In September 1971 when the Sub-Department of Ornithology waa established at Tring, the Bird Section Library was transferred there. Ornithological books marked 'Z» in this printed catalogue nay, therefore, be at TriAg,nowf instead of, or as well as, in the Zoological Department Library. The card catalogues in the Catalogue Room have been altered to show present locations. CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY OF THE BEITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, MAPS AND DEAWINGS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). VOL. I. A— D. LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. SOLD BY LONGMANS & CO., 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, B.C.; B. QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W. ; DDLAU & CO., 37 SOHO SQUARE. W. ; KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., CHARING CROSS ROAD, W.C. ; AND AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CROMWELL ROAD, 8.W. 1903. [All rights reserved.] HUNTED lu- ll* I'M , WAIBON AND VINEY, LD. LONDON AND AYLE8BURI. PREFACE. fTTHE Collection of Books, Maps, &c., in the Natural History branch of the Museum had its origin in the several libraries attached to the Departments of Zoology, Geology, Mineralogy and Botany. These were considerably supple- mented during and after the removal of the Natural History Collections to South Kensington by extensive purchases, for which a special vote was obtained from Parliament. At the same time the General Library was formed to receive those works whose subject-matter concerned more than one of the Departments. Subsequent accessions to these libraries have been procured by purchase, exchange or donation. Thus, although some lacunae still remain to be filled, there has been formed one of the finest and most complete collections of Works on Natural History ever brought together. This collection must naturally be of interest to many besides those who have opportunity for personally consulting it, and hence it has been deemed advisable to publish the Catalogue under authors' names in such form that it may be of service both to Students of Natural History and to Bibliographers generally. To this end information concerning the contents, or the dates of serial issue of important Avorks, and other bibliographical data have been included in notes, while the style of printing adopted renders the work available for use as a Card Catalogue. The complete Catalogue will, it is estimated, comprise some sixty thousand entries, so that the present volume contains about one-fourth. These entries have been compiled, with some clerical aid, by Mr. B. B. Woodward, the Assistant in charge of the General Library; and the printed volume has been edited by him, with the assistance of the following representatives from the several departments : — For Geology, Dr. Henry Woodward (and since his retire- ment, Dr. A. Smith Woodward); for Mineralogy, Mr. L. Fletcher; for Botany, Mr. J. Britten; and for Zoology, Prof. F. J. Bell. E. RAY LANKESTER, Director. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), June 27, 1903. INTRODUCTION. Author Catalogue of the Books, Maps, MSS. and Drawings in the Natural History -I- Departments of the British Museum has been prepared on lines corresponding to those adopted in most of the large public libraries, while opportunity has been taken to make it available for the purposes of the now indispensable Card Catalogue by repeating the heading to each entry. The term " Book " has been held, so far as this Catalogue is concerned, to include " any separate work, separately issued " ; but of the large number of separata in use in the Museum, only those have been included which have been reprinted from publications not represented in the Collection, or which, consisting of more than twenty pages, do not bear the original pagination. In the case of a few important monographs, however, this last rule has been relaxed. The title of the work from which each extract has been taken is appended in abbreviated form in a note to the entry. Four subject headings, viz. "Atlases," "Dictionaries," " Encyclopaedias " and "Gazetteers," have been included on the ground of their great importance, especially to the members of the Museum staff, for whose use this "Catalogue is primarily intended. For the rest, the entries are ranged under the names of the authors of the various works. Should no author's name, real or assumed, be given anywhere in the work, the book is then catalogued under the principal word or words of the title, preference being given to such as most clearly define the contents. Societies and Corporate Bodies are considered to be authors of their publications, and are entered: — (a) English, Colonial and American Societies, with such others as are not local, directly under their proper name ; (6) all others under the name of the place in which their headquarters are situate. Official accounts of Surveys and Explorations undertaken by any Government are placed under the name of the country issuing them. Magazines and Journals of a similar character are entered under the first words of the title, omitting articles. Maps are entered in the first instance under the name of the country charted. Cross-references are freely given in all cases where they will facilitate research ; but, with the view of avoiding undue extension, no cross-references have been given from the names of editors of the publications of Societies, when acting in an official capacity ; nor from the names of editors, translators or the writers of formal prefaces who have not contributed original matter to the works in connection with which their names appear ; while in the case of those Societies' publications in which each memoir has a separate pagination, cross-references are only given under the authors of such papers as relate to Natural History. The arrangement of the entries under each heading is primarily chronological, but any collected editions of an author's complete works, or of some of them, are always viii INTRODUCTION. placed first ; while works the dates of which cannot be ascertained, MSS. and original drawings are put last. Successive editions of a work immediately succeed the first, and translations follow the original work. The serial publications of Societies, etc., precede any separate works issued by them, while the titles of Maps are put at the very end of the heading to which they belong. Titles in Russian and Servian characters have been transliterated on the system adopted some years ago by the Museum in association with the principal scientific societies, and published in "Nature," Vol. XLI, February 27, 1890, pp. 396-7.» Titles in Japanese characters have been transliterated by Prof. R. K. Douglas or by members of the Japanese Embassy, to whom also the Editor is greatly indebted for the appended translations. Translations are also given of the titles of works written in Russian, Polish, Hungarian and other Eastern languages, and in this matter the Editor has to thank members of the staff of the Printed Book Department of the British Museum for their help. In addition to the indispensable assistance rendered by members of the staff whose names are given in the Preface, the editor has received very considerable aid from many colleagues. He desires more especially to express his obligations to Mr. G. A. Boulenger and Mr. G. C. Crick for the great help they have given in reading the proofs, as well as to Dr. F. A. Bather for co-operation with respect to Swedish titles. To Mr. C. Davies Sherborn the Editor is peculiarly indebted : all the valuable bibliographical data brought together by him, in the course of his work on the " Index Animalium," having been freely made available for the purposes of this Catalogue, in which much of the information so obtained now appears for the first time. B. B. WOODWARD. * Table used for the transliteration of Russian and Servian titles. a A i J o 0 u y b C i H 03 V ui M c K i fl P 11 v B ch M J If r P ya fl r ji> t T *h HC g' Tj m M th 0 ' 'I, gh r n 11 tz H b i I n' II. CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS, MAPS, &c., IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). — > after a date or the number of a volume indicates that the set is in progress, t in the same position implies that no more has been published. [ ] encloses words, dates, etc., that have been supplied. . . . denotes the omission of a word or words from the body of the title. ._ A., A. British Algae. [By A. A., i.e. Mrs. A. Atkins.] J5 3 Vol. fol. H[ahtead] P[ark, 18— to] 1853. 411 pis. of Cyanotype Photograph*, in 3 Vol., each with a title-page and contents, the latter followed in Vol. in by the contents of an Appendix, at the foot of which is a notice signed " A. A." Vol. i of this copy wants the second folio, inscribed "Photographs of British Alga?. Cyanotype Impressions," the third or preface, signed " A. A.," and the fourth or dedication. A., .T. An examination of Dr. Woodward's Account of the Deluge ... By J. A., 8". Aarait, 1878-> AARDRIJKSKUNDIG GENOOTSCHAP. See AMSTERDAM. AARGAUISCHE NATURFORSCHENDE GE- SELLSCHAFT. See AARAU. AARON (EUGENE M.) Papilio . . . Edited by E. M. z Aaron. Vol. iv. See NEW YOKK ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB. 8°. 1884. Aaron (E. M.) See ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS . . . Editor -, E. M. Aaron, . jcv, 214 : 104 pis. col. 2 Vol. fol. .London, 17Q7. Abbot (J.) Drawings of the Insects of Georgia, Ac. 17 Vol. 4°. 1792-1804. Original wMer-colnur drawings with MS. descriptions. ABBOTT (CHARLES CONRAD) [1843-] Catalogue of Vertebrate Animals of New Jersey. See NEW JERSEY, Stuff of.— Geological Survey. Geology of New Jersey. Appendix E. 8". 1868. Abbott (C. C.) Upland and Meadow : a Poaetquissings chronicle. /agc in Arabic. ABD EL KADEB. See 'ABD-AL-!\ADIR IBN MUHYI AL-DfN. ABDULLAH-BET [pse*rf£/.e. CARL EDUARD HAM- MK.RSCHMIDT] [1800^18(4] Enumeration des^ossiles Devoniens recueittis par . . . Abdullah-Bpjr dans les environs de Constantinople et decrits vtCr E. de Ver- neuil. — TpJsteau des Fossiles Paleozoj«[ues rapport6s de 1'Asie^^rtineure. See TcHiHATjafEFF (P. DE) Asie Mixture, Ac. It. iv, PaleontpkJgie. 8". & 4°. 1869. ABEILLE, L'. Memoires ([after Tom. xi] Journal) d'Entomologie j>ar M. S. A. de Marseul. (Continue -7 par la Societe Entomologique de France.) Tom. i-xxvn. 12°. Paris, 1864-92. Alto divided into Series of 6 Vol. each (except the last, which stops at Vol. in). The pagination is highly Irregular, that of the various sections and memoirs being carried on from volume to volume. _, Publie par la Societe Entomologique de France, Ac. Tom. XXVHI-* 8". Paris, 1892-* A ABEILLE (Louis PAUL) [1719-1807] Observations . . . sur 1'Histoire Naturelle . . . de Buffon et Dau- benton. [With an Introduction by L. P. Abeille.1 See MALESHERBES (C. G. DE L. DE) 4°. An vi (1798). ABEILLE DE PEBBIN (ELZKAR) Notes pour servir a 1'histoire des Malachides. pp. 4- &v MADRID. — SOCIEDAD KSPANOLA DE IIISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, Ac. Tom. XXIII. 8". 1894. ABEL (CLARKE) [1780-1826] Narrative of a Journey in the interior of China, and of a Voyage to and from that country in ... 1816 and 1817, Ac. pp. .n>i, 4~0 : 1C, jilt., 4 IIMI'M, tfft Must. 4". London, 1818. AffnAlt conlniia :—" Characters and descriptions of three new species of Plant* found In China. ... By R. Drown." ABEL (EuGKNius) Orphci Lithica . . . Recensuit E. Abel. SeeORVHKVS. 8". 1881. ABEL (GOTTLIEB FRIEDRICH) & Reitter (J. D. VON) Abbildung der liundert Deutschen Wilden Holz- Artcn, Ac. Sn- liKiTTEi: (J. D. VON) it ABEL (G. F.) 4". 1790-94. M Abel ((}. F.) it Reitter (J. D. VON) Beschreibung „ . . . der in Deutschland seltener wildwachsenden und . . . naturalisirteu Holz-Arten, Ac. See REITTER (J. D. VON) & ABEL (G. F.) 4". 1803. ABEL (HEISKICH KASPAR) D. H. C. Abelii, neu . . . medicinisches Krauter-Paradiess-Bartlein [sic] . . . Nebst g einer . . . Vorrede und Erorterung einiger botanischen Fragen. pp. 24,240 [50]. \'$'.Fra'nckfurtam,Mayn,\'l\9. ABEL (J. C. A. M.) Die Conchylien in dem Natural- ^ kabinet . . . des . . . Bischofs von Konstanz. (Nach- ' trag), Ac. pp. [xvi,] 282 (38). 8°. Bregenz, 1787. ' ABEL (LOTHAR) Die Baumpflanzungen in der Stadt ,-, und auf dem Lande, Ac. pp. riii, 138. 8". Wien, 1882. fcr ABELEVEN (Tn. H. A. J.) Nederlandsch Kruid- kvmdig Archief . . . onder redactie van . . . T. H.A. J. r, Abeleven. Ser. II, Deel i-> >SVe NIMEGUEN.— NEDERLANDSCHE BOTANISCHE VEREENIGING. 8°. 1871-> Abeleven (T. H. A. J.) & Gevers Deynoot (P. M. E.) Flora Noviomagensis, Ac. See GEVERS DEYNOOT (P. M. E.) & ABELEVEN (T. H. A. J.) 8°. 1848. ABELIN (JOHANN PHILIPP). See GOTTFRIED (JOHANN LUDWIG) pseud. ABELLA T CASARIEGO (ENRIQUE) Dates topo- grafico-geologicos del concejo de Teverga, provincia de Oviedo. pp. (i: 1 UMp. See SPAIN. — (Jomision del Geologico. Boletin, Ac. Tom. IV. 8". 1877. Abella y Casariego (E.) Memoria acerca de los criaderos auriferos del segundo distrito del departa- mento de Mindanao. Misamis. — Itineraries geologicos. Observaciones tomadas al paso en los viajes hechos & las comarcas auriferas de Misamis. (Islas Filipinas.) — Catalogo descrii)tivo de las rocas que constituy_en esencialmente los terrenes recorridos en los itineraries geologicos referentes a las comarcas auriferas de Misamis. (Filipinas.) pp. 40 : 5 pis. See SPAIN.— Gomuidn del Mapa Geologico. Boletin, Ac. Tom. vi. 8°. 1879. Abella y Casariego (E.) Apuntes fisicos y geologicos tornados en el viaje de Nueva Vizcaya a Manila, p See SPAIN. — Cominon del MajM Geolot/ico. Boletin, Ac. Tom. x. 8°. 1883. Abella y Casariego (E.) El mayon 6 volcsln de Albay (Filipinas). pp. lit : 2 pis. See SPAIN.— Cowisio'n del I Mnpa Geologico. Boletin, Ac. Tom. xi. 8". 1884. Abella y Casariego (E.) El Monte Maquilin (Fili- )iinas) y sus actuates emanaciones volcanicas. pp. ,.'.', : .' pis. See SPAIN. — (Jomision del Mapa Geologico. Boletin, Ac. Tom. xi. 8°. 1884. Abella y Casariego (E.) Emanaciones volcanicas sub- ordinadas al Malinao (Filipinas). pp. 10 : .1 pis., tr.'-t illitxt. See SPAIN. — C'omixiiln del Mapa Geologico. Boletin, Ac. Tom. xi. 8°. 1884. Abella y Casariego (E.) La Isla de Biliran y sus ay.ufralus. pp. II : l.iitap. See Sp/UN. — Collision / M,,,*t G,,Jn,jiro. Boletin, Ac. ' Tom.'xi: '8". 1884. Abella y Casariego (E.) Rapida descripcion fisica, fcdlogica y minera de la Isla de Cebii (ArchiiMelago , 'ilipino). pp. 187 : S pis., 2 mam col. See SPAIN. del Mapa Geologico. Boletin, Ac. Tom.xni. 8". 'ilipi — Comigion ABENDBOTH (ABRAHAM AUGUST) 4" others. [Icone-s Plantarum . . . ediderunt P. D. Giseke . . . A. A. Abendroth, Ac.] Sn GISEKE (P. D.) A others. fol. [1777-78?] z £> ABENDROTH (ERNST ROBERT) Ueber Morphologic und Verwandtschaftsverhiiltnisse der Arachniden. In- augural-Dissertation, d-c. pp. 64. 8°. Leipzig, 1868. ABENDROTH (GuiLiELMus FRIDERICUS) [1802- 1863] l)e Coffea. Dissertatio inauguralis, &c. )>/>. 4~- 4°. Liptiae, 1825. ABERCROMBIE (JOHN) [1726-1806] The Garden Mushroom, (fv. />;>. !>.'/. 8*1 London, 1779. Abercrombie (J.) The Gardeners Pocket Journal and Annual Register, &c. pp. [iv,] 251. 12°. London, 1789. Abercrombie (J.) & Mawe (T.)^ .The Universal ( Jardener and Botanist . . . Second Edition, &c. See MAWE (T.) & ABERCROMBIE (J.) 4". 1797. ABERDEEN. -University. The . . . Calendar, &c. 1887-8-» 8". Aberdeen, 1887-5> ABERDEEN NATURAL HISTORY 8OCIETT. See EAST OF SCOTLAND UNION OF NATURALISTS' SOCIETIES. ABERDEEN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. See EAST OF SCOTLAND UNION OF NATURALISTS' SOCIETIES. ABERG (PEHR EDUARD) Dissertatio ... in geo- graphica Plantarum per partem provinciae Casanensis distributione illustranda periculum sistens . . . Respon- dente P. E. Aberg, &c. See WIRZEN (J. E. A.) 8°. 1839. ABERLE (CARL) [-18921 Vergleichende Zusammen- stellung der gebrauchlicheren Pflanzensysteme und statistische Uebersicht der Artenzahl und Verbreitung der Ordnungen (Familien) der lebenden und fossilen Gefasspflanzen. pp. iv, 132. 4°. Wien, 1876. Aberle (C.) Die Gefasspflanzen des k. k. botanischen Gartens zu Salzburg. Thl. I-H, lift. It. 8°. Wien, 1876-77. Mittheil. Oesell. Salzburger Landeskunde. Bd. XVH. ABERNETHY (JOHN) [1764-1831] An enquiry into . Mr. Hunter's Theory of Life, &c. pp. 95. 8*. London, 1814. A new Edition, pp. 79. L 8". London, 1821. Abernethy (J.) [Physiological Lectures, exhibiting a general view of Mr. Hunter's Physiology, and of his re- searches in Comparative Anatomy, . 75. 8". London, 1821. ABERT (J. W.) [Natural History observations in the western United States.] See UNITED STATES. Notes of a . reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth, &c. Appendix 6. 8°. 1848. ABERYSTWITH.— University College of Wales. [Founded 1872.] The Scientific Society. First report, for . . . 1892-93. 8°. [Atoryttmtk, 1893.] ABICH (OTTO WILHELM HERMANN VON) [1806-1886] [Vues illustratives de quelques phenomenes geologiques, prises sur le Vesuve et 1 Etna, pendant . . . 1833 et 1834. fol. Paris & Strasbourg, 1836.] Wanting. — [Another edition.] (Erlauternde Abbildungen, . VI, Tom. ix, Pt. 1, [No. 1.] 4°. 1859. Abich (O. W. H. VON) Ueber das Steinsalz und seine geologische Stellung im Russischen Armenien. pp. 92 : II pis. cd. See ST. PETERSBURG.— ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Ser. VI, Tom. ix, Pt. 1, [No. 2.] 4°. 1859. Abich (O. W. H. VON) Vergleichende Grundziige der Geologie des Kaukasus wie der Armenischen und Nordpersischen Gebirge. pp. 174: 8 pis. (3 col.), text illust. See ST. PETERSBURG.— ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Ser. VI, Tom. ix, Pt. 1, [No. 8.] 4°. 1859. [Advance copy entitled :] Vergleichende geologische Grundziige der Kaukasischen Armenischen und Nord- persischen Gebirge, &c. 4". St. Petersburg < d~ Leipzir/,1858. Differs from the preceding in the title-page and in having a Vorwort and Zusiitze. Abich (O. W. H. VON) Beitrage zur Palaontologie des Asiatischen Russlands. pp. 41 : 8 pis., text illust. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, d-c. Ser. VI, Tom. ix, Pt. 1, [No. 9.] 4". 1859. Abich (O. W. H. VON) Sur la Structure et la Geologie du Daghestan. pp. 32 : 1 pi. cd. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, d'C. Ser. VII, Tom. IV, No. 10. 4". 1862. Abich (O. W. H. VON) Ueber eine im Caspischen Meere erschienene Insel nebst Beitragen zur Kenntniss der Schlammvulkane der Caspischen Region, pp. viii, 151 [5] : 1 pi. cd., 3 maps geol. cd. See ST. PETERSBURG. — AC4.DEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, d'C. Ser. VII, Tom. vi, No. 5. 4°. 1863. Abich (O. W. H. VON) Einleitende Grundziige der Geologie der Halbinseln Kertsch und Taman, d-c. pp. 80, 1 tab. : 2 pis. cd., 1 map, text Must. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, d-c. Ser. VII, Tom. ix, No. 4. 4°. 1865. Karten und Profile zur Geologie der Halbinseln _, Kertsch und Taman, d-c. pp. 7 : 3 pis. cd., 1 map cd. 4°. Tiflis, 1866. Issued as a supplement to the preceding. Re-issued with his " Geologische Fragmente," 1887 [7.1'. infra]. L. L M I- >,' Abich (O. \V. 11. VON) Geologischc Beobachtungen auf Reisen in den Gebirgsliiiidern zwisehen Kur und Araxes. j>/>. 1.VJ: text ill,,*t. 4°. Tijlis, 1867. Abich (O. W. H. VON) Etudes sur les Glaciers actuels r? et anciens du Caucase . . . Premiere Partie. /ls.col. 8°. TijTis, 1870. Abich (O. W. H. VON) Geologische Forschungen in den Kaukasischcn Landern. 3Thl. 4°. & fol. Wie-n, 1878-87. Thl. I. Eine Bergkalkfanna »u» der Araxesenge bei Djonlfa in Armenian. pp. i-ii, 1!6: 11 fit., tut 1SV8. „ II. Geologie des Annrnischen Hocblaudes. 1. Westhalfte. pp. s, 4W. /.'/ pit. (IS col.), •> mnpe col., test itlnsl. ; Atlas, I pit. col., Imaiacol., liable. 1882. .. 111. fteologie tlM Armenischen Hocbkuides. II. (MUUftl, ,./.. i.i, IBS: llfit. (.'<•«/.), tfft ilt>"t. : Allan,, f> ,„<>}•* col, 1837. Abich (O. W. H. VON) Geologische Fragmente aus dem Nachlasse H. Abich's. [Edited, with a Preface, by Adelaide Abich.] pp. 11, J,G : Atlas, 6 tils, col., 1 map col. 4". & fol. Wien, 1887. I. k nun and Profile nir Oeologie der Halbinselu Kert**oh und Tainan. II. Zur (ienli>Kie der Pnnza-Inaeln. III. liaromelrUche llnhfiime»«in|>en im Kirchenstaate, etc. ABILDGAABD (1'KHKK CHRISTIAN) [1740-1801] Zoologia Panica . . . Volumen tertium (—quart urn) descripsit et tabula* addidit P. C. Abildgaard. .sV, Mf'LLEK (O. F.) fol. 1789-1806. ABILDGAABD (SiiREN) [1718-1791] S. Abildgaards licsrhrcibung von Stevens Klint . . . init ininera- logischen und chymischen Betrachtungen erlautert . . . Aus dem Danischen iibersetzt. m>. 88 : 3 vis. 8". Kopenttagtn & Leipzig, 1764. ABRAHAM, Tortuosicnsis. Begin. Liber Serapionis agregatus I mediciis simplicib9 . . . interfile Abraa iudeo tortuosiesi de arabico i IBN SARAPION. latinu. See Y .C. fol. 1473. __ (ANTAL) [1828-] A Pesti Egyetem AsvAny- tAraban levfl Foldpatok jegeczsorozatai 6s az idevonat- kd/i'i ket jegeczrendszev. [On the series of Felspar Crystals in the collection of the Budapest University and on the two crystallographic systems to which they belong.] ;»/>. 84 : 3 }ts. See BUDAPEST.— MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADKMiA. Lrtekezesek, &c. Kiit. in, Szam 15. 8». 1873. ABU ALI EBN 8INA. See flusAiN IBN 'ABD ALLAH (Aau 'ALI) called IBN SJNA, or AVIOENNA. ABU MANSUR MOWAFIK BEN ALI. Al f/ervi. Sff MUWAFFIK IBN 'ALf (Kvti MAN*UR) Al ABU MOHAMMED ABDALLAH BEN AHMED, called Elm Jiaithnr. See 'AfiD ALLAH IBN AHMAD (DHIYA AL-UfN Asi5 MUHAMMAD) Al Mulnki, calletl Ibn Al Baitdr. ABULFEDA. See ISMA'/L IBN 'ALf ('InAo AL-DlN ABI'' A i. FIDA) Prince of Ham/it. ABYSSINIA. [J/rt/M.] Geognostische Karte von . . . Abessinien, *c. [Scale 1 in. = 27§ m. about.] See SOUDAN. [.1/a/w.] 1846. Abyssinia. [.!/«/'•*•] liontc M;I]KI|' Aliyssinia. C'om- £_ iiiled by E. G. Ravenstein. Scale 10 miles to one inch. [Lvudun^ 18(J7. iKiud by the Ti.pogniphical U«iM>t of the Wur OMoe. Abyssinia. [Afa/is.] Northern Abyssinia and adjoining / territories. Compiled . . . 1887. Scale 1 : 316,800 or f> miles to 1 inch. London, 1887. ' Intelligence Division, War Office, No. 688. Abyssinia. [J/iyw.] Carta dimostrativa della regione compressa fra Massaua, Keren, Aksum, e Adigrat coi rilievi geologici con L. Baldacci. Scala 1 : 400,000 [i.e. l in. = 6i m. about]. See ITALY.— REALE COMITATO CEOLOOICO. Memorie descrittive, &c. Vol. VI. 8°. 1891. ACADEMIA ALBERT IN A. See KONHJSBEIM;.— KOENIOLICHE ALBERTUS-UNIVER8ITAET. ACADEMIA ABGENTINENCIS. See STRASBURO. — KAISER-WILHELMS UNIVKKSITAET. ACADEMIA C^SABEA FBANCISCA. See Arnld'u>o-Ffn,te',Kawi Kitta.v CurUtCtWU. Reverted to title of 1727. Acadeutia C'tiriosorinii. Ahtdemie dif . LtoimlJiiio-Curaliim Natural Li ojuiMi M • Ciiroliuiiehe l>e)tticltt Miscellanea curiosa medico-physica, &c. Ann. i-vn. 4°. Lipsice, 4". ffarimterga, lift, n-vi oil in the " Nova Acta," Tom. XXVIII-XXXYI. / Acaclemia Caesarea Leopoldino-Carolina, &c. Repertorium zu den Acta uiul Nova Acta der Akademie iT./. von Dr. A.Graesel. Bd. i-» 4". IMlt a, ,S'., 1894-» Acaclemia Caesarea Leopoldino-Carolina, &c. n fief BONPLANPIA . . . Officiefles Organ der . . . Akad- emie, d-c. Jahrg. i-vu. 4°. 1853-50. Academia Caesarea Leopoldino-Carolina, &c. Geschiehte der . . . Akademie . . . wtthmnd des zweiten Jahrhunderts ihres Bestehens. Von J. D. F. °'£ • Neigebaur, &c, pp. ,Sre C'RAl'OW.— AKADEMIJA UMIEJETNOACI. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES DE L'INSTITUT (NATIONAL-IMPERIAL) DE FRANCE. See PARIS.— ACADKMIK PES SCIENCES. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES DE FARIS. Stf I'Altls. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES DE TURIN. .SVr TURIN. — HEALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, DES (BELLES-) LETTRES ET DES ARTS D' AMIENS. Sff AMIENS. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES ET BELLES- LETTRES D' ANGERS. Sff ANDERS. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES ET LETTRES DE MONTFELLIER. Sff MONTPELLIER. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, INSCRIP- TIONS ET BELLES-LETTRES DE TOU- LOUSE. See TOULOUSE. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, LITTERATURE ET BEAUX-ARTS DE TURIN. Sff Tl'RIN. KEAI.K ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENXE. ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DE METZ. Sft MET/.— ACADEMIE. ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DE REIMS. S*e RHEIMH.- s)at>f*srE wf-r '<-'/* fa f & ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DE SAVOIE. Sff CHAMBERY. — ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. <{v. ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES, ARTS ET BELLES-LETTRES DE CAEN. See CAEN. — ACAD£MIE NATIONALS, « CAEN. ACADEMIE NATIONALS DES SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTS DE BOR- DEAUX. See BORDEAUX. ACADEMIE NATIONALS DSS SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES ST ARTS DE LTON. KS SCIENCES, &c. ACADEMIE NATIONALS DES SCIENCES, INSCRIPTIONS ET BELLES-LETTRES DE TOULOUSE. See TOULOUSE. — ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, <(•<-. ACADEMIE ROYALE DE METZ. Kte METZ. — ACADEMIE. ACADEMIE ROYALE DE SAVOIE. See CHAMBERY. — ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, 4°. Philadelphia, 1847-> L- Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. "Z. .Report of the Transactions, <£r. 1824-28. 3 Nos.T 8°. Philadelphia, [182')-] 1829. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings, Ac. 1841-> 8°. PhilcuMphia, 1843-> The Vols. for 1841-57 are numbered i-\ in, but this numeration was not carried further, the Vol. being annual, Separately paged " Proceedings of the Biological (and Microscopical) Department of the Academy" were included in the Vols. for the years 1858-00, 1868-71. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Notice of the Academy . . . Second Edition. pp. 15. 8". Philadelphia, 1831. The first edition was published in tlie Anier. Journ. Sci. and Arts, Vol. xix, No. 1. Third Edition, pp. 33. 8°. Philadelphia, 1836. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Catalogue of the Strigidse in the Collection ot the 1-&SV4 Academy, &c. [pp. 16.] See CASSIN (J.) 8°. [1849.] Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Catalogue of the Vulturidau in the Collection of the 6SA J . Academy, p. !.'>.] See CASSIN (J.) 8". 1853. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Catalogue of the Oological Collection in the Academy, j>. JJ. See HEERMANN (A. L.) 8". 1853. ., i__ Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. -, Catalogue of Human Crania, in the Collection of the Academy, etc. See MKIGS (J. A.) 8". 1857. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.— Concholoyical Section. American Journal of Concho- logy. Published by the . . . Academy . . . G. W. Tryon editor, &c. Vol. in-vii.t 8°. Philadelphia, OF__STJ_1O1IIS. 8°. St. Louis, 1860-» ACCADEMIA ALFONSINA. See NAPLES. ACCADEMIA DEGLI ASFIRANTI NATU- RALISTI. See NAPLES. ACCADEMIA DEL CIMENTO. See FLORENCE. ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE : Sezione della Societa Reale Borbonica. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE. ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DELL' ISTI- TUTO DI BOLOGNA. See BOLOGNA. — REALE ACCADEMIA, &c. ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DETTA DE' FISIOCRITICI DI SIENA. See SIENA. ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE FISICHE E MATEMATICHE DI NAFOLI. See NAPLES.— REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE FISICHE E MATEMATICHE. ACCADEMIA DI FADOVA. See PADUA. — REGIA ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, &c. ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, LETTERE, AGRICULTURA, ED ARTI DEL DIFARTI- MENTO DEL MELLA. See BRESCIA.— ATENEO. ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, LETTERE E ARTI DEI ZELANTI E PP. DELLO STUDIO DI ACIREALE. See ACIREALE. ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, LETTERE (E BELLE ARTI) DI PALERMO. See PALERMO.— HEALE ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, <£v. ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, LETTERE ED ARTI DI PADOVA. See PADUA. — REGIA ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, tt-e. ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATU- RALI. See CATANIA. ACCADEMIA IMPERIALS DELLE SCIENZE E BELLE ARTI DI GENOVA. See GENOA. ACCADEMIA ITALIANA DI SCIENZE, LETTERE, ED ARTI. [Founded isov.] Atti, '.•• MoNTEVAKi 'III. ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND, AND THE COLONIES. (Knuuile.1 1S*O.J Annual Report. Nos. 1, 3, 5. 8°. London, 1861-65. ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. [Foumle.1 ISOO.) Annual Keport. Nos. [1,] 3, 4,6 &7. 8°. Sydwy, 1862-68. ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY OF VIC- TORIA. .SVr ZOOLOGICAL AND ACCLIMATISATION SocIKTY OK VllTORIA. ACCLIMATISATIONS VEREIN FUER DIE KOENIGLICH-FREUSSISCHEN STAATEN. See BERLIN. — ACCLIMATISATIONS VEREIN. ACCUM (FiiiKi)Kicn CHRISTIAN) [1769-1838] A Practical Essay on the Analysis of Minerals, d-c. P)>. *w, 183. 12°. London, 1804. — [Another edition entitled :] A manual of Analytical Mineralogy . . . Second Edition. pp. xvii, xi, 5VO: 2 pit. 2 Vol. 12°. London (1808). The inginution is continuous. Accum (F. C.) Elements of Crystallography, after the method of Haiiy : with . . . geometrical models, <£v. /./'• An'//, -)',%•/ 4 //'• .s', U: 14 ?V«., 1 map. 4°. Pans & Strasbourg, An xn (1804). Wanting the Text. Acerbi (G.) Delle Viti Italiane o[s]sia materiali per servire alia classificazione monografia e sinonimia Sreceduti dal tentative di una classificazione geoponica elle Viti. pp. jcv, 335. 8°. Milano, 1825. ACHARD (FRAN/ CARL) [1753-1821] Bestimnning iler Be.-standtheile einiger Edelgesteine. p/>. 128. 8". Jierlin, 1779. ACHARIUS (ERIK) [1757-1819] Planta Aphyteia, \//!/'lnnii.i] quam . . . preside . . . C. a Linne . . . offert auctor E. Acharius, &c. />j>. I .' : 1 pi. 4°. Uptalias [1776]. - [Another edition.] See LiNN^us (C.) C. Linnsei . . . Amomitates Academic*, 96 : 14 jilt. etjl. 4°. GottUtffOe, 1810. Acharius (E.) Momoire sur les Lichens Calicioides. Premiere Partie. Description des genres l.ii>ria et CypMiim . . . Traduit du Suedois [with notes] par A'. Le Prerost. pp. 54: 1 pi. 8°. Caen, 1827. M. in. Soc. 1 inn. Norniundie, in ; for the original nee K. svensk. Vet.- Aka«l., 1815, ir- - 11; 'JVI. ACHEFOHL (LuDWio) Das Niederrheinisch-West- fiilische Steinkohlen-Gebirge.— Atlas der fossilen Fauna und Flora, dx. 10 Lief. t pp. ISO: 57 its. (11 col.) fol. Oberhaiwn, 1880-83. Achepohl (L.) Geognostische Karte des Nieder- rheimsch - Westfiilisrhen Stciiikohlenbwkens, <(r. .Masstab = 1 : 52,000 [i.e. 1 m. = li in. about]. (Zur Erliiuterung.) See KHINE : Promtice. [ Maps.'] (& 8°.) 1885. ACHESON (FREDERICK) Essay on the Collection and Storage of Water in Victoria. />p. 49. See VICTORIA, Colony of. The Victorian Government IVize Essays, 1860. " 8°. 1861. ACHIARDI (ANTONIO D') [183&-1 Corallarj fos.sili del Terrene Nummulitico dell' Al])i Venete, &c. 2 Pt. See MILAN.— SOCIETA ITALIANA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Memorie, &c. Tom. n, No. 4 ; & iv, No. 1. 4". 1 866 i 1868. Acharius (E.) Monogra]ihie dcr Lichen - 1'ifi-rniila. Mit Abbildungen aller bisher bekannten Arten. pp. ~'5 : -' jilt. col. 4°. [Berlin,'] 1812. Miff. Ifcrlin, OeMlL Naturf. Frcundf, VI, 1814. The original MS. it ! with thia co|>jr. r> Acharins (E.) Syno|>sis methodica Lichenum, &c. I1>. jriii, 892: 1 port. 4". Lunda;, 1814. - Catalogo delle specie e brevi note. pp. ° 1S67.) Achiardi (A. D') Studio comi>arativo fra i Coralli dei terreni Terziari del Piemonte e dell' Alpi Venete. pp. 74 : !i pis. 4". Pisa, 1868. Ann. Univ. Toecan., x. Achiardi (A. D') Studii sui minerali della Toscana. PP. .io. 4°. [Pisa, 1872.] Ann. Univ. Toucan., xn. Achiardi (A. D') Mineralogia della Toscana. 2 Vol. 8°. Pisa, 1872, 1873. Achiardi (A. D') Bibliografia mineralogica, geologica e paleontologica della Toscana. pp. 57. 8°. Rmna, 1876. Achiardi (A. D') Coralli Eocenici del Friuli. 3 Pt. Mmt. 8°. [Pisa, 1875.] Atti. Soc. Toscana Sci. Nat. Pisa, i. Achiardi (A. n') •i Vol. I Metalli loro Minerali e Miniere. 8°. Pita, &c., 1883. Achiardi (A. D') Guida al Corso di Litologia. pp. ii\ .',.;',. 8°. Pisa, 1888. ACIREAI.E. Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e Arti dei Zelanti e Pp. dello Studio. [K,.im 8°. Aeirealf, 189u-» ACIREALE. Societaltaliaua dei Microscopisti. Bolk-ttino, A-c. Vol. i, fasc. 1 & 2.t 8°. Aeirealf, 1889. ACKERMANN ( JAKOB FIDELIS) [1765-1815] J. F. Ackormann . . . ueber die Natur des Gewaohses. Kino philosophische Einleitung in seine botanischen Vorles- ungen, ) 8°. 1881 (1886->) 9 3 B M ACKNER (.IOHANN MICHAEL) [1782-18C2] Minera- logic Siebenbiirgens, mit geognostischen Andeutungen. pp. xv, 301 : 8 pis., 1 ntap. 8°. HermanmtaJt, 1847, 55. Ackner (J. M.) Beitrag zur Geognosie und Petrefak- tenkunde des sudostlichen Siebenbiirgens, vorziiglich der Schichten aus dein Bereich des Hermann staedter Bassins. 4". [Jireslau & Bonn, 1854.] Acta CR». Leop. Carol Nat. Cnr., xxiv, pp. 899-986. ACLAND (Kir HENRY WENTWORTH), Bart. [1815/] Note on teaching Physiology in the higher schools. ,) pp. 8. 12". Oxford A London, 1858. Aclaud (Kir H. W.) [The Oxford Museum. Remarks addressed to a meeting of Architectural Societies . . . With letters from J. Ruskin . . . and J. Phillips. 8". London, 1859.] Wanting. Second Edition, pp. xvi, 78 : 1 pi., 2 plans. 8°. Oxford, 1860. ACLOQUE (A.) Les Lichens. Etude sur I'aiiatoniie, la physiologic et la morphologic de 1'organisme lichenique. pp. mi, 376 : text illmt. 8°. Paris, 1893. Acloque (A.) Flore de France contenant la descrip- tion de toutes les especes indigenes disposees en tableaux analytiques, dc. pp. 816 : text illust. 8°. Paris, 1894. T Acloque (A.) Faune de Franc£,contenant la descrip- tion de ^Jowfes les espfeces-'tndigenes . . . Avfle^un E. Perriep-<\ . Coleopteres. m^f^S : text 8°. ParijrA&fa [i.e. 1895]. f> ACOLLAS (PIERRE ANTOINE RENE PAUL EMILE) [1826-1891] L'Anthropologie et le Droit. pp. 8. 8°. [Paris, 1874.] ACOSTAJCjiBwrdBAL) [-iu8p] Tractado de las 1 )w»gas7"y~~medicinas de las Indias . /••»!. S»c. London, i\. -p Adams (ANDREW L.) Monograph of the British fossil Elephants. See PAL.*:ONTOORAPHIOAL SOCIETY. 4°. 1877-81. ADAMS (.ARTHUR) [1820-1878] Notes from a journal of research into the Natural History of the Countries visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. Samarang, ttc. See BELCHER (Sir E.) Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Samarang, d-c. Vol. n. 8°. 1848. Adams (ARTHUR) Monograph of the family Bullida? _, (—Euliina, Ni*o, Lriostraca, Obe/iscux, Pyramulrlla & Mi>n»l>tii. M .• 8 pl». col. Vi-lu-», by Sir J. Richardson. MI. 38 : 10 i>lt. Mollnsca, by A. Adam k L. Reeve, pp. z, 87 : Hk )>l». co/. Crustacea, by A. Adams k A. White, pp. eiii, ISO: IS fit. ml. 1840. " i". MS. 1848. Adams (ARTHUR) Decapoda, Stomapoda, Amphipoda, lsl., title illmt. 8°. London, 1870. Adams (ARTHUR) [109 original drawings of Fish.] ""*, Tne creator miniber are done in water-colours ; the remainder are pencil or pen-and-ink sketches. p Adams (ARTHUR) & (HENRY) The Genera of recent Mollusca, tte. 3 Vol. See ADAMS (H.) & (A.) 4°. [18')3-] 18f)8. Adams (ARTHUR) sis,/fri'/<>i'", Rimula, Enwi-fiimda, 8cvtv»& TvffaUa. See SOWKRBY ((J B ) ynd of'tfie name. Thesaurus Conchyliorum, Vol. in. Adams (ARTHUR) & WMte (A.) Crustacea. See ADAMS (A.) The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Samarang, 4 ADAMS (('HARI.KS BAKER) [1814-18.J3] Fresh- Water and l,ind Shells [of Vermont]. See T PHOMPSON (Z. 8°. 1842 History of Vermont, />. 9. 8°. (Amherst, Ma*».,} 18.1l. (C. B.) See. CONTRIBUTIONS TO CONCHOLOOY : -, conducted by C. B. Adams. Vol. i. Nos. l-l2.t 8". 1849-52. Adams (C. B.) Catalogue of Shells collected at Panama, with Notes on their synonymy, station, and geographical distribution, ftp. viii, 5-334- fol. New York, 1852. Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hint. New York, Vol. v. targe-inner copy. Adams (C. B.) Shells [of the Red River of Louisiana]. See UNITED STATES. Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, &c. Appendix F. 8". 18.";3. Adams (C. B.) Monograph of Stoastoma,, a new genus of new operculated land snells. pp. 10. fol. Amherst, Mass., 1849. I arse-paper copy. Adams (C. B.) Monograph of Vitrinella, a new genus of new species of Turbinidw. »>». 10. fol. Amherst, Ma**., 1850. Large-paper copy. Adams (C. B.) [For official publications as State Geologist.] See VERMONT, State of. — Geological Surivy. ADAMS (FRANCIS) [1796-1861] Notes from the Ancients, on certain indigenous species [of Plants in northern Scotland]. See MURRAY (A.), Botanist. The Northern Flora . . . Part I (Appendix). 8°. 1836. ADAMS (FRANK DAWSON) Notes on the microscopic structure of some rocks of the Quebec Group. See CANADA. — Geological and Natural History Sum //. Report of Progress. ' 1880-82, A. Appendix. 8". 1883. Adams (FRANK D.) Notes on the lithological character of some of the Rocks collected in the Yukon District and adjacent northern portion of British Columbia. See CANADA.— GWor/wi/ and Natural History Survey. Annual Report. New Series, Vol. HI. 8°. 1888. Adams (FRANK D.) Preliminary report on the geology of a portion of Central Ontario . '. . With the results of an examination of certain ore deposits occurring in the region, pp. 7.7. See CANADA. — Geological and Natural Hixtoni Suri'ei/. Annual Report, &c. New Series, Vol. vi, J. 8". 181):,. ADAMS (GEORGE) [1720-1773] Micrographia Illus- trate, or the Knowledge of the Microscope explain'd , ... To which is added a translation of Mr. Joblott's (/C, observations on the Animalcula, that are found O< in ... Infusions ; and a ... particular account ^ of ... the fresh water Polype, translated from the French treatise of Mr. Trembly, &c. pi>. l<:,.. '>:.t: <:'• pis. 4°. London, 17 1C. ADAMS (GEOROE), the Ymtnger [1750-1795] Essays on the Microscope ; containing ... a general history _^ of Insects ... an account of the various species . . . of the Hydra; and Vorticellas : a description of three hundred and seventy nine Animalcula, &c. pp. ., , in, , .'/ : JW /rf«. 4". Iswlon, 1787. Second Edition, with Kimmacher. ;>/>. xmi, [vi,] additions . by F. . 4°, Latvian, 1798. 11 x-, -;> L 7o "'0. p p. 1-250. 1853. 207-484. 1854. 1-92. 1854. 93-284. 1855. 1185-412. 1856. 413-540. 1857. 541-061. 1858. ADAMS (HKNRY) [1813-1877] & (ARTHUR) The Genera of recent Mollusca ; arranged according to their organization. 2 Vol. text, 1 Vol. pis. 4°. London, [1853-] 1858. I -11. •(( in 3(5 i«irt« as follows : — Pt*. i-viu. Vi jx-xv. XVI-XVIII. XIX-XX1V. XXV-XXV11I. XXIX-XXXII. xxxin-xxxvi. MS. nutes by S. 1'. Woodward. ADAMS (HKNRY GARDINKR) Our feathered families ; a ... description of the Birds of Song and their congeners which are found in Britain, <£•<•. pp. 301 : text ill-mst. 8°. London [1863 or 1879]. Adams (HKNRY G.) Our feathered families : game and water Birds. Being an ... account of the feathered Game, and Wild Fowl, with their allied species, found in Great Britain, &c. )>/>. l>45 : text Must. 8°. London [18C3 or 1879]. Adams (HKNRY G.) Our feathered families : the Birds of Prey. Being an ... account of the rapacious Birds of Britain, &e. pp. 320 : text illust. 8°. London [1863 or 1879]. Adams (HKNRY G.) Beautiful [British] Butterflies de- scribed and illustrated, &c. pp. 13J : tS' ph. col., text illust. 8". London, 1871. ADAMS (JoHN) of Edmonton [n. 1785] A short account of the growth and flowering of a variegated American Aloe . . . Illustrated in an accurate engraving by W. Darton, &c. pp. 1 : 1 pi. col. fol. [1785.] Coloured, copper-plate engraving, with description. ADAMS (JOHN) of Waltluun Alley. A voyage to South America . . . undertaken ... by Don G. Juan and Don A. de Ulloa . . . Third Edition : to which are added, by Mr. J. Adams . . . notes and observa- tions ; an account of some parts of the Brazils, <£r . See ULLOA (A. DK). 8". 1772. ADAMS (LIONEL ERNEST) [1854-1 The collector's manual of British Land and Freshwater Shells, &c. pp. 123 : 0 pis. col. 8". London, 1884. ADAMS (W. M.) A popular history of Fisheries and Fishermen of all Countries, from the earliest times. See LONDON. — Great International Fislieries Exhibition, 1883. 8°. 1883. ADAMS (WILLIAM) [-1620] Reise nach Japan, nebst seinen Begebenheiten und seiner Erhebung daselbst. (1598-1619.) See ARKSTEE ( ) & MKRKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historie der Reisen, &c. Bd. I. 4°. 1747. Adams (WILLIAM) Letters [relative to Japan], &c. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 8. 8°. 1850. ADAMS (WILLIAM HKNRY DAVENPORT) [1828-1891] The mysteries of the Ocean . . . Translated, edited and enlarged by W. H. D. Adams. See MANGIN (A.) 8". 1870. ADAMS-REILLY (ANTHONY) [1836-1885] <£• otfters. Life and Letters of J. D. Forbes, rinciitally from . . . R. Tate's lists, Ac. /»/'• '•'/• 8°. Adelaide, 1893. 1'iinusl iu double column. ADDEBLEY (Si,- AUGUSTUS JOHN), A'.C'..¥.6ry.[1835-] The Fisheries of the Bahamas. See LONDON. — Great /iiteriMtioiuil Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. 8". 1H83. Adderley (Sir A. J.) Jamaica. — The Bahamas. S.,' LONDON. — Colonial ami Indian Exhibition, 1886. Handbook and Catalogue. The West Indies and British Honduras. 8°. 1886. Adderley (Sir \. J.) The Bahamas. See LONDON.— Colonial ami Italian Exhibition, 1886. Official Cata- logue. Second Edition. 8". 1886. ADDISON (LANCELOT) [1632-1703] An account of West Barbary. See PINKERTON (J.) A general collec- tion of ... Voyages, Ac. Vol. xv. 4°. 1814. ADELAIDE.— Boys' Field Club of South Aus- tralia. Si e BOYS' FIELD CLUB, Ac. ADELAIDE.— Philosophical Society. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. ADELAIDE. Public Library, Museum, and . Art Gallery of South Australia. [Founded 1884 ] Report of the Board of Governors, &c. 1884-5-» 4». Adelaide, 1885-» ADELAIDE. - Boyal Agricultural and Horti- cultural Society of South Australia. See ROYAL AGKKTLTVRAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, Ac. ADELAIDE. Boyal Society of South Australia. S,, ItoYAi. SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. ADELAIDE. South Australian Institute. [Founded 1850: merged in 1884 in the "Public Library, Museum, and Art Giillery of South Australia."] Final Report ... for the nine months ended June . . . 1884. 1 No. 4°. Adelaide, 1884. ADELAIDE. South Australian Museum. Sresujtra, PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEUM, AND ART GALLERY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. ADELBUBG (EDUARD VON) Entwickelung einer analytisch-lexikalischen Methode, als leichtesten und sichersten Mittels zur Erkennung der Gewachse, Ac. W- rlvii, 301. 8°. Wien, 1841. ADEBHOLDT (AUGUST) [1828-1890] De imrtibus anorganicis Lycopodii Chamaecyparissus et clavati. Di-sertatio chemica, Ac. pp. [iv,] ~>.~>. 8°. Jionrut', 18.12. ADET (PIERRE AUGUST) [1763-1832] Annales de chiinie . . . par . . . Adct. Tom. i-xcvi. See ANNALE.H DK CHIMIE ET DE PHYSIQUE. 8". 1789-1815. ADHEMAB (ALPHONSE JOSEPH) [1797-1862] Re- volutions de lamer, deluges periodic] ues . . . Deuxicme edition. //>/<. »•/»', -1 58. Atlas, />/>. mi, 13 fJs. s". J'n >•''*, I860. ADLEB (CAROLUS FRIDERICUS) Noctiluca Marina . . . sistitC. F. Adler. . . 1752, 3 .*(«•"• ^ ADLEB (H.) Lea Cynipides 1"= Partie. Introduc- tion. La gdmkation alternante chez^6s Cynipides par . . . H. Adler . . . traduit et annote par J. Lichten- stein . .^Suivi de la classificatiortdes Cynipides d'apres . . . fik'Mayr. jn>. xv, 141 : Srffa. col. titeUier A Paris, 1881 . Iteiuaued from (be Xeitscb. fiij^fiiweiisch. Xoologie. Bd. xxxv. ADLEB (WILHELM) Flora des Xiegenriicker Kreises ^^ und der umliegenden gegenden, Ac. /n>. xviii, 334- 8°. Newtadt & Zitgenriick, 1819. ADLEBS (CONRAD AUOUST) Dispositio Muscorum )>. (S3 : 4 l^s- See STOCKHOLM, -r- KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- L AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. vi, />. • :..".< : a l>ls. — III. Tomogiuithus »ublaevis, Mayr. jijt.'i'H: I /if. $ S7o See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIG A SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xi, No. 18 ; Bd. xxi, Afd. iv, No. 4. 8°. 1886, 1896. Pt. i appeared in tbo Ofveraigt af . . . Forhandlingar of the same Academy, 1884, No. 8. Adlerz (G.) Bidrag till Pantopodemas morfologi och utvecklingshistoria. )>)>. 25 : 3 ) As. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIOA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xiii, Afd. iv, No. 11. 8". 1888. Adlerz (G.) Om digestionssekretionen jemte nagra denned sainnianhangande fenomen hos Insekter och Myriopoder. y*y>. 51, iv : 5 ]ds. >SVe STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . Handlingar. Bd. xvi, Afd. iv, No. 2. 8°. 1890(1891). ADMIBAL (JACOB L') See L' ADMIRAL. ADMIBALTT MANUAL, The. S,v GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — AdntinUty. A manual of scientific enquiry, Ac. ADOLPH (OEORG ERNST) [1843-] Ueber Insecten- fliigel. />i>. 70: G ffo. See ACADEMIA C^SAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, Ac. Nova Acta, Ac. Tom. XLI, Pars H, No. 3. 4°. 1879 (1880). Adolph (G. E.) Ueber abnorme Zellenbildungen einiger Hymenopterenfliigel. ftp. 36 : 1 )>l. See ACADEMIA C^SAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, Ac. Nova Acta, Ac. Tom. XLI, Pars n, No. 4. 4". 1880. Adolph ((!. E.) '/Mr Morphologic der Hymenopteren- HiigeT. Zugleich ein Beitrag zu den Fragen der Si>eciesbildung und des Atavismus. jw. 92: (! }ds. See ACADEMIA CA:SAREA LEOPOLDINO-GAHOLINA, Ac. Nova Acta, Ac. Tom. XLVI, No. 2. 4". 1883 (1884). Adolph (G. E.) Die DipterenHiigel, ihr Schema und ihre Ableitung. pf>. 46 : 4 pi*. See ACADEMIA C^KSAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLLNA, tt-c. Nova Acta, dr. Tom. XLVH, No. 6. 4". \»*-: L 2. L- 13 •t, ADOXA, pseud. Botany Simplified on the Natural System, by Adoxa. pp. 40. 8". London, 1874. ADRIANCE (JoHN S.) Laboratory calculations M and specific-gravity tables . . . Second edition, &c. pp. ix, 114. 8°. New Yor-k, 1893. Interleaved copy. ADRIATIC SEA. Verzeichnis [sic] verschiedener '/. Fische und Krebse des Adriatischen Meerbusens. pp. viii, 189. 8°. Triest, 1796. L. ADVENTURE, H.M.S. A Voyage towards the South -y]Tos fiifiXui IZ'. /EJiani de Natura Animalium Libri xvn. Cum animadversionibus C. Gesneri et D. W. Trilleri : curante A. Gronovio, qui et suas adnotationes adjecit. 2 Pt. pi>. xiv, xxvii, [jcjjciv,] 1128 [88]. GK. AND LAT. 4°. Londini, 1744. - [Another edition.] 2 Pt. pp. xii, xxix, [xxxix,] 1L.'S [M]. OR. AND LAT. 4°. Basileie, 1774. A reprint uf tlio Luutlou cilitiuii. JElianus (C.) AiXmvou irtpi £totav l8iort)Tos /3i/3Xm IZ'. jEliani de Natura Animalium Libri xvn. Graece et Latine cum priorum interpretum et suis animadver- sionibus edidit J. G. Schneider. 2 Vol. [in 1], 8". Lipsiae, 1784. JElianus (C.) ^Eliani de Natura Animalium libri septemdecim. Verba ad fidem librorum manuscriptorum constituit et annotationibus illustravit F. Jacobs. In- texta; sunt cura?. secunda; postumse J. G. Schneider! . . . Adjecti indices et interpretatio Latina Gesneri a Gronovio emendata (. . . Cum addendis et conjunc- turis ineditis J. J. Reiskii). 2 Vol. 8°. Jence, 1832. Vol. I contains the Greek text, followed by the Latin translation, which has a distinct pagination : Vol. n contains the notes. JEMILIANUS (JOANNES) Naturalis de Ruminantibus historia, J. yEmyliani . . . vario doctrin* genere referta, d-c. pp. [xx,] 122. 4°. Venetiis, 1584. JEMILIANUS (PALLADIUS RUTILIUS TAURUS). See PALLADIUS. JEFPLI (AUG.) Erosion sterrassen und Glazial- schotter in ihrer Beziehung zur Entstehung des Ziirich- sees, &c. See SWITZERLAND. — Carte GMogujue Suisse. Beitrage, &c. Lief, xxxiv. 4°. 1894. JERZTLICHER VEREIN ZU LUEBECE. See LUBECK. JERZTLICHER VEREIN ZU MUENCHEN. See MUNICH. AETIUS, Amidenus. De Latinis et Grajcis nominibus arborum, fruticuin, herbarum, piscium, & avium liber, ex ... Aetio . . . & J. Ruellio . . . Quarta editio. See NAMES. 8°. 1554. AFHANDLINGAR I FTSIE, EEMI OCH MINERALOGI. Utgifne [i-vi] af W. (af) Hisinger och J. Berzelius ([and afterwards iv-vi] J. Afzelius ; H. P. Eggertz; J. af Forselles ; J. G. Gahn ; P. Lagerhjelm ; M. Pontin ; E. Rothoff ; N. G. Sefstrom ; P. Strom ; E. T. Svedenstierna ; P. Walmstedt ; [and v, vi] N. Almroth ; A. Arfvedson.) Delen i-vi.t 8°. Stockholm, 1806-1818. Vol. i, 1806 ; n, 1807 ; in, 1810 ; iv, 1810 ; v, vi, 1818. AFRICA. African Zoology. Pt. i. Mammalia. [By Dr. (afterwards Sir Andrew) Smith.] pp. 136. 8°. [Cape Town, 1833-34.] South African Quarterly Journal. Ser. II, Vol. n. Africa. Catalogue of South African Plants. [By P. MacOwan 1] 3 Pt. pp. 31. 8°. Grafuimstown, 1866. Africa. [Maps.] Karte von Afrika . . . bearbeitet . . . 1824 von H. Berghaus, &c. Maassstab . . . 1 : 15 millionen [i.e. 234 m. = 1 in.] Stuttgart, 1826. Africa, by J. Arrowsmith. [Scale London, 1850. (f. e Africa. [Maps.] 255 in. = 1 in.] B. L M. L, Africa. [Maps.] South Africa compiled ... by H. (_ Hall. (Zuid Afrika, &c.) [Scale 1 in. = 50 m. about.] -rrr, London [1859]. ' Africa. [Maps] North western Africa, by J. Arrow- smith. [Scale 1 in. = 130 m. about.] London, 1861. Africa. [Maps.] Map of the west coast of Africa comprising Guinea and the British possessions at Sierra Leone, on the Gambia and the Gold Coast together with the countries within the courses of the rivers Senegal, Gambia & Kowara, compiled ... by J. Arrowsmith. [Scale 1 in. = 53 m. about.] 2 sh. London, 1865. U. 14 L . L. Africa. [.!/<»/«*.] (Vntral-Afrika . . . bearbeitet von J. Chavanne. Maasssstab [«'e] = 1 : 5,000,000 [i.e. 79 in. = 1 in. about]. Wirn, Ac. [1881.] Mounted :nnl folded in case. Africa. [JAi/w.] [Original map of South Africa . . . compiled ... by the Revd A. Merensky . . . Scale I : L',:>(10,000 [1 in. = 39'45 in.] 4 sh. Berlin, Ac., 1884.] Wantiiu:. Second . . edition. in. 50. YTTT. l./t 6. u ry o. G- L-. -st L 4 sh. II, r/ in, d-c., 1887. Africa. [.!/<(/«!.] Spezial-Karte von Afrika iiu !N[ass- stab von 1 : 4,000,000 [i.r. 1 in. = «V13 in.] . . . i-ntworfen von H. Habemcht, bearljeitet v. deiuselben, B. Doniann, und ... R. Liiddecke. 10 sh., iritfi trj-t. Gut/M, 1885. Gotha, 1887. Zweite Auflage. Africa. Africa by Africa. [.!/«/<«.] Geological sketch ma)i of South E. J. Dunn, Ac. [Scale 33i in. = 1 in.] Melbourne, 1887. Africa. [Jfaiw.] Map of the countries bordering on the Ix)wer Niger and Binueh Rivers . . . Scale 1 : 2,787,840 or 44 miles to 1 inch. [London,] 1889. Intelligence Division, War Office, No. 749. Africa. [.l/dyw.J Karte des Nord-Ostlichen Deutsi-h- Ostafrika . . . Massstab 1 : 300,000 [or 4} in. = 1 in. about.] See. BAUMANN (O.) Usambara, Ac. 8". 1891. Africa. [J/«/w.J Africa showing European ]>ossessions and spheres of influence, and routes of the principal explorers [from 1792 to 1891]. [Scale 240 m. = 1 in.] London, Ac. [1892.] Imued with Pt. 1 of "The Story of Africa and its Explorers," by H. Brown. Africa. [.!/<(/«.] General map of Eastern Equatorial Africa . . . Scale 1 : 3,801,600 or 60 miles = 1 inch. 1889. Revised . . . 1892. London, 1892. Intelligence Division, War Office, No. 748. Africa. [M>i/is.] General map of part of South East Africa. Compiled . . . 1892. Scale 1 : 3,801,600 or 60 miles = 1 inch. London, 1892. Intelligence Division, War Office, No. 795. Africa. [J/«/>*.] Map of the southern portion of British East Africa . . . Scale 1 : 1,584,000 or 1 in. to 25 m. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— War Office. Hand- book of British East Africa, Ac. 8°. 1893. Africa. [ Jfajts.] Map of part of East Africa including the British Protectorate and adjoining territories . . . Scale 1 : 1,584,000 or 1 in. to 25 in. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Africa. No. 3 (1894), Ac. 1894. Africa. [Ma(>g.] Originalkarte des nordlichen Deutsch-Ostafnka . . . construiert von . . . O. Bau- inann . . . Massstab 1 : 600,000 [or 9j m. = 1 in. about]. 4 sh. See PETERMANN'S MITTHEILUNGEN, Ac. Ergan- zungsband xxiv. No. 111. 4°. 1894. AFRICAN ASSOCIATION. Srr ASSOCIATION FOR PROMOTINU THE DISCOVERY OF THE INTERIOR PARTS OF AFRICA. AFRICAN RESEARCHES. See ASSOCIATION \«\< PROMOTING THE DISCOVERY OF THE INTERIOR PARTS OF AFRICA. Proceedings, Ac. AFRIKANISCHE DEUTSCHLAND. GESELLSCHAFT IN >V.[ii',]3(>. 8°. Ujialfw [1785]. Afzelius (A.) De Rosis Svecanis, Ac. ///). 74. 4°. U/»iUiue [1804-13]. JVixm: A. Afzelius. Respond* nice : Teutuiiifti i, C. htcnhaimnar ; n, J. J. Ridberjt; in, D. K. Nwzen ; iv, G. A. Drakenberu ; v, A. A. Af«jlivi»; vi, E. T. Goij» ; vn, J. Brianmn ; vni, A. T. Hodlund; ix, N. O. Hcluigentruni ; x, P. II. Odhner ; xi, L. Edwall. Afzelius (A.) Genera Plantarum Guineensium revisa ^ et aucta . . . proponunt A. Afzelius . . . et N. W. Elgenstierna, Ac. Pt. l.t i>i>. [iv,] :.'<; : 1 /J. 4°. Uj>salioiid,ntcf : Col. i, J. U. Nyberg; u, .1. .1. KalUtenitiH ; in, 1*. Brandeliiu ; iv, C. o. Hinge: v, o. I.indlioni ; vi, D. Kkelund; MI, J. A. KresfcwUus ; \m, C. Hjc.rth ; IX, C. A. TueluhiK ; x, G. J. OrU'liblad. Afzelius (A.) De origine Myrrluu controversa, Ac. />/>• W- 4°. UtHHtliai [1818-29]. -** /'-"-.<. A. Afa'lin - Kexpoiulciltet : Sp. I, D. Malinberg ; u, A. (i. Frank ; in, O. Gothen ; iv, C. M. Akerblom ; v, A. llolniblmt. Afzelius (A.) Stirpium in Guinea medicinalium species nova-. pi>. 16. 4°. Upsaluv [1818-29]. I' iii «* : A. Afzelius. Xcupoiutenttl ; Fasc. I, E. 8. Wenuberg; II, F. d. Widmark. Afzelius (A.) Egenhandigaahteckningaraf C. Liniiiuus U- . . . med Anmarkningar och Tillagg [by A. Afzelius]. U o Li See LINNA:US (C.) 4°. 1823. 0'Mo Afzelius (A.) Linne's Eingehiindige Anzeichnungen "* . . . init Aniuerkuugen und Zusiitzen von Afzelius, /». 6' .•] l.i ids. 4°. Ujisaliaf (1860). AFZELIUS (ARVID AUGUST) [1785-1871] De Rosis Svecanis tentamen quintum, Ac. See AFZELIUS (A.) 4". 1807. Afzelius (A. A.) Colonia: Plantarum in Suecia, <£•<•. ///•. If,. 4". U/isaJice, 1809. Pars I. Preside 1). ». Liljebhul ... p. p. A. A. Afzelius. ,, n. ... subjiciuut A. A. AfzelhiM . . . . i A. Hvanbeck. AFZELIUS (CAHOLUS JOANNES) Arctotis, (|uam dissertatione botanica . . . submittit C. J. Afzelius, Ac. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1799.] — [Another edition.] &e THUNBERG (C. P.) Disserta- tionesAcademicaeUpsaliae,/>. Hi *". r '/Mil i'l; 1H27. This work was afterwards reprinted in "C. l.inimei exercitatio botanico- physica dc nuptiis et sexu Planbtrum " (" " 3 T> 9 3 M Afzelius (J.), called AKVIDSON. C. Linnaei exercitatio 1x)tanico-physica de nuptiis et sexu Plantarum, . 40. 8". U/MialMe, 1828. The first 16 pp. of this work were ori((inally issued under the title " SymbuliK lul historiani litterariam Svociw," . \>. auctor P. C. Afzelius . . . P. i. /'/-. /.s'. 8". UjwilUe, l « 1 1 . ^, 15 L. AGARDH (CARL ADOLF), Jiishop of C'arlstadt [1785- 1859] Dissertatio botanica, sistens observationes in methodum Tournefortianain a ... Guiart fil. refor- matani. Quam . . . exhibet C. A. Agardh, />.45. 4°. Lundce [1810-12]. Wanting pp. 43-45. /Vowa: C. A. Agardh. Jfrjyw»Mfcn/c» .- p. i, G. Sannberg; n, J. Jiruzelius ; in, E. M. Fries: iv, D. 8jo»trom. ' a. - — [Another edition.] A reissue of the preceding, with a new pr parts being omitted. 4°. Lundce, 1812. title-page, those to the several ft Agardh (C. A.) Algarum decas, &c. 8". Lundce [1812-15]. I'fimn: ('. A. Agardh. Rnj/tnnilevtfi : Dec. i, P. A. Asping ; n, C. M. llagenholm ; ill, N. J. Sommelina ; iv, J. Sandell. A Agardh (C. A.) Novitia> Floras Svecica? . . . prwside P a A. Agardh, &c. [Pt. i.] See FRIES (E. M.) 4°. [1814.] Agardh (C. A.) C. A. Agardh . . . Synopsis Algarum Scandinavia1, adjecta dispositione universal! Algarum. pp. .••!, IM. 4°. Lundce, 1817. Agardh (C. A.) Aphorisnii. Botanici, &c. 16 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] pp. S40. 8". Lundce [1817-26]. PTKIVS: C. A. Agardh. Retpoudentu : P. I, J. Foi-sander ; n, P. Ahl- quiat ; in, C. E. Hallstrom; iv, J. Bruzelius ; v, N. Kihlgren ; vi, L. G. Starck ; VH, A. Rahnberg ; vin, J. Dahl ; ix, 8. Lyckberg ; X, C. A. Bergman ; XI, G. W. Fagerlund ; xn, A. Bruzelius ; xiu, G. C. Ljungatedt ; xiv, I . A. Wadstein ; xv, G. J. Tonningh ; xvl, B. E. Hildebrand. Agardh (C. A.) Dissertatio de metamorphosi Algarum, quam . . . praesideC. A. Agardh . . . p. p. J. Akerman, : C. A. Agardh. Rcipotuhntti : P. I, C. P. Lilljehorg ; n, F. Wahlgren ; HI, O. J. Torslow ; iv, E. M. Hook. Agardh (C. A.) Organographie der Pflan/en . . . mit einer Vorrede von J. W. Hornemann. Aus dem Swedischcn iibersetzt von L. Meyer, &c. pj\ xii, 436 : 4pl». 8°. Kope-nhagen, 1831. Agardh (C. A.) Allgemeine Biologic der Pflanzen . . . mit einer Vorrede von C. F. Hornschuch . . . Aus dem Schwedischen iibersetzt von F. C. H. Creifin. pp. vi, 479 : 1 pi. 8". Greffswald, 1832. Agardh (C. A.) Enumeratio Plantarum in Regionc Landscronensi crescentium . . . pra'side C. A. Agardh, rf-c. See DflBEN (M. W. VON). 4°. [1835.] Agardh (C. A.) Revision der Algengattung Macro- cystis. pp. 36 : 3 pis. col. 4". [Jireslau & Bcmn, 1839.] Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol. Xat. Cur.. Vol. XIX. Agardh (C. A.) & Rabben (J.) Dissertatio Botanica sistens Caricographiam Scanensem, quam . . . sub- jiciunt C. A. Agardh et J. Rabben, &c. pp. 22. 4°. Lundce, 1806. Agardh (C. A.) & Schartan (HEINRICH) De Aerolithis ex Luna dejectis, dissertatio, &c. pp. 14, 4°. Lundce [1808]. AGARDH (JACOB GEORG) [1813-] De Pilularia : dissertatio botanica . . . defendet J. G. Agardh . . . re- spondente H. Leche, &e. pp. 29 : 1 pi. 8°. Lundce, 1833. Agardh ( J. G.) Synopsis Generis Lupini, &c. pp. xiv, 43. 4°. Lundce, 1835. Defendet J. G. Agardb. Rapmldenttt : P. I, G. Flensbnrg; n, L. A. Tragardh ; HI, O. J. Halk. Agardh (J. G.) Novitia? Florie Sveciaj ex Algarum familia, quas in itineribus ad oras occidentals Sveciai annis 1832-35 collegit . . . p. p. J. C. Agardh . . . respondente T. Schagerstriim . . . P. i. pp. py,] Id. 8°. Lundce, 1836. Agardh (J. G.) Recensio Specierum generis Pteridis. pp. vi, 86. 8°. Lundce, 1839. Agardh (J. G.) Alga; Maris Mediterranei et Adriatici, &c. pp. x, 164. 8°. Parixiis, 1842. Agardh (J. G.) In systemata Algarum hodierna adver- saria, pp. 56. 8°. Lundce, 1844. Agardh (J. G.) Species, genera et ordines Algarum, i, 404 [56] : 38 }>ls. [In 2 Vol.] 8°. Lundce, IRIS. Agardh (J. G.) Vext - Systemets Methodologie. pp. iv, 91. 8°. Lund, 1858. Agardh (J. G.) Om principerne for bestaminandet aj delarnes betydelse hos Vexterne. Inbjudnings-Skrift, rfr. j>j>. l.'i. fol. Lund, 1862. Agardh (J. G.) Om Spetsbergens Alger. [Festschrift.] pp. ~». fol. Lund, 1862. Jp Agardh (J. G.) De Laminarieis, ttc. pp.36. —KAROLINSKA UNIVERSITETET. Acta Universitatis *— £- Lundensis, .GO. iVfLUND. — KA_ROLINSKA UNIVERSITETET. Acta - _ '">. I niversitatis Lundensis, &c. Tom. vm, 6. 4". 1871-72. ft Agardh (J. G.) Bidrag till Kannedomen af Gronlands Ijuninarieer och Fucaceer, hichte der Botanik. pp. 27. See LUND.— KARO- ^ *> Jyn JJNSKA UNIVERSITETET. Acta Universitatis Lundensis, -] Embryology of tlu; Starfish. i>i>, GC, (9) : 8 pis. 4°. [Jiostoii, 186-1.] Intended tu fonn )«rt at 3. L. B. Agatniz'a "Cuntributioiu to the Natural History of the United States" fr/.r.), Vul. v. Agassiz (A.) North American Acalephae. pp. riv, 234 •' text illiust. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVER- SITY.— Museum of Comparative Zorjlogy. Illustrated Catalogue, rf-c. No. 2. 4°. 186.">. Agassiz (A.) Revision of the Echini. 4 It. pp. .,-,'/', ,' >•'..' : ,sv; y>/x., 7 maps, text illuKt. See CAMBRIDGE, Max*. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Museum of Comfxiratii'i- •c. No. 7. Zoology. Illustrated Catalogue, &c. 4". 1872-74. Agassiz (A.) North American Starfishes. pp.iv,136: %Q pis. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, rfv. Vol. V, No. 1. 4". 1877. Agassiz (A.) Observations sur des Echinides vivi]>ares provenant des lies Kerguelen. pp. 5: 1 pi. pl»- See GREATTOgt BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Challenger Expedition. Report, Py I ' 1^*- See CAMBRIDGE, Mass.— HARVARD UNIVERSITY.— Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, <£-c. Vol. IX, No. 2. 4°. 1883. Agassiz (A.) Report on the Echini [dredged during the three cruises of the " Blake "]. pp. 94 : 32 pis. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Mv*ewn of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, ttc. Vol. X, No. 1. 4". 1883. Agassiz (A.) A contribution to American Thalasso- graphy. Three cruises of the U.S. . . . Steamer " Blake " in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sen, and along the Atlantic coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880. 2 Vol. Must. 8". London & Cambridge, Mas*., 1888. Detailed "Reports of the Results of Dredging" during these three cruises arc given ill the Memoirs and the Bulletins of the Museum of (•oninurativi) Xonlogy, Harvard College («« CAMBimxiE, Mum.). \.. nlto SCHMIDT (E. O.) " Die Hpongien des Meerbusen von Mexico." Agassiz (A.) Calamocrinus Diomedce, a new stalked Crinoid, with notes on the apical system and the homologies of Echinoderms. pp. 95 : 32 pis. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. - Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, ttc. Vol. xvii, No. 2. 4". 1892. Agassiz (A.) [For Annual Reports as Curator] See CAMBRIDGE, MOM. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — of (Joiii/iarative Zoology. L A Agassiz Natural (A.) & r< (i \ • L/. L..), 1'adiates. Seaside S 's in . C.), 4°. 1865. 17 1^ L n L Cr 6- 2- Cr Cr z- Agassiz (A.) & Fourtales (L. F. DE) Echini, Crinoids & Corals [of the Hassler Expedition], pp. ~i. 4°. 1885-89. v ^Tf — ' AGASSIZ (ELIZABETH CABOT GARY), J/»-s. A first Lesson in Natural History . . . New edition, pp. (>4 : 2 pis., text illust. See BOSTON SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. Guides for Science-Teaching. No. iv. 16°. 1879. Agassiz (E. C. C.), Mrs. L. Agassiz : his life and correspondence. 2 Vol. illust. 8". London, 1885. Agassiz (E.C.-'C.), Mrs., & (J^LBXANDER) Seaside 8tudiesjfl""Natural HistojyT'T . Marine animals of- Maswttchusetts Bay. Radiates, pp. vi, 155 : text^Hfust. 4°. Boston, 1865. Agassiz (E. C. C.), Mrs., & (J. L. R.) A Journey in Brazil. See AGASSIZ (J. L. B.) & (E. C. C.) 8°. 1868. AGASSIZ . (JEAN Louis RODOLPHE) [1807-1873] Selecta genera et species Piscium quos in itinere per Brasiliam annis 1817-20 . . . peracto . . . collegit . . . J. B. de Spix, &c. See, SPIX (J. B. DE). fol. 1829 [-31]. Agassiz (J. L. R.) Tableau synoptique des principales families naturelles des Plantes, avec indication des genres que Ton trouve en Suisse. pp. 64. 12°. Neuchdtel, 1833. Agassiz ( J. L. R.) Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles, £c. Text 5 torn. & atlas 5 torn. 4°. & fol. Neuchdtel, 1833-43 [-44]. Tom. II tfc v are each in two separately paged parts. For collation, with dates of the various parts, by W. H. Brown, See WOODWARD (A. S.) & HHERBOKS (C. D.) "A Catalogue of British Fossil Vertebrata," pp. zxv-xxix. Description des Poissons Fossiles . . . du Jura dans le Bugey . . . Avec des figures . . . pour faire suite k 1'atlas des " Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles " par M. Agassiz. See THIOLLIERE (Y.) fol. 1854, 1873. Ittiologia fossil e Italiana opera da servire di supple- mento alle richerche sui Pesci fossili de L. Agassiz, . i-xxii, (cartons, pp. /,1-U, Ul-li2,) 231-287 : 19 pis. [21-30.] 1845 (op. cit. 1846, p. 121). 6-. Agassiz (J. L. R.) Atlas, 18 2^ls. Etudes sur les Glaciers, pp. 846. 8°. & fol. Neuchdtel & Soleure, 1840. Agassiz (J. L. R.) L'Ascension de la Jungfraji . . . par MM. Agassiz, Forbes, &c. See DESOR (P. J. E.) 8°. 1841. Agassiz (J. L. R.) Excursions et sejour de M. Agassiz sur la Mer de Glace du Lauteraar et du Finsteraar, &c. See DESOR (P. J. E.) 8°. 1841. 3 18 Gr 7* (r /" , ^,_T- _ £- Agassiz (J.JL. R.) De la succession et du developpe- iiu'iit des Ltres Organises a la surface du Globe ter- restre, dans les differens ages de la Nature, . 8". Xfuchdtel, 1841. Agassiz (J. L. R.) J. Sowerby's Mineral-Conchologie Grnssbrittanicns . . . Deutsch bearbeitet von E. Desor. Durchgesehen und mit Anmerkungen und Berichti- gungen versehen von. L. Agassiz. See SOWERBY (J.) 8°. 1842-44. Agassiz (J. L. R.) Monographic des Poissons Fossiles du Vieux Gres Rouge, ou Systeme Devonien (Old Red Sandstone) des lies Britanmques et de Russie. ]>/>. rxxin, 171 : 4~ }dg- (col.) 4°. & fol. Neuclultel entier ; C. Dum^ril ; G. R. Ehrenberg ; G. F. Erichson ; E. F. Germar ; G. R. Gray ; J. E. Gray ; ' L. Imhoff ; J. J. Kaup ; H. Lcew ; H. Lucas ; C. T. Menke ; H. A. Meyer ; F. Miescher ; M. [i.e. H.] Milne- Edwards ; H. E. Strickland ; A. Wagner ; G. R. Water- house ; [H.] Zeller. 4°. Soloduri, 1842-46. Each fasciculus has a distinctive title (beginning " Nomina systematica generum," />. 2R : 1 pi. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Contributions to Know- ledge. Vol. u, Art. 6. 4", 1851. Agassiz (J. L. R.) An examination of Prof. Agassiz's Sketch of the Natural Provinces of the Animal World and their relation to the different Types of Man, dec. See BACHMAN (J.) 8°. 1855. 'lln' original ]>aper appeared in the Edinb. New Phil. Jonrn., i.vii (1854)t pp. 347-68. Agassiz (J. L. R.) Sketch of the Natural Provinces of the Animal World and their relation to the different Types of Man. See. NOTT (J. C.) & GLIDDON (G. R.) Types of Mankind . . . Eighth Edition. 4". 1857. Tenth Edition. 4°. 1871. Agassiz (J. L. R.) Contributions to the Natural His- tory of the United States of America. 2 Monographs [in 4 Vol.] illust. 4°. Boston, 18o7-62. Monog. I, Ft. 1. Essay on Classification . . ?. North Amerio ,, !1. Embryology c Monog. u, ,, 1. Acalephs in general .. ..\pp. xi, •>'"/. „ ii. Ctenophorw | ,, 8. Discophonw „ 4. Hydroidw f" ,a „ 5. Homologies of the Radiata . ' unification . . ) -ican Testudinata fpf. IU : tt fit, 1857. r of the Turtle . . ) ip. xi, ; 19 pU. • ' \ff. ,-ii, L;;| lepl,. 18«0. Agassiz (J. L. R.) Notice of ... fossil Fishes. See UNITED STATES.— Pacific Railroad Survey. Re- ports, - I- "75" Agassiz (J. L. R.) & (E. C. C.) pp. xix, 540 : 8 pis., text illust. A Journey in Brazil. 8°. London, 1868. Agassiz (J. L. R.) & Cabot (J. E.) Lake Superior : its physical character, vegetation, and animals, com- • pared with those of other and similar regions, &c. pp. x, 428 : 17 ids. 8°. Boston, 18EO. Part n, Natural History, was by Agassiz alone, except the following sections : — No. 4. General remarks upon the Coleoptera ... By J. L. Leconte. „ 5. Catalogue of Shells, with descriptions of new species. By A. A. Gould. „ 8. Report on the Birds . . . By J. E. Cabot. „ !>. Descriptions of some opecies of Lepidoptera ... By T. W. Han-is. Agassiz (J. L. R.) & Desor (P. J. E.) Catalogue raisonne des families, des genres et des especes de la classe des Echinodermes . . . Precede d'une introduc- tion sur 1'organisation, la classification et le developpe- ment progressif des types dans la serie des terrains ; par L. Agassiz. pp. 167 : 1 id. 8". Paris, 1847. Ann. Sci. Nat. Ser. Ill, Tom. vl-vm. £ or 6-5 I (J. L. R.) & Gould (A. A.) Principles of ... Part I. Comparative Physiology, pp. xix, 216: text Must. 8°. Boston, 1848. Agassiz •I Zoology Agassiz (J. L. R.) it Gould (A. A.) Outlines of Com- parative Physiology . . . Edited from the revised edition ... by T. Wright, p-p. xxiv, 442: 1 pi. col., text Must. 8°. London, 1855. Holm's Scientific Library. Agassiz (J. L. R.) & Gould (A. A.) Die Zoologie . . . Von L. Agassiz, A. A. Gould und M. Perty. 2 Thl. [in 1], text Must. 8". Stuttgart, 1855. Thl. i. Allgemeine Zoologie von L. Aga&>iz und A. Gould, pp. 17$. [A translation of their " Principles of Zoology."] „ II. Spezielle Zoologie von . . . M. Perty. pp. 6D'i. Originally issued as Bd. II of the " Volks-Naturgeschichte der drei Ilelche " by L. Agassiz & others. Agassiz (J. L. R.) &, Vogt (C. C.) Anatomic des Sal- mones, &c. pp. 196: 18 pis. See NEUCHATEL.— SOCIETY DES SCIENCES NATURELLES. Memoires, &c. Tom. in. 4°. 1846. Agassiz (J. L. R.) & others. Volks-Naturgeschichte der drei Reiche . . . Von . . . L. Agassiz, H. G. Bronn, K. C. von Leonhard, M. Perty, E. A. Quitzmann und M. Seubert. Bd. I. Allgemeine Einleitung indie Naturgeschichte. Von H. G. Bronn. Naturgesohickte des Steinreiclis. Von K. C. von Leonhard. ,, li. Naturgeschichte des 1'flanzenreicbs. Von M. Seubert. „ ill. Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs. Von L. Agassiz, A. A. Gould und M. Perty. ,, iv. Naturgeschichte des Menschen als Individuum und als Race. Von E. A. Quitzmann und M. Perty. For the several editions of these sections see under their respective authors. Bd. iv is wanting. AGERIUS (NICOLAUS) [1568-1634] Neweauss^eriiste Deutsche Apoteck . . . New . . . obersehen, verbessert, . . . durch N. Agerium, &c. 3 Thl. See RYFF (G. H.) fol. 1602. AGGREGATOR. (Aggregator practicus de aim- plicibus.) Begin. Rogatu plurimos iopfl niininj egStiu appotecas refutatiu occasioe ilia, qr necessaria ibidS ad corp3 egru spectatia sunt cara simplicia et ^posita, : ISO text Must. 4". Venetia, 1522. AGNELY (ANDRE HORACE) Le Criquet pelerin (Acri- dium peregrinum) ; vulgairement Sauterelle volante 8°. u Zagrelu, 1867-» Agram. — Jugoslavenska Akademija znanosti i umjetnosti. Flora Croatica ... sumptibus . . . See SCHLOSSER (J. C.) & FARKAS- umjetnosti. Academiae, VUKOTINOVIC (L.) 8". 1869. £ AGRAM. Societas Historico-naturalis Croatica. See supra, HRVATSKO NARAVOSLOVNO DRUSTVO. AGRI - HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF MADRAS. [Founded 1835.] Hortus Madraspatensis. Catalogue of Plants, indigenous and naturalized in the . . . Society's Gardens, &c. [Edited, with a preface by H. C., i.t. H. Cleghorn.] pp. v, 36. 4°. Madras, 1853. AGRI - HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN INDIA. [Founded 1830: resuscitated 1859.] A Catalogue of Plants growing in Bombay and its vicinity . . . published under the auspices of the . . . Society. See GRAHAM (J.) 8°. 1839. E AGRICOLA (GKoRr.)lor ratlierG. BAUER] [1494-1555] G. Agricolae de re metallica libri XII . . . Ejusdem de Aniinantibus Subterraneis Liber, ab Autore recognitus cum Indicibus diversis, quicquid in opere tractatum eat, pulchre demonstrantibus. j>j>. [10,] :~>;M [7,J] : tejct ill nut. fol. Basileae, 1556. Agricola ((!.) De metallicis rebus ac nominibus observationes varias . . . ex schedi.sG. Fabricii : quibus ea }H>tissimuni explicantur, qute G. Agricola pnuteriit. SI folios. See GESNEK (C.) De ornni rerum fossilium genera, <£-e. 8°. 1565. Agricola (G.) G. Agricolae . . . de re metallica libri XII . . . Quibus accesserunt hftc ultima editione . . . se- quentes. De Animantibus Subterraneis. Lib. I. De Ortu it Causis Subterraneorum. Lib. v. De Natura eorum qiue effluunt ex Terra. Lib. IV. De Natura Fossilium. Lib. x. De Veteribus & Novis Metallis. Lib. n. Bermannus sive de Re Metallica, Dialogue. Lib. I. Cum Indicibus diversis, &c. pp. [x,] 708 [140] : test illust. fol. Basileai, 1657. AGRICOLA (GEOKU ANDREAS) [1672-1738] Neu- und nie erhorter . . . Versuch der Universal-Vermehrung allcr B&ume, Stauden, und Blumen-Gewachse, t. [in 1 Vol.] L' Agriculture parfaite, 41. Vol l, ll, are reprint*. Vol. Iv-vii are each in two separately paged portion*. Index to ... Vol. I-VIH. 8°. Calcutta, 1857. [Continued as :] (The Monthly) Journal, arta — 1. Original Communications, II. Correspondence and Selections ; Vol. iv-xlv have an additional jtortion — III. Monthly Proceedings — also Mpamtoly paged. Index to ... Vol. i-ix. 8°. Calcutta, 1857. Index to ... Vol. x-xiv. Issued with New Serin, Vol. vll. Journal, 8°. Calcutta, 1890-» In two M|«rat«ly paged sections. Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. Suggestions received by the . . . Society, for extending the cultivation and introduction of ... Plants, with a view to the improvement of the . . . resources of India. Compiled by H. H. Spry, A-c. pp. an, 2i>x. 4". Calcutta, 1841. AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE OF NEW SOUTH WALES, The. Vol. i-» See NEW SOUTH WALES.— Department of Agriculture. 8". 1890-> **/ AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS. (Being the official organ of the Antigua and St. Christopher-Nevis Branches of the Agricultural and Commercial Society of the Leeward Islands.) Edited by ... C. A. Barber. Nos. 1-3 & Suppt.t 8". tit. John's, Antiijua, W.I., 1894 !)5. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF HERE- FORDSHIRE. Pomona Herefordiensis, Catalogus Conchyliorum quw reliquit D. A. d'Aguirra yGadea^-c. 2 Fasc. See MORCH (O. A. L.) 8". 1852-5:?. AGUIRRE (LOPE DE) [1510?- 1561] The Expedition L of P. de Ursua & L. de Aguirre in search of El Dorado -70. and Omagua in 1560-1, &c. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY, o. Works, fa. No. 28. 8". 1861. H . AGUSTIN (MiouEL) Libro de los secretos de Agricul- tura . . . traducido de lengua Catalana en Castellano P por Fray M. Agustin . . . del libro, que el misnio autor saco a luz el atio de 1717 y ahoracon addicion del quinto libro . . . y un vocabulario de seis lenguas, &c. Pl>. xii, 508. 8°. [Madrid, 1781.] Aguilera (.T. G.) & Ordonez Geologia de Mexico, pp. X7. AHL ( JONAS NICOLAUS) de Muraena et Ophichtho See THUNBERG (C. P.) Specimen Ichthyologicum L • - . . . offert J. N. Ahl. 4°. 1789. - [Another edition.] See THUNBERG (C. P.) Disser- tationes Academicae Upsaliae, «fcc. Vol. in. No. 1. 8". 1801. Ahl (J. N.) Dissertatio Medica de Benzoe, . . . subjicit J. N. Ahl, &c. See THUNBERC, (C. P.) 4°. [1793.] — [Another edition.] See. THUNBERG (C. P.) Disser- tationes Academicae Upsaliae, &c. Vol. n. No. 14. 8°. 1800. AHLBERG (CAROLUS GUSTAVUS) Plantarum Bra- siliensium Decas Secunda ... p. p. C. G. Ahlberg, &c. ( See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4". [1818.] AHLBORN (FR.) Der Schwebflug und die Fallbe- wegung ebener Tafeln in der Luf t.— Ueber die Stabilitat der Flugapparate. pj>. ill, -~>l : ' j>l»., tej-t Must. See HAMBURG.— NATURWIS8ENSCHAFTLICHER VKISKIN. Abhandlungen, L. 8, B 5 8. (.0.2. L i n A| Ahles (W. E. VON) Vier Feinde der Landwirthschaft. Das Mutterkorn und der Rost des Getreides. Die Kartotfel- und Traubenkrankheit, &c. pp. 54 •' 4 d-iag*. col., text illust. 8°. L 8". Lomlini. 17X1. Th« c.i ii; wHtMHailour ilrawinKii tut the PUttM. by J. Nowerby, J. F. Miller, NcHtcU-r, (i. I). Ebret, ninl Fr. Bauer, tinted I7U7-SH, ure in tin.' Botanical Dept. - Second Edition, enlarged by W. T. Aiton, * AIX'IK •, c'«, KRFURT. — KOENIGLICHE AKADEMIE GEMEINNUET- XICER WI98ENSCHAFTEN. AKADEMIJA UMIEJETNOSCI W KRAKO- WIE. ,Vi-i- CRACOW. AKEB.BLOM (CAROLUS MAGNUS) De origine Myrrh* controverea. Specimen quartum ... p. p. C. M. Akerblom, «tc. See AFZELIUS (A.) 4». [182'..] AKERMAN (J. E.) Museum naturalium Academise Ujwaliensis. Cujus jmrtem xxx ... p. p. J. E. Akenuan, . xv, oil. 8°. Montgomery, Ala., 1886. Alabama, State of. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Report on the Cahaba Coal Field, by J. Squire . . . With an appendix on the Geology of the valley regions adjacent to the Cahaba Field, by E. A. Smith, pp. IX, [Hi,] 189 : 7 pis., 1 map col., text Must. 8°. Montgomery, Ala., 1890. Alabama, State of.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Report on the Coal Measures of the plateau region of Alabama, by H. McCalley . . . including a report on / the Coal Measures of Blount County, by A. M. Gibson. / 8". Albany, 1886-» - [Another edition.] No. 20. 4". Albany, 1868 [1870]. [1874] State Museum edition. No. 28. 8°. Albany, 1879. io L , Albany. — New York State Museum of Natural History. Bulletin, &c. Vol. i-> 8°. Albany, 1887-» In Vol. I each number contains a separately paged paper. Q Albany. — New York State Museum of Natural History. Memoirs, &c. Vol. I, No. 1. 4°. Albany, 1889. Vol. I, No. 1. The development of some Silurian Brachiopoda. By •> C . C. E. Beecher and J. M. Clarke. 1880. ALBANY. — University of the State of New York. [Founded 1784.) . Annual Report of the Regents ... on the condition ' of the State Cabinet of Natural History, &c. No. l-» '• See supra, NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. 8°. 1848-» Albany. — University of the State of New York. Economic and geologic map of the State of New York, &c. [Scale 1 in. = 14 m.] SeeNEV? YORK, State of. [Maps] 1895. ALBANY INSTITUTE. [Founded 1824 by the union of two previously existing societies.] Transactions, &c. Vol. i-» 8°. Albany, 1830 (1828)-> Albany Institute. Proceedings, niriare« de 1'Atlantique N'onl (Guile de Gascogjne, Terre-Neuve, Azores) pur E. '1'opsent. l>p. 1SS: 11 pit. eat. 18H2. ,, III. Etude des Brachio)H>deft recueillis . . . dans le Golfe de Gas- e-ncne, aux Acores et a Terre-Neuve par P. FUcher et D. P. (F.hlert. pn.*0:Spl*. 1892. .. iv. Opisthobranches pniveliant des canipugneH du yacht 1'flinni- delle par U. Bench, pp. S.'-: 4 j>/». 1808. .. v. /fcir/.w/iAi/.*i OrtmUtt (nova species) Siphonopbore bathy- pelagiquede 1'Atlantique Nord. Par M. Dedot. pp. 9; 1 pi. 1898. .. M. Contribution a 1'etude des Holothnries de 1'Atlantique Nord (Golfe de Gaacogne, lies Azores) par E. von Marenzaller. pp. fi: ijilt. (1 tut.) 1893. „ Ml. Cnutace> Decapodes provenant des camiuiftnes dn yacht 1'Hirondelle (1886-88). Par A. Milne-Kdwards et K. I.. Boavier. Premiere partie. Brachyures et Anoiimures. yp. US: 11 pit. (4 co/.), tut Hlv*t. 1894. .. Mil. Zoantbairw . . . Par K. Jourdan. pp. •!.!: 1 p/«. ml. 1895. ,, IX, Contribution a 1'etude dee Cepbalopodes de 1'Atlantique Nord. Par L. Joubin. pp.tu.-ilplt.col. 1895. . . X. Poisaons provenant des cam]>afines du yacht . . . Par R. Collett. pp. Mi, 198: i: ,,!>. 189o. .. xi. Contribution a 1'etude des Stellerides de 1'Atlantique Nord (Golfe de Gascogne, Acores, Terre-Neuve). Par E. Perrier. 1890. Albert Honore Charles, Prince of Monaco. Apuntes acerca de los a]wratos de pesca empleados &, bordo de la Hirondelle por S. A. S. el Principe de Monaco, por D. I. Bolivar. (Lista de las publicaciones hechas con los materiales y les observaciones procedentes de las campaiias del yacht Hirondelle.) pp. 40: 2 pis., text Must. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE . HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, />. xi,] 105 fds. fol. ( Venetiis, 1519.) Printed in double column. Albertus, Magnus. Albertus Magnus de Falconibus, Asturibus, & Accipitribus. Ex hbro ejus xxm DC Animalibus. See FREDERICK II, Emperoi- of Germany. Reliqua Librorum Friderici II . . . De arte venandi cum avibus, &c. 8°. 1596. Albertus, Magnus. Alberti Magni De Vegetabilibus libri vn, Historiae Naturalis pars xym. Editionem criticam ab E. Meyero coeptam absolvit C!. Jessen. pp. Hi, 75V : 2 ills. 8°. Berolini, 1867. Albertus, Magnus. Traite de Fauconnerie. (Traduit d'Albert-le-Grand.) See DANCUS, King of Armenia. I ,• livre du Roi Dancus, &c. 4°. 1883. ALBERTUS (SOLOMON) [1540-1600] Tres Orationes. 1'rima De cognitione Herbarum . . . Secunda DC- Moschi aromatis . . . Tertia De disciplina Anatomica, &c. pp. 190. 8°. Norimbergae, 1585. 25 2 Z. z r z z Z- z z 2. ALBIN (ELEAZAR) [fl. 1713-1759] A natural history of English Insects, £c. 100 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress. 4°. London, 1720. [Third edition.] To which are added . . . notes ... by W. Derham. 100 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress. 4°. London, 1749. Wanting Derham's notes. Albin (E.) Insectorum Anglioe Naturalis Historia . . . Accedunt annotationes . . . a G. Derham. 100 pis. col., ivith descriptive letterpress. 4". Londini, 1731. A Latin translation of the second, or 1724 edition. Albin (E.) A natural history of Birds, &c. 3 Vol. col. Must. fol. London, 1731-38. [Another edition.] To which are added, notes and observations by W. Derham, dec. 3 Vol. col. Must. 4°. London, 1738-40. Albin (E.) A treatise on Fish and Fish-ponds . . . illustrated ... by E. Albin. See NORTH (R.) 4°. [? 1735-40.] Albin (E.) A natural history of Spiders, and other curious Insects, &c. pp. viii, 76 : 54 pis. col. 4". London, 1736. Albin (E.) [A natural history of English Song Birds, and such of the foreign as are usually brought over and esteemed for their singing, dec. 8°. London, 1737.] Wanting. A new [fourth] edition, pp. iv, 107 : 24 pis. 8°. London, 1779. Albin (E.) Aranei, or a natural history of Spiders, including the principal parts of the . . . work on English Spiders by E. Albin, dec. 2 Ft. See MARTYN (T.) fol. 1793. ALBINO DA FONSECA BENEVIDES (AN- TONIO) See FONSECA BENEVIDES. ALBINUS (BERNARD SIEGFRIED) [1697-1770] B. S. Albini explicatio Tabularum Anatomicarum B. Eus- tachii, . . . Auctor recognovit, castigavit, auxit, denuo edidit. pp. 295 : 47 ])ls. fol. Leidae, 1761. Each plate is accompanied by a key. Albiuns (BERNARD S.) A series of engravings [copied from the Tables of Albinus] representing the bones of the human skeleton, &c. See MITCHELL (E.) fol. 1819. [Another edition entitled :] The anatomy of the Bones of the human body ; represented in a series of engravings, copied from the . . . tables of ... Albinus ... a new edition, dec. See MITCHELL (E.) 4°. 1829. ALBINUS (BERNHARDUS) [1653-1721] Dissertatio de Thee . . . preside D. B. Albino, &c. See GENGE (J. M.) 4°. 1684. ALBOFF (N.) See AL'BOV. AIiBOM (SvENp ERICUS) Museum naturalium Acad- emise Upsaliensis. Cujus part, xix . . . subjicit S. E. Albom. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. 1796. AL'BOV (N.) Abkhazskie paporotnlkl. (Les Fougeres d'Abkhasie.) pp. 10. See ODESSA. — NOVOROSSIISKOE OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOlSPUITATELEI. Zapiskl, &C. Tom. xvi. [Pt. 1.] 8°. 1891. ALBRECHT (CARL MARTIN PAUL) [1851-1894] Beitrag zur Morphologic des M. omo-hyoides und der ventraten inneren Interbranchialmuscujatur in der Reihe der Wirbelthiere. Inauguraldissertation, dec. (Nach- trag.) pp. 105, Stab. : 16 pis. SeeKivi. — UNIVERSITAET. Schriften, dec. Bd. xxm. 4". 1876. Albrecht (C. M. P.) Die willkiirlichen Muskeln des menschlichen Korpers, &c. pp. 148. 4°. Kiinigsberg, 1877. Albrecht (C. M. P.) Sur la valeur morphologioue de 1'articulation mandibulaire, du cartilage de Meckel et des osselets de 1'oui'e, avec essai de prouver que l'6caille du temporal des Mammiferes est composed primitive- ment d'un squamosal et d'un quadratum. pp. 22: text illust. 8°. Brut 'files, 1883. Albrecht (C. M. P.) Sur la non-homologie des poumons des Vertebres pulmon6s avec la vessie natatoire des Poissons . . . suivi d'une annexe contenant une dis- cussion sur ce sujet entre M. . . . Renson . . . et M. Albrecht. pp. 44 : text illust. 8°. Paris & Bruxelles, 1886. Albrecht (C. M. P.) Vergleichend anatomische Unter- suchungen. Bd. I, Heft. 1-3. f 8°. Hamburg, 1886-87. Albrecht (C. M. P.) Zwei Fragen ... I. Giebt es bei Saugethieren eine auf Wiederentwickelun" phylo- genetisch verloren gegangener Finger beruhende wahre, und eine auf wieder erfolgter Spaltung phylogenetisch nicht mehr zur Spaltung gelangender Finger beruhende scheinbare Hyperdaktylie? II. Sind die an Penis und Clitoris der Saugethiere auftretenden Spaltung "patho- logisch " oder atavistisch. (Anatomische Schriften des ... P. Albrecht.) pp.!9(ix). 8°. Hamburgh Leipzig, 1887. ALBRECHT (PAUL) See ALBRECHT (C. M. P.) ALBRINK (.JOANNES HERMAN us) Dissertatio in- auguralis physiologica Caloris sistens Animalis theoriam, dec. pp. 48- 8°. Berolini, 1827. ALBUM DEE, NATUUR, dec. 1852-56. 5 Vol. 8°. Haarlem, 1852-56. Onder redactie van P. Harting, D. Lubach en W. M. Logeman. Nieuwe Reeks, 1857-85. 8". Haarlem, 1857-85. Wetenschappelijk en alphabetisch Zaak- en Naam-Register . . . 1852-1863, dec. 8°. Haarlem, 1865. ALBUQUERQUE (AFFONSO DE) [1453-1515] Ver- richtungen als Vicekonig von Indien, 1510-16. See ARKSTEE ( ) WILLIAM) [1859-] Fishes. See INDIA. Illustrations of the Zoology of H.M. . . . surveying steamer Investigator, Ac. 4°. 1892-» Alcock (A. W.) * Anderson (A. R. S.) Crustacea— Echinoderma. AVr INDIA. Illustrations of the Zoology of H.M. . . . surveying steamer Investigator, V) ALEKSANDBOV (M.) Gheologhicheskii ocherk bereghov R. Dona mezhdu stanishami Kremenskoi i Ilovlmskoi. — Geologische Untersuchungen am Flusse Don zwischen Kremenskaja und Ilowlinskaja. pp. 17 : 1 map. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOIS- PUITATELEI PRI IMPERATORSKOM KAZANSKOM UNIVER- SITETYE. Trudui, &c. Tom. XVH. [No. 6.] 8°. 1887. ALEKSANDROVICH (Gn.) O semeistvye be- reskovuikh Rastenii s osobennuim Izslyedovaniem svoistvennuikh S. Peterburghskoi Florye, &c. [On the B Family of the Ericaceae, with especial investigation of those native to the St. Petersburg Flora, ort on the Zoological Collections made during the Voyage of H.M.S. Alert,' 1881-82. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1884. ALESSANDBI (INNOCENZIO)[C. 1742-1 & Scattaglia Z (P.) Descrizioni degli Animali, era quui exstant. Addita . . . qusedam . . . Alexandri, ecies of Birds by G. R. Waterbouse; anew Lizird and new Laud-Shells by J. E. Gray ; and an account of a meteorite by Sir J. Herscbel. Alexander (Sir J. E.) Salmon-Fishing in Canada, by a Resident. Edited by Col. Sir J. E. Alexander. pp. xiv, 350 : 2 pis., 1 map, text Must. 8°. London, 1860. ALEXANDERSON (ADOLPHUS) Novitiae Florae Svecicse . . . respondens A. Alexanderson . . . Part IV. See FRIES (E. M.) 4°. 1817. Alexanderson (A.) Scipmyzides Sveciae. Quarum descriptionem . . . subjicit A. Alexanderson. See FALLEN (C. F.) Diptera Sveciae, ofcc. Vol. H. 4°. 1820. ALEXANDBE (CHARLES) [1797-1871] C. Plinii Secundi Historise Naturalis liori xxxvn . . . Pars prima continens Cosmologiam curante C. Alexandre. See PLINIUS SECUNDUS (C.) 8°. 1827. ALEXANDRE (NICOLAS) [1654-1726] Dictionnaire Botanique et Pharmaceutique . . . par *** [i.e. N. Alexandre.] See DICTIONARIES. 8". 1790. ALEXANDRINUS (.TuLius) [1506-1590] Ad R. Dodona3um epistola apologetica. pp. 23. 85. Francofurti, 1584. ALEXANDROFF ( ) See ALEKSANDROV. ALEXANDROW ( ) See ALEKSANDROV. ALEXANDROWITSCH (G.) See ALEKSANDRO- vICH (Gn.) ALFARO (ANASTASIO) Mamiferos de Costa Rica por A. Alfaro, &c. See SAN JosiL — MUSEO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA. 8°- 1897. Alfaro (ANASTASIO) [For Official Reports as Administrator] Stt SAN JOSE.— MUSEO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA. ALFORD (CHARLES J.) The Mineralogy of the Island of Sardinia. fol. [London, 1880.] 41 Iron." Alford (C. J.) Witwatersrand Gold Fields: their geological features, pp. 11. 8°. London, 1889. Reprinted from the " Mining Journal," 5th Oct., 1889. Alford (C. J.) Geological features of the Transvaal, South Africa, pp. vi, fi'J : 8 its. (3 col.), 1 map col. 8°. London, 1891. ALFORD FIELD CLUB AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. See EAST OF SCOTLAND UNION OF NATURALISTS' SOCIETIES. ALOER (FRANCIS) [1807-1863] An elementary treatise on Mineralogy . . . Fifth [American] Edition, &c. See PHILLIPS (W.) 8". 1844. L I 0. ft 7 o - -y *• -J- P. fl\ - ff\ |r\ ALGERIA.— CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DE L'ALGERIE. Paleontologie, ou description des animaux fossiles de la Qf province d Oran (de 1'Algerie) par A. Pomel ... Pour servir a 1'explication de la carte . . . Zoophytes. Fasc. II, livr. 1, & Fasc. v. 4°. Alger, Oran, 1872, 85. Fasc. II, Echinodermes, Livr. 1. pp. Ixvi i, 1S1 : 79 pis. 1885. (There are no plates " B. Hi" or " B. xiv." Pp. 1-181 are identical with the author's Thesis, "Classification me'thodique et genera des Echinides vivants et foesiles," published in 1883.) Fasc. v, Spongiaires. pp. v, £56: 3fj pis. 1872. Algeria. — CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DE L'ALGERIE. Texte explicatif de la Carte geologique provisoire au 1 : 800,000 \i.e. 1 in. = 12£ m. about] des provinces d'Alger et d'Oran par A. Pomel et J. Pouyanne. pp. SH. 8°. Alger, 1882. [Another edition entitled :] Explication de la deuxieme edition . . . par A. Pomel . . . suivie d'une Etude succincte sur les Roches eruptives de cette region par MM. J. Curie & G. Flamand. pp. vii, 217, 100. 4". Alger, 1890. Algeria. — CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DE L'ALGERIE. Materiaux pour la Carte . . . lre Serie Paleontologie. Monographies locales. 2 Pt. 4°. Alyer, 1885-89. I. Les Echinides du Kef Ighoud par A. Pomel. pp. W : 3 pl». 1885. II. Les Ce'phalopodes Keocomiens de Lamorciere par A. Pomel. pp.96: Upls. 1889. Algeria. — CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DE L'ALGERIE. Description stratigraphique generale de 1'Algerie par A. Pomel, suivie d'une Etude succincte sur les Roches eruptives de cette region par MM. Curie et Flamand. pp. 211, 90. 8°. Alger, 1889. Algeria.— CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DE L'ALGERIE. Paleontologie. Monographies. [1— »] 4°. Alger, 1893— > [l.J Cameliens et Cervides par A. Pomel. pp. 53 : 8 )il». 1893. [2.] Bvltahis antiquus par A. Pomel. pp. VI, : 10 pin. 1808. /> [8.J Boeufs-Taureaux par A. Pomel. pp. lOfJ : 19 pie. 1894. Cl [4.] les Boselapbes Hay par A. Pomel. pp. 60 : 11 pis. 1894. [5.J Les Antilopes Pallas par A. Pomel. pp. S'J : IS pis. 1895. [6.] Les Elephants Quaternaires par A. Pomel. pp. 67 : IS pit. 1895. [7.] Les Rhinoceros Quaternaires par A. Pomel. pp. ltd : 1Z pig. 1S95. [8.J Les Hippopotaiues par A. Pomel. pp. 05 : 31 pis. 1896. [9.] Les Carnassiers par A. Pomel. pp. 62 : 16 pis. 1896. [10.] Les Suilliens Porciens par A. Pomel. pp. 39: 10 pis. 1896. Algeria. — CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DE L'ALGERIE. [Maps] Carte geologique provisoire des provinces d'Alger et • d'Oran . . . par MM. Pomel et Pouyanne. Echelle 1 : 800,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 12^ m. about]. 4 sh. col. Alger, 1882. The N.E. sheet is also issued separately under the title: "Carte geologique provisoire de la province de Constantine." 'f Deuxieme edition, &c. 4 sh. geol. col. Alger, 1890. ALGERIA. — Societe des Sciences Physiques, Naturelles et Climatologiques de 1'Algerie. See ALGIERS, Toion of. ALGERIA. [Maps.] Carte topographique de 1'Algerie L dressee par L. Boufl'ard. Echelle 1 : 1,500,000 [1 in. = 23'67 m.] See BARBIER (J.) de 1'Algerie, &c. Itineraire historique 12". 1855. j> Algeria. [Maps.] Carte de 1'Algerie a 1'Echelle dt 1 m. pour 400,000 m. [1 in. = 6'31 m.] 6 sh. Paris, 1856. Algeria. [Maps.] Carte Botanique de 1'Algerie. Divisee en regions naturelles dressee . . . par M. Ju- d,enne sous la direction de MM. Cosson et L. Kralik. Echelle 1 : 1,600,000. See COSSON (E.) Repertoire Alpha- betique des principales localites mentionees dans le Compendium et -le Conspectus .Flora? Atlantic* . . . Deuxieme edition. 1882. There is a comjianiou map showing the routes traversed. Algeria. [Map$,] Carte de la geogenie du Sahel d'Alger par A. Bourjot. [Scale 1 : 80,000, i.e. 1 in. = li m. about.] col., Alger [18—]. Algeria. [Maps.] See also supra, Carte Ge'ologique de 1'Algerie. ALGIERS, Town of.—Jardin d' Acdimatation au HamiiM. See HAMMA. ALGIERS, Town of. — ficole sup6rieure des Sciences. Bulletin, &c. Fasc. l.t pp. 105 : text Must. 8". Alyer, 1884. Contains : — " Une Mission scientifique en Tunisie en 1877, i«r A. Pomel." ALGIERS, Town of. — Societe des Sciences Physiques, Naturelles et Climatologiques de 1'Algerie. [18t'3 Founded as SocUU de Climatologie Algmeane. 1876 SocUU des Sciences Physiques, Nalurtlla et ClimaMtxjiquei de 1'Algerie.] Bulletin, &c. Ann. i-xxvi.t 8". Alger, 1864-89. Without title-pages and also, except Ann. x.illl-xxvi, without indexes Ann. vll-xxiv contain numerous separately paged papers. ALGLAVE (EMILE) [1842-] Revue des Cours Scienti- fiques . . . Direction . . . E. Alglave, &c. Ann. n— llu. Serie. Tom..xvm. See REVUE SCIENTIFIQUE, &c. 4°. 1864-«0. ALGUREIT (SvEN) Museum naturalium Academise TTpsaliensis. Cujus part, xvi . . . offert S. Alguren. Set THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. 1794. AL- HASSAN IBN - MOHAMMED, Al-Wezaz, Al-Fasi. See HASAN IBN MUHAMMAD, Al-Wazzan, Al-Fdsi. ALI MOORAD KHAN BAHADER, Ameer of Sindh. Narrative of a residence at the Court of Meer Ali Moorad, &c. 2 Vol. See LAKGLEV (E. A.) 8°. 1860. ALIX (EDMOND) Recherches sur 1'Anatomie de I'Hipnopotame . . . publiees par les soins du Doct. E.Alix, Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. ^ Bulletin, AUen (JoEL A.) On an extinct type of Dog from Ely Cave, Lee County, Virginia. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, illust. 8°. New York, 1888-* ALLEN (WILLIAM) [1793-1864] & Thomson (T. R. H.) A narrative of the expedition ... to the River Niger, in 1841. Under the command of Capt. H. D. Trotter. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1848. Vol. I contains Dr. Stanger's "Geological Report to the African Civilization Society." Vol. u, Appendix, contains the Natural History, of which the Shells are by E. Forbes. ALLEN'S NATURALIST'S LIBRARY. Allen's Naturalist's Library. Edited by R. B. Sharpe, &c. The works which constitute this series are entered under the names of their several authors. Primate*. By H. O. Forbes. 2 Vol. Carnivora. By R. Lydekker. Marsupialia and Monotremata. By R. Lydekker. British Mammalia. By I!. Lydekker. Game Birds, lly W. U. l)Eihie-Orant. Vol. i-*. Birds of Great Britain, lly It. II. .Shar]«. 4 Vol. Lepidoptera. Butterflies and Moths. By W. F. Kirby. 5 Vol. e 6 fn. ff\ 0 A 1894. [1S95.J [1804.] 1895. 1894-97. 1894-97. ALLESCHER (ANDREAS) Verzeichnis [sic] in Siid- bayern beobachteter Basidiomyceten. pp. 64. 8°. Miinc/ten, 1884. ALLGEMEINE BOTANI8CHE BIBLIOTHEK DES NEUNZZHNTEN JAHRHUNDERTS. Srf RATISBON.— KOENICLICH-BAYERISCHE BOTANISCHE <;t>Kl.l..-.i II UT IN REiiENSBUBO. fb ALLGEMEINE EOT ANISCHE ZEIT - SCHRIFT fiir Systematik, Floristik, Pflanzeii- geographie etc. Herausgegeben von A. Kneucker. Wo. l-» 8°. Karlsruhe, 1895-» ALLGEMEINE DEUTSCHE N ATURHIS - TORISCHE ZEITUNG. See DRESDEN. — NATUR- WISSENSCHAFTLICHE GESELLSCHAFT ISIS. gei N< ORNITHOLO- z. A L ALLGEMEINE DEUTSCHE GISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. [Founded in 1875 by the union of the Deutsche Ornithologen- OeseUschaft and the Deutsche Ornithotogischc Qcsdlichajt m Berlin.] See JOURNAL FUER ORNITHOLOGIE ... In Verbindung mit der ... Gesellschaft, &c. Jahrg. xxiv-» 8°. 1876-» Allgemeine Deutsche Ornithologische Gesell- schaft. See ORNITHOLOGISCHES CENTRALBLATT . . . Im Auftrageder . . . Gesellschaft. Jahrg. i-vi. 4". 1876-81. ALLGEMEINE GARTENZEITUNG. Eine Zeitschrift fiir Giirtnerei und alle damit in Bezie- hung stehende Wissenschaften . . . Herausgegeben von F. Otto . . . und A. Dietrich. Jahrg. i-xxiv.f 4°. Berlin, 1833-56. Printed in double column. ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GE- SELLSCHAFT FUER DIE GESAMMTEN NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN. l[ [Founded 1815: also known at different times under the f ollowingtitles : — ' Sckweizfrisclie naturforschende Gesellschaft. Society Hdtetique des Sciences natnrelles. Socittt! Sidsse des Sciences naturetles. Societd Elvetlca delle Sciense naturali. Societfd Elvfticaper las Sciensias no.turela*.} Eroffnungsrede der Jahresversammlung, &c. (Discours prononce ... en ouvrant ... la reunion periodique, &c.) Sessions 3-8. 1817-1822. 8". Zurich, &c., 1817-23. [Continued as :] Kurze Uebersicht der Verhandlungen, &c. Sessions 9 & 10. 1823 & 1824. 8°. Aarau, &c., 1823-24. [Continued as :] Verhandlungen (Actes— Compte-Rendu— Atti— Acts), &c. Sessions ll-> 1825-» 8°. Solothurn, &c., 1825-» Each year's proceedings are, as a rule, printed and published in the town where the meeting is held ; the title was formerly in the prevail- ing language of the place— German, French, Italian, and in one instance (18(13) Romansch ; but since that date two title-pages (Germ, and Fr.) have been regularly issued. 1. Genf. 2. Bern. 3. 1817 Zurich. 4. 1818 Lausanne. 5. 1819 St. Gallen. 6. 1820 Geneve. 7. 1821 Basel. 8. 1822 Bern. 9. 1823 Aarau. 10. 1824 Schaffhausen. 11. 1825 Solothurn. 12. 1826 Chur. 13. 1827 Zurich. 14. 1828 Lausanne. 15. 1829 Grand-Saint Bernard (Lausanne). 16. 1830 St. Gallen. 1831 [No meeting]. 17. 1832 Geneve. 18. 1833 Lugano. 19. 1834 Lnzern. 20. 1835 Aarau. 21. 1836 Solothurn. 22. 1887 Neuchatel. 23. 1838 Basel. 24. 1839 Bern. 25. 1840 Fribourg. 26. 1841 Zurich. 27. 1842 Altdorf. 28. 1843 Lausanne. 29. 1844 Chur. 30. 1845 Geneve. 31. 184ii Winterthur. 32. 1847 Schaffhausen. 33. 1848 Solothurn. 34. 1849 Frauenfeld. 85. 1850 Aaran. 36. 1851 Glarus. 87. 1852 Sion. 38. 1853 Porrentrny. 39. 1854 St. Gallen. 40.1855 Chaux-de-Fonds. 41. 1856 Basel. 42. 1857 Trogen. 43. 1858 Bern. 1859 [No meeting]. 44. 1860 Lugano. 45. 1861 Lausanne. 46. 1862 Luzern. 47. 1863 Samaden (Chur). 48. 1864 Zurich. 49. 1865 Geneve. 50. 1866 Neuchatel. 61. 1867 Rheinfelden (Aaran). 52. 1868 Einsiedeln. 53. 1869 Solothum. 1870 [No meeting]. 54. 1871 Frauenfeld. 65. 1872 Fribourg. 56. 1873 Schaffhausen. 57. 1874 Chur. 58. 1875 Andermatt (Luzern). 59. 1876 Basel. 60. 1877 Bex (Lausanne). 61. 1878 Bern. 62. 1879 St. Gallen. 63. 1880 Brieg (Lausanne). 04. 1881 Aarau. 65. 1882 Linthal (Glaras). 66. 1883 Zurich. 67. 1884 Lnzern. 68. 1885 Locle (Neuchatel). 69. 1886 Geneve. 70. 1887 Frauenfeld. 71. 1888 Soleure. 72. 1889 Lugano. 73. 1890 Davos. 74. 1891 Fribourg. 75. 1892 Basel. /6. 1893 Lausanne. 77. 1894 Schaffhausen. 78. 1895 Zermatt 79. 1896 Zurich. 80. 1897 Engelberg. Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft, &c. L. Naturwissenschaftlicher Anzeiger . . . Herausgegeben von F. Meisner. Jahrg. i-v. 4°. Bern & Aarau, 1818 (1817)-23. Jahrg. II, only, was published at Aarau. Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft, &c. L . Annalen . . . Herausgegeben von F. Meisner. Bd. I, n.t 8°. Bern, 1824-25. b /<•?* Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft, &c. Denkschriften, &c. Bd. I. 4°. Zurich, 1829. In two separately paged Abth. [Continued as :] Neue Denkschriften (— Nouveaux Memoires), &c. Tom. l-» 4°. Neuchdtel, Zurich, 1837-» The series is also divided into " Decades." Each memoir w separately paged. Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft, &c. Die periodischen Erscheinungen der Natur insbesondere der Pflanzenwelt nach den von der . . . Gesellschaft . . . veranlassten Beobachtungen, bearbeitet von S. Schwendener. See SCHWENDENER (S.) 4". 1856. . l<2Ol.t L.cto 6 Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft, &c. La reunion de la Societe ... en ... 1863, dkc. > See MARTINS (C. F.) 8". 1864. <— Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft, &c. Geschichte der . . . Gesellschaft zur Erinnerung an den Stiftungstag . . . 1815 und zur Feier des funfzig- jahrigen Jubilaums in Genf . . . 1865. pp. \vi,~\ 1 port. 4°. Zurich, 1865. L. S ' Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft, &c. Geologische. Kommission. [For publications in con- nection with the map edited by this Commission] See SWITZERLAND.— Carte Geologique Suisse. ALLGEMEINES JOURNAL DER CHEMIE. Herausgegeben von A. N. Scherer. Bd. i-x. iY) See JOURNAL FUER CHEMIE UND PHYSIK. 8°. 1798-1803. ALLGULIN (JOHAN MAGNUS) Dissertatio botanica ~ de Plantis cibariis Romanorum . . . subjicit J. M. 6 Allgulin, &c. [Pt. II.] See RETZIUS (A. J.) 4°. 1808. ALLIBONE (SAMUEL AUSTIN) [1816-1889] A critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors living and deceased, from the /_ earliest accounts to the latter half of the nineteenth century, &c. [Reissue.] 3 Vol. 8°. Philadelphia, 1891. A Supplement ... By J. F. Kirk. 2 Vol. 8°. Philadelphia, 1892. /_, (<£.f O\ ALLIES (.JABEZ) [1787-1856] Observations on certain curious indentations in the Old Red Sandstone of Worcestershire and Herefordshire, considered as the „ Tracks of Antediluvian Animals, &c. pp. vii, 132: Of. 3 ph. (1 col.) 8°. London & Worcester (1835). ALLIN (THOMAS) The Flowering Plants and Ferns /> of the County Cork, &c. pp. xiii, 113 : 1 map col. 8". Weston-super-Mare, 1883. ALLIONI (CARLO) [1725-1804] C. Allionii . . . Rari- ^ orum Pedemontii Stirpium. Specimen primum.t pp. x, 55 : 12 pis. 4°. Augu&tce Taurinorum, 1755. Allioni (C.) OryctographiaB Pedemontanre Specimen, * exhibens Corpora Fossilia terra adventitia. pp. viii, 84. D 8°. Parisiis, 1757. SU*3-/4i Allioni (C.) Stirpium proecipuarum littoris et agri NicEeensis enumeratio methodica ; cum elencho aliquot animalium ejusdem maris. pp. xxii, 255. 8°. n 32 L. 2 z 11. o. N. Gr &, B B 6. B L Allioni (C.) Flora Pedemontana, &e. 3 Vol. Must. fol. Awjttfitsie Tnuritutrvm, 1785. Allioni (('.) Auctarium ad Floram Pedempntanam, Mapa Geologico. Boletin, &c. Tom. xm. 8°. 1886. far Alniera (J.) & Bofill (A.) Moluscos fosiles de los terrenos Terciarios superiores de Cataluna. LAT. & SPAN. 2 Pt. See SPAIN. — Comisi6n del Mapa Geo- f logico. Boletin, &c. Tom. XI, xm. 8°. 1884, 86. u ALMEYDA (FRANCISCO DE) See ALMEIDA. ALMONTE T MURIEL (ENRIQUE D') Isla de L Luzon y sus adyacentes, &c. See LUZON, Isle of. [Maps.] J887/JE : ALMQUIST (ERNST) Lichenologiska iakttagelser pft Sibiriens nprdkust. See NORDENSKIOLD (A. E. VON) Vega-Expeditionens vetenskapliga Iakttagelser, &c. L. Bd. i. 8°. 1882. Almquist (E.) Die Lichenenvegetation der Kiisten L des Beringsmeeres. See NORDENSKIOLD (A. E. VON) Vega-Expeditionens vetenskapliga Iakttagelser, t Rhapontico. Ut et J. Bontii Medicina Indorum. pp. [xxi,] 325, [47, vi,] 36, 109: 6 pis. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1719. Alpinus (P.) P. Alpini . . ralis pars prima ( — secunda) Historian ^Egypti Natu- Opus postumum, &c. Q pp. 248, 306 : 25 pis. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1735. Pars i. Qua continentur Rerum ^gyptiarum libri quatuor. Pars ii, Sive, de Plantis /Egypti liber auctus et emendatus . . . Cum Obaervationibus & Notis J. Veslingii . . . accedunt ejusdem J. Veslingii Parameses ad Rem Herbariam & Vindicia) Oiwbalsjuni, cfrc. ALPS. [Maps.] Geologische Ubersichtskarte der Alpen . . . entworfen von . . . F. Noe . . . Massstab 1 : 1,000,000 [or 1 in. = 15| m. about]. Wien, 1890. - Erliiuterungen, &c. See NOE (F.) 8°. 1890. ALSACE-LORRAINE. — COMMISSION riwr DIE GEOLOGISCHEIWWrtjES-UNTERSUCHUNG UND^rfKTIRUNn VON ELSA^KLOTHKINGEN. [Founded wt.i' Abhandfungen zur geologischeix Specjdikarte, &c. Bdx*-> «fe Atlases. 8". & tofStraubvrg, 1875-> ^ifuny of the papers are separately paged^/ Alsace-Lorraine. — COMMISSION FUER DIE GEOLOOISCHE LANDES-UNTERSJ^HUNG, &C. MittheilungeXuer Commission, &c. &f. I, II. 8". Strassbpff/, 1888 (1886)-90. [Continued as. __ MiJtKeilungen der geologisch«n "" Landesanstalt von rsass-Lothringen. Herausg«!geben von der Direption der . . . Landesuntersuchmg, &c. Bd. m-» 3& > Strassbur,g, 1892/1890)-» ->~/ f^-wEi*oupc Alsace-Lorraine. — COMMISSION FUER DIE GEOLOGISCHE LANDES-UNTERSUCHUNG, &C. Erlauterungen zur geologischen Uebersichtskarte der siidlichen Halfte des Grossherzogthums Luxemburg. Von Dr. L. van Werveke. pp. iv, 89 (17) : 2 pis. (1 col.), text illust. 8°. Strassburg, 1887.- Alsace-Lorraine. — COMMISSION FUER DIE GEOLOGISCHE LANDES-UNTERSUCHUNG, &C. Erlauterungen zur geologischen Uebersichtskarte des westlichen Deutsch-Lothringen. Bearbeitet von E. Schumacher, G. Steinmann, u. L. van Werveke. pp. 99 : 2 }ils. (col.), text illust. 8°. Strassburg, 1887. Alsace-Lorraine.— COMMISSION FUER DIE GEOLOGISCHE LANDES-UNTERSUCHUNG, &C. [Maps.] Geologische Ubersichtskarte der siidlichen Halfte des Grossherzogthums Luxemburg . . . Aufgenommen von L. van Werveke. Maasstab 1 : 80,000 [i.e. 1 in. = lj m. about]. col. Strassburg, 1886. Alsace-Lorraine. — COMMISSION FUER DIE GEOLOGISCHE LANDES-UNTERSUCHUNG, &C. [Mafisj] Geologische Uebersichtskarte des westlichen Deutsch- Lothringen . . . zusammengestellt von L. van Werveke. Massstab 1 : 80,000 [i.e. 1 in. = U m. about]. col. Strassburg, 1886. ALSACE - LORRAINE. — GEOLOGISCHE LANDES- ANSTALT VON ELSASS-LOTHRINGEN. See supra, Commission fuer die c/eolofjische Landes- Untersuchung, &c. ALSACE-LORRAINE. [Maps.] See ALSACE-LORRAINE. — Commission fuer die geologische Landes-Untersuchung, &c. See also MOSELLE. ALSCHINGER (ANDREAS) [1791-1863] Flora Jadrensis complectens Plantas Phaenogamas hucusque in agro Jadertino detectas, &c. pp. 248. 8°. Jaderae, 1832. ALSTEEN (G.) On the general training and treat- ment of Carrier Pigeons. pp.8. 8°. fiyde [1881]. ALSTON (CHARLES) [1683-1760] Index Plantarum prascipue officinalium ... in Horto Medico Edin- burgensi, &c. (C. Linnaji Fundamenta Botanica.) pp. xxv, (22,) 66. 8°. Edinburgi, 1740. [Another edition entitled :] Tirocinium Botanicum Edinburgense. pp. [iv,] 116, 120. 4°. Edinburgi, 1753. In this edition the preliminary part is expanded into a " Dissertatio de Re Herbaria": the pagination for this and the "Fundamenta liotanica " being continuous. Alston (C.) Index Medicamentorum simplicium Triplex, pp. x, 172. 8°. Edinburgi, 1752. ALSTON (EDWARD RICHARD) [1845-1881] A history of British Quadrupeds . . . Second edition, revised ... by the author .... assisted by . . . E. R. Alston, &c. See BELL (T.) F.B.S. 4°. 1874. Alston (E. R.) Notes on the Fauna and Flora of the West of Scotland, pp. xxxi. 8°. Glasgow, 1876. I. Mammalia. By E. R, Alston. II. Hirds. By R. Gray. III. Insects. By P. Cameron. IV. Vascular Flora. By J. Ramsay. V. Cryptogamic Flora. By J. Stirton. Issued, with " A contribution towards a complete list of the Fauna and Flora of Clydesdale and the West of Scotland. Compiled under the auspices of the Society of Field Naturalists, Glasgow" [q.v.]t as a British Association Guide Book for the Glasgow meeting, 1876. tqio. B 2. B z L 34 Alston (E. R.) Mammalia [of Central America]. 7 See GODMAN (F. D.) ifc SALVIN (O.) Biologia Centrah- Americana— Zoology. 1". 1879-82. .. Alston (E. R.) The Fauna of Scotland . . . Mam- £ malia, d-c. pp. SO. See NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF GLASGOW. 8". 1880. 14.. , ALTAHR (Ai«)Li'ui-s FREDERICTS) .Museum natu- «. L. ralium Acadcmi.u Upsaliensis. Cujus partem XXXH ... p. p. A. F. Altahr, <£-c. S*eTHOMBKBO(C. P.) 4". 1820. u. ALTAHR (CANUTUS LUDOVICUS) Museum natu- 0. L. ralium Academic lT|>saliensis. Cujus partem xxxm . . . p. p. C. L. Altahr, Ac. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4". 1821. ALTAMIRANO (FERNANDO) Noticias sobre la Flora de Cacahuamilpa y plantas colectadas por . . . F. o, ' Altamirano. See PUGA (G. B. Y) Reseiia de una excursi6n a la Caverna de Cacahuamilpa, 8". Altenburg, 1884-» ALTENBURG. Pomologisclic Gesellschaft. [Founded 1»02.) Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande, Ac. See supra, NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT I>KS OSTERLANDES. 8". 1837-49, 1880. ALTH (ALOIS VON) See ALTH (ALOJZY). ALTH (ALOJZY) [1819-1886] Poglad na geologic. Galicyi zachodniej . . . Czesc pierwsza. [Sketch of the geology of western Galicia . . . Pt. I.] pp. 58. 8". Krak6w, 1872. Spraw. Kom. fizyjogr. Akad. Uniiej. Vol- VI. Alth (A.) Uber die palaeozoischen Gebilde Podoliens und deren Versteinerungen. pp. 77 : 5 pis., text illust. See AvKTKIA.-HvuiGA.v.f.—Ii'aisei-llc/i-Koenigliche (feu- lugische Reichsamtalt. Abhandlungen, Ac. Bd. vii, Hft. 1. 4°. 1874. Alth (A.) Sprawozdanie . . . z podro^y odbytej w r. 1875 w niektorych cz^sciach rodola Galicyjskiego. [Account ... of the journey in 1875 to some parts of Galician Podolia.] pp. 31. 8°. [Cracow, 1877.] Spraw. Kom. fizyjogr. Akad. Uniiej. Vol. XI. Alth (A.) Stosunki tppograficzno-geologiczne Kolei Tarnowsko-Leluchowskiej. [Topographico-geological characteristics of the Tarnow-Lelucho pp. 49. (> ucnow Railway.] 8". w Krakoivie, 1877. Spraw. Kom. fizyjogr. Akad. Umiej. Vol. xl. Alth (A.) O Galicyjskich gatunkach Skamienialych otwornic rodzaju Gyrvmrella, Giimb. [On the Galician species of Gyroporella] pp. Jfi : 2 pis. 8°. [Cracow, 1878.] Rozpraw. i Spraw. Wydz. matem. -przyr. Akad. Umiej. Vol. v. Alth (A.) Sprawozdanie z podrozy w r. 1883 odbytej po wschodmej Galicyi. [Account of the journey in 1883 in eastern Galicia.] pp. 38. 8°. Krakdw, 1884. Spraw. Kom. flzyjogr. Akad. Umiej. Vol. xvm. Alth (A.) I'wagi nad tarczami Ryb rodzaju I'trrnxjiix i Scap/tuspis z warstw paleozoicznych Galicyjskiego Podola. [Notice on the armoured fishes of the genera Ptenupis and Scupli/upis from the paheozoic strata of Galician Podolia.] j>j>. ..>x : 1 pi. H". »• Krnk-ou'le, 1884. Alth (A.) Opis geognostyczny Szczawnicy i Pienin. [Geognostic descniition of Szczawnica and Pienin.] pp. 08. 8". w Kmkoioie, 1885. Ilozpraw. i Spraw. Wydz. nifttem.-przyr. Akad. Umiej. Vol. xur. Alth (A.) Przyczynek do geologii wschoflnich Karpat. [Contribution to the geology of the eastern Karpatliiiins.] •1 pt. illust. H". Krakow, 1886. Kozpniw. i Spraw. Wydz. lnuteui.*przyr. Akad. Umiej. Vol. xiv to xvi. Alth (A.) A- Bieniasz (F.) Atlas geologiczny Galicyi. i. 4 sh. A text. See GALICIA. [J/«/«.] & 8°. 1887. 35 ALTHAUS (D') Notice sur un Terrain d'Eau douce du Hegau (Grand-Duche de Bade), &c. pp. 10 : 1 pi. 6 L L T Z- See NANCY. — SOCIETE DBS SCIENCES. Tom. I, livr. 1. M6moires, &c. 4". 1830. ALTHAUS (JuLius) On poisoning by diseased pork : being an essay on Trichinosis, &c. pp. 34- 8°. London, 1864. ALTHOF (LUDWIG CHRISTOPH) Des Herrn J. A. Murray's . . . Arzneyvorrath . . . sechster Band. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgegeben und aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt von L. D. Althof. See MURRAY (J. A.) 8". 1792. ALTMANN (PAUL) Flora von Wriezen. pp. iv, 2Z. 4°. Wriezen, 1886. Jahresl). Realprogymn. Wriezen. ALTMANN (RICHARD) Studien uber die Zelle. Hft. 1 .t pp. !>3 : illust. with micro, sectirms. 8°. Leipzig, 1886. ALTON ( JOHANN SAMUEL EDUARD D') [1803-1854] Die Skelete der Chiropteren und Insectivoren. — Die Skelete der Strauss-artigen Vilgel. — Die Skelete der Raubviigel abgebildet . . . von . . . E. D'Alton d. a. und . . . E. D'Alton d. j. See PANDER (C. H.) & ALTON (E. D') Vergleichende Osteologie Abth. i, Lief 12, & Abth. II. obi.' fol. 1831-38. Alton (JOHANN S. E. D') Uber die von Herrn Sellow mitgebrachten fossilen Panzerfragmente aijs der Banda oriental und die dazu gehiirigen Knochen-Uberreste . . . Als Nachtrag zu der Abhandlungdes Hrn. [C. S.] Wiess iiber das siidliche Ende des Gebirgszuges in Brasilien, &c. pp. 56: 4 pis. 4°. Berlin, 1834. Physik. Abhandl. k. Acad. Wissensch. Berlin. 1883 (1835). Alton (JOHANN S. E. D') E. d'Alton de Pythonis ac Boarum ossibus commentatio. pp. [iv,] 38 : 3 pis. 8". Ha ' Alton (JOHANN S. E. D') musculis commentatio. pp. 40, [,, :10d. Alton (JOHANN S. E. D') it Burmeister (C. H. C.) - Der fossile Gavial yon Boll in Wiirtemberg. Mit far- Bezugnahme auf die lebenden Krokodilinen nach seiner gesammten Organisation, pp. S3 : 12 ph. fol. Halle, 1854. T 2. ALTON (JOSEF WlLHELM EDUARD D') [1772-1840] ct Pander (C. H.) Vergleichende Osteologie. 1 Vol. text and Atlas. See PANDER (C. H.) >fe ALTON (J. W. E. D'). obi. fol. 1821-38. AIiTTJM (BERNARD) [Der Vogel und sein Leben, tL-c. 8°. Miinster, 1868.] Wanting. Ftinfte . . . Auflage. pp. xv, 89 f>. 8°. Munster, 1875. Altum (B.) [Forstzoologie, &c. 4 Bd. [in 3.] 8°. Jierlin, 1872-75.] Wanting. Zweite . . . Auflage, &c. 4 Vol. [in 3.] 8°. Berlin, 1876-82. I Altum (B.) Die Geweihbildung bei Rothhirsch, Rehbock, Damhirsch. Ein Beitrag zur Jagdzoologie. pp. [ii,] ,r>0. 8°. Jierlin, 1874. Altum (B.) Die Geweihbildung des Elchhirsches. -, pp. IS : text illust. 8°. Jierlin, 1874. *- Altum (B.) Unsere Spechte und ihre forstliche -7 Bedeutung. pp. 90 : text illust. 8". Jierlin, 1878. ' Altum (B.) Unsere Mause in Hirer forstlichen Bedeu- tung, &c. pp. [vi,] 76. 8". Jierlin, 1880. ALVAREZ (FRANCISCO) Narrative of the Portu- guese Embassy to Abyssinia during . . . 1520-1 527, &c. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 64. 8°. 1881. ALVAREZ CABRAL (PEDRO) Die Reise . . . nach Indien [1500] . . . aus dem Castanneda genommen. See ARKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. I & Bd. xm. Des C. Columbus dritte Reise. 4°. 1747, 55. Alvarez Cabral (P.) The voyage of P. Alvarez Cabral. (1500-1.) See MOORE (J. H.) A . . . collection of Voyages and Travels, &c. Vol. i. fol. [1780 '(] ALVAREZ PEREZ (JOSE) Apuntes sobre el Argan de Mogador. pp. ~> : 1 pi. See MADRID.— SOCIED AD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. AlialeS, 0, 1 talle. Atlas, 5 pis. 8". & 4°. Varshnva, 1892. Amalitzkii (V. P.) Ueber die Anthracosien der Perm- formation Russlands. 4°. Stuttgart, 1892. Palaeontographia. Bd. xxxix. AMALIZKT (W.) See AMALITZKII (V. P.) AMANN (NicoLAUS N.) Flora Alpina, quam . . . sub- jicit N. N. Amann, &c. See LINN^US (C.) 4°. [1756.] — [Another edition.] See LINN/KUS (C.) C. Linnaii . . . Amcenitates Academicae, &c. Vol. iv. 8°. 1759. Editio Secunda. Z,. L- L.70. 8°. 1788. AMANS (JEAN FLORIMOND BOUDON DE SAINT-). See SAINT- AMANS. AMANS (Luis) AMABK (FREDRIK WILHELM) Om Vigiliae Plantarum Lin. Akailrinisk Afhandling, ,] 514 [30]. 4°. Venetiis, 1553. - [Another edition.] Aecesserunt huic operi . . . ad- notationea R. Constantini, necnon Simplicium pictune ex L. Fuehsio, J. Dalechampio, atque aliis. pp.[lxsevi,'] °. Lw/ifum, 1558. T. ^. t L 8°. 807 [Hi] : text iJ/uxt. Amatus, Lusitanux, pxeud. P. A. Mattlnoli . . . Apol- ogia adversus Amathum Lusitanuin cum censura in ejusdem Enarrationes. Ste MATTIOLI (P. A.) P. A. Matthioli . . . Commcntarii ... in libros sex P. Dios- coridis . . . de medica materia, suit, , dc. See ALDROVANDI (U.) fol. 1642. Ambrosinus (B.) IT. Aldrovandi Metallicum . . . B. Ambrosinus . . See ALDROVANDI (U.) coniposuit, &c. fol. (1648.) Of L AMBROSINUS (HvACiNTHua) [1605-1671] Hortus Studiosorum sive Catalogus . . . Plantarum omnium, fl quaa hoc Anno 1657 in Studiosorum Horto Publico Bonon. coluntur, &c. (Novarum Plantarum hactenus mm sculptarum historia, &c.) pp. 103 : text Must. 4°. (Bononice, 1657.) Ambrosinus (H.) H. Ambrosini . . . Phytologise • hoc g, est de Plantis partis prima? tomus primus, rfrc. pp. [xiv,] 57G [GG] : engraved title. fol. liowmiff, 1666. AMBROZ (FERDINAND) Beschreibung der geologisch- bergniiinnischen Verhiiltnisse der Schwefel - Lager - PI • stiitten von Swoszowiee. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Ktuserlich-Koeimjliches Ackerhau-Ministerium. Bilder von den Kupferkies-ljigerstatten bei Kitzbiihel, &c. 4". 1890. AMEGHINO (FLORENTINO) Contribucion al conoci- A. miento de los Mamiferos fosiles de la Republica Argentina. 2 Vol. 4". Ruenox Aires, 1889. Act. Acad. Nac. Cien. Cordoba. Tom. vi. Ameghino (F.) Observations relatives a deux articles critiques de . . . F. Ameghino. See MERCERAT (A.) 8°. 1891. Ameghino (F.) See REVISTA ARGENTINA DE HIS- TORIA NATURAL . . . dirijida por F. Ameghino. Tom. i.t 8°. 1891. Ameghino (F.) Enumeration synoptique des especes de Mammiferes fossiles des Formations Eocenes de Patagonie. pp. 196 : text Must. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1894. Ameghino (F.) Sobre la presencia de Vertebrados de aspecto Mesozoico, en la formacion Santacruceiia de la Patagonia austral, pp. 9. 8°. Jiutnos Aires [1894]. Revista Jardin Zool. Buenos Aires. Tom. I. Ameghino (F.) Sur les Ongules fossiles de 1'Argentine. Examen critique de 1'ouvrage de M. R. Lydekker : A Study of the Extinct Ungulates of Argentina, pp. Ill : text Must. 8°. Ruenox Aires, 1894. Revista Jardin Tool. Buenos Ayrea. Tom. xi. Ameghino (F.) Premiere Contribution a la connais- sance de la Faune Mammalogique des Couches a Pyrotheriwn. pp. GO : text Must. 8". flu/nox-Ayres, 1895. Bol. In«t. GeoR. ArKtmtino. Tom. xv. Mammiferes cretaces de 1'Argentine. Deuxieme Con- tribution Ji la connaissance de la Faune Mammalogique des Couches a Pyrotherium. pp. 117: text Must. 8". Jiuenos Aires, 1897. Bol. Inst. Geog. Argentine. Tom, X\MI. Ameghino (F.) Sur les Oiseaux Fossiles de Patagonie. pp. 104 : text illust. 8°. Budnos-Ayreg, 1895. Bol. Inst. Geog. Argentine. Tom. xv. Ameghino (F.) Notas sobre cuestiones de geologla y paleontologia Argentinas. pp. S5. &. Buenos Aires, 1896. BoL Inst. Geog. Argentine. Tom. xvn. Ameghino (F.) Sur Involution des Dents des Maniiiiiferes. pp. 139 : text Must. 8".Jiuenos-Ayrei<,l8i)6. Bol. Acad. Xac. Cien. Cordoba. Tom. xiv. Ameghino (F.) La Argentina al trav6s de las ultimas (Spocas geologicas, : text illust. 8°. RnenoK Aires, 1897. Ameghino (F.) it Gervais (H. F. P.) Los Mamiferos fosiles de la America del Sud. See GERVAW (H. F. P.) 1- AMEGHINO (F.) 8°. 1880, Gr i. 37 AMERICA. Dreyhundert auserlesene Amerikanische O Qewachse nach Linneischen Ordnung. pp. 72: 300 pis. col. [in 4 Vol.] 8°. Nurnberf/, 1789 (-86) [-85 ?]. Auswahl scho'ner und seltener Gewachse als eine f) Fortsetzung der Amerikanischen Gewachse. pp. 68: 250 pis. col. [in 4 Vol.] 8°. Niirnberg, 1795-98. The plates in both these works are reductions of those in N. J. von Jacquin's "Selectarum Stirpium Americanamm Historia." America. Check-list of North American Plants, fo including Mexican Species which approach the U.S. Boundary [by J. D. Smith], pp. 151. 8°. Oqunwka, [privately printed, 1886.] « America. A Synopsis of the Genera of American Plants, &c. pp. viii, 1G7. 4°. [6x4] Georgetown, 1814. AMERICA, Central. [Maps.] Map of Central . America . . . with parts of Mexico, Yucatan & New L- • Granada . . . Edited by T. Saunders. \ | - [Scale 1 in. = 34 m. about.] London, 1856. America, Central. [Maps.] Karte von Central- Amerika und West-Indien. Entworfen und gezeichnet ., ' von Dr. J. Chavanne. Massstab 1 : 6,500,000 [1 in. = , O' 102J m.] ([With insets] Isthmus von Tehuantepec. Massstab 1 : 1,300,000 [1 in. = 204 m.] Isthmus von Panama. Massstab 1 : 1,300,000. " Das Plateau von Mexico. Massstab 1 : 1,300,000. Isthmus von Darien. Maasstab 1 : 1,000,000 [1 in. = 15f m.]). Wien, [1882 ?] America, Central. [Maps.] A draught of the Wind- ward Coast of the Mosquito Shore from Point Pattuck • to St. Johns and continued on the Spanish Main . . . by ... S. Field. [Scale 1 in. = 27f m.] London [ ]. "A « AMERICA, North. [Maps.] Bowles's . of North America and the West Indies, &c. 1 in. = 85§m. about.] . Map [Scale London, 1784. yf •) " America, North. [Maps.] A Map exhibiting all the L • new discoveries in the interior parts of North America ST- / , ... By ... A. Arrowsmith . . . 1795. Additions to ' 1814. [Scale 1 in. =69im.] 4 sh. col. London, 1795-1814. AMERICA, South. [Maps.] Stanford's orographical map of South America edited by Prof. A. C. Ramsay. f*. .&•.£. [Scale 1 in. = 95 m.] 4 sh. London, 1876. America, South. [Maps.] Stanford's Library Map L - of South America constructed by A. K. Johnston . . . Scale . . . 83'25 miles = 1 in. or 1 : 5,274,720 of Nature. 4sh. col. London, 1881. , AMERICAN. Sketches of Turkey in 1831-32. By an |o L- American [i.e. J. E. De Kay], pp. xii, 5S7 : text Must. o- 4°. New York, 1833. 0 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND L- SCIENCES. [Founded 1780.] f i a Memoirs, &c. Vol. i-iv. 4P.Boston,Cambridye,\7&b-\&2\. jlMrO. O. yol , an|j n were published at Boston, Vol. ill and iv at Cambridge. Vol. II is in two separately paged parts. Vol. iv wants the title-page and index. L . - New Series. Vol. i-x, pt. l.t 4°. Cambridge, 1833-73. Vol. x, pt. 1, was issned in 1868, Vol. IK, pt. 2, in 1878. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. L ' Proceedings, <. i **> L fl 8°- J^oxttm & Cambridge, 1848-» Vol. ix •» form New Series, Vol. i -» AMERICAN ANNUAL CYCLOPAEDIA. &c. Set APPLETONS' ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE AD- VANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. [Founded is*?.] Proceedings, &c. 1848-* 8". Philadelphia, &c., 1849-> Vol. i was published at Philadelphia ; Vol. II at Boston ; Vol. in at Charleston, S.C. ; Vol. iv-vi at Washington ; Vol. vn-xxi at Cam- bridge, Mass. ; and Vol. xxn -» at Salem. The following is the list of f ~> ^j towns at which the various meetings were held : — No. 1. 1848 Philadelphia. No. 24. 1875 Detroit. „ 2. 1849 Cambridge. „ 25. 1876 Buffalo. 8. 1850 Charleston. 26. 1877 Nashville. 4. 1850 New Haven. 27. 1878 St. Louis. 28. 1S79 Saratoga Springs. 29. 1880 Boston. SO. 1881 5. 1851 Cincinnati. 6. 1851 Albany. 7. 1853 Cleveland. 8. 1854 Washington. 9. 1855 Providence. 10. 1856 Albany. 11. 1857 Montreal. 12. 1858 Baltimore. 13. 1859 Springfield. 14. 1800 Newport. 15. 1806 Buffalo. 16. 1867 Burlington. 17. 1868 Chicago. 18. 1869 Salem. 19. 1870 Troy. 20. 1871 Indianapolis. 21. 1872 Dubuque. 22. 1873 Portland. 23. 1874 Hartford. Cincinnati. 31. 1882 Montreal. 32. 1883 Minneapolis. 33. 1884 Philadelphia. 34. 1885 Ann Arbor. 35. 1886 Buffalo. 36. 1887 New York. 37. 1888 Cleveland. 38. 1889 Toronto, Ontario. 39. 1890 Indianapolis. 40. 1891 Washington. 41. 1892 Rochester, N.Y. 42. 1893 Madison. 43. 1894 Brooklyn. 44. 1S96 Springfield. 45. 1896 Buffalo. 46. 1897 Detroit. American Association, Sec. See ANNALS OF SCIENCE, The . . . including the Trans- actions of the American Association, &c. 8°. 1852-54. American Association, &c. Memoirs, &c. Part l.t 4°. Salem, Mass., 1875. i Ft. I. Fossil Butterflies. By S. H. Scndder. pp. 99 : 3 pis. American Association, &c. Hand-book for the City of Montreal and its environs, prepared for the meeting of the American Association i . . . 1882, &c. See MONTREAL, City of. 8°. 1882. -£"/ AMERICAN CHEMICAL JOURNAL: edited,. ... by I. Remsen. Vol. i-» 8°. Baltimore, 1879-» ' General Index of volumes i-x (1879-1888). W • 8°. Baltimore, 1890. AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETT. [Founded 1876.] Proceedings, &c. Vol. I, n. 8°. New York, 1878, 79. [Continued as :] Journal, &c. Vol. i-» 8°. New York, 1879-» "» • AMERICAN CHEMIST, The, a monthly journal of ... Chemistry. Edited by C. F. Chandler and W. H. Chandler. 1870-77. Vol. i-vn.t M - 4°. New York, 1871-77. AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA. See RIPLEY (G.) & DANA (C. A.) AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETT. [1S61 Founded as Sutowologienl Society of P'titwlelphin. 1867 American Entomological Society.] Proceedings, &c. Vol. i-vi. 8°. Philadelphia, (1861-) 1863-67. [Continued as :] Transactions, &c. Vol. i-» 4°. Philadelphia, 1867-» £ American Entomological Society. The Butterflies of North America. See EDWARDS (W. H.) 4°. 1868-72. 2, American Entomological Society. Synopsis of North American Butterflies. See EDWARDS (W. H.) 4". 1872. 2* American Entomological Society. List of the Coleoptera of America, north of Mexico. __ See HENSHAW (S.) 8°. 1885. A American Entomological Society. Synopsis of the . . . Hymenoptera of America, &c. See CHESSON (E. T.) 4». 1887. One of .he Supplementary Volumes to the Society's Transactions. 38 z i, ^ I M L L, L L American Entomological Society. List of the Lepidoj>tera of Boreal America. See SMITH (J. R) 8°. 1891. AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGIST, The: an illustrated magazine of ... Entomology. Edited by B. D. Walsh and C. V. Riley. Vol. I. 4". St. Louis, Mo., 1868. Printed in double column. [Continued an :} The American Entomologist and Botanist . . . Edited by C. V. Riley and . . . G. Vasey. Vol. n. 4". St. Louis, Mo., 1870. [Continued ax .-] The American Entomologist . . . Edited by C. V. Riley. Vol. HI: Second Series, Vol. I. 4". New Yoi-k, 1880. AMERICAN EXHIBITION, London 1S87. See LONDON. AMERICAN/ GEOLOGIST^xThe. A monthly Journal of JH'eology and idliejKsciences. — Editors S. CalvinfE. W. ClaypoXP. Frazer, L. E. Jffcks, E. Q/Umch, A. Winc>e1l, N. H. Winchell. ' 8°. Minnea^fuis, 1888-^ ''The Editorial Committals frequently changed. AMERICAN HUNTING TROPHIES. Cata- logue and Notes. [By J. E. Halting.] See LONDON. —American Erhilntion, 1887. 4°. 1887. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING ENGINEERS. Guide to Baltimore with an account of the Geology of its environs . . . 1892. [Edited with a preface by G. H. Williams.] pp. iti, 139 : S pis., 2 plans, 3 maps (2 geol. col.), text illust. 8°. Baltimore, 1892. Contain*: — 1. Geology of the Crystalline Rocks. By . . . G. H. Williams. •J. 1'hysiotrraphy of the region and geology of the Sedimentary Hocks. By X. H. barton. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CONCHOLOGY. Edited by G. W. Tryon, Jr. Vol. i, n. 8°. Philadelphia, 8". New Haven, Conn., 1896— » The Second and subsequent Aeries hare a "General Index" tn every 1. u volumes. AMERICAN MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. IS'.'l American MicrotcoiHCal Society.] Proceedings of the National Microscopical Congress held . . . 1878 and of the American Society of Micro- scopists, held . . . 1879. [Vol. I.] 8°. Indiaiuijwlis, 1880. [Continued as :} Proceedings of the . . . Society, &c. 1880-94. Vol. [u-] x-XVI. 8°. Columbus, &c., 1881-95. [Continued as :} Transactions, d'c. 1895-» Vol. xvn-» 8°. Ji-utfalo, 1896-» There is a " General Index for everything published by Ihe Society to the IMI,| of IS'JO" at the end of Vol. xn. AMERICAN MINERALOGICAL JOURNAL, The : being a collection of facts and observations tending to elucidate the Mineralogy and Geology of the United States of America . . . Conducted by A. Bruce. Vol. i.f pp. n, ,.',i>. 8°. New York, 1814. AMERICAN MONTHLY MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL, The (containing contributions to Biology). Editor . . . R. Hitchcock. Vol. l-» 8". New York, d'c., 1880-> Index . . . Vol. I-XV. 1880-1895 [i.e. 1894]. 8". Washington, 1896. L. L. L. L AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ,SV,- NKW YORK, City »/. AMERICAN NATURALIST, The . . . Edited by A. S. Packard Jr., E. S. Morse, A. Hyatt, and F. W. Putnam ([and afterwards] R. H. Ward ; E. D. Cope ; J. S. Kingsley ; F. C. Kenyon ; A. M. Brown). Vol. i-> 8". Salem, Mass., &c., 1868-» Vol. I was published by the Essex Institute, Vol. ll-ix by the Penbwly Academy. AMERICAN [Founded 1888.] The Auk. j J. A. Allen col. Must. This wu Club, i ORN NION. thology. Editor Union. Vol. i— > :, 1884-» .ttall Ornithological ' Union. 7? American Ornithologists Union. Bulletin No. 1 of the Committee on Protection of Birds. 8°. [New York, 1886.] Reprint from " .Science," Feb. 26, 18Sf>. American Ornithologists' Union. The code of nomenclature and check-list of North American Birds adopted by the . . . Union, . 23. 8°. New York, 1889. Other supplements were published in "The Auk." — [Another edition entitled :] Check-list of North American Birds . . . Second and revised edition, pp. xi, 372. 8". New York, 1895. AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge. [Formed 1789 by a union of the Amrricnn Philnnopkicul Society and the American Society held at Philadtlphiafor promoting Mtrful knmrlfilgt.} Transactions, &c. Vol. i-v. 4". Philadelphia, 1771-1802. Wanting Vol. vl. There is a " General Index to the first four volumes" at the end of Vol. iv. New Series, Vol. i-» 4°. Philadelphia, 1818-» There isali Index to Vol. i-lv at the end of Vol. IV. American Philosophical Society, &c. Proceedings, ers published in the Transactions [Vol. i <_.."* —New Series, Vol. xv] and Proceedings [Vol. i-xx] of " the Society. 8". Philadelphia, 1881. L i- Subject Register . . . Transactions [Vol. I— New Series. Vol. xvi] and Proceedings [Vol. i-xxv], jn''Engiand. pp. xvi,^U>S: text OHlC S".Klon, 1895. -TM.jM.jl (HENRY M.) Systematic list of Fossils [from the &- «f sjjjprovince of Quebec], with localities. See CANADA. — Geological ami Natural History Survey. Annual Report. New Series, Vol. in, K. Appendix. 8°. 1888. AMICI (GIOVANNI BATTISTA) [1786-1863] Sulk malattia dell' Uva, &c. pp. 16. 8°. [Florence,] 1852. Atti R. Accad. Georgoflli. Vol. xxx. AMIENS. — Academic des Sciences, Agriculture, Commerce, Belles-Lettres et Arts du Departe- ment de la Somme. See infra, ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, DES LETTRES ET DES ARTS. AMIENS. Academic des Sciences, des Lettres [An x [1802?J Founded as Academic ties Scie/tces, Agriculture, Com- •mn-iv, BfUet-Lettre* ft Arts VEREIN. Abhandlungen, &c. Hft. xi. 8°. 1878. * Ammon (J. G. F. L. VON) Die permischen Amphibien p der Rheinpfalz. pp. 119 : 5 pis. 4°. Munchen, 1889. Ammon (J. G. F. L. VON) Die Gegend von Munchen, • geologisch geschildert, &c. pp. 152 : 6 pis., 1 map geol. & col., text illust. 8". Munchen, 1894. Festschrift Geograph. Gesell. Miinchen. AMO Y MORA (MARIANO DEL) Memoria premiada „ . . . sobre la distribution geografica de las familias de las Plantas , . . de la Peninsula Iberica. 4". Madrid, 1861. Mem. Acad. Cien. Madrid. Tom. v, pp. 228-463. Amo y Mora (M. DEL) Flora Cryptogamica de la & Peninsula Iberica, &c. pp. viii, 840. 4". Grenada, 1870. Amo y Mora (M. DEL) & Cutanda (V.) Manual de Botanica descriptiva 6 resumen de las Plantas que Q se encuentran en las cercanias de Madrid, &c. See CUTANDA (V.) & AMO (M. DEL). 12°. 1848. AMORETTI (CARLO) [1741-1816] Viaggio da Milano ai tre laghi Maggiore, di Lugano, e di Como [_ e ne' monti che li circondano . . . Quarta edizione. pp. 325 : 1 map. 8°. Milano, 1814. Sesta edizione [with life of the author] . . . dal . . . G. Labus. pp. xl, o'Ttf : / pi. 8°. Milano, 1824. (__ iiibliotuui scelta di Opere Italiane anticbe e uioderne. Vol. xxvui. 40 n O L- AMOREUX (PiERRE JOSEPH) [1741-1824] Recherchus et experiences sur les divers Lichens, dont on peut faire usage en medecine et dans les arts, tfcc. See LYONS. — \. un'Mir DES SCIENCES, : 2 pit. [1886.] 5. Neuroptera. Systematische Lijst, met besohrijving del nienwe of weinig bekende soorten, door H. Alliarda (Nanchrift door J.F. Snelleman). pp. '26 : 8 pis. col. [1880.] 6. Coleoptera door verechillende siiecialiteiten bewerkt en tot een geheel bijeengebracht door C. Bitoema. pp. £10 : 3 pit. (1 col.) [pp. 1-180. 1886. pp. 181-310. 1887.) [1886-87.] Cicindelidae — Carabidae . . . door . . . J. Putzeys. Dytiscidae— Gyrinidae . . . dour M. Regimbart. Hydrophilidae. [Determined by L. Bedel.] Staphylinidae . . . door ... A. Fauvel. Scaphididae — Histeridae— Nitidulidae— Trogositidae— Colydidae— Dermestidae— Byrrhidae— Pamidae . . . door E. Kcit tor. Lucanidae. Lncanini . . . door . . . F. J. S. Parry. Panalini . . . door . . . C. Ritsema. Scarabaeidae. Coprini . . . door den Baron von Harold. Melolonthini— Rutolini . . . door D. Sharp. Dynastini . . . door . . . D. Sharp en C. Ritaema. Cetonini . . . door . . . C. Ritaema. Bnpratidae . . . door . . . C. Ritgema. Encnemidae . . . door den Vlconite H. de Bonvouloir. Elateridae . . . door Dr. E. Candeze. Malacodennidae— Cleridae . . . door . . . H. S. Gorlian'. Apatldae . . . door . . . E. Reitter. Tenebrionidae — Cirtelidae— NUionidae— Lagriidae . . . door . . . L. Fairmaire. Antbicidae . . . door . . . S. de Marxenl. Cnrculionidae . . . door . . . W. Roelofa. Scolytida* . . . door . . . W. Eichhoff. Brenthidae— Antbribidae . . . door . . . W. Roelofs. Ceranibycidae . . . door F. Pascoe en C. Ritsema. Chrysomelidae. Met uitzonderinff van de Hispinae en Caxidinae . . . door . . . M. Jaooby. Hiipinae. Gedetermineerd door ... A. Preudhoinmt de Borre. fh^llllin . . . door . . . H. 8. Gorbam. Erotylidae — Endomychidae — Coccinellidae . . . door . . . H. 8. Oorham. 7. Orthoptora. pn.lS.-lpl. [1892.) Inleiding. 1 1:\ P. J. Veth.] K.irflciilaria, Latreille, liar A. de Bormana. 8. l.<-pi. 9^.- a fit. col. [pp. 1-81>: Jit'- 1,S. 1S88. pp.86-9i:i>l'.t-R. 1892.) |I88«-!I2.1 0. IHptoradoorP. M. vanderWulp. pji.63: Jpli.col. [1S86.I In. HyiMinnptera en Hemipteni. j/p. 30. [1892.] Inleiding. [By P. J. Veth.] Lijut der Hymenoptera Monotracba (de Mieren nitgii- zonderd). |By C. Ritaema.] BeKhrijving eener nieuwe Graaf wesp [Datara tchltgelii] van de familie der Larridae. [By C. Ritwrna.) FonnicidM door G. L. Mayr. e. [Amsterdam. — Aardrijkskundig Geiiootschap [Midden-Sumatra (contd.).] (contd.).] ~ /j Eenige opmerkingen omtrent de Bijen . . . volgens de waarnemingenderSumatra-Expeditie. [ByP.J. Veth.] *^-ff Lijst der Cicadidae, volgens de bepalingen van W. L. r (/ Distant, door C. Ritaema. 11. AnineaedoorA.W.M.vanHasselt. pp.Sfi: fiplt.col.[\S8«.] A 12. Venues door R. Horat. pp. IS: 3 pis. (1 col.) [1886.] n Aanhangsel. pp. gO. |1 «>•-'. | 1. lets nadera over Lepus Nc.t»chcri , beschreven Afd. 1, bl. 23-25. (By P. J. Veth.] II. Verbeteringen en Bijvoegnelen tot de lijst en beach- rgving der Coleoptera in de 6* Afd. II. Flora. Budragen tot de Kennia der Flora . . . door A. L. / van Haaselt . . . en J. G. Boorlage, etc. 1884. •" 18. Botanie. pp. SO: 8 pis. (1 col.) Inleiding door P. J. Veth. Systematische Lrjst der verzamelde Planten, door ver* schillende personen bewerkt, en tot een geheel bijeen- gebracht door J. G. Boerlage. Phanerogamen . . . door J. G. Boerlage. (Cytinoceae . . . door W. F. R. Snringar.) Kryptogamen. Inleiding, door C. M. van der Sande Lacoste. Filices . . . door H. F. Jonkman. Lycopodiaceae . . . door J. G. Boerlage. Muaci Frondosi . . . door C. M. van der Sande Lacoste. Hepaticae . . . door C. M. v. d. Sande Lacoste. Lichenes . . . door W. F. Suringar en C. M. van der Sande Lacoate. Fungi. Gesl. Phallus . . . door W. F. H. Snringar. Goal. Htmileia . . . door P. J. Veth. Lijst van Hout-, Bamboo- en Rotansoorten . . . door A. L. van Hasselt. pp. ItS. C. Onderzoek van Plantaardige Vetten. [By D. de Loos.] pp. 3. Algemeen Register der geslacbten en soorten van Planten in die dertiende afdeeling vermeld. pp. 5. AMSTERDAM. Geiiootschap ter bevordering der Natxiur-, Geiiees- en Heelkunde. Werken, &c. Deel I. 1870-71. 8". Amsterdam, 1870. [Continued as :] Maanblad voor Natuurwetenschappen, uitgegeven door de Sectie voor Natuurwetenschappen, &c. Jahrg. 2-»vU. • i 8°. Amsterdam, 1872-Xjg , Theie is a " Register" to tlie first 10 Vol. at the end of Jahrg. 10. AMSTERDAM. — Hollandsche Instituut van Weteiischappen, &c. See infra, KONINKLIJK-NEDERLANDSCH INSTITUUT, &c. AMSTERDAM. — Hortus Botanicus Amstelae- damensis. [Founded as the Hortus Medicus on land reclaimed from the Alustel J removed in 1680 to the Reguliershofje, and later to the Garden of the Hospital ; subsequently, 1682, to its present site on the Plantage. It was replanted in 1802, and since that date has borne its present title.] J. Commelini. Catalogus Plantarum Horti Medici Amstelodamensis Pars Prior. See COMMELIN (J.) 8°. 1689. I [Another edition.] 8". 1702. I Amsterdam.— Hortus Botanicus Amstelaedam- ensis. Horti Medici . . . rariorum tarn orientahs quani occi- dentalis Indias (—tarn Africanarum, quam utriusque fl Indiae) . . . Plantarum ._. . descriptio et icones, &c. 2 Vol. See COMMELIN (J.) fol. 1697, 1701. Amsterdam. Hortus Botanicus Amstelaeclam- ensis. C. Commelin . . . Horti Medici . . . Plantse rariores et exoticae, &c. See COMMELIN (C.) 4°. 1706. Amsterdam. Hortus Botanicus Amstelaedam- ensis. Elenchus Plantarum, quae in Horto Anistclaedamensi coluntur. [Compiled by G. Vrolik.] pp. [iv,] #4. 8°. Am*telnfdamen*ix (1821). Amsterdam.— Hortus Botanicus Amstelaedam- ensis. Catalogus Horti . . . ediderunt F. A. G. Miauel . . . et J. C. Groenewegen, 7. AMSTERDAM.— Hortus Medicus. See SUl>ra, HORTUS BOTANICUS AMsTKLAKIiAMENSIF. ( 6 41 L i 02 L. L- AMSTERDAM. — Koninklijk Instituut van Wetenschappen, &c. See infra, KONINKLIJK-NEDEELANDSCH INSTITUUT, &c. AMSTERDAM. — Koiiinklijk-Nederlandsch In- stituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten. [180S Founded as Koninklijk Instituut van Wetentchappen, Letterkunde en. Scftoonc Knnsten. 1812 Hollandtche Instituut, etc. 1815 Kmunklijk-NederlandKh Inslituut, etc.] Verslag van de Werkzaamheden der eerste Klasse, &c. 1809-16. 4°. [Amsterdatn, 1809-16.] [Continued us :] Verslag van de eerste (tweede-twaalfde) openbare Ver- gadering der eerste Klasse, dec. 1817-39. t 4°. [Amsterdam, 1817-39.] Amsterdam. — Koninklijk - Nederlandsch Insti- tnnt van Wetenschappeu, &c. ,L S 4 Gii fa ' Verhandelingen der eerste Klasse, &c. L)eel i-vn. 4°. Amsterdam, 1812-25. {Continued as :] Nieuwe Verhandelingen, &c. Deel i-xm. 4°. Amsterdam, 1827-48. [Contimted at :] • / Verhandelingen, &c. Eeeks III, Deel i-v.t 4°. Amsterdam, 1849-52. Amsterdam. — Koninklijk -Nederlandsch Insti- L. tuut van Wetenschappen, &c. I j /• Het Instituut, of Verslagen en Mededeelingen, Amsterdam. — Koninklijke Akademie van Weten- schappen. Verhandelingen, &c. Deel i-xxix. 4°. Amsterdam, 1854-92. Each paper is separately paged. Naam-Register (Zaak-Register) . . . Deel i-xx. Appended to Deel xx. Deel i-xxix. Appended to Deel xxix. Eerste Sectie. (Wiskunde, Natuurkunde, Schei- kunde, Kristallenleer, &c.) Deel I— > 8°. Amsterdam, 1892-> Tweede Sectie. (Plantkunde, Dierkunde, Aard- kunde, Delfstofkunde, Ontleedkunde, Physiologic, Gezondheidsleer en Ziektekunde.) Deel i-> 8°. Amsterdam, 1892-» Amsterdam.— Koninklijke Akademie van Weten- schappen. Jaarboek, &c. 1857-> 8°. Amsterdam [1858-j»]. AMSTERDAM. Societe Zoologique. See supra, KONINKLIJK ZOOLOGISCH GENOOTSCHAP " NATUKA ARTIS MAGISTRA." AMSTERDAM. Uuivei-siteit. [1632 Founded as Athenw.m Ams/elaedamense. 1876 Universiteit te Amsterdam.] Annales 1837-75. See LEYDEN.— KIJKS UNIVERSITEIT. Annales Academici. 4°. 1840-77. Amsterdam. — Universiteit. Le Laboratoire de Zoologie de 1'Universite d'Amster- dam. See PLEYTE ( W.) & others. Guide Zoologique, &c. 8°. 1895. AMYOT (CHAKLES JEAN BAPTISTS) [1799-1866] Entomologie Franchise. Rhynchotes. Metnode mono- nymique. pp. 504 •' 5 pis. 8°. Paris & London, 1848. Amyot (C. J. B.) /.6 L. L. t_ . L L. L Z 42 2.. ANALES DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. S^f ANALES DE HISTORIA NATURAL. ANALES DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Tom. I, ii. 8°. Madrid, 1829 (1799)-1800. Tuni. I, No. 1, i> a relume. [Continued as :] Anales dc Ciencias naturales. Tom. m-vii.t 8°. Madrid, 1801-4. ANATOMISCHE ANSTALT ZU MTTENCHEN. See MUNICH. ANATOMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. [Founded isse.j See ANATOMISCHER ANZF.IGER . . . Amtliches Organ der ... Gesellschaft. Jahrg. n-» 8°. 18S7-> Anatomische Gesellschaft. Die anatomische Nomenclatur. Nomina anatomica, Verzeichniss der von der . . . Gesellschaft auf ihrer ix. Versammlung in Basel angenommenen Nam en, &c. See His (W.) 8°. 1895. ANATOMISCHE STTJDIEN. Herausgegeben von . . . C. Hasse. Bd. I (& Suppt.)t pp. vi, 816 (95) : 36 (S) pis. 8°. Leipzig, (1870-) 1873. ANATOMISCHER ANZEIGER/ Centralblatt fiir die ggsalnrnte wissenschaftik-he Anatomie. (Amt- licheij.,0rgan der Anatomischre Gesellschaft.) Heraus- g8g§ben von . . . K. Bapdtueben. Jahrg. i-> 8°. Jena, 1886-» ANATOMISCHES INSTITUT ZU ERLAN- GEN. See ERLANGEN. ANATOMISCHES MUSEUM ZU BRESLAU. See. BRESLAU. — KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. — Ana- tomisches Institut. ANATOMY. A system of Anatomy and Physiology, with the comparative anatomy of Animals. Compiled [by A. Fyfe] from the latest and best authors ... A new [third] edition, &c. [Revised, with a dedication, by J. Rotherham.] 3 Vol. Must. 8°. Edinburgh, 1791. Vol. i, Pt. 1. Anatomy of the human bones. By ... A. Monro. ,, ,. ,, 2. A description of the human muscles, chiefly as they appear on dissection ... By J. Innes. ,, ,, „ 3. Eight anatomical tables of the human body ... To which are added, concise explanations. By J. Innes. ,, ill, ,, 7. Of the human nerves. By ... A. Monro. A treatise on comparative anatomy by A. Monro . . . published by his •on A. Monro, ttc. ANDAGOYA (PASCUAL DE) [fl. 1514-1546] Narrative of the proceedings of Pedrarias Davila in the provinces of Tierra Firme, &c. See HAKLU YT SOCIETY. Works, L. o. ft. ANDERSON (JOHN) D.D. pp. x, 419 : text illust. The Course of Creation. 12°. London, 1850. . l\ . •*. Anderson (JOHN) D.D. Dura Den : a monograph of the Yellow Sandstone and its ... fossil remains. £> pp. 96 : 8 pis. (col.), 1 map col., text Must. 8°. Edinburgh & London, 1859. ANDERSON (JoHN) Diplomatic Agent [1795-1845],, Mission to the east coast of Sumatra, in 1823, &c. pp. xxiii, 421 : 8 pis., 4 maps. (\ , 8°. Edinburgh & London, 1826. ANDERSON (JOHN) F.R.S. [1833-] A report on L. to West mi, 458 : 5 pis., 2 maps. .. the Expedition to Western Yunnan viA, Bhamo. pp. S, •; j V A 8°. Calcutta, 1871. ' Anderson (JOHN) F.H.S. Catalogue of Mammals ... of Burma. [Edited with notes and additions by J. Anderson.] See BLYTH (E.) 8°. 1876. Anderson (JOHN) F.Ji.S. Anatomical and zoological researches : comprising an account of the zoological results of the two expeditions to Western Yunnan in 1868 and 1875 ; and a monograph of the two Cetacean genera, Platanista and Orcella. See INDIA. 4°. 1878 [1879]. 43 Anderson (JOHN) F.R.S. the Indian Museum . . INDIAN MUSEUM. Catalogue of Mammalia in Part i. See CALCUTTA.— 8°. 1881. S Z Anderson (JOHN) F.H.S. Guide to the . . . Gardens by J. Anderson. See CALCUTTA. — Calcutta Zoological Gardens. 4°. 1883. Anderson (JOHN) F.R.S. [On the Zoological Collections made in the Mergui Archipelago for the Indian Museum by Dr. J. Anderson.] 2 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1886-88. Vol. xxl-xxn of the Journ. Linn. Soc. (Zool.) Madreporaria. By P. M. Duncan. Holothurians. By F. J. Bell. Lepidoptera. By F. Moore. Marine Sponges. By II. J. Carter. Ophiuridse. By P. M. Duncan. Parts of the Anatomy of Ophiothriz variabilis, Dune., and Ophiocampsis pellicula, Dune. By P. M. Duncan. Polyzoa and Hydroida. By T. Hincks. New species of Brachyonychus. By H. W. Bates. Birds. By J. Anderson. On Dichdtapit pellucida, Darwin. By P. P. C. Hoek. Shells. By E. von Martens. Gephyreans. By E. Selenka. Alcyoniid and Gorgoniid Alcyonaria. By S. O. Ridley. On two species of Actiniae. By A. C. Haddon. Annelids. By F. E. Beddard. Pennatulida. By A. M. Marshall and G. H. Fowler. Myriopoda. By R. I. Pocock. Comatulse. By P. H. Carpenter. Ecbinoidea. By P. M. Duncan. Asteroidea. By W. P. Sladen. Mammals, Reptiles, and Batrachians. By J. Anderson. Podophthalmous Crustacea. By J. G. de Man. Anderson (JOHN) F.Ji.S. The Selungs of the Mergui Archipelago, pp. [iv,} 47 •' 4 pit- 8°- London, 1890. ANDERSON (JOHN) Gardener [-1847] List of speci- mens of Plants collected in the Island of Chiloe in 1829-30 [during Capt. King's voyage in the "Adven- ture." pj).21\. MS. 8°. ANDERSON (JOHN PAEKEE) The Book of British Topography ; a classified catalogue of the topographical works in the Library of the British Museum relating to Great Britain and Ireland, pp. xvi, 472. 8". London, 1881. ANDERSON (NiLS JOHAN) See ANDEESSON. ANDERSON (PETER) & (GEORGE) Guide to the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, &c. See ANDERSON (G.) & (P.) 8°. 1834. ANDERSON (ROBERT) [1838-1867] Catalogue of Plants indigenous in the neighbourhood of Calcutta, &c. pp. ix, 22. 8°. Calcutta, 1862. ANDERSON (THOMAS) Botanist [1832-1870] Cata- logue of Plants cultivated in the . . . Gardens, &c. See. CALCUTTA.— ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS. 4°. 1865. Anderson (THOMAS) Botanist. List of Aeanthaceae cultivated in the Royal Botanical Gardens, Calcutta. pp. 25. 4°. [Calcutta, 1869.] Journ. Agric. & Hort. Soc. India. New Ser., Vol. i. Anderson (THOMAS) Botanist. [For official reports as Superintendent] See CALCUTTA.— ROYAL BOTANIC GAEDENS. ANDERSON (THOMAS) M.D., Chemist [1819-1874] See EDINBUEGH NEW PHILOSOPHICAL JOUENAL . . . Editors T. Anderson ... Sir W. Jardine, . 9. See UPSALA.— KONOLIGA UNIVERSITETET. Meddelaiiden fran . . . Universitets mineralogisk-geologisk Institution. No. 21. 8°. 1896. Sxlractfnm Geol. Fdren. i Stockholm Fiirhandl. Bd. xviu, Hft. 2. Andersson (J. G.) Ueber das fossile Vorkommen der Brasenia iwr/mrea, Mich., in Russland und Danemark. pp. 24 : 2 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihangtill. . . Handlingar. SSIO-C-lUBd. xxii, Afd. in, No. 1. 8". 1896 (1897). Andersson (J. G.) Den Centraljamtska Issjon. pp. 38 : S maps col., text illust. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges geo- Qf logiska Undersokning. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, &c. No. 166. 8°. 1897. ANDERSSON (NiLs JOHAN) [1821-1880] Plants; A vasculares circa Quickjock Lapponiae Lulensis . . . prae- side M. E. Fries ... p. p. auctor N. J. Anderson, . 39. 8°. Upsaliae [1846]. E P. p. N. J. Anderson et T. I. Suber. ., n .. et O. E. Edholm. 6 [Another edition.] pp. x, 39. 8°. Upsaliae, 1846. Differs from the preceding only in having a new title-page in lieu of those for the two parts, and the addition of a preface. Andersson (N. J.) Atlas ofver den Skandinaviska Florans naturliga familjer. pp. 29 : 29 pis. 4°. Stockholm, 1849. Andersson (N. J.) Nya Botaniska Notiser for ar 1849 (-51) . . . utgifne af N. J. Andersson. See BOTANISKA NOTISER, rf-c. 8°. 1849 (-51). Andersson (N. J.) Plaiitie Scandinaviae descrip- tionibus et figuris analyticis adumbrate. [With a Preface by E. Fries.] 2 Fasc. [in 1 VolJ 8°. Hdmice, 1849, 52. Andersson (N. J.) [in 1 Vol.] Must. Larobok i Botaniken, &c. 3 Haft 4°. Stockholm, 1851, 53, 52. Andersson (N. J.) En Verldsomsegling skildrad . . . af N. J. Andersson, Naturforskare under Expeditionen med Fregatten Eugenie . . . 1851-1853. 3 Deel [in 1 Vol.] A with map. 8°. Stockftolm, 1853-54. Andersson (N. J.) Berattelse om Botaniska Arbeten 6. . . 1853 ocn 1854 . . . afgifven af N. J. Andersson. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. 8°. 1856. Andersson (N. J.) Monographia Andropogonearum. fj, I. Anthistirieae. [pp. 37: 1 pi.] See UPSALA.— en. A . KONGLIOA VETENSKAP8-80CIETETBN. Nova Acta, &C. L- Ser. Ill, Vol. ii, No. 6, 4°. 1856. Anderssou (N. J.) Om Galapagos-oarnes Vegetation. (Enumeratio Plantarum in Insulis Galapagensibus t hucusque observatarum.) 2 Pt. See SWEDEN. Kong- liga Svenska Fregatten Eugenies resa, dkc. 4". 1857-61. [Inledning till Botaniken, &c. 8°. Stockholm, 1859-61.] Andersson (N. J.) Salices Boreali-Americanae, &c. a pp. 33. 8°. Cambridge, 1858. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. Boston. Vol. iv. Andersson (N. J.) 3 Hft. Wanting. Andra Upplagan. Hft. II Andersson, afterwards Borge (O. F.) Chlorophyllo- S. phyceer fran Norska Finmarken. pp. 15 : 1 pi. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xvn, Afd. in, No. 4. 8°. 1892. Andersson, afterwards Borge (O. F.) Susswasser- Chlorophyceen gesammelt von . . . A. O. Kihlman im nordlichsten Russland, Gouvernement Archangel. pp. 41 •' 3 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS - AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Hand- lingar. Bd. xix, Afd. in, No. 5. 8°. 1894. Andersson, afterwards Borge (O. F.) Ueber die Rhizoidenbildung bei einigen fardenformigen Chloro- M phyceen. Inaugural- Dissertation, &c. pp. 61 : 2 pis. 8*. Upsala, 1894. Andersson, afterwards Borge (O. F.) Australische 0. Siisswasserchlorophyceen. pp. 32 : 4 pis. See STOCK- HOLM.— KONGLIOA HVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihangtill ... Handlingar. Bd. xxn, Afd. ill, No. 9. C <-1n 8°. 1896 (1897). J J 45 Q ANDERSSON (SiGRin) Om de primara kiirlstran- garnes utveckling hos monokotyledonerna. pp. 23: 2 pis. I See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- L. AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xm, •6 -fa . Afd. in, No. 12. 8°. 1888. ANDERSTEDT (ANDREAS PETRUS) Plantarum Vascularium in regione Telgae Borealis sponte cre- P scentium synopsis quam ... p. p. J. A. Schagerstrom et A. P. Anderstedt ... P. in. See WAHLSTROM (J. E.) 8°. 1847. / ANDORRA, Republic of. [Map.] Andorra (Mappa de las Vails de Andorra). Constructed by F. H. . Q. Devereil . . . Scale . . . 1 : 80,000 [i.e. 1 in. = Ijm.] London, 1889. ANDRADE (ALFREDO AUGUSTO FREIRE DE). See FREIRE DE ANDRADE. f ANDRAE (CARL JUSTUS) [1816-1885] De Formatione Tertiaria Halae proxima. — Commentatio, dkc. pp. 8°. Halis, 1848. /o /L. z ^ 6 6 33. Andrae (C. J.) Erlauternder Text zur geognostischen Karte von Halle a. S. pp. viii, 98 : 1 map geol. col. 8°. Halle, 1850. Andrae (C. J.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Flora Siebenbiirgens und des Banates. pp. 48 : 12 pis. (See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Kaiserlich-Koeniglichegeolog- ische Reichsanstalt. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. n, Abth. ill, No. 4. 4°. 1853. Andrae (C. J.) Ein neuer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Tertiarttora Siebenbiirgens. See HALLE. — NATUR- WISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN FUER SACHSEN UND THUERINGEN. Abhandlungen, dkc. Bd. II, No. 3, ' Anhang- 4°- 186L Andrae (C. J.) Vorweltliche Pflanzen aus dem Stein- kohlengebirge der Preussischen Rheinlande und West- phalens. Heft, i-ni.f pp. vi, 50 : 15 pis. 4°. Bonn, 1865-69. ANDRE (EDMOND) [1844?-1891] Species des Hy- raenopteres d'Europe & d'Algerie (Fond6 par Edmond Andri et continu6 sous la direction . . . de Ernest Andre), &c. Tome i-=» col. illust. 8°. Beaune (Cote-d'Or) & Gray, 1879-> - Annexe . . . Les Hyme'nopteres fossiles par C. J. E. Brongniart. Fasc. l.t pp. x, xxii. 8°. Paris, 1881. Andre (EDMOND) La structure ife la biologie des Insectes et particulierement de ceux appartenant a 1'ordre des Hymenopteres, &c. pp. cxci : G pis. 8°. Beaune, 1882. Extracted from " Species des Hyme"noptt;res d'Enrope et d'AlgtSrie." ANDRE (EDOUARD) [1840-] Un Mois en Eussie, &c. pp. vi, 282 : text illust. 12°. Paris, 1870. Auclre' (EDOUARD) See ILLUSTRATION HORTICOLE, L' . . . redigee par E. Andre. Vol. xvn-xxvn. 8°. 1870-80. Andre ( EDOUARD) See REVUE HORTICOLE . . . Journal . . . publie sous la direction de . . . E. Andre. Ann. 1882-5> 8°. 1882-» Andr6 (EDOUARD) Bromeliacese Andreanse. Description et histoire des Bromeliacees recoltees dans la Colombie, 1'Ecuador et le Venezuela, pp. xi, 118 : 40 pis. 8°. Paris [1891]. ANDRE (ERNEST) Species des Hymenopteres d'Europe & d'Algerie . . . Continue sous la direction . . . de E. Andr6. Tome v-> See ANDR£ (EDMOND). 8°. 1891-> ANDRE-MICHAUX (FRANCOIS). See MICHAUX (F. A.) ANDREAE (ACHILLES) [1859-] Ein Beitrag zur /> Kenntniss des Elsasser Tertiiirs. pp. 331, text illust. & Atlas 12 pis. ; 2 maps. See ALSACE-LORRAINE.— Commission fuer die geologische Landes-Untersuchung, &c. Abhandlungen, dkc. Bd. n, Hft. 3. 8°. & fol. 1884. Andreae (A.) Der Diluvialsand von Hangenbieten im Unter-Elsass, dkc. pp. 90: 3 pis., text illust. /• (See ALSACE- LORRAINE. — Commission fuer die geologische Landes- Untersuchung, dkc. Abhandlungen, LORRAINE. — Commission fuer die geologische Landes- tX" Untersuchung, dkc. Abhandlungen, dkc. Bd. iv, Hft. 3. 8°. 1887. Andreae (A.) Ein neuer Actinocamiax aus der Quadratenkreide von Braunschweig. (Nachtrag.) See HILDESHEIM. — ROEMER-MUSEUM. Mittheilungen, - &c. No. 2 (& 5). 8°. 1895 (-96). Andreae (A.) Kurze Mittheilung iiber Diallag- L • Aplite, sowie iiber Wollastonitgesteine im Gabbro vom Radauthal bei Harzburg. See HILDESHEIM. — ROEMER-MUSEUM. Mittheilungen, &c. No. 5. 8°. 1896. Andreae (A.) Ueber den Yellowstone National-Park, &c. pp. 8. 8°. Frankfurt, 1896. Gr Jahresber. Ver. Geog. & Statistik Frankfurt-a-M. Jahrg. 57-9. Andreae (A.) [For descriptive memoirs accompanying sheets of the Survey Map] See BADEN, Grand Duchy of. — Geologische Landesanstalt. ANDREAE (JAKOB HEINRICH) Karakteristik inn- £> liindischer Forstbaume und Straucher in Tabellen kurz dargestellt. Nebst einem alphabetischen Ver- zeichniss der vornehmsten Schriftsteller iiber das Forstwesen. pp.30, 9 tab. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, 1790. ANDREAS (F. C.) & Stolze (F.) Die Handelsver- haltnisse Persiens, dkc. pp. 86 : 1 map. See PETER- ' _ MANN'S MITTHEILUNGEN, dkc. Erganzungsband xvi, 'S.-'oo/ No. 77. 4°. 1885. ANDREE (A.) Die Flora des Harzes und des 6'stlichen Vorlandes bis zur Saale. (Im Anschlusse an Hampe's A Flora Hercynica.) pp. 39. 8°. Halle [1873]. ANDREE (R. JOHN) A Vocabulary in six languages ; viz. English, Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, and L.^>-°. Portugues, dkc. pp. xxiv, 178. 8°. London, 1725. Each opening i •. counted as one page. ANDREE (RICHARD) [1835-] Die Anthropophagie. Eine ethnographische Studie. pp. vi, 105. 8°. Leipzig, 1887. ' ANDREEVSEli (£RAST STEPANOVICH) De Thermis Aponensibus in agro Patavino. Commentatio Physio- graphica. pp. 42 : 1 pi. 4°. Berolini, 1831. ANDREJEWSEZT (ERASTE STEPHANIDE). See ANDREEVSKII. ANDRES (ANGELO) [1852-] Le Attinie . . . Vol. i. _- contenente bibliogratia, introduzione e specigrafia. A . See NAPLES. — ZOOLOGISCHE STATION. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, dkc. Monographic IX. 4°. 1884. ANDRES Y TTTBZLZiA (TOMAS) & Lazaro 6 L- Zbiza (B.) Revista critica de las Malvaceas Espaiiolas. pp. 38. See MADRID.— SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HIS- TORIA NATURAL. Anales, dkc. Tom. x. 8°. 1881. 46 t B 6 8 z I z. Memoires, &c. Tom. i-xxxvm. 8°. Angers, 1857-86. There is a "Table metbodique des matieres contenues dans les trente volumes . . . (1857-1874) " at the end of Tom. xxx. [Continued as :] Memoires, efcc. Nouvelle Periode. Tom. i-> 8°. Angers, [1892 ?->] Augers.— Academic des Sciences, &c. Proees-verbaux (des Seances), &c. 1866-81. 4 Nos. 8°. Angers, 1867-83. Ann. 1866 contains a " Table methodique des matieres contenues dans les vingt volumes des Memoires . . . (1857-1866)." ANGERS. Societe Academique de Maine et Loire. See supra, ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES ET BELLES-LETTRES. ANGERS. Societe d'Etucles scientifiques. [Founded 1871.] x-'' Bulletin, &c. Ann. i-» 8°. Aiwers, 1872-» There is a "Table deeennale" for the years 187U-81 at the end of Ann. xn, and one for 1881-90 at the end of Ann. xxf. ANGERS. Societe Liuiieeuue du Departement de Maine-ct-Loire. [Founded 1852.] Annales, &c. Ann. i-xv [-xvn.] 8°. Angers, 1853-79. Ann. xvi & xvn are not numbered. ANGERS. — Societe uationale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts. [1827 Founded as Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d" Angers. 1833 Socitte Royale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d" Angers. 1848 Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d' Angers. 1850 SociM nationale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d' Angers. 1853 SocUte imperials d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d1 Angers. 1870 Societe nationale d'Agriculture, Sciences el Arts a' Angers.] Memoires, &c. Tom. i-vi. 8°. Angers, 1831-47. Tom. ii wants livr. 2 & 3 ; Tom. v wants livr. 3-5 ; Tom. vi wants title-page. Ser. II, Tom. i-vii. Wanting Tom. v & vm. 8°. Angers, 1850-56. Nouvelle Periode. Tom. i-xxvu. 8°. Angers, 1858-86. Tom. vn wants cah. 4 ; Tom. xiv has no title-page. ANGLES (RAOUL) Liste des Oiseaux qui se ren- contrent en Islande avec des remarques sur leur presence dans cette ile. See FRANCE. — Commission Scientifique du Nord. Voyage en Islande, &c. Zoologie, &c. 8°. 1851. ANGOLA. [Maps.] Carta geographica dos Reinos de Angola, e Benguela . . . publicada por J. J. L. de Lima, &c. [Scale 1 in. = 48 m. about.] [ ] 1846. Angola. [J!fcw>s.] Angola mappa coordenado pelo Visconde de Sa da Bandeira . . . e por F. da Costa Leal, ANNAES DAS SCIENCIAS E LITTRAS. &c. See LISBON. — ACADEMIA REAL DAS SCIENCIAS. ANNAES DE SCIENCIAS NATUBAES pub- licados por A. Nobre, ANNAES MARITIMOS E COLONIAES, &c. See LISBON. — ASSOCIAC.AO MARITIMA E COLONIAL. ANNALEN DEB. BERG UND HUETTEN- KUNDE. See NEUE JAHEBUECHER DER BERG- UND HUETTEN- KUNDE. ANNALEN DEB BOTANICK. Herausgegeben von ... P. Usteri. Stuck i-xxiv. 8°. Zurich, 1791-1800. Stilck vn-» have a second title-page which read* "Nene Annalen der Botanick." ANNALEN DEB CHEMIE (UND PHAR MACIE), &c. See IJEBIG'S ANNALEN DER CHEMIE, - i>\ l-'H. 8°. GMingen, 1791. Said to be •ntircljr the work of the Editor. ANNALEN DEB PHARMACIE . . . Heraus gegeben von R. Brandes, 8°. Leipzig, 1877-> . " Beiblattev " (for which see below) are concurrently issued with this series. Jahrg. xi-xm of the " Verhandluniien der Fhysikalischen Gesellschaft zn Berlin" [q.v.] were issued with Bd. XLV-LIV. Erganzungsband. i-vm.t 8°. Leipzig, 1842-78. r/\ Jubelband dem Herausgeber J. C. Poggendorff, &c. .. pp. xix, 685 : 6 pis., 1 port. 8°. Leipzig, 1874. "I [Indexes.] Sach- und Namen-Register zu den 76 Banden . . . /V\ 1799 bis 1824, &c. 8°. Leipzig, 1826. [In the series for 1824-77, Registers were issued for Bd. i-xi, XH-XTII, I-XXX, XXXI-XLII, XLI1I-LI, LI-LX, LXI-LXIX, LXI-LXXV 4: LXXVI-LXXXIV, and formed part of the last Bd. in each case.] Namen- und Sach- Register . . . Bd. I-LX (Bd. LXI-XC und . . . Erganzungsbd. H-iv), &c. 2 Vol. .A 8°. Leipzig, 1845, 54. n Namen-Register zu Bd. I-CL, Erganzungsbd. i-vi nebst Jubelband und Sach-Register zu Bd. CXXI-CL, Erganzungsbd. v und vi, nebst Jubelband, &c. ^ 8°. Leipzig, 1875. ™\ Sachregister . . . Bd. I-CLX, Erganzungsbd. I-VIH ^ und Jubelband. 1824-1877, &c. 8°. Leipzig, 1888. ' Namen-Register zum i.-xxxv. Bd. (1877-88), &c. 8°. Leipzig, 1889. "\ Namen-Register zum CLI.-CLX. Bd. (1874-77) nebst Erganzungsbd. vn und vm . . . und zu Bd. I-L (1877-93), &c. 8°. Leipzig, 1894. * Sachregister zu Bd. I-L (1877-1893), &c. 8°. Leipzig, 1894. tf\ Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Beibliitter zu den Annalen der Pnysik und Chemie. Herausgegeben . . . von J. C. Poggendorff ([and afterwards] G. Wiede- mann ; E. Wiedemann). Bd. i-» 8°. Leipzig, 1877-> ' Namenregister zum i.-xv. Bande, 8°. Paris, 1894-> Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Auswahl vorziiglicher Abhandlungen aus den sammtlichen Ban- den der Franzosischen Annalen der Chemie ; zur voll- standigen Benutzung derselben durch Erganzung der von ihrem Anfange an den chemischen Annalen einver- leibten Aufsatze i'iir Deutsche Scheidekiinstler von L. von Crell. Bd. i.t pp. 216. 8°. Helmstddt, 1801. ANNALES DE GEOLOGIE ET DE PALE- ONTOLOGIE publiees . . . sous la direction du Marquis A. de Gregorio. Livr. i-» 4°. Palermo, 1886-> Each livraison is separately paged, and, with the exception of the following, written by the editor : — Livr. xii. Notes eonipWmentaires sur la Faune Eocenique de 1'Ala- bania par M. Cossmann. pp. 51 : S pi*. 1893. ANNALES DE LA SCIENCE AGRONO- MIQUE FKANCAISE ET ETRANGERE. organe des Stations Agronomiques et des Laboratoires agricoles . . . Par L, Grandeau. Ann. i-» 8°. Paris, 1884H> ANNALES DE MALACOLOGIE. See PAEIS- SOCIETK MALACOLOGIQUE DE FEANCE. ANNALES DE MICROGRAPHIE, specialement consacrees a la Bacteiiologie, aux Protophytes et aux Protozoaires. Redacteur . . . P. Miquel, &c. Ann. i-» 8°. Paris, 1888-» ANNALES DES MINES. Journal des Mines, publie par 1'Agence (Conseil) des Mines de la Republique. An in [17941-ix [18011. [Tom. l-X.] 8°. Pan's [1794-1801J. An in, IV [Tom. l-lv] together comprise 24 separately paged numbers. In An v [Tom. y, vl] and in An vi [Tom. vn, vin] the pagination is continuous ; whilst An vn & ix [Tom. ix, x] form one continuously paged vohime, no parts having been issued in An vm. ou Recueil de Memoires sur 1'Exploitation des Mines et sur les Sciences et les Arts qui s'y rapportent. Par les CC. Hatty, Vauquelin, Baillet, Broclmnt, Tremery et Collet-Descostils ([and afterwards] Coque- bert-Montbret, Gillet-Laumont, Heron de Villefosse). Publie par le Conseil des Mines de la Republique Fran§aise. Vol. xi-xxxvm. 8°. Paris, An x [1801>1815. [Continued as :] Annales des Mines, ou Recueil de Memoires sur I'Exploitation des Mines et sur les Sciences (et les Arts) qui s'y rapportent. Redig6es par le Conseil General des Mines, dec. Tom. i-xm. 8°. Paris, &c., 1817-26. Ser. II, Tom. l-vill. 8°. Paris, &c., 1827-30. Ser. Ill, Tom. I-xx. 8°. Paris, &c., 1832-41. Ser. IV, Tom. i-xx. 8°. Paris, &c., 1842-51. Ser. V, Tom. i-xx. 8°. Paris, &c., 1852-61. With this series a " Partie Administrative" relating to the Laws.ifr., in connection with mining, began to be issued, for which see below. Ser. VI, Tom. i-xx. Ser. VII, Tom. i-xx. S6r. VIII, Tom. i-xx. Ser. IX, Tom. i-> 8°. Paris, &c., 1862-71. 8°. Paris, &c., 1872-81. 8°. Paris, &c., 1882-91. 8°. Paris, &c., 1892-» - Table analytique des Matieres contenues dans les xxvin premiers volumes du Journal des Mines, &c. 8°. Paris, 1813. [ -- dans les dix derniers volumes, &c. 8°. Paris, 1825.] Wanting. Tables . . . des Matieres, &c. Ser. I & II. Ser. III. Ser. IV. Ser. V. Ser. VI. Ser. VII. 8°. Paris, 1831. 8°. Paris, 1847. 8°. Paris, 1852. 8°. Paris, 1868. 8°. Paris, 1873. 8°. Paris, 1882. — Partie Administrative, ou Recueil de Lois . . . con- cernant les Mines, &c. Ser. V, Tom. i-x. Ser. VI, Tom. i-x. Ser. VII, Tom. i-x. Ser. VIII, Tom. i-x. Ser. IX, Tom. i^ 8°. Pan's, 1852-61. 8°. Paris, 1862-71. 8°. Paris, 1872-81. 8°. Paris, 1882-91. 8°. Paris, 1892-» Auiiales des Mines. A selection of the Geological Memoirs contained in the Annales des Mines . . . Translated with notes, by H. T. De La Beche. pp. xxii, 335, 1 tab. : 8 pis., 3 maps col. 8°. London, 1824. [Another issue.] 8°. London, 1836. ANNALES DES SCIENCES ET DE L'lN- DUSTRIE DU MIDI DE LA FRANCE. See MARSEILLES. — SOCIETE DE STATISTIQUE. 7 50 ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOGIQUES ou Archives de Geologic, de Mineralogie, de Pale- ontologie, et de . . . Geographic . . . de Physi(iuc generale, etc., qui se rattachent directement ft la Geo- logic pure et appliquie ; publiees i>ar M. A. Riviere. Premiere annee. No. 1. s°. Aim, 1842. ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOGIQUES. publiees sous Ta direction de M. Hubert . . . pour la mrtie geologique, et de M. A. Milne Edwards . . . pour la partie paleontologique. Tom. i-xxn.t 8°. Paris, 1869-91. Each memoir is separately paged. The series was merged in " Ann. Sci. NaU Zoologie et PalixMltologie" [7.1-.] f ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, par AlM. Audouin, A. Brongniart et Duma£, <£•<•. Tom. \xxx, Atlas Tom. i-xn. / \ 8°. & 4°. Paris, /824-S3. There is\ title-page to every three volumes of the Ayas. After Turn, xii, rLo plates are anifonu in size and placed with th/tcxt. L. dto \f> I Ta\le generale, ar MM. A. Brongniart et Guillemin /[and afterwards] J. Decaisne). Issued in two parallel XiviMi.ns which in thfir fifth series were yet further sundered, the expUnatory portion of (he title being at the same time omitted. An index fib each series appeqfo in ite last Vol. Zoologie. Se>. IlVom. i-x£ 8°. Paris, 1834-43. Redig6es . . . \par M. Milne Edwards, &c. Ser. Ill, Tom. I-XX. \ 7 8°. Paris, 1844-53. - S6r. IV, TomWxx. 8°. Paris, 1854-63. et Paleontologie . /Apubliees sous la direction de M. Milne Edwards/ 9ftr. V, Tom. i-xx. 8°. Paris, 1864-74. In Tom. xni-xx each |';ii/i is separately paged. Publiees sous In direction de MM. H. et A. Milne Edwards. S/er. VI, Tftm. i-xx. 8°. Paris, 1874-85. Each paper is separately paged. Publiees soup la directiok de M. A. Milne Edwards. Ser. YII, Tom. i-xx.\ 8°. Paris, 1886-95. The pagination in rach Vol. is continuous The "Annalesdef .Sciences Oeologique8'\['/.r'.] was united with this in 1801. Ser. VII]/ Tom. i-> * Paris, 1896-» Botanique. /Ser. II, Tom. I-xx. 8°.Vam, 1834-43. Redigejes . . . par MM. A. Brongniart et J. Decaisne. / Ser. Ill, Tom. i-xx. 8°. Pbrit, 1844-53. 8°. Pa\s, 1854-63. Pulfiiees sous la direction do MM. A. Hf ongniart et J. IJecaisne. Se>. V, Tom. i-xx. 8°. Pa ris,\\ 864-74. Se>. IV, Tom. i-xx. ous la direction de MM. A. Brongniart et [J./ Decaisne ([and afterwards] P. Van TieVhem). Se/. VI, Tom. i-xx. 8". Paris, lf»5-ft). • sous la direction de M, P. Van Tieghem. >er. VII, Tom. I-XX. 8°. Paris, 1881V95. Ser. VIII, Tom. 8°. Paris, 1895\ ANNALES DU JARDIN BOTANIQUE DE BUITENZORG tire Bl'ITENZORli, ANNALES ENCYCLOPEDIQUES, &c. .Vce IJEVI'E ENcvci.oiM::iili;rK. ANNALES FRANC AISES ET ETR ANGERES D'ANATOMIE ET DE PHYSIOLOGIE. appliances a la Mwlmne et ii 1'Histoire Naturelle ; par MM. Laurent ... V. F. A. Bazin ([and afterwards] Hollard, Coste, Gervais et Jacquemart). Tom. i-inf illust. 8". Aim & Loiidrrs, (1837-) 1838 :>,!>. ANNALES GENERALES DES SCIENCES PHYSIQUES; juu- MM. I'.nvy de St.-Vinocnt . . . Drapiez . . . et Van Mons, E.— INSTITUT OKOLOOIQUE. Gheoloshki Anali, &c. ANNALES HEBERT. See PARIS. — FACULTE DES SCIENCES. ANNALI DI BOTANICA compilati dal D. Viviani. Vol. I.t 4U. Gtnova, 1802, 1804. b Issued in two separately pujred parts. The title-page of Ft. 2 reads :— " Annnles Dotanici," <{•(•. ANNALI DI STORIA NATURALE. [Edited u by J. Marsigli ; A. Alessandrini ; A. Bertolini ; Orioli & C. Ranzani.] Tom. i-iv.f 8°. Jiolo 8°. London, ji. 153, cxlvi : 6jds. 8". Edinburgh er. No. 8 conUinn a Bibliography of Memoir* from 1849 to the end of 1852. 51 ANNALS OF BOTANY. .1. Sims. Vol. I, n.t Editors C. Koenig and 8°. Loiulon, 1805-6. L, q.(j B. G A) ANNALS OP BOTANY : edited by I. B. Balfour. S. H. Vines, and W. G. Farlow ([and afterwards] W. T. TLiselton-Dyer, D. H. Scott). Vol. i-> 8°. Oxford, 1887-> ANNALS OF BRITISH GEOLOGY ... By J. F. Blake, &c. 1890-93. 4 Vol.t 8°. London, 1801-95. ANNALS OF HORTICULTURE; and year book of information on Practical Gardening. 1845-50. 5 Vol.t 8°. London, 1846 (1845)-50. I ur 8". Edinburgh, 1892-5- ANNANDALE (CHARLES) The Imperial Dictionary L-. of the English Language ... by J. Ogilvie . . . New a c/g^edition . . . edited by C. Annandale, &c. 4 Vol. See OGILVIE (J.) [Another issue.] L. So- *• L. 10 8°. 1882-83. 8°. 1886. ANNEE BIOLOGIQUE, L1. Comptes rendus annuels des travaux de Biologie generate publics sous la direction de Y. Delage . . . Avec la collaboration d'un Comite de Redacteurs. Secretaire . . . G. Poirault. Ann. l-5> 1895-> 8". Paris, 1897-> ANNESLEY (GEORGE) Earl of Mountnorris [1769- 1844] Voyages and travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt, in ... 1802-1806. By George Viscount Valentia. 3Vol.illmt. 4°..Zkm Limited to France and the French colonies in Africa. ANNUAL INDEX PHOTOGRAPHS. OF PERIODICALS See INDEX. ANNUAL RECORD OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY . . . Edited by S. F. Baird. 187l-78.f 8 Vol. 8°. New York, 1872-79. ANNUS. 'Ev See ENIAUTOS. Tepaa-Tios : Mirabilis Annus, . Ansted (D. T.) The Ancient World, d-c. pp. xii, 408 : 1 pl^ text ill tut. 8". London, 1847. New edition, pp. iv, 880 : 1 pi., text illust. 8". London, 1848. Ansted (D. T.) The Gold-seeker's Manual, pp. 172. 8°. London, 1849. Ansted (D. T.) [Elementary Course of Geology. .Mineralogy and Physical Geography. 8°. London, 1850.] Wanting. Second Edition, pp. xvi, 606 : text illust. 8°. London, 1856. Ansted (D. T.) The Ionian pp. art, j80 : 1 pi., 4 maps, text illust. Islands in ... 1863. 8°. London, 1863. Ansted (D. T.) The Physical Geography and Geology of the County of Leicester, pp. 70 : 1 pi. col., 1 map ged. col. 4°. London, 1866. Ansted (D. T.) & Latham (R. G.) The Channel Islands, pp. xxviii, 604 •' 1 $-> 1 map, text illust. 8°. London, 1862. ANTANANARIVO ANNUAL, The, and Mada- gascar Magazine. A Record of information on the Topography and Natural Productions of Madagascar . . . Edited by J. Sibree ([and afterwards] R. Baron). No. l-» 8°. Antananarivo, 1875-> Wanting Nos. S, 4 & 7. A reprint of the first four numbers. 8°. Antananarivo, London, 1885. ANTELME (ADRIEN) Histoire naturelle des Insectes et des Mollusques, par A. Antelme . . . sous la direction de M. Geoffroy-St.-Hilaire. 2 Tom. Must. 12°. Paris, 1841. ANTELMINELLA (FRANCESCO CASTRACANE DEGLI) Count. See CASTRACANE DEGLI ANTELMINELLA. ANTHOFHILO (CHRISTIAN) [pseud. ?] Delicise Hortenses . . . Vermehrt . . . von C. Anthophilo. 2 Thl. See MUELLER (J. G.) 12°. 1710. ANTHROPOLOGIA. See LONDON ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY. ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. ' (Formed 1871 by the amalgamation of the Antlwpoloffical and Ethno- logical Socitlitt,] Journal, &c. Vol. i-> 8°. London, 1872-» ANTHROPOLOGICAL REVIEW See ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY or LONDON. ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. [Founded 1888. In 1871 united with the SlHnotogieal Society to form the jlnUtrvpotofficat Institute (q.v.) Borne of the members, however, seceded, and founded the Latvian Anthropological Society (?.i>.).J The Anthropological Review. Vol. i-vm.t 8°. London, 1863-70. The " Transactions " (continued as " Journal ") of the Society and the " Popular Magazine of Anthropology " were Issued with this. Anthropological Society of London. Journal of Anthropology . . . Edited by J. Beddoe . . . J. B. Davis . . . H. Beigel . . . D. I. Heath . . . C. S. Wake. Vol. i.t pp. [vi,] 364 • S pis.. 1 map. 8°. London, 1870-71. With this were issued portions of the " Journal " of the Society. Anthropological Society of London. Transactions, &c. Vol. i. pp. i-xxxiv. 8°. [London, 1863.] Ixsucd with " The Anthropological Review," Vol. i, No. 2. [Continued as :] Journal, agcd, and the sheets arc marked '• Vol. I " : it has u separate index. Anthropological Society of London. Memoirs read before the Society, ?5: tat illust. The Anthropological Treatises of J. F. Blumenbach . . . with memoirs of him by Marx and Flourens, and an account of his Anthroiiologicul Museum by Prof. R. Wagner, and the Inaugural Dissertation of J. Hunter on the Varieties of Man. Translated and edited from the . . . originals by T. Bendyscbe. pp. xiv, 1,00 : i, pis. 1865. Lake Habitations and pre-historic remains in the Turbaries and Marl- Beds of Northern and Central Italy. By B. Gastaldi . . . Translated . . . and edited by C. H. Chambers, pp. xiv, 118: S pit., text iUtat. 1865. Anthropological Society of London. The Popular Magazine of Anthropology. Vol. I.t pp. 148, text illust. 8°. London, 1866. Issued with " The Anthropological Review," Vol. iv. ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASH- INGTON. [Founded 1879.] Transactions. Vol. i & in. See SMITHSONIAN INSTI- TUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xxv, Art. 3 ; & Vol. xxxiv, Art. 2. 8°. 1882, Anthropological Society of Washington. Abstract of Transactions. [From March 4, 1879, to Jan. 18, 1881.] See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smith- sonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xxv, Art. 4. 8°. 1883. ANTHROPOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN WIEN. See VIENNA. ANTINORI (C-RAZio) Marquess [1811-1882] Cata- f logo descrittivo di una collezione di Uccelli fatta ... ' neir interno dell' Atfrica centrale nord dal . . . 1859-61. L. Pit. xxix, 117. 8". Milano, 1864. Antinori (O.) Marquess. Viaggio dei . . . O. Antinori . . . nel Mar Rosso . . . 1870-71. Studio monografico 2,. sopra i Muricidi, lg- [On the external < morphology of Leeches. (Abstract.)] See BUDAPEST. — - MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADJJMIA. Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok Korebol, &c. Kot. xix, Szam. 3. 8°. 1889. AFGAB, (ELLIS A.) & (AUSTIN C.) Apgar's Plant Analysis ; adapted to Gray's Botanies. 4°. New York & Chicago, 1884. AFHONIN (MATHEUS) Dissertatio academica demon- strans usum Historiae Naturalis in vita cpmmuni, quam . . . prseside . . . C. A. Linn6 . . . submittit auctor . . . M. Aphonin, &c. pp. [vi,] 30. 4°. Upsalue, 1766. edition - [Another Naturalis, &c. Amoenitates Academicae, &c. entitled :] See LINN&US (C.) C. Linnaei Usus Historiie Vol. VII. Editio secunda. 8°. 1769. L 8°. 1789. L . Aphonin (M.) On the use of Natural History, AFJOHN (JAMES) [1796-1886] A Descriptive Cata- logue of the Simple Minerals in the Systematic Collec- ^ tion of Trinity College, Dublin. See DUBLIN. — TRINITY COLLEGE. 8°. 1850. Apjohn (J-X- Manual of the Meialkrids. np eof " Galbraith ck Ha Scientific Manuals." SF APLIN (FREDERICK CHARLES), (BENJAMIN D'OYLY) & (OLIVER YERNON) A list of the Birds of the Banbury district, pp. 28. 8°. Banbury, 1882. APO3JLINABIS(QuiNTUs)[^«f«d.fl Kurtzs Handt- biichlin unnd Experiment viler Artzneyen, durch den gantzen Corper dess Menschens . . . Sampt . . . Ab- contrafactur etlicher . . . Kreuter . . . Jetzund . . . gemehret und gebessert. Sampt dem Experiment- Biichlin von xx Pestilentz wurtzlen dess . . . T. Ocyori. pp. ccxiii [foil. 25]. 8°. Strassburg, 1589. [Another edition.] pp. [iv,] ccxii [foil. 34]- 8°. Strassburg, 1651. APOSTOLIDES (NiKOLAOS CHRISTO) La Pgche en Grece, &c. pp. 87. 8°. Athenes, 1883. Ix>ndon International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. APPALACHIAN MOUNTAIN CLUB. [Founded 1876.] Appalachia, the Journal of the . . . Club. Vol. r-> 8°. Boston, 1879-> APPELBERG (CAROLUS MAGNUS) Phyceae Cap- enses, quarum particulam quartam ... p. p. C. M. Appelberg, &c. See ARESCHOUG (J. E.) 4". 1851. APPELIUS (F. L.) Catalogo deOe Conchiglie fossili del Livornese, desunto dalle collezioni e manoscritti del defunto . . . G. B. Caterini. pj\ 123 : 2 pis. 8°. Pisa, 1871. Bull. Malac. Italiano. Vol. HI. 54 ,.570. 6. L 2 APPELLOF (Ao.) Japanska Cephalopoder. pp. ',(> : .J pis. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. xxi, No. 13. 4°. 1886 (1887). . Appellof (A.) Teuthologische Beitrage. I. Chtenon- teryx n.g., Verant/a sictda Krohn, Caltitenthis Verrill. •>•• • fl -j. pp. 34 : 1 pi. See BEROEN.— BEROENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarsberetning, ~, : u pis. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VKTENSKAPS - AKADEMiEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. xxv, No. 7. 4°. 1893 (1894). Appellof (A.) I'tyc/todactis patula, n.g. & sp., der / Reprasentant einer neuen Hexactinien-Familie. pp. ..' .' : c <-<• 3 V 3 pis. See BERGEN. — BERGENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarsberetning, s.] Etudes geographiques et geologiques de 1'Egypte, de la peninsule de 1 Arabic Petree, &c. 6 sh. col. [Scale 1 in. = 8 m. about.] * •SVe EGYPT. [Mips.] 1864. ARADAS (ANDREA) [-1882] A- Benoit (L.) Con- chigliologia vivente marina della Sicilia e delle isole che 1_ la circondano, ttc. pp. 324 •' 5 pis. 4". Catania, 1870. Atti Accad. Gloenia 3d. Nnt. Ber. Ill, Vol. vi. ARAGO (DOMINIQUE FRANVOIS JEAN) [1786-1853] See ANNALES DE CHIMIE ET DE PHYSI«UE . . . Redigees f par...M.Ai-ago. Ser.II.Tora. i— Ser.III.Tom. xxxix. " 8°. 1816-53. 55 • (_ 5 £ / Arago (D. F. J.) C. V. D BIGNY (A. Wanting. [Anotb [Another issue.] [Dictiomjaii'o universel d'Histoire &t«- 16 Vol. See OR- 8°. 1839-45.] 8". 1849. 8°. 1861. Arago (D. F. J.) illust. Astronomic Populaire. 4 Tom. 8°. Paris [1865]. Forming part of the " ffinvres completes . . . Denxiemu edition . . . par M. J. A. Banal," of which the first edition appeared in 1854. Arago (D. F. J.) Kosmische Meteore, &c. pp. 79. 8°. Leipzig, 1865. Translated from his " Astronomic Populaire." ARAGON. Introductio in Oryctographiam, et Zoolo- giam Aragonia?. Accedit enumeratio Stirpium in eadem regione noviter detectarum, &c. [By I. J. de Asso y Del Rio.] pp. 192: 7 pis. 8". [Madrid,} 1784. ARAGONA (ALOYSIUS) De quibusdam Coleopteris Italiae novis aut rarioribus tentamen inaugurate, &c. pp. si. 8°. Ticini Reaii, 1830. ARALO-CASFIAN EXPEDITION. Transactions, &c. See ST. PETERSBURG. — SANKT- PETERBURGHSKOE OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI. Trudui Aralo-Kaspiiskoi Ekspedltzii. Vuip. i-> 8°. 1875-» ARALO-KASPIISKOI EKSPEDITZII. Trudui, &c. See ST. PETERSBURG. — SANKT-PETERBURGH- SKOE OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI. 8°. 1875-> ARANA (SALVADOR CALDERON Y). See CALDERON Y ARANA. ARANGO Y MOLINA (RAFAEL)-*Contribucion a la Fauna Malacologica Cubana. pp. 280, 35. 4°. Habana, 1878. ARANZADI T UNAMUNDO (TELESFORO DE) & Hoyos (L. DE) Un avance a la Antropologia de Espaiia. pp. 71 : text illust. See MADRID.— SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &C. Tom. XXI. 8°. 1892. ARANZAZU (JuAN MANUEL DE) Apuntes para una descripcion fisico-geologica de las provincias de Burgos, Logrono, Soria y Guadalajara, pp. 47 : 1 map. (See SPAIN. — Comision del Mapa Geoldgico. Boletin,sition Internationale de Peche, 18GG. Report, r> ABCHIAC (ErnciCNl JIM.KS Anoi.riiK DKHMIEU DE ST. SIMON D') Viscount [1802-1868] Discours sur 1'ensemble dos phe'iiomenes qui se sent manifestos a la surface du Glooe depuis son origine jusqu'ft l'6poque actuelle. pp. S8. 4°. Paris, 1840. Archiac (E. J. A. D. DE ST. S. D') Viscount. Histoire des progres de la Geologie de 1834 a 1845 (-1859), d-c. 8 Tom. See PARIS.— sociKTr': GrfoLooiQUE PE FRAM i . 8°. 1847-60. Archiac (K. J. A. D. DK ST. S. D') Viscount. Intro- duction a I'etude de la Paleontologie stratigraphique, &c. 2 Vol. itlvtt. 8*. Pant, 1864. Archiac (E. J. A. D. DE ST. S. D') Viscount. Pale- f ontologie stratigraphique. — Lecons sur la Faune l»- Quaternaire. pp. it, 292. 8°. Paris, 1865. Archiac (E. J. A, D. DE ST. S. D') Viscounf Faunes du TerrainSeetSndaire — Faune Tertjaife Inf6rieure (^- [of AsJ9**Sfinqr]. See_ TCHIHAT£}**FF (P. DE) Asie Mi e Sfinor]. . tre, logie, Ethnologic und Urgeschichte . . . Redaction : A. Ecker, L. Lindensclnnidt (und J. Ranke). Bd. IV-XVII. 4°. Braunschweig, 1870-88. ABCHIV FUEB ANTHBOFOLOGIE UND GEOLOGIE SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEINS und <* der benachbarten Gebiete. Bd. i-> 8°. Kiel & Leipzig, 1896 (1895 )-» ABCHIV FUEB BEBGBAU UND HUETTEN- WESEN. See ARCHIV FUER MINERALOOIE, GEOGNOSIE, &c. ABCHIV FUEB CHEMIE UND METEOBO- LOGIE. &c. See ARCHIV FUER DIE OESAMMTE NATURLEHRE, &c. ABCHIV FUEB DIE BOTANIK. Herausgege- ben von J. J. Romer. Bd. I-lll.t 4°. Leipzig, 1796-180."). ABCHIV FUEB DIE GESAMMTE NATUR- LEHRE . . . Herausgegeben vom Dr. K. W. G. Kastner. Bd. I-XXVIL 8°. Niirnlerg, 1824-35. Bd. xix-xxvii have a second title, which reads: "Archiv fiir Chemie nnd Meteorologie," &c. Bd. i-ix. Register xix.-xxvu. Band. H". jV// ;•«/«•)•;/, 1840. j^ ABCHIV FUEB DIE GESAMMTE PHYSIO- LOGIE DES MENSCHEN UND DEB THIEBE. Herausgegeben von . . . E. F. W. Pfliiger. L, Bd. I-XLIV. Hft. 1 & 2. 8". Bonn, 1868-88. Register zum i.-xxx. Band. y>/>. 102. 8°. Bonn, 1885. Z. ABCHIV FUEB DIE HOLLAENDISCHEN BEITBAEGE ZUB NATUB- UND HEIL EUNDE. Herausgegeben von F. C. Donders und L. 1 \V. Berlin. Bd. I-III.t 8°. Utrecht, -64. ABCHIV FUEB DIE KENNTNISS VON SIEBENBUEBGENS VOBZEIT UND GE- GENWABT . . . Herausgegeben von J. K. Schuller. ol"]i Bd. I, Hft. 1, 2.t 8°. ffermannstadt, 1840-41. n Merged in the "Archiv" of the " Verein fiir Siebenbiirgischc Ijindes- kunae" ['/.v. infra, " llenn;um."titlt "|. 57 ARCHIV FUER DIE NATURKUNDE LIV-, EHST- UND KURLANDS. See DORPAT — DORPATEK NATURFORSCHER GESELLSCHAFT. ARCHIV FUEB DIE NEUESTEN ENT- DECKUNGEN AUS DER URWELT . . . Herausgegeben von J. G. J. Ballenstedt ([and after- wards] J. F. Kriiger). Bd. i-vi.f 8°. Quedlinburg & Leipzig, 1819-24. ARCHIV FTJER DIE FHYSIOLOGIE von J. C. Reil (und J. H. F. Autenrieth). Bd. i-xn.t See ARCHIV FUER ANATOMIE UND PHYSIOLOGIE. 8°. 1796-1815. ARCHIV FUER DIE SYSTEMATISCHE NATURGESCHICHTE. See BEITRAEGE ZUR NATURKUNDE. ARCHIV FUER MIKROSKOPISCHE ANA- TOMIE herausgegeben von M. Schultze ([and after- wards] La Valette St. George, W. Waldeyer 8°. Berlin, 1835-> Register zu den ersten fiinf und zwanzig Jahrgangen, &c. 8°. Berlin, 1860. Register zu dem 26. bis 60. Jahrgang, &c. 8°. Berlin, 1895. ARCHIV FUER PHYSIOLOGIE . . . Heraus- gegeben von . . . E. Du Bois-Reymond. Jahrg. 1877-88. See ARCHIV FUER ANATOMIE UND PHYSIOLOGIE. 8". 1877-88. ARCHIV FUER WISSENSCHAFTLICHE KUNDE VON RUSSLAND. Herausgegeben von A. Erman. Bd. i-xxv.t 8°. Berlin, 1841-67. ARCHIV FUER ZOOLOGIE UND ZOOTOMIE. Herausgegeben von C. R. W. Wiedemann. Bd. i-iv.f 8°. Braunschweig, 1800-1805. ARCHIV SKANDINAVISCHER BEITRAEGE ZUR NATURGESCHICHTE. Herausgegeben von C. F. Hornschuch, &c. Thl. i & n.t 8". Greifswald, 1845-50. ARCHIVES BOTANIQUES DU NORD DE LA FRANCE. Revue Botanique mensuelle publiee sous la direction de C. E. Bertrand. Tom. i-» 8". Paris, 1881-» ARCHIVES D' ANATOMIE MICROSCO- FIQUE. Publiees par E. G. Balbiani et L. Ranvier . . . L. F. Henneguy, Secretaire de la Redaction. Tom. i-» 8°. Paris, 1897-> ARCHIVES DE BIOLOGIE, publiees par E. Van Beneden . . . et C. Van Bambeke. Tome i-» 8°. Gand, &c., 1882-» ARCHIVES DE BOTANIQUE, qu Recueil men- suel . . . redigees . . . sous la direction de M. A. J. Guillemin. Tom. i, n.t 8°. Paris, &c., 1833-34. ARCHIVES DE FLORE: Journal (—Recueil) botanique redige par . . . F. Schult/. 1 Vol.t pp.382: 4 pis. 8°. Wissembmwg, Deidesheim, 1854-69. The later numbers were issued with Schultz's "Herbarium Normale," to which they ultimately became merely the descriptive text. For the succeeding portion of text, Sec SCHULTZ (F. W.) " Archives de la Flore d'Europe." ARCHIVES DE LA COMMISSION SCIEN- TIFIQUE DU MEXIQUE. See FRANCE. — Ministere de I' Instruction PuUique. ARCHIVES DE LA FLORE D'EUROFE. See SCHULTZ (F. W.) ARCHIVES DE LA FLORE DE FRANCE ET D'ALLEMAGNE. See SCHULTZ (F. W.) ARCHIVES DE L'HISTOIRE DES INSECTES fubliees . . . par J. G. Fuessly, dkc. See AHCHIV DER NSECTENGESCHICHTE. 4°. 1794. ARCHIVES DE FARASITOLOGIE . . . sous la direction de R. Blanchard, &c. Tom. i-» 8°. Paris, 1898-» ARCHIVES DE ZOOLOGIE EXPERI- MENTALE ET GENERALE . . . Publiees sous la direction de H. de Lacaze Duthiers. Tom. i-x. 8°. Paris, 1872-82. S6r. II, Tom. i-x. 8°. Paris, 1883-92. Tom. in bis, and v bis, consist of separately paged papers. Ser. Ill, Tom. i-> 8°. Paris, 1893-» ARCHIVES DES MISSIONS SCIENTI- FIQUES ET LITTERAIBES. See FRANCE. — Ministere de V Instruction PwUique. ARCHIVES DES SCIENCES PHYSIQUES ET NATURELLES (DE GENEVE). See BIBLIOTHEQUE UNIVERSELLE, &c. ARCHIVES ENTOMOLOGIQUES, ou Recueil contenant des illustrations d'Insectes nouveaux ou rares. Par M. J. Thomson. Tom. I-H t illust. (col.) 8°. Paris, 1857-58. Tom. II consists of " Voyage au Gabon. Histoire naturelle des Insectes et des Arachnides recueillis ... en 1856 et en 1857 par M. H. C. Dey- rolle . . . pre"c6dee de V Histoire du Voyage par M. J. Thomson." ARCHIVES ITALIENNES DE BIOLOGIE. Revues . . . des Travaux scientifiques Italiens, sous la direction de C. Emery et A. Mosso, &c. Tom. i-» 8°. Turin, &<:., 1882-> Table generale des matieres contenues dans les vingt premiers volumes, &c. 8°. Turin, 1893. ARCHIVES N£ERLANDAISES DES SCIENCES EXACTES ET NATURELLES. See HAARLEM. — HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DER WETENSCH A PPEN. ARCHIVES SLAVES DE BIOLOGIE, dirigees par . . . M. Mendelssohn et C. Richet ([and afterwards] H. de Varigny). Tom. i-iv.f 8°. Paris, 1886-87. ABCHIVIO FER LA ZOOLOGIA, L'ANA- TOMIA E LA FISIOLOGIA, publicato per cura di G. Canestrini, G. Doria, P. M. Ferrari e M. Lessona. Vol. i-iv, fasc. l.t 8°. Geneva, 1862-66. ARCIDIACONO (S.) Fenomeni geodinamici che precedettero, accompagnarono e seguirono 1'eruzione Etnea . . . 1886. pp. 49: 1 pi. See CATANIA.— ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Atti, &C. Ser. IV, \'ol. vi, Mem. 21. 4". 1893. 8 8 Z L i- Sii L. duo z L 58 z e 6 6 e 6 e & B ABCUSSIA (CHARLES D') [1547-16171] La Con- ference des Fauconniers . . . reimpriiuee sur l'6dition de 1644 avec une notice et des notes par E. Jullien. pp. Ixxxii, 1S6. 4°. Paris, 1883. ARDENE (JEAN PAUL DE ROME D') [1689-1769] Traite des Kenoncules . . . Troisieme edition, &c. pp. [vi,] 34S: 6 pis. 8°. Avignon, 1763. ARDINGHELLI (M. A.) Statica de' Vegetabili . . . Opera del ... Hales . . . Tradotta [by M. A. Arding- helli] dall' Inglese con varie annotazioni. See HALES (S.) 8". 1756. ARDISSONE (FRANCESCO) [1837-] Enumerazione delle Alghe della Marca di Ancona. pp. 32. 4°. Fano, 1866. Ardissone (F.) Prospetto delle Ceramiee Italiche. pp. 92 : Sits, col. 4°. Pesaro, 1867. Le Floridee Italiche, &c. 2 Vol. 4°. Milano, 1870-78. Ardissone (F.) Wanting Vol. i. Ardissone (F.) Phycologia Mediterranea. 2 Pt. See MILAN. — SOCIETA CRITTOGAMOLOGICA ITALIANA. Memorie, d-c. Vol. i, n. 8°. 1883-87. Scemata Generum Floridearum illustratio accomo- data ad usum Phycologiae Mediterraneae auctore F. Ardissone. (By G. B. De-Toni and D. Levi- Morenos.) pp. xxx : IS pis. See NOTARISIA. Nota- risia Commentarium Pnycologicum, &c. Ann. in. [Supplement.] 8°. 1888. Ardissone (F.) La Vegetazione terrestre considerata nei suoi rapporti col clima. pp. xxiv, 190. 8°. Milano, 1885. Ardissone (F.) F. Ardissone. Delia notizia letteraria publicata a Lipsia sul mio libro intorno alia Vegetazione terrestre, &c. pp. 8. 4°. Milano, 1885. Enumerazione 4°. Milano, 1877. ARDOINO (HONORE JEAN BAPTISTS) [1819-1871] Catalogue des Plantes Vasculaires qui croissent spon- tanement aux environs de Menton et de Monaco, &c. pp. xiii, 46. 8°. Turin, 1862. Ardoino (H. J. B.) [Flore analytique du Departement des Alpes-Maritimes, dx. 8°. Menton, 1867.] Wanting. Seconde edition, pp. xxx, 470. 8". Menton -. ragioni, osservazioni, e sperienze, &c. 2 Vol. & Atlas, ' 65 pis. 4*. & obi. fol. Palermo, 1767-71 . ARZNANDER (JoHANN PHILIP) & Forsberg (C. P.) De Campanulis Svecanis dissertatio, Aristotle. [Botanical Works] Phytologise Aris- totelicie Fragmenta. See WIMMEE (C. F. H.) 8°. 1838. n Aristotle. [Botanical Works] Nicolai Damasceni de Plantis libri duo Aristoteli vulgo adscript!, &c. See NICHOLAS, of Damascus. 8". 1841. $ Aristotle. [Botanical Works] Grunddragen af Aris- totelis Vextlara, &c. See FEIES (E. M.) 8°. 1842. Aristotle. [Zoological Works] 'Apia>v ItTTopiat ftifiXia K. Aristotelis de Animalium Historia libri x. Addita e Theophrasto collectanea qusedam de Animalibus . . . Emendationes quoq; , &c. [Edited by F. Sylburgius.] pp. [ii,] 484. 4". Francofurdi, 1587. Aristotle. [Zoological Works.] 'ApirronXovs irepi L faav la-Topias. Aristotelis Historia de Animalibus ; IL J. C. Scaligero interprete cum ejusdem commentariis. P. J. Maussacus . . . opus . . . primus vulgavit & restituit, additis prolegomenis & animadversionibus. Accedit fragmentum quod decimus historiarum inscri- bitur,\ Sixth edition, AerSee HOOKEE (Sir W. J.) 8°. 1850. Arnott (G. A. W.) & Wight (R.) [Catalogue of Dried Specimens of Indian Plants distributed by Dr. R. Wight.] See WIGHT (R.) & ARNOTT (G. A. W.) [8°. 1833-36.] Arnott (G. A. W.) York, 1886. ARTIEDA (ANDRES REY DE). See REY DE ARTIEDA. ABTIGALA8 (CASIMIR) [iarj8-] Les Microbes patho- genes. Lemons . . . recueillies et re'dige'es par G. n Maurange, p. 0, 1800. 5 : pp. 8, 1805. With each there are 10 pis. Cah. 3 & 4 were originally issued in 1775 and 1770 respectively. Cahier 5 was edited with a preface by J. Rathke. ASCHAFFENBURG. Natiirwisseuschaftliclier Verein. [Founded ms.] Die Waldungen in der Umgebung von Aschaffen- 12 n burg . . . geschildert von H. Ftirst. pp. 49-' 1 niap '• col. 8°. Aschaffenburg, 1884. [Continued as :] /_ Beitrage zur Fauna und Flora von Aschaffenburg. J,. IT. Mittheilung des . . . Vereins, &c. pp. 116. 8°. Ascha/enburg, 1888. / - III. Mittheilung . lich. pp. vii, 158. Die Kafer. Von C. Froh- 8°. Jena, 1897. I 6 ASCHAN (JOHANNES LAURENTIUS) Dissertatio Botanica de Acere . . . publico examini subjicit J. L. Aschan, dec. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. 1793. . [Another edition.] See THUNBERG (C. P.) Disserta- e tionesAcademicaeUpsaliae, Baron C. C. von der Decken's Reisen in Ost Afrika in > 1859-61. Bd. in, abth. 3. 8°. 1879. Aschersou (P. F. A.) Die aus dem mittlern Nordafrika, dem Gebiete der Rohlfs'schen Expedition nach Kufra (_ bekannt gewordenen Pflanzen. See ROHLFS (F. G.) 8°. 1881. Ascherson (P. F. A.) Florae Sardose Compendium, &c. g [Supplement by P. Ascherson.] See BARBEY (W.) 4°. 1884-85. Ascherson (P. F. A.) Bohnen aus Ost-Afrika, gesam- melt von . . . O. Baumann 1890. See BAUMANN (O.) Usambara, &c. Anhang n. 8°. 1891. Synopsis der Mitteleuropaischen 8°. Leipzig, 1896-5- Asclierson(P.F. A.) Flora. Bd. i-> Title from wrapper. Ascherson (P. F. A.) [For official publications as Assistant] See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICHE FRIEDRICH- WILHELMS UNIVERSITAET. — Botanischer Garten. Ascherson (P. F. A.) & Schweinfurth (G. A.) Auf- zahlung sammtlicher zur Zeit bekannten Phanero- gamen- und Gefass - Kryptogamen - Arten aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Nil-Lander. See SCHWEINFURTH (G. A.) & ASCHERSON (P. F. A.) 4°. [1868.] Ascherson (P. F. A.) - 4m. about]. 15 sh. Berlin, 1890. The title and explanations are also given in French and English. ASIATIC SOCIETT OF BENGAL. [1784 Founded as Aliatirl- SocMy. 1851 Asiatic Society of Benffat.] Asiatic Researches : or Transactions of the Society, are divided into twoseparately |>aged parts : " History, Antiqnilies," <(r.— " Natural History," edited by the respective Secretaries. From Vol. i.iv (1885) only the Natural History portion haa been received. Index to Volumes xix & xx of the Asiatic L- Researches and to Volumes i-xxin of the Journal, • 1872— > 8°. Yokohama, 1874-» Vol. II and Vol. in, Ft. 1 and Appendix, are reprints bearing date 1882 and 1833. In Vol. in-v each Part is separately paged. ASKELOF (JOANNES CHR.) Dissertatio, sistens A suppleinentum et emendationes in Editionem secun- dam Prodromi Florae Scandinavise. Quam . . . subjicit J. C. Askelof, &c. See RETZIUS (A. J.) 4°. 1805. ASKENASY (EUGEN) Algen. See GERMANY. Die L Forschungsreise S.M.S. " Gazelle," &c. Thl. IV, Botanik. 4°. 1889. ASKENSTEDT (OTTO) Corollarium Florae Up- saliensis quod ... p. p. C. G. Myrin . . . et O. Asken- stedt ... P. vi. See MYRIN (C. G.) 8°. 1834. ASMTTS (J.) Instrumente zur Untersuchung des Wassers, &c. See BERLIN.— Internationale Fiseherei- Ausstellung, 1880. Amtliche Berichte, &c. No. v. 8°. 1881. ASMUSS (HERMANN MARTIN) [-I860] Monstrositates Coleopterorum, &c. pp. 86: 10 pis. 8°. Rigae et Dorpati, 1835. Asmuss (HERMANN MARTIN) Das vollkommenste Hautskelet der bisher bekannten Thierreihe. An fossilen Fischen des Alten Rothen Sandsteins aufge- funden und aus ihren Resten erlautert. pp. 89. 8°. Dorpat, 1856. ASPEGREN (GUSTAF CARSTEN) [1791-1828] Forsok till en Blekingsk Flora, pp. xvi, IOC. 4°. Carlskrona, 1823. ASPEGREN (JOHANNES HENHICUS) Dissertatio academica, praestantiam Plantarum indigenarum praj Q exoticis, laeviter adumbrans, quam . . . prasside . . . P. Kalm . . . submittit auctor ls. . 8°, Berlin, 1865. •£. ASSO (IGNACIO JORDAN DE). See Asso Y DEL Rio. ASSO T DEL B-IO (IGNACIO JORDAN DE) [1742- /J 1814] Synopsis Stirpium indigenarum Aragoniae, ) 8°. 1895 (1896->) ASSOCIATION SCIENTIFIQTTE DE FBANCE. (Founded 18C4 : merged 138(3 in the Aiioruition Fraiifaite, Jr., 7. c.] L . Bulletin hebdomadaire, . (col.) . ?. O Korallakh Kaspirskagho Morya. [On the Corals of the Caspian Sea. Byl V. N. Vinoghnuiskil. pp. B. 9. O nazvaniyakh i gheoghraficheskikh Kartakh Kasnifakngho Morya . . . A. F. Myuller. (On the names and geographical maps of the Caspian Sea. By A. F. Miiller.] pp. 6S : 11 maps. ASTROLABE, French Corvette. Voyage de ... 1'Astro- g labe . . . pendant . . . 1826-1829, &c. ^ £ee FRANCE.^ u 0 a, f '&>. 4°. (fefol. 1830-35. Astrolabe, French Corvette. Voyage au Pole Sud . . . pendant . . . 1837-40, &c. See FRANCE. 8°. & fol. 1842-54. f ASTROM (CARL P.) Nagra iakttagelser rorande de Vertebrerade Djur, som forekomma i trakten af Lomma. Akademisk Afhandling, 9. ASTRUC (Jf AN) [1684-1766] Memoires pour 1'His- toire naturelle de la province de Languedpc, ar . . . C. Aube . . . Tome v. Hydrocanthares. See DEJEAN (P. F. M. A.) Count, & BOISDUVAL (J. B. A. D. DE). 8°. 1836. Aube (C.) Species general des Hydrocanthares et Gyriniens . . . pour faire suite au species general des Coleopteres de la collection de M. le Comte Dejean. pp. xvi, 804. 8°. Paris, 1838. Anb< (C.) Matiriaux pour servir li la Faune des Coleop- teres Francais. See GRENIER (A.) Catalogue des Coleopteres de France, AUBOIN (STEPHAN) Faune des Enfants, oil histoire naturelle des Animaux les plus curieux, 7.] AUDOUIT ou traite com, Wanting. fouvelle edition . _/ Dissertation, dec. pp. 51. 8°. Berlin (1896). AUERBAKH (IVAN BOGHDANOVlCH). See AUERBACH (J. A.) AUERSWALD (BERNHARD) [1818-1870] Anleitung ^ zum rationellen Botanisiren. pp. vi, 102 : text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1860. Auerswald (B.) Synopsis Pyrenomycetum Europae- orum, dec. See GONNERMANN (W.) & RABENHORST r (G.L.) MycologiaEuropaea, lf\ Auerswald 1 1'..) ,v Bossmaessler (E. A.) Botanische Unterhaltungen zum Verstandniss der heimathlichen Flora, <{-c. pp. viii, 510 : 48 pis., tact illmt. 8°. Leipzig, 1858. - Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. viii, 414 •' 50 pit., text Must. 8°. Leipzig, 1863. ATJGHEY (SAMUEL) Sketches of the physical geo- graphy and geology of Nebraska, pp. 326. 8°. Omaha, Nebraska, 1880. Contain! chapters on the Flora anil fauna of Nebraska. Aughey (S.) [For Geological reports in connection with the Survey] See UNITED STATES. — Geological antl Geographical Survey of the Territorieii. Annual Report. AUGSBURG. Kaiserlich-FranziscKe Akaclem- ische Handlung. I (-XXVID Tabula [engraved by F. Kirschner], Trip- licis tarn ad legendum quam ad vivendum accomodati Catalog! universalis, divisio prima ; id est, Regni anima- lis tertia classis, Pisces ex Rail emendata Ichthyologia Willughbeii, forma minori descripti, ad illas figuras cum Blochii (Naturalem Historiam Piscium) et quovis alio opere (Histoire naturelle des Dorades de la Chine, gravees par M. F. Martinet, et accompagnee d'obser- vations . . . par M. de Sauvigny) comparandas cuicunque etiam systemati novisque editionibus applicandas. — Tabelle aus den ersten Abtheilung, &c. obi. fol. Aug[u8ta] Vind[elicoruni], 1786. The engraved title to the plates of Willughby's Hutoria Fiscitim is also reproduced in ruiniatnre, with the legend altered to read :— " F. Wil- lujthbeii Ichthyographia. Totuin opus recognovit cooptavit supplevit J. Bay . . . 1586. None forma effigies edidit negotmm Acad. Caeaareo Franciace cum gratia et privileg. 8. C. Mey. Aw. Vind. A.D. 1786." An original plate by Kiracbner representing " Kin . . . rarer Fisch " is included at the end. Augsburg. — Kaiserlich-Franzisclie Akademische Handlung. I (-VIII) Tabula, quartae classis Regni animalis, Amphibia reptilia, Testudines, ( — Genus Ranarum — Genus Lacertarum— Genus Serpentinum) ex A. Sebae Thesauro locupletissimo forma minori in aes incisae [by F. Kirschner] ad illas figuras novis editionibus cuicunque etiam systemati adplicandas — Tafel aus der vierten Klasse des Thierreichs, Xaturhiitoritchtr I'rrfia. ttatwrteiuenKhaftlicher Vertinfiir Schwaben und N(uburg(a, V.)] AUGUSTIN (SAMUEL) [1729-1792] S. Augustin o . . . Prolegomena in systema scxuale botanicorum ** tabulis eeneis . . . illustrata. pp. 84 : G pis. 8". Vienna; Austria, 1777. AUGUSTINI (J.) De A,mericaansche Aloe . . . , welks . . . 1757gebloeyt by J. Schuunnans Stekhooven. * J. Augustini ad viv. del. A. Delfos fecit, Haarlem. Copper-plate engraving, 25 x 17 ins. AUINGER (MATTHIAS) [-1890] & Hoernes (R.) Die Gasteropoden der Meeres-Ablagerungen der ersten und zweiten miocanen Mediterran-Stufe in der Oster- Sf reichisch-Ungarischen Monarchic. See HOERNES (R.) & AUINQER (M.) 4°. 1879-91. AUK, The. A quarterly journal of Ornithology. Z Vol. i-» See AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION. 4°. 1884-» ATJIiD JO (JOHN) Vues du V^suve avec un precis de ses Eruptions principales, depuis le commencement de M 1'ere chretienne jusqu'a noa jours, pp. 102: 16 pis., 1 map col. 8°. Naples, 1832. Auldjo (J.) Sketches of Vesuvius with short accounts of its principal eruptions, from the commencement of M the Christian Era to the present time. pp. 93: 17 pis. (1 col.) &. London, 1833. AUNIER (JEAN JUSTE NOEL ANTOINE) [1781-1859] i Notice sur un voyage botanique dans le Languedoc. fait en ... 1827, &c. pp. 8. See LYONS.— SOCIETE <• *„ i LINNEENNE. Annales, &c. [Tom. I.] 8°. 1836 [1828 J]. ' ,,ro- AURELIUS (PEHR) Flora Hallandica ponunt E. Fries et P. Aurelius, Sect. x. See FRIES (E. M.) 8». 1819. AURELL (AUGUST) Afhandling om de Waster, som i Bibelen omtalas. Andra Delen . . . utgifven afg A. Aurell, - und Davis' Strait : eine thiergeographische Studie. See HULTH (J. M.) & others. Zoologiska Studier. Festskrift W. Lilljeborg, See HlLL (R, T.) 8". 1889-> AUSTIN (CoE FINCH) [1831-1880] Hepatic® Boreali American*. (Tickets of specimens.) pp. 48. 8°. Closter, New Jersei/, 1873. AUSTIN (J. B.) Mines and Minerals of South Australia. See HARCUS (W.) South Australia, 1 ffl* Wheelwright], pp. xv, 272. AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. 8°. London, 1861. • SYDNEY. AUSTRIA, Archduchy of. Orts-Repertorium des .t Erzherzogthumes Oesterreicn unter der Enns. pp. [t'j»,]™T 164. 8°- Wien, 1871. 7 Austria, Archduchy of... [Mays.] Geologische Karte des Erzherzogthumes' Osterreich. Nach der Original- Aufnahme der k. k. geologischen Reichsanstalt mit (jf Zugrundelegung der Formations Eintheilung des F. Ritter von Hauer . . . Masstab 1 : 1,036,800 [i.e. 1 in. = 16 m. about], col. [ Vienna,] 1855. Ana dem Bd. l der Ethnographic Outerreichs Tom C. Ton Cioernig. Austria, Archduchy of... [Maps] Geologische Karte des Erzherzogthumes Osterreich ob der Enns und des Herzogthumes Salzburg . . . von F. Foetterle . . . .0 Massstab 1 : 750,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 11| m. about]. ([Inset] <*- Das Gasteiner Bad. Massstab 1 : 288,000 h.e. 1 in. = 4j m. about].) col. Gotha, 1860. Austria, Archduchy of... [Maps.] Geologische Karte des Erzherzogthumes Osterreich unter der Enns . . . von F. Foetterle . . . Massstab 1 : 750,000 [i.e. I'm. = . 11 j m. about]. ([Inset! Der Schnee Berg u. seine iistl. « Umgebung. Maassstao 1 : 288,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 4^ m. about].) col. Gotha, 1860. AUSTRIA - HUNGARY. Oestreich Flora. Ein Taschenbuch auf botanischen Excursionen [by J. A. 8°- IFt« Schultes]. ErstesBandchen.t pp.xvi,244- - Zweyte . . . Auflage. See SCHULTES (J. A.) 8°. 1814. 8 Austria - Hungary. Reise der Oesterreichischen i Fregatte Novara um die Erde, in ... 1857-59, unter den Befehln des Commodore B. von Wullerstorf- \v Urbair. [Narrative. Edited by H. K. von Scherzer.] ty 3 Bd. Must. 8°. Wien, 1861-62. J) - Beschreibender Theil, von K. von Scherzer . . . Zweite Auflage. 3 Bd. illust. 8°. Wien, 1864-66. - Botanischer Theil. Bd. i.t Sjwrenpflanzen . . . Redigirt von E. Fenzl. pp. 261 : 36 pis. 4«. Wien, [1868-] 1870. Printed in doubU column. 11868.] [1870.] Ton H. W. Ktirli.-inlt. lift. 1. Alg» . . . von A. Grunow. „ 2. Lichenw . . . von A. von Krempclhubcr. ,, 8. Fungi, I If iKiiirii' et Muaci Frondoei . . . \ < [1870.J • i 4- CryptogmmM VaxnlarM . . . Von O. Mettenim. Ophiogloweffl and i:.|in vtv (•:>• ran J. Milde. Gr M r T Z r r f 75 [Austria - Hungary. Reise der Oesterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde, &c. (contd.)] Geologischer Theil. 2 Bd. [in 3 VolJ Must. 4°. 1864-66. Bd. I, Abtb. 1. Geologie ron Neu-Seeland. Beitriige zur Oeologie der Provinzen Auckland und Nelson, von F. von Hochstetter. pp. xlvii, 91k : 7 pis. col. , 6 maps geol. col., text illust. 1864. Contains .•— Petrographische Untersuchungen uber rhyolithische Gesteine der Taupo-Zone, von F. Zirkel. — Ausgrabungen von Moa-Resten in den Knochenhohlen des Aorere-Thales. Von J. Haast. Bd. I, Abtb. 2. Palaontologie von Neu-Seeland. Beitrtige zur Kennt- niss der fossilen Flora und Fauna der Frovinzen Auckland und Nelson . . . Redigirt von F. von Hocbstetter, M. Homes und F. von Hauer. pp. mi, 318 : 26 pis. col. 1865. i. Fossile Pflanzenreste. F. Unger. n. Fossile Mollusken und Echinodermen. K. A. Zittel. [Jnrassic Cephalopoda by F. von Hauer. — Brachiopoda by E. Suess.j ill. Die Foraminiferen-Fauna des tertiiiren Griinsandsteines der Orakei-Bay bei Auckland. F. Karrer. IV. Fossile Bryozoen aus deiu tertiiiren Griinsandsteine der Orakei-Bay. F. Stoliczka. v. Die Foraminiferen der tertiiiren Mergel des Whaingaroa- Hafens. G. Stacbe. vi. Bericht uber einen . . . Schadel von PalapUryx. G. Jaeger. Bd. II. pp. xill, 268: 11 pis. col., text illust. 1866. Abtb. 1. Geologische Beobachtungen . . . von F. von Hocb- stetter. (Die mikroskopiscben Lebensformen auf der Insel St. Paul. Von C. G. Ehrenberg.) Abth. 2. Palaontologiscbe Mittheilungen. i. Ueberfossile Korallen von der Insel Java. Von A. E. Reuss. II, Fossile Foraminiferen von Kar Nikobar. Von C. Schwager. Zoologischer Theil. 2 Bd. [in 6 Vol.] illust. 4°. Wien, 1864-75. Bd. I. Wirbeltbiere. 1869. 1. Saugethiere ... von J. Zelebor. pp. 1£: Spit. col. (1868.) 2. Vogel. Von A. von Pelzeln. pp. ic, 176 : 6 pis. col. [1865.] 3. Reptilien . . . von F. Steindacbner. pp.98: Spls. [1867.] 4. Aniphibien . . . von F. Steindachner. pp. 70: Spls, [1867.] 5. Fische ... von R. Kner. pp. US: 16 pis. [1865-67.] Bd. H. [Wirbellose Thiere.J 1. Coleopteren . . . von L. Redtenbacher. pp. iv, gl£ : Spls. [1867.] 2. Hymenoptera . . . von H. de Saussure. (Supplement von J.Sichel.) pp. 156: U pis. (1867.) 8. Formicidse. Von G. L. Mayr. pp. 119 : 4 pis. (1865.) 4. Neuropteren . . . von F. Brauer. pp. 10k: Z pis. (1866.) 5. Hemiptera. Von G. L. Mayr. pp. SOI, : S pis. (1866.) 6. Diptera . . . von J. R. Schiner. pp. \ii, SS8 : I, pit. [1868.] 7. Lepidoptera. Rhopalocera, von C. und R. Felder. Heterocera, von R. Felder und A. F. Rogenhofer. 5 Hft. [in 2 Vol.] pp. vi, SUi, 9, 10, SO : 11,0 pis. col. 1864-75. 8. Crnstaceen . . . von C. Heller. pp.SSO: 25 pis. (1865.) 9. Mollusken . . . von G. von Fraucnfeld. pp. 16: i pis. (1867.) 10. Anneliden . . . von E. Grube. pp. 1,7 : A pis. (1867.) Anthropologischer Theil. 3 Abth. 4". Wien, 1867-75. Abth. i. Cranien . . . von E. Zuckerkandl. pp. xli, 120 : %Upls. col. 1875. ,, II. Korpermessungen, an Individuen verschiedener Menschen- racen vorgenommen dnrch K. Scherzer und E. Schwarz, bearbeitet von A. Weisbach. pp. 270, 8 tab. 1867. „ in. Etbnographie . . . von F. Miiller. pp. xxx, S22 : 10 pis., 1 map col. 1868. [Wanting Abth. iv. Linguistischer Theil.] Medizinischer Theil. Von E. Schwarz. Bd. i. pp. x, 399 : 2 pis., 1 map, text illust. 4°. Wien, 1861. Nautisch-physicalischer Theil. pp. xix, 499. f. Wien, 1862-65. Statistisch-commercieller Theil. Von K. von Scherzer. Bd. I. pp. ix, S68, SO : 1 map, text illust. 4°. Wien, 1864. Austria-Hungary. Narrative of the Circumnavigation of the Globe by the Austrian Frigate Novara ... By K. Scherzer. 3 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1861-63. This edition contains a preliminary chapter by A. von Humboldt en- titled " Physical and Geognostic Suggestions." Austria-Hungary. Notice sur les Forets appartenant aux Fondations d'Utilite publique, &c. pp. 33 : 11 pis. 4°. Budapest, 1878. AUSTRIA - HUNGARY. — COMMISSION FUER ER- KOKSCHUNG DES OESTLICHEN MITTELMKERES. Berichte, See VIENNA. — KAISERLICHE AKADEMIE DER wissENSCHAFTEN. Denkschriften, d-c. Bd. LIX— > 40. Also issued separately. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.— KAISERLICH-KOENIGUCHK GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. Jahrbuch (Verhandlungen), &c. Bd. i-> 4°. Wien, 1850-» Jahrg. ii & in are in separately paged Hfte. The Verhandlnngen appear in Jahrg. IX-XM, after which they have been issued independently. General-Register der ersten zehn Bande, &c. 4°. Wien, 1863. der Bande xxi-xxx und der Jahrgange 1871-1880 der Verhandlungen, Ac. 4°. Wien, 1881. • der Bande XXXI-XL und der Jahrgange 1881-90 der Verhandlungen, &c. 4". Wien, 1894. Austria - Hungary. — KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHK GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. i-» 4°. Wien, 1852-> Each paper is separately paged. Austria - Hungary. — KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHE GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. Verhandlungen, &c. Jahrg. 1867-» 4°. Wien, 1867-> The earlier numbers were issued with the Jahrbuch, which see also for General-Register. Austria - Hungary. — KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHE GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. Uebersicht der Resultate mineralogischer Forschungen, &c., 1844-52. See KENNGOTT (G. A.) 4°. 1852-54. Austria - Hungary. — KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHE GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. [An account of the Survey, with a list of the specimens and maps exhibited.] See LONDON. — International Exhibition, 1862. Austria - Hungary. — KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHE GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. [Maps.] Geologische Karte des Erzherzogthumes Oesterreich. [Scale 1 : 144,000 or 1 in. = 2j m.] Wien, 1852. Austria - Hungary. — KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHE GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. [Maps] Geologische Karte des Herzogthumes Salzburg. [Scale 1 : 144,000 or 1 in. = 2| m.] Wien, 1854. Austria - Hungary. — KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHE GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. [Maps] Generalkarte der gefiirsteten Grafschaft Tyrol nebst Vorarlberg und . . . Liechtenstein . . . 1831. [Scale 1 : 288,000 or 1 in. = 4£ m.] geol. col. [ Vienna, 1862 ?] Austria - Hungary. — KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHE GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. [Maps.] General - Karte der Vojvodschaft Serbien und des Temescher Banates . . . 1853. Masstab . . . 1 : 288,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 4j m.] ged. col. [ Vienna, 1862 ?] Austria - Hungary. — KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHE GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. [Maps] Generalkarte des Lorn bard isch- Yen etianischen Konig- reiches . . . 1856. Massstab zu 1 : 288,000 der Natur [i.e. 1 in. = 4j m.] ged. col. [Vienna, 1862 ?] Austria - Hungary. — KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHE GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. [Maps.] Geologische Karte des Konigreiches Bohnien. [Scale 1 : 144,000 or 1 in. = 2| m.] [Vienna, 1862 ?] Austria - Hungary. — KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHE GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. [Maps] Geologische Karte Konigreiches Illyrien und des Herzogthumes Steiermark. [Scale 1 : 144,000 or 1 in. = 2jm.] [Vienna, 1862?] fr\ (r 76 C ft] A-. Austria - Hungary. — KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHE r.EOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. [Ma>>S.] Geologische Uebersichts-Karte des Koenigreiches Un- garn . . . 1858-61. Mass-Stab 1 : 288,000 [i.e. I in. = 4j m.] [ Vienna, 1862 ?] Austria - Hungary. — KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHE GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. [Maps.] Strassenkarte des Grossfiirstenthums Siebenbiirgen ...1856. [Scale 1 -.432,000, or 1 in. = 6lm.] geol. col. [Vienna, 1862 f] Austria - Hungary. - KAISERLICB - KOENIOLICHE GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. [Mails] Strassen-Karte des Konigreiches Galizien und Lodo- merien. [Scale 1 : 432,000 or 1 in. = 6 j m.l geol. col. [Vienna, 1862 f] Austria - Hungary. -- KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHE OEOLOOISCHE REICHSANSTALT. [Maps.] Geologische Uebersicht-Karte der CEsterreichisch-Un- garischen Monarchic . . . bearbeitet von F. von Hauer . . . Zweite . . . Auflage. Massstab 1 : 576,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 9 m. about]. 12 sh. col. Wien, 1867-74. With accompanying explanatory text extracted from the Jahrbuch, Bd. xTji-xxiii. Austria - Hungary. - KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHE GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. [Maps] Vebersichts-Karte des Vorkommens der Production und Circulation des mineralischen Brennstoffes in der Oester- reichischen Monarchie . .. 1868 ... entworfen von F. Foetterle. [Scale 1 in. = 21 in. about.] 2 sh. col. [Vienna,'] 1868 [1869?]. Austria - Hungary. -- KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHE GEOLOGISCHK REICHSANSTALT. [Maps.] Geologische Special-Karte der Umgebung von Wien . . . Revision von D. Stur . . . 1889-90. Massstab 1 : 750,000 [i.e. 1 in. = llf m. about]. 6 sh. col. Wien [1894?]. - Erlauterungen, &c. pp. 59. 8°. Wien, 1894. AUSTRIA - HUNGARY. — KAISERLICH - KOENIG- LICHES ACKERBAU-MINISTERIUM. [Maps.] Bilder von den Kupferkies-Lagerstatten bei Kitzbiihel und den Schwefel-Lagerstatten bei Swoszowice . . . Redigirtvon . . . F. M. von Friese, - Mutato . . . I-X kiitet. 80. Budapest, 1897. )LDTANI Austria - Hunga INTEZET. Mittheilungen aus i '8°. Pest, 1872-» German translation of the " Rykonyve." KacX paper bean* a diatinctive ingination in addition to ui the Vol. T. — MAGYAR KIRALYI Jahrbuche, MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDTANI Organ. See BUDA- 'iRSULAT. Foldtani 8°. 1883-» KII FOLDTANI Austria - Hungary. INTEZET. Hivatalos KozloWe. — Amtliche PEST.— MAOYARHONI FOLDTANI Kozlony, EvM. xin-» Austria - Hungary. — MAGYAR INTEZET./ [Maps.] [Sheets of the geological survey maps oiiHhe scale of 1 : 144,000 or 1 in. = 2J m. about.] [Budapest.] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.— MAGYAR KIRALYI STAT- ISZTIKAI HIVATAL. /. . A Magyar Korona Orszagainak Helysegnevtilra, Ac. — , 'f Orts-Lexikon der Jjiinder der Ungarischen Krone, AUSTRIA - HUNGARY. [Maps.] Geologische Karte von Osterreich-Ungarn . . . zusammengestellt £• von F. v. Hauer. Dritte . . . Auflage. Massstab 1 : 2,016,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 31| m. about]. col. Wien, 1878. mit Bosnien (— Hercegowina und Montenegro) ... .. Vierte . . . Auflage. col. Wien, 1884. W Austria-Hungary. [Mans.] Atlas der Osterreichi- . schen Alpenseen, ace. See PENCK (A.) fol. 1895. tr Austria-Hungary. [Maps] See supra, Kaiserlich- Koenu/liche geologische Reichsanstalt. AUTENRIZTH (HERMANN FRIEDRICH) [1799-1874] Disquisitio quaestionis academicae de discrimine sexuali jam in Seminibus Plantarum Dioicarum • apparente, Autran (E.) & Durand (T.) Hortus Boissierianus . . . Knumeration des Plantes cultivees en 1885 i Valleyres (Vaud) et k la Pierriere (Chanibesy pres Geneve) ... A Prdface de M. F. Crepin. pp. xi, 572 : 2 pis., 1 port. 8". Geneve, et Bdte, 1896. 77 AUTUN. Societe d'Histoire Naturelle. [Founded 1886.] Bulletin, &c. No. l-> 8°. 1888-» i 6, L L AUTUN. Societe Edueime. [Founded 1836.) Comnte-rendu des travaux, This set is also divided into Ser. i, torn, i-xx ; Ser. II, torn. l-xll ; Ser. ill, torn. i-> In Vol. XL-» each paper has its own pagination in addition to that of the volume. — — Table alphabetique des matieres . . . dans les t the end of 8°. {Auxerre, . . 1857-1867, &c. [At 8°. Auxerre, Paris, 1875. Tables analytiques . . . 1867-1878. 8°. Auxerre, Paris, 1882. AUZOUX (THEODORE Louis JEROME) [1797-1880] Le§ons elementaires d'Anatomie et de Physiologic humaine et comparee . . . Deuxieme edition, pp. xv, 448 : 6 pis., text Must. 8°. Paris, 1858. The first edition appeared in 1839. AVANTIUS (CAROLUS) B. Fierae . . . Coena notis illustrata a C. Avantio Rhodigino, &c. See FIERA (B.) 4°. 1649. AVE-LALLEMANT (JULIUS LEOPOLD EDUARD) [1803-1867] De Plantis quibusdam Italiae boreali^gvh Germaniae atistralis rarioribus. Dissertatio inaugura^-^ 9. AVICENNA. See HUSAIN IBN 'ABD ALLAH (ABU 'ALi), called IBN SINA, or AVICENNA. AVICULTURAL MAGAZINE, The. See AVICULTURAL SOCIETY. AVICULTURAL SOCIETY. [Founded ism.] The Avicultural Magazine, being the journal of the . . . Society, 8°. Brighton, 1894-» AVIGNON. Academic de Vaucluse. [Foui Memoires, 8°. Avignon, 1882' 6 6 B & e B L. «/. o, 78 6 Z, B 6 6 L r 6 £ L AVIGNON. -Museum Calvet. [Founded mo.] Catalogue des Plantes Phan6rogames . . . d' Avignon, enitiori ejusque functiom- bus. Dissertatio inauguralis, "• Ipl- 4°. Serolini, 1847. AXOUM. See AKSUM. AXTITJS (JOANNES CONRADUS) Tractatus de Arbori- bus Coniferis . . . Accessit in fine Epistola de Anti- monio. pp. 131 : 5 pis., engraved title. 12°. Jence, 1679. AYCKE (JOHANN CHRISTIAN) [1766-1854] Fragmente zur Naturgeschichte des Bernsteins. pp. viii, 107. 8°. Danzig, 1835. AYMARD (AUGUSTE) Essai monographique sur un nouveau genre de mammifere fossile trpuv6 dans la Haute-Loire, et nomm6 Ente'lodon, suivi d'un aper?u sur les gites fossiliferes du departement. pp. 43 : 1 pi. 8°. Puy, 1848. Ann. Soc. Agric. Sci. du Pny. Tom. XH. AYRAUD ( ) Exploration des terrains Carbonif eres du Donetz, &c. See DEMIDOV (A. N.) Prince of San Donato. Voyage dans la Russie m6ridionale, &c. Tom. IV. 4". 1842. Ayraud ( ) ik Malinvaud (II.) Notice sur les Bondages et sur divers autres travaux de recherche executes dans la chaine Carbonifere du Donetz . . . 1837-39. See DEMIDOV (A. N.) Prince of S Plata . . . leur histoire naturelle . . . etc. Publics pY,e, d'apres les nianuscrits de 1'auteur avec une notice sur sa vie et ses ecrits, par C. A. Walckenaer ; enrichis de ^ notes par G. Cuvier . . . suivis de 1'histoire naturelle des Oiseaux du Paraguay et de La Plata, par le nieme auteur, traduite . . . et augmentee . . . de notes, par M. Sonnini. 4 Vol. & Atlas. 8°. . 15tes Progr. k. k. Gymn. Brixen. BACHMAN (JOHN) An examination of Prof. Agassiz's Sketch of The Natural Provinces of the Animal World and their relation to the different Types of Man, &c. pp. 54. 8°. Charleston, 1856. For Agassiz's paper See Edinb. New Phil. Joum., (1864), pp. 847-6S. Bachmau (J.) An examination of the Characteristics of Genera and Species as applicable to the doctrine of the unity of the Human Race. pp. 34. 8°. Charleston, 1855. Bachman (J.) Monograph of the British Hieracia. pp. 89. 8°. York, 1856. II. i •2 £> 1C. 70. BACKHOUSE (JAMES) & Son. pp. 24. Ferns and Orchids. 8°. York, 1857. r 9 BACKMAN (ANDREAS PETEUS) Dissertationem Academicam Fundamenta Ornithologica exhibituram . . . submittit ... A. P. Bftckman. &c. See LINNAEUS (C.) 4°. 1765. ^ — [Another edition.] See LINNAEUS (C.) C. Linnasi U. . Amcenitates Academicse, &c. Vol. vii. 8°. 1769. Editio secunda. 1°. 1789. L, BACKSTROM (HELGE) Kristallographisk under- sokning af tva nya kolvaten. pp. 10 : 1 pi. See STOCK- HOLM.—KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. „. . , Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xm, afd. II, no. 5. 8°. 1887. Backstrom (H.) Ueber den Rhombenporphyr aus ^ dem Brumunthale in Norwegen. pp. 16: text illust. M See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xiv, afd. n, no. 3. 8°. 1888. Backstrom (H.) Krystallform und optische Konstan- ten des Hydrokarbostyrils. pp. 6: text illust. fa See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xiv, afd. ii, no. 4. 8°. 1888. io Backstrom (H.) Kemisk undersokning af nagra Mineral fran trakten af Langesund. pp. 25. See STOCK- HOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xv, afd. n, no. 3. 8°. 1890. Backstrom (H.) t)ber fremde Gesteinseinschliisse in einigen Skandinavischen Diabasen. pp. 39 : 2 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xvi, afd. n, no. 1. 8°. 1890 (1891). Backstrom (H.) Uber angeschwemmte Bimssteine und Schlacken der Nordeuropaischen Kiisten. pp. 43. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xvi, afd. n, no. 5. 8°. 1890 (1891). Backstrom (H.) Tvenne nyupptackta Svenska Klot- graniter. pp. 24 : text illust. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges aeologiska Undersokning. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, ace. £— No. 136. 8°. 1894. Geol. Foren. Stockholm Forhandl. Bd. xvi, hft. 2. Backstrom (H.) Vestanafaltet en petrogenetisk studie . . . Med en Engelsk resume, pp. 127 : 7 pis., 1 map geol. col. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges geologiska Under- Of sokning. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, &c. No. 168. 4°. 1897. BACMEZSTER (ADOLF) See AUSLAND, Das. [Her- (_ ausgegeben von A. Bacmeister.] Jahrg. 44, no. 15-52. <• it..,, . 4°. 1871. - BACON (FRANCIS) Viscount St. Allans [1561-1626] Sylva Sylvarum : or a Naturall History. In ten cen- L— turies. (New Atlantis. A worke unfinished.) Where- n unto is ... added the History ... of Life and Death fy. . . . Published [with a preface] ... by W. Rawley ... V The sixt edition. 3 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] pp. [xiv,] 218 [19] ; B [Hi,] 36 ; [vii,] 64. fol. London, 1651 (-50). Wanting pp. 116-6. Whereunto is added Articles of Enquiry touching Metals and Minerals. And the New Atlantis . . . Ninth ^ and last edition, &c. (The Life of ... Bacon ... By W. Rawley, rri;ilkartc (Irs CJrosshwzotftliimis liadrn. \la.i--t:, I. I : 25,000 [/.,•. -1\ ill. - 1 Ml.] lilt. :«-> Heidelberg [1894-*]. Erlauterungen, &c. Bit. 23-» 8°. Heidelberg, 1894-» BADEN, Grand Duchy of. [ Maps.'] Geologische Karte des Grossherzogtums Baden. Mass- stab 1 : 400,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 6j m. about]. See, PLATZ (P.) Geologische Skizze des Grossherzogtums Baden. [1884.J Baden, Grand Duchy of. [Maps.] [For other geological maps] See supra, Geologische Beschreibung, . Leipsic, London, 1897. Baedeker (K.) LONDON and its Environs, including excursions to Brighton, the Isle of Wight, &c. . . . Fifth . . . edition, pp. x, 368, 45 : 19 maps & plans. 8°. Leipsic, London, 1885. Tenth . . . edition, pp. viii, 428, 44 •' %3 maps & plans. . . 8°. Leipsic, London, 1896. Baedeker (K.) NORWAY and SWEDEN . . . Third . . . edition, pp. Ixxx, 427, 42 : 32 maps & plans. 8°. Leipsic, London, 1885. Baedeker (K.) PALESTINE and SYRIA, &c. pp. xvi, 610: 10 pis., 61 maps and plans. 8°. Leipsic, London, 1876. Baedeker (K.) PARIS and Environs . . . Eighth . . . edition, pp. xl, 379, 30 : 5 pis., 40 maps & plans. 8°. Leipsic, 1884. Baedeker (K.) SPAIN and PORTUGAL, &c. pp. Ixxxvi, 618 : 52 maps & plans. 8". Leipsic, London, 1898. Baedeker (K.) SWITZERLAND, and the adjacent portions of Italy, Savoy, and the Tyrol . . . Eleventh . . . edition. pp. xxviii, 464 : 9 pis., 44 maps & plans. 8°. Leipsic, 1885. Sixteenth edition, pp. xxx, 500 : 12 pis., 59 maps & plans. 8°. Leipsic, London, 1895. Seventeenth edition, pp. xxx, 484 •' 1% P^s-> 61 maps & plans. 8°. Leipsic, London, 1897. Baedeker (K.) The UNITED STATES, with an excursion into Mexico, &c. pp. c, 516 : 1 pi., 39 nmps & plans. 8°. Leipsic, London, 1893. The Introduction contains, inter alia : — xi. Aborigines and Aboriginal Remains. By Frof. O. T. Mason. xll. Physiography of North America. By N. S. Shaler. BAEFF (BoNE) Les Eaux de 1'Arve. Recherches de geologie experimentale sur 1'erosion et le transport dans les rivieres torrentielles ayant des affluents glaciaires. These, dec. pp. 85 [2] : 5 pis. 8°. Geneve, 1891. BAENITZ (C.) Flora der Ostlichen Niederlausitz. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Umgebungen von Neuzelle, Guben, Sommerfeld und Sorau, &c. pp. xl, 162. 4°. Gorlitz, 1861. Nachtrag . . . Umgebungen von . . . Sorau Pforten, Triebel (Muskau und Krossen). pp. 16. 4°. Gorlitz, 1868. Baenitz (C.) Beitrage zur Flora des Konigreichs Polen. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 24. 4°. Konigsberg, 1871. Baenitz (C.) [Lehrbuch der Zoologie in popularer Darstellung, &c. 8°. Berlin, 1877.] Wanting. Sechste . . . Auflage. pp. vii, 850 : 1 map col., text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1884. Baenitz (C.) [Handbuch der Botanik in popularer Darstellung, &c. 8°. Berlin, 1877.] Wanting. Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. v, 516 : text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1880. BAENTSCH (ALEXANDER) [-1872] Ueber die Mela- phyre des siidlichen und ostlichen Harzes. pp. 58 : 1 pi. col. 4°. Halle, 1858. Abhandl. Naturf. Gesell. Halle. Bd. IV. BAER (KARL ERNST VON) [1792-1876] De Ovi Mam- malium et Hominis genesi epistolam, &c. pp. [viii,] 40 : 4°. Lips 1 pi. col. Lipsiae, 1827. L L L U L L. L L- L G- B B B Baer (K. E. VON) Untersuchungen ueber die Gefass- verbindung zwischen Mutter und Frucht in den Sauge- thieren, &c. pp. [viii,] 30 : 1 pi. col. fol. Leipzig, 1 828. B •n z. z z- T Baer (K. E. VON) Uber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere. Beobachtung und Reflexion. 2 Thl. illust. (col.) 4°. Konigaberg, 1828, 37. Baer (K. E. VON) Berichte tiber die Zoographia Rosso- Asiatica von Pallas, dec. pp. 56. 4°. Konigaberg, 1831. [Another issue.] 4°. Konigsberg, 1832. 9 \ 80 fc . I Baer (K. E. VON) Trait6 de Physiologie . . . avec des additions de MM. . . . Baer, Meyen, &c. 9 Tom. See BURDACH (C. F.) 8°. 1837-41. Baer (K. E. VON) Untersuchungen uber die ehemalige Verbreitung -und die ganzliche Vertilgung der von Steller beooachteten nordischen Seekuh (Rytina, 111.). pp. S8. 4». 5<. Petersburg, 1838. Him. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersbourg. Ser. VI, torn, v, pt. 2. Baer (K. E. VON) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Russi- schen Reiches . . . Herausgegeben von K. E. v. Baer, dec. Bd. i-xxvi. See ST. PETERSBURG.— ACADEMIE IMP&UALE DES SCIENCES. 8°. (& fol.) 1839-71. Baer (K. E. VON) Uber doppelleibige Missgeburten oder organische Verdoppelungen in Wirbelthieren. Als Anhang: Kleine Nachlese von Missgeburten, die an und in Hiihner-Eiern beobachtet sind. pp. 116 : 10 pis. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1845. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersbourg. Ser. VI, torn, vi, pt. 2. Baer (K. E. VON) Crania selecta ex Thesauris Anthro- pologicis Academiae Imperialis Petropolitanae. pp. 28 : 16 pis. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. M6moires, dec. S6r. VI, torn, x, pt. 2. 0 [No. 3.] 4°. 1859. Uber Papuas und Alfuren. Ein Commentar zu den <3r» te'den ersten Abschnitten der Abhandlung Crania selecta, dec. pp. 78. See ST. PETERSBURG.— ACADEMIE Z- IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, dec. Ser. VI, torn, x, pt. 2. [No. 4.] 4°. 1859. *CL Baer (K. E. VON) Kaspische Studien. [No. i-vn.] pp. S20 : 2 maps. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1859. Wanting pp. 1-112, £.«. NOB. l-in. Nos. l-vi are reprinted from the Hull. I'hyn. Mat. St. Petersburg, Tom. xm-xr, and No. vu from the Bull. Hirt. Fhilol., Tom. zrr. No. vm. pp.157. 8°. [St. Petersburg,] 1860. Reprinted from the Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersburg. Tom. n. I Baer (K. E. VON) Die Makrokephalen im Boden der C on /- a Krym un<^ Oesterreichs, vergleichen mit der Bildungs- i^-Abweichung, welche Blumenbach Macrocephalus ge- f\ nannt hat. pp. 80 : 3 pis. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACAD&MIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. M6moires, dec. Ser. VII, torn, n, no. 6. 4". 1860. -7^, . Baer (K. E. VON) Welche Auffassung der lebenden Natur ist die richtige? und wie ist diese Auffassung auf die Entomologie anzuwenden ?, dec. pp. 57. 8°. Berlin, 1862. Horae Soc. Entom. Rossicae. Fuc. 1, 1861. L. Baer (K. E. VON) Reden gehalten in wissenschaftlichen Vereammlungen und kleinere Aufsatze vermischten Inhalts. 3 Thl. Must. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1864-76-73. 2. 2L Baer (K. E. VON) Das fiinfzigjahrige Doctor-Jubilaum des Geheimraths K. E. von Baer . . . 1864. pp. 128 : port. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1865. Baer (K. E. VON) Nachrichten iiber Leben und Schriften des . . . K. E. v. Baer mitgetheilt von ihm selbst, dec. pp. vi, 674 •' port. 8*. St. Petei-sburg, 1865. Baer (K. E. VON) Neue Auffindung eines vollstandigen Mammuth* mit der Haut und den Weichtheilen im Eisboden Sibiriens, in der nahe der Bucht des Tas, dec. pp. 96 : 1 pi. 8°. St. Petertburg, 1866. Melangei biol. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petenb. Tom. v. Baer (K. E. VON) Entwickelt sich die Larve der Ein- fachen Ascidien in der ersten Zeit nach dem Typus der Q \ fn', Wirbelthiere ? pp. S5 : 1 pi. See ST. PETERSBURG.— ACAD£MIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. M6moires, die. C \ 0 Ser. VII, torn, xix, no. 8. 4°. 1873. Baer (K. E. VON) K. E. von Baer. Eine biographische "7 Skizze. See STIEDA (L.) 8°. 1878. B.2ERITJS (NICOLAS) [1639-1714] N. Baerii ... 7 Ornithophonia sive harmonia mehcarum Avium ... carmine latino-germanico decantatarum, dec. pp. [wii,] 884 •' text Must. 4°. Bremae, 1695. u 70 BAFFIN (WILLIAM) [-1622] [Voyage with Bylot towards the North, 1615-16.] See ARKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, dec. Bd. xvn. 4°. 1759. Baffin (W.) [Voyage with Bylot, towards the North : j_ 1615-16.] See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, dec. No. 5. -tn 0U 8°. 1849. ' Baffin (W.) The Voyages of W. Baffin, 1612-1622, dec. \- See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, dec. No. 63. 8°. 1881. JQ o H- Baffin (W.) [Narratives of the earlier North-west L Voyages of W. Baffin.] See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, -,.. dec. Nos. 88, 89. 8°. 1894. '" -£J Baffin (W.) Another account of the latter part of the English Expedition to Greenland, under . . . Capt. >- J. Hall, in 1612. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, dec. 70 o ft No. 96. 8°. 1897. BAGENHOLM (CAROLUS M.) Algarum decas -D secunda. Quam . . . exhibet C. M. Bagenholm, 0 . e 6 6 E> 6 b BAILLON (HENRI ERNEST) [1827-1895] These . . . de la Famille des Aurantiacees. pp. 57. 4*. Paris, 1855. Baillon (H. E.) These . . . Des mouvements dans les Organes Sexuels des Vegetaux et dans les produits de ces organes. pp. 72. 4°. Paris, 1856. Baillon (H. E.) ^tude g6n6rale du groupe des Euphor- biacees, &c. Text pp. 684, & Atlas pp. 52 : 27 pis. 4°. Paris, 1858. Baillon (H. E.) Theses . . . Recherches sur 1'organisa- tion des Euphorbiace'es. pp. 241. 4°. Paris, 1858. Baillon (H. E.) Monographic des Buxacees et des Stylocerees. pp. 87:8 pis. 8°. Paris, 1859. Baillon (H. E.) See ADANSONIA . . . redige par H. Baillon. Tom. i-xn.t 8°. 1860-79. Baillon (H. E.) Guide de I'Etudiant au . . . Jardin Botanique de la Faculte de Medecine de Paris, pp. 41. 8°. Paris, 1865. Baillon (H. E.) Histoire des Plantes. 13 Vol. illust. 8°. Paris, 1867-95. Baillon (H. E.) The Natural History of Plants . . . translated by M. M. Hartog. 8 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1871-88. Baillon (H. E.) Flore medicale ... par A. Dupuis . ; . avec le concours de [H. E.] Baillon. See REVEIL (P. O.) & others. Le Regne Vegetal, &c. Tom. v & vii. 4°. 1871. Baillon (H. E.) Dictionnaire de Botanique par M. H. Baillon avec la collaboration de MM. J. de Seynes, J. de Lanessan, &c. 3 Tom. illust. 4°. Paris, 1876-91. Baillon (H. E.) Errorum Decaisneanorum . . . Cen- turia prima ( — septima). 7 No.f 8°. [Paris, 1879.] Baillon (H. E.) Anatomie et Physiologic v^getales, &c. pp. viii, 300 : text illust. 8°. Paris, 1882. Baillon (H. E.) Le Jardin Botanique de la Faculte de Medecine de Paris. — Guide des Eleves, &c. pp. iv, 180 : 1 plan. 12°. Pan's, 1884. Baillon (H. E.) Traite" de Botanique medicale Phanero- gamique. pp. 1499 : text illust. 8°. Paris, 1884. Baillon (H. E.) Iconographie de la Flore Franchise. Series 1-50. 500 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress on the back. 4°. Paris, 1885-94. Table g6n6rale, &c. pp. 40. 8°. Paris, 1894. Baillon (H. E.) Dichapetaleae. &«MARTIUS(C. F. P. VON) Flora Brasiliensis, dec. Vol. xn, pt. 1. fol. 1886. Baillon (H. E.) Guide Elementaire d'Herborisations et de Botanique pratique, &c. pp. 72 : text illust. 8°. Paris, 1886. Baillon (H. E.) Histoire naturelle des Plantes [of Madagascar]. Tom. n-v. See GRANDIDIER (A.) Histoire . . . de Madagascar, &c. Vol. xxvm, xxix, xxxiv & xxxv. 4°. 1886-95. Baillon (H. E.) Traite de Botanique medicale Crypto- gamiquev &c. pp. 876 : text illust. 8°. Paris, 1889. Baillon (H. E.) Les Herborisations Parisiennes. Re- cherche . . . et determination facile des Plantes qui croissent dans les environs de Paris, &c. pp. 482. 8°. Paris, 1890. Baillon (H. E.) Sur une Rose de 1'Anjou [Rosa Bailloni]. Lettre, &c. pp. 7, 8°. [ ] BAILLS ( ) Nota sobre las minas de Hierro de * Bilbao. See SPAIN. — Comisi6n del Mapa Geol6gico. (jf Boletin, &c. Tom. vi. 8°. 1879. BAILLT (ETIENNE MARIN) Memoire sur 1'usage des Comes dans quelques Animaux, et particulierement ' dans le Buffle. pp. 20 : 1 pi. 8°. Paris, 1824. ' Ann. Sci. Nat. Tom. n. BAILLT (JEAN BAPTISTE) [1822-] Observations sur ^ les moeurs et les habitudes des Oiseaux de la Savoie. pp. 108. 8°. Chambery, 1847. Mini. Soc. Roy. Acad. Savoie. Tom. XIII. Bailly (J. B.) Ornithologie de la Savoie, &c. 4 Tom. 8°. Paris & Chambery, 1853-54. 2. BAILLT AILLT (NICOLAS) [1817-] Geographic physique i of the department of the Vosges]. See Louis (L.) Le L • "epartement des Vosges, &c. Tom. i. 8°. 1887. [o D i BAILLT DE MERLIEUX (CHARLES FRAN?OIS) [1800-1862] [Plant physiology and pathology.] See LAMOUROUX (J. P.) Resum6 complet de Botanique, A &c. Tom. II. 8°. 1826. BAILT (JOHN) & Son. Descriptive catalogue of Fowls, Pigeons, Ducks, Geese, Turkies, Pea Fowls and Phea sants, Game, Aquatic and Aviary Birds, &c. pp. SO : -r text illust. 12°. London, 1873-74. * BAILT (WILLIAM HELLIER) [1819-1888] Figures of characteristic British Fossils with descriptive remarks. Vol. i.t pp. vi, Ixxx, 126 : 42 pis., text illust. 8°. London, (1867-) 1875. ^ Baily (W. H.) Alcyonium poculum, (Neptune's Cup.) . . . Drawn by W. H. Baily. 1 litho pi. with descnp- -> tion. fol. [London.] Baily (W. H.) [For official publications as Palaeon- tologist, in connection with memoirs illustrating the maps] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Survey. — Ireland. BAIN (D. B.) Report on (examination of) country for (extension of) Government Gums Railway. ,, See SOUTH AUSTRALIA. fol. 1881. &r BAIN (THOMAS CHARLES JOHN) [1829?-1893] Plan of Crown Land and Forests between Plettenbergs Bay I and Zitzikamma, &c. See CAPE COLONY. [Maps.] 1868. BAINES (HENRY) [1794?-1878] The Flora of York-- n shire, pp. xvi, 159 : 2 pis. 8°. London, 1840. j Supplement . . . Part I. The Flowering Plants and Ferns : by J. G. Baker. Part n. The Mosses of f. the County : by J. Nowell. pp. 188 : 1 map. 8°. London, 1854. BAINES (THOMAS) F.R.G.S. [1822-1875] Explorations in south-west Africa. Being an account of a journey in ... 1861 and 1862 from Walvisch Bay ... to ... L • the Victoria Falls, pp. xiv, 585 : 9 pis., 3 maps, text illust. 8°. London, 1864. Baines (THOMAS) F.R.G.S. The Gold Regions of south- eastern Africa . . . Biographical sketch of the author [by H. Hall], pp. xxiv, 187 : 4 photos, text illust. 8°. London & Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony, 1877. Baines (THOMAS) F.R.G.S. [153 original water-colour and pencil Sketches of south-east African scenes, animals, &c., made during one of his expeditions on . behalf of the " South African Gold Fields Exploration L Company," and in part illustrating his " Gold Regions of south-eastern Africa " (q.v.) ; with two sketches taken in a Mangrove Swamp in 1859, when attached— to one of Livingstone's expeditions.] fol. 1859, 1869-71. 0, 6 & 88 I t L BAINES (THOMAS) F.R.H.S. Paxton's Flower Garden . . . Revised by T. Raines. 3 Vol. See LINDLEY (J.) & PAXTON (Sir J.) 4°. 1882-84. BAIRD (SPENCER FULLERTON) [1823-1887] [Mammals 1 and Rirds of Utah.] -See STANSBURY (H.) An expe- dition to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, Appendix F. 8°. 1853. Baird (S. F.) & Girard (C. F.) Catalogue of North . American Reptiles in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Part i. Serpents, pp. xvi, 172. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections. Vol. II, art. 5. 8°. 1853. Baird (S. F.) & others. A history of North American by S. F. Raird, T. M. Rrewer and R. Ridgway. z Rirds 3 Vol. col. Must. 4°. Boston, 1874. Baird (S. FO & others. The Water Birds of N. America by S. F. Raird, T. M. Rrewer and R. Ridgway. 2 Vol. illust. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass.— HARVARD UNI- ~ VERSITY. — Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, &c. Vol. XII, xin. " 4°. 1884. BAIRD (WILLIAM) [1803-1872] Cyclophoridae. , See RRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Nomen- ' clature of Molluscous Animals and Shells in -7 the ... Rritish Museum. Pt. 1. 12°. 1850. B mostraca'. ral history of the Rritish Ento- SocTE»Y. 8°. 1850. Baird (W.) Entomostraca. [Description of two new species, Cetochilus arcticus and Alauna uncinata, from Melville and Assistance Rays.] See SUTHERLAND (P. C.) Q- Journal of a voyage in Raffin's Ray, &c. Vol. n. Appendix; 8°. 1852. Baird (W.) Catalogue of the species of Entozoa ..... n ft in the . . . Rritish Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM «•" (NATURAL HISTORY). 12°. 1853. L &b The author|s interleaved copy with manuscript notes is preserved in the ^ Zoological Department. Baird (W: pp. xvi, 613 : 1 of the Natural Sciences. & Glasgow, 1858. Baird (W.) [The Museum of Natural History, &c. 2 Vol. See RICHARDSON (Sir J.) & others. 8°. 1859-62.] Wanting. [Another issue.] 4°. [1868.] £. Baird (W.) A catalogue of the British Non-parasitical . Worms in the . . . British Museum. By G. Johnston. * [Supplement by W. Baird.] See BRITISH MUSEUM L (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1865. Z. Baird (W.) [Descriptions of Shells and Annelids from Vancouver.] See LORD (J. K.) The Naturalist in j Vancouver Island, • o, Baker (J. G.) [Note on Central African Plants.] M - See THOMSON (J.) To the Central African Lakes and back, &c. Vol. n, Appendix I. 8°. 1881. L- 7f J). o-T. Baker ( J. G.) [Anthericum Oatesii and Adiantum Oatesii from Matabele Land.] See GATES (F.) Matabele Land. Appendix v. 8°. 1881. ^ Second edition. 8°. 1889. I Baker (J. G.) A Flora of the English Lake District. pp. viii, 262. 8". London, 1885. £ Baker (J. G.) Handbook of the Fern-Allies, &c. pp. 159. n 8". London, 1887. ' Baker (J. G.) Handbook of the Amaryllidese, including the Alstrffimeriese and Agavese. pp. xii, 216. 8°. London, 1888. ' Baker (J. G.) Handbook of the Bromeliacese. pp. xi, fi 243. 8°. London, 1889. Baker (J. G.) A summary of the new Ferns which have been discovered or described since 1874. pp. v, A 119: 1 pi. 8°. Oxford, 1892. ' Annals of Botany. Vol. v, 1891. Baker ( J. G.) Handbook of the Iridese. pp. xii, 247. /) 8°. London, 1892. ' Baker (J. G.) Hsemodoraceaj to Liliacese. See HARVEY (W.H.)&SoNDER(O.W.) Flora Capensis, &c. Vol. vi. Q 8°. 1896-97. D Baker ( J. G.) & Hooker (Sir W. J.) Synopsis Filicum, o &c. See HOOKER (Sir W. J.) & BAKER (J. G.) 8°. 1868. L Second edition, &c. 8°. 1874. Baker (J. G.) & Oliver (D.) Enumeration of the plants collected ... on the Kilima-njaro Expedition, [_ 1884. See JOHNSTON (H. H.) The Kilima-njaro Expedi- tion, &c. Chap. xvn. Appendix. 8°. 1886 [1885]. Baker (J. G.) & Tate (G.) A New Flora of Northum- n berland and Durham, with Sketches of its Climate and Physical Geography, &c. See NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY 1 OF NORTHUMBERLAND, DURHAM, AND NEWCASTLE- -j UPON-TYNE. Natural History Transactions, &c. Vol. n. L- 8°. 1868. BAKER (ROBERT) Traveller [-1580?] [Voyage to Guinea, 1562-3.] See ARKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) L • Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, <£c. Bd. I. 4°. 1747. BAKER (Sir SAMUEL WHITE) [1821-1894] The Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon, dec. pp. xii, 409 : 5 pis. 8°. London, 1854. ' Baker (Sir S. W.) Eight years' wanderings in Ceylon. -^ pp. xii, 423 : 4 pis. 8°. London, 1855. New edition, pp. xix, 376 : i., text illust. 8°. London, 1874. l 12 0. B. 9(1 ' i- y Baker (.SYr S. W.) The Albert N'Yanza, great bnsin of L the Nile, and explorations of the Nile Sources. 2 Vol. illutt. 8°. London, 1866. Baker (SjrJxW.) The NiloJFributaries of Abyssiuia; andtber-Sword Huiite^eftne Hamran Arabs.^rO-.m, 8°. Baker (.SYr S. W.) Ismaiha : a narrative of the expedi- tion to Central Africa for the suppression of the Slave Trade. 2 Vol. illmt. 8°. London, 1874. Baker (Sir S. W.) Wild Beasts and their ways. Remi- "J niscences of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. 2 Vol. A Mutt. 8°. London, 1890. Baker (Sir S. W.) W. C. Oswell : a biographical ^ sketch. See PHILLIPPS-WOLLEY (C.) Big Game Shoot- /• ing, tfcc. Vol. I. 8°. 1894. * BAKER (T. BARWICK LLOYD) An Ornithological Index arranged according to the Synopsis Avium of 2 Mr. Vigors, pp. vii, 18~. 8°. London, 1835. D BAKER (W. B.) Fields and Flowers ; or, the Stock- ton Naturalist, pp. 229 : 1 port. 8°. Stockton-on-Tees, 1867. & BAKEWELL (FREDERICK C.) Geology for schools and students, tfcc. pp. vi, 136 : 1 pi., text illmt. 8°. London, 1854. BAKEWELL (ROBERT) [1768-1843] An Introduction to geology, tfcc. 8°. London, 1813. |» Second edition, tfcc. pp. xxvii, 492 : G pis. col., ^ 7 map col. 8°. London, 1815. - Fourth edjtion, tfcc. pp. xxxvi, 589 : 8 pis. col., Of" 1 map col., text illust. 8°. London, 1833. Bakewell (R.) An Introduction to Mineralogy, tfrc. pp. xx, 668 : 5 ids. 8°. London, 1819. Bakewell (R.) Travels, comprising observations made during a residence in the Tarentaise, and various parts of the Grecian and Pennine Alps, and in Switzerland and Auvergne, in ... 1820, 1821, and 1822. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1823. BAKKER (GERBRAND) [1771-1828] G. Bakker . . . 7 Osteographia Piscium ; Gadi praesertim Aeglefini, comparati cum Lampride guttato, specie rariori, tfcc. pp. xxii, 246 : engraved title. Atlas [pp. iv\ 13 pis. 8°. & fol. Groningae, 1822. I B ALARI T JOVANT (JOSE) Historia de la Real ^ Academia de Ciencias y Artes, &c. See BARCELONA. — JIOO5 C REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS Y ARTES. 8°. 1895. BALASCHEWA (M.) See BALASHEVA. BALASHEVA (MARIYA DMITRIEVNA) [1853-] O vliyanii vnyeshnel sredui i preimushchestvenno ob'ema L . vpdnagho basselna na nyekotoruikh iz sliznyakov. (De 1'influence du milieu extdrieur et principalement celle "I des dimensions du bassin d'eau sur quelques des mol- lusques.) pp. 8 : 1 pi. See ODESSA. — NOVOROSSIISKOE OB8HCHE8TVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEl. Zaplskl, tfcc. Tom. XII. [Pt, 1.] 8°. 1887. Balasheva (M. D.) O vliyanii vnyeshnel sredui i preimushchestvenno temperaturui vodui I vozdukha na Planorbis Vertia. (De rinfluence du milieu ext6rieur _ et principalement celle de la temperature de 1'eau et b lt>4 I de Tair sur les Planorbis Vert.) See ODESSA. — NOVO- KOH.HlI.SKOE OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOlSPUITATELEl. Za- fl /J, piski, " widerfahren, neben Anweisung aller . . . deren man I— sich von Allejipo auss biss ins . . . Pegu zu gebrauchen. See BRY (T. DE), ( J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [Petits Voyages —German vii.] Siebender Theil der Orientalischen Indien, tfcc. fol. 1605. BALBIANI (EoouARD GERARD) [1825-] Memoire sur la g6ne>ation des Aphides. 4 Pt. col. illust. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, tfrc. Zoo- Z. logie. Ser. V, torn, xiv, no. 2 & 9 ; xv, 1 & 4. 8°. 1870-71. - [Another issue.] See. FRANCE. — Minfstcn >l< ''ublitjue. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des L- I'Instruction I Hautes Etudes, tfcc. * Tom. in, no. 2 ; it torn, iv, no. 2-4. r/ 8°. 1870-71. * Balbiani (E. .G.) Memoire sur le developpement des Phalangides. pp. 28 : 2 pis. See ANNALES DES _. SCIENCES NATURELLES, tfrc. Zoologie. Se>.V,tom. xvi, - no. 1. 8°. 1872. [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Ministere de I'Instruction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, tfrc. Tom. vi, no. 1. 8°. Balbiani (E. G.) Me'moires sur le developpement des Aran6ides. pp. 91 : 15 pi*, col. See ANNALES DES -; SCIENCES NATURELLES, tfrc. Zoologie. S6r.V,toin.xvm, no. 1. 8°. 1873. [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Ministere de \, I'Instruction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des -j Hautes Etudes, tfcc. Tom. vii, no. 6. 8°. 1873. L Balbiani (E. G.) Observations sur la reproduction du Phylloxera du Chene. pp. 24. See ANNALES DES -^ SCIENCES NATURELLES, ar G. Balbiani . . . Recueillies par . . . F. Henneguy, Z- &c. pi), vi, 279 : 5 ]>ls. (col.), text illust. 8°. Paris, 1879. Conn d'Embryog£nie Coiuparta du Coll< - BALBIS (GIOVANNI BATTISTA) [1765-1831] Elenco delle Piante crescenti ne' contorni di Torino, tfcc. 8°. Torino, An. 9 [1801]. 91 ,. Balbis (G. B.) etiam aliquot pp. S3 : 2 pis. -<• De Crepidis nova specie ; adduntur Cryptogam* Florae Pedemontanse. 4°. [Turin, 1805.] Mem. Accad. R. Sci. Turin. Tom. xiv. Balbis (G. B.) Flora Taurinensis, &c. pp. xvi, 224. 8°. Taurini, 1806. Balbis (G. B.) Flore Lyonnaise, ou description des Plantes qui croissent dans les environs de Lyon et sur le Mont-Pilat. 2 Tom. [in 3]. 8°. Lyon, 1827-28. Balbis (G.B.) Elogio storico, cfcc. See COLLA (L.) 4°. 1832. Balbis (G. B.) & Nocoa (D.) Flora Ticinensis, tfcc. 2 Vol. See NOCCA (D.) & BALBIS (G. B.) 4°. 1816-21. BALBOA (VASCO NUNEZ DE) [1475-1517] • Entdeckungen des N. Balboa, welche den Weg nach Peru bahneten. See ARKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. xin. 4°. 1755. BALBT (CASPARUS). See BALBI (GASPARO). BALDACCI (L.) Descrizione geologica dell' Isola di Sicilia. pp. xxxi, 403 : 10 pis., 2 maps (1 col.), text Must. See. ITALY. — Reale Comitato Geologico. Memorie de- scrittive, &c. Vol. I. 8°. 1886. Baldacci (L.) Osservazioni fatte nella Colonia Eritrea. pp. 110 : 1 map col. See ITALY. — Reale Comitato Geologico. Memorie descrittive, &c. Vol. vi. 8°. 1891. BALDACCONI (FRANCESCO) Comunicazione intorno al Turdus migratorius indigene dell' America setten- trionale, &c. pp. 8:1 pi. 8". Siena, [1844 ?]. BALDJ&UB (PHILIPPUS) A ... description of the . . . Coasts of Malabar and Coromandel, as also of the / Isle of Ceylon, &c. See CHURCHILL (A.) & (J.) A collection of Voyages, &c. Vol. in. fol. 1704. BALDAMUS (AUGUST CARL EDUARD) [1812-1893] •f See NAUMANNIA. Archiv ftir die Ornithologie Herausgegeben von E. Baldamus. Z 1853-58. Bd. I, n, See LINNJEUS (C.) 8°. 1767. Baldinger (E. G.) E. G. Baldinger . . . De Camphorae Q connubiis. pp. viii. 4°. Jenae, 1769. ' Baldinger (E. G.) E. G. Baldinger . . . De Corticis /, Peruvian! connubiis. pp. viii. 4°. Jenae, 1769. O Baldinger (E. G.) &c. pp. [x,] 18. Ueber das Studium der Botanik, 4". Jena, 1770. der Baldinger (E. G.) Ueber Litterar-Geschichte theoretischen und praktischen Botanik. pp. 116. « 8°. Marburg, 1794. o BALDUINUS (PAULUS FRIDERICUS) Dissertatio physica de excrescentiis Plantarum animatis . . . res- _ pondente P. F. Balduino. See WEISS (S.) 4°. 1694. t> BALDWIN (EBENEZER) Catalogue of the Pheno- gamous Plants and the Ferns, growing without cultiva- tion, within five miles of Yale College, &c. pp. 38. A 4". Neiv Haven, 1831. Extracted from the Appendix to the author s " History of Yale College." BALDWIN (HENRY) The Orchids of New England. D A popular monograph, pj). 158. 8°. New York, 1884. BALDWIN (JOHN HENRY) The large and small game of Bengal and the North- Western Provinces of Z, India, pp. xxiv, 380 : 2 pis., text Must. 8°. London, 1877. BALDWIN (THOMAS) Lippincott's . . . Gazetteer . . . Revised [second] edition, Vol. 8°. Madras, 1871-73. Third edition. 3 Vol. L — 8°. London, 1885. E Balfour (E. G.) [The Timber Trees, Timber and Fancy Woods, as also, the Forests of India and of eastern and southern Asia, ^03 : text illust. 8°. Edinburgh, 1863. Balfour (JOHN H.) [Phyto-Theology, &c. 12". Edinburgh, 1851.] Wanting. - [Another edition entitled :] Botany and Religion . . . Third edition, &c. pp. xl, 436. 8°. Edinburgh, 1859. Balfour (JOHN H.) Class Book of Botany, &c. pp. xxii, 1114 : text Must., 1 nmp. 8". Edinburgh, 1854. Balfour (JOHN H.) 616: text Must. Outlines of Botany, ° Balfour (JOHN H.) See EDINBURGH NEW PHILOSOPHI- CAL JOURNAL . . . editors T. Anderson . . . J. H. Balfour, &c. New Series, Vol. i-xix. 8". iar>5-64. Balfour (JOHN H.) The Plants of the Bible. Trees and Shrubs, pp. iv, 54 : 12 pis. col. 4°. London, 1857. '. illust. 4°. London, 1885. Balfour (JOHN H.) List of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants cultivated in the Royal Botanic Garden of Edin- burgh. May 1859. See EDINBURGH. — Royal Botanic Garden. 8». 1859. Balfour (JOHN H.) The Botanist's Companion, or direc- tions for the use of the microscope, and for the collection and preservation of Plants, with a glossary of Botanical terms, pp. 74 : text Must. 8". Edinburgh, 1860. Balfour (JOHN H.) Flora of Edinburgh . . . by J. H. Balfour assisted (Mosses, Hepaticae, and Lichens) by J. Sadler, pp. mi, 174: 1 map. 8°. Edinburgh, 1863. Balfour (JOHN H.) Account of botanical excursions made in the Island of Arran during . . . 1869. pp. 32 : text illust. 16°. Edinburgh, 1869. Balfour (JOHN H.) [The Elements of Botany, &c. 8°. Edinburgh, 1869.] Wanting. Fourth edition, pp. xiv, 355 : text illust. 8". Edinburgh, 1884. Balfour (JoiiN H.) First Book of Botany-sfce^-f?'. 11&.- text Musts' ^^$. LondortrdfVlasffou', 1672. Balfour (JOHN H.) Introduction to the study of False- ontological Botany, pp. xvi, 118 : 4 pis., text illust. 8". Edinburgh, 1872. Balfour ( JOHN H.) Guide to the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. See EDINBURGH.— Royal Botanic Garden. 8°. [1873.] Balfour (JOHN H.) [For official reports as Regius Keeper] See EDINBURGH. — Royal Botanic Garden. BALK (LAURENTHTS) Museum Adolpho - Frideri- cianum . . . projiosituin a L. Balk . . . 1746, ttc. See LINNA:US (C.) C. Linniei . . . Amcenitates Aca- demic*, &c. Vol. I. 8°. 1749. [Another edition.] 8°. 1749. Editio Tertia. 8°. 1787. a 93 u BALL (EDWARD HENRY) The indigenous Ferns of Nova Scotia. 8°. [Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1876.] Proo. Nova Scotia Inst. Nat. Sci. Vol. iv, pp. 146-157. BALL (HENRY - LIDGBIRD) [Journal.] See PHILLIP (A.) The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay, ' &c. 4°. 1789. Ball (H. L.) [Journal.] See HUNTER (J.) Admiral. An historical iournal of the transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island, &c. 4°. 1793. BALL (JOHN) [1818-1889] A Guide to the Eastern Alps. pp. xxiii, 639 : 6 maps. 8°. London, 1868. Ball (J.) Botanical collecting. See ROYAL GEOGRA- PHICAL SOCIETY. Hints to Travellers . '. " . Sixth edition, &c. Sect. vm. 8°. 1879. Seventh edition. 8«. 1893. t Ball (J.) Notes of a Naturalist in South America. pp. xiii, 416: 1 map. 8°. London, 1887. | Ball (J.) & Hooker (Sir J. D.) Journal of a tour in "Marocco, &c. See HOOKER (Sir J. D.) & BALL (J.) • 8°., 1878. BALL (ROBERT) [1802-1857] Rough Sketches intended to aid in developing the natural history of the Seals (Phocidie) of the British Islands. 12 pis., with descrip- tive letterpress. 4°. [Dublin, 1837.] Lithographed. Ball (R.) A contribution to a right knowledge of the species of Seals (Phocidse) inhabiting the Irish Seas. pp. 12 : 6 pis. 4°. Dublin, 1838. Trans. Roy. Irish Acad. Vol. xvm. . BALL (Sir ROBERT STAWELL) [1840-] A manual of scientific enquiry . . . Fifth edition. Edited by Sir R. S. Ball, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Admiralty. 8". 1886. Ball (Sir R. S.) The cause of an Ice Age. pp. xv, ISO : 1 pi. 8°. London, 1891. Modem Science. ' Ball (Sir R, S.) The Gilchrist Lectures, delivered in Bedford, 1894.— 1. Sir R. Ball ... on "An evening with the Telescope."— 2. Prof. H. S. [i.e. G.] Seeley . . . on "Volcanoes."— 3. Dr. R. D. Roberts ... on "The Evolution of the British Isles." A study in Geology. —4. Dr. A. Wilson ... on "The Heart and its Work in the Circulation of the Blood." — 5. The Rev. Dr. Dallinger ... on " Spiders, their Work and their Wisdom."— 6. Prof. J. A. Fleming ... on "Magnets and Electric Currents." [pp. 101 .J 8°. Bedford, 1894. Reprinted from "Bedfordshire Times." BALL (SAMUEL) An account of the cultivation and manufacture of Tea in China, dec. pp. xix, 382 : 3 pis., text Must. 8°. London, 1848. BALL (VALENTINE) [1843-1895] Avifauna of (Chuita) Chota Nagpur Division, s;w. frontier of Bengal, pp. 86. 8°. [Calcutta, 1874.] Stray Feathers, 1874. Ball (V.) Jungle Life in India ; or -the journeys and journals of an Indian Geologist, pp. xvi, 720 : 12 pis., 1 map, text illmt. 8". London, 1880. The appendix contains natural history lists, cCc. Ball (V.) The Diamonds, Coal and Gold of India : their mode of occurrence and distribution, pp. vi, 136. 8a. London, 1881. Ball (V.) A Manual of the Geology of India. Pt. in. — Economic Geology. 'See INDIA.— Geological Survey. - . - • a". i88i. Ball (V.) Memoir of ... F. Stoliczka, &c. See INDIA. Scientific results of the second Yarkand Mission, &c. Pt. i. iol. 1886. Ball (V.) [For official publications as Director] See SCIENCE AND ART MUSEUM, DUBLIN. BALLARAT GOLD FIELD. [Maps.] Ballarat Gold Field. Geologically surveyed by R. A. T. Murray . . . Scale 40 chains [= | m.] to 1 in. See VICTORIA, Australia. — Department of Mines. sh. 1874. BALLENSTEDT (JOHANN GEORG JUSTUS) [1756- 1840]. /SeeARcrav FUERDIE NEUESTEN ENTDECKUNGEN AUS DER URWELT . . . Herausgegeben von J. G. J. Ballenstedt. Bdj-vi. . . , ^ .8°. 1819-24. . Jean P««-j» r.sre " BALLORE (FERDINAND/DE MONTESSUS DE). See MONTESSUS DE BALLORE (F. DE). BALMIS (FRANCISCO XAVIER DE) [-1810?] Demo- stracion de las eficaces virtudes nuevamente descu- bientes en las raices de dos Plantas de Nueva Espana, especies de Agave y de Beg6nia, &c. pp. viii, 31ft. 8°. Madrid, 1794. BALOG (JOSEPHUS) Specimen inaugurate . . . sistens prsecipuas Plantas in M. Transsilvaniie principatu . ... provenientes, ac ibidem usu receptas. Quod . . . sub- mittit J. Balog . . . 1779. See USTERI (P.) Delectus opusculorum botanicorum, dec. Vol. I, no. 11. 8°. 1790. BALSAMO (FRANCESCO) . 44- 8°. [Brussels, 1868.] Bull. Acod. Roy. Belgiqne. Sir. II, torn. xxvi. Bambeke (C. E. M. VAN) Recherches sur le deVeloppe- ment du Pelobates fttucus, Wagl., &c. pp. 66 : 5 pis. See BRUSSELS.— ACADEMIE HOYALE DES SCIENCES, &c. Memoires couronnes, are in two, ornwre, separately paged Actions. / t AA BAMF8 (CONSTANT) Faune des Insectes de I'ordre des Orthopteres de la j>rovince de Limbourg, dfrc. pj,. 36. 4°. Ifasselt, 1889. Bampi (C.) & Geraets (E.) Faune des Poissons de la province de Limbourg avec tableaux dichotomiques pour la determination des genres et des especen. pi,. 44. 8". llasselt, 1897. i Z 2~ 95 L- T. fr £ T BAMPS (JoANNis ARNOLDUS) J. A. Bamps . . . Dis- sertatio de migratione Avium, dec. pp. 67. See LIEOE. — UNIVERSITE. Annales, &c. 1823-4. 4". 1826. BANBURYSHIRE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY AND FIELD CLUB. Excursion to Edgehill. pp. ft. 8°. Banbury, 1882. Reprinted from the " Banbury Guardian." Banlniry sliire Natural History Society and Field Club. Excursion to Fenny Corapton and Avon Dassett. pp. 8. 8°. Jianbury, 1882. Reprinted from the " Banbury Guardian." Baiiburyshire Natural History Society and Field Club. Excursion to Stonesfield. [Report by T. Beesley.] pp. 13. 8". Banbury, 1882. Reprinted from the " Banbury Guardian." Banbury shire Natural History Society and Field Club. A list of the Birds of the Banbury district. See APLIN (F. C.), (B. D'O.) & (O. V.) 8°. 1882. BANCROFT (EDWARD) [1744-1821] An essay on the natural history of Guiana, &c. pp. iv, 402 : 1 pi. 8°. London, 1769. J.Ci.oUBANCBOFT (JOSEPH) [1836-1894] Contribution to E>- \- Pharmacy from Queensland, pp. 15. See LONDON. — Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886. Queensland : its resources, &c. 8°. 1886. 3 B u G- U BANDEIRA (DE SA DA) Viscount. See SA DA BANDEIRA. BANG (MIGUEL) An enumeration of the Plants collected in Bolivia by M. Bang, &c. pp. 67. See TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB. Memoirs, &c. Vol. in, no. 3. 8°. 1893. BANG (NIELS HOFMAN). See HOFMAN-BANG. EANGE (CAHOLUS O.) Remedia Guineensia, quorum collectionem quartum ... p. p. C. O. Bange, dkc. See AFZELIUS (A.) 4°. 1815. BANGKA, Island of. See BANKA. BANKA, Island of. [Maps] Kaart van het eiland Bangka, Schaal 1 : 600,000 {i.e. 1 in. = 9j m. about]. Amsterdam [1894]. From " De Indische Gids," Dec. 1894. Banka, Island of. [Maps.] Bangka foldtani terkepe. — Geologische Karte von Bangka. [Scale 1 in. = 8| m. about.] See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Magyar Kirdlyi Foldtani Inte'zet. Evkonyve (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche), &c. Kot. vn, ftiz. 4. 8°. 1885. BANKS (GEORGE) [fl. 1823-1832] An Introduction to the Study of English Botany, &c. pp. 75 : 37 pis. 8". London, 1823. - Second edition, pp. 80 [12] : 37 pis. 8°. London, 1832. BANKS (Right Hon. Sir JOSEPH) Bart. [1743-1820] An account of the Voyages ... in the Southern Hemisphere . . . drawn up from the journals . . . kept by the several commanders, and from the papers of J. Banks, &c. [Second edition.] 3 Vol. See HAWKES- WORTH (J.) 4°. 1773. Banks (Sir J.) Letters on Iceland containing obser- vations . . . made during a Voyage undertaken in ... 1772, by J. Banks [with an "Account of the Island of Staffa, communicated by J. Banks "], &c. See TROIL (U. VON). 8°. 1780. Manuscript notes relating to this voyage, mostly by Solander, and original water-colour drawings of some of the Plants, by J. F. Miller, are preserved in the Botanical Department. Banks (Sir J.) Plants of the Coast of Coromandel ... By W. Roxburgh. Published . . . under the direc- tion of Sir J. Banks. 3 Vol. See EAST INDIA COMPANY. fol. 1795-1819. Banks (Sir J. naturalis J. Banks, &c. Catalogus Bibliothecoe Historico- 5 Vol. See DRYANDER (J.) 8°. 1796-1800. Tom. 1, 1798 ; Tom. u, 1796 ; Tom. HI, 1797 ; Tom. iv, 1799 ; Tom. v, 1800. Catalogus Librorum quse desiderantur in Bibliotheca Historico Naturalis J. Banks . . . Editio altera. See DRYANDER (J.) 4°. 1782. [Third edition.] 4°. [ ] [Fourth edition.] 4°. [ ] [Fifth edition.] 4°. [ ] [Sixth edition.] 4°. [ ] Banks (Sir J.) A short account of the cause of the disease in Corn, called by fanners the Blight, the Mil- dew, and the Rust. See CURTIS (W.) Practical Obser- vations on the British Grasses . . . Fourth edition, dec. 4°. 1805. [Reprint.] See CURTIS (W.) Practical Observa- tions on the British Grasses . . . Fifth edition, &c. 4°. 1812. The second edition, with additions and a letter ... on the origin of the Blight ... by T. A. Knight. pp. 39 : 1 pi. 8°. London, 1806. Banks (Sir J.) Sir J. Banks and the Royal Society. A popular Biography, dec. pp. 124. 16°. London, 1844. Banks (Sir J.) Journal of ... Sir J. Banks . . . during Captain Cook's first voyage . . . Edited by Sir J. D. Hooker, pp. li, 466 : Sports., 5 maps. 8°. London, 1896. The transcript of the original MS. from which this was edited is pre- served in the Museum, with Solander's manuscript lists of the Plants and Animals collected. Banks (Sir J.) Memoir. See JARDINE (Sir W.) Fishes of the Perch Family. 8°. [1845-6.] Banks (Sir J.) Copy [by S. S. Banks] of Journal of a Voyage to Newfoundland, and Labrador : commencing April 7th and ending November 17th, 1766. pp. 120. MS. fol. 1772. A manuscript list and 16 water-colour drawings by Eliret of some of the Plants collected during this voyage are preserved in the Botanical Department. Banks 3. Corresponden 21 Vol. BANKS (WILLIAM MITCHELL) On the Wolffian Bodies of the Foetus and their remains in the Adult ; including the development of the generative system . . . Prize thesis, pp.103: 6 pis. 8°. Edinburgh, 1864. BANNISTER (HENRY M.) [For official publications in connection with the SurveysJ See ILLINOIS, State of. — Geological Survey. See UNITED STATES. — Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. L 71 °r -5 B 3 B B e Eight Hon^Sir- , fo!jJZ66=l820. 4u z. B B, 10^ J* Bannister (H. M.) & Doll (W. H.) List of the Birds of Alaska, . viil, .:.':, .'.' tn/ix.: .'/. 15. See LISBON. — ACADEMIA REAL DAS SCIENCIAS. Alemorias, &c. Nova Serie, torn, n, pt. 1. 4°. 1857. (Advance copy.] 4°. Lisbon, 1855. b BAFTISTA (PEDRO JOAO) Journey of the Pombeiros P. J. Baptista and A. Jos6, across Africa from Angola to Tette on the Zambeze, &c. See ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The Lands of Cazembe, &c. 8P. 1873. BARABAN (FRANCOIS JULES PICTET). See I'KTKT (F. J.) BARANETZEII (losiF VASIL'EVICH) & Famintznin . (A. S.) Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Zonidien und Zoospprenbildung der Flechten. pp. 7 : 1 pi. col. r \f\\ $** ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPE'RIALE DES I SCIENCES. Memoires, Barbosa Rodrigues (J.) Hortus Fluminensis, pu breve noticia spbre as Plantas cultivadas no Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro para servir de guia aos visitantes . . . 1893. 8". Rio de Janeiro, 1894. BARBOT (CHARLES) Guide pratique du Joaillier : ou traite complet des pierres precieuses, leur 6tude chimique et min6ralogique, &c. pp. 567 : 3 pis. 8°. Paris, 1858. BARBOT (JACQUES) Auszug aus einer Beschreibung von einer Seefahrt nach den Fliissen Neu Kalabar, Bandi und Doni . . . 1699. See ARKSTEE ( ) ct MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historie der Reisen, &c. Bd. iv. 4°. 1749. Barbot (JACQUES) Auszug aus einer Reise an den Fluss von Kongo und nach Kabinda . . . 1700. See ARKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historie der Reisen, &c. Bd. iv. 4°. 1749. BARBOT (JEAN) [-1720] A description of the coasts of North and South Guinea ; and of Ethiopia Inferior . . . containing a geographical . . . and natural history of the kingdoms, &c. See CHURCHILL (A.) & (J.) A collection of Voyages, &c. Vol. v. fol. 1732. Barbot (JEAN) Eine Beschreibung von Sierra Leona. (1678.) See ARKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historie der Reisen, &c. Bd. in. 4°. 1748. BARBOT-DE-MARNI (NIKOLAI PAVLOVICH) [1831- 1877] Ueber die tertiaren Bildungen des siidlichen Eurojiaischen Russlands. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Mempires, &c. Ser. VII, torn, xx, no. 1. 4°. 1873. t^. Barbot-de-Marni (N. P.) Cherez Manghuishlak 1 I HCT A Ustyurt v Turkestan, &c. Itineraire geologique ' a travers le Manghychlak et 1'Ousturte au Turkestan, &c. See ST. PETERSBURG. — SANKT-PETERBURGHSKOE OBSHCHESTVp ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI. Trudui Aralo- Kaspilskoi Ekspeditzii. Vuip. vi. 8°. 1889. *- BARBOTJ (ALFRED) Le Chien : son histoire, &c. (Zootechnie et . hygiene du Chien par A. Landrin.) pp. 352 : IS pis., text illmt. f-. £*^ A?. £arw, 1883. BARBOUR (ERWIN HINCKLEY) /Notes on a new order of gigantic Fossils, pp. 23 : 6pls., text Must. 8°. [Lincoln, Nebr.~\ 1892. Univerait/Studiee [of the Unir. of Nebraska]. Vol. i. £- Barbour (E. H.) Additional Notes on the new fossil Daimonelix. Its mode of occurrence, its gross and minute structure, pp.16: 12 j>ls. 8°. [Lincoln, Nebr.] 1894. University Studies [of the Univ. of Nebraska]. Vol. n, no. 1. 70 0 A. 70- o- I L BARBOZA DU BOCAGE (JOSE VICENTE) Memoria spbre a Cabra-montez da Serra do Gerez. pp. W : 2 pis. See LISBON. — ACADEMIA REAL DAS SCIENCIAS. Me- morias, &c. Nova Serie, Tom. n, pt. 1. 4°. 1857. Barboza du Bocage (J. V.) Instruc9<3es praticas sobre o modo do colhgir, preparar e remetter productos zoologicos, &c. pp. it, 96. 8°. Lisboa, 1862. Barboza du Bocage (J. V.) Noticia acerca da des- coberta nas costas de Portugal d'um zoophyte da familia Hyalochaetides, Brandt (Hyalonema lusitanica, nob.) pp. 8: 1 pi. See LISBON.— ACADEMIA REAL DAS SCIENCIAS. Memorias, &c. Nova Serie, Tom. in, pt. 2. 4°. 1865. [Advance copy.] 4°. 1864. Barboza du Bocage (J. V.) Noticia Acerca das Arvicolas de Portugal, pp. 11 : 1 pi. See LISBON.— ACADEMIA REAL DAS SCIENCIAS. Memorias, &c. Nova Serie, Tom. in, pt. 2. 4°. 1865. [Advance copy.] 4". 1864. Barboza du Bocage (J. V.) Lista dos Reptis das possessoes Portuguezas d'Africa occidental que existem no Museu de Lisboa. pp. 42: 1 pi. 8°. Lisboa, 1866. Journ. Sci. math. phys. & nat. Lisboa. Tom. i. Barboza du Bocage (J. V.) Noticia acerca dos caracteres e affinidades naturaes de um novo genero de mammiferos d'Africa occidental, Bayonia velox (Pota- mogale velox, Du Chaillu). pp. 19 : 2 pis. See LISBON. —ACADEMIA REAL DAS SCIENCIAS. Memorias, &C. Nova Serie, Tom. iv, no. 2. 4°. 1867. [Advance copy.] 4°. 1865. Barboza du Bocage (J. V.) Ornithologie d'Angola, &c. pp. xxxii, 576 : 10 pis. col. 8°. Lisbonne, 1881. Barboza du Bocage (J. V.) [Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, and Amphibia of central and west Africa.] V«Ji C1 » T.T*T T n /IT /"I ~~-. T> \ P_ T,,— ~ /T» \ -n , . See CAPELLO (H. C. DE B.) 4°. Barcelona, 1894-» Barcelona.— Real Academia de Ciencias, &c. o. Discurso de Entrada (" En el reino vegetal no existen individuos ") leido en la Real Academia, &c. See CAMPS Y DE OL/INELLAS (C. DE) Marquess. 8°. 1895. Barcelona.- Real Academia de Ciencias, &c. I Historia de la . . . Academia . . . por J. Balari y Jovany, «fe suivie d'ujj*^notice sur u»c espfece (V \ nouveJJe'tBertranditel^tr'sur une argibvnon decrite. ^ ^ If ppri^O. 8*. Nantes, 1885. '* BARETTI (GIUSEPPE) [1716-1789?] A new Dictionary g of the Italian and English Languages based upon that j of Baretti . . . compiled by J. Davenport . . . and 7. G. Comelati. 2 Vol. 8°. London, 1854. ^ Baretti (G.) it Neuman (H.) A Dictionary of the g, Spanish and English Languages, &c. See NEUMAN (H.) ft & BARETTI (G.) 8°. [1844.] ™ BARETTI (MARTINO) Studi geologici sulle Alpi Graie settentrionali. pp. 104: 5 pis. col., 2 maps col. 4°. Rmna, 1879. V Atti R. Acoad. Lincei, Rome. Ser. Ill, Mem., torn. HI. BARGATZKY (FRIEDRICH AUGUST) [1855-] Die Stromatoiwren des Rheinischen Devons. Inaugural- ,, Dissertation, &c. pp. 76 : text illust. 4°. Bonn, 1881. Or BARGEO (PIETRO ANOELIO). See ANGELI (P. DEGLI) BARHAM (H. G. FOSTER). See FOSTER-BARHAM. 99 a If" 5 BARHAM (HENRY) [-1726] Hortus Americanus : containing an account of the . . . Vegetable Productions of South-America and the West-India Islands, and particularly of the Island of Jamaica, &c. [Edited with a preface by A. Aikman.] pp. vii, 212. 8°. Kingston, 1794. BARING-GOULD (SABINE) [1834-] Iceland : its Scenes and Sagas, pp. xlviii, 447: 16 pis. col., 1 map, text Must. 8°. London, 1863. Api«ndix contains :— A.1 Notes on the Ornithology of Iceland. By A. Newton. C. A List of Icelandic Plants. BARISCH (BERNARDUS JOANNES) Observationes Phytotomicae. [Thesis.] pp. 31. 8°. Halae [18—]. BARKAS (THOMAS PALLISTER) [1819-1891] Illus- trated Guide to the Fish, Amphibian, Reptilian and supposed Mammalian remains of the Northumberland Carboniferous strata. (Atlas of Carboniferous Fossils, &c.) pp. 117 : Atlas, 11 pis. 8°. & fol. London, 1873. BARKAS (WILLIAM JAMES) On the microscopical structure of Fossil Teeth from the Northumberland (true) Coal Measures, [pp. 152:] 17 pis. 8°. [London,] 1874-76. Extracted from the Monthly Review of Dental Surgery. Vol. n-v. BARKER (DAVID WILSON-). See WILSON-BARKER. BARKER (EDMUND) Eine Reise nach Ostindien . . . 1591 . . . von . . . G. Raymond angefangen, und von . . . J. Lancaster geendigt, &c. See ARKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. i. 4°. 1747. BARKER (JOHN THEODORE) [fl. 1852] The beauty of Flowers in Field and Wood : containing the natural orders or families of British Wild Plants, &c. pp. xii, 228 : 10 pis. col. 8°. Bath [1852]. BARKER (THOMAS HERBERT) On cystic Entozoa in the human kidney, &c. pp. 18 : 1 pl. 8°. London, 1856. BARKER-WEBB (PHILIP). See WEBB. BARKOW (HANS CARL LEOPOLD) [1798-1873] Dis- quisitiones circa originem et decursum Arteriarum Mammalium. -pp. viii, 114: 4 pis. 4°. Lipsiae, 1829. Barkow (H. C. L.) Anatomisch-physiologische Unter- suchungen vorziiglich iiber das Schlagadersystem der Vogel. pp. 243 : 3 pis. 8°. Leipzig, 1830. Meckel's Archiv f. Anat. & Physiol. 1829-30. Barkow (H. C. L.) Der Winterschlaf naeh seinen Erscheinungen im Thierreich dargestellt. pp. x, 525 : 4 pis- 4°. Berlin, 1846. -2. 2 7, Barkow (H. C. L.) pp. iv, 132 : 10 pis. Barkow (H. C. L.) pp. 28 : 1 pl. col. Anatomische Abhandlungen. 4°. Breslau, 1851. Zootomische Bemerkungen, &c. fol. Breslau, 1851. Barkow (H. C. L.) Syndesmologie der Vogel . . . Erste Abtheilung. pp. 41 : 3 pis. fol. Breslau, 1856. Barkow (H. C. L.) Anatomische Untersuchungen iiber die Harnblase des Menschen nebst Bemerkungen iiber die mannliche und weibliche Harnrohre. pp. 60 : 13 pis. fol. Breslau, 1858. Barkow (H. C. L.) Comparative Morphologic des Menschen und der menschenahnlichen Thiere, &c. > 6 Tbl. fol. Greifswald, 1862-75. Thl. i. pp. I, 9i : ItO pit. Wanting pp. 1-vi. The remaining parts have second titles as under : — Thl. n. [Figures and descriptions of the preparations in] Das Anthro* potomisch-Zootomische Museum der Koniglichen Universitat zu Bnslau. 71 ph. (t'ol.) toith ilrtcriptive lettei-presg. 1862. ,, III. Erliiuterungen zur Skelett- und Gehirn-Lehre. pp. viii, 152 : 2« pl*. 1865. ,, iv. Die Blut-Gefasse vorzugliuh die Schlagadem der Siiugethiere in ibren weaentlichsten Verschiedenheiten dargestellt. pp. xi, 93: UK pis. (col.) 1866. „ v. Die Blut-Gefasse vorziiglich die Schlagadem der Menschen in ihren minder bekannten Bahnen und Verzweigungen dar- gestellt . . . Rumpf . Kopf. pp. xii, SO : 4? pit. col. 1866. ., vi. Erliiutemngen zur Schlag- und Blutader-Lehre des Menschen. pp. yxxii, lilt: 57 pl*. col. 1868. Barkow (H. C. L.) Das Leben der Walle in seiner Beziehung zum Athmen und zum Blutlauf. Nebst ^ Bemerkungen iiber die Benennung der Finnwalle. pp. 40 : text illust. fol. Breslau, 1862. BARLA (JOSEF HIERONYMUS JEAN BAPTISTE) [1817-1896] AperQu Mycologique et Catalogue des /#, Champignons observes dans les environs de Nice. pp. 62. 4°. Nice, 1858. Barla (J. H. J. B.) Les Champignons de la province D de Nice, &c. pp. Iv, 138 : 48 jds. col. obi. 4°. Nice, 1859. ' Barla (J. H. J. B.) Flore illustree de Nice et des ^ Alpes-Maritimes. Iconographie des Orchid ees. pp.83: O 63 pis. col. 4°. Nice, 1868. Barla (J. H. J. B.) Flore Mycologique illustree : les p Champignons des Alpes-Maritimes, &c. Fasc. l-7.t tS pp. 80 : 64 pis. col. fol. Nice, 1888-92. Printed in double column. BARLOW (FRANCIS) [1626?-! 702] Illustrissimo ... R. ... Maitland . . . has Avium tabulas . . . F. 2. Barlow manu . . . delineatas . . . d. d. d. . . . P. Tempest. 12 pis., engraved title, obi. fol. [London, 1685 ?] BARLOW (PETER) [l776-1827]^Barlow's Tables of squares, cujjesfisq'uare rootSj^caCeroots, reciproc^fe^bf all integernumbers upJ#'TO,000. Stereotype/eaition. ppf$v\200. ^^8°. London & Newsfork, 1890. BARLOW (R. FRED.) The diary of W. Hedges / -7,, . . . during his agency in Bengal . . . (1681-1687) . . . *• With . . . notes, etc., by R. Barlow, &c. 3 Vol. ,] See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 74, 75 & 78. 8°. 1887-89. BARLOW (ROBERT) Map of the Eastern Townships and adjacent portions of the province of Quebec . . . £ 1875, 8°. 1881-» Baron (R.) Geology. Vol. i.t pp. vii, 191 : text Mutt. 8*. Antananarivo, 1896. Written in Halagaty. B 6 2 8 B BARON (SAMUEL) A description of the Kingdom of \ Tonqueen. See CHURCHILL (A.) & (J.) A collection of Voyages, See CARUEL (T.) 8°. 1897-* ' BAROT (FRANCOIS ODYSSE) [183Q-] Revue des Cours Scientifiques de la France et de 1'Etranger. (Redacteur /_ . . . O. Barot.) Ann. i. See REVUE SCIENTIFIQUE, n 4°. 1863-64. " BARR. — Natnrwissenschaftlicher Verein von Elsass-Lothringen. See STRASBURG. BARR (PETER) Ye Narcissus or Daffodyl Flowre, &c. fi pp. 48 : text illust. 8°. London, 1884. c BARR (WILLIAM M.) A practical treatise on the Combustion of Coal, See PERNER (J.) 4°. 1894-> Barrande (J.) Parallele entre les depfits Siluriens de Boheme et de Scandinavie. pp. 67. See PKAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER W1SSEN- SCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, &c. Folg. V, bd. ix, no. 5. 4°. 1856 (1857). Barrande (J.) Defense des Colonies. 5 Pt. 8°. Prague & Paris, 1861-81. Barrande (J.) Pteropodes Siluriens de la Boheme. pp. 16. 8". Prague & Paris, 1867. Reprinted from " Syst. Silur. Centre Boheme." Vol. in. Barrande (J.) Cephalopodes Siluriens de la Boheme. Introduction, pp. 48. 8°. Prague & Paris, 1867. Reprinted from " Syst. Silur. Centre Boheme." Vol. II. Barrande (J.) I. Reapparition du genre Arethusina, Barr. II. Faune Silurienne des environs de Hot', en Baviere. pp. 108 : 2 pis. 8°. Prague. & Paris, 1868. Barrande (J.) Distribution des Cephalopodes dans les Contrees Siluriennes. pp. 480. 8°. Prague & Paris, 1870. Reprinted from " Syst. Silur. Centre Bohe'me." Vol. II. Barrande (J.) Trilobites, &c. pp. vi, S82. 8°. Prague & Paris, 1871. Reprinted from " Syst. Silur. Centre Boheme. Suppl." Vol. I. Barrande (J.) Crustacea divers et Poissons des depots Siluriens de la Boheme, &c. pp. 127. 8». Prague & Paris, 1872. Reprinted from "Syst. Silur. Centre Boh6n;e. Suppl." Vol. i. Barrande (J.) Cephalopodes. Etudes generates, &c. 8°. Prague & Paris, 1877. Reprinted from "Syst. Silur. Centre BohSme." Vol. n. Barrande (J.) Brachiopodes. Etudes locales, '' [Another issue.] These, &c. 4°. Paris, 1877. ^ Large-paper copy, with the addition of a " Table des Matieres." Barrois (J.) Recherches sur 1'embryologie des Bryo- zoaires. pp. 305: 16 pis. (col.) 4°. Lille, 1877. Z Also issued as Vol. I of the Travaux de 1'Institut Zoologique de Lille. Barrois (J.) M6moire sur la metamorphose des Bryo- zoaires. pp. 67: 4 pis. See ANNALES DBS SCIENCES Z NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. VI, torn, ix, no. 7. 8°. 1878. [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Ministere de i- V Instruction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole Hautes Etudes, DE) [1496-1570] [For extracts from the Works of J. de Barros] See ARKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historie der Reisen, &e. Bd. I. 4°. 1747. i BARROW (GEORGE) [1853-] [Vertical] Section of Strata in Cleveland. Scale 160 ft. to 1 in. See BRITISH . • !.]>. ASSOCIATION, <&c. Middlesbrough, &c. 8°. 1881. Barrow (G.) [For official publications in connection with the Survey] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Geological Survey. I Barrow (G.) & Veitch (W. Y.) The Geology of the district [of Middlesbrough]. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, 1 &c. Middlesbrough, &c. 8°. 1881. BARROW (Sir JOHN) [1764-1848] An account of r l_ travels into the interior of southern Africa, in ... 1797 and 1798 : including . . . observations on the geology . . . natural history, &c. 2 Vol. illust. 4°. London, 1801-4. i Barrow (Sir J.) Travels in China, containing . . . observations . . . made ... on a . . . journey . . . from Pekin to Canton, &c. pp. x, 633 : 8 pis. 4°. London, 1804. Barrow (Sir J.) A voyage to Cochinchina, in ... 1792 and 1793 ... To which is annexed an account of a journey, made in ... 1 801 and 1802, to ... the Booshuana nation . . . southern Africa, &c. pp. xviii, 447 : 19 pis., 2 maps. 4°. London, 1806. Barrow (Sir J.) A Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions . . . from the earliest periods of Scandinavian navigation to the departure of the recent expeditions, &c. pp. 379 (48) : 1 man, text illust. 8". London, 1818. Barrow (Sir J.) Voyages of discovery and research within the Arctic Regions, from . . . 1818 to the present time . . . abridged . . . from the official narratives, with occasional remarks, pp. xiv, 530 : 1 pi., 2 maps, text illust. 8°. London, 1846. 70 \ . II 0 6 BARROW (JOHN HENRY) & Landseer (T.) Charac- teristic Sketches of Animals, 8°. Barrow, 1877-> 17 l-in are styled on the wrain^1' Transactions." BARROWS (WALTER BRADFORD) Accipitres. See KINGSLEY (J. S.) The Standard Natural History, 2- &c. Vol. iv. 4°. 1885. Barrows (W. B.) The English Sparrow (Passer domesticus) in North America, &c. pp. 405 : 1 pi-, 1 map col. See UNITED STATES. — Department of -? Agriculture. — Division of Ornithology and Mammalogy. *~ Bulletin, &c. No. 1. 8°. 1889. Barrows (W. B.) & Schwarz (E. A.) the United States, pp. 98 : 1 pi., text illust. The Common Crow of See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture- Division of Ornithology and Mammalogy. Bulletin, &c. No. 6. 8°. 1895. L Z. : BARRUZL (G.) Trait6 elementaire de Geologie, Mineralogie et Geognosie, suivi d'une Statistique mineralogique des Departemens . . . et precede d'une preface de M. Gasc. — Histoire Naturelle Inorganique. pp. xii, 478 : 6 pis. 8°. Paris, 1839. One of Case's (1 Cours d'Etudes rationnelles," tkc. BARRY (Sir CHARLES) [1795-1860] & others. Report . . . with reference to the selection of Stone (J- for building the new Houses of Parliament. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Houses of Parliament, fol.1839. BARRY (GEORGE) [1748-1805] The history of the , 7 Orkney Islands, &c. pp. viii, 509 : 11 [ds., 1 map. 4". Edinburgh & London, 1805. BARTA (EMANUEL) Verzeichniss der Spinnen des nordlichen Bohmens. See PRAGUE. — Beide Comite'sfuer • die Landesdurchforschung von Boehmen. Archiv, &c. •? Bd. i, section 4. 8°. 1869. ' BARTALINI (BiAGio) [1746-1822] Catalogo delle Piante che nascono spontaneamente intorno alia citta' . di Siena coll' aggiunta d'altro catalogo dei Corpi Marini O Fossili che si trovano in detto luogo. pp. iv, 144- fol. Siena, 1776. BARTELS (ERNST DANIEL AUGUST) [1778-1838] Anthropologische Bemerkungen iiber das Gehirn und 7 den Schadel des Menschen. Mit bestandiger Beziehung auf die Gall'schen Entdeckungen. pp. x, 138. 8°. Berlin, 180C. BARTH (ERNST ADOLPH) Beobachtungen iiber die Umwandlung von Antheren in Carpelle. Eine Inaugural- A Dissertation . . . vorlegt E. A. Earth, &c. See MOHL (H. VON). 8°. 1836. BARTH (HEINRICH) [1821-1865] Travels ... in , - north and central Africa ... in ... 1849-1855. 5 Vol. * illust. 8°. London, 1857-58. Bartli (HEINRICH) Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- . 1 ^ und Central- Afrika in ... 1849-55. 2 Bd. illust. 8°. Gotha, 1859-60. Bartli (HEINRICH) Dr. H. Earth's Reise von Trape- zunt durch die nordliche Halfte Klein-Asiens nach Scutari im Herbst 1858. pp. 105: 1 map, text illust. - See PETERMANN'S MITTHEILUNGEN, &c. Erganzungs- band i, no. 3. 4°. 1860. 104 T z L BARTH (HERMANN VON) Aus den niirdlichen Kalk- ali>en. Ersteigungen und Erlebnisse in den Gebirgen BerehtMgadans, des Algau, des Inntbales, des Isar- Ouellengebietes und des Wetterstein, . 304 [®4]-' text illutt. 8°. Patavii, 1645. k — Secunda editione auctiores & emendatiores editse filio C. Bartholino. pj>. xix, S81 [15], (40): 2 ' iistelcedc text illugt., enyr. title. 12°. Amstelcedami, 1678. Bartholinus (T.) C. Gesneri ... de ... Herbis, quse . . . Lunariae nominantur . . . Editione hac recunda emendatior [edited with a preface by T. Bar- tholinus], &c. See GESNER (C.) 8°. 1669. Bartholinns (T.) T. Bartholini Acta Medica & Philo- nophica Hafniensia. 1671-79. 5 Vol. See ACTA MEDICA. 4°. 1673-80. BARTHOLOMJEUS, Anyhow [fl. 1230-1250. Erroneously called Bartholomew de Glanville] [Jiegin.] Incipiut tituli libroj et capituloru venerabilis ft Bartbolomei Anglici de proprietatious reruj. GOTHIC LETTEK. fol. Nuremberge, 14n:i. Without si|>»;itun'.i. pagination, or catchwords. 204 folios: printed in double column, 53 linen to a full column. Initial letten not filled in. — [Another edition.] Liber de proprietatibus rerum t- Bartbolomei Anglici. GOTHIC LETTER. fol. Argentine, 1485. Without pagination or catchwords. 149 folios : printed in double column, li 47 lines to a full column. Initial letters supplied in manuscript. BARTHOLOMEW (J. G.) & Harvie-Brown (J. A.) Naturalist's map of Scotland . . . Scale ... 10 miles *£ to an inch. See SCOTLAND. [Maps.] [1893.] ,, C i M ^ L- BARTHOLOMEW (JOHN) [1831-1893] Philips' Atlas of the Counties of England . . . New Edition with . . . index by J. Bartholomew. See PHILIP (G.) & Son. fol. 1876. Bartholomew (JOHN) The comprehensive Atlas and Geography of the World [compiled by J. Bartholomew], &c. See BLACKIE (W. G.) 4°. 1884. Bartholomew (JOHN) Gazetteer of the British Isles, <6c. pp. [v,] 912 : 1 pi. col., 22 maps col. 8. Edinburgh, 1887. Bartholomew (JOHN) Handy Reference Atlas of the World . . . With . . . index, &c. pp. vi, 40, 56: 80 maps col. 8°. London, 1893. BARTLETT (EDWARD) A monograph of the Weaver-Birds, Ploceidse and . . . Finches, Fringillidas. ^ Pt. i-v. 4°. Maidstone & London, 1888-89. ~ BARTLETT (GEORGE) Animal, vegetable. «fe mineral products . . or Bartlett's Cyclus Naturae, ace. London [1851]. ^ Bartlett (G.) Solanumania or the Potato Disease : its £ origin and history, &c. pp. 26:1 tab. 12°. London [1851]. C Bartlett (G.) Index Geologicus : An introduction to the study of the History of the Earth, &c. pp. 34 : fif 1 tab. 8°. London [ ]. Bartlett (G.) A portraiture of the History of the o Earth, &c. »-sh. London [ ]. BARTLING (FRIDERICUS THEOPHILUS). See BARTLING (FRIEDRICH GOTTLIEB). BARTLING (FRIEDRICH GOTTLIEB) [1798-1875] De n littoribus ac insulis Maris Liburnici. Dissertatio c inauguralis geographico-botanica, &c. pp. 48- 8°. [Hanover,] 1820. Bartling (FRIEDRICH G.) Ordines naturales Plan- tarum . . adiecta generum enumeratione. pp. iv, 498. 8°. Gottingae, 1830. Bartling (FRIEDRICH G.) Der Botanische Garten zu Giittingen im Jahre 1837. Skizze, &c. See GOTTINOEN. — OEORG-AUOUSTS-UNIVERSITAET. 4 . 1837. Bartling (FRIEDRICH G.) Plantae Preissianae [in part by F.G. Bartling], &'• See LEHMANN ( J. G. C.) 8s. 1844-47. Bartling (FRIEDRICH G.) & Wendland (H. L.) Bei- traege zur Botanik von F. G. Bartling und H. L. Wendland. Hft. I, H.t 8°. Giittingen, 1824-25. Hft. I. Diosmeae descriptae et illustratae a F. T. Bartling . . . et H. L. Wendland. „ n. Description!* Plantarnm novaram vel muni cognitarum aoc- tore H. L. Wendland. BARTOLI (J.) Traite des Maladies Vermineuses . . . Traduit de I'ltalien et augmente de notes par ... J. Bar- toli, &c. See BRERA (V. L.) 8J. An xn, 1804. /> - / I 105 Bartoli (J.) A Treatise on Verminous Diseases . . . Translated from the French, with additions, by J. G. Coffin . . . 1816. See BEEEA (V. L.) 4°. 1817. BARTOLINI (MANUEL PAEDO Y). See PAEDO Y BAETOLINI. 6 BARTON (BENJAMIN H.) [fl. 1835] & Castle (T.) The British Flora Medica, &c. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1837-38. B> New edition . . . by J. R. Jackson, pp. xxii, 447 : 48 pis. col. 8°. London, 1877. BARTON (BENJAMIN SMITH) [1766-1815] Fragments of the natural history of Pennsylvania . . . Part First, &c. pp. xviii, S4- fol. Philadelphia, 1799. ^ [Reprint.] See WILLUGHBY SOCIETY. 4°. 1883. Barton (BENJAMIN S.) Collections for an essay towards Ba Materia Medica of the United-States. 2 Pt. pp. xii, 64, 16, 53. 8°. Philadelphia, 1801-4. Barton (BENJAMIN S.) Elements of Botany (Appendix), g &c. pp. xii, 303,32, 168 (38): 30 pis. 40.l>hiladelphia,18Q3. [Another edition.] Revised . . . with the addition o of British Examples and occasional notes, by the English Editor (Appendix), &c. pp. xii, 344 (35) : 30 pis. 8°. London, 1804. & Second edition, &c. 2 Vol. Must. 4°. Philadelphia, 1812-14. U - Barton (BENJAMIN S.) See PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL JOUENAL. Collected and arranged by B. S. Barton. 3 Vol. & Suppts. 8°. 1804-8(-9). BARTON (ETHEL SAREL) [1864-] A provisional list of the Marine Algae of the Cape of Good Hope. pp. 32. 8°. [London,] 1893. Journ. Bot. 1893. BARTON (JOHN) [fl. 1812-1830] A Lecture on the Geography of Plants, pp. [iv,~] 94 [8] : 4 maps. 12°. London, 1827. BARTON (STEPHEN) Entomology [of the Bristol District]. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, &c. Bristol and its Environs, &c. Section x. 8°. 1875. BARTON (WILLIAM PAUL CBILLON) [1787-1856] Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States, Florida . . . containing an account of the soil and natural productions of those regions, &c. pp. xxxiv 522 : 8 pis., 1 ma}). 8°. Philadelphia, 1791. The original MS. and 53 drawings of the Plants and Animals, accom- panied by descriptions of them, are preserved in the Botanical Demrt- ment. [Another edition.] pp. xxiv, 520 \12\ : 7 pis., 1 map. 8°. Dublin, 1793. BARTSCH (SAMUEL) pp. ix, 51 : 4 pis. In Hungarian. 4-. t. Rotatoria Hungarise, &c. 4°. Budapest, 1877. L . S I 7-2£>, BARUS (GAEL) [1850-] On the Thermal effect of the action of aqueous vapor on Feldspathic rocks. ^ See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Mono- graphs, &c. Vol. in. 4°. 1882. Barus (C.) Subsidence of fine solid particles in liquids. pp. 54: text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological ^ Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 36 (Vol. v). 8°. 1886. ^ Barus (C.) The viscosity of Solids, pp. xii, 1S9 : Gj)ls. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 73. 8°. 1891. Gr Barus (C.) The Mechanism of solid viscosity, pp. 138. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin, &c. ^ No. 94. 8°. 1892. Cf Barus (C.) High Temperature Work in Igneous Fusion and Ebullition, chiefly in relation to Pressure, pp. 57 : 9 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. £ Bulletin, . 10. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE OESELLSCHAFT DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, Barvif (J. L.) O vlaknit^ch hmotilch K?emennnych L ze Serpentinft Moravskych. [On fibrous Quartz from the Serpentines of Moravia.] pp. 8. See PRAGUE. — KOENIOHCH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WIS8EN- SCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, &c. 1897, no. 14. 8°. 1898. Barvif (J. L.) O Zlatokopn/ch pracech u Vltavy JJZ. /. od Jiloveho. [On the discovery of Gold on the Vltavice j (Moldau), S.S.W. of Jilove.] pp. 6. See PRAGUE.— KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, &c. 1897, no. 21. 8°. 1898. Barvif (J. L.) Nekolik ukazek z mikroskopick6 . struktury rulovit6ho Grafitu od Cerneho Potoku i- (Schwarzbach) v jiznich Cechach. [On some remark- • able structures in the Graphite of Schwarzbach in 0° southern Bohemia.] pp. 13 : 3 pig. See PRAGUE.— KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE OESELLSCHAFT DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, &c. 1897, no. 52. 8°. 1898. Barvif (J. L.) DalSi geologick6 poznamky o Zlatonos- nem okoli Noveho Knlna. [Further geological observa- [_ tions on the Gold-bearing districts in the neighbourhood AT, of Novy Knin.] pp. 7. See PRAGUE.— KOENIGLICH- BOEHMISCHE OESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, &c. 1897, no. 53. 8°. 1898. BARVITIUS (CARLO) Catalogo delle Piante che coltivansi nel d. Giardino di Colorno, &c. (Appendice.) 5 pp. 160 (SO). 8°. Parma, 1825. BABY (HEINRICH ANTON DE) [1831-1888] De Plan- ,, tarum generatione sexuali. Dissertatio inauguralis, 4°. 1854. Bary (H. A. DE) Untersuchungen iiber die Familie a der Conjugaten, &c. pp. [vi,] 91 : 8 pis. 4°. Leipzig, 1858. *• Bary (H. A. DE) [Die Mycetozoen (Schleimpilze), &c. 8°. Leipzig, 1859.] h Wanting. Zeitschr. f. Winnenach. Zool. Bd. x. Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. xii, 132 : 6 pis. 8°. Leipzig, 1864. O Bary (H. A. DE) Die gegenwartig herrschende Kar- ,. toffelkrankheit, Ascomyceten, See BERLIN. — GESELLSCHAFT FUER ERDKUNDE. 8°. 1895-> BASCOM (FLORENCE) Miss. The ancient Volcanic Rocks of South Mountain, Pennsylvania, pp. 124 •' 26 pis. (col.), 2 ma]>s (1 geol. col.) See UNITED STATES. —Geological Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 136. 8°. 1896. BASEL. See BASLE. BASILE (G.) Di un nuovo Minerale trovato in una lava dell' Etna. pp. 14. See CATANIA.— ACCADEMIA GIOENIA, Basle. Naturforscheiide Gesellschaft. Die Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Basel. [A short history of the Society.] pp. 10. 8°. Basel, 1858. Basle.— Natnrforschende Gesellschaft. Festschrift herausgegeben . . . zur Feier des fiinfzig- jahrigen Bestehens 1867. pp. 166:1 pi. 8°. Basel, 1867. Basle.— Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Ueber die physikalischen Arbeiten der Societas Physica Helvetica 1751-1787. Festrede . . . von . . . F. Burck- hardt, &c. pp. 35. 8°. Basel, 1867. BASLE. — Scliweizerische Botanische Gesell- schaft. [Founded 1889.] Berichte, &c. Hft. i-> Must. 8°. Basel & Genf, 1891-> BASLE. — Scliweizerische Falaeontologische Gesellschaft. See SCHWEIZERISCHE PALAEONTOLOGISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. BASLE.— Societas Fhysico-Medica Basileensis. [Founded 1751.] Acta Helvetica physico - mathematico - (anatomico-) botanico-medica, &c. Vol. i-vni [in 5]. 4°. Basiled, 1751-1777. [Continued as :] \ Nova Acta Helvetica, &c. Vol. i.f pp. x, 317 : 7 pis. 4°. Basilece, 1787. Basle.— Societas Physico-Meclica Basileensis. Ueber die physikalischen Arbeiten der Societas Physica Helvetica 1751-1787. Festrede ... von Dr. F. Burckhardt, &c. See BASLE. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. 8°. 1867. BASLE. Societe Botauic|ue Suisse. See supra, SCHWEIZERISCHE BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. BASSJEUS (NicoLAUs) Eicones Plantarum . . . quae partim Germania sponte producit ; partim ab exteris regionibus allata, in Germania plantantur ... In tres partes digest* . . . Curante N. Bassaeo, &c. pj). [viii,] 1128 [15]. obi. 8°. FrancofurtiadMoznum, 1590. This is a reissue of the illustrations in J. Theodoras Tabernaemontanus' " Neuw Kreuterbuch." BASSANI (FRANCESCO) [1853-1 Annotazioni sui Pesci L L L <*> B / L fossili del calcare Eocene di M. Bolca. pp. 28. 8°. Padova, 1876. L L Atti Soc. VenetO'Trentina Padova. Vol. in. Bassaui (F.) Descrizione dei Pesci fossili di Lesina, accornpagnata da appunti su alcune altre Ittiofaune G Cretacee, &c. pp. 96 : 16 pis. 4°. Wien, 1882. Denksch. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. XLV. Bassaui (F.) Ricerche sui Pesci fossili di Chiavon . (Strati di Sotzka — Miocene Inferiore). pp. 103 : 18 pis. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, &c. Atti, &c. Ser. II, vol. in, no. 6. 4". 1889. Bassaui (F.) Sopra un nuovo genere di Fisostomi [Omiodon] scoperto nell' Eoceno medio del Friuli, in L. provincia di Udine. pp. 4:1 pi. See NAPLES. — REALE ^ ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, Sardegna. Ittioliti Miocenici. }>/>. viii, 59: 2 pis. J See NAPLES. — REALF. ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, Ac. Atti, Ac. Ser. II, vol. iv, no. 3. 4°. 1891. Bassani (F.) Fossili nella Dolomia Triasica dei dintorni di Mercato S. Severino in provincia di Salerno, pp. 14: 1 pi. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCA- DEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, Ac. Atti, Ac. Ser. II, vol. v, no. 9. 4°. 1893. Bassani (F.) Sui Fossili e sull' eta degli Schisti Bituminosi ai Monte Pettine presso Giffoni ... in provincia di Salerno (Dolomia principale). pp. 27. See ITALY. — SOCIETX ITALIANA DELLE SCIENZE. Memorie, Ac. Ser. Ill, torn. IX, no. 3. 4°. 1893. Bassani (F.) Appunti d'lttiologia fossile Italiana. pp. 16: 1 pi. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE si IKNZE, Ac. Atti, Ac. Ser. II, vol. vn, no. 7. 4°. 1895. Bassani (F.) La Ittipfauna della Dolomia principale /» di Giffoni (provincia di Salerno), pp. 42 : 7 pis. or See PALAEONTOGRAPHIA ITALICA, Ac. Vol. i. 4°. 1896. Bassani (F.) Aggiunte all' Ittiofauna Eocenica dei Monti Bolca e Postale. pp. 12 : 2 pis. See PALAEONTO- Gr GRAPHIA ITALICA, Ac. V ol. ni. 4°. 1898. Bassani (F.) & Lorenzo (G. DE) 11 monte Consolino di Stilo. pp. 6:1 pi. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCADEMIA C-l/tftL A DELLE SCIENZE, Ac. Atti, Ac. Ser. II, vol. vi, no. 8. 4°. 1894. BASSET (CHARLES ANTOINE) Explication de Play- fair sur la Th6orie de hi Terre par Button, et Examen . . . des Systemes Geologiques . . . par M. Murray . . . traduits . . . et accompagn6s de notes . . . par C. A. Basset See PLAYFAIR (J.) 8°. 1815. £ BASSETT-SMITH (PERCY WILLIAM) China Sea. Reports of the results of an examination ... of the slopes and zoological condition of Tizard and Maccles- field Banks, 1888. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Admiralty. fol. 1889. Bassett-Smith (P. W.) China Sea. Report on the results of dredgings obtained on the Macclesfield Bank, Ac. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Admiralty. 4°. 1893. f Bassett-Smith (P. W.) China Sea. Report on the results of dredgings obtained on the Macclesfield Bank . . . 1888 . . . 1892, and . . . 1893. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Admiralty. 4°. 1894. GBASSUS (CASSIANUS), surnamed Scholasticus. [For editions of the "Geoponica" edited by C. Bassus] See GEOPONICA. Tk BASTARD (ToussAlNT) [1784-1846] Essai sur la Flore du departement de Maine-et-Loire. pp. xxvi, 415. 8°. Angers, 1809. Supplement, pp. xii, 58. 8°. Angers, 1812. Bastard (T.) Notice sur les Veg6taux les plus interes- sans du Jardin des Plantes d' Angers, Ac. pp. xxiv, 272. 12°. Angers, 1810. BASTER (Jos) [171 1-1775] J. Basteri . . . Opuscula subseciva, observationes miscellaneas de Animalculis et Plantis quibusdam marinis, eorumque ovariis et semi- nibus contmentia. ZTom.illutt. 4°. //arferoi, 1759-65. Baster (J.) Natuurkundige Uitspannigen, behelzende eenige waarneemingen, over sommige Zee-planten en Zee-maecten, Ac. 2 Deel [in 1]. col. Must, 4°. Haarlem, 1762-65. Baster (J.) Herrn Hiob Baster's Warnehmungen von . ^ e den Corallinen . . . und andern Mer-Thieren, Ac. See ELLIS (J.) Herrn J. Ellis . . . Versuch einer Natur- Z. Geschichte der Corall-Arten, Ac. (Anhang.) 4°. 1767. Baster (J.) Brief over het Kruidkundig Samenstel ^ van den Heer Linnaeus. (Byvoegsels en verbeteringen tot de verhandeling over de voprtteeling der Dieren en Planten, dienende ter verklawinge van het Kruidkun- dig Samenstel van den Ridder Linnaeus.) pp. 120. See MILLER (P.) Korte inleiding tot de Kruidkunde, Ac. 8°. 1772. BASTEBOT (B. DE) Baron [-1887] Description /C. g6ologique du Bassin Tertiaire du sud-ouest de la France. — ftemiere partie, comprenant les observations gen6- "^ rales sur les Mollusques fossiles (Description des Coquilles fossiles des environs de Bordeaux), Ac. pp. 100 : 7 pis. 4». Paris, 1825. Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris. Tom. n, pt. 1. BASTERUS (JOBUS). See BASTER. BASTIAN (ADOLF) [1826-] Das Bestandige in den Menschenrassen und die Spielweite ihrer Veranderlich- keit, Ac. pp. xvi, 287: 1 map col. 8°. Berlin, 1868. Bastian (A.) See ZEITSCHRIFT FUER ETHNOLOGIE ... ^ Herausgegeben von A. Bastian, Ac. Bd. i-xi, xiv-xrx. 8°. 1869-87T Bastian (A.) Beitrage zur Ethnologic und darauf begriindete Studien. pp. xc, 534- See ZEITSCHHIFT FUER ETHNOLOGIE. Bd. in, Supplement. 8°. 1871. • Bastian (A.) Die Deutsche Expedition an der Loango- I* Kiiste nebst iilteren Nachrichten iiber die zu erforschen- 7 ML* den Lander, Ac. 2 Bd. [in 1.] 8°. Jena, 1874. V Bastian (A.) Allgemeine Grundziige der Ethnologie, —^ Ac. pp. xxxii, 144- 8°. Berlin, 1884. ^- BASTIAN (HENRY CHARLTON) [1837-] The Be- i ginnings of Life: being some account of the nature, modes of origin and transformations of Lower Organ- isms. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1872. BASUTOLAND. [Maps.] Fac-simile of a map of i Basutpland framed by the Rev. . . . Le Bilian. Scale i^ ten miles to an inch. Cape Town [188-]. Till A Basutoland. [Maps.] Map of Basutoland. Com- i piled . . . 1888. [Revised 1892.] Scale 1 : 380,160 or L- 6 m. to 1 in. 2nd edition. London, 1892. " Intelligence DiTision, War Office, No. 789. BATAAFSCHE MAATSCHAFFIJ DER WETENSCHAFPEW. See HAARLEM. — HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DER WETENSCHAPPEN. BATAILLON (E.) Recherches anatomiques et exp^rimentales sur la metamorphose des Amphibiens anoures. pp. 126 : 6 pis., text Must. See LYONS. — C UNIVERSITE. Annales, Ac. Tom. n, fasc. 1. 8°. 1891. ~ BATARD (T.) See BASTARD. BAT AVI A. Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kun- sten en Wetenschappen. [Founded ITTK.] Verhandelingen, Ac. Deel I-XLII. C 8°. & 4°. Batavia, 1825 (1792V1881. * Deel xxn-xxxiv are 4°. Peel xvn lia» three aeparate jiaginations. In Deel MX -» each paiwr is «e|«rately imged. Deel i & u are of the third impression (1825-20); Dee] in-v A; vlll are of the second. Deel vll has an extra and table of contents in English. - Register op de 41 erste Deelen, Ac. \ 4". [liatavia, 1881.] *- Issued with Deel ILL 109 Batavia.— Bataviaasch Genootschap, &c. C\ Pi Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volken- - ° - kunde, &c. Deel 8°. Batavia, 1853 (1852)-> Deel xvril wants title-pages and index. Batavia. — Bataviaasch Geuootschap, &c. Overzigt der Geschiednis . . . van 1778-1853 door P. Bleeker, &c. pp. S3. See supra, Verhandelingen, &c. Deel xxv. 4°. 1853. BATAVIA. — Koninklijke Natuurkuiidige t Vereeiiiging in Nederlandsch Indie. ' J *- [Founded 1850 : the title " Koninklijke " was added in I860.] Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie, &c. Deel i-» 8°. Batavia, 's Gravenhage, 1850-» Also divided into Series. Deel iv-x = Nieuwe Serie, deel I-VH ; Deel xi-xiv=Ser. Ill, deel i-iv ; Deel xv-xx = Ser. IV, deel i-vl ; Deel xxi-xxv .= Ser. V, deel l-v ; Deel xxvi-xxx = Ser. VI, deel l-v ; Deel xxxl-xxxix = Ser. VII, deel i-lx ; Deel XL-LI = Ser. VIII, deel i-xn ; Deel m-» =Ser. IX, deel i-» Deel i-vii, ix cfc xxn have no title-pages. Alphabetisch Register op Deel i-xxx, &c. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1871. op Deel XXXI-L, &c. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1891. * . Batavia.— Koninklijke Natuurkuiidige Vereeni- v/-P ring in Nederlandsch Indie. t Acta (Verhandelingen), &c. Vol. i-vin.t 4°. Batavia, 1856-60. Each paper is separately paged. BATAVIA. — Societas (Regia) Scientiamm Indo- Neerlandica. See supra, KONINKLIJKE NATUURKUNDIGE VEREENIGING IN NEDERLANDSCH INDIE. BATAVIAASCH GENOOTSCHAF VAN KUN- STEN EN WETENSCHAFFEN. See BATAVIA. Fk3l*BATE (CHARLES SPENCE) [1818-1889] Catalogue of the . . . Amphipodous Crustacea in the . . . British Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1862. Bate (C. S.) [Descriptions of Crustaceans from Vancouver.] See LORD (J. K.) The Naturalist in Van- couver Island, &c. Vol. n. 8°. 1866. Bate (C. S.) Crustacea [of Cornwall]. Revised and added to by C. S. Bate. See ROYAL INSTITUTION OF CORNWALL. The Cornish Fauna . . . Pt. 1 ... by J. Couch, &c. [Second edition.] 8°. 1878. Bate (C. S.) Report on the Crustacea Macrura collected by H.M.S. Challenger, &c. 2 Pt. pp. xc, 942: 157 pis., text illust. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.^ Challenger Expedition. Report, &c. Zoology. (Pt. LII.) Vol. xxiv. 4°. 1888. Bate (C. S.) Notes on Boring Mollusca, &c. [1849.] Original MS., with water-colour drawings, of paper read at the British Association Meeting 1849, of which an abstract only was printed in the Report. Bate (C. S.) & Westwood (J. O.) A history of the British Sessile-eyed Crustacea. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1863-68. BATEMAN (JAMES) [1811-1897] The Orchidacese of Mexico & Guatemala, &c. pp. [viii,] 12 [4] •' 40 pis. col. ivith descriptive letterpress. fol. London, 1843. Bateman (J.) A monograph of Odontoglossum. 30 pis. col.withdescriptiveletterpress. fol. London, [1864-]1874. Bateman (J.) A Second Century of Orchidaceous Plants. Selected from . . . Curtis' Botanical Magazine since the issue of the 'First Century.' 100 pis. col. with descriptive letterpress. 4°. London, 1867. The "First Century" was selected by Sir W. J. Hooker. BATES (FREDERICK) Heteromera [of Yarkand]. See INDIA. Scientific results of the Second Yarkand Mission, &c. Pt. IX, Coleoptera. fol. 1890. BATES (HENRY WALTER) [1825-1892] The Naturalist on the River Amazons, BATH (W. HARCOURT) An illustrated handbook of British Dragonflies by the editor of the "Naturalists' Gazette" [i.e. W. H. Bath]. See BRITISH ISLANDS. 12°. 1890. BATHER (FRANCIS ARTHUR) [1863-] The Crinoidea °f Gotland. Part i. The Crinoidea inadunata. pp. 200: 11 pis., text Must. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA 8VENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Hand- lingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. xxv, no. 4. 4°. 1893 (1894). Bather (F. A.) Echinodermata. See LYDEKKER (R.) The Royal Natural History, &c. Vol. vi. 8°. 1896. BATEA (JoHANN B.) Monographic der Cassien Gruppe Senna. Festabhandlung, I map. BATSCH (AUGUST JOHANN GEORG CARL) [1761-1802] Elenchus Fungorum, benhavn, 1801. Batsch (A. J. G. C.) Grundziige der Naturgeschichte des Gewachsreichs, 8°. Alger, 1886-» Battandier (J.. A.) & Trabut (L-) Flore de I'Algjkie. AncienneJiSore d'Alger transJofmee, &c. 2 Top*r^ ^^^8°. Alger & ." 1. 1, Dicotyledones, is ^Battandier alone. v ?ANNI ANTONIO) [1714-1789] Fun- ^ gorum agri ArjjHtnensis Historia, &c. pp.wzftfo: 40 jds. ./r VyFaventiae, 1755. For tahlefcorrelating the Hymtnomyceles d ofittis work with the species of Friee ictionnaire iconographique des Chi in the 1709 edition ee LAPLANCHE (M. C. BE) Battarra (G. A.) Rerum naturalium Historia . . . existentium in Museo Kircheriano . . . nova methodo distributa notis illustrata . . . novisque observationibus locupletata a J. A. Battarra. 2 Pt. See BUONANNI (P.) fol. 1773-82. Battarra (G. A.) J. A. Battarrae Epistola, selectas de re naturali observationes complectens, &c. L [Edited with a preliminary letter by A. Franchius.] f pp. xvii, 25 : 4 pis. col. 4°. Arimini, 1774. £. BATTARRA (JOANNES ANTONIUS). See BATTARRA (G. A.) BATTEL (ANDREW) [1565 ?-1640 ?] Die Reisen und I* Begebenheiten ... in Angola . . . 1589. See ABKSTEB -j Q J ( ) & \IERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, 'D 4°-1749' BATTERS (EDWARD ARTHUR LioNELUA list of the f> Marine Alga; of Berwick-on-Tweed. ppTTJl : 6 pis. 8». Alnwick, 1889. HUtory Berwiduhlre Nats. Club. 1880. Ill Batters (E. A. L.) Hand-list of the Algse [of the Clyde Sea]. See MURRAY (JOHN) LL.D. The Clyde Sea Area, &c. 8°. 1891. B ATTYE (AUBYN TREVOR-). See TREVOR-BATTYE. BATZ (RENE DE) Baron. Les gisements auriferes de Siberie, &c. m>. xix, 176, 5 tab. : SO pis., 1 map, text Must. 8°. Paris, 1898. BATZEVICH (L.) Materialui dlya izucheniya Neftyanuikh niyestprozhdenil Apsheronskagho poluo- strova. [Contributions to the study of the Naphtha- bearing deposits in the Apsheron peninsula.] pp. 71, xiii : 3 pis., 2 maps col. Map entitled :— Gheologhicheskaya karta neftyanol dolinui Apsheron- skagho poluostrova . . . 1881. Masshtab v Angklilskom dyuhnye 50 aazhen [i.e. 1 in. = 350 ft.] See TIFLIS. — UPRAVLENIE GHORNOYU CHAST'YU NA KAVKAZYE, &c. Materialui dlya gheologhii Kavkaza. Vuipusk ill. L. Batzevich & G. Tzidukldze. Gheolo- ghlcheskoe oplsanie Apsheronskagho poluostrova Bakinskol ghubernil, Ac. 8°. 1881. Batzevich. (L.) Materialui dlya Izucheniya Neftyanuikh myestorozhdenii Apsheronskagho poluostrova. [Con- tributions to the study of the Naphtha-bearing deposits in the Apsheron peninsula.] pp. 26 : 2 pis., 2 maps col. See TIFLIS. — UPRAVLENIE GHORNOYU CHAST'YU NA KAVKAZYE, (fee. Materialui dlya gheologhii Kavkaza. Izslyedovaniya 1879-1883. No. 1. 8°. 1883 (1885). Batzevich. (L.) Gheologhlcheskiya Izslyedovaniya v buivshei Batumskoi oblasti . . . Predvarltel'nuii Otchet. [Geological exploration in the former province of Batum. Preliminary report.] pp. 27. See TIFLIS. — UPRAVLENIE GHORNOYU CHAST YU NA KAVKAZYE, &C. Materialui dlya gheologhii Kavkaza. Izslyedovaniya 1879-1883. No. 2. 8°. 1884 (1885). Batzevich (L.) K gheologhii Kutaisskoi ghubernil. Gheologhlcheskoe oplsanie Batumskagho I Artvin- skagho okrughov. [On the geology of the Kutais government. Geological description of the Batum and Artvin districts.] pp. 71-162: 1 map col. See TIFLIS. — UPRAVLENIE GHORNOYU CHAST'YU NA KAVKAZYE, &C. Materialui dlya gheologhii Kavkaza. Ser. II, knigha I, no. 2. 8°. 1887. Batzevich (L.) & Simonovich (S. E.) Gheologhlche- skoe oplsanie chasti Kutalsskagho uyezda Kutalsskoe ghubernil izvyestnol pod imenem Okrlba. [Geological description of the part of the Kutais district, Kutais government, known by the name of Okriba.] pp. 36 : 1 map, & sections, geol. col. See TIFLIS. — UPRAVLENIE GHOHNOYU CHAST'YU NA KAVKAZYE, &c. 8°. 1873. Batzevich (L.) & Tznlnkidze (Gn.) Gheologhicheskoe oplsanie Apsheronskagho poluostrova Baklnskoi gnubernii I okrestnostei Navtlugha Tifllsskoi ghubernil Izslyedovannuikh v 1880 ghodu. [Geological description of the Apsheron peninsula in the Baku government, and of the neighbourhood of Navtlugh in the Tifiis government, explored in 1880.] See TIFLIS. — UPRAV- LENIE GHORNOYU CHAST'YU NA KAVKAZYE, &c. Materialui dlya gheologhii Kavkaza. Vuipusk ill. 8°. 1881. Batzevich (L.) & others. Gheologhicheskoe opisanie chaste! Kutalsskagho, Lechkhumskagho, Senakskagho I Zughdidskagho uyezdov Kutaisskoi ghubernil, izslyedovannuikh v 1874 ghodu. [Geological descrip- tion of parts of the Kutais, Lechkhum, Senaks and Zughdid districts of the Kutais government explored in 1874.] pp. 191 : 10 pis., 1 map geol. col. See TIFLIS. —UPRAVLENIE GHORNOYU CHAST'YU NA KAVKAZYE, &C. Materialui dlya gheologhii Kavkaza. 1874. 8°. & 4°. 1875. Batzevich (L.) & others. Gheologhlcheskoe opisanie Pyatlghorskagho kraya, Izslyedovannagho v 1875 ghodu. [Geological description of the Pyatighorsk country explored in 1875.] pp. [Hi,"] 112, 1 tab.: 7 pis., 1 map col. See TIFLIS.— UPRAVLENIE GHORNOYU CHAST'YU NA KAVKAZYE, &c. Materialui dlya gheologhii Kavkaza, 1875. 8°. & 4°. 1876. BAUDELOT (EMILE) [1834-1875] Etude sur 1'Ana- tomie compared de lencephale des Poissons, &c. 78: 2 pis. See NANCY. — SOCIETE DES SCIENCES. pp. 78: 2 pis. Memoires, &c. Tom. vi, livr. 2. 4°. 1870. Bandelot (E.) Eecherches sur le systeme nerveux des Poissons . . . Ouvrage pr6c6de d'un avertissement par M. E. Blanchard. pp. xii, 178 : 10 pis. 4°. Paris, 1883. BAUDEMENT (EMILE) [1810-1 universel d'Histoire Naturelle Baudement, &c. 16 Vol. Se< Wanting. - [Another Baudement (E.) Les Races Bovines au Concours Universel Agricole de Paris en 1856. Etudes Zootech- niques. See FRANCE. — Ministere de V Agriculture, du Commerce et des Travaux Publics. obi. fol. 1861-62. BAUDET-1.AFAE/GE (MARIE JEAN) Essai sur 1'Entomologie du departement du Puy-de-D6me. Monographic des Carabiques. pp. 227. 8". Clermont-Ferrand, 1836. BAUD! DI SELVE (FLAMINIO) & Trnqni (E.) Studi Entomologici . . . Tomo I. (Brevi cenni su un Acaridio del genere de' Sarcopti che vive sulla Strix flammea. Scritto postumo di G. Gene.) pp. 376: 17 pis. (col.) 8°. Torino, 1848. BATTDIN (DESIRE PIERRE) [1809-1870] Carte geo- logique du departement du Cantal, &c. Echelle 1 : 200,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 3 m. about]. See CANTAL. [Maps.} [1841.] Bandin (D. P.) Description historique, geologique et topographique du Bassin Houiller de Brassac (Puy-de- Dome et Haute-Loire), faite,en 1843. See FRANCE. — Administration des Mines. Etudes de Gites Mineraux, &C. 4°. 1851. BAUDIN (NicoLA?) [1750-1803] Voyages dans les quatre principales lies des mers d'Afrique . . . avec Thistoire de ia Jraversee du Capit. Baudin jusqu'au Port-Louis de Pile Maurice, &c. See BORY DE ST.- VINCENT (J. B. G. M.) Baron. 8°. & 4°. 1804. Bandin (N.) Voyage aux lies de Ten6riffe, La Trinite, Saint-Thomas . . . execute^ . . . sous la direction du Capitaine Baudin, &c. 2 Tom. *S«LEDRu(A.P.) 8°. 1810. BATTDOUIN (MARCEL). See REVUE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE L'OuEST . . . Comit6 de Redaction : A. Odin . . . M. Baudouin, &c. Tom. i-> 8°. 1891-» BAUDBIMONT (ALEXANDRE EDOUARD) [1806- 1880] Traite elementaire de Min6ralogie et de Geologie. pp. \_iv,~\ 279, xv : 12 pis. 8°. Paris, 1840. Reprinted from the " Trait^ ^lementaired'Histoire Naturelle," by Martin Saint-Ange & others. Bandrimont (A. E.) & Martin Saint-Ange (G. J.) Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur le developpement du 1'cetus et en particulier sur 1'evolution embryonnaire des Oiseaux et des Batraciens. pp. 224 : 18 pis. (col.) 4°. Paris, 1850. Mta. pr&. Acad. Sci., Pari«, Tom. xi. Large-paper copy. .* L M 112 7fo £ t> 3 B Z 6 -6 BAUER ( ) of Wurzburg. Die Nonne, Bombyx monacha, und ihre Raupe, &c. pp. 42- 4°. Wurzburg, 1845. Programm . . . K. KreU-Landwirthschafts- und Gewerbsschule Wurz- burg. 1844-45. BAUER ( ) Officer in the Austrian Army. Das Hohenfernerioch (Passo della Vedretta alta). Aus der Val della Mare in das Ceval (oberstes Martell). See MOJSISOVICS VON MojsvAR (E.) Aus dem Orteler Alpen. 8°. 1865. BAUER (ALEXANDER ANTON EMIL) [1836-] Analysen • einiger Gesteine aus Ostgronland. See BREMEN. — GEOGRAPHISCHE OESELLSCHAFT. Die zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt, gdstr i Grfinland. Meddelelser om Gr0nland, &c. Hft. xix, no. 1. 8°. 1894 (1896). Bay (E.) [Botany of] Angmagsalik. See DENMARK.— / Commissionen for Ledelsen af de geologiske og qeo- graphiske Under s/pgelser i Grifinland. Meddelelser om Gr0nland, &c. Hft. xvm, no. 3 (in). 8°. 1895 (1896). Bay(E.) Geologi [of East Greenland]. See : DENMARK, i — Commissionen for Ledelsen af de geologiske og geo- graphiske Under sI"7O3 SCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, &c. Folge VI, bd. XII. 4°. 1884 (-85). Bayer (F.) ProdroniusCeskychObratlovcu. Soustavny prehled se stru6ny"mi diagnosami. [Prodromus of ^ Bohemian Vertebrata, systematically viewed, with brief diagnoses.] pp. xi, 260 : text illust. 8°. v Praze, 1894. Bayer (F.) Studie z osteologie Lacertid. (O nekterych zajimavych castech kostry jesterky zivorode, Lacert />ls., 1 map. 8°. Leipzig, 1889. BAYERISCHE BOTANISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT ZUR ERFORSCHUNG DEB. HEIMISCHEN FLORA. See. MUNICH. BAYERN (FRIEDRICH) F. Bayern's Untersuchungen uber die iiltesten Graber- und Schatzfunde in Kaukasien, herausgegeben und mit einem Vorwort versehen von R. Virchow. pp. viii, 60: 16 pis. See ZEITSCHRIFT FUER ETHNOLOOIE. Bd. xvn, Suppt. 8°. 1885. L ft Gr (r ff\ _- a a £ BAYLE (CHARLES) Madagascar : son utilite . . . ses richesses naturelles. SeeMAOER(H.) Atlas Colonial, &c. 4°. 1885. BAYLE (EMILE) [1819-1895] Ecole imperiale des Ponts et Chaussees. Cours de Geologic, ls. col. 4". Milano, 1808. BAYLEY (WILLIAM SHIRLEY) Notes of microscopical examinations of Rocks from the Thunder Bay silver district. See CANADA. — Geological and Natural His- tory Survey. Annual Report. New Series, Vol. in, H, Appendix 1. 8°. 1888. Bayley (W. S.) The Eruptive and Sedimentary Rocks on Pigeon Point, Minnesota, and their contact phe- nomena, pp. 121 : 12 pis. (4 col.), 4 maps (3 geol. col.), text Must. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin, <(-e. No. 109. 8". 1893. Bayley (W. S.) & Van Hise (C. R.) The Marquette iron-bearing district of Michigan, &c. pp. xxvii, 608 : 85 pit., text illust., & Atlas, 37 maps geol. col. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Monographs, &c. Vol. xxvin. 4". & fol. 1897. BAYLY (G.) A Catalogue (Part second) comprising the . . . collection of Shells, Fossils, Stuffed Birds, Minerals, Insects, L js.C I- Bean (T. H.) Fishes [from the Yukon district]. See CANADA. — Geological and Natural History Survey. Annual Report. New Series, vol. ill. 8°. 1888. Bean (T. H.) The Fishes of Pennsylvania, &c. pp. mi, 149 : 35 pis. (IB col.) 8°. Harrisburg, Pa., 1893. Bean (T. H.) & Goode (G. B.) Oceanic Ichthyology, &c. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Contri- butions to Knowledge. Vol. xxx & xxxi. 4°. 1895. BEATSON (ALEXANDER) [1759-1833] Papers relating to the devastation committed by Goats on the Island of St. Helena, &c. See SAINT HELENA. 8°. 1810. BEAUCHESNE-GOUIN (DE) Voyage to Magel- lanica. See CALLANDER (J.) Terra Austrafis cognita, &c. Vol. in. 8°. 1768. BEAUDOUIN See MOROCCO. [. ) Carte de 1'empire de Maroc, &c. raps.] 1848. EAUFORT (DANIEL AUGUSTUS) [1739-1821] A new Map of Ireland, &c. [Scale 1 in. = 7f m.] See IRELAND. [Maps.] 1792. BEAUGRAND (CHARLES) Guide illustre. Souvenir de FAquarium du Havre, &c. See HAVRE. — Aquarium. 8°. 1884. BEAUJON (A.) The history of Dutch Sea Fisheries, &c. See LONDON.— Great International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. 8U. 1884. Beaujon (A.) Overzicht der geschiedenis van de Nederlandsche Zeevisscherijen. pp. viii, 347- 8°. Leiden, 1885. BEAULARD (FERNAND) These — Sur la coexistence du pouvoir rotatoire et de la double refraction dans le Quartz, &c. pp. 155 : 13 pis., text illust. 4°. Marseille, 1893. [Another issue.] See MARSEILLES. — FACULTE DES SCIENCES. Annales, &c. Tom. in, fasc. 1. 4°. 1893. BEAULIEU (AuousTiN) [1589-1637] Reise nach Ostindien [Acheen and Sumatra, 1619-21]. — Zusatz j zu . . . Reise. See ARKSTEK ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. x & xvin. 4°. 1752, 64. BEAUMETZ (DUJARDIN). See DUJARDIN-BEAUMETZ. BEAUMONT, Family of. Horti Beaumontiani Exoticarum Plantarum Catalogus, &c. [By F. Kigge- laer.] pp. [iv,] 43. 4°. Hagce-Comitis, 1690. Etudes theoriques pp. 311. 8°. Paris (1868). BEAUMONT (E. H. DE) Viscount. et pratiques sur la Pisciculture, &c. BEAUMONT (JEAN BAPTISTE ARMAND Louis LEONCE ELIE DE). See ELIE DE BEAUMONT. BEAUPLAN (GUILLAUME LE VASSEUR DE) [-c.1670] A description of Ukraine, containing several provinces of the Kingdom of Poland, &c. See CHURCHILL (A.) & (J.) A collection of Voyages, . Paris, 1881. Beauvisage (G. E. C.) pp. 99. These . . . Les Galles utiles. 8°. Paris, 1883. BEAUVOIR (LUDOVIC DE) Marquess [1846-] A Voyage round the World, &c. (Translated from the French by A. & H. Stephenson, &c.) 3 Vol. (illust.) 8°. London, 1870-72. Only Vol. ill (1872) is illustrated, and bears the names of the translators : its title reads :— " The Conclusion of a Voyage," 8°. 1896-^ Z S u -B -6 L z. z L 70 o. 118 BEBB (Mn HAEL SCHUCK) [1833-1895] Catalogue of & Plants collected in Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona . . . By J. T. Rothrock . . . and . . . M. S. Bebb, Ac. See UNITED STATES. — Geo- graphical and Geological Explorations and Surveys 'West of the One Iluiulredth Meridian. Report, Ac. Vol. VI. 4°. 1878. €> Bebb (M.S.) [The Genus Salix.] See GRAY (A.) Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States . . . Sixth edition, Ac. 8°. 1890. ^ BECCARI (ODOARDO) [1843-] See Nuovo GIORNALE BOTANICO ITALIANO publicato da O. Beccari. Vol. i-m. 8°. 1869-71. Beccari (O.) Catalogo sistematico degli Uccelli di Borneo . . . con note ed osservazioni di . . . O. Beccari, Ac. See SALVADORI (T. A.) Count. 8°. 1874. Beccari (O.) Viaggio dei . . . O. Beccari ... nel Mar Rosso . . . 1870-71. Studio monografico sopra i Muri- cidi, Ac. See TAPPARONE-CANEFHI (C. M.) 8°. 1875. . 1 lOoftO Cesati. See NAPLES.— REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE FI8ICHE E MATEMATICHE. Atti, Ac. Vol. VII, no. 8. 4°. 1878. - [Advance copy.] See CESATI (V.) 4°. 1876. L- 778* o A B Cr L. 72. M Beccari (O.) Catalogo di una collezione di Uccelli fatta nella parte occidentale di Sumatra dal ... O. Beccari, Ac. See SALVADORI (T. A.) Count. 8°. 1879. Beccari (O.) Notes on the Plants collected ... in New Guinea— Catalogue of the Plants. of the Fly River, 1877. See ALBERTIS (L. M. D') New Guinea, Ac. Vol. II. 8°. 1880. Beccari (().) Enumerazione dei Mammiferi raccolti da O. Beccari . . . nella Nuova Guinea, Ac. See PETERS (W. C. H.) & DORIA (G.) Marquess. 8°. 1881. Beccari (O.) Florula Bogosensis. Enumeratione delle Piante . . . raccolte dal ... O. Beccari . . . 1870, Ac. See MARTELLI (U.) 8°. 1886. BECHAMP (PIERRE JACQUES ANTOINE) [1816-] Les Microzymas. pp. 16. See BRUSSELS.— SOCIET£ SCIENTI- FIQUE. Annales, Ac. Tom. H (Memoires). 8°. 1878. Bechamp (P. J. A.) La Theorie du Microzyma et le systeme microbien, Ac. pp. xxxviii, 495. 8°. Paris, 1888. BECHDOLT (ADOLF F.) Geological notes in Blue Earth County. See MINNESOTA, State of.— Geological and Natural History Survey. Annual Reports, Ac. No. 13. 8°. 1885. BECHE (Sir HENRY THOMAS DE LA). See DE LA BECHE. BECHER (EDUARD) [1856-1886] Dipteren aus Klwn- /cll bei Hainfeld. See BECKER (M. A. VON) Baron. Hernstein in Niederosterreich, Ac. Bd. I, thl. HI, no. 4 e. Anhang. 8°. 1886. Becher (E.) Insecten von Jan Mayen, Ac. See VIENNA. - KAI8ERLICHE AKADEMIK DER WIS8ENSCHAFTEN. Die Internationale Polarforechung 1882-83, Ac. Bd. in, thl 6, F. 4». 1886. Becher (E.) Mollusken von Jan Mayen, Ac. « VIENNA. — KAISERLICHE AKADEMIE DER WI88EN8CHAFTEN. Die Internationale Polarforschung 1882-83, Ac. Bd. HI, thl. 6, G. 4». 1886. BECHER (JOHANN JOACHIM) [1635-1682] Parnassus medicinalis illustratus ; oder . . . Thier-Krauter und Berg- Buch ; sampt der salernischen Schul. Alles ... in vier Theilen beschrieben, Ac. 4 Vol. [in 1]. fol. Ulmce, 1663. Becher (J. J.) J. J. Beccheri . . . Physica subterranea profundam subterraneorum genesin, e principiis hucus- que ignotis, ostendens. ( J. J. Becheri . . . experimentum chymicum novum . . . loco supplementi in Physicam suam subterranean!, Ac. — Supplementum secundum . . . seu Theses Chymicae veritatem & possibilitatem trans- mutationis metallorum in aurum evincentes, Ac.) . . . Editio novissima . . . Praefatione . . . praemissa . . . operam navavit et Specimen Beccherianum, funda- mentorum documentorum, experimentorum, subjunxit G. E. Stahl. pp. [xii,] 504, [IS, iv,] 161 [9\: 1 pi. 4°. Lipsice, 1738. BECHER (JOHANN PHILIPP) [1752-1831] Minera- logische Beschreibung des Westerwalds, insbesondere der beiden Holzkohlen-Bergwerke, zu Stockhausen und Hoen. pp. 118 : 1 pi. 8°. [Berlin, 1787.] Schrift. Geeell. naturf. Frennde. Bd. VH. Becher (J. P.) Mineralogische Beschreibung der Oranien-Nassauischen Lande nebst einer Geschichte See MINERALOGISCHE UND PETROORAPHISCHE MlTTHEILUNGEN. 8°. 1889-» Becke (F. J... K.) Mineralogisches Lexicon fiir das Kaiserthum Osterreich. III. Bd. . . . Nach des Autors hinterlassenen Manuscripts bearbeitet von F. Becke, lans (col.) See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Monographs, &c. Vol. xin oli et Gottingae, 1766. Beckmann (J.) Physikalisch-okonomische Bibliothek worinn von den neuesten Biichern, welche die Naturgeschichte, Naturlehre, und die Land- und Stadt- wirthschaft betreffen, zuverlassige und volstiindige Nachrichten ertheilet werden. 23 Vol. 8°. GiJttingen, 1770-1806. Beckmann (J.) C. a Linne Systema Naturae ex editione I duodecima in epitomen redactum . . . a J. Beckmanno. L 2 Tom. See LiNN^us (C.) 8°. 1778. L* /t -.)/ t 121 & k ISO. \L Beckmaim (J.) Marbodi liber Lapidum . . . illus- tratus a J. Beckmanno,'- MM Arao-n TJeprmfirpl <(•(• 16 Vol. See ORBIGNY . C. V. D. D')- The first edition appeared in 1839-45. [Another issue.] 8°. 1849. 8°. 1861. , Becquerel (ALEX. E.) Liste des ouvrages et m^moires U publics de 1838 h, 1891 par A. E. Becquerel. [By A. A -ft Peignot.] pp. xviii : 1 port. See PARIS. — MUSEUM D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE. Nouvelles Archives, &c. Ser. Ill, torn. in. (Bulletin.) 4°. 1892. BECQUEREL (ALFRED). See BECQUEREL (L. A.) BECQUEREL (ANTOINE HENRI) [1852-] See AN- Y\ NALES DE CHIMIE ET DE PHYSIQUE, par . . . Becquerel. Ser. VI, torn, iv-xxni. 8°. 1885-91. ff] Becquerel (ANTOINE H.) Theses ... 1. Recherches sur 1'absorption de la Lumiere. pp. Ill : 4j)ls. 4°. Paris, 1888. BECQUEREL (Louis ALFRED) [1814-1866] & Laures (C. DE) Recherches sur les Conferves des eaux ther- males de Neris, &c. See LAURES (C. DE) & BECQUEREL (L. A.) 8°. 1855. BEDDARD (FRANK EVERS) [1858-] [Notes on the anatomy of the Meropidse.] See DRESSER (H. E.) A monograph of the Meropidae, &c. 4°. 1884-86. & L Z- L. Beddard (F. E.) Report on the Isopoda collected by H.M.S. Challenger during . . . 1873-76. 2 Pt. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Challenges- Expe- dition. Report, &c. Zoology. (Pt. xxxm) Vol. xi, & (Pt. XLVIII) Vol. XVII. 4°. 1884 [1885], 86. Beddard (F. E.) Sur les organes segmentaires de quelques Vers de Terre . . . Traduction par M. A. E. Malard. pp. 19 : Ipl. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, A~4Ui<» _J~v« "Forester's Manual of Botany for Southern In " Outlines of Botany," d-c. and contains a and Bentham's 8 Beddome (R^H.) Icones Plantarumlndiae Orientalis ; or Plates aoa descriptions of new and rare Plants, from Southerr/lndia and Ceylon. Vol. i. pp. vii, 70: 300 plsf / 4°. Madras, 1874. Idome (R. H.) Hand India, Ceylon and the 3>! 300 pis., text illust. j <* >k of the Ferns of British Peninsula, pp. xiv{500 : 8°. Calcutta, 46, 1883. Supplement, &/. pp. 110. 8°. Calcutta, dec., 1892. Beddome (R. H.) [For official Reports as Conservator] See MADRAS, Presidency. — Forest Dejtartment. 16 122 BEDEL (Louis) Faune des Coleopteres du Bassin de la Seine. Tom. i-> 8°. Paris [1879-*]. Iwned, u "Volume hon Serle," with the Ann. Soc. Entom. France, an under:— Tom. I. pp. 1-138 in Ann. Sir. \, Tom. u, 1879. UMM 161-256 , 267-288 , •J-:> :!.-.() | ties, etc. / ' VI, „ Vol. LXI, 65-1W HVi isii 187-160 161-180 ,.A>, 1-16 in Ser. VI, Tom. n, 17-32 , 83-64 , i;r, w; 97-144 146-160 161-200 201-280 281-812 , :M:: SS4 SS5-144 III, VII, 1SSO. X, 1SMI. „ 1881. 1, 1881. IX, 1889. „ 1890. X. IS'.'l. 1892. 1897. 1882. 1883. 1888. 1884. 1884. 1886. 1886. 1886. 1887. 1887. 1888. Bedel (L.) Hydrophilidae [from Central Sumatra]. L • See AMSTERDAM. — AARDRIJKSKUNDIG GENOOTSCHAP. Midden-Sumatra, On the Flint Implements in the Drift, discovered near Bedford. See WYATT (J.) 8°. [1861.] [Another edition entitled :] Flint Implements in £ the Drift, &c. 8». 1862. BEDFORDSHIRE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY AND FIELD CLUB. [1875 Founded as BeilfonUtirt Natural History Society anil Field Club. 1888 Combined with Ba(fordshire Architectural and Archaoloffical Society ;>. I id, to form Bedfordshire Arclutologiad and Natural History Society, which in 1890 Amalgamated with Bedford literary and Scientijic Institute] Abstract of Proceedings and Transactions, &c. 1875-84. 4 No.t 8°. Bedford, 1877-85. BEDOT (MAURICE) Bathyphysa Grimaldii (nova species) ; Siphonophore bathyp&agique de 1'Atlantique 2. Nord. See ALBERT HONORE CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. R6sultats des Campagnes scientifiques, &c. Fasc. v. 4°. 1893. Bedot (M.) See REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE et Z Annales du Musee d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve. Publiees sous la direction de M. Bedot, ; BEECHEY (HENRY WILLIAM) [-1870?] & (F. W.) Proceedings of the expedition to explore the northern coast of Africa ... in 1821 & 1822, &c. See BEECHEY (F. W.) & (H. W.) 4°. 1828. BEECHWORTH, Victoria. [Maps.] Geological sketch-map of the parish of Beechworth. Scale 40 chains [=im.] to 1 in. See VICTORIA, Australia. — Depart- ment of Mines. [Maps.] 1871. BEECK (F. G. MOLLER). See MUELLER-BEECK. BEECKMAN (DANIEL) A voyage to and from the Island of Borneo, &c. See PINKEKTON (J.) A general collection of ... Voyages, &c. Vol. XI. 4°. 1812. SEEK (ALBERT VAN) [1787-1856] & Bergsma (C. A.) Observations sur 1'elevation de tem- perature de Fleurs de Colocasia odora, &c. pp. 14 : 6 tab., 1 pi. 4°. Utrecht, 1838. Seek (A. VAN) & Dijk (C. M. VAN) Onderzoekingen aangaande het zwart in de Melisbrooden. See DIJK (C. M. VAN) & BEEK (A. VAN). 8°. 1829. BEEKMAN (A. A.) De Strijd om het Bestaan. Geschiedenis en Tegenwoordige Staat van de Lage Gronden van Nederland. pp. vi, [vi,] 604 •' 3 pis., 7 maps. 8°. Zutphen, 1887. BEER (AUGUST) [1825-1863] De situ axium opticorum in crystallis biaxibus, &c. [Dissertation.] 8°. Bounce, 1848. Beer (A.) [Einleitung in die hohere Optik. 8°. Braunschweig, 1853.1 Wanting. - Zweite . . . Auflage bearbeitet von V. von Lang. pp. xvii, 433 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Braunschweig, 1882. BEER (FERDINAND WILHELM) [c. 1708-1760] Allge- meine Historie der Eeisen, &c. 21 Bd. See ARKSTEE ( )&MERKUS( ). 4°. 1747-74. BEER (JOSEPH GEORG) [1803-1873] Praktische Studien an der Familie der Orchideen, nebst Kultur- anweisungen und Beschreibung aller schonbliihenden tropischen Orchideen. pp. x, 882 : 1 pi. 8°. Wien, 1854. Beer (J. G.) Die Familie der Brpmeliaceen. Nach ihrem habituellen Charakter bearbeitet mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Ananassa. pp. 271 : text illust. 8°. Wien, 1857. Beer (J. G.) Beitrage zur Morphologic und Biologie der Familie der Orchideen. pp. viii, 44 •' 1% pis- col., text illust. fol. Wien, 1863. BEERING (VITUS JONASSEN). See BERING. BEESLET (ALFRED) [1800-1847] The History of Banbury, &c. pp. xvi, 667 : 24 pis., 2 majis, text illust. 8°. London, 1841. Contains :— The Botany of the neighbourhood of Banbury, with a sketch of the Geology. (By T. Beesley.) BEESLET (THOMAS) [1818-1896] The Botany of the neighbourhood of Banbury, with a sketch of the Geology. See BEESLEY (A.) The History of Banbury, &c. 8°. 1841. Beesley (T.) A sketch of the Geology of the neigh- bourhood of Banbury, &c. pp. 16. 8°. Banbury, 1872. Reprinted from the " Banbury Guardian." A corrected edition ap- peared in Proc. Warwick. Nate. & Archneols. Field Club, 1872 [1873]. Beesley (T.) The Lias of Fenny Compton, Warwick- shire, pp. 16. 8°. Banbury, 1877. Reprinted from the " Banbury Guardian." - (Supplement . . . (Jamesoni Zone) . . . Additions and corrections to the end of 1885.) pp. 22 (3). 8°. Warwick [1878 (1886)]. Proc. Warwick Nats. & Archajols. Field Club, 1877. The Supplement, which contains descriptions of new species of Bdeinnites, was inde- pendently published. Beesley (T.) Excursion to Stonesfield. See BANBURY- SHIRE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY AND FIELD CLUB. 8°. 1882. Beesley (T.) A memoir of T. Beesley, &c. WARD (H. B.) See WOOD- 8°. [1897.] L . Beesley (T.) & Brodie (P. B.) Lias . . . Harbury, Warwickshire. & BEESLEY (T.) Section of Lower See BRODIE (P. B.) 8°. 1877. BEETZ (FRIEDRICH WILHELM HUBERT VON) [1822- 1886] & others. Handworterbuch der Chemie und /y. Physik, &c. See AUGUST (E. F.) & others. 8°. 1845-50. BEGER (AUGUSTUS HEHMANNUS) [1840-] Addida- menta in anatomen cpmparatam Arvicplte amphibii, Lac., et Arvicolse arvalis, Lac. Dissertatio inauguralis, Z. &c. pp. 44. 8°. Halis, 1867. BEGG (ALEXANDER) Seventeen years in the Canadian North- West, &c. pp. 35. 8° London, 1884. L Reprinted from " The Colonies and India." BEGGIATO (FRANCESCO SECONDO) [1806-1833] An- , tracoterio di Zovencedo e di Monteviale vel Vicentino, ^ • &c. pp. 9 : 1 2^. See MILAN.— SOCIETA ITALIANA DI S / ; ^ 7 • SCIENZE NATURALI. Memorie, &c. Tom. i, no. 6. 4°. 1865. BEHERE (.JEAN BAPTISTE JOSEPH) Muscologia Rothomagensis, ou tableau analytique des Mousses @ d^couvertes jusqu'k ce jour aux environs de Rouen, - &c. pp. 48 : 1 tab. 8°. Rouen, 1826. BEHLEN (STEPHAN) [1784-1847] Clima, Lage und o Boden in ihrer Wechselwirkung auf die Wald- Vegeta- tion. Eroffnungschrift, &c. pp. 66. 8°. Bamberg, 1823. Behleii (S.) Der Spessart. Versuch einer Topographie dieser Waldgegena, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Gebirgs-, Forst-, Erd- und Volkskunde. 3 Bd. [in o 1 Vol.] 8°. Leipzig, 1823-27. Behlen (S.) Botanisches Handbuch, oder Diagnostik der ... in Teutschland im Freien fortkommenden fremden Forstgewiichse, mit besonderer Heinweisung tf auf den Schonbusch bei Aschaffenburg. pp. xvi, 349. 8°. Bamberg, 1824. Behlen (S.) Lehrbuch der Gebirgs- und Bodenkunde in Beziehung auf das Forstwesen. Erste Abth. Oryk- *>i tognosie. 8°. Erfurt & Gotha, 1826. One of the volumes of Bechstein's " Die Forst- und Jagdwissenschaft." Behlen (S.) Dr. J. M. Bechstein's Forstbotanik . . . Fiinfte, von . . . S. Behlen . . . vermehrte Ausgabe. /o < See BECHSTEIN (J. M.) 8°. 1843. BEHM (ERNST ADOLAR) [1830-1884] See GEOGRAPHI- . SCHES JAHRBUCH . . . Herausgegeben von E. Behm, &c. Bd. i-vn. 8°. 1866-78. S /^ Behm (E. A.) Die modernen Verkehrsmittel, &c. pp. 50 : 2 maps. See PETERMANN'S MITTHEILUNGEN, &c. L. ,-^, ErgJinzungsband iv, no. 19. 4°. 1867. Behm (E. A.) See PETERMANN'S MITTHEILUNOEN . . . Herausgegeben von . . . E. Behm. Bd. xxv-xxx. Erganz. Bd. xm-xvi. 4°. 1879-84. 124 S. Behm (E. A.) it Wagner (H.) Geographer. Die Be- viilkerung der Erde. Jiihrliche Ubersicht, Ac. No. I-VH. See PETERMANN'S MITTHEILUNGEN, Ac. Erganzungsband VH-XV, no. 33, 35, 41, 49, 55, 62, 69. 4°. 1872-82. BEHME (ANTHONY) See BOEHME (ANTON). BEHME (THEODOR) Beitrage zur Anatomie und Ent\rickelungsgeschichte des Harnapparates der Lungenschnecken. Inaugural-Dissertation, Ac. pp. 28 : S pis. 8°. Berlin, 1889. Arcliiv f. Xaturg. 1889. BEHN (WILHELM FRIEDRICH GEORG) [1808-1878] G. Cuvier's Briefe an C. H. Pfaff . . . 1788 bis 1792 ~2- ... Nebst einer biographischen Notiz iiber G. Cuvier von C. H. Pfaff. Herausgegeben von ... W. F. G. Behn. Ste CUVIER (G. L. C. F. D.) Baron. 8°. 1845. Behn (W. F. G.) Prof. R. Owen's Osteologie der Dronte. (Didus ineptus, L.) pp. 19 : 1 id. 4°. [Dresden, 1868.] Leopoldina. lift. vi. .- BEHR (.IOHANN HERMANN) De Helminthiasi. Disser- f- tetio inauguralis medica, Ac. pp. 29 [3]. 8*. Berolini, 1843. BEHRENDS iC) Ueber Hornzahne. pp. 39 : 2 pis. L col. See ACADEMIA CjKSAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, Deel xxn. 4°. 1883. CaA 125 L. Beijerinck (M. W.) Onderzoekingen over de Besmette- • , . , lijkheid der Gomziekte bij Planten. pp. 46: 2 pis. 5 See AMSTEEDAM.— KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETEN- SCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen, &c. Deel xxm. 4°. 1883. | Beijerinck (M. W.) Beobachtungen und Betrachtungen iiber Wurzelknospen und Nebenwurzeln. pp. 150: ia I.C25 6 &'• &ee AMSTEEDAM.— KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen, &c. Deel xxv. 4°. 1887. / Beijerinck (M. W.) Ueber Gallbildung und Genera- tionswechsel bei Cynips calcis und iiber die Circulans- galle. pp. 43 : 3 pis. See AMSTEEDAM. — KONINKLIJKE OI-C AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen, &c. Sect. II, deel v, no. 2. 8°. 1896. BEIJNEN (L. R. KOOLEMANS) The three Voyages of W. Barents to the Arctic Regions . . . Second edition with an introduction by Lieut. K. Beynen, &c. See HAK- LUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 54. 8°. 1876. BEIL (JOHANN ADAM) Technologists Worterbuch der Deutschen, Franzosischen und Englischen Sprache f ... Mit einem Vorwort von K. Karmarsch. pp. viii, 678. 8°. Wiesbaden, £c., 1853. BEILA6E ZUR FLORA, &c. See RATISBON. — KOENIGLICH-BAYEEISCHE BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN EEGENSBUEG. Flora, &C. BEILBT (RALPH) [1744-1817] A general History of 'Z Quadrupeds, &c. [The text by R, Beilby.] See BEWICK (T.) 8°. 1790. Third edition. • Seventh edition. 8°. 1792. 8°. 1820. Beilby (R.) [A History of British Birds . . . Vol. I . . . 5- I- . Land Birds. (The text by R, Beilby.) See BEWICK (T.) 4°. 1797.] Wanting. Z - [Another edition.] - [Another edition.] 4°. 1805. 4°. 1821. BEILSCHMIED (GAEL TEAUGOTT) [1793-1848] Ueber einige beipflanzengeographischen Vergleichungen zu beriicksichtigende Punkte, in Anwendung auf die g Flora Schlesiens. pp. [iv,] 39 : 1 tab. 8°. Breslau, 1829. Aus der Literar. Beilage zu den Scblesischen Provinzial Bliittern, NoTbr und Decbr 1829 besonders abgedruckt. Beilschmied (C. T.) Pflanzengeographie, nach A. von Ode des J. C. Cuno, &c. See CUNO (J. C.) J. C. Cuno's . . . Ode iiber seinen Garten, &c. 8°. 1750. BEISSEL (IGNAZ) Ueber die Bryozoen der Aachner Kreidebildung, &c. pp. 92 : 10 pis. See HAAELEM.— <£• HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DEE WETENSCHAPPEN. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen, &c. Verzam. II, L deel xxn. 4". 1865. ^ /• -, Beissel (I.) Verzeichniss der palaeontologischen und mikrogeologischen Sammlungen aus der Aachener Um- ., gebung. See UBAGHS (C.) 8°. 1888. Gr Beissel (I.) Die Foraminiferen der Aachener Kreide . . . Nach dem Tode des' Verfassers herausgegeben, _ und mit einer Einleitung versehen von E. Holzapfel. Gr pp. 78 : & Atlas of 16 pis. See PEUSSIA. — Koeniglich- Preussische geologische. Landesanstalt, &c. Abhand- , . lungen, &c. Neue Folge, Hft. 3 & Atlas. 8°. & fol. 1891. BEISSNER (LUDWIG) Handbuch der Coniferen- Benennung, &c. pp. ii, 90. 8°. Erfurt, 1887. Beissner (L.) Handbuch der Nadelholzkunde, &c pp. xx, 576 : text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1891 g BEITKAEGE ZU DEB INSEKTEN - GE- SCHICHTE herausgegeben von L. G. Scriba. Heft. I-m.t col. illust. 4°. Frankfurt, 1790-93. ~Z, The pagination is continuous. BEITRAEGE ZUR ANATOMIE UNO PHYSI- OLOGIE [edited] von C. Eckhard. Bd. i-xn.f illust. 4°. Giessen, 1858-88. -£ BEITRAEGE ZUR ANTHROPOLOGIE UND URGESCHICHTE BAYERNS. Organ der Miinchener Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Ethnologic, und Urgeschichte . . . Redaction : J. Ranke und N. Riidinger. Bd. i-vni, heft 4. 4°. Miinchen, 1877-89. ^ BEITRAEGE ZUR BIOLOGIE DEB, PFLAN- ZEN. Herausgegeben von . . . F. Cohn. Bd. I— > 8°. Breslau, 1875 (1870)-» Q BEITRAEGE ZUR BOTANIK. See NEUE BEITEAEGE ZUE BOTANIK. BEITRAEGE ZUR ENTOMOLOGIE BE SONDERS IN BEZUG AUF SCHLESIEN. Herausgegeben von T. E. Schummel und F. H. Stan- nius. No. i-in.t illust. 8°. Breslau, 1832-33. Each number has a second title : — I. Versuch einer genauen Beschreibung der in Schlesien einheimigchen Arten der Gattung RaplMia, Linn., von T. E. Schummel. 1832. II. - der Familie der Euderwanzen Ploteres, Latr.f von T. Schummel. 1S82. HI. - der Gattung Tipula, Meigen. Bachmiicke. Von T. E. Schummel. 1833. BEITRAEGE ZUR GEOLOGIE UND FA- L AEONTOLOGIE. Herausgegeben von J. G. Borne- mann. Hft. l.f pp. 61 : 3 pis., text illust. 4°. Jena, 1889. .^ S(, . _ , 126 L • /t t i BEITRAEGE ZUR GEOLOGIE UND FA- LAEONTOLOGIE DES HERZOGTHUMS BRAUNSCHWEIG, fcc. See BRUNSWICK. — Henogliches Staate-Ministerium. BEITRAEGE ZUR KENNTNISS DES RUSSISCHEN REICHES, &c. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. BEITRAEGE ZUR LANDESKUNDE OESTERREICH'S UNTER DER ENNS. See VIENNA. — VEREIN FUER VATERLAENDISCHE GBSCHICHTE, BEITRAEGE ZUR NATURKUNDE. . \_Bequn as /) Archiv fiir die systematische Naturgeschichte heraus- gegeben von . . . F. Weber und . . . D. M. H. Mohr. Bd. i, st. 1. 8°. Leipzig, 1804. [Continued as :] Beitrage zur Naturkunde . . . verfasst und heraus- gegeben von . . . F. Weber und . . . D. M. H. Mohr. fa Bd. I & H.t 8°. Kiel, 1805-10. Bd. u was edited by Weber alone. BEITRAEGE ZUR NATURKUNDE AUS L DEN OSTSEEFROVINZEN RUSSLANDS . . . herausgegeben von [C. H.] Pander. Heft i.f pp. 158 : 2. 3 pis. 8°. Dor pat, 1820. BEITRAEGE ZUR NATURKUNDE und den 0 damit verwandten Wissenschaften besonders der ft Botanik, Chemie . . . und Apothekerkunst. Von F. Ehrhart. Bd.i-vn.t 8°. Hannover & Osnabriick, 1787-92. BEITRAEGE ZUR FALAEONTOGRAFHIE £, VON OESTERREICH. Herausgegeben von F. R. von Hauer. Bd. I, hft. 1, 2.t w. 64 : 14 pis. 4°. Wien & Olmiiz, 1858-59. BEITRAEGE ZUR FALAEONTOLOGIE VON OESTERREICH - UNGARN UND DEN /> ANGRENZENDEN GEBIETEN, &c. ^ See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-K.PENICLICHE UNIVERSITAET. Beitrage zur Palaontologie Osterreich-Ungarns und des Orients, Ac. 4°. 1880-81. BEITRAEGE ZUR FALAEONTOLOGIE OESTERREICH - UNGARNS UND DES ORIENTS. See VIENNA.— KAISERLICH-KOENIOLICHE UNIVERSITAET. BEITRAEGE ZUR FETREFACTEN-KUNDE . herausgegeben von G. Graf zu Miinster. Hft. i-n. fr 4°. Beyreuth, 1839. herausgegeben von G. Graf zu Miinster ([and afterwards] W. Dunker). Hft. i-vn.f <*• 4°. Beyreuth, 1843 (1839)-! 846. lift, l is of the second edition, of which pp. 1-SO, " Ueber die Cjyim'nicn and ( loniat ilen," *<•., are a new edition of the paper " Ueber die Planil- liten und Goniatiten," <*r., issued in 1882. Hft. u & iv are each devoted to a single paper with a second title an nnder : — lift. 11. Decapod* macroura. Abbildungnnd Bescbreibnngder foiwilen Ungwhwanzifren Krebne in Kallucbiefem von Bnyern . . . von G. Graf in Minuter. 1889. „ IV. Beitrage rnr Geognosie und PetrefacUn-Kunde des siidiiiit- licbcn Tirol's voraiiglich der Schichten von St. Caieian. Von Dr. Wwunann und G. Graf zn Miinster. 1841. BEITRAEGE ZUR FFLANZENKUNDE DES RUSSISCHEN REICHES. See ST. PETERSBURG. —ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. A f BEITRAEGE ZUR FHTSIOLOGIE UND MORFHOLOGIE NIEDERER ORGANIS- MEN. Aus dem Kryptogamischen Laboratorium (3 der Universitat Halle a. ft. Herausgegeben von . . . W. Zopf. Heft i-» 8°. Leipzig, 1892-» BEITRAEGE ZUR WISSENSCH AFTLICHEN BOTANIK. Herausgegeben von . . . M. Fiinfstiick. A Bd. !-». 8°. Stuttgart, 1895-» BEK (ALEKSYEI NIKOLAEVICH KAZEM). See KAZEM-BEK. BEK (VILHELM VILHELMOVICH). See BECK (W. VON). BEKAREVICH (NIKOLAI MlKHAiLOvICH) Material j_ k Florye Kostromskol ghubernii. [Contributions to the Flora of the Kostroma government.] pp. 62. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOlSPUITATELEI PR! 1MPERA- TORSKOM KAZANSKOM UNIVERSlTETYE. Trudui, &C. Tom. xn. [No. 3.] 8°. 1883. Bekarevicli (N. M.) O nyekotoruikh anomaliyakh, vstryechayushchlkhsya u Syringa vulgaris L., Galium •* • moLlugo L. I Campanula patula L. — Ueber einige <- Anomalien von Syringa vulgaris L., Galium mollugo L. & Campanula patula L. pp. 4. See KAZAN.— OBSH- O If CHESTVO ESTESTVOlSPUITATELEI PRI IMPERATORSKOM KAZANSKOM UNIVERSlTETYE. Protokolui zasyedanil, Ac. 1885-86. Prilozheniya [Appendix], No. 88. 8°. 1886. Bekarevicli (N. M.) d- Dmitriev (S. E.) Predvarltel'- nuil otchet ob izslyedovaniyakh drevnlkh kladbishch |_ v Kostromskol ghubernii, proizvedennuikh lyetom 1882 ghoda. [Preliminary account of explorations of the ancient burial places in the Kostroma government, executed in the summer of 1882.] pp. 13. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOlSPUITATELEI PRI IMPERA- TORSKOM KAZANSKOM UNIVERSlTETYE. Protokolui S I ? 3 « zasyedanil, &c. 1882-83. Prilozheniya [Appendix], No. 66. 8°. 1883. BEKAREWITSCH (NicoLAi). See BEKAREVICH (N. M.) BEKE (CHARLES TILSTONE) [1800-1874] The sources L • of the Nile : being a general survey of the basin of that -7 ^ . river and of its head-streams ; with the history of 0, Nilotic discovery, pp. xv, 155: 1 pi., 5 maps, text a Must. 8°. Lwulon, 1860. Beke (C. T.) Resume of the Journey of MM. Monteiro , and Gamitto, &c. See ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, y The Lands of Cazembe, &c. 8". 1 873. <•> J Beke (C. T.) The late Dr. C. Beke's discoveries of Sinai in Arabia and of Midian . . . Edited [with intro- duction] by his Widow [E. Beke, formerly Alston]. pp. xvili, 606 : 15 pis., 1 map. 8°. London, 1878. Appendix contains : — A. Geological Notes ... By J. Milne. D Copy of Prof. Oliver's determination of Plants collected. E. Lint "f Shells ... By J. Milne. BEKETOFF (ANDREAS). See BEKETOV (A. N.) BEKETOV (ANDRE! NIKOLAEVICH) [1825-] Ocherk TiHisskol Florui s opisaniem lyutikovnikh el Prinad- lezhashchikh. [An account of the Tiflis Flora, with a description of the Ranunculaceae belonging to it— a botanical Thesis.] pp. 55 : 3 pis., 1 map. 8°. Sanktpeterburgh, 1853. Beketov (A. N.) Kurs Botaniki [Botanical Course]. Tom. i.t pp.iv,S17,lix:S9pli. 8?.Sanktpeterburgh,1862. Beketov (A. N.) Materialui dlya izucheniya Peterburgh- skol Rastitel'nosti. [Contributions towards the study of the St. Petersburg Vegetation.] See ST. PETERS- BURG.— RU8SKOE ENTOMOLOGHlCHESKOE OBSHCHESTVO. Estestvennolstorlcheskiya izslyedovaniya S. Peter- burghskol ghubernii, 8°. Belfast, 1883-» Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. See IRISH NATURALIST, THE . . . Official organ of the ... Society, &c. Vol. i-» 8°. 1892-» Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. On the study of Natural History, as a branch of general education in schools and colleges ; being a paper read before the . . . Society, &c. See PATTERSON (R.) 8°. 1840. I . L L. BELFAST [Founded 1803.] Annual NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. ___ ^ t, 1869-73. o»C /u >rt, &c. No. vi-x. 8". £j [Continued as : nual Report and ProceedingsyfrJiT Series II, vol. i-> \ Belfast, 1881 (1875 )-» Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. See IRISH NATURALIST, THE . . . Official organ of the . . . Club, &c. Vol. i-> 8°. 1892-» Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. Guide to Belfast and the adjacent counties by members of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. pp. 327: 47 pis., 1 map. 8°. Belfast, 1874. Prepared for the use of the members of the British Association. Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. A Flora of the North-East of Ireland, &c. See STEWART A. (S. A.) & CORRY (T. H.) 8». 1888. • I c 128 B 6 e Gr 6 BELGIQUE HORTICOLE, La, Journal des JurdiiiK, lies Scrri's i-t lies YrrgiTs, par C. Morren ( . . . et E. Morren). Tom. i-xiv. 8°. Liege, 1851-64. Annales d'Horticulture Beige et Etrangere par E. Morren. Tom. xv-xxiv. 8°. Liege, 1865-74. Table gendrale . . . Tom. i-xx. 1851-70. 8°. Liege, 1871. Annales de Botanique et d'Horticulture, par E. Morren. Tom. xxv-xxxiv. 8°. Liege, 1875-84. BELGIUM. — ADMINISTRATION CENTRALE DES MINES. — Service Geologique. [Established 189«.] Bibliographia Geologica . . . Par M. Mourlon . . . avec la collaboration de G. Simoens. 8°. Bruxelles, 1897. Belgium.— ADMINISTRATION CENTRALE DES MINES.— Service Geologique. La Classification Decimale de M. Dewey appliquee aux sciences geologiques pour l'61aboration de la Biblio- graphia Geologica, &c. pp. 84. 8°. Bruxelles, 1898. BELGIUM. — COMMISSION GEOLOGIQUE. Explication de la feuille de Roulers, par A. Rutot. pp. 43 : text Must. 8°. Bruxelles, 1885. Belgium. — COMMISSION G&XLOGIQUE. [Mam] Carte G6ologique de la Belgique. Echelle metrique 1 : 40,000 [i.e. 1 m. = 1| in. about]. Sh. 52-» ged. cd. Bruxelles [1894-»]. BELGIUM. — COMMISSION ROYALE DE POMOLOGIE. Annales de Pomologie Beige et Etrangere, &c. Ann. i-vin, cd. Must. 4°. Bruxelles, 1853-60. A series of plates with descriptive letterpress. Each article is signed, the chief contributors being A. Royer, A. Bivort, L. de Bavay, and C. H. Hennan. BELGIUM.— SERVICE DE LA CARTE GEOLOGIQUB. See supra, Commission Geologique. BELGIUM. — Academie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. See BRUSSELS. BELGIUM. Federation des Societes d'Horti- cultnre de Belgique. Bulletin, s.] Cdrte geologiqu* de la et des provinces vojmnes par G. IJewalque. 1 : 500,000 [i.e. 1 in/= ?! m. aboujtjT cd/ / Bruxelles [1879]. For a " Notice explicative," See UKWAI.QUE (G. J. Q.) Belgium. [Maps,] Carte physique et hypsomdtrique ( dela Belgique. Echelle 1 : 200,000 [i.e. I in. = 3'15 m.] ^ ^ Bruxelles [188-]. > Belgium. [Maps] [For Geological Maps] See also supra, Commission Geologique. BELGRADE. — INSTITUT GEOLOGIQUE. Gheoloshki Anali Balkanskogha Poluostrova, :\\\ in each volume are separately paged. The papers are acconv panied by a French or a German translation. BELGRAND (MARIE FRANCOIS EUGENE) [1810-1878] Histoire g6ner,ale de Paris. La Seine. I. Le bassin £ Parisien aux Ages antehistoriques. pp. 56 (4) : 80 pis. 4°. Pan-is, 1869. BELKE (GUSTAW) Ezut oka na Historya Paleontologii i na fauny Paleozoiczne Rossyi i Polski, dec. pp. 29. £. 8°. Petersburg, 1862. Za pozwolenieui Cenzury. BELL (ALFRED) On the "Mud Deposit" at Selsey, Sussex. See DIXON (F.) The geology of Sussex . . . New [Second] edition, . Bell (F. J.) The Zoological Record . . . Edited by F. J. Bell. 1884-85. Vol. xxi-xxn. See ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. 8°. 1885-86. Bell (F. J.) Note on a Nematoid Worm (Gordim verrucosus) obtained ... on Kilima-njaro. See JOHN- STON (H. H.) The Kilima-njaro Expedition, &c. Chap. xvin. Appendix I. 8°. 1886 [1885]. Bell (F. J.) On the Holothurians of the Mergui '3.6- I Archipelago. See ANDERSON (JOHN) F.R.S. [On the Zoological Collections made in the Mergui Archipelago, &c.] Vol. i. 8". 1886. Bell (F. J.) Echinodermata. See FERNANDO DE 0, f [_ NORONHA, Island of. The Natural History of the Island, &c. 8°. 1890. c, L. Z- Bell (F. J.) Catalogue of the British Echinoderms in the ... Museum, &c. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1892. /• BELL (H. C. P.) The Voyage of F. Pyrard of Laval to the East Indies . . . Translated . . . from the third • French edition of 1619 and edited with notes ... by , H. C. P. Bell. 2 Vol. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, 't\ &c. No. 76, 77, 80. 8°. 1887-90. BELL (Sir ISAAC LOWTHIAN) Bart. [1816-] Notes of jy. a visit to Coal- and Iron-mines and Ironworks in the United States . . . Second edition, pp. iv, 66. 8°. Neiocastle-on-Tyne, 1875. The first edition appeared in the same year. BELL (JACOB) [1810-1859] Pharmaceutical Journal £ and Transactions . . . Edited by J. Bell. Vol. i-xvin. See PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN. 8°. 1842-59. BELL (JOHN) [1691-1780] Travels from St. Peters- L burg ... to diverse parts of Asia. 2 Vol. [in 1.] 1 map. 4°. Glasgow, &c., 1763. f See PINKERTON (J.) Voyages, &e. Vol. vii. A general collection of . . . 4°. 1811. BELL (ROBERT) [For reports in connection with the Survey] See CANADA.— Geological and Natural History Survey. BELL (ROBERT GEORGE) [1833-1888] Note on the Pliocene beds of St. Erth. See GEOLOGISTS' ASSOCIA- TION. Excursion to Cornwall . . . 1887, &c. 8°. 1887. BELL (THOMAS) F.R.S. [1792-1880] See ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL, THE . . . Conducted by T. Bell, &c. Vol. i-n. 8°. 1825-26. Bell (T.) F.R.S. Treatise on the ... Human Teeth ... By J. Hunter . . . With notes by T. Bell. See HUN- TEE (J.) The Works of J. Hunter, &c. Vol.n. 8°. 1835. Bell (T.) F.R.S. A monograph of the Testudinata, Pt. i-vin.t pp. xxiv [50] : 40 pis. col. 4°. London [1836-42]. Title from wrapper. [Another copy.] Wanting the plates. There are bound np with this copy 11 additional pages (proof) of text, proof copies of four of the plates, and a proof of the text written by J. E. Gray to accompany the sets of the plates which were issued in 1872 under the title " Tortoises, Terrapins and Turtles." See SOWERBV (J, DE C.) & LEAR (E.) [Another copy.] pp. xxiv : 46 foil, text and 61 proof pis. before letters with some copies as published. In this copy the text and plates published and unpublished are syste- matically arranged. Wanting the wrappers, and text of Smys HttmUtoni and Teri-apene • ••••[•>. Bell (T.) F.K.S. A history of British Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea. pp. xviii, 526 : text illmt. 8°. London, 1837. 2. Large-paper copy. - Second edition, revised . . . by the author assisted by R. F. Tomes . . . and E. E. Alston, pp. xviii, 474 : text illmt. 4°. London, 1874. 21 Bell (T.) F.R.S. A history pp. xiv, 143 : text illmt. Large-paper copy. of British Reptiles, &c. 8°. London, 1839. r 2. Second edition, pp. xxiv, 159 : text illmt. 8°. London, 1849. Bell (T.) F.R.S. Reptiles [collected during the voyage]. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle . . . during . . . 1832-36, &c. Pt. v. 4°. 1842. Bell (T.) F.R.S. The organization of Trilobites . . . By H. Burmeister . . . Edited from the German by Prof. Bell, Languedocien. 12°. Montpellier, 1840. D Ann. Soc. Agric. Depart. L'Herault. 1840, pp. 85-118. BELLEVAL (PIERRE RICHER DE) [c. 1558-1625] Opuscules de P. R. de Belleval . . . auxquels on a Q joint un traite d'O. de Serres, Sur la maniere de travailler 1'ecorce du Murier blanc. Nouvelle edition ... [with a preface] par M. Broussonet. 4°. Port's, 1785. A aeries of reprints, titles included, from tho original fonts, with covering title and preface, comprising : — Preface de 1'Editeur. pp. 8. 'OrojuiaToXayia sen Nomenclature Stirpium, quw in Horto Regio Mon- speliensi recens constnicto coluntur, «te. (Remonstrance, .iv.) ; '/i. SS (',}. 4°. Momptlii, 1598. Demioin touchant la recerche des Phuites du pays de Languedoc, Jr. pp. S : 6 pit. 4°. Montpelliti; 1605. La seconde richesse dn Meurier blanc, qui se treuve en son escorce . . . Eschantilton de la seconde edition du Theatre d' Agriculture, d'O. de Serres, tte. pp. 18. 4°. Parti, 1603. Belleval (P. R. DE) 'Ovo^aroXoym seu Npmenclatura $ Stirpium, quae in Horto Regio Monspeliensi recens constructo coluntur. pp. 38. 4°. Monspelii, 1598. Belleval (P. R. DE) [For previously unpublished illus- trations of Plants] See GILIBERT (J. E.) J. E. Gilibert £/• . . . Exercitia Phytologica, dec. 2 Vol. 8°. 1792. See BOTANY. Demonstrations 616mentaires de fi Botanique . . . Quatribme Edition. Atlas. 4°. 1796. Belleval (P. R. DE) Notice historique sur la vie, les travaux et les ecrits de P. R. de Belleval.— Observations # sur les figures des Plantes de la seconde serie contenant ' les descriptions de Belleval. See BOTANY. D6monstra- tions elementaires de Botanique, dec. Atlas, torn. I. 4°. 1796. Belleval See PLANCHON (P. R. DE) P. R. de Belleval . . . Discours, dec. ij rcHON (J. E.) 8°. 1869. " - into the Ethnography of Afghanistan, pp. iv, 208. 8°. Wo BELLEW (HENRY WALTER) [1833-1892] An inquiry i \ iv, 208. roking, 1891. BELLI (ONORIO) See BELLUS (HONORIUS) BELLIO (VICTOR) [1847-] & Taramelli (T.) Geo- Q. grafia e Geologia dell' Africa. See TARAMELLI (T.) & BELLIO (V.) 8°. 1890. BELLO T ESPINOSA (DoMiNoo) Apuntes para la Flora de Puerto-Rico . . . Primera ( — Segunda) parte. ' pp. 102 : 3 pis. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE ^ ^ HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, dec. Tom. x & xu. 8°. 1881, 83. BELLOC (£MILE) Les Diatomees de Luchon et des 0 Pyrenees centrales. pp. 58 : 1 pi. S'.Saint-Ga-udens^SST. Revue de Comminges. Tom. in. BELLONIUS (PETRUS) See BELON. BELLOTTI ^CRISTOFORO) Descrizione di alcune nuove specie ai Pesci fossili di Perledo e di altre (° localita Lombarde. See STOPPANI ( A.) Studii geologic! e paleontologici sulla Lombardia, dec. 8°. 1857. BELLUCCI (GIUSEPPE) Sulla formazione doll' Amido A ne' grani di clorofilla. pp. 19. 4«. Perugia, 1887. BELLUCCIUS (THOMAS) [-1671] Plantarum index Horti Pisani (Appendix Plantarum Florentines Hortos Ornantium). pp. 64. ' 8". Florentice, 1662. Each leaf has been trimmed and mounted. BELLUNO. [Maps] Carta geologica della provincia di Belluno . . . dal T. Taramelli. Scala . . . 1 : 172,800 [i.e. 1 in. = 2|m. about]. col. Torino [1883]. For " Note illustrative" See TABAMELH (T.) BELLU8 (HONORIUS) H. Belli Vicentini . . . aliquot Epistolae, de rarioribus quibusdam Plantis agentes. See LECLUSE (C. DE) C. Clusii . . . Rariorum Plan- tarum Historia, &c. fol. 1601. Bellas (H.) Plantse . . . quae in Baldo Monte . . . reperiuntur . . . Secunda editio. Cui additae sunt nonnullae Stirpes insignes ab H. Bello ... in Greta observatae, &c. See PONA (G.) 4°. 1608. BELLYNCK (AUGUSTE ALEXIS ADOLPHE ALEX- ANDRE) [1814-1877] Flore de Namur . . . Plantes Vasculaires. pp. xxxii, 853. 8°. Namur & Bruxelles, 1855. Belly nek (A. A. A. A.) Catalogue des Plantes . . . (2 observees en Belgique, &c. pp. 80. 8°. Namur, 1876. Bellynck (A. A. A. A.) La Botanique en 1876. pp. 24. A I See BRUSSELS. — SOCIETE SCIENTIFIQUE. Annales, &c. L Tom. i. (Memoires.) 8". 1877. BELON (PIERRE) [1517-1564] P. Bellonii . . . De £, libri duo, &c. pp. [xxx,] 448 : text illust. obi. 8". Parisiis, 1553. _, C. Gesneri . . . Histories Animalium . . . Liber III! . . . continentur ... P. Bellonii . . . de Aquatilium singulis scripta, &c. See GESNER (C.) fol. 1558. Editio secunda, &c. fol. 1620. Belon (P.) L'Histoire de la nature des Oyseaux, avec leurs descriptions, & naifs portraicts retirez du nature!, Z escrite en sept livres, &c. pp. [28,] 381 : text illust. fol. Paris, 1555. £,, Belon (P.) Les observationsde--p1usieurs singuli „ t> & choses memorables,j2»trfees en Grece, Asieftfudee, Egypte, Arable, &>»tfes pays estranges, redigees en trois livres. follJ^\Sll : 1 pi., text illustf^0. Paris, 1555. B B B uiother edition.] pp. lav,] 468 : text illust. 4°. Paris, 1588. Belon (P.) P. Bellonii . . . Plurimarum singularium lu- tion^fliving forms, pp. jftft^^OS : 4 pis., 1 meep, text Must. 8°. London, 1874. Belt (T.) The superficial gravels and clays around Finchley, Baling, and Brentford, pp. 47 : text illust. 8°. London, 1878. Or . Quart. Journ. Science. Vol. viii, BELTRAMINI DE' CASATI (FRANCESCO) [1828-] I Licheni Bassanesi enumerati e descritti. pp. 314: 4 pis. 6 8°. Bassano, 1858. BELTREMIEUX (EDOUARD) Faune fossile du /• departement de la Charente-Inferieure. pp. 80. ^ 8°. La Rochelle, 1866. Ann. Acad. La Rochelle. BELVEDERE, near Weimar. Hortus Belvedereanus, or a Catalogue of Plants cultivated in the . . . Garden, &c. No. 1. See DENNSTEDT (A. W.) 4°. 1820. BELZUNG (ERNEST FERDINAND) These ... La Chlorophylle et ses fonctions. pp.106: text illust. 4°. Paris, 1889. BEMMELEN ( J. A. VAN) See REPERTORIUM ANNUUM LlTERATURAE BOTANICAE PERIODICAE ; CUravit J. A. van Bemmelen. Tom. I. 8°. 1873. BEMMELEN (JOHAN FRANS VAN) Over den bouw £ der Schelpen van Brachiopoden en Chitonen. Acade- :^ misch proefschrift, &c. pp. Ill : 1 pi. 8°. Leiden, 1882. *• Bemmelen (JOHAN F. VAN) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Halsgegend bei Reptilien ... I Anatomischer Theil. •, See AMSTERDAM. — KONINKLIJK ZOOLOGISCH GENOOT- SCHAP, &c. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde. Aflev. 15. 4°. 1888. Bemmelen (JOHAN F. VAN) Bemerkungen iiber den Schadelbau von Dermochelys coriacea. See HAECKEL -^ (E. H.) & others. Festschrift, &c. Bd. n. 8°. 1896. ^ BENDIRE (CHARLES EMIL) [1836-1897] Directions ^ for collecting, preparing, and preserving Birds' Eggs and Nests, pp. 10: text illtist. See UNITED STATES S(£l 'f ^7- n < NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, &c. No. 39, Pt. D. 8°. 1891. Beudire (C. E.) Life histories of North American /_ _ Birds [Gallinaceous Birds, Pigeons & Birds of Prey] with special reference to their breeding habits and S • 3. t^«J ^ , £ eggs, &c. pp. x, 44.6 : 12 pis. col. See: SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Contributions to Know- ledge. Vol. xxvni. 4°. 1892. [Another issue.] See UNITED STATES NATIONAL / <>.i.t4. MUSEUM. Special Bulletin. No. 1. 4°. 1892. from the Parrots to the Grackles, &c. pp. viii, [1,] 518 : 7 pis. col. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smith- / sonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. xxxii. 4°. 1895. ' BENDYSCHE (THOMAS) The Anthropological Treatises of J. F. Blumenbach, with memoirs of him , . . Translated and edited . . . by T. Bendysche. See ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Publica- tions, &c. 8°. 1865. 132 BENDZ (HENRIK CARL BANG) [1806-1882] Icones -7 Anatomicse vulgarium Danicprum Mammalium domesti- corum. Fasciculus osteologicus. 24 fis., with keys. tol. Hafnice, 1850. Wanting pit. 1S-24 ; and the text entitled " Explioatio," 1°l • 7 pis. See BRUSSELS. — ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, ^A. dkc. Memoires couronnds, dec. Tom. XLIV, no. 3. 4°. 1882. Beneden (E. VAN) Verzeichniss der von . . . E. van [_ Beneden an der Kiiste von Brasilien gesammelten . Echinodermen von . . . H. Ludwig, asc. pp. 26. ^ See BRUSSELS. — ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, dkc. Memoires couronn6s, dkc. Tom. XLIV, no. 5. 4°. 1882. Beneden (E. VAN) See ARCHIVES DE BioLooiEpubliees -, par E. van Beneden, dkc. Tom. i-» 8°. 1882-» ' Beneden (E. VAN) Recherches sur la maturation de 1'CEuf, la fecondation et la division cellulaire [in Ascaris Z- mer/alocephala]. pp. [iv,] 422 : Upls. 8°. Gand, — ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, dec. Memoires C \n couronnes, dec. Tom. xxxiv. 4°. 1870. BENEDEN (PIERRE JOSEPH VAN) [1809-1894] £_ Anatomie du Pneumodermon violaceum, D'Orb, &c. , (Note sur une nouvelle espece de Pneumoderme [P. ' mediterraneuni].) pp. 14: 3 pis. See BRUSSELS. — S"70I • ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, dec. Nouveaux Memoires, dkc. Tom. xi. 4°. 1838. Beneden (P. J. VAN) Memoire sur 1'Argonaute, dkc. ]_, pp. 24: 6 pis. See BRUSSELS.— ACADEMIE ROYALE c^oi. DES SCIENCES, dkc. Nouveaux Memoires, dec. Tom. xi. 4°. 1838. Beneden (P. J. VAN) Memoire sur le Limneus f/luti- nosus, dkc. pp. 16: 1 pi. See BRUSSELS. — ACADEMIE i- ROYALE DES SCIENCES, dec. Nouveaux Memoires, dkc. ? fa Tom. xi. 4°. 1838. Beneden (P. J. VAN) Exercices zootomiques. pp. $4 : 10 pis. 4°. Bruxelles, 1839. Under the above collective title were issued the following separate -7 papers from the Mini. Acad. Roy. Sci. Belgiqne. Tom. xi :— Memoire Z- sur 1'Argonaute. — Memoire sur le Limnfus glvtinotus. — Kecherches anatomiques sur le PneuwtxUiiuon vioiactum, D'Orb. — Note sur une nonvelle espece de Pneumoderme. Beneden (P. J. VAN) Exercices zootpmiques. (Mdmoire . sur la Cymbulie de Peron. — Memoire sur un nouveau L , genre de Mollusques [Tiedemannia] voisin des Cym- bulies, du Golfe de Naples. — Memoire sur 1'anatomie £7*"' des genres Hyale, Cleodore et Cuvierie.) pp. 63 : 4 $*• See BRUSSELS.— ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, dec. Nouveaux Memoires, dkc. Tom. xn. 4°. 1839. [Another edition.] pp. 58 [8\ : 5 pis. A [Brussels, 1839-41.] 2 The same as the preceding, with the addition of a " Memoire snr la Limacina a>r£ica," published in Vol. xiv of the same Memoirs. Beneden (P. J. VAN) Memoire sur la Limacina arctica, [_ dkc. pp. 14: 1 pi. See BRUSSELS.— ACADEMIE HOYALE ? DES SCIENCES, dec. Nouveaux Memoires, dkc. Tom. xiv. 4U. 1841. Beneden (P. J. VAN) Recherches sur I'embryog^nie des Sepioles, dkc. pp. 11: 1 pi. See BRUSSELS.— , ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, dkc. NoUVeaUX Memoires, dkc. Tom. xiv. 4°. 1841. 2. Beneden (P. J. VAN) Memoire sur les Campanulaires de la cote d'Ostende, consideres sous le rapport physio- [_ logique, embryogenique et zoologique, dkc. pp. J$ : -. ft pis. See BRUSSELS.— ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, dkc. Nouveaux Memoires, dkc. Tom. XVH. 4°. 1844. t^j , Til 133 i Benedeu (P. J. VAN) Recherches sur I'embryog6nie des Tubulaires, et 1'histoire naturelle des diff6rents genres de cette famille qui habitent la cote d'Ostende, &c. pp. 72 : 6 pis. See BRUSSELS. — ACAD^MIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, &c. Nouveaux Memoires, ectively. 'A" and"B" Beneden (P. J. VAN) Recherches sur 1'histoire natu- relle et le developpement de VAtax ypsilophora (Hy- drachna concharum), Acaride vivant en parasite sur les I . Benedeu (P. J. VAN) Sur un nouveau genre de Ziphioide fossile (Placoziphius) trouve a Edeghem, pres d'Anvers, *• • &c. pp. 12: 2 pis. (See BRUSSELS. — ACADEMIE ROYALE ^ -, o ^ DES SCIENCES, t*re«.) Genres : ifeonptera, Balamoptera, Burti- nopta et Brpttocetiu. pp. 90 : 70 pit., text illtttt. 1882. •i *• Genre: Pletiantut. pp. U> : SO pit. 1885. n *• Genre*: Ampkiatiu, Heteroettut, Maocetut, Idiocetta at liocttut. pp. 139: 70 pit. 1886. Beneden (P. J. VAN) Deux Plesiosaures du Lias inf erieur du Luxembourg, &c. pp. 45: 4 pis. See BRUSSELS. — ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, &c. Memoires, 10t CiC £37 Beneden (P. J. VAN) Histoire naturelle de la Baleine des Basques (Balaena Biscayensis). pp. 44. See BRUSSELS. —ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, &c. Memoires couronnes . . . Collection in 8°. Tom. xxxvin. 8°. 1886. Beneden (P. J. VAN) Histoire naturelle de la Baleine j_ k bosse (Megaptera hoops), pp. 42. See BRUSSELS. — ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, . s, i+ + (it XXXV). 4°. 1864 ('>', xxix. 1852. „ xxv. 1. Report on the Teak Plantations of Bengal, by ... H. Falconer. 2. Notes on the productive capacities of the Shan countries, by . . . S. F. Hannay. 5. Correspondence relative to the discovery of the Tea Plant in Sylhet, by T. P. Larkins. 6. Report on the Hon'ble Company's Botanic Garden, by . . . [T.J Thomson. 7. Notes on the Patna Opium Agency, by ... B. Lyell. pp. 100: Imap. 1857. Bengal. Cotton Hand-book for Bengal . . . Compiled o by J. G. Medlicott, &c. pp. xi, \ : 1 map. 4°. Calcutta, 1862. L Bengal. The Gazetteer of Sikhim, &c. pp. xv, xxii, S92 : 21 pis., 2 maps. 8°. Calcutta, 1894. Contains, inter alia : — Introduction. By H. H. Risley. Notes on the Geology and Mineral Resources ... By P. N. Bose. Vegetation. By J. Gammie. The Vegetation of temperate and alpine Sikhim. By G. A. Gammie. Butterflies. By J. Gammie. A list of the Butterflies . . . By L. de Niceville. Reptiles. By J. Gammie. Birds. By J. Gammie. A list of Sikhim Birds, showing their geographical distribution. By L. A. Waddell. Mammals. By J. Gammie. One of the maps is entitled :— " Skeleton map of Sikhim. Scale 1 in. 4 m." BENGEL (ERNST) Osteologie des Indischen Kroko- £. dils. Eine Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 29. 8°. Tubingen, 1834. BENGEL (VICTOR) Rhabarbarum officinarum . . . p Proponit V. Bengel. See GMELIN (J. G.) 4°. [1752.] r- BENGTSSON (SIMON FREDRIK) Bidrag till Kanne- domen oin Larven af Phalacrocera replicata (Lin.) / pp.109: 4j>ls. illustrations . . . Edited by W. W. Saunders . . , & W. G. Smith . . . assisted by A. W. Bennett. 2 Pt. See SAUNDERS (W. W.) & SMITH (W. G.) 8°. 1871-72. Bennett (A. W.) Hydroleaceae, Pedalineae, — Polygaleae. /? See MARTIUS (C. F. P. VON) Flora Brasiliensis, . BENNETT (JOHN JOSEPH) [1801-1876] & Brown[>. 39 : 2 pis. 4°. Gottingen, 1882. Bensaude (A.) Beitrag zu einer Theorie der optischen Anomalien der regularen Krystalle. pp. viii, 43. 8s. Lissabon, 1894. Bensaude (A.) Die wahrscheinlichen Ursachen der anomaleu Doppelbrechung der Krystalle. pp. 57. 8°. Lissabon, 1896. Bensaude (A.) & Delgado (J. F. N.) Lista dos exem- ' plares de Mineraes de Rochas e de Fosseis [from Africa]. See CAPELLO (H. C. DE B.) & IVENS (R.) De Angola a contra-costa, Okc. Vol. u. Appendix. 8°. 1886. BENSLEY (EDWARD R.) & Lopes (J. M.) Nuevo Diccionario Ingles-Espanol y Espaiiol-Ingles, />. 56. 8".//o»u/ow,1835. 0 Bentham (G.) Commentationes de Leguminosarum « generibus. pp. 78. 4°. Vindobonae, 1837. " Benthant (G.) Enumeratio Plantarum quas in Novae . Hollandiae . . . collegit C. de Hugel. See ENDLICHER D (S. L.) & others. 4°. 1837. Bentham (G.) Plantas Hartwegianas imprimis Mexi-g canas . . . enumerat . . . G. Bentham. pp. 393. 8°. Londim, 1839 (-57). Bentham (G.) The Botany of the voyage of H.M.S. £ Sulphur . . . 1836-42 . . . The . . . descriptions by G. Bentham. See HINDS (R. B.) 4°. 1844. Bentham (GO [Australian Botany.] See MITCHELL |_ lit (Sir T. L.) Journal of an expedition into the interior of tropical Australia, Fitch. 2 Vol. 8°. London, 1865. ° This was re-isaued in 1878 and counted as the third edition. The illus- trations, with additions, were subsequently issued separately. See FITCH (W. H.) & SMITH (W. G.) Fourth edition, pp. Ixxx, 607. 8°. London, 1878. B Fifth edition ... By Sir J. D. Hooker, pp. Ixxx, o 534. 8°. London, 1887. c Sixth edition . . . By Sir J. D. Hooker, pp. Ixxx, D 684. 8°. London, 1892. u A re-issue of the preceding, with altered title. Bentham (G.) Leguminosae. See MARTIUS (C. F. P. v? Flora Brasiliensis, &c. Vol. xv, pars 1 & 2. YON) Flora fol. 1859-76. Bentham (G.) Flora Hongkongensis, dec. pp. 20*, li, o 482 : 1 map. 8°. London, 1861. Bentham (G.) Outlines of Elementary Botany, with tf special reference to local Floras, pp.48. 8°. London, 1861. This is reprinted in the author's "Flora Australieneis " and in other works. Bentham (G.) Flora Australiensis, &c. 7 Vol. 8°. London, 1863-78. Bentham (G.) [Descriptions of new species of Flower- -r- ing Plants collected during the Yarkand Expedition.] See HENDERSON (G.) & HUME (A. O.) Lahore to 7 Yarkand, fa. 8°. 1873. Bentham (G.) [Memoir.} See URBAN (I.) 8°. 1884. fi Bentham (G.) Bentham und Boissier. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Botanik. See WUNSCHMANN (E.) 4°. 1887. Bentham (G.) Bentham (G.) & Hooker (Sir J. D.) Genera Plan- tarum ad exemplaria imprimis in Herbariis Kewensibus servata definita. 3 Vol. 8". Londini, 1862-83. Erlauterungen zu Hooker et Bentham Genera Plan- tarum. pp. 67. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMI- SCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSEN8CHAFTEN. Abhandlungen . . . Fiinfte Folge, Bd. xin. Pflan- zengeographische Studien. Von J. Pulackjf ... I. 4°. 1864. Index Generum Phanerogamorum ... in Benthami et Hookeri " Genera Plantarum " fundatus, &c. See DURAND (T.) 8". 1888. Bentham (G.) & others. Public Natural History Collections. Copy of a memorial addressed to the Right Hon. the Chancellor of the Exchequer, pp. 4. 4". [London ? 1858.] BENTLEY (ROBERT) [1821-1894] A Manual of Botany . . . Third edition, pp. xxxi, 815 : text illust. 8°. London, 1873. The first edition appeared in 1861. Fourth edition, pp. xxxii, 870 : text illust. 8°. London, 1882. Beiitley (R.) The Student's Guide to Structural, Morphological, and Physiological Botany, pp. xiii, 482 : text illust. 8°. London, 1883. Bentley (R.) The Student's Guide to Systematic Botany, &c. pp. xii,178 : text illust. 8°. London, 1884. /? Bentley (R.) & Trimen (H.) Medicinal Plants . The plates by D. Blair. 4 Vol. col. illust. 8°. London, 1880. BENTON (FRANK) The Honey Bee, &c. pp. 118 : 12 pis., text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Department ^- of Agriculture. — Division of Entomology. Bulletin. New Series, No. 1. 8°. 1895. BENTZEL - STERNAU (ALBERT) Count [1806-] Uber die neueren Fortschritte der Lichenologie, &c. PP- ^5. 8°. Presburg, 1859. BENVENUTI (GIUSEPPE) [1728-1770?] Istituzioni di Mineralogia con la maggior chiarezza diaposte per f'\ facilmente imparare a conoscere i Fossili, &c. pp. xxiii, 104. 8°. Parma, 1790. BENZENBERG (JOHANN FRIEDRICH) [1777-1846] Art Die Sternschnuppen sind Steine aus den Mondvulkanen von 1 bis 5 Fuss Durchmesser, welche um unsere Erde herumniegen. pp. xvi, 80: 4 pis. 8°. Diisseldorf, 1834. B n Sternschnuppen. pp. 8°. Hamburg, xxm, 1839. Benzenberg (J. F.) Die 358: 9 pis. BENZON (R. VON FISCHER) See FISCHER-BENZON. i BENZONI (GIROLAMO) [1519-C.1570] NOVJB novi . - orbis historic, &c. See BRY (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [Grands Voyages— Latin IV- VI] Americae pars quarta (— sexta), &c. fol. 1594-1617. Beuzoni (G.) History of the New World . . . with i some particulars of the Island of Canary, &c. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 21. 8°. 1857. BERAETTELSE OM BOTANISKA ABBE TEN OCH UPPTAECKTEB. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. 2 BEBCE (JEAN ETIENNE) [1803-1879] Faune Entomo- logique Fran?aise : Lepidopteres, &c. 6 Vol. Must. 12°. Paris, 1867-78. Berce (J. E.) Histoire Naturelle de la France. 12° partie : Papillons. pp. ix, 235 : 27 pis. col. 8°. Paris (1884). Musee Scolaire Deyrolle. BERCHTOLD (FRIEDRICH VON) Count [1780-] Die Kartoffeln (Solanum tuberosum, C. Bauh.). Deren g Geschichte, &c. pp. 577. See BERCHTOLD (F. VON) Count & others. Oekonomisch - technische Flora Bohmens, &c. Bd. in, abth. 2. 8°. 1843. Originally issued separately in 1842, with two plates. Berchtold (F. VON) Count & Fieber (F. X.) Die Potamogeta Bohmens. Monpgraphisch bearbeitet in Jg okonomisch-technischer Hinsicnt von F. Grafen von Berchtold, in botanischer von F. X. Fieber, tike. pp. 50 : 4 pis. 8°. Pray, 1838. Reprinted, with the addition of the title, preface, and four plates, from the '• Oekonomisch-technische Flora Bohmens," etc., Bd. n, abth. 1, for which See BERCHTOLD (F. VON) Count (t ottiert. Berchtold (F. VON) Count & Pfund ( J.) Mpnographiae generis Verbasci prodromus ... In okonomisch- jg technischer und medizinischer Hinsicht bearbeitet von F. Grafen von Berchtold, in botanischer von J. Pfund. pp. 80 : 1 pi. 8°. Prog, 1840. Reprinted, with the addition of the title, preface, and the plate, from the "Oekonomisch-technische Flora Bohmens," ttc., Bd. HI, abth. 1, for which See BERCHTOLD (F. VON) Count it othert. Berchtold (F. VON) Count & others. Oekonomisch- technische Flora Bohmens ... In okonomisch-tech- nischer Hinsicht bearbeitet von F. Grafen von Berchtold, in botanischer [Bd. I, abth. 1] von W. B. Seidl ([Bd. I, abth. 2— Bd. in] P. M. Opiz). 3 Bd. 8°. Prog, 1836-43. Bd. I (2 Abth.) pp. xil, BOS [8]. 1836. Abth. 1. pp. S91 [2]. (Die Potamogeta fpp. 242-287] von F. X. Fieber.) 1888. Abth. 2. pp. 278 [SJ. (Die Echia [pp. 92-107] von F. X. Fieber.) 1839. „ in, Abth. 1. pp. 279-512. (Die Verbasca [pp. 352-424] von J. Pfund. 1841 . Abth. 2. pp. H, 577 [2J. Die Kartoffeln (Solanum tuoerosum, C. Bauh.) Deren Geschichte . . . etc. . . . Monographiach bearbeitet . . . von F. Grafen von Berchtold . . . Heransgege- ben von der k. k. patriotisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft im Konigreich Bohmen. Prag, 1842. 1843. This monograph forms nearly the whole of the part, and was originally issued as a distinct work, with two plates not given in this issue. BERCKHOLTZ (W.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Morphologic und Anatomie von Gunnera manicata, g Linden, pp. 19 : 9 pis. See BIBLIOTHECA BOTANICA. Hft. xxiv. 4°. 1891. r BEBDATT (FELIKS) [-1895] pp. viii, 448 : 1 pi. Flora Cracoviensis, p. 36. tierolini, 1863. vicinitate Postampiae. Dissertatio, dec. pp. 36. 8°. Ber< BERENS (REINHOLDUS) [1745 - 18231 Dissertatio inauguralis botanica de Dracone arbore Clusii . . . de- fendenda a R. Berens. pp. Hi : 1 pi. 4°. Goettingae, 1770. BEREZOVSKII (M.) & Biankl (V. (-.) Ptitzui Ghan'sufckagho puteshestviya gh. N. Potanina 1884- y 1887. Materialui po ornitologhii kitaya, ghlavnuim obrazom yuzhnol chasti provintzil Ghan'-su ... Aves expeditionis Potanini per provinciam Gan-su et confinia, 1884-1887. pp. xl, 155 : 3 pis. col., text Must. 4°. S&nktpeterburgh, 1891. of Tropical • (ALBERT) [1825-1884] Physiognomy of ition in South America ; a series of views BERG Vegetation o with a fragment of a letter from Baron Humboldt to the author and a preface by F. Klotzsch. 14 pis., with descriptive text. fol. London, 1854. The English text i» followed by tnuulation* into French and German, each with a separate title-page, the collation for each section Ix-im- pp. [ri,Jrt, it, 9(3). BERG (ALEXANDER) Anleitung zur Erkunnung der ft in der Arzneikunde gebrauchlichen phanerogamischen Gewiichse, dec. pp. m, 160. 8°. Berlin, 1832. BERG (CARLOS) Hemiptera Argentina enumeravit speciesque novas descripsit C. Berg. pp. 316. 8°. Bonarias dfc llamburgo, 1879. Addenda et emendanda, cfcc. pp. SIS. 8°. Bonarioe 8°. Bergen, 1893-> In Vol. 1887 -» each paper is separately paged. Bergen. — Bergeus Museum. Skrifter.) Bd! v. (Bergens Museums / 4°. Bergen, 1894. ± Bd. v. On the development and structure of the Whale. Pt. I. On . - the development of the Dolphin. -By G. Guldberg . . . and F. Nansen . pp. V, 70: 7 pit. 1894. Bergen. — Bergens Museum. Katalog over Dyrsam- lingen i Bergens Museum. Udarbeidet til veiledning — , for de bes0gende af O. S. Jensen, pp. iv, 183. 8°, Bergen, 1875. The wrapper ia dated 1882. Bergen.— Bergens Museum. Bidrag til Myzosto- -^ mernes anatomi og histologi. See NANSEN (F.) 4°. 1885. Bergen.— Bergens Museum. Nye Alcyonider, Gor- gonider og Pennatulider tilh0rende Norges Fauna. ~7 See KOREN (J.) & DANIELSSEN (D. C.) 4°. 1883. BERGEN (CARL AUGUST VON) [1704-1760] C. A. a Q Bergen . . . prOpempticon inaugurate, quo breviter disquirit, utri systematum an Tournefortiano an Linnaeano potiores partes deferendae sint ?, &c. pp. xvi. 4°. [Francofurti, 1742.] Bergen (C. A. VON) C. A. a Bergen . . . Catalogus Stirpium . . .-quas Hortus Medicus Academiae Via- i« drinse complectitur, &c. pp. [viii,] 120. 8°. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1744. Bergen (C. A. VON) Disputatio inauguralis medico- o pharmaceutica sistens Lapidem Lydium medicamen- torum bonae notae regni vegetabilis quoad radices ligna cortices herbasque quam ... praeside C. A. a Bergen . . . submittit respondens J. A. Wessel, &c. pp. 24- 4°. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1744. Bergen (C. A. VON) C. A. a Bergen . . . epistola de £ Alchimilla supina ejusque coccis, &c. pp. 16. . 4°. Francofurti ad Viadrum (1748). Bergen (C. A. VON) C. A. de Bergen . . . Flora Francofurtana, &c.,3~5. £ 8°. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1750, 140 6 Bergen (C. A. VON) Dissertatio botanicade Aloide, Ac. pp. 82: 1 pi. 4°. Francofwti ad Viadrum, 1753. -, Bergen (C. A. VON) Classes Conchyliorum. pp. 1S2. 4*. Norimbergae, 1760. ,. BERGE1T (HEINRICH VON) Versuch einer Mono- £ graphie der China, pp. ix, 348 : 8 pis. col. 4°. & fol. Hamburg, 1826. BERGEN (LAUB. MAON. VON) Empidise Sveciae. -j Guarum descriptionem . . . aubjicit L. M. von Bergen. £« FALLEN (C.F.) Diptera Sveciae, benhavn, 1874. Bergh (L. S. R.) On the Nudibranchiate Gasteroppd -, MoUusca of the North Pacific Ocean, with special <=-- reference to those of Alaska. 2 Pt. See DALL (W. H.) Scientific Results of the Exploration of Alaska . . . during . . . 1865-74. Vol. i, art. 5-6. 8°. 1879-80. Bergh (L. S. R.) Report on the Nudibranchiata L- dredged by H.M.S. Challenger, &c. pp. 151 : 14 pis. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Challenger Ex- pedition. Report, e u Editio secunda. 8°. 1789. BERGMAN ( JOHANNES) Dissertatio academica, fabri- cam, usum & differentias Palporum in Insectis exponens. Cujus particulam V:am . . . submittit J. Bergman. See BONSDORFF (G.) 4°. 1792. BERGMAN (ToRBERN OLOF) [1735-1784] Observa- tions and Chemical Examination of the Lava and other substances produced in the Island. See TROIL (U. VON) Letters on Iceland, &c. 8°. 1780. Bergman (T. O.) Sciagraphia Regni Mineralis se- cundum principia proxima digesti. pp. 165. 8°. Londint, 1783. r. 143 A. Bergman (T. O.) Outlines of Mineralogy, translated from the original . . . By W. Withering, &c. pp. iv, 8°. Birmingham, 1783. 1S8. ff\ Bergman (T. O.) Manuel du mine'ralogiste ; ou Scia- », • ,.. ™ . ^ m _ j..:^ et augmentee Hi, 243. 8°. Paris, 1784. par J. C. 'am, 1792. graphie du Regne Mineral . . . Traduite et augmentee de notes par M. Mongez, &c. pp. Ixxxviii, 243. *\ Nouvelle Edition . . . augmentee, par J. C. Delame'therie. 2 Tom. Must. Bergman (T. O.) Physical and Chemical Essays : trans- lated ... by E. Cullen ... to which are added notes and illustrations, by the Translator. 3 Vol. illust. 8°. London & Edinburgh, 1788, 91. BERGMANN (CARL) & Leuckart (C. G. F. K.) Anatomisch-physiologische Uebersicht des Thierreichs. Vergleichende Anatomic und Physiologic, &c. pp. xii, 690 : text illust. 8°. Stuttgart, 1852. BERGMANN (ERNST GUSTAV BENJAMIN VON) & Angerer (O.) Das Verhaltniss der Fermentintoxi- cation zur Septicamie. See WURZBURG.— -KOENIGLICHE JULIUS-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITAET. Festschrift zur dritten Saecularfeier, &c. Bd. I, no. 5. 4°. 1882. BERGMANN (JOSEPH) [1736-1803] Inauguralfrage : Was die Thiere gewiss nicht und was sie am wahr- scheinlichsten seyn 1 &c. pp. 62. 8°. Maim, 1784. BERGNER (J.) Die essbaren, verdiichtigen und giftigen Schwamme der Schweiz. Nach der Natur gezeichnet & gemalt von J. Bergner. See TROG ( J. G. fol. [1845-50.' BERGQUIST (MAGNUS) Syrphici Svecis. Quorum descriptionem continuatam . . . subiicit M. Bergquist. See FALLEN (C. F.) Diptera Svecias, &c. Vol.i. 4°. 1817. BERGROTH (J. OSSIAN) Anteckningar om Vege- tationen i Granstrakterna mellan Aland och Abo- Omradet. pp. 78 : 1 map. See HELSINGFORS. — SOCIETAS - A PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, &C. Vol. XI, L no. 3. 8°. 1894 (1895). fl BERGSMA (ARNOLD JACOB) Dissertatio inauguralis D de Parthenogenesi Plantarum, &c. pp. [w'w,] 103. 8°. Trojecti ad Rhenum, 1857. BERGSMA (CoRNELis ADRIAAN) [1798-1859] C. A. L Bergsma . . . Responsio ad quaestionem ... an In- l_i,j crustationes indigenae sint chemicae, an vero alius originis ?, &c. pp. 13 : 3 pis. col. See LEYDEN. — RIJKS UNIVERSITEIT. Annales, &c. 1822-23. 4°. 1824. /o Bergsma (C. A.) Dissertatio inauguralis botanico- medica de Thea, &c. (Catalogus Auctorum, qui de Thea scripserunt.) pp. xvi, 49 (50). 8°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1825. Bergsma (C. A.) & Seek (A. VAN) Observations O thermo-electriques sur 1'ele'vation de temperature de Fleurs de Colocasia odora, &c. See BEEK (A. VAN) & BERGSMA (C. A.) 4°. 1838. BERGSOE (J0RGEN VILHELM) [1835-] Philichthys ~Z- ' xiphiae, Stp., monographisk fremstillet. pp. 88 : 1 pi. 8°. Kjifrbenhavn, 1864. This is another edition of the paper which appeared in Naturh. Tidsskr Ser. HI, Bd. HI, 1864, pp. 87-130. Bergsee (J. V.) pp. SO : 1 pjrt. Nekrolog over H. N. Kr0yer. 8°. Kjbenhavn, 1870. BERGSTRAESSEB, (HEINRICH WILHELM) Sphingum Europaearum Larvae quotquot adhuc inno- tuerunt ad Linnaeorum, Fabriciorum et Viennensium inprimis catalogos systematicos recensitae . . . Oder die Europaeischen Schwaermerraupen, &c. pp. 12: 14 pis. col. 4°. Hanau, 1782. Latin and German in parallel columns. BERGSTRAESSER ( JOILWCJ ANDREAS BENIGNUS) [1732-1812] Nomenclaittfund Beschreibung de>-fh- secten in der Grafsehaft Hanau-Munzenberg^^fe auch £ der Wetterau^flnd der angranzenden N«tcnbarschaft, dies und, jefiseits des Mains, dec. (Nacbffcht.) 4 Jahrg. [in^Tbl.] & Atlas, 2 Vol. 4?.ffdnau, 1778-80 [-83]. Printed in double column. The Nacbrfcht on the Uut leaf of the last sheet is dated 1783. Bergstraesser (J. A. B.) J. A. B. Bergstraesseri . . . Icones Papilionum diurnorum quotquot adhuc in £, Europa occurrunt . . . Decuria tertia. Oder Abbil- dungen und Beschreibungen aller bekannten Europaei- schen Tagfalter. Drittes zehendt. pp. 8 : 10 pis. col. 4". Hanoviae, 1781. The engraving on the title-page is dated 1779. Decur. i was issued in 1779, Decur. H in 1780. BERGSTRAND «'\RL ERIK) Naturalhistoriska f> Anteckningar om Aland, yp. 24. 8°. Stockholm, 1851. BERG- UND HUETTENMAENNISCHE ZEI- TTTNG mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Minera- »y~ logie und Geologic . . . Redacteur: C. Hartmann ([and ' afterwards] K. R. Bornemann ; B. Kerl ; F. Wimmer). Jahrg. i-> 4°. Nordhausen, Leipzig, Freiberg, 1842— > Wants Jahrg. 1852. Jahrg. vl-> are .also styled " Neue Folge Jahrg. i-> ' After 1861 the title reads " Berg-nnd lluttcniuiiunischu Zeitung" only. BERHER (EUGENE) Catalogue des Plantes vascu- laires qui croissent spontan^ment dans le d6partement des Vosges, dec. 8°. Epinal & Paris, 1876. Ann. Soo. Einul. Dip. Vosges. Tom. xv, pp. 8S-S1&- Berber (E.) Phanerogames, Muscinees, Lichens [of the l— Vosges]. See Louis (L.) Le D6partement des Vosges, dec. Tom. II. 8°. 1887. Berber (E.) addressed to A. Bloxam.J See BLOXAM (A.) 1849-63. 9 Berkeley (M. J.) 8°. Patavii [1882-] 1884-* Fasc. XIX. Chernetides lUlici auctore J. Canentrini. Berlese (ANTONIO) Note relative agli Acari, Miria- __ podi e Scorpioni Italiani. (Note al Fasc. xm-xxx.) £• Fasc. i-iv. 8°. Padova, 1884-86. Berlese (ANTONio) Acari dannoxi alle Piante coltivate. "^ Memoria, Ac. pp. 31 : 5 pis. col. 4°. Padova, 1886. Berlese (ANTONIO) See RIVISTA DI PATOLOGIA VEGE- * TALE sotto la direzione dei . . . A. N. ... e ... 0 A. Berlese, Ac. Vol. i-» 8°. 1892-* Berlese (ANTONIO) & Gustavo (L.) Chermotheca Italica, continens exsiccata, in situ, cpccidarum plantis, precipue cultis, in Italia occurrentibus, obnoxiarum. £• Coccmiglie raccolte in Italia. Fasc. l-» fol. Portici, 1895-» 145 6 BERLESE (AuhusTO NAPOLEONE) [1864-] Fungi Mpricolae (Appenflice), &c. 9 Fasc. m>. 13 : 71 with descriptive letterpress (63 pp.). 8 . Padova, b & O 71 pis. col., 1885-89. Berlese (AUGUSTO N.) Sylloge . . . Myxomycetum, &c. See SACCAHDO (P. A.) Sylloge Fungorum, &c. Vol. VII, pt. I. 7 8°. 1888. Berlese ( AUGUSTO N.) Laboulbeniaceas. See SAC- CARDO (P. A.) Sylloge Fungorum. Vol. vin. 8°. 1889. Berlese (AUGUSTO N.) Icones Fungorum omnium hucusque cognitorum ad usum Sylloges Saccardianae adcommodatae. pp. x, 243 : 162 pis. col. 8°. Abellini, (Asculi Picenonim, &c.,) [1890-] 1894. Berlese (AUGUSTO N.) See EIVISTA DI PATOLOGIA VEOETALE sotto la direzione dei . . . A. N. . . . e . . . A. Berlese, &c. Vol. l-» 8°. 1892-> Berlese (AUGUSTO N.) & Bresadola (G.) Micromy- cetes Tridentini, &c. pp. 103: 6 pis. 8°. Rovereto, 1889. Berlese (AUGUSTO N.) & De-Toni (G. B.) Sylloge . . . Phycomycetum, &c. See SACCARDO (P. A.) Sylloge Fungorum, &c. Vol. vn, pt. I. 8". 1888. Berlese (AUGUSTO N.) & Voglino (P.) Sylloge Fun- gorum . . . Additamenta ad Volumina i-iv. See SAC- CAEDO (P. A>) 8°. 1886. BERLESE (LORENZO) [1784-1863] Monographic du genre Camellia, &c. pp. 133. 8°. Paris, 1837. Troisieme edition, pp. 337 : 7 pis. 8°. Paris, 1845. Berlese (L.) Iconographie du genre Camellia, &c. 3 Tom. Must. fol. Paris, 1841-43. BERLIN. — Botanischer Garten. See infra, KOENIG- LICHE FEIEDRICH-WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAET. BERLIN. — Botanisches Museum. See infra, KOENIQ- LICHE FEIEDEICH-WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAET. BERLIN. — Exposition Internationale de Pecherie,1880. See infra, Internationale Fischerei-Ausstellung, 1880. BERLIN. — Friedrichshains. Friedrichshains bei Berlin . See JAHN (C. L.) Die Holzgewachse des . Ein Wegweiser, &c. 8°. 1864. BERLIN. — Geologisch-paldontologische Sammlung. See infra, KOENIGLICHE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS-UNIVER- SITAET. BERLIN. — International Fishery/ Exposition, 1880. See infra, Internationale Fischerei-Ausstellung, 1880. BERLIN. — Internationale Fischerei-Ausstellung, 1880. Amtliche Berichte iiber die ... Ausstellung, &c. No. i-v. 8°. Berlin, 1881. I. Fischzucbt. pp. xviii, 8lt : text iUust. Deutochland, Oesterreicb-Ungarn, Holland, Russland, Scbweden, Danemark. Von H. Haack. Amerika und Anhang : Angelfiscberei. Von M. von dem Borne. Fiachpasse. Von K . Michaelis. II. Seefiscberei. Von H. Lindeman. pp. 244 : text illutt. III. SiisswassernBcherei. Von A. Metzger. pp.89: text illust. IV. Fischereiproducte und Wasserthiere. Von H. Dohrn. pp. 95: text illust. Anbang : Perlen der Juwelierausstellung, Von 8. Friedlaender. „ See- und Siisswasaer-Perlen. Von H. Nitsche. V. Wissenacbaftliche Abtheilung. pp. S56 : text illuat. Inatrumente zur Unterauchung des Wassers, ls., text illust. 8°. Leipzig [1880]. Berlin. — Internationale Fischerei-Ausstellung, 1880. FEIEDEL (E.) Fiihrer durch die Fischerei- Abtheilung des Markischen Provinzial-Museums der Stadtgemeinde Berlin, &c. pp. 36. 8°. Berlin, 1880. Berlin. — Internationale Fischerei-Ausstellung, 1880. KNAUEE (G.) Precede pour 1'epuration des eaux d'egouts de sucreries . . . et autres etablissements industriels, &c. pp. 11 : 1 pi. 8°. Ilalle s. S. [1880.] Combination for the purification of the discharge waters in sugar-works, &c. pp. 12 : 1 pi. 8°. Halle °/S. [1880.] Berlin. — Internationale Fischerei-Ausstellung, 1880. TEOIS (E. F.) Catalogo delle dimostrazioni anato- miche del Museo del E. Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, &c. pp. 23. 8°. Venezia, 1880. BERLIN. — Internationale Visscherij-Tentoonstellung, 1880. See supra, Internationale Fischerei-Ausstellung, 1880. BERLIN. — Koeniglich- Botanischer Garten. See infra, KOENIGLICHE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAET. BERLIN. — Koenigliches Herbarium. See infra, KOENIGLICHE FEIEDRICH-WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAET. — Botanisches Museum. BERLIN. — Maerkisches Provinzial- Museum. [Founded 1874.] Fiihrer durch die Fischerei- Abtheilung des . . . Museums, &c. See supra, Internationale Fischerei- Ausstellung, 1880. 8°. 1880. "SEKliTS.—Mineralogisch-jxtrographische Sammlung. See infra, KOENIGLICHE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS-UNIVER- SITAET. BERLIN. — Mineralogischex Museum. See infra, KOENIGLICHE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAET. — Geologisch-palaontoloqische Sammlung & Minera- logisch-petrographische Sammlung. BERLIN. — Museum fuer Naturkunde. See infra, KOENIGLICHE FEIEDRICH-WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAET. BERLIN. — Zoologische Sammlung. See infra, KOENIGLICHE FKIEDRICH-WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAET. 19 146 L BERLIN. — Zoologifches .Museum. See infra, KOENIG- I.IC1IE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAET. BERLIN.— Academia Litterarum Regia Bero- lina. See infra, KOENIOLICH-PREUSSISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. BERLIN. — Academia Regia Borussica. Set infra, KOENIGLICH-PREUSSISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. BERLIN. — Academic Royale des Sciences et des Belles Lettres. See infra, KOENIOLICH-PREUS- SISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. BERLIN.— Acclimatisations Verein. [1356 Founded as Acclimatisations- I'ertin fiir die Kvniylich PrCHMitchfH Stanteti. 1863 jtccliitiittiMiions Ytrtin.] Zeitschrift fiir Acclimatisation. Organ des . . . Vereins . . . Herausgegeben von E. Kaufmann. Bd. i-v. 8°. Berlin & Pans, 1858-63. Neue Folge. Herausgegeben von Dr. L. Buvry. Bd. i-xn, no. 1-6. 8°. Berlin, &c., 1863-74. BERLIN. — Afrikauische Gesellschaft in Deutschland. [Founded ISTS.) Mittheilungen . . . Herausgegeben von . . . W. Erman, 8°. Berlin, &c., 1889-H> From 1889 onwards the portion of the ZeiUchrift treating of Lepidop- tora has been sei>arately txiitot! by the Gesellsctiaft " Iris" at Dresden [v.r.], and is generally quoted as " Iris," Bd. 1 1-> BERLIN.— Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft. [Founded 1848.] Zeitschrift, &c. Bd. i-» 8°. Berlin, 1849-3» Register zu den zehn ersten Biinden . . . 1849- p */i 1858. zu dem xi. bis xx. Bande . . . 1859-1 868^ f/\ zu dem XXI. bis xxx. Bande . . . 1869-1878. £/Y] zu dem xxxi. bis XL. Bande . . . 1879-88. /- Berlin. — Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft. Fiihrer zu den Excursionen der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft nach der Allgemeinen Versammlung in £,- Wien 1877. See HAUER (F. VON) & NEUMAYR (M.) 8°. 1877. Berlin. — Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft. Katalog der Bibliothek der ... Gesellschaft. mi. 166. ^ 8°. Berlin, 1877. « BERLIN.— Deutsche Landwirthschafts-Gesell- schaft. Pflanzenschutz, &c. See FRANK (A. B.) & SORAUER o (P. C. M.) e° lflQ£) 8°. 1892. BERLIN.— Deutsche Ornithologische Gesell- schaft. [1868 Founded. 1875 Merged in the Allffcnieinc Deuttche Ornitkologische Gexllichafl.] ^ See JOURNAL FUER ORNITHOLOGIE ... In Verbindung mit der ... Gesellschaft, &c. Jahrg. xvi-xxm. 8". 1868-75. BERLIN.— Deutscher Tischerei-Verein. [Founded 1870.) Circular. 1870-71 & 1875, No. 1. 4°. Berlin, 1870-75. ~ There are 7 No. to each year. No. 2 & 4 of 1870, and all the numbers for 1871, contain " Correspondezblatt." The Circular for 1875, No. 1, has appended to it :— " Beitrage zur Fischerei- _ Statistik des Deutschen Reichs sowie eines tlieiles von Oesterreich- _ Ungarn und der Schweiz," fol. Berlin, 1898-» Z. BERLIN.— Entomologischer Verein. [Founded 1856. In 1880 a split occurred in the Society, and the minority seceding founded the Dtuttcht Bntomologiiichc OeieUKhaft, «.».] Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von dem . . . Vereine . . . Redacteur . . . G. Kraatz. - Jahrg. I-XVHI. 8°. Berlin, 1857-74. Some of the volumes contain separately paged monographs. Inhalts-Verzeichniss, &c. Jahrg. i-vi, &c. 8°. (Berlin, 1863.) ^ Jahrg. vn-xii, 8°. Berlin, 1881-> BERLIN. — Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin. See STETTIN. BERLIN.— Forstlich-phaeuologischenStationen Deutschlands. See infra, VEEEIN DEUTSCHER FOEST- LICHER VERSUCHSANSTALTEN. BERLIN.— Gesellschaft der Gartenfreunde. See GARTEN-ZEITUNG . . . Organ . . . der Gesellschaft, &c. Jahrg. i-iv. 8°. 1882-85. BERLIN.— Gesellschaft fuer Erdknnde. [Founded 1828.] Monatsberichte iiber die Verhandlungen, &c. Jahrg. i-iv. 8°. Berlin, 1840-43. Neue Folge, Bd. i-x. 8°. Berlin, 1844-53. [Continued as ;] Zeitschrift fiir allgemeine Erdkunde . . . Herausgegeben von T. E. Gumprecht, &c. Bd. i-vi. 8°. Berlin, 1853-56. Herausgegeben von K. Neumann ([and afterwards] W. Koner), Berlin.— Gesellschaft fuer Erdkunde. Bibliotheca Geographica herausgegeben von der Gesell- schaft . . . Bearbeitet von O. Baschin unter Mitwirkung von . . . E. Wagner. Bd. i-> 8°. Berlin, 1895-> [_ Berlin.— Gesellschaft fner Erdkunde. Griinland-Expedition der Gesellschaft . . . 1891-1893, &c. See DEYGALSKI (E. VON). 8°. 1897. Berlin.— Gesellschaft fuer Erdkunde. Botanische Ergebnisse der von der Gesellschaft . . . 5 ausgesandten Gronland-Expedition, &c. See BIBLIO- THECA BOTANICA. Abhandlungen, efcc. Hft. 42. 4°. 1897. BERLIN. — Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde. [Founded 1778. In its early years it was frequently described as the Berlinlsche dtielltchnft,'itc.] . Beschaftigungen der . . . Gesellschaft, &c. Bd. i-iv. 8°. Berlin, 1775-79. [Continued as :] Schriften, &c. Bd. i-xi. 8°. Berlin, 1780-94. Bd. vn-x are also numbered Bd. l-lv of a new series, but no change of title as quoted in most bibliographies occurs in this set. Bd. vlll is in two separately paged Stiicke. - Z weifaches Uni versalregister iiber die bisherigen Schriften, &c. pp. 192. 8°. Berlin, 1794. At end of Schriften, Bd. xl. [Continued as :] Neue Schriften, &c. Bd. i-iv. 4°. Berlin, 1795-1803. [Continued as :] Magazin, &c. Jahrg. i-vni. 4°. Berlin, 1807-18. [Continued as :] Verhandlungen, 4°. Berlin, 1832-» Except in 1884, each CUss, up to and including 1878, has a separate title-page and pagination : after that date each paper constitutes a separately paged Abtheilnng. Berlin. Koeiiiglich-Preussische Akademie, &c. L. Verzeichniss der Abhandlungen . . . aus den Jahren 1822-46 nach den Klassen zusammengestellt. 8°. Berlin, 1848. Verzeichniss der Abhandlungen . . . von 1710-1870 in alphabetischer Folge der Venasser. 8°. Berlin, 1871. Inhaltsverzeichniss der Abhandlungen . . . aus den Jahren 1822-72. Nach den Klassen geordnet. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Berlin. Koeniglich-Preussische Akademie, &c. Memoires abreges . . . par M. Paul, 1745-69. 3 Vol. See COLLECTION ACADEMIQUE, &c. Partie Etrangere, Tom. viii, ix 8°. Berlin, 1882-» Reprinted from the "Kitznngsberichte," but bearing the original pagination in addition to its own. Berlin. Koeniglich-Preussische Akademie, &c. Histoire . . . depuis son engine jusqu'i present. Avec les pieces originales. j>j>. :>5X. 4°. Berlin, 1750. Berlin. Koeniglich-Preussische Akademie, &c. Aristoteles Greece ; ex recensione T. Bekkeri (Aris- toteles Latine, er annos 1772-74 suscepto collegit observavitetdelineavit J. R. Forster . . . nunc demuni 2, editae auctoritate . . . Academiae . . . curante H lachtenstein. pp. xiii, 424. 8°. Berolini, 1844 Berlin.— Koeniglich-Preussische Akademie, &c. Untersuchungen iiber die Bildungsgeschichte der wir- bellosen Thiere im Ei. von M. Herold . . . Herausge- geben von A. Gerstaecker, &c. See HEROLD (M.) fol. 1876.~ Berlin. Koeniglich-Preussische Akademie, &c. Zoologische Ergebnisse einer im Auftrage der . . . Academie . . . ausgefiihrten Reise in die Kiistengebiete _ des Rothen Meeres. Herausgegeben . . . von R. Koss- i- mann. Halfte i-u. 4°. Leipzig, 1877-80. Halfte i. 1877 :— I. Pisces. Von R. Kossmann und H. Rauber. pp. vi, 54; Spit. II. Mollusca. Von H. A. Pagenstechcr. ]>p. Mi: 1 pi. («>(.) III. Malacostraca(I. Theil': Brachyura). Von K. Kossmann. pp. 66: Spit. IV. Entomostraca (I. Theil : Lichomolgidae). Von R. Kossmann. pp. tk ; V pit. Halfte II. 1880 :— III. Malacostraca(U. Theil : Anomura). Von R. Kossmann. pp.67-11,0: pi. iv-j-v. V. Echinodermata. Von H. Lndwig. pp. 1, Berlin. Koeniglich-Preussische Akademie, &c. HIT Jura am Hermon, &c. See NOETLINO (F.) 4°. 1887. «r Berlin. Koeniglich-Preussische Akademie, &c. Die Flora der yEgyptisch-Arabischen Wiiste, ;'• iv, 104-' 1 plan col. 8°. Berlin, 1887. Berlin.— K. Friedrica-Wilhelms-Universitaet.— Bot. Gart. Rundgang durch den . . . Garten . . . a Zweite . . . AuHage [with a preface by A. Engler]. pp. viii, 69 : 1 plan. 8". Berlin, 1895. Berlin.— K. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet.— Bot. Gart. D. G. L. Willdenow . . . Enumeratio 0 Plantarum Horti Regii Botanici, Bot. Gart. Die pttanzengeographische Anlage im K. Botanischen Garten, &c. See POTONIE (H.) 8°. 1890. Berlin.— E. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet.— . Botanisches Institut. Die wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten (} des . . . Instituts ... in den ersten 10 Jahren seines Bestehens, &c. See WESTEEMAIEB (M.) 8°. 1888. * Berlin.— E. Friedrich-Wilhehns-Universitaet.— jj Botanisches Museum. Jahrbuch des . . . Museums, &c. Bd. i-» See supra, Botanischer Garten. 8°. 1881-> A Berlin.— E. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet.— Bot. Mus. Notizblatt des ... Museums, &c. No. l-» See supra, Botanischer Garten. 8°. 1895-> Berlin.— E. Friedrich-Wilhehns-Universitaet.— Bot. Mus. Die Cyperaceen des Koniglichen Herbariums, &c. 2 Vol. See BOECKELEE (O.) 8°. 1867-77. , Berlin.— E. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet.— Museum fur Naturkunde. Das Museum fur Natur- kunde, &c. pp. 16: 10 pis. 8". Berlin, 1889. Berlin.— E. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet.— Mineralogisch - petrographische Sammlung. Das Mineralogische Museum . . . Systematisches Verzeich- niss und Beschreibung seiner Schausammlungen. Von U. Rose und A. Sadebeck. pp.vii,100. 8°. Berlin, 1874. *£ Berlin.— E. Friedrioh-Wilhelms-Universitaet.— .3 m Zoologische Sammlung. Mitteilungen, &c. Bd. i-> 4°. Berlin, 1898-» Berlin.— E. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet.— 8". Berlin, 1886-> BERLIN.— Verein zur Befoerderung des Garten- banes in den Koeuiglicli-Freussischen Staaten. See GARTEN-ZEITUNG . . . Organ des Vereins. Jahrg. i-iv. 8°. 1882-85. BERLIN.— Zoologisches Institut. See supra, KOENIGLICHE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS-UNIVER- 8ITAET. BERLIN. [Maps.] Geognostische Uebersichtskarte der Umgegend von Berlin im Maassstabe 1 : 100,000 [i-t- 1 in. = li m. about]. See PRUSSIA.— KOENIG- LICH - PREU8SI8CHE GEOLOGI8CHE LANDE8ANSTALT, */O™SH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). * • l8Jb-=>- Bernard (H. M.) & (MATILDA) Molluscoidea-Coelen- tcrata. See LYDEKKER (R.) The Royal Natural His- tory, &c. Vol. VI. 8». Ii96. BERNARD (PIERRE) [1810-1876] & others. Le Jar- din des 1'lantes . . . par MM. P. Bernard I, Couailhac, Gcrvais et E. I>emaout, et une societe de savants attaches au Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Must, (col.) 4». Pam, 1842-43. Vol. II U by Le Mauut alone. fi 7 151 BERNARD! (A. C.) [-1863] See JOURNAL DE CONCHYLIOLOGIE publi6 sous la direction de MM. 1- Fischer et Bernardi. Ser. II, torn, i-iv, & Ser. Ill, torn. i-m. 8°. 1856-63. -7 Bernardi (A. C.) Monographic des genres Galatea et Fischeria. pp. 47 : 9 pis. (col.) 4°. Paris, 1860. Bernardi (A. C.) Monographic du genre Con/us . . . 2. faisant suite aux monograpnies de Reeve, Kiener & Sowerby. pp. S3 : # pis. col. 4°. Paris & Leipzig [1861]. BERNARDI (ANTONIO BIVONA) Baron. See BIVONA-BEBNAEDI. * BERNARDIN (J.) Nomenclature usuelle de 550 v Fibres Textiles^ avec indication de leur provenance . . . Par * * * [i.e. J. Bernardin]. See NOMENCLATURE. 8°. 1872. r Bernardin (J.) nantes. pp. 48. Classification de 350 Matieres Tan- 8°. Gand, 1880. fl BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE (JACQUES HENRI) [1737-1814] Voyage a 1'Isle de France . . . par un Ofticier du Roi [i.e. J. H. Bernardin de Saint- Pierre],^. 2 Tom. See MAURITIUS, Island of. 8°. 1773. Bernardin de Saint-Pierre (J. H.) A Voyage to the Island of Mauritius ... By a French Officer [i.e. J. H. Bernardin de Saint-Pierre], &c. See MAURITIUS, Island of. 8°. 1775. BERNAYS (LEWIS ADOLPHUS) The Olive and its o products, &c. pp. 80, vi : 11 pis. 8°. Brisbane, 1872. Bernays (L. A.) Cultural industries for Queensland. * Papers on the cultivation of Useful Plants suited to the D climate of Queensland . . . First Series, &c. pp. xii, 230. 8". Brisbane, 1883. , BERNDT (GusTAv) Das Val d'Anniviers und das L Bassin de Sierre, &c. pp. 55 : 1 map. See PETER- ' f -i MANN'S MITTHEILUNGEN, &c. Ergiinzungsband xv, / no. 68. 4°. 1882. Berndt (G.) Der Alpenfohn in seinem Einfluss /_ auf Natur- und Menschenleben. pp. 66: 1 map. See PETERMANN'S MITTHEILUNGEN, &c. Ergiinzungs- band XVII, no. 83. 4°. 1886. BERNDTSON (JOHANNES G.) Museum naturalium f- Academic Upsaliensis. Cujus part. xxi. . . . subjicit J. G. Berndtson. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. 1797. ' /~~~~' BERNE. Naturforscheiule Gesellscliaft. [Founded 1786.] i. Mittheilungen (Sitzungsberichte — Jahresberichte [or] c ,-} -> i Berichte— Abhandlungen), &c. Jahrg. 1843-» No. l-> 8°. Bern, 1843-> Staedtisches Naturhistorisches 2 BERNE. Museum. [1802 Founded as Museum der Naturgeschichte Helvetiens {Musee Rel- ^ tetique d'Histoire Naturetle), also styled Museum der vater- Ittndischen Naturgexchichte and Mus^e Bernois. Btrner Museum der Naturgeschichte (Musee d'Histoire Naturelle d Berne). Naturhistorisches Museum der Stadt Bern. StttdtiscKes Naturhistoriiclies Museum.] 1869 1881 1894 Museum der Naturgeschichte Helvetians [Zoological section]. Herausgegeben von F. Meisner. Bd. i.t pp. 98 : 13 pis. col., engraved title. 4°. Bern, [1807-] 1820. Berne.— Staedtisches Naturliist. Museum. Museum der Naturgeschichte Helvetiens (Botanische Abtheilung). Oder Beschreibung und Abbildungen der seltensten oder merkwiirdigsten Pflanzen der Schweiz. Von N. C. Seringe. 2 Hft. 4°. Bern, 1818. Berne. — Staedtisclies Naturliist. Museum. Musee Helvetique jcMfistoire - Naturelle (Partie botanique). Ou ej>lh?ction des memoires, mgnegTaphies, notices botaniqties . . . Par N. C. Sewfige. Tom. i. pp. vi, 175 : 16pls$ 4°. Berne, 1823. Berne. Staedtisclies Naturliist. Museum. See PROTOZOE HELVETICA^ ^Mittheilungen aus dem . . . Museum . . .,vtber merkwiirdige Thiere und /° Pflanzenreste der Sehweizerischen Vorwelt, &c. 2 Bd. 4". 1869-71. Berne.— Staedtisclies Naturliist. Museum. Bericht . . . von den-^Tahren 1871 bisjrfid mit 1879 (1880 bis und mit-I885->) ^». Bern, 1881-» Berne.— Naturliist. Unseam. Bericht iiber die palaontologischen Sammlungen, &c. [_ See ROLLIER (L.) 8°. 1891. Berne. — Naturliist. Museum. Kurze Beschreibung der mineralogisch-geologischen und palasontologischen Sammlungen, &c. See FELLEN- BERG (E. VON) & ROLLIER (L.) 8°. 1894. BERNE. [Maps.] Geologische Excursionskarte der Umgebungen von Bern, bearbeitet von F. Jenny, A. Baltzer und E. Kissling. Massstab 1 : 25000 [i.e. (%< 1 m. = 2£ in.] 2 sh. col. Bern, 1891. BERNEAUD (ARSENE THIEBAUT DE) See THIEBAUT DE BERNEAUD (A.) BERNER MUSEUM DER NATURGE- SCHICHTE. See BERNE. — STAEDTISCHES NATUR- HISTORISCHES 'MUSEUM. BERNET (HENRI) Catalogue des Hepatiques du a sud-ouest de la Suisse et de la Haute-Savoie. pp. 185 : " 4 pis. i°. Geneve, 1888. . >~ S / 2># (3 BERNHARDI (JoHANN JAKOB) [1774-1850] Ueber g Asplenium und einige ihm verwandte Gattungen der Farrenkriiuter. pp. 18 : 1 pi. See ERFURT. — KOENIG- LICHE AKADEMIE GEMEINNUETZIGER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Nova Acta, dec. Tom. 11 . . . C. L. Willdenow's . . . und . . . J. J. Bernhardi's zwey botanische Abhand- lungen, &c. 8°. 1802. Bernhardi (J. J.) J. F. Bernhardi's Anleitung zur Kenntniss der Pflanzen, &c. Thl. i. pp. v, 394 •' 8 pis. _. 8°. Erfurt, 1803. O Forming the first and only volume published of the author's " Hand- buch der Botanik." Bernhardi (J. J.) Versuch einer Vertheidigung der alien Eintheilung der Functionen, und Classification der organisirten Korper nach denselben. pp. 48 : 1 tab. S / 3>C? £ f*\00 T^.mi'TT'DT If nF'WTnT.Tr'TTlH' A V A TlT^'MTl.' nl?TUT?TAr'NrrTTi"F'7T- ,. ' Bernhardi (J. J.) J. J. Bernhardi's . . . Beobachtungen iiber Pflanzengefasse und eine neue Art derselben. ,, pp. vi, 83: 3 pis. 8°. Erfurt, 1805. D. Bernhardi (J. J.) Ueber einige minder bekannte i Ehrenpreissarten des sudlichen Deutschlands. pp. 43 : 1 pi. See ERFURT. — KOENIGLICHE AKADEMIE GEMEIN- NUETZIGER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. iv. 8°. 1806. Bernhardi (J. J.) Beitrage zur nahern Kenntniss der regelmiissigen Krystallformen. pp. 86 : 1 pi. 4°. Erfurt, 1826. Also issued in Nova Acta Acad. MoRunt. Scient. Erfurt. Tom. v, 182S. Bernhardi (J. J.) Ueber den Begriff der Pflanzenart und seine Anwendung. pp. viii, 68. 4°. Erfurt, 1834. See ERFURT. — KOENIGLICHE AKADEMIE GER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. in. 8°. 1804. 152 it" \ 8°. Basel, 1857. BERNH ARDT (AnoLPHUs) Symbolae ad Ovi Mam- malium historiam ante praegnationom. pp. [iv,] 46: 1 pi. 4°. Vratislamae, 1834. A BERNHEIM (HUGO) Taschenbiichlein fiir den bak- teriologischen Praktikanten, de Corticis Ulmi et Terra; ponderosa; Salitse usu medico, ) origin iafij3i»cot . . . Sapicntissiim Phile versus iambici do Animalium proprietate, cum auctario J. <<- Camerarii. Exposita eodem metro versuum Latinorum [with a preface] a G.Bersmano. n^ 9 SCIENCES, &c. Bulletin, &c. Ann. xxiv. 8°. 1887. B BERTHIER (PIERRE) [1782-1861] Examination of the Iron forged by the Negroes of Fouta Diallon, in Upper Senegal, and of the Ores from which they pro- cure it. See MOLLIEN (G. T.) Travels in the interior of Africa, &c. Appendix. 4°. 1820. This is a translation of his paper in the Ann. des Mines. Ton?, v. Berthier (P.) Memoires et Notices mineralogiques, geologiques et mineralurgiques ; publics pendant . . . 1824-26. pp. 269. 8°. Paris, 1827. BERTHOLD (ADOLPHUS HENRICUS) De seminis , Phellandrii aquatici virtutibus medicis . . . cum ejus analysi chemica. Dissertatio inauguralis, &c. pp. 44. 8°. Halae, 1818. BERTHOLD (ARNOLD ADOLF) [1803-1861] Beitrage zur Anatomie, Zootomie und Physiologic, pp. viii, 265. • 8°. Gottingen, 1831. Berthold (ARNOLD A.) Ueber verschiedene neue oder seltene Amphibienarten. pp. 28 : 2 pis. (col.) 4°. Gottingen, 1842. Ahhandl. K. Gesell. Wiseen. Gottingen. 1840. BERTHOLD (CARL) [18347-1884] Die Gefass- fi Cryptogamen Westfalens. pp. 36 : 2 pis. 4°. Brilon, 1865. Berthold (C.) [Darstellungen aus der Natur, ins- besondere aus dem Pflanzenreiche, &c. 8°. Koln, 1869.] Wanting. Zweite Auflage, &c. pp. [vi,] 354 •' text Must. 8°. Koln, 1873. BERTHOLD (GOTTFRIED DIETRICH WILHELM) [1854-] Untersuchungen iiber die Verzweigung einiger Siisswasseralgen. pp. 64 : 4 pis- See ACADEMIA C^KSAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. XL, no. 5. 4". 1878. Berthold (G. D. W.) Die Bangiaceen des Golfes von ^g Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte, &c.,28: Ipl. See NAPLES.— ZOOLOGISCHE STATION. ~Z- Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, &c. Mono- graphic viii. 4°. 1882. Berthold (G. D. W.) Die Cryptonemiaceen des Golfes ft von Neapel, &c. pp. [vi,] 27 : 8 pis. col. See NAPLES. — ZOOLOGISCHE STATION. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, &c. Monographic XII. 4°. 1884. Berthold (G. D. W.) Studien iiber Prptoplasnia- (- mechanik. pp. xii, 332, iv : 7 }ds. 8°. Leipzig, 1886. Berthold (G. D. W.) & Reinke (J.) Die Zersetzung der Kartotfel durch Pilze. See GOTTINGEN. — GEORG- c AUGUSTS - UNIVERSITAET. Untersuchungen aus dem Botanisehen Laboratorium, ,-, D S/3o/. f\ q p . M des Vegetaux, &c. pp. xvi, 468 : 3 pis. 8°. Paris, 1783. 20 154 f if 8 0 6 BERTILLON (AooLPHE) [1811-1888] & others. I'iotionnaire des Sciences Anthropplogiques . . . Publi6 sous la direction de MM. A. Bertillon, Coudereau, A. Hovelacque, Issaurat. A. Lefevre, C. Letourneau, G. de Mortillet, Thulie et E. Veron. pp. Hi, 1128 : text Must. 8°. Paris [1884-89]. Printed in double column. BERTIN (PIERRE AUGUSTIN) called Bertin-Monrot [1818-1884] See ANNALES DE CHIMIK ET DE PHYSIQUE, par ... Bertin. SeV. IV, torn, xm— Ser. VI, torn. in. 8°. 1868-84. BERTIUS (PETRUS) [1565-1629] Beschreibung America . . . Aus Herrn P. Bertii Landt-Tafeln ezogen. See BRY (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) K8 [Q Grands Voyages — German XII.] Zwolffter Theil der newen Welt, : 12 jds. See FHRNCE. — Miniitere S de VInstr/uction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. XII, no. 1. 8°. 1875. (• 155 0 i z -, Bertrand (CHARLES E.) Theorie du Faisceau. pp. 60 : G pis. 8°. Paris, 1880. Bull. Scient. Di5i)t. du Nord. Tom. xn. Bertrand (CHARLES E.) See ARCHIVES BOTANIQUES DU NORD DE LA FRANCE. Revue . . . publiee sous la direction de C. E. Bertrand. Tom. i-» 8°. 1881-» Bertrand (CHARLES E.) & Renault (B.) Pila Bibrac- tensis et le Boghead d' Autun. pp. 95 : 2 pis. 8°. Autun, 1892. Bull. Soo. Hist. Nat. Autun. Tom. v. BERTRAND (ED.) Lettres inedites de F. Huber . . . [Edited] Avec une introduction de E. Bertrand. See HUBER (F.) 4°. 1897. BERTRAND (ELIE) [1712-C.1790] Essai sur les usages des montagnes, avec une lettre sur le Nil. pp. xvi, 412. 8°. Zuric, 1754. Bertrand (ELIE) Dictionnaire universel des fossiles propres, et des fossiles accidentels, &c. 2 Tom. [in 1.] 8°. La Haye, 1763. Bertrand (ELIE) Recueil de divers traites sur 1'histoire naturelle de la Terre et des Fossiles. pp. 552. 4°. Avignon, 1766. BERTRAND (LEON) Etude G6ologique du Nord des Alpes-Maritimes. See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Ge'ologique detaille'e. Bulletin, illust. fol. Stuttgart, 1895-> BERWICK (THOMAS) Formation and management of Forest-Tree Nurseries. See EDINBURGH. — Inter- national Forestry Exhibition, 1884. Forestry and Forest Products, &c. Essay II. 8°. 1885. BERWICKSHIRE NATURALISTS' CLUB. [Founded 1831.] History (Proceedings), &c. Vol. I— > 8°. Edinburgh, Benvick-on-Tiveed, &c., 1834-> BERZELIUS (BENEDICTUS) Dissertatio Academica, sistens Nomenclatorem Botanicum, quam . . . subjicit B. Berzelius, &c. See LINN.EUS (C.) 4°. 1759. [Another edition entitled :1 Nomenclator Plan- C. Li tarum, &c. See LINNAEUS (C.) tates Academicse, &c. Vol. v. Editio secunda. Linnasi . . . Amoeni- 8°. 1760. 7,. fi e L 8°. 1788. ]_ BERZELIUS (JONS JACOB) [1779-1848] See AFHAND- LINGAR i FYSIK, KEMI OCH MINERALOGI. Utgifne af . . . J. Berzelius. Del. i-vi. 8°. 1806-18. Berzelins (J. J.) An attempt to establish a pure scientific system of Mineralogy, by the application of the electro-chemical theory and the chemical propor- tions . . . Translated from the Swedish original by J. Black [with a preface by T. Thomson], pji. 138. 8°. London, 1814. The original work was issued in Stockholm the same year. Berzelius (J. J.) Nouveau Systeme de Mineralogie . . . Traduit du Suedois, &c. pp. vi, 310. 8°. Paris, 1819. Berzelius (J. J.) D. J. J. Berzelius's . . . Versuch iiber die Theorie der chemischen Proportionen und iiber die chemischen Wirkungen der Electricitat . . . Nach den Schwedischen und Franzosischen . . . bearbeitet von K. A. Blode. pp. xvi, 200. 8°. Dresden, 1820. Berzelius (J. J.) J. J. Berzelius's neues chemisches Mineralsystem, nebst einer Zusammenstellung seiner iilteren hierauf beziiglichen Arbeiten. Herausgegeben von C. F. Rammelsberg, als zweite Auflage von Berze- lius's neuen System der Mineralogie, aus dem Schwe- dischen iibersetzt von . . . C. Gmelin und . . . W. Pfaff. pp. vi, 263. 8°. Niirnberg, 1847. Berzelius (J. J.) J. Berzelius von der Anwendung des Lothrohrs in der Chemie und Mineralogie . . . Uebersetzt von H. Rose. pp. xvi, 311 : 4 fit*- 8°. Niirnberg, 1821. The Swedish original was issued at Stockholm in 1820. Zweite Auflage. pp. xvi, 282 : 4 pl»- 8°. Niirnberg, 1828. Vierte . . . Auflage. pp. xxiii, 284 •' 4 $*• ;8°. Nurnberg, 1844. L- . 4-0. 156 ff\ L L 6 6 L B b L Berzelins (J. J.) The Use of the Blowpipe in Chemical Analysis, and in the examination of Minerals . . . trans- lated from the French of M. Fresnel by J. G. Children, with a sketch of Berzelius' System of Mineralogy ; a synoptic table of the principal characters of the pure earths and metallic oxides before the blowpipe, and numerous notes and additions by the Translator. pp. xxxix, 343 : 3 pis., 1 tab. 8°. London, 1822. Berzelius (J. J.) The Use of the Blowpipe in Chemistry f/\ and Mineralogy . . . Translated from the fourth . . . edition, by J. D. Whitney, pp. xvi, 237 : 3 pis. 8°. Boston, 1845. Berzelius (J. J.) Jahres-Berieht iiber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaften ([continued as .-]— der Chemieund Mineralogie). Von J. Berzelius. 27 Jahrg. See STOCKHOLM. — KONOLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. 8°. 1822-48. Berzelins (J. J.) Rapport annuel sur les progres de /V) la Chimie . . . Traduit du Suedois, par P. Plantamour. Ann. ii. 8°. Paris, 1842. BESANCON. — Societe d'Emulation du Doubs. [1840 Founded. 1842-1864 Styled Sor'M Litirt CSmOuMt* i'i- Itnul,*.] Meinoires et Comptes rendus, &c. Vol. i-m. 1841-49. 8°. Besancon, 1841-50. Each " Vol." is in two or more separately paged " Tomes." [Continued as :] Meinoires, &c. Ser. II, vol. i-vin. 1850-56. 8°. Besancon, 1851-57. Vol. I & ll are continuously paged. - Se>. Ill, vol. I-x. 1856-69. 8°. Besancon, 1856-69. L_ - Ser. IV, vol. i-x. 1865-75. 8°. Besancon, 1866-76. Vol. x contains an Index to all foregoing volumes. Ser. V, vol. i-x. 1876-85. Ser. VI, vol. I. 1886. 1°. Besancon, 1877-86. 8°. Besancon, 1887. BESCHEBELLE (EMILE) Mexicanas Plantas . . . Pars I. Cryptogamia ad.juvantibus . . . W. Nylander et E. Bescherelle edita. See FRANCE. Mission scienti- fique au Mexique, BETIKEN (LAURENTIUS) Dissertatio inauguralis medica, de Calamo aromatico . . . submissa a L. Betiken, &c. See WEDELIUS (J. A.) 4°. 1718. BETTA (FRANCESCO EDOARDO DE) [1822-1896] Cata- logus sy stematicus rerum naturalium in Museo extantium E. de Betta . . . Sectio i.t Reptilia Europae. pp. 29. 8°. Veronae, 1853. Betta (F. E. DE) Erpetologia delle provincie Venete e del Tirolo mendionale. pp. xvi, 370: 1 )>l., 1 tab. -? 8".[Fmma, 1857.] ' Mem. Accad. Agric. Comm. & Arti Verona. Vol. xxxv. Betta (F. E. DE) Sulla Piscicultura in generale e sulla possibility ed utilitk della sua introduzione nel Veronese, z_ &c. 8°. [Verona, 1861.] Mem. Accacl. Agric. Comm. Si Arti Verona. Vol. XL, pp. 7-51 ; 1 pi. Betta (F. E. DE) Ittiologia Veronese . . . per servire alia introduzione della Piscicultura nella Provincia, &c. -? 8°. [Verona, 1862.] ' Mem. Accad. Agric. Comm. & Arti Verona. Vol. XLl,j>p. g59-UX>. Betta (F. E. DE) Material! per una Fauna Veronese, &c. pp. 144- 8°. Verona, 1863. Z. Mem. Accacl. Agric. Comm. & Arti Verona. Vol. XLII. - Alcune note in appendice ai material! per una < Fauna Veronese, &c. pp. 14. 8°. Verona, 1870. 2. Mem. Accad. Agric. Comm. & Arti Verona. Vol. XLVII. Betta (F. E. DE) I Rettili ed Anfibi del regno della Grecia con alcune notizie sulla distribuzione gepgrafica "Z. delle specie, pp. 91. 8". Venezia, 1868. Atti R. Istit. Veneto. Ser. Ill, torn. xiu. Betta (F. E. DE) Rettili ed Anfibi. See CORNALIA (E.) Fauna d'ltalia. Pt. 4. 4°. (1874.) z. Betta (F. E. DE) Nuova serie di note Erpetologiche per servire allo studio dei Rettili ed Anfibi d'ltalia. •£ pp. 41. 8°. Venezia, 1879. Atti R. Istit. Veneto. Ser. V, torn. v. BETTANT (GEORGE THOMAS) [1850-1892] First /? Lessons in Practical Botany, pp. viii, 103. 8°. London, 1881. Bettany (G. T.) & Parker (W. K.) The morphology -^ of the Skull. See PARKER (W. K.) & BETTANY (G. T.) 8°. 1877. BETTI (ENRICO) [1823-1892] See Nuovo CIMENTO, L IL . . . da E. Betti, dec. Ser. Ill, torn, i-xxxn. 8°. 1877-92. BETTONI (EuoENio) Storia naturale degli Uccelli che nidificano in Lombardia ad illustrazione della Raccolta Ornitologica dei'fratelli E. ed E. Turati scritta ^2. da E. Bettoni . . . con tavole da O. Dressier. 2 Vol. col. illust. fol. MUano, 1865-68 [-71]. BETTS (JOHN) An introduction to Geology, being a companion to Betts's Geological Map of England and Gf Wales. See RICHARDSON (G. F.) 8°. [1844.] BEUCKEB. (J. I. DE) & Heurck (H. VAN) Ant- werpsche analytische Flora, dec. See HEURCK (H. VAN) g & BEUCKER (J. I. DE) 4°. 1861. BEUDANT (FRANCOIS SULPICE) [1787-1852] Voyage g. mineralogique et geologique en Hongrie, pendant ... ^ 1818 . . . Relation historique. 3 Tom. & Atlas. 4°. Paris, 1822. Beudant (F. S.) Traite e!6mentaire de Mineralogie. pp. vi, 856: 10 pis. 8°. Paris, 1824. - Deuxieme edition. 2 Tom. illust. 8°. Paris, 1830-32. Beudant (F. S.) [Geologic. 12°. Paris, 1841.] Wanting: forms one of the volumes of the " Cours Clemen tai re d'Histoire naturelle" by H. Milne Edwards & others. - Quinzieme edition, pp. 348, xii : text illust. fy\ 12°. Paris, 1877. - Dix-septieme Edition, pp. xii, 348 : text illust. 12°. Paris, 1886. (jf , ' ivi I 158 ,.101 f. I 0. f • Bendant (F. S.) [Mindralogie. 12°. Paris, 1841.] Wanting : form* one of the volume* of the " Conn iMitmunUire d' Histoiro nature! le" liy 11. Milne Edward* & othera. - Quinzieme ddition. pp. 295, x : text illust. 12". Paris, 1877. - Dix-septieme edition. pp. x, 295 : text Must. 12°. Paris, 1886. Bendant (F. S.) Sullo state geologico dell' Italia ... In Appendice al Corso di Qeologia di Beudant. Set OM- BONI (G.) 8°. 1856. BEUNIE (JOANNES BAPTISTA DE) [1717-1794] Ant- woord op de Vraege : Welk zyn de profytelykste Plan ten van dit I .ainl, Beyrich (H. E.) & others. Geologische Karte von dem Niederschlesischen Gebirge und den angrenzenden ^ Gegenden . . . bearbeitet von E. Beyrich, &c. Scale 1 : 100,000 \i.e. 1 in. = l£ m. about]. See SILESIA, Prussian. [Maps.] [I860.] BEYSCHLAG (FRANZ HEINRICH AUGUST) [1856-] (J Geognostische Skizze der Umgegend von Crock im Thiiringer Walde. Dissertatio Inauguralis, &c . pp. 45 : 1 pi. 8°. Halis Saxonum, 1883. Zeitschr. f. Naturw. Jahrg. LV. Wanting the plate. , BEYSE (GUSTAV) Untersuchungen iiber den ana- tomischen Bau und das mechanische Princip im Auf bau einiger Arten der Gattung Impatiens. pp. 63 : 4 pis. See ACADEMIA C KS AREA LEOPOLDINO- CAROLINA , &c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. XLIII, no. 2. 4°. 1881 (1882). BEYTRAEGE ZU DEN CHEMISCHEN AN- NALEN, von D. L. Crell. See CHEMISCHE ANNALEN, FUER DIE FREUNDE DER NATURLEHRE. 8°. 1786-99. BEYTRAEGE ZUB- BOTANIE ... von A. W. Roth. Thl. i-n.t 8°. Bremen, 1782-83. [Continued as :] Neue Beytrage zur Botanik von A. W. Roth. Thl. l.t pp. xi, 351. 8". Frankfurth am Mayn, 1802. BEZIERS. — Soci<§t<§ d'Etude des Sciences NaturellCS. [Founded 1875.] Bulletin . . . Compte-rendu des Seances, &c. Ann. i-> 1876-> 8°. Bdziers, 1877-» BEZONUS (HIERONYMUS) See BENZONI (GIROLAMO) BIANCA (GIUSEPPE) [1801-1883] Monografia del Mandorlo comune, &c. pp. 443. 8°. Palermo, 1872. BIANCHI (SiMON GIOVANNI) [1693-1775] (J.) pseud. BIANCHI (V.) See BIANKI (V. L.) BIANCO (SALVATORE Lo) BIANCONT (F.) Carte See Lo BIANCO. ,_., commerciale de Bolivie. Echelle de 1 : 4,500,000 [or 1 in. = 71 m.] See COM- PANf A HUANCHACA DE BOLIVIA. Report on the Mines ... of the Company, &c. 8°. 1889. BIANCONI (GiAN ANTONIO) Saggip di Mineralogia Pprrettana. See PORRETTA. lllustrazione delle Terme di Porretta, &c. 8°. 1867. Biaucpui (GiAN A.) La Teoria Darwiniana e la Creazione detta indipendente, per G. G. Bianconi . . . Lettera . . . tradotta . . . dal . . . G. A. Bianconi . . . rive- duta ed accresciuta. See BIANCONI (G. G.) 8°. 1875. BIANCONI (GIOVANNI GIUSEPPE) [1809-1878] Speci- mina Zoologica Mosambicana quibus vel novae vel minus notae animalium species illustrantur. pp. 363 : 48 pis. (col.) 4°. Bononiae, 1850-70. Fasc. xv & xvi, pp. 283-306, are mispaged 383-406. The dates at the end of the several parts show when the papers were read before the Bologna Academy and are not those of publication. Abstracts with diagnoses of the new species were published in advance in the Nuovi Annali Sci. Nat. Bologna and the Rendiconti of the Bologna Academy : a manuscript list of the references to these is inserted. ( Mem. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna. tv III. 1 V. VI. pp. 1-40 : pis. wept. i-v. i 5J55.I pp. 47-88 : pis. Rept. vl-ix, ) _ Moll. I, Crist, i, ii. 'f Op. cit. pp. 89-117 : pis. Rept.x-xn.' 1850. Tom. HI. 1851 L. Calori's memoir "Sulla matrice degliscudetti cornel della cassa toracico-abdomi- Op. cit. Tom. IV. 1853 nale dei Cheloni " is incor- porated as a note. VII. pp. 118-140 : pis. Mam. I, n.1 III lIX* pp. 141-214 : pis. Mam. HI-VI. Comprising Calori's memoir " Sulla stnittura Op. alt. Tom. V. 1854. dell' Helamys Caffer, F. Cuv." X, pp. 215-30 : pis. Pise. I-HI. Op. alt. Tom. VI* 1855 XI. pp. 231-42 : pis. Moll. Il-iv. Op. cit. Tom. vn. 1856. MI. pp. 243-58 : pis. Pise. IV-VH. Op. cit. Tom. Mil 1857. XIII. pp. 259-270 : pis. Pise, vin, IX. Op. cit. Tom. IX. 1859. XIV. pp. 271-282 : pis. Rept. xni, xiv, Pise. x. Op. dt. Tom. X. 1861 XV. pp. 283-294 : pis. Rept. xv, Pise. xi. Op. dt. Ser. II , torn. i. 1862. XVI. pp. 295-306: pis. Aves I, n, Moll. v. Op. alt. Ser. II, torn. iv. 1865. XVII. pp. 307-14 : pis. Echinod. i. Op. alt. Ser. II, C3~_ IT torn. v. 186S. ,, xviii. pp. 315-29 : pis. Aves in, iv. Op. cit. Ser. II, torn. vi. 1867. ,,XIX,XX. pp. 330-63: pis. Moll. VI, \Q .. „ „ „. VII, Crust, ill, iv. / 01>- clt' ber- "' tom- Ix- 187°- [Another copy.] Fasc. i-vi. Bianconi (GIOVANNI G.) See Nuoyi ANNALI DELLE SCIENZE NATURALI . . . pubblicati dai . . . [G. G.] Bian- coni, &c. Ser. III. 8°. 1850-54. Bianconi (GIOVANNI G.) Del Galore prodotto per 1'attritp fra fluidi e solidi in rapporto colle Sorgenti termali e cogli Aer61iti, &c. pp. 47 : 1 pi. 8". Bologna, 1862. Bianconi (GIOVANNI G.) La teoria dell' Upmo- Scimmia esaminata sotto il rapporto della organizza- zione. pp. 58 : 1 pi. 8°. Bologna, 1864. Bianconi (GIOVANNI G.) Studi sul tarso-metatarso degli Uccelli ed in particolare su quello dell' Ejiyornis maximus. (Osservazioni sul femore e sulla tibia di sEpyornis, &c. — Ulterior! osservazioni, &c. — Osserva- zioni addizionali, &c.) 5 Pt. pp. 204 •' ~# ftt. 4°. Bologna, 1863-74. Mem. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna. Ser. II, tom. HI, v, ix ; Ser. Ill, tom. n, iv. Bianconi (GIOVANNI G.) Escursioni geologiche nel territorio Porrettano. — Indicazioni sulla Zoologia di Porretta. See PORRETTA. lllustrazione delle Terme di Porretta, &c. 8°. 1867. Bianconi (GIOVANNI G.) Recherches sur les affinites naturelles de VsEpyornis. pp. 5. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. V, tom. xni, no. 12. 8°. 1870. Gr / L. ~~]~ -p 160 2. e z. £ e Bianconi (GIOVANNI O.) Sul gabinetto private di ( 'onrhighologia in Roma dei fratelli Rigacci e sulle due nuove Conchiglie, etc. pp. 11 : Ipl. 8°. Roma, 1870. Bull. Nautioo e Ucograflco : Roma. Vol. v, no. 7. Bianconi (GIOVANNI G.) La Theorie Danvinienne et la Creation dite independante. Lettrc, «{•<•. /,/> ,;>,.;• *1 Pi*- 8°. Bologne, 1874. Bianconi (GIOVANNI G.) La Teoria Darwiniana e la Creazione detta indipendente . . . Lettera . . . tradotta . . . dal . . . G. A. Bianconi . . . riveduta ed accresciuta. pp. 464 : SI pit. 8°. Bologna, 1875. BIANCONI (JOANNES JOSEPHUS) See BIANCONI (G. G.) BIANKI (VALENTIN L'VOVICH) [1857-] & Bere- zpvskil (M.) Ptitzui Ghan'suTskagho puteshestviya Gh. N. Potanina 1884-1887 . . . Aves expeditionis Potanini per provinciam Gan-su et confinia 1884-1887. See BEREZOVSKI! (M.) &, BIANK! (V. L.) 4°. 1891. BIASOLETTO (BARTOLOMMEo) [1793-1859] Di alcune Alghe microscopiche, . 69: 29 pis. col. 8°. Trieste, 1832. Biasoletto (B.) Relazione del Viaggio fatto . . . 1838 dalla Maesta del Re Federico Augusto di Sassonia nell' Istria, Dalmazia e Montenegro, pp. 264 •' 6 j>ls. 8°. Trieste, 1841. Biasoletto (B.) Escursioni Botaniche sullo Sclmee- berg (Monte Nevoso) nella Carniola. Discorso, 8°. Paris, Nancy [1893-»] BIBLIOTHECA BOTANICA. Abhandlungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Botanik. Herausgegeben von . . . O. Uhlworm und . . . F. H. Haenlein ([and afterwards] C. Lueresen, B. Frank). Hft. i-» 4°. Cassel, 1886-» Each Heft contains a separately l«ged Memoir. BIBLIOTHECA DELLA ZOOLOGIA E ANA- TOMIA COMPARATA IN ITALIA. Revista bibliographica bimestrale per L. Camerano e M. Lessona. Anno l-m.t 8°. Torino, 6 in Deutschland iiber [_ Bergbau, Hiitten- und Salinenkunde . . . erschienenen Biicher, Karten und Ansichten . . . Zweiter . . .». fnt 0** (Nachtrag den Zeitraum vom Juli 1856 bis Jan. 1864 r umfassend.) pp. xxxii, 164 (xxiv, 110). 8°. Eisleben, 1857 (-64). bO1 BIBLIOTHECA ZOOLOGICA . . . Herausgegeben von R. Leuckart und C. Chun. Hft. l-xxi. See Zoo- - LOGICA, &c. 4°. 1888-1897. BIBLIOTHEQUE BRITANNIQUE, &c. See BIBLIOTHEQUE UNIVERSELLE, L M 161 6 BIBRA (ERNST VON) Baron [1806-1878] Chemische Untersuchungen iiber die Knochen und Zahne des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere, &c. pp. xii, 435 : B pis. 8°. Schweinfurt, 1844. Wanting the plates. Bibra(E. VON] \Baron. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber das Gehirn des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere. pp. [vi,] 133. 8°. Mannheim, 1854. Bibra (E. VON) Baron. Die narkotischen Genussmittel und der Mensch. pp. vi, 398. 8°. Nurnberg, 1855. Bibra (E. VON) Baron. Brod. pp. viii, 502. Die Getreidearten und das 8°. Nurnberg, 1860. BIBRON (GABRIEL) [1806-1848] [Dictionnaire uni- versel d'Histoire Naturelle . . . par MM. Arago . . . Bibron, &c. 16 Vol. See ORBIGNY (A. C. V. D. D'] 8°. 1839-45.] Wanting. [Another edition.] [Another issue.] 8°. 1849. 8°. 1861. r 2- Bibron (G.) Reptiles. See FRANCE. Voyage autour du monde execute pendant . . . 1836-37 sur ... La Bonite, &c. Zoologie. Tom. I. 8°. 1841. Bibron (G.) [Reptiles of South America.] See FRANCE. Voyage dans 1'Amerique meridionale, &c. Tom. v, pt. 1. 4°. 1847. Bibron (G.) & Bory de Saint-Vincent (J. B. G. M.) Baron. Reptiles etPoissons [of the Moreal See FRANCE. Expedition scientifique de Moree, &c. Tom. in, pt. 1. 4°. & fol. 1833-35. Bibron (G.) & Coctean (J. T.) [Reptiles of Cuba.] T See SAGRA (R. DE LA) Historia fisica . . . y_ natural de la Isla de Cuba. Tom. iv. fol. 1843. / See SAGRA A(R. DE LA) Histoire physique . . . et naturelle de 1'Ile de Cuba, &c. 8°. & fol. 1843. Bibron (G.) & Dumeril (A. M. C.) Erpetologie generale, &c. 9 Tom. . 167: port. 8°. Milano, 1853. BIGEARD (RENE) Flore des Champignons supe'rieurs t du Departement de Saone-et-Loire par R. Bigeard avec la collaboration de A. Jacquin, Ac. pj>. vi, Ixviii, 464 : 4 pis. 8°. Chalon-sur-Sa6ne, 1898. BIGELOW ( J ACOB) [1 787-1 879] Florula Bostoniensis, 5 Ac. pp. viii, 268. 8°. Boston [Mass.], 1814. Second edition ... to which is added a Glossary, Ac. pp. 422. 8°. Boston [Mass.], 1824. Bigelow (JACOB) American Medical Botany, Ac. 3 Vol. £ [hTl.] 60 pis. col. 4°. Boston [Mass.], 1817-20. Bigelow (JACOB) Memoir of J. Bigelow. See ELLIS (G. E.) 8°. 1880. BIGELOW (JOHN M.) General description of the botanical character of the country [near the 86th parallel].— Description of Forest Trees. See UNITED STATES.— Pacific Railroad Survey. Reports, Ac. Vol. iv. Report of explorations . . . near the thirty-fifth parallel, Ac. Pt. V. Botany. No. 1 & 2. 4». 185«. BIGG-WITHER (THOMAS P.) See WITHER. BIGGE (EDWARD) Observations on the natural his- /_ tory of two species of Wasps, pp. S8. 8°. Oxford, 1835.^ Forming one of the " Ashmolean Transactions." BIGOT (AO L'Archeen et le Cambrien dans le Nord ^' du Massif Breton et leurs equivalents dans le Pays de Galles. pp. SOS : 1 pi., text Must. 8°. Cherbourg, 1890. C? Mem. Soc. Scl. Cherbourg. Tom. xxvn. Bigot (A.) Contributions a 1'etude de la Faune Jurassique de Normaiidie. 1" M6moire sur les Tri- Q. gonies. pp. 86: 10 pis. 4°. Caen, 1893. Mlm. Soc. Linn. Normandie. Tom. xvii. BIGOT (JACQUES M. F.) [1818-1893] [Diptera of Cuba.] See SAGRA (R. DE LA) Historia tisica . . . y T natural de la Isla de Cuba. Tom. VH. fol. 1856 (-57). See SAGRA (R. DE LA) et naturelle de 1'Ile de Cuba. Histoire physique . . . Animaux articules, &c. L 8°. 1857. Bigot (J. M. F.) [Diptera of the Island of Reunion.] -r- See MAILLARD (L.) Notes sur 1'Ile de la Reunion, Ac. Pt. n. Annexe M. 8". 1862. Deuxieme edition. 8". 1863. Bigot (J. M. F.) [Diptera from Tierra del Fuego.] See FRANCE. Mission scientifique du Cap Horn. 1882- Tom. vi, pt. 2. 4°. 1887. Bigot (J. M. F.) Enumeration des Dipteres recueillis en Tunisie . . . 1884 . . . et description des especes -, nouvelles. See FRANCE. Exploration scientifique de la Tunisie, Ac. 8°. 1888. BIGOT DE MOROGUES (PIERRE MARIE SEBAS- TIEN) Baron [1776-1840] Memoire historique et phy- ft\ sique sur les Chutes des Pierres tombees sur la surface de la Terre a diverses 6poques. pp. iv, S60. 8°. Organs, 1812. Bigot de Morogues (P. M. K.) Baron. Cours complet .. d'Agriculture . . . redige ... par M. le Baron de D Morogues, Ac. 17 Tom. Must. See VIVIEN DE SAINT- MARTIN (L.) 8". 1834-40. BIGSBT (JOHN JEREMIAH) [1792-1881] Thesaurus Siluricus— The Flora and Fauna of the Silurian Period, fir Ac. pp. Hi, 214, 2 tabs. : 1 pi. 4°. London, 1868. Bigsby (J. J.) Thesaurus Devonico - Carboniferus. The Flora and Fauna of the Devonian and Carboniferous fl, periods, Ac. pp. x, 447 : 1 tab. fol. London, 1878. BLTDRAGEN TOT DE NATUTJB.KUNDIGE WETENSCHAPFE1T, verzameld door H. C. van Hall, W. Vrolik en G. J. Mulder. Deel i-vn.t 8°. Amsterdam, 1826-32. $bl Each Tolnnie is in two separately paged part*. BILBAO. [Maps.] Region ferrifere de Bilbao.— Carte "eologique des gites et des roches encaissantes. /• See CZYSZKOWSKI (S.) Exploration geologique de la region ferrifere de Bilbao, Ac. 8°. 1879. BILDERDIJK (WILLEM) [1756-1831] Exposition et defense de ma Theorie de 1'organisation vegetale . . . B Publi6 [with an introduction] par le Dr. Bilderdyk, Ac. See MIRBEL (C. F. B. DE) 8°. 1808. BILDITTS (BEATUS) Rlunanus [1485-1547] C. Plinii Sccundi Naturalis Historiae . . . cum commentariis et (. adnotationibns . . . Rhenani, Ac. See PLINIUS SE- ,-iSDC8(C.) 8«. 1778 (-91). BILHAB.D (JOHANNES ADOLPHUS) Dissertatio in- n iguralis medica curiosa de Cuscuta . . . Exposita a C J A Bilhard. See WEDEIJUS (G. W.) 4°. 1715. 163 BILHARZ (THEODOK) [182571862] Das electrische Organ des Zitterwelses anatomisch beschrieben. pp. vi, 52: 4 pis. fol. Leipzig, 1857. BILL (JOHANN GEOKG) [1813-1870] [Grundriss der Botanik, &c. 8°. Wien, 1854.] Wanting. Vierte . . . Auflage. pp. viii, 264 : text Must. 8°. Wien, 1866. Bill (J. G.) Uebersicht der Medizinalpflanzen der neuesten Ssterreichischen Pharmakopoe nach dem natiirlichen Systeme. pp. xii, 150. 8°. Wien, 1857. BILLBERG (GusTAV JOHAN) [1772-] Svensk Zoologi, &c. [Initiated by G. J. Billberg.] See PALM- STRUCH (J. W.) 8°. 1806. Billberg (G. J.) Svensk Botanik, utgifven af G. J. Billberg, &c. Bd. vii-viu. See PALMSTRUCH (J. W.) 8°. 1812-19. Billberg (G. J.) Monographia Mylabridum. pp. 74 (6) : 7 pis. 8°. Holmice (1813). Billberg (G. J.) Synopsis Faunas Scandinavias. Tom. i, pt. 1. Mammalia, pp. viii, 55, xiii, 5 tabs. 6°. Holmice, 1827. BILLBZRG (IMMANUEL) Plantarum Brasiliensium decas prima . . . proponit I. Billberg, dec. See THUN- BERG (C. P.) 4°. 1817. Billberg (I.) De Ipecacuanha dissertatio . . . con- scripsit ... I. Billberg . . . Pars prior, &c. See THUN- BEEO (C. P.) 4°. 1824. BILLERBECK (JULIUS HEINRIOH LUDWIO) [1772- 1838] Flora Classica. pp. viii, 285. 8°. Leipzig, 1824. BILLING (ARCHIBALD) [1791-1881] The Science of Gems, Jewels, Coins, and Medals, ancient and modern. pp. xi, 221 : 19 pis. 8°. London, 1867. BILLINGS (ELKANAH) [1820-1876] The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. By E. Billings. Vol. I. See NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF MONTREAL. 8°. 1857. Billings (E.) On the Cystideaj (— Asteriadee) of the Lower Silurian Rocks of Canada. See CANADA. — Or Geological and Natural History Survey. Figures and Descriptions, &c. Dec. m. 8°. 1858. Billings (E.) On some of the Silurian and Devonian £ fossils collected by . . . H. Y. Hind, &c. See CANADA. Reports of the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Ex- ploring Expedition. fol. [1859.] Billings (E.) On the Crinoideas of the Lower Silurian Rocks of Canada, pp. 66: 10 pis., text illitst. (x See CANADA. — Geological and Natural History Survey. Figures and Descriptions, &c. Dec. rv. 8°. 1859. , Billings (E.) New species of Lower Silurian Fossils. 3 Pt. 8°. 1861-62. [Continued as :] 6J- New species of Palaeozoic Fossils. 8". 1865. The first three parts were recast, and, with the fourth, form Pt. 1-4 of the first volume of : — p. 76, by P. C. Billot.] Vol. i.t See SCHULTZ (F. W.) 8°. 1846-55. Billot (P. C.) See ANNOTATIONS A LA FLORE DE FRANCE ET D'ALLEMAGNE publiees par C. Billot. t~> 1 Vol.t 8°. 1855 [-62]. BILLOTIA. ou notes de Botanique publi6es par V. Bavoux, A. Guichard, P. Guichard et J. Paillot. 6 Vol. i.t pp. 181 : 3 pis., 1 port. 8°. Besancon, 1864 [-69]. Text issued with the "Flora Exsiccata de C. Billot," and a sequel to his " Annotations a la Flore de France et d'Allemagne " [q.v.] BILLROTH (CHRISTIAN ALBERT THEODOR) [1829- 1894] Untersuchungen iiber die Vegetationsformen von Coccobacteria septica, &c. pp. xiv, 244 •' 5 pis. fol. Berlin, 1874. Billroth (C. A. T.) IJber die Einwirkungen lebender Pflanzen- und Thierzellen auf einander. Eine biolo- gische Studie. pp. 45. 8°. Wien, 1890. Sammlung Medicinischer Schriften, x. BILLWILLER (ROBERT AUGUST) [184^] Die Schweiz, &c. See KIRCHHOFF (A.) Unser Wissen von der Erde, &c. Bd. n. 8°. 1889. BILLT (EDOUARD DE) [1802-1874] Observations sur , le Terrain de Transition de la Bretagne, &c. pp. 25. "• See NANCY. — SOCIETE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Tom. i, fasc. 2. 4°. 1833. a ]_ Carte geologique du departement des Echelle 1 : 80,000 [i.e. I in. = Ijm. about], sh. 1848. Billy (E. DE), Vosges . . . E . See VOSGES, De'partement. [Maps.] Billy (E. DE) Esquisse de la Geologie du departement des Vosges. pp.48. 8°. Bruxelles [1850?]. Ann. Soc. Enuil. Voeges. Tom. vn. 164 L l& B BINET (L. A. ALFRED) [1857-] See INTERMEDIATE DBS BIOLOOISTES, I,' ... Directeur A. Binet, &c. Ann. i-» 8°. 1897-» BINGLEY (WILLIAM) [1774-1823] A Tour round North Wales . . . during the summer of 1798 : con- taining not only the description ... of the country, but also . . . the habitats of above 400 of the more rare native Plants, ttc. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1800. Bingley (W.) [Animal Biography ; or authentic anecdotes of the lives, manners and economy, of the Animal Creation, . Comp. Zool., Vol. IV, 1878 ; Vol. XI, No. 8, 188S ; Vol. xin. No. 2, 1886 ; and Vol. xix, No. 4, 1890. Gr L. BINNEY (EDWARD WILLIAM) [1812-1881] Observa- tions on the structure of fossil Plants found in the /2. Carboniferous strata. See PALEONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 4°. 1868-75. BINNEY (WILLIAM GREENE) Descriptions of Terres- -, trial Shells of North America [edited by W. G. Binney]. "~ See SAY (T.) 8°. 1856. Binney (W. G.) Report upon . . . Land Shells, &c. \_ See UNITED STATES. — Pacific Railroad Survey. Re- ports, . writings of C. S. Rafinesque, &c. See RAFINESQUE- (f SCHMALTZ (C. S.) 8». 1864. BINNIE (FRANCIS G.) [Lists of the Trichoptera and of the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Clydesdale.] L See GLASGOW SOCIETY OF FIELD NATURALISTS. A contribution towards . . . the Fauna and Flora ofs | Clydesdale, Ac. 8°. 1876. p . ^ BINZEB, (C. A. L.) Schadliche und niitzliche Forst- insekten. pp. vii, 149 : text Must. 8*. Berlin, 1880. - 165 BIOLLEY (PABLO) Moluscos terrestres y fluviatiles de la meseta central de Costa Rica, &c. See SAN JOSE. — MUSEO NACIONAL DE COSTA EICA. 8°. 1897. Biolley (P.) & Pittier (H. F.) Invertebrados de Costa Rica. III. Lepid6pteros Heter6ceros, &c. See SAN JOSE.— INSTITUTO FISICO GEOORAFICO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA. 8°. 1897. BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. . [Founded 1880.] Proceedings, &c. Vol. l-» 8°. Washington, 1882-» Vol. I, which is dated on the wrapper 1883, was also issued in the Smith- sonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xxv. BIOLOGISCHE ANSTALT LAND. See GERMANY. AUF HELGO- BIOLOGISCHE STATION ZU FLOEN. See PLON. — BIOLOGISCHE STATION. BIOLOGISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN, &c. Jahrg. 1881-82. See RETZIUS (M. G.) 4°. 1881-82. BIOLOGISCHER VEREIN IN STOCKHOLM. See. STOCKHLOM. — BIOLOGISKA FORENINGEN. BIOLOGISCHES CENTRALBLATT . . . Heraus- gegeben von . . . J. Rosenthal, &c. Bd. i-> 8°. Erlangen, 1881-» BIOLOGISKA FORENINGEN. See STOCKHOLM. BIOT (EDOUARD CONSTANT) [1803-1850] Catalogue general des Etoiles Filantes et des autres Metferes observes en Chine . . . depuis le vne Siecle avant J. C. jusqu'au milieu du xvnc de notre ere, dresse d'apres documents Chinois. ( — Note supplemental, &c.) 4°. Paris, 1848. Mem. pres. Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. x, 1848, pp. 129-352, 416-422. BIOT (JEAN BAPTISTE) [1774-1862] Relation d'un voyage fait dans le departement de TOrne, pour con- stater la realite d'un Meteore observe a 1'Aigle le 26 floreal an 11 [April 26, 1803]. pp. 47. 4°. Paris, An xi [1803]. Mem. Inst. Nat. Paris. Tom. vll, 1806. Blot (J. B.) Recherches exp6rimentales et math6- matiques sur les mouvemens des molecules de la lumifere autour de leur centre de gravite\ pp. Ixxviii, 533 : 5 pis. 4°. Paris, 1814. Biot (J. B.) See ANNALES DE CHIMIE ET DE PHYSIQUE, par ... Biot, &c. [Se>. II,] Tom. i-m. 8°. 1816. Biot ( J. B.) See DICTIONARIES. Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle . . . Nouvelle Edition. 36 Vol. 8°. 1816-19. Biot (J. B.) Memoire sur la Polarisation lamellaire. 4°. [Paris, 1842.] Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. xvm. pp. 539-725: S pis. (3 col.) Biot (J. B.) Memoire sur les phenomenes rotatoires ope>6s dans le Cristal de Roche. 4°. [Paris, 1846.] Mini. Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. xx. pp. 321-IAS : S ph. (3 col.) Biot (J. B.) Zum Gedachtniss an J. B. Biot. See MAR- TIUS (C. F. P. VON) 4°. 1862. BIRCH ( ) Colonel. A catalogue of ... organized fossils from the blue Lias formation at Lyme and Charmouth, in Dorsetshire, consisting principally of bones, illustrating the osteology of the Icthio-Saurus, or Proteo-Saurus, and of specimens of the Zoophyte, called Pentacrinite, the . . . property of Col. Birch, &c. pp. IS : 1 pi. 4°. [London,] 1820. BIRCH (WALTER DE GRAY) The Commentaries of the Great A. Dalboquerque . . . Translated . . . with L notes and an introduction by W. de G. Birch, &c. 4 Vol. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 53, 55, 62 & 69. 8°. 1875-84. BIRD (CHARLES) A geological map of Yorkshire. Scale : 4 miles to an inch. Bradford, 1881. £- Bird (C.) A short sketch of the geology of Yorkshire. >. pp. viii, 187 : 1 pi., 1 map col. 8°. London, 1881. ^r~ BIRD, afterwards Bishop (ISABELLA L.) [1831-] Unbeaten Tracks in Japan : an account of travels in L the interior . . . Third (Second) edition. 2 Vol. illmt. 8°. London, 1880. Vol. I is of the third, Vol. ll of the second edition. The first edition was issued the same year. BIRD (JOHN) & Young (G.) A geological survey of .. the Yorkshire Coast, &c. See YOUNG (G.) & BIRD (J.) Gr 4°. 1822. 10. 0. H* o, e. Second edition. 4°. 1828. BIRDS. The Architecture of Birds. [By J. Rennie.] pp. xii, 392 : text Must. 6°. London, 1831. Birds. On the management and preservation of Game and Ornamental Birds, &c. pp. viii, 100 : 3 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1867. Birds. List of plates of Skeletons of Birds that have been published [by T. C. Eytonl pp. 15. 8°. Wellington, Salop, 1874. Birds. Beschreibungen iiber die noch fehlende Illumi- nirte Vogel Deutschlands. 2 Vol. See GERMANY. fol. [ ] Birds. The voice of Birds, pp. 48. 8°. [ ] -j— BIRDWOOD (Sir GEORGE CHRISTOPHER MOLES- WORTH) K.C.I.E. [1832-] Catalogue of the Economic Products of the Presidency of Bombay ; being a cata- logue of the Government Central Museum. Division I. Raw Produce (Vegetable), pp. 8, 369. 8°. Bombay, 1862. BIRGE (EDWARD ASAHEL) Entomostraca. Ord. 1-4. See KINGSLEY (J. S.) The Standard Natural History, *• &c. Vol. n. 4°. 1885. Birge (E. A.) A report on a collection of Cladocera, mostly from Lake St. Clair. See MICHIGAN, State of. ~Z_ — Michigan Fish Commission. Bulletin, &c. No. 4, append. '2. 8°. 1894. BIRIA (J. A. J.) Histoire naturelle et medicate des „ Renoncules, pr6c6dee de quelques observations sur la O famille des Renonculacees. Tribut academique, 8°. Birmingham, 1879-» Vol. I is in three separately paged numbers. BIRMINGHAM PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. See BIRMINGHAM NATURAL HISTORY AND PHILO- SOPHICAL SOCIETY. See MIDLAND UNION OF NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETIES. BIRMINGHAM SCHOOL NATURAL HIS- TORY SOCIETY. See MIDLAND UNION OF NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETIES. BIRO (LAJOS) See R9VARTANI LAPOK (Feuilles ^_ Entomologiqueo. Bulletin . . . redige par L. Bir6), &c. KSt. in. 8°. 1886. BIROLI (GIOVANNI) [1772-1825] Flora economica del a dipartimento dell' Agogna. pp. 114. 8°. Vercelli, 1805. " Biroli (G.) Flora Aconiensis, seu Plantaruni in Novariensi provincia sponte nascentium descriptio. A 2 Vol. [in 1.] 8°. [Novara,] 1808. Biroli (G.) Catalogus Plantarum Regii Horti Botanici Taurinensis [compiled by J. Biroli]. See TURIN. — Q REGIA UNIVERSITY DEGLI 8TUDI DI TORINO. — Orto f> Botanico. 8°. 1815. BIROLI (JOANNES) See BIROLI (GIOVANNI) BISCHOF (CARL) [1812-J Die Silurische Fauna des a Unterharzes nach . . . C. Bischof's Sammlung bearbeitet ^ von C. Giebel. pp. 72 : 7 pig. See HALLE.— NATUR- j__ WISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN FUER SACHSEN UND THUERINOEN. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. I, no. 6. Slf ^ « 4°. 1858 (1860). g, BISCHOF (CARL GUSTAV CHRISTOPH) [1792-1870] Lehrbuch der chemischen und physikalischen Geologic. ~ 2 Bd. [in 4 Vol.] illust. 8°. Bonn, 1847-55. U~ Zweite . . . Auflage. 3Bd. illust. 8°. Bonn, 1863-66^.^ Supplement-Band, pp. viii, 214 •' text illust. 8°. Bonn, 1871. Bischof (CARL G. C.) Elements of Chemical and Physical Geology . . . Translated from the manuscript /V\ . . . by B. H. Paul & J. Drummond. 3 Vol. 8°. London, 1854-9. One of the works of the Cavendish Society. Bischof (CARL G. C.) Populare Briefe an eine gebildete Dame iiber die gesammten Gebiete der Naturwissen- I") schaften. Bd. I. pp. xx, 368. 8°. Pforzheim, 1848. Bischof (CARL G. C.) & Goldfuss (G. A.) Phy- sikalisch-statistische Beschreibung des Fichtelgebirges. M 2 Thl. See GOLDFUSS (G. A.) & BISCHOF (C. G. C.) 8°. 1817. Bischof (CARL G. C.) & others. Die Entwickelung a id " !K (C. G. D.) & others. 4°. 1819. . . . der Pflanzensubstanz physiologisch, chemisch un mathematisch dargestellt, £c. See NEES VON ESENBECK Bischof (CARL G. C.) & others. Handworterbuch der /V) Chemie und Physik, &c. See AUGUST (E. F.) & others. 8°. 1845-50. BISCHOF (GAEL WILHELM) [1825-] De Alcalibus in A Plantis. Dissertatio, dkc. pp.[vi,]56. 8°. .Bowme, 1848. BISCHOF (F.) Die Steinsalzwerke bei Stassfurt, rf] pp. 70 : 2 tab., 1 pi. col. 8°. Halle, 1864. BISCHOFF (CARL) [-1888] Das Kupfer in der „ vorchristlichen Zeit. pp. 34. 8°. Berlin, 1865. From " Dan Kupfer und seine Legirungen." BISCHOFF (GOTTLIEB WILHELM) [1797-1854] Die A botanische Kunstsprache in Umrissen nebst erlautern- den Text, Bischoff (G. W.) Grundriss der medicinischen Botanik, &c. pp. xxiv, 581. 8°. Heidelberg, 1831. Bischoff (G. W.) Handbuch der botanischen Termi- nologie und Systemkunde. pp. xvi, 1609. 3 Bd. 4°. Niirnberg, 1833-44. Organologisches, sy stematisches und Arten-Register zu den Tafeln, &c. pp. 39, 90 : 77 pis. 4°. Niirnberg, 1849. Bischoff (G. W.) Lehrbuch der Botanik. 6 Bd. [in 4.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1834-40. Bd. i. Allgemeine Botanik. i. 1884. „ ii. (2 fhl.) ii & in. 1S36, 1839. „ III. (2 Thl.) Specielle Botanik. i & II. 1840. Anhang, enthaltend die botanische Kunstspraohe iu Form eines Worter- buobes. 1839. Abbildungen, d-c. 16 pis. (col.) Issued as Bd. iv-vi of the " NaturgeBchichte der drei Reiche " by G. W. Bischoff . VII, torn, xxxill, no. 6. 4°. 1886. Bittner (A.) Die geologischen Verhaltnisse von Hernstein. See BECKER (M. A. VON) Baron. Hernstein in Niederosterreich, &c. Bd. i, thl. 1. 8°. 1886. Bittner (A.) Brachiopoden der Alpinen Trias. (—Nachtrag i.) 2 Pt. Must. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Kaiserlich-Koenigliche Geologische Reichsanstalt. Ab- handlungen, &c. Bd. xiv & xvn. 4°. 1891, 92. Bittner (A.) Lamellibranchiaten der Alpinen Trias. Thl. i-> See i AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.— Kaiserlich-Koenig- liche Geologische Reichsanstalt. Abhandlungen, d&c. Bd. xviii. ' 4°. 1895-» 6 6 S . I. Z. 168 Bittner (A.) Uachsteinkolk und Hallstatter Kalk, &c. pp. 80. 4°. Wien, 1896. BITITJB (JACOBUS) Increments botanices proxinie pneterlapsi semiseculi . . . submittit J. Biuur, dec. See LINNAEUS (C.) B L B B B B 0. LA. 6 [Another edition.] See LINNJJUS (C.) . . . Amoenitates Academicae, dec. Vol. m. [Another issue.] Editio Secunda. 4°. 1753. C. Linnaei 8°. 1756. 6°. 1764. 8°. 1787. u/n 6 BIVONA-BERNARDI (ANTONiNo) Baron [1774- 1837] Sicularum Plantarum centuria prima ( — secunda). 2 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] 4°. Panormi, 1806 (-7). Bivona-Bernardi (A.) Baron. Monografia delle Tolpidi. pp. xviii : 5 pis. fol. Palermo, 1809. Bivona-Bernardi (A.) Baron. Stirpium rariorum minusque cognitarum in Sicilia sponte provenientium descriptiones, dec. Manipulus i (-iv) illust. 4°. Panormi, 1813-16. Bivona-Bernardi (A.) Baron. Scinaia, algarum inari- narum novum genus, [pp. 3 : 1 pi.] 8°. [Palermo, 1822.] BIVOBT (ALEXANDRE) Annales de Pomologie Beige et Etrangere, die. See BELGIUM. — Commission Royale de Pomoloffie. 4°. 1853-60. BIZONPY (FERENCZ) English-Hungarian Dictionary (Angol-Magyar Szotar), dec. pp. viii, 469. 8°. Budapest, 1878. — [Another edition.] pp. viii, 492. 8°.£udapest,l886. Magyar-Angol Szotar (Hungarian-English Dictionary), dec. pp. 480. 8°. Budapest, 1881. BIZZOZERO (GIACOMO) [1852-1885] Flora Veneta Crittogamica. 2 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] 8°. Padova, 1885. Bizzozero (G.) & Saccardo (P. A.) Flora Briologica dalla Venezia. See SACCARDO (P. A.) & BIZZOZERO (G.) 4°. 1883. BJERKEN (PETRUS A) Museum naturalium Aca- demise Upsahensis. Cujus partem quartam . . . subjicit P. A. Bjerken. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. 1787. BJORKIiTJND (SVANTE) Dissertatio academica fabricam, usum BLAKE, U.S. Survey Steamer. Reports on the dredging ... in the Gulf of Mexico, by the . . . -^ "Blake . . . Report on the Sponges. See SCHMIDT (O.) * Die Spongien des Meerbusen von Mexico. 4°. 1879-80. Blake, U.S. Survey Steamer. Deep-sea sounding and dredging. A description and discussion of the methods __ and appliances used on board the . . . Blake, d'c. * See UNITED STATES. — Coast and Geodetic Survey. 4°. 1880. Blake, U.S. Survey Steamer. Reports on the Results of dredging ... in ... 1868-79 (and 1880) in the . . . _. Blake. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. - — Museum of Comparative ZotHogy. Memoirs, ploration. A lecture, & * i~ 4 "i \). Blake (W. P.) Report of a geological reconnaissance j° in California : made ... in 1853, &c. pp. xvi, 370 : 43 pis. (15 col.\ 4 maps col., text illitst. 4°. New York, &c., 1858. Reprint with new title from Vol. v of the Reports of the Pacific Rail- road Survey, for which See UNITED STATES. Blake (W. P.) Annotated catalogue of the principal Mineral species hitherto recognized in California, and ft\ the adjoining States and Territories, &c. See CALI- FORNIA.— Board of Agriculture. 8°. 1866. Blake (W. P.) Rare Minerals recently found in the State. See CALIFORNIA. — State Mining Bureau. Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, 1 BLANC (HENRI) Die Amphipoden der Kieler Bucht nebst einer histologischen Darstellung der " Calceoli." pp. 68 : 5 pis. See ACADEMIA C^SAREA LEOPOLDINO- CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. XLVII, no. 2. 4°. 1884 (1885). Blanc (HENRI) Etude sur la f6condation de 1'ceuf de la Truite. pp. 29 : 1 pi. See FREIBURG-IN-BREISGAU. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Bericllte, &C. Bd. vili. 8°. 1894. BLANC (HIPPOLYTE) & Westerlund (C. A.) ,Aper§u sur la Faune malacologique de la Grece inclus 1'Epire et la Thessalie. Coquilles extramarines. See WESTER- LUND (C. A.) & BLANC (H.) 4°. 1879. BLANCHARD (CHARLES EMILE)[1820-] Recherches sur 1'organisation de Vers. See EDWARDS (H. M.) & others. Recherches anatomiques et zoplogiques faites pendant un voyage sur les cotes de la Sicile, &c. Pt. 3. 4°. [1837.] Blanchard (C. E.) [DietiOnnaire universe] d'Histoire Naturelle . . . pafmM. Arago . . .xBlanchard, &c. 16 Vol. See QxftGNY (A. C. V. D. p)f 8°. 1839-45.] Wanting. 8°. 1849. 8°. 1861. ther edition.] (Another issue.] Blanchard (C. E.) Orthopteres, Neuropteres, Hemip- teres, Hymenopteres, Lepidopteres et Dipteres. See CASTELNAU (F. L. DE L. DE) Count. Histoire naturelle des Insectes, &c. Tom. HI. 8°. 1840. Blanchard (C. E.) Insectes recueillis a 1'Himalaya. L- See FRANCE. Voyage dans 1'Inde, &c. Tom. rv & ~T~ Atlas, torn. n. 4°. 1844. Blanchard (C. E.) Histoire des Insectes, &c. 2 Tom. [in 1] illust. 8°. Paris, 1845. ^- The half-title reads : " Traite complet d'Histoire Naturelle," Afrikas. See DJHTT§CH- OsT-AjHrtKA. Bd. iv. 8°. 1897. Blanchard (R.) Traite de Zoologie, publie sous la direction de R. Blanchard. 8°. Paris, 1897-» Each Mction is the work of an independent author, as follows :— XI. Nemerticns, par L. Jonbin. pp. St, [5] : tat illutt. 1897. XVI. Mollusques, par P. Pelaeneer. pp. 1S7 .• text tilutt. 1897. Blanchard (R.) See ARCHIVES DE PAKASITOLOGIE . . . sous la direction de R. Blanchard, &c. Tom. i-» Blanchard (R.) & Bert (P.) Elements de Zoologie, &c. See BERT (P.) ieure. pp. 166. 8°. Rouen, 1864. Acad. Sci. Bel.-Lett. Arts Rouen. Ann. 1863-64. BLANCHET (RODOLPHE) [1807-] Catalogue des Plantes Vasculaires qui croissent naturellement dans le Canton de Vaud, dkc. pp. xxiv, 128. 8°. Vevey, 1836. Interleaved : with manuscript notes. Blanchet (R.) Essai sur 1'art de tailler la Vigne et les g Arbres fruitiers . . . Seconde edition, pp. 39. 8°. Lausanne, 1844. The first edition appeared in the same year. Blauchet (R.) Les Champignons comestibles de la Suisse. pp. 18 : 3 pis. col. 4°. Lausanne, 1847. Blanchet (R.) &, others. Memoire sur quelques Insectes qui nuisent a la Vigne dans le Canton de Vaud. pp. 44 •' 1 pl- col. See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, &c. Neue Denkschriften, « in the Panchet beds of the Raniganj coal-field, and on Of the probable conditions existing at the time when these rocks were deposited, pp. Hi. See INDIA. — Geological Survey. Memoirs . . . Palaeontologia Indica, dec. Indian Pretertiary Vertebrata. Vol. i, pt. 1. 4°. 1865. Blanford (W. T.) Observations on the Geology and br Zoology of Abyssinia, made ... in 1867-68. pp. mi, 487 : IS pis. (7 col.), 1 map geol. col., text Must. 8°. London, 1870. Blanford (W. T.) Zoology and Geology [of Persia]. Gr See GOLDSMID (Sir F. J.) & others. Eastern Persia, &c. L Vol. n. 8°. 1876. ,.«•- Blanford (W. T.) On the stratigraphy and homotaxis of the Kota-Maledi deposits. See INDIA. — Geological /. Survey. Memoirs . . . Paloeontologia Indica, &c. Indian UT Pretertiary Vertebrata. Vol. I, pt. 2. 4°. 1878. Blanford (W. T.) Mammalia — Reptilia and Am- phibia—Geology. See INDIA. Scientific results of the second Yarkand Mission, &c. fol. 1878, 1879. Blanford (W. T.) Remarks on the Geology of Kachh in relation to that of Sind and Kattywar. See INDIA. — - Geological Survey. Memoirs . . . Palaeontologia Indica, "T &c. Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous Fauna of Western India. Vol. I, pt. 4, Introduction. 4°. 1883. _, Blanford (W. T.) The Fauna of British India, including • Ceylon and Burma . . . Edited by W. T. Blanford. 8°. London, &c., 1888-> ~f Mammalia. By W. T. Blanford. pp. xx, xii, 617 ; text ill-tut. 1888-01. *•• Birds. By E. W. Dates ([and afterwards] W.T. Blanford). 4Vol.ittiu(. .7, .^ 1889-98. > r , Reptilia and Batrachia. By G. A. Boulenger. pp. xriii, 5Itl : text illust. 1890. Fishes. By F. Day. 2 Vol. illtut. 1889. Moths. By G. F. Hampson. 4 Vol. illmt. 1892-96. Hymenoptera. Vol. I. Wasps and Bees. By C. T. Bingham. pp. xxix, 579: l> pis. col., (fit illiut. 1897. Blanford (W. T.) Geology. [On the collection and l_ preservation of specimens.] See ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Hints to Travellers . . . Sixth edition, -] Die Faunistische Litteratur Braunschweigs und der Nachbargebiete mit Einschluss des ganzen Harzes. pp. 239. 8°. Braumchioeig, 1891. Jnhrab. Verelnn Naturw. Braunschweig. No. 6. Blasius (W.) Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Vogel- fauna von Celebes, &c. See BRUNSWICK.— HEEZOOLICHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE CAROLO-WILHELMINA. Fest- Schrift, &c. 8°. 1897. BLATCH (W. G.) Insects [of the Birmingham Dis- trict]. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, &c. Handbook of Birmingham. 8°. 1886. BLATJ (ERNST OTTO FRIEDRICH HERMANN) [1828-1879] Reisen in Bosnien und der Hertzegowina. 'lopographi- sche und pflanzengeographische Aufzeichnungen . . . mit einer Karte und Zusatzen von H. Kiepert. pp. viii, 1 map. 8°. Berlin, 1877. 231 BLEECK (JOANNES) agens de Betonica . . S«EYSEL(J. P.) L Disputatio inauguralis botanica, . Exponit J. Bleeck, &c. 4°. 1716. BL.EEKER OENEESKUNDIG Redactie ... P. Bleeker, &c. L (PIETER) [1819-1878] See NATUUR- EN [o ARCHIEF VOOR NEERLANDS INDIE. Jaarg.i&iv. 8°. 1844,46. Bleeker (P.) Siluroideorum Bataviensium conspectus diagnosticus. pp. 60. Laoroideorum Ctenoideorum Bataviensium diagnoses et adumbrationes. pp. 33. Nieuwe Bijdrage tot de kennis der Siluroieden van Java, pp.12. See BATAVIA.— BATAVIAASCH OENOOTSCHAP, &c. Ver- handelingen, &c. Deel xxi. 8°. 1846-47. Bleeker (P.) Overzigt der te Batavia voorkomende gladschubbige Labroieden, &c. pp. 64- Bijdrage tot de kennis der Percoiden van den Malaijo- Molukschen Archipel, &c. pp. 64- der Scleroparei ( — Blennqiden en Gobioiden) van den Soenda-Molukschen Archipel. pp. 10 (40). der Ichthyologische Fauna van net eiland Bali, . 16 : text illust. See AMSTER- DAM. — KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen, &c. Deel i. 4°. 1853 (1854). 5 dot < Bleeker (P.) Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, uitgegeven . . . onder Redactie . . . L P. Bleeker, &c. Deel i-vn. See BATAVIA.— BATA- VIAASCH GENOOTSCHAP, 6 3, Natuurkundige Verhandelingen, &c. Tweede Ver- zameling, Deel xvin. 4°. 1863. Bleeker (P.) Description de quelques especes de Cobitoides et de Cyprmoides de Ceylan, &c. pp. 22 : 4 pis. col. Description des especes de Sifures de Suriname con-<~ servees aux Musees de Leide et d' Amsterdam, • 4°. 1807. - BLODGET (WILLIAM) A topographical Map of thu State of Vermont, &c. [Scale 1 in. = 4j m. about.] L See VERMONT.— State of. 1789. BLOEDE (KARL AUGUST) [1773-1820] Dr. J. J. Berzelius's Versuch iiber die Theorie der chemischen ft\ , Proportionen . . . Nach den Schwedischen und Franxii- siscnen . . . bearbeitet von K. A. Blode. See BERZELIUS (J. J.) 8°. 1820. BLOFELD (J. Et.) Algeria, rwst & present. Con- |_ tainirig . . . notices of the Animal and Vegetable Productions, Minerals, &c. pp. 401. 8°. London, 1844. 177 fl BLOHM (ERNST) [1868-] Untersuchungen iiber die P Dicke des assimilirenden Gewebes bei den Pflanzen. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 43. 8°. Kiel, 1895. » BLOI8. Hortus Regius Blesensis auctus, &c. See MORI- P SON (E.) 8°. 1669. BLOM (CAROLUS MAGNUS) [1737-] Dissertatio . . . g sistens Lignum Quassioe, quam . . . submittit . . . C. M. Blom, &c. See LINN.EUS (C.) 4°. 1763. 6 [Another edition entitled :] Lignum Quassias, &c. See LINNAEUS (C.) C. Linnaei . . . Amcenitates Aca- L demicse, &c. Vol. vi. 8°. 1763. Editio secunda. 8°. 1789. BLOMBERG (ALBERT) Om Hybridbildning hos de 5 Fanerogama Vaxterna. Akademisk Afhandling, &c. pp. 41. 8°. Stockholm, 1872. Blomberg (A.) Anteckningar fran en i praktiskt syfte ,, foretagen geologisk resa i Vesterbottens Lan. pp. 14: T 1 map. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geologiska Undersok- ning. Ser. C. Afhandlingar. No. 123. 8°. 1892. Blomberg (A.) Praktiskt geologiska undersokningar inom Geneborgs Lan med bidrag af Lanets landsting och hushallningssallskap, &c. pp. 209, ii : 1 pi., 3 maps * (1 col.) See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geologiska Undersok- ning. Ser. C. Afhandlingar. No. 152. 4°. 1895. Blomberg (A.) [For official publications in connection with the Survey] See SWEDEN.— Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning. Ser. A. a.) & A. b.) Blomberg (A.) & Lindstrom (A.) Praktiskt geolo- giska undersokningar inom Herjedalen och Jemtland, 0 utforda sommaren 1876. pp. 43: 2 maps, text illust. 8°. 1873. £ BLOOMFIELD (EDWIN NEWSON) [Lists of the , Flora of Hastings.] See HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS ' PHILOSOPHICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Natural 2. History of Hastings . . . First Supplement. 8°. 1883. Bloomfield (E. N.) The Natural History of Hastings {_ and St. Leonards and the vicinity. Second Supple- ment. [Edited, with a preface, by E. N. Bloomfield.] • See HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS PHILOSOPHICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 8°. 1888. Bloomfield (E. N.) The Micro - Lepidoptera of — Suffolk : Tortrices and Tinea?, pp. 7. 8°. St. Leonards-on-Sea, 1888. Bloomfield (E. N.) The Lepidoptera of Suffolk. pp. 60. 4°. St. Leonards-on-Sea, 1890. Z BLOOMFIELD (J. C.) The Fisheries of Ireland. See LONDON. — Great International Fisheries Exhibi- tion, 1883. 8°. 1883. BLOOMINGTON.- Illinois Museum of Natural History. See ILLINOIS, State of.— STATE LABORATORY OF NATURAL HISTORY. BLOSSOM, H.M.S. Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait ... in H.M.S. Blossom . . . in 1825-28. See BEECHEY (F. W.) 8°. 1831. Blossom, H.M.S. The Zoology of Capt. Beechey's voyage ... to the Pacific and Behring's Straits ... in H.M.S. Blossom ... in ... 1825-28, dec. See BEECHEY T* (F. W.) 4°. 1839. Blossom, H.M.S. The Botany of Captain Beechey's voyage ... to the Pacific ... in H.M.S. Blossom . . . 1825-28. See HOOKER (Sir W. J.) & ARNOTT (G. A. W.) f 4°. 1841. 23 7o o 6 6 178 W 70 11* 6 L l.o.L t BLOTTIERE (!«KNK) Etude anatomigue de la famille des Menispermees. pj). 69 : 2 pis. 8°. Paris, 1886. BLOTTNEB, (CAROLUS Luoovictrs) [1773-1802] ft Dissertatio inauguralis-botanica, de Fungorum origine, quam . . . praeside . . . J. C. Reil . . . def endet auctor C. L. Blottner, \A> BLUM (O. F.) Anleitung zuirt Studium der Botanik /j oder Pflanzenkunde. pp. v, 113. 8°. Leipzig, 1849. >-> BIiTTM (\VILHELM) Natiirliche und kiinstliche Mineral- «i wasser. pp. vi, 50 : 7 tab., 1 pi. 8°. Braunschweig, 1853. ' From the " Handworterbuche der reinen nnd angewandten Chemie." By Liebig & others. BLUMBERG (CoNSTANTiN) Ueber den Bau des Ampkistoma conicum. Inaugural Dissertation, &c. ~Z- pp. 39 : 1 pi. 4°. Dorpat, 1871. BLUME (CAROLUS LUDOVICUS) See BLUME (KAREL LODEWIJK) BLUME (JOHANN AUGUST) Ueber mineralogisch- ^ iikonomische Untersuchungen auf und in der Erde, &c. l'\ pp. x, 155 : 3 pis. 8°. Leipzig, 1829. BLUME (KAREL LODEWIJK) [1796-1862] Catalogus -, van . . . Gewassen, te vinden in 's Ijands Plantentuin, £ opgemaakt door C. L. Blume, &c. See BUITENZORG. 8°. 1823. Blume (K. L.) Bijdragen tot de Flora van Neder- $ landsch Indie, pp. 1169. 17 Stuk. [in 2 Vol.] 8°. Batama, 1825.--3i> Blnme (K. L.) Tabellen en Platen voor de Javannsche n Orchideen. 5 tab. : 14 pis. fol. Batavia, 1825. l Blume (K. L.) Enumwatio Plantarum Javae e^-Insu- larum adjacentium Hnnus cognitarum vel no\y*fum, &c. Fasc. i. pp. vi,9g. 8°. Lugduni Batommm, 1827. - Fasc. \\/ Editionis novae, pp. rti-x, 99-274. 8°. Hagae, 1830. Blume (K. L.) Flora Javae nee non Insularum adja- £ centium, auctore C. L. Blume . . . adjutore J. B. Fischer, iuni exoticarum novarum vel minus cognita- g rum . . . descriptio. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. Lugduni- Batavor*m* 1848-51 [-56]. Vol. II wa. not completed : It stops at p. 250. 179 & 6 8 6 Blume (K. L.) Opheldering van de Inlichtingen van den Heer F. Junghulm. (Inlichtingen aangeboden aan bet publiek over zeker geschrift van den Heer C. L. Blume, en antwoord aan dien Heer [by F. Junghuhn].) pp. 19. ' 8°. Leyden, 1850. Blame (K. L.) Een woord over den Sambinoer-Bopm van Sumatra, betrekkelijk deszelfs botanische bepaling volgens C. L. Blume. [By W. H. de Vriese.] Tweede gedeelte. See NIMEGUEN NEDEELANDSCHE BOTANISCHE VEBEENIGING. Nederlandsch Kruidkundig Archief. Deel n. [Appendix.] 8°. 1851. Blame (K. L.) Collection des Orchidees les plus remarquables de 1'Archipel Indien et du Japon, &c. pp. [vi',J vi, 190: 70 pis. (col.) fol. Amsterdam, 1858. Blume (K. L.) & others. Hepaticae Javanicae, &c. See REINWAEDT (C. G. C.) f 6 L, r •z. Blyth (E.) Mann (G. LJi*HKT"£ irds and Reptiles. 'aron. Cuvier's 180 T Z. T Z. Blyth (E.) Remarks on the Zoology of the Tenasserim provinces, kvartsertiden. pp.52. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS- SELSKABET. Forhandlinger, u BOUAGE. BOCCADIFALCO. — Heal Orto Botanico. Cata- logus Plantarum quae asservantur in Regio Horto, &c. See GUSSONE (G.) 8°. 1821. — Anuotationes, &c. 8°. 1821. Boccadifalco. — Real Orto Botanico. Osservazioni intorno ad alcune Piante coltivate nel R. Orto Botanico. See GASPAERINI (G.) 8°. [1832.] BOCCITTS (GOTTLIEB) A treatise on the management of Fresh-water Fish, &c. pp. vi, 38. 8°. London, 1841. Boccius (G.) Fish in rivers and streams : a treatise on "£. the production and management of Fish in fresh waters, &c. pp. viii, 38. 8°. London, 1848. BOCCONE (PAOLO afterwards SILVIO) [1633-1704] r> Icones & descriptiones rariorum Plantarum Sicilise, o M elite, Gallioe, & ltali;e, 1701. Cum Observationibus Physicis nonnullis, dec. pp. 14. 8°. Venetiis, 1702. BOCCONE (SILVIO) See BOCCONE (PAOLO afterwards SILVIO) BOCHART (SAMUEL) [1599-1667] [Hierozoicon, sive bipertitum opus de Animalibus sacrse scriptures, &c. 2 Pt. fol. Londini, 1663.] Wanting. Revisum . . . opera atque studio D. Clodii. 2 Pt. - [in 1 Vol.] 1 port. fol. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1675. Printed in double column. Editio quarta. 2 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] fol. Lugduni Batavorum de Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1712. ~Z* Printed in double column. BOCK (CARL) The Head-Hunters of Borneo : a i narrative of travel up the Mahakkam and down the Barito ; also journeyings in Sumatra . . . Second edition. pp. xvi, 344 •' 30 pis. col., 1 map, text illust. 8°. London, 1882. Appendix contains : — n. List of Land and Freshwater Shells. III. List of Birds. v. List of Sumatra Butterflies. By Mr. H. Grose-Smith. The first edition appeared in 1881. BOCK (FRIEDRICH SAMUEL) [1716-1786] Versuch £. einer kurzen Naturgeschichte des Preussischen Bern- . steins und einer neuen wahrscheinlichen Erklarung '*} seines Ursprunges. pp. 146. 8°. KiJnigsberg, 1767. Bock (F. S.) Versuch einer wirthschaftlichen Natur- geschichte von dem Konigreich Ost- und Westpreussen. 5 Bd. illust. 8°. Dessau, 1782-85. Bd. i. Allgemeine geographische, anthropologische . . . and his- torische Abhandlungen. 1782. ,, n. Das unterirdische Preussen, Oder das Fossilienreich. 17S3. ,, in. Beschreibung des Pflanzenreichs. 1783. ,, iv. Die inliindischen Siiugethiere, Vogel, Amphibien und Fische. 1784. ,, v. Beschreibung von einigen Preussischen Insekten und Wurmern . . . und . . . Register. 1785. BOCK (HiERONYMUs) [1498-1554] New Kreiitter Buch von underscheydt, wiirckung und namen der kreiitter 6 so in Teutschen lande [wachse]n, dec. (Das ander ^ theyl der kreiiter, ort. O.L. MS. NOTKS. fol. Strassburg, 1551. [Another edition.] [pp. xxxvi,] foil, ccccxxiiii [17] : text it I itft.. port. fol. Strassburg, 1556. [Another edition.] illust., port. [pp. xxxvii,]foll. 369 [S3] : text fol. Strassburg, 1572. — [Another edition.] Jetzund zjlm Andern nial . . . gebessert und gemehret. Auch wie man die Kreutter zu rechter Zeit samlen und Distillieren soil. Durch . . . M. Sebizium, Ac. [pp. liv,] foil. 454 [46] : text illust., fol. Stratt port. Strassburg, 1587. ("Another edition entitled :] Krautterbuch weylandt . . . H. Tragi genant Bock . . . Mit vleiss ubersehen und . . . gemheret [sic] und gebessert. Durch M. Sebizium, &c. fol. Strassburg, 1630. Bock (H.) H. Tragi, de Stirpium, maxime earum, quse in Germania nostra nascuntur . . . commentariorum jibri tres, Germanica primum lingua conscript!, mine in Latinam conversi, interprete D. Kybero. His ac- cesserunt . . . praefationes . . . D. C. Gesneri . . . Praeterea . . . aoiectus est B. Textoris . . . de Stirpium differentiis . . . libellus, &c. pp. [Ixvi,] 1200 [64"]: text Must., port. 4°. (Argentorati, 1552.) BOCK (JOANNES GOTTLOB) [1804-] Dissertatio in- auguralis medica de radice Ipecacuanha;, &c. pp. S3. 4°. Jeiiae, 1830. BOCKER (HUGO HERMAN) Horti Upsaliensis Plant;e cultee 1780-1800. Quarum Part. V ... sistit H. H. Bocker, &c. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1803.] BOCOURT (FiRMiN) [1819-] Notes Erpetologiques. [1 p.] See ANNALES DBS SCIENCES NATURELLES, im xxix. Jahresb. Grosz. Baden Kathol. Schullehrer-Seminar in Kttlingen. BODIN (NICOLAUS GUSTAVUS) Genera Nova Plan- tarum . . . Part ix . . . submittit . . . N. G. Bodin, &c. See THUNBEKG (C. P.) Nova Genera Plantarum, eDECKEN (C. C. VON DER) Baron. Baron C. C. von der Decken's Eeisen in OstAfrika in 1859-61.,abth.3. 8°. 1879. Boeckeler (O.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Cyperaceen. Heft i. 8°. Varel a. d. Jade, 1888. BOECEH (CAROLUS JULIUS ALEXANDER) De spinis Hystricum. Dissertatio inauguralis physiologica, &c. pp. 25 : 1 pi. col. 4°. Berolini, 1834. BOECEH (JiNOs) A Bakony deli reszenek foldtani viszonyai. — Die geologischen Verhaltnissedessiidlichen Theiles des Bakony. 2 Resz. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Magyar Kirdlyi Foldtani Intezet. Evkonyve, dec. (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche, &c.) Kot. n, fiiz. 2 ; in, fiiz. 1. 8°. 1872 (1873)-74. Boeckh (J.) Brachydiastematherium transilvanicum Bkh. et Maty. Egy rij Pachyderma nem Erdely Eocsen retegeibol. pp. 83-102 : 2 pis. — Brachydiastematherium transilvanicum Bkh. et Maty. Ein neues Pachydermen- Genus aus dem Eocanen Schichten Siebenbiirgens. pp. 26 : 2 pis. See ArjSTRiA-HuNGARY. — Magyar Kirdlyi Foldtani Inte'zet. Evkonyve, &c. (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche, &c.) Kot. iv, fiiz. 2. 8°. 1875 (1876). Boeckh (J.) Pecs varosa kornyekenek foldtani es vizi viszonyai. pp. 129-287 : 2 tab.,1 map (geol. col.). — Geologische und Wasser- Verhaltnisse der Umgebung der Stadt Fiinfkirchen. pp. 178 : 2 tab., 1 rrtap geol. col. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Magyar Kirdlyi Foldtani Inte'zet. Evkonyve, &c. (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahr- buche, &c.) Kot. iv, fiiz. 4. 8°. 1876 (1881). Boeckh (J.) Megjegyzesek az " tJj adatok a deli Bakony fold- es oslenytani ismeretehez" czimil mun- kahoz. pp. 20. — Bemerkungen zu der " Neue Daten zur geologischen und palseontologischen Kenntniss des siidlichen Bakony " betitelten Arbeit, pp. 20. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Magyar Kirdlyi Foldtani Intezet. Evkonyve, &c. (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche, &c.) Kot. vi, fiiz. 1. 8°. 1877. Boeckh (J.) Adatok a Mecsekhegyseg es dombvideke Jurakorbeli lerakodasainak ismeretehez. [Contributions to the knowledge of the sedimentary deposits of Jurassic age in the Mecsek mountain and its hilly environs.] 1. Stratigraphiai resz. pp. 50.— II. Palaeontologiai resz. pp. 106: 10 pis. ,See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMiA. Ertekezesek a Termeszettu- domanyok Kiirebol, &c. Kot. x, szam. 10 ; xi, szam. 9. 8°. 1880-81. Boeckh (J.) Adatok az iza volgye felsci szakasza geo- logiai viszonyainak ismeretehez, kiilonos tekintettel az ottani Petroleumtartaknu Lerakodasokra. [Contribu- tions to a knowledge of the geological structure of the upper portion of the Iza Valley, especially with regard to its Petroleum-bearing deposits!] pp. 79: 1 p. 24: text Must. See FREIBURG-IN-BREISOAU. — NATURFORSCHENDE GE8ELL8CHAFT. Berichte,ain to Paraquaria. See CHURCHILL (A.) & (J.) A collection of Voyages, &c. Vol. iv. fol. 1704. BOEHMEB, (GEORG RUDOLPH) [1723-1803] G. R. Boehmeri . . . Flora Lipsiae indigena. pp. [xx,] 340. 8°. Lipsiae, 1750. Boehmer (G. R.) De Vegetabilium cellulose contextu . . . prseside D. G. R. Boehmer . . . disputabit J. C. Riifferus, &c. pp. 34. 4°. Wittenberge, 1753. For later edition, Set infra, " G. R. Boehmeri . . . Commentatio . . . de Flantanun Seniine," 8°. Leiden, 1890-> Boerlage (J. G.) Nuttige Indische Planten. Door . . . M. Greshoff. Met inleiding van . . . J. G. Boerlage. Afl. i-> See HAARLEM. — NEDERLANDSCHE MAAT- SCHAPPIJ TER BEVORDERING VAN NIJVERHEID. — Koloniaal Museum. Extra Bulletin, 1894, &c. 4°. 1894-» Boerlage (J. G.) See ICONES BOGORIENSES. [Edited o by J.G. Boerlage.] 8°. 1897-> BOERXTER (NICOLAUS) [1690-1 Dissertatio inaugu- ralis medica Rorem marinum exhibens, quam . . . prae- Q side J. J. Fickio . . . auctor responsurus N. Boernerus, O &c. pp. 23. 4°. Jenae [1725]. BOERNSTEIN (RICH ARD) [1852-1 & landolt (H. H.) Physikaliseh-chemische Tabellen. See LANDOLT (H. H.) I*} & BOERNSTEIN (R.) 8°. 1883. BOERT (PASCAL) Les Plantes Oleagineuses et leurs & produits :- huiles et tourteaux. Les Plantes alimentaires des regions intertropicales, &c. pp. 160 : text Must. 8°. Paris, 1888. BOESE (EMIL) Contribute alia geologia della / penisola di Sorrento, pp. 18 : text illust. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, &C. Atti, &C. Ser. II, vol. vm, no. 8. 4°. 1897 24 6 8 I o. L. 186 S CH.2.. BOESENBERG (W.) Beit rag zur Kenntnis der Arachiiiilfii- Fauna von Madeira und den Canarischen Inseln. pp. 13 : 1 pi. See HAMBURG.— NATURWISSEN- SCHAFTUCHKR VEREiN. Abhandlungen, 0 ft BOETTGER (CARL) Das Mittelmeer. Eine Dar- stellung seiner physischen Geographic nebst andern . . . I Untersuchungen, mit Benutzung von Rear-Admiral Smyth's Mediterranean, pp. xv, 609: 6 maps, text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1858-59. BOETTGER (LEOPOLD OSKAR) [I860-] Geschicht- ., liche Darstellung unserer Kenntnisse und Meinungen Or von den Korallenbauten. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 64. 8°. Leipzig, 1890. BOETTGER (OSKAR) Beitrag zur palaeontologischen und geologischen Kenntniss der Tertiarformation in ~* Hessen. — Inaugural Dissertation, Boettger (O.) Eine neue Eidechse aus Sudwest- Afrika. pp. 3. See DRESDEN. — KOENIGLICHES ZOOLO- GISCHES . . . MUSEUM. Abhandlungen, &c. 1892-93, no. 5. 4°. 1894. Boettger (O.) [Notes on the Reptilia and Amphibia / of Algeria.] See KOENIG (A. F.) Reisen ... in Algerien. Append. 1. 8°. [1H96.] Boettger (O.) Reptilien und Batrachier aus Deutsch Neu Guinea, pp. 3. See DRESDEN.— KOENIGLICIIES ~Z- ZOOLOOISCHES. .. MUSEUM. Abhandlungen, &c., no. 7. 4°. 1897. Boettger (O.) cfe Fechuel-Loesche (E.) Die Kriecli- tiere und Lurche . . . Neubearbeitet, &c. See BREHM ~~Z- (A. E.) Brehms Tierleben . . . Dritte . . . Auttage. Bd. vii. 8°. 1892. BOETTGER (RUDOLPH CHRISTIAN) [1806-1881] Ta- ^. bellarische Uebersicht der specifischen Gewichte der ' Korper, &c. pp.aeii,181. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, 1837. BOETTICHER (CARL G. W.) [1806-] Der Baum- kultus der Hellenen, &c. pp. xiv, 544 •' 2% jA». 8°. Berlin, 1856. BOETTIGER (Jon. ANDR. SIGISMUND) Dissertatio ^ inauguralis medica de Laurocerasi indole venenata ... D quam praeside D. A. Vatero . . . proponet J. A. S. Boettiger, &c. pp. 32. 4°. Wittenbergae, 1737. BOFILL (ARTURO) & Almera (J.) Moluscos f6siles de los terrenos Terciarios superiores de Cataluna. ^ See SPAIN. — Comisio'n del Mapa Geoldgico. Boletin, &c. Tom. XI, xm. 8°. 1884, 86. BOGAERTS (FELIX) [1805-1851] Histoire civile et ,_ religieuse de la Colombe, &c. pp. 280 : text illust. 8°. Anvers, 1847. BOGDANOV. See BOGHDANOV. BOGENHARD (CARL) Taschenbuch der Flora von Jena . . . Nebst einer Darstellung der Vegetations- verhaltnisse der Bunten Sandstein- Muschelkalk- und Keuperformation im mittleren Saal- und Ilmge- biete . . . eingeleitet von M. J. Schleiden. pp. xvii, 483. 8°. Leipzig, 1850. BOGHDANOV (ANATOLI! PETROVJCH) [1834-1896] i Materialui dlya Antropologhii Kurghannagho perioda •? v Mosko vskol ghubernii. [Contributions to the An thro- C. / ^^.| pology of the Tumulus period in the Moscow govern- ment.J pp. 176. See Moscow. — IMPERATORSKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBITELEI ESTESTVOZNANIYA, &C. Izvyestiya, &c. Tom. rv, vuip. 1. 4°. 1867. Boghdanov (A. P.) Zamyetki o zoologhicheskikh Sadakh, . 104, 100. 8°. v Praze, 1895. BOHEMIA. Beide Coiuites fuer die Landes durchforschung (formerly fuer die naturwissen- schaftliche Durchforschung) von Boehmen. See PRAGUE. BOHEMIA. [Maps.'] Geologische Karte des Konig- reiches Bohmen . . . von F. Foetterle, Massstab 1 : 600,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 9j m. about]. col. Prag [186-]. Grafische Statistik von Bohmen. Bd. iv. Bohemia. [Maps.] Geognostisch - montanistische Geschiifts- und Comunicationenkarte des Konigreiches Bohmen bearbeitet . . . von J. F. Schmidt von Bergen- hold, &c. Neue . . . Ausgabe. [Scale 1 in. = 6 m. about.] 2 sh. col. Prag, 1880. 183 B B L. o 6 6 L L. LA. 6 B 1 Bohemia. [J/a/w.] Geologische Karte von Bohinen . . . Mansstab 1 : 200,000 [i.e. I in. = 3J in. about]. Suet. n-» Set PRAGUE.— BEIDE COMITES FUER DIE LANDESDURCH- FORSCHUNG VON BOEHMEN. Archiv, «t*c. Bd. VH, no. 6 ; IX, no. 6 ; X, no. 1 ; dx. 8°. 1891-» Bohemia. [.J/ajw.] Geologische Ucbersichtskarte von Boliini'ii. Massstab 1 : 720,000 [i.e. 1 in. = Him.] >'. - K.AT/KK (F.) Geologic von Bohmen,eciniens, with descriptive letterjrress. 4 Vol. 8°. Sheffield, 1835-37. BOHLIN (KNUT) Myxochaite, ett mytt slagte bland Sotvattensalgerna. pp. 7 : 1 pi. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVEN8KA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xv, afd. m, no. 4. 8°. 1890. Bohlin (K.) Studier iifver nagra sliigten af alggruppen Confervales, Borz'i . . . Mit einem Deutschen Resume, pp. 56: 2 pis., text illust. \ )ie Algen der ersten Regnell'schen Expedition. I. Pro- tococcoiden. pp. 47 : 2 pis., text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxm, afd. ill, no. 3 & 7. &°. 1897. BOHMAN (CARL JOHAN) Ofver Vexternes Namn . . . utgifven af C. J. Bohmann . '. . [Pt.] I. See FRIES (E. M.) 8°. 1842. BOHMAN (JOHN) Omberg och dess omgifningar. j>/>. !,!;>. 8°. Linkojring, 1829. Bohman ( JOHN) Wettern och dess Kuster. Andra resan, (L-c. pp. viii, 312. 8". Orebro, 1840. BOHN (HENRY GEORGE) [1796^1884] The Biblio- grapher's Manual of English Literature ... by W. T. Lowndes. New edition ... by H. G. Bohn. See LOWNDES (W. T.) 8°. 1857-64. Bohn (H. G.) An Alphabetical Reference-List of all the coloured plates of the Genus Pinus published in the . . . works of Lambert, Lawson & Forbes. See GORDON (G.) The Pinetum, :rp. 100. 8°. Somes, 1870. - Boisduval (J. B. A. D. DE) & Dejean (P. F. M. A.) Count. Iconographie et histoire naturelle des Coleop- teres d'Europe. 5 Tom. See DEJEAN (P. F. M. A.) j Count & BOISDUVAL (J. B. A. D. DE) 8°. [1829-] 1832-37. Boisdnval (J. B. A. D. DE) A- Gu6n6e (A.) Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Species general des Lepidop- __ teres. par . . . Boisduval (et [Tom. v-x] Ouenee). Tom. i, v-x, & Atlas. 8°. Pans, 1836-57. Forming part of Roret's " Collection des Suites A Buffon." Tom. I. [Introduction and Diurnal l.epidoptsra, by J. B. A. D. de Bois- duval.] ]>)>. xii, 690: Upll. Tom. ll-iv were never issued. Tom. v-vii. Noctnelite« par M. A. Guenee. 3 Tom. tllvil. 1852. „ viii. DeltoidM et Pyralites par M. A. Goenee. pp. 44», 6: 10 pit. col. I854' ix-x. Uraniden et Phalenites par M. A. Gu«5nee. 2 Tom. col. itlutt. 18". [Another edition.] Atlas. 8°. Paris, 1858. This consists of coloured copies of the plaUs to the foregoing. Secies general des Lepidopteres Heteroc6res . . . Tome premier : Sphingides, Sesiides, Castnides par . J. A. Boisduval. ;/;'. iv, 5G8 : 11 pis. col. &. /'aril, 1874. Forming one of Hoiefs " Collection des Suites i Buffon." 189 z z 6 6 B 6 6 B 6 Boisduval (J. B. A. D. DE) & Lacordaire (J. T.) Faune Entuinologique des environs de Paris, dec. Tom. l.f pp. 17, 696: 3 pis. 12°. Pans, 1835. Boisduval (J. B. A. U. DE) & Le Conte (J. L.) His- toire generale ct iconpgraphie des Lepidopteres et des Chenilles de 1'Ameiique septentrionale. Tom. i.f l>p. 228 : 78 pis. col. 8°. Paris, (1829-) 1833 [1842]. Issued in 26 parts, i ach having 3 plates and a sheet of text. Boisduval (J. B. A. D. DE) & others. Collection iconographique et historique des Chenilles . . . d'Europe. Par MM. Boisduval, P. llambur . . . et A. Graslin. 128 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress. 8". Paris, 1832 [-43]. BOISMONT (ALEXANDRE JACQUES BKIEERE DE) See BRIERRE DE BOISMONT. BOIS-REYMOND (EMIL HEINRICH DU) See Du BOIS-REYMOND. BOISSIER, Abbe. See SAUVAGES DE LA CROIX (P. A. B. DE) BOISSIER (EDMOND PIERRE) [1810-1885] Elenchus Plantarum novarum minusque cognitarum quas in itinere Hispanico legit, pp. 94. 8°. Genevae, 1838. Boissier (E. P.) Voyage Botanique dans le midi de 1'Espagne pendant . . . 1837. 2 Vol. Must. 4°. Paris, 1839-45. Boissier (E. P.) novarum. 3 Vol. Diagnoses Plantarum Orientalium 8°. Lipsice, 1842-59. Each Volume is in separately paged numbers forming two "Series" of 13 and 6 respectively. Boissier (E. P.) Aufzaehlung der auf einer Reise durch Transkaukasien und Persien gesammelten PHanzen in Gemeinschaft mit E. Boissier, &c. See BUHSE (F. A.) 4°. [I860.] Boissier (E. P.) Centuria Euphorbiarum. pp. 40. 8°. Lipsice, Parisiis, 1860. Boissier (E. P.) Icones Euphorbiarum, ou figures . . . dessinees et gravees par Heyland avec des con- siderations sur la classification et la distribution geographique des Plantes de ce genre, pp. 24 : 120 pis. fol. Paris, 1866. Boissier (E. P.) Flora Orientalis, sive Enumeratio Plantarum in Oriente a Grsecia et JEgypto ad Indise fines hucusque observatarum. 5 Vol. 8°. Basilete & Geneva, 1867-84. — Supplementum, editore R. Buser. pp. xxxiii, 466 : 7 pis. 8". Oenevce & Basilece, 1888. Genre Jtosrt . . . Etudes sur les cinq especes . . . dans le Flora Orientalis de Boissier. See BURNAT (E.) & GREMLI (A.) 8°. 1887. Boissier (E. P.) Bentham und Boissier. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Botanik. See WUNSCHMANN (E.) 4°. 1887. Boissier (E. P.) Hortus Boissierianus, &c. See AUTRAN (E.) & DURAND (T.) 8°. 1896. Boissier (E. P.) & Renter (G. F.) Pugillus Plantarum novarum Afric» borealis Hispaniseque australis. /'J'- 134- 8°. Geneva, 1852. BOISSIER DE SAUVAGES DE LA CROIX. See SAUVAGES DE LA CROIX. Physique, de Chimie et de Mineralogie appliquees a la 12°. Paris, 1829. BOISSIEU (C. V. DE) Flore d'Europe, &c. 3 Tom. 8". Lyon, 1805-6. BOISSY (ST. ANGE DE) See ST. ANOE DE BOISSY. BOISTEL (A.) Nouvelle Flore des Lichens pour la determination facile des especes sans microscope et sans reactifs . . . representant toutes les especes de France et les especes communes d'Europe. pp. xlv, 164 •' text Must. 8°. Paris [1896]. Suite a la Nouvelle Flore de MM. G. Bonnier et De Layens. iv. BOITARD (PIERRE) [1787-1859] La Botanique des Dames. 3 Tom. & Atlas 104 pis. col. 12°. Paris, 1821. Encyclopedic des Dames. The Atlas bears title : " Flore de la Botanique des Dames." Boitard (P.) Manuel complet de Botanique, &c. pp. vi, 448: 6 pis. [in 2] 12°. Paris, 1826. [Another edition entitled :] Nouveau Manuel com- plet de Botanique. Premiere Partie. Principes de Botanique elementaire . . . Nouvelle edition, &c. pp. vi, 481 : 6 pis. [in 2.] 12°. Paris, 1852. Manuels-Roret. Boitard (P.) Manuel du destructeur des Animaux nuisibles . . . k 1'agriculture, &c. See VERARDI (L.) pseud. 12°. 1827. Boitard (P.) Manuel de Physiologie Vegetale, de "-!,—, - liimieetde M: Culture, pp. vi, 359 : 2 pis. Boitard (P.) [Dictionnaire universel d'Histcire Naturelle . . . par MM. Arago* . . . Boitard, &c. See ORBIGNY (A. C. N.JXV) ^1839-45.] Wanting. v'' >>• 8°. 1849. 8°. 1861. Boitard (P.) Methode eprouvee . . . k connaitre les Plantes de la France . . . Troisieme edition . . . com- prenant toutes les Plantes Phanerogames de la France ; par M. Boitard. See DUBOIS (F. N. A.) 8°. 1840. Boitard (P.) Le Jardin des Plantes. Description et mueurs des Mammiferes de la Menagerie et du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle . . . precede d'une introduction historique, descriptive et pittoresque par M. J. Janin. pp. Ixvi, 472 : 55 pis., 2 ports., text illust. 4°. Paris, 1842. Boitard (P.) Botanique des Demoiselles, &c. pp. iv, 156: 64 pis. 4°. Paris, 1845. Boitard (P.) & Corbie ( ) Les Pigeons de voliere et de colombier, &c. pp. viii, 240 : 25 pis. col. 8°. Paris, 1824. BOITEL (AMEDEE) Herbages et Prairies naturelles. 8°. Paris, 1887. Bibliotheqne de 1'Euseignement Agricole. BOJANTJS (LuDWio HEINRICH) [1776-1827] Ana- . tome Testudinis Europaeae, &c. pp. vi, 178 : 39 pis. • fol. Vilnae, 1819-21. Twenty-six of the original drawings with proofs of the plates for this work are preserved in the Zoological Department. Bojanns (L. H.) Memoria . . . L. H. Bojani, &c. See EICHWALD (C. E. VON) Catalogus Musaei Zooto- mici, &c. fol. 1835. BOJER (WENZEL) [1800-1856] Hortus Mauritianus, &c. pp. iv, 456. 8°. Maurice, 1837. Bojer (W.) Planches relatives au genre Gaertnera Lam., &c. [Text by De Candolle.] pp. 1 : 2 pis. (1 col.) See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, &c. Neue Denkschriften, &c. Tom. x. 4°. 1849. B B 6 6 e [Another e«Klion.] [Anp^Her issue.] 6 190 e L 6.4 BOKLIN (PETRUs) Flora Hallandica . . . pro)>oiiiint E. Fries et P. Biiklin. Sect. vm. See FRIES (E. M.) 8". 1819. BOLAND (HENRI) Catalogue des ouvrages k emporter de la bibliotheque . . . Section Francaise, BERT) Grunddragen af Desmidieernas utbredning i Norden. pp. 110. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihailg till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xm, afd. HI, no. 6. 8°. 1887. Boldt (R.) Desmidieer fran Gronland. pp. 48 : 2 pis. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIOA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xm, afd. HI, no. 5. 8°. 1888. e BOLDVA (ADOLF BOBRIK VON) See B6BRIK VON BOLDVA. BOLIVAR (IONACIO) See BoLfvAR Y URRUTIA. BOLIVAR T URRUTIA (IGNACIO) Ort6pteros de Espaiia nuevos o poco conocidos. pp. 25 : 1 pi. col. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE IIISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &c. Tom. H. 8*. 1873. Bolivar y Urrutia (I.) Sinopsis de los Ort6pteros de K-J.II i M y Portugal. 4 Pt. pp. 333 : 7 jilt, (col.) Z- See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &c. Tom. v-vii. 8°. 1876-78. Bolivar y Urrutia (I.) Analecta Orthopterologica. pp. 48: 2 pit. See MADRID.— SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTOHIA NATURAL. Anales, 'O anas del yacht 1'Hirondelle.) pp. 40 : 2 pls.,textillust. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, *.] Carte commerciale de Bolivie / . . . par F. Biancom. Echelle de 1 : 4,500,000 [i*. 1 in. = 71 m.] See COMPAN! A HUANCHACA DE BOLIVIA, i Report on the Mines . . . of the Company, &c. 8°. 1889. ft\ BOLL (ERNST FRIEDRICH AUGUST) [1817-1868] Geog- nosie der Deutschen Ostseelander zwischen Eider und f Oder. Unter Mitwirkung von . . . G. A. Bruckner ...'•' verfasst von E. Boll. pp. vi, 284 •' ~ /^'. 8°. Neubrandenburg, 1846. Boll (E. F. A.) Flora von Mecklenburg-Strelitz, nebst ,, Beitragen zur gesammten Mecklenburgischen Flora. D pp. 146. 8°. [Neubrandenburg, 1849.] Archiv Vcreiu Freunde Natarg. Mecklenburg. Bd. ill. 191 6 Z. & L 6 B L L- Boll(E. F. A.) Die Insel Riigen. Reise-Erinnerungen. pp. iv, 199 : 1 map. 8°. Schwerin [1858]. Boll (E. F. A.) Flora von Mecklenburg, dec. pj>. 404. 8°. Neubrandenburg, 1860. Archiv Vereins Freunde Naturg. Mecklenburg. Bd. xiv. A " Nach- trag" was issued in the same serial. Bd. xvai, 1864. BOLL (FRANZ CHRISTIAN) [1849-1879] Beitrage zur vergleichenden Histiologie des Molluskentypus. pp. iv, 111 : 4 pis. 8°. Bonn, 1869. Boll (F. C.) Das Princip des Wachsthums. Eine anatomische Untersuchung, &c. pp. 82: 1 pi., text Must. 8". Berlin, 1876. BOLL (.JACOB) [1828-1880] Verzeichniss der Phanero- gamen- & Kryptogamen-rlora von Bremgarten, dem untern Freiamt ; Halhvilersee, Limmatthal und den angrenzenden Theilen des Kantons Ziirich. pp. viii, 126. 8°. Aarau, 1869. BOLLAND (RICHARD) A draught of the Streights of Gibraltar, dec. See CHURCHILL (A.) & (J.) A collection of Voyages, dec. Vol. iv. fol. 1704. BOLLE (CARL AUGUST) [1821-] De Vegetatione Alpina in Germania extra Alpes obvia. Dissertatio inauguralis, dec. pp. 50. 8°. Bertolini, 1846. Bolle (C. A.) Die Palmen . . . Deutscli bearbeitet von . . . C. Bolle . . . Zweite Auflage, dec. See SEE- MANN (B.) 8°. 1863. BOLLETINO SCIENTIFIC© : redatto dai . . . De-Giovanni A., Maggi L. e Zoja G. ([and afterwards, Ann. iv & v] P. Magretti). Ann. i-» 8°., Pavia, 1879-» The first three numbers only were issued at Milan. Vol. l-m have no title-pages. BOLLETTINO DEL NATTJB.ALISTA COL- LETTORE. See RIVISTA ITALIANA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. BOLLMAN (CHARLES HARVEY) [1868-1889] Notes on ... Myriapods from the Bermuda Islands. See HEIL- PRIN (A.) The Bermuda Islands, dec. 8°. 1889. Also issued in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. 1889. Bellman (C. H.) The Myriapoda of North America . . . Edited by L. M. Underwood. (Introductory [biographi- cal] note. By C. V. Riley.) pp. 210. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, dec. No. 46. 8°. 1893. BOLLMAN (KARL) & Zippel (H.) [Auslandische Culturpflanzen in farbigen Wandtafeln mit erlautern- dem Text, &c. Abth. I & n. See ZIPPEL (H.) & BOLL- MAN (K.) 8°. & fol. 1876, 77.] Wanting. Zweite . . . Auflage. 8". & fol. 1880, 81. Abth. in. 8°. & fol. 1889. Bollman (K.) & Zippel (H.) Reprasentanten einheimi- scher Pflanzenfamihen in farbigen Wandtafeln mit er- lauterndem Text, dec. 2 Abth. [in 5 Pt.] See ZIPPEL (H.) & BOLLMAN (K.) °. & fol. 1879-82. BOLOGNA. [For publications relating to the Botanic Garden] See infra, REGIA UNIVERSITA, &c. BOLOGNA.— Academia Scientiarnm Instituti Bononiensis. See infra, REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, &c. BOLOGNA.— Bononiensi Scientiarum et Artitim Institute atque Academia. See infra, REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, dec. Classe di Fisica e Matematica, dec. ' 4°. Bologna, 1806, 10. BOLOGNA. — Istituto Nazionale Italiano. (If 02 Founded. 1810 The seat of the Academy was removed to Milan, and in 1817 Its title was changed to Imperiale Regio (stituto del Regno Lorn- bardo-Veneto. (v-v.)] Memorie . Tom. i & II. Classe di Scienze Morali, Politic-he, &c. Tom. I. 4". Bologna, 1809, 13. Each of these volumes is in two separately paged parts. For index of / papers contained in them See MILAN. — REALE ISTITUTO LOMBARDO PI ^ bCiENZE, &c. Icdice generate, d-c. 8°. 1891. BOLOGNA. — Reale Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istitnto. [liii'O Founded as Accademia degli Inquieti. 1714 Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Botogna. 1802 It was merged in the Istituto Nazionale Italiano [see supra] till 1810, when that body removed to Milan. In 1811 an Ateneo was formed, which appears to have lasted till 1829, when the Academy was re-founded. From 1815 to 1823 the " Opuscoli Scientific! " [q.v.] contained the papers of the University Professors. 1885 Reale Accademia, &c.] De Bononiensi scientiarum et artium Institute atque Academia Commentarii. pp. [vm'J 647 : 9 pis. 4°. Bononiae, 1731. — Tom. i-vn. 4". Bononiae, 1748-91. . Tom. I is a reprint of the above. Tom. ll is in three and Tom. v in I— two separately paged parts. [Resumed as :] Novi Commentarii Academiae scientiarum Instituti 6 /fc-i e Bononiensis. Tom. i-x. 4°. Bononiae, 1834-39. - Indices generales, dec. 4°. Bononiae, 1855. [Continued as /] Memorie della Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna. Tom. i-xii. 4°. Bologna, 1850-61 (1862). Vol. IX -» were issued in parts, the title-page appearing with the first and bearing its date only. L- L. L, Indici generali, &c. pp.40. 4°. Bologna, 1864. Ser. II, torn. i-x. 4°. Bologna, 1862-70 (1871). [_ Indici generali, &c. pp. 45. 4°. Bologna, 1871. ^ Ser. Ill, torn. i-x. 4°. Bologna, 1871-79. L Indici generali, dec. pp. 49- 4°. Bologna, 1880. \_ Ser. IV, torn. i-x. 4°. Bologna, 1880-90. L- Ser. V. Memorie della Sezione delle Scienze . Naturali. Tom. i-> 4°. Bologna, 1891-» Bologna. — Reale Accademia delle Scienze, &c. Memoires . . . Traduits l> ?<4- ' 1851-» 8°. Bologna, 1852 , i. , ^ Ho J, Bologna.— Reale Accademia delle Scienze, &c. Accademia delle Scienze dello Istituto di Bologna dalla sua origine a tutto il 1880. pp. 278. J 8°. Bologna, 1881. ' BOLOGNA. — Regia TJiiiversita degli Studi. Hortus Studiosorum, sive Catalogus Arborum ... & Plantarum omnium, quae ... in Studiosorum Horto /. Publico Bonon. coluntur, &c. See AMBROSINUS (H.) o 4°. (1657.) Bologna. — Regia TJiiiversita degli Studi. Plantarum varii indices ad usum demonstrationum n quoe in Bononiensis Archigymnasii Publico Horto D quotannis habentur, dec. See MONTI (G.) 4°. 1724. 192 I 6 M L 0 •f g L z z &• L. L Bologna. — Begia Universita degli Studi. Index Plantaruin qu;c extant in Horto . . . Anno 1802. Accedunt observationes circa duas species Agaves, nee non continuatio historias Horti ejusdem. [Compiled by A. Rodatus.] 4°. Bononiae [1802 T\. Bologna. — Begia Universita degli Studi. Synopsis Plantaruin Horti . . . Anno 1813. [Compiled by J. Scannagatta.] 4°. Bononice [1813]. Bologna. — Begia Universita degli Studi. 1 Gabinetto Mineralogico della R. Universita di Bologna. Anno 1881, press. 4°. Leeds, London, &c. [1785-90.] The original drawings for the plates are preserved in the Botanical Department Bolton (JAMES) Fifty Flowers drawn from Nature, at ft. Halifax . . . 1785-87. 50 pis. fol. Original water-colour drawings with manuscript title, and a preface dated 1788. Bolton (JAMES) An History of Fungusses growing about Halifax (Appendix), &c. 4 Vol. [in 1.] Must. col. D 4°. Halifax, Huddersfield, &c., 1788-91. With engraved coloured title in Latin. For tables correlating the Hymeiwmyceta described in this work with the species of Fries, Set LAPLANCHE (M. C. DE) Dictionnaire icono* graphique des Champignons. Bolton (JAMES) J. Boltons Geschichte der merck- n wiirdigsten Pilze . . . Aus den Englischen mit # Anmerkungen von D. C. L. Willdenow. (IV. Thl, Anhang und Nachtrage . . . Fortgesetzt und mit einer Einleitung . . . von . . . C. G. Nees von Esenbeck und . . . T. F. L. Nees von Esenbeck.) 4 Thl. [in 1] col. engr. title. Atlas 182 pis. col. 8°. Berlin, 1795-1820. Bolton (JAMES) Harmonia ruralis ; or an essay towards a natural history of British Song Birds, 2: z. -T r 2- L 2. Bonafoua (M.) Ueber die Cultur des Maulbeer- Kmms . . . Nach der dritten Franzosischen Original- ausgabe . . . bearbeitet von H. Meyer, «frc. pp. viii, 60 : 1 pi. 8°. Qvtdlinburg W Regno Animale del BgjJOtteXJuvier. OsservazjpBrmC. L. Bonaparte, pp. ^^&. Bologna, 1830. (Imprimatur is dated Jan. 13th, 1831. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Saggio d'una distribuzione metodica degli Animali Vertebrati a sangue freddo. pp. 86. 8°. Roma, 1832. Oiorn. Arcadico. Tom. i.u, 1831. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Icono- graphia della Fauna Italica per le quattro classi degli Animali Vertebrati. 3 Tom. col. Must. fol. Roma, 1832-41. For collation of this work, with dates of publication of the various fasciculi. S« SALVADOKI (T.) Boll. HUB. Zool. & Anal. comp. Torino, in, no. 48. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. A. P. Ninni Synopsis iconographiae Faunae Italicae C. L. Bonaparte, Jkc. See NINNI (A. P.) 8°. 1868. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Cheloniorum tabula analytica. pp. 9. 8°. (Romae, 1836.) Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. A geogra- phical and comparative List of the Birds of Europe and Jsorth America, pp. vii, 67. 4°. London, 1838. Printed in double column. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Selacliiiruin tabula analytica. pp. 16. See NEUCHATEL.— SOCI&TE DBS SCIENCES NATURELLES. Memoires, (tc. Tom. n. 4°. 1839. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Prodromus systematis Mastozoologiae. pp. IS. 8°. [Rome, 1839.] Metaii'i Ann. Med.-Chlr. Roma. Tom. 11. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Prodromus systematis Herpetologine. pp. IS. 8°. [Rome, 1840.] "Z Mi M vi - Ann. Med.-Chir. Roma. Tom. III. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Systema Vertebratorum. pp. 58. 4°. Londini, 1840. ~z Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Amphibia Europaea ad systema nostrum vertebratorum ordinata. 2 pp. 72. 4". [Turin, 1840.] Mem. R. Acaid. Sci. Torino. Her. II, torn. II. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Catalogo "T metoaico degli Uccelli Europei. pp. 97. 8°. Bologna, 1842. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Osserva- -? zioni sullo stato della Zoologia in Europa in quanto ai ^- Vertebrati nell' anno 1840-41, &c. pp. 51. S°.Firenze,\84Z. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Observa- tions on the state of Zoology in Europe as regards the . Vertebrata ... 1841. See RAY SOCIETY. Reports on the progress of Zoology and Botany 1841, 1842. 8°. 1845. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Catalogo metoaico dei Ciprinidi d'Europa e rilievi sul Vol. xvn . dell' istoria naturale dei Pesci del Sig. Valenciennes. pp. 30. 4°. Milano, 1845. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Catalogo inetodicodeiMammiferi Europei. pp. 36. 4°.4/t7arao,1845. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Specchio dei sistemi Erpetologico, Anfibiologico ed Ittiologico. ^ pp. n. 4°. Milano, 1845. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Catalogo inetodico dei Pesci Europei. pp. 97. 4°. Napoli, 1846. ^ Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Conspectus generum Avium. 2 Tom. [in l.J 4°. Lvyduni Batavorum, (1849-) 1850-57. - According to the dates printed on the sheets, the work was issued iis follows :— Tom. I, pp. 1-104, 1849 ; pp. lO'S-543, 1850. I om. II, pp. 1-104, 1854; pp. 105-192, 1855 ; pp. 103-2S2, 1856. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. C. _L. Bonaparte conspectus systematum. Mastozoologiae - . . . Ornithologiae . . . Herpetologiae et Amphioio- logiae . . . Ichtnyologiae. Editio reformata. 4 sh. fol. Lugduni Satavorum, 1850. Earlier versions appeared in various scientific journals and the trans- actions of learned societies. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Revue critique de 1 Ornithologie Euvopeenne de M. . . . Deg- land . . . Lettre, &c. pp. 206. 8°. Bruxelles, 1850. Quelques mots sur 1'Ornithologie Europeenne de f" M. . . . Degland, et sur une Critique de M. C. Bona- parte, &c. See JAUBERT (J. B.) 8°. 1851. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Notes * OrniUiologiques sur les collections rapportees en 1853 par M. A. Delattre, et classification para!161ique des ' Passereaux Chanteurs. pp. 95. 4°. Pam,[1853-] 1854. Comptes Rendus Acoii. Sci. Paris. Tom. xxxvn Si xxxv in. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Conspectus ~f Volucrum Zygodactylorum . . . Quadro dei Volucri -^ Zigodattili ossia Passeri a piedi Scansori. m>. 14- 8°. [Paris, 1854.] Ateneo Italiano. 1854. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Conspectus -T Volucrum Anisodactylorum . . . Quadro dei Volucri — Anisodattili. pp. 16. 8°. (Parigi, 1854.) ^ Ateneo Italiano. Is.'il. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Conspectus Systematis Ornithologist, pp. 48. 8". (Paris,) [1854.] ^, Ann. Sd. Nat. Her. IV, torn. i. 195 g_ Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Coup d'oeilsur 1'ordre des Pigeons, pp. 59. 4°. Paris, [1854-] 1855. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. XXXJX-XL. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Note sur £. les Oiseaux des lies Marquises, et particulierement sur le genre nouveau Serresius. pp. 30. 4°. (Paris,) [1855.] Compte . Beudus Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. XLI. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Tableaux paralleliques des ordres LinnSens Anseres, Grails et GallinBe. Ineptes, Herons, Pelagiens, Nullipennes. Des Altrices ou Sitistes, et Pnecoces ou Autophages. (Gallinaces, Echassiers, Palmipedes et Rudipennes.) Avec notes et descriptions d'espfeces nouvelles de Perro- quets, Rapaces, Passereaux et Pigeons. 4°. Paris, 1856. Under the above collective title are included the following extracts from the Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. XLI-XLIII. 1. Catalogue . . . d'Oiseaux contenus dans le Museum Britannique, par M. G. B. Gray. [A review.] pp. It. 1855. 2. 'lableaux synopliques de 1'ordre des tle'rons. pp. 8. 1855. 3. Note sur les Oiseaux des lies Marquises, et particulierement sur le genre nouveau Serresius. — Note sur los Salanganes et sur leurs nids. — Reuiarques . . . au sujet de la communication de M. Geoffroy- Saint Hilaire, sur une nouvelle espece d'Equide. — Paroles, d-c. — Communication en presentant une nouvelle publication de M. Gray. — Extrait d'une lettre, &c. — Especes nouvelles d'Oiseaux d'Asie et d'Ame'rique, et tableaux paralleliques des Pe"lagiens ou Gavise.— Observations sur la zoolo&!ie peographique de 1'Afrique et description d'un nouveau ^enre et de nonvelles especes d'Oiseaux. pp. 30. [1855.] 4. 'lableaux paralleliques de 1'ordre des Gallinaces. (Note sur les tableaux, <0c.) pp. 20. 1856. 5. Excursions dans les divers Musees d'Allema£ne,de Hollande et de Belgique et tableaux parall Cliques de 1'ordre des Echassiers. (Suite.) pp. 13 (17). ISBii. 6. Ornithologie fos-rile servant d'introduction au tableau comparatif des Ineptes et des Aui ruches. — Additions et corrections au coup d'ceil sur 1'ordre des Pigeons et . . . du Conspectus Avium — Additions et corrections aux tableaux p;iralleliques ue 1 ordre des Herons et des Pelagiens, ou Gavies, etc. — Additions et corrections aux tableaux paralleliques de la deuxieme sous-classe des Oiseaux, Prsecoces ou Autophages. pp. 1,6. 1856. ^ Tableaux paralleliques des, Oiseaux Praecoces ou Autophages. (Galhnace's, Echassiers, Palmipedes et Rudipennes.) pp. 20. 4°. Paris, 1856. Under this covering title are included No. 4-6 of the precedii;g collection. 7" Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Tabel- larische Uebersicht der Papagaien. pp. 8. See NAU- MANNIA, &c. Jahrg. vi, beilag. 1. 4°. 1856. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Iconogra- 7" phiedesPerroquets...parM. C. de iSouance avec la coope- -, ration de S.A. le prince Bonaparte, &c. See SOUANCE (C. DE) fol. 1857. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Icono- 7" graphic des Pigeons non figures par Mme. Knip (Mile. Z. P. Decourcelles) dans les deux volumes de MM. Temminck et F. Prevost [Edited with a preface by P. Bertrand]. [pp. x :] 56 pis., ivith descriptive letterpress. fol. Paris, 1857. The plates are numbered 1-9, 11-26, 28, 29, 31-36, 38-40, 42, 45, 51, 57, 58, 61, 62, 69, 70, 75, 102, 116, 119, 121, 125, 126, 133, 134, 140. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Scienze naturali. Parallelismo fra la tribu' dei Cantori Fissi- ~2L rostri e quella dei Volucri hianti e dei notturni ovvero insidenti. pp. 11. 8°. Torino, 1857. Rivista Contemporanea, Febbraio, 1857. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Notice sur les Travaux Zoologiques de M. C. L. Bonaparte. pp. So. 4°. Paris, 1850. Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. Notice Z- sur les Travaux Scientifiques de . . . C. L. Bonaparte. See ELIE DE BEAUMONT (J. B. A. L. L.) 8°. [1857 ?] •r Bonaparte (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino & Schlegel (H.) Monographic des Loxiens . . . Ouvrage accom- pagn6 de . . . planches coloriees . . . d'apres les dessins de M. Badeker, &c. pp. [vi,] xvii, 55 : 54 pis- col. 4°. Leiden & Diisseldorf, 18r>0. BONAPARTE (ROLAND NAPOLEON) Prince [1858-] Prince R. Bonaparte. Les Habitants de Suriname. Notes recueillies k 1'Exposition Coloniale d'Amsterdam •** en 1883. pp. viii, 226 : 72 pis. fol. Paris, 1884. Bonaparte (R. N.) Prince. Une Excursion en Corse. , • pp. xi, 275 : 6 pis. 4°. Paris, 1891. BONARELLI (G.) & Parona (C. F.) Fossili Albiani d'Escragnolles, del Nizzardo e della Liguria occidentale. pp. GO : 5 pis. See PALAEONTOGRAPHIA ITALICA, &c. £L 4°. 1897. BONATO (GIUSEPPE ANTONIO) [1753-1836] J. Ponte- derse . . . Epistola; ac Dissertationes . . . Prsfatione ~e et notis auctum ab J. A. Bonato, &c. 2 Vol. See PONTE- DERA (G.) 4°. 1791. Bonato (G. A.) . 8 : 2 pis. 8°. Jtodez, 1858. BONI (CARLO) Sulle terremare Modenesi. (Riassmito storico-critico degli studii fatti sulle terremare e pala- fitte Modenesi dalla loro scoperta fino al presente e suir antropologia ])reistorica nella suaconnessione collo studio delle terremare del Dr. C. Boni. — Avanzi Animali. Nota del Prof. G. General!.) pp. 78 : 7 pis. 8°. Modena, 1870. BONISSENT ( ) Essai geologique sur le departement de la Manche ... 3° (4" — 12") Epoque. 5 Pt. 8°. Cherbourg, [1863-] 1871. Mem. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg. Tom. ix, x, xi, xin, xv. Wanting the first two pa]tere. BONITE, La, French Corvette. Voyage autour du Monde execute pendant . . . 1836-37, &c. 15 Vol. & Atlases. See FRANCE. 8". & fol. 1840-84. Bonite, La, French Corvette. List of Mollusca and Shells in the . . . British Museum, collected and de- scribed ... in the "Voyage autour du Monde execute . . . sur ... La Bonite," . 8°. Bonn, 1893. f\ Boim. Koeuiglicher Oberbergamt. Kntalog der Bibliothek des . . . Obcrbergamts . . . *— Abgeschlossen am 1 Oct. 1883. (Nachtrag 1883-1892, <6c.) 2 Pt. pp. viii, 338. 8°. Bonn, 1883, 93. BONN. — Verein der Preus- sischen Rheinlande, Westfalens und des Reg.- Bczirks Osnabrueck. [1843 Founded as ffnturhutoritchtr Vertin. dtr Preuttitchtn RJicinUtndf 1849 ffutnrttistorucher yertin der PmttKischrii Rheinlande und Watfalfn*. 1885 Naturhiitoritcher Verein der PreiwUclttn Rlttintande, WettJ'altiM tout ri(rk. Verhancllungen, &c. (Corresponden/.blatt, 8°. Bonn, 1895-* BONN. — Rheiiiischc Friedrich - Wilhelms-Uni - versitaet. | Founded 1784.) I'lantarum, in Horto Medico Bonnensi nutritarum, icones selectae. Manip. i. See NEES VON ESENBECK (C. G. D.) & (T. F. L.) 4». 1824. Bonn . Rheinische Fried.- Wilhel.-Uui versitaet. Bericht iiber das Anatomische Institut der . . . Univer- sitat . . . entworfen . . . von ... A. F. J. C. Mayer. pp. SI : 1 pi., 1 plan. 4°. Bonn, 1830. Bonn. Rheiiiischc Fried.- Wilhel.-Uuiversitaet. Saiiiinlung sclionbliihender Gewiichse . . . Nach lebenden Exemplaren des . . . Gartens . . . gezeichnet, luseums der . . . Uuiversitat . . . Erstes Decennium vom Jahre 1820-30. Von . . . A. F. J. C. Mayer. />/>. 107. 8°. Bonn [1835]. Bonn.-- Rheinische Fried.- Wilhel.-Universitaet. Die Meteoriten des Naturhistorischen Museums der Universitat...VonG. vom Path, pp.24. PP.B(mn,\$75. a ^ jP> 197 L r £> L 4 o d, BONN (ANDREAS CONRADUS) Anatome Castoris, atque chemica Castorei analysis, ejusque in medicina usus. pp. 128. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1806. BONNARD (AUGUSTE HENRI DE) [1781-1857] Essai geognostique sur 1'Erzgebirge, ou sur les montagnes metalliferes de la Saxe. pp. 156. 8°. Paris, 1816. .1.111111. des Mines, Paris. Tom. xxxvm. Bonnard (A. H. DE) See DICTIONARIES. Npuveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, &c. Nouvelle edition. Tom. x-xxxvi. 8°. 1817-19. Bonnard (A. H. DE) Notice geognostique sur quelques parties de la Bourgogne, &c. pp. 126 : 3 pis. 8°. Paris, 1825. Ann. des Mines, Paris. Tom. x. Bonnard (A. H. DE) Sur la Constance des fails geognostiques qui accompagnent le gisement du terrain d'Arkose & Test du plateau central de la France. pp. 106: 3 pis 8°. Paris, 1828. Ann. des Mines, Paris. Ser. II, torn. iv. BONNARD (H.) & Taylor (J.) Nouvelle Galles du Sud. [Scale 1 in. = 50 m.] See NEW SOUTH WALES. [Maps.] 1882. BONNATERRE (.JOSEPH P.) [c. 1752-1804] Tableau encyclopedique et methodique des Trois Rfegnes de la Nature, &c. (Cetologie — Ophiologie — Erpetologie — Ornithologie — Ichthyologie.) 6 Tom. See ENCYCLOPEDIE METHODIQUE, &c. 4°. 1789-1823. BONNESERRE DE SAINT DENISi ) Diction naire de Pomologie . . . Publie . . . avec la collaboration de Bonneserre de Saint Denis. See LEROY ( A.) 8°. 1879. BONNET (CHARLES) [1720-1793] CEuvres d'Histoire Naturelle et de PhilOsophie. 9 Tom. Must. tf.Neuchdtel, 1779-81. Traite" d'lnsectologie. (Ft. 1. Observations sur les Pucerons. Ft. 2. Observations sur quelques especes de Vers d'eau douce, etc.) Observations diverges sur les Insectee. Memoires d'Histoire Naturelle. Recherches sur 1'Usage des Feuilles. (Supplement.) (Second Supplement au livre sur 1' Usages des Feuilles.) Corps Organises. lre. Partie. Corps Organisers. IIe. Partie. L Z 6 /_ Tom. Contemplation de la Nature. 7 [Another edition.] Tom.i&n. 8°.Amste}*dam,l78Q. Bonnet (C.) [Traite d'Insectologie, ou Ton traito de leur origine, de leur developpement, de leur reproduction, dec. 2 Tom. 8°. Amsterdam, 1762. [Another edition.] See supra, CEuvres, 6 C o 8 6 r.l. 6, •Jill I BOOTT (FRANCIS) [1792-1863] [Cnrices of North R America.] See HOOKER (Sir W. J.) Flora Boreali Americana, d-c. Vol. II. 4°. 1840. Boott (F.) [Table of the distribution of the Carices.] See RICHARDSON (Sir J.) Arctic searching expedition, 75 • 8°. Paris & Bordeaux, 1884-* I Tables Generates des 10 volumes de la lre Serie. j_ Appended to Tom. x. des cinq volumes de la deuxieme S6rie. L Appended to Tom. v. 201 L L B 6 B z BORDEAUX. Societe Liimeeiine. (Founded isis.j Bulletin d'Histoire Naturelle, Ac. (Resume des travaux, &c. [in torn, m.]) Tpjfi. i-m. Bordeaux, 1830, 1845, 1829 (18£ Tom. i & n are of Jh^ second edition : torn, m was reprinted in [Continued as .•] Actes, y Carolus Joannes a Jesu, appeared in 16SO-1. BORELLUS (JOHANNES) Disputatio botanica de Plan- tis verno tempore efflorescentibus et usualibus plerisque, quam . . . sistet . . . J. Borellus, Ac. See NEBEL (D.) 4°. 1706. BOREMAlJ^PfltLMAs) Adea text illust. 4°. Oxford, &c., 1756. Borlase (W.) The Natural History of Cornwall, &c. pp. xix, 326 : 28 pis., 1 map. fol. Oxford, 1758. if] BORMANS (AUGUSTEDE) Etude sur quelques Derma- pteres ex cliques, pp. 11. See MADRID.— SOCIEDAD fc ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. AnaleS, &C. Tom. IX.C,ffl 8°. 1880. Bormans (A. DE) Forficularia, Latreille [from Central^ "itM Sumatra]. See AMSTERDAM.— AARDRIJKSKUNDIG GE- NOOTSCHAP. Midden-Sumatra, 3 maps, text L. illmt. 8". London, 1890. BORNEO. [Maps.'] Topografische, geologische en mineralogische Kaart van een gedeelte der afdeeling Martapoera in de residentie zuider- en ooster afdeeling van Borneo volgens opneming in ... 1883 tot 1888 So 0 X door . . . J. A. Hooze met medewerking van . . . J. F. Stremaijer . . . Schaal 1 : 50,000 [i.e. lj in. = 1 m. about]. (Overzichtskaart . . . Schaal 1 : 150,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 2j in. about.]) 12 sh. Amsterdam, 1893. Issued with Jaarboek van bet Mijnwezen in Nederland. Oost-Indie 1893. Borneo. [Maps.} See STEMFOORT (J. W.) & SIETHOFP L (J- J- TEN) Atlas der Nederlandsche Bezittingen in Oost-Indie. 1883-85. BORNET (JEAN BAPTISTE EDOUARD) [1828-] Zur £ Abwehr der Schwendener-Bornet'schen Flechtentheorie. See KOEEBER (G. W.) 8°. 1874. Bornet (J. B. E.) Etudes Phycologiques. Analyses d'Algues marines . . . Publiees par les soins de . . /? E. Bornet, &c. See THUEET (G.) fol. 1878 Bornet (J. B. E.) Notice biographique sur M. J. Decaisne. See DECAISNE (J.) Catalogue de la Biblio- theque de . . . J. Decaisne, ike. 8°. 1883. 6 f Bornet (J. B. E.) Les Algues de P. K. A. Schousboe, recoltees au Maroc & dans la Mediterranee de 1815 & 1829, &c. pp. 216 : 3 pis. 8°. Paris, 1892. Mem. Soc. nat. Sci. nat. et n:ath. de Cherbourg. Tom. XXYIII. Bornet (J. B. E.) & Thuret (G.) Notes Algologiques, cfcc. 2Fasc. pp.xx,lS8:50pls.(col.) 4". Paris, 1876-80. D BORNHATTFT (THEODOE) Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung des Urogenitalsysteihs beim Hiihn- ^ chen, &c. [Thesis.] pp. 48: 3 pis. 4°. Riga, 1867. BORNHOEFT (EKNST) [1858-1 Die geologischen Verhaltnisse des Greifswalder Boddens. Inaugural- Dissertation, &c. pp. 81. 8°. Greifswald, 1884. Jahresb. geogr. Gesell. Greifswald. 1883-4. BORNITZ (FEIDERICUS AUGUSTUS) De corticis Angusturae patria, principiis usuque medico . . . prae- c side B. C. Otto . . . disputabit auctor F. A. Bornitz, &c. pp. 25. 8°. Trajecti ad Viadrum, 1804. BORODIN (IvAN PORFIREVICH) Untersuchungen / iiber die Prtanzenathmung. Abth. I. pp. 24: 2 pis. See ST. PETEBSBUEG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Ser. VII, torn, xxvin, no. 4. 4°. 1881. BORODIN (JOHANN) See BORODIN (I VAN PORFIEEVICH) BORODIN (KoNSTANTlN SP!EIDONOV!CH) Al'gholo- / ghicheskaya ekskursiya v okrestnostyakh gh. Khersova ' i v myestnostyakh, lezhashchlkh vniz po Dnyepru ot c .-, ^ Khersova. [Algological excursion in the districts of the <- Khersonese government, and localities situated on the Dnieper below Kherson.] pp. 9. See ODESSA. — n • LL NOVOEOSSIISKOE OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOlSPUITATELEf. Zapiskl, &c. Tom. iv. [Pt. 2.] 8°. 1877. BORODIN (NIKOLAI ANDEEEVICH) Biologhlcheskiya Stantzil zapadnoi Evropui i Syevero-Amerlkansklkh Soedinennuikh Shtatov. [The Biological Stations of Western Europe and of the United States of North America.] pp. 14. See ST. PETEESBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPEEIALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires . . . Serie VIII, torn, i, no. 2. 4°. 1894. BORRE (ALFEED PEEUDHOMME DE) See PEEUDHOMME DE BORRE. BORRER (WILLIAM) Botanist [1781-1862] English Botany . . . Supplement . . . The descriptions, synonyms, W. Borrer, &c. Vol. iv, L- , S, I and places of growth by v. See SOWERBY (J.) 8°. 1849-63. Borrer (W.) Botanist, cfe Turner (DAWSON) Specimen of a Lichenographia Britannica, &c. See TURNER (D.) & BOEEEE (W.) 4°. 1839. BORRER (WILLIAM) Ornithologist [1814-1898] The Birds of Sussex, pp. xviii, 385 : 6 pis. col. 8°. London, 1891. BORRI (CHEISTOPHER) See BOREO (CRISTOFORO) BORRICHIUS (OLAUS) [1626-1690] O. Borrichii de usu Plantarum, &c. pp. 101. 4°. Hafnia:, 1690. Borrichius (O.) O. Borrichii Dissertationes . . .cum P. Vindingii . . . oratione ... in obitum Borrichii . . . edidit S. Lintrupius. 2 Vol. 8°. Havniae, 1715. L O 8 204 \ i BOB.RO ((.'KI^TOKORO) [-1632] An account of Cochin- *~ China, /i. 4~> : it pis. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE i.MrKKiAi.K DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Ser. VII, torn, in, no. 1. 4". 1860. Borshchov (I. Gil.) Die pharmaceutisch-wichtigen Ferulaceen dor Aralo-Caspischen Wiiste, . 4°. 1872. BORY DE SAINT-VINCENT (JEAN BAPTISTS GEORGE MARIE) Baron [1780-1846] Essais sur les Isles Fortunees et I'antique Atlantide, ou precis de Thistoire generate dc I'Archinel des Canaries, pp. viii, .~,.*i : 7 pi*., 3 map*. f. Paris, An XI [1803]. 1. r, Boryde Saint-Vincent (.1. P>. G. M.) Baron. Voyage dans les quatre principales iles des Mers d'Afrique, fait . . . (1801 et 1802) ... sur la corvette Le Natura- liste, dans 1'expedition de decouvertes coramandee par le Capitaine Baiulin. 3 Tom. & Atlas. 58 j^s. 8". & 4°. Paris, An xm (1804). Bory de Saint-Vincent (J. B. G. M.) Baron. See AN- NALES GKNlCRALES m.s SrIKNCES PHYSIQUES; par M.>-( Bory de St. -Vincent, . 381 : ,: jils., 1 map. 8". Pans, 1821. a Bory de Saint- Vincent (J. B. G. M.) Baron. Die- [_ tionnaire classique d'Histoire Naturelle, par Messieurs ^ [J. V.] Audouin, I. Bourdon . . . et Bory de Saint- 'incent. Ouvrage dirige par ce dernier collaborates, lfl(l"B BOS (HEMMO) Bijdrage tot do kennis van den lichaamsbouw der roode Boschmier (Formica, rufa, L.) Academisch Proefschrift, &c. pp. [viii,] 114 •' ~ pis- 8°. Groningen, 1885. Z Gr ! L T OS (JAN RIT^KI&A) Bijdrage tot dp kennis van de Crustacea Hcuriophthalmata van irederland en zijne kusten. xflkademisch Proefschrift; X 8°- ^orerfow, 1845. BOSC (JOSEPH ANTOINE) [1764-1837] Traite ele- mentaire de Physique Vegetale appliquee k 1'Agriculture. pp. 116. 8°. Paris, 1824. BOSC (Louis AUGUSTIN GUILLAUME) [1759-1828] Histoire naturelle des Coquilles, &c. 5 Tom. col. Must. See BUFFON (G. L. L. DE) Count. Histoire Naturelle . . . classee .• . . par R, R, Castel, &c. 18". An x [1802]. Bosc (L. A. G.) Histoire naturelle des Crustacea, &c. 2 Tom. col. Must. See BUFFON (G. L. L. DE) Count. Histoire Naturelle . . . classee . . . par R. R.' Castel, &c. 18°. An x [1802]. - [Another edition entitled :] Manuel de 1'histoire naturelle des Crustaees ... Edition . . . par M. A. G. Desmarest. 2 Tom, Must. 18°. Paris, 1830. Bosc (L. A. G.) Histoire naturelle des Vers, &c. 3 Tom. Must. See BUFFON (G. L. L. DE) Count. Histoire Naturelle . . . classee . . . parR. R. Castel, &c. 18°. An X [1802]. Seconde edition. 18°. 1830. Bosc (L. A. G.) See DICTIONARIES. Nouveau Dic- tionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, &c. 24 Vol. 8°. 1803-4. - Nouvelle edition. 36 Vol. 8°. 1816-19. Bosc (L. A. G.) Collection de Memoires ou de Lettres relatives aux effets, sur les Oliviers, de la gelee du 1 1 au 12 Janvier 1820, &c. pp. viii, 232. 8°. Paris, 1822. BOSCA (EDUAEDO) C'atAlogo de los Reptiles y Anfibios observados en Espana, Portugal e islas Baleares. pp.30. See MADEID.— SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &c. Tom. vi. 8°. 1877. — — [Another edition.] pp. [vi,] 30. 8°. Madrid, 1877. . A reprint of the preceding, with atitle, dedication and preface prefixed. — Correcciones y adiciones . . . seguido de un resumen general sobre su distribucion en la peninsula, pp. 24 : 1 pi., 1 map. See MADRID.— SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &c. Tom. x. 8". 1881. Bosca (E.) Las Viboras de Espaiia. pp. 22. Sobre una especie y un genero nuevos de Anfibios de Espana. pp. 3. Alyies Cisteniasii, descripcion de un nuevo Batracio de 3 la Fauna Espanola. pp. 11. Nota herpetologica soore una excursion hecha en el monte San Julian de Tuy. pp. 22. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &c. Tom. vm. 8°. 1879. Bosca (E.) Hyla Perezii, especie nueva de Anuro Europeo. pp. 4. (_ Gonyylus Bedriaijai, nueva sub-espccie de la peninsula , Iberica. pp. 9. See MADEID. — SOCIEDAD ESPAXOLA DE HISTOEIA NATURAL. Anales, dec. Tom. ix. 6°. 1880. Bosca (E.) Exploracion herpetologica de la isla de , . Ibiza. pp. 10. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPASOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, dec. Tom. xn. 8°. 1883. BOSCH (MIGUEL) Manual de Botanica aplicada a la Agricultura y a la Industria, dec. pp. 207, xxiii. 8". Madrid, 1858. BOSCH (ROELOF BENJAMIN VAN DEN) [1810-1862] Prodromus Florae Batavae [Edited, with a preface, & by R. B. van den Bosch], dec. Vol. I, & n, pt. 2. See LEYDEN. — VEEEENIGING VOOR DE NEDERLANDSCHE FLORA. 8°. 18£0-53. Bosch (R. B. VAN DEN) Bryologia Javanica . . . Post mortem auctorum edentibus R. B. van den Bosch et "•"' C. M. van der Sandc Lacoste. 2 Vol. See DOZY (F.) & MOLKENBOER ( J. H.) 4°. 1855-70. Bosch (R. B. VAN DEN) Hymenophyllaceae Javanicae ; fi, sive descriptio HymenophyJlacearum Archipelagi Indici, dec. pp. 67 : 52 pis. See AMSTERDAM.— KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen, dec. Deel ix. 4°. 1861. Bosch (R. B. VAN DEN) it Montague (J. F. C.) Q Lichenes to Collemaceae. See JUNGHUHN (F. W.) Jj Plantae Junghuhnianae, &c. 4°. [1851-55.] BOSCH (WILLEM) See NATUUR- EN GENEESKUNDIG ARCHIEF VOOH NEERLAND'S INDIE. Reclactie W. Bosch, L S \<3 S^Atm ad illustrandum locum Herodoti, dec. pp. xviii. 4°. Lipsiae [1778]. Bose (E. G.) & Bosseck (H. O.) De Nodis Plantarum, dec. pp. 24. 4°. Lipsiae [1747]. BOSE (FR. CHR.) Die Kafer Deutschlands von V. Gutfleisch . . . vervollstandigt und herausgegeben von . . . F. C. Bose. See GUTFLEISCH (V.) 8°. 1859. 6 2, 206 BOSE (GEOROE MATTHIAS) [1710-1761] & (CASPAR) f) n i.-it. Dissertatio botanico-philosophica de Mntu Plantarum sensus semulo, Description des Entomostraces fossiles des terrains Tertiaires de la France et de la Belgique, &c. pp. 142 : 6 pis. See BRUSSELS.— ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, ^ Bosquet (J. A. H.) Notices sur quelques Cirripedes /• . . . decouverts dans le terrain Cretace du Duche de Limbourg, d-c. pp. 36 : 1 tab., 3 pis. See HAARLEM. — (_ HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DER WETENSCHAPPEN. Natuurkundige Verharidelingen, .Strassburgi.E.,\Sl'l. BOSSMANN (WILHELM) See BOSMAN. BOSSU (ANTOINE FRANCOIS) called Antonin [1809-] Traite des Plantes medicinales indigenes, precede d'un Cours de Botanique. Text, pp. xii, 840 ', Atlas, 60 pis. 8°. Paris, 1854. - Troisieme edition, 4°. Boston [Mass.], 1866-> Boston Society of Natural History. Proceedings, 8°. Boston [Mass.], 1844-» Boston Society of Natural History. Occasional Papers, &c. Vol. i— > 8°. Boston [Mass.], 1869-» Boston Society of Natural History. Anniversary Memoirs . . . published in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Society's Foundation. 1830-1880. 4°. Boston [Mass.], 1880. Each paper is separately paged. Boston Society of Natural History. Annual of the . . . Society . . . 1868-69. I.t pp. 12"!. 8°. Boston [Mass.], 1868. Boston Society of Natural History. Address delivered on the centennial anniversary of the birth of A. von Humboldt, the. See AGASSIZ (J. L. R.) 8°. 1869. Boston Society of Natural History. Jeffries Wyman. Memorial Meeting . . . 1874. pp. 37. 8°. [Boston, Mass., 1874.] Reprinted and reset from Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. xvn. Boston Society of Natural History. Guides for Science-Teaching. No. i-iv. 16°. Boston, 1878-79. No. i. About Pebbles. By A. Hyatt, pp. 15. 1878. , , ii. Concerning a few common Plants. By G. L. Qoodale. Second edition, pp. 61. 1879. ,, in. Commercial and other Sponges. By A. Hyatt. pp.ltS: 7 pis. 1879. ,, IV. A first lesson in Natural History. By Mrs. [E. C.] Agassiz. New edition, pp. 61,: %pli., text illuat. 1879. BOSTON ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. [Founded isso.] The Quarterly Journal, 8". Manchester, 1880-^ Botanical Exchange Club of the British Isles. The London Catalogue of British Plants. Published under the direction of the . . . Club . . . Sixth Edition. See LONDON CATALOGUE. 8°. 1867. - Seventh edition. 8°. 1874. - Eighth edition [cancelled]. 8°. 1883. BOTANICAL GAZETTE, The, a journal of the rogress of British Botany . . . Edited by A. Henfrey. ol. l-IIl. 8°. London, 1849-51. Each number forms a section of 14 leaves. BOTANICAL GAZETTE, The. Botanical Bulletin. [Edited by J. M. Coulter.] Vol. I. 8°. Hanover, Ind., 1875-76. Without title-page. [Continued as :] The Botanical Gazette . . . Edited by J. M. and M. S. Coulter ([and afterwards] C. R. Barnes and J. C. Arthur). Vol. ii— > 8°. Crawfordsville & Logansport, Ind., 1878-» Vol. ii has no title-page. BOTANICAL LOCALITY RECORD CLUB. See BOTANICAL RECORD CLUB : PHANEROGAMIC AND CRYPTOGAMIC. pr Vo £ 6 6 6 6 6 6 208 BOTANICAL MAGAZINE, The. £«• CURTIS'S BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. BOTANICAL MISCELLANY. Set HOOKER'S JOURNAL OF BOTANY. BOTANICAL RECORD CLUB: PHANERO- GAMIC AND CRYFTOGAMIC. 11873 Founded as Bnlan, •> 187U Bo/ait.ail Krcord Ctv H. ,-nnl Club. I I t b ft I t fc 6 6 Reports . . . edited by F. A. Lees. 1873-86. 6 No. 8°. London, Manchester, 1878 (1874)-87. Botanical Record Club, &c. The London Catalogue of British Mosses, &c. See HOB- KIRK (C. P.) & BOSWELL (H.) 8°. 1877. — Second edition. 8". 1881. BOTANICAL REGISTER, The. See EDWARDS'S BOTANICAL REGISTER. BOTANICAL REVIEW, The, or the Beauties of Flora . . . Figures of the scarcest and most beautiful foreign Plants ... To which will be added, a descrip- tion of ... each, dc. [By E. Donovan.] No. i-vi.t pp. 27 : 15 pis. col. 8°. London (1789-90). BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. [Founded I860.) Annals, [Another edition.] [ ] 13 [Second edition.] fol. [ ] Third edition. 8°. 1850. Fourth edition. 8°. 1853. Fifth edition. 8°. 1857. BOTANIKER KALENDER (Botanisches Jahr- fi buch) . . . herausgegeben von P. Syaow und C. Mylius. - .Tahrg. I & H. 12°. BerUn, 1886, 87. Jahrg. 1 is In two separately paged parta. BOTANIQUE. See BOTANY. BOTANISCH JAARBOEK uitgegeven door het a Kruidkundig Oenootschap Dodonaea, &c. Jahrg. i-**5,*^ See GHENT.— KRUIDKUNDIG GF.NOOTSCHAP DODONAEA. •*- 8°. 1889-* | Of 07 BOTANISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN aus dem Gebiet der Morphologic und Physiologie. Heraus- i gegeben von J. Hanstein. Bd. i-iv.t 8°. Bonn, 1870-82. 0 Each part contains a separately faged Memoir. BOTANISCHE BEOBACHTUNGEN des Jahres . 1782 (— 1783t) von F. K. Medikus, &c. 2 Vol. [in ».]O 8°. Mannheim, 1783 (-84). BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN RE- GENSBURG. See RATISBON. — KOENIOLICH-BAYERISCHE BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN REGENSBURG. BOTANISCHE JAHRBUECHER FUER SYS- TEMATIC FFLANZENGESCHICHTE UND FFLANZENGEOGRAFHIE herausgegeben von fl. A. Engler. Bd. i-> 8°. Leipzig, 1881-» BOTANISCHE EUNSTAUSDRUECKE. Die wichtigsten botanischen Kunstausdriicke fiir Laienp erlautert. pp.20. 8°. Leipzig, 1887.13 BOTANISCHE LITERATUR-BLAETTER. See RATISBON. — KOENIGLICH-BAYERISCHE BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN REGENSBURG. BOTANISCHE MITTHEILUNGEN AUS DEN TROFEN herausgegeben von Dr. A. F. W. Sthimper. , Hft. I-» 8°. Jena, 1888-» 1 BOTANISCHE UNTERHALTUNGEN mit jungen Freunden der Krauterkunde auf S))atziergangen [by G. A. Weitzenbeck]. Erstes (— Zwiilftes) Monat-/) stiick. pp. 392 [11} : 1 pi. 8°. Miinchen, l784-5.t7 This forms Vol. I : a second volume was issued. BOTANISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UEBER HEFENFILZE ( SCHIMMELPILZE). See UNTERSUCHUNGEN AUS DEM GESAMMTGEBIETE DER MYKOLOGIE. BOTANISCHE ZEITUNG. Herausgegeben von . H. Mohl . . . D. F. L. von Schlechtendal ([and after- Y) •wards] A. de Bary, G. Kraus, L. Just, H. Solms- I^aubach, J. Wortmann & F. Oltmanns). Jahrg. i-* 8°. Berlin, 1843-» BOTANISCHER GARTEN (WIEN). See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE- UNIVERSITAET. BOTANISCHER GARTEN ZU XOENIGS- BERG. See KONIGSBERG.— KOENIGLICHE ALBERTU8- UNIVEHSITAET. BOTANISCHER TAUSCHVEREIN ZU LEIP- ZIG. See LEIPSIC. BOTANISCHER VEREIN AM MITTEL- UND NIEDERRHEINE. See BONN. BOTANISCHER VEREIN FUER DIE FRO- VINZ BRANDENBURG (UND DIE AN- GRENZENDEN LAENDER). See BRANDENBURG. BOTANISCHER VEREIN FUER GESAMT- THUERINGEN. See JENA. — OEOORAPHISCHE GKSELLSCHAFT. 209 O j BOTANISCHEB VEBEIN IN LANDSHUT. See LANDSHUT. BOTANISCHEB VEBEIN ZU MAGDEBURG. See MAUDEBURO. BOTANISCHES CENTBALBLATT. Referendes Organ ftir das Gesammtgebiet der Botanik des In- und Auslandes. Herausgegeben . . . von O. Uhlworm ([and afterwards] W. J. Behrens, F. G. Kohl). Bd. i-» 8°. Cassel, 1880-> Generalregister iiber Bd. i bis LX, &c. 8°. Cassel, 1897. Beihefte . . . herausgegeben . . . von O. Uhlworm und F. G. Kohl. Hft. I. Bd. i-> 8°. Cassel, 1891-» BOTANISCHES CENTBALBLATT FUEB DEUTSCHLAND. Herausgegeben von L. Raben- horst. Jahrg. 1846.f pp. viii, 552 : 1 pi. 8°. Leipzig, 1846. BOTANISCHES INSTITUT ZU GBAZ. See GRATZ. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE KARL-FRAN- ZENS-UNIVERSITAET. BOTANISCHES JAHBBUCH FUEB JEDEB- MANN . . . Herausgegeben von J. J. Schmidt. Vol. I.f pp. x, 308. 8°. Luneburg, 1799. BOTANISCHES MAGAZIN (Magazin fiir die Botanik. Herausgegeben von J. J. Romer und P. Usteri). Bd. i-rv (= Stuck 1-12). 8°. Zurich, 1787 (-90). This was succeeded by the "Annalen der Botanick" [q.v.} edited by P. Usteri. A " Neues Magazin fiir die Botanik" [q.v.] was started in 1794 by J. J. Romer. BOTANISCHES MUSEUM (WIEN). See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. BOTANISCHES TASCHENBUCH fiir die An- fiinger dieser Wissenschaft und der Apothekerkunst, auf das Jahr 1790 (-1804) herausgegeben von D. H. Hoppe. 13 Vol. 8°. Regensburg, 1790-1804. Wanting the volumes for 1797-1803. [Continued as :] Neues Botanisches Taschenbuch . . . auf das Jahr 1805. 8°. Regensburg, 1805. Wanting the remaining volumes for 1806-11. [Continued as :] Botanisches Taschenbuch, 8-») . . . utgifne af - T. M. Fries ([and afterwards] N. J. Andersson, C. F. O. P Nordstedt). 8°. Upsala, Stockholm, Lund,l857 (1858-»). Not issued for 1859-62, 1864, or 1869-70. BOTANISKA UTFLYGTEB. En samling af P Strodda Tillfallighets-skrifter, utgifne af E. Fries. Bd. i. 8°. Upsala, 1843. Bd. i-in.t 8°. Stockholm, 1853, 52, 64. (> Bd. i .- is of the second edition. BOTANIST, The; containing . . . figures of ... ornamental Plants ; with descriptions . . . Conducted by a B. Maund . . . assisted by . . . J. S. Henslow. Vol. i-v.t 4°. London [1837-46]. BOTANISTE, Le. Directeur : M. P. A. Dangeard. ft Serie [ = Vol.] l-» 8°. Caen, &c., 1888-> BOTANISTS' CHRONICLE, The . . . From B November 1863 to April 1865 [edited by A. Irvine]. pp. 182. ' 8°. London, 1863-65. z BOTANIST'S BEFOSITOBY, The, for new and rare Plants : containing coloured figures of such Plants « as have not hitherto appeared in any similar publication ... To each description is added a short history of the Plant . . . The whole executed by H. C. Andrews . . . Second edition. Vol. i-x. 4°. London, 1816. Originally issued between 1797 and 1811 : the present " edition" is merely a re-issue with a fresh, printed title in Vol. I. Each volume has an engraved title-page, with the number of the Vol. added by hand. Indexes to Vol. i-v and vi-x are inserted at the end of Vol. v and x respectively. BOTANOLOGIA. Botanologiae juvenilis Mantissa in qua de necessitate herbaria, quse vocant viva, bono D publico tradendi, deque ea conficiendi methodo, dilucide agitur. [By B. Ehrhart.] pp. 86. 8°. Ulmce, 1732. BOTANY. See CURIOSER BOTANICUS, &c. [By S. a Miiller.] 8°. [1706.] Botany. [Demonstrations elementaires de Botanique, ie, contenant les descriptions de Belleval, &c. pp. 104 .- pis. 1-166. Atlas : Tom. II. Suite de la S(Srie II. pis. 167-282. Series tertia, exhibens icones nee non descriptiones plerorumque Graminum . . . Europse, nee non eorum afflnium. [With bio- graphical notice of J. D. Leers.] pp. ii,: 16 pis. SeVie Quatrieme, pre'sentant les descriptions et les figures de la plupart des Mousses et des Plantes analogues . . . de 1'Europe. [With biographical notice of S. Vaillant.) pp. SI : 17 pis. [Se>ie Cinquieme : Les descriptions et les figures des Flantes les plus rares observers par Linne sur les Alpes de Lapponie, tiroes de son ouvrage intitule" Flora Laponnica.] It pis. Text wanting. Traduetion libre des Amours des Fleure, poeme latin du Dr. Trante. pp. 16. 27 210 Botany. Tracts relative to Botany, translated from different languages. Illustrated by ... plates, and occasional remarks [by C. D. E. Koenig]. pp. 277 : 9jjls. 8°. London, 1805. [I.] On the organs of perspiration of Plants. By J. Hedwig. (u. J Some materials for the illustration of the Botanical Geography of the south western parts of Europe. By Prof. Link. [III.] On the nature and mode of production of Agallochnm or Aloes- Wood. By I. de Lonreiro. (IV.] On the Genera of Orchidew, and their systematical arrangement. By ... O. SwarU. [v.] Genera and species of the natural order of the Orchidew. By . . . O. Swartz. [M.] Some Botanical Observations By . . . M. B. Borkhnusen. IVIL] Account of the Ule Tree, (CattiHa tlaitica), and of other trees producing the elastic gum. By V. de Cervantes. IVIIL] Observations on the genera Juglant, /Vorinu*, and Qutrctu, in the neighbourhood of Lancaster, in North America. By ... II. E. Miihlenberg, with the remarks of . . . C. L. Willdenow. [IX.] Observations on the Plant called Bi'ica dalioecia, showing the necessity of referring it to a different genus and order. By Prof. Jnssien. [X.] Botanical Observations. By F. Ehrhart. Botany. [Conversations on Botany. By E. & S. M. Fitton. 12°. London, 1817.] Wanting. Fourth edition, . 24. 8°. Boulogne, 1833. Proces- Verbal Soc. Agric. Boulogne. 1832 (1833). Bouchard-Chantereaux (N. R.) Catalogue des Mollusques marins observes .jusqu'h, ce jour it 1'etat vivant sur les cotes du Boulonnais. 8°. [Boulogne, 1835.] Proces-Verbal Soc. Agric. Boulogne. 1834 (1835). pp. 101-68. — [Separate copy.] pp. 72. 8°. [Boulogne, 1835.] Boucharcl-Cliaiitereaux (N. R.) Catalogue des Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles observes jusqu'a ce jour a 1'etat vivant dans le de'partement du Pas-de- Calais, pp. 94 : 1 pi. 8°. [Boulogne, 1837.] Mem. Soo. Agric. Boulogne. Sir. II, torn. I. pp. Ul-tSO : 1 pi. - [Separate copy.] pp. 94 : 1 pi. 8°. Boulogne, 1838. BOUCHARDAT (APOLLINAIRE) [1806-1886] Re- cherches sur la Vegetation applique'es a 1'Agriculture, &c. pp. 197. 12°. Paris, 1846. Bouchardat (A.) Trait6 de la maladie de la Vigne accompagne de notes sur la Muscardine, la maladie des Pommes de Terre et quelques autres maladies des V6g6taux ou des Animaux determiners ou accom- pagnees par des Mucedinees parasites. 8°. [Douai,] 1852. Mem. Soc. imp. Agric. Sci. Dpt. du Nord. Ann. 1852. pp. 636-789. Bonchardat (A.) & Delondre (A.) Quinologie, &c. See DELONDRE (A.) & BOUCHARDAT (A.) BOUCH£ (C. P.) Handleiding tot de systematische kennis, het aankweeken en Bewaren van Bloemen . Naar de vierde . . . uitgave uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald, Si 211 BOUCHE (CARL DAVID) [1809-1881] [For official publications as Inspector] See BERLIN.— KOENIGLICHE FRIEDRICH - WILHELMS UNIVERSITAET. — Botanischer Garten. BOUCHE (PETER FRIEDRICH) [1784-1836] Natur- geschichte der Insekten, besonders in Hinsicht ilirer ersten Zustande als Larven und Puppen. Lief, l.t pp. v, 216. 10 pis. 8°. Berlin, 1834. BOUCHER (CHARLES FRANCOIS) Recherches sur la structure des organes de 1'Hoinme et des Animaux le plus connus. pp. ISO : 82 pis. 8°. Paris, 1848. BOUCHER DE CREVECCEUR (JULES ARMAND £) GUILLAUME) [1757-1844] Extrait de la Flore d'Abbe- ville et du departement de la Somme. pp. xvi, 108. 8°. Paris, An XI, 1803. BOUCHER DE CREVECCEUR DE FERTHES Qf (JACQUES) [1788-1868] De 1'Homme Antediluvien et de ses oauvres. pp. 99: 8 pis., textillust. 8°. Paris, 1860. Boucher de Crevecceur de (J.) Machoire Humaine decouverte a Abbeville dans un terrain non remanie. — Notes sur la Machoire Humaine de- couverte par M. Boucher de Perthes . . . par M. de yuatrefages. See LYELL (Sir C.) L'Anciennete' de 1'Homme. Appendice, &c. 8°. 1864. BOUCHER DE FERTHES (JACQUES) See BOUCHER DE CREVECCEUR DE PERTHES. / L • BOUCHETTE (JOSEPH) A description of the 3 0./, Province of Lower Canada, with remarks upon Upper Canada, &c. pp. xv, 640, Ixxxvi : 8 pis., 8 maps. 8°. London, 1815. (J.) Map of the Provinces of Upper alogique sur les Environs d'Issoire, <£c. See DEVEZE DE CHABRIOL (J. S.) & BOUILLET L (J. B.) fol. 1827. Bonillet (J. B.) & Lecoq. (II.) Coup d'ceil sur la tA structure gtologique et mineralogique du groupe des M "lit - Dores, ttc. See LECOQ (H.) agrange. [Ser. I.] Tom. xxxm-[Ser. II.] Tom. in. See ANNALES DE CHIMIE ET DE PHYSIQUE. 8°. An VIII [1799>1816. BOULART (RAOUL A.) [1849-] Ornithologie du Kalon : synonymic, description [&c.] . . . des Oiseaux de Voliere Europeans et exotiques, ttc. pp. viii, 220 : 40 pis. (col.), text illust. 8°. Paris, 1878. Bonlart (R. A.) & Oervais (H. F. P.) Les Poissons : synonymic, description [ generate, pp. 87. 8°. Lille, 1888. Bonlay (J. N.) Flore Pliocene des environs de Theziers /•> (Gard). pp. 70: 8 pis. 8°. Paris, 1890. &r Bonlay (J. N.) Flore Pliocene du Mont-Dore (Puy-de- ,. Dome), ttc. pp. [Hi,] 115 : 12 ]>ls., text illust. *# 4°. Paris, 1892. Bonlay (J. N.) Etudes Batologiques. See BRUSSELS.— SOCI^TE SCIENTIFIQUE. Tom. xxi (Memoires). pj). 28. i Annales, ttc. • 8". 1897. BOULATE (GABRIEL ELEONOR DE LA MERLET) See MERLET DE LA BOULAYE (G. E.) BOULE (MARCELLIN) Les grands Animaux fossiles £ de 1'Amerique, ttc. pp. 45 : text illust. 8°. Paris, 1891. Revue Scientiflqne. Tom. \\MII. Bonle (M.) Description geologique du Velay. pp. 259 : 10 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See FRANCE. — A, Service de la Carte Gcdwjique detailUe. Bulletin, ttc. Tom. IV, no. 28. 8°. 1892-93. Bonle ( M.) Le plateau de Lannemezan et les Alluvions anciennes des bautes valle'es de la Garonne et de la Q. Neste. pp. 23 : 4 pis., text illust. See FRANCE.— Service de la Carte Gfologique detailUe. Bulletin, ttc. Tom. vi, no. 43. 8°. 1895. Bonle (M.) Le Cantal Miocene. See FRANCE.— Service de la Carte Gtologitjuede-taille'e. Bulletin, ttc. Tom.vm, f no. 54. 8°. 1896. <* Bonle (M.) it Oandry (J. A.) Materiaux pour 1'his- toire des temps Quaternaires. Fasc. i-» See GAUDRY f^ (J. A.) it BOULE (M.) 4°. 1876-» BOULENGER((iKoiwE ALBERT) [18^8-] Catalogue £ of the Batrachia Salientia a. Ecaudata in the ... British Museum. Second edition. See BRITISH MUSEUM • (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°- 1882- 7 213 £ Boulenger (G. A.) Catalogue of the Batrachia Gradientia s. Caudate and Batrachia Apoda in the . . . ;* British Museum. Second edition. See BRITISH MUSEUM Z. (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1882. .. Boulenger (G. A.) Catalogue of the Lizards in the Gr" British Museum . . . Second edition. 3 Vol. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1885-87. Bonlenger (fir A.) Catalogue,^! the Chelowans, Sf Rhynchocepnalians, and CrcjetJmles in thexBritish I- Museum/See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAIJ^HISTORY). 8°. 1889. Boulenger (G. A.) Reptilia— Pisces. See FERNANDO L. DE NORONHA, Island of. The Natural History of the Island, &c. 8°. 1890. L 7 Bonlenger (G. A.) Reptilia and Batrachia, See BLAN- FORD (W. T.) The Fauna of British India, &c. 8°. 1890. Boulenger (G. A.) Reptilia and Batrachia [from / Ecuador]. See WHYMPER (E.) Travels amongst the *• Great Andes of the Equator. Supplementary Ap- pendix, &c. / 8°. 1891. Boulenger (G. A.) Reptilia and Batrachia. See Dis- L TANT (W. L.) A Naturalist in the Transvaal. Ap- pendix. 8°. 1892. Boulenger (G. A.) Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum. 3 Vol. Must. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1893-96. Boulenger (G. A.) Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum. Second edition. Vol. i-> See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1895-» G L Z. Bonleuger (G. A.) See RAY SOCIETY. Boulenger (G. A.) the South Pacific, suits, &c. The tailless Batrachians of Europe. 8°. 1897-98. On a little-known Sea- Snake from See WILLEY (A.) Zoological Re- 4°. 1898. Boulenger (G. A.) Materiaux pour la Faune du Congo. • Poissons nouveaux. pp. [20: 9 pis. See Beeaaatsr — MUSEE DU CONGO. Annales, &c. Serie II. Zoologie. Tom. i, fasc. 1. 4°. 1898. BOULGER (GEORGE SIMONDS) [1853-] On British Elms. pp. 20. 8°. Edinburgh [1879]. Trans. Scottish Arboricultural Soc. Boulger (G. S.) Bye-Products. Utilisation of Coppice and of Branches and other fragments of Forest pro- duce, with the view of diminishing waste. See EDIN- BURGH. — International Forestry Exhibition, 1884- Forestry and Forest Products, &c. Essay XVI. 8°. 1885. Boulger (G. S.) Familiar Trees . . . First Series. pp. xvi, 160 : 40 pis. col. 8°. London [1887]. Second Series. 8°. London, &c. [1888.] Boulger (G. S.) The uses of Plants, &c. pp. 224. 8°. London, 1889. 6 Boulger (G. S.) & Britten (J.) A Biographical Index of British and Irish botanists. See BRITTEN (J.) & BOULGER (G. S.) 8°. 1893. BOULLENOIS (FREDERIC DE) Conseils aux nou- veaux educateurs de Vers k Soie . . . Troisieme edition, pp. 248 : S pis. 8°. Paris, 1875. The first edition appeared in 1842. BOULOGNE - SUB- - MEB.. — Exposition Inter- national de Peche, 1866. Rapport, &e. See SOUBEIRAN (J- L.) 8°. 1871. g BOULOGNE - SUB. - MER. — Station Aquicole. Annales . . . publiees sous les auspices du Ministere de 1'Agriculture par . . . H. E. Sauvage. Vol. i-» Must. 4°. Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1892-» BOUIiT (JOSEPH) On the alleged Submarine Forests on the shores of Liverpool Bay and the River Mersey, &c. pp. 23 : 3 pis. 8°. Liverpool, 1865. Journ. Liverp, Polytech. Soc. - Further observations, &c. pp. 38. Trans. Historic Soc. Lancash. & Chesh. Vol. vl. BOULTON (SAMUEL BAGSTER) On the antiseptic treatment of Timber . . . Edited by J. Forrest, pp. 119 : 2 pis. 8°. London, 1884. Proc. Inst. Civil. Engin. Vol. LXXVIII. Boulton (S. B.) Alizarine ; an industrial evolution, &c. pp. 15. 8°. London, 1885. BOUNTY, H.M.S. A Voyage to the South Sea ... in H.M.S. the Bounty, &c. See BLIGH (W.) 4°. 1792. BOUQUET DE LA GRYE (AMEDEE) [1825-] La Flore au point de vue forestier en France. See ROTHSCHILD (J.) Botanique Populaire Illustree, &c. 4«. [1885.] Bouquet de la Grye (A.) & Dupont (A. E.) Les Bois indigenes et etrangers, &c. See DUPONT (A. E.) & BOUQUET DE LA GRYE (A.) 8". 1875. BOURBON, Island of. Catalogue des Plantes cultiyees aux Jardins Botanique et de Naturalisation de File Bourbon par N. Breon. pp. .93. 4°. Saint-Denis, lie Bourbon, 1825. z_ l. 12°. Amsterdam, 1729. Bourguet (L.) Traitd des Petrifications. See B * * *. 4°. 1742. [Another issue entitled :] M6moires jx)ur servir a 1'Histoire Naturelle des Petritications, ls. 8". Paris (1863-70). Reprinted from Rev. A- Mag. Zool. Vol. X.Y-XXII. Bourguignat (J. R.) pp. 86 : S pis. Malacologie d'Aix-les-Bains. 8°. Paris, 1864. Bourguignat (J. R.) Malacologie de 1'Algerie, ou histoire naturelle des Animaux Mollusques terrestres — et fluviatiles recueillis . . . dans nos possessions du " nord de 1'Afrique. 2 Tom. Must, (col.) 4°. Paris & Alger, 1864. Large.paper copy. Bourguiguat (J. R.) Malacologie de la Grande-Char- - treuse. pp. 103 : 17 pis. col. 8°. Paris, 1864. 'Ih.. eight plates with figures of the Mollusca are in duplicate, coloured and uncoloured. Bourguignat (J. R.) Mollusques terrestres et fluvia- J__ "7/J\ tiles recueillis . . . dans le Sahara. See DUVEYRIER (H.) Exploration du Sahara, &c. Supplement. 8°. 1864. Bourguignat (J. R.) Monographic du nouveau genre Fran9ais, Paladilhia. pp. 21 : 2 pis. 8°. Paris, 1865. Z. 215 Bourguignat (J. R.) Etudes geologique et paleonto- logique des Hauts Plateaux de 1'Atlas, &c. [By J. R. Bourguignat.] See ATLAS, Mountain. 4". 1868. Bonrguignat (J. R.) Note complementaire sur diverses especes de Mollusques et de Mammiferes decouvertes dans une caverne pres de Vence, &c. pp. 12. 8°. Paris, 1868. An abstract of the original paper is given in Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. LXVII. Bourguignat (J. R.) Histoire malacologique de la Regenee de Tunis, pp. 36 : 1 pi., 1 map. 4°. Paris, &c., 1868. Souvenirs d'uue exploration scientifiquo duns le nord de 1'Afrique. III. Bourguignat (J. R.) Histoire du Djebel-Thaya et des ossements fossiles recueillis dans la grande Caverne de la Mosquee. [By J. R. Bourguignat.] See DJEBEL- THAYA. 4°. 1870. Souvenirs d'une exploration scientifique dans le nord de 1'Afrique. V. Bonrguignat (J. R.) Recherches sur les ossements de Canidai constates en France & 1'etat fossile pendant la periode Quaternaire. pp. 60 : 3 pis. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOGIQUES, < Islands. See MINNESOTA ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES. Occasional Papers. Vol. i, no. 1. 8°. 1894. BOUROS (JOHANN) Dissertatio inauguralis de Phar- * macologia Graecorum veterum in genere. pp. 80. 8°. Halis Saxonum, 1829. BOURRIT (MARC THEODORE) [1735-1815] A relation of a journey to the Glaciers, in the Uutchy of Savoy : (jf translated from the French ... by C. and F. Davy. pp. [46,] xxi, 264 • 3 pis. 8». Norwich, 1775. The original work appeared in 1773. BOURSON (Euo.) Las minas de Somorrostro por ,, E. Bourson. pp. IS. See SPAIN. — Comisitfn del Mapa ijr Geoldgico. Boletin, &c. Tom. vi. 8°. 1879. BOURY (EUGENE DE) Monographic des Scalidae .4- vivants & fossiles. Partie I : Sous-genre Crisposcala. Fasc. 1. 4°. Pans, 1886. - Boury (E. DE) Description de Scalidae nouveaux des couches Eocenes du Bassm de Paris, et revision de " quelques especes mal connues. pp. 56. 8°. Thfrne'ricourt, par Vigny, & Paris, 1887. Bonry (E. DE) Etude sur les sous genres de Scalidse ^. du Bassin de Paris, pp. 43. 8°. TMmencourt, par Vigny, & Paris, 1887. Bonry (E. DE) Revision des Scalidae Miocenes et Q- Pliocenes de 1'Italie. pp. 184 •' 1 pi- 8°- ^**«, <^c., 1890. Bull. Soc. Mulacol. Ital. \ ..1. xiv. Boury (E. DE) Etude critique des Scalidae Miocenes Q. et Pliocenes d'ltalie, &c. pp. 142 : 1 pi. 8°. Pisa, 1891. Bull. Soc. Malacol. I til. Vol. xv. ff\ BOUSSINGAULT (JEAN BAPTISTE JOSEPH DIEU- DONNE) [1802-1887] See ANNALES DE CHIMIE ET DE PHYSIQUE, par . . . Boussingault. S6r. II, torn. LXXIII- Ser. VI, torn. xn. 8°. 1840-87. Boussingault (J. B. J. D.) Coquilles et Echinodermes , fossiles de Colombie (Nouvelle-Grenade), recueillis de Vf 1821 a 1833, par M. Boussingault, &c. See ORBIGNY (A. D. D') 4°. 1842. BOUSSUETUS (FRANCISCUS) [1520-1572] [F. Bous- sueti de natura Aquatilium carmen, in universam G. Rondeletii, quam de Piscibus marinis scripsit his- toriam, -1V. T. 8°. LotulgfC \88a-8T. [Another edition] by Eft*. Bower./2 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] 8°. London. & New York, 1888. BOWERBANK (.JAMES SCOTT) [1797-1877] A history g of the fossil Fruits and Seeds of the London Clay, &c. Pt.I.t pp. 144 : 17 pis. 8°. London, 1840. Gf Bower/bank (J. S.) Observations on the Structure of £~ the Shells of molluscous and conchiferous animals, $ m. Jif ,/J about.] See AMERICA, North, r J//i«. 1 « ah 1 7H4. - [Maps.] 219 BOWLES (WILLIAM) [1705-1780] Introduccion a la histpria natural, y a la geografia fisica de Espana. [Edited by J. N. de Azara y Perera, Marquis de Nibbiano.] pp. [vi,] 48, 529. 4°. Madrid, 1775. L — Segunda edicion, &c. pp. [xxv,] 47, 576. 4°. Madrid, 1782. BOWMAN (AMOS) Report on the Geology of the ,# mining district of Cariboo, British Columbia, pp. 49 : % pis., 4 maps. See CANADA. — Geological and Natural History Survey. Annual Report. New Series, Vol. in, C. 8°. 1888. , BOWRING (Sir JOHN) [1792-1872] The Kingdom *- and People of Siam ; with a narrative of the Mission to that Country in 1855. 8°. London, 1857. i Bowring (Sir J.) A visit to the Philippine Islands. *- pp. vi, 434 •' 7 ph., text Must. 8°. London, 1859. > BOYD (A. J.) Queensland : an introductory essay. ff pp.20. See LONDON.— Colonial and Indian Exhibition, (^ 1886. Queensland : its resources and institutions, &c. 8°. 1886. BOYE (P.) Bidrag til Kundskaben om Algevegeta- i tionen ved Norges vestkyst. pp. 46 : 1 pi. See BERGEN. —BERGENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarsberet- ning, &c. 1894-95, no. 16. 8°. 1896. BOYLE (CORNELIUS BRECKINRIDGE) A catalogue _ and bibliography of North American Mesozoic Inverte- Gr brata. pp. 315. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 102. 8°. 1893. BOYLE (PETER) Museum Britannicum . . . Second l^ edition, revised ... by P. Boyle. See RYMSDYK (J. VAN) & (A. VAN) fol. 1791. (Y) BOYLE (Hon. ROBERT) [1627-1691] An Essay about the origin and virtues of Gems, &c. pp. xvi, 185 : 1 pi. 8°. London, 1672. e BOYM (MICHAEL) [1620-1659] pp. 73 : text col. Must. Flora Sinensis, &c. fol. Vienna;, 1656. Also contains figures and descriptions of Animals. BOYS (WILLIAM) [1735-1803] & Walter (G.) Testacea minuta rariora, nuperrime detecta in arena littoris Sandvicensis ; a G. Boys . . . multa addidit, et omnium figures . . . delineavit G. Walker. — A collection of the minute and rare shells lately discovered . . . near Sandwich, &c. pp. v, 25 : 3 pis. 4°. London [1784]. ERAAM-HOUCKGEEST (ANDREAS EVERARD VAN) An authentic account of the Embassy of the Dutch East-India Company, to the Court of the Emperor of China, in ... 1794 and 1795 . . . containing a description of several parts of the Chinese Empire . . . Translated from the original of M. L. E. Moreau de Saint-Mery. 2 Vol. with map. 8°. London, 1798. Braam-Houckgeest (A. E. VAN) Icones Plantarum sponte ChinA nascentium ; e Bibliothecft Braamiana excerptce. See CHINA. fol. 1821. BRABAZON (WALLOP) The deep sea and coast Fisheries of Ireland . . . Illustrated by W. Cooper, &c. pp. Ill : 21 pis. 8°. Dublin, 1848. BRACCIFORTI (FERDINANDO) New English and Italian . . . Dictionary by J. Millhouse with . . . Additions by Prof. F. Bracciforti. Fifth edition. (Novo Dizionario Italiano ed Inglese, psedia. Vol. v, pp. 310-314.] 4°. London, 1836. BRACKEBUSCH (Luis) Los Fosiles : su origen e importancia para la Ciencia. — Conferencia desempenada /» . . . 28 de Noviembre de 1875 . . . Segunda edicion. ^ pp. 32. 8°. Cordoba, 1876. Brackebusch (L.) Informe . . . sobre la marcha del Museo Mineral6gico existente en la Universidad (' Nacional de Cdrdoba, desde . . . 1875 hasta 1878 (—Auo 1879), y su estado actual. 2 No. See CORDOVA — UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL. 8°. [1879 1 (1880 ?)] Brackebusch (L.) Mapa del interior de la Republica / Argentina, &c. See ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. [Maps] 1885. Brackebnsch (L.) Mapa de la Republica Argentina, &c. 13 sh. See ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. [Maps.] fol. 1891. L Brackebusch (L.) Mapa geo!6gico del interior de la Republica Argentina. ' Construido . . . durante , . . 1875- /» 88 ... Escala 1 : 1,000,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 15| m.] 4 sh. (sr See ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. [Maps.] sh. [1892 ?] BRACKEL (GREGORIUS A) De cutis organo quorum- dam animalium ordinis Plagiostomorum disquisitiones ~Z- microscopicae. Dissertatio inauguralis, &c. pp. 54 •' 1 pi. 8". Dorpati Livonorum, 1858. BRACKENRIDGE (HENRY M.) [1786-1871] Voyage [_ "'d to South America ... in ... 1817 and 1818, in the Frigate Congress. 2 Vol. 8°. London, 1820. 8 BRACKENRIDGE (WILLIAM D.) Filices, including Lycopodiaceae and Hydropterides [collected on the 5 islands and shores of the Pacific Ocean]. 1 Vol. Text & Atlas. See UNITED STATES. United States exploring expedition . . . 1838-42. Under the command of C. Wilkes. fol. 1854-55. Brackenridge (W. D.) List of living Plants and Seeds L 1 sent from Chile. See UNITED STATES. The U.S. Naval astronomical expedition to the southern hemi- sphere, during . . . 1849-52, &c. Vol. H. Appendix G. 4°. 1855. BRACONNIER (A.) fe.1833-] terrains qui constituent le sol du departement Meurthe-et-Moselle. geol. col. pp. v, 280: Description des de text illust., 1 map 8". [Nancy,] 1879. The map is entitled:— "Carte Reologique et agronomique de Menrthe- et-Moselle dress^e en 1878 par M. A. Braconnier. Eschelle du lCO,OCOe [i.e. 1 in. = 2J m. about]." BRADBURY (HENRY) [1831-1860] The Ferns of g Great Britain and Ireland . . . nature-printed by H. Bradbury. See MOORE (T.) fol. 1855. [Another edition entitled :] The octavo nature- oL printed British Ferns, &c. 2 Veil 8°. 1859-60. BRADLEY (FRANK HOWE) [1838-1879] [For Geo- logical reports in connection with the Survey] See UNITED STATES. — Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Bradley (F. H.) [For official publications in con- nection with the Survey] See ILLINOIS, State of. — Geological Survey. BRADLEY (HENRY) A new English Dictionary X" Vol. m, &c. See MURRAY (J. A. H.) 4°. 1891-» • 220 BRADLEY (liicHARD) [-1732] The History of Suc- culent Plants, &c. (Historia Plantarum Succulentarum, £ticoHd edition, - See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Challenger Expedition. Re- port, -6 . . . Second edition. Vol. II. Appendix No. 13. 8°. 1878. Brady (H. B.) [Rhizopoda of the Arctic Regions.] [_ -71 See MARKHAM (A. H.) A Polar Reconnaissance, eke. Appendix F. 8°. 1881. Brady (H. B.) Uber einige arktische.. Tiefsee-Fora- •£_ ininiferen, gesammelt wahrend der Osterreichisch- Ungarischen Nordpol - Expedition in ... 1872-74. pp. 22 : 1 pi. (col.), I map. ,4°. Wien, 1881. Denkachr. k. Akad. \YiEaeruch. Wien. Bd. XLIII. Brady (H. B.) Report on the Foraminifera. See TIZARD g (T. H.) & MURRAY (Sir J.) K.C.B. Exploration of~! the Faroe Channel during . . . 1880, . mii, 80. 8°. Berlin, 1882. BRAHM (NiKii.M's JOSEPH) N. J. Brahm . . . Insek- tenkalender fiir Sammlcr und Ockonomen. Thl. i it n, abth. 1 [in 3 Vol.] 8°. Mainz, 1790-91. Thl. I, which nantu ;>;>. i-lti, in interleaved, ami lia- maim Thl. u haaasecond title reailinn:-" X. .1. llralnii . . . ll;.n,il ukonouiiiicben IndukteNffesuhicbte in Furin einea Kaloiiilers Iji-nrbeitct." 7Q CV- 221 BRAINARD (D. L.) Report ... on a petrified Forest discovered . . . near (Jape Baird. See GREELY (A. W.) Three years of Arctic service, &c. Vol. n. Appendix XIV. 8°. 1886. ( BRAITHWAITE (ROBERT) [1 824-] The Sphagnacese 0 or Peat-mosses of Europe and North America, pp. 91 : S9 pis. col. 8". London, 1880. a Braithwaite (R.) The British Moss- Flora. Vol. i-» illust. 4°. London, 1887-> BRAMPTON LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY AND FIELD NATURALIST CLUB. See CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND ASSOCIATION, &c. ,1 BRAMSEN (PETRO) Elementa Phyllologiaa. Dis: o tatio inauguralis botanica . . . respondente . . . Bramsen, &c. See DREJER (S. T. N.) Disser- P. 8°. 1840. ^ BRAMSON (K. L.) Die Tagfalter (Rhopalocera) *• Europas und des Caucasus, pp. 148: 1 pi. 8". Kiew, 1890. BRANCO (CARL WILHELM FRANZ) [1844-] Der Untere Dogger Deutsch-Lothringens. pp. v^vi, 160 : £• with Atlas of 10 pis. See ALSACE-LORRAINE. — Com- mission fur die Geologische Landes-Untersuchung, &c. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. n, hft. 1. 8". & fol.' 1879. Branco (C. W. F.) Ueber eine fossile Siiugethier- Fauna von Punin bei Riobamba in Ecuador. Nach Q- den Sammlungen von W. Reiss und A. Stiibel, &c. pp. 166 : 19 pis., 6 tab. See PAL^ONTOLOGISCHE AB- HANDLUNGEN. Bd. i, hft. 2. 4°. 1883. Branco (C. W. F.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gat- und deren tuff erf iillte Ausbruchsrohren, &c. pp.xv,816: ** lpl.,2 maps geol. col., text illust. 8". Stuttgart, 1894. Jahreshft. Verein Naturk. Wurttemberg. Jahrg. L & LI. (1891-95.) -^ BRANCSIE (CARL) Die Kafer der Steiermark. Systematisch zusammengestellt. pp. [iv,] 114- 4°. Graz, 1871. BRAND (JOHN) [1668 ?-1738] A brief description of Orkney, Zetland, Pightland-Firth, and Caithness, &c. See PINKERTON (J.) A general collection of ... Voyages, &c. Vol. in. 4°. 1809. BRANDE (WILLIAM THOMAS) [1788-1866] Adescrip- . tive catalogue of the British specimens deposited in Sf the geological collection of the Royal Institution. pp. xvi, 212. 8°. London, 1816. Brande (W. T.) Outlines of geology ; being the sub- stance of a course of lectures delivered in ... 1816. pp. viii, 144 : 1 pi. col. 8°. London, 1817. L- [Another edition.] pp. xiv, . illust. i : 2 pis. (col.), text 8°. London, 1829. Brande (W. T.) & Cox (Sir G. W.) Bart. A Dictionary of Science, Literature, & Art, dec. S Vol. 8°. London, 1865-67. c BRANDEGEE (TOWNSHEND STITH) The Flora of southwestern Colorado. See UNITED STATES. — Geo- r logical awl Geographical Survey of the Territories. » Bulletin, &c. Vol. II, no. 3. 8°. 1876. Brandegee (T. S.) See ZOE (A biological journal, &c.) } T. S. Brandegee editor. Vol. i-iv. 8°. 1890-94. BRANDEL (GUSTAVUS) Flora Runsteniensis, cujus 5 partem secundam See THUNBERG (C. P.) proponit G. Brandel, &c. 8°. 1816. BRANDENBURG. — Botanischer Verein fuer die Frovinz Brandenburg (nud die angren- zenden Laender). [Founded 1359.] Verhandlungen (Bericht), 8°. Berlin, 1859-> (A. J.) & BRANDER (A. E.) 8°. [1867.] - [Another edition.] See USTEKI (P.) Delectus opusculorum botanicorum, &c. Vol. i, no. 1. 8°! 1790. BRANDER (GUSTAVUS) [1720-1787] Fossilia Han- toniensia collecta, et in Musseo Britannico deppsita, &c. pp. vi, 43 : 9 pis. 4°. Londini, 1766. The descriptions were written by D. Solander. Fossilia Hantoniensia ; or Hampshire Fossiles, collected, and in the British Museum deposited . . . The plates now reprinted, with a list of the figures, and references to the Works of Lamarck and Sowerby. By W. Wood. pp. xvi: 9 pis. 4U. London, 1829. BRANDES (E.) Die Flora Teutschlands und der angrenzenden Lander, &c. pp. Ixxv, x, 418. 8°. Stolberg am Harz, 1846. BRANDES (GusTAV) Fridericianella ovicela, n.g., n.sp., ein neuer monogenelischer Trematod. pp.8: 1 pi. See HALLE. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Ab- handlungen, &c. Bd. xx. 8°. 1894. Brandes (G.) Die Gattung Gastrothylax. pp. 33: 2 pis See HALLE.— NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. XXI. 8°. 1898. BRANDES (RUDOLPH) [1795-1842] Annalen der Pharmacie . . . Herausgegeben von R. Brandes. Band i-xn. See LIEBIG'S ANNALEN DER CHEMIE, &c. 8°. 1832-34. It-. o f / . BRANDELIUS (PETRUS) Remedia Guineensia, quorum collectiojiem tertiam ... p. p. P. Brandelius, />. 3U : 1 )>l. See ST. 2. I'l-.TKHSBURO. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, . 51 : 1 pi. 8°. Halae, 1849. BRANDT (.TOHANN FRIEDRICH) [1802-1879] Flora ft Berolinensis, &c. pp. liv, 373. 8°. Berohni, 1824. * Brandt (J. F.) Observations anatomicae de instru- mento vocis Mammaliuin in Museo Zootomico Bero- linensi factae. pp. 38 : 1 pi. 4°. Berolini, 1826. Brandt (J. F.) Tabellarische nellen Gewachse, &c. 3 sh. Uebersicht der offizi- Berlin, [1829-] 1830. Brandt (J. F.) Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung _ der in der Arzneykunde gebriiuchlichen Gewachse, &c. O Bd. XII, xm. See HAYNE (F. G.) 4°. 1833-37. Brandt (J. F.) Naturhistorische Bemerkungen iiber Wurzelcochenille im Vergleich zur Mexicanischen, &c. -£ oli 1835 MI'TO. Acad. imp. Sci. St. Pe'tenbuurg. 6e>. VI, torn. 11 & in. Brandt (J. F.) Prodromus descriptionis Animalium ab [C.] H. Mertensio in orbis terrarum circumnavi- <— gatione observatprum . . . Fasc. i. Polypos. Acalephas, L . discophoras et siphonophoras, nee non Echinodermata $ ^( continens. pp. 75: 1 tab. 4°. Petropoli, 1835. Kecueil Actoa Acad. imp. Sci. St. IVtembourg. ISffl). . VI, torn, v, pt. 2. 223 T Z. 7 •7" Brandt (J. F.) Spicilegia Ornithologica exotica . . . Fasc. i. (Tentamen Monographiae Zoologicae generis 2- Phaethon.) pp. 37 : 5 pis. (col.) 4°. Petropoli, 1839. Mini. Acad. imp. Sci. St. Fitenbonrg. Sir. VI, torn, v, pt. 2. Brandt (J. F.) Ueber die Asselartigen Thiere (0 nit- coda Latr.) der Regentschaft Algier. — Ueber die in der Regentschaft Algier . . . beobachteten Myriapoden. See WAGNER (M. F.) Reisen in ... Algier, . vi, ,200 : 48 pis. col. See BRANDT (J. F.) <£" others. Abbildung und Beschreibung der in Deutschland . . . wachsenden . . . Giftgewachse, apeutique des Gentianacdes employees en mede- cine. pp. 90. 4°. Paris, 1869. A Brandza (D.) Prodromul FloreT Romane, &c. pp. Ixxxiv, 568. 8°. Bucuresci, 1879-83. BRANNER (JOHN CASPEB) The Mineral Waters of Qf Arkansas, pp. viii, 144: 1 map. See ARKANSAS, State of. — Geological Survey. Annual Report, &c. 1891, Vol. I. 8°. 1892. Branner (J. C.) Observations upon the erosion in the hydrographic basin of the Arkansas river above Little Rock. See JORDAN (D. S.) & others. The Wilder quarter-century book, ace. 8°. 1893. Branner (J. C.) Bibliography of Clays and the Ceramic Arts. pp. 114. See UNITED STATES.— Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 143. 8°. 1896. Branner ( J. C.) [For official reports as State Geologist] See ARKANSAS, State of. — Geological Survey. Branner (J. C.) & Coville (F. V.) A list of the Plants . of Arkansas. See ARKANSAS, State of. — Geological ej Survey. Annual Report, gelser i Grjmland. ^ 6 I *> Meddelelser om Gr0nland, gelser " i Gr^nland. Meddelelser om Gr0nland, - 1 Grnland. Meddelelser om Gr0nland, &c. Hit. in, afd. 3, no. 1. 8°. 1887. For supplement, See BRASTH (J. S. D.) Branth (J. S. D.) it Rostrup (F. G. E.) Lichenes fl Danise, eller Danmarks Laver. pp. 158 : 2 pis. 8°. KjQbenhavn, 1869. Botanisk Tideskrift III. BRANTS (ANTONIUS) Het geslacht der Muizen door Linnaeus opgesteld, volgens de tegenswoordige toestand -£_ der wetenschap in familien, geslachten en soorten ver- deeld. pp. xii, 190 : 1 pi. 8°. Berlyn, 1827. Brants (A.) Dissertatio Zoologica inauguralis de Tardigradis, &c. pp. [vi,] 44-' 2 pis. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1828. ' BRANTSTROM (PETRUS) Genera nova Plantarum ,. . . . Part. X submittit P. Brantstrom, &c. See THUN- /J BERG (C. P.) Nova Genera Plantarum, &c. 4°. [1800.] BRANZELL (JOHANNES) Museum naturalium Aca- ^_ k. demiae Upsaliensis. Cujus partem septimam . . . sub- jicit J. Branzell. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1789.] BRARD (CYPRIEN PROSPER) [1786-1838] Manuel du Mineralogiste et du Geologue voyageur. pp. 470 : 1 pi. M 12«. Paris, 1805. ' [Another edition entitled :] Nouveaux Clemens de Min6ralogie, ou Manuel du Min6ralogiste voyageur. | Seconde edition, &c. pp. xi, 686 : 1 pi. 8°. Parts, 1824. Troisieme 6dition ... par M. Guillebot. pp. viii, fl\ 590: Ipl. 8°. Paris, 1838. I1 Brard (C. P.) Traite des Pierres Precieuses, des Por- phyres, Granits, Marbres, Albatres, et autres roches, <>;/>/n< Hid folia. Nach gemeinschaftlicli niit A. Braun angc- stellten Beobachtungen mitgetheilt von J. Hanstem. />». 56 : 3 pis. See BoTANiscHE ABHANDLUNGEN, &c. Bd. HI, hft. 3. 8°. 1877. Braun (A. C. H.) Die Pflanzenreste des Agyptischen Museums in Berlin. Vortrag . . . von A. Braun. Aus dem Nachlasse des Verfassers herausgegeben von P. [F. A.] Ascherson und P. Magnus, pp. 24. 8°. Berlin, 1877. A-itM-li. f. EthnoloRie. Bd. IX. Braun (A. C. H.) Characese Australian® hactenus cognitaj a scriptis A. Braun enumerates. See MUELLER (Sir F. J. H. VON) K.C.M.G., Baron. Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae— Supplementum ad vol. XI, pt. 2. 8°. 1880. Braun (A. C. H.) Fragmente einer Monographic der Characeen . . . Nach den binterlassenen Manuscripten A. Braun's herausgegeben von . . . O. Nordstedt. pp. 211 : 7 pis. See BERLIN.— KOENIOLICH-PREUSSISCHE AKADEMIE, . BRAUN (MAXIMILIAN GUSTAV CHRISTIAN CARL) il850-] Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fauna Baltica. . Ueber Dorpater Brunnenplanarien. pp. 55 : 1 pi. 8". D&rpat, 1881. Archir Natnrk. Lir-, Eh»l- £ KurUndi. Bd. IX. Braun (M. G. C. C.) Die thierischen Parasiten des Menschen nebst einer Anleitung zur praktischen Be- schiiftigung mit der Helminthologie. pp. viii, 233. 8°. Wiirzlmrg, 1883. Braun (M. G. C. C.) Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des breiten Bamhviirmes (Bothriocephalus, Brehms). -, pp. 56: 3 pis. 8". Wiirzlurg, 1883. £ Braun (M. G. C. C.) Die rhabdocoeliden Turbellarien Livlands. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomic, Systenmtik und geographischen Yerbreitung dieser Thiere. pp. 125 : ~^, 4 ph. (col.) 8°. Dor jnt, 188:>. Archiv Natnrk. l.iv-, Ehit- A Kurlandg. Ser. II, bd. x. Brauu (M. G. C. C.) Wiirmer : Vermes. Lief. 7-» See BRONN ^H. G.) Dr. H. G. Bronn's Klaasen und - Ordnungen des Thier-lleichs, &c. Bd. iv. 8°. 1889-> Braun (M. G. C. C.) Trematoden [from South America]. See HAMBURG.— NATURHISTORISCHES MUSEUM. Er- -? gebnisse der Hamburger Magalhaensischen Sammel- *~ reise, &c. Lief. I, no. 6. 8°. 1896. BRAUNE (CHRISTIAN WILHELM) [1831-1892] See ZEITSCHRIFT FUER ANATOMIE UND ENTWICKE- LUNGSGESOHICHTE . . . Herausgegeben von . . . W. • Braune. Bd. i-n. 8°. 1876-77. Braune (C. W.) Archiv fiir Anatomic und Entwicke- __ lungsgeschichte . . . Herausgegeben von . . . W. Braune. "Z. Jahrg. 1877-88. See AECHIV FUEH ANATOMIE UND PHYSIOLOGIE. 8s. 1877-88. Braune (C. W.) «fe others. Beitraege zur Anatomie -^ und Physiologic als Festgabe C. Ludwig, &c. 2 Hft. Must. col. 4". Leipzig, 1874 (-76). Contains inter alia : — Zur Anatomie des Gehororgans von A. Politzer. Die Speicheldriisen von Pfrifttaneta (Blnlta) vrienlalis und ihr Nerven- apparat von C. Kupffer. Ueber die iStamniesentwicklung des Sehorgana der Wirbelthiere von W. Miiller. BRAUNE (FRANZ ANTON ALEXANDER VON) [1766- f( 1853] Salzburgische Flora, &c. 3Bd. 8".Saizburg,n&7. L BRAUNE (WILHELM) See BRAUNE (C. W.) BRAUNGART (R.) kunde, ttc. pp. xv, S& BRAUNS (DAVID AUGUST) [1827-1893] Der untere JuraimnordwestliclienDeutscnland . . . mit besonderer Berucksichtigung seiner Molluskenfauna. Nebst Nach- tragen zum mittleren Jura. pp. x, 403 : 2 pis. 8°. Braunschweig, 1871. Branns (D. A.) Der obere Jura im nordwestlichcn Deutschland . . . mit besonderer Berucksichtigung seiner Molluskenfauna. Nebst Nachtragen zum unteren und mittleren Jura. pp. x, 434 •' 3 pis. 8°. Braunschweig, 1874. Die Wissenschaft in der Boden- /If] ?. 8°. Berlin & Leipzig, 1876. Tokio kimbo chishitsu hen, «fcc. — See TOKIO.— L- Brauns (D. A.) Geology of the environs of Tokio. TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. Rika Kwai Sui.— Memoirs of the <- j Science Department. Vol. iv. [Japanese and English editions.] I". 1881. faS Brauns (D. A.) Einleitung in das Studium der Geo- logie. pp. vi, S16 : text Must. 8°. Stuttgart, 1887. Or BRAUNS (JOHANNES ERNESTUS) J. E. Brauns ... Amcenitates subterranean, id est breviarium sufficiens ffj physico-juridico-historicum, quod agit de metalli- fodinarum Harcicarum . . . prima origine, progressu atque pracstantia, tischen Ano- malien der Krystalle. pp. xi, 370 : 6 plx. See LEIPSIC. -^ FUERSTLICH JABLONOWSKl'sCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Preisschriften, «3&-45.] Wanting. - [Anot • edition.] • issue.] 8°. 1849. 8°. 1861. Brebisson (L. A. DE) Aperbenkavn (1834-36). L Brehm (A. E.) Bird-Life . . . Translated from the [second] German [edition] by H. M. Labouchere . . . & -~ W. Jesse, &c. pp. xxvi, 898 : 10 pis. col. 4°. London, 1874. * Brehm (A. E.) Ergebnisse einer Reise nach Habesch,'nmz Bucbenau und W. O. Focke. 3. Laubmoose. Bearbeitet von K. Muller. 4. Flechten. Beai beitet von G. W. Korber, 5. Algen. Bearbeitat von G. Zeller. t>. Pilze. Bearbeitet von II. F. Bonorden und L. Fuckel. 7. Treibholzer. Bearbeitet von G. Kraus. 8. Einige Benierkungen tiber Alter und Wachsthumsverbalt- nisse ostgronlandischer Holzgewachse. Von G. Kraus. II. Zoologie. 1. An(bropologie. Bearbeitet von A. Pansch. •„'. Saugetbiere und Fiscbe. Bearbeitet von W. Peters. 3. Bemerkniigen uber die Schadel der Eskimohunde. Bearbeitet von U. von Nathusius. 4. Vogel. Bearbeitet von O. Finsch. 5. Bier. Bearbeitet von A. Newton. 6. Tunicata. Bearbeitet von C. Knpffer. 7. Mollusken, Wurmer, Ecbinodermen nnd Coelenteraten. Bearbeitet von K. Mobins 8. CruBtaceen. Bearbeitet von R. Bncbholz. '.'. Aracbniden. Bearbeitet von L. Koch. 10. idymenopteren nnd Dipt«ren. Bearbeitet von A. Gerstacker. Mit Noten von A. Pansch. 11. Lepidopteren. Bearbeitet von A. von llomeyer. 1C. Hydroiden und Bryozoen. Bearbeitet von kirchenpaner. 18. KleseUponuien. Bearbeitet von O. Schmidt 14. Kalk- nnd Gallertsponfrien. Bearbeitet von E. Haeckel. 15. DAB ut'sichtbar wirkende Leben der Nordpolarzone . . . Von C. G. Ehrenberg. III. Geologic. Vorwort von F. von Hochstetter. 1 . Geologic Ostgronlnnds. Bearbeitet von F. Toula nnd O. Lenz. 2. BeBchreibung mesozoischer VersteinernDgen von der Kuhn- Insel. Bearbeitet von F. Toula. 8. Analysen eiitiger Gesteine aus Ostgronland. Aus dem Laboratorinni das Prof. A. Bauer. 4. Pfianzenversteinerungen. Bearbeitet von O. Heer. Bremen. Geographische Gesellschaft. Reise nach West-Sibirien im Jahre 1876. Auf Ver- anstaltungdes Vereins fur die Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt in Bremen, &c. See FINSCH (O.) 8°. 1879. BREMEN. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. (Founded 1M4.) Abhandlungen (Jahresbericht), • 8°. Bremen, 1868-* There is a Mrmrately paged " Bcilage" t« Bd. xn, " Verrach einer t'ber- sicht uber die Rotatorien-Familie der I'hilixlinatjen von O. Janson," and abo oo« to Bd. xiu, entitled : " Ueber Einheitlicbkeit der boUnischen KnnaUuidracke und AbkQnungen. Von F. Bucbenau." Bremen.— Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Synopsis Ruborum Germaniae, . 58, and Atlas, 8 pis. [in 1 Vol.] 8°. & fol. Paris, 1836. ZL Text 8°. mounted fol. Brescliet (G.) Recherches anatomiques et physiolo- giques sur 1'Organe de 1'Ouie des Poissons, &c. pp. 126 : 17 pis. 4°. Pans, 1838. "2. Mem. pies. Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. v. BRESCIA. — Ateneo. [1801 Founded as Accadeiuia di Scienze, Lettere, Agricultura, ed Arti del Dipartimento del Meila. 1810 Ateneo di Brescia.] Commentarj, &c. 1808-86. 8°. Brescia, 1808-86. The designation " Ateneo " first appears on the title-page of the volume / ^ /// ^ » for 1812, though the new statutes are included in the volume for 1809 : "both these volumes were published in 1814. BRESLAU. — Anatomisches Museum. See infra, KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET.— Anatomisches- Institut. BRESLAU. — Institutum Anatomicum Regii Vrati- slaviensis. See infra, KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. — Anatomisches- Institut. BRESLAU. — Koeniylicher Botanischer Garten. See infra, KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET.— Botanischer Garten. 232 6 I 6 B BRESLAU. — Museum Zoologicum Vratislaviensis. See infra, KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. — Zoologisch Sammlungen. BRESLAU. Koeuigliche Universitaet. (Founded 170-2.) Der Koniglichen Universitiit Breslau bringt zur Feier ihres funfzigjiihrigen Jubilaums die Schlesische Gesell- schaft fiir vaterliindische Kultur ihre besten Gliick- wunsche dar. — Inhalt : Die fossile Fauna der silurischen Diluvial-Geschiebe von Sadewitz, &c. See ROEMER (F. VON) 4°. 1861. Breslau. Koeuigliche Universitaet.— AiMtomisehts-Iwtitut. Neues Verzeichniss der anato- mischen Sammlung des . . . Institute . . . angefertigt von ... A. \V. Otto . . . Nachtrag, die Bereicherungen der zweiten Auflage enthaltend, &c. pp. 225-250, v-ix. 8°. Breslau, 1841. The title on the wrapper reads :— " Catalopis noriis collectionis anato- micae Institutt Anatouiici Hegii Vratislavienais." Breslau. —Koenigliche Universitaet. — Botanischer Garten. Fuhrer (lurch den Koniglichen Botanischen Garten der Universitat ... 3. Ausgabe. pp. 32 : 1 plan. 8°. Gorlitz, 1874. The first edition appeared in 1852. 9. ... Ausgabe. pp. 53 : 2 plans. 8°. Gorlitz, 1883. Breslau. Koenigliche Universitaet.— Bot. Gart. Fuhrer durch den K. Botanischen Garten der Universitat . . . Herausgegeben von ... A. Engler, l«Jf J. i e separately paged Snpple- No. f 8 is in 5 separately paged parts. Thereare sepan ments to No. 63, d-c. Breslau.— Schlesische Gesell. f. vaterl. Cultur. j_ Abhandlungen . . . Abtheilung fiir Naturwissenschaften c und Medicin 1861-73.f 9 Vol. 8°. Breslau, 1861-73. ~ Breslau.— Schlesische Gesell. f. vaterl. Cultur. Verzeichniss der in den Schriften . . . enthaltenen | , Aufsatze, &c. 1804-1863. 8°. Bredau (1868). ,- - Fortzetzung, &c. 1864-76. 8°. Breslau [ ]. • General Sachregister, &c. 1804-76. 8°. Breslau, 1878. &c. Breslau.— Schlesische Gesell. f. vaterl. Cultur. Denkschrift zur Feier ihres fiinfzigjahrigen Bestehens, , ^.Bredau, 1853. *T! Breslau.— Schlesische Gesell. f. vaterl. Cultur. Beitrage zur Entomologie, besonders in Bezug auf die Schlesische Fauna, verfasst und herausgegeben von den Mitgliedern der Entomologischen Section der . . . Gesell- "2. schaft, v-» Breslau.— Schlesische Gesell. f. vaterl. Cultur. per Koniglichen Universitat Breslau bringt zur Feier ihres funfzigjiihrigen Jubilaums die Schlesische Gesell- _ schaft . . . ihre besten Gluckwiinsche dar.— Inhalt : (y- Die fossile Fauna der silurischen Diluvial-Geschiebe von Sadewitz, &c. See ROEMER (F. VON) 4°. 1861. BRESLAU. Universitas Vratislaviensis. See supra, KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. BRESLAU. Vereiu fiier Schlesische Xnsekten- kunde. (1889 Founded as SMuitchcr Tautch-Verein fntr Sfhrnttterlinye tu Britg. 1847 Vrreinfusr Schlttitchr Inirlientumtr zu Bralau.] Bericht, &c. No. l-8.t 4°. Brieg, 1840-46. Z. 233 I Breslau. — Vereiu f. Sclilesisclie lusekteiikuude. Zeitschrift fiir Entomologie, herausgegeben von dem Verein ([and afterwards] A. Assman), £c. Jahrg. i-vi, VHI-XV. 8°. Breslau, 1847-61. Wanting Jahrg. xvi-xx. Jahrg. VII was not published. The volumes are divided into separately paged sections: — " Correspondenzblatt," w Lcpidoptera," " Coleoptera," 234 BREWSTER (Sir DAVID) [1781-18681 The Edin- burgh Philosophical Journal _. . . conducted by D. Brewster, Exoticarum aliarumque minus cognitarum Plantarum centuria prima, primus et secundus . . . nova hac editione . . . con- junctim editi, notulisque illustrati. Accedunt icones . . . Quibus praemittuntur vita et effigies auctoris cura . . . J. P. Breynii . . . hujus ad calcem annectitur dissertatio botanico-medica, de radice Gin-Sem, sou Nisi et herba Acmella cum additamentis. pp. viii, 54 : SI pit. 4°. Gedani, 1739. 6 Breynius (JACOBUS) Clavis Breyniana, oder Schluessel zuJ. Breynii . . . Exoticarum . . . Plantarum centuria prima . . . und zu J. P. Breynii Icones fasciculi rariorum Plantarum primus et secundus . . . mit einigen Anmer- kungen herausgegeben von E. F. Klinsmann. pp. v, SO. See DANTZIO. — NATURFORSCHENDE OESELLSCHAFT. Neueste Schriften, . BRIFFANDON (ANTOINE) Note sur les Grenats L des bords du Garon, &c. pp. 4. See LYONS. — SOCIETJ£ f LINNEENNE. Annales, &c. [1st Vol.] 1836. 8°. [1827 f] BRIGANTI (FRANCESCO) [1892-1866] Piante tintorie a del Eegno di Napoli distribute in tavole sinottiche. '• pp. xvi, 73. 4°. Napoli, 1842. Briganti (F.) & (V.) Historia Fungorum Eegni fL Neapolitani. See BRIGANTI (V.) & (F.) 4°. 1848. l BRIGANTI (ViCENZio) [1766-1836] Clavis sys- ..• tematis Sexualis Linnasi, &c. pp. xxi : 2 pis. fol. Neapoli, 1804. Briganti (V.) V. Briganti . . . De nova Pimpinellae specie cui nomen anisoides dissertatio. pp. xix : 1 pi., Q text illust. fol. Neapoli, 1805. Briganti (V.) & (F.) Historia Fungorum Eegni Neapolitani. pp. xvi, 140 : 46 pis. 4°. Neapoli, 1848. £• Atti R. Accad. Sci. Napoli. Tom. vi Mem. Classe Sci. Nat. (1852). BRIGGS (C.) [For official publications in connection with the Survey] See OHIO, State of. — Geological Survey. BRIGGS (S. A.) The Lens ; a quarterly journal of Microscopy and the allied sciences . . . Edited by S. A. / Briggs, <&c. 2 Vol. See STATE MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY OF ILLINOIS. 8°. 1872-73. BRIGGS (THOMAS EICHARD ARCHER) [1836-1891] Flora of Plymouth . . . with brief sketches of the Topography, Geology, and Climate of the Area, &c. pp. xxxv, 432 : 1 map. 8°. London, 1880. BRIGHAM (WILLIAM TUFTS) [1841-J Notes on the Volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands, with a history of their various eruptions, pp. 1SS : 5 maps & plans. 4°. Boston, 1868. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. I. Brigham (W. T.) Guatemala the Land of the Quetzal, &c. pp. xv, 453 : 25 pis., 3 maps, text illust. 8°. London, 1887. The Appendix contains List of the Plants by Prof. S. Watson. ., Q ff\ BRIGHT (EiCHARD) [1789-1858] [Zoology and Botany of Iceland.] See MACKENZIE (Sir G. S.) Bart. Travels in the Island of Iceland, during . . . 1810. 4°. 1811. Bright (K.) Travels from Vienna through Lower Hungary ... in ... 1814. (Appendix.) pp. xviii, 64S (cii) : 10 pis., 2 maps, text illust. 4°. Edinburgh, 1818. 1_ o. 6 -II m NDON. [Maps.] 1885. BRION (JOHN) The topography of the Isle of Wight. See WILKINS (E. P.) A concise exposition of the Gf Geology ... of the Isle of Wight, &c. 4°. [1859.] BRIOSI (GIOVANNI) [1846-;] Delectus Seminum in , R. Horto Universitatis Ticinensis anno 1885 collec- D torum. See PAVIA.— REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. fol. 1886. Briosi (G.) Archivio del Laboratorio di Botanico Critto- B gamica presso la R. Universita di Pa via. Vol. v. [Con- tinued as :] Atti dell' Istituto Botanico dell' Universita . . . redatti da G. Briosi. Ser. II, vol. i-» See PAVIA. — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. 8°. 1888-> - BRIQUET (JOHN) Monographic du genre Galeopsis. xii, 323. See BRUSSELS.— ACADEMiE ROYALE DES 13 pp. SCIENCES, no. 9. M&noires couronnes, &c. Tom. LII, 4°. 1890-93. .101 Briquet (J.) [Labiatae of Costa Rica.] See DURAND a (T.) & PITTIER (H.) Primitiae Florae Costaricensis. Fasc. I. 8°. 1891. Briquet (J.) Les Labi6es des Alpes Maritimes, &c. 3 Pt. pp. scviii. 587 : 8 pis., text Ulust. 8°. Geneve & Bdle, 1891-95. Briquet (J.) Etudes sur les Cytisea des Alpes Man- a times, comprenant un examen des affinite's et une revision generale du genre Cytisus. pp. xi, 202 [2}: 3 pis. 8°. Geneve & Bdle, 1894. Briquet (J.) Recherches anatomiques sur I'appareil v6getatif des Phrymac6es, Stilbold6es, Chloanthoiidees et Myoporac6es. pp. viii, 154 •' text illust. See GENEVA. —SOCIETY DE PHYSIQUE ET D'fllSTOIRE NATURELLE. Memoires, &c. Tom. XXXII, no. 8. 4°. 1896 (1897). Briquet (J.) M. Micheli. Contributions a la Flore du Paraguay. VII. Labiees par J. Briquet, pp. 45 : 10 pis. See GENEVA.— SOCIETE DE PHYSIQUE ET D'HIS- TOIRE NATURELLE. M6moires, &c. Tom. xxxn, no. 10. 4M897. 237 L L Briquet (J.) Monographic des Buplfevres des Alpes Maritimes. pp. viii, 131 : 4 pis., text illust. 8°. Geneve et Bale, 1897. BRISBANE. — Botanic Garden. Catalogue of Plants in the ... Garden, dec. See QUEENSLAND.— Depart- ment of Agriculture. 8°. 1885. BRISBANE.— Queensland Museum. Annual Report of the Trustees, dec. 1876-» 4°. Brisbane, 1877-» Brisbane.— Queensland Museum. Annals, dec. No. l-» 8°. Brisbane, 1891-» BRISBANE.— Royal Society of Queensland. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. BRISCHKE (C. G. A.) Abbildungen und Beschrei- bungen der Blattwespen-Larven . . . Mit einem Vorworte von J. T. C. Ratzeburg. Lief, i.t pp. 16 : 3 pis. 4°. Berlin, 1855. Brischke (C. G. A.) Kleinere Beobachtungen iiber Insekten. (Hiipfende Cocons — Wassertrinkende Larven — Ein Verwiister der Gerste — Chlorops tarsata — Maden von Phytomyza als Blatt-Minirer— Phora-Maden in einem lebenden Kafer.) pp. 5 : text illust. See DANT- ZIG.—NATUEFOESCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Schriften, &c. Neue Folge, Bd. n, hft. 1. 8°. 1868. Brischke (C. G. A.) Kleinere Mittheilungen iiber Insekten. (Cecidomyia graminis n. sp. — Zerstorer der Zwiebeln und Erbsen. — Cecidomyia-Gallen an der Hirschwurz. — Blatt-Deformationen an Linden und Flieder.) pp. 5: text illust. See DANTZIG. — NATUE- FOESCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Schriften, dec. Neue Folge, Bd. II, hft. 2. 8°. 1869. Brischke (C. G. A.) Kleinere Beobachtungen iiber Insekten. (Ueber die Rapsfeinde und ihre Parasiten. —Erbsenzerstorer — Zerstorer der Radieschen — Feind der Luzerne— Ein Feind des Kohls.) pp. 25 : text illust. See DANTZIG. — NATUEFOESCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Schriften, dec. Neue Folge, Bd. n, hft. 3. 8°. 1871. Brischke (C. G. A.) Verzeichniss der Wanzen und Zirpen der Provinz Preussen. pp. 15. See DANTZIG. — NATUEFOESCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Schriften, dec. Neue Folge, Bd. n, hft. 3. 8°. 1871. Brischke (C. G. A.) Ueber die Zerstorer der Pappeln. pp. 9. See DANTZIG. — NATUEFOESCHENDE GESELL- SCHAFT. Schriften, dec. Neue Folge, Bd. in, hft. 2. 8°. 1873. Brischke (C. G. A.) Kiirzere Mittheilungen ... I. Be- richt iiber die Zucht der Kiefernspinner-Raupen. 1874. pp. 4- See DANTZIG. — NATUEFOESCHENDE GESELL- SCHAFT. Schriften, dec. Neue Folge, Bd. in, hft. 3. 8°. 1874. Brischke (C. G. A.) Kiirzere Mittheilungen. (Ueber die Gattung Pezomachus Gravenhorst. — Plectiscus erythrostoma Gr.) pp. 8. See DANTZIG. — NATUE- FOESCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Schriften, dec. Neue Folge, Bd. iv, hft. 2. 8°. 1877. Brischke (C. G. A.) Resultateder Zuchten forstschad- licher Insecten. pp. 4. See DANTZIG.— NATUEFOE- SCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Schriften, dec. Neue Folge, Bd. iv, hft. 2. 8°. 1877. BRISMAN (JOHANNES) De Rosis Svecanistentamen septimum, dec. See AFZELIUS (A.) 4°. 1807. BRISOUT DE BARNEVILLE (CHAELES N. F.) [1823-1893] Materiaux pour servir a la Faune des Col.eopt.eres Francais. See GEENIEE (A.) Catalogue >des Goleopteres de France, dsc. 8". 1863. Brisont de Barneville (C. N. F.) Catalogue des Coleoptferes de 1'Alsace et des Vosges . . . suivi de descriptions de plusieurs especesnouvelles par C. Brisout de Barneville, dec. ,~ (G. R. H.) See WENCKEE (J.) & SILBEEMANN ' 8°. 1866. BRISSEAU DE MIRBEL (CHAELES FEANCOIS) See MlEBEL. BRISSON (MATHUEIN JACQUES) [1723-1806] Regnum Animale in classes IX distributum, dec. — Le Regne Animal divise1 en IX classes, dec. pp. vi, 382. 4°. Paris, 1756. Latin and French in parallel columns. Editio altera auctior. pp. viii, 294- 8°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1762. Brisson (M. J.) Ornithologia sive synopsis methodica sistens Avium divisionem in ordines, dec. — Ornitho- logie, dec. 6 Tom. illust. 4°. Paris, 1760. Latin and French in parallel columns. [Another edition.] 2 Tom. 8°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1763. BRISSON (THEODOBE POLYCAEPE) [1828-] Les Lichens doivent-ils cesser de former une classe distincte des autres Cryptogames. Examen critique de la the'orie de M. Schwendener, &c. pp. 43 : 2 pis. 8°. Chalons sur Marne, 1877. Brisson (T. P.) L'Arbre Genealogique de 1'TJnivers . . . Cryptogames Cellulaires compares a une nation, dec. pp. 44: 1 pi. 8°. Chalons sur Marne, 1879. Brisson (T. P.) Lichens des environs de Chftteau- Thierry (Aisne). Le transformisme condamne par les Lichens aussi bien que par toutes les autres Plantes, dec. (Supplement.) pp. 42. 8°. Chalons-sur-Marne, 1880. Mini. Soc. Agric. DiSpt. Marne. Ann. 1879-80. Brissou (T. P.) Catalogue des Plantes Phanerpgames du departement de la Marne . . . Plantes me'dicinales et veneneuses. pp. vii, 1 60. 8°. Chalons sur Marne, 1884. BRISTOL. — Bristol Museum. [Founded ise".] Guide to the . . . Museum. By . . . E. B. Tawney . . . edited by J.Dallas, pp.78 : text illust. 8°. Bristol [1883]. New edition by E. Wilson, pp. 32. 16°. Bristol, 1890. Second edition, pp. 32. Third edition, pp. 32. Fourth edition, pp. 32. Fifth edition, pp. 32. Sixth edition, pp. 32. Seventh edition, pp. 30 : 1 pi. Eighth edition, pp. SO : 1 pi. 16°. Bristol, 1891. 16°. Bristol, 1893. 16°. Bristol, 1894. 16°. Bristol, 1895. 16°. Bristol, 1895. 16°. Bristol, 1896. 16°. Bristol, 1897. z. T t Bristol. — Bristol Museum. Catalogue of the Fossils, Rocks & Minerals in the Students' Geological Collection ... By E. Wilson, pp. 68. 8°. Bristol, 1896. Printed on one aide of the paper only. BRISTOL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETT. [Founded 1848.] [Proceedings, dec.] 1 No. pp. 12 : 2 pis. See BEISTOL NATUEALISTS' SOCIETY. Proceedings, dec. New [2nd] Series. Vol. in. 8°. 1868. BRISTOL MINING- SCHOOL. [Founded ISM.] Lectures delivered at the . . .School, 1857. .pp. vii, 300 : text illust. 8°. Bristol, 1859. <2r 238 duo 16. L L L BRISTOL NATURALISTS' SOCIETY. [Founded 1862.) [Proceedings : Reports of Meetings. Being reprints from the "Bristol Daily Post " from Dec. 7th, 1863, to March 5th, 1866.] 38 No. 4°. [Bristol,] 1863-66. Proceedings . . . Edited by W. L. Carpenter ([and afterwards] A. Leipner ; E. W. Claypole ; E. B. Tawney). New [2nd] Series. Vol. i-vn. 8°. Bristol, 1866-72 [-73]. Proceedings, &c. New [3rd] Series. Vol. i-» 8°. Bristol, 1876-» BRISTOW (HENRY WILLIAM) [1817-1889] [A de- scriptive Catalogue of the Rock Specimens in the Museum of Practical Geology, ] 8°. York, &c., 1881-* British Association, fee. Proposed plan for rendering the nomenclature of Zoology uniform and permanent. [By H. E. Strick- land.] pp. 15. 8°. (London, Sept. 1841.) This is the draft scheme printed and circulated among zoologists prior to its being brought before the British Association : it formed the basis of the following : Proposed Report of the Committee on Zoological Nomenclature, pp. 16. 8°. (London, May 1842.) Printed for the use of the members of the Committee. Report of a Committee appointed " to consider of the Rules by which the nomenclature of Zoology may be established on a uniform and permanent basis." pp. 17. 8°. (London,) June 1842. Also in Rept. Brit Assoc. 1842 (1843). Rules for Zoological Nomenclature by . . . H. E. Strick- . authorised by section D of the . . . Associa- land tion 1842. Reprinted 1863. pp. 26. 8°. Edinburgh, 1863. — [Another edition], pp. 26. 8°. Dumfries, 1865. r^_ I hi* is simply a reprint of the preceding. For the revised edition of these Rules, Ste Rept. Brit. Assoc. 1865 (1896). The Rules of Zoological Nomenclature . . . With notes by A. E. Verrill. See VERRILL (A. E.) 8°. [1869.] British Association, &c. Queries respecting the Human Race, to be addressed to travellers and others. Drawn up by a Committee of the ... Association . . . 1839. pp. 14. 8°. London, 1841. British Association, &c. Tables for the registration of periodic phenomena. [_ (List of Plants to oe observed— Lists for the Animal Kingdom.) pp. [40], 4. 4°. London [1845 ?]. " British Association, &c. List of the British Marine Invertebrate Fauna. For the dredging committee of the ... Association. [By ~Z. R. Me Andrew.] [pp. 73.] 4°. London, 1860. British Association, &c. Address to the Geological Section of the . Associa- tion. By J. Geikie . . . 1889. <&«GEIKIE (J.) 8°. 1889. (f British Association, fee. Theories of Coral Reefs and Atolls. An address de- livered before ... the ... Association . . . 1888. By S. J. Hickson. See HICKSON (S. J.) 8°. 1890. British Association, &c. Address to the Geological Section of the . . . Associa- tion . . . 1892, by Prof. C. Lapworth, &c. See LAP- '*" WORTH (C.) 8°. [1892.] British Association, Ape. Hints to assist . . . visitors : being brief notices of \_ local antiquities in Southampton and its neighbour- hood ; by J. Bullar.— On the objects worthy of attention in an excursion round the Isle of Wight ... By J. Drew. See BULLAR (J.) 8°. 1846. Issued as a guide book for the Southampton meeting, 1846. British Association, &c. Guide to Belfast, &c. See BELFAST NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. 8°. 1874. 239 L British Association, &c. Bristol and its Environs, historical, descriptive & scientific, published under the sanction of the local executive committee of the British Association, pp. viii, 475: 10 pis., 1 map, text Must. 8°. London, 1875. Contains inter alia : — Section vn. Physical Geography and Geology. Introduction. By E. B. Tawney. Silurian, Carboniferous, and Millstone Grit. By W. W. Stoddart. Coal Measure and New Red Period. By E. B. Tawney. II li:rt it: and Liassic. By R. Tate. Inferior Oolite. By E. B. Tawney. ,, ix. Anthropology. By J. Beddoe. „ x. Zoology and Botany. British Association, &c. A contribution towards a complete list of the Fauna and Flora of Clydesdale and. the West of Scotland, &c. See GLASGOW SOCIETY OF FIELD NATURALISTS. 8°. 1876. Issued as a guide book for the Glasgow meeting, 1876. / British Association, &c. Notes on the Fauna and Flora of the West of Scotland. S t -D See ALSTON (E. R.) 8°. 1876. Issued as a guide book for the Glasgow meeting, 1876. British Association, &c. * Catalogue of the western Scottish Fossils. Compiled Or by J. Armstrong, J. Young, and D. Robertson [for the British Association meeting, 1876], &c. See ARMSTRONG (J.) & others. 8°. 1876. British Association, &c. Middlesbrough and the district : being notes, historical, industrial, scientific, pp. w, 93 : S pis. (1 col.), 1 map \.I-D col. 8°. Middlesbrough, 1881. Issued as a guide book for the York meeting, 1881. Contains inter alia : — Geological map of Cle\ eland, J in. = 1 m. By W. T. Veitch. [Vertical) Section of strata in Cleveland. Scale 160 ft. to 1 in. By G. Barrow. The Geology of the district. By W. T. Veitch and G. Barrow. Section along the coast, from Sandsend to Saltburn. By W. T. Veitch and R. Lofthouse. The Fauna of Cleveland. By R. Lofthouse. The rarer Flora of Cleveland. By W. T. Veitch. i_ British Association, &c. Canada as it will appear to the members of the . . . Association in 1884, &c. See COLMER (J. G.) 8°. 1884. British Association, &c. 75" g L Handbook for the Dominion of Canada. Prepared for the meeting of ... 1884. See DAWSON (S. E.) 8°. 1884. British Association, &c. / Handbook of Birmingham. Prepared for the members I- of the . . . Association 1886. pp. xxi, S78 : 1 map. 8°. Birmingham, 1886. } • ' • IS- Contains : — Part in. Geology and Physiography. Edited by Prof. C. Lapworth. Palaeozoic Rocks. By Prof. C. Lapworth. Triassic Rocks. By W. J. Harrison. Liassic and Rhastic. By P. B. Brodie. Glacial and Post-Tertiary Deposits. By H. W. Crosskey. Petrography. By S. Allport. Minerals of the Birmingham District. By C. J. Woodward. „ iv. Zoology. Edited by W. R. Hughes. Mammals and Reptiles. By E. de Hamel. Birds. By R. W. Chase. Fishes and Mollusca. By G. S. Tye. Insects. By W. C. Blatch. Microscopic Fauna. By T. Bolton. „ v. Botany. Edited by W. Mathews. The Flowering Plants, Ferns, Jcc. By J. E. Bagnall. The Mosses, Hepatics, and Lichens. By J. E. Bagnall. The Algai. By A. W. Wills. The Fungi. By W. B. Grove. British Association, &c. Handbook of Manchester. Prepared ... for the mem- ^ bers of the . . . Association at the Manchester meeting • ' •? 1887. pp. 109. 8°. Manchester, 1887. Contains : — Physiography and Geology. By W. Boyd Dawkins and M. Stirrup. Botany. By C. Bailey. Ornithology. By F. Nicholson. Insecta. By J. C. Melvill. Mollusca. d. J . By F. By J. C. Me By J. C. Melvill. British Association, fee. Handbook to Bath, prepared on the occasion of the visit of the . . . Association 1888, &c. See MORRIS 73. He~ (J. W.) 8°. 1888. British Association, &c. Hand-Book to Newcastle-on-Tyne and district, BRITISH ISLANDS. See also GREAT BRITAIN ; ENGLAND ; SCOTLAND ; IRELAND : and for government publications GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 240 z w British Islands. A tabular distribution of British Plants. [By John, 3rd Earl of Bute.] pp. 57. 4°. London, 1780. Much of the Hit of this was reprinted in Lord Bute's " Botanical Table*," for which Sie STUART (J.) Snt Sari of Bute. British Islands. Prodromus Lepidopterorum Britan- nicoram. A ... catalogue of British Lepidopterous Insects ... By a Fellow of the Ldnnsean Society [i.e. A. H. Haworth]. pp. vi, S9, 6. 4°. Holt, 1802. British Islands. Recreations in Natural History ; or popular sketches of British Quadrupeds, Gr L t British Islands. pp. 200.t Incomplete : iaraed with the [British Botany by A. Irvine.] 8°. [London, 1855--6 f] Phytologist," New Series. British Islands. Catalogue of British Mosses [by H. Boswell]. [pp. S.] 4«. [ ] 1866. Lithographed. British Islands. graph Must. The National Gazetteer: a topo- graphical Dictionary of the British Islands, 4". London, 1880-» British Museum. [Books and Maps.] Catalogue of Books in the Library . . . printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of Books in English printed abroad, to the year 1640. 3 Vol. . 8°. London, 1884. British Museum. [Books and Maps] A list of the Books of Reference in tne Reading Room . . . Second edition, &c. pp. xxviii, 349 : 2 pis. 8°. London, 1871. British Museum. [Books and Maps.] Hand-list of Bibliographies, Classified Catalogues and Indexes, placed in the Reading Room, &c. pp. x, 105. 8°. London, 1881. [Another edition entitled :] List of Bibliographical Works in the Reading Room . . . Second edition, &c. pp. xi, 103. 8°. London, 1889. British Museum. [Books and Maps] A Subject Index of the modern Works added to the Library of the British Museum . . . 1880-85. Com- piled by G. K. Fortescue. pp. [vi,] 1044. 4°. London, 1886. 1885-90. 1891-95. pp. -vi, 700. pp. 'W, 901. 8°. London, 1891. 8°. London, 1897. L L L- z_ _ L L L L British Museum. [Books and Maps] The Book of British Topography ; a . . . catalogue of the topographical works in the Library of the . . . Museum relating to Great Britain and Ireland. See ANDERSON (J. P.) 8°. 1881. British Museum. [Hooks and Maps] Catalogue of the printed Maps, Plans, and Charts, &t. 2 Vol. fol. London, 1885. BRITISH MUSEUM (Natural History). [Consisting of the Departments of Botany, Geology, Mineralogy, and Zoology which were removed in 1880-83 to Cromwell lioad.] A Guide to the Exhibition Galleries . . . Departments of Geology and Palaeontology, Mineralogy, and Botany. pp. iv, 83 : 3 plans. 8°. London, 1881. British Museum (Natural History). A Guide to the Exhibition Galleries of the Departments of Mineralogy and Botany, &c. pp. 35 : 1 plan. 8°. London, 1881. British Museum (Natural History). Guide to the Index Museum. Aves (Birds). [By Sir R. Owen.] pp. 8. 8°. [London,] 1882. British Museum (Natural History). A general Guide, &c. [By Sir W. H. Flower.] pp. 48 : 1 pi., 2 plans. 8°. [London;] 1886. Dated on wrapper 1887. [Another edition.] [Another edition.] pp. 55 : 1 pi., a plans. 8°. [London,] 1887. pp. 65 : 1 pi., 2 plans. 8°. [London,] 1888. [Another edition.] pp. 70 : 1 pi., 2 plans. 8°. [London,] 1889. — [Another edition.] [Another edition.] pp. 7S pp. 74 : % pis., 2 plans. 8°. [London] 1891. — [Another edition.] pp. 80 il pis., 2 plans. 8°. [London,] 1893. 2 pis., 2 plants, 8°. [London,} 1895. L L L L L 2. L 2. Gr L. L L L L L British Museum (Natural History). Le Museum de Londres (British Museum of Natural History, South Kensington). Notes & impressions. See DOLLFUS (A.) 8°. 1889. 31 242 British Museum (Natural History).) Brltanskil Estestvennolstorlcheskil Muzel [The British Natural History Museum], 7: Spit. British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [Mollusca] Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalo- poda in the ... Museum, £c. Pt. i-» 8°. London, 1888-» Pt. I. Naotiloidea ... By A. H. Foord. pp. xxxi, SU: text illutt I888' „ n. pp. xxvii, W, 1 tab. : text illutt. 1891. Ill Bactritidw and part of the suborder Atnmonoidea. By A. H. Foord i G. C. Crick, pp. xxxiii, SOS : text illutt. 1887. British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [Mollusca.] List of the types and figured specimens of Fossil Cephalopoda in the ... Museum . . . by G. C. Crick, pp. [iv,] 103. 8°. London, 1898. British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [Bryozoa.] Catalogue of the Fossil Bryozoa in the ... Museum. The Jurassic Bryozoa. By J. V\ . Gregory, pp. [5,] 239 : 11 pis. 8°. London, 1896. L fi L L L fir L 243 British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [Echinodermata] Catalogue of the Blas- toidea in the . . . Museum . . . with^an account of the morphology and systematic position of the group, and a revision of the genera and species ... By R. Etheridge, Jun. . . . and P. H. Carpenter, &c. pp. xv, 322: 20 pis. 4°. London, 1886. . British Museum (Natural History). 6" Geology. [Porifera] Catalogue of the Fossil Sponges L- in the . . . Museum . . . with descriptions of new and little-known species . . . By G. J. Hinde, &c. pp. viii, 248 : 38 pis. 4°. London, 1883. ., British Museum (Natural History). Gf Geology. [Protozoa] Catalogue of the Fossil Foramini- L fera in the . . . Museum . . . By T. R. Jones, pp. xxiv, 100. 8°. London, 1882. British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [Plantce.] Catalogue of the Palaeozoic Plants in the . . . Museum . . . By R. Kidston. pp. viii, 288. 8°. London, 1886. a British Museum (Natural History). P Geology. [Plantce.] Catalogue of the Mesozoic Plants »r in the . . . Museum . . . The Wealden Flora ... By A. C. Seward, &c. 2 Pt. illmt. 8°. London, 1894-95. x, British Museum (Natural History). CJ- Geology. [Guides, &c.] A Guide to the Exhibition U Galleries of the Department of Geology and Palaeonto- logy, &c. [By H. Woodward.] pp. 27 : 1 plan. 8°. [London,] 1881. [Second edition.] L pp. 56 : 1 plan, text illust. 8°. [London,] 1882. [Third edition.] pp. 56 : 1 plan, text illust. 8°. [London,] 1884. (Fourth edition.) pp. 117 : 1 plan, text illust. 8°. [London,] 1886. (Fifth edition.) pp. 117 : 1 plan, text illust. 8°. [London,] 1888. (Sixth edition.) 2 Pt. 8°. [London,} 1890. Ft. I. Fossil Mammals and Birds. pp,xii,103: lpl.t Iplan, text illust. ,, II. Fossil Reptiles, Fishes, and Invertebrates, pp. xil, 109: 1 plan, text illust. Subsequent editions of these parts appeared as distinct works. British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [Guides, &c} Guide to the Collection of Fossil Fishes, dec. [By H. Woodward.] pp. 47 : text illmt. 8°. London, 1885. £f i, Second edition, &c. pp. viii, 51 : text illust. 8°. London, 1888. British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [Guides, &c] A Guide to the Fossil Mammals and Birds . . . Seventh edition. [By H. Woodward.] pp. xii, 103 : text illust. 8°. [London,] 1896. Previous editions appeared as part of "A Guide to the Exhibition Galleries of the Department," .[London,]l88~ . — [Another edition.] pp. 92 : 1 plan. 8°. [London,] 1 888. — [Another edition.] pp. 91 : 1 plan. 8°. [London^ 1890. - [Another edition.] pp. 91 : 1 plan. 8°. [London,] 1 893. — [Another edition.] pp. 94 : 1 plan. 8". [London,] 1 894. [Another edition.] pp. 97: 1 plan. 8°.[/xm Pachydermatous and Edentate Mammalia ... in the . . . Museum. By J. E. Gray, &c. pp. vii, 398 : text illust. 8". London, 1869. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Mammalia.] Catalogue of Monkeys, Lemurs, £. and Fruit-eating Bats in the ... Museum. By . . . J. E. L- Gray, &c. pp. viii, 137 : text illust. 8°. London, 1870. 2- British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Mammalia.] Catalogue of Ruminant Mam- L. malia (Pecora, Linnaeus) in the . . . Museum. By J. E. ~z_r Gray, *f British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Septilia^ Catalogue of the Snakes in the ^ . . . Museum ... By G. A. Boulenger. 3 Vol. 8s. London, 1893-96. Vol. i. Typblopidie, Qlauconiidw, Boidse, Ilysiidee, Uropeltidse, Xenopeltidse, and Colubridta Aglyphw, part. pp. xiii, kki : 18 pit. , text Ulutt. 1893. ,, II. Conclusion of the Colubridte Aglyphw. pp. xi, 381: 20 pit., text Ulutt. 1894. „ in. Colubrid» (Opisthoglyphce and Proteroglyphte), Ambly- cephalidee, and Viperidee. pp. xiv, 727: 95 pit., text illutt. 1896. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Septilia.] Catalogue of the Tortoises, and Amphisbaenians, in the . . . Museum. L •7 Zoology. Crocodile [By J. E. Gray.] pp. viii, 80. 12°. London, 1844. Z. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Septilia.] Catalogue of the Shield Reptiles ( in the ... Museum . . . By J. E. Gray. 2 Pt. 4°. London, 1855-72. Pt. i. Testudinata. pp. 79: 50 pit. 1855. Supplement . . . with figures of the skulls of 36 genera, pp. ix, ISO : text illuit. 1870. Appendix, pp. 28. 1872. „ n. Emydosanrians, Hhynchocephalia, and Amphisbienians. pp. vi, kl : text illutt. 1872. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Septilia.'] Hand-list of the ... Shield Reptiles in the ... Museum. By . . . J. E. Gray, &c. pp. iv, 1S4. 8°. London, 1873. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Septilia.] The Gigantic Land-Tortoises (living and extinct) in the ... Museum. By A. C. L. G. Giinther. pp. iv, 96 : 55 pis., textUhist. 4°. London, 1877. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Septilia.'] Catalogue of the Chelonians, Rhynchocephalians.jiBd'Crocoailes in th><\ . Museum . . . New editioB-^of several preceding works]. By G. A. Bouleager. pp. x, 311 : 6 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1889. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Batrachia.] Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia in the . . . Museum. By ... A. Giinther. pp. xvi, 160 : 12 pis. 8°. London, 1858. Second edition. By G. A. Boulenger. pp. xvi, 508 : SO pis., text Must. 8°. London, 1882. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Batrachia] Catalogue of the ... Amphibia in ... the ... Museum. Pt. n. Batrachia Gradientia, etc. [By J.E.Gray.] pp. 72: 3 pis. 12°. London, 1850. [Another edition entitled :] Catalogue of the Batrachia Gradientia s. Caudata and Batrachia Apoda in the . . . Museum. Second edition. By G. A. Bou- lenger. pp. viii, 127: 9 pis. 8°. London, 1882. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Pisces.] List of the ... Fish in the ... Museum. Pt. i. Chondropterygii. [By J. E. Gray.] pp. x, 160 : 2 pis. 12°. London, 1851. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Pisces.] Catalogue of Fish collected and described by L. T. Gronow, now in the ... Museum. [By J. E. Gray.] pp. vii, 196. 12». London, 1854. L •z. Gr L Z ' 247 VII VIII L- British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Pisces.] Catalogue of Apodal Fish in the . . . Museum. By Dr. [J. J.] Kaup. pp. viii, 163: 19 pis., text Must. 8°. London, 1856. £f British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Pisces.] Catalogue of Lophobranchiate Fish in the . . . Museum. By J. J. Kaup. pp. iv, 80. 12°. London, 1856. • British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Pisces] Catalogue of the Fishes in the . . . Museum ... By A. Giinther, &c. Vol. i-vin. 8°. London, 1859-70. Vol. I Acanthopterygii. pp. xxxi, 524. 1859. pp. xxi, 618. 1860. pp. xxv, 586, x. 1861. Acanthopterygii Pharyngognathi und Anacauthini. pp. xxi, 531,. 1862. Physostomi. /ip. xxii, 455: text illutt. 1864. pp.xc,Se8:textilluit. 1866. pp. xx, 512. 1868. Physostomi . . . Lophobranchii, Plectognathi, Dipnoi, Ganoidei, Chondropterygii, Cyclostomata, Leptocardii. pp. xxv, 549. 1870. ~T — Second edition ... By G. A. Boulenger. Vol. i-> 8°. London, 1895-» Vol.i. Perciformes. pp. xix, 394 •' 15 pis., text illust. 1895. British Museum (Natural History). Zooloay. [Coleoptera^ Nomenclature ( — Catalogue) of Coleopterous Insects in the . . . Museum. 9 Pt. 12°. London, 1847-56. Pt. i. Cetoniadw. By A. White, pp. 56. 1847. „ n. Hydrocantbari. By A. White, pp. 59. 1847. „ III. Buprestidse. By A. White, pp.52. 1648. .. iv. Cleridse. By A. White, pp. 68. 1849. „ v. Cucujidse, Ac. By F. Smith, pp. 15. 1851. (Also issued as " List of the Coleopterous Insects . . . Pt. I. Cucujidse."] PassalidBB. [By F. Smith.] pp. 23 : 1 pi. 1852. Longicomia I. [By A. White.] pp. [in,] 171 : 4 pli. 1853. Longicornia II. (By A. White.) pp. 175-1,12: 6 pli. 1855. Cassididse. By C. H. Boheman. pp. 225. 1856. [The original MS. by Prof. Boheman is preserved in the Zoological Department.] Pt. vn-ix are entitled : — "Catalogue of Coleopterous Insects," &c. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Coleoptera.] Illustrations of typical speci- mens of Coleoptera in the . . . Museum. Pt. I. — Lycidae. By C. O. Waterhouse. pp. x, 83 : 18 pis. col. 8°. London, 1879. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Coleoptera.] Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of Madeira in the . . . Museum. By T. V. Wollaston. pp. xvi,SS4: 1 pi. 8°. London, 1857. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Coleoptera.] Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of the Canaries in the . . . Museum. By T. V. Wollaston. pp. xiii, 648. 8°. London, 1864. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Coleoptera] Catalogue of Hispidae in the . . . Museum. By J. S. Baly . . . Pt. i.t pp. x, 172: 9 pis. 8°. London, 1858. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Coleoptera] Catalogue of Halticidae in the . . . Museum. By ... H.Clark . . . Physapodes and CEdipodes. Pt. I. pp. xii, SOI : 10 pis. 8°. London, 1860. For a continuation of this catalogue See CLAKK (H.) British Museum (Natural History). Zoology, [ffymenoptera] List of the . . . Hymenop- terous Insects in the . . . Museum. [By F. Walker.] 2 Pt. pp. vii, 237. 12°. London, 1846, 48. Pt. I. Chalcidites. .. n. Additional species. (Appendix. Descriptions of new species.) L- Z- L Z British Museum (Natural History). Zoology, [ffymenoptera.] Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the . . . Museum. By F. Smith. 7 Pt. [=5 Vol. in 3] illmt. 12°. London, 1853-59. Pt. Andrenideee an* Apidee. pp. 197 : 6 pis. A pidse (continued). pp. 199-465 : 6 pli. Mutillidse 1858. 1854. e and Pompilidee. pp. 206: 6 pis. 1855. Sphegidse, Larridaj, and Crabronida). pp.207-t£7:Gpl», 1856. Vespidee. pp. 11*7 : 6 pi*. 1857. FormicidsB. pp. 216 : lit pis. 1858. I Th; Dorylidse and Thynnidse. pp. 76: 3 pU. 1859. Pt. I. II. III. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Hymenojjtera.] Descriptions of new species of Hymenoptera in the . . . Museum. By F. Smith, &c. pp. xxi, 240. 8°. London, 1879. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Hymenoptera.] List of Hymenoptera, with descriptions and figures of the typical specimens in the . . . Museum. Vol. i. Tenthredinidoe and Siricidae by W. F. Kirby. pp. xxviii, 450 : 16 pis. col. 8°. London, 1882. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Lepidoptera.] List of the . . . Lepidopterous Insects in the ... Museum. [By E. Doubleday.J 3 Pt. 12°. London, 1844-48. Ft. i. Papilionidse, ,l-c. pp. a, 150. 1844 ,, II. Erycinidaj, Ac. pp. 57. 1847.. [ „ ill.] Appendix, pp. 37. 1848. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Lepidoptera] Catalogue of Lepidopterous Insects in the . . . Museum. Pt. i.t Papilionidae. [By G. R. Gray.] pp. 84 : 15 pis. col. 4°. London, 1852. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Lepidoptera.] List of the . . . Lepidopterous Insects in the . . . Museum. [By F. Walker.] 35 Pt. 12°. London, 1854-66. Lepidoptera Heterocera. pp. [iv,] 278. 1854. — • PP- 279-581. 1854. PP- 582-775. 1S55. pp. 776-976. 1855. PP- 977-1257. 1855. - pp. 1258-1507. 1855. PP- 1508-1808. 1856. [An index to Pt. 1-7 is appended to this Part.] Spbingidie [With index.] pp. [iv,] 271. 1856. Noctuidse. pp. 252. 1856. pp. 253-491. 1856. pp. 492-7S4. 1857. pp. 765-982. 1857. pp. 983-1236. 1857. pp. 1237-1519. 1858. - pp. 1520-1888. 1858. [An index to Pt. 9-15 is appended to this Part.) Deltoides. pp. [iv,] 25S. 1856. Pyralides. pp. 254-50S. 1859. pp. 509-798. 1859. pp. 799-1036. 1859. [An index to Pt. 16-19 is appended to this Part.] Geometrites. pp. 1-276. I860. pp. 277-tAS. 1860. pp. 499-755. 1861. pp. 756-1020. 1861. pp. 1021-1280. 1862. pp. 1281-U77. 1862. pp. U78-1796. 1862. [An index to Pt. 20-26 is appended to this Part.] Crambites & Tortricites. pp. 1-288. 1863. Tortricites , SOS : 3 pis. 8°. London, 1869. L z. L Z. 2. I i i 1. L t L Z L Z. Cr L Z British Museum (Natural History). Zooltgy. [Lepidoptera.] Illustrations of typical speci- mens of I^epidoptera Heterocera in the ... Museum. 4°. London, 1877-93. 9Pt. Ft. II. in. IV. Bjf A. O. Untln. pf>. arm, 6S ; SO pit. col. 1877. By A. G. Butler. pp. x, 61: pit. jcxi-xl cot. 1878. By A. G. Butler, pp. xviii, Si: pit. xli-lx col. 1879. n Tortricidw. By Lord Walsingham. North-America) pp. xi, 84: pit. Ixi-lzrvii col By A. G. Butler, pp. xii, 74 : pit. Izxviii-c col. By A. G. Butler, pp. u>, 8$ : pit. ci-cxx col. By A. G. Butler, pp. ii; IH: i>ll. cxxi-cxxxriii col The Lepidoptera Heterooera of the Nilgiri District. By [Sir] G. F. Hampson. pp. iv, M : pit. caau-tlvi col. 1891. The Macrolepidoptera HeUrocera of Ceylon. By [Sir) 1879. 1881. 1888. 1889. G. F. Hwupeon. j>p. v, 183: pit. clvii-clxxri col. 1898. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Lepidoptera] Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the . . . Museum. Vol. i-> 8°. London, 1898. Vol. I. Catalogue of the Svntomida- ... By Sir G. F. Hampson, Bart. pp. xxi, 669 : 17 pit. col. 1868. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Lepidoptera.] Notes on the North American Lepidoptera m the . . . Museum and described by Mr. F. Walker. See GROTE (A. R.) & ROBINSON (C. T.) 4°. 1868. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Dipttra] List of the . . . Dipterous Insects in the ... Museum. [By F. Walker.] 7 Ft. Must. 12°. London, 1848-55. With index to the 4 part*, pp. iv, 117t. 1848-49. Supplement I. pp. |ir,] SSO: 1 pL Supplement II. pp. [ii,] SS1-606: Uplt Supplement III. pp. [ii,] 507-776. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Rhynclwta] List of the ... Homopterous Insects in the ... Museum. [By F. Walker.] 4 Pt. pp. 1188 : 8 pit. ' 12°. London, 1850-52. Pt. I. Cicadina (Fani. Stridulantia). pp. SfO. 1850. „ n. - (Fun. Fulgorina, Tettigometrides, Membracina). pp. »61-€S6. „ ill. - (Fam. Cicadellina). pp. 637-908. „ iv. Phytophthiren, Phyaapoda. pp. 909-1188, it : 8 pit. — Supplement, pp. [ii,] 369. 12°. London, 1858. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [JRhynchota.] List of the ... Hemipterous Insects in the ... Museum. [By W. S. Dallas.] 2 Pt. pp. 590 : 15 pit. 12°. London, 1851, 52. Pt. I-IV. VI. VII. 1854. 1854. 1865. 1851. 1851. 1852. Pt. (Scntata.) pp. 368: 11 pit. [Superioornia, lufericornia.] pp. 3€9-69t : pit. xii-xv. II. III. v. VI. 1852. 1853. 1853. 1858. 1851. 1852. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Rhynchota.] Catalogue of the . . . Heterop- terous-Hemiptera (Heniiptera Heteroptera) in the . . . Museum. By F. Walker. 8 Pt. 8°. London, 1867-73. Pt. i. Scntata. pp. MO. 1867. pp.tU-US. 1867. [ .) pp. U19-699. 1868. [Sopericomia.] pp. til. 1871. ISupericoraia, Infericornia, deciftenie. j pp.tOt. 872. [CiedRenie, Bicelluli, Dnctiroetra. ] pp. 110. 873. vn. [Dnctiroetra, Nndlroitra.J pp. tlS. 1873. .. mi. [Xndinxtra, Hydrooorysa.] pp. HO. 1878. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Neuroptera] Catalogue of the ... Neurop- terous . . . Insects in the ... Museum. [By F. Walker.] 4 Pt. pp. 658. 12°. London, 1852-53. It. I. Phrygmnide.— Perlldes. pp. 191. . II. SUlidK-Nemoutcridn. pp. 193-1.76. ., III. TarmitidK — Epnenieridje. pp. 477-556. ., IV. Odonata. pp. 687-668. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Neuroptera] Catalogue of the ... Neurop- terous Insects in the . . . Museum. By ... H. Hagen. Part i.t Tennitina. pp. 34. 12°. London, 1858. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. \0rtho/>tera] Catalogue of Orthopter Pt. i. in. IV. Insects in the . .'. Museum. PtT i.t Phasmidse. By %. J. O. Westwood. /))>. 195 : 48 filx. 4°. London, 1859. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Ortftoptera.] Catalogue of the . . . Bluttariaj *** in the collection of the . . . Museum. By F. Walker. L- pp. 339. 8°. London, 1868. Z. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Orthoptera.] Catalogue of the . . . Der- maptera Saltatoria and Supplement to the Blattariae in the ... Museum. By F. Walker. 5 Pt. 8°. London, 1869-70 [ = 71]. Gryllidw.— Supplement to the Catalogue of Blattarire.— Locustidfe. pp. fStt. 1869. Loctutidte (contd.) pp. Mo-IAi. 1869. Locustidse (contd.) Acrididw. ;>/.. IM-WU. 1870. Acrididas (contd.) pp. 605-809. 1870. ,, v. Tettigidee. pp. 811-860. Supplement to the Catalogue of Blattaria'. i>p. k>. Supplement to the Catalogue of Dermaptera Saltatoria. pp. 116. 1870 [=1871]. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Myriopoda.] last of the . . . Myriapoda in ... the . . . Museum. [By G. Newport.] pp. vi, 15. 12°. London, 1844. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Myriopoda] Catalogue of the Myriapoda in the . . . Museum. By G. Newport . . . Pt. i.t •%. Chilopoda. pp. [iv,] 96. 12". London, 1856. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Crustacea] List of the ... Crustacea in ' the ... Museum. [By A. White.] pp. viii, 143. 12°. London, 1847. ' British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Crustacea] Catalogue of Crustacea in the . . . Museum. Pt. i. Leucosiadte. By T. Bell, &c. • PP- [iv] 24- 12°- London, 1855. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Crustacea.] Catalogue of the ... Amphi' Cf podoiis Crustacea in the ... Museum. By C. S. Bate. pp. iv, 399 : 58 pis. 8°. London, 1862. . British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Arachnida] Descriptive Catalogue of the Spiders of Burma, based upon the collection made by / E. W. Gates and preserved in the . . . Museum. By T. Thorell. pp. xxxvi, 406. 8°. London, 1895. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Mollusca.] Catalogue of the Mollusca [in- / eluding fossil forms] in the . . . Museum. [By J. E. ' Gray.] 2 Pt.t 12°. London, 1849, 50. "2. Pt. l. Cephalopoda Antepedia. pp. viii, 16!,. II. Pteropooa. pp. iv, US. 1850. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Mollusca.] Nomenclature of Molluscous Animals and Shells in the ... Museum. Pt. i.t Cyclo- phoridse. [By W. Baird.] pp. 68. 12°. London, 1850. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Mollusca.] List of the Mollusca in the . .-. Museum. By J. E. Gray. 2 Pt.t 12°. London, 1855, 65. Pt. i. Volutidte. pp. [Hi,] IS. 1855. „ n. Olividje. pp. U. British Museum (Natural History)- Zoology. [Mollusca.] Guide to the systematic distn- bution of Mollusca in the ... Museum. Part i.t [Gastropoda.] By J. E. Gray. pp. xii, SSO : text Must. 8°. London, 1857. A copy of the final proof-aheoU with manuscript addition! and correc- tion! by the author i» pre«erv«d in the Zoological Department. 249 British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Mollusca.] Catalogue of Puunonata, or Air- breathing Mollusca in the . . . Museum. [Descriptions of the species by L. Pfeiffer. Edited by J. E. Gray.] Ft. i.f pp. [iv,] 192: text ittmt. 12°. London, 1855. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Mollusca.] Catalogue of Phaneropneumona, or terrestrial operculated Mollusca, in the . . . Museum. [By L. Pfeiffer.] pp. [in,] SS4- 12°. London, 1852. f British Museum (Natural History). <£ Zoology. [Mollusca.] Catalogue of Auriculidse, Pro- / serpinidse, and Truncatellidse in the . . . Museum. By £ L 2 L 2. •2. L. Pfeiffer. pp. [iv,] 150 : text illust. 12°. London, 1857. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Mollusca] Catalogue of the Bivalve Mol- lusca in the . . . Museum. Pt. i.t Placentadse and AnomiadiE. [By J. E. Gray.] pp. 22. 12°. London, 1850. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Mollusca.] Catalogue of the Conchifera or Bivalve Shells in the . . . Museum. [By G. P. Deshayes.] 2 Pt.t pp. [iv,] 292. 12°. London, 1853, 54. L L z. 4°. London, 1893-» Vol. l. Madrepora. By G. Brook, jrp. xi, tjt : 35 pit. 1893. ,, II. Turbinaria, Aslrceopora. By H. M. Bernard, pp. iv, 106: S3 pis. 1896. „ in. Montlpora, Anacropora. By H. M. Bernard, pp. vii, 191: Skpls. 1897. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Guides, dkc.] Synopsis, or Guide Book to the British Museum. Pt. I. Zoology. [By J. E. Gray.] pp. 34. 12°. London, 1843. Reprinted from the " Synopsis of the Contents of the . . . Museum." 45th edition. [Another edition.] pp. 35. 12°. London, 1848. Reprinted from the " Synopsis," dec. 58rd edition. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. {Guides, . BRITTON (NATHANIEL LORD) [1858-] logic des terrains Tertiaires de la Belgique, &c. &T See BRUSSELS. — MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE DE BELGIQUE. Annales, &c. Tom. in. fol. 1878-81. Broeck (E. VAN DEN) Memoire sur les ph6nomenes / d'aheration des depots superficiels par rinfiltration des eaux meteoriques etudies dans leurs rapports avec la o I geologie stratigraphique, dec. pp. 180 : 1 pi. col., text illust. See BRUSSELS.— AC ADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, *"" &c. Memoires couronnes, dec. Tom. XLIV, no. 2. 4°. 1882. Broeck (E. VAN DEN) & Cogels (P.) Observations /" geologiques faites a Anvers, &c. See COGELS (P.) & BROECK (E. VAN DEN) 8°. 1881. Broeck (E. v AN DEN) & Rutot ( A. ) Le sol de Bruxelles £ a travers les ages geologiques, &c. See RUTOT (A.) & BROECK (E. VAN DEN) 4°. [1882.] Broeck (E. VAN DEN) *— text illust. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. S ^ Forhandlinger, dec. Aar 1877, no. 2. 8°. 1878. Brogger (W. C.) Die silurischen Etagen 2 und 3 im Kristianiagebiet und auf Eker, ihre Gliederung, Fos- silien, Schichtenstorungen und Contactmetamorphosen. ^"\ pp.viii,376,l tab.: IS pis., text Must. 8°. Kristiania, 1882. UniverBitatsprogramm fur 2. Sem. 1882. Brogger (W. C.) Ueber Krystalle von Thorium, pp. 8: / 1 pi. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- SKAPS - AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. "1 Bd. vin, no. 5. 8°. 1883. Brogger (W. C.) Ueber die Ausbildung des Hypo- stomes bei einigen Skandinavischen Asaphiden. pp. 78 : 3 pis. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xi, no. 3. 8°. 1886. Gr L. [Another issue.] logiska Under 'sokning. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geo- Ser. C. Af handlingar. No. 82. 8°. 1886. Brogger (W. C.) Die Mineralien der Syenitpegmatit- gange der Siidnorwegischen Augit- und Nephelinsyenite ^ . . . Mit zahlreichen chemisch-analytischen Beitragen von P. T. Cleve. pp. xviii, 235, 663 : 27 pis., 2 maps, text Must. See ZEITSCHRIFT FUER KRYSTALLOGRAPHIE UND MINERALOGIE, &c. Bd. xvi. 8°. 1890. Brogger (W. C.) Sundtit, et nyt mineral fra Oruro i Bolivia, pp. 11 : text illust. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Forhandlinger, &c. Aar 1892, no. 18. 8°. 1892 (1893). Brogger (W. C.) Lagf01gen pa Hardangervidda og den sakaldte, " h0ifjeldskvarts." See NORWAY. — Norges Geologiske Unders//>gelse. 8°. 1893, ^*" Brogger (W. C.) Die Eruptivgesteine des Kristianiagebietes. I. Die Gesteine der Grorudit-Tmguait-Serie. pp. [v,] i. 206 : 2 pis. col., 2 geol. col., text Must. AI II. Die Eruptionsfolge der triadischen Eruptivgesteine bei Predazzo in Siidtyrol. pp. [iii,] 188, 1 tab. : text Must. III. Das Ganggefolge des Laurdalits. pp. [vi,] 377, 3 tab. : 4 pis., 1 map geol. col., text Must. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Skrifter, &c. 1894, no. 4 ; 1895, no. 7 ; 1897, no. 6. 8°. 1894-1898. Brogger (W. C.) Ueber den Mossit und uber das Krystallsystem des Tantalit (Skogbolit) aus Fiunland. pp. 19: text Must. See CHRISTIANIA.— VIDENSKABS- SELSKABET. Skrifter, &c. 1897, no. 7. 8°. 1897. Brogger (W. C.) & Reusch (H. H.) Jaettegryder ved Kristiania. pp. 48 : text Must. 8°. Kj*t>benhavn, 1874. Videuskabena Verden. Bd. n. 254 7. Al B BROGI (SioiSHONDO) Rollettino del Naturalist* Col- lettore— {Continued at:] Rivista Italians di Seienze Natural! e Bollettino, compilato di S. Brogi, dec. Ann. i-» See RIVISTA ITALIANA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. 8°. 1881-* BROGIANI (DoatiNico) [1716-] De veneno animan- tium natural! et adquisito tractatus . . . Editio Italica secunda, Ac. pp. mii, 148. 4°. Florentiae, 1755. The &nt edition appeared In 1752. BROHON ( JOANNES) De Stirpibus vel Plantis ordine alphabetico digestis Epitome . . . [second edition] per J. Brohon . . . edita. Cui accesserunt Volatihum, Gressilium, Piscium, Placetaruque magis frequStifl apud Gallias nomina, per leodegarium a Quercu. [pp. 65.] 4°. [6i x 4] Paririil, 1543. The first edition of this work appeared in 1541. It is baaed on the " In Ruellium de Stirpibns Epitome" of L. & Quercu [i.t. Ducheane]. («.i>.) BROINOWSKI (GEACIUS J.) The Birds of Australia, dec. 6 Vol. col. Must. fol. Melbourne, dec., 1890-91. BROKK ( ) Brokk : Umgegend von Dresden, Meissner Hocliland und Sachsische Schweiz. Touren- karte. Maassstab 1 : 134400 [i.e. 1 in. = 2-h m.], dec. Dresden [1868]. BROMELITJS (OLAUS) [1639-1705] Chloris Gothica, seu Catalogus Stirpium circa Gothoburgum nascen- tium, dec. pp. xviii, 184 [%0] 4°. Gothoburgensis, 1694. BROMELL (MAGNUS VON) [1679-1731] Herrn M. von Bromell . . . Mineralpgia et Lithograpica Svecana, das ist Abhandlung derer in dem Konigreich Schweden befindlichen Mineralien und Steinen . . . ins Teutscbe iibersetzt, mit einem Vorbericht von dem vor kurzer Zeit in Schweden entblossten Gold-Ertz begleitet, dec. pp. [xxvi,] 148 : text Must. 8°. Stockholm & Leipzig, 1740. BROMFIELD (WlLLIAM ARNOLD) [1801-1851] A List of Plants likely to be found growing wild in the Isle of Wight, but not discovered or reported ... up to . . . 1840. pp. 24. 12°. Hyde, 1840. L 06 B Bromfield (\V. A.) Flora Vectensis : description of the Phsenogamous . . indigenous to the Isle of Wight . . . J. Hooker ... and T. B. Salter. pp. 1 map. being a systematic Plants and Ferns Edited by Sir W. xxxv, 678 : 1 port., 8°. London, 1856. Bromfield (W. A.) A Catalogue of Flowering Plants & Ferns, growing wild in the Isle of Wight : to serve as an Index to the Herbarium of Dr. Bromfield, in the Museum of the Isle of Wight Philosophical Society, ieur . . . du oassin de Paris. See CUVIER (G. L. Sf C. F. D.) Baron & BRONGNIART (A. T.) Description gtologique des environs de Paris, dec. 4°. 1822. — [Another issue.] See CUVIER (G. L. C. F. D.) Baron. Recherches sur les Ossemens fossiles . . . ct Nouvelle edition. Tom. in. 4°. 1822. Troisieme edition. Tom. in. 4°. 1825. [Another edition.] See CUVIER (G. L. C. F. D.) Baron. Recherches sur les Ossemens fossiles . . . Q, Quatrieme edition. Tom. v. 8°. 1835. Brongniart (ADOLPHE T.) Dictionnaire classique d'Histoire Naturelle, par Messieurs Audouin ... A. [T.] Brongniart, dec. 17 Vol. See BORY DE SAINT- VINCENT (J. B. G. M.) Baron. 8°. 1822-31. Brongniart (ADOLPHE T.) See ANNALES DES SCIENCES p NATURELLES (. . . redigees . . . pour la Botanique) par ... A. Brongniart, dec. Ser. I— Ser. VI, torn. in. 8°. 1824-76. tionnaire Arago (A. C. V. univen Wanting. — [Another0dttion.] [Another issue.] L 1* Brongniart (ADOLPHE T.) Essai d'une Classification naturelle des Champignons, dec. pp. 99 : 8 pis. 8°. Paris, Strasbourg, 1825. Diet. SoL Nat. Tom. xxxm. Brongniart (ADOLPHE T.) Me"moire sur la famille des Rhamne'es, &c. pp. 78 : 6 pis. 4°. Paris, 1826. Brongniart (ADOLPHE T.) Mdmoire sur la ge'ne'ration et le deVeloppement de 1'Embryon dans les Ve'ge'taux Phanerogames. pp. 143. 8°. Paris, 1827. Ann. Sci. Nat. Tom. MI. Wanting the plates. Brongniart (ADOLPHE T.) Considerations generates sur la nature de la Vegetation qui couvrait la surface de la terre aux diverses peViodes de la formation de son e"corce. pp. 34. 8°. Paris, 1828. Ann. Sci. Nat. Tom. xv. Brongniart (ADOLPHE T.) Prodrome d'une Histoire des Vegeiaux fossiles. pp. viii, 223. 8°. Paris & Strasbourg, 1828. £ . D D Brongniart (ADOLPHE T.) [For descriptions of the Phanerogamia collected on the voyage] See FRANCE. Voyage autour du Monde . . . sur ... La Coquille pendant . . . 1822-25, dec. 4°. & fol. 1829. Brongniart (ADOLPHE T.) [Orchidaceae of the Morea.] See FRANCE. Expedition scientifique de Moree, dec. Tom. m. 4". & fol. 1832-35. Brongniart (ADOLPHE T.) Notice historique sur A. L. de Jussieu. pp. W : 1 port., 1 pi. 8°. [Paris,] 1837. Ann. Sci. Nat. Uotanique, Her. II, torn. vn. Brongniart ( ADOLPHE T.) d'Histoire Naturelle . . . gniart, dec. 16 Vol. See*. •^ 1839-46.] 8°. 1849. tier issue.] 8°. 1861. Brongniart (ADOLPHE T.) Note sur des impressions des Plantes (Fucoides) recueillies & Kaffa, en Criinee, dec. See DEMIDOV (A. N.) Prince of San Donate. Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale, dec. Tom. n p£ 1878-78. 8. Reptilion von C. K. Hoffmann, pp. 1089: 170 pit. 8 Vol. 1879-90. 4. Voxel von Hans Qadow nnd E. Selenka. pp. 1008: CSpli. 2 Vol. 1869-91. 5. Mammalia von C. G. Glebel nnd W. Leche. Lief.I-* 1874 .» Broun (H. G.) Die fossilen Reste von Santa Maria, der siidlichsten der Azorischen Inseln. See HARTUNG (G.) Die Azoren, - Brotherus (V. F.) Contributions to the Bryological ^ Flora of the north - western Himalaya, pp. 46. See HELSINOFORS. — FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Acta, &c. Tom. xxiv, no. 2. 4°. 1899. [Advance copy.] 4°. 1898. ft Brotherus (V. F.) " Brown (ROBERT) of the British Museum. F. Bauer Illus- trationes Florae Novae Hollandias sive Icones Generum ft j quaa in Prodromo Florae Novae Hollandiaa et Insulse Van Diemen descripsit R. Brown. See BAUER (F. L.) fol. 1813. Brown (ROBERT) of the British Museum. General re- , marks, geographical and systematical, on the Botany of ^ Terra Australis. See FLINDERS (M.) A voyage to Terra ,' Australis, &c. Vol. n. Append. No. in (& 10 pis. in -| Atlas). 4°. & fol. 1814. f The original water-colour drawings, by F. L. Bauer, of the Plants collected by K. Brown on this expedition are preserved in the Botanical Department. [Another edition.] pp. 81 : 10 pis. 4°. & fol. London, 1814. t The plates are in duplicate, one set being proofs. Brown (ROBERT) of the British Museum. List of ... A • Plants, collected in Abyssinia during . . . 1805 and 1810, (fee. See SALT (H.) A voyage to Abyssinia, &c. 4°. 1814. Brown (ROBERT) of the British Museum. Characters and descriptions of three new species of Plants, found in China by C. Abel, &c. pp. 8 : 3 pis. 4°. London, 1818. Reprinted, with the addition of a special title-page, from Abel's " Narra- tive of a Journey in . . . China," d-c. Appendix B. \q. f.J Brown (ROBERT) of tlie British Museum. Observations ... on . ./<5. Smith's collectioH^of Plants vicinity oftlie river Congo. See TUCKEY (J. ~K.Y Nar- rative/of an Expedition to/explore the riverXaire, &c. Apaendix v. / / 4°. 1818. L T • [Another editiprt^ pp. 66. Reprinted from the preceding, with the addition jP London, 1818. 'a title-page. Brown (ROBERT) of the British Museum. List of Plants ^ collected on the coasts of Baffin's Bay . . . and at Pos- session Bay, &c. See Ross (Sir JOHN) A voyage of discovery . . . for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, &c. Botanical Appendix. 4°. 1819. Second edition. Vol. II, Appendix VI. 8°. 1819. i. Brown (ROBERT) of the British Museum. Catalogue of Plants found in Spitzbergen. See SCORESBY (W.) An account of the Arctic Regions, &c. Vol. I. Appendix 5. L 8°. 1820. Brown (ROBERT) of the British Museum. [Arctic Plants.] See FRANKLIN (Sir J.) Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, &c. 4°. 1823. II L Brown (ROBERT) of the British Museum. A List of Plants, collected in Melville Island . . . with characters and descriptions of the new species. See PARRY (Sir W. E.) Journal of a voyage for the discovery of the North- West Passage, efcc. Supplement to the Appendix. No. XI. 4". 1824. n t • Second edition. 4". 1824. L />. 261 / Brown (ROBERT) of the British Museum. [Botany of (• northern and central Africa.] See DENHAM (D.) z CLAPPERTON (H.) Narrative of travels, &c. Appen- dix xxn. 4°. 1826. [Reprint entitled :] Observations on the structure /) and affinities of the more remarkable Plants collected O by ... W. Oudney . . . Major Denham, and Capt. Clapperton, in ... 1822-24, during their expedition to explore central Africa, pp. 41. 4°. London, 1826. It £ o Brown (ROBERT) of the British Museum. Character and description of Kingia . . . with Observations ... on I the female flower of Cyeadeie and Coniferae. See KING ~ (P. P.) Narrative of a survey of the . . . coasts of Australia, Brown (ROBERT) of the British Museum & Bennett ' (J. J.) Plantse Javanicse Rariores . . . elabpravit J. J. Bennett ; observationes structuram et affinitates praa- sertim respicientes passim adjecit R. Brown. See BEN- NETT (J. J.) & BROWN (R.) 8°. 1838-52. BROWN (ROBERT N.) A hand book of the Trees, .. Shrubs and Herbaceous Plants growing in the Madras p Agri-Horticultural Society's Gardens . . . Second edition . . . with a supplement by J. J. Wood. pp. vi, •:<>•:. 8°. Madras, 1866. The first edition appeared in 1862. BROWN (SAMUEL) [-c. 1703] Plantae Madraspatanse a D. S. Brown collects? rta iinproyaTby . . . H. Browae . . . Fifth edituj»r See 1 B-A.'EDERS- DORFF (J^ff.) ^^ / 8°. 1875. Sixth edition. 8°. 1882. BROWNE (JOHN) [1642-1700?] Myographia nova: or a graphical description of all the muscles in the ^ Humane Dody, Ac. (An Appendix of the Heart and its use : with the circulation ot the Blood.) pp. [viii,] viii, [xxiv,] x, 186 : 43 pli., 1 port. fol. London, 1698. Wanting pp. 1-it. The first edition appeared in 1671. BROWNE (JOHN Ross) [1817-1875] . Etchings of a "2, Whaling Cruise, with notes of a sojourn on the Island of Zanzibar ; and a brief history of the Whale Fishery, Ac. pp. xiii, 580 : IS pis. 8°. London, 1846. L Browne (JOHN R.) Resources of the Pacific Slope . . . With a slcetch of the . . . exploration of Lower Cali- fornia. See UNITED STATES. 8°. 1869. BROWNE (MONTAGU) See BROWNE (ALEXANDER M.) BROWNE (PATRICK) [17201-1790] The civil and natural history of Jamaica, Ac. pp. viii, 503 : 49 pis., 1 map. fol. London, 1756. /? [Second edition.] pp. viii, 490 [60]: 49 pis., 1 map. fol. London, 1789. Browne (PATRJCK) A catalogue of the. Plants of the English SjigSrColonies. To whioh"is added a brief accjjwifof the Sulphur of MojyitSerat. pp. 90 [18]. MS. 4°. BROWNE (PETER ARRELL) [1782-1860] Trichologia Marnmalium; or a treatise on the organisation, pro- -1 perties and uses of Hair and Wool ; together with an essay upon the raising and breeding of sheep, Ac. pp. 179: 10 pis. fol. Philadelphia, 1853. BROWNE (Sir THOMAS) [1605-1682] The Works of Sir T.Browne [with his life by Samuel Johnson]. Edited *- by S. Wilkin. 3 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1880, 83, 52. L Doha's Standard Library. Browne J&r T.-£r5wne a Vk S SISON (A.) 8°. [1896.] BROWNE (WILLIAM) [c.1628-1678] aper only. BRUCE (ARCHIBALD) [1777-1818] MlNERALOGICAL JOURNAL, THE . . . Bruce. Vol. I. See AMERICAN +, Conducted by A. M 8°. 1814. BRUCE (DAVID) Further Report on the Tsetse Fly Disease or Nagana, in Zululand. pp. 69 : 6 pis. (1 col.) _, fol. London, 1897. — - BRUCE (JAMES) [1730-1794] Travels to discover the source of the Nile, in ... 1768-73. 5 Vol. illust. 4°. Edinburgh, London, 1790. The title-page to Vol. v reads : — "Select specimens of Natural History, collected in travels to discover the source of the Nile, in Egypt, Arabia, Abyssinia, and Nubia." Third edition ... to which is prefixed a Life of the Author [by the editor, A. Murray]. 7 Vol. & Atlas. L 8°. . [vi,} 49. 4°. Argentorati [1758]. BRUCH (FRIDERICUS DANIEL) Dissertatio medioa inauguralis . . . de radicis fruticis Juniper! decocto, &c. pp. 32. 4°. Argentorati [1736]. BRUCH (PHILIPP) [1781-1847] & Schimper (W. P.) Fragmens de la Bryologie d'Europe. Buxbaumia- c6es, &c. (Phascacees, &c.) pp. 7 : 2 pi. (pp. 4 : 2 pi.) Comparaison entre les Pkaseum alternifolium, P. pa- lustre et P. subulatum, &c. pp. 4 : 1 pi. See NANCY.— SOCIETE DBS SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Tom. u, livr. 1. 4°. 1835. UH-v r> ift-rZ n-W £> Bruch (Rixt others. Bryologi £ee-SeffiMPER (W. P.) L 4- 0 fi >paea, &c. 6 Vol. 4°. 1836-55. BRUCHMANN (H.) Untersuchungen iiber Selagi- nella spimtlosa, A. Br., &c. pp. 64 : 3 pis. 8°. Gotka, 1897. Bruchmann (H.) Ueber die Prothallien und die Keimpflanzen mehrerer Europiiischer Lycopodien, &c. pp. 119 : ~ pis. 8°. Gotha, 1898. BRUE (ANDRE) Reisen zu Wasser und Lande langst den westlichen Kiisten von Africa, des Franzosischen Handels wegen. 1697-1715. See ARKSTEE ( ) ir Kenntniw der iwetembrjonnlen Entwicklong de» men»cli- licken Schadeli. Von F. Merkel. 13. Bin Beitrag zur Anatomie der Affannnultc und der IntenmrittJilfurclie beim Meuschen nach liace, Geacblecbt, und Individualitat. Von N. BUdinger. 14. Ueber das leiUnde Prinzip bei der Differenzirung der Gelenke. Vim C. Aeby. BRUNN (JoHANN WILHELM) [1779-1838] De Vasis o Plantarum. Dissertalio inauguralis, &c. pp. [viii,'] S3. '• 8°. HcUae, 1800. BRUNN (MAX VON) Ein Beitrag zur Museumslechnik. pp. 0: 1 pi. See HAMBURG. — NATURWISSENSCHAFT- LICHER VEREIN. Abhandlungen, benhavn, 1763. — Tillseg, &c. pp. 36 : 3 pis. 8°. Kjbenha,vn, 1763. Brunnich (M. T.) Die natiirliche Historic des Eider- Vogels . . . aus dem Danischen iibersetzt. pp. [viii,] 70: 3 pis. 8°. Copenhagen, 1763. Brunnich (M. T.) M. T. Briinnichii ; E^'tOmologia, sistens Insectorum tabulas systematical, ' duni intr'p- ductione et iconibus, &c. — Insektlaere, &c. pp. [vra,] 85: 1 pi. LAT. & DAN. 8'. ffafnice, 1764. Briinnich (M. T.) M. T. Briinnichii Ornithologia Borealis, sistens collectionem Avium ex omnibus, imper'io Danico subjectis, provinciis insulisque borealibus Haf- nia3 factam, &c. pp. viii, 80 : 1 pi. 8°. Hafnice, 1764. Brunnich (M. T.) M. T. Briinnichii . . . Ichthyologia Massiliensis, sistens Piscium descriptiones eorumq.ue ^ apud incolas nomina. Accedunt Spolia Maris Adriafici. pp. [xvi,] 110. 8°. Hafniae et Lipsiae, .1768. Briiunich (M. T.) Cronstedt's Versuch einer Minera- ^ logie vermehrt durch Briinnich. See CRONSTEDT (A. E.-) 1*1 8°. 1770. Brunnich (M. T.) M. T. Briinnichii Zoologise funda- menta, &<:.— Grunde i Dyreloereh. pp. [iv,] 253. LAT. ^ & DAN. 8°. Hafnice et Lipsice, 1 772. Briinuich (M. T.) M. T. Brunnich . . . Mineralogie. Aus dem Danischen iibersetzt mit Zusatzen des Ver- /V\ fassers und einer Anzeige der bisher bekannten Russi- schen Mineralien vermehrt [by J. G. Georgi]. pp. [xx,] 347. 8°. St. Petersburg & Leipzig, 1781. The Danish original appeared in 1777. Briinnich (M. T.) Spicilegia Zoologica e Musei's Natufse Curiosorum in itineribus apud exteros reportata. • fol. 1765-99. A series of pencil and pen-and-ink sketches, accompanied by manuscript notes in various handwritings, among which are autographs of Pallas. BRUNO (GiOANNi DOMENICO) Illustrazione di un Q_ nuovo Cetaceo fossile [Halitherium]. pp. 20 : 2 pis. col. 4°. [Turin, 1839.] Z- Mem. Accad. Sci. Torino. Ser. II, torn. i. BRUNO-GAMBINI (F.) De 1' Alimentation des Vegetaux. Conferences donnees a 1'InstTitut National Q Genevois (Section d'Agriculture). pp. 124. 8°. Geneve, 1885. Bull. Inst. Nat. Genevois. Tom. xxvll. BRUNO - SPAMFINATO (GIUSEPPE) Ricerche petrografiche e geologiche sul Capo Tindari e dintorni di Patti. pp. 26. See CATANIA.— ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Atti, &c. Serie IV, vol. x, mem. 7. 4°. 1897. BRUNOT ( ) Anatomische Studien des Pferdes, &c. 16 pis., with descriptive'' text (1 p.) £_ tll t (1 p. obi. folio, DarnisUidt 11832]' 268 z *a BBtTNS (PAUL VICTOR VON) [1812-1883] Dissertatio iiiauguralis mediea sistens disquisitiones anatomico- physiologicas de nervis Cetaccorum cerebralibus, (|iiani . . . prseside G. L. Rapp . . . submittit auctor V. Bruns, <£-r. pi>. 46. 8°. Tubingae, 1836. BRUNSCHWIG (HiERONYMUs) The vertuose boke of Distyllacyon of the waters of all manner of Herbes, with the fygures of the styllatoryes . . . now newly translate out of Duyche into Englysshe, 27. PrinUd, except the prologue, in double column. Black Letter. With- out pagination or catchwords. BRUNSWICK, City of.— Herzpgliche Technische Hochsckule Carolo-Willielmiua. [Founded 1715.1 Fest-Schrift der . . . Hochschule . . . Herausgegeben . . . von . . . H. Beckurts. pp. 464 : 3 pis. (cot.) text Must. 8°. Braunschweig, 1897. i •, nt.uii- :— Die tektoniachen Verhaltnisse dm Xorddentschen Schollengebirges auf Grund der neuesten Tiefbohrungen . . . Von J. H. Kloss. Neuer Beitrag zur Kcnntniaa der Vogelfanna von Celebes. Von \V. Bhuiua. BRUNSWICK, Wlssenschaft. Jahresbericht-^ -•H 6 Zo.1 City of. — Verein faer Natur- (Founded 1862.] 1879-^ 8". Braunschweig, 1880-» BRUNSWICK, Duchy of. Verzeichniss der auf die [__ Landeskunde des Herzogthums Braunschweig bezttg- lichen Litteratur. See BRUNSWICK, City of. — VEREIN FUER NATURWISSENSCHAFT. Jahresbericht, &c. No. 4, 6-9. 8°. 1887-98. BRUNSWICK, Duchy of. — Herzoglicties Staats- - Ministerium. Beitriige zur Geologic und Palaontologie Qf des Herzogthums Braunschweig und der angrenzenden Landestheile, herausgegeben im Auftrage des . . . Ministeriums von Herzoglicher Gammer, &c. Heft. 1. 8°. Braunschweig, 1894. BRUNTON (THOMAS LAUDER) [1844-] Digestion and Secretion. With introductory chapters on the ^ albuminous compounds and on the chemistry of tissues. See KLEIN (E. E.) ifc others. Handbook for the Physio- logical Laboratory. Physiology. Pt. 3. 8°. 1873. Brunton (T. L.) [A Text-Book of Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Materia Mediea . . . adapted to the United States Pharmacopoeia by F. H. Williams, 8°. London, 1885.] Wanting. Third edition, pp. 1, 12161. 8°. London, 1887- BRUSH (GEORGE JARVIS) [1831-] [Manual of ,.,, Determinative Mineralogy, with an introduction on r\ Blow-pipe Analysis. 8°. New York, 1875.] Wanting. A1 - Third edition, unaltered. BRUSINA (SPIRIDION) [1845-] Contribuzione pella Fauna del MoHuschi Dalmati. pp. 134: 1 id- 8°. Henna, 1866. r«ra*d ua supplement to the Verbandl. zool.-bot. Oesell. Wien. Bd. x\ i. Brusina (S.) Ipsa Chiereghinii Conchylia, ovvero contribuzione pella Malacologia Adriatica desunta dal manoscritto descrizione de' Crostacei, de' Testacei, e de' Pesci che abitano le Lagune e Golfo Veneto, rappresentati in figure, a chiaroscuro ed a colori dull' Aoate S. CbieregTnni . . . illustrata da S. Brusinn. ' pp. 280. Sf. 1'isa, 1870. Brusina (S.) Fossile Binnen - Mollusken aus Dal- matien, Kroatien und Slavonien. pp. 141 : 7 pis. 8n. Agram, 1874. i in ii an translation from tht> IUul. Jugoalav. Alad. Agram. Vol. xxvill. Brusina (S.) Fauna fossile Terziaria di MarkuSevec in Croazia. Con un elenco delle Dreissensidae della Dalmazia, Croazia e Slavonia. pp.98. 8". Zagreb, 1892. Ulasnika llrvatekoga Naravoslovnoga Druztva. Gml. vit. BRUSSELS.— Jardin Botaniqut. (Founded in 182H by the Societe royale d' Horticulture des Pays-Bas, and acquired by the State in 1870.) Petit Guide, aged. [Continued as :] Memoires, <£c. Tom. xx-» 4°. Bruxelles, 1847-> Each Memoir is separately paged. Brussels. Academic Royale des Sciences, &c. Bulletins, &c. Tom. I-XXIH. 8°. Bruxelles, 1834-56. There is an " Annexe aux Bulletins— 1858-54." Tom. i-xxin. 8°. Bruxelles, 1858. 8°. Bruxelles, 1857-80. Tom. i-xx. 8°. Bruxelles, 1867. '. / L i- ) L i » S /() / - Tables generates — Ser. II, torn. I-L. Tables g6ne>ales - Ser. Ill, torn. i-> Tables generates L 5 ' 1 8°. Bruxelles, 1881-» I- Tom. i-xxx. 8°. Bruxelles, 1898. Brussels. Academic Royale des Sciences, &c. Memoires couronnes et (autres) Me'moires . . . Collection in 8». Tom. I-» 8°. Bruxelles, 1840-> Tiim. i-iu Lave no collective title-page. Each Memoir is separately paged. Brussels. Academic Royale des Sciences, &c. Annuaire, 12°. Bruxelles, 183.ri-» L i 269 701. r £ Brussels. Academie Boyale des Sciences, &c. Bibliographic Academique Beige, ou Repertoire . . . 101 , // / des Memoires, &c. pp. xxv, 80. See NAMUK (J. P.) 8°. 1838. [Another edition entitled :] Histoire et Biblio- *- graphic analytique, &c. pp. xi, 164- See NAMUR (J. P.) 70/-4U, 8°. 1852. Brussels. Academie Boyale des Sciences, &c. / Tables des Memoires . . . 1858-78. pp. 59. Urfa 8°. Bruxelles, 1879. Brussels. Academie Boyale des Sciences, &c. / Bibliographic Academique ou Liste des Ouvrages , i /* publics par les Membres, &c. pp. xxiii, 254- I** I 8°. Bruxelles, 1855. [Another edition entitled :] Notices biographiques t- et bibliographiques concernant les Membres, &c. pp. mi, $-}of 606. 8°. Bruxelles, 1887. Brussels. Academie Boyale des Sciences, &c. Histoire de 1' Academie . . . par E. Mailly, &c. See supra, / Memoires couronnes . . . Collection in 8°. Tom. xxxiv & XXXV. 8°. 1883. Brussels. Academie Boyale des Sciences, &c. Centieme Anniversaire de fondation (1772 - 1872). L 2 Tom. 8°. Bruxelles, 1872. A series of separately paged reports on the work of the different sections of the Academy, the last three (in Vol. n) being :— Rapport sur les travaux de Zoologie, par P. J. van Beneden. pp. %%U. Rapport seculaire sur les travaux de Botanique et de Physiologic / JL Vegetale (1772-1872) par E. Morren. pp. ii, 96. X Rapport seculaire sur les travaux de la Classe des Sciences. Sciences Minerales par G. Dewalque. pp. iv, 90. Brussels. Academie Boyale des Sciences, &c. Q Vegetaux fossiles des Terrains Houillers de la Belgique, O planches par M. le Dr. Sauveur. pp. 2 : 69 pis. 4°. [Brussels,] 1848. This appears to have been originally issued with Tom. xxn of the Nouveaux Memoires of the Academy. Brussels. Academie Boyale des Sciences, &c. I Instructions pour 1'Observation des Phenomenes periodiques. [By A. Quetelet.] pp. 15. D 4°. [Brussels, 1853.] BRUSSELS. Federation des Societes d'Horti- cnlture de Belgique. See BELGIUM. BRUSSELS. Musee du Congo. B> Annales, &c. Serie I. Botanique. Tom. i-» 4°. Bruxelles, 1898-> •2. Serie II. Zoologie. Tom.i-» 4°. Bruxelles, 1898-> BRUSSELS. Musee Boyal d'Histoire Naturelle ,~ de Belgique. ** Annales, &c. Tom. i-xiv. fol. Bruxelles, 1877-96. Brussels. — Musee Boyal d'Histoire Naturelle, &c. Bulletin, &c. Tom. i-iv. 8°. Bruxelles, 1882-86. Brussels.— Mosie Royal^Histoire Naturelle,&c. Guide djyKfles Colleci«5ns. Bernisgan et les Igua- nodopsr (By E. Ikrpont.) pp. 5LSi pi., 1 map geol. ' 8°. Bruxelles, 1876-> Each volume is in two separately paged parte, which in Vol. i-xiv have a common index, whilst in Vol. xv-xvll there is an index to each part. With Vol. xvin the Bulletin [q.i: infra] became a separate work. Brussels. Societe Beige de Microscopic. Bulletin des Seances, &c. Tom. vn & vin. 8". Bruxelles, 1880-82. Issued in monthly sheets, and differing in pagination from the reprint in the Annales, which see for Vol. i-vi & ix-xvu. • Tom. xvin-» L S.70C 8°. Bruxelles, 1891-» L BRUSSELS. Societe d'Autliropologie. [Founded 1882.] Bulletin, &c. Tom. i-v. 8°. Bruxelles, 1883-86. BRUSSELS. Societe Entomologique de Bel- gique. [1856 Founded as SociM Entomologique Beige. 1864 Sociele EntOmoloffique de Belyique.] Annales, &c. Tom. i-» 4°. Bruxelles, 1857-» Wanting Vol. xxvi. Table generale des Annales . . . i-xxx, et Catalogue des ouvrages periodiques de sa Biblio- theque . . . par A. Lameere. pp. 81. 8°. Bruxelles & Leipzig, 1887. Brussels. Societe Entomologique de Belgique. Memoires, &c. I— ^ 8°. Bruxelles, 1892—^ BRUSSELS. Societe Litteraire. See supra, ACADEMIE KOYALE DES SCIENCES, &c. BRUSSELS. Societe Boyale de Botanique de Belgique. [Founded 1862.] Bulletin, &c. Tom. i-> 8°. Bruxelles, 1862-> BRUSSELS. Societe Boyale Linneenne. [Founded 1847.] Bulletin, &c. Tom. i-> 8°. Bruxelles, 1872-» BRUSSELS. Societe Boyale Malacologique de Belgique. (1863. Founded as SociM Malacologique de Bdgique. 1881. SocMe Aoj/ale Malacologique de BetffitftM.} Annales (Memoires— Bulletin des Seances), &c. Tom. i-> 4°. & 8°. Bruxelles, 1863-> Each volume is in two separately paged parts. '*? o ^ Tom. i-xxvn are also divided into series:-Tom. xi-xv=S^r. II, torn, i-v; Tom. xvi-xx = Ser. Ill, torn, i-v ; and Tom. XXI-XXVH = Her. IV, torn. I-VH. BRUSSELS. Societe Scientifique. [Founded 1875.] Annales (Comptes-Rendus— Memoires), &c. Tom. i-» 8°. Bruxelles, 1877-* Each volume is in two separately paged parts : The several papers in the " Memoires" bear each a distinct pagination in addition to that of the Volume. 6 270 Brussels. Societe Scientifique. A Bevue des Questions Scientifiques, a»t's, Brjdcelles, 1877-» Torn. l-ivv4r* published at Lonvainand I'uris, Tpfn. y-x\ II at Hruxelles and 1'arirf, ami Tom. xvm -» at IJruxelles onjjf TherWre Indexes t<> Tom. l-xx and Tom. xxAxxxat the end of T \\ and^txx respectively. / JKn\\. xxxi -» are also styled " Deuxiem^Sorie," Tom. I -> de 1897. Guide de la section de 1'Etat independant du Congo . . . Par . . . Lieut. T. Masui, &c. pp. xiv, 524 : '2~pis:, 1 map col., text illust. '••';• 8°. Rruxelles, 1897. BRUTELETTE (BLpNpfjj!, DE) See BLONDIN DE BRI-TELETTE ( ) BRUTELLE (CHARLES LOUIS L'HERITIER DE) See L'HERITIER DE BRUTELLE. BRUTZER (GREGORIUS GUILIELMUS) [-1883] De Scaphirhyncho Rafinescii disquisitiones anatomic*. Dissertatio inauguralis, vinted title-page and the preliminary matter are in German. rlhe plates are the same as those of the Latin version cited above. In this copy, however, the plates from Ferrari's " Flora" are placed at the end ; whilst Plate 141 and that of the " Flos Roaarum " are wanting. BUY (THEODOR DE) [1528-1598], (J. T. DE) & (J.'l. DE) [America. — Elenchus^] [Historia Americae sive Novi Orbis, compnehendens in xin. sectionibus . . . descrip- tionem . . . India? Occidentalis, &c. fol. Francofurti, 1634.] Wanting. This is the coveting title and introduction to the I atin edition of the collection known as the " Grands Voyages." The titles of the several lurts, which were issued as separate works, follow in their order. Bry (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [America. Pt. i. — Latin.] Admiranda narratio . . . de commodis et incolarum ritibus Virginias . . . Anglico scripta sermone k T. Hariot . . . nunc autem primum I^atio donata a C. C. A. [Carolus Clusius Atrebatensis i.e. C. de Lecluse.] (Viv;e imagines et ritus incolarum ejus provinciae in America, quae Virginia ap]iellata est ... Omnia . . . observata, et ad viyum exjiressa a J. With [White] . . . Deinde in aes incisa, & primum in lucem evulgata a T. de Bry. — Pictorum, Britannise partem olim incolentium aliquot icones.) [Second edition.] pp. 84 [v] : 24 pis., with descriptive letterpress— [pj). 15}: 5 ids. fol. [Francoforti ad Maenum, 1590.] Title-page wanting. Fol. 211-30 is of the first edition. PI. xx.Il is of the first edition, second issue. The list of Errata i» omitted. Bry (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [America. Pt. II.— Latin.] Brevis narratio eorum quae in Florida . . . Gallis acciderunt, secunda in illam navigatione, duce R. de Laudoniere . . . anno 1564 . . . Auctore J. le Mojrne . . . Nunc primum Gallico ser- mone ;> T. de Bry ... in lucem edita : Latio ver6 donata a C. C. A. [Carolus Clusius Atrebatensis i.e. C. de Lecluse.] (Indorum Floridam provincial!! inhabitan- tium eicones ... ad vivum expresses a J. Le Moyne . Bry . . . evulgat* — Libellus sive Epistola supplicatoria, regi Galliarum Carolo IX ... oblata, .& / • ^ L Bry (T. DE), ( J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [America. Pt. in. — Latin] Americas tertia pars . . . pro- vincias Brasilias historiam contines, Germanico . . . sermone scriptam k I. Stadio . . . nunc . . . Latinitate donatum a leucrio Annaso Private Colchanthe [pseud. i.e. J. A. Lonicer] . . . Addita est Narratio profectionis I. Lerii in eamdem provinciam, qua ille initio Gallice conscripsit, postea vero Latinam fecit. His accessit de- scriptio . . . incolarum illius regionis [With a preface by J. Dryander] . . . Omnia recensevulgata&eiconibus . . . illustrata . . . studio . . . T. de Bry. (Exemplar duarum litterarum, quibus breviter explicantur, et navigatio N. Villagagnoms ... in illam Americas provinciam, quas ultra asquatorem ad tropicum usque Capricorni exten- ditur : & mores . . . incolarum . . . Latio donates [from the French of N. Barrel a C. C. A. [Carolus Clusius Atrebatensis i.e. C. de Lecluse.]) pp. [xvi,] 296 [14] •' 1 map, text illust. fol. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1592. The first title-page is of the second issue, if not of the second edition. Bry (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [America. Pt. iv. — Latin.] Americas pars quarta, sive . . . Historia de reperta primum Occidental! India a. C. Colombo anno 1492. Scripta ab H. Bezono . . . Addita ad singula fere capita . . . scholia [by U. Chauveton, who also translated it from the Italian] . . . Omnia . . . figuris . . . expressa a T. de Bry. [Second edition.] pp. [vlii,]!45 : 24 pis., with descriptive letterpress, 1 map. fol. [Frankfort,} 1594. This and the two following parts comprise U. Chauveton's translation of G. Benzoni's " Historia del Mondo Nuovo." Bry (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [America. Pt. v. — Latin.] Americas pars quinta. Nobilis . . . H. Bezoni . . . secundaj sectionis Hia : Hispanorum . . . crudelitatem, Gallorumq? pirataru de Hispanis . . . reportata spolia ; adventu item HispanorQ in Novam . . . Hispaniam . . . explicans. Addita . . . scholia [by U. Chauveton the translator] . . . Omnia . . . figuris . . . expressa Ji T. de Bry, &c. pp. [ii,] 82: 22 pis., with descriptive letterpress, 1 map. fol. [Frankfort,] 1595. The title-page and first two folios are of the second edition. Bry (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [America. Pt. vi. — Latin] Americas pars sexta, sive Histories ab H. Bezono . . . scripts, sectio tertia ... Additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis comentariolus, &c. (Brevis summa . . . iconibus illus- trata : studio . . . T. de Bry.) [Second edition.] pp. 78 [2] : 29 pis., with descriptive letterpress, 1 map. fol. Oppenheimii, 1617. The title-page and PI. vm are of tfie first edition. Bry (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [America. Pt. yn. — Latin.] Americas pars vii. Veris- sima . . . descriptio prascipuarum quarundam Indias regionum & insularum, quas . . . ab U. Fabro [i.e. Schmidel] . . . inventas & ... consignatas fuerunt, ex Germanico in Latinum sermonem conversaautoreM. G. Artus, &c. pp. 62 : 1 text illust. fol. [Frankfort,] 1599. No plates were issued with the first edition. Bry (T. DE), ( J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [America. Pt. vm. — Latin] Americas pars vm. Con- tinens prime, descriptionem trium itinerum . . . Equitis F. Draken, qui peragrato primum universe terrarum orbe, postea cum . . . Equite J. Hauckens ... in Indiam navigavit . . . Secundo, iter . . . Equitis T. Candisch [i.e. Cavendish. Written by F. Pretty.] . . . Tertio, duo itinera . . . G. Ralegh Equitis ... nee npn . . . Capitanei L. Keyms. Quibus itineribus descri- bitur . . . regnum Guiana . . . Primo . . . Anglicana lingua . . . consignata : jam ... in Latinum sermonem conversa, auctore M. G. Artus, &c. (Tabulas SB t L L 272 L. . i Bry (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [America. — Abt-idgments.] Newe Welt und America- A nische Historien . . . Beschreibungen aller West- Indianischen Landschaffteu, Insulen, Konigreichen und Provintzien . . . wie auch der Thier, Viigel, Fisch und Gewiirm ... in diesem halben Theil dess Erdkreyses . . . Durch J. L. Gottfriedt, Ac. [Second edition.] pp. [vi,] 659 [2] : text Must. fol. Franckfurt, 1655. The engraved title reads : — *' Historia Antipodum Oder Newe Welt," der Orientalischen Indien, von alien Volckern, Insulen . . . fliessenden Wassern und anderen Orten, so von Portugal . . . biss in Ost Indien und zu dem Land China ft . . . zu sehen seind . . . Erstlich im Jar 1596 ... in Holliindischer Sprach beschreiben, durch J. H. von Lindschotten . . . Jetzo aber von newem in Hochteutsch bracht [by J. A. Lonicer. With Notes by B. Paludanus, »'.«. B. van den Broecke], Ac. (Folgen hernacher . . . Fiir- bildungen . . . Alles . . . von neuwem an Tag geben, durch H. D. und H. I. von Bry), Ac. pp. [xii,] 134 [8] : 39 pis., with descriptive letterpress, 3 maps. fol. Franckfurt am Meyn, 1598. Bry (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [India Orientalis. Pt. II.— Latin] II. Pars Indue Orientalis, in qua J. H. Lintscotani navigatio in Orientem, item regna, littora . . . habitus moresque Indorum . . . accurate proponuntur. Ea Lintscotus . . . primum . . . Belgice . . . dedit . . . nunc . . . Latine . . . reddita enunciavit T. A. Lonicerus [i.e. J. A. Lonicer] . . . Addita sunt passim D. Paludani [if. B. van den Broecke] annotationes (Icones . . . Omnia . . . representata . . . J. T. & J. I. de Bry), Ac. pp. [xii,] 114 [8] : 38 pis., with descriptive letterpress. fol. Francofordii, Wanting the map* and plate of coins. Bry (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [India Orientalis. Pt. in.— Gernian.] Dritter Theil C_ Indiae Orientalis, darinnen erstlich das ander Theil der Schifffahrten J. H. von Lintschotten auss Hollandt, so er in Orient gethan . . . beschrieben wirdt. II. Der Hollander Schifffahrt, in die Orientalische Insulen, lavan und Sumatra [From the Dutch of G. M. A. W. L., t.«. W. Lodewijckszl . . . HI. Drey Schifffahrten der 75 Hollander [with W. Barentsz] nach obermeldten Indien, durch das Mittnachtigsche oder Eissmeer [by G. de Veer] . . . Alles . . . auss den Niderlandischen Exemplarien in Hochteutsch bracht (Warhafftige . . . Fiirbildung . . . in Kupffer gestochen . . . durch H. D. und H. I. de Bryj, Ac. pp. [x.] 233: 3 pis., 1 map; [pp. iv:] 57 pis., with descriptive letterpress. fol. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1599. Wanting the map of the North Pole, and PI. 58. 5 Bry (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [hidia Orientalis. Pt. iv. — German] Vierder Theil der Orientalischen Indien, in welchem erstlich gehandelt wirdt, von allerley Thieren, Friichten, Obs, ufi Baumen . . . auch von Perlen und allerley Edelgesteinen so in gemeldten Indien gefunden werden . . . Beschrieben durch J. H. von Lintschotten und andere. Auch mit . . . annotationibus . . . erklaret durch B. Paludanum \i.e. B. van den Broecke] . . . Zum andern, die letzte Reise der Hollander in die Ost-Indien, welche aussge- fahren . . . 1598 . . . und . . . 1599 . . . Auss Nieder- liindischer Sprach in die Hochteutsche versetzet durch M. G. A. V. D. [M.G. Arthus von Danzig] (Warhafftige . . . Abbildungen . . . an Tag geben durch J.D. und J. I. de Bry), &c. pp. [viii,] 181 [S] : 21 pis., with descriptive letterpress. fol. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1600. Bry (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [India Orientalis. Pt. v.— German.] Fiinffter Theil ; der Orientalischen Indien, eygentlicher Bericht . . . der ' gantzen . . . Schiffart, so die Hollander [under J. C. < ft van Neck and W. van Warwijck] ... in die Orienta- lische Indien . . . gethan haben . . . 1598 . . . 1599 . . . f/ 1600 . . . Auss Niederlandischer Verzeichnuss in Hoch- teutscher Sprach beschrieben, durch M. G. Artus (War- i hafftige . . . Fiirbildungen ... an Tag geben durch J. T. und J. I. de Bry), Ac. pj>. [vi,] 66 [2] : 20 pis., with fol. Fram ' descriptive letterpress. ^ranckfurt, 1601. ai Bry (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [India Orientalis. Pt. vi. — German.'] Sechster Theil /_ der Orientalischen Indien, warhafftige . . . Beschreibung dess gewaltigen Goltreichen Konigreichs Guinea [by P. de Marees.] . . . Auss Niederlandischer Verzeichnuss in Hochteutscher Sprache beschrieben durch M. G. • Arthus (Warhafftige . . . Abbildungen ... in Kupffer ( gestochen . . . durch J. D. und J. I. de Bry), Ac. pp. [v,] 154 [2] : 26 pis., with descriptive letterpress. fol. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1603. Bry (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [India Orientalis.— German] Siebender Theil der Orientalischen Indien, darinnen zwo unterschied- liche Schiffarten begrieffen. Erstlich eine dreyjahrige Reyse G. von Spielbergen . . . welche An. 1601 auss $£ Seeland nach den Orientalischen Indien abgefahren . . . . Zum andern ein neunjarige Reyse eines Venetian- ischen Jubilirers, C. Balby genannt, sampt allein, was ime auff derselben von 1579. oiss in 1588. begegnet und widerfahren, neben Anweisung aller . . . deren man sich von Alleppo auss biss ins ... Pegu zu gebrauchen . . . Auss Nmerlandischer und Italianischer Spraach beschrieben durch M. G. Arthus und andere der His- torien Liebhaber (Warhafftige Vorbildung ... an Tag geben durch J. T. und J. I. de Bry), Ac. pp. [iv,] 52, [3,] 134 [4] : 22 pis., with descriptive letterpress. fol. Franckfort am Mayn, 1605. This copy is without the dedication, and the plate of the Ruby is placed at the end of the Vorrede. Bry (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [India Orientalis. Pt. yin.— German.] Achter Theil der Orientalischen Indien, begreiffend erstlich ein historische Beschreibung der Schiffart, so der Admiral J. von Neck auss Hollandt in die Orientalischo Indien von Ann. 1600. biss An. 1603. gethan. Darnach ein fi Historia, so von J. H. von Bree ... in gleichmessiger Reyse von An. 1602. biss in An. 1604. auffgezeichnet worden [under W. van Warwijck and S. de Weert]. Alles auss Niderliindischer Verzeichnus in Hoch- teutscher Sprache beschrieben, durch M. G. Artus (Folgen . . . Fiirbildungen ... an Tag geben durch J. D. und J. I. von Bry), Ac. pp. [iv,] 100 [2] : 11 pis., with descriptive letterpress. fol. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1606. 273 Bry (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [India Orientalis. Pt. vm, Append. — German.] ft Appendix oder Ergantzung dess achten Theils der Orientalischen Indien, begreiffend drey Schiffarten. Eine, von C. Niclas [Claez], unter . . . J. von Neck, in vier Jahren. Die ander, von C. von der Ven, in zweyen Jahren. Die dritte, unter . . . S. von der Hagen, in dreyen Jaren verrichtet . . . Alles auss Niderliindischer Verzeichnus in Hochteutscher Sprach beschrieben, durch M. G. Artus (Folgen . . . Figuren ... an Tag geben durch J. D. und J. I. de Bry), &c. pp. 26 [2] : 7 pis., with descriptive letterpress. fol. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1606. L. Bry (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [India Orientalis. Pt. x.— German] Zehender Theil der Orientalischen Indien begreinendt eine . . . Beschreibung der neuwen Schiffart gegen Nordt Osten, uber die Amerische Inseln in Chinam und Japponiam, > .£> von . . . H. Hudson newlich erfunden, beneben kurtzer q, Andeutung der Inseln und Oerter, so auff derselben f Reyse von den Hollandern hiebevor entdeckt worden P auss J. H. von Lintschotten Reise gezogen. Item ein Discurs . . . wegen dess fiinfften Theils der Welt, Terra Australis incognita genannt, von . . . P. F. de Quir, ike. ubergeben. Beneben einer Delineation unnd Beschrei- bung der Lander der Samojeden und Tingoesen, in der Tartarey gegen Morgen der Enge ... so newlich von den Mosscowitern entdecket und eingenommen. [From the works of S. de Herberstein.] Alles dem gemeinen Vatterlandt zum besten in Hochteutscher Sprach beschrieben durch M. G. Arthusen (Folgen . . . Mappen . . . und Kupfferstuck . . . an Tag gegeben durch J. T. de Bry), the environs of Glasgow, the Shores of the Clyde, and -T . the Island of Arran. 8°. Glasgoiv, 1855.] [Another edition entitled :] Geology of Clydesdale and Arran ; embracing also the Marine Zoology [by the Rev. C. P. Miles] and the Flora [by J. Bryce, the younger] . . . with ... Notes on the rarer Insects [by H. T. Stainton], &c. pp. vii, 190 : 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8". London & Glasgow, 1859. A third edition appeared in 1865. [Another edition entitled :] The Geology of Arran and the other Clyde Islands with an accpunt of the Botany, Natural History, and Antiquities . . . Fourth edition, pp. xii, 354 •' ~ ^s-> 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. Glasgow & London, 1872. To this edition have been added accounts of the Mammals by E. Alston, and of the Birds by R. Gray. a' I t-. BRYCE (Rtftt Ha*. JAMES) [1838-] The Flora 'of Arran. See BRYCE (J.) Geology of Clydesdale and Arran, &c. [Second edition.] 8°. 1859. S ...... . Fourth edition. 8°. 1 872. ; BRYDEN (HENRY ANDERSON) Kloof and Karroo : sport, legend and natural history in Cape Colony, with -7 a notice of the Game Birds, and of the present distribu- tion of the Antelopes and larger game. pp. xiii, 435 : 17 pis. 8°. London & New York, 1889. Brydeu (H. A.) Nature and Sport in South Africa. L - ' pp. xvi, 314 : 1 pi. 8°. London, 1897. BRYDOLF (GUSTAVUS SiGFRfDus) Salices Lapponias. Quarum descriptions . . . p. p. N. J. Anderson . . . et ft G. S. Brydolf . . . Pars n. See ANDERSON (N. J.) 8°. 1845. BRYNILDSEN (JOHN) Engelsk-Norsk Ordbog. Omarbeidet og for0get udgave af . . . J. Geelmuydens Ordbog, &c. See GEELMUYDEN (I. C. S.) 8". 1886. Brynildsen (J.) Norsk-Engelsk Ordbog. pp. vii, 1331. i 8°. Kristiania, 1892. BUB ANT (PiETRo) [1806-1888] Dodecanthea. pp. 36. f 8°. Floi-entiae, 1850. Gazzetta Toscana Sci. Med.-Fis. Ann. vm. Bubani (P.) Flora Virgiliana, ovvero sulle Piante ^ menzionate da Virgilio, &c. (Illustrazioni ulterior! • alia Flora Virgiliana.) pp. 144- 8". (Bologna, 1869, 70.) Ultime Note, &c. pp. 7. 8". (Bologna, 1876.) Bubani (P.) Flora Pyrenaea . . . Opus posthumum /? editum curante O. Penzig, &c. Vol. i-> 8°. Mediolani, 1897-» BUCAILLE (ERNEST) [1835-] Description des £V Echinides fossiles du, departement de la Seine-ln- ferieure. I'8 Partie.— Echinides reguliers. pp. 136. 8°. Havre, 1872-73. Bull. Soc. geol. Nomiandie. Tom. i. Bucaille (E.) Etude sur des Echinides fossiles du £. departement de la Seine-Inferieure. pp. 34 : 8 pis. 8°. Havre, 1882-83. Bull. Soc. geol. Normandie. Tom. vin. 1888. BTTCCA (LORENZO) Contribuzione allo studio geologico dell Abissima. ^ pp. 22. Studio petrografico sulle Trachiti Leucitiche del Lago >//g . di Bolsena. pp. 14- Ancora dell' eta del Granito di Monte Capanne (Isola d'Elba). pp.13. See CATANIA. — ACCADEMIA GIOENIA, dee. Atti, psoli,405. AtlarSSpfo. 4°. Edinburgh & Lcmdon, 1822. at|i.|7o Buchanan afterwards Hamilton (F.) Prodronnis Flor» Nepale^reis, sive >./eruim£fatio Vegetabmum xiuae . . . legit F.JJamiltonColim Buchanan), »fthese Plant* are given in Symea' 'Account of an Embassy to the ^o^dom of Ava," 1800. [7. <'.] BUCHANAN (JOHN) Botanical notes on the Kaikoura Mountains and Mount Egmont. pp. 16. 8°. Wellington, \N.Z.^ 1867. / «^, \) m A 7/7/7; ' Revised list of the Ferns of Natal, p 8°. Natal, 1875. f- Buchanan (JOHN) pp. 80. Reprinted from the " Natal Colonist." Buchanan (JOHN) Manual of the Indigenous Grasses of New Zealand. See NEW ZEALAND. — Colonial Museum & Geological Survey Department. 8°. 1880. BUCHANAN ( JOHN YOUNG) [1844-] & otherg. Nar- 1" rative of the cruise of H.M.S. Challenger, with a general : account of the scientific results of the expedition, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Challenger Ex- £ pedition. Report, eBiBLio- THECA BOTANICA. Hft. 16. 4°. 1889. BUCHHOLZ (REINHOLD WILHELM) [-1876] Bemer- kungen iiber die Arten der Gattung Dermaleichus, Koch. pp. 56 : 7 pis. See ACADEMIA CJSSAKEA LEO- POLDINO-CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. xxxv, no. 1. 4°. 1869 (1870). , Buchholz (R. W.) [Crustacea of the Arctic Regions]. r" See BREMEN. — GEOGRAPHISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Die 7 zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt in ... 1869 und 1870, &c. ' Bd. ii. 8°. 1874. BUCHINSKII (PETR NIKOLAEVICH) [1853-] K vo- / prosu o razvltii dozhdevagho chervyaka (Lumbricus terrestris). [On the development of the Earthworm.] pp. 11-71 : 8 pis. See ODESSA. — NOVOROSSIISKOE OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOlSPUITATELEI. ZapiskI, &C. Tom. vii. [Ft. 2.] 8°. 1881. Buchlnskii (P. N.) Kratkii ocherk Faunui limanov /_ Novorossiiskagho kraya. [Short account of the Fauna of the estuaries of the New Russian coast.] pp. $4. See ODESSA.— NOVOROSSIISKOE OBSHCHESTVO ESTEST- voiSPUiTATELEi. Zaplski, M BUCHNER (CHRISTIAN LUDWIG OTTO) [1828-] Die Feuermeteore, insbesondere die Meteoriten, historisch und naturwissenschaftlich betrachtet. pp. iv, 192. 8°. Giessen, 1859. Buchner (C. L. O.) Versuch eines Quellenverzeich- M nisses zur Literatur iiber Meteoriten. pp. 18. 4°. Frankfurt a. M., 1861. Abhandl. Senckenb. naturf. Gesell. Bd. in. Zweites Quellenverzeichnisses zur Literatur der M Meteoriten . . . Ein Anhang zu Kesselmeyer, iiber den Ursprung der Meteorsteine. pp. 19. V. Frankfurt a. M., 1863. Abhandl. Senckenb. naturf. Gesell. Bd. in. Buchner (C. L. O.) Die Meteoriten in Sammlungen, (M ihre Geschichte, mineralogische und chemische Be- schaffenheit. pp. xxvi, 202. 8°. Leipzig, 1863. BUCHNER (HANS) [1850-] Untersuchungen iiber p niedere Pilze, &c. See MUNICH. — PFLANZENPHYSIO- LOGISCHES INSTITUT. 8°. 1882. O , o BUCHOLZ (CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH) [1770-1818] Bey- trage zur Erweiterung und Berichtigung der Chemie. Hft. l-3.f 8°. Erfurt, 1799-1802. Bncholz (C. F.) Versuche zur endlichen Berichtigung der Bereitung des Zinnobers auf dem sogenannten nassen Wege. pp. 45. See ERFURT. — KOENIGLICHE AKADEMIE GEMEINNUETZIGER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. n. 8°. 1801. BUC'HOZ (PIERRE JOSEPH) [1731-1807] Tournefortius Lotharingise, ou Catalogue ,des Plantes qui croissent dans la Lorraine et les trois Eve'cheX &c. pp. viii, 288. 8°. Paris & Nancy, 1764. Bnc'hoz (P. J.) Dictionnaire raisonne universel des Plantes, Arbres et Arbustes de la France, &c. 4 Vol. 8°. Paris, 1770-71. Eclogae Botanicae e Dictionario Regni Vegetabilis Buc'hodziano collectae, &c. See WIRSING (A. L.) fol. 1778. Buc'hoz (P. J.) Manuel me'dical et usuel des Plantes . . . auquel on a joint un Catalogue raisonn^ des Plantes ... & differens discours sur la Botanique. 2 Tom. 8°. Paris, 1770. Buc'hoz (P. J.) Trait6 historique des , Plantes qui croissent dans la Lorraine & les trois Eveches, asc. 10 Tom. [in 11.] 12°. Paris, 1770. Bnc'hoz (P. J.) Premiere (—Seconde) Centurie de planches . . . representant au nature! ce qui se trouve de plus inteiessant et de plus curieux parmi les Animaux, les Vegeiaux et les Mineraux, &c. 2 Vol. 400 pis. fol. Paris [1775-] 1778-81. Vol. i has no date. The plates are in duplicate (plain and coloured). The sixty plates of Plants are reproduced from the work by the same author entitled '* Collection precieuse . . . des Fleurs . . . de la Chine," &c,, and are said to have been painted in that country. The plates of Fossils and Minerals were collected and issued in 1782 as " Les dons merveilleux . . . de la Nature dans le Regne Mineral." Buc'hoz (P. J.) Trait6 Sconomique et physique des Oiseaux de Basse-cour, &c. pp.xxvi,312. 8°. Liege, nT7. Bnc'hoz (P. J.) Plantes nouvellement decouvertes, &c. 50 pis., with descriptive letterpress. fol. Paris, 1779. t~- Bnc'hoz (P. J.) Les dons merveilleux et diversement colories de la Nature dans le Regne Vegetal, &c. 2 Vol. /? 200 pis. col. fol. Paris [1779-83]. Buc'hoz (P. J.) Presens de Flore a la Nation Fran- /• §oise, &c. 2 Tom. [in 1.] 4°. Paris, 1780-88. o Tom. II is of the second edition. Bnc'hoz (P. J.) Herbier, ou Collection des Plantes medicinales de la Chine, d'apres un manuscrit . . . dans p la bibliotheque de 1'Empereur de la Chine, &c. pp. [iv,] 100 pis. col. fol. Pans, 1781. Bnc'hoz (P. J.) Nouveau traite physique et econo- mique, par forme de dissertations, de toutes les Plantes a qui croissent sur la surface du Globe . . . Seconde edition, &c. 2 Tom. illust. col. fol. Paris, 1787-88. This is a distinct work, though regarded by the author as the second edition of his unfinished " Histoire universelle du Regne Vegetal." Buc'hoz (P. J.) [Histoire des Insectes nuisibles a 1'Homme, aux Bestiaux, &c. 8°. Paris, 1781.] Wanting. Cinquieme edition, &c. 2 Pt. 12°. Paris, 1809. Bnc'hoz (P. J.) Manuel usuel et econoniique des ,, Plantes, &c. pp.345. 8°. Pans, 1782. Si^k.4 276 Buc'hoi (P. J.) I,o Grand Jardin de I'Univers, ,] 287. 8°. Paris, An VIII (1800). 4f The flnt edition formed |nrt of the anthor'a " Lcttrea snr la Mi'thode de n'enrichir" : the second waa appended to his " SecreU de la Nature et de 1' Art " : the third appeared aa a separate work in 12" : the fourth, in the form of a dissertation, was included in his " llmtoire generate et **cono- miqne dea Trois Regnes." Buc'hoz (P. J.) Monographic de la Rose et de la Violette . . . termin6e par un M6moire sur VHortensia, plante nouvelle de la Chine, Ac. pp. 878. 8°. Paris, 1804. BUCHTA (RICHARD) [1845-1894] Dr. W. Junker's L Reisen in Afrika 1875-1886 . . . Unter der Mitwirkung von R. Buchta herausgegeben, &c. 3 Vol. See JUNKER (W. J.) 8°. 1889. . BUCHTIEN (OTTO) Entwicklungsgeschichte des p Prothallium von Equisetum. pp. 49 : 6 pis. See BIBLIO- THECA BOTANICA. Hft. 8. 4°. 1887. BUCHWALD (BALTHAZAR JOHANNES DE) [1697-1763] £- Disertatio inauguralis, sistens specimen Insectologias Danicas . . . praeside . . . B. J. de Buchwald, &c. See KRAMER (C. C.) 4°. [1760.] BUCINSKIJ (PETR N.) See BUCHINSKI!. _, BUCK (WALTER JOHN) /i 'it<>., 1 port. 8°. London, 1877. Buckland (FRANCIS T.) [For official reports as In- .— specter] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Fishery Reports— Salmon Fisheries. Buckland (FRANCIS T.) bster Fisheries of England and Wales — ... of Scotland, Ac. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRE- LAND.— Fishery Reports.— Oyster,Ac.,Fisheries4 8". 1877. Buckland (FRANCIS T.) & Walpole (S.) Report — on the Sea Fisheries of England and Wales. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Fishery Keports. — England. • 8°. 1879. BUCKLAND (FRANK) See BUCKLAND (FRANCIS T.) BUCKLAND (WILLIAM) Dean of Westminster [1784- 1856] [Order of superposition of Strata in the British Islands. London? l&\&.~] Wanting. - [Another edition.] (Order of succession of the Secondary or Flretz Formations, as sketched ... by . . . Werner ... in ... 18Hi.) [London 1 1816.] - [Another edition.] [London? 1818.] Differs in ita setting from the preceding edition. The date appears in manuscript ou the back. Buckland (W.) Vindiciae Geologic® ; or the connexion of Geology with Religion explained in an inaugural "• lecture, &c. pp. [viii,] 38. 4°. Oxford^ 1820. Bnckland (W.) [Observations on specimens of the L . rocks and minerals of Tripoli and Fezzan.] See LYON 7f- nt (G. F.) A narrative of travels in northern Africa, &c. Appendix. 4°. 1821. £ Buckland (W.) [Reliquiae Diluvianse ; or observations on the organic remains contained in caves, fissures, and £ i. diluvial gravel, Ac. 4°. London, 1823.] Wanting. Second edition, pp. vii, SOS, 1 tab.: S6 pis. . (3 col.), text illust. 4°. London, 1824. UT The portion relating to Kirkdale is reprinted with slight alterations from 1'hil. Trans, is:!-'. Buckland (W.) Geological account of ... Animal and j_ 73 Vegetable remains and of rocks, collected by J. Craw- furd ... on a voyage up the Irawadi ... in 1826 and 1827, Ac. See CRAWFURD.(J.) Journal of an Embassy ... to the court of Ava, Ac. 4°. 1829. Buckland (W.) On the occurrence of the remains of Elephants, and other quadrupeds, in the cjiffs of frozen mud, in Eschscholtz Bay, within Beewftjfs Strait, and in other distant parts of the shorCS*of the Arctic seas. See BEECHEY (F. W.) Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific, Ac. Vol. n. Appendix. 8°. 1831. Buckland (W.) Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology. 2 Vol. illust. Q 8°. London, 1836. Bridgewater Treatise vi. Second edition. 2 Vol. 8°. London, 1837. & L - Supplementary notes to the first and second edition, , &c. pp. 597-618 : 1 pi., text illust. 8". London, ISffi - A new [third] edition, with additions, by Prof. Owen, Prof. Phillips, R. Brown and memoir of the author. Edited by F. T. Buckland. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. London & New York, 1858. Buckland (W.) La Geologie et la Mineralogie dans leurs rapports avec la Theoiogie naturelle . . . traduit de 1'Anglais, par L. Uoyere. 2 Tom. illust. 8°. Paris, 1838. Buckland (W.) Geologie und Mineralogie in Beziehung zur natiirhchen Theoiogie . . . Aus dem Englischen nach der zweiten Ausgabe des Originals, iibersetzt und mil Anmerkungen und Zusiitzen versehen von L. Agassiz. 2 Bd. Must. 8°. Neufchdtel, 1838, 39. Buckland (W.) [Geological observations selected from the notes of Lieut. Beecher and Mr. A. Collie.] See BEECHEY (F. W.) The Zoology of Capt. Beechey's • Voyage. 4°. 1839. 277 £ b 2- t> Gr Buckland (W.) Address to the ... Artesian Well Committee, of Southampton . . . 1844. pp. 14. 8°. Southampton, 1844. BUCKLER (WILLIAM) [1814-1884] The Larvte of the British Butterflies and Moths, &c. 5 Vol. See RAY SOCIETY. 8°. 1886-93. BUCKLEY (C.) Descriptions of new species of Butterflies collected by Mr. Buckley in Bolivia. See HEWITSON (W. C.) 8». 1874. BUCKLEY afterwards Fisher (ARABELLA BURTON) [1840-] Botanical Tables for the use of junior students. 2 sh. London, 1877. BUCKLEY (S. B.) A preliminary report of the Geo- r logical and Agricultural Survey of Texas. See TEXAS, State of.— Geological and Agricultural Survey. 8°. 1866. BUCKLEY (THOMAS EDWARD) & Harvie-Brown (J. A.) A Vertebrate Fauna of Sutherland, Caithness, and West Cromarty. See HARVIE-BROWN (J. A.) & BUCKLEY (T. E.) 8°. 1887. Buckley (T. E.) & Harvie-Brown (J. A.) A Verte- brate Fauna of the Outer Hebrides. See HARVIE- BROWN (J. A.) & BUCKLEY (T. E.) 8°. 1888. Buckley (T. E.) & Harvie-Brown (J. A.) A Verte- 1 Vol. See HARVIE- brate Fauna of the Moray Basin. 2 BROWN (J. A.) & BUCKLEY (T. E.) 8°. 1895. a « - Gr BUCKMAN (.JAMES) [1816-1884] A Botanical Guide to the environs of Cheltenham, &c. pp. viii, mi, 59. 8°. Cheltenham & London, 1844. Bnckman ( J.) Outline of the Geology of the neigh- bourhood of Cheltenham ... A new edition ... by J. Buckman, &c. See MURCHISON (Sir R. I.) Bart. 8". 1845. Buckman (J.) The Geology of the Vale of the Severn. See WORCESTERSHIRE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. [Publications, &c.] 8". 1852. Buckman (J.) [Stone Steps. A stratigraphical arrange- ment of the British Geological Formations, &c. 8°. London, 1852.] Wanting. Second edition, pp. vi, 41- 8°- London, 1855. Buckman (J.) The natural history of British meadow and pasture Grasses, &c. pp. iv, 73 : 2 pis. 8°. London, 1858. Bnckman (J.) On (the nature of) Fairy Rings, pp. 15. 8°. (London, 1870.) Reprinted from the " Veterinarian," May and June, 1870. Buckman ( J.) On the Cephalopoda Bed and the Oolite Sands of Dorset and part of Somerset, pp. 26 : text Must. 8°. Taunton, 1874. Proc. Somerset. Archeeol. and Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. xx. Buckman (J.) On the fossil beds of Bradford Abbas and its vicinity. See DAVIDSON (T.) On the Brachio- poda of the Inferior Oolite, &c. • 8°. 1877. Buckman (J.) The Spiders of Dorset . . . Edited by . . J. Buckman. See CAMBRIDGE (O. P.) 8°. 1879-81. BUCKMAN (SYDNEY SAVORY) The Brachiopoda, from the Inferior Oolite of Dorset and a portion of Somerset, pp. 52. 8°. Sherborne, 1883. Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. Field Club. Vol. jv. Buckman (S. S.) A monograph of "the Inferior Oolite Ammonites of the British Islands. Pt. I— > See PAL^ON- TOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 4°. 1887-=» Buckman (S. S.) The edible Fungi of Stonehouse. (, See WITCHELL (C. A.) & STRUGNELL (W. B.) The Fauna and Flora of Gloucestershire. 8°. 1892. BUCKNALL (CEDRIC) Bristol District. 13 Pt. [1849-] The Fungi of the e> 8°. [Bristol, 1877-91.] Proc. Bristol Nats.' Soc. Vol. n-vl. BUCKTON (GEORGE BOWDLER) [1818-] Monograph of the British Aphides. 4 Vol. See RAY SOCIETY. 8°. 1876-83. Buckton (G. B.) Monograph of the British Cicada}, or Tettigidae. 2 Vol. col. illust. 8". London, 1890-91. BUCQTTET (JEAN BAPTISTE MICHEL) [1746-1780] Introduction a 1'etude des Corps naturels, tires du Regne Vegetal. 2 Tom. Must. 8°. Paris, 1773. BUCQTJOT (E.) ifc others. Les Mollusques marins du Rousillon par ... E. Bucquoy ... P. Dautzenberg . . . G. Dollfus, &c. Tome i-» 8". Pans, 1888-fr BUCURESCI. See BUKAREST. BUCZINSKI (PETR N.) See BUCHINSKII. BUDAPEST. Budapest! Kiralyi Magyar Tudo- many-Egyetem [Royal Hungarian University]. Mittheilungen aus dem k. k. Zoologischen Institute der Universitat Pest . . . No. II. Phoca Holitschensis, &c. See BRUEHL (C. B.) 4°. 1860. Budapest. — Budapesti Kiralyi Magyar Tndo- many-Egyetem. A Pesti Egyetem Asvanytardban levo Foldpatok jegeczsorozatai, &c. [On the series of Felspar Crystals in the collection of the Budapest University^ &c.] See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Srtekezesek, &c. Kot. in, szam. 15. 8°. 1873. 6 Or BUDAPEST.— Eaiserlich-Eoenigliches Zoologi- sclies Institut der Uniyersitaet Fest. See supra, BUDAPESTI KIRALYI MAGYAR TUDOMANY- EGYETEM. BUDAPEST. Kiralyi Magyar Termeszettudo- mauyi Tarsulat (Royal Hungarian Society of Natural Sciences). [Founded 18«.] , A Kiralyi Magyar Termeszettudomanyi Tarsulat Ev- konyvei, &c. [Annals, <£c.] Kot. i-iv. 1841-59. 8°. Pesten, 1845 ?-59. {Continued as :] Kozlonye [Journal], &c. Kot. i-vn. 1861-67. 8°. Pesten, 1861-68. [Continued as :] Termeszettudomanyi Kozlony. Havi Foly6irat Kozer- deku Ismeretek terjesztesere [Journal of Natural Sciences, a monthly serial for the propagation of use- ful knowledge], &c. Kot. l-» 8°. Pest, &c., 1869-» To Kot. xx -> separately paged supplements are appended. Nevjegyzek es Targymutato [Name and sub- ject Index] . . . 1841-tol— 1883-ig, &c. 8°. Budapest, 1884. L L Budapest. — E. Magyar Termeszettud. Tarsulat. A ... Tarsulat Tortenete alapittatasat61 fogva Maig. . . . Irta Katai G. [History of the Academy from its L foundation. By G. Katai.] 8°. Pesten, 1868. ^ Budapest.— E. Magyar Termeszettud. Tarsulat. NepszerftTermeszettudomanyi Eloadilsok Gyiijtemenye [Collection of Popular Natural Science Lectures], &c. Kot. i-vm. 8°. Budapest, 1878-85. Budapest.— E. Magyar Termeszettud. Tarsulat. A Dobsinai Jegbarlang, &c. (Die Eishohle von Dob- schau, &c.) See KRENNER (J. S.) 8°. & fol. 1874. , 278 £-3 Budapest. X. Magyar Termeszettud. Tarsulat. Az Arapaly a Fiumei Obdlben, A Charafelek (Characese L. Cl. Richard), &c. See FILAR- SZKY (N.) 4°. 1893. Budapest.— X. Magyar Termeszettud. Tarsulat. A Craspedomonadinak Szervezete, Balatonsees. pp.xxxix,!79: tent illutt. 1897. Thl. i. Fauna, pp. xxxix, S79 : tat Uluit. 1807. / Einleitung nnd allcemeine Betracbtungen . . . von G. Entz. D 1. Protozoen, von R. France. 2. i •,,•!. m. MI :,. HchwamnienndHydrenvonE.Vangel. 8. Turbellaria, von K. Szigethy. 4. Neroatoden, von E. von Daday. 5. Rotatorien, von E. von Daday. II. Moosthiere (Bryotoa), von E. Vangel. 7. Oliederwiirruer (Annelidea), von E. Vangel. 8. Die Pai-asiten der Fisclie . . . von S. von 9. Crustaceen, von E. von Daday. 10. Waaaemiilben (HydraohnidK), von E. von Daday. 11. Weichthiere (Mollusca), von K. von Daday. IL'. Fische (Pisces). Auf Grand der literarischen Daten zusnnmiengestellt von E. von Daday. 13. Lurche und Kriecbthiere (Amphibia and Reptilia), von L. von Meheiy. 14. Vogel (Aves), von A. von Lovassy. Thl. n. Flora. 1. Die Kryptogoruon Flora, von J. von Istvanffl. pp. US : tat iilutt. 18»8. BUDAPEST.— Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum. (Hun- garian National Museum) [Founded isce.j Termeszetrajzi Fiizetek (Naturhistorische Hefte), ~ For German translations of some of the papers Ste " Mathematiache und natnrwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn." Budapest.— Magyar Tndomanyos Akademia. Termeszettudomanyi PAlyamunkak [Prize Essays on Natural Sciences], &c. Kiit. i-rv. 5 | 7JJ/4 8°. Buddn, Pesten, 1837-58. Budapest.— Magyar Tndomanyos Akademia. Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok KiireMl ... L Szerkesztette Greguss G. s Kesobb Szab6 J. [Treatises c ( on Natural Sciences. Edited by G. Greguss &J. Szabo.] ' Kot. i-xxni.t 8°. Budapest, (1867-) 1870-95. Each treatise is separately paged. Budapest.— Magyar Tndomanyos Akademia. Araneae Hungariae, &c. 2 Tom. Must. See CHYZER (K.) it KuLCZYrfsKi (L.) 4°. 1891-97. Z~ BUDAPEST. Magyar Tudos Tarsasag. See supra, MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS 279 / BUDAPEST.— Magyarhoni Foldtani Tarsulat. f1 [Hungarian Geological Society."} [Founded isso.j ^ Munkalatai [Transactions], &c. (Fiizet) Kot. i-v. 8°. Pest, 1856-70. [Continued as :] df Foldtani Kozlony [Geological Journal], &c. Evfol. i-xn. 8°. Budapest, 1872-82. Wanting the Plates to Evfol. vi. /*, Havi folv6irat . . . egyszersmind a M. Kir. Fold- tani Intezet hivatalos Kozlb'nye (Zeitschrift der . . . Gesellschaft. Zugleich amtliches Organ der K. Ung. Geologischen Anstalt), &c. Kot. xm-> 8°. Budapest, 1883-> In Vol. ix -> German translations of the papers are given, which in xini* are styled "Supplement," <£•<:. Budapest.— Magyarhoni Foldtani Tarsulat. Cf Arbeiten, &c. Hft. 1. 8°. Pest, 1856. A German translation of the Munkalatai, Fuzet 1. Budapest.— Magyarhoni Foldtani Tarsulat. ., Melleklet a "Foldtani Kozlony" [Supplement to the Gr Geological Journal]. Evfol. rv, 1874. pp.198: 2 pis., S maps col. 8°. Budapest, 1874. Geologisch-montanistiscbe Studio der Erzlagerstatten von Rezbanya in S.O.-Ungarn, von F. PoSepny. Budapest.— Magyarhoni Foldtani Tarsulat. * A ... Tarsulat 1852-82 evi Ssszes kiadvanyainak ^t- Betiisoros Tartalom-Mutat6ja, dec. General Index sammtlicher Publicationen der ... Gesellschaft von den Jahren 1852-82. 4°. Budapest, 1884. . BUDDE (WILHELM) [1844-1893] De Euphorbiae D helioscopiae, L., floris evolutione. Dissertatio botanica, «fcc. pp. [iv,] 35. 8°. Bonnae, 1864. BUDDE-LUND (GusiAv) Crustacea. Isopoda Ter- Z- restria per familias et genera et species descripta, &c. pp. 819. 8°. Hauniee, 1885. Budd«cX,undr (G.) Dje--£and-I§Dpectei] iQst-Afrikas. Sfe DBtrfscH-OsT-ArRiKA. BttTiv. 8°. 1897. ft. ^ O BUECHNEB, (ANDREAS ELIAS) [1701-1769] See MIS- CELLANEA PHYSICO-MEDICO-MATHEMATICA . . . heraus- gegeben von D. A. E. Buchner. 4°. 1731-34. Buechner (A. E.) Dissertatio . . . de Fraxinella . . . sub praesidio . . . A. E. Biichneri, &c. See BERTUCHIUS (H. C.) 4°. [1742.] Buechner (A. E.) De nuce Juglande ejusque usu medico, sub praesidio . . . A. E. Biichneri, &c. See SPINDLER (G. F.) 4°. [1743.] Buechner (A. E.) Dissertatio . . . de Parreira brava ejusque virtutibus medicis . . . sub praesidio . . . A. E. Biichneri, &c. See PACHELBEL (J. F.) 4°. [1744.] Buechner (A. E.) Dissertatio inaiiguralis medica de radice Ipecacuanhae . . . sub presidio . . . A. E. Biich- neri, dec. See HELCHERUS (C. F.) 4°. [1745.] Buechner (A. E.) Dissertatio . . . de Pinastro sive Pino sylvestri . . . Praeside . . . A. E. Biichnero, &c. See FUCHS (G. E.) 4°. [1754.] Buechner (A. E.) De Indo Germanico, sive colore coeruleo solido ex glasto . . . Praeside . . . A. E. Biichnero, &c. See EBEL (J. C.) 4°. [1756.] BUECHNEB, (EDUARD WILHELM GOTTLIEB) [1805- , 1867] Schwamrnkunde. Erste (-Fiinfte) Gruppe von . . . Schwamme, in Modellen nebst Beschreibung von Dr. Buchner (C. Kirsch), &c. 8°. Berlin, Hildburghausen, 1855-57. Wanting Pt. vi. Pt. i and in are of the second edition. BUECHNEB (EUGEN) Zur Geschichte der Kauka- L, sischen Turc (Capra Caucasica, Giild. und Capra _ cylindricornis, Ely th). pp. 37 : 2 pis. See ST. PETERS- ^~ BURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, 4°. 1888-» L Z. Buechner (EUGEN) Die Abbildungen der nordischen Seekuh [Rhytina gigas, ZimmJ, dec. pp. 24: 1 pi. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. S6r. VII, torn, xxxvin, no. 7. 4°. 1891. Bnechner (EUGEN) Das allmahliche Aussterben des Wisents (Bison bonasus, Linn.) im Forste von Bjelow- jesha. pp. SO. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. S6r. VIII, torn, in, no. 2. 4°. 1895. BUECHNEB, (GEORGE) Memoire sur le Systeme Nerveux du Barbeau (Cyprinus barbus, L.), &c. pp.57:(_ S Qc2 I 1 pi. See NANCY.— SOCIETB DES SCIENCES, (Ser. II, Tom. i->) 8°. Buenos Aires, 1895-» Buenos Ayres,X7t Menioria de^iisticia, Cnltc^fnstrucoion PiihXcn. jr L L Buenos AyreayCity of. — Murfeo Naci0nal. Coplunicacionffi, 8°. Buenos Aires, 1876-» Indice general . . . Volumenes i. a xxix. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1890. Tomos I a XL, &c. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1897. BUENOS AYRES, City of— Sociedad Entomo- logica Argentina. See COKDOBA.— SOCIEDAD ZOOLOOICA AKOENTINA. BUENOS AYRES, City of— Sociedad Paleonto- 16gica. [F.mnded ls.i6.) Actas, />. ..'a. 4». Argentorati, 1738. BUERGER (OTTO) Studien zu einer Revision der i Entwicklungsgeschichte der Nemertinen. pp. 31 : 1 pi., text Must. See FREIBUHO-IN-BREISGAU.— NATURFOR- SCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Berichte, er issue of a portion of the text of the original edition, with the " Planches enluminees " engraved by Martinet under the supervision of E. L. Daubenton. Histoire naturelle des Oiseaux par . . . Buffon, and Les Planches enlumin6es, systematically disposed [with notes by T. Pennant]. See PENNANT (T.) 4°. 1786. Buffoni . . . figurarum Avium coloratarum nomina systematica, &c. See KUHL (H.) 4°. 1820. T Buffon (G. L. L. DE) Count. Histoire naturelle des Mineraux. 9 Vol. 12°. Deux Fonts, 1790. Part of the 1785-91 edition of the " Hirtoire Natnrelle." Buffon (G. L. L. DE) Count. Histoire Naturelle par Buffon, dediee au citoyen Lacepede [by whom tnis edition was edited]. 76 Tom. Must. 18°. Paris (Didot), 1799-1809. Dauoenton's anatomical descriptions are omitted from this edition, the sections of which are arranged as follows : — Matieres generates. 24 Tom. 1709. Tom. I. Eloge de Bnffon par Condorcet. De la maniert d'etudier et de traiter 1'Histoire Naturelle. l-iv. Histoire et Theorie de la Terre. iv-vll. [Suite a la Theorie de la Terre.] , Introduction a 1'Histoire des Mineraux. (Des El^mens — Partie experimentale — Partie hypothe'tique.) vn-IX. Des ipoques de la Nature. i x-xvi. Histoire naturelle des Mioeraux. XVI. Trait^ de 1'Aimant, &c. Discours prononc^ a 1'Academie Fran^oise. xvn. Suite a la partie experimentale. (Continued from Tom. vi, and comprising the section relating to Plants.] xvni-xix. Histoire des Animanx. xx-xxil. Histoire de 1'Homrue. xxn-xxiv. Essai d'Arithmetique morale — Frobabilites de la Vie. — Naissances. xxiv. Discours sur la Nature des Animaux. Quadrupedes. 14 Tom. 1799. [Vol. VIII-XIH contain additions by J. N. S. Allamand. Vol. xiv contains " Tableau des divisions . . . des Mammiferes ( — des Oiseaux) par . . . Lacepede ; avec Vindication des toutes les especes decrites par Buffon, et leur distribution dans chacun des genres, par F. M. Daudin," which was also issued separately. pp. iOf. 18°. Pta-if, 1802.) Oiseaux. 18 Tom. 1799. Histoire naturelle des Quadrupedes ovipares et des Serpens, par . . . Lacepede. 4 Tom. 1799. des Poissons, par . . . Lacepede. 14 Tom. Tom. i-x, 1799 ; xi-xiv, 1804. des Cetacees . . . par M. Lacepede. 2 Tom. 1809. n & An vii-vni. An viii. Anvm-xm. An vli-xin.. An x. An viii-x. r Buffon (G. L. L. DE) Count. Histoire Naturelle . . . nouvelle edition, accompagnee de Notes . . . Ouvrage . . redige par C. S. Sonnini. 64 Vol. illust. col. 8°. Paris, An vil [1799] -xin [1805]. Tom. i-m. Theorie de la Terre. ,iv. Epoques de la Nature, v-vll. Introduction a 1'histoire des Mineraux. VIH-XVI. Histoire des Mineraux. xvll. Histoire des Animaux. xvin-xxi. Histoire d« 1'Homme. XXH-XXXIV. Histoire des Quadrupedes. (Exposition methodique des Quadrupedes . . . par Latreille.) An vm-xl. xxxv-xxxvi. Histoire des Singes. [Edited by P. A. Latreille, (g, v. for separate copy of earlier edition).] An xn. XXXVII-LXIV. Histoire des Oiseaux. (Edited by C. S. Sonnini With notes and " Vues g&erales sur les Quadru- ptdes vivipares, les Oiseaux, et snr la Nature organisee," by J. J. Virey and an "Exposition methodique d'Ornithologie." Edited by F. M. Daudin.] An IX-XIH. [Suites.] Histoire naturelle ... des Cetacees. [By Lacepede.] . . . Avec des notes et additions. Par C. S. Sonnini. 8". Paris, An XI I [1804]. [A reprint of the original edition.] Histoire naturelle ... des Eeptiles . ^ . Par F. M. Daudin. 8 Vol_ — . des Poissons . . . Par C. S. Sonnini. 13 Vol. 8°. Paris, An x [1802J-X" [1804]. Histoire naturelle ... des Molluaques ... Par Denys-Montfort. (Continue par F.deBoissy.) 0 Vol. 8". Paris, Anx[1802]-xni[1805]. Histoire naturelle ... des Crustacea et des Insectes . . . Par P. A- — Latreille, *e. 14 Vol. 8°. Paris, An x [1S02J-XIII [1805]. Traite d'Xnatomie et de Physiologic Yeeetales pour servir d'intro- . duction a 1'etude de la Botanique. Par C. F. Brisseau-Mirbel. Tonl , & n. 8°. Paris, An x [1802]. Seconde edition. 2 Tom. 8". Paris, 1813. Histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere des Plantes ... Par C. F. Brisseau-Mirbel . . . continue [Tom. ill, xvl-xvlll] par N. Jolyclerc. Tom. m-xvlil. 8°. Paris, 180f . . Tables analvtiques et raisonnees des Matieres et des Auteurs [to the whole series] . . . Par P. Sue. 3 Vol. 8°. Pari,, 180( . 80 L . 0.6. T Histoire naturelle 6 282 . Buffon (ft. L. L. DE) Count. Histoire Naturelle de Buffon, classee . . . d'apres le syste'me de Linne . . . par R.R.Castel . . . nouvelle Edition. (Suites.) 80 Tom. illust. col. 18°. Parit (Dtterville), An ix, 1801-An XI [1803]. The first twenty-six volumes only are of the " nouvelle edition, 1802." The original issue began to appear in 1799 ; but these probably differ from that edition merely in the title-page. The various sections are as followt :— Tom. . I, n. Throrie de la Terre. (Diaoours de Bnffon— Des Epoqnes de la Nature.) in. Diacours generanx sur 1'Histoire Natnrelle. iv-x. Quadrnpedea. Tom. i-vn [including the " Histoire naturelle de I'llomme " ]. xi-xxvi. Oiaeaux. Tom. i-xvi. .. [Suites.] Histoire naturelle des Mineranx . . . Par E. M. L. Fatrin. 5 Tom. An ix (1801). del Poiasons . . . par Bloch. Onvrage classe . . . d'aiiree le •yiteme de Linne ... Par R. R. Castel. 10 Tom. An ix [1801]. -7 dei Reptiles ... Par C. 8. Sonnini . . . et P. A. Latreille. 4 Tom. An x [1802]. do. Insectea ... Par F. M. G. T. de Tigny. 10 Tom. An x [1802J. [The " Dlscpurs sur les Insectes," and the general remarks on the different orders, were written after De Tigny's death by Alex. Brongniart. According to Larousse the Zwork was really from the pen of Madame De Tigny.] des Crustacea ... Par L. A. G. Bosc. 2 Tom. An x [1802]. — dei Coquilles . . . Par L. A. G. Bosc. 5 Tom. An x [1802]. ^, dei Veri . . . Par L. A. G. Boec. 8 Tom. An x (1802). — desVegetaux . . . Far J. B. Lamarck . . . et par B. Mirbel. 15 Tom. An xi [1803], — [Another edition of the Suites, entitled :] Seule Edition complete des Suites a Buffon, format in — 18. [54 Vol. illust.] 18°. Paris, 1830. 2- • Histoire naturelle del Vers . .. Par L. A. G. Bosc. .. Seconde edition. 8 Tom. /> des Vugctaux . . . Par J. B. Lamarck . . . et par B. Mirbel . . . nouvelle edition. 15 Tom. [Wanting the remaining sections.] Bnffon (G. L. L. DE) Count. (Euvres completes de Buffon . . . mises en ordre par M. le Comte de Lace- pede, augmentees d'un volume contenant le pr6cis des merveilles de la Nature, decouvertes depuis Buffon jusqu'a nos jours. Nouvelle Edition. 31 Tom. illust. 8°. Paris, 1825-28. This edition first appeared in 1820-22. It was reissued in 1825 and again in 1828 and 1829. Vol. xxvi only belongs to the 1828 issue. The portrait of Bnffon is wanting. Tom. I. Eloge de Buffon par Condorcet. Notice sur la vie de Buffon, par M. le Comte de Lacepede. Maniere d'etndier . . . 1'Histoire Natnrelle. Histoire et Theorie de la Terre. II. Histoire . . . de la Terre (fin). Mineraux. m-viii. Mineranx (fin). ix, Animanx. x. Homme. Xl-xvn. Quadruped*!. XVHI-XXIV. Oiaeaux. xxv. Oiaeanx (fin). Disoours prononoe a I'Academie Franraiae. Vue generate del progres de plnsieurs branches des sciences naturelles . . . par M. le Comte de Lacepede. Tableau des sous-classes, divisions, sous-divisions, ordres et genera des Oiseaux, par M. le Comte de Lacepede. Tableau methodique de la classe dea Manunif eres. Table generate. xxvi. Supplement. [Suite.] Histoire naturelle des Qnadrnj edes oviparei, Serpent*, Poissons et Cetacees par M. le Comte de Lacepede. 6 Tom. 1825. Buffon (G. L. L. DE) Count. Oeuvres completes de Buffon, avec des extraits de Daubenton et la classifi- cation de Cuvier. 6 Tom. 8°. Parit, 1841-44. Printed in double column. Tom. i. filoge de Buffon par Vlcq D'Azyr. Eloge de Danbenton par Cuvier. Disootlrs . . . par . . . Buffon. Theurie de la Terre. Introduction a 1'Uistoire del Mineraux, 1842. n. Mineraux. 1841. in. Histoire naturelle des Animanx. Uomroe. QnadrnpedM. 184*. iv. (On). 1844. v-vi.OUeanx. 1841. Bnffon (G. L. L. DE) Count. (Euvres completes de Buffon avec la nomenclature Linneenne et la classifica- tion de Cuvier. Revues sur l'6dition in 4° . . . et annot6es par M. Flourens. 12 Tom. illust. 4°. Paris [1853-57]. Tom. I. Notice sur Buffon. Dl la maniere d'etudler . . . 1'Histoire Natnrelle. Theorie de la Terre. Histoire des Animaux. Homme. Histoire naturelle des Animaux [Quadrupeds], V-VIII IX-Xl XII Discours. Tables. Olseaux. Mineraux. Vegctanx. Buffon (G. L. L. DE) Count. Natural History . . . Translated into English . . . with . . . notes and obser- *T vations, by W. Smellie . . . The third edition. 9 Vol. / illust. 8°. London, 1791. The first edition of this translation appeared in 1781. Vol. i. Theory of the Earth, n. General History of Animals. Natural History of Man. '"• n ii ii ii Natural History of Animate. ix. Supplement. Bnffon (G. L. L. DE) Count. The natural history of f Birds. From the French of . . . Buffon . . . with . . . a preface, notes and additions, by the Translator [W. Smellie]. 9 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1793. Buffon (G. L. L. DE) Count. Natural History ... by the Count de Buffon . . . The History of Man and Quadrupeds translated, with notes and observations, by W. Smellie ... A new editionj carefully corrected i-- and . . . enlarged, by many additional articles, notes . . . and some account of the life of M. de Buffon. By W. Wood. 20 Vol. illust. 8°. London & York, 1812. Vol. i-ii. History and Theory of the Earth. ill. History of Man. iv-x. History of Quadrupeds. xi-xx. History of Birds. Buffon (G. L. L. DE) Count. The natural history of Oviparous Quadrupeds and Serpents . . . translated [with a preface] by R. Kerr. 4 Vol. illust. 8°. Edinburgh, 1802. Buffou (G. L. L. DE) Count. Allgemeine Historic der , Natur . . . Mit einer Vorrede Herrn ... A. von L- Haller. 11 Thl. [in 22 Vol.1 Must. 4°. Hamburg & Leipzig, 1750-80. Thl. I. Historie der Natur— Beweise der Theorie der Erde — Geschicbte der Thiere— Geschichte des Menschen. [With notes by A. G. Kantner.) 2 Bd. 1V.O. II. Bd. I. Beschreibung der Naturalien Kammer des Konigs. [By Danbenton.]— Naturgeschichte des Menschen. 1751. toviii. " "•}lQ»adrupedi>-J 18 Vol. 1754-74. IX-xl. Naturgesohicbte der Vogel. [Translated and edited, with notes by C. J. Oehme, who has incorporated the notes by F. H. W. Martini from that writer's translation of the same work.] 1775, 70, 81. Buffon (G. L. L. DE) Count. Herrn de La Cepede's __ Naturgeschichte der Amphibien . . . Eine Fortsetzung £- ron Buffon's Naturgeschichte. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen und Zusatzen versehn von J. M. Bechstein. 5 Bd. [in 4.] 8°. Weimar, 1800-1802. Buffon (G. L. L. DE) Count. Complement des (Euvres de Buffon, &c. See LESSON (R. P.) Histoire naturelle ^ . . . des Mammiferes et des Oiseaux decouverts depuis 1788 jusqu'k nos jours. 10 Tom. 8°. 1828-37. Deuxieme Edition, 4U. Batavia, Leide, 1876-> Buitenzorg. Mededeelingen van 's Lands Plantentuin. / No. xix. Verslag eener Botanische Dienstreis door de Minahasa, &c. See KOORDEHS (S. H.) 8°. 1898. Buitenzorg. FJore de Buitenzorg, publiee par le Jardin , Botanique de 1'Etat. Pt. l-> 8°. Leide, 1898-» t Pt. 1. Pteridophytes par M. Raciborski. ,, 2. Myxomycetes par O. Penzig. Buitenzorg. Catalogus van eenige der merkwaardigste / zoo in- als uit-heemsche Gewassen, te vinden in 's Lands Plantentuin te Buitenzorg opgemaakt door C. L. Blume. pp. 112 : 1 pi. 8°. Batavia [1823]. Buitenzorg. Catalogus Plantarum in Horto Botanico Bogoriensi cultarum alter ; auctore J. C. Hasskarl. — Tweede Catalogus, &c. pp. 391. 8°. Bataviae, 1844. Buitenzorg. Catalogus Plantarum quae in Horto Botanico Bogoriensi coluntur.— Catalogus van 's Lands Plantentuin [compiled by J. E. Teijsmann & S. Binnen- dijk], &c. pp. v, 398. 8°. Batavia, 1866. Buitenzorg. Rapport sur I'e'tat du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg . . . et des etablissements dependants. Ann6e 1877. pp. 103. 8°. Batavia, 1879. Buitenzorg. Catalogus der Bibliotheck [compiled by M. Treub], Buitenzorg. Prodrome de la Flore Algologique des Indes Neenandaises, See ICONES BOGORIENSES. 8°. 1897-» p Buitenrorg. Catalogus Plantarum Phanerogamarum qua? in Horto Botanico Bogoriensi coluntur Herbaceis exceptis . . . Auctore J. Q. Boerlage. Fasc. l-» 8°. Batavioe, 1899^ BUITBAGO (J.) & Mallada (L.) La fauna primordial A uno y otro lado de la cordillera Cantabrica. pp. 18 : text illust. See SpAiy.—Comisidn del Mapa Geol6gico. Boletin, }>. 27. K Anatomil Bromeliaceae. II. Otlozhenie kremne- zema v klyetkakh listovogho epjdermisa nyekotoruikh Bromelievuikh.— Ueber die Kieselablagerung in der Blattepidermiscellen einiger Bromeliaceen. pp. 28: text Must. See KAZAN.— OBSHCHESTvo ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI, aa& .freGREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Admiralty. 4°. 1861. Bulldog, If.MJS. The North- Atlantic Sea-Bed : com- g prising a diary of the voyage on board H.M.S. Bulldog, in 1860, &c. See WALLICH (G. C.) 4°. 1862. ' BULLEID (ARTHUR) A paper on the British Lake- Village near Glastonbury. See GLASTONBURY ANTI- QUARIAN SOCIETY. The British Lake- Village near Q- Glastonbury, T/-iTTT m»TT»i3» T.'fn Tt'TTtrofriffiriT r\^Ti? O" 1 (1*7 ft OT1 D APICULTURE ET D INSECTOLOOIE. 8°. 1876-90. BULLETIN DE L'HEBBIEB, BOISSIER, sous n la direction de E. Autran. Tom. i-> 8°. Geneve, 1893-» BULLETIN DES SCIENCES NATUB.ELLES L. ET DE GEOLOGIE . . . publie sous la direction de . . . Ferussac. See BULLETIN UNIVERSEL DES SCIENCES ET DE L'INDUSTRIE. Section II. BULLETIN DES SCIENCES PHYSIQUES ET NATURELLES EN NEERLANDE, redige Ll par F. A. W. Miquel, G. J. Mulder et W. Wenckeboch. G fetf 0 Ann. 1838-40, livr. l-3.t 3 Vol. 4° & 8°. Leyde (Rotterdam, Utrecht,) [1838-40]. Ann. 1838 only it 4°. BULLETIN GENERAL ET UNIVERSEL DES L- ANNONCE8 ET DES NOUVELLES SCIEN- vjj, TIFIQUES . . . public sous la direction de M. le " Bon. de Ferussac. 4 Tom. See BULLETIN UNIVERSEL DES SCIENCES ET DE L'INDUSTRIE. BULLETIN SCIENTIFIQUE DE LA FRANCE ET DE LA BELGIQUE. Bulletin scientifique, historique et litteraire du departe- ]_ . ment du Nord et des pays voisins . . . Publi6 sous la ^ direction de MM. Gosselet . . . et Desplanque ([and 5 afterwards] Abbe Deshaines). Tom. i-ix. 8°. Lille, 1869-77. [Continued as :] Bulletin scientifique du departement du Nord . . . publie • sous la direction de M. A. Giard . . . et M. J. deGuerne. L Tom. X-XVHI. 8°. Lille ofc Paris, 1878-86. Tom. x wanu titlc-i«ge and index. Tom. x i xi are also styled Se>. II, The title of Tom. xvm reads :— " Bulletin Scientinqne du Nord de la France et de la Belgique, *(-." {Continued as :] Bulletin scientifique de la France et de la Belgique publie par A. Giard. Tom. xix-» 8°. Paris, 1888-> Tom. xix-xxi are also styled Sir. Ill, torn, i-ui ; and Tom. xxn->, Ser. IV, torn. I -» Table generate . . . Tom. 1869 a 1890. Jv xxi ; Annees I 8°. [Paris, 1890.] ^~ 285 BULLETIN SCIENTIFIQUE DU DEPARTE- MENT DU NOBD, &c. See BULLETIN SCIENTIFIQUE DE LA FRANCE, dec. BULLETIN SCIENTIFIQUE DU NOBD DE LA FRANCE, &c. See BULLETIN SCIENTIFIQUE DE LA FRANCE, &c. BULLETIN SCIENTIFIQUE, HISTOB.IQUE ET LITTEB.AIRE DU DEFAB.TEKENT DU NOBD, &c. See BULLETIN SCIENTIFIQUE DE LA FRANCE, &c, BULLETIN UNIVERSE!. DES SCIENCES ET DE L'lNDUSTRIE. Bulletin general et universel des annonces et des nouvelles scientifiques . . .public sous la direction de M. le Bon. de Ferussac. 4 Tom. 8°. Paris, 1823. [Continued as :] Bulletin universel des Sciences et de 1'Industrie, publie sous la direction de M. le Bon. de Ferussac. Divided JDto eight sections according to subject, that containing Natural History being : — Section II. — Bulletin des Sciences naturelles et de Geologic. Tom. i-xxvn [in 13]. 8°. Paris, &c., 1824-31 [-32]. Wantingthe last part of Tom. xxm and of Tom. xxvn. BULLETTINO MALACOLOGICO ITALIANO. Vol. i-vii. 8°. Pisa, 1868-75. [Continued as :] _^ Bullettino dalla Societa Malacologica Italiana. Vol. I— > Z> Ste PISA. — SOCIETA MALACOLOGICA ITALIANA. 8°. 1875-» BULLIAB.D (PIERRE) [1742-1793] [Aviceptologie Franchise, &c. 12°. 1778.] Wanting. Sixieme edition, &e. See B. 12°. 1813. Bulliard (P.) Herbier de la France, ou Collection complette des Plantes indigenes de ce Royaume, &c. 600 pis. col. 13 Ann. [in 6 Vol.] fol. Paris, 1780 [-93]. Wanting Pis. 601 & 602. Each plate has descriptive text engraved on it : there is an engraved title-page and an engraved "Table" of the (48) plates forming each yearly volume ; except Ann. xm, for the 26 plates of which a letterpress Table has been supplied (1840). The whole work, when complete, was to have been rearranged and divided into five parta with corresponding text : of this text, however, only two portions were issued :— " Histoire des Plantes veneneuses," Troisieme edition, (fee. pp. xii, 243 [8] : 10 pis. col. fol. Paris, 1812. Bulliard (P.) Botanical Grammar and Dictionary ; translated from the French of Bulliard and Richard. & By ... A. Eaton. Third edition, &c. pp. 53 [71\. 12°. Albany, 1828. Prepared for the fifth edition of Eaton's " Manual of Botany," with which work it was originally issued. Bulliard (P.) Histoire des Plantes veneneuses et „ suspectes de la France, &c. pp. x, 177. fol. Paris, 1784. O The half-title reads : — " Herbier de la France. Premiere division," . VII, torn, xxn, no. 1. 4°. 1874. Bnnge (A. VON) Enumeratio Plantaginearum, Sal- solacearumque Centrasiaticarum. pp. 59. 8°. Petropoli, 1880. I Acta Horti Petropol. Tom. vi, 1879. Bnnge (A. VON) [Astragaleae of Turkestan.] See Mos- cow.— IMPERATORSKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBITELEI E8T- E8TVOZNANIYA ANTROPOLOGHII I ^TNOGHRAFII, dec. Izvyestiya, dec. Tom. xxvi, vuip. 2. 4". 1880. [Another issue :] See FEDCHENKO (A. P.) Pute- 6 shestvie v Turkestan (Reise in Turkestan), dec. Tom. in, , chast. 1. 4°. 1880. I- Bnnge (A. VON) Pflanzen-geographische Betrachtungen /_ iiber die Familie der Chenopodiaceen. pp. 36. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, dec. Ser. VII, torn, xxvn, no. 8. 4°. 1880. C.I/ BUNGE (ALEXANDER VON) the Younger [1851-] Untersuchungen zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des -_. Beckengiirtels der Amphibien, Reptilien und Viigel. ^— Inaugural Dissertation, pp. 54 •' 1 pi-, text Must. 8°. Dorpat, 1880. BUNIVA (MicHELE FRANCESCO) [1761-1834] Nomen- fi clator Linnseanus Floras Pedemontanas [Edited, with a preface, by J. Brugnonus]. pp. xxxv, 189. 12°. Augustas Taurinorum, (1790). BUNSEN (ROBERT WILHELM EBERHARD VON) [1811-»] g De Ratanhiae radiee ejusque usu medico. Dissertatio inauguralis medica, dec. 8°. Gottingae, 1828. Bunseii (R. W. E. VON) & Xirchoff (G. R.) Sonnen- p> with a preface, by W. Ouseley.] 2 Vol. with map. 8°. London, 1831. Burckhart (J. L.) Memoir of Burckhart. See SCHOM- BURGK (Sir R. H.) Fishes of British Guiana. Pt. n. -? 8°. [1845-46.] ' BURDACH (CARL FRIEDRICH) [1776-1847] Der Mensch nach den verschiedenen Seiten seiner Natur. ft pp. viii, 787 : 3 pis. 8°. Stuttgart, 1837. The second title reads :— " Anthropologie fiir das gebildete Publioum." Burdach (C. F.) Trait6 de Physiologic considered comme science d'observation, par C. F. Burdach, • • • ~2* avec des additions de MM. . . . Baer, Meyen, Meyer, J. Muller, Rathke, Valentin, Wagner ([and afterwards Siebold, E. Burdach, Dieffenbach). Traduit de 1'Alle- mand, sur la deuxieme edition par A. J. L. Jourdan. 9 Tom. illust. 8°. Paris, 1837-41. BURDACH (ERNST) [1801-1876] Traite de Physio- --? logie . . . avec des additions de MM. . . . Baer . . . E. *• Burdach, &c. Tom.ix. See BURDACH (C. F.) 8°. 1841. BURDETT (Sir HENRY CHARLES) K.C.B. [1847-] J_ See SCIENCE PROGRESS . . . Conducted by H. C. Burdett, &c. Vol. i-vii. 8°. 1894-98. BUREAU (A.) See BUREAU (EDOUARD) BUREAU (EDOUARD) [1830-] De la famille des Loganiac6es et des plantes qu'elle fournit a la Medecine. jj? pp. 147 : 1 pi., text illust. 4°. Paris, 1856. 288 L • 11 o A 6 L Bureau (E.) Monographic des Bignoniacdes, Burgess (E.) [Diptera from the Arctic Regions.] /^ See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, &c. ; No. 15. Contributions to the Natural History of Arctic America, &c. 8°. 1879. - [Another issue.] See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xxiu, art. 5. 8°. 1879 (1882). Burgess (E.) Contributions to the anatomy of the Milk-weed Butterfly, Danais archippus (Fabr.). pp. 16 : % pis. See BOSTON SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. Anniversary Memoirs, &c. 4°. 1880. BUBGESS (HENRY W.) Eidodendron, views of the general character and appearance of Trees, foreign and indigenous, connected with picturesque scenery. pp. [iv,] iii,fol.27: 54 pis. fol. London, 1827. There is a lithographed title-page to the plates. BUBGESS (JOHN L.) [The Belgian Homing Pigeon. 8°. London & Cirencester, 1881.] Wanting. - (Second edition) pp. 79. 8°. London & Cirencester [1882]. ~£_ Burgess (J. L.) See HOMING FANCIER'S ANNUAL, THE. ~7 Edited by J. L. Burgess. 1882. 4°. 1882. BUBGH (EDWIN) The Crayfish. See WITCHELL (C. A.) / & STRUONELL (W. B.) The Fauna and Flora of '/u Gloucestershire. 8°. 1892. «• BURGSDORF (FRIEDRICH AUGUST LUDWIG VON) [1747-1802] F. A. L. von Burgsdorf . . . Versuch -& einer vollstiindigen Geschichte vorziiglicher Holzarten - Mit einer Vorrede von J. G. Gleditsch. 2 Thl. [3 Vol. in 1.] Must. col. 4°. Berlin, 1783-1800. Burgsdorf (F. A. L. VON) [ Anleitung zur . . . Erziehung und . . . Anpflanzung, der einheimischen und fremden Holzarten, welche in Deutschland und unter ahnlichem Klima in Freyen fortkommen. 8°. Berlin, 1787.] Wanting. D Dritte . . . Ausgabe. 2 Thl. [in 1.] port. 8°. Berlin, 1805. Burgsdorf (F. A. L. VON) Abbildung der hundert Ueutschen Wilden Holz-Arten. nach dem Numern- Verzeichnis im Forst-Handbuch von F. A. L. von Burgsdorf . . . Eine Beilage zu diesein Werke, &c. See REITTER (J. D. VON) & ABEL (G. F.) 4». 1790 (-94). BURKART ( ) Lehrmittel . . . Burkart's Samm- lung der wichtigsten Europaischen Nutzholzer in characteristischen Schnitten, ausgeftihrt von 1. M. Podany in Wien, . 22] fol. Lwgduni Batavorum dk Amstelaedami, 1769. A Burmannus (J.) Epistolse inedito: . . . J. Burmanni . . . edidit H. C. van Hall. See LINNJIUS (C.) Epis- tolae ineditse C. Linnasi, zi(/, 1843.] Wanting. - Siebente . . . Auflage. Zweiter Abdruck. Her- ausgeben von C. G. Giebel. pp. viii, 664 •' 1 t^., text illwt. 8". Leipzig, 1872. 37 z L '• ZL 7- J - 290 L f z Burmeister (C. H. C.) Abweisung der von H. Bur- meister zu Gunsten des geologisch - vulkanistischen uf Fortschrittes und zu Ungunsten der mosaischen Schiipfungsurkunden vorgebrachten Behauptungen, . :> : I />/. 4°. Halle, 1847. Burmeister (C. H. C.) Bemerkungen iiber Zeuglodon Lf cetoides, Owen's, BasUosaurm, Harlan's, Hi/drarchos, Koch's, pp. [16] : 1 pi. 4°. Halle, 1847. Allgem. Lit. Zeit. Burmeister (C. H. C.) See ZEITUNG FUER ZOOLOGIE, ZOOTOMIE UND PALAEOZOOLOGIE herausgegeben von H. Burmeister, . li-aS: i pit. Burmeister (C. H. C.) Systematise!^ Uebersicht der Thiere Brasiliens, welche wahrend einer Reise durch ~it die Provinzen von Rio de Janeiro und Minas Geraes gesammelt oder beobachtet wurden, .22: 1 pi. 4°. Halle, IH.'fi. Abhandl. natnrf. Gesell. Halle. lid. ill, 1M5. Cr Burmeister (C. H. C.) Erlauterungen zur Fauna •\ Brasiliens, p. 17. I". llalle, 1856. Burmeister (C. H. C.) Zoonomische Briefe. Allge- meine Darstellung der thierischen Organisation. 2 Thl. — [in 1.] 8°. Leipzig, 1856. Burmeister (C. H. C.) Reise durch die La Plata- Staaten, mit oesonderer Riicksicht auf die physische Beschaffenheit und den Culturzustand der Argenti- * nischen Republik. Ausgefuhrt in ... 1857-60. 2 Bd. 8". Halle, 1861. Burmeister (C. H. C.) Observaciones sobre las diferentes especies de Glyptodon en el Museo Publico fa- de Buenos Ayres. 8°. Bueiws Ay-res, 1863. Revista Farnmceutica. T. in. i>p.-'71-%lO. Burmeister (C. H. C.) Die Siid-Amerikanischen Republiken Argentina, Chile, Paraguay und Uruguay U, nach dem Stande der geographischen Kenntniss in ^. .. ^ 1875 . . . Kartographisch dargestellt von A. Peter- - niann. Nebst einem geographisch-statistischen Com- pendium von . . . H. Burmeister, &c. pp. :.'4 : 1 map. See PETERMANN'S MITTHEILUNGEN, &c. Erganzungs- band ix, no. 39. 4». 1875. Burmeister (C. H. C.) Los Caballos fosiles de la Pampa Argentina . . . Obra ejecutada . . . para ser /" presentada en la Exposicion de Filadelfia. (Die fossilen Pferde der Pampasformation, . ri, 1,12 : 1 niiip col. 1870. „ in. Animanx Vertebres. Pt. 1. Mammiferes vivant* ct etoinU. />/). ei, 655. 1879. iv. [Not published.] v. Lepidopteres. Pt. 1. Diurnes, Crepnsculaires et 1878. ])ombycoidet>. Atlas:— Sect. i. Vues pittorewines de la Republique Argentine. pp. IS: 11, pit. (cat.) fol. 1881. I'l In- text is in French and printed in double column.] ., ll. Mammiferes. Livr. 1. Die Bartenwale der Argentinischen Kiisten. fj>. 40: 7 pit. 1881. „ 2. Die Heehunde der Argentinischen Kiisten. yy. 4J-S4 : 4 pit. (col.) 1888. ,, 3. ( >stoologie der Gravigraden. Abtb. l. Scrlulothcrii'M und Mylotlo.i, Pare. 1. ,1,1. Ou-I3u: l'i lilt, (col.) 1880. [The text is 4°., and in livr. 1 and 2 is in Germnit, printed in double column ; in livr. 8 it is in German ami Spanish in parallel columns, lite Plates are fol., the " Explication des Planches" being in French.] Sect. v. Pt. 2. LepidoptireB. pp. [ic,] «4: 21 /)'*. (col.) 4". 187'J-SO. [The descriptions are in French and printed in double column.] Burmeister (C. H. C.) Neue Beobachtungen an Doedicurus giganteus. pp. 23 : 2 pis. 4°. Berlin, 1879. I'lijs. Abhandl. k. Prenss. Akad. Wissenscb. Berlin. 1878. Burmeister (C. H. C.) Bericht iiber die Feier des , .r)0jiihrigen Doctor-Jubilaeums des Prof. . . . H. Bur- meister, Vol. Bumat (E.) & Barbey (W.) Notes sur un voyage botanique dans les lies Baleares et dans la province de Valence (Espagne) . . . 1881. pp. 62 : 1 pi. 8°. Geneve, Bide, Lyon, 1882. Burnat (E.) & Gremli (A.) Maritimes, &c. p}>. 13G. Les Roses des Alpes 8°. Geneve, &c., 1879. 0 Burnat (E.) & Gremli (A.) Catalogue raisonne des llieracium des Alpes Maritimes, &c. pp. vii, 84. 8°. Geneve et Bale, 1883. 0 Burnat (E.) cfe Gremli (A.) Observations sur quelques Roses de 1'Italie. Roses de la Sicile decrites par Gussone . . . Observations de M. F. Crepin et Addi- tions, pp. 52. 8°. Geneve, &c., 1886. Burnat (E.) & Gremli (A,) Genre Rosa. Revision du fa groupe des orientales. Etudes sur les cinq especes qui composent ce groupe dans le Flora Orientalis de Boissier. pp. vii, 90 [5\. 8°. Geneve & Bdle, 1887. BURNELL (ARTHUR COKE) [1840-1882] The Voyage L of J. Huyghen van Linschoten to the East Indies . . . Edited, the first volume by ... A. C. Burnell, &c. Vol. i. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, dec. No. 70. I -]0. 8°. 1885. „ . BUBNES (Sir ALEXANDER) [1805-1841] Travels into • Bokhara ; being the account of a journey from India to Cabool, Tartary, & Persia ; also narrative of a Voyage on the Indus, from the sea to Lahore, dec. 3 Vol. illust. 8". London, 1834. _ SUBNET (THOMAS) [1635 ?-1715] An examination of U Dr. Burnet's Theory of the Earth, dec. See KEILL (J.) 8°. 1698. a BUBNETT (GILBERT THOMAS) [1800-1835] Medical D Botany . . . New edition edited by G. T. Burnett. 3 Vol. See STEPHENSON (J.) & CHURCHILL (J. M.) 8°. 1834-36. g Burnett (G. T.) Outlines of Botany, &c. 2 Vol. text illust. 4°. London, 1835. BUBNETT (JAMES) See_ MAGAZINE OF BOTANY AND p GARDENING, THE . . . Edited by J. Burnett, dec. New Series, Vol. l-IIl. 4°. 1836-37. . BUBNETT (M. A.) Miss. Plantse utiliores ; or O illustrations of LTseful Plants, employed in the Arts and Medicine. 130 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress. 4 Vol. fol. London, 1642-50. BUBNETT (WALDO IRVING) [1828-1854] Comparative Anatomy . . . Translated from the German and edited with notes and additions ... by W. I. Burnett. Vol. I. See SIEBOLD (C. T. E. VON) & STANNIUS (F. H.) 8U. 1854. BURNHAM (SARAH M.) Miss. History and uses of Limestones and Marbles, dec. pp. xv, 392 : 24 pis. col. I'] 8°. Boston, 1883. Burnham (S. M.) Miss. Precious Stones in Nature, ft Art and Literature, pp. 400 : 1 pi. 8°. Boston, 1886. BURNS, PHILP & CO. pp. 36: 12 pis. British New Guinea. 4°. Sydney, 1886. L BUBOW (CAROLUS HEINRICUS AUGUSTUS) [1809-] De vasis sanguiferis Ranarum. Dissertatio inauguralis, -, dec. pp. 28 : 1 pi. 4°. Regimontii Prussoriim, 1834. ' BUBB (FEARING) The Field and Garden Vegetables Q of America, dec. pp. xv, 667 : text illust. 8°. Boston, 1865. BUBB (FREDERICK) Introduction to the study of Geology . . . more particularly as applied to the ^J. internal structure of Great Britain. Intended to accompany the Geological Map of England and Wales ... by J. and C. Walker, pp. iv, 71, 1 tab : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. London, 1836. BUBB (MALCOLM) British Orthoptera. (Earwigs, Grasshoppers, and Crickets.) pp. iv, 68: 6 pis., text I illust. See NATURALISTS' JOURNAL, THE, &c. Vol. vi ' [with which it was issued]. 8°. 1897. -7164 % I [Another issue.] 8°. Huddersfield, 1897. BUBBOW (EDWARD JOHN) [1785-1861] Elements of Conchology, &c. pp. 248: 28 pis,. 8°. London, 1815. New edition, pp. xix, 2Jfi : 28 pis. (col.) 8". London, 1825. BUBBOWS (HENRY WILLIAM) [1858-] A monograph of the Foraminifera of the Crag. Part n ... By ... T. R. Jones . . . assisted by H. W. Burrows, &c. See PALEONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. [Monographs.] Vol. XLIX. 4°. 1895. Burrows (H. W.) & Harris (G. F.) The Eocene and Oligocene beds of the Paris Basin. See HARRIS (G. F.) & BURROWS (H. W.) 8°. 1891. BUBT (ISABELLA) Memorials of the Oak Tree ; with notices of the classical and historical associations con- nected with it. pp. 82 : text illust. 8°. London, 1860. BUBTIN < graphic de decouverts . . . dans les environs de cette ville. pp. 152 : 32 pis. col. fol. Bruxelles, 1784. BUBTON (EDWARD) A catalogue of the Collection of Mammalia and Birds in the Museum at Fort Pitt, Chatham. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Army Medical Department. 8°. 1838. BUBTON (J. E.) & Forsytb (J.) Four reports on the Forests in the Eastern portion of the Central Provinces, dec. See INDIA. — Public Works Department. Selections from the Records, &c. No. XLVII. 4°. 1864. Lectures on Entomology. 8". London, 1837. t (FRANfois XAVIER DE) [1743-1818] Orycto- e Bruxelles, ou description des Fossiles . . . BUBTON (JOHN BAKLOW) pp. 48 : 4 c°l- BUBTON (RICHARD) [pseud, i.e. N. CROUCH.] The general history of Earthquakes, &c. See B., R. 12". 1694. - [Another edition.] 12°. 1734. BUBTON (Sir RICHARD FRANCIS) K.C.M.G. [1821- 1890] Falconry in the valley of the Indus, pp. xii, 107 : 4 pis. 12°. London, 1852. G- Or 292 74 /^ fr 6. o, 6. L, / . Barton (Sir RICHARD F.) Personal narrative of a pil- grimage to El-Medinah and Meccah. 3 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1855-56. Burton (Sir RICHARD F.) First footsteps in East L Africa, or an exploration of Harar. pp. xl, 648 : 4 pis. col., 2 niaps. 8". London, 1856. / Burton (Sir RICHARD F.) The Lake regions of Central Africa, G. S.) Narrative i- of a Voyage to the Polar Sea during 1875-6 . . . Second edition. Vol. n. Appendix, No. 10. 8°. 1878. *, Bask (G.) Report on the Polyzoa. See TIZARD (T. H.) » & MURRAY (Sir J.) K.C.B. Exploration of the Faroe -7 Channel during . . . 1880 in H.M.S. " Knight Errant," &c. 8°. 1882. Busk (G.) Report on the Polyzoa collected by H.M.S. Challenger, &c. 2 Ft. illust. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Challenger Expedition. Report, ~PI 8°. Budapest, 1879. BYAM (L.) A collection of Exotics from the Island of Antigua by a Lady [i.e. L. Byam]. See LADY. fol. [ ] BYCZKOWSKI (HEINRICH) Das Verhaltniss der Prlanzen zur Atmosphiire, &c. [Thesis.] p/>. 77. 8°. Dor/>at, 1846. BYELYAEV (VLADIMIR IVANOVICH) O stroenil i razvitii Anterozoldov. (Sur le developpement des cils des Antherozoides.) pp. 49 : 1 pi. col. See WARSAW.— OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI, &C. Trudui, &C. Tom. H, no. 6. 8°. 1892. BYERLEY (ISAAC) A List of Animals found in the 'neighbourhood of Liverpool, intended as the nucleus -^ for a fauna of the district, See TSCHUDI (J. J. VON) Baron. Untersuchungen iiber die Fauna Peruana. Pt. 2. 4°. 1845-46. P Cabanis (J. L.) [Birds and Mammals of British if Guiana.] See SCHOMBURGK (M. R.) Reisen in Britisch- Guiana, &c. Thl. m. 8°. 1848. •J" Cabanis (J. L.) Museum Heineanum. Verzeichniss der Oriiithologischen Sammlung des . . . F. Heine . . . Systematisch bearbeitet von . . . J. Cabanis (and F. Heine). 4 Till, [in 3 Vol.] 4°. Halberstadt, 1850-63. Cabanis (J. L.) See JOURNAL FUER ORNITHOLOGIE . . . Herausgeben von J. Cabanis, &c. Jahrg. i-xn. 8°. 1853-93. Cabanis (J. L.) Vogel. Bearbeitet von J. Cabanis. L. See DECKEN (C. C. VON DER) Baron. Baron C. C. von l_ der Decken's Reisen in Ost-Afrika in 1859-61. Bd. in, abth. 1. 8°. 1869. Cabanis (J. L.) •S'eeORNITHOLOGISCHEsCENTRALBLATT . . . herausgegeben von . . . J. Cabanis, &c. Jahrg. i-vii. 4°. 1876-82. CABEZA DE VACA (ALVAR NUNEZ) See NUNEZ. I CABOT (JAMES ELLIOT) [1821-] Report on the Birds — collected and observed at Lake Superior. See AGASSIZ (J. L. R.) & CABOT (J. E.) Lake Superior, &c. Pt. n, no. 8. 8". 1850. do L Cabot (JAMES E.) ct Agassiz (J. L. R.) I^ke Supe- rior, &c. See AGASSIZ (J. L.R.)& CABOT (J.E.) 8°. 1850. 0 /_ , CABOT (JOHN) [-c. 1498] [Voyages.] See ARKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. xm. Des C. Columbus dritte Reise ; & Bd. xvn. 4°. 1755, 59. l_ Cabot (JOHN) Documents relating to the Voyages of discovery of J. Cabot. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works. &c. No. 86. The Journal of Christopher Columbus, (tc. 8°. 1893. r z 76 c CABOT (Louis) The immature state of the Odonata. 3 Pt. illust. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Museum o/ ComjMrative Zoolo/ji/. ^ Illustrated Catalogue No. 5 ; Memoirs, &c. Vol. viii, no. 1 ; xvn, no. 1. 4°. 1872, 80, 90. CABOT (SEBASTIAN) [1474-1557] [Voyages.] See ARK- L. STEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. xm. Des C. Columbus dritte Reise ; Bd. xvi. & Bd. xvn. 4°. 1755-59. Cabot (S.) Remarks pn a . . . memoir of S. Cabot. / See TYTLER (P. F.) Historical view of the progress of discovery on the more northern coasts of America, &<;. Appendix. 8°. 1832. , 70. o A. Cabot (S.) [Voyage to wards the north: 1496.] LUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 5. 8°. 1849. Cabot (S.) A note of S. Gabotes voyage of discoverie ... by R. Fabian, &c. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 7. 8". 1850. L , CABOTA (SEBASTIAN) See CABOT. CABOTIA. [Maps.] See CANADA. [Maps.] CABRAL (FREDERICO AUCJUSTO DE VASCONCELLOS PEREIRA). See VASCONCELLOS DE ALMEIDA PEREIRA CABRAL. CABRAL (PEDRO ALVARES) See ALVARES CABKAL. CABRERA (FLORENCIO) Observaciones al folleto intitulado Estudio y descubrimiento del Bismuto en el L . Estado de San Luis de Pptosi, de . . . F. Cabrera, por S /oc . . . A. de Areitio y Larrinaga. pp. 8. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. AnaleS, d'C. Tom. ill. 8°. 1874. CABRERA Y DIAZ (ANATAEL) Catalogo de las Aves del Archipielago Canario. pn. 70. See MADRID. — /_ ^ SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. AnaleS, &C. Tom. xxii. 8°. 1893. Cabrera y Diaz (A.) Una excursion a los yacimientos prehist6ricosdeCarmona, pp. 15: S pis. See MADRID. ; . — SOCIEDAD ESPAXOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. AnaleS, &c. Tom. xxin. 8°. 1894. CACHIN" (ALFRED CARAVEN) See CARAVEN-CACHIN. CADA MOSTO (ALUISE DA) See CADAMOSTO (Luioi DI) CADAMOSTO (Lj««fiar M. E. Eudes-Deslongchamps, Caen. Societe Liuiieeune de Normaudie. Memoires . . . Seconde Serie. Tom. I, j)t. I.t 4°. Paris, &c., 1829. Caen. Societe Linneeniie de Normandie. Seance publique, <£c. 1834-37. 4 No. 8". Caen, 1834-37. Caen. Societe Linueenne de Normandie. I L Bulletin, , 1583. Caesalpinns (A.) T. Caruelii in Hortum Siccuni A. See CARUEL (T.) 8°. 1858. t Caen. Societe Linneenne du Calvados. See supra, SOCIETE LINNEENNE DE NORMANDIE. Caesalpinus (A.) A. Caesalpini epistola dc Methodo Rei Haerbarie praefixa Horto suo Sicco, &c. MS. fol. (Pifis, 1563.) CJESAB (C'Aius JULIUS) [B.C. 100-44] G. W. Wedelii . . . propempticon inaugurate de Pane Dyrrhachino Julii Cwsaris. See WEDELIUS (G. W.) 4°. 1701. Caesar (C. J.) J. G. Weinmann . . . Tractatus botanico-criticus de Chara Caesaris, cujus Libr. in. De Bell. civ. c. XLVIII. meminit. See WEINMANN ( J. G.) 8°. 1769. CAESABEA ACADEMZA MEDICO-CHIRUR- GICA VILNENSIS. See WlLNA. — CESARSKIE TOWARZYSTWO LEKARSKIE W WILNIE. CJGSIUS (BERNARDUS) [1581-1630] Mineralogia, sive Naturalis Philosophise Thesauri, ls. 4". Rama, 1883. Atti R. Accad. Lincei. Romu. Mem. Ser. Ill, torn. xiv. CAFLISCH (JOHANN FRIEDRICH) [1817-1882] Ueber- sicht der Flora von Augsburg enthaltend : die . . . Phanerogamen. Bearbeitet von J. F. Caflisch unter Mitwirfcung von G. Kiirber & G. Deisch. pp. viii, 104- 8°. Augsburg, 1850. Caflisch (J. F.) [Excursions-Flora fiir das siidostliche Deutschland. Ein Taschenbuch zum Bestimmen der . . . Phanerogamen, 4 it*. S'.lParis, 1842.] Mag. de Zool. 1842. Cailliaud (F.) Illustrations conchyliologiques. GY«/m- yella . . . I^niarck. See CHENU (J. C.) 4°. 1843-53. 6 B B L. C 2 297 .z fcii L z if'V* i o L 1'" L Cailliaud (F.) Note sur un nouveau fait relatif a la perforation des pierres par les Pholades. pp. 14. 8°. Nantes, 1852. Cailliand (F.) M^moire sur les Mollusques perforants, &c. pp. 58: 3 pis. See HAAKLEM. — HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DEE WETENSCHAPPEN. NatUUrkundige Verhandelingen, &c. Verz. II, deel XI. 4". 1856. Cailliaud (F.) Catalogue des Radiaires, des Annelides, des Cirrhipedes et des Mollusques marins, terrestres et fluviatiles recueillis dans le departement de la Loire- Inferieure. pp. 323: 5 pis. 8°. Nantes, 1865. CAILLIE (RENE) [1799-1838] Travels through central Africa to Timbuctoo ; and across the Great Desert, to Marocco ... in ... 1824-1828. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1830. CAIRE (A.) La science des Pierres Pr6cieuses, appli- quee aux Arts . . . Deuxieme edition. Revue . . . par Leroux-Dufie. pp. xv, 423: 16 pis. 8°. Paris, 1833. The first edition appeared in 1826. CAIRO. Institut Egyptian. [Founded 1850 at Alexandria.] [Bulletin, 1890-» 8°. Cam;, 1882-90. 8°. Caire, 1891-» /• L. Cairo.— Institut Egyptien. Memoires, &c. Tom. i-=» 4U. Paris & Le Caire, 1862-> CAIROL (FRANCOIS) Recherches sur le terrain Cretac6 Inferieur de la Clape et des Corbieres. pp. 177 : 2 maps, geol. col., text illust. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOGIQUES, &c. Tom. m, no. 2. 8°. 1872. - [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Ministere de V Instruction publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. vi, no. 7. 8". 1872. [Another issue.] These, &c. 8°. Paris, 1872. C. L. Z Z. z. L. L. u. CAIUS (.JOHN) [1510-1573] I. Caii . . . de Canibus Britannicis, liber unus. De rariorum Animalium et Stirpium historia, liber unus. De libris propriis, liber unus. pp. 30, 62, 72. 8". Londini, 1570. Each work has a separate title-page and pagination. - — [Another edition :] Ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recogniti a S. Jebb. pp.xv,S49. 8°. Londini, 1729. Cains (J.) Of Englishe Dogges ... A short treatise written in Latine . . . and newly drawne into Englishe by A. Fleming, &c. pp. [x,~\ 44 [«]. 8°. London, 1576. [1880.] A reprint of the original black-letter edition. CAJAL (SANTIAGO RAMO'N Y) See RAMON Y CAJAL. CALAGIUS (ANDREAS) [1549-1609] Hortus . . . L. Scholzii . . . quein ille colit Vratislavise . . . celebratus carmine, &c. [pp. 19.] 4°. Vratislavice, 1592. CALAMAI (Luioi) Sull' anatomia della Torpedine e sopra un gabinetto di anatomia comparata, &c. pp. 16. 8°. Napoh, 1845. CALANDRUCCIO (SALVATORE) Descrizione degli embrioni e delle larve della Filaria recondita (Grassi). PJJ. 15 : text illust. See CATANIA. — ACCADEMIA GIOENIA, &c. Atti, &c. Ser. IV, vol. v, mem. 1. 4°. 1892. Calandruccio (S.) Sul ramo laterale del trigemino nei Murenoidi. pp. 8 : Ipl. Anatomia e sistematica di due specie nuove di Turbel- larie. pp. 17 : 1 pi. See CATANIA. — ACCADEMIA GIOENIA, &c. Atti, &c. Ser. IV, vol. x, mem. 2 & 16. 4°. 1897. CALBERLA (HEINRICH) Die Macrolepidopteren- fauna der Romischen Campagna und der angrenzenden Provinzen Mittel-Italiens. pp. 119-211 : 2 pis. 8°. Dresden, 1887-88. Corr. Blatt. Ent. Ver. Iris, Dresden. No. 4, pp. 110-158 ; no. 5. pp. S20-S73. CALCARA (PIETEO) [1819-1854] Monografie dei generi Clausilia e Bulimo coir aggiunta di alcune nuove specie di conchiglie Siciliane esistenti nella collezione della T. Gargotta in Salinas, pp. 54, 1 tab. 8°. Palermo, 1840. Calcara (P.) Cenno topografico dei dintorni di Ter- mini. pp. 32. 8". Palermo, 1842. Descrizione dell' isola Ustica. pp. 64: 8°. Palermo, 1842. e> L i_ Calcara (P.) 1 map. Calcara (P.) Esposizione dei Molluschi terrestri e fluviatili dei dintorni di Palermo, &c. pp. 44 •' 1 1}1- Memorie geognostiche e mmeralogiche, &c. pp. 34 •' 1 pi. See PALEEMO. — REALE ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, &c. Atti, &c. Nuova Serie, Vol. I. 4°. 1845. Calcara (P.) Sui Boschi della Sicilia, pp. 38. 4°. Palermo, 1848. P Calcara (P.) Florula Medica Siciliana, &c. pp. viii, 220. 8°. Palermo, 1851. K Calcara (P.) Ricerche sulla storia naturale de' din- torni di Nicosia, pp. 21. 8". Palermo, 1851. J7 Reprinted from the "Giomale 1' Empedocle." Calcara (P.) Descrizione dell' Isola di Pantellaria, &c. pp. 44. See PALERMO. — REALE ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, &c. Atti, &c. Nuova Serie, Vol. n. 4". 1853. L • CALCEOLARI (FRANCESCO) See CALZOLARI. CALCEOLARIUS (FRANCISCUS) See CALZOLARI. CALCUTTA.— Calcutta Zoological Garden. Report of the . . . Committee ... for ... 1897-98. pp. 13, 2. fol. [Calcutta, 1898.] X\ Calcutta. — Calcutta Zoological Garden. Guide to the . . . Gardens by J. Anderson, pp. 181, x: 1 plan. 4°. Calcutta, 1883. 2L CALCUTTA.— Geological Museum. See INDIA. — Geological Survey. — Museum. CALCUTTA.— International Exhibition, 1883. South Australia : its history, productions, and natural <-. resources. By J. P. Stow, &c. pp. xii, 195: 51 pis., 1~] d 9 maps. 8°. Adelaide, 1883. a c CALCUTTA. — Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. See, AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF INDIA. CALCUTTA.— Asiatic Society of Bengal. See ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. CALCUTTA.— Indian Museum. Accessions, &c. 1881 June & Dec. ; 1882 June & Dec. ; 1883 ; & 1884 March. 8°. [Calcutta, 1881-84.] Annual Report and List of Accessions, &c. April 1884-> 8". Calcutta, 1885-> Calcutta.— Indian Museum. Indian Museum Notes. Vol. i-» illust. 8°. Calcutta, 1889-» Z. Calcutta.— Indian Museum. A Guide to the Zoological Collections exhibited in the . Reptile and Amphibia Gallery, pp. 47 : 1 plan. L 8°. Calcutta., 1894. « 38 L . .9/7 298 L. z z 6 6 6 Museum. By W. L. 8°. Londrm, 1892. . . Museum ... By 8°. Calcutta, 1877. . Museum ... By 8°. Calcutta, 1878, 84. Calcutta.— Indian Museum. A Guide to the Zoological Collections exhibited in the Invertebrate Gallery of the . . . Museum, pp. 155 : 1 plan. 8°. Calcutta, 1894. Calcutta.— Indian Museum. Popular Guide to the Geological Collections in the . . . Museum . . . No. 3. Meteorites, by F. Fedden. pp. 4'J- 8°. Calcutta, 1830. Calcutta.— Indian Museum. Catalogue of Mammalia in the . . . Museum. 2 Pt. 8°. Calcutta, 1881-91. PL I. Primates, Proaimiie, Chiroptera, and Insectivora. By J. Anderson, pp. jcv, tS.1. 1881. ,, II. Rodentia, Ungnlata, Proboscidea, Uyracoidea, Carnivora, Cetaoea, Sirenia, Marsupial!*, Monotremata. By W. L. Sclater. pp. xrii, 376. 1391. Calcutta.— Indian Museum. Monograph of the Asiatic Chiroptera, and Catalogue of the species of Bats in the . . . Museum . . .By G. E. Dobson. pp. viii, 228 : text illust. 8°. London, 1876. Calcutta. — Indian Museum. List of Snakes in the . . . Museum. By W. L. Sclater. pp. x, 79. 8°. Calcutta, 1891. Calcutta.— Indian Museum. List of the Batrachia in the . . Sclater. pp. viii, 43. Calcutta.— Indian Museum. Catalogue of Mollusca in the . G. Nevill. Fasc. E. pp. 42. Calcutta.— Indian Museum. Hand-List of Mollusca in the . G. Nevill. Pt. i&n.t Index ... By W. Theobald. 2 Pt. 8°. Calcutta, 1889. Calcutta.— Indian Museum. A Catalogue of the Moths of India, compiled by E. C. Cotes . . . and . . . C. Swinhoe. 6 Pt. pp. 812. 8°. Calcutta, 1887-89. Calcutta.— Indian Museum. A Catalogue of the Mantodea, with ... an enumeration of the specimens, in the collection of the . . . Museum ... by J. Wood-Mason. 2 Pt. pp. 66 : 2 pis., text illust. 8". Calcutta, 1889. Calcutta.— Indian Museum. A Monograph of Oriental Cicadidae by W. L. Distant. pp. ix, 157 : 15 pis. (col), text illust. 4°. London, ttc., 1889-92. Calcutta.— Indian Museum. Figures and descriptions of nine species of Squillidae from the collection in the Indian Aluseum by ... J. Wood-Mason, pp. [iv,] 11 : 4 pis. 4°. Calcutta, 1895. CALCUTTA.— Royal Botanic Gardens. Annals, fol. Calcutta . Calcutta.— Royal Botanic Gardens. ^ Plan of the arrangements in the . . . Botanic Garden, [j with a list of Plants in the Natural and Medicinal Gardens. December, 1847. [By J. M'Clelland.] pp. iv, 50. 8°. Calcutta, 1847. Calcutta. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Report on the . . . Botanic Garden, by ... T. Thomson, ft See BENGAL.— GOVERNMENT OF. Selections from the Records, dx. No. xxv. (6.) 4°. 1857. Calcutta.— Royal Botanic Gardens. Catalogue of Plants cultivated in the . . . Gardens . . . from April 1861 to ... September 1864. [Com- piled by T. Anderson.] pp. iv, 81, xvii. 4°. Calcutta, 1865. Calcutta.— Royal Botanic Gardens. /} List of Acanthacese cultivated in the . . . Gardens, &c. <- See ANDERSON (T.) Botanist. 4°. 1869. CALCUTTA JOURNAL OF NATURAL HIS- TORY, The, (and Miscellany of the Arts & Sciences ^ ( yc in India). Conducted by J. M'Clelland ([and after- 1 wards] W. Griffith; R. Wight; G. Gardner, & J. Macpherson.) Vol. i-vui, no. 2.t 8°. Calcutta, (1840-) 1841-47. CALDANI (FLOKIANO) [1772-1836] & (L. M. A.)-, •micae, &c. See CALDANI (L. M. A.) & (F.) ^- 4°. & fol. 1801-13. Icones Anatomicae, CALDANI (LEOPOLDO MARCO ANTONIO) [1725-1813] Memorie lette nell' Accadeinia di Scienze, Lettre ed * Arti di Padova. pp. 135 : 4 pis. 4°. Padova, 1804. Caldani (L. M. A.) & (FLORIANO) Icones Anatomicae, &c. Text 3 Pt. [in 4 Vol.] Atlas 3 Vol. [in 2.] > 4°. & fol. Venetiis, 1801-14. ' For Engravings of the Ligaments copied from this work, Set MITCHELL (S.) L CALDAS (FRANCISO Jos6 DE) [1770-1816] Un trabajo inedito de . . . F. J. de Caidas [entitled : " Memoria sobre la nivelacion de algunas Plantas que se cultivan en las cercanfas de Ecuador "1, hallado con otros varies en el Jardin Botanico de Madrid, por . . . M. Colmeiro. pp. 14 : 4 pis. See MADRID.— SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &c. Tom. I. 8*. 1872. CALDER (J. E.) Tasmanian industries : with some / notices of those of the Australian colonies and New ' Zealand, , de Moron, pp. 17: 1 text illust. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &C. Tom. xv. 8°. 1886. Calderon y Araua (S.) & Quiroga y Rodriguez (F.) Eruption ofitica del ayuntamiento de Molledo (San- f_ fa tander). pp. 23 : 1 pi. col., text illust. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. AnaleS, &C. Tom. vi. 8°. 1877. Calderon y Araua (S.) & Quiroga y Rodriguez (F.) Estudio petrografico del Meteorito de Guarena, Badajoz. pp. 10: 4 pis. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, CALIFORNIA, State of.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Report on the Geology of the Coast Mountains, and part of the Sierra Nevada ... by ... J. B. Trask. (C_ pp. 95. 8°. [Sacramento, 1854.] California, State of.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Report on the Geology of the Coast Mountains ... -•> also, portions of the middle and northern mining VT districts. By . . . J. B. Trask. pp. 91. 8°. [Sacramento, 1855.] California, State of. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Report on the Geology of Northern and Southern California ... By ... J. B. Trask. pp. 66. 8°. [Sacramento, 1856.] California, State of.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Palaeontology. 2 Vol. illust. 4°. Philadelphia, 1864, 69. Vol. I. Carboniferous and Jurassic Fossils. By F. B. Meek.— Triassio and Cretaceous Fossils. ByW.M. Gabb. jrp.xx, CM- 243: SXpls. 1804. ,, i!. Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils. ByW.M. Gabb. pp.xit, 399 : X pit. 18«9. S 300 California, State of.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Geology . . . Report of progress . . . 1860-64. Vol. i.t pp. xxvii, 498 : lOpls., text Must. 4°. Philadelphia, 1865. Append. B. Descriptions of Fossils from tte auriferous slates of California. By F. B. Meek. California, State of. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Mining statistics. No. 1. Tabular statement of the condition of the auriferous quartz mines and mills in that part of Mariposa and Tuolmne Counties lying between the Merced and Stanislaus Rivers, Aug. — Nov. 1865. By A. Remond. pp. 16. 4°. [Philadelphia, 1866.] California, State of. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Ornithology. Vol. i.t pp. xi, 592 : text Must. 4°. Cambridge [Mass.], 1870. Vol. I. Land Birds. Edited by S. F. Baird from the MS. and notes of J. G. Cooper. California, State of.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Botany. 2 Vol. 4°. Cambridge, Mass., 1876, 80. Vol. i. Polypetalie. By W. H. Brewer and S. Watson — Gamopetalse. By A. Gray. pp. xi, 638. 1876. „ H. [ApetaJn, Also contains palteontological and botanical papers. No. x has a map entitled :—" Preliminary Mineralogical nnd Geological Map of the State of California . . . Scale 12 m. to 1 in. 1891." California^ftofe of. — STATE Bulletinx^No. l-» . Sacra 1888-» California, State of.— STATE MINING BUREAU. Forest Trees of California by A. Kellogg, pp. 148. 8°. Sacramento, 1882. CALIFORNIA, State of.— University. See BERKELEY.— UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. CALIFORNIA, .State o/. [Maps.'] Preliminary minera- logical and geological map of the State of California . . . Scale 12 m. to 1 in. See CALIFORNIA, State of.— State Mining Bureau. Annual Report, &c. No. x. 1891. CALIFORNIA, Lower. [Maps.] Piano geologico minero del Real de S. Antonio y el Triunfo de la Baia California : formado por A. del Castillo . . . Revisado en 1889. Escala O'OOl m. por 40ms. [i.e. 1 m. = l^in. about.] col. Mexico, 1889. CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. (1858 Founded as California Atwltmy of jfatural Science*. 1868 California Academy of Science*.] • Proceedings, &c. Vol. i-vn.t 8". San Francisco, 1854-77. Wants title-page, index, and plates iv-vi of Vol. I. [Second edition.] Vol. I. 8°. San Francisco, 1873. [Resumed as :] Bulletin, 8». San Francisco, 1897-* Hnbdirided into Motions :— Botany, Geology, Zoology, aged memoirs. California Academy of Sciences. Occasional Papers, &c. Vol. i-> 8°. San Francisco, 1890-* CALI8CH (ISAAC MARCUS) New . . . Dictionary i- of the English and Dutch Languages, &c. 2 Vol. V\ 8°. Tiel, 1875. £_ CALKER (FRIEDRICH JULIUS PETER VAN) [1841-] De nhaenomenis opticis, quae praebent Crystalh Spathi Calcarii geminorum crystallorum ratione com- ... positi vel polysynthetici. pp. 40. 8°. Bonnae, 1863. " CALL (RICHARD ELLSWORTH) On the Quaternary and Recent Mollusca of the Great Basin with descrip- f tions of new forms, pp. 56 : 5 pis., 1 map, text illust. ^T See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin, Cambessedes (J.) Notice sur la vie et les travaux de J. Cambessedes. See PLANCHON (J. E.) 8". 1865. Cambessedes (J.) & others. Flora Brasilia Meri- dionalis, &c. Tom. n & HI. See SAINT-HILAIRE (A. F. C. P. DE) & others. fol. 1829-32. CAMBORNE. — Mining Association and Insti- tute of Cornwall. See MINING ASSOCIATION AND INSTITUTE OF CORN WALL. CAMBRIDGE. Catalogus Plantarum circa Canta- D brigiam nascentium, &c. [By J. Ray.] pp. xxx, 182 (103). 8°. Cantabrigice, 1660. [Another edition.] 8°. Londonii, 1660. 5 This differs from the preceding solely in the title-page. CAMBRIDGE.— University. Report ([afterwards] Annual Report) of the Museums L and Lecture Rooms Syndicate, &c. No. l-> 4°. Cambridge [1867-=4 Cambridge. — University. Studies Trom the Physiological Laboratory in the University . . . Edited by [M. Foster] the Trinity £_ Prselector in Physiology. 3 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] illust. 8°. Cambridge, 1873-77. Cambridge . — University. Syllabus of ... Lectures on Geology. See MARR (J. E.) /? 8°. 1881. Cambridge.— University. Syllabus of ... Lectures on Physical Geography, &c. (y- See ROBERTS (R. D.) 8°. 1881. Cambridge. — University. Anatomical Museum. Catalogue of the Osteological portion of specimens contained in the . . . Museum, &c. ~Z. [By W. Clark.] pp. 182. 4°. Cambridge, 1862. Cambridge.— University. Botanic Garden. T. Martyn . . . Catalogus Horti Bo- K tanici Cantabrigiensis. feMARTYN(T.)/'.^.& 4M771. - Mantissa, &c. 4°. 1772. Cambridge.— University. Botanic Garden. [Hortus Cantabrigiensis ; or a cata- logue of Plants . . . cultivated in the Walkerian botanic See DONN (J.) garden, Cambridge. Wanting. Third edition. Fifth edition. Eighth edition, &c. Ninth edition, &c. Tenth edition, &c. — Eleventh edition, &c. — Twelfth edition, &c. Thirteenth edition, &c. 8°. 1796.] g 8°. 1804. & 8°. 1809. 6 8°. 1815. & 8°. 1819. g, 4°. 1823. g 4°. 1826. B 8°. 1831. & 8°. 1845. & 302 L. L. & Gr L Z. Cambridge.— University. IVoudirardian Museum. Index to the fossil remains of Aves, Ornithosauria, and Reptilia from the Secondary system of Strata, arranged in the . . . Museum, ee SEELEY (H. G.) 8°. 1869. Cambridge.— University. Woodw. Mus. The Ornithosauria : an elementary study of _the bones of Pterodactyles . . . found in the Cam- bridge Upper Greensand, and arranged in the . . . Museum, &c. See SEELEY (H. G.) 8°. 1870. Cambridge.— University. Woodw. Mus. A catalogue of the collection of Cambrian and Silurian Fossils, contained in the . . . Museum . . . by J. W. Salter. With a preface by A. Sedgwick and a table of genera and index added by Prof. Morris. pp. xxiii, 204 : text Must. 4°. Cambridge, 1873. Cambridge.— University. Woodw. Mus. Catalogue of the Type Fossils in the . . . Museum ... By H. Woods . . . With a preface by T. McKenny Hughes, pp. xiv, 180. 8°. Cambridge, 1891. Cambridge. — University. Woodw. Mm. Catalogue of the Fossils in the Students' stratigraphical series. By H. Woods, pp. 23. 8°. Cambridge, 1893. Interleaved copy. CAMBRIDGE, Mass.— -Harvard College. See infra, HARVARD UNIVERSITY. CAMBRIDGE, Mass.— Harvard University. [Founded 1688.] A list of the publications of Harvard University and its officers, 1870, &c. See infra, HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Library. Bibliographical Contributions, &c. No. 12, 81, 23. 8°. 1881, 86, 87. Cambridge, Mass.— Harvard University. Bussey Institution. Bulletin, &c. Vol. i,pt. 2— > 8". Cambridge, Cambridge, Mass.— Harvard University. Library. Library Bulletin. Vol. i-n. No. 4. 8°. [Cambridge, Mass.], 1877-81. [Without any collective title-page. Vol. i wants No. 1-5 & 7.) [Continued as :] Harvard University Bulletin . . . Edited by J. Winsor. Vol. II, no. 5 — Vol. vn, no. 6. 8°. Cambridge, Mass., 1881-1894. Cambridge, Mass. — Harvard University. Library. Special Publications I. Catalogue of Scien- tific Serials of all Countries including the Transactions of Learned Societies in the Natural, Physical and Mathematical Sciences 1633-1876. By S. H. Scudder. pji. xii, 358. 8°. Cambridge, Mass., 1879. Interleaved copy with manuscript additions. Cambridge, Mass. — Harvard University. Library. Bibliographical Contributions. Edited by J. Winsor. No. 12-15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25. 8°. Cambridge, Mass., 1881-87. Kepublished from the Bulletin. No. 12. List of the Publications of Harvard University and its Officers, 1870-1880. pp. 61. 1881. ,. 18. A Bibliography of Fossil Insects. By 8. II. Scndder. pp. 47. 1882. ,, 14. Notes on the historical hydrography of the Handkerchief Shoal in the Bahamas. By W. H. Tillirorbast. pp. S. 1881. ,, 15. List of American Author* in Geology and Palieontology. By J. I). Whitney, pp. 11. 1882. ,, 17. CUssifltxl Index to the Map* in the Royal Geographical .Society's Publications, 1880-1888. By R. Bliss. pp.kS. 1888. ,, 19. The Kohl collection of Mat« relating to America. By J. Winsor. pp. 70. 1886. ,, 21. A List of the Publications of Harvard University and its OIBcers, with the chief publications on the University, 1880-188&. pp.Kl. I--'.. „ 2». 1885-188*. By W. H. Tililnghsst. pp. tl. 1887. ., 25. A List of Works on North American Fungi. By W. 0. Farlow and W. Trslease. pp. X. 1887. Cambridge, Mass.— Harvard University. Museum of Comjmrative Zoology. Report of the Trustees . . . 1861. pp. 50. 8°. Boston [Mass.], 1861. Z. [Continued as :] Annual Report of the Trustees, cfcc. 1862-68, 1870-73. -, 4°. Boston [Mass.], 1862-74. ^ [Continued as :] Annual Report of the Curator, 4°. Cambridge, Mass., 1863-> * Cambridge, Mass.— Harvard University. Museum of Comparative Zoology. Illustrated Catalogue of the Museum, &c. No. 1-8. 4°. Cambridge, Mass., 1864-75. [Continued as :] Memoirs, 4°. Cambridge, Mass., 1877-» Z Cambridge, Mass.— Harvard University. Peabody Museum of A merican A rchceology and Ethnology. Annual Report ot the Trustees, &c. No. 1-24. 4 Vol. 8°. Cambridge, Mass., 1868-91. <- Wanting No. 15. [No. 25-29.] 8°. [Cambridge, Mass., 1892-96.] ~, Reprinted from the Reports of the President of Harvard University. CAMBRIDGE.Jtfoss.-Nuttall Ornithological Club. See NUTTALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. CAMBRIDGE (FREDERICK OCTAVIUS PICKARD [1 860-] Z. Hymenoptera— Lepidoptera. See LYDEKKER (R.) The Royal Natural History, &c. Vol. VI. 8°. 1896. CAMBRIDGE (OcTAVius PICKARD) [1835-] Specific descriptions of Trap-door Spiders. See MOGGRIDGE „- (J. T.) Harvesting Ants and Trap-door Spiders. 8°. 1874. ' Cambridge (OCTAVIUS PICKARD) The Spiders of Dorset, with an appendix containing short descriptions of those British species not yet found in Dorsetshire . . . Edited by ... J. Buckman. pp. xlii, 625, xi : Cpls. 8°. Sherbome, 1879-81. Reprinted from Proc. Dorset. Nat. Hist. & Antiq. Field Club. Cambridge (OCTAVIUS PICKARD) Araneidea [of YarkandJ. See INDIA. Scientific results of the second Yarkand Mission, See GODMAN (F. D.) & -? SALVIN (O.) Biologia Centrali- Americana. Zoology. 4°. 1889-* CAMBRIDGE AND DUBLIN MATHEMATI- CAL JOURNAL, The. Edited by W. Thomson (and N. M. Ferrers). Vol. i-ix. 8°. Cambridge, London it Dublin, 1846-54. f'| This formed a continuation of "The Cambridge Mathematical.) onrnal," and was succeeded by " The Quarterly Journal of ... Mathematics." CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB. (Founded 1874.) Psyche. Organ of the ... Club, &c. Vol. i-m. 8°. Cambridge, Mass., (1874-) 1877-86. [Continued as :] a journal of Entomology . . . published by the . Club. Vol. iv-» 8°. Cambridge, Mast., 1883-> 303 CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. An accentuated List of British Lepidoptera . . . Pub- lished by the Entomological Societies of Oxford and Cambridge. See OXFORD UNIVERSITY ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 8°. 1858. CAMBRIDGE NATURAL HISTORY, The. See HARMER (S. F.) CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. (Founded 1819.] Transactions, 4". Cambridge & London, 1821-> , / A L- < - Index . . . Vol. i-xn. 4°. Cambridge & Lowlon [1881]. ' A L- Cambridge Philosophical Society. Proceedings, &c. Vol.i-» &>.London,Cambrid(/e,\&Q6-> CAMBRY (JACQUES} [1749-1807] Voyage dans le ifi- /_ , Finistere . . . Nouvelle Edition, accompagnee de notes . . . physiques et de la Flore et de la Faune du d^parte- ment, par M. . . . Freminville. pp. xiii, 479. 8°. Brest, 1836. The first edition appeared in 1709. CAMDEN (WILLIAM) [1551-1623] Britannia : or, a L • chorographical description of ... England, Scotland, fi](( and Ireland, and the islands adjacent . . . Translated from the edition published ... in 1607 ... by E. Gough. 3 Vol. Must. fol. London, 1789. CAMELLUS (GEORGIUS JOSEPHUS) [1661-1706] Herbarum aliarumque Stirpium in insult Luzone Philippinarum primariA nascentium . . . syllabus. See KAY (J.) Historia Plantarum, &c. Vol. ill. Ap- pendix. fol. 1704. Camellus (G. J.) Descriptiones Fruticum et Arborum Luzonis, quas G. J. Camel . . . W. ten Rhyne Batta- viam mittebat Ailo 1700. Nunc vero D. J. Petiverio . . . mittit Ano 1701. fol. A series of pen-and-ink drawings with autograph descriptions. These latter were printed in the appendix to Ray's " Historic Plantarum," pp. 43-94. CAMERANO (LORENZO) Gli Insetti : introduzione allo studio dell' Entomologia. pp. viii, 31$ : text illust. 8°. Torino e Roma, 1879. 6 Camerano (L.) 9 pis. Anatomia degli Insetti. pp. viii, 351 : °. Torino, 1882. 8°. Z t Z Camerano (L.) & Lessoiia (M.) See BIBLIOTHECA BELLA ZOOLOGIA E ANATOMIA COMPARATA IN ITALIA, &c. Anno i-ni.t 8°. 1878-80. Camerano (L.) & Lessona (M.) Compendio della Fauna Italiana, &c. pp. viii, 311 : text illust. 8°. Torino, &c., 1885. CAMERARIUS (ALEXANDER) [1696-1736] De Botanica . . . disputabit presses A. Camerarius . . . respondente J. F. Engel, &c. pp.28. 4°.Tulnngce[l7n]. CAMERARIUS (ELIAS) [1672-1734] Thesium Botani- carum decas de Plantis Vernis . . . praeside R. J. Camerario, &c. See CAMERARIUS (R. J.) 4°. [1688.] Camerarius (E.) Helminthologia intricate, Clericanis Andryanisque, placitis illustrata . . . praeside E. Came- rario . . . submittit J. B. Hummel, pp. 34. 4°. Tubingae [1724]. Camerarius (E.) 2?;/JoA°y'rarou lafifiiKoi . . . Sapientissimi Phile versus iambici de -j Animalium proprietate, cum auctario J. Camerarii, &c. Z See PHILES (M.) 8°. 1596. CAMERARIUS ( JOACHIMUS) theYounger. [1534-1598] [De Re Rustica opuscula nonnulla, &c. 4°. Noribergce, 1577.] Wanting. [Another edition entitled :] 'EicXfiera Teapyuca, sive o Opuscula qusedam de Re Rustica, partim collecta, P partim composita a J. Camerario. Editio iterata auction pp. 239. 8°. Noribergce, 1596. Camerarius (JOACHIMUS) the Younger. De Plantis £> Epitome ... P. A. Matthioli . . . novis . . . iconibus, descriptionibusq; . . . aucta, & locupletata, a D. J. Camerario, &c. See MATTIOLI (P. A.) 8°. 1586. Camerarius (JOACHIMUS) the Younger. Kreuterbuch £ . . . gemehret und verfertiget durch . . . J. Camerarium, &c. See MATTIOLI (P. A.) fol. 1586. e [Another edition.] [Another edition.] fol. 1590. fol. 1678. f, Camerarins (JOACHIMUS) the Younger. Hortus medicus et philosophicus : in quo plurimarum Stirpium breves descriptiones . . . Item Sylva Hercynia . . . conscriptus . . . a J. Thalip, &c. (Icones, tkc.). 3 Pt. pp. [xvi,] 184, 133, 60 : col. illust. 4°. Francofurti ad Mcenum, 1588. CAMERARIUS (RuDOLpnus JACOBUS) [1665-1721] Disquisitio botanica de Herba Mimosa seu Sentiente quam . . . sub praesidio . . . R. J. Camerarii . . . pro- ponit J. D. Muchartus, &c. pp. 20. 4°. Tubingce [1688]. Camerarins (R. J.) Thesium Botanicarum decas de Plantis Vernis . . . praesid#R. J. Camerario . . . respon- dente E. Camerario, &c. pp. 22. 4U. Tubingce [1688]. Camerarius (R. J.) De Convenientia Plantarum in fructificatione et viribus, sub praesidip . . . R, J. Camerarii . . . respondebit G. F. Gmelin, «4 Equator. Supplementary Appendix, &c. 8". 1891. . Cameron (P.) Hymenoptera Orientalia, or contri- 4 .1M-" I-' butions to a knowledge of the Hymenoptera of the Oriental Zoological Region. Pt. v-vin. See MAN- CHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. L. Memoirs and Proceedings, dec. Vol. XLI, no. 4 & 13 ; xm, no. 11 ; XLIII, no. 1. 8°. 1897-99. , Cameron (P.) Notes on a collection of Hymenoptera from Greymoutb, New Zealand, with descriptions of new species, pp. 53. Description of two new species of Mutilla from South Africa, pp. 3. See MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs and Proceedings, &c. Vol. XLII, no. 1 & 2. 8°. 1898. CAMERON (VERNEY LOVETT) [1844-1894] Across . Africa. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1877. Vol. ii.t Appendix, contains :— I. Enumeration of Plants collected in the region about Lake Tanganyika. By D. Oliver. CAMZNERO (Josfi) Formacion Hullera de Puertpl- lano. pp. 6 : 1 map, text illust. See SPAIN.— Comision del Mapa Geologico. Boletfn, &c. Tom. HI. 8°. 1876. CAMINHOA (JOAQUIM MONTEIRO) Elementos de Botanica, &c. 2 Pt. [in 5 Vol.] pp. xlii, 3358 : 14 pis., 4 maps, text illust. 4°. Rio de Janeiro, 1877. CAMFAGNON (P.) Eine Nachricht von der Ent- deckung des Konigreichs Bambuk und dessen Goldadern . . . 1 1 1'i : nebst einer Beschreibung des Landes und dessen Einwohner. See ARKSTEE ( ) ment of the Mosses and Ferns. (Archegoniatae.) f pp. 544 •' text Must. 8°. London, 1895. 6 Campbell (DOUGLAS H.) Lectures on the Evolution of Plants, pp. viii, 319 : text Must. 8°. New York & London, 1899. CAMPBELL (DuGALD) [-1882] Chemical Report on the mode of detecting Vegetable substances mixed with Coffee, for the purpose of Adulteration, &c. See GRAHAM (T.) & others. fol. 1852. . 5 CAMPBELL (£o«f J0EOROE); Log-Let Challenge}/ . . . Third edififln, col., textalust. / / / 1/9. The first edition appeared in 1876. CAMPBELL (GEORGE DOUGLAS) Duke of Argyll [1823-]i Geology : its past and present, &c. pp. 50 : text tt(u$t. 8°. Glasgow & London, 1859. ^—lq«K3 Campbell (GEORGE DOUGLAS) Duke of Argyll. [The Reign of Law. 8°. London, 1867, i.e. 1866.] Wanting. Sixth edition, pp. xxvii, . ;.- 4 pis. 8°. London, 1871. i ,°1 Campbell (GEORGE DOUGLAS) Duke of Argyll. Recent speculations on Primeval Man. 8°. [London, 1868.] Extract from " Good Words," 1868. pp. 16S-1S9. Campbell (GEORGE DouoLA.s)Duke of Argyll. Primeval Man. An examination of some recent speculations. pp. ix, 200 : 1 pi. 8°. London, 1869. Campbell (GEORGE DOUGLAS) Duke of Argyll. Geology and the Deluge, pp. If!. 8°. Glasgow, 1885. CAMPBELL (JAMES) A treatise of modern Faul- conry : to which is prefixed ... an introduction, shewing the practice of Faulconry in certain remote times and countries, pp. iv, 364- 4°. Edinburgh, 1773. CAMPBELL (JAMES DUNCAN) The Fisheries of China. See LONDON. — Great International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. 8°. 1883. CAMPBELL (JOHN) [1766-1840] Travels in South Africa, aged parts. Camper (P.) Natuurkundige verhandelingen van P. Camper over den Orang Outang ; en eenige andere Aap-soorten. Over den Rhinoceros met den Dubbelen Horen ; en over het Rendier. pp. 235 : 0 pis. 4°. Amsterdam, 1782. Camper (P.) P. Campers . . . Naturgeschichte des Orang-Utang . . . Ins Deutsche iibersetzt, und mit . . . Beobachtungen des Verfassers herausgegeben von J. F. M. Herbell. pp. 234: 9 pis. 8°. Dusseldorf, 1791. Camper (P.) Briefe iiber einige mineralogische Gegen- stande an Herrn P. Camper. [By Prince Galitzin.] Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt und . . . heraus- gegeben von F. A. A. Meyer. Till. 1 & 2. pp. (xii,) 328 : 8 pis. (1 col.) 8°. Gottingen, 1791. The original work appeared in 1789-90. Camper (P.) Dissertation physique . . . sur les diffe- rences reelles que presentent les traits du visage chez les Hommes de difterents pays et de differents ages . . . Publife . . . par . . . A. G. Camper. Traduite du Hol- landois par D. B. Q. d'Isjouval. pp. viii, 114 •' 10 P^s- 4°. Utrecht, 1791. Camper (P.) P. Camper iiber den natiirlichen Unter- schied der Gesichtsziige in Menschen . . . Herausgegeben von . . . A. G. Camper. Ubersetzt von S. T. Sommer- ring. pp. xx, 77: 10 pis. 4°. Berlin, 1792. Camper (P.) Description anatomique d'un Elephant male par P. Camper . . . publiee par son fils, A. G. Camper, pp. xii, 108 : 20 pis., port. fol. Paris, 1802. Camper (P.) Observations anatpmiques sur la structure interieure et le squelette de plusieurs especes de Cetaces . . . Publiees par . . . A. G. Camper . . . Avec des notes par M. G. Cuvier, &c. pp. 218. Atlas 53 pis. 4°. & obi. fol. Paris, 1820. Camper (P.) Memoir of Camper. See JARDINE (Sir W.) Bart. Deer, Antelopes, Camels, &c. 8". [1845-6.] CAMFI (BALDASARRE) & (MICHELE) Nuovo discorso col quale si dimostra qual sia il vero Mitridatp . . . con un breve capitolo del vero Aspalato. pp. [viii,] 60. 4". Lucca, 1623. Campi (B.) & (M.) Spicilegio Botanico, dialogo . . . Nel quale si manifesta lo sconosciuto Cinnamomo delli Anticni, &c. pp. xvi, 123. 4°. Lucca, 1654. CAMPICHE (G.) [-1870] & Pictet (F. J.) Descrip- tion des Fossiles du terrain Cretace des environs de Sainte-Croix, &c. 5 Pt. See PICTET (F. J.) Materiaux pour la Paleontologie Suisse, &c. Ser. n, no. 2 ; in, no. 2 ; iv, no. 1 ; v, no. 1 ; vi, no. 1. 4°. 1858-72. Campiche (G.) & Tribolet (G. DE) Description geologique des environs de Sainte-Croix. See PICTET (F. J.) Materiaux pour la Paleontologie Suisse, &c. Ser. n, no. 2. 4". 1858-60. CAMPREDOKT (Louis) [1863-1 Guide pratique du Chimiste Metallurgiste et de 1'Essayeur, &c. pp. iv, [ii,] 880 : text illust. 8°. Part's, 1898. CAMPS T DE OLZINELLAS (CARLOS DE) Marquess. Discurso de entrada ('' En el reino vegetal no existen individuos ") leido en la Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona, pp. 87. 8°. Barcelona, 1895. 39 2- z. 6 6 L K- 306 L. ;fe. L CAMUS (.\it\i \M> (i \STON) [1740-1804] Histoire des Aniinaux d'Aristote, avec la traduction Francoise [and notes] par M. Camus. 2 Tom. See ARISTOTLE. 4°. 1783. CAMUS (E. GUSTAVE) Guide Pratique de Botanique rurale, . 155. 8°. Modena, 1886. Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Modena. Ser. II, vol. iv. CANADA. Reports of the Assinniboine and Sas- katchewan Exploring Expedition. Geological Report. Chapt. xvi-xx. pp. 117-200 rt of Progress from its commencement to 1863. pp. xxvii, 983 : text illust. -» 8°. Ottawa, 1886-» Wanting those for 1S88 to IKiHi. These reports form Pt. Ill of the " Annual Deport of the De)«rtment of the Interior." Previous reports of this nature appeared in 186V and 1870. Canada. —GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Figures and Descriptions of Canadian Organic Remains. Decades 1-lV.t 3 Vol. 8°. Montreal, 1858-65. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Mesozoic Fossils ... By J. F. Whiteaves. Vol. i, pt. l-3.t pp. 262 : 31 pis. 8°. Montreal, 1876-84. Canada.-K)EOLOoicAL SURVEY. New species of Lower Silurian Fossils. By E. Billings. 3 Pt. pp. 168: text illust. 8". Montreal, 1861-62. [Continued as :] New species of Palaeozoic Fossils. By E. Billings. pp. 169-344: text illust. 8°. Montreal, 1865. [The first three parts were recast, and with the fourth form Pt. 1-4 of the first volume of : — } Palaeozoic Fossils J. F. Whiteaves). . . By E. Billings ([and afterwards] Vol. I-» 8°. Montreal, 1865-» Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Contributions to the Micro-palieontology of the Cambro- Silurian Rocks of Canada. Pt. 1 & 2. 8°. Ottawa, Montreal, 1883, 1889. [Continued as :] Contributions to Canadian Micro-palaeontology. Pt. 3-» 8". Montreal, 1891-» Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, &c. Vol. i-» 8°. & 4°. Montreal, 1885. Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 1. Parallelism of the Quebec group. Description of a new species of Harpes. On the spiral coils 01 Ci/rtina, with description of a new species • by E. Billings. 2. Description of a new Trifobite [Olenus? Loyani] from the Quebec group ; by T. Devine. 3. On the remains of the fossil Elephant [Elephas Jacksoni, Briggs y E. Billings. pp. 36 : text illust. 8°. Montreal, 1863. Canadian Naturalist. Vol. vm. Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Notes on the Gold of Eastern Canada : being a reprint of portions of various reports of the . . . Survey . . . from 1848 to 1863. pp. 40. 8". Montreal, 1864. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Catalogues of the Silurian Fossils of the Island of Anticosti, with descriptions of some new genera and species. By E. Billings, pp. 93 : text illust. 8°. Montreal, &c., 1866. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. On the Classification of the subdivisions of McCoy's genus Athyris, as determined by the laws of zoological nomenclature. ( — New species of Silurian and Devonian Fossils. Brachiopoda.) [By E. Billings.] pp. 20 : text illust. 8". [Montreal, 1867 ?] The first portion is reprinted from Aruer. Journ. Sci. 2nd Ser. xi.iv. 1867. Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Report of . . . T. S. Hunt ... on the Gold Region of Nova Scotia, pp. 48. 8°. Ottawa, 1868. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The fossil Plants of the (Brian) Devonian and Upper Silurian Formations of Canada, by J. W. Dawson. (Supplementary section [to Pt. I.] on the bearing of Devonian botany on questions as to the origin and extinction of species.) 2 Pt. pp. 142, 8 : 2A pis., text illust. 8°. Montreal, 1871, 82. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Report on the fossil Plants of the Lower Carboniferous and Millstone Grit formations of Canada. By J. W. Dawson. pp. 47 : 11 pis. 8°. Montreal, 1873. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. General note on the Mines and Minerals of economic value of British Columbia, with a list of localities. By G. M. Dawson. pp. Jfl. 8°. [Montreal, 1878.] Rept, of Progress fur 1876-7. L £r L L 0 L L 6- 307 Gr Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Preliminary note on the geology of the Bow and Belly River districts, N.W. Territory, with special reference to the Coal deposits. By G. M. Dawson, &c. pp. [Hi,] 19. 8". Montreal, 1882. Incorporated with additions and corrections in the Report of Progress (or 1882 (Appendix B). Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Catalogue of Canadian Plants ... By J. Macoun. Pt. 1-6. [in 3 Vol.] 8". Montreal, 1883-92. z B Vol. i pp. a, it: 6SS. Pt. 1. Polypetalie. ,, 2. (Jamopetalftj. „ 8. Apetalie. pp. it, iv, tt5!8. Pt. 4. Endogens. . , 5. Acrogens. „ 6. MuBci. pp. », S95. 1883. 1884. 188(5. 1888. 1880. 1892. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Descriptive sketch of the Physical Geography and Geology of the Dominion of Canada. By A. R. C. Selwyn . . . and G. M. Dawson. pp. 55 : 1 pi. 8°. Montreal, 1884. Wiitten to accompany the "Map of the Dominion of Canada, geologically coloured" [q.v. infra]. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Report on the Polyzoa of the Queen Charlotte Islands, by ... T. Hincks. pp. 44- 7 pis. 8°. Ottaiva, 1884. Ann. & Mftg. Nat. Hist. Ser. V, vol. x-xm. Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. List of Canadian Hepaticse by W. H. Pearson, pp. [iv,] 31 : 12 pis. 8°. Montreal, 1890. A set of type specimens is preserved in the Botanical Department. Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Catalogue of Section One of the Museum . . . embracing the systematic collection of Minerals, and the collections of Economic Minerals and Rocks, and specimens illus- trative of Structural Geology. By G. C. Hoffmann, &c. pp. xi, 256 : 1 plan. 8U. Ottawa, 1893. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Esquisse geologique du Canada pour servir k 1'intelli- gence de la Carte Geologique . . . par W. E. Logan et T. S. Hunt. See PARIS.— Exposition universelle, 1855. 12°. 1855. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Descriptive Catalogue of a collection of the Economic Minerals of Canada (by Sir W. E. Logan), and of its Crystalline Rocks (by T. Sterry Hunt). See LONDON.— International Exhibition, 1862. 8°. [1862.] Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Commission geologique du Canada. — Esquisse g6o- logique du Canada suivie d'un Catalogue descriptif de la Collection de Cartes . . . Roches, Fossiles et Mine- raux . . . envoyee a 1'Exposition, &c. pp. 72. See PARIS. — Expositio-n universelle, 1867. 8°. 1867. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of the Economic Minerals of Canada, and Notes (by A. R. C. Selwyn) on a Stratigraphical Collection of Canadian Rocks. pp. 152: text Must. See PHILADELPHIA. — International Exhibition, 1876. 8°. 1876. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Catalogue des Mineraux, Roches et Fossiles du Canada, &c. See PARIS.— Exposition universelle, 1878. 8°. 1878. Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Descriptive Catalogue of a collection of the Economic Minerals of Canada, &c. pp. 172: text Must. See.'Lo's- DON.— Colonial ami Indian Exhibition, 1880, 8". 1886. Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Catalogue of a Stratigraphical collection of Canadian Rocks prepared for the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. By W. F. Ferrier. pp. xx, 128 [2]. 8°. Ottawa, 1893. Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. List of Publications, &c. pp. 7. [Another edition.] pp. 36. [Another edition.] pp. 52. 8°. Montreal, 1873. 8°. Montreal, 1889. 8°. Ottawa, 1895. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Maps.] [Geological Map.] Scale 1 : 253,440. 4 m. to 1 in. Sh. No. l-> col. ' Montreal, 1880-> Issued in quarter-sheets. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Maps.] Sections to illustrate Sheets. No. 1 S.W., 1 S.E., and 1 N.E. col. Montreal, 1880. Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Maps] Province of Nova Scotia. (Island of Cape Breton.) Scale 1 : 63,360. 1 m. to 1 in. Sh. No. l-> col. Montreal, 1884-> Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Maps] Map of the Dominion of Canada. Geologically colored from surveys made ... 1842 to 1882. [Scale 1 : 2,851,200 or 1 in. = 45 m.] 2 sh. [Montreal, 1884.] For description of this map, See supra, " Descriptive Sketch," tt-e. 1884. CANADA. [Maps] A Map of the Province of Upper Canada . . . Compiled ... by D. W. Smyth . . . Second edition. [Scale 1 in. = 22'5 m. about.] London, 1813. Canada. [Maps] A new Map of the Province of Lower Canada . . . Compiled ... by S. Holland, &c. [Scale 1 in. = 12 m.] London, 1813. Canada. [Maps.\ A Map of Cabotia ; comprehending the Provinces ot Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, with Breton Island, New- foundland, &c. . . . Compiled ... by J. Purely [Scale 1 in. = 23J m.] ([With inset.] The Province of Nova Scotia, with part of New Brunswick, &c., on an en- larged scale [i.e. 1 in. = 14i m.], cfcc.) 4 sh. col. London, 1814. Canada. [Maps] Map of the Province of Lower Canada ... By ... J. Bouchette. [Scale 1 in. = 2§ m.J 10 sh. London [1815]. Canada. [Maps.] Map of the Provinces of Upper & Lower Canada . . . Compiled ... by J. Boucnette. [Scale 1 in. = 34jm.] 2 sh. col. [London, 1815.] Canada. [Maps] A geological map of the . . . British Provinces in North America, &c. See MARCOU (J.) 8". 1853. Canada. [Maps] Geological map of Canada . . . By Sir W. E. Logan. Scale 1 : 1,584,000 [1 in. = 25m.] 8 sh. col. Montreal & Pans, 1866. Canada. [Maps.] The new Standard Atlas of the Dominion of Canada . . . with letterpress descriptions of the Provinces . . . and the Geology of the Dominion, &c. pp. Ivi, 151 [comirrisincf 48 maj^s col] fol. Montreal & Toronto, 1875. Canada. [Maps] Map of part of British Columbia and the North West Territory . . . Compiled and drawn by W.B. Dawson, &c. 3sh. See BRITISH COLUMBIA. 1880. Canada. [Maps.] [For geological Maps of Canada] See CANADA. — Geological Survey, ' a- L 308 L L L L L L CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST, The . . . Edited by C. J. S. Bethune ([and afterwards] \V. Saunders). Vol. i-» 8°. Toronto, & London, Ont., 1869-* CANADIAN INSTITUTE. [ Founded ms.] The Canadian Journal : a Repertory of Industry, Science, and Art, and a Record of the Proceedings of the Canadian Institute. Edited by H. Y. Hind, dx. Vol. I-III. 4°. Toronto, 1802-55. [Continued a* :] The Canadian Journal: a Repertory of Industry, Science, and Art : conducted by the Editing Committee of the Canadian Institute. New Series, Vol. i-xi. 8°. Toronto, 1856-66. [Continued as :] The Canadian Journal of Science, Literature the Proceedings were again issued as a separate publication. Canadian Institute. Proceedings, dx. New Series, Vol. i-» 8°. Toronto, 1897-» The earlier series was changed into the Transactions [q. r. supra). Canadian Institnte. Annual Report, &c. No. 1-7. 8°. 2'oronto, 1888-94. CANADIAN JOURNAL, The. See CANADIAN INSTITUTE. CANADIAN NATURALIST, The. See NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF MONTREAL. CANADIAN RECORD OF SCIENCE, The. See NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF MONTREAL. CANAL (EMANUEL JOSEPH MALABAILA VON) Count n [1745-1826] Hortus Canalius, seu Plantarum rariorum, D quae in horto botanico . . . J. M. Comitis de Canal coluntur, icones et descriptiones. See TAUSCH (I. F.) fol. 1823. CANALES (AURELIO VASQUEZ FIGUEROA Y) See VAsyfEX FlOUEROA Y CANALES. I L CANARY BIRD. Traite du Serein de Canarie, et autres petits Oiseaux de volifere, EPHY8iQUE,<£c. Memoires,pennino centrale. pp. Jfi : 3 pis. 8°. Pita, 1MH4. Atti Hoc. Toscana Sci. Nat. Pis*. Vol. vi. Canavari (M.) See PALAEONTOORAPHIA ITALICA. Memorie di Paleontologia ptibblicate per cura del . . . M. Canavari. Vol. i-» 4°. 1896-> Canavari (M.) La Fauna degli strati con Aspidoceras acanthicum di Monte Serra presso Camerino. 2 Pt. («- illmt. See PALAEONTOGRAPHIA ITALICA, .CH,&4& 8°. Liege, 1891. K Candeze (E. C. A.) [Elateridas from the Transvaal.] 7^.., See DISTANT (W. L.) A Naturalist in the Transvaal. L Appendix. 8°. 1892. Caiicleze (E. C. A.) & Chapuis (F.) Catalogue des ,- Larves Coleopteres, &c. See CHAPUIS (F.) «k CANDEZE C (E.) 4°. 1853. CANDIDIUS (GEORGE) A short account of the Island of Formosa, &e. See CHURCHILL (A.) ifc (J.) / — A collection of Voyages, &c. Vol. I. fol. 1704. CANDISH (THOMAS) See CAVENDISH. CANDLER (CHARLES) Observations on the Birds of the [Harleston] District. See. GALPIN (F. W.) An $ account of the Flowering Plants ... of Harleston, />. viii, U. 884: Mf£ 4°. Paris 1830. ' Candolle (ALPHONSE L. P. P. DE) l'etudedelaBotanique, 6 309 DE) Sur le^>M ' a 1'occasiojKfun ouvrage 8°. /"am, 1845. Candolle (ALPHONSE L. P. P. DE) (Supplement a la) Bibliotheque universelle de Geneve. Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles, par M. . . . A. de Candolle, &c. Tom. v-xxi. See BIBLIOTH^QUE UNI- VERSELLE, &c. 8U. 1847-52. Candolle (ALPHONSE L. P. P. DE) Planches relatives au genre Gaertnera, Lam., par M. Bqjer, &c. [Text by De Candolle.] 1 p. : 2 pis. (1 col.) See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, &c. Neue Denk- ' schriften, &c. Tom. x. 4°. 1849. Caudolle (ALPHONSE L. P. P. DE) Du mode d'action de la Chaleur sur les Plantes, et en particulier de 1'effet des Rayons Solaires. pp. 16. 8°. [Geneva,] 1850. Bibl. Univ. Arch. Sci. phys. & nat. Tom. xm. Candolle (ALPHONSE L. P. P. DE) Geographic Botanique raisonnee, &c. 2 Tom. [in 1 Vol.] pp. xxxii, 18G5 : 2 maps. 8°. Paris, 1855. Candolle (ALPHONSE L. P. P. DE) Begoniaceae.— Santalacese, Myristicacese. See MARTIUS (C. F. P. VON) Flora Brasiliensis, &c. Vol. iv, pt. 1 ; v, pt. 1. fol. 1860-61. Candolle (ALPHONSE L. P. P. DE) Memoires et Souvenirs de A. P. de Candolle . . . publics [with a preface] par son fils [A. L. P. P. de Candolle]. See CAN- DOLLE (AUGUSTIN P. DE) 8°. 1862. Candolle (ALPHONSE L. P. P. DE) De la Germination sous des degres divers de temperature constante. pp. 40. 8°. [Geneva,\ 1865. Bibl. Univ. Arch. Sci. phys. • 8°. Parisiis, 1878-> Suites au Prodronms Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis [of A. P. de Candolle]. Vol. i. Smilaceae, Hestiacese, Meliacese. 1878. ,, il. Araceaj- Auctore Engler. 1879. ,, in. Philydracem, Alismacege, Butomaceae, Jxincagineie, Com- melinacea;, Cucurbitacese. 1881. ,, iv. Burseraceaj et Anacardiaceie. Auctore Engler. Pontedeviacefti. Auctore H. Solms-Laubach. 1S83. „ v. Cyrtandreaj. Auctore C. B. Clark. 1883. Ampolidefe. Auctore J. E. Planchon. 1887. ,, vl. Andropogonese. Auctore E. Hacke], 1889./ ,, vll. Melastouiacea}. Auctore A. Cogniaux. 1891/ ., viii. Guttiferse. Auctore J. Vesque. 18 „ IX. Bromeliaceaj. Auctore C. Mez. 1896. Candolle (ALPHONSE L. P. P. DE) & (AUGUSTIN P. DE) Notices sur les Plantes rares cultivees dans le Jardin Botanique de Geneve. 10 Pt. See CANDOLLE (AUGUSTIN P. DE) & (A. L. P. P. DE) 4°. 1823-47. Candolle (ALPHONSE L. P. P. DE) & ( AUGUSTIN P. DE) Monstruosites Vegetales, &c. Fasc. 1. pp. 23: 7 pis. col. See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, &c. Neue Denkschriften, &c. Tom. v. 4°. 1841. CANDOLLE (ANNE CASIMIR PYRAMUS DE) [1836-] Piperaceae. — Juglandese. — Myricaceae. See CANDOLLE O (AUGUSTIN P. DE) Prodromus Systematis naturalis Regni Vegetabilis, dec. Pt. xvi. &°. 1864-69. Candolle (ANNE CASIMIR P. DE) Meliaceae. See MAR- TIUS (C. F. P. VON) Flora Brasiliensis, &c. Vol. xi, £ pt. 1. fol. 1878. Candolle (ANNE CAsnarR P. DE) CojaswterUtions sur Fetude dejajahyllotaxie. pp.6^irpT7 8°. Geneve, 1881. BiJiUfluvT Arch. Sci.vpjiyj^JwilrtrGeneve. Tom. v. Candolle (ANNE CASIMIR P. DE) Sur une monstruosite L. . duCydamen Neapolitanum. pp.7: 1 pi. See GENEVA. — SOCIETE DE PHYSIQUE, &c. Memoires, &c. Tom. xxix, * ' no. 7. 4°. 1887. Candolle (ANNE CASIMIR P. DE) Recherches sur les inflorescences epiphylles. pp. 37 : 3 pis. See GENEVA. — socrfTE DE PHYSIQUE, &c. Memoires, &c. Volume supplemental. No. 6. 4°. 1890 (1891). 6 o Candolle (ANNE CASIMIR P. DE) [Piperaceae of Costa Rica.] See DURAND (T.) & PITTIER (H.) Primitise Florae Costaricensis. Fasc. i. 8°. 1891, 310 I 6 5 Candolle (ANNE CASIMIR P. DE) Contributions a la Flore du Paraguay. [Pt. vi.l Pip4rac6es. See GENEVA.— 8oci£r£ DE PHYSIQUE, See CANDOLLE( A. L. P. P. DE) ls. col., toith descriptive letterjtress. tot & 4". Paris, 1799 [-1829]. The work, which waa pnbliahed in inrta of six plates each, was not com- pleted, and no text was issued after that to No. 159. This copy wants Pis. 118, 154, 15«, 157, 171 & 181, with the text to N ... 118 i 154 to 159. The text to the fourth volume is in 4°. Q Candolle (AUGUSTIN P. DE) A. P. Decandolle. Astra- galogia, our servir a 1'Histoire du Regne Vegetal, et plus sp6cialement pour servir de Complement a quelques parties du Prodromus Regni Vegetabilis. 4°. Paris, 1828-38. 1. M<. „ Paronychitei. pp. 1C : 6 pit. 1829. „ Ombelllferes. jij>. M: in r>'- I ••-"•'• li „ Loranthacees. pp. SI : li I'll. 1830. 7. „ VaWrianees. pp. tk : fn*»- 1s32- 8. Miimoire stir qnelqiios E«IH'!C» de Cactoes, d-c. w. 37 : 13 ]>'*. 1834. 0. Obwrvations inr la structure et la clani&cation du la fainillo des pp. U : 19 jx*. S38. 10. Htatistique de la famille des Comi>o8i>es. pp. 23 : 3 tali. S3». Candolle (AUCUSTIN P. DE) M6moires sur la famille des Leguinineuses. [14 Memoirs.] pp. 51.r>, 2 tab. : 70pl». 4«. Fnru, 1825 [-20?]. Wanting Mem. xv (pp. 5HW25X 311 6 6 B t g L 6 Candolle (AUGUSTIN P. DE) Revue de la famille des Lythraires. pp. 82 : 3 pis. 4°. Geneve, 1826. Mini. Soc. phys. & hist. nut. Geneve. Tom. in. Candolle (AUGUSTIN P. DE) Organographie Vegetale, ou description raisonnee des Organes des Plantes, &c. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. Paris, 1827. Forms Ft. I of the " Cours de Botanique." Candolle ( AUGUSTIN P. DE) Vegetable Organography . . . Translated by Broughton Kingdon. Second edition. 2 Vol. 8°. London, 1841. The first edition of this translation appeared in 1830-40. Candolle (AUGUSTIN P. DE) A. P. de Candolle's Organographie der Gewachse . . . Aus dem Franzo- sischen ubersetzt und mit einigen Anmerkungen versehen von C. F. Meisner. 2 Bd. Must. 8°. Stuttgart & Tubingen, 1828. The second title reads : — " A. P. De Candolle's Vorlesungen iiber die Botanik." Candolle (AUGUSTIN P. DE) Considerations sur la Phytologie, ou Botanique generale, son histoire et les raoyens de la perfectionner. pp. 16. 8°. Paris, 1828. Diet. Classique Hist. Nat. Candolle (AUGUSTIN P. DE) Memoire sur la famille des Combretacees. pp. 43 : 5 pis. 4°. Geneve, 1828. Mem. Soc. phys. & hist. nat. Geneve. Tom. iv. Candolle (AUGUSTIN P. DE) Plantes rares du Jardin de Geneve, pp. [iv,] 92 : 24 pis. col. fol. Geneve, 1829. Candolle (AUGUSTIN P. DE) Revue de la famille des Cactees, &c. pp. 119 : 21 pis. col. 4°. Paris, 1829. Candolle ( AUGUSTIN P. DE) Histoire de la Botanique Genevoise. Discours, &c. pp. 61. 4". Geneve, Paris, 1830. Reprinted in Mem. Soc. phys. COLONY. 8°. 1885 (1889). CAFE TOWN.— South African Institution. See SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTION. CAFE TOWN.— South African Museum. [Founded 1855.) Report of the Trustees, &c. 1855, 1862, 1864, 1866, / 1874-> fol. Cape Town, 1856-» Cape Town.— South African Museum. Annals, &c. Vol. i-> 8°. London, 1898-» L S^o//, CAFE TOWN.— South African Philosophical Society. See SOUTH AFRICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. CAFEL (CHARLES C.) Trout Culture. A practical Zi treatise, &c. pp. 93. 8°. London, 1877. CAFELLE (EDOUAHD) Notes sur quelques decouvertes prehistoriques autour de Segobriga dans 1'Espagne / centrale. pp. 58 : 5 pis., text Must. See MADRID. — , if. SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. AnaleS, &C. •* ' * Tom. xxiii. 8°. 1894. CAFELLI (CAROLUS) [1 763-1831] Catalogus Stirpium quae aluntur in Regio Horto Botanico Taurinensi, &c. a See TURIN. — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO.— Orto Botanico. 8°. 1821. CAPELLINI (GIOVANNI) [1833-] Cenni geologici /• sul giacemento delle Ligniti della bassa val di Magra. pp. 34: 4 ids. 4°. Torino, i860. Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino. Ser. II, torn. xix. Capellini (G.) Geologia e Paleontologia del Bolognese, £,- &c. pp. 27. 8°. Bologna, 1862. Capellini (G.) Studi stratigrafici e paleontologici sull' ,, Infralias nelle Montagne del Golfo della Spezia. pp. 75, * S3 tab. : 2 pis. 4°. Bologna, 1862. Mem. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna. Ser. II, torn. i. Capellini (G.) Delfini fossili del Bolognese. Memoria preceduta da un cenno geologico sui dintorni di <^, S. Lorenzo in collina. pp. 31 : 3 pis. 4°. Bologna, 1864. Mem. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna. Ser. II, torn. in. Capellini (G.) Balenottere fossili del Bolognese. £. pp. 34 : 3 pis. 4°. Bologna, 1865. Mem. Aocad. Sci. Istit. Bologna. Ser. II, torn. IV. Capellini (G.) I fossili Infraliassici dei dintorni del (jf Golfo della Spezia. 2 Pt. 4". Bologna, 1866, 67. Meni. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna. Ser. II, torn, v . 21 [2] : S pis. 4". Jiologna, 1873. Mem. Acoad. Sci. Istit. Bologna. Ser. Ill, tom. in. (Rendic. Accad. Hoi. Istit. Bologna. 1873.) /* Capellini (G.) IA forniazione Gessosa di Castellina IT inarittima e i suoi Fossili. pp. S3: 9 pis. 4". Bdixjmi, 1874. Mem. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna. Ser. Ill, tom. IV. Capellini (G.) Balenottere fossili e Pachi/acanthus (£• dell' Italia meridionale. pp. 22 : S pis. 4". Ronut, 1877. Atti R. Accad. l.incri. Roma. Ser. Ill, Mem., torn. i. Capellini (G.) Della Balena di Taranto confrontata con quelle della Nuova Zelanda e contalune fossili del Belgio e della Toscana. pp. 34 : 3 j)ls. (col.) 4°. Jiologna, 1877. Mem. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna. Ser. Ill, tom. vu. Capellini (G.) Sulla Balenottera di Mondini. Rorqual 21 de la Mer Adriatique di G. Cuvier. pp. 40 : 4 pis. 4°. Jiologna, 1877. Mem. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna. Ser. Ill, tom. VII. Capellini (G.) Della Pietra Leccese e di alcuni suoi WT fossili. pp. it4 : 3 ]>ls. 4°. Jiologna, 1878. Mem. Accud. Sci. Istit. Bologna. Ser. Ill, torn. ix. ^ Capellini (G.) Gli striati a Congerie o la formazione Gr Gessoso-Solfifera nella provincia di Pisa e nei dintorni di Livorno. pp. 55 : 9 pis. 4°. Homo, 1880. Atti R. Accad. Lincei. Roma. Ser. Ill, Mem., tom. v. Capellini (G.) Carta geologica dei dintorni del Golfo di Spezia ... 2* edizione . . . Scala di Ia50,000 [•'.«. 1m. = Ijin. about]. See SPEZIA. [Maps] 1881. Capellini (G.) Carta geologica dei monti di Livorno []). 56 : 5 pis. 4°. Jiolof/na, 1892. Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna. Ser. V, tom. n. CAPELLO (FELIX DE BRITO) Descripvao de tres especies novas de Crustaceos d' Africa occidental e observances acerca do Pewnus Bocayei, Johnson, especie nova dos mares de Portugal, pp. II: 1 pi. See LISBON. — ACADEMIA REAL DAS SCIENCIAS. Memo- rias, . Hi, 73. See LISBON.— ACADEMIA REAL DAS SCIENCIAS. emorias, . 40 : 1 pi., text illust. See AMSTER- DAM.— KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen, &c. Deel xxix. 4°. 1892. Cappelle (H. VAN) Het Diluvium van West-Drenthe. . j>/i. ,« : 1 ffeol. map col., text illust. See AMSTERDAM.— KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. Ver- handelingen, 8°. [Shrewsbury,] 1894-» Caradoc and Severn Valley Field Club. The Caradoc Record of Bare Facts : a list of the more n noteworthy observations made by members of the . . . Sib 0." Club, and others. 1893-* 8°. Shrewsbury [1894->] For the first two i»vrts, Sec CAHADOC FIELD CLUB. CARAFA (TiBERio) Prince of Jiisiynano. Catalogo D delle Piante che si coltivano nel Botanico Giardino della Villa del Signer Principe di Bisignano alia Barra, 1805. See TENORE (M.) 4". 1805. & - Another edition. 4°. 1809. CABALF (J.) Jjtudes geologiques sur les hauts r massifs des Pyrenees centrales (Haute-Ariege, Haute- Garonne, Vallee d'Aran). pp. xx, 512 : text Must. 8°. Toulouse, 1888. C ARANGEOT (ARNAND) Papillons d'Europe points . Carangeot]. fol. 1779-92. CARAVEN-CACHIN (ALFRED) Description geo- graphique, geologique, mineralogique, paleontologique ... & agronomique des departements du Tarn et de T arn-et-Garonne, dx. pp. xxii, 684. 8°. Toulouse & Paris, 1898. d'apres Nature [with some descriptions by A. Carangeot]. 8 Tom. See ERNST (J. J.) wr CARBONNIER (PIERRE) Guide pratique du Pisci- culteur. pp. viii, 200 : text illust. 12°. Paris, 1864. -7 Dibliothuque des Professions Industrielles et Agricoles. Her. H, no. 20. Carbonnier (P.) L'^crevisse, &c. pp. viii, 197. 12°. Paris, 1869. Z CARBONNIERES (Louis FRANCOIS ELISABETH RAMOND DE) Baron. See RAMOND DE CARBONNIEHES. CARCANO (FRANCESCO) called SFORZINO [1500-1580] I tre libri de gli Uccelli da Rapina . . . con un trattato Z. de'Cani, &c. pp. [xvi,]217: text illust. 8°. Vicenza, 1622. CARCASSONNE. — Societe d'Etudes Scienti- L • S fiqUCS de 1'Aude. [Founded 1889.] Bulletin, &c. Tom. i-» 8". Carcassonne, 1890-> '? ^i CARCASSONNE ( ) & Farines (J. N.) Memoire sur un Cetacee echoue . . . sur la cote . . . de Saint- Cyprien, Pyr.-Orient., &c. See FARINES (J. N.) & Z CARCASSONNE ( ) 8°. 1829. CARCENAC (HENRY) Du Coton, du Chanvre, du Lin et des Laines en Italie (Des Laines et des Vegetaux textiles en Espagne et dans ses colonies. — Des Laines et $ des Plantes textiles en Portugal et dans ses colonies). pp. 162. 8°. Paris, 1869. Reports to the " Ministre de I'lnstruction Publique." CARD (GEOROE W.) & Dun (W. S.) The Diatoma- ,, ceous Earth Deposits of New South Wales, pp. 21 : D 4 ph. 8°. [Sydney, 1897.] Records Geol. Survey, N. S. Wales. Vol. v. 1897. CARDANO (GiROLAMo) [1501-1576J H. Cardani . . . Q de Subtilitate libri xxi, &c. pp. [xlm,] SOB. 8°. Parisiis, 1551. Cardano (G.) H. Cardani . . . de Rerum Varietate _, libri xvii, &c. pp. [xii,] 707 [32] : text illust. fol. Basilece, 1557. CARDANUS (HIERONYMUS) See CARDANO (GIRO- LAMO) CARDEW (F.) Report on the Forests of Zululand. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Colonial Reports. —Miscellaneous. No. 2. 8°. 1891. CARDIFF NATURALISTS' SOCIETY. [Founded 1867.] First annual report.' 1867-8. Second, « Vol. n-> ^8°. Hertford, Cardiff, 1870-> Vol. iijanly was printed ^afHertford. Wanting Vol. in, pt. 2. Cardiff Naturalists' Society. The Flora of Cardiff, £ &c. See STORRIE (J.) 8°. 1886. CARDOT (JULES) Repertoire Sphagnologique. Cata- logue alphabetique de toutes les especes et variet6s du O genre Sphagnum, &c. pp. 200. 8". Autun, 1897. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun. Vol. x. Cardot (J.) & Renauld (F.) Musci Americse Sep- r> tentrionalis ex operibus novissimis recensiti et metho- dicedispositi. See RENAULD (F.) & CARDOT (J.) 8°. 1892. Observations & rectifications sur les especes dis- tribuees. 8°. 1894. Lithographed MS. Cardot (J.) & Renauld (F.) [Mosses of Madagascar.] A See GRANDIDIER (A.) Histoire physique . . . de C Madagascar . . . Vol. xxxix. Atlas 1" p"°. 4". 1898. Cardot (J.) ] See FRANCE. — Exploration scientifique de I'Algerie, d'c. Sciences historiques et g6ograpniques. Vol. I-V. 8". 1844-53. CARET (JOHN) [c. 1797-1880] [Willows, Poplars, and the genus G'onvr.] See GRAY (A.) A manual of Botany of the United States, dx. 8°. 1848. CARET (WILLIAM) [1761-1834] Hortus Bengalensis introduction t>y W. Carey]. See CALCUTTA.— [with an : ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS. fol. 1814. e e & 6 Carey (W.) Flora Indica . . . Edited by W. Carey, &c. 2 Vol. See ROXBURGH (W.) 8°. 1820-24. [Another edition.] [Reprint.] 8°. 1832. 4°. 1874. Carey (W.) Hortus Suburbanus Calcuttensis. A catalogue of the Plants which have been cultivated in ... Dr. Carey's Garden, Septibme edition, renfermant la Flore du bassin moyen du Rhone et de la Loire. 3 Tom. illust. 12°. Lyon, 1884. — Huitieme edition, revue et auginentee par . . . Saint-laager. Tom. II. Botanique descriptive, pjt.xxxv, 1004. 12°. Lyon, 1889. Wanting Tom. i t in, which, l.owever, are merely reprint* of thow of the (eventh edition. Flore de la France Centraje. Album faisant suite a la quatrieme edition de 1'Etude des Fleurs par M Cariot, eLiNN.*us(C.) 4°. [1753.] [Another edition.] See LINN^US (C.) C. Linnwi . . . Amcenitates Acaclemicse, &c. Vol. iv. 8°. 1759. Editio secunda. 8°. 1788. j. CARLEER (LEON HENRI MARIE) Examen des prin- cipales Classifications adoptees par les Zoologistes. -t pp. 284. 8". Jiruxelles, 1861. Ann. Univ. Uelgiiine. Tom. l. 1808-S9. CARLET (GASTON) [1845-1892] Essai experimental sur la Locomotion Humaine. Etude de la marche. pit. 03 : 2 pis., text illust. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, : text illust. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie, Ser. VI, torn, xv, no. 5. 8°. 1883. e $ B 6. L. 1^.0. ! CARLET (.JOSEPH) pp. viii, 17G. Traite elementaire des Roches, 8°. Paris & Dijon, 1851 collection Carli (D.) Eine Reise nach Kongo, in 1667. &£ ABKRBl ( ) & MERKUS ( Historic der Reisen, CARLSRUHE.— Naturwissenschaftlicher Ve- reiu. (Founded 1862.] Verhandlungen (Vorbericht — Sitzungsberichte — Ab- handlungen), &c. Hft. I— > 8". Carlsruhe, 1864-» /. CARLSRUHE. Technische Hochschule. See supra, GROSSHERZOGLICHE TECHNISCHE HOCH- SCHULE. CARLSSON ( ALBERTINA) Miss. Beitriige zur Kennt- L £570. niss der Anatomie der Schwimmvijgel. pp. 44 : 5 pis. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Hancllingar. Bd. ix, •£ • no. 3. 8°. 1884. Carlsson (A.) Miss. Untersuchungen liber Gliedmassen- , S S"-?<>. Reste bei Schlangen. pp. 38 : 3 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang -Z till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xi, no. 11. 8°. 1886. Carlsson (A.) Miss. Zur Anatomie des Hyperoodon / diodon. pp. 25: 3 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA Si'70, SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Z. . Handlingar. Bd. xin, afd. iv, no. 7. 8°. 1888. Carlsson (A.) Miss. Untersuchungen iiber die weichen Teile der s. g. iiberzahligen Strahlen an Hand und *- Fuss. pp. 40 : 4 pis. see STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA g , SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xvi, afd. iv, no. 8. 8°. 1891. CARLSSON (G. A.) [For official publications in con- nection with the Survey] See SWEDEN. — Sveric/es <-r Geologiska Under sokning. CARLSSON (GusTAF LEONARD) Botaniskt-Anti- qvariske Excursioner . . . komma att offentligen fb'rs- varas af G. L. Carlsson . . . [Pt.] in. See FRIES (E. M.) R 4". 1836. CARLSTEDT (BENEDICT) Syrphici Sveciae. Quorum descriptionem continuatam [pp. 23-30] . . . subjicit ' ;. 1'.) B. Carlstedt. Vol. i. See FALLEN (C. F.) Diptera Sveciae, &c. 4°. 1817. CARLSTEN (ANDREAS JOANNES) Dissertatio de Phylica . . . proponit A. J. Carlsten, &c. See THUN- /? BERG (C. P.) 4°. 1804. CARLSTEN (ELIAS qvariske Excursioner . . varas af E. A. Carlsten . AUGUST) Botaniskt-Anti- . komma att offentligen fors- . [Pt.] iv. See FRIES (E. M.) 4". 1836. CARMICHAEL (DUGALD) [1772-1827] [Autograph manuscript :] Catajflg«e-of the Plants coljeeteflin the c islands ot^&afifius: and Bourbon, bgAwSen . . . March 181&«lOune 1814. 4°. Carmichael (1J.) [Autograph manuscript : Descrip- tions of Cape Plants.] fol. 318 CarruiclxMl (D.) [Autograph-manuscript :] Gramina Cftnefisia. 4°. A? o% C. , L. CARMINATX (BASSANO) [1750-1830] B. Carminati . . . de Aninialiuin ex mephitibus, et noxiis halitibus interitu, ejusque propioribus caussis libri tres. pp. [vii,] 218. 4°. Laude Pamprja, 1777. CARNE (JOSEPH EDMUND) Notes on Chromic Iron Ore, Siooo L loC- I o C. z. rf I Traite d' Analyse des Substances 8°. Paris, 1898-* CARNOT (LAZAREHIPPOLYTE) [1801-1888] See REVUE ENCYCLOPEDIQUE . . . publie sous la direction de M. H. Carnot. Tom. LII-LV. 8°. 1831-32. CARNOT (JEAN BAPTISTE) [1836-1 La Biologie . Cellulaire, etude comparee de la Cellule dans les deux regnes. Fasc. l.t 8°. Lierre, Paris, ttc., 1884. Carnoy (J. B.) See CELLULE, LA ... publie par J. B. Carnoy, ttc. Tom. i-» 4°. (1884-») CAROLINA, Austrian Corvette. Sertum Benguelense. Aufzahlung und Beschreibung der auf der Expeditions- Fahrt S'. 51. Corvette "Carolina" an der Kiiste von Benguela, ttc. See WAWRA VON FERNSEE (H.) & PEYRITSCH (J.) 8°. i860. CAROLINA, Staffs of. See NORTH CAROLINA, and SOUTH CAROLINA. CAROLUS (JEAN MARTIN FRAN9Ois) [1808-1863] Recherches sur les Herbiers des anciens Botanistes et Amateurs Beiges, pp. 67. 8". Malines, 1857. CARON (FRANS) [c.1600-1674] Account of Japan. • See PINKERTON (J.) A general collection of ... Voyages, ttc. Vol. vn. 4". 1811. CARPATHIANS. [Maps.] Carte geologique de la rhaine du Tatra et des soulevemens jmralleles. [Scale 1 in. = 4 m. nearly.] col. Jierlin [1844 ?] Carpathians. [Maps.] Geognostische Karte der ( Nord-Karpathen in Schlesien und den angrenzenden Theilen von Maehren und Galizien, ttc. [Scale 1 in. = 4 m. about.] See HOHENEOOER (L.) Die geognosti- Rchen Verhaltnisse der Nordkarpathen in Schlesien, ttc. 1861. CARPENTER (GEOROE HERBERT) See IRISH NATURALIST, THE . . . Edited by G. H. Carpenter, Younger. Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the Geological Department of the British Museum (Natural History). \^. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 4°. J886. CARPENTER (PHjtn> PEARSALi^fl819-187 logue of the ... ^Tazatlan Shells [including Bryoj by G. Busk, and Brachiopoda], hiahe British/Museui See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTO: " ''1855/] 1857. [Another edition /Entitled 0 Katalogu/ of the Reigen Collection of Mazatlan MoHusca, in/the British Museum^ pp.xvi,5X2. IZ'/lVarrington, 1855-57. Difler/ from the preceding only in the title-page and preface. Each ir private issne. This copy contains some mami- itbor. Carpenter (PHILIP PEARSALL) Report on ... the Mollusca of the west coast of North America. 8°. London, 1857. J • B Z u , Rept. Brit. Aasoc. 1856. pp. 159-368. Carpenter (PHILIP PEARSALL) Check list of the Shells of North America. West coast : Oregonian and Cali- (^ fornian Province (—Mexican and Panamic Province). |_ pp. 4 (IS). See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smith- sonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. n, art. 6, < no.l&2. 8M880.y Carpenter (PHILIP PEARSALL) Lectures on Mollusca . . . Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution, pp. 140. L. 8°. Washington, 1861. ? Ann. Rept. Smithaon. Inst. 1800 (1861). Carpenter (PHILIP PEARSALL) The Mollusks of western North America. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITU- _ TION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. x, ^ art. 1. 8°- 1872. A collection of reprinU of papers published in various journals. Carpenter (WILLIAM) [1797-1874] Scripture Natural /_ History : or, a descriptive account of the Zoology, Botany, and Geology of the Bible . . . Second edition. pp. xxvi, GOG : text illust. . 8°. London, 1829. The first edition appeared in 1828. CARPENTER (WILLIAM BENJAMIN) [1813-1885] Prize Thesis. Inaugural dissertation on the physio- logical inferences to l>e deduced from the structure of the nervous system in the Invertebrated Classes of Animals, ttc. pp. viii, 83 : 2 pis. 8". London, 1839. Carpenter (WILLIAM B.) [Principles of general and comparative Physiology, Lychen fascicularis, ed in Lychen rupestris. pp. 39. 8°. Prato, 1797. CARREL (G.) Introduction a la Flore Valdotaine. pp. 49. 8". Aoste, 1858. B Carrel (G.) Elements de Mineralogie. Notes, &c. pp. 142. 8". Aoste, 1860. A^] CARRICHTER (BARTHOLOMEWS) See ANONYMUS (PHILOMUSUS) pseud. CARRICE (ROBERT) The present and prospective sources of the Timber Supplies of Great Britain and /? Ireland. See EDINBURGH. — International Forestry Exhibition, 1884- Forestry and Forest Products, dkc. Essay XI. 8°. 1885. CARRIERE (ELIE ABEL) [1818-96] Traite general n des Coniferes, &c. pp. xv, 656. 8°. Paris, 1855. ' Nouvelle edition, &c. pp. xii, 910. 8°. Paris, 1867. o Carriere (E. A.) Flore des Jardins de 1'Europe. Manuel . • general des Plantes, Arbres et Arbustes . . . Tome ^ quatrieme par Duchartre . . . avec la collaboration de Carriere,/>. SI : x' w/«. 8°. London, 1863. TI.IH-. Bot. Hoc. Kdinb. Vol. vu. Carring-ton (B.) British Hepaticas, CARRINGTON (SAMUEL) Carboniferous Fossils of Wetton. 8°. [Birmingham, 1865.] Trim*. Midland Scient. Aasoc. p,i. ',.~i-M. Carrington (S.) Notice of some interesting discoveries in a cleft in the Mountain Limestone, at Narrowdale. pp. 5. 8°. [London, 1869.] Reliquary Quart. Archieol. Jonra. t Rev. Vol. XXXTII. O CARRO (JEAN DE) [1770-1857] See ALMANACK DE CARLSBAD . . . par . . . J. de Carro, &c. Annee i-x. 12". 1831-40. CARBON (WILLIAM) [fl. 1848-1867] Account of Mr. E. B. Kennedy's expedition for the exploration of the Caj>e York Peninsula [including Mr. W. Carron's Narrative]. See MACGILLIVRAY (J.) Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, endix B. 8°. 1896. CARRUTHERS (WILLIAM) [1830-] [British Dia- tomacea:.] See GRAY (J. E.) Handbook of British Water- Weeds, ~t R. F.) it DRAKE (C. F. T.) Unexplored Syria, &c. L Vol. n, Appendix III. 8". 1872. Carruthers (W.) [Ferns of the Fiji Islands.] Ste SEE- - MAN (B. C.) Flora Vitiensis, eKERR(R.) A general . . . collection of Voyages and Travels, &c. 8°. 1824. CARTHAUS (EMIL) Mittheilungen iiber die Trias- formation im nordiistlichen Westfalen und in einigen angriinzenden Gebieten. pp. 69 : 1 pi. col. See WURZ- BUKG. — PHYSIKALISCH - MEDICINISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Verhandlungen, &c. Neue Folge, Bd. xix, no. 6. 8°. 1886. Cai-tliaus (E.) Die Bilstein-Hohlen bei Warstein in Westfalen. pp. 48 : 2 pis. 4°. Munster i. West/., 1890. Festschrift znr 21. allgemeinen Yersiumulung der Deutsclien Anthroixi- logischen Gesellschaft zu Munster. CARTHEUSER (FRIEDRICH AUGUST) [1734-1796] Elementa Mineralogies systematice disposita, &c. pp. [xvi,] 104. 8°. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1755. Cartheuser (F. A.) F. A. Cartheuser . . . Abhandlung vom Auerbacher Mineralwasser. pp. [xii,]84- 8°. Giessen, 1776. CARTHEUSER (JOHANN FRIEDRICH) [1704-1777] [J. F. Cartheuser . . . Dissertatio . . . de Genericis quibusdam Plantariun, &c. 8°. Francofurti a. V., 1754.] Wanting. Editio tertia, &c. pp. 85. 8°. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1764. Cartheuser (J. F.) Dissertatio inauguralis chymico- medica de Chenopodio ambrosioide quam . . . praeside J. F. Cartheuser . . . defendet F. H. W. Martini. pp. 4S. 4°. Francofurti ad Viadrum [1757]. Cartheuser (J. F.) Dissertatio chymico-medica in- auguralis de radice Mungo quam . . . praeside I. F. Cartheuser . . . proponit G. C. Aschenborn. pp. 44- 4°. Francofurti ad Viadrum [1769]. CARTHIER (.JACQUES) See CARTIER. CARTIER (JACQUES) [1491-1557] [Travels in North America. 1534-40.] See ARKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. xv. 4°. 1757. Car tier (J.) The first relation ... of the new land called New France . . . 1534. See PINKERTON (J.) A general collection of ... Voyages, &c. Vol. xii. 4°. 1812. Cartier (J.) Voyages ... to Newfoundland and Canada, in ... 1534 and 1535. See KERR (R.) A general . . . collection of Voyages and Travels, &c. Vol. VI. 8°. 1824. CARTIER (PIERRE) Traite des Petrifications. [In- cluding some letters by P. C * * *, i.e. P. Cartier.] See B * * *. 4°. 1742. [Another issue entitled :] Memoires pour servir k 1'histoire naturelle des Petrifications, &c. See B * * *. 4°. 1742. CARTMEL (RICHARD) The sensations of the human mind when in a state of fever. Local and early asso- ciations. Personal observations on the habits of Insects. pp. 31. 8°. [ ] 1883. CART WRIGHT (GEORGE) A journal of transactions . . . during a residence of nearly sixteen years on the Coast of Labrador, &c. 3 Vol. Must. 4°. Neivai-lc, 1792. CARUEL (TEODORO) [1830-1898] T. Caruelii illus- tratio in hortum siccum A. Cwsalpini. pp. xii, 128. 8°. Florentice, 1858. Caruel (T.) Prodromo della Flora Toscana, &c. pp. xix, 767: 182-192. 8°. Firenze, 1860. E. Baroni . . . Supplemento generale, Ac. Fasc. i-» 8°. Firenze, 1897-$. Caruel (T.) Florula di Montecristo. pp. 58. 8". Milano, 1864. Caruel (T.) Guida del Botanico Principiante, &c. pp. 104: text Must. 8°. Firenze, 1866. Caruel (T.) I generi delle Ciperoidee Europee, &c. pp. 31. 4°. Firenze, 1866. Caruel (T.) Di alcuni cambiamenti avvenuti nella -Flora della Toscana in questi ultimi tre secoli. pp. 41. 8°. Milano, 1867. Atti Soc. Italiana Sci. Nat. Vol. ix. Caruel (T.) Statistica Botanica della Toscana, ossia saggio di studi sulla distribuzione geografica delle Piante Toscane. pp. 372:1 pi. 8°. Firenze, 1871. Caruel (T.) See Nuovo GIORNALE BOTANICO ITALIANO publicato da T. Caruel. Vol. iv— Ser. II, vol. v. 8°. 1872-98. Caruel (T.) L'Orto e il Museo Botanico dell' Univer- sitk di Pisa, &c. pp. 14- 8°. Pisa, 1874. 70. o f) Caruel (T.) text Must. Enrop» terra- ' i I. I L ft- L + 6 6 B 6 6 B La Morfologia Vegetale. pp. xi, 433: 88. Pisa, 1878. Caruel (T.) Pensieri sulla Tassinomia Botanica. pp.93. 4°. Roma, 1881. Atti K. Accad. Lincei. Roma. Ser. Ill, Mem., Vol. x. Caruel (T.) Flora Italiana continuata da T. Caruel. Vol. v-x. See PARLATORE (F.) 8°. 1884-94. Caruel (T.) rumque afltBitim, . ix, 402 : 1 pi. 8°. Wien, 1861. Carus (C. G.) Zur vergleichenden Symbolik zwischen Menschen- und Affen-Skelet. pp. 18 : 2 j)ls. See ACA- DEMIA CvKSAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, &C. Nova Acta, dec. Tom. xxvni, no. 4. 4°. 1861. — [Another edition.] pp. 12: 2 pis. fol. Jena, 1861. Carus (C. G.) Ueber den Schiidelbau des Philosophen C. C. F. Krause. pp. 11 : 2 pis. See ACADEMIA CJSAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, 8°. 1878-» - Carus (J. V.) Zoologischer Jahresbericht fiir 1879 (1880-82) . . . Redigirt von ... J. V. Carus. 4 Vol. , See NAPLES.— ZOOLOGISCHE STATION. 8°. 1880 (1881-83). L Carus (J. V.) Prodromus Faunae Mediterraneae sive descriptio Ammalium Maris Mediterranei incolarum, No. xxxx— > 8°. Kassel, 189r,-» To some of the numbers there are separately paged supplements. Cassel. — Verein fuer Naturkunde. Festschrift . . . zur Feier seines fiinfzigjiihrigen Bestehens. pp. xxvii, 270 : 3 pis. 8°. Cassel, 1886. CASSEL (FRANZ PETER) [1783-1821] Versuch iiber die natiirlichen Familien der Pflanzen mit Riicksicht aiif ihre Heilkraft. pp. 174. 8°. Kiiln, 1810. Cassel (F. P.) Lehrbuch der natiirlichen Pflanzen- ordnung. pp. viii, 403. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, 1817. Cassel (F. P.) F. P. Cassel . . . Morphonomia Botanica, sive observationes circa proportionem et evolutionem partium Plantarum, &c. pp. x, 172 : 8 pis. 8°. Colonial Agripjnnce, 1820. CASSELS (WALTER R.) Cotton : an account of its culture in the Bombay Presidency, &c. See BOMBAY. —Government of. 4°. 1862. CASSERIUS (JuLius) [1545-1616] J. Casserii . . . de vocis auditusq? organis historia anatomica, &c. 2 Tom. [in 1.] Must., 2 ports. fol. Ferrarice, 1601. CASSIN (JOHN) [1813-69] Catalogue of the Vulturidas in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, [pp. 8.] 8°. [Philadelphia, 1849.] Cassin (J.) Catalogue of the Strigidfe in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. [pp. 16.] 8°. [Philadelphia, 1849.] Cassin (J.) Catalogue of the Caprimulgidse in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia, [pp. 15.] 8°. [Philadelphia,,] 1851. Cassin (J.) Catalogue of the Halcyonidoe in the col- lection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia, [pp. 19] 8°. [Philadelphia,] 1852. B 6 B L . L. f e 8 Zi L S ido 7 324 Cassin (J.) Ornithological Reiwrt of Birds brought Q. from Syria, l. See PARIS. DES SCIENCES. Suites des Memoires, &c. 4°. 1744. ' CASSINO (SAMUEL Scientists' Directory, &c [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] EDSON) The International pp. viii, 150, 299. 8". Boston [Mass.], 1883. pj>. viii, 273, 199. 8". Boston [Mass.], 1885. pp. viii, 286, 205. 8». Boston [Mass.], 1888. pp. viii, 215, 70. 8°. Boston [Mass.], 1890. pp. viii, 275, 164- 8°. Boston [Mass.], 1892. pp. viii, ST9, 186. 8°. Boston [Mass.], 1894. pp. viii, 340, 126. 8*. Boston [Mass.], 1896. Cassino (S. E.) The Naturalists' Directory, containing the names, addresses . . . etc. of ... Naturalists . . . of the United States and Canada, &c. pp. viii, «» r ' 8". Boston, 189'). CASSONE (FELICE) [1815-1854] Flora Medico-Far- ft maceutica. 6 Tom. Must. col. 8°. Torino, 1847-52 CASSTEELS (PETER) See CASTEELS. CASSTROEM (SAMUEL NICOLAUS) [1763-1827] Dis- sertatio sistens novas Insectorum species. Pars I ... 1781. Resp. S. N. Casstroem. See THUNBERO (C. P.) Dissertatio Academicae Upsaliae, entitled : — Mapa . . Eeoala 1 : 400, ilogico en boeqnejo de la prov*. de Quadalajara i.e. 1 in. = 6} in. about.] CASTELLA (FRANCOIS) it Cottet (M.) Contribution a 1'etude de la Flore Suisse. — Guide du Botaniste dans le Canton de Fribourg. See COTTET (M.)ik CASTELLA (F.) 8». 1891. 325 .. CASTELLA (FRANCOIS DE) Handbook on Viticulture D for Victoria. See VICTORIA, Australia. — Royal Com- mission on Vegetable Products. 8°. 1891. CASTELLANI (AUOUSTO) Gems. Notes and ex- (If) tracts . . . Translated from the Italian by Mrs. J. Brogden, &c. pp. vi, 241. 8°. London, 1871. CASTELLARNAU Y DE LLEOPART (JoAQUIN L • MARIA) Estudio ornitho!6gico del real sitio de San (003 Ildefonso y de sus alrededores. pp. 55. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &c. Tom. vi. 8°. 1877. / Castellarnau y de Lleopart (J. M.) Estudio micro- , grafico del tallo del pinsapo (Abies pinsapo, Boiss.). See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE Anales, &c. Tom. ix. 8°. 1880. pp. 64 •' HISTORIA NATURAL. L Castellarnau y de Lleopart (J. M.) Estudio micro- grafico de la niadera de las Coniferas Espafiolas, y especialmente del genero Pinus. pp. 89 : 3 pis. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPASOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &c. Tom. xn. 8°. 1883. / Castellarnau y de Lleopart (J. M.) Unidad del plan generative en el Reino Vegetal, pp. 44. See MADRID. — Rom£ in Horto Farnesiano : T. Aldino auctore [or, by some considered to be by P. Castelli]. See ALDINUS (T.) 4°. 1625. Castelli (P.) Hyaena odorifera. pp. [wii,] 52: text Must., engr. title. 4°. Messance, 1638. This was also incorporated in the several editions of J. JONSTOSUS " Historic uaturalis de Quadrupedis libri," «i'C. Pt. I. [5.1".] > [Another edition entitled :] De Hysena odorifera 'E£ercio-is- . . . Editio nova auctior. pp. 79 [5] : 5 pis. 12°. Francofurti, 1668. P Castelli (P.) [Hortus Messanensis.] pp. 51 : 14 pis. 4°. [Messanae, 1640.] Wanting the title-page. Printed in double column. Castelli (P.) Opobalsamum P. Castelli Romani. 2 Pt. $ [in 1 Vol.] 4°. Venetiis, 1640. Under this title are comprised : — [1] OpobaLsamum examinatum, tCr. [2] Opobalsamum triumphans. CASTELLO DE PAIVA (DO) Baron. See PAIVA. CASTELNAU (ALEXANDRE WESTPHAL) See WESTPHAL- CASTELNAU. CASTELNAU (FRANCIS L. DE LAPORTE DE) Count. [1812-1880] Etudes entomologiques, ou description d' Insectes nouveaux et observations sur leur synonymic. . . . Pt. I. Carnassiers. pp. 159 : 4 pis. col. 8°. Paris, (1834-) 1835. Castelnau (F. L. DE L. DE) Count. Histoire naturelle des Insectes . . . Avec une introduction renfernmnt Z 1'anatomie et la physiologic des Animaux Articules par M. Brulle. 3 Tom. Must. 8°. Paris, 1840. Printed in double column. Tom. l-n. Coleopteres, par M. le Comte de Castelnau. „ in. Orthopterea, Nevropteres, Henijpteres. Hymenopteres, Lepidopteres et Diptercs, par M. E. Blanchard. Castelnau (F. L. DE L. DE) Count. Essai sur le systeme Silurien de 1'Amerique septentrionale. pp. 56 : 27 pis. 4°. Paris, Strasbourg, 1843. T" Preceded by " Rapport sur un Miinioire de F. de Castelnau . . , Com- missaires A. Brongniart, A. M. Edwards, P. de Dufrenoy, Elie de Beaumont." Reprinted from " Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris. 1843." 8°. 1850-51. Tom. v contains, inter Casteluan (F. L. DE L. DE) Count. Expedition dans les parties centrales de TAmerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro i Lima, et de Lima au Para ; execute's . . . pendant . . . 1843 a 1847, sous la direction de F. de Castel nau. 1 4 Tom. [in 13.] 8°. 4°. & f ol. Paris, \ 850-59. Pt. I. Ilistoire du Voyage. 6 Tom. Tom. l-v are by Count de Castelnau. alia : — Catalogue general des echantillons. . . . fomiant nne serie con- tinue i partirdes Roches de 1'Ile de Goree, ledige par M. d'Osery. Catalogue des Mineraux recueillis . . . dans les gitee metalli- feres du Bresil, de la Bolivie, du Chili et dn Perou. Les especes . . . determinees par M. Damour. Tom. vi, Voyage dans le sud de la Bolivie, par H. A. Weddell. pp. vii, k$3: 1 map. 8°. 1851. Pt. II Vues et Scenes, Ac, pp. 16 : 60 pis. col. 4". 1853. Antiquites des Incas, iL-c. pp. 7 : 62 pti. 4°. 1 Itineraire et coupe geologique. pp. viii, 76 milps, tfcc. col. fol. 1862. Geographic, pp. j:, SO Maps. fol. 1853-54. Botanlqne. ([The second title reads:] Chloris Andina. Essai d'une Flore de la region Alpine des Cordilleres de 1'Amerique du slid par H. A. Weddell.) 2 Tom. pp. SSI, 310: 00 pis. 4". 1855-57. [Plates 79bis and 82bis, quoted in the text, were apparently never issued.] ., vii. Zoologie. ([The second title reads :] Animaux nouveaux ou rares recueillis, <(-c.) 3 Tom. 4°. 1855-59. Tom. I. Anatomie (Recherches sur les Mammiferes fossiles de rAm^riquemeiidionale. — Description osteologiquede 1'Hoazin, du Kanischi, du Cariama et du Savacou, suivie de remarques sur les afhnites naturelles des Oiseaux — Remarques osteologiques sur les genres Brachyure et Callitriche de la tribu des Singes Americains. — Osteologie de la tete du Vaatres et du Myletes.— Anthropologie. Note explicative, rtanti nell' uso Medico, od Econoinico [by Count Castiglioni], eBoHDiaA(B.).fc(G.) 4°. 1791-94. CASTILLO (ANTONIO DEL) [1820-1895] Una rectifi- cacion mas acerca del Animal-Planta y descripcion do i nn nuevo Insecto 1 [pp. 7 :] 1 pi. col. 8". Mexico, 1865. Ili'li'tm Soc. Q«og. y Eotad. Printed in double colnnm. Castillo (A. DEL) Bosquejo de una Carta Geologica de la Republica Mexirana formada . . . bajo la direc- tion del Prof. A. del Castillo . . . Escala de 3,000,000°. [or 1 in. = 47jm.] See MEXICO. [Mapt.] 1889. Castillo (A. DEL) Catalogue descriptif des Meteorites . . . du Mexique, avec 1'indicntion des localites dans lesquelles ces Meteorites sont tombes, ou ont 6te de- cou verts, pp. 15 : 1 plan. 8°. Paris, 1889. Castillo (A. DEL) Piano geologico minero, del Real de S. Antonio y el Trinufo de la Baja California . . . Escala O'OOl in. por 40 nis. [i.e. 1 m. = li in. about.] See CALIFORNIA, Lower. [Maps.'] 1889. Castillo (A. DEL) Carta minera de la Republica Mexicana . . . Escala 1 : 2,000,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 31J in.] See MEXICO. [Mapt,] 1893. Castillo (A. DEL) [For official publications as Director] See MEXICO. — Istituto Geologico de Mexico. Castillo (A. DEL) & Agnilera (J. G.) Fauna fosil de la Sierra de Catorce, San Luis Potosi. pp. ix, 55 : 24i^s. See MEXICO.— Istituto Geologico de Mexico. Boletfn, Ac. No. 1. 4°. 1895. Castillo (A. DEL) & Bio de la Loza (L.) Maza de Hierro Metethico de Yanhuitlan. pp. 14 : 1 pi. 4". Mexico, 1865. liol. Soc. Hex. Geog. Entad. Tom. x. CASTILLO (BERNAL DIAZ DEL) See DIAZ DEL CASTILLO. CASTILLO (E. DRAKE DEL) See DRAKE DEL CASTILLO. CASTILLO (RAFAEL DEL) Gran Diccionario geo- grafico,estadfetico,6 historicp de Espafia y sus provincias ie Cuba, Puerto Rico, Filipinas y posesiones de Africa, Ac. 4 Tom. Must. 4°. Barcelona, 1889-92. ^p CASTLE (LEWIS) Orchids : a review of their struc- ture and history, pp. 50 : text Must. 8°. London [1885]. f CASTLE (THOMAsHc.l 804-1 838] An Introduction to £ systematical and physiological Botany, &c. pp. xviii, ~'8o, [16,] 9 pit. col. 12°. London, 1829. Castle (T.) [An Introduction to Medical Botany, 4°. Catania, 1889-* Some of the volumes in the first three series are in two separately paged In Ser. IV, vol. iv -* each palter it* Keparately itaged. The " Helazione Accademica, ' included in the Atti, was alw from 1820 to 1849 issued geparately in S" form. Catania.— Accademia Gioenia di Ecienzc Natu- 8°. Catania, ISSS^ CATCOTT (GEOROE SYMES) A descriptive account of a descent made into Penpark-Hole ... in the county of Gloucester, in ... 1775 . . . Also the narratives of Captains Sturmey and Collins, containing their descrip- tions of the same in the years 1669 and 1682. pp. ~. C. Caterini, arallel columns. Copies of the plates, with translations by G. L. Huth of the descriptions and preface, appeared in J. M. Seeliguiann's " Sauimlung verschiedener ausliindischer und selteuer Vogel," tl'e. [y.v.] *• ' Eevised by Mr. [G.] Edwards, &c. [Third edition.] j(QA-i> 2 Voh col. illust. fol. London, 1771. .-KS In this edition the appendix is not separately paged. ' • Catesby (M.) Piscium, Serpentum, Insectorum aliorum- que nonnullorum Animalium nee non Plantarum quarumdam Imagines quas M. Catesby in posteriore ~Z. parte . . . illius operis quo Carolinie Florid® et Bahamensium Insularum tradidit historian! naturalem, ejusque appendice descripsit . . . edere coeperunt N. F. Eisenberger et G. Lichtensteger et ad finem perduxerunt . . . G. W. Knorii heredes (Supplementa). — Die Abbil- dungen verschiedener Fische, &c. pp. [iv,] 100, 10 [8] : 100 pis. col. fol. Norimberyce, 1777. Wanting pp. 3-4. Latin and German in parallel columns. Catesby (M.) Hortus Britanno-Americanus : or, a curious collection of Trees and Shrubs, the produce of the British Colonies in North America ; adapted to the soil and climate of England, &c. pp. [iv], vi, 41 : 17 pis. fol. London, 1763. col. CATHCABT (CHARLES WALKER) Descriptive cata- logue of the anatomical and pathological specimens in the museum of the . . . College . . . Vol. I. The skeleton and organs of motion. See EOYAL COLLEGE op SUR- GEONS OF EDINBURGH. 8°. 1893. CATLIN (GEORGE) [1796-1872] [Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and condition of the North American Indians, &c. 2 Vol. illmt. 8°. London, 1841.] Wanting. Third edition. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1842. [Another edition entitled :] Illustrations of the manners ... of the North American Indians, &c. 2 Vol. illust. col. 8°. London, 1876. Catliii (G.) The lifted and subsided rocks of America, with their influences on the oceanic, atmospheric, and land currents, and the distribution of Eaces. pp. xii, 228: 1 map col. 8°. London, 1870. CATLOW (AGNES) [1807? -1889] Popular Field Botany containing a ... description of the^Plants most common to the various localities of the British Isles, ls. See ANNALES DBS SCIENCES NATURELLES, £c. Zoofogie. Ser. VI, torn, in, no. 1. 8°. 1876. 7 [Another issue entitled :] Essai, &c. See FRANCE. — Ministere de I' Instruction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. xiv, no. 4. 8". 1876. S< CATTANEO (ACHILLE) [1839-] Archivio del Labora- torio Crittogamico Garovaglio presso la E. Universita di Pavia redatto dal Dr. A. Cattaneo. Vol. rv. See PAVIA. Q — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. 8°. 1882. CATTANEO (CARLO) Notizie natural! e civili su la Lombardia. Vol. i.t pp. cxii, 402 : 3 pis., 1 map. (_ 8". Milano, 1844. CATTANEO (GIACOMO) [1857-] Le colonie linear! e la morfologia di Molluschi. pp. xxiv, 420 : 2 pis. _~ (col.) 8°. Milano, 1882. ^- CATTELL (P.) [40 Copper plates of Ericacaj, drawn 0 for A. van Eoyen's unpublished " Ericetum Africa- num."] 4°. [Leyden, .] CATTIE (J. TH.) Verglijkend-anatomische en his- torische onderzoekingen van de Epiphysis cerebri der *• Plagiostomi, Ganoidei en Teleostei. pp. [iv,] 104 •' 3 pis. 8°. Leiden, 1881. Cattie (J. TH.) Les Lamellibranches recueillis dans les courses du " Willem Barents," durant . . . 1880-81. ~%_ pp. 48 : 4 pis. col. See AMSTERDAM. — KONINKLIJK ZOOLOGISCH GENOOTSCHAP, &c. Bijdragen tot de Dier- kunde. Aflev 13. 4°. 1886. CATULLO (ToMMASO ANTONIO) [1782-1869] Manuale Af Mineralogico. pp. ii, 348. 8°., 1812. Catnllo (T. A.) Saggio di Zoologia fossile. pp. 348 : 4°. Padova, 1827. fe- 0: c. 328 Catnllo (T. A.) Element!
  • . 16. 4°. [ Venezia, 1844.] Reprinted from the " Xuori Ann. Sci. Nat." S«r. I, torn. vi. 8°. Bologna, 1841. Catullo (T. A.) Sulle Caverne delle province Venete. pp. 72: 9 pis. 4°. Venezia, 1844. Mem. I. B. Istit. Veneto. Vol. n, 1846. Catullo (T. A.) Osservazioni sopra uno scritto del . . . A. de Zigno intorno alia non promiscuitk dei fossili tra il Biancone e la Calcaria Ammonitica delle Alpi Venete. pp. 15. 8°. Padova, 1847. Abo communicated to, and in part printed by, the I. R. Istit. Veneto, in their Atti, Tom. N I. Catnllo (T. A.) Remarques extraites de 1'ouvrage inedit " Sur la Geognosie palzo'ique des Alpes Venitiennes." 8". [Venice,] 1847. Kaccolta fls. chem. Itali&na. Tom. II. pp. **9-MS. Wanting tlie plates. Catnllo (T. A.) Memoria geognostico-paleozoica sulle Alpi Venete. 4°. [Modena, 1848.] Mem. Soc. Ital. xxiv. up. 187-312: 11 pit. The author's copies of this memoir bore the title " Prodromo di Geog- uosia paleozoica delle provincie Venete." Appendice al catalogo degli Ammoniti delle Alpi Venete, dx. pp. 8 : 1 pi. 4°. (Padova, 1847.) Appendix to the foregoing, and issued separately without the author's name. This copy wants the plate, which nus numbered XII. The text and figures are reproduced in his " Intornoadunanuova clasaifi- cazione," dee. \q.v. infra.] Catullo (T. A.) Cenni sopra il terrene di sedimento superiore delle provincie Venete e descrizione di alcune specie di Polipai fossili ch'esso racchiude. pp. 44 : 4 pis. 4°. [Venice, 1852.] Mem. I. R. Istit. Veneto. Vol. iv. Catullo (T. A.) Intorno ad una nuova classificazione delle Calcarie Rosse Aminonitiche delle Alpi Venete. pp. 57 : 4 pis., text Must. 4°. Venezia, 1853. Mem. I. R. Istit. Veneto. Vol. v. Catullo (T. A.) Sui Crostacei fossili della Calcaria Grossolana del Veronese, &c. pp. 3. 4°. Padova [1854]. An abstract, in German, of this text appeared in the Jahrb. k. k. geol. ReichsanaUU. Wien. Bd. v. Catullo (T. A.) Dei terreni di sedimento superiore delle Venezie e dei fossili Bryozoari, Antozoari e S]K>ngiari ai quali danno ricetto. (Considerazioni intorno ad alcune recenti memorie di geognosia paleo- zoica.) pp. 88 (viii) : 19 pis. 4°. Padova, 1856. The " Considerazioni " in a reprint from the Atti I. R. Istit. Veneto. 1866-66. [Another issue.] 4°. Monaco, 1857. Differs from the preceding solely in the title-page. Catullo (T. A.) Prospetto degli scritti publicati da T. A. Catullo . . . compilato da un suo amico e dis- cepolo. (Appendice al No. cxxn, &c.) pp. 284 [%]• 4°. Padova, 1857. Only 150 copies printed. The Appendix is signed by G. B. RonconL CAUCASUS. [Maps.] Karte von dem Kaukasischen Isthmus und von Armenien . . . von K. Koch. Maassstabe 1 : 1,000,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 15 J m. about.] 4 sh. col. Berlin, 1850. CAUCHY (AUOUSTDI Louis) [1789-1857] Uber die Theorie des Lichtes. Nach einem lithographirten Memoire des Freih. A. L. Cauchy . . . frei Dearbeitet von F. X. Moth. pp. viii, 120. 8°. Wien, 1842. (r '" CAUCHY (FRANCOIS PHILIPPE) [1795-1842] Memoire . . . "Decrire la Constitution Geologique do la province do Nainur," &c. pp. Ufi : 1 pi. See BRUSSELS. — ACA- D£MIE ROYALE DBS SCIENCES, le des Racines dans 1'absorption etl'excretion . . . These, ttc. pp. [iv,] 120. 4". Strasbourg, 1861. Canvet (D.) Des Solanees. These, &c. pp. 153 : Gpls. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. Canyet (D.) [Nouvcaux elements d'Histoire Naturclle m6dicale comprenant des notions generates sur la Mineralogie, la Zoologie et la Botanique. 2 Tom. 12°. Paris, 1809.] Wanting. Deuxieme edition, &c. 2 Tom. illust. 12°. Paris, 1877. Canvet (D.) Du Protoplasma. These, . :. Set ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, ]iendice, .] See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, £c. Zoologie. torn, xviu, no. 3. Ser. VI, 8°. 1884. , Cazin (M.) Observations sur 1'Anatomie du Petrel geant (Ossifraga gigantea, Linne). pp. 27. See FRANCE. . C-3/ —Ministeredel'Instr^uctionPublique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. xxxi, no. 9. 8°. 1886. , CAZURRO T RUIZ (MANUEL) Especies nuevas del genero Ochrilidia, Stal. pp. 5. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, 4x. Tom. xv. 8". 1886. £_ Cazurro y Ruiz (M.) Enumeraci6n de los Ortopteros de Espaiia y Portugal, pp. 79. See MADRID.— SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, text Must. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &c. Tom. xxi. 8°. 1892. CAZZTJOLA (FERDINANDO) [1826-1 Dizionario di Q Botanica applicata alia medicma, alia farmacia, <(•<-. pp. 718. 8°. Pisa, 1876. Cazzuola (F.) Enumeratio Seminum in R. Horto a Botanico Pisano Collectorum Anno 1885 [by F. Caz- zuola], 4°. Lierre & Gand (1884-») CEL8 (JACQUES MARTIN) [1743-1806] Description des g Plantes nouvelles et pen connues, cultivees dans le Jardin de J. M. Cels. See VENTENAT (E. P.) fat. An vin [1800]. D Gels (J. M.) Chpix de Plantes, dont la plupart sont cultivees dans le jarclin de Cels. See VENTENAT (E. P.) , fol. 1803. / °- J-. Cels (J. M.) See DICTIONARIES. Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, &c. 24 Vol. 8°. 1803-4. L. CELSIUS (ANDERS) [1701-1744] A. Celsii . . . Oratio de mutationibus generalioribus quoa in super- ficie corporum coelestium contingunt. See LINNAEUS (C.) L •*• *^ C. Linnasi . . . Oratio de Telluris habitabilis incremento, &c. 8°. 1744. CELSUS (AURELIUS CORNELIUS) [c. B.C. 25-c. A.D. 50] £ Die acht Biicher des ... A. C Celsi . . . das ist von der leib und wund artznei : zft errettung menschlichs lebens : in alien kranckheyten seer dienstlich und behutsam. Newlich jetzo verdeutscht [with a preface] durch D. J. Rhiiffner, &c. pp. [xxvii,] di, fols. fol. (Meyntz, 1531.) Celsus (A. C.) A. C. Celsi de Medicina libri octo ex recensione L. Targae ; quibus accedunt versio Italica ; de Celsi vita et opere ; pharmacopoea et armamentarium chirurgicum ; bimiotheca Celsiana Latina et Italica ; adnotationes . . . indices . . . et lexicon Celsianum. Canute S. de Eenzi. (Di A. C. Celso i libri otto delta Medicina, &c.) 2 Tom. 8°. Neapdi, 1851-52. Tom. i. Latin ; torn. n. Italian. Celsns (A. C.) J. B. Morgagni ... in A. C. Celsum . . . epistolte, &c. See MORGAGNI (J. B.) 4°. 1724. CENI (ANTONIO) [1821-1887] Guida all' Imp. Regio Orto Botanico in Padova, &c. See PADUA. — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. — Orto Botanico. 8°. 1854. CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBI- TION, MELBOURNE, 1888. See MELBOURNE. l__ Q C, CENTENO (JosE) Memoria geologico-minera de las Islas Filipinas. pp. 54 •' 1 map. See SPAIN. — Comisidn del Mapa Gtologico. Boletin, &c. Tom. in. 8°. 1 876. Centeno (J.) Informe sobre los tremblores de tierra ocurridos en el mes de Julio de 1879 en el distrito de Surigao. jm. 7. See SPAIN. — Comisidn del Mapa, Geol6gico. Boletin, &c. Tom. IX. 8°. 1882. Centeno (J.) Memoria sobre los temblores de tierra occuridos en Julio de 1880 en la Isla de Luzon, pp. 91 : 17 pis., 1 map col., text Must. See SPAIN. — Comisidn del Mapa Geol6gico. Boletin, 8°. Jena, 189S-» CENTRALBLATT FUER NATURWISSEN- SCHAFTEN UND ANTHROFOLOGIE . . . Herausgeber : . . . G. T. Fechner. Jahrg. i-n.t 4°. Leipzig, 1853-54.f ^ Printed in double column. CERAN-LEMONNIER ( ) See LEMONNIER. CERCLE DES FHILADELFHES. See CAPE HAYTIEN. CERFONTAINE (PAUL) Recherches sur le systeme cutane et sur le systeme musculaire du Lombric ter- restre (Lumbricus agmcola, Hoffmeister). pp. 100 [1] : 5~7o/ 4 pis. See BRUSSELS. — ACADEMIE ROY ALE DES SCIENCES, &c. Memoires couronnes, &c. Tom. lii, no. 3. 4°. 1890-93. CERUENATI (MARIO) See RASSEGNA DELLE SCIENZE GEOLOGICHE IN ITALIA (Redattori M. Cermenati, &c.). df Vol. i-u, fasc. 3. 8°. 1891-1892. L.. CERNIK (JOSEF) Ingenieur J. Cernik's technische Studien-Expedition durch die Gebiete des Euphrat und Tigris . . . Nach den Tagebiichern . . . bearbeitet und herausgegeben von A. F. v. Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, &c. 2 Hft. Must. See PETERMANN'S MITTHEILUNGEN, &c. Erganzungsband x, no. 44 & 45. 4°. 1875. CERON (S.) Catalogo de las Plantas del Herbario /? recolectado por el personal de la suprimida Comision de la Flora Forestal. [With a preface by S. Ceron.] See PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.— Inspection General de Monies. 8°. 1892. CERRI (CARLO) Italia alia scala da 1 : 864,000 diseg- L nata da C. Cerri. 9 sh. See ITALY. [Maps] 1887. CERTES (A.) [Protozoa from Terra del Fuego.] See FRANCE. — Mission scientifique du Cap Horn. ' 1882-1883. Tome vi, pt. 3. 4°. 1889. ; L. I B L S2J52- I z. 332 CERUTUS (BENEDICTUS) [-1620] Musamm F. Cal- (volarii, jun. . . . a B. Ceruto . . . incaaptum et ab A. Chiocco . . . luculenter descriptum & perfectum, i' M 1 1 ROYALE DES SCIENCES, &c. Memoires couronnes . . collection in 8°. Tom. xxxvm. 8°. 1886. i L~ . Cesarp donne •o (G.) Cristallographie & Mineralogie. Cours e . . . a I'llniversite de Liege, pp. 104- 4«. Liege [\ 891]. Litbngrapbed. Cesarp (G.) Sur une methode simple pour chercher la variation de Tangle distinction dans les differentes r faces d'une mfime zone. Application a la zone verticale de 1'Axinite. pp. 2G : text Must. See BRUSSELS.— ACAD&MIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, &C. Memoires couronnes, mbardia. pp. 74 : 1 map. 8". Milano, 1844. Cesati (V.) Elenco sistematico di alcune Piante dei luoghi di Terra Santa, pp. [W]. 4°. Vercelli, 1866. Ettratto iUll Open Terra Santa del Uologo Igoio Martorelli. Cesati ( \'. i De' vantaggi che lo studio della Botanica puo ritrarre da una colTezione di autografi aggiunto un cenno storico sovra il Cirillo, ttc. pp.18. 8°. Napoli, 1 869. Cesati (V.) Illustrazione della Saxifraga Jknitlenta, ^_. Morett. ; preceduta da considerazioni in ordine a distri- buzione geografica delle altre specie Italiane di quel $//Oc genere. pp. 15:1 pi. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCADEMIA a n DELLE SCIENZE, . . . adaptation of external Nature to the moral and intel- lectual constitution of Man. 2 Vol. 8°. London, 1833. Ilridmwater TreatiM I. CHALON SUR SAONE. Societe des Science uaturelles de Saone-et Loire. (Founded i-::..i Memoircs, d~c. Tom. I-VH, jit. -2. 4°. Ch [Returned as :] 8". CluUon- sur-Saone, 1895-» Chalou-sur-Saoue. Societe des Sciences, &c. &• Tremblements de terre et eruptions volcaniques au Centre- Amerique depuis la conquete espagnole jusqu'a nos jours, Mahogany Tree : its botanical characters, qualities and uses, dkc. pp. ir, 117 : 7 pis., 1 map. 4°. Liverpool & London, 1850. f CHALUBINSKI (TYTUS) [1820-1889] Grimmiea; f> Tatrenses, />. I!',: 15 pis., 2 maps, ttxt Must. See UNITED .STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin, . CHAMBERS (( JF.ORGE FREDERICK) [1841-] A hand- j_ book for Eastbourne, and East Sussex . . . Twenty- 8°. London & Eastbourne [189-]. « third edition, &c. Contains chapters on the Geology and Natural History, with list* of the Fauna and Flora. The first edition appeared in 1868. CHAMBERS (JOHN) A Pocket Herbal; containing the Medicinal Virtues and Uses of the most esteemed Native Plants, &c. pp. xx, 3S8. 8°. Bury, [Su/olk,] 8°. Chamlery, 1875-» There is an Atlas in 4" to Tom. iv. . Table . . . des matieres continues dans les trente-six volumes des trois premieres series de Memoires, &c. See infra, Histoire de 1'Academie, &c. 8°. 1891. Chambery. - Academie des Sciences, &c. Histoire de 1'Academie . . . de 1820 a 1860. Suivie des Tables des trente-six premiers volumes des Memoires ... Par M. L. Pillet. pp. S43. 8°. Chamlery, 1891. CHAMBERY. Societe Acadeiiiique de Savoie. See supra, ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, £c. CHAMBERY. Societe d'Histoire naturelle de Savoie. [Founded 1844.] Bulletin, &c. Tom. I ; Ann. 1852-53. 8°. Chamlery, 1850-53. [Continued as :] £_ (Compte-Rendu des Travaux). 1882-85. 8°. Annecy, 1883-86. No number was issued for 1886. [Continued as :] [_ . Bulletin, &c. 1887, &c. Premiere serie, Tom. i-> 8°. Chambery, 1887-> CHAMBRUN DE ROSEMONT DE) Etudes . Geologiques sur le Var et la Rhone pendant les periodes (sf Tertiaires et Quaternaires, &c. pp. 130 : 7 pis., 1 map col. 8". Nice, 1873. CHAMISSO DE BONCOURT (Louis CHARLES ADELAIDE) afterwards styled ADALBERT VON CHAMISSO [1781-1838] De Animalibus quibusdam e classe Ver- mium Linnajana in circumnavigatione Terrae . . . Duce O. de Kotzebue annis 1815-18 peracta observatis . . . Fasciculus primus. De Salpa. pp. iv, 34: 1 pi. col. 4". Berolini, 1819. Fasc. n apj>eared in Nova Acta Leop. Carol. Vol. x, pt. 2. Chamisso de Bonconrt (I,. C. A.) Musci frondosi exotici herbarii Wildenowiani ... ex 5 Australasise aliisque . . . plagis a L. a Chamissone relati. Descripsit . . . F. Hornschuch. Ex Plantis in expeditione Romanzoftiana detectis genera tria nova oflfert A. de Chamisso. Fungos a ... A. de Chamisso ... in itinere circa terrarum globum collectos enumeravit . . . C. G. Ehrenberg. De Coanogonio novo Lichenum genere, ex penu . . . Chamissonis desunto disserit . . . C. G. Ehrenberg. See NEES VON ESSENBECK (C. G. D.) Horse physicae Berolinensis, &c. No. 6, 7, 8 & 11. fol. 1820. Chamisso de Boncourt (L. C. A.) Bemerkungen und Ansichten auf einer Entdeckungs-Reise unternom- men in... 1815-1818, &c. See KOTZEBUE (O. VON) Ent- deckungs-Reise in die Siid-See, &c. Bd. m. 4°. 1821. [Another edition.] See infra, Reise urn die Welt, &c. / Thl. 2. 8". 1836. l Chamisso de Bonconrt (L. C. A.) Voyage pittoresque / ^ n autour du Monde . . . Accompagne de descriptions par 7- ' / . . . M. A. de Chamisso, &c. See CHORIS (L.) fol. 1822. OT Chamisso de Bouconrt (L. C. A.) Uebersicht der nutzbarsten und der schadlichsten Gewachse, welche ,, wild oder angebaut in Norddeutschland vorkommen. D Nebst Ansichten von der Prtanzenkunde und dem Pflanzenreiche. pp. viii, 526. 8°. Berlin, 1827. Chamisso de Bonconrt (L. C. A.) Reise um die ^ Welt mitder Romanzoffischen Entdeckungs-Expedition in ... 1815-18 auf der Brigg Rurik, Kapitam O. v. ^Q Kotzebue. 2 Thl. illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1836. (JL. This foi-ms Bd. I & II of a collected edition of Cbamisso's works. Thl. 2 is mainly a reprint of Bd. Ml of O. von Kotzebue' s "Ent- deckungs-Reise in die Wiid-See," &c. [q.v.] CHAMPIER (SYMPHORIEN) [1472-1533] Campus £ Elysius Gallise amcunitate refertus : in quo sunt . . . Herbte Champion (G. C.) See ENTOMOLOGIST'S MONTHLY ^ MAGAZINE, THE : conducted by . . . G. C. Champion, &c. Second Series. Vol. n-» 8". 1891-> Champion (G. C.) A List of Tenebrionidue sup- , plementary to the "Munich" Catalogue, pp. 261. C. See BRUSSELS.— SOCIETE ENTOMOLOGIQUE DE BELGIQUE. Memoires, &c. III. 8". 1895. CHAMPLAIN (SAMUEL DE) [1567-1635] CEuvres , de Champlain, publiees . . . par 1'Abbe C. H. Laver- L diere . . . Seconde edition. 6 Tom. [in 2] illust. 4". Quebec, 1870. C Champlain (SAMUEL DE) Narrative of a Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico in the years 1599-1602, &c. /_ . O, See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 23. 8°. 1859. CHAMFT (P.) Flore Algerienne, avec texte descriptif des Plantes, Arbustes et Arbres indigenes, &c. pp. vii, @ 50: 3 pis. 8°. [Paris, 1844.] Wanting the remaining 38 plates. CHANCE (H. MARTYN) [For reports in connection with the Survey] •S'eePENNSYLVANlA.Stofeo/. — Second „ Geological Survey. Reports of Progress. D3, vol. I ; uT G' ; G" ; H7 ; V & V. 8°. 1883. CHANCOURTOIS (ALEXANDRE EMILE BEGUYER DE) [1820-1886] Carte Geologique du departemerrt de la (L IJaute-Marne . . . Publics par . . . De Chancourtois. Echelle 1 : 80,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 1 J m. about]. 4 sh. geol. col. See HAUTE-MARNE, Department of the. [Maps.] 1857-60. CHANDLER (ALFRED) [1804-1896] & Booth (W. B.) Illustrations and descriptions of the Plants which /? compose the natural order Camelliese, &c. See BOOTH (W. B.) (fe CHANDLER (A.) fol. 1831. 336 6? L r! •70. 0. W* L o. C f) S Chandler (A.) & Buckingham Britannica, d'c. j>i>, &} : .) Camellia 4". London, 1825. CHANDLER (CHARLES FREDERICK) [1836-] See AMERICAN CHEMIST, THE, . . . Edited by C. K. Chandler, Ac. Vol. i-vn.t I". 1871-77. CHANDLER (W. H.) See AMERICAN CHEMIST, THE . . . Edited by . . . W. H. Chandler. Vol. i-vn.t 4°. 1871-77. CHANTELAT (A. E.) [-1856] Catalogue des Plantes, Cryptogames et Phanerogames, qui croissent spon- tanement aux environs de la Teste-de-Buch. pp. ,s'.}. 8°. Jiordeaux, 1844. Actea Soc. Linn. Bordeaux. Tom. xm. CHANTELOUP, Count de. See CHAITAL (J. A. C.) CHANTELOUP (J. C. HERVIEUX DE) See HERVIEUX DE CHANTELOUP. CHANTER (CHARLOTTE) Ferny Combes. A ramble after Ferns in the glens and valleys of Devonshire . . . Second edition, Ac. pp. [iv,] 118 : S pis. (col.), 1 map. 8°. London, 1856. 'I IK' first edition appeared earlier in the same year. CHANTER MOHN ROBERTS) Lundy Island . . . with notices of its distinguishing features in Natural History. pp. 171 : 1 map, title Must. 8". London, 1877. CHANTEREAUX (NICHOLAS ROBERT BOUCHARD) See BorcHARD-CHANTEREAUX. CHANTICLEER, II.M.S. Narrative of a Voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean ... in H.M.S. Chanti- cleer, Ac. See WEBSTER (W. H. B.) 8°. 1834. CHANTRAN8 (.JUSTIN GIROD) See GIROD-CHANTRANS. CHANTRE (ERNEST) [1843-] Etudes paleoethno- logiques dans le Bassin du Rhone. Age du Bronze, recherches sur 1'origine de la metallurgie en France. 3 Pt. & Atlas. 4". ar M. Fouque et M. Levy. pp. 142 : S pis., 4 plans. 8°. Paris, 1880. Chaper (M.) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission de Nomenclature, Ac. See PARIS.— SOCIIJTE ZOOLOGUJUE ~Z. DE FRANCE. 1 )e la nomenclature des Etres organises. 8". 1881. CHAPMAN (A.) Miss. The first visit to the British ^ Museum, Ac. pp. Hi. 8". London A Jilackheath, 1849. CHAPMAN (ABEL) & Buck (W. J.) Wild Spain (Esjiana agreste) : records of sport with ride, rod and gun, natural history and exploration, pp. xx, 472 : 51 «Z- pis., 1 map, text Must. 8*. London, 1893. The T>arge Game of PHILLIPPS-WOLLEY (C.) 8". 1894. • Chapman (ABEL) et Buck (W. J.) 1 Spam and Portugal. See PHILI Big Game Shooting, Ac. Vol. II. CHAPMAN (ALVIN WENTWORTII) [1809rJ Flora of the Southern United States, Ac. pp. xxxviti, 621. 8°. New York, 1865. D. C. Eaton. Second edition, to 8°. New York, Ac., 1883. ' The Ferns by pp. xxxviii, 698. CHAPMAN (EDWARD J.) [1821-] Practical Minera- AJ logy, Ac. pp. xii, W2 : 13 jtls. 8". London, Ac., 1843. ' Chapman (E. J.) A Brief Description of the Characters of Minerals, Ac. pp. xi, 129 : 3 pis. 8°. London, Paris, 1844. ''' Chapman (E. J.) A popular and practical exposition of the Minerals and Geology of Canada, pp. xii, 236 : text Must. 8°. Toronto, 1864. i, Reprinted, with alterations and additions, from Journ. Canadian hist. New Series, Vol. v-lx. [Another edition entitled:] The Minerals and Geology of Central Canada, comprising the provinces of Ontario and Quebec . . . Third edition, Ac. pp. x, 371 : text Must. 8°. Toronto, 1888. - c CHAPMAN (FREDERICK) [1864-] A monograph of thu Foraminifera of the Crag. Part H . . . By . . . T. R. .- Jones . . . assisted by F. Chapman, Ac. See PAL^EONTO- Ur GRAPHICAL SOCIETY. [Monographs.] Vol. XLIX. 4". 1895. CHAPMAN (FREDERICK R.) The working of Green- stone by the Maoris, pp. 63:1 pi. 8°. Wellington, 1892. ' Trans. New Zealand Inst. Vol. xxiv. CHAPMAN (HENRY CADWALADER) [1845-] Evolu- L. tion of Life. pp. 193 : 32 pis., 1 map. 8°. Philadelphia, 1873. CHAPMAN (JAMES) [-1872] Travels in the interior / of South Africa, Ac. 2\o\. Must. 8". London, 1868. Vol. ll. Apjiendix contains, in addition to zoological, botanical and ~lty- freolojrjcal notes : — Hough Notes on the Botany of Natal ... by .7. Sanderson. Observations on the Botany of Natal ... by E. Armitage. List of Natal Trees. By J. C. Brown. CHAPMAN (THOMAS ALGERNON) The genus AcTb- w/cta and its allies, Ac. pp. iv, 116: 9 pis. (col.) 4". London, 1893. Reprinted from "The Entomologist's Record" and "Tram. Wonllmjn! Nat urn list' B Field Club." CHAPFE D'AUTEROCHE MEAN) [1728-1769] Voyage en Siberie . . . contenant ... la description • geographique . . . de la route de Paris a Tobolsk ; 1'histoire naturelle de la memo route (La description du Kamtchatka . . .par M. Kracheninnikow . . . traduit duRuHse),otc. 2 Tom. [in 3 Vol.] Must. 4°. Paris, 1768. Chappe d'Auteroche (J.) Auszug aus . . . Reise 1 nachSibirien. (1760-61.) .SWAHKSTEE( ) 8°. Charleroi, &c., 1864-> ?5". Tom. I published at Charleroi, Tom. n-xiv at Mons, Tom. xv-xvli at Bruxelles, Tom. xvm-» at Malines. CHARLES IX, King of France. [1550-1574] La Chasse Royale . . . nouvelle edition precedes d'une intro- duction par H. Chcvreul. pp. xlv, 104. 8°. Paris, 1858. Z First issued in 1625. CHARLESTON. — Elliott Society of Natural History. See ELLIOTT SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. CHARLESWORTH (EDWARD) [1813-1893] See MAGAZINE OF NATURAL HISTORY, THE, . . . Con- ^r ducted by E. Charlesworth. New Series. Vol. i-iv. 8°. 1837-40. Charlesworth (E.) List of British fossil Plants, from the Coal Measures, &c. pp. 15. 8°. York, 1857. 5- Printed on one side of the paper only. Charlesworth (E.) On the prospective annihilation of the Suffolk Red Crag, &c. pp. 2 : text illust. fol. [Nonvich,] 1868. Reprinted from the " Norwich Mercury," Oct. 10, 1868. "Jo Onomasticon Zoicon, &c. text Must. •1". L 7 pis., 'mi, 1671. [Another edition ' entitled :] G. Charletoni exer- citationes de differentiis & nommibus Animalium . . . Editio secunda, &c. pp. xx, 119, 106, 78 [19]. fol. Oxonice, 1677. CHARLETONUS (GuALTERUs) See CHARLETON (WALTER) CHARLEVOIX (PIERRE FRANCOIS XAVIER DE) [1682-1761] Histoire de 1'Isle Es'pagnole, ou de S. Domingue, ecrite particulierement sur les memoires manuscrits du P. J. B. le Pers, &c. Vol. I. 4°. Paris, 1730. Wanting Vol. n. Gc Reprinted, with additions, from the "York Herald," April 15, 1854. A manuscript note by the author accompanying a photograph of Moiliola, costu/ata, and a circular entitled, " The Stone-borers of the Red Crag Sea," are appended. Charlesworth (E.) World. 1 pi. Gr z. o, C 43 338 L. 0. o A Charlevoix (P. F. X. DK) Allgemcine Geschichtc und Beschreibung von Neu-Frankreich — Spanisches Florida und Beise ... an dcssen Kuste— Reisen und Beobach- tungen. (1720-21.)— Reise . . . nach Luisiana auf dein Mississipi. (1721-22.) See ARKSTEE ( )it.Mn:Kis ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, ls. col. 4°. Lipsiae, 1840. Charpentier (T. VON) Orthoptera descripta et depicta. (in ]f». col., with descriptive lettei'press. 4°. Lipsiae, 1841-45. CHARSLEY (FANNY ANNE) The Wild Flowers around Melbourne. \1 />.] 13 pis. fol. London, 1867. CHARTERS TOWERS GOLDFIBLD. Geo- logical Map of Charters Towers Goldfield . . . 1894. Scale 4 chains to an inch [i.e. 1 m. = 20 in.] 6 sh. col. See QUEENSLAND.— Geological Survey. 1894. CHARTROUSE (MEIFFREN LAUGIER DE) Baron, fa See LAUGIER DE CHARTROUSE. CHASE (H. H.) Habirshaw's Catalogue of the Dia- toinacese. H. H. Chase. ,S«eHABiRSHAw(F.) 4°. 1885. g [Index of Diatomacea,'.] pp. 501. 4°. [ ] 1894. Type-written. Chase (H. H.) . 8°. Paris, 1840. Chatiu (G. A.) Me'moire sur le Vallisneria sjnralis, L., &c. pp. 31 : 5 pis. 4°. Pans, 1855. Chatiu (G. A.) Anatomic compare'e des Vegetaux, ls. •See FRANCE. — Ministere de V Instruction Publique. Bibliothfeque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. x, no. 1. 8°. 1874. Chatin (J.) Etudes sur des Helminthes nouveaux, ou 2. pen connus. pp. 18: 2 pis. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. VI, torn, i, no. 6. 8°. 1874. - [Another issue] See FRANCE. — Ministere de Vln- "~ ', •} sf ruction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes '•^ Etudes, &c. Tom. xn, no. 2. 8°. 1875. Chatin (J.) Note sur les Appendices Weberiens du Castor. --? pp. 3. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. VI, torn. I, no. 10. 8". 1874. Chatin (J.) Recherches pour servir a 1'histoire du —? Batonnet Optique chez les Crustacea et les Vers. 2 Ft. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoo- logie. Ser. VI, torn, v, no. 9 ; VII, no. 1. 8°. 1877-78. Chatin ( J.) Les Organes des Sens dans la Serie Animale. ^ Lemons d'anatomie et de physiologie comparees faites a la Sorbonne. pp. viii, 726 : text Must. 8°. Paris, 1880. Chatin. (J.) Observations sur le developpement et 1'organisation du Proscolex de la Bilharzia haeniatobia. pp. 11 : 1 pi. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. VI, torn, xi, no. 5. 8°. 1881. - [Another issue] See FRANCE. — Ministere de I'ln- . struction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes *f Etudes, &c. Tom. xxiv, no. 3. 8°. 1881. -r Chatin (J.) Observations sur 1'enkystement de la Trichine spirale. pp. S3. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. 8er. VI, torn, xi, no. 10. 8°. 1881. Chatin (J.) Notes anatomiques sur une Linguatule observe'e chez V Alligator Lucius, pp. 30 : 1 pi. 22 See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoo- logie. Ser. VI, torn, xiv, no. 2. 8°. 1882. Chatin (J.) Note sur la structure du Noyau dans les cellules marginales des Tubes de Malpighi chez les Insectes et les Myriapodes. pp. 7 : 1 pi. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. VI, torn, xiv, no. 3. 8°, 1882. Chatin (J.) Eecherches pour servir h 1'histoire du Noyau dans 1'epithelium auditif des Batraciens. pp. 5. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoo- logie. Ser. VI, torn, xvi, no. 2. 8°. 1883. z Chatin (J.) La Trichine et la Trichinose, &c. pp. iv, _ 257: 11 pis. 8". Paris, 1883. «^ Chatin (J.) Eecherches morphologiques sur les pifeces ., mandibulaires et labiales des Hymenoptferes. pp. 40 : 2 pis. 4°. Paris, 1887. CHATRIAN (NICOLAS) & Jacobs (H.) Monographic du Diamant. See JACOBS (H.) & CHATRIAN (N.) 8". 1880. /V [Another edition entitled :] Le Diamant. 8°. 1884. fr\ B CHAUBARD (Louis ANASTASE) [1785-1854] & Bory de Saint-Vincent (J. B. G. M.) Baron. [Phanero- gamia of the Morea.] See FRANCE. — Expedition scienti- fique de Moree, &c. Tom. in, pt. 2 & Atlas. 4°. & fol. 1832-35. Chanbard (L. A.) & Bory de Saint-Vincent (J. B. G. M.) Baron. Nouvelle Flore du Peloponnfese et des £ Cyclades, entierement revue . . . et augmentee par M. Chaubard, pour les Phanerogames, et M. Bory de Saint Vincent, pour les Cryptogames, &c. pp. 87 : 52 pis. fol. Paris, 1838. This is another edition of the " Partie Botanique" of the " Expedition Scientifique de Moree." CHAUCHARD ( ) Carte gene'rale de 1'Empire L. d'Allemagne. [Scale : 1 in. = 8jm.]— Carte reduite, &c._^ [Scale : 1 in. = 50 m.] 10 sh. .See GERMANY. [Mapg.Yy* ' [1790?] CHAUDOIR (MAXIMILIEN DE) Baron [1817-1881] Enumeration des Carabiques et Hydrocanthares re- ^ cueillis pendant un voyage au Caucase et dans les provinces Transcaucasiennes par le Baron M. de Chau- doir et le Baron A. de Gotsch. Carabiques. Par le Baron M. de Chaudoir . . . Hydrocanthares. Par M. H. Hochhuth. pp. 268. 8°. Kiew, 1846. Chaudoir (M. DE) Baron. Catalogue de la collection de Cicindeletes. pp. 64. 8°. Bruxelles, 1865. H Chandoir (M. DE) Baron. Descriptions de Cicindeletes et de Carabiques nouveaux. pp. 28. 8°. (Paris,) 1869. £ Revue & Mag. de Zoologie. CHAUMETON (FRANCOIS PIERRE) [1775-1819] Flore Medioale, decrite par F. P. Chaumeton ([J. B. J. A. C. & Tyrbas de] Chamberet et [J. L. M.] Poiret), peinte par M"". E. Panckoucke, et par P. J. F. Turpin. ( — Tom. vn. Partie ele'mentaire par J. L. M. Poiret. Iconographie Vegetale par P. J. F. Turpin.) 7 Tom. col. illust. 8°. Paris, 1814-20. Tom. v wants the title-page. Tom. vn was also issued separately under the title " LeQons de Flore," d-c. [for which see POIRET (J. L. M.)] The third part of this volume (erroneously reckoned by Pritzel as Tom. vlll) has in both issues a separate title-page reading " Essai d'une Iconographie . . . des Ye<;e- taux," and was also published as an independent work. CHAUMONT (ALEXANDRE DE) Marquess [c.1640- ~J0. 1710] Eeise . . . nach Siam. (1685.) See ARKSTEE L - ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Eeisen, &c. Bd. x. 4°. 1J52. CHAUSSIER (FRANCOIS) [1746-1828] Exposition sommaire de la structure et des differentes parties de — I'Ence'phale ou Cerveau [by F. Chaussier], &c. See CER- ^- - VEAU. 8°. 1807. CHATTVEAU(JEAN BAPTISTE AUOUSTE) [1827-] Traite d'Anatomie comparee des Animaux domestiques . . . Troisieme edition revue et augmentee avec la collabora- -^ tion de S. Arloing, &c. pp. 1036 : text Must. 8°. Paris, [1876-] 1879. The first edition appeared in 1357. CHATJVENET (EEGis) [For official publications in connection with the Survey.] See MISSOURI, State of. — Geological Survey. CHAUVIIT (FRANCOIS JOSEPH) [1797-1859] Ee- cherches sur rprganisation, la fructification et la classifi- p cation de plusieurs genres d'Algues, ttc. pp. 132. 4°. Caen, 1842. 340 L ' u L. C. L. CHAUZIT (H.) Ktat actuel de la question du Phyl- loxera en France, <£c. pp. 3~'<>. 18°. ATimes, 1884. CHAVANNE (JOSEF) [1846-] Festschrift aus Veran- Inssung der fiinfundzwanzigjiihrigen Jube|feier der Kais. Konigl. geographischen Oesellschaft in Wien in ... 1881. Von . . . J. Chavanne, ] CHELTENHAM MAGAZINE, The, of Science, Literature, and Miscellaneous Intelligence. Edited by E. G. Wells. 2 Vol. [inl.]t 8". London, 1837. CHELTENHAM NATUBAL SCIENCE SO- CIETY. Session 1885-86. Inaugural Address by the President (F. Day), pp. 12. 8°. Cheltenham [1885]. CHELUS (D. DE) See QUELUS. CHEMICAL GAZETTE, The. See CHEMICAL NEWS, THE. CHEMICAL NEWS, The. The Chemical Gazette, or, Journal of practical Chemistry, in all its applications to Pharmacy, Arts and Manufactures, conducted by W. Francis and H. Croft. Vol. i-xvn. 8°. I^ondon, 1842-59. [Continued an :] The Chemical News and Journal of Physical Science : with which is incorporated the Chemical Gazette . . . Edited by W. Crookes. Vol. i-> 8». London, I860-* CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. [Founded 1841.] Memoirs (and Proceedings), 8°. London, 1891(1 890)-> • Chemical Society of London. Index to the first twenty-five volumes of the Journal .. of the . . . Society, 1848-72 ; and to the Memoirs and / / Proceedings, 1841-47, No. l-> 8°. Cheinnitz, 1865 (1868-») CHEMNITZ (JOHANN HIERONYMUS) [1730-1800] G. E. Rumphs . . . Amboinische Raritaten-Kammer, oder Abhandlung von . . . Sclmecken und Muscheln . . . vermehret [with a preface] von J. H. Chemnitz, p,vui,i7G: Wj)(*. 1845. Chenn (J. C.) Lemons elementaires d'Histoire Natu- relle, comprenant un aper^u sur toute la Zoologie et un traite do Conchyliologie, &c. pp. Ixxxvii, 283 : 13 pis. /_ col., text ilhist. 4°. Paris, 1847. Chenn (J. C.) Notice sur le Mus6e Conchyliologique de M. le Baron B. Delessert. pp. 40. 8°. Paris, 1849. Chenn (J. C.) Encyclopedic d'Histoire Naturelle, &c. (Tables generales, &c.) 22 (& 9) Vol. illust. 4°. Paris, [1850-] 1853-80. Originally published in 1850-61 r but frequently re-issued with title- pages bearing later dates. The copy here catalogued is made up as follows : — [Notions generales sur la Zoologie et la 1'hytologie. Mineralogie— Geologic — Races Humaines.J Wanting. Table Alphabetique. 1875. Quadrumanes. 1 Vol. pp. 312: Sit pis., text illvst. [ } Carnassiers, avec la collaboration de M. E. Desmarest. 2 Vol. [ IlongeursetPachydermes.aveclacollaborationde M. E. Desmaroat. pp. [ii,] SIS: 40 pis., text illust. 1877. Pachydermes, Ruminants, Edentes, Cetaces, Marsupiaux et Mono- tremes, avec la collaboration de M. E. Desmarest. pp. [it,] 3VO : Ul pis., text ill list. 1870. Table Alphabetique . . . Mammiferes. 1874. Oiseaux, avec la collaboration de M. [ffiillet] des Murs. 0 Vol. illust. [ ] Table Alphabetique. 1870. Reptiles et Poissons, avec la collaboration de M. E. Desmarest. pp. [it,] 360 : 4S pi*., text Must. 1874. — Table Alphabetique. 1880. Coleopteres . . . avec la collaboration de M. E. Desmarest. 3 Vol. Ulutt. [ ] Table Alphabetique. 1861. Papillons, avec la collaboration de M. H. Lucas, pp. [ii,] 310 : UO pit. , text illust. [ ] Papillons nocturnes, avec collaboration de II. E. Desmarest. pp. [ii,] 312: 39 pis., text illust. 1870. Table Alphabetique . . . Lepidopteres. 1870. Crustacea— Mollusques— Zoophytes, avec la collaboration de M. E. Desmarest. pp. lit,] 312: 402>/j*., text illust. 1877. Table Alphabetique. 1874. Anneles, avec la collaboration de M. E. Desmarest. pp. [ii,] SIS: 37 pis., text Must. [ ] Table Alphabetique. 1875. Botanique, avec la collaboration de M. Dupuis. 2 Vol. illust. 1878, 68. Table Alphabetique. 1880. 6 Chenu (J. C.) Manuel de Conchyliologie et de Paleon- tologie Conchyliologique. 2 Tom. [in 1.] illust. (col.) 4°. Paris, 1859-62. CHER, Department of the. [Maps.] ,Carte du departe- inent du Cher . . . par M. Bon, &c. Echelle 1 : 160,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 2i m. about.] col. Paris, 1881. Coupes geologiques du departement du Cher. Echelle 1 : 150,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 2j m.] Paris [188-]. CHERBOURG. Societe Nationale Academique. [1755 Founded as Societe' Royalc Acntldinii^ue. 1703-1808 the Society was suspended. 1810 Soc'Mc Acadnniqm. 1817 SociVf,' Roi/ale Acade mique. 1848 Soaitt Nationale Acath'inique. 1854 Societe Impe'riale Acatlnniifue. 1871 SociM Natioiiale Acn.tlemig.ue.] Memoires, &c. 13 Vol. Z 8°. Cherbourg, 1833-79. L. S &5 / CHERBOURG. Societe Natioiiale des Sciences Natorelles et Mathematiques. [1851 FoTinded as Socidtd ties Scii nces Natitrellcs. 1854 Socicte Impe'rititc lies Science* Naturelle*. 1870 Societi t/es Sciences Natimltes. 1873 Societ^ Nationals ties Science* Naturclles. 1878 Societi Rationale ties Sciences Natttrdlcs et] Memoires, &c. Tom. i-» 8°. Cherbourg, 1852— >• Also divided into series of 10 Vol. With an index to each series at the end of the last volume. CHERLER (JoHANN HENRICH) [1570-1610] & Bauhin (J.) Historia Plantarum Universalis, &c. 3 Vol. Must. See BAUHIN (J.) ls. 8". Kapoli, 1833. Chiaje (S. DELLE) Testacea utriusque Siciliae eorum- que nistoria et anatome (Tomus tertius. Pars prima posthuma cum additamentis et adnofcitionibus— Pars altera a S. delle Chiaie). See POLI (G. S.) fol. 1826-27. Chiaje (S. DELLE) Hydrophytologiae Regni Neapoli- tan! icones. pp. 16 (11): 100 pis. col., engraved title. 8". Neapoli, 1829. Chiaje (S. DELLE) Descrizione e notomia degli Animali Invertebrati della Sicilia citeriore osservati vivi negli anni 1822-30. 8 Tom. Must. 4°. Napoli, 1841-44. The half 'title reads : — " Aniinali senza vertebre del Regno di Najmli." Toui. vl & vll contain the plates. Tolu. vni consists of the Appendix, t('c. Chiaje (S. PKLLE) 2 Tom. [in 1.] illust. Miscellanea anatomico-patologica. fol. Napoli, 1847. The half-titles read :— " DuMrtazioni anil' Anatoiuia Umana, coiiiparata e patologica." Chiaje (S. DELLE) Memorie postume, sceverate dalle schede autografe di F. Cavolini per cura . . . di S. D. Chiaje. See CAVOLINI (F.) 4°. 1853. CHIART7GI (GIULIO) See MONITORS ZOOLOGICO -, ITALIANO . . . Diretto dai . . . G. Chiarugi . . . E. Ficalbi. Vol. i-» 6°. 1890-» L I Final edition, pp. 176: 2% CHICAGO. — World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. List of Commissioners and Committees, Regulations, [subdivided as follows :— ] Report Series. Vol. i-> Historical Series. Vol. i-> Anthropological Series. Vol. i-> Botanical Series. Vol. i-» Geological Series. Vol. i-> Zoological Series. Vol. i— ^ Ornithological Series. Vol. i-> 8°. Chicago, 1895-> 8°. Chicago, 1894-» 8°. Chicago, 1895-» 8°. Chicago, 1895-» 8°. Chicago, 1895-J* 6". Chicago, 189>» 8°. Chicago, 1896-» L * L "^ L A 6 ** $^ Chicago. —Field Columbian Museum. Guide to the . . . Museum . . . Second edition. pp. £63 : text Must. 8°. Chicago, 1894. CHICAGO. State Microscopical Society of Illinois. See STATE MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY OF ILLINOIS. CHICAGO.- -University. [Founded 1357.) University llecord. Vol. 1-»J£ 8°. Chicago, 1896-»/v Bolivar y TTrrutia (I.) , Enumeracion de los Hemipteros observados en Kspanu y Portugal, pp. 40: S pis. />. .'I 2 pis. See ITALY.— SOCIETA ITALIANA DKI.I.K si IKN/.K. a Memorie, Chinese.] 2 Vol. [in 1.] fol. The fly-leaf of each volume bears the inscription " Le Ch. de Robien Canton en Chine Annee 1776." China. [62 Water-colour drawings of Chinese Plants, Q by a native artist, with their Chinese names, and 16 other drawings subsequently intercalated.] fol. China. [39 Water-colour drawings by native artists of L Chinese Plants, Reptiles, Fish and Birds.] fol. CHINA. — IMPERIAL MARITIME CUSTOMS. Special Catalogue of the Ningpo Collection of Exhibits, &c. See BERLIN. — Internationale Fischer ei-Ausstellunf/, 1880. 4°. 1880. China. — IMPERIAL MARITIME CUSTOMS. Special Catalogue of the Chinese Collection of Exhibits, • &c. See LONDON. — International Fisheries Exhibition, *- 1883. 4". 1883. CHINA. [Maps.] Atlas von China, &c. See RICHT- HOFEN (F. VON) Baron. fol. 1885. /* CHINA BRANCH OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. See ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — China Branch. CHIOCCO (ANDREA) [-1624] Musaeum F. Calceolarii, /K) jun. . . . a B. Ceruto incseptum, et ab A. Chiocco . . . descriptum et perfectum. See CERUTUS (B.) fol. 1622. CHIONIO (TiTo) Tavole di Mineralogia descrittiva, A~ &c. See MINERALOGIA. obi. fol. 1891. ' CHIOZZA (LuiGi) & Cornalia (E.) Cenni geologici sulP Istria. See CORNALIA (E.) & CHIOZZA (L.) 4°. 1852. CHIRCHER (ATANASIUS) See KIRCHER. CHISHOLM (GEORGE GOUDIE) The comprehensive Atlas and Geography of the World [compiled by G. G. nWV,r>lrr,1 ./.„ £„* Rr J nirir (W Cl\ 4". 1884. Longmans' Gazetteer of the World. 8°. London & Neiv York, 1895. Chisholm], &c.~ See BLACKIE (W. G.) Chisholm (G. G.) pp. xii, 1788. Chisholm (G. G.) & Rudler (F. W.) -Europe. See STANFORD (E.) Stanford's Compendium of Geo- graphy and Travel. 8°. 1885. CHISTYAKOV (IvAN DOROTHEEVICH) Istoriya Razvltiya Sporanghiev 1 spor Vuisshlkh Tainobrach- nuikh, puil'nikov I puil'tzui yavnobrachnuikh . . . i. Sporanghil I Sporui, [History of the development of the sporangium and spores of the higher Cryptogams (and) of the anthers and pollen of the Phanerogams . . . i. Sporangium and Spores, pp. xvi, 98 : 4 pis- See Mos- cow. — IMPERATORSKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBITELEI ESTESTVOZNANIYA ANTROPOLOGHII I ETNOGHRAFII, &C. Izvyestiya, &c. Tom. IX, vuip. 2. 4°. 1871. CHITROWO (SEROHYEI KONSTANTINOVICH) See KHITROVO. 44 Ox/it, • ft,. Z, , /2a. 71 o- v u, 346 B CHITTENDEN (FRANK HURLBUT) Entoiuologica Americana . . . Assist. Editor : . . . F. H. Chittenden. Vol. v-vi. See BROOKLYN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 4°. 1889-90. Chittenden (F. H.) Insects affecting Cereals and other dry Vegetable Foods. See UNITED STATES.— Depart- ment of Agriculture.— Entomology Division. Bulletin, <{•<• New Series, no. 4. The principal Household Insects of the United States, dx. 8°. 1896. Chittenden (F. H.) Some little-known Insects affect- ing stored Vegetable Products. pj>. 45: text Must. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture.— Entoniolotin Division. Bulletin. New Series, no. 8. 8°. 1897. Chittenden (F. H.) Some Insects injurious to Garden and Orchard Crops, ,,. 140 : 2 pis. 8°. Geneve, Bale & Lyon, 1878. Miiin. Sue. Knml. Doubs. Ser. V, toiu. in. Choffat (P.) Die Paliiontologie, deren Methode, Nutzen r und Ziel. pp. i>8 : 1 map. 8". Basel, 1878. '- Choffat (P.) Etude stratigraphique et paleontologique des terrains Jurassiques du Portugal ... 1° Livraison. \jf — Le Lias et le Dogger au Nord du Tage. pp. xii, 7~' : text Must. See PORTUGAL.— Direccdo dos Traballws Geologicos. 4". 1880. Choffat (P.) Description de la Faune Jurassique du /• Portugal.- Mollusques Lamellibranches . . . Asiphonida. pp. 36 : 10 pis. See PORTUGAL.— Direccdo dos Trattal- Iws Geologicos. 4". 1885. Choffat (P.) llecueil d'etudes paleontologiques sur la Faune Cretacique du Portugal.— Vol. I. Especes nou- velles ou peu connues. pp. viii, 40 : 18'pls. See PORTU- GAL.— Direcfdo dos Traballias Geologicos. 4". 1886. Choffat (P.) Description de la Faune Jurassique du , Portugal.— Mollusques Lamellibranches . . . Siphonida. Livraison 1. See PORTUGAL.— Direcfao dos Trabalhot Geolof/icos. 4U. 1893. Choffat (P.) Etude g6ologique du tunnel du Rocio, contribution a la connaissance du sous-sol de Lisbonne, Qf- * Trabtu IMS Geologicos. 4". 18W. Choffat (P.) Notice stratigraphique sur les gisements de Vegetaux Fossiles dans le Mesozoique du Portugal. See PORTUGAL.— Direcfdo dos Traballws Geologicos. Flore fossile du Portugal, &c. 4°. 1894. Choffat (P.) & Loriol (P. DE) Materiaux i>our 1'etude stratigra]>luque et paleontologique de la province d' Angola. m>. 116 : 8 pis. See GENEVA.— SOCIETE DK PHYSIQUE, &c. Memoires, . U: 5 pit. 4°. Geneve, 1823. " Mim. 8oc. l>hy». & hint. nat. Geneve. Tom. n, pt. 2. 1824. Choisy (J. D.) Hypericineae. — Guttiferse. — Marc- g grafiacew. — Convolvulacese. — Hydroleaceae. — Selagi- nacew. — Nyctaginese. See CANDOLLE (A. P. DE) Prodromus Systematis naturalis Regni Vegetabilis, &c. Pt. I, IX, x, XII & XIII. 8». 1824- in. 347 j) Choisy (J. D.) Description des Hydroleaceea. pp. 28 : Spls. 4". Geneve, 1833. Mem. Soc. phys. & hist. nat. Geneve. Tom. vi. D Choisy (J. D.) Convolvulaceas orientates, &c. pp. ISO : Gpls. 4°. [Geneva, 1834.] M*'/>. 1G6-192: 5 pis. 4°. [Geneva,] 1841. B Choisy (J. D.) Memoire sur les families des Tern- stroemiaci'es et Camelliacees. pp. 98 : 3 pis. 4°. Geneve, 1855. Mem. Soc. phys. & hist. nat. Geneve. Tom. xiv. Choisy (J. D.) Plantee Javanicse nee non ex insulis 0. finitimis et etiam e Japonia qiiiedam oriundae ... in clar. Zollingeri Catalogo Javanensi elaboratse, et nunc denuo vulgatae cum variis additionibus et emenda- tionibus, &c. pp. SO. 8". Geneva?, 1858. / CHOIX DE MEMOIRES sur divers objects d'His- toire Naturelle, par Lamarck, Bruguiere, Olivier, Haiiy et Pelletier, &c. 2 Vol. See. JOURNAL;D'HISTOIKE NATURELLE [of which this is another issue]. 8°. 1792. CHOLMONDELEY-FENNELL (HENRY) [1837-] [The Angler-Naturalist : a popular history of British Fresh- water Fish, &c. 12°. London, 1863.] Wanting. [Another edition entitled :] A popular history of . British Fresh- water Fish, &c. pp. 425: text Must. 12". London pis. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, 1817. Christ (JoHANN LUDWIO) Nock ein neuer und vor- t> trefflicher Teutscher Stell vertreter des Indischen Caffee, oder der Caffee von der Erdnuss oder Erdeichel, Lathyrus tuberosus, Lin. pp. 48 : 1 ]d. 8". Frankfurt am Main, 1801. CHRISTCHURCH, KetS" Zealand. -Canterbury MusetelH. Guide tpXuie CollectiojMr in the . . . MjjSeum . . . 1895T ^>/>. vii, S32 :J^photo. pi., 9 plans. 8". (Cnristchurch,) 189,r>. CHRISTEN (CAROLUS) Dissertatio inauguralis sistens do l.ania observationes nonnullas anatoraicas 2- quam . . . praeside G. L. Rapp . . . submittit . . . auctor C. Christen, 8°. Christiania, 1859-» In Aar 1876-* each paper ia aeparately ]-aged. Registre . . . 1858-67. 8°. Christiania, 1868. Christiania. —Videnskabs-Selskabet. Skrifter . . . Mathematisk-naturvidenskabelig Klasse. <<< 1894-» 8". Kristiania, 1895-* Christiania. —Videnskabs-Selskabet. Oversigt af Norges Echinodermer, - )itClIHIHTY(H.) * 4°. 1875. CHRISTT (ROBERT MILLER) On the Species of the a Genus Primula in Essex, &c. pp. 64, 2 tabs.: text Must. 8°. [Buckhurst Hill, 1883-84.] Trans. Eaaex Field Club. Vol. III. Christy (R. M.) Birdsnesting . . . Second edition . . . - Rewritten, with. ... a chapter on Bird-skinning, «. By M.Christy. See NEWMAN (E.) 8". 1888. Christy (R. M.) Sport in Manitoba, pp. 23: test Must. 8°. Liverpool, 1888. - Reprinted, with additionn, from the " Field," April 14tb, 1888. Christy (R. M.) The voyages of Capt. Foxe ... and Capt. T. James ... in search of a North-west Passage, in 1831-32 . . . Edited, with notes and an introduction, by M.Christy. 2 Vol. &«HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 88,89. 349 / Christy (R. M.) On "Busse Island." fiee. HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 96. 8°. 1897. CHRISTY (THOMAS) Forage Plants and their eco- M nomic conservation by the new system of " Ensilage," &c. pp. vi.ii, 72 : 2 pis. col., text Must. PP. London, 1877. g Christy (THOMAS) New Commercial Plants(and Drags), D with directions how to grow them to the best advantage. No. 1-11. illust. 8°. London, 1878-89. M L CHRUSTSCHOFF (K. VON) Einiges iiber den Cerro del Mercado bei Durango in Mexico, pp. 60 : 5 pis. (X col.) 8°. Wurzbunj, 1878. (K. VON) Uber holokrystalline makro- . variolithische Gesteine. pp. [Hi,] 245 [2] : 3 pis., text '.illust. See ST. PETERSBURG.— ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Se'r. VII, torn. XLII, no. 3. 4°. 1894. CHUDZINSKI (TEOFIL) [1842 J-1897] Anatomia porownawcza zwojtnv M6zgowych [Comparative Ana- tomy of the convolutions of the Brain.] 2 pt. illust. See PARIS. — TOWARZYSTWO NAUK SCIS-J.YCH. Pamiet- nik, &c. Tom. x, art. 6 ; & xa, art. 9. 4°. 1878, 82. CHUGHUNOy (SERGHYEI MIKHAILOVKJH) Znachenie otnosheniya vuishinui cherepa k shirinye, sovmyestno s otnosheniem dlinui k osnovaniyu, kak otlichltel'nagho <3-t fjt n priznaka ras. K Ucheniyu o dlfferentzial'nol diagnostik ' ras po cherepu. [The signification of the relation be- tween the height of the skull to its breadth, having regard to the relation between the length and the base as a racial characteristic. On the study of differential diagnosis of Races by the head.] pp. 26. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI, &C. Trudui, See ZOOLOGICA. 4°. 1887-> Chun (C.) Die pelagische Thierwelt in grcisseren Meerestiefen und ihre Beziehungen zur der Ober- fliichenfauna. pp. G6 [G] : 5 pis. col. See ZOOLOGICA. Bibliothoca ZonU.jica, &c. Hft. I. 4°. 1887 (1888). Chun (C.) Coelenterata. See BRONN (H. G.) Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, &c. Bd. n, abth. 2, lief. !->• 8°. 1889-* Chun (C.) Die Dissogonie, eine neue Form der geschlechtlichen Zeugung. See TASCHENBERO (E. O. W.) & others. Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage R. Leuckarts, &c. 4°. 1892. Chun (C.) Atlantis. Biologische Studien iiber pela- gischeOrganismen,. See EKATERINBURG. — URAL'SKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBITELEI ESTESTVOZ- NANIYA. Zapiski, dec. Tom. i & n. Appendix. 8°. 1874-75. CHUR. — Naturforscheiule Gesellschaft Grau- bnendens. [Founded isso.] i Jahresbericht (Geschaftsbericht — Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen) . . . Neue Folge. Jahrg. i^> 1854->- c /-> T,*.-- 8°. Chur, 1856-5" The first series appeared in the columns of the " Biindnerische Volks- blatt." To some of the Jahrg, separately paged appendices are added. Systematic indexes to No. l-x, xi-xx, xxl-xxx are given in Jahrg. xi, xx and xxx. Chur. — Naturforschenclo Gesell. Graubuendeus. Naturgeschichtliche Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Umge- L . bungen von Chur, &c. pp. vii, 161 : 1 pi., 1 map. 8°. Chur, 1874. CHURCH (ARTHUR HERBERT) [1834-] [Food. Some account of its sources, constituents and uses,/. r. infra). Cirillo (D.) 1). Cvrilli . . . de essentialibus nonnulla- rum Plantarum charaotcribns commentarius. pp. ~.ri : I Cirillo (D.) Fiiiklanu-nta Botanica sive Philosophia; :J Botanica' oxplicatio . . . Editio tertia, .) Discorai Accademici. (8. Del moto e O della irritabilita de' Vegetabili.) pp. S3.r>. 12°. {Naples,} r,m. Cirillo (D.) Tabula? Botanicae elementarex quatuor priores, sive icones partium quse in fundamentis Bo- (2, tanicis describuntur. pp. xviii: 4 pis. fol. Neajioli, 1790. ^ Cirillo (D.) D. Cyrilli . . . Cyprus Papyrus, of Exeter, dated Naples Jany. 22nd, 1765, giving an account of a Voyage to Sicily, followed by a list of Plants collected in the island.] pp. 24. 4°. 1765. Cirillo (D.) [Autograph MS. :] Institutiones botanicee n juxta methodum Tournefortianam. pp. [12,] 119. fol. D CIRILLO (GIUSEPPE) De' Crostacei, e dell' altre produzioni marine, che sono ne' Monti, pp. 23. 4°. Milano, 1757. b Raccolta Milanese, 1757. CISNEROS Y LANUZA (ANTONIO MARIA DE) /y Lecciones de Mineralogia, &c. Tom. I. 8". Modi-id, 1843. ' Wanting Tom. u. CI8TERNAS (RAFAEL) Descripcion del Ammodytet , terebrans, nueva especie del Mediterraneo. pp. 6 : 1 pi. * See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &c. Tom. iv. 8°. 1875. Cistemas (R.) Ensayo descriptive de los Peces de /_ agua dulce que habitan en la provincia de Valencia. \ pp. 70. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HIS- TORIA NATURAL. Anales, / [1770- 1838] & Lewi* (M.) Travels to the source of the Missouri River, « geol. col. £«• UNITED STATES— Geological Survey. Bulletin, Ac. No. 83. 8°. 1891. n 0 L L- Clark (WILLIAM B.) The Mesozoic Echinodermata of the United States, pp. 207: 50 pis. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin, <£c. No. 97. 8°. 1893. Clark (WILLIAM B.) The Eocene deposits of the „ Middle Atlantic slope in Delaware, Maryland, and vf Virginia, pp. 167 : 39 pis.. 1 map. See UNITED STATES. —Geological Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 141. 8°. 1896. Clark (WILLIAM B.) [For official reports in con- nexion with the Maryland Geological Survey & the Gr Maryland State Weather Service] See MARYLAND, State of. Clark (WILLIAM B.) & Williams (G. H.) Outline of the geology and physical features of Maryland, &c. See WILLIAMS (G. H.) & CLARK (W. B.) 4°. 1893. CLARK (WILLIAM S.) On Metallic Meteorites. An Inaugural Dissertation, &c. pp. 7'J : 3 pis. 8°. Gottingen, 1852. ' CLARKE (ARTHUR WALTER) Queensland Minerals. Catalogue of the Minerals . . . with . . . notes on the various mineral fields, &c. See LONDON. — Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886. 8°. 1886. Clarke (A. W.) Report on Geological Specimens. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Her Majesty's Colonial Possessions . . . Report on the Blue Book, &c. '<<• No. 103. British New Guinea. (Appendix F.) 8". 1890. Clarke (A. W.) Notes on Sand and Gravel, Sudest L. River, collected by Sir W. MacGregor. — Petrological -i-jBt notes on two samples of Rock from British New Guinea, collected by Sir W. MacGregor. . See THOMSON (J. P.) British New Guinea. Appendix I. 8". 1892. CLARKE (BENJAMIN) [1813-90] A new arrangement of Phanerogamous Plants, &c. pp. [vi,] 5H : 1 t>l. obi. fol. London, 1866. Third edition, &c. pp. [iv,] 6 : 7 tab. obi. fol. London, 1888. [Another edition.] pp. [iv,] 6 : 7 tab. The title-page and preliminary text remain unaltered, but the tables ti;ive been augmented and emended. CLARKE (CHARLES BARON) [1834-] A list of the Flowering Plants, Ferns, and Mosses, collected in the immediate neighbourhood of Andover. pp. 114 •' 1 map (col.) 8°. Calcutta, 1866. Clarke (C. B.) Conimelynaceac et Cyrtandraceaj Ben- galenses (paucis aliis ex terris adjacentibus additis). pp. 133, ii : 93 pis. fol. Calcutta, 1874. Clarke (C. B.) Comixwita; Indicae descriptor, H. - ' B 353 A 4. *<> CLARKE(EDWARi> DANIEL) [1769-1822] A methodical distribution of the Mineral Kingdom into classes, orders, genera, species, and varieties. fol. Lewes, 1800. [Another edition entitled :] A Syllabus of Lectures in Mineralogy, containing a methodical distribution of Minerals. [Second edition.] pp.103. 8°. London, 1818. - Third edition. pp.[12,]lll. 8°. Cambridge, 1820. Clarke (E. D.) Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa, &c. 3 Pt. [in C Vol.] Must. 4". London, 1810-23. Vol. i. Part the First. Russia, Tartar; nnd Turkey. 1810. Appendix, No. V. A list of the Plants collected . . . in the Crimea. 11. ) Part the Second. Greece, Egypt and the Holy Land. 1S12-I1. III. > Appendix, No. II. A list of all the Plant* collected IV. ) during these travels. v. ( Part the Third. Scandinavia. 1810-23. VI.) Appendix, No. II. Plantse rariorea Lapponhe, i Clarke (E. D.) The Life and Remains of the Rev. E. D. - ' Clarke [compiled by Rev. W. Otter], &c. pp. x, 670 : 1 port. 4°. London, 1824. CLARKE (FRANK WIGGLESWORTH) [1847-] The Con- L • slants of Nature. Ft. i. Specific gravities ; boiling and melting points ; and chemi- cal formula, pp. fii, 263. 1873. (/ £-] ,, ,, - First supplement, pp. Gl. 1870. ~i I ,, ii. A table of specific heats for solids and liquids, pp. 58. 1876. ,, in. Tables of expansion by heat for solids and liquids, pp. 67. 1876. ., IV. Atomic weight determinations : a digest of the investiga- tions published since 1814. By G. F. Becker, pp. 249. 1880. „ v. A recalculation of the atomic weights, pp. xiv, 379. 1882. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections. Vol. xn, no. 2 ; vol. xiv, no. 3-5 ; & vol. xxvil, no. 1, 2. 8°. 1874-83. L - Pt. i. New edition, pp. xi, 409. See SMITHSONIAN IV] INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xxxn, no. 1. 8°. 1888. - Pt. v ____ New edition, &c. pp. vi, 370. See SMITH- SONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xxxvm. 8°. 1897. ., Clarke (F. W.) The constitution of the Silicates. **! pp. 109. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. W Bulletin, &c. No. 125. 8°. 1895. Clarke (F. W.) & Hillebrand (W. F.) Analyses ,-, of Rocks, with a chapter on analytical methods, &c. ^r pp. 306. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 148. 8°. 1897. CLARKE (J.) The Naturalist. A treatise on the growth of the Horns of the Red Deer. pp. IS : 1 photo. pi. 8°. Barmtaple, 1866. CLARKE (JOHN MASON) On the higher Devonian faunas of Ontario County, New York. pp. 80 : 3 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 16. (Vol. in.) 8°. 1885. Clarke (JOHN M.) As Trilobitas do Grez de Erere e < C.. Maecurii estado do Para, Brazil, Must. Archives Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro. Vol. IX. Clarke (JOHN M.) An introduction to the study of the Genera of Palaeozoic Brachiopoda ... By J. Hall . . . assisted by J. M. Clarke. 2 Vol. See NEW YORK, State of. Natural History of New York. Palaeon- tology. Vol. VIII. 4°. 1892, 94 [i.e. 95]. Clarke (JOHN M.) cfc Beecher (C. E.) The development C of some Silurian Brachiopoda. See ALBANY. — NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Memoirs, &c. Vol. I, no. 1. 4°. 1889. L CLARKE (LOUISA LANE) The Microscope : being a popular description of ... objects, &c. pp. xi, SSI. 8°. London, 1858. zil, pp. 58 : 2 pis., text 4°. Rio de Janeiro, 1890. Clarke (L. L.) The common Sea- Weeds of the British Coast and Channel Islands, &c. pp. 140: 10 pis. col. 8". London (1865). CLARKE (ROBERT) Sierra Leone. A description of the manners and customs of the liberated Africans ; with observations upon the Natural History of the Colony, and a notice of the Native Tribes, « South Wai:* //:(• . • ro/o,ii«/ MUMNm, Kr.;). - Fourth edition, dec. pp. 1(1', : 4 /ils. (col.) 8". Sydney, 1878. Clarke (WILLIAM B.) Geological sketch map of New South Wales. Compiled from the original map of ... W. B. Clarke . . . Scale 1 : 1,013,760 of nature; 16 m. = 1 in. See NEW SOUTH WALES.— Department of Mines. [J/a?u.] 1880. Scale 1 : 2,027,520 of nature ; 32 m. = 1 in. 1880. CLARKE (WILLIAM EAGLE) The Birds of Yorkshire. See YORKSHIRE NATURALISTS' UNION. The Transac- tions, dr. Series B. 8°. 1879-> Clarke (WILLIAM E.) The Naturalist: a monthly journal of Natural History for the north of England. Edited by ... W. E. Clarke. Vol. x, & 1886-88. See NATURALIST, THE, Journal of the West-Riding Consolidated Naturalists' Society, &c. 8°. 1884-88. Clarke (WILLIAM E.) See SCOTTISH NATURALIST, THE, . . . Edited by W. E. Clarke. Ser. Ill, no. 1-4. 8°. 1891. Clarke (WILLIAM E.) See ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY, THE, . . . Edited by ... W. E. Clarke. l892-» 8°. 1892-» Clarke (WILLIAM E.) & Roebuck (W. D.) A hand- book of the Vertebrate Fauna of Yorkshire, &c. pp. xlviii, 140. 8°. London, 1881. Clarke (WILLIAM E.) & others. Report on the Migration of Birds . . . 1884 (-86). Kept. 6-8. See HARVIE-BROWN (J. A.) <\ . ' . . . Sechstcjx^rAuflage. See MojHt^K. F.)' 8". 1886. Classen (AJ- F. Mohr. Traittidiwltilyse chimique^par la metjiedetles liqueurs titnje«rRevue et augnjiHTO par le^Pfof. A. Classen. S^MOHR (K. F.) ^^8". 1888. *. 'v\ CLAUDEL (L.) Sur le Quassia Africana, Baillon, et sur le 2'ancovia Ileckeli, Claudel, qui lui est substitue (Plantes du Gabon), &c. pp. 48: 1 pi. See MAR- SEILLES.— INSTITUT COLONIAL. Annales, &c. Vol. ii. 8°. 1895. CLAUDIANUS (CLAUDIUS) Flore poetique ancienne . . . ouvrage oil Ton trouvera . . . 1'explication botanique ... de plusieurs . . . Plantes ou Fleurs mal connues de . . . Claudien, &c. See Du MOLIN (J. B.) 8°. 1856. M L CLAUDIUS (MATTHIAS) chis, &c. pp. 14. Dissertatio de Lagenorhyn- 4°. Ktiiae, 1853. 2 Claudius (M.) Physiologische Bemerkungen iiber das Gehororgan der Cetaceen und das Labyrinth der Sauge- thiere. pp. 35. 8°. Kiel, 1858. Claudius (M.) Das Gehororgan von Rhytina Stelleri. pp. 12 : 2 pis. See ST. PETERSBURG.— ACADEMIE IM- PERIALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Ser. VII, torn, xi, no. 5. 4°. 1867. CLAUS (CARL) [1796-1864] Grundzuge der analy- tischen Phytochemie . . . Erster Theil. pp. vi, 186 [l]. 8°. Dorpat, 1837. Claus (CARL) Ueber die Flora und Fauna der Kas- pischen Steppe— Index plantarum, &c. See GOEBEL (C. C. T. F.) Reise in die Steppen des sudlichen Russ- lands, &c. Thl. II. 4". 1838. Clans (CARL) Localfloren der Wolgagegenden. See ST. q PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIEN< i.^. Beitrage zur Pflanzenkunde des Russischen Reiches. Lief. vin. 8°. 1851. CLAUS (CARL FRIEDRICH WILHELM) [1835-1899] -^ Ueber den Bau und die Entwickelung parasitischer Crustaceen. pp. 34 : 2 pis. 4". Cassel, 1858. Claus (CARL F. W.) Beitraege zur Kenntniss der Entomostraken . . . Erstes Heft. 1. Ueber Saphirinen. —2. Ueber die Familie der Peltidien. — 3. Amymane . satyrus. — 4. Ueber Estherien, insbesondere EstherM Mexicana. pp. 28 : 4 pis. 4°. Marburg, 1860. Claus (CARL F. W.) Die frei lebenden Copepoden mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Fauna Deutsch- Z lands, der Nordsee und des Mittelmeeres, &c. pp. x, 230 : 37 pis. 4°. Leipzig, 1863. Clans (CARL F. W.) Ueber die Grenze des Thierischen und Pflanzlichen Lebens. pp. 23. 4°. Leipzig, 1863. Programme Univ. Marburg. S./gQ-l ClOt T . L I Zl L See MARBURG. — GESELLSCHAFT S Clans (CARL F. W.) Die Copepoden-Fauna von Nizza, : r> pis. ZUR IIEKORDEHUNO DER OESAMMTEN NATURWISSEN- &C. 1>/'. ••'} ZUR BEFiiRD sciiAtTEN. Schriften, Supplement-Heft. 1. 4°. 1866. Clans jfCARZ F. H [Grundzuge^der Zoologie,^e. . Marburg, "* jf - ' ui '. Marburg & Leipzig, \SnQ. 8°. Mdrbm-fi, 18«0-82. 355 2 Clans (GAEL F. W.) Elementary text-book of Zoology . . . Translated and edited by A. Sedgwick . . . with the assistance of F. G. Heathcote. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1884-85 Clans (GAEL F^AV.) Trajfi'de Zoojpgfc . . . Deuxji>nte Edition Fraji^aise tradjiittfde I'AllejuJind sur laquatfieme 6ditionx<\ refonoUjtfet . . . augprentee par Gx'Moquin- TamkSn, &c. jtfrxvi, 1566 :Je£t Must. &/Parit, 1884. " ' CtSurs complet (THistoire Naturelle. / Clans (GAEL F. W.) Beobachtungen iiber Lernceo- cera, Peniculus und Lemma, &c. pp. vi, 82: 4 pis. '•%/. &/. See MARBUEG.— GESELLSCHAFT ZUE BEFORDERUNG DER GESAMMTEN NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN. Schriften, &C. Supplement-Heft. 2. 4°. 1868. Claus (GAEL F. W.) Ueber Euplectella aspergMum. (R.Owen.) pp. 28 : 4 pis. See MARBUEG.— GESELL- Z- SCHAFT ZUE BEFOEDEEUNG DER OESAMMTEN NATUR- WISSENSCHAFTEN. Schriften, &c. Supplernent-Heft. 4. 4". 1868. Clans (CARL F. W.) Beobachtungen iiber die Organi- L sation und Fortpflanzung von Leptodera appendiculata. pp. 24 •' 3 pis. See MARBUEG.— GESELLSCHAFT ZUE BE- FOEDEEUNG DEE GESAMMTEN NATUEWISSENSCHAFTEN. Schriften, &c. Supplement-Heft. 3. 4°. 1869. Clans (GAEL F. W.) Die Ctyjom-ahnliche Larve (Puppe) 6- der Cirripedien und ihre Verwandlung in das festsitz- ende Thier, &c. pp. 17: 2 pis. See MAEBURG.— GESELLSCHAFT ZUE BEFORDEEUNG DEE GESAMMTEN NATUEWISSENSCHAFTEN. Schriften, &c. Supplement- Heft. 5. 4°. 1869. 2 Clans (GAEL F. W.) Die Typenlehre und E. Haeckel's sog. Gastraaa-Theorie. pp. 30. 8°. Wien, 1874. Clans (GAEL F. W.) Schriften Zoologischen Inhalts. Hft. I. pp. S3 : 4 pis. 4°. Wien, 1874. 1. Die Familie der Halocypriden. 2, Die Gattung Monophyet, Cls., UDd ihr Abkcm)mling/)/j>Z%ii«, Gbr. Clans (GAEL F. W.) Ueber die Organisation und systematische Stellung der Gattung Seism, Gr. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE ZOOLOGISCH- BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Festschrift, &C. 4". 1876. [Another issue] pp. 14: 2 pis. 4°. Wien, 1876. Clans (GAEL F. W.) Untersuchungen zur Erforschung der genealogischen Grundlage des Crustaceen-Systems, &c. pp. mil, 114 [10] : 19 pis., text Must. 4°. Wien, 1876. Clans (GAEL F. W.) Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institute der Universitiit Wien und der Zoologischen Station in Triest. Herausgegeben von . . . C. Claus. Tom. i-xi, hft. 1. See VIENNA.— KAISEELICH-KOENIG- LICHE UNIVEESITAET. 8°. 1878-95. Clans (GAEL F. W.) Ueber Halistemma tergestinum, n. sp., nebst Bemer- kungen iiber den feinern Bau der Physophoriden. pp. 56 : 5 pis. Ueber Charybdea marsupialis. pp. 56 : 5 pis. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institute, &c. Tom. i, hft. 1 &2. 8°. 1878. Clans (CARL F. W.) Der Organismus der Phronimiden. pp. 88 : 8 pis. Af/alinopsis utricularia eine neue Siphonophore des Mittelmeeres. pp. 4 : 1 pi. Die Gattungen und Arten der Platysceliden in sys- tematischer Uebersicht. pp. 52. See VIENNA.— KAISEELICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVEESITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institute, &c. Tom. n, lift. 1 cfe '2. 8". 1879. 2. Clans (CARL F. W.) [Kleines Lehibuch der Zoologies 8°. Marburg, 1880.1 Wanting. [Another edition entitled :] Lehrbueh der Zoologie . . . Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. xi, 857 : text Must. 8". Marburg & Leipzig, 1883. Dritte . . . Auflage. pp. xi, 828 : text Must. 8°. Marburg & Leipzig, 1885. Vierte . . . Auflage. pp. xii, 886 : text Must. 8°. Marburg & Leipzig, 1887. Claus (GAEL F. W.) Ueber Aequorea Forskalea, Esch., als Aequoride des Adriatisclien Meeres, zugleich eine Kritik von E. Haeckel's Aequoridensystem. pp. 20 : 3 pis. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Geryonopsiden- und Euco- piden-Entwicklung. pp. 32 : 4 pis. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVEESITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institute, &c. Tom. m, hft. 3 ; iv, hft. 1. 8°. 1881. Clans (GAEL F. W.) Zur Wahrung der Ergebnisse meiner Untersuchungen iiber Charybdea als Abwehr gegen den Haeckelismus. pp. 14. See VIENNA. — KAISEELICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVEESITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institute, &c. Tom. iv, hft. 2. 8°. 1882. Clans (CARL F. W.) Untersuchungen iiber die Or- ganisation und Entwicklung der Medusen. pp. [iv,] 96 : 20 pis., text Must. 4°. Prog & Leipzig, 1883. Clans (CARL F. W.) Die Kreislaufsorgane und Blutbewegung der Stomato- poden. pp. 14 : 3 pis. Ueber das Verhaltmss von Monophyes zu den Diphyiden sowie iiber den phylogenetischen Entwicklungsgang der Siphonophoren. pp. 14. Die Epnyren von Cotylorhiza und Rhizostoma und ihre Entwicklung zu achtarmigen Medusen. pp. 10 : 2 pis. See VIENNA. — KAISEELICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVEESITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institute, dec. Tom. v, hft. 1 &2. 8°. 1883. Claus (GAEL F. W.) Zur Kenntniss der Kreislaufs- organe der Schizopoden und Decapoden. pp. 43 : 9 pis. See VIENNA. — KAISEELICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVEESITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institute, &c. Tom. v, hft. 3. 8". 1884. Claus (GAEL F. W.) Ueber Apseudes Latreillii Edw. und die Tanaiden. 2 Pt. Must. See VIENNA. — KAISEE- LICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVEESITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institute, &c. Tom. v, hft. 3 (Tom vii, hft. 2). 8". 1884, 87. 31aus (CARL F. W.) Neue Beitrage zur Morphologic der Crustaceen. pp.lOS:7pls. See VIENNA. — KAISER- LICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVEHSITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institute, &c. Tom. vi, hft. 1. 8". 1885. Hans (CARL F. W.) Untersuchungen iiber die Organisation und Entwicke- lung von Branchipus und Artemia nebst vergleichenden Bemerkungen iiber andere Phyllopoden. pp. 104 : 12 pis. Ueber Deiopea kaloktenota, Chun, als Ctenophore der Adria. Nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Architektonik der Rippenquallen. pp. 14 : 1 pi. Ueber die Classification der Medusen mit Rucksicht auf die Stellung der sog. Peromedusen, der Periphylli- den und Pericolpiden. pp. 14 : text Must. See VIENNA.— KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institute, dkc. Tom. vi, hft. 3; vii, hft. 1. 8°. 1886. 356 Clans (CARL F. W.) Prof. E. R. Lankester's Artikel Limidus an Arachnid und die auf denselben gegriindeten Pratensionen und Anschuldigungcn. pp. I '/. Sohlusswort zu " Prof. E. R, Lankester's Artikel ' Limu- lus an Arachnid ' und die auf denselben gegriindeten Pratensionen und Beschuldigungen." pp. 6. S. (Note sur 1'extraction des Diamants, dans la Comarea do Cerro do Frio, &c. pi). 24. 4". Altorft [1715]. CLEBICUS (DANIEL) See LE CLERC. . CLERK (CHARLES) See CLERCK (C. A.) CLERKE (CHARLES) A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean . . . performed under the direction of Captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore ... in ... 1776-1780, &c. See COOK (J.) [Third Voyage] 4°. 1784. Clerke (C.) A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean ... in ... 1776-80. See KERR (R.) A general . . . collection of Voyages and Travels, • Die Familie der Linmeiden . von S. Clessin. Die Familie der ScalariidiB. Die Familie Dentaliidae. Die Familie Malleacea . . . yon S. Clessin. Die Familie der Mytilidas . von S. Clessin. Die Fainilie der Chamiden. Die Gattung Anodon, nebst den iibrigen Najaden mit unvollkommenen Schloss . . . fortgesetzt und vollen- det von S. Clessin. Die Familje der Cycladeen. Die Familie der Solenaceen. Die Familie Pholadea. Die Familie Gastrochamidae. Sfe MARTINI (F. H. W.) Systematisches Conchylien Cabinet, &c. Bd. i, abth. 6, 8 & 17 ; n, abth. 13 ; vi, abth. 5 ; vm, abth. 1, 3 & 5 ; ix, abth. 1 & 3 ; xi, abth. 3, 4 Fauna Mitteleuropa'g." Clessin (S.) Dr. L. Pfeiffer's Malakozoologische Blatter fur 1878 . . . Bd. xxv. [Continued as :] Malako- zoologische Blatter . . . Fortgesetzt von S. Clessin. Neue Folge, Bd. i-» See MALAKOZOOLOGISCHE BLAETTER. 8°. 1878-» Clessin (S.) Nomenclator Heliceorum viventium . . . Opus postumum L. Pfeiffer . . . ed S. Clessin. See PFEIFFER (L. G. C.) 8". (1878-) 1881. Clessin (S.) Die Molluskenfauna Oesterreich-Ungarns und der Schweiz. pp. ii, 860 : text Must. 8°. Niirnberri, 1887-90. Forming Thl. n of " Die Molliuken-Fauna Mitt»lenrop»'s." Clessin (S.) Die Mollusken des Siissw&ssers. See ZACHA- RIAS (O.) Die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt des Susswassers, tattles : 4 pis. 4». Upsala, 1897. Cleve ( I'. T.) it Ornnow (A.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss g der arctischen Diatomen, &c. p/>. 121 : ~ }>ls. See STOCK- , HOLM. — KONGLIOA SVENSKA VETENSKAl-S-AKADEMITN . Handlingar. Ny Fiiljd, Bd. XVH, no. 2. 4°. 1880. * 359 / rf0.£. Cleve (P. T.) & Hoglund (O. M.) Om Yttrium- och Erbium-Foreningar, &c. pp. 52. See STOCKHOLM.— '.KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. I, no. 8. 8°. 1873. Cleve (P. T.) & Moeller (J. D.) to a mounted collection.] 6 Pt. L. L Diatoms. [An index 8°. Upsala, 1877-82. CLEVELEY (JOHN) [1747-1786] [Water-colour drawings of Plants collected during Capt. Cook's First Voyage, 1768-71.] See PARKINSON (S.) [Original Water- colour drawings, dec.'] fol. 1775. CLE VERLE Y (G. W.) The Law of the Universe : an undelivered lecture, pp. 48 : text illust. 8°. Hull & London, 1888. CLE YER (ANDREAS) Oost-Indianische Send-Schreiben von allerhand raren Gewiichsen, Baumen, Juvelen auch andern . . . durch . . . D. Cleyeren, dec. See VALENTINI (M. B.) fol. 1704. Cleyer (A.) India Literata sen dissertationes epistolicse de Plantis . . . Gemmis aliisque ... ab ... Cleyerp. See VALENTINI (M. B.) M. B. Valentini . . . Historia Simplicium, dec. fol. 1716. ^- Edition secunda, dec. fol. 1723. CLIFFE (EDWARD) The Voyage of J. Winter into the South Sea by the Streight of Magellan . . . 1577. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, dec. No. 16. 8°. 1854. CLIFFORD (GEORGE) [1685-1760] C. Linnsei . . . Musa Cliffortiana liorens Hartecampi 1736, &c. See LINNJSUS (C.) 4°. 1736. Clifford (GEORGE) C. Linnsei . . . Viridarium Cliffortia- num, in quo exhibentur Planta? omnes, quas vivas aluit Hortus Hartecampensis annis 1735-1737, &c. See LIN- (C.) 8°. 1737. „ Clifford (GEORGE) Hortus Cliffortianus, Plantas ex- o hibens quas in hortis . . . Hartecampi in Hollandia ? coluit . . . G. Clifford, dec. See LINN^US (C.) fol. 1737. CLIFFORD (GEORGE) 3rd Earl of Cumberland [1558-1605] Reise . . . nach den Azorischen Eylanden . . . beschrieben von E. Wright. (1589.) See ARKSTEE ( ) & MEKKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. i. 4°. 1747. Clifford (GEORGE) 3rd Earl of Cumberland. The Voyage of ... George Earl of Cumberland to the Azores, &c. See PINKERTON (J.) A general collection of ... Voyages, &c. Vol. I. 4°. 1808. CLIFT (WILLIAM) [1775-1849] Synopsis of the ar- rangement of the preparations in the gallery of the Museum, of the . . . College, dec. See ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. 8". 1818. Clift (W.) Description of the Skeleton of a very large and rare Quadruped [Megatherium] contained in the jp Royal Cabinet of Natural History of Madrid . . . 1796. [A transcript of the original text, accompanied by a translation, both by W. Clift.] See GARRIGA (J.) 4°. [1838 ?] This is followed by a further transcript, by Clift, of " Observaciones sobre el Esqueleto del Megaterio de liuenos Ayres . . . Por . . . T. Yillanoya," from the "Gaceta de Madrid," blanks being left for the translation. CLIFFERTON (JOHN) Voyage to Magellanica. [1719-22.] See CALLANDER (J.) Terra Australis cog- irita, &c. Vol. in. 8". 1768. Clipperton (J.) [Voyage, 1719-22.1 See MOORE (J. H.) (_ A ... collection of Voyages and Travels, &c. Vol. I. fol. [1780?] 10 . o -2, o . Clipperton (J.) Voyage round the World ... in L.- 1719-1722. See KERR (R.) A general . . . collection of Voyages and Travels, etc. Vol. x. 1824. CLODITJS (CHRISTIANUS) Zuverlassige Nachricht von demjenigen Holtz-Cabinet, welches . . . 1729 Jahres in / Jhro Konigl. Majestat in Pohlen und Churn1. Durchl. zu Sachsen vortreffliche Naturalien-Cammer geliefert worden. Nebst einem Verzeichniss aller und ieder darinnen befindlichen Holtz-Arten, in Latein. und Teutscher Sprache. (Catalogus lignorum, &c.) pp. 31. 8". Dresden & Leipzig, 1729. The dedication is signed " Lignophilus." CLODITTS (DAVID) Hierozoicon sive bipertitum opus de Animalibus S. Scriptura; . . . Opera atque studio Z. D. Clodii. 2 Vol. See BOCHART (S.) fol. 1675. CLOQUET (HIPPOLYTE) [1787-1840] See DICTIONA- : RIES. Dictionnaire des Sciences naturelles, &c. 60 Vol. "T" 8°. 1816-30. Cloquet (H.) Systeme anatomique. Tom. i. Diction- naire des termes d'Anatomie et de Physiologic. — L . Tom. in. Mammiferes et Oiseaux.— Tom. iv. Reptiles, Poissons, Mollusques, Crustaces, Annelides, Arachnides, Insectes, Radiaires. See ENCYCLOPEDIE METHODIQUE, &c. 4°. 1819-30. Cloquet (H.) Considerations generates sur 1'Ichthyo- ^ logie. pp. 109: 2 pis. 8°. Paris 1822. CLOQUET (JULES GERMAIN) [1790-1883] Anatomie . des Vers intestinaux, ascaride, lombricolde et echino- ' rhynque geant, dec. pp. vii, 130 : 8 pis. 4°. Paris, 1824. Cloquet (J. G.) Engravings of the Muscles . . . copied from the folio plates of J. Cloquet. See MITCHELL (E.) 4°. 1832. CLOS (DOMINIQUE) [Rhamneas, Leguminosse, Umbel- liferse, Loranthaceaa, Rubiacese, Valerianese, Boraginese, /> Labiatse & Scrophularinese of Chile.] See GAY (C.) ' Historia fisica . . . de Chile, &c. Botanica, Tom. n-v. (_ 8°. 1846-49. Clos (D.) These . . . Ebauche de la Rhizotaxie, dec. PP- 72. 4°. Pans, 1848. ,' Clos (D.) Revision comparative de 1'Herbier et de FHistoire abregee des Pyrenees de Lapeyrouse. pp. 86. Q 8°. Toulouse, 1857. Clos (D.) Les Plantes de Virgile. pp. 24. 8°. Toulouse, 1871. O Journ. Agric. Midi France. NOT. 1871. Clos (D.) La Botanique dans 1'oeuvre de F. Bacon, a pp. 15. 8°. Toulouse, 1875. ' Mem. Acid. Sci. Toulouse. Siir. VII, torn. vn. Clos (D.) Notice sur les Travaux scientifiques de . . . ^ D. Clos. pp. 34. 8°. Toulouse, 1876. » CLOUET (Louis) Memoire sur diverses especes de Plantes propres a servir de fourrage aux bestiaux, dec. a pp. 62. 4°. Erfurti, 1780. O Acta Acad. Elect. Moguntinse. 1778 i! 1779. CLOUGH (CHARLES THOMAS] [For official publica- tions in connection with the Survey] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Geolwjical Survey. — England and Wales. CLOUSTON" (THOMAS SMITH) The minute anatomy and physiology of the Nervous System in the Lobster (Astacus marinus), &c. 8°. Edinburgh, 1863. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. N.S., Vol. xvn. CLOUTH (FRANZ) Gummi Guttapercha und Balata, ihr Ursprung, dec. pp. viii, 232 : 2 maps, text illust. 8". Leipzig, 1899. 360 CLUB ALPIN FRANCAIS. See PARIS. CLUB ALPINO ITALIANO. La Flore Segusina di G. F. Re, riprodotta nel metodo naturale di De Candolle e comentata da B. Caso . . . preceduta dalla vita dell' autore scritta dal . . . M. Lessona. pp. xxt>, 406. 8". Torino, 1881. Club Alpino Italiano. Ifl Lo Spettatore del Vesuvio e dei Campi Flegrei. Nuova Serie. 1887. pp. 103 : 14 pis. 4". Napoli, 1887. Club Alpino Italiano. If Carta geologica delle Riviere, Liguri e delle Alpini Marittime . . . Scala 1 : 200,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 3'15 m.]. See LIOURIA. [Maps.] 1887. CLUSIUS (CARL) C. Clusius' Naturgeschichte der Schwainme Pannoniens. See VIENNA.— KAISERLIOH- KOENIOLICHE ZOOLOGISCH-BOTANISCHE QESELLSCIIAFT. Festschrift, &c. 4°. 1876. CLUSIUS (CAROLUS) Atrebatensis. See L&CLUSE (C. DE) CLUTE (WILLARD N.) AfreFERN BULLETIN, THE . . . Edited by W. N. Clute. Vol. v-> 8°. 1897-» CLUTIUS (ANOERIUS) See CLUYT (D. O.) CLUTT (DiCK OUTOER) A. Clutii . . . Opuscula duo singularia. I. De nuce medica (Cocco Maldivensi). II. De Hemerobio sive Ephemero Insecto & Majali Verme. pp. [xxxvi,] 103 (3): 1 pi., text Must. 4°. Amsterodami, 1634. Each part baa also a separate title-page. COATES (GEORGE) See COATES'S HERD BOOK . . . revised by H. Strafford. Vol. i-xx. 4°. 1846-73. New Series, &c. Vol. xxi-xxxu. 8°. 1876-86. L Gr COATES (REYNELL) [1802-1886] Reminiscences of a Voyage to India. See GODMAN (J. D.) Rambles of a Naturalist, . viii, 124. 4". Loiulvn, 1869. Cobbold (T. S.) Catalogue of the specimens of Entozoa in the Museum, \ pp. 17 : 1 pi. See MILAN. — SOCIET.^ ITALIANA DI SCIENZE NATURAL!. Memorie, &c. Tom. II, no. 5. 4°. 1866. Cocchi (I.) L'Uomo fossile nell' Italia centrale, trattu dal Glornale II Faro. Vol. iv, anno vi. 361 i COCCONI (GIROLAMO) [1822-] Flora dei Foragg che . . . crescono negli stati Parmensi, &c. pp. 691. 8°. Parma, 1856-60 Cocconi (G.) Contribute (Nuovo— Quarto contribute) alia Flora della provincia di Bologna. 4 No. 4°. Bologna, 1877-80, Mem. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna. Ser. Ill, torn, vil, IX, x, & Ser. IV, torn. I. Cocconi (G.) Flora della provincia di Bologna, &c. 8°. Bologna, 1883. COCHIN-CHINA. Comite Agricole et Indus- trie!. Bulletin, &c. No. 1-6. 8°. Saigon, 1865-69. COCHRANE (JpHN DUNDAS) [1780-1825] Narrative of a pedestrian journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary, from the frontiers of China to the Frozen Sea and Kamtchatka. Second edition. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1824. The first edition appeared in the same year. COCKAYNE (THOMAS OSWALD) [1807-1873] Leech- doms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England. Being a collection of documents . . . illustrating the history of Science in this country before the Norman Conquest. Collected and edited by the Rev. O. Cockayne. 3 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1864-66. COCKBURN-HOOD (THOMAS HOOD) See Hooojafterwards COCKBURN-HOOD. COCKERELL (THEODORE DRU ALISON) [1866-] The British Naturalist Catalogue of the Land and Fresh- water Mollusca of the British Islands. S".London[l890]. Printed in double column. Cockerel! (T.D. A.) Notes from the Museum. No. 1-37 [in cyclostyled MS.] See INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA. fol. 1891-93. Cockerel! (T. D. A.) A provisional List of the Fishes of Jamaica. See INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA. Bulletin, &c. No. 1. 4°. 1892. Cockerel! (T. D. A.) General guide to the Museum of . the Institute of Jamaica. See INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA. 8°. 1893. Cockerel! (T. D. A.) List of Insects found on Culti- vated Plants, etc., in the Mesilla Valley, 1893. See LAS CRUCES. — NEW MEXICO COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, &c. \U^> —Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 10. 8°. 1893. Cockerel! (T. D. A.) The San Jose Scale, &c. pp. 31 : text Must. See UNITED STATES. — Department of C Agriculture. — Entomology Division. [Bulletin.] Tech- nical Series No. 6. 8°. 1897. Cockerell (T. D. A.) & Parrott (P. J.) Contributions to the Knowledge of the Coccidse. 8°. [ 1899.] Industrialist. March, 1899. COCKERMOUTH LITERARY AND SCIEN- TIFIC SOCIETY. See CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF LITERATURE AND SCIENCE. COCKS (JOHN) [1787-1861] The Sea- Weed Collector's Guide : containing ... a list of all the known species and localities in Great Britain, pp. xvii, 120 : 1 pi. col. 8°. London, 1853. Cocks (J.) Algarum fasciculi : or a collection of British Sea- Weeds, &c. 18 Fasc. 179 dried & mounted speci- mens, with descriptive letterpress. 4°. Dublin & Plymouth, 1855-60. COCKS (RICHARD) [-1624] Nachricht von dem, was (_ . -f0 sich zu Firando, wahrend der Abwesenheit des Gene- rals, an dem kaiserlichen Hofe, zugetragen. — Besondere /f Umstande, die Angelegenheiten von Japan . . . 1614-20, betreffend. See ARKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allge- meine Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. i. 4°. 1747. Cocks (R.) Diary of R. Cocks, cape-merchant in the / 7(7 English Factory in Japan, 1615-1622, &c. 2 Vol. *• See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 66 & 67. 8°. 1883. COCKS (W. P.) Specimens of Natural History pro- cured in Falmouth and neighbourhood . . . 1849. pp.15. • 4°. [ j 1849. * Lithographed. COCQUIUS (ADRIANUS) [1617-C.1683] Historia ac contemplatio sacra Plantarum, Arborum & Herbarum, o quarum fit mentio in Sacra Scriptura, &c. pp. [xiv,] 263. 4°. Vlissingce, 1664. COCTEAU (JEAN THEODORE) & Bibron (G.) [Rep- tiles of Cuba.] See SAGRA (R. DE LA) Historia fisica -f politica y natural de la Isla de Cuba. Tom. iv. fol. 1843. See SAGRA A(R. DE LA) Histoire physique . . . et naturelle de 1'Ile de Cuba, &c. 8°. & fol. 1843. \_ CODAZZI (AGOSTINO) [1793-1859] Mapa de la Repub- lica de Colombia . . . Levantado por ... A. Codazzi, &c. See COLOMBIA, Republic of. [Maps.] 1890. L . XJ, . f. CODER (J.) Correspondances scientifiques inedites, dec. See ROUMEGUERE (C.) Nouveaux documents, &c. Q 8°. 1879. CODINA (SILVINO THUS Y) See Tn6s Y CODINA (S.) CODINE (.JULES) The discovery of the Mascarene Islands. [Abstract.] See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 83. Appendix A. 8°. 1891. As Dissertatio . . . sistens . . . submittit J. von COELLN (JOHANNES VON) Specifica Canadensium, quas Coelln, &c. See LINN.EUS (C.) 4°. [1756.] - [Another edition.] See LINNAEUS (C.) C. Linnsei . . . Amcenitates Academicae, &c. Vol. iv. 8°. 1759. -- Editio secunda. 8°. 1788. i & I. o. L COELLO DE PORTUGAL Y DE QUESADA (FRANCISCO) [1822-1898] Islas Filipinas ... con ligeras adiciones por D. F. Coello,tu Com," /'/•<'*. L. Strauss, Ketp. F. Peters (or Peterson), 4°. ffieinr, 1666 (also issued as " F. P. depotn Com," 4°. Francofurti, IStiti). Coffee. The Natural History of Coffee, Thee, Choco- late, Tobacco . . . with a tract of Elder and Juniper- Berries, 8°. Stuttgart, 1894-» lift. I. Untersuchungsmethoden und Cbarakteristik der Geplengtheile. Cohen (E. \V.) & Breziiia (A.) Die JSinjctur und Zusammenseizung der M/etooreisen, &c/ See BREZINA (A.) /& COHEN (E. W. ) 1886-87. Cohen (E. W.) & Deecke (J. E. W.) Uber Geschiebe / aus Neu-Vorpommern und Riigen. pp. 84- 8°. [Berlin, 1892.] Mittbeil. naturw. Ver. Nen-Vorpommern & Kiigen. Jahrg. xxm. COHEN (PHILIP) The marine Fish & Fisheries of New South Wales, &c. See NEW SOUTH WALES. 8°. 1892. COHN (FERDINAND JULIUS) [1828-1898] Symbola ad seminis physiologiam. Dissertatio inauguralis, &c. pp. [viii,"\76. 8°. Berolini, 1847. Cohn (F. J.) De Cuticula. p)). 71 : 2pls. 8". Wratislaviae, 1850. i Cohn (F. J.) Die Menscheit und die Pflanzenwelt. , Habilitationsrede, &c. pj). 24. 8°. Breslau, 1851. fc Cohn (F. J.) On the natural history of Protococcus pluvialis. 4°. Coimbra, 1883-> l_ COIMBRA.— Universidade. Annuario . . . 1896-97-» 8°. Coimbra, 1896-» Coimbra. — Universidade. Catalogo das Sementes de Plantas colhidas pelo . . . 5 F. Welwitsch . . . e por elle mandadas ao Jardim Botanico da Universidade, &c. See WELWITSCH (F. M. J.) 8°. 1854-56. Coimbra. — Universidade. & O Jardim Botanico da Universidade de Coimbra por J. A. Henriques. pp. 54 : 2 plans, 2 photos. 8°. Coimbra, 1876. Coimbra. — Universidade. Contributions ad Floram Cryptogamicam Lusitanicam. ^ Enumeratio methodica Algarum, Lichenum et Fungo- rum herbarii praecipue Horti Regii Bot. Universitatis Conimbricensis. [Edited by J. A. Henriques : The Algae by Wolff & Kutzing.— The Fungi by Berkeley & Cooke.] pp. 65. 8°. Conimbricce, 1880. COINCY (AuGUSIE-OB) Ecloga Plantorum Hispani- earum, sen icones specierum . . . per Hispanias perrime detectarum. Figures de Plantes trouvees 'en Espagne. pp. 25: 10 pis. 4°. Paris, 1893. . COINDE (JEAN PAUL) Description scientifique de la vie du Myrmeleon, &c. pp. 29. 12°. Lyon, 1855. COLANGE (AUGUSTE LEON DE) The National (—• Gazetteer : a geographical dictionary of the United States, &c. pp. 1125. 8°. London (Neio York [printed], 1884). ' COLD (CONRAD) [1862-] Kiisten-Veranderungen im (r Archipel. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 67 : 1 map col. 8°. Marburg, 1886. COLDEN afterwards Farqukar (JANE) [Autograph MS. :] Flora Nov-Eboracensis. Plantas in solo natali r> collegit, descripsit, delineavit, Coldenia C. Coldens filia, &c. fol. COLE (ARTHUR CHARLES) See STUDIES IN MICRO- SCOPICAL SCIENCE, edited by A. C. Cole, &c. 4 Vol. 8°. (1882-) 1883-87. Cole (A. C.) The Methods of Microscopical Research. Apractical guide to microscopical manipulation. Second edition, pp. mii, 207 : 2 pis., text Must. 8°. London, 1895. The first edition was embodied in Vol. II of " Studies in Microscopical Science " [g.v.] L • < COLE (EDWARD MAULE) Yorkshire, &c. pp. 112. Geological Rambles in 4°. London, &c. [1883.]- , COLE (GRENVILLE ARTHUR JAMES) [1859-], Aids in Practical Geology. pn^&(v, 402 : text illust* 8°. London, 1891. Griffin's Scientific^Teit-books. ^r^ / Af Secprta edition, &c. , pp. xiv, 403 ylext illust. 8°. London, 1893. Cole (G. A. J.) An'outline of the Geology of Norway. See TEMPLE (G. T.) Pleasure cruises to the Land of the Midnight Sun . . . 1892. 8°. 1892. Cole (G. A. J.) The Petrological Microscope. See LOEWIN- SON-LESSING (F.) Tables for the determination of the Rock-forming Minerals, &c. 8°. 1893. COLE (MARTIN J.) Microscopic Objects : how pre- pared and mounted. See CROSS (M. I.) Modern Micro- scopy . . . Second edition. 8°. 1895. The first edition appeared in 1893. COLE (WILLIAM WILLOUGHBY) 3rd Earl of Ennis- Ullen [1807-1886] Catalogue of Fossil Fish in the collections of Lord Cole and Sir P. G. Egerton, &c. See EGERTON (Sir P. DE M. G.) Bart. 8°. [1836.] Cole (W. W.) 3rd Earl of Enniskillen. A systematic and stratigraphical catalogue of the fossil Fish in the Cabinets of Lord Cole, &c. See EGERTON (Sir P. DE M. G.) Bart. ' 4°. 1837. Cole (W. W.) 3rd Earl of Enniskillen. Fossil Fish in the collections of the Earl of Enniskillen and Sir P. G. Egerton. [By Sir P. G. Egerton.] [pp. 3.] 4°. [Chester ? 1841.] Colemaii (W. HIGGINS) Leicestershire. MS. ' I \ /"" This catalogue was privately issued : it was afterwards reprinted in the "Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist.," Vol. vn. [q.v.] COLEMAN (ARTHUR P.) The Melaphyres of Lower Silesia. Inaugural-dissertation, dkc. pp. 55. 8°. Breslau, 1882. COLEMAN (J.) The Sheep and Pigs of Great Britain, dec. pp. w, 214 : 25 pis. 4°. London, 1877. < COLEMAN (WILLIAM HIGGINS) [c.1816-1863] Cata- logue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Leicester- shire. [By W. H. C., i.e. W. H. Coleman.] See G., W. H. 8°. 1863. Colemaii (W. HIGGINS) A Sketch of the Botany of Leicestershire and Rutlandshire . . . revised by J. O Britten, pp. 8. 8°. Sheffield, 1876. White's Hist. . . . and Directory of Leicestershire and Rutlandshire. Synopsis of the Flora of 8°. [1852.] Colemaii (W. HIGGINS) The Flora of Leicestershire . . . Compiled ... on the basis of a MS. prepared in 1852 by . . . W. H. Coleman, &c. See LEICESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. 8°. 1886. Colemaii (W. HIGGINS) & Webb (R. H.) A Report of . . . the Flora of Hertfordshire, &c. See WEBB(K. H.) & COLEMAN (W. H.) 8°. [1843.] Coleman (W. HIGGINS) & Webb (R. H.) Flora Hert- fordiensis, &c. See WEBB (R. H.) & COLEMAN (W. H.) 8°. 1849. a \C 364 •7 7 CX o- c COLEMAN (WILLIAM STEPHEN) A handy book to C the Vegetable Kingdom, . xii, 163 : 40 pis. 4°. Augustae Taurinorum, 1824. £ Colla (L.) Aloysii Colla Illustrationes et icones rariorum Stirpium quae in ejus horto Ripulis florebant, Anno 1824(-28),additaadHortuinRipulensem. Append i-rv. 4°. [Turin, 1827-31.] ' Colla (L.) Aloysii Colla Freylinise genus, pp. 7: 1 pi. 4°. [Turin, 1830.] Colla (L.) Aloysii Colla novi Scitarainearum generis ; - de stirpe jam cognita commentatio. pp. 12 : 1 pi. 4'. Taurini, 1830. Colla (L.) Elogio storico . . . G. B. Balbis. pp. SO. ft. 4°. Torino, 1832. - Colla (L.) Herbarium Pedemontanum . . . additis a nonnullis Stirpibus exoticis, Ac. Vol. i-vm. 8°. er reprint from Repert. Sci. fis.-med. Piemonte. No. 279. Colla (L.) Camelliografia, ossia tentative di una nuova ^ disposizione naturale delle varieta della Camellia del £> Giappone e loro descrizione. pp. ix, 150 : 2 pis. col. 8°. Torino, 1843. Colla (L.) Elogio storico. See DELPONTE (G. B.) 4°. 1851. D COLLADON (Louis THEODORE FREDERIC) [1792-1862] Histoire naturelle et m6dicale des Casses, et particu- * lierement de la Casse et des Senes employes en mldecine. ' pp. 140, 1 tab. : 20 pis. 4°. Montpellier, 1816. COLLANDEB, (JOHANNES) Oscinides Sveciae. r Ouarum descriptionem . . . subjicit J. Collander. See FALLEN (C. F.) Diptera Sveciae, Ac. Vol. n. 4°. 1820. - [Another copy, without original title.] COLLAB.D (FRANCOIS) [1826-] & Ponsny (H.) Florule de Verviers . . . ainsi que la Flore exotique des Graviers. See FONSNV (H.) & COLLARD (F.) 12*. 1885. COLLECTION, A, of scarce and valuable Treatises upon Metals, Mines, and Minerals, Ac. pp. [x,'] £15, 66 : fA text illust. 12°. London, 1739. The above collective title-page "printed for J. Hodges" covers the following, which their own titles show were " printed for O. Payne" in 1738 :— The first ( — second) book of the Art of Metals . . . written in Spanish, by A. A. Barba . . . Translated ... by the . . . Earl of Sandwich. (Wanting the title-page to the first part.] A discovery of Subterranean Treasure . . . [by] G. Plattos. Kara Avis . . . Compleat Miner ; in two books ... By T. Honghton . . . Second edition, . 6. Om de i vort aarhundrede ved de Norske Kyster atrandedc exemplarer af Slaegten Regalecus. pp. 35 : 3 pis. See CHRISTIANIA.— VIDEN8KAB8-SELSKABET. Forhand- linger, <£c. Aar 1883, no. 15 benhavn, 1878. Collin (J.) Om Limfjordens Tidligere og nuvaerende^ marine Fauna ined saerligt Hensyn til B10ddyrfaunacn. pp. 168. 8°. Kj+ben&avn, 1884. Collin (J.) Brachionojioder, Muslinger og Snegle fra >-. Kara-Havet. See LCTKEN (C. F.) 8°. 1887. -|| < COLLING (JAMES KELLAWAY) Art foliage for sculpture and decoration . . . Second edition, &c. o pp. xii, 84 : 80 pis. 4°. London, 1878. D The first edition appeared in 1805. COLLINGE (WALTER EDWARD) [1867-] The Concho- logist : a quarterly magazine for Conchologists. Edited by W. E. Collinge. Vol. I-H. 4°. & 8°. 1891-93. - [Continued as :] The Journal of Malacology . . . Edited by W. E. Collinge. Vol. HI, iv, vn-> See JOURNAL OF MALACO- . LOGY, THE. 8". 1894-95, 1898-* - ^' 367 -2- L 8 z. z >. L. L 1t» I L 5 A? Al Collinge (W. E.) The Skull of the Dog . . . With a glossary of Osteological Terms, tip. [y,] 124 •' text illust. 8°. London & Birmingham, 1896. COLLINGS (Mrs. W.) [Spiders, Zoophytes and Ornithology of Guernsey.] See LE LIEVRE (F.) Le Lievre's Guide to Guernsey, &c. 8". 1863. COLLINGWOOD (CUTHBERT) [1826-] On the scope and tendency of Botanical Study ; an inaugural address, &c. pp. 31. 4°. London, 1858. Collingwood (C.) The Fauna of Blackheath and its vicinity. Pt. I. Vertebrate Animals, &c. See GREEN- WICH NATURAL HISTORY CLUB. 8°. 1859. Collingwood (C.) Rambles of a Naturalist on the Shores and Waters of the China Sea : being observa- tions in Natural History during a voyage to China, Formosa, Borneo, Singapore, etc. ... in 1866 and 1867. pp. xiii, 445 : 3 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1868. COLLINGWOOD (J. FREDERICK) Introduction to Anthropology. By ... T. Waitz . . . Edited ... by J. F. Collingwood. See ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Publications, &c. 8°. 1863. COLLINI (C6ME ALEXANDRE) [1727-1806] Journal | d'un Voyage, qui contient differentes observations mineralogiques ; particulierement sur les Agates et le Basalte, &c. pp. xii, 384 : 15 pis. 8°. Mannheim, 1776. Cellini (C. A.) Considerations sur les Montagues Vol- caniques,] Segunda edicion Colmeiro y Penido (M.) La Botiinica y los Botanicos de la Peninsula Hispano-Lusitana. Estudios biblio- graficos y biograficos. pp. x, 216. 4°. Madrid, 1858. Colmeiro y Penido (M.) Enumeracion de las Cript6- gamas de Espaua y Portugal . . . Parte Primera. Acrogenas, &c. pp. 256. 8°. Madrid, 1867. Kevista Prog. Ciencias. Tom. xvi & xvii. Colmeiro y Penido (M.) Examen Hist6rico-Critico de los trabajos concernientes a la Flore Hispano- Lusitano. pp. 86, 8°. Madrid, 1870. 8 # 368 L i <=. (OO>, B Colmeiro y Fenido (M.) Diocionario de los nombres vulgares de muclias Plantas usuales 6 notables del antiguo y nuevo mundo, d-c. pp. 2S5. 8°. Madrid, 1871. Colmeiro y Fenido (M.) Kuniariaceas de Espana y Portugal, pp. 13. Un trabajo inedito de . . . F. J. de Caldas [entitled : " Mempria sobre la nivelacion de algunas Plantas que se cultivan en las cercanias de Ecuador "1, hallado con otros varios en el Jardin Botanico de Madrid, pp. 14 : 4 pi*. Genisteas y Antilideas de Espana y Portugal, pp. 'JO. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, <{•<-. Tom. I. 8°. 1872. Colmeiro y Fenido (M.) Prolificacion observada en dos Piiias del Pino doncel (Pinus pinea, L.). pp. 3 : 1 pi. Rosaceas de Espana y Portugal, pp. 83. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &c. Tom. n. 8°. 1873. Colmeiro y Fenido (M.) Plantas Crasas de Espana y Portugal, 6 sea enumeration de las Crasulaceas, Ficoideas y Cacteas que crecen espontilneamente en la peninsula 6 se han naturalizado en ella. pp. 33. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, <£e. Tom. m. 8°. 1874. Colmeiro y Fenido (M.) Bosquejp hist6rico y estadis- tico del Jardin Botanico de Madrid, pp. 105 : 2 pis., 2 plans, and litho. facsimile of MS. by Linnaeus. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &c. Tom. iv. 8°. 1875. Colmeiro y Fenido (M.) Enumeracion y revision de las Plantas de la peninsula Hispano-Lusitana 6 Islas Baleares, con . . . sus nombres vulgares, tanto nacio- nales como provenciales. 5 Vol. 8". Madrid, 1885-89. Colmeiro y Fenido (M.) Resumen de los datos estadisticos concernientes a la Vegetation Espontanea de la peninsula Hispano-Lusitana e Islas Baleares, &c. pp. 28 [3]. 8°. Madrid, 1890. Colmeiro y Fenido (M.) Noticia de los trabajos botanicos del Abate Pourrct en Francia y Espana. /'/>. 16. 8°. Madrid, 1891. -Colmeiro y Penido (M.) Arboles y Arbustos, par- ticularrnentc los de origen Americano, Bxistontos al aiir libre en el Jardin Botanico de Madrid seis afios despues del ciclon de 1886, con datos num. pp. .r>4 [it]. 8°. Madrid, i i Colmeiro y Fenido (M.) Ateneo de Madrid. Primeras noticias acerca de la Vegetaci6n Americana . . . Con un resumen de las expediciones botanicas de los Espanoles. pp. 59. 8". Madrid, 1892. Colmeiro y Fenido (M.) Los Jardines Botanicos, su numero, organization 6 importancia en las naciones mas cultas 6 ilustradas. pp. 46. 8°. Madrid, 1894. Colmeiro y Fenido (M.) Noticia sucinta de los Ani- mates y Plantas que menciono Cervantes en el Quijote, con nociones historicas acera del Tabaco, Chocolate, Caf6 y T6, cnyo uso no conoci6 el ingenioso Hidalgo. pp. IB. 8°. Madrid, 1895. Colmeiro y Fenido (M.) [For official publications as Curator] See MADRID. — Jardin Botanico. Colmeiro y Fenido (M.) & Boutelou (E.) Examen de las Enemas y demas arboles de la peninsula que producen Bellotas, con la designacion de los que se Hainan mestos. pp. 16. 8*. Sevilla, 1854. COLMENERO DE LEDESMA (ANTONIO) Choco- lata Inda. Opusculum de qualitate & natura Chocolate o . . . Hispanico antehac . . . editum : nunc vero . . . in Latinum translatum [by J. G. Volckamer]. pp. [xx,] 73 [6]. 12°. Norimberfjae, 1644. The translation extend* only as far as p. 81. Excerpta from other source* follow. Colmenero de Ledesma (A.) Du Chocolate discours B curieux, &c. See COFFEE. De 1'usage du Caph6, &c. 12°. 1671. Colmenero de Ledesma (A.) Traite du Chocolate. 0 [Principally compiled from the work of A. Colmenero de Ledesma.] See DUFOUR (P. S.) Traitez . . . du Cafe, &c. 12°. 1693. COLMER (J. G.) Canada as it will appear to the / members of the British Association in 1884. A paper read before the Society of Arts, &c. pp. 23 : 1 map. 8°. London, 1884. Ihe title on the wrapper reads:— "The Dominion of Canada," etc. COLNET-D'HUART (DE) [1821-1 Nouvelle th6orie servant a calculer le mouvement de la Lumiere dans A] les Cristaux bi-refringents sym6triques et dans les Cristaux hemiedriques non superposables. pp. 48: 1 pl- 8°. Luxembourg, 1886. Publ. Inst. roy. grand-due. Luxembourg. Tom. xx. COLOGNE. Catalogus Plantarum Horti Botanici Coloniensis. [By W. A. Berkenkamp.] pp. [iv,] 130, ' 13. 4°. Colonies Ar/rippince, 1816. COLOMBIA, Republic of. [Maps} Mapa de la / Repiiblica de Colombia . . . Levantado por ... A. ~^, * Codazzi. Construido por M. M. Paz, &c. Escala ... 1 a 1 : 2,700,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 42£ m.]. Paris, 1890. ~" COLOMBO. — Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. See ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY.— CEYLON BRANCH. COLOMBO.— Colombo Museum. First report on the collection of Batrachia in the . . . Museum. [By A. Haly.] pp. 8. 8°. Colombo, 1886. -£. Colombo.— Colombo Museum. First (—Second) report on the collection of Lizards in the Colombo Museum. [By A. Haly.] 8°. Colombo, 1886 (-87). ' Colombo. Colombo Museum. Kirst ivport on tl..' , .,!!i>rtion of in the . . . Museum. [By A. Haly.] />/>. ,su s". ('-i/'iinbo, 1887. Colombo. Colombo Museum. Report of the-Dfabctor . . . for 1803/ Forms Ptnv of Anwtimtratinn Iwjwrto, 1 ,189ft- COLOMBO (CRISTOFORO) [c. 1448-1506] Historia de reperta primum occidental! India a C. Colombo anno 1492. Scripta ab H. Bezono [i.e. Benzoni]. See BRY (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [America. Pt. iv- Latin.] Americas pars quarta, &c. fol. 1594. Colombo (Cy The history of the life and actions of . . . C. Columbus ... By ... F. Columbus. See CHURCHILL (A.) & (J.) A collection of Voyages, 7-o£W«*ot, sive I'hmtarnm aliquot Historia . . . Accessit etiam Piscium ili(|uot, I'lantarumque novarum Historia eodem auctore. ///-. [..-/(•,] /,.'", .;.' |/>'J • '<•''' ill<<*t. 4". Neapoli, 1592. [Another edition entitled :] F. Columnae . . . •turo/Sno-avos cui accessit vita Fabii et Lynceorum notitia adnotationesque in Qvrofiatravov I. Planco Ariminensi auctore. (Piscium aliquot plantarumque novarum Historia.— J. Planci appendix ad vitam F. Columns.) pp. Hi, 134 [#] •' 38 pis. 4°. Pirn-entice, 1744. Colonna (F.) Minus cognitarum Stirpium aliquot, ac etiam rariorum nostro ccelo orientium 'EK.] — [Another edition.] F. Columnae . . . Opusculum de Purpura . . . iterum luci datum opera ac studio J. D. Majoris . . . cujus . . . accesserunt annotationes qiiEedam. (Doctrinas de Testaceis, in ordinetn congruum redactae specimen, tabulis aliquot comprehensum . . . cum brevi Dictionario Ostracologico, de partibus Tes- taceorum, autore J. D. M. Med.D. [i.e. J. D. Major].) pp. [xii,]44,[W,]ll4[2,]([72]): textillust. V.Xilice, 1675. The " De Glossopetris" is omitted from this edition, See supra, F. Columnai 4°. 1616. Colonna (F.) De Glossopetris. . . . Purpura, &e. - • [Another edition.] See SCILLA (A.) De Corporibus marinis lapidescentibus, &c. 4°. 1752. Colouna (F.) F. Colunma ... in Rerum medicarum Novae Hispanise N. A. Recchi . . . annotationes et additiones. See HERNANDEZ (F.) Rerum medicarum Novae Hispaniae thesaurus, &c. fol, 1651, COLOPHONIUS (NICANDER) See NICANDER, of Colophon. COLORADO. [Maps.] Geological and geographical Atlas of Colorado, &c. See UNITED STATES. — Geological anrl Geographical Survey of the Territories, fol. 1877. COLORADO BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. [Founded 1888.] Report,. Dty#f(Coh 1$&>Z> Tlit-r,- K;i _'etl suppieit.dCt at the enu of Vul. PWf' COLORNO, (riardino di. Catalogo delle Piante che coltivansi nel d. Giardino di Colorno, &c. See BAR- vrrnra (C.) 8°. 1825. COLTON (.JOSEPH HUTCHINS) [1800-1893] Colton's railroad it township map of the State of New York, &c. [Scale 1 in. = 15 m.] See NEW YORK, State of. [Maps.] 1860. Colton (J. H.) Colton's new railroad map of the States of Ohio, Michigan, &c. [Scale 1 in. =35 m.] See UNITED STATES. [Maps.] 1861. COLUMBIA, Missouri.— University of the State Of Missouri. [Founded 1840.] Bulletin of the Museum of the University . . . Vol. i. No. 1. Niagara Fossils. By J. W. Spencer, pp. 61 : 8 pis. 8°. St. Louis, Mo., 1884. Also published in " Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis," Vol. iv, no. 4. COLUMBIA CO1LEGE. 7^ TT ...... Tniu COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER) See COLOMBO. COLUMBUS (MATTHAEUS REALDUS) [1494-c. 1559] R. Columbi . . . De Re Anatomica libri xv. pp. [viii,] 369. fol. Venetiis, 1559. 47 B Cr e L L L • L-do. L. 6 370 i L dto COLUMELLA (Lucius JUNII'S MODERATUS) De Re Rustic (])»- ArliovibuR) . . . libri xui. />/>. 530. 8°. Liif/fluni, 1S37. Columella (L. .1. M.) L. J. M. Columella' de Re Rustica Him xn. (— Libri do Arboribus) cnrante .1. M. Gesnero. 2 Vol. 8". Mnnnhemii, 1781. The liAlf-title read* :— " St-riplm™ Rci Rn«ticn> veteran Lalini," Jr. A [Another edition.] See GKHXRR (.1 . M.) Scriptores Rei RusticiP veteres Latini, . Comes (().') Notizie intorno ad alcnne (Yittnjiamr l«rasi. .*? : 1 pi. Ann. K. Snok Hnp. Agric. Portici. T.m.. n. <, I8SO. A Comes (O.) Osservazioni su alcune specie di Fungi del Napoletano, &c. pp. 13. 4". Napoli, 1880. Ann. R. Scnola Snp. Agric. Portici. Tom. n. Comes (O.) Le Crittogame parassite delle Piante agrarie. Lezioni . . . raccolte ed autografate per cura . . . R. de Nitto e F. de Rosa. Illustrate ... da L. de Luise. pp. 524: 17 pis. 8°. Napoli, 1882. lithographed. Comes (O.) Sulla gonunosi manifestatasi nei Fichi del Cilento. pp. 15. Intorno aduna Malattiadel Carrubo(CVmfoniVf xilii/wi) apparsa nei circondario di Modica (Sicilia). / pp. SO : 7 pis. 4°. Naples, 1899. ' The plates are marked as coming from the " Atti R. Istit, Incor. Napoli," Mor. V, torn. i. COMISION CENTRAL DE MINAS DE BUENOS AIRES. See ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. COMISION CIENTIFICA DE PACHUCA. See MEXICO. COMISION DE LA FLORA FORESTAL DE FILIFINAS. See PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. COMISION DE LA FLORA FORESTAL ESFANOLA. See SPAIN. — Ministerio tie /''niin-iifn. COMISION DEL MAPA GEOLOGICO DE ESPANA. ,S',rSrAlN. COMISION GEOLOGICA MEXICANA. See MEXICO. — ISTITUTO GEOLOOICO DE MEXICO. COMMELIN (CASPAR) [1667-1731] Flora Mala- barica, sive Horti Malabarici Catalogus [by H. A. van Rheede tot Draakestein], l;i'il;mirnsis •. nun . . . Pliintnrum . . . descriptio . . . aurtmv (' Coinmelino . . . pars altera, <(v. ,SV.. CUMMKI is i.l.i I". 1701. Commelin (C.) C. ('uniim-lin . . . Praeludia Botaniea IK! piiblicas I'lantarum exoticarum demonstrationes . . . His accedunt Plantarum rariorum & exoticaruin, in Praeludiis Botanicis recensitarum icones etdescriptiones. pp. [vm,] S5 .• 33 pis. 8°. Lwjduni Batavormn, 1703. The latter portion of this work was reprinted in the Ap|iendix to Vol. Ill of J. Rav's " Historia Plantarum," rf-c. [5.1'.) Commelin (C.) C. Commelin . . . Horti Medici Am- ir. stelffidatnensis Plantw rariores et exoticae ad vivum i acri incisse. 4* $*•< w^ descriptive letterpress. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1706. ^ die vqojtteeling unsclie Commeliu (C.) en wonderbaer Insecten, Bloemenxen no GRAFF (M. S.) fol. 1749. — [Another edition.] fol. 1730. COMMELIN (JAN) [1629-1692] Nederlantze Hes- jiorides, dat is, oeffening en gebruik van de Limoen- en Oranje-Boomen ; gestelt na den aardt, en climaat der Nederlanden, Jf. .', f 8°. Wien, 1886. Jahresb, k. k. StaatH-Gymnasiums Linz. No. 85. Commenda (H.) Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die minera- logisch-geognostische Sammlungen. py>. 44. See LINZ. — MUSEUM FRANCISCO-CAROLINUM. Bericht, &C. No. 52. 8°. 1804. COMMENTARII DE REBUS IN SCIENTIA NATURALI ET MEDICINA GESTIS. Vol. i-xxxvi. 8°. Lips-ice, 1752-94. Prima! decadis Supplementum. i-iv. [in 1 Vol.] 8°. Lipsice, 1763-64. Secundw decadis Supplementum. i-iy. [in 1 Vol.] 8°. Lipsice, 1772-75. • Tertiae decadis Supplementum. i-iv. [in 1 Vol.] 8°. Lipsice, 1777-85. Prim* (Secund»e, Tertias) decadis Index triplex. 3 Vol. 8°. Lipsice, 1770 (1779, 93). Imperfect : wanting Vol. xxxvn and the Suppt. to the Fourth Series. Vol. i-xvin were edited by C. G. Ludwig ; Vol. xix-xxiv by J. D. Reichel ; Vol. xxv-xxvm by N. G. Leske ; Vol. xxix-xxx by J. G. F. Franz ; Vol. xxxl to the end by C. G. Kiilui. COMMENTABIO BELLA FAUNA, FLORA, E GEA DEL VENETO E DEL TKENTINO. Periodico trimestrale (publicato per cura dei dottori A. P. Ninni e P. A. Saccardo). Ann. i, no. 1 & 2. 8°. Venezia, 1867-69. COMMERELL (DE) Able. An account of the culture and use of the Mangel Wurzel, or Root of Scarcity. Translated from the French [with prefaces by J. C. Lettsom] . . . Third edition, pp. xxxix, 51 : 1 pi. 8". London, 1787. COMMISSAO DOS TBABALHOS GEOLOGI COS DE PORTUGAL. See PORTUGAL. — Direcrao dos Trabalhos Geologicos. COMMISSAO GEOGRAPHIC A E GEOLOGICA DA PROVINCIA DE S. PAULO. See SAO PAULO. COMMISSAO GEOLOGICA DE PORTUGAL. See PORTUGAL. — Direcffio dos Trabalhos Geologicos. COMMISSION DES TRAVAUX GEOLO GIQUES DE PORTUGAL. See PORTUGAL. — Direcfdo dos Trabalhos Geoloyicos. COMMISSION FUER ERFORSCHUNG DES OESTLICHEN MITTELMEERES. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. COMMISSION GEOLOGIQUE DE BELGIQUE. See BELGIUM. COMMISSION GEOLOGIQUE DE FIN LANDE. See FINLAND. — Finlands Geologislca Undersiikniiu/. COMMISSION GEOLOGIQUE DU CANADA. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. COMMISSION GEOLOGIQUE DU PORTU- GAL. See PORTUGAL. — Direcffio dos Traballws Geologicos. COMMISSION GEOLOGIQUE FEDERALS DE LA SUISSE. See SWITZERLAND. — Carte Geoloyique Suisse. COMMISSION ROYAL DE FOMOLOGT?. See BELGIUM. COMMISSION SCIENTIFIQUE DU NORD. See FRAN i i COMMISSION ZUR WISSENSCHAFT- LICHEN UNTERSUCHUNG DER DEUT- SCHEN MEERE IN KIEL. See GERMANY. — Kommission, &c. COMMISSIONEN FOR LEDELSER AF DE GEOLOGISEE OG GEOGRAFHISEE UN- DERS0GELSER I GR0NLAND. See DENMARK. COMO. Notizie dei Pesci delle provincie di Como e Sondrio e del Cantone Ticino [by S. Regazzioni], Seconda edizione, &c. pp. 105. 8°. Como, 1864. The first edition appeared in the same year. COMOLLI (ANTONIO) L)e Coleopteris novis ac rario- ribus minusve cognitis provinciae Novocomi. pp. 54- 8°. Ticini-Regii, 1837. COMOLLI (GIUSEPPE) [1780-1849] Plantarum a J. Comollio in Lariensi provincia lectarum enumeratio quam ipse . . . exhibet uti prodromum Florae Comensis. pp. xix, 208. 8°. Novo-Gomi, 1824. Comolli (G.) Flora Comense, &c. 7 Vol. [in 4.] 12°. Como (& Pavia), 1834-57. £> I COMOLLIUS (JosEPHUs) See COMOLLI (GIUSEPPE) COMFANIA HUANCHACA DE BOLIVIA. Report on the Mines . . . of the Company, &c. pp.12: •2 "taps. 8°. Par it, 1889. . par F. Uionconi. Contains :— " Carte ooiumeroiale do Bolivia . ile 1 : 4,500,000 " [i.t. 1 in.-Tlui.| • r .. r L 1- • COMPANION TO THE BOTANICAL MAGA- ZINE, &c. See CURTIS'S BOTANICAL MM; \XINE. COMFANYO (Louis) [1781-1871] Histoire naturelle du d6partement des Pyrlnees-Orientales. 3 Tom. illust. 8°. Pei-piffnan, 1861-64. Tom. l. Pt. I. Description des Vallees. \ , „ „ 2. Regne Mineral. , II. „ S. lUinie Vegetal. . 1804. — „ III. ,, 4. Regne Animal. 1803. COMFARETTI (ANDREA) [1745-1801) Prodrome di Fisica Vegetabile, n preliminary examina- tion of the Geology of western central Arkansas. r /'/'• -Ml : 1 map. See ARKANSAS, State of.— Geological w Survey. Annual Report, i /i/*., I'-ith deteriptivejttteifnit: fitvilti IM "Hrf* >ftf-ri-'3F f of. Pom, 1840. Comte (J. A.) Nouvelles planches murales d'Histoire /• Naturelle ... (3" edition de la collection d'A. Comte), ^ &c. See GERVAIS (F. L. P.) & 8°. 1881. Comte (J. A.) ct Edwards (H. M.) Cahiers d'His- toire Naturelle . . . Nouvelle edition . . . in" Cahier.— Geologie. See EDWARDS (H. M.) & COMTE (A.) 12°. 1853. CONCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. [Founded isro.] Proceedings, 8°. 1889-* CONCHOLOGISCHE MITTHEILUNGEN als Fortsetzung der Novitates Conchologicae heraus- gegeben von . . . E. von Martens. Bd. I— > illust. col. 8°. Cassfl, 1880-» CONCHOLOGIST, The. See JOURNAL OF MALA- COLOGY. CONCHOLOGISTS' EXCHANGE, The. Vol. H, no. 1-9. See NAUTILUS. 8°. 1887-88. CONDAMINE (CHARLES MARIE DE LA) See LA CONDAMINE. CONDAMY (A.) Etude sur 1'histoire naturelle de la Truffe. pp. 32 : 11 pis. col. 4°. Angmdeme, 1876. CONDE (PEDRO GABciA) See GARC!A CONDE. CONDOBCET (MARIE JEAN ANTOINE NICOLAS CARITAT DE) Marquess [1743-1794] Eloge de P. Camper. See CAMPER (P.) lEuvres de P. Camper. Vol. I. 8°. 1803. Condorcet (M. J. A. N. ('. UK) J/.nv/i«'s«. Eloge de Buffon. Sec BUFKON (G. L. L. DE) Count. (Euvres completes, • ir\rtn V* I I CONGO, River. [Maps.] Zaire de Stanley-Pool ac Capello e I vens. [Scale 1 in. = 6£ m.] Paris, 1883. Congo, River. [Maps] Carte de 1'Afrique equatoriale entre le Congo et 1'Ogooue . . . k 1'echelle de 1:2,000,000 /_ . \i.e. 1 in. = 311 m.] ; par Dr. J. Chavanne. Bruxellet, 1884. VjUU 373 CONGRES GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. " Comptes rendus, &c. Session i— > 8". Paris, Congres Geologique International. Catalogue des *" Bibliographies Geologiques redige . . . par E. de Mar- gerie. pp. xx : 733. 8°. Paris, 1896. 6f Congres Geologique International. The work of the International Congress of Geologists. See GILBERT (G. K.) 8°. 1887. Congres Geologique International. Second Session: Bologna, 1881. Bibliographic Geo- (£. logique et Paleontologique de 1'Italie, par les soins du Comite d'Organisation, &c. pp. viii, 630. 8°. Bologna, 1881. Congres Geologique International. Second Session: Bologna, 1881. Rapports . . . pour I'Unification de la Nomenclature et des Figures Geo- logiques, et pour la question des Regies a suivre pour etablir la Nomenclature des Especes. pp. 144- 8". Bologne, 1881. Congres Geologique International. ., Second Session : Bologna, 1881. Reflexions sur la Lr Classification et la Nomenclature Geologiques a propos des rapports des Commissions Internationales par J. de Cossigny. pp. 15. 8°. Troyes, 1881. Congres Geologique International. Second Session : Bologna, 1881. [Maps.] Carta geologica dei monti di Livorno, de Castellina marittima e di una ^" parte del Volterrano del G. Capellini . . . Scala di 1 a 100,000 [i.e. 1 in. = li m. about], col. Roma, 1881. Congres Geologique International. ^-, Second Session : Bologna, 1881. [Maps.'] Carta geo- (sf- logica della provincia di Bologna del G. Capellini . . . Scala di 1 : 100,000 [i.e. 1 in. = li m. about]. col. Roma, 1881. Congres Geologique International. Sl Third Session: Berlin, 1885. Uebersicht iiber die •*• Geologic Mecklenburgs, position Geologique. pp. 54- 8°. Londres, 1888. Congres Geologique International. Fourth Session : London, 1888. Relatorio acerca da quarta sessao do Congresso . . . For J. F. N. da E. /» Delgado. See PORTUGAL. — Direccao dos Trabalhos Geologicos. 4°. 1889. Congres Geologique International. Sixth Session : Zurich, 1894- Livret-Guide Geologique dans le Jura et les Alpes de la Suisse . . . Public par le Comit6 d'Organisation en vue de la vi6 Session, a Zurich, pp. vii, 307, 3 tabs. : 10 pis. (0 col.), 4 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. 8°. Lausanne, 1894. Preface. [By E. Renevier.] No. I. Excursion geologique dans le Jura .meridional, par . . . II. Schardt. ,, K. Excursion geologique dans le Jura central, par ... A. Jaccard. ,, in. Excursion geologique dans le Jura Bernois, par L. Rollier. „ iv. Geologische Excursion in der Umgebung von Basel und im cestlichen Aargauer Jura, von C. Schmidt. ,, v. Geologische Excursion im cestlichen Jura und im Aargauischen Quartser, von F. Muhlberg. ,, M. Voyage geologique dans tout le Jura Suisse de la Perte-du- llbone au Hohentweil . . . par E. Renevier et H. Golliez. ,, vn. Geologische Excursion quer durch die cestlichen Schweizer- Alpen, von A. Heim. ,, viii. Geologische Excursion durch die centralen Schweizer-AlpeD von Rotbkrenz bis Lugano, von C. Schmidt. ,, ix. Geologische Excursion im Berner Oberland und Gotthard- umssiv, von A. Baltzer. ,, x. Excursion geologique au travers des Alpes Occidentales Suisses, par H. Schardt. ,, XI. Voyage geologique au travers des Alpes Centrales et Occiden- tales de la Suisse de Zurich ;i Lugano . . . par E. Ilenevier et H. Golliez. ,, [xil.] Notices sur les Musses et Collections geologiques publiques d« la Snisse en 1894. [Edited by L. Rollier.] ApiH-'ndice. — Die geologischen KartenderSchweiz, von . . . C.Schmidt. Coiigres Geologiqxie International. Seventh Session : St. Petersburg, 1897. Imperial Geo- logical Survey of Japan, &c. See JAPAN. — Teikoku Chishitsu-cho-sajo. 8°. 1897. Congres Geologique International. Seventh Session : St. Petersburg, 1897. Guide des Excursions du vu. Congres, &c. St. Petersburg, 1897. Preface, pp. ix. I. Les environs de Muscou, par S. Nikitiu. pp. 16, 1 tab. : text illntt. ll. De Moscou a Oufa, par S. Nikitin. pp. 21,, 2 tabs. : 1 pi., text illust. ill. A partir de la ville d'Oufa jusqu'au versant oriental de 1'Oural, par T. Tachernyschew. pp. 60: S pis., 1 map, text illust. iv. Die Mineralgruben bei Kussa und Miass, von A. Areruni, pp. 25: text illust. v. Versant oriental de 1'Oural d'Ourjom a Ekatherinebourg, i>ar A. Karpinsky. vp.M: 3 pis., text illust. Les gisements d'Or du systime de Kotchkariiiins 1'Oural du sudj par N. Wyssotsky. pp. 6:1 map. La ville d'Ekatherinebourg et quelques-uns de ses environs, remarquables au point de vue d'archeologie prehistorique, pal' O. Clerc. pp. 8: S pis. Gisement de Mineraux d'Eugenie-Maxiuiilianovna, par A. Kan nojitzky. pp. t. Le chemin defer de 1'Oural dans les limites des districts miniern de Taguil et de Goroblagodat, par T. Tschernyuchew. pp. iS : 5 pls.,1 map geol. col., text illust. Chemin de for de 1'Oural, par A. Krasnopolsky. pp. 16 : text illust. De Perm a Nyny-Novgorod, par A. Stuckenberg, S. Nikitin et W. Amalitzky. pp. 19: text iliuit. Excursion durch Eitland, von F. Schmidt, pp. SI: text illust. Les excursions en Finlande, par J. J. Sederholm et W. Ramsay. pp. K : * maps (1 geol. ml.), text illust. De Moscou a Koursk, par S. Nikitin. pp. 8 : text illust. De Koursk au bassin du Donetz et la ville de Kharkow, par N. Sokolow et T. Tschemyschew. pp. S. Le bassin du Donetz, par T. Tschernyschew et L. Loutouguiu. pp. 55 : H mapt, text illust. Les Eaux minerales du Caucase, par K. Rouguevitcli. pp. 19 .' 1 pi. col., 1 map geol. col. De Wladikavkaz aux gisemente de Naphta de Grosny, pai' A. Konchin. pp. '* .• / map, text illust. \ 374 [Congre [Otuide e XIX s Geologique International, (contd.)l es Excursions du vii. Congres, &c. (conta.)] Excursion geologique aux environs de Kislowodsk et tie Kis- lowocUk i TElbrons, par N. Karakasch et K. Rouguvwitch. pp. II: I alt. co/., 1 map grot, col., ttjct Ulu»t. Voyage gfologique par la Volga de Kazan a Tzarltoyu, par A. P. Pavlow. pp. U): Spti., tat illutt. Excursion ausnddelaRiusie, par N. Sokolowet P. Armachevsky. pp. U>: tivli., 1 map, ttj-t illutt. IV WUdikavkaz a Tiflis . . . par F. Loewinson-Lessing. pp. SS: 3 pit., trjrt illuit. Excursion mm General- DongleUcher, von C. Ho.-wikt>\\ unil B. Kolenko. pp. 11 : S pi*. De Titlis a Baton. Gisements ile Naphtc ile liakon, par A. Konchin. />/>. •'• : text illutt. De Sonram a KouUi* par le cheiuin tie fer traiucaucasien, l«r S. SiiiiiiiiuHitfh. pp. 11: ttxt illiut. Excursion a Tkwibouli, par S. Simonowitch. pp. ft : ttxt illuft. De la station Mikhailcnvu, par Borjom et Abas-Toum»n, a la Station Kioit. par A. Konchin. pp. •' : tt.rt illutt. Les environs de Kouta'is et la vallee de la riviere Hion entre KouUis et 1'arftc Mamission, par S. Simonowitch. pi>. S.1: text illtul. Excursion zum Zeigletscher, von X. Karakasch und R. Kossikow. pp. 18: 1, pit., tut illutt. La Mer Noire, par N. Androussow. pp. 1,1: test illust. Environsder Kertch, par N. Androtlsaow. pp. 16, 1 tab. : 1 "<"j>, text ill utt. Itineraire gcologique par le Kara-Dagh, par A. Lugorio. pp. Ik : 1 map ffgol. co/., te.ct illt<«t. Le Jnnusiqne a Sondak, par C. de Vogdt. pp. 8 : 1 pi. Itineraire geologiqne d'Alouchta a &bastopol. (By N. Golov- kinsky and A. Lagorio.) pp. S8: 1 pi. col., 1 tnap geol. col., tat illiut. Kurze Ueberaicht tier Geologic der Umgebnng von St. Peters- burg, von F. Schmidt, pp. Ik : 1 map, text illiut. Carte Geologique generale de hi Ruasie d'Europe . . . 1897. Echelle 1 :8,300,000 (i.e. 1 in.=100 m. about], tk. col. CONGRES INTERNATIONAL D'ANTHRO- POLOGIE ET D'ARCHEOLOGIE PREHIS TORIQUZS. Compte-Kendu, &c. Session n-xi. l, London, &c^\ 868-93. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVA. \\VI. XXIX. XXX. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. IXXXT.) nd The Bret appear u the Sept. for that y Congres International d'Anthropologie et d'Archeologie prehistoriques. Relatorio ilcerca da decima sessiio do Congresso internacional de Anthropo- logia e Archeologia prenistoricas. See DELGADO ( J. F. N .) 4°. 1890. Congres International d'Anthropologie et d'Archeologie prehistoriqiies. Congres inter- nationaux jAnthropologie et d'Archeologie prehis- torique et de Zoologie a Jloscou . . . Matenaux reunis i>ar le Coinite d'organisation des Congres concernant les expeditions scientifique8,les excursions et les rapports Hur les questions touchant les Congres. Pt. II. [Edited by L. Morokhovetz.] pp. [ui,] 268 : 25 ids. 8°. Moscou, 1893. Wanting Pt. l. CONGRES INTERNATIONAL D'HORTI- CT7LTURE, 1864. See CONGEES INTERNATIONAL DE BOTANKJUE ET D'HoRTICULTURE. CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE BOTA- NIQTIE ET D'HORTICULTURE. Bulletin, 8».. London. (London n.d.) 1867. Paris. (Para, 1867.) 1869. 8t. Petersburg. (St. PtUrAoury, 1870.) 1874. Firenze. (Firmx, 1876.) 1877. Amsterdam. (Uvh, 1879.) 1878. Paris. (I'arii, 1880.) 1880. Bruiellos. (BmjiMa, 1881.) 1885. Anvers. (Ani'ert, n.d.) 18V2. Genoa, (fltxom, 1893.) Congres Intern, de Botauique et d'Horticulture. Lois de la Nomenclature Botanique . . . Texte prdpar6 Kur la deinande dn Comite d'organisation du Congres, cfcc. See CANDOLLE (ALPHONSE L. T. P. DE). 8°. 1867. ti ° O ^ I Congres Intern, de Botanique et d'Horticulture. Lois tic la Nomenclature Botanique adopters par !<• Congrfes, &c. See CANDOLLE (ALPHONSE L. P. P. HE). 8". 1867. Congres Intern, de Botanique et d'Horticulture. La Nomenclature Botanique au Congres, &c. See CREPIN (F.) 8°. (1867.) A discussion of the text prepared for the Congress. Congres Intern, de Botanique et d'Horticulture. Laws of Botanical Nomenclature adopted by the . . . Congress ... in 1867 . . . (Translated from the French.) See CANDOLLE (ALPHONSE L. P. P. DE). 8°. 1868. Congres Intern, de Botanique et d'Horticulture. Regeln der Botanischen Nomenclatur angenommen von dem . . . Congress . . . 1867, &c. See CANDOLLE (ALPHONSE L. P. P. DE). 8°. 1868. Congres Intern, de Botanique et d'Horticulture. Deux discours sur quelques Plantes de la Flore Grecque, ' prononc6s dans les seances . . . du Congres, &c. See ORPHANIDES (T. G.) 8°. 1870. CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE BO TANISTES, D ' HORTICULTEURS, DE NEGOCIANTS ET DE FABRICANTS DE PRODUITS DU REGNE VEGETAL, 1877. See. CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE BOTANIQUE ET D'HORTICULTURE. CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE PECHES MARITIMES. D'OSTREICULTURE ET D'AQUICULTURE MARINE. Dieppe: 1898. Discours d'Ouverture. See PERRIER ; '(3. O. E.) 8°. 1898. CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE ZOOLOGIE. First Session : Paris, 1889. Compte-Rendu des Seances . . . publie par R. Blanchard. pp. xxii, 513 : 5 pis. --7 8°. Paris, &c., 1889. Congres International de Zoologie. First Session: Paris, 1889. Rapports pr6sentes au Congres, &c. pp.159. 8°. Lille, 1889. •£ I. Determination des regions du globe dont la Faune est insumsaiulucnt connue . . . par ... P. Fischer. II. Sur les services que 1'Embryogenie pout rendre a hi Classification . . . par M. E. Perrier. ill. Les liens qui rattucbent la Zoologie n la FaJeontolugie par M. II. Filhol. iv. De la Nomenclature des Etres Organises . . . par . . . K. Blanchard. Congres International de Zoologie. Second Session: Moscow, 1802. [Compte-Rendu des — • Seances.] 2 Pt. Must. 8°. Moscou, 1892-93. Congres International de Zoologie. Second Session : Moscow, 1892. Congres Internationaux d'Anthropologie et d'Archeologie prehistorinue et de Xoologie a Moscou . . . Mat6riaux reunis par le Cpmit6 d'organisation des Congres concernant les expeditions scientifiques, les excursions et les rapports sur les questions touchant les Congres. Pt. n. See CONGRKS INTERNATIONAL D'ANTHROPOLOGIE ET D'ARCHEOLOGIE PBEHIHTORKIUES. 8°. 1893. Congres International de Zoologie. Third Session : Lei/den, 1895. Bulletin, &c. 8 No. V.Leyde, 1895. • Congres International de Zoologie. Third Session: Let/den, 1895. Compte-Rendu des Seances . . . Publie par P. P. C. Hoek. pp. 543. 1 tab. : 4 pis. 8°. Leyde, 1896. Congres International de Zoologie. Third Session: Leyden, 1895. Guide Zoologique. Communications diverses sur les Pays-Bas pubhees _ a 1'occasion du 3*"* Congres, &c. See PLEYTE (W.) tk L. otters. 8». 1895. 375 , n 1. 1833. Caen. 24. 1857. 2. 18?4. Poitiers. 25. 1858. 8. 1835. Douai. 26. 1859. 4. 1830. Blois. 27. 1860. 0. 1837. Metz. 28. 1861. .;. isiis. Clermont-Ferrand. 29. 1862. 7. 1839. Lc Mans. 2 Tom. SO. 1863. 8. 1840. Besan^on. 31. 1864. 9. 1841. Lyon. 2 Tom. 32. 1805. 10. 1842. 11. 1843. Strasbourg. 2 Tom. Angers. 2 Tom. 33. 1866. | 12. 1844. Nimes. 34. 1867. 13. 1845. Reims. 85. 1868. 14. 1846. Marseille. 2 Tom. 86. 1869. 15. 1847. Tours. 2 Tom. 37. 1870. 10. 1849. Rennes. 2 Tom. 88. 1872. 17. 1850. Nancy. 2 Tom. 39. 1873. 18. 1851. Orleahs. 2 Tom. 40. 1874. 19. 1852. Toulouse. 2 Tom. 41. 1870. 20. 1853. Arras. 2 Tom. 42. 1870. 21. 1854. Dijon. 43. 1876. 22. 1855. Puy. 2 Tom. 23. 185«. La Rochelle. 44. 1878. Congres International de Zoologie. Fourth Session: Cambridge, 1898. Proceedings, &c. P)>. xv, 433 : 15 pis. (2 col.), 'text illust. 8°. London, 1899. CONGRES INTERNATIONAL ORNITHO LOGIQUE. Die Vortrage auf dem Ornithologen- Congresse Wien 1884. Herausgegeben von S, Freund. pp. 60. 8°. Wien, 1884. Contains :— 1. Ueber den Zug der Vo'gel im Kaukasus. Von G. Radde. 2. £nr Frage iibor die Abat-ammung des llaushnhnes. Von J. Palarky. 3. Reisebilder aus Schweden und Norwegen. Von H. Blasius. 4. Skizzen aus dem Kaukasus. Von G. Itadde. Congres International Ornithologiaue. A review of recent attempts to classify Birds : an address delivered before the Second International Ornithological Congress . . . 1891, &c. See SHARPE (R. B.) 8". 1891. CONGRES SCIENTIFIQUE. (Memoires.) Session i-XLiv.t 8°. Rouen, &c., 1833-79. Grenoble. 2 Tom. Auxerre. 2 Tom. Limoges. 2 Torn. Cherbourg. 2 Tom. Bordeaux. 5 Tom. St. Etienne. 2 Tom. Chambery. Troyes. Rouen. Pt. I. Aix - en - Provence. ,, II. Nice. [£ Tom. Amiens. Montpellier. 2 Tom. Chartres. Moulins. Saint-Brieuc. 2 Tom. Pan. Rodez. 2 Tom. Perigueux. 2 Tom. Autun. 2 Tom. Versailles [nothing pub- lished). Nice. 2 Tom. CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE AN- THROFOLOGIA E ARCHEOLOGIA PRE- HISTORICAS. See CoNGRfes INTERNATIONAL D'ANTHROPOLOOIE ET D'ARCHEOLOGIF, PREHISTORIQUES. CONGRESSO INTERNAZIONALE BOTA- NICO. See CONCHAS INTERNATIONAL DE BOTANIQUE ET D'HORTICULTURE. CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DI BOTANICA CRITTOGAMICA. Atti, &c. 2 Fasc. See MILAN. — SOCIKTA CRITTOUAMOLOUICA ITALIANA. 8°. 1887. CONGRESSO SCIENTIFICO ITALIANO. See GIORNALE BOTANICO ITALIANO compilato per cura della sezione Botanica del Congressa ... da F. Parlatore. Ann. i, n.t 8°. 1844-51. CONIGRAVE (JOHN FAIRFAX) South Australia : a sketch of its history and resources, &e. See LONDON. — Colonial and Iivlian Exhibition, 188G. 8°. 1886. CONIL (AUGUSTE) Nouveaux cas de Myiasis observes dans la province de Cordova (Republique Argentine) et dans la Republique de Venezuela, pp. 27 : 1 pi. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, dec. Zoologie. Ser. VI, torn, x, no. 6. 8°. 1879. CONIMBRICA. See COIMBEA. CONINCK (A. M. C. JONGKINDT) Dictionnaire Latin- (Grec-) Francjais- Anglais- Allemand- Hollandais, des principaux termes employes en Botaniqne et en Horticulture, pp. 83. 8°. Haarlem, 1894. CONNECTICUT, State of.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. A Report . . . By C. U. Shepard. pp. 188 : text illust. y. New Haven, 1837. CONNECTICUT ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. [Founded 1799.] Memoirs, dkc. Vol. I, pt. 3 8°. New Haven, 1866-» CONRAD (J.) Flora der Herrschaft Tepl. See FRIED- RICH AUGUST II., Xing of Saxony. Pflanzen und E> Gebirgsarten von Marieiibad, &c. 8°. 1837. CONRAD (TIMOTHY ABBOTT) [1803-1877] [Fossil Shells of the Tertiary formations of North America, &c. 4 Pt.f Must. 8°. Philadelphia, 1832-33.] Wanting. Republication . . . [Edited with an introduction] Gr By G. D. Harris, pp. 121 : 20 pis., 1 map. 8°. Washington, 1893. Conrad (T. A.) New Fresh Water Shells of the United States, with ... a monograph on the genus Anculotus of Say ; also a synopsis of the American Naiades. pp. 76 : 8 pis. col. 12°. Philadelphia, 1834. Conrad (T. A.) Monography of the family of the —, Unionidse ... of North America, &c. No. 1-6. pp. [iv,] 56 : 30 pis. col. 8". Philadelphia, (1835-) 1836. Wanting No. 7-12. Conrad (T. A.) Fossils of the Tertiary formations of the United States, &c. No. 1. 8". Philadelphia, 1838. Z- Wanting No. 2-4. The title on the wrapper reads : — " Fossils of the Medial Tertiary of the United States." Republication . . . [Edited] With an introduction (L. by W. H. Ball. pp. xviii, 136 : 49 pis. 8°. Philadelphia, 1893. Conrad (T. A.) Nouvelles Coquilles d'eau douce des Etats-Unis, &c. See CHENU (J. C.) Bibliotheque ' Conchyliologique. Ser. I, torn. HI. 8°. 1845. Conrad (T. A.) Description of the Fossils of Syria, collected in the Palestine Expedition. See UNITED L STATES. Official Report of the U.S. Expedition to explore the Dead Sea, &c. Appendix. 4°. 1852. Conrad (T. A.) Some remarks on ... Organic Remains L from Chile, with descriptions of the species. See UNITED -r STATES. The U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition, &c. ' Vol. H. Appendix H. Palaeontology. 4°. 1855. Conrad (T. A.) Description of ... Fossil Shells. — -. . Description of ... Tertiary Fossils, &c.— Report on the Palaeontology of the Survey [of routes in California]. <- See UNITED STATES. — Pacific Railroad Survey. Re- (Y\ ports, &c. Vol. y. Report of explorations in California. ,7- Pt. II. Appendix, Art. Z. ; Vol. VI. Report of ... ' H. L. Abbott, &c. Pt. H, no. 2 ; & Vol. vn. Report of explorations . . . California. Pt. H. Geological Report by T. Antisell. 4°. 1856-57. For a reprint of the first of these articles, See BI.AKE (W. P.) Report of Qf a geological reconnaissance in California, iCc. 4°. 1858. Conrad (T. A.) Description of Cretaceous and Tertiary ^ Fossils. See UNITED STATES. Report of the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, &c. Vol. I, pt. 1. 4". 1857. T Conrad (T. A.) Check List of the Invertebrate Fossils , of North America. Eocene and Oligocene. pp. 41. (#• See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscel- / laneous Collections. Vol. vn, art. 6. 8°. 1866. Conrad (T. A.) Synopsis of the Invertebrate Fossils of the Cretaceous formation of New Jersey. — Catalogue of Eocene Shells and Fish from Shark River. See NEW <-. JERSEY, State of.— Geological Survey. Geology of New Jersey. Appendix A, 8°. 1868. U. "I 376 Conrad (T. A.) Descriptions of new genera and species of Fossil Shells of North Carolina. — Synopsis of the Cretaceous Mollusca of North Carolina.— Remarks on some genera of Shells. See NOBTH CAROLINA, State of. — Geological Survey. Reports, la Nature. . . . Le Monde des Plantes par P. Constantin. See BREHM (A. E.) 4°. (1895.) /*' CONSTANTINE. Societe d'Agriculture. Flore de la region de Constantine, <(v. See JULIEN (A.) 8". 1894. CONSTANTINE. [Maps.} Carte geologique pro- /» visoire de la province de Constantine et du cercle de » Bou-Saada ... par M. Tissot. [Scale 1 : 800,000, i.e. 1 in. = 12j m. about] col. Alger, 1881. This also forms the N.E. sheet of the " Caite gtologique provisoire des provinces d'Alger et d'Oran," d-r. £- - Text explicatif, if»n->ridis . . . de Medica Materia libros quinque . . . D enarrationes. Accessenint . . . adnotationes R. Con- stantini, 9. M.'m. Soc. Emul. Donbs. S«5r. Ill, torn, iv, 1860. Contejean (C. L.) Elements de Geologic et de Paleon- / tologie. pp. xx, "45 : text Ulust. 8°. Paris, '/& CONTRIBUTIONS TO CONCHOLOGY : con- ducted by C'. ]!. Adams. Vol. I, no. 1-1 2.t ]'}>. i<\ .'.W. -^ 8°. New Yoi-k; &c., 1849-52. ' CONTRIBUTIONS TO SCIENCE. 2 Vol. See MAYNARD (C. J.) 8°. 1889-94. Z CONTRIBUZIONI ALLA BIOLOGIA VEOE- TALE, edite da A. Bor/.i. Vol. i-» 4 -f- 8°. Palermo, Torino, 1894-> CONVERSATIONS. Conversations on Botany . . . Fourth edition. See BOTANY. . 12". 1823. CONWAT (,s'(V WILLIAM MARTIN) Climbing and exploration in the Karakoram- Himalayas . . . Scientific /_ Reports, &c. pp. viii, 127 : 1 port., 1 map (2 sheets) col. 8°. London, 1894. Contains : — The Eastern Hindu Ku»ti. By A. O. Durand. List of Measured Altitudes. By W. M. Conway. Noten on the Map. By W. M. Conway. Notes on . . . W. M. Conway'n collection of Rock s)>eciniens . . . Ry Prof. T. <;. Ilimnejr . . . and MisuC. A. ILiism. Plants. By W. B. Bemsley. Butterflies. By W. P. Kirby. Moths. Named by ... A. G. Butler. Description of two Skull» . . . from Nagyr. By \V. L. H. Duckworth. Conway (Sir W. M.) The first crossing of Spitzbergen . . . With contributions by J. W. Gregory, A. Trevor- Battye, and E. J. Garwood. MK xii, 371 : G4 pis. (col.), 2 maps, text Must. 8°. London, 1897. CONWENTZ (Huoo WILHELM) [185")-] Vorlaufige Miltheilungen iioer Petrefactenfunde aus den Diluvial- geschieben bei Danzig, pp. 2. See DANTZIO.— NATUR- FORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Schriften, ortion of the table-land of Beloochistan. By H. Cook. Topographical and geological sketch of a portion of the Province of Jhalawan and the eastern division of Mekran. By H. Cook. Geological report on a part of Beloochistan. By H. Cook. On the hill districts to the south-west of Mehur in Sind. By J . Lalor. Annual report of Jacobadad for ]85iM>0. By J. Lalor. COOK (JAMES) [1728-1779] [First Voyage.] An account of a Voyage round the World, in ... 1768, 1769, 1770, and 1771. See HAWKES- WORTH (J.) An account of the Voyages, undertaken . . . for making discoveries in the southern hemisphere, &c. [Second edition.] Vol. n & in. 4°. 1773. The first edition appeared the same year. 70 L V L' L. ?: Cook (J.) [First Voyage. A Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas in H.M.S. the Endeavour, &c. 4°. 1773.] Wanting. - [Second edition.] See PARKINSON (S.) 4°. 1784. ^ Cook (J.) [First Voyage] Voyage . . . round the World, in H.M.S. the Endeavour ... in ... 1768 (-71). See MOORE (J. H.) A ... collection of Voyages and Travels, &c. Vol. I. fol. [1780?] Cook (J.) [First Voyage.] An account of a Voyage round the World, in '. . . 1768-71. See KERR (R.) A general . . . collection of Voyages and Travels, &c. Vol. xn. 8°. 1824. Cook (J.) [First Voyage.] Captain Cook's Journal during his first voyage ... A literal transcription of the original MSS., with notes and introduction. Edited by Capt. W. J. L. Wharton, &c. pp. Iv, 400 : 4 pis., 1 port., 7 •maps. 8°. London, 1893. Cook (J.) [First Voyage] Journal of ... Sir J. Banks . . . during Captain Cook's first voyage, &c. See BANKS (Sir J.) O Bart. 8°. 1896. The transcript of the original MS. from which this was edited is preserved in the Museum. Cook (J.) [First Voyage. For manuscript lists and descriptions O of Animals and Plants collected during this voyage] z_ See SOLANDER (D. C.) Cook (J.) [First Voyage. For original water-colour drawings and Q pencil sketches of the Animals and Plants collected O during this voyage, with engravings of some of these] •£_ See PARKINSON (S.) Cook (J.) [Second Voyage] A Voyage towards the South Pole, and round the World. Performed in H.M.Ss. the Resolution and Adventure, in ... 1772-75. In which is included, Capt. Furneaux's Narrative, &c. 2 Vol. illust. 4°. London, 1777. Cook (J.) [Second Voyage.] A Voyage round the World in H. ... (_ M.S. Resolution, commanded by Capt. J. Cook, during . ..1 77-2-5, l-c. 2 Vol. See FORSTER (J. G. A.) 4°. 1777. Cook (J.) [Second Voyage] The Journal of a Voyage round the f0i World . . . Begun in ... 1772, and concluded in ... 1775. See MOORE (J. H.) A ... collection of Voyages f • and Travels, &c. Vol. n. fol. [1780?] ^ Cook (J.) [Second Voyage] An account of a Voyage towards the . ^ South Polej and round the World ... in ... 1772-75. ' See KERR (R.) A general . . . collection of Voyages and Travels, &c. Vol. XIV & XV. 8°. 1824. Cook (J.) [Second Voyage] A Voyage to the Cape of Good L- Hope . . . and round the World [with Capt. J. Cook] ~f 1772 to 1776 . . . Second edition, ace. 2 Vol. See SPARRMAN (A.) 4°. 1786. Cook (J.) [Second Voyage.] Voyage au Cap de Bonne-Esperance I et autour du Monde avec le Capitaine Cook, &c. See SPARRMAN (A.) 4°. 1787. Cook (J.) [Second Voyage. For short manuscript descriptions —f of Birds observed on this voyage] See ANDERSON (WILLIAM), 48 378 -/o. H L- < -70, i: Cook (J.) 0 [Second Vot/age. For original pencil and water-colour sketches of Plants made during this voyage, with engrav- ings of some of these] See FORSTER (J. G. A.) Cook (J.) L - [Third Voyage.} Journal of Capt. Cook's last voyage to the Pacific Ocean ... in ... 1776-79, COOKE (GEORGE) CABINET, THE . . Vol. i-xx. [1781-1834] See BOTANICAL . The plates by G. Cooke, &c. 8°. 1817-33. / COOKE (.JOHN) The voyages of Capt. [John] Cooke (1708-11). See MOORE (J. H.) A ... collection of Voyages and Travels, &c. Vol. I. fol. [1780?] Cooke (JOHN) Voyage round the World, in 1683-1691. See KERR (R.) A general . . . collection of Voyages and Travels, &c. Vol. x. 8°. 1824. COOKE (.JOHN HENRY) See MEDITERRANEAN NATU- RALIST, THE . . . Edited by J. H. Cooke. Vol. i-in. 8°. 1891-93. COOKE (JosiAH PARSONS) [1827-1894] Elements of ( 'bernical Physics . . . Fourth edition, pp. xii, 739 : text Mtut. 8°. London, 1886. nrst edition WM published at Boston, Mass., in I860. COOKE (MATTHEW) A treatise on the Insects injurious ^ to Fruit and Fruit Trees of the State of California, — and remedies recommended for their extermination. />/>. ;,': text Must. 4". Sacramento, 1881. COOKE (MoRDECAl CUBITT) [1825-] Notes on Galls. 8°. London, 1861. - The Technologist. No. vl. pp. 1S1-187 : tizt illiut. Cooke (MoRDECAl C.) [A Manual of Botanic Terms, &c. 8°. London, 1862.] Wanting. New edition, &c. pp. iv, 118 : 35 pis. 8». London (1873). * Cooke (MORDECAI C.) [A plain and easy account of the British Fungi : with descriptions of the esculent and poisonous species, Must. 8°. London, 1866. Cooke (MORDECAI C.) Index Fungorum Britannicorum. 0 A complete list of the Fungi found in the British ' Islands, &c. pp. 58. 8°. London [1863]. Cooke (MORDECAI C.) Hardwicke's Science-Gossip |_ . . . Edited by M. C. Cooke. 1865-1871. See SCIENCE- , GOSSIP. 4°. 1865-72. *W Cooke (MORDECAI C.) Hardwicke's Science Gossip easy Guide to the study of British Hepaticse, &c. Q pp. 27 : text Must. 4°. London [1865]. Cooke (MORDECAI C.) Our Reptiles. A plain . . . account of the Lizards, Snakes, Newts, Toads, Frogs and Tortoises indigenous to Great Britain, pp. mi, -%,' 199 : 11 pis. col., engr. col. title. 8°. London, 1865. Cooke (MORDECAI C.) Rust, Smut, Mildew, & Mould. An introduction to the study of microscopic Fungi ... A With . . . figures by J. E. Sowerby. pp. vii, 238: 16 pis. col. 8°. London, 1865. Fourth edition, &c. pp. S62 : 16 pis. col. f> 8°. London, 1878. ' Cooke (.MORDECAI C.) A Fern Book for Everybody. Containing all the British Ferns, with the foreign species suitable for a Fernery, pp. 134 •' 12 pis. col. 8°. London [1867]. ' Cooke (MORDECAI C.) Handbook of British" Fungi, of Cryptogamic Botany . . . Edited by M. C. Cooke. Vol. l-XX. 8°. 1872-92. Cooke (MORDECAI C.) Report . . . on the (Sum Resins . . . and Resinous products in the India Museum, &c. See INDIA MUSEUM. 4". 1874. Cooks (MORDECAI C.) Fungi : their nature, influence g and uses . . . Edited by ... M. J. Berkeley, pp. xii, 209 : text Must. 8°. London, 187:.. International Scientific .Series, Vol. XI v. Cooke ( MORDECAI C.) Mycographia, seu Icones Fungo- rum. Figures of Fungi from all parts of the World. O Vol. I.t pp. 267 : 113 pis. col. 8°. London [1875-] 1879. Cooke (MORDECAI C.) Contributions to Mycqlojjia Britannica. The Myxomycetes of Great Britain. Arranged according to the method of Rostafinski • • • C Translated from the Polish [with notes] by M. C. Cooke. pp. iv, 96 : 24 pis, 8°. London, 1877. 379 D o ^ Cooke (MORDECAI C.) Fungi Australiani, &c. JL See MUELLER (Sir F. J. H. VON) K.C.M.G., Baron. J Fragments Phytographiee Australian — Supplementum - ad Vol. xi, pt. vi. 8°. 1880. D [Another edition.] pp. 72 : 4 pis. 8°. Melbourne, 1883. Heprinted from " Qrevillea," Vol. ix-xi, 1881-83. A Cooke (MORDECAI C.) Freaks and Marvels of Plant Life ; or curiosities of vegetation, pp. viii, 463 : text illust. 8°. London & New York [1881.] BritieinFunjsi^HymejKrfflycetes), to < i Vol. col. illust. 8°. London, 1881-91. -, Cooke (MORDECAI C.) British Fresh- Water Algae. E> Exclusive of Desmideae and Diatomaceae. pp. viii, 329 : Atlas, 130 pis. col. 4°. London, 1882-84. British Desmids. A supplement to British Fresh- Water Algae, &c. pp. xiv, 205 : 66 pis. col. 8°. London, &c., 1887. £ Cooke (MORDECAI C.) A Manual of Structural Botany, &c. pp. 123. 8°. London, 1884. Cooke (MORDECAI C.) Introduction to Fresh-Water £ Algae, with an enumeration of all the British Species. pp. vi, 339 : 13 pis. 8". London, 1890. International Scientific Series. f, Cooke (MORDECAI C.) British Edible Fungi : how to P distinguish and how to cook them, &c. p/>. 237 : 12 pis. col. 8°. London, 1891. Cooke (MORDECAI C.) Vegetable Wasps and Plant f> Worms. A popular history of Entomogenous Fungi, or Fungi parasitic upon Insects, pp. v, [i,] 364 : 4 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1892. £ Cooke (MORDECAI C.) Handbook of British Hepaticae, &c. pp. vii, 310 : 7 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1894. Cooke (MORDECAI C.) Introduction to the Study of Fungi, their organography, classification, and distribu- tion, dec. pp. x, 360 : text illust. 8°. London, 1895. Cooke (MORDECAI C.) & Qnelet (L.) Clavis synoptica Hymenomycetum Europaeorum. pp. 240. 8°. London, 1878. COOKE (THOMAS) A letter . . . descriptive of the character of the Whistling Swan, and of the peculiar structure of its Trachea, pp. 11 : 2 pis. fol. London, 1823. COOKE (W. W.) Report on Bird Migration in the Mississippi Valley in ... 1884 and 1885 . . . Edited & revised oy . . . C. H. Merriam. pp. 313 : 1 map col. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture.— Biological Survey Division. Bulletin No. 2. 8°. 1888. COOKSET (T.) Rock Specimens from Funafuti. See SYDNEY. — AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Memoirs, &c. No. 3. The Atoll of Funafuti, dec. 8". 1896. COOKSON (NORMAN C.) [On Lead and Antimony in the Newcastle District.] See RICHARDSON (W.) Visit of the British Association to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1889. Official Local Guide. Industrial Section. 8°. 1889. COOLET (WILLIAM DESBOROUGH) [-1883] The memoir on the Lake Regions of East Africa, reviewed, dec. pp. 16. 8°. London, 1874. COOLGARDIE GOLDFIELDS. Western Australia. [Maps] [For maps of these Goldtields] See WESTERN AUSTRALIA.— Z>fyxir«»«;rU of Mines. [Maps.] COOPER (BENJAMIN) & Ransome (T.) On the com- position of the Limestones used for building purposes, -, especially on those employed in the erection of the new Houses of Parliament. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Geological Survey : Ewjland & Wales. Memoirs, &c. Vol. n, pt. 2. 8°. 1848. COOPER (CHARLES WILLIAM) The Flora of Leicester- p shire . . . compiled by . . . C. W. Cooper, dec. See LEICESTER c LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. 8°. 1886. COOPER (DANIEL) [c. 1817-1842] Flora Metropoli- p tana ; or botanical rambles within thirty miles of London : being the results of excursions made in 1833-35, dec. pp. xvi, 139. 8°. London, 1836. "A List of the Land and Freshwater Shells found in the environs of London" ia appended. [Another edition.] With a Supplement, dec. pp. xvi, n 139, 36. 8°. London, 1837. A reissue of the preceding, with a new title-page and the addition of the Supplement. Cooper (D.) A List of the Land and Freshwater Shells found in the environs of London. Extracted from the ~Z. " Flora Metropolitana." pp. 12. 8°. London, 1836. Interleaved copy. Cooper (D.) Catalogue of the British Natural Orders and Genera, dec. See BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, o 1838. Cooper (D.) See MICROSCOPIC JOURNAL, THE, ... . Edited by D. Cooper, dec. 2 Vol. 8°. [1841-43.] <- • COOPER (EDGAR FRANKLIN) The Flora of Leicester- shire . . . Compiled by ... E. F. Cooper, &c. See LEICESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. £ 8°. 1886. COOPER (H. STONEHEWER) The Coral Lands of the Pacific : their Peoples and their Products . . . New ... -%_ Edition, dec. pp. xxiv, 398 : 1 pi. 8°. London, 1882. The first edition appeared in 1880. COOPER (JAMES GRAHAM) [1830-] [Botanical reports, L and reports on Mammals, Land Birds, Reptiles and f Crustacea.] See UNITED STATES. — Pacific Railroad 2. Survey. Reports, dec. Vol. i. Suppt. Pt. 3. 4°. 1859. Also issued in Suckley & Cooper's " Natural History of Washington," Cooper (J. G.) [Ornithology of California.] Vol. i. Land Birds. Edited by S. F. Baird, from the MS. and __ notes of J. G. Cooper. See CALIFORNIA. — Geological Survey. 4°. 1870. Cooper ( J. G.) Catalogue of Califprnian Fossils (Pt. n-y). £. See CALIFORNIA. — State Mining Bureau. Bulletin. No. 4. 8°. 1894. f^ Ft. i appeared in the " Seventh Ann. Rept. of the State Mineralogist." Cooper (J. G.) & Suckley (G.) The Natural History of Washington Territory and Oregon, &c. See SUCKLEY •^ (G.) & COOPER (J. G.) 4°. 1860. COOPER (THOMAS HENRY) [1759 ?-1840 ?] The Botany a of the county of Sussex, pp. 52. 8°. Lewes, 1834. COOPER (THOMAS THORNVILLE) [1839-1878] Travels (_ * of a Pioneer of Commerce in pigtail and petticoats : or, an overland journey from China towards India, pp. xiv, 475 : 1 pi., 1 map, text illust. 8°. London, 1871. COOPER (WILLIAM) [-1864] List of Shells collected / ... in the Western and Northwestern Territory [U.S.] See SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, dec. 4°. 1834. 7fC. o -S 380 \ Cooper (WILLIAM) List of Shells collected ... in the \\Vstern and Northwestern Territory [U.S.] See SCHOOL- I/RAIT (H. R.) Suniniary narrative of an Exploratory Expedition to the sources of the Mississippi River, <{•<•. Appendix V, no. 3. 8°. 1855. Cooper (WILLIAM) Report upon . . . Mollusca. Srt. VNITED STATES.— Pacific Railroad Survey. Reports, <{Y. Vol. i. Suppt. R. 3. 4°. 1859. Also inmed in Suckley & Cooler's " Natural History of Washington," .1.-. ['/.».] COOPER (\\'. M.) Caves, pp. 6 : I map. iO « ~7 Track from Katoomba to Jenolan 4°. Sydney, 1885. COOTE (CHARLES HENRY) [1839-1899] Early voyages and travels to Russia and Persia by A. Jenkinson and other Englishmen. Edited by ... C. H. Coote. 2 Vol. Set HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, />• M. 8°. [Philadelphia,] 1862. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. i'bilad. 18«2. Cope(E. D.) Sketch of the Primary Groups of Batrachia Salientia. pp. 24. 8°. [London, •<>!. \ in. Cope (E. D.) Report on the Vertebrate Fossils from the Fort Union Group of Milk River. See CANADA.— lirit ink Noi'th American Boundary Commission. Report the Coal Measures Tof Ohio]. See OHIO, State of. — Geological Survey. Report, &c. Vol. ii, pt. 2. 8°. 1875. Cope (E. D.) Synopsis of the Vertebrata whose remains have been preserved in the formations of North £ Carolina. See NORTH CAROLINA, State of.— Geological Siiri',-11. Report, &c. Vol. i. Appendix B. 8°. 1875. Cope (E. D.) Systematic catalogue of Vertebrata of the Eocene of New Mexico. Collected in 1874. /> See UNITED STATES. — Geographical and Geological c Explorations and Survej/s West of the One Hundredth Meridian. 8°. 1875. Cope (E. D.) The Vertebrata of the Cretaceous forma- ., tions of the West. See UNITED STATES.— Geological ft" and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Report, &c. Vol. ii. 4°. 1875. Cope (E. D.) Check-list of North American Batrachia and Reptilia ; with a systematic list of the higher Z- groups, and an essay on geographical distribution, art. 1. 8«. 1876 (1878). " Cope (E. D.) Report upon the extinct Vertebrata obtained in New Mexico . . . 1874. See UNITED /L STATES. — Geographical and Geological Explorations ™ and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. Reiwrt, &c. Vol. iv, pt. 2. 4". 1877. Cope (E. D.) See AMERICAN NATURALIST, THE . . . L. Edited by . . . E. D. Cope, 8°. Kjbenhavn, 1866-> Bd. v-vill form "Anilcn Heekke, Bd. i-iv," and Bd. ix-xi "Tredje Rwkke, Bd. l-in." French translations, or j-&w»w'*, of many of the pajwrs are given in Vol. vi-* bearing the second title in French. Copenhagen.— Botanisk Forening. Festskrift . . . i Anledning af dens Halvhundredaarsfest C . . . 1890, dec. pp.296: 10 pis. 8". JQi/ibenhavn, 1890. COPENHAGEN. Carlsberg Laboratoriet. [Founded 1875.] Meddelelser fra Carlsberg Laboratoriet. Udgivne ved 0 Laboratoriets Bestyrelse. Bd. i-» DAN. & FE. 8°. Kj^benham, (1878-) 188^-> Vol. n, hft. 2, wants the Flench retume. COPENHAGEN.— Dansk Geologisk Forening. Meddelelser, &c. No. l-» 8°. Aj^benhavn, 1894— > 6i- Each number comprises a seiarately paged paper. COPENHAGEN. Eiitomologisk Forening. Entomologiske Meddelelser udgivne af Entomologisk ^ Forening ved F. Meinert. Bd. i-» 8°. Kjifibenhavn, 1887-> COPENHAGEN. Kjobeiilxaviis Universitet. [Founded 1478.] / [From 1671-1679 the Medical and Philosophical treatises of this Academy, or selections from them, were pub- lished by T. Bartholin in his " ACTA MEDICA ET PHILO- SOPHIOA HAFNIENSIA " (q.v.). A translation of portions of this last appeared as "Extrait des Memoires de 1'Academie de Coi>enhague quant a la partie d'Histoire Naturelle " in the " COLLECTION ACADEMIQUE. Ptie. Etrangere," Tom. iv. 1757 (q.v.).] Copenhagen.— Kjobenhavns Universitet. Descriptio Musei Anthropologici Universitatis niensis. See SCHUMACHEE (H. C. F.) 4°. Copenhagen.— Kjobenhavns Universitet. Zoologiske Museum. Beretiiing om det Zoologiske Museum(s Virksomhed). 1875-76 (1876, 77). 3 No. 4". Kji/ibenhavn, 1877-79. Swrtryk af Univ. Aai-b. 1875-78. Copenhagen.— Kjobenhavns Uuiversitet. Zoologiske Museum. E Museo Lundii. En Samling af Afhandlinger om de i det indre Brasiliens Kalkstenshuler af . . . P. V. Lund udgravede og i den Lundske paUeontologiske Afdeling af Kj0benhavns Universitets Zoologiske Museum opbevarede Dyre- og Menneskeknogler . . . Udgivet af . . . C. F. Liitken. Bd. i-» 4°. Kjpbentiavn, 1888-s- /? /• Each iiaper is separately paged. Copenhagen. — Kj0beuhavns Universitet. Zoologiske Museum. Den nye Bygning for Universitetets Zoologiske _ Museum. See STEENSTEUP (J. J. S.) 8°. 1865. •<- Copenhagen.— Kjobenhavns Universitet. Zoologiske Museum. Dijmphna-Togtets zoologisk-botaniske Udbytte, enhttgeti,] 1891. Nine mounted photographs, with explanations. ./?/- 382 L. 7/ L 7/. o. C. Copenhagen. Kjobeuhavus Universitet. Xoolm.itfkt .Museum. The Danish Ingolf- Expedition. 6 Vol. See DENMARK. — Ingdf Expedition. 4°. 1899-» COPENHAGEN. - Kjobenhaviisk Selskab af Laerdoms og Videnskabers Elskere. .SVrinfra,KoNOELIOTDANSK\III>KNSKABERNEsSEI.SK All. COPENHAGEN. Kommissioiien for det Arua- Magnaeanske Legat. Islenzkir Annalar, sive Annales Islandici ab anno Christi 803 ad annum 1430. Ex Legati Arn«-Magn;eani et Magnre Bibliothecie Regia; Hafniensis melioris note codicibus . . . cum interpretatione Latina, variis lectio- nibus, prolegomenis, &c. [Commenced by A. Kail, con- tinued DV H. Einarson, T. GutSmunSsson, J. Sigurftsson and E. 0. Werlauff.] (De Annalibus Islandicis, im- ]irimis de illorum, quae hie j)rodit, editione. Auctore E. C. Werlauff.) pp. I, 478. 4°. Ha/nice, 1847. Copenhagen.— Kommissionen for det Araa-Mag- uaeauske Lagat. Bidrag til en historisk-topografisk Beskrivelse af Island ved. P. E. K. Kalund. I. Syd- og Vest-Fj»rdingerne. pp. [x,] 636 : 9 maps, engraved title. 8°. Xjpbenhavn, 1877. wanting the second part. COPENHAGEN. Kongeligt Dansk Videiiska- bernes Selskab. [1742 Founded as Kjfxnhnmik Selikab nj' Lnenlouu og Vuteiukalxri BUk-ert. 1776 Kongeligt ridcmtabrn Selikab. 1780 Koiiyeligt Dantk Videml-aherna Seldcab.} Skrifter, &c. Deel i-xtf 4°. Kjtbenkavn, 1745-79. [(Continued at :] / Nye Samling af det . . . Skrifter. 15eel i-v. [Continued as:] Det ... Skrivter, dfcc. Bind t-vi. / 4". ^>&«tAat^l802-18. [Continued as .'] Det . . . riaturvidenskabelige og mathematiske Afhand- linger. /Deel I-XH. / 4°. Kj^bejOuivn, 1824-46. / [Continued as :] Det . . . Skrifter. Femte Ridflce. Naturvidenskabelig og mathematisk Afdeling. Bind i-xn. 4°. Xjtbenharfn, 1849-80. t. Bind i-» < In H.-fkki- V, bd. vnir* each paper forms a se a distinct |ngination in addition to the current number, and has apc, nor is tile place of >rint named. Tin- volnuM for 18IH1-* are each in the* separately ed i»ut« :— Overaigt lulling: and Resume (or abstj^ct, in French, •it the I»|*n). Copenhagen. -K. Dansk Videnskabernes Selskab. Beretning om . . . hundrcdaarige Jubelfest . . . 1842. 8°. Kjobenhavn [1842]. Copenhagen. X. Dansk Videnskabernes Selskab. . PwtafMMi over de af det . . . Selskab i Tidsrummet 1742 1891 udgivne vidonskabclige Arbejder. pp. x, 135. 8°. Ktbenhavn, 1892. Copenhagen. K. Dansk Videnskabernes Selskab. • I )cs . . . E. Olafsensx und ydes . . . B./PovelaenB Reise durch Island . . , bcschricben von/. . .B; Olafsen. f^ Aus dem Diinisclren iibersetzt [By 4. M. Ueuss. Witli " Vorbericht " by G. Schiiinning to ThMj, £c./2 Thl. [in 1 Vol.] illitft. 4". Koi*niuvjri< •>, 1774-75. Copenhagen.— K. Dansk Videnskabernes Selskab. Voyage en Isjande . . . Tradyjit du Danois par Gauthier- De-Ijaf>eyronie [Vol. iv ife v by M. Biornepod],^. 5 Tom. & Atfas. 8°. & 4°. Paris, 1802. Copenhagen.- K. Dansk Videnskabernes Selskab. Symbols Caricologicic . . . Opus posthumum ab Academia . . . editutn. See DRE.IEK (S. T. N.) fol. 184-1. COPENHAGEN. Kongeligt Landhuushold- 8 ningsselskab. Anviisning til at kjende de Danske Foderurter, Fremte Aartis. Aargang l-» 8°. Kjobenhavn, 1890-» COPENHAGEN. Uuiversitas Havnieusis. See sui>ra, KJ0BENHAVNS ITNIVERSITET. COFFZ (FKANOESCO) Stndii di Paleontologia leono- grafica del Modenese, &c. Pt. i.t I petrefatti classe dei Molluschi Cefalati. pp. 3, 41 : 3 pis. 4>.Modena,l$72. COFFINGEB, (RICHARD WILLIAM) Rejwrt on Peter- mann Glacier. See NARES (Sir G. S.) K.C.B. Narra- tive of a Voyage to the Polar Sea during 1875-6 . . . Second edition. Vol. n. Appendix No. 16. 8°. 1878. Coppinger (K. W.) Cruise of the "Alert," Four years in Patagonian, Polynesian, and Mascarene \Vi>' -i - (1878-82), &c. pp. xiii, 256 : 16 pis. 8°. London, 1883. Coppinger (R. \V.) [Summary of the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Alert.'] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Report on the Zoological Collections made . . . during the Voyage of H.M.S. ' Alert ' 1881-82. 8°. 1884. L.. 2. ~ • _ Q. 383 £ COQUAND (HENRI) [1813-1882] Traite des Kochea considerees au point de vue de leur origine, de leur composition, de leur gisement et leurs applications a la Gemogie et a 1'Industrie. Suivi de la description des Minerals qui fournissent les Metaux utiles. pp. x, 1$S: text Must. 8°. Paris & Besanfon, 1857. Mfoi. Soc. Emul. Douba. Besangon. Ser. Ill, vol. 1, 1866. Coquand (H.) Description physique, geologique, paleon- tologique et mineralogique du departement de la Charente. 2 Tom. 8°. Besancon, 1858-60. Coquand (H.) Synopsis des Animaux et des Vegetaux fossiles observes dans les formations Secondaries de la Charente, de la Charente-Inferieure et de la Dordogne. pp. 146. 8°. Marseille, 1860. Coquand (H.) Geologic et Paleontologie de la region sud de la province de Constantine. pp. 341 : text Must. Atlas, 35 pis. 8°. & 4°. Marseille, 1862. Mem. Soc. Enml. Provence. Marseille. Tom. n. Coquand (H.) Monographic du genre Ostrea. — Terrain Cretace. pp. 315. Atlas, 75 }>ls. 8°. & fol. Marseille, Paris, &c., 1869. Coquand (H.) Etudes supplementaires sur la Paleon- tologio Algerienne, faisant suite k la description geologique et pal6ontologique de la region sud de la province de Constantine. pp. 449- 8°- -Bone, 1880. Hull. Acad. Hippone. Bone. No. 15. COQUEBERT DE MONTBRET (ANTOINE FRAN- COIS ERNEST) [1780-1801] Reflexions sur quelques po|nts de comparaison k etablir entre les Plantes d'Egypte et celles de France. See, FRANCE.— Com- mission (KEgypte. Description de 1'Egypte, &c. His- toire naturelle. Tom. i, pt. 1. 4°. 1809. COQUEBERT DE MONTBRET (ANTOINE JEAN) [1753-1825] lllustratio iconographica Insectorum quse in Musoeis Parisinis observavit et in lucem edidit J. C. Fabricius, dec. Decas i-m. pp. 143 : 30 pis. col. 4°. Parims, Ann. vil [1799] -1804. Some copies of the original issue of Decas i have the following title: — "Synonymia iconograpbia Insectorum a . . . Fabricio descrip- toruni in Mussnis Parisiensibus." COQUEBERT DE MONTBRET (CHARLES ETIENNE) Baron [1755-1831] Journal des Mines . . . par . . . Coquebert-Montbret. Tom. xv-xxxvin. See ANNALES DES MINES. 8°. 1804-15. Coquebert de Montbret (C. &.) Baron. See DIC- TIONARIES. Dictionnaire des Sciences naturelles, &c. Tom. i-vi. 8". 1804-17. COQUEREL (CHARLES) [1822-1867] Liste des Coleop- ^ teres, Hemipteres et Diptferes. See VINSON (A.) Voyage a Madagascar, &c. Annexe C-E. 8°. 1865. L- COQUILLE, LA, French Corvette. Voyage autour 1-tJl- du Monde . . . sur ... La Coquille, pendant . . . 1822-25, &c. See FRANCE. 4°. & fol. 1826-30. Coquille, La,A French Corvette. Remarques sur la Xoologie des lies Malouines, faites pendant le voyage autour du monde de la corvette La Coquille, execute en 1822-25. See GARNOT (P.) 8°. 1826. L, Coqnille, La, French Corvette. Voyage medical Jo o.L autour du Monde execute sur ... La Coquille, &c. See LESSON (R. P.) 8°. 1829. COQUILLETT (DANIEL WILLIAM) Revision of the Tachinidae of America North of Mexico, &c. pp. ISO. £ See. UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. [Bulletin.] Technical Series. No, 7, 8°. 1897. T B e e e CORBIE ( ) 4fe Boitard (P.) Les Pigeons de yoliere et de colombier, &c. See BOITARD (P.) & CORBIE ( ). 8°. 1824. CORBIE RE XL^^NouveJie^liTore de NjyaHa'ndie.jfc*. pp. xvi,JjH6T^ ^^w. Caejtf^893. CORBYN (FREDERICK) See INDIA REVIEW, THE . . . Edited by F. Corbyn, &c. Vol. n & in. 4°. [1837-] 1839. CORDA (AUGUST CARL JOSEPH) [1809-1849] Die Pilze Deutschlands. See STURM (J.) Deutschlands Flora, &c. Abth. ra, hft. 6, 9, 11-15, 19,20. 12". 1828-41. Corda (A. C. J.) Cryptogamie. See STURM (J.) Deutschlands Flora, &c. Abth. n, hft. 18, 21, 25. 12°. 1829-33. Corda (A. C. J.) Monographia Rhizospermarum et Hepaticorum. Die Wurzelfarren und Lebermoose nacn ihren Gattungen und Arten, dec. Hft. i.t pp.16: 6 pis. 4°. Prog, 1829. Corda (A. C. J.) Deutschlands Jungermannien. &c. See STURM (J.) Deutschlands Flora, &c. Abth. n, hft. 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27. 12°. 1830-35. Corda (A. C. J.) Ueber den Bau des Pflanzen-Stammes. pp. 35. 8°. Prog, 1836. Beitr. Gesam. Natur- nnd Heilwissenschaft. Bd. r, hft. n. Corda (A. C. J.) Icones Fungorum hucusque cogni- torum. — Abbildungen der Pilze und Schwamme. 6 Tom. [in 1] illust. fol. Pragce, 1837-54. Printed in double column. Corda (A. C. J.) Uiber Spiral faserzellen in dem Haar- gefiechte der Trichien, &c. pp. 8: 1 pi. 4". Prog, 1837. Corda (A. C. J.) Skizzen zur vergleichenden Phytotomie vor- und jetztweltlicher Pflanzen-Stamme. See STERN- BERG (C. VON) Count. Versuch einer geognostisch- botanischen Darstellung der Flora der Vorwetl. Hft. 8. fol. 1838. Corda (A. C. J.) Deutschlands Algen. See STURM (J.) Deutschlands Flora, r7G- #OO/r~i (Phanerogames, Cryptoganies Vasculaires, M n6es) avec I'indication des proprietes . . . des Plantes. pp. xxvii, 574. 8°. Paris, 1895. CORDES (J. W. H.) Het zamcnstel der voornaamste Europesche Houtsoorten, Ac. pp. ii, 128 : 3 pis. 8°. Haarlem, 1857. CORDIENNE (ALEXANDRE JOSEPH) [1796-1826] Notice topo-phytographique abregee de quelques lieux D du Jura, de 1 Helvetic & de la Savoie. Par un Avocat de Dole (Cordienne). pp. 30. 8°. Dole, 1822. CORDIER (FRANCOIS SIMON) [1797-1874] Guide de (D 1' Amateur de Champignons, ou precis de ITiistoire des Champignons . . . qui croissent sur le sol de la France, gr-4r,.] Wanting. S LP- S / 8°. 1849. 8°. 1861. rfother edition.] issue.] Cordier (P. L. A.) Rapport sur un travail de M. E. l_ Rol>ert, intitule : Recueil de recherches geologiques sur -r les dernieres traces que la mer a laissees a la surface des continents dans iTiemisphere du Nord, notamment en Europe. Set FRANCE. — Commission Scientifique du Nord. Voyages ... en Scandinavie, AT. Geologic . . . l>ar E. Robert. [Pt. 2.] 8°. [c.1845.] ar C. d'Orbigny. See ORBIGNY (A. C. V. D. D'). 8°. 1868. CORDINER (./AMES) [1775-1836] A description of Ceylon, containing an account of the country, inhabi- tants, and natural productions, Ac. 2 Vol. Must. 4°. London, 1807. CORDOVA. — Exposition nacional, 1871. Boletin oficial, Ac. Vol. v-vii ( = Serie de memorias No. 1-18.) 8°. Buenos Aires, 1872-3. CORDOVA. Acadcmia nacional de Ciencias Cexactaa existente en la Universidad de Cor- / doba). Boletin, Ac. Toino i-> 8°. Buenos Aires, 1874-» Indice de loft Tomos i a x. pp. xix. 8°. [Buenos Aires, 1892.] Cordova. Academia nacional de Ciencias, &c. Actas, Ac. Tom. i-» 4°. Buenos Aires, 1875-» CORDOVA. Sociedad Entomologica Argentina. See infra, SOCIKUAD ZOOLOOICA AKOENTINA. CORDOVA.— Sociedad Zoologica Argentina. (1874 Founded a> Sotiedad BntomolAgica Argentina. 1875 Sociedmt Zootogica Argentina.] Peri6dico Xoologigo. Organo de la Sociedad, Ac. Tomo I-IIL 4°. Buenos Aires, Cordoba, 1874-81. : CORDOVA.— Universidad nacional. Informe . . . sobre la niarcba del Museo Mineral6gico existente en la Universidad . . . desde . . . 1875 hasta 1878 tf\ ( — Aiio 1879), y su estado actual. 2 No. 8°. [Cordova, 1879 1 (1880 ?)] CORDUS (EuRicius) [pseud. i.e. HEINRICH EBER- WEIN] [1486-1535] E. Cordi . . . Botanologicon, Ac. Q pp. 185 [22\. 8°. Colonial, 1534. Cordus (E.) E. Cordi . . . Judicium de Herbis et Simplicibus medicinae, Ac. See DIOSCORIDES (P.) P. /) Dioscoridis de medicinali materia libri sex, Ac. fol. 1549. ' Cordns (E.) E. Cordus. Eine biographische Skizze aus Q der Reformationszeit. See KRAUSE (C.) 8°. 1863. L CORDUS (VALERIUS) [pseud, i.e. V. EBERWEIN] [1515- 1544] P. Dioscoridis de medicinali materia libri sex . . . accesserunt ... V. Cordi annotationes, Ac. See DIGS- A CORIDES (P.) fol. 1549. Cordns (V.) In hoc volumine continentur V. Cordi . . . Annotationes in P. Dioscoridis . . . de Medica Materia libros v . . . ejusdem V. Cordi Historian Stirpium lib. mi . . . Sylva, qua reruin fossilium in Germania g plurimarum, Metallorum, Lapidum & Stirpium . . . per- sequitur . . . De artificiosis extractionibus liber. Coni- positiones medicinales aliquot . . . His accedunt Stocc-hornii et Nessi . . . montium . . . descriptio 15. Aretii . . . Item C. Gesneri de Hortis Germania' liber . . . Omnia . . . C. Gesneri . . . collecta et pra^fationibus illustrata. [pp.xvi,]foll. .101 [pp. 7//]. fol. [Stra»lurg^ 1501. Cordns (V.) V. Cordi . . . Stirpium descriptions liber a quintns . . . Editio nova . . . adnotationibus ex Gesneri Codice, Ac. See GESNER (C.) C. Gesneri . . . Opera Botanica, Ac. fol. 1563. Cordus (V.) V. Cordi . . . de Halosantho sen Spermate i Ceti vulgo dicto, liber, Ac. foil. 37. See Gv.*yKR (C.) ~S De omni rerum fossilium genere, Ac. 8°. 1565/^J CORE A. See' K ORE A . CORFIELD (W. H.) & Cassal (C. E.) Public Health , Laboratory Work. Part n.— Hygienic laboratory. P See LONDON. — International Health Exhibition, 1884. 8°. 1884. CORK CUVIERIAN SOCIETY. See CUVF.RIAN SOCIETY OF CORK. CORK NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. See. IRISH NATURALIST, THE . . . official organ of the L . . . Club, Ac. Vol. i-> 8°. 1892-» CORNALIA (EMiLio) [1824-1882] Vertebratorum synopsis in Museo Mediolanense extantium quiu |»T novam orbem C. Osculati collegit annis 1846-48, Ac < pp. 16: Ipl. 8°. Modoetice, 1849 [Another edition.] See OSCULATI (G.) Esplora- , zione delle regioni . . . delle Amazzoni, Ac. 8°. 1850. Cornalia (E.) Su alcune Caverne ossifere dei monti del I>ago di Como. pp. S3 : 1 pi. 8°. [Boloyna, law.] £. Nno»l Ann. Sci. nat.'Bologna. Ser. Ill, vol. I. 385 Al L. 9*1-6 Cornalia (E.) II Regno Minerale elementarmente esposto. pp. viii, 318 : 8 pis. (1 col.) 8". Milano, 1854. Seconda edizione con aggiunte e note di C. Marinoni. pp. xi, 368 : 1 pi. (col.), text Must. 8°. Milano, 1871. Cornalia (E.) Sulle branchie transitorie dei Feti Plagiostomi, &c. pp. 26 : 3 pis. 4°. (Milano, 1857.) Giorn. I. R. Istit. Lombardo. Tom. ix, 1856. Cornalia (E.) Sulla monografia del Bombice del Gelso del Dottor E. Cornalia, &c. See VILLA (A.) 8°. 1857. Cornalia (E.) Mammiferes fossiles^de Lombardie, &c. [ — Vertebjatartbllected from^tfe«r15one-bed at AzzM&aT] •$£0-STo"ppANi(A.) PabterttoTogie Lombarde, &c^&t. n. AZ_o o ovv. VA fp -Si ifli (je • $p 4V 1858-71. Cornalia (E.) Descrizione di una nuova specie del genere : Felts — Felis jacobita (Corn.), &c. pp. 9 : 1 pi. Sopra i caratteri microscopici offerti dalle Cantaridi e da altri Coleotteri facili a confondersi con esse, &c. pp. 39 : 3 pis. See ee MILAN.— SOCIETA ITALIANA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Memorie, dkc. Tom. i, no. 1 & 10. 4°. 1865. Cornalia (E.) Fauna d' Italia, 4 Pt. 4°. Milano, &c. [1870-74.] Ft. i. Catalogo descrittivo dei Mammiferi osaervati fine ad ora in Italia, compilato dal Prof. E. Cornalia. pp. 79. [1870-72.] „ II. Uccelli per T. Salvador!. pp. Ivi, S5%. [1871-72." ill. Pesci per G. Canestrini. pp. SOS. IV. Rettili ed Anflbi per B. de Betta. pp. 107. [1871-72.] [1874.] Cornalia (E.) & Chiozza (L.) Cenni geologici sull' Istria. pp.37:2pls.,lmapgeol.col. 4°. Milano, 1852. Giorn. I. R. Istit. Lombardo. Ser. II, torn. in. COB.IfAB.IUS (JANUS) [1500-1558] Dioscorides. I. TOV Kopvapiov ds AiotricopiSav, &c. . . See DIOSCORIDES (P.) . 4°. 1529. Cornarius (J.) P. Dioscoridoe . . . de Materia Medica libri v, J. Cornario . . . interprete ; ejusdem J. Cor- narii emblemata singulis capitibus adjecta, &c. See DIOSCORIDES (P.) fol. 1507. Cornarius (J.) J. Cornarii theologise vitis viniferae, libri tres . . . Editi studio ... A. Sculteti, &c. pp. [xvi,] 398 [839] [31]. 8". Heidelbergce, 1614. Cornarius (J.) Marbodi liber Lapidum . . . Additis observationibus . . . Cornarii, &c. See MARBODUS, Bishop of Rennes. 8°. 1799. CORNELI (R.) Der Fischotter: dessen Naturge- schichte, Jagd und Fang, nebst einer Abhandlung uber den Otterhund und dessen Gebrauch. pp. 148 : text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1885 [i.e. 1884]. CORNELISSEN (C. H.) Reizen in Midden-Sumatra. 1877-1879 . . . beschreven door C. H. Cornelissen, &c. See AMSTERDAM. — AARDRIJKSKUNDIG GENOOTSCHAP. Midden-Sumatra, &c. Deel i, gedeelte 2. 4°. 1882. CORNELIUS (CARL) Die Zug- und Wander-Thiere aller Thierklassen, &c. pp. viii, 341. 8". Berlin, 1865. CORNELIUSSEN (O. A.) Det nordlige Norges Geologi. Med bidrag af . . . O. A. Corneliussen, &c. See NORWAY. — NORGES GEOLOGISKE UNDERSOGELSE. 8°. 189*/ CORNELL UNIVERSITY. See ITHACA. CORNET (FRAN90IS LEOPOLD) [1834-1887] & Briart (A.) Description mineralpgique et stratigraphique de „ 1'etage inferieur du terrain Creiace du Hainaut, &c. pp. 46 : 2 pis. col. See BRUSSELS.— ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, &c. Memoires couronnes, &c. Tom. xxxin. 4°. 1867. Suivie de la Description des Vegetaux fossiles de cet etage, par M. E. Coemans. 2 Pt. See BRIART (A.) & CORNET (F. L.) 4°, 1867, Cornet (F. L.) & Briart (A.) Description minera- £. logique, geologique et paleontologique de la Meule de Bracquegnies, &c. pp. 92: 8 pis. See BRUSSELS.— <- ACADEMIE HO YALE DES SCIENCES, &C. Memoires <. _. --, couronnes, &c. Tom. xxxiv. 4°. 1870. Cornet (F. L.) & Briart (A.) Sur la Division de L . 1'etage de la Craie Blanche du Hainaut en quatre assises, ,. &c. pp. 26: 1 pi. col. See BRUSSELS. — ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, &c. Memoires couronnes, 4°. 1871-89. CORNEVIN (CHARLES ERNEST) [1846-1897] Traite de Zootechnie speciale. Les Oiseaux de Basse- Cour.d&c. ~z. pp. x, 322 : 4 pis. col., text illust. 8°. Paris, 1895. CORNIL (ANDRE VICTOR) [1837-] & Babes (V.) Les Bacte'ries et leur role dans 1'anatomie et 1'histologie Q pathologiques des maladies infectieuses, &c. pp. vii, 696 : text illust. (col.) Atlas, 27 pis. col. 8°. Paris, 1885. Deuxieme edition, &c. pp. vi, 839 : 4pls. col., text ,& illust. (col.) ' 8°. Paris, 1886. CORNING (HANSON KELLY) Merocyten und Um- wachsungsrand bei Teleostiern. See HAECKEL (E. H.) 6 others. Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage ~Z- von C. Gegenbaur, &c. Bd. n. 8°. 1896. CORNISH (THOMAS) [1830-] [Reptilia, Amphibia and Pisces of Cornwall, revised by T. Cornish.] _, See ROYAL INSTITUTION OP CORNWALL. The Cornish Z. Fauna, &c. [Second edition.] Pt. I. 8°. 1878. Cornish (T.) Crustaceans. See LONDON. — Great International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. 8°. 1883. "Z. Cornish (T.) Mackerel and Pilchard Fisheries. See LONDON. — Great International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. 8°. 1883. CORNU (MARIE ALFRED) [1841-] Recherches sur la reflexion cristalline. pp. 108 : 2 pis. 4°. Paris, 1867. r? Re-sot, on large paper, from " Ann. de Chimie," Tom. xi. 10,01 CORNU (MAXIME) [18437] Monographic des Sapro- „ legniees. Etude physiologique et systematique. pp.198: \j 7 pis. 8°. [Paris, 1872.] Ann. Sci. Nat. Ser. V, Bot., torn. xv. [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Ministere de \_ . I'lnstrucfion Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des r<;iKrtKNHAt;KN(K.F.G.) Biblioth&iue d'Horticulture et de Jardinago. , CORRISFONDENZA ZOOLOGICA destinata a diffondere nel Regno delle Due Sicilie tutto cio che si va discuoprendo entro e fuori Europa (e vice-versa) ^ risguardante la Zoologia in generale. Redatta da O. G. Costa. Ann. i.t pp. 194 : 12 pis. (col.) 8°. Napoli, 1839. CORRY (THOMAS HUGHES) [1862-1883] & Stewart (S A.) A Flora of the north east of Ireland, dec. A See STEWART (S. A.) & CORRY (T. H.) 8°. 1888. C CORSI (FAUSTINO) [1771-1845] Delle Pietre Antiche ^ . . . Edizione teraa, &c. pp. 448: 1 pi. 8°. Roma, 1845. M\ The first edition appeared in 1833. CORTAZAR (DANIEL DE) Datos para la Geologia de la provincia de Cuenca, &c. ^ pp. 2. Datos geo!6gico-mineros de las provincias de Zamora y Orense. pp. 17. See SPAIN. — Comisidn del Mapa Geoldgico. Boletin, &c. Tom. I. 8°. 1874. Cortazar ( D. DE) Reseiia Fisica y Geol6gica de la region norte de la provincia de Almeria. pp. 74 •' text Must. See SPAIN.— Comisidn del Mapa Geoldgico. Boletin, &c. (f Tom. II. 8°. 1875. Cortazar (D. DE) Descripcion Ffsica, Geol6gica y Agrologica de la provincia de Cuenca. pp. xm, 40G : 3 pis. (1 col.), 1 map col., text Must. See SPAIN.— Comisidn del Mapa Geoldgico. Memorias, &c. 8°. 1875. Cortazar (D. DE) La Geologia en la Exposicion de Filadelfia. pp. 14. See SPAIN.— Comisidn del Mapa Geoldgico. Boletin, &c. Tom. III. 8°. 1876. Cartazar (D. DE) Descripcion Fisica, Geol6gica y ' Agrol6gica de la provincia de Valladolid. See SPAIN.— Comisidn del Mapa Geoldgico. Memorias, &c. 8°. 1877.' Cortazar (D. DE) Expedicion Geologica por la provincia de Toledo en 1877. Q. pp. G. en 1878. pp. 7 : 1 map. See SPAIN.— Comisidn del Mam Geoldgico. Boletin, dec. Tom. v. 8°. 1878. Cortazar (D. DE) Descripcion de un nuevo Equmodermo de la Isla de Cuba. Encope doe, n.sp. pp. 6 : 2 ids. Resefia Fisica y Geologica do la provincia de Ciudad- Real. pp. 41 : 1 map col., text illust. See SPAIN.— Comisidn del Mapa Geoldgico. Boletin, &c. Tom. vn. 8". 1880. Cortazar (D. DE) El hundimiento de Puigcerc6s en 1881. pp. 7. See SPAIN.— Comisidn del Mapa Or Geoldgico. Boletin, &c. Tom. via. 8°. 1881. Cortazar (D. DE) Clasificacion y colorido en los Mapas Geol6gicos. pp. 14: 1 fl- col. See SPAIN.- Comisidn del Mapa Geoldgico. Boletin, &c. Tom. i\. 8 I 1882. 387 , L it- tt tLo Cortazar (D. DE) Cuenca de Henarejos. pp. 9: text illust. See SPAIN. — Comisidn del Mapa Geoldgico. Boletin, (fee.. Tom. x. 8°. 1883. Cortazar (D. DE) El pozo artesiano de Vitoria. pp. 14 : text illust. See SPAIN. — Comisidn del Mapa Geoldgico. Boletin, &c. Tom. XL 8°. 1884. Cortazar (D. DE) Bosquejo Fisico-geol6gico y Minero de la provincia de Teruel. pp. 345 : 1 pi., 1 map col., text illust. See SPAIN. — Comisi6n del Mapa Geoldgico. Boletin, &c. Tom. xii. 8°. 1885. The map is entitled : — " Mapa Geoidgico de la provincia de Teruel . . . Escala de 1 : 400,000" [i.e. 1 in. = 6J m. about]. Cortazar (D. DE) Catalogo de una Coleccion de Rocas entregada a la Facultad de Medicina de Madrid, pp. 91. See SPAIN. — Comisidn del Mapa Geoldgico. Boletin, &c. Tom. xvi. 8°. 1890. Cortazar (D. DE) I)escripci6n Fisica y Geol6gica de la provincia de Segovia, pp. 234 •' 1 map geol. col., text Must. See SPAIN. — Comisidn del Mapa Geologico. Boletin, &c. Tom. xvn. 8". 1891. Cortazar (D. DE) odes). pp. 374 •' 18 $*• See PARIS. — SOCIET£ GEOLOCIIQUE DE FRANCE. Memoires, 8°. Nantes [1895-»] Ball. Soc. Sci. Nat. Quest France. Nantes. Tom. v -> Cossmann (A. E. M.) See REVUE CRITIQUE DE PALEO- ZOOLOGIE : organe . . . publi6 sous la direction de M. Cossmann. Tom. i-> 8°. 1897-> (A. E. M^" Contribution k la Paletjptologie des terrains Jurasufques. — Gastropodes : Fascyi-> See PAIRS. — SOCIET&'OE'OLOGIQUE FRANCE. Memoires, Catal Cowwftrfn del J/ai>a Qeol / Cossmann (A. !•'.. M.) it Lambert (J.) Etude palton- tologique et stratigraphique sur le terrain Ohgocene inarm aox environs d Etampes. pp.187, 1 tab. : G pis., text tiltut. See PARIS.— SOCIKT£ oioLoonjuE DK FRANCE. Memoires, und Mursuk 1865 gesammelten Pflanzen. See ROHLFS L • (F. G.) Quer durch Afrika, - de Paris, pp. viii, 68 : 3 pis. 8°. Paris, 1840. Cosson (E. ST.-C.) & Germain de Saint Pierre (E.) Flore . . . des environs tie Paris, &c. 2 Pt. pp. Hi, )f? 731 : 1 map. Atlas, 41 pis. 12°. Paris, 1845. " Ouvrage faiaant suite ;'i la tiartie botanique da Count eleinentaire d'His- toire Natnrelle de . . . A. de Jnssieu, Mtlne-Edvarda et Bendant." Deuxieme 6dition. pp. liv, 962 : 1 map. Atlas, , 47 pis. 8°. Pans, 1861, 82. C Cosson (E. ST.-C. i ,v Germain de Saint Pierre (E.) j [Synopsis analytique de la Flore des environs de Paris, U &c. 12°. Paris, 184:..] Wanting. Troisieme Edition, pp. I, 646. 12°. Paris, 1876. O Cosson (K. ST.-C.) & Kralik(L.) Catalogue des Plantes 5 observues en Syrie et en Palestine . . . 1850 a ... 1851 par MM. de Saulcy et Michon. pp.vii,20. 4f>.2\iris,lS54. Cosson (E. ST.-C.) & Xralik (L.) Sertulum Tunetanuui. Notes sur quelques plantes rares ou nouvelles recueillies^ en 1854 ]»r M. L. Kralik dans le Sud de la Rdgence deD Tunis. 8°. Paris, 1857. Bull. Soc, Bot. France. Tom. iv. : 389 Cosson (E. ST.-C.) & others. Introduction h une Flore . . . des environs de Paris, suivie d'un Catalogue raisonne des Plantes Vasculaires de cette region ; par E. Cosson, E. Germain [de Saint Pierre] et A. Weddell. pp. 163. 12°. Paris, 1842. For a criticism of this work, Sec M£BAT (F. V.) Revue de la Flore Parisienne, Jx. Supplement au Catalogue raisonne des Plantes Vascu- laires des environs de Paris . . . par E. Cosson et E. Germain [de Saint Pierre], accompagne d'une Lettre ... par M. A. Boreau. pp. 94. 12°. Paris, 1843. iff? COSTA (ACHILLE) [1823^] Fauna del Regno di Napoli ntinuata da A. Costa. See COSTA (O. G.) 4°. continuata i L> A. Costa wrote the sections on Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Neuroptera, and completed those on Pteropoda, Crustacea and Orthoptera. Costa (ACHILLE) Degl' Insetti che attaccano 1" albero ed il frutto dell' Olivo, del Ciliegio, del Pero, del Melo, del Castagno e della Vite, e le semenze del Pisello, della Lenticchia, della Fava e del Grano. Loro descrizione e biologia danni che arrecano e mezzi per distruggerli, dec. pp. 197 : 10 pis. 4°. Napoli, 1857. Edizione seconda, &c. pp. 340 : 13 pis. col. 4°. Napoli, 1877. Costa (ACHILLE) Ricerche Entomologiche sopra i Monti Partenii nel principato ulteriore. pp. 29 : 1 pi. 8°. Napoli, 1858. Costa (ACHILLE) Annuario del Museo Zoologico della R. Universita di Napoli per A. Costa. Anno i-vi. See NAPLES. — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. 4". 1862-71. Costa (ACHILLE) Nuovi studii sulla Entomologia della Calabria ulteriore. pp. 80: 4 pis. See NAPLES.— REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, &C. Atti, &C. Vol. I, no. 2. 4°. 1863. Costa (ACHILLE) Wanting. Quarta edizione, &c. pp. viii [Lezioni di Zoologia, &c. 8°. Napoli, 1863.] i,J28,20: 22 pis. 8°. Napoli, 1876. Costa (ACHILLE) Di una singolare Cocciniglia della Fauna Italiana, e di alcuni Ortotteri Blattidei. pp. 12 : • 1 pi. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, &c. Atti, liob-6> Atti, &c. Ser. II, vol. I, no. 10 ; in, no. 2 ; iv, no. 5 ; v, no. 14. 4°. 1888-93. Costa (ACHILLE) Imenotteri Italiani. Famiglie Pompili- dei, Dolicuridei, Scoliidei, Sapigidei, Tifiidei, Mutillidei. pp. 119 : 8 pis. [Continued as /f Prospetto degli Imenot- teri Italiani. Parte Terza. Tentredinidei e Siricidei. pp. 211: 3 pis. See NAPLES.— RE ALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, &c. Atti, &c. Ser. II, vol. in, no. 1 ; vn, no. 1. 4°. 1889, 95. The first part, Sphegidse, was published in the "Ann. Mus. Zool. R. 2 Univ. Napoli," Ann. iv-vi. COSTA (ANTONIO CIPRIANO) [1817-1886] Programa S. y resumen de las lecciones de Botanica General, dadas >^^. en la catedra. pp. xii, 252, 3 tabs. 8°. Barcelona, 1859. Costa (ANTONIO C.) Introduccion A la Flora de C'ata- luua y Catalogo razonado de las Plantas observadas /§ en esta region, pp. Ixxi, 343. 8°. Barcelona, 1864. Ampliacion, &c. 2 Pt. pp. 91. See MADRID. — * SOCIEDAD ESPAJfOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. L, . S . / Anales, &c. Tom. n & m. 8°. 1873, 74. Also issued as a separate work. [Another edition] con un supplemento. pp. Ixxxiii, f, 353, 96. 8°. Barcelona, 1877. • Costa (ANTONIO C.) Apuntes sobre dos especies nuevas de la Flora Catalana. pp. S. See MADRID.— SOCIEDAD L . ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &C. Tom. V. 8°. 1876. Costa (ANTONIO C.) Sesion solemne dedicada a honrar la memoria del ... botanico . . . A. C. Costa, &c. [_ . See BARCELONA. — REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS NATU- RALES Y ARTES. . 8°. 1896. COSTA (CHRISTOPHORUS A) See ACOSTA. COSTA (EMANUEL MENDES DA) A natural history of Fossils. [Vol. i, pt. l.t] pp. vi, [2,] 294 •' 1 pi- 4". London, 1757. <"'] Costa (E. M. DA) An essay towards a System of Mineralogy . . . Revised and corrected with some fY\ additional notes by E. M. da Costa. See CRONSTEDT (A. F.) 8°. 1770. Costa (E. M. DA) Elements of Conchology, &c. pp. viii, —? iii-vi, 31S, 1 tab. : 7 pis. 8°. London, 1776. Costa (E. M. DA) Historia naturalis Testaceorum Bri- tanniae, or the British Conchology ; containing the ... natural history of the SheDs of Great Britain and Ire- ~Z-* land. pp. xii, 254, vii •' 17 pis. col. 4°. London, 1778. English and French in parallel columns. COSTA (FRANCISCO ANTONIO PEREIRA DA) See PEREIRA DA COSTA. COSTA (GIUSEPPE) Fauna Salentina, ossia euumera- zione di tutti gli Animali che trovansi nelle diverse 2 contrade della provincia di terra d' Otranto e nelle acque de1 due mari che la Baguano, sistematico e ragionato de' Testacei delle due Sicilie. ^~ pp. 8, cxxxii : 2 pis. col. 4°. Napoli, 1829. Costa (O. G.) Fauna del Regno di Napoli ossia enumerazione di tutti gli Animali . . . contenente la descrizione de' nuovi o poco esattamente conosciuti di O. G. Costa (continuata da A. Costa). 19 Sections 2. in 1 1 Vol. Must. col. 4". Napoli, [1829-] 1832-70 [-86]. A. Costa wrote the sections on Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Neuroptera, and completed those on Pteropoda, Crustacea and Orthoptera. ^<~ 390 z Z Z z L. ,L L SB*. C Costa (O. G.) Cenni Zoologici, ossia descrizione som- maria delle specie nuove di Animali discoperti in diverse contrade del Regno nelF anno 1834, etc. pp. 90. 12°. Napoli, 1834. Costa (O. O.) See CORRISPONDENZA ZOOLOGICA . . . redatta da O. G. Costa. Anno i.t 8°. 1839. Costa (O. G.) Fauna Siciliana, ossia enumerazione di tutti gli Animali che abitano le diverse regioni dell' Isola e sue dipendenze e le acque che le bagnano. [pp. xxii .'] 4 pis. 4°. Napoli, 1840. The title is inscribed " Vol. i. Animali Vertebrati," but the work contains Inaecta and Molliuca only. Costa (O. G.) Monogratia degl' Insetti ospitanti sull' ulivo e nelle olive . . . Edizione n, etc. pp. 50 : 3 pis. col. 8°. Napoli, 1840. The first edition was apparently issued in the same year. Costa (O. G.) Paleontologia del Regno di Napoli, contenente la descrizione e figura di tutti gli avanzi organici fossili racchiusi nel suolo di questo regno. 3 Pt. illust. 4°. Napoli, 1850-63. Appendice 1', comprendente le classi de Vertebrati. pp. 127, 1 tab. : 10 j^s. 4°. Napoli, 1865. Costa (O. G.) Ittiologia fossile Italiana, opera da servire di supplemento alle richerche sui Pesci fossile de L. Agassiz, etc. Disp. i-v.t pp. viii, 67 : 5 pis. col. 4". Napoli, [1853-] 18.J5-56 [-73]. Costa (O. G.) Microdoride Mediterranea, o descrizione de' poco ben conosciuti od affatto ignoti viventi minuti e microscopici del Mediterraneo.efcc. Tom. i.t pp. xviii, 80: 13 pis. 8°. Napoli, 1861. Costa (O. G.) Di un nuovo genere di Anellide \Tele- psairus] dell' ordine de' Tubicolarii e della famiglia de' Chetopterini scoperto nel mare di Napoli. 8°. Napoli, 1861. In " Al Re d' Italia Vittorio Emmanuele Omaggio dell1 Accademia Pon- tantiana." pp. SS-63 : 1 pi. Costa (O. G.) Studj sopra i Terreni ad Ittioliti delle provincie Napolitane, etc. Pt. n-iv. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, : 2 fits. Degli Otoliti in generate e Iconografia di quelli propri de7 Pew' viventi nel Mediterraneo che bagna le pro- vincie Napolitane e la Sidlia, seguita da quella de' foMiili dei terreni Terziari delle niedesime regioni. pp. 37 : 3 pU. See NAPLES.— REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE BCIENZE, ax. Atti, (fee. Vol. in, no. 3, 12, 14 & 15. 4°. 1866-67. Costa (O. G.) O.G.Costa. Elogio.tfcc. See PANCERI (P.) 4°. 1868. Costa (O. G.) Foraminiferi della mania del Vaticano illustrati da O.G.Costa. [By C. Fornasini.] See PALAEON- TOORAPHIA ITALICA, etc. Vol. i. 4°. 1896. COSTA RICA. Museo Nacioiial. Xc SAN JOSE.— MUSEO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA. COSTA RICA. [J/ttyw.l Mapa hist6rico-geografico < de Costa Rica y del Ducado de Veragua por D. M. M. L. de Peralta. [Scale 1 : 1,000,000, or 1 in. = 15 J m. about.] 1$£4 Sec BARR ANTES (F. M.) Geografia de Costa Rica. 8°. 1892. 0 COSTJEUS (JOANNES) [-1603] De universali Stirpium natura libri duo, etc. pp. [wit,] 496 [15]. 4°. Au(/uske 1'aurinorum, 1578. COSTANTIN (JULIEN) Les Vegetaux et les Milieux Cosmiques. (Adaptation — Evolution.) pp. 292: text D Must. S". Paris, 1898. Forming Vol. LXXXVIII of the " Uibliuthe:|ue ncieutiniiue internationale." Costaiitiii (J.) La Nature Tropicale. pp. SIS. 8°. Paris, 1899. COSTE (EUGENE) Report on the Gold Mines of the £ Lake of the Woods, pp. 22. See CANADA.— Geological Survey. Report of Progress. 1882-84, K. 8°. 1884 (1885). Coste (E.) Statistical report on the production, value, exports and imports of Minerals in Canada during the GC year 1886 and previous years, pp.85. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Annual Report. Vol.n, S. 8". 1887. Coste (E.) Report on the Mining and Mineral Statistics * of Canada for ... 1887. pp. 110. See CANADA.— Geological Survey. Annual Report. New Series, Vol. in, S. 8". 1888. COSTE (.JEAN FRANCOIS) [1741-1819] &, Willemet (R.) Essais botaniques, chimiques et pharmaceutiques, sur 5 quelques Plantes indigenes, substitutes avec succes & des vegetaux exotiques, ,z o 393 / COTTERILL (HENRY BERNARD) Travels . . . among j0 the Lakes and Mountains of eastern & central Africa. From the journals of . . . J. F. Elton . . . Edited and completed'by H. B. Cotterill. See ELTON (J. F.) 8°. 1879. NATURALISTS' FIELD COTTESWOLD , CLUB. ~'t [1846 Founded as Cotteswold Naturalists' Club. c;/tf3« 1859 Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club.] Proceedings, &c. Vol. i-> 8". London, Gloucester, 1853-» Vol. u has a separately paged Supplement, entitled : — " On Rhynckonclta acula and its affinities." By J. Jones. 1860. For an Index to Vol. l-ix, pt. 2, See infra, "The Origin of the . . . Club," etc. / Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club. The Origin .of the . . . Club and an epitome of the Proceedings g«3C, from its foundation to ... 1887 by W. C. Lucy. pp. vi, 139 : 1 pi. 8°. Gloucester, 1888. Contains "An index to the papers in the Proceedings of the Club," Vol. l-ix, pt. 2. COTTET (MICHEL) & Castella (F.) Contribution a I'e'tude de la Flore Suisse. Guide du Botaniste dans le Canton de Fribourg. pp.lxii,3S8. 8°.Fribourg,18dl. COTTLE (JOSEPH) [1770-1853] On the Oreston Caves /> near Plymouth, pp. 10: 4 pis. fol. [Bristol 1 1830 1] Reprinted, with the addition of the plates, for private circulation from the author's " Malvern Hills," fourth edition, 12°. London & Bristol, 1829. COTTON (JOSEPH GUSTATE STANISLAS) Etude O comparee sur le genre Krameria et les racines qu'il fournit a la medecine. These, &c. pp. 101 : 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1868. £ COTTON (WILLIAM CHARLES) My Bee Book, pp.368: 6 pis., text illust. 12°. London, 1842. l_ . COTTBELL (CHARLES HERBERT) Recollections of Siberia, in ... 1840 and 1841. pp. xii, 410: 1 map. 8°. London, 1842. COTTBELL (W. H.) Greece. Report on the Mineral to Resources of the Island of Milo, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Foreign Office. Miscellaneous Series, &c. No. 303. 8°. 1893. , ; COUAILHAC (JEAN JOSEPH Louis) [1810-1885] Le Jardin des Plantes . . . par . . . L. Couailhac, &c. Pt. I. See BERNARD (P.) & others. 4°. 1842. COUCH (JONATHAN) [1789-1870] A Cornish Fauna ; being a compendium of the Natural History of the -T_ County, intended to form a companion to the Collection in the Museum of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, &c. 3 Pt. 8°. Truro, 1838-44. Pt. 1. Vertebrate, Crustacean, and a portion of the Radiate Animals. By J. Couch. pp.SU. 1838. ,, 2. The Testaceous Mollusks (Appendix. Report on the Zoology of the County of Cornwall, Coulter (J. M.) Manual of the Botany (Phsenogamia and Pteridophyta) of the Rocky Mountain Region, from . New Mexico to the British Boundary, pp. 452. 8°. New York & Chicago, 1885. Coulter (J. M.) Manual of the Botany of the northern United States . . . Sixth edition . . . Extended west- £ ward to the 100th meridian, by ... J. M. Coulter, Flora of Colorado, pji. ISO. See UNITED STATES.— r Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. 6f* Miscellaneous Publications. No. 4. 8°. 1874. Coulter (J. M.) it others. Handbook of Plant Dis- / section. See ARTHUR (J. C.) & others. 8°. 1886. 0 COULTER (M. S.) See BOTANICAL GAZETTE . . . a Edited by ... M. S. Coulter. Vol. H-VI. 8°. 1878-81. V Coulter (M. S.) it (J. M.) Flora of Indiana, Ac. [By J. M. v\xxi BATTISTA DAL) Count. A dis- ft course concerning the irritability of sonic Flowers . . . Translated I, with a preface, by B. Stillingfleet] from the Italian [of Comte G. dal Covolo]. pp. rliii : 1 pi. 4°. London [1767]. Reprinted in the " Literary Life and Select Works of B. Stillingfleet, ' Vol. II. [•/.('.) COWAN (THOMAS WILLIAM) [British Bee-keeper's £ guide-book to the management of Bees_in moveable 1*0.0$ . C. comb hives, • col., 1 map col. 8°. New York, 1843. CRACOVIE. See CRACOW. CRACOW.— Academic des Sciences. See below, AKADEMIJA UMIEJETNOSCI. CRACOW.— Akademie der Wissenschaften. See below, AKADEMIJA UMIEJETNOSCI. CRACOW. — Akademij a Umiejetnosci [Academy of Sciences]. (1815 Founded as Cuarlo-KriiUKtki Toaarzyitxo Nauiinx. 1872 Al-aiicmija J/iiiif/Jf no«r». ] Sprawozdanie Komisyi Fizyograficznej . . . oraz Mate- ryaiy dla fizyografii Galicyi (— Krajowej). [Reports of the Physiograpnical Commission ... as well as Materials for the physiography of Galicia ( — Cracow).] Tom i-> 8°. Krakowie, 1867-» Tom i-ix are each in two, Tom x-> in three separately pag«d p»rt«. •— Yljj~ A Q * ^ £> 0 . - 397 /_ . Cracow.— Akademija Umiejetuosci. Rozprawy i sprawozdania z posiedzen \\j^m^ ...c.^- c £ matyczno-przyrodniczego, &c. [Proceedings of the Mathematical and Natural History Section.] Tom i- YVTTT 8" I'*./! Z-svij,*'* 1 QT/I QQ 8°. Krakoiuie, 1874-88. {Continued as :] Rozprawy . . . Wydzial matematyczno-przyrodniczy. Ser. II, torn i-> 8". Krakdiv, 1891-» Cracow. — Akademija Umiejetnosci. Pamietnik . . . Wydziai matematyczno-przyrodniczy. [Memoirs of the Mathematical and Natural History Section ] Tom i-xvn.f 4°. Krakowie, 1874-90. Cracow.— Akademija Umiejetnosci. Bulletin international . . . Comptes . rendus des Seances, &c. 1889-> 8°. Cracovie, 1889-> In the volume for 1889 each number is separately paged. Cracow.— Akademija Umiejetnosci. 7 Distributio Plantarum Vasculosarum in montibus Tatricis scripsit B. Kotula, &c. (Rozmieszczenie Roslin Naczyniowych w Tatrach, &c.) See KOTULA (B.) 8°. 1889-90. i Cracow.— Akademija Umiejetnosci. L- • Naczynia Limfatyczne wSkmiowacinie. (Elephantiasis Arabum.) [The Lymphatic Vessels in Elephantiasis ] ' 1 Vol. & Atlas. See TEICHMANN (L.) 8°. & fol. 1892. Cracow.— Akademija Umiejetnosci. Atlas geologiczny Galicyi. Zeszyt i-v. See GALICIA. [Maps] 1887-95. CRACOW. — Cesarko-Karolewski Towarzystwo Naukowe. See supra, AKADEMIJA UMIEJETNOSCI. CRACOW.— Kaiserlich-Koenigliches Museum. See infra, UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI. CRACOW.— Towarzystwo ITaukowe, Sec. See supra, AKADEMIJA UMIEJETNOSCI. CRACOW.— Uniwersytet Jagiellonski. a Catalogus Plantarum quae in C. R. Horto Botanico Cracoviensi anno 1864 ... educantur . . . ab I. R. Czerwiakowski . . . et J. Warszewicz . . . editus, &c pp. xv, 470 : 3 pis. 4°. Cracovice, 1864. Cracow.— Uniwersytet Jagiellonski. Deliciae Herpetologicse Musei Zoologici Cracoviensis. Beschreibung der im K. K. Museum zu Krakau be- •^ findlichen, von J. v. Warszewicz in Neu-Grenada P- . und Bolivia gesammelten, ungeschwiinzten Batrachier. See SCHMIDT (E. O.) 4°. 1858. CRAIK (JAMES) [For official publications in con- nection with the Survey] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — Scotland. /[-1780] De jritlandscho Kapdlen, fondc 1'Asie, 1 Afrique A I'Ameriquo; ) ia prefixed of Stoll. The dates of the original wrappers, . 1SS-166, 1776 ; Vol. u ltS, 1779, (pt. 28, 24) Vol. IV (|>t. 2S-28Vj>p. '-•'*>, 1780, (pt. 2 Fasc. [in 1 Vol.] 8". Bruxelles, 1859-65. Bull. Acad. Sci. Belgique. Sei. II, toni. vn, xlv, xv, xvi ; & Mem. cour. 8°. Acad. Sci. Belgique. Tom. xvlll, 186(i. The first fascicule has been reprinted and the remainder mostly reset. Crepin (F.) Manuel de la Flore de Belgique, &c. pp. Ixxv, 286. ^. --- ' 8°. Bruxelles, - Deuxieme . . Truxelles, 1866. / Ixviii, 495: 1 map, 8°. Bruxelles, 1884! 400 6 L. Crepin (F.) L'Ardenne. pp. 60. 8°. Bnueelles, 1863. Bull. Federation Soc. Horticnlt* Belgique. 1802. Crepin (F.) Notes sur quelques Plantes rares ou critiques de la Belgique, />• ["'•] •'*•''•' text illust. fol. Basdete, 1548 Crescentiis (P. DE) Trattato della Agricoltura . . Traslatato nella favella Fiorentina revisto tlallo Nferigno [B. de' Rossi]. (Vita di P. Crescenzi— Osserva zioni sopra lo scritto di P. Crescenzi.) 3 Vol. 8". Milano, 1805. CRZSCENZI DE') See CBESCENTIIS (P. DE) CRESPON (J.) Ornithologie du Gard et des pays circonvoisins, .23. 8". Loiulon, 1826. ' The title on the wrapper reads :— " Notice of the princiiwl contents of Kir A. Crichton's Cabinet of Minerals." CRICHTON (ANDREW) [1790-1855] Memoir of Pliny. - See SELBY (P. J.) The Natural History of Pigeons. 8°. 1835. Crichtou (ANDREW) Memoir of Aristotle. (SeeJARDiNE -- (Sir W.) Bart. The Natural History of Gallinaceous / Birds. Vol. I. 8°. 1836. 401 Crichton (ANDREW) Memoir of Bruce. — Memoir of Le Vaillant. See SWAINSON (W.) Birds of Western Africa. 8". 1837. ^CRICHTON (ARTHUR) The Festival of Flora, A **> Poem. With botanical notes . . . Second edition. pp. vii, 73 : 7 pis., en/jr. title. 8". London, 1818. i* i f, I CRICK (GEOKfiE CHARLES) [185G-] On the Fossil • Cephalopoda from Sonmliland. See SMITH (A. D.) Through unknown African Countries, &c. Appendix F. 8°. 1897. Crick (G. C.) Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum, *~~r>T~, DE,^A9VIVIEB (CHARLES SIXTE) L,184.H Etudes geologiques sur le de'partement de l^Anege et en particulier sur le terrain Cretace. pp. 304 : 5 pis., text illust. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEO- LOGIQUES, RI>) Letters historical and botanical relating . . . to the Vale of Teign . . . with some Geologic Notices by Dr. Croker. Sn- HALLE (A. R. P. F.) 8". 1851. CROLL (JAMES) [1821-1890] Climate and Time in their geological relations. A theory of secular changes s-? of the Earth's climate, pp. xvi, 577 : 4 pis- c°l-> 3 maps ^- col., text illust. 8". London, 1875. CROLLIUS (JOANNES LUDOVICUS) Disputatio bota- nico quarta de Plantis vergente sestate efflorescentibus a et usualibus plerisque, quam . . . submittit . . , J. L. Crollius, &e. See NEBEL (D.) 4°. [1707.] CROMBIE (.TAMES MORRISON) [1833-] Braemar, its p topography and natural history, pp. x, 152 : 1 map. 8°. Aberdeen, 1861. Crombie (J. M.) The Geological Relations of the £ Alpine Flora of Great Britain, pp. 19 : 1 jd. 8". [London, 1869.] v Crombie ( J. M.) Lichenes Britannici, &c. pp. vii, 138. 8°. Londini, 1870. 6 Crombie (J. M.) [Lichens of the Fiji Islands.] See SEEMANN (B. C.) Flora Vitiensis, &c. 4°. [1873.] Crombie (J. M.) A monograph of Lichens found in Britain : being a descriptive Catalogue of the species in the herbarium of the British Museum. Pt. i-> See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1894-> CROME (GEORG ERNST WILHELM) [1780-1813] Sammlung Deutscher Laub-Moose. 3 Pt. 4° Schwerin, 1803-6. Illustrated with dried specimens. 51 Q a Sr O 402 L. i. o. C. 6 Z Crome (('•. K. \\.) Hamlbuch der Naturgeschichte fiir Luuhnithe (fortgesetzt von J. C. A. Heyse [and A. P. J. Du M6nil]) . . . Mit einer Vorrede von A. Timer. 6 Bd. [in fl.J 8°. Hannover, 1810-17. Thl. I. EinleitungindlegeMunmt* Naturgeschichte.— Allgemelne Pflanienkunde. 1810. .. II. )t,-Min.lf re Pfcuizenkunde. 2 Bd. 1811. III. Bd. I. Zoologi*, oder Thierknnde. (Von den Thieren fiberhanpt— Vertebrata.) 1810. H. Zoologie, J-c.—Insecten und Warmer. VonJ.C. A. llejse. 1817. „ HI. Anonmnogniphie. [By Dumeniil, i.t. A. P. J. Du Menil.J 1817. Crome (G. E. W.) Der Boden und sein Verhaltniss zu den Gewachsen, d'c. pp. viii, 272. 8°. Hannover, 1812. CROMMELIN (J. P. VAN WINCKEVOORT) Catalogue systematique de la Collection de . . . J. P. van Wicke- voort Crommelin. See LEYDEN.— RIJKSMUSEUM VAN NATUURLIJKE HiSTORiE. Museum . . . Revue . . . des Collections deposees dans cet etablissement. Tom. xiv. 8°. 1894. CRONAU (C.) Die Fasanen. Pflege und Aufzucht. pp. iv, 155 : 4 pis. 4°. Strassburg, 1884. CRONISE (TiTUS FEY) The Natural Wealth of Cali- fornia, comprising early history ; geography ; . . . geology, zoology, and botany ; mineralogy, mines, and mining, &c. pp. xvi, 696. 8°. San Francisco, 1868. CRONSTEDT <.\XEL FnEDjup) til Mineralofie, dr. See \li Cronstedt (A. F.) [Versuch einer neuen Mineralogie, mis (I. -in Srhwedisohen iibersetzt (by G. Wiedman). 8°. Kopenhagen, 1760.] — [Another edition entitled :] Cronstedts Versuch einer Mineralogie. Vermehrot (lurch [M. T.] Briinnich. 8°. C'i/i' »/"';/< n & Leipzig, 1770. 8°. 1758. Al L Cronstedt (A. F.) An Essay towards a System of Mineralogy . . Translated from the original Swedish, with notes', by (',. von Engestrom. To which is added, a Treatise on the Pocket-Laboratory ... by the translator. The whole revised . . . with some additional notes, by E. M. Da Costa, pp. xxxv, 329. 8°. London, 1770. - Appendix . . . containing additions and notes. By ... M. T. Brunnich. pp. 24. 8°. [London, 1772.] A " Second edition," made up of a reissue of the original translation with the Appendix, appeared in 1771'. - Second edition . . . enlarged ... by J. H. de .Magellan. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1788. Cronstedt (A. F.) A. von Kronstedts Versuch einer .Mineralogie. Aufs neue aus dem Schwedischen iiber- setzt und nachst verschiedenen Anmerkungen vorziig- lich mit aussern Beschreibungen der Fossilien vermehrt von A. G. Werner. Bd. I, thl I.t pp. [72,1 254 [*]• 8°. Leipzig, 1780. CROOK (FRANK) On the Chemical Constitution of the Ensisheim, Mauerkirchen, Sherghotty and Muddoor Meteoric Stones. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 36. 8°. Gottingen [1868]. CROOKES (Sir WILLIAM) [1832-1 See CHEMICAL NEWS, THE, . . . Edited by W. Crookes. Vol. i-> 8". 1860-» Crookes (Sir W.) The Quarterly Journal of Science. &c. f Continued a» .•] The Journal of Science . . . Edited by W. Crookes, j Gr [_ S /° far ^ / 403 ft. o. G- z z. Gr CROSS (M. I.) Modern Microscopy . . . Combining I. The Microscope, and instructions for its use, by M. I. Cross, ii. Microscopic Objects : how prepared and mounted, by M. J. Cole . . . Second edition. pp. 18S : text illust. 8°. London, 1895. The first edition appeared in 1893. CROSS (WHITMAN) On Hypersthene-Andesite and on Triclinic Pyroxene in Augitic rocks, dec. pp. 42 : 2 pis. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 1. (Vol. i.) 8°. 1883. Cross (W.) [Petrography of Leadville.] See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Monographs, &c. Vol. xn, Appendix A. 4°. 1886. Cross (W.) & Hillebrand (W. F.) Contributions to the Mineralogy of the Rocky Mountains, pp. 114: 1 pi. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 20. (Vol. in.) 8°. 1885. Cross (W.) & others. Geology of the Denver Basin in Colorado, pp. xxi, 556 : 23 pis. (col.), 8 maps (geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Monographs, dec. Vol. xxvii. 4°. 1896. CROSSE (JOSEPH CHARLES HIPPOLYTE) [1826-1898] See JOURNAL DE CONCHYLIOLOGIE publie sous la direc- tion de M. Crosse, &c. Tom. IX-XLVI. 8°. 1861-98. Crosse (J. C. H.) Contribution a la Faune Malaco- logique de Nossi-Be et de Nossi-Comba. pp. 24 : 1 pi. V.(Pai ' ---- ~ Journ. de Concbyliologie. 1881. 8°. (Paris, 1881.) Crosse (J. C. H.) Faune Malacologique du Lac Tan- ganyika. pp. 66 : 1 pi. 8°. (Paris, 1881.) Journ. de Conohyliologie. 1881. Crosse (J. C. H.) See POYARD (C.) Vie et Travaux de J. C. H. Crosse. 8°. [1899.] Crosse (J. C. H.) & Fischer (P. H.) Etudes sur les Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles du Mexique et du Guatemala. See FRANCE. Mission Scientifique au Mexique . . . Recherches Zoologiques, dec. Pt. Vii, torn. I & ii. 4°. 1870-94. Crosse ( J. C. H.) 8°. 1896-» CROTCH (GEORGE ROBERT) [1841 ?-1874] A Catalogue of British Coleoptera, pp. 45. 8°. Cambridge, 1863. 8°. [Cambridge1! 1871.] Printed in treble column. Second edition, pp. 17. Printed in quadruple column. Crotch (G. R.) [Coleoptera of the Azores.] . (F. D.) Natural History of the Azores, dec. 8°. 1870. Crotch (G. R.) Synopsis Coleopterorum Europae et confinium anno 1868 descriptorum. pp. 68. 8°. London & Edinburgh, 1871. o G- Crotch (G. R.) Check List of the Coleoptera of America, north of Mexico, pp. 1S6. Printed in double column. Coleop 8°. Sal em, Mass., 1873. Crotch (G. R.) A Revision of the Coleopterous family . I'iii, 34. 8". Regiomonti, 1828. CRYSTAL PALACE, SydenJiam. The Natural ^ History department of the Crystal Palace described. Ethnology. By ... It. G. Latham . . . Zoology and llotanv By E. Forbes. /./- •>". /„• nhp.;.'4: •Hiixt. s". l.ninliin [1857]. Oj.-y«tal Falace, X-pltin't'iiit. Grand Exhibition of 2 Canarie> and BritwL and Foreign Cage Ilirds, . . . held at the Crystal 1'alac, 18 s". Crystal Palace, >'//'/<»//«»<. A (iuide Hook to the Marine Aquarium . . . l!y \V A. l.lo\d. /i/i. .in : I /,l,ui. 8". London, 1872. CRYSTALLOLOGICAL SOCIETY. (1876 F. .un 1 1 I'll. 1S84 Amalgamated with the Mintrnloyiml Socicly, it Proceedings, 8°. Paris, 1898— > GUMMING (JOSEPH GEORGE) [1812-1868] The Isle of Man ; its history, &c. pp. xxxvi, 376 : 10 pis. (1 col.), 6 maps (col.), text illust. 8°. London, 1848. GUMMING (ROUALEYN GEORGE GORDON) [1820-1866] Catalogue of Hunting Trophies, Native Arms, and Costumes, from the far interior of South Africa, pp. 12. 8". (London,) 1850. L . GUMMING (WILLIAM GORDON) Wild Men & Wild Beasts. Scenes in camp and jungle, pp. xvii, 351 : IS pis. 8°. Edinburgh, 1871. , CUNDALL (FRANK) Bibliotheca Jamaicensis, &c. '— See INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA. 8°. 1895. Cundall (F.) Jamaica in 1895, a handbook of informa- tion forjiitentHr^settlers^aJ^otlierer^CwttpHed by F.i^rtHaU.] SeSfafWTrtOTS OF JAMAICA. 8°. 1895. I CUNHA RIVARA(JoAQUiM HELIDORO DA) Obser- va^Oes sobre a historia natural de Goa, feitas . . . 1784 ^ . . . e agora [edited and] publicados [with a preface] J$ por J. H. da Cunlia Rivara. See GALVAO DA SILVA (M.) 8°. 1862. CUNI T MARTORELL (MIGUEL) Catalogo met6dico y razonado de los Lepid6pteros que se en- £- cuentran en los alrededores de Barcelona . . . y otros lugares de Cataluna, &c. pp. 232. 4°. Barcelona, 1874. Cuni y Martorell (M.) Excursion Entomologica y Botanica a San Miguel del Fay, Arbucias y cumbres del L Monseny. pp. 38. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA g / Q~ DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &c. Tom. ix. 8°. 1880. Cuni y Martorell (M.) Excursion Entomologica y Botanica A la Cerdana , m. 23. (~ Datos para una Flora de los Insectos de Cataluna. djo Espanola (Cataluna). pp. 28 ara una Flora pp. 29. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &c. Tom. x. 8°. 1881. Cuni y Martorell (M.) Resultado de una Exploracion , Entomologica y Botanica por el termino de la Garriga (Cataluna). pp. 19. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA . uiii, 960: '<:>'( illttst. 8°. Barcelona, 1876. CUNNINGHAM ( \&r Pork ( ) Catalogue of the Woods of British 'Juiana suitable for cabinet •~(t» " making. See LONDON.— Colonial and Indian Exluli lion, 1886. 8". (1886.) CUNNINGHAM (Sir ALEXANDER) K.C.I.E. [1814- 1893] Ladak, physical, statistical, and historical ; with notices of the surrounding countries, pp. xii, .}.v.< ; ••'" lils. (col.), ..' maps (col.) 8". London, is:>4. CUNNINGHAM (ALLAN) [1791-1839] Journal of a [_ route from Bathurst to Liverpool Plains in New South Wales, &c. — A specimen of the indigenous Botany of the mountainous country between . . . Port Jackson and . . . Bathurst. See FIELD (B.) Geographical Memoirs on New South Wales, &c. 8°. 1825. Cunningham (A.) A few general remarks on the & Vegetation of certain coasts of Terra Australis, &c. , See KING (P. P.) Narrative of a survey of the . . . coasts *• of Australia, &c. Vol. n. Appendix B. 8°. 1827. The original MS., dated 1S22, is preserved in the Botanical Department. Cunningham (A.) Proteaceas novas quas in Austra- lasia legerunt DL). Baxter . . . Cunningham, &c. n See BROWN (R.) of the British Museum. Prodromus ' Flora NOVM Hollandias . . . Supplementum Primum, ints in the Anatomy of the Thylacine (Thylacinus 7 ci/nocephalus), Cuscus (Phalangista maculata), and Phascogale (Phascogale calura), collected during the (T. Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger . . . ; with an account of the comparative anatomy of the intrinsic muscles and the nerves of the Mammalian pes. pp. 192 : 13 pi., text illust. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Challenger Expe- dition. Report,<{-c. Zoology. (Pt.xvi.) Vol.v. 4°. 1882. Cunningham (DANIEL J.) The lumbar curve in Man and the Apes, with an account of the topographical anatomy of the Chimpanzee, Orang-utan, and Gibbon, &c. See ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Cunningham Memoirs. No. H. 4°. 1886. Cunningham (DANIEL J.) Contribution to the surface __ anatomy of the Cerebral Hemispheres, &c. See ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Cunningham Memoirs. No. vn. 4°. 1892. CUNNINGHAM (DAVID DOUGLAS) Microscopic Examinations of Air [in the neighbourhood of Calcutta. A report to the Sanitary Commissioner of the Govern- ment of India]. See INDIA. — Sanitary Commissioner. fol. (1873.) Cunningham (DAVID D.) On the phenomena of • fertilisation in Ficus Roxburghi, Wall. See CALCUTTA. —ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS. Annals, (fee. Vol. I. Appendix 2. fol. 1889. Cunningham (DAVID D.) The causes of fluctuations in Turgescence in the motor organs of Leaves.— A new a and parasitic species of Choanephora. pp. ii, 174 •' 9 pis. col. See CALCUTTA. — ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS. Annals, '• •' 1 * ]>ls. (col.) 4°. l'!n«uth, 1890. Cunningham (.1. T.) The natural history of the marketable Marine Fishes of the British Islands . . . With a preface by E. R. ]>ankester. p/i. ri'i, 375: S maps col., text Must. 8". London, New York, 1896. CUNNINGHAM (K. M.) Rej>ort on the Geology of the Coastal Plain of Alabama, by E. A. Smith . . . Vvitli contributions to its Paleontology, by ... K. M. Or Cunningham. See ALABAMA, State of.— Geological Survey. 8°. 1894. 1 CUNNINGHAM (PETER MILLER) [1789-1864] Two years in New South Wales ; . . . comprising sketches ... of its topography, natural history, &c. 2 Vol. 8°. London, 1827. CUNNINGHAM (ROBERT JAMES HAY) On the Geology of the Lothians. pp. 160: 17 pis. col., 1 map col. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1838.] Mem. Wernerian Nat. Hut. Soc. Vol. vn. Cunningham (R. J. H.) Geognostical Account of Banff shire. 8°. [Edinburgh] 1843. Tram. Highland i Agric. Soc. Vol. xiv, pjt. W-SOt: I, pit., 1 map tftci. CO/., tcrt illi'tt. _j Cunningham (R. J. H.) Geognostical Description of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. 8°. [Edinburgh,] 1843. Trans. Highland k Agrlc. Soc. Vol. xiv, pp. 697-7.M: S pit., 1 ma C, CUNNINGHAM (ROBERT OLIVER) Notes on the natural history of the Strait of Magellan and west/- ~7i> coast of Patagonia, made during the voyage of H.M.S. Z. o. " Nassau " in the years 1866-69, &c. pp. xvi, 517 : 31 pis. (col.), 1 map. 8>. Edinburgh, 1871. CUNNINGHAM MEMOIRS. ACADEMY. See ROYAL IRISH CUNO (JOHANN CHRISTIAN) [1708-1780] HerrnJ. C. ft Cunp's . . . Ode tiber seinen Garten : nachmals besser. " Zweite Auflage, durch ihn selbst nachgesehen und vermehret. Nebst Zugaben angesehener und gelehrter Manner (J. A. F. Bielke . . . Abhandlung : von dem verniinftigen Gottesdienste, Supplementum alterum, &c. pp. [viii,] 95 [S]. * 4°. Panormi, 1697. « Cupani (F.) [Panphyton siculum, sive historia naturalis de Animalibus, Stirpibus et Fossilibus qua? in Sicilia ft vel in circuitu ejus inveniuntur. Opus posthumum, &c. 168 pis] fol. [Panormi, 1713.] Without the title-page. Wanting 30 of the plates. CURACOA, H.M.S. Jottings during the cruise of T~ H.M.S. Curatjoa among the South Sea Islands in 1865. ^ See BRENCHLEY (J. L.) 8°. 1873. CURCI (ANTONIO) Sull' aaione biologica dell' acido /_. mellico. pp. 19. See CATANIA. — ACCADEMIA GIOENIA, Ciii * &c. Atti, Lombardia. pp. 35 : 3 pis. 4°. [Milan, 1855.] **". Giom. I. H. Istit. Lombardo. Tom. vn. — Appendice, &c. pp. 19 : 1 pi. 4°. [Milan, 1858.] (>- Mem. I. R. Istit. Lombardo. Tom. vn. Curioni (G.) pp. 60: 1 Mem. \.JXC\Mi. Curioni (G.) eologia. 2 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] with map. 8°. Milano, Napoli, & Pisa, 1876-77. I't. i. Geologia applicata dell« Provincie Lombarde. pp.llS: 1 j>(., hit iUutt. Pt. n. Desrrizione rogionata delle aoetanze estrattive utili metulliche e Terree racoolte nelle Provincie Lombardo. pp. S96. The map is entitled :— " Carta geologica delle Provincie Lombardie . . . Scala di 1 per 172,800 " [i.e. 1 in. - 2 j m. about]. 2 »h. coL 1876. CURIOSER BOTANICUS. Curioser Botanicus, oder : sonderbahres Krauter-Buch, zi. London, 1782. Curtis (WILLIAM) Botanist. A catalogue of certain Plants, growing wild, chiefly in the environs of Settle, in Yorkshire, . . . 1782. pp. 6. fol. [London, 1782 ?] Issued as a leaflet with the " Flora Londinensis," Vol. HI. L. Curtis (\VII.I.I.\M) / \ catalogue of the British medicinal, culinary, and agricultural Plants, cultivated in the London Botanic Garden, /.«. 8°. London, 1790. - Fourth edition ... To which is now added a short account of the causes of the disease in Corn . . . by Sir J. Banks, pp. 58 (14) : 7 jJs. col. 8°. London, 1805. - Fifth edition ... By J. Lawrence, &c. pp. 116 : 8 pis. col. 8". London, 1812. Curtis (WILLIAM) Botanist. A Companion to the Botanical Magazine ; or, a familiar introduction to the study of Botany, <£r. No. I & u.t pp. 33 : 8 pis. col. 8". London, 1788. Curtis (WILLIAM) Botanist. The Subscription Catalogue of the Broinpton Botanic Garden, 1790 (-93), &c. 4 No. 4°. London [1790-93]. Curtis (WILLIAM) Brttnnizt. An Abridgement of the Flora Lpndinensis, with reduced plates. :to pis-, with descriptive Ietterj»-es3. 8". London, 1792. Pritzel cites 3ti pis. with text. W Botanist. Lectures on BpfeChy, as detiyered in the Botanic Garden at Lambejlt^&c. 3 Jfdi. [inl] Must. / / Curtis (WILLIAM) Botdiiist. Sketch of the -Kife and Wiatinjarof . . . WxCurtis. See THOKNTON (ti. J.) 4". [1802?] Curtis (Wn.i.iAM) Iliitmiifi. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of . . . W. Curtis. By S. Curtis. Sfe CUR- n-'s BOTANICAL MVCV/INK. (leneral Indexes to the . . . first lifty-thive Volumes, ,(-,•. f. 1828. CURTIS (Wll.LIAM) (,'n.fiH/ixf. The Ceo)--',/ of Sel- borne ,*>•> WIIITK (G.) The Natural History and antiquities of Selbome. *e. VoL H. s". 1877. CTTBTIS'S BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. The Botanical Magazine: or Flower-Garden displayed \V. Curtis), « Sri i.-s, Vol. i \i." ff — General Indexes to tlie .' . . first forty-two Volumes, &c. 8". London, 1817. General Indexes to the . . . first fifty-three D Volumes ... to which are added . . . Memoirs of . . . W. Curtis : by S. Curtis, &c. 8". London, 1828. conducted by S. Curtis ... the descriptions by W. J. Hooker. Vol.Liv-LXX. (New Series, Vol. i-xvn.) 8°. London, 1827-44. [Continued at :] Curtis's Botanical Magazine, comprising the Plants of the Royal Gardens of Kew, and of other botanical establishments in Great Britain, with suitable Descrip- tions ... by Sir W. J. Hooker ([and afterwards] Sir J. D. Hooker). VO!.'LXXI-» (Third Series, Vol. i-») 8°. London, 1845-» Curtis's Botanical Magazine. ( 'oinpanioii to the Botanical Magazine ; being a journal, containing such interesting botanical information, as £2. does not come within the prescribed limits of the magazine ; with occasional figures. By W. J. Hooker, Tfoyere, et . Edwards. 4 Vol. illutt. col. JT Arachnides . . . par A. Dugea et M. Edwards, pp. 100: SI pit. col. . Les Crustacea . IX. Les Annelida par M. Edwards, pp. *7 M. Edwards, pp. 5k:/ f 86 pit. col. I pit. x. Lea Zoophytes . . . M. Edwards, pp. ISO: 100 pis. col. Cuvier (G. L. C. F. D.) Baron. Jfhe Animal Kingdom ... by the Baron Cuvier . . j/with Additional descrip- tions of ... species . . . b 16 Vol. col. illust. Griffith . . . and others. 8°. London, 1827-35. r Vol. l-iv. Mammalia... with-speoincdescriptiona by E. Griffith, C. U. Smith and/fi. Pidgeon. 1827. ,, v. Synopsis of th^ species of the class Mammalia [by J. E. Gray : >6e Rnminantia by C. U. Smith]. 1827. ,, vl-viil. Aves . . .With specific descriptions by E. Griffith and E. Pillgeon, the additional species inserted in the text of Javier by J. K. Gray. 1829. ix. Rept!>u . . . with specific descriptions by E. Griffith . Pidgeon. 1831. x. Pulcea, with supplementary additions, by E. Griffith 1 C. H. Smith [and P. B. Lord]. 1884. [xi.V fossil remains of the Animal Kingdom, by E. , Pidgeon. n. Molluaca and Radiata, with supplementary additions by E. Griffith and E. Pidgeon. xill. Annelida, Crustacea and Arachnida, with suppli mentary additions by E. Griffith and K. Pidgeon.V , xiv-xv. Insecta, with supplementary additions by E. Griffith, E. Pidgeon, and notices of new genera and species by G. Gray. 1830. 1833. A classified index and synopsis of the Animal Kingtl supplementary additions to each order. with 1832. 1885. Cuvier (G. L. C. F. D.) Baron/ Cuvier's Animal Kingdom . . . translated from the^French, and abridged for the use of students. By Mf M°Murtie, dec. pp. xx, 8°. London, 1834. Cuvier (G. L. C. F. D.^Baron. The Animal Kingdom . . . Translated fn^T the last [i.e. second] French edition, with additional notes, «Uizione del Regno Animalejerel Barone Cuvier, &c. /Kee BONA- 2- PARTE (C. L. J. yf Prince of Canino. / 8°. 1830. Cuvier (G. L. C. F. D.) Baron. Observations anato- miques sur la structure . . . de plusieurs especes de - Cetaces . . . Avec des notes par M. G. Cuvier, dans la formation de la notion et de 1'espace. pp. 96. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. S6r. VI, torn, vn, no. 8. 8°. 1878. - — [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Ministere de i I'lnstruction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Programm Realschule Diisseldorf. CZENPINSKI (PAULUS) Dissertatio inauguralis zoologico-medica, sistens totius regni animalis genera, in classes et ordines Linnasana methodo digesta, pra?,- fixa cuilibet classi terminorum explicatione, &c. pp. xvi, 132. 8°. Vienna:, 1778. CZERMAK (JOHANN NEPOMUK) [1828-1873] Beitrage _ zur mikroskopischen Anatomie der menschlichen Zahne. Inauguraldissertation, &c. pp. 31 : 2 pis. 8°. (Leipzig,) 1850. Czermak (J. N.) Zur Orientirung im Gesammtgebiete der Zoologie. Vorlesung, &c. pp. 21. 8°. Leipzig, 1855. CZEBNIAVSKY (VOLJDEMARUS) See CHERNYAVSKII (V. I.) CZEBNIAWSKY (WLADIMIR) See CHERNYAVSKII (V. I.) CZERNY (FRANZ VON) Die Wirkungen der Winde /_ auf die Gestaltung der Erde, &c. pp. iv, 53 : 1 map. See PETERMANN'S MITTHEILUNGEN, &c. Erganzungs- band xi, no. 48. 4°. 1876. 412 I 6 t e> i 6 CZERWIAKOWSKI (loNACY RAPRASI) Ryciny wraz z opisami do Botaniki og61nej. [Illustrations, with descriptions, of General Botany J pp. 18 : 16 pis. obi. fol. Xrakdw, 1841. Czerwiakowski (I. R.) Botaniki og61ne*j roslin jaw- nopiciowych, ilgned R D., i.e. R. Dnppa. The flnt edition appeared in the ran* year. Third edition, Ac. 3 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1810. $ In tbU copy the date baa been altered in manuscript to 1812. D., R. W. Principia Botanica : or a concise . . . intro- duction to the Sexual Botany of Linnaeus, Ac. pp. vii, n 281. 8°. Newark, 1787. D The preface u signed R. W. D., i.e. R. W. Darwin. Third edition, Ac. pp.[xii,]S26. 8°. Newark, 1810. /? The preface to thi> edition ii aigned in fall. DABNEY (JoHN C.) [For official reports on Botany] See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture.— Botany Division. DABRY DE THIERSANT (PIERRE) [1826-] La Pisciculture et la Peche en Chine . . . prec6d6 d'une Introduction sur la Pisciculture chez les divers peuples -? par . . . J. L. Soubeiran. (Nouvelles especes de ^ Poissons de Chine.) pp. ix, 195 : 50 pis. fol. Paris, 1872. Dabry de Thiersant (P.) & Sauvage (11. E.) Notes sur les Poissons des eaux douces de Chine, pp. 18. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATUBELLES, Ac. Zoo- ~£_ logie. Ser. V, torn. I, no. 5. 8°. 1874. DA CAUFO (BENEDETTO) [1787-1851] Di una nuova Conchiglia vivente indigena della provincia Veronese. pp.7: 1 pi. 8°. [ Verona,} 1849. -^ Accad. Agric. Comm. Si Arti. Verona. D'ACHIARDI (ANTONIO) See ACHIABDI (A. D') DADAT (EuoEN VON) See DADAY (J.) DADAT (JEN6) Adatok a CilioflagelUtak ismerete'hez. , (V6gl6nytani tanulmany.) [Contributions to a know- *- ledge of the Cilioflagellata (A Study of the Protozoa).] c , -7 -> / pp. 15 : 1 pi. See BUDAPEST.— MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS \K \I>I':MI \. Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok Kore'txil, Ac. Kot. xm, szam 16. 8°. 1883. , Daday (J.) Ui adatok Erdely Deneve'r-faunajanak ismeret6nez. [New contributions to a knowledge of the Bat- fauna of Transylvania.] pp. 45 : 1 pi.. See BUDA- fa) PEST. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKAD^MiA. Ertekezesek a Term6szettudomanyok K6r6bol, Ac. Kot. xvi, szam 7. 8°. 1886. Daday (J.) A Magyarorszagi Cladocerak Maganrajza, Ac. — Crustacea Cladocera Faunas Hungancae, Ac. pp. viii, 128 : 4 pis. 8°. Budapest, 1888. Printed in double column. Daday (J.) A Magyarprszagi Myriopodak Maganrajza. S pis. 4°. Budapest, 1889. Printed in doable column. Daday (J.) A Napolyi obol Rotatoriai. [On the Rotifera of the Bay of Naples.] pp. 52 : 2 pis. SeeEuv\- PEST.— MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok K6r6b See NEW ZEALAND. 6 & (<> The New Zealand official . by E. J. von Dadelszen. 8°. 1892-> DJENZER (F. G.) Des Euphorbiace'es . . . Disserta- tion, &c. pp. 82. 4°. Strasburg, 1834. DAFFNER (FRANZ) Die Voralpenflanzen, &c. pp. iv, 465. 8°. Leipzig, 1893. DAGINCOTTRT (EMMANUEL) [1856-] See ANNUAIRE GEOLOGIQUE UNIVERSEL, &c. Tom. i-m. 8°. 1885-87. DAGOTY (JACQUES GAUTIER) See GAUTIER DAGOTY. DAGUIN (A.) & Aburiot (L.) Flore de la H16- Marne. See AUBRIOT (L.) & DAGUIN (A.) 8°. 1885. DAHL (ANDREAS) [1751-1789] Bigae Insectorum . . . proppsuit A. Dahl . . . 1775, &c. See LINN^US (C.) C. Linnaei . . . Amrenitates Academicae, &c. Vol. vm. 8°. 1785. Dahl (A.) Observatipnes Botanicae circa Systema Vegetabilium divi a Linnd, Gottingae 1784 Editum, dec. pp. 44. 8°. Haunice, 1787. DAHL(FRIEDRICHTHEODOR) [1856-] Reisebeschreibung der Plankton-Expedition . . . nebst . . . Vorberichten von Dr. Dahl, &c. See HENSEN (V.) Ergebnisse der . . . Plankton-Expedition der Humboldt-Stiftung, &c. Bd. I, A. 4°. 1892. Dahl (F. T.) Die Halobates-Ausbeute der Plankton- Expedition. See HENSEN (V.) Ergebnisse der . . . Plankton-Expedition der Humboldt-Stiftung, &c. Bd. n, G. a. a. 4°. 1893. / Dahl (F. T.) Die Copepodenfauna des unteren Ama- '•" ' zonas. pp. 14 : 1 pi. See FREIBURG-IN-BREISGAU. — .t NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Berichte, &C. ^l(*. Bd. vra. 8°. 1894. DAHL (GEORG) [-1832] Coleoptera und Lepidoptera. £ Ein systematisches Verzeichniss, &c. pp. vi, 105. 4°. Wien, 1823. Printed in double column. A DAHL (JoHAN) Aphorismi Botanici . . . p.p. J. Dahl, &c. Pt. vm. See AGARDH (C. A.) 8°. 1822. DAHL (KNUT) Beretning om Fiskeriunders0gelser l_ i og om Trondhjemsfjorden 1898. (Journal over Fiske- ;fors0gene 1898.) pp. 62, Ixvi : 2 pis., 1 map. See DRONT- ft; U, HEIM. — KONGELIGT NORSKE VIDENSKABERS SELSKAB. Det . . . Skrifter, &c. 1898, no. 10. 8°. 1899. I DAHL (OvE) Vegetationen i Troldheimen (Surendals- Sundalsfjeldene). pp. "21. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDEN- 55/ SKABS-SELSKABET. Forhandlinger, (fee. Aar 1891, no. 4. 8°. 1891 (1892). Dahl (O,) Nye bidrag til kundskaben om Vegetationen i Troldheimen og fjeldpartiet mellem Sundalen og Lesje. -,. pp. S3. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Forhandlinger, &c. Aar 1892, no. 11. 8°. 1892 (1893). ' Dahl (O.) Botaniske unders0gelser i Romsdals amt med tilst0dende fjeldtrakter, 1893. pp. 32. See CHRIS- b,<-<- TIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. 1 orhandlinger, &c. Aar 1893, no. 21. 8°. 1894. Dahl (O.) Breve fra Norske Botanikere til ... J. W. Hornemann. pp. 99. See ARCHIV FOR MATHEMATIK c f i -j OG NATURVIDENSKAB. Bd. xvn, no. 4. 8°. 1894. S •€"<" L. . Dahl (O.) Plantegeografiske unders0gelser i ydre S0ndm0re, 1894. pp. 44. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDEN- c SKABS-SELSKABET. Forhandlinger, &c. Aar 1894, no. 11. 8°. 1895. Dahl (O.) Kystvegetationen i Romsdal, Nord- og S0nd- fjord. pp. 76. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS- SELSKABET. Forhandlinger, &c. Aar 1896, no. 3. 8°. 1896 (1897). Dahl (O.) Biskop Gunnerus' virkspmhed fornemmelig spm botaniker telligemed en oversigt over botanikens tilstand i Danmark og Norge indtil hans d0d. in, hft. 2 & 3. See DRONTHEIM.— KONGELIGT NORSKE VIDEN- SKABERS SELSKAB. Det . . . Skrifter, &c. 1896, no. 4 ; 1897, no. 4. 8°. 1897 (-98). The earlier portions appeared in the same serial 1890-95, but were not separately paged. Dahl (O.) Botaniske unders0geler i S0ndfjords og / Nordfjords fjorddistrikter i 1896-97. pp. 71. See CHRIS- TIANIA.— VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Forhandlinger, Dahlbom (A. G.) lakttagelser, ofver Skandinaviens Fjarillar, «Cr. pp. 31 : 1 pi. 4°. Lund, 1836-37. Prata : O. Dahlbom. Rrtpoivlenttt : pp. 1-8, J. H. Bostrom, 1886 ; pp. 0-16, C. E. Florman, 1887 ; pp. 17-28, O. Tyden, 1887 ; pp. 2&-S1, K. J. Nygreen, 1887. Dahlbom (A. G.) Kort underrattelse om Skandinaviska Insekters allmannare Skada och Nytta i Hushallningen. En handbok. pp. vi, xxxvi, 340 [xit\ : 2 pis. col. 8°. Lund, 1837. Dahlbom (A. G.) Synopsis Hymenopterolog^88 Scandi- navian. Skandinaviska Steklarnes natur-historia . . . Andra kretsen : Rof-steklar och deras likar ... 1 :sta Haftet. pp. 104: 5 pis. (col.) 4°. Lund, 1839-40. The second title to the part reads : — " Fdistaafdelningen : natufhiatorisk nnderadkning om Skandinaviska Gull- och Silf ver-Munsteklar. Exanien historioo-naturale de Crabronibus Scandinavicis." The work was originally issued as a series of Theses under the title :— " Exanien historico-naturaledeCrabronibus8candinavici8t" cations in connection with Memoirs illustrating the Lf Map] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Survey. — England and Wales. Dakyns (J. R.) & others. The Geology of the Burnley Cf Coalfield, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Survey. — England and Wales. Memoirs, &c. 8°. 1875. Dakyns (J. R.) & others. The Geology of the York- 6r shire Coalfield, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Survey. — England and Wales. Memoirs, &c. 8°. 1878. DALBEB.G (JOHANN FRIEDRICH HUGO VON) [1760- t/\ 1812] Ueber Meteor-Cultus der Alien, vorziiglich in Bezug auf Steine, die vom Himmel gefallen, &c. pp. vi, 202 : 1 pi. 8°. Heidelberg, 1811. DALBOQUEB.QUE (AFFONSO) See ALBUQUERQUE (A. DE) I DALE (CHARLES WILLIAM) [1851-] The History of Glanville's Wootton, . . . Dorset, including its Zoology ' -J) . and Botany, pp. viii, 392 : 2 photos. 8°. London, 1878. • Dale (C. W.) The History of our British Butterflies, fc . pp. xli, [Hi,} 232. 8°. [London, 1890.] Issued as a supplement to " The Young Naturalist." DALE (JAMES CHARLES) [1791-1872] [Manuscript £" Notes.] See CURTIS (J.) A Guide to an arrangement of British Insects, &c. 4°. 1829. y? DALE (SAMUEL) [1659?-1739] Pharmacologia, seu manuductio ad Materiam Medicam, &c. pp. [Iviii,] 656. 12°. Londini, 1693. 6 B S. Dale Pharmacologia? . pp. [xii,] 389 [66]. supplementum, &c. 12°. Londini, 1705. S. Dalei . . . Pharmacologia pp. vii, [vi,] 460 : 1 pi. Dale (S.) The histojy-ftnjf' antiquities Dovercourt .^rTo wirich containmg^the natural — History See TAILOR (S.) . Tertia editio, &c. 4°. Londini, 1737. Iarwiclj..and i appendix iy S. Dale. 4°. 1732. DALE (T. NELSON) A study of the Rhaetic strata of the Val di Ledro, in the southern Tyrol, pp. 69, 1 tab. : 7 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. 4". Paterson, N.J., 1876. Dale (T. N.) Mount Greylock : its areal and structural geology. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Monographs, &c. Vol. xxm, pt. 3. 4°. 1894. DALECAMFXUS (JACOBUS) See ALECHAMPS. DALECHAMPIUS (JACOBUS) See ALECHAMPS. DALGADO (D. G.) Flora de Goa e Savantvadi. Catalogo methodico das Plantas medicinaes, alimentares e industriaes. pp. xvi, 290. 8°. Lisboa, 1898. DALIBABD (THOMAS FRANCOIS) [1703-1779] Floras Parisiensis Prodromus, &c. pp. [xvii,] liv, 403 : 4 P^s- Paris, 1749. DALL (WILLIAM HEALEY) [1845-] Scientific results of the exploration of Alaska . . . during . . . 1865-74. Vol. I. pp. 132 : 28 pis. 8°. Washington, 1876-80. Introductory note on the marine faunal regions of the North Pacific, by W. H. Dall. 1. Report on the Hydroids, by S. F. Clark. 2. On the extrusion of seminal products in Limpets, with remarks on the phyllogeny [lie] of the Docoglossa, by W. H. Dall. 3. Report on the Brachiopoda of Alaska and the adjacent shores of North West America, by W. H. Dall. 4. Report on the Limpets and Chitons of the Alaskan and Arctic Regions . . . By W. H. Dall. 5-6. On the Nudibranchiate Gasteropod Mollusca of the North Pacific Ocean ... By ... R. Bergh. Pt. 1. [The foregoing are extracted from the " Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. and the " Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus."J BIS ' Dall (W. H.) [Mollusca of Kerguelen Island.] {_ See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, &c. No. 3. Contributions to the natural history of Ker- 2. guelen Island, &c. Pt. n. 8°. 1876. [Another issue.] See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. , Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xni, art. 3. 8°. 1876 (1878). S— Dall (W. H.) Index to the names which have been applied to the subdivisions of the class Brachiopoda, (v excluding the Rudistes, previous to the year 1877. [_ < pp. 88. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. -? Bulletin, o) Ricerche Paleoetnologiche nel or litorale di Trapani. pp. 45 : 15 pis. 8°. Parma, 1870. DALLAS (WILLIAM SWEETLAND) [1824-1890] List L of the . . . Hemipterous Insects in the . . . British Museum. 2 Pi. Mutt. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). if. 1851-52. Dallas (W. S.) Elements of Entomology : an outline of the natural history and classification of British £. Insects, pp. vi, 424 : text Must. 12°. London, 1857. ry . . . a new edition . . . revised rol. See CARPENTER (W. B.) 8°. 1857-58. Dallas (W. S.) See ANNALS AND MAGAZINE OF NATURAL HISTORY . . . Conducted by . . . W. S. Dallas, dec. Ser. IV, vol. I— Ser. VI, vol. v. 8°. 1868-90. Dallas (W. S.) See POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW . . . I Edited by W. S. Dallas, dec. Vol.xvi-xx. 8°. 1877-81. Dallas (W. S.) Chiroptera.— Insectivora.— Rodentia Insecta (Introduction).— Hymenoptera.— Neuroptera.— 7 Diptera. — Aphaniptera. — Rhy nchota. — Orthoptera. — Thysanura. — Mynopoda. — Arachnida. See DUNCAN (P. M.) Cassell's Natural History, &c. Vol. I, in, v & VL 4°. 1883. Dallas (W. S.) & others. The Museum of Natural History ; being a popular account ... of the various -? departments of the Animal Kingdom ... By Sir J. *- Richardson . . . W. S. Dallas, &c. 2 Vol. See RICHARD- SON (Sir J.) & others. 4°. [1868.] DALLA-TORRE (KARL WiLHELM VON) [1850-] -_ Anleitung zur Beobacbtung der Alpinen Thierwelt. ^ pp. 114 : text Must. 8°. (Leipzig,) [1881.] Beilage zu Zeitscb. Deatech. Oesterreicb. Alpenvereins 1881. Abth. iv. Dalla-Torre (K. W. VON) Atlas der Alpenflora. Herausgegeben vom Deutschen . . . Alpenverein. Nach der Natur gemalt von A. Hartinger . . . Text von K. W. v. Dalla Torre, pp. 2A9 : 500 pis. col. 8°. Wien [1881-] 1882 [-84]. 0 ii. neubearbeitete Auflage. Wissenschaftlicher Redacteur . . . [E.] Palla, Ac. pp. xv : 500 pis. col. 8°. Graz (1896-) 1897. Thii U a re-Urae of the plates, accompanied by an index. [Another edition of the text entitled :] Die Alpen- flora der Osterreichischen Alpenlander, Siidbaierns und der Schweiz, dec. pp. xvi, 270. 8°. Miinchen, 1899. Dalle-Torre (K. W. VON) The Tourist's Guide to the Flora of the Alps . . . Translated and edited by A. W. Bennett, pp. 392. 12°. London, 1886. Dalla-Torre (K. W. VON) Botanische Bestimmungs- tabellen, dec. pp. iv, 70. 8°. Wien, 1886. Dalla-Torre (K. W. VON) Handworterbuch der Zoologie. Unter Mitwirkung von Prof. . . . von Dalla Torre . . . bearbeitet von . . . F. Knauer. See KNAUER (F. K.) 8°. 1887. Dalla-Torre (K. W. VON) Die Fauna von Helgoland. See ZOOLOGISCHE JAHRBUECHER. [Supplementheft n.] 8". 1889. 6 L.I Dalla-Torre /4°. Lipsite, 1900— » DALLIERE (ALEXIS) Les Plantes ornamentales a feuillage panach6 et colored Ouvrage 6dite par A. Dalliere . . . et redige par A. Cogniaux & E. Marchal, dec. 2 Vol. illmt. col. obi. fol. Gand, 1873-74. DALLINGER ( WILLIAM HENRY) [1841 -] Minute forms of life. A lecture delivered ... 1879. See SCIENCE LECTURES FOR THE PEOPLE. Tenth Series. 8°. 1883. Dallinger (W. H.) The Wesley Naturalist . . . Editors . . . W. H. Dallinger . . . W. Spiers, &c. Vol. i-ra. See WESLEY SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 8°. 1887-89. Dallinger ( W. H.) The Microscope and its revelations. ^ *j . . . Seventh edition . . . enlarged and revised by ... W. H. Dallinger. See CARPENTER (W. B.) 8°. 1891. Dallinger (W. H.) Spiders : their work and their / 7 wisdom. See BALL (Sir R. S.) The Gilchrist Lectures, *- dec. 8°. 1894. D ALLMER (EuGEN) Fische und Fischerei im stissen Wasser mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Provinz ' Schleswig-Holstein, • 4°- Holmice, 1823. Dalman (J W.) See EPHEMERIDES ENTOMOLOGIC^;. ^ No. i.t 8°- 1824- * Dalman (J. W.) Prodromus monographic Castnise, generis Lepidopterorum. pp. [vi,] 26 : 1 pi. 4°. Holmice, 1825 Dalman (J. W.) Svensk Zoologi, DALTON (WILLIAM HERBERT) [1848-] See GEO- (jf LOGICAL RECORD, THE, Edited by . . . W. H. Dalton, L- &c. 1878-79. 8°. 1882-87. ' 'Dalton (W. H.) [For official publications in connec- tion with Memoirs illustrating the Map] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — England and Wales. Dalton (W. H.) & Davidson (T.) Bibliography of the /L Brachiopoda. See PAL^EONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. — DAVIDSON (T.) A monograph of the British fossil Brachiopoda. Vol. vi. 4°. 1886. Dalton (W. H.) & others. The Geology of the York- x? shire Coalfield, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. kf — Geological Survey. — England and Wales. Memoirs, &c. 8°. 1878. , DALYELL (Sir JOHN GRAHAM) [1775-1851] Tracts L . on the nature of Animals and Vegetables [Translated, with a preface, by J. G. Dalyell f] See SPALLANZANI (L.) 8°. 1799. Tracts on the natural history of Animals and Vegetables, translated from the original Italian . . . [with a Preface and Introduction] by J. G. Dalyell . . . Second edition. 2 Vol. See SPALLANZANI (L.) 8°. 1803. Dalyell (Sir J. G.) Observations on some interesting phenomena in animal physiology exhibited by several species of Planarise. pp. ix, 150. 8°. Edinburgh, 1814. -Z- Dalyell (Sir J. G.) Scotland . . . with , 2 Vol. Must. col. Rare and remarkable Animals of . . observations on their nature. ^ 4°. London, 1847-48. Dalyell (Sir_ J. G.) The powers of the Creator displayed in the Creation, &c. 3 Vol. Must. col. 8>. London, 1851-58. DALZEL (ARCHIBALD) The History of Dahomy, &c. pp. xxxi, xxvi, 231 : 6 pis., 1 map. 4°. London, 1793. DALZELL (NicoL ALEXANDER) [1817-1878] Obser- vations on the influence of Forests, and on the general principles of management as applicable to Bombay. See BOMBAY, Government of. Selections from the Records, &c. No. LXXVI. 4°. 1863. 6 Dalzell (N. A.) & Gibson (A.) The Bombay Flora, &c. pp. iv, 332, 112. 8°. Bombay, 1861. DALZIEL (HUGH) British Dogs : their varieties, ~Z- history, &c. pp. vii, 495 : 54pls. 8°. London [1879-80]. DAM (D. C. VAN) & Pollen (F. P. L.) Recherches T sur la Faune de Madagascar, die. 5 Pt. See POLLEN ~Z- (F. P. L.) & DAM (D. C. VAN). 4°. 1868-77. DAMARALAND. [Map.] Original Map of Great /_ Namaqualand and Damaraland . . . By T. Hahn. Scale 1 : 742,016 [i.e. 1 in. = llf m. about]. See GREAT NAMAQUALAND. [Map] 1879. DAMES (WILHELM BARNIM) [1843-1898] TOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. Herausgegeben von W. Dames, &c. Bd. i-vm. 4°. 1882-98. Dames (W. B.) Cambrische Trilobiten von Liau-tung. - See RICHTHOFEN (F. P. W. VON) Baron. Beitrage zur £• Palaontologie von China, &c. Abhandlung i. 4°. 1883. Dames (W. B.) Ueber Archaeopteryx. pp. 79 : 1 pi., text Must. See PALJSONTOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. £L Bd. II, hft. 3. 4°. 1884. Dames (W. B.) See NEUES JAHRBUCH FUER MINERA- &• LOGIE . . . Herausgegeben von . . . W. Dames, &c. //) Jahrg. 1885-98. 8°. 1885-98. Dames (W. B.) Die Glacialbildungen der Nord- deutschen Tiefebene. pp. 40. 8°. Berlin, 1886. Dames (W. B.) Die Ganoiden des Deutschen Muschel- ,. kalkes. pp. 49: 7 pis., text illust. See PAL^ONTO- Ctr LOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. Bd. iv, hft. 2. 4°. 1888. Dames (W. B.) Ueber Vogelreste aus dem Saltholms- kalk von Limhamn bei Malmo. pp. 11 : 1 pi. See STOCK- HOLM.—KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. I— Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xvi, afd. iv, no. 1. 8°. 1890 (1891). Dames (W. B.) Ueber Zeuglodonten aus Aegypten und die Beziehungen der Archaoceten zu den iibrigen C/- Cetaceen. pp. 35 : 7 pis., text illust. See PAL^EONTO- LOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. Neue Folge, Bd. i, hft. 5. 4°. 1894. Dames (W. B.) Die Chelonier der Norddeutschen ., Tertiarformation. pp.25: 4 pis., text illust. SeePA.i.xa'H- ^*" TOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN, &c. Neue Folge, Bd. II, hft. 1. 4°. 1894. Dames (W. B.) Die Plesiosaurier der Siiddeutschen Liasformation. ' pp. 83 : 5 pis. See BERLIN.— KOENIG- l LICH-PREUSSISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Physikalische Abhandlungen, &c. 1895, no. 2. 4". 1895. Dames (W. B.) & Berendt (G. M.) Geognostische Beschreibung der Umgegend von Berlin, &c. pp. 113: 1 map geol. col. See PRUSSIA. — Koeniglich-Preussische Geologische Landes-Anstalt, &c. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. vin, hft. 1. 8". & 1885. DAMIGERON. Damigeron de Lapidibus. See OR- PHEUS. Orphei Lithica, &c. 8°. 1881. DAMMANN (C.) & (F. W.) Ethnological photo- graphic gallery of the various Races of Men. 12 pis. obi. fol. London [188-]. DAMMER (O.) Handbuch der chemischen Tech- nologie . . . herausgegeben von . . . O. Dammer. 5 Bd. 8°. Stuttgart, 1895-98. DAMMER '-(Uoo) Anleitung fur Pflanzensammler. pp. vi, 83 : text illust. 8°. Stuttgart, 1894. DAMON (ROBERT) [1814-1889] Handbook to the Geology of Weymputh and the Island of Portland. With notes on the1 natural history of the coast and neighbourhood, pp.xii, 199 : 2pl».(l col.), 1 map col., text illust. 8°. Londbn, 1860. A SupplementJ&c. [pp. 4 ^9 pis. 8°. London, 1860. [Afiother edi and the Island 1 mfip geol. col. 6 text entitled,!] Geology of/Weymouth Portland/i&c. pp. xiti 199 : 3 pis., illust. I 8°. /London, 1880. A Supplement, &c. Second edition, [pp. 4 :] 18 pis. T 8°. London, 1880. New . /. edition. I pp. xii, 250* 3 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. Weymouth & London, 1884. 53 418 DAMOTJR (AuousTiN ALEXIS) [1808-] Catalogue L • des Mineraux recueillis . . . dans les gites metalliferes du Bresil, de la Bolivie, du Chili et du Perou. Les especes . . . determinees par M. Damour. See CASTEL- NAU (F. L. DE L. DE) Count. Expedition dans les i>arties centrales de 1 Am6rique du Sud, &c. Pt. i, torn. V. 8°. 1851. DAMFIER (WILLIAM) [1652-1715] A new voyage round the World . . . Seventh edition. (—Supplement.)— Mr. Dampier's voyages to the Bay of Campeachv.— A voyage to New-Holland, etc., in ... 1699 . . . Third edition. See VOYAGES. A collection of Voyages, &c. Vol. I-III. 8». 1729. Dampier (W.) Reise nach den Siidlandern. (1699- L. 17000— Reise urn die Welt. (1683-89.) See ARKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historie der Reisen, ife Bd.xn. 4».1754. Dampier (W.) Voyage to Magellanica and Polynesia. —Last voyage to Australasia. See CALLANDER (J.) Terra Australia cognita, dfrc. Vol. n & in. 8°. 1768. I-, Dampier (W.) The voyages of Capt. Dampier. (1680- 17050 See MOORE (J. H.) A ... coUection of Voyages and Travels, «M. n Vol. SwRiPLEY (<$.)& DANA (C. A.) 8°. 1883 (1885). DANA (EDWARD SALISBURY) [1849-] See AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, THE ./ . Conducted/ by . . . R S. Dana, dec. 8er. Ill, vol./x-* /8°. 1875 Dana (E. S.)/A Text-book/of Mineralogy. With An extended Treatise on Crystallography and Phyafcal Mineralogy/. . . on the ,p1an and witlr the co-opejation of . . J/T). Dana. pp. viii, 485 : Ypl. col., text illust. f.New Yoflc, 1877. \ 10. 0. Tenth edition/ pp. viii, : Ipl. col. /text illust. 8°. New/York, 1884. • New edition, pp. vii,/93 : 1 pi. coU, text illust. 8°. New York, 1898. Dana (E. S.) A crystallographic study of the Thinolite of Lake Lahontan. pji. 30 : 3 pit. See UNITED STATES. —Geological Survey. Bulletin, due. No. 12. (Vol. n.) 8°. 1884. Dana (E. S.) The System of Mineralogy of J. D. Dana, 1837-1868. Descriptive Mineralogy. Sixth edition. M See DANA (J. D.) 8°. 1892. - First Appendix, &c. 8°. 1899. W\ Dana (E. S.) Minerals and how to study them, dkc, i* pp. vi, 380 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. New York, 1895. f\ Dana (E. S.) & Orinnell (G. B.) Geological Report. See UNITED STATES. Report of a reconnaissance from , Carroll . . to the Yellowstone National Park, &c. 8°. 1876. DANA (JAMES DWIGHT) [1813-1895] A System of Mineralogy, p. viii, 474 : text illust. H*. London, 1879. Fourth edition, 8°. 1888-> DANIEL^KSSL) & (Jo DANIEL (WILLIAM BARKER) [c. 1753-1833] Rural Sports. 2 Vol. [in 3] illust. 4°. London [1801-02]. o. T oleopteren - 8°. J Supplement, &c. pp. 742 : 4 pi*-, 1 port. 8°. London, 1813. DANIELL (SAMUEL) [1775-1811] African Scenery and Animals. 2 Pt. 30 pis. col., with descriptive letter- «^ press, engr. titles. fol. [London, 1804-05.] Daniell (S.) A picturesque illustration of the Scenery, Animals, and Native Inhabitants, of ... Ceylon. -z_ 12 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress, fol. London, 1808. The plates are dated 1807. Daniell (S.) & (W.) Sketches representing the Native Tribes, Animals and Scenery of Southern Africa, from drawings made by ... S. Daniell, engraved by W. ^. Daniell. 48 pis., with descriptive letterpress. fol. London, 1820. DANIELL (WILLIAM) [1769-1837] Zoography; or i the Beauties of Nature displayed ... By W. Wood <- • . Illustrated ... by W. Daniell. 3 Vol. See WOOD (W.) 8°. 1807. Daniell (W.) Interesting selections from Animated Nature, with illustrative scenery, &c. 2 Vol. 120 pis., i , with descriptive letterpress. fol. London [1809]. Fifty-eight of the plates were first published in W. Wood's "Zoography," 8°. Danzig, 1863-* / In Bd. l-lv, tir'i . 2, each paper is separately paged. Subsequently the ^ pagination is continuous for each heft, of which four make a volume. DANTZIG. Westpreussischer Botaniscli-Zoolo- gi seller Verein. Die Leber- und Laubraoose. West- und Ostpreussens, f/ Cestrica : an Essay towards a Catalogue of the Phseno- i ** gamous Plants ... in the vicinity of ... West- ! Chester . . . Pennsylvania, dec. pp. xv, 152 : 3 pis. col. i 8°. West-Chester, Penn., 1826. j [Another edition entitled :] Flora Cestrica : an yf attempt to enumerate and describe the Flowering and •0 Filicoid Plants of Chester-County, &c. pp. xxiii, 640 : 1 map. 8°. West-Chester, Penn., 1837. [Another edition entitled :] An herborizing com- 0 panion for the young Botanists of Chester County . . . " Pennsylvania. Third edition, dec. pp. c, 498 : 1 map. 8°. Philadelphia, 1853. Mosses and Hepaticsu by T. P. James. Thallophytes by E. Michener. Darlington (W.) Reliquiae Baldwinianse : Selections » from the Correspondence of ... W. Baldwin, with £) ... notes, and a ... memoir. Compiled by W. Dar- lington, pp. 846 : 1 port. 8°. Philadelphia, 1843. Darlington (W.) dec. pp. 34. A Lecture on the Study of Botany, 8°. [ Wilmington, Delaware,] 1844. 6 Darlington (W.) Agricultural Botany : an enumera- tion and description of Useful Plants and Weeds, which . . . require the attention of American Agriculturists. pp. Iviii, 270. 8°. Philadelphia & New York, 1847. Darlington (W.) Memorials of J. Bartram and H. Marshall, with notices of their Botanical Contem- poraries, pp. xvi, 585 : 1 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, 1849. DABLUC (MICHEL) [1717-1783] Histoire naturelle de la Provence, contenant ce qull y a de plus remar- quable dans les regnes Vegetal, Mineral, Animal & la partie Geoponique. 3 Tom. 8°. Avignon, 1782-86. DARMSTADT.— Grossherzogliches Unseam. Catalogue des Pldtres des Ossements fossiles . . . dans ]e Cabinet d'Histoire Naturelle du Grand-Due de Hesse. See KAUP (J. J.) & SCHOLL (J. B.) 8°. 1832. [Another edition entitled :] Verzeichniss der Gypsabgiisse von den . . . Thierresten des . . . Museum zu Darmstadt . . . Zweite . . . Ausgabe. 8°. 1834. Darmstadt.— Grossherzogliches Museum . Description d'Ossements fossiles de Mammiferes . . . au Museum, dec. See KAUP (J. J.) 4°. 1832-5. Darmstadt.— Grossherzogliches Museum. Einige Cerambyciden der ... Sammlung, &c. See KAUP (J. J.) 4°. 1866. DARMSTADT.— Mittelrheinischer Geologischer Verein. [Founded issi.] Notizblatt des . . . Vereins, dec. See infra, VEREIN FUER ERDKUNDE. Notizblatt, dec. Folg. IV, hft. i-xn. 8°. 1880-91. Darmstadt. Mittelrhein. Geologischer Verein. Abhandlungen, dec. Bd. i.t 4°. Darmstadt, 1881-2. Bd. i. Halitherium Schinzi, die fossile Sirene des Mainzer Beckens . . . Von G. B. Lepsius. pp. iv, 300, mil : 10 pl». col. Darmstadt. Mittelrhein. Geologischer Verein. Karte von dem Grossherzogthume Hessen . . . Maasstab = 1 : 50,000 [i.e. 1 m. = 1J in. about]. 17 sh. geol. col. Darmstadt [1855-72]. [Explanatory text entitled :] Geologische Special- karte des Grossherzogthums Hessen, dec. 17 No. 8°. Darmstadt, 1855-72. There is a second title to the text, which reads : — " Kartell und Mit- theilungen," tte. For later geological map and memoirs, See HESSE-DARMSTADT. [Maps.] DARMSTADT. — Naturhistorischer Verein fuer das Grossherzogthum Hessen und Umgebnng. [Founded 1844.] Verhandlungen, &c. Hft. 2. 8°. Darmstadt, 1848. Wanting Hft. 1. DARMSTADT. — Naturwisseiischaftlicher Ve- rein. [Founded I860.] Notizblatt des . . . Vereins, L •Z. Darwin (C. R.) Fur Darwin. See MUELLER (J. F. T.) 8°. 1864. Darwin (C. R.) Facts and Arguments for Darwin. See MUELLER (J. F. T.) 8°. 1869. Darwin (C. R.) The Darwinian Theory of the Trans- mutation of Species examined by a Graduate of the University of Cambridge, pp. viii, 386. $>. London, 1867. Darwin (C. R.) Abrege de la Theorie de Darwin, ou Transformisme, traduit de PItalien du G. Omboni. See LE HON (H.) Temps antediluviens & prehistoriques . . . Deuxieme edition, &c. 8°. 1868. Darwin (C. R.) Darwin und der Darwinismus. See HELLER (K. B.) 8°. 1869. Darwin (C. R.) C. Darwin et ses Pr6curseurs Fran§ais : 6tude sur le Transformisme. See QUATREFAGES DE BREAU (J. L. A. DE). 8°. 1870. Darwin (C. R.) All the Articles of the Darwin Faith. See MORRIS (F. O.) 8°. 1875. Darwin (C. R.) Das Bewegungsvermogen der Pflanzen. Eine kritische Studieiiber das gleichnamige Werk von C. Darwin nebst neuen Untersuchungen. See WIESNER (J.) 8°. 1881. Darwin (C. R.) Darwin et les Progres de la Zoologie par A. Proost. pp. 69. See BRUSSELS. — SOCIETE SCIENTIFIQUE. Annales, &c. Tom. vi (Memoires). 8°. 1882. Darwin (C. R.) Linnes lara om i naturen bestamda och bestaende arter hos vexterne efter Linn6s skrifter framstald, och med motsvarande asigter hos Darwin jemford af J. G. Agardh. pp. 135. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. x, no. 12. 8°. 1885. Darwin (C. R.) Darwin, and after Darwin, &c. 3 Vol. See ROMANES (G. J.) 8°. 1892-97. DARWIN (ERASMUS) [1731-1802] A System of Vegetables . . . translated [by E. Darwin] from the thirteenth edition ... of the Systema Vegetabilium, &c. 2 Vol. See LlNN^us (C.) 8°. 1783. Darwin (E.) The Families of Plants . . . translated from . . . the Genera Plantarum of ... Linnaeus [by E. Darwin], &c. 2 Vol. See LINNAEUS (C.) 8°. 1787. Darwin (E.) The Botanic, Garden ; a poem, in two parts, &c. [By E^BSrwh/] See BOTANIC Darwin (E.) Zoonomia ; or, the Laws of Organic Life, &c. 2 Vol. 4°. London, 1794-96. Observations on the Zoonomia of E. Darwin. See BROWN (T.) M.D. 8°. 1798. Darwin (E.) Phytologia ; or philosophy of agriculture and gardening, &c. pp. viii, 612 [12] : 12 pis. 4°. London, 1800. Darwin (E.) Erasmus Darwin : philosopher, poet, and physician. A lecture, &c. See DOWSON (J.) 8°. 1861. Darwin (E.) E. Darwin . . . Translated from the German, &c. See KRAUSE (E.) 8°. 1879. DARWIN (FRANCIS) [1848-] The Power of Move- ment in Plants. By C. Darwin. Assisted by F. Darwin. See DARWIN (C. R.) 8°. 1880. Darwin (F.) The Life and Letters of C. Darwin, including an autobiographical chapter. Edite^ by . . F. DarwinT— 3Vol. Must. 8». Lon ' Darwin (F.) The Elements of Botany, &c. pp. xv, 285 : text illust. 8°. Cambridge, 1895. Cambridge Natural Science Manuals— Biological Series. Darwin (F.) & Acton (E. H.) Practical Physiology of Plants, pp. xvii, 321 : text illust. 8°. Cambridge, 1894. Cambridge Natural Science Manuals— Biological Series. DARWIN (ROBERT WARING) [1724-1816] Principia Botanica, &c. See D., R. W. 8°. 1787. The preface is signed R. W. D., i.e. R. W. Darwin. Third edition, &c. 8°. 1810. The preface to this edition is signed in full. 6 L 2_ L. e L . L. l_ ^X^ e> e L. (L, 6 - C 8 6 6 424 B B /.A. t t, L Cc r 2L z r r Z- r r DASH (T. A.) Key-plan and Index to the Royal Botanic Garden and Arboretum, Kew. (Prepared by T. A, Dash.) See K.EVf.—2toyal Garden*. 1891. DASSEN (MICHAEL) [1809-1852] Equisetacese . . . Musci et Hepaticse. See HALL {H- C. VAN) Flora Belgii Septentrionalis, . VI, torn, in, no. 4 & 8. 8°. 1876. DATHE (JOHANN FRIEDRICH ERNST) Mikroskopische Untersuchungen iiber Diabase. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pj). 40. 8°. Berlin [1874]. Zeitschr. Dcutscli. geol. Gesell. Bd. XXTI. Dathe (J. F. E.) Geologische Beschreibung der Um- gebung von Salzbrunn mit einer geologischen Special- karte, &c. pp. vii, 157 : 3 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. 6 &c. Tom. v, livr. 1. 4°. 1858. Daubree (G. A.) Observations sur le Metamorphisme ., et recherches experimentales sur quelques-uns des /'/ agents qui ont pu le produire. pp. 37. 8°. Paris, 1858. Ann. Mines. Ser. V, torn, xn, 1857. Daubree (G. A.) Etude et experiences synthetiques sur le Metamorphisme et sur la formation des Roches Cristallines. pp. vii, 127. 4U. Paris, 1860. Mem. pres. Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. xvn. Daubree (G. A.) pp. 24. Notice des Travaux de M. Daubree. 8°. Paris, 1861. Daubree (G. A.) Classification adoptee pour la Col- lection des Roches du Mus&um d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, pp. ix, 47. 8°. Pans, 1867. Daubree (G. A.) Meteorites du Mus6um d'Histoire Naturelle, &c. See PARIS.— MUSEUM D'HISTOIRE NATU- RELLE. 8°. 1868. Daubre"e (G. A.) Etudes synthetiques de Geologic experimentale, &c. 2 Pt. Must. 8°. Paris, 1879. Daubree (G. A.) Les Meteorites et la constitution du Globe terrestre. pp. 37. 8°. Paris, 1886. Reprint from "Revue des Deux Mondes," 1885. Daubree (G. A.) Les Eaux souterraines a 1'epoque actuelle, &c. 2 Tom. Must. 8°. Paris, 1887. ty Daubree (G. A.) Les Eaux souterraines aux epoques anciennes, &c. pp. iv, 443 : text Must. 8°. Paris, 1887. fl] Daubree (G. A.) Les regions invisibles du Globe et des Espaces Celestes, Eaux souterraines, Tremblements M deTerre, Meteorites, pp.304 : text Must. 8°. Paris, 1888. Bibliotheque Seientiflque Internationale. Daubree (G. A.) & Fisani (FELIX) Meteorite de Roda, provincia de Huesca. pp. 2. See SPAIN. — Comision del Mapa Geoldf/ico. Boletln, &c. Tom. in. 8°. 1876; DAUDEBARD DE FERUSSAC ( ) See FERUSSAC. DAUDIN (FRANCOIS MARIE) [1774-1804] Tableau {_ des divisions . . . des Mammiferes ( — des Oiseaux), par . . . Lac6pede ; avec ['indication de toutes les especes decrites par Buffon, et leur distribution dans chacun des genres, par F. M. Daudin. See BUFFON $ (G. L. L. DE) Count. Histoire Naturelle, &c. [Edited by Lacepede.] Quadrupedes. Tom. xiv. 18°. 1799 [i.e. 1802]. Also issued separately, pp. 206. 18°. Par'a, 1802. Daudin (F. M.) Recueil de memoires et de notes sur -, des especes inedites ou pen connues de Mollusques, de Vers et de Zoophytes, &c. pp. 50 : 4 pis. 12°. Paris, 1800. Daudin (F. M.) Traite elernentaire et complet d'Or- -r~ nithologie, &c. 2 Tom. Must. 4°. Paris, 1800. Daudin (F. M.) Histoire naturelle . . . des Reptiles, i_ &c. 8 Tom. See BUFFON (G. L. L. DE) Count. His- toire Naturelle ... . nouvelle edition . . . Ouvrage . . . redige par C. S. Sonnini. [Suites.] 8°. An x [I801]-An XIII [1804]. Daudin (F. M.) Exposition methodique d'Ornithologie , [Edited by F. M. Dandinl. See BUFFON (G. L. L. DE) < Count. Histoire Naturelle . . . nouvelle edition . . . Ouvrage . . . redige par C. S. Soricini. Histoire des Oiseaux. Tom. LXIV. 8°. An xi [1802]. Daudin (F. M.) Histoire naturelle des Rainettes, des Grenouilles et des Crapauds. pp. 108 : 38 pli> (col.) 4°. Paris, An xi [1803]. Daudin (F. M.) See DICTIONARIES. Dictionnaire des [_ Sciences naturelles, &c. Tom. i-vi. 8°. 1804-17. 7- -4 DAUMAS (MELCHIOR JOSEPH EUGENE) [1803-1871] The Horses of the Sahara, and the manners of the Desert. By E. Daumas, . . . with commentaries by the Emir Abd-el-Kader. Translated from the French by J. Hutton, &c. pp. xi, 355. 8°. London, 1863. 6. 8. o -j; DAUPHINY. - Societe Danpbinoise pour 1'Echange des Flantes. See GRENOBLE. DAUTZENBERG (PHILIPPE) [1849-] Contribution a la Faune Malacologique des Isles Acores . . . Revi- sion des Mollusques marins des AQores. See ALBERT HONORE CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. Resultats des Campagnes scientifiques, &c. Fasc. I. 4°. 1889. Dautzenberg (P.) & Dpllfns (G. F.) Etude prelimi- naire des Coquilles fossiles des Faluns de la Touraine. See DOLLFUS (G. F.) & DAUTZENBERG (P.) 8°. 1886. Dautzeuberg (P.) it others. Les Mollusques marins du Roussillon par . . . E. Bucquoy ... P. Dautzenberg, &c. 2 Tom. See BUCQUOY (E.) & others. 8°. 1882-98. 54 L. 2L To A 426 Z 2. o J> Z. L «f B Z L C rff\. •2. Gr B t DAVAINE (CASIMIR JOSEPH) [1812-1882] L'CEuvro de C. J. Davaine [Edited by A. Davaine, with a Notice of his Life by A. Laboulbene.] pp. iv, 864 •' text illust. 8°. Paris, 1889. Davaine (C. J.) Recherches sur la g6n6ration des Huitres, . .',:, . 2 pis. 8°. (Paris,) 1848. Bull. Soc. Geol. France. Ser. II, torn. v. Davidson (T.) A monograph of the British fossil Brachiopoda. See PALJSONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 4°. 1851-86. Davidson (T.) Introduction a 1'histoire naturelle des Brachiopodes vivants et fossiles, ou considerations generates sur la Classification de ces 6tres . . . traduit de FAnglais, par M. Eudes-Deslongchamps . . . et par M. Eugene Eudes-Deslongchamps. pj>. 208 : 8 pis. 4°. Caen, 1856. Mem. Soc. Linn. Normandle. Caen. Vol. x. A translation of Chap, ill ("On the Classification of the Brachioix.da ') of "A monograph of the British foesil Brachiopoda," Vol. I, published by the Palseontograpblcal Society. 6 B 427 Davidson (T.) Sketch of a Classification of recent Brachiopoda, &c. 8°. [Lyndon,] 1852. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. II, vol. ix. pp. S01-377. interleaved copy, with his manuscript notes. Author's Gr Davidson (T.) Memoire sur les genres et les sous- genres des Brachiopodes munis d'appendices spiraux et sur leurs especes decouvertes dans les couches Car- boniferes des lies Britanniques . . . traduit et augmente de notes par L. de Koninck. pp. 51 : 2 pis. 8°. Liege, 1859. M4m. Soc. Sci. Liege. Tom. xvi, 1861. A translation of a ^aper published in " The Geologist," 1858. Davidson (T.) A monograph of the Carboniferous Brachiopoda of Scotland ; with remarks on the Classi- fication of the Scottish Carboniferous strata, &c. pp. 76, vi : 5 pis., text illust. 8". London, 1860. A reprint, from the " Geological Magazine" for 185SMSO, of a series of papers, entitled " The Carboniferous system of Scotland characterized by its Brachiopoda." tf Davidson (T.) On British Carboniferous Brachiopoda. 8°. [London, 1861.] The Geologist. Vol. v, pp. 41-fiO. Author's own copy, interleaved, with many manuscript notes. Davidson (T.) Notice sur quelques Brachiopodes Carboniferes recueillis dans 1'Inde, &c. See KONINCK C (L. G. DE) M6moire sur les fossiles paleozoiques re- cueillis dans 1'Inde, &c. 8°. 1863. Davidson (T.) The Silurian Brachiopoda of the Pent- land Hills, pp. 24 : 3 pis., text illust. See GEOLOGICAL /^ SOCIETY OF GLASGOW. Transactions, &c. Palseont. **" Series, Pt. i. 4°. [1868.] The title of the paper, reproduced on the title-page to the author's ,* separate copies, reads :— " On the Upper Silurian Brachiopoda of the Pentland Hills and of Lesmahagow, in Lanarkshire." Davidson (T.) Qu'est-ce qu'un Brachiopode . . . /*. Memoire inedit traduit de 1'Anglais par T. Lefevre. pp. 53, 1 tab. : 4 pis. 8°. Bruxelles, 1875. Ann. Soc. Malac. Belgique. Tom. x. A translation, with additions, of a lecture delivered before the Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society, February 14th, 1875, reports of - which appeared in the local papers and in the Twenty-second Annual Qf Report of the Society. The full English text was subsequently published in the " Geological Magazine" for 1877. Davidson (T.) On the Brachiopoda of the Inferior ,* Oolite of Bradford Abbas & its vicinity . . . With notes MT by the editor (J. Buckman) on the . . . beds, dec. pp. 25 : 4 pis- SP.Sherborne,l8m. Proe. Dorset Nat. Hist. & Ant. Field Club. Vol. i. ^_ Davidson (T.) Report on the Brachiopoda dredged by 7 H.M.S. Challenger, &c. pp. 67: 4 pis. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Challenger Expedition. Cr Report, &c. Zoology. (Pt. i.) Vol. i. 4°. 1880. Davidson (T.) Liste des principaux ou vrages, memoires ou notices qui traitent directement ou indirectement r des Brachiopodes, vivants et fossiles. pp. 54. 8°. Bruxelles, 1880. Ann. Soc. Malac. Belgique. Tom. xu, 1877. ^ Davidson (T.) A monograph of recent Brachiopoda. br [Edited by Miss Agnes Crane.] pp. 248 : 30 pis. 4°. London, 1886-88. Forming "Trans. Linn. Soc.," Ser. II, Zool.,vol. iv. Davidson (T.) [Original drawings of recent and fossil Brachiopoda.] 22 Vol. 4°. __. DAVIE (OLIVER) Methods in the art of Taxidermy. •• pp. xiv, 150, vii : 00 pis. 8°. Columbus [0.] & London, 1894. - DAVIES (ARTHUR MORLEY) On the minute structure of the Trilobite-Crust. pp. 24 •' text illust. 8°. Lewes,- 1894. n r z. T DAVIES (DAVID CHRISTOPHER) [1827-1885] [A Treatise on Metalliferous Minerals and Mining. 8°. London, 1880, i.e. 1879.] Wanting. — Third edition, &c. pp.xxii,438. 8°. London, 1886. Dayies (D. C.) [A Treatise on Earthy and other Minerals and Mining. 8°. London, 1884.] Wanting. - Second edition, pp. xvi, 336 : text illust. 8°. London, 1888. DAVIES (HUGH) [1739 ?-1821] Welsh Botanology. Part the first. A systematic Catalogue of the Native Plants of the Isle of Anglesey, in Latin, English, and Welsh, &c. pp. xiv, xiv, 355. 2 Pt. 8°. London, 1813. Davies (H.) & Latham (J.) The Indian Faunula. See PENNANT (T.) Indian Zoology, Second edition. 4°. 1790 [i.e. 1791]. - [Another edition entitled :] Faunula Indica, id est Catalogus Animalium Indices orientalis . . . secundis curis editus . . . a J. R. Forster, &c. See LATHAM (J.) " & DAVIES (H.) fol. 1795. DAVIES (JAMES BOYD) The practical Naturalist's Guide, containing instructions for collecting, preparing, Z. and preserving specimens of all departments of Zoology, &c. pp. iv, 82 : text illust. 8°. Edinburgh & London, 1858. DAVIES (ROBERT) [1684-1728] A Catalogue of the £ Brittish names of Plants, &c. See GERARD (J.) Botanist. The Herball, &c. fol. 1633. DAVIES (S. A.) A list of the ... Birds of Win- chester and the vicinity, &c. See WINCHESTER COLLEGE 2. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. 16°. 1891. DAVIES (THOMAS) Microscopist. The preparation and mounting of Microscopic Objects, pp. iv, 156. 8°. London [1863]. DAVIES (THOMAS) of the British Museum [1837-1892] Notes on 'Jadeite' and 'Jade.' See KELLER (F.) ,, The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland . . . Second Gy- edition, &c. 8°. 1878. Dayies (THOMAS) of the British Mwevm. Geology [of Fernando de Noronhal based on Petrological L. Notes by T. Davies. See FERNANDO DE N(>KONHA, Island of. The Natural History of the Island, &c. 8°. 1890. Davies (THOMAS) of the British Museum. Obituary. ,, T. Davies. See FLETCHER (L.) 8°. [1893.] -r DAVIES (WILLIAM) [1814-1891] Catalogue of Fossils, in the Museum, Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, /£_ 1864. See ROYAL ARTILLERY INSTITUTION, WOOLWICH. 8°. 1864. Davies (W.) Catalogue of the Pleistocene Vertebrata, from the neighbourhood of Ilford, Essex, in the collec- Cp tion of Sir A. Brady . . . with an introduction by Sir A. Brady and a description of the locality, etc., by H. Woodward and W. Davies. pp. xxvii, 74 •' 1 pi., text illust. 8°. London, 1874. Appendix : — I. Copy of a letter from [Sir] W. H. Flower. II. List of Mammalian remains from Ilford in the collection of R. P. Cotton. in. List of Mammalian remains from Ilford in the British Museum. iv. Note on the remains of Rhinoceros leptorhinut, Owen (Rh. hemitechux, Falconer). By H. Woodward. v. Note on the frequent occurrence of numbers of shells of Helix within the brain-cavity of the skulls of fossil Oxen at Ilford. By W. Davien. VI. On the preservation of fossil Mammalian remains found in Ter- tiary deposits. By W. Davies. vn. How the skull of the Mammoth was got out of the brick-earth at Ilford. By H. Woodward. VIII. Note on Uphall Pit, Ilford, Essex. By Prof. [J.] Phillips. 428 7$', a p G.I: 11 0 ft. DAVILA (PEDRO ARIAS) See ARIAS D'AVILA. DAVILA (PEDRO FRANCISCO) [-1785] Catalogue systi-iiwtique et raisonn6 des Curiosit6s de la Nature et de 1'Art, qui composent le Cabinet de M. Davila [compiled by P. F. Davila and J. B. S. de Rome do Lisle], &c. 3 Tom. Must. 8°. Paris, 1767. DAVIS (CHARLES HENRY) [1807-1877] The law of 1 tcposit of the Flood Tide. pp. 13. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Contributions to Know- ledge. Vol. m, art. 6. 4°. 1852. Davis (C. H.) Report on interoceanic canals and rail- roads between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, pp. 37 : 14 tiuips. 8°. Washington, 1867. DAVIS (EDWIN HAMILTON) [181 1-J Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, />. of Gold Deposits in Australia ; with comparison and accounts of the Gold Regions of California, Russia, India, Brazil, r.Ti?Tv Works, &c. No. 5, 59, 8°. 1849, 80, & 94. DAWKINS (WILLIAM BOYD) [1838-] The Sub- Wealden Exploration. [By W. B. Dawkins.] See SUB-WEALDEN EXPLORATION. 8°. 1872. Dawkins (W. B.) Cave Hunting : researches on the evidence of Caves respecting the early inhabitants of Europe, pp. xxiv, 455 : 1 pi. col., text illust. 8°. London, 1874. Dawkins (W. B.) Early Man in Britain, and his place in the Tertiary period, pp. xxiii, 537 : text illust. 8°. London, 1880. Dawkins (W. B.) Our earliest ancestors in Britain. A lecture delivered . . . 1879. See SCIENCE LECTURES FOR THE PEOPLE. Tenth Series. 8°. 1883. Dawkins EOI 8°. 1884. Dawkins (W. B.) The place of the Lake-dwellings at Glastonbury in British Archaeology. See GLASTONBURY ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Bntish Lake-Village near Glastonbury, &c. 8s. 1895. Dawkins (W. B.) & Oakley (H. W.) Perissodactyla.— Artiodactyla. See DUNCAN (P. M.) Cassell's Natural History. Vol. in. 4°. 1883. Dawkins (W. B.) & Sanford (W. A.) The British Pleistocene Mammalia. Pt. i-vi. See PAL^ONTO- Or GRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 4°. 1866-87. Dawkins (W. B.) & Stirrup (M.) [Physiography and (__ Geology of the Manchester District.] See BRITISH c ASSOCIATION, &c. Handbook of Manchester, rals of economic value of British Columbia, with a list (Jr of localities, &c. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. 8'. [1878.] Dawson (G. M.) On the microscopic structure of /? certain Boulder-Clays and the Organisms contained **" in them. See MINNESOTA, State of.— Geological and Natural History Survey. Annual reports, &c. No. 13. 8°. 1885. Dawsou (G. M.) Geographical and geological sketch [, , [of Canada], with notes on Minerals, (fee. See BAEDEKER .-, _ (K.) The Dominion of Canada, &c. Introduction, *• 3". No. ix. 8°. 1894. Dawsou (G. M.) The Physical Geography and Geology /* of Canada, &c. pp. 48. 8°. Toronto, 1897. Reprinted from the " Handbook of Canada." Dawson (G. M.) [For official reports in connection with the Survey] See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Report of Progress, &c. [Continued as:] Annual Report, &c. Dawson (G. M.) & Selwyn (A. R. C.) Descriptive £. sketch of the Physical Geography and Geology of ... Canada. See CANADA.— Geological Survey. 8". 1884. DAWSON (JAMES) Australian Aborigines. The languages and customs of several tribes oF Aborigines in the western district of Victoria, Australia, pp. viii, ill, civ : 2 photos. 4°. Melbourne, &c., 1881. DAWSON (JOHN FREDERIC) [1802 ?-1870] Geodephaga Britannica. A monograph of the Carnivorous Ground- ^ Beetles indigenous to the British Isles, pp. xx, 324 : 3 pis. col. 8°. London, 1854. DAWSON (Sir JOHN WILLIAM) C.M.G. [1820-1899] [Acadian Geology. The geological structure, organic remains and mineral resources of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. 8°. Edinburgh, 1855.] Wanting. A "Supplementary Chapter" appeared in 1860. — Third edition. With a ... Supplement, pp. xxvi, /*_ U94 (102) : 9 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. London, &c., 1878. The supplement is entitled : — "Supplement to the second edition," tfcc. Dawson (Sir JOHN W.) On the Newer Pliocene and Post-Pliocene Deposits of the vicinity of Montreal, with /* notices of Fossils recently discovered in them. pp. 28 : 2 pis., text illust. 8°. Montreal, 1858. Canadian Nat. k Geol. Vol. II. Dawsou (Sir JOHN W.) Air-breathers of the Coal Period: a descriptive account of the remains of Land Animals found in the Coal Formation of Nova Scotia, &c. pp. iv, 81 : 7 pis. 8°. Montreal, 1863. 430 Dawson (Sir JOHN W.) Report on the geological ,, structure and mineral resources of Prince Edward w Island, Ac. pp. 51 : 4pl*~> 1 map. See PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. 8". 1871. x, Dawson (Sir JOHN W.) The fossil Plants of the (Erian) Devonian and Upper Silurian Formations of Canada. (Supplementary section [to Pt. i] on the bearing of Devonian Botany on questions as to the origin and extinction of species.) 2 Pt. See CANADA. —Geological Survey. 8°. 1871, 82. Dawson (Sir JOHN W.) Notes on the Post-Pliocene geology of Canada ; with especial reference to the conditions of accumulation of the deposits and the marine life of the period, pp. 112 : 7 pis. 8°. Montreal, 1872. Canadian Naturalist. New Series, Vol. vi. Dawson (Sir JOHN W.) Report on the fossil Plants of the Lower Carboniferous and Millstone Grit forma- tions of Canada. See CANADA.— Geological Survey. 8°. 1873. Dawson (Sir JOHN W.) The Story of the Earth and Man. pp. xiii, 403 : 1 pi. col., text Must. 8°. London, 1873. Dawson (Sir JOHN W.) Note on the Plants, collected by Mr. G. M. Dawson, from the Lignite Tertiary Deposits, near the Forty-ninth Parallel. See CANADA. — British North American Boundary Commission. Report on the geology and resources of the . . . Forty- ninth Parallel, dx. Appendix A. 8°. 1875. Dawson (Sir JOHN W.) The Dawn of Life ; being the history of the oldest known fossil remains, &c. pp. xii, 239 : 8 pis. (3 col.), text illust. 8°. London, 1875. Also issued under the title : — " Life's Dawn on Earth," «fcc. Dawson (Sir JOHN W.) The Origin of the World according to Revelation and Science, pp. vii, 438. 8°. London, 1877. Dawson (Sir JOHN W.) List of Tertiary Plants from localities in the southern part of British Columbia, with the description of a new species of Equisetum. See CANADA.— Geological Survey. Report of Progress. 1877-78. B. Appendix B. 8°. 1879. Dawson (Sir JOHN W.) Fossil Men and their modern representatives. An attempt to illustrate the characters and condition of Prehistoric Men in Europe, by those of the American Races, pp. viii, 348 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. London, 1880. Gr U Gr Gr Cr Gr Gr "£. Third edition, pp. viii, 354 •' ^-> text Must. 8°. London, 1888. Dawson (Sir JOHN W.) Lecture notes on Geology and (L Outline of the Geology of Canada, and History, pp. 223 : text illust. 8°. London, 1894. Cr Dawson (Sir JOHN W.) The Canadian Ice Age, being notes on the Pleistocene Geology of Canada, with a especial reference to the life of the period and its Gr climatal conditions, pp. vi, 301 : 4 pis., 3 maps, text illust. 8°. Montreal, (fee., 1894. DAWSON (S. E.) Hand-Book for the Dominion of / Canada. Prepared for the Meeting of the British Association ... at Montreal, 1884. pp. xii, 335: 2 maps (1 geol. col.) 8°. Montreal, 1884. DAWSON (WILLIAM BELL) Map of part of British L Columbia and the North West Territory . . . Natural jj> Scale 1 : 506,880 [i.e. 1 in. = 8 m.] 3 sh. See BRITISH * COLUMBIA. [Maps.] 1880. DAX. — Societe de Borda. [Founded 1876.] Bulletin (Pneeeli-Verbaux), &c. Arfn. • - \ n. i, trim. 1 & 2. B end of Vol. HI there is an/fndex to the first th he pagination is continuous jMmmgh Vol. l & n.^^ 2.J/A/70 5 Dax. Societe de Borda. Congres scientifique de Dax. lrc Session . . . 1882. af[ pp. cxxxvii, 383 : 7 pis., 3 maps. 8°. Dax, 1883. SB DAT (DAVID TALBOT) Mineral Resources of the .,, United States (Statistical Papers). See UNITED STATES. "/ —Geological Survey. 1885-93. 8°. 1886-94. Hubsequent reports were issued as part of the " Annual Report of the U.S. Geological Survey" [J.D.] Day (D. T.) Mineral Products of the United States ... & 1888 to 1897. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. 1898. DAT (FRANCIS) [1829-1889] The Land of the Permauls, , 1$\ or Cochin, its past and its present, pp. x, 577, xxxvii. 8°. Madras, 1863. Day (F.) The Fishes of Malabar, pp. xxxii, $93 : ..'n pis. 4°. London, 1865. "Z Day (K) Monograph of Indian Cyprinidae. pp. 141: 4 pis. 8». [Calcutta,] 1871. ~Z. Journ. Asiatic Hoc. Bengal. Vol. XL. Day (F.) Report on the Fresh Water Fish and Fisheries. ~^ of India and Burma. See INDIA. 8°. 1873. Day (F.) The Sea-Fishes of India and Burma. 8°. Calcutta, 1873. • Reprinted from " Report on the Sea-Fish and Fisheries," 1878. pp.diii- eccxxii. Day (F.) The Fishes of India . . . Burma and Ceylon. (Supplement, &c.) pp. xx, 778 (-816): text illust. ^, Atlas, 105 pis. 2 Vol. 4°. London, (1875-) 1878 (1888). Day (F.) [Ichthyology of Yarkand.] See INDIA. Scientific results of the second Yarkand Mission, &c. -_ Pt. vii. fol. 1878. " Day (F.) 2 Vol. L 8 t DE BOSSET (CHARLES PHILIP) Notice sur la presence temporaire de VOpkidiwn imberbr (Fierafer, ou Fierasfer) dans la cavite du corps d'une Holothurie orangee do la faune -Francaise, dec. (Notice sur la Carinaire, Carinaria Mfditerranecf, dec) pp. 4: 1 fig. Set NEUCHATEL— SOCIE'TE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES. Me"moires, dkc. Tom. II. 4°. 1839. DEBBAW (.JOHN) Discoveries on the sex of Bees, explaining the manner in which their species is propa- gated, dkc. See SPALLANEI (L.) Dissertations relative to the natural history of Animals and Vegetables, dkc. Appendix. Vol. II. 8°. 1784. DEBBAY (FERDINAND) Etude comparative des caracteres anatomiques et du parcours des faisceaux fibre- vasculaires des Piperac^es. pp. 107 : 16 2$*. 8°. Paris, 1886. Debray (F.) Catalogue des Algues du Maroc, d'Algerie , 335 : 13 pl*.t 1 port., 3 map*, text illuxt. 18C9. ,, II. Neue Heisen im inneren und an der Kiiste. Die Ost- afrikanische InselweltOiadaga^kar^SeschellentReunion, Nossibe und Komoren). Reisen in deu Landern der Galla und Somali, pp. xvi, l£lt : l.r> pis., S ma-jUt, text illutt. 1871. WlSSENSCJIAFTLICHER TlIEII.. Bd. ill. Abth 1. pp.xii,169:Xpli.col. 18(39. Saugethiere und Amphibien, Von W, C. H. Peters. Vogel. Von J. Cabanis. Mollusken. Von E. v. Martens. Crustaceen. Von F. Hilgendorf. Die Holothuridn Ostafrika's. Von C. Semper. Seesterne und Seeigel. Von E. von Martens. Anhang : Ueberaicht der Saugetbiere und Amphibien dea mittleren Ostafrika (Gebiet von Sansibar und Mosambik nebst Binnenland). Von W. C. H. Peters. Uebersicht der Oatafrikanischen Suaswaaser-Fische, &c. Von E. v. Martens. Neue Susswassernache der v. d. Decken'achen Samm- lung. Von W. C. H. Peters. Erganzung zu der Uebersicht der Ostafrikanischen Cnistaceen. Seite 104-114. Uebersicht der Land- und Siisswasser-Mollusken der Ostafrikanischen Kiiste von CapGuardafui bis Port Natal, ] JA new London Flora; or Handbook to the botanical localities of the Mctrojiolitan Districts, Ar. pp. xxiv, 179. 8U. London, 1877. DEDE (JA.MKS) The English Botanist's Pocket Com- IMinion, Ac. //>. 71. ,S'*r PRAGUE.— -BRIDE COMITKS KUEK ItlE L\N1)KS|)('RCHKORSCHUN<4 VON BollMEN. Areliiv, L Ac. Bd. V, no. 4. 8°. 1886. DEDTT (N.) De 1'ame des Plantes . . . Nouvelle / edition. ,S'«-GREW (N.) Anatomic et ume des Plantes . . . Nouvelle edition, Ac. 12°. 1691. The original work apjtearttd in 1I&2. J Dedu (N.) Dell' aninm delle Piante, Ac. See GREW (N.) Anotomia, od nnima delle Piante, Ac. 12°. 1763. DEECKE (JOHANNKS ERNST WILHELM) [1862-] Die x. Foraminiferenfauna der Zone des l&ephanocereu 6f /tiiiii/'/ir^si'iiiiiin im lTnter-Elsass. pp. 68: .' /'tx. .SV<- ALSACE LORRAINE. — Commission fw»- die • maps (4 col.), text Must. pp. viii, 514: 27 pis., 8°. Berlin [1898]. /. &>=> Bibliothek der Ijuiderknnde. Bd. in £ iv. Deecke (J. E. W.) Geologischer Fiihrer durch Bornholm. pp. viii, 131 : 1 map geol. col., text Must. 8». Berlin, 1899. Miiiiiilimi: geol. Fiihrer. ill. Deecke (J. E. W.) Geologischer Fiihrer durch Pom- (f mern. pp. 133 : text Must. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Hanimlnng geol. Fiihrer. iv. Deecke (J. E. W.) & Cohen (E. W.) Ueber Geschiebe Q- aus Neu-Vorponimern und Riigen. See COHEN (E.) & DEECKE (J. E. W.) 8°. [1892.] DEELE Y (R. MOUNTFORD) [Drift deposits of Notting- L hamshire.] See CARR (J. W.) A contribution to the Geology ... of Nottinghamshire, Ac. 8". 1893. DEEN (ISAAC ABRAHAM VAN) Disquisitio physio- -? logica de differentia et nexu inter Nervos vitue animalis et vitie organic*, Ac. pp. xiii, [ii,] 184 •' 1 pi- 8°. Lurjduni-Batavorvm, 1834. Deen (I. A. VAN) Anatomische Beschreihung eines _ monstrosen, sechsfussigen Wasser - Frosches, (Jtana +- escubnta). pp. 24:1 pi. 4°. Leiden, 1838. DEERING KluoRiiK CHARLES) [c.1695-1749] Cata- logus Stiniir.m, . [jcviii.] S,11, [»,] 6, 24. 8°. Nottingham, 1738. j DEETZ (RICHARD) Untersuchungen von Lolium t-> perenne in verschiedenen Stadien der Entwicklung. Inaugural-Dissertation, pp. 34. 8°. Giittingen, 1873. DEFFNER (CARL) [1817-1877] & Praa« (O. F. VON) Begleitworte zur geognostischen Specialkarte von Wiirttemberg. Atlasblatter Bopfingen und Ellenberg, Ac. pp. iv, 36. 4°. Stuttgart, 1877. DEFLER8 (ALBERT) Voyage au Yemen. Journal d'une Excursion botanique faite en 1887 dans les Mon- P tagnes de 1' Arable Heureuse. Suivi du Catalogue des Plantes recueillies, d'une Liste des principals especes cultivees avec leurs noms arabes, Ac. pp. S46 : 6 pis. 8°. Paris, 1889 O Deflers (A.) Notice sur 1'Herbier Gaillardot. pp. 8. 8°. 1* Caire, 1898 DEFRANCE (M.\uiN JACQUES Louis) [1758-1850] L^ ,sVc DICTION VUIKS. Dictionnaire dos Sciences natu- / "p relies, Ac. (i/>. .i-i'i, 136. 8". Paris A Strasbourg, 1824. DE FRIE8E (L. H.) Report on the Timbers of Gray son, Breckinridge, Ohio, and Hancock counties, (y See KENTUCKY, State, of.— Geological Survey. Reports of Progress. New Series, Vol. n, pt. 9. 8°. 1877. DEFROOM (J. L. F. POITESJ) Hre POITKX-DKFROOM. DEGEER. Xw GEEH. DEGENHARDT (('AIM.) P6trifications recueillies Q- en Amerique i>ar . . . C. Degenhardt. Sec BUCII (C. L. VON). fol. 1839. DEGLAND (C6ME DAMIEN) [-1856] Catalogue des ^- Oiseaux observes en Europe, principalement en France et surtout dans le nord de ce royaume, avec ... la description des especes qui n'ont pas etc decrites ili\us le Manuel d'Oruitnologie de M. Temminck. pp. 48. 8°. Lille, 1839. Degland (C. D.) Ornithologie Europeenne, ou Cata- logue . . des Oiseaux observes en Europe. 2 Tom. 7 8°. Paris, Ac., 1849. Deuxieme edition . . . par C. D. Degland, Z. Gerbe, Ac. 2 Tom. 8°. Paris, Ac., 1867. Revue critique de 1'Ornithologie Europeenne de ^. M . . . Degland . . . Lettre, Ac. See BONAPARTK (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. 8°. 1850. Ouelques mots sur 1'Ornithologie Europeenne de -T* M ... Degland, Ac. See JAUBERT(.!. B.) 8". 1851. Degland (C. D.)&Gerbe(Z.) Ornithologie Europeenne -~ . . . Deuxieme edition, Ac, 2 Tom. See DEGLAND ' (C. D.) 8°. 1867. DEGREAUX (LAURENT) La puissance dc 1'Aile, ou 1'Oiseau i»ris au vol, classification alaire . . . pre- cedee d i'une preface de C. Poncy. pp. 260. 8°. Paris, Marseille, 1871. _ DE GRET (THOMAS) Baron Walsinyham [1843-] ft^j North American Tortricidse. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) Illustrations of typical speci- mens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the . . . Museum. Pt. iv. 4°. 1879. De Grey (T.) Baron Walsingham. Pterophoridas of ^ California and Oregon, pp. xvi, 66 : 3 pis. col. 8°. London, 1880. De Grey (T.) Baron Walsingham. See ENTOMOLOGIST'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE, THE : conducted by ... Lord £ Walsingham, Ac. Second Series, Vol. iv-» 8°. 1893-» De Grey (T.) Baron Walsingham & Durrant (J. H.) Rules for regulating Nomenclature ... in Entomo- fc logical work. pp. 18. 8°. London, Ac., 1896. De Grey (T.) Baron Walsingham &. Payne-Gallwey (Sir R.) Shooting . . . with contributions by the Hon. G. Lascelles and A. J. Stuart- Wortley. Field and -±. Covert, Ac. pp. xvi, 357 : 12 pis., text Must. 8°. London, 1886. One of the " Badminton Library " Series. De Grey (T.) £aro-n Walsingham it Payne-Gallwey (Sir R.) Shooting . . . with contributions by Lord Lovat and Lord C. Kerr. Moor and Marsh, Ac. "Z» pjt. xiii, 348 : 8 pis., text Must. 8". London, 1886. One of the " Badminton Library " Series. 435 ft DEGRON (H.) Les Vignes Japonaises. pp. 12. 8°. Lyon, 1884. Lu Vigne Amoiiciiiue, Sept. i Oct. 1884. / DEHAISNES (CHRETIEN CESAR AUGUSTE) [1825-] Bulletin scientifique, historique et litteraire du departe- f f ment du Nord. Publie sous la direction de . . . 1 Abbe Deshaisnes. Tom. rv-vu. See BULLETIN SCIENTIFIQUE DE LA FRANCE ET DE LA BELGIQUE. 8°. 1872-75. DEHNE (JOHANN FRIEDRICH ANTON) Jficromys •7 agilis, Kleinmaus, ein neues Saugthier der Fauna von Dresden, die. pp. 10 : 1 pi. 12°. Hoflossnitz, bei Dresden, 1841. DEHNER (HANS) Ueber die sogenannte partheno- A genetische Furchung des Froscheies. pp. 18 : 1 pi. II' " See WURZBURG. — PHYSIKALISCH-MEDICINISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. Verhandlungen, &c. Neue Folge, Bd. xxvi, no. 1. 8°. 1892. DEHNHARDT (FEDERioo) [Catalogus Plantarum Horti Camaldulensis. fol. Neapoli, 1829.] Wanting. $ — Editio secunda auction (Elenco delle Piante . . . acclimate, .B 564 •' tejct Must. 12°. London, 1832. — - Third edition, Ac. p/t. ix, 629 : text illust. 8°. London, 1833. De la Beche (Sir H. T.) Handbuch der Geognosie . . . Nach der zweiten Auflage des Engl. Originals bearbeitet von H. von Dechen. pp. xvi, 612 : text Must. 8°. Berlin, 1832. De la Beche (Sir H. T.) Researches in Theoretical Geology, pp. xvi, 408 : 2 pis., text Must. 8°. London, 1834. De la Beche (Sir H. T.) Wanting. «/. 0- Cr L. SI. o. Gr L.: C, IV] [How to Observe. Geology. 12". London, 1835.] - Second edition, pp. viii, SIS : text illust. 12°. London, 1836. De la Beche (Sir H. T.) Report on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — England and Wales. Memoirs, Ac. 8°. 1839. De la Beche (Sir H. T.) On the Formation of the rocks of South Wales and South Western England. See. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Gedoaical Survey. — England and Wales. Memoirs, Ac. Vol. I. 8°. 1846. De la Beche (Sir H. T.) [Instructions for making mineralogical observations and collecting specimens.] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Admiralty. A 8°. 1849. L. £ fr Manual of Scientific Enquiry, Ac. - Revised by W. H. Miller. Third edition. 8°. 1859. -- Fourth edition. 8°. 1871. - Revised by W. J. Sollas. Fifth edition. 8". 1886. De la Beche (,V*V II T.) />/<. .r.r,n'j, S-^fi •' <*rt tWiwf . The Geological Observer. 8°. London, 1851. - Second edition, revised. p/>. xxviii, 740: text illust. 8°. London, 1853. De la Beche (Sir H. T.) Inaugural Discourse — Note on the Stigmaria beds of the South Staffordshire Coal Field. See ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE. Records of the School of Mines, Ac. Vol. I. 8". 1852-53. D« la Beche (Sir ti. T.) [Catalogue of sjiti-iinens in the Museum of Practical Geology, illustrative of . . . British Pottery and Porcelain, Ac. See MUSEUM OK I'K A. TICAL GEOLOGY. 8". I8.v..] Wanting. Third edition, Ac. 8°. 1876. De la Beche (,SYr H. T.) [For official publications as Director-General] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Geological Survey. De la Beche (Sir H. T.) & Conybeare (W. D.) Notice ., of a discovery of a new fossil animal, forming a link (t between the Ichthyosaurus and Crocodile, Ac. pp. 36 : 3 pis. 4°. London, 1821. Trans. Geol. 8oc. Londtm. Vol. v. De la Beche (Sir H. T.) i Plavfair (L.) Baron Play- fair. First report on the Coals suited to the Steam Navy, Ac. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geoloyieal Survey.— England and Wales. Memoirs, Ac. Vol. II, pt. 2. 8°. 1848. De la Beche (Sir H. T.) & others. Report . . . with reference to the selection of Stone for building the /* new Houses of Parliament. See GREAT BRITAIN AND (jf IRELAND.— Houses of Parliament. fol. 1839. DE LA CONDAMINE (CHARLES MARIE) .•vr LA CONDAMINE (C. M. DE) DE LA CROIX (DEMETRIUS) pseiul. [i.e.. DEMETRIUS g MACENCROE] Columbia Floruni Latino Carmine p demonstrate. Auctore D. De la Croix ; notas et obser- vationes adjecit R. Clayton, Ac. pp. 138 : 1 [A. 8°. Bathonice, 1791. Tin original edition was published at Paria in 1728. DELAFAB.GE ( M \KIK JKAN BAUDET) See BAUDET-LAFARQE. DELAFOND (FREDERIC) Note sur le gisement du /> Pentacrinus de Sennecey-le-Grand. See LORIOL (P. DE) (f Notice sur le Pentacrinus de Sennecey-le-Grand, Ac. 4°. 1878. Delafond (F.) Note sur les terrains d'Alluvions des environs de Lyon. pp. 9: 1 pi. See FRANCE.— Service rL de la Carte Gdoloc/ique d&aiUee. Bulletin, Ac. No. 2. (Tom. i.) 8°. 1889. Delafond (F.) Bassin Houiller et Penmen d'Autun et d'Epinac. Fasc. I. Stratigraphie. pp. 112 : 1 pi., P 1 map geol. col., text Must. /See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Ge'ologique detailUe. Etude des Gites Mineraux, Ac. 4°. 1889. Delafond (F.) I. (Note sur une) Nouvelle subdivision clans les terrains Bressans.— II. (Observations sur le) Bassin de Blanzy et du Creusot. pp. 24: text Must. See FRANCE.— Service de la Carte Geologitjue deiailUe. Bulletin, Ac. No. 12. (Tom. n.) 8°. 1890. DELAFOND (O.) [1808-1861] & Bourguiffnon (H.) Traite pratique d'entomologie et de pathologic com- parees de la Psore, ou Gale de I'Hoinme etdes Animaux domestiques. pp. 646 : 7 pis. 4". Paris, 1862. Mum. pros. Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. xvi. DELAFOSSE (GABRIEL) [1796-1878] Dictionnaire classique d'Histoire Naturelle, par Messieurs Audouin . . . G. de Lafosse, Ac. 17 Vol. See BORY DE SAINT- VINCENT (J. B. G. M.) Baron. 8°. 1822-31. Delafosse (G.) C. Plinii Secundi Historiaj Naturalis libri xxxvn . . . Pars sexta continens Mineralogiam curante Delafosse. Vol. ix. See PLINIUS SECUNDUS (C.) 8". 1831. Delafosse (G.) Notions elementaires d'Histoire Naturelle. lru partie : Mineralogie. pp. ,110 : text Must. 12". Paris, 1836. Al el d'Hiatoire Ac. l^Vol. 8V1 839-4:..] gj^u 849. 8°. 1861. Delafosse (G.) ..[Dictio Naturelle ... See ORBIONY Wanting. [Anothe, [An: Delafosse (G.) Recherches sur la Cristallisation con- sider^e sous les rapports physiques et matheinatiques. pp. 62 : 2 pis. 4°. Paris, 1843. Mi'm. pi^s. Acad. Sci. Parii. Tom. vill. Delafosse (G.) Nouveau Cours de Mineralogie, Ac. 3 Tom. & Atlas. 8°. Paris, iar>8-62. Forming on« of Ror»t'» " Collection cles HnitM a Buflbn." Delafosse (G.) Rapport sur les Progres de la Minera- logie. pp. 97. 8°. Paris, 1867. One of the " Reolleil lie lUpporto mir le« nro((ie« lies I«ettre» et del Hoience* en France," imblliiheri by th« Minintere de I'lnrtrnotion l>nbliqne. I*} 437 L j DELAGE (AuousTE) & Rouville (P. DE) Geologie de la region du Pic Saint-Loup. pp. 44 : 1 pi., 1 map 8". 1897-> Delage (M. Y.) & Herouard (E.) concrete, p. -i" C O Traite de Zoologie 8°. Pans, 1896-> DELAGE (MEDERIC) These . . . Stratigraphie des Terrains Primaires dans le nord du departement d'llle- et-Vilaine. pp. 138 : 7 pis., 4 maps tjeol. col., text Must. 4". Jiennes, 1877. DELALANDE (JEAN MARIE) [1807-1851] Une premiere ( — seconde) Excursion Botanique dans la Charente-Inferieure. -pp. 27 (61). 8°. Nantes, 1848-49. Ann. Soc. Acad. Nantes. Delalande (J. M.) Hoedic et Houat, histoire, mceurs, productions naturelles de ces deux iles du Morbihan. pp. 120. 8°. Nantes, Vannes, 1850. Ann. Soc. Acini. N'autes. DELALANDE (PIERRE ANTOINE) [1787-1823] Precis d'un voyage au Cap de Bonne-Esperance . . . suivi des Rapports de MM. les Professeurs Administrateurs du Jardin du Eoi. pp. 36. 4°. Pans, 1822. 1'1>. 1-20 extracted from " Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris," Tom. vm. DELAMARE ( I '. ) & others. Flora Miquelonensis. —Floruit; de 1'Ile Miquelon (Amerique du Nord) . . . Par E. Delamare, F. Eenauld, J. Cardot. pp. 78. 8°. Lyon, 1888. DELAMETHERIE (JEAN CLAUDE) DELANO (AMASA) [1763-1817] A narrative of Voyages it Travels in the northern and southern hemispheres, &c. pp. 508 : 3 pis. 8°. Botton [J/ass.], 1817. DELARBRE(ANToiNE)[1724-1811] Flored'Auvergne, <£•<-. (Description du Lac de Pavin — Observations de M. Chevalier), &c. pp. xl, 24, 2.30, 24 (11). 8°. Clermont-Ferrand, 1797. - Seconde edition, 2 Vol. 8". Riom Abietinea3.] pp. 14. Anatomicheskiya osobennostl steblya Kirkazonovuikh rastenii (Aristolochiacece). [On the anatomical pecu- liarities of the stem of the Aristolochiaceaj.] pp. ii, 58 : 3 pis. See KHARKOV.— OBSHCHESTVO ISPUITATELE! PRIKOJJUI, e' Naturelle et la 12°. Londres, 1780. ['histoire naturelle des jinatique des Terres •^Paris, 1786. gleichende Uebersicht cter alien Mineralogie . . . Ausdem FranzosisoUen. Delaunay und de pp. 22JJ&. _~ 8°. PrW A trjtrfsl.itiuu uf tiliu Ultra part ot the author'* " Mineralogie des Aficiens," 1803. DELAY AT (JEAN MARIE) [1838-1895] Plantee Dela- vayanie ; Plantes du Chine recueillies au Yun-nan par < 1'Abbe Delavay, &c. Livr. 1 & 2. See FRANCHET (A.) 8". 1889. DELAYIGNE (GisLAiN FRANCOIS) Flore Ger- manique, ou Histoire des Plantes indigenes de 1'Alle- magne et en grande partie de la France. Enrichie des figures coloriees de la Flore Germanique de J. Sturm. 4 Cahiers. 12°. Erlamg, 1801-2, Delavigne (G. F.) Histoire des Carex, ou Laicbes . . . traduite de I'Allemand et augmentee par G. F. Delavigne, <'> J />ls., 1 map. See LISBON. — ACADEMIA REAL DA* SCIENCIAS. Memorial, &c. Nova Serie, Tom. v, pt. 2. 4". 1878. Delgado (J. F. N.) Etude sur les Bilobites, et autrex fossiles des quartzites de la base du systeme Silurique du Portugal. (Supplement.) pp. 113 : 43 pis. (pp.74: 12 pis.) See PORTUGAL.— Direccao dos Trabalhos Geo- logicos. Terrenos Paleozoicos, &c. 4°. 1886-87. Delgado (J. F. N.) Relatorio acerca da quarta sessao do Congresso Geologico Internacional realisada em fa Londres . . . 1888. See PORTUGAL. — Direccdo dos Trabalhos Geologicos. 4°. 1889. Delgado (J. F. N.) Relatorio acerca da decima sessao do Congresso Internacional de Anthropologia e Archeo- tr logia prehistoricas. pp. 46. 4°. Lisboa, 1890. Delgado (J. F. N.) Fauna Silurica de Portugal.— Descripc,ao de uma forma nova de Trilobite Lichas Gr (Undichas) Ribeiroi. (—Novas observances Acerca de Lichas . . . Ribeiroi.) 2 Pt. See PORTUGAL.— Direc- cao dos Trabalhos Geologicos. 4°. 1892. Delgado (J. K. N.) .v Bensande (A.) Lista dos j_ uxemplares de Mineraes de Rochas e de Fosseis [from Africa]. ,S'« CAPELLO (H. C. DE B.) & IVENS (B.) De Angola & contra-costa, [l754]. Delias (H. F.) .Versuch einer Gjisehichte derJJhttlipse und Blatlausffesser des UlmertDaums . .^Nebst'einer Vorrsde-aes . . . Prof^Delius. See^Guf.icmrt (W. F. Baron. 4°. 1787. 7o o a DELLA TORRE (GIOVANNI MARIA) See TORRE. DELLE-CHIAJE (STEFANO) See Cm A.IK. DELLON (CHARLES) [c.1649-] Reise nach den Franzosischen Handelsplatzen atif der Malabarischen Kiiste. (1670-72.) See ARKSTEE ( ) DELOGNE (C. H.) & others. Catalogue de la Flore de Belgique, &c. See CREPIN (F.) & others. 4°. 1872. DELONDRE (AUGUSTE) [-1865] & Bouckardat (A.) a Quinologie. Des Quinquinas et des questions qui, dans Petat present de la Science et du Commerce, s'y rattachent avec le plus d'actualite. pp. 48 : 23 pis. col., 1 map, 1 diag. 4°. Paris, &c., 1854. a Delondre (A.) & Spabeiran (J. L.) De 1'introduction et de Pacclimatation des Cinchonas dans les Indes Neerlandaises et dans les Indes Britanniques, &c. See SOUBEIRAN (J. L.) & DELONDRE (A.) 8°. 1868. , DE LONG (GEORGE WASHINGTON) [1844-1881] L'Ex- '—• pedition de la Jeannette au Pole Nord [under the command of G. W. De Long], &c. 2 Vol. See JEAN- NETTE, U.S. Vessel. 8°. [1883.] DELONGCHAMF (LE TURQUIER) See LE TURQUIER DELONGCHAMP. DELFECH (AUGUSTE Louis DOMINIQUE) [1818-1880] -j Les Trichines et la Trichinose chez PHomme et chez les Animaux. pp. 104. 8°. Paris, 1866. Ann. Hygiene pub. A- mcd. Se>. II, torn. xxvi. DELFECH (JACQUES MATTHIEU) [1777-1832] .feCoste (J. J. M. C. V.) Recherches sur la formation des Eni- ~2- bryons des Oiseaux. See COSTE (J. J. M. C. V.) Recherches sur la generation des Mammiffcres, &c. 4°. [1834.] Delpino (G. G. F.) Studi sopra un lignaggio ane- moh'lo delle Composte ossia sopra il gruppo delle c> Artemisiacee. pp. 73. 4°. Firenze, 1871. DELPONTE (GIOVANNI BATTISTA) [1812-1884] f, Elogio storico di L. Colla. pp. 38. 4°. Torino, 1851. Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino. Ser. II, torn, xii, 1S52. Delponte (G. B.) Stirpium exoticarum rariorum vel f> forte novarum pugillus. pp. 21 .- lo pis. 4". Taurini, 1854. Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino. Ser. II, torn. xiv. Delponte (G. B.) Un ricordo botanico del . . . F. de « Fihppi ossia cenno intorno alle Piante nate dai semi da & esso raccolti in Persia e nella China, pp. 43 : G pis. 4°. Tori-no, 1869. Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino. Ser. II, torn. xxvi. Delponte (G. B.) Studi intorno alle Piante economicho . . . Sezione seconda— Legumi. pp. 91 : 34 pis. col. 8". Torino, 1872. ' Ann. R. Accad. Agric. Torino. Vol. xv. Delpoute (G. B.) Le Piante in relazione colla materia /> e coll' incivilimento. Discorso, &c. pp. no. 8°. Torino, 1873. Delpoute (G. B.) Specimen Desmidiacearum Sub- alpinarum. pp. 96: 6 pis. 4°. Augustas Taurinorum, 1873. a Professedly an extract from " Mem. Accad. Sci. Torino," Ser. II, torn. O xxviii, 1876, this is an advance edition differing totally in typo and setting. DELFRATO (ALBERTO) See PRATO (A. DEL) DEL RIO (Asso Y) See Asso Y DEL Rio. DELTEIL (A.) [1837-] La Vanille, sa culture et sa e preparation, pp. 58 : 2 pis. 8°. Paris, 1884. DELUC (.JEAN ANDRE) [1727-1817] Lettres physiques et morales, sur les Montagues et sur PHistoire de la Terre et de PHomme, &c. pp. xxviii, 22G. 8". La Ilaye, 1778. Delac (J. A.) Versuch einer Lithurgik, oder oko- nomischen Mineralogie. (Nebst einer Beleuchtung der Einwiirfe des Herrn J. A. de Luc gegen die Geognosio des Verfassers.) See SCHMIEDER (K. C.) 8°. 1803, 4. Delac (J. A.) An elementary treatise on Geology . . . Translated from the French Manuscript, by H. De la Fite. pp. xxviii, 415. 8°. London, 1809. DEMARTY (J.) Les Pierres d'Auvergne employees dans la Joaillerie . . . et les Arts decoratifs. pp. 64. 8°. Paris & Clmmalieres, 1898. DEMATRA ( ) [1742-1824] Essai d'une ^^,^- „ graphit des Rosiers indigenes du Canton de Fribourg. o pp. 8. 8°. Fribourg en Suisse, 1818. DEMBOSZ (STANISEAW) Tentamen Florae territorii £ Cracoviensis medicse, sive enumeratio Plantarum medi- ' cinalium circa Cracoviam sponte nascentium ac exoti- carum . . . specimen inaugurate, pp. 226. 8°. Cracovice [1841]. DELPINO (GiACOMO GIUSEPPE FEDERICO) [1833-] DEMEL (JosEPHUf, EUSTACHIUS) Dissertatio in- Pensieri sulla Biologia vegetale, sulla Tassonomia, sul , auguralis . . sistens Analysin ^Plantarum, &c. Q valore tassonomico dei Caratteri biologici, &c. pp. 100. j PP- ["**'*'>] 59. 8°. Vienna [t782]. 8°. Pisa, 1867. Nnovo Cimento. Vol. xxv. DEMERSON (Tj.) La Bota,mque enseignee en vmgt- Delpino (G. G. F.) Sugli apparecchi della fecondazione nelle Piante Antocarpee, &c. pp. 39. 4". Firenze, 1867. deux legons . . . Troisieme Edition, &c. pp. xv, 498 : 11 pis. col. 12°. Paris, 1827. There is also an engraved title. The first edition appeared in 1825. 440 r DEMIDOV (ANATOI.K N'IKOI.AKN icn) Prince of San Donuto [ 1812-1870] Voyage dans la Russie meridionale •y* et la Cnmee par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie, execute en 1837 par (sous le direction de) Mr. A. de Demidoff (mr MM. [A.] De Sainson, [F.] Le Play, [A.] Huot, [J. H.] LeveillUD. A. M.] RaffetJL.] Rous- seau, [A.] De Nordman et [A.] Du Ponceau),ar lea Baoteru-K. pp. xiriii, 40: I /•/. 8°. Bmxelles, 1887. DENCKMANJf (liEINHICH VVlLHKLM A i ^i'ST)[lx'''(> ] Teber die geognostischen Verhaltnisse I.-i t'mgegend von Dornten nordlich Goslar, mit be- Honderer Beriicksi<-htigung der Fauna des oberen Lias. pp. 108. Atlas, 10 ji*. See PRUSSIA.— Koenir/lich- Premtitehf Geoloyitche Landes-Anstalt, d-c. Abhand- lungen, Ac. Bd. vni, hft. 2. 8". it 4°. 1887. Alw Usncrd an a Tbe«iH. DENDT (ARTHUR) [1865-] & Lucas (A. H. S.) An Introduction to the study of Botany, with a special ,- chapter on some Australian natural orders. [With n, preface by W. B. Spencer.] pp. xv, 271 : text illust. 8°. Melbourne, 1892. Dendy (A.) & Ridley (S. O.) Report on the Monaxo- -IQ nida collected by H.M.S. Challenger during . . . * 1873-70. pp. Ixviii, 275: 51 pis., 1 map, text illust. /_ See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Challenger Ex- pedition. Report, &c. Zoology. (It. LIX.) Vol. xx. (L- (* 4°. 1887. DENHAM (DixON) [1786-1828] & Clapparton (H.) Narrative of Travels ... in northern and central Africa, in ... 1822-24 by Major Denham, Capt. Clapperton, and . . . Dr. Oudney . . . With an appendix, otc. pp. Ixviii, 335, [iv,] S69 : 37 pis., 1 map, text Must. 4°. London, 1826. The Appendix contains : — xxi. /oology [by J. G. Children]. xxil. Botanical appendix by H. Hrmvn. XXIM. Letter on the l!»rk Specimens by C. Kiinig. Capt. Clapperton'a portion was edited, with a preface, by Sir J. Harrow. - Second edition. 2 Vol. [in 1.] 8". London, 1826. From thia edition the Natural Uiatory Appendices hav« been omitted. 3-ot LA. AU, dipprir DENIAU (P. C. FELIX) Le Silphium (Asa foetiila) : precede d'un memoire sur la famille des Ombelliferes consideree au point de vue economique, medical et Eiiarmaceutique, et d'observations sur les Gommes- esines. These, &c. pp. xxiv, 160. 4". Paris, 1868. DENIKER (JOSEPH) [1852-] Atlas Manuel de Bota- nique : illustrations des families et des genres de Plantes . . . Introduction par D. Cauvet. pp. 400: 191 pis. 4°. Pans [1885-86]. Deuiker (J.) Kecherches anatomiques et embryo- logiques sur les Singes Anthropoides. Foetus de Gorille et de Gibbon compares aux Fostus Humains et aux Anthropoides jeunes et adultes. pp. 865: 9 pis. Set ARCHIVES DE ZOOLOOIE EXPERIMENTALE ET GENE- RALE, &e. Ser. II. torn, in bis, mem. 3. 8°. 1885. Deniker (J.) Bibliographic des Travaux Scientifiques . . .publics par les Spcie'tes Savantes de la France, &c. See FRANCE. — Ministere de V Instruction PuUique^. L. IH-. ?H-o.l L Deniker (J.) & Hyades (P. D. J.) [Anthropology , :ui •.- Systematischen Verzeichniss der Schmetterlinge der Wiener Gegend verglichen mit den in der Schiffer- millerschen Sammlung in Wien befindlichen . . . Arten dieser Gattungen, &c. See CHARPENTIER (T. VON). 8°. 1821. DENIS DE MONTFORT(l'iKKKK) See MONTFORT. DENISON SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. [Founded 1SS7.1 Memoirs, &c. Vol. i, no. l.t pp.56: '<.tf*-f^ 188? 441 _.., yl ;.\£H1SKE UNDEES0GELgli?R 1 1, &C. Hft. I-» / 8°. & 4°. Kj^benKavn, 1879-> G- Gr DENISON UNIVERSITY. See. GRANVILLE, Ohio. DENMAN (.JOSEPH) Observations on the effects of Buxton Water, pp. 144. 8°. London, 1793. DENMARK.— COMMISSIONEN^POB LEDELSEN AF DE GF,OLOUJ DENMARK.—" HAUCHS " EXPEDITION. Det viden- skabelige Udbytte af Kanonbaaden "Hauchs" togter i de Danske Have indenfor Skagen i Aarene 1883-86 (Chef : Premierlieutenant C. F. Drechsel) . . . Udgivet . . . ved C. G. J. Petersen. 5 Hft. & Atlas, pp. [viii,] 464 : 9 ph., 43 maps. 4°. Kji/tben/tavn, [1889-] 1893. lift. I. pp. 1-riO. 1889. Oversigt over Skrabningeme. Echiriodermata : C. G. J. Petersen. Pelagiske Diatomeer fran Kattegat : P. T. Cleve. Kemiske unders^gelser af nogle Bnmlprover f ra Danske Farvande : K. Hflrdam. „ II. pp. 61-U6. 1890. Mollusca : C. G. Petersen. Cephalopoda : H. J. Posselt. Tillneg til Echinodermata. „ ill. pp. 1M-HS1. 1890. Cmstacea Malacostraca : T. Meinert. „ iv. pp. 233-308. 1891. Nogle Trwk af Kattegat* Hydrografi i 1S84-SO. K. R0rdam. Polyzoa : G. M. R. Levinsen. „ v. pp. W7-M. 1893. Ascidiffi Simplices : M. P. A. Tnuutedt. Annulata, Hydroidw, Anthozoa, Porifera : G. M. R. Levinsen. Nogle almindelige resnltater : C. G. J. Peterson. (General Results.) DENMARK. — INGOLF-EXPEDITION. The Danish In- golf-Expedition, &c. Vol. i-> illust. 4°. Copenhar/fn, 1899-> There is also an edition in Danish. Vol. i, pt. 1. pp. 101: 28 pla., 8 maps, text illust. 1899 1. Report of the Voyage. By C. F. Wamlel. 2. Hydrography. By M. Knudsen. Vol. n, pt. 1. 1899. 1. Ichthyological Results. By C. Liitken. pp. SO: l,pt*. ml., 1 ntap col. 2. On the appendices genitales in the Greenland Shark . . . and other Selachians. By H. F. E. .Tungersen. pp. 8K : 6 ph., text ilhmt. Vol. in, pt. 1. 1899. 1. Pycuogonida. By F. Meinert. pp. 71 : 5 pis., 1 map col. DENMARK. — oj^AntMitts GEOLOGISKE UNDERS0GELSE. 1. Rsekke. Beskrivelse til geologisk Kort over Dan- mark (i Maalestok 1 : 100,000 [i.e. 1 in. = IJm. about]). Nr. 1— > 8". Kjifibenhavn, 1897— > Each number is accompanied by a sheet of the Map. Denmark. — DANMARKS GEOLOGISKE UNDERS0GELSE. * Ra?kke. [Memoirs.] Nr. l-> 8°. Kjijtbenhavn, 1890-> Each number is separately paged and usually contains a single memoir. B & e B ^rrrnifrt, &c. Nr. 1— > 8". Kjiiibenhavn, DENMARK. [Maps.] See SCANDINAVIA. DENNERT (EBEKHAED) ]5eitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Laubstengels der Oruciferen. Inaugural- Dissertation, &c. pp. vi, 37 : 1 pi. 8°. Marburg, 1884. Dennert (E.) Botariisehe Hefte. Forschungen aus dem Botanischen Garten . . . Herausgegeben von E. Dennert. Hft. in. See MARBURG. — UNIVEESITAET. 8°. 1888. Dennert (E.) Nelumbium speciosum, W. . . . vollendet und heransgegeben von E. Dennert. See BIBIIOTHECA BOTANICA. Hft. ii. 4°. 1888. Dennert (E.) Vergleichende Pflanzenmorphologie. pp. viii, 254 : text Must. 8°. Leipzig, 1894. Weber's Natnnvissenschaftliche Bibliothek. No. 8. DENNES (GEORGE EDGAE) Ift. l838-18r,ol The •.» .» ,UK> yurmutuji JWUAHJ L/?. tn.i»-i«;juj me /-, London Catalogue of British Plants [compiled by O G. E. Demies], &c. See LONDON CATALOGUE. 8°. 1844. 1 c> • Another edition. • Second edition. Third edition. [ fol. [ 8". ia50. DENNING (WILLIAM FREDERICK) [1848-] Meteors /^ and Shooting Stars. Bristol, 1871. ' ' Saturday's Bristol Times and Mirror, July 22, 1871. DENNSTEDT (AUGUST WILHELM) Nomenclator Bo- tanicus, seu enumeratio alphabetica omnium hucusque " cognitorum vegetabilium, &c. 2 Pt. 8". Eisenbergce, 1810. a Dennstedt (A. W.) Schliissel zum Hortus Indicus Malabaricus [by H. A. van Rheede von Draakestein], oder dreifaches Register zu diesem Werke. pp. 40. 4°. Weimar, 1818. Allgem. Teutochen Garten Magazins. Bd. n, hft. 2. Denustedt (A. W.) Hortus Belvedereanus, or a cata- 0 logue of Plants cultivated in the Granducal Botanic ^ Garden at Belvedere, near Weimar, &c. No. 1. pp. mi, 1^0. 4°. Weimar, 1820. Wanting No. 2. DENNY (ALFRED) & Miall (L. C.) The structure , and life-history of the Cockroach, Gr r 112 z L DENTERGHEM (()S\VALD UK KERCHOVE UK) Set KK.UI HOVK. UK DKNTKROHKM. DENTRECASTEAUX (JOSEPH ANTOINE BRUNY) See ENTRKCARTEAUX. DENVER. Colorado Scientific Society. .vM- . . . J. Denys . . . Tom. i-xn. 4°. (1884-97.) DENTS (NICHOLAS) Summarische Nachricht von dem Bakkeljau- und Stockfisch-Fang bei Terreneuf, in den nordlichen Theilen von America, aus den Schrifften des Herrn Denys gezogen. See ZORDRAOER (C. G.) C. G. Zordragers alte und neue Grtinlandisclie Fischerei und Wallfischfang, Ac. 4°. 1723. DENTS DE MONTFORT (PIERRE) See MONTFORT. DENZA (FRANCESCO) [1834-1894] it Schiaparelli *.. (O. V.) Sulla grande pioggia di Stelle Cadenti pro- 1^1 dotto dalla Cometa periodica di Biela e osservata . . . 1872. See SCHIAPARELLI (G. V.) & DF.NZA (F.) 8°. 1872. DEPERAIS (CARLO) II metallo dell' avvenire. L' Alluminio e le sue leghe. See NAPLES.— RE ALF. ISTITUTO D' INCORAOOIAMENTO. Atti, &c. Ser. IV, vol. IT, no. 11. 4°. 1891. DEPERET (CHARLES) fitudes stratigraphiques et pal6ontologiques pour servir a 1'histoire de la Periode Tertiaire dans le bassin du Rhone . . . Memoire . . . complete par ... C. Deperet. 10 Pt. See FONTANNES (C. F.) 8°. 1875-92. Deperet (C.) Description geologique du bassin Ter- tiaire du Roussillon. pp. 272 : 6 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illwit. See ASNALES DES, SCIENCES GEOLOOIQUES, . viii, 274 •' 6 P^-i 1 9naP yeol. col., text Must. 8°. Paris, 1885. Thi« edition, toned as a ThewB, differs from the preceding solely in the addition of a title-page, preface, and index. Deperet (C.) Notes stratigraphiques sur le bassin Tertiaire de Marseille, pp. 19 : text Must. See FRANCE. —Service de la Carte Geologique dttailUe. Bulletin, mMMttM(Gros.stlna in connec- _ tion with Memoirs illustrating the Map] See GREAT Gr BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Swrvey.— England and Wales. De Ranee (C. E.) it Feilden (H. W.) On the Geo- L. '//. logical structure of the coasts of Grinnell Land and Hall Basin, &c. See NARES (Sir G. S.) Narrative of a Voyage to the Polar Sea . . . Second edition. Vol. n. Appendix No. 15. 8°. 1878. De Ranee (C. E.) & others. The Geology of the x> Burnley Coalfield, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRE- ( LAND. — Geological Survey. — England and Wales. Memoirs, ofcc. 8°. 1875. DERBES (ALPHONSE) Quelijues observations sur les n principes employes jusqu'a ce jour conune bases de In ' classification des Algues. [Thesis.] pp.33. 4°. Paris, 1847. Derbes (A.) Biographic de J. L. M. Castagne.— Aperyu p general sur la Vegetation du de'partement des Bouches- du-Rhone. See CASTAONE (J. L. M.) Catalogue des Plantes qui croissent naturellement dans le departe- ment des Bouches-du- Rhone, &c. 8°. 1862. Derbes (A.) Note sur les Aphidiens du Pistachier _, Terebinthe. pp. 5. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATU- RELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. V, torn, xv, no. 8. 8°. 1871 (1872). Derbes (A.) Troisieme Note sur les Pucerons du Terebinthe. pp. 14: 2 pis. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES ^ NATURELLES, p. 63 : 9 pis. See ITHACA.— CORNELL UNIVER- {_ SITY. Bulletin . . . (Science). Vol. I, no. 2. 8°. 1874. £_ Derby (O. A.) OontribnioBo i>ara o estudo da geo- graphia jjhysica do Valle do Rio (jrande, &c. pp. 30. I 8°. [Jiio de Janeiro, 1885 1] e. It"!. Soc. Oeog. Kio de Janeiro. Tom. I, no. 4. Derby (O. A.) As Picos altos do Brazil, pp. 22. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1889. liul. Hoc. Geog. Rio de Janeiro. Vol. v. Derby (O. A.) Retrospecto historico dos trabalhos (° geographicos e geologicos effectuados na provincia de S Paulo, pp. 26. See SAO PAULO. — Commissdo Geo- L- graphica e Geologica. Boletim, his life, by ... W. Derham . . . Published by G. Scott. pp. mi, 3S6 : 1 port. 8°. London, 1760. The original MS., with G. Scott's notes, is preserved in the Botanical Department. " Z. - [Another edition.] See RAY SOCIETY. Memorials of J. Kay, 8°. 1891-» DESCEMET (JEAN) [1732-1810] Catalogue des Plantes du Jardin de Mrs. les Apoticaires de Paris [by J. Descemet], &c. See PARIS.— Jardin des Apothi- caires. 4°. 1759. DESCHAMFS (ALFRED) Recherches d'Anatomie comparee sur les Gasteropodes Pulmones, &c. pp. 76 : 2 pis. (col.) See BRUSSELS. — SOCIETE SCIENTIFIQUE. Annales, &c. Tom. xxn (Memoires). 8°. 1898. DESCHAMFS (L. A.) [Autograph journals kept by Deschamps during his Voyage on " La Recherche " under D'Entrecasteaux and his subsequent travels in Java, with his water-colour sketches of Javan Scenery, and his materials for a Flora Javanica, as well as notes and pencil sketches of Plants observed during the whole of his travels. 1791-1801.] Deschamps (L. A.) [Original sketches and autograph descriptions of the Mammalia of Java.] pp. 38 : 35 pis. fol. DES CLOIZEAUX (ALFRED Louis OLIVIER LE- GRAND) [1817-1897] De 1'emploi des proprietes I 'I optiques birefringentes en Mineralogie. [Thesis.] pp. 85. 4°. Paris, 1857. Des Cloizeanx (A. L. O. L.) Memoire sur la cristal- ^ lisation et la structure interieure du Quartz, pp. %11 : ' I 5 pis. 4°. Pans, 1858. Mem. pres. Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. xv. /I fr) T Printed in double column. DESCOTTRTII,Z (MICHEL ETIENNE) [1775-c. 1835] / Voyages d'un Naturaliste, et ses observations faites ^ o sur les trois rfegnes de la Nature, dans plusieurs ports de mer Francais,en Espagne, au continent de 1'Amerique septentrionale, k Saint- Yago de Cuba, et a St-Domingue, &c. 3 Tom. Must. 8". Paris, 1809. 444 8 B B 6 6 6 B B I B 6 i £ L r Descourtilz (M. K.) [Flore pittoresque et medicale ill's Antilles, ou Histoire naturelle des Plantes usuelles des colonies Franchises, Anglaises, Espagnoles et Portu- gaises . . . Peinte d'apres les dessins faits sur les lieux par J,Th. Descourtilz. 8°. Paris, 1821-29.] Wuttog. - Seconde edition. 8 Vol. 8°. Paris, 1827-33. Descourtilz (M. K.1 Des Champignons comestibles suspects et veneneux, avec 1'indication des moyens a employer pour neutraliser les effets des especes nusibles. pp. xlvii, 209 : 10 pis. col. 8°. & fol. Paris, 1827. DESEGLISE (ALFRED) [-1883] Essai monographique sur cent cinq especes de Rosiers appartenant X la Flore de la France, pp. ISO. 8°. Angers, 1861. Interleaved copy, with manuscript not««. Deseglise (A.) Notes extraites d'un Catalogue inedit des Plantes Phane'rogames du ddpartement du Cher. pp. SI. 8°. Angers, 1863. Mem. 8oc. Acail. Maine et Loire. Tom. xiv. Deseglise (A.) Revision de la section Tomentosa du genre Rosa. )>p. 48. 8°. Angers, 1866. Mem. Soc. Maine et Loire. Tom. xx. Deseglise (A.) Descriptions de quelques especes nouvelles du genre Rosa. pp. 28. 8°. Angers, 1873. Meui. Sue. Acad. Maine et Loire. Tom. xxviu. Deseglise (A.) Rosiers du centre de la France et du bassin de la Loire, pp. 68. 8". [Angers, 1876.] Ball. s>v. Etudes acient. Angers. An. iv A: \ . Deseglise (A.) Catalogue raisonne, ou enumeration methodique des especes du genre Rosier pour 1'Europe, 1'Asie et I'Afrique, specialement les Rosiers de la France et de 1'Angleterre. pp. 31&. 8°. Geneve, 1877. Deseglise (A.) Descriptions et observations sur jilusieurs Rosiers de la Flore Franchise. 2 Fasc. 8°. Gand \_& Lyons], 1880 [-82]. Fasc. 1 i» fruni " Bull. Stic. roy. But. Belgi. 110. 8°. Paris, Troi/es, 1845. Mem. Hoc. Agric. Anue. Troyes. Vol. xxin (1844). DESFONTAINES (RENE LOUICHE) [1750-1833] 'Flora Atlantica, sive Historia Plantarum, quse in Atlante, agro Tunetano et Algeriensi crescunt. 2 Tom. 4°. Parisiis, An. vi & vin [1798-1800]. Desfontaines (R. L.) Tableau de 1'Ecole de Botanique du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, &c. See PARIS. — MUSEUM D'HISTOIRE NATUHELLE. 4°. 1804. Seconde Edition. 8°. 1815. -- {Another edition entitled :1 Catalogus Plantarum Horti Rcgii Parisien?i.« . . . F.H-tio terHn 8". Desfontaines (R. L.) Clioix de Plantes du Corollaire des Instituts de Tournefort, publiees d'apres son herbier, et graveea sur les dewing originaux d'Aubriet. pp. 92 : 7ii pis. col. 4°. Paris, 1808. Desfontaines (R. L.) Histoire des Arbrex et Arbris- searut qui )>euvent etre cultiv6s en pleine terre sur le sol df la Franc.;. 2 Tom. «". Paris, 18O9. Desf ontaiaM < I : I,.) Dirtionnaire . Desfontaines (It. L.) C. Plinii Secundi Histories L f Naturnlis libri xxxvn . . . Pars quarta continens Kem Herbariam curante L. Desfontaines. Vol. v-vn. See PLINIUS SECUNDUS (C.) 8°. 1829-30. Desfontaines (II. L) Desfontaines's Memoire sur quelques nouvelles especes d'Oiseaux des Cotes de 2 Barbarie, Rapport d'un Memoire de M. A. Michaux . . . sur le L> Zelkoua, ou Planera crenata, fllmal . . . [Third] editiojt-r-rTpar . . . Audouin, ^e^Vol. V. 4". [1836-49.] Deshayes (G. P.) Histoire naturelle . . . des Mol- lusques terrestres et fluviatiles . . . CEuvre posthume de M. le Baron J. B. L. d'A. de Ferussac . . . continue . . . par M. le Baron d'A. de Ferussac (et [Livr. 29-42] G. P. Deshayes). See FERUSSAC (J. B. L. o'A. DE) Baron. fol. 1838-51. Deshayes (G. P.) [Dictionnaire universe! d'Histoire Naturelle . . . par MM. Arago" . . . Desb«yes, -^8°. 1839-^.] Wanting. Gr 7- C L Z._ ' f 7 -2- z. - [Anothe Deshayes (G. P.) Traite elementaire de Conchylio- logie, avec les applications de cette Science a la Geologic. 2 Vol. & Atlas. 8°. Paris, 1839-57 [-58]. Unfinished : the title-page and all after p. S84 of Vol. n, as well as Plates 80, 86, 87, 94-99, 129 & 130, were never published. Deshayes (G. P.) Histoire naturelle des Mpllusques S)f Algeria]. See FRANCE. Exploration scientifique e 1'Algerie . . . 1840-42. 4°. 1844-48. Deshayes (G. P.) Catalogue of the, Conchifera or Bivalve Shells in the . . . British Museum. 2 Pt. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 12°. 1853, 54. Deshayes (G. P.) Catalogue des Mollusques de 1'Ile de la Reunion (Bourboi)). pp. 144 : 14 !&*• See MAIL- I.AKD (L.) Notes sur 1'Ile de la Reunion . . . Deuxicme edition, &c. Vol. n. Annexe E. 8". 1803. Deshayes ((',. I1.) &. Perussac(A. E. ,1. P. J. F. i.'A. I>K) Kin-fin. Histoire naturelle . . . des Mollusques terrestres •: ilnviatilcf, itv. 4 Tom. ,SV" l'V:Bi, SCIENCES OF MAURITIUS. 8". 1835, 36. Desjardins (J. F.) Essai d'une Faune de 1'lle Maurice, imbliee avec les materiaux et.les notes laisses par J. Desjardins . . . Zoophytes, Echinoderines et Stel- lendeB. 8» MICHELIN (J. L. H.) 8°. 1845. DES LOGES (JULES DESBROCHERS) Sk DESUROCHKKS HKS LOGES. DESLONGCHAMPS (EUGENE EUDES) Set FriiKS-DKSLONIiCIIAMl'S. DESLONGCHAMPS (JEAN Louis AUCUSTE LOISE- I.KITR) See LOISKLEUR-DESLONGCHAMPS. DESMAREST (ANSELM_E GAETAN) [1784 is:i8| Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, &c. Tom. \\n \\1V. See DICTIONARIES. 8". 1804. Nouvolle edition. 36 Vol. 8". 1816-19. Desmarest (A. (1.) Histoire naturelle des Tangaras, lies Mannkin-; et il.- T» -li"vs. ,V /V.<. '•"/.. ii'illi. '. />. M. 8°. [Paris, 1818.] liestt from the "Nonv. Diet. Hist. Nat.," Tom. xvu, 1817. Desmarest (A. G.) Mammalogie, ou description des i_ especes de Mammiferes. 2 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] See EN-.T CYCLOPEDIE METHODIQUE, &c. 4°. 1820-22. Desmarest (A. G.) Les Mammiferes, les Reptiles, les Insectes Orthopteres, Hemipteres, et Nevropteres. ~2 See VIEILLOT (L. J. P.) & others. Faune Franchise. 8°. & 4°. [1820-30.] Desmarest (A. G.) Des Crustaces fossiles. See BRON- « GNIAKT(A.) Histoire naturelle des Crustaces fossiles, «-lonAlie d'Histoire Naturelle . . . Carnassiers ( — Rongeurs et PachyVlcrmM— Mono- tl^,mes_I^eptiles et Poissons— Coleopteres— Papillons nocturnes— Crustaces, Mollusques, Zoophytes— An- neles) avec la collaboration do M. E. Demurest. See CHENU (J. C.) *. IfWMO. DESMAZIERES (JEAN BAPTISTE HENRI JOSEPH) [1796-1862] Agrostographie des departeinens du Nord de la France, &c. pp. ix, 170. 8°. Lille, 18 li'. Desmazieres (J. B. H. J.) Catalogue des Plantes onuses dans la Botanographie Belgique et dans les Flores du Nord de la France, l». 8°. Jiwdeavjr, 1826. Bull, lli.t. Nat. Boo. Linn. Bordtunx. Tom. i. Des Moulius (C.) Kt ml.-s sur les Echinides, dec. 3 I 't . l>p. 520, S tabs. : 3 j>ls. 8°. Bwdeavjc, 1835-37. Actea Soc. Linn. Dordeaux. Tom. VH &. ix. Dei Monlins (C.) Catalogue raisonne des Planter qui croissent sixjntancuient dans le departeinent de la Dordogne; par MM. C. Des Moulins, et Du Rieu de Maisonneuve . . . Premiere partie. Phanerogames . . . Par M. C. Des Moulins. pp. 165. 8". Bordeaux, 1840. ActCT Soc. Lion. Bordeaux. Tom. XI. The work WM not completed : Du Rieu de Maiaonnenve'9 portion nn» never written. — Supplement, nr*ijnliitin, de I,a|ievrnii-.e. ,(•-•. ////. ,'4. 8". li<,r( et <'ii,'l, m\<- la (uronde-. /i/i. U. 8°. B<.>r; 1*CI. Actea Hoc. Linn, il-'r.l.-aiit. TMIII. \.\v. DES MOULINS (.Ii: \.\) [\:,:#> rl«2o] LM nientaire, .1. M. I'. A. Mattliinle . . . sin1 les six livres de P. Diiisrnride . . . sur la maliere niedieinale . . . Mis •.•n I' i la 'lerniere edition Latine de I'antheur par M. J. Des Moulins. <{v. ,s', . M. \TTIOLI (P. A.) fol. l.-.Ti'. Des Moulins (".).) Histoire j,'i:n(:ralf-- de- I'lantes . . . par . I. Des Moulins ... I )emien.' edition, -i T'lin. ////M/. ,sw AI.KI KAMI'S (.1. i>'). fol. L05S, DESMOULIHS (L«»i is ANT.UNK) [17!M l*-'s| Dic- li'innaire elassi(|iie d'llistoire Naturelle, par Messiems Aiiilmiin . . A |)esniiiulins, UM \'|NMNT (.1. I! (I. M.) j!,i,;ii,. H". I- Desmonliua i I , A i Anatonii-- d. - Nerveux des Anininnx a Yertebres . . . Ouvrage dont la partie i')logiqueest faite conjointement avec F. Magendie. 2 Vol * Atlaii. 8*. & 4». Part*, 1825. Desmoulins (f-. A.) Histoire naturelle des Races Humaines du nord-est de 1'Europe, de 1'Asie bor6ale et oriel it ah', et d "**— ...-t— i- J~ 392, 1 tab. : 6 pis. et orientah', et de 1'Afrique australe, iri«, ls:>:i. L- ' L- -T / L 7" Deanoix (( '. .1.) Syntheses de Pliarniarie et de ( 'liiiiiie presentees etsoutenues a I'Eoolede I'liannacic . . . lH.">:i. / Wanting. l*:i!» i:..] [Another edition.] [Another issue.] Desnoyers (J. P. !•'. S.) Recherches geolo^'i'i1 hiatonqae« sur les Ca\ ernes et particulieremenl ('avirnesa < )ssemrnts. />/>. 83. s". /".(/'/.«, |8|."p. A reprint of the article "Grotten" from the " .I'lliM. Nat." Desnoyers (.1. I' K. s i Ko»i MH- .les indii-es materiel., delai . di' II h'lunie QiVtcY Elephat mirnti'jivdis dans un t' rona de 1'hartnvs, plus aiicien ijiic les terrains de transport yuaternaires d de la Soiinni- et ile In Seine. ,SW F.YELL (Ki I ,'anciennete de 1'Hoinme. Appendice, ! i : 45 pin. ' 8°. Paris, Wiesbnde, 1858. Desor (P. J. E.) Aus Sahara und Atlas, . Ill : 7 pis., text ill uxt. See NEUCHATEL.— SOCIETE DES SCIENC'ES NATURELLKS. Mrinoiros, tion des Oursiris fossiles de la Suis~c . . . [Pt. 1.] Echinides do la periode Jurassique. P/i. .)•)', //'//. Atlas, t;<> /i/x. 4". Wiesbade & Paris, 1868 ~-2. Pt. 2, " Kchinides (>:> : text Must. 8°. Leipzig & Pray, 1887. Daa Wimn der Gegwiwart. Deutacho Univ.-Bibl. fiirGebildeUi. lid. I.IN. DETMEB, (\Vii.iint.M ALEXANDER) [1850-] Vergleich- ende Pliysiologie des Keiinungsprocesses der Samen. j>p. irii, 665. 8°. Jena, 1880. B B B B S Detmer (W. A.) Lchrbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie. />/>. j-i'i, 380. 8". Breslau, 1883. Detmer (W. A.) Das Pflanzenphysiologische Prak- tikum. Anleitung zu Pflanzenphysiologischen Unter- suchungen, . Detmer (W. A.) Botanische Wanderungen in Brasilien, ,(•(•. /)/'• «'» 188- 8"- Leipzig, 1897. DE-TONI (OiovANNi BATTISTA) [1864-] Notarisia: comnientariuin Phycologicum . . . Kedattori Q. B. De- Toni e D. Levi-Morenos. Ann. i-v. See NOTARISIA. 8". 1866-90. De-Toni ((!. I!.) Sylloge Gasteromycetuui . . . N'idn- l:ii-iiii-e;i'. Lyeoiierdaceaj, et Hynienogastraceflp. — Syllogo rstilii.itincanini et I'reilinearuiii, 0C.— Saocharomyoe taee.i - ^UVVRUO (|>. A.) Sylloge Fuii^omin. Vol. vn \- VHI. K". 1888-89. De-Toni (i!)[l-'.s | l;e|ierl ixilyjflottuin in IIMIUII "Sylln^es A^inini nnininiu." tief T)E-ToM (O. B.) Rylloge Algarum, d'c. Vol. n. •ect. 3. 8°. 1894. 1, ointains : — Hibliotiitc ' : BifiU'lllhlli; rtllanU' .1. Vpr n, seer 'im in usuii '.11111111111 " riliavit I - . I'l'-Tniii, De-Toni (.(i. 1'..) .sw Ni." . (VSUJUMA, \.\ . . . Redattore . . . G. I'.. 1>< ''' •"• <<•••• Ka-<-. i-» M". isrx>-» De-Toni ((i. •••' llollettino del It. Istitnto r,,>tanie<> ili'll' I ""' -ersita I'arnieiise redatln da (i. I!. ] )c-Toni - A>"»> 1 892-93— > See I'AKM \. I:KI.I\ I M\I:I:-IT\ I>KI;LI STUIDI. s". |xit:{— =» De-Toni HI. I1,., ,v Berlese (A. X.) Sylln-e . . . Pliycninyretuiii, if'r. S, < SV.) Flora Aljro loL'ii-a di-lla Vcne/.ia. "i I't. B^. I'.//, ia, I ss"- it«. Atli It. Istil. V. ii.l... s..r. VII. t i Schizomycetaceae. Sft BAOCAI I1. A.; '•' Vol. VIM. DEUTSCH-OST-AFBIKA. 15d. i-». 8". Berlin, [1893] 1894-» ltd. l. .Mil Kmiii Paxcha ius Here von Afriku. Kin Koinebericht tuit B«itraKen von . . . Eniin Paacha./in semen Auftnwe fteschlldert von . . . F. Stuhlinann, .(•-•. pp. xxii, 901 : St pli. (1 col.), 1 part»., t mnpt (1 col.), ttxt illust. 8". 1894 [i.e. 1893], Anhang. — l)i« bis jetzt iiber die ResultAt« dor Kxi>od1- tlon . . . Eniin Paachaa publizirleu Scliriften und Kart«n. ,, ui. Dio Tbierwelt'Ogt-Afrlkas und der Nachlwrge' t unler HetlaKtion von . . . K. Mnliiu*, tt*c. 1895-96. ( illutt. 1895. :tt. col. 1894. '. I i::, 1896. 1896. 1896-98. pp. r. von P. Matochle. pp. rj:viiit 157 : Vogel von A. Reichenow. in). [ir,]S50: tfxt Replilieu und Auipliihien . . . von G. Torn! 161,: Spit., tirt illtut. Fiache von G. Pfeffer. pp. xviii, 73 : text Wirbellose Thiere. 1. HrM'li.'ilt,' w.'iriitliiri, von E. von M] MS: 7 pit., text illutl. 1. Nacktachnecken von H. Sim (col.) 3. l!ymem>|)tereii von U. Stadelin II. Lucas). 7>;>. 71, : 1 />/. 4.'i t und N, t/.ihi'Ji'i von H. 1, pit. & pp. l& : I jil . 5. Skorpione von K. Kraepelin ii. Hydracbniden von F. Koeni illutt. 7. Land- und Stis6waa^r-Del^A])oden von F. dorf. pp. 37: Ipl., text illutt. S. Land-lsojioden von 0. Budde-Lund. pp.10: 9. Cladoceren von W. Weltaer. pp. IS : S tilt. 10. Oatracoden von V. Vavra. pp. ^.1 : ttj-t ;//). 11. Copepoden von A. Mi.i/r'k. pp. 11: ft pit. 12. Regenwunner von M-JMicbaelsen. pp. 13. Hirudinetm von R. Inanchard. pp. 9 ;iin»t. pp. S3 : S pli. (Pompilida) von Kolbe. pp. 367 : ': textilhttt. pp. 18: 1 pi., tt. llil 1S97. 1896. H. Tmlirlhiri''!! vi.n I.. H.ilnniu. /'/-. /.; : 15. Rotatorien, Gastrotrichen und Entozc AJ^A-- 1898. , ./^pP • . II von A. text \V. Collin. pp. l.i: teft Hlu*t. 10. Moosthiere von M. Meiaaner. ))» Uiust. 17. Cnelenternten xijftd SusswaaBerschwi \\VItner. ,•!>. 9: t> IS. Hhi/.ii ••- •'! i«e. 1. F(*silr rtliiiL/.-n . inn! l'..rtnui«'. sinch-Ost.-At'rika. \'nu II. I'nt«'iti(''. ^. \ ii des .Iiu,-i IIM- I Vnll (i. Mull-',. I. M in. I k.iin./iii.-i-lu' Knialleii . . . V-.ii \V. Weiftsei n.r]. 1898. 1897. 1897. 1S90. 1898. 1897. 1897, 1897. 1896. I-.'T. DEUTSCH - OSTAFRIKANISCHE SCHAFT. I 'sainliara iiml seine Naeli1iar,!j;el>iete, ,(;•. M \N\ (<).) GESELL See I! \i 8". 1891. DEUTSCHE ANTHROFOLOGISCHE GE- SELLSCHAFT. X<. I IKITSI IIK ( IKSKM.SI n UT \\ nn:<>i'oi.i>i:iK. KTII\<>I,<>I;II: i M. I' HUKSI'IIIOITI . DEUTSCHE SCHRIFT : < I heimischen l-'l«n-a I.eimliaeli. BOTANISCHE MONATS jjan I'iir . . . alle Fivnmle ier . . . Herausgegeben v I'.KUI.IV i:\rn- MI>I.<«:|SI'|II:I; \ n: KIN. .lalll'.L'. \\\-» N« IlKlII.IN. 1)111 IX, nil llNTn\|,. LHORA1 T. DEUTSCHE GEOLOGISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. See BKKI.IN 449 DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUER AN- THBOFOLOGIE, ETHNOLOGIE UND UR- GESCHICHTE. [Founded 1870.] Correspondenz-Blatt. Jahrg. 1870-86. 4°. Braunschiveig & Miinclien, (1870-) 1874-86. Issued with the " Archiv fur Anthropologie." Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Authropologie, &c. Allgemeine Versammlung. v-vn. 4°. Braunschweig, &c., 1875-76. Accounts of the earlier meetings were published as part of the " Archiv fur Anthropologie," with the volumes of which the remainder were issued. Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, &c. Die anthrppologischen Sammlungen Deutschlands, ein Verzeichniss des in Deutschland vorhandenen anthropo- logischen Materials, &c. 4°. Braunschweig, 1877-87. Issued with the "Archiv fiir Anthropologie." DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT ZUR ERFOR- SCHUNG AEQUATORIAL-AFRICAS. [Pounded 1873.] Die Loango-Expcdition ausgesandt von der . . . Gesell- schaft . . . 1873-76, &c. 3 Abth. See GUESSFELDT (P.) 8°. 1879-82. DEUTSCHE KAKTEEN-GESELLSCHAFT. Bliihende Kakteen . . . Herausgegeben von . . . K. Schumann. Lief. l-» See SCHUMANN (K. M.) 4°. [1900-»] DEUTSCHE LANDWIRTSCHAFTS - GE - SELLSCHAFT. See BERLIN. DEUTSCHE MALAKOZOOLOGISCHE GE- SELLSCHAFT. See FKANKFORT ON THE MAIN. T Z 7 2. ORNITHOLOGEN - GESELL - DEUTSCHE SCHAFT. [1845 Founded as Deutschcr Oniithotogen-Verein, 1S52 Deutsche Ornithologen-Gesettacluif't. 1875 Merged in the Allgenieine Deutsche Ornitttologiscke Gesellscho/t.] See NAUMANNIA. Archiv fiir die Ornithologie, vor- zugsweise Europa's. Organ der ... Gesellschaft. Bd. I, II, & Jahrg. 1853-58. 8°. 1851-58. Deutsche Ornithologeu-Gesellschaft. See JOURNAL FUER ORNITHOLOGIE . . . zugleich Organ der ... Gesellschaft. Jahrg. n-vi. 8". 1854-58. Deutsche Ornithologeu-Gesellschaft. Bericht iiber die xiv. Versammlung der . . . Gesell- schaft im "Waldkater," zu Halberstadt und Braun^ schweig . . . 1862, &c. pp. 100. 8°. (Stuttgart,) 1862, DEUTSCHE ORNITHOLOGISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT ZU BERLIN. See BERLIN. DEUTSCHE FHYSIKALISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. See LEIPSIC. DEUTSCHE ZOOLOGISCHE GESELL - SCHAFT. See LEIPSIC. DEUTSCHER FISCHEREI-VEREIN. See BERLIN. DEUTSCHER NATURWISSENSCHAFT - LICH - MEDICINISCHER VEREIN FUER BOEHMEN " LOTOS." See PRAGUE. DEUTSCHER ORNITHOLOGEN-VEREIN. See DEUTSCHE ORNITHOLOOEN-GESELLSCHAFT. DEUTSCHER POMOLOGEN-VEREIN. [Founded 1889.] Deutschlands Apfelsorten, E L. DE) Count. Expedition dans les j>arties contrales de 1'Ameriquo du Sud, &c. Pt. vn. Zoologic. Tom. I. 4°. 1855. L. DEVINCENZI Cotton in Italy. (GIUSEPPE) On the cultivation of Kei>ort, £c. pp. 48 : '2 pis., 1 map. 8". London, 1862. DE VIS (CHARLES W.) Zoology of Bellendcn-Ker, &c. See QUEENSLAND, Department of Agriculture. Report j<, of the Government Scientific Expedition to Bellenden- Ker Range, &c. 8". 1889. De Vis (C. W.) Report on Birds (—Reptiles) from , British New Guinea. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRE- - LAND. Her Majesty's Colonial Possessions . . . Report 2- on the Blue Book, &c. No. 103. Appendix G.,H. 8°. 1890. De Vis (C. W.) Reptiles of New Guinea. See THOM- SON (J. P.) British New Guinea. Appendix iv. 8°. 1892. L De Vis (C. W.) Zoology of British New Guinea. Pt. I. Vertebrata. See BRISBANE. — QUEENSLAND MUSEUM. .' Annals, &c. No. 2. 8". 1892. ' De Vis (C. W.) [For reports on specimens collected , in British New Guinea] See QUEENSLAND. Annual Report on British New Guinea, &c. 1893-94-» Ap- pendix. 8°. 1894-» 2 5T O Or -3 450 DEVIZES. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natu- ral History Society. See WILTSHIRE ARCHAEO- LOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. DEVONIA. Edited by E. W. W. Bowell and E. H. Bazeley. It. 2-4.t 4°. [Ihmtsham,] 1895-96. Ft. 1-3 an cyclostyle MS. DEVONSHIRE. -Miners' Association of Corn- wall and Devon. See MINERS' ASSOCIATION OF CORNWALL AND DEVONSHIRE. DEVONSHIRE ASSOCIATION TOR THE ADVANCEMENT Or SCIENCE, LITERA- TURE AND ART. [Founded 1862.] Report and Transactions, •( (It's provinces vnisincs . . . Kchrlle 1 : .">00,i HX> [i.e. •ii. about.] Xcf l>Ki.<:n'M. [Maps.] [1879.] Cr L 101. £+ L \o( Dewalque ((!. J. (',.) Notice oxplicative sur la Carte Ci'-olotiin'10 a° la WeJguiue, ^\f. di' Mineralogie et de Paleontologie ainsi o^ue 'Inuiiiui's (jiii KB troiivent dans les pnn- ci]ialcs bibliotheque* de Belgique. pp. xii, 394- See LlEIIE.— SoclKTKCKoI.CMJIl.rK DEBELOIQUE. 8°. 1884. Dewalque (< )..).( i.) A- Chapuis (FELICIEN) Memoire en re|»onse k la qur>tion suivante : Faire description des fossiles des Terrains Secondaires de la Province de Luxembourg, &c. pp. 325 : 38 pis. See BRUSSELS. — ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, «fcc. Memoires couronnes, Ac. Tom. xxv. 4°. 1854. [Advance copy entitled :] Description, &c. 4°. 1853. DEWEES (JOHN H.) Report of progress in the Juniata district on the fossil Iron ore beds of Middle Pennsylvania, . 30 : 3 pis., 2 maps. See UNITED STATES. — Depart- > ment of Agriculture. — Botany Division. Bulletin No. 15. 8°. 1894. Weeds : and how to kill them. Dewey (L. H.) text Must. Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 28. pp. 30 : / See UNITED STATES. — Department of * 8°. 1895. : Dewey (L. H.) [For official reports on Botany] See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Botany Division. DEWHURST (HENRY WILLIAM) The natural his- tory of the order Cetacea, and the oceanic inhabitants ^ of the Arctic Regions, &c. pp. xx, 328 : S3 ids., text Must. 8". London, 1834. Dewhurst (H. W.) A familiar treatise on the natural history and management of the Phalaena, Bombyx mori, "£ or common Silk- Worm. pp. 117:1 pi. 8°. London, 1836. DEWITZ (HERMANN) [1848-1890] Afrikanische [ Tagschmetterlinge. pp. 40: 2 pis. See ACADEMIA dusAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, fc>°, Paris, Londres, dec., 1890-» "73.1 DIAZ (ANATAEL CABRERA Y) See CABRERA Y DfAZ. DIAZ (Joss ANTONIO) El agricultor Venezolano, 6 lecciones de Agricultura practica nacional. pp. xi, 316. B 8". Caracas, 186U- DIAZ DEL CASTILLO (BERNAL) History of the~'' discovery and conquest of Mexico. See KERR (R.) , ^ A general . . . collection of Voyages, dec. Vol. ni. 8°. 1824. DICK (ALLAS-B^ 'Notes on a new form of Polarizing A^ MicrpseopeT pp. 56^-1rptr~ ^-J^r. Zondon^-^tSdO. •L^fa* B L 71, o DICKIE (GEORGE) [1813-1882] Flora Abredonensis : comprehending a list of the Flowering Plants and Ferns found in the neighbourhood of Aberdeen, &c. pp. v, 70. 8°. Aberdeen, 1838. Dickie (G.) Notes on ... [Arctic] Algae. See SUTHER- LAND (P. C.) Journal of a voyage in Baffin's Bay, dec. Vol. ii. Appendix. 8°. 1852. Dickie (G.) Notes on Flowering Plants and Algse collected during the Voyage of the " Isabel." See INGLE- FIELD (Sir E. A.) A summer search for Sir J. Franklin, dec. (Appendix.) 8°. 1853. Dickie (G.) The Botanist's Guide to the counties of Aberdeen, Banff, and Kincardine, pp. xxxii, 344- B 8°. Aberdeen, &c., 1860. Dickie (G.) A Flora of Ulster, and Botanist's Guide ft to the North of Ireland, pp. xix, 176. 8°. Belfast, 1864. Dickie (G.) [Descriptions of Algas, Diatomacese, &c., f L . collected during the Yarkand Expedition.] See HENDER- -? SON (G.) & HUME (A. O.) Lahore to Yarkand, dec. 8°. 1873. Dickie (G.) Algffi and Diatomacese. See NARES (Sir G. S.) Narrative of a Voyage to the Polar Sea during L 1875-6 . . . Second edition. Vol. n. Appendix No. 14. 8°. 1878. DICKINSON (JOSEPH) [-1865] The Flora of Liver- a pool. (Supplement, dec.) pp. 166 (24). See LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF LIVERPOOL. Pro- ceedings, &c. No. vi, Appendix. (No. ix, Appendix II.) 8°. 1851 (-1855). DICKSON (JAMES) [1738-1822] J. Dickson fasciculus Plantarum Cryptogamicarum Britannise. 4 Fasc. [in 1 Vol.] illust. 4°. Londini, 1785-1801. O The original coloured drawings for the illustrations to Fasc. n-iv of this work, by J. Sowerby [q.v.], are preserved in the Botanical Depart- ment. Dickson (JAMES) A collection of dried Plants, dec. 4 Fasc. [in 1 Vol.] 100 folios of mounted specimens. Fisheries Exhibition, 1882. 4°. 1882. ' Dickson (O.) Baron. Catalogue of Mr. O. Dickson's collections from the Gothenburg Museum. See LONDON. —Great International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. 8". 1883. DICKSON (R. W.) A complete Dictionary of Prac- tical Gardening, &c. 2 Vol. & Atlas. See McDoNALD X? (A.) pseud, 4°. 1807. 452 6 L L L L L DICKSON (ROBERT) [1804-1875] A lecture on the Dry Rot, and on the most effectual means of preventing it, . SO. 8°. London, 1838. DICTIONARIES. Trubner's Catalogue of Dic- tionaries ... of the principal Languages ... of the World. Second edition. See TRUEBNKR Eighth edition. fol. 1768. ft [Another edition.] fol. 1807. 6 - Abridg'd from the folio edition. 8°. 1735. $ Dictionaries. [Botany] Worter-Buch [LAT.— OERM.], .[iv,]157. [OERM.— LAT., RUSS.] 4°. St. Petersburg Dictionaries. [Botany] Botanisches Worterbuch, &c. „ See BORKHAUSEN (M. B.) 8°. 1797. C [Another edition.] 8°. 1816. f) Nachtrag . . . bearbeitet von F. G. Dietrich, &c. , 8°. 1816. <• Dictionaries. [Botany] Handbuch zur Kenntniss Q des Ijinneischen Pflaiizensystems, &c. See KOCH C (J. F. W.) 8°: 1798. Lexicon Botanicum, c /> t $ ., L- ft O /.' K f, / ' r, Q ' . , O /" /• ' _ £ A ' ' 454 I I Dictionaries. [Botany] Serznam Rostlin KoSteny Ceske. [LAT.— BOHEM.] See OPiz(P. M.) 8". 1852. Dictionaries. [Jiotany] The Botanist's Word-Book, <(•<•. See MACDONALD (O.) &. ALLAN (J.) 8°. 1853. c Dictionaries. [Botany] Schweizerisches Pflanzen- Idiotikon, der Planten van Belgie, Fransch-Vlaanderen en Zuid- Nederland, &c. See PAQUE (E.) 8°. 1896. A Dictionaries. [Botany.] Dictionnaire iconographique des Orchidees, &c. See COGNIAUX (C. A.) & GOOSENS (A.) obi. 12°. [1897->] ^Dictionaries. [Botany.] Malay Plant Names. [VEHNAC.— LAT.] See RIDLEY (H. N.) 8°. [1897.] A Dictionaries. [Botany,] A Manual and Dictionary of the Flowering Plants and Ferns. 2 Vol. See WILLIS (J. C.) 8°. 1897. P Dictionaries. [Botany.] Memento Botanique, &c. [ITAL.— FR., LAT.] See GuYETTANT (C.) 8°. 1899. f/\ Dictionaries. {Chemistry.} Dictionary of Chemistry, &c. See AIKIN (A.) & (C. R.) 4°. 1807, 14. / Dictionaries. [Chemistry.] A Dictionary of Chemis- try, The Century Dictionary, &c. See WHITNEY (W. D.) 8°. 1889-S. The Stanford Dictionary of Anglicised Words, &c. i'' See FENNELL (C. A. M.) 4°. 1892. Dictionaries. [Languages.] L- L &L.Z. L i See REIPF 8°. 1876. 8°. [1892.] i, 8°. 1863. t- 8°. 1875. L, , ft 8°. 1877. o [ENGLISH— RUSSIAN, FRENCH, GERMAN.] (C. P.) Dictionaries. [Languages.] [ENGLISH — BOHEMIAN.] See JONAS (K.) Dictionaries. [Languages] [ENGLISH — DANISH.] See ROSING (S.) Dictionaries. [Languages.] [ENGLISH — DUTCH.] See CALISCH (I. M.) See PICARD (H.) Dictionaries. [Languages.] [ENGLISH— FRENCH.] See FLEMING (C.) it TIBBINS (J.) 4°. 1849. 4°. 1875-77. 4°. 1878. 8°. 1856. 8°. 1864. 8°. [1868.] 8°. 1877. 8°. 1879. 8°. 1879. 8°. 1882. [Another edition.] — [Another edition.] — — See SPIERS (A.) • See WELLER (E.) Professor at Bruges. — See LOLME ( J. L. DE) *! Gr /*1 • A7 "Z. flr\ 456 L /*? L 6 L i- 6 fl fc/nz Dictionaries. [Languages.] [ENGLISH— GERMAN.] See WEBER (F. A.) See HILPERT (J. L.) «.) Wi 8°. 1832. 4°. 1846. A complete Dictionary See FLUEGEL (J. G.) [London edition.] See THIEME (F. W.) A practical Dictionary . See FLUEGEL (F. A.) Eleventh edition. Twelfth edition. See GRIEB (C. F.) [Another edition.] Third edition. 8°. 1847. 8°. [1857.] 8°. 1859. Third edition. 8°. 1870. 8°. 1874. 8°. 1877. 8°. 1880. 8°. 1885. - Encyclopedic . . . Dictionary, IU:Y I-K SAINT-VINCENT (J. B. G. M.) Karon. 8". 1822-31. Dictionaries. [Natural Histo>~y] Dictionnaire des Drogues . . . ou Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle M<:dicale, . D'). [Anot lonnaire uni- See ORBKINY 8". 1861. Dictionaries. [Natural History] See ENGLISH CYCLOPEDIA, THE, Dictionaries. [Technological] Technological Dic- tionary of the Physical, Mechanical and Chemical Sciences. English — French — German — Italian — Spanish, &c. [ENG.— GERM. : GERM.— ENG.] See WER- SHOVEN (F. J.) 8°. 1885. Dictionaries. [Technological] Bechhold's Hand- lexikon der Naturwissenschaften und Medizin, &c. See BECHHOLD (H.) 8". 1894. Dictionaries. [Zoology] Dictionnaire raisonne . . . des Animaux, &c. See B., D. L. C. D. 4°. 1759. Dictionaries. [Zoology] [Zoology, Anatomy, &c] See ENCYCLOPEDIE METHODIQUE, &c. 4°. 1782-1830. Dictionaries. [Zoology] Diccionario historico de los artes de la Pesca nacional. 5 Tom. See REOUART (A. S.) 4°. 1791-95. Dictionaries. [Zoology] Lexicon Entomologicum, &c. See MOELLER (C. H.) 8". 1795. Dictionaries. [Zoology] Ornithological Dictionary ... of British Birds. (Supplement.) See MONTAGU (G.) 8°. 1802 (-1813). Second edition. 8°. 1831. Dictionaries. [Zoology] A Conchological Dictionary of the British Islands, &c. See TURTON (W.) 12°. 1819. Dictionaries. [Zoology] A Conchological Manual, &c. See SOWERBY (G. B.) 2nd of the Name. 8°. 1839. Second edition. 8°. 1842. Fourth edition. 8°. 1852. Dictionaries. [Zoology] Dictionnaire . . . de Zoologie ... en langues Frangaise, Russe et Latine, &c. [FR., LAT.— RUSS.] See EETEL (V.) 8°. 1843. Dictionaries. [Zoology] Lexikon der Entomolo- gischen Welt, &c. See (JISTL (J.) 8°. 1846. Dictionaries. [Zoology.] Thesaurus Ornithologioe, &c. See GIEBEL (C. G. A.) ' 8°. 1872-77. Dictionaries. [Zoology] Dictionnaire des Sciences Anthropologiques, &c. See BERTILLON (A.) & others. 8°. [1884-89.] Dictionaries. [Zoology] Erklarung der Tier-Namen aus alien Sprachgebieten. See EDLINGER (A. VON). 8°. 1886. Dictionaries. [Zoology] Catalogus etymologicus Coleopterorum et Lepidopterorum,-iri; 4°. 1899. DIENEB. (CARL) [1862-] Libanon. Grundlinien der physischen Geographic und Geologie von Mittel-Syrien. (_y- pp. x, 413 : 7 pis., 1 map col., text Must. 8". Wien, 1886. Diener (C.) Der Gebirgsbau der Westalpen, &c. pp. v, 243 : 2 maps. 8°. Prog, 1891. Qr Diener (C.) The Himalayan Fossils. Vol. i-> See INDIA. — Geological Survey. Memoirs . . . Palaeontologia /? Indica, ls. RUSS. okrates, 4, .% iv, 164: 4 j>ls. 4 Thl. [in 1.] 8°. Heidelberg, 1825-33. Dierbach (J. H.) Systematiscbe Uebersicht der um Heidelberg wild wachsenden, und hiiufig zum ciko- nomischen Qebrauche cultivirten Gewachse. pp. 17S. 8". Karlsnth, 1827. Seigm-'i Mag. f. Plmnii. 1S25-2V. Dierbach (J. H.) Die neuesten Entdeckungen in der Materia Medica, &c. 2 Abth. 8°. Heidelberg dfc Leipzig, 1828. Dierbach (J. H.) Abhandlung iiber die Arzneikrafte der Pflanzen, verglichen mit ihrer Structur und ihren cbemischen Bestandtheilen. pp. 393. 8°. Lemgo, 1831. Dierbach (J. H.) Flora Apiciana. Ein Beitrag zur naheren Kenntmss der Nahrungsmittel der alten Romer ; mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Bucher des Caelius Apicius de Opsoniis et Condimentis siye Arte Coquinaria. pp. viii, 75. 8°. Heidelberg & Leipzig, 1831. Dierbach (J. H.) Eepertorium Botanicum, oder Ver- such einer systematischen Darstellung der neuesten Leistungen im ganzen Umfange der Pflanzenkunde. pp. xi, 266. 8°. Lemgo, 1831. Dierbach (J. H.) Flora Mythologica, oder Pflanzen- kunde in Bezug auf Mythologie und Symbolik der Griechen und Romer. Ein Beitrag zur altesten Geschichte der Botanik, Agricultur und Medicin. pp. x, 218. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, 1833. Dierbach (J. H.) Grundriss der allgemeinen iikono- misch-technischen Botanik, •"•. I DIESTERWEG (KARL) Beschreibung des Berg- reviers \Vied . . . Nebst einer Uebersichtskarte des .. Vorkommens nutzbarer Minerallagerstiitten im Berg- I'l revier Wied. pp. 106. 8°. liunn, 1888. DIETEL (PAUL) Verzeichnis siimtlicher Uredineen ,, naoh Familien ihrer Niihrpflanzen geordnet. pp. 48, v viii. 8". L /'/>.;,,, 1H88. DIETERICH (CARL FRIEDRICH) [1734-1805] C. F. Dieterichs Pflanzenreich, <(v. 2 Till. />/>. /.;.;.'. 8". Erfurt, 1770. Dieterich (C. F.) [Anfangsgriinde der PHanzenkennt- niss. 8°. Leipzig, 1775.] Wanting. Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. [x,] 323 : 12 pis. 8°. Leipzig, 1785. g DIETERICHS (.TOHANN GEORO NICOLAUS) Phyt- anthoza Iconographia, sive conspectus aliquot millium . . . Plantarum . . . Quorum denominationes . . . et descriptiones [of Vol. i & 11] . . . Latino & Germanico idiomate . . . explicantur a J. G. N. Dieterico, &c. See WEINMANN (J. W.) fol. 1737-39. DIETERICHS (LUDWIO MICHAEL) Phytanthoza b Iconographia [continued by L. M. Dieterichs], -1856] Flora der Gegend # um Berlin . . . Mit einer Vorrede begleitet von H. F. Link, &c. pp. xii, 450. 8°. Berlin, 1824. Dietrich (ALBERT) Terminologie der phanerogamischen Pflanzen, &c. pj>. [ii,] 26 : 8 pis. obi. fol. Berlin, 1829. C Zweite . . . Auflage, &c. pp. viii, 127 : 24 pis. 8°. Berlin, 1838. 6 Dietrich (ALBERT) C. a Linne Species Plantarum . . . Editio sexta aucta et continuata ab . . . A. Dietrich, &c. 2 Vol. See LINN.«US (C.) 8°. 1831-33. Dietrich (ALBERT) Ueber die Europaischen Arten der Gattung Gladiolus, &c. pp. 13 : 1 pi. h 4°. Berlin, 1832. Jahreab. k. Reulach. Berlin. 1832. Dietrich (ALBERT) Flora Regni Borussici. Flora & des Konigreichs Preussen, &c. 12 Bd. [in 6.1 4°. Berlin, 1833-44. Without jiogination. Dietrich (ALBERT) See ALLGEMEINE GARTENZEITUNO . . . Herausgegeben von ... A. Dietrich. Jahrg. i-xxiv.t 1833-56. Dietrich (ALBERT) Handbuch der pharmaceutischen ^ Botanik, &c. pp. xxix, 414. 8°. Berlin, 1837. Dietrich (ALBERT) freunde. 3 Thl. Botanik fiir Gartner und Garten- n 12°. Berlin, 1837-39. 0 Forming Abth. i of the " Hnndbibliothek fiir Giirtner nnd Liebhnbcr der Giirtneroi. tiearbeitot von . . . Lenne, Worterbuch . . . Mit Zusiitzen und Berichtigungen # vermehrt von F. G. Dietrich. See BOBKHAUSEN (M. B.) 2 Bd- 8°. 1816. Naehtrag . . . bearbeitet von F. G. Dietrich, &c. B pp. vi, 111. 8". Giessen, 1816. DIETRICH (KASPAE) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der In- / S- sekten-Fauna des Kantons Zurich. Kafer, &c. pp.240. tg See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZEEISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, &c. Neue Denkschriften, &c. Tom. xxi. 4°. 1865. Dietrich (K.) See ENTOMOLOGISCHE BLAETTEB AUS DEE SCHWEIZ. Herausgegeben von K. Dietrich. C. Hft. I & ii.f 4°. 1871-72. DIETRICH (PHILIPP FBIEDBICH VON) Baron [1748- M 1793] Annales de Ghimie . . . par . . . Baron de ' Dietrich. Tom. i-xiv. See ANNALES DE CHIMIE ET DE PHYSIQUE. 8°. 1789-1792. DIETZ (D. N.) Le Jardin Zoologique-Botanique de la Haye. See PLEYTE ( W.) & others. Guide Zoologique, <&. 8°. 1895. DIETZ (SANDOB) Adatok a novenyek, kiilonosen az e Euphorbiaceak tejnedv6nek ismeret6hez. [Contri- L • butions to a knowledge of the Lactic Ducts of Plants, more especially those of the Euphorbiacese.] pp. 28: 2 pis. ,See BUDAPEST.— MAGYAE TUDOM!NYOS AKADEMIA. Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok . KorebiSl, &c. Kot. XII, szam 8. 8°. 1882. Dietz (S.) A Novenyek talaja!16 iranyanak okair61. [On the causes of Geotropism in Plants.] pp. 39. S,ee BUDAPEST. — MAGYAE TUDOM!NYOS AKADEMIA. Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok Korebol, &c. Kot. xvii, szam 6. 8°. 1887. Dietz (S.) A Sparganium Tourn. 6s Ti/p/ia Tourn. virag es termes fejlodese. [On the development of the Flower and Fruit of Sparganium, Tourn., and Typha, Tourn.] pp. 87: 8 pis. ,See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAE TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Ertekezesek a Termeszettu- domanyok Korebol, &c. Kot. xvii, szam 2. 8°. 1887. Dietz (S.) Ueber die Entwickelung der Bliithe und Frucht von Sparganium Tourn. und Typha Tourn. pp. 55: 3 pis. See BIBLIOTHECA BOTANICA. Hft. 5. 4°. 1887. DIETZIUS (JOHANNES HEINBICUS) MoarXoKapvo\oyia, id est . . . de Nuce moschata dissertatio, &c. pp. 63 : 1 pi. 4°. Giessce Hassorum, 1681. DIEUDONNE (JEAN FEANCOIS JOSEPH) [1810-1865] Rapport . . . sur la maladie dont sont actuellement atteintes les Pommes de Terre (Rapporteur Dr. Dieu- donne). pp. 43. 8°. Bruxelles, 1845. , S . /? jQ DIEULAFAIT (Louis) [1830-] precieuses, &c. Wanting. [Diamants et pierres 8°. Paris, 1871.] Deuxieme edition, pp. Hi, 836 : 12 pis., text illust. 8°. Paris, 1874. Dieulafait (L.) Etude sur les Roches Ophitiques des Pyrenees, &c. pp. 72: text illust. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOGIQUES, &c. Tom. xvi, no 5. 8°. 1884. DIEZ DE TEJADA (BALDOMEEO LOPEZ CANI- ZAEES Y) See LOPEZ CANIZAEES Y DiEZ DE TEJADA. DIG-BY (Sir KENELME) [1603-1665] A Discourse concerning the Vegetation of Plants, &c. pp. 100. 12°. London, 1661. 6 •lf,2 Digby (Sir K.) Discours snr la Vegetation des Plantes . . . traduction Francoise [with a dedication by P. de Trehan], dtx. pp. [xw,] 89. 12°. Pans, 1667. DIGGELEN (B. P. G. VAN) it others. Eenigc voor- schriften over het poten en de verdere behandeling van Vruchtboomen . . . Tweede Druk. See SLOET (B. W. A. E.) <£• others. 8°. 1848. DIGGLES (SILVESTER) Comjianion to Gould's Hand- book ; or, synopsis of the Birds of Australia, ~i : 2 pis. (col.) 8°. Amsterdam, 1829. Nii-uwe Verhandel. k. Nedcrland. Inatit. Amsterd. Deel n. \ DIJMPHNA, Danish Vessel. Dijmphna - Togtets zoologisk-botanisko Udbytte, aged. Those for 1S32-S5 are in two parts— " Sciences" and "Lettres"— each se|iarately paged. Those for 1836 and 1837-8 are in three and that for 1839-40 in fonr separately-paged parts. In the volume for the years 1841-2 the pagination is continuous.. After 1830 the Proceedings of two years ware included in each volume. , [Continued as :] Compte-Rendu des Travaux . . . et Memoires. Annees L 1843-44. 1 Vol. 8°. Dijon, 1845. In two separately-paged parts. [Continued as :] L Memoires, &c. Ann. 1845-1850. 4 Vol. 8°. Dijon, 1847-51. The volume for 1845-6 bu the pagination continuous : the others are . each in two se|»rately-paged parts. - 1851-70. Ser. II, torn, i-xvi. 8°. Dijon, 1852-71. Wanting the Atlas to Tom. v, for, a copy of which See NODOT (L.) Description d'un nouveau genre d'Kdente fossile, ttc. - 1871-87, 0. Dillenius (J. J.) Epistolffi ineditse . . . Dillenii . . . edidit H. C. van Hall. See LINNJSUS (C.) Epistolae 0 ineditse C. Linnan, dec. 8°. 1830. DILLER (JOSEPH SILAS) Notes on the Geology of /, northern California, pp. 23 : text Must. See UNITED vr STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin, dec. No. :i:i. (Vol. v.) 8°. 1886. Diller (J. S.) Peridotite of Elliott County, Kentucky. pp. 31 : 1 ))l., text Must. See UNITED STATES. — (% Geological Survey. Bulletin, dec. No. 38. (Vol. vi.) 8°. 1887. Diller (J. S.) A late Volcanic Eruption in Northern £ California and its peculiar Lava. pp. 32: 17 pis. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin, dec. M No. 79. 8°. 1891. DILLON (ARTHUR EDMUND DENNIS LEE) Viscount L "} I Dillon. [1812-1892] A Winter in Iceland and Lapland. 2 Vol. [in 1] illuit. 8°. London, 1840 } 463 f q J» T z DILLON (Sir JOHN TALBOT) [c. 1740-1805] Travels through Spain, with a view to illustrate the Natural History and Physical Geography of that Kingdom . . . Second edition, &c. pp. viii, 459 : 7 pis., 1 map, enyr. dedic. 4°. London, 1782. The first edition appeared in 1780. DILLON (ElCHARD QUARTIN) See QUARTIN-DILLON. DILLWYN (LEWIS LLEWELLYN) & Motley (J.) [1814-1892] Contributions to the natural history of Labuan, and the adjacent coasts of Borneo. Pt. l.f See MOTLEY (J.) & DILLWYN (L. L.) 8°. 1855. DILLWYN (LEWIS WESTON) [1778-1855] British Conferva} ; or colored figures and descriptions of the British Plants referred by botanists to the genus Con- ferva. 2 Vol. [in 1] illust. col. 4U. London, [1802-] 1809. Fourteen parts appeared in 1802, entitled: — "Synopsis of the British Confervas." & Z- L e Dillwyn (LEWIS WESTON) Grossbritanniens Con- ferven. Nach Dillwyn . . . bearbeitet. 4 Hft. See WEBER (F.) & MOHR (D. M. H.) 8°. 1803-5. Dillwyn (LEWIS WESTON) A descriptive Catalogue of Recent Shells, &c. 2 Vol. pp. xii, 1092 [29]. 8°. London, 1817. Dillwyn (LEWIS WESTON) M. Lister Historia, sive synopsis methodica Conchyliorum. Editio tertia. Re- censuit et indice . . . instruxit L. W. Dillwyn. See LISTER (M.) fol. 1823. Dillwyn (LEWIS WESTON) Memoranda relating to Coleopterous Insects found in the neighbourhood of Swansea, pp. 75. 4°. Swansea, 1829. Privately printed. Dillwyn (LEWIS WESTON) A Review of the references of the Hortus Malabaricus of H. van Rheede van Draakenstein. pp. viii, 69. 4°. Swansea, 1839. Privately printed. Dillwyn (LEWIS WESTON) Hortus Collinsonianus. An account of the Plants cultivated by ... P. Collinson, &c. pp. vii, 64. 4". Swansea, 1843. Dillwyn (LEWIS WESTON) Some account of a lusus of the hybrid Cytisus Adami in the shrubbery at Sketty Hall. pp. 3 : 1 pi. col. 8°. [Suxmtea,] 1845. Dillwyn (LEWIS WESTON) Materials for a Fauna and Flora of Swansea and the neighbourhood, pp. 44- 8°. Swansea, 1848. Privately printed. Dillwyn (LEWIS WESTON) & Turner (D.) The Botanist's Guide through England and Wales. 2 Vol. [in 1.1 See TURNER (D.) & DILLWYN (L. W.) 8°. 1805. DIMITROV (LuKA) [1866-] Beitragezurgeologischen und petrpgraphischen Kenntniss des Vitosa-Gebietes in Bulgarien, &c. pp. 54 : 3 pis., 1 map geol. col. 4°. Wien, 1893. Denksohr. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. LX. DIMMOCK (GEORGE) [1852-] The anatomy of the Mouth-parts and of the Sucking Apparatus of some Diptera. Dissertation, &c. pp. 50: 4 pis. S°.Boston,lSSl. Dimmock (G.) Coleoptera. See KINGSLEY (J. S.) The Standard Natural History, &c. Vol. n. 4". 1885. DINANT. Societe des Naturalistes Dinantais. [Founded 1880.) Bulletin, &c. Ann. 1882-88. 5 No.t 8°. Z>*nan*[1888-89]. DINGLER (HERMANN) Ueber das Scheitelwachs- thum des Gymnospermen-Stammes. pp. [iv,] 85: 3 pis. 8". Miinchen, 1882. Dingier (H.) Die Flachsprosse der Phanerpgatnen. Hft. i. 1 ' hyUantkus : Sect. Xi/lop/u/lla. pp. iv, 153 : 3 pis. 8°. Miinchen, 1885. Dingier (H.) Die Bewegung der pflanzlichen Flug- organe. Ein Beitrag zur Physiologic der passiven Bewegungen im Pflanzenreich. pp. ix, 342 : 8 pis. 8°. Miinchen, 1889. DINSMORE (A. F.) Map of the United States and territories, &c. [Scale 1 in. = 40 m. about.] 6 sh. £. .J>£ *-u- • See UNITED STATES. [Maps.] 1892. Dinsmore (A. F.) Territory of Arizona. [Scale *.* 1 in. = 13 m.] See ARIZONA. [ Maps] 1892. DINTER (KURT) Alphabetical Catalogue of Plants growing in the open air in the garden of T. Hanbury . . . near Ventimiglia, Italy, pp. 64 : 1 pi. 4°. Genoa, 1897. D'INVILLIERS (E. V.) [For reports in connection with the Survey] See PENNSYLVANIA, State of. — Second Geological Survey. D'Invilliers (E. V.) & McCreath (A. S.) The New River-Cripple Creek Mineral Region of Virginia. See MCCREATH (A. S.) & D'INVILLIERS (E. V.) 8°. 1887. DIOGENES, Laertius. Aristotelis Vita, ex Laertio . . . Theophrasti Vita ex Laertio, &c. See ARISTOTLE. [Works. Edited by A. Manutius.] Begin. Els opyavov 'Apio-ToreXous '>vvpov, &c. Vol. II. fol. 1497. 6 Diogenes, Laertius. TOTLE. Aristotelis Bagolini labore, &c. Aristotelis Vita, &c. See ARIS- , . . omnia . . . opera . . . J. B. Vol. I. fol. 1552 (1550). Diogenes, Laertius. Aristotelis Vita, &c. See ARIS- TOTLE. Aristotelis opera omnia, &c. Tom. I. fol. 1629. DIONNE (C. E.) Les Oiseaux du Canada, pp. xliii, 384 : text illust. 12°. Quebec, 1883. Dionue (C. E.) Catalogue des Oiseaux de la Province de Quebec, avec des notes sur leur distribution geo- graphique. pp. 119. 8°. Quebec, 1889. DIOSCORIDES (PEDACIUS) n. Aioo-KopiSou dvafrpfif viov jroinrov $npiaKa fiera ) are printed in double column. The initial capitals have not been filled in. Dioscorides (P.) Aioo-/v KOI tvnopHTTuv spurii . . . edidit C. Sprengel), &c. GR. & LAT. 2 Tom. 8°. Lidice, 1829-30. Forniine Vol. sxv It xxvi of the " Medicoram Oraworum opera qure exsUuit, ' .(T., edited by C. 0. Kiihn. Dioscorides (P.) P. Dioscoridaj . . . de Medica Materia : libri sex a M. Virgilio . . . Latinitate donati : cu ejusdem cofiientationibus : nuper ... ex secuda interpretis recognitione excusi, tkc. foil. [10,] 351. fol. [Florentice, 1523.] Wanting the hut folio. The initial capitals have not been filled in. Dioscorides (P.) P. Dioscoridis . . . de Medicinali Materia libri sex J. Ruellio . . . interprete . . . Additis . . . annotationibus . . . per G. H. Ryff . . . Accessere . . . Scholia nova . . . J. Lonicero autore. pp. [xxii.] 439 : text Must. fol. Franc[ofitrti], 1543. Wanting Pt 2. - [Another edition.] Accesserunt priori editioni, V. Cordi . . . annotationes . . . E. Cprdi . . . de Herbis S- Gorham-l Heteromera. [With the assistance of G. C. Champion.] Curculionidse. [With the assistance of F. P. Pascoe.J Cryptocephalidse. \ Eumolpidse. V [By M. Jacoby.] Chrysomelidae. ) Galerucidse. [By C. J. Gahan.] Endomychidje. [By C. J. Gaban.] Hymenoptera. [By H. de Saussure.] Lepidoptera Heterocera. [With the assistance of A. G. Butler. W. F. Kirby, and W. W. Warren.] Tineidue. [By J. H. Durrant.] Diptera. [By E. E. Austen.] Orthoptera. [With the assistance of H. de Saussure.] Various other groups by the author. Distant (W. L.) Descriptions of new species of Rhyn- chota. See WHITEHEAD (J.) Exploration of Mount Kina Balu, North Borneo. Appendix No. 10. 4°. 1893. BIT MAR (L: P. FR.) Die Pilze Deutchlands. See STURM (J.) Deutschlands Flora, &c. Abth. in, hft. 1-4. 12°. 1813-17. DITTMAR (ALPHONS VON) Die Contorta-Zone (Zone der Avicula contorta, Portl.) ihre Verbreitung und ihre organischen Einschliisse. pp. 217: 3 pis., 1 map col. 8°. Miinchen, &c,, 1864. Dittmar (A. VON) Zur Fauna der Hallstadter Kalke, &c. pp. 79 : 9 pis., text illust. See GEOGNOSTISCH- PALAONTOLOGISCHE BEITR AGE, of the Miiirs, ,(v. />/>. vi, [1,] 241 : 0 pis., 10 plans, 1 map col., text Must. 4°. London^ 1850. DIXON (EDMUND SAUL) [1809-] The Dovecote and the Aviary, CB . . . With ilkfstrations^ and keys tojjjegenera^ana j»pecies, by^Hfu. JarngsolT 60 pljj. f I Dixon (H. N.) Mosses, &c. pp.15. "Handbook" Catalogue of British £ 8°. Eastbourne & London, 1 897. • Label-List of British Eastbourne [1897]. Dixon (H. M.) "Handbook' Mosses, dec. pp. 26. Printed on one side of the paper only. DIXON (.JOHN H.) Gairloch in north-west Ross-shire : |_ . its ... Inhabitants and natural history, with a Guide to Gairloch and Loch Maree, &c. pp. xlviii, 435 : 3 pis., 1 map, text Must. 8°. Edinburgh, 1886. Pt. in, " Natural history of Gairloch," contains, inter alia : — SheUs of Gairloch, by Hev. J. M. Mill-trie. The Geology of I. 26. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. c Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. XLI, _J; . .- j, no. 1171. 8°. 1899. DOASSANS (E.) Etude botanique, chimique et - j)hysiologique sur le Thalictrum macrocarpum. pp. 300 : 0 | ,,/. 8<>. Paris, 1881. DOBEL(K \i;i. KRIEDRICH) NeuerPflanzen-Kalemlrr, oder Anweisung welche in Deutschland wachsenden « Pflanzen man in jedem Monate bluhend finden konne,U cfcc. 2 Bd. [in 1 Vol.] 8°. Niirnberg, 1835. 467 I DOBELL (PETER) Travels in Kamtchatka and • Siberia ; with a narrative of a residence in China 2 Vol. Must. col. 8°. London, 1830, L DOBENECK (A. VON) Die Raupen der Tagfalter, Schwiirmer und Spinner des Mitteleuropaischen Faunen-Gebietes. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Schiidlinge und dercn Bekiimpfung, &c. pp. xii, %6Q : text illust. 8°. Stuttgart, 1.899. DOBLICEA (KARL) Tirols Mineralien. pp. ISO. 8°. Wien, 1852. DOBROWSKY (JOSEPH) [1753-1829] Entwurf eines Pflanzensystems nach Zahlen und Verhiiltnissen, &c. EThe Preface is signed J. D., i.e. A. J. Dobrowsky.] ee D., J. 8°. 1802. DOBSON (GEORGE EDWARD) [1848-1895] Catalogue of Mammals ... of Burma [edited, with notes and additions, by G. E. Dobson]. See BLYTH (E.) 8°. 1875. Dobson (G. E.) Monograph of the Asiatic Chiroptera, and Catalogue of the species of Bats in the . . . Museum. See CALCUTTA.— INDIA MUSEUM. 8°. 1876. Dobson (G. E.) Catalogue of the Chiroptera in the . . . British Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1878. Dobson (G. E.) Observations sur la classification m6thodique et la structure des Chiropteres. pp. 50. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, Garden-Bibliothek oder alphabetisches Verzeichniss aller Biicher, welche . . . von 1750 bis 1860 in Deutsch- land erschienen sind, &c. pp.lx,179. 8°. Nurnberg, 1861. 0 Dochnahl (F. J.) Die Band- und Flecht-Weiden und D ihre Kultur als der hochste Ertrag des Bodens. p)). 104. 8", Frankfurt a. M., 1881. DODART (DENIS) [1634-1707] Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire naturelle des Plantes. Dressez par M. Dodart. See PARIS.— ACADKMIE DES SCIENCES, fol. 1676. 12°. 1679. 6 L 6 Second edition, &c. Consists of only the first part of the preceding. Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire naturelle des Animaux (redigez par M. Perrault) et des Plantes (dressez par M. Dodart), &c. See PARIS. — ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. 4°. 1736. A reprint of the preceding. DODD (B. STURGES) List of Nottinghamshire Mol- lusca. See CARR (J. W.) A contribution to the Geology ... of Nottinghamshire, &c. 8°. 1893. DODD (JAMES SOLAS) [1721-1805] An essay towards a natural history of the Herring, &c. pp. [viii,] 178 [11]. 8°. London, 1752. DODEL (ARNOLD) See DODEL-POET. DODEL-PORT (ARNOLD) [1843-] Illustrirtes Pflan- zenleben. Gemeinverstandliche Originalabhandlungen fiber die interessantesten und wichtigsten Fragen der Pflanzenkunde nach zuverlassigen Arbeiten der neueren wissenschaftlichen Forschungen, &c. pp. xvi, 474: 10 pis. 8°. Zurich, 1883. Dodel-Port (A.) Biologische Fragmente. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Pflanzen. pp. 104: 10 pis. col., text Must. fol. Cassel, 1885. Thl. I. Cystosira liarbata, ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Fucaceen, &c. „ II. Die Excretionen der sexnellen Plasmamassen vor und wahrend der Befruchtung iiu Pflanzen- und Thierreich, &c. Dodel-Port (A.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Befruch- tungs-Erscheinungen bei Iris sibirica. pp. 15 : 3 pis. See ZURICH.— UNIVERSITAET. Festschrift, &c. No. 10. 4°. 1891. Dodel-Port (A.) & (CAROLINA) Anatomisch-physio- logischer Atlas der Botanik. 42 diags. col., with explanatory text. & 4°. Esslingen, 1878-83 [-84]. DODERLEIN (PlETRo) [-1895] Cenni geologici intorno la giacitura dei terreni Miocenici superiori dell' Italia centrale. pp. 25 : 1 pi. 4°. [Siena, 1863 1] " Estratto dagli Atti del x Congresso degli Scienziati Italian] . . . 1862," a volume that never appeared. Doderlein (P.) Note illustrative della Carta Geologica [Scale 1 : 144,000, i.e. 1 in. = 2£ m. about] del Modenese e del Reggiano. 2 Pt. luith 1 map geol. col. 4°. [Modena, 1871-2.] Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Modena. Tom. xn & xm. Doderlein (P.) I Pesci dei mari di Sicilia. pp. 28. 8°. (Palermo, 1872.) Doderleiu (P.) Descrizione di una specie di Pesce del genere esotico Lobotes presa nelle acque dei contorni di Palermo, &c. pp. IS: 1 pi. Se^s PALERMO.— REALE ACCADEMIA DI sciENZE, &c. Atti, &c. Nuova Serie, Vol. V. 4°. 1875. Doderlein (P.) Prodrome della Fauna Ittiologica / della Sicilia, &c. pp. 63. See PALERMO. — REALE ACCA- DEMIA DI SCIENZE, &c. Atti, &c. Nuova Serie, vol. vi. Z. 4°. 1878-79. Doderleiu (P.) Manuale Ittiologico del Mediterraneo, &c. 3 Vol. fol. Palermft, 1879-91. Pt. 1 contains a " Bibliografla Ittiologica." Doderlein (P.) Revista delle specie del genere Epine- phelus, Bloch, o Cerna, Bonap., riscontrate sin' ora nei mari della Sicilia. pj). 91 [4] : 5 pis. 4°. [Palermo, 1882.] Giorn. Sci. nut. econom. Palermo. Vol. xvf . 4 8 L. $//£>/ KiS Doderlein(R) Avifauna Sicula. pp.33. See PALERMO. — RF.ALK Atx-ADEMiA Di SCIENZE, er Investigations. Report No. 1. 8". 1890. Dodge (C. R.) A report on Flax culture for fiber in fa l_ the United States, See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Fiber Investigations. Report No. 5. 8°. 1893. Dodge (C. R.) A report on the uncultivated Bast Fibers of the United States, dx. pp. 54: 5 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Fiber Investigations. Report No. 6. 8°. 1894. Dodge (C. R.) A report on the cultivation of Ramie 0 in the United States, <&c. pp. 63 : 5 pis., text Must. 1 See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Fiber Investigations. Report No. 7. " 8°. 1895. Dodge (C. R.) A report on the culture of Hemp and Jute in the United States, &c. pp. 43 : 3 pis., text Must. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agricul- ture.—Fiber Investigations. Report No. 8. 8°. 1896. Dodge (C. R.) A descriptive Catalogue of useful Fiber Plants of the World, ttc. pp. 361 : 12 pis., text Must. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Fiber Investigations. Report No. 9. 8°. 1897. DODGE (JAMES A.) [For chemical reports in connec- tion with the Survey] See MINNESOTA, State of. — Geological and Natural History Survey. Annual Reports, &c. DODGE (RICHARD IRVING) [1827-] The Black Hills. A ... description of the Routes . . . Timber, Gold, Geology, Zoology, &c. pp. [vi,] 151 : 10 pis.. ,5 maps. 8°. tfew York, 1876. DODOENS (REMBERT) [1517-1585] R. Dodonsei . . . de Frugum historia liber unus. Ejusdem epistolaj duae, una de Farre, Chondro, Trago, Ptisana, Crimno et Alica. Altera de Zytho, & Cereuisia, &c. foil. 94 : text Must. 8°. Antverpiae, 1552. Dodoens (R.) [R. Dodonse^-r-r' trium priorum^de Stitpiwnrtiistoria comnjeattffiorum imagine^-rf^" 8°. Arttverpice, 1553.] Wanting. Posteriorum trium R. Dodonsei . . . de Stirpium his- toria commentariprum imagines . . . una cum mar- ginalibus annotationibus. Item ejusdem annotationes in aliquot prioris tomi imagines qui triu priorum librorum figures complectitur, ar C. de 1'Escluse. (Petit Recueil, aurjuel est contenue la descrip- tion d'aucunes Gommes et liqueurs . . . Par celuy qui a traduit 1'Herbier ... en Frangois.) pp. [xxiv,] 584 [36] : text Must. fol. Anvers, 1557. Dodoens (R.) [Frumentorum, leguminum, palustrium et aquatilium Herbarum . . ; historia, &c. 8°. Antverpios, 1566.] Wanting. [Another edition entitled :] Historia frumentorum, ) 8°. Vindobonae, 1894-» For text to preceding centuries of this Herbarium, See SCHULTZ (F. W.) DOERING (ADOLF) Bemerkungen iiber die Bedeutung und Untersuchungen iiber die chemische Zusammen- setzung derPulmonaten-Schale. Inaugural-Dissertation. pp. 41 : 1 pi. 8°. Gottingen, 1872. Doering (A.) [Vertebrata, Mollusca, and Geology of of Patagonia.] See ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. — Comision cientifica de la Expedicion al Rio Negro. oficial, DOHBN (CARL AUGUST) [1806-18921 Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae . . . Fiinfte ( — Sechste) Auflage. See STETTIN.— ENTOMOLOGISCHER VEREIN. 8°. 1855-56. DOHBN (FELIX ANTON) [1840-] Catalogus Hemipter- orum, &c. See STETTIN. — ENTOMOLOGISCHER VEREIN. 8°. 1859. Dohrn (F. A.) Untersuchungen iiber Bau und Ent- wicklung der Arthropoden. 2 Hft. pp. iv, vi, 193: 17 pis. (8 col.) 8°. Leipzig, 1870. Dohrn (F. A.) Der Ursprung der Wirbelthiere und das Princip des J unctionswechsels, &c. pp. xv, 87. 8°. Leipzig, 1875. Dohrn (F. A.) Die Pantopoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. pp. wii, 252 : 17 pis. See NAPLES. — Zoologistlx Station. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neape), . DOKHTUBOV (VLADIMIR SERruiYEEVlCH) [1869-] See REVUE MENSUELLE D'ENTOMOLOQIE PURE ET APPLIQUKE, rcdigce jwr W. Dokhtouroff. Vol. I, no. 1-7. 8°. 1883-81. DOKIC (L. G'.) Servia.] p/>. .<;<, l Shkol'ke u Srblil. :> : t(.rt illuxt. S". [Mollusca of , 1HH2. e Gf" M Dokic (Jj. G'.) Analltichki i systeniatskl preghled Xhivotin'a u kral'evini Srbiii. [Analytical and systematic review of the Animals of the kingdom of Servia.] 3 Pt. 8°. Beoghrad, 1883. DOKUCH AEV (VASlLil VASIL'EVICI!) Kartoghrafiva Itossklkh Pochv, Dollfus (ADRIEN) Le Afuseum de Londres (British Museum of Natural History, South Kensington). Notes & impressions, pp. 26. 8°. Paris, 1889. Bull. Soc. Etudes sclent. Paris. Ann. XI. Dollfus (ADRIEN) Isopodes terrestres du Challenger. pp.8: 2 pis. 8°. Paris, 1890. Bull. Soc. Etudes sclent. Paris. Ann. xu. Dollfus (ADRIEN) [Crustacea Isopoda from Tierra del Fuego.] See FRANCE. Mission scientifique du Cap Horn. 1882-1883. Tom. vi. 4°. 1891. Dollfus (ADRIEN) Catalogue raisonne1 des Isopodes terrestres de 1'Espagne, . ••'"(."•)•• text Must. See MADRID.— SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE ms- TORIA NATURAL. Anales, &c. 8°. 1696. DOORNIK (J. J. F. H. T. MERKUS) See MERKUS-DOORNIK. DORAN (ALBAN HENRY GRIFFITHS) Descriptive Catalogue of the Pathological Specimens contained in the Museum of the . . . College . . . Second edition, by Sir J. Paget . . . with the assistance of ... A. H. G. Doran . . . Vol. I. General Pathology. See ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. 8°. 1882. DORBIGNY (CHARLES) See ORBIGNY. DORIA (GlACOMO) Marquess [1840-] See ARCHIVIO PER LA ZOOLOGIA L' ANATOMIA E LA FISIOLOGIA pub- licato per cura di . . . G. Doria, dec. Vol. i-iv, fasc. 1. 8°. 1862-66. Doria (G.) Marquess. See GENOA. — MUSEO civico DI STORIA NATURALE. Annali . . . publicati per cura diG. Doria. Vol. i-» 8°. 1870-* Doria (G.) Marquess. Catalogo sistematico degli Uccelli di Borneo- . . . con note ed osservazioni di G. Doria, &c. See SALVADORI (T. A.) Count. 8°. 1874. Doria (G.) Marquess & Peters (W. C. H.) Enumera- zione dei Mammif eri raecolti . . . nella Nuova Guinea, &c. See PETERS (W. C. H.) 8°. Dorjiat, 1854-* Dorpat.— Dorpater Naturforscher-Gesellschaft. Sitzungsberichte, visus in medicinis est, descriptiones & iconas ... ex praecipuis tarn Gr?cis quam Latinis autoribus jam recens concinnatum, &c. [pj). xx,] foil. 306 : text illust. fol. Francoforti, 1540. DOSCH (L.) & Scriba (J.) Excursions-Flora der Bliithen- und hiiheren Sporenpflanzen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Grossherzogthums Hessen und der angrenzenden Gebiete ... 2. ... Auflage. pp. Ixxix, 5~%- 8°. Worms, 1882. The firat edition appeared in 1878. Dritte . . . Auflage. Neu bearbeitet von L. Dosch. pp. cviii, 616: 8 pis. 8°. Worms, 1888. DOSS (CARL BRUNO) [1861-] Die geologische Natur Lder Kanger im Kigaschen Kreise, unter Beriicksichtigung ihrer weiteren Umgebung. See RIOA.— NATURFORSCHKR VEREIN. Festschnft, &c. 8°. 1895. i DOUAI. — MlU&im. [Founded r. 1806.) Galerie des Mollusques, ou Catalogue . . . des Mollusques et Coquilles du Museum, . 8°. 1874-> Douglas (J. W.) & Scott (J.) The British Hemiptera, Vol. i. Hemiptera-Heteroptera. See RAY SOCIETY. 8°. 1865. Douglas (J. W.) & Scott (J.) A List of British Hemiptera (Heteroptera). pp. 16. 8°. London, 1865. Printed in double column, on one side of the paper only. Douglas (J. W.) & Scott (J.) A Catalogue of British Hemiptera ; Heteroptera and Homoptera (Cicadaria and Pnytophthires), &c. pp. viii, 99. 8°. London, 1876. DOUGLASS (ARTHUR) Ostrich Farming in South 7 Africa, &c. pp. viii, 251 : 10 pis., 1 map. 8°. London, &c. (1881). IfGf A Douglass (A.) Ostrich Farming. See LONDON.— 0 Colotiial and Indian Exhibition, 1886. Official Hand- 1 book . . . Cape of Good Hope, &c. 8°. 1886. Douglass (A.) Ostrich Farming. See CAPE COLONY. c |_ Illustrated Official Handbook of the Cape, &c. 8°. 1893. DOUIN (I.) Nouvelle Flore des Mousses et des Hepatiques . . . avec . . . figures inedites dessinees par A. Millot, &c. pp. 186 : text illust. 8°. Paris [1892]. Suite i'i la Nouvelle Flore de MM. Bonnier et De Layens. n. e . . . 8°. Montpellier, 1870. DOUMET-ADANSOBT (NAPOLEON) Une Semaine & d'Herborisation en Corse, pp. 55. 8°. Montpellier, 1865. Ann. Soc. Hort. nau'd au Muse's . . . d'Histoire Naturelle de Vienne. See LOCAED (A.) 8°. 1895. DRAPER (DAVID) The primary systems of South the B B Africa, with special reference to the Conglomerate '• ?•] [Johannesburg, 1895.] Beds of the Witwatersrand. \pp. 7.] fol [Jol Standard and Diggers' News, 1895. - Draper (D.) Geological Map of the districts of Klerksdorp, Potchefstroom, and Krugersdorp, &c. See TRANSVAAL. [Map.] 189G. DRAPER (E. T.) See GRAPHIC MICROSCOPY. Illus- I trations drawn from Nature and described by E. T. Draper. 2 No. «o. TB«R foU, 8°. 1886. DRAPER (HENEY) [1837-1882] Report ... on the chemical and physical facts collected from the Deep-sea Researches made during the Voyage of the Nautical School-Ship Mercury, &c. See UNITED STATES. Cruise of School-Ship " Mercury," &c. 8". 1871. DRAPER (JOHN WILLIAM) [1811-1882] A treatise ?• on the forces which produce the organisation of Plants. With an appendix, &c. pp. xi, 216 : It ph. 4°. New York, 1844. DRAFIEZ (PIERRE AUGUSTE JOSEPH) [1778-1856] / See ANNALES GENERALES DES SCIENCES PHYSIQUES ; par M. . . . Drapiez, &c. Tom. i-vin. 8°. 1819-21. Drapiez (P. A. J.) Dictionnaire classique d'Histoire (_ Naturelle, par Messieurs Audouin . . . [A. J Drapiez, &c. i 17 Vol. See BOEY DE SAINT-VINCENT (J. B. G. M.) Baron. 8°. 1822-31. Drapiez (P. A. J.) Memoire . . . "Decrire la Con- . stitution geologique de la Province du Hainaut ? Les Cf Especes minerales et les Fossiles accidentels que les , divers terrains renferment, avec 1'indication des localites •• et la synonymie des Auteurs qui en ont dejJi traite," &c. pp. 164: 4 ids. col. See BEUSSELS. — ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, &c. M6moires sur les Questions pro- posees par 1' Academic, &c. Tom. in. 4°. 1823. Drapiez (P. A. J.) Min6ralogie usuelle, &c. pp. 504. />? 12°. Paris, 1826. Drapiez (P. A. J.) Herbier de 1'Amateur de Fleurs ... •? avec un precis d'organographie et de physique vegetales & servant d'introduction a Touvra^e ; par M. Drapiez. Tom. i-vin. See HERBIER GENERAL DE L'AMATEUR, &c. 4°. 1828-35. Drapiez (P. A. J.) Nouveaux Elements de Botanique n et de Physiologic Vegetale . . . Nouvelle edition ® augmentee d'un precis des proprietes medicamenteuses des vegetaux ou de leurs produits . . . par Drapiez. See RICHARD (A.) 8°. 1837. Drapiez (P. A. J.) Dictionnaire classique des Sciences ~J~ naturelles . . . resumant tous les faits presentes par les Dictionnaires d'Histoire Naturelle. 10 Tom. & Atlas. 8°. Bruxelles, 1837-45. Printed in double column. Drapiez (P. A. J.) Traite elementaire d'Ornithologie, T &c. pp. xii, 300. 8°. Paris, 1842. 0 • Iconographie des Oiseaux . . . accompagnee d'une explication des planches, et faisant le complement du Traite d'Ornithologie, par M. Drapiez, &c. See LAMOUROUX (S.) Madame. 8°. 1842. T DRASCHE (RICHARD VON) Baron [1850-] Die Insel *> Reunion (Bourbon) . . . Eine geologisch-petrographische «• Studie mit einem Anhange iiber die Insel Mauritius. A7 pp. vii, 85: 16 pis. (1 col.), 2 maps, text Must. 4°. Wien, 1878. Drasche (R. VON) Baron. Fragmente zu einer Geo- logie der Insel Luzon (Philippinen) . . . Mit einem *•*" Anhange iiber die Foraminiferen der Tertiiiren Thone von Luzon von F. Karrer. pp. ix, 99 : 3 pis., 2 maps col., text Must. 4". Wien, 1878. Drasche (R. VON) Baron. Bosquejo geo!6gico de la £, zona superior de Sierra Nevada, pp. 36: 1 map col., text Must. See SPAIN. — Comisidn del Mapa Geoldgico. Boletin, &c. Tom. vi. 8°. 1879. Drasche (R. VON) Baron. Datos para un estudio geo!6gico de la Isla de Luzon (Filipinas). pp. 74.' 1 map col., 1 pi., text Must. See SPAIN. — Comiswn del Mapa Geologico. Boletin, &c. Tom. vm. 8°. 1881. 478 ^ Drasche (R. VON) Jiaron. Die Synascidien der Bucht von Rovigno (Istrien). Kin Beitrag zur Fauna der Adria. pp. 41 : 11 pis. (col.) 4°. Wien, 1883. Z Drasche (R. VON) Jiaron. Beitrage zur Entwickelung der Polychaeten. 2 Hft. illiut. 8". Wien, 1884, 85. lift. i. Entwickelnng von Fomatoctroi triqutter, L. pp. 10: 3 l>tt. (co/.) 1884. „ ll. Entwickelnng von Snbrllnria epimrlotft, Lkt., Htrmione kyttrijc, Sav. und einer Phyllodocide. ]ip. 33:5 pit. (col.) 1885. Drasche (R. VON) Jiaron. Beitrage zur feineren Ana- tomic der Polychaeten. 2 Hft. illitst. 8°. Wien, 1885. lift. i. Anittomie von Spintlur uu'ninretu, Grube. pp. Ik : S pli. „ 11. Anatomic von Oteenia.ttliJ'ormis, Dello Chiaje. pp. t2: Spit. Drasche (R. VON) Jiaron. Tunicaten von Jan Mayen, DREIER (JoHANN) Flora Bremensis, &c. [By C J. Dreier & others.] See BREMEN. 8°. 1855. DREJER (SALOMON THOMAS NICOLAI) [1813-1842] _ [Anviianinc til at kjende de Danske Foderurter. Efter Prof. Wahlbergs : Anvisning till Svenska Fodervax- ternas Kannedom, bentiavn, 1837.] Wanting. A. Tredie Udgave . . . bes0rget af J. Lange, dfcc. pp. xiv, MS. 8". Kjfbenhavn, 1847. Drejer (S. T. N.) Flora Excursoria Hafniensis. pp. Ixv, 330. 12°. Hafniae, 1838. Drejer (S. T. N.) Loerebog i den botaniske Termino- logie og Systemluere. pp. xxii, 413. 8". Kjjbenluivn, 1839. B & e L go. Drejer (S. T. N.) Compendium i den medicinske Botanik. pp. [viii,] 100. 8°. Kjbenhavn, 1840. Drejer (S. T. N.) Elementa Phyllologire. Dissertatio inauguralis botanica . . . respondente ... P. Bramsen, aged. Bd/ III.JB styled: — " Nunquam^miosus. Mittheilungen ails deui Mfsuufti L. Salvator von L. T" DRESDEN. — Gesellschaft fuer Mineralogie. [Founded 1S10.] Auswahl aus den Schriften, &c. Bd. i & n.f 8°. Leipzig, 1818, 19. DRESDEN. Gesellschaft "Iris." [1862 Founded as Entomologitcher Verein " Ira." 1888 Gtselllchuft " Ira."] ^ — ] Correspondenz-Blatt,.rfrc. B^. i. 8°. Dres( Continued as the jwrtipri for LepKloptem of the "JO logischeZeitachrift" (lor which, 6yliF.Ki.iM.— DEDJKHK (1ESELL8CHAF1-) under the title '^J- Iris, Dresdep'. . . Deutsche Entoin'ologisoJie Zeitschi* herausgegeben von der/Gesellsehaft Iris/ . . injfrfbiii- dungWt der Deutschten Eptbmologisch^iJJcSellschaft zu Berlin. LepidoptereWgische Hefte . . . Redacteur . . . O. Staudinger. Bd. il-» 8°. Berlin, &c., 1889^- DRESDEN. — Koenigliches Mineralogisch-Geo- logisches und Fraehistorisches Museum. Mittheilungen, «fTes of separutel monographs. Dresden. — Eoeuigliches Zoologisches uud An- Museum. Catalog der Handbibliotnek, &c. pp. xxiii, 287. 8°. Berlin, 1898. DRESDEN. — Naturwissenschaftliche Gesell- schaft Isis. [1838 Founded as Verein zur Bcfllrderung der Naturkunde. 1S35 NalUrwtisenichqfUicln Oesellschaft Isii, sometimes styled Getett- achaj't laii.] M Allgemeine Deutsche Naturhistorische Zeitung . . . "i Herausgegeben von C. T. Sachse. Jahrg. i & H. 8°. Dresden, 1846-47. , A. Drechsler. Neue Herausgegeben von L £> Folge, Bd. i-ln. 8°. Dresden, 1855-57. Dresden.— Naturwissenschaftliche Gesell. Isis. L_ Sitzungs-Berichte, &c. Jahrg. 1861-1880. Ci 8". Dresden, 1862-81. [Continued as :] Sitzungsberichte und Abhandlungen, &c. Jahrg. 1881-» 8°. Dresden, 1882-> Dresden.— Naturwissenschaftliche Gesell. Isis. Denkschriften . . . Festgabe zur Feier ihres funfund- zwanzigjahrigen Bestehens, redigirt von ... A. Drechsler. pp. 123 : 7 pis. 8°. Dresden, 1860. Dresden.— Naturwissenschaftliche Gesell. Isis. Festschrift . . . zur Feier ihres 50iahrigen Bestehens ~ ' 1885. pp.178: 4 pis. 8°. Dresden, 1885. L- Z Dresden. — Naturwissenschaftliche Gesell. Isis. Naturwissenschaftliche Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Kaukasuslander, &c. See SCHNEIDER (O.) 8°. 1878. DRESDEN. — Verein fner Erdkunde. [Founded ises.j ~* Jahresbericht, &c. Hft. i-> 8°. Dresden, 1865. * Formed into volumes of five parts each, with a covering title-page and /,_, an index. Several of the parts are in two sections, viz. " Wissenschaftlicher Theil " and " Qeschaftlicher Theil," while many have separately-paged appen- dixes. Dresden. — Verein fner Erdkunde. Festschrift zur Jubelfeier des 25jahrigen Bestehens des Vereins, &c. pp. 252 : 7 pis. 8°. Dresden, 1888. DRESLER (ERNST FRIEDRICH) Flora von Lowen- berg i. Schl. pp. 48. 4°. Lowenberg i. Schles., 1883. 30. Jahresb. Realprogymn. Lowenberg. $ [Another edition.] pp. 162. 8°. Lowenberg i. Schles., 1883. Reprinted from the above. /_ DRESSEL (L.) Die Basaltbildung in ihren einzelnen *. Umstiinden erlautert, &c. pp. 178, 1 tab. : 4 pis. col. ''I See HAARLEM. — HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DER WETENSCHAPPEN. Natuurkundige Veerhandelingen, £. I &7b ^c' Tweede Verzameling. Deel xxiv. 4°. 1866. Dressel (L.) Geognostiseh-geologische Skizze der to Laacher-Vulkangegend. pp. viii, 164: 3 pis., 1 map, text Must. 8°. Miinster, 1871. DRESSER (CHRISTOPHER) The Rudiments of Botany, Structural and Physiological, &c. pp. xxiii, .fifl • tint ilimt. ~%8°. London, 1859. Dresser (C.) Unity in Variety, as deduced from the Vegetable Kingdom, &c. pp. xv, 162 : text illust. 8°. London, 1860. I Dresser (C.) Popular Manual of Botany, &c. pp. viii, O [ii,] 233: 12 pis. col. 8°. Edinburgh, 1860. DRESSER (HENRY EELES) A history of the Birds of Europe, including all the species inhabiting the western palsearctic region. (Supplement.) 9 Vol. illust. -7 col. 4°. London, 1871-96. The first seventeen parts were written in conjunction with K. B. Sliarpe. Dresser (H. E.) Reprint of Eversmann's Addenda 7" ad ... Palasii Zoographiam Rosso Asiaticam. Edited by H. E. Dresser. 3 Fasc. See EVERSMANN (E. F.) 8°. 1876. Dresser (H. E.) A monograph of the Meropidse [with notes on their Anatomy by F. E. Beddard], &c. pp. xix, 144 : 34 pis. col. 4°. London, 1884-86. Dresser (H. E.) A monograph of the Coraciidee [with notes on their anatomy by F. E. Beddard], &c. pp. xix, 111 : 27 pis. col. 8°. Farnborough, Kent, 1893. DRESSLER (O.) Storia naturale degli Uccelli che nidificano in Lombardia, con tavole du O. Dressier. 2 Vol. See BETTONI (E.) fol. 1865-68. DREVES (JOHANN FRIEDRICH PETER) [1772-1816] & Hayne (F. G.) Choix de Plantes d'Europe decrites /? et dessin6es d'apres nature. 5 Tom. [in 1.1 4°. Leipzig, 1802. DREW (FREDERIC) [1836-1891] The Jummoo and P Kashmir Territories. A geographical account, pp. xiii, 568, 1 tab. : 7 pis., 6 maps col. 8°. London, 1875. DREW (JOHN) [1809-1857] On the Objects worthy / of attention in an excursion round the Isle of Wight, !*• including an Account of the Geological formations C / as exhibited in the Sections along the Coast, &c. *-> • ' • i> See BULLAR (J.) Hints to assist the enquiries of Visitors, Phanerogamarum. pp. 12. 8°. Giistrow, 1847. DREYER (FRIEDRICH) Peneroplis. Eine Studie zur . biologischen Morphologic und zur Speciesf rage. pp. ix, Q. 119 : 5 pis'. 4°. Leipzig, 1898. DREYFUS (FERDINAND CAMILLE) [1849-] La grande , Encyclopedic . . . Secr6taire-G6neral F. C. Dreyfus. Tom. i-xvni. See ENCYCLOPEDIE. 4°. [1885-93.] DREYFUS (Lrjowio) UeberPhylloxerinen. pp.[vi,]88. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1889. DRIAN (AiME) Mineralogie et Petralogie des environs de Lyon, dispos6es suivant 1'ordre alphabetique, &c. pp. 539. 8°. Lyon, 1849. DRIESSEN (PETRtrs) [1753-1828] Index Plantarum quse in Horto Academico . . . coluntur 1819. See GRO- NINGEN. — RIJKS UNIVERSITEIT. 4°. 1820. DROITAUMONT (FELIX VON GOURCY) Count. See GOURCY-DROITAUMONT. DRONTHEIM. Drontheimisclie Gesellschaft. See infra, KONGELIOT NORSKE VIDENSKABERS-SELSKAB. DRONTHEIM. — Eoenigliche Xorwegische Gesellschaft. See infra, KONOELIOT NORSKE VIDENSKABERS-SELSKAB, £ A) 480 u '*t £18$*- 7 RONTHEIM. — Kongelig-t Norske Viden- skabers-Selskab. [1759 Founded as Tnmdkimutet SOikab. l~ffi Koitrsk Flora, DUBLIN.— Royal University of Ireland. Examination Papers, 1887. A supplement to the . . . Calendar, &c. 12°. Dublin, 1888. DUBLIN.— Royal Zoological Society of Ireland. See ROYAL ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF IRELAND. DUB] . — Sc [use Gr 2. L 71 2. 6 B L (?.*. DUBLIN.— Trinity College. See infra, UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN, 482 z B DUBLIN.— University of Dublin. [Founded 1591.) The ... Calendar, DUBLIN MICROSCOPICAL CLUB. [For Proceedings and Index, 1865-1880] See QUAR- TERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. Dublin Microscopical Club. See IRISH NATURALIST, THE . . . official organ of the ... Club, ofcc. Vol. i-» 8°. 1892-» DUBLIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. See NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF DUBLIN. DUBLIN NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. See IRISH NATURALIST, THE . . . official organ of the ... Club, &C. Vol. i-» 8°. 1892-» DUBLIN PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL, The, and Scientific Review. Vol. i & n.t 8°. Dublin, &c., 1825-26. DUBLIN QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, The : containing papers read before the Royal Dublin Society : the Royal Irish Academy ; the Geological Society ot Dublin and the Natural History Society of Dublin. Edited by the Rev. S. Haughton. Vol. i-vi.t 8°. Dublin, L •e, E T '9 o.ri B Du Chaillu (P. B.) A Catalogue of the . . . natural history Collection formed by Si. Du Chaillu, during his ... travels in west equatorial Africa, &c. pp. 11. 8°. London, 1863. Sulc CJtt&loffuo. Du Chaillu (P. B.) A Journey to Ashango-Land : and further penetration into equatorial Africa. /^ 8°. A^v [1797]. DUCHESNE (J. B.) Guide de la culture des Bois, ou Herbier forestier, France, See PARIS. — INSTITUT PASTEUR. 8°. 1888-> DUCLOS (P. L.) Histoire naturelle . . . de tous les "7, genres de Coquilles univalves marines a 1'etat vivant et fossile, publiee par monographies . . . Genre Olive. (Genre Colombelle — Strombe.) [pp.viii:] 73 pis. col. fol. Paris, 1835. -j Duclos (P. L.) Illustrations conchyliologiques. Strom- /•" bus . . . Linne. (—Oliva . . . Lamarck.) See CHENU (J. C.) 4°. 1843-53. ^ DUCLUZEAU (J. A. P.) Essai sur 1'histoire naturelle des Conferves des environs de Montpellier, &c. pp. 89. 8°. Montpellier (1805). The seven plates which were to have accompanied this paper do not appear to have been published. j3 DUCOMMUN (J. C.) Taschenbuch fur den Schweizeri- schen Botaniker. pp. xxxvi, 1024 : text illust. 8°. Solothurn, 1869. _ DUCROST ( ) AbU k Lortet (L.) Etudes sur la Or station prehistorique de Solutre. pp. 33 : 9 pis. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOGIQUES, (fee. Tom. n, no. 4. 8°. 1870. DUCROTAY DE BLAINVILLE (HENRI MARIE) See BLAINVILLE. DUDA (LADISLAV) [-1895] Soustavny' pfehjed Hmyzu £. polokfidleho (Hemiptera Heteroptera) v Cechach az dosud pozorovaneho. [A systematic review of the Hemiptera Heteroptera hitherto observed in Bohemia.] pp. 39. 4°. v. Hradci Krdlove, 1884. OtistSno z vyro&ni zpravy tehoz listavn za rok 1884. rDuda (L.) Schnabelkerfe (Rhynchota) [of Bohemia]. pp. 44- See PRAGUE. — GESELLSCHAFT FUEE PHYSIO- KEATIE. Catalogus Insectorum Faunas Bohemicse, &c. No. 1. 8". 1892. DUDEVANT (MAUEICE) [1823-] See SAND (M.) pseud. 6 DUDLEY (WILLIAM RUSSEL) [1849-] A Catalogue of the Pheenogamia growing without cultivation in the Cayuga Lake basin, pp. xxx, 133, v : 2 maps. 1 n B \ See ITHACA. — COENELL UNIVERSITY. Bulletin . . . '(Science). Vol. n. The Cayuga Flora. Pt. 1. 8°. 1886. Dudley (W. R.) The genus Phyllospadix. See JORDAN (D. S.) & others. The Wilder Quarter-century Book, &c. 8°. 1893. Dudley and Midland Geological and Scientific Society and Field Club. (^ Address [on the Geology of Dudley] delivered on the first meeting of the . . . Society. See MUECHISON (Sir R. I.) Bart. 8°. [1842.] DUEMESNIL (AUGUST PETER JULIUS) See Du MENIL. DUER (L. R. MEYER) See MEYER-DUER. DUERIGEN (BEUNO) Das Terrarium und die Pflege gefangener Reptilien und Amphibien, nebst die Pflege und Ziichtung der Makropoden. See MARTIN (P. L.) Die Praxis der Naturgeschichte, &c. Thl. in, hft. 2. 8". 1882. Duerigeu (B.) Die Gefliigelzucht nach ihrem jetzigen rationellen Standpunkt. pp. xiv, 880: 80 pis., text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1886. Duerigen (B.) Deutschlands Amphibien und Reptilien, 2- &c. pp. viii, 676 : 12 pis. col., text illust. 8°. Magdeburg, [1896-] 1897. DUERR (FRIDERICUS AENOTHEUS) See DUERR (F. G.) DUERR (FRIEDEICH GOTTLOB) & Linck (J. W.) ^ Historia naturalis Castoris et Moschi, &c. See LINCK (J. W.) & DUERR (F. G.) 4". 1786. DUERRNBERGER (AD9LF) Weitere Beitriige zur Rosenflora vdn Oberosterreich. pp. 64. See LINZ. — MUSEUM FRANCISCO-CAROLINUM. Bericht, &c. No. 50. 8°. 1892. For the previous communication on this subject, by J. B. von Keller, J. B. WiesbaurandjM. Hazelberger, See, op. cit., No. 49. ft. <-( "*" new - DUFFkCw MOUNTSTUAET ELPHINSTONE GEANT) Q G.C.S.L [1829-lfaTBiographical notice of Lord de Tabley. See WAEKEN ( J. B. L.) 3rd Baron de Tabley. The Flora of Cheshire, &c. 8°. 1899. DUFF (PATRICK) Sketch of the Geology of Moray. S pp. 72: 10 pis. (2 col.), 1 map col. 8". Elgin, &c., 1842. DUFF (ROBERT WILLIAM) The Herring Fisheries of -j Scotland. See LONDON.— Great International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. 8°. 1883. DUFFIELD (GEORGE) See MICROSCOPE, THE ... (_ Edited by ... G. Duffield, &c. Vol. vi, no. 8— ix, _ no. 8. 8°. 1886-89. ^.2. S DUFFIELD (WILLIAM) Mrs. The Art of Flower Painting . . Nineteenth edition, pp. 65 : 12 pis. Q 8°. London, 1882. The first edition appeared in 1856. DUFOSSE ( ) Recherches sur les bruits et les sons expressifs que font entendre les Poissons d'Europe et sur les organes producteurs de ces phenomenes acous- tiques ainsi que sur les appareils de 1'audition de plusieurs de ces Animaux. 2 Pt. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATUEELLES, dec. Zoologie. Ser. V, torn, xix, no. 5 ; & xx, no. 5. 8°. 1874. DU FOUILLOUX (JACQUES) [c. 1521-1580] La Venerie . . . precedee de quelques notes biographiques £~ et d'une notice bibliographique. pp. xiii [xvi],foll. 135 [pp. 10]. 4°- Angers, 1844. 486 £ U s B B 5 6 B DUFOUB ( KDOUARD) Note sur la diversite d'influence des Couleurs du Spectre Soloire dans la Respiration des Veg6taux, . [vi,] 247 : 3 pis. 8°. Budissin, 1686. Thin translation al«) includes Marradon's " Dialogue" and St. Disdier's " Method of preittring Chocolate." Dufour (P. S.) J. Sponii . . . [translated from Dufour's " Traitez See SPON (J.) Bevanda Asiatica . . du Cafe "], Ac. 4°. 1705. DUFRENE (HECTOR) [1836-] La. Flore Sanscrite. Essai d'explication des Noms Sanncrits servant a designer les principales Plantes de 1'Inde d'apres lour Etymologic, pp. 65. 8°. Paris, 1887. (OURS PIERRE ARMAND PETIT) [1792- 1857] Traite de Miueralogie. 3 Tom. & Atlas. 8°. Paris, 1844-47. Deuxieme edition. 4 Tom. . V, torn, xv, no. 17. 8°. 1872. Duges (ALFRED) Lettre relative a la placentation du Dasyprts novemcinctus. pp. 2. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. VI, torn, ix, no. 3. 8°. 1879. DUGES (ANTOINE) [1797-1838] Memoire sur les especes indigenes du genre Lacerta. pp. S3 : 2 pis. col. 8°. [Pans,] 1829. Ann. Sci. Nat. Tom. xvi. Duges (ANTOINE) Recherches sur 1'Osteologie et la Myologie des Batraciens a leurs differens ages, &c. pp. [viii,] 216 : 16 pis. 4°. Pans, 1834. Wanting Pis. 7 bis, 12, 15, 16 . [xxvii,] 310 [6]. 4°. Parisiis, 1660. Du Hamel (J. B.) Regise Scientiarum Academies His- toria, " [1801-1862] univej»SeT d'HistoirexNaturelle ujardin, &c./fe Vol. one of Roret's l(_CjjHCction des Suites tV Buffon. Dujardiii (F.) & Hup6 (L. H.) Histoire naturelle des Zoophytes. Echinodermes, comprenant la description des Crinoidps, des Ophiurides, des Asterides, des Echinides, et des Holothurides, &c. pp. 627, 7 : 10 pis. col. 8°. Paris, 1862. Forming one of Roret's " Collection des Suites a Buffon." DUJARDIN - BEAUMETZ (GEORGES OCTAVE) [1833-1895] & Egasse (E.) Les Plantes Mddicinales . . . leurs usages, &c. pp. vii, 845 : 40 pis. col., text illust. 8°. Paris, 1889. DULAC (JOSEPH) Flore du departement des Hautes- Pyrenees . . . Plantes Vasculaires spontanees, &c. pp. xii, 641 : 1 map, text illust. 12°. Paris, 18^7. Dulac (J.) Departement des Hautes-Pyrenees. MetT langes botaniques. Plantes nouvelles, critiques, mon- strueuses, rares, &c. pp. xxiii, 4$4 •' text Must. 8°. Paris, 1886. DULONG (PIERRE Louis) [1785-1838] See ANNALES DE CHIMIE ET DE PHYSIQUE, par ... Dulong, &c. [Ser. II,] torn. i-in. 8°. 1816. DULWICH COLLEGE [Founded 1878.] Annual Eeport, &c. No. 1-5. SCIENCE SOCIETY. 8°. London, 1878-83. n M . L.- ft DUMAS (ISIDORE) Quelques mots sur la structure de 1'Hellebore fetide et sur 1'evolution de ses organes floraux. pp. 48 : 6 pis. 4°. Montpellier, 1844. DUMAS (JEAN BAPTISTE ANDRE) [1800-1884] Die- \_. 2. o & tionnaire classique d'Histoire Naturelle, par Messieurs _^ Audouin . . . [J. B.] Dumas, . VI, torn. m. 8°. 1840-84. Dumas ( J. B. A.) Notice sur les derniers travaux d'A. m Brongniart, relatifs aux Vegetaux fossiles. See BRONG- NIART (A. T.) Recherches sur les Graines fossiles _ silicifiees. DUMBLE (FT) /.p1— reports as State Geologist] See TEXAS, State of. — Geological and Agricultural Survey. DU MENIL (AUGUST PETER JULIUS) [1777-1852] Handbuch der Naturgeschichte . . . Thl. in. Anor- ganographie. [By Diimesnil, i.e. A. P. J. Du Menil.] See CROME (G. E. W.) 8". 1817. I L .0 C Du Menil (A. P. J.) Disquisitiones chemicse non- ^ nullorum fossilium, adjectis notis analysin eorum spectantibus. Fasc. l.f pp. viii, 184- 8". Schmalkaldice, 1822. 488 7- 6- DUMERIL (ANDRE MARIE CONSTANT) [1774-1860] Lemons d'Anatoinie comparue . . . Recueilhes et pub- li&w . . . par C. 1 >iiim:ril, ]. • Secondo Edition, &c. Tom. I-HI. 8°. 1835-45. Dum6ril (ANDRE M.C.) Vorlesungcn iibervergleichcnde t— Anatomie . . . Gesammelt und . . . herausgegeben von C. Dumeril, rfectionner et d'etendre 1'Art de 1'Anatomiste, &c. pp. I*, 7*. 8°. Paris, An XI (1803). Dumeril (ANDRF M. C.) Trait6 elementairo d'Histoire o J? Naturelle, . Dumortier (B. C. J.) Count. Memoire sur 1'anatomie ft l.i physiologic des Polypiers Composes d'eau douce nommes Lopbopodes . . . Deuxieme Edition. pi>. N J . Spit. 8°. Tournay, 1836. The fintt etlition appeared in the " Bull. Acad. r«..v. Sci. llrnxellen," Tom. 11, 1835. Dumortier (B. C. J.) Count. Memoire sur les evolu- tions de 1'Kinbryon dans les Mollusques Gasteropodes, y /2- s pis. See BRUSSELS.— ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES. <{"c. Nouveaux Memoires, <£r. Tom. xn. 4°. 1839. B Dumortier (B. C. J.) Count. Hepaticse Europir. .lungermannideie Europe post semiseculum recensita?, adjunctis Hepaticis. /l*. col. 8". Jirvurdlu . 90 : 4 pis. 8°. Oxford, 1826. Duncan (J. S.) Introduction to the Catalogue of the Ashmolean Museum. See OXFORD. — UNIVERSITY.— Ashmolean Mtwtwn. 8°. [1826.] DUNCAN (PETER MARTIN) [1824-1891] A mono- graph of the British fossil Corals. Second Series, l\.—Geolof/ical Survey. Memoirs . . . Palajontologia Indica, &c. Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous Fauna of Western India. Vol. I, pt. 2. 4". 1880. [Another edition entitled :] A monograph of the Fossil Corals and Alcyonaria of Sind, collected by the Geological Survey of India. Differs from the preceding only in the title. 4". London, 1880. Ov*J TK. Cft &- Duncan (P. M.) The Transformations (or Metamor- phoses) of Insects. (Insecta, Myriapoda, Arachnida, and Crustacea.) Being an adaptation, for English readers, of M. E. Blanchard's "Metamorphoses, moeurs et instincts des Insects ; " and a compilation from the works of Newport, C. Darwin . . . and others, pp. xii, 531 : 1 pi., text Must. 8°. London, &c., 1882. Duncan (P. M.) A revision of the families and genera of the Sclerodermic Zoantharia, Ed. ct H., or Madre- poraria (M. Rugosa excepted). pp. 204- 8°. London, 1884. Jour. Linn. Hoc. (Zool.) Vol. xvill. 8°. 1885. Duncan (P. M.) The Student's Elements of Geology . . . Fourth edition ... by P. M. Duncan. See LYELL (Sir C.) Bart. 8". 1885. Duncan (P. M.) On the Madreporaria (— Ophiurida; — Echinoidea) of the Mergui Archipelago, &c.— On some parts of the Anatomy of Ophiothrix variabilis, Dune., and Ophiocampsis pellicula, Dune., &c. See ANDER- SON (J.) F.jR.S. [On the Zoological Collections made in the Mergui Archipelago, : text illutt. 1889. v. On the morphology of the extensor muscles. By H. St. J. Brooks, pp. 17 : 3 pis. (col.) 1889. vi On the structure of Trachyptern* (n-cticus (the northern Ribbon-Fish). By A. Meek. pp. 'ih: 2 pis. (col.), tes.t Must. 1890. vn. On the skull of Tarripa roitratns. By W. K. Parker, pp. a : 1 pi. 1890. viii. Note on the viscera of Tartipes. By D'A. W. Thompson. pp. 7-9: tcxtilliut. 1890. ix. On the systematic position of Zeuglodon. By D'A. W. Thompson, pp. 8 : lerl ilhust. 1890. x. On the systematic position of Hfsperornis. By D'A. W. Thompson, pp. 15 : text illvxt. 1890. xi. On the Cetacean Larynx. By D'A. W. Thompson, pp. S: text illiut. 1890. xii. Note on the female organs of Ercthizon dorgatvt. By A. Meek. Ip. : Ipl. 1890. DUNDEE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. See EAST OF SCOTLAND UNION OF NATURALISTS' SOCIETIES. DUNDEE NATURALISTS' SOCIETY. [Founded 1874.] Annual Report, &c. iv-x, xn-» 1876-> 8°. Dundee, 1878-* Dundee Naturalists' Society. The Grallatores and Natatores of the Estuary of the Tay,.24. See DRUMMOND-HAY(H.M-) 8°. 1881. Dundee Naturalists' Society. See EAST OF SCOTLAND UNION OF NATURALISTS' SOCIETIES. DUNDEE WORKING-MEN'S FIELD CLUB. See EAST OF SCOTLAND UNION OF NATURALISTS' SOCIETIES. DUNDERLAND. The Iron Ore Deposits of Dunder- land (Norway). [By S. A. H. Sjogren.] pp. 34 : 1 pi., 5 maps col. 8°. Upsala, 1894. DUNEDIN.— New Zealand Exhibition, 1865. Essay on the Ornithology of New Zealand, by W. Buller. pp. 20. 4°. Dunedin, 1865. Two autograph letters by the author are bound up with this copy. Dunedin. — New Zealand Exhibition, 1865. Reports and awards of the Jurors, and Appendix. pp. mi, 531. 8°. Dunedin, 1866. DUNEDIN.— New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition, 1890. Papers read at the Mining Conference, etc. pp. 117 : 10 pis. 8°. Wellinr/ton, [N.Z.^ 1890. L 71 2. & M 492 Y'O L 71 o J>. 7- G B G G DUNEDIN. Otago University. Otflgo University Museum . . . Guide to the Collections of Zoology, Geology and Mineralogy-, pp. 38. \"f. Dunedin, 1878. DUNER (NILS CHRISTOKER) [1839-] A- Nordenskiold (N. A. E. VON) Anteckningar till Spetsbergens Geografi, d-c. pp. 15: 1 map. Forberedande Undersijkningar rorande utfiirbarheten af en gradmatning pa Spetsbergen, &c. )ip. 19 : 1 map. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. vi. no. r> A- 8. 4°. 1865-66. Duner (N. C.) it others. Svenska Expeditioner till Spetsbergen och Jan Mayen, utforda under aren 1863 och 1864 af N. Duner, A. J. Malmgren, A. E. Norden- skiold och A. Qvennerstedt. pp. 261 : 7 tils. (4 col.), 1 »*ap. 8°. Stockholm, 1867. Mvenaka Expeditionen till Spetobergen &r 186J. [By] X. Dnner A- A. E. Nordenskmld. Ant*ckningar fran en Keaa till Uhafvet i trakten af Jan Mayen, fir 18r MARTINI (F. H. W.) Systematisches Conchylien Cabinet, Ac. Bd. vu, abth. 3 ; & vin, abth. ?.n. 4°. 1872-1882 (-83). Dunker (\V. B. R. H.) Index Molluscorum Maris Japonici. See NOVITATES CONCHOLOGIC*, lus recules jusqu'a la Revolution, &c. 3 Tom. 8". Paris, 1867-68. DUNS (JOHN) [1820-] The Lithology of Edinburgh . . . Edited, with a memoir, by the Rev. J. Duns. See FLEMING (J.) D.D. 8". 1859. DUN8TER (HENRY PETER). The Young Collector's y l^yl | Handybook of Botany, pp. vi [ii,] 168 : Iti pis. CrBj^^Jt\ 8*- London, 1871. DUFARC (Louis) Les idees de H. B. de Saussur^ifet -H sur la Geologic de quelques montagnes de la Savoie. , pp. 15. See GENEVA. — SOCI^TE DE PHYSIQUE, Tom, i-vi. See DICTIONARIES. 8". 1804-6. Dupetit-Thouars (L. M. A. A.) Essais sur la Vege- tation considered dans le d6 veloppement des Bourgeons, . 46 [:?].• 15 pis. , I map. [Read before the Institute in Jan., 1803.) 7. Treizieme essai. Notice historique sur la nature et les fonctions de la Moelle et du Liber, pp. 1$. [Read before the Institute in March, 1810.] Dupetit-Thouars (L. M. A. A.) Phytologie, ou Ta- bleau general de la Botanique ( — Considerations sur ce tableau et sur les moyens de le developper — Plan d'une c Histoire generale des Plantes, formee prineipalement D de Fouvrage de M. Adanson, intitule Families des Plantes — Notice sur mes travaux botaniques). pp. 176, 1 tab. : 1 pi. 8°. [Paris, 1811.] The first part of this work (pp. 1-105) is another edition of the article "Botanique" in the "Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles," Vol. v 1805. Dupetit-Thouars (L. M. A. A.) [Kecueil de rapports Los-r- et de memoires sur la culture des Arbres fruitiers. 8°. Paris, 1815.] Wanting. [Continued as .-] Le Verger Frangais, ou Traite gene'ral de la culture des Arbres fruitiers . . . Second recueil . . . contenant un memoire sur les effets de la Gelee dans les Plantes. pp. xlviii, 84. 8°. Paris, 1817. Dupetit-Thouars (L. M. A. A.) Histoire d'un Mor- ceau de Bois, precedee d'un Essai sur la seve . . . et de plusieurs autres morceaux [reprinted from the " Bulletin de la Societe Philomathique "] tendant a confirmer la v~ theorie de physiologic vege'tale exposee dans les Essais sur la Vegetation, &c. pp. xxxv, 192 : 1 pi. 8°. Paris, 1815. Dupetit-Thouars (L. M. A. A.) Discours sur 1'En- seignement de la Botanique, prononce le 24 mai 1814, dec. pp. 48. 8°. [Paris, 1819.] Dupetit-Thouars (L. M. A. A.) Cours de Phyto- logie, ou de Botanique generale. Aitiologie. Premiere seance. Introduction, pp. 16, 1 tab. 8". [Paris, 1819.] Title from heading. The title-page, wanting to this copy, omits the word " Aitiologie." Seconde seance. Phytognomie. pp. 113. 8". [Paris, 1820.] Without title-page. These two parts were also sent out by the author appended to his " Revue generale des materiaux de Botanique et autres," 8°. Paris, 1819 (which ia an enumeration of his works), and were reviewed , and have been quoted under that title. They were apparently re-issued in 1824 (cf. Ferussac's " Bull. Sci. Nat.," Tom. i, p. 38). Cours de Phytologie, ou de Botanique generale applique'e a 1'Art de Cultiver les Plantes, &c. pp. 32. 8°. [Paris, 1828.] This was not only issued separately, but, with the two preceding and the " Discours sur 1'Enseignement de Botanique," to which it forms a kind of introduction, was published under the collective title :— Cours de Phytologie, ou de Botanique generale divise en vingt seances, ace. 8". Paris, 1828. This title, with portraits of Jung and Brunfels, is bound in front of the first two parts only. B B B B 494 B 5 B B Dupetit-Thonars (L. M. A. A.) Notice historique sin- la Pepiniere du Roi au Koule ; faisant suite a un Discours sur FEnseigiienient de la Botanique, prononc6 . . . 1824. pp. 32. 8°. Paris, 1825. Conclusions de deux discours qui out servi d'onverture au Cours de Phy tologie, . 4 : text Must. 8°. [Paris, 1828 ?] Sixteen figures, with explanations, prepared to illustrate a paper, read before the Academic des Sciences in 1828, of which an abstract by Cuvier amiears in the " Analyse des Travanx . . . 1828. Partie Physique," Mem. Sci. Paris, Tom. xi, 1832, and had been previously published in Feniaeac's " Bull. Sci. Nat.," Tom. xxi (June, 1830), p. 422. Dupetit-Thouars (L. M. A. A.) Observations sur la Physiologic Vegetale et sur le Systeme physiologique de . . . A. Du Petit Thouars, &c. See FEBURIER (C. K.) 8°. [1821.1 A criticum of Dupetit-Thouars' " Histoire d'un Morcean de Bois." Dupetit-Thouars (L. M. A. A.) [For Bibliography] See JOURNAL OP BOTANY. Oct. 1900. DU PINET (ANTOINE) [c. 1510-c. 1565] Historia Plantamm. Earum imagines, nomenclature, <|ualitates, & natale solum [from P. A. Matthioli, P. Dioscorides and others]. Quibus accessere simplicium medicamen- torii facilitates, secundum locos et genera, ex Dioscoride [Edited by G. Coterius]. 2 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] illust. 12°. Lugduni, 1561. — [Another edition, edited, with a preface, by G. Coterius.] 2 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] illust. 12°. Lvgduni, 1567. Du Finet (A.) L'Histoire des Plantes, traduicte de Latin [of Du Pinet] en Frangois ... a laquelle sont adioustees celles des Simples aromatiques, Animaux a quatre pieds, Oiseaux, Poissons, Serpens & autres bestes vemmeuses, (recueillie de Gesnerus suo studiose colebat anno 1813, &c. See THORY (C. A.) 8°. 1819. DUPONT (EDOUARD FRANCOIS) [1841-1 Sur le Calcaire Carbonifere de la Belgique et du Hainaut (=j Frangais. pp. 55 : text illust. col. 8°. [Brussels, 1863.] Bull. Acad. roy. Sci. Belgique. Sir. II, torn. xv. Dnpont (E. F.) Essai d'une Carte geologique des .^ environs de Dinant. pp. 1$ : 1 pi. col., 1 geol. map Cj. col. 8". Bruxelles [1866J. Bull. Acaul. roy. Sci. Belgique. Ser. II, torn. xx. Dnpout (E. F.) Etude sur 1'Ethnographie de 1'Homme i de 1'Age du llenne dans les Cavernes de la Vallee de la Lesse, &c. pp. 73: 9 pis. See BRUSSELS. — c -,QJ ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, &C. Memoire.S couronnes . . . Collection in 8". Tom. xix. 8°. 1867. Dnpont (E. F.) Notices prcliminaires sur les fouilles executees sous les auspices du gouvernement Beige Q. dans les Cavernes de la Belgique. 2 Tom. 8°. Bruxelles, 1867. A series of papers reprinted from the " Bull. Acad. roy. Iklgique," Tom. xx-xxui, and one from the " Mem. Cour.," 8°, Tom. xix. Dnpont (E. F.) [Les Temps/,prehistoriques en Bel- gique. L'Horame pendant les Ages de la Pierre dans les environs de Dinant-sur-Meuse. 8°. Paris, 1871.] Wanting. Deuxieme edition, pp. 250, 1 tab. : text illust. 8°. pis. col., 'aris, 1872. Dnpont (E. F.) Notice sur la Vie et les Travaux de (__ P.H. Nyst. pp. 22:1 port. 8". Bruxelles, 1882. Ann. Acad. roy. Delgiqnc. 1882. ^ 495 Dnpont (E. F.) Lettres sur le Congo. Recit d'un /voyage scientitique entre rembouchure du Heuve et '-le confluent du Kassai. pp. viii, 724 •' 4 )'l«-, 7 wutpx, text illmt. 8°. Paris, 1889. Dupont (E. F.) Bernissart et les Iguanodons. See BRUSSELS. — MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE DE BELGIQUE. Guide dans les Collections. 8". 1897. DUFONT (J. D.) See D , J. D. DUFFA (RICHAED) [1770-1831] Elements of the Science of Botany [by E. D., i.e. R. Duppa] . . . Second edition. 2 Vol. illust. See D., R. 8°. 1809. The first edition appeared in the same year. £ — Third edition, &c. 3 Vol. illust. col. 8°. 1810. The date has been altered in MS. to 1812. B Duppa (E.) Illustrations of the Lotus of the Ancients, and Tamara of India, pp. 36 : 12 pis. col. • Double Flore Parisienne, &c. 8°. 1805. fe 6 pp. Only twenty-five copies printed. 4°. London, 1816. Duppa (R.) The Classes and Orders of the Linnaean System of Botany [by 11. Duppa], &c. 3 Vol. illust. col. See LINNJSUS (CARL). 8°. 1816. An abridgment of the " Elements" [q.v. supra], DTJFTJIS (AuousTiN NOEL ARISTIDE) [1823-1883] Traite elementaire des Champignons, comestibles et veneneux. pp. 95 : 8 pis. col. 8°. Paris, 1854. Dupuis (A. N. A.) See REVUE HORTICOLE . . . Redigee ])ar . . . Dupuis, &c. Ann. 1857. 8°. 1857. Dupuis (A. N. A.) Les migrations des Vegetaux. Con- ferenee faite a, la Soeiete Imperials d'Acclimatation . . . 1861. pp. IS. 8". Paris & Marseille, 1862. Dupuis (A. N. A.) Botanique. Avec la collaboration cle M. Dupuis, &c. 2 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] See CHENU (J. C.) Encyclopedie d'Histoire Naturelle, &c. 4°. 1868-78. Dupuis (A. N. A.) [Description of plants collected in California,] c See UNITED STATES. — Pacific Railroad Survey. 1- Reports, &c. Vol. v. Report of explorations in Cal'i- T fornia. Pt. HI. 4". 1856. DURAND (JOSEPH PIERRE) called DURAND DE GROS [1826-] Replique . . . au,sujet de la comparaison -y des Os de 1'avant-bras chez 1'Echidne et chez 1'Homme. ^ pp. 2. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. VI, torn. I, no. 4. 8°. 1874. Durand (J. P.) L'Idee et le Fait en Biologie. pp. 88. \ 8°. Paris, 1896. L DURAND (Louis EUGENE) Dictionnaire de la Bo- tanique par M. H. Baillon avec la collaboration de . . . i L. Durand, &c. Tom. H & in. See BAILLON (H. E.) 4°. 1886-91. DURAND (PHILIPP) in Sinn Gibraltarico i nullis Plantis marinis. - _ — — . _ xi ^^^ ^ , De quibusdam Zoophitis quae -> in Sinn Gibraltarico reperiuntur. Adjectis etiam non- 1796. 8". Araliacese, auctore E. Marchal. pp. 183-185. LegmuinoKB, auctore M. Micheli. pp. 186-300. Polygalacese, auctore R. Chodat. pp. 201-208. 2. (Bull. Soc. roy. Bot. Belgique. Tom. xxxi, 1892.) 1 Muaci, auctoribus F. lienauld et J. Cardot. pp. 29-110. Hepaticie, auctore F. Stephani. pp. 111-118. Compositee, auctore F. W. Klatt. pp. 119-151. S. (Bull. Soc. roy. Bot. Belgique. Tom. xxxn, 1S9S, & xxxv, 1896.) 1 Lichenes, seconde enumeration, auctore J. Miiller. pp. 1-S2. Musci, auctoribus F. lienauld et J. Cardot. pp. 53-80. Fungi, par Mines. J. FJ. Bommer et M. Rousseau, pp. 81-VG. Filices, par J. E. Bommer et H. Christ, pp. . — [Another edition.] Ulust. pp. [xii,]492 [50] : 1 port., text fol. Venetia, 1602. — [Another edition.] pp. [viii,] 515 [31]: text, Must. 4". Venetia, 1636. Durante (C.) Hortulus Sanitatis, das ist, ein heylsam und niitzliches Gahrtlin der Gesundtheit . . . In . . . Teutsche . . . versetzt [with a preface] durch P. Uffen- bachium. pp. [xvi,] 1081 [50] : text Must. 4°. Franckfort, 1609. DURAZZO (CARLO) Marquess. Degli Uccelli Liguri notizie. pp. [vi,] 95. 8°. Genova, 1840. Durazzo (C.) Marquess. [Birds of the Genoa district.] See GENOA. Descrizione di Genova, ji. .:liie du Cocon de Sole, &c. Wanting. (EDOUARD) [Mono- 8°. & fol. Lyon, 1872.] £70 C.fe — [Another edition entitled :] Le Cocon de Sole . . . Deuxieme edition, &c. pp. 254 •' 37 pis., 1 map. 8°. Paris, 1875. DUSEN (KARL FREDRIK) [1849-] Astragalus penduli- Jlorus, Lam., neu fiir die Flora des nordlichen Europa, &c. pp. 29. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. vi, no. 14. 8°. 1881. Diisen (K. F.) Om nagra Sphagnumprof fran djupet <£- af Sydsvenska Torfmossar. See SWEDEN.— Sveriges Geologiska Under sokniny. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, &c. No. 108. 8°. 1890. DUSEN (PER) Om vilkoren for skogskultur inom de s.k. Ryorna i Hallans Ian. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geoloyiska Undersiikning. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, &c. No. 131. Praktiskt geologiska undersokningar inom Hallands Lan. i. [Appendix.] 4°. 1893. g Dusen (P.) New and some little known Mosses from j__ the West Coast of Africa, VPt.illust. See STOCKHOLM. _7 -, — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Hand- ' lingar. NyFoljd, 2 & 3. 4°. (1895) 1896. £_ Dus6n (P.) Ueber die tertiare Flora der Magellans- jg lander. See SWEDEN. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse 0,' der Schwedischen Expedition nach den Magellans- g, liindern, 1895-97, &c. Bd. I, no. 4. 8°. 1899-»- DU SOUICH (A.) Departement du Pas de Calais . . . (^ avec les limites des formations geologiques determinees par A. Du Souich. Echelle 1 : 80,000 [i.e. 1 in. = lj m. about]. See PAS DE CALAIS, Department of. [Maps.] 6 sh. geol. col. 1851. L- 5 - i/. A DUSS ( ) Flore phanerogamique des Antilles Franchises (Guadeloupe et Martinique) . . . Avec , annotations du . . . E. Heckel sur 1'emploi de ces Plantes. pp. xxviii, 65G. See MARSEILLES.— INSTITUT COLONIAL. Annales, &c. Vol. HI. 8°. 1897. [Another copy.] DUTAILLT (DipiER EDME RODOLPHE GUSTAVE) [1846-] Dictionnaire de Botanique par M. H. Baillon avec la collaboration de . . . G. Dutailly, &c. 3 Tom. See BAILLON (H. E.) 4°. 1876-91. DUTCH EAST INDIES. [Maps] See STEMFOORT (J. W.) & SIETHOFF (J. J. TEN) Atlas der Neder- landsche Bezittingen in Oost-Indie. 1883-85. DUTENS (Louis) [1730-1812] [Des Pierres precieuses et des Pierres fines ; avec les moyens de les connoitre et de les evaluer. 12". Paris, 1776.] Wanting. Nouvelle edition, &c. pp. 151. .8°. Florence [1783]. Dutens (L.) L. Dutens . . . Abhandlung von den Edelsteinen . . . Aus dem Franziisisehen iibersetzt. pp. 126. 8°. Nurnberg, 1779. DUTERTREOfEANBAPTiSTE) [1610-1687] Histoire generate, des Isjes de S. Christophe, de la Guadeloupe, de la Martinique, et autres dans PAmerique [with natural history observations], &c. pp. xvi, 48! [7] : 3 maps. 4». Paris, 1CM. Du Tertre (J. B.) Histoire ge"nerale des Antilles habitecs par les Francois, &c. 4 Tom. [in 3] illmt. 4°. Paris, 1667, 71. Torn, i has an engraved title-page. Tom. i * u bear the earlier, Tom. in - i. o p 6 15 B B i i »T1< Nouvelle edition. 36 Tom. 8°. 1816-19. DUTOUR DE SALVERT ( ) & Saint-Hilaire (A. F. C. P. DE) Observations sur le genre Glaux. See SAINT HILAIRE (A. F. C. P. DE) Memoire sur les Plantes auxquelles on attribue un placenta central libre, &c. 4°. 1816. 63 498 DUTBEUIL BE RHINS (.1 . [ 1816 -1894] J. L. Dutri'iiil do lihiiis. Hi entifique dans la Haute Asio 1890-1895 . . . pur F. (it^nard. 3 Pt, it Atlas. See FRANCE.- Alinisttre de l'I>*truction Pub- 4°. k fol. 1897-98. i [_ L_ DUTBOCHET (RENE JOACHIM HENB [1776-1847] Baeherches anatomiques et physiologiqutji sur la struc- ture intime des Animaux et des Vegetaux, et sur leur motilite*. pp. SSI : i pis. 8°. Paris, 1824. Dutrochet (R. J. H.) L'Agent immediat du mouvc- $ ment vital devoi!6 dans sa nature et dans son mode d'action chez les Vegetaux et chez les Animaux. pp. SS6. 8°. Paris & London, 1826. D Dutrochet (R. J. H.) Nouvellcs reehercheg sur \> 1'endosmose et 1'exosmose, &c. pp. ii, 106: 2 pis. 8°. Paris, . VI, tom. vii, no. 17. 8°. 1878. — [Another issue.] See FRANCE.— Alinistere de I'ln- | - itruction PiMique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, !«. See NANCY.— SOCIETE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, [The Moscow Flora, or description of the wild plants of the Moscow Province.] pp. xvi, 516, 4, xli : 1 pi. 12°. Moskva, 1828. DVORSKY (FRANZ) Die am Iglavaflusse abgesetzten IA Moldavit-Quarzgerolle, &c. pp. 45 : 2 pis. 8°. Trelitsch, 1883. Program, k. k. Staats-Untergyuin. Trebitsch. No. 6, 1882-3. DWIGUBSKY (IVVAN A.) See DVIOHUBSKII. DWYER (THOMAS) On the Geological Formation of the neighbourhood of Liverpool. See HALL (T. B.) A Flora of Liverpool, &c. 8". 1839. B 0 T> DYBOWSKI (BENEDIKT IVAN) [1834-] Commenta- _^ tionis de parthenogenesi specimen. Dissertatio inau- z guralis physiologica, &c. pp. 40. 8°. Rerolini, 1860. Dybowski (B. I.) Versuch einer Monographic der Cyprinoiden Livlands, nebst einer synoptischen Auf- ziililung der Europiiischen Arten dieser Familie, &c. pp. xmii, 215, 1 tab. : 6 pis. 8°. Dorpat, 1862. Dybowski (B. 1.) Beitrage zur naheren Kenntniss der in dem Baikal-See vorkommenden niederen Krebse aus der Gruppe der Gammariden, &c. pp. 18S : 14pls. (col.) 4°. St. Petersburg, 1874 lloree Soc. Entom. Uossicaj. Tom. x, Append. 500 B DYBOWSKI (JEAN) [c. 1865-] Trait, ,|, Culture Potagere, . L_ Dybowski (W.) Die Gasteropoden-Fauiia dea Baikal- Sees, anatomisch und systematisch bearb^iti-t. / 8 pig. See ST. PETERSBURO.— ACADEMIE IMI'KKI \ 1.1 DBS 802 C. HI SCIENCES. Memoires, . VII, tom. xxvn, no. 6. 4". 1880. Dybowski(\V.) Studien uberdieSusswasser-Schwainme des Rnasiachen Reiches. pp.26:Splt. See ST. PETERS- BURG.—ACADKMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. M6moires, <<•<: Ser. VII, torn, xxx, no. 10. 4°. 1882. DYCE ( ) 8°. 1896-» Dyer (Sir W. T. THISELTON-) K.C.M.G. Flora of A Tropical Africa . . . Edited by Sir W. T. Thiselton- Dyer, d&c. Vol. vn-» See OLIVER (D.) 8°. 1897-» Dyer (Sir W. T. THISELTON-) K.C.M.G.,