mism--yr '■■:■■- /5 ''-*<1a->o-»^^s-'vs^ \.„>cri/0.*-»j CATALOGUE BIRDS NOTICE Volumes XVI. and XVII. of this Work are in preparation, and will probably he published early in the year 1891. L 0 N D 0 X : PRINTED BY (ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1890. ♦N<..^-J6-^^v>v>^ t— o-'ya***^ CATALOGUE BIRDS B 11 1 T I S H M U S E U M VOLUME XYIII. LONDOX: PRINTED BY ORDEll OF THE TRUSTEES. 18UU. CATALOGUE P I C A R I ^ collp:ction BRITISH MUSEUM. SCANSORES, CONTAINING THE FAMILY BY EDWARD HARGITT. LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES, SOLD BY LOXGMANS & Co., S9 PATEEKOSTEE EOW: B. QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY; ASHEE & Co., 13 BEDFOED STEEET, COVENT GAEDE:N'; KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TETJBNEE & Co., 57 LUDGATE HILL; AND AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). CROMWELL ROAD. S.W. 1890. PHINTr.D BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. PREFACE. This volume is published in advance of the sixteenth and seven- teenth, the manuscripts of which, however, are in course of prepa- ration. Its early appearance is due to the fortunate circumstance that it was undertaken bj' Mr. Hargitt, who for many years has made the family of Woodpeckers the subject of his special study : I have great pleasure in acknowledging the unremitting and con- scientious care which he has bestowed on the details of every portion of the work throughout its progress. Beside those benefactors who have so largely contributed to the general collection of Birds in the Museum, and whose names occur on almost every page of this work, I have to refer to the donations by L. Wray, Jr., Esq., H. C. V. Hunter, Esq., and F. J. Jackson, Esq., which were specially useful in the preparation of the present volume. ALBERT GUNTHER, Keeper of the Department of Zoology. British Museum (N. H.), June 9, 1890. INTRODUCTION. The number of genera of the family Picidce is 50, every known genus being represented in the British Museum. The number of species and subspecies recorded in this volume is 3S5, of which 36 are still wanting to complete the Collection. Of these 385 species the Museum possesses the types of 75, and the number of specimens in the Collection at the present date is 7894. As a rule, the species of Picidce are very clearly defined, but in Bendroco^jus, Picoides, and Colaptes there is a decided tendency to subdivide into races. Most of the latter have an exact range, and it is only in the case of the North- American Colaptes, 0. auratns and C. mexicanus, that there seems to be any definite appearance of hybridization (see my remarks, infra, p. 22). This leads us once more to the consideration of the question of " what is a species " ? It is generally admitted that birds not iutergrading into an allied form are species ; but where intergradation takes place the allied form is a subspecies or race. The regions, however, likely to produce these intermediate forms may not have been explored, and such forms may, and most probably do, exist in certain localities ; therefore, if this be the case, are these birds to be regarded as distinct species merely because these links are not in evidence ? Island forms may or may not possess some slight dififerences from typical birds, but not sufficient to separate them ; yet some authors take it for granted that with insular separation there can be no intergradation : therefore we find insignificant islands made to father a host of indifferent species or subspecies ; but I fail to see (if perfect intergradation be insisted on in determining the position VIU INTRODUCTION. of a bird as a subspecies) how island forms can be reduced to this rank. If there be no possible intergradation, the birds must, according to ornithologists holding this yievr, be specifically- distinct. I am, of course, of opinion that where a species intergrades into an allied form, the latter is a subspecies ; but I do not consider that without proof of distinct intergradation a bird must necessarily merit specific rank and fail to be regarded as subspecificallj' distinct only. Some island forms, although they may certainly differ slightly from typical birds, have differences so suggestive of cli- matic variation only and not of specific value, that I take them upon their own merits and assign them a position accordingly. The most serious difficulty, however, presents itself in treating of the CoJaptes of North America, C. auratus and C. mexicanus, and the intermediate form termed C. ayersi. Whether we accept the strong evidence of the late Professor Spencer Baird and regard the varied race as the result of hybridization, or whether we adopt the views of Mr. J. A. Allen, who is not in favour of such a theory, and seems rather to consider the variation as the result of climatic influence and of a change in the conditions of environment, or whether we follow Dr. Elliott Coues, who suggests that it may be a transitional form, it is evident that a difi[iculty must arise in endeavouring to ascertain whether the intermediate birds which are found at a great distance from the point of junction of C. auratus and C. mexicanus are really beyond the radius to which a change would extend, or whether beyond that to which some of the inter- mediate birds might wander, or whether such change in individual examples be a sign of a reversion to a remote ancestral plumage. I am certainly in favour of the theory of interbreeding, and I see no insurmountable difiiculty, by adopting such a view, in accounting for certain characters, suggestive of hybridization, appearing in a remote region where no interbreeding of C. auratus and C. mexi- canus could possibly exist. It may be that the ancestors of the Colaples had the red malar stripe in the male, and the black stripe in the female, and a red nuchal band may have existed in either one or both sexes, and the differentiation in succeeding forms would not preclude reversion to the original one, — in fact, it is what might he looked for. INIRODUCTION. IX In our Oecini, many species, or all, may have had the same an- cestors, and whether we take it that the original form had the malar stripe red in holh sexes, or black in both sexes, or red in the male and black in the female, yet every conceivable variation has sprung from these, viz. : G. viridis, in which the male has a red malar stripe and the female a black one ; G. awoh'ra, in which both sexes have the malar stripe red ; G. vaillantl, in which the malar strijic is black in both sexes ; G. canus, with the malar stripe black in the male and absent in the female ; and that we do not find these species interbreeding, or varying to any extent, or it may be reverting to an earlier form, probably is because no cause exists why they should do so ; such cause may exist among the CoJaptes, although we cannot account for it. It ma}' be, however, that in some of the Gecini there has been a decided reversion to an earlier form, which, from its fixed character, we now regard as forming a species. The original form of Colaptes may have come from the north, diff'erentiating in the eastern and western branches, and when uniting again producing the varied form G. ayresi ; or the species may have radiated from a centre, say from a bird resembling C chrysoides, the various branches retaining certain characters and acquiring others : C auratus retaining the yellow wings and tail, having the red malar stripe replaced by a black one, and acquiring a red nuchal band ; C. niexkanus retaining the red malar stripe and acquiring red wings and tail ; and C. chrysoides, possessing some of the characters of each of these species ; the union of two of the branches producing the varied race now under our consideration, which is certainly more nearly allied to C. chrysoides, but wants the fixed characters of that species. In the Picidce the top of the head, the nape, the malar region, and the abdomen are the centres of change of plumage, and in genera not possessing a single species with a red nuchal band, an individual specimen will sometimes have a trace of red on this region, and certain instances could be given of individuals presenting, upon one of the above-mentioned regions, a character not possessed by typical birds. If this resulted from a tendency to differentiate and acquire a new character, I think it would be more frequent and occur where- ever the surrounding circumstances favoured it, but its infrcquency X IHTKODCCTION. rather indicates an attempt (although a feeble one) to revert to an earlier form. The magnificent donations of the " Hume," " Salvin and Godman," and " Tweeddalo Collections,"' the acquisition of the "Sclater" and the " Shelley Collections," beside other valuable additions obtained by the Trustees from various sources, while adding to the bulk of the present volume, have, I trust, provided a more solid basis upon ■which to work, by supplying many links in the chain of evidence. I have to record my thanks to Professor Alphonse Milne-Edwards and Dr. Oustalet of Paris, Dr. Jentink of Leiden, Dr. Smitt of Stockholm, Dr. Eidgway of Washington, Count Salvadori of Turin, Professor Alfred Newton, Thomas Moore, Esq., of the Derby Museum, Liverpool, Messrs. Salvin and Godman, Sclater, Seebohm, E. W. Gates, Sennett, Dresser, Harvie- Brown, also to Canon Tristram, Captain Shelley, and Major Wardlaw-Ramsay, for the great services rendered, either by the loan of specimens for the purposes of the pre- sent volume, or by much valuable information and assistance during the progress of my long-continued study of the birds of this family ; and I feel sure that the expression of my opinion upon points in which I differ from some of my colleagues will be received in the same spirit in which such notes have been penned. The same symbols used in the previous volumes of the ' Catalogue ' are adopted here. "[P.]" means "Presented by;" "[C.]"= " Collected by." The sex of a specimen enclosed in brackets, thus [ c? ], indicates that the bird is in all probability of the sex given, but that the collector's label lacks this information. The locality of a specimen enclosed in brackets shows that such locality is upon the label, but that its correctness is doubtful. EDWAED HARGITT. May 3rcl, 1890. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Older PI CARI^. Suborder SCANSORES. Fam. 1' I CI D .13. Subfain. I. Picixje. Page 1. (ieocolaptes, Stcainson . . D 1. olivaceus (Gm.) 9 2. C'ulaptes, Sirahisoti 10 1. auratus (Limi.) 12 '2. ehrysocaulosus, Gundl. 15 3. gundlachi, Cory 15 4. chrysoides {Malk.) . . 16 5. mexicanus, Swains. 17, 568 6. subinexicanus [Sua- dev.) 21 7. ayresi, And. 22 8. campestris ( Vieill.) 23, 568 9. agricola {Math.) .... 25 10. rupicola, JJ'Orfi 26 11. puna, Licht 27 12. cinereicapillus, Hei- cheiib 27 13. pitius (Mol.) 28 3. Hypoxantlnis, Bp 29 1. rivolii (Boiss.) 30 a. brevirostris, Tacz. . . 31 2. atriceps, Sckit. S^- Salv. 32 4. (jiecinus, Boie 33 1. viridis (Linn.) 36 2. sharpii, Sauad 40 3. vaillanti (Mcdh.) 41 4. awokera ( Temm.) .... 41 o. squamatus (Viff.) .... 43 6. gorii, liar;/ 45 7. vittatus {Vieill.) 46 H. viridaiuis (Blyfh) 47 9. striolatus (Blyth) .... oO 10. canus (G/n.) 52 ] 1. {.'uerini (Malh.) 55 12. occipitalis ( Vif/.) .... 56 Page 13. clilorolophus (Vieill.) . 59 14. cliloiigaster (Jerd.) . . 62 15. puniceus (Ilursf.) .... 64 16. avy thio-py ghis, £11 iot. . 66 17. nigrigeni.s, Hume .... 67 5. Cliloronerpes, Swains 69 1. chrysochlorus ( Vieill.). 72 2. brasiliensis ( Swains.) . 73 3. xanthochlorus, Sclat. 8^ Salv 73 4. capistratus {Bp.) .... 74 5. erythropsis {Vieill.) . . 75 6. leucolajmus (.!/«//(. j. . 70 7. Havigula (Bodd.) 77 8. imnilenUis (Temm.) . . 79 9. callopterus, Lawr. . . 80 10. simplex, Salv 81 11. feruginosus (Licht.) . . 81 12. auricularis, Salv. 8; Godm 83 1 3. godmani, Harg 83 14. yucatanensis {Cabot) . 84 15. gularis, Harg 86 16. rubiginosus {Swains.) 86, 568 17. striatus (Miill.) 89 6. Campothera, Gray 90 1. nubica {Gm.) 93 2. notata (Licht.) 95 3. mallierbii (Cf/.f.s.) 96 4. punctata ( Valeric.) . . 96 ■"). halia. (Heiigl.) 98 6. abingdoni ('S>h;'.) . . 179 26. hoffmanni {Cab.) 181 27. uropygialis(^aiV(i) 182,569 28. elegans (Swains.). . . . 184 29. hypopolius (Tr«(//.) .. 186 13. Spliyropicus, Baird .... 187 1. varius (Zmw.) .. 188,569 a. nuchalis, Baird 192, 569 2. ruber ( Gm.) 194 3. tbyroideus (Cass.) 196, 569 14. Hypopicus, Bp 198 1.' hyperythriis ( Vig.) . . 199 2. poliopsis (Swinh.) .... 201 15. Dendrocopus, Koch 201 1. major (Li>m.) .. 211,570 a. cissa {Pall.) 214 ^. pcelzami (.Sti^f/.) .. 214 y. leucopterus, Salvad. 215 2. japonicus (Seeb.) .... 216 3. mauvitanu3 {Brehm) . 216 4. numidicus (Malh.) . . 217 5. cabauisi (Malh.) .... 218 6. hiuialayensis (Jard. iif Sc'lb.) 220 7. darjilensis, Bli/th .... 221 8. catbpharius, Blgth . . 223 9. pyrrbothorax (Hume). 224 10. pernyi ( Verr.) 225 11. syriaciis (Hempr. ^ Mr.) 225 12. sciodeanus (Horsf. 8f Moore) 227 1.3. arizonre (^Harg.) . 228,570 14. villosus (Linn.) 230 a. maynardi (Ridgw.) 233, 570 /3. barrisi (Aud.) . 234, 570 y. jardiDii {Malh.) 237, 570 15. pubescens (Limi.) 238, 571 a. gairdneri (And.) . . 241 16. Ktricklandi {Malh.) 243, 571 17. uuttalli (Gamb.) 244 18. scalarLs (Wagl.). . 246,571 a. lucasanus (Xantus). 250 /3. graysoni (Laiur.) . . 250 19. borealis {Vieill.) . 251,571 20. miuor (Linn.) 252 a. pipra (Pall.) 255 li. quadrifasciatus (Radde.) 256 y. daiifordi (Harg.) . . 256 SYSTEMATIC IX3KX. Page 21. lignarius (Mol.) 257 22. mixtiis (Bodd.) L'59 23. caucellatus ( Wai/l.) . . 260 24. macii {Vieill.) 260 25. atratus {Bhjth) 263 26. briinneitrons( Fi^.) 264,571 27. analis (Horsf.) 268 28. andamaneusis (Bli/th). 267 29. leuconotus {Bechst.) . . 268 a. cii-ris (Pall.) 271 13. subcirris (Stejn.) . . 271 ■y. lilfordi (Sharpe ^• Dress.) 272 30. insularis (Gould) 272 31. namiyei (Stejn.) .... 273 10. Picoides, Lcicep 274 1. tridactylu3 (Linn.). . . 275 a. crissoleucus (Bp.) . . 277 2. dorsalis, Baird 278 3. a.merica,nus, Brehi7i.. . 279 a. alascensis, Xelson . . 280 4. arcticus (Swams.) .... 282 5. fimebris, Verr 283 17. Xenopicus, Baird 284 1. albolarvatus (Cass.) . . 284 18. Dendrocoptes, Cab. <^- Heitie 286 1. medius (Linn.) 286 a. sancti-johanni.s (Blanf.) 288 19. Liopicus, Bp 289 1. mahrattensis (Lath.). . 290 20. Dendropicus, Malh 293 1. cardinalis (&»i.) .... 295 a. Zanzibar!, Malh 297 2. minutus (Temm.) .... 299 3. hempricbi (Hempr. 4* JBhr.) 299 4. lafresnayi, Malh 301 5. lepidus( Ca6. ^ Heine) 302 6. sharpii. Oust 302 7. abyssinicus (Stanl.) . . 303 8. gabonensis (J. ^- E. Verr.) .304 9. lugubris, Hartl 305 21. Tliripias, Cab. ^- Heine . . 306 1. namaquu.s(iiV,^/.) 306,571 2. schoensis (Riq)p.) .... 308 22. lyngipicus, Bp 309 i. semicoronatus (Malh.) 312 2. acintilliceps (S^vinh.). . 313 a. doerriesi, Harg 314 /3. kaleensis (Siuinh.) . . 315 3. pygmseus ( Vig.) 315 4. wattersi, Salvad 317 5. kizuki (Temm.) 318 a. seebohnii, Hare/. . . 319 ^. uigrescens, Seeb 319 6. aurantiiventris {Salvad.yilO 7. pumilus, Hare/ 321 8. cauicapillus (Blyth) . . :'>22 9. picatus, Harf/ .'J24 10. graudis, Han/ 325 11. auritus (Ei/tun) .'J25 12. nanus ( T'iff.) 327 1;5. hardwickii (Jerd.) 328 14. gymnophtlialmus '(Blyth) 330 a. peninsularis, Harg. 331 15. maculatus (Scop.) .... 332 16. fulvifasciatus, Harg. . . 333 17. ramsayi, Harg 334 18. temmiucki (Malh.) . . 335 19. obsoletus ( Wagl.) 336 23. Deudiobates, Stvains 337 1. funiigatus (Lafr. i§- D'Orb.) 342 2. caboti (Malh.) 344 3. oleaginus (Licht.) .... 344 4. sanguinolentiis (Sclat.) 346 5. callonotus ( Waterh.). . 346 6. peruvianus (r««.) .. 348 7. sanguineus (Licht.) . . 348 8. kirtlandi (Malh.) 349 9. nigric-eps (Lafr. ^• D'Orb.) 350 10. murinus (Malh.) .... 351 11. dignus (Sclat. ^- Salv.). 351 12. tephrodops ( Wagl.) . . 352 13. tseuionotus (Jieichenb.) 363 14. frontalis ( Cab.) 354 15. agilis (Cab. S,- Heine) . 355 16. olivinus (Malh.) .... 356 17. fidelis, Harg 357 18. spilogaster ( Wagl.) . . 358 19. maculifrons (S/nx) .... 359 20. cassini (Malh.) ,360 21. ruficeps (^S)jz.r) 361 22. affinis (Stvains.) 302 23. ba?matostigma (Malh.) 364 24. kirki (Malh.) 365 25. cecilise (Malh.) 366 24. Mesopicus, Malh 307 1. goertan (P. L. S. Miill.) 368 2. spodocepbalus (Bp.) . . 370 3. griseocepbalus (Bodd.). 371 4. pyrrhogaster (Malh.) . . 373 5. ellinti (Cass.) 374 0. johnstoni (Shelley). . . . 375 7. xantholophus (Harg.) 375, 571 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Pa_ge 25. Xiphidioplcus, Bp 370 1. perciissus ( Teinm.). . . . .'577 26. Sapheopipo, Harg 378 1. noguchii (Seeb.) 378 27. Lepocestes, Cab. df Heine. 379 1. pyri-hotis (Hodr/s.). . . . 380 2. porphvromelas (Boie) . 382 28. Miglvptes, Sicain.i 384 1. tristis (Ilorsf.) 384 2. srammithorax (Malh.). 385 .3. tuldd (Zm.) 388 4. infiiscatus, Salvad 390 5. jugularis, Bhifh 391 29. Micropternus, Blyth ..... 392 1 . phffioceps, BIyth 393 a. braclivurus { Vieill.) . 39G 2. gulnris, 'Jerd 399 3. badiosns {Temm.) 400 4. fokiensis (Sivin/i.) .... 402 5. holroydi, SicinJi 403 30. Brachyptermis, StricJ,-!. . . 403 1. aurantius (Linn.) . 404, 572 2. puncticollis (Malh.) . . 407 3. ervthronotus ( Vieill.) . . 409 31. T}gii,'Kaup 411 1. javanensis [Ljung). . . . 412 2. shorii ( Vig.) 417 3. everetti, Tweedd 418 32. Nesoceleus, Sclat. ^- Sah: 419 1. fernandinse ( Vig.) .... 419 33. Celeus, Boie 420 1. flavescens (Gm.) 422 2. lugubris [Malh.) .... 424 3. ochraceus (Spiv) .... 425 4. immaciilatus, Berl. . . 426 5. elegans (P. L. S. Miill.) 420 6. reichenbachi {Malh. ) 427, 572 7. jumana (Spi.i) 428 8. citreopygius, Sclat. 4" Salv 429 9. rufus ((??«.) 430 10. undatus(i2'?2H.) 431 11. loricatus [Beichenh.). . 432 12. castaneus ( Wagl.) 433 13. grammicus (Malh.) . . 434 14. spectabilis,*^/^^. ^ Salv. 435 34. Cercbneipicus, Bj) 4.36 1. torquatus (Bodd.) .... 437 2. tinnunculus ( Wagl.) . . 438 3. occidentalis, Harg. . . 439 35. Crocomorphus, Harq 439 1. flavus (P. L. S. Mull.) 440, 572 2. semiciimauiomeiis {Beichenh.) 441 Page 30. Cbrysocolaptes, Blyth . . 442 1. festivus (5wW.) 445 2. strictus (Horsf.) 447 3. guttacristatus (T/cA;.) . 448 4. erythi'ocephalus, Sharpe 452 5. -stricklandi (Lagard) . . 453 6. bsematribon ( Wagl.) . . 454 7. lucidas (Scop.) 455 8. rufopunctatas, Harg. . 457 9. xantbocephalus, Wald. ^•Layard 457 10. validus ( Temm. ) .... 458 37. Campopbilus, Gray 460 1. principalis (Lirm.) 463, 572 2. bairdi, Cass 465 3. imperialis (Gould) . . 465 4. leucopogon (Vnlenc.) . 466 5. rubricollis (Bodd:). . . . 407 6. trachelopyrus (Malh.) . 469 7. melanoleucus (Gm.) . . 470 8. malberbii, Gray 472 9. guatemalensis (Hartl.) 473 10. giiayaquilensis (iess.) . 475 11. pollens (Bp.^ 476 12. robustus (Licht.) .... 477 13. h8ematogaster( Pse^wrfj) 478 14. splendens, Harg 480 38. Ipocrantor, Cab. Sf Heine . 480 1. niHgellanicus (Kiyig) . . 480 39. Heniicercus, Swaius 482 1. concretus (7>??i>H.) .. 482 2. sordidus (Eyton) 483 3. canente (Less.) 486 a. cordatus, Jerd 488 40. Microstictus. Harg 489 1. fulvus (Quoy ^- CJaim.). 490 2. wallacii (Tweedd.) 491 3. fuliginosus ( Tweedd.) . 492 4. funebris (Valeric.) .... 492 41. Hemilophus, Strains 494 1. pulvenilentus (Temm.) 494 42. Thriponax, Cah. S^- Heine . 497 1. javensis (Horsf.) .... 498 2. pectoralis, Tweedd. . . 500 3. crawf urdi ( Gray) .... 501 4. bodgii (Blyth) 502 5. bodgsoni (Jerd.) 603 6. feddeni (Bhinf.). . 504, 572 7. kalinowskii, Tacz 505 8. bargitti, Sharpe 505 9. ricbardsi (Tristram) . . 506 43. Ceopbloeus, Cab. ^- Heine . 506 1. lineatus (Linn.) 508 2. scapiilaris ( Vig.) .... 510 ."!. fiiscipenuis (-Sc/a^) .. 512 SrSTElTATIC INDEX. 4. erythrops ( Fa/ewf .) ..51:^ 5. galeatus (Temm.) 513 44. Dryotomus, Sivaim 514 1. pileatus {Linn.) . . 51o, 572 2. schulzi {Cab.) 517 45. Picus, Lin7i ' ' 5]8 1. martius, Linn 518 Subfam. II. Picujinix^b. 46. Picumnus, Temm 521 1. rufiventris {Bp.) .... 527 2. cinnamomeus, Wagl. . . 527 3. castelnaui, Malh 528 4. leucogaster, Pelz 529 6. fuscus, Peh 5.30 6. temmincki, Lafr 5.30 7. cirrhatus, Temm 531 8. spilogaster, Sundev. . . 532 9. orbignvanus, Lafr. . . 533 10. sclateri, Tacz 534 11. sagittatus, Sundev 534 12. steindachneri, Tacz. . . 535 13. jelskii, Tacz 535 14. nebulosus, Sundev 536 15. pygmseus {Licht.) 537 16. asterias, Sundev 5.38 17. guttifer, Sundev 538 18. albosquamatus, Lafr. &■ ,„ , D'Orb ■:..^, 539 19. lepidotus, Cab. S; Heine 539 20. squamulatus, Lafr. . . 540 21. iberingi, Berl. \ 541 22. minutus (Linn.) 542 23. imdulatus, Harg 543 24. buffoni, Lafr 544 25. punctifroDs, Tacz 544 26. lafresnayii, Malh 54-5 27. aurifrons, Pelz. . . 646 28. borba-, Pelz 547 29. flavifrons, ITarff 547 30. -wallacii, ITarff 547 31. olivaceus, Lafr 548 a. granadensis, Lafr. . . 549 32. innominatus, Piirf. . . 549 33. chinensis (Harg.) 551 47. Nesoctites, Harg 552 1. micromegas (Sundev.) . 552 48. Verreauxia, Hartl. 553 1. africana ( Verr.) 553 49. Sasia, Hodgs 554 1. ochracea, Hodgs 555 2. abnormis {Temm.) . . 557 3. everetti, Ilarg 559 Subfam. III. Iyngin^^. 50. lynx, Linn 559 1. torquiUa, Linn 560 2. pectoralis, Vig 565 3. pulchricollis, Hartl. . . 666 4. sequatorialis, Riipp. . . 567 CATALOGUE BIRDS. Order PICARI^. (See vol. xvi. p. 1.) Suborder SCANSORES. Si/)wpsis of the Families, I. Oil-gland tufted ; caeca none. A. Tail-feathers twelve, 1. The lateral halves of the vomer sepa- rate ; manubrial process of the ster- num bifurcate Picidae. 2. Vomer single, bifurcate ; manubrial process of the sternum pointed .... IndicatoridaB. B. Tail-feathers ten. 1. Vomer single, bifurcate; manubrial process of the sternum pointed .... Capitonidae. 2. Vomer single, truncate ; manubrial process of the sternum pointed .... EhamphastidaB. II. Oil-gland nude ; caeca developed. Tail-feathers twelve. 1. Ventral tract of the pterjdosis with an inner branch at the posterior end of its gular portion ; gonys angular . . Galbulidae. 2. Ventral tract without an inner branch; gonys rounded BucconidaB. VOL. xvm. B Family PICID.E. Bill generally strong, elongate, chisel-shaped, straight, sometimes curved. Tongue very long, worm-like, provided with a pointed, horny, barbed tip, capable of great protrusion, the hyoid cornua extending backwards over the sknll (except in Sphyropicus and Xenopicus). The lateral halves of the vomer separate ; maxillo-palatines small, not fused together. Manubrial process of the sternum bifurcate. Femoro-caudal and senaitendinosus muscles present ; ambiens and accessory femoro-caudal absent. Tail-feathers twelve. Pterylosis : spinal tract without interscapular fork, and ending in a bare dorsal space without being forked behind ; two distinct feather-tracts on each side of the breast, coalesced on the shoulder. Oil-glaud tufted. Cseca none or quite rudimentary. Ranging over almost all the temperate and tropical regions, but absent in Madagascar, Australia, and Polynesia. Key to the Subfamilies and Genera. A. With the tail spinv ; all the shafts stif- ^ fened : I. PICINyE, p. 9. «'. Plumage of the neck ordinary, the neck not perceptibly compressed or narrowed in compavisou with the head. a". Nasal aperture covered with bristles, which more or less eHectually conceal it. a"'. Outer anterior toe longer than outer posterior toe, or equal to it. aK Tarsus longer than outer posterior toe and claw ; scarcely any nasal shelf; culminal ridge very smooth. fl'. Wing rounded, the longest secondaiy quill reaching to within half an inch of the longest primary ; no golden or coloured shafts to the quills 1. Geocolaptes, p. 9. b^. Wing pointed, the longest secon- dary quill falling short of the longest primary by about an inch and a half ; with coloured shafts to the quills 2. Colaptes, p. 10. V. Tarsus less or equal to outer pos- terior toe and claw, or (in tri- dactyle birds) to posterior toe and claw. PICIDJE. c\ Wing moderately lengthened, falling short of the tip of the tail by more than the length of the culmen. n\ With four toes ; dwarf tail- feather not reaching beyond the tail-coverts. a\ Tail longer, more than two thirds the length of the "wing ; euhiien sHghtly curved 3 b\ Tail shorter, generally less than two thirds the length of the wing, never more. «'. ^\'ith distinct nasal ridge ; biU straight or ver^' slightly curved. «". Size large ; dwarf tail- feather not nearly reaching to the tips of the upper tail- coverts 4_ b\ Size small ; dwarf taill feather reaching near- ly to the tips of the upper tail-coverts. «'°. Wing pointed, pri- maries exceeding secondaries by the length of the cul- men 5_ Wing rounded, pri- maries exceeding secondaries by only half or less than half the length of the culmen 6. b\ Nasal ridge almost obso- lete ; culmen strongly curved. c^ Tail shoiler, less than two thirds the length of the wing; culminal ridge very sharp .... 7. (f. Tail longer, two thirds the length of the wing ; culminal ridge very blunt 8 b\ With three toes ; dwarf tail- feather very long and extend- ing beyond the tail-coverts. c''. Tail-feathers very sharp and pointed, as well as narrow ; bill nearly straight and with strongly marked nasal ridge d\ Tail-feathers broad and not sharply pointed j bill Hypoxanthus, [p. 29. Gecinus, p. 33. b'°. Chlobonerpes, [p. 69. Campotheba, p. 90. Chbysoptilus, [p. 109. Chbysophlegma, [p. 119. 9. Gaubopicoides, [p. 132. b2 stvoiig-ly curved and with 110 marked nasal ridge 10. Gecinulus, p. 134. d^. Wing very long, reaching to the ^ end of tiie tail, or falling short of it by no more than the length of the culmen. c'^'. Plumage of the under surface of the body hair-like, the feathers devoid of barbi- [p- 137. CuleS 11 . ASYNDESMUS, d\ Plumage soft and ordinary . . 12. Mei^anehpes, h'". Outer posterior toe longer than outer [p- 139. anterior toe. t''. First primary very small, its ex- posed surface not exceeding the length of the culmen or only slightly exceeding it. e*. Tail much longer than or equal to second primary, not less, e*. Nasal shelf very broad ; nasal aperture placed rather low in the maxilla. e'. Chin-angle exposed, never completely hidden by an- trorse bristles. c"*. Bastard - primary very small and not reaching to the end of the pri- mary-coverts 13. Sphyeopicus, d^. Bastard-primary longer [p- 187. and reaching to the end ofthe primary-coverts. . 14. IIypopicus, p. 198. f^. Chin-angle always hidden by antrorse bristles ; a con- spicuous tuft of nasal plumes, e^. Tongue greatly extensile, its tip, when fully pro- truded, reaching about 2.^ inches beyond the point of the bill ; chin-angle almost in a line with an- terior part of nostrils. [p. 201. e^ With four toes 15. Dendbocopus, f. W'ith three toes 16. Picoides, p. 274. /*. Tongue sUghtly extensile, its tip, when fully pro- truded, reaching only J of an inch beyond the point of the bill ; chin- angle considerably in advance of the nostrils. 17. Xenopicus, p. 284. f^. Nasal shelf much narrower, the nasal aperti;re as near to the culmen as to the cutting- edge of the mandible 18. Dendhocoptes, /\ Tail shorter and never equal to [p. 286. the second primary. g'^. Tarsus nearly as long as outer posterior toe with claw. g'. Wing rounded, the differ- ence in length between secondaries and primaries about the length of the tarsus. g"^. Nasal shelf narrow; nasal ridge (at the base) nearer to the culmen than to the cutting-edge of the mandible 19. Liopicus, p. 289. h''. Nasal shelf broad, the nasal ridge (at the base) halfway between the cul- men and cutting-edge of the mandible. g''. Bill shorter, not so long as the head ; chin- angle hiddenby bristles and not extending be- yond anterior edge of nasal plumes '20. Dendropicus, A". Bill very long, exceed- [p. 293. ing the head in length ; chin - angle exposed and extending beyond anterior edge of nasal plumes 21. Thbipias, p. 306. K'. Wing pointed, the differ- ence in length between the secondaries and primaries as long as the tarsus and outer anterior toe com- bined 22. Iynqipicus, p. .309. h^. Tarsus only slightly longer than outer posterior toe, without claw. i^ Nasal ridgeshort and joining the cutting-edge of the maxilla at a point about half the length of the latter ; chin-angle on a line with the anterior part of the nostril 23. Dendrobates, f. Nasal ridge longer and [p. 337. reaching the cutting-edge of the maxilla at a point nearer to the tip of the maxilla than to its base ; chin-angle considerably in advance of the nostril .... 24. Mksopigus, p. 367. d*. First primary extremely long (from l'7o to l'95in.) and far exceeding the length of the culmen. g^. Wing very short and rounded ; tail long and equal to the [p. 376. longest primary 25. Xiphidiopicus, h'\ Wing very long aiid pointed; tail only equal to the second primary and falling short of the longest by about an inch. . 26, Sapheopipo,?. 378. b". Nasal aperture exposed, not hidden by bristles or plumelets. c'". Tail very short in comparison with the wing, little more than half and never exceeding two thirds of its length, e^. Inner posterior toe distinctly deve- loped, with distinct claw. «\ Bill very long, far exceeding the length of the head ; nasal aper- ture placed low and nearer to the cutting-edge of the maxilla thau to the culmen ; a distinct nasal shelf 27. Lepocestes, p. 379. y. Bill much shorter, not so long as the head ; nasal aperture placed high and nearer to the culmen than to the cutting-edge of the maxilla; scarcely any nasal shelf 28. Miglyptes, p. 384. y*. Inner posterior toe very small, claw almost obsolete ; no nasal shelf. k\ Wing longer, about twice the length of the tail ; plumage rufous and black 29. Micropternus, P. Wing shorter, less than twice the [P- ^^■^■ length of the tail ; plumage golden or red above 30. Brachvpteentts, ff*. With three toes only, the inner [p. 403. posterior toe altogether absent . . 31. Tiga, p. 411. d'". Tail very long, nearly the length of the wing, more than two thirds of its length ; culmen very much curved, slender, and pointed ; with- out any nasal ridge ; nasal aperture elongated 32. Nesoceleus, h'. Neck narrowed and covered with com- [p. 419. pressed plumage, close and thickset, in contrast to the large head *. c". Nostrils exposed. e'". Outer posterior toe shorter than the outer anterior toe. A*. With a distinct nasal ridge. 77i\ Nasal aperture rounded 33. Celeus, p. 420. w'. Nasal aperture elongated 34. Cerchneipicus, {■'. No distinct nasal ridge, but some- [p. 430. times with a slight indication of one ; bill curved, the culmen very sharp; nasal aperture rounded .. 35. Crocomoephus, f". Outer posterior toe decidedly long ; [p. 4.39. nasal shelf very distinct ; nasal [p. 442. aperture elongated 36. Chbysocolaptes, * SeR note on Piciis, ivfrn. P1CID,?2. / d". Nostrils hiddeu by antrorse bristly plumes, more or less dense *. y'" . Outer posterior toe longer thau outer anterior toe. j^. Tail very long, more than half tlie length of the wing : chin-angle entirely hidden by autrorse bristles; tail-feathers concave. o\ Crest distinct, and running to a point above the nape f ; plu- mage ordinary ; bill at base broader in comparison with its depth 37. Campophilus, }f. Crest extremely long, and com- [p. 460. posed of pendent feathers ; plu- mage long and soft ; plumes covering the base of the bill very dense; bill at base less broad in comparison with its depth 38. Ipocrantor, p. 480. k^. Tail very short ; the wing three times as long as the tail ; chin- angle not hiddeu 39. Hemic rrcu.s, /*'''. Outer anterior toe longer than outer [p. 482. posterior toe. l*^. Feathers of the head and throat scaly and close-set ; first piiniary long and about haK the length of the second ; scarcely any indica- tion of a crest. 5". Bill very much curved and stout, but the exposed culmen not more than the length of the head ; chin-angle to tip of lower mandible about equal to distance between chin-angle and gape ; nostrils densely covered with bristles 40. Microstictds, r\ Bill enormous and straight ; the [p. 489. exposed culmen exceeding the length of the head ; chin-angle to tip of lower mandible falling short of the distance between chin-angle and gape by about half an inch ; nostrils thinly covered with bristles 41. Hemilophus, wi*. Feathers of the head and throat [p. 494. ordinary ; crest very distinct ; tirst primary not half the length * Picus martius, probably on account of its more northern habitat, is rather thickly clothed with feathers on the neck, and Phlixotomus pileatus is also rather similarly feathered ; but their place seems to be witb the section of Great Black Woodpeckers, with which their densely feathered nostrils proclaim their close afFmity. t T\\& female of Caynpnphilus impcrialis bas frequently the crest pendent, and in this respect approaches Ipocrantor. of the second; tail rather flat- tened, the feathers concave only towards the tip. s''. Chin-angle exposed, no antrorse bristles whatever ; crest mode- rate ; tarsi not plumed down the front. {^. Bill very large and exceeding the length of tlie head ; tail long, being two thirds (or more) the length of the -vvino- 42. Thripoxax, p. 497. j^. Bill shorter and not exceeding the length of the head ; tail less than two thirds the length of the wing 4-3. Ceophlceus, t^. Chin-angle with evident antrorse [p. 500. bristles, though not enough to hide the angle ; upper part of tarsus feathered in front 44. Dryotomus, p. 514. m'. Chin-angle entirely hidden by plumelets ; nostrils tliickly covered ; fore part of tarsus entirely clothed with feathers. . 4.5. Picus, p. 518. , Tail soft and rounded, not spiny, c'. Tail short, not measuring more than from the middle of the quills to the carpal joint, sometimes less ; nasal aperture entirely concealed by dense bristles. . . 11. PICUMNINA^, e". Orbital region entirely feathered. [p. 521. i'". Smaller, length 3-2 inches, wing 2'05 ; upper tail-coverts short and not nearly i-eaching to the middle of the tail ; bastard-primary short, ex- tending very little beyond the tips of the greater wing-coverts; bill stouter and less curved and the tip not so depressed ; outer posterior toe only slightly longer than the outer ante- rior toe 4G. PicuMNUS, p. 521. /". Larger, length 6 inches, wing 2'IJ ; upper tail-coverts long and reaching nearly to the middle of the tail ; bastard-primary long, extending considerably beyond the greater wing-coverts ; bill more slender and curved, the tip much depressed ; outer posterior toe considerably longer than the outer anterior toe. . 47. Nesoctites, p. 552. /". Orbital region naked. [p. 553. k'". With four toes 48. VERREAUxrA, I'". With three toes 49. Sasia, p. 554. (f . Tail long, equal in length to the longest primary fi-om the base ; nasal aperture not concealed by bristles, but partially hidden by a membrane '. III. lYNGIN^, p. 559. One genus only 50. Iynx, p. 559. 1. GEOCOLArTKS. Q Subfamily I. PICINJ]]. 1. GEOCOLAPTES. GeocoU^teaSwaim. Faun. Bor.-Am., Bird., p. 315 (1831) G oUvaceus Agripicus, Malh. Intr. Monogr. Field, p. liii (180l) .... G.' olivaoeus.' Range. Cape Colony and Natal. 1. Geocolaptes olivaceus. Crimson-breasted Woodpecker, Lath. Gen. Syn. i. pt. 2, p 599 n78S^ ''r;';S7s;^(?8'^if^^- ""''■ '■ p- '''^''^^' ejij^'!3;. Picusarator, Cumer , Ehjne Anim. i. p. 423, e.v Lemill. (1817). p I (186? ■' ' 'P- ^'^ ^^^^^^' '^'""^^^^'- ^"'^•'^- ^^'-^-i Picus terrestris, Burch. Trav. in South Afr. i. p ''54 (1804^ Colaptes olivaceus, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv." p. 171 (1826) -Vm,/ Gp„ ^,11. p. 446 (1846); Layard, B. S. Afr. p. 239 (18bT) \v« ' Geocolaptes olivaceus. Gnm T.i<,i f4o-., t> iv^m ._ r- ^ ' ,, '■ !• '" V^"'-^y? J^U,CHLei , ±r,lS, lfp. Adnlt male Above, including scapulars, wing-coverts, and upper tail-coverts oln.aceous brown, the rump washed with crimson and together with the upper tail-coverts, narrowly barred ^^t^buffy white, the remainder minutely spotted with'diUl white; q3 b own, spotted with white upon both webs, the secondarie eS- nally margined with olive; shafts yellowish brown- tail brown barred with pale buff, the central feathers tipped with orange-rid 1 ot the head, occiput, and nape, also the face, slaty grey tino-ed with sl^'of'tho'^'r ?■' *'f T''' ''^'''^ ^^pp'^^ -^^^ dull criirot; sides of the neck olive-dusky, spotted with fulvescent white- chin throat, and fore neck pale buff, the chest, breast, and abdomen lo pale buff more or ess washed with crimson ; the sides of the body Hanks, thighs, and under tail-coNcrts olive-dusky, barred with creamy or Juff^^ white ; under wing-coverts and 'axiUaries d'sky ohve, barred with dull white: "bill black; tarsus black- iris wing 5 3, tail 3-7, tarsus 1 ; toes (without claws) -outer anterioi- 0 78, outer posterior 0-7S, inner anterior 0-55, inner posterior 0-4. 10 Adult female. Has no red on tlie malar region, this being entirely slat}- gre}'. Total length 9"5 inches, culmeu l-o, wing 5-3, tail 3-5, tarsus 1. Young. Resemble the adult of their respective sexes, but have the upper parts less olive and the crimson on the rump not so vivid ; the under surface of the bodj' is also very much less crimson, being of a buff colour, with ouly a blush of crimson, mottled and transversely varied with olive-dusky and bufiy whitish ; the under tail-coverts with sagittate spots (not bars) of olive-dusky. The male has the feathers of the malar region tipped with crimson, as in the older birds of the same sex. Hah. Cape Colony and Natal ; common. a. S . 2 ad. sk. q-s. (S ad. sk. S. Africa. Cape of Good Hope. Cape. Cape. Cape (Butler). Cape {E. A. Butler). Cape, April 24, 1866. Cape Town, April 24, 18G6 (C. J. Andersson). Colesberg {T. C. Atmore). Natal {Ay res). Natal, May (T. E. Bucklei/). Pietermaritzberg, May (T. E. Buckley). Newcastle, May, Oct. (E. A. Butler). J. Rocke, Esq. [P.]. Eiocour Coll. Purchased. Purchased. Tweeddale Coll. Shellev Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Sharpe Coll. Shelley Coll. Sharpe Coll. Shelley Coll. Shelley Coll. Shelley Coll. 2. COLAPTES. Type. Colaptes, Swains. Zool. Journ. 1827, p. 35.3 C. auratus. Cucupicus, Less. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. IKi (1828) C. auratus. Soroplex, Glof/. Hand. Natnrg. p. 198 (1842) C. campestris. Geopicos, Malh. Mem. Acad. Metz, 1848-49, p. 357 . . C. campestris. Malherbipicus, Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zygod. no. 226 (1854) C. campestris. Pituipicus, Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zygod. no. 236 (1854) . . C. chilensis. Theiopicus, Malh. Introd. Monogr. Picid. p. liii (1861) . C. campestris. Rtinge. Throughout North America to Alaska ; Central and South America to Chili and Patagonia ; also in the West-Indian Islands, Cuba, and the Grand Cayman. Key to the Species. A. Underside of wings and of tail at the base yellow. «'. Top of the head grey (the feathers tipped with red in young); with scarlet nuchal band ; face, throat, and fore neck vinaceoua buff. a". Rump uniform white; lores and super- ciliary stripe strongly rufous. «'". With black malar stripe auratus S ad., p. 13. //". 'With no malar stripe auratus 2 ad., p. 14. 2. coLArras. 11 h". Rump varied with black ; lores and superciliary stripe less rufous. e'". Larger: length 11 inches, wing 5"o; rump spotted with black ; underside of lateral tail-feathers not distinctly banded ; first primary much shorter. [p. 15. «*. With black malar stripe chnjsocaiilosim S ad., bK "With no malar stripe chnjsocaulosiis 5 ad., d'". Smaller : length Sit inches, wing 5-2 ; [p. 15. rump heavily blotched with black ; underside of lateral tail-feathers dis- tinctly banded ; first primary much longer. c*. "With black malar stripe ymidlarhi ^ ad., p. 15. d^. "With no malar stripe gundlarhi $ ad., p. 15. b'. Top of the head pale rufous or cinnamon- brown ; with no red nuchal band ; sides of face and neck, chin and throat blue-grey. c". AVith scarlet malar stripe chrysoides d"ad., p. 1<>. d". "With no malar stripe chrysoides $ ad., p. 10. B. Underside of wings and of tail at the base orange-red. c'. Above vinous-brown, more or less dark, brownish grey, or dusky brown, narrowly barred with black ; top of the head brown, more or less rufous anteriorly ; face and neck blue-grey or drabby slate-grey ; under- parts pinky white, with more or less vinous or rufescent tinge. e". With scarlet malar stripe me.vicamts cJad., p. 18. f". CTsnerally with a slight malar stripe of cinnamon-brown ; occasionally with this stripe very distinct, in some specimens absent mexicanus J ad., p. 18. d'. Above blackish brown, naiTOwly barred with rufescent buff; top of the head, occiput, and nape rich rufous. [p. 21. y" . With scarlet malar stripe 7ne.vicanoides S ad., h". With rufous malar stripe me.vicmwides 5 ad., C. " Yellow shafts of feathers on wing and tail [p. 22. combined with red or red-spotted cheek- patches ; orange-red shafts combined with a well-defined nuchal red crescent and pinkish throat ; ash-coloured throat combined with black cheek-jiatch or yellow shafts ; shafts and feathers intermediate between gamboge- yellow and orange-red " * ayresi, p. 22. D. Underside of wings pale golden or golden buff, or yellowish white ; tail black above and below, without any red or yellow at the base. e'. Sides of the face and neck, also the fore neck, bright golden yellow inclining to orange (paler in the young) ; top of the head black. * These are the specific characters given by Baird, Brewer, and Eidgway (N. Amer. B. ii. p. 582), founded upon a large series of specimens, and for conciseness are all that is required. 12 i". Chin and throat black, the npper part sometimes striped with white. e'". Malar stripe mulberry-red campestris S ^^-y P- 24. f". Malar region black, the feathers mar- gined or spotted at the tip with white campestiis'^a.A., p. 24. g'". Malar region uniform black campestris juv., p. 24. j"\ Chin and throat white. h'". Malar stripe mulberry -red, the featliers tipped with white agricolu ^ ad., p. 25. i'". Malar stripe dusky black, the feathers tipped with white ayricola $ ad., p. 25. k". Tliroat greyish, with a few minute blackish specks agricola juv., p. 25. f. With no yellow on the face or neck. /". Ground-colour of the face, neck, and chest sandy butf, creamy buff on the under- parts and on the rump and upper tail- coverts ; the fore neck and chest with heart-shaped or transverse spots of black. f". With no red on the nape in either sex. e*. Malar stripe crimson posteriorly .... i-upicola S AcluU male. Eack, scapulars, and wir.g-coverts drabby brown, narrowly barred with black ; rump uniform white ; upper tail- coverts white, barred and varied with black ; quills blackish brown, the outer webs of the primaries with a few drabby-white spots on the basal portion, the inner webs more or less margined with huffy white ; outer webs of primaries spotted along their whole length with dtab-brown, the inner webs margined and scalloped with huffy white, the innermost secondaries barred across both webs with drab- brown ; sliafts of quills golden yellow ; tail black, the outer large feather with a few huffy- white specks on the outer web and the tip white ; shafts of central pair of feathers black with yellowish bases, those of the remainder golden yellow, with more or less of the apical portion black ; entire top of the head and posterior part of neck smoky slate-grey ; nuchal baud scarlet ; nasal plumes, lores, and superciliary region rufous ; face, chin and throat, and the whole anterior portion of the neck rufescent drab with a vinous tin^e • malar stripe black, and upon the chest a broad crescentic patch of black ; under surface of the body white, more or less washed with vinous or rufescent drab and covered with rounded black spots; under tail-coverts white, with bars and varied spots of black ; under wing-coverts pale golden buff, the edge of the wing white and spotted with black ; axillaries golden white ; underside of quills and of tail-feathers, except at the tip, and of all the shafts golden yellow. Total length 11-5 inches, culmen 1-73, wing G-65, tail 4-45 tarsus 1-2; toos (without claws) — outer anterior 0-S;}, outer posterior 0-73, inner anterior O'Go, inner posterior 0-35. 14 Adult female. Resembles the adult male, but wants the black malar stripe. Total length 11-5 inches, culmen 1-63, wing 6-2, tail 4-2, tarsus I'l. Bab. Eastern United States west to the Great Plains, and north to Hudson's Eaj' and Alaska, occurring occasionally on the Pacific slope of the Rockj' Mountains from California northwards. a. c? fid. ; b, c. 2 ad. sk. d. S ad. sk. e. (S ad. sk. /, (/. S ad. sk. h. cJ ad. sk. i. (5 ad. sk. k. J ad. sk. /. c? 'mstro7ia) . h . ? ad. sk. Texas {F. B. Armstrong). Salvin-Godo.an Coll. 2. Colaptes chrysocaulosu?. Colaptes auratus (non Linn.), Tiff. Zool. Journ. iii. p 444 (1808) • Ramon de la Sac/ra, Hist. Fis. &-c. Cnba ii n 110 n«S8t rn^' 1856; I ?0.i ' '^'' ^"- ^'^- ^'"^''' P- ^^^ (l^^O) ; cih. J.f. 6. Colaptes chrysocaulosus, Gundl. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist N York 18^8 ^r^^X'A--^^^"^"--^'''''^"'-''-^^-^eotr. p. 101 (187.3)- L«r7/ f-^; ?• xf i' P- ^•^•^' ''^- ^^«"^'-- ^'■«- «'K V 27i(1876) Coru ^''£I^U^^^ ■' ^'- ^^'' ^^^^' p- ^^"y^- S: ^tp'.lzTafer'' '^'^'°''"'°'"^^' ^^ ^^ ^^- ^- ^^■*^- ^- ^'««-. i?. Jf7»/,) Hub. Island of Grand Cayman, West Indies. in 4. Colaptes chrysoides. Geopiciis clirysoides, Malh. Jicv. et Miuj. dc Zool. 1852, p. 533 ; id. riridce, ii. p. 261, pi. cix. figs. 1-4 (1802). Colaptes chrysoides, Rckhenb. Scans. Picinat, p. 413, no. 971 b (1854); Up. Cunsp. Volua: Zijgod. p. 11, no. 231 (1854); Buird, B. 2s. Amer. p. 125 (1858) * ; id. TJ. S. t^ Mex. Botmd. Sure., Bds. p. (5 (1858) ; Sclat. Cat. Amer. B. p. 344, no. 2055 (1862); Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mvs. p. 120 (1868) ; Elliot, New S^- Unjig. B. N. Amer. i. pi. xxvi. S 2 ad. (1809) ; Coop. B. Calif, ed. Baird, p. 410 (1870); Gray, Haml-l. B. ii. p. 202, no. 88.34 (1870); B., B., ^- R. Hist. N.'Avier. B. ii. p. 583, pi. liv. tigs. 1, 2, c? $ ad. (1874) ; Pidf/iv. Proc. Psse.v Inst. 1875, p. 38; id.Proc. U. S. Nut. 3/ms. 1880, p. 190, no. 379; Beld. op. cit. 1882, p. 543; Coues, Check-list N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 79, no. 458 (1882) ; Bcld. Proc. V. S. Nat. Mns. 1883, pp. 344-349; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 493 (1884) ; Scott, Auk, 1886, p. 429; A. O. U. Check- list N. Amer. B. p. 218, no. 414 (1886) ; Ridytc. Man. N. Amer. i?. p. 295(1887). ricus chrysoides, Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 72 (1866). Adult male. Is smaller than C. auratus and C. mexicanus, both of which it resembles in certain points. It differs from C. auratus in having the top of the head and the naj^e cinnamon-brown, the red nuchal band being wanting ; the sides of the face and neck, chin, throat, and fore neck slate-grey, with a scarlet malar stripe ; the underside of the tail having more of its apical portion black; the tail-shafts entirely black above. The present species mainly differs from C. me.vicanus in having the underside of the quills and of the tail on its basal half golden yellow ; the shafts of the quills above and below, and those of the tail-feathers below, on the yellow webs, are also golden-yellow, the tail-shafts above entirely black ; the top of the head and the nape are paler and of a cinnamon-brown. Total length 10 inches, culmen 1-45, wing 5-45, tail 3-7, tarsus 1-07; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0"7, outer posterior 0'65, inner anterior O'oo, inner posterior 0'35. Adult female. Has no malar stripe whatever, but is otherwise like the adult male. Total length 9-8 inches, culmen 1-45, wing 5-4, tail 3-55, tarsus 1-05. Young female. Has the top of the head of a much duller pale brown (not clear cinnamon), and a distinct malar stripe of a rather lighter colour; the spots on the underparts are less intense black and those on the breast very much smaller ; upon the chest there is only a small patch of black, and the feathers composing it are margined at the tip with grey ; the primaries tipped with dull white, and the underside of the wings and of the tail, on its basal half, less brilliant yellow. Jfab. South-eastern California, extending into Nevada, Lower California, Southern Arizona, and Sonora. * Possibly not true C. chrysoides, but probably a hybrid between it and C. mexicanus, judging by the orange tinge in the colour of the quill-shafts. 2. COLAPXES. 17 a. (S inim. ; h. $ ad. sk. c,d. c? ad. sk. e,f. cf ad. sk. ^. 5 iiiim. sk. /i. 5 ad. sk. i, k, I. cf juv. sk. ill. J ad. sk. n, 0. c? ad. ; /j-s. $ ad. sk. t. Pull. sk. M, V. (S ad. sk. ??"■ c? 2 ad. Hermosillo, Sonora, Dec. Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. ?•", s", S 2 ad. Cbupadero, Cbibuabua, Jan., Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. Feb. ( W. Lloyd), t", u". (S 2 ad. Chihuahua City, Feb. ( W. Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. Lloyd), v". cJ ad. sk. Snu Jose, Chihuahua, Jan. {W. Salvin-Godman Coll. Lloyd), w". S ad. sk. Concepcion, Chihuahua, March Salvin-Godman Coll. {W. Lloyd). .r". 2ad.sk. Temosachic, March ( fF. Z/oif/(/). Salvin-Godman Coll. y". jad. ; z". Ciudad Durango, June (^. I'V- Salvin-Godmau Coll. 2 imm. sk. rer). a^. (S ad. sk. Sierra de Jerez, Zacatecas, Sept, Salvin-Godman Coll. ( W. B. Richardson). 2. COLAPTES. 21 b\g\ S ad. et imm. ; h\ t"-', k\ 2 ad. et imm. sk. P. d" imm. sk. Sierra San Luis Potosi {W. B. Richardson). Sierra de Calvillo, Aguas Cali- entes, Aug. ( W. B. Richard- son). Aguas Calientes, Aug. ( W. B. Richardson). Sierra ^ladre Xavarit, Jalisco, July ( IF. B. Richardson). Sierra Madre, Tepic, 0000 feet, June ( W. B. Richardso/t). Zapotlan, Jalisco, April (JV. Lloyd). Tetelco, Xochimilco, Jan. Chimalpa, Tueubaya, Feb. Huipulco, Tlalpam, April. Near the City of Mexico. San Miguel Molino, Iluejot- zingo, Puebla, July. Las Vigas, .lalapa, July. Jalapa (de Oca). Cofre de Perote, July (^Mat- feo). Totontepec, Oaxaca, Feb. (J/. Trujillo). Tonaguia, Oaxaca, Feb. (J/. Trujillo). Villa Alta, Oaxaca, March (J/. Trujillo). Oaxaca {Fennchio). Omilteme (8000 feet), State of Guerrero, July {Mrs. H. H. Smith). Sierra Madre del Sur (Mrs. H.H. Smith). 6. Colaptes submexicanus. Picus rubricatus ( $ ), JVar/l. Isis, 1820, p. r,m. Colaptes rubricatus, Bp. P. Z. S. 1837, p. 109 ; Grai/, Gen. B. ii. p. 446, pi. cxi. d; ad. (1846). Colaptes mexicanoides, Lafr. Rev. de Zool. 1844, p. 42 ; Scl. ^ Salv. Ibis, 18.')9, p. 137 ; Scl. Vat. Ajner. B. p. 344, no. 2056 (1862) ; Gray, List Pieid. Brit. Mus. p. 121 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 202, no. 8831 (1870); Scl. ^ Salv. Notnoicl. Av. Neotr. p. 101 (1873) ; Ridgio. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 296 (1887). Geopicos mexicanoides. Math. N. Classif. Mem. Acad. Metz, 1848- 49, p. 359. Colaptes collaris, Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 114 (1850) ; id. Consp. Volucr. Zyyod. p. 11, no. 233 (1854). Geopicus rubricatus, Malh. Picidce, ii. p. 265, pi. ex. figs. 1, 2, d' 9 ad. (1862). Picus submexicanus. Sunder. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 72 (1806). Adult male. Eesemblcs C. mcricanus in the underside of the wings and of the tail being orange-red, but differs in having the wi'. j!',r, At. Bras. i. p. 57, Pi . _ . ____.,._.., ^ ,..„,. Chrysoptilus campestris, Sivains. Chissif. B. ii. p. 308 (1837) ; Gould, in Danvins Voy. Beag., Bds. p. 113 (1841) ; Hartl. Ind. Azara, 24 nciDiE. p. 16 (1847); Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 123 (1850); Reiclmih. Scans. Picince, p. 418, no. 982, pi. dulxx. figs. 4437-38, $ $ (1854); Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 94 (1868); id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 195, no. 8742 (1870). Soroplex campestris, Glog. Handh. p. 198 (1842). Geopicos campestvis, Malh. N. Classif. Mem. Acad. Meiz, 1848-49, p. 358. Colaptes campestris, LicJd. Nomencl. Av. p. 77 (1854) ; Btirm. Th. Bras. ii. p. 235 (1856) ; Sclat. Cat. Amer. B. p. 343, no. 2050 (1862) ; Iluds. P. Z. S. 1870, pp. 112, 748 ; Darwin, t. c. p. 705 ; Hamilt. Ibis, 1871, p. 308 ; Sclat. ^ Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 101 (1873). Malherbipicus campestris, Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zyqod. p. 11, no. 226 (1854). Geopiciis campestris, Malh. PicidfP, ii. p. 251, pi. cviii. figs. 1, 2, cJ 2 ad. (Ib62). Pediopipo campestris, Pek. Orn. Bras. p. 249 (1870). Adult male. Back, scapulars, and wing-coverts blackish brown narrowly barred with smoky white ; quills blackish brown, the outer webs of the primaries having yellowish spots, the secondaries with white spots ; inner webs of primaries margined and spotted, those of the secondaries spotted along their whole length with white, except the innermost of all, which are barred across both webs with brownish white ; shafts golden yellow; rump and upper tail-coverts white, the former with a few narrow transverse mark- ings of black, the latter entirely barred with black ; tail black, the base of the inner webs of the central pair of feathers and the entire outer web of the outer large feather spotted with buff; shafts black ; upper nasal plumes, forehead, crown and elongated occipital feathers, chin, throat, and malar region black, the feathers of the latter having mulberry-red tips, and bristly in character, the black on the side of the neck being on a line with the upper part of the malar stripe ; lower nasal plumes and lores pale golden buff; face, side of the neck, nape, fore neck, and upper part of chest deep golden yellow; hind neck like the back, but the feathers having golden tips ; entire under surface of the body yellowish white with narrow transverse markings of black ; under tail-coverts barred black and white ; under wing-coverts and axillaries golden pale buff, the coverts at the base of the primaries having dusky spots. Total length 12 inches, culnaen 1-55, wing 6-7, tail 4'o, tarsus 1-27 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-97, outer posterior 0'85, inner anterior 0-G8, inner posterior 0*5. Adult female. Eesembles the male, but has the feathers of the malar region tipped with white and not bristly in character. Total length 11 inches, culmen 1*45, wing Cy'-I, tail 4-lo, tarsus 1'18, A young bird (sex?) has the malar region uniform black. Hah. Southern and Eastern Brazil north to Pernambuco ; Bolivia, Paraguay, and through Uruguay to Buenos Ayres. a, b. S 9- ^^' sk. Brazil. Lord Stuart de Rothsay [P.]. c. ? ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. d. (S imm. sk. Pernambuco, Brazil. Sclater Coll. 2. COLAPTES. 25 e. cJ ad. sk. f-i. (5 ad. ; k-n. ad. sk. 0. (S ad. sk. Juv. sk. 2 iiutn. sk. c5' imm. sk. Skeleton. Taipu, Brazil, Nov. {J. A'atferer). Chapada, Matto Grosao, March, July, Sept., Nov. (//. Smith)' Eio Claro, Prov. Goyaz, (Joi/ncr). Bolivia. Bolivia. Interior of Bolivia. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salviu-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 9, Colaptes agricola. Geopicos agricola, Malh. N. Chissif. 3Iem. Acad. Metz, 1848^9, p. 350. ' Geopicos campestroides. Rev. de Zool. 1849, p. 541. Chrysoptilus campestroides, Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 12:3 (1850) ; Jiurm. Th. Bras. ii. p. 2.35 (1855) ; Graxj, List Picid. Brit. Mas. p. 94 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 196, no. 874-3 (1870). Chrysoptilus subcanipestris, Reichenb. Scans. Ficince, p. 419, no 98.3 pi. dclxx. figs. 4439-40, S S (1854). Malherbipicus campestroides, Bi). Consp. Valuer . Ziinod n 11 no. 227 (1854). jy \> , Colaptes australis, Burm. J. f. O. 18G0, p. 244: id. Reise La Plata- St. ii. p. 445 (1861). Geopicus agricola, Malh. Picidte, ii. p. 254, pi. cviii. fim. 4, 5, r? 2 ad. (1862). ^ n , ,o ^ Colaptes agricola, Sclat. Cat. Amer. B. p. .34.3, no. 2051 (1862) • mulson, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 549 ; Sclat. ^ Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 101 (1873) ; Lee, Ibis, 1873, p. 134 ; Banmcs, Auk, 1884, p. 25 ; Madar. Zeitsch. f/esamm. Orn. ii. p. 159 (1885) ; Withimj. Ibis, 1888, p. 4()8; Sclat. Sj- Huds. Arg. Orn. ii. p. 24 (1889). Picus agricola, Sundev. Consp. Av.'Picin. p. 77 (186ij). Colaptes campestris (non VieilL), White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 618. Adult male. Differs from C. campestris in having the chin, throat, and anterior portion of the face white, the feathers on the posterior part of the malar region being mulberry-red spotted with white and having black bases. Total length 12-5 inches, culmen 1-43, wing 6-5, tail 4-35, tarsus 1-8; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-9 outer posterior 0-85, inner anterior 0-7, inner posterior 0-4.5. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in the absence of red on the malar region, the posterior feathers being black with white tips. Total length 11-5 inches, culmen 1-52, wing 6-6, tail 4-4, tarsus 1-2. Young female. Besides having the colour less pronounced than in the adult, there are one or two other points of difference, the feathers of the throat and immediately behind the malar region have the black at the base partially exposed ; the central pair of tail-feathers margined on both webs with huffy white and having a partial intermarginal line or row of irregular spots of the same colour, the other tail-feathers externally edged, more or less, with greyish white ; the tips of the quills white ; under wing-coverts and axillaries creamy white. 26 Hah. Southern Brazil, from Taquara do Mimdo Novo iuto Lower Uruguay and the Argentine Republic, and south to the Rio Negro in Patagonia. a. 2 fid. sk. b. 2 . Scans. Picinm, p. 416 no 978 6 pi. dclxxx. figs. 4489-90, 2 2 (]S54). r » • , Colaptes rupicola {non d'Ovb.), Scl. i!,- Salv. P. Z. S. 1878, p 140 Colaptes stolzmanni, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 209 ; id. Orn Pdrou iii. p. 92 (1886); Pelz. c^- Lorenz, Ann. k.-k. Ncdurh. Ilofni. iii.' Th. iv. p. 42 (1888). "^ Adult female. Back and hind neck, scapulars and wing-coverts brownish black barred with buff or buffy white : rump and upper tail-coverts pale golden yellow tinged with butt", the lower series of the coverts transversely varied with black; bastard-wing and primary-coverts brownish black externally spotted with bulf ^"quiUs 28 PICIDiE. brownisli black, the outer webs of the primaries on their basal por- tion and those of the secondaries along their whole length spotted ■with buff, the inner webs of the primaries more or less margined with pale buff which scallops the black, the inner webs of the secondaries with marginal spots of buff, the innermost of the latter feathers narrowly barred across with buff; shafts golden yellow; tail brownish black, the iimcr webs of the feathers, at the base, and the whole of the outer large feather with irregular and narrow buff bars ; shafts black with golden bases, the shaft of the outer large feather yellow; upper nasal plumes, forehead, crown, occiput, and nape, also malar stripe, dusky slate-grey ; lower nasal plumes and lores, sides of the face and neck, chin, throat, and fore neck rufescent buff, grading into a brighter and paler shade on the chest and breast, and more goiden yellow on the remaining underparts and under tail-coverts, the lower part of the fore neck and the upper part of the chest narrowly barred with black ; upon the sides of the body a few almost obsolete dusky bars ; under wing-coverts and axiUaries clear rufous buff: " eyes sulphur-yellow " (Steere). Total length 14-5 inches, culmen 2-1, wing 6-75, tail 5, tarsus 1-26 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 1, outer posterior 0-96, inner anterior 0-7, inner posterior 0-45. Adult male. According to Taczanowski, the male differs from the female in having the malar stripe red posteriorly ; the measure- ments given by the above author are as follows : — Total length 14 inches, wing 7, tail 5-3, bill 2-2, tarsus 1-25. Hab. Northern Peru, at from 8,000 to 11,000 feet elevation. a. 2 ^^' ^'^' Cutervo, Peru. Sclater Coll. 13. Colaptes pitius. Picus pitius, Molina, Hist. Nat. Chili, p. 209 (1782); Lath, hid, Oni. i. p. 234 (1790). Picus pitiu, Gm. Si/st. Nat. i. p. 432 (1788). Picus clnlensis, Gam. Sf Less. Voy. Coq. i. p. 241, pi. xxxii. $ imm. (1826) ; Less. Traite, i. p. 226 (1831J ; Hundev. Cunsp. Av. Picin. p. 78 (1866). Colaptes ehilensis, Vic/. Zool. Beecheijs Voy. p. 24 (1839) ; Brulyes, P. Z. S. 1841, p. 94 ; Goidd, in Darwin's Voy. Beay., Bds. p. 114 (1841) ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 122 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 202, no. 8835 (1870). Colaptes pitiguus, Bridyes, P. Z. S. 1843, p. 114; Gay, Faun. Chili, i. Zool. p. 373 (1847) ; Philippi, Cat. Av. Mus. Nat. Santiayo, p. 27 (ISGO). Colaptes pitius, Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 114 (1850) ; Reichenb. Scans. Ficince, p. 414, no. 974, pl. dclxvii. tigs. 4425-26, $ $ (1854); Sclat. Cat. Amer. B. p. 344, no. 2052 (1862) ; id. ^- Salv. Ibis, 1869, p. 283; iid. op. cit. 1870, p. 499; iid. No^nencl. Av. Neotr. p. 101 (1873). Pituipicus ehilensis, Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zijyod.i^. 11, no. 236 (1854). Pituipicus pitiguus, Gray, List Gen. 1855, p. 94. Geopicus ehilensis, Malh. I'icidce, ii. p. 269, pl. cxi. figs. 4 & 5, c? & $ ad. (1862). Adult male. Back, scapulars, and wing-coverts dusky brown 3. HYPOXANTHtJS. 29 narrowly barred with smoky white ; quills dusky brown, the outer webs sjiotted with more or less smoky white, the inner webs of the primaries margined on their basal portion, those of the secondaries spotted along their whole length with white, the innermost of the secondaries being barred across both webs with smoky white ; shafts pale yellow, those of the primaries browner at the base ; rump uniform white ; upper tail-covercs barred black and white : tail nearly black, the central pair of feathers having almost the whole of the inner web and the base of the outer web transversely spotted with buff, and the outer large feather spotted and varied with buff on the margin of the outer web, and tipped with the same ; shafts black : forehead, crown, occiput, and nape dusky slate-grey ; hind neck like the back ; nasal plumes, face, chin, and throat buffy white, the malar region very faintly striped with red ; side of the neck and fore neck, entire underparts and under tail-coverts sandy white, the abdomen tinged with yellow, the side of the neck, fore neck, and chest barred with black, and the latter, as well as the sides of the breast, with a few black spots ; flanks, thighs, and under tail- coverts barred with black ; under wing-coverts and axillaries pale yellowish buff. Total length 12-5 inches, culmen 1-95, wing 6'3o, tail -±-6, tarsus 1-17 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 1, outer posterior 0-85, inner anterior 0-75, inner posterior U-38. Adult female. Has no red on the malar region, this being spotted with dusky. Total length 12 inches, culmen 1-7, wing 6-25, tail 4*45, tarsus 1-2. Young (sex ?). Has the whole of the top of the head black, trans- versely spotted with dusky buff; the face, chin, and throat duller, the malar region unspotted, the car-coverts and immediately behind the malar region striped with black ; the light tiansverse markings on the upper parts more smoky. Hah. Chili. a, b. 2 imm. ; Chili. Purchased. c. Jiiv. sk. d, e. Imm. sk. Chili. Sclater Coll. f. $ ad. sk. Santiago, Chili {E. C. Eeed). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. d ad. sk. Santiago. Tweeddale Coll. h. Skeleton. ChiU. 3. HYPOXANTHUS. Type. Hypoxanthus, ^/). Consp. Valuer. Zyyod. no. 228 (1854) . . II. rivohi. Range. From Venezuela through Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, into Bolivia. Kcji to the Species.* A. "VVing-coverts and outer webs of secondaries almost entirely red ; with red upon the feathers * The main cLaracter.s given in the key hold good, but the " spotted " or it may be " uniform " chin and tliroat, although possessed by the species generally, is not constant. Examples of //. riroHi and H. atriccps liave these parts occasionally almost, if not entirely, uniform, and, on the other hand, they are sometimes spotted in H. brcrirostris. The barred (or otherwise) r'umo and upper tail-coverts is a character much more constant. 30 PICIDiE. of tlie fore nect and chest ; top of tlie head red ill the male. «'. Chin aud throat spotted with yeUowisli white, the rump and upper tail-coverts with yellow creseeutic markings and bars. a" . Malar stripe red rivolii, tS ad., p. 30. //'. Malar stripe black rivolii, $ ad., p. 31. h'. Chin aud tliroat, rump, aud upper tail-coverts uniform black. [p. 31. c". Malar stripe red hrevirostris, ^ ad., d". Malar stripe black hrevirostris, 2 ad., B. Wing-coverts and outer webs of secondaries [p. 31. almost entirely golden olive, only slightly tipped or margined with red ; with no red on the feathers of the fore neck and chest ; chin and throat spotted ; rum]) and upper tail-coverts uniform ; top of the head black in both sexes. [p. 32. c'. Witli red malar stripe atriceps, S ad., d'. With black malar stripe atriceps, 5 ad., [p. 32. 1. Hypoxanthus rivolii. Picus rivolii, Boiss. liev. Zoof. 1840 (January), p. 3G; TVof/ii. Arch. fiir Ncdurg. 1841, p. 100; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 71 (186()). Picus elegans (non Sivains.),Fraser, P. Z. S. 1840 (July), p. 00. Colaptes hypoxanthus, Blyth, J. A. S. B. 1845, p. 198, S- Colaptes elegans. Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 446 (1840) ; Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 114 (1850) ; ScUit. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 162. Geopicos rivolii, Mal/i. N. Classif. Mem. Acad. Metz, 1848-49, p. 359. Colaptes rivolii, Bhjth, Cat. B. Mus. A. S. B.-p. 61 (1849) ; Beichenh. Scans. Picince, p. 415, no. 977, pi. dclxviii. tigs. 4430-31, 5 $ (1854) ; Scl. Cat. Amer. B. p. 345, no. 2057 (1862); Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 122 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 203, no. 8836 (1870). Hj'poxanthus rivolii, Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zyyod. p. 11, no. 228 (1854) ; Selut. Sf Salv. Nomcncl. Av. Neotr. p. 101 (1873). Geopicus rivolii, Malh. Picidte, ii. p. 267 (pt. text), pi. cxii. figs. 1, 2, c? & ? ad. (1862). Adult male. Back and scapulars crimson ; rump and upper tail- coverts black with bars and crescentic markings of yellow tinged with red, the lower coverts uniform black ; wing-coverts olive- brown margined with dull crimson ; outer webs of primaries pale olive, those of the secondaries almost entirely crimson, the inner webs of the quills dusky brown, more or less margined with buify white ; shafts rather dull golden yellow ; tail black, the outer large feather externally margined with brownish white ; shafts grading from black in the central to brownish yellow in the outer feathers ; nasal plumes black ; top of the head, occiput, and malar stripe crimson, with partly exposed blackish bases to the feathers, the nape and hind neck, also the side of the neck, bright crimson ; face pale yellow ; chin and throat black, spotted with yellowish white ; fore neck and chest black, washed with crimson, and covered with Y-shaped aud crescentic markings of yellow ; from the breast 3. HTPOXANTHUS. 31 to the under tail-coverts, both inchisive, dull golden yellow, the upper breast, sides of the bodj-, and flanks with crescentic black markings ; under wing-coverts and axillaries dull golden j-ellow, the edge of the wing varied with black. Total length 11 inches, culmen 1*68, wing 5-5, tail 3-9, tarsus 1-05 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior O'T, outer posterior (J-7, inner anterior U'62, inner posterior 0*3S. Adult female. Has the forehead, crown, and malar stripe black, but otherwise resembles the male. Total length 11 inches, cul- men 1-5, wing 5-4, tail 4-05, tarsus 1-02. Hah, U. S. Colombia (Bogota) and Venezuela. a. Ad. sk. Colombia. Tweeddale Coll. b,c. c? 5 ad. sk. New Granada. Salviu-Godmau Coll. d. 5 ad. St. New Granada. E. Wilson, Esq. [P.]. e. S ad. ; /-*. J Bogota. Tweeddale Coll. ad. sk. h. 1mm. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. I, m. S $ ad. St. Santa Fe, Bogota. Purchased. 6 ad. ; 0, p. Santa Fe, Bogota. Purchased. $ ad.sk. Subsp. Hypoxanthus brevirostris. Colaptes elegans {nun Sivains.), Sclat. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 55-5 : id. on cit. 18lJ0, pp. 81-95. Geopicus rivolii, Malh. Picid. ii. p. 267 (pt. text) (1862). Colaptes rivolii (pt.), Sclat. Cat. Amer. B. p. 345, no. 2057 (18G2). Hvpoxantbus brevirostris, Tacz. P. Z. &'. 1874, p. 446 ; id. op. cit. 1880, p. 209 ; id. op. cit. 1882, p. 43. Hypoxanthus sequatorialis, Dubois, Bull. Acad. R. Belae, 1879. p. 823. ' Hypoxanthus rivolii (no« Boiss.), Sclat. &■ Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 533. Hj^oxanthus rivolii brevirostris, Berl. Sf Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 307 ; iid. op. cit. 1885, p. 107 ; Tacz. Orn. Perou, iii. p. 90 (1886). Adult male. Resembles If. rivolii, but may be distinguished by its uniform black cliin and throat, rump and upper tail-coverts. Total length lU inches, culmen 1-3, wing 5-2, tail 3-85, tarsus 0-95; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-8, outer posterior O'S, iimer anterior 0-56, inner posterior 0-38. Adult female. Difiers from the adult male in having the forehead, crown, and malar stripe black. Total length 9-5 inches, culmen 1-18, wing 5, tail 3"55, tarsus 0-95. The dimensions of examples from New Granada are considerably greater than those of the typical Peruvian birds, and approach more to those of Id. rivolii. Hub. Central and Northern Peru ; Ecuador and Western Colombia to Antioquia. a. (S ad. sk. Retire, Antioquia (T. K. Sal- Salvin-Godmau Coll. mon). b. $ ad. sk. Santa Elena, Antioquia {T. K. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salmon). 32 c. cJ ad. sk. d. S ad. sk. e. S ad. ; /. cJ imm. sk. ff, h. S 2 ad. sk. /. (S ad. sk. k. $ ad. sk. Antioqiiia {T. K. Salmon). Ecuador. Ecuador (C. Bucklei/). Ecuador (C Bitckley). Sical, Ecuador ( C. Buckley). San Lucas, Ecuador ( Villa- gomez). Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godnian CoU. Sclater Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salviu-Godman Coll. 2. Hypoxanthus atriceps. Hypoxanthus rivolii {non Boiss.), Selat.P._Z. S. 1873, p^ 780. Hypoxanthus atriceps, Sclaf. cit. 1879, p. 632. Sctlv. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 254 ; Adult male. Resembles both H. rivolii and H. hrcvirostris, but differs from these in having the forehead, crown, and occiput black; the face rather darker, and the ear-coverts much more olive ; the ■wing-coverts and the outer webs of all the quills golden olive, the former (only) tipped with red, some of the secondaries being slightly tinged with red on the external margin only ; with less red on the side of the neck, and none whatever on the feathers of the fore neck and chest, the feathers having yellow apical margins. JLatri- cejis, besides the above difi'erences, may be distinguished from B. rivolii by its uniform rump and upper tail-coverts, aud from H. hrcvirostris by its white spotted chin and throat. Total length 9 inches, culmen 1"03, wing i'US, tail 3-7, tarsus 0"9o; toes (with- out claws) — outer anterior 0*7, outer posterior 0'65, inner anterior 0*5, inner posterior 0'35. Adult female. Resembles the adult male, but has the malar stripe black. Total length 9 inches, culmen 1-05, wing 4-78, tail 3G5, tarsus 0*95. Immature (type of the species). Differs from the adult female in having the feathers of the fore neck and upper part of the chest margined at the tip with red ; the face, including the ear-coverts, goldeu white ; the occiput red like the nape ; wing-coverts and secondaries dingy brown, the former entirely margined, the latter only externally margined with washed-out red ; under wing-coverts and axillaries huffy white, slightly tij)pcd with golden yellow. In this plumage the bird very closely resembles the immature of H. hrcvirostris from Ecuador. Hah. Peru (Huasampilla) and Bolivia. a. . Crown, occiput, and nape red. (/orii S ad., p. 45. j'\ Crown, occiput, and nape black gorii $ ad., p. 45. i'". Underparts below the chest with elongated squamate mark- ings of blackish brown, and having a striped appearance; the neck and chest uniform ochreous yellow or greenish ; tail not barred, and with only a few bar-like spots on the inner webs of the central feathers. h^. Crown, occiput, and nape red. vittatus S ad., p. 46. i*. Crown, occiput, and nape black, vittatus $ ad., p. 47. 4. GECINTJS, 35 t'" . The ueck and chest not uniform, and varied with markings very similar to those of the under- parts. j^. Tail-feathers with only a few bar-like spots at the base, the outer large one externally spotted, not barred ; malar region deep black striped with white in both sexes ; plumage not soft and silky. h\ Crown, occiput, and nape red. viridanus S ad., p. 48. V. Crown, occiput, and nape black viridanus 2 ad., p. 48. kK Tail-feathers more or less barred at the base, the outer large one entirely barred; malar region greyish white, striped with dusky olive or blackish in both sexes ; plu- mage soft and silky. m'\ Crown, occiput, and nape red. striolatus cJ ad., p. 50. w'. Crown, occiput, and nape black striolatus 5 ad., p. 51. h". Entire under surface of the body uniform ; malar stripe black in both sexes. f". Nape gi'ey. IK Crown red cantts S ad., p. 54. inK Crown and occiput grey like the nape camis 5 ad., p. 54. (j'". Nape black ; occiput black or striped with grey. n^. Tail entirely crossed by greyish bars ; lower mandible yellow at the base. o\ Crown red gnerini S ad., p. 55. p^. Crown and occiput striped black and grey, or almost entirely black guerini $ ad., p. 55. o'. Tail black, the central pair of feathers with greyish spots upon both webs ; bill black, with no yellow on the lower mandible. q^. Crown red occijnfalis (J ad., p. 56. r'\ Crown black, like the occiput and nape occipitalis 2 ad., p. 57. b'. With yellow nuchal crest and with more or less red on the wings. c". Wing-coverts green, and the outer webs of the quills more or less so. h'". Larger, length 10 inches, wing 5'25 ; underparts below the breast fulvescent white barred with olive-dusky. pK Base of the forehead, outer d2 36 edge of the crown and occiput, also the malar stripe, crimson, chlorolophus S a^d-j p. t>0. y'. Occiput (ouly) externally bor- dered with red ; no red malar stripe chlurolophus J ad., p. 60. »'". Smaller, length 9'5 inches, wing 4'65 ; underparts deep oliYe, the sides of the body and below the breast more or less spotted transversely with yellowish white. ?•', Crown, occiput, and malar stripe crimson chlorocjaster S ad., p. 63. s*. Occiput (only) crimson ; no red malar stripe chloroyastev $ ad., p. 63. d". Wing-coverts and outer webs of qiuUs (except the apical portion of the primaries) crimson. /". Malar stripe crimson jnmiceus S ad., p. 65. k'". "Without any malar stripe .... puniceus 5 ad., p. 65. . Eump red ; head black ; neck and chest yellow. c'. BiU ivory-white. e". Crown with a small quadrate spot of red eriithropijgius S ad., p. 66. /". With no red on crown eri/throjii/ffius 5 ad., p. 67. d'. BiU black. g". Crown with large quadrate patch of red, or almost entii-ely red. . . . 7iigriyenis cS ad., p. 67. h". With no red on crown nigrigenis $ ad., p. 68. 1. Gecinus viridis. Le Pic \e\A,Bnss. Ont. iv. p. 9 (1760); Buf. Hist. Nat. Ois . vii. p. 355 (1783) ; Dauh. PL Enl. 879 {S)- Le Pic Yerd du Mexique, Briss. Ont. iv. p. 16 (1760)*. Le Pic jaune de Perse, Biiss. Orn. iv. p. 20 (1760)t ; Salerne, Hist. Nat. Ois. p. 108 (1767). The Cireen Woodpecker, Penn. Brit. Zool, Bds. p. 78, pi. E, c? (1766) ; Wallis, Nat. Hist. Nortlmmh. i. p. 319 (1769) ; Lath. Gen. Syn. ii. p. 577 (1782) ; Petin. Arct. Zool. ii. p. 277 (1785) ; Lath. Gen. Syn. Suppl. i. p. 110 (1787) ; Lewin, B. Gt. Brit. ii. p. 34, pi. xlvi. 6 (1796) ; Mont. Orn. Diet. ii. (1802) ; Betuick, Hist. Bds. i. p. 136 (1826) ; Heivits. Mag. Zool. &■ Bot. ii. p. 313 (1838) ; Thomps. Nat. Hist. Ird. ii. App. p. 441 (1851). Picus \mi\s, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 175(1766); Tunst. Orn. Brit. * Founded on the bird described and figured as Ardea me.vicana by Seba (Cab. Cur. Nat. i. pt. 2, p. 100, pi. Ixiv. fig. 3, 1734), but which is only G. viridis furuished with the legs of another bird, not a Woodpecker. Tins error was observed by Brisson, who placed the bird amongst the Picidce, but failed to recognize the species to which it belonged. + Founded on the Picus lufeus cyanopus piersicus of Aldrovandi (Orn. p. 850), and nothing more than a variety of G. viridis, peculiar to the East. 4. GECINtJS. 37 p. 2 (1771) ; Gm. Si/st. Nat. i. p. 433 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. i, p. 234 (1790) ; Meyer ^ Wolf, Hist. Nat. Ois. cle VAllem. p. 15, pi. X. 2 ad., pi. xi. juv. (1805) ; Pall. Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat. i. p. 408(1811); Leach, Syst. Cat. Brit. 3Ius. p. 12 (1816) ; Nils. Orn. Suec. i. p. 103 (1817) ; Vieill. N. Diet. xxvi. p. 9.5 (1818) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. i. p. 391 (1820) ; Brehm, Natury. Eur., Vog. i. p. 134 (1823) ; Roux; Orn. Frov. i. p. 92, pis. 57, 58 (1825) ; Valenc. Diet. Sc. Nat. xl. p. 169 (1826) ; Risso, Eur. Merid. iii. p. 60 (1826) ; Natim. Vog. Deutschl. v. p. 270, pi. cxxxii. (1826) ; Waql. Syst. Ac. Picus, sp. .32 (1827); Savi, Orn. Tosc. i. p. 140 (1827) ; Werner, Ail. pi. 201 (1827) ; Flem. Hist. Brit. Anim. p. 91 (1828); Less. Traite, i. p. 218(1831); Menetr. Cat. Rais. Cauc. p. 46, no. 133 (1832) ; Selb;/, Brit. B. i. pt. 2, p. 372, pi. xxxviii. cS (1833) ; Jenyns, 3Ian. Brit. Vertebr. p. 148 (1835) ; Gould, B. Eur. iii. pi. 226, S ad. & juv. (1837) ; Schinz, Wirb. Schiueiz, p. 91 (1837); Jard. S,- Selb. III. Orn. i. p. 372 (1839); Macgill. Hist. Brit. B. iii. p. 91 (1840) ; Keys. S,- Bias. Wirb. Eur. p. 147 (1840) ; Yarr. Hist. Brit. B. ii. p. 1.32 (1843) ; Schley. Rev. Crit. Ois. (FEur. p. xUx (1844); Drunim. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1846, p. 13 ; Baikie S,- Hedd. Hist. Nat. Oread, pt. i. p. 49 (1848); Schley. Vog. Nederl. p. 79, pi. 48 J § (1854-58) ; Hewits. Eggs Brit. B. i. p. 239, pi. ixi. fig. 2 (1856) ; Binder m. Vog. Griechenl. p. 41 (1860) ; Sunder. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 60 (1866) ; Sahanaeff, Bull. Mosc. xlii. pt. ii. pp. 185-197 (1869) ; Elw. <.y BucM. Ibis, 1870, p. 188; R. Gray, B. W. Scotl. p. 189 (1871); Hurting, Handb. Brit. B. p. 32 (1872) ; Cord. Ibis, 1875, p. 184 ; Mommsen, Griech. Jahresz. pt. iii. p. 186 (1875) ; Schleg. Vog. Nederl. p. 38, pi. V. figs. .3-5(1878); Ehoes, Ibis, 1880, p. 396; Seeb. op. cit. 1882, p. 209. Picus semirostris*, Linn. Syst, Nat. i. p. 175 (1766) ; Milll. Linn. Naturg. pt. ii. p. 225(1773); Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 4.35 (1788) ; ^ Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 238 (1790). The Yellow Blue-footed Persian Woodpecker, Lath. Sun. ii. p. 584 (1782). Half-biUed Woodpecker, Lath. Gen. Syn. B. ii. p. 586 (1782). Picus persicus, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 4-35, no. .34 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 236 (1790). Colaptes pinetorum, ) Colaptes frondium, ( „ ? t • t^tt t ->►-< Colaptes vireseens, f ^''^'"'> ^'''> 1^"''' ?• ^^'^^ Colaptes viridis, ) Gecinus viridis, Boie, Isis, 1831, p. 542; Brehm, Vdy. Deutschl. p. 198 (1831) ; Ross, P. Z. S. 1842, p. 1 ; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 4-38 (1846) ; B]}. Consp. Gen. Ar. i. p. 126 (1850) ; id. Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 10 (1854) ; Reichenb. Scans. Picince, p. 347, no. 793, pi. dcxx. figs. 4131-33 (1854) ; Poicys, Ibis, 1860, p. 235 ; Salvad. Ucc. Sard. p. 32 (1864) ; Gigl. Ibis, 1865, p. 58 ; More, torn. cit. p. 135 ; Degl. >.V Gerbe, Orn. Eur. i. p. 156 (1867) ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 72 (1868) ; Doderl. Avif. Sic. p. 50 (i860) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. ii. p. 191, no. 8671 (1870) ; Salvad. Faun.d'Ital., Ucc. i. p. 34 (1871) ; Dress. B. Eur. v. p. 77, pi. cclxxxv. (1871) ; Dubois, Coyisp. Av. Eur. p. 19 (1871) ; Boyd. B. Vulya, p. 60, no. 41 (1871) ; Garrod, Ibis, 1872, p. 359 ; Gould, B. Gt. Brit. iii. pi. Ixxiv. cJ ?, pl. Ixxv. juv. (1873) ; Brooke, Ibis, 1873, p. 235 ; * A mutilated specimen. 38 PlCIDiE. Dcinf. Sj- Harv.-Br. op. cit. 1875, p. 298 ; Blanf. Zool. E. Pers. ii. p. 135 (1876) ; Danf. Ibis, 1877, p. 2G4 ; id. op. cit. 1878, p. 6 ; £offd. B. Cauc. (Buss.), p. 119, no. 184 (1879); Goebel, Vog. Uman, Kr. p. 154 (1879) ; Russoio, Orn. Esth-, Liv- u. Kurl. p. 117 (1880) ; Brandt, J. f. 0. 1880, p. 229 ; Wharton, Ibis, 1881, p. 257 ; Giffl. t. c. p. 191 ; Btichn. c^ Pleske, Orn. St. Petersb. Gouvern. p. 76 (1881); Collett, Noryes Fucjlef. p. 314 (1881); Neiot. ed. Yarr. Brit. B. ii. p. 457 (1881); Seeb. Ibis, 1883, p. 22 ; Irh), t. c. p. 179 ; Badde, Orn. Cauc. p. 304 (1884) ; Clarke, Ibis, 1884, p. 144 ; Satmd. t. c. p. 379 ; Seeb. Hist. Brit. B. ii. p. 364, pi. xviii. (1884); Gigl. Avif. Ital. p. 205 (1886); Salvad. Ucc. Ital. p. 67 (1887) ; Backhouse, Ibis, 1887, p. 72 ; Ilanj. op. cit. 1888, p. 30. Geciuus pinetorum, 1 Gecinus frondiuni; V Brehm, Vof/. Deutsckl. pp. 197, 199 (1831). Gecinus viresceiis, | Malacolophus viridis. Swains. Classif. B. ii. p. 308 (1837). Brachylophus viridis, Jard. Nut. Libr. x. p. 355 (1839). Picus kareliui*, Brandt, Bull. Sc. Acad. Imp. St. Petersb. ix. p. 12 (1842). Gecinus karelini, Grar/, Gen. B. ii. p. 438 (1846) ; Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 126 (1850) ; id. Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 10 (1854) ; Reichenb. Scans. Picince, p. 349, no. 795 (1854); Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 74 (1868); id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 191, no. 8678 (1870). Chloropicos viridis, Malh. N. Classif., Mem. Acad. Metz, 1848-49, p. 351. Chloropicus viridis, Malh. Picidce, ii. p. 118, pi. Ixxix. figs. 1-4 (1862). Chloropicus karelini, Malh. Picid. ii. p. 126 (1862). Gecinus sauudersif, Tacz. J.f. O. 1878, p. 349. Adult male. Back, scapulars, and wing-coverts uniform j'ellowish olive ; feathers of the rump and the upper tail-coverts green, with the apical portion chrome-yellow ; quills dusky, the outer webs of the secondaries and of the inner primaries ou their basal margin washed with green, the outer webs of the primaries spotted with dull white, those of the secondaries having almost obsolete greyish spots or transverse markings ; inner webs of quills spotted with pure white ; shafts dusky brown ; tail dusky black, barred with smoky grey, the central feathers margined at the base with green ; shafts dusky black ; top of the head, occiput, nape, and malar stripe crimson ; nasal plumes, anterior half of face, and outer edge of malar stripe black ; hind neck and side of the neck green ; posterior half of face, and from the chin to the under tail-coverts, both in- clusive, greenish or yellowish white, whiter on the chin and throat, the vent with crescentic dusky-olive markings, the thighs and under tail-coverts barred with dusky olive ; under wing-coverts and axillaries yellowish white, the former narrowly barred with olive- dusky, the latter having one or two transverse spots and a sub- * Mr, Seebobm, at. my request, examined tlio t3'pe in the Museum of St. Petersburg, and he considers it referable to the present species, t From the Caucasus, and inseparable from our own Green Woodpecker. 4. GECINTJS. 39 apical bar of olive-dusky : " bill greyish black, the lower mandible with a yellowish longitudinal band near the base ; iridea white ; feet dull bluish grey, the claws light greyish brown, with a tinge of blue" {Macgillivray). Total length 12-5 inches, culmcn 1-9, wing 6-5, tail •!■, tarsus 1-2 ; toes (without claws) — outer antei'ior 0*85, outer posterior 0*8, inner anterior 0'68, inuer posterior 0--i. Adult female. Has the malar stripe black, but otherwise is similar to the adult male. Total length 12-5 inches, culmen 1'7, wing Q-2b, tail 3-9, tarsus 1-15. Nestlings. Have the back and wing-coverts less vivid green, with dull white or yellowish spots, the rump having partially concealed bars of dusky black, and the upper tail-coverts barred with dusky ; the face and sides of the neck, together with the entire underparts and under tail-coverts, yellowish white, the face and entire neck striped with black, the breast having somewhat V-shaped markings, and the remainder with transverse markings or bars of black ; the feathers of the forehead, crown, and occiput tipped with scarlet ; superciHum dusky black, spotted with olivaceous white. The male has the malar stripe black, spotted anteriorly with olivaceous white, the posterior feathers tipped with red ; the female has no red on the malar stripe, this being entirely dusky black spotted with dull greenish white. Hab. Found throughout the greater part of Europe, its northern range in Norway and Sweden being about 60° lat. Also inhabits Asia Minor and Persia. «, 6. c? ? ad. ; c-g. Juv. St. h. 2 ad. St. i. 2 ^^- sk. k. cS ad. St. I, m. S ad. et S juv. St. n. iS ad. sk. 0. 2 ad. sk. 2), q. cj ad. sk. ; r. Pull. sk. s,t. cJ $ ad. sk. u. 2 ad. st. V. 2 ad. sk. w. (S ad. sk. .r. 2 ad. sk. y. Pull. sk. z. 2 ad. sk. a'. (5 ad. sk. b'. 2 ad. St. Norfolk. Norfolk. Hethersett, Norfolk, Drinkstone Park, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire. Near Oxford {Mwraij A. Matheiv). Hendon, jNIiddlese.x (0. Salvin). Tauhurst, Surrey, Feb. 1857 {F. DiiCane Godmmi). Cookham, Berks. Cookham, Berks, Nov. 30, 1874. Cookham, Berks, Dec. 1867 {R. B.S.). Devonshire. Norway {Baker~). Stockholm, Oct. 10, 1870. Wermland, June 6, 1872. Paris. Lord Walsingham [P-]- Lord Walsingham Tweeddale CoU. T. Harcom-t Powell, Esq. [P.]. Mr, J. Baker [C.]. Tweeddale CoD. Gould Coll. Salviu-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll, Mr. W. Briggs [C.]. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. Tweeddale CoU, Montagu Coll. Salviu-Godmau Coll. W. Meves [C.]. W. Meves [C.]. • R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. 40 c'. cJ ad. St. d' 2 ad. sk. e' $ ad. sk. f g' (S ad.; h', i', k'. 2 ad. sk l\ m' (S 2 ^^• sk. n' c? ad. sk. o' Ad. sk. V -s'. Skulls. r- -z'. Sterna. Ain, France. Mentone. Asia Minor (T. Eobson). Asia Minor, Dec, Jan., Fel)., March {T. Robson). Taurus, Asia Minor, Marcli, Dec. (C. G. Dunford). Gumushkhana, Asia Minor, June 27, 1848 {Dickson S^ Hoss). Persia. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould Coll. Purchased. 2. Gecinus sharpii. Gecinus viviiis (tioji Zinn.), Lilfurd, Ibis, 1866, p. 176; Saund. op. cit. 18G9, p. 182, 1871, p. 05. Picus viridis {nan Linn.), A. C. Smith, Ibis, 18G8, p. 448. Gecinus sharpii, Saund. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 153 ; Dresser, B. Eur. t. p. 89, pi. 286 (1872) ; Irby, B. Gibr. p. 71 (1875) ; Saund. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1877, p. 325 ; Lacroix, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Tou- louse, 1877, p. 133 * ; id. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1877, p. 486 ; Chajmi. Ibis, 1884, p. 79; Tait, op. cit. 1887, p. 304; Hart/, op. cit. 1888, p. 27. Adult male. Eesembles G. viridis, but differs in having the face grey, there being only a spot of black upon the loral region ; the malar stripe more scarlet than crimson, and not bordered with black. Total length 12-5 inches, culmen 1-7, wing 6-05, tail 3-7, tarsus 1'2 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-77, outer posterior 0*65, inner anterior 0*6, inner posterior 0-3. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the malar stripe black. Total length 11*5 inches, culmen 1"75, wing 6-15, tail 3-6, tarsus 1"23. Nestling, male. May be distinguished from that of G. viridis in having the face slaty grey, slightly greenish anteriorly, striped and spotted with dull white ; the supercilium unspotted ; sides of the fore neck and chest greyer ; the spots on the underparts less trans- verse, being diamond-shaped, heart-shaped, and Y-shaped, except on the flanks and thighs, which are barred ; the upper tail-coverts not barred. Eah. Spain south of the Guadarrama Mountains, and throughout Portugal. a,b. (S 2 ad. ; cJ juv. sk. d. cJ juv. sk. e,/. $ ad.sk. Cota de Dona Ana, Spain, May Lord Lilford [P.]. 1872. Sta. de Isnalloz, Spain, Feb. 2, Tweeddale Coll. 1872 {Howard Saunders). Coto del Rev, Spain, Jan. 1872. Col. Irby [P.]. * Said by M. Lacroix to Lave been obtained at Martorj', Haute Garonne ; but, as I have pointed out (Ibis, 1888, p. 30), I think there has been a mistake in the identification. 4. eECDTTIS. 41 g. 2 juv. sk. Granada, Spain, Sept. 1874 Tweeddale Coll. {Horvavd Saiinclers). h. cS ad. sk. Coimbra, Portugal. Dr. Lopez Yiera [P.]. 3. Gecinus vaillanti. Picus (Cliloropicus) viridis {)wn Linn.), Malh. Cat. Rais. Ois. d' Alger., 3Iem. Soc. d'Hist. Metz, 1846, p. 17. Picus (Cbloropiciis) caiius {non Gm.), Malh. Cat. Eats. Ois. d' Alger., Mem. Sue. d'Hist. Nat. Metz, 1846, p. 17. Chloropicus vaillantii, Malh. Mem. Acad. Metz, 1846-47, p. 130 ; id. N. Classif., op. cit. 1848-49, p. 351 ; id. Fieidce, ii. p. 122, pi. Ixxxii. figs. 1-3 (1862). Picus algirus, Levaill. Jr. Expl. Sc. d' Alger., Ois. pi. y. (1848-49) ; Smidev. Consp. Av. Finn. p. 60 (1866). Gecinus algirus, Grag, Gen. B. iii. App. p. 21 (1849) ; Eeicheiih. Scans. Ficince, p. 348, no. 793, pi. dcxx. fig. 4134 (1854). Gecinus vaillantii, Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 126 (1850) ; id. Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 10 (1854) ; Loche, Cat. Mamm. et Ois. dAlg. sp. 191, p. 92 (1858); Tristr. Ibis, 1859, p. 159; Salv. torn. cit. p. 315 ; Tristr. op. cit. 1860, p. 373; Brake, op. cit. 1867, p. 425; Loche, Expl. Sc. d' Alger, ii. p. 83 (1867) ; Grag, List Picul. Brit. Mas. p. 73 (1868); id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 191, no. 8673 (1870); Tacz. J.f. 0. 1870, p. 40 ; G%miey, Jan., Zool. 1871, p. 2579 ; Dresser, B. Eur. t. p. 93, pi. cclxxxvii. (1873) ; Irbg, Orn. Str. Gibr. p. 72 (1875); Harg. Ibis, 1888, p. 24. Picus viridis Cnon Linn.), Carstensen Xaumannia, ii. pt. 1, p. 77 (1852). Adult male. Resembles both G. viridis and G. sharpii. It diifers from G. viridis in having the face grej-, and in the malar stripe being entirely black. It also difi'ers from G. sharpii in having the malar stripe black, and in addition has a white spot at the base of the upper mandible, and an indication of a whitish stripe above the malar region. " Irides white " (Irbg). Total length 11-3 inches, culmeu 1-5, wing 6-05, tail 3-8, tarsus 1-12 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-95, outer posterior 0-86, inner anterior 0-68, inner posterior 0-38. Adult femcde. Differs from the adult male in having the occiput alone scarlet, the forebead and crown being greenish slaty grey, the feathers having a black central stripe. Total length 11-3 inches, culmen 1-45, wing 6, tail 4-05, tarsus 1. Hah. Morocco and Algeria, as far as the Tunisian frontier. a. (S ad. St. Algeria. Pm'chased. b. $ ad. sk. Tetuan, Morocco, March 29, 1874 Col. Irby [P.]. 4. Gecinus awokera. Picus awokera, Temm. PL Col. iv.no. -l-i, pi. 585 (1826); id. Sf Schleg. Faun. Japon. p. 72, pi. xxxvi. (1847-49) ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Ficin. p. 60 (1866). Gecinus awokera, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 438 (1846) ; Bp. Consp. Gen, Av. i. p. 127 (1850) ; id. Comp. Volucr. Zggod. p. 10 (1854) ; 42 piciD^. Reichenh. Scans. Picince, p. 349, no. 797, pi. dcxx. figs. 41.37-38 (1854); Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 333 ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 72 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 191, no. 8672 (1870) ; Blahist. 8,- Pnjei; Trans. As. Soc. Jap. x. p. 136 (1882) ; Joui/, Proc. V. S. Nat. Mus. vi. p. 308 (1883) ; Harff. Ibis, 1888, p. 40. Chloropicos awokera, MalJi. N. Classif., Mem. Acad. Metz, 1848-49, p. 351. Chloropicus awolcera, Malh. PicidcB, ii. p. 128, pi. Ixxx. figs. 1, 2 (1862). Adult male. Back and scapulars olive, the rump and upper tail- coverts also olive, but the feathers haviug chrome-yellow tips ; wiug- coverts and outer webs of the secondaries of a more golden olive than the back ; the remaining portion of the quills dusky black, the outer webs of the primaries spotted with white, the inner feathers having the web partially or entirely margined with olive; inner webs, except the apical portion of the primaries, spotted with pure white ; shafts dusky brown ; tail brownish dusky, with faint greyish bars on both webs, the central feathers margined at the base with golden olive ; shafts dusky brown with blackish tips ; nasal plumes, base of forehead, lores, and below the eye dusky black ; crown, occi- put, and nape crimson, the bases of the feathers slaty grey spotted with black, partly exposed ; malar stripe mostly crimson, but black anteriorly and posteriorly ; hind neck dusky black ; chin and throat white ; face and side of "the neck and fore neck slaty grey, shading into yellowish grey on the chest and upper breast; the remaining underparts and the under tail-coverts white tinged with yellow, and covered with V-shaped and crescentic markings of black, the lower series of under tail-coverts barred with black ; under wing-coverts and axillarics yellowish white, with transverse and varied spots of black : " iris Venetian red ; bill dark greenish, base lemon-yellow ; tarsi and toes dull olive-green" {Jowj). Total length 11-3 inches, culmen 1-6, wing 5-6, tail 3-95, tarsus 1-15 ; toes (without claws)— outer anterior 0-75, outer posterior 0*68, inner anterior 0-6, inner posterior 0"35. Adult female. Differs from the male in having the forehead and crown smoky grey, the latter greenish posteriorly, the feathers being tipped and streaked with dusky, the occiput and nape red ; the malar stripe red as in the male. Total length 11 inches, culmen 1-45, wing 5-55, tail 3-9, tarsus 1-05. Young (sex ?). Has the back and scapulars dusky with the faint- est green tinge ; forehead and crown dusky, the occipital feathers tipped with dull orange-scarlet ; nape and hind neck dusky blackish ; face and side of the neck smoky grey ; some of the black malar feathers tipped with red ; chin, throat, fore neck, and chest dingy buffy white ; the black markings below covering the entire breast ; the wings and their coverts very much duller. In other respects it resembles the older birds. Hah. Main island of Japan, also the island of Xiushiu. a,h. S 9- ad. sk. Japan. Gould Coll. c. $ ad. sk. Japan. C. Maries. 4. GECINTTS. 43 d. 2 ad. sk. Japan. Leiden Museum. e,f. S 2 ^^- sk. Yokohama, Japan. H. Pryer. //. S im'u- sk. Nagasaki, Japan. F. Einger, Esq. [P.]. /(. 2 ad. sk. Nagasaki, Japan. Tweeddale Coll. 5. Gecinus squamatus. Picus squamatus, Vig. P. Z. S. 1830, p. 8 ; Gould, Cent. B. Hivial. M. pi. xlviii. (1832) ; Jard. 4'- Selhy, III. Orn. iii. pi. cviii. c? (circa 1835) ; Blyth, J. A. S. B. xii. p. 998 (1843) ; Leifh Admm, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 173; Simdev. Consp. Ai: Picin. p. .59 (180(3). Picus dimidiatus (wom Temm.), Graij, Hardxo. III. Ind. Zool. i. pi. xxix. tig. 1 (1830-32). Malacolophus squamatus, Sjvams. Classif. B. ii. p. 308 (1837). Chrysoptilus squamatus, Vig. P. Z. S. 1841 , p. 6. Brachylophus squamatus v. nepalensLs, Hudgs. Icon. ined. in Brit. Mus. no. 148 [S 9.)- Brachylophus squamatus, Hodgs. in Grcujs Zool. Misc. p. 8-5 (1844). Gecinus squamatus. Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 438 (1840) ; Bbjth, Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. p. 57, no. 200 (1840) ; Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 127 (1850); id. Consp. Valuer. Zygod. p. 10 (1854); Eeichenb. Scans. Picincs, p. 350, no. 801, pi. dcxxvii. figs. 4174-75 (1854); Horsf. S,- Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E.I. Co. ii. p. 659, no. 959(1856^58); Leith Adams, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 475 ; Jerd. B. Ind. i. p. 286 (1862) ; Beavan, Ibis, 1807, p. 138 ; Tytler, op. cit. 1868, p. 202 ; Pek. torn. cit.]). 320; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 70 (1868); Beavan, Ibis, 1809, p. 414; Gray, Hand-l. B. ii. p. 192, no. 8084 (1870) ; Jerd. Ibis, 1872, p. 9 ; Cock Sf Marsh. Str. F. 1873, p. 350 ; Bidd. op. cit. 1880, p. 314 ; id. Ibis, 1881, p. 49 ; Scully, lorn. cit. p. 430 ; id. Str. F.x. p. 102 (1881); Marshall, Ibis, 1884, p. 410; Ilarg. op. cit. 1888, p. 153. Cliloropicus squamatus, 3Icdh. Picidce, ii. p. 131, pi. Ixxviii. figs. 1-3 (1862). Gecinus flavirostris*, Menzhier {ex Zarudnoi, MS.), Bull. Nat. Mosc. 1886, pt. 1, p. 440. Gecinus zarudnoi, Menzhier, Ibis, 1887, p. 301. Adult male. Above, including scapulars and wing-coverts, uniform green; bastard-vring black with whitish spots; primary-coverts similar, but having greyish spots ; quills dusky, outer webs of the primaries margined at the base with green and barred with white, those of the secondaries partially or entirely green, and having indis- tinct greyish spots; inner webs spotted or partially barred with white ; shafts brownish black ; rump and upper tail-coverts green, the feathers tipped with chrome-yeUow ; tail black, edged at the base with olive-yellow, and narrowly barred with huffy white : shafts black ; nasal plumes, base of the forehead, and outer edge of the crown black ; forehead, crown, occiput, and nape crimson ; a spot * Dr. Meuzbier has not, in my opinion, satisfactorily shown that his G. flavi- rostris is tlie same as my G. gorii, and I cannot separate his species from G. squa- matus. The specifio name of ::arudnoi was subsequently given by Dr. Menzbier to the same bird, on account of his previous name having been (as he imagined) preoccupied ; but the species to which the name oi Picus flavirostris was given by the Abbe David is not a Gecinus, but is Hypopicus hypcrythrus. 44 PICIDiE, in front of the eye and a short streak behind it black ; a broad yellowish-white superciliary stripe, and another from the white lores passing under the ear-coverts ; sides of the face smoky green, varied with greenish white ; malar stripe streaked black and white ; sides of the neck and hind neck green ; chin, throat, fore neck, and chest pale smoky green ; underparts, including under tail-coverts, yellowish white, the feathers with a broad intermargiual line and occasional shaft-streak of black, and having a scaly appearance ; under wing-coverts yellowish white, with V-shaped markings of black ; axiUaries white, barred with black : " irides, a circle of dark pinkish red round the black pupil, surrounded by a second ring of light pink ; upper mandible horn-coloured at the base, the tip and the whole of the lower mandible being of a brightish yellow " (H. C. Beavan). Total length l;3-5 inches, oulmen 1'85, wing 6"25, tail 4-65, tarsus 1*1 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-8, outer posterior 0-72, inner anterior 0'63, inner posterior 0'45. Younr/ male. Has the upper parts and wing-coverts dusky, the margins only of the feathers being green, and on the rump tinged with yellow ; the greater wing-coverts and outer webs of the secondaries crossed with greenish-white markings ; the quills tipped with white ; the top of the head black, the base of the forehead spotted with grey, the other feathers tipped with red or orange-red ; chin and throat imiform smoky white ; sides of the neck and fore neck smoky grey, the feathers having blackish centres or V-shaped spots ; the chest like the remaining underparts, but less yellow than in the adult, and the black markings not so clearly defined. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in the absence of red on the head, the whole of the top of the head and nape being black, the coronal feathers marghied with smoky grey and having a streaked appearance. Total length 13'5 inches, culmen 1-9, wing 6-35, tail 4"5, tarsus 1"3. Ilcch. Northern range, Gilgit ; into Cashmere and Afghanistan, and through the Himalayas to Kumaou and Nepal. a. 5ad.sk. Aighanhtan {Gnfifh). India Museum. h, c. cJ 2 ad. sk. Cashmere. E. M. Langworthy, Esq. [P.]. (1, e. S ad. sk. Cashmere (Dr. Bcllew). India Museum. /. 2 ad. sk. GJilgit, March 4, 1879 (-/. Bid- Hume Coll. dulph). a. 5 ad. sk. Dhurmsala, Cashmere, April Hume Coll. 1870. h, i. S ad. et S Murree. Colonel Way [P.]. juv. sk. k, I. (S ad. ; m. 2 N.W. Himalayas. StackhousePinwill, juv. sk. Esq. [P.]. w, 0. d 2 ad. sk. Kotekhaie, Feb. 20, 1871. Hume Coll. />, y. cJ 2 ^d. ; r. Kotegurh, June. Hume Coll. J juv. sk. s-y. (S ad. etjuv. ; Simla, April, July, Sept. (i?. C. Tweeddale Coll. z. 2 ad. sk. Beavan). a', V. S ad. et Simla, July -10, 1868 {A. O. H.). Hume Coll. juv..sk. 4. GECINUS. c'- -A-.', c^ad. ; 1 5 ad. sk. I'-o'. Simla, July, Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. ( W. Davison). Hume Coll. p' . 2 ad. sk. Masuri {Finwill). Tweeddale Coll. 4 -f. S ad.; 2 ad. sk. u' . Masui'i. Hume Coll. v'. . (5 ad. sk. Dehra Dlioou, Oct. 19, 1866. Hume Coll. tV '. d ad. ; x' 2 ad. sk. \y'- Naini Tal, Aug., Sept. 1886. Hume Coll. z'. , 2 ad. sk. Almorah, Oct. 17, 1866. Hume Coll. a' '. c? ad. ; b" 2 ad. sk. ,c". Kuinaou {Strachey). India Museum. 45 6. Gecinus gorii. Gecinus squamatus {non Vigors), Sioinhoe, His, 1882, p. ] 02. Geciuus gorii. Margin, Ibis, 1887, p. 74, 1888, p. 159 ; Sir O. B. St. John, op. cit. 1889, p. 158; Aitchison, Trans. Linn. Soc. 2ndser. Zool V. p. 83, pi. vi. tig. 1 c? (1889). Adult male. Above pale green, with a few dusky Y-sliaped markiugs, the feathers of the rump and the upper tail-coverts tipped with chrome-yellow ; scapulars and wing-coverts pale green, barred with dusky green, the former having a few dusky Y-shaped mark- ings ; bastard-wing black, spotted with creamy white on both webs ; primary-coverts dusky black and similarly spotted, but with a greyer shade of colour ; quills dusky black, the outer webs of the primaries broadly barred with creamy white, and more or less washed with green on the inner feathers, the inner webs spotted with white on the margin ; the outer webs of the secondaries barred with greenish grey, the inner webs being transversely spotted with white along the whole margin ; tail yellowish cream-colour, narrowly barred with blackish brown, the basal margin of the central feathers washed with yellowish olive, the lateral feathers yellow at the tip. (The head is very much damaged, but it has every appearance of having been similar to G. squamatus ; the top of the head is red and the malar stripe is black and white.) Throat and chest uniform dull greenish yellow ; the under surface of the body and under tail- coverts yellowish white, the feathers of the underparts having a thread-like intermarginal line or squamate marking of blackish olive ; under wing-coverts yellowish white, transversely varied with black ; underside of the tail washed with yellow. Total length 13 inches, cirlmen 1-8, wing 6-5, tail 4-7, tarsus 1-2; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0*82, outer posterior 0-82, inner anterior 0*7, inner posterior 0'42. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in the absence of red on the head. As the head, neck, upper back, and wing-coverts are much damaged in the male, the following is a description of these parts taken from the female : — Nasal plumes black ; forehead, crown, occiput, and nape intense black : the face creamy grey, with a narrow black line behind the eye ; the lores, a superciliary stripe, also a stripe under the ear-coverts, creamy white ; cheeks white, striped with black ; chin and throat creamy buff, shading into yel- lowish cream-colour on the chest, and greenish on the side of the neck ; hind neck and upper back pale green, the feathers of the 46 piciD^. latter having a central V-shaped dusky marking. Total length 13-5 inches, eiilmen 1"S, wing 6-05, tail -1-6, tarsus 1*15. Hah. Southern Afghanistan. a. S ad. sk. Padda Sultan, Helniand River, Dr. Aitchisou [C.]. Afghanistan, Oct. 26, 1884. (Type of species.) b. ? ad. sk. Quetta, Dec. 1877 {Col. Sicinhoe). Hume Coll. 7. Gecinus vittatus. Picus vittatus, Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxvi. p. 91 (1818) ; id. Sf Bonn. Enc. Meth. p. 1317 (1823) ; Di-ap. Bid. Class, xiii. p. 505 (1828); Less. Traite, i. p. 221 (1831); Sundev. Consp. Av. Ficin. p. 59 (1866), pt. Picus affinis, Raffl. Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 288 (1821) ; Vi/, Thatoue, Nov., Dec. ( TV. Hume CoU, z. 2 ad. sk. Davisoii). a', b', c'. c? ad. ; Wimpoug', Dec. 1876 ( W. Hume Coll. d'. 2 ad. sk. Davison), e'. S ad. sk. Theuganee Sakan, Jau. 17, Hume Coll. 1877 ( IF. Davison). f,y'. c5' $ ad. sk. Myawadee, Jau. 1877 (TF. Hume Coll. Davison). h'. 2ad.sk. Myawadee, Oct. 1, 1877 (C. Hume Coll. T. Bingham), i. c? ad. sk. Scliouay Goon, Salween River, Tweeddale Coll. Aug. 1865 {R. C. Beavan). k'. c? ad. sk. Moulmeiu, Oct. 9, 1865 (R. C. Tweeddale Coll. Beavan). I'. S ad. sk. Moulmeiu, March 22, 1874 Hume Coll. ( W. Davison), m'. 2 ad. sk. Karope, April 23, 1874 ( W. Hume Coll. Davisoyi). n'. 2 ad. sk. Amherst, March 3, 1877 (/. Hume Coll. Armstrong) . o', p'. cJ juv. ; Amherst, Jau., Juue, July, Hume Coll. q', r'. 2 ad. sk. Dec. ( W. Davison), s', t'. S ad. ; Yea, March, April ( W. Davi- Hume Coll. V,'. 2 ad. sk. son), v, tv'. d 2 ad. Meeta Myo, April 23, 1874 Hume Coll. sk. (7F. Davison), x'-a". S ad. ; Tavoy, Jau., March, May 1874 Hume Coll. b", c". 2 ad. sk. ( IF. Davison). d", e". S 2 Shymotee, May 5, 1874 ( W. Hume Coll. ad. sk. Davison), f. (S ad. sk. Mergui Island, Jau. 7, 1874 Hume Coll. (TF. Davison). g". S ad. ; h", Mergui, Nov., Dec. ( W. Davi- Hume Coll. i". 2 ad. sk. son). k", I". (S ad. sk. Thamoti, Mergui dist., Nov. Hume Coll. 13, 1874 ( W. Davison), m". 2 inim. sk. Chout-pya, Mei'gui dist., Nov. Hume Coll. 12, 1874 ( W. Davison). m". dad. sk. Bopyin, Dec. 21, 1874 (TF. Hume Coll. Daviso7i). o". 2 ad. sk. Tenasserim Town, Nov. 28, Hume Coll. 1874 ( W. Davismi). p", q". d 2 Pakchan, Jan. 15, 1875 ( W. Hume CoU. ad. sk. Davison). r". c? ad. sk. Bankasoon, March 22, 1875 Hume Coll. (TF. Davison). s". d ad, sk. Meplaychoung, Thouugjeen, Hume Coll. Feb. 7, 1880 (C. T. Bitig- ham). VOL. xvni. & 50 PI()IT)J5. t". S ad. ; ?<". 5juv.sk. v". 5 ad. sk. w",.v". 5 ad.; f, ="• 6 $ imiu. sk. a\ b\ d 2 ad. sk. c". c? ad. sk. d'W. d ad. ; h% i\ k\ 5 ad. sk. P. ^ ad. ; »«', ?j', o^ 2 ad. sk. P\ q\ r^- d ad. ; s^ /^ M^ $ ad. et juv. sk. v^-dK (5 ad. et imm. e''-i\ 2 ad. sk. Kaulfaryit, May, June (/. Hume Coll. Darli )}(/). rhagat, Nov. 27, 1877. Hume Coll. Poongah, Sept. 1879 (/. Hume Coll. Daiii?i(/). Island of Salang-a, Feb., Capt. Weber [C.]. March. (Types of G. weberi.) Island of Salanga, Jan. (J. Hume Coll. DarUncf). Salang-, Salansja, Jan., Feb., Hume Coll. March 1879"(j; Davlmq). Taroar, Feb. 1879 {J. Darl- Hume Coll. iiu/). Tapraw, April 1879 {J. Darl- Hume CoU. iny). Kossoum, May, June, July (/. Hume Coll. Darlincj). 9. Gecinus striolatus. Brachvlophus squamatus {noji Vir/.), Jerd. Madr. Journ. 1840, p. 213. Pious striolatus, Blyth, J. A. S. B. 184-3, p. 1000 ; Jerd. Madr. Journ. xiii. pt. 2, p. 1.38 '(1844) ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 60 (1866). Brachylophus xantliopygfeus, Hodgs. Icon. ined. in Brit. Mus. nos. 147, 148 (c? 2) ; id', tn Grm/s Zool. Misc. p. 85 (1844). Gecinus striolatus, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 439 ; id. Cat. Mamm. Sfc. Nepal, pres. Hodr/s. p. 117 (1846) ; Bli/th, Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. p. 57, no. 261 (1849) ; Eeichenh. Scans. Picina, p. 350, no. 800, pi. dcxxi. fig. 4143 (1854) ; Horsf. c^'- Moore, Cat. B. Mm. E. I. Co. ii. p. 660, no. 962 (1856-58) ; Jerd. B. Ind. i. p. 287 (1862) ; Gray, Cat. Mamm. Sj-c. Nepal, pres. Hodgs. 2nd ed. p. 63 (1868) ; id. List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 77 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 192, no. 8685 (1870) ; Blanf. Ibis, 1870, p. 464 ; Elu-es, torn. cit. p. 527 ; Jerd. op. cit. 1872, p. 9 ; Legge, Str. F. 1873, p. 488 ; Ball, op. cit. 1874, p. 391 ; Legf/e, Ibis, 1875, p. 412 ; Blyth <§• Wald. B. Burm. p. 76 (1875) ; Hume >§• Gates, Str. F. 1875, p. 68 ; Butler, torn. cit. p. 458 ; Godiuin- Austen, J. A. S. B. 1876, p. 70 ; Inglis, Str. F. 1877, p. 26; Fairbarik, torn. cit. p. .396; Ball, torn. cit. p. 413 ; Anders. Yunnan F.vjjed. i. p. 585 (1878), pt. ; Hume ^ Davison, Str. F. 1878, vi. p. 136; Davids. 8r Wend. oj). cit. vii. p. 78 (1878) ; Ball, torn. cit. p. 206 ; Cr?>^js, torn. cit. p. 262 ; Godicin-Austen, J. A. S. B. 1878, p. 14; Hmne, Str. F 1879, p. 87 ; Scully, tom. cit. pp. 247, 368 ; Butler, B. Sind Sf-c. and Mount Ahoo, p. 19 (1879) ; id. B. S. Bomb. Pres. p. 24 (1880) ; id. Str. F. 1880, p. 386 ; Leqcje, B. Ceyl. p. 194 (1880) ; Gates, Str. F. X. p. 191 (1882) ; W. Davison, torn. cit. p. 355 ; Gates, B. Brit. Burm. ii. p. 49 (1883) ; Harg. Ibis, 1888, p. 171. Gecinus xanthopygius, Biy. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 127 (1850) ; id. Consp. Valuer. Zyqod. p. 10 (1854) ; Beichenb. Scans. Picince, p. 350, no. 802 (1854). Chloropicus striolatus, Math. Picidtv, ii. p. 134, pi. Ixxvii. figs. 1 & 2 (1862). Adult male. Above, including scapulars and wiug-coverts, yellowish 4. GECINUS. 51 olive, the feathers of the rump and the upper tail-coverts margined with chrome-yellow; b.st.i-cl-wing, primary-coverts, and quills dusky brown spotted with white on both webs, the outer webs of the secondaries washed with yellowish olive: shafts brownish black : tail blackish brown, the feathers having indistinct spots of greenish or brownish grey at the base, the penultimate feather barred to he tip; shafts brown with black tips; nasal plumes brownish b ack ; top of the head and the occiput scarlet, face smoky grey striped with dusky, the lores, a stripe under the ear-coverts and one above the eye white; malar region white, striped with dusky o hve and yellowish ; side of the neck and the hind neck yellowish olive, the former striped with pale yellow ; from the chin to the vent (inclusive) yellowish white, the fore neck and chest strongly washed with yellow, the chin and throat striped, the remainder of the leathers having an mtermarginal line and an occasional shaft-stripe ot olive or brown; under tail-coverts white with a broad shafV stripe and intermarginal line of brown ; under wing-coverts and axillanes yellowish white, with V-shaped markings of dusky brown : bin plumbeous dusky, the basal three fourths of the lower mandible yellowish green horny ; irides carmine-red ; feet dingv plumbeous" (ScnU^f). Total length 11 inches, culmen 1-35, wing 4- J, tail d-c5, tarsus 1 ; toes (without claws)— outer anterior 077 outCT posterior 0-68, inner anterior 0-55, inner posterior 0-4 rouvc/ male. Eesembles the adult male but is darker above and has f be red on the head of an orange-scarlet; a stripe of black Dorderiug the forehead and crown ; ear-coverts darker, and the malar region striped with dusky black; under surface of the body less green. •' Achat female. Differs from the adult male in having the forehead crown, and occiput black, the feathers of the forehead and crown edged with ashy brown and having a striped appearance. Total length 11 inches, culmen 1-27, wing 4-9, tail 3-3, tarsus 1. ^«6. India generally, Ceylon, Assam, Cachar, and Burmah, and also in biam (judging by a young bird obtained at Pitchaburree by M. lierre and which I take to belong to this species), and Cochin China (Jiilhen). ^' «. d ad. sk. Nillgalla Park, Ceylon, Jan. 13, Tweeddale Coll. 1867. I, c. 2 ad. sk. Seegool, Nilghms, Feb. 19, Hume Coll. 1881. f?. c? ad. sk. Kullar, Coonoor Ghat, Sept. 22, Tweeddale Coll 1876 (B. G. W. R.). e,f. c? ad. sk. Kullar, Coonoor Ghat, Aug. 19, Hume Coll. 1867. ir, /*, ?. c? ad ; Kotagherry, Kilghiris, Hume Coll. k. 5 ad. sk. March, Nov., Dec. {Miss C'ockhurn). 'ltL:'k '''''''''■ Tweeddale Coll. ",o.c?2ad.sk. Madras. T. C. Jerdoii, Esq. [P.J. e2 52 p. cJ ad. sk. q. c? ad. sk. r. 2 ad. sk. ^f. 5 ad. sk. t,u. (5 2 fd. sk. V, w. S 2 imm. sk. .V. cJ ad. sk. y. 2 ad. sk. z. c? ad. sk. a', b' . (S ad. sk. c\ c? ad. ; d'. 2 imm. sk. e'. c? ad. sk. f,ff'-6 2 ad.sk. A', c? ad. sk. cJ ad. sk. cJ ad. sk. 2 ad. sk. . c? ad. sk. «', o', p'. c? ad. ; g'. (5' imm. ; r', s'. 2 ad. sk. i'f m'. c? $ ad. sk. ^') W. (5 2 ad. _sk. x'. cJ ad. sk. 1/'. cJ ad. sk. s',a", h". S ad. ; c", fZ". 2 ad. sk. _ e". c5" jiiv. sk. /". c? juv. sk. j7". 2 ad. sk. K\ 2 ad. sk. i" , S ad. ; A;". c? imm. sk. I'. 2 ad. sk. m". (S ad. sk. n". 2 ad. sk. o". 2 ad. sk. p". S .jiiv. sk. q" . Bones of trunk. Satpiiva Tlills, .Tan. 1874. Surjuja, Feb. 1872. Sumbalpur, Dec. 14, 1870. Bliuudara distr., March 12, 1S70. A boo. Sambbur. Umbala, Feb. 1867 {Dr. Scott). LaUongr, Gnrbwal Bbabur, Dec. 29, 1860. Gurhwal, Jan. 11, 1870. Masuri. Debra, Jan., Dec. Kalsi, Debra Dboon. Siwalik Eange, ]\Iarcb 1867 (Dr. Scott). Kiimaon. Kumaon (Strachey). Kimiaon. Oudli Terai (S. PimoilJ). Nepal Valley,- Dec. 19, 1877 {J. Scully). Nepal. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. E. A. Butler Coll. Hume Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume CoU. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. India Museum. Hume Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Hume Coll. Hodgson Coll. Nepal. Hodgson Coll. (Types of Brachyhplms ocanthopyycmis, Hodgs.) Nepal {B. H. Hodgson). India Museum. Davjeeling. Hume Coll. Buxa Doars, Feb. 1878 {L. Hume Coll. Man del li). Bbotau Doars, Jan., Feb., Himie Coll. March (i. 3Iandelli). Assam {McClelland). Khasia Hills {Griffith). Cachar. Dacca, 1871. Burmah {H. Feilden). Thayetmyo, Dec. 2.3, 1871. Thayetmyo. Tonghoo. Pecru. Pitcbaburree Aug. 1868. Eiver, Siam, India IMuseum. India Museum. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Tweeddale CoU. Hume Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. Mons. £. Pierre [P.]. Old Collection. 10. Gecinus canus. The Grey-headed Green \^'oodpecker, Edwards, Kat. Hist. Birds, ii. pi. Lxv. 2 (l''^7) ; Lath. Gen. Syn. ii. p. 583 (1782). Le Pic verd de Norwege, Briss. Orn. iv. p. 18 (1760). 4. GECINUS. 53 The Grey-headed Woodpecker, Penn. Arct. Zool ii. p. 277 (1785). Picus canus, Gm. Si/st. Nat. i. p. 434 (1788), ex Edivards ; Licht. Cat. Rev. Hcmib. p. 18 (1793) ; Temm. Man. cVOrn. i. p. 393 (1820) ; Brehm, Naturg. Eiir. Voy. i. p. 135 (1823) ; Roux, Orn. Prov. i. p. 95, pi. lix. (1825) ; Valenc. Diet. Sc. Nat. xl. p. 169 (1820) ; Naum. Viig. Deutschl. v. p. 286, pi. 133 (1826) ; Risso, Eur. Merid. iii. p. CO (1^26); Waql. Syst. Av. Picus, sp. 33 (1827) ; IFenier, Atlas, pi. 202 (1827) ; Less. Traite, i. p. 218 (1831); Menetr. Cat. Pais. Caiic. p. 46, no. 132 (1832); Gotdd, B. Eur. iii. pi. 227, c? ? ad. (1837) ; Sckinz, Wirb. Sclnceiz, p. 92 (1837) ; Keys. Sf Bias. Wirb. Eur. p. 147 (1840) ; Schley. Rev. Crit. Ois. d'Eur. p. xlix (1844); V. d. Miilile, Orn. Griechenl. p. 30 (1844) ; Schleyel, Toy. Ncderl. p. 80, pi. 49, S 2 (1854-58) ; Linderm. Voy. Grieckeid. p. 41 (1800) ; Brec, B. Eur. iii. p. 136 pi. cJ (1862); Sundev. Co7isp. Av. Picin, p. 61 (1866); Sahajiaeff, Bull. Mosc. xlii. pt. 2, pp. 185-197 (1869) ; Ehv. 4' Buckl. Ibis, 1870, p. 188; David, Nouv. Arch, du Mus. 1871, Bull. vii. p. 4; Mommsen, Griech. Jahresz. pt. iii. p. 186 (1875); Harv.-Broivn, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasg. 1877, p. 288 (ex Sabanaeff) ; Seeb. Ibis, 1882, p. 209. Picus Dorvegicus, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 236 (1790) ; Vieill. N. Diet. xxvi. p. 99 (1818). Picus viridi-cauus, Meyer ^ Wtjlf, Taschcnb. Voyelk. i. p. 120 (1810). Picus chlorio, Pall. Zooyr. Rosso-Asiat. i. p. 408 (1811). Picus cauiceps. Nils. Orn. Suec. i. p. 105 (1817). Gecious canus, Boie, Isis, 1831, p. 542 ; Brehm, Voy. De^itschl. p. 200 (1831); Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 438 (1846); Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 126 (1850) ; id. Consp. Valuer. Zyyod. p. 10 (1854) ; Reichenb. Scans. Picince, p. 348, no. 794, pi. dcxx. figs. 4135, 4136 (1854); Powys, Ibis, 1800, p. 235; Swinh. op. cit. 1861, p. 338; Blakist. op. cit. 1862, p. 325 ; Sivinh.P. Z. S. 1862, p. 319; id. op. cit. 1863, pp. 267, 333; Lilford, Ibis, 1866, p. 176; Whiteli/, op. cit. 1867, p. 195 ; Deyl. 8,- Gerbe, Orn. Eur. i. p. 157 (1867) ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mm. p. 74 (1868^ ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 191, no. 8677 (1870) ; Salvad. Faun, d'l'tal. Ucc. p. 35 (1871) ; Saiind. Ibis, 1871, p. 65; Stvinh. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 392; Dubois, Consp. Av. Eur. p. 19 (1871) ; Boyd. B. Volga,\x 60, no. 42 (1871) ; Dress. B. Eur. \. p. 95, pi. cclxxxviii. (1872) ; Alst. ^- Harv.- Broicn, Ibis, 1873, p. 59; Irby, Orn. Str. Gibr. p. 72 (1875); Swinh. Ibis, 1875, p. 124 ; Danf. if Broivn, torn. cit. p. 298 ; Swinh. torn. cit. p. 451 ; Blanf. Zool. E. Pers. ii. p. 136 (1876) ; Tacz. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fratice, 1876, p. 239 ; Prjevalshy, B. Monyolia, in Rowley's Orn. Misc. ii. p. 279 (1877) ; David .y Oust. Ois. Chine, p. 51 ( 1877) ; Savnd. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1877, p. 325 ; Tacz. op. cit. 1878, p. 139; Blakist. 8f Pryer, Ibis, 1878, p. 229; Boyd. B. Cauc. p. 120 (1879) ; Goebel, Voy. Uman. Kr. p. 154, no. 140 (1879) ; Russow, Orn. Esth-, Liv- u. Kurl. p. 118 (1880) ; Brandt, J.f. O. 1880, p. 229; Seeb. Ibis, 1880, p. 181; Giyl. op. cit. 1881, p.' 191; Wharton, fo7n. cit. p. 257; Collett, Nory. Ftiylef. p. 314 (1881); Blakist. Sf Pryer, Trans. As. Soc. Jap. 1882, p. 136; Seeb. Ibis, 1882, p. 373, 1883, p. 23 ; Radde, Orn. Cane. p. 307 (1884) ; Giyl. Avif. Ital. p. 206 (1886) ; Salvad. Ucc. Ital. p. 67 (1887) ; Hary. Ibis, 1888, p. 15 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1888, p. 406. Colaptes canus, I Colaptes viridicanus, j- Brehm, Isis, 1;>28, p. 1274. Colaptes caniceps, 54 PICIDJ3. Gecinus viridicanus, I j^^,^^^ y j)^^^f^^,j jgg 2OI (18:31). (jtecinus caniceps, ( > ^ it- j \ ■> Malacolophus caniis, Swams. Classif. B. ii. p. 308 (1837). Chloropicus cauus, M(dh. Picidce, ii. pp. 124, 294, pi. Ixxxi. figs. 1, 2 (1862). Picus cauus jessoeusis *, Stejneger, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 188G, p. 106. Picus canus perpaUidus, Stejneger, Proc. TJ. S. Nat. Mtts. 1886, p. 107 (footnote). Adult male. Back, scapulars, rump, and upper tail-coverts yellowish olive, the feathers of the rump and the upper tail- coverts broadly tipped with chrome-yellow ; wing-coverts and outer webs of the secondaries more golden green, the remaining portion of the quills dusky brown, the outer webs of the primaries spotted with dingy white and margined with green at the base, the secondaries having almost obsolete spots of smoky grey on the outer webs; inner webs of the quills spotted with pure white, except on the apical portion of the primaries ; shafts dusky brown ; tail greyish brown, the basal portion of the central pair of feathers and the lateral feathers chiefly on their outer webs, with bar-like spots of grey ; shafts dusky brown ; nasal plumes black ; top of the head and nape greenish grey, with a large coronal patch of crimson ; face grey, grading into green on the side of the neck, with a small spot of black in front of the eye and a narrow black malar stripe ; from the chin to the under tail-coverts, both inclusive, greyish white, the chest and breast, particularly, and the underparts, in a lesser degree, washed with green, the under tail-coverts having crescentic and V-shaped dusky markings ; under wing-coverts and axillaries white tinged with yellow and barred with dusky black : " bill horny brown, more coloured above than below ; iris pale red ; feet black " (Degl. <^- Gerbe). Total length 12 inches, culmen 1-6.5, wing 5-8, tail 3-95, tarsus I'l ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior O'So, outer posterior O'S, inner anterior 0'6, inner posterior 0'37. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having no red on the head, the forehead and crown being greenish grey streaked with blackish. Total length 11-1 inches, culmen 1'4, wing 5-55, tail 3-9, tarsus 0-95. Hah. Throughout the greater part of Europe, in Southern and Eastern Siberia, Manchuria, Corea, Mongolia, Northern China, and n the Island of Yezo. a,b. cJ 2 ad. sk. Norwav. Salvin-Godman Coll. c. 2 ad. sk. Wermlaud, Dec. 1872. W. Meves [C.]. d. c? ad.sk. Wermland, Jan. 22, 1874 {W. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. Meres). [P.]. e,f. (5 2 ^•. South Manchuria, June .3, 18SG. II. E. M. James, 2 ad. sk. Esq. [P.]. s. 2 ad. sk. Ilakodadi, Japan, Nov. 2, ISGo Tweeddale Coll. (//. Whitely). f, u. S 2 ad. sk. Ilakodadi, Japan, Dec 12, 18G5. 11. Whitely [C.]. V. Skull. S. Germany. Dr. Giinther. 11. Gecinus guerini. Chloropicos guerini, Malh. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1849, p. 539. Gecinus guerini, Bp. Coiisp. Gen. Av. i. p. 127 (1850); id. Consp. Volucr. Zyrjod. p. 10 (185J-) ; Reichenh. Scans. Piciuce, p. 349, no. 796, pi. dcxxii. figs. 4144, 4145 (1854) ; Horsf. Sf Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E.I. Co. ii. p. 659, no. 968 (1856-58) ; Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 96 ; id. P. Z. S. 1863, pp. 268, 333 ; Gray, List Picid. p. 266 ; Hary. op. cit. 1888, p. 11. Gecinus tancolo, Gould, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 283; id. B. Asia, vi. pi. 35 (1864) ; David S,- Oust. Ois. Chine, p. 53 (1877). Gecinus tancola, Swinh. Ibis, 1863, p. .389; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 73 (1868); id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 191, no. 8675 (1870); Swinh. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 392. Chloropicus guerini, Malh. Picidcc, ii. p. 127, pi. Ixxx. figs. 4, 5 (1862). Picus guerini, Sundev. Comp. Av. Picin. p. 61 (1866) ; David, Nouv. Arch, du Mus. 1871, Bull. vii. p. 4. Picus tancola, Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 61 (1866) ; David, Nouv. Arch, du Mus. 1871, Bidl. vii. p. 4. AduU male. Resembles G. canus, but differs in the occiput and nape being entirely black or in having the occiput sometimes broadly striped with black on a grey ground, and the nape pure black ; the underparts are rather darker. The present species is intermediate between G. canus and G. ocdintalis. Total length IQ-o inches, culmen 1-65, wing 5-6, tail 3-So, tarsus 1-15 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-7S, outer posterior 0*72, inner anterior Q-oS, inner posterior 0'35. Adult female. Has no red on the top of the head, the crown being grey with black striations. Total length 10-2 inches, culmen 1"5, wing 5-3, tail 3"7, tarsus 1. Hah. From Nankin, throughoiit Central and Southern China, and in Formosa. a. S ad. sk. N. China. Mr. Fortune [C.]. b. 5 ad. sk. Nankin, Sept. 1842 {Capt. J. Gould, Esq. Ince). c. (S ad. sk. Shanghai {J. R. Reeves). India Museum. 56 piciD^. d, e. c? ? ad. sk. Sha-foo-slian district, Che- Tweeddale Coll. kiaiig Prov., May 1875 ( W. {Prijer). f,(j. c? ? ad. sk. Ningpo, China {Capt. Ince). Gould Coll. h, i. S ad. ; k. $ Ningpo, China, May 1872 Tweeddale Coll. ad. sk. {li. Sioinhiie). I. . Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 9, no. 152 (1854). Chloropicus chrysochlorus, Malh. Picidte, ii. p. 141, pi. Ixxxiv. figs. 1, 2, J 5 (1862). Chloropicus brasiliensis, Malh. Picidcp, ii. pi. Ixxxv. figs. 1 cJ (juv.?), 2 $ (1862). Craugasus chrysochlorus, Cab. ^- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 1-59 (1863). Chloronerpes chrysochlorus. Gray, List Pieid. Brit. Mus. p. 106 (1868); id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 199, no. 8781 (1870); Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 243 (1870); Scl. ^- Salv. Nomend. Av. Neotr. p. 99 (1873). Adult male. Entire back, rump, upper tail-coverts, scapulars, ■wing-coverts, and outer webs of quills olive, brighter on the back and wing-coverts ; inner webs of the quills brown, with a broad and elongated marginal patch of rufous or rufous buff on the basal portion ; shafts brown ; tail blackish brown, the feathers paler on the margin, and more or less edged with olive at the base ; shafts brown with black tips, the base of the central pair yellowish ; upper nasal plumes deep olive, the lower ones yellow; forehead, crown, occiput, and nape, also the malar stripe, crimson ; face dark olive, with a bright yellow stripe from the base of the upper mandible running on to the side of the neck, which is also yellow ; chin and throat uniform golden yellow : fore neck to the vent golden yellow, the under tail-coverts whiter, the whole barred with blackish olive ; under wing-coverts and axillaries rufous buff, the tips of the latter and the edge of the wing golden yellow. Total length 8"3 inches, culmen 1, wing 4"S5, tail 2-S5, tarsus 0"8 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-63, outer posterior 0'03, inner anterior 0-bo, inner posterior 0'27. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in the entire absence of red on the head, the top of the head, occiput, and nape being golden olive like the back, and the malar stripe deep olive. Total length 8 inches, culmen 0'98, wing 4-&5, tail 2-8, tarsus U"78. Hah. South Brazil, north to Cujaba, and in Paraguay. a. 5 ad. sk. S.E. Brazil (/. Trrreava). Sclater Coll. 5. CHL0R0NERPE3. 73 2. Chloronerpes brasiliensis. Picus brasiliensis, Stvains. Zool. Ilhistr. pi. xx. cJ ad. (1820-21) ; id. Trans. Wern. Soc. N. Hist. Edin. iii.p. 291 (1821); Steph. Gen. Zool.xW. p. 168, S (1820). Picus polyzonus, Valenc. Diet. So. Nat. xl. p. 170 (1326); Drap. Diet. Class, xiii. p. 499, $ (1828) ; Sundev. Comp. Av., Picin. p. 12 (1866). Picus polyzonos, Less. Traite, i. p. 225 (1831) (5 only). Chlorouerpes polyzonus, Gray. Gen. B. ii. p. 443, pi. 110. fig. 4 (1846) ; Reicheiib. Scans. Pieinte, p. 353, no. 810, pi. dclxxv. fig. 4466, 5 (1854); Gray, List Pieid. Brit. Mus. p. 107 (1868); id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 199," no. 8783 (1870) ; 8ah\ Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 396, no. 1935(1882). ChiTSopicus polyzonus, Bp. Consp. Vulucr. Zyaod. p. 9, no. 145 (1854). Chloropicus polvzonus, MaUi. Picidee, ii. p. 136, pi. Ixxxiii. figs. 1, 2, cJ $ ad. (1862). Craugasus polyzonus. Cab. Sj Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 159 (1863). Chloronerjies capistratus (pt.), Peh. Orn. Bras. p. 243 (1870). Adult male. Resembles C clirysoclilorus, but is very much larger, and differs in having the face and entire neck, with the exception of the yellow stripe which runs from the nostrils to the side of the nape and the red malar patch, deep olive ; the dark olive stripe behind tlie malar region extending in an unbroken line to the shoulders and not barred across the lower part as in C. chrijsochlorus, which has only a short olive stripe behind the red malar one, the side of the neck being yellow, and the lower anterior portion barred with olive. Total length 9-3 inches, culmen 1*34, wing 5-6, tail 2'83, tarsus 0-86 : toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-86, outer posterior 0-75, inner anterior 0-75, inner posterior 0-32. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the head de- void of red, the whole of the top of the head and the occiput being olive, and the malar stripe also olive, but of a blacker shade. Total length 9-5 inches, culmen 1-4, wing 5-9, tail 2-7, tarsus 0-95. Hab. Brazil (Province of Bahia). a. 2 ad. St. S. America. Purchased. b. cj ad. sk. Brazil. Salvin-Goduian Coll. 3. Chloronerpes xanthochlorus. (Plate I.) Chloronerpes xanthochlorus, Svl is' Salv. P. Z. S. 1875, pp. 237, 238, et 1879, p. 533. Adult male. Back, rump and upper tail-coverts, scapulars, wing- coverts and outer webs of tjuills olive : inner webs of the quills rufous externally, in an oblique line from the base of the shaft to the margin, about halfway down on the second and third primaries, and reaching nearlj' to the tip in the secondaries, the remaining portion of the web brownish dusky, slightly tinged with olive ; shafts brown ; central tail-feathers bright olive, the lateral feathers 74 piciD^. duller and with the apical third black next the shaft, the base of tlie inner webs of the two central feathers bright buff ; shafts brown ■with black tips and yellowish-brown bases ; nasal plumes deep olive ; forehead, crown, occiput, and nape golden yellow ; sides of the face and neck olive, more golden on the malar region and lower side of the neck, which is barred with dusky olive ; a yellow stripe from the nostrils crosses the face and extends to the side of the hind neck ; fi'om the chin to the under tail-coverts (both inclusive) golden with a huffy tinge, the chin and throat Tiniform, the remainder narrowlj- barred with dusky olive ; under wing-coverts and axillaries golden rufous buff, the edge of the wing bright golden yellow. Total length 8 inches, culmen 0-97, wing 5-05, tail 2-55, tarsus 0-78 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'77, outer posterior 0-67, inner anterior 0-54, inner posterior 0-37. Hub. San Cristoval, Western Venezuela, and westward into Antioquia. a. (^ ad. sk. San Cristoval, Venezuela (A. Sclater Coll. GoeriiKj). (Type of species.) b. (5 ad. sk. Remedios, Antioquia, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. {T. K. Salmon). 4. CMoronerpes capistratus. Pious polyznnus {)wn Valenc), Wagl. St/si. Av. Pious, sp. 41 (1827) ; id. Isis, 1829, p. 513. Pious polvzonos. Less. Traite, i. p. 225 (1831) (c? only). Pieus aurulentus, $ , Lesson, Traite, i p. 224 ( $ ) (1831). Chloronerpes polvzonus, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 443 (1846) ; Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. i 17 (1850) ; Burm. Th. Bras. ii. p. 226 (1856). Chrvsopicus capistratus, Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 9, no. 151 (1854}. Chloropicus capistratus, 3Iaih. Picidcs, ii. p. 140, pi. Ixxxiii. figs. 4, • 5, c? ? (1862). Craugasus capistratus, Cab. ^- Heine, 3Ti/s. Hein. iv. p. 160 (1863). Picus capistratus, Sundev. Consp. Av., Picin. p. 12 (1866). Chloronerpes capistratus, Gray, List Pirid. Brit. Mus. p. 107 (1868) ; id. Hund-l. B. ii. p. 199, no. 8782 (1870) ; Peh. Orn. Bras. p.. 243 (1870); Sclat. S,- Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 99 (1873). Adult male. Resembles C. brasiliensis, but differs in having the chin and throat less yellow, and entirely barred with blackish olive like the nnderparts. The quills are not barred, and on the face there is only one yellow stripe, which commences at the nostrils, passes under the ear-coverts and runs down the side of the neck ; these points presenting a strong likeness to both C. brasiliensis and C. chrysoclilorits. Total length 8"5 inches, culmen I'OS, wing 5-35, tail 2*8, tarsus O'S; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'78, outer posterior 0"63, inner anterior 0-53, inner posterior 0-33. Immature male. Resembles the adult male, but has the malar stripe olive. 5. CHLORONERPES. 75 Adult female. Differs from the adult male in the entire absence of red on the head, the forehead, crown, occiput, and nape, as well as the malar region, being olive. Total length 8-5 inches, culmen 1-13, wing 5-42, tail 2-86, tarsus 0-77. Hah. Upper Amazons, from Barra do Rio Negro west into Ecuador, and north into British Guiana (Eupununi Kiver). a. 2 _ad. St. South America. Old Coll. b. (S imm. ; c. 5 Sarayacu, Ecuador (C. Buck- Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. sk. ley). d. 2 ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (C. Buck- Salviu-Godman Coll. %). e. 2 ad. St. Brazil. Purchased. /. c? ad. sk. Barra do Eio Negro, Brazil, Sclater Coll. Aug. 1833 (/. Natterer). 9,h. c? $ ad. sk. Eupuuuui Eiver, British Salvin-Godman Coll. Guiaua, April-July {^H. Whiteli/). 5. Chloronerpes erythropsis. Picus icterocephalus, var. (nmi Inch Oni. i. p. 241), Lath. Ltd. Orn. Suppl. p. xxxi (1801 ). Picus ervthropis, Vieil/. N. Did. d'Hisf. Nat. xxvi. p. 98(1818); id. ^ Bonn. Enc. Meth. iii. p. 1320 (1823). Picus icterocephalus {non Lath.) (^ , S^nx, Av. Bras. p. 62, pi. liv. fig. 1, = ? (1824). Picus erythrops, Tfaql. St/st. Av. Picus, sp. 53 (1827) ; Nemvied, Beiti: Nature/. Bras. iv. p. 427 (1832). Chloronerpes erythrops, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 443 (1846) ; Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 116 (1850) ; Reichenb. Scans. Picina-, p. 352, no. 806, pi. dcxxiii. figs. 4152-53, S 6 (1854) ; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1857, p. 268. Chrysopicus erythropsis, Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zggod. p. 9, no. 149 (1854). Chloropicus erythropsis, Malh. Picidce, ii. p. 143, pi. Ixxxvii. figs. 1- 2, d 2 (1862). Chloronerpes erythropsis, Sclat. Cat. Amer. B. p. 338, no. 2022 (1862); id. ^ Su/v. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 594 ; Grai/, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 106 (1868) ; id. Hcnd-l. B. ii. p. 198, no. 8780 (1870); Sclat. 6; Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 99 (1873) ; Salt). Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 395, no. 1933 (1882). Craugasus erythropes, Cab. i^ Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 158 (1863). Picus erythropes, Sundev. Consp. Av., Picin. p. 12 (1866). Chloronerpes erythropes, Peh. Orn. Bras. p. 244 (1870). Adult male. Back, rump and upper tail-coverts, scapulars, wing- coverts, outer webs of the secondaries and inner webs of the inner- most golden olive, the outer webs of the primaries brown margined with olive at the base ; inner webs of quills rufous at the base, brownish black on the apical portion, the latter colour occupying the greater part of the outer primaries and diminishing in extent upon each inner feather until it only forms an apical spot : shafts brown ; tail-feathers brownish black, margined with olive at the base, shafts brown with black ti])s ; nasal plumes dark brown ; forehead, crown, occiput and nape, malar region and immediately 76 riciD.B. behind it, chin and throat crimson : sides of the face and upper neck golden yellow ; lower side of the neck olive, barred with dull yellowish white ; from the fore neck to the under tail-coverts, both inclusive, yellowish white, barred with olive-black ; axillarics and edge of the wing yellowish white, barred with olive-black, the inner wing-lining rufous bufl\ Total length 7o inches, culmen 0-85, wing 4-3, tail 2-25, tarsus 0-75 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-48, outer posterior 0-48, inner anterior 0-42, inner posterior 0-25. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the forehead and fore part of the crown dull golden yellow, and the red on the malar region, chin, and throat less intense. Total length 7"3 inches, culmen 0-S2, wing 4-53, tail 2-45, tarsus 0-68. Hah. Eastern and Southern Brazil. Dr. Sclater (P. Z. S. 1857, p. 268) records a specimen from Ega, Upper Amazons (Bates). If this be a correct identification, the species would appear to range right through Western Erazil also. a. c? ad. St. Brazil. Purchased. b,c. J 2 ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll, d, e. (S2 ^^- sk. Brazil. Gould Coll. /, g. S ad. ; h. $ Brazil. Tweeddale Coll. ad. sk. i. (S ad. sk. Brazil. Riocour Coll. k,l.d2 ad. sk. Pernambuco. Purchased. 7n. (S ad. sk. Pernambuco (IF. A. Forbes). Salviu-Godman Coll. n. 5 ad. sk. Pernambuco (Craven). Sclater Coll. 0, p. (S ad. ; q. $ Bahia (Dr. Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. sk. r. $ad. sk. Rio Janeiro. R. H. Wood, Esq. [P.]. 6. Chloronerpes leucolaemtis. Picas leucoliemus, Malh. Mem. Soc. Boy. Liege, 1845, p. 68 ; Sundev. Consp. Av., Picin. p. 13 (1866). Chloropicos isidori, Malh. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 18o0, p. 154. Chrvsopicus leucoliemus, Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zygod. p. 9, no. 143 (1854). Chrvsopicus isidori, Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zygod. p. 9, no. 153 (1854). Chloropicus leucolsemus, Malh. Picidai, ii. p. 145, pi. Ixxxv. figs. 3, 4, 6 2 (1862). Craugasus leucolfemus, Cab. ^- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 160 (1368). Chloronerpes leucolfemus, Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 105 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 199, no. 8784 (1870) ; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 244 (1870) ; Sclat. 8r Salv. Xomencl Av. Keotr. p. 100 (1873) ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 546 ; id. Orn. Perou, iii. p. 85 (1886). Adult male. Back, rump, upper tail-coverts, scapulars, wing- coverts, outer webs of the secondaries and part of the inner webs of the innermost, also the basal margin of the outer webs of the primaries, golden-olive, the remaining portion of the latter webs being brown with the base rufous ; inner webs of the quills rufous with the apical portion blackish brown, the latter colour occupying quite the half of the outer primaries and diminishing in extent upon each 5. CHLORONEEPES. 77 inner feather ; shafts brown ; tail-feathers brownish black, mar- gined at the base with golden-olive, shafts brown with black tips ; nasal plumes black ; forehead, crown, occiput, nape, and malar stripe crimson ; sides of the face and neck golden olive, with a golden-yellow stripe from the base of the upper mandible crossing the face and running down the side of the neck ; hind neck golden olive ; chin and throat yellowish white ; fore neck, chest, and breast olive, with varied transverse spots of yellowish white, these parts in old birds being distinctly barred ; under surface of the body and under tail- coverts j'ellowish white, narrowly barred with blackish olive ; axil- laries and edge of the wing yellow, barred with blackish olive, the inner lining of the wing rufous buff. Total length 7 inches, culmen 0-9, wing 4-65, tail 2-5, tarsus 0-75 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0"62, outer posterior 0*62, inner anterior O'o, inner posterior 0'28. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the forehead and crown golden olive, also in wanting the red malar stripe, this region being golden olive like the top of the head. Total length 7"5 inches, culmen 0'87, wing -t'S, tail 2-35, tarsus 0-67. Immature. Differ from the adult of their respective sexes in having the chest-feathers longitudinally centred with yellowish white and a subterminal olive-black band. Hah. South MattoGrosso, Brazil, and north into Eastern Ecuador and New Granada. a. r? ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. b,c. c? 2 imm. ; Saravacu, Ecuador (C'.5^76, inner anterior 0'53, inner posterior 0'38. Adult female. Has the malar region striped black and white, and the crown is not bordered with red. Total length 8'7 inches, cul- men 0-95, wing 5-05, tail 3-35, tarsus 0-9. Hnh. Southern and Eastern Mexico, north to Sierra Madre above Ciudad Victoria, Tamanlipas, and south into Oaxaca, Tehuantepec, and Chiapas. a. S ad. st. b, c. cJ ad., S imm. sk. d, e,f. cJ ad. ; ff. $ ad. sk. h. (^ ad. ; i, k. 2 ad.; /. 5 imm. sk. m. c5 ad. St. n. 2 ad. sk. 0. cJ imm. sk. 2). 6 ad. ; q. S imm. ; r, s. 2 ad. sk. t. u. c? 2 ad. sk. V. S ad. sk. w. 2 ad. sk. X. c? ad. sk. Mexico. Mexico (de Oca). SieiTa Madre, above Ciudad Vic- toria, Tamanlipas, April, May ( W. B. Richardson). Tampico, Mexico, Feb., June ( W. B. Richardson). Cordova, Mexico. Cordova. Near the city of Mexico ( G. H. White). Jalapa, Jan., Feb., May, June {F. D. G.). Jalapa (de Oca). Atoyac, Mexico, May {D. W. S.). Orizaba, Vera Cruz, March. Coatepec, Vera Cruz, Aug. Purchased. Tweeddale Coll. Salvin-Godmau Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. M. Salle [C.]. M. Salle [C.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. CHLORONEEPES. 83 12. Chloronerpes auricularis. Clilorouerpes auricularis, Salv. ^' Godm. Ibis, 1889, p. 381. AduU male. Resembles C. ceruginosus, but differs in having the whole of the occiput and nape, as well as the crown, leaden or slaty grey, devoid of red, this colour being confined to the malar stripe which is deep crimson; the ear-coverts barred with dusky instead of being striped ; the lower rumij-feathers and the upper tail-coverts deep olive clearly and narrowly barred with pale yellow or yeUowish white; the shafts of the quiUs yellowish brown, not yellow; the dimensions are also considerably less. Total length 8 inches, culmen 0-97, wing 4-65, tail 2-7, tarsus 0-82 ; toes (without claws)— outer anterior 0-67, outer posterior O-Gs' inner anterior 0-48, inner posterior 0-32. ' This species is much more closely allied to C. ceruginosus than to C. yucatanensis, although it bears some resemblance to the latter species in its barred rump and upper tail-coverts, but in C. ceruginosus examples are found in which these parts are decidedly barred. The ground of the face in the present species is white as m C. ceruginosus, whereas in the Guatemalan species it is brownish buff. Sab. State of Guerrero, Mexico. a. c? ad. Xautipa, State of Guen-ero, Mexico, Salviu-Godmau Coll July (Mrs. H. H. Smith). (Type of species.) 13. Chloronerpes godmani. Adult female. Resembles C. auricularis (the male only of which IS known), but differs in having the entire orbital region and ear- coverts, as well as the lores, pale brownish buff, the posterior ear- coverts having dusky longitudinal stripes ; the entire top of the head and the nape of a much paler slate-grey ; the chin and upper throat whiter ; the malar region dusky, with indistinct dingy white spots (a character which wiU probably be shared by the female C. auricularis). In the present species the inner primaries have an indistinct trace of yellow marginal spots on the outer webs; the central tail-feathers are browner, and have the apex margined with dull golden yellow, but this may prove not to be a specific character The type ( ? ) of this species (like the type ( S ) of C. auricularis) may be readily distinguished from both sexes of its allies 0. arugi- nosus and G. ruhiginosus by the entire absence of red on the p of the head. Total length 7-85 inches, culmen 1, wing 4-7, tail 2-95, tarsus_ 0-82; toes (without claws)— outer anterior 0-65, outer posterior 0-65, inner anterior 0-52, inner posterior 0-23. Hab. Jalisco, Mexico. «. $ ad. Hacienda San Marcos, Jalisco, Salvin-Godman Coll Mexico, 5200 feet, May 13, 1889 (Type of species.) ( yy . Lloyd). g2 84 piciD^. 14. Chloronerpes yucatanensis. Picus yucatensis, Cabot, Bost. Jouni. Nat. Hist. 1845, p. 92. Picus yucatacensis, Grai/, Gen. B. iii. App. p. 21 (1849). Chrysoptilus canipileus {non B'Orh.), Sclat. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 161. Chlorouerpes yucatanensis, Moore, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 60 ; Sclat. §• ep. (Schnelz). Sclater Coll. V. Juv. sk. Tweeddale Coll. 17. Chloronerpes striatus. Le Pic Rave de Saint Domingue, Briss. Orn. iv. p. 65, pi. iv. fig. 1, c? (1760) ; Buff. Hist. Nat. Ok. vii. p. 371 (1783) ; Dau- hent.Pl. Enl. 281, d ad. Le Petit Pic Ray6 de Saint Domingue, Briss. Orn. iv. p. 67, pi. iii. fig. 2,$ (1760). Picus striatus, Midi. Sijst. Nat. Svppl. p. 91 (1776) ; Boihl Tabl. PL Enl. p. 17, no. 281 d" ; p. 37, no. 614 $ (178.3) ; Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 427, no. 25 c?, var. ^. 5 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 2.38 (1790) ; Vieill. Ois. Amer. Sept. ii. p. 61, pi. cxiv., d ad. (1807)5 id. iV.' Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxvi. p. 90 (1818) ; Bonn. (§• Vieill. Enc. Meth. p. 1310 (1823) ; Valenc. Diet. Sc. Nat. xl. p. 173, 5 (1826) ; IVaffl. Si/st. Av. Picus, sp. 40, c? 2 (1827) ; Drap. Diet. Class, xiii. p. 605 (1828) ; Bryant, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. xi. p. 96 (1866) ; Simdev. Vonsp. Av. Picin. p. 52 (1866). Rayed Woodpecker, Lath. Gen. Syn. ii. p. 587, c? (1782). Rayed Woodpecker, var. A, Lath. Gen. Syn. ii. p. 588,2 (1782). Ceuturus striatus. Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 442 (1840) ; Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 119, no. 4, 2 (1850) ; id. Consp. Voliicr. Zyyod. p. 11, no. 216 (1854) ; Reichenh. ILandb. Scans. Picince, p. 409, no. 960, pi. dclxiii. figs. 4404-4405, 2 2 (1854) ; Salle, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 234; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 102 (1868); id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 197, no. 8766 (1870); Sclat. ^- Salv. Nomend. Av. Neotr. p. 100 (1873) ; Pidfftv. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1881, p. 117; Cory, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, vi. p. 154 (1881) ; id. B. Haiti and San Dominyo, p. Ill, c? 2) l^eads figured (1884) ; Tristr. Ibis, 1884, p. 168 ; Cory, List B. W. Ind. p. 20 (1885) ; id. Auk, iii. p. 378 (1886). Zebrapicus striatus, Malh. Picidce, ii. p. 231, pi. cvii. figs. 3 (J, 4 2 (1862). Adult male. Back, scapulars, and rump greenish yellow, the back and scapulars broadly barred with black, the rump with narrower black bars ; upper tail-coverts crimson ; wing-coverts black, with bars and transverse spots of yellow ; outer webs of quills black spotted with yellow, the inner webs browner and spotted with white ; shafts brownish black ; tail nearly black, the lateral feathers browner and externally margined with brownish white ; shafts almost black ; nasal plumes, frontal baud, face, chin, and throat dull ashy, browner posteriorly ; crown, occiput, and nape crimson ; hind neck like the back, and upon the side of the neck a large longitudinal patch of black, and in front of this a longitudinal patch of yellowish white ; fore neck and chest brown, grading into yellowish olive on the under surface of the body, the under tail- coverts duller ; under wing-coverts dull creamy or buffy white. Total length 9 inches, culmen 1-35, wing 4*55, tail 3--±, tarsus 1 ; 90 piciD^. toes (withoiit cla-ws) — outer anterior 0-7, outer posterior 0-78, inner anterior 0"5, inner posterior 0'36. Adult female. Resembles the adult male, but diiFers in having the crown uniform black. Total length 9 inches, culmen 1-2, wing 4-6, tail 2-95, tarsus 0'87. The j'ounger female has the crown black, with white hair-like shaft-streaks. Otherwise like the adult of the same sex. Hah. Island of Haiti and San Domingo. a, b. (S 2 fitl- St. San Domingo. Purchased. c. cJ ad. sk. San Domingo. Zoological Society. d, f . c? 2 ad. sk. San Domingo. Purchased. /. 2 ii^™- sk. San Domingo, Jan. {C. B. Cvnj). Sclater Coll. g. S ad. ; h, i. J Puerto Plata, San Domingo, Salviu-CTodmau CoU. imm. sk. Jan., Nov., and Dec. (C. B. Cory). k. 2 imm- sk. Haiti, Feb. (C. B. Cory). Sclater Coll. 1. 5 imm. sk. Haiti. Salvin-Godman Coll. m, n. 2 imm. et Haiti. juv. sk. 6. CAMPOTHERA. „ Type. Dendromus, Su-ains. Ckissif. B. ii. p. 307 (1837) C maculosa. Campethera, Gray, List Gen. Birds, 1841, p. 70 C. maculosa. Chrysopicos, Mafh. Mem. Acad. Metz, 1848-49, p. 352 C. nubica. Stictopicus, Malh. Introd. Monogr. Picid. p. liii (1861) C. nivosa. Ipagrus, Cab. S,- Hein. Mus. Hem. iv. p. 123 (1S63) . . C. benuetti. Stictocraugus, Cab. ^- Hein. Mus. Hein. iv. p. 130 (1863) C. nivosa. Cnipotheres, Cab. ^- Hein. Mm. Hein.'w. p. 131 (1863) C. caroli. Range. Throughout the Ethiopian Eegion. Key to the Species. A. Back spotted or with yellowish transverse markings (not bars) in addition to the spots. a'. Throat uniform ; uuderparts entirely covered with rounded spots of black. a" . Top of the head, occiput, and malar stripe crimson nubica S ad., p. 93. b". Forehead and crown black, spotted with white, occiput (only) red ; no red on malar region. . . . ! iiubica 2 ad., p. 94. b'. Throat spotted with black. c''. Uuderparts entirely covered with rounded spots of black. a'". Larger: length 8'5 inches, wing 4*25 ; rump and upper tail- coverts barred ; tail narrowly barred, rt'. Top of the head, occiput, and malar stripe red notata (S ad., p. 95. 6. CAMPOTHEEA. 91 b\ Top of the head blackish olive, spotted with white, occiput (only) red; no red on malar region 7wtcita $ ad., p. 95, 6'". Smaller : length 6-5 inches, wing 3-75 ; rump and upper tail- coverts spotted like the back; tail-feathers with marginal spots. c*. Top of the head, occiput, and nape scarlet nmlherhii S ad., p. 90. d^. Top of the head black spotted with white, occiput and nape (only) scarlet malherbii $ ad., p. 96. d" . Lower breast and abdomen, or the abdomen only, uniform, the remain- ing underparts spotted. «'". With no black stripe behind the eye ; rump and upper tail-coverts with light shaft-spots on the yel- low bars, e^. Top of the head, occiput, nape, and malar stripe red punctata c? ad., p. 97. /*. Top of the head black, striped with white, occiput and nape (only) red ; no red on malar region pimctcitd 2 !id., p. 97. d'". With black stripe behind the eye ; rump and upper tail-coverts barred and without spot. (/\ Top of the head, occiput, nape, and malar stripe red balia c? ad., p. 98. h*. Top of the head black, spotted with white, occiput and nape (only) red ; no red on malar region balia $ ad., p. 98. c'. Throat striped with black. e". Top of the head black, spotted with white in the female. e'". Top of the head, occiput, nape, and malar stripe red aUngdoni cJ ad., p. 99. f". Occiput and nape (only) red ; no red on malai* region abingdoni 5 •'". Coronal and occipital feathers tip- ped with dull red caroli S ad., p. 107. s'" . Crown and occiput blackish olive, the feathers not tipped with red caroli $ ad., p. 107. n" . With no rufous patch on the side of the neck. f" . With red nuchal band nivosa S ad., p. 108. 7i"'. With no red nuchal band nivosa^ ad., p. 108. 6. CAMPOTHEEA. go 1. Campothera nubica, L'Epekhe de Nubie ond^ et tachet^, Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. vii. p. 66 Pic tachete de Nubie, Daub. PI. Enl. uo. 667 (1782) '^P'"'"'''^''^''- ^^-^^y^- ^0. 23, vol. i. pt. 2, p. 576 Picas. aHa.sG^„^^.,. Ar.t 439 (1788), $; Latk. Ind. Orn. 1 . p do (l/JO) Steph. Gen. Zool. ix. pt. 1, p 180 nR^^\. Licht. Jerz. Doubl. p. 11 (1823) nf • TinnJ k. t/- vV r ^ ,i V iii n l^iq n«-)Q\ i -^ VJ-o-^;> pc. , Tjowi. i^ yieill. Enc. Meth "\- P- -^^^-^ (l^-^3 , pt. ; Sundev. Com,) Av Pim, n R7 nflPfiT" Blanf.Geol. ^- Zool. Abyss, p. 305 (187^ Pmk \rVT^-' 1«80 ^' ^in '/??7 ' ■^*'~- ^er/iandl. k.-k. zool.-bot Gesellsrh 1682, p. 510; i?o/im, op. cit. 1883, p. 168 u-eseascAs. Picus ^thiopicus, lf««;,.. ^- ^/,,,„6. ^^,;;6. PM,s. i. fol 2 p 2 Bcanf. Ibis, 1874, p. 336 ' ^ ^^^^'^ ' -0'^««"- i^- Pic-us notatus (pt.), 77%/. Si/st. Av. Pious, sp. 35 (18-^7) Deudromus setbiopicus, Pilpp. Syst. Uebers 184^ n Qf. , i 77e;-^A. Nauvi. 1852, p. 46-- i^W m TV n T«=^?' '.gV ''^^''■:^ SystUebers. 1856, ..^487, p. 47t'£''4^0.'S ? '37'' ^"'^' CampeJiera nubica. Gray, Gen. B. ii p 4.39 n«4«\ 7? • , . ^««rf6. Scans. Picince V 4'^3 n^^i^'^V- ( ^«-*w) ; _^«c7ie«6. Mm 11 S9 n««>^/ v' ^" 7 , (i^^-^); ^'"".'A ^««i5 P/ciVZ. Brit lyiits. p. b^ (ibb.b) ; id. Hand-l. B. i. p 193 nn SfiQS na^r\\ Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B ry 17 n87n Jr ' °°- .^P^" (1«'0) ; Campetbera ffithiopica, Grat/, Gen B sp 7 (lRia\ . 7? • 7 , -Sb««.. P/«.« p."422, pi. dcixxii. figs 44T9-5O 854 ' "'^""^• Dendrobates ajthiopicus, Bp. Cons,, Gen Av \r, 19^ nefcn^ c , Rep. Coll. Somali ColJ-y, 186? p 10 ^"^ '^ ^^ ^^^ (^^^^^ ^ *^^«'- Cbrysopcus nubicus, Malh. Pieid.c, ii. p." 159, pi. xciii. fig-s. 2, 3, 5 Ipagrus uubicus. Cab. S>- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 125 (1863) Stictopicus nubicus, &/.a^. ^„„: Mus. 'civ. Star. Nat Genov 18S4 p. 88; Gujl. op. cit. 1888, p. 47 ; Sahad. t. c. p. 211. ' Adult, naU Back, scapulars, and wing-coverts blackish olive spotted and transversely varied with yellowish white the spots' more or less diamond-shaped ; rump and upper tail-cove -tsbkckil olive ban-ed with yellowish white; quills brow., sli^htb' olive ex- ternally, the outer webs spotted with buffy whi e, the nner Vebs the shafts golden yellow; foreh^l.toS l^u^'lf^^^Lt strrpe mmson ; nasal plumes, lores, face, chii, Lnd throat kiffv white, the ear-coverts finely striped with black side of the nS white, the fore neck and entire underparts and under tail covertt yellowistiwhite,_the whole being covered with rotded spotTo b «S ; ^f "^^'r^g-f ^^rts buffy white or yeUowish, with routded black spots: "bill dusky, paler beneath; iris pink legs greeni h 94 homy" (TF. T. Blanfonl). Total lengtli 8 inches, culmen 1-2, wing 4'3, tail 2-4, tarsus 0'83 ; toes (without claws) — outer ante- rior 0*7, outer posterior 0'65, inner anterior 0'5, inner posterior 0-3. Adah female. Has the forehead and crown black spotted with white, the occiput alone being crimson ; the malar stripe black, the feathers having greyish tips. Otherwise like the male. Total length 7"3 inches, culmen I'l, wing 4'3 ; tail 2'5, tarsus 0-8. Young. In the first stage both sexes have the top of the head uniform dusky black, with a scarlet band on the occiput, a few minute rounded or stripe-like specks of white next appear ; the female then assumes the large rounded spots of white on the fore- head and crown, and these parts in the male lose the white specks and become red. Uah. Southern Nubia, Abyssinia, and the Egyj^tian Soudan, into the Somali Country, and South, probably almost to the Equator. rt. $ juv. sk. b,c. S9- ad, ; d. S ji-iv. sk. e. 5 ad. sk. /. $ ad. sk. r/, h. (S ad. sk. i. ^ ad. sk. k. 5 ad. sk. I. 2 ad. sk. m. cS juv. sk. n. 2 ad. ; 0. 5 imni. sk. p. $ juv. sk. q. j ad. sk. Nubia. Malti, Bogos Land {Esler). Ain, Bogos Land, July 6, 1868 ( W. Jesse). Abyssinia. Abyssinia {Esler). Abyssinia. Abyssinia. Undel Wells, May 30, 1868. Undel Wells, May 27, 1868 ( W. Jesse). Undel Wells, May 27, 1868 ( W. Jesse). Anseba (Esler). Anseba Valley, Aug. 1, 1868. r. 5 imm. sk. Waliko. s. 2 ad.sk. Bejook,Julyl8, 1868(TF. Jt'.sw). t. d ad. sk. Gonfallon, Aug. 7, 1868 ( W. Jesse) . u. c? ad. sk. Sboa {Antinori). V. 2 ad. sk. Butai, Sennar, Feb. ( T\ Midler), w. (S ad. sk. Kliartoum. •Y. 2 j"v. sk. Redjaf, Jan. 17, 1884. y. cj ad. ; z, a'. Lamu *. 2 ad. sk. b'. 2 imm. sk. Useri River. c'. J imm. sk. Malimboa, June 1877. d'. 2 ad. sk. Tkariga, Ukamba, June 1877. Sharpe Coll. Sharpe Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Sharpe Coll. Shelley CoU. India Museum. Tweeddale Coll. W. T. Blanford, Esq. Sharpe CoU. Tweeddale Coll. Shellev Coll. VV.T.' Blanford, Esq. [C.]. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C], Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. SheUey Coll. Shelley Coll. Sharpe Coll. Emin Pasha [P.]. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [P.]. H. C. V. Hunter, Esq. [P.l. Dr. Hildebrandt [C.l. Dr. Hildebrandt [C.]. * These specimens are cons2oicuously white about the head and neck, the spots upon the head of the female being unusually large. 6. CAMPOTHERA. 95 2. Campothera notata. Le Pic tigre, Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. vi. p. 14, pi. ccl. (1808), S ; Sundev. Krit. Framst. Levaill. p. 52, no. 250 (1857). Picus notatus, Licht. Verz. Doubl. 1823, p. 11 ; Wa(il. Syst. Av. Picus, sp. ;J5 nee $ (1827 ) ; id. Isis, 1829, p. 611 ; Sundev. Comp. Av. Ficiti. p. 06, no. 191 (1806). Picus nubicus, Bonn. 4'" Vieill. Etic. Meth. iii. p. 1313 (1823), pt. Campetliera nubica. Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 439 (1846), pt. ; Layard, B. 8. Afr. p. 17 (1871). Dendrobates notatus, B}). Gmsp. Gen. Av. i. p. 123 (1850). Campetliera notata, Reichenb. Scans. Picince, p. 423, pi. dclxxiii. tigs. 4453-54 (1854) ; Grai/, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 82 (1808); id. Haml-l. B. ii. p. 193, no. 8097 (1870) ; Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 17 (1871) ; id. ed. Layard' s B. S. Afr. p. 186 (1875). Dendromus notatus, Bp. Consp. Voliier. Zyyod. p. 9 (1854). Chrysopicus notatus, Malh. PicidcB, ii. p. 102, pi. xcv. figs. 4, 5 (1802). Ipagrus notatus, Cah. ^" Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 127 (1863). Campotbera notata, Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 393 (1882) ; Haryitt, Ibis, 1883, p. 461. Adult male. Back, scapulars, and wing-coverts olive, minutely spotted with dull white, the spots somewhat diamond-shaped on the upper parts ; rump and upper tail-coverts olive barred with yel- lowish white ; quills brown, the outer webs of the secondaries and of the primaries at the base olive, the outer webs of the primaries with rounded spots of dull white, the secondaries having bar-like spots on the outer webs, inner webs of all the quills largely spotted with pure white ; shafts light brown, yellowish on the inner feathers ; tail-feathers brown with golden tips, narrowly barred with buify white, the bars not reaching to the shaft, the central feathers washed with olive ; shafts brownish yellow ; nasal plumes blackish brown ; feathers of the forehead and crown crimson at the tip, blackish olive at the base, the occiput bright crimson ; hind neck olive barred with dull white ; malar stripe red ; sides of the face and neck, and from the chin to the under tail- coverts (both inclusive), duU white, more or less fulvescent below, the whole being spotted with black, the spots on the underparts very large and rounded or heart-shaped; under wing-coverts and axillaries yellowish white spotted with black : " iris hazel " {T, 0. Atmore). Total length 8'5 inches, culmen 1-1, wing 4-25, tail 2-85, tarsus 0-9 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-6, outer posterior 0*6, inner anterior 0-4, inner posterior 0-25. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the forehead and crown black spotted with dull white, and also in the absence of red on the malar region, this being yellowish white, barred and spotted with black. Total length 8"1 inches, culmen 0*97, wing 4-25, tail 3, tarsus 0-8. Hah. Eastern part of Cape Colony, from Knysna north to Coles- berg, and east into the Transkei. a. cJ ad. sk. South Africa. Purchased. b. $ ad. sk. South Africa. J. Rocke, Esq. [P.]. 96 piciD^. c. cT ad. sk. South Africa. Gould Coll. (/. c? ad. sk. Cape Colony. F. Thackeray, Esq. [P.]. e. c? «id. sk. George, S. Africa (7'. Atmore). Sharpe Coll. /. $ ad. sk. Eland's Post, June 1870(7'. ^/!- Sharpe Coll. move), q. S ad. sk. Kuysna. Sharpe Coll. 'h. S ad.sk. Knysna, Feb. 3, 1866 (C. J. Tweeddale Coll. Andevsson), 3. Campothera malherbii. Chrysopicus malherbei, Cass. Jonni. Acad. Thilad. 1863, p. 459, pi. li. lig. 3, c? ; 2f^. -P''«c. Acad. Philad. 1863, p. 198. Picus iiuherbis, Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 68 (1866); Finsch Sf Hartl. Viif/. Oskifr. p. 511 (1870) ; Ftsch. l^- Reichenuw, J. f. O. 1878, p. 253 ; Bohm, op. cit. 1883, p. 168. Campethera malherbei, Grai/, List Picid. Brit. 3Tus. p. 83 (1868) ; ul. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 193, no. 8702 (1870). Deudrobates hartlaubi {non Malh.), v. d. DecJcen, Reisen, i. p. 60 (1869). Campothera imberbis, Cah. in v. d. Decken, Reisen, iii. p. 39 (1869). Campothera malherbii, Rargitt, Ibis, 1883, p. 466. Adult female. Resembles 0. cailliaiidi iu having the chin and throat spotted, but is much smaller and differs iu having the back, rump and upper tail-coverts, scapulars, and wing-coverts olive -with lougitudiual spots of yellow, also in the abdomen and vent being spotted with black like the rest of the underparts. The upper parts somewhat resemble those of C. halia, but the present species may be distinguished from the latter by the absence of the black stripe behind the eye, by the tail-feathers being spotted on the margin instead of barred, also in the entirely spotted abdomen and vent, and the smaller dimensions. Total length 6"5 inches, culmen 0*G7, wing 3-65, tail 2*2, tarsus 0-65 ; toes (without claws) — outer ante- rior 0*5, outer posterior 0-43, inner anterior O'-l, inner posterior 0-22. Adult male. Has the forehead and crown, as well as the occiput and nape, crimson. In other respects it resembles the adult female. Total length 6-5 inches, culmen 0-65, wing 3-72, tail 2-3, tarsus 0-65. Hah. Zanzibar. a. 2 ad. sk. Do.r-es-Salaam (Sir J. Kirk). Shelley Coll. 4. Campothera punctata. Picus nubieus, Licld. (nee Gm.) Verz. Doubl. p. 11 (1823). Picus puuctatus, Valenc. Diet. 8c. Nat. xl. p. 171 (1826) ; ies.s. Traite, i. p. 219 (1831) ; Riipp. Neue Wirb., Vog. 1835-1840, p. 90 ; Pucker. Rev. et Mag, Zool. 1852, p. 478 ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 67 (1866). Picus punctuligerus, Wagl. Syst. Av. Picus, sp. 36 (1827) ; id. Isis, 1829, p. 512. Picus purctulatus, Drap. Diet. Class. Hist. Nat. xiii. p. 505 (1828). Dendi'omus puuctatus, Swains. B. W. Afr. ii. p. 163 (] 837). 0. CAMPOTHEEA. 97 Campetliera piinctuligera, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 439 (1846) ; Heichenh. Scans. Picime, p. 4^3, pi. dclxxiii. figs. 4455, 4456 (1854) ; Cass. Froc. Acad. Philad. 1803, p. 327; Oust. Nouv. Arch. 1879, p. 150. Dendrobates punctuligeius, Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 123 (1850) ; Hartl. J.f. 0. 1854, p. 198. Dendromus punctuligerus, Bjh Consp. Valuer. Zyqod. p. 9 (1854) : Hartl. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 180 (1857). Chiysopicus puuctiiligerus, Malh. Picidce, ii. p. 164, pi. xcii. figs. 4- 6 (1862). Ipagrus pimctatiis, Cab. Sj- Heine, Mas. Hein. iv. p. 124 (1863). Campetliera puuctata, Gray, List Picid. Brit. Miis. p. 82 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 193, no. 8699 (1870) ; Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 17 (1871) ; id. Ibis, 1872, p. 68. Campotliera punctata, Sahin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 394 (1882) ; Hargitt, Ibis, 1883, p. 463. Adult male. Back, scapulars, and wing-coverts yello-svish olive, with longitudinal yellow spots, and also spots of dusky olive ; rump and ujjper tail-coverts olive barred with yellow, the latter washed with golden ; quills dusky brown, the outer webs, except the tips of the primaries, golden olive spotted with yellow, the inner webs spotted with white ; shafts yellow ; tail olive-brown barred with golden buff, the tips of the feathers as weU as the shafts golden yellow ; forehead, crown, occiput, nape, and malar stripe crimson ; nasal plumes, lores, and sides of the face and neck white tinged with yellowish, the car-coverts finely striated with black and having a grey appearance, the side of the neck spotted with black ; chin and throat huffy white, the under surface of the body and under tail-coverts yellow, the lower breast, abdomen, and vent almost entirely uniform, the remainder, including the chin and throat, covered with minute black spots ; under wing-coverts and axiUaries buffy white or yellowish spotted with black. Total length 8 inches, culmen 1-15, wing 4-5, tail 2-25, tarsus 0*9 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'67, outer posterior 0*6, inner anterior 0-47, inner posterior 0"3. Adult female. Has the forehead and crown black striped with white. In other respects it resembles the adult male. Total length 8 inches, culmen 1-1, wing 4-5, tail 2-6, tarsus 0-9. A young bird (sex ?) in the Shelley collection has the forehead and crown uniform dusky black, the occipital band crimson ; upper parts less yellowish olive, and underparts whiter. Hab. From the Gold Coast, into Senegal on the west, and ex- tending east to the River Niger. a. 5 ad. sk. Senegal. Tweeddale Coll. b. 2 ad. sk. Gambia. Tweeddale CoU. c. d. S ? ad. sk. Gambia. Sharpe Coll. e. 2 ad. sk. Gambia. Universit}^ College. /. 2 ad. sk. River Gambia. Shelley CoU. g. 2 imra. sk. E,. Niger {Dr. Baikie). Tweeddale Coll. h. 2 ad. sk. Casamanze. Sharpe Coll. i. S ad. sk. Bissao. Sharpe Coll. k. S ad. sk. Fantee {H. T. Usshcr). Shai-pe CoU. /. Juv. sk. Accra, April (/. Smith). Shelley Coll. VOL. XVIII. H 98 piciD^. 5. Campothera balia. Picus puuctuligerus (non Jfat/L), Cab. J. f. O. 1864, p. 25i3 ; Fhisch ^- Hartl. Voii. Ostafr. Scans, p. 511, note (1870). ricus balius, Ifeuffl. Orn. N. O.-Afr. p. 810 (1871). Campothera cailliaudi (pt.), Hargitt, Ibis, 1883, p. 4-55. Campotliera balia, Shaiye, Journ. Linn. Soc. xvii. p. 431 (1884). Adult female. Above, including scapulars and wing-coverts, olive minutely spotted M'ith yeUow ; rump and upper tail-coverts olive barred with yellowish ; quills dusky brown, the outer webs of the secondaries and of the primaries at their base olive, the outer webs of the quills spotted with brownish or dull fulvescent white, the inner webs having whiter spots ; shafts brownish yellow ; tail brownish black, barred with umber-brown and washed with golden olive ; shafts golden yellow ; forehead and crown black spotted with white, the occiput and nape crimson : nasal plumes, lores, and sides of the face and neck huffy white, behind the eye a dusky black stripe, and the malar region as well as the side of the neck closely spotted with black ; chin and throat buffy white, sparingly and minutely spotted with black ; under surface of the body (except the abdomen which is nearly uniform) and under tail-coverts yellowish white spotted with black ; under wing-coverts and axillaries more or less buffy white spotted with black. Total length 8 inches, culmcn 0"9, wing 4-3, tail 2-35, tarsus 0-8 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0"57, outer posterior 0'53, inner anterior 0"4, inner posterior 0"25. Adult male. I have never seen the male of this species, but, according to Heugliu, it has the top of the head and the malar stripe red. Hah. North-east Africa, extending into the Niam Niam Country. a. 5ad.sk. Semmio, Niam Niam Country, F. Bohndorfi'[C.]. Jan. 1883. 6. Campothera abingdoni. Chrysoptilus abingoni, Smith, Rep, S. Afr. Exped., App. p. 53 (1836). Dendromus chrysurus, Sioains. B. W. Afr. ii. ]). 158 (1837) ; Hartl. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 181 (1857) ; id. J.f. O. 1861, p. 264. Campetliera chrysura, Grai/, Gen. B. ii. p. 439 (1846) ; Reichenb. Scans. Picince, ]). 424, pi. dclxxiii. iigs. 4457, 4458 (1854) ; Gurncy, Ibis, 1860, p. 213 ; Layard, B. S. Afr. p. 238 (1867) ; Gray, List Ticid. Brit. 3fus. p. 81 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 192, no. 8694 (1870) ; Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 17 (1871) ; Dubois, Bull. Mus. Roy, cVHist. Nat. Belg. 1886, p. 147. Dendrobates chrysurus, Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 123 (1850) ; Hartl. J.f. 0. 1854, p. 199. Chrysopicus chrysurus, Malh. Picidce, ii. p. 153, pi. xciv. figs. 4, 5 (1862). Dendromus smithii, Gurney {non Malh.'), Ibis, 1862, p. 37 ; id, torn, cit. p. 157. Ipagi'us chrjsurus. Cab. ^ Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 128 (1863). 6. CAMPOTHEEA. 99 Campetliera chr\'Siu'a, var. lineata, Cass. Proc. Acad. Philud. 1863, p. 327 ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 81 (1868). Picus cbrjsurus, Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 64 (1866). Campetliera abingtoni, Sharpe, ed. Layard's B. S. Afr, p. 182 (1875) ; id. in Oates's Matabele Land, App. p. -306 (1881). Campothera abiugoni, Hargitt, Lbis, 1883, p. 471. Campotbera cbrysura, Hartl. Zool. Jahrb. Zeitschr. Syst. yes. Biol. Thiere, 1887, p. 307. Campotbera abingtoni, Ayres, Ibis, 1887, p. 53. Adult male. Back, scapulars, and wing-coverts olivo spotted with yellowish white, sometimes transversely varied with the same ; rump and upper tail-coverts olive barred with pale yellow; quills blackish brown, the outer webs of the secondaries and of the pri- maries at the base olive, and the webs spotted with yellowish, the inner webs spotted with pure white, the inner secondaries barred with white at the tip ; shafts clear brown ; tail blackish brown barred with buffy brown, the central feathers washed with olive ; shafts yellow; nasal plumes black; forehead, crown, occiput, nape, and malar stripe crimson : sides of the face and neck white, the former striped and varied with black, especially above and behind the eye, the latter spotted with black ; chin and throat white with longitudinal black spots ; under surface of the body yellowish white, the chest and breast broadly striped with black, the stripes con- tracted in the middle, the abdomen witli longitudinal but more spot-like markings, and the flanks and thighs transversely spotted with black ; under tail-coverts yellowish white, with heart-shaped or transverse black spots ; under wing-coverts and axiUaries yellow- ish white spotted with black ; underside of quill-shafts and of tail- shafts golden yellow. Total length 7'S inches, culmen 1-05, wing 4'4, tail 2-35, tarsus 0-73 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-65, outer posterior 0-65, inner anterior 0-44, inner posterior 0*27. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the forehead and crown black spotted with yellowish white, the occiput alone being scarlet ; the malar region white striped with black : " bill horn-colour, paler on the lower mandible ; iris brown ; tarsus yellowish olive " {G. E. Shelley). Total length 7"S inches, culmen 1-05, wing 4-3, tail 2-35, tarsus 0"8. Young female. Is more dusky above than the adult and has the spots whiter ; the top of the head brownish dusky, the forehead and outer edge of the crown being minutely speckled with white, the nuchal feathers orange-scarlet. Hah. Natal, Zulu Land, and Swazi Land. South Africa. Purchased. South Africa. Purchased. Natal. T. Aj-res [C.]. Pinetown, Natal, May {T. SbeUey Coll. L. Ayres). Pinetown, Jan. 6 {Ayres). H. Seebohm, Esq. [P.]. Dm'ban (Gordye). Shellev Coll. Durban, April (G. E. S.). SheUey CoU. Newcastle (Reid). Sheiley Coll. u2 a. b. c. d. 2 ad. St. 2 ad. sk. 2 ad. sk. (S ad. sk. e. .f, ft, k. cf ad. sk. y. 2 ad. sk. i. (S 2 ad. sk. d ad. sk. 100 PICIDiE. /. $ ad. sk. Swazl Laud. S. Cuthbert, Esq. [P.]. m. d' ad. ; 2 Zulu Land, July (Gonlf/e). Shelley Coll. imni sk. n. S ad. sk. Riyer Loge, Angola (J. J, Sliarpe Coll. Monteiro). 0. S ad. sk. [Gambia.] University College. Subsp. a. Campothera mombassica. Picus abingoni (non Smith), Fisch. S,- Reichen. J. f. O, 1878, p. 250; JBd/im, J.f. O. 1883, p. 168. Campothera chrysurus {non Swai7is.), Gurney, Ibis, 1881, p. 128. ? Picus (Campothera) abingoni, Fisch. in Madardsz, Zeitsch. gesamm. Orn. 1884, p. 369. Picus (Campothera) mombassicus, Fisch. Sf Reichen. J. f. 0. 1884, p. 262. Adult female. Diflfers from the adult female of C . abingdoni in having the forehead and crown deep olive spotted with white ; the back with only a few small spots of yellow ; the rump narrowly barred with yellow ; the upper tail-coverts with almost obsolete barring, and the striations on the chest broader. Total length 7"3 inches, culmen 0-95, wing 4-25, tail 2*4, tarsus 0-75 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-58, outer posterior 0'62, inner anterior 0-43, inner posterior 0*3. Adult male. I have not had an opportunity of examining the male of this species, but from Pischer and Reichenow's diagnosis of it, as compared with C. ahingdoni, it would appear that the male of C, mombassica differs from the female in having the top of the head and the malar stripe red. The red on the crown is confined to the tips of the feathers, the remaining portion being brownish olive. The measurements, according to Fischer and Eeichenow, are as follows : — total length 7*0o inches, wing 4-1, tail 2 9, tarsus 0'7, culmen 0-85. Rab. Only known from Mombasa*. «. 2 ad. sk. Mombasa. Rev. F. A. Buxton [P.]. 7. Campothera smithii. Picus (Chrysoptilopicus) smithii, Malh. Rev. Zool. 1845, p. 403. Dendrobates abiugtoni {non Smith), Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 124 (1850) ; Bocage, Jorn. Sc. Lisb. no. iv. 1867, p. 336. Campethera abingtoni {non Smith), Strickl. S,- Sclat. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 156. Dendromus abingtoni {no7i Smith), Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zt/god. p. 9 (1854). Chrysopicus brucei, Malh. Picidce, ii. p. 170, pi. xciii. fig. 1 (1862). Ipagrus brucei. Cab. S,- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 125 (1863) ; Gurney, in Anderss. B. Damara Land, p. 221 (1872). * Picus {Campothera) abingoni, of Pischer (Madariisz, Zeitscb. gesamm. Orn, 1884, p. 369), from Gross Aruscha, is very probably referable to the pre- sent species. 6. CAMPOTHEEA. 101 Picus smithii, Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 65 (1866) Piciis brucei, Sundev. Consj). Av. Pwin. p. 66 (1866) Dendrobates brucei, Bocaf/e,Joni. Sc. Lhb. no. v. 1868, p'45- id no cit. no. xiT. 1873, p. 336 ; Sharps, P. Z. S. 1871, p. M ' ' ^' Lampethera smitliii. Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mhs.\>. 81 (1868)- id Hand-l. :^. I. P.J93, no. 8695 (1870) ; Sharpe, ed.Layard^s B. S. 0881 f *■ "'^^' ^'^- "* ^"^^*'* Matahele Land, App. p. 306 Campetbera brucei, Gray, List Picid. Brit. 3Ius. p. 81 (1868^ ■ id Hand-l. B ii. p. 193, no. 8696 (1870) ; Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B.l 17 ^939 ' ^°^''^'' ^'■"- ^"^- l^''^, p. 79; id. Jorn. Sc. 'Lish. 1880, Campetbera cbrysura {non Sivains.), Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1869 n 170 • Bocage, Orn. Any. 1877, p. 78. > f- ' " ? Dendi'obates striatus, Layard, His, 1871, p '>-'>7 Campotbera smitbii, Hargitf, Ibis, 1883, p. 467 j 5««a-. A^tes Leyd. Mils. 1889, p. 69. ■' ^f?»7i «,«7^. Differs from C. aUngdoni in having the upper parts transversely varied as well as spotted with yellowish ; the orbital region black, more or less spotted with white ; chin, throat and fore neck black, spotted with white ; the malar region also black the leathers being ti])ped with crimson ; ear-coverts and region immediately behind them uniform white; the underparts, in addi- tion to the black stnations, having numerous Y-shaped markino-s of black, and on the chest squamate markings, the latter being decid'edlv conspicuous and giving the chest a very black appearance ; shafts ot primaries yellow, those of the secondaries browner : " bill bluish brown ; iris pink wine-colour ; legs and toes greyish green " (An- dersson).^ Total length 7-8 inches, culmen 1-3, wing 4-75, tail 2-5 tarsus 0-So ; toes (without claws)— outer anterior 0-7, outer poste- rior 0-6, inner anterior 0-55, inner posterior 0-3. Adidt female. Has the forehead and crown black, spotted with white ; the malar region black with white spots. Otherwise it resembles the adult of the opposite sex. Total length 8 inches, culmen 1-2, wing 4-7, tail 2-55, tarsus 0-85. Bab. The Transvaal and the Matahele Country, west to Damara Land and north to Mossamedes and Angola, a. (S ad. St. b. c? ad. sk. e, d. c? imm. ; e. 2 imm. sk. /. c? ad. sk. g. $ imm. sk. A, i. 2 -ay, Gen. B. iii. App. p. 21 (1849) ; Reichenb. Scans. Picince, p. 427 (1854). Deudrobates variolosus, JS/j. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 123 (1850). 6. CAMPOTHERA. 103 Dendromus bennettii, JBp. Consp. Voliwr. Zygod. p. 9 (1854). Dendromus guttatus, Bi). Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 9 (1854). ? Picus abingtoni, Ch-ill, Zool. Anteckn. 1859, p. 44. Chrysopicus variolosus, Malh. Monogr. Picid. ii. p. 165, pi. xcv. figs. 1, 2 (1862). IpagTus bennetti, Cab. df Heme, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 123 (1863). Picas bennetti, Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 63, no. 186 (1866). C'ampethera bennetti, Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 17 (1871) ; Layard, Ibis, 1871, p. 227 ; Shmpe, ed. Layard's B. S. Afr. p. 181 (1875) ; Ayres, Ibis, 1879, p. 299 ; S/unpe, in Oafes's Matabele Land, App. p. 306 (1881) ; Ayres, Ibis, 1886, p. 291. Ipagrus variolosus, Gurney, in Anderss, B. Damara Land, p. 222 (1872). Campothera bennetti, Hargitt, Ibis, 1883, p. 456 ; Ayres, op. cit. 1887, p. 53. Adult male. Back, scapulars, and wing-coverts deep olive, barred with pale yellow ; rump and upper tail-coverts pale yellow, nar- rowly barred with deep olive ; quills nearly black, the outer webs of the secondaries and of the primaries at their base olive, the outer webs of the quills spotted with yellowish white, the inner webs having purer white spots, the innermost feathers barred right across ; shafts golden yellow ; tail rufous-brown, barred and tipped with black ; shafts yellow ; forehead, crown, and occiput crimson ; nape and hind neck brownish biack; nasal plumes bufiy white; lores and sides of the face and neck buffy white, the side of the neck covered with large black spots ; malar stripe crimson ; chin and throat uniform buffy white ; entire underparts and under tail- coverts yellowish or buffy white, and (except on the abdomen) entirely spotted with black ; under wing-coverts yellowish or buffy white spotted with black : " bill black ; iris red ; tarsus greyish " {T. E. BucMey). Total length 8'5 inches, culmen 1"15, wing 4"8, tail 2-6, tarsus 0-82 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0"65, outer posterior O'o3, inner anterior 0-5, inner posterior 0"27. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the forehead and crown black spotted with white ; the lores, orbital region, car- coverts, chin, and throat chestnut-brown ; the malar region and the remaining portion of the face white, the feathers having partially- exposed black bases. In other respects it resembles the male. Total length 8'3 inches, culmen I'Oo, wing 4'5, tail 2'35, tarsus 0'85. Hah. Natal and the Transvaal, through the Makalaka Country to the Zambesi and the Lake Ngami district. a,b. cJ 2 ad. sk. c,d.S^ ad. sk. e,f. S2 ad. sk. g. (S imm. sk. h. S ad. sk. i. 5 ad. sk. Cape Colony. Transvaal {Ayres). SwaziLand, Jidy (r. E. Buckley). Lake Ngami district ( C. J. Andersson). Makalaka {Dr. Bradshaiv). Makalaka Kraal, Sept. 7, 1874 {F. Oates). S. African Museum. Sharpe Coll. Shelley CoU. Sharpe CoU. Shelley Coll. C. G. & W. E. Oates [P.]. 104 Subsp. a. Campothera capricorni. Campetliera capricorni, Strickl. 8f Sclat. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 155 ; Jardinc, Mem. StricM. 1858, p. 344; Gray, List Pick!. Brit. Mns. p. 81 (1868) ; Keu'ton, Ibis, 1869, p. 323, pi. ix. ; Grmj, Hand-l. B. ii. p. 193, no. 8700 (1870) ; Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. 1871, p. 17 ; id. ed. Lai/ard's B. S.A/r. p. 180 (1875); Sousa, Jorn. Sc. Lisb. 1889, p. 121 : Dendromus capricorni, Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 9 (1854). Chrysopiciis capricorni, Malh. Picid(B, ii. p. 169 (1862). op. cit. V. 1868, p. 45. ' " ' Tpagrus capricorni, Gurney, in Anderss. B. Dam. Ld. p. 221 (1872). Campetliera bennetti, Bocage, Orn. Any. p. 80, no. 61 (1877) ; id. Jorn. Sc. Lisb. 1880, p. 232. Campothera capricorni, Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 394 (1882) ; Hargitt, Ibis, 1883, p. 458. Caiupotbera bennettii, Bi'dtik. Notes Leyd. Mus. 1889, p. 09 ; Sousa, Jorn. Sc. Lisb. 1889, p. 43. Adult female. Resembles tbe female of C. henndti, but differs in baviiig tbe rump and upper tail-coverts spotted instead of barred and also in baving the under surface of tbe body almost uniform yellow, witb only a few spots of black ou tbe sides of the chest and body, flanks, and thighs. Tliere is very much less black on the side of the neck in the present bird : " bill brown slate-colour : iris claret-coloured ; legs and toes lead-coloured " (Andei'sson). Total length 8-5 inches, culmen 1-15, wing 5-0, tail 3-2, tarsus 0-95 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0*7, outer posterior 0*63, inner anterior 0"55, inner posterior 0'35. Adult male. Differs from the adult female in baving the face, chin, and throat uniform white, tbe whole top of tbe head and a very large malar stripe being crimson. Total length 8'5 inches, culmen 1-15, wing 5'15, tail 2-7, tarsus 0-9. Hal). South-western Africa, from the Upper Cunene Region into Angola. a. (5 ad. sk. Omaubondi, Damara Laud (C. J. Tweeddale Coll. Ande?'sson). b. 2 ad. sk. River Cunene, Damara Land, June Sharpe Coll. 25, 1867 (C. J Andersson). c. $ ad. sk. Capangombe, Angola (Anchieta). Sharpe Coll. 10. Campothera maculosa. Picas niaculosus, Valenc. Diet. Sc. Nat. xl. 1826, p. 173 ( 5 ) ; Sun- dev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 62 (1866). Picus olivaceus, Gray, Zool. Misc. 1831, p. 18 (J). Dendromus brachyrhyuchus, Swains. B. W. Afr. ii. p. 160 (1837); id. Classif. B. ii. p. 307 (1837). Campethera brachyrbynchus. Gray, List Gen. 1841, p. 70, 6. CAMPOTHERA. 105 Picus (Chloropicos) rufoviridis, Malh. Rev. Zool. 1845, p. 401. Chloronei-pes rufoviridis, Graij, Gen. B. i. p. 443 (1845) ; Reichenh. Scans. Picin. 10 (1854). Chloropicus miniatus (pt.), Malh. Picidce, ii. p. 116, pi. Ixxvi. figs. 1, 2 (1862). Chrysophlegma miniata, Jerd. B. Tnd. i. p. 291 (1862) ; Hume, Str. F. 1873, p. 450 ; id. op. cit. 1874, p. 472. Venilia malaccensis, Sclat. P. Z. S. l8G3, p. 211 *. Chrvsophlegma malaccensis, StoUczka, J. A. S. B. 1870, p. 292 ; YVald. Ibis, 1871, p. 165; Hume, Str. F. 1875, p. 324. Callolophus malaccensis, Salvad. Ucc. Born. p. 50 (1874) ; Sharpe, * In this paper Dr. Sclater clearly points out the differences between this species aud its ally C. miniatvm. 8. CHRTSOPHLEGMA. 123 P. Z. S. 1875, p. 103 ; id. Ibis, 1876, p. 35 ; Ttceedd. op. cit. 1877, p. 289 ; Hume Sr Davison, Str. F. vi. pp. 140, 510 (1878) ; Hume, op. cit. 1879, p. 52 ; Sharpe, Ibis, 1879, p. 242 ; Salvad. Aim. Mus. Civ. Ge?iov.xiv. p. 182 (1879); Oates, B. Brit. Burm. ii. p. 47 (1883) ; Salvad. Ann. 3Ius. Civ. Star. Nat. Genov. 1887, p. 530. PicLis miniatus (pt.), Vigors, Mem. Raffl. p. 669 (1830) ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 59 (1806). Chrysophlegma malaccense, Hargitt, Ibis, 1886, p. 276 ; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 442. Adult male. Resembles C. miiiiatum, but may be distinguished by having the back olive, with irregular transverse or zigzag markings of yellow, and only a few spots or blotches of red ; the yellow nuchal crest not washed with red. Total length 10'25 inches, culmen 1-1, wing 4-8, tail 2-7, tarsus 0"9 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0"78, outer posterior 0-75, inner anterior 0"55, inner posterior 0'4. Youni/ male. Has the upper parts dusky green, the upper part of the back without any of the irregular transverse markings of yellow, the tips, only, of the feathers being of the latter colour ; the fore- head and crown dusky brown, the feathers having dusky tips; occipital crest dull red, and the nuchal crest pale yellow ; the face with faint dusky transverse markings, the side of the neck and the chest having these markings more pronounced, the chin and throat uniform. In other respects the coloration and markings resemble those of the adult, but the former is duller and the latter are fainter. Adult female. Eesembles the adult male, but has the forehead, face, chin, and throat spotted with bufly white, and the latter region with blackish brown : " legs and feet pale dirty green, claws horny green ; lower mandible bluish white, upper mandible horny black ; irides red : eyelids dark grey " ( W. Davison). Total length IQ-fi inches, culmen 1-1, wing 4'8, tail 2"6, tarsus 0"87. Nestling (sex ?). Resembles the young bird described, but has the feathers on the top of the head tipped with red : from the chin to the lower breast dingy brown, mottled with a lighter dingy rufous, the remaining underparts and the under tail-coverts dusky, with large, faint, and more or less triangular spots of dingy white or brownish white. It wants the reddish face of the adult male and the white spotted face of the adult female. ffab. Southern Tenasserim and throughout the Malayan Penin- sula ; also Sumatra, Bangka, and Borneo. a. J ad. sk. Tavoy, Tenasserim, Feb. 1879 Hume Coll. ( TV. Davi.<:on). b. S ad. sk. Mergui Islands, Dec. 7, 1874 Hume Coll. ( W. Davison). c. $ ad. sk. TenasserimTown, Nov. 26, 1874 Hume Coll. ( W. Davison). d. (J ad. sk. Bopyin, Dec. ( W. Davison). Hume Coll. e. Jad. ;/, ^, A. Bankasoon, March, May {W. Hume Coll. $ad.; i,k. cJ Davison). juv. sk. 124 piciD^. l,m,n.(^ad.;o, Malewoon, Jan., Feb. (IF. Hume Coll. p. 2 ad. sk. Daiuso?i). q, r. 2 ad. ; s, t. Kossoiiin, April, May, July Hume Coll. (5' 2 inim. sk. (/. Darling), u. S rt/-- Hume Coll. b',c'. 2 fid. sk. /j/?^). d'. 2 ad. sk. Terak Mts. L. Wray, Esq. [P.]. e'-h'. (^ ad. ; i'- Klang-, Salang'ore, March, April, Hume Cull. I'. 2 !id. ; m'. May {W. Dacison). (J juv. sk. «', o' . (S ad. ; /)'. Malacca (Dr. Maingay). Tweeddale Coll. Juv. sk. q',r',s'. 2ad.sk. MaLicca (Dc. Omtor). India ]Museum. t'. c? ad. sk. Malacca (i?. G. IF. Jl). Tweeddal.; Coll. m', 2)'. (5 2 '^d. sk. Malacca, Jan. 1879 {W. Davi- Hume Coll. son). M''-rt".c?ad. ; 6"- Malacca, Jan., July {W. Davi- Hume Coll. /". 2 ad. ; g", son). h." (S 2im™- ; i" . Juv. sk. A", /", m". cJad. ; Malacca, Aug. 1873 ( /?. G. Tweeddale Coll. n". 2 juv. sk. W. B.). o". cjad. ; ;;", q" . Nealys, Malacca, Oct. 1875 ( W. Hume Coll. (5' inim. ; r" . Davison). s"-6 2j'^'v.sk. t". 2 ad.'sk. Kurno, MnLicca, Nov. 1, 1874 Hume Coll. ( W. Diu'i.-on). u". S ad. sk. Jatfuria, Johore, March 20, 1880 Hume Coll. ( W. Davison), v", -lo", .v". cT ad. ; Gunnoiig Pulai, Johore, March, Hume Cell. g", z", a^. 2 iy\\j, A.\vg. {W. Davison). ad. sk. V", c^. S ad. ; (P. Johore, Aug. 1875 ( W. Davi- Hume Coll. cJ juv. sk. son), e^. 2' ad. sk. Singapore. Gould Coll. /', g\ S 2 ad. Sinirapore Island, Oct. 27, 1879 Hume Cull. sk. ( W. Davison). P. A ad. sk. Meklong, Siam. H. C. V. Himter, Esq. [P.]. «'■*. 2 ad. sk. Sumatra {Raffles). India Museum. k^. J ad. sk. Sumatra. Wallace Coll. P-r^. (5 ad. et Sumatra, Sept., Oct. {Carl Tweeddale Coll. juv. ; s^, t^, u^. Boch). 2 ad. sk. v', w^. S ad. sk. Lampong, S.E. Sumatra {E. C. Tweeddale Coll. Biut07l). x^, y'. S 2 i^iu- Borneo. Wallace Coll. sk. £3. ^ ad. sk. Borneo. Rajah Brooke [P.]. a'. Imni. sk. Borneo {H. Lvxd). Tweeddale Coll. bK 2 ad. ; e*. d" Labuan. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. imm. sk. [B.]- d*. S ad. sk. Sarawak {A. Everett). Tweeddale Coll. e*. 2 imm. sk. Banjermassing (/. Mottley). Tweeddale Coll. I 8. CHRYSOPHLEGMA. 125 3. Chrysophlegma mentale. Picus mentalis, Temm. Fl. Col. 384, S (1826). Picus oiilaris, Temm. MS. ; ^J Waff I. Syst. Av. Picus, sp. 89 (1827), uec J. Picas squamicollis* Less. Traite, i. p. 220 (1831). Gecinus mentalis (pi.), Grat/, Gen. B. ii. p. 4;-ii) (18J6), it iii. App. p. 21 (184U) ; id. List Picid. Brit. 3Ius. p. 77 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 192, no. 8686 (1870). Veuilia mentalis, Bp. Co/isp. Gen. Av. i. p. 128 (1850). Brachvlophus mentalis, Strichl. P. Z. 8. 1841, p. 31 ; Bp. Consp. Vufucr. Zyr/od. p. 10 (18o4). Veuilia sulHiis, Reichenb. Scans. Pici/iee, p. 3->8, no. 827, pi. dcxxviii. figs. 4180, 4181 (1854). Picus mentalis (pt.), Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. o8 (1866). Cliloropicus mentalis (pt.), Malh. Picidce, ii. p. 112, pi. Ixxv. figs. 4, 5 (1862). Chrysophlegma mentale, Harffitt, Ibis, 1886, p. 267. Adult male. Back, rump, upper tail-coverts, and scapulars olive ; ■vring-coverts, outer webs of secondaries and of inner primaries at their base bright indian-rcd, both webs of the quills, except the apical portion of the primaries, spotted with rufous, the innermost of the secondaries olive on their apical half or more ; shafts brown ; tail and the shafts black : nasal plumes duskj" brown ; forehead, crown, and occiput deep olive, some of the occipital feathers entirely or partially rufous ; nuchal crest lemon-yellow ; supercilium black- ish, with minute white sjiots ; face olive, the malar region, chin, and throat black, the exposed portion of the feathers having a white spot at the tip of each web, the lower feathers sometimes having the apical margin white instead of being spotted ; region between the ear-coverts and the occiput, side of the neck, hind and fore neck, and upper part of chest rufous, the entire under- parts and the under tail-coverts olive ; under wing-coverts rufous, barred with dusky olive, the axillaries olive. Total length 11 inches, culmen 1-5, wing 5-6, tail 4-2, tarsus 0-9 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'8, outer posterior 0"65, inner anterior 0-6, inner [■ posterior 0'35. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the super- cilium, the malar region, and the chin rufous. Total length 11 inches, culmen 1"45, wing 5"6, tail 4-2, tarsus 0'95. Yoitnr/, sexed female. Has no rufous stripe above the eye; the occipital feathers are more or less rufous and mostly tipped with dull red; malar region rufous, but with dusky transverse markings ; the throat-feathers more dusky and margined on the apical portion with greyish white, very few being spotted. Hab. Java. a,b. cJ 5 ad. sk. Java. Gould Coll. c, d. Skeletons. Java. Purchased. * I have recently examined, in the Paris Museum, the specimen which I believe served as the type of this species, and find it to b? tbe Javan C. mentale. and not tbe Mahiccan species as I supposed. The latter I have named C. hiimii. 126 4. Chrysophlegma humii. Picus gularis (nrm Temm. JliS.), $ Waffl. Syst. Av. Picus, sp. 89 (1827), nee S- Picus meutalis {non Temm.), Vig. Mem. Raffl. p. 668 (1830). Gecinus meutalis (pt.), Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 439 (1846), iii. App. p. 21 (1849) ; id. List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 77 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 192, no. 8686 (1870). Gecinus meutalis {non Temm.), Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. p. 59, no. 269 (1849); Wall. Ann. l^- May. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. xv. p. 96 (1855). • Picus meutalis (pt.), Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 58 (1866). Veuilia meutalis [non Temm.), Reiehenb. Scans. Picinee, p. 358, no. 827, pi. dcxxviii. tigs. 4178, 4179 (1854) ; Horsf. ^ Moore, Cat. B. Mm. E. 1. Co. p. 665, no. 970 (1856-58) ; Moore, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 456. Chrysophelgema mentalis (non Temm.), Jerd. B. Tnd. i. p. 291 (18621 ; Stoliczka, J. A. S. B. 1870, p. 292 ; Hume, Str. F. 1874, p. 472 ; Blyth ^ Wald. B. Burm. p. 76, no. 115 (1875). Chloropicus mentalis (pt.), Malh. Picidce, ii. p. 112, pi. Ixxv. figs. 4, 5 (1862). Callolophus mentalis {non Temm.), Salvad. Ucc. Born. p. 49 (1874) ; Sharpe, Ibis, 1877, p. 9 ; Hume Sf Davison, Str. F. vi. p. 138 (1878) ; Hume, op. cit. 1879, pp. 52, 87 ; Sharpe, Ibis, 1879, p. 242; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. xiv. p. 181 (1879) ; Oates, B. Brit. Burm. ii. p. 46 (1883) ; Guillemard, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 405. Chrysophlegma squamicolle {non Less.), Haryitt, Ibis, 1886, p. 269. Chrysophlegma humii, Hary. Ibis, 1889, p. 231. Adult male. Resembles C. mentale, but may be distinguished by its striped instead of spotted chin and throat, the feathers being deep black, margined (except at the tip) with white; the malar region is dusky brown (not black) and somewhat similarly spotted; nearly all the primaries have their outer webs entirely spotted with rufous ; the dimensions are considerably less. Total length 10-7 inches, culmen 1*4, wing 5'3, tail 3*7, tarsus 0-9; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-8, outer posterior 0"65, inner anterior 0-55, inner posterior 0*4. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the malar region and the chin rufous. It may be distinguished from the female of C. mentale (apart from its specific characters) by the absence of the rufous stripe from the nostril to the occiput. Total length 10-5 inches, culmen 1'4, wing 5 3, tail 3-7, tarsus 0-95. Youn;/. The female resembles the adult of the same sex, but has the striations on the white throat of a pale brownish dusky ; the green portion of the plumage duller, and the rufous portion paler; the ear-coverts pale brown, with the slightest tinge of green. I have not seen a very young male, but an immature bird has the white spotted dusky malar stripe varied with rufous, and it is very probable that the still younger male will be similar to the female. Hah. Southern Tenasserim, Malayan Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo. 8. CHllYSOPHLEGMA. 127 a. (^ ad. ; b, c, d. $ ad. sk. e. c? ad. ; f, y, h. 2 ad. sk. t. Juv. sk. k,l, m. (S ad.; n. 5 ad. sk. 0, p. c? $ ad. sk. y. 2 ad. sk. r. 5 ad. sk. s, t, u. cS ad. sk. v-z. c? ad. et imm. ; a'-d'. ? ad. sk. e'. othargee, Jan. 22, 1877 < W. Davison). Dec (jr. 18, 1874 Sept. Nov., 1876 1877 Capt. Stackhouse Piuwill [P.]. Hume Coll. Hume Coll, India Museum. Tweeddale Coll. Capt. Stackhouse PmwiU [P.]. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hodgson Coll. sflaviyula, Hodgson., Hodgson Coll. India Museum, Hume Coll. Hume Coll, Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Hume Coll. Tweeddale Coll, Hume Coll. Tweeddale Coll, Tweeddale Coll, Tweeddale ColL Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll, VOL. XVIII. K 130 PICTD.E. p". (S imm. sic. Sliwav -bat-Ohoiinp, Zaiiieo Hume Coll. River, March 17, 1878 (C. T. Bi/ir/Ziam). q". 2 ad. sk. Thoimcryali, Oct. 7, 1878 {J. Hume Coll. Darli/i(/). r", «". Bones of trunks. Old Coll. 6. Chrysophlegma pierrii. Chrj.soplilegma pierrui, Oitsfakf, Le Xaturaliste, 1889, pp. 44, 45. Adult female. Differs from tho female of C. JlavinucJia in the different colour and character of the feathers of the throat and fore neck. Instead of beins: olive-black at the tip and white on the basal portion as in C jlavimiclia, each feather is of a rather dull olive with a narrow rufous apical margin and a broad white basal margin forming a spot, the olive colour appearing as a broad stripe ; the sides of the neck and the chest are also paler and together with the feathers of the throat have a vinous shade of colour ; the top of the head is much more purple ; the upper mandible is entirely black, the lower mandible yellow at the base and having a blackish tip. Total length 13 inches, culmen 1-4, wing 6-15, tail 4-4, tarsus 007; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-96, outer posterior 1 '83, inner anterior 0*62, inner posterior 0-34. Male (immature?). Differs from the adult female in having the malar region and tho chin pale yellow ; the bill is entirely black, except at the angle of the lower mandible. Total length 13 inches, culmen 1-5, wing .5"95, tail 4, tarsus 1-03. It may be that this is the adult male of this species, which may differ from the male of C. jlavinncha in not having the yellow spread over the throat, but confined to the chin and malar region, and also in the colour being very much paler. Two other female examples have the bill black like the male, the angle of the lower mandible alone being yellow, thereby differing from the female described, which has the base of the lower mandible yellow. Hah. Cochin China. The 2 type of this species is from Lower Cochin China (Pierre) ; the c? from Mu-Xoai Mountains, Province of Baria, French Cochin China (Pierre). 7. Chrysophlegma wrayi. (Plate II.) Chrysophlegma wrayi, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 279. Female (type of species'). Resembles the female of C flavinucJia, but differs in having the feathers of the throat pure black margined (except at the tip) with white, the black expanding about midway ; the bill black, yellowish at the angle of the lower mandible ; the rufous bars on the wings about eqiial in width to the black inter- spaces ; the dimensions considerably less, and the general coloration darker, especially on the face, this being less olive : " irides red- 8. CHRTSOPHLEGMA. 131 brown ; feet and legs ash -colour ; bill black above, grey beneath and at angle" (Wraij). Total length 10-5 inches, culmen 1-28, wing 5-6, tail 4, tarsus 0"93 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-85, outer posterior 0-78, inner anterior 0-Q5, inner posterior 0-35. The male of the present species is unknown. Only one specimen (a female) was obtained by Mr. L. Wray. Uab. The Mountains of Perak, Malay Peniusula (Gunong Batu Patch, from 3400 to 4000 feet). a. $ ad. sk. Mountains of Perak, Malay L. Wray, Esq. [P.]. Peninsula. (Type of species.) 8. Chrysophlegma mystacale. Chrysophlegma mvstaealis, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. xiv. p. 182 (1879) ; Wardlaiv-Ramsmj, P. Z. S. 1880, p. 16 ; Nicholson, Ibis, 1888, p. 242. Chrysophlegma mystacale, liargitt, Ibis, 1886, p. 265. Adult male. Entire upper parts, including upper taU-coverts, wing-coverts, outer webs and tips of inner webs of innermost secondaries, also the top of the head and the occiput golden olive, the forehead and outer edge of the crown slightly rufous ; nuchal crest yellow ; nasal plumes, sides of the face and neck, the whole underparts below the throat, and the under tail-coverts uniform olive, the chin and throat olive-black, the former varied with rufous, and the malar stripe yellow ; quills brownish black, the outer webs of the outer secondaries and of the inner primaries at the base dull red margined with golden olive, the outer webs of the primaries and the inner webs of all the quills (except the innermost of all, which are only margined with rufous at the base) barred with rufous ; shafts brownish black ; tail and the shafts black, wing-lining black barred with pale rufous, the edge of the wing and the axillaries olive : " irides reddish brown, bill very pale blue, legs and feet bluish green" {H. 0. Forhes). Total length 11-5 inches, culmen 1*5, wing 5"6, tail 4*6, tarsus I'Oo ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'82, outer posterior 0"8, inner anterior 0*6, inner posterior 0-38. Adult female. Resembles the adult male, but has a rufous malar stripe. Total length 11 inches, cuLmen 1-25, wing 5-4, tail 4-25, tarsus 1. Hah. Confined to the Island of Sumatra. a-d. c? ad.; e-h. 5 ad.sk. ^uva&txo, {Carl Bock). Tweeddale ColJ. «. (S ad. sk. Sumatra. Von Faber [C.j. k2 132 9 GAUROPICOIDES. Type. Gauropicoides, Malh. Intruil. Monoi/r. rkid. liii. (lS61) . . G. rafflesi. Tail of Gauropicoides rofflesi, i. Range. South Tenasserim, Malayan Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo. 1. Gauropicoides raflQesi. Picus rafflesii, Vig. Rnffl. Mem., App. p. 669 (1831) ; Strickl. P. Z. S. 1816, p. 103 ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 57 (1866). Tiga rafflesii, Blijth, J. A. S. B. 1846, p. 16; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 441 (1846) ; Blyth, Cat. B. 3Ius. As. Soc. p. 57 (1849) ; Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 120 (1850) ; Reichenb. Scans. Piain<84). Adult male. Upper parts and wing-coverts uniform golden olive, the feathers of the rump slightly tipped with reddish orange ; the upper tail-coverts almost entirelj- black ; quills black, the outer webs of the secondaries and both webs of the innermost golden olive, the inner webs of the quills with a few intermarginal spots of pure white, the shafts black ; tail and the shafts black, the outermost feather about an inch and three quarters in length ; nasal plumes brown ; the whole of the top of the head and the crest scarlet ; lores reddish brown; malar region, chin, and throat golden buff, the malar region tinged with red anteriorly ; sides of the face and neck black, traversed by two white stripes, the hind neck black ; entire underparts deep olive, the sides of the body, flanks, and thighs spotted with white ; under tail-coverts brown, tipped with olive ; under wing- coverts and axillaries olive-black, the former spotted, the latter barred with white. Total length 1U"5 inches, ctdmen l-'67, wing 5'75, tail 4'3, tarsus 1 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'7, inner anterior U'4S, posterior O'oo. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in ha-\ang the top of the head and the entire crest black ; the base of the forehead and lores orange-brown ; the malar region, chin, and throat rufescent buff, with only a faint golden tinge ; the fore neck shading into the olive-brown of the underparts. Total length 10-5 inches, culmen 1-3, wing 5-7, tail 4"55, tarsus 0*9.5. The young have the undeqjarts dusky, with a slight olive tinge ; the chin, throat, and fore neck smoky or brownish white, or dusky buffy white. A very young male has the top of the head dusky black, the posterior feathers tipped with red, the occiput and nape being scarlet ; the occipital crest is very long. Females with the throat and fore neck as above (dingy), consequently immature, have no red on the head. I have never yet seen a female nestling. tSumatran examples are dull in colour, and Boruean specimens are remarkably small. Hah. Tenasserim, south of Myawadee ; Malayan Peninsula to Singapore ; Sumatra ; Jiorneo. a. S ad. sk. Thenganee Sakan, Myawadee, Hume CoU. Jan. 17, 1877 ( W. Davison). b-g. (S ad.; h-l. $ Bankasoon, Dec, Feb., April, Hume Coll. ad. et juv. sk. May ( W. Davison). nt. 2 ad. ; n. $ Malewoou, April 8, 1877 ( IV. Hume Coll. juv. sk. Davison). o,p. 6 2 ad. ; q. Klang, Feb. 1880 ( W. Damson). Hume Coll. S juv. sk. r, s. 6 ad. sk. Malacca, Jan. ( W. Davison). Hume Coll. t,u (Sad.; v,w. Malacca, Jan., July (W. Hume Coll. $ ad. .-ik. Davison). X. J ad. sk. Malacca. Wallace Coll. 134 y,2,a'. 2 ad.etimm.; b'. S ad. sk. c', f/'. 81 {A. O. H.). * An undoubted specimen from this country, collected by Dr. Harniand, is in the Paris Museum. 13(i 2. Gecinulus viridis. Gecimilus viridis, Blyth, J. A. S. B. 18G2, p. 341 ; Elwei^, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 661 ; Ili'tmc, Str. F. 1874, p. 472 ; id. ^ Oates, ap. cit. 1875, pp. 14, 71 ; Bhith ^- Wald. B. Bnnn. p. 77 (1875) ; mime, Str. F. 1877, p. 113"; id. .y Davison, op. cit. vi. p. 144 (1878); Hume, op. cit. 188U, p. 112 ; Bimjlt. t. c. p. UU ; Oates, op. cit. x. p. 191 (1882) ; id. B. Brit. Bunn. ii. p. 41 (1883). Geciuiscus viridis, Cab. c^ Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 174 (1863). Picas scotoclilorus, Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 48 (18G6). Tiga viridis, Gtvi/, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 99 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 197, no. 8757 (1870). Adult male. General colour green, the face and sides of the nock yellower ; the feathers of the crown and the crest scarlet on their apical portion, and those of the rump margined with dull red at the tip ; quills (except the outer webs of the secondaries and base of inner primaries) dusky brown, the inner webs with rounded spots of white, and the shafts brown ; tail-feathers blackish brown, ex- ternally olive at the base, the basal portion of the inner webs spotted with white ; shafts brown, with blade tips ; under wing-coverts olive dusky with large white spots. Total length 8-7 inches, cul- men 1-1, wing 5-2, tail 3-45, tarsus 1-05; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-58, inner anterior 0*45, posterior 0'55. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the crown, occiput, and nape yellowish green. Total length 8'5 inches, culmen 1, wing 4-9, tail 3-3, tarsus 1-05. Hah. Pegu, Teuasserim, and the Malayan Peninsula south to Kossoum. «. S ad. .sk. b. S ad. sk. c. S ad. sk. , ([. $ ad. ; /■, «. d" ad. et iium, sk. t. $ ad. sk. M, y. d 2 ad. sk. Tonghoo Hills, March 10, 1874 {R. G. W. P.). Tonghoo, April 8, 1874 {P. G. W. P.). E. Pegu Hills, April 21, 1873 {E. W. Oates). Kyouk-nyat, Jan. 1874 ( W. Davison). Dargwin, Jan. 10, 1874 ( W. Davison). Pahpoon, Dec, Jan., Feb. ( JF. Davison). Head-waters of the Thoungyeen, Sept. 24, 1877 (C. T. Bimjham). Assoon, March 2, 1877 {W. Limbory). Assoon, March 3, 1877 (JF. Davison). Meetan, Feb. 12, 1877 {W. Davison). Yea, March, April, 1874 {W. Davison). Meeta Myo, April 30, 1874 ( W. Davisoot). Piibyin,Nov. 1874 ( W. Davison). Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll, Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume CoU. Hume Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Huuie Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume CuU, i 11. ASYNDESMrS. 137 «'. 2 «cl- sk. Takchan Creek, Feb. 8, 1874 Hume Coll. ( Tf. Davis(m). .1: (S ad. sk. Thounoyali, Nov. 19, 1878 (J. Hume Coll. Dar/mff) . y. 2 iiiim. sk. Kossoum, July 22, 1879 (/. Hume Coll. Darlinff). 11. ASYNDESMUS. Type. Asyudesmus, Cmes, Proc. Acad, ridlad. 18GG, p. 66. A. torquatus. a b a. Bociy-feather of Asyndesmus torquatus (enlarged). b. Body-feather of Dendrocopus major (enlarged). Range. Western Tnited States from the Black Hills and the Eocky MountaiDS, north to the southern part of Kritish Cohimbia and the Bow Eiver about 61'^ X. lat., south into Arizona and west- ern Texas. 1. Asyndesmus torquatus. ricus torquatus, Wils. Am. Om. iii. p. 31 , pi. xx. fig-. ','> (1811) ; Vietll. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxvi. p. 80 (1818) ; id. ^- Bonn. Enc. Meth. iii. p. 1310 (1823) ; Valenc. Diet. 8c. Nat. xl. p. 177 (1826) ; Wayl. Syst. Av. Picus, sp. 82 (1827) ; Dvap. Diet, Class, xiii. p. 497 (i828); Bp. Syn. Bds. II. S. 1828, p. 46; Nidt. Man. Om. i. p. 577 (1832) ; And. B. Amer. pi. ccccxvi figs. 7 J r.d., 8 $ (1835- 38) ; id. Om. Biuyr. v. p. 170 (1839) ; id. Syn. 1839, p. 184 ; id. B. Awe): 8vo, iv. p. 280, pi. cclxxii. figs. 1, 2 (1842) ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 51 (1800). Picus montanus, Ordiu Guthrie s Geoyr. Am. 2nd ed. 1815, ii. p. 310. jyielanerpes torquatus, Jard. ed. Tt^ils. Amer. Om. i. p. 321, pi. xx fig-. 3 (1832); Simins. Classif. B. ii. y>. SlO (1837); Bp. Camp List B. Eur. Sf N. Amer. p. 40, no. 263 (1838) ; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 444 (1840); Gamb. Jcurn. Acad. Philad. 1847, p. 56 ; Bp. Consp. Geti. Av.i.-^. 115 (1850); Heerm. Journ. Acad. Philad. 1853, p. 270; Beichtnb. Scans. Picince, p. .381, no. 881, pi. dcxlii. tigs. 4282-83 (1854) ; Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zyr/od. p. 10, no. 206 (1854); Newb. P. R. R. ^ep. vi. p. 90 (1857)"; Sclat. P. Z. S. 138 nt'iD.E. 1858, p. 2 ; Baird, B. Amei: 1858, p. 115 ; Cass. U. S. Rrpl. Exped. 1858, p. 242 ; Heerm. P. R. R. Rep. x. 185!), pt. vi. p. 58 ; Cooj^. ^ Suck/. iV. H. Wash. Ter. 1860, p. 1(51 ; Blakist. Ibis, 1802, p. 3, 18(!8, p. 53 ; Cvues, op. cif. 18135, p. I(i2 ; (h-aif, List Picid. Brit. Mux. p. lin (18(;8) ; id. lland-l. B. ii. p. 20l', no. 8818 (1870) ; Coop. B. Calif, ed. Baird, 1870, p. 400 (head, figd.) ; Aike7i, Pruc. Bost. Sor. 1872, p. 207 ; B. B. Sf R. Hist. N. Amer. B. ii. p. 501, pi. liv. fig. 5 S (1874); Hensh. U. S. Geogr. Surv. W. of 100th Merid. p. 397 (1875) ; Ridr/w. U. S. Geol. Evpl. 40th Par., Orn. p. 553 (1877) ; Beld. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mas. i. pp. 3U1, 430 (1878) ; Ridr/ir. op. cit. 1880, p. 189, no. 370 ; Drew, Auk, 1885, p. 17; Scott, op. cit. 1880, p. 427; A.O. U. Check-List, 1880, p. 210, no. 408 ; Lloyd, Auk, 1887, p. 191 ; Ridyw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 291 (18S7). Melampicostorqiiatus, J/rt/A. i\'. Classif., Mem. Acad, ilfefc, 1848-49, p. 305. INIelampicus torquatus, Malh. Picidte, ii. p. 214, pi. xcvi. figs. 1-5 (18(;2). Asvndesmus torquatus, Coues, Proc. Acad.Philad. 1800, p. 50; id. Keij N. Amer. B. p. 197 (1872) ; id. B. N. West, p. 291 (1874) ; id. Bull. U. S. Geol. Sure. 1878, iv. no. 3, p. 017 ; id. Check-Lkt N. Amer. B. p. 79, no. 450 (1882); id. Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 490, no. 456, figs. 342, 343 (1884). ' Adult male. Entire upper parts, wings, and tail dark bronze green, tinged with steel-bhie ; shafts of quills and of rectrices black; nasal plumes black ; forehead, lores, around the eye, including fore ]>art of car-coverts, malar region, and chin, crimson; crown, occiput, and nape, also posterior half of face and of ear-coverts, dark bronze green ; side of the neck, fore neck, and chest, also a broad collar round the hind neck, hoary white, the feathers having a hair-like appear- ance, the neck and chest with a slight rosy tinge ; the feathers form- ing the collar on the hind neck having the middle portion deep black, those of the chest crossed by a narrow brownish-red band ; underparts deep rose-red, inclining to crimson, varied with hoary white, especi:illy on the breast, the white of the feathers having a liair-like character, bases of the feathers dusky black ; under tail- '■overts, also the under wing-coverts and axillaries, dark bronze green. Total length 9-5 inches, culmen 1-3, wing 6'65, tail 3-3, tarsus 1 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0"7i!, outer posterior 0'72, inner anterior 0"6, inner posterior 0"35. Adah female. Kesemblcs the adult male. Total length 9-5 inches, culmen 1-37, wing 6-4, tail 3"45, tarsus 1. Voniir/. Differ from the adult in being duller and more dusky brown on the head and neck, the former being only slightly red anteriorly, with no trace of a white collar round the hind neck ; the whole of the under surface of the bodj' smoky brown, the feathers of the breast margined with dull white, the abdomen brick-red. Hah. Western United States from the Black Hills and the Kocky ^fountains to the Pacific, extending north to Bow lliver and South- ern part of British Columbia, about 51° N. lat., and south into Ari- zona and Western Texas. 12. MELANERPES. 139 a, b. Ad. St. West side of Rocky Mts. e, <1. (S 2 iid. sk. British Columliia. e. Ad. sk. British Columbia. f)ff- d 2 fid. sk. Fort Klamath, Oregon, May, Salvin-Godman Coll. July (C. Bendin; Hensh. Coll. ). h. (S ad. sk. Umatilla Agency, Oregon, Aug. Salyin-Godman Coll. (Hemh. Coll. ). I. (5 ad. sk. North Fork of .Snake Biyer, Salyiu-Godman Coll. Idaho, July {Hart Merruim, Hensh. Coll.). k. (S ad. sk. Red Bluff, N. California, April Salyin-Godman Coll. ( C. H. Toicnsend, Hensh. Coll.). I. 5 £1^1- sk. Redwood, California, April Salvin-Godman Coll. {Hensh. Coll.). m. Ad. sk. Nevada, Cal., Oct. {Hensh. Salvin-Godman CoU. Coll.). n, 0. c? ad. sk. Walker's Basin, Cal., Aug. Salvin-Godman Coll. Nov. {H. Wheeler, Hensh. Coll.). Pt 1- c? $ iid. sk. Grayson, Cal., March [Bri/'int, Salyin-Godman Coll. Hensh. Coll.). r, s. (S ad. ; t. 2 Jolon, Cal., Oct. {Hensh. CoU.) Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. sk. u. 5 ad. sk. Fort Crook, Cal. {J. Feilner). Salvin-Godman Coll. V. cj ad. sk. Fort Crook (J". i^cZ/rt*';-). Sclater Coll. w. ^ ad. sk. Cloverdale, Cal., April {Hensh. Salvin-Godman Coll. Coll.). .r. Juv. sk. California. Sclater Coll. y. Juv. sic. California. Sir. E. Belcher [P.]. z. a', cj' iuim. sk. Tucson, Arizona, Sept., Oct. Salvin-Godman Coll. {Hensh. Coll.). b\ c'. cJ ad. ; d'. Colorado Springs, Colorado, Salvin-Godman Coll. 5 juv. sk. May, Aug. {Hensh. Coll.). 12. MELANERPES. IMelanerpes, Swains. Classif. B. ii. p. 310 (1837) M. erythrocephalus. Ceuturus, Swains. Classif. B. ii. p. 310 (lb37) . M. carnlinus. Leuconerpes, Swains. Classif. B. ii. p. 310 ( 1837 ). M. candidus. Tripsurus, Sicuins. Classif. B. ii. p. 311 (^1837). M. tlavifrons. Zebrapicus, Malh. Mem. Acad. Metz, 1848-49, p. 360 M. carolinus. Melampicos, Malh. Mem. Acad. Metz, 1848-49, p. 303 M. crueutatuj. Trichopicus, Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zygod. no. 37 (18r)4) M. cactoruni. Linnseipicus, Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zyyod. no. 2:25 (1854) M. herrainieri. Phymatoblepharus, Beichenb. Scans. Ficiufe, p. 379 (1854) M. candidus. Meropicus, Malh. Introd. Monoyr. I'icid. p. liii (1801) M. cruentatus. Columbipicus, Malh. Introd. Monnyr. Pivid. p. liii (1801) M. candidus. 140 Cactocraugus, Cab. Sf Heine, Mas. Jlein. iv. T.\pe. \. 7'2 (IStJoj ^I. cactonim. Range. United States and Canada to about 50- N. lat. ; through Central and South America into the Argentine Republic and Uruguay ; also in several of the West Indian islands. Key to the Sj^eoies. A. Back uniform black glossed with bluish or greenish ; rump and upper tail-coverts white. a'. With yellow on throat or uuderparts, but no red. a". Under parts uniform. [pp. 14C), 147. a'". Head and neck crimson ; sexes alike, enjthrocephahis (J 2*id., b'". Head and neck white. [p. 148. a*. With yellow nuchal band candidits c? ad., 6*. W^ith no yellow band on nape. . . , candidus 5 ad., b". Uuderparts not uniform. [p. 149. c". With no black on chin or throat ; sides of face and neck white ; with [p. l-'5o. black malar stripe xaiUJtolari/n.v (^ ad., d'". With black on chin and throat ; upper half of face and posterior half of neck black. c*. Black chest striped with white. a\ White frontal band and black crown-band together in 2 M.fwmicivonis and ^ M.Jiavi- ffuia greater in width (longi- tudinally) than red occipital b.md. «". Width of red occipital baud considerably broader than white frontal band : middle of breast and abdomen more or less uniform. «■'. Crown, occiput, and nape [p. 140. crimson formivirorus (J nA., h'. Red on head confined to the hinder part j)f the [p. 150. crown, occiput, and nape . . fonnicivorus $ ad., h'K Width of red occipital band not broader than white frontal band ; entire uuder- parts striated, c'. Crown black, occipital band (only) red JlavignlacJ a,A., p. 154. d/. With no red on the head. . flai-if/tda^s-d-, p. 154. ¥'. White frontal band and black crown-band together in $ less in width (longitudinally) than the red occipital band. [P- l^-S. Crown and occiput crimson . . angustifrons cT ad., 12. MEI.ANEKPES. 141 d^. Red on bead couHued to hinder [p. 154. part of crowu and occiput . . angustifrons $ ad., f/*. With uniform broad black baud across the chest. [p. 152. c'. Cro'WTi and occiput crimson .... melanojwgon (^ ad., cP. Crown crossed by a broad blacli [p. 152. band, the occiput (only) crimson, mehnopogon $ ad., h' . With more or less red on underparts, and no yellow. c". Middle of the breast and abdomen crimson ; sides of the body barred black and white. e'". With white superciliary stripe and yellow nuchal band, e*. With red patch on fore part of crown cvKentatus c? ad., p. 156. f^. With no red on crown cnie/dattis 5 ad., p. 157. f". With no white superciliary stripe, and with no yellow nuchal band. (/*. With red spot on fore part of crown rnbrifronSfJ ad., p. 158. h*. With no red on crown ?'m^;(/)-o«s J ad., p. 158. d". Chin, throat, and underparts almost entirely crimson, the sides of the body [p. 159. uniform brown ; sexes alike portoricfmis cS 5 ad., B. Back black, with a broad median stripe of white or pale drab, c'. ^^'ith red on underparts ; stripe down the back white. e". Middle of abdomen (only) crimson ; chin and throat olivaceous or drabby white. g'". With white spot behind the eye; forehead golden yellow ; with red on the head in (S only. i^. Crown and occiput red, nape fp. 160. yellow chrysauchen J ad., /*. With black band across posterior part of crown, remainder of the top of the head and the nape [p. 160, j-ellow chrysauchen 5 ad., h'" . With no white spot behind the eye ; forehead drabby white ; with red on the head in both sexes. k^. Crown and occiput red pulcher S&d., p. IGO. /*. Crown black, occiput (only) red . . pukher '^ a.d., p. 160. /''. Abdomen and breast crimson ; forehead and throat golden yellow. t"". Crown and occiput crimson Jlavifroiis (^ ad., p. 161. /". With no red on the head Jicmfrons^ ad., p. 102. d'. With no red on underparts ; stripe down the back pale drab. (/". With a short stripe of red in the middle of the crown cactorum c? ad., p. 163. h". With no red stripe on the crown .... ccwturuin 2 B.d., p. 163. C. Back, together with the rump and upper tnil-coverts, uniform black glossed with 142 PICID.'E. bronze-green ; sexes alike, except that the J has the forehead tinged with red [p. 164. (possibly not constant) henninieri (S $ ad., I). Back black, with light transverse markings or distinct bars. e . Back with cresceutic markings and ill- defined bars of smoky grey ; head, neck, and chest smoky brown varied witli black ; with no red or yellow in plumage ; [p. 147. sexes similar erythrocephuhts ]\\v . /'. Back distinctly barred with white, more or less pure ; vni\\ red or yellow in the plumage of botji sexes. t". Abdomen red. k'". Underparts below the middle of breast barred with deep black. «*'. Crown, occiput, and nape red. . . . jmcheram (J ad., p. 165. n*. Occiput and nape (only) red, crown black puc?ierani 2 ad., p. 165. I'". Underparts in adult uniform, -\vith only a few transverse spots or bars on flanks and thighs, and with the abdomen sometimes barred. o'. L'nderparts deep golden olive, contrasting strongly with the white face and throat ; rump and upper tail-coverts black, and with broader white bars than on the back, wings, or central tail- feathers. <•'. Crown, occiput, and nape red . . radiolatus c^ nd., p. 166. /■'. Crown smoky brown, occiput dusky, the nape (only) red. .. . radiolatus2&d.,'p. 167. p*. Underparts pale fulvesceut drab, drabby white, or drab-brown. 1/^. With black spot above the eye. e". Larger : length 11 inches, wing 6 ; underparts with strong fulvescent tinge. e'. Crovra, occiput, and nape [p. 168. red superciliaris (J nd., f. Cro^^^l uniform black, and uniting with the black spot over the eye; occiput [p. 168. and nape (only) red superciliaris J ad., f^. Smaller : length 10 inches, wing 6'2 to 0-35 ; under- parts scarcely fulvescent. g'. Darker: nasal plumes less red ; frontal band not pure white, rt^. Crown, occiput, and nape red bhikiiS ad., p. 169. b^. Crown black, transversely spotted with sniokv' grey; occiput and nape red . . blnkii'^a.d., p. 169. K' . Paler : nasal plumes entirely 12. JIELANERPES. 143 red ; frontal band pure white ni/eanus(^ fid., p. 1G9. /i'\ With uo black spot above the eye, and no black on the head. (/". Feathers at the base of the forehead uioi-e or less red, not yellow. %'. Central tail-feathers more or less barred with white. c*. With no red on the face or chest. «". Crown, occiput, and [p. 169. nape red cai/m(ine?ms (^ a.d., 6°. Crown dusky grey ; occiput and nape [p. 169. (only) red capnanensis 2 ad., d*. With more or less of a red tinge on the face and chest, particularly in the cJ ; the young slightly striated or spotted be- low, c'. Crown, occiput, and nape red caroliinixtSad., p. 171. d^. Crown grey ; occiput and nape (only) red. . c«ro/(«Ms 5 ad., p. 171. _f. Central tail-teathers uniform black. e^. Outer webs of the pri- maries uniform black ; white bars on the upper parts narrower than the black interspaces, e". Crown, occiput, and nape red dubiitS(S^d., p. 173. /■". Crown drab or drabby white, more dusky on the occiput ; nape (only) red dubitis $ ad., p. 173. f^. Outer webs of primaries with from two to three white burs at the base ; black and white bars on upper parts equal in width. ff^. Crown, occiput, and nape red canescens ii S^^- P- 1^1- p~. Crown and occiput grey, the yellow confined to the nape hoffmdnni'^'A.A., p- 18:?. >•'. With no yellow or red on occipvit or nape. A\ With crimson spot or patch on crown nrOp;/ffkiiis J ad., p. 183. l\ W^itli uo red on crown nropyfiiali/! $ ad., p. 188. '". Eyes surrounded by black, with conspicuous spot above, posteriorly. .s^. Crown, occiput, and nape red, the nape varied with golden yellow, , p/(rv/rf«s Jad., p. 184. <'. Crowa and occiput smoky grey, nape (only) red varied with yellow elff/rms $ ad.j p. 185. Abdomen white; eyes surrounded by black; with red spot below ear- coverts. '". With qiladrate patch of red on crown hyilcpuKusxS ad., p. 18(). '". W''ith no red on crown hj/pOjwl/i/n J ad., p. 187. 1. Melanerpes erythrocephalus. Red-headed Woodpecker, Cateshi/, Nat. Hkt. Carol, i. p. 20, pi. xx. (1731) : L((th. Gen. Syn. ii. p. 561, ad. (1782) ; P^nu. Arcf. Zool. ii. p. 271 (178-j). Le Pic k teste rouge de Virginie, Bn'ss. Ont. iv. p. 53, pi. iii. fig. 3 (1760). Picus ervthrocephalus, Linn-. St/st. Kdf. i. p. 174 (1766) ; Gm. Sygt. Nat. i. p. 429, ad. (1788) ; Bart. Nat. Hii^. P^nn. pp. 3, 11 (1799) ; Vieill. Oi.''. Awer. Sejjt. ii. p. 60, pis. 112 ad., 113 juv. (1807); mi.'^. Anipr. Orn. i. p. 142, pi. ix. fig; 1 (1808) ; Vieill. N. Did. xxvi. p. 83 (1818); id. S, Bonn. Enc. Meth. iii. p. 1317 (1823); Vahnc. Diet. Se. Nat. x\. p. 181 (1826); IFayl. Syst. Ar. Picu.«, sp. 14 (1827) ; Drdjj. Diet. Clas.'<. xiii. p. 496 (1828) ; Bj). Si/n. Bds. U.S. 1828, p. 45 ; Wayl. Isis, 1829, p. 518, juv.; Aud. B. Amer.,Atl. i. pL xxvii. figs. 1 S ad., 2 2 ad., 3, 4, 5 juv. (1827-30) ; Le>>f. fraite, i. p. 227 (1831) ; Aud. Orn. Biogr. i. p. 145 (1831) ; Jard. ed. Wilson's Amer. Orn. i. p. 146, pi. ix. fig. 1 ad., iii. p. 430, pi. xiv. fig. 3 juv. (1832) : Nutt. Man. Orn. 1832, i. p. 569 ; Hahi ^- Kiist. Orn. Atlas, pi. ii. (1834) ; Aud. Orn. Bior/r. v. p. 536 VOL. XVIII. L 140 riciDJi:. (1839) ; Peab. Bod. Journ. Nat. Hl74, pi. colxxi. tigs. 1, 2 J ? ad., 3,3,3 jiiv. (184:>) ; Giraiid, B. Lo)ijn. ii. p. 5(53, ju v. (1782). Pic iioir a domino i-oiiji:e, Buff. IIi.4. Nat. Ois. vii. p. 394 (1783). Pic de Virginie, Dauhent. PL Enl. 117. Picas obsciirus, Gm. Si/st. Nat. i. p. 429, juc. (1788) ; Lut/i. Ind. Oni. i. p. 228(1790). Melaiioipes ervthrocephalus, Swains. Faun. Bor.-Ainer. ii. pp. x^vi, Iiitrod., & 310 (1831) ; id. Vlassif. P. ii. p. 310 (1837) ; Up. Comp. List B. Eur. S,- N. Amer. p. 39, no. 202 (1838) ; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 444 (1840) ; Gamb. Journ. Acad. Philad. 1847, p. 55 ; Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 115 (1850) ; Peichenb. Scans. Picincc, p. 381, no. 882, pi. dcxlii. tigs. 4284-86, ad. & jiiv. (1854); Bp. Consp). Valuer. Zygod. p. 10, no. 205 (1854); Gray, List Gen. B. 1855, p. 93; Baird, B. N. Amer. p. 113 (1858) ; Sclat. Cat. Amer. B. p. 340, no. 2034 (1862) ; Verr. Proc. Essex Inst. 1862, p. 144 ; Allen, op. cit. 1864, p. 53 ; Coues, Ibis, 1866, p. 159 ; Dresser, t. c. p. 469 ; Mcllwr. Proc. Essex Inst. 1866, p. 83 ; Coues, op. cit. 1807, p. 263, 1868, p. 263; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 115 (1868); id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 201, no. 8814 (1870) ; Cooj). B. Calif, ed. Baird, p. 402 (1870) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 1872, p. 196 ; Hold. Proc. Post. Soc. 1872, p. 207; Hensh. Ann. Lijc. N. York, 1874, p. 9; Coues, B. N.- West, p. 290 (1874) ; B. B. ^ R. Hist. N. Amer. B. ii. p. 564, pi. liv. tig. 4, S (1874); Brewst. Ann. Lye. N. York, 1875, p. 144; Hensh. U.S. Geogr. Surr. IV. of \O0th Merid. 1875, p. 398; Pidyiv. U.S. Geol. Eipl. 40th Par., Orn. p. 554 (1877) ; Mayn. B. Florida, p. 229, pi. xviii. (1878) ; Coues, Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. iv. no. 3, p. 617 (1878) ; Merriam, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, iii. p. 123 (1878) ; Pidyw.Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1880, p. 189, no. 375; Coues, Check-l. N. Amer. B. 1882, p. 79, no. 453 ; Nehrl. J. f. O. 1883, p. 95 ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2ud ed. p. 489, no. 453, fig. 340 (1884) ; Dreiv, Auk, 1885, p. 17 ; Ayersb. t. c. p. 283; A. O. U. Check-list, 188(5, p. 216, no. 406; Brewst. Auk, 1886, p. 104; Lloyd, t. c. p. 191 ; Sennett, t. c. p. 242 ; Ridqw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 290 (1887) ; Warren, B. Penn. p. 1.33 (1888). Melampicos erythrocephalus, Malh. N. Classif., Mem. Acad. Metz, 1848-49, p. 36.5. Melampicu^ ervthrocephalus, Malh. Picidcc, ii. p. 209, pi. xcvii. figs. 1 ad., 2, 3 juv; (1862). Aibdt male. Back, scapulars, and wing-coverts black, glossed with greenish blue ; rump and upper tail-coverts white : primaries black, the innermost one having the inner web paitiallj' margined with white and the tip white ; secondaries white, with black bases con- cealed by the coverts, the outer feather having the outer web and a subapical bar on the inner web black ; shalts of quills black ; tail black, the outer large feather externally margined and tipped with white, all the feathers except the central pair having a basal patch of while on the inner webs ; shafts black ; nasal plumes brownish black ; entire head, neck, and chest, except the sides of the latter, crimson, this colour on the chest bordered narrowly with black ; 12. MSLANRRPKS, U7 entire underparts below, also the under tail-coverts, white, the ab- domen slightly }-ellowish ; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, the edge of the wing black. Total length 8'5 inches, culmeu 1-15, wing 5-65, tail 3-2, tarsus 0-87 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0 7, outer posterior 0-", inner anterior 0"o3, inner pos- terior 0'37. Adult fctnale. .HiPsemhlcs the adult male, but is slightly smaller. Total length 8*3 inches, culmen 1'12, wing 5*3, tail 2-9, tarsus 0-85. Young. The sexes are similar and bear no resemblance to the adult except in having the white rump, upper tail-coverts, and secondaries ; the back and scapulars are brownish black, only slightlv glossed, the feathers being tipped with smoky drab ; the head, neck, and chest brownish dusky, the feathers margined at the tip with smoky drab, except those of the chin and throat, which are margined on both webs with smoky white, givuig a striped appearance to these parts ; under surface of the body (except the abdomen) smoky white, with broad dusky striations or longitudinal spots ; the secondaries crossed by a subapical black bar, and with a transverse spot, or sometimes bar, nearer the base, but generally on the outer web only. Hah. United States, north to about 50° lat., west to the Rocky Mountains, rarely further west, but observed in the Salt-Lake Valley ; south to Arizona and Gulf States. «, 6. Ad, et juv. sk. c. Ad. .sk. ^7. 2 ad. sk. p. c? jnv. sk. /, $ ad. ; g,h. S ad. sk. 2, k. S 2 ad. sk. /, m, n. (^ /') ff'- S ad. ; h', i'. 2 ad. sk. k', /'. (J imm. et juv. sk. Canada (C. Shelley). Fort Duiferin, Manitoba (&'. Dawson), Pembina, Dakota, June {E. C'oues, Hensk. Coll.). Pueblo, Colorado, July {H. Wheeki; Hensh. Coll.). Colorado Springs, Colorado, May, June {Hensh.ColL). Michigan. Waukegan, Illinois, May, Aug. {E. W. Nelson., Hensh. Coll.). Mt. Carmel, III, Aug. {E. W. Nelson, Hensh. Coll.). Englewood, 111., Sept. [E. W. Nekon, Hensh.ColL). Noble, Richland Co., 111., Aug. {E. W. Nelson, Hensh. Coll.). Locust Grove, New York, April, June- Aug. {Hurt Merriam, Hensh. Coll.). Lowville, N.Y., July (A. Je7iinqs Dai/an, Hensh. Coll.). Lyons Falls, N.Y., March, Aug. (A. Jenhiffs Dcii/a/i, Hensh. Coll.). Tweeddale Coll. N. A, Boundary Conim. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Prof. J. R. Steere [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sahin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. l2 148 picrnj:. m',n',o'. c? «*^-; Leyden, New York, Aug-., .Siilviu-Godman CdU. p'-s'. $ ad. ; t', ilec. {Uart Merriam, u',v. $ imm.sk. Hennh. Coll.). 7c', .v'. S 2 ad. ; >/', Washington, D.C., May, Salvin-Godman Coll. z, a". Juv. sli. Sept. {Hensk. Coll.). b" 2 ad sk. Ilawes Wood, D.C., May Salvin-Godman Coll. (E.Cones, Sm.no. '287-20). c". 2 ad. sk. Aiken, S. Carolina, March Salvin-Godman Coll. (Hart Merriam, Heush. Coll.). d" e" 2 ad. sk. jNIiami, Florida (Ilensh. Salviu-Godman Coll. Coll.). f". Ad. sk. Florida. W.B.Disniore,Esq.[P.]. ff". 2 ad- ^^^- Papalote, Bee Co., Te.xas, Salvin-Godman Coll. Jan. [JF'. B. Anristronrj). h". Juv. sk. [Mexico.] Gould Coll. ?■". (5 ad. sk. North America. lliocour Coll. 2. Melanerpes candidus. Picus candidus, Otto in Biiffvns Nuturg. Uehers. xii. p. 251, pi. xxiii. (c. 1772) ; Warjl. Si/st. Av. Picus, sp. 81 (1827) ; Neuwied, Beitr. Naturg. Bra.s. 'iv. pt. 1, p. 415 (1832). Picus dominicanus, rieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxvi. p. 72 (1818); id. ^- Bonn. Ene. Meth. iii. p. 1306 (1823) ; LieM. Verz. Doubl. p. 10 (1823) ; SpLi',Av. Bras. i. p. 59, pi. 1. figs. 12,2c? (1824) ; Valenc. Diet. Sc. Nat. xl. p. 175 (1826) ; Drap. Diet. C/as.s. xiii. p. 498(1828); Less. Traite, i.^.22-i (1831); Sundev. Co?i.sp. Av. Picin. p. 49 (1866). Picus melanopterus, Neuwied, Eeis. Bras. i. p. 165 (1820), ii. p. 339 (1821) ; Such, Zool. Jovrn. i. p. 556 (1825). Picus bicolor, Stcai?is. Zool. Illustr. i. pi. xxxviii. 2 (1820-21) ; Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. p. 170 (1826).^ Leuconerpes candidus, Stimins. Classtf. B. ii. p. 810 (1837) ; Burm. J. f. O. 1860, p. 244 ; id. Beise La Plata-St. ii. p. 445 (1861) ; Sclat. Cat. Avier. B. p. 342, no. 2041 (1862) ; id. 8(). Hub. Central America, south to Yeragua, north to British Hon- duras ; Southern and Eastern Mexico into Tamaulipas. a. Ad. St. Mexico. b. c. (^ 2 ad. sk. Mexico, J. Taylor, Esq. [P.]. (1. 6 ad. ; e, f. 2 ad. sk. Mexico. Gould Coll. !h 2 innn. sk. Mexico. Purchased. h, i. S fid. sk. Mexico. Tweeddale Coll. k- -0. c? ad. ;y)-f. Sierra Madre, above Ciiidad Salvin-Godman Coll. 2 ad. sk. Victoria, Tamaulipas, April {W. B. Richardson). u. J imm. sk. Coatepec, Vera Cruz, July. Salvin-Godman Coll. V. 2 ad. sk. Vera Cruz. Tweeddale Coll. w 2 ad. sk. Jalapa, Oct. Salvin-Godmau Coll. x. S ad. sk. Enc. de San Lorenzo, Cordova, V^era Cruz, Jan. Sah-in-Godman Coll. y- S ad. sk. Jalapa {de Oca). Salvin-Godman Coll. a ', b'. S ad. ; Jalapa, Jan., March, May (F. Salvin-Godman Coll. c', d', e'. 2 D. G.). ad. sk. f -. H. H. Smith). Salvin-Godman Coll. m . 2 Hd. sk. Sierra Madre del Sur (J//-.<. H. Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Smith). 12. MELAXEEPES. 151 n'. 2 ad. sk. o'. S ad. ; y, y'. $ ad. sk. !•'. (^ ad. ; s', t'. 2 ad. sk. u', v', w'. J ad. sk. .r', y'. J ad. ; s'. $ ad. sk. ii". (^ ad. sk. 6". 2 ad. sk. c", d". S ? ad. sk. e". (S ad. sk. /". 2 ad. sk. (J '. c? ad. sk. K' . cJ ad. sk. Oaxaca, AV. Mexico (Fenochio). Cayo, Western District, British Honduras, Dec. (F. Blancan- eaux). Southern Pine-ridge, British Honduras, May, Dee. {F. Blan- caneau.v). Guatemala. Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala, Sept. (0. .S'.). Volcan de Fuego, Xov. (O. ';^.C'(;//.). Salvin-Godman Coll. u. $ ad.sk. Crittenden, Ariz., Sept. (i/ewsyj. Salvin-Godman Coll. VulL). V. Jad. ; IV. $ Pinal Co., Ariz., July, Oct. {W. Sal viu-Godman Coll. juv. sk. E. D. Scott, Hensh. Coll.). x-c . cS ad. ; d', Santa Fe Mts., New Mexico, Salvin-Godman Coll. e',f'. $ ad.sk. Aug., Sept. {Hensh. Coll.). ;/. S a'i. sk. Sonora ( W. Lloyd). Salvin-Godman Coll. /('. (5 ad. sk. Jesus Maria, Cliiliuabua, Dec. Salvin-Godman Coll. ( W. Lloyd). I'. $ ad.sk. San Jose, Chihuahua, Jan. (IF. Salvin-Godman Coll. Lloyd), k'. c? ad.sk. EefiTgio, Chihuahua, Dec. (IF. Salvin-Godman Coll. Lloyd). I'. cJad.sk. Tomochic, Chihuahua, Dec. ( ir. Salvin-Godman Coll. Lloyd), m. 2 ad.sk. Piuos Altos, Chihuahua, Mexico, Salvin-Godman Coll. July {Bi(c/ian^IIej>',t■'. 5 ad. sk, Lloyd). s',^'. c? ? ad. sk. Ciudad Durango, Julv, Nov. Salvin-Godman Coll. (A. Foi-rer). u', r'. ir'. c^ ad. Sierra Jerez, Zacatecas, Sept. Salvin-Godman Coll. et num. ; .(', ( W. B. Richardson)^ _ y'. ? ad. sk. z . $ ad. sk. Sierra de Valparaiso, Zacatecas, Salvin-Godman Coll. Sept. ( W. B. Bichardson) a", h" . cS imm. Sierra Valparaiso, Zacatecas, Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. July {W. B. Richardson). c", d". S 2 ad. Zapotlan, Jalisco, March, April Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. ( W. Lloyd). e", S ad. ; /", Sierra Madre,' Tepic, 6000 feet, Salvin-Godman Coll. y" . 2 ad. sk. June ( W. B. Richardson), h", i". (S ad. ; Sierra, San Luis Pot^si, July Salvin-Godman Coll. k". 5 ad. sk. ( jr. B. Richardson). I", c? ad. sk. Chimalpa, Tucubaya, April. Salvin-Godman Coll. ■ni". (S ad. sk. Mexicalcingo, Tlaipam, Feb. Salvin-Godman Coll. n". d ad. ; o". Sola, Oaxaca, April (M. Tru- Salvin-Godman Coll. ? ad. sk. jillo). p". 5 ad. sk. Juchateugo, Oaxaca *, April Salvin-Godman Coll. (M. Tnijillo). q". 5 ad. sk. S. Mexico. Sclater Coll. Subsp. /3. Melanerpes angustifrons. Melanei'pes formicivorus, var. angustifrons, Coop. B. Calif, ed. Buird, p. 405 (heads of J $ figured) (1870) : B. B. S,- R. Hist. N. Amer. B. p. 573, pi. liii. figs. 3 c?, 4 $ (1874). Melanerpes formicivorus angustifrons, Ridyw. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1880, pp. 190, 219, no. 377 rt ; i/e«. o;;. «V. 1882, p. 549; Coues, Check-l. X. Atner. B. 1882, p. 79, no. 455 ; Beld. Proc. V. S. Nat. Mus. 1883, p. 349 ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. 1884, p. 490, no. 455 ; A. O. U. Check-list, 1880, p. 216, no. 407 a ; Ridr/u: Man. N. Amer. B. p. 291 (1887). Adah male, llesembles J/, forniicivoras in having the black * I cannot separate the Oaxaca specimens from M. melanopoyon ; it is possible that this species ranges so far southwards occasionally only. 154 PICIDiE. chest striped with white, hut differs from that species as well as from M. mcIajWjwr/OH in having the white frontal band narrower, and together with the chin and throat more strongly washed with Icmon-yellow. Total length 8*5 inches, culmen 1-1, wing 5-45, tail Ji'l, tarsus 0-85 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0*73, outer posterior 0-73, inner anterior 0-53, inner posterior 0-35. Adult female. Has the crown crossed by a black band, but is otherwise like the adult male. It differs from the females of M. foriuicivorus and M. melanopogon in having the white and the black bands together less in width (longitudinally) than the red band on the occiput and nape. Total length 8 inches, culmen 1-15, wing 5'2, tail 3, tarsus 0-7o. Hah. Southern portion of Lower California. a. c? ad. ; b, c. Sierra de Laguna, California, Salvin-Godman Coll. 5 ad. sk. Mav, June (M. Abott Frazar, Hemh. Coll.). d. S ad. sk. Tiiumfo, Lower California, Dec. Salviu-Godman Coll. {M. Abott Frazar, Hensh. Coll.). 4. Melanerpes flavigula. Picus melanopogon (tion Temm.), Lafr. liev. Zool. 1844, p. 81. Melam])icos flavigula {?ion Bodd.), Malli. Rev. et May. de Zool. 1849, p. 522. Melanerpes formicivorus {non Swains.), Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i.p. 115 (18.50). Melanerpes melanopogon (pt.), Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 10, no. 207 (1854). Melanerpes flavigula, Meichenh. Scans. Picince, p. 384, no. 886, pi. dcxliii. tigs. 4297-99, <^ S 6 (1854) ; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 161 ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 115 (1808) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 201, no. 8815 (1870) ; *S'fl/i'. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 398, no. 1945 (1882). Melanerpes flavigularis, Sclat. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 307 ; id. Cat. Am. B. p. 341, no. 2036 (1862) ; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 381 ; Sclat. Sf Sale. Novtencl. Av. Neotr. p. 100 (1873) ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 533. Melampicus flavigula, Malh. Piddce, ii. p. 202, pi. xcix. figs. 5 ^ ad., 6 5 ad. (1862). Picus flavigularis, Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 51 (1866). Adult male. Differs from the male of M. formicivorus in having the crown black and occiput (only) red, in this respect resembling the female of M. formicivorus, except that in the latter species the black space between the white forehead and red occiput is narrower and has more the appearance of a band ; upon the chest there is an approach to a black belt as in M. melanopogon, but it is narrow and varied with a few greyish-white stripes. Total length 8-8 inches, culmen 1"07, wing b'Q, tail 2-9, tarsus 0*76 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-75, outer posterior 0*75, inner anterior 0-54, inner posterior 0'34. Adult female. Wants the red occipital band, but is otherwise like the male. Total length 8"8 inches, culmen 1-05, wing 5-43, tail 3*25, tarsus 0"85. 12. MELANERPES. jgc The young female resembles the adult of the same sex, but is more of a sooty black above, with much less of the greeniilue gloss possessed by the adult this being almost entirei; wanting o' the top of the head and on the hind neek ; the white of the under parts less pure, and with dusky striatious Bah. U.S.Colombia. i I ad si Sl"'°' ■\''^'PV^'^(l,K.Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. k A '^1 t" Jet.ro 4ntioq«ia(r. K.Sohnon). .Sclater Coll. I^- 6 ad. sk. Santa Elena, Antioquia (T'. K. Salvin-Godman Coll tbalmon). I. ? ad. sk. Potreros Magdaleoa Valley, Salvin-Godman Coll. U. b. Colombia (C. W. Wyatt). 5. Melanerpes xantholarynx. Melanerpes xantholarynx, Reichenh. Scans. Picince, p. 384, no 887 Ijl. dcxhu. fags. 4293-94, d" c? (1854); Grau/Ust PaT'Brt' Mas. p. U6 (1868) ; id. Hand-LB. ii. p. 201, no. 8817 1870) (1862)''"' ''^"*^'°l*^"ynx, 7W«//i. P*«-rf«, ii. p. 204, pi. c. fig. 6, r? Picus xantholarynx, Smidev. Comp. Av. Picin. p. 51 (1866). Adult mah. ¥rom the description and figure of this species given by Keichenbach, it appears to differ from M. formicivorns (Swains ) m having the face and side of the neek white, without any black stripe running through and behind the eye; the chin and throat goldeii-ochre, devoid of black, the malar region alone being of the latter colour ; the yellow throat is separated from the white neek and chest by a few stripe-like spots of black, there being also a few similar spots on the side of the neck ; the irnderparts are striated with black ; but there is not a trace of even a narrow black band on the chest, tins being, like the rest of the underparts, white striped with black Ihe measurements, according to Ileichenbach, are as follows :-Length 9' 6'", culmen 11'", wing 5" 6"', tail 3" 5'" tarsus 11'". ' Hah. Mexico? 6, Melanerpes cruentatns. ^Tlls'^f ''"''' ^^'°'''^l'^'=^''^^'' ^■''^'•- --^' ^"^^'- ^>«- Sijn. ii. p. .559, J ^71782?"^'"''' ^^'oo'lp-^cker, vav. B, Lath. Gen. Syn. ii. p. 5C0, S 2 he petit Pic noir. Buff. Hist. Xnf. Oig. vii. p. .54 (1 783) Petit Pic noir de Cayenne, Danbent. PI. Enl no (ii)4 fat^ 9 Picus cruentatus, Bodd. Tail. PI. Enl. p. 43, 694 2 ('1783^' licushnundmaceus y, r_^,«. %.f. Xat. i. p. 426, ^ (1788); Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 221, cf ? (17U0). lof) PICIDiE. Pious hirumliiinceus, /3, Gin, Si/.st. Nat. i. p. 426, $ (1788) ; Lath. hid. (h-n. i. ]). 227, S (1790). riciis liinmdinacous *, Temm. Cat. Si/.st. p. 62 (1807) ; Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxvi. p. 87, d (1818)"; id. ^ Bonn. Enc. Meth. p. 1315, c? (1823) ; Waf/l. St/sf. Av. Picus, sp. 64, S {nee fcemina) (1827) ; id. Isis, 1829, p. 515 ; Siindev. Comp. Av. Picin. p. 50 (1866). Picus occi]ntalis, Talenc, Diet. Sc. Nat. xl. p. 172, 5 (1826) ; Less. rraitc,i.-[i. 223 (1831). Pic-iis iscliuorhynchos, Wagl. Syst. Av. Picus, sp. 66, cj (1827). Picus uieropirostris, Wagl. Si/st. Ar. Picus, sp. 65, j (1827). Melauerjies nieiopirostris, B]). P. Z. S. 1837, p. 120; Grai/, Geyi. B. ii. ]). 444 (1846) ; Bj). Consp. Gen. Ar. i. p. 115 (1850) ;' Beichenb. Scans. Picince. p. 384, no. 888 (1854) ; Gmij, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 119 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 202, no. 8826 (1870). Centui'us hirundinaceus. Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 442 (1846) ; Cab. in Schomb. Beis. GiaVm. iii. p. 714 (1848). Mplampicos hirundinaceus, Ilalh. N. Classif., Mem. Aead. Metz, 1848-49, p. 304. Melanerpes hirundinaceus, Bp. Cimsj). Gen. Av. i. p. 116, 5 (1850); Sclat. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 400 ; Peh. Orn. Bras. p. 248 (1870) ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 546 ; Pelz. Verhandl. k.-k. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, 1882, p. 448. Tripsurus saucius, Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 76 (1854). Phymatohlepliarus hirundinaceus, Beiehenb. Scans. Picince, p. 379, no. 876, pi. dcxli. fig-. 4277, c? (1854). Phymatohlepliarus ischnorhynchos, Reichenb. Scans. Picince, p. 379, no. 877 (1854). Tripsurus hirundinaceus, Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zi/yod. p. 10, no. 209 (1854). Tripsurus meropirostris, Bp. Consj). Volucr. Zyyod. p. 10, no. 212 (1854). Melanerpes cruentatus, Sclat. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 161 ; id. Cat. Amer. B. p. 341, no. 2040 (1862) ; id. Sf Sale. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 197; iid. 0/). «Y. 1807, ])p. 587, 753 ; Grai/, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 118 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 201, no. 8825 (1870) ; Sclat. ^- Salv. P.Z.S. 1873, p. 291; iid. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 100(1873); iid. P. Z. S. 1875, ]). 237 ; iid. op. cit. 1879, p. 632 ; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 398, no. 1947 (1882); Tacz. P. Z.S. 1882, p. 43 ; id. Orn. Pcrov, iii. p. 89 (1884). Melampicus hirundinaceus, Malh. Picidce, ii. p. 192, pi. xcviii. figs. 4 cJ ad., 5$ ad., (i S juv. (1862). Melampicus meropirostris, Malh. Picidce, ii. p. 197 (1862). Adult male. General colour glossy blue-black, the rump and upper tail-coverts white ; the middle of the breast, the abdomen, and a large quadrate patch on the crown vermilion : a yellowish- white superciliary stripe extending to the nape, which is gokleu yellow ; the inner webs of the quills more or less spotted « ith white, and the base of the inner webs of the central pair of tail-feathers spotted or margined with white ; shafts of quills and of tail-feathers black, the central pair of the latter white at the base ; the sides of * Some ornithologists refer Pkus hiruiulinareus of Linnspus to the present species ; but the brief diagnosis and synonymy given by that author (Syst. Nat. i. p. 174, 17fi(i) do not seem to warrant this, and I have no alternative but to leave it an open question. 12. MEIANKRPES. 157 file body, flanks, thighs, and nnder tail-coverts barred with white more or less tinged with yellow ; under wing-coverts and axillaries white barred with black. Total length 7'3 inches, culmen 1'1.5, wing 4-55, tail 2-2, tarsus 0-85 ; toes (without claws) — outer ante- rior 0"65, outer posterior 0*7, inner anterior 0-45, inner posterior 0-35. Adult female. Has no red on the crown, but otherwise resembles the adult male. Total length 7"3 inches, culmen 0"98, wing 4-55, tail 2-2, tarsus 0-75. Young, prohahly male. Resembles, general]}', the adult male, but differs in having the black of the plumage less glossed with blue ; the red patch upon the crown smaller ancl of a duller crimson, the anterior part of the malar region having a dull white spot ; the sides of the body. Hanks, and thighs scarcely tinged with yellow, and the under tail- coverts varied with squamate markings of black and white, instead of being evenly barred ; the margin of the outer webs of the secondaries spotted on the apical half with dull white. In some examples (apparently belonging to this species) said to be from Guiana, the white or yellowish-white stripe bordering the forehead and crown is wanting, but exists on the side of the occiput, although it is not constant. In this plumage the species differs onlj' from M. ruhrifrons in possessing the yellow nuchal band. Ifah. New Granada ; Venezuela and British Guiana ; northern parr of Brazil into Pernambuco ; the Amazonian region ; Ecuador ; Northern, Eastern, and Central Peru ; Bolivia, and into Matto Grosso. «, &. c? 5 ^"^- sk. Bogota, Colombia. rttrcbased. c, d. cJ $ ad. sk. Bogotd. Salvin-Godman Coll, e, f. cj' ad. ; ff, Bogota. Tweeddale Coll. h, i. 2 ad. sk, A:, /. cT 5 ^d. sk. Sarnyacu, Ecuador (C. Buckley), Salviu-Godnian Coll, m. 5 ad. sk. E. Peru ( W. Nation). Sclater Coll. n. (S ad. sk. Chyavetas, E. Peru, Aug. (E. Salviu-Godman Coll. Bart/ett). 0. c? ad. sk. Ucayali River, June (J". Hatix- Gould Coll. well). p, q. S f>d. sk. Simacu, Bolivia (G Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll, r, s. ^ ad. sk. Chapada, Matto Grosso, Sept, Salvin-Godman Coll, (H. Smith). t. 2 ad. sk. Rio Negro. Tweeddale Coll. v,v. (S $ ad. sk. Rio Negro (A. R. Wallace). Sclater Coll, w. (S ad. sk. Pernambuco {Craven). Sclater Coll, 7. Melanerpes rubrifi'ons. Le.'^ser Black Woodpecker, var. A, Lath. Gen, Sipu ii. p. 5G0, 2 ,(1782). Picus ruhrifrons, Spix, Ai\ Brax. i, p. 61, pi, Iv. figs. 1 c?, 2$ (1824); ir«y/. Syst. Ai: Picus, sp. 67 (1827), cJ; id. Isis, 1829, p, 615, $ j Sunder, dmsp. Av. Picin. p. 60 (1866). Picus liirundinaceus (non Gm.), Vulenc. Diet. Sc Nat, xl. p. 172 (1826), c?; Wayl. Syst. Ar. Picus, sp, 64, 2 (1827). 158 piorDvT:. Ceuturus rubrifrons, G'/y///, Gen. B. ii. p. 442 (184G). Melanerpes rubi-itVons, Bp. Vwisp. Gen. Av. i. p. IIO, (J (1850) ; Scl. Cat. Amor. B. p. 341, no. 20:10 (18G2); Gn/i/, List Picid. Brit. Mtis.y,. 118(180^); id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 201, no. 8824 (1870); Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 247, c? (1870) ; Scl. Sf Salv. Nomencl.Av. Neotr. p. 100 (1873) ; E. L. Lai/ard, Ibis, 1873, p. 391 ; Salv. op. cit. 1886, p. 59. Phvmatoblephanis nibrifrons, Rcichcnh. Scans. Picince, p. 380, no. 1^78, pi. dcxli. fio-s. 4278 juv., 4279 c? ad. (1854). Tripsurus riibvifrons, Bj>. ('onsp. Volncr. Zyqod. p. 10, uo. 210 Melampicus rubrifrons, Malh. Pii:id(e, ii. p. 106, pi. xcviii. figs. 1, 2, c^ ? ad. (1862). Melampicus melanocepbalus, Malh. Picida, ii. p. 195 (1862). Melanerpes melanocephalus, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 247(1870), 5- Adult male. Differs from M. criientutus in wanting tho super- ciliary stripe and the yellow nuchal band, and also in having the red patch on the crown smaller. Total length 7"3 inches, culmen 1, wing 4*35, tail 2*3, tarsus 0"8 ; toes (without claws) — outer ante- rior 0'63, outer posterior 0'66, inner anterior 0-5, inner poste- rior 0-32. Adult female. Wants the red on the top of the head, but is in other respects similar to the adult male. Total length 7"3 inches, culmen 0-95, wing 4-05, tail 2-25, tarsus 0-7. Young ( d"? )• Has the red more spread over the crown and of a less brilliant crimson than in the adult male ; the jiluraage (generally) more dusky or sooty brown ; the feathers of the back and chest only slightly glossed with blue-black ; underparts below the breast dull white (only slightly rufescent), with dusky bars ; tho middle of the lower breast and the abdomen orange-red. Occasionally specimens both of adult and young are found which have a short white stripe above the posterior part of the eye. Hah. Guiana, and extending north into Trinidad ; Northern Brazil east to Para. Barra, Rio Negro, Jan. {A. Salvin-Godman Coll. R. Wallace). Para, Lower Amazons, Jan. Tweeddale Coll. (E. L. Layard). Cayenne. Salvin-Godman Coll. Cayenne. Selater Coll. Maroni River, Surinam Salvin-Godman Coll. {Kappler). Guiana {Broicn). Selater Coll. River Apapurow, British Salvin-Godman Coll. Guiana, Jan. (H. Whitely). Camacusa, March (//. W.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Merum(5 Mts., July (//. W.) Salvin-Godman Coll. Bartica Grove, Oct. {H. W.). Salvin-Godman Coll. a, c, h. (S ad. et j uv sk. d. (S 'i ad. .sk. e. /• $ ad.sk. 2 ad. sk. 2 ad. sk. h. i. (S ad. sk. cJ ad. sk. k. I. m 2 ad. sk. 2 ad. sk. . S ad. sk. 12. MELANERPES. 159 8. Melanerpes portoricensis. Picus portoriceusis, Daud. Ann. Mus. d'Jfi.st. Nat ii. p. 285, pi. li. (1803); Sundev. Comj). Ac. Picin.^. 50(1866); Bryant, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 1866, p. 256. Picus riibidicollis, Vicill. Ois. Amir. Sept. ii. p. 6.3, pi. cxvii. (1807); Shaiv, Gen. Zoo/, ix. p. 156 (1815) ; Fieill. N. Diet, d" Hist. Nat. xxvi. p. 75 (1818) ; id. # Bonn. Enc. Meth. iii. p. 1321 (1823) ; Wagl. Syst. Av. Picus, sp, 62 (1827); JDrap, Diet. Class, xiii. p. 499 (1828). Le Pic a ventre ensanglante, Temm. Cat. Syst. pp. 65, 210 (1807). Melanerpes portoriceusis, Valenc. Diet. Sc. Nat. xl. p. 172 (1826) ; Drap. Diet. Class, xiii. p. 505 (1828) ; A. ^ E. Newton, Ibis, 1859, p. 377; Cass. Proc. Acad. Philad. 1860, p. 377; Sel. Cat. Anwr. B. p. 341, no. 2037 (1862) ; Cav.-Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 170; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 115 (1808j ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 201, no. 8819 (1870) ; 8cl. S^- Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 100 (1873) ; Gimdl. An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. vii. p. 227 (1878) ; Cory, List B. _ W. Ind. p. 20 (1885) ; id. Auk, 1886, p. 377. Picus caroliniis {non Linn.), Less. Traite, i. p. 227 (1831). Melanerpes riibidicollis, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 444 (184()); Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 115 (1850) ; id. Consp. Tolncr. Zyyod. p. 10, no. 208 (1854) ; Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 76 (1854): Reichenh. Scans. Picince, p. 383, no. 884, pi. dcxliii. figs. 4289-90(1854). Melampicus portoricensis, Malh. Picidfe, ii. p. 205, pi. xcvii. fig. 5, d ad. (1862). Adult male. Frontal baud, nasal plumes, and orbital region white ; the remainder of the head, neck, entire back and upper rump, wings, and tail black, with a steel-green gloss ; shafts of (juills and of tail- feathers black ; lower rump and upper tail-coverts white ; cheeks, chin and throat, the middle of the chest and breast, also the entire abdomen and vent, crimson ; sides of the body and under tail-coverts pale umber-brown, slightl}- dusky on the sides of the breast and thighs, the latter having a few red striations ; under wing-coveits white; edge of wing black ; axillarics smoky white. Total length 8 inches, culmen 1-2, wing 4-8, tail 2-9, tarsus 0-85 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-75, outer posterior 0-65, inner anterior 0'55, inner posterior 0-4. Hah. Porto llico. a. Ad. sk. Porto Rico. Dr. II. Brvant [C.]. h. Imm. sk. Porto Rico (R. Strift). U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. ('. Ad. sk. Porto Rico {Dr. H. Bryant). Salvin-Godman Coll. d, e. Ad. et imm. Porto Rico [G. Latimer). Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. /. S ad. sk. Porto Rico (C P. Streator, Salvin-Godman C'oll. Cory Coll.). (/. Imm. sk. Porto Rico (R. Swift). Sclater Coll. *^. Ad. sk. Porto Rico (Z»/-.//.i?;-^«//Y). Sclater Coll. i. Ad. sk. Bieque Island {Riise). Sclater Coll. 100 'J. Melanerpes chrysauchen. Melanerpes clirysauclieu, Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 213 ; id. &,- Scl. Niymencl. Av. Neotr. p. 100 (1873). Picus chrysauclien, Gieb. Thes. Orn. iii. p. 150 (187G). Adult nude. Resembles M. jlavifrons (VieilL), but differs in having the whole of the upper back striped with white : the lower back spotted with black ; the nape yellow ; the loral region and a stripe under the eye white, the nasal plumes yellow ; the black stripe behind the eye broader and extending right down the side of the neck, and with a white spot behind the eye ; the malar region and chin pale olivaceous yellow grading into darker dingy pale olive on the fore neck, chest, and breast, the crimson being confined to the abdomen ; the innermost secondaries slightly spotted with white on the outer webs. Total length 6-5 inches, culmen 1-05, wing 4'-4, tail 2*25, tarsus 0"7 ; toes (without claws) — outer anlerior 0-65, outer posterior 0-65, inner anterior 0-5, inner posterior 0-3. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in the absence of the red crown and occiput, the forehead and the greater part of the crown being bright yellow, with a stripe of black above the eye and a band of the same on the hind part of the crown, the occiput and nape being dull 5ellow. Total length 6'3 inches, culmen 1, wing4'4, tail 2, tarsus 0"75. £iah. Veragua, State of Panama. «. (S ad. ; b, c. J Bugaba, ChiriqUi, Veragua SalVin-Godlllan Coll. ad.sk. (E.Ar('e). (Types of the species.) 'J, e. (S 2 ^'^- ski Chiriqui {E. Arce)i Sclater C'olL 10. Melanerpes pulcher. (Plate III.) Melanerpes pulcher, -SW; P. Z. S. 1870, p. 3;50; Wi/aft, Ihi^, l8?l, pp. IL'9, 380 ; Scl.Sf Salo. NomenCl. Av. Neotr. p. 100 (1873) ; ml. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 533 ; Berkpsch, Jiw, 1880, p. 114. Picus pulcher, Gieb. Thes. Orn. iii. p. 175 (1876)^ Adult male. Resembles M. cJm/Sauehen,, but differs in having the fl'ontal band and the nasal plumes buffy white, only slightly tinged with yellow; with more red on the top of the head anteriorly; with no white spot behind the eye ; the throat and che.st duller, and the barring on the underparts extending on to the breast and covering it. Total length 7"5 inches, culmen 1-1, wing 4-4, tail 2-15, tarsus 0'78 ; toes (without claws)— outer anterior 0'63, outet posterior 0-63, inner anterior 0'45, inner posterior 0-3. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the red on the head confined to the occiput. Total length 7 inches, culmen 1 , \ving 4-3, tail 2-1, tarsus 0-73i Hab> U. S. Colombia. 12. MELANERPES. 161 n,h. d' 5 ad. sk. Naranio, Magdalena valley, Selater Coll U.S. Columbia (C. Jr. Tl ijatt). c, (I. S $ ad. sk. Naranjo (C. W. Wyalt). Salvin-Godmau Coll e,f- 6 2 ad. sk. Bogota. Selater Coll. (Types of species.) //. $ ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. /', i- 6 $ ad. sk. Remedios, Antioquia (T. K. Salviu-Godman Coll. Salmoyi). 11. Melanerpes flavifrons. Carpintero vientre roxo, Azara, Apunt. Hist. Nat. Pd.rar. Parur/. ii p. 316, no. cclv. (180.5). Picus flavifrons, Vieill. N. Diet. xxvi. p. 75, S 2 (1818) ; Spix, Av. Bras. i. p. GO, pi. lii. tigs. 1 ?, 2c? (1824) ; Wngl. Syst. Av. Picus, sp. 63 (1827) ; Sumlev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 50 (1866). Picus rubriventris, Vieill. N. Diet. xxvi. p. 103 S (1818) ; id. ^ Bonn. Enc. Meth. iii. p. 1324 (1823), S; Vieill. Gal. Ois. i. pt. 2, p. 8, pi. xxvii., S (1825) ; Less. Traite, i. p. 224 (1831); id. Compl. Buff. ix. p. 321 (18.37). Picus coi-onatus, Lieht. Verz. Douhl. p. 10, c? 5 (1823) ; Valenc. Diet. Se. Nat. xl. p. 173, J (182(;); Dmp. Diet. Class, xiii. p.497,c? (1828) ; Max. Beit: Nat. Bras. iv. 1_, p. 419 (1832). Picus rufiventris, Drap. Diet. Class, xiii. p. 507, S (1828). Picus ervthrogaster, Beekl. N. Mdm. Soc. Nat. Mo.sc. i. p. 377, pi. xxii., c? U829). Tripsurus flavifrons, S^vains. Classif. B. ii. p. 311 (1837); Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zijgod. p. 10, no. 211 (1854) ; Gray, List Gen. B. 1855, p. 93. Ceuturus flavifrons, &';•«?/, Gen. B. ii. p. 442 (1846). Centuriis coronatus, Hartl. Ind. Azara, p. 16 (1847). Melampicos flavifrons, 3Ial/i. N. Classif., Mem. Acad. Metz, 1848- 49, p. 364. Melanerpes flavifrons, Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 116 (1850); Scl. Cat. Amer. B. p. 341, no. 20.38 (1862); Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 118 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 201, no. 8823 (1870) ; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 248 (1870) ; Scl. <§• Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 100 (1873) ; Salv. Cat. Striekl. Coll. p. 398, no. 1946 (1882) ; Berl. S)- Jher. in Madar. Zeitseh. (/esamm. Orn. 1885, p. 159. Tripsvu'us coronatus, Lieht. Nomencl. Av. p. 76 (1854) ; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 2.39 (1856). Phyniatoblepharus flavifrons, Reichenh. Scans. Picinee, p. 380, no. 879, pi. dcxliii. figs. 4291^92, 2 6, inner anterior 0-43, inner posterior 0-32. Adult female. Resembles the adult male, but wants the red feathers in the centre of the crown : " beak black ; legs grey ; iris brown " {Alan Peel). Total length 7 inches, culmen 0-83, wing 4-1, tail 2-15, tarsus (>63. The young female has the chin and upper throat white (not yel- low), and the underparts smoky grey, instead of brownish buff as in the adult. Hah. Peru (probably in the southern part only), Bolivia, Argen- tine Eepublic, and Lower Uruguay. a,h. c? 2 ad. sk. Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.l. c. ? juv. sk. BoUvia. Purchased. d,e. (S 2 ad. sk. Mendoza, Arg. Eep. ( Jf m«- Sclater Coll. ha apt). /. .y- d 2 ^^- sk. Mendoza, Feb. ( Weisahaiqjt). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. 5 ad. sk. Mendoza ( Weisshavpt). Tweeddale Coll. «. c? ad. St. Mendoza. Mr. Weissbaupt [C.]. k. 2 juv. sk. Salta, Arg. Eep. II.Dumford.Esq.rC.J. I. 6 ad. ; m, ?i 5 Uruguay. Alan Peel, Esq. [C.l. ad. sk. 1 3. Melanerpes herminieri. Pious heiniiuieri, Less. Traite, i. p. 228 (1831); Des Murs, Icon. Orn. pi. xxxviii. (1849) ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Pkm. p. 51 (1866). Melampicos herminieri, Malh. N. Classif., Mevi. Acad. Metz, 1848- 49, p. 305. Melanerpes herminieri, Bp. Covsp. Geti. Av. i. p. 115 (1850); Peicfienl). iSca)ig. Picivce, p. 38], no. 880, pi. dcxlii. figs. 4280-81 (1854); Gray, List Picid. Brit, Mus. p. 117 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. m2 164 riciD^. B. ii. p. 201, no. 8822 (1870) ; Sclat. S,- Sah. Komencl. At\ Neofi: p. 100 (187.''>) ; Lmcr. Froc. U.S. Nat. Mus. i. pp. 459, 487 (1878) ; Con/, Li.^f B. W. Ind. p. 20 (188o) ; id. Auk, 1886, p. 377. Linnreipious hermiiiieri, Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zyyod. p. 10, no. 225 (1854). Linneopicus ln'ruiiiiieii, Gva]i, Cut. Gen. B. 1855, p, 93. Melampicus benuinieri. Math. Ficidce, ii. p. 198, pi. c. fig. 1 (1802), Adult {femaW^)*. Uniform black glossed with greenish blue, the feathers of the throat, fore neck, chest, and breast tipped with dull purplish crimson, this colour being less prominent on the throat and fore neck ; the shafts of the quills and of the tail-feathers black : " iris reddish chocolate" {F. A. Oher). Total length 10-5 inches, culmen l-;3. wing 5-2, tail 3-65, tarsus 0-97,: toes (without claws) — outer anterior 088, outer posterior 0-83, inner anterior 0*64, inner posterior 0'35. AdvU male. From the description given by Mr. Cory (Auk, 1886, p. 377) the male would appear to differ from the female solely in having " a faint reddish tinge on the forehead," although this is "possibly not constant." Mr. Lawrence (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1878, p. 459) gives the measurements as follows : — " Length 11-0, Aving5|"(i^. A. Ober). Hob. Guadeloupe, West Indies. a. S \y ^^-l ^^- Island of Guadeloupe, West Indies, Sclater Coll. Sept. {Ober). 14. Melanerpes pucherani. Picus caroliuus, var. d, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 231, sp. 18 (1700). ^ Picus am-ifrons (mow WagL), Le.=s. Bev. Zvol. 1839, p. 102; Wayn. Areh.fiir JVatvry. 1841, p. 100. Zebrapicus pucherani, Malh. Bev. Zool. 1849, p. 642 ; Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zygod. p. 11, no. 224 (1854) ; Malli. Pieidce, ii. p. 227, pi. ciii. figs. 1, 2, c? 2 (1862). Centurus pucherani, Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 120, no. 9 (1850) ; Bckhenb. Scans. Ficinte, p. 411, i.o. 9C9 (1854) ; Sclat. i/• c? ? ad. sk. Jamaica. Sclater Coil. g,h. S $ ad.sk. Moneague, Jamaica, Feb. (Dr. Mrs. Bryant [P.]. Bryant). i,k,l. (S ad. et Moneague, Feb., Aug. Salvin-Godmau Coll. imm. sk. m. 5 ad. sk. Near Spanish Town, Jamaica Salvin-Godman Coll. (W. JF. Marsh), n. Sternum. Purchased. 16. Melanerpes superciliaris. Picus superciliaris, Temm. PI. Col. iv. pi. 4.33, S ad. (1827) ; Less. Man. d'Orn. p. 112 (1828) ; Drajy. Diet. Class, xiii. p. 505 (1828) ; Wagl. Isis, 1829, p. 515 ; Less. Traite, i. p. 227, c? (1831) ; Thienem. J.f. O. 1857, p. 153; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 55 (1866). Colaptes superciliaris, Vi(/. Zool. Journ. iii. p. 445 (1828); Wuf/ner, Arch, fur Nature/. 1841, p. 100 ; Ramon de la Sagra, Hist. Phys. Cuba,'Av. p. Ill, pi. xxiii., var. alb. (1838); D'Orb. # Sayra, Hist. Phi/s. Cuba, Orn. p. 146 (1839); Lembeye, Av s Cuba, p. 131 (1S.:0). Picus striatus {non Gm.), Less. Traite, i. p. 227, $ (1831). Picus subocularis. Less. Deser, d'Ois. Itec. Decouv. 1847, p. 205, no. 33, S ■ Colaptes superciliosus, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 446 (1846). Zebrapicus superciliaris, Malh. N. Classif., Mem. Acad. Mete, 1848-49, p. 361 ; id. Picidcs, ii. p. 223, pi. cii. iigs. 1, d (ad. ?), 2 2 ad., 3 5 ad. alb. (1802). Centurus superciliaris, Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 118, no. 1 (1850) ; id. Consp. Volucr. Zyyod. p. 11, no. 214 (1854) ; Eeichenb. Scans. PicincB, p. 408, no. 958, pi. dclxii. figs. 4400 cJ ad., 4401 $ alb. (1854); Gundl. J.f. 0. 1856, p. 103; Breioer, Proc. Post. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. p. 307 (1860) ; Sclaf. Cat. Amer. B. p. 342, no. 2042 (1862); Gundl. Bepert. 1866, p. 294; Sclat. Sf Salv. Nomencl Av. Neotr. p. 101 (1873) ; Ridyiv. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1881, p. 115; Cory, List B. W. Led. p. 20 (1885) ; id. Auk, iii. p. 379 (1886). Melanerpes superciliaris, Eidyiv. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 292 (18S7). 168 ■ nciDJi;. Adult male. Above, including tail-coverts, and the wing-coverts barred black and white, the back and scapulars washed with yellowish : quills black, the basal portion of the primaries white, and the apical margin also white ; the secondaries barred with white upon both webs ; shafts black ; the central pair of tail- feathers white, narrowlj' barred and tipped with black, the remain- ing feathers black, the two outermost large ones on either side barred with white on more or less of their apical half ; shafts black ; nasal plumes reddish cream-colour ; base of the forehead, hinder part of the crown, occiput, and nape crimson ; frontal band, lores, and region above and below the anterior half of the eye creamy white ; above the posterior half of the eye and running back- wards a broad black stripe or spot ; posterior portion of the face dull cream-colour ; the chin and throat drab, grading into ashy brown on the sides of the neck, chest, and breast, and strongly fulvescent below, the abdomen being crimson, and the thighs barred with dusky black ; under tail-coverts fulvescent white barred with black ; under wing-coverts white (slightly yellowish) with varied black markings, the axillaries uniform dingy yellowish white. Total length 11 inches, cuhneu 1-7, wing 0, tail 3-85, tarsus I'l ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0"85, outer posterior 0-87, inner anterior U'6, inner posterior 0"45. • Adult female. Differs from tlie adult male in having the greater part of the crown buffy white, with a smoky tinge posteriorly, the hind part of the crown and the occiput black, striped with smoky grey ; the nape (as in the male) crimson. Total length 11 inches, culmen 1"53, wing o-',], tail 8'9, tarsus 0-93. Young {(S'^). Resembles the adult male, but differs in having scarcely a trace of red at the base of the forehead, the latter being dull white with dusky spots ; the red on the crown and occiput very much duller, and the black portion of the crown-feathers showing through ; the upper parts with hardly any fulvescent tinge, and the barring less black, and dusky on the rump ; underparts only slightly fulvescent, and the red on the abdomen not so intense ; the barring on the flanks, thighs, vent, and under tail-coverts dusky. Hah. Cuba. a. S ad. sk. Cuba. Zoological Society. b. 6 ad. sk. Cuba. Mrs. Bryant [P.]. c. 5 ad. sk. Cuba (C. Wrl(/ht). U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. d. (S ad. sk. Cuba. Sclater Coll. e,f. (S ad.; (j,h. 5 Cuba. Salviu-Godman Coll. ad. ; i. Juv. sk. 17. Melanerpes blakii. Centurus blakei *, R'ldym. Auk, iii. p. 337 (1886). Melanerpes blakei, Ridgio. Ma7i. N. Amer. B. p. 292 (1887). * Certainly comes very close to M. nyeanus from Watlings Island, Bahamas, judging from the description of that species given by Dr. Eidgway. 12. MELANERPES. 169 Adult male. Resembles M. sujierciliaris, but differs in being smaller, and having very much less white on the plumage ; the white on the base of the primaries broadly barred with black ; the tail shorter and the central pair of feathers black, barred with white, the black interspaces slightly narrower than the bars ; the nasal plumes less red ; the posterior half of the face darker and more of a drab ; the neck and chest vinous drab, the underparts somewhat similar in colour and tinged with yellow, but very much less so than M. siqjerciliaris. Total length 10-3 inches, culmen 1"4, wing 5-33, tail 3'65, tarsus 09 ; toes (without claws) — outer ante- rior 0-8, outer posterior 0"8, inner anterior 0-55, inner posterior 0'35. Adult female. Has no red on the crown, the anterior portion being ashy drab, blending into the buffy-white frontal band, the posterior part black with transverse markings of ashy grey ; the occiput and nape (alone) being red. Total length 9'8 inches, cul- men 1"32, wing 5, tail 3*6, tarsus 0'9, Hab. Abaco, Bahamas. 18. Melanerpes nyeanus. Centunis nyeanus, Ridyw. Auk, iii. p. 336 (1886). Melanerpes nyeiuus, Hidyio. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 292 (1887). Adult male. "Similar to C. superciliari.t (Temm.) of Cuba, but much smaller, the white bars of upper parts and grey of lower parts almost devoid of yellow tinge ; red of belly and black super- ciliary spot more restricted, and outer webs of middle tail-feathers without spots. Wing 5-20, tail 400, culmen 1-50, tarsus 0-92.'" {ltid(/wai/). Hab. Watlings Island, Bahamas. 19. Melanerpes caymanensis. Centurus caymanensis, Cori/, Auk, iii. pp. 499 & 502 (1886). Adult male. Differs from both of the Bahaman species, and also from the Cuban M. superciUuris, in wanting the black patch above and behind the posterior part of the eye, also in the black bars on the upper i)arts being narrower, and the light bars drabby white ; the nasal plumes slightly red ; the frontal band and the anterior half of the face \)alc drab (not white) ; the whole of the underparts brownish drab and less fulvescent. In the amount and distribution of white on the wings and tail this species is much more closely allied to the Bahaman species M. nyeauKS and M. blahU, but, ajiart from the more important specific differences, it is less in size than either of these. Total length 9-5 inches, culmen 1-25, wing 5-15, tail 3-0, tarsus 0-92 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-82, outer posterior 0-82, inner anterior 0-G, inner posterior 0-35. Adidt female. Has the crown smoky or dusky grey, the red being confined to the occiput and nape. In other respects the sexes are 170 PICIDJ5. alike. Total length 9-3 inches, culmen 1-25, wing 4*7, tail 3-4, tarsus 0-9. Uab. Island of Grand Cayman, West Indies. a, h. cJ ad. sk. CTraud Cayman, W. I. (C. P. Salvin-Godman Coll. Streator, Cory Coll.). 20. Melanerpes carolimis. The Red-hellied Woodpecker, Cateshy, Nat. Hist. Carol, i. p. 19, pi. xix. fig. 1, c? (1731). Picas carolimis, Limi. (ex Catesby) Syst. Nat. i. p. 174 (176(3) ; Forstcr, Cat. Anim. N. Amer. p. 10 (1771) ; Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 431, sp. 10 c?, var. ji $, var. y S sen. (1788) ; Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxvi. p. 77 (1818) ; Vale}ic. Diet. Sc. Nat. xl. p. 181 (1826); Drap. Diet. Classif. d'Hist. Nat. xiii. p. 490 (1828); Wils. Bp. Sj- Jard. Amer. Orn. i. p. 113, pi. vii. fig. 2, S (non svn.) (1832) ; Nuttall, Man. Orn. i. p. 572 (1832) ; And. Orn. Biog. V. p. \m, Atlas, pi. 41.5. %. 3 S ad., pi. 416. fig. 4 $ (1839) ; id. Synop. 1839, p. 183; Peabody, B. Massach. p. 336 (1841) ; Aud. B. Amer. iv. p. 270, pi. cclxx. (1842) ; De Kay, Nat. Hist. N. Y. p. 189, pi. xvii. fig. 37, S (1844) ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 53 (1866). Carolina Woodpecker, var. B, Lath. Gen. Syn. ii. p. 571 (1782). Epeiche ou Pic raye de la Louisiane, Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. vii. p. 409 (1783) ; Daubent. PI. Enl. 692, J ad. Picus zebra, Bodd. Tabl. PI. Enl. p. 43, no. 692 (1783). Picus carolirius, var. y, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 231 (1790). Picus griseus, Vieill. Ois. Amer. Sept. ii. p. 62, pi. cxvi. cJad. (1807) ; Bmm. i^- Vieill. Enc. Meth. p. 1308 (1823). Picus carolinensis, Wils. Amer. Orn. i. p. 113, pi. vii. fig. 2, c? (1808). Picus erytliraucheu, Wayl. Syst. Av. Picus, sp. 38 (1827); id. Isis, 1829, p. 513. Centurus carolinensis, Sicains. Classif. B. ii. p. 310 (1837) ; Seton, Auk, 1885, p. 335. Centurus carolinus, Bp. Geogr. 8f Comp. List, p. 40, no. 264 (1838) ; Gray, List Gen. Brit. Mns. i. p. 71 (1841) ; id. Gen. B. ii. p. 442, pi. ex. fig. 3 (1846) ; Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 119, no. 3 (1850) ; id. Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 11 (1854); Eeichenb. Handb. Scans. Picina, p. 408, no. 959, pi. dc-lxiii. figs. 4402-3, S ? (1854) ; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1857, p. 8 ; Baird, B. N. Amer. 1858, p. 109 ; id. Cat. N. Amer. B. 1859, no. 91 ; Sclat. Cat. Ainer. B. p. 342, no. 2045 (1862) ; Cab. J.f. 0. 1862, p. 324 ; Cav.-Taylor, Ibis, 1862, p. 128 ; Allen, Proc. Essex Inst. iv. p. 53 (1864) ; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 469 ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mns. p. 99 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 197, no. 8758 (1870) ; Allen, Bull. M. C. Z. ii. p. 306 (1871) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. p. 196 (1872) ; Allen, Bull. M. C. Z. iii. p. 180 (1872); Coues, Check-list, 1873, no. 306; Ridgiv. Bull. Essex Inst. 1873, p. 185 ; Coues, B. N. West, p. 289 (1874) ; B., B., S( a. Hist. N. Amer. B. ii. p. 554, pi. Iii. figs. 1 d", 4 $ (1874) ; Breivster, Ann. Lye. N. Y. xi. p. 144 (1875) ; Nels. Bull. Es.'ex Inst. viii. p. 116 (1876); Bretoster, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, 1877, p. 108 ; Mayn. Bds. Florida, p. 226, pi. xviii. (1878) ; Mearns, Trans. Conn. Acad. 1878, p. 146; Bidgw. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 12. MELANKRPES, 171 iii. p. 189, no. 372 (1880); Rkl()w. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1881, p. 99; Coitcs, Check-lid, 1882, no. 450; id. EeyN.Amer. B. 1884, p. 488 ; Dreiv, Auk, 1885, p. 17 ; Agershovg, torn. cit. p. 283. ^ Zebrapicus carolinus, Malh. N. Classif., Mem. Acad. Metz, 1848-49, p. 361 ; id. Picidce, ii. p. 234, pL ciii. tigs. 7 c? ad., 8 $ ad. (1862). Melanerpes carolinus, Ridgw. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 1874, p. 378; A. O, U. Check-list N. Aiiier. B. p. 217, no. 409 (1886) ; Ridgw. Man. N. Anier. B. p. 293 (1887) ; Warren, B. Penn. p. 135 (1888). Adult male. Back and scapulars, also the Aving-covcrts, barred black and pure white ; rump and upper tail-coverts white, the former varied with V-shaped markings of black, the latter nearly uniform ; quills black, the ]>rimnries having the base of the inner web white partially barred with black, the outer webs at the base spotted with white ; secondaries spotted upon both webs, and the innermost barred across with white, the tips of the quills white, and the shafts black ; tail black, the inner webs of the central pair of feathers barred with white, the outer web longitudinally striped at the base with white, the two outer large feathers on either side tipped and transversely spotted with white on more or less of the apical portion : shafts black ; nasal plumes huffy drab washed with red ; top of the head, occiput, and nape bright red ; face, neck, and the whole of the under surface of the body drab-grey, whiter on the chin and throat, the anterior part of the face, the chest, and tlie abdomen more or less tinged with red, below the chest being also delicately tinged with yellow, the thighs barred and spotted with black; under tail-coverts white, with stripes and varied markings of black ; under wing-coverts white, transversely spotted with black, axillaries smoky white. Total length 9 inches, culmen I'^o, wing 5-25, tail 3'3, tarsus 0'9 ; toes (without claws) — outer anteiior 0-6, outer posterior 0'65, inner anterior 0-46, inner posterior U"32. Adult female. Has the crown pale ashy grey anteriorly, leaden grey posteriorly, the occiput and nape red as in the male, which it also in other respects resembles. Total length 9 inches, culmen 1-22, wing 5-35, tail 3'38, tarsus 0"9. Voung male. Differs from the adult male in having the under- parts covered with almost obsolete dusky striations ; the forehead and crown dusky brown with drab transverse markings, and with a faint tinge of red on some of the feathers ; the occiput and nape drabby brown with faint dusky bars, and very slightly tinged with red ; the abdomen with a yellowish or pinkish tinge ; under man- dible yellowish at the base (below). Hub. Eastern United States, to the llocky Mountains, has occurred as far north as Toi-onto, and is rare east of the Hudson Eiver, extends south into Florida and Southern Texas. Tweeddale Coll. Trof. Steere [P.]. Henshaw Coll. [S. cJ ad. sk. Canada. (^ ad. sk. Michigan. $ ad. sk. Locust Grove, New York, winter {l)r. Bagg). 172 d. 2 ad. sk. e. 5 ad. sk. /. cS imm- ; 9- 6 juv. sk. h-k. S ad. ; /. $ ad. sk. m, n, 0. c? ad. et imm. sk. 2>, . G.). Cozumel Island, Jan. 1885 {E. a J. Derk). Cozumel Island (&'. F. Gaumer). Salvin- Salvin- Salvin- Salvin- Salvin- Salvin- Salvin- ■Godman Coll. ■Godmaii Coll. Godman Coll. •Godman Coll. •Godman CoU. Godman Coll. •Godman Coll. Salviu-Godiuan Coll. Meco Island ((?. F. Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. * I cannot regard this species, from Cozumel, as distinct from M. diibittg, simply on account of its barred rump and upper tail-corerts. as we have in the same small island a bird identical with the latter species. The occurrence of so many examples of each form is certainly remarkable ; but in some of the other species of Mdanerpes similar variations are found, though rarely. 1 74 PICID.E. ?<■',.(■',?/. cj' ad. ; Cayo, Western District, Salvin-G(_;dmiin Coll. z. 5 ad. sk. British Honduras, Feb.,Mar., April (F. Blanccmeau.r) . a",h". S ad.; c" , San Felipe, I'ritish Hondii- Salvin-Godman Coll. 2 ad. sk. ras, March, April [F. Blan- caneaux). d" . (S ad.sk. EioMopan.British Honduras, Salvin-Godman Coll. April (7''. Bknirancaii.v). s")/ "• 6 ? ad. sk. Belize, British Honduras Salvin-Godman Coll. (Blanccmecmx) . ff". 2 ad. st. Honduras. Mr. Dj'son [C.l. h" . (S ad. sk. Honduras. Mr. Dyson [C.]. 22. Melanerpes canescens. Ceuturus canescens, S'alv. Ibis, 1889, p. 370. Adult male. Resembles 31 duhms, but diftcrs in having from two to three bars of white at the base of the outer webs of the primaries ; the white bars on the back and wings rather broader, and the longest upper tail-coverts slightly tipped with red. Total length 9'5 inches, cnlmen 1'42, wing 5"1, tail 3-15, tarsus 0-9 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-77, outer posterior 0*8, inner anterior 0-6, inner posterior 0"37. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the foreherd and crown creamy white, the occiput slightly smoky, the nuchal band (only) red. Total length 9*2 inches, culmen 1"22, wing 5'03, tail 3-2, tarsus 0-85. There is more white on the crown of the female than in J/, dxbius, and in both sexes of the present species the lace is (generally) con- spicuously whiter. Hah. Confined to the Island of Euatau, Bay of Honduras. a, b. (S 2 ad. sk. Euatau Island, Bay of Hon- Salvin-Godman Cell, duras (G. F. Gaunwr). (Tyjies of the species.) c-k. (S ad. ; /-a-. 5 Kuatan Island {G. F. Gau- Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. et imm. sk. iner). 23. Melanerpes tricolor. Picus tricolor {7wn Gm.), Wagl. Isis, 1829, p. 512, c? ad. ; Sunder. Cons'p. Av. Picin. p. 54 (1866). Centurus subelegans, Bp.Consji.Gen.Av. i. p. 119 (1850); id. KotesOm. Coll. Rapp. Delatt. p. 85 (1854) ; Meicheitb. Scans. Picince, p. 4ll, no. 966, pi. dclxv. figs. 4415-16 (1864) ; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1855, Ijp. 34, 16i^ ; id. op. cit. 1856, p. 143. Centurus tricolor, Licht. Komencl. Ai\ p. 76 (1854) ; Cab. J. f. O. 1862, p. 327 ; Sclat. Cat. Amer. B. p. 343, no. 2049 (1862) ; 'id. 4" Sali\ P. Z. S. 1864, p. 367 ; Salt: op. cit. 1867, p. 157 ; id. ^ Sclat. op. cit. 1868, p. 169 ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mu». p. 100 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 197, no. 8761 (1870) ; Salr. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 213 ; TVt/att, Ibis, 1871, pp. 115, 381 ; Sol. c^- Salv. 2\'omencl. Av. I 12. MKLANEEPES. 175 Keoti: p. 100 (1878) ; Salv. 8f Godm. Ibis, 187y, p. 205; iid. op. cit. 1880, p. 174 ■,JRidr/w. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1881, p. 101. Centurus rubrirentiis [non Swains.), Lairr.Ann. Lye. N. Yorh,\i%\, p. 299. Zebrapiciis ti-ieolor (pt.), Malh. Ficidcc, ii. p. 247, pi. cvi. fifrs. 1, 2, S 2 ad. (18H2). Centurus carolinus, var. tricolor, B., B., ^- li. Hid. N. Amer. B. ii. p. 654 (1874;. Adult male. Small in size. Back, scapulars, and wing-covcrts black, barred with white ; rump and upper tail-coverts uniform white ; quills black, spotted with white upon both webs, except on the apical half or more of the primaries ; shafts brownish black ; tail black, the central pair of feathers barred on the inner web and spotted on the basal portion of the outer web with white, the outer large feather spotted on the margin of the outer web and the tip of the inner web ; shafts black ; forehead drabby white, the base and the nasal plumes tinged with yellow ; the centre of the crown crim- son, the occiput fulvescent brown washed with red, and the nape red ; hind neck like the back ; outer edge of crown, face, neck, and under surface of the body pale drab, more or less fulvescent, the chin whiter and the malar region slightly yellow, the abdomen orange- red, the thighs and the under tail-coverts having V-shaped markings of black : under wing-coverts white, with a few dusky bars, the axillaries dingy fulvescent white. Total length G'S inches, cilmen 1, wing 4-2, tail 2, tarsus 0'73 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-65, outer posterior 0-65, inner anterior 0-45, inner posterior 0*3. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in wanting the crimson crown, the sinciput being pale bufFy brown grading into ashy brown on the hinder crown and occiput, the latter having a yellow tinge; the nuchal feathers red as in the male. Total length 6*5 inches, culmen 0'85, wing 4-05, tail 1-85, tarsus 0-7. Bogota specimens are very pale in colour and strongly fulvescent below. Hah. U.S. Colombia and east into Venezuela, being replaced in the Orinoco district by M. terricolor. a. Juv. sk. Central America. Gould Coll. b. Juv. sk. Central America. Tweeddale Coll. c. d. c? $ ad. sk. Veragua {U. Arce). Sclater Coll. e,f. S 2 f"i- sk. Veragua (H. Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. ff,h. cj 2 imm. ; Panarua. Tweeddale Coll. i. 5 ad. sk. k, I. (5 2 ad. sk. Panama (J. McLeannan). Sclater Coll. m,n. J 2 ad.sk. Vwa3.m.& (J. McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. o,p. (S ad.sk. Panama. G. Barclay, Esq. [P.]. q. 2 ad. sk. Paraiso Station, Panama {A. Salvin-Godman Coll. Hur/hes). r, s. S ad. ; <. 2 New Grauada. Salvin-Godman Coll. juv. sk. M, V. c? 2 ad. sk. New Granada. Purchased. w, X. c? 2 ^^- sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. y-h' .(^ ad.et inim.; c, d' . 2 ad. et imm. sk. e',f'. 6 2 ad. sic. (/'. (S iram ad. sk. i', k'. c^ $ ad I'. S ad. sk. m'. S ad. sk. n'. c? ad. sk. o'. Skeleton. h'.2 sk. Bogota. "N^alle Dupar, Santa Marta, Colombia {F. Simons). Venezuela. Venezuela. Venezuela (Berlepsck). Cayenne. Cayenne. S. x\merica. Tweeddale Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. Tweeddale Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. Purchased. Subsp. CI. Melanerpes terricolor. Zebrapicus tricolor (pt.), MaUi. Ficirhp, ii. p. 247 (1862). Centurus terricolor, Berlejjsc/i, Ibis, 1880, p. 113 ; Eidr/w. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1881, p. 104. Centurus tricolor {non Wagl.), Salv. Cat. Strickl. CM. p. 400, no. 1954 (1882). Adult male. Resembles M. tricolor, bnt differs in being larger, and darker in colour on the head, neck, and underparts, and in having the rump and the upper tail-covcrts more or less barred wifh black ; the under tail-coverts, vent, and thighs also distinctly barred with black ; the red on the abdomen darker and not tinged with yellow. Total length 7'3 inches, culmen 1-1, wing 4-25, tail 2-2, tarsus 0'8 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-7, outer posterior 0-7, inner ante- rior 052, inner posterior 0-3. Adult female. Ditfers from the adult male in having the crown and occiput dark smoky grey or brown, paler anteriorly, the nape dull orange-red. Total length 6-7 inches, culmen 0 95, wing 4-03, tail 2, tarsus 0-73. Hah. The Orinoco district, also the islands of Trinidad and Tobago *. a. S ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. h. (S ad. sk. Tobago. Sir W. Jardine [P.]. 24. Melanerpes rubriventris. Pious aurifrons {non Wac/l.), Bp. P. Z, S. 1837, p. IIG; id. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 110 (IS.'O). Centurus rubriventris, Sirains. An. in Mena;/. p. 354, no. 214 (1838) ; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 442 (1846) ; Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 11, no. 222 (1854) ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 100 (1868) ; Laivr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. ix. p. 206 (1869) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. ii. p. 197, no. 8762 (1870) ; Mdyw. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1881, p. 102 ; Lawr. Aim. Acad. Sc. N. T. iii. p. 247, $ descr. (1882) ; Boucard, P. Z S 1883, p. 452 ; Salv. Ibis, 1885, pp. 186, 192, 1889, p. 369. Zebrapicus rubriventris, 3Ial/i. Picidce, ii. p. 248, pi. evii. hg. 1, d ad. (1862). Centurus tricolor (pt.). Cab. J.f. O. 1862, p. 327. * Specimens from Trinidad and Tobago have the bars on the rump and upper tail-coverts less developed than those from Venezuela. 12. UELANKRrES. 177 Picua tricolor (pt.), Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 54 (18GG). Oenturus rubriventris pygmaeus, Ridgw. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1885, p. 576. Melanerpes rubriventris, Ridgic. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 293 (1887). Meliinerpes pygmaeus, Ridgw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 293 (1887). Adult male. Resembles M. tricolor, but may be distinguished by having the nasal plumes, base of the forehead, lores, anterior half of malar region, and the chin brilliant golden yellow ; the upper part of the forehead, the face and neck, and the underparfcs (gene- rally) paler ; the barring on the upper parts much narrower, the light bars being greyer. Total length 7" 7 inches, culmen 0*9, wing 4*2, tail 2-6, tarsus 0'75 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-62, outer posterior 0"62, inner anterior 0'46, inner posterior 0-28. Young males. Resemble the adult of the same sex, but have only a just perceptible tinge of yellow on the forehead and none on the chin or malar region ; middle of crown red, and separated from the paler red nape by the smokj--grey- occiput ; or with the crown, occiput, and nape entirely red, but less brilliant than in the adult ; the abdomen of a bright brick-red colour. Adult female. Has no red on the crown, this being entirely smoky white, darker posteriorly, the occipital feathers tipped with scarlet, but this colour not spreading on to the nape: Total length 7"5 inches, culmen 0-85, wing 4"15, tail 2-5, tarsus 0-73. Examples of this species from the islands of Cozumel and Bonacca are somewhat darker than typical birds, and those from the latter island have the black barring above broader and the bill more powerful than Cozumel specimens. Hah. Yucatan, also the islands of Cozumel and Bonacca. a,b.(^2 fid.sk. Yucatan (G. F. Ganmer). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. (S ad. sk.j Merida, Yucatan, May ((?. F. Sclater Coll. Gamner). d, e,f. S ad. ; ff. Peto, Yucatan, April (G. F. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2 ad. sk. ' Gnumer). h. 5 ad. sk. Cozumel inland {E. C. J. Devi's). Salvin-Godman Coll. i-p. (S ad. et Cozumel Island (G'. F. Gamner). Salvin-Godmau Coll. imni.; q-v.2 ad. etinim.ak. tv, X. (S ad.; y, BonaccaIsland,Bay of Honduras, Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. c5" juv. sk. Sept. 1887 (G. F. Gaumer). 25. Melanerpes aurifrons. Picus aurifrons, Wagl. Isis, 1829, p. 512, cJ ad. ; Sundev. Cortsp.Av. Picin. p. 53 (1806). Centm-us flaviventria (non Vieill.), Sioains. An. in Menag. p. 354, S ad. (1837); Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 442 (1846); Sclat. P. Z. S. 1857, p. 8; Baird, B.N. Amer. 1858, p. 110; id. Cat. Am. B. 1859, no. 92; id. B. N. Amer. ed. 1860, p. 110, pi. xlii. figs. 1 c?, 2 $ ; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 469. Centiivus subelegans, Bp. P. Z. S. 1837, p. 109, d ad. ; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 442 (1846) ; Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zi/qnd. p. 11, no. 220, non syn. (1854) ; id. Notes Orn. Coll. Rapp. Delatt. p. 85 (1854). VOL. XVIII. N Picus ornatus, Less. Hev. et Mag. Zool. 1839, p. 102, ^ ad. ; Wagn. Arch, fur Naturg. 1841, p. 100. Centurus elegans {noji Sicains.), Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. v. p. 116 (1851). Centurus santa-cruzi {non Bp.), Later. Ann. Lye. N. Y. v. p. 123 (1851). Centurus aurifrons, Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 76 (1854) ; Sclat. Cat. Amer. B. p. 343, no. 2047 (1862); Cab. J. f. O. 1862, p. 328 ; Grai/, List Picid. Brit. Mns. p. 103 (18G8) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 198, no. 8770 (1870) ; Coo2:,er, B. Cat. ed. Baird,\. p. 399 (1870) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. p. 196 (1872) ; id. Check-list, 1873, no. 807 ; Sclat. ^- Salv. Nomencl. Ai\ Neotr. p. 100 (1873) ; B., B., ^ B. Hist. N. Amer. B. ii. p. 557, pi. lii. fig-s. 3 c?, 4 $ (1874) ; Semiett, Bull. U. S. Geol. Sun: iv. no. 1, p. 39 (1878); Merrill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. i. p. 151 (1878) ; Sennett, Bidl. U. S. Geol. Surv. Y. p. 416 (1879) ; Bidgw. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. iii. p. 189, no. 373, & p. 233 (1880) ;' id. op. cit. iv. p. 104 (1881); Coues, Check-list, 1882, no. 451 ; id. Key N. Am. B. 1884, p. 488. Centurus ornatus, Beichenh. Scans. Picince, p. 410, no. 963, pi. dclxiv. figs. 4409-10, 2 S (1854). Zebrapicus aurifrons, Malh. Picidte, ii. p. 240, pi. civ. figs. 1-3, S $ ad., cJ juv. (1862). Melanerpes aurifrons, Bidgw. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. viii. p. 355 (1885) ; A. O. U. Check-list N. Amer. B. p. 217, no. 410 (1886) ; Bid(/io. 3Ia7i. N. At7ier. B..-p. 294 (1887); Lloyd, Auk, 1887, p. 191; Hashrouck, op, cit. 1889^ p. 238. Achdt male. Back, scapulars, and wing-coverts equally barred black and white ; rump aud upper tail-coverts white ; quills black, the primaries having conspicuous spots or patches of white on the basal portion, the secondaries spotted with white on the margin of both webs, the innermost of all being barred right across, the tips of the quills white, and the shafts black ; tail black, the outer large feather spotted with white on the margin of the outer web and the tip of the inner web, the next inner feather tipped with white ; shafts black ; nasal plumes varied yellow and dusky ; base of the forehead golden yellow, the crown and occiput slaty grey, grading into ashy white on the upper part of the forehead, and the crown centred by a large crimson patch ; nuchal band golden yellow or orange, sometimes nearly red ; face, neck, and the whole of the under surface of the body ashy drab, the chin and throat whiter, the abdomen golden yellow ; thighs, vent, and under tail-coverts white, tinged with yellow, varied with black, the thighs and under tail-coverts being barred as well as striped, and the vent striped ; under wing-coverts white varied with black ; axillaries uniform smoky white. Total length 9 inches, culmen 1"5, wing 5-3, tail 3"22, tarsus 1 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-7, outer posterior 0-7, inner anterior 0'55, inner posterior 0"35. Fledijlirig, male. Differs from the adult male in having the red feathers of the crown dingy crimson and their bases blackish, the remaining portion of the top of the head dusky with narrow blackish striations on the occiput, the nape smoky yellow ; the feathers at the base of the forehead slightly yellow and tipped with black ; the chest 12. MELANERPE8. 179 having a few blackish striations, the sides of the body, flanks, and thighs with almost obsolete dusky stripes. Adult female. Wants the red on the top of the head, the crown being drab shading into the grey of the occiput. Otherwise resemblea the male. Total length 9 inches, ciilmen 1-35, wing 5, tail 2-85, tarsus 0"9. Hah. Southern Texas and N.E. States of Mexico, also along the tablelands, south to the city of Mexico and westward into Jalisco. Hidalgo, Texas, April {F. B. Salvin-Godman Coll. Armstron the tip ; wings and their coverts black, the outermost coverts white, this forming a conspicuous stripe 190 piciD^. parallel with the edge of the wing ; quills tipped and spotted with white on both webs ; shafts black ; tail black, the inner webs of the central pair of feathers partially white and barred with black, the two outer large feathers on either side externally margined with greyish white ; shafts black ; forehead and crown, chin, and throat crimson ; occiput black ; hind neck black, with longitudinal spots of white ; face and side of the neck, fore neck and chest (except the sides of the latter) blue-black, with a white stripe from behind the eye, uniting on the nape with the corresponding one, and another white stripe from the base of the upper mandible, passing under the ear-coverts and down the side of the neck ; the lores and nasal plumes white ; under surface of the body pale sulphur-yellow, the sides, flanks, and thighs smoky brown, with stripes and sagittate markings of black ; under tail-coverts yellowish white, a few being striped with black ; under wing-coverts yellowish white with dusky V-shaped markings ; axillaries smoky white with faint dusky stripes. Total length 8 inches, culmen 1, wing 5, tail 2-9, tarsus 0-8 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'5, outer posterior 0'57, inner anterior 0*4, inner posterior 0-25, Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the chin and throat white. Total length 7-8 inches, culmen 0-95, wing 4-75, tail 2-7, tarsus 0-72. The various plumages may be given as follows ; — 1st Plumage — Nestling. Has no red whatever upon the top of the head or on the chin and throat ; the head and neck are dusky brown, spotted with dingy whitish, except the chin and upper throat which are dull white ; there is a dull white superciliary stripe and another white stripe under the eye and ear-coverts ; there is no black cres- centic patch on the chest, the whole of the under surface of the body (except the middle of the breast and the abdomen, which are yellowish white) being smoky brown, with crescent-shaped or bar- like markings of dusky black ; the black on the upper parts is less intense. 2)id Stage. In autumn the forehead and crown are still dusky brown, with paler brown or brownish-white stripe-like spots, but some of the feathers are tipped with red, and in the males some of the feathers of the chin and throat are also tipped with red ; the black feathers appear on the occiput, and an occasional black feather is found on the chest ; the middle of the breast and the abdomen and vent are yellower. 3rcZ Stage — Spring. In the female the feathers of the forehead and crown become black, with small stripe-like spots of white, and tipped with red. The chest becomes black ; the white on the upper parts is stiU deeply washed with yellowish brown. Ath Stage. — Autumn. In both sexes the feathers of the forehead and crown are tipped with crimson and have black bases and devoid of white spots ; the throat in the male is crimson and the feathers bordering the gular patch, as well as those comprising the auricular stripe, are becoming deep black ; the back is still washed with yel- lowish brown. 13. 8PHYR0PICUS. 191 5th Stage. — Spring, This is the fully adult plumage, in which both sexes have the forehead and crown uniform crimson, the male having the chin and throat crimson, these in the female being white ; the white on the back has generally lost its yeUowish-brown tinge. It appears, therefore, that this species is two years in an-iving at maturity. Hab. Northern and Eastern Xorth America ; has been found as far north as Julianshaab, South Greenland ; extends into Mexico, Guatemala, Yucatan, Honduras, Costa Rica, and into the island of St. Andrews ; also occurs in several of the West-Indian Islands (Jamaica, Cuba, St. Croix) and in the Bahamas. a. c? ad.; b. $ imm. sk. e. (S ad. sk. d. c? ad. sk. e. c? ad. sk. /. d ad.; g. 2 juv. sk. h. (S ad. sk. i-l, (S ad. et juv. ; 7n, 71. 5 ad. et imm. sk. o-c'. S ad. et juv.; d'-k'. 5 ad. et juv. sk. /', m', 11 . cJ ad. sk. 0. 2 imm. ; p' . Juv. sk. q', S ad.sk. r',s' . (S ad. et juv. ; t' , u . 5 imm. sk. v ,ii:' . (S ad.;.i''-a". 2 ad. et imm. sk. b" . cS ad. ; c" , d", e" . 2 ad. et imm. sk. /". 2 ad. sk. g". j ad. sk. h" . 2 juv. sk. i" . (S imm. sk. k", I". (S imm. ; 7n"-r". 2 ad. et imm. sk. s". 2 imm. sk. t". 2 imm. sk. Fort Simpson. Hudson Bay, July. 49th Parallel. Crystal, Michigan. Salem, Washington, N.Y. (J, H. mast). New York {Hurst). Lyons Falls, New York, Nj Apr., Sept., Oct. {^A. Jenings Dayan). Locust Grove, New York, April-Aug. {Hart Mer- riam). Big Otter Lake, N.Y^, April {Hart Merriam). West Tuiin, N.Y., June, Aug. (HaH Merriam). Leyden, N.Y., May {Hart Merriam). Chicago, Illinois, April, Sept. {E. W. Nehon). Waukegan, 111., April, May {E. W. Nelson). Evanston, 111., April {E. W. ) Nelson). Massachusetts (Henshatv). Cambridge, Mass., Oct. (Henskaw). Newtonville, Mass. {Hen- shaiv). Wellesley, Mass., Oct. {Henshaiu). Washington, D.C., Nov., Jan., Feb. {Hart Merriam). Hollisters, Virginia, Nov. {Henshaw). Aiken, S. Carolina, March {Hart Merriam). B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. Gould Coll. N.A. Boundary Com- mission. Prof. Steere [P.]. Tweeddale Coll. Sclater Coll. Henshaw Coll. [S.-G.]. 192 u". cJ ad.; v",w". Imra. sk. x". $ ad sk. «/". c? ad. ; a"-c'. 5 ad. et imm. sk. d\e\f\ 2 ad.; ^r', Juv. .'^k. h',i\ ^ 2 ad. ; A:^ 2 imm. ; P. Juv. sk. »?j'. $ imm. sk. n^, o',;j^. Imm. sk. g'. $ ad. sk. r\ c? ad. sk. s^, ^. d' $ imm. sk. m'. $ ad. sk. ?>3. 2 ad. sk. w^. 2 juv. sk. .r''. 2 imm. sk. rf. (? d) imm. sk. 2^ 2 ad. sk. a\ bK cJ ad.; c*. 2 ad. sk. d\ 2 ad. sk. eK 2 ad. sk. /*. 2 imna. sk. S'. ruber, caused by the feathers having blackish bases ; 13. SPHYROPICUS. 195 the nasal plumes and lower half of lores, and an indication of a stripe backwards, white ; the red ou the breast only tips the feathers, the yellow basal portion of the central ones and the smoky-grey feathers on the sides of the breast with their stripes and sagittate black markings showing clearly through. Total length 7-5 inches, culmen 1-07, wing 4-85, tail 3, tarsus 0-83; toes (without claws)— outer anterior 0-55, outer posterior 0-6, inner anterior 0-43, inner posterior 0-25. Adult female. Resembles the adult male, but has the red less spread over the breast. Total length 7-5 inches, culmen 1-05, wing 4-95, tail 3-23, tarsus 0-83, Young. Differ materially from the adult, and resemble the young of S. nuchalis and of S. varius. They may be distinguished from the latter by their darker and more uniform head and the total absence, or only the slightest possible indication, of a white superciliary stripe. Even in this plumage there is a slight suffusion of red on the head and neck, and sometimes on the chest. Hah. Pacific-coast region of the United States, from Southern Alaska * into California as far as the San Bernardino Mountains. a. Juv. sk. b,c. Ad. ;f/. Juv.sk. e. Ad. sk. /. Ad. sk. g. Ad. sk. h, i, k. S ad. -,1.^; tn, n. 5 juv. sk. o. Juv. sk. p. Imm. sk. q,r. c? 5 ad. sk. s, t, u. cJ ad. sk. V, w. Ad. sk. X. Ad. sk. y. Juv. sk. 2. (S ad. sk. a'. $ ad. sk. b', c'. 2 ad. sk. d'. Ad. sk. [Behring Straits.] British Cokimbia. Fort Rupert, British Co- lumbia. Vancouver Island. St. Juan. Fort Klamath, Oregon, April, July, Aug. (C. E. Bendire, Hensh. Coll.). California. California. Greenwood V., Eldorado City, California {A. Forrer). Jolon, California, Oct. {Hen- shaw). Nevada, Cal, Sept., Oct. {E. W. Nelson). Stocton, Cal., Dec. (Z. Bel- dim/). Big Trees, Cal., Aug. {L. Beldiny) . Keroville, Cal., Oct. {Hen- shaw). San Luis, Obispo, Cal., Oct. (Hensknw). Nicasio, Marin Co., Cal., Oct. {Henskaw). San Mateo, Cal., April {^A. Forrei-). Capt. Kellett & Lieut. Wood [P.]. J. K. Lord, Esq. [P.]. Tweeddale Coll. Earl Russell [P.]. Dr. Lyall [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Sir E. Belcher [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Henshaw Coll. [S.-G.]. * This species may be found even further nortli, as tliere is in the Collection a specimen labelled "Behring Straits {Capfs. Kcllctf l^- Wood);" but there is no certainty that the specimen was procured actually in the Straits. o2 196 PIClDiE. e' . 9 ad. sk. San Bernardino, Cal., Nov. Wilson Crewdson, Esq. [P.]. /'. c? ad.sk. San Bernardino Mts., June Salvin-Godman Coll. {R. B. TLrron). g'. Ad. sk. California (A. L. Heermami). HensLaw Coll. [S.-C..]. 3. Sphyropicus thyroideus. Picus tlij'roideus, Cassin, Proc. Acad. Philad. 1851, p. 349 ; Heenn. Journ. Acad. Philad. 1853, p. 270; Simdev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 32 (186(3) ; Qraij, List Picid. Brit. Miis. p. 52 (1868). Pilumuus thyroideus, BjJ. Consp. Tolucr. Zygod. p. 8, no. 26 (1854). Picus natalife, Malh. J.f. O. 1854, p. 171. Centurus nataliie, Beic/ienb. Sca7is. Piciiiee, p. 411, no. 968 (1854). Colaptes tlijToideus, Eeichenb. Scans. Picince, p. 416, no. 978 (1854). Melanerpes thyroideus, Cass. III. N. A?ner. B. p. 201, pi. xxxii. (1854) ; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 2. Picus williamsoni, Neiuberry, P. R. R. Rep. Zool. Cal. 8f Or. Route, vi. p. 89, pi. xxxiv. fig. 1, c? imm. (1867) ; Sundev. Consj). Av. Picifi. -p. 32(1866). _ Melanei-pes rubrigularis, Sclat. Ann. ^ Mag. Nat. Hist. 1858, p. 127 ( c? ad.) ; id. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 2, pi. cxxxi. S ad. Sphyrapicus williamsoni, Baird, B. N. Ayner. p. 105, pi. xxxiv. fig. 1, c? (1858) ; Mal/i. Picidcp, i. p. 163, pi. xxxvi. fig. 4, c? ad. (1861) ; Cass. Proc. Acad. Philad. 1863, p. 204 ; Cones, Ibis, 1865, p. 162 ; id. Proc. Acad. Philad. 1866, p. 54. Sphyrapicus thyroideus, Baird, B. N. Amer. p. 106 (1858) ( $ ) ; Malh. Picid. i. p. 102, pi. xxxvii. fig. 1 ($) (1861) ; Cas.'^. Proc. Acad. Philad. 1863, p. 204 ; Coues, Ibis, 1865, p. 162 ; id. Proc. Acad. Philad. 1866, p. 54 ; Pllliot, Neic S,- Unjig. B. K Amer. i. pi. XXV., 5 $ ad. (1869) ; Hensh. Ann. Lifc. N. York, xi. p. 9 (1874) ; id. U. S. Geogr. Surv. Jf. of 100th Merid. 1875, p. 394; Ridc/xv. Proc. Esse.v List. 1875, pp. ;]4-38 ; id. U. S. Geol. Expl. mil Par. pt. iii., Orn. p. 55 (1877) ; id. Proc. V . S. Nat. Mus. 1880, p. 189 ; Brew, Auk, 1885, p. 17 ; A. O. U. Check-list N. Amer. B. p. 215, no. 404 (1886) ; Scott, Auk, 1886, p. 427 ; Llogd, op. cit. 1887, p. 191 ; Ridgw. Ma7i. N. Amer. B. p. 289, no. 404 (1887). Cladoscopus williamsoni. Cab. i^- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 82 (1863). Cladoscopus thyroideus, Cab. Sf Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 84 (1863). Melanerpes williamsoni. Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 116 (1868) ; id. Iland-l. B. ii. p. 201, no. 8820 (1870). Sphyropicus williamsoni. Coop. Orn. Calif, ed. Baird, i. p. 394 (1870) ; B., B., <§• R. Hist. N. Amer. B. ii. p. 545, pi. Ii. fig. 6,c?ad. (1874). Sphyropicus thyroideus. Coop. Orn. Calif, ed. Baird, i. p. 394; Gray, liand-l. B. ii. p. 186, no. 8618 (1870) ; B., B., Sf R. Hist. N. Amer. B. ii. p. 547, pi. hi. fig. 6, 2 (1874); Beld. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1878, p. 429 ; Coues, Check-list N. Amer. B. 2ud ed. p. 78, no. 449 (1882) ; id. Key N. Amer. B. 2ud ed. p. 486 (1884) ; Scott, Auk, 1885, p. 174. Adult male *. Back and scapulars blue-black, with a few stripes of white on the lower back ; rurap and upper tail-coverts white, * Owing to the great dissimilarity of the plumage in the sexes, the male was described as Vims wiUiamsoni, and for some time supposed to be a species distinct from -S'. thi/roidcus, which was founded on the female. 13. SPHYROPICUS. 197 the latter margined and varied externally with black ; wings and their coverts black, the outer coverts entirely or with the outer webs white, and forming a consijicuous patch running parallel with the edge of the wing ; outer webs of the middle primaries and the inner webs of all the quills, except the innermost secondaries, spotted with white ; shafts black ; tail and the shafts black ; head and neck, chest, and sides of the breast blue-black, with a white stripe from behind the eye to the side of the nape, and a second white stripe from the white nasal plumes, which passes under the ear-coverts to their end ; on the chin and upper part of the throat a longitudinal spot of bright red ; middle of the breast and abdomen uniform deep lemon -yellow ; sides of the body, flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts white, the body-feathers with bars and squamate markings of black, the under tail-coverts varied with black stripes and squamate markings ; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, the former having bars and V-shaped markings of black, the latter bari'ed only : " iris brown " {A. Forrer). Total length 8"S inches, culmen 1"05, wing 5-.5, tail 3-5, tarsus 0'9 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'57, outer posterior 0'62, inner anterior 0*43, inner posterior 0'3. A male in plumage not fully mature has the red spot on the chin and throat less vivid and with a slight orange tinge, and the white stripe which borders the hind crown and the occiput unites upon the nape with the corresponding stripe. The younger male has the spot upon the chin and upper throat white ; the black of the plumage is almost devoid of gloss, and the middle of the breast and the abdomen have only a slight lemon -yellow tinge. Adult female. Back and scapulars barred black and drabby white ; rump and upper tail-coverts white, some of the latter externally margined and barred on the outer web with black ; wings and their coverts brownish black, the coverts spotted and barred with drabby white, the quills spotted with white on both webs ; shafts nearly black ; tail black, the central pair of feathers narrowly baiTed with white upon both webs, the two outer large feathers on either side with a few spots, more or less transverse, on the apical portion ; shafts black ; nasal plumes, head, chin, and throat sandy rufous- brown, darker on the top of the head and on the ear-coverts and whiter in front of the eye, with a few black stripes on the occiput and malar region ; the side of the neck, fore neck, and chest less rufous than the head, the fore neck longitudinally spotted with black, the side of the neck and the chest barred with black, the latter being centred by a large black spot, glossed with greenish blue ; breast and abdomen lemon-yellow, the sides of the body, flanks, and thighs drabby white barred with black ; the under tail-coverts dull white, with black squamate markings ; under wing-coverts and axillaries white barred with black. Total length 7"8 inches, culmen 1"05, wing 5'2, tail 3-05, tarsus 0*9. The immature female wants the black patch on the chest, this being entirely barred ; the chin and throat are duller and less rufes- cent, and the top of the head is dusky brown ; the occiput and nape arr striped and transversely spotted with black. 198 The young female resembles the latter, but is duller in colour, that of the chin and throat scarcely differing from the fore neck and chest, only slightly puler, but without any rufescent tinge ; the black barring on the underparts is less intense, and the middle of the breast and the abdomen are white with scarcely a trace of yellow. Hah. Rocky Mountains, from Laramie Peak south into New Mexico and Western Texas, and west to the Pacific coast. Also ranging into Chihuahua, Mexico. a. 6 ad. ; b. $ Laramie Peak, Upper Missouri Salvin-Godmau Coll. juv. sk. and Yellowstone, Aug. {F. V. Ha yd en). c. S ad. sk. Fort Klamath, Oregon, Nov. (C. ~ Bendire). d. (S juv. sk. Warner Mts., Oregon, Aug. (Henshaw). e. (f ad. sk. Murphys, Calaveras Co., Califor- nia (L. Belding). f. 2 imm. sk. Mt. Whitney, Cal. (Henskau'). ff. c? ad. sk. California. h, i. (5' 2 ad. sk. Fort Whipple, Arizona, Oct., Dec. {E. Coues). h, I. 2 ad. et Mt. Graham, Arizona, Sept. imm. sk. (Henshmv). m. S ad. sk. Gila River, New Mexico, Nov. ( Henshmv) . Santa F(5 Mts., New Mexico, July-Sept. (Henshaw). \ Henshaw Coll. ■ [S.-G.]. Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. n-u. c? ad. ; v- y. S imm.; z- /'. 2 ad. et imm. sk. ff'. c? ad. sk. h'. d ad. sk. {'. c? ad. sk. k'. 2 ad. sk. I'. cJ ad. sk. m'. (5 ad. sk. n'. S ad. sk. Rio Blanco, Colorado, Sept. ( Wheeler). Fort Garland, Colorado, May (Henshaw). J Henshaw Coll. [S.-G.] Pinos Altos, Chihuahua, Mexico, Dec. (Bucha7i-Hephun}). Pinos Altos, Dec. ( W. Lloyd). Jesiis Maria, Chihuahua, Dec. ( W. Lloyd). Casa Colorado, Chihuahua, Jan. {W.Lloyd). Refugio, Chihuahua, Dec. ( W. LAmjd). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 14. HYPOPICUS, Type. Hypopicus, Bj). Consp. Volucr. Zyyod. no. 62 (1854). .H. hyperythrus. Xylurgus, Cab. ^ Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 50 (1863). .H. hyperythrus. Eanqe. From Cashmere, through the Himalayan region, to the Khaaia Hills and Manipur ; southward into Cochin China, and to the north (probably through Eastern Tibet) as far as Koko-nor and into North (5hina (neighbourhood of Pekin). Key to the Species. A. Underparts rich rufous; the primaries (when closed'! crossed by five or six white bars ; under 14. FTPOPicus. 199 inaudible yellow ; nasal plumes black ; the bars on the back and on the thi;^hs narrower. a' . Top of the head, occiput, and nap^ crimson . . hyperythrus S ad., b'. Top of the head, occiput, and nape black, [p. 199. spotted with white hyperythrus, 5 ad., B. Underparts rufous-brown ; the primaries (when [p. 200. closed) crossed by not more than four white bars ; under mandible not yellow, and of the same colour as the upper mandible ; nasal plumes buff tipped with black ; the bars on the back and on the thighs broader. c. Top of the head, occiput, and nape crimson . . poliopsis (^ ad., d'. Top of the head, occiput, and nape black, [p. 201. spotted with white poliopsis 5 ad., [p. 201. 1. Hypopicus hyperythrus. Picus hyperythrus, Viy. P. Z. S. 1831, p. 23 ; Gould, Cent. B. Hinial. Mts. pi. 1. d" $ ad. (1832) ; Blijth, J. A. S. B. 1845, p. 19G ; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 43-5 (1845) ; id. Cat. Mamm. ^c. Nepal pres. Hodys. 1846, p. 115 ; Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. p. 63 (1849) ; Bp. Cvnsp. Gen. Av. i. p. 136 (1850) ; Reichenh. Scans. Picince, p. 368, no. 850, pi. dcxxxv. hgs. 4224-25, S $ (1854) ; Malh. Picidce, i. p. 130, pi. XXX. figs. 4, 5, 6, c? 5 ad., S juv. (1861) ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 30 (1866) ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 40 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 183, no. 8572 (1870) ; Jerd. Ibis, 1872, p. 7. Dendrocopus hyperythrus, Hodys. in Gray's Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 85. Hypopicus hyperythrus, Bp. Comp. Volucr. Zyyod. p. 8, no. 62 (1854) ; Horsf. Sf Moore, Cat. B. Mus.E. I. Co. ii. p. 675 (1856-58) ; Jerd. B. Ind. i. p. 276 (1862) ; Gray, Cat. Mnmm. ^-c. Nepal pres. Hodys. 1863, p. 63 ; Hume, Sir. F. xi. p. 69 (1888). Xylurgus hyperythrus, Cab. i§- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 50 (1863). ? Picus flavirostris*, David, Nouv. Arch, du Mus. 1871, Bull. vii. p. 4. Adult male. Back, rump, and scapulars barred black and white ; upper tail-coverts black ; wings and their coverts black, the latter, as well as both webs of the quills, spotted with white ; the primaries (when closed) crossed by five or six white bars ; shafts brownish black ; tail black, the two outer large feathers ou either side barred with white on the apical half, the next inner feather spotted with white near the tip ; shafts black ; nasal plumes black ; base of the forehead greyi.sh white ; crown, occiput, and nape crimson, this colour spreading on to the side of the neck, the bases of the feathers dusky leaden grey, with an occasional small streak or spot of white; anterior half of face white, the malar region and the chin dusky ; posterior half of face, the neck (except the hind part), and the under surface of the body rich rufous, the thighs barred black and white, and the vent and under tail-coverts scarlet ; under wing- coverts white barred with black ; axillaries white. Total length 8 inches, culmen I'lo, wing 5, tail 3, tarsus 0*85 ; toes (without * This Woodpecker was onh' seen (not obtained) at Koko-nor by the Abbe David, and the name " Pic roux a bee jaune" given by this anther is suggestive of the bird having been either H. hyperythrus or a new species. 200 claws) — outer anterior 0-53, outer posterior 0-G2, inner anterior U--47, inner posterior 0'25. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the whole of the top of the head, occiput, and nape hlack, spotted with white. Total length 7"7 inches, culmen 1, wing 4-65, tail 2-!), tarsus 0-8. Young. A specimen from the N.W. Himalaj'as (Pinwill), which I take to be the young of the present species (the only young example I have seen), differs from the adult male in having the white on the back partaking more of the character of transverse spots than of distinct bars ; the red on the head almost confined to the forehead and crown, and the feathers transversely varied with black, and without any white spots ; the neck and underparts rather paler and more dingy rufous ; chest deephj washed ivith scarlet ; the breast- feathers with a few dusky black spots and concealed black bars ; the remainder of the underparts having large bar-like spots of black, and partially concealed white ones ; bill entirely black. I cannot say whether the scarlet on the chest is a character in the young, or whether it is abnormal. The young of the allied species H. poliopsls do not possess it. Hah. Cashmere and through the Himalayan region to the Khasia hills and Manipur, and probably northward through Eastern Thibet to Koko-nor, as the Abbe David observed a Woodpecker at the latter place answering to the present species. It also ranges into Cochin China, in which country it was obtained by Dr. Harmand. a. S ad. ;h,c.'^ ad. sk. d. 2 ad. sk. e. S ad. sk. f,g. c?$ ad.sk. h, i. S 2 ad. sk. k, I. d2 ad. ; 7n. Juv. sk. n, o. cJad. ip. 2 ad. sk. g. 2 ad. sk. r, s. d" 2 ad. sk. t. 2 ad. sk. u. c? ad. sk. ?', w. cjad. ;.r-«'. 2 ad. sk. h',c'.S 2 ad. sk. d. 2 ad. sk. e' ,f . cJad. ; f/pi . ■ 2 ad. ; /'. 2 imm. sk. k\ I , m . c? ad. et imm. ; «'. 2 imm. sk. 0 . (^ ad. sk. y^y'-cJ ad.; ?•',«', t'. 2 ad. sk. h' , ?•'. (^ ad. ; >r' . 2 ad. sk. Cashmere {Dr. Belleic). India Museum. Koteghur, April 1871. Hume Coll. Murree. Hume CoU. Murree {J. Biddulph). Tweeddale Coll. Masiu-i. Hume Coll. Masuri. Pinwill CoU. Masuri (.S'. Pinwill). Tweeddale Coll. Middle range of hills north of Masuri. Ilume Coll. Almorah, Oct. 186G. Hume Coll. Naiui Tal, April, 18, 1868. Hume Coll. Bheem Tal, Nov. 10, 1866. Hume Coll. Nepal. Hodgson Cull. Nepal (B. H. Hodffson). India Museum. Nepal, Jan. 1876. Hume Coll. Native Sikliim, Jan., April (L. Man- Hume Coll. delli). Sikhim, April, June {L. Mayidelh). Hume Coll. Darjeeling. Hume Coll. Daijeeliug. Tweeddale Coll. Khasia hills, Oct. 1870 {A. W. Chen- Tweeddale Coll. ncll). 15. DENDROCOPTJS. 201 x'. 5 ad. sk. Kokshinkoonoo, Maiiipur, April 3, lluuio Coll. 1881 {A. O. H.). y . (S ad. sk. Tankool lloondoong, Manipur, Mav llume Coll. 20, 1881 {A. O. H.). 2. Hypopicus poliopsis. Pied Woodpecker, Picus ?, Swinh. Ibis, 1861, p. 339 ; 1863, p. 96. Picus byperythrus {non Vig.), Swinh. P. Z. S. 1802, p. 319. Picus hyperytlnus, var. poliopsis, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 268. Xylurgus subruflnus, Cab. ^ Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 50 (1863). Pious hypeiythrus, var., Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 31 (1866). Picus poliopsis, Girn/, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 40 (1868) ; Sicinh. P.Z. *'. I870,'p. 440. Picus subruflnus. Gray, Hand-l. B. ii. p. 183, no. 8573 (1870). Ilvpopicus poliopsis, Swinh. P. Z.S. 1S71, p. 392; David 8f Oust. 'Ois. Chine, p. 51 (1877). Adult male. Eesembles M. hiiperythrus, but differs in having the bars on the back broader ; the primaries (-when closed) crossed by not more than four white bars ; the underparts browner and less rufous, and in the centre of the chest a spot of red ; the white interspaces between the black bars on the thighs broader; nasal plumes buff tipped with black; bill entirely horny black. Total length 8 inches, culmen 1"1, wing 5*1, tail 2'95, tarsus 0-9 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0"57, outer posterior 0'63, inner anterior 0'.5, inner posterior 0'3. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the top of the head, occi]Jut, and nape black spotted with white. Total length 8'5 inches, culmen 1-1, wing 5-1, tail 3'4, tarsus 0'S3. Young male. Has the top of the head red ; the chin and throat whiter and striped with dusky ; the sides of the neck, fore neck, and chest rufcscent white, the feathers partially margined with dusky black and having blackish bases, the whole having a spotted appear- ance ; the breast also slightly spotted in a similar manner ; the tips of the primaries white. Hah. Northern China (neighbourhood of Pekin). 15. DENDROCOPUS. Type. Dendrocopos, Koch, Baier. Zool. i. p. 72 (1816). . . . D. major. Dryobates, Boie, Isis, 1826, p. 977 D. pubesceus. Dendrodromas, Kavp, Natihi. Syst. p. 136 (1829) . D. leucouotus. Leuconotopicus, Math. liev. Zool. 1845, p. 373 .... U. stricklandi. Uvctiopicus, Bp. Consp. J'olucr. Zyyod. no. 29 "(1854) D. mixtus. Pipripicus, Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zygod. no. 50 (1854). D. leuconotus. Phrenopicus, Bp. Consp, Volucr. Zygod. no. 34 (1854) I>. borealis. Piculus, Brehm, Volht. Vogelf. 1855, p. 70 D. minor. Pyroupicus, Mulh, Introd. Monogr. Picid. p. liii (1861; 1). borealis. 202 piciD^. Dendrotypes, Cab. ^ Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 46 (18(3.3) D. macii. Xylocopus, Cab. ^- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 51 (1863) D. minor. Threnopipo, Cab. ^- Heine, Mm. Hein. iv. p. 70 (1863) D. borealis. Uictyopipo, Cab. Sf Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 74 (1863) D. scalaris. a. Chin-angle of Dendrocopus major. b. Wing of Dendrocopus major (reduced). Range. Almost the entire Palsearctic, Indian, and Nearctic Regions, reappearing in the Neotropical Region below 20° S. lat. Key to the Species. A. Back and rump uniform black or brown. a' . Witb red on the abdomen, vent, or under tail-coverts. a". Sides of the neck crossed by a black band. a" . Scapulars white. a^. The black stripes bordering the throat and fore neck not uniting on the chest, or not connected by a distinct red crescentic patch, oc- casionally with a small central chest-spot of red ; the black bars 15 DENDKOCOPTJS. 203 on the lateral tail-feathers nar- rower than the interspaces. i^. Innermost secondaries uniform black. Underparta in the young- uniform, or slightly striped on the flanks and thighs. a". The white spots on the second- aries small, rounded, and marginal. a'. Larger : length 9-5 inches, wing 5'6 ; underparts vary- ing from sandy brown to pm'e white. a*. Underparts sandy brown to bnffy white ; lateral tail-feathei"3 regularly ban-ed with black. a^. "With red occipital band . major J ad., p. 212. 6". With no red on occiput . major 5 ad., p. 212. c^ Ciown red major juv., p. 212. 5*. Underparts pure white; lateral tail-feathers with narrow and irregular bars of black, rf". With red occipital band . ci'ssa c? ad., p. 214. e". With no red on occiput., cissa 2 ad., p. 214. b''. Smaller : length 8'4 inches, wing 4'8 ; underparts cho- colate-brown, smoky brown in young. c^. With red occipital band .. po-fca^jiiVad., p. 214. «f. With no red on occiput .. ;ja73«?/w $ ad., p. 214. e'*. Crown red pwkami juv., p. 215. b^. The white spots on the second- aries very large, and ap- proaching close to the shaft, and more or less confluent on the margin ; underparts pure white. [p. 215. c''. With red occipital band .... leucopterus c? ad., iP. With no red on occiput .... leucoptenis $ ad., [p. 215, e'. Crown red leucoptenis S juv., )'. Innermost secondaries spotted [p. 215. and barred with white ; under- parts uniform butf or buffy brown in the adult, and entirely spotted and striped with black- ish in the young. [p. 216. c^. With red occipital band japonicus ^ ad., d^. With no red on occiput japonicus J ad., [p. 216. e^ Crown red japonicus juv., The black stripes bordering the [p. 216. throat and fore neck connected on the chest by a crescentic patch of red ; the black bars on the lateral 204 tail-featliei's as broad as the inter- spaces, [p. 217. c'. With red occipital band tnauritcmus S ad., d\ With no red on occiput mauritanus 5 ad., C. The black stripes bordering the [p. 217. throat and fore neck distinctly unitiug in the middle of the chest and forming a complete crescentic band, the tips of most of the black chest-feathers being red. [p. 218. e'. "With red occipital band numidicus S ad., f\ With no red on occiput numidicus 9 ad., g^. Grown red ; frontal band sooty [p. 218. brown numidicus S juv., b'". Scapulars black. _ _ [p. 218. d^. Underparts varying from bufty white to brown ; abdomen, as well as vent and under tail-coverts, red ; sometimes with red .spot on the chest ; the crown never red in the adults. [p. 219. A'. With red occipital band cabanisi S ad., j'. With no red on occiput cabanisi $ ad., [p. 219. /'. Crown red cabanisi ]\i\., p. 219. f . Underparts fulvescent brown, the vent and under tail-coverts (only) red ; never with a red spot on the chest ; the top of the head red in the adult male as well as in the young. [p. 220. k^. Crown and occiput red himalai/ensis (S ad., P. With no red on the head himalayejisis J ad., m\ Crown (only) red ; underparts [p. 220. slightly striated himalayensis tS juv., b". Sides of the neck not crossed by a black [p. 220. band. c'". Underparts striated with black, y. With no black patch on the chest. m\ Larger : length 8-65 inches, wing 5-1 ; with no red on the chest. _ [p. 222. /". W^ith red occipital baud darjilensis c? ad., «". With no red on occiput darjilensis 2 ad., [p. 222. A". Crown red darjilensis ]\\y ., o\ Smaller : length 6-55 inches, wing [p. 222. 3'87 ; with red on the chest. i^. The red on the chest contined to a small spot ; the sexes dis- similar, [p. 223. f\ W^ith red occipital band .... cathpharius J" ad., g'. With no red on occiput .... cathpharius 5 ad., j". With conspicuous and intense [p. 223. red gorget ; sexes similar, in both having a red occipital band*. Fidr Iluiiie. 15. DEXDKOcorus. 205 K'. The chest covered with hroad striations pyn-lmthora.r (S ad., f. The striatious on the chest [p. 224. and breast fewer and nar- rower, and more conKut-d to the sides pi/n-fiof/iorax 2 ad., °. With no red on the head scindemius J ad., b'. With no red on the underparts ; above [p. 227. brown. [p. 229. c". With red occipital band avizona cS ad., d" . With no red on the head avizonee $ ad., [p. 229. e" . Grown red arizonee (^ 2 juv., B. Back with a broad median stripe of white or [p. 229. brownish white. c'. None of the tail-feathers barred. /". Larger: length 11 to 8 inches, wing 5'40 to 4-40. e'". Wing-coverts and all the quills pro- fusely spotted with white. J^. Lores partly or entirely black, thus separating the white superciliary stripe from the light nasal plumes ; underparts pure white. tv'. With red occipital band villosus (S ad., p. 232. x^. With no red on occiput villosus J ad., p. 2.32. y"". Crown orange or reddish villosus (^inv., p. 2."-!2. A;'. Lores partly or entirely white, thus uniting the white superciliary stripe with the light nasal plumes ; underparts ashy, the sides mottled and striped with black ; the white feathers of the back with black shaft-lines. [p. 2.'34. 2"'. With red occipital band maynardi ^ ad., aa'. With no red on occiput 7miy7iardi J ad., /'". Wing-coverts uniform or sometimes [p. 234. sparingly spotted ; with fewer and 206 PICID.E. smaller spots on the quills, some- times none on the outer webs of the secondaries ; underparts smoky white. IK With red occipital hand harrisi S ad., p. 2.35. viK With no red on occiput /uirrisi J ad., p. 2;35. tiK Crown orange-red harrisi juv., p. 235. (/". Smaller : length 7-5 inches, wing 4-35 ; underparts dark brown ; the median stripe on the back brownish white; wing-coverts unspotted ; with small spots on the quills and few or none on the outer webs of the secondaries. ff'". With red occipital band jnrdinii S ail-, P- 237. /*'". With no red on occiput jardinii J ad., p. 2.'57. i'". Crown more or less red Jardinii inv., p. 237. d'. Lateral tail-feathers barred. h". Wing-coverts profusely spotted ; under- parts pure white. [p. 240. /". With red occipital band puhescens S ad., A-'". With no red on occiput ■pubescens $ ad., [p. 240. I'". Crown red pubescens c? Juv., i". Wing-coverts uniform or with very few [p. 240. spots ; underx)arts smoky white. [p. 242. m'". With red occipital band yairdneri S ad., n'". With no red on occiput yairdneri $ ad., o". Crown more or less red, and spotted [p. 242. with dull white yairdneri 5 juv., C. Back and rump barred with white. [p. 242. e' . With no red on underparts. /'. Central tail-feathers uniform. p'". With black aiuricular stripe. o^. Auricular stripe extending to the occiput and cutting off the white superciliary stripe from the white on the side of the neck ; chin and throat striped. [p. 244. hb\ With red occipital band stricklandi (^ ad., cc\ With no red on occiput stricklandi 5 ad., [p. 244. dd'. Crown red stricklandi S juv., J9^ Auricular stripe more or less dis- [p. 244. tinctly uniting on the side of the neck with the malar stripe ; chin and throat uniform. ee^. Nasal plumes black ; white super- ciliary stripe cut oft" from the white at base of bill by a black band ; underparts white or slightly smoky ; top of the head more or less striped with white. k\ With red occipital band nnttalli S ad., p. 245. Z". With no red on occiput niMulli 5 ad., p. 245. m". Crown-feathers tipped with red nuttalli(S]\-\y; P- 245. ff'\ Nasal plumes brownish white, and together with the white 1-5. DENDROCOPUS. 207 lores uniting with the white superciliary stripe; underparts sandy brown. Tf'. Outer tail-feathers entirely bar- red with black. J \ Top of the head and occiput red, spotted with white /^ . lop of the head and occiput ^' black . . ; • ^ 1 06 Thp f livoa 1 scalaris 5 ad., i). 247. o . iue three large outer tail- feathers uniform white on three-fourths or sometimes the whole of the outer webs. I . i rimary-covei'ts spotted with white; bill long and slen- der, width at base 028 inch, depth (lateral view) 0^2 ; tail longer, length 2-G. .r. Top of the head and occiput red, spotted with white anteriorlv i fr< Tr,T, ^f +1 „ 1, ■ J ■ '■, .• • • lucasanus ^ ad., ■ black ^""^ °'"P"' [P- 250. -^. Pn:naiy co;;;ts- " ' unifonn '"'''^'^"" ^ ""b 050 black ; bill short and stout ^P- 250. width at base 0-3G, depth (lateral view) 0-4; tail shorter, length 2-25. h"". Top of the head and occiput red, spotted with white anteriorlv ,„ • . , ..Top^c^lieLa^lando^ipui ^' ^^^^'^^ ^ ^^P- 250. ?'". With no auricular stripe! graysoni $ ad qK Ear-coverts pure white like the sides ^P" ^^^• ot the face and neck; underparts pure white, spotted on the sides with black. (j, TT./i ., If 7 • -,-,' "■ Uoo-i) liussow. Arch Nafi/rl- Liv- E»th. u. Karl. ix. p. IIG (1884) ; Hadde, Orn. (hucXm., p2 212 riciD.Ti. pi. xix. fi?. 1 (1884) ; Seeb. Hist. Brit. B. n. y. .354 (1884) ; Ch(qmi. Ibis, 1885, p. 172; Gigl. Avif. Ital. ]>. i'OO (1880); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1888, p. 4G6. Dendrocopos major, Koch, Si/st. haier. Zool. i. p. 72 (181G). Drvobates major, Boie, Isis, 1828, p. 320 ; Grai/, List Gen. B. 1855, p. 91 : Gi;/I. Ibis, 1805, p. 58. Picu8 pinetorum, ) Picus pitvopicusjf i?/-e^»?, J'off. Deufschl. \i]). 187-189 (1831); id. Picus frond i urn, T Toffelf. p. 09 (1855). Picus montanus, ) l)endrocoi)U8 major, Swains. Classif. B. ii. p. 307 ; J(ird. Nat. Lib. X. p. 351 (1839) ; Cob. ^- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 32 ( 1803) ; Irby, Ibis, 1883, p. 178 ; B. O. U. List, 1883, p. 77; Clarke, Ibis, 1884, p. 144 ; Saund. t. c. p. 379; Whiteh. op. cit. 1885, p. 28; More, List Irish Bds. p. 16 (1885) ; Tait, Ibis, 1887, p. 304; Eeid, op. cit. 1888, p. 74. Picus pipra [non Pall), Macrjill. Brit. B. iii. p. 80 (1840). Picus brevirostris, Reichcnb. Scans. Picince, p. 305, sub uo. 842, pi. dcxxxiii. fig. 4212 (1854). Picus leucorum, I j^^,^j^ ^ jj^_ gg ^^^-^.^_ Pious sordidus, j > ./ ./ i v Picus numidicus {non Malh.), BoUe, J.f. 0. 1857, p. 320 *. Adult male. Back, rump, and upper tail-coverts uniform blue- black ; scapvilars slightly smoky white ; wings and their coverts black, the innermost of the median and of the greater series of tho latter white, the quills (except the innermost which are uniform) spotted Avith white on both webs, the spots on the primaries, when the wing is closed, forming five bars ; shafts black ; the four cen- tral tail-feathers uiiiform black, the nest feather black spotted with white on the apical portion, the two outer large feathers on either side black at the base, the apical half white barred with black ; shafts of the same colour as the surrounding web ; nasal plumes black ; frontal band drabby brown ; crown, nape, and hind neck blue- black, the occiput red ; sides of the face and neck white, the latter brownish, abroad black malar stripe extending on to the side of the chest, and a branch from it joining the nape ; from the chin to the breast (both inclusive) uniform drabby brown ; the abdomen, vent, and under tail-coverts as well as the thighs crimson, the short tibial plumes of the same colour as the underparts ; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, the lower series of the former spotted with dusky black. Total length 10 inches, culmen I'l, wing 5-5, tail 3"7, tarsus 1 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-55, outer posterior 0'65, inner anterior 0-45, inner jjosterior 0-3. Adult female. "Wants the red occipital band, but in other respects resembles the adult male. Total length 9*5 inches, culmen l-l, ■\ving 5"6, tail 3'6, tarsus 1. Young. Maybe known from the adult by their red crowns; the scapulars are striped and transversely varied with dusky or black ; * The Canary Islands species, which is B. major. 15. DENDROCOPUS, 213 Ihe nrlTft-*^""?' 'f.^ '\' ^^"^^ "^'^ ^^^^'h^ striped with dusky; me primaries tipped with white. ^ ' to a 'httll aZ?°no ^"1"'.' '^' T^°^° °^ ^'""'^1''-^' '^^'^'^' i" I^^Pl^"^ fn f].; i '.^- '^•>*-' ''"^ '■''^""'^^ through Southern Siberia to the Amour and into Corea. Pound also in the Canaries* la Asia Minor occurring south to Smyrna. «. Juv. sk. England. 6. 5 ad. sk. , \\-iltshire. c. Ad. St. Cookhani (Briffffs). d. d ad. etjuv. Heiidon, Middlesex. Hampstead, Middlesex. Essex. Xorfolk. e. c? ad. sk. /,!/■ d2 ad. sk. f', I. d 2 ad. ; k I, m. Juv. St. n. Ad. St. . 2 ad. sk. . Ad.sk. d ad. sk. 2 ad. sk. 2 ad. sk. cj juv. sk, , d ad. ; v. juv. sk. < X. d ad. sk. y- 2 ad. sk d ■; «'. Jut. et pull. Belgium. Leicestershii'e. Sweden. Sweden. Stockholm, Xov. Wermland, Jan. 1872. Russia. X. Russia. Archangel, Sept., Dec. Carlesruhe, Jan. 1871 fi? G. ir.n.). Leiden {Keulemans). b'. d ad. sk. c'. d ad. sk. d'. d ad. sk. e'. d ad. sk. /'. d ad. sk. y', h', i'. 5 ad. sk. k'. d ad. sk. I', '11. d 2 ad.sk. n'. 2 ad. sk. o. d ad. sk. p'. 2 ad. sk. q'. 2 ad. sk. '•', s. d 2 ad. sk. t', u'. Skulls. v', w', a'. Skulls. Transylvania, May 1874. Constantinople (7'. lioltsoii). Tm'key, March {T. liobson). Turkey, Oct. (T. Euhson). Tm-key, April (T. Hobsoti). Asia Minor, Feb., Aj)ril (T. liobson). Asia Minor, Jan. (T. Robson). Smyrnn, Asia Minor (Dr. Kriiper). Sardinia, April (^4. B. Brooke). Oporto, Portugal, Feh. {J. J. Forrester). Sierra XeTada,iSpain, April {H. Saunders). Pulveiilla, Gibraltar, March. Villa Flora, Teneride, May 1871 (F. D. Godman). S, Gemiiinv. Gould Coll. Montagu Coll. 11. B. .Shai-jie, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll, Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. Lord Walsingham [P.]. Theodore Walker, Esq. [P.]. ^ Hume Coll. Gould Coll. Mr. Meves [C.]. Mr. Meves [C.J. Purchased. Tweeddale Coll. Hume Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Brussels Mus. C. G. Danford, Esq. [C.l. Tweeddale Coll. Hume Coll. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Tweeddale Coll. R. B. Shai-pe, Esq. [P.]. Gould Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Colonel Irby [P.l. Salvin-Goduiau Coll. Br. Giinther. Old Collection. inl^u/abo occur!'"" ''"' ""^"'^ " '""^ '^"''^ '^'''''' ^''' '^--P'^^ '>g'^f«^- 214 Subsp. a. Dendrocopus cissa. Picus cissa, Pall. Zoogr. liosso-Asiaf. i. p. 412 (1831) ; Seeb. Ibis, 1882, p. 423. ^, ,^ Picus major (pt.), Beichenb. Scans. Pinncs, p. 364, no. 842 (18o4) ; Malh. P««^<», i. p. 56 (18G1); Sundev. C'onsp. Av. Picin. p. 21 (I860)- , -,. Picus niaior {non Linn.), Middend. Sib. Peise, Zool. p. 132 (1851) ; Tacz. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1876, p. 239 ; Finsch, Verhandl. k. k. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, 1879, p. 227 ; Tacz. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1882, p. 395. Picus ruaior kamtscliaticus, Byb. 8f Tacz. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1883, pp. 146, 157 ; Di/b. f. c. p. 368. Dendrocopus purus, Sfcfn. Auk, 1884, p. 35. Dryobates purus, Sfepi. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. no. 29 (1885), pp. 230, 342. Adult male. Kesembles D. major, but may be distinguished by its having the under surface of the body jMo-e white, and also in having a oreater amount of white on the lateral tail-feathers, the black bars being narrower. Total length 9 inches, culmen 1-22, wing 5-7, tail 3-6, tarsus 1-03 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-57, outer posterior 0-67, inner anterior 0-5, inner posterior 0-3. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in the absence of the crimson occipital baud, the occiput being black, like the crown. Total length 9 inches, culmen 1-1, wing 5-5, tail 3-55, tarsus 1. Hah. Across Siberia, north of the Altai range to 60"^ lat. East into Kamtschatka and Behring Island *. Subsp. /3. Dendrocopus pcelzami. Picus pcelzami, i?oc/f/. B. Cauc, Trans. Soc. Kazan, viii. 4. p. 121 (1879), in Piuss'ian ; Seeb. Ibis, 1882, p. 23 ; Radde, Orn. Cauc. p. 310, pi. XX., S ? ad. (1884) ; Dres.m; Ibis, 1889, p. 91. Picus major ])oelzami, Seeb. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 409. Picus major (wow Linn.), Lorenz, Orn. Faun. Kaukasus, p. 44 (1387). Adult mcde. Eesembles J), major, but is very much smaller and has the under surface of the body very dark brown, inclining to chocolate; the white patch on the wing-coverts is considerably less, owing to fewer of the inner coverts being white. Total length 8-5 inches, culmen 1-25, wing 4-97, tail 2-9, tarsus 0-95 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-52, outer posterior 0'6, inner anterior 0-48, inner posterior 0'3. Adidt femcde. Differs from the adult male in wanting the red ■» Tho e.\act limits of the range of this species cannot be accurately given. They appear to be very much the same as those ofD. -pip''"- 15. nEm)Rocoptrs. 215 occipital band. Total length 8-3 inches, culmen 1-1, wing 4-63, tail 3-15, tarsus 0'88. Younrj. Differ from the adult of both sexes iu having the crown crimson, the red occipital band characteristic of the adult male is wanting and replaced by black ; the general colour above of a sooty black, without any blue gloss ; forehead dusky brown ; a dusky stripe behind the eye, and including the upper half of the ear-coverts ; sides of the face and neck smoky white ; under surface of the body smoky brown, the sides of tlie body, flanks, and thighs having faint dusky striations : vent and under tail-coverts brick-red. Hah. Caucasus. a. $ ad. sk. Lenkoran, December. Henry Seehohm, Esq. [P.]. Subsp. y. Dendrocopus leucopterus. Picus (Dendrocopus) leucopterus, Salrad. Atti R. Ace. Sc. Tov. vi. p. 129 (1870-71). Picus cabanisi {non Malh.), Severtx. Trans. Imp. Soc. Nat. Hist. viii. pt. 2, p. 68 (1873). Picus leptorhvnclius, var. leucoptera, Severtz. His, 1875, p. 488 ; id. Str. F. 1875, p. 430. Picus leptorhynchus, Severtz. Str. F. 1875, p. 430 ; id. His, 1875, pp. 487-491 ; Dresser, op. cit. 1876, p. 320 ; Menzh. op. cit. 1885, p. 357. Picus leucopterus, Hume, Str. F. 1875, p. 219 ; Scully, op. cit. 1876, p. 134 ; Dress. His, 1889, p. 91. Picus syriacus leucopterus, Seeb. His, 1882, p. 423. Adult male. Differs from D. major in having the frontal band, sides of the face and neck, and the under surface of the body pure white, the red extending much higher up and on to the lower breast ; the scapulars pure white, and the quills crossed by very broad bars of white, the innermost secondaries having large spots of white not reaching to the shaft and confluent on the margin. Total length 9 inches, culmen 1-27, wing 4-95, tail 3-4, tarsus 0-87 ; toes (with- out claws) — outer anterior 0-55, outer posterior 0-63, inner anterior 0'5, inner posterior 0-3. Young male. " Has the crown red " (Severtzoff). Adult female. Wants the red occipital band, but is otherwise like the adult male. Total length 9 inches, culmen 1-12, wing 4*95, tail 3"4o, tarsus 0-85. Hab. Turkestan and AVestern Mongolia (Lob Nor). a. 2 ad. sk. Turkestan, Jau. 18G9 (Dr. Tweeddale Coll. Severtzov), b. S ad. sk. Kokand, March 14, 1869 Tweeddale Coll. {Dr. Severtzov). c. cJ ad. sk. Maralbashi, E. Turke.stau, Hume Coll. Jau. 1874 {J. Biddulph). d. S ad. sk. Maralbashi, Jau. 1874 [J. Tweeddale Coll. Biddulph). e. S ad. sk. Yarkand, Nov. 28, 1874 (J. Tweeddale Coll. Biddulph). 216 piciDji;, f. ? ad. sk. Oi To x:: ^.„ _ • /i,,./^> r. A ^ ' 1859, pp. 157, 159; *'«/i'. t. c. p. 315; Tristr. op. cit. 18fi0, p. 373; Math. Picidce, i. p. G5, pi. xviii. figs. 1-3 S $ ad., c? I'uv. (1861), Ilab. partly; Altum*, J. f. O. 1862, p. 382 ; Loche, B.ipl. Sci. Ahjer., Ois.'ix. p. 79, pi. ix. figs. \S ad., 1« ]uv. (1867) ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 34 (1868) ; id. Iland-l. B. ii. p. 182, no. 8547 (1870) ; Sharpe S^ Dresser, B. Eur. r. p. 33, pi. cclxxvi. c? $ ad. & jxiv. (1871). Dendiocopus numidicus (pt.). Cab. ^- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv p 34 (1863). Picus numidicus (partim), Smidev. Cunsp. Av. Picin. p. 22 (1866). * Eecorded from CElde, Miinsier, Germany. A very improbable locality for this African species. 218 piciD^. Adult male. Differs from D. major in the black stripes which border the throat and chest uniting upon the latter and forming a broad gorget, the ti[)s of the feathers of the latter being crimson ; the exposed white spots on the primaries (when the wing is closed) forming four bars. Total Icngtli 8'5 inches, culmen 1'4, wing 4'9, tail 3"2, tarsus 1 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'63, outer posterior 0"75, inner anterior 0'52, inner posterior 0-3. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in wanting the red occipital band. Total length 8*5 inches, culmen 1*2, wing 5, tail 3-2, tarsus 0-85. Youug male. Differs from the adult of both sexes in having the whole of the crown crimson, the tips of the feathers being of this colour, the bases dark leaden grcj', and a median spot of black ; frontal band very dark smoky brown ; space behind the eye, also the upper oar-coverts, dusky brown ; the black portion of the plumage of a sooty colour and not blue-black ; the underparts whiter, and having (in addition to the black and red chest-band) a few blackish stripes on tho sides of the breast ; under tail-coverts pale scarlet, this colour not spreading on to the vent, abdomen, or thighs. Hah. Algeria. a. $ ad. St. Algiers. Purchased. b. (5' ad.; c. S Algeria. Purchased, juv. sk. d. S ad. sk. Algeria, April 1857 [H. B. Tris- Tweeddalo Coll. tram). e. 2 ad.sk. Djebel Dekma, Prov. of Constan- Sahiu-God man Cull. tine, Algeria, April (O. Salvin). f. Sternum. Algeria. 5. Dendrocopus cabanisi. Picus cabanisi, Malh. J.f. 0. 1854, p. 172 ; Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 8, no. 58 (1854) ; Eeichenb. Scans. Picince, p. 365, no. 843, pi. dclxxix. figs. 4487-88, c? 6 (1854) ; Gould. B. Asia, vi. pi. xvii. S $ ad. (1857) ; Malh. Picicla, i. p. 60, pi. xvii. figs. 1-2, S ? (1861) ; Swinh. Ibis, 1861, p. 267 ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 22 (1866) ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 33 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 181, no. 8544 (1870) ; Styan, Ibis, 1887, p. 229.j Picus luciani, Malh. in Mus. Paris; Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 8, no. 00 (1854) ; Malh. Mem. Soc. d'Hisf. Nat. Moselle, 1857, p. 2 ; id. Picidre, i. p. 63, pi. xvii. fig. 4, J (1801) ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 23 (1806); Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 33 (1868); id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 182, no. 8551 (1870). Picus niandarinus, Malh. Bull. Soc. d'Hist. Nat. Moselle, 1857, p. 17 ; id. Picidce, i. p. 61, pi. xvii. figs. 8-9, S 6 ad. (1861) ; Sivinh. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 88 ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 22 (1806) ; Grny, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 33 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 181, uo. 8542 (1870); Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 94; id. P.Z.S. 1871, p. 391; id. Ibis, 1874, ]). 425, 1875, p. 123; David <$■ Oust. Ois. Chine, p. 47 (1877) ; Seeb. Ibis, 1884, p. 86; Hmne, Sfr. F. xi. p. 56 (1888). Picus major?, Sicinh. Ibis, 1861, p. 46. Large Pied Woodpecker (Picus cabanisi ?), Swinh. Ibis, 1861, p. 339, 1803, p. 96. 15. BENDEOCOPUS. 219 Picus gouldi, Malh. Ficid(e, i. p. 02, pi. xvii fio-s 6 7 ^9 am^\ ■ Miu^. p. M (1868) id. Hand-l. B. u. p. 181, uo. 8543 (1870^ Dendrocopus cabaiiisi, Cah. ^ Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 34 (1863) Denclrocopus mandannus, Cab. & Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p 34 (18fi3) Dendrocopus gouldi, Cah. .f Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 35^1863 ^■ Dendrocopus luciam, Cab. ^- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv.S,. 36 1863) Picus mandennus, var., Godw.-Aust. J. A. S. B. 1876, p. 194 ^' <^MCt ,fT^^'' P' "'^Oor, but may at once be distin- guished bj Its b ack scapulars and taM-ny brown ear-coverts • the and the r;b"'*^'r'^ "^T^^^">- '' '-^darker and tawny brown and the feathers between the extremities of the black stripes Ted^ krt d ''' *'"^' ''1 '^''''' ^" *« «- ^^-^' are t[iii,edTth Wa;]- To^l ?'^'?rcr^''*V^'' ™°^'" conspicuously spotted with 0 ?S fo^ r • r^ ^^■^'"'^'^^' ^"^-^^^ ^-^^ ^^^^ 5- tk 3, tarsus nnl' n r • ?r claws)-outer anterior 0-6, outer posterior 0-68, inner anterior 0-5, inner posterior 0-3 ^.;»?j /.;««?,. Wants the red occipiial band, but is otherwise like ss ^tsr;;:93'^*"^ ''-''' '■' -''-' -^-" i-^' --^ ^-^^ J^oimg. In both sexes, before the autumn moult, the crown is red • the young have also the primaries conspicuously tipped with white • te.ron?'tf 'i;?"''"^^ *'^^"^^'^ ^•"'^t^"^^^ -thsome dusl ; I consider the birds bearing the titles P. cahanisi, P. mandannus, cHrirr t 1 ' • ^i""'V*° ^' '''' '-^'^^^ the same in more or less examnK™'°?.' ^'"^^^"'^ ^^'^"^ '^-^' ^^"''^^°"' °^ '-^^^^^^^^ ^^o^thern tS? beir ^'^f «P°tting more developed and sometimes f on n,. M p'' ^'^T^^''- ^"^■^'^^'^^ '"'''''■■ I have seen a male erorseif bf wh r l' '^'""^'^^ ^^''^"'^^^ 1^^^' "^ ^l^i^l^ the rump is crossed by white bars, or spots having a barred character • the scapulanes were also considerably varied^ith whit. Thi example IS mentioned by Mr. Styan in the 'Ibis ' for 1887 p '»9 //«6. Throughout China, in the north extending i"nto Western Kansu, and ranging south-west into Manipur *. a. Juv. sk. Pekin t. , & 9 id «1' ft AT ^„ . I'urcliased. c 2 ad si J? '''°^' ^ • ^'"'^''*' ^^""y 1^'^^- M^'- Pratt [C.l. d e ^%t\ «1- '^faiig- >ai. India Museum, f^' 5 nd Iv ^,l>a"8-hai (J. i?. Becres). Gould Coll. ^'t^P^clhk ?rF°- .e, , -,. TweeddaleColl. /' ■ 9 «r1 i Chdaang (^/,aV«' ^/«.^^«m). Tweeddale Coll. '", f. ¥ aa. Sk. fokien. nnnlrl f\^u -,-d? ad.sk. Canton. ?:eedclaIe-CoU. Matu Muncfof^^an^!'"- ^^ ^^ ^''^'^ ^"f 1,^'^'' l'' "«) ^^^ ^'«ted that in the 220 6, Dendrocoptis himalayensis. Piciis himaLiyensls, Jard. i§- S(lhi/,Ill. Orn. iii. pi. cxvi. c? (c. 18^5) ; BIyth, J. A. S. B. 1845, p. JOB; Bj), Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 130 (1850) ; id. Consp. Valuer. Zyc/od. p. 8, no. 59 (1854) ; Malh. Picidm, i. p. 67, pi. xix. tigs. 3(5' ad. & S )uv., 4 $ ad. (1801) ; Sundev. Vo7isp. Av. Ficin. p. 22 (1860) ; Pe'k. Ibis, 1868, p. :319 ; Gray, List Ficid. Brit. Mus. p. 33 (1868) ; id. Iland-l. B. ii. p. 181, no. 8545 (1870); Wardl.-Rams. Ibis, 1880, p. 50; Bidd. Sir. F. 1880, p. 313; Scully, op. cit. 1881, x. p. 101; Bidd. Ibis, 1881, p. 48 ; Scully, t. c. p. 429 ; Marshall, op. cit. 1884, p. 410. Dendrocopus liimalayauus, Viyne, F. Z. S. 1841, p. 6. Piciis hiiualavanus. Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 435 (1845) ; Blyth, J. A. S. B. 1847, p". 466; id. Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. p. 02 (1849) ; Horsf. ^ Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E. I. Co. ii. p. 670 (1856-58) ; Leith- Adams, F. Z. S. 1858, p. 475, 1859, p. 173; Irby, Ibis, 1861, p. 229; Jerd. B. Ind. i. p. 269(1862); Cock ^ Marshall, Str. F. 1863, p. 350 ; Brooks, Ibis, 1869, p. 47; Beavan, t. c. p. 412 ; Jerd. oj}. cit. 1872, p. 6 ; Hume Sf Menders. Lahore to Yark. p. 179 (1873) ; Brooks, S/r. F. 1875, p. 232 ; Wardl.-Rams. Ibis, 1879, p. 447. Pieus himalaiensis, Reichenb. Scans. Ficince, p, 366, no. 845, pi. dcxxxiii. figs. 4215-16,5 c? (1854). Dendrocopus himalayensis, Cub. ^- Heine, Mus. Hein. i\^ p. 36 (1863). Dryobates himalayanus, Tytler, Ibis, 1868, p. 201. Adult male. Eesembles D. major, but differs in having the scapulars black ; the top of the head and the occiput crimson, and the lower breast, abdomen, flanks, and thighs strongly fulvescent, the red being confined to the vent and under tail-coverts : " legs and i'eet plumbeous brown ; bill brown, pale at base of lower man- dible ; irides red-brown" {A. 0. Ihime). Total length 9-9 inches, culmen 1'35, wing 5'3, tail 3"35, tarsus 0'95 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-55, outer posterior 0-65, inner anterior 0"5, inner posterior 0'33. Yuuiiff male. Is very like the adult of the same sex, hut has the red on the top of the head more restricted, and not spreading on to the occiput ; the primaries are tipped with white ; there is much more white on the lateral tail-feathers, the outer webs being almost without spot or bar : the under surface of the body is duller and very slightly tinged wdth yellow, and the feathers have faint dusky tips ; the feathers of the thighs have faint dusky bars. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the crown and occiput black. Total length 9-4 inches, culmen 1*2, wing 5, tail 3-25, tarsus 0-9. Hab. Kumaon to Cashmere, north to Gilgit and ranging into North-eastern Afghanistan. a. 5 ad. sk. Afghanistan (Griffith). India Museum. b, c. S ad. ; d. S Bvan Kiievl, May 1870 [R. Tweeddale Coll. jiiv.sk. G. W.R.). e. 5 ad. sk. Peshawar, Jan. 1877. Colonel Way [P.]. f,U- c? 2 ad. ; h. Jiiv. sk. i- d ad. sk. k. 2 ad. ; /. Juv. sk. m, 71. c? $ ad. sk. 0. cT imin. ; ;;, r/. Jut. sk. '•, «. c? ? ad. sk. f. 2 ad. sk. «<. d" ad. sk. «'• c? ad. sk. io, .r. d" $ ad. ; y. Juv. sk. s-A:'. d ad. ; I'-g'. 2 ad. sk. r'. S ad. sk. s', f!'. d ad. ; u', V, w'. 2 ad. sk. ^'. 2 ad. sk. y\'^,n".S ad.; ^ i". c? imiu. sk. c". d" ad. sk. d". 2 ad. sk. f';/'- d ad. sk. i'", h" . Juv. sk. «■", />;". . darjilensis. 15. DENDEOCOPUS. 223 8. Dendrocopus cathpharius. Picus (l)eudrocopus) cathphnrius, Blyth, J. A. S. B. 184;J, p. 100(3. Dendrocopus cathpliorius, Hodgs. in Gray's Misc. 1844, p. 80 ; id. Icon. Lied, in Brit. Mus. no. 154 S $ ad. Picus catlipliarius, Blyth, J. A. S. B. 1845, p. 19G ; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 435 (1845); Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. p. 63 (1849); Borsf. (^ Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E. I. Co. ii. p. 073 (1856-58) ; Jerd. B. Ind. i. p, 271 (1862) ; Gray, Cat. 3Iamm. Sec Nepal j^res. Ilodt/s. 1863, p. 63 ; Beavan, Ibis, 1865, p. 410 ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. 31us. p. 37 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 182, no. 8559 (1870). Picus catliphorius. Gray, Cat. Mamm. ^c. Nepal pres. Hodgs. 1846, p. 115; Malh. Picidce, i. p. 104, pi. xxiii. figs. 7c?, 8$ (1861). Hypopicus catliphorius, Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zyqod. p. S, no. 63 (1854). . Picus cathplioricus, Reichenb. Scans, ricinm, p. 377, no. 871, pi. dcxl. figs. 4267-68, S ? (1854) ; Simdev. Consp. Av. Picin. ii. 24 (1866). Xylocopus catlipliarius. Cab. i^- Heine, Mus. Ilein. iv. p. 51 (1863). Adult nude. Back, rump, upper tail-covei'ts, and scapulars blue- black ; wiugs and their coverts black, the innermost of the median and of the greater coverts white (except at the tip), this forming a conspicuous patch ; the quills spotted with white on both webs ; shafts blackish brown ; tail black, the four central feathers uniform, the remainder barred with buff on more or less of the apical half ; shafts of the same colour as the surrounding web ; nasal plumes and frontal band huffy white, the former tipped with black ; crown blue- black ; occiput and nape scarlet, the hind neck black ; sides of the face and neck fulvoscent white, the neck crossed by a patch or band of red extending from the nape; chin buffy white, mixed with black at the angle, the throat and fore neck uniform buff, and a broad black malar stripe bordering these ; entire underparts below the fore neck, also the under tail-coverts, fulvescent buff broadly striped with black (more densely so on the eliest and breast), the central feathers of the chest and the under tail-coverts tipped with red ; under wing-coverts white broadly striped with black, and a conspicuous black paLch on the edge of the wing ; axillaries fulvescent white. Total length 6-3 inches, culmen 0-8, wing 3-93, tail 2-45, tarsus 0-62: toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-42, outer posterior 0-58, inner anterior 0-37, inner pos- terior 0'23. ^klidt female. Wants the red nuchal baud ; the transverse patch on the side of the neck reddisii buff' instead of bright scarlet ; the chest devoid of red. Total length 6-4 inches, culmen 0-7, wino- 3-95, tail 2-5, tarsus 0-65. Young. In the male the side of the neck is pale buff, a few of the feathers being tipjied with orange or red ; tlie side of the neck, in the female, is clear pale buff devoid of any reddish colour. The underparts in the young are very much less fulvescent. Hab. South-east Himalayas, Nepal, Sikhim and Bhotau, 224 a. 2 inmi. sk. b. (S ad. sk. c. c? ad. ; d, e. Imm. sk. /, f/, h. S ad. ; i. $ ad. sk. k-s. c? ad. ; ^- c. 5 ad. et imm. sk. d'-g'. S ad. ; //'. 2 ad. sk. i'. 2 ad. ; k'. (S juv. sk. v. 2 imm, sk. in' ,71 , o. c5'ad. sk. Himalayas. Gould Coll. Nepal. Hodgson Coll. Nopal (Z?. //. Hodgson). India Museum. Native Silcliim, .Ian., March, April, Hume Coll. Ang. (Z. Maiidclli). Sikliim, Jan., Feb., March, A]iril, Hume Coll. Julj', Aug., Oct,, Nov., Dec. {L. Mandelli). Darjeeling. Hume Coll. Darjeeliug. Tweeddale Coll. Darjeeling. India Museum. Bhotan (Pemberton). India iMuseum. 9. Dendrocopus pyrrhothorax. (Plate IV.) Picus pyrrhothorax, Hume, iStr. F. x. p. 150 (1881) ; id. op. cit. xi. p. 57 (1888). Adult male. Hesembles D. cathpliarius, but differs in being smaller, and in having the lores and sides of the face and neck ])urc white ; the whole under surface of the body very ranch less fulvcscent and with less black on the chest ; the apical portion of the feathers of the fore neck and chest scarlet, this colour forming a con.spicuous patch ; the under tail-coverts not striped with black and more washed with red ; the greater wing-coverts having in addition to the two white spots on the inner web a white spot near the base of the outer web, this being more or less exposed ; the barring on the outer large tail-feather more developed ; the bill smaller and narrower and of a leaden dusky, not horn colour : " legs and feet dull sap-green : claws horny dusky ; bill leaden dusky, paler at base of lower mandible towards gonj's ; iridcs lac " {Hume). Total length G-8 inches, culmen 0-75, wing 3-8, tail 2-4, tarsus 0-68 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0*4, outer pos- terior 0'45, inner anterior 0-'67, inner posterior 0'2. Female {fide Hume). Eesembles the adult male, the slight differences being that in the present sex the black stripes down tlie sides of the throat do not unite on the chest, and the black sfriations on the chest and breast are fewer and narrower ; there is also a larger araount of white on the outer tail-feathers, the white bars being broader and more or less confluent with the spot nearer the base, " Legs and feet dusky lavender ; claws brown ; bill blackish horny, greyish at base of lower mandible ; irides lac-red " {A. 0. Hume). Total length 6-8 inches, culmen 0'7, wing 3'8, tail 2-4, tarsus 0'(32. It is very remarkable that in the present species, so closely allied to P. cathpliarius, the female should not possess the same sexual distinction as the female of the latter. Mr. Hume sexed both specimens of his P. pijrrhotlwra.r, which proved to be a male and a 15. DENDEOCOPUS. 225 female, and we cannot but accept his decision. The female example is evidently a fully adult bird. Hah. Manipur (Aimole). a,b. ^ 2 ad. sk. Aimole, Mauipur, April 1881 Hume Coll. (A. O. H.). (Types of species.) 10. Dendrocopus pernyi. Pious pernyi, Verr. Rev. et Mag. de ZooL 1867, p. -271 ; Sioinh P. Z. S. 1871, p. 392; David S,- Oust. Ois. Chine, p. 48 (1877). Picas pernii, Gray, Hand-l. B. ii. p. 182, no. 8562 (1870). Advlt male. Differs from both D. cathpliarius and D. darjilensis in having the broad black malar stripe which extends down the side of the throat and fore neck united on the chest to the corre- sponding stripe, and then running down the middle of the breast, and in the centre of the chest a large crimson patch or spot ; the underparts are less fulvescent ; the sides of the face and neck are uniform buffy white, the ear-coverts slightly smoky brown, the side of the neck wanting the orange-buff colour which is found in D. darjilensis, and the transverse red patch which is characteristic of D. cathpliarius. The under wing-coverts are the same as in the latter species. " Irides red ; bill greyish, the base of the lower mandible yellow; feet greenish; claws brown" {David). Total length 7-5 inches, culmen 0-8, wing 4-37, tail 2-9, tarsus 0-7 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-4, outer posterior 0-52, inner anterior 0-35, inner posterior 0-25. Adidt female. Differs from the adult male in wanting the red occipital band and in having rather less red upon the chest. Total length 6-5 inches, culmen 0-74, wing 4-12, tail 2-73, tarsus 07. Hah. Western China (Setchuan to Kansu) and Eastern Thibet (Moupin). a. (S ad. sk. Kansu, N.W. China, Dec. M. Berezowski [C.]. 11. Dendrocopus syriacus. Picus syriacus, Hempr. S)- Ehrenb. Si/mb. Phys., A v. dec. i. fol. r. note (1828) ; Bp. Comp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 8, no. 57 (1854) ; Malh. Picides, i. p. 95, pi. xx. fig. 4, juv. (1861) ; Tristr. Ibis, 1862, p. 279 : id. P.Z.S. 1864, p. 432; id. Ibis, 1866, pp. 62, 283, 284; Su7idev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 23 (1866) ; Tristr. Ibis, 1868, p. 333 ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 36 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 182, no. 8556 (1870) ; Dress. 8f Blanf. Ibis, 1874, p. 336 : Blanf. East. Pers. ii. p. l.-iO (1876) ; Danf.Ibis, 1880, p. 88; Salv. Cat^ Strickl. Coll. p. 386, no. 1883 (1882) ; Tristr. Faun. Sf Flor. Palest, p. 85 (1884) ; Radde, Orn. Cauc. p. 312, pi. xix. fig. 2, S ad. (1884). Picas maJLir {non Linn.), Strickl. P.Z. S. 1835, p. 79. Campethera syriaca, Gray, Gen. B. iii. App. p. xxi (1849). Picas f uligiuosus, ZtcAi. Nomencl. Av. p. 75 (1854) ; Reichenb. Scans. Picina; p. 378, no. 872, pi. dcxl. tigs. 4269 d" luv., 4270 9 iuv. (1854). VOL. XVIU. a 226 piciD^. Picus cruentatus (wom Bodd.), Ant in. Naum. 185G, pp. 411, 414, pi. li. figs. 1 juv., 2 2 fid., 3 juv. Picus felicife, Mnlh. Picida, i. p. I'll, pi. xxviii. figs. 8 S ad., 9 S juv. (IcSUl) ; Simdev. Consp. Av. Vicin. p. 22 (1866) ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mns. p. 34 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 182, no. 8548 (1870). Dendrocoptes s_yri,acus, Cab. 8f Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 42 (1863). Dendrocopiis felici;e, Cab. ^- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 30 (1863). Picus khan, Filippi, Arch. Znol. ii. p. 400 (1864) ; id. Tiaycj. Pers. p. 350 (1865) ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 35 (1868) ; id. Hand-I. B. ii. p. 182, no. 8550 (1870), Picus major (var.?), Tristr. Ibis, 1864, p. 230. Adult male. Eack, rump, and upper tail-coverts uniform black ; scapulars white barred with black at the base ; wings and their coverts black, the innermost of the median and of the greater coverts white, this forming a conspicuous patch, the innermost onlj' of the secondaries uniform, all the remaining quiUs being spotted with white upon both webs ; shafts dark brown ; tail black, the outer large feather having a subapical bar of white, the next inner feather with a subapical white spot on eacb web ; shafts black ; nasal plumes and forehead biiffy white, the former varied with black ; crown, nape, and hind neck black, the occi])ut scarlet, this colour forming a band ; sides of the face and necl\, chin, throat, and underparts white with a buffy tinge, a black malar stripe extends down the side of the fore neck on to the side of the chest, a branch from it running on to the shoulders, the face and neck not crossed by a black stripe ; the flanks and thighs striped with dusky black ; the abdomen, vent, and under tail-coverts more or less strongly washed with f.carlet ; under wing- coverts and axillaries white, some of the former striped with dusky black. Total length 8-7 inches, culmen 1-3, wing 5-05, tail 3-05, tarsus 0-88 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'66, outer pos- terior 0'7, inner anterior 0-48, inner posterior 0-35. Youmj male. Differs from the adult of both sexes in having the crown red, the occiput being black ; some of the chest-feathers tipped with red, this colour being in the form of a crescent ; there are also a few blackish striations on the side of the chest ; the black portion of the plumage of a more sooty colour ; the underparts pale buffy brown, the red on the abdomen, vent, and under tail-coverts more of a brick-red; the primaries tipped with white. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in wanting the red occipital band, the occiput being black, like the crown and nape ; the striations on the flanks and thighs are more marked. Total length 8-7 inches, culmen 1-22, wing 5-0.5, tail 3, tarsus 0-92. Younrj female. Resembles the young male. Hah. Asia Minor and south through Palestine to Hebron, and Western Persia south to Farsistan, a. 5 ad. sk, Asia Minor Oct. 14, 1871 {Dr. Tweeddale Coll. Krilper). b. 2 ad. sk. Banias, Ilermon, Canon Tristram [P,], c. S ad. sk, Lebanon. Canon Tristram [P.J, 15. DENDEOCorrs. 227 d. $ ad. sk. Near Plains of Esdraelou, Salviu-Godiiiau Coll. March 18, 1864 {H. B. Tristram). e,f. 5 ad. sk. Persia. C. Darwin, Esq. [P.]. ff. S jnv. sk. Persia, July 21, 187i>. W. T. Blanford [C.J. /«. 2 'id. sk. Near Xeyreez, S.Persia, Feb. Gould Coll. 9, 1850 {Keith Abbott), i. ? juv. sk. Kobrud, N. of Ispahan, July W. T. Blanford, Esq. fP.l. 24, 1872. k. S ad. sk. Shiraz, June 1870 {Sir 0. W. T. Blanford, Esq. TP.]. St. John). I. 2 ad. sk. Caspian (Sir 0. St. John). W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. 12. Dendrocopus scindeanas. Picus assimilis, Natt., Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zifgod. p. 8, no. 61 (1854) ; Malh. Bull. Soc. d'Hist. Nat. Moselle, 1857, p. 6; id. Picida-, i. p. (.9, pi. xix. figs. 1, 2, c? $ (1861); Sunder. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 2.3 (1866) ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 34 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. 5. ii. p. 181, no. 8546(1870). Picus scmdeanus, Horsf. S) Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E. I. Co. ii. p. 671 (1856-58); Malh. Picidcp, i. p. 73 (1861); Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 23 (1866) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. ii. p. 182, no. 8557 (1870) ; Hume, Str. F. 1873, p. 170. Picus sciudianus, Jerd. B. Ind. i. p. 273 (1862); Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 36 (1868) ; Hume, Ibis, 1870, p. 579 ; Jerd. op. cit. 1872, p. 7 ; Hume Sf Henders. Lahore to Yark. Nat. Hist. p. 179, pi. ii. (1873) ; Murray, Str. F. vii. p. Ill (1878) ; Scr. Boiq, op. cit. 1879, p. 370; Sir O. B. St. John, If)is, 1889, p. 157. Dendrocopus assimdis, Cab. ^.^ Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 37 (1863). Dendrocoptes scindeanus, Cab. ^~ Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 42 (1863). Picus sindiauus, Blanf. East. Pers. ii. p. 132 (1876) ; Butl. Cat. B. Sind Sfc. p. 18 (1879) ; C. Simih. This, 1882, p. 102. Adult male. Back, rump, and upper tail-coverts black ; scapulars white ; wings and their coverts black, the innermost of the median and of the greater series of the coverts white, this forming a con- spicuous patch, the quills spotted with white upon both webs ; shafts dark brown ; tail black, the four central feathers uniform, the next one tipped with wliite, the two outer large feathers on either side having their apical portion white barred with black ; shafts black ; nasal plumes and forehead huffy white; crown and occiput crimson ; nape and hind neck black ; sides of the face and neck and the underparts from the chin downwards white, the ear- coverts and the underparts more or less tinged with buff; the abdomen, vent, and under tail- coverts washed with scarlet ; a black malar stripe borders the throat and extends to the side of the chest, and the thighs are faintly striped with black ; under wing-coverts and axillaries white. Total length 8 inches, culmen 1-1.5, wing 4"7, tail 2-8, tarsus 0*8; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-5, outer posterior 0'56, inner anterior 0*43, inner posterior 0"28. Adult female. Has the crown and occput black, but otherwise resembles the adult male. Total length 7"5 inches, culmen 1, wing 4"4o, tail 2'65, tarsus O'S. (i2 228 PICIDJE. Young. Eesemble the male, but have the red on the head more of an orange-scarlet ; the outer primaries tipped with white and some of the chest-feathers occasionally tipped with red. Hab. Sindh, west to Bampur and Bahu Kelat, Persian Beluchistan ; north into Afghanistan, Peshawar, and the Punjab. «,6. d 2 O. -SY. Hume Coll. /. 2 W'^'- sk. John). ff. S imm. ; /(. Xal Kelat, May 3, 1877 (O. T. Hume Coll. 9 ad. sk. Duke). l d ad. sk. Bahu Kelat, Feb. 11, 1872. W. T. Blantord, Lsq. [P-]- . k. 9 ad. sk. Bampur, April 8, 1870. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [P.]. l,m. d 2 ad. sk. Sindh. Gould Coll. n. d ad. sk. Sindh {I)r. H. Gould). India Museum. 0. d ad. sk. Karachi, Feb. 18, 1877 ( W. T. Hume Coll. Blanford). p, q, r. d ad. et Hydrabad, Feb., May, June {E. Hume Coll. juv. ; s. 2 ad.sk. A. Butler). t. d ad. sk. Sehwan, Jan. 2-5, 1872 (A. Hume Coll. O. H.). n, V. d 2 ad. sk. Jacobabad, Nov., Dec. {A. O. Hume Coll. H.). w.a: d ad.; i/,x. Dil-Moorad, Dec, 1871 [A. O. Hume Coll. 2 ad. sk a'jb'.d 2 ad.sk H.] Roree Dist., Nov., 1871 {F. Hume Cull. Daij). c', d'. d 2 'id. sk. Muugranee, Sukkm-, Jan., 1872 Hume Coll. {A. 0. H.). e',/'. d 2 ad. sk. Sukkur, Dec, 1871 (.1. O. H.). Hume Coll. ^', A'. c5' ? ad. sk. ^\nka.Y^\\\ [Griffith). India Museum. (Types of the species.) i', k'. d 2 ad. sk. Shikarpur, Jan., 1872 (A.O.H.) Hume Coll. I'. 2 ad. sk. Mithenkote, Dec. 1-3, 1871 {A. Hume Coll. O. H.). m. d ad. ,sk. Banks of Jhelum, April 8, 1870. Hume Coll. n. d ad. sk. Murree. Colonel Way [P.]. o',p'. d ad. ; q. Lawreucepore, Feb., March {R. Tweeddale Coll. 2 ad. sk. G. W. R.). r. 2 ad. sk. Peshawar, Feb., 1869. Hume Coll. s,t'. cJad. sk. Salt Rauge, Nov. (r.C./ercZoK)- Tweeddale Coll. u. 2 ad. sk. Uruecwalla, Sirsa, Feb. 4, 1870 Hume Coll. {A. 0. H.). I'd. Dendrocopus arizonae. Picus stricklandi (pt.), MaUi. Picidce, i. p. 108 (descr. of d ad., and pi. xxviii. fig. 4, d ad. taken from specimen of D. arizona; in Brit. Mus.) (1861) ; Sundev. [ex Malh.) Consp. Au. Pkin.^ p. 20 (1866). Picus stricldaudi (non Malh.), Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mm. p. 37 (1868); id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 182, no. 8560 (1870); Henshaw, U. S. Geogr. Surv. W. of IQOth Merid. 1875, p. 389 ; Ridcjto. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mils. 1880, pp. 189, 219, 233, no. 365 ; Coues, Check- 15. DENDK0C0PT7S. 229 list N. Amer. B. p. 77, no. 437 (1882) ; Brewster, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, viii. p. 22 (1883) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. 1884, p. 482 ; Brewst. Auk, 1885, p. 199. Dryobates stricklandi {no7i Malh.), Scott, Auk, 188fi,p. 426: A. O U. Check-list N. Amer. B. p. 213, no. 398 (1886). Picus arizonae, Harc/itt, Ibis, 1886, p. IIS. Dryobates aiizonae, Bich/w. Man. JV. Amer. B. p. 286 (1887). Drvobates arizonje fraterculus, Bidgw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 286 (1887). Adtdt male. Differs from D. stricklandi of Malherbe (Eev. Zool. 1845, p. 373) in having the upper parts perfectly uniform and of a lighter brown colour, the dark markings on the undcrparts being rounded and drop-like spots. Total length 8 inches, culmen 1-15, wing 4-55, tail 2-6, tarsus 0-83 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0*48, outer posterior 0"55, inner anterior 0-4, inner pos- terior 0'3. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in wanting the red occipital baud. Total length 7 inches, culmen 1-05, wing 4-6, tail 2-7, tarsus 0-78. Younr/. In both sexes the crown is red, the red occipital band of the adult male bein§^wanting in the j'oung of that sex. In other respects they closely resemble the adult. Dr. Ridgway separates the bird from the Sierra Madre de Colima on account of its smaller size, and names it D. arizoncv fratenuhis. I think the difference in measurement too trifling to justify the sepa- ration of these specimens. I give below the size of the wing in specimens from various localities : — Arizona cJ fid- Chihuahua „ Zacatecas ,, Jalisco (Tepic) „ „ (Sierra Madre) .... „ Hub. Southern Arizona, and through the mountain-ranges of Sonora and Chihuahua south into Zacatecas and Jalisco, as far as the Sierra Madre. in. in. 4-47 5 ad. 4-45 4-5 „ 4-3 4-4 4-3 4-25 ,, 4-0 a. 2 ad. ; b, c. S $juv. sk. d, e. c?juv. ; /-/*. $ ad. et juv. sk. i. cS ad. sk. k. (J ad. sk. /. (S ad. sk. 7)1. (S ad. sk. n. S ad. ; o. $ imm. sk. p. cJ ad. sk. q, r. c? ? ad. sk. Santa Rita Mts., Arizona, May, June {Henshaw). Pinal Co., Arizona, Aug., Oct. ( W. E. B. Scott). Cliiricahui Mts., Arizona, Aug. (H. TFJieeler). Mexico. Mexico. New Oposura, Sonora, June (J. C. Cahoon). Chihuahua, Mexico {Bnchcin- Hi'phurn). Chihuahua, April( W.Lloyd) . Rio Verde, Chihuahua, March ( W. Lloyd). Henshaw Coll. ■ [S.-G.]. Purchased. Gould Coll. Henshaw Coll. [S.-G.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 230 s, t. cJ ad. ; M. 5 ad. sk. V. 2 ad. sk. ?c. c? fid. sk. .r. cT nd. sk. ?/. c? ad. .'ik. ::, a', h' . c? ad. et juv. sk. f', d', f',f. i 2 ad. et juv, .sk. Temosachic, Chihualuia, March (TI':i/o.yfO- Tomochic, Chiluiakua, Dec. {W.Lhyd). Rio de Urique, Oliihualma, Nov. ( W. Lloijd). Sierra Valparaiso, Zacatecas, 8000 feet, July ( Tr". B. Michardsun). Sierra IMadre Navarit, .Ta- liseo, 8000 feet,' July ( IF. B. Bi chard son). Tepic, May ( W. B. BicMrd- ■ton). Hac. San Marcos, Jalisco, 5200 ft., May ( TV. Lloyd). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godraan Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sulvin-Godnian Cull. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-fiodman Coll. 14. Dendrocopus villosus. Tiipical. Picus villosus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 175 (1766) ; Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 435 (1788) ; Lath. Lid. Orn. i. p. 232 (1790) ; Barton, Nat. Hist. Penn. p. 11 (1799) ; Tieill. Ois. Am. Sept. ii. p. C14, pi. cxx. S (1807) ; Wils. Amer. Orn. i. p. 150, pi. ix. fio-. 3, S (1808) ; Steph. Gen. Zool. ix. p. 171 (1815) ; Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxvi. p. 71 (1818) ; Vieill Sr Bonn. Enc.Meth. iii. p. 1305 (182.3); Bp. Si/n. B. U.S. p. 46, no. 42 (1826) ; Vale>2C. Diet. Sc. Nat. xl. p. 180 (1826); Less. Traite, i. p. 228 (1831) ; Nvtt. Man. Orn. i. p. 575 (1832) ; Jard. ed. Wils. Amer. Orn. i. p. 155, pi. ix. iifi'. 3, S ad. (1832); Bp. Comp. List, p. 39 (1838) ; Peal>. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 1841, p. 174; Bp. Consp. Gen. At: i. p. 1.37 (1850); Aud. Orn. Bioqr. v. p. 164, pi. ccccxvi. figs. 1, 2 (1839); id. Syn. p. 179 (1839) ;' /f?. B. Amer. iv. p. 244, pi. cclxii. S $ (1842); Giraiid, B. Lonr/ Lsl. p. 174 (1844) ; BeKai/, Nat. Hist. N. York, pt. ii. p. 186, pi. XY. fig. 32 (1844) ; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 435 (1845) ; Beichenh. Scans. Picince, p. 374, no. 863, pi. dexxxviii. figs. 4252-54 (1854); Putnam, Proc. Lsse.v Inst. 1856, p. 214; Math. Picidce, i. p. 76, pi. xxi. fios. 1-2 (1861) ; Verrill, Proc. Essex Inst. 1862, p. 143; Cass. Proc. Acad. Philad. 1863, p. 200 ; Allen, Proc. Essex List. 1864, p. 52 ; Mcllwr. op. cit. 1866, p. 83 ; Cones, op. cit. 1867, p. 261 ; Gray, Hand-l B. ii. p. 184, no. 8592 (1870) ; touts, N. Amer. B. 1872, p. 193 ; Brewst. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. York, 1875, p. 144 ; Coues, Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv'. iv. no. 3, p. 615 (1878) ; 3Iayn. Birds E. N. Amer. p. 239, pi. xix. (1879) ; Bidgtc. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1880, p. 188, uo. 360; Coues, Check-list N. Amer. B. 1882, p. 77, no. 438 ; NeJirl. J. f. O. 1883, p. 94; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. 1884, p. 483, fig. 333, p. 482. Picus leucomelanus, Wayl. Syst. Av. Picus, sp. 18, juv. (1827). Dryobates villosus, Boie, Isis,'l828, p. 326 ; Cab. S,- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 66 (1863) ; Brnrst. Auk, 1886, p. 104 ; A. O. U. Check-list N. Amer. B. p. 210, no. .393 (1886) ; Ridt/w. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 282, pi. Ixxxiii. fig. 1 (1887) ; Warren, B. Penn. p. 124 (1888). Picus martini, Bp. Comp. List, p. 39, no. 258 (1 838) ; Malh. Picidce, i. p. 82, pi. xxii. figs. 1, 2, juv. (1861). Picus martinae, Aud. Orn. Bior/r. v. p. 181, pi. ccccxvii. fi<>-s. 1,2 (1839) ; id. Sytu p. 178 (1839) ; id. B. Afner. iv. p. 240, pi. cclx. 15. DENDEOCOPUS. 231 figs. 1 c? , 2 $ (1842) ; Grmj, Gen. B. ii. p 435 (iaA'^\ ■ n„ n pi. dcxxxii. fig-s. 420(5-7, jiiv. (18o4) ' ^' ' °- '^^' Picus rubricapi]lu8, Nntf. Man. Orn. i.'p. 685 (1840) Tnchop_icusvillosu.,i/;;. Consp. Valuer: Z,Uv. 8, no 38(1854, Tnchopu^us raartinae, Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zyyod\. 8, no Ualth I icus villosus var. medius,5,»>rf, B. N. Amer. p.84 18%8) • Sundev Consp. Av. F/cin. p. IC (1866) (.^ojo; , <5Mwcfet. Z'fo-r/e Northern form. Picus villosus i^or.AP;„7. Traws. (abr. ed.), Ixii. p. 333 (1772)- p.l»4, no. 8592 (18/0, pt.; Cuni, Nat. Mand Isl n 51 n87«V ^/«vz«m, ^«//. iS^,,«. Orn. Club, 1882, p 2m Steams Ai. r/ V iV^«^ 3fe. 1883, p. 118; Scott;Auk, 1^84, p'm' ' ^•*- Picus leuconielas, Bodd. Tabl. PI. Enl. p 91 no' .345 1 nrs^^. S:- f svSSf ■ t^ Iff vp.i^^= ^'«^^;:^^iiS tk mui,. p. 40 (lK„s) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 185, no. 8599 (1870) ^rV jf, ^\r?^ ' '^^'J'^'- ^''"- ^'"''- 1^- P- 173 (1815) ; 7Y«// iA- Diet i' ii n l-7?n8^r;-^- \^^' Pl;^'^'^---'"- 0839) ; Id. kn.B. Tin/ ' P" r *■ . ^■' ''^^ ^- ^'"^'" "'■ P- 235, pi. cclviii. c? (1842) • p. 37.i, no. 862, pi. dcxxxvni. fiog. 4250-5], ^ j (1854)- 3/«/// B«rte, 1 p. 78, pi. xxi. fig-. 4, d (1861). ' ^ "^ ^ ^ ' '^'■ Picus (Dendrocopus) villosus, Swains. ^- Bkh. Faun. Bor.-Ame,- ii ^"m^'^Ti^i:^"-,^'''^'-- ^- P-1^6, pl.ecccxvii. figs. 5, 6 p (.8(, (1840) ; .4,/./. i?. Amer. ly. p. 238, pi. cclix., iuv. (1842)- (IsS) ."""^ ^i "/ Pa 4-^5 (18-f5); %. cZp. Gen:L i.^p 138 i- Ww . '.'■'^''"^'- ^''""^- ^'"Mf^, p. 364, no. 8.39, pi dcxxxii (.1^<.1) ; Gra!/,L>st I'ickl. Brit. Mm. p 46 (1868) id Hand- B 11. p. 185, no. 8601 (1870). ' ^ ) ■ ut. itami i. n. Picus se])tentrionalis, Nutt. Man. Orn. i. p. 684 (1840) Tncliopicns philipsi, Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zy,jod. p. 8, no. 43 (1854). Dryobates leucomelas, Cab. Sf Heine, Mus. Hein. iy. p. 67 (1863) (1874) '' '■"'• '^"'^'-^^•^^^i^'' ^-^ ^-^ ^- ^- ^- Ami. B. ii. p. 503 Picus yjllosus (majores). Cones, B. N.-West, p. 279 (1874) 1 icus yillosus leucomelas, Ridgw. Proc. U.S Nat. Mm. 1880, pp. 188, Drvobates yillosiis leucomelas, A. O. U. Check-list N. Amer. B Siaall Southern form. Picus auduboni, Stvains. Faun. Bor.-Amer. ii. p. 306, figs. 5-7 (1831) • Trud Journ. Plnlad. Acad. 1837, p. 404, juy. ; ' B^ Comp lI\ ' 232 piciD^. p. ofl, no. 257 (1838) ; Aud. Orn. Bioi/r. v. p. 194, pi. ccccxvii. fig. 10 (1839) ; id. Syn. J3. N. Amer. p! 181 (1839) ; id. B. Amer. iv. p. 259, pi. cclxv. S (1842) ; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 435 (1845) ; Bp. Consp, Gen. Av. i. p. 138 (1850) ; Reichenb. Scans. Picince, p. 363, no. 838, pi. dcxxxii. fi?'. 4203, juv. (1854) ; Malh. Picida, i. p. 87, pi. xxii. tig. 4, d juv. (1861). Trichopicus auduboni, Bp. Consp. Volncr. Zyyod. p. 8, no. 46 (1854). Picas villosus, var. minor, Baivd, B. N. Amer. p. 85 (1858) ; Sunder. Consp. Ar. Picin. p. 16 (1866). Piciis cuvieri, Malh. Pieidce, i. p. 85, pi. xxii. fig. 3, 5 juv. (1861). Picus villosus, Allen, Bull. M. C. Z. 1871, p. 302; Beckham, Auk, 1887, p. 303. Picus villosus, var. auduboni, B., B., l^- B. N. Amer. B. ii. p. 503 (1874). Dryobates villosus auduboni, Breivst. Auk, 1886, p. 104 ; Batchelder, t. c. pp. 313, 314 ; Fox, f. c. p. 319 ; A. O. U. Check-list N. Amer. J5.p. 211, no. 393i (1886); Sennetf,Auk,l887,Y>.2-i2 ; Eidffw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 282 (1887). Adult male. Back black, with a broad median stripe of white ; rump, upper tail-coverts, and scapulars black ; wings and their coverts black, the median and the greater coverts, as well as both webs of the quills, spotted with white ; shafts blackish brown ; the four central tail-feathers black, the next one having the basal half black, the apical half white, the two oiiter large feathers on either side white, with only a black basal spot ; shafts corresponding in colour with the surrounding web ; nasal plumes huffy white, with black tips ; top of the head, sides of the face and neck, and hind neck black, with a white superciliary stripe extending on to the occiput and uniting with the corresponding stripe above the scarlet occipital band, and another white stripe from the base of the upper mandible running down to the side of the hind neck ; from the chin to the under tail-coverts (both inclusive) pure white, the black stripe which borders the throat prolonged on to the side of the chest ; under wing-coverts aud axillaries white, the former having one or two black spots aud a black patch on the edge of the wing. Measure- ments of typical bird : — Total length 8-5 inches, culmen 1-25, wing 4'85, tail 3, tarsus 0"88 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0"62, outer posterior 0-7, inner anterior 0-5, inner posterior 0-32. Adult fenutle. Differs from the adult male in wanting the scarlet occipital band ; the middle of the occiput black, the white stripes which border the crown scarcely uniting. Total length 8'5 inches, culmen 1'16, wing 4-8, tail 3-1, tarsus 0'84. Young male. Has some of the feathers of the crown tipped with orangc-i'ed, and a small didl white spot between this colour and the black base ; the under surface of the body is of a less pure white than in the adult, and the flanks and thighs have dusky stripes and a trace of dusky bars ; the white on the back is strijjcd with black ; the shafts of the quills clear dark browi]. In other respects it resembles the adult female. -//«V». North America, from the Atlantic to the Eastern base 15. DENDEOCOPUS. 233 of the Eocky Moimtains, sometimes found on the west side of these mountains. \ a,b. c? 2 ad. st. c. 2 ad. sk. d. j' ad. sk. e,f. S 2 fid. sk. (I, /'• d 2 ad. st. i. 2 f d. sk. /,-. 2 ad- sk. /, >H. 2 ad. ; «. Juv. sk. 0, p. (S 2 ad. sk, q. 2 ad. ; r. J jiiv. sk. s, t. (S ad. ; u. 2 ad. sk. ?.'. d' ad. ; ?y, .x-. d 2 juv. sk. y, 3. (5 ad. et juv. sk. «'. 2 ad. sk. //. d ad. sk. c' 2 ad. sk. f?', e'. (5 2 ad. sk. /,/. d2ad.sk. /'', «'. c? 2 ad. ••^k. />;'. d ad. sk. I'. 2 ad. sk. m'. 2 ad. sk. n'. 2 ad. sk. «'. d juv. sk. ^'') ?'• d 2 ad. sk. ?•'. d ad. sk. .s'. 2 ad. sk. West side of Rocky Mts. Canada. Fort Simpson. Fort Dufferin. British Cokmihia. United States. Upton, ]\Iaine, ATigust (Henshaw). Michigan. Leyden, N. Y., Dec. {Hart Merriani). Locust Grove, New York, April & Julj^ {Henshcnu). Lyons Falls, N. Y., Jan., Dec. {A. J. Dai/an). Adiroudacks, N. Y., June (Hart Merriam). Bio- Moose Lake, N. Y., Aug. & Nov. (Hart Merriam). Concord, Massachusetts, May (Hetishaic). Grantville, Mass., April (Henshaiu). Wellesley, Mass., Oct. (Henshaio). New Haven, Connecticut Nov. (Hart Merriam). Munsen Hill, Washington, D. C, March (Henshaw). Washington, D. C, Nov., Dec. {HensJunv). Calumet, Illinois, Sept. (£. W. Nelso7i). Evanston, Illinois, Dec. (Henshaiu). Mt. Carmel, 111., Aug. (E. W. Xekon). St. Lucie, Florida, Oct. (W.Hoxie). Sunheam, Florida, Aug. ( W. Ho.vie). Cedar Keys, Florida, Dec. (Henshaio). Okahumkee, Florida, April (Hart Merriam). California. J. K. Lord, Esq. [P.]. Tweeddale Coll. B. Ft. Eoss, Esq. [P.]. N.A.Boundary Comm. J. K. Lord, Esq. [P.]. Sclater Coll. Henshaw Coll. [S.-G.]. Prof Steere [!'.]. Henshaw Coll. [S.-G.]. Tweeddale Coll. Subsp. a. Dendrocopus maynardi. Picus villosus (non Linn.), Bryant, Proc. Bost. Soc. 1859, p. 106; Cory, B. Bahama Isl. p. 120 (1880). 234 piciDiE, Picas insularis (no7i Gould), Mai/nard, Nat. in Florida, i. no. 4 (1885). Piciis villosus insularis, C'ori/, List B. W. Ltd. p. 19 (1885). Di'j'obates villosus insularis, Cmy, Aiik, 1886, p. 375. Di'vobates villosus maynanli, Bidqw. Man. N. Anu'r. B. p. 282 (1887). Adult imtle. Differs from D. villosus in having the entire loral region white, and uniting with the white superciliary stripe : the eye s\irrounded by white ; tlie malar region more varied with white ; the red occipital band l)roader ; the white down the back more striped with black, and the underparts tinged with buff; the dimensions are considerably less. Total length 7'5 inches, culmen 1-1, wing 4-1, tarsus 0'8. Adult female. " The scarlet crescent wanting, replaced by white. Length 7-25 inches, wing 4-2, tail 3, tarsus 0-7, bill 1." (Cory.) Hah. Northern Bahama Islands. «. S ad. sk. Bahamas (Blake). Sclater Coll. Subsp. /3. Dendrocopus harrisi. Picus villosus (no7i Linn.), Vig. in Beechey's Voy. p. 23 (1839). Pious harrisi. And. Orn. Bioyr. v. p. 191 (1839) ; id. Si/n. N. Amer. B. p. 178 (1839) ; Townsend, Excur. Rocky Mts. ii. p. 304, App. (1 340) ; Giraiid, B. Texas, p. 1 (1841); And. B. Amer. iv. p. 242, pi. cclxi. c^ 9 ad. (1842) ; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 435 (1845) ; Gaml>. Journ. Philad. Acad. 1847, p. 54 ; Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 138 (1850) ; Reichenh. Scans. Picina, p. 364, no. 841, pi. dcxxxii. figs. 4208-9, 6 ? ad. (1854); Licht. Nomencl.Av. p. 75 (18.54) ; Sclat. P.Z.S. 1857, p. 127, 1858, p. 3 ; Baird, B. N. Amer. p. 87 (1858) ; id. U.S. Sj- Me.%\ Bomid. Surv. 1858, p. 5 ; Ken7i, P. R. R. Rep. Ex. pt. iv. p. 21 (1859) ; Heerm. op. cit. pt. vl. p. 57 (1859) ; 3Mh. Picidee, i. p. 7.3, pi. XX. figs. 1, 2, d $ ad. (1861 ) ; Cass. Proc. Philad. Acad. 1863, p. 200 ; Coues, This, 1865, pp. 162, 567 ; Simdex. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 17 (1866) ; Coues, Proc. Philad. Acad. 1866, p. 52 ; Baird, lids, 1867, p. 270 ; Erotm, op. cit. 1868, p. 419 ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 47 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 184, no. 8593 (1870) ; Coop. B. Calif, ed. Baird, i. p. 375, figured pp. 373-375 (1870) ; Aiken, Proc' Bost. Soc. 1872, p. 206; Coues, B. N.-West, p. 280 (1874) ; Gieh. Thes. Orn. iii. p. 1-58 (1876) ; Ride/w. Orn. 40th Par. p. 545 (1877) ; Beldinf/, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1878, pp. 391, 393. Trichopicus harrisi, Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zyyod. p. 8, no. 45 (1854). Dryobates harrisi. Cab. 8^- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 68 (186.3). Dryobates hyloscopus, Cah. Sf Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 69 (1863). Picus hyposcopus. Gray, Hand-l. B. ii. p. 185, no. 8604 (1870). Picus villosus, var, harrisi, Coues, Kci/ N. Amer. B. 1872, p. 194 ; B., B., ^- R. N. Amer. B. ii. p. -507 (1874) ; Hensh. Ann. Lye. Nat. lUst. N York, xi. p. 9 (1874) : id. U.S. Geor/r. Surv. W. of 100th Merid. 1875, p. 380; Bold. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1878, p. 428; Coop. op. cit. 1879, p. 250 ; Ridgtv. op. cit. 1880, p. 188, no. 360 b. Picus villosus harrisi, Coues, Bull. U.S. Geol. Surr. iv. no. 3, p. 616 (1878) ; id. Check-list, p. 77, no. 4.39 (1882) ; Hartl. J.f. 0. 1883, p. 275 ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. 1884, p. 483 ; Dreio, Auk, 1885, p. 17; Batchelder, t. c. p. 127; Scott, t.c. pp. 174, 3.56 Ayersh. t. c. p. 283 ; Hensh. op. cit. 1886, p. 78. 15. DENDEOCOPUS. 235 Dryobates villosus harrisi, Everm. Auk, 1886, p. 93 ; Anthony, t. c. p. 1G5 ; Scott, t. c. p. 425 ; A. O. U. Check-list N. Amei: B. p. 211, no. 309 c (1886) ; Rid(j%o. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 283 (1887). Adult male. Differs from D. villosus in having the ■wing-coverts, the outer webs of the inner secondaries, and both webs of the inner- most of these almost devoid of white spots ; the spots on the primaries verj- small on the outer webs ; the under surface of the liody buffy white or srooky white, the under wing-coverts having large and con- s])icuou,s spots of black ; the four central tail-feathers are totally black, and there is a greater amount of black upon the next outer feather, the inner web being almost wholly so. Total length 8-8 inches, culmen 1-38, wing 5-05, tail 3-35, tarsus 0-92; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0"62, outer posterior 0'7, inner anterior 0*5, inner posterior 0-35. Adult female. Resembles the adult male, but wants the scarlet occipital band, the middle feathers of the occiput being black, the white on either side not forming a complete band. Total length 8'5 inches, culmen 1-15, wing 5-03, tail 3-3, tarsus 083. Young. Differ from the adult of both sexes in having red upon the crown, and resemble the adult female in having the occiput black. The amount of red upon the crown varies, in some individuals forming a band across the middle of the crown, the feathers having between the red tips and black bases a small white spot ; other exami)les have only a few of the coronal feathers tipped with dull red and a short white shaft-stripe. In other specimens the whole of the crown-feathers are tipped with orange-scarlet, and have a distinct white spot between this colour and the black base ; the frontal feathers have also stripe-like spots of white ; the flanks and thighs have faint dusky stripes and bar-like spots, but sometimes these are almost entirely wanting ; the primaries tipped with white. In this species the underparts vary from buffy white to smoky white and brown, the latter colour tinting the white of the face and also of the median stripe down the back. HaJi. "Western United States, from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific coast, north to Chilcoot, Alaska, south along the tablelands of Mexico to the Sierra de San Luis Potosi, and on the west to the Sierra Madre de Colima, Jalisco. a. 5 imm. sk. i, c.d. S 2 ad. sk. e. Juv. sk. /. d ad. sk. g. 2 ad. sk. /(. 5 imm. sk. i. c? juv. sk. k. 2 ad. sk. N.W. America. British Columbia. Vancouver Island. Orcas Island. Fort Steilacooui, Puget Sound, ^'\^ashington State (Di\ Sucklfii/). Teton Canon, Montana, July (Hart Merriam). Sarpy Fort, Montana, Aug. (ifctishaw). Dead Wood, Dakota, Oct. ( Vcryion Bailey). Sir E. Belcher [P.]. J. K. Lord, Esq. [P.]. Dr. Lvall [P.]. Dr. Lvall [P.]. Henshaw Coll. • rs.-G.]. 236 I, m. S ? ad. sk. 7?, 0. (5 $ ad. sk. }). d ad. sk. q, r. (S ad. sk. •S t. S 2 ad. ; ", r. Juv. .sk. w. Juv. sk. .1'. S ad. ; y, z, a'. $ ad. sk. h'. S ad. sk. c'. 5 ad. sk. fV. 5 ad. .sk. e. 2 ad. sk. /. 2 ad.; /.Juv. sk. h'-k'. Jad. ; 1' , m'. 2 ad. sk. n',o'. cJad.; ju', y', r'. 2 ad. sk. s', <'. c5 2 ad. sk. ti. S ad. sk. v'. S ad. ; «<;', .r'. 2 ad. sk. 2/'. 2 ad. sk. z. 2 ad. ."k. rt". (5 ad. sk. '>", e". d 2 ad. sk. d". d ad. sk. e". (S juv. sk. f". c?ad. (2?) sk. ^", h". (S ad. et juv. ; i". 2 ad. sk. k", I". S 2 ad. sk. on", n". S ad. .sk. o",p". 2 ad. sk. Custer, Dakota, July { Vernon Bailey). Fort Klamath, Oregon, Oct., Jan. (('. Bendire). Fort Bridger, ^^■yoming, Sept. ( Vernon Bailey). California. California. California {L. Belding). Fort Crook, California, Nov., Jan. (D. F. Parkinson). Fort Crook, California. Nevada, California, Nov. {E. W. Nelson). Lake Tahoe, California {Henshaio). Carson, Nevada, Nov. {Hen- shaic). Garland, Colorado, May, Aug. ( H. Wheeler). Santa Fe Mts., New Mexico, Aug., Dec. (Henshaw). Spriugerville, Ai'izona, Jan., Feb. (Henshaw). Casa Colorado, Chihuahua, Mexico, March( W.Lloyd). Pinos Altos, Chihuahua. Teniosachic, Chihuahua, March {W. Lloyd). Rio de Iglesias, Chihuahua, Dec. ( W. Lloyd). Rio de Emeritano, Chihua- hua, Dec. ( IV. Lloyd). Refugio, Chihuahua, Dec. (W. Lloyd). Rio de Urique, Chihuahua, Nov. ( W. Lloyd). Ciudad Durango, Mexico, June (A. Forrer). S. Nayaiit, Jalisco, 8000 ft., June ( W. B. Richardson). Iluayimic, S. Madre Na- yarit, June ( W. B. Eieh- ardson). Sierra Valparaiso, Jalisco, Jan., July {W.B.Rich- ardson). S. Nevada de Colima, Jalisco, April ( IF. Lloyd). Sierra de San Luis Potosi, July ( W. B. Richardson). Mexico, Dec. (Buchan-Hep- hurn). Henshaw Coll. ■ [S.-G.]. Purchased. Tweeddale Coll. I Hen.shaw Coll. I [S.-G.J. Sclater Coll. .Henshaw Coll. > [S.-G.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salviu-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sah in-Godman Coll. 15. DENDEOCOPUS. 237 Subsp. y. Dendrocopus jardinii. Picus (Leuconotopicus) jardiuii, Malh. Bev. Znol. 1845, p. 374. Picus jardinii, Malh. N. Classif., Mem. Acad. 3Ietz, 1848-49, p. 327 ; Grai/, Gen. B. iii. App. p. xxi (1849) ; Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 137 (1850) ; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 308, 1857, p. 214, 1858, p. 359, 1859, pp. 367, 388 ; id. 4- Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 136 ; Cav.- Tayl. op. cit. 1860, p. 119 ; 3Ialh. Picidce, i. p. 103, pi. xxv. tigs. 4(5 , 5$ (1861) ; Sclat. Cat. Amei: B. p. 334, 110. 1990 (1862) ; Cass. Proc. Philad. Acad. 186-3, p. 200; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 177; Suiidev. Cotisp. Av. Picin. j). 17 (1866) ; Laicr. Ann. Lye. iS at. Hist. iV. York, 1868, p. 130 ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 50 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 186, no. 8614 (1870) ; Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 212 ; id. Sf Sclat. 2somencl. Av. Neotr. p. 99 (1873) ; Zeled. Cat. Av. Costa Rica, p. 23 (1882). Phrenopicus jardinii, Bp. Consp. Voliwr. Zygod. p. 8, no. 35 (1854). Picus harrisii, Hoffm. J.f. O. 1862, p. 175 ; Sumich. Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 1869, p. 562 ; Laivr. Ann, Lye. Nat. Hist. N. York, 1870, p. 130. Dryobates jardinei, Cab. 4" Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 69 (1863). Dryobates villosus harrisii (pt.), A. O. U. Cheek-list N. Amer. B. p. 211, no. 393 c (1886). Dryobates villosus jardinii, Ridgw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 283 (1887). Adult male. Resembles the male of D. Jiarrisi, but is a much smaller and darker bird, the under surface of the body becoming deep brown in southern examples, this brown colour tinging the white on the face and back ; the wing- coverts are generally without spots, and the wings, when closed, only exhibit a few small white spots on the primaries and the outer secondaries, but occasionally the secondaries are devoid of any exposed spots when the wing is closed. In some examples there is a profusion of large heart-shaped spots and stripes of black on the sides of the chest, these being a continuation of the stripe which borders the throat and fore neck. A specimen from Jalapa measures as follows: — Total length 8 inches, culmen 1*15, wing 4-65, tail 2*8, tarsus 0'8 ; toes (without claws) — outer ante- rior 0'55, outer posterior 0'6, inner anterior 0-48, inner posterior 0"32, An example from Costa liica measures 7 inches, culmen 1*07, •wing 3-95, tail 2-25, tarsus 0-75. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in wanting the red occipital band, the occiput being black, the white superciliary stripes extending on to its sides, but not uniting. Measurements of a spe- cimen from Jalapa : — Total length 8 inches, culmen 0-93, wing 4-45, tail 2-6, tarsus 0-8. A Guatemalan female measures 7 inches, culmen 0*88, wing 4-3, tail 2-2, tarsus 0-7G. Young. Differ from the adult of both sexes in having most of the feathers of the crown tipped with red, and at the base of the red tips a small stripe-like spot of dingy white, the outer feathers being tipped with dull buffy white ; the forehead very narrowly striped with white ; the primaries having a V-shaped marking of white at the tip ; the two large outer tail-feathers on either side unifonn white. 238 Hah. The raouataiiious parts of Central America to Veragua, State of Panama ; and Southern ^fexico to about 20° N. lat. a, h. Ad. sk. c. 2 ad. sk. d. 2 ad. sk. e. 2 ad. sk. /, [/. j ad. sk. h. 2 ad. sk. i. S ad. slv. k. (S ad. ; /, m. 6 2 juv. sk. n. S ad. sk. 0, p. S 2 ad. sk. q. 2 ad. sk. r, s. (S 2 ad. sk. t, II. 2 ad. ; V. Juv. sk. IV, .r. J ad. ; I/, z, a'. 2 ad. sk. h'. 2 ad. sk. <:', d'. 2 ad. sk. c'. (S ad. .sk. /. 2 ad. sk. r/'. (5 ad. sk. h'. (S ad. sk. i'. 2 ad. sk. k'. 2 ad. sk. /'. ^ ad. sk. m'. cJ ad. sk. ?i', (>'. 2 ad. sk. ;/. c? ad. sk. q'. c? ad. ; /•'. .Juv. *•', t'. cJ 2 ad. sk. Mexico. Mexico. VaUoy of Mexico {H. S. k Stranije). Mexicalciugo, Tlalpam, Jan. Chimalapa, Tacubaya, Jan., Feb. [Com. Explor. Me.i:). San Pedro, Tacubaya, Feb. {Com. Exphr. Mex.). Touaguia, Oaxaca, Feb. Cofre de Perote, Mexico, July {Mateo). Popocatapetl (10-12,000 feet), Mexico, April {F. D. G.). Jala^a, Mexico. Jalapa {de Oca). Sierra del Sur, Mexico {Mrs. H. H. Smith). Omilteme (8000 feet), State of G-uerrero, July {Mrs. H. H. Smith). Amula (6000 feet). State of Guerrero, Aug. {Mrs. H. H. Smith). S. Miguel Molino (Hue- jotzingo), Puebla, July {Com. Explor. Mex.). Guatemala. Vera Paz,Guatemala {Safvin) . San Geniuimo, Vera Paz (O.S.). Dueiias, Guatemala (O. S.). Volcan de Fuego, Gua- temala, Aug. (O. >-esser, Ihis, 1805, p. 468; Mcllwr. Proc. Esse.v Inst. 18m, p. 83 ; Sundev. Consj>. Av. Picin. p. 17 (1866) ; Baird Ibis, 1807, pp. 270, 285; Coues,Pi-oc. Esse.v Inst, imi, p 262- Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 44 (1808); id. Hand-l. B. ii' p. 184, no. 8590 (1870); Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 1872, p 194 fig. 130; B., B., ^- R. N. Amer. B. ii. p. 509, pi. xlix. figs. 6, /, S 2 (18^4) ; Coues, B. N.-West, p. 282 (1874); Brewst. Ann Lye. Aat. Hist. N. York, 1875, p. 144 ; Con/, Nat. Maqd. Isl p. 51 (1878); Beld. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1878, p. A26* { Mayn Bds E. Is. Amer. p. 242 (1879) ; Eidyw. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 18b0, p. l^b, no. 361 ; Coues, Check-list N Amer. B. 1882 p 77 no. 440; Merriam, Bidl. Nutt. Orn. Club, 1882, p. 2.36; Stearn-<^ Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1883, p. 118; Harfl. J.f. 0. 1883, p •^75- Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. 1884, p. 483, fig. 334; Anersb. Auk, 1885, p. 283. Picus (Dendrocopus)pubescens, ^E-«/ws. JV«<«.i?or.-.4jHcr. ii rm xxvi (Introd.), 307 (1831). n---> Picus (Dendrocopus) medianus, Swains. Faun. Bor.-Amer. ii. p. .308 Picus (Dendrocopus) meridioualis, Swains. Faun. Bor.-Amer ii p. .308 (1831). '. ■ Picus medianus, Nutt. Man. Orn. ii. p. 601 (1834); Grai/, Gen B u. p. 43o (1845) ; Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 138 (1850);' Beichenb. Scans. Picince, p. 375, uo. 866 (1854) ; Malh. Picidce, i. p l->-) (1861) ; Gray, Iland-l. B. ii. p. 184, no. 8594 (1870). Pieus mendionalis, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 435 (1845) ; Bp. Consp Gen Av.i. p. 1.38 (1850) ; Malh. Picidce, i. p. 124 (1861) ; Gh-ay, Hand-l. B. 11. p. 184, no. 8595 (1870). ^ ^ > v> Picus lecontei, Jones, Ann. Lye. N. York, 1848, p. 489, pi. xvii Inchopicus pubescens, Bp. Consp. Valuer . Zygod. p. 8, no. 39 (1854) * From Central California, and pronounced bv Dr. Eidgway to be a tynical I), pubescens. '' .if^^^i. 240 PICIDiE. Trichopicus medianus, Bp. Consp. Volua: Zi/(/od. p. 8, no. 40 (1854). Tricliopicus meridioiaalis, Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zyyod. p. 8, no. 41 (1854). Tridactvlia lecontii, Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zyyod. p. 8, no. 85 (1854). Picoides lecontei, Malh. Picidce, i. p. 182, pi. xl. fig. 7, c? (1861). DiTobates pubescens, Boie, I-sis, 1826, p. U77, 1828, p. 326; Cab. ^ Heme, Mus. Hcin. iv. p. 62 (1863) ; Breiost. Auk, 1886, p. 104; A. O. U. Check-list N. Amer. B. p. 211, no. 394 (1886) ; Lloyd, Auk, 1887, p. 190 ; Sennett, t. c. p. 242 ; Ridyic. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 283 (1887) ; Warren, B. Penn. p. 126 (1888), Adult male. Back black, witb a median stripe of white ; rump aud upper tail-coverts uniform black ; scapulars black, with whitish tips ; wing-coverts and wings black, both webs of the latter and the coverts (except along the forearm) spotted with white ; shafts of quills black; the four central tail-feathers black, the next one black on the basal half, the apical half white and crossed b^- a black bar, the two outer large feathers almost entirely white and barred on the apical portion with black ; shafts corresponding in colour with the surrounding web : top of the head, sides of the face and neck, and the hind neck black, the occiput red varied with white ; nasal plumes aud a superciliary stripe to the occiput, and another stripe passing under the ear-coverts to the hind neck white ; from the chin to the under tail-coverts (both inclusive) white, the latter with a few sagittate spots of black ; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, the former having a conspicuous black patch on the edge of the wing. Total length 6 inches, culmen 0-65, wing 3-75, tail 2-3, tarsus 0'67 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-4, outer pos- terior 0"47, inner anterior 0'35, inner posterior 0'25. Young male. Instead of having a red occipital band as in the adult male, the crown-feathers are tipped with red, and have dusky bases crossed by a black bar, a few feathers, chiefly on the occiput, being spotted with dull white ; the sides of the bodj-, flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts M'ith faint dusky stripe-like spots. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in wantiiig the red occipital band, the occiput being more or less white. Total length 6 inches, culmen 0'65, wing 3*9, tail 2*43, tarsus 0'65. Hub. Northern and Eastern North America, north into ^Vlaska, south into Florida. Occasionally occurring in Western North America (Colorado, California, &c.). (I. S ad. sk. Golsova River, Alaska, Jan. Henshaw Coll. (K W. Nelson). [S.-G.]. b, c. J 2 ad. sk. Nulato, Alaska, March {E. Henshaw Coll. W. Nelson). [S.-CI.]. d. S ad. ; e, /', y. Canada. Tweeddale Coll. $ ad. ,?k. ■ h. is ad. sk. Hudson's Bay. Gould Coll. i, k. (S 2 ad. sk. Fort DufFerin. N.A.Boundary Com- mission. I, m. c? 2 ad. sk. Niagara Falls. Gould Coll. w, 0. c? ? ad. sk. Waukegau, IlUnuis, April (£. Ileushaw Coll. W. Nekon). [S.-G.]. i 15. DKNDROCOPTJS. 241 p. 2 ad. sk. q. 2 ^^- sk. r, s. (^ ad. sk. t-b'. cj'ad.etimni. ; c'-k'. 2 ad. et imm. sk. »'. 2 ^5 (1854) ; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1857, p. 127 ; Baird, B. N. Amer. p. 91, pi. Ixxxv. figs. 2, 3 (1858) ; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 236: Coop. S( Suckl. Nat. Hist. Wash. Terr. p. 159 (1860); Malh. Picidce, i. p. 123 (1861) ; Sclat. Cat. Amer. B. p. 334, no. 1994 (1862) ; Cass. Proe. Philad. Acad. 1863, p. 201 ; Coues, Ibis, 1865, p. 162 ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 17 (1866) ; Baird, Ibis, 1867, p. 270 ; Broivn, op. cit. 1868, p. 419 ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 44 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 184, no. 8591 (1870) ; Coop. B. Calif, ed. Baird, i. p. 377 (1870) ; Aiken, Proc. Bost. Soc. 1872, p. 206; Coues, B. N.-Wesf, p. 282 (1874); Belding, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus.l&ia, pp. 390, 391, 393. VOL. IVIII. R 242 piciD^. Picus meridionalis, Nutt. Man. Orn. i. p. 090 (1840) ; Oamh. Journ. Philad. Acad. 1847, p. 55 ; Heerm. P. li. E. Rep. x. pt. vi. p. 57 (1859). Trichopicus gairdneri, Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zygod. p. 8, no. 48 (1854). Trichopicus leucuriis {Wilrt.), Hartl. Kaum. ii. p. 55 (1852) ; Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 8, uo. 42 (18-"J4). Picus leiicurus, Math. Picid(P, i. p. 122 (1801). Picus turati, Ma!/t. Picidec, i. p. 125, pi. xxix. figs. 5, G, ^ 2 (1861) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. ii. p. 185, no. 8597 (1870). Dryobates gairdneri, Cab. &; Heme, Miis. Hein. iv. p. 64 (1863). Dryobates turatii, Cab. ^ Heine, Mm. Hein. iv. p. 65 (1863). Dryobates homorus. Cab. Sf Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 65 (1863). Dryobates leucurus, Cah. Sf Heine, Mits. Hein. iv. p. 05 (]8()3). Picus homorus. Gray, Hand-l. B. ii. p. 185, no. 8596 (1870). Picus pubescens, var. gairdneri. Cones, Key N. Amer. B. 1872, p. 194 ; B., B., Sf li. Hist. N. Amer. Bds. ii. p. 512 (1874) ; Hensh. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. York, 1874, p. 9; id. U. S. Geogr. Surv. W. of lOOth Merid. p. 388 (1875) ; Beld. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mm. 1878, p. 428. Picus pubescens gairdneri, Bidgiv. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1880, p. 188, no. 361 a ; Cones, Check-list N. Amer. B. 1882, p. 77, no. 441 ; id. Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. 1884, p. 483 ; Drew, Auk, 1885, p. 17. Dryobates pubescens gairdneri, A. O. U. Check-list N. Amer. B. p. 211, no. 394 a (1886); Scott, Auk, 1886, p. 426; Ridyio. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 283 (1887). Dryobates pubescens oro?cus, Bafchelder, Auk, 1889, p. 253*. Dryobates pubescens fumidus, Mayn. Orn. Sj- Ool. 1889, p. 58. Adult male. Resembles D. pubescens, but differs in having the wing-coverts either entirely uniform, or with, at most, a few small spots of white upon the greater series ; the spots on the quills smaller and fewer, and sometimes entirely wanting on the inner- most secondaries ; the under surface of the body darker, varying from smoky white to pale brown or smoky brown. Total length 6 inches, culmeu 0'7, wing 3'9, tail 2-35, tarsus 0-6; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'4, outer posterior O-o, inner anterior 0'3, inner posterior 0'25. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in the absence of red on the occiput, the occipital band being white, slightly striped with black. Total length G inches, culmen 0'7, wing 3'8, tail 2-45, tarsus 0"65. Nestling female. Differs from the adult of the same sex in being of a less intense black above, and slightly browner ; the occiput wanting the white band, or having at most a few dull-white stripe- like spots ; upon the crown a few spots of dull red. In two females of the same age, one has the sides of the body, flanks, and thighs striped with dusky black, and in the other these striations are almost wanting. The nestlings differ, like the adults, in the colora- tion of the underparts, some being very dark. * In my opinion barelv worthy of subspecific rank. 15. DENDROCOPUS. 243 Hah. Western United States, from the Pacific to the Rocky Mountains, north into British Columbia, south into Arizona and New Mexico. a,b. (S 2 *d. st. c, d. (S 2 ad. sk. e,f. (J 2 ^d. sk. ff,h. (J 2 ad. sk. i. cJ" ad. sk. k. c? ad. sk. /. 2 ad. sk. m. cJ fl'd. sk. n. d" ad. sk. 0, p. c? 2 ad. sk. q. 2 ad. sk. r. 2 ad. sk. s. S ad. sk. t. c? ad. sk. M. (5 ad. sk. V. 2 ad. sk. w. cS ad. sk. X, y. S ad. ; z. $ imm. ; a . Juv. sk. British Cohimbia. British Cokimbia. Vancouver Island. Vancouver Island, April {A Forrer). Walla Walla, Washington ^ State, Oct. (Henshaw). Columbia River, Oregon, Oct. (H. Wheeler). Albany, Oregon, Jan. (^Hen- shaw). Umatilla Agency, Oregon, Aug. (Henskaw). Dalles, Oregon, Nov. (Hen- shaw). California. Monterey, California, Oct. (Henshaw). Los Alamos, California, Nov. (Hetishaw) . Fort Crook, California, Jan. (D. F. Parkinson). San Bernardino, California ( W. \ E. Lawso7i). Visaha, California, Jan. (Hen- shato). Redwood, California, April (Henshaw). Walker's Basin, California, Nov. {H. Wheeler). Santa Fe Mts., New Mexico, July, Sept. [Henshaio). J J. K. Lord, Esq. [P.' J. K. Lord, Esq. [P.; J. K. Lord, Esq. [P." Salvin-Godman Coll. Henshaw Coll. ■ [S.-Q.]. Sclater Coll. Henshaw Coll. [S.-G.]. Henshaw Coll. [S.-G.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Henshaw Coll. [S.-G.]. 16. Dendrocopus stricklandi. Picus (Leuconotopicus) stricklandi, Malh. Rev. Zool. 1845, p. 373. Picas stricklandi, Malh. N. Classif., Mem. Acad. Metz, 184S-49, p. 327 ; id. Bull. Soc. cFHist. Nat. Moselle, 1849, p. 14 ; Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 137 (1850) ; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 367 ; Malh. Picida, i. p. 108, pi. xxviii. (descr. & figs, of $ & (5' juv. only) (1861) ; Sclat. Cat. Amer. B. p. 334, no. 1991 (1862) ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 20 (18G6),pt. ; Sclat. ($• Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neoir. p. 99 (1873) ; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 387, no. 1894 (1882), 2* ; Harg. Ibis, 1886, pp. 112-114. Phrenopicus stricklandi, Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zrjgod. p. 8, no. 86 (1854). * This is a true D. stricklandi of Malherbe, and a verj' rare species in col- lections. r2 244 piciD^. Picua cancellalus (non Wagl), Sclat. P. Z. S. 185G, p. 308. Threnopipo stricklandi, Cab. ^ Heine, Mvs. Hein. iv. p. 71 (1863). Dryobates stricklandi, Ridgw. 3Ian. N. Amer. B. p. 28G (1887). Adult male. Back and rump barred blackish browu and ■white ; scapulars, wing coverts, and (juills blackish brown, the primaries and outer secondaries spotted with white upon both webs, the inner webs only of the inner secondaries being spotted ; shafts reddish brown ; upper tail-coverts and the four central tail-feathers uniform brownish black, the next feather black, with an apical bar and spots of bufpy white, the two outer large feathers on either side buffy white, narrowly barred with black ; shafts corresponding in colour with the surrounding web ; nasal plumes rusty brownish white ; forehead and crown brownish black, the occijiut scarlet ; sides of the face and neck brownish black, with a short white stripe from above the eye running backwards, and another white stripe from the loral region running under the ear-coverts and then crossing the neck to the nape, but not uniting on the latter region with the cor- responding stripe ; from the chin to the under tail-coverts, both in- clusive, white ; the chin and throat, chest, breast, and sides of the body striped or longitudinally spotted with black, the flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts having the markings more barred, the ab- domen and vent spotted ; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, with dusky varied markings and spots. Total length 7"5 inches, culmen 0-92, wing 4-6, tail 2-(i, tarsus 0-82 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior Uo, outer posterior 0-55, inner anterior 0'4, inner posterior 0'28. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in the absence of the red occipital band. Total length 7 inches, culmen 0-77, wing 4-4, tail 2-45, tarsus 0-8. Young male. Differs from the adult of both sexes in having the crown red, the black striations on the underpnrts broader, and the flanks and thighs distinctly barred with dusky black ; the primaries narrowly margined with greyish at the tip. Hah. South-eastern Mexico (Jalapa &c.). a. $ ad.sk. X.ichimilco, Tetelco, Jan. Salvin-Godniau Coll. b. d" ad. sk. Jalapa (de Oca). Sclater Coll. c. c? ad. sk. Las Vigas, Jalapa, Aug. Salvin-Godman Coll. 17. Dendrocopus nuttalli. Picas nuttalli, Gamb. Proc. Phikid. Acad. 1843, p. 259; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1857, p. 127 ; id. op. cit. 1858, p. 3 ; Baird, B. N. Amer. p. 93, pi. xli. fig. 2 (1858) ; Malh. Picidce, i. p. 100, pi. xxiv. tigs. 8, 9, sk (1861); Cass. Proc. Philad. Acad. 1863, p. 195; Sunder. Consp. Ar. Picin. p. 19 (1866); Baird, Ibis, 1867, p. 270; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 49 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 185, no. 8607 (1870) ; Coop. B. Calif, ed. Baird, p. 378, head of S figd. (1870) ; B., B., i^ R. Hist. N. Amer. B. h. p. 521, pi. 1. figs. 3cJad., 6 2 ad. (1874) ; Ridijjv. Orn. 40th Par. p. 547 (1877) ; Beld. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mas. 1878, p. 428 ; Ciop. op. cit. 1879, p. 250 ; Ridgw. op. cit. 1880, p. 189, no. 364. 15. DENDKOCOPUS. 245 Piciis scalaria {non WagL), Gamh. Joiirn. Philad. Acad. 1847, p. 55, pi. ix. figs. 2, 3, c??. Picus wilsoni, Mnlh. Rev. de Zool. 1849, p. 529 ; Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 138 (1850) ; Reichenb. Scans. Picinm, p. 375, no. 867 (1854). Trichopicus wilsoni, Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zygod. p. 8, no. 47 (1854). Dictyopipo nuttaUi, Cab. 4" Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 75 (1863). Picus scalaris, var. nuttallii. Cones, Key N. Amer. B. 1872, p. 193. Picus scalaris nuttalli, Coues, Check-list N. Amer. B. 1882, p. 77, no. 435 ; id. Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. 1884, p. 482, fig. 332. Dryobates nuttalli, Everm. Auk, 1886, p. 94 ; A. O. U. Check-list N. Amer. B. p. 212, no. 397 (1886); Ridgiv. Man. N. Atner. B. p. 285 (1887). Adult male. Resembles D. scalaris, but may be distinguished from the latter by its larger size, in having the black bars on the back very much broader, and a broad belt of black on the upper part o the back ; the lateral tail-feathers only barred on the apical portion ; the nasal plumes broadly tipped with black : the forehead and crown black, striped with white, and devoid of red, the latter colour being confined to the occiput and nape ; the face, neck, and underparts very much whiter, the face and neck being almost pure white ; the auricular and the malar stripes very broad and of a jet-black, and, after uniting, running on to the shoulders ; the spots on the sides of the body larger, and the stripes on the sides of the chest broader. Total length 6'7 inches, culmcn 095, wing 4-05, tail 2-65, tarsus 0"75 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'45, outer posterior O'oo, inner anterior 0-45, inner posterior 0'25. Youmi male. Has no red on the occiput or nape, these being black ; the forehead and crown black, with more or less stripe-like spots of white, the coronal feathers being tipped with red. Adult female. Has the forehead and crown, occiput and nape uniform deep black, or with, at most, one or two spots of white on the sides of the occiput : " iris brown ; bill black ; feet grey" {Dr. Cooper). Total length 6'5 inches, culmcn 0'87, wing 4-1, tail 2-63, tarsus 0'75. Hah. California, and extending north into Oregon. a, 6. d ? ad. sk. c, ff. (5 5 f"i- ; ^• cJ imm. sk. /. S ad. : y. 2 imm. sk. h, i. Juv. sk. Ic. cJ ad. sk. I. S ad. sk. m. S imm. sk. n, o. c? 2 ad. sk. p. 2 juv. sk. 5^. j ad. sk. Ashland, Oregon, Feb. {Hen- Hensbaw Coll. shuio). [S.-G.J. California. Purchased. California. Sclater Coll. California. Tweeddale Coll. Gait, San .Joaquin Co., Cali- ] fornia, April (Bryant). liedwood, California {Hen- shaw). (. Hensbaw Coll. Kernville, Oct. {Henshaw). f [S.-G.]. Jolon, Oct. (Henshaw). Fort Tejon, Aug. ( If heeler). Tejon Mts., Aug. {Henshuio). 246 piciD^. r. c? ad. sk. Stockton, Dec. iHetishaic). Ilenshaw Coll. [S.-G.]. «. 2 ad.sk. Los Alamos, Cal., Nov. [Hen- Ilenshaw Coll. skate). [S.-G.]. t, u. (5 2 ad.sk. Greenwood Y., Eldorado Co., Salvin-Godman Coll. Cal., Jan., Feb. (A. Forrer). V. $ ad. sk. San Bernardino, May {F. G. Frean Morcom, Stephens). Esq. [P.]. 10. 5 jUT. sk. Oakland [Brycmt). Henshaw Coll. [S.-G.]. .r. 2 ad.sk. Sar.ta Inez, Sept. (iJ«is/i«?r). Ilenshaw Coll. [S.-G.]. 18. Dendrocopus scalaris. Picns scalaris, Wat/l. Isi.f, 18'J9, p. 511 ; Grai/, Gen. B. ii. p. 4.35 (1845) ; Bp. Comp. Gen. Ar. i. p. 1-38 (1850) ; Lic/it. Komencl. Av. 1854, p. 75; Beichenb. Scans. Picina, p. 377, no. 870, pi. dcxxxix. tigs. 4264-GG, ^S 6 2 (1854) ; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 307 ; Baird, U.S. §• Me.v. Bound. Surv. 1858, p. 5, pi. iii. fig. 1, d' ; id- B. N. Amer. p. 94 (18oS) ; Sclat. ^- Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 136 ; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 367 ; Malh. Picida, i. p. 116, pi. xxvii. figs. 1-4 (1861) ; Sclat. Cat. Amer. B. p. 333, no. 1988 (1862) ; Coues, Ibis, 1865, p. 159 ; Dresser, t. c. pp. 313, 468 ; Svndev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 18 (1866) ; Bnird, Ibis, 1867, p. 270 ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mns. p. 48 (1868) ; Elliot, Neiv 8f Unfig. B. N. Amer. i. lutrod. p. 7 (1869) ; Lnwr. Ann. Lye. N. York, 1869, p. 205 ; Gray, Hand-l. B. ii. p. 185, no. 8605 (1870) ; Cooper, B. Calif, ed. Baird, p. 379 (beads fiirured p. 380) (1870) ; Sclat. (|- Sali\ Nomencl. Ar. Keotr. p. 99 (1873) ; B., B., ^- P. Hist. N. Amer. B. ii. p. 515, ])1. 1. figs. 4, 5,c? 2 ad. (1874) ; Henshatc, U.S. Geoyr. Surv. TV. of 100th 3Jerid. 1875, p. E90 : Lazvr. Bidl. U.S. Nat. Mus. iv. p. 34 (1876) ; Merrill, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1878, p. 150 ; Sennett, Bull. U.S. Geol.Stirv. iv. p. 415 (1879) ; Eidyiv. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1880, pp. 189, 233, no. 363 ; Coues, Cheek-list N. Amer. B. 1882, p. 77, no. 4.34 ; Salr. Cat. Strickl. Cdl. p. 387, no. 1893 (1882) ; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 52 ; Coztes, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 481 (1884) ; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 191. Picus gracilis, Less. Bev. Zool. 1840, p. 41. Picus parvus, Cabot, Bosf. Jourti. Nat. Hist. v. p. 92 (1845) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. App. p. 21 (1849). Dyctiopicns scalaris, Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 8, no. 32 (1854). Picus scalaris, var. d'orizaba, Malh. Picidce, pi. xxvii. fig. 6 (1861). Picus hairdi, Malh. Picid. i. p. 118, pi. xxvii. figs. 7, 8, d" 2 (1861) ; Sclat. Cat. Amer. B. p. 33-3, no. 1987 (1862) ; Cassin, Proc. Acad. Philad. 1863, p. 196 : Sclat. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 177 ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 48 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 186, no. 8609 (1870) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 1872, p. 193. Picus vagatus, Cassin, Proc. Acad. Philad. 1863, p. 196 ; id. Journ. Acad. Philad. 1863, ^il. Iii. fig. l,^ ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 49 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 186, no. 8610 (1870). Dictyopipo scalaris. Cab. Sf Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 74 (l863). Picus orizabse, Cass. Proc. Acad. Philad. 1863. p. 196. Dryobates scalaris, Scott, Auk, 18^6, p. 426 ; A. O. U. Check-list N. Amer. B. p. 212. no. 396 (1886) ; LMjd, Auk, 1887, p. 190 ; Salv. Ibis, 1889, p. 368. Dryobates scalaris parvus, Ridgw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 284 (1887). 15. DEKDROCOPUS. 247 Dryobates scalaris bairdi, Ridgxv. Man. N. Amer. B. pp. 284, 285 (1887). Dryobates scalai-is sinaloensis, Ridqw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 285 (1887)*. Adult male. Entire back, rump, and scapulars barred black and white ; upper tail-coverts black ; wing-coverts, bastard-wing, and primary-coverts black, spotted with white ; quills black, spotted with white on both webs, the innermost feathers barred across with white ; shafts brownish black ; four central tail-feathers uniform black, the next one black, spotted on the apical half of the outer web and tipped with buffy white, the two outer large feathers on either side (except the base of the inner web of the innermost) bufFy white or pure white barred with black ; shafts corresponding in colour with the surrounding web ; nasal plumes smoky brown ; forehead black, spotted with white ; crown and occiput crimson, the feathers of the crown spotted with white and having dusky black bases ; nape black, the lower part of the hind neck barred with white ; lores and face creamy or brownish white, the side of the neck slightly darker ; a black auricular and malar stripe, the two uniting behind the ear-coverts ; chin dull white, the throat, chest, and breast sandy brown, the remainder of the uuderparts and under tail-coverts dull white, the sides of the chest and breast spotted with black, the flauks and thighs with bar-like markings of the same, the vent having more sagittate spots, and the under tail- coverts with bars or sagittate spots of black ; under wing-coverts white, barred with black ; on the edge of the wing a conspicuous spot of blackish brown ; axillaries sandy white, transversely spotted with black. Total length from 6-8 to 5-8 inches, culmen 0-9 to 0-8, wing 4-2 to 3-55, tail 2-45 to 2, tarsus U*72 to 0-66 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-52 to 0*4(3, outer posterior 0-57 to 0-54, inner anterior 0'42 to 0-4, inner posterior 0-28 to 0'25. Young male. Resembles, generally, the adult of the same sex, but has the red on the head confined to a dull crimson spot or quadrate patch on the crown, the hinder part of the crown and the occiput being black ; the sides of the face and neck are duller than in the adult, and the ground-colour of the under surface of the body is more of a smoky white and wants the sandv-brown tint on the throat, chest, and breast. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the forehead, crown, and occiput uniform black. Texan examples run large, and the species decreases in size towards South-cast Mexico, the minimum being reached in Yucatan. The typical bird is evidently that from South-east Mexico ; the Texas bird is known as D. bairdi, and the small Yucatan bird bears * From an examination of Dr. Riclgway's type, I was at first inclined to think that the Sinaloa bird might be separated from the true I), scalaris ; but after studying the extensive collections from Mexico, recently presented to the Museum by Messrs. Salvin and Godman, I am induced to unite D. siiialoensis with D. scalaris. 248 the name of D. parvus. I have united these three so-called species, as I fail to find any character (except size) upon which to separate them. In specimens from Southern Mexico the black auricular stripe is, if anything, less broad, and its union behind the ear-coverts with the malar stripe is not always complete. D. scalans has occasionally the primary-coverts unspotted, as in D. cjraysoni from the Tres Marias Islands, but this is as exceptional as is that of the latter species having an occasional spot on these feathers. Hah. Southern border of United States, from Texas to Arizona, south through almost the whole of Mexico, and extending into Yu- catan and Cozumel Island. a, b. (S 1 ". Q7 (1602) ; Blum. Man. d'Hisf. Nat. i. p. 205 (1803) ; Beckst. Naturg. Detitschl. ii. p. 1039 (1805) ; Temm. Cat. Syst. p. 62 (1807) ; Meyer ^ Wolf, Tasehenb. p. 124 (1810) ; Meyer, Vijy. Liv- u. Esth. p. 63 (1815) ; Meisn. ^- Schinz, Voy. Schweiz, p. 41 (1815) ; Steph. Gen. Zool. ix. p. 166, pi. xxxiv. (1815) ; Fvrst. Syn. Cat. Brit. B. p. 7 (1817) ; Nilss. Orn. Siiec. p. Ill (1817) ; I'ieill. N. Diet. WHist. Nat. xxvi. p. 88 (1818) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. i. p. 399, iii. p. 283 (1820) ; Brehm, Naturgesch. Eur. ToV/. i. p. 141 (1823) ; Bonn. 8^- Fieill. Enc. Meth. iii. p. 1304 (1823) ; Eoux, Orn. Prov. p. 99, pi. Ixii. (1825); Naum. Viig. Deutsckl. v. p. 3.34, pi. cxxxvi. (1826); Risso, Eur. Merid. iii. p. 60 (1826) ; Valenc. Diet. Sc. Nat. xl. p. 180 (1826) ; Wayl. Si/st. Av. Picus, sp. 25 (1827) ; Sari, Orn. Tosc. i. p. 145 (1827) ; Drap. Diet. Clnssif. xiii. p. 498 (1828); Less. Traite, i. p. 219 (1831 ) ; Brehm, rdg.'Deut.<7. YoutKj {sex ?). Differs from the adult of both sexes in having the whole of the feathers on the top of the head and on the occiput tipped with dull red ; on the forehead a few stripe-like spots of white ; the white on the face and neck dingy ; the under surface of the body diugy white and very considerably varied with black, the chest and breast having broad and irregular stripes, the abdomen being spotted, and the sides of the body, flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts barred with black ; the upper mandilile brownish black, the lower mandible pale brown with a blackish-brown tip. Huh. Peru (Tscliudi), Bolivia, the Argentine llepublic, and through Chili south to the island of Chiloe. , p. 372, no. 860, pi. dcxxxvii. fig. 4241, S (1854) ; Malh. Picid(e, i. p. 1-37, pi. xxxiv. figs. 1-.3, cJ ? ad., S jiiv. (1861). Picus vaiiegatus. Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 233 (1790) ; Steph. Gen. Zool. ix. p. 193 (1815) ; Bonn. S,- VieilL Enc. Meth. iii. p. 1318 (1823) ; Burm. Th. Bras. ii. p. 225 (1856). Caiiaintero chorreado, Axara, Apunt. ii. p. 324, no. 259 (1805). Picus maculatus, VieiU. N. Diet. (VHist. Nat. xxvi. p. 91 (1818) ; id. Sf Bonn. Enc. Meth. iii. p. 1317 (1823) ; WayL Syst. Av. Picus, sp. 58 (1827). Chloronerpes maculatus, Hartl. Lid. Azara, p. 17, no. 259 (1847) ; Beichenb. Scans. Picitice, p. 355, no. 816 (1854). Dyctiopicus bicolor, Bj>. Consp. Valuer. Zyyod. p. 8, no. 29 (1854). Dictyopipo mixta, Cab. ^- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 76 (1863). Deudrobates lignarius {non Moli^m), Burm. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 634. Adult male, llesembles D. lignarius, but differs in having the top of the head browner and entirely, as well as more broadly, striped with white ; the red on the occiput confined to the sides ; the car- covei'ts browner and with less black behind, the malar region spotted with black, and behind it a broken stripe of black ; the upper parts f'ulvescent and the transverse light markings broader ; the central tail-feathers crossed by seven black bars : shafts of tail-feathers brown ; chin and throat fulvescent white spotted with black ; under surface of the body strongly fulvescent and covered with drop-like spots of black ; the flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts also spotted. Total length 6-5 inches, culmen O'S, wing 3'5, tail 2, tarsus 0'73 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-4, outer pos- terior 0-52, inner anterior 0'3;3, inner posterior 0'25. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in wanting the red occiput ; the feathers of the forehead and crown brown, with paler tips, those of the forehead having buffy-white shaft-lines, the occiput and nape being brownish black. Total length 5-8 inches, culmen 0'7, wing 3"3, tail 1*9, tarsus 0"G5. Hah. Southern Brazil and Uruguay, south to Monte Video ; Paraguay and the Argentine Eepublic, south to Buenos Ayres, and in Chili. s2 260 piciD^. a,b. S 2 ad. sk. S. Brazil. Sclater Coll. c. c? juv. sk. Pampas Argeutiuas, Chili Saivin-Godmau Coll. {Let/hold) . d,e. J 9 ad. sk. Punta Lara, Arg. Rep., Oct. H.Durnford,Esq.[C.]. /. 2 ad. sk. Punta Lara, May. Alan Peel, Esq. [C.]. (/. 5 ad. sk. Buenos Ayres {Haslehusf). Sahin-Godman CoU. h. 2 ad. sk. Conchitas, Buenos Ayres, Sclater Coll. Sept. ( W. II. Hudson), i. S ad. sk. Meudoza ( JVeisshaupt). Salvin-Godman Coll. A-, /. cJ ad. : ??i. J Chili. Zoological Society. ad. .sk. 71. 2 ad. var. sk. Chili. Old Coll. 23. Dendrocopus cancellatiis. Picus cancellatus, Wm/L Isis, 1829, p. 610, J ad. ( juv. ?),2(6 ad. ?) ; Bp. Comp. Gen. Av. i. p. 138, juv. (1850); Sdat. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 308 ; Sundev. Consp. Ai\ Picin. p. 21 (1866) ; Grai/, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 49 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 186, no.' 8611 (1870) ; Pelz. Orn. Bras. pp. 245, 443 (1870). Dyctiopicus wagleri, Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zyr/od. p. 8, no. -33 (1854). Dendrobates maculatus, Burm. Th. Bras. ii. p. 224 (1856). Picus waglerii, Mulli. Picida, i. p. 112, pi. xxix. figs. 1-3, ($ ad., (5 juv., 2 ad (1861). Uictyopipo cancel'.ata, Cah. et Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 78 (1863). Adult female. Resembles D. muvtus 2 > l^ut differs in having the whole of the top of the head umber-brown ; the dark barring above as well as on the wings and tail browner ; the rump conspicuously whiter, with small longitudinal and transverse blackish spots ; under parts creamy white (not fulvescent), with extremely minute dusky spots, slightlj' longitudinal ; the central tail-feathers crossed by live black bars. Total length 5'7 inches, culmen O'T, wing 3'4, tail 1'62, tarsus 0"58 ; toes (without claws ) — outer anterior 0'42, outer pos- terior 0'48, inner anterior 0"3S, inner posterior 0'22. I have only seen one example of the present species, and this has the top of the head uniform umber-brown, and in this respect resembles the uniform head possessed by the females of the allied species D. mixtus and D. lignarius. I believe (judging bj' analogy) that Wagler's adult male is the young bird, and that his female is the adult male, the former having been described as having the top of the head red, the latter as having the occiput (only) red, the forehead and crown-feathers striped with white. Hah. South BrazU (Province of San Paulo) *. 24. Dendrocopus macii. Picus macei, Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Xat. xxvi. p. 80 (1818) ; id. ^• * The exact range of this species is probably not known, as it is no doubt often confounded with B. miaiiis. Wagler gives " Mexico " as the habitat of I>. cancellat lis, but I apprehend tliere has been some mistake. 15. BEN^DROCOPTJS. 2G1 Bonn. Enn. Mm. iii. p. 1310 (1823) ; Tetnm. PI. Col. pi. lix. fig. 2, S (1823); Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. p. 159 (1S26) ; Less. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 113, S (1828) ; id. Traite, i. p. 220 (1831) ; Gray, Hardw. Illustr. Ind. Zool. i. pi. xxxii., S 2 (1830-32) ; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 435 (1845) ; Blyth, J. A. S. B. 1845, p. 196 ; Gray, Cat. Mamm. S)C. Nepal pres. Hodr/s. 1846, p. 115 ; S>(7idev. Ann. Si- Mag. N. Hist. 1846, p. 309 ; Bh/'fh, Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. p. 62 (1849) ; id. J. A. S. B. 1849, p. 804; Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 135 (1850); Reichenh. Scans. PicincB, p. 369, no. 852 (1854); Horsf. 8> Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E. I. Co. ii. p. 672 (1856- 58) ; Malh. 'Picidce, i. p. 96, pi. xxiv. figs. 1-2, S ? (1861) : Jerd. B. Lid. i. p. 272 (1862) ; Gray, Cat. Mamm. S,-c. Nepal pres. Hodc/s. 1863, p. 6-3 ; Simdev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 25 (1866); Grai/, List Picid. Brit. Mms. p. 37 (1868); id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 183, no. 8563 (1870); Jerd. Ibis, 1872, p. 7; Hu7ne, Str. F. 1874, p. 471 ; Hume 8^ Davison, Sir. F. ri. p. 123 (1878) ; Cripps, op. cit. vii. p. 261 (1878) ; Scully, op. cit. 1879, pp. 245, 367 ; Marshall, Ibis, 1884, p. 410. Dendrocopus macei, Sivaifis. Classif. B. ii. p. 307 (1837). Dendrocopus pyriceps, Hodgs. in Gray^s Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 85. Picus -wagleri, Hartl. Cat. Brem. Mus. p. 91 (1844) ; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 435 (1845) ; Beichenh. Scans. PicincB, p. 368, no. 849, pi. dcxxxiv. fig. 4223, d" (1854). Yungipicus macei, Bp. Consp. Vohicr. Zyyod. p. 8, no. 72 (1854). Deudrotypes macei. Cab. Sf Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 46 (1863); Blyth ^- Wald. B. Burm. p. 77 (1875). Picus macii, Blyth, Ibis, 1866, p. 354 ; Layard, Ibis, 1868, p. 249; Cock Sf Marshall, Str. F. 1873, p. 350 ; Hume, op. cit. 1880, p. 247 ; Oates, B. Brit. Burm. ii. p. 33 (1883) ; Hu)ne, Str. F. xi. p. 57 (18S8). Picus westermani, Blyth, Ibis, 1870, p. 163. Adult male. Back, rump, upper tail-coverts, and scapulars black, the upper tail-coverts and a broad zone across the upper back uni- form, the remainder being barred with white ; wings and their coverts black, the median and the greater coverts as well as both webs of the quills spotted with white ; shafts black ; tail black, the two outer large feathers barred with white on more or less of the apical portion ; shafts black ; nasal plumes and base of forehead brownish buff ; crown and occiput crimson ; nape and hind neck black ; sides of the face and neck uniform buffy white or pale buff; the chin, throat, and fore neck also uniform, but of a pure buff : a black malar stripe borders the throat and fore neck and terminates on the side of the chest in a series of longitudinal spots or stripes ; the underparts below the fore neck dusky buff, striped with blackish, the stripes more intense on the sides of the body, the flanks and thighs barred with black ; vent and under tail-coverts scarlet ; under wing-coverts and axillarics white, the former barred with black. Total length T'-t inches, culmen 1, wing 4-4, tail 2"55, tarsus 0-7 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'5, outer pos- terior 0-0, inner anterior 0"45, inner posterior 0-25. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in having the entire crown and occiput black : " bill plumbeous dusky, grey horny at base ; feet greenish plumbeous " {Sadly). Total length 7*5 inches, culmen U'97, wing ^-2, tail 2-55, tarsus 0*75. 262 Young iiutJe. Has the underparts more dusky than the adult male, and the flanks and thighs have dusky barring ; the under tail- coverts are of a less brilliant red ; the red on the head not extending on to the nuchal feathers ; the tips of the outer webs of the pri- maries white : " bill horny ; legs dirty greenish ; iris brown " {J. Cocl-hurn). Hah. Himalayas west to MuiTee ; Assam, C'achar, Manipur, Tipperah, and Eastern Bengal *. a,b. c? 2 ad. sk. c. c? inim. sk. d, e. 2 ad. sk. /. S ad. sk. q. (S ad. sk. 'h. 2 ad. sk. i, k. (S ad. ; I, m. 2 ad. ; n, o, Imm. sk p, q. S ad. ; r. $ ad. sk. s-w. S ad. et imm, ; X. 2 ad. sk. y-e' (S ad. ; f'-i. 2 ad. sk. ■ 1( , I'. S ? ad. sk. tn , n'. S ad. sk. o'. 2 ad. sk. lj',q'. S ad. ; r'. 2 imm. sk. s', t'. S 2 ad- sk. u'. (S juv. sk. v', id . (S ad. et juv. sk. x', y\ S ad. ; a'. 2 ad. sk. a"-d". (S ad. et imm.; e",f'. 2 ad. sk. r/". 2 ad. sk. h". 2 ad. sk. i". 2 ad. sk. h:'-.v". Jad.; y'-w^. 2 ad. etimm. sk. n^, o\ (^ 2 fid. sk. p\_ 2 ad.; q\_ c? imm. ; r'. ij juv. N.W. India. Murree, June 2, 1872 (C. H. T. Marshall). Masuri. Debra Dhoou. Kaladoongee, Sept. 24, 1866. Birmdeo, Kumaon Bhabur, March 19, 1871 {G. Kim/). Nepal. Nepal (B. H. Hodgson). Native Sikhim, April, July, Aug. {L. Mandelli). Sikhim, March, April, Nov., Dec. (i. Maiulelli). Darjeeling, March 187o. Darjeeliug. Khasia Hills {Grifth). Assam (McClelland). Assam. Shillong, June 1875 (A. W. Chenncll). Shillong, Aug., Oct. (/. Cocklnrn). Tippook, March 1877 (J. Cockburn). Dibrughur, ])ec., March, Mav, June (,/. R. Cripps). Sadhya. Barak River, Cachar, Oct. 1878 (W. I)ai'iso7i). Cachar, Jan. 29, 1881 (A. O. H). Manipur, Feb., March, April {A. O. H.). Akyab, Pegu, March, April ( /. Anmtronn). Tipperah. s^ t\ (5 2 ad. sk. Dacca, March 1871. Piuwill Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hodgson CoD. India Museum. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Tweeddale Coll. India Museum. India Museum. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hmue Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Hume C'oll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. * Ceylon has been giveu as a habitat of this species, but this is evidently an error. 15. DENDEOCOPTTS. 263 ^<^ S ad. sk. Calcutta. Plume Coll. v\ (S juv. sk. Mudclapur, Oct 10, 1878 ( W. E. Hume Coll. Brooks). w\ $ ad. sk. Bhudeseu, Oct. 10, 187S ( W. E. Hume Coll. Brooks), x". Skeleton. India. Purchased. 25. Dendrocopus atratus. Picus atratus, Blyt/i, J. A. S. B. 1849, p. 80;^ ; id. Cat. B. Mits. As. Sue, App. i. p. 313 (1849) ; id. J. A. S. B. 1859, p. 412 ; Malh. Picidce, i. p. 72 (18G1) ; Jerd. B. Lid. i. p. 275 (1862); Sundev. Consp. Ar. Picin. p. 25 (1866) ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mm. p. 38 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 183, no. 8567 (1870) ; Hume, Str. F. 1874, p. 471 ; Wald. Ibis, 1876, p. 343, pi. ix., cJ ? ; Ifiwie, Str. F. 1877, p. 113 ; id. Sf Davison, op. cit. vi. pp. 123, 500 (1878) ; Wardl.-Rams. Tioeedd. Mem. p. 427 (1881); Oates, B. Brit. Burm. ii. p. 34 (1883) ; Hume, Str. F. xi. p. 58 (1888). Dendrotypes atratus. Cab. ^- Heine, 3Ius. Hein. iy. p. 49 (1863) ; Bhjth ^- Wald. B. Burm.. p. 77 (1875). Picus harmandi, Oustalet, Bull. Soe. Philom. 1879, pp. 214-5 ( ^J juv.). Adult male. Resembles D. macii, but differs in having the face aud side of the neek pure white ; the chiu and throat also white, the lower throat, fore neck, and chest striped with black, the latter very broadly so : the under surface of the body more fulvescent and the black striations broader ; a broader frontal band of smoky white, the upper feathers having dusky tips ; the dimensions are greater : " legs and feet dusky leaden, soles yellowish hoary ; claws dark brown ; bill horny black, bluish grey at gape and base of lower mandible ; irides lac-red " {Hume). Total length 8-25 inches, cul- men 1-12, wing 4-5, tail 2*7, tarsus 0-73; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-53, outer posterior 0*62, inner anterior 0*43, inner posterior 0'28. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in wanting the red on the top of the head ; the forehead (except at the extreme base), crown, occiput, and nape being uniform deep black ; the under sur- face of the body rather loss fulvescent. Total length 8"6 inches, culmen 1*15, wing 4'8, tail 2-8, tarsus 0-82. Young male. Resembles the adult male in having the top of the head red, but it is of an orange-scarlet, not crimson ; the chin and throat are purer white, and the underparts are much more dusky and have scarcely any fulvescent tinge : the under tail-coverts are pale brick-red. Hah. British Burmah (and probably Xative Burmah), north to Manipur ; in Tenasserim south to Mooleyit ; eastward ranging into Laos *. a, b. c? ad. ; c, d, Aimole, Manipur, April, May Hume Coll. e. ? ad. sk. (A. O. H). * P. harmandi of Oustalet, which I take to be the young of the present species, is from the latter coimtry. 264 piciD^. /. d ad.; (/,h. $ Karen Hills, Jan., April (E. G. Tweeddale Coll. ad. sk. IF. R.). i. . Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 137 "(1850); Lichf. Nomencl. Av. p. 75 (1854) ; Horsf. Sf Moure, Cat. B. Mm. E.L Co. ii. p. 672 (1856-58) ; Malh. Ticida, i. p. 99, pi. xxiv. figs. 5 c5' , 6 $ (1861) ; Jerd. B. Lid. i. p. 275 (1862) ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 25 (1866) ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 38 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 183, no. 8564 (1870) ; Hume Sf Gates, Str. F. 1875, pp. 14, 57 ; Armstr. op. cit. 1876, p. 309 ; Lhime S,- Davison, Str.F. vi. p. 123 (1878) ; Tiraut, Ois. B. Cochin-Ch. p. 88 (1879) ; Vorderm. Over. Nat. Tijds. Nederl. Lid. xlii. 2. p. 20 (1882) ; Gates, Str. F. x. p. 190 (1882); id. B. Brit. Biirm. ii. p. 35 (188.3). Picus macei {non VieilL), Wagl. Syst. Av. Picus, sp. 26 (1827). Dendrocopus macei, Hartl. Cat. Brem. Mus. p. 91 (1844). Picus pectoialis, Blyth, J. A. S. B. 1846, p. 15, 1849, p. 804 ; id. Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. p. 63 (1849). Picus moluccensis (non Gm.), Reichenh. Scans. Picince, p. 371, no. 858, pi. dcxxxvii. figs. 4239-40, S $ (1854). Yungipicus analis, B]). Cons}). Volucr. Zyyod. p. 8, uo. 73 (1854). Dendrotvpes analis, Cah. Sf Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 47 (1863) ; Salvad. Ucc. Born. p. 40 (1874) ; Wald. Ibis, 1875, p. 463 ; id. ^^ Blyth, B. Burni. p. 78 (1875) ; Tu-eedd. Ibis, 1877, pp. 285, 290; N'icholso7i, op. cit. 1879, p. 165, 1881, p. 141 ; Wardl.-Rams. Tweedd. Mem. p. 4S0 (1881) ; Vorderm. Over. Nat. Tijds. Nederl. Lid. xliv. 3. p. 191, no. 51 (1884). Adult male. Back, rump, and upper tail-coverts, also the scapu- lars, barred black and white ; wings and their coverts black or slightly brownish, the coverts and both webs of the quills spotted with white ; shafts blackish brown ; tail black, the central feathers spotted, the lateral ones barred across with white : shafts black ; nasal plumes brownish, with black tips; base of the forehead dusky brown, spotted with smoky white ; crown aud occiput crimson, the feathers having black bases : nape and hind neck black ; sides of the face and neck almost uniform white, the latter with a few blackish stripes ; chin aud upper throat uniform buffy white, the chest and the underparts duller and more fulvescent ; a black malar stripe borders the throat and fore neck, the latter, as well as the chest and breast, being minutely spotted, the flanks and thighs barred with brownish black; the under tail-coverts dull white, barred and spotted with brownish black and tipped with pale red ; under wing-coverts aud asillaries white, the former having bar-like spots of black. Total length G'8 inches, culmeu 0-93, wing 4-1, tail 2-15, tarsus 0-75; toes (without claws)— outer anterior 0-47, outer posterior 0'6, inner anterior 0"4, inner posterior 0*28. 15. DENDEOCOPirs. 267 A(hdt female. Has the cro-^n and occiput black, but is otherwise like the adult male. Total leugth ()-4 inches, culmen 0-8, wing 4, tail 2*1, tarsus 0"73. Young. Have the under surface of the body smoky grey ; the under tail- coverts devoid of red ; the primaries more or less white at the tip ; the male has the red on the top of the head more con- fined to the sinciput, while in the female this is wanting. Hah. Pegu, Siam, and Cochin China ; south to Malacca and South-east Sumatra, also the islands of Java, Madura, and Lom- bock. Pipripiciis uralensis (Malh.), Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 8, no. 51 (1854). Picus uraleiLsis, Malli. Ficidce, i. p. 92, pi. xxiii. figs. 4, b,icid.t:. with dull carmine. Dimensions: "Wing 140 mm., tail-feathers 88 mm., exposed culmen 34 mm., ext. ant. toe (Avithout claw) 18 mm." {SteJHcr/er) *, Hab. Japan, south-western portion of Main Island. 16, PICOIDES. Type. Picoides, Laccp. Mem. tie I'lnstitate, Paris, iii. p. 509 (IBOl) P. tridactylus. Tridactylia, Shmv, Gen. Zool. ix. p. 218 (1815) P. americanus. Apternus, Swains. Faun. Bor.-Amer. ii. p. 302 (18.j1). P. americanus. Pipodes, Glog. Handb. Naturg. p. 198 (1842) P. tridactylus. Hanr/e. Northern and Central Europe ; Siljeiia; south into China : Kamtschatka ; Alaska and Xorthern Jv^ortli America to the border of the United States, and on the west along the liocky Mountain region south into New Mexico. Kei/ to the Species t. A. Back white, broadly striped with black. a'. Lateral tail-feathers almost entirely barred with black. a". Sides of the chest broadly striped, the sides of the body broadly barred with [p. 276. black tridactylus ad., h''. Sides of the chest and breast with only a few narrow striations, the Hanks and thighs [summer, pp. 277-8. sparingly spotted with black crissoleucus ad. b' . Lateral tail-feathers uiiiforui ; with scarcely any white on the top of the head dorsalis ad., p. 278. B. Back uniform white ; under surface of the body uniform pure white ; lateral tail-feathers uni- [winter, p. 278. form or partially barred crissoleucus ad. C. Back barred. c'. Back distinctly barred with white, the bars [p. 280. narrower tliau the black interspaces americanus ad., (/'. Back irregularly barred with white, the bars broader than the black interspaces and some- times confluent in the centre and forming a [p. 281. partial stripe alascensis ad., D. Back uniform blue-black arcticus ad., [pp. 282-3. * Dr. Stejueger, in the ' Proceedings of the United States National Museum,' 1886, p. 116, has given a full description of the type specimen, which need not here be repeated. In his diaguosis of the species he has been compelled (for want of a. specimen of L. insidaris) to compare his bird with 1). leiwonotus. I have founded my brief diagnosis upon Dr. Btejneger's description and plate, compared with 1). insidaris. t The males of all the species comprised in this genus may be known by their yellow cruwus. 16. picoiDEs. 275 Back brownish black, witli a narrow and broken median stripe of wliite ; under surface of tlie body brownish black spotted with white ; throat and fore neck, also two stripes across the face and down the side of the neck, pale [p. 283. buff funebris cJ J uv.*, 1. Picoides tridactylus. Picus tridactylus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 177 (1706) ; Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 439 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 243 (1790) ; Meyer, Voy. Liv- u. EMh. p. 63 (1815) ; Meisn. &)• Schinz, Voy. Schweiz, 1815, p. 42 ; Niks. Orn. Suec. i. p. 112 (1817) ; Ciur. Hey. Anim. 1817, i. p. 423 ; Wayl. Syst. Av. Picus, sp. 101 (1827) ; Lrelun, Natury. Eur. Voy. i. p. 142 (1823) ; Naum. Voy. Beutsch. v. p. 346, pi. cxxxvii. figs. 1 (5, 2 $ ad. (1826); Gloy. Handh. Natury esch. Voy. Eur. p. 462 (1834) ; Gould, B. Eur. iii. pi. 232, ^ $ ad. (1837) ; Keys. <^ Bias. Wirb. Eur. pp. xxxv and 149 (1840) ; Schinz, Enr. Faun. p. 263 (1840); Schley. Hei: Crit. p. 1 (1844) ; Sundev. Sv. Foyl. p. 142, pi. xxiii. fig. 6, ^ (1856) ; Maynus v. Wriyht, Finl. Foyl. p. 275 (1859); Dubois, Ois. Eur. p. 112, pi. cxii., c? 2 ad. (18G2) ; Prev. S( Lemaire, Hist. Nat. Ois. Em: p. 175 (1864) ; Sundev. Cons}). Av. Picin. p. 14 (1866) ; Boryyr. Voyelf. Norddeutschl. p. 68 (1869) ; Fmsch, Verhandl. k. k. zool.- bot. Gcselkch. Wien, 1879, p. 227 ; Seeb. Ibis, 1882, p. 374. Picoides tridactylus, Lacep. Mem. de flnst. 1801, p. 509 ; Kaup, Natury. Syst. 1829, p. 135; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 434 (1845); Deyl. S) Gerbe, Orn. Eur. i. p. 154 (1867) ; Gray, List Picid. Bnt. Mus. p. 30 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 181, no. 8531) (1870) ; Salvad. Faun. Ital., Ucc. p. 39 (1871); Dress. B. Eur. v. p. 69, pi. cclxxxiv., d 2 ad. (1872) ; Danf. ^- Harv.-Br. Ibis, 1875, p. 299 ; Dress. Ibis, 1876, p. 320 ; d'Hamonv. Cat. Ois. d'Eur. p. 10 (1876) ; Harv.-Broivn, Ann. ^- May. Nat. Hist. 1877, xx. p. 496; Giyl. Ibis, 1881, p. 190; Madar. Voy. Uny. 1881, p. 23; B. 0. U. List Brit. B. p. 78 (1883) ; Menzb. Bev. Cvmp. Faun. Orn. Gouv. Mosc. 4- Toula, 1883, p. 7 ; Giyl. Arif. Ital. p. 205 (1886). Tridactylia hirsuta, Steph. Gen. Zool. ix. p. 219, pi. xxxviii., c? (1816) ; Cab. ^- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 25 (1863). Dendrocopos tridactylus, Koch, Syst. baier. Zool. i. p. 74 (1816). Picus hirsutus, Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxvi. p. 103 (1818), pt. ; id. 8s- Bonn. Enc. Meth. iii. p. 1324 (1823), pt. Picoides variegatus, Valenc. Diet. Sc. Nat. xl. p. 191 (1826), pt. Drycibates tridactj'lus, Boie, Isis, 1828, p. 326. Picoides europajus, ie.i\<. Traiie, i. p. 217 (1831) ; Malh. N. Classif., Mem. Acad. Metz, 1848-49, p. 329 ; id. Picidce, i. p. 170, pi. xxxviii. figs. 1, 2, 3, 6 (1861). Picoides alpinus, Brehm, Voy. Deutschl. p. 194 (1831) ; id. Vollst. ToV/. p. 71 (1855). Picoides montanus, Brehm, J'oy. Deutschl. p. 194, pi. xiv., J ad. (1831) ; id. Vollst. Voy. p. 71 (1855). * The type only is known, and exists in the Paris Museum. It is very probable that the female vrill be foimd to want the yellow crown possessed by die male. t2 276 nciDj!:. -J Apternus tridactylus, Swains. Faun. Bor.-Amir. ii. p. 301 (1831) ; id. Classif. B.'ii. p. 306 (1837); Bp. Comp. List B. Eur. ^- N. Amer. p. "30, no. 270 (1838) ; id. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 13!J (1850) ; id. Cotisp. Valuer. Zyr/od. p. 8, do. 81 (1854) ; Beichenb. Scans. Picince, p. 316, no. 835, pi. dcxxxi., A. monianus, tigs. 4201-02, A. septentrionalis, figs. 4195-96, A. ulpinus, figs. 4199-4200 (1854); Schrench, Amur-Beise, i. p. 264 (1859); Bussuw, Orn. Ehst-, Liv- u. Choi. 1880, p. 115 ; Marsch. ^- Pelz. Orn. Vindub. 1882, p. 91. Picoides septentrionalis, Brehm, Vog. Deutschl. p. 195 (1831) ; id. Vulht. T'off. p. 71 (1855). Picoides longiro.stiis, i>?v/r«(. Vol/st. Viit/. -p. 71 (1855). Tridactylia tridactylus, Meves, Eur. Vog. 1886, p. 24. Adult male. Back white, broadly striped with black ; scapulars, rump, and upper tail-coverts uniform brownish black, or the rump sometimes spotted with white ; wings and their coverts brownish black, the quills (except on the outer webs of the inner secondaries) spotted with white upon both M-ebs ; shafts brown ; tail black, the two outer large feathers barred with white on the apical half ; shafts black ; nasal plumes black varied with white ; forehead black broadly striped with white ; the crown-feathers tipped with yellow and having black bases with an intermediate \\ bite spot ; occiput and nape blue-black, the occipital feathers tipped with white ; face and neck, and the underparts from the chin to the vent (both inclusive) white ; a broad blue-black stripe from behind the eye runs down the side of the neck, and a black malar stripe borders the throat and fore neck and branches out into a number of broad stripes on the side of the chest and breast, the malar region spotted with white ; the sides of the body, flanks, and thighs barred with black ; under tail-coverts white on the aj^ieal portion, the bases black and partly showing as a stripe-like spot ; under wing-coverts white barred with black. Total length S-5 inches, culmen 1-25, wing 4-95, tail 3'3, tarsus 0'8 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0"4, inner anterior 0'25, posterior 0"45. Touncf male. Has the dark portions of the plumage of a sooty brown and totally devoid of any blue-black gloss, even on the head ; there is very much less yellow and white on the top of the head, the white having the character of distinct spots ; the underparts are duller and there is more dusky black on the sides of the body, and a few dusky crescentic markings in the middle of the chest. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in the absence of the yellow on the top of the head, the feathers of the forehead and crown oeiug black at the base, the apical portion white, with a black shaft-sfcripe. Total length 8-5 inches, culmen 1-15, wing 4-65, tail 3, tarsus 0*8. Examples from Switzerland have the underparts (except the middle of the breast and abdomen) very much varied with black, and the white stripe down the back is also varied with sagittate and transverse black markings, these, in some specimens, forming distinct bars across the feathers. This peculiar form is deserving of recog- 16. PICOIDES. 277 nition, although, from its geographical position, it might be unwise to separate it from P. tridactylus. flab. The greater part of Europe, but rare in the south ; extending east through Southern Siberia to the A moor, and into Mongolia. a, h. (S 9 ad. St. c, d. (S ad. ; e. (^ imm. sk. /, (J. S ad. ; h. S imm. sk. i. S ad. sk. k, /. c? 2 ad. sk. m. 5 ad. sk. w, 0. (S 2 ad. sk. p, q. 6 $ ad. sk. r. tS ad. sk. ^<. Juv. sk. t, n. c? ? ad. sk. V. 2 ad. sk. 10. S ad. sk. .V. Skull. y. Sternum. N. Bothnia. Purchased. Sweden, Dec. ( Wheehuright). Tweeddale Coll. Kopvand. Salvin-Godman Coll. Stockholm, Jan. Mr. Meves [C.]. Wermland. Mr. Meves [C.]. Weriuland, Dec. (ScJdiiter). Hume Coll. Archangel, Nov., Dec. Hume Coll. Ursern, Switzerland, Aug. Tweeddale Coll. {H. Saunders). Nisamskaja, River Ob, Sept. Dr. 0. Finsch [C.]. 1876. Lepsa Rivei', Turkestan, June. Moscow Museum. Semiretchje, May 27th. Dr. Severtzoff [C.]. Kossogol, Mongolia, Sept. Dr. SevertzoiF [C.]. 17th. Teksa River, Mongolia, Dr. Severtzoff [0.1. Aug. 19th. S. Germany. Dr. Giinther. Purchased. Subsp. a. Picoides crissoleiicus. Picus tridactylus (non Linn.), Fal/as, Zoor/r. Ilusso-Asiaf. i. p. 415 (1831) ; Middend. Sih.-Eeise, Zool. p. 132 (1851). Apternus crissoleucos, Bp. Cvnsp). Volucr. Zijijod. p. 8, no. 82 (1854). Tridactj'lia camtschatcensis, Lichf. Nomencl. Ar. 1854, p. 75 (pt.) ; Cah. S)- Heme, Miis. Hein. iv. p. 25 (1863). Apteruus crissoleucu.s, Reichenb. Scans. Picines, p. 362, no, 836, pi. dcxxxi. tigs. 4197-98, S $ (1854). Picoides crissoleucus, Malh. Picidce, i. p. 180, pi. xl. figs. 1 J ad., 2 2 ad., 5 c? juv. (1861); Grmj, Lid Picid. Brit. 3hts. p. 30 (1868); id. Hcmd-l. B. ii. p. 181, no. 8540 (1870); Tacz. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1876, p. 240; id. op. cit. 1882, p. 396. Picus crissoleucus, Siindev. Consp. An. Picin. p. 14 (18(>6). Picoides tridactylus (non Linn.), Seeh. Ibis, 1878, p. 325. Picoides albidior *, Stejn. BhU.'U. S. Nat. Mus. no. 29, 1885, pp. 321, 338, 342 ; id. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1888, p. 168. Adult male, summer ijlumage. Resembles P. tridactylus, but differs in the sides of the chest and breast having only a few narrow striations of black, and the flanks and thighs being sparingly spotted with black ; the lower scapulars tipped with white, and the wing- coverts occasionally spotted with white ; upper series of upper tail- coverts spotted with white ; the white on the back is less striped * I have carefully examined the type of Stejneger's species, and cannot separate it from P. cri.isolcucus. 278 TICIDM. with black. Total length 8-5 inches, culmen 1-3, wing 4-9, tail 3-2, tarsus 0"78 ; toes (without chiws)^outer anterior 0-4G, inner ante- rior 0--1, posterior 0-54. Adidt female, summer plumaye. Wants the yellow crown, the feathers of this region having white tips and black bases. With the exception of this sexual distinction, it resembles the adult male in summer. Total length 8 2 inches, culmen 1-15, wing 4*78, tail 3'1, tarsus 0-78. Aduli, luinter ])lumaije. The back and the under surface of the bodj- arc pure wliite and uniform ; all the up})er tail-coverts tipped with white or spotted with white on the tip ; the lateral tail-feathers are less barred with black and sometimes without a trace of bar or spot : axillaries pure white, and the under wing-coverts sometimes unspotted ; the white spots on the quills occasionally contliient. Hah. Central and Northern Siberia, and Kamtschatka. a. S imm. sk. Siberia. Tweeddale Coll. b. 2 ad. sk. Krasnoyarsk, Central Siberia, Tweeddale Coll. Oct. \H. Seebohm). 2. Picoides dorsalis. Picoides dorsalis, Baird, B. N. Amer. p. 100, pi. Ixxxv. fig. 1, cJ (1858) ; Malh. Ficid(S, i. p. 179 (1861) ; Cass. Froc. Acad. Bhilad. 18G3, p. 20.3; Gray, List Picid. Brit. 3Iits. p. 31 (18U8) ; id. Havd-l. B. ii. p. 181, no. 85-38 (1870) ; Merriam, U. S, Geol. Sun: Terr. 1872, p. 694. Tridactylia dorsalis. Cab. Sr Heine, Mas. Hcin. iv. p. 26 (1863). Picas dorsalis, Sundev. Consp. At. Ficin. p. 14 (1866). Picoides americauus, var. dorsalis. Coop. B. Calif., ed. Baird, i. p. 386, head figured (1870) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 1872, p. 194 ; Allen, Bull. M. C. Z. iii. p. 180 (1872) ; Coues, B. N.- West, p. 285 (1874) ; Hensh. U. 8. Geoyr. Surv. W. of 100th Merid. 1875, p. 391. Picoides tridactyhis dorsalis, Ridyiv. Froc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1880, p. 189 ; Drew, Auk, 1885, p. 17 ; Hensh. op. cit. 1886, p. 78. Picoides americanus dorsaUs, Coues, Check-list N. Amer. B. 2Dd ed. p. 78 (1882) ; id. Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. 1884, p. 485 ; A. 0. U. Check-list N. Amer. B. p. 214, no. 401 b (1886) ; Ridyw. Man. N.Amer.B.-p. 287(1887). Picoides americanus (non Brehm), Hartl. J.f. 0. 1883, p. 275. Adidt male. Jlesembles P. tridactylus, but differs in having the lateral tail-feathers uniform ; the rump is more spotted with white, and there is also very much less Ijlack on the sides of the chest and body, hanks and thighs ; the under tail-coverts have more of the apical portion white, and the black on the basal portion does not show ; the dimensions are also less. Total length 8 inches, culmen 1*27, wing 4'85, tail 2-8, tarsus 0*88 ; toes (without claws) — outer ante- rior 0*4.5, inner anterior 0'4, posterior 0-53. Adult female. Wants the yellow patch on the top of the head, the crown being blue-black sparingly spotted with white; there is also 16, PicoiDEs. 279 less white on the top of the head than in P. tridaetylus. Total length 8 inches, culmcn 1*1, wing I'T, tail 3, tarsus 0-8o. Hah. llockj' Mountain region of the United States, north to Alaska (south of the monntaius) and south into New Mexico. a. ^ imni. sk. Fort Bridger, Wyoming, Sept. 'J {Ilenshaw). \ i. [$ juv.] t&o«). Henshiw r„ll y,h.6^A.:i-L2 Fort Reliance, Oct., Dec. h fs-S] ad. sk. (E. W. Nelson). ^ ^ >«. c? imm. .sk. Shaktolik, Alaska, Dec. ( 7r. | Nelson). i n. d ad. sk. Mackenzie Rher(Kemucott). Sclater Coll o. d ad. sk. Great Bear Lake. B R Ro.s Eso rp i "'?d.1k''-' '■■ ^ ^-^s-p-- B.R.Ro5lSt?:j: 282 •i. Picoides arcticus. Apternus arcticus, Swaim. Faun. Bor.-Aunr., Birds, ii. pp. xxvi iatrod. & 313, pi. Ivii. (1S31) ; id. Vlassif. B. ii. p. 306 (1837) ; Bp. Comp. List B. Eur. i^- N. Amer. p. .39, no. 260 (1838) ; id. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 131) (1850) ; id. Consp. Volucr. Zijcjod. p. 8, no. 83 (1854) ; Licht. Xomencl. Av. p. 75 (1854) ; Reichenh. Semis. Picitice, p. 361, no. 833, pi. dcxxx. figs. 4189-91, cJ d 2 fid- (1854) ; JVewb. P. R. R. Rep. Ti. p. 91 (1857). Picus tridactylus {noii Linn.), Jard. ed. Wils. Amer. Orn. iii. p. 423, pi. xiv. fio-. -2, S (1832) ; And. Orn. Bioyr. ii. p. 197 (18-34), v. p. 538, pi. exxxii. figs. 1, 2, cJ $ (1839) ; Nutt. Man. Orn. i. p. 578 (1840). Picus arcticus, Gloy. Handh. JVatun/esch. Vog. Eur. p. 402 note (1834) ; And. Sijn. B. X. Amer. p.'l82 (1839) ; id. B. Amer. 8vo, p. 206, pi. cclxviii. figs. 1,2 cJ, 3 $ (18.39) ; Putnam, Proc. Esse.v Inst. 1856, p. 214 ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 15 (1866). Picoides arcticus, Grai/, Gen. B. ii. p. 434, pi. 108. tig. 7 (1845) ; Baird, B. N. Amer. p. 98 (1858); Malli. Picidce, i. p. 174, pi. xxxix. figs. 5, 6, S ad., 5 (1861); Boardm. Proc. Bust. Sac. 1802, p. 123; Verrill, Proc. Esse.v Inst. 1862, p. 143; Blakist. Ibis, 1863, p. 51 ; Allen, Proc. Esse.v Inst. 1864, p. 52 ; Mcllwr. op. cit. 1866, p. 83 ; Coues, op. cit. 1868, p. 262 ; Grmj, List Picid. Brit. Mils. p. 31 (1868) ; id. Iland-l. B. ii. p. 181, no. 8539 (1870) ; Coop. B. Calif, ed. Baird, i. p. 384, head of S figd. (1870) ; Allen, Amer. Nat. 1870, p. 572 ; Merr. U. 8. Geol. Surv. Terr. 1872, p. 694 ; Coues, Key N. Am. B. 1872, p. 194 ; Ridyw. Bull. Esse.v List. 1874, pp. 13, 38 ; Coues, B. N.- West, p. 284 (1874) ; B., B., ^ R. Hist. N. Amer. B. ii. p. 530, pl.l. tig. 1, d ad. (1874) ; Ridffiv. U. S. Geol. E.ipl. 40tk Par. pt. iii. Birds, p. 548 (1877) ; Beld. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1878, p. 429 ; Merr. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, 1879, p. 6; Roberts, t.c. p. 1-54; Mearns,t. c. p. 175; Mayn. Bds, E. N. Amer. p. 245 (1879); Ridyw. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1880, p. 189 ; Merr. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, 1882, p. 236 ; Coues, Check- list N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 78 (1882) ; Steariis, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1883, p. 118 ; Coues, Key N Amer. B. 2nd ed. 1884, p. 485 ; Turner, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1885, p. 242 ; A. 0. U. Check-list N. Amer. B. p. 21.3, no. 400 (1880) ; Ridqiv. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 287 (1887) ; Merrill, Auk, 1888, p. 254. Tridactjlia arctica. Cab. ^- Heine, Mus. Ilein. iv. p. 27 (1863). Adult male. Back, rump and upper tail-coverts, scapulars and wiijg-coverts blue-black, the lower rump-feathers occasionally tipped with white ; quills black, spotted with white upon both webs, except upon the outer webs of the inner secondaries ; shafts black ; tail black, the four central feathers uniform, the next having the apical third birflfy white, the two outer large feathers on either side having the apical half, or more, huffy white, and the basal half of the inner web irregularly barred with white, the dwarf feather white barred with black on the inner web ; shafts of the same colour as the surrounding web ; nasal plumes black ; crown golden yellow, the remainder of the head, side of the neck, and hind neck blue-bluck, with the base of the forehead and a stripe thence running under the eye and ear-coverts and down the side of the neck white, and a very narrow white stripe running backwards 16. PICOIDES. 283 from the ej-e ; the black on the malar region spotted with white ; from the chin to the under tail-coverts (both inclusive) white, more or less pure, the black malar stripe extending on to the side of the chest; the entire sides of the body, lianks, and thighs barred with black ; under wing-coverts and axillaries barred black and white : " iris brown ; bill and feet black " {Cooptr). Total length 9 inches, culmen 1-5, wing 5-0-3, tail 3-35, tarsus 0"9o ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-45, inner anterior 0*3, posterior 0-5. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in wanting the yellow on the crown, the whole of the top of the head being blue-black. Total length 9 inches, culmen 1-4, wing 4-95, tail 3'35, tarsus 0-9. Hah. Northern Xorth America from about 57^ N. lat. south to the northern border of the United States, and, in the Western part of the latter, extending along the mountain-ranges to the Sierra Xevada, California, about 39° lat. a. (5 ad. sk. Canada. b. 2 ad. sk. Canada (C. Shelley). c. 5 ad. sk. Fort Simpson, Sept. d. e. cJ ad. ; f. British Columbia. 2 ad.sk.' ff. S ad. sk. St. Lawrence River, Cauada, Nov. (A. Lechevallier). h. S ad. sk. Lake of the Woods, May (i?. Kennicott). i,k. cJ ad.; /, Big Moose Lake, New York, m. 2 ad. sk. June, Aug. {Hart Mer- riam). n. (^ ad. ; 0, p. 7tli Lake, Hamilton Co., 2 ad. sk. X.Y., June (Hart Mcr- riam). q. 2 ad. sk. Menomouee, Wisconsin, Oct. {Nelson). r. S ad. sk. Fort Klamath, Oregon, April {C(tpt. Bendire). s. 2 innn. .sk. Houev Lake, Nevada, June {H. Wheeler). Salvin-Godman Coll. Tweeddale Coll. B. E. Ross, Esq. [P.]. J. K. Lord, Esq. Henshaw Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Henshaw Coll. [S.-G.J 5. Picoides funebris. Picoides funebris, Verreatu; X. Arch. 3Ius. vi. Bull. 33. no. 2 (1870) ; op. cit. viii. pi. i. (1872) ; Ehves, David id. op. cit. vii. p. 27 (1871) ; id. op. P. Z. S. 1873, pp. 601, 665, 689 ; Sclat. Ibis, 1874, p. 171 ^- Oust. Ois. Chine, p. 49 (1877). Male, i/ounr/. Above, including scapulars, rump, and upper tail- coverts brownish black, with a narrow and broken line of white down the middle of the back ; wing- coverts uniform brownish black ; quills brownish black, the primaries and some of the outer secondaries spotted with white upon both webs, the former tipped with white ; the inner secondaries having the outer webs uniform, the inner webs spotted with white, and having near the tips of the innermost a diagonal stripe of white upon each web ; shafts blackish 284 PICIDJ3. brown ; tail black, the six central feathers uniform, the remainder barred with white upon both webs, the dwarf feather spotted or hnrred on the outer web onlj- ; sbafts black ; nasal plumes black, with bufty- white bases ; forehead, crown, occiput, and nape glossy blue-black, the feathers of the forehead banded with white at the tip, those of the crown being tipped with bright saft'rou-yellow and having grey bases ; lores, a stripe from behind the eye passing down the side of the neck, also one from the base of the upper mandible and running under the car-coverts and down the side of the neck, butty white ; ear-coverts and a broad stripe behind blue-black : a broad blue-black malar stripe ; chin, throat, and fore neck huffy white ; from the chest to the under tail-coverts inclusive, partly black, partly brown, more or less spotted with white, the brown portions being nearly uniform, the black more clearly spotted with white ; under wing-coverts brownish black, barred and varied with white : " iris brown ; bill brownish ; legs blackish" (David). Total length 9 inches, culmen 1'17, wing 5, tail 3' 15, tarsus 1 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'5, inner anterior ()'45, posterior 0-55. Hab. Moupin, and the high wooded mountains of Western China. 17. XENOPICUS. Type. Xenopicus, Baircl, Rep. Expl. S)- Stirv. Missis. Pacif. Railr. ix. Birds, p. 83 (1858) X. albolarvatus. Xeuocraugus, Cah. i,- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 74 (I8G3) X. albolarvatus. Head of Xcnopirus albolarvatus. Range, Pacific coast-region from British Columbia to Southern California, including both slopes of the Sierra Nevada. 1. Xenopicus albolarvatus. Leuconerpes albolarvatus, Cassin, Proc. Acad. Philad. ISoO, p. 106; Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zrjgod. p. 10, no. 204 (18o4). Melanerpes albolarvatus, Cass. Journ. Acad. Philad. 1853, p. 257, pi. xxii., cJ 5> ad. ; Neioherry, Zool. Cal. ^' Oreg. Route 9, Rep. P. 17. xENOPicrrs. 285 R. R. vi. pt. iv. p. 91 (1857) ; Bridges, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 3 ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 117 (1868) ; id. Iland-l. B. ii. p. 201, DO. 8821 (1870). Picus (Xeuopicus) albolarvatiis, Baird, B. N. Amer. p. 06 (1858) ; Cass. Proc. Acad. Philad. 1863, p. 202 ; B., B., ^- R. Hist. N. Amer. B. ii. p. 526, pi. 1. %. 7 «■/. Ibis, 1864, p. 218 ; Prev. i^- Lem. Hist. Nat. Ois. d'Eur. p. 169 (1864) ; Sunder. Consp. Av. Ficin. p. 30 (1866) ; Degl. ^- Gerbe, Orn. Eur. i. p. 152 (1867) ; Gray, List Ficid. Brit. Mus.^. 35 (1868); Smith, Ibis, 1868, p. 448; Borggr. Vogelf. Norddeutschl. p. 68 (1869) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. ii. p. l82, no. 8555 (1870); Elw. ^- Buckl. Ibis,lii70, p. 188; Saund. o/a r/^. 1871, p. 66 ; Salvad. Faun. Ital., Ucc. p. 37 (1871) ; Dress. B. Eur. v. p. 47, pi. cclxxxi. (1871) ; Ferini, Man. Orn. Veron. p. 404 (1874) ; Danf. i)-I£arv.-Br.Ibis, 1875, p. 299 ; D'Hamonv. Cat. Ois. d'Eur. p. 10 (1876); Saund. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1876, p. 324; Tacz. Bull. Soc. Zool. i-V. 1877, p. 152; Schleg. Vog. Nederl. p. 40, pi. v. tig. 11 (1878) ; Elw. Ibis, 1880, p. 395 ; Gigl. op. cit. 1881, p. 190 ; Madar. Syst. Aufz. Fog. Ungnrns, p. 23 (1881) ; Carls. Kongl. Vet.-Akad. Forhandl. 18S2, no. 1, p. 30; Marsch. S; Felz. Orn. Vindob. p. 92 (1882) ; Eadde, Orn. Cauc. p. 313, pi. xix. fig. 4 (1884); Gigl. Avif. Ital. p. 203 (1886); Lorenz, Orn. Faun. Kaukasus, p. 44 (1887). Dendrocopos medius, Koch, Syst. baier. Zool. i. p. 73 (1816). Picus variiis {non Linn.), J'ieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxvi. p. 94 (1818). Dryobates medius, Boie, Isis, 1828, p. 326. Picus cjaoffidus, Fall. Zoogr. Rosso- Asiat. i.p. 413 (1831). Picus quercuum, Brehm, Vog. Deutschl. p. 191 (1831) ; id. Vollst. TUgelf. 1855, p. 70. Pipripicus medius, Bp. Cons]}. Volucr. Zyyod. p. 8, no. 52 (1854). ■ Picus roseiventris, It,, t' j? j t— 7^ -\a~iz -/^ Picus meridionalis, [ ^'■'^""' ^ ''^^'*- ^'^'^"^- ^^"'^' P" '^- Dendrocoptes medius, Cab. 8f Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 41 (186-3). Dendrocopus medius, Irby, Ibis, 1883, p. 178; B. 0. U. List Brit. B. p. 78 (1883) ; Tait, Ibis, 1887, p. 304. Adult male. Back, rump, and upper tail-covcrts black; scapulars •svliite ; wing-coverts black, except the innermost of the median and of the greater series, which are white, this forming a conspicuous patch ; quills black, spotted with white upon both webs ; shafts black ; tail black, the two outer large feathers on either side broadly barred 288 viciDiE. witli white on the ai)ieal portion, the next inner feather tip|)ed and spotted near the tip with white ; shafts black ; nasal plumes dusky black ; forehead smoky or lirownish white ; crown and occiput crimson ; nape and hind neck black ; sides of the face and neck, chin, throat, fore neck, and chest white, the malar region smoky or brown- ish, and behind this a very broad black stripe extending on to the side of the chest, a branch from it running behind the ear-coverts but not joining the nape ; the breast slightly yellow ; the abdomen, vent, and under tail-coverts rose-red ; the sides of the body, flanks, and thighs narrowly stiiped with black, the latter parts slightly pink ; under wing-coverts and axillaries white. Total length 8-3 inches, culmen I'l, wing 4-83, tail 3-2, tarsus 0'8 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior O'oo, outer posterior U'o8, inner anterior 0-5, inner posterior 0-25. Younci male. Eesembles the adult, but has the red on the head, abdomen, and under tail-coverts much paler, and the striations on the nnderparts less black ; the primaries are tipped with white. Adidt female. Has the red on the crown less brilliant than in the adult" male, the red on the occiput more dusky and with a slight yellowish tinge. Total length 8-3 inches, culmen 1, wing -i-O, tail 3-32, tarsus 0-83. Hah. Western and Southern Europe, north to Finland, east to the Caucasus. a. (S ad. St. Europe. Old Collection. b,c. c? $ ad. sk. Sweden, Jan., Oct. C. Meves [CI. d. d ad. sk. Skaue, Sweden, Aug. 17, 1873. C. Meves [C.]. e. Juv.sk. Tuvkey {T. Bohsoii). Tweeddale Coll. Subsp. a. Dendrocoptes sancti-johannis. Picua sancti-johauuis, Blanf. Ibis, 1873, p. 226 ; id. East. Pers. ii. p. 138, pi. ix. (18713). Pieus medius {non Linn.), Danford, Ibis, 1877, p. 264, 1878, p. 7 ; Tristr. op. cit. 1882, p. 418; id. Cat. Coll. p. 101 (1889). Pious medius, var. saucti-johanuis, Raddc, Oni. Cam. p. 313, pi. xix. fig. 3 (1884). Adult male. Eesembles D. medius, but diflers in being smaller, and in having the underparts of a richer yellow and a deeper red, also in the striations on the sides of the body, flanks, and thighs beino- conspicuously broader and blacker, the black upon the latter parts taking the form of transverse spots or bars. There is very much more black on the lateral tail-feathers, these appearing as though black barred with white, the white bars being narrower than the black interspaces, the reverse being the case in D. medius. Total length 8 inches, culmen 1-05, wing 4-7, tail 3, tarsus 0-82 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-5, outer posterior 0-6, inner anterior 0-43, inner posterior 0-3. Adult femcde. Differs from the adult of the opposite sex in having the crown of a less brilliant crimson, and this colour upon the 19. LIOPICUS. 289 occiput having a washed-out appearance, culmen 1, wing 4*75, tail 3, tarsus 0'83. Hab. Asia Minor, east into Persia. a. cf ad. sk. Xantbus. h. c? ad. sk. Belgrade ( T. Robsori). c. d' ad. sk. Asia Minor, March 6, 1866 (r. Robson). d. iS ad. sk. Asia Miaor, Oct. (T. Robso7i). e. (S ad. sk. Asia Minor, Jan. 18, 1866 (T. Robson). f. S ad. sk. Petin-a-hore, Jan. 8, 1867 {T. Robsori). g. (S imm. ; h. Taurus, Asia Minor, Feb. 1876 $ ad. sk. (C. G. Danford). i. j ad. sk. Oak Forest, near Shiraz, June, 1870. Total length 8 inches, C.Fellowes,Esq.[P.1. Gould Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Sbelley Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sir 0. St. John [C.]. 19. LIOPICUS. ^^p^ Leiopicus, Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zi/r/od. no. 65 (1854). . L. mabrattensis. Liopipo, Cab. 4" Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 44 (1863) . . L. mabrattensis. a. Foot of Liopicus mahrattcnsis. h. Wing of Liopicus mahrattensis (reduced). Ravge. India and Ceylon, Pegu, and into Cochin China. WiU probably be found in the intervening countries, but specimens are wanting. 290 nciD^. 1. Liopicus mahrattensis. Picus mahrattensis, Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. Siippl. p. xxxi, $ (1^01) » Sfcjih. Gen. Zool. ix. p. 177,2 (181-j) ; Vieill. ]S\ Diet. ;•«;>. Did. Class, xlii. p. -"jOJ, $ (1828) ; Franldin, R Z. S. l.s:)l, p. 121 ; Si/kes, op. c.it. 1832, p. 97 ; Gra>/, Hardw. III. Ind. Zool.' i. pi. xxxiii., (S ? ad. (1830-32); Gotdd, Cent. B. Himal Mts. pi. li., S 2 (18.32) : id. P. Z. S. 1842, p. 92; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 435 (1845) ; Bh/th, J. A. S. B. 1845, p. 196 ; id Cat. B. Mm. As. Soc. p. 62 (1849) ; Bp. Cunsp. Gen. Av. i. p. 135 (1850) ; Lai/ard, Ann. ^- May. JS'af. Hist. xiii. p. 448 (1854) ; Licht. Novumcl. Av. p. 75 (1854); Eeithenh. Scans. Picince, p. 3(39, no. 853, pi. dcxxxv. (fip:s. 4230-31 6 2, incorrect) (1854); Leith- Adams, P. Z. 8. 1858, p. 475; Malh. Picidce, i. p. 105, pi. xxviii. figs. 1-2, J 2 (1861) ; Jerd. B. Ind. i. p. 274 (18G2) ; Beavan, llns,'l8Q5, p. 410 ; Blyfli, op. cit. 1866, p. 354; Snndev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 31 (1866) ; Grat/, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 39 (1868) ; id. Iland-l. B. ii. p. 183, no. 8570 (1870) ; Hold.no. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 426 ; E/wes, op. cit. 1873, p. 672; Hayes-Lloyd, Ibis, 1873, p. 407 ; Adam, Str. F. 1873, p. 373 ; Ball, op. cit. 1874, p. 390 ; Hnme S,- Gates, op. cit. 1875, p. 58; Bvtl. t. c. p. 458; Lrqqe, Ibis, 1875, p. 274: IVald. Mis, 1876, p. 344; Fairb. Str. F.' 1876, p. 255; Blanf. op. cit. 1877, p. 245 ; Hume, t. c. p. 329 ; Fairb. t. c. p. 395 ; Hume ^ Eaviso?!, op. cit. vi. p. 124 (1878) ; Hume, op. cit. vii. p. 55 (1878); Eavids. ^- Wend. t. c. p. 78 ; Murray, f. c. p. Ill ; Bidl. t. c. p. 181 ; Bull, t. c. p. 205 ; Scr. T)oiq, op. cit. 1879, p. 370 ; Bidl. Cat. B. Si.d lSc p. 18, no. 100 (1879) ; id. Cat. B. S. Bomb. Presid. p. 22, no. 160 (1880) ; Leyye, B. Cei)!. i. p. 184 (1880) ; Vidal, Str. F. 1880, p. 52; BittC t. c. p. 385 ; Eeid,op.cit. x. p. 24 (1881); Gates, t. c. p. 190 (1882) ; Davidson, t. c. p. 297 (1882) ; W. Davi- son, Str.F. X. p. 354 (1883); Gates, B. Brit. Biirm. ii. p. 37 (1883) ; Marshall, Ibis, 1884, p. 410; Sivinh. S,- Barnes, op. cit. 1885, p. 62; Parker, op. cit. 1886, p. 183. Picns haemasoma, Waql. Syst. Av. Picns, sp. 30, 2 (1827). Picns aurociistatus, Tick. J. A. S. B. 1833, p. 579. Dendrocopns marattensis, Swai7is. Classif. B. ii. p. 307 (1837). Leiopicus lualivattensis, Bp. Consp. Vulucr. Zi/yod. p. 8, no. 65 (1854) ; Crray, Cat. Gen. B. 1855, p. 91 ; Hors/ <§• Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E. i. Co. ii. p. 674 (1856-58) ; Gray, Cat. Mumm. 8)C. Nepal pres. Hodffs. 180:;, p. 63. Liopi])0 mahrattensis, Cab. ^- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 44 (1863) ; Bhjth i^- Wald. B. Burm. p. 78 (1875). Picns lilanfordi, Bl>/th, J. A. S. B. 1863, p. 75 ; Grat/, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 39 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 183, no. 8571 (1870) ; Blanf. Ibis, 1870, p. 464. Picus (Leiopicus) mahrattensis, var., Stoliczha, J. A. S. B. 1872, p. 232. Adult male. Back and scapulars -white, very broadly striped and transversely varied Mith black ; rump and upper tail-coverts white, the latter broadly striped with black : wino;s and their coverts black, the median and the greater series of the latter and both webs of the quills spotted with white ; shafts dark brown ; tail black, the central feathers entirely spotted, the lateral ones entirely barred with white; shafts black; uasal plumes, forehead, and crown pale golden yellow; 19. LIOPICUS. 291 occiput and nape scarlet ; hind neck black ; sides of the face and neck white, the ear-coverts slight!}' brownish ; the malar region smoky white, and behind it a broad brown stripe running on to the side of the chest, a branch from it extending behind the ear- coverts ; from the chin to the under tail-coverts (both inclusive) white, the chin, throat, and fore neck uniform, the remaining jjarts broadly striped with brown, except the abdomen which is brilliant scarlet : " bill clear plumbeous, dark on the culmen and tip of both mandibles ; inside of mouth bluish fleshy ; eyelids dark brown ; irides deep red ; legs and feet bright plumbeous ; claws horny blue " {E. W, Oates). Total length 6-8 inches, culmen 1-15, wing 4, tail 2-3, tarsus O'S ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'5, outer posterior 0'57, inner anterior 0'42, inner posterior 0'2S. Adult female. Wants the red on the occiput and nape, these being duU yellow, like the forehead and crown. Total length G'S inches, culmen 0-93, wing 4, tail 2-5, tarsus 0-75. Young. The males differ from the adult of the same sex in having the sinciput of a very much didler yellow, and the red on the head also duller and confined to the hinder part of the crown ; the under- parts less white and more broadly striped ; the red on the abdomen less intense ; the bill brown. The male nestling is similar, but (together with the female) differs in having the chin and throat faintly spotted with dusky brown ; the female has no red on the head, the forehead and crown being smoky or brownish drab, with scarcely any yellow tinge. Hah. Throughout almost the whole of India to the foot of the Himalayas, extending in the north-west up to Chamba ; Ceylon ; ranging also into the northern part of Pegu. Has also been obtained by Dr. Harmand in Cochin China, and will probably be found to inhabit the intervening countries. a. 5 ad. sk. h,c. S 9. ad. sk. d. cj ad. sk. e. S ad. sk. f-i. 5 ad. et imm. sk. k,l. c? $ ad. sk. m, 71,0. > ith no red on the ciowD, occiput, ,„ ",j;,"'''Pe hc/i(lrl>i 5 ad., p. C05. on . The olive-brown feathers of the crown and occiput tipped with ^^^li-ed h'ffiihris juv., p. SO-j. 1. Dendropicus cardinalis. Le Pic Cardinal de I'lsle de Lucon, Soiui. Vou. Nonv. Guin. i n 72 pi. XXXV. (1776). '^' ' ■ Le Grand Pic varie de ITsle de Lufon, Buff. Rid. Kat. Ois vii p 403 (1783). Pieus guiueensis, Scop. Del. Fl. et Faun. Insuhr. ii. p. 89 (178G ev ^ Sonv.) ; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 435 (1845). Cardinal Woodpecker,Z«^>^. Gen. Syn. i. p. 576, no. 22 (1788, exSonn ) Picus cardinalis, Gm. Syst. Sat. i. p. 4-38, no. 51 (1788, c.c Sonn.); Lath. Lid. Orn. i. p. 233 ( 1790) ; Sfeph. Gen. Zool. ix. p. 176 (1815) • Bo7in. 4'- Vieill. Enc. Meth. iii. p. 1308 (1823) ; Wayl Sysf. Av Picas, sp. 9J ( 1827) ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 42, no. 124 (18G6). Le Petit Pic a baguettes d'or, Temm. Cat. Syst. Cabin. Orn. 1^07, p. 212 ; Leiaiil. Ois. d'Afr. vi. p. 25, pi. ccliii.' (1808) ; Sunder. Krit, Framsf. Leraill. 1857, p. 52. Picus fusce.cens, Tieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxvi. p. 86 (1818, e.v Leraill.) ; Bonn. ^ Vieill. Enc. Meth. iii. p. 1314 (1823). Picus fulviscapus (111.), Licht. Verz. Douhl. 1823, p. 11 ; Wayl. Syst. Ar. Picus, sp. 45 (1827) ; id. Isis,^. 513 (1829) ; Bi/pp. Keue Wirb Vdy. p. 89 (1835) ; Licht. Verz. Siiugeth. und Vciy. Kaffernl. 184-> p. 18; Grill, Zool. Anteckn. pp. 11, 44 (1858) : Shet/e»(vt.), F. Z. .? 1881, p. 593. . •^^i' -" Colaptes capensis, Stepk. Gen. Zool. xiv. p. 171 (1826). Picus chrvsopterus, Cur. in Mus. Paris; Less. Traite, i. p ''"'O (1^31) • id. Compl. Buff. ix. p. 303 (1837). ' i k i, Dendrobates fulviscapus, Sicains. Classif. B. ii. p. 306 (1837) ; Gray, List Gen. 1841, p. 70 : id. Gen. B. ii. p. 437 (1846) ; Boyiaj). Consp. Gen. Ar. i. p. 124 (18.J0) ; Layard, B. S. Afr. 1867, p. 237. Picus capensis, Forst. Descr. Aiiim. no. 47, p. 43 (1844). Dendropicos hartjaubii *, Malh. Lev. de Zool. 1849, p. 532. Dendropicus hartlaubii, Malh. Mem. Acad. Metz, ] 849, p. 3.39 ; Bonap. Consp. Voluer. Zyyod. p. 9 (1854) ; Malh. Picidce, i. p. 201, pi xliv' figs. 1, 2 (1861); Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. 1868, p. 65: id' Haiid'l. B. li. p. 189, no. 8651 (1870) ; Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 18 (1871) ; Gurney in Anderss. B. Dam.-Ld. p. 219 (1872) ; Buckley Ibis, 1874, p. 368 ; Sharpe, ed Layard' s B. S. Afi: p. 189 (1875) • Gurney, Ibis, 1877, p. 342. ^ ' Only a very old bird. 296 piciDiE. Clirysocolaptes cardinalis, Bonap. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 122 (1850) ; Heichenb. Scans. PicincB, p. 339 (1854). Dendrobates hartlaubi, Bimap. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 124 (1850), pt. ; Bocage, Jorn. Sc. Lisb. 1880, p. 232. Dendrobates fuscescens, Strickl. d,- Sdat. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 155. Dendropicus fuscescens, Bonap. Cons}}. Volucr. Zi/ffod. p. 9 (1854). Deiulropicus cardinalis, Bonap. Consp. Volucr. Zi/ffod. p. 9 (18o4) ; Gray, List Picicl. Brit. Mus. 1808, p. 04 ; id. Hand-l. B. li. p. 189, no. 8649 (1870); Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. 1871, p. 18; Gurnet/, in Anderss. B. Dam.-Ld. p. 220(1872) ; Sharpe, ed. Lai/ard'sB. S. Afr. 1875, p. 190 ; Barratt, Ibis, 1870, p. 200; Sharpe, in Oates' Mutabele- Land, App. p. 300 (1881) ; Butler, Feildcii, if Bcid, Zoologist, 1882, p. 208 ; Hargitt, Ibis, 1883, p. 437 ; Symonds, op. cit. 1887, p. 330 ; Biittik. Notes Leyd. Mus. 1889, p. 69. Campethera fulviscapa, Reichenb. Scans. Picinee, p. 424, pi. dclxxiv. figs. 4459-60. Campethera hartlaubii, Reichenb. Scans. Picitia, p. 426 (1854). Dendropicus fulviscapus, Malh. Picidce, i. p. 196, pi. xliii. figs. 1-3 (1861); Ayres, Ibis, 1879, p. 298 ; Bolub ^- Pelz. Orn. Sudafr. p. 163 (1882). Ipoctonus cardinalis. Cab. Sf Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 119 (1863). Ipoctonus hartlaubi, Cab. ^- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 115 (1863). Picus hartlaubi, Sunder. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 43, no. 125 (1866) ; Finsch 4- Hartl. Vdg. Ostafr. p. 512 (1870) ; Fischer 8f Eeichenotu, J. f. O. 1877, p. 207 ; id. op. cit. 1878, p. 254 ; Fischer, torn. at. p. 292. Dendrobates cardinalis, Buckley, Ibis, 1874, p. 368; Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 392 (1882) ; Sousa, Jorn. Se. Lisb. 1886, p. 6. Adult male. Back, scapulars, and rump deep olive barred witli yellow; upper tail-coverts olive-golden, with almost obsolete darker bars and tinged with red ; wing-coverts brown, transversely spotted with yellowish white, the forearm uniform olive ; quills brown, the outer webs minutely spotted with yellow or yellowish white, the inner webs with larger white spots ; shafts golden yellow ; tail brownish black, narrow ly barred or tran.sversely spotted with buffy white, the central pair of feathers washed with olive-golden ; shafts golden yellow : nasal plumes and sinciput umber-brown ; hinder part of crown, also the occiput and nape, scarlet ; hind neck dusky black ; sides of the face and neck, chin, and throat white, the former with a few narrow blackish striations ; malar stripe blackish brown, and bordering the throat ; fore neck white, and all the underparts pale yellow or yellowish white, the whole being striped with black or blackish brown ; under tail-coverts like the underparts, but barred as well as streaked with blackish brown ; under wing-coverts and axillaries yellowish white, the former striped and barred with blackish brown: "iris red ; bill lead-colour; legs dull green" (T. Ayres). Total length 6 inches, culmen 0"8, wing 3-75, tail 1"9, tarsus ()-63 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-45, outer posterior 0-o5 ; inner anterior 0'35, inner posterior 0-25. Aduhfemale. Differs from the adult male in the absence of red on the head, the crown being dark sepia-brown, the occiput and nape black. Total length 6 inches, culmen 0-73, wing 3-6, tail 1'8, tarsus 0-05. 20. DENDEOPICUS. 297 Hah. Cape Colony and north to the Zambesi ; on the west through Great Namaqua-Land, Damara-Land, and in Angola north to the Quauza River. a. Ad. sk. b. S ad- sk. c. Juv. sk. d. (S ad. sk. e. J ad. sk. /,^. cJad.; h. $ ad. sk. i. Ad. sk. k. J ad. sk. 1. 2 ad. sk. m, n. cJ 5 ad. sk. 0. S ad. sk. p. Ad. sk. q, r. S $ ad. sk. s. (S imm. sk. t, u. (S 2 ad. sk. V. S ad. sk. w. (S ad. sk. .r. J ad. sk. y. 5 ad. sk. 2. c? ad. sk. a . 5 ad. sk. 6', c'. J ad. f^', e'. Ad. sk. f,(/'.S2 ad.sk. A', c? ad. ; i', A;', r. 2 ad. sk. jn'. 5 ad. sk. w', o'. (5 5 ad. sk. j^'. (5 imm. sk. ?', '■'•(:?? ad. sk. s'. d" ad. sk. South Africa. Gape Colony. Cape Colony. Kino;williamstown. Elands Post, April {T. C. Atmore). Elands Post {T. C. Atmore). Rhinoceros River. Natal. Natal, May {T. E. Buckley). Durban, Natal, Got. (T. L. Ayres). Pinetown {T. L. Ayres). AVeenen, March {Gordye). Newcastle, Natal, Nov. {E. A. Butler). Swaziland, July ( T. E. Buckley). Zulu-Land, Julv {Gordfje). Transvaal, July ( T. E. Buckley). Transvaal, July. Transvaal. Between Pretoria and Baman- gwato {F. Oates). Bamaugwato, Nov. {T. E. Buckley). Tat), Matabele-Land, Oct. {F. Oates). Kariye {Dr. Exton). Makalaka Country (Dr. Brad- shaw). Daniara-Land. Otjinibinque, April, June, Oct. (C. J. Andersson). Otjimbiuque, June (C. J. Andersson ). Otjimbiuque, June, Sept. (C J. Andersson). Elephant Vley, Sept. (C J. Andersson). Swakop River, April (C J. Andersson). Beno-uella. Gould Coll. Tweeddale CoU. Sharpe Coll. Major Trevel van [P.], Shelley Coll.' Sharpe Coll. F. A. Barratt[C.]. Sharpie Coll. SheUev Coll. Shelley CoU. Seebohm Coll. Shelley Coll. Shelley CoU. Shelley CoU. SheUev Coll. ShelleV Coll. T. E.' Buckley, Esq. [P.]. A. Foresman, Esq. [R]. W. E. & C. G. Oates, Esqrs. [P.]. Shelley CoU. W. E. & C. G. Oates, Esqrs. [P.]. Sharpe Coll. Shelley CoU. C. J. Andersson [C.]. Tweeddale Coll. Shelley CoU. Sharpe CoU. Tweeddale CoU, Tweeddale CoU. Monteiro CoU. Subsp. a. Dendropicus zanzibari. Dendropicus zanzibari, Mcdh. Picidce, i. p. 201 (1861) ; Gurney, Ibis, 1882, p. 73; Haryitt, torn. cit. p. 7-3 (note); id. Ibis, 1883, p. 441 ; Hartl. Zool. Jahrb. Zeitsch. Syst. Geoyr. Biol. Thtere, 1887, p. 307. 298 nciDiE. Dendvopicns bartlaubi, Malh. Picidce, i. p. 201 (1861) (pt.) ; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 569 (pt.) ; Dubois, Bull. Mus. Eoij. (THist. Nat. Bel;/. 1886, p. 147. Dt'iidiobates hartlaubii. Kirk, Ibis, 1864, p. 328 ; Bocage, Orn. Aug., A pp. p. 5:j5 (1881). Dendrob.ites cardinnlis {)ion Gm.), Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 135 ; Bocct(/p, Orn. An. Si/nib. P/iys. Arcs, fob r, p. 2 (1828); Riip2). Neue Wirb., J'iig. 183o, p. 59 ; 'Heiigl. J.f. O. 1864, 300 ricroj:. p. 253 ; Siindev. Consp. Av. Piein. p. 43, no. 126 (1866) ; Fiyisch % Hm-tl. Voff. 0.stafr. p. 514 (1870) ; Blanf. Geol. &r Zool. Abyss. 1870, p. 306; Finsch, Tr. Z. S. 1870, p. 284; Heugl. Orn. N.O.- Afr. i. p. 804 (1871) ; Dressei- ^- Blanf. Ibis, 1874, p. 336. Dendrobates heiuprichii, Eiipp. St/st. Uebers. 1854, p. 88, pi. xxxv. ; £j). Consp. Gm. Av. i. p. 124 (1850) ; Ileiii/l. Sysf. Uebers. 1856, p. 47 ; /(/. /iw, 1859. p. 343; Biaitc. Spec. Zuol. Mosanib. 1865, p. 327. Dendropiciis heinpricbii, Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zipjod. p. 9 (18-54) ; Malh. Picidte, i. p. 199, pi. xliii. tigs. 5, 6 (1861 ) ; Bre/im, Hahesch, pp. 221, 336 (1863> ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mas. 1868, p. 65; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 189, no. 8650 (1870); Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. 1871, p. 18 ; Heu(/I. Orn. N.O.-Afr. iv. App. p clxvi (1871) ; Fisch. i^- Reichen. J.f. O. 1878, p. 254 ; Hnrgitt, Ibis, 1883, p. 433 ; Shelley, op. cit. 1885, p. 393. Campethera hemprichii, Reichenb. Scans. Pieince, p. 424, pi. dclxxiv. figs. 4461-4462 (1854). Dendrobates abyssinicus, Licht. Nomencl. Av. 1854, p. 76. Dendromus liempricbii, Bhjth, J. A. S. Beng. xxiv. p. 299 (1855) ; Spehe, Ibis, I860, p. 245 ; Sclat. Rep. Coll. Somali Country, 1869, p. 11, Ipoctouus bempvicbi. Cab. S; Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 114 (1863) ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genov. 1888, p. 211. Adult male. Upper parts, together -with the wings and their coverts, dusky brown, the back, scapulars, rump, and upper series of upper tail-coverts barred with white, the lower series of the latter being blood-red ; wing-coverts and quills on both webs spotted with white, shafts of the latter golden yellow ; tail blackish brown, narrowly barred with buff ; shafts golden yellow ; nasal plumes brownish white ; forehead umber-brown, with paler brown spots ; crown and occiput dull scarlet, the nape black ; hind neck like the back ; sides of the face and neck, chin and throat pure white, striped with dusky black ; malar stripe umber-brown ; underparts below the throat, also the under tail-coverts, dull white ; the fore neck, chest, and breast striped (more or less broadly), the abdomen spotted, and the flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts barred with brownish black ; under wing-coverts white, spotted with blackish brown. Total length 5-5 inches, culmen 0-GS, wing 3, tail 1-68, tarsus 0-55 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-45, outer poste- rior 0-55, inner anterior 0-37, inner posterior 0-23. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in wanting the red on the head, the sinciput being of a darker umber-brown and devoid of lighter spotting, the posterior part of the crown and the occiput brownish black. Total length 5-3 inches, culmen 0-7, wing 3-2, tail 1-55, tarsus 0"o.5. Hah. Abyssinia, Bogos-Land, and Adal ; south into Shoa and Somali-Lanil, and west into Senaar and Kordofan. Possibly occurs also in Senegal, as there is an example in the collection said to be from this locality ( Verreaux). a. 2 ad. ; b. S juv. sk. Abyssinia. Dr. Riippell [C.]. c r7 imm. sk. Mag^en, near Senate, Feb. W. T. Blauford, Esq. [C.]. 20. DENDROPICTJS. 301 d. (^ ad. ; e. 5 imm. sk. /, g. 2 ^^- ^^^ h. 5 ad.sk. i. 5 ad. sk. k,l. c? $ ad. sk. 711. 5 ad. sk. n. cJ juv. sk. ('. (S ad. sk. p. Bones of trunk. Ailat, Bogos (Esler). Ailat (Bsler). Ailat, June ( TV. Jesse). Bairo, Bogos ( W. Jesse). Bairo, Aug. ( W. Jesse). Somali-Laud. Ukambani, E. Africa. Seuegambia ( Verreaux). Abyssinia. Sharps Coll. Shelley CoU. Tweeddale CoU. Sharpe Coll. Tweeddale Coll. E.Lort Phillips, Esq. [P.]. Dr. midebrandtrC.]. Sharpe Coll. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. 4. DendropicTis lafresnayi. Dendi'opicos lafresnayi, Malh. Mev. de Zool. 1849, p. 533. Dendrobates lafresnayi, Bonap. C'onsp. Gen. Av. i. p. 125 (1850 j ; J. 4" -E. Verreaux, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1855, p. 272 ; Bocage, Orn. Aug., App. p. 535 (1877). Cauipethera lafresnayi, Reichenb. Scans. Picirue, p. 426, no. 1002 (1854). Dendropicus lafresnayi, Bonap. Consp. Vohicr. Zygod. p. 9 (1854) ; Hartl. Orn. IV.-Afr. p. 177 (1857) ; Malh. I'kidm, i. p. 204, pi. xliy. fig. 4 (1861); Hartl. J. f. O. 1861, p. 263; Gray, List Ficid. Brit. Mus. p. 66 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 192, no. 8654 (1870) ; Sharpe Sf Buuvier, Bidl. Soc. Zool. France, 1876, p. 50 ; Eeichenuw, Mitth. Afrik. Gesellsch. i. p. 3 ; Bocage, Jorn. Acad. Sc. Lisb. xxix. 1880, p. 49 ; Hargitt, Ibis, 1883, p. 425 ; Shelley, t. c. p. 556. Ipoctonus lafi-esnayi, Cab. 8,- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 116 (1863). Picus lafresnayi, Sundev. Consp. Av. Ficin. p. 43, no. 127 (1866) ; Giebel, Thes'. Orn. iii. p. 162 (1876). Dendrocopus lafresnayi, Meichenow, J.f. O. 1877, p. 18. Adult male. Has the back, scapulars, rump, and upper tail-coyerts uniform golden olive, the upper tail-coverts tinged with red ; the lateral tail-feathers with bufFy-white marginal spots, not barred across. In other respects this species closely resembles D. zanzi- bari, but the dimension.s of B. lafresnayi are less. " Bill dark horn- colour ; feet dark greenish : iris clear brown" {Falkenstein). Total length b-b inches, culmen 0-73, wing 3-2, tail 1-7, tarsus 0-55 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-4, outer posterior O'o, inner anterior 0-3, inner posterior 0-2. Adult female. DiHers from the adult male in the absence of red on the head, the forehead and crown being dark brown, the occiput and nape black. Total length 5'5 inches, culmen 0-67, wing 3*2, tail 1'65, tarsus 0*6. Young (sex ?). The top of the head and the occiput are dark brown, the feathers of the crown being tipped with red ; the face and neck white, the underparts rather yellower, the former spotted, the latter entirely covered with faint dusky stripes, these bein" darker on the chest ; the back with only a trace of very indistinct dusky olive and yellowish bars. Bab. West Africa from the Congo (or further south, as it has been recorded by Reichenow from Malange in Angola) to the Gold 302 . PICID^E. Coast, and west to Casamanze {IIartlaul>) ; E(]uatoiial Africa (Tabbo, Emin Pacha). a, h. S 2 ^'^- sl^- Laiidana, Congo {Lucan ^ Shelley Coll. Petit), c, d. (5" 5 ad. sk. Congo. E. M. Sperling, Esq. [P.]. e. $ ad. sk. Shonga, R. Niger. Forbes Coll. ^f. Juv. sk. limine (AlchinTi). Sharpe Coll. g. S ad. sk. Tabbo, Equatorial Africa, Emiu I'acha [P.]. Way. 5. Dendropicus lepidus. Ipoctonus lepidus, Cab. Sf Heine, Mus. Ilein. iv. p. 118 (1863). Picus lepidus, Smidev. Cansp. Av. Picin. p. 44 (ISGOj ; Ileuf/l. Orn. A^.0.-.4/r. p. 807 (1871). Dendropicus lepidus. Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. G6 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 100, no. 8653 (1870); llaryitt, Ibis, 1883, p. 4:28. Adult male. From the description given by Cabanis and Heine, tbis species would appear to bear a very close resemblance to both D. lafresnaiji and D. sharpii in having the upper parts uniform, and from there being no mention of any red upon the upper tail- coverts it would come closer to the latter bird. The present species differs, however, from both the above-mentioned in having a broad ■postocular stripe (not so dark as the malar one) which neither of those possess, and agrees in this respect \\itb D. ahyssiincus, but the brilliant red upper tail-coverts of the latter, combined with the uniform back, clearly sejxirate it from all the other Dendropici. Female. Very like the male, but distinguished by the vertex and occiput being sraoky brown ; upper parts duller and somewhat varied with paler and more obsolete spots. Total length 5", wing 3" 1'", tail 1" 8'", culmcn 7'", tarsus G'", middle toe without claw 5'". (^Ex Cabanis >^- Heine.) JJah. Abyssinia. 6. Dendropicus sharpii. Dendropicus sharpii* Oustalet, K. Arch. Mus. (2) ii. p. 62 (1879); Haryitt, Ibis, 1883, p. 426. Adult male. Eack, scapulars, rump, and upper tail-coverts uni- form golden olive, the upper tail-coverts devoid of any red, and in this respect difl'eiing from D. lafresnayi, with which it is otherwise almost identical. Total length 4-5 inches, culmen 0-G8, wing 3-15, tail 1-8, tarsus 0-5 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-4, outer posterior 0"5, inner anterior 0-35, inner posterior 0-22. * I IwTe not seen any other examples of this species besides the types in the Paris Museum, from which my descriptions are taken. I am under the im- presiiiou that, when we have a series for comparison, D. sharpii will be found to be the same as D. lafresnayi. 20. DENDROPICUS, 303 Toimff male. Resembles the adult of the same sex but is duller above and has dusky bars ; the sinciput is darker, and the remainder of the crown and the occiput black, the featliers of the posterior half of the crown having scarlet tijis, this colour coming more forward on the crown than in the adult. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in wanting tlie red on the head, the sinciput being darker brown, the remainder of the crown and the occiput black. Total length 5 inches, culmen 0-6 wing 3-25, tail 1-6, tarsus 0-57. Ilah. Upper Ogowe lliver, West Africa. 7. Dendropicus abyssinicus. Pious abyssinicus, StanJei/ in Salt's Voi/. Ahijss. ii. App. p. Ivi (1814) ■ Riipp. Si/st Uebers. p. 95 (1845) ; Simdev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 44' no. 129 (1866). ' Dendrobates abyssinicus, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 437 (1845). Mesopicus desmursi, Malh. Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1849, p. 537. Cbloronerpes desmursi, Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 118 (1850, ex Cyauopicus muvsii, Bp. Consp. Vohtcr. Zyc/ocl. p. 10 (1854, ex Malh.). Oampetbera abyssiuica, Reichenb. Sea7is. 'Ficincp, p. 426 (1854). Erytbronerpes desmursii, i?e/c/;e?i6. Scans. Pici7icp, -a. 337 ('18.34 ev Malh.). ' ^ ^ ' Cbloronerpes (Erytbronerpes) desmursii, Reichenb. Sea7is. Picinee p. 356 (1854, ex Malh.). ' Dendromus abyssinicus, Hem/l. Si/st. Uebers. 1856, p. 47. Dendropicus desmursi, 3Ialh. Picickc, i. p. 202, pi. xlii.' fios. 5 & 6 (1801) ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. Mus. 1808, p. 65. ' ° ' Ipoctonus abyssinicus. Cab. Sf Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 116 (1863) • Salvacl. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genov. 1888, p. 210. ' Picus babessinicus, Heuyl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. p. 800 (1870, ex Cabanis) Dendrojncus abvssinicus, Gray, Hand-l. B. ii. p. 189 no SG-r^ 188?^ ' ^^"''^' ^''"' ^•^■'^'^■f''- '''• P- '^^•^''" ^^^"'^^ ' ^aryiit, Ibis, Dendropicus melanaucben, Heunl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. p. 808 nSTll- Haryitt, Ibis, 1883, p. 430 {ex Heuyl.). v y , Adult male. Has the upper parts and scapulars uniform golden olive, the lower feathers of the rump and the upper tail-coverts scarlet, these two characters separating it from all the other members of the genus. In other respects tbis species is almost identical \\-ith D. cardinalis, except that the shafts of the quills and rectrices are brown (not yellow) and the tail is entirely brownish black barred with buffer brownish buff, none of the feathers having a trace of the golden-olive colour found in that species : " iris bright chest- nut; bill and feet plumbeous" (Anthiori). Total length 6 inches culmen 0-8, wing 3-».5, tail 1-83, tarsus 0-G3 ; toes (without claws) —outer anterior 0-5, outer posterior 0-57, inner anterior 0-35, inner posterior 0"25. Young male *. Eescmblcs the adult male, but is of a duller green * The specimen from which this description is takeu is in the Leirlen Museum and IS the type of Heuglin's V. melaimu'ckcn. ' 304 piciD^. above, and marked with indistinct dusky bars ; the nape brownish black, this forming a conspicuous patch ; upper tail-coverts orange- red ; the auricular and malar stripes darker and of a dusky brown colour, and much more extended : " bill blackish-horn colour ; feet dusky lead-colour ; iris red " {Heuglin). Adult female. Has no red on the head, the forehead, entire crown, and occiput being uniform brown, and the nape dusky brown. In other respects like the adult male. Total length 6 inches, culmen 0*7, wing 3-75, tail 1'9, tarsus 0"62. Hah. Abyssinia and Shoa. a. cJ ad. sk, Shoa, Aug. 1, 1879 (A. Antinori). Shelley Coll. 8. Dendropicus gabonensis. Dendrobates gabonensis, J. Sf E. Verrcau.v, Rev. et Mag. de Zuol. 1851, p. 513 ; Hartl. J.f. O. 1854, p. 198. Dendrodromus nigriguttatus, Verr. MSS. (female). Dendropicus gabouensis, Bonap. Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 9 (1854) ; Reichenb. Scans. Picince, p. 429, no. 1012 f/ (1854) ; Hard. Orn. W.-Afr.^. 178(1857); Cass. Proc. Acad. Philad. 1859, p. 141; Heine, J.f. O. 1860, p. 191 ; Hartl. oj). cit. 1861, p. 263 ; Hargitt, Ibis, 1883, p. 444, pi. xii. fig. 1. Pardipicus nigriguttatus, Bonap. Consp. Volucr. Zggod. p. 9 (1854). Scolecotheres nigriguttatus, Reichenb. Scans. Picince, p. 429, no. 1012 c (1854). Dendromus (Pardipicus) uigTiguttatus, Hartl. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 182 (1857) ; id. J.f. 0. 1861, p. 264. Dendropicus nigriguttatus, Cass. Proc. Acad. Philad. 1859, p. 141. Chrvsopicus gabonensis, Malh. Picidce, ii. p. 149, pi. xci. figs. 1, 2 (1862). Ipopatis gabonensis. Cab. ^ Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 129 (1863). Picus gabonensis, Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 63 (1866). Campethera gabonensis, Cassin, Proc. Acad. Philad. 1863, p. 326 ; Gray, List Picid. Brit. 3Ius. p. 79 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 192, no. 8690 (1870). Adult male. Back, scapulars, rump, and upper tail-coverts uniform bright olive, the wing-coverts iiniform deeper olive ; quills blackish brown, the outer webs of the secondaries and the margins of the outer webs of inner primaries at the base bright olive, the outer primaries having a few dull white spots on the outer webs, the inner webs of all the quills with larger spots of white ; shafts dark brown ; tail blackish brown, the central feathers margined with olive at the base, the lateral ones having fulvescent whitish spots on both webs, and the whole with a trace of blackish bars or transverse marginal spots ; shafts clear brown ; nasal plumes brownish black ; forehead greenish brown ; crown and occiput scarlet ; sides of the face and neck greenish white striped with black ; a narrow black malar stripe ; chin, throat, and fore neck yellowish white, with triangular spots and stripes of black ; the whole of the underparts and under tail-coverts greenish yellow ; the chest and breast in realitj' strijjcd 20. DENDROPICUS. 305 with black, but having a spotted appearance, owing to the stripes contracting in the centre, and also from the yellow tips of the feathers concealing the basal part of those beneath ; the thighs are barred, but all the remaining underparts as well as the under tail- coverts are spotted with black : under wing-coverts and axillaries pale j'ellow, the former having rounded spots of black, the latter barred with the same. Total length 5 inches, culraen 0*8, wing 3"1, tail 1"55, tarsus 0-57 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'42, outer posterior 0"5, inner anterior 0"35, inner posterior (>2. Female. From Malberbe's description of this sex, it would appear to differ from the male mainly in the absence of red on the head, the whole of the top of the head being brown slightly washed with olive. Hab. Gaboon. a. cJ ad. sk. Gaboon. Purchased. 9. Dendropicus lugubris. Dendropicus lugubris, Hartl. Oni. W.-Afr. p. 178 (1857) : Harqitt, Ibis, 1883, p. 445, pi. xii. fig. 2 ; Biittik. Notes Leyd. Mus. 1885, p. 220 ; id. op. cit. 1886, p. 203. Campethera gabonensis {non Verr.), Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 17, no. 156 (1S71) ; id. Ibis, 1872, p. 68 ; SJtellei/ Hf Buckley, torn. cit. p. 287. Adult male, llesembles D. gabonensis, but differs in having the ear-coverts and a stripe behind uniform dark uniber-brown, and a broad malar stripe bordering the throat and fore neck of the same umber-brown colour ; the red confined to the occiput and nape and not extending (in the adult) on to the dark brown crown ; the under- parts and under tail-covcrts yellow, and (except the thighs which are barred) very broadlj' striped with deep olive ; under wing-coverts and axillaries pale yellow spotted with black : " iris carmineous ; bill greyish black ; feet greyish green " (Biittikofer). Total length 5 3 inches, culmen 0"75, wing 3'2, tail 1'45, tarsus O'o8 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0-42, outer posterior 0"5, inner anterior 0*35, inner posterior 0*25. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in wanting the red on the occiput and nape, these, as well as the forehead and crown, being brown. Total length 5'2 inches, culmen 0-75, wing 3-2, tail 1-45, tarsus 0'6. Yovni/ (se.v ?). In general plumage like the adult, but duller ; the point in which it differs from the adult of either sex is in having the olive-brown feathers of the crown as well as of the occiput tipped with dull scarlet. Ilab. Fantee ; Aguapim (Riis). a. (J ad. sk. Wassa Country. Capt. Cameron & Sir K. Burton [P.]. b. 2 ad. sk. Fantee. Mr. Aubinn [G.]. c. Juv. sk. Fautee. Sharpe Coll. d. cJ ad. sk. Fantee. A. Swanzy, Esq. [P.]. VOL. XVIII. X 306 PIClDJi. e. 2 ad. ; /. Imiii. Fantee (II. T. Ussher). Shelley Coll. sic. //, h. 2 ad. 8lv. Abouri, Ap-uapim, Feb. Shelley Coll. [G. E. .S".). <■'■ 2 ad.; k. J imm. Abouri, Ap:iia]iim, Feb. Shelley Coll. sk. [T. E. Biickleij). 21. THRIPIAS. Ihripias, Cab. ^- Ilcuid, Miis. Hem. iv. p. 121 (iSCio). . T. namaquiLs. Range. From Swazi-Land and the Transvaal extending westward into Damara-Land and Angola as far as Galungo ; on the east ranging north into Somali-Land and westward into Shea and the Niam-N'iam Country. Key to the Species. A. Chest and breast ban-ed like the rest of the underparts. a. Occiput and nape red naviaquns cS ad., p. 307. b' ^Yith no red ou the occiput or nape. . . . namaijuus 2 ad., p. 308. B. Cliest and breast black, spotted with white. c . Occiput and nape red schoensis c? ad., p. 309. d. With no red on the occiput or nape . . schoensis 2 ad., p. 309. 1. Thripias namaquus. Picus namaquus, Licht. Cat. rer. Kaf. Ilamb. p. 17, no. 17'J (1703) ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Piciti. p. 42, no. 122 (1866) ; Finsch ^ Hartl. Voff. Ostafr. p. 507 (1870) ; Bohm, J.f. O. 1883, p. 186. Pic a moustaches uoires, Tcmm. Cat. Syst. 1807, p. 213. Le Pic a double moustache, Leraill. Ois. d^Afr. vi. p. 22, pis. 251, 252 (1808) ; Simdev. Krit. Framsf. Lemill. p. 52 (1857). Picus mvstaceus, TieiU. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxvi. p. 73 (1818) ; £o}m\$- Vieill. Enc. Mi-th. iii. p. 1307 (1823). Picus puuctatus, Vieill. (non Cuv.) N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxvi. p. 89 (1818) ; Bonn. ^ Vieill. Enc. Meth. iii. p. 1316 (1823) ; Wayl. Syst. Av. Picus, sp. 37 (1827, ex Vieill.). Picus biarmicus, Cuv. in 3Ius. Paris; Valenc. Diet. Sc. Nat. xl. p. 176 (1826) ; Waql. Syst. Av. Picus, sp. 44 (1827) ; Less. Traite, i. p. 220 (1831) ; tiupi). Syst. TJebers. 1845, p. 85. Picus diophrys, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. p. 161 (1826). Dendromus punctatus, Stmins. (no7i Cuv.) Classif. B. ii. p. 307 (1837, e-r Wagl.) ; Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zygod. p. 9 (1854). Dendrobates namaquus. Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 437 (1849); Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 124 (1850) ; Strickl. ^- Sclat. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 155 ; Kirk, Ibis, 1864, p. 328 ; Bucage, Jorn. Lish. iv. 1867, p. 336 ; Layard, B. S. Afr. p. 236 (1867); Bocage, Jorn. Lish. viii. 1870, p. 348; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 134; Layard, Ibis, 1871, p. 227; Ayres, torn. cit. p. 261; Bocage, Jorn. Lisb. x\i. p. 286(1873); Buckley, Ibis, 1874, p. 368; Bocage, Jorn. Lisb. xxii. 1877, p. 143 ; id. Orn. Angola, p. 75 (1877) ; id. Jorn. 21. THRIPIAS. 307 Lisb. 1880, p. 232 ; Suasa, op. cit. 1880, p. 43 ; Sctlviu, Cat. SfrickL Coll. p. 392 (1882). Dendropicus mystaceus, Malh. Mem. Acad. Metz, 1849, p. 339. Campethera namaqua, Reichenh. Scans. Picince, p. 422, pi. dclxxii. figs. 4451,4452 (1851). Campethera punctata, Reichenb. Scans. Picince, p. 425 (1851, e.V Jleill.). Dendropicus namaqims, Bp. Consp. Valuer. Zygod.^. 9 (1854) ; Grai/, (1881). Dendropicus biarmicus, Malh. Picidce, i. p. 193, pi. xlii. fio-s. 4-6 (1861). Thripias naraaquus. Cab. ^ Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 121 (1863). Dendrobates schoensis {no7i Rlipp.), Shellei/, P. Z. S. 1881, p. 593. Mesopicus schoensis (non Riipp.), Harr/. Ibis, 1883, p. 410. Mesopicus decipieus *, Sharpe, Juurn. Linn. Soc. xvii. p. 430 (1884). Mesopicus nauiaquus. Hare/. Ibis, 1883, p. 407 ; Fischer, Madar. Zeitschr. gesamm. Orn. 1884, p. 368 ; Ayres, Ibis, 1887, p. 53 ; PiiUik. Notes Leyd. Mus. 1889, p. 69. Adult male. Back, scapulars, wing-coverts, and rump dusky olive, the upper tail-coverts more g-oldeu and tipped with yellow, the whole being covered with narrow crescentic or bar-like markings of dull white, the upper tail-coverts sometimes tinged with red ; quills dusky brown, spotted with white on both webs ; the outer webs of the secondaries aud of the primaries at the base washed with golden olive, this colour tinging the white spots ; shafts golden yellow ; tail dark brown, the feathers having narrow bar-like spots of huffy white on both webs, the latter being washed down each side of the shafts with golden olive; shafts golden yellow ; nasal plumes dull white tipped with black ; sinciput black spotted with white, posterior half of the crown and the occiput scarlet ; nape and hind neck black ; sides of the face and neck, chin and throat white, the side of the neck crossed by dusky bars ; a short auricular stripe of black, and a second broad black stripe bordering the throat and fore neck and quite separated from the former by a stripe of white ; chest and entire underparts and under tail-coverts dull white barred with dusky, with an olivaceous tinge, the under tail-coverts tinged with yellow ; under wing-coverts and axillaries white or slightly yellowish, barred with dusky brown or black : " bill dusky, with the under mandible lighter; irides bright garnet colour ; tarsi and feet pale dingj- olive-green " {T. Ai/res). Total length 8'5 inches, culmen l-4o, wing 5-2, tail 2-7, tarsus O'So ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'62, outer posterior 0-72, inner anterior 0-45, inner posterior 0*35. * Founded upon specimens of Tk. namaqiriis which have the auricular stripe more or less bordering the ear-coverts posteriorly, and described by me in the ' Ibis,' lor 1883, p. 410, as Mcsapiciis schoensis. Further examination of specimens shows me tliat M. decipieus is synonymous with Thripias namaquiis, as the supposed difTerences are not constant, nor confined to any geographical area. x2 308 Yoking male, llesemblcs the adult male, but. is duller in colour ; the shafts of the quills arc ncarlj- white ; the barring on the tail more distinct, and the duskj- bars on the linderparts narrower: " iris pinkish brown " {on lahd). Adult female. Has no red upon the posterior half of the crown nor on the occiput, these parts being black, the forehead and crown spotted with white. Total length 8-5 inches, culmen 1-4, wing 5*4, tail 2-7, tarsus 0-75. Ifab. Southern and Central Africa ; on the east, from Swazi-Land and the Transvaal north to Zanzibar and probablj* into Masai-Land, and on the west, from Damara-Land north into Angola as far as Galungo. a. 2 ad. sk. 6, c. cJ ad. sk. d, e. (S 2 ^d. sk. /. 2 ad. sk. ff, h. cJ 2 ad. sk. i. S ad. sk. Tc. 2 ad. sk. I, m. (S 2 ad. sk. n. (S ad. sk. 0, p. (S 2 ad. sk. q. cj ad. sk. r. (S ad. sk. s. 5 iuam. sk. t. 2 ad. sk. u. 2 ad. sk. Zambesi {Dr. Miller). Ugop'o, Zambesi {Sir J. Kirk). Tette, Zambesi. MakaLika, Zambesi {Dr. Bradshmv). Ilamaqueban River, July {F. Gates). Motlontse River, nr. Tati, Aug. (F. Oates). Transvaal {Ayi-es). Transvaal, July {T. E. Buckley). Swazi-Laod, July {T. E. Buckley ). Oudonga, Damara-Land, Jan. ( C. J. Andersson). Otjimbiuque, March (C. J. Anderssun). River Okavango, Damara- Land, May {C.J.Andersso7i). Ombongo,Damara-Laud,J uly {C. J. Andersson). Rio Chimba, Benguella {Anchieta). Loanda, Sept. Tweeddale Coll. Shelley Coll. Livingstone E.xped. Shelley Coll. C. G. & VV. E. Oates, Esqrs. [P.]. C. G. & W. E. Oates, Esqrs. [P.]. Sharpe Coll. Shelley Coll. Shelley Coll. Sharpe Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Shelley Coll. Sharpe Coll. J. J. Monteiro, Esq. [C.]. 2. Tliripias schoensis. Picas (Dendrobates) schoQWf'if,, Riipp. Mus. Sencken. iii. p. 124 (1842) ; Finseh if Hartl. Voy. Ostafr. p. 509 (1870). Dendrobates schoeusis, Bi'ipp. Sy.-f. Uebers. 1845, p. 88, pi. xxxiii. ; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. -i'-'u (1^4S)); Bp. Consp. Gen. Av. i. p. 124 (1850) ; Heuyl. Syst. Uebers. 1856, p. 47. Dendropicos schoensis, Mcdh. 3Iem. Acad. Metz, 1849, p. 339. Deudropicus schoensis, Bp. Consp. Voliwr. Zyyod. p. 9 (1854) ; Malh. Ficida, i. p. 195, pi. xlii. tig. 8 (1861) ; Grai/, List Field,. Brit. Mus.^. 70 (1868); id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. lUO,'no. 8665 (1870); Dubois, Bull. Mus. R. eVHist. Nat. Bely. 1886, p. 147. Canipetliera schoensis, Beichenb, Scatts. Ficince, p. 422, pi. dclxxii. figs. 4447-4448(1854). Thripias schoensis, Cab. S)- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 121 (1863). 22. ITNGinCTJS. 309 Picus schoensis, Sundev. Consp. Av. ricin. p. 42, no 19.3 nsfifi^ • Picus schoauus, Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. p. 809 (1871) Mesopicus schoensis, Sharpe, Jouni. Linn. Soc. xvii. p. 430 (1884). Adult male. Differs from Th. namaqmcs in havin- the chest and upper part of the breast brownish black, spotted with white There IS scarcely any olive tinge either above or below, the back being much darker and the barnng below also blacker; the black stripe wSr"? ^'f^'^l^' f™"^ ^^^ ^ye unites with the black stripe which borders the throat and fore neck and encircles these by its junction with he black chest. Total length 9 inches, culmen 1-5 rinr?)^-9' ! ' ^•'"'. '^■^' ' ^''' (^^^t^°^t claws)-outer ante- rior 0 t>2, outer posterior 0-7, inner anterior 0-6, inner posterior 0-35. Advlt female ^^ ants the red on the hind part of the crown and on the occiput,_ these being uniform bhick, like the hind neck In other respects it resembles the adult male. Total length 9 inches culmen 1-42, w.ng 5-25, tail 2-6, tarsus 0-85. ft'!^!'T'^^'^^''^^ ''^^^ ^^^ Ni^m-Mam Country (^oAHcZor#') and Wakkala (Ernin Pacha), and east into Somali-Land. "^ ^ It. 2 ad. sk. ^, c. J 5 ad. sk. Somali-Land. Muscharek, Gazelle River, Nov. E. Lort Phillips, Esq. rP.l. F. Bohndorff[C.]. 22. lYNGIPICUS. Yungipicus, Bp. Consp. Volucr. Zijgod. no. 67 (1854) I hat' Eseopipo, Cab. S,- Heine, 3Ius. Hein. iv. p. 64 (1863) ' ' I auri Ipophilus, Cab ^- Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 113 (1863)" ^" ' Type, 'dwiekii. itus. I. obsoletus. Wiug of lyngipicm auritits. Bange. Throughout India and Ceylon ; Assam ; the Burmese Provinces, Siam, and Cochin China ; through the Malayan Peninsula A ^"matra Java, Lombock, and Flores, Borneo, Celebes, the Sulu and the Philippme Isles; north into China, Hainan, and Formosa • 31 U PlCID^li). the Loo Choo Islands, Coroa, Eastern Siberia, apan, and into the Ivurile Islands. Appearing again in Africa, from Senaar, through Kordofan, south to Bongo and Laugomeri, and west into Seue- gambia *. Key to the Species f. A. Above black and white, the white uniform or barred. «'. With red occipital band ; upper tail- coverts and four central rectrices uniform [p. 312. black sennco7-onatus cJ ad., b'. With a longitudinal red stripe on each side of the occiput. a". Upper tail-covortsand four central rec- trices uniform black. a'". White superciliary stripe united with the white on the side of the neck. «*. Underparts striated. «\ Lateral rectriceswith faint dusky bars, o". Smaller: upper back brownish black ; the lower back as well as the rump more or less barred; with a less conspi- cuous white patch on the side of the neck and on the wing- coverts scinfillireps (^ nd., p. 313. ¥. Larger : upper back intense black ; remainder of back and the rump white, the latter more or less barred ; with very conspicuous white patch on the side of the neck and on the wing-coverts doerriesi cJ ad., p. 314. h^. Lateral rectrices distinctly barred with black. c^. Larger : length 6 inches, wing 3'7 ; middle back partially, the lower back and rump distinctly barred kaleensis S *id., p. 315. d^. Smaller: length 5'2 inches, wing 3-47 ; the whole of the white of the back and rump distinctly barred pi/fftncpiis cJ ad., p. 316. 6'. Underparts spotted ; middle and lower back, also the rump, white, the latter barred icattersi cS ad., p. 317. * The range in Africa is that of I. ohsoletus, the generic characters of whicli are those of an lyngipicus. t The females of the species comprised in this genus differ only from the males in the absence of red on tlie head, in the form of either a stripe on the side of the occiput, or of an occipital band. i 22. ITNGIPICUS. . 311 //". White superciliary stripe not joining; the white on the side of the neclf. c*. Top of the hvad brown ; outer webs of the primaries with not more than live spots kizuhi ^ ad., p. 318. (IK Top of the head ashy grey ; with six spots on the outer webs of some of the primaries seehohmi S fid., p. 319. e'. Top of the head nearly black ; ground-colour of the underparts fulvescent, contrasting witli the pure wliite chin and throat ; with not more than four spots on the outer webs of the primaries .... nit/rescens cJ ad., p. 320. fy. Upper tail-coverts barred witli white or with white squamate markings, c'". The four central rectrices uniform black, y. Chest and breast conspicuously waslied with reddish orange ; outer [p. 320. webs of primaries spotted aurunHiventris ^ ad., (/'. Chest and breast without any tinge of orange pumilus ^ ad., p. 321. d'". Central rectrices as well as the lateral ones spotted. h\ Underparts striated. c'. Crown and occiput bordered with black ; nape black. e*. Crown ashy grey. «^. Ear-coverts riifescent brown ; malar stripe dusky cajiicapillus S ad., p. 322. b' . \\"\t\\ blackish-brown ear- coverts and a blackish stripe bordering the throat and fore neck picatus J ad., p. 324. /*. Crown dark brown. e'. Underparts clearly striated. «*. Larger : with four spots on the central rectrices . grandis cJ ad., p. 325. b^. Smaller : with not more than three spots on the central rectrices auritus c? ad., p. 326. d'. Underparts faintly striated . najius (S ad., p. 327. rZ\ Crown and occiput not bordered with black ; nape not black. y*^. Top of the head, nape, and ear- coverts cinuamon-brown .... hardicickii (S ad., p. 328. A®. Top of the head, nape, and ear- coverts dark brown ^jewj?2.:d). It is therefore very pi-obable that it was from such a specimen that Malherbe's P. meniscus wns c!escribed, and tlie above-mentioned birds being undoubted I. semicoronatus, I cannot regard Malherbe's species as a valid one. 22. lYNGIPICUS. 313 coverts and the quills on both webs spotted with the same : shafts blackish brown ; upper tail-coverts and the four central tail-feathers uniform black, the lateral tail-feathers dusky brown, margined and barred with huffy white ; shafts blackish brown ; forehead and crown ashy brown ; occipital band scarlet ; nape and hind neck black ; nasal plumes and lores huffy white ; face fulvescent, the side of the neck and a superciliary stripe extending to it white, the whole more or less streaked with blackish brown, the auricular region having a broad stripe of this colour ; the malar region dusky ; chin and upper throat white ; the whole of the under surface of the body fulvescent, striated with blackish brown ; the under tail-coverts fulvescent, with broader brown central stripes ; under wing-coverts and axillaries fulvescent white, the former spotted with black : " bill plumbeous ; irides red ; feet brown " {Jcrdoii). Total length 4'9 inches, culmen 0-65, wing 3-3, tail I'To, tarsus 055 ; toes (without claws)— outer anterior 0*4, outer posterior U'5, inner anterior 0"35, inner posterior 0-2. Adult female. Differs from the adult male in wanting the red occipital band. Total length 4-8 inches, culmen 0-62, wing 3-3, tail 1-65, tarsus 0-6. Bab. Sikhim, Bhotan, Assam (Khasia and Naga Hills). a. c? ad. ; 6, c. 5 ad. sk. (^-^>. cJad. et imm. ; q-x. 5 ad. sk. y. S ad._; z,a'. $ ad. et imni. sk. b'. (S ad. sk. c',d' . (S ad.; e',f', ff'. 2 ad. sk. h', {'. (5 $ ad. sk. k', /'.cJad. etinim.; m', n'. 5 ad. sk. o'. 5 ad. sk. p. c? ad. sk. q". (5' iuim. sk. Native Sikhim, March, Oct. (Z. Mandelli). Sikhim, Jan., Feb., March, June, Aug., Oct., Nov. (L. Mandelli). Darjeeliug, March. Darjeeling. Bhotan Doars, Jan., Feb., April (i. Mandelli). Khasia Hills {T. C. Jerdon). N. Khasia Hills, Nov., Jan. {A. W. Chennell). Naga HiUs [H.H.Godwin-Austen). Jevpore, Assam. ShiUong, July 1877 (J.Cockburn). Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Gould Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Hume Coll. 2. lyngipicus scintilliceps. Picas sp., Swinhoe, Ibis, 18G1, p. 340. Picas scintilliceps, Swin/ioe, Ibis, 1863, p. 96 ; Sundev. Consp. Av. Picin. p. 27 (1866) ; Graij, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 41 (1868) ; id. Hand-l. B. ii. p. 183, no. 8^77 (1870). Bseopipo scintilliceps, Cab. Sf Heine, Mus. Hein. Th. iv. p. 55 (1863). Picas canifrons, Sundev. Consp, Av. Picin. p. 26 (1866). Yungipicas scintilliceps, Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 392 ; David ^■ Oust. Ois. Chine, p. 50 (1878). Ivngipicus scintilliceps, Huryitt, Ibis, 1882, p. 33 ; Gould, B. Asia, vi. " pi. xxi. (1882) ; Styan, Ibis, 1887, p. 229. Adult male. Upper back, scapulars, and upper tail-coverts brownish black, the middle and lower back as well as the rump white, the two latter more or less barred with black ; wing-coverts and quills 314 PICID-E. brownish black, the median and the greater coverts partly white, tliis forming a conspicuous patch ; both webs of quills spotted with white ; shatts brownish black ; the four central tail-feathers uniform brownish black, the next feather externally margined with brownish white; the two outer large feathers on either side more or less brownish white, with indistinct dusky brown bars on the apical portion ; shafts black; top of the head ashy grey, the occiput, nape, and hind neck black ; on the side of the occiput a stripe of scarlet ; nasal plumes, lores, sides of the face and neck huffy white, the ear- coverts and a stripe behind pale umber-brown malar stripe dusky ; chin and throat white ; entire under surface of the body brownish white, slightly fulvescent, striped with black or brownish ; the under tail-coverts brownish white with faint brown streaks ; under wing- coverts and axillaries smoky white, the former with a conspicuous black patch and a few small spots of black : " iris red ; bill horny bluish ; feet bluish" (David). Total length 6 inches, culmen 0"G7, M'ing 3'9, tail 2*2, tarsus 0'65 ; toes (withoiit claws) — outer anterior O'-i, outer posterior 0'47, inner anterior 0'3, inner posterior 0'2. A\ Consp. Av. Picln. p. 2G (1866) ; Grcnj, List Picid. Brit. Mus. p. 38 (1868) ; id. Iland-l. B.\\. p. 183, no. 8565 (1870). Dendrotypes nesiotis, Cab. ^ Heine, Miis. Hein. Th. iv. p. 49 (1863). Yuiigipicus kaleensis, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 392; Havid ^- Ous- talet, Ois. Chine, p. 50 (1877). lyngipicus kaleensis, Hargitt, Ibis, 1882, p. 32. Adult male. Resembles /, scintillictps, but is smaller, and the white of the plumage is less developed ; the middle back is partially and the lower back and rump are evenly and distinctly barred with black ; the lateral tail-feathers are also very clearly barred with black, and the underparts are more fulvescent and have broader striations. " In October, bill light leaden grey, blackish towards the tip, and tinged with greenish yellow at basal half of lower mandible ; irides reddish brown ; legs greenish grey ; claws same witli pale bases " (Swinhoe). Total length 6 inches, culmen 0-77, wing 3'7, tail 2"05, tarsus 0*63 ; toes (without claws) — outer anterior 0'45, outer posterior 0'53, inner anterior U'35, inner posterior 0-25. Adult female. Wants the red stripe on the side of the occiput, but otherwise resembles the adult male. Total length 5*8 inches, culmen 0-75, wing 3"S5, tail 2"15, tarsus 0'(i5. Hah. The island of Formosa, and Eastern China, from Fokien south into the island of Hainan. a, b. (S ad. et imm. ; c. 5 ad. sk. d. $ ad. sk. e. d' ad ; /. 5 imm. sk. g, h.