/?/? V MUSEUM OF VICTORIA 33637 Colonial Museum and Geological Survey Department. JAMES HECTOR, M.D., F.R.S., DIRECTOR. C A T A L 0 G U E OF THE LAND MOLLUSC OF NEW ZEALAND, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SPECIES. COLLECTED FROM VARIOUS AUTHORS, PUBLISHED BY COMMAND. NEW ZEALAND : JAMES HUGHES, PRINTER, LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON. 1873. PREFACE. The following List of the indiginous Land Snails of New Zealand is intended to supplement the Catalogue of the Marine Mollusca already issued by the Department. It is merely a collection of published descriptions by various authors, and for the greater part of the work the Department is indebted to the kind assistance of Dr. Cox and Mr. A. W. Scott, of Sydney, the latter gentleman having extracted and translated most of the descriptions from the following works, which could not be obtained in this Colony :— “Monograpliia Heliceorum Viventium,” Pfeiffer, 6 vols., 1868, Leipsic; and “ Monograpliia Pneumonoporum Viventium,” Pfeiffer, Vol. I., Supplements 1 and 2, 1865. JAMES HECTOR. Colonial Museum, 25th October, 1873. . LIST OF SPEC IKS. PAGE Jan ell a bitentaciilata ... i Vitrina zebra i dimidiata ii Milax antipodarum ii Daudebardia no voseelanclioa ... ... ii Succinea tomentosa . . iii Helix ( Farifphanta) busbyi iii hochstetteri iii urnula . iv omega iv phlogophora iv Helix ( Thalassia) guttula . V tullia V maria? . V granum V glabriuscula .... vi Helix chordata . vi Helix ( Trochomorpha ) ophelia . ... vi Helix fatua . vii zelandiaa ... vii regularis. vii Helix ( Thalassia) engone vii holdiana . viii poccilosticta viii Helix (Charopa) iota viii dimorpha ... viii hypopolia ... ... ix Helix decidua ix Helix ( Paryplmnta ) lambda ix Helix PAGE comeo-fulva Helix (Paryphanta) crebriflammis ix X coresia X chiron X Helix (Charopa) varicosa ... ... xi ejjsilon xi Helix (Endodonta) tiara ... * xi Helix ( Charopa ) coma xi gamma . ... xii Helix tau . ... xii Helix ( Charopa ) egesta . xii Helix ( Paryphanta ) obnubila ... xii jeflreysiana xiii Helix novara xiii Helix (Charopa) ide ... xiii Helix bicoucava... xiii z eta xi v anguiculus xiv Helix (Charopa) eta ... xiv Helix ( Paryphanta ) rapida xiv Helix antipoda. XV Helix (Thalassia) aucklandica XV Helix sciadium. XV Helix (Charopa) alpha xvi beta xvi Helix (Thalassia) celinde . xvi LIST OF SPECIES. Helix ( Laoma) PAGE leimonias ... xvi Helix (Xanthomelon) pachystyla x vii Helix kivi . ... xvii vcnulata. ... xviii Helix ( Charopa ) portia . ... xviii kappa . Helix ( Rhytida) ... xviii green woodi ... xviii dunni® xix Helix ( Jihagada) reinga xix Helix ( Dorcasia) taranaki . xix Helix delessertiana ... XX Bulimus ( Placostylns) bovinus . ... XX Bulimus novoseelandicus ... ... XX antipodarum ... xxi Tomatella novoseelandiea ... ... xxi PAGE Pupa novoseelandiea ... xxii Balea peregnna ... xxii Diplomwatina chordata ... xxii Cyclopliorus lignarius ... ... xxiii cytora . ... xxiii Realia hoehstetteri ... xxiii egea ... .■>. ... xxiv turriculata ... xxiv carinella ... ... xxiv Hydrocena purchasi ... XXV Omphalotropis vestita . ... XXV Helix coniformis. ... xx vi hystrix ... xxvi radiaria . ... xxvi rubricata. ... xxvii nouleti . ... xxvii vitraea . . . . xxvii LAND MOLLUSCA OF NEW ZEALAND. Abbreviations: M.H.V. — Monograpliia Heliceorum Viventium, Pfeiffer, C vols., 1868, Leipsic. P.Z.S. — Proc. Zool. Soo. of London. Janella, Gray. Mantle covering the entire back ; tentacles, two, in front of the mantle. JANELLA BTTENTACULATA, Quoy. J. anlipodarum, Gray, Ann. and Mag. N.H., Dec., 1853; Knight, Trans. Linn. Soc., 1853, p. 112. Body elongate, convex; back rounded ; tail not keeled, tapering, acute behind; mantle covering the whole back, leaving a rather broad space between it and the edge of the foot, thin, small, with a longitudinal groove extending the whole length of the animal, and giving out branches from each side, which diverge backwards to the edge; back with conical points ; dirty yellow with pale spots; length 1-25 inch. V itrina, Draparnaud. Shell exposed, imperforate, very thin, depressed ; spire short; last whorl very large ; mouth very large, lunate or rounded ; mantle lobes small. VITKINA ZEBRA, Le GuilL Vitrina zebra, Le Guill., Rev. Zool., 1842, 136. II. zebra, Pfr., Cat. Pulmonata in Brit. Mus., 70. Shell rounded, umbilicated, depressed-convex above, more convex beneath, hyaline, ornamented with obliquely wavy flamelets of white and chestnut; whorls 4, thinly striated above; aperture rather dilated ; umbilicus very small. Axis, - 2 ; breadth, - 3. Auckland Islands only. 11 VITRINA DIMIDIATA, Pfeiffer. Vitrina dimidiata, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1851, Cat. Pul. Brit. Mus., 71. Shell much depressed, periphery ovate, very thin, sculptured with minute arcuate stria:, silky, shining, pale horn colour ; spire nearly flat; whorls two and a quarter, which are open beneath, and with a narrow membranaceous edge ; aperture horizontal, as large as the whole shell ;' peristome simple, with regularly curved margins. Height, -05; greatest breadth, -2; least breadth, -14. Mi lax. Back keeled to the shield ; dorsal shield granulated or sliagreened, truncated, with two small pores on its hinder edge ; shell convex.' MILAX ANTIPODARUM, Pfeiffer. M. antipodarum , Pfr., Cat. Pul. Brit. Mus., 177. Ovate, attenuated, rugose (in spirits), brown, back sharply keeled to the shield ; back with parallel grooves diverging from the shield, with short straight branches passing across from one to the other ; shield short oblong, rounded behind, smooth, with netted grooves; breathing hole rather behind the middle of the right side ; foot in three bands, the central band rather the broadest, with series of grooves on each side from a zig-zag central groove, the side bands with close parallel straight cross grooves. Daudebardia, Hartman. Shell perforated, horny, depressed, few-whorled, horizontally and rapidly involuted, with the last whorl very large ; aperture oblique, ample.—Pfeiffer. Animal elongated, too large for complete retraction into the shell ; tail very short; mantle reflected over the shell-margin, and furnished with a posterior lobe on the right side.—Woodward. DAUDEBARDIA NOVOSEELANDICA, Pfeiffer. Daudebardia Xovosealaudica, Pfr., M.H.V., vol. 5, p 10 No 10 Shell imperforated, greatly depressed, ambit oval, rather solid, sculptured with distinct stiue of growth and radiant impressed lines, fulvous spire small, occupying one-eighth of the entire length of shell; whorls 24, the last laterally sub-compressed j columella thickly callous above. Height, 2J : length, 10 ; diam., 7 mill. Hab., New Zealand (Hochstetter). Succinea, Draparnaud.— (Amber Snail). Shell imperforate, thin, ovate or oblong ; spire small ; aperture large, obliquely oval , columella and peristome simple, acute. Animal large, tentacles short and thick, foot broad ; lingual teeth like Ilelix. Inhabits damp places, but rarely enters the water.— Woodward. iii SUCCINEA TOMENTOSA, Pfeiffer. Succinea tomentosa, Pfeiffer, P.Z.S., 1854, p. 297; M.H.V., vol. 4, p. 814 ; vol. 5, p. 33, No. 108. Shell oblougly-couical, thin, covered with downy hairs, not shining, pellucid, pale horny; spire conical, acute; whorls 3, the second convex, the last three quarters of the entire length of the shell, attenuated at the base; columella sub-callous, slightly plaited, arcuated; aperture a little oblique, sharply oval, somewhat incumbent; peristome simple, rather expanded. Length, 8 ; diam., 5 ; height, 3§. Aperture, length,.6 ; breadth in the middle, 4 mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). Helix, Linnaeus. Shell umbilicated, perforated, or imperforate; discoidal, globosely depressed or conoidal; aperture transverse, oblique, lunar, or somewhat rounded; margins distinct, remote, or united by callus. “ Animal with a long foot, pointed behind; lingual teeth usually in straight rows, edge teeth dentated.”—(Woodward.) HELIX (PARYPHANTA) BUSBYI, Gray. 11dix Busbyi, Gray, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. 6, p. 347; Pfr., M.H.Y., vol. 1, p. 109; vol. 5, p. 48, No. 1. Shell broadly umbilicated, depressed, sub-discoidal, opaque, white, covered with a thick, glabrous, shining, deep-green coloured epidermis, which overhangs the peristome; spire flat, sub-rugose; whorls 4J, slightly convex, the last smooth, deflexed anteriorily, depressed; umbilicus broad, perspective; aperture obliquely lunate-oval, within shining- blue; peristome simple, indexed throughout. Diam., greatest, 66 ; least, 53 ; height, 29 mill. Hab., New Zealand. HELIX (PARYPHANTA) HOCHSTETTERI, Pfeiffer. Helix Hochstetteri, Pfr., M.H.V., vol. 5, p. 48, No. 2. Shell umbilicated, depressed, slightly solid, irregularly plaited, and somewhat granulated by impressed, close, oblique lines, viscidly shining, fulvous, ornamented above with thickly-set, undulating, chest¬ nut-coloured lines ; spire scarcely elevated, with the crown thin, obtuse; whorls 54, slightly convex, the last depressedly-rotundate, sub-angulated at the periphery, irregularly hollowed beneath, more shining, bound with broader chestnut-coloured bands; umbilicus moderate, oblique, not pervious ; aperture very oblique, lunar ; peristome somewhat inflexed, straight, anteriorly sub-membranaceous, margins joined by a white callus. Diam., greatest, 65; least, 56 ; height, 28 mill. Hub., Limestone Mountains, New Zealand (Hochstetter). The structure of this shell evidently resembles that of the //. Busbyi, from which, however, it differs in the depressed form,—in the whorls H IV slowly increasing,—in the markings and in the colour; and also in the umbilicus. HELIX (PARYPHANTA) ITRNULA, Pfeiffer. Helix umula, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1854, p. 49; Reeve, Conch. Icon., No. 1306, pi. 187; Pfr., M.H.V., vol. 4, p. 8; vol. 5, p. 48, No. 4. Shell perforated, tho perforation covered, helicophantoidal, thin, sub- membranaceous, irregularly obliquely furrowed and malleated, a little shining, pellucid, green fuscous ; spire minute, conoidal, obtuse, pale ; suture rather deep; whorls 3, convex, very rapidly increasing, the last large, sub-compressed from behind, somewhat excavated at tho base; aperture oblique, truncatedly-oval, within very shining ; peristome simple, obtuse, sub-inllexed, margins approximating, columellar margin from above reflexed, adnate. Diam., greatest, 16; least, 13; height, 9 mill, Hab., New Zealand. HELIX (PARYPHANTA) OMEGA, Pfeiffer. Helix omega, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1849, p. 127; M.LI.V., vol. 3, p. 33 ; vol. 5, p. 54, No. 63. Nanina omega, Gray. Helix compressivoluta, Reeve. Shell imperforate, depressed, rather smooth, covered with a fuscous- hornv epidermis; spire slightly elevated, reddish on the crown ; whorls 4, flattish, rapidly increasing, the last hardly more rounded at the base, impressed in the middle; aperture oblique, lunately-oval; peristome simple, straight, basal margin slightly arched, reflexed above, adnate in the umbilical region. Diam., greatest, 9|; least; 7; height, 31 mill, Hab., New Zealand. HELIX (PARYPHANTA) PHLOGOPHORA, Pfeiffer. Helix plilogophora, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1849, p. 127 ; M.H.V., vol. 3, p. 34; vol. 5, p. 54, No. 65. Nanina pldogophora, Gray. Helix multi- limbala, Jacq. et Homb., Yoy. an Pole Sud, pi. 6, figs. 5-8. Helixfiamtnigera , Pfr., 1852. Shell imperforate, depressed, very thin, finely striated, shining, pellucid, fulvous-yellow, adorned with angular flame-like markings, and rufous serrations, closely set together ; spire somewhat convex, scarcely elevated ; whorls 31, convex, rapidly increasing, the last not descending, depressed, flattish beneath, impressed in the middle; aperture diagonal, rotundly-oval; peristome simple, straight, columellar margin arcuated, ascending. Diam., greatest, 7 ; least, 6 ; height, 3| mill. Hab., New Zealand. V HELIX (THALASSIA) GUTTULA, Pfeiffer. Helix guttula, Pfr., Zeit. f. Malak., 1853, p. 53; vol. 3, p. 626 ; vol. 5, p. 55, No. 74. Nanina guttula, Gray. Shell imperforate, convexly-depressed, thin, very smooth, shining, pellucid, fuscous-horny; spire vaulted over; suture inconsiderable, sub-marginated ; whorls 5, rather convex, slowly increasing, the last rounded at the periphery, impressed in the middle beneath, callous ; aperture slightly oblique, lunar; peristome simple, straight, acute, basal margin slightly arcuate, thickish at the columella. Diam., greatest, 5 ; least, If; height, 2f mill. Hab., New Zealand. Nicobar Islands (Zelebor). HELIX (THALASSIA) TULLIA, Gray. Nanina Tullia, Gray, P.Z.S., 1849, p. 165. Helix Tullia, Pfr., M.H.V., vol. 3, p. 35; vol. 5, p. 55, No. 75. Shell imperforate, depressed, thin, closely- ribbed, diaphanous, tessel¬ lated with pale-yellow and rufous ; spire slightly convex ; whorls 5, rather convex, narrow, the last not descending, obscurely angled at the periphery, impressed in the middle at the base; aperture sub-vertical, lunar ; peristome simple, straight, basal margin slightly arcuated. Diam., greatest, 4 J ; least, 4 ; height, 2 mill. Hab., New Zealand (Greenwood). HELIX (THALASSIA) MAKL®, Gray. Helix Maries (Nanina), Gray, Dieff. Trav., vol. 1, p. 262. Helix Marioe., Pfr., M.II.V,, vol. 3, p. 39; vol. 5, p. 58, No. 95. Helix umbra- culitm, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1851. Shell imperforate, somewhat lentiformed, rather thin, finely plaited, unctuously glossy, greenish-horny, obscurely painted with narrow rufous streaks descending forwardly; spire convexly-conoidal; apex acute ; suture margined; whorls 5J, flattish, acutely keeled, the last not descending, somew'hat convex at the base, obscurely tessellated with rufous; aperture oblique, depressed, sub-triangular; peristome simple, acute, straight, slightly arcuated at the basal margin, shortly reflected at the columellar margin. Diam., greatest, 7|-; least, 7 ; height, 3§ mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). HELIX (THALASSIA) GRANUM, Pfeiffer. Helix granum, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1857, p. 107 ; M.H.V., vol. 4, p. 20 ; vol. 5, p. 63, No. 143. Shell perforated, turbinately-globose, thin, very closely and finely striately-ribbed, pale horny, irregularly variegated with reddish markings; spire conoidal, slightly acute ; whorls 5£, convex, the last VI not descending, rather swollen near the aperture ; aperture slightly oblique, broadly lunar; peristome simple, straight, margins sub¬ converging, columellar margin slightly patulous. Diam., greatest, 4 ; least 3§ ; height, 3 mill. Hah., New Zealand. HELIX (THALASSIA) GLABRIUSCULA, Pfeiffer. Helix glabriuscula, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1851 ; M.H.Y., vol. 3, p. 51 ; vol. o, p. 71, No. 193. Shell perforate, conoidly-semiglobose, thin, smooth, pellucid, shining, pale yellow, angularly lined with rufous; spire convexly-conoidal, slightly acute; whorls 5^, slightly convex, the last not descending, flattish beneath ; aperture oblique, sub-depressed, lunar; peristome simple, straight, columellar margin bent downwards, slightly reflexed above. Diam., greatest, 3J ; least, 3 ; height, 2 mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). HELIX CHORDATA, Pfeiffer. Helix chordata, Pfr., Malak. BL, viii., 1861, p. 147 ; M.H.Y., vol. 5, p. 72, No. 200. Shell sub-perforate, globosely-turbinated, thin, somewhat closely covered with cord-shaped ribs, not shining, marbled minutely with whitish and reddish ; spire couvexly conical, somewhat sharp ; whorls 5, convex, the last slightly inflated at the base; aperture a little oblique, lunar; peristome simple, straight, margins remote, columellar margin slightly reflected at the perforation. Diam., greatest, 3f ; least, 35}; height, 3 mill. Hab., New Zealand (Hoehstetter). This shell differs from its near ally, the H. iota, Pfr., by the turbinated spire, and by the almost closed-up perforation. HELIX (TROCHOMORPHA) OPHELIA, Pfeiffer. Helix ophelia, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1854, p. 146; M.H.Y., vol. 4, p. 29 ; vol. 5, p. SO, No. 241. Shell perforated, turbinately depressed, thin, under the lens irregularly marked with hair-like striae, not shining, diaphanous, horny, marked with narrow reddish streaks; spire rather convexly conoidal, crown small, line, somewhat acute; whorls 5, flatfish, rather prominent, gradually increasing, the last not descending, sub-angular, flattish at the base ; aperture oblique, rotundly-lunar, within shining ; peristome simple, straight, margins slightly converging, basal margin rather constricted, columellar margin bent downwards, near the very narrow and pervious umbilicus, shortly reflexed. Diam., greatest, 8 ; least, 7 ; height, 4J mill. Hah., New Zealand (Hoehstetter); Australia (Pfr.) ; Cape York, North Australia (Edwards) ; Cox, Austr. Land Shells, 1863, p. 35. Vll HELIX FATUA, Pfeiffer. Helixfatua, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1857, p. 107 ; M.H.Y., vol. 4, p. 30; vol. 5, p. 80, No. 243. Shell perforated, turbinated, tluimisli, irregularly finely striated, some¬ what shining, fulvous; spire eonoidnl, rather acute; whorls 5-5|, moderately convex, the last not descending, periphery sub-carinated, rather convex at the base; aperture a little oblique, lunar; peristome simple, Straight, coluruellar margin somewhat rigidly bent downwards. Diam., greatest, 5 ; least, 44 ; height 2J mill. Hab., Taupiri, New Zealand (Hochstetter). HELIX ZEL ANDRE, Gray. Carocolla Zelandim, Gray, Dieff. Trav., vol. 1, p. 247. Nanina Hows Ze.landice, Gray. Helix Zelandice, Pfr., M.H.Y., vol. 1, p. 81 ; vol. 5, p. 85, No. 26G. Shell perforated,- depressed, turbiniformed, pale horny, pellucid, variegated with rufous spots, minutely finely striated; spire convex ; whorl? 5, flattened, the last keeled, convex ; umbilicus deep ; peristome simple, acute. Diam., greatest, 9J ; least 9 ; height, 5J mill. Hab., New Zealand. HELIX REGULAR1S, Pfeiffer. Helix reqularis, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1854, p. 50 ; M.H.Y., vol 4, p. 33 ; \ol. o, p. 80, No. 277 ; Reeve, Conch. Icon., No. 1259, pi. 182. _ Shell perforated, the perforation partially covered, regularly coniform, thin, very minutely striated, pellucid, viscously glossy, luteous, horny ; spire conical, rather acute ; suture scarcely impressed ; whorls 6, flattish, slowly increasing, the last not descending, acutely keeled, flattish beneath , aperture diagonal, depressly-securiformed; peristome simple, straight, margins remote, columellar margin dilated above, sub-adnate. Diam., 3 ; height, 3 mill. Hab., New Zealand. HELIX (THALASSIA) ERIGONE, Gray. Hanina Erigone, Gray, P.Z.S., 1849, p. 105. Helix Erigone, Pfr., M.H.Y., vol. 3, p. 00 ; vol. 5, p. 80, No. 278. Shell perforated, conical, thin, smooth, keeled, pellucid, fulvous, obscurely streaked with red flame-like markings ; spire conical, rather acute; whorls 0-7, slightly convex, the last flattish beneath the sub¬ acute keel; aperture a little oblique, depressed, sub-angularly lunar; peristome simple, straight, columellar margin short, sub-callous, rather reflexed. Diam., greatest, 21; height, 2 mill. Hab., Auckland, New Zealand. HELIX (THALASSIA) HELD I AN A, Pfeiffer. Helix Heldiana, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1851 ; M.H.Y., vol. 3, p. 60 ; vol. 5, p. 87, No. 279. Shell perforated, minute, trochiformed, thin, smooth, shining, fulvous- horny ; spire conical, rather obtuse; suture impressed; whorls 5J, somewhat convex, the last keeled, not descending, slightly more convex beneath ; aperture slightly oblique, depressed, angularly lunar; peristome simple, straight, margins remote, columellar margin very shortly some¬ what reflected. Diam., 2 ; height, l|*mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). HELIX (THALASSIA) PCECILOSTICTA, Pfeiffer. Helix pceciloiticta, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1851 ; M.PI.V., vol. 3, p. 59 ; vol. 5, p. 89, No. 301. Shell perforated, trochiformed, thin, closely plaited, fulvous, rufous- spotted, diaphanous ; spire convexly-conical, apex rather acute; suture margined ; whorls, 5J, narrow, somewhat convex, the last keeled, not descending, flat beneath ; aperture a little oblique, depressed, angularly lunar; peristome simple, straight, columellar margin ascending, callously - reflexed. Diam., 4 ; height, 3^ mill. Hab., New Zealand. HELIX (CIIAROPA) IOTA, Pfeiffer. Helix iota, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1851 ; M.H.V., vol. 3, p. 69 ; vol. 5, p. 114, No. 465. Shell perforated, sub-depressed, thin, closely ribbed, not shining, yellowish-horny, rufous spotted and reticulated ; spire shortty-conoidal, somewhat acute ; whorls 5, rather convex, gradually increasing, the last not descending, rounded : aperture a little oblique, rotundly-lunar; peristome simple, straight, margins distant, columellar margin arcuately ascending, sub-dilated above, open. Diam., greatest, 4 ; least, 3|; height, 21 mill. Hab., New Zealand. HELIX (CHAROPA) DIMORPHA, Pfeiffer. Helix climorpha, Pfr.. P.Z.S., 1851; M.H.V., vol. 3, p. 68 ; vol. 5, p. 114, No. 457. Shell perforated, depressed, thin, very closely striated and somewhat closely so with thread-like ribs, a little shining, diaphanous, pale horny, minutely rufously-tessellatcd, and at the suture ornamented with rufous spots ; spire scarcely elevated ; whorls 5, rather convex, the last not descending, rounded, higher than broad ; aperture.sub-vertical, lunar ; peristome simple, straight, with the basal margin somewhat bent IX backwards, columellar margin callously-reflected above, almost concealing the perforation. Diain., greatest, ; least, 1\ ; height, 5 mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). HELIX (CHAROPA) HYPOPOLIA, Pfeiffer. Helix hypopolia, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1851 ; M.H.Y., vol. 3, p. 68;# vol. 5, p. 114, No. 459. Shell very narrowly umbilicated, depressed, thin, very closely ribbed, silky, horny-cinereous ; spire little elevated, convex ; whorls 5J, slightly convex, the last not descending, more convex at the base ; aperture a little oblique, broadly lunar; peristome simple, straight, columellar margin arcuated, slightly reflexed above. Diam., greatest, 6^ ; least, 6 ; height, 3$ mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). HELIX DECIDHA, Pfeiffer. Helix decidua, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1857, p. 108; M.H.Y., vol. 4, p. 71, vol. 5, p. 137, No. 006. Shell umbilicated, depressly-turbinated, thin, sculptured with mem¬ branaceous, deciduous, fine ribs, horny-yellowish, obscurely and angularly streaked with reddish ; spire somewhat regularly conoidal; whorls 5, rather convex, slowly increasing, the last not descending, sub-angulated at the periphery ; umbilicus narrow, pervious; aperture oblique, lunately-rotund; peristome simple, straight, margins converging, columellar margin slightly expanded. Diam., greatest, 31, ; least, 3|-; height, 2 mill. Hab., New Zealand. HELIX (PARYPHANTA) LAMBDA, Pfeiffer. Helix lambda, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1851; M.H.Y., vol. 3. p. 84 ; vol. 5, p. 143, No. 653. Nanina lambda, Gray. Helix igniflua, Reeve. Shell umbilicated, sub-conoidly-depressed, thin, somewhat smooth, now and then sculptured with spiral strise, slightly shining, diaphanous, fulvous, chestnut-spotted; spire sub-conoidal, rather obtuse; whorls 5, rather convex, the last not descending, obscurely angled at the periphery, convex beneath; umbilicus moderate, conical; aperture oblique, lunately- rotund, within shining; peristome simple, straight, margins closely united, columellar margin sub-dilated above, expanded. Diam., greatest, 13 ; least, 11; height 7 mill. Hab., New Zealand. HELIX CORNEO-FULYA, Pfeiffer. Helix comeo-falva, Pfr., Malak. Bl., viii., 1861 ; M.H.Y., vol. 5, p. 145, No. 673. Shell umbilicated, sub-orbicular, depressed, thin, faintly finely striated, most distinct at the suture, shining, pellucid, horny-fulvous; spire X slightly elevated ; suture impressed ; whorls 5, rather convex, regularly increasing, the last depressly-rotund ; umbilicus narrow, pervious, scarcely exceeding one-sixth of the diameter ; aperture a little oblique, rotundly- lunar; peristome simple, straight, margins remote, columellar margin arcuately bent downwards, slightly dilated above. Diam., greatest, 9f ; least, : height, 4J mill. Hab., Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Hoc'hstetter). HELIX (PARYPHANTA) CREBRIFLAMMIS, Pfeiffer. Helix crebri/lammis, Pfr., P.Z.S. 1851 ; M.II.V., vol. 3, p. 91 ; vol. 5, p. 119, No. 717. Kanina crebri/lammis, G ray. Shell umbilioated, depressed, thin, finely striated, sinning, pellucid, luteous, adorned with thickly-set flame-like markings ; spire slightly elevated, rather convex ; whorls 3J, somewhat convex, the last not descending, sub-dopressed, more convex at the base ; umbilicus rather broad, pervious; aperture slightly oblique, lunately-oval ; peristome simple, straight, right margin arcuated in front, columellar margin slightly reflexed. Diam., greatest, 7 ; least, 5J ; height, nearly 3 mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). HELIX (PARYPILANTA) CORESIA, Gray. Kanina coresia, Gray, P.Z.S., 1849, p. 100. Helix coresia, Pfr., M.II.V. vol. 3, p. 02 ; vol. 5, p. 149, No. 718. Shell broadly umbilicated, depressed, olive-horny, fuscous streaked, covered with a thick, shining, sub-striated epidermis; spire slightly elevated, rather convex ; whorls 3, rather convex, rapidly increasing the last sub-depressed, not descending anteriorly, dilated; aperture diagonal, sub-Innately rotund; peristome simple, thin, margins approaching, epidermis indexed. Diam., greatest 4; least, 3j ; height, If mill. Hab., Auckland, New Zealand. HELIX (PARYPHANTA) CHIRON, Gray. Kanina cJdron, Gray, P.Z.S., 1849, p. 100. Helix chiron, Pfr., M.II.V., vol., 3, p. 94; vol 5, p. 152, No. 742. Shell umbilicated, depressed, arcuately and rather distantly plaited, covered with a shining, fuscous-olive epidermis; spire rather convex; whorls 3f, rather convex, the last sub-depressed, rounded at the margin, convex at the base; umbilicus narrow, pervious; aperture a little oblique, sub-hmately-rotund; peristome thin, the right margin some¬ what bent backwards, separated from the last whorl by a slight incision, columellar margin above rather widely-opened out. Diam., greatest, 6; least 5 ; height, 3 mill. Hab., Auckland, New Zealand (Greenwood). XI HELIX (CHAROPA) VARICOSA, Pfeiffer. Helix varicosa, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1854; vol. 3, p. 97; vol. 5, p. 153, No. 762. Shell umbilicated, depressed, very thin, finely striated, varicosely- angled with distant ribs, not shining, fuscous ; spire slightly elevated, obtuse; whorls 4^-5, fkttish, the last not descending, depressed, fkttish at the base; umbilicus moderate, pervious; aperture small, oblique, lunar; peristome simple, straight, columellar margin above very slightly reflexed. Diam., greatest, 3> ; least, 3|; height, scarcely 2 mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). HELIX (CHAROPA) EPSILON, Pfeiffer. Helix epsilon, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1851 ; M.H,Y., vol. 3, p. 97; vol. 5, p. 153, No. 763. Shell umbilicated, depressed, thin, obliquely and closely plaited above, pale horny ; spire rather convex; whorls 31, rather convex, the last not descending, somewhat smooth at the base; umbilicus narrow, pervious ; aperture a little oblique, rotundately-lunar ; peristome simple, straight, margins converging. Diam., greatest, If ; least, 1 } ; height, § mill. Hab., New Zealand. HELIX (ENDODONTA) TIARA, Mighels. Helix tiara, Mighels, Boston Proc., 1845, p. 19 ; Pfr., M.H.V., vol. 1, p. 85; vol. 3, p. 98 ; vol 5, p. 156, No. 783. Shell umbilicated, slightly convexly depressed, somewhat thin, above arcuately-striated, luteous, adorned with lightning-like rufous streaks, rather shining; 'spire clearly arched over, obtuse; whorls 6, rather convex, slowly increasing, the last somewhat tapering, not descending, slightly striated beneath ; umbilicus large, conical, exceeding one-third of the diameter; aperture oblique, lunately-r-ounded, sub-opalescent within ; peristome simple, straight, margins approximating, right margin arcuated in front, columellar margin not reflexed. Diam., greatest, 8 ; least, 7 ; height, 4 mill. Hab., Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Hochstetter) ; Kaui, Sandwich Islands (Mighels). HELIX (CHAROPA) COMA, Gray. Zonites coma, Gray, Dieff. Trav., vol. 1, p. 263. Helix coma, Pfr., M.H.V, vol. 3, p. 99 ; vol. 5, p. 156, No. 792. Shell umbilicated, depressed, rather thin, obliquely closely ribbed, slightly shining, pale fuscous, sub-radiated with brown spots; spire a little elevated, flatly convex ; whorls 5, rather convex, slowly increasing, the last obscurely angled, not descending anteriority ; umbilicus broad, r xii * conical; aperture diagonal, lunately-rotund ; peristome simple, straight, margins slightly convergent, upper part somewhat bent backwards. Diam., greatest, 7 ; least, 6 ; height, 3 mill. Hab., New Zealand ; Tasmania. HELIX (CHAEOPA) GAMMA, Pfeiffer. Helix gamma, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1851 ; M.H.Y., vol. 3, p. 100 ; vol. 5, p. 153, No. 808. Helix buccinella, Eeeve. Shell umbilicated, depressed, thiunish, very closely striated with rib¬ like striae, diaphanous, pale horny, rufously clouded ; spire very slightly convex ] suture impressed i whorls 5, rather convex, slowly increasing, the last not descending, convex beneath; umbilicus broadish, conicaf- aperture sub-vertical, rotundly-lunar; peristome simple, straight, margins’ converging, regularly arcuated. Diam., 3 ; height, 11 mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). HELIX TAH, Pfeiffer. Helix tau, Pfr., Malak. Bl., viii., 1861, 148; M.H. Vvol. 5, p. 159 No. 809. Shell broadly umbilicated, depressed, rather thin, above marked with somewhat apart rib-like plaits, rufous, tessellated with whitish ; spire slightly elevated, crown minute; whorls 5, rather convex, slowly increasing, the last tapering, not descending, slightly striated beneath ; aperture small, slightly oblique, lunar ; peristome simple, straight, margins hardly converging, columellar margin not dilated. Diam., greatest, 3 ; least, 2£ ; height, 1 mill. Hab., New Zealand (Hoehstetter). HELIX (CHAEOPA) EGESTA, Gray. Helix egesta, Gray, P.Z.S., 1849, p. 166 ; Pfr., M.H.Y., vol. 3, p. 102 • vol. 5, p. 164, No. 842. Shell broadly umbilicated, depressly semi-globose, rather solid, regularly spirally-furrowed, and strengthened with Strong longitudinal plaits, distantly placed, dilated into sub-triangular, membranaceous, deciduous lam ell®, black-rufous ; spire short, convex, above depressed ; whorls 54, convex, the last tapering, generally inclining downward^; aperture small, a little oblique, lunately circular; peristome simple, straight, margins closely united. Diam., greatest, 4J- ; least, 4 ; height, 2| mill. Hab., Auckland, New Zealand (Sinclair and Greenwood). HELIX (PAEYPHANTA) OBNUBILA, Eeeve. Helix obnubila, Eeeve, Conch. Ic., No. 792, pi. 130 ; Pfr., vol. 3, p. 633 ; vol. 5, p. 164, No. 844. Helix sigma, Pfr. Nanina obnubila, Gray. Shell umbilicated, depressed, intensely fuscous, throughout decussated xiii •with impressed spiral furrows and oblique striae ; spire depressed; suture distinct; whorls 5, flatly-convex, the last rounded; aperture lunar; peristome simple, acute. Height, 31- mill. Hah., New Zealand. HELIX (PARYPHANTA) JEFFREYSIANA, Pfeiffer. Helix Jeffreysiana, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1851 ; M.H.Y., vol. 3, p. 105 ; vol. 5, p. 169, No. 878. Nanina Jeffreysiana, Gray. Shell umbilicated, depressed, thin, distinctly striated, pellucid, luteous, adorned with lively-coloured chestnut streaks, disposed in bundles; spire flat; suture impressed, irregularly finely plaited ; whorls 4, rather convex, the last sub-depressed, rounded, not descending; umbilicus broad, opened; aperture slightly oblique, lunately-oval; peristome straight, simple, margins nearly uniting. Diam., greatest, 7 ; least, 5|; height, 3 mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). HELIX NOVARiE, Pfeiffer. Helix Hovarce, Pfr., Malak. Bl., viii., 1861, p. 148; M.II.V., vol. 5, p. 169, No. 882. Shell somewhat narrowly umbilicated, depressed, thin, somewhat smooth, finely striated at the suture, pellucid, shining, pale yellowish- horny ; spire flat; suture simple, scarcely impressed; whorls 4, rather convex, gradually increasing, the last depressed, not descending ; aperture somewhat greater, slightly oblique, lunar; peristome simple, straight, margins sub-converging, columellar margin above shortly expanded. Diam., greatest, 6 ; least, 5) t -; height, 2\ mill. Hab., Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Hochstetter). N.B.—Yery closely allied to II. remotee, Benson. HELIX (CHAROPA) IDE, Gray. Helix Ide, Gray, P.Z.S., 1849, p. 166 ; Pfr., M.H.Y., vol. 3, p. 108 ; vol. 5, p. 172, No. 911. Shell umbilicated, depressed, thin, arcuately-ribbed, pilose, pale horny, radiated with brown ; spire flat, sub-impressed in the middle ; suture impressed; whorls 5£, rather convex, slowly increasing,the last some¬ what rounded, not descending ; umbilicus moderate, pervious ; aperture slightly oblique, rotundately-lunar ; peristome simple, straight, margins very remote, columellar margin short, greatly arched. Diam, greatest, 8 ; least, 7 ; height, almost 4 mill. Hab., Auckland, New Zealand. HELIX BICONCAYA, Pfeiffer. Ilelix biconcava, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1851 ; M.H.Y., vol. 3, p. 109; vol. 5, p. 173, No. 917. Shell umbilicated, depressed, closely arcuately-ribbed, opaque, horny- XIV yellowish, rufously streaked; spire concave; whorls A 1-5, narrow, the last but one convex, the last rounded, not descending; umbilicus broad, perspective; aperture sub-vertical, higher than broad, lunar; peristome simple, straight, right margin sub-arcuated in front. Diaui., greatest, 5 ; least, 4J; height, 2 mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). HELIX ZETA, Pfeiffer. Helix zeta, Pfr.,’p.Z.S., 1851 ; M.H.V., vol. 3, p. 109 ; vol. 5, p. 173, No. 919. Helix in/ecta, Reeve. Shell very broadly umbilicated, depressed, sub-discoidal, rather solid, somewhat closely strongly plaited, not shining, pale yellowish, tessel¬ lated with large chestnut spots ; spire flat, submersed in the middle; suture deep; whorls 5i, very narrow, convex, rather swollen, the last not descending, somewhat tapering, strengthened beneath with fine plaits; aperture a little oblique, smallish, Innately circular; peristome simple, straight, margins closely united. Diam., greatest, 3§ ; least, 3£; height, 1J mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). HELIX ANGUICULUS, Reeve. Helix anguiculus, Reeve, Conch. Icon., No. 802, pi. 131 ; Pfr., M.H.V., vol. 3, p. 034; vol. 5, p. 173, No. 920. Shell umbilicated, depressed, sub-discoidal, brownish, adorned with sub-remote rufous streaks; suture of the spire impressed; whorls 5, rotundate, longitudinally very finely striated with rib-like striae; aperture sub-circular ; peristome thin, margins closely united. Height, 2§ mill. Hab., New Zealand. HELIX (CHAROPA) ETA, Pfeiffer. Helix eta, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1851 ; M.H.Y., vol 3. p. 107 ; vol 5, p. 173, No. 922. Shell umbilicated, depressed, finely striated with rib-like striae, silky, waxen ; spire flatfish ; suture impressed ; whorls 4, slightly convex, the last more broad, not descending, depressed ; umbilicus rather broad, perspective; aperture a little oblique, lunately-subcircular; peristome simple, straight, margins closely united. Diam., greatest, 3; least, 2|; height, 1J mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). HELIX (PARYPHANTA) RAPI DA, Pfeiffer. Helix rapida, Pfr., Zeitsehr. f. Malak., 1853, p. 54; M.H.Y., vol. 3, p. 633 ; vol. 5, p. 175, No. 935. Nanina rapida, Gray. Shell umbilicated, depressed, discoidal, thin, tinder the lens spirally I XV striatulated, shining, pellucid, chestnut, variegated with luteous streaks and dots ; spire flat, sub-immersed ; suture sub-caniculated : whorls 3£, rather convex, rapidly increasing, the last broad, depressed, rounded at the periphery, not descending anteriorly, a little convex at the base, gradually ascending into a modei-ate umbilicus ; aperture a little oblique, lunately-rotundate ; peristome simple, straight, acute, margins somewhat closely united. Diam., greatest, 7§; least, 6§; height, 3 mill. Hab., New Zealand. Variety B, larger, luteous, adorned at the suture with a broad, articulated, chestnut-coloured band. Diam., greatest, 9 k; least, 7; height, 3f. Hab., Solomon Islands. HELIX ANTIPOD A, Jacquinot. Helix anlipoda, Homb. & Jacq., Yoy. Pole Sud, Zook, v., p. 18 ; Pfr., M.ILV., vol. 4, p. Ill; vol. 5, p. 182, No. 972. Shell narrowly umbilicated, globosely-conical, above striated, shining, grey, rufous-streaked ; spire conoiclal, rather acute ; whorls 5£, flattish, the last keeled, slightly descending, convex at the base; aperture hatchet- formed ; peristome simple, straight. Diam., greatest, 8 ; least, 7 mill. Hab., Auckland Islands. HELIX (THALASSIA) ATJCKLANDICA, Le Guill. Helix Aticklandica, Le Guill., Revue Zook, 1842, p. 140; Pfr., M.H.Y., vol. P, p. 119 ; vol, 5, p. 182, No. 973. Shell orbicularly-conoidal, thin, small, pellucid, shining, yellowish- brown ; whorls 6, depressly sub-convex, striated, evenly painted with longitudinal, equidistant, scarlet spots, the last keeled, above marked with transverse, obscure fine striae, beneath more convex, spotless, deeply umbilicated; aperture sub-rotund, anteriorly sub-angulated; peristome acute, fragile. Diam., 7 ; height, 4 milk Hab., Auckland Islands. HELIX SCIADIUM, Pfeiffer. Helix seiadium, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1857, p. 108; M.H.Y., vol. 4, p. 112; vol. 5, p. 183, No. 979. Shell umbilicated, conoidly semi-globose, rather solid, sub-arcuately striated, fulvous, obscurely variegated with reddish; spire convexly- conoidal, rather acute at the apex; suture margined; whorls 5J, slightly convex, the last not descending, acutely keeled at the periphery, at the base a little more convex; umbilicus almost equalling one quarter of the diameter ; aperture slightly oblique, angularly lunar; peristome simple, straight, colutnellar margin slightly expanded. Diam., greatest, 5J ; least, 5 ; height 3 milk Hab., New Zealand. XVI HELIX (CHAROPA) ALPHA, Pfeiffer. Helix alpha, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1851; M.H.Y., vol. 3, p. 112; vol. 5, p. 183, No. 981. Helix slijmlata, Reeve. Shell umbilicated, conical, keeled, obliquely finely striated and distantly lamellarly-ribbed, variegated with biown and yellow streaks; spire rather convexly-conical, apex rather obtuse ; whorls 51, slightly convex, the last not descending, acutely denticulately keeled, flat at the base, sub-angulated at the moderate, pervious umbilicus; aperture diagonal, somewhat hatchet-shaped ; peristome simple, straight, upper margin, short, basal margin arcuated, sub-vertically ascending towards the columella. Diam., greatest, 4J; least, 4, height, 3 mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). HELIX (CHAROPA) BETA, Pfeiffer. Helix beta, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1854; M.H.V., vol. 3, p. 112; vol. 5, p. 183, No. 982. SnELL umbilicated, trochiforraed, keeled, thin, arcuately strongly plaited, fulvous, broadly spotted with chestnut; spire elevated, con vexly-conical, rather acute; suture margined; whorls 7, narrow, flattish, the last somewhat receding, not descending, ciliated towards the keel, slightly convex at the base ; umbilicus narrow ; aperture oblique, angularly- lunar; peristome simple, straight, basal margin regularly arcuated. Diam., greatest, 3,} ; height, 3J. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). HELIX (THALASSIA) CELINDE, Gray. Nanina Celinde, Gray, P.Z.S., 1849, p. 164. Helix Celinde, Pfr., M.H.V., vol. 3, p. 125 ; vol. 5, p. 202, No. 1132. Shell sub-perforated, rather depressed, membranaceously-plaited, pale brown; spire conoidal, rather acute; whorls 5, firmly pressed together, the last sub-carinated, not descending, rather convex at the base, impressed in the middle; aperture oblique, sub-triangularlv lunar; peristome sub-labiated, margins remote, joined to a small callus, some¬ what straight, basal margin somewhat straitened. Diam., greatest, 4; least, 3| ; height, 2?,- mill. Hab., New Zealand. HELIX (LAOMA) LEIMONIAS, Gray. Bulimus Leimonias, Gray, P.Z.S., 1849, p. 167. Helix Leimonias, Pfr., M.H.V., vol. 3, p. 144 ; vol. 5, p. 221, No. 1321. Shell sub-imperforated, turretedly-conical, rather solid, smooth, shining, pellucid, pale horny, reddish spotted; spire turreted, rather acute ; whorls 7, flat, the last acutely keeled, flat beneath; aperture sub-vertical, depressly quadrangular, crowded with three strong white lamellae, one XVII on the wall of the aperture, two on the right margin ; peristome simple, straight. Diam., 2J ; height, 2§ mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). HELIX (XANTHOMELON) PACHYSTYLA, Pfeiffer. Helix pachystyla, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1845, p. 71 ; M.H.V., vol. 1, p. 19 ; vol. 5, p. 22G, No. 1360 ; Cox, M.A.L.S., 1868, p. 40, pi. 6, fig. 8 ; Peeve, Conch. Icon., No. 364. Shell imperforate, dcpressly-globose, solid, heavy, striated, decussated with concentric lines, whitish, covered with a dull green, blackish, radiating epidermis ; spire short; whorls 51, rapidly increasing, the last inflated, anteriorly shortly deflected; columella oblique, dilated, callous, white, obscurely and broadly unidentated ; aperture irregularly lunately- rounded, within lacteous; peristome straight, within thickened, basal margin somewhat reflexed. Diam., greatest, 43 ; least, 38 ; height, 37 mill. Hab., New Zealand. N.B.—Dr. Cox describes the Australian specimens of the above species, as follows :— Shell imperforate, globular, solid, glossy, faintly wrinkled with lines of growth, having finer striae between, and decussated with still fainter concentric and oblique rugose strife, covered with reddish-yellowish, or greenish-brown epidermis, generally streaked with brown ; spire very short, obtuse; suture indistinctly crenulated ; whorls 5 to 54, convex, rapidly increasing, the last inflated, shortly deflected anteriorly; aperture nearly diagonal, irregularly lunately-rounded ; peristome white, thick¬ ened, slightly reflected, especially-at the base, columellar margin expanded, hollowed, nearly straight within, and forming an obsolete broad tooth, externally spread over the umbilicus, edges connected by a callus. Diam., greatest 1-80, least D50, height 1-30 of an inch. Hab., Facing Isle, Port Curtis, Dunk Isle, Cape Upstart, and Wide Bay (MacGillivray) ; Port Denison and Rockhampton, Queensland (Cox). A more ponderous shell is found in N.W. Australia. HELIX KIVI, Gray. Nanina Kivi, Gray, Dieff. Trav., vol. 1, p. 262. Helix Kivi, Pfr., M.II.V., vol. 1, p. 192 ; vol. 5, p. 232, No. 1394. Shell imperforated, turbinated, white, thin, obliquely closely striated, adorned with short, irregular, oblique, purple-brown streaks; spire sub-conical, obtuse ; whorls 6, flatfish, the last rounded, convex at the base, white, smooth; aperture broad, lunar; peristome simple, straight, columellar margin somewhat reflected. Diam., greatest, 10; least, 9 ; height, 8 mill. Hab., New Zealand. XVU1 HELIX VENULATA, Pfeiffer. Helix venulata, Pfi\, P.Z.S., 1857, p. 108; M.H.V., vol. 4, p. 163; vol. 5, p. 232, No. 1395. Shell imperforated, depressed, thin, closely plicately-striated, downy, variegated with corneous and reddish markings, disposed in streaks and spots ; spire slightly elevated ; whorls -I I, convex, gradually increasing, the last not descending, impressed in the middle of the base ; aperture vertical, elongately-lunar ; peristome simple, right margin straight, basal margin somewhat rellexed, columellar margin bent downwards, sub¬ callous, adnate. Diam., greatest, 6; least, 5 ; height, 3 mill. Hab., New Zealand. HELIX (CHAROPA) PORTIA, Gray. Helix Portia, Gray, P.Z.S., 1849, p. 165; Pfr., M.H.V., vol. 3, p. 154; vol. 5, p. 246, No. 1505. Shell umbilicated, depressed, thinnisli, sculptured with closely-set, elevated, sub-arcuated plaits, covered sparsely with rather rigid hairs, horny, variegated with rufous spots and streaks; spire short, convex; whorls 51, rather convex, regularly increasing, the last somewhat inflated beneath the suture, not descending anteriorly, sub-compressed at the base about a moderate, pervious umbilicus ; aperture oblique, rotundly- lunar ; peristome simple, margins nearly united, the upper part arcuately protracted below the insertion, the basal part shortly reflexed, ascending obliquely to the umbilicus. Diam., greatest, 8; least, 7; height, 4 mill. Hab. New Zealand (Greenwood, Strange). » HELIX (CHAROPA) KAPPA, Pfeiffer. Helix kappa, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1851; M.H.V., vol. 3, p. 154; vol. 5, p. 246, No. 1506. Helix collyrula, Reeve. Shell umbilicated, depressed, ribbed, ribs bearing hair-like filaments, not shining, horny, obscurely variegated with rufous ; spire extremely short, rather convex ; suture impressed; whorls 5, rather convex, gradually increasing, the last not descending, rounded; umbilicus narrow, pervious; aperture vertical, depressed, lunar; peristome somewhat simple, margins remote, the right margin straight, basal margin shortly reflexed, columellar margin obliquely ascending. Diam., greatest, 5,( ; least, 5; height, 3 mill. Plab., New Zealand (Strange). HELIX (RHYTIDA) GREENWOODI, Gray. Helix Greenwoodi, Gray, P.Z.S., 1849, p. 165; Pfr., M.H.Y., vol. 3, p. 156; vol. 5, p. 247, No. 1520. Shell umbilicated, convexly-depressed, thinnish, throughout very closely rugosely-granulated, slightly shining, fuscous with an olive-green tinge ; XIX spire smallish, convex, rather obtuse; suture impressed; whorls 4, rather convex, rapidly increasing, the last large, strengthened at the periphery with many elevated, obtuse, backwardly-descending bands, anteriorly descending, a little convex at the base, sub-compressed at the entrance of the chestnut-coloured, funnel-shaped umbilicus; aperture very oblique, oblongly oval, within shining, whitish; peristome simple, margins closely united, superior portion straight, bent backwards, inferior portion tkickish, dilated and reflexed towards the columella. Diam., greatest, 231 ; least, 19 ; height, 12 mill. Hab., Auckland, New Zealand (Greenwood). HELIX (EHYTIDA) DUNNIyE, Gray. Helix Dunnice, Gray, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 6, 1841, p. 317 ; Pfr., M.H.Y., vol. 1, p. 207 ; vol. 5, p. 256, No. 1587. Shell umbilicated, depressed, fuscous, keeled, irregularly granularly striated; spire slightly elevated, obtuse ; whorls 4, flattened, the last slightly descending anteriorly, convex beneath, compressed around a moderate, funnel-shaped umbilicus ; aperture very oblique, irregular, transversely oblong, laterally spread out; peristome simple, superior margin depressed, dilated in t'ront, columcllar margin shortly reflexed. Diam., greatest. 24; least, 20 ; height, 11 mill. Hab., New Zealand. HELIX (EH A GAD A) EEINGA, Gray. Helix lleinga, Gray, Unpub. List N.Z. Shells, pi. 1, fig. 11, 12; Pfr., M.H.Y., vol. 1, p. 289; vol. 5, p. 302, No. 1965. Shell perforated, perforation covered, globosely-depressed, rather solid, obliquely finely striated, whitish, adorned with a single chestnut-coloured band, and with many orange-coloured lines ; spire sub-elovated ; whorls 51, rather convex, gradually increasing, the last convex beneath, descending anteriorly ; aperture very oblique, narrow, sub-triangularly lunar; peristome shortly expanded, within white-lipped, columellar margin straightisb, obscurely and obtusely unidentated. Diam., greatest, 15 ; least, 13; height, 10 mill. Hab., New Zealand. HELIX (DORCASIA) TARANAKI, Gray. Helix Taranaki , Gray, N.Z., pi. 1, figs. 6, 7 ; Pfr., M.H.Y., vol. 1, p. 378 ; vol., 5, p. 379, No. 2487. Shell umbilicated, depressed, rather solid, palo horny, rather shining, above closely striated with rib-like strife, at tho base smoother; spire a little elevated ; whorls 5, somewhat convex, the last broader, anteriorly slightly descending; umbilicSs moderate, pervious; aperture transversely Innately-oval; peristome thin, expanded, within shining white, basal margin rather straight, reflexed, columellar margin dilated, opened. Ii XX Diam., greatest, 17 ; least, 14; height, 8 mill. Hab., New Zealand. Possession Island, Torres Strait (Ince). Note. —In the Mon. Austr. Land Shells, Dr. Cox has placed the foregoing shell among the synonyms of H. Delessertiana which he thus describes at page 61 : Helix Delessertiana, Le Guill. Ilelix Delessertiana , Le Guill., Revue Zool., 1842, p. 138. Helix Taranalci, Gray, M.SS. and Pfr., (as above). Helix Torresiana, Homb. et Jacq., Voy. au Pole Sud. Shell umbilicated, depressed, rather solid, rather shining, closely, regularly, and rather strongly striately ribbed, either white, or rather glossy, or pale horny; spire slightly prominent, suture rather impressed ; whorls 5, slightly convex, the last convex and rather tumid, scarcely descending in front; base with ribs smoother than above, umbilicus moderate, deep ; aperture lunately-ovate, slightly broader than high ; peristome thin, expanded, white within, margins approximating, colu- mellar margin scarcely expanded above, and slightly reflected. Diam., greatest, 0-70 ; least, 0-57 ; height, 0-35 of an inch. Hab., Islands of Torres Strait, from Nogo Island, on the south, to Warrior Island, on the north (MacGillivray). Bulimus, Scopoli. Shell oblong or turreted; aperture with unequal longitudinal margins, toothless or dentate; columella entire, revolute externally or nearly simple; peristome simple or expanded. Animal like Helix. —Woodward. BULIMUS (PLACOSTYLUS) BOYINUS, Brugui6re. Bulimus bovinus, Brug., Coll., No. 368 ; Petit Journ. Conch., 1853 ; Crosse, Journ. Conch., vol. xii., 1864 ; Pfr., M.H.Y., vol. 6, p. 82, No. 721. Bulimus Shongii, Lesson, Voy. do la Coq.; Pfr., M.H.Y., vol. 2, p. 140. Bulimus auris-bovina, Petit—Crosse. Shell imperforate, oblongly-conical, solid, rugosely-striated, covered with an olivaceous-rufous epidermis, banded by whitish at the suture ; spire conical, rather acute ; whorls 7, convex, the last shorter than the spire, sub-compressed at the base; columella arcuated; aperture oblongly oval, within cherry-red, sub-caniculated at the baso ; peristome very thick, armed at the base with a moderate tuberculous callus, margins united by a callus, columellar margin dilated, prominent. Length, 67; diam., 27. Aperture, long, 28 ; broad, 13 mill. Hab., New Zealand. BULIMUS NOYOSEELANDICUS, Pfeiffer. Bulimus Novoseelandicus, Pfr., Malak. Bl., viii., 1861, p. 149; Crosse, Journ. Conch., xii., 1864 ; Pfr., M.H. V., vol. 6, p. 83, No. 722. Shell imperforate, ovately oblong, solid, irregularly rugosely striated, fulvous-brown, occasionally streaked with chestnut; spire ovately-conical, XXI flesh-coloured on the upper portion, apex rather acute ; suture ragged, widely-margined with white; whorls 6, moderately convex, the last equalling the length of the spire, sub-attenuated at the base ; columella vertical, scarcely tortuous ; aperture sub-vertical, rhomboidly-semioval, within yellowish-whito; peristome thick, white, margins united by a white callus, the right margin rather expanded, slightly arcuated, within the upper part slightly sinuous, basal and columellav margins dilated. Length, 77; diam., 31. Aperture within, length, 35; breadth, 15. Hab., Wangaruru, near Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Hoclistetter). Note. —Eggs testaceous, oval, length, 7 mill ; young shell, sub¬ perforate, thin, pale-horny. BULIMUS AN TIPO DARUM, Gray. Bulimus antipodarum, Gray, Dieff. Trav., vol. 1, p. 247 ; Bevue Zool., 1844, p. 373; Pfr., M.H.V., vol. 2, p. 227; vol. 6, p. 153, No. 1304. Shell oblong, imperforate, smooth, pale fuscous, covered with a pale- fuscous, opaque epidermis, variegated profusely with dark lines, princi¬ pally at the suture, apex obtuse, rubicund; whorls rather convex; aperture ——- ; peristome- 1 ; specimen not adult; whorls 4, the last 1 inch in diam.; axis, 1 inch (Gray). Hab., New Zealand (DiefTenbaeh). Note. —Similar to B. fulgetrum, Brod., see vol. 2, p. 31, No. 79. Tornatella, Lamarck. Shell solid, ovate, with a conical, many-whorled spire; spirally-grooved or punctate-striate ; aperture long, narrow, rounded in front; outer lip sharp ; columella with a strong, tortuous fold; operculum horny, ellipti¬ cal, lamellar. Animal white; head truncated and slightly notched in front, furnished posteriorly with recumbent tentacular lobes, and small eyes behind them, near their inner bases; foot oblong, lateral lobes slightly reflected on the shell. Lingual teeth, 12*12, similar, with long simple hooks. TOBNATELLA NOYOSEELANDICA, Pfeiffer. Tornatella Novoseelandica, Pft\, P.Z.S., 1851 ; M.H.Y., vol. 3, p. 524; vol. 6, p. 263, No. 22. Blasmatina reclusiana, Gray,' P.Z.S., 1849, p. 167. Shell oblongly-turreted, thin, smooth, shining, fulvous-horny; spire turreted; rather acute ; whorls 5, somewhat convex, the last one-third of the length of shell, rounded at the base ; parietal fold deep, moderate; columella callous, white, upper portion tortuously-subtruncated; aper¬ ture hardly oblique, somewhat ear-shaped ; peristome thin, acute. Length, 31; breadth, 11. Aperture, length, 1J mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange). Pupa, Draparnaud. Shell rimate or perforate, cylindrical or oblong; aperture rounded, often toothed; margins distant, mostly united by a callous lamina. xx ii Animal with a short foot, pointed behind ; lower tentacles short.— Woodward. PUPA NOVOSEELANDICA, Pfeiffer. Pupa Novoseelandica, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1851 ; M.H.V., vol. 3, p. 530 ; vol. 6, p. 290, No. 76. Shell perforated, sub-cylindrical, thin, obliquely closely ribbed, deep- fuscous, variegated with straw-coloured spots, principally about the impressed suture ; spire as it proceeds upwards scarcely attenuated, apex sub-rotund; whorls 7|, rather convex, the last not reaching to one-third of the entire length of the shell, rounded; aperture sub-vertical, semi-circular, toothless; peristome, simple, straight, margins remote, columellar margin slightly dilated above. Length, 4f; diam., 2. Aperture, length, L] mill, ilab., New Zealand (Strange). Balea, Pridoaux. Shell slender, usually sinistral, fusiform, multispiral, aperture ovate; peristome acute, margins unequal, wall of the aperture with one slight plait; columella simple. Animal snail-like; teeth 20'20; rows, 130 (Thomson).—From Woodward. BALEA PEREGRINA, Gould. Balea peregrina, Gould, Pro. Bost. Soo., 1848; Pfr., M.H.V., vol. 3, p. 583; vol. G, p. 395, No. 11. Shell small, sinistral, elongated, sub-fusiform, solid, opaque, rufous- cinereous, hardly striated, perforated; spire mamillated at the apex; whorls 8, flattened, sub-tabulated; suture linear, deep; aperture sub¬ quadrate ; peristome entire, equal, slightly reflexed. Length |, diam., l-10th of an inch. Hab., New Zealand. From Pfeiffer’s “ Monographia Pneumonoporum Viventium,” vol. 1, with two Supplements; 1865. Diplommatina, Benson. Shell minute, conical, with costulated whorls; peristome double; operculum horny, multispiral.—Woodward. DIPLOMMATINA CHORDATA, Pfeiffer. Diplommatina chordata , Pfr., P.Z.S., 1855, p. 105; M. Pn. V., Suppl. 1, p. 12; Suppl. 2, p. 11, No. 13; H. and J. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll., 11, p. 287. Shell sinistral, deeply rimated, sub-fusiform, thin, smooth, strengthened with somewhat distant, cord-shaped ribs, diaphanous, waxy-whitish; spire ovately-conical, apex acute; whorls 7, convex, the last attenuated, XX111 ascending anteriorly; aperture slightly oblique, sub-circular ; peristome double; the inner one continuous, shortly adnate, otherwise rather expanded ; the outer one shortly spread out. Length, 4; diam., 2. Aperture, length, 1J mill. Hab., New Zealand (Strange); variety, Lord Howe’s Island (Mac- Gillivray). Cyclophoeus, Montfort. Shell depressed, openly umbilicated; aperture circular; peristome continuous, straight, or expanded ; epidermis thick; operculum horny, many-whorled. Animal with long, slender pointed tentacles ; foot broadly expanded, not grooved.—Woodward. CYCLOPHOEUS LIGNAEIUS, Pfeiffer. Cyclostoma liynarium, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1857, p. 112. Cyclophorus lignaj'ius, Pfr., M. Pn. V., Suppl. 1, p. 44; Suppl. 2, p. 64, No. 24. Shell narrowly umbilicated, turbinated, rather thin, obliquely irregularly striated, rufous, covered with an opaque woody epidermis; spire conical, rather acute; whorls 5-54, convex, the last flatter at the base; aperture diagonal, ovately-rotund; peristome double; the outer one membran¬ aceous, narrowly expanded, excised at the adjoining whorl. Operc. I Diam., greatest, 5 ; least, 4|; height, 4. Aperture, length, 2§ mill. CYCLOPHOEUS CYTOEA, Gray. Cyclophorus cytora, Gray, P.Z.S., 1849, p. 07; Cat. Cycloph., p. 23, No. 38 ; Pfr., M. Pn. V., vol. 1, p. 86 ; Suppl. 2, p. 71, No. 121. Shell minute, trochiform, rather solid, brown, closely and uniformly spirally striated, crossed by slight wrinkles; spire conical, nearly as high as broad, with the apex sub-acute; whorls 5moderately convex, the last rounded and convex in front; aperture diagonal, nearly circular; peristome simple, straight, thickened internally, with the margins approximate, united by a thin callus. Operculum horny, of a few rapidly enlarging whorls. Height, 0-08 ; breadth, 0 - l inch. Auckland (Greenwood), in the British Museum. Bealia, Gray. Shell turreted or turbinate, perforated; peristome simple, straight or expanded ; operculum pauci-spiral, horny.—Woodward. EE ALIA HOCHSTETTEET, Pfeiffer. llealia Ilochstetteri, Pfr., Malak. Bl., viii., 1861, p. 149; M. Pn. Y., Supp. 2, p. 170, No. 1. Shell perforated, ovately-turreted, rather solid, somewhat closely plaited, fuscous ; spire convexly turreted, rather acute at the crown; suture inconsiderable, bound with a thread-like margin; whorls 7£, slightly XXIV convex, the last nearly equalling one-third of the length of the shell, below the middle sub-acutely carinated with a thread-like carination, strengthened about the perforation with another small keel; aperture vertical, ovately-rotund, sub-angulated above ; peristome double—the inner one scarcely porrected — the outer one broadly expanded, con¬ centrically striated, narrow and adnate at the contiguous whorl. Length, 9; diam., 4. Aperture, length, 2| mill. Hab., Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Hochstetter). BEALIA EGEA, Gray. Realm egea, Gray, P,Z.S, 1849, p. 107 ; Cat. Cycloph., p. 64, No. 9; Pfr., M. Pu. V., Supp. 1, p. 153 ; Supp. 2, p. 170, No. 2. Sob-perforate, turreted, rather solid, covered with a distantly folded, fuscous, scarcely shining periostraca; apex rather pointed; suture middle, folded ; whorls 6£, moderately convex, last obtusely keeled, painted below the keel with a dark chestnut-coloured band; aperture somewhat oblique, ovate; inner edge of peristome continuous, slightly expanded, angled above ; outer edge somewhat interrupted, dilated, bell- shaped, incurved. Length, -35 ; breadth, - 16 inch. BEALIA TURRICULATA, Pfeiffer. Realia turriculata, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1854, p. 304 ; M. Pn. V., Suppl. 1, p. 153; Suppl. 2, p. 170, No. 3. Hydrocena turriculata, II. and A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll., 11, p. 299. Shell sub-perforated, slender, turreted, rather solid, finely striated, a little shining, blackish, marked with a pale band at the basal portion, or ornamented with angular alternating black-chestnut and yellowish- white streaks, becoming blackish towards the base; spire elongate, rather obtuse at the apex ; whorls 7-7moderately convex, the last nearly equalling one-third the length of the shell, obscurely sub-angulated beneath ; apex vertical, angulavly-oval; peristome continuous, double_ the inner one shortly porrected—the outer one narrowly expanded, indexed. Length, 9 ; diam., 3$. Aperture, length, 3 mill. Hab., New Zealand. REALIA CARINELLA, Pfeiffer. Realia carinella, Pfr., Malak. Bl., viii., 1861, p. 150; M. Pn. V., Suppl. 2, p. 170, No. 4. Shell perforated, turreted, rather solid, obliquely striated with small plait-like stria, brown, faintly-marbled ; spire elongated, apex somewhat obtuse; suture margined with a thread-like edging; whorls 7, slightly convex, the last scarcely exceeding one-third of the entire length of shell, carinated and strengthened about the perforation with a compressed crest-like appendage ; aperture vertical, oval, angulated above ; peristome XXV fuscous, double; the internal one continuous, the external narrowed at the penultimate whorl, in other respects, opened, slightly reflexed. Length, 7 ; diam., 3J. Aperture, length, 2] mill. Hab., Drury, Taupiri, New Zealand (Hochstetter). IIydkockxa, Parreyss. Operculum horny, few-whorled. Shell imperforate, or umbilicated, globosely turbinated, ovate or turreted ; aperture oval or semi-circular; peristome simple, straight, or expanded, margins disconnected, columellar margin sub-callous.—Pfeiffer. HYDROCENA PURCHASI, Pfeiffer. Hydrocena Furchasi, Pfr,, P.Z.S., 1861, p. 150; M. Pn. V., Suppl. 2, p. 172, No. 13. Shell sub-perforated, turriculated, somewhat smooth, translucid, horny- fuscous ; spire conical, rather obtuse ; whorls 5, convex, the last slightly exceeding one-third of the entire length of shell; aperture a little oblique, sub-circular ; peristome simple, straight, very shortly interrupted at the contiguous whorl, loft margin slightly reflexed. Length, 2 ; diam., 1 mill. Hab., Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Purchas, Hochstetter). Omphalotropis, Pfeiffer. Operculum thin, horny, few-whorled. Shell perforated, or narrowly umbilicated, turreted, or globosely-turbinated, keeled around the perforation; aperture oval ; peristome disconnected, straight or ex¬ panded . —Pfeiffer. OMPHALOTROPIS YESTITA, Pfeiffer. Hydrocena vestita, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1855, p. 106 ; M. Pn. Y., Suppl. 1, p. 166. Omphalotropis vestita, Pfr., M. Pn. Y., Suppl. 2, p. 179, No. 30. Shell perforated, oblongly-conical, thin, striated and spirally closely ridged, covered with a somewhat fuscous epidermis ; spire pyramidical, rather acute; whorls 6, flat, the last armed below the middle with an acute keel, and about the perforation with a second ; aperture hardly oblique, sub-angularly oval; peristome simple, straight, margins con¬ verging. Operculum fuscous. Length, 5 ; diam., 3. Aperture, length, 2 mill. Hab., New Zealand. XXVI The following have also been said by Professor Macalister to occur in New Zealand. HELIX CONIFORMIS, Ferrusac. Helix coniformis (Helicostyla), Fer. pr., 321, Hist., pi. 108, fig. 1; Wood., Suppl., pi. T, fig. 20; Lamarck, ed. Dll., 160, p. 103. Helix tur- binata, Desli., Encycl. Metk., 11, p. 265, No. 150. Helix Tuffetii, Lesson, A'oy. de la Coq.,p. 313, pi. 10, fig. 3. Geolroclius Tovffelii, Beck, ind., p. 47. Shell imperforate, orkicularly-conoidal, smootk, whitish-fuscous, orna¬ mented with fuscous bands, often articulated ; suture deep ; wkorls 5, convex, tke last ratker flat beneatk, descending anteriorly; aperture very oblique, large, oval; peristome white, tliin, broadly expanded, margins closely united, basal margin reflexed, columellar margin dilated, adpressed. Diam., greatest, 24; least, 18; height, 18 mill. Hab., New Ireland. HELIX HYSTRIX, Mighels. Helix hystrix, Migh., Pfr., M.H.V., vol. 1, p .116; vol. 5, p. 222, No. 1330. Helix seligera, Gould. Sched. Shell umbilicated, depressed, sub-discoidal, regularly ribbed, horny- luteous, hirsute, hairs straight, rigid, deciduous, rufously tessellated above ; spire flat, sub-immersed in the middle; whorls 5, convex, the last descending, decussated at the base with raised lines, sometimes very obscure; umbilicus broad, perspective ; aperture lunately-subcircular ; peristome simple, acute. Hab., Sandwich Islands ; Wahoo. HELIX RADIARIA, Pfeiffer. Helix radiana, Pfr., P.Z.S., 1854, p. 55; M.H.V., vol. 4, p. 166; vol. 5, p. 234, No. 1414; Reeve, Conch. Icon., No. 1322, pi. 189. Shell perforated, perforation somewhat covered, trochiformed, rather thin, finely striated, a little shining, diaphanous, yellowish-white, irregularly marked above with light red streaks ; spiro conoidal, apex rather obtuse ; whorls 51, rather convex, gradually increasing, the last not descending, very obscurely angled at the periphery, one-coloured, and flattisk beneath; aperture nearly diagonal, lunar, shining within; peristome somewhat simple, margin remote, the right margin forwardly dilated, straight, basal margin thick, bent downwards, somewhat dilated above. Diam., greatest, 10; least, 9 ; height, 7 mill. Hab., Solomon Islands. XXV11 HELIX RUBRICATA, Gould ; this shell is considered as a synonym by Pfeiffer of— HELIX XOULETI, Le Guill. Helix Nouleti, Lo Guill.; Pfr., M.H.Y., vol. 4, p. 58; vol. 5, p. 11G, Xo. 471; Reeve, Conch. Ic., No. 405, pi. 77. Helix (Nanina) rubricate, Gould, Expcd. Sh., 1840, p. 25 ; Pfr., M.H.Y., vol. 1, p. 69 ; vol. 3, p. 71. Helix inornata, Homb. and Jacq., Yoy. Pol. Sud, Zool., vol. 5, p. 7, pi. 4, figs. 11-14. Nanina, Nouleti, Gray, Cat. Pulm., p. 128. Nanina rubricata, Gould, Exped. Sb., 1851, p. 29, pi. 5, fig. GO. Nanina (llemipleeta), H. and A. Adams, Gen., 11, p. 223. Shet.l sub-perforated, rather semi-globose, solid, closely obliquely striated above, somewhat decussated with spiral strife, shining, black-fuscous; spire sub-conoidal, inclining to rufous; whorls 5.',-, rather convex, gradually increasing, the last wider, rotund, not descending anteriorly, somewhat smooth beneath (slightly marked with radiating strife); aperture slightly oblique, lunar, lurid within; peristome simple, right margin straight, sub-arcuated in front, columellar margin callous, bent downwards, on the upper part shortly reflexed upon the perforation. Diam., greatest, 29; least, 25 ; height, 15 mill. Hab., Viti and Solomon Islands. HELIX YITREA, Ferrusac. Helix vitrea, Ferr., Pfr., M.H.V., vol. 5, p. 329, Xo. 2165, and p. 501. Papuina vitrea, Wallace, P.Z.S., 1865, p. 411. Helix albula, Lo Guill., Pfr., M.H.Y., vol. 1, p. 328 ; vol. 5, p. 332, Xo. 2179, and p. 501, Xo. 2165. Shell umbilicated, depressly-trochiformed, acutely earinated, rather thin, very closely and finely striated, under a powerful lens minutely granulated, vitriously-whitish (at the keel lined with rufous); spire conoidal, rather acute; whorls 4 £’, flattisli, the last slightly descending anteriorly, slightly convex at the base, very distinctly r-adiately-striated ; umbilicus pervious, somewhat funnel-formed; aperture oblique, depressed, elliptically-lunar; peristome somewhat broadly expanded, rather beaked at the keel, columellar margin greatly dilated, spread open. Diam., greatest, 29; least, 23J-; height, 13 mill. Hab., in the islands Ternati, Gilolo, Batchian. C \Q tM-l f s-tk-iy