The Newsletter of the Wyoming Native Plant Society March 1999 Volume 18, No. 1 In dlls issue: WNPS News 2 Additions to tlie Flora of Wyoming VI 3 Thomas Nuttall; Botanist, Naturalist, and Personality in American History 4 The American Elm 6 Botany Briefs 7 Yerfuo in the News Oldest Fossil Flower Discovered Executive Order on Invasive Species Prices Dropped on Flora ID Northwest Plant keys Can Rust Fungi Become Extinct? S Silvery lupine (Lupmus argenteus) is one of the most common, wide-ranging, and morphologically variable plant species in Wyoming. Five varieties are recognized in the state, each differing in flower size, leaf pubescence, leaflet width, and habitat preference. Silvery lupine is thought to have greatly expanded its range in the interraountain west since the last ice age. Some authorities believe that the current taxonomic complexity of the species may be due to hybridization between formerly distinct taxa that lacked adequate reproductive barriers. Others contend that the progenitor of£. argentens was a polymorphic species that is still in the process of genetic diversification as it encounters new, post-glacial environments. Silvery lupine is one of seven species of Lupimis found in Wyoming, many of which are poisonous to sheep. The word “lupine” comes from Latin for wolfish, a name mistakenly given the plants due to an ancient belief that lupines robbed the soil of nourishment. In reality', lupines enrich the soil with nitrogen fixed by symbiotic bacteria (Rhizobium) living in the plant’s root nodules. Illustration by W.H. Lindemann from ‘Weeds of Wyoming” (1969). WNPS NEWS 1 999 Wyoming Rare Plant Conference : The Wyoming Rare Plant Technical Committee is sponsoring the fifth Wyoming Rare Plant Conference on March 16-18 in Rawlins, WY, The conference has been moved to the Days Inn at 2222 East Cedar St. to accommodate more participants. A group of 50 rooms are being rcser\'ed for conference attendees at a price of $40.80 for a single and $45.05 for a double room (call Tami Bustos at 1-888-324-6615 for rescrv'ations). All WNPS are invited to attend. The conference agenda includes the following speakers and topics: Tuesday, 16 March 1: 10 PM Tom Stohlgren: Protecting Plant Communities - A new look. 2PM Tom Andrews, USES Region 2: The US Forest Service Research Natural Area program. 2:30 PM George Jones, WY Natural Diversity Database, Univ. of WY: Natural Area and Plant Community Protection in WY. 3:00 Break. 3:20 PM Greg Brown, Univ. of WY: What genetics can tell us about WY rare plants: lessons from Descuroinia toruhsa and Gaura neomexicana ssp. cohradensis. 3:50 PM Hollis Marriott, The Nature Conser\^anc>c Rare plant communities of the Black Hills. 4:20 PM Jeriy' Freilich, The Nature Conserv-ancy: Ecoregional planning in the Wyoming Basins. Wednesday, 17 March 8 AM Sherel Goodrich, Ashley NF and Charmaine Delmaticr, Western WY College: Rare plant communities and species of southwest Wyoming. 8:50 AM Steve taster, Pinedale BUM: Ross Butte: more than just rare plants. 9:15 AM Andy Kratz, USFS Region 2: Bioprospecting on National Forest lands. 9:40 AM Teresa Prendusi, USFS Region 4; National Native Plant Conserv^alion Initiative. 10:00 Break 10:20 AM Kent Houston, Shoshone NF: Developing a GlS/EcoIogical database on Shoshone National Forest. 10:50 AM Jennifer Whipple, Yellowstone NP; Rare plants and rare communities of Yellowstone National Park, WY. 11:15 AM Richard and Bev Scott, Central WY College: Demograpliic studies of desert yellowhcad {Yenno xanthocephalus). 11:45 AM Lunch 1:00 PM Ron Hartman, Rocky Mountain Herbarium, Univ, of WY: New plant species in North America: a twenty-year survey. 1:20 PM Robert Dorn, Mountain West Env. Services: Our most endangered plants have yet to be found. 1 :50 PM Walter Fertig, WY Natural Diversity Database, Univ. of WY: The protection status of rare plants in Wyoming: are species falling through the cracks? 2: 15 PM Amy Roderick, Univ. of WY: A floristic survey of the North Platte Valley, WY. 2:40 PM Betli Ward, Univ. of WY; A floristic survey of the Washakie Basin and Rock Springs Uplift, WY. 3:05 Break 3:25 PM; Bruce Barnes, Flora ID Northwest, Computerized plant keys for Wyoming. 4:00 PM: Open discussion. Thursday, 18 March 8:10 AM Lany Stritch, USFS, Washington DC: Rare plant conservation from a national perspective. 8:45 AM Walter Fertig, WY Natural Diversity Database, Univ. of WY; Overview' of rare plant studies in WY, 1997-98, 9:30 AM Rare plant species re\iew 10:00 AM Break 10:20 AM Rare plant species review 12.00 PM Conference adjourns 1999 Electinns Coming Up : A slate of candidates for tire WNPS Board will appear on the ballot^renew'al notice in the May newsletter. If you w'ould like to serve on tlie Board, or know' someone who might like to run, please contact the Secretary before May 1. 1999 Annual Meetme/Field Trip Reminder : The Society'’ s annual meeting and field trip is scheduled for the weekend of 19-20 June, 1999 in the desert country' of Southwest Wyoming. Potential destinations include Flaming Gorge, the McKinnon area, and Fossil Butte National Monument. Look for a complete itinerary' in tire May issue of CastiHeja. A second weekend trip is planned for 3 1 July and 1 August 1999 in the Beartooth Range of northwestern Wyoming. This trip will include stops to the Lily Lake bogs, Clay Butte, and the Tw'in Lakes/Line Creek area on the Beartooth Plateau. A side trip to the Swamp Lake wetland in the Clarks Fork Valley is also planned. Stay tuned for complete details in the May newsletter. New Members ! Please welcome the following new members of WNPS: Ann Akey (Laramie), Drew Arnold (Laramie), Joy Handley (Laramie), Karen Himnan (Richland, WA), Leslie Marly (Bridger, MT), and Larr>' Morse (Arlington, VA). Attention Readers : We are always looking for articles and illustrations for the newsletter. Items for the May issue are needed by 1 May 1999. Treasurers Report : Balance as of 28 February' 1999: General Fund $434.84; 1998-99 Student Scholarship Fund $ 1075.00 ; Total funds: 1 509.84 WF 2 Wyoming Native Plant Society 1604 Grand Ave,, Laramie, WY 82070 President: Charmaine Delmatier (Green River) Vice President: Jim Ozenberger (Jackson) Secretary-Treasurer: Walt Fertig (Laramie) Board Members; Nina Haas (Cheyenne) Jennifer Wliipple (Mammoth) Newsletter Editor: Walt Fertig (307) 745-5026 (w'k)/e-inail: . Teton Chapter: PO Box 82, Wilson, WY 83014 (Joan Lucas, Treasurer), For general information on events, call Katy Duffy (543-2959). Contributors to this issue: Bruce Barnes (BB), John Baxter, Walter Fertig (WF), W.H. Lindcmann, Stuart Markow, C.L. Porter, and John Randall (JR), Additions to the Flora of Wyoming - VI. By Walter Fertig New plant species for the stale continue to come to light, indicating that the study of the Wyoming flora is still far from complete. The newcomers (some of which are not so new!) include: Ehocharis yanfula (Small spikerush) : This diminutive, perennial member of the sedge family (Cyperaceae) was discovered along a reserv oir in Goshen County by Ernie Nelson, Tim Chumley and Robbin Romberg in 1994. Small spikerush can be recognized by its low stature (usually under 10 cm tall) and smooth, 3-sidcd achenes with a small, apical tubercle that is not strongly differentiated from the main body of the fruit. E. parvula was previously reported for Wyoming in the Flora of the Great Plains (1986). but no corroboraUng specimens were known from the Rocky Mountain Herbarium until Nelson made this collection. Epilobium ore^onense (Oregon willow-herb) : This low- growing member of the evening primrose family (Onagraceae) was first discovered in Wyoming in 1963, but remained unrecognized until willow-herb authority Peter Hoch annotated the specimen in 1978, Stuart Markow recently found another misidenlified sheet belonging to this species among the collections of the Rocky Mountain Heibarium. Oregon willow-herb can be recognized by its glabrous herbage (at least below the inflorescence), sparsely leafy steins, thread- like, leafy, stolons, and finely papillate seeds. It can be confused wth E. glaberrimum, a taller species with leafy, glaucous stems and short rhizomes. E. oregomnse occurs in the Medicine Bow and southern Absaroka ranges in Albany and Fremont counties. Helictotrichon mortonianinn (Alpine oatgrass) : George Jones discovered this perennial grass while conducting vegetation surveys on Arrow Mountain in the northeastern Wind River Range (Fremont Counfy) in 1998. Alpine oatgrass differs from Helictotrichon hookeri in having a smaller stature, shorter panicle, inrolled rather than flat leaf blades, and fewer florets per spikclet. The species is a regional endemic of tlie southern Rocky Mountains, with the nearest known populations occurring in the Uinta Mountains of northeastern Utah. Juncus articulatus f Jointed rush) : Ernie Nelson, Tim Chumley, and Robbin Romberg discovered this species at three wetland sites in Platte County, WY in 1994. Jointed rush closely resembles Juncus alpinoarticulatus in having round, hollow leaves and short perianth segments (under 3 mm long), but can be distinguished by its sharp-pointed rather than round tepals and gradual ly-tapcred fruiting capsule. J. articulatus occurs sporadically in the west, but is widespread in eastern North America and Eurasia. Some authors suggest that it may be introduced in many parts of its range. Silene douglasii (Douglas' campion) : This member of the carnation family (Caryophyllaccae) was discovered independently by Tom Cramer (1994) and George Jones (1998) on Raymond Creek along the Wyoming/Idaho border, but remained “unknown” until the specimens were properly identified by Stuart Markow and Ron Hartman in 1998. Douglas’ campion typically occurs on rocky slopes and bnishy draws from the montane to alpine zones tlirougli much of California, Nevada, Utah, and the Pacific Northwest. Silene douglasii superficially resembles S. parryi, but differs in having bilobed rather tlian 4-lobcd petals. In Wyoming, Uic species is known only from western Lincoln County. Below; Helictotrichon mortonianum. 111. by W. Fertig from ZzoXX's Alpine Flora of the Rocky Motmiains (1997). 3 Thomas Nuttall: Botanist, Naturalist, and Personality in American History By Stuart Markow As I thumb through Dorn’s Vascular Plants of Wyoming, I encounter names such as Castdleja angustifoUa Nutt, and Phlox iongifolia Nutt. From basic botany courses I know that "Nutt.” is not a descriptive term ascribed to most botanists, but rather the author citation; tliat is the name (or abbreviation of the name) of the person (s) who first described the plant in the appropriate literature. Therefore, for each species tenuinated by ‘'Nutt.” w-e can deduce that tliis person, Thomas Nuttall, is the individual holding such distinction. Today, botanists work feverislily to be the first to describe new species. Nuttall’s accomplishments include well o\'er a thousand such descriptions, hundreds of which arc in manuals of our region. However, his works were not limited to plant collecting. He also collected and described birds, mammals, invertebrates and minerals. Finally, as if he had nothing else to do, he wrote prolifically about the natural world and about his adventures on the untanacd American frontier. The early ISOOs saw' the western U. S. just beginning to open up. It w'as also the beginning of intense scientific investigation, with particular interest in plant collecting. The desire to achicv'c inunortalitv' by being first to describe a species, the economic incentives to discover new crop plants, and even such mundane motives as the advancement of scientific knowledge all combined to generate an influx of collectors to the United States and, in particular, the American west with its unknown and untapped resources. It was this environment of exploration and discover)' to which Thomas Nuttall arrived. Like many of the early plant collectors, Nuttall was European. He was born in the village of Long Preston in Yorkshire, England - a locale which liad been home to his ancestors for centuries. It is said that the people of this village were characterized by seriousness, independence, ihorouglmess and perseverance. These qualities certainly characterized Nuttall, just as they did the many other intrepid explorers of the new' world. Just how' he acquired the resolve to explore the American frontier is open to speculation. One possibility' lies with tales he heard about Thomas Simmonds w'ho sallied forth to study the new world flora (and, unfortunately, met with an early demise in the process). Equally likely is the possibility that he was inspired by Francois Andre Michaux’s w'ritings about his travels and botanical exploits in America. Regardless, in March of 1808, after experiencing considerable friction with his uncle/employcr, Nuttall left England for America, embarking on the adventures which would immortalize his name many limes ov^er. After a dismal five weeks at sea, Nuttall arrived in Philadelphia where he quickly (that is, immediately upon leaving the ship) began indulging Iiimself in the local flora. Naturally he w'as quite unfamiliar with it and was fnjstrated with his inability to find a floral manual to guide him. After Above: Thomas Nuttall (from Graustein 1967). attending to such basics as securing lodgings, he sought assistance from fellow boarders. These people advised him to sec a Benjamin Smith Barton whom, they were vaguely aware, had w ritten a botany textbook. A physician and professor of botany and natural history^ at the University' of Pennsyivania, Barton w'as a legendary' figure in iiis own right. As one of the preeminent botanists of the early years of America, it is only fitting that be help to launch Nuttail’s career. Noting his enthusiasm and promising qualities. Barton did everything he could to encourage and instmet Nuttall. Within a year Barton w'as sending him on collecting trips throughout the northeast and to destinations in the southern Appalachians. Barton had grandiose plans. Among others, liis intentions were to 1) produce a ^slematic treatise of the flora of a large part of Nortli America and 2) establish a greenhouse stocked with plants from across the country. These plans necessitated extensive collecting across the continent and, having demonstrated his enthusiasm and competence as a collector, Nuttall W'as the logical candidate for the job. Under tire “Terms of Agreement” and “Directions for Mr, Thomas Nuttall” he was to travel from Philadelphia to what is now northern Saskatchew-an, making collections and recording scientific information as he w'cnt. It W'as a formidable undertaking, especially for one unschooled in the rigors of wilderness travel. Although he did carry' a gun, there is no evidence that he had the slightest idea how' to shoot it, apparently finding it most useful for digging plants. Predictably, little of the excursion w ent as planned. Leaving Philadelphia in April, 1810, Nuttall eventually 4 reached the Mississippi River at Wisconsin, llien departed from the established itinerary by proceeding downstream to St. Louis. Realizing the hopelessness of carrying out his assignment single-handed, he essentially abandoned it and joined a fur-trading expedition bound for the Columbia River, How far he actually got is not clear but reports suggest that he may have made it as far as the mouth of the Yellowstone. Along the way he look advantage of every opportunitj' to collect plants, seeds, roots and bulbs. Equally important was his carefiil observation and recording of scientific and liistorical information. Late in 1811 Nuttall left his most westerly destination (wliatever it was) andi traveled back down the Mississippi m New Orleans. Witli considerable hostilily against the British beginning to surface, Nuttall apparently decided it would be most prudent to postpone further activities in the U.S, In a final and quite decisive departure from his agreement with Barton, he left New Orleans on a ship conveniently bound for England. There he remained throughout the War of 1812. Before leaving, liow'cver, he did manage to send half of all Iris collections to Barton. Nuttall’s return in 1815 set the stage for further adventures and achievements. In 1818 he embarked on the second of his major trips, this time to what was then considered to be Ihe southwest. Today we recognize this area as Arkansas and Oklahoma. His destination w'as the southern Rock>' Mountains but bad weather, a lame pack horse, and illness which brought him to the brink of death forced a retreat. Nevertheless, this trip (which was of nearly one and a half years in duration) w'as productive in two ways! 1) he discovered hundreds of new plant species and 2) he finally came to the realization that he was incompetent to Uavcl alone in the wilderness. Despite these gains, Nuttall was bitterly disappointed at not having reached the Rockies, and began to have serious doubts that he would ever do so. It wasn’t until 1834 that Nuttall realized his most cherished atnbition. At the invitation of Nathaniel Jarius Wyeth, a fur trader and adventurer from Boston, he set out on a collecting expedition to the elusive Rocky Mountains and beyond. The accompanying party of 70 men and 250 horses was more than enough to offset Nuttall's woodsnianship deficiencies. Not only did he finally reach the Rocky Mouniains. but also Oregon, California, the Pacific coast (where he collected 54 new sp>ecies of shelled mollusks), and even Hawaii. Of particular interest is his 5 Vi months botanizing the Columbia River drainage, and his extensive collecting on the Snake River Plain. He returned from his journey two years after leaving and, in doing so, added over 1000 new species to the known American flora. This was to be his final trip to western North America. He spent the next several years teaching, organizing his collections, publishing numerous scientific books and articles, and attending scientific conventions. Then in 1841 an old contract came back to haunt him; he %vas obliged to return to England to take over his uncle’s estate. His botanical career in this half of the world w'as over. So there, in a nutlshell, is a personality in early- American botany. It is a personality' which has stood the test of time. Study of Nuttall’s journals discloses more titan just scientific treatment of an area. His writings are critical to understanding not only the natural science stores along his routes, but to understanding the American frontier in regions wlierc there was little or no recorded history. While Nuttall’s collections and publications are still considered to be among the most valuable contributions to North American botany, his journals are viewed as a gold mine of historical information. Few people have had such impact on tire understanding of both our country’s natural history and its cultural development. Few people will do so in the future. Below; Little larkspur {pelphinium bicolor)^ a common, deep bluish-purple flowered western forb described by Thomas Nuttall from specimens collected on the Wyeth expedition in western Montana in 1834. Ill from USDA Range Plant Handbook. 5 The American Elm Jhe most magnLricent vegetable of the temperate zone” Francois Andre Michaux By Walter Fertig It is not often that an individual plant plays an important role in history, but such is tlic lcgac>^ of the “Liberty Tree”. This enormous American elm once graced the Boston Common in colonial Massachusetts and served as a clandestine meeting place for Sam Adams and other patriots plotting rebellion against the monarchy. Early in the Revolutionary War the Liberty Tree became a marty r for the patriot cause when British troops felled and burned the tree. In recognition of its place in history, Massachusetts later adopted the American elm as its official state tree*. Of course elms are noteworthy for many other reasons. The American elm (Ulntus americana) has long been one of the most popular ornamental trees in North America. The tree’s fast growth rate, handsome vase-like growth form, immense size (often exceeding 100 feet in height), tolerance of poor soils, and ample foliage has made it one of the most commonly planted trees in gitj' parks, college campuses, and along countiy lanes across the country. Even with the advent of Dutch elm disease, improved cultivars or introduced elm species are still widely planted. For all its popularity as an omamenlal, American elm is surprisingly poor as a lumber species. The w'ood of elm is extremely difficult to split, rots quickly w hen exposed to alternating periods of wetting and drying, and is prone to warping and twisting when dried. Its strong water retention and urine-like aroma also make it undesirable as firewood. Despite these drawbacks, elm wood w'as commonly used for construction of long bows, underground water pipes, and the bottoms of Windsor Chairs in Europe and 19* Century America. Elms may be more important as a source of food, medicine, and shelter for humans and wildlife. Elm leaves and inner bark ha%'e been used as a source of cattle feed and emergency flour in Europe. Native Americans frequently prepared concoctions of American elm to treat diseases ranging from common colds to dysentery and gonorrhea, and even used an elm rinse to treat gunshot wounds. Songbirds, grouse, squirrels, rabbits, and deer feed on the fruits, tw igs, buds, and leaves of elm and find shelter in the tree’s branches and copious shade. The American elm occurs throughout most of eastern North America, where it inhabits swamp forests, bottomlands, deciduous w'oodlands, and abandoned pastures. It reaches the western limit of its native range in the Black Hills of northeast Wyoming. Here, American elm is found primarily along low^- elevation floodplains and ravines with bur oak, green ash, box- elder, and other deciduous trees and shrubs. Many of its associates arc also at the far western edge of their range, although paleobotanical evidence suggests that these “eastern” species (or their close relatives) were widespread in tlie western United States prior to the Ice Age. Above: American elm. III. by C.L. Porter. Wyoming is also home to tlie Siberian elm (Ulmus pumi la), an Asian species that has been widely introduced as a shade tree and natural wind break. Siberian elm is relatively disease resistant and cold tolerant and has been able to spread beyond cities and towms to inhabit a large area of Wyoming and the West. The two elms can be readily distinguished by their leaf and fruit characters. American elm has sandpaper>'-textured, double-toothed leaves with strongly unequal leaf bases and flat, winged fruit with “fuzzy” ciliate margins. By contrast, Siberian elm has singly-toothed leaf blades with equal bases and hairless fmits. The American elm has declined throughout its range during the 20* Centui^^ due to the introduced fungal pathogen, Ceratocystis ulmi, commonly called Dutch elm disease (something of a misnomer, since the disease first appeared in France). Dutch elm disease attacks elms by invading the water and food-transporting tissues found just beneath the bark. With its conduit of nutrients blocked, the tree’s leaves quickly fall, twigs and branches wilt, and in short time the entire tree dies. Infection is accomplished through the boring activity of tw o species of dm bark beetle (genus Scolylus). These beetles nomially feed on Iicallhy elms, but lay their eggs in diseased trees where they come into contact with the fiingus. Adult beetles and their emerging larvae carry tlie fungi’s sticky spores to other elm trees, allowing the disease to quickly spread through a forest. In recent years, control of Dutch elm disease has become a three-pronged attack of saniution, chemical treatment of beetles, and development of disease-resistant trees. Aggressive removal of diseased trees has been successful in keeping the rate of infestation of healthy trees low in many European countries- In the United States, dying trees are often treated with herbicides and syntlielic sex honnones. Elm beetles find the honnones irresistible and are killed by the herbicide or, when unwilling to leave, through starvation. Development of new' cultivars (often involving hybridization with Siberian or Chinese elms) and selection of naturally disease-resistant strains offer hope tliat the American elm will thrive again, It would be unfortunate indeed if the American elm follows the Liberty Tree into the pages of history. * The American elm is also the state tree of North Dakota. 6 Botany Briefs Yermo in the News: The mainstream media rarely devotes much ink to botany, so it was a pleasant surprise whtn the January 2, 1999 issue of Science News, a weekly newsmagazine focussing on scientific discoveries, featured Wyoming’s own Desert yellowhcad {Yerma xanthocephalus) on its cover. The color close-up, taken by WNPS President Charmaine Delmatier, accompanied an article on the ongoing discover}' of new plant species in the United Stales, This article in turn was prompted by the recent publication of “Taxonomic Novelties from North America North of Mexico: a 20 Year Vascular Plant Diversity Baseline" by Ron Hartman and Emie Nelson of the Rocky Mountain Herbarium. In addition to featuring the work of Hartman and Nelson, the article also discussed noteworthy Wyoming discoveries by Robert Dorn and Erwin Evert* Congratulations to all for putting Wyoming botany in the national spotlight! WF The W^kly. Newsmagazine of Science* PifU-i I • fc6 What’s Left to Name?;. Oldest Fossil Flower Discovered: Plants also made the news this past November when Ge Sun, David Dilcher, Shaoling Zheng, and Zhekun Zhou announced the discovery of the world’s oldest known fossilized flower in the cover story of the prestigious international journal Science. The specimen, n^mtd Archaefrucius liaoningensis, w’as discovered 250 miles northeast of Beijing, China in 142 million year old limestone and ash beds dating from the Upper Jurassic. The fossil is a mere 3 inches long and consists of two spindly branches bearing numerous spirally-arraiiged leaf-like structures. These “leaves” are actually primitive carpels containing seeds and having a stigmatic crest for the interception of pollen. The entire branch is believed to represent a flower with an elongated axis of numerous carpels. No evidence of petals or stamens are present. Archaefructus predates the oldest previously knowm angiosperm fossils by about 13 million years and provides the first conclusive evidence that flow'ering plants evolved prior to the Lower Cretaceous. WF Executive Order on Invasive Species: President Clinton signed an Executive Order on invasive species on Februar>' 2, 1999, The Order was publicly announced the next day at a press conference led by Agriculture Secrctaiy Dan Glickman, Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt, and NOAA Administrator James Baker. The Order directs federal agencies to use their authorities to prevent the introduction of invasive species and to restore native species. The Order also creates an Invasive Species Council that is charged to dev'elop a comprehensive invasive species management plan within 18 months. The management plan is to seek ways to prevent new introductions, control invaders that are already present, and restore natives. The Council itself will be comprised of tlie Secretaries of Slate, Defense, Interior, Agriculture, and Commerce, but will be advised by a special committee established by the Interior Secretar}'. The special committee will include representatives from ^stakeholder’ groups (possibly including conserv’ation groups, ranchers, nurseries, etc.). The Council is also charged with facilitating establishment of an internet-based database nelw'ork on invasive species. Just two days before the Order was announced, President Clinton released lits proposed FY 2000 budget which includes an increase of more than $28 million in funds to combat exotic pests and diseases and to accelerate research on habitat restoration and biologically-based integrated pest management methods. JR, Prices dropped on Flora ID Northwest plant keys: Thanks to the response over the last four years, w'c have been able to recover our expenses, and have lowered the prices for computer plant keys by up to 60%. For price infomialion and ordering, sec w''-'floranw', or contact Bruce Barnes, 135 SE Pendleton, OR 97801, or flora© BB 7 The Wyoming Native Plant Society, established in 1981, is a non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging the appreciation and consen^ation of the native flora and plant communities of Wyoming, The Society promotes education and research on native plants of tlie state through its newsletter, field trips, and annual student scholarship award. Membership is open to individuals, families, or organizations witli an interest in Wyoming’s flora. Members receive Castilieja, the Society’s quarterly newsletter, and may take part in all of the Society’s programs and projects, including the annual meeting/field trip held each summer. Dues are $5 annually. To join the Wyoming Native Plant Society, return the membersliip form below to: Wyoming Native Plant Society 1604 Grand Ave. Laramie, WY 82070 Wyoming Native Plant Society Can Rust Fungi Become Extinct? By Jolin Baxter When we consider tliat by the year 2020 the prairie dog and meadowlark will exist only in our memories, it seems possible that a rust fiingus could become extinct. Two possibilities are Ravenelia opctca, collected only once in 1910, and Uromyces obhngisporus, known from a single specimen found in the early 1900s (in Wyoming, by the w'ay). The problem of extinction of rusts has been studied intensively by world-famous Histologist John Baxter of Ashland, Oregon, who has formulated whal is known as Baxter ’s Law of the Exlinction of Rusts: "Many a rust that was once picked out of the pasture has now passed out of the picture” Name: Address: $5.00 Regular Membership $15.00 Scholarship Supporting Member ($10,00 goes to the annual scholarship fund) Wyoming Native Plant Society 1604 Grand Ave. Laramie, WY 82070 8