VOLUME 1 1 , Number 2 JUNE 1982 CARNIVORC PLANT NEWSLETTE International Carnivorous Plant Society Official Journal of the Volume 1 1 , Number 2 June, 1 982 COVER Pinguicula macroceras. Photo taken by Jurg Steiger in March, 1979. The co-editors of CPN would like everyone to pay particular attention to the following policies regarding your dues to the ICPS. All correspondence regarding dues, addresschangesand missing issuesshould be sent to Mrs. Kathy Fine, c/o The Fullerton Arboretum, Dept, of Biology, California State University, Fullerton, CA 92634. DO NOT SEND TO THE CO-EDITORS. Checks for subscriptions and reprints should be made payable to CSUF FOUNDATION- ARBORETUM. All material for publication, comments and general correspondence about your plants, field trips or special noteworthy events relating to CP should be directed to one of the co-editors. We are interested in all news related to carnivorous plants and rely on the membership to supply us with this information so that we can share it with others. Views expressed in this publication are those of the authors, not necessarily the editorial staff. Copy deadline for the Sept, issue is Aug. 1 , 1 982. CO-EDITORS: D. E. Schnell, Rt. 4, Box 275B, Statesville, NC 28677 J. A. Mazrimas, 329 Helen Way, Livermore, CA 94550 T. L. Mellichamp, Dept, of Biology, UNCC, Charlotte, NC 28223 Leo Song, Dept, of Biology, California State University, Fullerton, CA 92634 BUSINESS MANAGER: Mrs. Kathy Fine, c/o The Fullerton Arboretum PUBLISHER: The International Carnivorous Plant Society by the Fullerton Arboretum, California State University, Fullerton, CA 92634. Published quarterly with one volume annually. Printer: Kandid Litho, 129 Agostino Rd., San Gabriel, CA 91776. Circulation: 661 (99 new, 562 renewal). Dues: $10.00 annually, $15.00 foreign. Reprints available by volume only. ®1982 Carnivorous Plant Newsletter. All rights reserved. AUG 0 9 1982 30 Carnivorous Plant Newsletter _ JOKK ^.iTAMICAI nARDFN News and Views ALLEN LOWRIE (6 Glenn Place, Dun- craig 6023, Western Australia) has just returned from Borneo and reports that his Nepenthes cuttings arrived safely using the following method: The cuttings were placed in plastic hags with only enough water to mist the sides of the bags after they had been sealed 20 minutes. BILL NETHERBY (P.O. Box 1, Mt. Herman, CA 95041) recently persuaded the garden editor of the Santa Cruz Sen¬ tinel to do a spread on CP. The articles by Keith Muraoka appeared in two in¬ stallments and generally described the habits of CP that we know so well. We thank Bill for calling attention to CP and to CPN where interested plant growers can expand their interests. TONY REA announces that the San Francisco Flower Show will take place August 27-29 at the Hall of Flowers in Golden Gate Park. Bay Area CPN mem¬ bers will be sent an application. See CPN 10(4), 101 (1981) for details. Our intrepid correspondent DALE SPEIRS of Calgary, Alberta sent an inter¬ esting article from an 1875 issue of Bo¬ tanical Gazette (1:66-67). It is actually a review of other current periodicals in which is mentioned an article in the Oc¬ tober American Naturalist by Prof. W. J. Beal entitled Carnivorous Plants. The usual genera are listed along with Silene spp. which often crops up in the older litera¬ ture in this respect. However, another genus we had not before considered was also discussed in some detail, this being the species Martynia proboscidea. As often happens over time, the genus has now been changed to Proboscidea in the family Martyniaceae, two rather common and widespread species being P. louisiamca and P. parviflora in North America. The genus is most recognized for its pecul¬ iar fruit from which the common names “unicorn plant” and “devil’s claws” are derived. The fruits are often pickled as food. Prof. Beal apparently felt that the densely glandular character of vegetative portions of the plants (similar to Silene in this respect) was an indication that it was carnivorous, and he went so far as to (Continued on page 4b.) SEED BANK* Patrick Dwyer (St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 49 Killean Park, Albany, NY 12205) $.75 per packet Byblis liniflora (2), Cephalotus folhcularis ( 1 ), Darlingtonia californica ( 3),Dionaea muscipula, D. aliciae (9), D. auriculata (8), D. arcturi (3), D. binata (1), D. binata multipda (2), D. brevifoha (2), D. burkeana (3), D. burmannii(S), D. capensis, D. capensis (narrow), D. capillaris (2), D. filiformis filiformis (3), D. indica (3), D. intermedia, D. linearis ( 1 ), D. macrophylla (2), D Montana ( 1 3), D. natalensis ( 1 ), D. peltata (6), D. planchonii (3) , D. pygmaea (1), D. rotundifolia, D. rotundifolia (Oregon) (2), D. spathulata (7), D. spath. (Kansai), D. spath. (white fl.) (2), D. stenopetala (1), D whittakeri (3), Nepenthes ampullaria (6), N. gracilis (10), TV. khasiana, N.mirabilis (13), TV. rafflesiana (12), Pinguicula primuliflora (1), P. vulgaris, Sarracenia flava, S. leucophylla, S. minor ( 1 4), S. purpurea heterophylla (6), S. purpurea purpurea, S. purpurea venosa ( 1 0), S. rubra (4) , S. flava X oreo (1), S. leuco Xalata (1), S. psitt. X minor (4), S. sp. mix (3), Utricularia racemosa (1), U. subulata (1). ‘For instructions on how to send or order seed, see CPN March 1982, page 4, Volume 11 • June 1982 31 Continued from March 1982 From SINNESORGANE IM PFLANZENREICH bv Gottlieb Haberlandt Insectivores: Dionaea muscipula Translated by Carla R. Powell Departments of Chemistry and Foreign Language Lebanon Valley College, Annville, PA 17003 Upon treatment with zinc chloride iodine solution3, these underlying cell wall layers exhibit only a light yellowish- grey coloration, while the epidermal outer walls of the leaf blades up to the cuticle immediately turn an even shade of blue. There can scarcely be a doubt that, just as in the case of Aldrovanda, the differing chemical behavioral of the our er walls of the hinge cells correlates with their flexibility and elasdcity. The radial longitudinal walls (side walls) of the hinge cells are considerably thickened. This is easily observed on crosswise micro¬ tome sections ( Plate VII, Fig 2) and tangen dal longitudinal secuons through the hinge (Fig. 5). On tangential longitudinal sections one also sees that the upper and lower per¬ ipheral portions of the longitudinal walls are thinner and, as a result the cell lumina are enlarged at these points The longitudi¬ nal walls turn blue and swell greatly when treated with zinc chloride iodine’. Even with¬ out further treatment after the protoplasts have been fixed with chroma osmium acetic acid8, a delicate cross- striadon of the some what swollen longitudinal walls is observed resulting from the presence of more numer¬ ous plasmodesmata between the adjoining hinge cells (Plate VII, Fig 3)9. The sloping lateral walls, which border on die hinge cells above and below, are just as thin as the radial walls of the adjacent epidermal cells, corresponding to them. The inner walls of the hinge cells are again quite thick (Plate VII, Fig. 1); but the thickening does not usually extend all the way to the upper and lower transverse edge of the inner wall. These walls also are trav¬ ersed by plasmodesmata , such that the pro¬ toplasts of the hinge or sensory cells are con¬ nected not only with one another, but also with the protoplasts of the central cell bun¬ dle This cell bundle, surrounded by 15-16 hinge cells in the form of a ring, consists of longitudinally stretched cells with perpendi¬ cular, or only slightly slanted transverse walls (Plate Vf Fig 10). The bundle i$ as a rule two cell layers high, and on median length wise sections, three cell layers wide In the case of an exceptionally weakly constructed brisde, I found a single longitudinally stretched cell in place of the enure bundle. The con¬ tent of these cells includes a living plasmatic body with an ellipsoidal nucleus. The na ture of their walls is peculiar. They are more or less thickened and with relatively weak magnification, appear as though they are covered with rounded pits (This cor rects the mistaken description of these cell walls in the first edition of this book p 113.) Renewed investigation, however ex¬ plained this appearance Many strongly re fractive granules, or sinuate platelets are embedded in the middle lamellae in a sin¬ gle layer. To judge by their reactions they consist of a cutose substance10. On thin mi¬ crotome sections (5-10 fi m thick one sees very clearly, with sufficiendy strong magnifi¬ cation, that the rows of granules are covered on both sides by smooth cellulose lamellae, which correspond to the layers of secondary thickening (Plate VII, Figs 1, 2). Such cutin granules also occur in the partition walls be¬ tween the hinge cells and the central cells It is worth noting that, except for the Ion gitudinal walls only the transverse walls in side the hinge cells exhibit this construc¬ tion. The upper- and lowermost transverse walls, through which the cell bundle bor¬ ders on the adjacent tissue consist of ref atively pure cellulose and have no granules. On the whole, those characteristic wall prop¬ erties are not so much determined by the cell boundaries, as much more by the up¬ per and lower boundaries of the hinge Here the height of the hinge is equal to the height (or length) of the inner walls of the 32 Carnivorous Plant Newsletter epidermal hinge cells. The walls of the cells existing within these boundaries and the cell parts exhibit the qualities just described. Therefore; it may be concluded that these characterisuc wall properties are connected with the function of the hinge. The impor¬ tance of the deposidon of numerous cutose granules in the cellulose wall is a complete mystery. In the first edition of this book, I con¬ sidered the central cell bundle in question to be the mechanical tissue of the entire hinge, and compared it, as far as its func¬ tion is concerned, with the central body of leaf pulvini. This conception was based on the incorrect assumption that the radial lon¬ gitudinal walls of the hinge cells were thin and delicate, such that the presence of a central mechanical cell bundle would be con¬ ceivable Now, however; the laminar hinge cells in general appear to be so thick- walled that a special mechanical cell bundle in the middle of the hinge probably is superfluous. Since there • are plasmodesmata between the hinge cells and the central cell bundle; the most important function of the bundle must be to transmit to the pedestal, or lamina the state of excitation caused by deforma tion of the hinge cells". Fig. b. A large leaf of Dionaea in its spring form. An arrow points to one of the bristles (trigger hairs) on the surface of the leaf. This partic¬ ular leaf has eight bristles as many larger leaves do. Leaves with six bristles would have one bristle, in place of the centrally located pairs of bristles, located on each side of the blade exactly between the pairs of bristles nearest the midvein. Haberlandt’s Fig. 10 in Plate VI is a longitudinal section through the base of one of these bristles. 4. The undermost part of the tactile bris¬ tle is formed from a cylindrical pedestal which is approximately as high as it is wide. It consists of thin- walled plasma rich paren chymatous cells, which are occasionally faint ly collenchymatous and are surrounded by an epidermis having rather elongated cells. It is worth noting that only the innermost layers of the moderately thickened outer walls of these epidermal cells are stained blue by zinc chloride-iodine, while the outer layers take on the same yellowish- gray color as the outer walls of the hinge cells, without be ing cuticularized This indicates that when the brisde is more severely bent, both the actual hinge and the pedestal are slightly bent In agreement with this the pedestal is not broadened at its base. Indeed it is inclined to be thinner here than it is fur¬ ther above (See Haberlandt 1896, Fig 207; Goebel s illustration is incorrect in this is¬ sue) By more severe bending of a brisde under a microscope, one can readily observe that, in fact, the pedestal is also bent ( Hab erlandt, 1896, Fig 208). And indeed this bending is provided for in the structure of the pedestal When the brisde is severelv bent as it is particularly after the leaf halves close; its function evidendy is to prevent a too great possibly permanendy damaging deformation of the hinge Howevet with weaker impulses this is probably the onlv place bending will occur. The strongest bend ing will undoubtedly occur in the hinge zone characterized bv the ring- shaped con¬ striction I must now discuss briefly the nature of the deformations of the protoplasts of the hinge cells caused by their bending. On observation of a median longitudinal section through the bristle, one sees that the hinge furrow is actually none other than a crease in the thickened outer walls ( Plate VI Fig 10 and Plate If Fig 1). Each hinge cell or sensory cell has in its very thick outer wall a much thinner cross- striation When the hinge is bent the convex side is gready stretched while the concave side forms a fold at this point ( Haberlandt 1896, p 208). When the convex side is stretched the portion of the plasma membrane adjoiir ing the thin wall striation is subjected to ex¬ treme stretching and this deformation of the protoplast, or plasma membrane is evi¬ dendy greater here than at any other place on the cell deformed bv the bending. On the concave side the nature of the mech- Volume 11 • June 1982 33 Fig. c. Plate IV fig. 10 from the second edition of Sinnsorgane. Plate VI is the same in both the first and second edition of the book except for this drawing (c.f. Plate VI Fig. 10). Note that Haberlandt changed his drawing in the second edition to indicate that all walls of the cells in the middle laver (k) are suberized instead of just the uppermost walls. Because of the much lower quality of printing of the plates in the second edition photographs of Plate VI are taken from the first edition. anical demands placed on the plasma mem¬ brane cannot be so precisely defined In the case of a weaker bending, it may have been subjected to a longitudinal pressure On the other hand, with a strong bending where by the thin portion of the outer wall folds inward, a longitudinal stretching of the plas¬ ma membrane combined with radial com¬ pression probably occurs In any case how¬ ever; the important difference in the thick¬ ness of the outer walls of the hinge cells serves to localize the deformation on a very specific part of the plasma membrane That the stretched plasma membrane is especial¬ ly sensitive at these places; that is under the only slightly thickened hinge striations of the outer walls, is an obvious surmise1'. It is possible to explain more clearly the workings of the hinge furrow when the bris¬ tle is bent, if we calculate and compare with one another the bending moments of two hollow cylinders which we imagine to repre¬ sent the outer walls of the hinge cells at their thickest and thinnest points. The for¬ mula for the bending moment1* of a hol¬ low cylinder in which the contents are no glected is: F(r^ + r*)/4. In this formula F represents the cross- sectional area and r and r, the radii of the hollow cylinder differing by the thickness of the wall ( Schwendenei; 1874, p 23). I determined the following val¬ ues for F rp and r2 on the basis of meas¬ urements of a drawing of the median longi¬ tudinal section through the hingq carried out by means of a [camera lucidaj. In the case of a hollow cylinder whose wall is formed from the thickest portion of the outer walls of the hinge cells, F = 405 mm2, r = 23 mm and r, = 20 mm The size of the bending moment is 93960, accordingly. In the case of a hollow cylinder whose wall thickness is the same as the thin portion of the outer walls of the hinge cells F = 122 mnf, ^ = 20 mm and i; = 19 mm The bending moment is 23180. The actual hinge cell is therefore considerably more weakly constructed than the thickened por¬ tions of the wall adjoining on both sides Simple observation of the dimensional rela tionships themselves makes this obvious In¬ deed the ratio of the bending moments is 4:1, i e, the thickened portions of the walls of the hinge cells are approximately four times less flexible than the thin ones If the relationship between the structure and function of the tactile bristle presented above is correct, then it should make no difference to the resulting motor response whether the stimulation, namely the bend¬ ing of the bristle is caused by a solid ob ject, or bv a fluid striking against it, for example a jet of water Contradicting this Darwin (1876, pp 263, 264) says that “ drops of water or a thin, intermittent stream fall ing down from a certain height onto the filaments” produces no stimulation Of course it was previously indicated bv Goebel '1891, p 202)., that raindrops usually run off the thin brisdes without moving them That will certainly be the case if the direction in which the drops are falling coincides with the lon- 34 Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Fig. d. upper portion — a longitudinal section through the sensory cells of the trigger hair (c.f. Plate VI, Fig. 10). Lower right — a pro¬ jection of the thickest part of the outer cuti¬ cle and cell wall illustrating one-fourth of the hollow cylinder used to compute the moment of inertia (1 ) of the thickest point. Lower left — a projection of the thinnest part of the out¬ er cuticle and wall illustrating one-fourth of the hollow cylinder used to compute the mo¬ ment of inertia (I.) of the thinnest point. 1 = Ffr2 + r2 )/4 where F = the cross-sectional area of the projected cylinder, r = the outside ra¬ dius and r = the inside radius. gitudinal axis of the upright bristle; or forms an acute angle with it If howevet; a lat eral jet of water is aimed at the bristles then, as Balfour has shown, the motor re sponse occurs immediately". The tactile brisdes of Dionaea must, accord¬ ing to the preceding material, be considered as very completely developed percepdon or¬ gans. If on the whole they are the most complete and most highly specialized organs of this species, then this presumes a very long period of evoludon in the course of the phytogeny. This seems all the more like ly since no other primitive brisdes occur on die leaf which might have been the phylo¬ genetic predecessor of the tactile bristles' . With regard to sensors’ physiology, it is highly interesting that sense perception is not exclusively limited to those highly spe- cialized organs developed for that purpose Various researchers, such as Darwin, Munk Goebel and others agree that the upper side of the leaf blade is also sensitive to mech¬ anical stimulation, albeit to a much lesser extent. Movement may also be caused by a wound Volume 11 • June 1982 35 I\.ClClClICC& A. Batalin 1877. Mechanik der Bewegung der insectenfressenden Pflanzen Flora 35: 54- 58; 105-111; 129-154. MA Curtis 1834. Enumeration of the plants around Wilmington, N. C Boston Journ Nat Hist 1: pp 123-127. G Darwin 1876. Insektenfressende Pflanzen trans V Carus ( Stuttgart). p 250. Sydenham Edwards 1804. Dionaea Musapula. Venues Fly-Trap Curtis Botanical Maga zine 20, plate 785. J. Ellis 1770. A botanical description of the Dionaea musapula or Venus’ s flytrap a newly discovered sensitive plant. Nova Ac¬ ta Regae Societatis Scientarum Upsaliensis 1: 98-101. K. Goebel. 1891. Pflanzenbiologische Schil - derrungen (Marburg), pp. 57-72. G Haberlandt 1896. Phvsiologische Pflanzen- anatomie IL (Auf}, pp 481 482. F. Kurtz 1876. Zur Anatomie des Blattes der Dionaea muscipula. in Reichter and DuBois- Reymond Arch Anat und Physiol ( Leip zig, pp 1-29. J. Lindley. 1848. An Introduction to Botany, 4th ed (London). J.M. Macfairlane. 1892. Contributions to the history of Dionaea muscipula Ellis. Contri¬ butions of the Bot Lah of the Univ. ol Pennsylvania 1 7-44. F.J. F. Meven 1839. Neues System der Pflan- zenphysiologie. 3: 545. H. Munk 1876. Die electrischen und Be wegungsterscheinungen am Blatte der Dionaea muscipula. in Reichter and DuBois- Reymond Arch, fur Anat und PhvsioL ( Leipzig pp 30-203. T. Nuttal 1818. The Genera of North Amer¬ ican Plants ( Philadelphia), p 277. C. A Oudmans 1859. Over de prikkelbaar- heid der bladen van Dionaea musapula El¬ lis. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der k. Akademie van Wetenschappen 9: 320. S. Schwendener. 1874. Das mechanische Prim zip im anatomishen Bau der Monokoty- len ( Leipzig, p. 23. ENDNOTES by Stephen E. Williams, Department of Biology Lebanon Valley College, Annville, PA 17003 1. This very important experiment clearly shows that the “endpiece” or lever portion of the trigger hair which lies above the sen¬ sory cells of the “hinge” is not a part of the sensory system. Benolken and Jacobson (1970, J. Gen. Physiol. 56: 64-82), although they were unaware of Munk’s experiments, did the same type of experiment — only in reverse. They sliced away the podium bit by bit and found that the electrical signals could be produced until they cut into the cell lev¬ el of the hinge. Each of these experiments indicates that some or all of the cells at the hinge are sensory in nature, as Haberlandt states as the major thesis of this part of his work. However, it is also possible that other cells distal to the hinge cells have a sensory function as well, as has been pointed out by M. Williams and Mozingo (1971, Amer. J. Bot. 58: 538). 2. Haberlandt apparently is clouding the is¬ sue here. There is little doubt that the sen¬ sitive response is usually triggered by the hairs and that Munk and Darwin believed that to be so. The question is really whether the ability to respond is also in other parts of the leaf which, although sensitive, are more difficult to stimulate because of their structure or other factors or whether the hair is the only sensitive part of the leaf. They found other parts of the plant to be sensitive, a fact which is of some physiolog¬ ical interest and which Haberlandt recog¬ nizes in later parts of this chapter. 3. Zinc Chloride-iodine solution was a test for various polysaccarides which could be identified by the color they develop when treated with this solution. 4. Walls in this middle layer, which Hab¬ erlandt states are suberized, stain with Sudan black B in the same way that the walls of the endothermal layer in the Drosera tenta¬ cle stain (S. Williams, 1976, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 120: 187-204). Lloyd (1942, Carnivorous Plants, p. 188) stated that he could “find very little if any suberization” in this layer. The methods used by both Lloyd and Haberlandt to detect suberization are not given. The Su¬ dan stain, which dissolves in hydrophobic lipid structures such as cuticular wax, indi¬ cates that these walls are impermeable to water and are like the Casparian strips found in the walls of many glandular structures. There are important changes in the drawing 36 Carnivorous Plant Newsletter of this structure that were made in the sec¬ ond edition of Sinnsorganne (c.f. Fig. 10 and Fig. c). 5. The great significance of these structures is precisely due to the fact that they do not have a function. Like the leg bones of the python or our appendix they may be rem¬ nants of structures that had functions in an¬ cestral organisms. Nearly all plant glands have an endodermis with Casparian strips of some sort. The presence of such a structure in the trigger hair of Dionaea is important evidence that this purely sensory structure may be derived from a secretory structure very much like the Drosera tentacle. The ho¬ mology of the Drosera tentacle with the Dio¬ naea and Aldrovanda trigger hairs is discussed in detail elsewhere (S. Williams, 1976, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. 120: 187-204). 6. The correctness of Haberlandt's state¬ ment is easily confirmed by looking at the electron micrograph of the 1-2 pm thick cu¬ ticle of this region in Fig. 12 of M. Williams and Mozingo (1971, Amer. J. Bot. 58: 232- 539). 7. Again M. Williams and Mozingo’s (1971, Amer. J. Bot. 58: 232-539) observations agree with those of Haberlandt rather than those whose he is critical of. There are clearly no pores. However, the denticulations he reports are reported to be cuticular vesicles by M. Williams and Mozingo, who were observing sections of tissue less than 90 nm (0.09jL/m) thick in contrast to Haberlandt’s 4fj m thick sections. It is quite possible that denticula¬ tions which were attached to the cuticle have been cut through in a way that makes them look like vesicles in thin sections. The fact that they remain attached to the cuticle when Haberlandt hydrolized away the cellulose walls with sulfuric acid supports this inter¬ pretation (Plate VI, Fig. 11). Electron micro¬ scopic studies are best done in parallel with light microscopic work. 8. This mixture is also called Fleming’s fixative. It has several variations containing different concentrations of chromic acid, os- mic acid and acetic acid in water (Huma- son, 1967, Animal Tissue Techniques, p. 19). 9. These plasmodesmata were hvpothesized to exist by Benolken and Jacobson (1970, J. Gen. Physiol. 56: 64-82) to explain the phy¬ siological data they observed. Haberlandt’s drawings (Plate VI, Fig. 10 and Plate VII, Figs. 2, 3) clearly support their hypothesis but M. Williams and Mozingo (Amer. J. bot. 58: 538) report that these plasmodesmata do not ex¬ ist. They do report large numbers of plas¬ modesmata connecting the sensory cells - an observation which Haberlandt failed to make. Because of the grat care with which he did his work Haberlandt’s observations should not be taken lightly. However, M. Williams and Mozingo’s (1971, Fig. 8) lon¬ gitudinal sections show some plasmodesma¬ ta in thinner portions of the wall but not the large number reported bv Haberlandt. It would be interesting to know just what Haberlandt was looking at. 10. I was unable to find Sudan black B positive walls in this part of the hair, even though it was in this region that I was ex¬ pecting them. I started looking because of the analogy of these cells and the hinge cells with the sensory cells of Aldrovanda. If these granules are cutin they should take the Su¬ dan stain. This observation should be re¬ peated. 11. A thorough investigation of the distri¬ bution of plasmodesmata throughout the trig¬ ger hair and adjacent leaf blade is in order. This is the best way that the pathway over which action potentials spread can be de¬ termined. The pathway Haberlandt suggests here is questionable on the basis of a com¬ parison of his description of the distribution of plasmodesmata with that of M. Williams and Mozingo (1971, Amer. J. Bot. 58: 532- 539). 12. Haberlandt’s emphasis on the cell mem¬ brane sounds very up to date. It is quite likely that the membrane is the site of re¬ ception rather than a number of other or¬ ganelles mentioned in far more recent stud¬ ies of the trigger hair. 13. The “bending moment” refers to the moment of inertia of the cross section of the tubular outer wall and cuticle of the hair (see Fig. d). The moment of inertia (I) to¬ gether with a constant called Young’s mod¬ ulus (E) determines how much force it takes to bend the hair. One can determine a “stiff¬ ness factor” (S), where S = El, that deter¬ mines how difficult it is to bend any partic¬ ular cross section through the hair. (See Thomas, Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Read¬ ing, Mass., pp. 550-551). Haberlandt is com¬ paring the relative ease of bending the hair at two points along its length — that is, at the narrowest point of the hinge (point b) and at a nearby point (point a or c) where the wall and cuticle of the hair are very thick. A way to compare these is to find the ratio of the stiffness factors (S^VSj,) at the two Volume 11 • June 1982 37 points. Since StySb = EcIc/Et)Ih it follows that = 1^/^ if the Young’s modulus (E) is the same at both points on the hair. The Young’s modulus (E) depends on how easy the material in the wall and cuticle is to stretch. Haberlandt has assumed it is equal¬ ly easy to stretch per unit cross-sectional area at both points and so he has computed I,/Ib = 4. His conclusion is that it is four times as easy to bend the hair at the narrow place than at the broad places so that bending will tend to take place there. Haberlandt may have used a slide rule since his calculations are not exact, as may now quickly be ascertained with a calculator. The calculated values for I have far too many significant figures for the data anyway, so the precision is more than enough to justify the approximate 4: 1 ratio of stiffness factors. 14. If the tendency of the trigger hair to require more stimuli for closure as the stim¬ uli are delivered at less frequent intervals is added to this discussion, this would be a very accurate account of this phenomenon (c.f.s. Williams, 1980, CPN 9: 65, 75). 15. For a discussion of the evolution of this structure see S. Williams, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. 120: 187-204. Acknowledgments: Thanks are due to Dr. S. L. Jacobson and Dr. Y. Heslop-Harrison for reviewing the manuscript and to Mrs. Carla Lange for bibliographic help. Dr. James Scott of the Lebanon Y'allev College Foreign Language Department made major contribu¬ tions to the translation. Plate VII, Left Side Dionaea muscipnla (Microtome sections) Fig. 1. Part of a radial longitudinal secdon through the hinge of the tactile bris¬ tle; the sensory cell is pictured togeth¬ er with the protoplast (x 700). Fig. 2. Cross section through the hinge of the tactile bristle; inside the ring of radial sensory cells is the central bundle, with cutin particles embedded in its cell walls. Fixed with alcohol, stained with paracarmine (x 660). Fig. 3. Partition wall between two sensory cells; cross sectional view. The wall is pen¬ etrated by plasmodesmata; fixed with chrome-osmium acetic acid, stained with paracarmine (x 880). Fig. 4. Part of a cross section through the hinge of a tactile bristle; the sensory cells touch at the upper ends, such that on the outside, the cross sections through the dowrn-tumed parts of the epidermal cells bordering above are still visible (X 660). Fig. 5. Tangential longitudinal section (saggi- tal section) through the sensory cells of the tactile bristle (x 700). Fig. 6. Cross section through the upper part of the stimulator of the tactile bris¬ tle (x 480). Plate VI, Right Side Dionaea Muscipula Fig. 10. Longitudinal section through the bas¬ al portion of the tactile bristle (x 440). Fig. 1 1 . Surface view of the hinge of a tactile bristle. The cuticle of the stimulus- sensitive cells is very finely denticu¬ lated on its inner side. Drosophyllum lusitamcum Fig. 14. The same, [surface view of two cells of the epidermal glandular layer] of a sessile gland. Fig. 16. The same; [isolated protoplasts of the lateral glandular cells of a parietal ten¬ tacle, viewed from the side] the cells in question were situated more toward the apex (x approx. 900). Fig. 17 Isolated proplasts of an apical glandu¬ lar cell (X approx. 900). Fig. 18 Surface view of some lateral glandular cells (X approx. 900). Drosera longifolia Fig. 19. Isolated protoplasts of two lateral glan¬ dular cells. After treatment with dilute sulfuric acid and staining with toluidine blue (X approx. 1000). Drosera dichotoma Fig. 21. Surface view of tw'o lateral glandular cells of a cluster. Treated with Javelle water. Fig. 22. Surface view of some apical glandu¬ lar cells. 38 Carnivorous Plant Newsletter LEFT SIDE PLATE VII Volume 11 • June 1982 39 PLATE VI RIGHT SIDE 40 Carnivorous Plant Newsletter A PHOTOGRAPHIC PRIMER OF VARIANTS OF SARRACENIA RUBRA WALT. bv Donald E. Schnel! As was the case in the previous two editions of this primer series, text re¬ marks must be kept brief, an especially difficult task in this very controversial species. Most regular CPN readers and students of Sarracenias are well aware of the problems of taxonomy of Sarracenia rubra. A selected bibliography is append¬ ed and readers are encouraged to read as many of these papers as available for details and still further important refer¬ ences. (Reprints of the author’s papers cited are still available in limited quan¬ tities.) Throughout this discussion, the author’s nomenclature will be used; it is becoming more widely and generally accepted (primarily references 5 and 8 with additional documentation in 6 and 7)- However, the other systems of no¬ menclature must also be studied and considered, and all papers present im¬ portant concepts and insights. Wherrv (9) first declared one of the S. rubras a separate species ( S . jonesii), but was later content with subspecies status (10). Bell (1) thought the jonesii plants were but a variety and somewhat extended the putative range; he recognized no other infraspecies. McDaniel (4) felt that there were no significant taxonomic differ¬ ences at all. The Cases (2, 3) however preferred to split S. rubra into three separate species and one subspecies. Range maps can be found in references 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, each drawn with the author’s taxonomic intentions in mind. The maps in 3, 4 and 5 are quite similar. The numbers preceding the paragraphs below correspond to the figure numbers. 1) Flower of S. rubra ssp. rubra, quite representative of all the flowers in dif¬ ferent subspecies, the only significant difference being in size in some popu¬ lations. Note the red petals (may be pale red to maroon), reflexed sepals in older flowers. The fragrance of all sspp. is uni¬ formly sweet or pleasant. The undersides of the petals in most plants of anv ssp. is tan to tan-green in color and often has a linear red streak characteristic of the species. 2) S. rubra ssp. rubra, eastern North Carolina. The range of this ssp. is the eastern Carolinas extending inland to the sandhill counties. Within the species as a whole, there is considerable seasonal plcomorphism of developing pitchers, early spring pitchers tending to be small to etiolated with many curved forms having prominent ala. This example is quite small although flowering size, has earlv spring pitchers and grows in a less than ideal habitat that dries during the summer. Plants in such areas remain more juvenile. 3) S. rubra ssp. rubra , Lexington Co., SC. This example of the same ssp. as in Fig. 2 is growing in a prime habitat: an open, sunnv area in sands' soil and in a large seep that is constantly wet. Note the very robust pitchers that approach other sspp. in Fig. 4 and 5 in character. One of the problems in studying the species is the wide variation due to local factors, vari¬ ations that tend to be neutralized in transplant and cultivation experiments. Also, the differences between sspp. in S. rubra are not at all sharply discon¬ tinuous, especially when considering dif¬ ferences between recognized Sarracenia species. Many individuals of one S. rubra ssp. can look very much like to identical to a few individuals of another ssp. in disjunct ranges perhaps hundreds of kilometers distant. 4) S. rubra ssp. jonesii has a range limited to certain mountain counties in western NC and SC (see range maps in various references as mentioned above). Again, small ecologic variants of the ssp. or earlv spring pitchers have led some authors to believe that ssp. rubra and ssp .jonesii grow together, testimony to the confusion Volume 11 • June 1982 41 1) Flowers of S. rubra ssp. rubra , typical of the entire species, the only significant variation be¬ ing somewhat larger size in larger subspecies. Note deep red petals, recurved sepals in ma¬ ture flowers. Fragrance is identically sweet or pleasant. 3) S. rubra ssp. rubra , summer pitchers in Lex¬ ington Co., SC. Plants in this open, sunny con¬ stantly wet seep area are more robust. 2) S. rubra ssp. rubra , early spring pitchers in eastern North Carolina. Note relatively small¬ er size of these early season pitchers in a less than ideal habitat that will dry during the sum¬ mer. 4) S. rubra ssp. jonesu, mature pitchers. These are taller than ssp. rubra with wider tops but narrowing rapidly toward the pitcher base. 42 Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 5) S. rubra ssp. gulfensis in central west Florida panhandle. While morphologically similar to Fig. 4, the pitcher top is relatively less wide, and of course the populauons are widely dis¬ junct. 7) S. rubra ssp. wherryi. Morphologically similar to Fig. 6, but disjunct and in all respects uni¬ formly smaller in proportions. 6) S. rubra ssp. alabamensis. Limited (so far) to three counties just north of Montgomery, AL, the ssp. has a stockier, more robust pitcher with large hoods having undulate margins. 8) S. rubra subspecies, moderately mature pitch¬ ers in comparison photo. A) ssp. rubra, B) ssp. gulfensis , C) ssp. jonesii , D) ssp. wherryi, E) ssp. alabamensis. (Plants in cultivation.) Volume 11 • June 1982 43 caused by seasonal and local morpho¬ logic variations in pitchers. Generally, the pitchers are quite tall in mature plants (see author’s references for actual mea¬ surements) with a widely expanded pitch¬ er mouth that narrows rapidly toward the base. The lid is well developed with a more prominent column than in ssp. rubra, and the upper portion of a mature, large pitcher has somewhat of a belly¬ like bulge when viewed from the side. 5) S. rubra ssp. gulfensis, limited to a small range in central western Florida panhandle where it is disjunct from other S. rubra sspp. Superficially similar in ap¬ pearance to ssp. jonesii, the top is less wide, narrows less rapidly towards the base, and the profile bulge in the upper pitcher is absent to slight. Again, the presence of small individuals, often in less than ideal habitat has led some work¬ ers to feel that the ssp. is identical to ssp. rubra. An additional factor to con¬ sider in this and the other Gulf coastal sspp. is the problem of hybridization and backcrossing with other Sarracenia spe¬ cies. Considerable experience and insight may be required to sort these out in the field! 6) S. rubra ssp. alabamensis so far seems to be limited to three counties located just north of Montgomery, AL. The pitch¬ er proportions and contour of this ssp. and the next seem relatively more different as a small group than the three preceding sspp. The pitcher is stockier in appear¬ ance although the plants grow nearly as tall as ssp. jonesii. The top is wider and narrows very gradually to the base in mature summer pitchers, although spring pitchers are very similar to other sspp. The very large hood is the most markedly undulated (wavey) on the margins of all. The pitcher also tends to a more pale green background color in moderate light as compared to the tan-green color of the preceding sspp., although in full light this is less apparent. A tendency to fenestrations (alveolae, light windows, etc.) is more obvious in this ssp. than others, although by no means are they clear-cut or as obvious as some other Sarracenia species. I feel they may seem more apparent due to the paler back¬ ground color. Similar alveolae can be seen in the anthocyanin free variant of S. rubra ssp .jonesii (all yellow-green pitch¬ ers, yellow flowers) which have been found in two locations so far (5). 7) S. rubra ssp. wherryi , the last ssp. 1 recognize, is disjunct in extreme south¬ ern Alabama but north of Mobile Bay, particularly in Baldwin and Washington Cos. Here, the ssp. occurs with other species of Sarracenia (no other species have been found yet occurring with ssp. alabamensis above) and one must be cautious about hybrids, as in ssp. gulfen¬ sis mentioned in 5 above. The pitcher appears similarly proportioned to ssp. alabamensis but overall measurements are shorter, slightly narrower, and there is more red pigment on the average in most pitchers. 8) Finally, we come to a comparison photo of the pitchers of all five sub¬ species made from cultivated pitchers. The pitchers are more mature than the very pleomorphic, often non-specific spring ones, being early summer, but not as mature as full summer pitchers illustrated in previous photos. This mid¬ dle stage is purposefully shown here to complete the spectrum. While it illus¬ trates the differences between sspp. fairly clearly, it also illustrates a stage when many field observations may be made in late spring to early summer. The letter keys are given in the legend. This has been the most difficult of the primers to present in our space limita¬ tion because here in Sarracenia rubra the differences felt to be present are based more on degree of a character manifesta¬ tion than on a simple presence/absence factor as has been the case with most of the variants in the preceding two primers. I would reemphasize that in the case of S. rubra especially, one should consult at least some of the technical literature where important details, ad¬ ditional characters and measurements are presented along with more illustra¬ tions. 44 Carnivorous Plant Newsletter SELECTED REFERENCES 1) BELL, C. R 1949. A cyto taxonomic study of the Sarraceniaceae of North America. J Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 65:137-166, PI. 8-14. 2) CASE, F. W. and R. B. CASE. 1974. Sarracenia alabamensis, a newly recognized species from central Alabama. Rhodora 76:650-665. 3) CASE, F. W. and R. B. CASE. 1976. The Sarracenia rubra complex. Rhodora 78:270- 325. 4) McDANIEL, S. 1971. The genus Sarracenia (Sarraceniaceae). Bull. Tall Timbers Re¬ search Station (Tallahassee, FL), No. 9. 5) SCHNELL, D. E. 1977. Infraspecific vari¬ ation in Sarracenia rubra Walt.: Some ob¬ servations. Castanea 42: 1 49- 1 70. 6) SCHNELL, D. E., 1978. Sarracenia L. petal extract chromatography. Castanea 43: 107- 115. 7) SCHNELL, D. E. 1978. Systematic flower studies of Sarracenia L. Castanea 43:211- 220. 8) SCHNELL, D. E. 1978. Sarracenia rubra Walter: Infraspecific nomenclatural cor¬ rections. Castanea 43:260-261. 9) WHERRY, E. T. 1929. Acidity relations of the Sarracenias | Wash. Acad. Sci. 19:379-390. 10) WHERRY, E. T. 1972. Notes on Sarracenia subspecies. Castanea 37: 1 46- 1 47. SPECIAL NOTICE If you have questions regarding your subscription, please do NOT call the Ar¬ boretum office. CPN uses the Arboretum address for mail, but the Arboretum staff is not involved with any aspect of CPN. Please send any inquiries by letter; your questions will be answered promptly if you enclose a SASE. Occasionally, as in the case of the March issue, printing difficulties cause an issue to come out later than usual. Please be patient. If it appears that your issue was lost in the mail, we will send a replacement as usual. Reprints of Volumes I-IV are still un¬ available. Please do not send orders for these volumes until notice of availability appears in CPN. A Miscellaneous List of Places Where CPN is Cited By L. Mellichamp Shetler, S. G., “Carnivorous Plant News¬ letter, ’’TAXON 27, 478. 1978. Slack, Adrian, Carnivorous Plants, MIT Press, 1979. Schnell, D. E., Carnivorous Plants of the U.S. and Canada, John F. Blair, Pub¬ lisher; 1976. Schnell, D. E. & D. W. Kidder, Cluster Analysis of the Genus Sarracenia L. in the Southeastern United States. Cas¬ tanea 41: 165-176. 1976. The Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature for 1974, London. Darlingtonia and Sarracenia. Schnell, D. E., Infraspecific variation in Sarracenia rubra Walt.: Some observa¬ tions. Castanea 42: 149-170. 1977. Schnell, D.E., A critical review of pub¬ lished variants of Sarracenia purpurea L. Castanea 44:47-59. 1979. Schnell, D. E., Notes on Utricularia sim- ulans Pilger (Lentibulariaceae) in Southern Florida. Castanea 45: 270- 276. 1980. Case, F. W. & R. B. Case, The Sarracenia rubra complex. Rhodora 78: 270-325. 1976. N & V (Continued from page 31.) calculate the prodigious numbers of small insects trapped by one large bushv plant. He placed small bits of beef on some experimental plants and “in some cases” the pieces disappeared. He further ob¬ served that trapped insects lived but a short period of time although often held by as few as one to four hairs. So, you folks living near good patches of Proboscidea look into this and let us know. At worst, you could end up with some interesting pickles. DES Volume 11 • June 1982 45 CULTIVATING THE ORCHID FLOWERED BUTTERWORTS By Steve Smith Rd #1, Box 296 Kirkwood, NY 13795 Cultivating the orchid flowered but- terworts can be a very rewarding exper¬ ience. The rewards include delicately shimmering leaves, beautiful flowers in the spring and sometimes leaves on plants ranging in size from 4 cm (P. cy- closecta ) to 20 cm (P. moranensis ). The six species of Pinguicula that form the Orcheo- santhus section are: P. colimensis, P. cy- closecta, P. gypsicola, P. macrophylla, P. moranensis and P. oblongiloba. I have grown all of them with the exception of P. ob¬ longiloba, which should be added by the spring of 1982. My collection also in¬ cludes other species that respond well to the same cultural conditions as do the orchid flowered butterworts. These in¬ clude P hlacina (whose leaf margins roll down instead of up), P. parvifolia and P. hirtiflora. These plants respond exceptionally well to cool, damp conditions t fiat can be provided in a building cellar. Ideal temperatures for good growth will be a maximum of 26°C (78°F) during the summer and down to 10°C (50°F) during the winter dormancy period. Do not ex¬ pose to freezing temperatures as you will surely lose your plants. Day and night temperatures should vary only by a few degrees for best results. The humidity is generally between 60 and 90 percent during the summer months and drops between 40 and 50 percent during the winter months, and appears to be ideal for these plants. Having experimented with natural and artificial lighting, best results were obtained using the latter. I use a four- tube fluorescent fixture consisting of two Verilux Tru-bloom bulbs, one cool w'hite bulb, and one Sylvania Gro-lux bulb. Placing the plants from 30 to 38 cm below the lights will give good size and will enhance good coloration. Distance can be increased to 61 cm or more which will result in larger plants, however, longer distances w ill cause loss of delicate color¬ ation of the leaves. I have experimented with several growing mediums, and to date the best results have been obtained using chopped sphagnum moss. Plants grown in peat/ vermiculite mix did reasonably well, as did plants grown in pure peat. The sphagnum is chopped into approximate¬ ly 3 cm long pieces and lightly packed in the bottom of a 7.5 cm shallow pot to within 2 cm of the top. Then the pot is filled to the top with milled living sphag¬ num, which I chop in an ordinary food blender. The milled top layer prevents the larger pieces of sphagnum from over¬ growing small plants and dormant buds. One plant is planted in each pot ex¬ cept for P. gypsicola (four per pot), P. cyclosecta (three or four per pot), and P. parvifolia (two or three per pot). At this point I would like to add that despite reading several articles written by other growlers on adding limestone to their growing medium, my plants were grown without any lime whatsoever. Plants were extremely healthy and prolific, indicating lime is not a necessity for healthy growth. (Continued on page 51.) Two forms of P moranensis: P. moranensis Oaxaca (left) P X kewensis Photo by S. Smith 46 Carnivorous Plant Newsletter P. cyclosecta P. lilacina Photos bv S. Smith ' * I P. moranensis P. paruifolia Volume 11 • June 1982 47 Flowers of D. stolonifera “Alpine form” Allen Lowrie looking at colony of D. stolonifera “Alpine form” pink flowers. Habit of D. stolonifera “Alpine form” 48 Carnivorous Plant Newsletter A FIELD TRIP TO TOOLBRUNUP PEAK* Allen Lowrie, 6 Glenn Place, Duncraig, 6023, Western Australia In November 1981, after my friend Robert Oliver had returned from a week¬ end with his family in the Stirling Ranges (Albany region), he reported to me that on the cliffs of Toolbrunup Peak, at about the 700M mark, he spotted what he thought might be a C.P. in the distance. He didn’t really take much notice because the plants were off the main track up the mountain face. After talking about this C.P. possibility, we decided to or¬ ganise a field trip to Toolbrunup Peak to investigate. I was rather excited at the possibility of finding a new species, since to date no Western Australian C.P. had been discovered at this altitude. (The Stirling Range area has the highest range in the southwest of Western Australia.) On a Friday night in November 1981, Robert and I set off on the 400 KM drive to the Stirling Range. We arrived about 1:30 a.m. and crashed for the night under the stars. At first light, after breakfast, we set off for the walk up the mountain. The first 300M was okay as it consisted of slowly rising trails; after¬ wards, however, it was straight up. We were mostly on all fours climbing up and over large rocks, tree stumps and what- have-you. By stopping every 50M or so and resting, we finally arrived at the 700M mark. Walking off the main track to the right and slowly working our way up the cliff face we arrived at the place where Robert had spotted the C.P. Sure enough, they were C.P., but I couldn’t identify them immediately. On further investigation, I concluded that they were a form of D. stolonifera. There are four basic growth forms of D. stolonifera found generally, but this one was a different form altogether, no doubt an alpine form, as in this region snow can be found on Bluff Knoll ( 1073M). Toolbrunup Peak height is 1052M. ‘Albany Region, West Australia After crawling up the face of Tool¬ brunup Peak between the 700M mark and the summit, I was lucky enough to find plants in flower. What a surprise to find these D. stolonifera “Alpine form” sporting pink flowers! Down on the lower sand plain, D. stolonifera is always found with white flowers. The trip up the moun¬ tain had certainly produced a new variety of C.P. D. stolonifera “Alpine form-Pink flowers” was trulv the highlight of all my 1981 field trips. After Robert and I had explored the upper face of Toolbrunup Peak, we called it a day and set off down the mountain. I don’t know which was worse — the climb up or the jarred legs on the way down. Since it was November, the sand plain D. stolonifera had finished and were dy¬ ing back and making up their new tubers, but the D. stolonifera “Alpine forms” were just coming into flower on Toolbrunup Peak. Where the D. stolonifera “Alpine form” grows is constantly wet, in com¬ plete shade all day long, as the plants were found on the South side of the mountain only. The plants were also found mostly growing under rock ledges and in a few cases we found groups of plants in small caves approximately 1M back into the cliff face. Even if the sun did get over to the south side of the mountain, the plants would be in com¬ plete shade all dav long anyway. This type of C.P. discovery is fairlv common here in Western Australia, new varieties are always coming to light anytime one can find a different soil type or differ¬ ent microclimate. Over the vears I have only explored the one altitude (the sand plains and hills). The discovery of D. stolonifera “Alpine form-Pink flower” at the top of Toolbrunup Peak leads me to believe that the other peaks in the Stirling Range may produce different forms and species of C.P. Volume 11 • June 1982 49 Review of Recent Literature Barrie, N. and M. Honda (photos). 1982. Those blooming meat eaters. National Wildlife 20:40-45. A popular article on Sarracenias with very brief introductory text, but with six color photos, some two page spread. The photos include the obligatory “view from (he pit,” of course. Mod¬ erately interesting. Disney, R. H. L., Megaselia corkerae, a new species from Nepenthes in Hong Kong with reevaluation of the genus En- donepenthia (Diptera: Phoridae ). Orient. Insects 15 (2): 200-206. 1981. The author found that these insects breed in the pitcher fluid of N. mirabilis. Robertson, A. and B. A. Roberts. 1982. Checklist of the alpine flora of Western Brook Pond and Deer Pond areas, Gros Morne National Park. Rhodora 84: 101- 1 15. Among the plants listed in the diverse habitats of this Newfoundland, Canada coastal montane area are the following CP species: Sarracenia purpurea, S. pur¬ purea, f. heterophylla, S. purpurea v. venosa (sic), Drosera rotundifolia (inch a f. bre- viscapa), D. intermedia, Utricularia minor, U. intermedia and Pinguicula vulgaris. A profile map and brief description of the varying habitats are given. This is a first published location for S. pur¬ purea f. heterophylla in this area. Note the unlikely and mistaken “v. venosa" under S. purpurea. Sibaoka, T. 1980. Action potentials and rapid plant movements. In PLANT GROWTH SUBSTANCES 1979 (F. Skoog, editor), Springer-Verlag, New York. Pp. 462-469. Mimosa and Dionaea are discussed, along with some measurements and comments, with results similar to those presented by Williams, Pickard and others in the past. Aldrovanda is new work reported in the paper in which stimuli were applied and sequential measurements made via insertion of microelectrodes. New figures and ob¬ servations on speeds, direction and extent of action potentials are pre¬ sented. The mechanism is somewhat similar to Dionaea except for numer¬ ical differences, and Adrovanda usually only requires one sensory hair stim¬ ulus to initiate closure. Sutherst, R. W., et. al. 1982. Tropical legumes of the genus Sytlosanthes im¬ mobilize and kill cattle ticks. Nature 295:320-321. While the genus has not been demon¬ strated to be carnivorous per se, it is of interest that tick larvae, which crawl to the tips of vegetation to await an animal host, are both immobilized in the glandular secretions of some species of this genus, and then killed bv an aromatic toxin as demonstrated bv partition experiments. This prop¬ erty as well as the nutritious character of this legume may prove of value in animal husbandry. WhiteselhJ- K , Matthews, R. S., Minton, M., Sc A. M. Helbling. Total Synthesis of Sarracenin. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 103 (12): 3468-3472. 1981. The authors described the synthesis of the iridoid monoterpene sarracenin from Sarracenia species. Williams, S. E. and B. G. Pickard, 1980. The role of action potentials in the control of capture movements of Dros¬ era and Dionaea. Springer-Verlag, New York. Pp. 470-480. This and the paper by Sibaoka reviewed elsewhere in this section were read as part of 10th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances held in Madison, WI, 22-26 July, 1979. This paper is an excellent review of the author’s work on action potentials in the genera and is a very useful sum¬ mary of the several papers published by the authors over the years. 50 Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Small P. gypsicola culling Photo by S. Smith Orchid Butterworts (Continued from p. 46.) With the exception of P. hirtiflora and P. lilacina, these Pinguicula form dormant buds during the winter months. Leaves become short, succulent and numerous. These succulent leaves are the best for propagation, and up to % can be removed from the central bud with no ill effects on next spring’s growth. As with other CP, water must be pure for best results. When and where possible it is best to use rain water. When leaves overlap each other and drape over the side of the pot, care must be taken not to wet the leaves when watering. A large bulb syringe is excellent for watering as the leaves can be carefully lifted and the plant can be watered with a gentle stream. During the active growing season plants may be fertilized by lightly misting with a Vh to l/ strength balanced fertilizer once every four to six weeks. Fish emulsion is not recommended as it entices fungus growth. These plants can be propagated either sexually or asexuallv. Thick, succulent winter leaves are spread on milled sphag¬ num or peat or vermiculite. The medium is lightly moistened and pot placed in a plastic bag that is sealed and placed in a warm, well lit environment. Approxi¬ mately four to six weeks later small plant- lets will begin to grow from the leaf base. When these plants are large enough to work with they are removed and planted in individual pots. Flowers are not self pollinating and pollination must be done by hand. This procedure is the same as for P. lutea described in CPN Vol. 8, #2, page 58. Seed pods begin to swell about 10 days after fertilization and mature four to six weeks later. Seeds are spread on milled sphagnum or peat to germinate. Seeds take approximately three to four weeks to germinate. Those who are interested in obtaining these species should contact W. I P., P. O. Box 303, Grant, Florida 32949 during the active growing season. Volume 11 • June 1982 51 Pinguicula macroceras ss p. montensis, growing in Northern California. Photo by J urg Steiger.