is clear, but we are only thrown back to the discovery of the law according to which the increment diminishes. So far as I can see, any kind of biological rea- soning is powerless to help us further. Observation shows that there is some sort of a functional relation between number of leaves in the whorl and position, just as observation indicates to the physicist that there is a functional relation between two things. But to determine the nature of the functional relation, or in other words, to find out the law which the phenomena follow, we are compelled, so far as I can see, to resort to mathematical treatment of the data. The physicist has done this, of course, for a very long time. If this is a logical, scientific method in physics (and I presume no biologist has any doubt that it is) , why is it not equally logical and scientific when a precisely similar problem is presented by biological phenomena? To formulate the law of growth according to which the change in mean leaf -number in the successively formed whorls of a Ceratophyllum plant occurs we must turn to mathematics, as biological reasoning will not help us further. I have dwelt at some length on this point in order to show that in one particular class of biological problems at least we are compelled to call mathematics to our aid, or else to be content to stop considerably short of a goal within easy reach. The idea seems to prevail among many biologists that the application of higher math- ematical methods to biology is altogether idle and futile. It seems possible that something may be done towards removing this unfortunate prejudice if clear and definite statements telling just why it is neces- sary to resort to mathematics if we are to advance on particular prob- lems, are more frequently made in biometrical writings. The mathematical problem before us is this: If we let y indicate the mean number of leaves per whorl and x the position of the whorl on a primary branch, then direct observation shows us that y={x). POSITION REGRESSION— PRIMARY BRANCHES, 65 We have to determine the form of the function ^. It is obvious that the proper way to set about this is to find out what curve best graduates the observed data, and the equation to this curve will be the expression of the law of growth v/hich we are seeking. While the problem is thus theoretically a simple one, practically it is an extremely difficult one, because if the data give no clue at the start as to what the nature of <^ (x) is, which unfortunately is usually the case, we have to resort to a very laborious process of trial and error. Different curves must be fitted one after another to the data until the right one is found. It is the usual custom among physicists to assume a parabola and get the best fit possible by increasing the number of constants. This method is not, however, a theoretically justifiable one, because, as Pearson (:02, p. 19) has pointed out: There are often considerations, lying outside the actual data, which suffice to indi- cate that trigonometrical, exponential, or other types of curves will give better results than parabolas. A parabola which passes even through all the observations may indeed be a most undesirable representation of the facts, for it has twisted and curled to account for error as well as to give the general sweep of the observations. The figures in table 34 and the diagrams in fig. 11 show clearly that the nature of the regression curve is the same for all the series, and that further, the absolute values for Series I, II, and III are, within the limits of error from random sampling, identical. Hence on account of the very laborious character of the arithmetic involved, these three series (I, II, and III) were combined, and in what follows this combined mate- rial will serve as a basis. By this proceeding a considerable gain in smoothness of the figures to work from was made, without any loss of accuracy. The means for the combined series are given in the fifth column of table 34. Having at the outstart no idea of the nature of (x) , it was decided as a beginning to fit a series of parabolas to these data. That is to say, in the expression it was assumed that cc r) in C > ' to rJ "* V- •t> \ . 01 ^ > CD V. w SI 5 i'l = 'i ;3 5 u Ul ;l\ 3 ; 11/ o _ -+1 en s -1 ■A ■ s w < i (1 Cd i S ^ 'it. K i'r b> IV f :y (2 1^ 1 I 1 '\ 1 N U1 1 1 0. / - N ^ S / s y g 1 Fig. 11 6i.s.— Regression line and fitted parabolas, showing change of mean leaf-number with po- sition. Primary branches, Series I, II, and III combined. Observations, » ; third order parabola, — — — — — — ; fifth-order parabola, ^..>...».^.«^ ; sixth-order parabola,— •^.^•—•. 68 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. for the law of growth here will be such a one that it will give reasonable results for extrapolation at the upper end of the range. That is to say, the same curve which gives a good graduation for the first 29 whorls, ought, if it is to have any biological validity, to give a reasonable result when extended to the 30th and further whorls. It is clear that none of these parabolas is at all satisfactory in this respect. The gen- eral failure of parabolas to give good extrapolation results, though they may be entirely satisfactory for interpolation, has been recently empha- sized by Miss Perrin ( :04) . The results obtained in the present case form an excellent confirmation of her general position. On the whole these results show very clearly that to put <^ (x) = Co + c^x + CiX^ + CsO;^ .... cX is inadequate in the present case. The form of the function which expresses the true relation between size of whorl and its position is something different from this. As has been mentioned above, inspection of the regression lines shows that while the mean number of leaves per whorl increases the farther out we go on the branch, yet at the same time the increment at each successive whorl diminishes. This at once suggests another hypothesis regarding the function. If we let dy denote a small change in mean leaf -number and dx a small change in position, we may assume that ^=1 .const. or in other words that the rate of increase in mean leaf -number varies inversely as the position on the axis. This leads at once to a logarithmic curve, which may be put in the following form. 2/ = A + C log a?, where A and C are constants to be determined from the data, and, as before, y and x measure respectively leaf-number per whorl and posi- tion. In order to test the worth of our assumption it was decided to try fitting a curve of this type. The same data as before were used. Before beginning the actual calculation of the constants 'for the fitting, however, a graphical ''first smooth" of the observations given in column 5 of table 34 was made on a large scale and the smoothed ordinates read off. The values so obtained furnished the raw material for the actual fitting. As before, all the ordinates were given equal weight. Since we may obviously take the origin of y (i. e. , of the ordinates) anywhere we please, it was for practical reasons taken at 7 leaves. So that in the actual work each POSITION REGRESSION— PRIMARY BRANCHES. 69 ordinate was expressed as a deviation (in excess or defect) from 7. The origin of x was taken at 0, i.e., at the proximal end of the branch. A curve of the type 1) = A-\r C (log X) was then fitted by the method of least squares. It gave on the whole a very good graduation; so good as to indicate clearly that one was on the right track. It signally failed, however, to give a good result at the lower end of the range. It bent altogether too gradually at the start to represent the facts. Weighting the ordinates with their observed frequencies did not help matters at all. While in this way a better fit at the start of the range was obtained, it was at the expense of getting very improbable values for whorls beyond the 10th or 12th. The results clearly showed, however, that some logarithmic curve offered the solution of the problem. It only remained to find the proper logarithmic curve. The next assumption to be tested was that the true law of growth was such that dy \ . -r~ = const. ax x—o. or, in other words, that the rate of increase in mean leaf-number varied inversely as the position measured from a fixed point (a) on the axis. This leads to a curve of the form y = A + C log (x — o). In fitting this curve a value of 0.8 for the constant « was first found by a rough method of approximation. Then putting this value of 0.8 for a into the equation, the constants A and C were found by the method of least squares. This gave a first approximation to the curve. The next step was to proceed to get a better fit by modifying all the constants by small amounts, the modifying terms being calculated by the method of least squares. The final equation determined was y = 0.9520 + 1.3608 log (x - 0.8015) Remembering that y has been measured from 7, we have for the final result Y = 7.9520 + 1.3608 log {x - 0.8015) .... I where Y denotes the actual mean number of leaves per whorl and x the position of the whorl. Calculating the ordinates of this curve corre- sponding to the successive ordinal positions of the whorls, we have the series of values given in the second column of table 35, against which are put for comparison the actually observed values. 70 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. The graduation is clearly a remarkably good one. A mean error of 0.0004 between observation and theory, when we are dealing with 30 ordinates is clearly as low as we could expect to get, considering the probable errors to which the individual observations are subject. There can be no doubt that we have found the mathematical expression of the law according to which growth in the character under consideration takes place. Tab-le 35.— Comparison of observed and calculated mean leaf-number for successive whorls of primary branches. Series I, II, and III combined. Logarithmic curve. Position of whorl. Oljserved mean leaf- number. Calculated mean leaf- number. Ditter- ence. Pcsition of whorl. Observed mean leaf- uumber. Calculated mean leaf- number. Differ- ence. 1 7.029 7.004 +0.025 16 9.529 9.560 — .031 2 7.970 8.059 - .089 17 9.533 9.600 — .067 3 8.461 8.418 + .043 18 9.143 9.633 — 490 4 8.559 8.639 - .080 19 9.600 9.667 — .067 5 8.741 8.800 - .059 20 9.333 9.698 — .365 6 8.966 8.926 + .040 21 10.000 9.728 + .272 7 9.024 9.030 — .006 22 9.571 9.757 — .186 8 9.176 9.119 + .057 23 10.000 9.784 + .216 9 9.200 9.195 + .005 24 10.167 9.810 + .357 10 9.241 9.264 — .023 25 10.000 9.835 + .165 11 9.425 9.324 + .101 26 9.667 9.859 — .192 12 9.429 9.380 + .049 27 9.500 9.882 — .382 13 9.481 9.430 + .051 28 10.000 9.904 + .096 14'; 9.667 9.477 + .190 29 10.000 9.926 + .074 15: 9.773 9.520 + .253 30 10.000 9.946 + + .054 .011 Sum of d Average deviation p er observa -t- .00037 The curve and the observations are shown in plate i. This result I believe to be of very considerable interest and signifi- cance from several points of view. In the first place, it gives us a pre- cise and unique formulation of a fundamental law of growth and differ- entiation in Ceratophyllum. We now know the nature of the change in successively formed whorls on the growing branch. Before proceeding to state this law in words it should be remembered that the differential coefficient of our equation is dy _ 1 dx X — where the constant is, of course, C const. log,, 10 Or the law of change in successively formed whorls on primary branches in Ceratophyllum may be stated in the following way: The mean num- POSITION REGRESSION— PRIMARY BRANCHES. 71 ber of leaves per whorl increases with each successive whorl, and in such a luay that not only does the absolute increment diminish, but also the rate of increase diminishes, as the ordinal number of the whorl meas- ured from a fixed point increases. Or, put more briefly, the rate of increase in leaf-number at any given point as we go out on the branch varies inversely as the number of whorls which separate the given point from a fixed point, the a. of our equation. As a consequence of the fact that the rate of increase in leaf-number constantly diminishes as we go out on the branch, it is evident that the actual number of leaves per whorl observed on any branch becomes practically almost constant after the first 10 to 15 whorls. Even though there be a tendency to increase, the rate is so slow that in discrete variates such as we have here it would only be detected w^ith very large numbers, while with ordinary numbers likely to be met in practice it would appear that there was a constant number of leaves. To show how slow the rate of change is we may determine at what position on primary branches the mean number of leaves would be 11, that is, one more than what we find as the highest mean number on the plants here dealt with. Put in another way, we may determine how many whorls would have to be successively formed in accordance with the law of growth which holds up to the 30th whorl before the mean number of leaves per whorl would become 11. To do this we have merely to substitute 11 for Yin our equation and solve for x. Doing this we have log {x - 0. 8015) = ^-^5^5 = 2 . 23977 whence a; =177.5 or in round numbers, the mean number of leaves per whorl will not become 11 until the 177th or 178th whorl is reached! But the facts pre- sented in the last section show that there is comparatively little diver- gence in the number of whorls to the branch (i.e., the length of the branch) in plants collected from different localities, provided they are taken at roughly the same period of the growing season. All show about the same number of whorls to the branch, and this number is very far short of anything like 100, even. There is no evidence whatever from our material that Ceratophyllum in a state of nature ever attains to such size as to have 175 whorls, or anything approaching that number, on primary branches. Our material includes several large plants, so that it can not be maintained that we are dealing with smaller-sized individuals than usually occur. In particular, plant 2 of Series IV was one of the largest Ceratophyllum plants I have ever seen. Yet, as 72 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. has been seen in all our material, 30 whorls is the maximum for primary- branch length. We must conclude, then, I think, that under natural conditions the mean leaf-number per whorl becomes practically constant after the formation of from 15 to 20 whorls. This number is 10. To reach a mean leaf-number of 11 the branches must have more than 175 whorls, while to raise the mean to 12 would require the occurrence of primary branches with more than 900 whorls each! Such an occur- rence is of course far out of the bounds of reasonable expectation. Table 36. — Observed and calculated mean leaf-number in successive whorls on primary branches. Series IV. Position of wborl. Observed mean leaf- number. Calculated mean leaf- number. Differ- 1 ence. Position of whorl. Observed mean leaf- number. Calculated mean leaf- number. Differ- ence. 1 7.441 8.453 8.716 8.988 9.130 9.211 9.313 9.491 9.550 7.304 8.359 8.718 8.939 9.100 9.226 9.330 9.419 9.495 -f 0.137 + .094 — .002 + .048 + .030 — .015 — .017 + .072 + .055 10 11 9.424 9.360 9.875 9.714 9.750 9.900 9.564 9.624 9.680 9.730 9.777 9.820 -0.140 - .264 + .195 - .016 - .027 + .080 2 3 12 4 13 5 14 6 15 7 8 Sum of d( Average vation + .230 + .015 9 deviation per obser- Another matter which demands consideration is this: We have reached our generalized law of growth from a study of plants collected at one place, namely. Carp Lake. Do plants from other localities follow the same law of growth? I think it is evident on general grounds that this is altogether likely to be the case, and table 34 and fig. 11 show very clearly that it is so. The law of the change in mean leaf-number with successive whorl formation must be the same to lead to such par- allel results as we find on comparing any two series, as for example. Series I with Series IV or Series VI, etc. I propose to show in another way, however, that the law of growth which we have deduced is general for Ceratophyllum. A glance at fig. 11 indicates that the most marked difference between Series IV and Series I, II, or III in respect to the regression of leaf-number on position is that for corresponding positions the mean leaf -number is in general higher in Series IV than in the other three series. Now, suppose that without in the slightest changing the shape of our growth-curve, we simply change its position by moving it up on the y axis only 0.3 leaf. This will of course be done by simply increasing the value of the constant A by that amount. The result is shown in table 36 and graphically in fig. 12. The first column in the table and the zigzag line give the actually observed values for the mean POSITION REGRESSION— PRIMARY BRANCHES. 73 leaf-number in the first 15 whorls on primary branches in Series IV, as given in table 36. The data are not carried farther than the 15th whorl, because from that point the material is too meager to yield very reliable means. This will be evident by examining table 30. The contin- uous curve is the graph of r = 8.2520 + 1.3608 log {x — 0.8015) the ordinates of which are given in the second column of the table. That is, it is our first growth curve, changed only by a uniform addition of 0.3 leaf in the absolute size of every whorl. 10.2 9.8 9.4- 9.0 u E 8.6 D C ro 8.2 7.8 7.4 7.0 } '--^. - ^ ^^ """^ .--■ / __ _^ii >^ '* ^ i^ r y ^ 'i' jl /• jl 1 1 ll 7 8 9 10 Position of whorl 12 14 15 Fig. 12.— Regression of leaf-number on position and the fitted curve for Series IV. The ordinates give mean leaf-number and the abscissas position. ^^— — observation; theory. It will be seen that the agreement between the actual observations and the values predicted by the growth curve is extraordinarily close. Of course there is some irregularity in the observations after the 10th whorl, but this is only to be expected when we remember that the means here are based upon comparatively few observations. Even at the worst the maximum deviation of observation from prediction is only a little over 0.2 leaf, while the average deviation is only 0.01 leaf. This result seems to me to be of considerable importance, because, in the determination of the shape of the growth curve the observatioroS which we see it here expressing so very closely were in no wise taken into account. 74 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. Table 37. — Correlation between leaf-number and position of secondary-branch whorls. SERIES I. Number of leaves per whorl. Position of whorl on branch. Total. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 6 17 20 10 47 2 4 15 7 28 2 1 7 11 1 22 1 1 2 11 1 16 "5 5 1 11 "i 1 3 1 6 "i 1 1 3 "i 2 3 "i 1 2 "i '"i 2 "i 1 "i 1 "1 1 1 22 27 43 42 9 7 8 9 10 Total 143 SERIES 11. 5 2 30 18 8 2 2 12 24 13 1 3 14 17 6 5 19 3 3 12 4 1 8 4 3 1 2 2 "2 "i i "i "i 2 32 33 56 79 28 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total 61 52 40 27 19 13 9 5 2 1 1 1 1 231 6 24 8 8 8 15 6 1 3 13 4 1 4 11 3 "i i'o 3 1 7 3 1 6 3 "4 4 2 1 4 "2 2 "i "i 24 19 34 60 28 7 8 9 10 Total 40 29 21 19 14 11 10 8 7 4 1 1 165 SERIES IV. 6 7 61 34 5 2 21 43 31 1 4 37 33 8 7 20 41 5 3 18 28 8 1 8 20 10 1 1 4 20 10 6 10 10 2 11 10 2 2 14 "2 12 1 "i 11 1 1 9 "i 7 "5 "i 3 "2 1 9 98 178 205 125 2 7 8 9 10 11 Total 107 98 82 73 57 40 35 26 23 18 15 12 11 8 5 4 2 1 617 SERIES I, II, AND III COMBINED. 5 71 4€ 2€ r » 4 . 24 . 54 ! 2e I t 5 \ I . 24 > 41 11 1 2 11 41 7 1 27 1 S IS "2 13 7 2 g 6 2 2 7 1 2 3 1 3 "i 2 "2 2 78 79 133 181 65 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total 147 lOS 83 62 44 30 22 16 11 7 3 3 2 539 POSITION REGRESSION— SECONDARY BRANCHES. 75 That is to say, we find that a mathematical function deduced solely from data given by Ceratophyllum plants collected at Carp Lake expresses perfectly the method of growth of Ceratophyllum plants collected at Ann Arbor. This seems to me to amount to a demonstration that our growth curve is an expression of a real and fundamental morphogenetic law in Ceratophyllum and not a mere chance result, or due to any skillful figure juggling. By changing the position of the curve slightly in the opposite direc- tion we obtain a very fair graduation of the regression in Series V, though on account of the fact that Series V and VI include spring plants in which we have the results of a part of two seasons' growth, as has been pointed out above (p. 15), the fit in these cases is not so good as in the other series. The result shown in fig. 12 enables us to reach a further interesting conclusion. We see, namely, that in our fundamental growth equation Y= A + Clog {x — a) it is the constant A which is affected by environmental differences. That is, the absolute size of the elements of the developing system given by a Ceratophyllum branch is modified by environmental differences, but the law which describes the proportionate differentiation of the elements is independent of the environmental history of the plant. Thus we are able by statistical analysis to separate clearly and definitely the effects of external environmental factors and internal form-determining factors in this case. The constant A takes different values in populations living in different environments, while the portion Clog {x — «) remains unaltered, or is only very slightly altered, and we may therefore look upon A as the "environmental constant." Table 38.— Correlation between leaf-number and position of secondary -branch whorls. Series. XL. III. IV I, II, and III combined. 0.601 ±0.036 .688± .023 .692± .027 .650± .016 .671± .016 0.712±0.028* .801± .016 .816± .018 .727± .013 .784d= .011 Table. 37 37 37 37 37 »As before, the probable error of the correlation ratio V is calculated from the short formula. So far we have been dealing with primary-branch whorls in the discussion of the regression of leaf-number on position. It remains to determine in how far the same relations which we have found for primary branches hold for other divisions of the plant. We may turn first to the consideration of whorls on secondary branches. 76 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. The correlation tables showing the relation between number of leaves in the whorl and position on the branch for this division of the plant are given in table 37. The correlation coefficients (r) and correlation ratios (v) deduced from the preceding table are given in table 38. From this table the following points are to be noted: (a) As in the case of the primary branches there is a high correlation between the number of leaves in the whorl and position on the branch. Comparing the values of the correlation constants for secondary branches with those for primary branches given in table 33 above, we see that Table 39. — Mean number of leaves in successive whorls on secondary branches. Position of whorl. Mean number of leaves. Series I. Series II. Series III. Series IV. Series I, II, and III combined. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 6.851 7.964 8.364 8.625 8.636 8.667 9.000 8.667 9.500 9.000 10.000 9.000 10.000 6.633 7.981 8.650 8.926 9.053 9.231 9.333 9.200 10.000 11.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 6.600 7.931 8.842 8.071 9.182 9.200 9.200 9.500 9.286 9.500 10.000 10.000 7.346 8.082 8.549 8.603 8.719 9.050 9.114 9.154 9.348 9.667 9.800 9.917 9.727 9.875 10.000 9.750 10.000 8.000 6.694 7.963 8.651 8.823 8.954 9.100 9.227 9.250 9.455 9.571 10.000 9.667 10.000 they are without exception higher in the case of the secondaries. The reason for this is found in part in the fact that the secondaries are shorter than the primary branches. Consequently they do not have at the distal ends of the long branches the long string of whorls with, as has been shown above (p. 62) , a very nearly constant number of leaves. These distal whorls, from about 15 on, operate in the case of the primaries to lower the correlations. To get a fair test of the relative degree of the positional correlations in the two orders of branches we must compare branches of roughly the same length. From table 37 we see that the secondary branches of Series I, II, and III run up to 13 whorls, while in Series IV they go to 18 whorls. If, now, we calculate the coeffi- cient of correlation between leaf -number and position, for the first 13 POSITION REGRESSION— SECONDARY BRANCHES. 77 Mean leaf number ^1 OD 00 00 b > to whorls on primary branches in Series I, II, and III combined, we find a value r = 0.555. In the case of Series IV, since the primary- branches (cf. table 30) only extend to 24 whorls, and the total frequency beyond the 18th whorl is only 13, it is obvious that for all practical purposes the con- stants given in table ^ 33 for the primary- ^. branch correlation©' are directly compar- o able with those for the secondaries giv- en in table 38. Com- — paring the primary- branch values with the corresponding ones for secondary branches in table 38 it is clear that apart from the reduction of the correlation caused by the great length of primary branches there is still a higher corre- lation between leaf- number and ordinal position of the whorl in secondary branch- . . ^, .... Fig. 13.— Regression of leaf-number on position in secondary-brancn eStnan m primaries. whorls. series I, II, and in combined, o-. ; Series IV, The significance of • • |5 o 78 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. this fact will be pointed out later, when certain other results are in hand. (6) There is the same uniformity in the correlations for the different series as was observed in the case of the primary branches. (c) It is obvious from the values of r and v that the regressions are not linear. The precise character of the regression of the leaf-number on posi- tion is given in table 39. In this we have for each of the first four series and the combined Series I, II, and III, the mean number of leaves for each position on the branch. It is at once apparent that the secondaries start with a smaller mean number of leaves to the whorl than do primaries, but that the increase in the first few whorls from the origin is more rapid than in primary branches. Unfortunately in the case of secondary branches the number of observations on which the means are based gets small very quickly, so that the results begin to be irregular even before we reach the 10th whorl. The figures in the table show these points, but they are brought out more clearly in the diagrams in fig. 13, which show graphically the regression lines for Series I, II, III, and IV. Table 40. — Comparison of observed and calculated mean leaf-num,ber for successive whorls of secondary branches. Series I, II, and III combined. Po.sltioa of whorl. Observed mean leaf- number. Calculated mean leaf- number. Difference. Position of whorl. Observed mean leaf- number. Calculated mean leaf- number. Difference. 1 6.694 7.963 8.641 8.823 8.954 9.100 9.227 9.250 6.630 8.013 8.485 8.778 8.991 9.158 9.295 9. 412 +0.064 — .050 + .166 + .045 — .037 — .058 — .068 i — .162 9 9.455 9.571 10.000 9.667 10.000 9.513 9.604 9.685 9.758 9.825 —0.058 - .033 + .315 — .091 + .175 2 10 11 12 13 3 4 5 R 7 Sum of deviations i + .208 Average deviation oer obser-! 8 vation.. + .016 From these diagrams we see that the general features of the regres- sion are essentially the same in secondary as in primary branches. There is clearly a functional relation of very much the same sort between the number of leaves to the whorl and the order of formation of the whorl. To determine the nature of this functional relation, we may in the light of our experience with primary branches assume at once that it is of the form y = A -\r Clog {x — o.) and proceed to fit a curve of this type to the data by the method followed in the former case. This was done, using as material the combined POSITION REGRESSION— SECONDARY BRANCHES. 79 Series I, II, and III, as before. In this case, however, the origin of y was taken at 6. 6 instead of at 7, as in the other case. The reason why this was done will be obvious to the mathematical reader. The curve obtained was y = 1.2662 + 1.8024 log {x - 0.7939) whence, taking the origin of ?/ at 0 we have finally Y = 7.8662 + 1.8024 log {x — 0.7939) II where Y indicates mean number of leaves to the whorl and x indicates ordinal position on the branch. The observed and calculated ordinates are given in table 40. The actual observations and the fitted curve are shown in fig. 14. Considering the paucity of observations at the upper end of the range, abetter graduation could not reasonably be expected. We conclude, then, that the same type of curve expresses the regression in secondary branches as in primaries. Or, in other words, the differen- tiation of successively formed whorls follows the same general law in both primary and secondary branches. 9.6 9.2 E >♦- « 8.0 C a V 7.6 7.2 6.8 I 2 3 •* 5 6 7 8 9 "0 II 12 13 Position of whorl Fig. 14.— RogresHion of leaf-numbor on position In secondary branches, Kerios I, II, and III combined. ObHervationn, • '— ; lltted curve, Having seen that the growth curve is fundamentally the same for the two orders of branches, we may next examine the differences in the two cases, and see what they signify. We may first notice how the increment in mean leaf-number per unit advance in position compares in the case of secondaries with what it is in primaries, for corresponding ■'■ A — -N /' --:3 ^^■' ^"It f^ / y / // f // // y 80 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. whorls in the two cases. The value of the constant C in the case of the secondaries (=1.8024) shows us at once that the increment in Yper unit change in x will be greater in the secondary-branch whorls than in the primary. That this in fact is the case is obvious enough to the eye if we compare fig. 14, with plate I. The upward slope of the secondary curve is much more rapid than is that of the primary curve. The fact may be shown in another way. The successive increments in mean leaf- number for the first 10 whorls of primary and secondary branches are given in table 41. Table 41. — Increment in leaf-number in successive whorls. Increment in mean leaf-number between- On primary branches. On secondary branches. 1.055 .359 .221 .161 .126 .104 .089 .076 .069 1.383 .472 .293 .213 .167 .137 .117 .101 .091 Second and third whorls Third and fmirth whorls Fourth and fifth whorls Fifth and sixth whorls Sixth and seventh whorls Seventh and eighth whorls Eighth and ninth whorls Ninth and tenth whorls It is evident that the increments are larger on the secondary branches. The nature of the change in the increment is very clearly shown if we plot the data from table 41 to the same scale for the two orders of branches. This has been done with the result shown in fig. 15. We see that though the secondary branches start lower, they attain any designated mean leaf- number in a smaller number of whorls. Thus while in the case of the primary branches a mean leaf-number per whorl of 11 would only be reached after the formation of 175 successive whorls, the secondaries would reach this mean after the formation of only 56 whorls in round numbers (55.58 exactly). That is to say, if we may speak in terms of analogy, the morphogenetic mechanism attains its results more rapidly in the case of the secondary branches. This is an expression of the fact noted above (p. 77) that the positional corre- lation is higher in secondary than in primary branches. The law of growth in the plant is, as we have seen, that the mean leaf- number per whorl increases with successive whorl formation, the rate of increase at any point varying inversely as the number of whorls which have been formed up to that point. Clearly the production of a maximum mean leaf-number may be regarded as the "end" towards which the morphogenetic process here tends. But the secondaries attain this "end" more quickly than do the primaries; that is, with the formation of fewer successive whorls. If, merely as an analogy, we ^ ^ .^ ^ ________ ^ V y- X / ^ ^ — " \ / ^ ^ / ^ ^ / // // f position of whor! 1 line and fitted logarithmic curve, showing the change in Series I, II, and III combined. The ordinates give r whorl formation in primary branches, pbsitioii on the axis. POSITION REGRESSION— SECONDARY BRANCHES. 81 may compare the developing branches of a Ceratophyllum plant with a machine, of which the whoi-ls are the product, we may say that the machine works more smoothly the longer it runs. The fact that the increments in mean leaf -number with successive whorl formation are greater in the case of secondary branches is shown in the growth equation by the higher value of the constant C. This indicates that C may be regarded as the constant which expresses the action of the internal formative factors, in contradistinction to A, which, as we have seen above (p. 75) in the case of primary branches, expresses the effect of external environmental conditions. We should expect C, then, to remain practically constant for the same division of the plant C 0.8 E u fV^ and Ftfiih vjhor] f^f^tVi nnr] Pt^th whorl fif^th nnri 7.^th whorl I'^fh and 85th whorl The change in mean leaf -number with advance in position is shown in table 46, giving the means of the arrays of table 45. From this table the following points are to be especially noted: (a) The tertiary branches start at the first whorl with a lower mean number of leaves than do either primaries or secondaries. Table 45. — Correlation between leaf-number and position in whorls on tertiary branches. Series I, II, and III combined. Leaves per whorl. Position of whorl. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total. 6 12 8 2 3 8 4 "i "i 2 "i 1 "i 3 2 12 12 10 13 8 7 8 9 10 Total 22 15 7 5 4 2 55 (6) The rate of increase in mean leaf -number with successive whorl formation, so far as we can judge from our present material, is much more rapid in the case of the tertiaries than in the other branches. That is, if we regard the production of a high mean leaf-number as the "end" towards which the growth processes are tending, this "end" is POSITION REGRESSION— TERTIARY BRANCHES. 87 apparently attained with the production of fewer whorls in the case of tertiaries than in either of the lower-order branches. Table 46. — Regression of leaf-number on position in tertiary-branch whorls. Position of whorl. Mean number of leaves. Position of whorl. Mean number of leaves. 1 2 3 6.545 8.067 9.000 4 5 6 9.200 9.750 10.000 We have now to consider the question as to whether the differ- entiation of successive whorls which exists here is in accord with the same general type of growth curve which has been demonstrated for the other branches. We can of course say a priori that it is altogether likely that this is the case, but it is desirable to see just what result we get from the actual data, even though they are small in point of numbers. The data are too few to make it worth while to attempt to fit a special curve for them, nor is it necessary to do this to bring out the point. What we wish to find is whether in the case of the tertiaries the rate of increase in mean leaf-number diminishes as the number of whorls formed increases. It is clear that one simple test of this would be to determine whether the ratio between the increments in leaf- number in successively formed whorls diminishes. If it does, then clearly the rate of increase is diminishing. Taking the first four whorls, we have the following absolute increments in mean leaf -number: Between first and second whorls 1.522 Between second and third whorls 933 Between third and fourth whorls 200 These yield the following ratios: 1:522 ~ ^-^^^ 0:933 = ^-214 Or we conclude that, so far as we can form any judgment from the present data, the rate of increase in mean leaf-number in tertiary-branch whorls decreases as the number of successively formed whorls increases. Or, in other words, it appears that the differentiation of the whorls on the tertiary branches follows the same law which has been shown to hold for the other axial divisions of the plant. 88 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. SUMMARY OF SECTION. We may now put together in orderly form the chief results which have been gained in this section of the paper. It has been shown that: (a) There is a positive correlation between the number of leaves to the whorl and position of the whorl on the plant, or, since in a plant growing in the manner in which Ceratophyllum does, position on the plant is determined by the order of the formation of the organ or character under consideration, there is a correlation between the number of leaves to the whorl and the ordinal rank in the process of successive whorl formation. (6) This correlation is considerable in amount. It is lowest for the main-stem whorls, and increases steadily in the higher axial divisions of the plant (primary, secondary, and tertiary branches). (c) The regression of leaf -number on position is not linear, but log- arithmic. (d) The mean number of leaves to the whorl increases with succes- sive whorl formation according to the equation y = A -{- Clog {x — a) where y denotes the mean number of leaves per whorl, x the position of a whorl on an axial division of the plant, and^, C, and a'are constants. Stated in words, the law of differentiation with growth in Ceratophyllum is: The mean number of leaves per whorl increases with each successive whorl, and in such a way that not only does the absolute increment in each leaf-number diminish, but also the rate of increase diminishes as the ordinal number\ofthe whorl, measured from a fixed point, increases. This may be, for convenience, designated as i\\e first law of growth in Ceratophyllum. It means, broadly speaking, that the form of any particular whorl of a Ceratophyllum plant is a function (in the math- ematical sense) of the number of whorls which have been produced before it on the same axis. (e) The same law of growth holds (with appropriate changes of the constants) for all axial divisions of the plant (main stem, primary, secondary, and tertiary branches) . ( f) The absolute size of the elements of the developing system given by an axial division of a Ceratophyllum plant is modified by environ- mental differences, but the proportional differentiation of the elements is in accord with the same law in plants from different environments. {g) The absolute increment in mean leaf-number between similarly situated successive whorls is least on the main-stem, and increases regularly in each of the higher axial divisions (primary, secondary, and 88 th€ grc pla Chi of wh ma of ari siv wh of I Sta is: wh eac the Thi Cei pai em. bef cor sec by me is i siti reg SUMMARY OF SECTION. 89 tertiary branches) . That is to say, a given mean number of leaves per whorl is produced with the formation of the least number of consecu- tive whorls in the case of tertiary branches; more whorls are required to attain the same result on secondaries, more still on primaries, and most of all on the main stem. Before going on to other subjects I wish to discuss certain points brought out by the results of this section which could not well be taken up till all the results for positional leaf differentiation were in hand. In the first place, we note that from the correlation tables for the characters, position, and leaf-number given in this section (tables 30-32, 37, 42, and 45) it is a simple matter to build up piece by piece the gross frequency distributions for all whorls on the plant, such as are given in an earlier section of the paper (e. g., table 1). In other words, the arrays of the correlation tables form, so to speak, the dissected elements of our earlier gross frequency distributions. It has been possible in the present case to carry out this process of dissection of variation curves with considerably greater completeness than has hitherto usually been the case. The results of this procedure will, I believe, repay careful study from several different points of view. In order to bring out more clearly the general features of the analysis of the frequency distributions, I have resorted to the'graphical method, with the result shown in plate ii. In plate li the whorls belonging to different divisions of the plant are represented in different colors, main-stem whorls being given by blue, primary-branch whorls by red, secondary-branch whorls by green, and tertiary-branch whorls by yellow. The data are for Series I, II, and III combined. The abscissas give number of leaves per whorl and the ordinates, frequencies. Instead, however, of representing merely the total height of the ordinates, the frequency of each size of leaf is proportionately divided to show where whorls are located on the plant as a whole and also on the individual axes. These proportional divisions are indicated by the horizontal lines, and the areas they include represent the frequency of whorls in the positions indicated by the Arabic numerals. In order to avoid too great complexity in the diagram the whorls have been to some extent grouped. In the case of the main stem each 10 succeeding whorls were grouped together; in the primary branches the 1st to the 10th whorls, inclusive, are given by single whorls, and from that point to the end of the branch in groups of 5; in the secondary branches the first 6 whorls are given singly, while the remainder of the whorls (7th to 13th inclusive) are in a single group; the first two tertiary-branch whorls are given singly, and the remainder (3d to 6th, inclusive) together. The smooth curves are the graphs of the equations given on pages 23 and 24. 90 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. The diagram brings out very sharply a number of points. In the first place we see that, whatever the part of the plant, first whorls con- tribute proportionately very largely towards the frequencies on the low leaf -numbers. As we go out towards the distal end of the branch or the main stem the proportionate frequency of 9 and 10 leaved whorls increases. Thus if we compare the rectangle representing 7-leaved whorls with that for 10-leaved whorls we see at once that the sub- divisions of the first decrease for each division of the plant as we go towards the top of the diagram, while the subdivisions of the latter increase. This means of course that the skewness of the distributions is changing in the manner schematically indicated in the following diagram: Small leaf-num- ber per whorl Proximal whorls, ") Positive ) ■ j skewness. C Leading through var- ious inter- mediate stages, Including symmetry, to extreme. Positive r High leaf- „i,«^v,^.,o ■^ number per skewness. I ^j^^^l_ Tistal whorls. A and C would represent the extreme conditions of proximal and distal whorls, while B would represent one of a whole series of inter- mediate stages passed through as we go from A to C. It will be under- stood that this diagram is purely schematic, but fairly represents the essential facts very closely. The same stages as those indicated may indeed be seen in plate ll, or in the correlation tables (cf . supra) on which it is based, while a careful examination of the data will leave no doubt in the mind of the reader that the general trend of the frequency distributions in respect to skewness is fundamentally that indicated. We see, then, that homologous organs on the same individual plant run through the whole gamut of skewness from positive (A), through perfect symmetry* to negative (C) . The phenomenon of skew variation stands forth in this case, free of doubtful interpretation through selection or any similar factor, clearly and definitely as a phenomenon of growth. In *Cf . for example the distribution for the third whorl on primary branches in Series I, II, and III combined. SUMMARY OF SECTION. 91 the face of facts of this kind it is difficult to understand how anyone can be so firmly convinced of the Allgemeingilltigkeit of the normal or Gaussian law, as some biologists still are [cf. for example, Ranke and Greiner ( :04) ] . Skewness in variation is a very real biological phenom- enon, which may be changed and modified, not only in degree, but in direction, by various biological factors like growth, as, for example, in the present case, or environmental influences,* etc. The general features of our first law of growth are very well brought out graphically by the diagram of plate li. Thus we see clearly that for all divisions of the plant the pro'portionate frequency of whorls with high leaf -numbers becomes greater the longer the plant grows, though at a decreasing rate. This of course results in the increase in mean leaf- number which has been discussed in this section of the paper. It is also of some interest to see graphically the proportion of whorls which the different axial regions contribute to the plant as a whole. Primary branches manifestly outweigh any other part of the plant. With a knowledge of the law of positional differentiation of whorls we are able to interpret many of the facts regarding variation in Cera- tophyllum which were before obscure. These interpretations will be so obvious to anyone who has followed the results so far set forth that it is not worth while to go over all of them in detail. A few cases only need be cited as illustrations. Thus, on page 18 it was seen, when the gross frequency distributions for Series I, II, and III were com- pared, that "Series I has the lowest frequency of whorls with 10 leaves, Series II has about 3 per cent more 10-leaved whorls, while Series III has 4 per cent more of such whorls than does Series I." The explanation of this progressive difference is now clear. A reference to page 13 will recall the fact that the dates of collection for Series I, II, and III were respectively July 22, August 18, and August 25. The proportionate frequency of 10-leaved whorls varies directly as the date of collection, which is exactly what would be expected from our law of growth, since as growth goes on there is an ever-increasing tendency towards the addition of whorls with 10 or a higher number of leaves. It has appeared at various points throughout the paper that the gross frequency distributions for. Series V and VI were different in their characteristics, both from all the other series considered and from each other. Yet, as has been seen in this section and will be more fully brought out later, these Series V and VI plants follow the same laws of growth differentiation as do the others. The explanation of their apparent abnormality is to be found principally in the fact that in the *E. g., see Pearl (:06). 92 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. main they were plants which had wintered over without breaking up (cf . p. 15, supra). When this happens and vigorous growth begins again in the spring, we should expect to find the plants bearing branches* of high average length and having an unusually large proportion of all their whorls borne on primary branches. Reference to tables 25 and 26 shows exactly this to have been the case in Series VI. But on long branches according to our law of growth there will be a great preponder- ance of 10-leaved whorls. Hence we see the reason for the result previously obtained, viz, ' 'The polygon for Series VI is not quite smooth and regular, yet differs from all the others in having as the most frequent class 10-leaved whorls. ' ' Series V differed from all the other series in its gross frequency distributions in showing an unusually high proportionate number of 7-leaved whorls. This arises from the fact that the two large plants in this series (1 and 7) , when the spring growth began, threw out an unusually large number of new lateral branches (second- aries, tertiaries, and quaternaries). At the time the collections were made these branches had not attained any considerable length. Hence we have a preponderance of short branches in this series, and, as indi- cated by the law of growth, we should in consequence expect a consid- erable increase in the relative frequency of whorls with low leaf-number, which is just what we find. It hardly requires discussion to make it evident that the facts embodied in our law of growth explain how the characteristic values and differ- ences in the variation constants for different regions of the plant, as set forth in an earlier section, arise. It was found that the older the portion of the plant the higher was the mean number of whorls. But the reason for this is now clear, since the older portions will have grown longer than the younger and produced more whorls with high leaf-numbers. It will be seen later that the differences in variation in different portions of the plant are to be accounted for similarly. We may turn now to another point which arises in connection with positional differentiation. *So far as I am able to judge from the present material there is apparently nothing in Ceratophyllum when it grows in this way as a perennial corresponding to the "localized stages" discussed by Jackson ('99), Cushman (:02, :03, and :04), Shull ( :05), etc. The new growth in the spring appears to go on in precisely the same manner as it would have if there had been no interruption. This is, of course, what would be expected in a plant like Ceratophyllum. My material at present is not sufficiently great to enable me to make a positive statement that no change whatever in the growth curve takes place at points where new growth of this kind begins. So far, though, I have seen no certain indication of such a change. CORRELATION BETWEEN DIFFERENTLY SITUATED WHORLS. 93 THE CORRELATION BETWEEN DIFFERENTLY SITUATED WHORLS IN RESPECT TO LEAF-NUMBER. In the preceding section we have examined the correlation existing between leaf-number and position of the whorl on the axis, and in that way determined the law according to which the size of whorls changes with different positions on the branch. We may now consider the further problem of how the absolute sizes of different whorls are cor- related together. Especially it is desirable to determine to what degree the first, whorl on a branch is correlated with whorls farther out. In this way we shall see whether a particular branch has as a whole a definite tendency or *'set" towards a relatively large (or small) absolute leaf-number for all its whorls. It will be seen that this problem is quite distinct from that considered in the last section. We are not now con- cerned with the law of change with growth, but rather with absolute sizes. All the whorls on a given branch may be relatively large or rela- tively small and still have been differentiated according to our logarithmic law. The question, then, with which this section has to do may be stated in this way: If the first whorl on a branch has more than the average number of leaves, will the succeeding whorls on the same branch also tend to have in each case more than the average number of leaves for their respective positions? In order to test this question we have to determine individually the correlation between the first and each successive whorl on the branch. On account of lack of material I have not been able to carry the correlations beyond the tenth whorl. For the same reason it is necessary to confine the discussion to primary- branch whorls. We may first examine the results from the data of Series I, II, and III combined. In table 47, page 94, is given the raw material. It may be noticed that the totals of these tables do not agree with those for the corresponding whorls in table 32, because in that table every unmutilated whorl is included, while here we have, of course, been restricted to every unmutilated pair of whorls. Naturally, a great many broken whorls pair with unmutilated ones which appear in the earlier tables, but not in these. The coefficient of correlation was determined for each of these tables in the ordinary way. The values so obtained, together with their prob- able errors, are given in table 48, page 95. There is clearly a very distinct correlation between the first and second and first and third whorls. As we go farther out on the branch the correlation steadily decreases, till finally at the ninth whorl it becomes sensibly zero. There is apparently a rise in the correlation at the eighth whorl, but this is probably a purely accidental result arising from the fact that the number of pairs is getting too small to depend 94 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. on for smooth results. The correlations are all positive, with the excep- tion of that for the ninth whorl, which is negative, but so lov/ as to be entirely insignificant in comparison with its probable error. The data from Series IV lead to essentially the same results as the Series I, II, and III material, and consequently it does not seem necessary to take the space to reproduce the figures in detail. Table 47. — Correlation between the first and each of the following nine whorls on primary branches in respect to leaf-number. Series I, II, and III combined. First whorl. A.— Second whorl. B.— Third whorl C— Fourth whorl. 5 6 7 1 17 16 5 8 18 20 14 2 9 10 Total. 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total. 7 "4 8 13 18 _9_ 14 18 10 2 10 ... "3 10 2 Total. 31 43 26 5 5 6 "i 6 2 '4 16 14 5 "2 3 1 1 46 56 36 8 "i 5 1 21 20 10 "9 16 14 4 "2 7 1 "i 1 1 38 54 33 5 7 8 9 Total.. "i 6 1 8 39 54 39 6 147 1 13 52 53 10 2 131 9 37 44 15 105 First whorl. D.— Fifth whorl. E.— Sixth whorl. j F.— Seventh whorl. 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total. 8 9 10 11 Total. 6 "i 7 8 "4 6 2 9 16 12 5 2 10 "4 8 7 1 11 Total. 5 6 7 "i 1 1 1 ii 11 2 16 19 12 2 "2 5 i 1 30 37 21 3 "4 9 13 1 17 15 10 1 "i 8 6 2 "i 1 23 ^9. "1 "i 26 26 15 3 8 6 ! Tfi 9 Total. 1 ... 3 2 2 24 49 14 1 92 44 17 1 75 1 12 29 20 2 64 First whorl. G.— Eighth whorl. H.— Ninth whorl. I.— Tenth whorl. 7 1 2 8 ~3 2 1 9 9 5 5 10 1 13 6 3 11 Total. 7 8 9 10 11 Total. 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total. 6 "1 14 22 1 "i 3 2 4 6 6 1 5 10 6 1 ... 12 1 19 ... 12 3 "i 1 2 "i 1 1 4 7 5 6 5 5 2 ... 11 14 11 2 7 8 9 Total.. 3 6 19 23 1 52 1 5 17 22 1 46 1 16 18 38 We may safely conclude, then, that there is a distinct tendency for branches which show an excess (or defect) from the average in the number of leaves in the first whorl, to have the succeeding tvhorls greater (or less) than their respective averages. The longer the brayich grows the weaker this tendency becomes, till finally, when the ninth or tenth whorl is reached, the number of leaves which it bears is entirely independent of the number in the first tvhorl. Branches which start large maintain an excess over the average for roughly 6 to 8 whorls. So far as our data go they show the same kind of relation for the other axial divisions of the plant, viz, VARIABILITY OF SUCCESSIVELY FORMED WHORLS. 95 a positive correlation between the first few successive whorls, diminish- ing the farther out we go. The material for investigating the matter in these cases is, however, so meager that it is not worth while to discuss it in detail. Table 48.— Coefficients of correlation from table ^7. Correlation between— r. TJ'irQt nnrl cspmnfl whorl 0.456±0.044 .402± .049 1 .360± .057 .260± .066 .262± .072 .208± .077 .393± .079 — .007± .099 .002± .109 First and third whorl First and fourth whorl First and sixth whorl First and seventh whorl First and eighth whorl First and ninth whorl First and tenth whorl THE VARIABILITY OF SUCCESSIVELY FORMED WHORLS.— THE SECOND LAW OF GROWTH IN CERATOPHYLLUM. We come now to the consideration of a matter of very considerable interest and importance in connection with the general laws of morpho- genesis in Ceratophyllum. It is as to whether whorls in different positions on the plant show equal degrees of variability. We have seen that the mean leaf-number of successively formed whorls changes in a regular and orderly way. We have now the further problem: Does the variability of whorls successively formed similarly show a tendency to orderly change, and if so, what law does this change follow? In discussing the subject we may adopt the notation and methods used by Pearson (:05) in his memoir on "Skew Correlation." If we let o■,^. denote the standard deviation of an a--array of a character B, and o-y the total variability of the same character, then (Pearson, loc. cit., p. 10) : "A curve in which the ratio of o-», to the standard deviation o-^ is plotted to X may be termed a scedastic curve. " Further, Pearson says (p. 22) : I must remind the reader, however, that the form of the regression line does not in any way limit the nature of the distribution of the array about its mean; the varia- bility of an array, i. e., the standard deviation of an array, having for its mean value ay^i — yj^^ may or may not be the same for all arrays. If it is the same, or all arrays are equally scattered about their means, I shall speak of the system as a homoscedastic system, otherwise it is a heteroscedastic system. For every array of the correlation tables for position and leaf -number given above (pp. 59 and 60) I have calculated the ratio -i^, with the re- 96 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. suits set forth in tables 49 and 50. Lest there should be any misunder- standing as to just what these figures mean, it may be said that each value gives the ratio which the variability of whorls in a designated position on the branch in respect to leaf-number is to the variability of all whorls taken together. We may consider first the primary branches. Table 49. — Variability of successively formed primary-branch whorls. Before discussing these results we may examine those for the second- ary branches, which are given in table 50. Even the most superficial examination of the values given in these tables shows us at once that the whorls in different positions on the axis do not form a homoscedastic system. The variability is not the same in whorls occupying different positions. We have now to consider the further question of whether the change in variability as we consider whorls in different positions is entirely irregular, or whether, on the contrary, it follows some definite law, as we have seen to be the case VARIABILITY OF SUCCESSIVELY FORMED WHORLS. 97 with the means. The matter is one of such considerable importance that it will be considered in some detail. Table 50. — Variability of successively formed secondary-branch whorls. Position of whorl. Variability in leaf-number, measured by ratic . '^J'^y Series I. Series II. Series III. Series IV. Series, I, II, III, com- bined. 1 0.641 .710 .845 .800 .555 .813 .705 .406 .431 .863 0 0 0 0.684 .659 .644 .422 .473 .450 .368 .682 0 0 0.623 .538 .562 .579 .548 .447 .467 .389 .686 .389 0 0 0.647 .712 .708 .727 .739 .776 .682 .741 .610 .643 .721 .266 .594 .319 0 .417 0 0 0.655 .638 .693 .582 .536 .558 .476 .527 .623 .720 0 .376 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Confining- our attention at first to the primary branches, I think it reasonably clear that, disregarding minor fluctuations due to the relative smallness of the numbers of observations, there is a tendency for the variability of whorls in leaf-number [to decrease, the farther out on the branch we go. The minor fluctuations are, however, rather disturbing, and in order to get clear results we must resort to graphical representa- tion and graduation. In that way we can get an idea of the general trend of the variability, apart from its accidental fluctuations. In order that the diagrams might not be too extended, and that at the same time we might get a sort of "first smooth" of the observations, I have combined the whorls into pairs and taken the weighted means of the ratio -^ for a-y each pair. Thus, whorls 1 and 2 have been combined and a weighted mean taken; whorls 3 and 4 combined together, and so on for the whole length of the branch. In taking the means, each single observation was weighted with the frequency in the array from which— ^ was calcu- a-y lated. Proceeding in this way, we have for Series I, II, and III combined the series of values given in table 51. 98 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. Table 51.— Weighted mean variability of successively formed primary- branch whorls. Position. Mean of '^nJ'^y Position. Mean of '^nJ'^y Whorls 1 and 2 0.788 Whorls 17 and 18 0.768 Whorls 3 and 4 .723 Whorls 19 and 20 .618 Whorls 5 and 6 .719 Whorls 21 and 22 .418 Whorls 7 and 8 .748 Whorls 23 and 24 .266 Whorls 9 and 10 .864 Whorls 25 and 26 .376 Whorls 11 and 12 .834 Whorls 27 and 28 .415 Whorls 13 and 14 .624 Whorls 29 and 30 •0 Whorls 15 and 16 .416 Even with this sHght smoothing it is clear from the figures them- selves that the variability is tending to become smaller in the higher whorls, till we finally reach a condition of no variability at the ends of the branches, or in other words, till all the frequency falls on one type of whorl. These data are shown graphically in fig. 17. 1.0 0.9 ^ -\ ^ } ■^ 0.8 " \^^^ ^ -__ \ j \ ^ , ^ 0.7 Xi^ 0.6 ^ --^ r\ 4 N I V f ^ \ o \ r 1 0.6 ID ^ 0.5 0.4 0.3 0^ >0" 0.5 0.4 0.3 < / \ e / / \ 1 \ / / \ ■ — ~. N. / V 1 \ >1 V / 1 1 \ \ i I \ / N X H 1 1 I \ \ 1 1 1 1 1 f "^^ --^ I Z2.4-56789I0 Whorls Fig, 21.— Scedastic curve for whorls on all branches. Series VI. The equation to the straight line, where I = 3, is, 1/ = 0.7242] 1 — 0 ,1348(f) All our series agree, then, in showing that the variability in leaf- number in successively formed whorls on primary branches changes inversely as the order of formation of the whorl. The whorls first formed are the most variable, and the degree of variability steadily diminishes in the later whorls. We may next consider the question of whether the same relation holds for secondary-branch whorls. It is evident, I think, from an examination of table 50 (p. 97) that such is the case. In order, however, that there may be no doubt about it we may consider in detail the com- bined data for Series I, II, and III. The data given in the last column of table 50 are plotted in fig. 22. The irregularity in the last four obser- vations is due to small numbers in the arrays here, as will be seen by reference to table 37 (p. 74) . VARIABILITY OF SUCCESSIVELY FORMED WHORLS. 103 The equation to the straight Hne is, 2/ = 0.5054 1 1 -0.4442(^) j- where I = 6. The fit is a very reasonable one, and clearly a straight line gives a sufficiently good graduation for our present purpose, which is merely to show the general trend of the observations. Out as far as the 9th whorl the scedastic curve is quite regular. I think that there can be no doubt that the secondary-branch whorls follow the same law as those on primary branches in respect to their variability. The varia- tion in leaf-number decreases more and more as successive whorls are formed. 0.9 03 ae \i' 0.5 0.3 0.2 ^ /< > ( -— < h N y r I V >>^ k k N .^ \ \ -^ > / / / \ \ - / / 1 \ \ \ 1 1 1 \ \ \ c ^ I Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II l^ 13 Whorls Fig. 22.— Scedastic curve for secondary-branch whorls. Series I, II, and III combined. We may fairly conclude that what is true of the variability of primary and secondary branch whorls will also be true of whorls on other branch divisions of the plant (tertiaries, etc. ) . On account of the relatively small number of tertiary-branch whorls it is not possible to test the matter directly there. Our results in the previous section of the paper with reference to the mean number of leaves in successive whorls in different divisions of the plant makes it very probable that a similar uniformity prevails with reference to variability. Fortunately, we can test the matter directly for main-stem whorls. In table 42 (p. 83) are given, for the combined plants of Series I, II, 104 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. and III, the frequency of the various leaf-numbers for successive whorls, proceeding by groups of 10 whorls. Calculating the standard deviation {(Tn.) for each array of this table, and dividing it in each case by the standard deviation M of all main-stem whorls, we have the results shown in table 52. Table 52.— Variability of successive main-stem whorls. Position. Variability. Position. Variability. Whorls 1 to 10 Whorls 11 to 20 Whorls 21 to 30 Whorls 31 to 40 Whorls 41 to 50 1.041 1.190 1.110 .892 .843 Whorls 51 to 60 1 Whorls 61 to 70 Whorls 71 to 80 Whorls 81 to 90 0.808 .543 .426 0 The data in this table are shown graphically in fig. 23. \ 1.3 \ l.Z ^ ^j / V 1.0 ' — "t \ \ 0.9 I N \ 0.8 ^^ 0.7 ^ 1^ 0.6 o \ \ ^ V A ^ +. 0.5 to (t \ 0.'^ V 0.3 \~ \ 0.2 \ O.i .. . _ \ > ' i-10 II-EO 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 Whorl Fig. 32.— Scedastic curve for whorls on main stem. Seiles I, II, and III combined, VARIABILITY OF SUCCESSIVELY FORMED WHORLS. 105 I have fitted to the observations the following curves: Straight line y = 0.7903 1 1 - 0.6428(^) [ Parabola y = 0.7903 ] 1.1096 - 0.6428(1^) - 0.3289(^) [ where ^ — 4. There can be no doubt that the main-stem whorls show the same decrease in variability which we have observed in the other divisions of the plant. Indeed, the results for the main stem are more regular than for any other of the groups considered. This is of course due to the fact that we have a much larger range of position (1 to 80) and so get a smoothing eif ect by taking the whorls in groups of 10. In this case it is clear that the parabola gives a somewhat better graduation than does the straight line, but the gain is mainly in the representation of the first and last observations, on neither of which can much weight be laid. The difficulty with reference to the first observation is that so many of the proximal main-stem whorls were mutilated and could not be counted, thus giving disproportionate weight to the others (cf. p. 83). This would of course operate to lower the variability for that group. The last observation is based on too few whorls to be significant. So far it has been shown that when the variability of the whorls situated in a definite position on an axial division is measured by taking the ratio of the standard deviation of such whorls to the standard deviation of all whorls on the same axial division, the degree of varia- bility decreases as the distance of the whorl from the proximal end of the branch (or main stem) increases. Now, this measure of variation, consisting as it does of the ratio of two standard deviations, gives no idea of the degree of variability in proportion to the size of the thing varying. It has been shown in a preceding section that the mean leaf -number changes in a very regular and definite way in successive whorls, the direction of this change being an increase in the mean with every increase in the distance of the whorl from a fixed point on the axis. Since the means thus increase with successive whorl formation, while, as we have seen, the absolute variability decreases, clearly there must be a still more marked decrease in the relative variability in pro- portion to the size. If we take the percentage of the standard deviation to the mean (coefficient of variation) for each array corresponding to a definite posi- 106 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. tion on the axis, we shall clearly have a measure of this relative varia- bility. I have done this for all of the tables, but since it is evident, if in an expression 100 (r ^ = ir o- is decreasing while M is increasing in value, that v must also decrease, it does not seem worth while reproducing these coefficients in detail. In order to afford some idea of how the actual values run, however, there are given in table 53 the coefficients of variation for the first four whorls on primary branches in Series I, II, and III and IV, and on all branches in Series V and VI. Table 55. — Coefficients of variation for successive whorls of primary branches. Position of whorl. Coefficients of variation. Series I. Series II. Series III. Series IV. Series I, II, III com- bined. Series V, all branches. SeriesVI,all branches. 1 14.74 11.77 9.50 10.16 11.67 12.23 11.15 8.93 12.00 10.67 8.95 8.73 11.57 9.68 7.92 7.82 13.07 11.92 10.31 9.91 20.54 16.87 14.90 13.29 16.70 12.56 9.88 10.91 2 3 4 We see in all the series that while the branches start with a relatively very variable first whorl, the variability rapidly decreases in the suc- ceeding ones. The same thing is shown if we calculate the coefficients of variation for secondary-branch whorls. SUMMARY OF SECTION. In this section of the paper it has been shown that both absolutely and in proportion to the size the variability of successive whorls in respect to leaf-number diminishes as we pass from the most proximal to the most distal whorl on an axial division. This relation has been demonstrated for the three most important axial divisions (main stem, primary and secondary branches), and it can not reasonably be doubted that it also holds in the same way for the other divisions (tertiary and quaternary branches) . But from the method of growth of Ceratophyl- lum we know that succession of whorls in position on the branch denotes succession in order of formation or differentiation from the growing bud. Our result, then, means that as whorls are successively produced by a growing bud, they are formed with ever-increasing constancy to their type, the ultimate limit towards which the process is tending being absolute constancy. This may be designated as the "Second law of growth" in Ceratophyllum. SUMMARY OF SECTION. 107 The operation of this law is to be seen in other of the morphogenetic activities of the plant than those which liave been discussed in this section. In a later section data are given showing that it holds in branch production. It seems to me that a number of results obtained earlier in the paper can best be interpreted as due to the operation of this law. Thus, in examining the data on which our first law of growth was based it was found that the slope of the positional regression line was steepest for secondary-branch whorls, less steep for whorls on primaries, and had the least slope in the case of main-stem whorls. It was pointed out in the discussion that this meant that a given type was attained with the production of fewer whorls in secondary than in primary branches, etc. Similarly it appears probable that the diminution in variability with successive whorl formation goes on more rapidly the farther distad on the plant we go. That is, the same rule appears to hold between different axial divisions of the plant as holds for the organs within a given division. In other words, as we go towards the periphery of the plant the variability of repeated characters diminishes in such a manner as to give the impression that in some way there is stored up in the protoplasm, as it were, the results of previous morphogenetic experience. An axillary bud on a primary branch goes through the same series of events when it develops into a branch as does an axillary bud on the main stem. It produces whorls whose type changes accord- ing to a logarithmic law, and whose variability diminishes with successive formations. But the rate at which it attains any given result in this series is greatly accelerated over that at which affairs went on in the case of the bud on the main stem. The formative activities of each bud on the plant appear to be influenced in some very direct way by the sum total of previous morphogenetic history of the portion of the plant proximal to the bud. That the two things are objectively related is a fact clearly demonstrated by the results which have been presented in this and earlier sections of the paper. No one who will take the trouble to study carefully these results can fail to be impressed with the reality of the fact, I think. How such a relation as that of which we are speaking is to be interpreted or explained is another question to which we shall return in the concluding section of this paper. The relation of this second law of growth to our earlier results on the variation in whorls on different axial divisions of the plant is so obvious as hardly to need special mention. In connection with the first law of growth it enables us to interpret very clearly and completely the results regarding variation obtained from grouped material. Thus, for example, it was found that main-stem whorls as a class are least varia- 108 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. ble; primary-branch whorls are more variable; a maximum of variability is reached in secondary-branch whorls as a class; and in tertiary and quaternary whorls the variability tends to decline. It is obvious that the variation shown by any composite group of whorls will depend on two factors: (a) the real variability of the whorls in a given position, and (6) the mixing of whorls of differentiated types (i. e., whorls which occur at different positions) . Now, in the case of main-stem whorls as a class the effects of both a and b are at the minimum as a result respectively of the operation of our second and first growth laws. In primary-branch whorls the effect of the factor b is greater than in the main stem, but since many primary branches are very long the influence of the law of diminishing variability comes in through a to keep down the variation ex- hibited by the group as a whole. When we come to secondary-branch whorls this lowering of the variation through the presence of long branches with many whorls of low variability no longer occurs, because there are few or no long branches. Finally, the drop in the variability shown by tertiary-branch whorls as a class is clearly due to the fact that owing to the extreme shortness of these branches factor b contrib- utes very little to the sum total, but instead we have the expression practically of a alone. In following sections of the paper the operation of the law of dimin- ishing variability in other phenomena than whorl production will be dis- cussed. A discussion of its theoretical bearings and interpretation will also be undertaken later in the paper. It need only be pointed out here that it is merely a special case of a much more general biological law applying to other phenomena besides those of growth. Jennings ( :05) in a recent paper has enunciated what is essentially the same law in the field of behavior in the following terms : ' 'The resolution of one physiological state into another becomes easier and more rapid after it has taken place one or more times." BRANCHES AND LEAF-NUMBER. 109 THE RELATION OF THE PRESENCE OF BRANCHES TO THE NUMBER OF LEAVES IN THE WHORL. The lateral branches in Ceratophyllum always originate of course at nodes, and hence in each case a branch comes into very close relation with the whorl at that node. It seemed desirable to determine whether the presence of a branch at a node in any way influenced the number of leaves in the whorl belonging to that node. To this end frequency distributions were formed for each plant and series, giving the leaf- number in every whorl at which a branch originated. These distribu- tions are given in table 54. Table 54. — Frequency distributions for leaf-number in whorls at which branches originate. Series. Plant. Distri- bution number. Leaves ] 9er whorl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total. I r II. III.. IV v< VI < 1 37 38 39 40 41 "i "3 "i 1 3 1 2 5 8 16 4 13 12 13 27 8 29 13 14 25 7 "2 2 2 "i 44 33 39 73 25 2 3 4 5 All plants .. 1 42 5 6 35 73 88 6 1 214 57 58 1 8 5 27 13 65 38 88 53 14 5 203 114 2 All plants .. 1 59 1 13 40 103 141 19 317 71 4 12 47 109 113 6 291 1 92 93 "2 3 11 22 39 88 140 115 193 2 230 385 2 All plants.. 1 94 2 14 61 228 308 2 615 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 2 1 8 4 "2 2 10 1 i 2 7 12 '1 "5 3 19 1 2 6 5 7 18 26 2 7 "'5 3 8 3 84 4 10 6 11 19 38 2 3 4 5 6 7 All plants .. 1 137 2 8 8 21 21 58 51 3 172 168 169 170 171 172 173 "i 1 1 "i 4 1 "4 4 2 2 5 3 1 4 5 8 10 2 4 15 4 7 5 4 5 42 29 '1 "6 22 22 9 15 67 46 2 3 4 5 6 All plants- 174 ... 1 3 15 20 43 92 7 181 110 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. We note at once from this table that the most frequently occurring whorls at the nodes where branches originate are those having 10 leaves (with the single exception of Series V, in which the 9 and 10 leaved whorls are approximately equally frequent) . Further, it appears that generally whorls having a small number of leaves do not occur at the origin of branches, though there are individual exceptions. The constants for the largest of these distributions are given in table 55. Table 55. —Constants for variation in leaf-number in whorls at which branches originate. [Unit = 1 leaf.] Series. Plant. rjistrl- butlon number. Mean. standard deviation. Coefficient of variation. I" r II. III.. r IV^ V. VI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 1. 1. 2. 1. 7. 2. 5. 6. 37 38 39 40 41 9.614±:0.058 9.000± .129 9.282± .109 9.096± .072 8.840± .189 0.573±0.041 l.lOli .091 1.011± .077 .909± .051 1.405± .134 5.957±0.430 12.233±1.031 10.897± .842 9.994d= .563 15.895±1.554 All plants .. All plants .. 42 9.192± .046 1.007± .033 10.959± .362 57 58 9.345± 9.351± .046 .057 .962± .898± .032 .040 10.294± .348 9.605± .433 59 9.347± .036 .940± .025 10.052± .272 71 9.144± .038 .949± .026 10. 375 ± .293 92 93 9.396± 9.327± .032 .028 .725± .810± .023 .020 7.720± .244 8.687± .213 All plants .. 94 9.353± .021 .780± .015 8.343± .162 130 136 137 8.357± 8.605± .132 .127 1.790± 1.159± .093 .090 21.424±1.165 13.473±1.061 All plants.. 8.581zt .077 1.502± .055 17.499± .655 169 172 173 8.773± 9.343± , 9.696± .143 .090 .097 .997± 1.086± .975± .101 .063 .069 11.364=bl.l70 11.630± .687 10.057ifc .714 All plants .. 174 9.238± •057 1.134± .040 12.277± .442 From this table the following points are to be noted: (a) The mean number of leaves in the whorls where branches start is relatively high. If we compare the values given in this table with those for the different axial divisions of the plant presented earlier in the paper (tables 6, 13, 15, 18, 23, and 24) we see that these whorls agree more closely in type with those borne on the main stem than with any others. BRANCHES AND LEAF-NUMBER. Ill (6) The variabilities, both absolute and relative, shown in this table are comparatively low. Again they agree most closely with what has been found for main-stem whorls. We get the same results, only still more marked, if we consider the whorls at nodes Vv^here two branches originate. This "double" branch- ing at one node does not occur very commonly in Ceratophyllum ac- cording to our experience, but in one plant (No. 2, Series IV) such cases were especially abundant. Table 56 shows the condition, in respect to leaf-number, of these whorls on the plant mentioned. Table 56. — Frequency distribution for variation in leaf-number of whorls where two branches originate. Plant 2, Series IV. Leaves per whorl. 7 1 8 9 41 10 Total. Frequency 120 164 The constants for this distribution are as follows: Mean = 9. 707 ±0.027 Standard deviation = .518± .019 Coefficient of variation = 5.333 ± .199 Comparing these with the values in table 55 for the same plant we see that there is a still further raising of the mean and lowering of the variability in the whorls at which two branches start. Now the question arises, can we consider the relatively high mean and low variability of these whorls at which branches originate to be a specific result of the presence of one or more branches at the node to which the whorl belongs? Clearly, without further evidence, we can not, because of the fact that among these whorls some are borne on the main stem, others on primary branches, and still others on secondary branches, and it has been shown that whorls are differentiated in respect to leaf-number according to the part of the plant on which they are borne. Further, according to the two laws of growth which have been set forth above, it is clear that the number of leaves in whorls from which branches originate will depend, in part at least, on the position which such whorls occupy on their axes. Before we can reach conclu- sions as to whether the presence of a branch influences the number of leaves in the whorl we must determine the probable condition of such whorls as a result merely of the operation of the usual laws of growth. If, then, it be found that these v/horls differ considerably from the condi- tion of "whorls in general" occupying the same relative position on the 112 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. plant, it may safely be concluded that the branching exercises a specific influence. In order to test this matter it is necessary to know first of all some- thing about the positions at which branches originate. Is the chance of a branch occurring the same for all nodes? Or is branching more abundant in some positions on the axes of the plant than in others? To answer these questions the frequency of occurrence of branches at the different nodes must be determined. This has been done for the secondary branches of the first four series, with the results shown in table 57. The way in which the table was made was to enter for each plant the number of secondary branches which originated at specified nodes on primary branches, the nodes being numbered in order, begin- ning with 1 as the most proximal. In case two secondaries arose at the same node each was entered separately. Table 57. — Frequency distributions showing position of secondary branches. Frequency of secondary branches. Series I. Series II. Series III. SerJesI II, III. Series IV. Position. Plant Plant. All plants. Plant. Tot 1. Total. Plant 1 Total. 1 2 3 4 5 I 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 3 9 13 3 16 9 34 7 13 20 2 1 2 3 6 7 6 13 13 32 5 11 16 3 1 2 5 "4 12 15 6 21 23 56 14 29 43 4 1 "4 2 3 10 12 6 18 15 43 9 33 42 5 1 1 2 "i 5 11 2 13 13 31 12 27 39 6 2 1 2 1 6 12 4 16 12 34 12 31 43 7 1 "i 2 4 2 10 6 4 10 9 29 12 28 40 8 1 2 3 4 4 8 4 15 9 26 35 9 "i "i 1 1 4 4 4 8 3 15 8 22 30 10 1 3 1 6 *i 12 5 1 3 8 3 23 7 20 27 11 3 1 3 7 2 i 3 5 4 16 4 19 23 12 1 "i 2 2 2 4 3 9 5 15 20 13 2 1 "2 "i 6 2 2 4 1 11 5 13 18 14 3 1 4 2 4 6 3 13 4 10 14 15 4 4 1 5 5 9 14 16 2 "i "3 i 4 5 2 10 6 7 13 17 2 2 "i 5 1 2 3 2 10 6 4 10 18 1 1 2 1 3 4 1 7 5 5 10 19 "i 1 1 1 2 3 6 6 6 20 "i 1 2 1 1 2 3 7 4 "2 6 21 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 2 2 4 22 "i 1 2 2 1 3 3 8 1 2 3 23 1 1 1 2 3 1 5 2 2 24 1 1 2 2 4 1 6 25 1 1 2 1 3 26 "2 "2 1 1 2 5 27 1 1 1 2 28 Total 21 20 1 1 1 2 148 330 16 45 16 118 109 76 185 138 441 478 BRANCHES AND LEAF-NUMBER. 113 Calculating from this table the mean and median positions of second- ary branches, we get the results set forth in table 58. Table 58. — Constants for position of secondary branches. Totals for series. Series. Mean. Median. I 9.24 8.39 7.75 8.42 8.42 8.33 6.72 5.69 6.72 7.90 II Ill I, II, and III combined IV From these data we see that: (1) The average position of origin of secondary branches is at roughly the 7th to 9th node from the proximal end of primary branches. (2) Fifty per cent of all secondary branches originate from the seventh {ca. ) or more distal nodes of primaries. (3) There is very close agreement between the different series in respect to the point of origin of secondaries. The mean for the combined Carp Lake material agrees to the third place of figures with that for the Ann Arbor material (Series IV). From these results it is clear that branches (a) do not occur with equal frequency at all nodes, nor (6) as will be seen by comparison with tables 26 and 27 (pp. 50, 51), can the positional distributions of branch origins be regarded as random samples of the positional distributions of "whorls in general." Instead it is found that the branches are so dis- tributed in their points of origin that the great majority occur beyond the first few proximal nodes. But it has been seen in what has gone before that (a) taking all whorls on branches together there are in the total more first whorls than second, more second than third, and so on (cf . tables 30, 31, and 32, pp. 59 and 60) ; and (6) that the mean number of leaves per whorl is lowest for first whorls and increases as we go in a distal direction. That is to say, the frequency distributions for ' whorls in general" contain a higher proportion of whorls which, owing to the operation of our first law of growth, have a small number of leaves than do the distributions for whorls at which branches originate. Naturally, then, we should expect the means to be higher for the latter than for the former distributions. Again, we have seen that distal whorls are less variable than proximal, and that further, the whorls at which branches originate include a higher proportion of distal ones than do the distributions for the entire plants. So we should expect them to be less variable. While it is thus clear that the ordinary growth factors account for a consider- able part of the results which have been found for the "branch-origin" 114 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. whorls, we have yet to determine whether the whole effect is to be explained in this way. To test this we have to ansv/er the following question: Is there a sensible difference between the means and varia- bilities of (a) whorls at the nodes where branches originate, and (6) an equally large sample of similarly situated whorls taken without refer- ence to the presence of branches? An approximate answer to this question can be obtained by the use of our growth equation (i) and the data provided in table 58. If in the equation Y = 7.9520 + 1.3608 log (x — 0.8015) we substitute for x the values for the mean position of "branch origin" whorls in the different series given in table 58, and solve for Y, we shall get the probable mean leaf- number in a group of primary-branch whorls situated in the same average position on the axis as are the whorls where secondary branches originate. But in the distributions for "branch-origin" whorls all parts of the plant have been included, and not merely primary branches. Consequently the predicted means from the equation will not be strictly comparable with the observed means in table 55. It is to be expected, however, that if the means for whorls where branches originate were calculated for primary branches alone they would not differ greatly from the values given in table 55. This seems probable from the fact that the two other portions of the plant besides primary branches which contribute most largely to the table 55 means are the main stem and secondary branches. But since, as has been shown above (p. 31), main-stem whorls have a relatively high leaf- number, while on the other hand secondary-branch whorls have a low leaf-number (cf. p. 41), owing to the high proportion of proximal whorls, it may fairly be supposed that the effect of these two portions of the plant will about balance each other in the means given in table 55. That this supposition is in fact a reasonable one is shown by the results which follow. In table 59 are given in parallel columns the observed mean leaf- number in whorls at nodes where branches originate and the pre- dicted leaf-number from equation I, where x takes successively the mean values given in table 58 for Series I, II, III, and IV. The agreement between observation and prediction is closer than probably would have been expected. The table shows that at the outside not more than 0.2 leaf in the excess of the means for "branch-origin" whorls over "whorls in general" can be due to the combined effect of (a) any hypothetical influence of the presence of a branch at the node to which a whorl belongs, and (6) the inclusion in our observed means of main-stem and secondary-branch whorls. In Series I the predicted BRANCHES AND LEAF-NUMBER. 115 value is actually slightly in excess of the observed. In the other three series the small excess of the observed mean is entirely due, I believe, to the fact that in their influence the main-stem and secondary-branch whorls do not exactly balance each other, but on the contrary the main stem preponderates. It has been shown above (table 25, p. 49) that the number of primary branches greatly exceeds the number of tertiaries. Table 59. — Observed and predicted leaf-number in "branch-origin" whorls. Series. Observed mean. Predicted mean. Difference. I II III IV 9.192 9.347 9.144 9.353 9.212 9.150 9.098 9.152 +0.020 — .197 — .046 — .201 Every primary branch means, of course, an entry of one main-stem whorl in the frequency distributions of table 54, while every tertiary branch means the entry of one secondary-branch whorl (excepting, naturally, in both cases mutilated whorls). Hence if primary branches exceed tertiaries in number we should expect a preponderant effect of main-stem whorls (with high leaf-number) over secondary-branch whorls (with low leaf -number) in the means of table 55. Taking all these points into account I think we may safely conclude that the presence of a branch originating a.t a particular node is luithout any influence on the number of leaves in the whorl belonging to that node. This conclusion is confirmed by the data for whorls at which two branches originate, but it hardly seems worth while reproducing the evidence in detail. Strasburger ( :02) states that the same thing is true with regard to the influence of flowers on the leaf -number in whorls. He says (p. 486) : ' 'Die in einem Wirtel vertretenen Bliithen beeinflussen nicht die Zahl der Blatter. ' ' 116 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. THE POSITION OF BRANCHES. In the last section the ordinal position with reference to the proxi- mal end of the axis of the nodes at which lateral branches originate was studied in order to get light on another question. I wish now to consider on its own account some other phases of the problem of branch production. The first question which we may consider is as to where, on any given axis of the plant, branches begin. That is, at what node, counting from the proximal end of an axis, does the most proximal branch on that axis appear. And what degree of variation is there in this mat- ter? The frequency distributions giving data on the point for Series I to IV are exhibited in table 60. The data are for the position of the most proximal secondary branches. Table 60.— Frequency distribution for positions offirsf branches (secondaries). Node of primary branch at which the first secondary branch develops. 9 10 11 12 13-18. 19 Total. Frequency of ' 'first" secondary branches. Series I, II Series I. Series II. Series III. and III Series IV. combiued. 9 12 8 29 21 2 9 7 18 7 4 10 7 21 20 6 4 2 12 12 2 2 6 3 1 4 3 2 i 6 i 1 2 3 i 2 2 1 1 "i 1 34 40 25 99 68 'Throughout the section of the paper the most proximal branch on any axis of the plant will be designated as a "first" branch, tlic next branch distad of this as the "sec ond" branch, and so on. (t;f. tig. 25, infra.) Calculating from this table I find for the means, medians, and stand- ard deviations the following values: Table Q1.— Constants for variation in position of "first" secondary branches. Series. Mean. Median. standard deviation. I 4.71 2.85 2.32 3.35±0.20 2.81± .15 4.33 2.89 2.64 3.12 3.30 3.94 2.08 1.35 2.92dz0.14 1.84± .11 li Ill I, II, and III combined IV POSITION OF BRANCHES. 117 Table 62. — Frequency distributions for position of the first five secondary branches. Series I, II, and III combined, and Series IV. SERIES I, II, AND III COMBINED. 1 First Node of primary branch at whicli \ secon- secondary originates. dary branch 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and 16 . 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 18 21 12 2 4 6 Total. Second secon- dary branch, 14 16 12 6 7 2 2 1 5 1 Third secon- dary branch. 12 11 10 5 4 1 2 2 Fourth secon dary branch. Fifth secon- dary branch. I 1 99 68 51 SERIES IV. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Total 7 11 7 5 2 1 1 2 2 41 30 21 7 9 20 ■ 11 7 12 11 9 4 6 7 8 7 3 7 10 8 6 4 4 9 7 i 1 1 4 3 6 i "i "i "i 1 68 51 40 33 26 118 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. Table 63. — Constants for position of secondary branches. [Unit = 1 node.] Series. I, II and 1 III com- < bined. Branch. Mean. standard deviation 1 Series. 1 Branch. | Mean. standard deviation First 3.35 4.93 6.02 7.37 8.50 2.92 4.04 4.05 3.37 4.03 ivi First 2.81 Second ! 4.29 Third 5.12 Fourth 6.27 Fifth 7.23 1.84 1.87 1.73 1.69 1.42 Second Third Fourth Fifth From tables 60 and 61 the following points may be noted: (a) The first secondary branch does not usually occur at the first node of the primary branch. The average position of first branches is at about the third node. (6) Roughly speaking, about 50 per cent of first secondary branches arise at or below (i. e. , proximad of) the third node of primaries, and 50 per cent at or above (distad of) this node. (c) There is a close agreement between all the series in respect to the position of origin of secondary branches. (d) There is a wider range and higher degree of variation in this character than would have probably been predicted. Series I is very remarkable in this respect, there being one first branch occurring on the 19th node of the primary axis. All the series had first branches occurring as far out as the 9th or 10th node. (e) In table 60 it is to be noticed that there is apparently a tendency for first branches to occur more frequently at odd than at even nodes, at least at the beginning of the primary axis. In all the series (except III, where the numbers are small) there is a high frequency at the first node, a decided drop at the second node, and a more or less consid- erable rise again at the third. Beyond this point the numbers are so small that one can not make a safe judgment. So far as the data go it of course looks as if we might possibly have the start of a Fibonacci series here, but there is no evidence whatever of a relatively high frequency at the 5th and 8th whorls as compared with the 4th, 6th, and 7th, which we should expect to find if we were really dealing with such a series. Having seen how the position of origin of first branches is distributed on the axis from which they spring, we may examine into the same matter in the case of the succeeding branches (second, third, fourth, and fifth). It is not worth while to go beyond the fifth on account of the small number of observations. The data are given in table 62. POSITION OF BRANCHES. 119 The means and standard deviations for these distributions are given in table 63. It is seen from these tables that: (a) In mean position successive branches are roughly one node apart. This is of course the result Vv^e should expect to get if a branch were formed at every node. But while the latter is far from being the case in detail, the branches are so distributed as to give an average result of much the same kind. The regularity of the increase in mean position is shown in fig. 24. (b) Neither the mean nor the modal position of the branches falls at the node we should expect if a branch occurred at each node. Thus first branches occur on the average at the third node, instead of the first, fifth branches at the seventh or eighth node instead of the fifth, and so on. In the case of the Series IV plants the mean position of the branches is quite uniformly two nodes in advance. (c) Each of the first five branches shows about the same degree of variation in its position. In the Series IV plants the variation apparently decreases somewhat in the branches beyond the second, but the differ- ences are so small that no stress can be laid on them. (d) The tendency for branches to occur at odd nodes with greater frequency than at even, which was observed in the case of the first branches, does not appear to hold for other branches, nor beyond the third node. b ^ / ^ } .- ; L O o w ft) ^^ • 1 / ^ ^JL 8^ c c s 2 i 3 ( 1 I i 4- 5 Branch Fig. 24.— Graphs of the means given in table 64. Series I, II, and III com- bined, > ■ ■nil I ; Series IV, o — — — - . 120 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. We may turn now to another question with reference to the distri- bution of branches, which may be put in this way: What proportion of first branches have their succeeding (i. e., second) branch on the node immediately distad of that on which they themselves are borne, and in what proportion of cases are there one or more nodes without branches intervening between the two? Similarly, what are the propor- tions of cases for second and third, third and fourth, etc., branches, where successive branches are borne on contiguous nodes? The data on these questions have been extracted for the first to the sixth secondary branches in the first four series and are shown in table 64. In this table a double column is given to each series, one half being headed + (plus) and the other half — (minus) . Whenever the succeeding branch to the one designated in the first (left-hand) column of the table was borne on the next node it was entered in the + (plus) column. When branchless nodes intervened between the two an entry was made in the — (minus) column. Unless at least three whorls of leaves were formed beyond a branch no record was made regarding it. That is, only cases were included where it was possible for a succeeding branch to have been formed. Table 64. — Position of succeeding branches (secondary). Branch. Proportionate frequency of occurrence of the succeeding branch at the next node. Series I. Series II. Series III. Series I,II and III combined Series IV + 8 7 5 4 4 6 23 10 7 5 3 1 + 23 21 13 9 11 7 25 8 5 5 2 2 + 18 16 12 7 3 5 7 2 i 3 2 0 + 49 44 30 20 18 18 55 20 16 13 7 3 + 31 30 27 18 20 19 30 17 11 11 2 0 First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth This table shows that there is a decided difference between first branches and those farther distad on the axis, in respect to the matter under consideration. Thus we see that there is more than an even chance that one or more branchless nodes will follow the first branch, while for all the others the chance of a succeeding branch occurring on the next node is greater than the chance that it will not so occur. Further, this chance increases the farther out on the axis we go. This is shown most clearly if we calculate the percentage (in the total number) of the cases in which the immediately succeeding branch occurs at the next node. This has been done for the last two columns of the table (Series I, II, and III combined and Series IV), with the results shown POSITION OF BRANCHES. 121 in table 65. It will be understood that the figures in this table are the percentages which the + (plus) entries in table 64 are of the sum of the + (plus) and — (minus) entries for each branch. Table %^.— Percentage of cases in which succeeding branch occurs at the next node. Branch. Series I, II and III combined. Series IV. Branch. Series I, II and III combined. Series IV. First 47.1 68.8 65.2 50.8 63.8 71.0 1 Fourth 66.7 75.0 85.7 62.1 90.9 100.0 Second 1 Fifth Third Sixth These results speak for themselves. They show that the branch production becomes more regular and orderly the farther out on an axis we go. As the plant grows it tends with ever-increasing certainty to produce a branch at each node. After a time it does this with very remarkable — almost perfect — precision. Table 66. — Frequency distribution for the occurrence of secondary branches. Branch. First Second.. Third Fourth.. Fifth Sixth Seventh . Eighth.. Ninth.... Tenth.... Number of branches in 5 nodes following designated branch. Series I, II, and III combined" 0 10 2 1 11 7 5 6 5 3 2 2 1 1 Series IV. 12 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 The fact that the tendency towards the production of a branch at every node increases the farther distad on the axis we go is brought out in another way by the data given in tables QiQ and 67. In these tables are given distributions showing the frequency with which different numbers of branches occur in the five nodes immediately following any designated branch. Thus, considering the portion of a plant diagram- matically represented in fig. 25, in which ah is a portion of a main stem, say, and xy a primary branch bearing secondaries i to x, we see that in the five nodes following the first branch only one branch occurs. Similarly in the 5 nodes immediately following the second branch only one occurs. In the 5 nodes immediately following a, the third, there are 3 branches; h, the fourth, there are 4 branches; c, the fifth, there 122 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. are 4 branches, etc. Clearly the maximum number of branches possible is 5. Proceeding in the way just illustrated for the first 10 secondary branches on all plants of Series I, II, III, and IV, the results shown in table Q6 were obtained. No branch was counted which did not have at least 7 whorls distad of it on the primary axis. Fia. 25. — Diagram of a portion of a plant. I, "first" branch; II "second" branch; III, "third" branch etc. These secondaries are for convenience represented without leaves. Further explanation in the text. We see at once from the table that the more distad the branch with which we are dealing lies the larger is the number of branches occurring in the next 5 nodes. When we get beyond the sixth branch less than four occur very rarely. These tables show very plainly the gradual approach towards a condition where each node bears a branch. It will help to make the point still clearer if we examine the means of the arrays in table 67. Table 67. — Mean number of branches in the five nodes immediately following a designated branch. Branch. First... Second Third... Fourth Fifth... Series I, II, and III Series IV. combined. 2.41 3.10 3.25 3.92 3.56 4.31 3.57 4.53 3.67 4.54 Branch. Sixth.... Seventh Eighth., Ninth... Tenth..., Series I. II, and III I Series IV. combined. 3.86 4.60 4.20 4.75 4.75 4.58 4.36 4.25 4.40 5.00 The increase in the mean number of branches is evident. A little inspection shows, however, that this increase is not uniform in all parts of the table, but is on the whole distinctly more rapid in the first few branches than in the later ones. In other words, the increment in the character under discussion becomes smaller and smaller for the successive branches. This at once suggested that the law of change here might POSITION OF BRANCHES. 123 be a logarithmic one, similar to what we have previously demonstrated for the growth of leaves. Accordingly the data of this table were fitted with logarithmic curves of the type used in the previous cases, by the same method. The resulting equations were. Series I, II, and III combined, Y = 2.4061 + 2.2194 log a; (I) Series IV, Y = 3.8440 + .8931 log (x-.S) . . (II) in which Y denotes mean number of branches occurring in the five nodes immediately following any designated branch, the ordinal position of which is given by x. Calculating the values of Y for values of x from 1 to 10 we have the results shown in fig. 26. V / / .,-./ 4.5 r ^ ,,-■ ^ ^ r^ 7^"' 3.5 c ■ t ,' 1 > > ^'"^^ — ^;^ ^ ' ' f 2.5 / r^ 2.0 1.5 5 6 Branch Fig. 26.— Curves showing mean number of branches (ordinates) In five nodes Imme- diately following a designated branch (abscissas) on a primary axis. Series I, II, and III combined r-\ Series IV . The numbers with which we are dealing here are so small relatively that great regularity in the observations can not be expected. There can be no doubt, however, that the general trend of the observations is adequately represented by the logarithmic curves. This means that the growth processes concerned in branch production, so far as may be judged from our present material, follow a logarithmic law. The mean number of branches formed in a constant number of nodes (5) increases 124 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. the farther out on an axis we proceed, but the rate of increase varies inversely as the distance from the proximal end of the system. We thus get further evidence, from an entirely different source, of the generality of our first law of growth in Ceratophyllum. The data fur- nish positive evidence that branch production and leaf production by the growing plant follow the same law. SUMMARY. A study of branch production leads to the conclusion that '*as the plant grows it tends with ever-increasing certainty to produce a branch at each node." In other words, as an axis of the plant grows longer the morphogenetic processes concerned in the production of lateral branches work, so to speak, more smoothly, and attain their results with greater regularity and constancy. But this is precisely the same conclu- sion to which we came with reference to the production of leaf-whorls (p. 106, mpra). It was there shown that the leaf-number per whorl approaches more and more closely to a constant value the longer an axis grows. Putting both sets of results together, we now see that the plant as it grows tends to produce one or more branches and a constant num- ber of leaves at each node. When a bud begins its growth it does not do either of these things with anything approaching certainty or regularity, but the longer it grows the more regular do the results become, until finally they are almost mathematically precise. Objectively it ''profits by its experience" just as does an animal in its behavior. The results which have been obtained in this section of the paper show that our two laws of growth (pp. 88 and 106 supra) operate in branch production as well as in leaf production. GENERAL DISCUSSION OP RESULTS. 125 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. In bringing this paper to a close it appears desirable to discuss to some extent certain general aspects of the work as a whole, and to consider them on the theoretical side. Speaking broadly, the most significant result of this work appears to the writer to lie in the fact that, proceeding by quantitative analytical methods, it has been possible to formulate two laws of growth, which serve to describe with a very high degree of (a) precision, (6) completeness, and (c) generality the observed results of those processes of morphogenesis which in the growing Ceratophyllum plant lead to differentiation of parts. Further, it has been shown by direct appeal to statistics that the characteristic features of the variation of Ceratophyllum are obviously the result of the fact that the organism grows in accordance with these laws. By this, of course, is not meant that any kind of "explanation" of the origin of variation in Ceratophyllum has been gained. What has been gained, though, is the knowledge that, so far as our present material, which includes a reasonably wide range of conditions as to habitat, time of collection, etc., is concerned, the difference between two sets of individuals in respect to their variation constants are capable of prac- tically complete interpretation solely in terms of the two laws of growth. The results actually observed are such as would be expected to arise in a system differentiating in accordance with our two growth laws. The first of these laws of growth was stated on page 88 in the fol- lowing way: "The mean number of leaves per whorl increases with each successive whorl, and in such a way that not only does the absolute increment diminish, but also the rate of increase diminishes, as the ordinal number of the whorl measured from a fixed point increases." If we let y stand for number of leaves in the whorl, and x denote the position in a series of successively formed whorls, then we find that y is a simple logarithmic function of x as follows: y = A + Clog {x — a) where A, C, and « are constants. The leaf whorls become differentiated with growth according to a logarithmic law. Also, as was shown in the last section (p. 125) , if we let y denote the number of lateral^branches found in a given number of nodes, and x as before the position of these particular nodes in the whole series, again we find y a simple logarithmic function of x. So that, in general terms, we see that in Ceratophyllum growth, whether expressed in the formation of leaf whorls or of lateral branches, takes place in such a way that the product increases at the same proportionate rate that the logarithm of the position in the whole series of products increases. 126 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. The second law of growth was stated in the following words (p. 106, supra) : "As whorls are successively produced by a growing bud they are formed with ever-increasing constancy to their type, the ultimate limit towards which the process is tending being absolute constancy." This means that there is a steady diminution of variability accom- panying the repetition of the morphogenetic process of whorl production. As has been indicated in the preceding section of the paper, the same rule holds with reference to branch production. The two laws evidently have one important point in common, namely, they both express the fact that the form or character of a structure produced at any point on the plant is in part directly related to or determined by the previous morphogenetic history of the individual. Successively formed structures develop in such a way that from a purely objective point of view it appears as if the growing point on any axis were influenced in its formative activities by the previous "experience" through which the protoplasm of which it is composed has passed. Especially is this true with respect to the phenomena embodied in the second law. As has been shown above (p. 107) , in the detailed discussion of this law morphogenetic products are progressively "better" formed, that is, closer to type, with each successive production. The theoretical importance of the demonstration of such a law of morphogenesis is evident. It is the belief of the writer that both of these laws which have been demonstrated for Ceratophyllum have a wide generality in other organ- isms. From considerations of space it is impossible here to present detailed evidence for this belief, but a few points may be very briefly mentioned. We may consider each of the laws separately. In attempt- ing to form an idea as to how generally a logarithmic law holds in the growth of other organisms than Ceratophyllum, we are unfortunately met at once by the difficulty that there have been comparatively f ew quantitatively exact studies of growth ever made. Furthermore, it is to be noted that so far as is known to the writer, there has hitherto been no extended study of exactly the same phase of the growth problem as that with which we have here dealt. In the present investigation we have dealt with what may be called intra-individual or organal growth, that is, with the growth differentiation of a series of successively produced, generally "like" organs of the same individual. In contrast to this previous studies of growth have usually dealt with what may be called individual growth, that is, with the growth change in the same organ or character in successive stages of life history of the individual or individuals. The two points of view stand to each other in the same relation that intra-individual variation does to intra-racial variation. GENERAL DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. 127 It seems somewhat remarkable that so important a matter for the understanding of many problems of morphology as is the study of post- embryonic growth from both of the points of view noted should have been so much neglected. On the botanical side there is a good deal of literature dealing with special phases of the subject, but for our present point of view most of this material has little direct bearing. On the zoological side the principal work is due to anthropologists who have studied post-embryonic growth in man. In this field the available evidence regarding individual growth, so far as it goes, appears to be in good accord with what we have found in Ceratophyllum for organal growth. Thus, for example, Pearson ( :04) has shown that the growth in auricular height of the head in children follows a logarithmic curve, and in a recent memoir by Lewenz and Pearson ( :04) it is stated that such a curve has been found to represent the growth changes in other characters. Probably the most thorough and in all respects the best study of growth in any other animal than man which has been published is the classical investigation of Minot ('91) on growth in the guinea-pig. Speaking of his statistics Minot (p. 148) says: "They demonstrate two fundamental facts: First, the rate of growth dimin- ishes almost uninterruptedly from the time onwards when the animal recovers from the post-natal loss of weight; second, the diminution is rapid at first, but slower afterwards." It will be seen that these statements exactly agree with those we have made above for growth in Ceratophyllum. That is, it would appear that the "individual" growth of the guinea-pig follows a logarithmic law. A careful study of Minot's data indicates that this is in fact the case. There is a great need for special investigations of growth directed towards determining exactly the laws which the changes follow. From such investigations we may hope to get some idea of the extent to which a logarithmic law is general. In any event, it is clear that such a growth law is not entirely unique in Ceratophyllum. On the contrary one has been convinced by going over the older material available in the literature, which it would take too much space to cite in detail here, that a logarithmic law is probably very general for growth in both plants and animals,* and for "individual" as well as "organal" growth. There can be no doubt that what has been found in Ceratophyllum with reference to the variation of repeated parts is simply an example *It has doubtless occurred to the reader that this logarithmic law of growth super- ficially resembles in form the well-known Weber-Fechner law regarding the quantitative relation of stimulation and sensation, as it was formulated by Fechner. Unfortunately later research in physiological psychology has shown that Fechner' s statement of the law either does not hold at all, or at most only in a. very limited range of cases. 128 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. in a single case of a very general and fundamental biological law. This law has been differently stated, according to the particular class of phenomena in which it is seen to be operating. Thus Jennings ( :05) , dealing with the facts of behavior, calls it the ''law of the readier reso- lution of physiological states" and formulates it in the way which has already been quoted (p. 108). He gives a number of examples showing the evidence in favor of the law from the behavior of lower organisms and says (p. 485) : ' 'In view of the facts, it is probable that the law is a general one and that it will be demonstrated in some form for other lower organisms." He also suggests the probability that the essential principle embodied in the law will be found to operate in morphogenetic processes. Definite statistical proof that such is in fact the case has been given by the present paper. Possibly a word of explanation is necessary to bring out the fact that the essential principle in the law as stated by Jennings is the same as that which underlies our law of diminishing variability. This will be clear if we consider in a little more detail the facts of behavior which led to the formulation of the law from that point of view. By analyzing certain phenomena of behavior in detail, Jennings {loc. cit, p. 481) shows that: In the lowest organisms we find individual adjustment or regulation on the basis of the three following facts : (1) Definite internal processes are occurring in organisms. (2) Interference with these processes causes a change of behavior and varied movements, subjecting the organism to many different conditions. (3) One of these conditions relieves the interference with the internal processes, so that the changes in behavior cease, and the relieving condition is thus retained. * * * Now an additional factor enters the problem. By the process which we have just considered, the organism reaches in time a movement that brings relief from the interfering conditions. This relieving process becomes fixed through the operation of a certain law which appears to hold throughout organic activities. This law may be stated as follows: An action performed or a physiological state reached is performed or reached more rapidly after one or more repetitions, so that in time it becomes "habitual." While, as Jennings points out, this statement of the law is not entirely adequate, yet it emphasizes the point at which comparison between the facts of behavior and morphogenesis may most easily be made. If in the production of successive whorls on an axis of a Ceratophyllum plant the variation about the type for each whorl diminishes, while, as has been shown, the type of the whorls changes at an ever-decreasing rate, it merely means that the production of a particular type of whorl tends, speaking in purely descriptive terms, to become "habitual." In both the psychological and morphogenetic cases there is a tendency to produce GENERAL DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. 129 a stereotyped result with ever-increasing precision and constancy. Again, to take another example, it is obvious, as Jennings has pointed out, that ' 'the operations of this law are seen on a vast scale in higher organisms, where they constitute what we commonly call memory, association, habit, and the basis of intelligence," If we consider for a moment the case of memory in man, it will be still further clear that there is objectively a fundamental similarity between one characteristic of this psychological phenomenon and such facts of morphogenesis as we have detailed for Ceratophyllum. Suppose a man sets to work to memorize a number of lines of poetry, and tests his acquirements by attempting to repeat the lines after each successive reading. The result will be something like this: When he attempts to repeat the lines after the first reading he will make a number of mistakes, or ' 'devia- tions from the type" which is given by the exact cext. On repeating the extract after the second reading the number of "errors" or "devia- tions" will tend to be fewer; after a third reading still fewer, and so on until finally there are no "deviations, " or, in other words, the "type" is reproduced exactly at each successive repetition. Now, what do we find in Ceratophyllum? When the first whorl on an axis is pro- duced we see, if we examine a large number of such whorls, that devi- ations from the type are produced relatively very frequently; second whorls exhibit a smaller number of such deviations; third whorls a still smaller number, and so on until we reach a condition of minimum variability, or in other words, a condition in which the type is produced each time with great precision and constancy. What goes on in the case of the memorizing and in the case of the growing plant may be objectively described in the same terms, the principal difference being that in the former example the type is absolutely fixed and constant, while in the latter it changes slowly. These illustrations will suffice to show that v/hat we have called the law of diminishing variability operates in psychological as well as morphological phenomena. In attempting to determine how generally this law of diminishing variability holds in respect to processes of growth, one is met as before with the difficulty that there have been but few investigations which have brought to light direct evidence on this point. It should be kept in mind that the conditions under which we should expect this law to show its operation in the clearest and most unequivocal form are those in which we have the production of a series of not greatly differentiated parts or characters. Obviously these conditions are best realized on the botanical side in plants having a type of structure similar to that of Ceratophyllum, and on the zoological side in animals built up on a simple metameric plan. So far as the writer knows, no systematic investiga- 130 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. tion of the comparative variability of a series of metamerically repeated and slightly differentiated organs or characters in an animal form has ever been made. Hence it is hopeless at present to look to this source for confirmatory evidence for the law. On the botanical side the situation is somewhat better. Thus, for example, in a recent study of "Stages in the Development of Sium cicutsefolium' ' Shull (:05) has investigated the relative variability of the successive "nepionic" leaves in this form. In his fig. 1 (p. 9) he gives the frequency polygons for variations in the first eight leaves. These polygons very obviously substantiate his con- clusion that "there is a progressive lessening of the variability from the first leaf onward. " In this case we clearly have a direct confirmation of the law of diminishing variability. Similarly, in the papers of Cush- man (:02, :03, and :04) there are several statements which appear to indicate that in many of the large number of plants studied by this worker the variation diminished in successive nepionic leaves. In a less direct way the operation of this law is to be seen, I believe, in a wide variety of morphological phenomena, including particularly what we have called above "individual" growth. Thus we have one example of it in the well-known fact that embryonic characters are much more vari- able than adult characters. That this is true has been directly proven by an elaborate system of measurements on duck embryos made some years ago by Fischel ('96). Minot found the same thing in his guinea-pig measurements. On this point he says (loc. cit, p. 140): This diminution of variability with age is demonstrable in the growth of other mammals, hence it probably occurs in all. We ;are led by this to put the question whether all variability of higher animals does not lessen with the age of the individual. In view of the extreme variations of structures which occur in all vertebrate embryos, and which, as all embryologists know familiarly, are far greater and more frequent than the variations of the adult, we are justified in asserting that there is a diminution of variability with age. More evidence in the same direction might be cited, but it is unneces- sary. If what has frequently been asserted should be proven by exact measurements, namely, that phylogenetically "young" organs are more variable than "old" organs, this again would fall in line with the general law of diminishing variability. It has recently been shown by Shull (:05a) that mutant forms of (Enothera are more vari- able than the parent form. One might hazard the suggestion that this fact is another expression of the operation of this same law. The matter could easily be tested by a biometrical investigation of mutants and their descendants extending through a considerable period of time. GENERAL DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. 131 Purely as a working hypothesis, to be tested and limited by further investigation, the law of diminishing variability may be stated in the most general foi-m to cover the facts in different fields, as follows: In a continuous series of biological phenomena in which the same or homol- ogous processes are repeated, the variation exhibited in the results of these processes diminishes with successive repetitions. In the opinion of the writer any attempt to develop a detailed theo- retical explanation of why the two laws of growth which we have found in Ceratophyllum come to operate, would at present be premature. Just now there is a much greater need for quantitatively definite facts than for theories in the field of morphogenesis. What is, however, of great importance on the theoretical side is to see exactly the nature of the fundamental problem on which the interpretation of these growth laws depends. We have seen that there is a definite functional relation between the morphogenetic activity of a growing bud at any given time and its previous activity or "experience. " In what way this functional relation is brought about is the fundamental problem which lies before us if we are to interpret our laws of growth. It will probably have oc- curred already to the reader that our results are a very clear cut exam- ple of the general principles which Semon ( :04) has recently developed at great length. The influence of earlier upon later whorl production might very well be described as the result of "engrammatic" action on the bud in the formation of first and succeeding whorls. In fact, the whole of our results seem to form a most striking and complete illus- tration of the working out of Semon 's principles in a particular case of ontogeny. But one can not escape the feeling that to attempt to interpret the facts in this way is simply to redescribe them in a new terminology without any substantial gain. Semon's rather obvious argument to meet such a criticism, which he of course foresees, that all science is only description, does not adequately remove the difficulty. What we require in cases like that with which we are here dealing is a description in terms of known physiological principles, and this the "mnemnic" terminology does not seem to provide. It seems to the writer that a more promising hypothesis on the basis of which to inter- pret such morphogenetic phenomena as those which have been set forth for Ceratophyllum might be developed along the lines suggested in recent papers by Holmes ( :04) and Schieff erdecker ( :04) . Such an interpretation has been worked out by the writer for use as a working hypothesis in further investigations in this field which are now in progress, but until it has been tested it hardly seems worth while to publish it. 132 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. Finally, in closing, I desire to emphasize the great importance in any study of variation of the analysis of the intra-individual variability of the characters which are to form the basis of intra-racial investigations. We have seen in a repeated character of the same individual a whole series of variation constants appearing in an orderly manner and repre- senting degrees of variation from practically zero up, degrees of skewness from positive through symmetry to negative, etc. It is obvious that on any problems of intra-racial variation we could with Ceratophyllum get widely divergent results by taking whorls from different parts of the plant. Ordinarily when an investigation of a problem of geographical variation, or of natural selection, or of almost any phase of intra-racial variation is made on the basis of characters like the leaf- whorls of Cera- tophyllum, only a few are taken from each individual. Either no attention at all is paid to differentiation in the characters, or at most only the characters in the immediate neighborhood of those chosen are examined, and if there is no differentiation easily detectable among them, the conclusion is reached that any factor of this kind may be neglected. It seems to me that the results of the present paper show that the question of whether or not there is a differentiation within the character group chosen for investigation is not necessarily the important thing at all. If one takes the 10 most distal whorls on Ceratophyllum plants, there is substantially no differentiation in respect to leaf-number. Yet, to con- clude, when this had been ascertained by superficial examination, as it could be, that these whorls, since they were undifferentiated and there- fore could be considered homogeneous material, might be taken to represent the conditions of the individual as a whole in an intra-racial investigation, would lead to absolutely fallacious results. It is true that there is no marked differentiation among these distal whorls, but the very reason that there is not is that a perfectly definite and orderly process of differential development has led as an end result to the con- tinued production of substantially the same type of whorl, regardless of environment or other influences. These whorls are not greatly differ- entiated, but neither are they truly representative of the individual. If characters of this kind are to be used as the basis of investigations of problems of intra-racial variability, it clearly is absolutely necessary that the laws according to which the characters are differentiated during the development of the individual must first be ascertained if valid results are to be obtained. When this has been done we may turn to intra- and inter-racial problems, and, using the methods which have been developed by Pearson for dealing with differentiated characters, hope to reach definite conclusions. GENERAL SUMMARY. 133 GENERAL SUMMARY. This paper deals with a biometrical analysis of intra-individual variability and differentiation in Ceratophyllum. The characters prin- cipally dealt with are (a) the number of leaves in the whorl; (6) the position of the whorl on the plant; (c) the size of the various divisions of the plant; and (d) the position of branches. Some of the chief results as to fact may be summarized as follows: (1) Dealing with the intra-individual variation in leaf-number per whorl it is found that the whorls borne on the different axial divisions of the plant (main stem., primary, secondary, etc., branches) are dis- tinctly differentiated in respect to both type and variability. (2) The mean number of leaves per whorl is highest in the whorls on the most central division of the plant (the main stem) and decreases regularly as we pass to more peripheral divisions. (3) The whorls on the main stem are the least variable in leaf-number, and the variation increases regularly in the more peripheral divisions, till a maximum is reached in secondary-branch whorls. The variation then tends to diminish in the whorls on higher-order branches. (4) More than half of the total number of whorls are borne on pri- mary branches. Of the remaining whorls somewhat more are borne on secondary branches than on the main stem. Tertiary and quaternary branches bear relatively few whorls. (5) Primary branches are absolutely and relatively more variable in size than are secondaries. (6) There is a relatively high degree of correlation between the number of leaves in the whorl and its position on any axis of the plant. (7) The degree of this correlation is lowest in the most central division of the plant (main stem) and increases as we pass to the more peripheral divisions. (8) The regression of leaf-number on position is not linear, but log- arithmic. (9) This leads to what we have called the "first law of growth" in Ceratophyllum, which may be stated as follows: On any axial division of the plant the mean number of leaves per whorl increases with each successive whorl in such a way that both the absolute increment and the rate of increase diminish as the distance (in units of nodes) of the whorl from a fixed point increases. (10) Branches which show an excess (or defect) from the average in the number of leaves in the first whorl tend to have the succeeding whorls greater (or less) than their respective averages. This tendency diminishes as we go distad on the plant. 134 VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN CERATOPHYLLUM. (11) On any axial division of the plant as whorls are successively produced by a growing bud they are formed with ever-increasing con- stancy to their type. This we have called the ' 'second law of growth in Ceratophyllum. " The growing-point appears to be influenced in its morphogenetic activity by its previous experience. (12) These two laws operate in branch production as well as in leaf production in Ceratophyllum. Summarized statements of the detailed results and discussions of the conclusions drawn from them will be found on pp. 26, 54-57, 88-92, 95, 106-108, 115, and 124 and need not be repeated here. The results of this study emphasize the necessity for a knowledge of the laws of diif erentiation within the individual of characters as a preliminary to the use of these characters in the study of the problems of evolution. LITERATURE CITED. 135 LITERATURE CITED. Blakeman, J. '■"■ ™l'^.'rpp°yS!'^°4"^"'^"°" '" ""'"""'y distributions. Biometri.a, CUSHMAN, J. A. '■''■ ''A^rJ:^:i'^'is:Zm-gr%i^ ^°"= ~"""''" '^^»' England pia„t,. 1904 ^*''^^' '" common roadside plants. Amer. Nat., vol. 38, pp. 819-832. De Vries, Hugo. •^^- ^i^.,^"^^*'''".'^h'°"^-. Versuch und Beobachtungen iiber die Entstehung von Aiten im Pflanzenreich. Ersten Band. Die Entstehune der Arten durrh FiscHEL,^"''"''"- ^'^^^^^''- Opiates. Leipzig, 1901. ^^^^'^""^ ^^^ A'-te'^ durch Henslow, G. '^^' '^1895! prxHi f 2"56!'''''^'"''' ^^ self-adaptation to the environment. London, Holmes, S. J. ' ■^^" ^265-^305?'T904. ^°'""' '"^S^'^t^^"- Arch. f. 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