ae Se eee _ 2 De pal te ee £403 ae Ny a Bhi 38 yore ” Wart oktre eS Aa evs ay ea age Sal TS ye WE WW A ‘ ah ch ten] Sore as pct * So erererereest Coltk lg a Se. he av eae is indebted to Mr. Damon’s experienced collector, Mr. Jex, for a very fine series from the same formation and locality. Dr. Hunter, of Braidwood, also has a large collection of INTRODUCTION. XI fish-remains from the Scottish Carboniferous; the Edin- burgh Museum has been greatly enriched during recent years by the labours of Dr. R. H. Traquair, F.R.S., in that ‘district ; and numerous specimens have been obtained from the same prolific field by Messrs. T. Stock, W. T. Kinnear, and others. In England, the late Mr. Thomas Atthey made the unique collection of Amphibia and Fishes from the Northumberland Coal-field now in the Newcastle- upon: Tyne Museum ; and for many years Mr. T. P. Barkas, F.G.S., systematically collected from the same area, pre- senting some specimens to the British Museum, others to the Newcastle Museum, and retaining others in his private collection. Mr. John Simm and Mr. T. Cragges, of \Vest Cramlington, and Mr. Joseph Taylor, of Shire Moor, have also done much in their respective districts ; and to Mr. Cragges is due the series of microscopical sections of teeth from the Coal-Measures, described by Sir Richard Owen in 1867, and now in the British Museum. The finest collection of English Coal-Measure Fishes, however, is that of Mr. John Ward, F.G.S., of Longton, who, by donation and exchange, has supplied specimens to most of the principal Museums in the country. Mr. Ward’s collection comprises a large number of type specimens described by Egerton, Young, and Traquair, and is also unique from the circumstance that the precise horizon of each fossil is recorded.* The Coal-Measures of Yorkshire have been especially investigated by Mr. James W. Davis, F.G.S., of Halifax, who has a large collection, comprising the types of species made known in various papers. The Lower Carboniferous of England and Wales yields only fragmentary fish-remains, chiefly the teeth and spines of sharks, well represented in the British Museum and the Museums of Bristol and York. The Yoredale Rocks of Richmond and Wensleydale, Yorkshire, have been explored * A complete catalogue is published by J. Ward, 7vans. N. Staffs. dust. Mining Engineers, vol. x, 1889, with plates. xii INTRODUCTION. by the late Mr. E. Wood, F.G.S., of Richmond, and by Mr. William Horne, F.G.S., of Leyburn, whose collections. are now in the York Museum; and a series of teeth entirely detached from matrix has been obtained from South Derbyshire by Mr. Edward Wilson, F.G.S., this being now in the British Museum. The limestone of Oreton,. Shropshire, was explored by the late Messrs. T. Baugh, of Bewdley, and Weaver Jones, of Cleobury Mortimer, whose collections are also in the British Museum; and the Bristol limestone is especially well represented in the Museum of that city, where many of the types described by Agassiz are preserved. In the Carboniferous Lime- stone of North Wales, Mr. G. H. Morton, F.G.S., has discovered several Selachian teeth; and in the North of Ireland, the late Admiral Jones and the Earl of Ennis- killen made the unique collection of Selachian teeth and spines now in the British Museum and the Museum of the Geological Society of London. The Permian fishes of Durham seem to have been first collected by Mr. Henry Witham, of Lartington,. whose fossils form the subject of the plates accom- panying Sedgwick’s classic memoir on the Magnesian Limestone. A large series is preserved in the Newcastle- upon-Tyne Museum, as also in the private collection of Mr. William Dinning, of Newcastle; and there is a good typical series in the British Museum. The Newcastle Museum is largely indebted to the labours of Mr. R. Howse* and Mr. James W. Kirkby, the former of whom,, in conjunction with the late Mr. Albany Hancock, was the first to make known the discovery of Reptilia and Amphibia in the English Permian. British Triassic Vertebrata are very rare, and chiefly represented in the Museums of Warwick, Shrewsbury, ° * R. Howse, Guide to the Collections of Local Fossils in the Museunt of the Natural History Society, Barras Bridge, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1889. INTRODUCTION. Xii Bristol, and Elgin, the British Museum, Museum of Practical Geology, and the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. Fishes are few and scattered, one prolific stratum only having been discovered near Nottingham.* Labyrinth- odonts constitute a leading feature of the Warwick Museum ; while the Reptilian skeletons met with in the Elgin Sandstones are most nearly complete, and have been principally obtained through the researches of the Rev. George Gordon, LL.D., of Birnie. The only known specimens of Ze/erpeton, except the type, were discovered by Mr. James Grant, of Lossiemouth, in whose collection they are still preserved. British Rhetic Fishes and Reptiles occur only in a very fragmentary state, and are well represented in the British: Museum and the Museums of Bath, Bristol, and Leicester. The E. T. Higgins Collection of Aust Cliff fossils at Bristol comprises an unique series of teeth of Ceratodus ; and the Charles Moore Collection at Bath, from the Rhetic fissure near Frome, contains the tecth of the British Rhetic Mammal, J/icrolestes mooret. Both Fishes and Reptiles are met with in certain horizons of the English Lias in several localities. The late Mr. Thomas Hawkins collected the Liassic Ichthyo- sauria and Plesiosauria forming the greater part of the series in the British Museum; and the late Mr. James Harrison, of Charmouth, discovered and disentombed the fine skeleton of Sce/idosaurus in the same collection. Miss Mary Anning was for several years a well-known collector at Lyme Regis; Miss Philpot made a large collection of Lyme Regis fossils, afterwards presented to the Oxford Museum; and Messrs. James and Henry Marder, for a long period, supplied many Museums and private cabinets from the same locality. The combined collections of the late Earl of Enniskillen and Sir Philip * E. Wilson, ‘ Notes on the Triassic Beds at Colwick Wood, near Nottingham,’ Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliii, 1887, p. 542. a Xx1V INTRODUCTION. Egerton, now in the British Museum, form the most ex- tensive series of Fossil Fishes from the English Lias hitherto obtained, and include many type specimens de- scribed by Agassiz and Egerton. The Warwick Museum has a noteworthy collection from the Lias of the district ; the Leicester Museum possesses a_ typical series of Fishes and Reptiles from Barrow-on-Soar, lately much extended by the researches of the curator, Mr. Montagu Browne, F.G.S.; and the fine collection of the late Mr. William Lee, made in the same locality, is now in the Dublin Museum of Science and Art. The collection of the late Mr. Charles Moore, F.G.S., in the Bath Museum, comprises an extensive series of similar fossils from Somer- setshire and Gloucestershire, all in an unusually fine state of preservation. The Upper Lias of Whitby is well repre- sented in the Museums of that town, Malton, and York, as also in the British Museum. Foremost among the collectors may be mentioned the late Messrs. Ripley and Brown Marshall, of Whitby; and, as the result of re- searches pursued for a period of fifty years, Mr. Martin Simpson, curator of the Whitby Museum, has been able to define the stratigraphical horizonsin which the remains occur, besides adding many specimens to the local collection.* The most extensive series of remains from the Lower Oolites are those in the Oxford Museum, the British Museum, and the private collections of Mr. James Parker, F.G.S.,. of Oxford, and Mr. Thomas. Jesson, F.G.S., of Northampton. The Middle and Upper Oolites are especially represented in the British Museum, the Museums of Cambridge and Oxford, and the private collections of Mr. Marshall Fisher, of Ely, and Mr. Alfred N. Leeds, of Eyebury, near Peterborough. Mr. Fisher has obtained a large series of remains, especially marine Reptilia, from the Kimeridge Clay of Ely; and * M. Simpson, 7he Lossils of the Yorkshire Lias, 1855 (and ed. 2, 1884). INTRODUCTION. XV with the exception of the great Omosaurius, due to the generosity of the Directors of the Swindon Brick and Tile Company,* the British Museum owes all its finer Reptilian fossils from the Kimeridge Clay of more southern areas to the researches and liberality of Mr. J. C. Mansel- Pleydell, F.G.S., who has also presented a Pliosaurian paddle to the Dorchester Museum. ‘The late Dr. Henry Porter, of Peterborough, obtained various Teleosaurian, Ichthyosaurian, and Plesiosaurian fossils from the Oxford Clay of that neighbourhood, now for the most part in the Woodwardian Museum, Cambridge; and the unrivalled collection of Mr. Alfred N. Leeds, made in the same locality, comprises not only Dinosauria and numerous nearly complete skeletons of Teleosauria, Ichthyosauria, and Plesiosauria, but also many fish-remains. The Purbeck Vertebrata of Swanage seem to have been first systematically collected by the late Messrs. W. R. Brodie and C. Wilcox, and the formation is well represented in the Museums of London, Cambridge, and Dorchester. The most extensive series of Mammalian fossils and the remains of dwarf Crocodiles, now in the British Museum, were discovered by Mr. S. H. Beckles, F.R.S.; and, as the result of systematic purchases, the late Earl of Enniskillen and Sir Philip Egerton accu- mulated the unique collection of Fossil Fishes from the same horizon, now also in the British Museum. Fossil Fishes likewise occur in the Purbeck Beds of the Vale of Wardour, Wiltshire, and were collected many years ago by the Rev. P. B. Brodie, F.G.S., and more recently by the Rev. W. R. Andrews, F.G.S., of Teffont, in whose private collections the majority are still preserved. The Vertebrata of the Wealden were first collected in the classic neighbourhoods of Cuckfield and Hastings, in * W. Davies, ‘On the Exhumation and Development of a large Reptile (Ososaurus armatus, Owen), from the Kimeridge Clay, Swindon, Wilts,’ Geo/. Jag. [2] vol. ili, 1876, p. 193, pls. vil, vill. xvl INTRODUCTION. Sussex, usually referred to as ‘ Tilgate Forest.’ Dr. Gideon A. Mantell, F.R.S., the discoverer of Zewanodon and Hyleo- saurus, Mr. G. B. Hoimes, of Horsham, and Mr. S. H. Beckles, F.R.S., of St. Leonard’s, obtained most of the Reptilian fossils described in the early memoirs of Mantell,. Melville, and Owen, while Major Lambert Brickenden also added a few noteworthy specimens. The Mantellian Collection was purchased by the British Museum in 1838. and 1853; that of the late Mr. Holmes has recently been acquired by the Brighton Muscum; and that of Mr. Beckles. is still at the residence of its founder at St. Leonard’s. The Rev. William Fox, of Brixton, collected numerous remains of Dinosaurs from the Wealden cliffs on the south coast of the Isle of Wight, discovering the fine examples of Ornzth- opsis, Polacanthus, Hypsilophodon, and other genera now in the British Museum; while Mr. J. W. Hulke, F.R.S., has obtained an important series of bones from the same locality, including the type skeleton of /gwanodon seelyt and other specimens described in hisown memoirs. During recent years, Mr. Charles Dawson, F.G.S., has greatly extended the collection of the British Museum, by adding numerous discoveries from Sussex localities, including the type specimens of three new species of /euanodon. Except in the Potton Bone-bed, which chiefly consists of remanié fossils from the Kimeridge Clay, Vertebrata of Lower Greensand age are rare in Britain, the only unique specimens being the type skeleton of /ewanodon mantelliand the group of Dinosaurian bones from Hythe (Dinodocus mackesont), discovered by Mr. H. B. Mackeson, F.G.S., and presented by him to the British Museum. The Upper Cretaceous formations, however, have proved more prolific, the Cambridge Greensand consisting largely of reptilian bones and teeth, and the Gault and various divi- sions of the Chalk furnishing numerous specimens both of Reptiles and Fishes. The Cambridge Greensand is natur- ally best represented in the Weodwardian Museum, Cam- INTRODUCTION. XVI bridge ;* but there are numerous fine fragments also in the British Museum, Museum of Practical Geology, York Museum, and the private cabinet of Mr. Thomas Jesson, F.G.S., of Northampton ; and few collections of importance are destitute of a typical series of specimens. The Verte- brate fossils of the Gault are more satisfactorily preserved than those of the Cambridge Greensand, and are represented in the British Museum, Museum of Practical Geology, and the Woodwardian Museum, to which they have been chiefly supplied, either directly or indirectly, by the experienced collector, Mr. John Griffiths, of Folkestone. Chali fossils are seen in most Museums, and the Fishes usually occur in an exquisite state of preservation. The late Dr. Gideon A. Mantell, F.R.S., as in the case of the Wealden Verte- brata, was a pioneer in the collection of those of the Chalk of Sussex ; and the numerous fine examples of his patient work of extrication now in the British Museum are described and figured both by Agassiz and by himself. Mr. Frederic Dixon, of Worthing, author of the well-known Geology and Fossils of Sussex,t the late Dr. J. S. Bower- bank, F.R.S., and Mrs. Smith, of Tunbridge Wells, also obtained the type specimens of many of the species of Fossil Fishes and Reptiles discovered in the Chalk of Sussex, Kent, and Surrey, at present, with rare exceptions, preserved in the British Museum; and for a long period Mr. Henry Willett, F.G.S., of Brighton, has been engaged in collecting the unrivalled series of Chalk fossils, now presented to the Brighton Museum. In more recent * H. G. Seeley, /udex to the Fossil Remains 07 Aves, Ornitho- sauria,and Reptilia... . in the Woodwardian Museum, 1869 ; also Ornithosauria, 1870. + This work is dated 1850, but was not published until after the author’s death, and, according to Morris and Mr. William Davies (zw ditt.), was not issued before 1852. t In the first edition of Dixon’s Geology of Sussex, and in some of the memoirs of Owen and Egerton, Mr. Willett is referred to under his earlier surname of Catt. xVill INTRODUCTION. years Mr. F. Harford has prepared for study a large number of Fossil Fishes from the Chalk of Kent, lately acquired by the British Museum; and Mr. S. J. Hawkins, F.G.S., has a private collection of similar specimens beautifully extricated from the matrix. Many collectors. and museums are indebted to Mr. Joseph Wood for the discovery of fine specimens in the Chalk of Kent. Eocene Vertebrata are abundant both in the London and Hampshire Basins, and most Museums have repre- sentative series. In the early part of the century, Bower- bank collected from the London Clay of Sheppey, and Dixon from the Bracklesham Beds of Sussex and the Barton Clay of Hampshire; Mr. Searles. V. Wood, F.G.S., author of the Crag Mollusca, explored the cliffs of Hordwell; the late Barbara, Marchioness of Hastings, chiefly with the help of Mr. Henry Keeping, obtained a large series of Reptilian and Mammalian fossils from the Upper Eocene of Hordwell and the Hempstead Beds of the Isle of Wight ; and the late Earl of Enniskillen and Sir Philip Egerton accumulated an extensive collection of fish-remains from various formations and localities in both basins. All these collections, which comprise the types of most species of British Eocene Vertebrata hitherto described, have been finally acquired by the British Museum, that of Mr. Searles Wood being presented and the others obtained by purchase. To Mr. W. H. Shrubsole, F.G.S., of Sheerness,. palzontologists are mainly indebted for the numerous dis- coveries of Vertebrata in the London Clay of Sheppey during the last twenty years, and all his principal specimens are also now in the British Museum. The Crag Deposits of Suffolk and Norfolk yield the remains of Pliocene Vertebrata mingled with those of Miocene and Eocene age, derived from earlier strata. Since the opening of the phosphate diggings in 1840, large collec- tions have been made by the late Messrs. James Baker and W. Whincopp, of Woodbridge, these being acquired by IVTRODUCTION. XIX Mr. Edward Charlesworth, F.G.S., and afterwards purchased by the British Museum, Museum of Practical Geology, Woodwardian Museum, and the York Museum. The col- lection of the Rev. H. Canham is now inthe Ipswich Museum; Mr. W. Colchester, F.G.S., has obtained many specimens, still in his private cabinet; and the unique series at York is due to the generosity of Mr. William Reed, F°.G.S., who has for many years made special efforts to render the col- lection complete. The only supposed British Pliocene Vertebrate discovered elsewhere than in the Eastern counties is the Evephas meridionalis from Dewlish, Dorset, of which a tooth was presented to the British Museum by Mr. J. C. Mansel-Pleydell, F.G.S., in 1888. The Mammalian and other fossils of the Norfolk Forest Bed have long been collected, and among the principal explorers of this deposit may be mentioned the late Mr. Samuel Woodward, the late Revs. C. Green, J. Layton, and S. W. King, the Rev. John Gunn, F.G.S., Mr. Randall Johnson, Mr. RK. Fitch, F.G.S., Mr. A: Savin, of Cromer, Mr. J. J. Colman, of Corton, Mr. James Backhouse, F.G.S., of York, and Mr. Clement Reid, F.G.S., of the Geological Survey. The Green and Layton Collections are now in the British Museum; that of the Rev. S. W. King, in the Museum of Practical Geology; and those of the late Samuel Woodward and the Rev. John Gunn, in the Norwich Museum. The collections of Messrs. Fitch, Savin, and Backhouse are still in the possession of their respective founders, and that of Mr. Randall Johnson is now for the most part in the cabinet of Mr. J. J. Colman, M.P., of Corton. Pleistocene Mammalia occur in all Museums, and a general sketch of their distribution, so far ascertained to the year 1869, is given by Professor Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S.* The large collections of the late Mr. John Brown, ot Stanway, from Essex; of Mr. J..J. Owles, of Great * W. Boyd Dawkins, ‘On the Distribution of the British Post- glacial Mammals,’ Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv, 1869, p. 192. ax INTRODUCTION. Yarmouth, from the Dogger Bank ;* and of Sir Antonio Brady, from the Thames Valley,t are now in the British Museum. The collection of Dr. Spurrell and Mr. Flaxman C. J. Spurrell, F.G.S., made in the neighbourhood of Crayford, is still in their possession at Belvedere, and comprises several specimens described by Falconer, Daw- kins, and Sanford. The fine series of remains obtained by Mr. Henry Keeping from the river gravels of Barrington, near Cambridge, is for the most part in the Woodwardian Museum and in the British Museum; Dr. Blackmore’s discoveries in the river gravels of Fisherton, near Salisbury, are preserved in the Salisbury Museum ; and most of the early isolated discoveries by private collectors, noticed in Owen’s Lritish Fosstl Mammals and Birds, have finally reached the British Museum. The most extensive series of Mammalian remains from the Turbary of Walthamstow, Essex, is also in the British Museum, having been col- lected by Mr. Joseph Wood.? The largest collections of Pleistocene Mammalia have been obtained from caverns,§ in the exploration of which Mr. Whidbey (or Whitby) and Dr. Buckland were the pioneers in Britain. At the instigation of Sir Joseph Banks, Mr. Whidbey explored the cave of Oreston, near Plymouth, and obtained the remains described by Sir Everard Home and Mr. W. Clift in the Phzlosophical Transactions for 1817 and 1823. The researches of the Oxford professor in the cave of Kirkdale, Yorkshire,|| led to the discovery of a large series of remains, now in the Museum of the University ; and the somewhat later investigations * W. Davies, ‘On a Collection of Pleistocene Mammals dredged off the Eastern Coast,’ Geol. Mag. |2] vol. v, 1878, p. 97. +t W. Davies, A Catalogue of the Pleistocene Vertebrata in the Collection of Sir Antonio Brady, 1874. t H. Woodward, ‘The Freshwater Deposits of the Lea Valley, Geol. Mag., vol. vi, 1869, p. 385. § W. Boyd Dawkins, Cave Hunting, 1874. | W. Buckland, Religuie Diluviane, 1822. INTRODUCTION. XXI of the Rev. J. MacEnery in Kent’s Hole, near Torquay, were rewarded by the unearthing of numerous similar specimens, which were sold on that gentleman's death, and chiefly reached the British Museum and the Museum of the Geological Society.* The Caverns of Brixham and Kent’s Hole have been systematically explored by Committees of the Royal Society and the British Associa- tion, under the superintendence of Mr. W. Pengelly, F.R.S.; the principal specimens met with being presented to the British Museum, while a representative series is preserved in the Museum of the Natural History Society of Torquay. The Caverns of the Mendip Hills were explored by the Rev. D. Williams and Messrs. W. Beard, W. Ayshford Sanford, F.G.S., and Professor Boyd Dawkins, F-.R.5., whose discoveries now enrich the Taunton Museum; and the well-known Cresswell Caves, near Worksop, Derby- shire, have furnished to the Rev. J. M. Mello, F.G.S., Pro- fessor Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S., and Mr. T. Heath, the fine series of remains at present in the Museum of the Owens College, Manchester. The Victoria Cave, near Settle, was investigated by a Committee of the British Association, the resulting collection being now in the Museum of the Giggleswick Grammar School. From a cave in Teesdale Mr. James Backhouse, F.G.S., has made an important collection, now in his private Museum at York;ft and the contents of the fissures of Windy Knoll, Derby- shire, and Raygill, Yorkshire, are at present respectively in the Museums of Manchester and Leeds. The latest discoveries of Messrs. E. Bouverie Luxmoore, F.G.S., and Dr. Henry Hicks, F.R.S., in the caves of the Vale of Clwyd, near St. Asaph, have recently been presented to the British Museum. All the principal collections of Verte- * J. MacEnery, Cavern Researches, with numerous plates, edited by E. Vivian, 1859. + J. Backhouse and W. Davies, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. vii, 1880, Pp. 346, pls. xi, xii. c xxii INTRODUCTION. brata from the caves and superficial deposits of Ireland are now in the Dublin Museum of Science and Art.* While doubtless far from complete, the foregoing enumeration of the sources from which the investigator of Vertebrate Paleontology in Britain may glean materials, suffices to show the ample character of the means for pursuing the subject. Most of the collections mentioned have been consulted during the progress of the present work ; and though the magnitude of the task prevents its being a critical veswmé throughout, it is hoped that no labour has been spared in attempting to record the correct interpretation of doubtful points. Though all references are given at sufficient length to be understood without the aid of an index, the information has been condensed as far as possible, and the following statement will explain the general plan of the work :— (i) The genera and species are arranged alphabetically under their respective classes. (ii) All generic and specific names at present accepted are printed in antique roman type, while the cross- references to synonyms, and all undefined names, are printed in bold italics. (iii) Under each genus the synonyms are printed in SMALL CAPITALS, and under each species in #alics. (iv) When ascertainable, the nature and present whereabouts of the type specimen of each accepted species are stated in square brackets after the record of the locality; and in the case of synonyms, the types are similarly noticed immediately after the references. When the species at present exists, or when the type is a foreign specimen, the nature of the evidence on which that species is recorded as a British fossil is printed in ¢fadics. (v) The type species of every extinct genus, whether valid or not, is marked by an antique T. * V. Ball, ‘On the Collection of the Fossil Mammalia of Ireland in the Science and Art Museum, Dublin,’ 7vans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. iii (1885), pp. 333-350, pl. xi. = i INTRODUCTION. Xxill In attempting the execution of this plan, considerable difficulties have been met with in all departments, and the writers would claim indulgence for the numerous imperfections which critical studies must soon reveal, The publication of undefined names, for instance, has been a source of much inconvenience, especially among the Reptilia, in which a single University Museum is respon- sible for no less than seventy meaningless terms ; and the numerous hasty publications upon the same subject, which have appeared within recent years, have tended in no small degree to add to the confusion. While wholly responsible, however, for whatever im- perfections the work may contain, the writers are deeply indebted to the kindness of numerous friends and specialists in various departments, who have freely given advice, and, in many cases, read the proofs. To Mr. William Davies thanks are especially due for continual help, he having read the whole of the proofs, and given the writers the benefit of his long experience in connexion with the Fossil Verte- brata in the British Museum. To Dr. R. H. Traquair, F.R.S., Mr. James W. Davis, and Mr. John Ward, the writers are especially indebted for information concerning Paleozoic Fishes; and the accepted synonymy of the Coal-Measure Amphibia of Northumberland has been contributed by Mr. William Dinning, of Newcastle. The proofs of the Dinosaurian Reptiles have been read by Mr. J. W. Hulke, F.R.S.; and Mr. R. Lydekker has favoured the writers with continual advice concerning the higher Vertebrata, besides kindly permitting reference to numerous unpublished proof sheets. The section on Aves has been read by Mr. R. Bowdler Sharpe and Mr. E. T. Newton, to the former of whom is due the accepted nomenclature of the recent species. To Mr. G. A. Boulenger the writers are indebted for the revision of the nomenclature of recent Amphibia and Reptilia, in addition to numerous other notes; and Mr. Oldfield Thomas has kindly advised on all XXi1V INTRODUCTION. doubtful points concerning the synonymy and nomenclature of the Mammalia. Professor W. Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S., and Mr. E. T. Newton have also read the proofs of the Mammalian section, and pointed out many emendations resulting from their own special researches ; while Mr. Alfred Bell has contributed a series of notes and references, from which a few important omissions have been supplied. For much information concerning type specimens and old collections the writers are indebted to the Rev. George Gordon, LL.D., of Birnie, Mr. James Powrie, of Reswallie, Mr: Edward Wilson, of Bristol, Mr. H. M. Platnauer, of York, Mr. W. Rupert Jones, of the Geological Society, and many others ; and thanks are especially due to Mr. B. B. Woodward, of the Natural History Library of the British Museum, as also to Mr. J. Saunders, for much valuable help in bibliographical researches. Finally, the writers would tender their acknowledgments to Mr. F. Justen, of Messrs. Dulau & Co.,to whose kindly interest is due the publication of the work in its present form. LONDON, December 31st, 1889. Dates of publication of ‘Recherches sur les Potssons fossiles’... par L. Agassiz. (Text) Tome IV. (Atlas) Tome I-V. 4to. Neuchdte! et Soleure, 1833-43 [44.] [Contributed by W. H. Brown.*] Tome I (Text), pp. i-xlix, 1-188, | Tome II (Pt. 1, 2), (Atlas), 1833-44. 1833-44. Tab. A, B (1), 1833. Pp. i-xii, 1-16 (1), 1833. BB (Xv, XV), 1843. 17-40 (II), 1834. C (1), 1833. i-xxxli, 1-188 (XVII, XVIII), C a (XV, XVI), 1843. 1844 (a note was published D (v1), 1836. at this time cancelling the previous parts of the text). E (xvu), 1844. xxxii-xlix were separately pub- F (11), 1834. lished, as ‘ Tableau général G (XV, XvI) 1843. des Poissons fossiles,’ in H (XvI1), 1844. 1840. J (xviii), 1844. Tome I (Atlas), 1833-44. I (1), 1833. Tab. A-G (1), 1833. 1a, 6 (VUl, IX), 1837. H, J, K (Xviil), 1844. I ¢-e (V1), 1836. Tome II (Text pt. 1), pp. i-xii, 1-310, 2 Xi), 1933. 1833-44. 2 a (VII), 1836. Pp. i-xii (XVII, XVIII), 1844. 2 b=-d (V1), 1836. 1-48 (1), 1833. 3, a(t), 1833. 49-84 (11), 1834. 4 a was not published. 85-200 (Vv), 1835. 4 6, ¢ (VI), 1836. 105, 106 (carton) (XVII, XVIII), 5-7 (1), 1833- 1544. 8 (v1), 1836. 201-224 (V1), 1836. 9 (111), 1834. 225-264 (VIII, IX), 1837. 10, 10a (VI), 1836. 249, 250 (carton) (XVII, XVIII), 10 d (VII), 1836. aoad. 10 ¢ (VI), 1836. es ey cera eae: 11,12(Tab.11, Palaeoniscus Tome il (Text pt. 2), pp. 1-336, Freieslebent, Ag., is er- 1843-44. roneously lettered as be- 1-72 (XV, XVI), 1843. longing to Tome III), 73-336 (XVII, XVIII), 1844. (11), 1834. * Mr. Brown having lately been occupied in assisting in the preparation of the geo- logical slips for the Library Catalogue of the British Museum (Natural History), has had special facilities for the compilation of this list, and the writers would express their thanks to him for the valuable contribution. It is based partly upon some original unbound fascicules of Agassiz’ work, and partly upon notices in the Neues Jahrbuch. The roman numeral in round brackets immediately preceding the date in each entry is the number of the livraison (see p. xxix). The ‘carton’ refers to a correction of the original text. DATES OF PUBLICATION OF Tome II (continued )— Tab. 13, 14 (19), 1834. 14a (VII), 1836. 14 4, ¢ (V1), 1836. 15, 16 (11), 1834. 17 (XVIII), 1844. 18 (XVII), 1844. 19 (XVIII), 1844. 20 was not published. 2TH(Wa yt DOs. 21 a (V11), 1836. 22 (II), 1834. 23 (V), 1835. 23 a (XVIII), 1844. 23 b-c (XV, XVI), 1843. 23 a (VI), 1836. 23a (bts) (Tetragonolepis Leachit, Ag. ; erroneously lettered as 232); (X, X11), 1839. 23.¢ (XVII), 1844. 24 (IV), 1835. 25, 25a, 6 (v1), 1836. 25 ¢ (V), 1835. 25 @, e (VI), 1836. 26 (II), 1834. 26 a (VII), 1836. 27 (11), 1834. 27 a (XVIII), 1844. 28, 29 (11), 1834. 29 a (VII), 1836. 29 b, c (XVIII), 1844. 30 (11), 1834. 30 a-c (V), 1835. 3TECKY, XVI), US43. 32, 33 (II), 1834. @ (XV, XVI), 1843. & (X, X11), 1839. 4 (111), 1834. 34.@ (XVIII), 1844. 35 (V), 1835. 36-38 (XV, XVI), 1843. Si GS! 13, CaS. & Gs Ww | Tome II (continued)— | | ' 39 (Pholidophorus Bechet, | Ag., Ph. onychius, Ag. ; | erroneously lettered as | 49) (VIII, 1X), 1837. 40 (II), 1834. Tab. 41 (X, X11), 1839. 42 (x1), 1838. 42 a (XV, XVI), 1843. 43 (Pholidophorus latima- nus, Ag. ; erroneously let- tered as 42) (XI), 1838. 44 (XV, XVI), 1843. 45-47 (XIV), 1842. 47 a@ (XVIII), 1844. 48 (VIII, IX), 1837. 49 (IV), 1835. 50, 51 CX X11), Tego: 51 @ (Xiv), 1842. 52, 53, 53 @ (X, XI), 1839. 54, 55 (IV), 1835. 55 @ (XVIII), 1844. 56 (X, X11), 1839. 56 a (XIV), 1842. 57 (X, X11), 83a: 57 a-0 (XIV), 1842. 58, 58 @ (X, XII), 1839. 58 4 (xXvilt), 1844. 59 (X, XII), 1839. 59 @ (XIV), 1842. 60 (IV), 1835. 61, 61a, 62, 63 (X, X11), 1839. 63 @ (XVIII), 1844. 64 (X, XII), 1839. 65 (V), 1835. 65 @ (XVII), 1844. 65a (2s) (Macropoma Man- telii, Ag., erroneously let- tered as 65a), 656-d (VIlI, IX), 1837. 66 (Thrissops intermedius, v. Munst, erroneously let- tered as 65) (X, XII), 1839. 66 a (VIII, IX), 1837. 67-69, 69 a (Phyllodus, Gyronchus, Gyrodus ; er- roneously lettered as 60 a) (X, X11), 1839. 69 6 (XII1), 1839. 69 ¢ (XIV), 1842. 70-72, 72 a, 73, 74 (X, XII), 1839. 75 (XIV), 1842. AGASSIZ’ ‘POISSONS FOSSILES, XXVli _ Tome III (Text), pp. i-viii, I-390, 1-32 (Table), 1837-44. Title (XVII, XVIII), 1844. Pp. i-viii, 1-72 (VII, IX), 1837. 13-14 (carton) (XVII, XVIII), 1844. 73-140 (XI), 1838. 141-156 (X, XII), 1839. 157 —(382*, 382**) 390, and Table des Matiéres, etc., I-32 (XV, XVI), 1843. 207, 208 (carton) (XVII, XVIII), 1844. Tome III (Atlas), 1835-47. Tab. A (Xvi), 1844. B, © (viii, 1X), 1837. D (Iv), 1835. E-H (v), 1835. J-M, M’, M”, N-Q (xvIn), 1844. R, S (xvi11), 1844. I (XV, XVI), 1843. 1 @ (XI), 1838. 2-8 (VII), 1836. 8 a, 6 (x1), 1838. 9 (X, XII), 1839. 10 (VII), 1836. 10 a, 6 (VIII, IX), 1837. II, 12 (VII), 1836. 13, 14 (VIII, 1X), 1837. 15 (XI), 1838. 16 (VIII, 1X), 1837. a7 (21), 1830. 18 (XV, XVI), 1843. 19, 20 (XI), 1838. 21 (VIII, 1X), 1837. 22, 22 a, 6 (XV, XVI), 1843. 23 (X, XII), 1839. 24 (XI), 1838. 25 (%, SI), 1839. 25 a (VIII, 1X), 1837. 25 6 (x1), 1838. 26 (Vv), 1835. 26 a (XV, XVI), 1843. 27-29 (V), 1835. Tome III (continued )— Tab. 30 (X1), 1838. 30 a (X, X11), 1839. 31-35 (XI), 1838. 36, 37; 37 @ (XVII), 1844. 38 (XV, XVI), 1843. 39, 40 (XI), 1838. 40 a (VIII, 1X), 1837. 40 b-d (XV, XVI), 1843. 41-44 (VII), 1836. 45 (XV, XVI), 1843. 46 (IV), 1835. 47 (XV, XVI), 1843. Tome IV (Text), pp. i-xvi, 1-269, I-22 (Table), 1833-44. Title (XVII, XVIII), 1844. Pp. i-xvi, 1-16, 16* (X, X11), 1838. 15, 16 (carton) (XVII, XVIII), 1844. 17-32 (1), 1833. 33-52 (IV), 1835. 53-108 (VI), 1836. 109-204 (XIII), 1839. 205-291 (1-22, Table des Matiéres) (XIV), 1842. 292-296 (XVII, XVIII), 1844. Tome IV (Atlas), 1833-34. Tab. A (1), 1833. B (111), 1834. Cy (Witt, 1)5, 7537. E (111), 1834. F (vill, 1X), 1837. G (111), 1834. H (vill, 1X), 1837. J (v), 1835. K, L (vit, 1X), 1837. I, 2 (1), 1833. 3-6 (11), 1834. 7 (111), 1834. 8, 9 (VI, IX), 1837. 10, 11 (IIT), 1834. II a (VIII, 1X), 1837. 12 (III), 1834. 13 (VIII, 1X), 1837. 14 (III), 1834. DATES OF PUBLICATION OF XXVill Tome IV (continued)— Tab. 14 a-e (VIII, 1X), 1837. | Tome V (continued)— Tabs 1; 2° @) segs: 15-17 (XIIL), 1839. 16a and 18 were not pub- — lished. Ig, 20 (XVIII), 1844. Bets 22 (111), 1834. 3 (IV ), 1835. a a was not published. 236 (XV, XVI), 1843. 24, 25 were not published. 26-36 (XIII), 1839. 37 (V), 1837. 37 @ (XI11), 1839. 38 (IV), 1835. 39 (XIII), 1839. 4o (Vv), 1835 AI, 41 @ (X111), 1839. 2, 43 (V), 1835. 44 (XII), 1839. 44 a was not published. Tome V (Text pt. 1), pp. 1-xil, 1-122, 1833-44. Title, pp. i-xil, 1-16 / (XVII, XVIII), 1844. 3-6 (11), 1834. 7, 8 (111), 1834. 9, 10 (XV, XVI), 1843. II (111), 1834. II @ (IV), 1835. 12,13. (11), 1834: 14 (V), 1835. 15 (XIII), 1839. 16-18 (XIV), 1842. 19 (V), 1835. 20 (IV), 1835. 21, 21 a (Nemopteryx elon- gaius, Ag.; erroneously icucred as 21), 22 (XIV), 1842. 23 (V), 1835. 24 (IV), 1835. 25 (V), 1835. 25 a-c (VIII, IX), 1837. 26 (XIII), 1839. 27 (V), 1835. 28, 29 (XV, XVI), 1843. 30, 31 (XIII), 1839. Pp: 17-24) haat 32-34, 344, 35-37, 374 25-32 (11), 183 (xiv), 1842. 31-32 (carton), 33-122 (XVI, 37 6 (Engraulis evolans, ge ), 1844. Ag., Clupea macropoma, Tome Le ay pt. 2), pp. 1-160, Ag. ; erroneously lettered 35-44. 2 Pp. 1-56 (X, X11), 1839. a8 31) ONG ws 1843. 3-4 (carton) (XVII, XVIII), 38-42 (X, XII), 1839. 5 , (a) 1844. 7-84 (XV, XVI), 1843. 85-160 (XVII, XVIII), 1844. Tome V (Atlas), Tab. A (1), 1833. B, C (XV, XVI), 1843. D (VIII, 1X), 1837. E (KV, XVE) S43. F (Iv), 1835. G (VIII, 1X), 1837. Hs J, KOON vb), 1843. Ie (Vi); WSS5. M (xvii), 1844. 43 (XIII), 1839. 44-48 (XV, XVI), 1843. 49 (XU), 1839. 50-51 (IV), 1835. 51 a—c (XVIII), 1844. 52 (V), 1835. 53 (X, X11), 1839. 54-59 (IV), 1835. 60 (XI), 1838. 60 a—c (VIII, 1X), 1837- 60 d@ (X, XII), 1839. 61 (XII), 1839. 62-64 (XIV), 1839. AGASSIZ ‘POISSONS FOSSILES, XXIX Supplemental Sheets were also issued to the work, under the title, * Feuzlleton additionel sur les Recherches sur les Poissons fossiles? Pp. 1-20 (11), 1834. Pp. 99-106 (VIII, 1X), 1837. 21-64 (IV), 1835. 107-126 (X-XI1), 1838-39. 65-74 (V), 1835. 127-130 (XIII), 1839. 75-86 (VI), 1836. 131-138 (XIV), 1842. 87-98 (VII), 1836. 139-146 (XV, XVI), 1843. DATES OF PUBLICATION OF THE LIVRAISONS. Live, J, 1833, Livr. VII, 1836. Livr. XIII, 1839. IT, 1834. VIII & IX XIV, 1842. III, 1834. (united), 1837. XY & XVI IV, 1835. Xi& Xl (united), 1843. V, 1835. (united), 1839. XVII, 1844. VI, 1836. XI, 1838. XVIII, 1844. In a letter to the Mewes Jahrbuch, 1843 (pp. 198, 199), L. Agassiz states that the following work is to form a Supplement to the ‘Recherches sur les Poissons fossiles, etc. :— Monographie des Potssons fossiles du Vieux Gres Rouge ou Systéme Dévonien (Old Red Sandstone) des Lles Brittanigues et de Russie. Par L. Agassiz. Text, pp. xxxvi, 171. 4to. Newuchdtel & Soleure, 1844-45. Atlas, 43 pls., fol., Mewchdate/, 1844-45. (Text), Tab. 19 (11), 1845. Pp. i-viii, 1-72 (1, 11), 1844. 20, 21 (I, II), 1844. ix-XXxvi, 73-171 (III), 1845. 21a (II), 1845. (Atlas), 22 (I, 11), 1844. Tab. A-D (1, 11), 1844. 23, 24 (111), 1845. E, F (111), 1845. 25 (I-II), 1844. 1-18 (1, 11), 1844. 26-33 (111), 1845. Dates of publication of ‘ Odontography, by R. Owen. We also append a note of the dates of publication of Richard Owen’s Odontography ; or a Treatise on the Comparative Anatomy of the Teeth, etc. (Svo., London, 1840-1845), as some confusion seems to have occurred in quotation :— Part i: 1840; pp. I-112, pls. 1-50. Part ii: 1841; pp. i-xl, 113-288, pls. 51-89 A (excl. 62 A). Part iii: 1845; Title page, pp. xli-Ixxiv, 289-65¢, pls. i, ii, 62A, 90-150. (Some of the plates in part iii bear the date 1844 at the bottom.) A TABEE Showing the Stratigraphical Distribution of the Genera of British Fossil Veriebrata. [In this table some minor horizons have been separately entered on account of the special character of their Vertebrate Fauna. A few generic names are placed in square brackets in lists from beds from which they are not recorded in the Catalogue ; most of these occurrences being hitherto unpublished. | UPPER SILURIAN. PiscEs.—Auchenaspis, Cephalaspis, Cyathaspis, Eukeraspis, Onchus, Scaphaspis, Sphagodus, Thelodus. LOWER OLD RED SANDSTONE (PASSAGE BEDS). PiscEs.—Auchenaspis, Cephalaspis, Onchus. LOWER OLD RED SANDSTONE. PiscEs.—Acanthodes, Byssacanthus, Cephalaspis, Cephalopterus, Cheiracanthus, Cheirolepis, Climatius, Coccosteus, (?) Cyathaspis, Didymaspis, Diplacanthus, Diplopterus, Dipterus, Glyptolepis, Gyroptychius, Holaspis, Homosteus, Ischnacanthus, Kallostrakon, Microbrachius, Onchus, Onychodus, Osteolepis, Parexus, Pteraspis, Pterichthys, Scaphaspis, Thursius, Tristicopterus. UPPER OLD RED SANDSTONE. Pisces.—Actinolepis, Asterolepis, Bothriolepis, Conchodus, Cosma- canthus, Cricodus, Dendrodus, Glyptolemus, Glyptopomus, Holo- ptychius, Phaneropleuron, Phyllolepis. DEVONIAN. PiscEs.—Phyllolepis, Steganodictyum. LOWER CARBONIFEROUS. Pisces.—Acanthodes, Acondylacanthus, Acrolepis, Aganacanthus, Archichthys, Asteroptychius, Callopristodus, Canobius, Chalaza- canthus, Cheirodopsis, Cheirodus, Chomatodus, Chondrenchelys, Cladodus, Cochliodus, Ccelacanthus, Colonodus, Copodus, Cosma- canthus, Cosmoptychius, Cryphiolepis, Ctenacanthus, Ctenodus, Ctenoptychius, Cycloptychius, Cynopodius, Cyrtonodus, Deltodus, Deltoptychius, Dicentrodus, Diclitodus, Dicrenodus, Diplacodus, Diplodus, Dipriacanthus, Echinodus, Elonichthys, Erismacanthus, Euctenius, Eurynotus, Fissodus, Ganopristodus, Glossodus, Glypha- nodus, Gnathacanthus, Gomphacanthus, Gonatodus, Gyracanthus, Harpacanthus, Helodus, Holurus, Homacanthus, Isodus, Janassa, Lispacanthus, Megalichthys, Mesolophodus, Nematoptychius, Ora- canthus, Orodus, Osteoplax, Petalodus, Petalorhynchus, Petrodus, Phanerosteon, Physonemus, Platysomus, Pleuracanthus, Pleuroplax, Poecilodus, Polyrhizodus, Pristodus, Psammodus Psammosteus, BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA, XXXxi Psephodus, Rhadinichthys, Rhamphodus, Rhizodus, Sandalodus, Sphenacanthus, Stichacanthus, Streblodus, Strepsodus, Tarrasius, Tomodus, Tristychius, Uronemus, Venustodus, Wardichthys, Xystrodus. AMPHIBIA.—Loxomma, Pholidogaster, and Ges non det. (v. MISCEL- LANEOUS AMPHIBIA). UPPER CARBONIFEROUS. Pisces.—Acanthodes, Acanthodopsis, Archichthys, Callopristodus, Cheirodus, Ccelacanthus, Ctenodus, Ctenoptychius, Cycloptychius, Diplodus, Elonichthys, Euctenius, Gonatodus, Gyracanthus, He- lodus, Hoplonchus, Hybodopsis, Janassa, Lepracanthus, Megal- ichthys, Mesolepis, Ostracacanthus, Petalodus, Platysomus, Pleura- canthus, Pleuroplax, Rhadinichthys, Rhizodopsis, Sphenacanthus, Stemmatodus, Strepsodus. AMPHIBIA.—Anthracosaurus, Anthrakerpeton, Batrachiderpeton, Doli- chosoma, Erpetocephalus, Ichthyerpeton, Keraterpeton, Lept- erpeton, Loxomma, Megalerpeton, Ophiderpeton, Pholiderpeton, Pteroplax, Urocordylus. PERMIAN. PIscES.—Acentrophorus, Acrolepis, Ccelacanthus, Dorypterus, Globu- lodus, Janassa, Palzoniscus, Platysomus, Pygopterus, Wodnika. AMPHIBIA.— Dasyceps, Lepidotusaurus. REPTILIA.— Protorosaurus. TRIAS. PiscEs.—Acrodus, Ceratodus, Dictyopyge, Diplodus, Dipteronotus, Semionotus. AMPHIBIA.—Dasygnathus, Diadetognathus, Labyrinthodon, Masto- donsaurus, Rhombopholis. REPTILIA.—Cladyodon, /?) Dicynodon, Hyperodapedon, Palzeosaurus, Rhynchosaurus, Stagonolepis, Telerpeton, Thecodontosaurus, (?) Zanclodon. MaxsFY RHASTIC. Piscrs.—Acrodus, Ceratodus, Gyrolepis, Hybodus, Legnonotus, Ne- macanthus, Palzeospinax, Pholidophorus, Sargodon, Saurichthys, [Semionotus]. AMPHIBIA.—(?) Metopias. REPTILIA.—(?) Ichthyosaurus, Palzosaurus, Plesiosaurus, Psepho- derma, Kysosteus, (?) Zanclodon. MAMMALIA.—Microlestes. 1croliestes LIAS. Pisces.—Acrodus, Arthropterus, Belonorhynchus, Browneichthys, Centrolepis, Chondrosteus, Cosmolepis, Cyclarthrus, Dapedius, Endactis, Eugnathus, Gyrosteus, Harpactira, Holophagus, Hy- bodus, Isocolum, Lepidotus, Leptolepis, Mesodon, Myriacanthus, Nothosomus, Osteorhachis, Oxygnathus, Pachycormus, Palao- spinax, Pholidophorus, Platysiagum, Ptycholepis, Squaloraja, Tetragonolepis, Thrissonotus. REPTILIA.—Dimorphodon, Eretmosaurus, Ichthyosaurus, Pelagosaurus, Plesiosaurus, (?) Scaphognathus, Scelidosaurus, Steneosaurus, Teleosaurus, Thaumatosaurus, (?) Zanclodon xxxil SZTRATIGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF OOLITES. Pisces.—Acrodus, Aspidorhynchus, Asteracanthus, Belonostomus, Ca- turus, Ceratodus, Cestracion, Coccoderma, Ctenolepis, Ditaxiodus, Eurycormus, Ganodus, Gyrodus, Hybodus, Hypsocormus, Ischy- odus, Leedsichthys, Lepidotus, Leptacanthus, Leptolepis, Macro- semius, Mesodon, Microdon, Nemacanthus, Notidanus, Ophiopsis, Orthacodus, Pachycormus, Pholidophorus, Pristacanthus, Rhino- batus, Semionotus, Strobilodus, Strophodus, Thrissops. REPTILIA.—Bothriospondylus, Camptosaurus, Cardiodon, Cetio- saurus, Cimoliosaurus, Cryptodraco, Dacosaurus, Gigantosaurus, Ichthyosaurus, Machimosaurus, Marmarosaurus, Megalosaurus, Metriorhynchus, Omosaurus, Ophthalmosaurus, Ornithopsis, Pelobatochelys, Peloneustes, (?) Plesiosaurus, Pleurosternum, Plio- saurus, Protochelys, Pterodactylus, Rhamphocephalus, Stego- chelys, Steneosaurus, Teleosaurus, Thalassemys, Thaumatosaurus,, Tropidemys. MAMMALIA.—Amphilestes, Amphitherium, Amphitylus, Phascolo- therium, Stereognathus. PURBECK. PiscEs.—Aspidorhynchus, Asteracanthus, Ceramurus, Coccolepis, Histionotus, Hybodus, Lepidotus, Leptolepis, Megalurus, [Mes- odon,] Microdon, Ophiopsis, Oxygonius, Pholidophorus, Pleuro- pholis, Strobilodus. REPTILIA.—Chelone, Doratorhynchus, Echinodon, Goniopholis, Hyleeochelys, Iguanodon, Macellodus, Nannosuchus, Nuthetes, Oweniasuchus, Petrosuchus, (?) Platychelys, Plesiochelys, Pleuro- sternum, Thalassemys, Theriosuchus, Tretosternum. MAMMALIA.—Achyrodon, Amblotherium, Bolodon, Kurtodon, Pera- lestes, Peramus, Plagiaulax, Spalacotherium, Stylodon, Triconodon. WEALDEN. Piscres.—Acrodus, Asteracanthus, Coelodus, Hybodus, Lepidotus. REPTILJA.—Archeochelys, Aristosuchus, Calamospondyius, Campto- saurus, Cimoliosaurus, Ccelurus, Gonioyholis, Heterosuchus, Hoplosaurus, Hylasochampsa, Hyleochelys, Hyleeosaurus, Hypsi- lophodon, Iguanodon, Megalosaurus, Morosaurus, Ornithocheirus, Ornithopsis, Pelorosaurus, Pholidosaurus, Plesiochelys, Pleuro- coelus, Polacanthus, Regnosaurus, Sphenospondylus, Suchosaurus, Thecospondylus, Tretosternum, Vectisaurus. (?) AVES.—Ornithodesmus. POTTON BONE-BED. Piscres.—[Asteracanthus, Hybodus], Ischyodus, Lepidotus. REPTILIA.—Cimoliosaurus, Craterosaurus, Dacosaurus, Iguanodon Megalosaurus, Pliosaurus. LOWER GREENSAND. PIscES.—Edaphodon, Hybodus, Scapanorhynchus, Synechodus. REPTILIA.— Dinodocus, Iguanodon, Polyptychodon, Protemys. BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. XXxlll CAMBRIDGE GREENSAND. PiscEs.—Corax, Edaphodon, Hybodus, Ischyodus, Lamna, Notidanus, Oxyrhina, Plethodus, Scapanorhynchus. REPTILIA.—Acanthophcelis, Anoplosaurus, Cetarthrosaurus, Chelone, Cimoliosaurus, Eucercosaurus. Ichthyosaurus, (?) Lytoloma, Ma- crurosaurus, (?) Ophthalmosaurus, Ornithocheirus, Ornithostoma, Patricosaurus, Polvptychodon, Priodontognathus, Protemys, Pro- tostega, Rhinochelys, Syngonosaurus, Trachodon. AVES.—Enaliornis. GAULT AND UPPER GREENSAND. Piscres.—Acrodus, Cestracion, Ccelodus, Corax, Edaphodon, Eury- poma, Ischyodus, Lamna, Notidanus, Oxyrhina, Pachyrhizodus, Plethodus, Portheus, Scapanorhynchus, Squatina, Synechodus, Thrissopater. REPTILIA.—Cimoliosaurus, Hyleochelys, Ichthyosaurus, Ornitho- cheirus, Polyptychodon, Rhinochelys. CHALK. Pisces.—(?) Acrodus, Acrognathus, Ancistrodon, Aulolepis, Belono- stomus, Berycopsis, Beryx, Calamopleurus, Cantioscyllium, Ces- tracion, Cimolichthys, Cladocyclus, Caelodus, Ccelorhynchus, Corax, Dercetis, Edaphodon, Elasmodectes, Enchodus, Gom- phodus, Gyrodus, Homonotus, Hoplopteryx, Ichthyodectes, Lamna, Lophiostomus, Macropoma, Microdon, Neorhombolepis, Notidanus, Osmeroides, Oxyrhina, Pachyrhizodus, Pholidurus, (?) Platax, Plethodus, Plinthophorus, Pomognathus, Portheus, Prionolepis, Protosphyrzena, Ptychodus, Saurocephalus, Scapano- rhynchus, Scyllium, Squatina, Stenostoma, Stratodus, Synechodus, Tomognathus, Xenodolamia. REPTILIA.—Acanthopholis, Chelone, Cimoliochelys, Cimoliosaurus, Coniasaurus, Dolichosaurus, Ichthyosaurus, Leiodon, Lytoloma, Mosasaurus, Ornithocheirus, (?) Platecarpus, Polyptychodon, Pro- tostega, Saurospondylus. EOCENE. Pisces. — Acanthias, Acipenser, Aetobatis, Arius, Bucklandium, Carcharias, Carcharodon, Cestracion, Ccelorhynchus, Cybium, Dictyodus, Diplomystus, Edaphodon, Egertonia, Elasmodus, Galeocerdo, Galeus, Lamna, Lepidosteus, Megalops, Myliobatis, Myripristis, Notidanus, Odontaspis, Phyllodus, Pisodus, Platy- lemus, Pristis, Psaliodus, Pycnodus, Rhinoptera, Sciznurus, Squatina, Teratichthys, Tetrapturus. REPTILIA.—Anosteira, Argillochelys, Chrysemys, Crocodilus, Daco- chelys, Diplocynodon, (?) Emys, Eosphargis, (?) Gavialis, Iguana, (?) Lacerta, Lytoloma, Ocadia, Palzophis, Paleryx, Placosaurus, Podocnemis, Psephophorus, Pseudotrionyx, Thalassochelys, Trachyaspis, Trionyx. AVES. — Argillornis, Dasornis, Gastornis, Halcyornis, Lithornis, Macrornis, Odontopteryx, Ptenornis. xxxiv SZRATIGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF MAMMALIA. — Acotherulum, Adapis, Anchilophus, Anoplotherium, Anthracotherium, Argillotherium, (?) Baleenoptera, Chceropota- mus, Coryphodon, Dacrytherium, Dichodon, Didelphys, Dip- lopus, Elotherium, Hyzenodon, Hyopotamus, Hyracotherium, Lophiodon, Microchcerus, Neurogymnurus, Paleotherium, Platy- cheerops, Spalacodon, Theridomys, Viverra, Zeuglodon. PISCES.—Acipenser. LOWER MIOCENE, REPTILIA.—Diplocynodon. MAMMALIA.—Hyopotamus. PLIOCENE. PiscEs.—Acipenser, Carcharodon, Cetorhinus, [Chrysophrys, Ccelo- rhynchus,| (?) Gadus, Labrus, Myliobatis, Notidanus, Oxyrhina, Phyllodus, Platax, | Pristis,] Raja, Rhinoptera, Squatina. AVES.—Diomedea, Uria. MaMMALIA.—Ailurus, Baleena, Balzenodon, Balenoptera, Bos, Canis, Castor, Cervulus, Cervus, Cetotherium, Choneziphius, Delphinus, Elephas, Equus, Eucetus, Felis, Gazella, Globicephalus, Hali- therium, Herpetocetus, Hipparion, Hoplocetus, Hyzena, Hyzen- arctos, Hyperoodon, (?) Kogia, Lutra, Mastodon, Megaptera, Mesoplodon, Microtus, Orca, Physeterula, Physodon, Rhinoceros, Squalodon, Sus, Tapirus, Trichechus, Trogontherium, Ursus, Xiphodon. FOREST BED SERIES. Pisces. —Abramis, Acanthias, Acerina, Acipenser, Barbus, Esox, Gadus, Galeus, Leuciscus, Perca, Platax, Platessa, Raja, Tinca. AMPHIBIA.—Bufo, Molge, Rana. REPTILIA.—Emys, Tropidonotus, Vipera. Aves.—Anas, Anser, Bubo, Colymbus, Phalacrocorax, Spatula. MAMMALIA.—Alces, Balzenoptera, Bison, Canis, Capreolus, Caprovis, Castor, Cervus, Delphinapterus, Delphinus, Elephas, Equus, (?) Felis, Gulo, Hippopotamus, Hyzena, Lutra, Macheerodus,. Microtus, Monodon, Mus, Mustela, Myogale, Ovibos, Phoca, Phoczena, Physeter, Rhinoceros, (?) Sciurus, Sorex, Spermo- philus, Sus, Talpa, Trichechus, Trogontherium, Ursus. PIsScES.—Esox. PLEISTOCENE. REPTILIA.—Emys. AVES.—Alca*, Anas*, Anser*, Cygnus, Haliaetus*, Cdemia*,. Somateria*. MAMMALIA.—Alces, Balanoptera*, Bison, Bos, Canis, Capreolus, Castor, Cervus, Delphinapterus*, Elephas, Equus, Eschrichtius*, Felis, (?) Globicephalus, Hippopotamus, Hyzena, Hyperoodon*, Lepus, Lutra, (?) Macacus, Machzrodus, Megaptera*, Meles, Microtus, Monodon*, Mus, Mustela, Myodes*, Orca*, Ovibos, (?) Ovis, Phoca*, Rangifer, Rhinoceros, Sorex*, Spermophilus,. Sus, Trichechus, Ursus, (?) Tursiops. [Those marked with an asterisk may be only Prehistoric or Historic. ] a BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. XXXV PREHISTORIC AND HISTORIC. AveEs.—Alca, Anser, Corvus, Pelecanus, Phalacrocorax, Sula. MAMMALIA.—Alces, Balzena, Balznoptera, Bos, Canis, Capra, Capreolus, Castor, Cervus, Equus, Felis, Lepus, Lutra, Meles, Microtus, Mus, Mustela, (?) Ovis, Pseudorca, Rangifer, Sus, Ursus. CAVES (Including Pleistocene, Prehistoric, and Historic). Aves.—/Ex, Alauda, Anser, Bernicla, Columba, Colymbus, Corvus, Cygnus, Falco, Lagopus, Perdix, Scolopax, Somateria, Sturnus. MAMMALIA.—Alces, Bison, Bos, Canis, Capra, Capreolus, Castor, Cervus, Cricetus, Elephas, Equus, Erinaceus, Felis, Gulo, Hippo- potamus, Hyzena, Lagomys, Lepus, Lutra, Lycaon, Machzerodus, Meles, Microtus, Mus, Mustela, Myodes, (?) Ovis, Rangifer, Rhinoceros, Rhinolophus, Sorex, Spermophilus, Sus, Ursus, (?) Vesperugo. 4] ms - an o oi we +r. =" < . ] i ‘ ‘ A a ' = ' ‘ ’ \ P BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PISCE Ss: | ABRAMIS, Cuvier, Rézne Animal, vol. ii, 1817, p. 194. | brama, Cuvier, zd¢7., p. 194; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed | (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 126, pl. xviii, f. 19, 20. Cyprinus brama, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1756, p. 531. Loc. Forest-Bed Series (U. Freshwater Bed); West Runton, Norfolk. [Pharyngeal teeth; Mus. Pract. Geol.| | | | | ACANTHALEPIS, F. M‘Coy, Synopsis Silur. Foss. Ireland, 1846, p. 7. jamesii, F. M‘Coy, zdzd., p. 7, pl. i, f. 1,2. [CYSTIDEAN.] ACANTHIAS, J. A. Risso, Hist. Nat. Prod. Europe Mérid., vol. ili, 1826, p. 131. orpiensis: Notidanus orpiensis, T. C. Winkler, Archiv. Mus. Teyler, vol. iv, 1876, p. 12, pl. i, f. 13-17; A. Rutot, Ann. Soc. Roy. Malacol. Belg., vol. xi, 1876, p. 29, pl. i, f. 3. Carcharias (Scoliodon) orpiensis, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 436. Loc. Woolwich and Reading Beds; Kent. [Zeeth; Brit. Mus.] vulgaris, J. A. Risso, Hist. Nat. Prod. Europe Mérid., vol. ii, 1826, p. 131; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 131, pl. xix, f. 8. Loc. Weybourn Crag; East Runton, Norfolk. [Zeeth, Mus. Pract. Geol.] ACANTIZODES, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1834), pp. 3,19; F. Roemer, Zeitschr. deutsch. Geol. Ges., vol. ix, 1857, p. 65. ACANTHOESSUS, L. Agassiz, Neues Jahrb., 1832, p. 149. MESACANTHUS, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. Sir. antiquus, Egerton. v. Acanthodes mitchelli. 2 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ACANTHODES (continued)— bronni, Agassiz. Recorded (? in error) from Millstone Grit and L. Coal-Meas. by R. Etheridge, Foss. Brit. Islands, pt. i, 1888, p. 319. coriaceus, Egerton. v. Acanthodes peachi. mitchelli, P. M. G. Egerton, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1860 (1861), Sect., p. 77, and Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. x (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1861), p. 61, pl. vii; J. Powrie, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, p. 419, and Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc., vol. i, 1870, p. 288, pl. x, f: 1. Acanthodes antiquus, P. M. G. Egerton, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1859 (1860), Sect., p. 116 (name only). Mesacanthus mitchelli, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 512. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Forfarshire. [Fish; Brit. Mus.] peachi, P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. x (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1861), p. 57, pl. vi, f. 1, 2. Acanthodes coriaceus, P. M. G. Egerton, zézd., p. 59, pl. vi, f. 3-5. [Imperfect fish ; Mus. Pract. Geol. ] Mesacanthus peachi, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 512. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Caithness. [Fish; Mus. Pract. Geol.] pusillus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V.G. R. (1844), p. 36, pl. xxviii, f. 8-10; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 315. Mesacanthus pusillus, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 512. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Banffshire. [Fishes ; Forres Mus.] sulcatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p. 125, pl. ic, f. 1,23 J. Morris, Cat. Brit: Foss., 18545 paginge Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Wardie, near Edinburgh. [Scales ; Oxford Mus. ] wardi, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, p. 468, pl. xxiii; [-ii] J. Thomson, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. iv (1871), p. 57, pl. iv; J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 241; J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxii, 1876, p. 335. Loc. Coal-Meas.; N. Staffordshire, Yorkshire, and Lanarkshire. [Fish; J. Ward Coll.] ACANTHODOPSIS, A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. i, 1868, p. 364, and Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iii (1870), p. 103; R. H. Traquair, Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb., vol. v (1880), p. 117. egertoni, Hancock and Atthey. wv. Acanthodopsis wardi. wardi, A. Hancock andT. Atthey (non Acanthodes wardi, Egerton), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. i, 1868, p. 364, pl. xv, f. 6, and Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iii (1870), p. 103, pl. il, f. 6. PISCES. 3 ACANTHODOPSIS wardi (continued)— Acanthodopsis egertoni, A, Hancock and T. Atthey, zdzd., 1868, p. 367, and zé7@., 1870, p. 107. [Jaws, etc.; Newcastle-upon- Tyne Mus.] Loc. Coal-Meas.; Newsham, near Newcastle-upon-Tyne. [Jaw; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Mus.] =. sp., R. H. Traquair, Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb., vol. v (1880), p.-217. Loc. Coal-Meas.; South Scotland. [Jaws; Edinburgh Mus.] ACENTROPHORUS, R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxili, 1877, p. 565. abbsi (Kirkby), R. H. Traquair, zézd@., p. 565. Palaoniscus abbsit, J. W. Kirkby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. ix, 1862, p. 268, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, p. 355, pl. xviii, f. 3. Loc. Magnesian Limest.; Fulwell, Durham. [Fish; Newcastle- upon-Tyne Mus.] altus (Kirkby), R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. XXxili, 1877, p. 565. Paleoniscus latus, J. W. Kirkby (zon Redfield), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. ix, 1862, p. 268. Paleoniscus altus, J. W. Kirkby, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, p. 356, pl. xviii, f. 1. Loc. Magnesian Limest.; Fulwell. [Fish ; Newcastle-upon- Tyne Mus.] glaphyrus (Agassiz), R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxill, 1877, p. 562. Paleoniscus glaphyrus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p. 98, pl. xc, f. 1,2; W. King, Permian Foss. (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 224, pl. xxii, f. 3,4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 337; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palaeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 607. Loc. Marl-Slate; Whitley and Midderidge. [Fish; York Mus. ] varians (Kirkby), R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol: Xxxlli, 1877, p. 565. Paleoniscus varians, J. W. Kirkby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. ix, 1862, p. 267, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, p. 353, pl. xviii, f. 2. Loc. Magnesian Limest.; Fulwell. [Fish ; Newcastle-upon- Tyne Mus.] T. ACERINA, Cuvier, Régne Animal, vol. ii, 1817, p. 283. ? vulgaris, Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., vol. iii (1829), p. 4, pl. xli; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 121, pl. xviii, f. 9. Loc. Forest-Bed Series (U. Freshwater Bed) ; West Runton, Norfolk. [O/¢olith,; Mus. Pract. Geol.) 4 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA, ACESTRUS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only). ornatus, L. Agassiz, 7é¢d., p. 308 (name only). Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Cianium; Brit. Mus.] T. ACIPENSER, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 403. toliapicus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 280 (name only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 316; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xi (1889), p. 28, play f 1. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Scutes; Brit. Mus.] sp., E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 129, pl. xix, f. 6. Loc. Forest-Bed Series; Norfolk. [Cephalic plate; Mus. Pract. Geol.] sp., A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xi (1889), p. 28, pl.i, f. 3. Loc. Red Crag; Suffolk. [Pectoral spines; York Mus.] sp., A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xi (1889), p. 28, pl.i,f. 2, Loc. Hempstead Beds; Isle of Wight. [Scute; Brit. Mus., no. P. 5283.] sp., A.S.Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xi(1889), p. 28, pl.i, f. 34. Loc. U. Eocene (Oligocene); Hampshire Basin. [Pectoral spine ; Brit. Mus., no. P. 1533a.] ACONDYLACANTEHUS, O. St. John and A. H. Worthen, Pal. Illinois, vol. vi, 1875, p. 432. attenuatus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 352, pl. xlvi, f. 3. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Spine ; Woodwardian Mus.] colei, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. 1 (1883), p. S47, pl xlviit’7, ple xiviif. © Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Spine; Brit. Mus.] distans (M‘Coy), J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 349, pl. xlvi, f. 5. Ctenacanthus distans, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 116, and Brit. Palaeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 625, pl. ili K, f. 15; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 323. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. Carb. Limest.; Denbighshire. [Spine ; Woodwardian Mus. ] jenkinsoni (M‘Coy), O. St. John and A. H. Worthen, Pal. Illinois, vol. vi, 1875, p. 433; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 351, pl. xlvi, f. 2. Leptacanthus jenkinsont, F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p-. 633, pl. iii G, f. 14-16. Loc. Carb. Limest.; Lowick, Northumberland. [Spine ; Wood- wardian Mus.) PISCES. 5 ACONDYLACANTHUS (continued)— junceus (M‘Coy), O. St. John and A. H. Worthen, Pal. Illinois, vol. vi, 1875, p. 433; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. 1 (1883), p. 350, pl. xlvi, f. 6. Leptacanthus junceus, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 122, and Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 633, pl. ili G, f. 13; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332. Loc. Carb. Limest.; Derbyshire. [Spine ; Woodwardian Mus.] tenuistriatus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 350, pl. xlv, f. 8. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Spine ; Brit. Mus.] tuberculatus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 348, pl. xlvi, f. 4. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Spine; Brit. Mus.] sp.: A specimen from the U. Carb. Limest. of Richmond, York- shire, probably indicating a new form. [Brit. Mus., no. 45652.] ACRODUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 139 ; E. C. H. Day, Geol. Mag., vol. i, 1864, p. 57; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 279. SPHENONCHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 201 (pars). TuHrEcropus, H. v. Meyer and T. Plieninger, Beitr. Pal. Wiirttembergs, 1844, p. 116. anningie, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1839), p. 175, pl. xxii, f. 4; J. Morris, Cat., Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 316; E. C.H. Day, Geol. Mag., vol. i, 1864, p. 57, pls. tii, iv; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 289, pl. xiv, f. 4, pil avy fF. Acrodus undulatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1839), pp. 144,175; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 316. Hybodus curtus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 49; pl. viii 4, f. 4-6 (pars); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329. [Spines; Brit. Mus.] Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.] cretaceus, Dixon. v. Cestracion canaliculatus. BE | gibberulus, Agassiz. v. Acrodus nobilis. hirudo, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1839), p. 148, pl. xxii, f. 27; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 316; A. S. Wood- ward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 102, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 296, pl. xili, f. 9. Loc. Wealden; Sussex. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] ?illingwerthl, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 364, pl. xxx, f. 11, ¥2, pl. xxxti, f.9; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss, 1854, » | p. 316; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 104, and Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 290, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1880, p. 297. Loc. Chalk ; Sussex, Surrey, and Kent. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] 6 BRITISH FOSSE VERTEBRATA. ACRODUS (continued)— ? kKeuperinus (Murchison and Strickland), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes Bb. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 281, pl. xiii, f. 1, 2, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. iii, 1889, p. 297, pl. xiv, f. 1-3. fHybodus keuperinus, R. 1. Murchison and H. E. Strickland, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. v (1840), p. 338, pl. xxviii, f. 3; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330. ‘Tooth of Hyéodus, Murchison and Strickland, 7ézd., f. 3*. Lophodus, W.S. Symonds, Old Bones, 1861, p. 103. Nemacanthus, S. J. Mackie, Geologist, vol. vi, 1863, p. 243. Loc. Keuper ; Worcestershire and Warwickshire. [Spine and tooth ; Geol. Soc. London. ] latus, Agassiz. v. Acrodus nobilis. leiodus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. i (1844), p. xxxviii (name only) ; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 101, woodcut, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 295, pl. xiil, f. 5-7. Loc. Gt. Oolite (incl. Stonesfield Slate); Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire. Forest Marble; Somersetshire. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus. ] leiopleurus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1839), p. 145, pl. xxi, f. 5; J:: Morris, Cate Brit. Foss., 1894, p.. 31s S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 102, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 295, pl. xiil, f. 8. Loc. Gt. Oolite ; Gloucestershire. [Tooth ; Bristol Mus.] levis, A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 103, woodcuts 2, 3, and Cat. Foss. Fishes b. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 296, phixivjaf, 5-7: Loc. Gault ; Folkestone. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] minimus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1839), p. 145, pl. xxii, f, 6-12; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss. 1854, : 956% Etheridge, Proc. Cardiff Naturalists’ Soc., vol. iii (1872), pl. ii, f. 15-17; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 282, and Trans. Leicester Lit. and Phil. Soc., n.sS., pt. xl, 1889, p. 19. Loc. Rhetic; S. W. England, and ? Linksfield, near Elgin. [Teeth ; Bristol Mus. (gars).] nobilis, W. Buckland (ex Agassiz, MS.), Geol. and Min., ed. 2, 1837, vol. ii, p. 47, pl. xxvii e (name and fig. only); L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 140, pl. xxi; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 316; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1838 (1839), Sect., p. 138, and Odontogr. (1840), . p-. 54, pls. xiv, xv; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 283, pl. xiii, f. 3, 4, and pl. xiv, f. 1-3. Ztmaculum corrugosum, Luidius, Lithophyl. Brit., 1760, p. 75, pl xv f. 1503, 1504. PISCES. 7 ACRODWUS nobilis (con/inued)— Acrodus latus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1839), p. 144, pl xxii, f, 1; J. Morris, Cat. Brit, Foss., 1854, p. 316. {Teeth ; Oxford Mus.] Acrodus gibberulus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1839), pv144, pl. xxii, f. 1-3 ;) J. Morris, Cat, Bag; Foss. 1854, p. 316. [Teeth ; Oxford Mus.] Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis, andnear Bath. [Dentition ; Bristol Mus. ] T. ornatus, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 296, pl. xiii, f. 10. Loc. Wealden ; Brixton, Isle of Wight. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] rugosus, Agassiz. v. Cestracion rugosus. transversus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), pl. x 4, f. 4, 5 (figs. only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 316. [Indeterminable fossil. ] Loc. Chalk ; Lewes. undulatus, Agassiz. v. Acrodus anningiz. sp., P. Duff, Geol. Moray, 1842, p. 63, pl. iv, f. 12, 13. Loc. Rheetic or Lias ; Linksfield, near Elgin. [Teeth ; olém J. Martin and P. Duff Colls.] ACROGNATHWUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. ii (1843), p. 108; A. Giinther, Introd. Study of Fishes, 1880, p. 631. boops, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. ii (1843), p. 108, pl. Ix a, f. 1-4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 316; A. S. Wood- ward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 323. Loc. U. Chalk; S. E. England. [Portion of fish; Brit. Mus.] T. ACROLEPYIS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1833), p. II, and zdid., pt. ii (1843), p. 79. exsculptus, G. v. Miinster, Beitr. Petref., pt. v, 1842, p. 42, pl. vi, f. 2. Recorded from Marl-Slate of Fulwell and Midderidge by R. Howse, Guide to Coll. Local Fossils Mus. Nat. Hist. Soc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1889, p. 24. [Fish Newcastle- upon-Tyne Mus.) hopkinsi, F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 609, pl. ili G, 10. Holoptychius hopkinsti, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329. Loc. U. Carb. Limest.; Derbyshire. Yoredale Rocks ; Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire. [Scales ; Woodwardian Mus.] kirkbyi, R. Howse, Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. vii (1878), p. 171. Acrolepis sp., J. W. Kirkby, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, p. 350. 8 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ACROLEPIS kirkbyi (continued)— Acrolepis sedgwickti, J. W. Kirkby (zon Agassiz), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. ix, 1862, p. 269. Loc. Magnesian Limest.; Marsden Bay and Fulwell Hill. [Imperfect fish ; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Mus.] rankinei, R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiii, 1877, p. 569. ? Gyrolepis rankinet, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1843), p. 303; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328. [Type unknown. ] Loc. L. Carb. ; Carluke and Braidwood. ([Scales, etc. ; Hun- terian Mus., Glasgow, and Hunter Coll.] sedgwicki, [-ii] L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1833), p. 11, and zézd., pt. ii (1843), p. 80, pl. lit; [-ii] W. King, Permian Foss. (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 234, pl. xxv, f. 1. [See also A. kirkbyt.| ‘Fossil Fish,’ A. Sedgwick, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. iii (1829), pl.viii, £. 3, 4. Loc. Permian ; Durham. [Fish, wanting head.] T. wiisoni, R. H. Traquair (ex J. Ward, MS.), Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 254. Loc. Yoredile Rocks; Turnditch, near Belper. [Scales ; Brit. Mus. ] sp., Aitken. v. Elonichthys aitkeni. sp., Kirkby. v. Acrolepis kirkbyi. ACROTEMNUS, Agassiz. v. Ccelodus. faba, Agassiz. v. Coelodus faba. ACTINOLEPSS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1845), p. 141. [? Asterolepis.] tuberculatus, L. Agassiz, zdid, p. 141, pl. xxxi, f. 15-18, l, xxxia, f. 28; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 316. ? Asterolepis.| Loc. U. Old Red Sandst.; Elgin. [Dermal plate ; 0/7 Mal- colmson Coll.] JECH MODUS, Egerton. v. Dapedius. angulifer (Agassiz), Egerton. v. Dapedius angulifer. conjflwens (Agassiz), Egerton. wv. Dapedits politus. dorsalis (Agassiz), Egerton. v. Dapedius dorsalis. heteroderma (Agassiz), Egerton. wv. Dapedius heteroderma. leachi (Agassiz), Egerton. v. Dapedius leachi. leiosomus (Agassiz), Egerton. v. Dapedius leiosomus. mastodonteus (Agassiz), Egerton. v. Lepidotus mantelli. PISCES. 9 ACH MODUS (continued)— orbicularis, Morris. v. Dapedius orbicularis. ovalis (Agassiz), Egerton. wv. Dapedius ovalis. pholidotus (Agassiz), Egerton. v. Dapedius pholidotus. pustulatus (Agassiz), Egerton. v. Dapedius granulatus. radiatus (Agassiz), Egerton. v. Dapedius radiatus. speciosus (Agassiz), Egerton. v. Dapedius punctatus. AETOBATIS, J. Miiller and F. G. Henle, Syst. Beschreib. Plagiostom., 1841, p. 179. [dtobates, auct.] GONIOBATIS, H. Le Hon, Prélim. Mém. Poiss. Tert. Belg., 1871, p. Io. convexus, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 200, pl. xi, f. 5; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 317; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 130. Loc. Bracklesham Beds; Sussex. [Lower teeth. ] irregularis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), p. 327, pl. xlvii, f. 3-5; F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 200, pl. x, f. 6-8, pl. xi, f. 2-4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 317; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 128. A etobatis rectus, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 201, pl. xi, f. 8 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 317. [Tooth; brit. Mus.] Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. Bracklesham Beds; Sussex. Barton Clay ; Hampshire. [Upper teeth; Brit. Mus.] marginalis, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 201, pl. xii, f. 1; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 317; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 129. Loc. Bracklesham Beds; Sussex. [Upper teeth; Brit. Mus.] rectus, Dixon. v. Aetobatis irregularis. subarcuatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 328; F. Dixon, Geology Sussex, 1850, pp. 111, 201, pl. xi, f. 7; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 317; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 130. Loc. Bracklesham Beds; Sussex. [Lower tooth; Brit. Mus.] subconvexus, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 200, pl. xi, f. 6; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 317; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 130. Loc. Bracklesham Beds; Sussex. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] AGANACANTHUS, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. i, 1884, p. 64. striatulus, R. H. Traquair, zi7d7., p. 64. Loc. M. Carb. Limest.; Borough Lee, near Edinburgh. [Spine ; Edinburgh Mus. ] Tt. 10 BRITISH FOSSIE VERTEBRA LA. AGANODUS, Owen. v. Diplodus. apicalis, Owen. v. Diplodus gibbosus. undatus, Owen. v. Diplodus gibbosus. AGELEODUS, Owen. v. Callopristodus. diadema, Owen. v. Callopristodus pectinatus. AMBLYPTERUS, L. Agassiz. [No known British species accord- ing to R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiil, 1877, p. 552.] anconoechmodus, Walker. v. Gonatodus punctatus. nemopterus, Agassiz. v. Elonichthys nemopterus. portlocki, Egerton. v. Elonichthys portlocki. punctatus, Agassiz. v.Gonatodus punctatus and Elonichthys intermedius. striatus, Agassiz. v. Cosmoptychius striatus. AMBLYURUS, L. Agassiz. v. Dapedius. macrostomus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1837), p. 220, pl. xxve; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 317. Founded upon a vertically crushed specimen of Dapedius (A. S. Wood- ward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. i, 1888, p. 356). Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Crushed fishes; Oxford Mus.] T, Amia lewesiensis, Mantell. v. Macropoma mantelli. AMPHERISTUS, C. Konig, Icones Foss. Sect., 1825, pl. xv, f. 190 (name only). toliapicus, C. Konig, 7d7d., f. 190 (name and fig. only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 317. Tr Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Portion of skull ; Brit. Mus.] AMPHICENTRUM, Young. v. Cheirodus. granulosum, Young. v. Cheirodus granulosus. striatum, Hancock and Atthey. w. Cheirodus striatus. ANCISTRODON, F. Roemer (er Debey, MS.), Kreidebild. Texas, 1852, p. 30; W. Dames, Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., vol. xxxv, 1883, p. 655. sp., A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 330, pl..1,-f., ro: Loc. Chalk; Charing, Kent, and Lewes, Sussex. [Teeth; Brit. Mus. | ANODONTACANTHUS, Davis. v. Pleuracanthus. acutus, Davis. v. Pleuracanthus cylindricus. fastigiatus, Davis. v. Pleuracanthus levissimus. obtusus, Davis. v. Pleuracanthus levissimus. a PISCES. ir ANTLIODUS, Newberry and Worthen. wv. Petalodus. Anthropodontoides bailesii, T. P. Barkas, Coal-Meas. Palzont., 1873, p. 45, f. 161, 162. Probably jaw of Phyllopod Crus- tacean, Dithyrocaris (R. Howse, 27 /itteris). ARCHICHTHYS, A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. v, 1870, p. 266, and zd. [4] vol. vii, 1871, p. 79, and Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iv (1872), p. 201 ; W. J. Barkas, Monthly Rev. Dental Surgery, vol. v (1876), p. 7. L? Strepsodus.] portlocki, [-ii] R. H. Traquair, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix, (1878), p. 657, and Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx (1881), p. 18. Floloptychius portlockit, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. i (1844), p. Xxxvl (name es ; J. E. Portlock, Geol. Londonderry, 1843, p. 464, pl. xiii, f. 1-9; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, P- 329. Rhizodus hibberti ?, F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 612. Rhizodus portlockit, R. Etheridge, Foss. Brit. Islands, pt. i, 1888, p. 341. Loc. L. Carb.; Derry, Tyrone, Fermanagh, and Antrim. Calcif. Sandst.; Liddesdale, Dumfriesshire, and Abden, Fifeshire. [Teeth and scales ; Mus. Pract. Geol.] sulcidens, A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. vii, 1871, p. 79, and Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iv (1872), pp. 201, 393. Rhizodus, A. Hancock and T. Atthey (evrore), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. v, 1870, p. 266, and Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iii (1870), p. 81. Loc. Coal-Meas. ; Northumberland. [Mandib. ramus; New- castle-upon-Tyne Mus. ] T. ARIUS, Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., vol. xv, 1840, P- 53: ? bartonensis, A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 306, woodcut. Loc. Barton Clay ; Hampshire. [Dorsal spine; Brit. Mus.] crassus (Koken), E. T. Newton, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1889, p. 206, pl. xxi, f. 1-3. Otolithus (incerte sedis) crassus, E. Koken, Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Gesell., vol. xxxvi, 1884, p. 559, pl. xii, f. 13. Loc. Barton Gise ; Hampshire. ? Headon Beds; I. of Wight. [Otolith.] egertoni (Dixon), A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 304, woodcuts 1, 2; E. T. Newton, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1889, p. 206, 12 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA: ARIUS egertoni (continued)— Stlurus egertoni, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, pp. 112, 204, pl. xi, f. 11-13; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 344. Loc. Bracklesham Beds and Barton Clay ; Sussex and Hamp- shire. [Pectoral arch and spine; Brit. Mus. } sp., E. T. Newton, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1889, p. 205, pl. xxi, f. 4-6; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, pl. iv, Bp bag 8 Raja similis, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 86 (errore). Loc. Barton Clay ; Hampshire. [Otoliths; Brit. Mus., no. 28094. ] ARTHROPTERUS,L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 379. rileyi, L. Agassiz, 76/¢., p. 379; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, Pp. 3!7. Loc. Lias; Bristol. [Portion of fin; o/¢m Bristol Mus.] Tt. ASPIDODUS, Newberry and Worthen. v. Psephodus. ASPIDCRHYNCENUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 135. ? anglicus, L. Agassiz, zdéd., p. 139 (name only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 317. Loc. ‘U. Lias; Whitby.’ [Probably dentary bone of Fu- gnathus ; Brit. Mus.] euodus, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. i, 1845, p. 231; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 317. Loc. Oxford Clay; Christian Malford. [Jaws? Brit. Mus.] fisheri, P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, aec. viii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1855), no. 6, pl. vi; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 317. Loc. Purbeck Beds; Swanage. [Fish ; Dorchester Mus.] sp., A. S. Woodward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. i, 1888, p. 355. Pholidophorus minor?, J. Phillips (zo Agassiz), Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 180, woodcut xl, f. 5,6. [Mandib. ramus; Oxford Mus. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Skulls and jaws ; Brit. Mus.] ASTERACANTHWS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p- 31; A. S. Woodward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. ii, 1888, p. 336. STROPHODUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 116. CurRToDUS, H. E. Sauvage, Cat. Poiss. Form. Second. Boulon- nais (Méin. Soc. Acad. Boulogne-sur- Mer, vol. ii, 1867), p. 53. SPHENONCHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 201 (pars). PISCES. 13 ASTERACANTHUS (continucd)— acutus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 33, pl. viii a, tf a—35 . jo Morris, ‘Cat... Brit. Foss, r$54, p. 317; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 313. Loc. Gt. Oolite (incl. Stonesfield Slate) ; Oxfordshire. Corn- brash ; Northamptonshire. ? Forest Marble; Dorsetshire. [Spine ; Bedford Mus. ] granulosus, P. M. G. Egerton, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. xiii, 1854, p. 434, and Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. viii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1855), no. 1, pli; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 317; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 314. Loc. Wealden: Tilgate Forest. [Spine; Brit. Mus.] minor, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 33, pl. vili a, f. 4-6 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 317. Loc. Unknown, but recorded by Morris as Oolite, England. [ Spine. ] ornatissimus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 31, pl. viii; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 317 ; R. Damon, Geol. Weymouth, 1880, Suppl., pl. x, f. 2; A. S. Wood- ward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 307, pl. xv, 14. Siligquastrum gibbosum, Luidius, Lithophyl. Brit., 1760, p. 74, pl. xvi, f. 1474. Strophodus reticulatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 123, pl. xvii (lettered Psammodus) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 345. [Associated teeth ; Brit. Mus. ] Strophodus subreticulatus, L. Agassiz, zbid., p. 125, pl. xviii, f. 5-10; J. Morris, Cat. Brit/)Foss., 1854, p. 345. [Zeeth,; Bristol, Oxford, and Brit, Mus.] Asteracanthus ornatissimus, var. flettonensis, A. S. Wood- ward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. ii, 1888, p. 341, pl. xii. eo of cartilage, teeth, and spines; A. N. Leeds Coll. ‘ Snout of some animal of the fish tribe,’ H. Baker, Phil. Trans., 1753, p. 118, pl. vi. Loc. Oxford Clay to Kim. Clay; South England. [Spine ; Paris Mus.] T. semisulcatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 34, pl. vili a, f. 7,9, 10 (? f. 8); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 317; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 312. Asteracanthus tenuistriatus, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 178, woodcut xxxviil, f. 7. [Spine ; Oxford Mus.] Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Spines ; Brit. Mus.] 14 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ASTERACANTHWUS (continued)— semiverrucosus, P. M. G. Egerton, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. xiii, 1854, p. 434, and Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. viii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1855), no. 3, pl. ili; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 317. Loc. Purbeck Beds ; Swanage. [Spine; Dorchester Mus. ] stutchburyi, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 177 (name only). [See A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i; 1889, p. 313.] Loc. L. Lias; Charmouth, Dorset. [Spine.] tenuistriatus, Phillips. v. Asteracanthus semisulcatus. verrucosus, P. M.G. Egerton, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. xiii, 1854, p. 433, and Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. viii(Mem. Geol. Surv., 1855), no. 2, pl. ii; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 318; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 313. Loc. Purbeck Beds ; Swanage. [Spine ; Dorchester Mus.] ASTEROLEPYES, E. von Eichwald, Bull. Sci. St. Pétersbourg (1840), p. 79 (Astrolepis) ; R. H. Traquair, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. ii, 1888, p. 492. [Vow Hugh Miller, Footprints of Creator, 1849, p. 70; v. Homosteus.] CHELONICHTHYS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. i (1844), p. xxxill (name only). asmusii (Agassiz), Morris. v. Homosteus milleri. major, Eichwald. wv. Bothriolepis major. malcolmsoni, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1845), p. 147. pl. xxx @, f. 16; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 318. Loc. U. Old Red Sandst. ; Scat Craig, Elgin. [Dermal plate ; olim Malcolmson Coll.] maximus (Agassiz), R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 508, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. 11, 1888, p. 495, pl. xva, f. i, 2 Coccosteus maximus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1845), pe t37,. pl. xe: f. 17, 18. Asterolepis, C. H. Pander, Placoderm. devon. Syst., 1857, p. 17. Pterichthys major, H. Miller (zon Agassiz), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. iv, 1848, p. 311. Loc. U. Old Red Sandst.; Nairnshire. [Anterior median dorsal plate ; Geol. Soc. London. ] minor, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 94, pl. xxviii a. pl. xxx, f. 11, pl. xxxia, f. 29, 30; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 318, Chelonichthys minor, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. i (1844), p XXXiii (name only). Loc. U. Old Red Sandst. ; Elgin. [Dermal plate ; unknown.] PISCES. 15 ASTEROCLEPIES (continuecd)— verrucosus, [-a] F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 9; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 318. ? Oracanthus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 525. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Dermal plate ; Geol. Soc. London. } ASTEROPTYCHIUS, F. M‘Coy (ex Agassiz, MS.), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. 1i, 1848, p. 118. ornatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 176 (name only); F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 615, pl. ili K, f. 23, 24; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 353, pl. xlvi, f. 7-9. Asteroptychius semtornatus, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 118, and Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p. 616, pl. iii K, f. 22; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 318. [Spine ; Woodwardian Mus.] Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Spine ; Woodwardian Mus.] <. portlocki, [-ii] L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 176 (name only). Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Spine.] semiornatus, M‘Coy. v.Asteroptychius ornatus. ASTRABODUS, Davis. v. Psammodus. expansus, Davis. v. Psammodus expansus. AUCHENASPIS, P.M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiii, 1857, p. 286. egertoni, E. R. Lankester, Fishes O. R. Sandst., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1870), p. 57, pl. xiii, f. 3-5, and woodcut 30. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst. Passage Beds ; Ledbury, Herefordshire. [Head-shields ; Oxford Mus.] salteri, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiii, 1857, p. 286, pl. ix; E. R. Lankester, Fishes O. R. Sandst., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1870), p. 56, pl. xiii, f. 7, 8, and wood- cut 29. Loc. Ludlow Tilestones; Herefordshire. [Head-shield; Brit. Mus.] T. AUCHENILABRUS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only). frontalis, L. Agassiz, 2béd., p. 308 (name only). Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Portion of skull; Brit. Mus. ] T. 16 BRITISH FISSTEVERTIELBERATA: AULODUS, Dixon. wv. Ptychodus. agassizi, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 366, pl. xxxii, f. 6; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 318. Abraded tooth of Ptychodus, A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 298. Loc. Chalk ; Sussex. [Tooth ; Brighton Mus.] T. AULOLEPIS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. ii (1843), p. 109; A. Giinther, Introd. Study of Fishes, 1880, p. 631 ; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 323. typus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. ii (1843), p. 109, pl. Ix a, f. 5-8; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 318; A. S. Wood- ward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 324. Loc. Chalk; S.E. England. [Imperfect fish; Brit. Mus.] T. BARSUWS, Cuvier, Régne Animal, vol. ii, 1817, p. 192. ? vulgaris, J. Fleming, Brit. Animals, 1828, p. 185 ; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 124, pl. xviii, £5 15,06: Loc. Forest-Bed Series (U. Freshwater Bed) ; West Runton. [Pharyngeals; A. Savin Coll.] BELONORHYNCHWS, H. G. Bronn, Neues Jahrb., 1858, p. 7. acutus (Agassiz), K. A. von Zittel, Handb. Palzont., vol. iii (1887), p. 222; M. Browne, Vert. Animals Leicestershire, 1889, p. 197. Belonostomus acutus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. il, pt. il (1843), p. 142, pl. xlviia, f. 3,4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 318; F. A. Quenstedt, Der Jura, 1858, p. 234, pl. xx1x, f.8; J. F. Blake, in Tate and Blake, Yorkshire Lias, 1876, p. 259. Belonostomus anningta, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 143 (name only) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 318. [Head; Brit. Mus.] Belonostomus tenellus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 143 (name only). [Mandib. symphysis ; Brit. Mus.] Belonorhynchus anningia, A. S. Woodward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. i, 1888, p. 355, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, p. 147, pl. vii, f. 14. Loc. L. Lias; Dorsetshire. (The so-called Leicestershire specimen in the Leicester Mus. is probably from Lyme Regis.) [Fragments of head ; Brit. Mus. ] anningice, Woodward. v. Belonorhynchus acutus. BELONOSTOMUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 140. acutus, Agassiz. v. Belonorhynchus acutus. anningice, Agassiz. v. Belonorhynchus acutus. PISCES. 17 BELONOSTOMUS (continued) — attenuatus, IF. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 368, pl. xxxv, f. 4, 4"; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 318. Loc. Chalk ; Sussex. [Portion of mandible ; Brighton Mus. ] cinctus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 142, pl. lkvi 2, f. 10-155 Dixon, ‘Geol.’ Sussex, 150, p.' 357, pl. xxv, £. 3, 3%8" J. Morris, ‘Gav, Brit. oss.1854, p. 3153. A. S. Woodward, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, p. 145, pl. vii, f. 7-13, and Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 305. Loc. Chalk ; S. E. England. [Portions of presymphysial bone ; Brit. Mus. ] flexuosus;: B. flexuous, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 180, woodcut xl, f. 3 (name and fig. only). [? Genus.] Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Mandib. ramus ; Oxford Mus. ] ? leptosteus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 143 (name only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 318 ; J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 180, woodcut xl, f. 4 (name and fig. only); A. S. Woodward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. i, 1888, p. 355. LOC. Stonesficld Slate. [Mandib. symphysis ; Oxford Mus.] tenellus, Agassiz. wv. Belonorhynchus acutus. BERYCOPSIS, F. Dixon (ex Agassiz, MS.), Geol. Sussex, 1850, p- 372; A.S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 328. elegans, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 372, pl. xxxv, f. 8; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss, 1854, p. 318; A. S. Woodward Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 328. Loc. Chalk; Sussex. [Imperfect fish ; Brighton Mus. } T. BERY3&, Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 2, vol. ii, 1829, p. 151. lewesiensis (Mantell). v. Hoplopteryx lewesiensis. ? microceptalus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iv (1839), p. 119, pl. xiv 4, f. 3-6, pl. xiv ¢, f. 10; F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 372, pl. xxpziv, f. 3; J..Morns, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 318; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), fi 327. Loc. Chalk; S. E. England. [Imperfect fish ; Brit. Mus.] ornatus, Agassiz. v. Hoplopteryx lewesiensis. radians, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iv (1839), p. 118, pl. xiv 4, f. 7, plexiv ¢, £..7-9; F. ‘Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 371, pl. xxxvi, f.4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 318; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 326, pl.i, £..9. Loc. Chalk ; S. E. Engiand. [Imperfect fish ; Brit. Mus.] superbus, Dixon. v. Hoplopteryx superbus. Cc 18 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. BOTHRIOLEPTS, E. von Eichwald, Bull. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, vol. vii (1840), p. 79. GLYPTOSTEUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. i (1844), p. xxxiv (name only). PAMPHRACTUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 20. HOMOTHORAX, L. Agassiz, zdid., p. 134. PLACOTHORAX, L. Agassiz, zd7d., p. 134. favosus, Agassiz. v. Cricodus favosus. giganteus, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 510. Glypiosteus reticulatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. i (1844), p. xxxiv (Jars, name only). Bothriolepis ornatus, L. Agassiz (pars, non Eichwald), Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1845), p. 99, pl. xxix, f. 3-5 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 319. Loc. U. Old Red Sandst.; Alves, Elgin. [Dermal plates; Brit. Mus.] hydrophilus (Agassiz), R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 510, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. ii, 1888, p- 510. Pamphractus hydrophiius, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 21, pl. iv, f. 4-7. Pamphractus andersoni, L. Agassiz, tbid., p. 21 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 3373; J. Anderson, Dura Den, 1859, pp. 49, 52, pl. i, f. 1. Homothorax fiemingii, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 134, pl. xxxi, f. 6; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329. [Imperfect individual ; o/7#z Fleming Coll.] Pterichthys hydrophilus, H. Miller and P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. iv, 1848, p. 314; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 341; J. Anderson, Dura Den, 1859, pp. 49, 52, pl. i, f. 1; J. Powrie, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xvill, 1862, p. 435. Loc. U. Old Red Sandst.; Dura Den, Fifeshire. [Imperfect individuals ; Mus. Pract. Geol.] macrocephalus (Egerton), R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 510, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. ii, 1888, p. 501. Pterichthys macrocephalus, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 103, woodcuts 1-3, pl. iil, f. 7-0. Loc. U. Old Red Sandst.; Farlow, Shropshire. [Imperfect individuals ; Brit. Mus.] major (Agassiz), J. Lahusen, Verhandl. russ.-kais. Mineral. Gesell. [2] vol. xv, 1880, p. 136; R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. 3h vol. v, 1888, p. 510, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. ii, 1888, p. 501. PISCES. 19 BOTHRIOLEPIS major (continued)— Pterichthys major, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), PP. 5, 19, 133, pl. xxxi, f. 1-3; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 341. Placothorax paradoxus, L. Agassiz, ibid., p. 134, pl. xxx a, f. 20- 23; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 338. [Portions of pectoral appendages ; J. Powrie Coll.] Asterolepis major, E. von Eichwald, Leth. Rossica, 1860, vol. i, p. 1511. Loc. U. Old Red Sandst.; Scat Craig, near Elgin; also Heads of Ayr and Siccar Point. [Proximal plates of pec- toral appendage ; Geol. Soc. London.] obesus, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 510. Loc. U. Old Red Sandst.; Rule Water, near Jedburgh. [Der- mal plates ; Edinburgh Mus.] ornatus, Agassiz (zen Eichwald). v. Bothriolepis giganteus. BOTHROSTEUS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p- 307 (name only). brevifrons, L. Agassiz, 7id., p. 307 (name only). Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Skull.] latus, L. Agassiz, zézd., p. 307 (name only). Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. minor, L. Agassiz, iétd., p. 307 (name only). Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect skull; Brit. Mus.] T. BRACHYACANTHUS, Egerton. v. Ciimatius. scutiger, Egerton. v. Climatius scutiger. BRACHYDEIRUS, A. von Koenen. wv. Coccosteus. milleri (Egerton), Koenen. wv. Coccosteus decipiens. pusillus (M‘Coy), Koenen. v. Coccosteus decipiens. BRACHYGNATHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. ii (1843), p. 139 (name only). tenuiceps, L. Agassiz, ib#d., pp. 139, 142, and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 307 (mame only). Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect skull; Brit. Mus.] T. BROWNEICHTHYS, A. S. Woodward, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1889, and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 455. ornatus, A. S. Woodward, 7éid., p. 455. Loc. L. Lias; Barrow-on-Soar. [Imperfect skeleton; Leicester Mus. ] T. 20 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. BRYCHETUS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only). muelleri, L. Agassiz, zJc/., p. 308 (name only). Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect skull; Brit. Mus.] T. BUCKLANDIUM, C. Konig, Icon. Foss. Sectiles, 1825, p. 4; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1889, p. 208. diluvii, C. Kénig, Icon. Foss. Sectiles, 1825, p. 4, pl. vili, no. 91 ; A. S. Woodward, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1888 (1889), p. 679, and Proc. Zool. Soc., 1889, p. 208, pl. xxii. °? Ephippus, Cuvier,’ J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 319. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Cranium, etc.; Brit. Mus.] T. BYSSACANTHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), pp. 111, 116. arcuatus, L. Agassiz, 2¢¢., p. 111; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, Pp. 319. Onchus arcuatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 7, pl. i, f. 3-5 ; R. I. Murchison, Silur. Syst., 1839, p. 596, pl. ii, f. 10, 11, and Siluria, 1854, pl. xxxvi, f. 7, 8. Loc. Devonian; Bromyard. [? Spine ; o//#z Murchison Coll.] CHLACANTHUS, auct. = Ccelacanthus. CZILODUS, auct. = Ccelodus. CALAMOPLEURWS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. i (1843), p. 122 (name only) ; F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p- 375; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p- 324. anglicus, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 375, pl. xxxii, f. 12; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 319; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 324. Loc. Chalk; S. E. England. [Imperfect fish ; Brit. Mus.] T. CALLOPRISTODUWS, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 85. AGELEODUS, R. Owen, Trans. Odontol. Soc., vol. v, 1867, p. 340 (insufficiently defined). CTENOPTYCHIUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 99 (pars). ? aciculatus (W. J. Barkas), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 56. : Ctenoptychius aciculatus, WW. J. Barkas, Monthly Rev. Dental Surgery, vol. il, 1874, p. 533, f. xxiv-xxvi. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Newsham, Northumberland. [Tooth ; W. J. Barkas Coll.] PISCES. 21 CALLOPRISTODUWS (continued)— pectinatus (Agassiz), R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 85; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, P: 55. Ctenoptychius pectinatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p- 100, pl. xix, f. 2-4; E. W. Binney, Trans. Manchester Geol. Soc., vol. i (1841), p. 169, pl. v, f. 20,21; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 324; T. P. Barkas, Coal-Meas. Palzont., 1873, p. 18, f. 17-19; W. J. Barkas, Monthly Rey. Dental Surgery, vol. ii, 1874, p. 440, f. xili, xvili, xix ; T. Stock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. ix, 1882, p. 256, pl. viii, f. 5-17. Ctenoptychius denticulatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. tii (1838), p. tol, pl. xix, f. 5-7; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 324; W. J. Barkas, } Monthly Rev. Dental Surgery, vol. ii, 1874, p. 441. [Tooth ; Edinburgh Mus.] Ageleodus diadema, R. Owen, Trans. Odontol. Soc., vol. v, 1867, p- 340, pl. iv. (Micro. section of tooth ; Brit. Mus.] Ctenoptychius obtusus, T, P. Barkas, English Mechanic, vol. xii (1871), p. 469, woodcut. [Tooth ; T. P. Barkas Coll.] Loc. L. Carb.; Scotch Coalfield. Coal-Meas.; Northumber- land, Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Staffordshire. [Teeth ; oiim Roy. Soc. Edinburgh and S. Hibbert Coll.] T. CALOPOMUS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 307 (name only). porosus, L. Agassiz, zbz7., p. 307 (name only). Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Imperfect skull ; Brit. Mus.] T. CAMPYLOPLEURON, Huxley. wv. Ctenodus. CANOBIUS, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx (1881), p. 46. elegantulus, R. H. Traquair, z6zd., p. 49, pl. v, f. 5-8. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cement-stone Group); Glencartholm, Eskdale. [Fish ; Geol. Surv. Scotland, Edinburgh. ] obscurus, R. H. Traquair, zdzd., p. 68. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cement-stone Group); Blackadder Water. [Imperfect fishes ; Geol. Surv. Scotland. | politus, R. H. Traquair, zdzd., p. 53, pl. v, f. 14-16. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cement-stone Group); Glencartholm, Eskdale. [Fish, wanting tail ; Geol. Surv. Scotland.] pulchellus, R. H. Traquair, zd¢d., p. 51, pl. v, f. 9-13. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cement-stone Group); Glencartholm, Eskdale. [fish ; Gecl. Surv. Scotland. | ramsayi, kK. H. Traquair, zo77., p. 47, pl. v, f. 1-4. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cement-stone Group) ; Glencartholm, Eskdale. [Fish; Geol. Surv. Scotland. ] T. 22 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA, CANTIOSCYLULIUM, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 347. ScYLLIoDuS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 377 (pars). decipiens, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 347. Scylliodus antiguus, L. Agassiz (errore), Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 378, pl. xxxviii, f. 2. Loc. L. Chalk ; Burham, Kent. [Remains of head, vertebrz, etc. ; Brit. Mus.] T. CARCHARIAS, Cuvier, Régne Animal, vol. ii, 1817, p. 125 GLYPHIS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), p. oe (Scoliodon) eoczenus, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 436. Loc. London Clay ; Highgate. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] (Scoliodon) orpiensis (Winkler). v. Acanthias orpiensis. (%ypoprion) sp., A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 439. Loc. Woolwich and Reading R Sy W. Davis Coll.] (If truly distinct, requires a new specific name). Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fish; Brit. Mus.] leptodus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 105 (name only). Loc. L. Lias ; Lyme Regis. mandibularis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 105 (name only). Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. minor, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 103, pl. lviiia, f. 1; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 326. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Portion of head and trunk; Oxford Mus.] opercularis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 104 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 326. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fish ; unknown.] ornatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 105 (name only). Loc. L. Lias ; Lyme Regis. orthostomus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 98, pl. lvii@ ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 326. Lepidosteus ? dentosus, C. Koenig, Icon. Foss. Sect. (1825), pl. xii, f. 140. Eugnathus speciosus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 100, pl. lvii; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, . p. 326. [Head and scales ; ; Oxford Mus. ] Eugnathus scabriusculus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 105 (name only). [Jaws, etc.; Brit. Mus.] Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fish; Brit. Mus.] T. ee ai PISCES. 79 BUGNATHUS (continued) — philpotes, [-ix] L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 101, pl. lviii; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 326. Heterolepidotus sauroides, P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. xiii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1872), no. 3, pl. iii. [Fish ; Brit. Mus.] Ophiopsts saurotdes, K. A. v. Zittel, Handb, Palzont., vol. iii (1887), p. 217. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fish, wanting jaws ; Oxford Mus.] polyodon, Agassiz. v. Platysiagum sclerocephalum. scabriusculus, Agassiz. v.Eugnathus orthostomus. serratus: Lissolepis serratus, J. W. Davis, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. xiii, 1884, p. 449, pl. xvi. T. (Lissolepis.) Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fish; J. W. Davis Coll.] serrulatus : /Te/erolepidotus serrulatus, P. M.G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. xiii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1872), no. 2. Lepidotus serrulatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1843), p. 305, pl. xxxi; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, P. 332. Loc. L. Lias ; Barrow-on-Soar. [Imperfect fish; Brit. Mus.] speciosus, Agassiz. v. Eugnathus orthostomus. tenuidens, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 105 (name only). Loc. L. Lias; Street, Somersetshire. [Maxilla; Brit. Mus.] EVURERASPIS, E. R. Lankester, Fishes O. R. Sandst., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1870), p. 56. SCLERODUS, L. Agassiz, in Murchison’s Silur. Syst., 1839, p. 606 (inappropriate). PLECTRODUS, L. Agassiz, zdéd., p. 606; P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xili, 1857, p. 288 (inappropriate). pustuliferus (Agassiz), E. R. Lankester, Fishes O. R. Sandst., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1870), p. 58, pl. xiii, f. 9-14. Sclerodus pustuliferus, L. Agassiz, in Murchison’s Silur. Syst., 1839, pp. 606, 704, pl. iv, f. 27-32, 60-62; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 344. T. (Sclerodus.) Plectrodus (Sclerodus) pustuliferus, R. 1. Murchison, Siluria, 1854, pl. xxxv, f. g-12. Plectrodus mirabilis, L. Agassiz, in Murchison’s Silur. Syst. 1839, pp. 60€, 704, pl. iv, f. 14-16; R. I. Murchison, Siluria, 1854, pl. xxxv, f. 3-8 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 339- T. (Plectrodus.) Plectrodus pleiopristis, L. Agassiz, in Murchison’s Silur. Syst., 1839, p. 606, pl. iv, f. 18, 19, 22-24; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 339. 80 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. EVUKERASPIS pustuliferus (continued)— Plectrodus pustuliferus, FE. R. Lankester, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1867 (1868), Sect., p. 63. Pterygotus pustulifer, J. W. Salter, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. ix, 1853, p. 14 (referred to Crustacea). Loc. Downton Sandst.; Ludlow. [Cornua of head-shields ; Brit. Mus. (pars). ] =. sp.: Plectrodus, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiii, 1857, p. 288, pl. x, f. 2-4. Loc. Downton Sandst.; Ludlow. [Portions of cornua ; Ludlow and Brit. Mus.] EURYCORMWUS, A. Wagner, Abh. k. bay. Akad. Wiss., math.- phys. Cl., vol. ix (1863), p. 707. grandis, A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 449,. and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1889. Loc. Kim. Clay; Ely. [Head ; Woodwardian Mus.] EURYGNATHUS, L. Agassiz (zon Wollaston), Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 307 (name only). cavifrons, L. Agassiz, 7é¢d., p. 307 (name only). toc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect skull; Brit. Mus.] T.. EURYGNATHUS, Davis. v. Enchodus. EURYNOTWS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt.i (1835), p- 153; P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. vi, 1850, p. 2; J. Young, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, p- 314; R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxix, 1879, p. 343. PLECTROLEPIS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 1 (1843), p. 306 (name only); P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. vi, 1850, p. 3. ? aprion (?), R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx, 1881, Pp. 5a spl-v, f. 20. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cement-stone Group); Tweeden Burn, Liddesdale, Dumfriesshire. L. Carb.; Moyheeland, Drapers- town, Ireland. [Scales ; Geol. Surv. Scotland.] crenatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p. 154, pls. xiv a, 6; S. Hibbert, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xiii (1835), pl. vii, f. 4 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 326 ; R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxix, 1879, Pp- 349, pl. iil, f. 1-16, and zdzd., vol. xxx, 1881, p. 54. Plectrolepis rugosus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 1 (1843),. p. 306 (name only); P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. vi, 1850, p. 4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 339. [Fish; Brit. Mus.] T. (Plectrolepis.): PISCES. 81 EURYNOTUS crenatus (continued)— Platysomus declivus (L. Agassiz, MS.), J. Morris, Cat. Brit, Foss., 1854, p. 339. [Distorted fish; Brit. Mus.] Loc. L. Carb.; South Scotland. [Imperfect fishes; Edinburgh Mus. (fars).] T. fimbriatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p. 157, pl. xivc, f. 1-3; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 326; R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc, Edinb., vol. xxiv, 1867, p. 710, pl. xlv, f. 8, 9. Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Wardie, near Edinburgh. [Portions of trunk ; Oxford Mus. ] EURYPOMA, T.H. Huxley, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. xii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1866), p. 32. egertoni (Egerton), T. H. Huxley, 7d7d., p. 32. Macropoma egertoni, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 174 (name only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332; P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. ix(Mem. Geol. Surv., 1858), no. 10, pl. x. Loc. Gault ; Speeton, Yorkshire. [Anterior half of fish ; Brit. Mus. ] rT. EURYSOMUS, Young. v. Globulodus. macrurus (Agassiz), Young. v. Globulodus macrurus. EUTHACANTHUS, Powrie. v. Climatius. curtus, Powrie. v. Diplacanthus curtus. elegans, Powrie. v. Climatius gracilis. gracilis, Powrie. v. Climatius gracilis. grandis, Powrie. v. Climatius grandis. menicoli, Powrie. v. Climatius macnicoli. FISSODUWS, O. St. John and A. H. Worthen, Pal. Illinois, vol. vi, 1875, p. 413. pattoni, R. Etheridge, jun., Geol. Mag. [2] vol. iv, 1877, p. 306, plz, f. 2, 3. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; South Scotland. [Tooth ; Geol. Surv. Scotland. ] GADOPSIS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only). breviceps, L. Agassiz, zdéd., p. 308 (name only). Loc, London Clay ; Sheppey. [Head.] Tt. GADUS, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 435. [See also Platax woodwarda?.| morrhua, Linnzus, 267d., p. 436: E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 127, pl. xix, f. 4, 5. Loc. Forest Bed; Norfolk. [Denfary and articular; Mus. Pract. Geol.) G 82 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. GADUS (continued)— pollachius, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 439; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 128, pl. xviii, f. 24. Loc. Weybourn Crag; Norfolk. [Otolith ; Mus. Pract. Geol.] GALEOCERDO, J. Miiller and F. G. Henle, Syst. Beschreib. Plagiostom., 1841, p. 59. PROTOGALEUS, R. Molin, Sitz. math.-nat. Cl. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. xl, 1860, p. 583. latidens, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 231, pl. xxvi, f. 22, 23,(? f.20, 21); F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p: 202, pl. xi, f. 22, 23; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 326; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 444. Loc. Bracklesham Beds. [Tooth; Paris Mus.] ? minor, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 232, pl. xxvi, f. 15-19 (? f. 20, 21), pl. xxvi a, f. 64-66; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 446. Protogaleus minor, ®. Molin, Sitz. math.-nat. Cl. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. xl, 1860, p. 583. Loc. Eocene; London and Hampshire Basins. [Zeeth,; Brit. Mus.| ? sp., A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i (1889), p. 447. Loc. London Clay; Highgate. [Tooth; Brit. Mus., no. 431352.] GALEUS, Cuvier, Régne Animal, vol. ii, 1817, p. 127. canis, C. L. Bonaparte (er Rondelet), Fauna Italica, Pesci, 1841; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 130, pl.-xcix, f. 7. Loc. Forest-Bed Series ; Norfolk. [Teeth; Mus. Pract. Geol.] pristodontus, Agassiz. v. Corax falcatus and C. pristodontus. sp., A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 452. Loc. London Clay ; Highgate. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus., no. 431342.] sp., A. S. Woodward, 707d., p. 452. Loc. Barton Clay; Highcliff. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus., nos. 402422, 40245.] GANACRODUS, R. Owen, Trans. Odontol. Soc., vol. v, 1867, p. 349. Undetermined Palzoniscid genus (A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iii (1870), p. 100). hastula, R. Owen, zé7d., p. 349, pl. vi. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Newsham. [Micro. section of tooth.] GANODUWS, L. Agassiz (ex Egerton, MS.), Poiss. Foss., vol. iti (1843), p. 339. PsITTACODON, L, Agassiz, 2d, p. 340 (pars). bucklandi, Egerton. v. Ischyodus bucklandi. i= F il 4 PISCES. 83 GANODUWS (coniinued)— colei, Agassiz. v. Ischyodus colei. curvidens, P. M. G. Egerton, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iv (1843), p- 154 (Chtweera), and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. iti, 1847, p. 352; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 327. Chimera (Ganodus) curvidens, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iit (1843), p. 348. [? Ganodus rugulosus.] Loc. Stonesfieid Slate. [Mandib. tooth ; Brit. Mus.] dentatus, P. M. G. Igerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. iil, 1847, p. 352; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 327. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Mandib. tooth ; Brit. Mus.] emarginatus, Egerton. wv. Ischyodus emarginatus. falcatus, P. M. G. Egerton, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iv (1843), p. 154 (Chineera), and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. iii, 1847, p- 3523; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 327. Chimera (Psittacodon) falcata, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 349, pl. xl, f. 13. [? Ganodus owent.] Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Mandib. tooth; Brit. Mus.] neglectus, P. M. (:. Egerton, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iv (1813), p. 153 (Chzmera), and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. iil, 1847, p. 352; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 327. Chimara (Ganodus) neglecta, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iti (1343), p. 347, pl. xl\c, f. IF. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [{Mandib. tooth; Brit. Mus.] oweni, L. Agassiz (¢x Buckland, MS.), Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), p. 347, pl. xl, f. 6, 7 (CAimara (Ganodus) owenit) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 327. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. {Mandib. tooth; Brit. Mus.] psittacinus, P. VM. G. Egerton, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iv (1843), p- 153 (Chimera), and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. 11, 1847, p. 352; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 327. Chimera (Psittacodon) psittacina, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 350, pl. xle, f. 12. [? Ganodus owent?.| Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Mandib. tooth ; Brit. Mus.] rugulosus, P. MM. G. Egerton, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iv (1843), Pp. 154 (Chimera), and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. iil, 1847, p. 352; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 327. Chimera (Ganodus) rugulosa, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iti (1843), p. 347. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Mandib. tooth; Brit. Mus.] GANOLODUS, Owen. v. Rhizodopsis and Megalichthys. eraggesi, Owen. v. Rhizodopsis sauroides. sicula, Owen. v. Megalichthys hibberti. undatus, R. Etheridge, Foss. Brit. Islands, pt. i, 1888, p. 328 : misprint for 4eanodus undatus. 84 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. GANOPRISTODUWS, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. viii, 1881, p. 37- splendens, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. viii, 1881, p. 37, and zdzd. [2] vol. ix, 1882, p. 543. Loc. M. Carb. Limest. (Blackband Ironstone); Borough Lee, near Edinburgh. [Jaws ; Edinburgh Mus.] oe GANOREYNCHUS, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag., vol. x, 1873, Pp. 555- woodwardi, R. H. Traquair, zézd., p. 555, pl. xiv. Loc. Unknown. [End of snout; Brit. Mus.] T. GEISACANTHUS, St. John and Worthen. v. Cosmacanthus. GLOBULODUS, G. von Minster, Beitr. Petrefakt., pt. v, 1842, Pp. 47- EuRYSOMUS, J. Young, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, p. 311; R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., Vol xxix, 1879, p. 358. macrurus (Agassiz), R. Howse, Guide Coll. Local Foss. Mus. Nat. Hist. Soc., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1889, p. 24. ‘Fossil Fish, A. Sedgwick, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. iii (1829), Ps L186, pl. xigek a; 2. Platysomus macrurus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 1 (1835), p- 170, pl. xviil, f. 1, 2; W. King, Permian Foss. (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 227, pl. xxvi, f. 1; J. Moris, Cat Bat Foss., 1854, p. 339. Eurysomus macrurus, J. Young, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, p. 311; R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxix, 1879, p. 359, pl. iv, f. lo,11. T. (Zurysomius.) Loc. Marl-Slate; Midderidge and Ferryhill. [Fish; unknown.] GLOSSODUWS, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 127,and Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., vol. i (1848), p. 66. ling ua-bovis, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p- 127; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, 7 g27- An os Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 60. Glossodus marginatus, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 128, and Brit. Paleeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 629, pl. iiiK, £1; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p.' 327; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 51e, pl. Ixi, f. 3-5. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Teeth ; o/c Capt. Jones Coll. } T. marginatus, M‘Coy. v. Glossodus lingua-bovis. GLYPHANODUS, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 386. PISCES. 85 GLYPHANODUS (continued)— tenuis, J. W. Davis, 7d/d@., p. 386, pl. xlix, f. 24, 25, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. x!, 1884, p. 621, pl. xxvii, f. 8. ? Abraded teeth of Petalodus (A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 47). Loc. Yoredale Rocks ; Wensleydale. [Tooth ; York Mus.] @. GLYPHIS, Agassiz. v. Carcharias. hastalis, Agassiz. v. Carcharias (Prionodon) hastalis. GLYPTOCEPHALUS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only) ; A. Giinther, Introd. Study Fishes, 18380, p. 684. radiatus, L. Agassiz, 7bid., p. 308 (name only). . Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Head.] ae GLYPTOLZMUS, T. H. Huxley, in J. Anderson’s Dura Den, 1859, p. 63(wrongly engraved on plate, ‘ G/y/lolwmus, Agass.’), and Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. x (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1861), p. 41. kinnairdi, T. H. Huxley, in Anderson’s Dura Den, 1859, p. 63, pls. iii and iv, and Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. x (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1861), p. 41, pls. i, 11. ? Diplopterus dalgleisiensis, J. Anderson (‘ex Agassiz’), Dura Den, 1859, p. 71, pl. i, f. 4. (Assigned to G/ypto/emus by J. Powrie, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 435.) [Head ; Mus. Pract. Geol.] Loc. U. Old Red Sandst.; Dura Den, Fife. [Fishes ; Mus. Pract. Geol. Tv. GLY PTOLEPISS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 62. PLATYGNATHUS, L. Agassiz, zdzd., pp. 61, 76. elegans, Agassiz. wv. Glyptolepis leptopterus. leptopterus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 11 (1843), p. 179, and Poss: Poss. Vs G. R."(1844), p.763,) ple: xx, xxi; J Mortis, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p..327;, F.,M‘Coy, Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p. 590; R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 513. Glyptolepis, H. Miller, Old Red Sandst., 1841, p. 81, pl. v, f. 2. Glyptolepis elegans, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 11 (1843), p. 179, and Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 65, pl. xix, f 4, 5; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 327. [Portions of fishes ; unknown. ] Holoptychius sedgwickii, ¥F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 311, and Brit. Palaoz. Foss. (1855), p- 595, pl. ii D, f. 6; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329. [Fish ; Woodwardian Mus. | Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Nairnshire, Banffshire, Cromarty, and Orkney. [Portions of fishes ; Brit. Mus.] Tt. 86 BRITISH FOSSTE VERTE BIeAIA, GLYPTOLEPIS (continued)— microlepidotus, Agassiz. v. Gyroptychius microlepidotus. paucidens (Agassiz), R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p: 503: Platygnathus paucidens, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), pp. 61, 78, pl. xxviii, f. 11 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 339. T. (Platygnathus.) Jaws and scales, etc., of Asterolefis, H. Miller, Footprints of Creator, 1849, p. 71, woodcuts 25, 26, 30-33, 42. zoc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Orkney and Caithness. [Mandib. ramus ; Brit. Mus.] ? sp., J. Powrie, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 435. [Withdrawn in Geologist, 1863, p. 96.} Loc. U. Old Red Sandst.; Dura Den, Fifeshire. GLYPTOPOMUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V.G. R. (1844), p. 57; J. Anderson, Dura Den, 1859, p. 55; T. H. Huxley, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. xii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1866), no. I. PLATYGNATHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 77 (pars). minor, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 57, pl. xxvi; J. Anderson, Dura Den, 1859, p. 55, pl. ii; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 327; T. H. Huxley, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. xii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1866), Paayapl. 3, f 9: Platygnathus minor, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1843), p. 162 (name only), and Poiss. Foss. V. G. R., lettering of pl. xxvi. Loc. U. Old Red Sandst.; Dura Den. [Portion of fish; Brit. Mus. | T. sp., Huxley. v. Holoptychius flemingi. GLY PTOSTEUS, Agassiz. v. Bothriolepis. reticulatus, Agassiz. v. Bothriolepis giganteus. GNATHACANTHUS, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 363. striatus, J. W. Davis, 7é¢7., p. 364, pl. xviii, f. 12. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Spine ; Brit. Mus.] triangularis, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 363, pl. xlviii, f. 11. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Spine ; Brit. Mus.] T. GOMPHACANTHUS, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., _ vol. xl, 1884, p. 618. acutus, J. W. Davis, zé7d., p. 618, pl. xxvi, f. 9. Loc. Yoredale Rocks ; Wensleydale, Yorkshire. [Spine ; York Mus.]} ie PISCES. 87 GOMPHODWUS, A. E. Reuss, Verstein. bohm. Kreideform., pt. ii, 1846, p. 99. sp., A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 338. Loc. U. Chalk ; Gravesend and Charing, Kent. [Teeth; Brit. Mus., nos. 41702 and P. 334.] GONATODUS, R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxili, 1877, p. 555, and Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix, 1877, p. 265. MICROCONODUS, R. H. Traquair, Ganoid Fishes Brit. Carb. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1877), p. 12 (name only). macrolepis, R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiii, 1877, p. 556, and Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix, 1877, p: 271. Loc. M. Carb. Limest. (Blackband Ironstone); Gilmerton. [Fish ; Edinburgh Mus. ] molyneuxi, R. H. Traquair (ex Ward, MS.), Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 252; J. Ward, Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x, 1889, pl. vi, f. 2, 11. Microconodus molyneuxi, R. H. Traquair, Ganoid Fishes Brit. Carb. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1877), p. 33 (name only). T. (Microconodus.) Loc. Coal-Meas. (Deep-Mine Ironstone) ; Longton, Stafford- shire. [Fish ; J. Ward Coll.] parvidens, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. ix, 1882, p. 546. Loc. M. Carb. Limest. (Blackband Ironstone) ; Borough Lee, near Edinburgh. [Fish ; Edinburgh Mus. | punctatus (Agassiz), R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxill, 1877, p. 555,and Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix, 1877, p. 265. Amblypterus punctatus, L.. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p. 109, pl. ive, f.. 4 (won f. 3, 5-8); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 317. [See also E/onichthys intermedius.| | ? Amblyplerus anconoechmodus, R. Walker, Trans. Edinb. Geol. | Soc., vol. ii, pt. i (1872), p. 118. Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Wardie and ? Pitcorthie, Fifeshire. [Im- perfect fish ; Edinburgh Mus.] T. GONIOBATIS, Le Hon. wv. Aetobatis. GONIOGNATHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. i (1843), p. 63 (name only). coryphenoides, L. Agassiz, zbid., p. 63 (name only). Ze Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Imperfect skull; Brit. Mus.] ( mazillaris, L. Agassiz, 2béd., p. 63 (name only). Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Imperfect skull ; Brit. Mus.] 88 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. GRAPTOLEPIS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 106 (name only). ornatus, L. Agassiz, 7bzd., p. 163 (name only). Loc. Coal-Meas.; Carluke. [Ornamented plate.] =. GYRACANTHUWS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 175 R. H. Traquair, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. xiii (1884), p. 38, and Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb., vol. viii (1884), p- 91; J. Thomson; Trans. ‘Geol. Soe Glasgow, vol. iil, pt. 1 (1868), p. 130. Mirropus, R. Owen, Trans. Odontol. Soc., vol. v, 1867, p. 338. alnwicensis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 19, pl. ia, f. 8 (undefined) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 327. Loc. Carb. Limest.; Alnwick, Northumberland. [Fragment of spine. ] denticulatus, J. W. Davis, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. vi, 1880, p. 372, woodcuts. Loc. M. Coal-Meas.; Tingley, Yorkshire. [Extremity of spine; J. W. Davis Coll.] formosus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iti (1837), p. 17, pl. v, f. 2-6; E. W. Binney, Trans. Manchester Geol. Soc., vol. i. (1841), e163 eS Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, Pp. 3273 J, Ww ard, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 216, f. 3, and Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), pl. iii, f. 1; R. H. Traquair, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. xiii, 1884, p. 46. * Fish spine ?,’ J. De C. Sowerby, Zool. Journ., vol. i, 1825, p. 252, pl. viii, f. 9, and zé¢d., vol. ii, 1826, p. 22. Gyracanthys tuberculatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iil (1837), p. 19, pl. ia, f. 1-7; J. Morris, Cat. Bnt. Foss., 1854, p. 327; A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iii (1870), p. 108, and zdzd., vol. iv (1872), p. 421; A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. i, 1868, p. 368, and zézd. [4] vol. ix, 1872, p. 260; J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875. p. 317 ; J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxll, 1876, p. 334. [Spine.] Gyracanthus, T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, p. 15, f. 1- -5: [The spine from the Calcif. Sandst. of Burdiehouse, figured by S. Hibbert, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xii (1835), pl. x1, f. 1, and assigned to Gyracanthus formosus by Agassiz, is of doubtful species. ] Loc. Coal-Meas.; Staffordshire, Lancashire, Yorkshire, North- umberland, and South Scottish Coalfield. [Spine.] Tt. nobilis, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. x, 1883, p. 542, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. xiii, 1884, p. 44, and Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb., vol. viii, 1884, p. 100. PISCES. 89 GYRACANTHWUS nobilis (con/inued)— Gyracanthus tuberculatus, R. H. Traquair (#0 Agassiz), Geol. Mag. [2] vol. viii, 1881, p. 35, and ? T. Stock, Trans. Edinb. Nat. Field Club, vol. i (1883), p. 50. Gyracanthus formosus, R. H. Traquair (#0n Agassiz), Geol. Mag. [2] vol. ix, 1882, p. 542. Loc. M. Carb. Limest.; Edinburgh and Fifeshire. [Spine ; R. H. Traquair Coll.] obliquus, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 117, and Brit. Palwoz. Foss. (1855), p. 629, pl. iii K, f. 13, 14; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 327. Loc. L. Carb.; Moyheeland. [Spine ; Woodwardian Mus.]} ornatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 177 (name only). Loc. Coal-Meas. ; Wales. [Spine.] tuberculatus, Agassiz. wv. Gyracanthus formosus. youngi, [-ii] R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. x, 1883, p. 543, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. xiii, 1884, p. 47, and Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb., vol. viii, 1884, p. 103. Loc. M. Carb. Limest.; Scottish Coalfield. [Spine; R. H. Traquair Coll.] sp., R. Howse, Trans. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, vol. i, 1848, p. 237 ; assigned to G. formzosus by W. King, Permian Foss. (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 221. Loc. L. Permian; Westoe. [Spine ; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Mus. | (dermal tubercles of). wv. Mitrodus quadricornis. GYRODWS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 223; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1838 (1839), Sect., p. 143; J. J. Heckel, Denkschr, k. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.- naturw. Cl., vol. xi, 1856, p. 200. SPHZRODUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1833), p. 15, and 77d., pt. ii (1843), p. 209 (pars). angustus, Agassiz. v. Cclodus angustus. coccoderma, P.M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv, 1869, p. 383, woodcuts 3, 4. Loc. Kim. Clay ; Kimeridge. [Vomer; Mus. Pract. Geol.] conicus, Dixon. v.Gyrodus cretaceus. cretaceus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 233, pl. Ixix a, f. 13; F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 370, pl. xxx, f. 15 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 308. Gyrodus mammillaris, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 1i (1843), p. 236, pl. Ixxili a, f. I, 2. Pycnodus marginalis, L. Agassiz, t67d., pt. ii (1843), p. 199- [Tooth ; o/vz Manchester Mus.] fee) BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. GYRODUS cretaceus (comtinued)— Spherodus mammillarts, L. Agassiz, tbfd., pt. 1 (1833), p. 15 (pars). Gyrodus conicus, ¥. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 370, pl. xxxii, f. 8; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328. [Teeth.] Loc. Chalk ; Sussex. [Vomer; Brit. Mus.] cuvieri, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss.,vol. ii, pt. 11 (1843), p. 230, pl. Ixixa, f. 21-23; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328. Gyrodus minor, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. 11, pt. ii (1843), p. 234, pl. Ixixa, f. 14;-J. Merris, Cat. Brit. “Pess.854, p. 328. [Mandib. dentition. ] ‘Jaw-bone and teeth of a reptile,’ J. Phillips, Geol. Yorkshire, 1829, p. 124, pl. ii, f. 55. [Type of G. mznor, Agassiz.] Loc. Kim. Clay; Ely and Weymouth. Speeton Clay; York- shire Coast. [Mandib. dentition. ] goweri, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv, 1869, Pp. 379, woodcuts I, 2. Loc. M. Jurassic; Culgower, Sutherland. [Trunk; Marcus Gunn Coll. and o/m Dunrobin Mus.] leevior, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 233, pl. Ixix a, f. 12; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328. [Splenial dentition of Pycnodus toliapicus from the London Clay of Sheppey in Enniskillen Coll., Brit. Mus., erroneously identi- fied with this species. | Loc. Unknown. [Splenial dentition ; Paris Mus.] manmmillaris, Agassiz. v. Gyrodus cretaceus. mantelli, Agassiz. v. Ccelodus mantelli. minor, Agassiz. v. Gyrodus cuvieri. ornatissimus, J. F. Blake, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi, 1875, p. 223; R. Damon, Geol. Weymouth, ed. 3, 1888, Suppl., pl. xi, f. 1-3, 6. [? G. cuviert.] Loc. L. Kim. Clay ; Weymouth. [Dentition ; Brit. Mus.] perlatus, Agassiz. v. Mesodon bucklandi. punctatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 231, pl. bux a, f. 24. Loc. Corallian ; Malton, Yorkshire. [Vomer ; York Mus.] trigonus, Agassiz. v. Mesodon trigonus. sp.: Spherodus gigas, P. M. G. Egerton (#om Agassiz), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv, 1869, p. 385, woodcut 5. 1oc. Kim. Clay ; Kimeridge. [Vomer.] GYWROLEPIS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1833), pp. 6, 172, and zé7d,, pt. ii (1843), p. 285; R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiii, 1877, p. 567; W. Dames, Palzont. Abhandl., vol. iv, 1888, p. 135. albertii, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p. 173, pl. xix, f. 1-6, and zd/d., pt. ii (1843), p. 285; R. Etheridge, Proc. PISCES. gt GYROLEPIS albertii (continucd)— Cardiff Naturalists’ Soc. vol. iii, 1872, pl. ii, f. 18 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328 ; W. Dames, Palzeont. Abhandl., vol: iv, 1888, po n43, pl. x1; f. 1, pl xi, fr, pl. xv, fi. 13 A: S. Woodward, Trans. Leicester Lit. and Phil. Soc., n.s., pt. xi (1889), p. 20 Gyrolepis tenuistriatus, LL. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p. 174, pl. xix, f. ro-12, and zéid., pt. ii (1843), p. 285 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328. Gyrolepis maximus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p. 175, pl. xix, f. 7-9, and zdzd., pt. ii (1843), p. 285. Loc. Khzetic; Gloucestershire, Monmouthshire, Somersetshire, Devonshire, and Leicestershire. [Scales.] 7. giganteus, Agassiz. v. Holoptychius nobilissimus. maximus, Agassiz. v. Gyrolepis albertii. rankinei, Agassiz. v. Acrolepis rankinei. tenuistriatus, Agassiz. wv. Gyrolepis albertii. penne eanenet has cee —— ee ee GY RONCHUS, Agassiz. v. Mesodon. oblongus, Agassiz. v. Mesodon oblongus. GYROPRISTIS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 177 (name only). obliquus, L. Agassiz, 70¢d., p. 177 (name only); W. King, Per- mian Foss. (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 2225 J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328. Loc. ? Permian ; Belfast. [‘ Ichthyodorulite.’] GYROPTYCHIUS. F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 307, and Brit. Palaeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 596; emend. R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 514. [See also Diplopterus.| angustus, M‘Coy. v. Gyroptychius microlepidotus. diplopteroides, M‘Coy. v. Diplopterus agassizi. microleridotus (Agassiz), R. H. Traquair, zé¢@., p. 514. | Glyptolepis microlepidotus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 65, pl. xxi a, f. 3-7; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, Pp. 327. | Gyroptychius angustus, ¥. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] | vol. ii, 1848, p. 308, and Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p. 596, pl. ic, f.2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328; R. Traquair, Trans, Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxvii (1875), p. 395 ; C.H. Pander, Saurodipt., Dendrodont.,etc., devon. Syst., 1860, p- 79, pl. vi, f. 1-7, pl. vii, f. 1-3; T. H. Huxley, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. x (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1861), p. 3, woodcut 3 (Gyroptychius). {Imperfect fish ; Woodwardian Mus. | Loc. L. Old Red Sandst. ; Lethen Bar and Orkney. [Portions of fishes ; Brit. Mus. and Forres Mus.] oe 92 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. GYROSTEUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 179 (name only) ; He Ss "Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xi (1889), p. 36. mirabilis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii pees Pp. 179 (name only) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss.,1854, p. G. Egerton, Phil. Trans. , 1858, p:.883.5\ J. iE, Bake i in Tate and Blake, Yorksh. Lias, 1876, p: 256,, & 2. 3° "A. S. Wood- ward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xi (1889), p. 32, woodcuts 2-7. Sepia incomposita, M. Simpson, Foss. Yorkshire Lias, 1855, p. 21. [Bone ; Whitby Mus.] Loc. U. Lias; Whitby. [Various bones ; Brit. Mus.] =~ HALECOPSIS., L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. 11 (1843), p. 139, and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only). teevis, L. Agassiz, zé#d. (1843), p. 139, and zzd., 1844, p. 308 (name only). Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect fish ; Brit. Mus.] T. HARPACANTEUS, R. H. Traquair, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5} vol. xvill, 1886, p. 493. fimbriatus ( Stock), R. H. Traquair, zé7d., p. 493, woodcut. Tristychius fimbriatus, T. Stock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. xii, 1883; p. 177, pl. vil, £ 1. Loc. M. Carb. Limest.; Gilmerton, near Edinburgh. [Spine ; Edinburgh Mus. ] T. HARPACODUS, Davis. v. Ctenoptychius. clavatus, Davis. wv. Venustodus clavatus. dentatus (Owen), Davis. v. Ctenoptychius dentatus. HARPACTES, Egerton. v. Harpactira. velox, Egerton. v. Harpactira velox. HARPACTIRA, I. M. G. Egerton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. iii, 1876, p. 576. HARPACTES, P. M. G. Egerton, 7d¢d., p. 441 (preoccupied). velox, P. M. G. Egerton, 7é/d., p. 441 (Harpactes). Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fish; Brit. Mus.] T. HELODUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 104. {A provisional generic name principally applied to undeter- mined anterior teeth of Cochlexinanidss (A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 218).] LoPpHopus, H. Romanovsky, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, vol. XXXVil, pt. ii, 1864, p. 160. acutus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p..455, pl. lee a Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth; Brit. Mus.]} PISCES. 93 HELODWS (continued)— angularis: Lofhodus angularis, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 628, pl. xxvii, f. 25. Loc. Yoredale Rocks ; Wensleydale. [Tooth ; York Mus.] appendiculatus, I. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 123; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328. noc. L. ra Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth; o/z7 Capt. Jones Coll. bifurcatus: Lophodus bifurcatus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 408, pl. li, f. 25, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 628, pl. xxvil, f. 5. Loc. Yoredale Rocks ; Wensleydale. [Tooth ; York Mus.] cinctus (Agassiz), M‘Coy. v. Chomatodus cinctus. clavatus, J.\V. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), Pp. 455, pl. lix, f. 5, 6 Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] conicus: Lophodus conicus, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 627, pl. xxvi, f. 18. Loc. Yoredale Rocks ; Wensleydale. [Tooth ; York Mus.] crassus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 453, pl. lix, f.1, 2. [Including Chomatodus cinctus, Agassiz (pars).| Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] didymus, Agassiz. v. Psephodus magnus. expansus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol.i (1883), p. 457, pl. lix, f. Io. Chomatodus linearis, L. Agassiz (Jars), Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 108, pl. xii, f. 7, 8, 12, 13; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 508, pl. lxi, f. 1. [Teeth ; Bristol Mus. (urs).] Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth; Brit. Mus.] gibberulus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 106, pl. xii, f. 1, 2 (Psammodus on plate); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328. Lophodus gibberulus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 405, pl. li, f. 19. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth ; Bristol Mus.] levissimus, Agassiz (zon F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 630, pl. iiil, f. 17; 202 J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 404); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328. v. Psephodus levissimus. levis: Lophodus levis, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin. Soc. [2] vol. 1 (1883), p. 409, pl. li, f. 26, 27, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 627 (LZ. /evis). Loc. Yoredale Rocks ; Wensleydale. [Tooth ; York Mus.] 94 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. HELODUWS (continued)— mammillaris, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 173 (name only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328; F. M ‘Coy, Brit. Palaoz. Foss. (1855), p. 631, pl. iil, f. 16. Lophodus mammillaris, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 406, pl. li, f. 20. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth; Woodwardian Mus.} mitratus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 173 (name only). [? A. szmplex.| Loc. Coal-Meas.; Carluke. [Tooth.] obliquus: Chomatodus obliguus, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 124, and Brit. Paleeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 618, pl. ili K, f. 3 (Chomatodus (Helodus) obliguus) ; J- Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 321. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth; Woodwardian Mus. } planus (Agassiz), M‘Coy. v. Psephodus magnus. pusillus (M‘Coy), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 227. Polyrhizodus pusillus, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 126, and Brit. Palaeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 642, pl. iii K, f& 2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 340. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth; Woodwardian Mus. ] ? reticulatus: Lophodus reticulatus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 407, pl. li, f. 22, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 626, pl. xxvii, f. 2. Loc. Yoredale Rocks; Wensleydale. [Tooth ; York Mus.]} richmondiensis, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 456, pl. lix, f. 8. Loc. U. Carb. Limest.; Richmond, Yorkshire. [Tooth; Brit. Mus. ] rudis, M‘Coy. v. Psephodus magnus. simplex, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 104, pl. xix, f. 8-10; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328; J. W- Salter, Foss. S. Welsh Coalfield (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1861 --iJron- Ores.Gt.. Brit., pt. ili); ps. 225, pl. pyedaag 5 oe Hancock and T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. ix, 1872, p. 261; J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 220, and Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x, 1889, pl. i, f. 13; W. J. Barkas, Monthly Rev. Dental Surgery, vol. iii, 1875, p. 1o1, f. xlv—xlviii ; R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 84; A. S. Wood- ward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 172. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Staffordshire, Shropshire, Yorkshire, North- umberland, South Wales, and Lanarkshire. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus. ] =. subteres, Agassiz. v. Orodus ramosus. PISCES. Sie HELODUS (continued)\— tenuis, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p- 454, pl. lix, f. 3, 4. [See also Chomatodus cinctus.] Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] triangularis, J. WW. Davis, 77d., p. 456, pl. lix, f. 9. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] turgidus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 106, pl. xv, f. 1-12 reas cre on plate) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p. 632. [See also C AEA: cinctus. | Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Bristol. [Teeth ; Bristol Mus.] HEMICLADODUS, Davis. v. Cheirodus. unicuspidatus, Davis. v. Cheirodus sp. HEMICYCLASPIS, Lankester. v. Cephalaspis. murchisoni (Egerton), Lankester. v. Cephalaspis murchisoni. HETEROLEPIDOTUS, Egerton. v. Eugnathus. grandis, Davis. v. Platysiagum grandis. latus, Egerton. v. Eugnathus latus. manseli (Egerton), Zittel. wv. Lepidotus manseli. minor, Davis. v. Eugnathus latus. sauroides, Egerton. v. Eugnathus philpote. serrulatus (Agassiz), Egerton. v. Eugnathus serrulatus. HISTIONOTUS, P. M. G. Egerton, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. xiii, 1854, p. 434, and Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. viii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1855), no. 5. angularis, P. M. G. Egerton, b/d, p. 434, and 7zé7d., pl. v; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329; J. C. Mansel-Pleydell, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 241, pl. vii. T. Loc. Purbeck Beds ; Swanage. [Imperfect fish; Brit. Mus.] HOLASPIS, E. R. Lankester (ex Salter, MS.), Geol. Mag., vol. x, 1873, p. 242. sericea, E. R. Lankester, zi7d., pp. 241, 331, pl. x, and woodcut. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst. ; Abergavenny. {Head-shield : Brit. Mus. ] T. HOLOPHAGUS, P. M. G. ['gerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. | Organic Remains, dec. x (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1861), p. 19; i. He Huxley; ibid., dec. xii (1866), p. 26, and 767d, dec. xiii (1872), no. 10. [? Undina.] gulo, P. M.G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. x (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1861), p. 19; T. H. Huxley, zdzd,, dec. xii(1866), p.26, pl. vi, and zézd., dec. xiii (1872), no. 10, pl. x. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fish, wanting head ; Mus. Pract. | Geol.] T. 96 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. HOLOPTYCHIUWS, L. Agassiz, in Murchison’s Silur. Syst., 1839, p. 599 (Holoptychus) ; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palaeoz. Foss, (1855), Pp. 593. PLATYGNATHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), pp. 61, 76 (pars). andersoni, Agassiz. v. Holoptychius flemingi. falcatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 180 (name only). [?Genus.] Loc. Coal-Meas. ; Greenside, Glasgow. flemingi, |-ii] L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 71, pl. xxil, f.1; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329; J. Anderson, Dura Den, 1859, p. 57; [-ii] R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 513. Holoptychius andersoni, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 72, pl. xxii, f. 3; J-*Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss, 1854)\p23295 J. Anderson, Dura Den, 1859, p. 57, pl. vii, pl. vill, f. 1, 2 5 F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 594. [Head and trunk; Brit. Mus.]| Platygnathus jamesoni, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p: 77; pl: xxv; J. Morris, Cat: Brit. Foss., 1S54, p. 3305 J: Anderson, Dura Den, 1859, p. 56, pl. i, f.2. [Tail; Brit. Mus. ] Glyptopomus, T. H. Huxley (ervrore), Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. x (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1861), p. 4, woodcut 4, and zézd., dec. xii (1866), pl. i, f.2. [Head; Brit. Mus.] Loc. U. Old Red Sandst.; Dura Den. [Group ofscales ; olém Fleming Coll. ] garneri (Murchison), Agassiz. wv. Strepsodus sauroides. giganteus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), pp. 73, 140, pl. xxiv, f. 3-10; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 594. Hloloptychius, R. 1. Murchison, Silur. Syst., 1839, p. 600, pl. ii dés, f. 3. [Scale.] Holoptychius princeps, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. 11, 1848, p. 310; Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p. 595; J. Moa} Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329. [Scale; Woodwardian Mus. Loc. U.Old Red Sandst.; Scat Craig and Alves, Elgin. [Scales ; unknown.] granulatus, Agassiz. v. Rhizodopsis sauroides. hibberti, Agassiz. v. Rhizodus hibberti. hopkinsi, M‘Coy. v. Acrolepis hopkinsi. minor, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 180 (name ~ only). [Rkizodopsis.] Loc. Coal-Meas.; Leeds. murchisoni, Agassiz. v. Holoptychius nobilissimus. } PISCES. 97 . HOLOPTYCHIVUS (continucd)— nobilissimus, L. Agassiz, in Murchison’s Silur. Syst., 1839, p. 599, pL. ii Szs, f..7,.2 2) and Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), pp. 73, 140, pl. xxiii, pl. xxiv, f. 2, pl. ie f. 26; H. Miller, Old Red Sandst., 1841, p. 162, pl. 1G ft 2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329; F. MCoy, Brit. Paleeoz. Foss. (185 5) P- 595. Gyrolepis giganteus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), Pp. 175, pl. xix, f. 13. Hloloptychius murchtsont, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 72, pl. xxii, f. 2 2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329. [Scz ales ; unknown. | Loc. U. Old Red Sandst.; Elgin and Clashbennie. [Fish, wanting tail; Brit. Mus.] portiocki (Agassiz), Portlock. wv. Archichthys portlocki. princeps, M‘Coy. v. Holoptychius giganteus. sauroides, Williamson, Binney, Kirkby and Atthey. wv. Rhizo- dopsis sauroides and Strepsodus sauroides. sedgwickhi, M‘Coy. v. Glyptolepis leptopterus. striatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii. pt. ii (1843), p. 180 (name only). Loc. Millstone Grit ; Edinburgh. sp., Kirkby and Atthey. v. Rhizodopsis sauroides. HOLOPTYCHUS, Agassiz. Misprint for Holoptychius. HOLURUS, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx (1881), p. 43. fulcratus, R. H. Traquair, zdzd., p. 46, pl. ili, f. 13, 14. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cement-stone Group); Glencartholm, Eskdale, Dumfriesshire. [Imperfect fish; Geol. Surv. Scotland. ] ischypterus, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx (1881), p. 66, pl. iii, f. 15, 16. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cement-stone Group); Valley of Tweed, near Coldstream Bridge. [Fish ; Geol. Surv. Scotland.] parki, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx (1881), Pp. 44, pl. inl, f. 9-12. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cement-stone Group); Glencartholm, | Eskdale. [Fish ; Geol. Surv. Scotland.] gT. HOMACANTHUS, LL. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), | p.dt3. macrodus, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 115, and Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 632, pl. ili K, f. 20; | J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329; J. W. Davis, | ici Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p . 362, pl. xlviii, | - 14. Loc. L, Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Spine; Woodwardian Mus.] H 98 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. HOMACANTHWUS (continued)— microdus, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 115, and Brit. Palaoz. Foss. (1855), p. 633, pl. iii K, f. 19; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 361, pl. xlviii, f. 7-9. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Spine; Woodwardian Mus.] HOMALODUS, Davis. v. Psammodus. quadratus, Davis. v. Psammodus trapeziformis. trapeziformis, Davis. v. Psammodus trapeziformis. HOMONOTUS, L. Agassiz, in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p- 372; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), Pp. 329. dorsalis, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 372, pl. xxxv, f. 2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 329. Coe Loc. Chalk; S. E. England. [Imperfect fish ; Brighton Mus.] HOMOSTEUS, H. Asmuss, Das vollkomm. Hautskelet d. bisher bekannt. Thierreihe (Inaug. Dissert. Dorpat, 1856), p. 8 (Homostius). ASTEROLEPIS, L. Agassiz (0m Eichwald), Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 89 (pars) ; H. Miller (#on Eichwald), Footprints of Creator, 1849, p. 70 (pars). milleri, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 511, and zbid. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 1, pl. 1, f. 1. ‘Asterolepis of Sirapiiers’ H. Miller, Footprints of the Creator, 1849, p. 70, woodcuts 24, 27-29, 36, 37, 39-41 (? 34, 35, 38, 44). Asterolepis asmusit, J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 318. Asterolepis, J. Miller, Geol. Mag., vol. vi, 1869, p. 384 (‘ hyoid’ = dorsal plate). toc. L. Old Red Sandst. ; Caithness and Orkney. [Carapace ; Edinburgh Mus.] HOMOTHORAX, Agassiz. v. Bothriolepis. flemingi, Agassiz. v. Bothriolepis hydrophilus. HOPLONCHUS, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxii, 1876, p. 336. elegans, J. W. Davis, 242d, vol. xxxv, 1879, p. 183, pl. x, f. 12-14. Loc. L. Coal-Meas.; Yorkshire. [Spine; J. W. Davis Coll.] T. HOPLOPTERY%i, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iv (1843), p. 131. - lewesiensis (Mantell), A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 327. Zeus lewestensis, G. A. Mantell, Foss. S. Downs, 1822, p. 234, pls. xxxv, XXXVI. PISCES. 99 HOPLOPTERYX lewesiensis (continued)— Beryx ornatus, L.. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. §5 (1835), and vol. iv (1843), p p. 115, pl. xiv a, pl. xiv 4, fT, 2, pl. xiv c, f. 1-6, pl. xiv @; F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 371, pl. xxxvi, f. 3, pl. XXxiv, f. I, 45.55 Beryx a ee J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 318. Loc. Chalk; S. E. England. [Imperfect fishes; Brit. Mus. ] superbus (Dixon), J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. iii (1887), p. 514; A.S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 328. Beryx superbus, ¥. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 372, pl. xxxvi 5: J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 318. Loc. Chalk; S. E. England. [Fi Ihe Brit. Mus.] HOPLOPYGUS, Agassiz, wv. Ccelacanthus. binneyi, Agassiz. wv. Ccelacanthus lepturus. HYBODOPSIS, W. J. Barkas, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. i, 1874, p. 546 (name only), and Monthly Rev. Dental Surgery, vol. vii, 1878, p. 191; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i 1889, p. 240. wardi, W. J. Barkas, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. i, 1874, p. 546 (name only), and Monthly Rev. Dental Surgery, vol. vii, 1878, p. 191, f. i-vi; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 240. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Burnley, Lancashire. [Fragment of jaw with teeth ; J. Ward Coll.] 3 HYBODUWS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 41; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 250. SPHENONCHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 201 (pars). ? MERISTODON, L. Agassiz, zbéd (1843), p. 286. acutus, L. Agassiz, zb¢d. (1837), p. 45, pl. x, f. 4-6; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329. Loc. L. Kim. Clay; Shotover, near Oxford. [Spine; Brit. Mus.] apicalis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1837), p. 43, pl. x, f. 22 (29” p. 195, pl. xxiii, f. 16-20) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329; A. S Woodward, Gat Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 301. Loc. Sioaeskeld Slate. [Spine ; Bristol Mus.] austiensis, Davis. wv. Hybodus cloacinus. basanus, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. i, 1845, . 199, pl. iv; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854. p. 329; A. S. oodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 273, pl. xii, f. 1-5. 100 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA, HYBODUWS basanus (continucd)— ? Hybodus sulcatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 44, pl. x 4, f. 15, 16; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330. Hybodus, A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iii, 1886, p. 258. Loc. U. Wealden ; I. of Wight and Sussex. [Head ; o/¢n Capt. Ibbetson Coll.] carinatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 52, pl. ix, f.13,14; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329. ?=Acrodus anningi@ (A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 294). Loc. L. Lias ; Lyme Regis. [Spine; Brit. Mus.] cloacinus, F. A. Quenstedt, Der Jura, 1858, p. 34, pl. ii, f. 15 ; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 256 (? pl. x, f. 8-14), and Trans. Leicester Lit. and Phil. Soc., n.s., pt. xi (1889), p. 19. Hybodus reticulatus, R. Etheridge (#02 Agassiz), Proc. Cardiff Naturalists’ Soc., vol. iii (1872), pl. ii, f. 11. ? Hybodus austiensis, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. XXXVil, 1881, p. 416, pl. xxii, f. 1. [Spine ; J. W. Davis Coll.] Loc. Rhetic; Somersetshire, Gloucestershire, Devonshire, Leicestershire,and S. Wales. ? L. Lias; Lyme Regis, Dorset. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.) complanatus, R. Owen, Geol. Mag., vol. vi, 1869, p. 482. Loc. L. Greensand; Maidstone. [Spine ; Brit. Mus.] crassispinus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 48, pl. vill 4, f. 7; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Spine ; Brit. Mus.] crassus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 47, pl. x, f. 23 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 301. Loc. Inf. Oolite ; Rutlandshire. [Spine ; Brit. Mus.] curtus, Agassiz. v. Acrodus anningie and Hybodus reticulatus. davisi, W. J. Barkas. v. Sphenacanthus hybodoides. delabechei, [-eii] E. Charlesworth, Mag. Nat. Hist., n.s., vol. ili, 1839, p. 242, pl. iv; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329; E. C. H. Day, Geol. Mag., vol. ii, 1865, p. 565 ; A. S. Wood- ward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 259, pl. viii, pl. x, f.1-5, and Ann. Rep. Yorksh. Phil. Soc., 1888 (1889), p. 58, pl.i. Hybodus pyramidalis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iil (1843), p. 182, pl. xxiia, f. 20, 21; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330. [Group of teeth ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Teeth and spines ; Mus. Pract. Geol.] - dorsalis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 42, pl. x, f. 1; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, pp. 302, 303. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Spine; Brit. Mus.] bas — re, IRPESGES, Or HYBODUS (continued)— dubius, Agassiz. v. Hybodus lawsoni. dubrisiensis, Mackie. «7. Synechodus dubrisiensis. ensatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 51, pl. ix, f. 12 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Spine ; Oxford Mus.] formosus, Agassiz. v. Hybodus reticulatus. grossiconus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 154, pl. xxiii, f. 26-41 (?f. 25); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1354, p. 330; J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 177, woodcut xxxvil, f. 4-6; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. ©]., pt. i, 1889, p. 270, pl. xi, f. 4. Loc. Gt. Oolite (incl, Stonesfield Slate); Oxfordshire, Gloucester- shire, and Somersetshire. Forest Marble; Wiltshire. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus. (fazs).] jugosus, Phillips. v. Hybodus polyprion, keuperinus, Murchison and Strickland. v. Acrodus keuperinus. leviusculus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 46, p!. x, f. 24-26 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss, 1854, p. 330. Loc. Rhetic; Aust Cliff. [Spine ; Bristol Mus.] lawsoni, P. Duff, Geol. Moray, 1842, pp. 61, 63, pl. iv, f. 1, 2, 5, 6; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 255. ? Tooth of Sphenonchus, P. Duff, Geol. Moray, 1842, p. 63, pl. iv, f. 11. Hybodus dubius, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 188, 1, xxii a, f. 8-10; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330. Teeth ; o/7z Robertson Coll. | ? Sphenonchus martini, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 203, pl. xxiia, f. 15-17; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, Pp. 344. | Loc. Rheetic; Linksfield, near Elgin. [Spines and teeth; J. Powrie Coll. ] leptodus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 44, pl. x, f. 2, 3; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330. Loc. Kim. Clay; Shotover. [Spine ; Bristol Mus.] levis, A.S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 269, pl. 30, f. 5-7. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.] marginalis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 43, pl. % f. 18-21 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330; J. Phillips, | Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 178, woodcut xxxviil, f. 6 (47. margi- | natus, errore); A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., | pt. i, 1889, p. 302. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Spines; Brit. Mus.] 102 BRITISH FOSSTC VERTEBRATA. HYBODUS (continued)— medius, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), p. 184, pl. xxiv, L255): Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330; A. S. Wood- ward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt.i, 1889, p. 264, pl. vii, f.2, pl. ix. Loc. L. Lias ; Lyme Regis. [Teeth ; Oxford Mus.] ? minor, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 48, pl. viii 4, f. 2, 3 (spine), and zézd. (1843), p. 183, pl. xxiii, f. 21-24 (teeth) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330 ; R. Etheridge, Proc. Cardiff Naturalists’ Soc., vol. iii (1872), pl. li, f. 12-14; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. Mz, ‘pt: i, 1889, p. 254, and Trans. Leicester Lit. and Phil. Soc., n.s., pt. xi (1889), p. 18. [? Teeth of Nemacanthus and spine of A crodus minimus. | Loc. Rhetic ; Somersetshire, Gloucestershire, Devonshire, Leicestershire, and S. Wales. [Spine ; Bristol Mus.—Teeth ; Brit. Mus. ] obtusus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), p. 186, pl. xxiii, f. 43,44; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330; H. M. Platnauer, Ann. Rep. Yorksh. Phil. Soc., aioe 35, pl. i, f. 1-16; aS Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 272, pl. xi, f. 8-13. Glossopetra minima palmata, Luidius, Lithophyl. Brit., 1760, p. 65, pl. xv, f. 1283. Loc. Oxford Clay; Huntingdonshire and Wiltshire. Coral Rag; Yorkshire. L. Kim. Clay ; Oxfordshire and Dorset- shire. [Zeeth; York Mus. and Brit. Mus.] plicatilis, Agassiz: recorded in error from Axmouth by Egerton, in J. } Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330. polyprion, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 185, pl. xxii, f. 1-15; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330; J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 177, woodcut xxxvii, f. 2, 3; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iii, 1886, p. 257, pl. vi, f. 1, 2, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 268, pl. xi, f. 1-3. Hybodus jugosus, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 177, wood- cut xxxvil, f. 1. [Tooth ; Oxford Mus.] Loc. Gt. Oolite (incl. Stonesfield Slate); Oxfordshire, ? and Somersetshire. [Teeth; Paris Mus.] [See also Vof/danus davies. | punctatus, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvii, 1881, p. 417, pl. xxil, £2 LOC. Ricca: Aust Cliff, near Bristol. [Spine; J. W. Davis Coll.] pyramidatis, Agassiz. wv. Hybodus delabechei. raricostatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 187, pl. xxiv, f. 24; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330; A.S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 257, pl. xX, f£.15 (pl 4. 6,7) Loc. L. Lias ; Lyme Regis. [Tooth ; Bristol Mus.] PISCES, 103 HYBODWS (continued)— reticulatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837 and 1843), pp: 50, 180, pl. ix, f. 1-9, pl. xxiv, f. 26, pl. xxiia, f. 22, 23; W. C. Williamson, Phil. Trans., 1849, p. 465, pl. xlili, f. 33 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 266, pl. x, f. 16-18. ‘Fossil jaw with a triple row of teeth, H. T. De la Beche, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. i (1822), p. 44, pl. v, f. 3. Hybodus curtus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 49, pl. viii 4, f. 4-6 ( pars). ? Hybodus formosus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii (1837), ps St, pl. ix, £ 10, 115 J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 330. [Spine ; Oxford Mus.] Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Associated teeth, fin-spines, and cartilage ; Oxford Mus. | T. striatulus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 44, pl. viii 4, f. 1; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, pp. 276, 304. ? Oxyrhina (Meristodon) paradoxa, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 286, pl. xxxvi, f. 53-56. [Imperfect teeth ; Brit. Mus. ] T. (Meristodon.) ? Oxyrhina paradoxa, J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 336. ? Hybodus, sp. inc. (? striatulus, Agassiz), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 276, pl. xi, f. 14, 15. ‘Dorsal fin of fish allied to Sz/urius,’ G. A. Mantell, Ilustr. Geol. Sussex, 1827, p. 58, pl. x, f. 4. Loc. Wealden ; Sussex. [Spine; Brit. Mus.] strictus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 45, pl. x, f. 7-9; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330; A. S. Wood- ward, Cat. Foss. Fishes b. M., pt. i, 1889, pp. 275, 303. ? Hybodus (? strictus, Agassiz), A. S. Woodward., z6zd., p. 275. Loc. Purbeck Beds; Swanage. [Spine ; o/é#: Cumberland Coll. | subcarinatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1837), p. 46, pl. x, f. re-12; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 304. ‘Dorsal fin of fish, T. Webster, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. ii (1829), p. 35, pl. vi, f. 9. Loc. Wealden; Sussex. [Spine ; o/ Cumberland Coll.] sulcatus, Agassiz. wv. Hybodus basanus. undulatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 188, pl. xxii a, f. 11; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330. ma “i ae Linksfield, near Elgin. [Tooth; o/évz Robertson oll. sp. inc., A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 276, pl. xi, f. 16. Loc. Wealden ; Tilgate Forest, Sussex. Neocomian; I. of Wight. [Tooth; Brit. Mus.] 1c4 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. HYBODUS (continiucd)— ? Sp., A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 277. Loc. Chalk; S.E. England. [Group of teeth; Brit. Mus., no. 45311.] s)-, J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 339. (? Sywechodus.) HY PSOCORMUS, A. Wagner, Abh. k. bay. Akad. Wiss., Cl. ii, vol. ix, 1863, p. 677. leedsi, A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 450, and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 18809. Loc. Oxford Clay; Peterborough. [Jaws; A. N. Leeds Coll.] tenuirostris, A. S. Woodward, zd7d., p. 451, and 7did. Loc. Oxford Clay ; Peterborough. [Jaws ; A. N. Leeds Coll.] sp., A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 451. Loc. Kim, Clay ; Weymouth. [Portions of jaws ; Brit. Mus., no. 42368. } HY PSODON, Agassiz. v. Pachyrhizodus and Portheus. lewesiensis, Agassiz. wv. Cladocyclus lewesiensis, Pachyrhizodus gardneri, Portheus mantelli, and Portheus sp. minor, Dixon. wv. Ichthyodectes minor. oblongus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. i (1843), p. 10% (name only). Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. toliapicus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. i (1843), p. 101 (name only.) Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect cranium; Brit. Mus.] ICHTHYODECTSES, E. D. Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xi (1871), p. 536. elegans, E. T. Newton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiii, 1877, p. 521, pl. xxii, f. 15. Loc. L. Chalk ; Dorking, Surrey. [Jaw; Brit. Mus.] minor, FE. T. Newton, zdid., p. 520, pl. xxii, f. 14. Hypsodon minor, ¥. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, descr. to pl. xxxil*, f. 9 (name and fig. only). Loc. Chalk; Sussex. [Jaw; Brit. Mus.] Ichthyolithus clackmannensis, Fleming. v. Megalichthys hibberti. ICTINOCEPHALUS, Page. wv. Ischnacanthus. granulatus, Page. v. Ischnacanthus gracilis. ISCHNACANTHUS, J. Powrie, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, p. 419. ICTINOCEPHALUS, D. Page, Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1858 (1859), Sect., p. 105. FISGCES. 105 ISCHNACANTHWUVS (continued)— gracilis (Egerton), J. Powrie, 7d, p. 419; R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 512. Diplacanthus gracilis, P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. x (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1861), p- 69, pl. ix; J. Powrie, Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc., vol. i ("S70), Pp. 290, pl. x, ‘f. 2. Ictinocephalus granula/us, D. Page, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1858 (1859), Sect., p. 105 (name only). T. (/ctinocephalus.) Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Forfarshire. [Fish; J. Powrie Coll.] ISCHYODUS, |’. M.G. Egerton, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iv (1843), p. 155. agassizi, Egerton. v. Edaphodon agassizi. agassizi, Bensted (zon Egerton). wv. Ischyodus thurmanni. beaumenti, P. M. G. Egerton, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iv (1843), pp. 155, 156. Chimera (Ischyodon) beaumontii, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili . (1843), p. 346. Ischyodus, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. 11), 1847, p. 351, pl. xiii, f. 1. Loc. Kim. Clay ; Dorsetshire. [Zeeth, Brit. Wus.] brevirostris, Agassiz. v. Ischyodus thurmanni. bucklandi, P. M. G. Egerton, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iv (1843), I pp. 153, 156: I] Chimera (Ischyodon) bucklandi, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. 1 iii (1843), p. 343, pl. xl ¢, f. 19. - Ganodus bucklandi, P.M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., | vol. iii, 1847, p. 352; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 326. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Mandib. tooth ; Brit. Mus.] colei: Chim@ra (Ganodus) colei, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 346, pl. xl, f. 8-10. Ganodus colet, J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 327. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Mandib. and palatine teeth; Brit. Mus. | | egertoni (Buckland), P. M. G. Egerton, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iv | (1843), p. 156; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330; J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 306, pl. xii, f. 24. Chimera egertonii, WW. Buckland, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. ii (1835), p. 206, and Phil. Mag. [3] vol. vill, 1836, p. 5. Chimera (Ischyodon) egertoni, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p- 340, pl. xlc, f. I-10. Loc. Kim. Clay ; Oxfordshire and Dorsetshire. [Teeth ; Oxford Mus. | emarginatus, [-a] P. M. G. Egerton, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iv (1843), pp. 154, 156. Ganodus emarginatus, J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 327- Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Mandib. tooth ; Brit. Mus.] 106 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ISCHYODUS (continued)— gigas, Egerton. wv. Edaphodon gigas. ?imcisus, E. T. Newton, Chimzroid Fishes Brit. Cret. Rocks (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1878), p. 38, pl. xii, f. 3-10. Loc. Gault ; Folkestone. Cambridge Greensand. L. Chalk ; Kent and Sussex. [Mandib. tooth ; Brit. Mus. ] johnsoni, Agassiz. v. Myriacanthus paradoxus. latus, E. T. Newton, Chimeroid Fishes Brit. Cret. Rocks (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1878), p. 32, pl. x. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Mandib. tooth; Mus. Pract. Geol.] mantelli, Egerton. wv. Edaphodon mantelli. orthorhinus, Egerton. yv. Myriacanthus granulatus. planus, E. T. Newton, Chimeroid Fishes Brit. Cret. Rocks (Mem. Geol. Surv, 1878), p. 37, pl. xit, £1, 2. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Mandib. tooth; T. Jesson Coll.] sedgwicki, Egerton. v. Edaphodon sedgwicki. thurmanni, F. J. Pictet and P. Campiche, Foss. Terr. Cretacé St. Croix (Pal. Suisse, 1858), p. 76, pl. ix, f. 8. Ischyodus brevirostris, P. M. G. Egerton, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iv (1843), p. 156 (name only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330; E. T. Newton, Chimeroid Fishes Brit. Cret. Rocks (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1878), p. 27, pl. ix. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.] Chimera (Ischyodon) brevirostris, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), p. 344 (name only). Chimera (Ischyodon) agassizit, L. Agassiz (errore), thid., pl. xl¢, f. 14,15. [Palatine tooth; Brit. Mus.] Ischyodus agassizit, W. H. Bensted (errore), Geologist, vol. v, 1862, p. 378. Loc. Gault; Folkestone. Cambridge Greensand. Varieties also in L, Greensand, Maidstone, and L. Chalk, Newmarket. [Zeeth; Brit. Mus.) townsendi (Buckland), P. M. G. Egerton, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iv (1843), p. 156 (/. cownshendt) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330 (/. cownshend?); [-ii] E. T. Newton, Chimeroid Fishes Brit. Cret. Rocks (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1878), p. 33, pl. xi, and Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. vii (1881), p. 116, woodcuts. Chimera townsendit, \W. Buckland, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. ii (1835), p. 206, and Phil. Mag. [3] vol. viii, 1836, p. 5. Chimera (Ischyodon) townsendit, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iit (1843), Pp. 343, pl. xl, f. 20-22, pl. xlc, f. 17, 18. Loc. Portlandian ; Oxfordshire, Wiltshire, and Dorsetshire. Derived in Potton Bone-bed (Neocomian). [Mandib. tooth ; Brit. Mus.] T. PUSS LS; 107 ISOCOLUM, P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. xiii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1872), no. 4. granulatum, P. M. G. Egerton, 767., no. 4, pl. iv. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fish ; Brit. Mus.] 7. ISODIUS, Morris (ex M‘Coy). wv. Isodus. ISODUWS, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 3, and Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., vol. i (1848), p. 65. leptognathus, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p.3; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 331 (/sodtus). Loc. Carboniferous ; Draperstown, Moyheeland. [Jaw; o/m R. Griffith Coll.] T. JANASSA, G. von Miinster, Beitr. Petrefakt., pt. 1 (1839), p. 67. CLIMAxoDUS, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 128, and Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., vol. i (1848), p. 66. bituminosa (Schlotheim), G. von Miinster, Beitr. Petrefakt., pt. 1 (1839), p. 122; H. B. Geinitz, Dyas (1861), p. 24, pl. iv, f. 5, pl. v, f. 1-4; A. Hancock and R. Howse, Ann. Mag. Handb. Palzont., vol. ili (1887), p. 98, woodcut 110; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 35. Trilobites bituminosus, E.. Schlotheim, Petrefaktenkunde (1820), p. 39, and 2dd., Nachtr., pt. ii (1823), pp. 39, 87, pl. xxii, f. 9. Loc. Marl-Slate; ,Durham. [Devntrtion; Brit. Mus. and Newcastle-upon-Tyne Mus.| T. clavata (M‘Coy), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 37, pl. i, f. 3. Chomatodus clavatus, F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palezoz. Foss. (1855), p- 617, pl. iii K, f. 10. Chomatodus truncatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p- 174 (name only); F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palaeoz. Foss. (1855), . 618, pl. iti 1, f. 15 J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 321. Tooth ; Woodwardian Mus. ] Petalorhynchus psittacinus, J. W. Davis (errore), Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol.i (1883), p. 518 (favs). [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] Loc. Carb. Limest.; England, Scotland, and Ireland. [Tooth ; Woodwardian Mus. | imbricata (M‘Coy), A. Hancock and R. Howse, Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iii (1870), p. 338 ; A. S. Wood- ward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 38, pl. i, f. 1, 2. Climaxodus imbricatus, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 129, and Brit. Palaeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 620, pl. iii G, f. 5; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 322. T. (Climaxodus.) Loc. U. Carb. Limest.; South Derbyshire. [Tooth ; Wood- wardian Mus.] 108 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. JANASSA (continued)— lingueformis (Atthey), A. Hancock and R. Howse, Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iii (1870), p. 330, pl. ix; J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p- 222, f. 8; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M,, pt. i, 1889, p- 36. Climaxodus lingueformis, T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. 11, 1868, p. 321; J. Ward, Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x, 1889, p. 140, pl. ii, f. 19. Climaxodus ovatus, T. P. Barkas, Geol. Mag., vol. v, 1868, p. 496, woodcut, and zdzd., vol. vi, 1869, p. 42. [Tooth; T. P. Barkas Coll. ] Climaxodus vermiformis, T. P. Barkas, Geol. Mag., vol. vi 1869, p. 381. [Tooth; T. P. Barkas Coll.] Ciimaxodus, T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, p. 20, f. 35-38. Janassa ovatus, J. minutus, and J. processus, W. J. Barkas, Monthly Rev. Dental Surgery, vol. ili, 1875, p. 153, f. xlix— Iviii, [Teeth ; T. P. Barkas Coll.] Loc. Coal-Meas.; Staffordshire, Northumberland, Yorkshire, and South Scotland. [Tooth ; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Mus.] minutus, W. J. Barkas. 7. Janassa linguzformis. ovatus, W. J. Barkas. v. Janassa linguzformis. processus, W. J. Barkas. v. Janassa linguzformis. RALLOSTRAEON, E. R. Lankester, Fishes O. R. Sandst., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1870), p. 61. podura, E. R. Lankester, 7é/d., p. 61, pl. xiii, f. 20, 21, pl. xiv, f. 6. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Herefordshire. [Dermal calcifica- tions ; Oxford Mus. | T. KOK KODERM A, Quenstedt. 7. Coccoderma. ELABODUS, Davis. v. Copodus. planus, Davis. wv. Copodus planus. prototypus, Davis. v. Copodus prototypus. LABROPHAGUS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only). esocinus, L. Agassiz, tbéd., p. 308 (name only). Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Imperfect skull; Brit. Mus,] T. LABRWS, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 473. sp. From Red Crag; Suffolk. | Lower pharyngeal; Brit. Mus., no. P. 5565.] LAMNA, Cuvier, Régne Animal, vol. ii, 1817, p. 126. Otopus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 266. acuminata, Agassiz. v. Oxyrhina mantelli. PISCES. 10g: LAMNA (continued)— appendiculata, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 54 (1835) ; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 393- Squalus mustelus ?, G. A. Mantell, Foss. S. Downs, 1822, p. 226, Di eexi, T. 2, 3, 5, 6, 9; IT. Otodus appendiculatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii (1843), p. 270, pl. xxxii, f. 1-25; F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, descr. to pl. xxx, f. 25, pl. xxxi, f. 17; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 292. Loc. Gault; Folkestone. Cambridge Greensand. U. Green- sand ; Dorsetshire and Wiltshire. Chalk; Sussex, Surrey, Kent, Wiltshire, and Norfolk. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] compressa, Agassiz. v. Lamna macrota. contortidens, Agassiz. Recorded (? evrore) by Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 331, from the Eocene of Kyson (Kingston), Suffolk. (? Odontaspis elegans.) cuspidata, Agassiz. v. Odontaspis cuspidata. denticulata, Agassiz. v. Odontaspis cuspidata. dubia, Agassiz. v. Odontaspis cuspidata. elegans, Agassiz. v. Odontaspis elegans and Lamna macrota. hopei, Agassiz. v. Odontaspis cuspidata. macrorhiza, EF. D. Cope, Vert. Cret. Form. West (Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. Territ.), vol. ii (1875), p. 297, pl. xlli, f. 9, 10; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 399. Loc. Gault; Folkestone. Cambridge Greensand. [7Zzeth ; Brit. Mus.\ macrota (Agassiz), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 402. Otodus macrotus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 273, pl. xxxii, f. 29-31 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335- Lamna elegans, L. Agassiz (errore), Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), pl. xxxv, f. 6, 7, pl. xxxviia, f. 58. Lamna compressa, L. Agassiz, tbid., p.290, pl. xxxvii a, f. 35-42; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 331. Otodus lanceolaius, F. Dixon (non Agassiz), Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 204, pl. xi, f. 20, 21; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 335- Loc. Eocene; London and Hampshire Basins. [Teeth ; Paris Mus. ] ? obliqua (Agassiz), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt.i, 1889, p. 404. Otodus obliguus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), ps 267, pl. xxxi, pl. xxxvi, f. 22-27; F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 204, pl. x, f. 32-35, pl. xv, f. 11; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335- T. (Otodus.) 1 manseli: Semzonotus manseliz, P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. xiii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1872) no. 8, pl. viii. feterolepidotus ? manseli, K. A. vy. Zittel, Handb. Palzont.,. vol. il (1887), p. 205. Loc. Kim. Clay ; Dorsetshire. [Caudal region, etc. ; Brit. Mus.] mantelli, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1837), p. 262, pl. xxx, f. 10-15, pl. xxxa, f. 4-6, pl. xxxd, f. 2, pl. xxxe, f. 1-7 ;; R. Owen, Odontography (1841), p. 69, pl. xxx, f. 1, pl. xxxi ; W. C, Williamson, Phil. Trans., 1849, p. 444; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332. Lepidotus subdenticulatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1833), P- 9- Lepidotus fittont, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1843), p. 265, pl. xxx, f. 4-6, pl. xxx @ (excl. f. 4, 5, 6), pl. xxx é (exele f. 2); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p..33)3 Je Eee Geologist, vol. iii, 1860, p. 458, pl. xii. [Portion of fish ; Brit. Mus. ] Tetragonolepis mastodonteus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. i, pt. i (1837), p. 216, pl. xxilie, f. 3, 4 (won f. 5). (Founded upon fragment of jaw figured in Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. ii, pl. vi, f. 5, 6). A-chmodus mastodonteus (P.M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. x, 1854, p. 367); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, P37. LOC. ea ia ; Tilgate Forest. [Portions of fishes; Brit. Mus. maximus, A. Wagner, Abh. k. bay. Akad. Wiss., Cl. ii, vol. ix, 1863, p. 629; R. Etheridge and H. Willett, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 356, pl. xv. Spherodus gigas, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1833), p. 15, and pt. ii (1837), p. 210, pl. Ixxili, f. 83-94 ; R. Owen, Odontography (1841), p. 71, pl. xxxiii; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 344. Loc. Kim. Clay; Shotover. Aezanzé in Neocomian Bone-bed,. Potton. [Zeeth, Brit. Mus. and Woodwardian Mus.] PISCES. 113 LEPIDOTWS (continucd)— minor, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1837), p. 260, pl. xxxiv ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332. Loc. Purbeck Beds; I. of Purbeck and Portland. [Fish; School of Mines, Paris.] re. | are, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1837), p. 255, xxix ¢, f. 2, 3; H. E. Sauvage, Mém. Soc. Géol. France Bj vol. i (1877), p. 18, pl. i, f. 1, pl. ii. Loc. Kim. Clay ; Weymouth. [Type-scales ; Brit. Mus. (from Boulogne). Scales Brit. Mus., no. 42364. | pectinatus, P. M. G. Egerton, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iv (1843), p- 183, and Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. vi (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1852), no. 3, pl. iit; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332. Loc. U. Lias; Whitby. [Imperfect fish; Brit. Mus.] punctatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 1 (1843) p. 306 (name only). Ges non det., A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol- Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 304, pl. i, f. 2. Loc. Chalk; Kent. [Scales; Brit. Mus., and S. J. Hawkins Coll. ] rugosus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1837), p. 246, pl. xxxiil a, f. 1-8 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. U. Lias; Whitby. [Scales, etc.; Brit. Mus., Oxford Mus., and Whitby Mus.] semiserratus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1837), p- 240, pls. xxix a,6; W.C. Williamson, Phil. Trans., 1849, p- 441, pl. xl, f. 3, 4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 332- Lepidotus latissimus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1833), p. 8 (undefined). [Scales ; Paris Mus.] Lepidotus umbonatus, L. Agassiz, bid., p. 8 (undefined). [Scales. ] ‘Pikes,’ Young and Bird, Geol. Yorksh., 1822, p. 261, pl. xvi, fs Fes Loc. U. Lias; Whitby. [Imperfect fishes ; Whitby Mus. and Scarborough Mus. ] serrulatus, Agassiz. v. Eugnathus serrulatus. subdenticulatus, Agassiz. v. Lepidotus mantelli. tuberculatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 1 (1837), pose, pl. xxix, f£.7; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Fuss., 1854, py 392: Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Scale; Oxford Mus.] umbonatus, Agassiz. v. Lepidotus semiserratus. unguiculatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1837), pet, py xxixc, f. 1, pl. xxx, £ 7-9; |. Morzs, Cat. Brit. Poss 1854, Pp. 332; ae Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p- 182, woodcut xli, f. 5-7. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Scie ; Brit. Mus.] t14 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. LEPRACANTHUS, R. Owen (cr Egerton, MS.), Geol. Mag., vol. vi, 1869, p. 481. colei, P. M.G. Egerton, in L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 177 (name only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332 3 R. Owen, Geol. Mag., vol. vi, 1869, p. 481, woodcut ; J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxii, 1876, p. 335. LOC. maa North Wales and Yorkshire. [Spine; Brit. Mus. s LEPTACANTEHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 27. [Dorsal fin-spines of Chimeroid Fishes. ] jenkinsoni, M‘Coy. v. Acondylacanthus jenkinsoni. junceus, M‘Coy. v. Acondylacanthus junceus. priscus, Agassiz. v. Cosmacanthus priscus. semistriatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 28, pl. vii, f. 3-8; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332; Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 178, woodcut xxxvili, f. 9. [? Ganodus. | Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Spine ; Brit. Mus.] serratus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1837), p. 29, pl. vil, f. 1, 2; J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 178, woodene xxxviii, f. 8. [? Ganodus. | Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Spine ; Brit. Mus.] tenuispinus, Agassiz. v. Myriacanthus granulatus. LEPTOCHELYS, Salter. v. Onchus murchisoni. LEPTOLEPIS, L. Agassiz, Neues Jahrb., 1832, p. 146, and Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 129. brodiei, P. M. G. Egerton, in Brodie’s Foss. Insects, 1845, p. 15, pl. i, f. 1-3; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332. Loc. Purbeck; Vale of Wardour, Wilts. [Fish; P. B. Brodie Coll. ] bronni, [-ii] L. Agassiz, Neues Jahrb., 1832, p. 146, and Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1835), p. 133; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 332. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fishes; Brit. Mus.] caudalis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 133; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fishes ; Brit. Mus.] concentricus, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. v, 1849, p. 35; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332. Loc. U. Lias ; Dumbleton. [Fish ; Bath Mus.] constrictus, P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. vi (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1852), no. 9, pl. ix; J Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332. Loc. Lias; Ilminster. [Fishes; Bath Mus.] PISCES. 115 LEPTOLEPIS (continued)— costalis, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. i, 1845, p- 231; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332. Loc. Oxford Clay; Christian Malford, Wiltshire. [Imperfect fishes ; Brit. Mus.] filipennis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 134 (name only). Loc. L. Lias; Street, Somerset. [Fish; Brit. Mus.] macrophthalmus, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. i, 1845, p. 231, and Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. vi (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1852), no. 8, pl. viii; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332. Loc. Oxford Clay ; Christian Malford, Wiltshire. [Imperfect fishes ; Brit. Mus.] manus, P. M. G. Egerton, in Brodie’s Foss. Insects, 1845, p. 15, pl. i, f. 5 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332. Loc. Purbeck; Vale of Wardour. [Fish; P. B. Brodie Coll.] saltviciensis, M. Simpson, Foss. Yorksh. Lias, 1855, p. 19; J. F. Blake, in Tate and Blake, Yorksh. Lias, 1876, p. 260, pl. iil, f.i. Loc. U. Lias ; Whitby. [Fish: Whitby Mus.] LEUVUCISCUS, Cuvier (ex Klein), Régne Animal, vol. ii, 1817, p. 194. ?cephalus (Linnzus), E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 124. Cyprinus cephalus, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 527. Loc. Forest-Bed Series ; Norfolk. [Pharyngeal,; Mus. Pract. Geol.| erythrophthalmus (Linnzus), E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 126, pl. xviil, f. 18. Cyprinus erythrophthalmus, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 530. Loc. Forest-Bed Series (U. Freshwater Bed); West Runton. [Pharyngeal tooth ; Mus. Pract. Geol.| rutilus (Linnzus), E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 125, pl. xviii, f. 17. Cyprinus rutilus, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 529. Loc. Forest-Bed Series (U. Freshwater Bed) ; West Kunton. [Pharyngeal; A. Savin Coll.] LISPACANTHUS, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 359. ? gracilis, J. W. Davis, zd¢d., p. 359, pl. xviii, f. 6. Loc. Carb. Limest.; Kendal Fells, Westmoreland. [Spine ; Geol. Soc. London. ] retrogradus, J. W. Davis, 7d7d., p. 359, pl. xlvili, f. 5. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Spine: Brit. Mus.] T. 116 BRITISH POSSIL VERTEBRATA. LISSOLEPIS, Davis. v. Eugnathus. serratus, Davis. v. Eugnathus serratus. LOPHACANTHUS, Stock. v. Pleuracanthus. taylori, Stock. v. Pleuracanthus cylindricus. LOPHIOSTOMUS, P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. vi (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1852), no. 10. dizoni, P. M. G. Egerton, 7d/d., pls. x, x* ; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 303. Loc. Chalk ; S.E. England. [Head, etc. ; Brit. Mus.] T. LOPHODUS, Romanovsky. v. Helodus and Psephodus. angularis, Davis. v. Helodus angular's. bifurcatus, Davis. v. Helodus bifurcatus. conicus, Davis. v. Helodus conicus. didymus (Agassiz), Davis. v. Psephodus magnus. gibberulus (Agassiz), Davis. v. Helodus gibberulus. levissimus, Davis. v. Psephodus magnus and Psephodus leevissimus. levis, Davis. v. Helodus levis. mammillaris, Davis. v. Helodus mammillaris. reticulatus, Davis. v. Helodus reticulatus. serratus, Davis. v. Venustodus serratus. sinuosus, Davis. v. Psephodus magnus. LOPHODUS, Symonds. v. Acrodus keuperinus. LOXOSTOMUS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 303 (name only). mancus, L. Agassiz, 2bz7., p. 308 (name only). Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Imperfect head ; Brit. Mus.] 7. MACROPOMA, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 55 (1835), and vol. ii, pt. 11 (1843), p. 174. egertoni, Agassiz. v. Eurypoma egertoni. mantelli, [-ii] L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 55 (1835), and vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 174, pls. Ixva-d; W. C. Williamson, Phil. Trans., 1849, p. 462, pl. xlii, f. 25, 26, pl. xlii, f. 27-30 ; [-1i1] IT. H. Huxley, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Re- mains, dec. xii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1866), p. 27, pls. vil, vill ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332; A. S. Woodware, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 303. Amia ? lewestensts, G. A. Mantell, Foss. S. Downs, 1822, p. 239, pls. XxXVil, XXXvili. Loc. Chalk ; S.E. England. [Imperfect fishes ; Brit. Mus.] T- substriolatum, Huxley. v. Coccoderma substriolatum. PISCES. 117 MACROPOMA (continucd)— (coprolites of), L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii (1843), p. 177, pl. Ixva, f. 3-11 ‘Cones of unknown vegetables,’ J. Parkinson, Organic Remains, vol. i, 1820, p. 447, pl. vi, f. xv, xvii; G. A. Mantell, Foss. S. Downs, 1822, p. 103, pl. ix, f. 5, 11. [Brit. Mus.] MACROSEMIUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 150. brevirostris, L. Agassiz, 76zd., p. 166 (name only). Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Mandib. ramus ; Brit. Mus.] MEGALICHTHYS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), pp. 89, 154; T. H. Huxley, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Kemains, dec. x (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1861), p. 12; J. Young, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, p. 606 ; W. J. Barkas, Monthly Rev. Dental Surgery, vol. iv (1875), pp. 60, 197, 251, f. Ixxi-Ixxix. [See also AAzzodus.| CENTRODUuS, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p- 4, and zé/d., vol. 111, 1849, p. 140. PARABATRACHUS, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. ix, 1853, p. 67. RHOMBOPTYCHIUS, J. Young (ex Huxley, MS.), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, p. 604. GANOLODUS, R. Owen, Trans. Odontol. Soc., vol v, 1867, Pp. 354 (pars). coccolepis, J. Young, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1869 (1870), Sect., p. 102 ; J. Ward, [Proc.| N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 22 Loc. Coal-Meas. ; Lanarkshire, Northumberland, and N. Staf- fordshire. [Head-bones ; J. Thomson Coll.] falcatus, S. Hibbert, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xiii (1835), p. 214; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333. Loc. Coal-Meas. ; Greenside, Glasgow. hibberti, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 11 (1843), p- 90, pls. Ixili, Ixilia, Ixiv; R. Garner, Nat. Hist. Staffordsh., 1844, p. 446, pl. E,f. 10 ; W.C. Williamson, Phil. Trans., 1849, p. 450, pl. xh, f. 15, pl. xlii, f. 16-19 ; J. Morris, rae Brit. Foss., 1854, Bp 3335 Fe MCoy, Brit: Palzoz. Foss. | 55). p- 610; J. W. Salter (ex Egerton, MS.), Foss. S. W Re Coalfield (Mem. Geol. Surv. — Iron Ores oe as lii, 1861), p. 224, pl. i, f. 16; J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 2277, f. 10, 14, and Trans. N Staffs. pase Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), pl. ii, f. 4; R. Etheridge, jun., Geol. Mag. te] vol. v, 1878, p. 269 ; i. (C., Muall; Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 347, woodcuts 1 -4,6. [See also Rhizodus hirberti. ] Ichthyolithus clackmannensis, J. Fleming, Edinb. New Phil. Mag., vol. xix, 1835, p. 314, pl. iv, f. 1-3. [Portions of fish ; Edinburgh Mus. ] 118 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. MEGALICHTHYS hibberti (confinued)— Megalichthys maxillaris, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt il; (1843), p. 96. [Head; Leeds Mus.] Parabatrachus colet, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. ix, 1853, p. 67, pl. ii, f. 1. Maxilla of J/egalichthys, J. Young, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, vol. i (1868), p. 174, pl. 1, f. 1-3. [Maxilla; Brit. Mus.] T. (Parabatrachus.) Ganolodus sicula, ®. Owen, Trans. Odontol. Soc., vol. v, 1867, p- 354, pl. vii. Tooth of A/egalichthys, A. Hancock and ‘r. Atthey, Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iii (1870), p. 90. [Micro. section of tooth ; Brit. Mus.] T. (Ganolodus.) Centrodus striatulus, ¥. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 4, and Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 611, pl. 116, f. 1; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 319. (Assigned to Megalichthys by J. Young, Quart, Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, p. 607.) [Tooth ; Woodwardian Mus.] T. (Ceztrodus.) Loc. Coal-Meas. ; S. Wales, Staffordshire, Yorkshire, Lanca- shire, Northumberland, and South Scottish Coalfield. [Head and scales ; Leeds Mus.] T. laticeps, R. H. Traquair, Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb., vol. viii, (1884), p. 67, pl. iv, and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. i, 1884, p. 115, pl. v, f. 1-6. ? Diplopterus robertsont, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. 1 (1844), p- Xxxvi (name only). Loc. Calcif. Sandst. ; Burdiehouse, near Edinburgh. [Portions of fishes ; Edinburgh Mus. | maaillaris, Agassiz. v. Megalichthys hibberti. priscus, Agassiz. v. Dipterus valenciennesi. pygmeeus, R. H. Traquair, in Mem. Geol. Sury. Scotland, 1879, Expl. to Sheet 31, p. 76 (name only), and in J. Ward, Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), pl. vi, f. 7, 8. Diplopterus carbonarius, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 162 (name only). [Fragments labelled by Agassiz ; Brit. Mus.] Megalichthys hibberti (‘young’), E.W. Binney, Trans. Manchester Geol. Soc., vol. i (1841), p. 163, pl. v, f. 1, 2. [Mandib. ramus.] Loc. Coal-Meas. ; Lanarkshire, Northumberland, and Stafford- shire. [Mandib. ramus; Geol. Surv. Scotland.] rugosus, J. Young, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1869 (1870), Sect, p. 102; J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 229. ? Rhomboptychius, J. Young (e+ Huxley, MS.), Quart. Journ Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, pp. 597, 604, woodcuts I, 2; J- Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 230, f. 6, and Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x, 18809, pl. ii, f. 6, pl. vili, f. 9. [Head and portion of trunk ; Andersonian Mus., Glasgow. ] Loc. Coal-Meas.; Lanarkshire and N. Staffordshire. [Head- bones ; J. Thomson Coll. ] PISCES. 119 MEGALODON, Agassiz. v. Portheus. lewesiensis, Mantell. v. Portheus mantelli. sauroides, Agassiz. v. Portheus mantelli. MEGALOPS, J}. L. G. de Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poissons, vol. v, 1803, p. 289. priscus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. ii (1843), p. 114 (name only). Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Skull; Brit. Mus.] MEGALURUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 145. austeni, P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. ix (Mem. Geol. Sury., 1858), no. 9, pl. ix. Loc. Purbeck ; Swanage. [Imperfect fish; Brit. Mus.] damoni, P. M. G. Egerton, 7é7d., no. 8, pl. viii. Loc. Purbeck ; Bincombe, near Weymouth. [Fish ; Brit. Mus.} MERISTODON, Agassiz. v. Hybodus. paradoxa, Agassiz. v. Hybodus striatulus. MERLINUS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only). cristatus, L. Agassiz, zézd, p. 308 (name only). T. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect head; Brit. Mus.] MESACANTHUS, Traquair. v. Acanthodes. mitchelli (Egerton), Traquair. v. Acanthodes mitchelli. peachi (Egerton), Traquair. v. Acanthodes peachi. pusillus (Agassiz), Traquair. v. Acanthodes pusillus. MESODON, A. Wagner. Abh. k. bay. Akad. Wiss., Cl. ii (1851), p. 56. GYRONCHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 202 (incompletely defined). ? biserialis: Pycnodus biserial’s, L. Agassiz, tbéd., p. 199 (name only). Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Mandib. dentition ; Brit. Mus.] bucklandi (Agassiz), A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 454. Pycnodus bucklandt, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 11 (1843), p- 192, pl. Ixxiia, f. 15-22; R. Owen, Odontogr. (1841), pl. xxxiv, f. 2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 342; J- Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 179, woodcut xaxix, f. 4, 5. [See also Wesodon sp. | Pycnodus didymus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 11 (1843), p. 193, pl. Ixxiia, f. 24, 25; R. Owen, Odontogr. (1841) pl. xxxiv, f. 3; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 3423 J- Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 179, woodcut xxxix, f. 6. [Mandib. dentition ; Brit. Mus.] 120 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. MESODON bucklandi (continued)— Pycnodus obtusus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 199; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 342. [Vomer; Brit. Mus.] Pycnodus ovalis, L. Agassiz, 2b¢d., p. 195, pl. Ixxii a, f. 5; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 342. [Vomer ; Bristol Mus. } ? Gyrodus perlatus, L. Agassiz, 2b¢d., p. 236; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328. [Scales ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Vomer; Oxford Mus. ] discoides: Pycnodus discoides, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 11 (1843), p. 199 (name only). Loc. Gt. Oolite; Little Gibraltar, Oxford. [Vomer; Brit. Mus. | liassicus (Egerton), J. J. Heckel, Denkschr. k. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien., math.-naturw. Cl., vol. xi, 1856, p. 202. Pycnodus liassicus, P. M. G. Egerton, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. xiil, 1854, p. 436, and Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. viii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1855), no. 10, pl. x ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 342. Loc. L. Lias ; ? Barrow-on-Soar, and Tewkesbury. [Imperfect fish ; Brit. Mus. ] oblongus (Agassiz), K. A. von Zittel, Handb. Palont., vol. iii (1887), p. 247. Gyronchus Tee L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 202;0 pl. xix a; f.nojo11 3 J. Morris, Caleb Foss., 1854, p. 328. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Vomer; Bristol Mus.] rugulosus (Agassiz), A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 454. Pycnodus pecdig L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. il (1839-43), p. 194, pl. Ixxiia, f. 23; R. Owen, Odontogr. (1841), descr. to ‘pl. SOKLVG fs, Its oy. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 342; ? J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 179, woodcut ROKK feel. Pycnodus parvus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843) p.i199% J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 342. [Mandib. dentition ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. Gt. Oolite; Northamptonshire. Stonesfield Slate. [Vomer ; Oxford Mus. ] trigonus (Agassiz), A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1889, p. 454. Gyrodus trigonus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p: 232, pl. Ixix a, f. 15; ‘J--Morris; Cats Brit. Foss., 18545 p, 3252 J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 179, woodcut xxxix, f. 7. Pycnodus trigonus, WW. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral. ed. 2, 1837, vol. 11, p. 45. pl. xxvii ¢, f. 3; L. Agassiz, Poiss. Hoss. vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 199 (name only). [Vomer ; Oxford Mus. | PISCES, 121 MESODON trigonus (con/inued)— WMicrodon trigonus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. i (1844), p. xlii Pycnodus latirostris, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p- 199 (undefined). [Mandib. dentition ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Vomer; Brit. Mus.] umbonatus: /ycnodus uwmbonatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 194, pl. Ixxii a, f. 1-4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 343. Loc. Forest Marble; England. [Mandib. dentition.] sp.: Pycnodus bucklandi, R. Damon (non Agassiz), Geol. Wey- mouth, ed. 3, 1888, Suppl., pl. viii, f. 9. Loc. Portland Stone; Portland. [Mandib. dentition; Brit. Mus. | MESOGOMPHUS, Davis. v. Copodus. lingua, Davis. v. Copodus lingua. MESOLEPIS, J. Young, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, p- 313; RK. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxix (1879), Pp. 355- ? Popopus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 83 (name only). micropterus, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxix (1879), p. 356, pl. iv, f. &. Loc. L. Coa!-Meas. (Dalemoor-Rake Ironstone) ; Stanton-by- Dale, Derbyshire. [Fish ; Manchester Mus.] scalaris, J. Young, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1865, p- 313;.J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1876, p. 235, and Trans. N. Statfs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), pl. vii, f. 10-14; R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxix (1879), p. 355, pl. iv, f. 1-5. Loc. Coal-Meas.; North Staffordshire. [Fish ; J. Ward Coll.] wardi, J. Young, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, p. 313, pl. xxi, f. 1, 3; J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 234; R.H. Traquair (?), Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xx1x (1879), p. 355- . Loc. Coal-Meas.; North Staffordshire. [Fish ; J. Ward Coll.] ?sp., R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxix (1879), P- 355- ? Pododus capitatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 11 (1843), p. 163 (name only). T. (Pododus.) Loc. Coal-Meas.; Carluke. [Teeth.] MESOLOPHOBUS, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 61. protlematicus, A. S. Woodward, 7dzd., p. 61, pl. i, f. 18, 19. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] T. | 122 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA: METOPACANTHUS, Zittel. v. Myriacanthus. orthorhinus (Egerton), Zittel. wv. Myriacanthus granulatus. MICROBRACHIUS, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 510. dicki, R. H. Traquair, 7477, p. 510, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. ii, 1888, p. 502, pl. xviii, f. 7, 8. Pterichthys dickiz, C. W. Peach, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1867 (1868), Sect., p. 72 (name only). Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; John-o’-Groats, Caithness. [Imper- fect fish ; Edinburgh Mus. | T.. MICROCONODUS, Traquair. v. Gonatodus. ammolyneuxi, Traquair. v. Gonatodus molyneuxi. MICRODON, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 204. nuchalis, Dixon. v. Platax nuchalis. occipitalis, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 369, pl. xxxii*, f. 2 5 J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333. Pycnodont genus non det., A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), | p- 308. Loc. Chalk; Lewes. [Fragment of fish ; Brighton Mus.] pagoda (Blake), A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, Pp. 454- Pycnodus pagoda, J. ¥. Blake, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. Xxxvl, 1880, p. 228, pl. x, f. Io. Loc. Portland Stone ; Upway, near Weymouth. [Vomer.] quincuncialis: Pyciodus guincuncial?s, J. F. Blake, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi, 1875, p. 223; R. Damon, Geol. Weymouth, ed. 3, 1888, Suppl., pl. xi, f. 10. Loc. L. Kim. Clay ; Weymouth. [Vomer; Brit. Mus.] radiatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 208, pl. lxix ¢, f. 1,2; R. Owen, Odontogr. (1841), p. 73, pl. xliil, i 3: Ja Mortis, ‘Cat! Brats'Foss., 1854, p2333: Loc. Purbeck ; Swanage. [Fishes ; o//m H. E. Strickland and. Johnson Colls. | trigonus, Agassiz. v. Mesodon trigonus. MIOGANODUS, Owen. v.Loxomma. [AMPHIBIA.] laniarius, Owen. v. Loxomma allmanni. {AMPHIBIA.] MITRODUS, Owen. v. Gyracanthus. quadricornis, R. Owen, Trans. Odontol. Soc., vol. v, 1867, p. 338, pl.iii. ‘Tubercles of Gyracantius, A. Hancock and T. Atthey, - Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. ii (1870), p- 110. iy Loc. Coal-Meas.; Newsham. [Micro. section of dermall tubercle; Brit. Mus.] T.. PISCE. 123 * Murena ? lewesiensis,’ G. A. Mantell, Foss. South Downs, 1822, p. 232, pl. xxxiv, f. 11, pl. xl, f. 2. (Same specimens figured as Dercetis elongatus by L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), pl. Ixvi a, f. 3, 4.) = Worm-burrows from the Chalk, lined with various scales of fishes (W. Davies, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. vi, 1879, p. 145.) [Brit. Mus.] MYLACODUS, Davis. wv. Copodus. quadratus, Davis. v. Copodus spatulatus. sesamini, Davis. v7. Copodus spatulatus. variabilis, Davis. v. Copodus variabilis. MYLAX, Davis. wv. Copodus. batoides, Davis. v. Copodus oblongus. MYLIOBATIS, Cuvier (ex Duméril), R¢gne Animal, vol. ii, 1817, p. 137. [A7yliobates, auct.] acuta, [-us]L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 331, pl. xlvy, f. 14-17 ; [-us] J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333. Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Spine ; 0/77 J.S. Bowerbank Coll.] canaliculata, [-us] L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 331; pl. xlv, f. 18-20 ; [-us] J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333- Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Spine ; 0/77 J.S. Bowerbank Coll.} colei, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 325 (name only). Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Teeth.] contractus, Dixon. wv. Myliobatis dixoni. dixoni, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), p. 319; F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 198, pl. x, f. 1, 2, pl. xi, f. 14, pl. xii, f. 3; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333; A. S. Wood- ward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. 1, 1888, p. 41, pl. i, f. 1-4, and Cat. Foss. Fishes Bb. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 1c9, woodcut 4. Myliobatis heteropleurus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), p. 323, pl. xlvii, f. 6-8; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 333. [Lower teeth ; Brit. Mus.] Myliobatis contractus, ¥F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 209, pl. xi, f. 17 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333. [Lower teeth; Brit. Mus.] Myliobatis striatus, F. Dixon (zon Agassiz), Geol. Sussex, 1850, descr. to pl. xii, f. 2. [Lower teeth ; Brit. Mus. ] Loc. Bracklesham Beds; Sussex. Barton Clay ; Hampshire, [Upper teeth ; Brit. Mus.] edwardsi, Dixon. v. Myliobatis striata. goniopleurus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 31%, pl. xlvii, f. 9, 10; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333; A. S. Woodward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. 1, 1888, p. 44, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 115, pl. iii, f. 5. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. Bracklesham Beds ; Sussex, [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.]} 124 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. MYLIOBATIS (continued)— gyrata, [-us] L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss.. vol. iii (1843), p. 323, pl. xlvi, f. 1-3; [-us] J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333. [Un- satisfactorily defined. | Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Teeth ; Paris Mus.] heteropleurus, Agassiz. «wv. Myliobatis dixoni. irregularis, Dixon. v. Myliobatis striata. jugatis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), p. 324, pl. xlvii f. 13, 14; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333. [Unsatis- factorily defined. | Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Teeth ; 0/7 S. Hibbert Coll.] lateralis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), p. 331, pl. xlv, f. 24-27 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Spine ; o/z# G. Cumberland Coll.] latidens, A. S. Woodward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. i, 1888, p. 45, pl. i, f. 11, 12, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, Pp: FNS. Loc. Bracklesham Beds ; Sussex. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] marginalis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), p. 331 (name only). Loc. Barton Clay; Hampshire. [Spine; Brit. Mus.] nitidus, Agassiz. wv. Myliobatis toliapica. oweni, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 331, pl. xlv, f. 11-13; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333- Myliobatis, ¥. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, descr. to pl. x, f. 10. LOC. eae Beds ; Sussex. [Spine; R. Coll. Surgeons Mus. punctatus, Agassiz. wv. Myliobatis striata. striata, [-us| W. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral., ed. 2, 1837, vol. i1, p. 46, pl. xxvii d, f. 14 (name and fig. only) ; [-us] L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 320; [-us] J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333; [-us] A. S. Woodward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. i, 1888, p. 42, pl. i, f. 5-9, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B.M., pt.i, 1889, p.112. [See also WZ. déveni and M. toliapica.] Mvliobatis punctatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 322, pl. xlvii, f. 11,.02.; J. Morris, Cat. Brit Fossyo1ega: p. 333. [Abraded teeth ; Brit. Mus.] Myliobatis irregularis, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 199, pl. xi, f.. 15; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p: 333. [| beet, Brit. Mus. ] Myliobatis edwardsi, F. Dixon, zdid., p. 199, pl. xi, f. 16; [-ii] J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. Bracklesham Beds ; Sussex. Barton Clay ; Hampshire. [Teeth ; Oxford Mus.] PISCES: 125 MYLIOBATIS (continucd)— sutwralis, Agassiz. v. Myliobatis toliapica. toliapica, [-us] L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), p. 321, pl. xlvii, f. 15-20 ; [-us] ? F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, descr. to pl. x, f. 3-5 ; [-us] J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333 ; [-us] A. S. Woodward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. i, 1888, p. 45, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 116. [Spines figured by L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 331, pl. xlv, f. 21-23, and F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, pl. x, f. 36.] Myliobatis suturalis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p- 322, pl. xlvi, f. 12-16. Myliobatis nitidus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 325; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus. Myliobatis striatus, R. Owen (nox Agassiz), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [1] vol. xix, 1847, p. 25, woodcut. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. Bracklesham Beds; Sussex. Barton Clay ; Hampshire. [Lower teeth; Brit. Mus.] ? tumidens, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, ) p. 119. | Loc. Red Crag; Suffelk. [Tooth; Brit. Mus.] | MYRIACANTNUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 37- PROGNATHODUS, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., | vol. xxviii, 1872, p. 236. METOPACANTHUS, K. A. von Zittel, Handb. Palzeont., vol. iii (1887), p. 110. granulatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. 11 (1837), p. 40, pl.wynia, f16; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss.,'1854, ps 333°; A. S. Woodward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. iv, 1889, p. 279. Leptacanthus tenuispinus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii (8837), p. 27, pl.ijd.. 12, 135) J. Mots, Gat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332. [Fragment of spine ; Brit. Mus.] T. (Lepltacanthus.) Ischyodus orthorhinus, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Sve; vol. xxvii, 1871,,p. 275, pl. xii. [Head, ete. ; Bnit. Mus.] Metopacanthus orthorhinus, WK. A. von Zittel, Handb. Palzont., vol. iii (1887), p. 110. T. (MWetopacanthus.) Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Dorsal fin-spine ; Brit. Mus.] paradoxus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. i (1837), p. 38, pl. vi; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333; A. S. Woodward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. iv, 1889, p. 279. ‘External defensive organ,’ H. T. De la Beche, Trans. Geol. Soc. [ei vol. 1(1822), p. 44, ph. vy. 5/2. Myriacanthus retrorsus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p- 39, pl. vilia, f. 14, 15; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333. [Base of spine; Oxford Mus.]} 126 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. MYRIACANTHUS paradoxus (continued)— Chimera (Ischyodon) johnsonii, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 344, pl. xlc, f. 22. Ischyodus johnsoni, J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 330. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.] Prognathodus guentheri, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxviii, 1872, p. 233, pl. viii. [Head, with teeth ; Brit. Mus. } T. (Prognathodus.) Loc. L. Lias ; Lyme Regis. [Dorsal fin-spines ; Brit. Mus. and Bristol Mus. ] retrorsus, Agassiz, wv. Myriacanthus paradoxus. MYRIOLEPTIS, Egerton, MS. (207 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, p. 3), quoted by Etheridge, Foss. Brit. Islands, pt. i, 1888, p. 333. (Carboniferous ?) MYRIPRISTIS, Cuvier, Mém. Acad. Sci. Inst. France, vol. viii, 1825 (1829), p. Cxxix. toliapicus, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 307 (name only). Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect head; Brit. Mus.] NAISIA, Minster. wv. Lepidosteus. apicalis (Minster), Morris. wv. Lepidosteus fimbriatus. NEMACANTHWS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1837), p. 25 ; A. S. Woodward, Trans. Leicester Lit. and Phil. Soc., n.s., pt. xi, 1889, p. 18. brevis, J. Phillips. Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 178, woodcut xxxviil, f. 3-5 (figs. only). Nemacanthus brevispinus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p- 177 (name only). Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Spine ; Oxford Mus.] brevispinus, Agassiz. v. Nemacanthus brevis. filifer, Agassiz. v. Nemacanthus monilifer. minor, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvii, 1881, Pp: 410, plaxxii, f. 5. Loc. Rheetic ; Wainlode Cliff. [Spine ; Geol. Soc. London.]} monilifer, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 26, pl. vii, f. 10-15; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 334; J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvii, 1881, p. 418. Nemacanthus filifer, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p- 26, pl. vii, f.g; J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvii, 1881, p. 418. [Spine ; Bristol Mus.] Loc. Rheetic ; Aust Cliff. [Spines ; Bristol Mus.] T. priscus, M‘Coy. v. Cosmacanthus priscus. PISCES. 127 NEMATOPTYCHIUS, R. H. Traquair, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. xv, 1875, p. 259, and Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix (1877), p. 262. gracilis, R. H. Traquair, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix (1877), p- 262. Loc. Carb. Limest. (Blackband Ironstone) ; Gilmerton. [Fish ; Edinburgh Mus. ] greenocki, [-ii] R. H. Traquair, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. xv 1875, p. 258, pl. xvi, f. g-11, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiil, 1877, p. 577, and Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb., vol. v, 1879, pp. 118, 128. Pygopterus greenockit, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 78 (name only) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 343; R. H. Traquair, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. v (1866), p. 597, and Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxiv, 1867, p. 701, pl. xlv. Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Wardie and Water of Leith, near Edin- burgh ; Burntisland, and near Anstruther, Fifeshire. Carb. Limest. ; Loanhead, Gilmerton, and Borough Lee, near Edinburgh, and Possil, Lanarkshire. [Imperfect fish ; Edin- burgh Mus. ] T. ’ Nemopteryx mandibularis, Agassiz. v. Pygopterus mandi- bularis. NEORHOMBOLEPYS, A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 304. excelsus, A. S. Woodward, zézd., p. 304, pl. i, f. 1. Loc. L. Chalk; Kent. [Imperfect fish; Brit. Mus.] T, NOTHOSOMUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1843), p. 292 (name only); P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. ix (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1858), no. 6, pl. vi. octostychius, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 1 (1843), p. 292 (name only) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 334 ; P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. ix (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1858), no. 6, pl. vi. Loc. L. Lias; Street, Somersetshire. [Fish, wanting head ; Brit. Mus.] T. NOTIDANUS, Cuvier, Régne Animal, vol. ii, 1817, p. 128. XIPHODOLAMIA, J. Leidy, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. [2] vol. viii (1877), p. 252. amatthei, A. Oppel, Wiirtt. Jahresh., vol. x, 1854, p. 62, pl. i, f. 1. Recorded from the U. Lias of Whitby by Tate and Blake, Yorkshire Lias, 1876, p. 256. (Doubtful tooth, A. S. Wood- ward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iii, 1886, p. 525, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 168.) [Tooth ; Whitby Mus.] 128 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. NOTIDANUWUS (continued)— daviesi, A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iii, 1886, p. 212, pl. vi, f. 8. Hybodus polyprion, J. Phillips (#02 Agassiz), Geol. Oxford, 1871, p.. 305; pl.xit, f. 18. Loc. Oxford Clay ; Oxford. [Tooth ; Oxford Mus.] gigas, E. Sismonda, Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino [2] vol. xix (1857), p. 460, f. 13; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ill, 1886, p. 255, woodcut 1; H. M. Platnauer, Ann. Rep. Yorksh. Phil. Soc., 1886, pl. i, f. 4; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 165, woodcut 7. Notidanus meneghinit, R. Lawley, Atti Soc. Tose. vol. iii (1877), p. 72, pl. ii, f. 4; A.S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iii, 1886, p. 255, woodcut 2; H. M. Platnauer, Ann. Rep. Yorksh. Phil. Soc., 1886, pl. i, f. 5. [Yaoth; Yorz Mus.) Loc. Red Crag ; Suffolk. [Teeth ; York Mus.] lanceolatus, A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iii, 1886, p- 214, pl. vi, f. 16, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889,. p- 160. Loc. Gault ; ? Folkestone, Kent. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] meneghinii (Lawley), A.S. Woodward. v. Notidanus gigas. microdon, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill, p. 54 (1835), and vol. i (1843), ‘ps221, pl. xxvii, f. 1, pl. xxxvi, f.1, 25) 2) Deoe Geol. Sussex, 1850, descr. to pl. xxx, f. 30; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 334; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iii, 1886, p. 213, pl. vi, f. 10-15, and Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 287, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p- 160. ‘Tooth of Sgualus?, G. A. Mantell, Foss. S. Downs, 1822, p. 227, pl. xxxil, f. 22. Notidanus pectinatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iti (1843), p. 221, pl. xxxvi, f. 3; J. Morris, Cat. Bit. Wess, aosa: Pp. 334- LOc. Cambridge Greensand. U. and L. Chalk; Sussex, Kent, Surrey, and Norfolk. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.] orpiensis, Winkler. v. Acanthias orpiensis. pectinatus, Agassiz. v. Notidanus microdon. primigenius, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. i (1843), p. 218,. pl. xxvu, f. 6-8, 13-17 (?f. 4, 5); A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ii, 1886, p. 216, pl. vi, f. 19, 20, 22 (soz f. 21), and Cat. Foss. Fishes b. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 163. ; Notidanus recurvus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iti (1843), p- 220, pl. xxvii, f. 9-12. [Teeth.] Loc. Barton Clay; Hampshire. [7Zeeth, Brit. Mus.] recurvus, Agassiz. v. Notidanus primigenius. —v PISCES. 129 NOTIDANUS (coniinucd)— serratissimus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 222, pl. xxxvi, f. 4,5; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 334; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iii, 1886, p. 21¢ pl vi, f. 23-26, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1é p: 162. Dens Sguali, G. Brander, Foss. Hanton., 1776, p. 16, f. 111. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey and Middlesex. [Teeth, o/i J. S. Bowerbank Coll. ] serratus, O. Fraas, Wiirtt. Jahresh., vol. xi, 1855, p. 98; F. A. Quenstedt, Der Jura, 1858, p. 784, pl. xcvi, f. 44; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iii, 1886, p. 212, pl. vi, f. 7, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 159. Loc. Oxford Clay ; Scarborough. [Zooth,; Brit. Mus.] sp. (anterior teeth, \/phodolamia), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 163. Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Teeth; Brit. Mus., no. 43141. | OCHLODUS, Owen. v. Diplodus. crassus, Owen. v. Diplodus gibbosus. ODONTASPIS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 87. cuspidata (Agassiz), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. \., pt. 1, 1889, p. 368. Lamna cuspidata, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 209, pl. xxxvii a, f. 43-50. Lamna denticulata, L. Agassiz, ibid, p. 291, p. XXxxvii «, f. 51-53. Lamna (Odontaspis) hopet, L. Agassiz, ib¢d., p. 293, pl. xxxvii «, f. 27-30. Lamna (Odontaspis) dubia, L. Agassiz, 2bid., p. 295, pl. xxxvii «, f. 24-26. Lamna hopet, J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 331. Loc. Eocene; London and Hampshire Basins. [TZeeth,; Bri? Mus.) dubia, Agassiz. v. Odontaspis cuspidata. elegans (Agassiz), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. X/., pt. i, 1889, p. 361. Ornithoglossum sesstle vulgaris, Luidius, Lithophyl. Brit., 1760, p- 64, pl. xv, f. 1266. Dentes Squali, G. Brander, Foss. Hanton., 1776, p. 16, pl. ix, fo 90S, 114: Lamna, E. Charlesworth, Mag. Nat. Hist., n.s., vol. iii, 183», Pp. 451, woodcut 61 a. Lamna elegans, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 26°, pl. xxxv, f. 1-5 (202 f. 6, 7), pl. xxxvii a, f. 59 (zon f. 58); B. Owen (ex Agassiz), Odontography (1840), p. 32, pl. v, f. 3, 4, K 130 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. GDONTASPIS elegans (continued)— pls. vi, vii; F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 203, pl. x, tf. 28-31; |. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 331. [See also Lamna macrota.| Loc. Eocene; London and Hampshire Basins. [Teeth Brit. Mus. | hopei, Agassiz. v. Odontaspis cuspidata. rhaphiodon, Agassiz. v. Scapanorhynchus rhaphiodon. rutoti (Winkler), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 361. Otodus rutotz,'T. C. Winkler, Archiv. Mus. Teyler, vol iv, fasc. i, 1876, p. 4, pl. i, f. 3, 4. Lamna, E. Charlesworth, Mag. Nat. Hist., n.s., vol. iii, 1839, p- 451, woodcut 61 ¢. Loc. L. Eocene ; London Basin. [Zeeth; Brit. Mus.] subulata, Agassiz. v. Scapanorhynchus subulatus. ONCHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 6. arcuatus, Agassiz. v. Byssacanthus arcuatus. falcatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 177 (name only). Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Spine.] hamatus, Agassiz. v. Physonemus hamatus. major, R. Etheridge, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1871 (1872), Sect., p. IIo. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Llidiart-y-Warn Quarry, near Hay, Brecon. [Spine; Brit. Mus.] murchisoni, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1837), p. 6, pl. i, £m 25 R. I. Murchison, Silur. Syst. (1839), p. 607, pl. iv, f.9, 11; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 334- Leptocheles murchisont, J. W. Salter, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. ix, 1853, p. 14 (regarded as Crustacean). Loc. U. Ludlow; Herefordshire and Radnorshire. L. Old Red Sandst. (Passage Beds); Ledbury. [Spines; o/¢m Mur- chison Coll.] T. plicatus, Agassiz. wv. Ctenacanthus plicatus. rectus, Agassiz. v. Ctenacanthus rectus. semistriatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. 111 (1837), p. 8, pl. 1, f.9, and Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 118, pl. xxviii, £ 373 R. I. Murchison, Silur. Syst. (1839), p. 596, pl. ui, f. 12, 13; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 334. Loc. Old Red Sandst.; Southstone Rock. [Spine; o/zmz Mur- chison Coll. | subulatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 177 (name only). [Genus non det.| Loc. Coal-Meas.; Ruabon. [Spine; Brit. Mus.] sulcatus, Agassiz. v. Ctenacanthus sulcatus. PISCES. 131 ONCEHUS (continued)— tenuistriatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 7, pl. i, f. 10; R. I. Murchison, Silur. Syst. (1839), p. 607, pl. iv, f. 12, 13, 57-59; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 3343 F. M‘Coy, Brit. Paleeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 577. Loc. Ludlow Bone-bed and Downton Sandst.; Herefordshire. L. Old Red Sandst. (Passage Beds); Ledbury. [Spine ; olim Murchison Coll. ] ONYCHODUWS, J. S. Newberry, Geol. Surv. Ohio, vol. i, pt. 11, 1873, p. 2906. anglicus, A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 500, woodcut. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst. (Passage Beds); Herefordshire. [Presymphysial teeth ; Oxford Mus. ] OPHIOP?PSIS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. il, pt. 1 (1843), p. 289. brevicops, P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. vi (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1852), no. 6, pl. vi; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 334. Loc. L. Purbeck.; Oakleigh Quarry, near Tisbury, Wiltshire. [Fish ; Mus. Pract. Geol. and Brit. Mus. ] dorsalis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. 11, pt. i (1843), p. 291, pl. xxxvi, f. 5 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 334. Loc. Purbeck ; Swanage. [Fish; Brit. Mus.] fiesheri (Agassiz), K. A. von Zittel, Handb. Palzeont., vol. iii (1887), Pp. 217: Pholidophorus flesheri, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (te49), p.°201, pl. xxvii, £8; J: Mors, ‘Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 338. Loc. Inf. Oolite ; Blisworth. [Imperfect fish; counterpart in Brit. Mus. |} penicillatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 1 (1843), p. 290, pl. xxxvi, f. 2-4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 334. Loc. Purbeck; ? Swanage. [Fish; Brit. Mus.] sauroides (Egerton), Zittel. wv. Eugnathus philpote. ORACANTHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 13. PNIGEACANTHUS, O. St. John and A. H. Worthen, Pal. Illinois, vol. vi, 1875, p. 480. PHODERACANTHUS, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. 1 (1883), p. 533- armigerus, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc., vol. v (1887), p. 313 (name only), and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 86. Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Abden, Fife, and Eskdale, Dumfries. Carb. Limest.; Broadstone, Ayrshire. [Spine; R. Craig Coll. Also portion of fish ; Edinburgh Mus.] 132 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ORACANTHUS (continued )— confluens, Agassiz. v. Oracanthus milleri. milleri, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 13, pl. ili, f 1-4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 334; F. M‘Coy, Bnt. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p. 634; K. Etheridge, jun., Geol. Mag. [2] vol. iv, 1877, p. 307, pl. xiii, f. 4-6; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 525, pl. lxiii, f. 1-4, pl. Ixiv, pl. Ixv, f. 3, 4 (? also pl. 1x11). Oracanthus confiuens, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p- 177 (name only). [Spine.] Oracanthus minor, L. Agassiz, ibzd. (1843), p. 16, pl. iii, f. 5, 6 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335. [Fragment of spine ; Bristol Mus. ] Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Gloucestershire and Armagh. [Spines; Bristol Mus. ] T. minor, Agassiz. w Oracanthus milleri. pustulosus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 15, pl. ii, f. 3,45; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335- Phoderacanthus grandis, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. 1 (1883), p. 534, pl. Ixv, f. 1. [Spine ; Brit. Mus.] TT. (Phoderacanthis.) Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Bristol. [Spine ; Bristol Mus.] sp., Davis. v.Asterolepis verrucosus and Coccosteus carbonarius. ORODWS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 96. angustus, Davis. 7. Orodus elongatus. catenatus, J. E. Portlock (ex Agassiz, MS.), Rep. Geol. London- derry, 1843, p. 461 (name only) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 395, pl. li, f. 5; A.S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 234. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] cinctus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 96, pl. xi, f. 1-4 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335 ; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 392, pl. 1, f. 8,9; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 230. Loc. L. Carb. (Bone-bed in L. Limest. Shales) ; Avon Gorge, near Bristol. [Teeth ; Bristol Mus.] T. compressus, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p- 131; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss. 1854, p. 3355 J. We Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. 1 (1883), p. 394, pl. il, £ aa: Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth ; Geol. Soc. London.] elongatus, J. W. Davis (ex Agassiz, MS.), Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 394, pl. li, f. 1-3; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M,, pt. i, 1889, p. 233. PISCES. 133 ORODWUS elongatus (continued )— Orodus angustus, J. E. Portlock (ex Agassiz, MS.), Rep. Geol. Londonderry, 1843, p. 461 (name only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335; J. W. Davis (ex Agassiz, MS.), Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 395, pl. li, f. 4. [Tooth ; Geol. Soc. London. |] Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] ? gibbus, J. E. Portlock (ex Agassiz, MS.), Rep. Geol. Londonderry, 1843, p. 461 (name only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335 ; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. 1 (1883), p- 396, pl. li, f. 6, 7; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 236 [? Psephodus magnus (pars).) Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.] moniliformis, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 398, pl. li, f. 10-12 ; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 234. Orodus ornatus, J. W. Davis (02 Newberry and Worthen), Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 397, pl. li, f. 9. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. U. Carb. Limest. (incl. Yore- dale Rocks); Richmond and Wensleydale, Yorkshire. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus. ] ornatus, Davis. v. Orodus moniliformis. porosus, F. M ‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 131 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335 ; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 393, pl. 1, f. 10. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth ; Geol. Soc. London. | ramosus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 97, pl. xi, f. 5-8; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335; W. H. Baily, Figs. Charact. Brit. Foss. (1875), p. 120, i shy i103? J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. 1 (1883), p. 390, pl. 1, f. 1-7 ; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 231. [Very doubtful tooth figured by J. E. Portlock, Rep. Geol. Londonderry, 1843, p. 467, pl. xiv, f. 8.] Flelodus subteres, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. i11 (1838), p. 105, pl. xii, £3, 4 4 (Psammodus on plate); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328. [Abraded tooth ; Bristol Mus.] Oredus subteres, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 399, pl. li, f. 15. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Somersetshire and Gloucestershire. Carb. Limest. ; Shropshire and Monmouthshire. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus. and Bristol Mus. ] reedi, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 398, pl. hi, f. 13. Loc. Carb. Limest. ; Settle, Yorkshire. [Tooth ;. York Mus.] sculptus, J. W. Davis, 27d. (1883), p. 396, pl. li, f. 8. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Bristol. [Tooth ; Bristol Mus.] 134 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. CRODVUS (continued )\— subteres (Agassiz), Davis. v. Orodus ramosus. ?tenuis, J. W. Davis, 77d. (1883), p. 399, pl. li, f. 14; A. S. Wood- ward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 236. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Abraded tooth; Brit. Mus.] OROGNATHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), pp. 83, 105 (name only). conidens, L. Agassiz, 7b7d., p. 162 (name only). Loc. Coal-Meas. ; Carluke. T. ORTH ACANTHUS, Agassiz. v. Pleuracanthus. cylindricus, Agassiz. v. Pleuracanthus cylindricus, ORTIZACODUS, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 349. SPHENODUS, L. Agassiz (non Sphenodon, Gray, 1831, non Sphe- zodon, Lund, 1839), Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 288. sp.,.A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 362. Loc. Coral Rag; Malton, Yorkshire. [Teeth ; Malton Mus.] ORTHAGORISCUS, J. G. Schneider, Blochii Syst. Ichthy., 1801, p- 509 (Orthragoriscus). sp., F. Dixon, Geol: Sussex, 1850, descr. to pl. soon) ie as Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335. Chelonian dentary bone, A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p- 276. Loc. Chalk ; Sussex. [Brit. Mus.] ORTHOGNATHUS. T.P. Barkas. v. Rhizodopsis. reticulosus, T. P. Barkas. vw. Rhizodopsis sauroides. OSMEROIDES, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. i (1834), p. 14, and pt. ii (1843), p. 103. ? crassus, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 376; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335 ; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 322. Loc. Chalk; Sussex. [Anterior portion of fish ; Brighton Mus.] granulatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. i (1834), p. 14 (name only) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335. Loc. Chalk; Lewes. [? Pomognathus eupterygius.| lewesiensis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. 1 (1834), p. 14, and pt. ii (1843), p. 105, pl. Ix J f. 1, 2, 5-7, pl. xe (won pl. Ix 4, f. 3,4: see Pomognathus eupterygius) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335 ; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. - Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 322. Salmo lewesiensis, G. A. Mantell, Foss. South Downs, 1822, p: 235, pl, xl, f..1, phi xxxni, f.12, PISCE S. 135 OSMEROIDES lewesiensis (continued)— ‘Scales of unknown fish,’ G, A. Mantell, 237d., pl. xxxiv, f. 1-3. Osmeroides mantelli, L. Agassiz, Neues Jahrb., 1839, p. 121 (name only); G. A. Mantell, Wonders of Geol., ed. 3, vol. i, 1839, p. 427; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335. Loc. Chalk ; 5. E. England. [Fishes ; Brit. Mus.] mantelli, Agassiz. v. Osmeroides lewesiensis. OSTEOLEPTS, A. Valenciennes, in Sedgwick and Murchison, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. iii (1828), p. 144 ;_L. Agassiz, Poiss. Poss., vol. i, pt. 1 (1835), p; 117: H. Miller, Footprints of the Creator, 1849, p. 51, woodcuts 12-15. PLEIOPTERUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p. 112. TRIPTERUS, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p- 306. TRIPLOPTERUS, F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 589. arenatus, Agassiz. 7. Osteolepis macrolepidotus. brevis, M‘Coy. wv. Osteolepis macrolepidotus. macrolepidotus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), Pe 119, pl. id, f. 1-4, pl. 11, f. 5-6; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 588; C. H. Pander, Saurodipt., Dendrodont., etc., devon. Syst., 1860, p. 11, pl. ii, f. 2, 6-9, pl. iii, f. 1-20; R. H. Tra- quair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 515 ; ? A. Valenciennes, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. iii (1828), p. 144. [See also Thursius macrolepidotus. | Osteolepis microlepidotus, 1. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p. ae pl. ii¢, f. 1-4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335 ; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p. 588. Osteolepis arenatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p. 122, pl. 1 2, f. 1-4; F. M*Cov, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), P5073; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335- [Fish; | Brit. Mus. ] Osteolepis major, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 51 pl. xix, f. 1-3 ; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 588 | J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335. [Fish ; Brit. Mus j Osteolepis, H. Miller, Old Red Sandst., 1841, p. 72, pl. iv. Osteolepis brevis, ¥. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. i: | 1848, p. 303, and Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855) , p. 587, pl. 11 D, f.4: J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss.,-1854, p. 335. [Crushed fish ; ; Woodwardian Mus. | Tripterus pollexfent, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. i:, 1848, p. 306; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 346. [Por- tion of fish ; Woodwardian Mus. | Triplopterus pollexfeni, F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p- 589, pl. ii D, f. 5. Loc. L.Old Red Sandst.; Banffshire, Nairnshire, Cromarty, Ross-shire, Caithness, and Orkney. [Imperfect fishes ; o/i7m T. S. Traill Coll.] z. 136 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. OSTEOCLEPSS (continued)— majer, Agassiz. v. Osteolepis macrolepidotus. microlepidotus, Agassiz. wv. Osteolepis macrolepidotus. microlepidotus, C. H. Pander, Saurodipt., Dendrodont., etc., devon. Syst., 1860, p. 10 and fasszm, pl. i, f. 1-6, 8-10, pl. ii, f. 1, 3-5, 10-14. ? Osteolepis microlepidotus, A. Valenciennes, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. iii (1828), p. 144. Loc. L.Old Red Sandst.; Caithness. [Fishes ; Imp. Acad- Sci. St. Petersburg. | OSTEOPLAX, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 6, and Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., vol. i (1848), p. 65. erosa, [-us] F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 6, and Brit. Palaoz. Foss. (1855), p. 613, pl. iii K, f. 12; [-us] J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335. Loc. Carb.; Cultra, co. Down. [Dermal Plate ; Woodwardian Mus. ] TT. OSTEORHACHIS, P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. xili (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1872), no. § (Osteorachis). macrocephala, [-us] P. M. G. Egerton, zdzd,, no. 5, pl. v. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fish; Brit. Mus.] T. OSTINASPIS, Trautschold. wv. Petrodus. OSTRACACANTHUS, J. W. Davis, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1879 (1880), p. 343 (Ostracocanthus), and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvi, 1880, p. 64. dilatatus, j. W. Davis, zézd., p. 343, and zézd., p. 64, woodcut 3. Loc. Cannel Coal; Tingley, Yorkshire. [Dermal Spine; J. W. Davis Coll.] T. OTODUS, Agassiz. v. Lamna. appendiculatus, Agassiz. v. Lamna appendiculata. crassus, Agassiz. Recorded (? evvore) by J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335; see also amma sulcata. Janceolatus, Agassiz. v. Lamna obliqua. lanceolatmus, Dixon. v. Lamna macrota. macrotus, Agassiz. v. Lamna macrota. obliquius, Agassiz. v. Lamna obliqua. rvutoti, Winkler. wv. Odontaspis rutoti. semiplicatus, Agassiz. v. Lamna semiplicata. sulcatus, Geinitz. 7. Lamna sulcata. vineenti, Winkler. wv. Lamna vincenti. woodwardi, C. Hasse, Palzontographica, vol. xxxi (1884), p. 8, pl. ii, f. 13-15 (vertebra). [? Lamna appendiculata.] Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Vertebra; Anat. Inst., Univ. of Breslau. ] PISCES. 137 OXYGNATHUS, P. M. G. Egerton, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. xiii, 1854, p. 435, and Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. viii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1855), no. 9. ornatus, P. M. G. Egerton, zé7d., pls. ix, ix*; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 3306. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fishes ; Brit Mus.] T. OXYGONTIUS, L. Agassiz, in P. B. Brodie’s Foss. Insects, 1845, p. 16. tenuis, L. Agassiz, 747d, p. 16, pl. i, f. 4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 339. Loc. Purbeck; Vale of Wardour. [Fish ; P. B. Brodie Coll.] T. OXYRHINA, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 86. angustidens, A. E. Reuss, Verstein. bohm. Kreideform., pt. 1 (1845), p. 6, pl. il, f. 7-13; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 380. Loc. U. Greensand ; Wiltshire. Chalk; Sussex, Surrey, Kent, and Cambridgeshire. [Zeeth; Brit. Mus.] crassidens, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 367, pl. xxxi, f. 13; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 336; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes Bb. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 382. Oxyrhina mantelli, L. Agassiz (errore), Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), pl. xxxiii, f. 6. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. Chalk ; Sussex. [Tooth; Brit. Mus.] hastalis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 277, pl. xxxiv (excl. f. 1, 2, 214); A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 385. Including O. xiphodon, O. trigonodon, O. plicatilis, O. retrofiexa, and O. guadrans, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii. Loc. Red and White Crags ; Suffolk. [TVeeth, Brit. Mus.] macrorhiza, F. J. Pictet and P. Campiche, Foss. Terr. Crét. St. Croix (Pal. Suisse, 1858), p. 83, pl. x, f. 6-18 ; A. S. Wood- ward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 381. Loc. Gault; Folkestone. Cambridge Greensand. [7eeth,; Brit. Mus.) mantelli, [-ii] L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 54 (1835), and vol. ni (1843), p. 280, pl. xxxin, f. 1-5, 7-9 (mom f. 6) ; F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, descr. to pl. xxx, f. 24; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 336; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 291, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 376, pl. xvii, f. 9-21. [See also Oxyrhina crasstdens.| Squalus zsygana?, G. A. Mantell, Foss. S. Downs, 1822, p. 227 pl. soon, i. 7}: 85 10) 11,°26,-28: Lamna acuminata, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 292, pl. xxxviia, f. 54 (? nom f. 55-57, non ibid., Feuill., p. 54, 138 BRITISH FOSSIE VERTEBRATA. OXYRHINA mantelll (comtinuwed)— 1835); F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, descr. to pl. xxx, f. 19; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 331. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] Loc. U.Greensand; Dorsetshire and Somersetshire. Chloritic Marl ; Ventnor, I. of Wight. Cambridge Greensand. Chalk ; Sussex, Surrey, Kent, and Essex. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] paradoxa, Agassiz. v. Hybodus striatulus. plicatilis, Agassiz. v. Oxyrhina hastalis. quadrans, Agassiz. v. Oxyrhina hastalis. retrvoflexa, Agassiz. v. Oxyrhina hastalis. trigonodon, Agassiz. 7. Oxyrhina hastalis. xiphodon, Agassiz. v7. Oxyrhina hastalis. PACHYCEPHALUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. i (1843), p. 139 (name only), and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only). cristatus, L. Agassiz, zb/d., p. 139 (name only), and zdid., p. 308 (name only). Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Imperfect head; Brit. Mus.] T. PACHYCORMUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. IIo. acutiroestris, L. Agassiz, 7é7d., p. 114 (undefined). Loe; UW: lias); Whitby branchialis (Agassiz, MS.), J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 336 (name only). Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fish; Brit. Mus.] eurtus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 11 (1843), p. 112, pl. lix ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 336. Loc. U. Lias; Whitby. [Fishes; Brit. Mus. and Scarborough Mus. ] gracilis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. 11, pt. ii (1843), p. 114 (unde- fined). Ureus gracilis, L. Agassiz, Neues Jahrb., 1832, p. 142 (name only). Loc. U. Lias ; Whitby. heterurus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. 11, pt. i1 (1843), p. 113, pl. lviiia, f. 4,5; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 336. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Tail ; Oxford Mus.] latipennis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 114 (undefined); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 336; P, M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. ix (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1858), no. 3, pl. iil. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Head, pectoral fin, scales; Brit. Mus. } PISCES. 139 PACHYCORMWUS (con/inued)— latirostris, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 114 (undefined). Loc. U. Lias; Whitby. latus, L. Agassiz, zb¢d., p. 114 (undefined). Loc. U. Lias; Whitby. [Imperfect fish ; Brit. Mus.] leptosteus, L. Agassiz, Zv7., p. 114 (name only). Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. macropterus, L. Agassiz, zé¢d., p. 111, pl. lixa; recorded by J. F. Blake, in Tate and Blake, Yorksh. Lias, 1876, p. 260. Loc. U. Lias; Whitby. [/7sh, York Mus.] T. macrurus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 113, pl. Iviiia, f. 3; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 336. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Tail ; Oxford Mus.] sp. From Oxford Clay ; Peterborough. [Portions of fishes ; Brit. Mus., Woodwardian Mus., and A. N. Leeds Coll.] PACHYRHIZODUS, F. Dixon (ex Agassiz, MS.), Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 374; E. D. Cope, Vert. Cret. Form. West (Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv. Territ., vol. ii, 1875), p. 220. MEGALODON, L. Agassiz (#02 Sowerby), Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 55 (1835) (pars). Hypsopon, L. Agassiz, Neues Jahrb., 1838, p. 108, and Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 104 (1837), and vol. v, pt. i (1843), pp. 8, 99 (pars). RHAPHIOSAURUS, R. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi (1840), p. 413 (Raphiosauris). ACRODONTOSAURUS, J. W. Mason, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv, 1869, p. 444. basalis, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 374, pl. xxxiv, f. 9, 10 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 336. | Loc. Chalk; Steyning, Sussex. [Fragment of mandib. ramus ; | Brit. Mus. } rT. gardneri (Mason), A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 314. Hypsodon lewesiensis, L. Agassiz (pars), Neues Jahrb., 1839, p. 120, and Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 104 (1837), and vol. v, pt. i (1943), p: 09, ply xxve, f. 1, 2, 4, pl ave, £4, (55 E. T. Newton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxili, 1877, p. 508. ‘Reptile or Fish,’ Toulmin Smith, Lond. Geol. Journ. (1846), p. 21, woodcut. [Group of bones; Brit. Mus.] = | Acrodontosaurus gardnert, J. W. Mason, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv, 1869, p. 444, pl. xix. TT. (Acrodontosaurits.) Loc. Chalk; S.E. England. [Portion of mandib. ramus ; Brit. Mus. ] 140 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PACHYRHIZODWUS (continued)— glyphodus, C. C. Blake and S. J. Mackie, Geologist, vol. vi, 1863, p. 134. Loc. Gault; Folkestone. [Fragment of jaw; Brit. Mus.] gracilis (Owen), A. S. Woodward (er W. Davies and O. C. Marsh, MS.), Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 314. Mosasaurus gracilis, R. Owen, in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p- 380, ‘ph. xxxvily f. 1, and. Rept. Cret. Form, (Pal, ae, 1851), p. 31, pl. ix, f. 1. [For other figures see REPTILIA. ] Loc. Chalk ; Sussex. [Jaws ; Brighton Mus.] subulidens (Owen), A. S. Woodward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. iv, 1889, p. 350. Rhaphiosaurus subulidens, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841, p. 190, and Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 19, pl. x, f: 5,/6: TT. (Rhaphiosaurus.) Rhaphiosaurus lucius, R. Owen, in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 385, pl. xxxix, f. 1-3. Loc. L. Chalk; Cambridge. Chalk; Sussex. [Mandib. ramus; Woodwardian Mus. ] PALZZONISCUS, H. D. de Blainville, Dict. Hist. Nat., vol. xxvii, 1818, p. 320 (Pal@oniscum); L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 1 (1834), p. 41. PALZOTHRISSUM, H. D. de Blainville, Dict. Hist. Nat., vol. xxvii, 1818, p. 320. abbsi, Kirkby. v. Acentrophorus abbsi. altus, Kirkby. v. Acentrophorus altus. ? angustus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1834), p. 57, pl. ix, f. 1-5. Doubtfully recorded from Permian of Fulwell by J. W. Kirkby, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, p. 356. [?not Pa/@ontscus, according to Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiil, 1877, p. 558.} carinatus, Agassiz. wv. Rhadinichthys carinatus. catopterus, Agassiz. wv. Dictyopyge catoptera. comptus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p. 97, pl. x4, f. 1-3 (P. comtus) ; W. King, Permian Foss. (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 223, pl. xxi, f. 1; W. C. Willfanmisen; Pom Trans., 1849, p. 445, pl. xl, f. 7; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 336. Paleothrissum magnum and P. macrocephalum, A. Sedgwick, Trans. Geol: Soc. [2] vol. iii (1829), p: 117, plevill,®. 1, 2, pl. ix, f.-2: Palaoniscus freieslebent, F. M‘Coy (? on Blainville), Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 606; R. Howse, Guide Coll. Local Foss. Mus. Nat. Hist. Soc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1889, pp. 21, 24. Loc. Marl-Slate; Midderidge and Cullercoats. L. Magnesian Limest.; Down Hill, near Boldon. [Fishes.] ij | FASCES, I4I PALZZONISCUS (continued )— egertoni (Agassiz), Egerton. wv. Elonichthys egertoni. elegans (Sedgwick), L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), Pp. 95, pl. x4, f.-4,5; W. King, Permian Foss. (Pal. Soc., 1890), p. 223, pk xxi}; £ 1@; J. Mors, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 336; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 605. Paleothrissum elegans, A. Sedgwick, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. ili (1829), p. 117, pl. ix, f. 1. Loc. Permian; Durham. [Fish.] freieslebeni, Blainville, recorded in error by J. Phillips in Murchison’s Silur. Syst., 1839, p. 89, and J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 336, from Spirorbis Limestone in U. Coal-Meas., Ardwick : see also Pal@ontscus comptus. glaphyrus, Agassiz. v. Acentrophorus glaphyrus. hancocki, Atthey. v. Rhadinichthys hancocki. longissimus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p. 100, pl. xc, f.4; W. King, Permian Foss. (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 225, pl. xxi, f. 2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 337- Loc. Permian; Durham. [Fish ; counterpart in Brit. Mus.] macrophthalmus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p. 99, pl. xc, f. 3; W. King, Permian Foss. (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 225, pl. xi, £ 2; J. Morris, Cat) Brit Foss., 1854, p. 337 5 F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 607. Loc. Permian ; Durham. [Fish; Geol. Soc. London. ] monensis, Egerton. v. Rhadinichthys monensis. ornatissimus, Agassiz. v. Rhadinichthys ornatissimus. robisoni, Agassiz. v. Elonichthys robisoni. striolatus, Agassiz. v. Elonichthys striolatus. wardi (Young), Ward. v. Rhadinichthys wardi. latus, Kirkby. wv. Acentrophorus altus. superstes, Egerton. v. Dictyopyge superstes. varians, Kirkby. v. Acentrophorus varians. PALZOSPINAX, P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. xiii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1872), no. 7. priscus (Agassiz), P. M. G. Egerton, zézd., pl. vii, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxix, 1873, p. 420; J. W. Davis, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. vii, 1881, p. 429, pl. xx; C. Hasse, Neues Jahrb., 1883, vol. ii, p. 66; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 499, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, Pp: 322) phivil, fr, Thyellina prisca, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 378, pl. xxxix, f. 1, 2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 345. Cestracion (Acrodus), C. Hasse, Palzontographica, vol. xxxi (1884), p. 6, pl. ii, f. 8, 9. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire. [Vertebral column ; Oxford Mus.] 142 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PALZZOSPINAZX (continued)— sp., A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 325. Loc. Rhetic; Holwell, near Frome, Somersetshire. [Teeth and spines; Bath Mus.] PALMHOTHRISSUM, De Blainville. wv. Palzeoniscus. elegans, Sedgwick. v. Palzoniscus elegans. macrocephalum, Sedgwick. v. Palzoniscus comptus. magnum, Sedgwick. v. Palzoniscus comptus. PAMPHERACTUS, Agassiz. v. Bothriolepis. andersoni, Agassiz. v. Bothriolepis hydrophilus. hydrophilus, Agassiz. v. Bothriolepis hydrophilus. PAREXUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1845), p. 120; J. Powrie, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, p. 423. falcatus, J. Powrie, Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc., vol. i, 1870, p. 294, pl. xiil, f. 9. LOG aL. i Red Sandst.; Forfar. [Imperfect fish; J. Powrie Coll. inecurvus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1845), p. 120, pl. xxxiil, f. 26, 27; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 337; J. Powrie, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, p. 424, pl. xx, f. 1, and Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc., vol. i (1870), p. 293, pl. xii, f. 8. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Forfarshire. [Dorsal fin-spine ; Rossie Priory.] T.. PASSALODON, Buckland. v. Edaphodon. PELARGORHYNCHUS, W. v. d. Marck. v. Dercetis. PELECOPTERUS, Cope. v. Protosphyrzna (fins of). PERCA, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 481. fuviatilis, Linnzus, 777, p. 481; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 120, pl. xviii, f. 1-8. Loc. Forest-Bed Series ; Norfolk. [Preoperculum, supra- clavicle, post-temporal, and scales; A. Savin Coll. and Mus. Pract. Geol.] PERCOSTOMA, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 307 (name only). angustum, L. Agassiz, zdzd., p. 307 (name only). Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect head; Brit. Mus.] T. PERIODUS, Agassiz. v. Pycnodus. koenigi, Agassiz. v. Pycnodus toliapicus. marginalis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. i (1844), p. xlii (name only). Probably teeth of AZesodon from the English Oolite. PISCES. 143 PETALODOPSIS, W. J. Barkas. wv. Ctenodus. mirabilis, W. J. Barkas. wv. Ctenodus obliquus. PETALODOPSIS, Davis. v. Ctenoptychius. tripartitus, Davis. v. Ctenoptychius tripartitus. PETALODUWS, R. Owen, Odontography (1841), p. 61. CHOMATODUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 107 (pars). ANTLIODUS, J. S. Newberry and A H. Worthen, Pal. Illinois, vol. 1i, 1866, p. 33. acuminatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), pp. 174, 384; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 337;. F.. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 635, pl. 11 G, f. 4; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. 1 (1883), p. 494, pl. lix, f. 22-24, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 624, pl. xxvi, f. 10; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 42, pl. i, f. 4-7. Chomatodus acuminatus, L, Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 108, pl. xix, f. 11-13. Petalodus hastingstz, R. Owen, Odontogr. (1841), p. 61, pl. xxii, f. 3-5; ? J. E. Portlock, Rep. Geol. Londonderry, 1843, p. 468, pl. xiv, f. 10; [-iz] J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 337. [See also P. hastingsiz.] [Portion of tooth; Brit. Mus. ] Petalodus rhombus, ¥. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 125; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 337. [Tooth ; o/ém Capt. Jones Coll.] Petalodus ineguitlateralis, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 497, pl. lx, f. 3, 4. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] Loc. U. Carb. Limest.; Durham, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Fife- shire, and Ayrshire. [Tooth ; o/¢# Murchison Coll.] T. ?acutus: Chomatodus acutus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 509, pl. Ixi, f. 2. ? Petalodus (A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 46.) Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth; Brit. Mus.] apicalis (Agassiz), W. J. Barkas. wv. Ctenoptychius apicalis. davisi, [-ii] A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p- 46. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] dentatus, Owen. v. Ctenoptychius dentatus. flabellula, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 45, pl. 1, f. 8. Loc. Carb. Limest.; Shropshire. [Tooth; Brit. Mus.] grandis, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p:.496, pl. Ix, f..1. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Imperfect tooth ; Brit. Mus.] 144 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PETALODUWS (continued)— hastingsie, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), pp. 174, 384 (name only); [-ii] F. M ‘Coy, Brit. Paleoz. Foss. (1855), p. 635 ; W. H. Baily, Figs. Char. Brit. Foss. (1875), p. 120, pl. xii, £33597 Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 493, pl. lix, f. 16, 17, 19 (on f. 18, 20, 21), and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iti, 1886, p. 149; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 44. [Non P. hastingsiz, Owen ; see Petalodus acuminatus and Petalorhynchus psittacinus. | Petalodus levissimus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), pp. 174, 384 (mame only). Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh and Tyrone. ? U. Carb. Limest.; Derbyshire, Yorkshire, and Northumberland. [Teeth.] inequilateralis, Davis. v. Petalodus acuminatus. lteevissimus, Agassiz. v. Petalodus hastingsiz. ? lamelliformis: Chomatodus lamelliformis, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 625, pl. xxvii, f. 23. Loc. Yoredale Rocks; Wensleydale, Yorkshire. [Tooth ; York Mus. ] linearis (Agassiz), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 45. Chomatodus linearis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. tii (1838), p. 108, pl. xii, f. 6, 9, 10 (?f. 5, 11, zon f. 7, 8, 12, 13). (Psammodus on plate.) Loc. L. Limest. Shales (Bone-bed); Bristol. [Teeth; Bristol Mus. } ? lobatus, Etheridge, jun. wv. Ctenoptychius lobatus. marginalis, Davis. v. Polyrhizodus magnus. psitiacinus, M‘Coy. v. Petalorhynchus psittacinus. radicans, Agassiz. wv. Polyrhizodus magnus. rectus, Agassiz. wv. Polyrhizodus magnus. recurvus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), Pp. 497, pl. lx, f. 2. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Bristol. [Tooth ; o/s# Enniskillen Coll.] rhombus, M‘Coy. wv. Petalodus acuminatus. sagittatus, M‘Coy. vw. Petalorhynchus psittacinus. serratus (M‘Coy), Owen. v. Ctenoptychius serratus. (new variety), W. J. Barkas, Monthly Rev. Dental Surgery, vol. ii, 1874, p. 537, f. xxvil, xxvii. Loc. Coal-Meas. ; Northumberland. PETALORHYNCHWUS, |. S. Newberry and A. H. Worthen (ex Agassiz, MS.), Pal. Illinois, vol. ii, 1866, p. 32. ? benniei, Etheridge, jun. v. Pristodus benniei. PISCES. 145 PETALORHYNCHUS (continued)— psittacinus (M‘Coy), J. Morris and G. E. Roberts, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 101 (name only) ; J. W. Davis, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1881 (1882), p. 646, and Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 516, pl. Ixi, f. 12-16, and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iii, 1886, p. 149; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 409. Petalodus psittacinus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), pp. 174, 384 (name only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 337; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzoz. Foss.(1855), p. 636, pl. 1111, f. 4. Petalodus sagittatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), pp- 174, 384 (name only); F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 636, pl. iiit, f. 2, 3. [Tooth ; Woodwardian Mus.] Petalodus hastingsia, J. W. Davis (errore), Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 494, pl. lix, f. 18, 20,21. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus. ] Loc. L. Carb. Limest. ; Armagh. [Tooth; Woodwardian Mus.] psittac:nus, var. minor, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 41, pl. 1, f. 9. Loc. U. Carb. Limest.; S. Derbyshire. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] PETRODUWS, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 132, and Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., vol. i (1848), p. 66. OSsTINASPIS, H. Trautschoid, Nouv. Mém. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, vol. xiii (1874), p. 298. patelliformis, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p- 132, and Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p. 637, pl. iiiG, f. 6-8; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 337; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 400, pl. li, f. 16; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 246. Loc. U. Carb. Limest.; Lancashire and Derbyshire. [Dermal tubercles ; Woodwardian Mus. ]} 2 sp., A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 246. Loc. Yoredale Rocks; Todmorden, Lancashire. [Dermal tubercle ; Brit. Mus., no. P. 5855.] PHACODUS, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 371 (undefined). punctatus, F. Dixon, zézd., p. 371, pl. xxx, f. 16; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 337. ‘ Indeterminable,’ A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 308. Loc. Chalk ; Sussex. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] T. Sp., recorded (? errore) by J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 337, from L. Chalk, Charing (Harris Coll.). PHALACRUS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only). cybioides, L. Agassiz, zbid., p. 308 (name only). T. Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Imperfect head; Brit. Mus.] E 146 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA, » T. H. Huxley, in Anderson's Dura Den, ms he as Powrie, Quart. Journ. Geol, Soc., vol. xviii, andersoni, T. H. Huxley, in Anderson's Dura 18 mae va and Page ane Descript. prt. Organic Reina Traquais, Joura. Rep. Gea, See Weed, wal (olga ir, Journ. Roy aw (a Pp. 44, woodcut. Loc. U. Old Red Sandst.; Dura Den, Fifeshire. [Fishes; Brit. Mus. and Mus. Pract. Geol] elegans, Traquair. @, Uronemus lobatus. R. H. Traquait, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb, vol, xxx (7881), p. 30. . wmirabdile, R. H. Traquait, 22. p. 30, pl. iii, £ 6-8. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cementstone Group); Glencartholm, Eskdale. [Fish ; Geol. Surv. Scotland.] z PHASGANTS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only). @eclivis, L. Agassiz, 24. p. 308 (name only). wac. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect head_] Tt. PHODERACANTRATS, Davis. v. Oracanthus. grandis, Davis. wv. Oracanthus pustulosus. PHOLIDOPHORUS, L. Acassiz, Neves Jahrb, 1852, p. 145, and Poiss. Fass., vol. ii, pt. 7 (7845), p. 272. brevis, W_ Davies, Geol. Mag. [5] vol. iv, 1887, p. 938, pl. x £7. woo. U. Purbeck; Upway, near Weymouth. [Fish; Brit. Mus] crenulatas, P.M. G. Egerton, Proc. Geol. Sac, vol. iv (1845), 18g, and Figs. and Descript. Bri. Sec. wi (Mem, Gest. Sar, 1852), no. 5, pl. v ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 338. woo. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fishes; Brit. Mus] ‘1.7 2, Poiss. Foss. vol. ii, i pl. xxix, £ ry dechez); J. Morris, egg. or Pp. 538 (P. deck). *Possil Fish? H. T. De la Beche, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] val. i (1822), Pp. 45, pl wh, £ i. noc. L. Lias ; Lyme Regis. [Fishes ; Geol. Soc. London and Oxford Mus.] rT. Flesheri, Agassiz. v. Ophiopsis fiesheri. eranulatas, P.M. G. Egerton, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol ~ iii, > Se SS ee Remains, dec. vii (Mem. Geol. Surv. 1855), no. 4 pl v5 a eee Loc. Purbeck ; Swanage. [Imperfect fish; Dorchester Mas] PISCES. ‘47 PHOLIDOPHORUS (iyiini — Poiss. ¥ vO, ti, pt 5 (1843), p- > eg: he Cat Be You tka Bak , toc. L. Lias ; Basnow-on-Soas. [Fish ; Brit. Mus.] il Aa pl cata oF eppeggpad , MS), Ann. Mag Nat. Hist. [2] wol. xiii, 1254. p. 4 Figs. and Descrigt. Brit. dec it Mem. A. Sarv., 1255), Bw t ¥55 J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss. 1834, Pp. 33- Loc. Rhetic (Cotham Marble); Aust Cliff, near Bristol. [Fish ; Brit. Mus] L. Agassiz, Neues Jabth, 1332, p. 145, and Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1843), p. 287; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss. 1254, p. 3%. Loc, L. Lias; Lyme Regis. (Fishes; Brit. Mus.) est eo Poiss. Foss. vol. ii, pti (1343), p- 228 Loc. L. Lias ; Street, Somerset. [Fish ; Brit. Mus] Ar sans aye gy p- 242, pl. xxxvii, £ 1-5; J- Morris, O88, 1254, p. 374- TS apa Lyme Regis. [Fishes] minor, L. Agassiz, Poiss. F ol (x xbvi is; J. Mortis, Cat Be Poms pa 2b Piao “5 aa Dctend 1573, p va, wocdont < see $p-). Loc. Stonesfield Slate [Cranial roof; Brit. Mus.] mottiana, Harrison. v. Pholidophorus nitidus. ree +e Egerton, Fam. Mag Nat Hist. [2] vol xi, gg Bie Giga ape: II IE Geol. Surv. 1%55), no. 7, pl wii, £ 6-4; J- Mons, Cat. bt. Fos ih BB; S. Woodward, Trans. Leicester Lit. Phil Soc, ms, pt. xi (1839), p. 23, Pholidophorus mottiana, W. Jj. Harrison, Quart. Journ. Geol. Sac, vel. xxii, 1976, p. 215 (name only) ([Iaeperfect fish - Leicester Mus.] Loc. Rhatic (Cotham Marble); Aust Cliff, Bristol RBhetic Cdl Mal” ; Wigston, Leicestershire. [Portion of fish ; ony chius, |. ne Foss. vol. ii, pt. i (1%43), p- 5 ig sepa 57; J- Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 332. L. Lias: S wihe Wiehe, Regis. [Fish ; Oxford Mus] 148 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PHOLIDOPHORUS (continued)— ornatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1843), p. 280, pl. XXXviil, f. 6, 7; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 36. Loc. Purbeck ; Swanage. [Fish; Brit. Mus.] pachysomus, P. M.G. Egerton, Figs.and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. vi (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1852), no. 4, pl. iv; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 338. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fish; Brit. Mus.] purbeckensis, W. Davies, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 337, pl. x, f. 2-4, and in R. Damon, Geol. Weymouth, ed. 3, 1888, Suppl, pls xixye.. 1. Loc. L. Purbeck; I. of Portland. [Fish ; Brit. Mus.] stricklandi, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1843), p. 284, pl. xlii a, f. 3, 4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 338. Loc. L. Lias ; Barrow-on-Soar. [Fish; Brit. Mus.] Photlidotus leachi (Agassiz), Williamson. v. Dapedius leachi. PHOLIDURWS, A.S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., voi. xi (1889), Par. disjectus, A. S. Woodward, zdzd., p. 31, pl. 1, f. 4, 5. Loc. U. Chalk; Gravesend. [Portion of tail; Brit. Mus.] T. PHRICACANTHUS, Davis. v. Pleuracanthus. biserialis, Davis. v. Pleuracanthus cylindricus. PHYLLODUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 238 ; I. Cocchi, Annali R. Mus. Fis. Stor. Nat. Firenze, n.s., vol. i (1866), p. 89. [The following species, or probably varieties, are founded upon examples” of the pharyngeal dentition obtained from the London Clay of Sheppey, or rarely, in a derived state, from the Red Crag of Suffolk. ] bowerbanki, |. Cocchi, Annali R. Mus. Fis. Stor. Nat. Firenze, n.s., vol. i (1866), p. 100, pl. ii, f. 2, 3. [Brit. Mus.] colei, I. Cocchi, 2d7d., p. 91, pl. i, f. i. [Brit. Mus.] hexagonalis, I. Cocchi, zé/d¢., p. 92, pl.i, f. 2, 3. [Brit. Mus.] irregularis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 11 (1843), p. 241 (name only) ; is Cocchi, Ann. R. Mus. Fis. Stor. Nat. Firenze, n.s., vol. i (1866), p- 112, pl. iii, f. 7. [Brit. Mus.] marginalis, L. Agassiz, Puiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 240, pl. Ixix a, f. 8, 9; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 338 ; I. Cocchi, Ann. R. Mus. Fis. Stor. Nat. Firenze, n.s., vol. 1 - (1866), p. 98, pl. ii, f. i. [Oxford Mus.] medius, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 241 (mame only) ; I. Cocchi, Ann. R. Mus. Fis. Stor. Nat. Feeue n.S., vol. i (1866), p. 114, pl. ii, £ 10-12. [Brit. Mus.] LISCES. 149 PHYLLODUWUS (continucd)— petiolatus, R. Owen, Cat. Mus. R. Coll. Surg., 1850, no. 675 ; I. Cocchi, Ann. R. Mus. Fis. Stor. Nat. Firenze, n.s., vol. 1 (1866), p. 109, pl. in, f. 1. Phyllodus, R. Owen, Odontogr. (1845), p. 139, pl. xlvii, f. 1, 2. {[Mus. R. Coll. Surgeons. | planus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 239, pl lima; f. 4,5; J. Morns, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 338 ; I. Cocchi, Ann. R. Mus. Fis. Stor. Nat. Firenze, n.s., vol. i (1866), p. 94, pl. i, f. 4-6. [Oxford Mus. ] polyodus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. 11, pt. ii (1843), p. 240, pl Ixixwy #6, 7 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 338; I. Cocchi, Ann. R. Mus. Fis. Stor. Nat. Firenze, n.s., vol. i (1866), p. 107, pl. iii, f. 8. [Oxford Mus. ] secundarius, I. Cocchi, zézd. (1866), p. 102, pl. ii, f. 7, pl. vi, f. 2. [Brit. Mus. ] speciosus, I. Cocchi, 2/77. (1866), p. 96, pl. i, f. 7, 8, pl. ii, f. 5, 6. [Brit. Mus. ] submedius, I. Cocchi, zdzd. (1866), p. 118, pl. ii, f. 14. [Brit. Mus. | toliapicus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 1i (1843), p. 239, pl. lxix a, f. 1-3; R. Owen, Odontogr. (1845), p. 138, pl. xliv, f. 2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 338 ; I. Cocchi, Ann. R. Mus. Fis. Stor. Nat. Firenze, n.s., vol. i (1866), p. ro., pl. ii, f. 8, 9. [Oxford Mus. ] © PHYLLOLEPIS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 67. concentricus, L. Agassiz, zdid., p. 67, pl. xxiv, f. 1; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 338; W. Davies, Geologist, vol. v, 1862, p. 458; A. Fritsch, Fauna der Gaskohle, vol. ii, 1888, p- 89, woodcut 169. Loc. U. Old Red Sandst. ; Clashbennie. Devonian ; Meadfoot, Torquay. [Scale; 0/77 Murchison Coll.} T. tenwissimus, Agassiz. v. Rhizodus hibberti. PHYSONEMUS, F. M‘Coy (ex Agassiz, MS.), Brit. Paleeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 638. arcuatus, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. i, 1848 p- 117, and Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 638, pl. iii 1, f. 29 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 338; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 367, pl. xlvii, f. 8. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh and Gloucestershire. [Spine ; Woodwardian Mus. |] = attenuatus, J. W. Davis, zdzd., p. 369, pl. xlvii, f. ro. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. ([Spine; of Enniskillen Coll.] hamatus (Agassiz), J. W. Davis, z¢d., p. 370, pl. xlvii, f. 9, 11, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 617, pl. xxvi, f. 6. ’ 150 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PHYSONEMUS hamatus (continued) — Onchus hamatus, L.. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 9, pl. i, f. 7,8; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 334. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Gloucestershire. U. Carb. Limest. incl. Yoredale Rocks) ; Yorkshire. [Spine ; Bristol Mus.} ? subteres, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 176 (name only) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 338; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 638, pl. iii 1, f. 30; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 368, pl. xlvii, f. 12. [Genus doubtful.] Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Spine; Geol. Soc. London.] PINACODUS, Davis. v. Copodus. gelasimus, Davis. v. Copodus angulatus. gonoplax, Davis. v. Copodus cornutus. PISODUWS, R. Owen, Odontography (1845), p. 138. oweni, [-ii] L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 247 (name only); R. Owen, Odontography (1845), p. 138, pl. xlvil, f. 3, and Cat. Foss. Rept.and Pisces Mus. R. Coll. Surgeons,, 1354, p. 167. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Vomerine or parasphenoid teeth ; R. Coll. Surgeons.] T.. PLACOTHORAY, Agassiz. v. Bothriolepis. paradoxus, Agassiz. wv. Bothriolepis major. PLATAX, Cuvier, Régne Animal, vol. ii, 1817, p. 334. ? nuchalis, A. S. Woodward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. xx, 1887, p. 342. Microdon nuchalts, ¥. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 369, pl. xxxil, f. 7; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 333- Loc. Chalk ; Sussex. [Portion of fish; Brit. Mus.] woodwardi, [-ii] L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iv (1843), p. 250, pl. xix, f. 3; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss.,, 1854,.p43396 uae Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 122, pl. xix, f. 1-3. Figs. given by S. Woodward, Geol. Norfolk, 1833, pl. iii, f. 31-33. [Some of these fossils may be refer- able to Gadus. | Loc. Red and White Crags; Suffolk. Norwich Crag, Wey- bourn Crag, and Forest Bed; Norfolk. [Various bones.] PLATESSA, Cuvier, Régne Animal, vol. 1i, 1817, p. 220. sp.y E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 128. Loc. Forest Bed; Overstrand, Norfolk. [Maxzl/a,; A. Savin Coll.| a PISCES. I51 PLATYACANTHUS, F.M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 120, and Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., vol. 1 (1848), p. 65 (Platycanthus). isosceles, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 120 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 339. ? Oracanthus (J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 525). Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Dermal plate ; Geol. Soc. London. ] PLATYCANTHUS, M‘Coy. v. Platyacanthus. PLATYGNATHUS, Agassiz. v. Glyptolepis, Glyptopomus, and Holoptychius. jamesoni, Agassiz. v. Holoptychius flemingi. minor, Agassiz. v. Glyptopomus minor. paucidens, Agassiz. v. Glyptolepis paucidens. PLATYLEMUS, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 205. PSEUDOSPHRODON, F. Noetling, Abh. Geol. Specialk. Preussen u. Thiring. Staaten, vol. vi, pt. ili, 1885, p. 102. colei, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 205, pl. xii, f. 11-13, pl. x, f. 23; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 339. Loc. Bracklesham Beds. [Pharyngeals ; Brit. Mus.] se PLATYSIAGUM, P. M.G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. xiii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1872), no. 6. grandis: Heterolcpidotus grandis, J. W. Davis, Journ. Linn. Soc., Zoology, vol. xviii, 1885, p. 293, pl. vii. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fish; J. W. Davis Coll.] sclerocephalum, P. M. G. Everton, zézd@., no. 6, pl. vi, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxix, 1873, p. 419. ? Eugnathus polyodon, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. il (1835), p. 104, pl. lviii a, f. 2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 326. [Jaw; Oxford Mus.] Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fish; Brit. Mus.] T. PLATYSOMUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), pp. 6, 161; J. Young, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, p. 302 ; R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xx1x (1879), p. 368. declivis, Agassiz. v. Eurynotus crenatus. forsteri, A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. ix, 1872, p. 254, pl. xvii, f. 3, and Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iv (1872), p. 413, pl. xv, f. 3; R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxix (1879), p- 369, pl. vi, f. ro. Loc. Coal-Meas. ; Newsham, Northumberland. [Imperfect fish ; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Mus. ] 152 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PLATYSOMWUS (continue’)— macrurus, Agassiz. wv. Globulodus macrurus. Farvulus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1843), p. 303 (name only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 339; J. Young, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, p. 303, pl. xxi, f. 2; W. C. Williamson, Phil. Trans., 1849, p. 449, pl. xli, f 12-14; J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 235, and Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), pl. viii, f. 1-4; R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy, Soc. Edinb., vol. xxix (1879), p. 369, pl. vi, f. 3-9, II. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Northumberland, Staffordshire, and York- shire. [Portions of fishes ; Leeds Mus. | parvus, Agassiz. v. Platysomus striatus. rotundus, A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] ‘vol. ix, 2872, ‘p. 252,. pl. xvil; £.°2, and) Nat) eis Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iv (1872), p. 411, pl xv, f 2. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Newsham. [Fish; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Mus. } striatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p. 168, pl. xvii, f. 1-4; W. King, Permian Foss. (Pal. Soc., 1850), p- 231, pl. xxvii, f. 1, pl. xxviii, f. 1; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 339; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p. 614 ; R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxix (1879), p. 369, pl. vi, f. 1, 2. [See also P. Zenuzstriatus. | ‘Flat Fish” W. R. Clanny, Annals Philosophy, vol. vi, 1815» p. 115 (with plate). [Fish; Sunderland Mus.] ‘Fish (? Chetodon), N. J. Winch, Trans. Geol. Soc., vol. iv, (1817), p. 9, pl. ii. ‘Fossil Fish,’ A. Sedgwick, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. iii (1829), plexi, f. 3,4. Platysomus parvus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 1 (1835), ps 170; pl. xviii, 3: Loc. L. Magnesian Limest. ; Pallion Quarry, Sunderland. Marl- Slate; Cullercoats and Midderidge. [Fish; Newcastle- upon-Tyne Mus. | superbus, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx, 1881, p. 58, pl. vi. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cement-stone Group); Glencartholm, Eskdale, Dumfriesshire. [Fish ; Geol. Surv. Scotland.] tenuistriatus, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxix (1879), p. 369. ? Platysomus striatus, J. Young (s#o2 Agassiz), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, p. 305. Loc. L. Coal-Meas. (Dalemoor-Rake Ironstone) ; Stanton-by- Dale, Derbyshire. [Fish ; Mus. Pract. Geol.] PASCES: 153 PLECTRODUS, Agassiz. v. Eukeraspis. mirabilis, Agassiz. v. Eukeraspis pustulifera. pleiopristis, Agassiz. v. Eukeraspis pustulifera. pustuliferus (Agassiz), Lankester. v. Eukeraspis pustulifera. PLECTROLEPTS, Agassiz. v. Eurynotus. rugosus, Agassiz. v. Eurynotus crenatus. PLEIOPTERUS, Agassiz. v. Osteolepis. PLETHODUWS, |. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 366; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 331. expansus, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 366, pl. xxxiii, f. 2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 339; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 331. Loc. Chaik and Gault ; S.E. England. Cambridge Greensand. [Tooth ; Brighton Mus. |] oblongus, I. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 366, pl. xxxii*, f. 4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 339; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 331. Loc. Chalk; S.E. England. [Tooth ; Brighton Mus.] T. PLEURACANTEHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 66. ORTHACANTHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), pl. xlv. COMPSACANTHUS, J.S. Newberry, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1856, p. 100, LOPHACANTHUS, T. Stock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. v, 1880, p. 217. ANODONTACANTHUS, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvii, 1881, p. 427. ? PHRICACANTHUS, J. W. Davis, 7ézd., vol. xxxv, 1879, p. 186. alatus, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvi, 1880, p- 329, pl. xii, f. 4; J. Ward, Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), p. 136. Loc. M. Coal-Meas. ; Tingley, Yorkshire. Coal-Meas. ; North Staffordshire. [Spine; J. W. Davis Coll.] alternidentatus, J. W. Davis, 7é/@., p. 328, pl. xii, f. 3. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Middleton, near Leeds. [Spine ; Leeds Mus. ] altus, R. Etheridge, Foss. Brit. Islands, pt. i, 1888, p. 337: misprint | for alatus. | attenwidentatus, R. Etheridge, 707d., p. 37: misprint for alterii- adentatus. ceylindricus (Agassiz), J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., | vol. xxxvi, 1880, p. 331, woodcut; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. &. Orthacanthus cylindricus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 177, pl. xlv, f. 7-9 (no description) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 335; J. Ward, [Proc.| N. Staffs. Nat. Field 154 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PLEURACANTHUWS cylindricus (continued)— Club, 1875, p. 217, and Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), p. 137. T. (Orthacanthus.) Orthocanthus, T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, p. 20, f. 39-42. ? Phricacanthus biserialis, J. WV. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv, 1879, p. 186, pl. x, f. 16, 17. [Abraded spine ; J. W. Davis Coll.] T. (Phricacanthus.) Lophacanthus taylor, T. Stock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. v, 1880, p. 217, woodcut. [Abraded spine ; J. Taylor Coll.] T. (Lophacanthus.) ? Anodontacanthus acutus, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvii, 1881, p. 428, pl. xxi, f. 10. [Abraded spine ; J. W. Davis Coll.] T. (Anodontacanthus.) Pleuracanthus (Orthacanthus) cylindricus, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 1o1. Loc. Coal-Meas. ; England and S. Scotland. [Spine.] denticulatus, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geoi. Soc., vol. xxxvi, 1880, p. 334, pl. xil, f. 7. Loc. L. Coal-Meas. (Better-bed Coal); Clifton, near Halifax. [Spine ; J. W. Davis Coll.] elegans, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. viii, 1881, p. 36. Loc. M. Carb. Limest. (Blackband Ironstone) ; Borough Lee, Edinburgh. [Spine ; Edinburgh Mus.] erectus, Davis. v. Pleuracanthus levissimus. ee gibbosus, Ward. wv. Diplodus gibbosus. ! gracillimus, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. ix, 1882, p. 540. | Loc. M. Carb. Limest. (Blackband Ironstone) ; Borough Lee, | Edinburgh. [Spine ; Edinburgh Mus.] horridulus, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. ix, 1882, p. 541. Loc. M. Carb. Limest. (Blackband Ironstone); Borough Lee, Edinburgh. [Spine; Edinburgh Mus.] leevissimus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 66, pl. xlv, f. 4, 5; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 339; J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 225, and Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), p. 134, pl. ili, f.8 ; J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvi, 1880, p- 325; R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. ror ; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes b. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 5. Pleuracanthus planus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 177 (name only); J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvi, 1880, p. 329. {[Spine; Brit. Mus.] Compsacanthus major, J.W. Davis, z6¢d., p.62, woodcut. [Spine; J. W. Davis Coll.] Pleuracanthus erectus, J. W.Davis,zbid., p. 326, woodcut. [Spine ; J. W. Davis Coll.] FISCES. 155 PLEURACANTHUS levissimus (con/inued)— Pleuracanthus pulchellus, J. W. Davis, bid, p. 327, plist, f: 2: [Spine ; J. W. Davis Coll.] Anodontacanthus fastigiatus, J. W. Davis, bid, vol. xxxvii, 1881, p. 428, pl. xxii, f. 12. [Spine.] ? Anodontacanthus obtusus, J. W. Davis, zbid., p. 428, pl. xxii, f.11. [Spine ; J. W. Davis Coll.] Pleuracanthus, T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, p17; f. 14-16. Loc. Coal-Meas. ; England and S. Scotland. [Spine.] T. planus, Agassiz. v. Pleuracanthus levissimus. pulchellus, Davis. v. Pleuracanthus levissimus. robustus, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvi, 1880, p- 330, pl. xii, f. 5 ; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p.7; J. Ward, Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), p. 136. ? Compsacanthus triangularts, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvi, 1880, p. 62, woodcut. [Spine ; J. W. Davis Coll.] Loc. M. Coal-Meas.; Yorkshire. Coal-Meas.; North Stafford- shire. [Spine ; J. W. Davis Coll.] tenuis, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvi, 1880, e327, pi. xi, f. 1. Loc. L. Coal-Meas. (Better-bed Coal) ; Clifton, near Halifax. [Spine ; J. W. Davis Coll.] wardi, J. W. Davis, zé¢d., p. 334, pl. xii, f.6; J. Ward, Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), p. 136. Loc. Coal-Meas. (Ragmine); Fenton. [Spine ; J. Ward Coll.] PLEURODUS (Agassiz), Hancock and Atthey. v. Pleuroplax. affinis, Agassiz. v. Pleuroplax rankinei. faleatus, Traquair. v. Pleuroplax falcatus. vankinet (Agassiz), Hancock and Atthey. v. Pleuroplax rankinei. woodi, Davis. v. Pleuroplax woodi. PLEUROGOMPHUS, Davis. v. Copodus. auriculatus, Davis. v. Copodus auriculatus. PLEUROPHOLYTS, ?. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. ix (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1858), no. 7. attenuata, [-us] P. M.G. Egerton, zé/d., no. 7, pl. vii, f.1; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329 (Egerton, MS.) Loc. M. Purbeck ; Apsel Lane, near Sutton Mandeville. [Fish.] crassicauda, [-us] P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. ix (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1858), no. 7, pl. vii, f. 2. Loc. M. Purbeck ; Durdlestone Bay, Swanage. [Fish; P. B. Brodie Coll. | 156 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PLEUROPHOLIS (contiiued)— longicauda, [-us] P. M. G. Egerton, zéz7., no. 7, pl. vil, f. 4. Loc. M. Purbeck; Durdlestone Bay. [Fish; P. B. Brodie Coll.] serrata, [-us] P. M. G. Egerton, zé/d., no. 7, pl. vii, f. 5-9. Loc. Purbeck ; Hartwell, near Aylesbury. [Imperfect fishes ; olim John Lee Coll., Hartwell. | PLEUROPLAGS, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 173. PLEURODUS, A. Hancock and T. Atthey (ex Agassiz, MS.) (xox Pleurodon, Wood, 1840, zec Harlan, 1842), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. ix, 1872, p. 249. attheyi se ee A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 175, pl. vi, f. 10, 11; J. Ward, Trans, N. Staifs: Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), pl. ii, f. 9. Pecdlodus angustus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), p. 174 (name only). Pecitodus attheyt, W.J. Barkas, Monthly Rev. Dental Surgery, vol. ili, 1874, p. 57, f. xl-xliv. Loc. Coal-Meas. ; Northumberland and Lanarkshire. ['Tooth; W. J. Barkas Coll.] faleata: Pleurodus falcatus, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc., vol. v (1887), p. 313 (name only). Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Abden, Fife. [Spine.] rankinei (Hancock and Atthey), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 173; J. Ward, Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), pl. ii, f. 8, Io. Pleurodus rankinet, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p 174 (name only); [-ii] J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 3393 A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. ix, 1872.1: 240, pk xvi, tf. 15 J; Ward, “TProc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 222, f. 13. Pleurodus affinis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 174 (name only) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 339; J. W. Salter (ex Egerton, MS.) Foss. S. Weish Coalfield (Mem. Geol. Surv. — Iron Ores Gt. Brit., pt. 11, 1861), p. 225, pl. 1, f. 18, 19 (figs. only) ; J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 223; J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxii, 1876, p. 337, and zézd., vol. xxxv, 1879, p. 181, pl.x, f 1-11-24 [Weeth!] Pleurodus, T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, p. 18, f. 24-27; W. J. Barkas, Monthly Rev. Dental Surgery, vol. iii, 1874, p. 6, f. xxxvI-XxxIx. Loc. Coal-Meas. ; N. and S. Wales, Staffordshire, Yorkshire, Northumberland, and S. Scotland . [Anterior portion of fish ; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Mus.] T. PISCES. 157 PLEUROPLAX (continued)— woodi (Davis), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 175. Pleurodus woodi, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 458, pl. lix, f. 12-15, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 624, pl. xxvii, f. 14-17, and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ili, 1886, p. 156; [-ii] R. H. Traquair, Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc., vol. v (1887), p. 313. Pleurodus sp., W. J. Barkas, Monthly Rev. Dental Surgery, vol. ili, 1874, p. 9. Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Abden, Fife. U. Carb. Limest.; York- shire and Derbyshire. [Teeth ; York Mus.] PLINTHOPHORUS, A.C. L. G. Giinther, Geol. Mag., vol. i, 1864, p. I15. robustus, A. C. L. G. Giinther, 2477, p. 115, pl. vi; A. S. Wood- ward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 319. Loc. L. Chalk; Kent. [Fish ; Brit. Mus.] T. PNIGEACANTHUS, St. John and Worthen. wv. Oracanthus. PODOCEPHALUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. ii (1843), p- 139 (name only), and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 307 (name only). nitidus, L. Agassiz, zbzd. (1843), p. 139 (name only), and zézd., 1844, p. 307 (name only). Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect head; Brit. Mus.] T.. PODODUS, Agassiz. v. Mesolepis. capitatus, Agassiz. v. Mesolepis sp. PCECILODUS, F. M‘Coy (er Agassiz), Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 638 ; emend., A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 201. aliformis, M‘Coy. wv. Deltodus aliformis. angustus, Agassiz. v. Pleuroplax attheyi and Xystrodus striatus. attheyi, Barkas. 7. Pleuroplax attheyi. corrugatus, Davis. v. Pcecilodus jonesi. elongatus, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc., vol. v (1887), p. 314 (name only). Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Abden, Fife. [Tooth.] faveolatus, R. Etheridge, Foss. Brit. Islands, pt. i, 1888, p. 338: misprint for foveolatis. foveolatus, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 129, and Brit. Paleeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 639, pl. ili G, f. 11; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 340; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (£883), p. 445, pl. liii, f. 26. Loc. Carb. Limest.; Derbyshire. [Tooth ; Woodwardian Mus. ] 158 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. P@CILODUS (continued) — gibbosus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p- 445, pl. liii, f. 27; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 204, pl. vi, f. 23. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh and Sligo. [Tooth; Brit. Mus. | jonesi, [-ii] L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 174 (name only); [-ii] J. E. Portlock, Rep. Geol. Londonderry, 1843, p- 468, pl. xiv a, f. 6 (fig. only) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 340; [-ii] F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p- 639; [-ii] J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 442, pl. liii, f. 20, 21, 23 (om f. 22), and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iii, 1886, p. 152; [-ii] A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 202. [See also Deltodus sublevis.| Pecilodus obliguus, .. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 174 (name only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 340; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 640, pl. ili 1, f. 5 ; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 443, pl. hii, f. 24. [Tooth ; Woodwardian Mus.] Pecitodus transversus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), p- 174 (name only); J. E. Portlock, Rep. Geol. Londonderry, 1843, p. 468, pl. xiv a, f. 7 (fig. only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 340. [Imperfect tooth; Brit. Mus.] Pecilodus corrugatus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. 1 (1883), p. 444, pl. liii, f. 25, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 625, pl. xxvii, f. 21. [Imperfect teeth ; York Mus. ] Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh and Ayrshire. U. Carb. Limest.; Northumberland, Yorkshire, and Derbyshire. [Teeth ; Woodwardian Mus. | T. obliquus (Agassiz), M‘Coy. wv. Poecilodus jonesi. paraltelus (Agassiz), M‘Coy. wv. Deltodus sublevis. sublevis (Agassiz), M‘Coy. wv. Deltodus subleevis. transversus, Agassiz. v. Pcecilodus jonesi. POLYPHRACTUS, Agassiz. v. Dipterus. platycephalus, Agassiz. v. Dipterus valenciennesi. POLYPLOCODUS, Pander. v. Cricodus. POLYRHIZODWUS, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 125, and Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., vol. i (1848), p. 65. DactTyLopus, J. S. Newberry and A. H. Worthen, Pal. Illinois, vol. 11, 1866, p. 33- attenuatus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 505, pl. Ix, f. 14; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 58. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth; Brit. Mus.] PISCES. 159 POLYRHIZODUS (continued)— colei, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p- 502, pl. lx, f.. 9, 10, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. x1, 1884, p. 622, pl. xxvii, f. 13 ; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 57- Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. Yoredale Rocks ; Wensley- dale, Yorkshire. [Tooth ; ‘Brit. Mus. ] constrictus, Davis. v. Polyrhizodus magnus. elongatus, J. W. Davis, Trans. ee Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 503, pl. Ix, f. 16; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 58. wor. L. Cark: ee Armagh. [Tooth; Brit. Mus.] magnus, I. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 126, and Brit. Palaeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 641, pl. iii K, f. 6-8; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1886, p. Az Petalodus radicans, L. Agassiz, Boiss. Foss., vol. ii1 (1843), Pp. 174, 384 (name only). ? Petalodus marginalts, L. Agassiz, zb¢d., pp. 174, 384 (name only). Polyrhizodus radicans, J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, Pp. 340; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883) DeasConple Ix te 75 Ss eee constrictus, J. W. Davis, tbzd., p. 506, pl. Ix, f. 15. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] ? Petalodus rectus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), pp. 174, 384 (name only) ; J. E. Portlock, Rep. Geol. London- derry, 1843, p. 468, pl. xiv, f..9; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, Pp. 337: Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth.] T. | pusillus, M‘Coy. v. Helodus pusillus. | radicans, Davis. v. Polyrhizodus magnus. sinuosus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), | p. 504, pl. lx, f. 11-13 ; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes | B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 58. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] | sp., A.S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 59. Loc. Carb. Limest.; Oreton, Shropshire. [Imperfect tooth ; | Brit. Mus., no. P. 227 a.] ‘POMOGNATHWS, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 367; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 317. PHYLACTOCEPHALUS, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. iii (1887), p. 605. eupterygius, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 367, pl. xxxv, f. 6, 7; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p.-340; A. 5. W oodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 318. 160 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. POMOGNATEHUS eupterygius (continued)— Osmerotdes lewestensts, L. Agassiz (errore), Poiss. Foss., vol. v (1843), pl. lx 4, f. 3,4. [Head; Brit. Mus.] Loc. Chalk; S.E. England. [Fish ; Brighton Mus.] T. POMOPHRACTUS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844, p. 307 (name only). egertoni, L. Agassiz, zbzd., p. 307 (name only). Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect head; Brit. Mus.] T.. PORTHEWS, E. D. Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1871, p. 173, and tbid., 1872, p. 333- MEGALODON, L. Agassiz (702 Sowerby), Poiss. Foss., Feuill., Pp. 55 (1835) (pars). . Hypsopon, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 104 (1837), and vol. v, pt. i (1843), pp. 8, 99 (pars). daviesi, [-ii] E. T. Newton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiii, LOZ7, pu 5e, pl. xxi, f 13. Loc. L. Chalk; Kent. [Maxilla ; Brit. Mus.] gaultinus, E. T. Newton, zézd., p. 512, pl. xxii, f. 1-12, and woodcut. Loc. Gault ; Folkestone. [Head, etc.; Mus. Pract. Geol.] mantelli, E. T. Newton, 7é7d., p. 510. Pee Fish, G. A. Mantell, Foss. S. Downs, 1822, p. 241, pl. xlii. we ee sauroides, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill,, sp. 55: 1835). Megalodon ? lewesiensts, G. A. Mantell (Jars), Descript. Cat. Geol., etc., Mus. Sussex Sci. and Lit. Inst., Brighton, ed. 5 (1836), p. 30. fHypsodon lewestensis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v (1843), pp. 8, 99, pl. xxv'%, f. 1, 2. Loc. Chalk; S. E. England. [Portions of jaws; Brit. Mus.] sp.ind., E. T. Newton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxviii, LOAF 5) Po 4510: flypsodon lewestensis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v (1843), p. 99, pl. xxv 4, f. 3. Loc. Chalk ; Lewes. [Portion of jaw; Brit. Mus.] PRIONOLEPIS, P. M. G. Egerton, in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 368. ASPIDOPLEURUS, F. J. Pictet and A. Humbert, Nouv. Rech. Poiss. Foss. Mt. Liban, 1866, p. 109. angustus, P. M.G. Egerton, in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, pl. socdii*, £33. J.) Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss... 1854, 9.0340; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 306. Loc. U.and L. Chalk; S. E. England. [Scales; Brit. Mus.] Te. FISCES. 161 PRISTACANTHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 35. securis, L. Agassiz, zézd., p. 35, pl. viiia, f. 11-13; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 340; J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 178, woodcut xxxviil, f. Io. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Portion of spine; R. Coll. Surgeons Mus. ] PRISTICLADODUS, M‘Coy. v. Dicrenodus. concinnus, Davis. v. Pristodus concinnus. dentatus, M‘Coy. v. Dicrenodus dentatus. goughi, M‘Coy. v. Dicrenodus goughi. PRISTIS, J. Latham, Trans. Linn. Soc., vol. ii (1794), p. 276. acutidens, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), p. 382** (name only). Loc. Bagshot Sands. [Rostral tooth.] bisulcata, [-us] L. Agassiz, zé¢7., p. 382*, pl. xli ; [-us] J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 340; [-us] A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 73. Pristis hastingsiz, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 382* (naine only). [Rostral tooth ; Brit. Mus.] Prist?s, ¥. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, pl. xii, f. 6, 7. Pristis ? bisulcatus, \W. Dames, Sitz. math-phys. Cl. k. preuss. Akad. Wiss., 1883, pt. i, p. 139. Loc. Bracklesham Beds ; Sussex. Barton Clay ; Hampshire. [Portion of rostrum ; Brit. Mus.] contorta, [-us] F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 202, pl. xii, f.9, 10 (misprinted P. d¢stortus on p. 111); [-us] J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 340; [-us] A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 74. Loc. Bracklesham Beds ; Sussex. [Rostrai tooth ; Brit. Mus. ] distortus, Dixon. v. Pristis contorta. hastingsice, Agassiz. v. Pristis bisulcata. sibthorpi, W. Buckland. Recorded by J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 340, but the name does not occur at the reference | given. PRISTODUWS, J. W. Davis (ex Agassiz, MS.), Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 519; A.S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. | Fishes B. M., pt..1, 1889, p. 62. DIODONTOPSODUS, J. W. Davis, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1881, p. 646. benniei (Etheridge), R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p- to1; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes b. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 64, pl. i, f. 13. Petalorhynchus ? benniet, R. Etheridge, jun., Geol. Mag. [2] vol. il, 1875, p. 243, pl. viii, f. 3, 4. | Loc. U. Carb. Limest.; S. Scotland and Derbyshire. [Tooth ; | Edinburgh Mus.] M a| 162 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PRISTODWS (continued)— concinnus rc R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 102; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M.,, pti, 1889, p. 64. Pristicladodus concinnus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 385, pl. xlix, f. 23, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol xl, 1884, p. 621, pl. xxvi, f. 15. LOC. Peri Limest.; Yorkshire. [Imperfect tooth; York Mus. falcatus, J. Morris and G. E. Roberts (e+ Agassiz, MS.), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 101 (name only) ; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i, 1883, p. 519, pl. 1xi, f. 17-22, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 623, pl. xxvi, f. 16, 20; RosH. Traquair; Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. tor; A. e Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 63. Loc. U. Carb, Limest.; Yorkshire. [Teeth; Brit, Mus.) ae PROGNATHODUS, Egerton. v. Myriacanthus. guentheri, Egerton. v. Myriacanthus paradoxus. PROTOGALEUS, Molin. v. Galeocerdo. minor (Agassiz), Molin. v. Galeocerdo minor. PROTOSPHYRENA, J. Leidy, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xi, (1857), P- 95. SAUROCEPHALUS. L. Agassiz (zo Harlan), Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. i (1843), p. 102. ERISICHTHE, E. D. Cope, Vert. Cret. Form. West (Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. Territ., vol. ii, 1875), p. 217; Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. Territ., vol. ili, 1877, p. 821. ferox, J. Leidy, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xi (1857), p. 95; E. T. Newton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiv, 1878, p. 788 ; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 321. ‘Undetermined, G. A. Mantell, Foss. South Downs, 1822, p. 227, pl. xxxiil, f. 7-9. Saurocephalus lanciformis, L. Agassiz (zon Harlan), Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 55 (1835), and vol. v, pt. i (1843), p. 102, pl xxv ¢ f. 21-29; F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 374, Pixxx, fh t2L, pk ax f. 12; pl. xxxli*, f. 1, pleacexive foes J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 343. Saurocephalus laneeolatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. i (1883), p. 8 (misprint). Xiphias dixoni, J. Leidy, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xi (1857), Pp. 95. [Rostrum ; Brit. Mus. } Erisichthe dixoni, E. D. Cope, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. Territ., vol. iii, 1877, p. 821; W. Davies, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. v, 1878, p:) 260, plain, £3. Loc. Chalk; S. E. England. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] T. PISCES. 163 PROTOSPHYREINA (continued)— minor (Agassiz), A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 321. Tetrapierus minor, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. i (1843), ip. Ol; pl.ilx a, & 6,10; J. Mortis, Cat. Brit; Foss., 1854, p. 345. Loc. Chalk ; S. E. England. [Rostrum; Brit. Mus.] (fins of). Probably described under the names of Péychodus arcuatus, Ag., P. articulatus, Ag., P. gibberulus, Ag., and P. Spectabilis, Ag. (L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1837), pp. 56-59, pls. x a, x J, f. 18), and also assigned to Pelecop- terus, E."2! Cope, Vert. Cret. Form. West (Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. Territ., vol. ii, 1875), pp. 244a—— See A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 321. PSALIODUS, P. M. G. Egerton, in L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 351, and Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iv (1843), Pp. 157. compressus, P. M. G. Egerton, zd¢d., p. 156; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 340. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Mandib. tooth; R. Coll. Surgeons Mus. ] 7. PSAMIMODUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 110; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1838 (1839), p. 140. HOMALODUS, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 481. ASTRABODUS, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 629. candliculatus, M‘Coy. v. Psammodus rugosus. cinctus, Agassiz. v. Chomatodus cinctus. contortus, Agassiz. wv. Deltoptychius gibberulus. cornutus, Agassiz. wv. Copodus cornutus. expansus (Davis), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 105. Astrabodus expansus, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 630, pl. xxvi, f. 11, 12. T. (Astrabodus.) Loc. Yoredale Rocks ; Wensleydale, Yorkshire. [Teeth ; York Mus. ] gibberulus, Agassiz. v. Helodus gibberulus. leevissimus, Agassiz. v. Psephodus levissimus. linearis, Agassiz. v. Petalodus linearis. porosus, Agassiz. v. Psammodus rugosus. rugosus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii (1838), p. 111, pl. sil, f. 14-18, pl. xix, f.15; J. E. Portlock, Rep. Geol. London- derry, 1843, p. 466, pl. xiv a, f.1; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 341; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palaeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 644 ; 164 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA, PSAMMODUS rugosus (continued)— J. Morris and G. E. Roberts, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol- xviii, 1862, p. 1o2; R. Etheridge, jun., Geol. Mag. [2] vol. iv, 1877, p. 308, pl. xiii, f. 7-9; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 459, pls. lvi, lvii, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 629, and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ili, 1886, p. 156; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 100. Psammodus porosus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 112, pl. xiii, f. 1-18; J. E. Portlock, Rep. Geol. London- derry, 1843, p. 465, pl. xiva, f. 2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 341; W. H. Baily, Figs. Char. Brit. Foss., 1875, p- 120, pl. xli, f. 9. [Abraded teeth ; Bristol Mus.] Psammtdus rugosus, var. porosus, F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p. 644. Psammodus canaliculatus, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 122, and Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 643, pl. 1G, f. 12; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 34¢. {Tooth ; Woodwardian Mus. ] Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Gloucestershire, Armagh, Sligo, and Wexford. U.Carb. Limest.; Richmond, Yorkshire. Carb. Limest. ; Ayrshire, Westmoreland, Derbyshire, and North Wales. [Teeth ; Bristol Mus. and Brit. Mus.] T. ? salopiensis, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, pp. 105, 187. ‘A palate, or part of a palate, J. Morris and G. E. Roberts, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 105, pl. iii, f. 5. Loc. Carb. Limest. ; Farlow, Shropshire. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.]} subteres, Agassiz. wv. Orodus ramosus. trapeziformis (Davis), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 105. Flomalodus trapeziformis, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 482, pl. viii, f 30. T. (Homalodus.) Flomalodus guadratus, J. W. Davis, zbéd., p. 482, pl. lvili, f. 31. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] turgidus, Agassiz. v. Helodus turgidus. PSAMMOSTEUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1845), Pp: 103: granulatus, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p- 7; J: Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 341. Loc. L. Carb.; Kesh, Co. Fermanagh. [Dermal plate ; 0/7 k. Griffith Coll.] vermicularis, fF. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 7; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 341. Loc. Carb.; Fallaghloon, Maghera. [Dermal plate; od/m R. Griffith Coll.] _ PISCES. 165 PSEPHODUS, J. Morris and G. E. Roberts (ex Agassiz, MS.), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. tor; R. H. Tra- quair, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. vii (1884), p. 396, pl. xvi (reprinted, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ii, 1885, p. 337, pl. viii). HELODUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 104 (pars). LopHopus, H. Romanovsky, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, vol. xxxvii, 1864, pt. ii, p- 160 (Pars). ASPIDODUS, J. S. Newberry and A. H. Worthen, Pal. Illinois, vol. ii, 1866, p. 92. TNIODUS, O. St. John and A. H. Worthen, Pal. Illinois, vol. Vil, 1883, p. 75 (pars). dubius, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 183, pl. vi, f. 13 (? f. 12). Loc. Carb. Limest. ; Oreton, Shropshire. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus. | leevissimus (Agassiz), A. S. Woodward, zéz@., 1889, p. 181, pl. vi, f. 16. Flelodus levissimus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 104, pl. xiv, f. 1-14 (zon f. 15) (lettered Psammodus on plate). Loc. L. Carb. (Bone-bed in L. Limest. Shales); Avon Gorge, near Bristol. [Teeth ; Bristol Mus.] magnus (M‘Coy), J. Morris and G. E., Roberts, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 101 ; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 439, pl. lv, f. 1-14, and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iii, 1886, p. 151; R. H. Traquair, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. vii (1884), p. 392, pl. xvi (reprinted, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ii, 1885, p. 337, pl. viii); A.S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 177. Cochliodus magnus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 174 (name only); J. E. Portlock, Rep. Geol. Londonderry, 1843, p. 466, pl. xiva, f. 4 (fig. only) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 322 ; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palaoz. Foss. (1855), p. 622. Flelodus planus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 173 (name only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss.,. 1854; p: 328); F: M ‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 631, pl. iiiy, f. 12-15. Helodus planus = Cochliodus magnus, J. E. Portlock, Rep. Geol. Londonderry, 1843, p. 462. ftelodus didymus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 173 (name only) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p. 630, pl. iii1, f. 18-20 (pars). flelodus levissimus, F. M ‘Coy, Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p. 630 (pars). flelodus rudis, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 123, and Brit. Palazoz. Foss. (1855), p. 631, plemk, £ 4; J- Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 328; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. A57, ph liz, £11. Lophodus levissimus, J. W. Davis, zéd. (1883), p. 404, pl. li, f. 18 (pars). 166 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PSZEPHODUS magnus (continued)— Lophodus didymus, J. W. Davis, zbzd. (1883), p. 407, pl. li, f. 28 (pars). *Selachian Fish,’ J. Coutts, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. vii (1883), p. 164. [Associated teeth ; Edinburgh Mus. ] ? Lophodus sinuosus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 409, pl. li, f. 28. [Tooth ; York Mus.] Loc. L. Carb. Limest. ; Armagh, Lanarkshire, Northumberland, and Gloucestershire. Carb. Limest. ; Ayrshire, Westmore- jand, Derbyshire, Denbighshire, and Flintshire. [Teeth ; Woodwardian Mus. | . salopiensis, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, Pe 182, ply vip Een; TS: Loc. Carb. Limest. ; Oreton, Shropshire. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.] simplex, J. W. Davis, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iii, 1886, p. 151, f. 1, 2- Loc. Carb. Limest.; Derbyshire. [Teeth ; T. Parker Coll.] sp., A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 184,. plawiy fz: Loc. L. Carb. Limest. ; Hook Point, Wexford. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus., no. 23712.]| sp., A. S. Woodward, zéz7., p. 184, pl. vi, f. 18. Loc. Carb. Limest.; Oreton, Shropshire. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus. no. P./227 c.| PSEUDOSPH ZRODON, Noetling. wv. Platylaemus. PSITTACODON, Agassiz. v. Edaphodon and Ganodus. faleatus, Agassiz. wv. Ganodus falcatus. mantellii, Agassiz. v. Edaphodon mantelli. psittacinus, Agassiz. wv. Ganodus psittacinus. sedgwickii, Agassiz. v. Edaphodon sedgwicki. PTERASPIS, T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xii, 1856, p. 100, and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1858 (1859), Sect., p. 82 (emend. ex R. Kner, Haidinger’s Naturw. Abhandl., vol. i, 1847, p. 165); E. R. Lankester, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1864 (1865), Sect., p. 58, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, p. 194 (scales), and Fishes O. R. Sandst., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1868), p. 28; ? J. W. Salter, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxiii, 1867, p. 333 (tracks). banksii, Huxley and Salter. wv. Cyathaspis banksi. crouchi, E. R. Lankester (ex Salter, MS.), Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1864 (1865), Sect. p. 58, and Fishes O. R. Sandst., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1868), p: 30, pl. iti, pl. iv, £. 5, pl.-vi, £45 728, pl wa, f. 4, 8,11; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1887, p. 478, woodcut. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst. (Cornstones) ; Herefordshire. [Head- shields ; Ludlow Mus., Brit. Mus., and Oxford Mus. ] PISCES. 167 PTERASPIS (continucd)— dunensis (Roemer): erroneously recorded as British by R. Etheridge, Foss. Brit. Islands, pt. i, 1888, p. 175. Woydii (Agassiz), Kner. v. Scaphaspis lewisi. ltudensis, Salter. v. Scaphaspis ludensis. mitchelli, J. Powrie, Geologist, vol. vii, 1864, p. 170; E. R. Lankester, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1864 (1865), Sect., p. 58, and Fishes O. R. Sandst., pt. 1 (Pal. Soc., 1868), p. 33, pl. v, f. 1, 2:6; Toy mt Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Forfarshire. [Head-shield; Dundee Mus. | rostrata (Agassiz), [-us] T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xvil, 1861, p. 166, woodcuts; [-us] E. R. Lankester, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1864 (1865), Sect., p.58, and Fishes O. R. Sandst., Pt (eal. S0c., 1868), p. 32, plo iv; ft 1,2, 3,°7, 6, pl v, f. 4, plavis f. te 2) 3) 6, 10; pl. ving fs, 52°G; 12, 13, 16) P7400: Cephalaspis rostratus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p. 148, pl. id, f. 6,7; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 320. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst. (Cornstones); Herefordshire. [Head- shield ; 0/2 Murchison Coll.] truncatus, Huxley and Salter. 7. Scaphaspis truncata. sp., J. Powrie, Geologist, vol. vi, 1863, p. 67, woodcut. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; South Scotland. [Head-shield : J. Powrie Coll.] PTERICHTHYS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1843), p. 302, and Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 6. cancriforms, Agassiz. v. Pterichthys productus. cornutus, Agassiz. wv. Pterichthys testudinarius. | dickii, Peach. v. Microbrachius dicki. hydrophilus (Agassiz), Miller. v. Bothriolepis hydrophilus. hydrophyllus, R. Etheridge, Foss. Brit. Islands, pt. i, 1888, p. 175: misprint for Pterichthys hydrophilus, latus, Agassiz. v. Pterichthys milleri. macrocephalus, Egerton. v. Bothriolepis macrocephalus. major, Agassiz. v. Bothriolepis major. milleri, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 1 (1843), p. 302, and Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p 1g, pl. 1, f 1-93: J. Morris, Gat Brit, Poss, 1854;.p.. 341 3 RH. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 509. Pterichthys latus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt.i (1843), p. 302, | diids Poise. Foss, V. CG. Ri (iSe4), ps teepliih £ 3,43 P G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. iv, 1848, p. 312 ; | A Morris, Cat. Brit, Foss., 1854, p. 341. [F ishes ; Brit. Mus. and Forres Mus.] 168 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PTERICHTHYS milleri (coutinued)— Pterichthys quadraius, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. iv, 1848, p. 313, pl. x; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 341; R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 509. [Fish ; Geol. Soc. London.] Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Cromarty, Nairnshire, and Banff- shire. [Fishes ; Edinburgh Mus. ] oblongus, L. Agassiz, Poiss Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1843), p- 302, and Poiss. Foss. We é R. (1844), ?. 18, pl. if. 1, 2 5 2G. i-gerton, Quart. aaa Geol. Soc., vol. iv, 1848, p- 313; J. Morris, Cat., Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 341; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 600; R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 509. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.: Banffshire, Nairnshire, and Cromarty. [Fishes ; Elgin Mus. | paucidens (‘Agassiz’), R. Etheridge, Foss. Brit. Islands, pt. i, 1888, p. 175 : mis- “quotation, the name not existing. productus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1843), p. 302, and Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 16, pl. v, f. 1-4; P. M G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. vi, 1848, p. 312 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 341; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 600; R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. {3] vol. v, 1888, p. 509. Pterichthys cancriformis, .. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1843), p. 302, and Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 17, pl. 1, f. 4,53 J. Morris, Cat. ae Foss., 1854, p. 341 ; F: M‘Coy, Brit. Palaeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 599. [Fishes ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. L. Old Red Sandst. ; Nainanre and Orkney. [Imperfect fishes ; Forres Mus. and Brit. Mus.] quadratus, Egerton. v. Pterichthys milleri. testudinarius, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 1 (1843), p. 302, and Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p p. 14; pliw; ees 5 P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. iv, 1848, p: 3tz 5 i Morris, Cat. Brit! Foss., 1854, p. 341; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 600. Pterichthys cornutus, LL. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i 1843), P ne SO and Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p- 17, pl. a f.).1=5h3 P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. i 1848, p: 313.5 J: Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 341; Re H Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 509, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. 11, 1888, p. 485, pl. xvii, f. 1-3. [Fishes ; ; Brit. Mus. | Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Lethen Bar, Nairnshire. [Head and trunk ; Edinburgh Mus. } PTERNODUS, Owen. vw. Diplodus. productus, Owen. wv. Diplodus gibbosus. PIS CES: 169 . PTYCHACANTHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), ' . 22. = Tristychius and undetermined genera. dubius, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 176, and Poiss. Foss. V. G. R. (1844), p. 118, pl. xxxiii, f. 22,23; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 341. [Undetermined ichthyolite.] Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Abergavenny. [Spine ; o/z# Mur- chison Coll.] subleevis, Agassiz. wv. Tristychius arcuatus. ? sp., L. Agassiz, in Murchison’s Silur. Syst. (1839), p. 597, pl. i, f. 9, 10; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 341. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Abergavenny and Herefordshire. [Spine ; 0/7 Murchison Coll.] PTYCHOCEPHALUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. ii (1843), p. 139 (name only), and Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1844 (1845), p. 307 (name only). radiatus, L. Agassiz, zbzd@. (1843), p. 139 (name only), and zéz@,, 1844, p. 307 (name only). Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Imperfect head; Brit. Mus.] T. PTYCHODUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 54 (1835), and vol. iii (1839), p. 150; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 132. AULODUS, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 366. acutus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1843), p. 177 (name only) : recorded from Gault of Folkestone by J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 341. altior, Agassiz. v. Ptychodus mammillaris and P. rugosus. arcuatus, Agassiz. v. Protosphyrzena (fins of). articulatus, Agassiz. wv. Protosphyrzena (fins of). concentricus, named variety of P. poly gyrus (L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1839), p. 156). decurrens, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 54 (1835), and vol. iii (1839), p. 154, pl. xxv 4, f. 1, 2, 4, 6-8 (mon f. 3,5); R. Owen, Odontogt. (1840), descr. to pls. xviii, xix; F. Dixon, Geo), Sussex, 1650, p. 362, pl. sxx, £7, 8, pl. xxxi, f. 1, pl. xxxii, f. 5 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 341; A. S. Woodward, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlili, 1887, p. 123, | pl. x, f. 1-10, 13, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p- 138. [See also P. mammillaris.) ‘Palate of Unknown Fish,’ J. Parkinson, Organic Remains, | vol. iii, 1811, p. 262, pl. xviii, f. 12. Ptychodus depressus, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 363, pl ‘axxi, #93]. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 341. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus. ] | Loc. U. and L. Chalk ; Sussex, Kent, Surrey, Cambridgeshire, and Norfolk. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus. (Zars).] depressus, Dixon. wv. Ptychodus decurrens. | 170 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PTYCHODUS (continued)— gibberulus, Agassiz. v. Protosphyraena (fins of). latissimus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 54 (1835), and vol. iii (1843), p. 157, pl. xxva, f. 1-6 (? f. 7, mon f. 8), pl. xxv 4, f. 24-26; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1838 (1839), p. 140, and Odontogr. (1840), descr. to pl. xvii, f. 1, 2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 342; O. Rees, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. vii (1873), p. 117; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 147. [See also P. mammillaris and P. polygyrus.] ‘Palate of Unknown Fish, J. Parkinson, Organic Remains, vol, ili, 181, p) 262, plixne ft 1d: ‘Tooth lines to Diodon, G. A. Mantell, Foss. S. Downs, 1822, p. 231, pl sx, f 19: Patines pumas ¥F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 363, pl. xxx, f., 3.5). Morris; Cat. Brit. Foss:, 2854, Pp: 3425 AAs: Woodward, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliil, 1887, p. k27, pl.x, f. 12. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. U. and L. Chalk ; Sussex, Kent, Surrey, Suffolk, Hertford- shire, and Wiltshire. [Teeth ; ? Brit. Mus. (Jars).] mammillaris, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 54 (1835), and vol: ii (1839), p. 151, pl. xxv vf. 12-20 Cr 11); F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 361, pl. Xxx, Gf. 6; phi soe. aes J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p: 342; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 133. Ptychodus decurrens, L. Agassiz (errore), Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1839), p. 154, pl. xxv 4, f. 3, 5. Ptychodus altior, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 54 (1835), and vol. ili (1839), p. 155, pl. xxv 4, f. 9, Io. Ptychodus latissimus, ¥. Dixon (errore), Geol. Sussex, 1850, plisexxi; £3 ‘Tooth allied to Dzodon, G. A. Mantell, Foss. S. Downs, 1822, Pp. 23%; pl. xxx f..17, 18,20; 20, 25, 27:20: Loc. U.and L. Chalk; Sussex, Kent, Surrey, and Wiltshire. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus. (favs). | T. marginalis, named variety of P. polygyrus (L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1839), p. 157). mortoni, G. A. Mantell, Descript. Cat. Geol., etc., Mus. Sussex Sei. and Lit. Inst. Brighton, ed. 5°(1836), p:27G gon Ge Morton, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., vol. viil (1839), Pp: 215, pl. xi, f 7; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss:, 854, po 342: Recorded from Chalk of Sussex by F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 364, pl. xxxi, f. 6, 7, but doubtful ; similar tooth in Oxford Museum from Chalk of Winchester. multistriatus, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 146, pl. v, f. 4-6. Loc. L. Chalk ; Kent. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] wit . ty Ooh ne PISCES: 171 PTYCHODWUS (continued)— oweni, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 364, pl. xxxi, f. 2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p.342 ; A, SW. oodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. a 1889, p. 138, pl. v, f. 8. Loc. U. Chalk; Kent and Sussex. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] paucisulcatus, Dixon. v. Ptychodus latissimus. polygyrus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 55 (1835), and vol. iii (1839), p. 156, pl. xxv, f. 4-11, ph weed, f. 21-23); W. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral., ed. 2, 1837, vol. li, p. 48, pl. xxvii /; F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p! 363,,pk xxx, f,.9, pl. xxxipf10; J. Morris, Cat..Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 342; S. J. Mackie, Geologist, vol. vi, 1863, p. 161, pl. ix; A. S. Woodward, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlili, 1887, p. 127, _ pl. x, f. 11, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 143, pl, v, f..7. [Varieties are named P. conceniricus, P. marginalis, and P. sulcatus, g.v.) *Teeth allied to Dzodon, G. A. Mantell, Foss. S. Downs, 1822, BP. 23%, pl. xxxil, f. 23, 24. Ptychodus latisstmus, L. Agassiz (errore), Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 157, pl. xxv a, f. 8; F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, descr. to pl. xxx, f. 1, 2. [Tooth ; Oxford Mus.] Loc. U. and L. Chalk ; Sussex, Kent, Essex, and Hampshire. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus. (fars).] rugosus, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 362, pl. xxxi, f. 5; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 342; A. 5S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 136, pl. v, f. 1-3. Ptychodus altior, ¥. Dixon (mon Agassiz), Geol. Sussex, 1859, ps 362; pl. xxx, f..10. Loc. U.and L. Chalk ; Kent, Sussex, Surrey, and Yorkshire. [Tooth.]} spectabilis, Agassiz. wv. Protosphyrzena (fins of). sulcatus, named variety of P. polygyrus (L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1839), p. 156). PTYCHOLEPIS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 107. bollensis, L. Agassiz, Neues Jahrb., 1832, p. 142, and Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 11 (1843), p. 108, pl. ivitt 3 W. C. William- son, Phil. Trans., 1849, p. 444; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 342. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. U. Lias; Whitby. [Fish ; Brit. Mus. } curtus, P. M. G. Egerton, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. xiii, 1854, p. 435, and Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. vill (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1855), no. 8, pl. viii ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 342. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fish; S. H. Beckles Coll.] 172 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PTYCHOLEPIS (continued)— gracilis, J. W. Davis, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. xiii, 1884, Pp. 335, pl. x. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fish ; J. W. Davis Coll.] minor, P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. vi (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1852), no. 7, pl. vil; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 342. LOG; .L: Wes Barrow-on-Soar, Leicestershire. [Fishes ; Brit. Mus. PYCNODUWS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. i (1833), pl. G, fi 1 (name and fig. only), and z6z@., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 183; J. J. Heckel, Denkschr. k. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.- naturw. Cl., vol. xi, 1856, p. 204. PERIODUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 201. angustus, Agassiz. wv. Coelodus angustus. biserialis, Agassiz. wv. Mesodon biserialis. bower P. M. G. Egerton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. iv, 1877, p. 52, pL. i, £:.2, Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [R. mandib. dentition; Brit. Mus.] bucklandi, Agassiz. v. Mesodon bucklandi. cretaceus, Agassiz. wv. Coelodus cretaceus. didymus, Agassiz. wv. Mesodon bucklandi. discoides, Agassiz. v. Mesodon discoides. elongatus, Agassiz. v. Coelodus angustus. hugii, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 195, pl. Ixxii a, f. 49-54. Erroneously recorded from Stonesfield Slate by J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 342. latirostris, Agassiz. v. Mesodon trigonus. liassicus, Egerton. wv. Mesodon liassicus. mantelli, Agassiz. v. Ccelodus mantelli. marginalis, Agassiz. v. Gyrodus cretaceus. microdon, Agassiz. v. Ccelodus mantelli. minor, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. 1i, pt. ii (1843), p. 200 (name only). ? =Gyrodus minor, Agassiz. obtusus, Agassiz. v. Mesodon bucklandi. ovalis, Agassiz. v. Mesodon bucklandi. pachyrhinus, P. M. G. Egerton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. iv, 1877, p54; pl w, £1;72: Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Vomer ; Brit. Mus.] pagoda, Blake. wv. Microdon pagoda. parallelus, Dixon. v. Ccelodus parallelus. parvus, Agassiz. v. Mesodon rugulosus. quincuncialis, Blake. v. Microdon quincuncialis. PISCES. Ley PYCNODUWS (continued)— rudis, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 180, woodcut xl, f. 1 (name and fig. only). [? Genus. ] Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Mandib. ramus ; Oxford Mus.] rugulosus, Agassiz. v. Mesodon rugulosus. toliapicus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 196, pl. Ixxiia, f. 55; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 343; P. M. G. Egerton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. iv, 1877, p. 53. Pertodus koenigiz, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 201, pl. Ixxii @, f. 61,62; F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 205, pl. x, f. 13; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 337. {Abraded mandib. dentition ; Brit. Mus. ] T. (Periodius.) Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Mandib. dentition ; Oxford Mus. ] trigonus, Agassiz. v. Mesodon trigonus. tristychius, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 199 (name only). [? A/esodon.] Loc. ?Stonesfield Slate. [Teeth ; 0/77 Bristol Mus. ] umbonatus, Agassiz. wv. Mesodon umbonatus. PYGOPTERWUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. 1i, pt. ii (1834), p. 74 ; R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiii, 1877, P- 574- bucklandi, Hibbert. wv. Elonichthys bucklandi. greenocki, Agassiz. wv. Nematoptychius greenocki. jamesoni, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 78 (name only). Loc. Calcif. Sandst. ; Burdiehouse. latus, P. M.G. Egerton, in King’s Permian Foss. (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 233, pl. xxiv, f. 1; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 343; | R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiil, 1877, P- 575: Loc. Magnesian Limest.; Ferry Hill, Durham. [Fish; Brit. | Mus. | mandibularis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1834), p. 76, pls. lili, luia@; W. King, Permian Foss. (Pal. Soc., 1850), | p. 232, pl. xxiii, f. 1; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 343 ; | F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p. 608 ; R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxili, 1877, p. 575. | ‘Unknown fish,’ A. Sedgwick, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. iii (1829), | p- 118, pl. x. | Nemopteryx mandibularis, L Agassiz, Neues Jahrb., 1833 33; p- 476. | Pygopterus sculptus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1834), || P- 77. Pygopterus scoticus, L. Agassiz, tbid., pt. i, p. 10; H. G. Bronn, Leth. Geogn., ed. 2, vol. i, 1837, p. 128. Loc. ao Limest.; Durham. [Fish; 0/77 Miss Surtees Coll. 174 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PYGOPTERUS (continued)— scoticus, Bronn. v. Pygopterus mandibularis. sculptus, Agassiz. v. Pygopterus mandibularis. sp., T. P. Barkas. wv. Elonichthys semistriatus. RAJA, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. i, p. 395. [Raza, auct.] antiqua, Agassiz. v. Raja clavata. batis, Linnzus, zd7d., p. 395; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 131, pl. xix, f. 9. Loc. Weybourn Crag; East Runton, Norfolk. [Zeeth; Mus. Pract. Geol.| clavata, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. i, p. 397; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 132, pl. xix, f. 10, 11; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 87. Raja antigua, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 371, pl. xxxvii, f. 33; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 343. {Dermal tubercles ; 0/z Buxton Coll. ] Loc. Red and White Crags ; Suffolk. Norwich and Weybourn Crags ; Norfolk. [Dermal tubercles ; Mus. Pract. Geol.) similis, A. S. Woodward. v. Arius sp. RHA BDODERMA, Reis. v. Ccelacanthus. huxteyé (Traquair), Reis. wv. Ccelacanthus huxleyi. tingleyense (Davis), Reis. wv. Ccelacanthus tingleyensis. RHADINACANTHUS, Traquair. v. Diplacanthus. tongispinus (Agassiz), Traquair. v. Diplacanthus longispinus. RHADINICHTHYS, R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxili, 1877, p. 559, and Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix, 1877, Pp. 431. - ?angustulus, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx (TS81), 4p. 33; pl. n,-f. TO, 11. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cement-stone Group); Glencartholm, Eskdale. [Fish ; Geol. Surv. Scotland.] brevis, R. H. Traquair, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix, 1877, Pp. 440. Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Wardie. [Fish ; Edinburgh Mus.] carinatus (Agassiz), R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxill, 1877, p. 559, and Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix, 1877, p. 44I. Pala@oniscus carinatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1835), p.. 1o4, pl. ive, f. 1, 25 J. Morris, Cat sbrt. Posse 1854, p- 336. Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Wardie. [Imperfect fish; Edinburgh Mus.] PISCES. 175 RHADINICHTHYS (continued)— delicatulus, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx (1881), p. 29, pl. 11, f. 6-9. | Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cement-stone Group); Glencartholm, | Eskdale. [Fish ; Geol. Surv. Scotland. ] ferox, R. H. Traquair, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix, 1877, p. 435. Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Wardie. [Fish ; Edinburgh Mus.] ? fusiformis, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx (1881), p. 34, pl. iii, f. 1-5. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cement-stone Group); Glencartholm, Eskdale. [Fish ; Geol. Surv. Scotland.] geikiei, R. H. Traquair, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix, 1877, p. 438,and Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx (1881), p. 25, pl. i, f. 13-18. Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Redhall and Colinton, Mid-Lothian ; Glencartholm, Eskdale, Dumfriesshire. [Fish; Geol. Surv. Scotland. | — var. elegantulus, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx (1881), p. 27, pl. ii, f. 1-5. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cement-stone Group) ; [Fish ; Geol. Surv. Scotland.] grossarti, R. H. Traquair, Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb., vol. iv, 1878, p. 244. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Lanarkshire. [Imperfect fishes; Grossart Coll., and Geol. Surv. Scotland. ] hanceocki: Palgoniscus hancocki, T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. xv, 1875, p. 311, and Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durhan, vol. v (1877), p. 228. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Newsham. [Fish ; Newcastle-upon-Tyne ot ee Glencartholm. Mus.] lepturus, R. H. Traquair, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix, 1877, P- 437. Loc. ma Sandst.; Burntisland. [Imperfect fish ; Edinburgh | Mus. | macconcochii, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx | (1881), p. 30, pl. ii, f. 12-16. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cement-stone Group); Glencartholm, Eskdale. [Fish ; Geol. Surv. Scotland.] macrodon, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iii, 1886, p. 441. Loc. Coal-Meas. (Knowles-Ironstone Shale); Fenton. [Fish ; J. Ward Coll.] monensis (Egerton), R. H. Traquair, Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb., vol. iv, 1878, p. 241. Paleoniscus monensis, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. vi, 1850, p. 5; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 337- Loc. Coal-Meas.; North Wales, North Staffordshire, and Lan- | arkshire. [Scales; Brit. Mus.] 176 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. RHADINICHTHYS (continued)— ornatissimus (Agassiz), R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxill, 1877, p. 559, and Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix, 1877, p. 432. Paleoniscus ornatissimus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1843), p. 92, pli ma, f. 4, 6,8 Gon f. 5,7); J. Moms. Cat- Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 337- Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Burdiehouse. [Imperfect fish; Edinburgh Mus. | Tr. planti, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 253; J. Ward, Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), pl. iv, f. 6. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Lancashire and N. Staffordshire. [Fish; Salford Mus., Manchester. ] tenuicauda, R. H. Traquair, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix, 1877, p. 443- Loc. M. Carb. Limest. (Edge Coal); Wallyford, Edinburgh, and Possil, Glasgow. [Fish; Edinburgh Mus.] tuberculatus, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx (1881), p. 31, pl. iv, f. 1-3. Loc. Calcif. Sandstones (Cement-stone Group) ; Glencartholm, Eskdale. [Fish ; Geol]. Surv. Scotland.] wardi (Ward), R. H. Traquair, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiil, 1877, p. 559, and Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb., vol. iv, 1878, p. 239; J. Ward, Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), pl. vi, f. Io. Paleontscus wardi, J. Young, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, vol. ii, pt. i (1875), p. 66 (name.only); J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 239. Loc. Coal-Meas.; North Staffordshire, Lancashire, and Lanark- shire. [Fish; J. Ward Coll.] RHAMPHODWUS, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 402. dispar, J. W. Davis, zdzd., p. 402, pl. li, f. 17. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] <. RHINOBATUS, J. G. Schneider, Blochii Syst. Ichthyol., 18o1,. Pp. 353- sp., A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 83,. and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 396. Loc. Kim. Clay; Oxfordshire. [Vertebre; Brit. Mus., no.. 46332 @.} RHINOCEPHALUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v (1843), p. 142 (name only), and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only). PISCES. 177 RHINOCEPHALUS (continued)— planiceps, L. Agassiz, 767d. (1843), p. 142 (name only), and 747, 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only). Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Imperfect head ; Brit. Mus.] RHINOPTERA, J. Miiller and J. Henle (ex Kuhl), Syst. Beschreib. Plagiostom., 1841, p. 181. ZYGOBATES, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 328. daviesi, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, Pp. 126, pl. mi, f. 6. Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Dentition ; Brit. Mus.] woodwardi (Agassiz), A. C. L. G. Giinther, Introd. Study of Fishes, 1880, p. 346, woodcut 132; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 127. Zygobates woodwarat, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), pp. 329) 333, pl. R, f. 6, 7; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, Pp. 340. Loc. Red Crag; Suffolk. Norwich Crag; Norfolk. [Teeth; olim Buxton Coll.] RHIPIDOLEPIS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only). elegans, L. Agassiz, zé/d., p. 308 (name only). Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. T ae RHIZODOPSIS, T. H. Huxley, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. xii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1866), p. 31 (footnote); J. Young, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxil, 1866, p. 596; T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. xx, 1877, p. 129 ; R. H. Traquair, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. xx, 1877, p. 244, and Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix, 1877, p. 444, and Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb., vol. iv, 1878, p. 135, and Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx (1881), p. 167, and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 515. DitTonpus, R. Owen, Trans. Odont. Soc.,vol. v,1867, p. 325 (favs). GANOLODUS, R. Owen, zézd., p. 354 (fars). CHARACODUS, R. Owen, z7d., p. 366. GASTRODUS, R. Owen, zézd., p. 370. ORTHOGNATHUS, T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, p. 38; W. J. Barkas, Monthly Rev. Dental Surgery, vol. iv (1876), p. 530, f. Ixxxix, xc. sauroides (Williamson), J. Young, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol, xxil, 1866, p. 596, woodcut 8; A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iii (1870), pp. 85, 91, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. i, 1868, p. 349 ; J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 231, and Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), pl. vii', f. 5-7; W.J. Barkas, Monthly Rev. Dental Surgery, vol. iv (1876), p. 433, f. Ixxxti-lxxxv ; R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx (1881), p. 169, woodcuts 1-3. N 178 BRITISH LOSSIT, VERTEBRA LA. RHIZODOPSIS sauroides (continued)— ‘Fossil Salmon,’ W. C. Williamson, Phil. Mag. [3] vol. xi, 1837, p- 300, pl. ii, f. 4-6. [Scales.] FHloloptychius, sp. nov., E. WW. Binney, Trans. Manchester Geol. Soc., vol. i (1841), D. 105, pl. v, f. 6. [Dentary ; Manchester Mus. ] Holoptychius sauroides, \\.C. Williamson, Phil. Trans., 1849, p. 457, pl. xlii, f. 21-23. Holoptychius granulatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. it (1843), p. 180 (name only) ; EW. Binney, Trans. Manches- ter Geol. Soc., vol. 1 (1841), p. 165, pl. v, f. 8, 10. [Scales.] Rhizodus amas, J. W. Salter, Foss. S. Welsh Coalfield (Mem. Geol. Surv. — Iron Ores Gt. Brit., pt. ili, 1861), p. 223, pl. i, f. 4-6 (also teeth, pl. 1, f. 1-3, 7-9). Hloloptychius sp. indet., J. W. Kirkby and T. Atthey, Trans. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, vol. vi (1864), p. 235, pl. vi, f. 4. Dittodus parallelus, 8. Owen, Trans. Odontol. Soc., vol v, 1867, p-325,pl.i. [Micro. section of jaw; Brit. Mus.] T. (Dét¢odits.) Ganolodus craggesit, R. Owen, zbid., p. 356, woodcut. [Mandib. ramus; Brit. Mus. | Characodus confertus, R. Owen, zbid., p. 366, pl. xiii. [Micro. section of tooth. ] T. (Characodus.) Gastrodus prepositus, R. Owen, zdzd., p. 370, pls. xiv, xv. [ Micro. section of jaw ; Brit. Mus.] T. (Gastrodus.) Orthognathus reticulosus, T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, p. 38, f. 143, 144. [Portions of jaws; fs P:- Barkas Coll.] T. (Orthognathus). Rhizodopsis, T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Paleont., 1873, p. 23, f. 59-66. Loc. Coal-Meas.; all English, Welsh, and Scottish Coalfields. [Scales. ] T. RHIZODWS, R. Owen, Cdentogr. (1840), p. 75 ; F. M‘Coy, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., vol. i (1848), p. 66, and Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 611; J. Young, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, BE 317, 509; L. C. Miall, (Quart) jour: Geol. Soc., vol. : i, 1875, p. 624, woodcut ; W. J. Barkas, Monthly Rev. Denes Surgery, vol. iv (1875 s), p. 394, f. Ixxx, Iexxd 5 (Rao. Trequam, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. xx, 1877, p. 244, and Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix, 1877, p- 444, and Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb., vol. iv, 1878, p..135. MEGALICHTHYS, L. Agassiz and S. Hibbert, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xiii ( 183 36), p. 202 (non Megalichihys, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss. ., VOl. ii, pt. 11 (1843), p. 89). ferox: given by J. Morris (Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 343), as described in Owen’s Odontography, but name does not occur. (Holoptychius) garneri, Ward. v. Strepsodus sauroides. WT SiG 26S: 179 RHIZODVUS (continued)— gracilis, F. M‘Coy. v. Rhizodus hibberti. granulatus (Agassiz), Salter. v. Rhizodopsis sauroides. hibberti (Agassiz and Hibbert), [-ii] R. Owen, Odontogr. (1841), p- 75, pl. xxxv, f. 2, pls. xxxvi, xxxvil; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 612; J. Young, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. ii (1865), p. 38 (exc. scales, which are probably 2. ornatus, R. H. Traquair, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix, 1877, p. 659); R. H. Traquair, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. xv, 1875, p. 266, and 2d. [4] vol. xix, 1877, p. 303, and Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. 1x, 1877, p. 658. [See also Archichthys portlocki and A. sulcidens.| iilegalichthys hibberti, L. Agassiz and S. Hibbert, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xiii (1836), p. 202, pl. viii, f. 1, 2, pl. ix, f. 2, 3, 9,10; W. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral. ed. 2, 1837, vol. ii, Pe 43, pl. xxvii, f 52. Lloloptychius hibberti (Agassiz), W. Buckland, zé¢d., 1837, vol. ii, p. 43, pl. xxvii, f. 9-11, 13, 14 (Holyptychus) ; L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 180 (name only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 329. Dhyllolepis tenuissimus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 180 (name only). [Scales.] KRhizodus gracilis, F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 611, pl. iG, f.17. [Dentary ; Woodwardian Mus.] Rhizodus, J. Young, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, Pp. 597, woodcuts 4,5; T. Stock, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. viii, 1881, p. 77, and Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc., vol. iv, 1881, p. 38. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. and Carb. Limest.; Edinburgh. Possil Ironstone (Carb. Limest.) ; Airdrie and Glasgow. Redes- dale Ironstone; Scremerston, Northumberland. [Teeth ; olim S. Hibbert Coll.] T. lanceiformis (‘ Newberry’), J. W. Kirkby and T. Atthey, Trans. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, vol vi (1864), p. 234, pl. vi, f. 1-3. = Loxomma allmannt. [AMPHIBIA.] ornatus, R. H. Traquair, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. ix, 1877, p. 659. Khizodus, L. C. Miall, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi, 1875, p. 624, woodcut. [See also RAzzodus hibberti.| Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Burdiehouse and Pittenweem. M. Carb. Limest. (Blackband Ironstone); Gilmerton. [Various remains ; Edinburgh Mus. ] portlockii (Agassiz), Etheridge. v. Archichthys portlocki. striatus, R. Etheridge, Foss. Brit. Islands, pt. i, 1888, p. 341. =Holoptychius striatus, Ag. RHOMBOPTYCHTIUS, Young. v. Megalichthys. Sp., Youns. v7. Megalichthys rugosus. 180 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. RHONCHUS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only) (Rkoncus). carangoides, L. Agassiz, zbid., p. 308 (name only). Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect head; Brit. Mus.] ‘T. RHYMODUS, Davis. wv. Copodus. convexcus, Davis. v. Copodus convexus. oblongus, Davis. wv. Copodus oblongus. transversus, Davis. v. Copodus prototypus. RHYNCHORHINUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. ii (1843), p. 139 (name only), and Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only). branchialis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. ii (1843), p. 139 (name only). Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect head; Brit. Mus.] T. SAGENODUS, Owen. 7. Ctenodus. ineequalis, Owen. v. Ctenodus obliquus. SALMO, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 509. lewesiensis, Mantell. wv. Osmeroides lewesiensis. SANDALODUWS, J. S. Newberry and A. H. Worthen, Pal. Illinois, vol. ii, 1866, p. 102. VATICINODUS, O. St. John and A. H. Worthen, Pal. Illinois, vol. vil, 1883, p. 80. minor, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 626, pl. xxvi, f. 17; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 187. Loc. Yoredale Rocks; Wensleydale, Yorkshire. [Tooth ; York Mus. ] morrisi, [-ii] J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), Pp. 437, pl. liv, f. 1-16; [-ii] A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M.; pt. 1, 1889, p. 185. Deltodus sp., J. Morris and G. E. Roberts, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xvili, 1862, p. 105, pl. iii, f. 1-3 (? f. 4). Vaticinodus sp.,O. St. John and A. H. Worthen, Pal. Illinois, vol. vil, 1883, p. 81. Deltodopsis sp., O. St. John and A. H. Worthen, zézd., p. 160. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Bristol and Oreton. [Teeth; Brit. Mus. and Bristol Mus.] SARGODON, T. Plieninger, Wiirttemb. Jahresh., 1847, p. 165. tomicus, T. Plieninger, zdzd., p. 165, pl. i, f. 5-10 ; ? A. S. Wood- ward, Trans. Leicester Lit. and Phil. Soc., n.s., pt. xi (1889), Pp. 20. . Loc. Rheetic ; Gloucestershire, Somersetshire, and ? Leicester- shire. [Zeeth,; Brit. Mus., Bath Mus., and Leicester Mus.]| PISCES. 181 SAURICHTHYS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 84; R. Owen, Odontogr. (1845), p. 170. STYLORHYNCHUS, K. Martin, Zeitschr. deutsch. Geol. Ges., vol. xxv, 1873, p. 725. acuminatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol ii, pt. 11 (1843), p. 86, pl. lv a, f. 1-5 ; R. Etheridge, Proc. Cardiff Naturalists’ Soc. vol. iii, 1872, pl. ii, f. 7-10; A. S. Woodward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. iii, 1889, p. 301, pl. xiv, f. 7, 8, and Trans. Leicester Lit. and Phil. Soc., n.s., pt. xi (1889), p. 20. Saurichthys longidens, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 87, pl. lv a, f. 17, 18. [Tooth from Aust Cliff.] Saurichthys apicalis, J. Morris (zon Miinster), Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 343; R. Etheridge, Proc. Cardiff Naturalists’ Soc. vol. iil, 1872, pl. ii, f. 5,6. [Teeth from Aust Cliff] Loc. Rheetic ; Gloucestershire, Somersetshire, Devonshire, and Leicestershire. [Teeth ; Bristol Mus.] SAUROCEPHALUS, R. Harlan, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., vol. i11 (1824), p. 337- DaPTINUS, E. D. Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1873, p- 339; E. T. Newton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiv, 1878, p. 439. intermedius: Daftinus intermedius, E. T. Newton, zbzd., p. 440, pl. xix. Loc. L. Chalk; Dover. [Head and portion of trunk; Brit. Mus.] lanceolatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. i (1844), p. 8. Misprint : v. Protosphyrzena ferox. lanciformis, Agassiz. v. Protosphyrena ferox. striatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. i (1843), pp. 8, 102, pl. xxv, f. 17-20; F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 375, pl. xxxv, f. 5; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 343. Cimolichthys 2, E. T. Newton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiv, 1878, p. 793. [Genus non det.] Loc. Chalk; Sussex. [Fragment of jaw ; Brit. Mus.] SAURODON, Agassiz (on Hays). v. Cimolichthys. leanus, Agassiz (zon Hays). v. Cimolichthys lewesiensis. SAUROPSIS, L. Agassiz, Neues Jahrb., 1832, p. 142, and Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 11 (1843), p. 120. mordax, L. Agassiz, 7bd., p. 122 (name only). Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Jaw.] SCAPANORHYNCHUS, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 351- RHINOGNATHUS, J. W. Davis (zo Fairmaire, 1873), Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. iii (1887), p. 480. ? gigas, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 358. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus. ] 182 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. SCAPANORHYNCHUS (continucd)— rhaphiodon (Agassiz), A. S. Woodward, 707z@., p. 353. Lamna (Odontaspis) rhaphtedon, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 55 (1835), and vol. iti (1843), p. 296, pl. xxxvil a, f. 12-16 (von f. 11). Odontaspis rhaphiodon, ¥. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, descr. to pl. xxx, .f.. 32; J. Morris, Cat.. Brit. Foss. 1854, p. 332. Lamna raphiodon, J. Morris, zbéd., p. 331. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. Chalk; Sussex, Surrey, Kent, Wiltshire, and Norfolk. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.] ?subulatum (Agassiz), [-us] A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M:, pt. 1, 1889, p. 356. Squalus cornubicus, G. A. Mantell (zom Gmelin), Foss. S. Downs, 1822, p. 226, pl. xxxil, f. 1. Lammna (Odontaspis) subulata, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. tii (1843), p. 296, pl. xxxviia, f. 5 (? f. 6, 7). ?Lamna (Odontaspis) rhaphiodon, L. Agassiz (errore), tbid., pl xxxving, f..1%. [Tooth; Brt..Mus:] Lanna subulata, J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 331. Loc. Gault; Folkestone. Cambridge Greensand. U. Green- sand; Wiltshire. Chalk; Sussex, Surrey, Kent, Essex, Wiltshire, and Norfolk. [Zeeth,; Brit. Mus.] sp. (cf. Odontaspis studeri, Pictet), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 359. Loc. Neocomian ; Folkestone. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus., no. P. 5759.] SCAPHASPIS, E. R. Lankester, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1864 (1865), Sect., pp. 5-8, and Fishes O. R. Sandst., pt. 1 (Pal. Soc.,1868), p- 19. |A provisional genus probably founded upon ventral shields. | PTERASPIS, R. Kner (#072 Huxley), Haidinger’s Naturw. Abhand1., vol. i, 1847, p. 159 (ars). cornubicus (M‘Coy), Lee. wv. Steganodictyum cornubicum. lewisi (Agassiz), J. E. Lee, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. ix, 1882, pl. ii, f. 1. Cephalaspis lewistz?, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 1 (1835), p. 149, pl. 14, f. 8; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 319. Cephalaspis Uoydit, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 1 (1835), p- 150, pl. 14, f. 9-11; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 320. [Shield ; 0/27 Murchison Coll.] Pteraspis lloydit, R. Kner, Haidinger’s Naturw. AbhandL, vol. i, 1847, p. 159, pl. v; T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiv, 1858, p. 267, and zé7d., vol. xvii, 1861, p. 164. T. (Pteraspis, Kner, zon Huxley.) Scaphaspis lVoydii, E. R. Lankester, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1864 (1865), Sect., p. 58,and Fishes O. R. Sandst., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1868), ~ p::20, pl. wplvij ten, 6.17; 18: Loc. L. Old Red Sandst. (Cornstones) ; Herefordshire and Mon- mouthshire. [Shield ; o/éz R. 1. Murchison Coll.] T. PISCE S. 183 SCAPHASPIS (continucd)— lWoydi (Agassiz), Lankester. 7. Scaphaspis lewisi. ludensis (Salter), E. R. Lankester, Fishes O. R. Sandst., pt. i Vial. SOG; LO0s). pi 25, pl. it, f 4. Pteraspis ludensis, J. W. Salter, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. iv, 1859, p. 46, woodcut. Loc. L. and U. Ludlow ; Herefordshire. [Shield.] recta, [-us] E. R. Lankester, Fishes O. R. Sandst., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1868), p. 23, pl. ii, f. 5-8, 12, 13, pl. vii, f. 2. Loc. Old Red Sandst. (Cornstones) ; Herefordshire. [Shields ; Brit. Mus. (fazs).] truncata (Huxley and Salter), | -us] E. R. Lankester, Fishes O. R. Sandst., pt. 1 (Pal. Soc., 1868), p. 24, pl. i, f. 1-3. Pteraspis truncatus, T. H. Huxley and J. W. Salter, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xii, 1856, p. 100, pl. ii, f. 1. Loc. Downton Sandstone and Ludlow Bone-bed; Hereford- shire. [Shield ; o/z R. W. Banks Coll.] SCAPHODUS, L. Agassiz, MS.; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, Pp. 344 (? Gvronchus). heteromorphus, L. Agassiz MS. in Bristol Museum ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 344. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. SCIZENURUS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 295- bowerbanki, L. Agassiz, 7did., p. 256, and zééd., p. 295, pl. and Edinb. New Phil. Journ., vol. xl, 1846, p. 121, pl. vi; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 344. - Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Portions of fishes ; Brit. Mus.] crassior, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iv (1843), p. 307 (name only). Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. SCLERODUS, Agassiz. v. Eukeraspis. pustuliferus, Agassiz. v. Eukeraspis pustulifera. SCOMBRINUS, L. Agassiz, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1844 (1845), p. 308 (name only). nuchalis, L. Agassiz, zb7d., p. 308 (name only). Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect head; Brit. Mus.] T. SCYLLIODUS, Agassiz. v. Cantioscyllium and Scyllium. antiquus, Agassiz. v. Scyllium antiquum and Cantioscyllium decipiens. SCYLLIUM, Cuvier, Régne Animal, vol. ii, 1817, p- 124. THYELLINA, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 378. Scy.Luiopbus, L. Agassiz, 76¢d¢., p. 377 (Pars). 184 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. SCYLLIIUM (continued)— antiquum (Agassiz), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 340. Scylliodus antiguus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 378, pl. xxxvill, f. 1, 3 (0m f. 2). Loc. L. Chalk; Kent. [Anterior portion of fish ; Brit. Mus.] dubium, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p: 341 ¢plixvi, 7; 8: Loc. L. Chalk; Dover. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] Sp.: vertebre described by C. Hasse, Palzontographica, vol. xxxi (1884), p. 7, pl. ii, f. 10, 11, and compared with the recent S. edwardst. Loc. U. Chalk; Dorking, Surrey. [Vertebre ; Anat. Inst. Univ. of Breslau. | SELACHE, Cuvier. wv. Cetorhinus. maxima (Linneus). wv. Cetorhinus maximus. ?sp.: F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 110, pl. xi, f. 25. [Probably a malformed tooth of Odontaspis.| Loc. Bracklesham Beds. [Tooth; Brit. Mus.] SEMIONOTUWS, L. Agassiz, Neues Jahrb., 1832, p. 144, and Poiss. Foss., vol. 11, pt. i (1837), p. 222 brodiei, E. T. Newton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlili, 1887, p. 539, pl. xxi, f. 1-8. Loc. U. Keuper; Shrewley, Warwick, and Colwick Wood, Nottingham. [Imperfect fishes ; P. B. Brodie Coll.] joassi, A. S. Woodward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. xx, 1887, p. 179, pl. vili. [Genus doubted by W. Deecke, Palzonto- graphica, vol. xxxv (1889), p. 103.] Loc. L. Oolite; Brora, Sutherlandshire. [Fish; Dunrobin Mus. } manseli, Egerton. 7. Lepidotus manseli. rhombifer, Agassiz. v. Eugnathus latus. SILURUWS, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 501. egertoni, Dixon. v. Arius egertoni. SPHZRODUS, Agassiz. v. Lepidotus. gigas, Agassiz. v. Lepidotus maximus. mammillaris, Agassiz. wv. Gyrodus cretaceus. SPHAGODUS, L. Agassiz, in Murchison’s Silur. Syst. 1839, p. 606. pristodontus, L. Agassiz, zid., p. 606, pl. iv, f. 1-3. ‘Shagreen,’ J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 344. Loc. U. Ludlow Bone-bed. [Dermai tubercles.] T.. PISCES. 185 SPHENACANTHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p- 23. sequistriatus (Davis), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B.M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 244. Ctenacanthus eguistriatus, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv, 1879, p. 185, pl. x, f. 15. Loc. L. Coal-Meas. ; Yorkshire. [Spine ; J. W. Davis Coll.] costellatus (Traquair), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 242. Ctenacanthus costellatus, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. i, 1884, p. 3, pl. ii, and zézd., vol. v, 1888, p. 81. Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Eskdale, Dumfriesshire. [Fish; Brit. Mus.] hybodoides (Egerton), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 242; J. Ward, Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), pl. ili, f. 2. Ctenacanthus hybodotdes, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 215; J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxii, 1876, p. 335. Ctenacanthus nodosus, P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. ix, 1853, p. 281; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 323. [Spine; Brit. Mus.] Ctenacanthus major, J. Thomson (zon Agassiz), Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1869 (1870), Sect., p. 102. Cladodus elegans, T. P. Barkas, English Mechanic, vol. xii | (1871), p. 403, woodcut. [Tooth.] Ctenacanthus (?and Cladodus), T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, p. 21, f. 43-58 (? p. 19, f. 31-34). Hybodus, W. J. Barkas, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. i, 1874, p. 163, and ) Proc. Roy. Soc. N. S. Wales, vol. xi (1878), p. 145. ? Hybodus davist, W.J. Barkas, Monthly Rev. Dental Surgery, vol. vii, 1878, p. 193. [Tooth; J. W. Davis Coll.] Loc. Coal-Meas. ; South Scotland, Northumberland, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Staffordshire, and North Wales. [Spine ; Brit. Mus.]} minor (Davis), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 244. Ctenacanthus minor, J. W. Davis, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. vi, 1879, p- 531, woodcut. Loc. L. Coal-Meas. (Black-bed Coal); Dudley Hill, near Bradford, Yorkshire. [Spine ; Bradford Mus.] serrulatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 24, pl. |, f. 11-13 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 344; A. 5S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 242. 186 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTED RAL. SPHENACANTHUS serrulatus (cov/iiued)— Ctenacanthus ? serrulatus, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. 1, 1884, p. 6. Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Burdiehouse, near Edinburgh. [Spine ; Edinburgh Mus. | sp., A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 244. Loc. U. Coal-Meas. (Ardwick Limest.); Ardwick, near Man- chester. [Spine; Brit. Mus.,no. 41251 @.] SPHENONCHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 201. A provisional genus founded upon head-spines of /ydodus (E. Charlesworth, Mag. Nat. Hist., n.s., vol. iii, 1839, p. 242), Acrodus (A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 290), and Asteracanthus (A. S. Woodward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. 11, 1888, p. 340). Said to have been originally named Le/osfhen in collections (L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 201). clongatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 202, pl. xxii, f. 18; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 344. Loc. Wealden ; Sussex. [Spine ; Brit. Mus.] hamatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 202, pl. xxii a, f. 12-14; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 344. ‘ Tooth,’ H. T. De La Beche, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. i (1822), p. 44, pl. iv, f. 4,5; W. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral., ed. 2 (1837), pl xxvil'd, £0,'7- Loc, L;-Lias; Lyme Regis. [Spine] T. martini, Agassiz. v. Hybodus lawsoni. (Hybodus) obtusus, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvii, 1881, p. 420, pl. xxii, f. 7. Loc. Rhetic; Aust Cliff, near Bristol. [Spine ; J. W. Davis Coll. | sp: ‘Tooth of Fish? T. Webster, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. ii (1826), p. 35, pl. vi, f. 8. Loc. Wealden; Sussex. [Spine.] sp. Recorded from Lias of Weston, near Bath, and Wealden of Isle of Wight (E. Charlesworth and H. Woods, Mag. Nat. Hist., n.s., vol. ii, 1839, pp. 279, 282): also from Kimeridge Clay, Weymouth; Purbeck Beds, Swanage ; Wealden, Sussex; and Grey Chalk, Dover (A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, pp. 303, 305). SPHYR-ENODUS, Agassiz. v. Dictyodus. crassidens, Agassiz. v. Dictyodus crassidens. gracilis, Dixon. v. Dictyodus tenuis. priscus, Agassiz. v. Dictyodus priscus. tenuis, Dixon. v. Dictyodus tenuis. PISCES. 187 SPINAX, Cuvier, Régne Animal, vol. ii, 1817, p. 129. major, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1837), p. 62, pl. x 4, f. 8, 10-14 (? pl. xl a, f. 6, vertebrie). Dorsal fin-spines of un- determined species of Cestraciont Sharks, genera Cestraczon and Syzechodus (A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 337). Loc. Gault; Folkestone. U. Greensand; Maidstone. Cam- bridge Greensand. Chalk; S.and S.E. England. [Brit. Mus.] SQUALORAJA, H. Riley, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. 1 (1833), p. 484, and Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. v (1837), p. 83 (Sgzalo-raia). SPINACORHINUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 94 (1837). polyspondyla, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 381; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 345 ; W. Davies, Geol. Mag., vol. ix, 1872, p. 145, pl. iv; C. Hasse, Palzonto- graphica, vol. xxxi (1885), p. 4, pl. i, f. 2, 3; A. S. Wood- ward, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1886, p. 527, pl. lv, f. 1-5, 7, 8. Sgualoraia dolichognathus, H. Riley, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. i (1833), p. 483, and Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. v (1837), p. 83, pl. iv. Spinacorhinus polyspondylus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill., p. 94 (1837), and vol. 111 (1836), pls. xlii, xiii. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Imperfect skeleton; Bristol Mus. ] T. tenuispina, A. S. Woodward, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1886, p. 530, pl. lv, f. 6. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Head-spine; Brit. Mus.] SQUATINA, A. Duméril (ex Aldrovandi), Zool. Analyt., 1806, p. 102. cranei, A. S. Woodward, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, p- 144, pl. vii, f. 1-6, and Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 294, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 70. ? ‘Tooth of Squaloid Fish, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, descr. {0 pl xxx, f 35. Loc. L. Chalk ; Sussex. [Head, etc.; Brighton Mus.] sp. ind. Teeth of undetermined species recorded from the Gault of Folkestone; U. Chalk of Brighton, Lewes, and Norwich ; Lower Eocene of Chislehurst, Kent ; London Clay of High- gate ; and the Red Crag of Suffolk (A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 71). Vertebre also re- corded from the Chalk of Dorking, Surrey (zé¢d.). [Brit. Mus.] STAGONOLEPIS, Agassiz. Transferred to REPTILIA. robertsoni, Agassiz. Transferred to REPTILIA. STEGANODICTYUM, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. viii, 1851, p. 481, and Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), descr. to pl. ii A; J. W. Salter, Geol. Mag., vol. v, 1868, p. 247 (‘=Preraspis’); C. W. Peach, Geol. Mag., vol. v, 1868, p. 568. 188 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. STEGANODICTYUD! (continued)— cornubicum, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. viii, 1851, p. 482, and Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), descr. to pl. iA, f. 1-3. Scaphaspts cornubicus, J. E. Lee, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. ix, 1882, Pp: 105; pl. mits 2, 3: Loc. Devonian ; Polperro, Cornwall. [Fragments of shields ; Woodwardian Mus.] T. STEMMATODUS, O. St. John and A. H. Worthen (on Heckel), Pal. Illinois, vol. vi, 1875, p. 328. [A provisional name applied to certain Selachian dermal tubercles. ] sp., A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 247 ; J. Ward, Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), pla, 22: Loc. Coal-Meas.; Fenton, North Staffordshire. [Tubercles ; Brit. Mus., nos. 35000-1. | STENOSTOMA, F. Dixon (e+ Agassiz, MS.), Geol. Sussex, 1880, Pp. 373; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 328. pulckellum, [-a| F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex,1850, p. 373, pl. xxxvi, f.2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 345; [-a] A. S. Wood- ward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 329. Loc. Chalk ; S.E. England. [Imperfect fish; Brit. Mus.] TT. STICHACANTHUS, L. G. de Koninck, Faune Calc. Carb. Belg., pt. 1, 1878, p. 70. coemansi, L. G. de Koninck, zd¢d., p. 71, pl. vi, f. 4, 5. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Shropshire and Gloucestershire. [Sfzve; Brit. Mus.) tortworthensis, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (8583); .p.-532, pl: Ixv, fi 2: Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Gloucestershire and Shropshire. [Spine; Earl of Ducie Coll.] STRATODUWS, E. D. Cope, Vert. Cret. Form. West (Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. Territ., vol. ii, 1875), p. 219. anglicus, A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), Be sia pla, f. 3: Loc. Chalk ; Sussex. [Jaws; Brit. Mus.] STREBLODWS, J. Morris and G. E. Roberts (ex Agassiz, MS.), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 101 (name only) ; R. Owen, Geol. Mag., vol. iv, 1867, p. 62. colei, J. Morris and G. E. Roberts (ev Agassiz, MS.), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. tor (name only) ; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 425, - pl. li, f. 5,6; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 210, pl. vi, f. 25. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. U. Carb. Limest. ; Yorkshire and Derbyshire. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.] PISCES. 189 STREBLODUS (continued)— egertoni, J. Morris and G. E. Roberts (e2 Agassiz, MS.), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 1o1 (name only) ; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. ated i (1883), p. 426, pl. lili, f.7,8; A.S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B.M., pt.1, 1889, p. 211. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Bristol. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.] oblongus (Portlock), J. Morris and G. E. Roberts, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 1o1 (name only); R. Owen, Geol. Mag., vol. iv, 1867, p. 62, pl. ii, f. 3; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. blver 1 (1883), p. 424, pl. lin, f. 1-4 ; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 209. Cochliodus oblongus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p-174 (name only); J. E. Portlock, Rep. Geol. Londonderry, 1843, p. 466, pl. xiv a, f. 5, 10; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 322; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p. 623, pl. iii H, f. 19, pl. iil, f. 28. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Teeth; Mus. Pract. Geol.] T. STREPSODUS, J. Young (ex Huxley), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, p. 602; T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, p. 32; W. J. Barkas, Monthly Rev. Dental Surgery, vol. iv (1876), pp. 481, 529, f. Ixxxvi-Ixxxviil. DENDROPTYCHIUS, J. Young (ex Huxley, MS.), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, p. 601. LABYRINTHODONTOSAURUS, T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, P. 75- sauroides (Binney), J. Young, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, p. 602, woodcut 3; G. Lyon, Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc., vol. ii (1872), p. 125; J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 232, and Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x (1889), pl. ii, f. 5 ; R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx (1881), p. 18. Holoptychius sauroides, E. W. Binney, Trans. Manchester Geol. Soc., vol. i (1841), p. 165, pl. v, f. 7; L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 180 (name only); J. W. Kirkby and T. Atthey, Trans. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, vol. vi (1864), p2 234, pl. vi, f..5,:6. Holoptychius garneri, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. 11 (1843), p. 180 (name only). Rhizodus (Holoptychius) garneri, J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 233, f. 4. [Scale; J. Ward Coll.] Dendroptychius, J. Young, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, p. 601, woodcut 7; J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 233. [Scale; Mus. Pract. Geol.] T. (Dendroptychius.) Labyrinthodontosaurus simmi, T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, pp. 75, 94, f. 194, 223, 224. [Fragment of mandible ; T. P. Barkas Coll.] ‘T. (Laéyrinthodontosaurus.) Loc. Calcif. Sandst. ; Eskdale and Liddesdale, Dumfries. Coal- Meas. ; Yorkshire, Lancashire, Staffordshire, and Northum- berland. [Tooth ; Manchester Mus.] T. 190 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. STREPSODUS (continued)— striatulus, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. ix, 1882, p. 544. Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Abden, Fife. M. Carb. Limest. (Blackband Ironstone) ; Borough Lee, near Edinburgh. [Teeth ; Edin- burgh Mus.] STROBILODUS, A. Wagner, Abh. k. bay. Akad. Wiss., Cl. ii, vol. Vi, E851; p: 75. THLATTODUS, R. Owen, Geol. Mag., vol. iii, 1866, p. 55. suchoides (Owen), K. A. v. Zittel, Handb. Palzeont., vol. iii (1887), p. 230; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 450. Thlattodus suchotdes, ®. Owen, Geol. Mag., vol. iii, 1866, p. 55, pl. 111. T. (Thlattodus.) Loc. Kim. Clay ; Downham, Norfolk. [Jaws ; Brit. Mus.] sp., A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 450. Loc. Purbeck ; Swanage. [Head; Brit. Mus., no. 46911.] STROPHODWS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. 111 (1838), pp. 116, 163, pl. K, f. 3-5. [A ‘generic’ name to be provisionally retained for those teeth of As/eracanthus not yet discovered in association with their respective fin-spines. | asper, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 128 4, pl. x 4, f. 1-3 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 345. Crustacean frag- ment (A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p- 293, and Cat. Foss. Fishes b. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 319), from the Chalk of Lewes. [Brit. Mus.] favosus, Agassiz. v.Strophodus magnus. lingualis, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 177, woodcut xxxvii, f. 8 (fig. only); A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 319, pl. xv, f. 9-12. Loc. Stonesfield Siate ; Oxfordshire. Forest Marble; Wilt- shire. [Teeth; Brit. Mus. ] magnus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 126, pl. xviii, f. 11-15 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 345 ; J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 177, woodcut xxxvii, f.7 ; A. S. Wood- ward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 314, pl. xv, f. 4-8. Stliquastrum, Luidius, Lithophyl. Brit., 1760, p. 73, pl. xvi. f. 1442, 1445, 1448, 1449. Siliguastrum minus triangulum, Luidius, 267d., p.75, pl. xvi, f. 1488 Strophodus favosus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843) p- 175 (name only) ; A. S. Woodward, Science Gossip, 1885, p. 107, woodcut 78. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] ? Strophodus rigauxt, H. M. Platnauer, Ann. Rep. Yorksh. Phil. Soc., 1886 (1887), p. 36, pl. 1, f.1, 2. [Tooth; York Mus.] Loc. Inferior Oolite ; Lincolnshire. Gt. Oolite (incl. Stones- field Slate); Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, Gloucester- shire, and Wiltshire. Forest Marble ; Wiltshire. Cornbrash :. Northamptonshire. [Teeth.] PISCES. Igt STROPHODWS (conlinued)— radiato-punctatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p- 128, pl. xviii, f. 27; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, P- 345. Loc. Kelloways Rock ; Yorkshire. [Tooth ; Scarborough Mus.] reticulatus, Agassiz. ~v. Asteracanthus ornatissimus. vigauxi, Platnauer (? Sauvage). wv. Strophodus magnus. subreticulatus, Agassiz. v. Asteracanthus ornatissimus. sulcatus, Agassiz. wv. Cestracion sulcatus. tenuis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 127, pl. xviii, f. 16-25 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 345; J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 177, woodcut xxxvii, f.9 ; A. S. Wood- ward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 317, pl. xv, Eze 3. Loc. Gt. Oolite (incl. Stonesfield Slate) ; Oxfordshire, Lincoln- shire, Northamptonshire, and Wiltshire. Cornbrash; North- amptonshire. Forest Marble; Oxfordshire and Wiltshire. [Teeth. ] sp., A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 319, plea, f, 13. Loc. Forest Marbie; Wiltshire. [Tooth; Brit. Mus.,no. P.5886.] SYNECHODUVS, A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 288, and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 496. dubrisiensis (Mackie), A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 288, and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 496, wooccut, and Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 327, woodcut 12 and pl. xi, f. 17-20, pl. xii, f. 6. Hybodus dubristensis, S. J. Mackie, Geologist, vol. vi, 1863, p- 241, pl. xiii; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Zool. Soc.,'1886, p. 218, Die xx. Loc. Chalk; Kent. [Jaws; Brit. Mus.] T. recurvus (Trautschold), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i (1889), p. 329, pl. xi, f. 22, 23. Sphenodus recurvus, H. Trautschold, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1877, pt. ii, p. 335, pl. v, f. 4. Loc. Gault; Folkestone. [Zeek Brit. Mus.] tenuis, A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p.529, pl. xi, f..21. Loc. Neocomian ; Maidstone. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] sp., A. S. Woodward, zbid., p. 330, pl. xii, f. 7. Loc. U. Chalk ; Norwich. [Teeth; Brit. Mus., nos. 48953-4, P. 5346-7. | THINIODUS, St. John and Worthen. v. Deltodus. TARRASIUS, R. H. Traquair, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxx (1881), p. 61. 192 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. TARRASIUS (continued)— problematicus, R. H. Traquair, zéd., p. 62, pl. iv, f. 4-6. Loc. Calcif. Sandst. (Cement-stone Group) ; Tarras Foot and Glencartholm, Eskdale, Dumfriesshire. [Fish ; Geol. Surv. Scotland. } TERATICHTHYS, C. Koenig, Icones Foss. Sect., 1825, p. 4. antiquitatis, C. Koenig, zdz7., p. 4, pls. vi and vii, f. 79 and 79* ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 345. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Remains of skeleton; Brit. Mus. ] T. TETRAGONOLEPIS, H.G. Bronn (70m Agassiz), Neues Jahrb., 1830, p. 30; P. M. G. Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. ix, 1853, p. 274. discus, P. M. G. Egerton, zé7@., p. 278, pl. xi, f. 5 3 J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 345. Loc. im Dumbleton. [Head and trunk; P. B. Brodie Coll. TETRAGONOLEPIS, Agassiz (zon Bronn). v. Dapedius. aengulifer, Agassiz. v. Dapedius angulifer. confluens, Agassiz. v. Dapedius politus. dorsalis, Agassiz. v. Dapedius dorsalis. heteroderma, Agassiz. v. Dapedius heteroderma. lteachi, Agassiz. wv. Dapedius leachi. leiosomus, Agassiz. wv. Dapedius leiosomus. mastodonteus, Agassiz. v. Lepidotus mantelli. monilifer, Agassiz. wv. Dapedius monilifer. ovalis, Agassiz. v. Dapedius ovalis. pholidotus, Agassiz. v. Dapedius pholidotus. pustulatus, Agassiz. v. Dapedius granulatus. radiatus, Agassiz. wv. Dapedius radiatus. speciosus, Agassiz. v. Dapedius punctatus. striolatus, Agassiz. v. Dapedius monilifer. trailli, Agassiz. v. Dapedius angulifer. TETRAPTURWUWS, C. S. Rafinesque-Schmalz, Caratt. Nuov. Gen. Spec. Anim. Sicilia, 1810, p. 54. (Zetrapterus, L. Agassiz (emend.), Neues Jahrb., 1839, p. 120). minor, Agassiz. wv. Protosphyrana minor. priscus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. v, pt. i (1843), p. 91, pl. xxxi; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 345. Tetrapturus, L. Agassiz, Neues Jahrb., 1834, p. 303. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect head ; Paris Mus.] PISCES. 193 THELODUS, L. Agassiz, in Murchison’s Silur. Syst. (1839), p. 606. parvidens, L. Agassiz, z6¢d., pp. 606 and 704, pl. iv, f. 34-36; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palaeoz. Foss. (1855), p- 576; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 345. Loc. U. Ludlow Bone-bed. [Shagreen ?] T. THLATTODUS, Owen. v. Strobilodus. suchoides, Owen. v. Strobilodus suchoides. THRISSONOTWS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 128 (name only); P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. ix (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1858), no. 2. colei, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 128 (name only); P. M. G. Egerton, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. ix (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1858), no. 2, pl. ii. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Fish, wanting tail; Brit. Mus.] 7. THRISSOPATER, A. C. L. G. Ginther, Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. xiii (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1872), no. 1. salmoneus, A. C. L. G. Giinther, zézd., no. 1, pl. i. Loc. Gault; Folkestone. [Fish ; Woodwardian Mus. | T. THRISSOPS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. i (1833), p. 12, and pt. ii (1843), p. 123. sp. (cf. 7. heckeli, Thiolli¢re), A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p- 455, and Rep. Brit. Assoc., "1889. Loc. Kim. Clay; Dorset. [Portions of yes ; Brit. Mus., no. FP sp., A. S. Woodward, zézd., p. 455, and zdzd., 1889. Loc. Portland Stone; I. of Portland. [Fish; Brit. Mus., no. P. 5538.) THURSIUS, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 516. macrolepidotus (Sedgwick and Murchison), R. H. Traquair, zbid., p. 510. Dipterus macrolepidotus, A. Sedgwick sie R. I. Murchison, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. iii “(1829), Dp. 143: pl xvi, £ 2 (? f. 4, 5); L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. 1i, pt. i (1837), p. 115, pl. ii, f. 4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 325. POnlsalehis macrolepidotus, C. H. Pander, Saurodipt., Dendro- dont., etc., devon. Syst., 1860, p. 9, pls. ‘ii (pars). Diplopterax macrolepidotus, F. M‘Coy (won Agassiz), Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p. 587. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Caithness. [Fish; Geol. Soc. London. | T. pholidotus, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v 1888, p. 516. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Caithness. [Fish; Edinburgh Mus. oO 194 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. THYELLINA, Agassiz. v. Scyllium. prisca, Agassiz. v. Palzospinax priscus. TINCA, Cuvier, Régne Animal, vol. ii, 1817, p. 193. vulgaris, Cuvier, 7éz7., p. 193; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 127, pl. xviii, f. 21-23. Loc. Forest-Bed Series (U. Freshwater Bed); West Runton, Norfolk. [Pharyngeal and tooth ; A. Savin Coll., and Mus. Pract. Geol.| TOMODUS, J. W. Davis (ex Agassiz, MS.), Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 446. convexus, J. Morris and G. E. Roberts (ex Agassiz, MS.), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 1o1 (name only) ; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol.i (1883), p. 446, pl. ly, f. 15-18; O. St. John and A. H. Worthen, Pal. Illinois, vol. vii, 1883, p. 172; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 191. Cochliodus contortus, L. Agassiz (errore), Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1838), p. 115, pl. xiv, f. 23-25. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Bristol. [Teeth ; Bristol Mus.] T. TOMOGNATHUS, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 376. leiodus, Dixon. v. Tomognathus mordax. mordax, F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 376, pl. xxxv, f. 1; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 346; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 313. Tomognathus letodus, ¥. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 377, l. xxx, f. 31; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854) °"p: 34a Mandib. rami; Brit. Mus.] Loc. Chalk; Sussex. [Jaws.] T. TRIPLOPTERUS, M‘Coy. v. Osteolepis. pollexfeni, M‘Coy. wv. Osteolepis macrolepidotus. TRIPTERUS, M‘Coy. v. Osteolepis. pollexfeni, M‘Coy. wv. Osteolepis macrolepidotus. TRISTICHOPTERWUS, P. M. G. Egerton, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1860 (1861), Sect., p. 78, and Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. x (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1861), p. 51. alatus, P.M. G. Egerton, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1860 (1861), Sect., p. 78, and Figs. and Descript. Brit. Organic Remains, dec. x (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1861), p. 51, pls. iv, v; R. H. Tra- quair, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. viii, 1875, p. 513, and Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxvii (1876), p. 383, pl. xxxii. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst.; Caithness. [Trunk; Mus. Pract. Geol. and Brit. Mus.] T. PISCES. 195 TRISTYCHIUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), p. 21; R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 83. PTYCHACANTHUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ili (1837), p. 22. arcuatus, L. Agassiz, zbid. (1837), p. 22, pl. ia, f.9-11 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 346; T. Stock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. xii, 1883, p. 177, pl. vii; R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 83, and zézd., vol. vi, 1889, p. 27; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, Pp. 245. Ptychacanthus sublevis, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1837), . 23, pl. v, f. 1-3; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 341. Spine ; 0/772 Jameson Coll.] Loc. Calcif. Sandst. ; S. Scotland. [Spine ; Anderson’s College, Glasgow. | fimbriatus, Stock. v. Harpacanthus fimbriatus. minor, J. E. Portlock, Rep. Geol. Londonderry, 1843, p. 464, pl xiv, f. 6; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 346. |=? Sphenacanthus or Hoplonchus.| Loc. Carboniferous ; Fermanagh. [Spine ; Mus. Pract. Geol.] URZUS, L. Agassiz, Neues Jahrb., 1832, p. 142. = Caturus and Pachycormus. gracilis, Agassiz. v. Pachycormus gracilis. URONEMVUS, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 178 ; R. H. Traquair, Journ. Roy. Geol. Soc. Ireland, n.s., vol. iii (1873), Pp. 41. lobatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. ii, pt. ii (1843), p. 178; R. H. Traquair, Journ. Roy. Geol. Soc. Ireland, n.s., vol. iii (873), p.. 4%, pl. v; j.. Mortis, Cat. Brit; Foss., 1854, p. 346. Phaneropleuron elegans, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag., vol. viii, 1871, p. 534. [Name withdrawn, Journ. Roy. Geol. Soc. Ireland, n.s., vol. ii (1873), p. 47.] Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Burdiehouse, near Edinburgh. [Imperfect fish ; Brit. Mus.] T. ? magnus, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. i, 1874, p. 554. Loc. Coal-Meas. (Blackband Ironstone) ; Airdrie, Lanarkshire. {Tail; Brit. Mus.] VENUSTODUS, O. St. John and A. H. Worthen, Pal. Illinois, vol. vi, 1875, p. 344. ?clavatus (Davis), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 225. Harpacodus clavatus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 515, pl. Ixi, f. 20. Loc. L. Carb. Limest. ; Armagh. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus.] 196 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. VENUSTODUS (continued)— denticulatus (M‘Coy), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 225. Chomatodus (Helodus) denticulatus, F. M‘Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. ii, 1848, p. 124, and Brit. Palzoz. Foss. (1855), p- 618, pl. iii K, f. 9. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Tooth ; Woodwardian Mus.]} serratus (Davis), A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 225, pl. i, f. 16, 17. Lophodus serratus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 408, pl. li, f. 23, 24, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 627, pl. xxvii, f. 19. Loc. Yoredale Rocks ; Wensleydale. U. Carb. Limest.; South Derbyshire. [Teeth ; York Mus.] WARDICHTHYS, R. H. Traquair, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. xv, 1875, p. 266. eyclosoma, R. H. Traquair, zdz7d., p. 262, pl. xvi, f. 1-5, and Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxix (1879), p. 361, pl. iv, f. 12-15 ; T. Stock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. vii, 1881, p- 490. Loc. Calcif. Sandst.; Wardie, near Edinburgh. [Fish ; Edin- burgh Mus.] T. WODNIEA, G. von Miinster, Beitr. Petrefakt., pt. vi, 1843, p. 48. striatula, G. von Miinster, zdzd., p. 48, pl. i, f. 1; R. Howse, Guide Coll. Local Foss. Mus. Nat. Hist. Soc., Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1889, p. 23. Loc. Marl-Slate; Thickley. [Sfzmes and shagreen; Newcastle- upon-Tyne Mus. and W. Dinning Coll.) T. XENACANTHUS, Beyrich. v. Pleuracanthus. gibbosus (Agassiz), Salter. wv. Diplodus gibbosus. XENODOLAMITIA, J. Leidy, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. [2] vol. viii (1877), p. 251. sp., A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 429. Loc. L. Chalk ; Guildford. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus., no. 49954.] Xiphias dixoni, Leidy. v. Protosphyrena ferox. XIPHODOLAMLA, Leidy. v. Notidanus sp. XYSTRODUWS, J. Morris and G. E. Roberts (ex Agassiz, MS.), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 101 (name only); _ J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. iii (1883), p. 447; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 192. angustus, Davis. v. Xystrodus striatus. PISCES. 197 XYSTRODVUS (continued)— ?egertoni, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), . 450, pl. lv, f. 22, 23; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes . M., pt. i, 1889, p. 194. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Bristol. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.] parkeri, J. W. Davis, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iii, 1886, p. 153, wood- cuts 3, 4. Loc. Carb. Limest. ; Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire. [Teeth ; T. Parker Coll.] pulchellus, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 450, pl. lv, f. 24. Loc. Yoredale Rocks ; Wensleydale. [Tooth ; York Mus.] striatus (M‘Coy), J. Morris and G. E. Roberts, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. lor (name only) ; J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 448, pl. liv, f. 7- 10; O. St. John and A. H. Worthen, Pal. Illinois, vol. vii, 1883, p. 183 ; A. S. Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 193. Cochliodus striatus, L. Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii (1843), p. 174 (name only) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 322; F. M‘Coy, Brit. Palzeoz. Foss. (1855), p. 624, pl. ii1 1, f. 27. Aystrodus angustus, J. Morris and G. E. Roberts (ex Agassiz, MS.), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. lol (name only); J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 449, pl. lv, f. 19-21. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh, Northumberland, and Ayrshire. U. Carb. Limest.; Derbyshire. [Tooth ; Woodwardian Mus.] ZENASPIS, Lankester. wv. Cephalaspis. salweyi (Egerton), Lankester. wv. Cephalaspis salweyi. ZYGOBATES, Agassiz. v. Rhinoptera. woodwardi, Agassiz. v. Rhinoptera woodwardi. MISCELLANEOUS PISCES. e uali,” Brander, 1766. 7. Lamna obliqua, Notidanus serra- *Dentes Squali,’ Brander, 1766 L bliqua, Notid erra tissimus, and Odontaspis elegans. ‘Dorsal fin of fish allied to S7/urus, Mantell, 1827. «7. Hybodus striatulus. ‘External defensive organ,’ De la Beche, 1822. wv. Myriacanthus paradoxus, *Fish (? Chetodon),’ Winch, 1817. v. Platysomus striatus. *Fish Spine,’ Sowerby, 1825. «. Gyracanthus formosus. 195 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ‘Flat fish, Clanny, 1815. wv. Platysomus striatus. * Fossil Fish,’ Sedgwick, 1829. wv. Acrolepis sedgwicki and Globulodus macrurus. [The original of pl. xi of Sedgwick’s memoir is referable to Cwlacanthus granulosus. | ‘Fossil Fish, De la Beche, 1822. v. Pholidophorus delabechei. ‘Fossil jaw with triple row of teeth,’ De la Beche, 1822. v. Hybodus reticulatus. ‘ Ornithoglossum sesstle vulgaris, Luidius, 1760. v. Odontaspis ele- gans. Otoliths, E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 128, pl. xviii, f. 25, 26. Loc. Weybourn Crag; East Runton, Norfolk. [Mus. Pract. Geol.} * Otolithus (incerte sedis) crassus, Koken, 1884. v. Arius crassus. ‘ Palate,’ Sowerby, 1826. wv. Ctenodus cristatus. ‘ Palate, or part of a palate,’ Morris and Roberts, 1862. v. Psammodus salopiensis. ‘Palate of unknown fish,’ Parkinson, 1811. wv. Ptychodus decurrens and P. latissimus. ‘Reptile or Fish, Toulmin Smith, 1846. wv. Pachyrhizodus gardneri. ‘ Selachian Fish,’ Coutts, 1883. wv. Psephodus magnus. © Stliguastrum, Luidius, 1760. v. Strophodus magnus. © Siliguastrum minus triangulum, Luidius, 1760. v. Strophodus magnus. ‘Tooth of fish,’ Webster, 1829. wv. Sphenonchus sp. ‘Teeth allied to Dézodon, Mantell, 1822. wv. Ptychodus latissimus, P. mammillaris, and P. polygyrus. * Tooth of Sguwalus,’ Mantell, 1822. v. Notidanus microdon. ‘Undetermined,’ Mantell, 1822. wv. Protosphyrzena ferox. * Unknown fish,” Mantell, 1822. wv. Portheus mantelli. The problematical tooth-like bodies, named Conodonts, and sometimes ascribed to Fishes, have been discovered by C. Moore in the Carboniferous Limestone of England, and by C. J. Smith in the Lower Carboniferous of Scotland: see G. J. Hinde, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv, 1879, p. 351. Caeton | 3 AMPHIBIA. AMPHICQLOSAURUS, T. P. Barkas. v. Loxomma. taylori, T. P. Barkas. v. Loxomma allmanni. AMPHISAURUS, T. P. Barkas. v. Anthracosaurus. amblyodus, T. P. Barkas. v. Anthracosaurus russelli. ANISOPUS, Owen. vw. Rhombopholis. seutulatus, Owen. v. Rhombopholis scutulata. ANTHRACOSAURWUWS, T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xix, 1863, p. 56; A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. ili, 1870, p. 319; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 159. AMPHISAURUS, T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, pp. 2, Ol. ? LEPTOGNATHOSAURUS, T. P. Barkas, 747d, p. 106. ? STREPTODONTOSAURUS, T. P. Barkas, zé7d., p. 107. edgei, W. H. Baily, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1878 (1879), p. 530, and 2bid., 1883 (1884), p. 496. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Jarrow, Kilkenny, Ireland. [Skull, vertebra, etc.; Geol. Surv. Ireland. ] russelli, T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xix, 1863, p- 56, woodcuts 1, 2; A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. ili (1870), p. 313, and zdzd., vol. iv (1872), p. 385, pl. xii, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. vii, 1871, p. 73, pl. vi; T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, p. 65, f. 186; T. Atthey, Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. v, 1876 (1877), p. 307, pls. ix-xii, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. xvili, 1876, p. 146, pls. viii-xi; J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 248. Anthracosaurus, A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. iv, 1869, p. 270; J. Thomson, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1868 (1869), Sect., p. 79. ? Pteroplax cornuta?, T. P. Barkas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. ili, 1869, p. 419. 200 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ANTHRACOSAURUS russelli (continued)— Amphisaurus aniblyodus, T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., PO73,4p ps 72) Gl, t. 192,°221, 222. ? Leptognathosaurus elongatus, TY. P. Barkas, zééd., p. 106, f. 236. Gen. et sp. non det. (LL. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 187.) [Mandib. ramus ; T. P. Barkas Coll.] T. (Leptognathosaurus.) ? Streptodontosaurus carinatus, VT. P. Barkas, Coal Meas, Palzont., 1873, p. 107, f. 237. ? Labyrinthodont (L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 191). [Mandib. ramus ; T. P. Barkas Coll.] T. (Streptodontosaurus. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Lanarkshire, Northumberland, and North Staffordshire. [Skull; Mus. Pract. Geol.] ANTHRALERPETON, Ih. Owen, Geol. Mag., vol. ii, 1865, p. 6. crassosteum, R. Owen. Geol. Mag., vol. ii, 1865, p. 6, pls. i, il, woodcuts I, 2, and Trans. Cardiff Naturalists’ Soc., 1868-69 (1870), p. 107, pls. i, 11, and woodcuts 1, 2. Loc. Coal-Meas. ; Llantrissent, Glamorganshire. [Ribs, etc.; Brit. Mus.] . BATRACHIDERPETON, A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iv (1871), p. 209; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p.. 165, pl. vi, Fr, 4. lineatum, A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iv (1871), p. 208, pl. iv; T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, p. 77, f. 196; L. G Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 165. Loc. Coal-Meas. (Low Main Seam); Newsham, near New- castle-upon-Tyne. [Skull; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Mus.] T. BRACHYSCELIS, T. H. Huxley, Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. xxiv (Sci.), 1867, p. 369 (name only). sp., T. H. Huxley, zbzd., p. 369 (undescribed). Loc. Coal-Meas.; Jarrow, Kilkenny, Ireland. BUFO, J. N. Laurenti, Syn. Rept., 1768, p. 25. sp., E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. ix, 1882, p. 9, and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 118, pl. xvii, fig. 8. Loc. Forest Bed; West Runton. [Iliac bones; A. Savin Coll. and Mus. Pract. Geol. ] CERATERPETON. v. \Keraterpeton. Cheirotherium anglorum (named ‘from embodying the ideas of. English geologists’) applied toa theoretical tail-less restora- tion of the supposed maker of the Storeton footprints by S. Haughton, Man. Geology, 1865, p. 275, woodcut 41 [restoration]. [See also ‘Ichnites, at end of REPTILIA.] AMPHIBIA. 201 DASYCEPS, T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xv, 1859, p. 647, note, and appendix to Howell, Mem. War- wick. Coalfield (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1859), p. 52; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 158, pl. v, f. 3. bucklandi (Lloyd), T. H. Huxley, appendix to Howell, Mem. Warwick. Coalfield (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1859), p. 52, wood- cuts I, 2, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xv, 1859, p. 647, note; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 159; J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 96, woodcut xxv, f. 1, 2. Labyrinthodon bucklandi, Lloyd, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1849 (1850), Sect., p. 56; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 350. Loc. Permian; Kenilworth. [Skull; Warwick Mus.] T. DASYGNATHUS, T. H. Huxley, Mem. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom, Monogr. iii, 1877, p. 45. longidens, T. H. Huxley, zézd., p. 45, pl. iv, f. 1. ‘Lower jaw of S/agonolepis, ? T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xv, 1859, p. 454. Loc. U. Trias; Elgin. [Mandib. ramus; Elgin Mus.] T. DIADETOGNATHUS, L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1873 (1874), p. 248, pl. ii, f. 3 (name only), and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 425. varvicensis, L. C. Miall, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 425, pl. xxvi, f. 3, pl. xxviii, and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 158. Loc. Keuper; Warwick. [Mandib. ramus; Warwick Mus.] T. DISCOSPONDYLUS, T. H. Huxley, Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. xxiv (Sci.), 1867, p. 369 (name only). sp., T. H. Huxley, zézd., p. 369 (undescribed). Loc. Coal-Meas. ; Jarrow, Kilkenny, Ireland. DOLICHOSOMA, T. H. Huxley, Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. xxiv (Sci.), 1867, p. 366. emersoni, T. H. Huxley, zé/d., p. 366, pl. xxi, f. 3; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 171. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Jarrow, Kilkenny, Ireland. [Head and vertebral column ; Dublin Univ. Mus.] T. ERPETOCEPHALUS, T. H. Huxley, Trans. Roy. Irish Acad, vol. xxiv (Sci.), 1867, p. 368. [? Zehthyerpeton. | rugosus, T. H. Huxley, 7é/d., p. 368, pl. xxiii, f. 2; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 186. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Jarrow, Kilkenny, Ireland. [Head; Dublin Univ. Mus.] T. GASTRODUS, Owen. v. Rhizodopsis. [PIsCEs.] prepositus, Owen. v. Rhizodopsis sauroides. [PISCEs.] 202 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ICHTHYERPETON, T. H. Huxley, Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. xxiv (Sci.), 1867, p. 367. bradleye, T. H. Huxley, zézd., p. 367, pl. xxiii, f. 1; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 166. Loc. Coal-Meas. ; Jarrow, Ireland. [Portion of trunk; Dublin Univ. Mus.] T. RERATERPETON, T. H. poly, Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. xxiv (Sci.), 1867, p. 354; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 170, pl. vii, f. 2. galvani, T. H. Huxley, zd7d., p. 354, pl. xix, f. 1-4; L.C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc.,1874 (1875), p. 171; W.H. Baily, Charact. Brit. Foss. (1875), p. 121, pl. xli, £16; J. Ward, Trans N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x, 1889, pl. ix, f. 2. Loc. Coal- Meas.; Jarrow, Ireland. [Imperfect skeletons ; Dublin Univ. Mus. (Zars).] T. LABYRINTHODON, R. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi, 1841 (1842), p. 504; ? W. S. Symonds, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1862 (1863), Sect., p. 96 (Scutes from Keuper bone-breccia, Pendock). bucklandi, Lloyd. wv. Dasyceps bucklandi. giganteus (Jaeger), Morris. wv. Mastodonsaurus giganteus. jaegeri, v. Meyer. v. Mastodonsaurus giganteus. ? laniarius, R. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi, 1841 (1842), pp. 512, 516. [? Mastodonsaurus pachygnathus.| Loc. Keuper; Warwick. [Tooth; Warwick Mus.] lavisi, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxii, 1876, p- 276, pl. xix. Loc. Keuper; Sidmouth. [Imperfect mandib. ramus. ] leptognathus, R. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi, 1841 (1842), p. 516, pl. xlii, f. 1-3, pl. xliv, f. 7-9 (#on pl. xlv, f. 5- 10), and Odontography (1841), p. 207, pl. Ixiii A, f. 1-3, pl. lxiii B, and Palzont., ed. 2, 1861, p. 211; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 350 ; LSC. Mall, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, pp. 425, 430, and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 158. Loc. Keuper ; Coton End, Cubbington, and Warwick. [Portion of snout ; Warwick Mus. ] T. pachygnathus, Owen. v. Mastodonsaurus pachygnathus. salamandroides, Owen. v. Mastodonsaurus giganteus. scutulatus, Owen. v. Rhombopholis scutulata. ventricosus, R. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi, 1841 (1842), PP: 512515 5-1 Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 350. Loc. Trias; Coton End. [Tooth ; Warwick Mus.] LABYRINTHODONTOSAURUS, T. P. Barkas. v. Streps- odus. [PISCES.] simmi, T. P. Barkas. v. Strepsodus sauroides. [PISCEs.] AMPHIBIA. 203 LEPIDOTOSAURWUWS, A. Hancock and R. Howse, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 557 ; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1873 (1874), p. 245. [? Labyrinthodont.] duff, [-ii} A. Hancock and R. Howse, zé7d., p. 557, pl. xxxviii, and Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iv (1871), p. 221, pl. vi [lettered viii]; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 187. Loc. Magnesian Limest. ; Midderidge, Durham. [Fragments of head and trunk ; Newcastle- upon-Tyne Mus. and Brit. Mus. ] T. LEPTERPETON, T. H. Huxley, Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. xxiv (Sci.), 1867, p. 362. dobbsai, [-ii] T. H. Huxley, 747d., p. 362, pl. xxi, f. 1, 2; [-ii] L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 168. Loc. Coal-Meas. ; Jarrow, Ireland. [Skeleton ; Dublin Univ. Mus. ] T. LEPTOGNATHOSAURUS, T. P. Barkas. v. Anthracosaurus. elongatus, T. P. Barkas. wv. Anthracosaurus russelli. LOXOMMA, T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p- 293; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1873 (1874), p. 225, pls. i, ii, and zdzd., 1874 (1875), p. 162. MIoGANobDus, R. Owen, Trans. Odontol. Soc., vol. v, 1867, Pp. 357- ORTHOSAURUS, T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, pp. 61, 102. MEGALOCEPHALUS, T. P. Barkas, 707d, p. 69. ? MACROSAURUS, T. P. Barkas, zdzd@., p. 58. ? AMPHICCELOSAURUS, T. P. Barkas, zzd., p. 104. allmanni, T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 293, pl. xi, f. 1, 2 ; A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. v, 1870, p. 374, and zdzd. [4] vol. vii, 1871, p. 77, also Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. vi (1871-72), pp. 201, 390; D. Embleton and T. Atthey, Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. v (1875), p. 196, pls. i-iv; T.Atthey, z077., vol. viii (1874), p. 46, also Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. xiv, "1874, p. 38, pls. iv-vii ; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1873 (1874), p. 225, pls. 401, and zbid., 1874 (7875), p. 863, pl. vi, £ 1; J.. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. | Field Club, 1875, p. 249, and Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. iiiaing Engin., vol. x (1889), pl. ix, f. 1; D. Embleton, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1889, and Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. viii (1889), pl. vi. Mioganodus laniarius, R. Owen, Trans. Odontol. Soc., vol. v, 1867, p- 357, pl. viii. [Micro. section of tooth ; Brit. Mus.] T. (Mioganodus.) Loxomma, T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, p. 71, f. 190. 204 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. LOXOMMA allmanni (continued )— Orthosaurus pachycephalus, T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, pp. 61, 102, f. 183-185, 232. [Skull; T. P. Barkas Coll. ] T. (Orthosaurus.) Megalocephalus macromma, TY. P. Barkas, zdzd., p. 69, f. 189. [Hinder portion of skull; T. P. Barkas Coll.] T. (Megalocephalus.) ? Macrosaurus polyspondylus, T. P. Barkas, zé7d., p. 58, pl. vil. [Vertebral column ; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Mus. ] T. (MJacrosaurus.) ? Amphicelosaurus taylori, T. P. Barkas, zéid., p. 104, f. 234. [Vertebre ; T. P. Barkas Coll.] T. (Amphicelosaurus.) ?‘Tooth from Shelton.’ R. Garner, Nat. Hist. Staffordshire, 1844, p. 225, pl. E, f. 13. ? Rhizodus lancetformis, A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. i, 1868, p. 271 (assigned to Péeroplax brevicornis by J. Young, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1869 (1870), Sect., p. 101). [Teeth ; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Mus.] Loc. M. Carb. Limest. (Edge-Coal Series) ; Gilmerton, near Edinburgh. Coal-Meas.; Lanarkshire, Northumberland, N. Staffordshire, and Shropshire. [Hinder portion of skull and sternal plates ; o/z# Edinburgh Mus.] T. MACROS AURUS, T. P. Barkas. v. Loxomma. potyspondylus, T. P. Barkas. v. Loxomma allmanni. MASTODONSAURUS, C. F. Jaeger, Foss. Rept. Wiirttembergs, 1828, p. 35; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1873 (1874), p. 226, pl. iii, f. 1, 2, and zézd., 1874 (1875), p. 151, pl. iv, f. I, 2. SALAMANDROIDES, C. F. Jaeger, Foss. Rept. Wiirttembergs, 1828, p. 38 (vide Jaeger, Bull. Soc. Géol. France, vol. iii, 1833, p. 86). ? giganteus (Jaeger), L. C. Miall, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 430, woodcut 2, and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 152. Salamandroides giganteus, C. F. Jaeger, Foss. Rept. Wiurttem- bergs, 1828, p. 38, pl. iv, f. 4-6, pl. v, and Bull. Soc. Géol. France, vol. ili, 1833, p. 86. Labyrinthodon giganteus, J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 350. Mastodonsaurus jaegeri, F. Holl, Handb. Petref., vol. i, 1829, p. 88; H. von Meyer, Palzologica, 1832, p. 107. Salamandroides jageri, F. von Alberti, Beitr. Monogr. Bunter Sandstein, 1834, p. 120. Labyrinthodon jegeri, R. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. v 1841 (1842), p. 506, woodcut 1, p. 537, pl. xliv, f. 4-6, pl. xIvii, f. 1-3, and Odontography (1841), p. 198, pl. Ixiii, f. 1, pl. Lxiv, pl. lxiv a, and Palzont., ed. 2, 1861, p. 210, woodcuts 86, 87. © Labyrinthodon salamandroides, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 188. Loc. Keuper; Guy’s Cliff, Warwick. [Portions of skull and jaws ; Warwick Mus. ] AMPHIBIA. 205 MASTODONSAURWS (continued)— pachygnathus (Owen), L. C. Miall, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 418, pl. xxvi, pl. xxvil, f. 1, 2 (?4), and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 152. Labyrinthodon pachygnathus, R. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi, 1841 (1842), p. 526, pl. xliii, f. 4-11, pl. xliv, f. 1-3 (? pl. xlvi, f. 6, 7), and Odontography, p. 205 (1841), pl. Ixili A, f. 4, 5, pl. Ixiv B, f. 1, 2, and Palzont., ed. 2, 1861, p. 212; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 350. Loc. Keuper; Coton End, Cubbington, and Warwick. [Portions of upper jaw ; Warwick Mus.] MEGALERPETON, J. Young, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1869 (1870), Sect., p. For. plicidens, J. Young, 7é77., p. 101; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 187. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Lanarkshire. [Skull with teeth; J. Thomson Coll.] mas simplex, J. Young, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1869 (1870), Sect., p. 101 ; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 188. LOC. alae Lanarkshire. [Skull with teeth; J. Thomson Coll. MEGALOCEPHALUS, T. P. Barkas. v. Loxomma. macromma, T. P. Barkas. v. Loxomma allmanni. MESOSAURUS, T. P. Barkas, Coal Meas. Palzont., 1873, p. 116 (name only). taylori, T. P. Barkas, 7é/d. (name only) ; L, C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 188 (no information). Loc. Coal-Meas. ; Northumberland. METOPIAS, H. von Meyer (on Eichwald, 1842), Neues Jahrb., 1842, p. 302; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 157, pl. ¥, 1. 2. ? diagnosticus, H. von Meyer, Neues Jahrb., 1842, p. 302, and Saurier des Muschelkalkes, 1847-52, pp. 146, 167,pls. Ix, Ixi, f, 3, Ixiv, f. 10; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 157. | Loc. Rhetic; Aust Cliff, near Bristol. [/vagments of skull and jaws, Bristol Mus.) T. _- MOLGE, B. Merrem, Tent. Syst. Amphib., 1820, p. 185. TRITON, J. N. Laurenti, Syn. Rept., 1768, p. 147 (preoccupied). cristata (Laurenti), G. A. Boulenger, Cat. Batrachia Caudata, B. M., ed. 2, 1882, p. 8. Triton cristatus, J. N. Laurenti, Syn. Rept., 1768, p. 147; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. ix, 1882, p. 9, and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 119, pl. xvii, f. 9. Loc. Forest Bed; West Runton. [Femur ; Mus. Pract. Geol.) 206 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. OPHIDERPETON, T. H. Huxley, Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. xxiv (Sci.), 1867, p. 364. brownrig gi, [-ii] T. H. Huxley, zé7d., p. 364, pl. xxii, f. 1-4 ; [-il} L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 171. Ophiderpeton nanum, A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. i, 1868, p. 276, and Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iii (1870), p. 79. [Skeleton ; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Mus. | Loc. Coal-Meas.; Jarrow, Kilkenny, Ireland, and Northumber- land. [Imperfect skeleton; Dublin Univ. Mus.] T. nanum, Hancock and Atthey. v. Ophiderpeton brownriggi. ORTHOSAURUS, T. P. Barkas. v. Loxomma. pachycephalus, T. P. Barkas. v. Loxomma allmanni. PARABATRACHUS, Owen. v. Megalichthys. [PISCES.] colei, Owen. v. Megalichthys hibberti. [PISCEs.] PHOLIDERPETON, T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv, 1869, p. 310. scutigerum, T. H. Huxley, zézd., p. 310, pl. xi; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 166. Pholiderpeton, J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 249. ‘New Carboniferous Labyrinthodont,’ L. C. Miall, Proc. Geol. Polyt. Soc. Yorkshire, vol. v (1870), p. 15. Loc. M. Coal-Meas.; Toftshaw, near Bradford. Coal-Meas.; Fenton, N. Staffordshire. [Portions of skeleton; Philo- sophical Society’s Mus., Bradford. ] T. PHOLIDOGASTER, T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 294. pisciformis, T. H. Huxley, zdzd., p. 294, pl. xi, f. 3, 4; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 166. Loc. L. Carb.; Edinburgh. [Imperfect skeleton ; Brit. Mus.] PTEROPLAX, A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. i, 1868, p. 266, and Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iii (1870), p. 67, and zdzd., vol. iv (1872), p. 206; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1873 (1874), p. 226, and zéid., 1874 (1875), p. 165. brevicornis, J. Young, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1869 (1870), Sect. p. IOI, Loc. Coal-Meas.; Lanarkshire. [Skull with teeth; J. Thomson Coll.] : cornuta, A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. i, 1868, p. 266, pl. xiv, pl. xv, f. 1, 2, and Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iii (1870), p. 67, pl. i, pl. ii, f. 1, 2, and 2ézd@., vol. iv (1871), p. 207; T. Atthey, AMPHIBIA. 207 PTEROPLAZX cornuta (continued)— Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. xx, 1877, p. 369, pls. xii, xiii, and Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. vil (1878), p. 176, pls. xv, xvi; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1873 (1874), p. 225, pl. ili, f. 3, and zdza., 1874 (1875), p. 165, pl. vil, f. 1; J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 249. [See also Anmthracosaurus russelli.| Loc. eal Wess s Newsham, near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Longton, N. Staffordshire. [Middle portion of skull ; New- castle-upon-Tyne Mus. ] T. RANA, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 354. ? esculenta, Linnzus, zd¢d., p. 357; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. {2| vol. ix, 1882, p. 9, and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 118. Loc. Forest Bed; West Runton. [Humeri, A. Savin Coll. and Mus. Pract. Geol.| temporaria, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 357; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), Be 217, pl. xvii, £7. Rana temporaria ?, E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. ix, 1882, p. 5. Loc. Forest Bed; West Runton and Sidestrand. [Humeri,; A. Savin Coll. and Mus. Pract. Geol.) RHOMBOPHOLIS, R. Owen, Paleontology, ed. 2, 1861, p. 215 (as sub-genus). [A substitution for Amzsopus, which had been previously used by Templeton for a peers genus of Amphipodous Crustacea.] ? Labyrinthodont (L. C. Miall, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 433): scutulata: Labyrinthodon (Anisopus) scutulatus, R. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi, 1841 (1842), p. 538, pl. xlvi, f. 1-5. Labyrinthodon (Rhombopholis) scutulatus, R. Owen, Palzont., ed. 2, 1861, p. 214, woodcut 88. Labyrinthodon scutulatus, J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, P- 350. ?*Tooth, found at Leamington,’ Murchison and Strickland, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. v (1840), descr. to pl. xxviii, f. 9. Loc. Keuper; Leamington. [Portion of skeleton; Warwick Mus. | T. SALAMANDROIDES, Jaeger. v. Mastodonsaurus. giganteus, Jaeger. v. Mastodonsaurus giganteus. Jaegeri, Alberti. v. Mastodonsaurus giganteus. STREPTODONTOSAURUS, T. P. Barkas. v. Anthracosaurus. carinatus, T. P. Barkas. wv. Anthracosaurus russelli, TRITON, Laurenti. v. Molge. cristatus, Laurenti. wv. Molge cristata. 208 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. UROCORDYLWUS, T. H. Huxley, Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. xxiv (Sci.), 1867, p. 359. reticulatus, A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. iv, 1869, p. 182, and Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iii (1870), p. 310; L. C. Miall, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 169. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Northumberland. [Portion of skeleton ; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Mus.] wandesfordi, [-ii] T. H. Huxley, Trans. Roy. Irish Acad. (Sci.), vol. xxiv, 1867, p. 359, pl. xx, f. 1,2; [-11] L. C.. Miall Rem Brit. Assoc., 1874 (1875), p. 169; ? J. Ward, [Proc.] N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club, 1875, p. 249. Loc. Coal-Meas.; Jarrow, Ireland, ? and Longton, N. Stafford- shire. [Imperfect skeleton ; Dublin Univ. Mus.] T. MISCELLANEOUS AMPHIBIA. ‘Ova of Batrachia,’ G. A. Mantell, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. viii, 1852, p. 107, woodcuts 1-3 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 347. [Doubtful fossil. ] Loc. Old Red Sandst.; Forfarshire. Undetermined Labyrinthodonts recorded from the Coal-Measures of Newsham by A. Hancock and T. Atthey, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. i, 1868, p. 277, and Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iii (1870), p. 80 (sternal plate) ; and from the Yoredale Beds of Wensleydale, by L. C. Miall, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 775, and J. W. Davis, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1883 (1884), p. 492. ‘New Carboniferous Labyrinthodont,’ Miall, 1870. v. Pholiderpeton scutigerum. ‘Tooth from Shelton,’ Garner, 1844. v. Loxomma allmanni. ‘Tooth, found at Leamington, Murchison and Strickland, 1840. v. Rhombopholis scutulata. REP bite ACANTHOPHOLIS, T. H. Huxley, Geol. Mag., vol. iv, 1867, p: 65. eucercus, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv, 1879, p. 632. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Vertebre ; Woodwardian Mus.] horrida, [-us] T. H. Huxley, Geol. Mag., vol. iv, 1867, p. 65, pl.v; [-us] H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv, 1879, p. 596, woodcuts 2, 3; [-us] R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 183, woodcut 34. ? Acanthopholis ?, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv, 1879, p. 594, woodcut 1. [Axis vertebra; Wood- wardian Mus.] Loc. Chalk-Marl ; Folkestone. ?Cambridge Greensand. [Scutes, vertebrz, etc.; Mus. Pract. Geol.] macrocercus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, p. xvii (name only). Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Vertebra; Woodwardian Mus.] ? platypus, H. G. Seeley, zd77., p. xvii (name only), and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. viii, 1871, p. 305, pl. vii. [? acrurosaurus. | Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Metapodium ; Woodwardian Mus. ] stereocercus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, p. xvii (name only), and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv, 1879, p. 628. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Vertebre; Woodwardian Mus.| ACRODONTOSAURUS, Mason. v. Pachyrhizodus. [PISCES.] gardneri, Mason. v. Pachyrhizodus gardneri. [PISCES.] ALLIGATOR, Wood (on Cuvier). v. Diplocynodon. hantoniensis, Wood. v. Diplocynodon hantoniensis. ALLOPLEURON, Baur. v. Chelone. hoffmanni (Gray), Baur. v. Chelone hoffmanni. 210 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ANOPLOSAURUS, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. XXxv, 1879, p. 600. curtonotus, H. G. Seeley, z47d., p. 600, pls. xxxiv, xxxv. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Remains of skeleton ; Wood- wardian Mus. | T. major, H. G. Seeley, zd/d., p. 631. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Cervical vertebra; Wood- wardian Mus. ] ANOSTEIRA, J. Leidy, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1871, Pp. 1e2: anglica, R. Lydekker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. iii, 1889, p- 54 (Anostira), and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 143. [? Identical with 4. radulina, E. D. Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xii (1872), p. 555, according to G. Baur, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [6] vol. iii, 1889, p. 273.] Loc. U. Eocene; Hordwell. [Left xiphiplastron; Brit. Mus.] ARCHEOCHELYS, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 218. valdensis, R. Lydekker, zd7:7., p. 219, woodcut 50. Emys, G. A. Mantell, Illustr. Geol. Sussex, 1827, p. 61, pl. vii, f. 3 (fig. only). ‘Plastron from the Wealden,’ R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 511, woodcuts I, 2. Loc. Wealden; Cuckfield. [Hyo-and xiphiplastrals; Brit. Mus.] ARGILLOCHELYWS, R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 236. antiqua (Koenig), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 41, woodcut Io. Chelone antigua, C. Koenig, Icones Foss. Sect., 1825, pl. xvii f. 232. Chelone breviceps, R. Owen (pars), Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iii (1841), p. 570, and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 178, and Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 10, pl. i, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. 11, 1884, pl. xvii A (Chelonia). Puppigerus breviceps, E. D. Cope (pars), Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv (1870), p. 235. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. Red Crag; Suffolk (derived). [Skull ; Brit. Mus.] convexa (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. Hi, 1889, p. 48. Chelone convexa, R. Owen (pars), Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 178, ’and Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iii (1841), p. 575, and Rept. ‘London Clay, pt. i.(Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 21, pl view J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 347. REPTICTA 2I1 ARGILLOCHELYS convexa (continued)— Chelone declivis, R. Owen (pars), Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1649); p. 30, pl. xiv, and in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p p- 229, woodcut; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, Pp- 347. [Carapace ; Brit. Mus. | Puppigerus converus, E. D. Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv (1870), p. 235. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey and Bognor. [Shell.] cuneiceps (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 44. Chelone cuneiceps, R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 33, pl. xv; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 347. Chelone convexa, R. Owen (pars), in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 120, pl. xiii, f. 1-3, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. ii, ar. xxv (Chelonia), f. 1-3. [Immature cranium ; Brit. Mus. Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Cranium ; Brit. Mus.] Tr. subcristata (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. it, 1889, p. 47. Chelone subcristata, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p- 179, and Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iti (1841), p. 576, and Rept. London Clay, pti (Pal: Soc., 1849), p. 24, pl. vili, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. i (1884), p. 24, pl. xv (Chelonia) ; ris Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 348. ? Chelone subcarinata, T. Bell, in R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 37, pl. viii A; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 348. [Shell ; Brit. Mus.] Puppigerus subcristatus, E. D. Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv (1870), p. 235. ? Puppigerus subcarinatus, E. D. Cope, zdzd., p. 235. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Shell ; Brit. Mus.] sp. a (cf. A. antigua), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 41. Loc. Bracklesham Beds. [Mandible; Brit. Mus., no. R. 1447.] sp. 0, R. Lydekker, zézd., p. 44. Chelone sp., R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p- 43, pl. xix D, f. 1,2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 348. noe. *U. Eocene; Hordwell’ [?Bracklesham Beds.] [Mandible ; Brit. Mus., no. 38099. | ARISTOSUCHUS, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlili, 1887, p. 221. CALAMOSPONDYLUS, W. Fox, Geol. Mag., vol. ili, 1866, p. 383 (name only). pusillus (Owen), H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliii, 1887, p. 221, pl. xii, f. 13, 14, and woodcut, and ‘ibid., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 396; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B; ML, pt. i, 1888, p. 158. 212 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ARISTOSUCHUWS pusillus (continued)— Potkilopleuron pusillus, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. vii (Pal. Soc., 1876), p. 2, pi. i. Celurus pusillus, O. C. Marsh, Amer. logan Sci. [3] vol. xxvii, 1884, p. 335- _ Calamospondylus owent, W. Fox, Geol. Mag., vol. iii, 1866, p. 383 (name only). T. (Calamospondylus.) Loc. Wealden; Brook, I. of Wight. [Sacrum, etc.; Brit. Mus.] AULACOCHELYS, Lydekker. wv. Trionyx. circumsuleata (Owen), Lydekker. v. Trionyx circumsulcatus. BAPTANODON, 0. C. Marsh, Amer. Journ. Sci. [3] vol. xix, 1880, p. 491. [R. Lydekker states that a right humerus (Brit. Mus., no. 43989), named by him (Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 9) Ophthalmosaurus (2) cantabrigiensis, may belong to this genus. ] BOTHRIOSPONDYLUS, R. Owen, Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1875), p. 15. elongatus, Owen. v. Morosaurus brevis. magnus, Owen. v. Ornithopsis hulkei. robustus, R. Owen, Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1875), p.21, pl. wi; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. & 1888, p. 171. Loc. Forest Marble ; Bradford. [Vertebra; Brit. Mus.] suffossus, R. Owen, Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1875), p- 15, pls. iii, iv, v; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 170, and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 452 (B. suffosus). Loc. Kim. Clay; Swindon. [Vertebre ; Brit. Mus.] T. BRACHYDECTES, Owen. v. Oweniasuchus. major, Owen. v. Oweniasuchus major. minor, Owen. v. Oweniasuchus minor. CALAMOSPONDYLUS, R. Lydekker (on Fox), Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 121. foxi, R. Lydekker, zé7d., p. 120, woodcut. Loc. Wealden ; I. of Wight. [Cervical vertebra; Brit. Mus.] CALAMOSPONDYLUS, Fox. v. Aristosuchus. oweni, Fox. v. Aristosuchus pusillus. CAMPTONOTUS, Marsh. v. Camptosaurus. REPTILIA. 313 CAMFPTOSAURWS, O. C. Marsh, Amer. Journ. Sci. [3] vol. xxix, 1885, p. 169. CAMPTONOTUS, O. C. Marsh (zo Uhler, 1864), zd¢d. [3] vol. XV1ll, 1879, p. 501. Cumnoria, H. G. Seeley, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1887 (1888), p. 698. leedsi, R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p- 47, woodcut 3. Loc. Oxford Clay; Peterborough. [Femur; A. N. Leeds Coll.] prestwichi (Hulke), R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 48. Iguanodon prestwichi, [-ii]J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvi, 1880, p. 433, pls. xvili-xx ; R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, p. 47, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 196. Cumnoria prestwicht, H. G. Seeley, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1887 (1888), p. 698. Loc. Kim. Clay; Cumnor Hurst. [Remains of skeleton ; Oxford Mus. | valdensis, R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 48. ‘ Camptonotus, R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, P- 453. ?*Young /ewanodon, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. ili (Pal. Soc., 1862), p. 19, pl. x. Hypsilophodon sp. R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M.,, pt. i, 1888, p. 195. Loc. Wealden; I. of Wight. [Femur ; Brit. Mus.] CARDIODON, Rk. Owen, Odontography (1841), p. 291. rugulosus, R. Owen, 2é/d., p. 291, pl. Ixxv A, f. 7, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. i, 1884, p. 625, pl. Ixxxv (Dinosauria), f. 2-5; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 347. [Probably tooth of Cetiosaurus ovoniensis, Phillips, according to Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 245.] Loc. Forest Marble ; Bradford, Wiltshire. [Teeth ; Chaning Pearce Coll.] T. CETARTHROSAURWS, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxix, 1873, p. 505; J. W. Hulke, Proc. Geol. Soc. 1883, p. 50. walkeri, H. G. Seeley, zéz¢., p. 505, woodcut 1. Ichthyosaurus walkeri, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xvii, 65. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Femur; Woodwardian Mus.] T- 214 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA, CETIOSLURUS, RB. Owen, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iii (1841), p. 457. CETEOSAURUS, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 245, woodcuts Ixxxiv (plan of occurrence at Enslow) -cxii. [Phillips’ localities for Cefeosaurus are :—Blisworth, Buckingham, Isletchingdon, Chapelhouse, Chipping Norton, Cuddesdon, Enslow Bridge, Essendine, Enstone, Garsington, Glympton, Kirtlington, Sarsden, Stony Stratford, Staple Hill, Thame.] ? brachyurus, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 1003 J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 347. Loc. Wealden; Tetham. [Dorsal and caudal vertebre ; Brit. Mus. | brevis, Owen. v. Morosaurus brevisand Iguanodon bernissartensis. glymptonensis, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 291, wood- cuts xcv, xcvi; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 138. Loc. Forest Marble; Glympton, Oxfordshire, and Cogenhoe, Northamptonshire. [Caudal vertebra: ; Oxford Mus.] humerocristatus, Huike. v. Ornithopsis humerocristatus. longus, RK. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 101, and Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1875), p. 27, pl. x, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. i (1884), p. 413, pl. xxiv (Crocodilia) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 347; J Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 390. [See also C. oxonzensts.] Loc. [? L. Oolite; White Nab, Yorkshire. (Vertebra; Scar- borough Mus.)|. Portland Stone; Garsington, Oxfordshire. [Caudal vertebree ; Oxford Mus. (fars).] medius, Owen. v. Cetiosaurus oxoniensis. oxoniensis, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 291, woodcuts xcvili-cx! (? Jars); R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 137. [See also Cardiodon.] ? Cetiosaurus medius, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 100; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 347. [Vertebre.] Cetiosaurus longus, R. Owen (pars), Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1875), p. 27, woodcuts I-10. (Orutthopsts) oxontensis, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 392, woodcut 2. © Thigh bone,’ J. Platt, Phil. Trans., 1758, p. 524, pl. xix. Loc. Gt. Oolite and Forest Marble; Bibury, Blisworth, and Enslow.* [Portions of skeleton ; Oxford Mus. | T. ‘Cetiosauroid tooth,’ G. S. Boulger, Proc. W. Lond. Sci. Assoc., vol. 1 (1876), p. 99. Loc. Gt. Oolite ; Sapperton. [Tooth; Brit. Mus.] CHELONE, A. Brongniart, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, vol. ii, 1800, p. 89 (Cheloni). ALLOPLEURON, G. Baur, Science, vol. xi, 1888, p. 144. * Prestwich (Geology, vol. ii, 1888, p. 211) states that the original bones of this species, now in the Oxford Mus., were obtained from the Forest Marble, not the Gt. Oolite, as noted by Phillips. — = REPTILIA. 215 CHELONE (continucd)— acuticeps, Owen. v. Lytolomatrigoniceps. [R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 111, 1889, p. 55, remarks :—‘ This name would appear to be due to an error, since in the text all the specimens (figs. 8, 10, and 18) are referred to Chelone longiceps. | altimentum, R. Owen, in S. J. Mackie, Geologist, vol. v, 1862, p- 74 (name only).* antiqua, Koenig. v. Argillochelys antiqua. belli, Mantell. v. Hylaochelys belli. benstedi (Mantell), Owen. v. Cimoliochelys benstedi. breviceps, Owen. v. Argillochelys antiqua and Lytoloma plani- mentum. camperi, Owen. v. Chelone hoffmanni. convexa, Owen. v. Argillochelys convexa, A. cuneiceps, and Lytoloma planimentum. costata, Owen. vw. Lytoloma crassicostatum, Hylaochelys belli, and Plesiochelys sp. crassicostata, Owen. v. Lytoloma crassicostatum. cuneiceps, Owen. v. Argillochelys cuneiceps. declivis, Owen. v. Argillochelys convexa. depressimentum, R. Owen, in S. J. Mackie, Geologist, vol. v, 1862, p. 74 (name only).* gigas, Owen. v. Eosphargis gigas. harviciensis, Samuel Woodward. v. Lytoloma planimentum. ? hoffmanni (Gray), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 30. Chelonia hoffmanni, J. E. Gray, Syn. Rept., 1831, p. 54. Allopleuron hoffmannt, G. Baur, Science, vol. xi, 1888, p. 144. ‘Large Turtle, P. Camper, Phil. Trans., vol. lxxvi, 1786, p. 451. Chelone camperi?, R. Owen, Rept. Cret. Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 9, pl. v; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 347. Loc. Chalk; Kent. [Portions of carapace ; Brit. Mus. } jessoni, R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p- 231, woodcut 1, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 30. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Mandib. symphysis; Brit. Mus.] latiscutata, Owen. v. Lytoloma crassicostatum. longiceps, Owen. v. Lytoloma longiceps and Chelone acuticeps. obovata, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 170, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. ii (1884), descr. to pl. ix (Chelonia) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 348. Loc. Purbeck ; Swanage. [Shell and limb-bones ; Chaning Pearce Coll.] * MS. names temporarily given to specimens from the Cambridge Greensand in the British Museum. 216 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. CHELONE (continued)— planiceps, Owen. v. Stegochelys planiceps. planimentum, Owen. v. Lytoloma crassicostatum and L. planimentum. pulchriceps, Owen. v. Rhinochelys pulchriceps. subcarinata, Bell. v. Argillochelys subcristata. subcristata, Owen. v. Argillochelys subcristata. sulcimentum, R. Owen, in S. J. Mackie, Geologist, vol. v, 1862, p. 74 (name only).* trigoniceps, Owen. v. Lytoloma trigoniceps. auncimentum, R. Owen, in S. J. Mackie, Geologist, vol. v, 1862, p. 74 (name only).* sp., R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ili, 1889, p. 30. Loc. U. Eocene; Hordwell. [Left scapulo-precoracoid ; Brit. Mus., no. 30410d. | sp., R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ili, 1889, p. 35. Loc. L. Chalk; Dover [Pectoral girdle; Brit. Mus., no. 25960], Rochester [ Various bones; Brit. Mus., no. 36813], and Lewes. [Costal; Brit. Mus., no. 49918]. sp., Owen, 1842. v. Cimoliochelys benstedi. sp., Owen, 1849. v. Argillochelys sp. sp., Owen, 1850. v. Eosphargis gigas and Lytoloma trigoniceps. sp., Owen, 1851. wv. Lytoloma sp. ~w Chelys ? blaicii, Mackie and Blake. wv. Protochelys stricklandi. CHON DROSTEOSAU RUS, Owen. v. Ornithopsis. gigas, Owen. wv. Morosaurus brevis and Ornithopsis hulkei. agnus, Owen. v. Ornithopsis hulkei. CHRYSEMDIYS, J. E. Gray, Cat. Tortoises B. M., 1844, p. 27. bicarinata (Bell), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 119. Emys bicarinata, T. Bell, in R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. i, (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 73, pls. xxv, xxvi ; J. Morris, Cat Bot Foss., 1854, p. 348. Clemmys bicarinata, R. Lydekker and G. A. Boulenger, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 275. Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Imperfect shell ; Brit. Mus.] testudiniformis (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ti, 1889, p. 118. Emys testudiniformis, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 161, and Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 67, pl. xxiv, f. 6 (702 f. 1-5: v. Ocadia owen). * MS. names temporarily given to specimens from the Cambridge Greensand in the British Museum. REPTILCIA. by CHRYSEMYS testudiniformis (continued)— Emys toliapicus, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 163. ‘Emys de Sheppey,’ Cuvier, Ossem. Fossiles, ed. 2, vol. v, 1824, p. 235, pl. xv, f. 14, 15. [Carapace; Deluc Coll., Geneva.] Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Imperfect shell ; Brit. Mus.] CIMOCHELYS, Owen. v. Cimoliochelys. CIMOLIOCHELYS, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 176 (Cimochelys) ; A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 275. benstedi (Mantell), A. S. Woodward, zdzd., p. 276. Emys benstedi, G. A. Mantell, Phil. Trans., 1841, p. 153, pls. XI, Xit. Chelone (or Cimochelys) benstedi, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1841 (1842), p. 173. Chelone, R. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi (1842), p. 412, pl. xxxix, f. 5, and Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 4, pls. i-ili. wee benstedt, G. A. Mantell, Medals, vol. ii, 1844, p. 772, . 144. Chelone bensted?, J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 347 3 L. Riitimeyer, Verh. Naturh. Ges. Basel, vol. vi, 1873, p. 118 ; R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 233, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ill, 1889, p. 34. Loc. L. Chalk; Burham, Kent. [Shell; Brit. Mus.] T. CIMOLIOSAURWUS, J. Leidy, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1851 (1852), p. 325 (Czmoliasaurus). ELASMOSAURUS, E. D..Cope, zd7d., 1868 (1868), p. 92. PoLycotyLus, E. D. Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv (1870), p. 34. MAUISAURUS, J. Hector, Trans. New Zealand Inst., vol. vi, 1874, p. 346. MURANOSAURUS, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, pp. 197, 437, 448. COLYMBOSAURUS, H. G. Seeley, zdzd., p. 447. bernardi (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 185. Plesiosaurus bernardt, R. Owen, in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, pp. 396, 399, pl. xxxvii, f. 8, 9, pl. xl, and ed. 2, 1878, p. 423, same pls. and figs., and Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 60, pl. xviii, and zé¢d., Suppl. iv (Pal. Soc., 1864), p. 7, pls. iv, v; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352. ? Plestosaurus pachyomus, R. Owen (Pars), Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 74, and Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 64, pl. xx; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352. [Vertebrae ; Woodwardian Mus.] 218 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. CIMOLIOSAURUS bernardi (conutinued)— Plesiosaurus ichthyospondylus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, p. xvii (name given to P. dernardi, Owen, 1864). Loc. Cambridge Greensand. Chalk ; Houghton, Lewes, Scad- dlescombe Pit, and Southeraim Pit, Sussex. [Cervical ver- tebra. | brachistospondylus (Hulke), R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 354, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 200. 4 Plestosaurus brachistospondylus, J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 611, pl. xli, f. 7-9. Loc. Kim. Clay; Kimeridge and Shotover. Potton Bone-bed. [Dorsal vertebree, etc. ; Brit. Mus. ] brevior, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 11, 1889, p. 243, woodcut 75. Loc. Cornbrash ; Stilton. Kim. Clay ; Weymouth. [Cervical vertebrae ; Brit. Mus.] cantabrigiensis, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 183, woodcut 60. Plestosaurus neocomiensis, R. Owen (zon Pictet and Campiche), Rept. Cret. Form., Suppl. iv (Pal. Soc., 1864), p. 11, pl. vi. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. Gault; Folkestone. [Cervical vertebre ; Brit. Mus.] constrictus (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 212. Plestosaurus constrictus, R. Owen, in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 398, pl. xxxvil, f. 6,7, and. ed..2, 1676, smueon. same pl. and figs., and Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 61, pl. ix, f..6, 7 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brut. Foss., .S5as. 52s Mauisaurus gardnert, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxill, 1877, p. 541, pl. xxiii. [Portion of skeleton ; Brit. Mus. } Plesiosaurus gardnert, G. F. Whidborne, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvii, 1881, table facing p. 480. Loc. Gault ; Folkestone. Chalk; Dorsetshire, Southeram Pit and Steyning, Sussex. [Cervical vertebra ; Brit. Mus.] durobrivensis, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. vill. Loc. Oxford Clay; Peterborough. [Portionsof skeleton; A. N. Leeds Coll.] erraticus (Phillips), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 245 (refers to scme Stonesfield remains in the British Museum as possibly indicating a distinct species, for which Phillips’ name may be adopted.) Plestosaurus erraticus, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 183 (name only). Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Vertebrae and humerus; Brit Mus.] a I so REPTILIA. 219 CIMOLIOSAYRUS (continued)— eurymerus (Phillips), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B.M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 205, woodcuts 66-68. Plesiosaurus eurymerus, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 315, woodcut cxx. Loc. Oxford Clay ; Bedford, Chippenham, Devizes, Melksham, Peterborough, Weymouth, and Wootton-Bassett. [Pectoral limb ; Woodwardian Mus. ] latispinus (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 222. Plesiosaurus latispinus, R. Owen, Cat. Foss. Rept. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, 1854, p. 63, and Rept. Cret. Form., Suppl. iv (Pal. Soc., 1864), p. 14, pls. vii, viii, ix. tec: 1 ee. Farringdon and Maidstone. [Imperfect skeleton, wanting head ; Brit. Mus.] limneophilus (Koken), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 224, woodcut 69. Plesiosaurus limnophilus, E. Koken, Palzont. Abhandl., vol. iii (1887), p. 109. Loc. Wealden ; Cuckfield. [Cervical vertebra; Brit. Mus.] oxoniensis (Phillips), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 209. Plesiosaurus oxonicnsis, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 307, woodcuts cxlli-cxvil ; H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 442 (determines woodcut cxvi to be pectoral arch). Loc. Oxford Clay ; Devizes, Long Marston, Oxford, Shotover, and Summertown. [Imperfect skeleton, wanting head ; Oxford Mus.] planus (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, pe 217. Plestosaurus planus, R. Owen, Rept. Cret. Form., Suppl. i (Pal. Soc., 1864), p. 2, pls. i, 11, iii. Plestosaurus pachyomus, R. Owen (pars), Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), P. 74, and Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 64, pl. xxi, f. 1. [Dorsal vertebra ; Woodwardian Mus. ] Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Vertebre ; Brit. Mus.] Plicatus (Phillips), R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888 p. 351, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, "1889, p. 234, wood- cuts 70-72. [See also Cimoliosaurus richar dsonz. | Plesiosaurus plicatus, J. Phillips (Jars), Geol. Oxford, 1871, p- 313, woodcuts cxvili, Cxix. Plesiosaurus infraplanus, J. Phillips, zi¢d., p. 374. [Cervical vertebra ; Oxford Mus. } ? Plestosaurus hexagonalis, J. Phillips, 7é¢d@., p. 375, woodcut clxxvi. [Caudal vertebra ; Oxford Mus.] 220 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. CIMOLIOSAURWS plicatus (continucd)— Murenosaurus leedsii, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 197, pl. xxi. [Skeleton ; A. N. Leeds Coll.] T. (Murenosaurus.) Plestosaurus leedsiz, G. F. Whidborne, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvil, 1881, table facing p. 480. Loc. Oxford Clay; Chippenham, Cowley, Northampton, Oxford, Peterborough, Weymouth, and Whittlesea. Portland Oolite ; ca ee and Stanford. [Cervical vertebra ; Oxford Mus. portlandicus (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 227, woodcut 70. Pliosaurus portlandicus, R. Owen, Rept. Kim. Clay, pt. ili (Pal. Soc., 1869), p. 8, pl. iv, f. 1-3; J. W. Hulke, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxix, 1883, p. 54, woodcut 8. Plestosaurus winspitensis, H. G. Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. viii, 1871, p. 181, woodcuts. [Vertebrz ; Wood- wardian Mus. | Plestosaurus carinatus, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 374, woodcut clxxv (name preoccupied by Cuvier: v. Thaumato- saurus). {Lumbar vertebra ; Oxford Mus.] Plestosaurus phillipsi, H. E. Sauvage, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.) [6] vol. viii, art. 6, 1879, p. 21; G. F. Whidborne, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvil, 1881, table facing p. 480. Loc. Portland Oolite; Portland, Quainton, and Tisbury. [Pelvic limb ; Brit. Mus.] richardsoni, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 240, woodcuts 73, 74; J. C. Mansel-Pleydell, Proc. Dorset. Nat. Hist. Field Club, vol. x, 1889, p. 171, plate and woodcut. Plesiosaurus plicatus, J. C. Mansel-Pleydell (70 Phillips), Proc. Dorset. Nat. Hist. Field Club, vol. ix, 1888, table facing p. 40. Loc. Oxford Clay ; Peterborough, Weymouth, and Whittlesea. [Skeleton ; Nelson Richardson Coll., Weymouth. ] smithi (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 215. Plesiosaurus smithit, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. iv, 1884, Index, p. iv, pls. xxvii, xxx (Enaliosauria). Plesiosaurus, R. Owen, Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), pp. 63, 66, pls. xvii, xix. Loc. Gault; Folkestone. L. Chalk; Burham, Kent. [Paddle bones and dorsal vertebra ; Brit. Mus. (fars).] trochanterius (Owen), R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 353, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 190, woodcuts 62-65. Plesiosaurus trochanterius, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 85; J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, pp. 316, 364, woodcuts clxii, clxiii. REPTILTIA. 221 CIMOLIOSAURWUS trochanterius (comtinued)— Pliosaurus trochanterius, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 64, and Rept. Kim. Clay, pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1869), p. 7, pl. iii; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352. Plesiosaurus affinis, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 86; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352; J. Phillips, Geol. "Oxford, 1871, p. 366. [Femur; Brit. Mus.] Plestosaurus manselit, J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 612, pl. xli, f. 1-6, and zdzd@., vol. xxxix, 1883, p. 52, woodcut 7. [Imperfect skeleton, wanting head ; Brit. Mus.] Murenosaurus manseliz, H. E. Sauvage, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.) [6] vol. viii, art. 6, 1879, p. 32. Plesiosaurus megadeirus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xx, 97, 121 (insufficiently described). [Coracoids ; Woodwardian Mus.] Plesiosaurus macrodeirus, H. G. Seeley, zbzd., p. 143 (errore). Colymbosaurus megadeirus, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, pp. 445, 447. Plesiosaurus brachyspondylus, J. Phillips (#07 Owen), Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 368, woodcuts clxviii-clxx. [Vertebrz ; Oxford Mus. | Murenosaurus brachyspondylus, H. E. Sauvage, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.) [6] vol. vill, art. 6, 1879, p. 33- Plestosaurus validus, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 370, woodcuts clxxi, clxxii. [Vertebre ; Oxford Mus. | Loc. Oxford Clay; Christian Malford. Kim. Clay; Baldon, Cumnor-Hurst, Devizes, Ely, Foxhangers, Foxcombe, Hed- dington, Haddenham, Kimeridge, Newport-Pagnall, Pottern, Shotover, Swindon, Weymouth, and Wheatley. Derived in Potton Bone-bed. [Right femur; Brit. Mus.] truncatus (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. il, 1889, p. 230. Plesiosaurus truncatus, R. Owen, Cat. Foss. Rept. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, 1854, p. 59. ? Plesiosaurus subdepressus, R. Owen, zd7d., p. 63. [Vertebra ; Mus. R. Coll. Surgeons. } ? Plestosaurus dedicomus, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 81; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352. [Pro- podial bone ; Brit. Mus. ] Plesiosaurus plicatus, J. Phillips (Jars), Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 373, woodcuts clxxiii, clxxiv. [Vertebra ; Oxford Mus.] Plestosaurus plicatus, H. E. Sauvage, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.) [6] vol. viii, art. 6, 1879, p. 25. Loc. Kim. Clay ; Ely, Kimeridge, Oxford, Portland, Shotover, Swindon , Weymouth, and Wootton- Bassett. Portland Oolite ; Shotover. Derived in Potton Bone-bed. [Cervical ver- tebra ; Mus. R. Coll. Surgeons.] 222 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. CIMOLIOSAURUS (continued)— valdensis, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 188, woodcut 61. Loc. Wadhurst Clay ; Hastings. Wealden; Cuckfield. [Ver- tebrz ; Brit. Mus. |] spp-, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1i, 1889, p. 210 ‘Centrum ; Cornbrash of Stilton, Brit. Mus., no. 471692: right humerus; Cornbrash of Rushden, Brit. Mus., no. 28625), p. 227 (Propodial bone ; Purbeck of Swanage, Brit. Mus. no. 21974), and p. 244 (Vertebra and portion of mandible; Gt. Oolite of Oxfordshire and Essendine, Brit. Mus., nos. R. 256, 44904). CLADEIODON, Owen. v. Cladyodon. CLADYODON, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 155. [? Belodon. | Noydi, [-ii] R. Owen, zézd¢., p. 155, and Odontography (1841), p. 268, pl. Ixii A, f. 4 (C/adetodon), and Paleontology, ed. 2, 1861, p. 278; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 348. Megalosaurus, R. 1. Murchison and H. E. Strickland, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. v (1840), p. 344, pl. xxviii, f. 6, 7. Loc. Keuper ; Coton End, Leamington, and Warwick. [Tooth ; Geol. Soc. London. | T. CLEMIMYSE, J. Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amphib., 1830, p. 136. bicarinata (Owen), Lydekker and Boulenger. wv. Chrysemys bicarinata, ?mantellii, Fitzinger. wv. Hyleochelys belli. ? parkinsonii, Fitzinger. wv. Lytoloma longiceps. C@LURUS, O. C. Marsh, Amer. Journ. Sci. [3] vol. xviii, 1879,. Pp. 504. daviesi (Seeley), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 156. Thecospondylus daviest, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, p. 79, woodcuts 1-5. Caelurus, J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, p. 87. Loc. Wealden; I. of Wight. [Vertebra; Brit. Mus.] pusillus, Marsh. v. Aristosuchus pusillus. COLOBORH YNCHUS, Owen. v. Ornithocheirus. clavirostris, Owen. v. Ornithocheirus clavirostris. cuvieri (Bowerbank), Owen. v. Ornithocheirus cuvieri. sedgwicki, Owen. v. Ornithocheirus sedgwicki. COLYMBOSAURUS, Seeley. v. Cimoliosaurus. megadeirus, Seeley. v. Cimoliosaurus trochanterius. REPTILIA. 223 CONIASAURWS, R. Owen, in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 386. crassidens, R. Owen, zé7d., pp. 386, 388, pl. xxxvii, f. 18-20, and ed. 2, 1878, p. 413, same pl. and figs., and Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 21, pl. ix, f. 13-15 (Comtosaurus) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 348 (Cozzosaurus) ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 289. Loc. Chalk; Clayton Pit, Falmer, Hart Hill, near Charing, and Washington, near Worthing. [Associated jaws, teeth, and vertebre ; Brighton Mus.] T. CRATEROSAURUS, H. G. Sceley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 692. pottonensis, H. G. Seeley, z#77., p. 690, pl. xliv. Loc. Potton Bone-bed. [Portion of cranium ; Woodwardian Mus. } T. CRIORHYNCHUS, Owen. v. Ornithocheirus. simus, Owen. v. Ornithocheirus simus. CGROCODILUVS, Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. 1, 1766, p. 359. bollensis, Jaeger. 7. Steneosaurus bollensis. ? cantabrigiensis, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Wood- wardian Mus., 1869, p. xvii (name only), and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 693, woodcuts I-3. Genus non det., R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1888, p. 75. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Vertebra ; Woodwardian Mus.] champsoides, Owen. v. Crocodilus spenceri. cultridens, Owen. v. Suchosaurus cultridens. hastingsice, Owen. v. Diplocynodon hantoniensis. ?icenicus, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxii, 1876, p. 437. [Genus non det.) Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Vertebra ; Woodwardian Mus.] mantelli, Gray. v. Goniopholis crassidens. oxoniensis, Conybeare, MS. v. Steneosaurus boutillieri. sauli, Owen. v. MISCELLANEOUS REPTILIA. spenceri, W. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral., ed. 2, 1837, vol. i, p. 251, and vol. ii, p. 36, pl. xxv, f. 1; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 65, and in IF. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 207, pl. xv, f. 1, 2, and zdzd., ed. 2, 1878, p. 253, pl. xv [16], f. 1, 2; R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 310, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1888, p. 60, woodcut 9. Crocedilus toliapicus, R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1850), pp. 29, 34, pl. ii, f. 1, pl. ii A, pl. iv, pl. v, f. 1-3, 5, 6; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss. 1854, p. 348. [Skull, mandible, and vertebre ; Brit. Mus.] 224 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. CROCODILUS spenceri (continued)— Crocodilus champsoides, R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 31, pl. iii, pl. v, f. 4, 7-9 (? and pl. ii, f.2); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 348. [Skull Brit. Mus.] ‘Crocodile de Sheppey ?,’ Cuvier, Ossem. Fossiles, ed. 2, vol. v, pt. ii, 1824, p. 165. [Cervical vertebra; Deluc Coll. Geneva. | LOC. res Clay ; Bognor and Sheppey. [Cranium; Brit. Mus. superciliosus, De Blainville. v. Metriorhynchus superciliosum. toliapicus, Owen. v. Crocodilus spenceri. Crocodilian remains, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. ix (Pal. Soc., 1879), pp. 14, 15, pl. i, f. 4-12, pl. ii, £74; (5, a Meo Loc. M. Purbeck; Swanage. [Vertebre and scutes ; Brit. Mus.] CRYPTODRACO, R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 46. CRYPTOSAURUS, H. G. Seeley (zon Geoffroy St. Hilaire), Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, p. xxi, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi, 1875, p. 149. eumerus (Seeley), R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 46. Cryptosaurus eumerus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Wood- wardian Mus., 1869, pp. xxi, 93, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi, 1875, p. 149, pl. vi. Loc. mae Clay; Gt. Gransden. [Femur ; Woodwardian Mus. CRYPTOSAURUS, Seeley. v. Cryptodraco. eumerus, Seeley. v. Cryptodraco eumerus. CUMNORLTA, Seeley. v. Camptosaurus. prestwichi (Hulke), Seeley. v. Camptosaurus prestwichi. DACOCHELYS, R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 241. delabechei, R. Lydekker, zé¢d., p. 241, woodcut 6. [? = Podo- cnemtis 2 delabechet.) Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Mandib. symphysis; Brit. Mus.] T. DACOSAURWS, F. A. Quenstedt, Sonst und Jetzt, 1856, p. 131. [Indistinguishable from Geosaurus, Plieninger, according to Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 57.] PLESIOSUCHUS, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, Pp. 153. lissocephalus, Seeley. v. Dacosaurus maximus. manselit (Hulke), A. S. Woodward. v. Dacosaurus maximus. REPTILTA, 225 DACOSAURUS (continucd)— maximus (Plieninger), F. A. Quenstedt, Der Jura, 1858, p. 785, woodcut ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, Pp. 92, woodcut 13. Geosaurus maximus, T. Plieninger, Wiirtt. Jahresh., vol. ii, 1846, . 150. os ae lissocephalus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, p. 92. [Skull; Woodwardian Mus.] Steneosaurus rostro-minor=Dakosaurus, J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv, 1869, p. 390, pls. xvii, xviii. Liodon primevus, H. E. Sauvage, Comptes Rendus, vol. Ixxiii, 1871, p. 141. Dacosaurus primevus, H. E. Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Géol. France [3] vol. i, 1873, p. 380. Steneosaurus mansellii, J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 167, pl. ix. [Skull and other parts of skeleton ; Brit. Mus.] Plestosuchus manselit, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 157, woodcut 3, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. ili, 1884, p. 146, pl. xx (Crocodilia). [Idem.] Dakosaurus manselii, A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ii, 1885, table facing p. 508. Dakosaurus, J. F. Walker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. xvii, 1866, p. 385 ; H. G. Seeley, Geol. Mag., vol. vi, 1869, p. 188 ; J. W. Mason, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv, 1869, p. 218, woodcuts 1-4; J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 389, wood- cuts CxCl, CxCcll. Loc. Kim. Clay; Culham, Ely, Kimeridge, Shotover, and Wey- mouth. [Zeeth, skull and mandible, vertebra, etc.; Brit. M 15. | Teeth derived, Potton Bone-bed. [Woodwardian Mus.| 3. primeevus, Sauvage. v. Dacosaurus maximus. DICYNODON, Rk. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vii (1845), p. 59. ? sp., R. H. Traquair, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1885 (1886), p. 1024. Loc. U. Trias; Elgin. [Skull ; Geol. Surv. Scotland. ] DIGERRHUM, Cope. v. Pleurosternum. bullocki (Owen), Cope. v. Pleurosternum bullocki, DIMORPHODON, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1858 (1859), | Sect., p. 97; H. G. Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. xv, | 1865, p. 148, and zézd. [4] vol. iii, 1869, p. 465, and zézd. [4] vol. vi, 1870, p. 129. macronyx (Buckland), R. Owen, Palzontology, ed. 2, 1861, p. 273, and Rept. Liassic Form., pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1870), p. 41, pls. xvii, xviii, pl. xix, f. 1-4, pl. xx, and Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1874), p. 13, pl. i, f. 13, 14, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. 1 (1884), p. 463, pls. xv—xvii (Pterosauria) ; [H. Woodward] Geol. Mag., vol. v, 1868, p. 536; E. T. Newton, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 414, woodcut 11 ; R. Lyd- ekker, Cat. Foss. Rept .B. M., pt. i, 1889, p. 37, woodcut 6. Q 225 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. DIMORPHODON macronyx (continued)— Pterodactylus macronyx, WV. Buckland, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. 1 (1829), p. 127, and Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. iii (1835), p. 218, Pe xxvil; R. Owen, Odontography (1841), p. 275, pl. ixiii a, ey ce Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 353. Pterodactylus (Dimorphodon) macronyx, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1858 (1859), Sect., p. 98, and Rept. Cret. Form., Suppl. i (Pal. Soc., 1859), p. 13, pl. iil, f. 6. ? Pterodactylus marderi, R. Gey, Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. i ae 1874), p. 12, pl. i, f 7-9. [Humerus; Bre Mus Pterodactylus (Rhamphorhynchus) macronyx, H. von Meyer, Palzeontographica, vol. i (1846), p. 20. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Portions of skeleton, wanting head ; Brit. Mus.] Er: DINODOCUS, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Rept., index to vol. ii, 1884, p. ix. mackesoni, R. Owen, zd7d., p. ix; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. BM; pt. i, 1888, p: 136. Polyptychodon mackesont, R. Owen, Page-index to Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. i, 1884, p. vii. ‘Gigantic fossil saurian, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 157, and (‘= Polyptychodon’) R. Owen, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iii (1841-1842), pp. 325, 451, and Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 47, pls. xii, xiil, woodcuts. Loc. L. Greensand ; Hythe. [Limb-bones; Brit. Mus.] TT. DIPLOCYNODON, A. Pomel, Bull. Soc. Géol. France [2] vol. iv, 1847, p. 383. hantoniensis (Wood), R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 309, and Cat. Foss. Rept B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 45. Alligator hantoniensis, S. V. Wood, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xiv, 1844, p. 351, ‘and London Geol. Journ., pt. i, 1846, pp. 6, 122, pls. 1, vi, vii; R. Owen, yoeee London Clay, pt. ii (Pal. ‘Soc., 1850), p. 42, pl. viii, f. 2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 185 4, Pp. 347. Crocodilus hastingsi@, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1847 (1848), Sect., p. 66, and Rept. London Clay, pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1850), Pp. 37, pls. vi-ix, pl. xil, f. 2,5 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 348; T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xv, 1859, p. 678, pl. xxv; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ii, 1885, p. 509. [Skull, etc.; Brit. Mus. ] Loc. U. Eocene ; Hordwell. [Imperfect skull; Brit. Mus.] sp., R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1888, p. 50. Loc. L. Miocene; Hempstead. [Portions of jaws ; Brit. Mus., nos. 40215, R. 980.] U. Eocene ; Lymington. [Frontals and quadrate ; Brit. Mus., no. R. 1037.] RE PITLLA, 227 DOLICHOSAURWS, R. Owen, in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 388. longicollis, R. Owen, zézd., p. 388, pl. xxxviii, f. I, 2, pl. xxxix, f. 4, and ed. 2, 1878, p. 415, same pls. and figs., and Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 22, pl. x, f. 1-4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 348; S. J. Mackie, Geologist, 1863, p. 267, pl. xiv; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 275. Raphiosaurus, R. Owen (errore), Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi (1842), p. 412, pl. xxxix, f. 3, 4, and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 145. [Vertebrz ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. L. Chalk; Burhamand Lidden Spout, Kent,and Southeram, near Lewes. [Skeleton ; Brit. Mus.] T. DORATCRHUYNCHUS, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi, 1875, p. 465. validum (Owen), [-us] H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi, 1875, p. 465, woodcut ; [-us] J. C. Mansel- Pleydell, Proc. Dorset. Nat. Hist. Field Club, vol. ix, 1888, p. 31. Pterodactylus validus, R. Owen, Rept. Liassic Form., pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1870), descr. to pl. xix, f. 7. Pterodactylus macrurus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, p. 89, and Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., vol. ii (1869), p. 130. [Mandible and caudal vertebra ; Woodwardian Mus. | Ornithochirus validus, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 26. Loc. M. Purbeck; Swanage. [Wing-phalanx; Brit.Mus.] T. ECHINODON, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. v (Pal. Soc., 1861), p. 35, and Palaeontology, ed. 2, 1861, p. 309. becklesi, [-ii] R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. v (Pal. Soc., 1861), p. 35, pl. viii, f. 1-9, and zézd@., Suppl. v (Pal. Soc., 1874), pl. ii, f. 22 ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1888, p. 247. Loc. M. Purbeck ; Durdlestone Bay. [Jaws; Brit. Mus.] T. ELASMOSAURUS, Cope. v. Cimoliosaurus. EMMYS, A. Duméril, Zool. Analytique, 1806, p. 76. benstedi, Mantell. wv. Cimoliochelys benstedi. bicarinatus, Bell. v. Chrysemys bicarinatus. ? comptoni, T. Bell, in R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 71, pl. xx; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, Pp. 348. Homopus comptont, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 93. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Shell; Brit. Mus.] 228 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. EMYS (continued)— conybearii, Owen. v. Podocnemis delabechei. crassus, Owen. v. Ocadia crassa. delabechei, Bell. v. Podocnemis delabechei. hordwellensis, Seeley. v. Ocadia crassa. levis, Bell. v. Podocnemis bowerbanki. lutaria, Schneider. v. Emys orbicularis. mantelli, Owen. v. Hylaochelys belli. orbicularis (Linnzus), W. T. Blanford, Zool. E. Persia, 1876, p. 308; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p- 103. Testudo orbicularits, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 351. Emys lutaria, J. G. Schneider, Schildkréten, 1783, p. 323; A. Newton, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. x, 1862, p. 224, pls. vi, vii; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. vi, 1879, p. 304, pl. viii; H. B. Woodward, Trans. Norfolk and Norwich Nat. Soc., vol. iii (1880), p. 36. Loc. Forest Bed; Mundesley. [Portion of carapace; Norwich Mus.| Below Peat ; East Wretham, Norfolk. [Remazns of two individuals ; Birch Coll.| parkinsoni, Gray. v. Lytoloma longiceps and L. planimentum. sphenognathus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xix, 36 (name only). Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [? Frontal bone; Woodwardian Mus.] testudiniformis, Owen. v. Chrysemys testudiniformis and Ocadia oweni. toliapicus, Owen. v. Chrysemys testudiniformis. ENALIOCHELYS, Seeley. v. Thalassemys. chelonia, Seeley. v. Thalassemys hugii. ENGYOMMASAURUS, Kaup. v. Pelagosaurus. brongniarti, Kaup. v. Pelagosaurus brongniarti. ENTHEKIODON, Hulke. v. Ichthyosaurus entheciodon. EOSPHARGITS, R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 241. gigas (Owen), R. Lydekker, zézd., p. 239, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 225. Chelone gigas, R. Owen, Paleontology, ed. 2, 1861, p. 317, and Rept. London Clay, vol. ii, pt. 1 (Pal. Soc., 1880), p. J, pls. 1, 11. REPTILTA, 229 EOSPHARGIS gigas (continued)— Chelone sp.. R. Owen, zbid., vol. i, pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1850), descr. to pl. xxix, f. 5. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Cranium and femur; Brit. Mus.] T. ERETMOSAURUS, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 445. dubius (Blake), Lydekker. v. Eretmosaurus macropterus. macropterus: //esiosaurus macropterus, H. G. Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. xv, 1865, pp. 49, 232; J. F. Blake, in Tate and Blake, Yorksh, Lias, 1876, p. 246. ? Plesiosaurus dubius, J. F. Blake, zb/d., p. 246, pl. i, f. 7, 8. Plestosaurus rugosus, J. ¥. Blake (non Owen), 267d, p. 252. Eretmosaurus ? dubius, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 11, 1889, p. 249. Loc. U. Lias; Lofthouse and Whitby. [Skeleton ; Wood- wardian Mus. | rugosus (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 249. Plestosaurus rugosus, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 82, and Rept. Liassic Form., pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1865), p. 34, pls. xiv, xv, and Rept. Kim. Clay, pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1869), descr. to pl. iv, f. 4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352. Evretmosaurus, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 445, woodcut 9. Loc. L. Lias ; Cheltenham, Granby, and Lyme Regis. [Verte- bre ; Bristol, York, and Brit. Mus.] T. ?sp., R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 251. Loc. L. Lias; Charmouth. [Cervical vertebre ; Brit. Mus., no. R. 1360. ] ERQUELINNESITIA, Dollo. v. Lytoloma. EUCAMEROTUS, Hulke. v. Ornithopsis. EUCERCOSAURUS, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv, 1879, p. 613. tanyspondylus, H. G. Seeley, zd7d., p. 613, woodcuts 4, 5. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Vertebrz ; Woodwardian Mus.] EUCLASTES, Cope. v. Lytoloma. sp., Dollo. vw. Lytoloma sp. EURYSTERNUM (Wagler), Lydekker and Boulenger. v. Thal- assemys ruetimeyerl, GAVIALIS, Cuvier, Ann. du Muséum, vol. x, 1807, p. 27 (Gaviat) ; A. Oppel, Ord. Fam. Gatt. Rept., 1811, p. 19. 230 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRA TA GAVIALIS (continued)— ? dixoni, R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 46, pl. x, and in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 208, pl. xi, f. 23-24, woodcuts 1-8, and zézd., ed. 2, 1878, p. 253, same pl. and figs., and pl. xi [12], f. 18 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 349; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt.i, 1888, p. 69 (Garialis). Loc. Bracklesham Beds. [Portions of mandible, femur, and a cervical vertebra ; Brit. Mus.] GEOSAURUS, Plieninger. wv. Dacosaurus. maxims, Plieninger. wv. Dacosaurus maximus. GIGANTOSAURUWS, IH. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Wood- wardian Mus., 1869, p. 94. megalonyx, H. G. Seeley, 7/7., p. 94. [Doubtfully assigned to Ornithopsis humerocristatus by R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M,, pt. 1, 1888, p. 151.] Loc. Kim. Clay; Ely. [Vertebrz and detached limb-bones ; Woodwardian Mus. | T. GLOSSOCHELYS, Seeley. v. Lytoloma. harviciensis (S. Woodward), Seeley. v. Lytoloma planimentum. GONIOPHOLIS, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 69. carinata, [-us] R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Rept., 1884, index to vol. il, p. v, and pl. xiv (Crocodilia) (figures of vertebre only). Loc. Wealden ; Cuckfield. [Vertebrz.] crassidens, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 69, and Odontography (1841), p. 289, pl. Ixxii A, f. 9, and Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. viii (Pal. Soc., 1878), p. 1, pls. i-il, pl. iv, f. 1-4, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. i (1884), p. 427, pls. vii-xiii (Crocodilia) ; J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiv, 1878, p. 377, pl. xv, f. 1,2 3, IR. Leydeliees Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1888, p. 79. Crocodilus mantelli, J. E. Gray, Syn. Rept., 1831, p. 61. ‘ Swanage crocodile, G. A. Mantell, Wonders of Geology, ed. 3, 1839, p, 387, pl. i. [Slab from Purbeck of Swanage, with portions of skeleton ; Brit. Mus.] ‘Crocodile, G. A. Mantell, Illustr. Geol. Sussex, 1827, descr. to pl. v, f. 10 [and pl. vi, f. 8]. Loc. Wealcen ; Sussex and I. of Wight. Purbeck ; Swanage. [ Teeth, and imperfect skeleton ; Brit. Mus.] T. sima, [-us] R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. viii (Pal. Soc., 1878), p. 7, pl. v; [-us] R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1888, p. $3. ‘Crocodilian skull,’ J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. XEXIV, 1979,%p: 379, De KVyule 354s Loc. M. Purbeck ; Swanage. [Skull; Brit. Mus.] REPTILIA. 231 GONIOPHOLIS (continued)— tenuidens, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. ix (Pal. Soc:, 1870), p. 2, pl..i, fr; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss, Rept. B. M., pt: t; 1888, p. 83. Loc. M. Purbeck ; Durdlestone Bay. [Mandible; Brit. Mus.] sp., Phillips. wv. Machimosaurus. HADROSAURUS, Leidy. v. Trachodon. HETEROSUCHUS, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlili, 1887, p. 212. [? Hyle@ochampsa. | valdensis, H. G. Seeley, zd., p. 212, pl. xii, f. 7, 8. Loc. Wealden; Cuckfield and Hastings, Sussex, and Brook Point, I. of Wight. [Vertebre ; Brit. Mus.] T. ?sp., H. G. Seeley, zé7d., p. 215. Genus non det., R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 75. ‘Lacertian vertebra, G. A. Mantell, Phil. Trans., 1849, p. 3035 ph xxix, f. A, A’. Loc. Wealden; I. of Wight. ee and limb-bones ; Brit. Mus., nos. 36524, R. 188.] M. Purbeck; Durdlestone Bay. [Cervical vertebra ; Brit. Mus., no 48244.] HEX ATA RSOSTIN US, T. Hawkins, Gar Sea Dragons, 1840, pl. xxviil. == Plesiosaurus (v. P. hawkinsi). Homopus comptoni (Bell), Lydekker. v. Emys comptoni. HOPLOSAURWUS, P. Gervais, Zool. et Pal. Franc., ed. 1, 1848-52, p- 263 (Oplosaurus) ; R. ‘Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 396. [Non Hoplosaurus, Seeley, 1881.] armatus, P. Gervais, Zool. et Pal. Frang., ed. 1, 1848-52, p. 263 (Oplosaurus); KR. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 396. [Doubtfully assigned to Ornithopsis hulket by R. Lydekker, zézd., vol. xliv, 1888, p- 54, pl. iii.] Cetiosaurus or Pelorosauros ?, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. i, 1884, p. 422. ‘Tooth of unknown saurian,’ T. Wright, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] vol. x, 1852, p. 90, woodcuts, and Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Field Club, vol. i, 1853, p. 231, woodcuts. ‘Tooth of Carnivorous Reptile,’ R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. ii (Pal. Soc., 1859), p. 42. Loc. Wealden; Brixton Bay, I. of Wight. [Tooth; Brit. Mus.] 'T. Hydraspis planiceps, Fitzinger.. v. Stegochelys planiceps. HYLZEOCHAMPSA, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. vi (Pal. Sec., 1874), p. 1; R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, pp. 310, 512; L. Dollo, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 394. vectianus, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. vi (Pal. Soc., 1874), p. 1, and z6zd@., Suppl. v, pl. ii, f. 23-25 ; [-a] R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 77. Loc. Wealden; Brook, I. of Wight. [Cranium; Brit. Mus.] 'T. 232 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. HYLZEZEOCHELYS, R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ: Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 513, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 185. ? PLASTREMYS, R. Owen, in C. Parkinson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvil, 1881, p. 370. belli (Mantell), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 190. Chelone belliz, G. A. Mantell, Medals of Creation, 1844, p. 776, woodcut 146, and zézd., ed. 2, 1854, p. 735, woodcut 240, and Petrifactions, 1851, p. 156, woodcut 33. Chelone costata, R. Owen (pars), Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form.; “pt. i (Pall Soe:, 1853); -p/ 10, pl. vinireiertion) of carapace; Brit. Mus.] Emys mantelli, J. E. Gray, Syn. Rept., 1831, p. 33. Clemmys 2 manteliit, L. Fitzinger, Ann. Wien. Mus., vol. i, 1835, p. 126. Chelone mantelli, J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 348. Platemys mantelli, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 167, and Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1853), p. 11, pl. ix, f. 1; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 351. [Right hyoplastron ; Brit. Mus.] Platemys dixont, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc, 1853), p: 12, pl. ax, f. 3%J.aMorris, ‘Cat. Brie Foss., 1854, p. 351. [Left hyoplastron ; Brit. Mus.] ‘Emys de Sussex,’ Cuvier, Ossem. Fossiles, ed. 2, vol. v, pt. 1i, 1824, p. 232. Loc. Wealden ; Tilgate Forest. [Portion of costal; Brit. Mus.] emarginata (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 189. Pleurosternon emarginatum, R. Owen (pars), Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt.i (Pal. Soc., 1853), p. 6, pl. iv; J. Morris (pars), Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352. Platemys emarginata, G. A. Maack, Palezontographica, vol. xviil (1869), p- 293. Loc. Purbeck; Swanage. [Carapace.] ? lata (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 195. Plastremys lata, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvii, 1881, p. 370. T. (Plastremys.) Loc. U. Greensand; St. Lawrence Cliff, I. of Wight. [Imperfect shell ; Brit. Mus.] latiscutata (Owen), R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1888, p. 513, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. itl, 1889, p. 186, woodcut 43. Pleurosternon latiscutatum, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1853), p. 9, pl. i; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352. REPTILTA. 233 HYLEOCHELYS latiscutata (continued)— Platemys latiscutata, G. A. Maack, Palzontographica, vol. xviii (1869), p. 295. Plesiochelys latiscutata, R. Lydekker and G. A. Boulenger, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, p. 272. LOC. fore Burwash, Sussex. Purbeck; Swanage. [Cara- pace. ° HYLEOSAURWUS, G. A. Mantell, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. i (1832), p. 411. [See also Regnosaurus and Megalosaurus owen. | armatus, G. A. Mantell, Geol. S. E. England, 1833, p. 328, pl. v; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1843, p. 208. [See also Pleurocelus valdensts.| Hyleosaurus owent, [-ii] G. A. Mantell, Medals of Creation, 1844, p. 734, and Petrifactions, 1851, p. 314, woodcut 66; [-ii] J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 349; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 185, woodcut 35. Hyleosaurus, G. A. Mantell, Phil. Trans., 1841, p. 141, pl. x (07 pl. vi, f. 9-11), and zéz@., 1849, pp. 276, 299, pl. xxvil, pl. xxii, f. 22, 23, and z6zd., 1850, p. 391, pl. xxvil, and Wonders of Geology, ed. 6, vol. i, 1848, p. 435, pl. iv; R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. iv (Pal. Soc., 1857), p. 8, pls. iv—vii, ix-xi (? pl. viii, f. 10, 11), and Palzeontology, ed. 2, 1861, p. 292, woodcut 99; J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv, 1879, p. 237, pl. xii, f. 7 (tibia), and Phil. Trans., 1881, p. 660 ; R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, p. 52, woodcut 3. ? Hyleosaurus ?, J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 516, pl. xxxi. [Tibia and humerus ; 0/2 Wilkins Coll., Newport. ] ? Suchosaurus, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 69. [Dorsal vertebra ; Brit. Mus., no. 2123.] ‘Bones, nature unknown,’ G. A. Mantell, Illustr. Geol. Sussex, 1827, p. 80, pl. ix, f. 11 (vertebra), pl. xx, f. 7 (dermal spine ?). [Brit. Mus. ] Loc. Wealden; Battle, Bolney, and Tilgate, Sussex. [Portions of skeleton, wanting head ; Brit. Mus.] T. oweni, auct. v. Hyleosaurus armatus. [In 1844, G. A. Mantell (Medals of Creation, ed. i, vol. ii, p. 734, note §), proposed to substitute this specific name for that given in 1833 (armatus); there appears to be no justification for the change, and as armatus had already been quoted by J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1843, p. 208, the earlier name must be adopted. ] HYPERODAPEDON, T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xv, 1859, p. 435, and zéid., vol. xxv, 1869, p. 138, and zbid., vol. xliii, 1887, p. 675. 234 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. HYPERODAPEDON (continued)— gordoni, T. 11. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xv, 1859, p- 435, and ¢é7d., vol. xxv, 1869, p. 138, woodcuts A—D, and zbid., vol. xiii, 1887, p. 675, pl. xxvi, woodcuts 1, 4, 7, 8; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt.1, 1888, p. 298, woodcuts 67, 68. Tlyperodapedon, WW. Whitaker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv, 1869, p. 156; A. S. Woodward, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, p. 163. ‘Curved spine,’ A. T. Metcalfe, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 260, woodcut 2. [Premaxilla; Brit. Mus.] ‘Undetermined bone,’ H. J. Carter, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, p. 318. [Idem.] Loc. Keuper ; Lossiemouth, near Elgin, and High Peake, near Sidmouth. [Jaws and parts of skeleton ; Elgin Mus.] T. HYPSILOPHODON, T.H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 3; J. W. Hulke, Phil. Trans., 1882, p- 1035 ; L. Dollo, Comptes Rendus, vol. cvi, 1888, p. 775. foxi, T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 3, pls. 1, 11; J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. xxix, 1873, DP: 522, plsxvitl, and tbid., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 18, pl. iii, and Phil. Trans., 1882, p. 1035, pls. Ixxi-lxxxii ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 193. Iguanodon foxii, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxix, 1873, p. 531, and Kept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. v (Pal. Soc. 1874), pp: 4, 17, pl. 1, £. 9, £0, pl. ii, f. 1, 5, 8=18, woodcuts I, 2 “Young /gwanodon, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. 11 (Pal. Soc., 1855), p. 5, pl.1, and Brit. Foss. Rept., 1884, vol. :1,"p.. 276, pl. vi. [Imperfect skeleton, wanting head ; Brit. Mus.] ‘Very young Iguanodon,’ G. A. Mantell, Phil. Trans., 1849, p- 302, pl. xxix, f.9. [Cervical vertebrz ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. Wealden ; Cowleaze Chine, Isle of Wight ; and Cuckfield, Sussex. [Skull and mandible ; Brit. Mus.] T. sp., Lydekker. wv. Camptosaurus valdensis. ICHTHYOSAURWUS [C. Koenig], Syn. Contents Brit. Mus., ed. 13, 1818, p. 54, and zézd@., ed. 17, 1820, p. 62 ; W. D. Conybeare, Trans. Geol. Soc., vol. v (1821), p. 563; P. M. G. Egerton, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. v (1836), p. 187, pl. xiv (vertebra) ; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1849), p. 86, and Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi (1841), p. 199, pl. xx (paddle showing Ee Solem and Rept. Liassic Form., pt. 111 (Pal. Soc., 1881), pe 125, pl. seqvitiof. 2G. A. Mantell, Petrifactions, 1851, p: 374, f. 763 G Pearce, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xvii, 1846, p. 44 ‘embryology) ; H. Coles, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. ix, 1853, p. 79, pl. v (skin); H. G. Seeley, Rep. Brit. a —~——-. REPTILIA. 235 ICHTHYOSAURUS (continued)— Assoc., 1880 (1881), p. 68, pl. i (embryology); V. Kiprijanov, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, vol. xxvili, art. 8 (1881), p. 98, pl. ix, f. 12 (paddle showing integument) ; jp.) W.. Hulke; Proc. Geol: Soc... 1883, pp: 45; 47, 50, 553 A. S. Woodward, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1886, p. 405, woodcuts 1-3 (columella) ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 12, and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 388 (paddle showing integument). PROTEOSAURUS, E. Home, Phil. Trans., 1819, p. 212. [Erro- neously quoted as prior to /chthyosaurus by R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i1, 1889, p. vii.] acutirostris, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 121 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 349; R. Owen, Rept. Liassic Form., pt. i111 (Pal. Soc., 1881), p. 121, pl. xxviii, f. 2 ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 73, woodcut 27. Ichthyosaurus longipennis, G. A. Mantell (ars), Petrifactions, 1851, p. 378. Ichthyosaurus longtirostris, ®. Owen (pars), Rept. Liassic Form., pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1881), p. 121, pl. xxxii, f. 8. T. Hawkins, Mem. Ichthyosauri, 1834, pl. xiv, and Sea Dragons, 1840, pl. xiv. ‘Saurian een J. Phillips, Geol. Yorkshire, 1835, pt. i, p. 133, pli xi, f; 2: Loc. U. Lias; Whitby. [Skull, etc.; Brit. Mus.] advena, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 183 (name only). Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Vertebrz ; Oxford Mus.] eequalis, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 339. Loc. Kim. Clay; Shotover. [Caudal vertebra ; Oxford Mus.] angustidens, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xv, 3 (name only). Loc. Chalk ; Hunstanton. [Tooth ; Woodwardian Mus.] bonneyi, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, p. xvii (name only). Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Woodwardian Mus.] brachyspondylus, Owen. v. Ichthyosaurus thyreospondylus, breviceps, R. Owen, Rept. Liassic Form., pt. 111 (Pal. Soc., 1881), p. 109, pl. xxix ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 52. fe ? Ichthyosaurus longimanus, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. ii, 1884, p. 176, pl. xxx (Ichthyopterygia), f.2. [Pectoral limb ; Brit. Mus. | Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Small skeleton ; Brit. Mus.] 236 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ICHTHYOSAURWUS (continued)— campylodon, J. Carter, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1845 (1846), Sect., p. 60, and London Geol. Journ., vol. i, 1846, p. 8, woodcut ; R. Owen, Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 69, pls. xxli-xxvi, and in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, ed. 2, 1878, p. 446, pl. xxxix [44], f. 10, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. i (1884), p. 223, pl. i, f. 1-10, 13-16, pls. ii-iv, vii (Enaliosauria) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 349; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 15. Ichthyosaurus communts ?, R. Owen, in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 400, pl. xxxix, f. Io. Ichthyosaurus compylodon, V. Kiprijanov, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, vol. xxviii, art. 8 (1881), p. 33, pls. i-xvi. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. Gault; Folkestone. U. Green- sand ; Folkestone, Kilmerton, Waddon, and Warminster. Chalk-Marl; Trumpington, near Cambridge. L. Chalk; Cambridge, Dover, and Folkestone. Chalk; Isleham, near Cambridge. [Jaws and teeth ; Woodwardian Mus.] chalarodeirus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xx, 106 (name only). Loc. Kim. Clay; Ely. [Axis vertebra ; Woodwardian Mus.] chiroligostinus, Hawkins. v. Ichthyosaurus platyodon. chiroparamekostinus, Hawkins. v. Ichthyosaurus com- munis and I. intermedius. chiropolyostinus, Hawkins. wv. Ichthyosaurus communis and I. intermedius. chirostrongulostinus, Hawkins. 7. Ichthyosaurus tenuirostris. communis, W. D. Conybeare, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. i (1822), p. 108, pl. xv, f. 8, 13, pl. xvi, f. 9-14; W. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral., ed. 2, 1837, p. 170, pl. viii, f. 1; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 108, and Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi (1841), p. 199, pl. xx, and Odontography, (1841), p. 276, pl. Ixiv B, f. 3, pl. Ixxi, f. 4, 7-9, and Rept. Liassic Form., pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1881), p. 111, pl. xxiv, f. 2, 5, pli xxviii, f. 1,4, pl. xxx, £. 3-5; J. C. Pearce; AnnouMas. Nat. Hist., vol. xvii, 1846, p. 44 (7. communis ?) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 349 ; S. Haughton, Man. Geology, 1865, p. 272, woodcut 35 ; V. Kiprijanov, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, vol. xxviii, art. 8 (1881), p. 98, pl. ix, f. 12; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 41, woodcuts I, 19-21. [See also 7. campylodon.] Ichthyosaurus chiropolyostinus, T. Hawkins, Mem. Ichthyosauri, 1834, pls. vii, ix-x1, and Sea Dragons, 1840, pls. vil, 1x—x1. [Skeleton ; Brit. Mus.] Ichthyosaurus chiroparamekostinus, T. Hawkins, thd. 1834, pl. xviii, and zdzd., 1840, pl. xviii. Loc. L. Lias; near Bath, Bristol, and Street, Somersetshire ; Barrow-on-Soar, Leicestershire ; Charmouthand Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire; and Yorkshire. [Tooth; Geol. Soc. London.] T. REPTILIA. 237 ICHTHYOSAURWUWS (continued)— coniformis, R. Harlan, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., vol. iii (1824), p. 339. Loc. L. Lias ; Bath or Bristol. [Portion of jaw; Philadelphia Mus., U.S.A.] conybearei, [-ri] R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 311, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 53, woodcut 22. Ichthyosaurus latimanus, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 123 (imperfect definition); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 349. [Skeleton ; 0/7 Bristol Mus.] Loc. L. Lias ; Lyme Regis and Saltford, near Bath. [Skeleton ; Brit. Mus. } crassimanus, Owen. v. Ichthyosaurus trigonodon. ?dilatatus, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 307; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 11, 1889, p. 30. [? Ophthalmo- saurus, according to Lydekker.] Loc. Oxford Clay ; Cowley Field and St. Clement’s. [Vertebre ; Oxford Mus.} Kim. Clay ; Kimeridge and Swindon. [Ver- tebre ; Brit. Mus.] doughtyi, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, p. xvii (name only). Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Woodwardian Mus.] entheciodon, J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvii, 1871, pp. 30, 440, pl. xvii; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 32, woodcut 16. Enthekiodon, J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 174. [Teeth.] Ichthyosaurus, R. Owen, Rept. Liassic Form., pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1881), descr. to pl. xxii, f. 1-6, Q-11. Ichthyosaurus latimanus, R. Owen (errore), zbid., pl. xxii, f. 7, 8. [Dorsal vertebra ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. ? Oxford Clay ; Peterborough. Kim. Clay ; Foxhangers, Wiltshire, and Kimeridge. [Skeleton ; Brit. Mus.] fortimanus, Owen. v. Ichthyosaurus intermedius. giganteus, Leach. v. Ichthyosaurus platyodon. grandipes, Sharpe. v. Ichthyosaurus tenuirostris. hygrodeirus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xx, 106 (name only). Loc. Kim. Clay; Ely. [Vertebra ; Woodwardian Mus.] immanis, Koenig. v. Ichthyosaurus platyodon. integer, H. G. Bronn, Neues Jahrb., 1844, pp. 386, 679; A. Wagner, Abh. k. bay. Akad. Wiss., vol. vi (1851), p. 532, pl. 1, f. I. Doubtfully recorded from the U. Lias of Kingsthorpe, York- shire, by R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p- 71. [Imperfect skeleton ; Brit. Mus., no. 47409.] 238 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ICHTHYOSAURWS (continucd)— intermedius, W. D. Conybeare, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. 1 (1822), p. 108, pl. xv, f. 9, pl. xvii ; W. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral., ed. 2, 1837, p. 170, pl. viii, f.2; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), pp. 110, 117,and Odontogr. (1841), p. 277, pl. Ixxiii, f. 1, and Rept. Liassic Form., pt. 111 (Pal. Soc., 1881), p. 113; pl. xxiv, £7, /p!. xxx, -f. 1, 24 J. Moris, Cat Bmk Hess. 1854, p. 349; J. F. Blake, in Tate and Blake, Yorkshire Lias, 1876, p. 254; J. W. Hulke, Proc. Geol. Soc., 1883, p. 56, woodcut 10 ; A.S. Woodward, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1886, p. 406 ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 55, woodcuts 2, 8, 23, 24, and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 388, woodcut (paddle showing integument). Ichthyosaurus fortimanus, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. iii, 1884, p. 176, pl. xxx (Ichthyopterygia), f.1. [Pectoral paddle ; Brit. Mus.] Ichthyosaurus paramekostinus, T. Hawkins, Sea Dragons, 1840, pls. xvii, xx-xxiii. [Skeletons ; Brit. Mus.] Ichthyosaurus chiropolyostinus, T. Hawkins (fars), zdid,, pl. viii. TIchthyosaurus chiroparamekostinus, T. Hawkins, Mem. Ichthyo- sauri, 1834, pls. xvii, xix—xxil. ‘ ¥chthyosaurus tail,’ R. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. v (1838), p- 511, pl. xlii. Proteosaurus, F. Home, Phil. Trans., 1819, p. 212, pl. xv. [Skeleton ; Mus. R. Coll. Surgeons. ] X'. (Proteosaurus.) Loc. L. Lias; Barrow-on-Soar, Lyme Regis, Robin Hood Bay, Street, Stratford-on-Avon, Scarborough, and Whitby. [Tooth ; Geol. Soc. London.] laticeps, Owen. v. Ichthyosaurus latifrons. latifrons, C. Koenig, Icon. Foss. Sect., 1825, pl. xix, f. 250; G. A. Mantell, Petrifactions, 1851, p. 385; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 349; R. Owen, Rept. Liassic Form., pi. mi (Pal. Soc., 1881), p. 1x9, pl. xxiil, f. 6, pl xxvii: R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. li, 1889, p. 89, woodcuts 31-33. ? Ichthyosaurus longirostris, C.F. Jaeger, Nova Acta Acad. Ces. Leop.-Carol., vol. xxv, pt. ii, 1856, p. 948, pl. xxx. Ichthyosaurus longirostris, J. F. Blake, in Tate and Blake, York- shire Lias, 1876, p. 254; KR. Owen (pars), Rept. Liassic Form., pt. ii (Pal. Soc. 1881); —p. 124, pl. xxv, f. 2, plomxwiih Res, pl. xxxii, f. 7,9. [See also LZ. acutirostrts. | Ichthyosaurus laticeps, R. Owen, zb7d., p. 120 (errore). Ichthyosaurus tenuirostris, R. Owen (errore), zbid., pl. xxxii, f. 4. Loc. L. Lias; Barrow-on-Soar and Lyme Regis. U. Lias ; Whitby. [Cranium and vertebral column ; Brit. Mus.] latimanius, Owen. v. Ichthyosaurus conybearei and I. enthe- ciodon. REPTILIA. 239 ICHTHYOSAURWUS (continued)— lonchiodon, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 116, and Rept. Liassic Form., pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1881), p. 117, pl. xxiv, f.6, pl. xxxi, f. 4-7, and Odontography (1841) p. 277, pl. Ixxiii, f.2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 349; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 11, 1889, p. 92. Oligostinus, T. Hawkins, Sea Dragons, 1840, pl. 11. Loc. L. Lias; Lyme Regis. [Skeleton ; Brit. Mus.] longifrons, Owen. v. Ichthyosaurus zetlandicus. longimanus, Owen. v. Ichthyosaurus breviceps. longipennis, Mantell. v. Ichthyosaurus acutirostris. longirostris, Owen. v. Ichthyosaurus acutirostris and Ichthyo- saurus latifrons. megalodeirus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., pp. xxi, 110. [? Ophthalmosaurus.| Loc. Oxford Clay; Woodstone Lodge, near Peterborough. [Parts of skeleton ; Woodwardian Mus. ] ovalis, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 339; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 29, woodcut 15. Loc. Kim. Clay; Kimeridge, Portland, Weymouth, Swindon, and Shotover. [Vertebree ; Oxford Mus.] paramekostinus, Hawkins. v. Ichthyosaurus intermedius. platymerus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, p. xvii (name only). Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Woodwardian Mus. ] platyodon, W. D. Conybeare, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. i, pt. i (1822), p. 108, pl. xv, f. 7, pl. xvi, f. 1-7 ; W. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral., ed. 2, 1837, p. 20, pl. vii (?and pl. x); R. Owen. Odontography (1841), p. 276, pl. Ixxili, f. 3, 6, and Rept, Liassic Form., pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1881), p. 115, pl. xxiv, f. 4, pl. xxxi, f. 1-3; G. A. Mantell, Petrifactions, 1851, p. 380; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 349; S. Haughton, Manual of Geology, 1865, p. 272, woodcut 36; V. Kiprijanov, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, vol. xxvili, art. 8 (1881), p. 102, pl. xviii (favs); R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 94, woodcut 34. [Regarded as the type of a distinct genus, Temnodontosaurus, by R. Lydekker, in Nicholson and Lydekker, Manual Palzeont., ed. 3 (1889), vol. ii, p. xi.) Ichthyosaurus immanis [C. Koenig], Syn. Contents Brit. Mus., ed. 17, 1820, p. 62 (the earliest specific name given to Ichthyosaurian remains, but undefined). [Limb-bones ; Brit. Mus., no. R. 809.] Ichthyosaurus chiroligostinus, T. Hawkins, Mem. Ichthyosauri, 1834, pls. iii, v, and Sea Dragons, 1840, pls. iii, v. [Skeleton and portion of skull ; Brit. Mus.] Oligostinus, T. Hawkins, zbzd., 1840, pl. vi, f. 1-3. [Jaws.] 240 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ICHTHYOSAURWS platyodon (continued)— Ichthyosaurus giganteus, Leach, quoted by R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 112. [Apparently MS. name. ] ‘Fossil remains, E. Home, Phil. Trans., 1814, p. 571, pls. xvii-xx. [Skull, etc. ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. L. Lias ; Gloucester, Lyme Regis, Somersetshire, War- wickshire, and Yorkshire. [Tooth ; Geol. Soc. London.] polyostinus, Hawkins. =I. chiropolyostinus. strongylostinus, Hawkins. v. Ichthyosaurus tenuirostris. tenuirostris, W. D. Conybeare, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. i, pt. i (1822), p. 108, pl. xv, f. 10; W. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral., ed. 2, 1837, p. 170, pl. ix; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 117, and Odontography (1841), p. 277, pl. Ixxiii, f. 5, and Rept. Liassic Form., pt. 111 (Pal. Soc., E881), p. 122,'pl. xxiv, # 8, pl. xxv, f. 3, pl. xxxil, fi —gi5, Gr J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 349; J. F. Blake, in Tate and Blake, Yorkshire Lias, 1876, p. 254; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 83, woodcuts 25, 26. Ichthyosaurus grandipes, D. Sharpe, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. i (1830), p. 222. [Imperfect skeleton. ] Ichthyosaurus chirostrongulostinus, T. Hawkins, Mem. Ichthyo- sauri, 1834, pl. xvi, and Sea Dragons, 1840, pls. xiii, xvi. [Skull and portions of skeleton ; Brit. Mus.] Ichthyosaurus strongylostinus, T. Hawkins, Sea Dragons, 1840, pls. xii, xv, and Mem. Ichthyosauri, 1834, pl. xv. [Imperfect skeletons ; Brit. Mus. ] Loc. L. Lias ; Barrow-on-Soar, Bristol, Glastonbury, Keinton, Keynsham, Lyme Regis, Stratford-on-Avon, Street, and Tewkesbury. U. Lias; Whitby. [Tooth; Geol. Soc. London.] thyreospondylus, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839(1840), p.124; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 350; ?J. Phillips, Geol. Ox- ford, 1871, pp. 307, 337, woodcuts cxxix—cxxxi; ? R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Kept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 34. ? Ichthyosaurus brachyspondylus, R. Owen, Rept. Liassic Form., pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1881), p. 127, pl. xxxiii, f. 3-6. [Vertebrz.] Loc. Unknown. [Vertebre; Bristol Mus.] (? Oxford Clay ; Buckingham and Whittlesea. Kim. Clay ; Devizes, Nune- ham, Portland, Shotover, Weymouth, Wheatley, and Winslow. (Vertebre ; Oxford Mus. and Brit. Mus.)] trigonodon, C. Theodori, Gelehrte Anz. k. bay. Akad. Wiss., vol. xvi, 1843, p.906 ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 105. ? Ichthyosaurus crassimanus, R. Owen, Rep. Yorksh. Phil. Soc., 1858, p. 9, footnote (name only); J. Phillips, Geol. York- shire, ed. 3, 1875, p. 272 (name only); J. F. Blake, in Tate and Blake, Yorkshire Lias, 1876, p. 253, pl.i, f.9. [Skeleton; York Mus. ] Loc. U. Lias; Kingsthorpe and Lofthouse. [Portions of head ; Brit. Mus.) REPTILIA. 241 ICHTHYOSAURWUS (continued)— trigonus, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1839 (1840), p. 124; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 350; J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 335, woodcuts cxxvi-cxxvili ; V. Kiprijanov, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, vol. xxviii, art. 8 (1881), p. 90; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 22, woodcuts 12-14. Loc. Kim. Clay; Bury St. Edmunds and Ely ; Foxhangers, Stanton, Swindon, and Wootton-Bassett, Wiltshire ; Shot- over, near Oxford ; Kimeridge and Weymouth. [Vertebre ; unknown. (Lydekker regards the originals of Phillips’ figures as types.)] uniformis, H. G. Bronn, Index Palzont., 1848, p. 606; mis- quotation from Fleming, Brit. Anim., 1828, p. 154. walkeri, Seeley. v. Cetarthrosaurus walkeri. zetlaniicus, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvi, 1880, p. 635, pl. xxv ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 76, woodcuts 28-30. Ichthyosaurus longifrons, R. Owen, Rept. Liassic Form., pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1881), p. 118, pl. xxiii, f. 1-5, pl. xxiv, f. 1. pl. xxv, f. 1, pl. xxvi, f. 1, pl. xxvii, f. 2-5. [Cranium ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. U. Lias ; Whitby, and ? Vale of Belvoir, Leicestershire. [Cranium : Woodwardian Mus.] sp., H. E. Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Géol. France [3] vol. xv, 1887, p. 726, pl. xxvi. Loc. L. Lias; Watchet, Somersetshire. [Pectoral arch ; Boulogne Mus. ] ? sp., R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1i, 1889, p. 94. Loc. Rhetic; Aust Cliff. [Tooth; Brit. Mus., no. R. 1342.] IGUANA, J. N. Laurenti, Syn. Rept., 1768, p. 47. europea, H. Filhol, Ann. Sci. Géol., vol. vili, 1877, p. 267 (euro- peana) ; R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 110, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 277, woodcut 61. Proiguana europeana, H. Filhol, Ann. Sci. Géol., vol. viii, 1877, p. 338. Loc. U. Eocene; Hordwell. [Vertebre,; Brit. Mus.) IGUANODON,* G. A. Mantell, Phil. Trans., 1825, p. 184; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 120, and Paleontology, ed. 2, 1861, p. 293; L. Dollo, Bull. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belg., * The genus /guanodon was originally described from teeth, and subsequently from detached bones of various individuals. These detached teeth and bones were considered by the earlier observers to belong to one species, for which the names 1. anglicum, F. Holl, 1829, and /. mante/li, H. von Meyer, 1832, were proposed ; but it was not until 1851, when R. Owen described a large portion of one individual (the Zguanodon of ‘G. F.,' i.e., Bensted’s specimen), that the species mantfel/i became satisfactorily defined. There is, therefore, doubt as to the specific identity of the various bones described before 1851, and we follow Dollo and Hulke in con- sidering Bensted’s specimen, now in the British Museum, as the type of the typical species of the genus, R 442 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. IGUANODON (continued)— vols. i-iii (1882-84), passim, J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxii, 1876, p. 364, woodcut 1; H. G. Seeley, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1887 (1888), p. 698. STREPTOSPONDYLUS, H. von Meyer, Palzeologica, 1832, p. 106 (pars). [Various portions of skeleton, originally assigned to /ewanodon, are now regarded as referable to the following species of other genera : — Camtptosaurus valdensis, Hypsilophodon foxt, Megalosaurus owent, Morosaurus brevis, Regnosaurus northamptoni. | anglicum, Holl. v. Iguanodon bernissartensis and I. mantelli. bernissartensis, G. A. Boulenger, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. [3] vol. i, 1881, p. 606; L. Dollo, Bull. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belge, vol. i (1882), p. 176, pl. ix, f. 3, 4; R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, p. 46 (?. and p. 52), and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 201, woodcuts 4o-46. [See also /. hollingtoniensts and J. mantellz.| ? Teuanodon anglicum, F. Holl (pars), Handb. Petref., vol. 1, 1829, p. 84; H. G. Bronn, Index Palzont., 1848, p. 607. [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.] ? Jeuanodon mantelli ?, J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiv, 1878, p. 744, woodcuts 1-4. [Os articulare ; Brit. Mus. | Tguanodon mantelli, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxix, 1883, p. 61, woodcuts 4,5. [Dorsal vertebra ; Brit. Mus. ] Iguanodon seelyz, J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxviiil, 1882, p. 135, pl. iv. [Limb-bones and caudal vertebra ; J. W. Hulke Coll.] Iguanodon, W. Buckland, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. iii (1829), p. 425, pl. xli, f. 1, 2; G: A. Mantell, Phil Teams. acme, p. 185, pl. xvi, and zé¢d., 1849, p. 281, pl. xxxi, f. 19, and Petrifactions, 1851, p. 243, woodcut 53, and p. 294, no. 4; A. G. Melville, in Mantell, Phil. Trans., 1849, p. 287, pl. xxviii, f. 4, and p. 291, pl. xxix, f.9; T. F. Gibson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiv, 1858, p. 175 (femur) ; R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. i1 (Pal. Soc., 1855), p. 20, pl. ii, f. 9, pls. vi, xiii, xvi, xvi A, and zdzd,, Suppl. 1i (Pal. Soc., 1859), p. 26, pl. vii, f. 4-6. ‘Horn of Saurian, ? Jewanodon, G. A. Mantell, Phil. Trans., 1841, p. 149, pl. ix, f. 2. Cettosaurus brevis, R. Owen (errore), Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 97, and Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. 1i(Pal. Soc., 1859), p. 27, pls. viii, ix. [Dorsal vertebra ; Brit. Mus.] ? Streptospondylus major, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 91, and Rept. Weald. znd Purb. Form., Suppl. ii (Pal. Soc., 1859), p. 22, pl. v, f. 1, 2, pl. vi, £ 1-3, 5, pl. vil, f. 1-3, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. i (1884), p. 399, pl. xxi (Crocodilia). [Cervical and dorsal vertebr ; Brit. Mus.] REPTILIA. 243 IGUANODON bternissartensis (continued )— ? Ornithopsis ?, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxviii, 1882, p. 367, woodcuts 1--4. [Coracoid ; Woodwardian Mus. } ‘Dinosaurian Ilium,’ J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., VolUxxx, 1874,.p. S21, pl: aexil, figs. 3, 4. [= pubis of Iguanodon, J. W. Hulke, zé¢d¢., vol. xxxii, 1876, p. 364.] [Portion of pubis ; o/éz Wilkins Coll., Newport. ] ?‘Foot of a young /gwanodon, R. Owen, zbid., Suppl. i (Pal. Soc., 1858), p. 1, pls. i-iii. [S. H. Beckles Coll.] ? ‘Large Reptilian Skull from Brook,’ J.W. Hulke, zézd., vol. xxvii, 1871, p. 199, pl.xi. [Portion of cranium; J. W. Hulke Coll.] ‘Humerus of unknown aquatic animal,’ G. A. Mantell, Illustr. Geol. Sussex, 1827, p. 80, pl. xv, f. 8. Loc. Wealden; Brixton, Brook, and Sandown, I. of Wight ; Cuckfield, Hastings, and Knellstone, Sussex. Neocomian Bone-bed ; Potton. Also dredged off East Coast. [Various portions of skeleton; Brit. Mus., etc.| dawsoni, R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, p. 51, woodcuts 1, 2, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p- 196, woodcuts 38, 39. Loc. Wadhurst Clay; Hastings. ? Wealden; I. of Wight. [Portions of skeleton, wanting head ; Brit. Mus. ] fittoni, R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 354. Loc. Wadhurst Clay; Hastings. [Ilium, ete. ; Brit. Mus.] foxii (Huxley), Owen. v. Hypsilophodon foxi. hoggii, Owen. v. Iguanodon mantelli. hollingtoniensis, R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag.[3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 355. Iguanodon bernissartensis ?, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 217. Loc. Wadhurst Clay ; Hollington, near Hastings. [Portions of skeleton, wanting head; Brit. Mus., no. R. 1148.] mantelli, H. von Meyer, Palzologica, 1832, p. 110 (Jars); R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 120, and Rept. Cret. Form., pt. 1 (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 105, pls. xxxili-xxxvii, and zdid., Suppl. ii (Pal. Soc., 1858 (1861), p. 27, pl. vii [text altered and re-issued in 1859 (1861)], and 7zdid., Suppl. iv (Pal. Soc., 1872), p. 1, pls. i-iii, and zézd., Suppl. v (Pal. Soc., 1874), p. 1, pl. i, f. 1-7, pl. ii, f. 19-20; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 350; J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 24, woodcuts 1-4 (astragalus), and zéid., vol. xxxvi, 1880, p. 447 (sacrum, /. Afantelli ?) ; L. Dollo, Bull. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belge, vol. i (1882), Dp; 176, pl. ix, f. 1,2; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss, Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 218. [See also /guanodon bernissartensis and Trachodon cantabrigiensts.| ? Iguanodon anglicum, F. Holl(fars), Handb. Petref., vol. i, 1829, p. 81; H. G. Bronn, Index Palzont., 1848, p. 607. [Teeth ; | Brit. Mus.] 244 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. IGUANODON mantelll (continued)— ?ITguanodon hoggti, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. v (Pal. Soc., 1874), p. 4, pl. i, f. 8. [Fragment of mandible from Purbeck.] Tguanodon, G. A. Mantell, Phil. Trans., 1825, p. 184, pl. xiv (Zars), and Illustr. Geol. Sussex, 1827, p. 77, pl. xii, f. 4, and Geol. S. E. England, 1833, pp. 307, 310, pl. iti, f. me pl. ii, f. 7, and Phil. Trans., 1841, p. 131, pls. viii, 1x (? pars), and ibid., 1848, p- 190, pl. xix, and zézd., 1849, p. 231 , pl. xxxi, £., 18,20, 215 and Wonders of Geology, ed. 1, 1844, p. 427, pl. ili, and Medals of Creation, ed. 2, 1854, p. 699, woodcut 224 ; ‘G. F.,’ Phil. Mag., vol. v, 1834, p. 77; A. G. Melville, in Mantell, Phil. Trans., 1840, p. 285, ‘pl. xxvi, pl. xxviii, ¢. 7, gl xaos) he Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), pp. 128, 129, 131, and Odontography (1841), p. 246, and Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. 11 (Pal. Soc., 1854), p. 7, pls. ii (fa75), ili-v, vii-ix, xi, xii, xiv, xv, f. 1-7, xvii; J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. ‘xiii, 1886, p. 435, pl. xiv (maxilla). ‘Hind foot a enaaico S. H. Beckles, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiv, 1858, p. 174 ; R. Owen, an Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. iv (Pal. Soc, 1872), p. 8, pl. ili (Z. mzantell2) (s: H: ” Beckles Coll.] ‘Saurien encore plus extraordinaire,’ Cuvier, Ossem. Fossiles, ed. 2, 1824, vol. v, p. 351, pl. xxi, f. 28-32. ?* Saurian bones from Loxwood,’ R. I. Murchison, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. ii (1825), p. 104, pl. xv. [Brit. Mus.] ‘Humerus of unknown animal,’ G. A. Mantell, Illustr. Geol. Sussex, 1827, p. 80, pl. xiv, f. 3-6. [Left metatarsal 111 ; Brit. Mus. | ‘Humerus of Crocodile,’ G. A. Mantell, zé¢d., p. 66, pl. xv, f. 1. [Left metatarsal Iv; Brit. Mus.] Loc. [? M. Purbeck; Swanage.] Wealden; Sussex, Dorset- shire, and I. of Wight. L. Greensand; Maidstone, and Blackgang Chine, I. of Wight. Neocomian Bone-bed ; Potton. [Associated portions of skeleton, wanting head ; Brit. Mus. } T. phillipsi, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xix, 82. Loc. Wealden ; Tilgate Forest. [Maxilla ; Woodwardian Mus.] prestwichi, Hulke. v. Camptosaurus prestwichi. seelyi, Hulke. v. Iguanodon bernissartensis. (FOOTPRINTS OF), S. H. Beckles, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. x, 1854, p. 456, pl. xix, and zdzd., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 443, wood- cuts 2-4; A. Tylor, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 247, woodcut ; Tagart, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. il, 1846, p. 267; G. gx Mantell, Geol. I. of Wight, 1854, Pp. 237, 240°; LL, Dollo, Bull. Mus. ‘Roy. Hist. Nat. Belge, vol. 1i, (1883), p. 115, pl. ii, f. 7, 8. Lec. Wealden ; Bexhill, Hastings, Swanage, and I. of Wight. ——— es —~S~—S REPTILIA. 245 ISCHYROSAURUS, Hulke. wv. Ornithopsis. manseli, Hulke, MS. v. Ornithopsis manseli. LACERTA, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 359. ? eocena, R. Owen, Page-index to Brit. Foss. Rept., vol.i(1884), p. vi. ‘Pleurodont Eocene lizard,’ R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 145, and Rept. London Clay, pt. ii (Pal. Soc, 1850), p. 50, pl. xiv, f. 43, 44. * Lacerta, remains of,’ J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 350. Loc. L. Eocene; Kyson (Kingston), Suffolk. [Fragment of jaw.] LEIODON, R. Owen, Odontography (1841), p. 261, and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 144. anceps, R. Owen, zé/d., p. 261, pl. Ixxii, f. 1, 2, and in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 385, pl. xxxvii, f. 10-12 (and 14), pl. xxviii, f. 8, 9, and zé¢d., ed. 2, 1878, p. 411, pl. xxxvii, f. 10, etc., as before, and Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 42, pl. ix a, f. 1-6, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. iv, 1879, p. 53, pl. vill, and zdzd¢. [5] vol. v, 1880, p. 177, pl. vili; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 350; T. G. Bayfield, Geol. Mag., vol. i, 1864, p. 296; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 265 (Zzodon). Mosasaurus anceps, A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 280. Mosasaurus stenodon, FE. Charlesworth, London Geol. Journ., pt. i, 1846, p. 23, pls. iv, v. Loc. U. Chalk; Norfolk, Essex, and Sussex. [Fragment of jaw ; part in Brit. Mus., part destroyed (see Charlesworth, London Geol. Journ., pt. i, 1846, p. 30).] T. LEPTOPLEU RON, Owen. v. Telerpeton. lacertinum, Owen. v. Telerpeton elginense. LIODON. wv. Leiodon. LIOPLEU RODON, Sauvage. v. Pliosaurus. ferox, Sauvage. v. Pliosaurus. grossouvrei, Sauvage. wv. Pliosaurus grossouvrei. LYTOLOMA, E. D. Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv, 1870, p- 144. EUCLASTES, E. D. Cope (om Lederer, 1863), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1867, p. 39. GLOSSOCHELYS, H. G. Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. viii, 1871, p. 227. PACHYRHYNCHUS, L. Dollo (#02 Germar, 1824, etc.), Bull. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belge, vol. iv (1886), p. 130. PUPPIGERUS, E. D. Cope (ars), Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv (1870), p. 235. ERQUELINNESIA, L. Dollo, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 393 (to replace Pachyrhynchus). 246 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. LYTOLOMA (continued)— cantabrigiense, R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 233, woodcuts 2, 3, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iil, 1889, p. 68. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Mandible ; Brit. Mus.] crassicostatum (Owen), R. Lydekker, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1889, p. 60, pls. vi, vil, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ili, 1889, p. 60. Chelone crassicostata, R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), pp. 27, 42, pls. xi-xiii B; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 347. Thalassochelys crasstcostatus, E. D. Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv (1870), p. 146. Puppigerus crassicostatus, E. D. Cope, zbzd., p. 235. ? Chelone latiscutata, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 179, and Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iii (1841), p. 574, and Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 20, pl. vi; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 348. ? Puppigerus latiscutatus, E. D. Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv (1870), p. 235. Chelone planimentum, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 178 (pars). [Skull; Brit. Mus.] Testudo plana, C. Koenig, Icon. Foss. Sect., 1825, pl. xvii, f. 192. [Portion of carapace; Brit. Mus.] ? Chelone costata, R.Owen(errore), Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1853), p. 10, pl. viii, f. 2. [Femur ; Brit. Mus.] LOC. ea Clay; Harwich and Sheppey. [Carapace ; Brit. Mus. longiceps (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 57. Chelone longiceps, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), pp. 162, 177, and Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iii (1841), p. §72, and Rept. London Clay, pt.i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 16, pls lii-v, and in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, ed. 2, 1878, p. 263, pl. xiii, f. 8-10, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. 1 (1884), p. 16, pls. xii, xiii; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 348. ‘Fossil Tortoise, J. Parkinson, Organic Remains, vol. iil, 1811, p. 268, pl. xviii, f. 2. [Carapace and plastron; Brit. Mus.] ‘Emyde de lisle Sheppey,’ Cuvier, Ossem. Fossiles, ed. 2, vol. v, pt. il, 1824, p. 235, pl. xv, f. 13. [Immature shell; Brit. Mus.]} Emys parkinsonit, J. E. Gray (pars), Syn. Rept., 1831, p. 33- [ Idem. ] Clemmys ? parkinsonii, L. Fitzinger, Ann. Wien. Mus., vol. i, 1835, p. 126. Puppigerus longiceps, E. D. Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv (1870), p. 235. T. (Puppigerus.) Pachyrhynchus longtceps, L. Dollo, Bull. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belge, vol. iv (1886), p. 138. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Skull.] REPTILIA. 247 LYTOLOMA. (continucd)— planimentum (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. My pt. iii, 1889, p. 64. [See also L. crassicostatum.] Chelone planimentum, R. Owen (pars), Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 178, and Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iii (1841), p. 576, and Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. ’Soc., 1849), pp. 25, 40, pls. ix, x, x A, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. i (1884), p25, pls. XVI11, XIX (Chelonia) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 348. Chelone breviceps, R. Owen (pars), Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 10, pl. 1, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. ii (1884), pls. i, xvi, xvii, f. 6 (Chelonia). [Skeleton ; Brit. Mus. | Chelone convexa, R. Owen (pars), Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 22, pl. vi, f. 4, pl. vii, f. 3. [Mandible.] Thalassochelys planimentum, E,. D. Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv (1870), p. 146. Pachyvrhynchus planimentum, L. Dollo, Bull. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belge, vol. iv, 1886, p. 138. Puppigerus breviceps, E. D. Cope (pars), Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv (1870), p. 235. Chelor.t2 harvicensis, S. Woodward, Syn. Tab., 1830, p. 38, pl. Glossochelys harvicensis, H. G. Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. vill, 1871, p. 232, woodcut. T. (Glossochelys.) Emys parkinsonii, J. E. Gray (pars), Syn. Rept., 1831, p. 33- [Skull ; o/mz F. Dixon Coll.] ‘Fossil head of tortoise,’ J. Parkinson, Organic Remains, vol. 111, ISi1, p. 270, pl. xviii, f. 3. Loc. Lendon Clay; Harwich and Sheppey. [Skull ; Wood- wardian Mus. | trigoniceps (Owen), R. Lydekkev, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 53- Chelone trigoniceps, R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 31, and in F. Dixon, Geol. SSS Che p- 218, pl. xii, f. 4-7, 11 (zon 8-10), and ed. 2, 1878, p. 263, pl. xiil [14], f. 4-7 and 11 (8, 9, 9, and 10, referred to C. longiceps) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 348. Chelone acuticeps, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. ii (1884), descr. to pl. xxv, f. 8, 10, 18 (Chelonia). Pachyrhynchus trigoniceps, L. Dollo, Bull. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belge, vol. iv (1886), p. 138. Chelone sp., R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1850) descr. to pl. xxix, f. 3, 4. [Quadrate bone, etc. ; Brit. Mus.’ Loc. Bracklesham Beds. [Cranium.] Sp., R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 68. Chelone sp., R. Owen, Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), Deut pl awash. 455 Euclastes sp., L. Dollo, Ann. Soc. Géol. Nord, vol. xv, 1888, p. 122 Loc. Chalk; Halling, Kent. [Mandible ; Brit. Mus., no. 39113-] 248 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. MACELLODUS, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. x, 1854, Pp. 422. SAURILLUS, R. Owen, 7did., vol. xi, 1855, p. 123. brodiei, R. Owen, 7d7d., vol. x, 1854, p. 422, woodcuts 6-8, and Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. v (Pal. Soc., 1861), p. 33, pl. viii, f. 10, and Palzeont., ed. 2, 1861, p. 308; woodcut 106 ; if Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 350; K. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 289. ? Saurillus obtusus, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xi, 185,55 Parke 3) woodcut, and Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. v (Pal. Soc., 1861), p. 33. [Jaws; o/zm W. R. Brodie Coll. ] T. (Saurillus.) Loc. M. Purbeck; Durdlestone Bay. [Jaws; olzm W. R. Brodie Coll.] T. MACHIMOSAURWUS, H. von Meyer, Neues Jahrbuch, 1837, p. 560 (errore Madrimosaurus). mose, F. Liénard, in Sauvage and Liénard, Mém. Soc. Géol. France [3] vol. i, no. 4, 1879, p. 11; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 104. Metriorhynchus, .. Deslongchamps, Netes Paléont. (1869), p- 329. Pliosaurus trochanierius, R. Owen (errore), Rept. Kim. Clay (Pal. Soc., 1868), p. 7, pl. ili, f. 3-5. Loc. Kim. Clay ; Dorsetshire. [J/andible; Brit. Mus.] sp. (Phillips), H. E. Sauvage, Mém. Soc. Géol. France 5 vol. x, no. 2, 1874, p. 50; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ii, 1885, p. 503. Goniopholis, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 332. Loc. Kim. Clay; Hardwick, near Oxford. [Tooth; Oxford Mus.] MACRORHYNCHUS, Dunker. wv. Pholidosaurus. meyeri, Dunker. wv. Pholidosaurus meyeri. sp.?, Koken. vw. Steneosaurus geoffroyi and S. laticeps. MACROSPONDYLUS, Meyer. v. Steneosaurus. bollensis, Meyer. w. Steneosaurus bollensis. MACRUROSAURUS, H.G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Wood- wardian Mus., 1869, p. xvii (name only), and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxii, 1876, p. 440. semnus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, p. xvil (name only), and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxli, 1876, p. 440, woodcuts 1, 2; K. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 153. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Caudal vertebra ; Woodwardian Mus. | T. REPTILIA. 249 MARMAROSAURWUS, R. Owen, Odontography (1841), p. 291. [? Genus. | obtusus, R. Owen, 7d/d., p. 291, pl. Ixxv A, f. 5 ; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ii, 1885, p. 508 (table). Loc. Forest Marble ; Wiltshire. [Tooth; C. Pearce Coll.] T. MAUISAURUS, Hector. wv. Cimoliosaurus. gardneri, Seeley. v. Cimoliosaurus constrictus. MEGALOSAURWUS, W. Buckland, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. i (1824), p. 390; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 103. PCEKILOPLEURON, E. E. Deslongchamps, Mém. Soc. Linn. Normandie, vol. vi, 1834, p- 37- bucklandi, H. von Meyer, Palzologica, 1832, p. 110; R. Owen, Odontography (1841), p. 269, pl. Ixx, f. 8-11, pl. Ixx 4, and Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1856), p. 1, pl. xi, f. 1-3, 5, 6, 8, 10-12, pl. xii, and Palzont., ed. 2, 1861, p. 288, woodcut 98, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxix, 1883, p. 334, pl. xi, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. iii (1884), p. 166, pl. Ixxxvii (Dinosauria) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 351; J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 196, wood- cuts lvi-lxix, p. 319, woodcut cxxiii, p. 390; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 159. [See also AZ. owenz.| Megalosaurus, W. Buckland, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. i, 1824, p- 390, pls. xl-xliv, and Geol. and Mineral., ed. 2, 1837, p. 234, pl. xxiii; G. Cuvier, Ossem. Foss., ed. 2, 1824, vol. v, : pt. li, p. 343, pl. xxi; R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1856), p. 1, pls. i, iv, viix ; T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv, 1869, p. 311, pl. xii. q Pekilopleuron bucklandi, ¥.. E. Deslongchamps (pars), Mém. Soc. Linn. Normandie, vol. vi, 1838, p. 37; KR. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 84 (Potkilopleuron bucklandi). Potkilopleuron bucklandi = Megalosaurus bucklandi, J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ, Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv, 1879, p. 233, pi xii, f. 1, 2. Loc. Inferior Oolite ; Dorsetshire. Gt. Oolite (incl. Stones- field Slate) ; Oxfordshire. Forest Marble; Stanton, Wilt- shire. Oxford Clay; Dorsetshire and Oxfordshire. Coral . Rag ; Oxfordshire and Yorkshire. Kim. Clay; Swindon, Wiltshire. Neocomian LBone-bed; Potton. [Portions of jaw ; Oxford Mus. | T. | dunkeri, Lydekker. v. Megalosaurus oweni. insign’s, E. E. Deslongchamps, in Lennier, Etudes Géol. et Paléont. Embouchure Seine, 1870, p. 35 ;. H. E. Sauvage, Mém. Soc. Géol. France [2] vol. x (1874), p. 10, pl.v, f. 1-3 5 R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Kept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 163. Loc. Kim. Clay ; Foxhangers, Wiltshire. [Zooth ; Brit. Mus.] 250 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. MEGALOSAURUS (continued )— oweni, R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 325. Megalosaurus, G. A. Mantell, Geol. S. E. England, 1833, p. 261, “woodcut 1, ‘and Illustr. Geol. Sussex, 1827, p. 68, pl. 1x, f 2) 3s 6, pl. xiii, f. 3; R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and ’Purb. Form, § pt. ili (Pal. Soc., 1856), p. I, pls. ii, iii, v, x; R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, p. 53- Potkilopleuron bucklandt, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 84, and Brit. Foss. Rept., 1884, vol. i, p. 423, pls. vi, xix (Crocodilia). Megalosaurus bucklandi, R. Owen (pars), Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1856), p. 1, pl. xi; 4. 4, 7, ‘Teuanodon, G. A. Mantell, Ilustr. Geol. Sussex, 1827, pl. xii, f. 1 (lumbar vertebra), pl. xvii, f. 28, 29 (netatarsal). ‘ Hyle@osaurus, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. iv (Pal: Soc., F857), p. 16; pl. xi ; J. W. Hulke (¢), Phil? Deans. 1881, p. 660. Megalosaurus dunkeri, R. Lydekker (#07 Koken), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, p. 59, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1888, p. 163. Loc. Wealden; Tunbridge Wells; Battle, Cuckfield, and Hastings ; Isle of Wight. [Metatarsals ; Brit. Mus.] sp., Murchison and Strickland. wv. Cladyodon lloydi. Megasternon koenigi. v. Pleurosternum bullocki. METRIORHYNCHUS, H. von Meyer, Paleologica, 1832, 106; E. E. Deslongchamps, Notes Paléontologiques (1869); p. 292; J. W. Hulke, Proc.,Zool. Soc, 1688, pp. 418; woodcuts 1, 2, pl. xviii, f. 1-5, pl. xix, f. 1, 2. gracile (Phillips), [-is] A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ii, 1885, p. 502. Steneosaurus gracilis, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 384, woodcuts cIxxxviil, C]Xxxix. Loc. Portland Stone; near Oxford. [Skull and vertebre ; Oxford Mus. ] ? hastifer, EF. E. Deslongchamps, Notes raléontologiques, 1869, p- 353 (record only). Loc. Kim. Clay; England. moreli, E. E. Deslongchamps, Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie [2] vol. ili, 1869, p. 187; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1888, p. 97- Mepis sp., A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ii, 1885, p. 503. Loc. Oxford Clay; Chippenham and Melksham, Wiltshire. [ Portions of skull and mandible; Brit. Mus.| paipebrosum (Phillips), [-us] A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. 11, 1885, p. 502, and table, p. 2G Steneosaurus palpebrosus, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 380, woodcuts clxxxii-clxxxvil. REPTILIA. 251 METRIORHYNCEWUS palpebrosum (continued)— Steneosaurus rostro-minor, R. Owen (zon Geoffroy), Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 82; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, Pp. 353: Loc. Kim. Clay; Garsington and Shotover. [Skull and mandible ; Oxford Mus. | superciliosum (De Blainville), [-us] E. E. Deslongchamps, Notes Paléontologiques (1869), p. 319; [-us] A. S. Wood- ward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ii, 1885, table, p. 508. Crocodilus superciliosus, H. D. De Blainville (ex Conybeare, MS.), Mém. Soc. Linn. Normandie, vol. ix, 1853, p. 114. ? Steneosaurus dasycephalus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, p. xxi (name only). [Skull ; Woodwardian Mus. ] Loc. Oxford Clay ; Oxford. [Skull.] T. sp., Deslongchamps. v. Machimosaurus mos. sp., A. S. Woodward. wv, Metriorhynchus moreli. MOROSAURUS, O.C. Marsh, Amer. Journ. Sci. [3] vol. xv, 1878, p. 242. becklesii, Marsh. v. Morosaurus brevis. brevis (Owen), R. Lydekker, in Nicholson and Lydekker, Manual Palzont., ed. 3, 1889, vol. ii, p. 1179. Cettosaurus brevis, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p- 97, and Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. ii (Pal. Soc., 1859), p. 28, pl. x, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. i (1884), p- 405, pls. xxiii, xxxvi (Crocodilia) ; G. A. Mantell, Phil. Trans., 1849, p. 296; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 347; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 139. Pelorosaurus conybearet, G. A. Mantell (fars), Phil. Trans., 1850, p. 388, pls. xxil--xxvi, and Petrifactions, 1851, p. 331, woodcut 72; ? R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. 1i (Pal. Soc., 1859), p. 38, pl. xi. Pelorosaurus becklesti, G. A. Mantell, Proc. Roy. Inst., vol. i (1852), p. 143 (name only); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 351. [Portions of skeleton, wanting head ; S. H. Beckles Coll.] Bothriospondylus elongatus, R. Owen, Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. 11 (Pal. Soc., 1875), p. 23, pl. vii. [Vertebral centrum ; Brit. Mus. ] ? Chondrosteosaurus gigas, R. Owen (pars), Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. vii (Pal. Sec., 1876), p..5, pls. iv, v- [Cervical vertebra ; Brit. Mus. ] Ornithopsis hulkei, H. G. Seeley (pars), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. v, 1870, p. 283; J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxviii (1882), p. 375. Morosaurus becklesti, O. C. Marsh, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 205. ‘Crocodile, G. A. Mantell, Illustr. Geol. Sussex, 1827, pl. ix, fo, Di x, F1, 252 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. MOROSAURWUS brevis (comminted)— ‘Vertebra of unknown Saurian,’ G. A. Mantell, Phil. Trans., 1841,p. 149; pl. ix, f.7. ‘Tympanic bone of /gwanodon, G. A. Mantell, Geol. S. E. England, 1833, p. 305, pl. il, f. 5; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 124, and Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1855), p. 18, pl. x. Loc. Wealden ; Brook, I. of Wight ; Cuckfield and Hastings, Sussex. [Four associated caudal vertebra ; Brit. Mus. ] MOSASAURUS, W. D. Conybeare, in Cuvier, Ossem. Foss., ed. 2, 1824, vol. v, pt. ii, p. 338. anceps (Owen), A. S. Woodward. v. Leiodon anceps. gracilis, Owen. v. Mosasaurus sp.; and Pachyrhizodus gracilis. [ PISCEs. ] hojffmanni, Mantell. v. Mosasaurus sp. stenodon, Charlesworth. v. Leiodon anceps and Mosasaurus? sp. ?sp.: Mosasaurus hofmannii, G. A. Mantell, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. iii (1829), p. 207, and Medals of Creation, vol. ii, 1854, p- 708, woodcut 229 (.17. hofimannt, or M. gracilis). ‘Fossil Monitor of Mestricht,’ G. A. Mantell, Foss. S. Downs, 1822, p. 242, pl. xxxiii, f. 13, pl. xli,f.3. [Named Mosasaurus stenodon \y G. A. Mantell, Petrifactions, 1851, pp. 197, 198, woodcut 44.] Mosasaurus gracilis, R. Owen (pars), in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 383, pl. xxxvii, f. 2-5, pl. xxxix, f. 7-9, and Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 40, pl. vill, f. 1-3, pl. ix, f. 2-5. Genus non det., R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p273: Loc. Chalk ; Essex, Kent, and Sussex. [Teeth and vertebrez ; Brit. Mus.] MURAENOSAURUS, Seeley. wv. Cimoliosaurus. brachyspondylus (Phillips), Sauvage. vw. Cimoliosaurus tro- chanterius. leedsi, Seeley. v. Cimoliosaurus plicatus. manseli (Hulke), Sauvage. wv. Cimoliosaurus trochanterius. MYSTRIOSAURUS, Kaup. vw. Steneosaurus. boliensis, D’Alton and Burmeister. wv. Steneosaurus bollensis. brevior (Owen), A. S. Woodward. wv. Steneosaurus brevior. brongniarti, Kaup. v. Pelagosaurus brongniarti. chapmani (Koenig), A.S. Woodward. v. Steneosaurus chapmani. stukelyi, Winkler. wv. Steneosaurus bollensis and S. chapmani. NANNOSUCHUS, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. ix (Pal. Soc., 1879), p. 6. gracilidens, R. Owen, zécd., p. 6, pl. ii, f. 1-10, pl. il, f. 1, 2; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 84. Loc. M. Purbeck ; Durdlestone Bay. [Skulland other parts of skeleton ; Brit. Mus. ] T. i REPTILIA. 25% NUTHETES, R. Owen, ()uart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. x, 1854, p. 420; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 247. destructor, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. x, 1854, p- 420, woodcuts 1-4, and Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. v (Pal. Soc., 1861), p. 31, and zzd., Suppl. ix (Pal. Soc., 1879), p. 16, pl. ii, f. 13-23, and Journ. R. Micros. Soc., 1878, Pp. 233, pl. x, £°8;.9; Jo Morris, CatoBrit.. Foss., 1854, p. 351 (Vothetes). T. Loc. M. Purbeck; Durdlestone Bay. [Jaw and teeth ; Brit. Mus.] OCADIA, J.E. Gray, Suppl. Cat. Shield Rept., pt. i, 1870, p. 35. crassa (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 110, woodcut 24. Emys crassus, R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 76, pl. xxvii ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 348. Emys hordwellensis, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxii, 1876, p. 445, woodcuts 1, 2. [Imperfect shell; Woodwardian Mus.] Loc. U. Eocene; Hordwell. [Right hyoplastron ; Brit. Mus.] oweni, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 115, woodcut 25. ?Emys testudintformis, R. Owen (errore, fide Lydekker), Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 67, pl. xxiv, f. 1-3 (? f. 4,5). [Nuchal and neural plates ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. U. Eocene; Hordwell. [Portions of shell ; Brit. Mus.] OLIGOSTINUS, Hawkins, Great Sea Dragons, 1840. = Ichthyo- saurus (v. I. lonchiodon). OMOSAURWUS, R. Owen (70 J. Leidy, 1856), Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1875), p. 45. [? Stegosaurus, according to O. C. Marsh, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 207.] armatus, R. Owen, Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1875), p- 45, pls. xi-xxii, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. i (1884), p. 556, pls. Ixiv-Ixxv (Dinosauria); W. Davies, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. iii, 1876, p. 193, pls. vii, viii; J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliii, 1887, p. 702; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 177. Stegosaurus armatus, O. C. Marsh, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, Pp. 207. Loc. Kim. Clay ; Swindon. [Portions of skeleton, wanting head; Brit. Mus.] T. durobrivensis, J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliii, 1887, p. 699, woodcut 2. Loc. Oxford Clay (zo Kim. Clay); Peterborough. [Pelvis ; A. N. Leeds Coll.] hastiger, R. Owen, Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1877), Pp. 95, pls. xxiii, xxiv ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 179. Loc. Kim. Clay; Wootton-Bassett. [Dermal spine; Brit. Mus.] 254 BRITISH FOSSTE VEKTEBRATA, OMOSAURUS (continued)— ? sp., (?) R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 180. Loc. Oxford Clay; Bedford. [Dermal spine; Brit. Mus., no. R. 584]. AlsoWeymouth. [Portion of fibula; Brit. Mus., no. 40517]. Oolithes bathonica, Buckman. v. MISCELLANEOUS REPTILIA. OPHTHALMOSAURWUS, H.G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 696. ? cantabrigiensis, (?) R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 310, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt.1i, 1889, p. 9, woodcut 6. [See also Baptanodon.]) Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Right humerus ; Brit. Mus.] icenicus, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p- 707, pls. xlv, xlvi; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 11, 1889, p. 9, woodcut 7. Loc. Oxford Clay ; Oxford and Peterborough. Kim. Clay ; Foxhangers, Wiltshire, and Ilminster. [Fore-limb; A. N. Leeds Coll.] is ? sp., (?) R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, pp. 12, 20. Loc. U. Greensand ; Warminster. [Right dentary; Brit. Mus., no. R. 1192.] OPLOSAURUS, Gervais. v. Hoplosaurus. ORNITHOCHEIRUS, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Wood- wardian Mus., 1869, p. xvi, and Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 112 and assim, with 12 plates, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4 vol. vii, 1871, p. 20. [Oraithochirus, Lydekker and others. ? PALZAORNIS, G. A. Mantell, Medals of Creation, vol. ii, 1844, p-. 806. |Preoccupied and inappropriate. ] CIMOLIORNIS, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm. and Birds, 1846, p. 545. [Inappropriate. ] COLOBORHYNCHUS, R. Owen, Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1874), p. 6. CRIORHYNCHUS, R. Owen, 207d, p. 7. brachyrhinus, H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 123. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Fragment of premaxilla; Wood- wardian Mus.] capito, H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 126. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Fragment of premaxilla ; Wood- wardian Mus. ] carteri, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, p. xvi (name only), and std, p. 6 (Prerodactylus cartert). Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Premaxilla; Woodwardian Mus.] REPTILIA. 25 un ORNITHOCHEIRUS (continucd)— clavirostris: Coloborhynchus clavirostris, R. Owen, Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1874), p. 6, pl. i, f. 1-4. Loc. Hastings Sands; St. Leonards. [Premaxilla; S. H. Beckles Coll.] T. (Coloborhynchus.) ? clifti (Mantell), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p- 25. Paleornis clifti, G. A. Mantell, Medals of Creation, vol. ii, 1844, p. 806, woodcut 149. Ti (Pal@ornis.) Pterodactylus cliftii, |. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 353- Pterodactylus sp., H. G. Bronn, Index Palezont., 1848, p. 1054. *Pterodactyle, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. 11, 1846, p. 99, woodcuts 5-7. [Named Pterodactylus sylvestris, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. i (1884), p. 543.] ‘ Bird-bone,’ G. A. Mantell, Illustr. Geol. Sussex, 1827, descr. to pl. viii, f. rr, and Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. v (1841), p. 177, pl. xiii, f. 3 (? 20m f. 5, 6). Loc. Wealden; Battle, Cuckfield, Hastings, and Tilgate Forest. | Portions of humerus ; Brit. Mus.] colorhinus, H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 124. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Fragments of premaxillz ; Wood- wardian Mus. ] compressireostris (Owen), H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 92; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1888, p. 11. Pterodactylus compresstrostris, R. Owen, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1851, p- 32, and Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 95, pl, xxiv, pl. xxvii, f. 5, pl. xxviii; £ 8, 9; 10; pl xxx, f. 4, 5, pl. xxxii, f. 2, and in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, ed. 2, 1878, p: 428, pl. xxxix [44], f. 11, 12; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, Pp. 353: Loc. L. Chalk ; Burham. [Portions of snout; Brit. Mus.] crassidens, H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 122. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Fragment of? premaxilla ; Wood- wardian Mus. ]} ? curtus (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt.i, 1888, p. 26. Pterodactylus curtus, R. Owen, Rept. Liassic Form., pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1870), p. 52, pl. xix, f. 8, 9. Loc. Wealden ; Sussex. [Distal end of tibia; Brit. Mus.] cuvieri (Bowerbank), H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 113 (? pl. xii, f. 5); R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 12. Pterodactylus cuviert, J. S. Bowerbank, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1851, p. 15, pl. iv (lettered /omgirostris); R. Owen, Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 88, pl. xxviii, f. 1-7, pl. xxx, f. 1-3, and in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, ed. 2, 1878, p. 428 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 353- 256 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ORNITHOCHEIRUS cuvieri (continued)— Coloborhynchus cuviert, R. Owen, Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. i (Pal. Soe., 1874), p. 6. Loc. L. Chalk; Burham and Halling, Kent. [Cranial rostrum ; Brit. Mus. | daviesi (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p- 23. [? O. denticulatus.] Pterodactylus daviesit, R. Owen, Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc, 1874); p. 2, pl:-4,F,. 5, 6. Loc. Gault ; Folkestone. [Mandib. symphysis ; Brit. Mus.] dentatus, H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 119. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Fragment of premaxilla ; Wood- wardian Mus. | denticulatus, H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 122, pl. xii, f. 3, 9: Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Fragment of premaxilla ; Wood- wardian Mus.] diomedius (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 13. Cimoliornis diomedius, R. Owen (ex Gervais), Brit. Foss. Mamm. and Birds, 1846, p. 545, woodcut 230. T. (Cimoliornis.) ‘Ornitholite,’ R. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi, 1841 (1842), puAtl, plvasaux, f. 2. ‘Pterodactyle,’ R. Owen, Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), pro2,-pl. xxx, f. 4. Loc. Chalk; Kent. [Distal end of ulnar metacarpal; Brit. Mus. ] enchorhynchus, H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 123. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Premaxilla; Woodwardian Mus. ] eurygnathus, H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 123. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Fragment of ? dentary bone ; Woodwardian Mus. | fittoni (Owen), H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 118; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1888, p. 15. Pterodactylus fittont, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1858 (1859), Sect., p. 98, and Rept. Cret. Form., Suppl. i (Pal. Soc., 1859), p. 4, pl. i, f. 3-5, pls. 1i-iv (favs), and Phil. Trans., 1859: (1860), p. 162, pl. x, f. 7-12, 32-34. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Premaxilla; Woodwardian Mus. | ?giganteus (Bowerbank), A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 284; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 12. REPTILIA. 257 ORNITHOCHEIRUS giganteus (continued)— Pterodactylus giganteus, J. S. Bowerbank, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. il, 1846, p. 8, pl. i, and Proc. Zool. Soc., 1851, p. 14; R. Owen, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1851, p. 25, and Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 91, pl. xxxi, and in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, ed. 2, 1878, p. 427, pl. xxxvin [42], f..4-7 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 353. Pterodactylus conirostris, R. Owen, in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, ' 1850, p. 401, pl. xxxvili, f. 4-7. [Portions of jaws; Brit. us Loc. L. Chalk; Burham. [Portions of jaws, etc.; Brit. Mus.] huxleyi, H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 116. Luc. Cambridge Greensand. [Dentary bone; Mus. Pract. Geol.] machzrorhynchus, H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 113, pl xu, £1, 2. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Dentary bone; Woodwardian Mus. ] microdon, H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 116, pl. xii, f. 6, 7. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Premaxilla ; Woodwardian Mus. | nasutus, H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 120. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Fragment of premaxilla; Wood- wardian Mus. | nobilis (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 24. Pterodactylus nobilis, R. Owen, Rept. Liassic Form., pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1870), descr. to pl. xix, f. Io. Loc. Wealden ; Brook, I. of Wight. [Portion of wing-phalanx; Brit. Mus.] oweni, H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 115. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Premaxilla; Woodwardian Mus.] oxyrhinus, H. G. Seeley, zd¢d., p. 117. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Premaxilla ; Woodwardian Mus.] platyrhinus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, p. xvil (name only). Loc. Cambridge Greensand. platystomus, H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 120. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Fragment of snout ; Wood- wardian Mus. ] polyodon, H. G. Seeley, zdz@., p. 121. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Premaxilla; Woodwardian Mus. ] reedi, H. G. Seeley, zdza., p. 126, and [-ii] Geol. Mag. [2] vol. viii, LSOT, De 23, Pl. 1)£5'3. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Premaxilla ; York Mus.] Ss 258 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ORNITHOCHEIRUS (continued)— scaphorhynchus, HH. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 119, (O. scaphorynchus). Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Fragment of premaxilla; Wood- wardian Mus. | sedgwicki (Owen), H. G. Seeley, zéz¢., p. 112; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 15. Prerodactylus sedgwickit, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1858 (1859), Sect., p. 98, and Phil. Trans., 1859 (1860), p. 164, pl: x, £.°1-5,; 13, 145°24-26,.28-31, 35, 36, and, Rept) (rep Form., Suppl. i (Pal. Soc., 1859), p. 2, pl. 1, £ 1, 2, 6-1 pls. ii-iv (pars), and zbzd., Suppl. 111 (1861), pl. iv, f. 5-12. Coloborhynchus sedgwickit, R. Owen, Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1874), p. 6. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Portions of jaws ; Woodwardian Mus.] simus (Owen), H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, p. xvi (Pterodactylus, p. 6), and Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 127, and Geol. Mag. [2] vol. viii, 1881, p. 15; ? R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 16. Pterodactylus simus, R. Owen, Rept. Cret. Form., Suppl. iii (Pal. Soc., 1861), p. 2, pls: 1,715 'pl. iv, f. 4. Criorhynchus simus, R. Owen, Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1874), p. 6. T. (Criorhynchus.) ? Pterodactylus woodwardi, R. Owen, Rept. Cret. Form., Suppl. iii (Pal. Soc., 1861), p. 4, pl. ii, f. 3. [Portion of jaw; Woodwardian Mus. ] ? Ornithocheirus woodwardi, H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p:, 125. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Mandib. symphysis ; Wood- wardian Mus. ] T. tenuirostris, H. G. Seeley, Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 114. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Premaxilla; Woodwardian Mus.] validus (Owen), Lydekker. v. Doratorhynchus validum. woodwardi (Owen), Seeley. v. Ornithocheirus simus. xyphorhynchus, H. G. Seeley, 2#/d., p. 117, and Geol. Mag. [2] vol. viii, 1881, p. 18, pl. i, f. 2. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Portion of mandible; York Mus.] ? sp. (2), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 25. Loc. Wealden; Brook, I. of Wight. [Prox. end of humerus; Brit. Mus., no. R. 558.] ORNITHOPSIS, H. G. Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. v, 1870, p. 279, and Ornithosauria, 1870, p. 103 (note). [See also [guanodon bernissartensis. | EUCAMEROTUS, J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvili, 1872, p. 36. ISCHYROSAURUS, J. W. Hulke (zon E. D. Cope, 1870), 77d, vol. xxx, 1874, p. 16. REPTILIA. 259 ORNITHOPSIS (continued)— CHONDROSTEOSAURUS, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. vii (Pal. Soc., 1876), p. 5, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] vol. ii, 1878, p. 201. [? Also may include Pelorosaurus, Mantell, and Gigantosaurus, Seeley. | eucamerotus, Hulke. v. Ornithopsis hulkei. hulkei, H. G. Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. v, 1870, p. 283, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 392, woodcut 1; R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, p. 54, pl. iii, f. 1-4, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 146, woodcut 24. [See also Morosaurus brevis.| | *Undescribed Wealden Vertebra,’ J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 318, pl. xxii. [Portion of vertebra ; J. W. Hulke Coll.] Bothriospondylus magnus, R. Owen, Rept. Mesoz. Form., pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1875), p. 24, pls. viii, ix. [The type-vertebra of Ornithopsis hulket, this name being regarded as inappro- priate.] Also Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. iii (1884), p. 172, pl. Ixxxviii (Dinosauria). ? Chondrosteosaurus gigas, R. Owen (pars), Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. vii (Pal. Soc., 1876), p. 5, pls. ii, iii. [Vertebral centrum ; Brit. Mus.] ? Chondrosteosaurus magnus, R. Owen, ztbid., p. 7, pl. vi, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. i (1884), p. 624, pls. Ixxxiii-Ixxxv (Dinosauria). [Dorsal vertebra ; Brit. Mus.] Ornithopsis eucamerotus, J}. WV. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvili, 1882, p. 372, pl. xiv. [Pelvis; Brit. Mus.] Ornithopsis, J. W. Hulke, z6zd., vol. xxxv, 1879, p. 752, wood- cuts 1-4. [Vertebra; J. W. Hulke Coll.] Ornithopsis= Eucamerotus, J. W. Hulke, zbzd., vol. xxxvi, 1880, p. 31, pls. iii, iv. [Vertebrz ; Brit. Mus.] Pelorosaurus armatus, R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 325. [Oflosaurus armatus, Gervais, considered to be a tooth of Ornithopsis hulkei : v. Hoplosaurus.] Loc. Wealden; Brixton Bay and Sandown, I. of Wight ; Hastings. [Vertebral centrum; Brit. Mus., no. 28632.] T. humerocristatus (Hulke), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. . B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 151. [See also O. /eedsz.] Cetiosaurus humerocristatus, J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 16, pl. ii. Loc. Kim. Clay ; Weymouth. [Left humerus ; Brit. Mus.] leedsi, [-ii] J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliii, 1887, p. 695; H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 391. Ornithopsis humerocristatus ?, R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, p. 58, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1888, p. 151. | Loc. Oxford Clay; Peterborough. [Pelvis; A. N. Leeds Coll.] 260 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ORNITHOPSIS (continued)— manseli, R. Lydekker (er J. W. Hulke, MS.), Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1888, p. 152. [? Pelorosaurus.] Ischyrosaurus manselt, J. W. Hulke, MS. T. (/schyrosaurus.) ‘Saurian humerus,’ J. W. Hulke, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv, 1869, p. 386, pl. xvi. Ischyrosaurus, J. W. Hulke, zbzd., vol. xxx, 1874, p. 16. Loc. Kim. Clay ; Kimeridge Bay. [Humerus ; Brit. Mus.] oxoniensis (Phillips), Seeley. wv. Cetiosaurus oxoniensis. ORNITHOSTOMA, H. G. Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [4] vol. vii, 1871, p. 35 (footnote), and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxil, 1876, p. 499. sp., H. G. Seeley, zdzd., 1876, p. 499. ‘Proximal end of metacarpal of wing-finger of Pterodactylus, R. Owen, Rept. Cret. Form., Suppl. i (Pal. Soc., 1859), p. 18, pl. iv, f. 4, 5. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [? Premaxilla; Woodwardian Mus. | T. OWENIASUCHWS, A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ii, 1885, p- 500. BRACHYDECTES, R. Owen (xox E. D. Cope, 1868), Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. ix (Pal. Soc., 1879), p. 3. major (Owen), A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ii, 1885, p. 506 ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1888, p. 85- Brachydectes major, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. ix (Pal. Soc., 1879), p. 3, pl. i, f. 2. Loc. M. Purbeck; Durdlestone Bay. [Mandib. ramus; Brit. Mus. ] T. minor (Owen), A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ii, 1885, p. 506 ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 85. Brachydectes minor, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. ix (Pal. Soc., 1879), p. 5, pl. i, f. 3 (? and f. 13). Loc. M. Purbeck; Durdlestone Bay. [Mandib.ramus; Brit. Mus.] PACHYRHAMPHUS, Fitzinger. v. Scaphognathus. PACHYRHYNCHUS, Dollo. v. Lytoloma. longiceps (Owen), Dollo. wv. Lytoloma longiceps. planimentum (Owen), Dollo. wv. Lytoloma planimentum. trigoniceps (Owen), Dollo. wv. Lytoloma trigoniceps. PALZOPHIS, R. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi (1841), p. 209; R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 112. ? longus, R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 66, pl. xiv, f. 35-37, 45, 46; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 351. Loc. L. Eocene ; Kyson (Kingston), Suffolk. [Vertebrz.] REPTILIA. 261 PALZIZOPHIS (continued)— porcatus, Owen. v. Palzophis typhezeus. | toliapicus, R. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi (1841), p. 209, pl. xxii, and Rept. London Clay, pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1850), p- 63, pls. xv, xvi, and in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 212, woodcuts 14, 15, and zécd., ed. 2, 1878, p. 258, same woodcuts, and Paleontology, ed. 2, 1861, pp. 299, 313, woodcut 103 (5); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 351; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 257. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. Bracklesham Beds. [Vertebre; Brit. Mus. ] - typheous, R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 56, pl. xiii, f. 5-8, pl. xiv, f. 1-3, 7-9, 16, 17, 26-28, and in F, Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 212, pl. xii, f. 14, wood- cuts I-3, 7, 13, and zééd., ed. 2, 1878, p. 258, same pl. and figs. (P. typhoeus) ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 351 (P. typhoeus); R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 258, woodcut 56. Paleophis porcatus, R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 61, pl. xiv, f. 13-15, 18, 20, 21, and in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 217, woodcuts 8-11, 16, and zézd., ed. 2, 1878, p. 258, same figs.; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 351. [Vertebre ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. [? London Clay ; Sheppey.] Bracklesham Beds. [Verte- bre ; Brit. Mus. ] sp., R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 59, pl. xiv, fi 5, 6, 10-12, 32. Loc. Bracklesham Beds. [Vertebre; Brit. Mus.] PALAOPYTHON, Rochebrune. v. Paleryx. PALEOSAURUS, H. Riley and S. Stutchbury (oz Geoffroy, 1833), Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. v, 1836 (1840), p. 3523 R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 154, and Paleontology, ed. 2, 1861, p. 276. ceylindrodon, H. Riley and S. Stutechbury, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. v, 1836 (1840), p. 352, pl. xxix, f. 4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 351; T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., | vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 43, pl. iii, f. 3. Loc. U. Trias (Dolomitic Conglomerate); Redland, Bristol. | [Tooth ; Bristol Mus. ] | platyodon, Riley and Stutchbury. v. Thecodontosaurus platyo- | don. ? stricklandi, J. W. Davis, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvii, 1881, p. 420, pl. xxii, f. 6. ‘Tooth allied to Pa/gosaurus, H. E. Strickland, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. ili (1842), p. 587. Loc. Rheetic ; Combe Hill, near Cheltenham. [Tooth ; Geol. Soc. London. ] 262 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PALERYX, R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 67; R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 112. PALAOPYTHON, A. T. Rochebrune, Nouv. Arch. Muséum [2] vol. i11, 1880, p. 276. depressus, R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 67, pl. xiii, f. 37, 38; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 351; R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 112, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 255. Loc. U. Eocene; Hordwell. [Vertebrze ; Brit. Mus.] rhombifer, R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1850), p. 67, pl. xiii, f. 29-32; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 351; R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 112, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 254, woodcut 55. Loc. U. Eocene ; Hordwell. [Vertebra; Brit. Mus.] T. PARAMECOSTINUS, T. Hawkins, Great Sea Dragons, 1840. = Ichthyosaurus (v. I. intermedius). PATRICOSAURUS, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliii, 1887, p. 216. merocratus, H. G. Seeley, zdzd., p. 216, pl. xii, f. 9-12. Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Head of femur ; Woodwardian Mus. | T. PELAGOSAURWUS, H. G. Bronn, in Bronn and Kaup, Gavial- artige Reptilien, 1841, p. 28. ENGYOMMASAURUS, J. J. Kaup, Neues Jahrb., 1835, p. 623 (imperfectly defined). brongniarti (Kaup), E. E. Deslongchamps, Le Jura Normand, pt. iv, 1877, pp. 7, 11, pl. i; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ii, 1885, p. 499 ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1888, p. 107. Engyommasauruas brongniartt, J. J. Kaup, Neues Jahrb., 1835, p. 623. T. (Engyommasaurus.) Mystriosaurus brongniartt, H. G. Bronn, in Bronn and Kaup, Gavialartige Reptilien, 1841, p. 35. Teleosaurus chapmanni, R. Owen (errore), Brit. Foss. Rept., 1884, pl. xv (Crocodilia). ? Teleosaurus eucephalus, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvi, 1880, p. 627, pl. xxiv. [Imperfect cranium ; Woodwardian Mus. ] Loc. U. Lias; Whitby. [Skeleton ; Brit. Mus.) ?typus, H. G. Bronn, Gavialartige Reptilien, 1841, p. 28. Doubtfully recorded by R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 106. Loc. U. Lias; Whitby. [Jsperfect cranium, Brit. Mus.) Te PELIAS, Merrem. v. Vipera. berus, Linnzus. wv. Vipera berus. REPTILIA. 263 PELOBATOCHELYS, H. 4G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi, 1875, p. 234. blakei, H. G. Seeley, zd¢d., p. 234, pl. xiii (P. dblakiz); J. C. Mansel-Pleydell, Proc. Dorset. Nat. Hist. Field Club, vol. ix, 1888, p. 6 (P. dlakiz) ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ili, 1889, p. 153, woodcut 37. Loc. Kim. Clay; Weymouth. [Portions of carapace ; Brit. Mus. ] PELONEUSTES, R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 49, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 11, 1889, p. 151, and Abstracts Proc. Geol. Soc., Nov. 6, 1889. eequalis (Phillips), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. il, 1889, p. 152, woodcut 50. Plesiosaurus @gualis, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 365, woodcut clxiv. Plesiosaurus sterrodetrus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xx, 98 (name only). [Basi- occipital and vertebra ; Woodwardian Mus. ] Loc. Kim. Clay ; Broughton-Gifford, Ely, and Swindon. [Fe- mur ; Oxford Mus. ] evansi, (Seeley), Lydekker. v. Pliosaurus evansi. philarchus (Seeley), R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 48, woodcuts 4-9, pl. ii, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 154, woodcuts 47A-49, 51-55. Plesiosaurus philarchus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xxi, 139; K. Lydekker, Proc. Geol. Soc., 1888, p. 89. Thaumatosaurus philarchus, R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 352. Loc. Oxford Clay; Christian Malford, Kempston, Peterborough, and Whittlesea. [Imperfect skeleton ; Woodwardian Mus.] T. PELOROSAURWUS, ©. A. Mantell, Phil. Trans., 1850, p. 379. [? = Ornithopsis.| armatus (Gervais), Lydekker. wv. Ornithopsis hulkei. becklesii, Mantell. wv. Morosaurus brevis. conybearei, G. A. Mantell, zé¢d., p. 386, pl. xxi (zo# pls. xxii- xxvi); R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. ii (Pal. Soc., 1859), p. 38, pl. xii (zo pl. xi); [-ri] J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 351; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 145. [See also Morosaurus brevis.] ‘Humerus of Oraithopsts, H.G.Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxviii, 1882, p. 371, and Geol. Mag. [3] vol.iv, 1887, p. 479. ‘Humerus of Cetzosaurus, H. G. Seeley, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 84. Loc. Wealden ; Tilgate Forest. [Humerus; Brit. Mus.] T. Peltocephalus levis (Bell), Riitimeyer. wv. Podocnemis bower- banki. 264 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PETROSUCHUS, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., Suppl. viii (Pal. Soc., 1878), p. ro. leevidens, R. Owen, zé7d., p. 10, pl. vi; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 89. Loc. M. Purbeck; Swanage. [Skull, wanting extremity of snout; Brit. Mus.] T. PHOLIDOSAURWS, H. von Meyer, Neues Jahrb., 1841, p. 443. MACRORHYNCHUS, W. Dunker, Program. héch-Gewerbschule in Cassel, 1844, p. 44. meyeri (Dunker), R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 311, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 88. Macrorhynchus meyert, WW. Dunker, Program. héch-Gewerb- schule in Cassel, 1844, p. 44; H. von Meyer, in W. Dunker, Monogr. norddeutsch. Wealdenbildungen, 1846, p. 74, pl. xx (non f. C). Loc. Wealden ; Brook, I. of Wight. [Occiput, vertebra, and scutes; Brit, Mus.] PLACOSAURWUS, P. Gervais, Zool. et Pal. Frang., ed. i, 1848-52, p. 260. ?margariticeps (Gervais), R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. v, 1888, p. 111, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 279, woodcut 62. Varanus ? margariticeps, P. Gervais, Zool. et Pal. Générales, sér. 2, 1876, p. 60, woodcut. Loc. U. Eocene; Hordwell. [Vertebre,; Brit. Mus.] PLASTREMYS, Owen. v. Hyleochelys. lata, Owen. v. Hylzochelys lata. PLATECARFUS, E. D. Cope, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. xl, 1869, p. 264. ? Spe, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 271. Loc. Chalk ; Sussex. [Dental crown ; Brit. Mus., no. 39424.] PLATEMWYS, A. Wagler, Syst. Amphib., 1830, p. 135. bowerbanki, Owen. v. Podocnemis bowerbanki and Pseudo- trionyx delheidi. bullocki, Owen. v. Pleurosternum bullocki. concinna (Owen), Maack. v. Pleurosternum bullocki. dixoni, Owen. v. Hyleochelys belli. emarginata (Owen), Maack. v. Hyleochelys emarginata. latiscutata (Owen), Maack. wv. Hylochelys latiscutata. mantelli, Owen. v. Hylezochelys belli. ovata (Owen), Maack. wv. Pleurosternum bullocki. REPTILIA. 265 PLATEMYS (continued)— sp., R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1853), B24, .ploix, f. 2; J. Morris, Cat. Bint. Foss. 1854, p. 352. Genus non det. (R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 111, 1889, p. 202). Loc. Wealden; Tilgate Forest. [Right hypoplastron ; Brit. Mus., no. 2336. ] PLATYCHELYS, A. Wagner, Abh. k. bay. Akad. Wiss., vol. Vii, pt. 1, 1853, p. 242. ? anglica, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 217, woodcut 49. L Loc. M. Purbeck; Durdlestone Bay. [Portion of carapace; Brit. Mus. } PLEIOSAURUS, Owen. v. Pliosaurus. PLESIOCHELYS, L. Riitimeyer, Neue Denkschr. schweiz. Ges. Nat., vol. xxv, art. 2, 1873, p. 28. brodiei, R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 238, woodcuts 4, 5, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 201. Plesiochelys valdensis, R. Lydekker and G. A. Boulenger (ars, errore), Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 272. Loc. Wealden; Atherfield, I. of Wight, and Hastings. [Shell ; P. B. Brodie Coll. latiscutata (Owen), Lydekker and Boulenger. wv. Hylaochelys latiscutata. valdensis, R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 239, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 199. Plesiochelys sancta-verene (L. Ritimeyer), G. A. Boulenger and R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 272 (errore). Loc. Wealden; I. of Wight. [Shell; Brit. Mus.] ? sp., R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 198. Loc. Kim, Clay; Weymouth. [Neurals and head of humerus; Brit. Mus., nos. 43570, 44178 2—y-z.| sp., R. Lydekker, zézd., p. 199. Loc. Purbeck; Swanage. [Hyo-, hypo-, and xiphi-plastra ; Brit. Mus., nos. R. 1615, 21351 +, and 23407 x.] sp-., R. Lydekker, zé7d., p. 202. Loc. Wealden; Cuckfield. [Costal ; Brit. Mus., no. 37715.] ? sp., R. Lydekker, zd/d., p. 202. Chelone ? costata, R. Owen (pars), Rept. Weald. and Purb. | Farm,, pt..1 (Pal. Sec., 1853); p.ii1,: pl. x, f-4. Loc. Wealden; Cuckfield. [Hypoplastron; Brit. Mus., no. 2298.] 266 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PLESIOSAURUWS, W. D. Conybeare, Trans. Geol. Soc., vol. v ? (1821), p. 560; T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiv, 1858, p. 281 ; L. Barrett, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1858 (1859), Sect., p. 78, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. ii, 1858, p- 361, pl. xiii (atlas and axis); R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 49, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xx, 1847, p. 217 (atlas and axis), and Palzontology, ed. 2, 1861, p. 243, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxix, 1883, p. 134; H. G. Seeley, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1887 (1888), p. 697, and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 562 (development of young.) cequalis, Phillips. wv. Peloneustes zqualis. ajjinis, Owen. v. Cimoliosaurus trochanterius. arcuatus, Owen. v. Thaumatosaurus arcuatus. bernardi, Owen. v. Cimoliosaurus bernardi. ? bitractensis, H. E. Sauvage, Ann. Sci. Géol., vol. xiv, art. 3, 1883, p. 20, pl. viii, f 5, pl. ix, f. 1, 23; R. Lydekker @ae Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. il, 1889, p. 283. Loc. Rhetic ; Aust Cliff. [Vertebre,; Brit. Mus.] brachistospondylus, Hulke. wv. Cimoliosaurus brachistospon- dylus. brachycephalus, Owen. v. Plesiosaurus macrocephalus. brachyspondylus, Owen. v. Pliosaurus brachyspondylus. brachyspondylaus, Phillips. v. Cimoliosaurus trochanterius. carinatus, Cuvier. v. Thaumatosaurus carinatus. carinatus, Phillips. v. Cimoliosaurus portlandicus. cliduchus, Seeley. v. Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus. colospondylus, R. Owen, Rept. Liassic Form., pt. 1 (Pal. Soc., 1865), p. 12 (incompletely defined) ; J. F. blake, in Tate and Blake, Yorkshire Lias, 1876, p. 252. [? P. dongirostris.] Loc. U. Lias ; Whitby. [Vertebre ; Whitby Mus.] compressus, R. Owen, Cat. Foss. Rept. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, 1854, p. 61. Loc. Lias; Somerset. [Dorsalvertebra; Mus. R. Coll. Surgeons. ] constrictus, Owen. v. Cimoliosaurus constrictus. conybearei, [-ri] W. J. Sollas, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvii, 1881, p. 440, pls. xxili, xxiv ; [-ri] R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 269. Plesiosaurus laticeps (R. Owen, MS.), W. Davies, Geol. Mag., vol. iv, 1867, p. 144 (undefined). [Skeleton ; Brit. Mus.] Plestosaurus rostratus, R. Owen (pars), Rept. Liassic Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1865), p. 28, pl. xii. (Skull; Brit. Mus.] Loc. L. Lias ; Lyme Regis. [Imperfect skeleton ; Bristol Mus.] costatus, RK. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 80; J. Morris, "Cat. Brit. Foss:, 1854, p: 3525: diydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 11, 1889, p. 282. ? Plesiosaurus dibothrius, R. Owen, Cat. Foss. Rept. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, 1854, p.63. [Vertebra ; Mus. R. Coll. Surgeons. } Loc. Rhetic ; Aust Cliff. [Cervical vertebra; Bristol Mus. ] — REPTILIA. 267 PLESIOSAURUS (continued)— cramptoni, Carte and Baily. v. Thaumatosaurus cramptoni. cycnodeirus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 186g, pp. xvii, 41 (name only). Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Vertebre ; Woodwardian Mus.] deedicomius, Owen. v. Cimoliosaurus truncatus. depressicostatus, R. Owen, Cat. Foss. Rept. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, 1854, p. 60. Loc. Unknown. [Vertebrz ; Mus. R. Coll. Surgeons. ] dibothrius, Owen. v. Plesiosaurus costatus. dolichodeirus, W. D. Conybeare, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. i (1824), p. 389, and Phil. Mag., vol. Ixvii, 1826, p. 272, pl. iii; W. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral., ed. 2, 1837, vol. ii, p. 29, pl. xvi, f. 2, pl. xviii, f. 2; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 352; R. Owen, Rept. Liassic Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1865), p. 1, pls. i-iv; H. G. Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. xv, 1865, p. 50; J. W. Hulke (Jars), Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxix, 1883, pp. 46, 59, woodcuts 2,15; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 255. [See also Plestosaurus hawkinsi.| Plesiosaurus cliduchus, H. G. Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. xvi, 1865, p. 356, pl. xv ; J. W. Hulke, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxix, 1883, p. 58, woodcut 14. [Imperfect skeleton ; Woodwardian Mus. ] Plestosaurus homet, J. E. Gray, Syn. Rept., 1831, p. 66 (homiz). ? “Large animal,’ W. Stukely, Phil. Trans., 1719, p. 963, pl. i. [Hinder portion of skeleton ; Brit. Mus. Loc. L. Lias ; Charmouth and Lyme Regis, Dorset ; Bath and Watchet, Somerset ; and Elston, near Newark. [Skeleton ; Brit. Mus.] T. dubius, Blake. v. Eretmosaurus macropterus. eleutheraxon, H. G. Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. xvi, 1865, p. 353, pl. xiv, and [-ion] Index to Aves, etc., Wood- wardian Mus., 1869, pp. xxi, 137; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M.,, pt. ii, 1889, p. 259. Plesiosaurus, L. Barrett, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. ii, 1858, p. 361, pl. xiii. Loc. L. Lias; Street. [Imperfect skeleton, wanting head ; Woodwardian Mus. ] ? ellipsospondylus, J. Phillips (ea Owen, MS.), Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 372; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 172. Loc. Kim. Clay; Shotover. [Anterior vertebrze; Oxford Mus.] erraticus, Phillips. v. Cimoliosaurus erraticus. etheridgei, Huxley. v. Plesiosaurus hawkinsi. eurymerus, Phillips. v. Cimoliosaurus eurymerus. euryspondylus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xviii, 41 (name only). Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Vertebre ; Woodwardian Mus.] 268 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PLESIOSAURUS (continucd)— gardneri (Seeley), Whidborne. wv. Cimoliosaurus constrictus. giganteus, Conybeare. v. Pliosaurus brachydeirus. grandis, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 83. A name applied to a propodial bone from the Kimeridge Clay, subsequently (2颢., 1841 (1842), p. 64), assigned to Plzo- saurus. v. Pliosaurus macromerus. hawkinsi, [-ii] R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 57, and Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. v (1838), p. 515, pl. xliul, pl. xliv, f. 4, pl. xlv, and Odontography (1841), p. 281, pl. Ixxiv, and Rept. Liassic Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1865), p. 11, pl. xiv, f. 6, pl. xvi; G. A. Mantell, Petrifactions, 1851, pp. 340, 347, woodcut 73; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352; H. G Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. xv, 1865, pp. 50, 233; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 260, woodcuts 77, 79, 80. Plestosaurus etheridget, [-ii] T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiv, 1858, p. 281; [-ii] H. G. Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. xv, 1865, pp. 50, 233. [Skeleton ; Mus. Pract. Geol. ] Plestosaurus dolichodeirus, W. Buckland (errore), Geol. and Mineral., 1837, pl. xvii, pl. xviii, f. 3; J. W. Hulke, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxix, 1883, p. 59, woodcut 15. ? Plestosaurus hexatarsostinus, T. Hawkins, Great Sea Dragons, 1840, pl. xxviii. [Skeleton ; Brit. Mus.] ? Plestosaurus pentatarsostinus, T. Hawkins, zéid., pl. xxvii. [Skeleton ; Brit. Mus. ] Plestosaurus triatarsostinus, T, Hawkins, zbid., pls. xxiv, xxv (P. tritarsostinus), and Mem. Ichthyosauri, 1834, pl. xxiv, xxv. [Skeleton ; Brit. Mus. ] Loc. L. Lias ; Bennington, Leicestershire ; Street and Walton. [Skeleton ; Brit. Mus. ] hexagonalis, Phillips. v. Cimoliosaurus plicatus. hexatarsostinus, Hawkins. v. Plesiosaurus hawkinsi. homalospondylus, R. Owen, Rept. Liassic Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1865), p. 12, pls. v-vili ; H. G. Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. xv, 1865, pp. 52, 232; J. F. Blake, in Tate and Blake, Yorkshire Lias, 1876, p. 246; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 253, woodcut 78. Loc. U. Lias ; Whitby. [Skeleton ; Brit. Mus.] homei, Gray. v. Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus. ichthyospondylus, Seeley. v. Cimoliosaurus bernardi. infraplanus, Phillips. wv. Cimoliosaurus plicatus, laticeps, Owen. v. Plesiosaurus conybearei. latispinus, Owen. v. Cimoliosaurus latispinus. leedsi (Seeley), Whidborne. vw. Cimoliosaurus plicatus. leptopleuron, R. Owen, Cat. Foss. Rept. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, 1854, p. 60. Loc. Unknown. [Cervical vertebrae; Mus. R. Coll. Surgeons.] REPTILIA. 269 PLESIOSAURWUS (continued)— levis, R. Owen, Cat. Foss. Rept. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, 1854, p. 62. Immature P/éosaurus, according to R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 139. Loc. Kim. Clay. [Vertebra ; Mus. R. Coll. Surgeons. ] limnophilus, Koken. v. Cimoliosaurus limnophilus. longirostris, J. F. Blake, in Tate and Blake, Yorkshire Lias, 1376, p. 250, pl.i, f. 6, pl. inf 2; R. Lydekker, Cat..Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 271. [? P. c@lospondylus.] Loc. Lias; Whitby. [Head.] macrocephalus, W. Buckland (ex Conybeare, MS.), Geol. and Mineral., ed. 2, 1837, vol. ii, p. 30, pl. xix, f. 1; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 62, and Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. v (1838), p. 515, pls. xlili, xlv ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352; S. Haughton, Man. Geology, 1865, p- 274, woodcut 29; H. G. Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. xv, 1865, p. 50; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 266; M. Browne, Vert. Animals Leicester- shire, 1889, p. 181. [See also Thaumatosaurus propinguus.| Plesiosaurus brachycephalus, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 69, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. iii (1884), p. 178, pl. xv (Enaliosauria); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352; H. G. Seeley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. xv, 1865, p. 50; W. J. Sollas, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvil, 1881, p. 479, pl. xxiv, f.2. [Skeleton ; Bristol Mus.] Loc. L. Lias; Bitton, Gloucester, Lyme Regis, Street, Weston (near Bath),and Whitby. [Imperfect skeleton ; Brit. Mus.] macrodeirus, Seeley. v. Cimoliosaurus trochanterius. macromus, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Asscc., 1839 (1840), p. 72 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352. Loc. Lias ; Lyme Regis. [Imperfect skeleton; Oxford Mus.] macropterus, Seeley. v. Eretmosaurus macropterus. manseli, Hulke. v. Cimoliosaurus trochanterius. megacephalus, Stutchbury. v. Thaumatosaurus megacephalus. megadeirus, Seeley. v. Cimoliosaurus trochanterius. megapleuron, R. Owen, Cat. Foss. Rept. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, 1854, p. 60. Loc. Unknown. [Cervical vertebree ; Mus. R. Coll. Surgeons.] microdeirus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xvill, 40 (name only). Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Portions of skeleton ; Wood- wardian Mus.] neocomiensis, Owen. v. Cimoliosaurus cantabrigiensis. ophiodeirus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xviii, 44 (name only). Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Portion of skeleton ; Wood- wardian Mus.] oxoniensis, Phillips. wv. Cimoliosaurus oxoniensis. pachyomus, Owen. v. Cimoliosaurus bernardi and C. planus. 270 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PLESIOSAURUS (continued)— pectopleuron, R. Owen, Cat. Foss. Rept. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, 1854, p. 62. Loc. ‘Oolitic Clay; Foxcombe Hill’ [Vertebree; Mus. R. Coll. Surgeons. ] pentatarsostinus, Hawkins. v. Plesiosaurus hawkinsi. philarchus, Seeley. v. Peloneustes philarchus. phillipsi, Sauvage. v. Cimoliosaurus portlandicus. planus, Owen. v. Cimoliosaurus planus. platydeirus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xvili, 41 (name only). [Voz Owen, v. Addenda. ] Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Vertebre ; Woodwardian Mus.] plicatus, Mansel-Pleydell. vw. Cimoliosaurus richardsoni. plicatus, Phillips. v. Cimoliosaurus plicatus and C. truncatus. plicatus, Sauvage. v. Cimoliosaurus truncatus. pecilospondylus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Wood- wardian Mus., 1869, pp. xviil, 48 (name only). Loc. Cambridge Greensand. [Vertebre ; Woodwardian Mus. ] priscus, J. Parkinson, Introduction, 1822, p. 294. [A general undefined term applied to all the Plesiosaurian remains described in Conybeare’s original memoir on the genus. | propinquus, Blake. v. Thaumatosaurus propinquus. recentior, J. Parkinson, Introduction, 1822, p. 295. [An unde- fined specific name applied to miscellaneous remains from the Kimeridge Clay of Weymouth and Headington, near Oxford : ? = Pliosaurus brachyspondylus.| rostratus, R. Owen, Rept. Liassic Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1865), p. 20, pls. ix—xii (#o# pl. xiil) ; emend. R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 271, woodcut 81. [See also Plestosaurus conybearet. | Loc. L. Lias ; Lyme Regis. [Skeleton ; Brit. Mus.] rugosus, Owen. v. Eretmosaurus rugosus. rugosus, Blake (zon Owen). wv. Eretmosaurus macropterus. simpsoni, Blake. v. Thaumatosaurus propinquus. smithi, Owen. v. Cimoliosaurus smithi. sterrodeirus, Seeley. v. Peloneustes equalis. subconcavus, R. Owen, Cat. Foss. Rept. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, 1854, p. 61. Loc. Lias; Somerset. [Vertebrae ; Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons.] subdepressus, Owen. v. Cimoliosaurus truncatus. subplanus, R. Owen, zz, p. 61. Loc. ‘Oolitic Clay ; Oxfordshire.’ [Vertebrze ; Mus. R. Coll. Surg.] subtrigonus, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 773 J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352. Loc. L. Lias; Weston. [Vertebrz ; Bristol Mus.] tessarestarsostinus, T. Hawkins, Mem. Ichthyosauri, 1834, p. 40 (undefined). REPTILIA. 271 PLESIOSAURUS (continued)— ? trigonus, Cuvier, Ossem. Fossiles, ed. 2, vol. v, pt. ii, 1824, p. 486 ; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 78 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352. Loc. ?Rheetic ; Aust Cliff. [Vertebra.] tritarsostinus., Hawkins. wv. Plesiosaurus hawkinsi. trochanterius, Owen. v. Cimoliosaurus trochanterius. truncatus, Owen. v. Cimoliosaurus truncatus. validus, Phillips. v. Cimoliosaurus trochanterius. winspitensis, Seeley. v. Cimoliosaurus portlandicus. zetlandi, Blake. v. Thaumatosaurus zetlandicus. zetlandicus, Phillips. v. Thaumatosaurus zetlandicus. ?sp., R. Owen, Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p. 66, pl. xx, f.7,8. [? Cimoliosaurus.] Loc. L. Greensand ; Shanklin. [Vertebra.] ? sp., R. Owen, in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 399, pl. xxxvii, f.15,and ed. 2, 1878, p. 426, same pl. and fig. [? Czolzosaurus.| Loc. U. Chalk ; Houghton, Sussex. [Tooth.] spp., J. F. Blake, in Tate and Blake, Yorkshire Lias, 1876, p. 252. [Skeleton, ironstone of Eaton ; two coracoids, ironstone of Skinnington ; elongated vertebra, Capricornus beds, Salt- burn ; dorsal vertebra, /amesonz beds, Huntcliff.] PLESIOSUCHUS, Owen. v. Dacosaurus. manseli (Hulke), Owen. v. Dacosaurus maximus. PLEUROCG@LUS, O. C. Marsh, Amer. Journ. Sci. [3] vol. xxxv, 1888, p. go. valdensis, R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 325. ‘Teeth of the Hylezosaur ?,’ G. A. Mantell, Phil. Trans., 1841, p- 144, pl. vi, f. 9-11, and Petrifactions, 1851, p. 326, woodcut 70,and Wonders of Geology, ed. 6, 1848, p. 438, woodcut 109; R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. iv (Pal. Soc., 1858), p. 21, pl. viii, f. 6-g (teeth), and Paleontology, ed. 2, 1861, p. 293. ‘Teeth of a peculiar form,’ G. A. Mantell, Wonders of Geology, ed. 3, vol. i, 1839, p. 403, pl. ili, f. 4. Loc. Wealden; Sussex. [Teeth; Brit. Mus.] PLEUROSTERNUM, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1853), p. 2 (Pleurosternon) ; R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 513. MEGASTERNON, [J. E. Gray] Syn. Contents Brit. Mus., ed. 44, 1842, p. 108 (name only, preoccupied). DIGERRHUM, E. D. Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv (1870), p. 156. bullocki (Owen), L. Riitimeyer, Neue Denkschr. schweiz. Nat. Ges., vol. xxv, art. 2, 1873, p. 159; R. Lydekker and G. A. Boulenger, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 271 ; W. Davies, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 380; R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv, 1889, p. 514, woodcuts 3, 4, and Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M, pt. iii, 1889, p. 206, woodcuts 45, 46. 272 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PLEUROSTERNUMDI bullocki (continued)— Megasternon kenigit, {J}. E. Gray] Syn. Contents Brit. Mus., ed. 44, 1842, p. 108 (name only), and Suppl. Cat. Shield Rept., pts i, 1870) pi'77. Platemys bullockit, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 164, and Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 60, pl. xxi; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 351. Digerrhum bullocki, E. D. Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv (1870), p. 156. Pleurosternon concinnum, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352. Platemys concinna, G. A. Maack, Palaontographica, vol. xviii (1869), p. 288. Pleurosternon ovatum, R. Owen, Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1853), p. 8, pl. vii; J. Morris, Cat. Brit: Fass., 1854, p. 352; J.C. Mansel-Pleydell, Proc Dorset. Nat. Hist. Field Club, vol. vi, 1885, p. 66, pl. iii. [Carapace ; Brit. Mus.] Platemys ovata, G. A. Maack, Palzontographica, vol. xviii (1869), p. 294. Pleurosternon emarginatum, R. Owen (fars), Rept. Weald. and Purb. Form., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1853), p. 6, pls. v, vi, and Paleontology, ed. 2, 1861, p. 318, woodcut 109; J. Morris (pars), Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352. [Imperfect shell ; Brit. Mus. | Loc. Purbeck; Durdlestone Bay and Swanage. [Carapace and plastron ; Brit. Mus. ] concinnum, Owen. v. Pleurosternum bullocki. emarginatum, Owen. v. Hylaochelys emarginata and Pleuro- sternum bullocki. latiscutatum, Owen. v. Hylzochelys latiscutata. ovatum, Owen. v. Pleurosternum bullocki. oweni, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xix, 87. Loc. Purbeck ; Swanage. [Carapace ; Woodwardian Mus.] portlandicum, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iii, 1889, p. 215, woodcut 47. Loc. Portland Stone; Portland. [Plastron and marginals ;. Brit. Mus.] sedgwicki, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xix, 86. Loc. Purbeck ; Swanage. [Carapace ; Woodwardian Mus.] typocardium, H. G. Seeley, 7é7@., pp. xix, 87. Loc. Purbeck; Swanage. [Carapace ; Woodwardian Mus.] vansittarti, H. G. Seeley, zdzd., pp. xix, 86. Loc. Purbeck ; Swanage. [Carapace ; Woodwardian Mus.] b | REPTILIA. 273 PLIOSAURWS, R. Owen, Odontography (1841), p. 282, and Rep, Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 60, and Paleontology, ed. 2, 1861, p. 252, woodcut 94, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxix, 1883, p. 135; J. W. Hulke, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxix, 1883, p. 51; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 120. LIOPLEURODON, H. E. Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Géol. France [3] vol. 1, 1873, Pp. 377- brachydeirus, R. Owen, Odontography (1841), p. 283, and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 64, and Rept. Kim. Clay, pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1869), p. 6; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 352; H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, p. 104; J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 341, wood- cuts cxxxiv—cxli, cxlvi, cxlvil, clx ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 123, woodcuts 37, 38. [Referred to P. grandis by R. Owen, Rept. Kim. Clay, pt. iti (Pal. Soc., 1869), p. 3.] Plestosaurus giganteus, W. D. Conybeare, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. i (1824), p. 389 (incompletely defined). Loc. Kim. Clay; Oxfordshire, Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, Wiltshire, and Dorsetshire. [Imperfect skeleton ; Oxford Mus. | 7. brachyspondylus (Owen), H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, p. 102. Plesiosaurus brachyspondylus, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 78. [Immature P/iosaurus, according to R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, pp. 139, 140.] Loc. Kim. Clay; Ely. [Vertebrz.] evansi, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xxi, 116, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiii, 1877, p. 716, woodcuts 1-9, and Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p- 478; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 128, woodcuts 36, 39. [Referred to Peloneustes by R. Lydekker, Abstr. Proc. Geol. Soc., Nov. 6th, 1889.] Loc. Oxford Clay ; St. Neots and Eynsbury, Huntingdonshire. [Atlas and axis ; Woodwardian Mus.] ferox (Sauvage), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, Pp. 145. Liopleurodon ferox, H. E. Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Géol. France [3] vol. i, 1873, p. 378. T. (Liopleurodon.) Polyptychodon ferox, H. E. Sauvage, zbzd. [3] vol. viii, 1880, P. 544- ? Pliosaurus pachydeitrus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xxi, 118 (name only). [Cervical vertebree ; Woodwardian Mus. | Loc. Oxford Clay; Christian Malford, Wiltshire; ?Great Grans- den, Cambridge; Whittlesea and Fletton, near Peterborough; and Weymouth. [Teeth and vertebra; Brit. Mus. and A. NV. Leeds Call.) T 274 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PLIOSAURUS (continued)— gamma, J. Phillips (ex Owen), Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 358, wood- cuts clii-cly. Immature Pliosaurus (R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 140). Loc. Oxford Clay; Weymouth. Kim. Clay; Shotover. [Ver- tebre ; Oxford Mus. ] giganteus, Wagner. v. Pliosaurus macromerus. grandis, Owen. v. Pliosaurus macromerus. grossouvrei (Sauvage), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. il, 1889, p. 130. Liopleurodon grossouvret, H. E. Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Géol. France [3] vol. i, 1873, p. 379, pl. vil, f. 2. Pliosaurus teretidens (Owen, MS.), A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ii, 1885, p. 504, footnote 6 (name only). [Teeth ; Brit. Mus.] Loc. Coral Rag; Heddington, Wiltshire ; Wheatley, near Oxford ; and Malton, Yorkshire. [7eeth,; Brit. Mus.] macromerus, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 354, woodcuts exlvili-cli, clix, clxvi ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 11, 1889, p. 131, woodcuts 41-43. Pliosaurus grandis, R. Owen, Rept. Kim. Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1861), p. 15, pl. vil, and zézd., pt. ii (Pal. Soc., 1863), p. 27, pl. xil (identified with Plestosaurus grandis, of Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1839 (1840), p. 83), and zézd., pt. iii (Pal. Soc., 1869), p. 3, pls. i, ii, and Brit. Foss. Rept., vol. ii (1884), p. 154, pl. xviii (Sauropterygia) ; J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 317, woodcuts cxxi, cxxii. [Tooth; Brit. Mus.] Pliosaurus giganteus, A. Wagner, Abh. k. bay. Akad. Wiss., vol. vi (1852), p. 696, pl. iv, f. 1-3. Loc. Kim. Clay; Devizes, Ely, Foxhangers, Gillingham, Hart- well, Kimeridge, Motcombe, Oxford, Peterborough, Shotover, Swindon, Stanton (Drift), and Wootton Bassett. [Femur ; Oxford Mus. ] microdeirus, H. G. Seeley, Index to Aves, etc., Woodwardian Mus., 1869, pp. xx, 76 (name only). Loc. Neocomian Bone-bed ; Wicken, Bedfordshire. [Cervical vertebra ; Woodwardian Mus. ] nitidus, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 360, woodcuts clvi- clviil. Immature P/éosaurus (R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ii, 1889, p. 140). [? P. drachyspondylus.| Loc. Kim. Clay; Shotover. [Vertebrz ; Oxford Mus.] pachydeirus, Seeley. v. Pliosaurus ferox. portlandicus, Owen. v. Cimoliosaurus portlandicus. simplex, J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 366, woodcut clxv. Immature Pliosaurus (R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., - pt. ii, 1889, p. 140). Loc. Kim. Clay ; Shotover. [Femur ; Oxford Mus.] teretidens, Owen, MS. v. Pliosaurus grossouvrei. REPTILIA. 275 PLIOSAURUS (continued)— trochanterius, Owen. v. Cimoliosaurus trochanterius and Machimosaurus mose. sp., R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p.64; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 352. Loc. Speeton Clay ; Speeton. [Humerus; York Mus.] PODOCNEMIS, J. Wagler, Syst. Amphib., 1830, p. 135. bowerbanki (Owen), E. D. Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv (1870), p. 156; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. ili, 1889, p. 171. Platemys bowerbanki, [-ii] R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 163, and Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 66, pl. xxiil (#o# pl. xxix, f. 1, 2); J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 351. Em) s /evis, T. Bell, in R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 70, pl. xxii; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 349. [Imperfect shell; Brit. Mus.] Podocnemtis levis, E. D. Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv (1870), p. 156. Peltocephalus levis, L. Riitimeyer, Neue Denkschr. schweiz. Ges. Nat., vol. xxv, 1873, p. 159. Loc. London Clay; Sheppey. [Imperfect shell ; o/im J. S. Bowerbank Coll.]} ? delabechei (Bell), R. Lydekker and G. A. Boulenger, Geol. Mag- [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 274. [? Dacochelys.] Emys delabechit, T. Bell, in R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1849), p. 74, pl. xxviii ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 349. Emys conybearit, R. Owen, Rept. London Clay, pt. i, Suppl. i (Pal. Soc., 1858), p. 77, pls. xiii, xiv (numbered and quoted aS Xxvill A, xxviliB). [Imperfect shell; Brit. Mus.] Dacochelys delabechet (? Bell), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. iil, 1889, p. 173. Loc. London Clay ; Sheppey. [Imperfect shell ; Mus. Pract. Geol.] leevis, Cope. v. Podocnemis bowerbanki. PQKILOPLEURON, Deslongchamps. v. Aristosuchus and Megalosaurus. | bucklandi, Deslongchamps. v. Megalosaurus bucklandi and M. oweni. pusillus, Owen. v. Aristosuchus pusillus. POLACANTHUS, R. Owen, in W. Fox, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1865 (1866), Sect., p. 56; J. W. Hulke, Phil. Trans., 1881, p. 653. foxi, J. W. Hulke, zd7d., p. 653, pls. Ixx-Ixxvi, and z#d., 1887, pt. B, p. 169, pls. viii, ix; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. i, 1888, p. 189. Loc. Wealden ; Barnes Chine, I. of Wight. [Dermal armour and associated vertebre ; Brit. Mus.] T. 276 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. POLYCOTYLUS, Cope. v. Cimoliosaurus. POLYOSTINUS, T. Hawkins, Great Sea Dragons, 1840. = Ichthyosaurus (v. I. chiropolyostinus). POLY PTYCHODON, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p- 156, and Paleontology, ed. 2, 1861, p. 255 ; H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi1, 1876, p. 433 (vertebre) ; W. Davies, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x (1888), p. 277, foot- note 4. [See also Dinodocus.| continuus, R. Owen, Odontography (1841), descr. to pl. Ixxii, f. 3, and Rept. ‘Cret.. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851)p.'47, pl. xiv, f. 4-6; J.. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss.,) 1854, (ie i3)52-5hueae Sauvage, Mém. Soc. Géol. France [3] vol. ii, art. 4, 1882, p. 28; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Rept. B. M., pt. 1, 1889, p. 179. [See also Dinodocus mackesont.] Loc. L Greensand ; Hythe and Maidstone. Cambridge Green- sand. L. Chalk; Frome, Somersetshire, and Vanchurch. U. Chalk; Kent. [Tooth.] ferox, Sauvage. v. Pliosaurus ferox. interruptus, R. Owen, Odontography (1841), descr. to pl. Ixxii, f. 4, and in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, 1850, p. 378, pl. xxxvii, f. 16, 17, pl. xxxviii, f. 3, and zézd., ed. 2, 1878, p. 421, pl. xxx [33], 22.23) etc., and Rept. Cret. Form. (Pal. Soc., 1851), p- 55, pl. x, f. 7-9, pl. xi, pl. xiv, f. 1, 2, and zé¢@., Suppl. ii (Pal, Soe:, 1861), p.,20, pl. iv, fan 3, pls. v, vi, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., eos xvi, 1860, p: 262; J Mortis, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 353 ; ne Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. XXx Pl; i. 5. Loc. Cave; Somersetshire. [.S4zd/, Taunton Mus.] ewropeus, Pallas. v. Lepus timidus. hibernicus, Sanford. v. Lepus variabilis. pusillus, Pallas. v. Lagomys pusillus. timidus, Linnzus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 77; S. Woodward, Syn. Tab., 1830, p. 39; R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p: 210, woodcut 80; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 360; W. A. Sanford, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 127; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. BoM pti, 1665, p. 259: Lepus europaeus, P. S. Pallas, Nov. Spec. Glirium, 1778, p. 30. ‘Hare, or very large rabbit, W. Buckland, Relig. Diluv., 1824, Pp. 19, 267, pl. xin, fr"8. ‘Hare,’ J. MacEnery, Cavern Researches, 1859, pl. E, f. 9. Loc. Pleist.; Fisherton. Caves ; Brixham, Durdham Down, Kent’s Hole, Kirkdale, Long Hole, Spritsail Tor. variabilis, P. S. Pallas, Nov. Spec. Glirium, 1778, p.1; A. L. Adams, Trans. Roy. Irish Acad.. vol. xxvi (Sci.), 1876, p. 228 (LZ. variabilis?), and Sci. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. [2] vol. iii, 1878, p. 99, and Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. 1 (1881), p. 205 (L. variabilis?); S. Haughton, Sci. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. [2] vol. ii, 1876, p. 483. Lepus hibernicus?, W. A. Sanford, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 127. Loc. Caves; Mendip Hills.—Knockninny and Shandon (Ireland). - LOPHIODON, Cuvier, Ossem. Fossiles, ed. 2, vol. ii, pt. i, 1822 3 5) ’ »P ) ’ p.. 176. anthracoidewm, Gervais. v. Coryphodon eocenus. MAMMALIA. 359 LOPHIODON (continued)— ; minimus, [-um] J. B. Fischer, Syn. Mammalium, 1829, p. 413 ; R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 311, woodcut 108, and in F. Dixon, Geol. Sussex, ed. 2, 1878, p. 266, pl. xi [12], f. 27; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 360; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. iii, 1886, p. 10. Pachynolophus minimus, P. Gervais, Zool. et Pal. Franc., ed. 2, 1859, p. 126. ‘Trés-petite espéce de Lofhiodon, Cuvier, Ossem. Fossiles, ed. 2, vol. ii, pt. i, 1822, p. 194. Loc. M. Eocene ; Bracklesham. [7Zee/h,; Brit. Mus.] sp., Owen. v. Palazotherium magnum. LOXODON, Falconer. v. Elephas. meridionalis (Nesti), Falconer. v. Elephas meridionalis. LUTRA, J.C. P. Erxleben (ex Ray), Syst. Regn. Anim., 1777, p. 445. vulgaris, J.C. P. Erxleben, Syst. Regn. Anim., 1777, p. 448 ; R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 119, woodcuts 43, 44; f. Morris, Cat.’ Brit.’ Foss., 1854, p. 360; C.-C. Blake, Geologist, 1862, p. 217; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 191 ; E. T. Newton Geol. Mag. [3] vol. iv, 1887, p. 145, pl. iv, f. 1, 2. Mustela lutra, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 66. Loc. Norwich Crag; Aldeborough and Southwold. [J/and7zo. ramus and humerus.) Forest Bed; East Runton. [J/andib. ramus; A. Savin Coll. | Pleist. and Prehist ; Grays, Ipswich, Lincolnshire Fens, and Watcham Fen. Caves; Banwell, Bleadon, Durdham Down, Heathery Burn, Kent’s Hole, Long Hole, and Teesdale. sp., Miller and Skertchley. v. Mustela martes. LYCAON, J. Brookes, in Griffith’s Animal Kingdom, vol. v, 1827, Pe a5 1. anglicus, R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. i, 1884, p. 443, and Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 122. ‘Hyzenoid wolf, H. Falconer, Palaont. Mem., vol. ii, 1868, p. 462, pi xxxviit. 1, 2. Loc. Caves; Gower, Spritsail Tor. [Mandib. ramus; Brit. Mus.] MACACWUS, B. G.E. de Lacépéde, Mém. de l’Inst., vol. iii, 1801, p. 490 (Macaca) (non Cuvier and Geofiroy St. Hiliare, 1795). ecoceenus, Owen. v. Hyracotherium cuniculus. ? pliocenus, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. xlvi, wood- cut ; i Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 300; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 4. Loc. Pleist.; Grays. [Upper molar 2; Brit. Mus.] 360 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. MACHZERODUS, J.J. Kaup, Descr. Ossem. Foss. Mus. Darm- stadt, 1833, pt. il, p. 24 (Machatrodus); H. Falconer, Palzont. Mem., vol. ii, 1868, p. 459. cultridens (Cuvier), J. J. Kaup, zézd., p. 24, pl. i, f. 5 ; R. Lydek- ker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 310. Ursus cultridens, Cuvier, Ossem. Fossiles, ed. 2, vol. ii, 1824,. p. 516. Macherodus, E. R. Lankester, Geol. Mag., vol. vi, 1869, p. 440, and E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. vii, 1880, p. 153, and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 21, pl. iv, f. 5 ; J. Backhouse and R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlii, 1886, p. 309, pl. x. [See also Mach@erodus latidens.| LOE. mt Bed; Kessingland. [Mandzb. ramus, J. Backhouse Coll. latidens, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 179, woodcuts 69, 70; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 360; W. Pengelly, Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. iii, 1869, p. 483, and zézd., vol. v, 1872, p. 165, and zézd., vol. vii, 1875, p. 247, and Geol. Mag., vol. vill, 1871, p. 42, and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1872 (1873), Sect., p- 119; W. B. Dawkins and W. A. Sanford, Brit. Pleist. Mamm., pt. iv (Pal. Soc., 1872), p. 184, pl. xxv, woodcuts 1-3 ; C. Lyell, Antiq. Man., ed. 4, 1873, p. 105, woodcuts 9, I0 ; W. B. Dawkins, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxili, 1877, PP. 590, 594, woodcut 3; R. Johnson, Trans. Norfolk and Norwich Nat. Soc., vol. ii (1877), p. 291; [#onz A. Savin, Proc. Norwich Geol. Soc., vol. i (1878), p. 28: see E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 21] ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 44. Ursus cultridens, J. MacEnery (evrore), Cavern Researches, 1859, pl. F. Loc. Caves; Cresswell Crags and Kent’s Hole. [Canine tooth from Kent’s Hole; Mus. R. Coll. Surgeons. ] meganthereon (Croizet and Jobert), wrongly quoted as British by J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 360. MARTES, Nilsson. v. Mustela. sylvatica, Nilsson. v. Mustela martes. MASTODON, Cuvier, Ann. du Muséum, vol. viii, 1806, p. 270 3 E. D. Cope, Amer. Nat., 1889, p. I9I. TRILOPHODON H. Falconer, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., TETRALOPHODON vol. xiii, 1857, p. 313 (as subgenera). angustidens, Owen (70m Cuvier). v. Mastodon arvernensis. arvernensis, Croizet and Jobert, Ossem. Foss. Puy-de-Dome, 1828, p. 138; R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.. vol. xu, | 1886, p. 365, and Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. iv, 1886, p. 52. Mlastodon (/etralophodon) arvernensts, H. Falconer, Quart. Journ. Gecl. Soc., vol. xiii, 1857, p. 360, pl. xii, f. -4 ; R. John- son, Trans. Norfolk and Norwich Nat. Soc., vol. 11(1877), p.282.- MAM MALTA. 351 MASTODON arvernensis (comtinued)— Mastodon angustidens, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1843 (1844), p. 220, and Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 271, woodcuts g6-101, and Quart. Journ. Gecl. Soc., vol. xii, 1856, p. 223 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 360. Mastodon giganteus, S. Woodward, Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. ix 1836, p. 151, woodcuts 22, 23. Mastodon latidens, S. Woodward (errore), thid., p. 151. Mastodon longtrostris, R. Owen (errore), in C. Lyell, Mag. Nat. Hist., n.s., vol. iii, 1839, p. 317. Mastodon, R. Bakewell, Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. ix, 1836, p. 39 3 H. Alexander, Mag. Nat. Hist., n.s., vol. iii, 1839, p. 466. ‘Fossil Tooth,’ W. Smith, Strata ident., 1816, introd., pl. 1. Loc. Norwich Crag; Bramerton, Easton Cliff, ? Horstead, Norwich, Postwick, Sizewell Gap, Thorpe, and Whit- lingham. Red Crag; Felixstowe, Southwold, and Woodbridge. [Zeetr; Brit. Mus., Ipswich Mus., etc.) borsoni, I. Hays, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. [2] vol. iv, 1834, p- 334; E.R. Lankester, Geol. Mag., vol. vi, 1869, p. 355 ; Rk. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlii, 1886, p. 365, and Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M.., pt. iv, 1886, p. 25. Loc Red Crag; Sutton, Swaffham, and Woodbridge. [ Zvoth; Vork Mus.| giganteus, S. Woodward. v. Mastodon arvernensis. latidens, S. Woodward, Syn. Tab., 1830, p. 39 : recorded in error from Pleistocene of Horstead. [See also W. arvernevsis.] longirostris, J. J. Kaup, O-sem. Foss. Mus. Darmstadt, pt. iv, 1835, p. 65, pls. xvi-xvili ; R. Lvdekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlli, 1886, p. 365, and Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. iv, 1886, p. 61. [See also I. arvernensis.] ‘Trilophodont JZasfodon, E. R. Lankester, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 507, pl. xxxiv, f. 1-4. Loc. Red Crag ; Sutton and Woodbridge. [7ee/h; Brit. Mus.) sp., R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. iv, 1886, p. 78. Loc. Red Crag; Woodbridge. [Tooth ; Brit. Mus., no. 46922.] r MEGACEROS, Owen. v. Cervus. hibernicus, Owen. v. Cervus giganteus. MEGAPTERA, J. EF. Gray, Zool. ‘Erebus’ and ‘Terror,’ 1846, p. 16. BurRTINoPsIs, P. J. Van Beneden, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. [2] vol. xxxiv, 1872, p. 19. ? affinis, P. J. Van Beneden, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. [2] vol. 1, 1880, p. 13; (?) R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlii, 1887, p. 11, pl. ii, f. 4, and Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 32- Loc. White Crag; Sudbourn. ? Red Crag; Woodbridge. [ Zympanic bone; Mus. Pract. Geol.] 362 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. MEGAPTERA (continued)— boops (Linnzus), Van Beneden and P. Gervais, Ostéogr. Cétacés (1870), p. 120. Balena boops, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 106. Balenoptera boops, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, table facing p. xlvi; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 358. Loc. Pleist.; Bridgewater. minuta (Van Beneden), R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliii, 1887, p. 11, pl. 11, f. 5, 5a, and Cat. Foss. Mamnu. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 33- Burtinopsis minutus, P. J. Van Beneden, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. [2] vol. 1, 1880, p. 17. Loc. White Crag ; Suffolk. [ 7ympanic bone; Ipswich Mus.] ? similis (Van Beneden), R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliii, 1887, p. 11, and Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 33. Burtinopsis similis, P. J. Van Beneden, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. [2] vol. xxxiv, 1872, p. 19. Loc. Red Crag ; Woodbridge. [Perdo/ic bone, Brit. Mus.] MELES, G. C. C. Storr, Prodr. meth. Mamm., 1780, p. 34 (J/z/es), and table A. taxus, P. Boddaert, Elenchus Animalium, vol. i, 1785, p. 80; R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 109, woodcut 37 ; J. Morris, “Cat. Brit. Foss., 91854, p. “36057 *G@ae Blake, Geologist, 1862, p. 217; A. L. Adams, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1881), p. 204 (J/tles taxus) ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. Bb. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 189. Ursus meles, Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. 1, 1766, p. 70. ‘ Badger,’ J. MacEnery, Cavern Researches, 1859, pl. E, f. 13. Loc. Pleist. ; Grovehurst (Kent) and Newbury (Berkshire). Caves ; Banwell, Berry Head, Bacon Hole, Bench, Durd- ham Down, Heathery Burn, Kent’s Hole, Long Hole, Ravenscliff, Spritsail Tor, Uphill, Vale of Clwyd, Wookey Hole.—Shandon (Ireland). MESOPLODOWN, P. Gervais, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.) [3] vol. xiv, 1850, p. 16; W. H. Flower, Trans. Zool. Soc., vol. viii (1871), p. 208 (for full synonymy). DIOPLODON, P. Gervais, Zool. et Pal. Frang., ed. 1, vol. ii, 1848-52, Expl. to pl. xl, p. 4. BELEMNOZIPHIUS, T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, p. 388. angulatus (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 18075 Ds 73: ; Ziphius angulatus, R. Owen, Crag Cetacea (Pal. Soc., 1870), p. 20, pl. iv, f. 1, 2, woodcut 9. Dioplodon angulatus, Van Beneden and P. Gervais, Ost€ographie des Cétacés (? 1872), p. 422. Loc. Red Crag; Suffolk. [Rostrum ; Brit. Mus.] WAMMALTA., 363 MESOPLODON (continued)— angustus (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1870, p. 72. Ziphius angustus, R. Owen, Crag Cetacea (Pal. Soc., 1870), Pp» 19; ph iii, &Tg 2. Dioplodon angus‘us, Van Beneden and P. Gervais, Ostéographie des Cétacés \? 1872), p. 422. Loc. Red Crag; Felixstowe and Woodbridge. [Rostrum ; Brit. Mus. } compressus (Huxley), R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlili, 1887, p. 15, and Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 73. Belemnoziphius compressus, T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, p. 393, pl. xix. T. (Belemnoziphius.) ? LZiphius compressus, R. Owen, Crag Cetacea (Pal. Soc., 1870), p- 25, pl. v, f. 3. [Rostrum; Brit. Mus.] Dioplodon compressus, Van Beneden and P. Gervais, Ostéo- graphie des Cétacés (? 1872), p. 422. Loc. Red Crag; near Ipswich. [Rostrum.] floweri, W. H. Flower (ex H. Canham, MS., 1884), Cat. Osteol. Dent. Vert. Mus. R. Coll. Surgeons, 1884, p. 562, no. 2915. Loc. Red Crag ; Trimley. [Rostrum ; Ipswich Mus.] gibbus (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 71. Ziphius gibbus, R. Owen, Crag Cetacea (Pal. Soc., 1870), p. 17, plni, fa2, spl. itp f.. 3: Dioplodon gibbus, Van Beneden and P. Gervais, Ostéographie des Cétacés (? 1872), p. 421; G. Capellini, Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna [4] vol. vi, 1885, p. 295. Loc. Red Crag; Felixstowe and Shotley. [Rostrum; Brit. Mus. ] Zongirostris (Cuvier), R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliii, 1887, p. 15, pl. ii, f.8, and Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 68, woodcut 14. Ziphius longirostris, Cuvier, Ossem. Fossiles, ed. 2, vol. v, pil, 1625, p..357; .00 Bus, Bull, Acad. “hoy. “Bele. [2] vol. xxiv, 1867, p. 570. Belemnoztphius longirostris, T. H. Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, p. 393. Ziphius medilineatus, R. Owen, Crag Cetacea (Pal. Soc., 1870), p- 22, pl. iv, f. 3, woodcut 10. [Portion of rostrum; Brit. Mus. ] Dioplodon medilineatus, Van Beneden and P. Gervais, Ostéo- graphie des Cétacés (? 1872), p. 422. Dioplodon longirostris, G. Capellini, Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna [4] vol. vi, 1885, p. 294. Loc. Red Crag; Falkenham, Felixstowe, Sutton, and Wovod- bridge. [Rostra ,; Brit. Mus.] 364 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. MESOPLOLON (continued)— tenuirostris (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss). Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 71. Ziphius tenutrostris, R. Owen, Crag Cetacea (Pal. Soc., 1870), Pp: 24,.pl. V5. fs 1,2: Dioplodon tenuirostris, Van Beneden and P. Gervais, Ostéo- graphie des Cétacés (? 1872), p. 422; G. Capellini, Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna [4] vol. vi, 1885, p. 296. Loc. Red Crag ; Felixstowe. [Rostrum ; Brit. Mus.] MICROCHGRUS, S. V. Wood, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xiv, 1844, p. 350. erinaceus, S. V. Wood, zézd@., p. 350, and London Geol. Journ., no. 1;°1846,.po 5, pleii, f: 1=3); J. Motris;CatSrit. Foss., 1854, p. 360; R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xli, 1885, p. 529, woodcut, and Cat. Foss. Maimm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 303, woodcut 45. Loc. U. Eocene ; Hordwell. [Portions of skull and mandible ; Brit. Mus. ] Es MICROLESTES, T. Plieninger, Witt. Jahresh., vol. iii, 1847, p. 164. HYPSIPRYMNOPsSIS, W. B. Dawkins, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, p. 406. moorei, R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 6, pl. i, f. 1-13; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1871, p. 203. Loc. Rheetic Fissure; Frome. [Teeth ; Bath Mus.] rheeticus (Dawkins), R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 107 1). Pro plist, 4-16: fHypsiprymnopsis rheticus, W. B. Dawkins, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, p. 411, woodcut 3. ‘XL. (Hyvpsiprymnopsis.) Loc. Rhietic ; Watchet, Somersetshire. [Tooth; Oxford Mus.] MICROTUS, F.and P. Schrank, Fauna Boica, vol. 1, 1798, p. 72. ARVICOLA, De Lacépéde (? 1799), Mém. de I’Institut, vol. iii, 1801, p. 490. agrestis (Linneus), F. Lataste, Le Naturaliste, 1883, p. 349, and Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, vol. xxxvili, 1884, p. 36. Arvicola agrestis, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 206, woodcut 77; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854;.p. 357 ; W. A. Sanford, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p- 124; H. P. Blackmore and E. R. Alston, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1874, p. 467 ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 232. [See also ALtcrotus arvalis.] [Mus agrestis, Linnzeus, Fauna Suecica, ed. alt., 1761, p. 11]. Mus gregarius, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 34. ? “Water rat,’ W. Buckland, Phil. Trans., 1822, p. 182, pl. xxv, f. 11, and Relig. Diluv., 1824, p. 18, pl. xi, f. 11. Loc. Pleist.; Crayford and Grays. Caves ; near Bath Kent’s Hole, and Kirkdale. MAMMALIA. 365 MICROTUS (continued)— amphibius (Linneus), F. and P. Schrank, Fauna Boica, vol. i, 1798, p. 72. Arvicola amphibius, tal R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 201, woodcut 76; [-a] J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p- 357; [-a] C. C. Blake, Geologist, 1862, p. 218; H. P. Blackmore and E. R. Alston, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1874, p. 462, woodcut 1; R. Johnson, Trans. Norfolk and Norwich Nat. Soc., vol. ii (1877), p. 291; La A. Savin, Proc. Norwich Geol. Soc., vol. i (1878), p. 27; [-a] W. W. Stoddart, Proc. Bristol Nat. Soc., vol. ii (1879), p. 142, pl. ; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. viii, 1881, p. 258 (4. amphidéa ?), and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 87 (A. amphibius ?); R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885; p. 230. [See also Microtus intermedius. | Mus amphibius, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 82. ‘Water rat, W. Buckland, Phil. Trans., 1822, p. 235, pl. xxv, f. 12, and Reliq. Diluv., 1824, p. 18, pl. xi, f. 12. Loc. ? Forest Bed; Bacton, Ostend, West Runton. Pleist. ; Crayford, Erith, Grays, Newbury, and Sutton. Caves; Berry Head, Bacon Hole, Bosco’s Hole, Crow Hole, Durdham Down, Heathery Burn, Kent’s Hole, Kirkdale, Long Hole, Minchin Hole, Oreston, Pavi- land, Ravenscliff, Spritsail Tor, and Wookey Hole. arvalis (Pallas), F. Lataste, Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, vol. xxxviii, 1884, p. 36. Arvicola arvalis, H. P. Blackmore and E. R. Alston, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1874, p. 468, woodcut 3; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. viii, 1881, p. 258, and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 88, pl. xiv, f. 2-5 (also var. (?A. nivalis), p. 90, pl. xiv, f. 7). Arvicola agrestis, A. Savin and R. Johnson (errore), Trans. Nor- folk and Norwich Nat. Soc., vol. i (1878), p. 27; R. Johnson, zbid., vol. ili (1877), p. 292. -Uus arvalis, P. S. Pallas, Nov. Spec. Glirium, 1778, p. 78. Loc. Forest Bed ; West Runton. Cave ; Fissure near Frome. glareolus (Schreber), F. Lataste, Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, vol. xxxvill, 1884, p. 36. Mus glareolus, J. C. D. von Schreber, Saugeth., vol. iii (1774), p- 680. Arvicola glareolus, W. A. Sanford, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 124; H. P. Blackmore and E. R. Alston, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1874, p. 461; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 82, pl. xiv, f. 1; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. 1, 1885, p. 233. Arvicola (Evotomys) glareola, E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. villi, 1881, p. 258. 366 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. MICROTUS glareolus (continued)— Arvicola pratensis, F. Cuvier (ex Baillon), Hist. Nit. Mamm., vol. iv, pt. Ixvili (1834), tab. gén., p. 4; R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 208, woodcut 78; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 357- Arvicola riparia, W. Yarrell, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1832, p. 109. Loc. Forest Bed ; West Runton, Norfolk. Caves; near Bristol, Brixham, Hutton, Kent’s Hole, Wookey Hole. gregalis (Pallas): Arvivola gregalis, J. Woldrich, Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. Ixxxii, 1880, p. 25, pl. il, f. 12; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p- 90, pl. xiv, f. 6. Mus gregalis, P. S. Pallas, Nov. Spec. Glirium, 1778, p. 238. Loc. Forest Bed ; West Runton. intermedius: A7vicola (Evotomys) intermedia, E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. viii, 1881, p. 258, and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 83, pl. xiii, f. 1-13. ‘ Arvicola, intermediate between A. amphibius and A. arvalis, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 205. Arvicola amphibius, H. P. Blackmore and E. R. Alston (evrore), Proc. Zool. Soc., 1874, p. 463 (and var. Zerrestris, p. 463). Loc. Norwich Crag; Bramerton, Dunwich, Thorpe, and Wangford. [Jaws ; Reeve Coll.] Weybourn Crag ; East Runton and Trimingham. Forest Bed ; Bacton, Kessingland, Ostend, East and West Runton. [Jaws ; Mus. Pract. Geol. and A. Savin Coll.] nivalis (Martins), F. Lataste, Le Naturaliste, 1883, p. 349, and Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, vol. xxxviil, 1884, p. 23. Arvicola nivalis, C. Martins, Comptes Rendus, vol. xv, 1842, p- 805 ; H. P. Blackmore and E. R. Alston, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1874, p. 466, woodcut 2 (? British). [See also JZ. arvalzs.] Loc. River Deposit; Fisherton, near Salisbury. [JZandzo. ramus; Salisbury Aus.| ratticeps: Arvicola ratiiceps, A. von Keyserling and J. H. Blasius, Mém. présentés Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétérsbourg, vol. iv, livr. 3, 4, 1841, p. 319; W. A. Sanford, Quart. Journ. Geoly Soc., vol. xxvi,; 1870, p. 125, pl. vill, f af’and *Proe- Somerset. Nat. Hist. Soc.,)'wol.xv,h1870;"pa 545) pla toot H. P. Blackmore and E. R. Alston, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1574, p. 464, woodcut 2. Loc. River Deposit ; Fisherton. [Portéons of skeletons ; Salis- bury Mus.] Caves ; Somersetshire. [Sku/7 and mandible; Taunton Mus.) MIOLOPHUS, Owen. v. Platychcerops. planiceps, Owen. v. Platychcerops richardsoni. MAMMALIA. 367 MINODON, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 105. monoceros, Linneus, zé7d., p. 105 ; J. Parkinson, Introduction, 1822, p. 275 (‘ London clay’); (?)S. Woodward, Syn. Tab., 1830, p. 38; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1842 (1843), p. 72, and Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 521, woodcut 215 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 360; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. viii, 1881, p. 316, and zézd. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 148, and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 109, pl. ix, f. 2. AMfonedon, R. E. Grant, in Thompson’s Annual, 1839, p. 269 (‘ London Clay’). ‘Narwhal,’ J. Parkinson, Organic Remains, vol. iii, 1811, p. 309 | (portion of tusk, o/zz Enniskillen Coll.) ; C. Lyell, Antiq. Man, 1863, p. 217. Loc. Forest Bed ; near Mundesley and Overstrand. Pleist. ; ? Lewes, Sprowston, near Norwich. DEUS, Linnieus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 79. | agrestis, Linnzus. v. Microtus agrestis. ) amphibius, Linneus. v. Microtus amphibius. aspalax, Pallas. v. Siphneus aspalax. citellus, Linnzus. v. Spermophilus sp. ? decumanus, P. S. Pallas, Nov. Spec. Glirium, 1778, p. 91; S. Woodward, Syn. Tab., 1830, p. 39. ‘Water-rat,’ W. Buckland, Phil. Trans., 1822, p. 234, pl. xxv, f. 1, and Reliq. Diluv., 1824, p. 265, pl. xi, f. 1. Loc. Kirkdaie Cave. [dZandib. ramus. | glareolus, Schreber. v, Microtus glareolus. gregalis, Pallas. wv. Microtus gregalis. gregarius, Linneus. v. Microtus agrestis. lemmas, Linneus. v. Myodes lemmus. musculus, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 83; S. Woodward, Syn. Tab., 1830, p. 39; R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Se vr ; | Mamm., 1846, p. 209, woodcut 79 (AV. musculus?); J. Morris, a Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 360; W.B. Dawkins, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv, 1869, p. 198; R. Bell, Proc. Geol. | Assoc., vol. ii (1871), p. 217; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest 4 Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 93 (‘insufficient evidence’). 7 ‘ Mouse,’ W. Buckland, Phil. Trans., 1822, p. 235, pl. xxv, f. 7, 8,9, h and Relig. Diluv., 1824, p. 265, pl. xi, f. 7, 8, 9. | Loc. ? Forest Bed; Norfoik. 4 Pleist. ; Copford. ; Caves ; Durdham Down, Kirkdale, Kent’s Hole. f pygmeus, Pallas. v. Sorex pygmezus. i songarus, Pallas. v. Cricetus songarus. sylvaticus, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 84; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vel. viii, 1881, p. 258, and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 93, pl. xiv, f. 11. Loc. Forest Bed; West Runton. [Portions of mandible; A. Savin Coll. and Mus. Pract. Geol.] 368 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. MUSTELA, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. 1, 1766, p. 66. PUTORIUS, Cuvier, Régne Animal, vol. i, 1817, p. 141. MARTES, S. Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, vol. i, 1820, p. 41. erminea, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 68; W. B. Dawkins and W. A. Sanford, Brit. Pleist. Mamm., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1866), p. xxii; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 180. [See also 7. putorius.] Putorius ermineus, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 116, woodcuts 40-42 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 361. Putorius vulgaris, R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1842 (1843), p. 70. ‘Weasel,’ W. Buckland, Phil. Trans., 1822, p. 185, pl. xx, f. 28, 29, and Reliq. Diluv., 1824, pp. 262, 278, pl. vi, f. 28, 29, pl. xxiii, f. 11-13; J. MacEnery, Cavern Researches, 1859, pl. E, f. 17. Loc. Pleist.; Plymouth (raised beach). Caves ; Bacon Hole, Berry Head, Kent’s Hole, Kirkdale, ? Oreston. gulo, Linneus. v. Gulo luscus. lutra, Linneus. v. Lutra vulgaris. martes, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 67; W. B. Dawkins and W. A. Sanford, Brit. Pleist. Mamm., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1866), p. xxi. Martes sylvatica, S. Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, vol. i, 1820, p. 41; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. vii, 1880, p. 154, and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 25, pl. iv, f. 3. Martes sylvestris, A. L. Adams, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1881), p. 205. Lutra, Miller and Skertchley (evvore), Fenland, 1878, p. 505. Loc. Forest i ; West Runton. [Wanazb ramus ; Mus. Pract. Geol. Caves ; Bleadon, Long Hole, Ravenscliff, and Spritsail Tor.—Shandon (Ireland). putorius, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 67; W. B. Dawkins and W. A. Sanford, Brit. Pleist. Mamm., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1866), p. xxii; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 179. Putorius vulgaris, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 112, woodcuts 38, 39. Loc. ? White Crag; Orford, Suffolk. [Afandib. ramus; Brit. Mus.| Pleist.; Raised Beach, Plymouth. [ ? Alustela erminea.| Caves; Bacon Hole, Berry Head, Brixham, Long Hole, and Spritsail Tor. vulgaris, J. C. P. Erxleben, Syst. Regn. Animal., 1777, p. 471; S. Woodward, Syn. Tab., 1830, p. 39; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 179. Loc. Caves ; Brixham and Kirkdale. sp., R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. 1, 1885, p. 183. Loc. Pleist.; Suffolk. [Lower pm. 3, m. 1; Brit. Mus., no. 18232-34. | MAMMALIA, 369 MYODES, P. S. Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., vol. i, 1811, p. 173. LEMMUS, F. Tiedemann, Zoologie, vol. i, 1808, p. 473. lemmus (Linnzus), H. P. Blackmoreand E. R. Alston, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1874, p. 470. Mus lemmus, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 80. soncer’ norvegicus, A. G. Desmarest, Mammalogie, pt. ii, 1822, p. 287. Lemmus norvegicus, var.. W. A. Sanford, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 125, pl. viii, f. 3, and Proc. Somerset. Wat: Hist, Sac., vol. xv,.1870/p-'55, pl., f. 3. Loc. Cave ; Somersetshire. [A/andtb. ramus; Taunton Mus.) torquatus (Desmarest), H. P. Blackmore and E. R. Alston, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1874, p. 469. Lemmus torquatus, A, G. Desmarest, Mammalogie, pt. ii, 1822, p. 289. Lemmus torquatus, var., W. A. Sanford, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 125, pl. viii, f. 4, and Proc. Somerset. Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. xv, 1870, p. 55, pl, f. 4. Arvicola gulielmi, W. A. Sanford, zbid., f. 2, and zdzd., f. 2 (assigned to Arvicola ambiguus, Pomel, by R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 231). Loc. Cave ; Wookey Hole. River Deposit ; Fisherton, near Salisbury. [Portion of | skull, with teeth ; Salisbury Mus.| MYOGALE, Cuvier, Tab. de Classif. Mamm., appended to ‘ Lecons d’Anat. Comp.,’ vol. i, 1800 (Myga/e). PALAOSPALAX, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 25. moschata (Linnzus), J. Gunn, Geology of Norfolk, 1864, p. 19 (My gale) ; W. B. Dawkins, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv, 1869, p. 210 (Mygale); E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. vili, 1881, p. 259, and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 98, pl. xvi, f. 1-10 ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 16. Castor moschatus, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 79. Sorex moschatus, W. B. Dawkins and W. A. Sanford, Brit. Pleist. Mamm.., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1866), p. xxiv; W. B. Dawkins, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxviii, 1872, p. 417, and Early Man in Britain, 1880, p. 128. Talpa magna, A. Pomel, Archiv. Sci. Phys. Nat., vol. ix, 1848, p. 160. Paleospalax magnus, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 25, woodcuts 12, 13; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 360 ; R. Johnson, Trans. Norfolk and Norwich Nat. Soc., vol. ii (1877), p.292; A. Savin, Proc. Norwich Geol. Soc., vol. 1(1878), p. 27. [Mandib. ramus; Brit. Mus.] T. (Palaospalax.) ? ‘Rodenta,’ C. Green, Hist. Bacton, 1842, p. 59 (favs). Loc. Forest Bed ; near Bacton, Ostend, and West Runton. BB 370 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. NEVUROGYMNURWS, H. Filhol, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris [7] vol. i, 1877, p. 53. major, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 302. Loc. U. Eocene ; Hordwell. [Mandib. rami; Brit. Mus.] minor, H. Filhol, Bull. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, vol. v, 1884, p. 468, pl. ii, f. 13-15 ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M, pt. v, 1887, p. 302. Loc. Headon Beds; Headon Hill. [Alandib. ramus; Brit. Mus.| ORCA, J. E. Gray (ex Rondelet), Zool. ‘ Erebus’ and ‘Terror,’ 1846, Pp. 33- ? citoniensis, G. Capellini, Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna [4] vol. iv, 1883, p. 670: R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliii, 1887, p. 16, pl. ii, f. 9, 10, and Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 80. Loc. Red Crag; Woodbridge. [TZooth,; Ipswich Mus. — Periotic; Mus. Pract. Geol.] gladiator, J. E. Gray, Zool. ‘ Erebus’ and ‘ Terror,’ 1846, p. 33 ; W. H. Flower, Cat. Osteol. Dent. Vert. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, 1884, p. 572. Delphinus orca, Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 108 ; D. Embleton, Trans. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, vol. iv (1858), p. 50. Loc. River Deposit ; Bed of Tyne. OROHIPFPUS, Marsh. v. Hyracotherium. OVIBOS, H. D. de Blainville, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1816, p. 76. moschatus (Zimmermann), E. Lartet, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxi, 1865, p. 474; C. Moore, Proc. Bath Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. ii (1870), p. 52; W. B. Dawkins, Brit. Pleist. Mamm., pt. v (Pal. Soc., 1872), p. 1, pls. i-v, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxix, 1883, p. 575, woodcut, and zdzd., vol. xli, 1885, p. 242, woodcut ; W. Davies, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. vi, 1879, p. 246; C. Reid, Trans. Norfolk and Norwich Nat. Soc., vol. iii (1884), p. 632 (skull); R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. ii, 1885, p. 38. Bos moschatus, E. A. W. von Zimmermann, Geogr. Geschichte, vol. ii, 1780, p. 86. Bubalus moschatus, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xii, 1856, p. 124, woodcuts 1-3. Loc. Forest Bed ; Trimingham. Pleist.; Barnwood, Crayford, Dogger Bank (dredged), Freshford, Green Street (Bromley), Maidenhead. OVIS, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 97. ? aries, Linnzus, zbzd., p. 97. Outs artes, var. 6 polycerata, Linnzeus, 7b7d., p. 97. | | MAMMALIA. 371 OVIS ? aries (continued)— Ovis polycoratus, W. R. Wilde, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. vii, 1859, p. 207, woodcuts I0, II. Ovis artes ?, S. Haughton, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. [2] vol. ii, 1876, p. 483. Loc. Pleist.; Ballinderry, Dunslaughlin (Ireland). Caves ; Knockninny (Ireland). [Probably historic. ] ? Spe, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. ii, 1885, p. 4o. Loc. Cave; Kent’s Hole. [Radiusand ulna; Brit. Mus.,no. 16758. ] Pachynolophus minimus, Gervais. v. Lophiodon minimus. PAGOMYS, J. E. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1864, p. 31. feetidus (Fabricius), Turner. vw. Phoca hispida. PALEOBALANA, Seeley. v. Palzocetus. sedgwickii, Seeley. v. Paleocetus sedgwicki. PALZ:OCETUS, H. G. Seeley, Geol. Mag., vol. ii, 1865, p. 54; J. E. Gray, Geol. Mag., vol. ii, 1865, p. 57. PALHOBALENA, H. G. Seeley, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., vol. i (1864), p. 228 (name only). sedgwicki, H. G. Seeley, Geol. Mag., vol. ii, 1865, p. 54, pl. iii; W. H. Flower, Nature, vol. xxix (1883), p. 170 ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 31. Paleobalena sedgwicki, H. G. Seeley, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., vol. i (1864), p. 228 (name only). *Cetaceous Animal,’ R. Owen, Paleont., ed. 2, 1861, p. 355. Loc. Boulder Clay; Ely (‘derived from Kimeridgian’). [Cervical vertebrae ; Woodwardian Mus. ] T. PALEODELPHIS, Du Bus. v. Physodon. Susiformis, Du Bus. v. Physodon fusiformis. grandis, Du Bus. v. Physodon grandis. PALZHOSPALAX, Owen. v. Myogale. magnus, Owen. v. Myogale moschatus. PALZOTHERIUM, Cuvier, Ann. du Muséum, vol. iii, 1804, p. 289. PLAGIOLOPHUS, A. Pomel, Bull. Soc. Géol. France [2] vol. iv, 1847, p. 586. PALOPLOTHERIUM, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol.:Soc., vol. iv, 1848 (read 1847), p. 17. annectens (Owen), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M. pt. ili, 1886, p. 34, woodcut 6 (aznectans). Paloplotherium annectens, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. iv, 1848, p. 28, pl. iii, f. 1-4, and Geol. Mag., vol. vii, 1870, p. 143; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 361. @ (Paloplotherium.) Plagiolophus annectens, A. Pomel, Catal. Méthod., 1853, p. 83. Loc. Headon Beds; Binstead, I. of Wight, and Hordwell. [Skull ; Brit. Mus.] 392 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PALM OTHERIUM (continued)— crassum, Cuvier, Ann. du Muséum, vol. vi, 1805, p. 348; R. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi (1841), p. 44, pl. iv, f. 7, and Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 322, woodcuts 113, 115, 116, and Odontography (1845), p. 599, pl. cxxxv, f. 6; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 360; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. iii, 1886, p. 25. Loc. Headon Beds ; Bembridge, Hordwell, and Headon Hill. [Zeeth; Brit. Mus.| curtwm, Cuvier, quoted as British, without authority, by J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 360. magnum, Cuvier, Ann. du Muséum, vol. ili, 1804, p. 367, and Ossem. Fossiles, vol. ili, 1823, p. 157; R. Owen, Odonto- graphy (1845), p. 599, pl. cxxxv, f. 4, 5, and Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 316, woodcuts 109, 110; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 360; T. H. Huxley, Geol. Mag., vol. vii, 1870, p- 153, pl. vi; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. iii, 1886, p. 16. Lophiodon, or Paleotherium, or Cory phodon, R. Owen, Bnit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 309, woodcut 106; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. ili, 1886, p. 19. [Phalangeal bone ; Bnit. Mus. } Loc. U. Eocene ; Bembridge, Hempstead, Hordwell, and Sea- field. [Zeeth,; Brit. Mus.] medium, Cuvier, Ann. du Muséum, vol. iii, 1804, p. 289; R. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi (1841), p. 44, pl. iv, f. 6, and Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 319, woodcuts III, 112, 114; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 361; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. iii, 1886, p. 20. Loc. U. Eocene ; Bembridge and Binstead, I. of Wight, and Hordwell. [7Zzeth and jaws; Brit. Mus.| minus, Cuvier, Ann. du Muséum, vol. iii, 1804, p. 471; R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 323, woodcut 117; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 361; R. Lydekker, Gat oss Mamm. B. M., pt. 111, 1886, p. 38. Paloplotherium minus, P. Gervais, Zool. et Pal. Frang., ed. 1, vol. iv, 1848-1852, p. 63, pls. xiil, xiv. Plagiolophus minor, A. Pomel, Bull. Soc. Géol. France [2] vol. iv, 1847, p. 586. Loc. U. Eocene ; Bembridge and Seafield, I. of Wight, and Hordwell. [Portions of skull and mandible, etc.) PALOPLOTHERIUM, Owen. v. Paleotherium. annectens, Owen. v. Palzotherium annectens. minus, Gervais. v. Paleotherium minus. PERALESTES, R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 33; H. F. Osborn, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1888, p. 298. [? Spalacotherium.] a MAMMALTA. 373 PERALESTES (continued) — longirostris, R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 33, pl. i, f. 3 (zon f. 4); R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm, B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 294. [See also Amblotherium mus- telula. | Loc. M. Purbeck; Durdlestone Bay. [Right maxilla; Brit. Mus. | 7. ? sp., R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 36, pl. i, f. 40 (called Phascolestes dubcus in explan. to plate). Spalacotherium tricuspidens, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. x, 1854, p. 431, woodcut 12. ‘Genus tndet.,” R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 294. ae Durdlestone Bay. [Mandib. ramus; Brit. us. PERAMUS, R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 41; H. F. Osborn, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1888, p. 295. LEPTOCLADUS, R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), P- 53- tenuirostris, R. Owen, zd7d., p. 41, pl. ii, f. ro (? f. 11-13); R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 277. ? Peramus tenutrostris (minor?), R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 44, pl. ii, f. 13. Loc. M. Purbeck; Durdlestone Bay. [Mandib. ramus ; Brit. Mus.] Tr. dubius (Owen), H. F. Osborn, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1888, p. 295, woodcut I 0. Leptocladus dubius, R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 53, pl. iil, f. 4; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 292. T. (Leptocladus.) Loc. M. Purbeck; Durdlestone Bay. [Mandib. ramus; Brit. Mus. ] minor (Owen), H. F. Osborn, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1888, p. 295, woodcut I a. Spalacotherium minus, R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 28, pl. i, f. 39 ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 293. Loc. M. Purbeck ; Durdlestone Bay. [Mandib. ramus; Brit. Mus. ] PERASPALAX, Owen. v. Amblotherium. talpoides, Owen. v. Amblotherium talpoides. PERATHERIUM, Aymard. v. Didelphys. PHASCOLESTES, Owen. v. Amblotherium. dubius, Owen. v. Amblotherium dubium and Peralestes sp. ltongirostris, Owen. v. Amblotherium mustelula. 374 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PHASCOLOTHERIUM, R. Owen, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iii (1838), p. 9, and Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi (184m), pp- 57, 58, and Paleontology, ed. 2, 1861, p. 341, woodcut 113; H. F. Osborn, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1888, p. 293. [See also W. Ogilby, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iii (1838), p. 21; H. D. de Blainville, Comptes Rendus, vol. vii, 1838, p. 402 ; A. Valenciennes, Comptes Rendus, vol. vii, 1838, p. 572.] THYLACOTHERIUM, A. Valenciennes, zé7d@., p. 580 ( fars). bucklandi (Broderip), R. Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi (1841), p. 58, pl. vi, f. 2, and Odontography (1845), descr. to pl. xcix, f. 4, and Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 61, woodcut 20, and Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 16, pl. 1, f. 26; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, 9. 30) sam Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 236, woodcut Ixxxii [J. Parker Coll.]; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p- 270, woodcut 4o. [See also Amphilestes sp.| Didelphys bucklandi, W. J. Broderip, Zool. Journ., vol. iii, 1828, p- 408, pl. xi; W. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral., ed. 2, vol. ii, 1837, pl. ii, f. A. Thylacotherium bucklandit, A. Valenciennes, Comptes Rendus, vol. vii, 1838, p. 580. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Mandib. ramus; Brit. Mus.] 7: ?Spey ‘Femur and humerus of small mammal, H. G. Seeley, Quart.Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv, 1879, p. 456, woodcuts 1, 2. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Femur and humerus ; Brit. Mus. ] PHOCA, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 55. barbata, O. Fabricius, in O. F. Miiller, Zool. Dan. Prodr., 1776, p. vi ; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 147, pl. v, f. 2 [Phoca (Erignathus) barbata}. Loc. Forest Bed; Overstrand. [Mumerus,; A. Savin Coll.] fetida, Fabricius. v. Phoca hispida. ? groenlandica, O. Fabricius, in O. F. Miiller, Zool. Dan. Prodr., 1776, p. viii; R. Walker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. xii, 1863, p. 382. Loc. ‘ Pliocene’ [Pleist.]; Fife. [Skeleton ; Edinburgh Mus.| ? hispida, J. C. D. von Schreber, Saugethiere, vol. iii, 1778, p. 312, pl. Ixxxvi; W. H. Flower, Cat. Osteol. Dent. Vert. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, 1884, p. 207 [for synonymy]. Phoca fetida, O. Fabricius, in O. F. Miller, Zool. Dan. Prodr., 1776, p. viii (not described, and withdrawn by author (Skriv. Nat. Selsk., vol. i (2), 1791, p. 74) in favour of P. Azsfida). - Pagomys fetidus?, W. Turner, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. vii (1870), p. 114, woodcut. Loc. Pleist.; Grangemouth and Puggiston. [Portions of two skeletons. | a - MAMMALIA. PHOCA (continued)— ? vitulina, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12,vol. i,1766, p. 56; (?) D. Page, Advanced Text-book Geology, 1859, p. 307; Allman, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, vol. iv (1859), pp. 99, 190. Loc. Pleist.; Stratheden (Fifeshire), Tyree, Kirkcaldy, and Portobello. 375 Spp.: recorded by D. Page, in W. Turner, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. vii (1870), p. 107, from Pleistocene of Dunbar, Errol, Garbridge, Invernetty, Seafield, and Stratheden. sp.: ‘Seal,’ Knox, Mem. Wernerian Soc., vol. v, 1825, p. 572. Loc. Pleist. ; Camelon. sp., E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), ip. 20; pliv, f..1,; 2. Canis vulpes, A. Savin (errore), Proc. Norwich Geol. Soc., vol. i, 1878, p. 27. Loc. Forest Bed ; West Runton and Wood Hill. [Left radius; Mus. Pract. Geol.—Tooth; A. Savin Coll.] PHOCZENA, Cuvier, Régne Animal, vol. i, 1817, p. 279. communis, R. P. Lesson, Man. de Mammalogie, 1827, p. 413 ; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vi, 1889, p. 149, pl. v, f. 4. Loc. Forest Bed; Sidestrand. [Caudal vertebra; A. Savin Coll. | crassidens, Owen. v. Pseudorca crassidens. PHYSETER, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 107. breviceps, Blainville. v. Kogia breviceps. ? macrocephalus, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 107 ; R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 524, woodcut 217 ; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 361; E. T. Newton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlii, 1886, p. 316, pl. xi, f. 1-4. Loc. Forest Bed ; Sidestrand. [Zooth; Mus. Pract. Geol.| Pleist.; Essex. [7Zzezh.] PHYSETERULA, P. J. Van Beneden, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. [2] vol. xliv, 1877, p. 851. dubusiz, [-ii] P. J. Van Beneden, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. [2] vol. xliv, 1877, p. 851; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 54. Hlomocetus villerst, R. Lydekker (errorve), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliii, 1887, p. 14. Loc. Red Crag ; Woodbridge. [Zooth; Brit. Mus.] es PHYSODON, P. Gervais, Bull. Soc. Géol. France [2] vol. xxix, 1872, p. 101. PALZODELPHIS, Du Bus, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. [2] vol. xxxiv, 1872, p. 503. 376 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PHYSODON (continued)— ? fusiformis (Du Bus), (?) R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlil, 1887, p. 14, and Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 59. Paleodelphis fusiformis, Du Bus, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. [2] vol. xxxiv, 1872, p. 506. Loc. Red Crag ; Woodbridge. [Zeeth, Brit. Mus.] grandis (Du Bus), R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlii, 1887, p. 14, and Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 59. Paleodelphis grandis, Du Bus, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. [2] vol. xxxiv, 1872, p. 503. Loc. Red Crag; Felixstowe, Woodbridge. [ 7eeth ; Brit. Mus.} PLAGIAULAX, H. Falconer, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiii, 1857, p. 261, and zézd., vol. xviii, 1862, p. 348, and Encycl. Brit., ed. 8, vol. xvii, 1859, p. 161. PLIOPRION, E. D. Cope, Amer. Nat., vol. xviii, 1884, p. 691. beckilesi, [-ii] H. Falconer, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiii, 1857, p. 262, woodcuts 1-5, 7-13 (mom 14), and Palzont. Mem., vol. 11, 1868, p. 416, pl. xxxiii (ov pl. xxxiv, f.1); [-1i] R. Owen, Paleont., ed. 2, 1861, p. 353, woodcut 119, and Brit. Mesoz. Mamm.(Pal. Soc. 1871), p. 77,-pl. iv, £ 10, 11, 13; 14am (?f. 12, 15), woodcuts 8, 23; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. , B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 197, woodcut 31. [See also P. medius.| | Loc. M. Purbeck ; Durdlestone Bay. [Mandib. ramus; Brit. | Mus. | Tr. falconeri, R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 84, pl. iv, f. 16; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1837, p. 198. Loc. M. Purbeck ; Swanage. [Mandib. ramus ; Brit. Mus.] medius, R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 85, woodcuts 7, 12; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 198. Plagiaulax becklesit, H. Falconer (errore), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiii, 1857, p. 280, woodcut 14, and Palzeont. Mem., vol. ii, 1868, pl. xxxiv, f. 1. Loc. M. Purbeck ; Durdlestone Bay. [Mandib. ramus; Brit. Mus.] minor, H. Falconer, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xii, 1857, pp. 264, 281, woodcut 15, and Palzont. Mem., vol. 11, 1868, p. 410, pl. xxxiv, f. 2-6; R. Owen, Palzont., ed. 2, 1861, p. 354, woodcut 120, and Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 75, pl. iv, f. 9, woodcut 6; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 198. Plioprion minor, E. D. Cope, Amer. Nat., vol. xviii, 1884, p. 691. Loc. M. Purbeck; Swanage. [Mandib. ramus; Brit. Mus.] MAMMALIA. 377 PLAGIOLOPHUS, Pomel. v. Palzotherium. annectens, Pomel. v. Palwotherium annectens. minor, Pomel. v. Palzotherium minus. PLATYCHEROPS, E. Charlesworth, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1854 (1855), Sect., p. 80. MIOLOPHUS, R. Owen, Geol. Mag., vol. ii, 1865, p. 339. richardsoni, [-ii] E. Charlesworth, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1854 (1855), Sect., p. 80 ; H. Woodward, Geol. Mag., vol. iii, 1866, p. 48 ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 4. Miolophus planiceps, R. Owen, Geol. Mag., vol. ii, 1865, p. 339, pl. xf 9, 3 T. (Miolophus.) Platycherops = Esthonyx, R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. ii, 1885, p. 360. Loc. London Clay; Herne Bay. [Palatal portion of skull; York Mus.] PLESIOCETOPSITS, Brandt. v. Cetotherium. brevifrons, Brandt. v. Cetotherium brevifrons. dubius, Brandt. v. Cetotherium dubium. hupschi, Brandt. v.Cetotherium hupschi. PLESIOCETUS, Van Beneden. v. Cetotherium: brialmonti, Van Beneden. v. Cetotherium brialmonti. dubius, Van Beneden. v. Cetotherium dubium. garopi, Van Beneden. v. Balenoptera garopi. hupschi, Van Beneden. v. Cetotherium hupschi. PLIOLOPHUS, Owen. v. Hyracotherium. vulpiceps, Owen. v. Hyracotherium leporinum. PLIOPRION, Cope. v. Plagiaulax. minor, Cope. v. Plagiaulax minor. PSEUDORCA, J. T. Reinhardt, Oversigt K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Forh., 1862, p. 151. crassidens (Owen), W. H. Flower, Cat. Osteol. Dent. Vert. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, 1884, p. 573. Phocena crassidens, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 516, woodcuts 213, 214, 216; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 361. Loc. Prehist.; Fen near Stamford (Lincolnshire). [Skeleton ; Mus. Stamford Institution. ] PTERODON, H. D. de Blainville, Ann. Franc. et Etrang. d’Anat. et Physiol., vol. iii, 1839, p. 23. dasyuroides, H. D. de Blainville, 747d. p. 23 ;. R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. i, 1884, p. 444, and Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. Mi, pt. 1;.1885; p.-33. Loc. Bembridge Limest. ; I. of Wight. [7eeth,; Brit. Mus.] Te 378 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. PUTORIUS, Cuvier. v. Mustela. ermineus, Owen. v. Mustela ermineus. vulgaris, Owen. v. Mustela putorius. RANGIFER, Hamilton Smith, in Griffiths Animal Kingdom, vol. v, 1827, p. 304. tarandus (Linnzus), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. 1, 1885, p. 79; J. Simpson, Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc., vol. v (1887), p. 295, pls. vii and viii, f. 1-3. Cervus tarandus, Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 93 ; R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 479, woodcuts 197— 199; T. Oldham, Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, vol. iii, 1849, p. 252; J. Morris; “Cat. Brit. Foss), r&54, p: 3583. W-ae Wilde, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. vii, 1859, p. 200; S. J. Mackie, Geologist, 1861, p. 467, pl. xviii (C. tarandus ?) ; S. Haughton, Man. Geology, 1865, p. 339, woodcut 64 ; A. Carte, Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, vol. x, 1864, p. 103, pl. vii; H. Falconer, Palzont. Mem., vol. 11, 1868, p. 568 ; J. A. Smith, Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scotland, vol. viii, 1871, p. 186, woodcuts, and zé7d., n.s., vol. i, 1879, p. 361; G. Busk, Phil. Trans., 1873 (1874), p. 526, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi, 1875, p. 689; J. Young, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, vol. 11 (1875), p. 5; W. B. Dawkins, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi, 1875, p. 248; R. J. Moss, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. [2] vol. ii (Sci.), 1876, p. 547; A. L. Adams, Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. xxvi (Sci.), 1876, p. 217, and Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. [2] vol. iii (Sci.), 1878, p. 92, and Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc., vol. 11, 1880, p. 76, pl. i, f. 1 ; J. E. Harting, Brit. Anim. Extinct, 1880, p. 61, woodcuts ; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 64 (rejects this sp. from Forest Bed); V. Ball, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. iii (1885), p. 338 ; H. H. Winwood, Proc. Bath Nat. Hist. Club, vol. vi (1886), p.95 ; M. Browne, Vert. Anim. Leicester., 1889, p. 34. Cervus (Rangifer) tarandus, A. Carte, Nat. Hist. Rev., vol. vi (1859), p. 502. ‘Reindeer, J. Scouler, Edinburgh New Phil. Journ., vol. lii, 1852, p. 135; C. Moore, Proc. Bath Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. i (1870), p. 52. ‘Deeply grooved bones,’ Neill, Edinburgh Phil. Journ., vol. i, 1819, p. 183. Cervus bucklandi, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 485, woodcut 200; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 358. [Base of antler ; Oxford Mus. ] ‘Smaller species of Deer of Kirkdale,’ W. Buckland, Reliq. Diluv., 1824, pp. 19, 264, pl. ix, f. 5. noc. Pleist. and Prehist.; Beckford, Brentford, Bedford, - Bemerton, Bilney Moor, Culham, Camps Hill, Dogger Bank (dredged), Eckington, Folkestone, Fawler, Fresh- field, Fladbury, Greenwich, Harrowdean (Northampton), Kew, Larkhall, Leicester, London, Lawford, Loxbrook, MAMMALIA. 379 RANGIFER tarandus (continued)— Murston, Otterham, Oxford, Sittingbourne, Stroud, Stonehouse, ? Tewkesbury, Windsor.—Carluke, River Clyde, Croftaurie, Craigton, Cill Trélla, Kilmaurs, Keiss, Marlee, Pentland Hills, Raesgill, Ronsay, Shaws, Tain, Yarhouse (Scotland).—Ashbourne, Ballybetagh, Bally- guiry, Clare, Curragh, Lough Gur, Meath (Ireland). Caves; Anstie’s, Banwell, Bacon Hole, Bench, Bosco’s Hole, Berry Head, Bleadon, Brixham, Cresswell Crags, Caswell Bay, Coygau, Durdham Down, Hutton, Kent's Hole, Kirkdale, Long Hole, Laugharne, Maidstone (fissure), Minchin Hole, Oreston, Paviland, Pleasley Vale, Spritsail Tor, Uphill, Vale of Clwyd, Windy Knoll, Wookey Hole. —? Ballynamintra and Shandon (Ireland). RHINOCEROS, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 104. ACERATHERIUM, J. J. Kaup, Isis (Oken), 1832, p. 904. antiquitatis, J. F. Blumenbach, Handb. Naturgeschichte, Ist French ed., vol. ii, 1803, p. 408; H. Falconer, Palzeont. Mem., vol. 1i, 1868, p. 399; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. iii, 1886, p. 92. Rhinoceros tichorhinus, G. Fischer de Waldheim, Zoognosia tab. syn. illustr., ed. 3, vol. iii, 1814, p. 304 (A. “cheorhinus) ; R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 325, woodcuts 120- m0; J.. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 361: W. B. Dawkins, Nat. Hist. Rev., n.s., vol. iii, 1863, p. 525, pls. i-iii, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxiii, 1867, p. 226; H. Falconer, Palzont. Mem., vol. ii, 1868, p. 399; C. Moore, Proc. Bath Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. ii (1870), p. 53; G. Busk, Phil. Trans., 1873 (1874), p. 518, pl. xliv, and Quart. Journ, Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi, 1875, p. 690; E. Clarke, Proc. W. London Sci. Assoc., vol. i (1876), p. 98 (radius ? A. tichorhinus) ; R. Johnson, Trans. Norfolk and Norwich | Nat. Soc., vol. ii (1877), p. 284; R. Pennington, Trans. Manchester Geol. Soc., vol. xv (1878), p. 51; H. H. Win- | wood, Proc. Bath Nat. Hist. Club, vol. vi (1886), p. 95. ‘Strange bones,’ W. Somner, News from Chartham, 4to. London, 1669, and Phil. Trans., 1701, p. 882, pl. [Brit. Mus. } ‘Rhinoceros,’ W. Buckland, Phil. Trans., 1822, p. 182, pl. xxi f. 3-6, and Reliq. Diluv., 1824, p. 262, pl. vii, f. 3-6; J.C. Bellamy, Nat. Hist. S. Devon, 1839, p. 438, pl. xi, f. 3; J. MacEnery, Cavern Researches, 1859, pl. L, pl. M, f. 4, 5, pl. P, pl. Q, f. 1-5. Loc. Pleist.; Applecake Hill, Aymestry, Batheaston, Barnston, Barnwood, Beckford, Bedford, ? Brentford, Brighton, Bromwich Hill, Burfield, Camps Hill, Canterbury, Chartham, Chatham, Clacton, Clapham, Culham, Cold Higham, Dogger Bank, Doward Wood, Erith, Eckington, Easton Cliff, Freshford, Fisherton, Flad- 380 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. REINOCEROS antiquitatis (continued)— bury, Fleets Bank, Folkestone, Harborough, Harrow- dean (Northampton), Greenwich, Hammersmith, Hart- lip, Hurley Bottom, Ipswich, Ilford, Lambridge, Larkhall, Lexden, Loxbrook, London, Lawford, Maid- stone, Murston, Morefield, Newington, Oxford, Peck- ham, Peterborough, Peltridge Common, Plymouth, Regent’s Park, Rugby, Sittingbourne, Stonehouse, Stroud, Thame, Tewkesbury, E. Wickham, Welling- borough, ? Walton (Essex), Wilton Jail, Woodstock Road Station, Worcester, Wyre. Caves; Berry Head, Caswell Bay, Cresswell Crags, Durd- ham Down, Kent's Hole, Kirkdale, Laugharne, Long Hole, Maidstone (fissure), Oreston, Pleasley Vale, Pavi- land, Peak Cavern, Sandford Hill, Spritsail Tor, Vale of Clwyd, Wirksworth, Wookey Hole, Yealm Bridge. etruscus, H. Falconer, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xv, 1859, p. 602; J. Gunn, Geol. Norfolk, 1864, p. 19 ; H. Falconer, Paleont. Mem., vol. li, 1868, pp. 345, 355, pl. xxii, f. 1-3, 5; W. B. Dawkins, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxiv, 1868, p. 207, pls. vil, vill, and zdz@., vol. xxviii, 1872, p. 411, and Cave Hunting, 1874, pp. 418, 419, 424 ; R. Johnson, Proc. Norfolk and Norwich Nat. Soc., vol. ii (1877), p. 285; A. Savin, Proc. Norwich Geol. Soc., vol. i (1878), p. 28; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. vii, 1880, p. 448, and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 38, pl. viti, f. 1-7 ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. ili, 1886, p. 119. Loc. Forest Bed ; Bacton, Cromer, Happisburgh, Kessingland, Mundesley, Pakefield, and West Runton. [TZeeth,; Mus. Pract. Geol.| hemitoeechus, Falconer. v. Rhinoceros leptorhinus. incisivus (Kaup), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. iii, 1886, p. 145. [See also 2. schlecermacheri.] Aceratherium inctstvum, J. J. Kaup, Isis (Oken), 1832, p. 904. LOC. Es Crag ; Felixstowe and Woodbridge. [Zeeth,; Brit. Mus. leptorhinus, R. Owen (70 Cuvier), Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 356, woodcuts 131-140; J. Morris, Cat. Erit. Foss., 1854, p. 361; W. Davies, Geol. Mag., vol. ii, 1865, p. 334; W. B. Dawkins, Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xv, 1866, p. 106 ; W. Davies, Cat. Pleist. Vert. Coll. Brady, 1874, p. 29, plate; H. Wood- ward, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. i, 1874, p. 398, pl. xv; R. Johnson, Trans. Norfolk and Norwich Nat. Soc., vol. ii (1877), p- 285 ; A. Savin, Proc. Norwich Geol. Soc., vol. i (1878), p. 28; W. B: Dawkins, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. XXiii, 1867, p. 213, pl. x, and zézd., vol. xxxvi, 1880, p. 398; H. Woodward, Trans. Essex Field Club, vol. iil, 1883, p. 17, woodcut 8 ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M. , pt. ili, 1886, p. 101, woodcut 13. [See also 2. megar hinus.| MAMMALIA. 381 RHINOCEROS leptorhinus (con/inued)— Rhinoceros hemitechus, H. Falconer (ars), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xvi, 1860, p. 488, and Palzont. Mem., vol. ii, 1868, pp. 311, 351, pls. xv—xvii, pl. xviii, f. 5, pls. xix- XX, xxiii, xxiv, pl. xxv, f. 1-4. Loc, Pleat; Barrington, Bielbecks, Brentford, Crayford, Clacton, Grays, Ilford, Lawford, Lexden, Maidenhead, Northampton, Peckham, Thame, Walton-on-the-Naze. [Cranium ; Brit. Mus.] Caves; Bacon Hole, Brixham, Coygau, Crayley Rock, Crow Hole, Durdham Down, Long Hole, Minchin Hole, Kirkdale, Ravenscliff, Vale of Clwyd, Wookey Hole. megarhinus, J. de Christol, Ann. Sci. Nat. [2] vol. iv, 1835, p. 76; J. Gunn, Geol. Norfolk, 1864, p. 19; W. B. Dawkins, Nat. Hist. Rev., n.s., vol. v, 1865, p. 399, woodcuts I-15, and Quart. Journ, Geol. Soc., vol. xxiii, 1867, p. 214, and Early Man in Britain, 1880, p. 140, ’ woodcuts 2g) 30% ye. F. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 40, pl. ix, f. 1; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. ili, 1886, p. 114, woodcut 14. Rhinoceros merckii, G. F. Jager, in J. J. Kaup, Akten der Urwelt, 1841, p. 33 to replace 2. kérchdergensis, but with- drawn in the ‘ Beitrage,’ ed. 1, pt. 1, 1854, p. vil, as being identical with A. lepforhinus, Cuvier. Rhinoceros leptorhinus, G. Busk (errvore), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 457, woodcuts 1-4. Rhinoceros leptorhinus (R. megarhinus), H. Falconer, Paleont. Mem., vol. ii, 1868, pls. xxx—xxx1i. Loc. ? Forest Bed ; Cromer. Pleist.; Crayford, Grays, Ilford, Norfolk, Walton-on-the- Naze. Caves ; Oreston, Gower. merckii, Jager. v. Rhinoceros megarhinus. ? schleiermacheri, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xii, 1856, p. 217, woodcuts 1-7. Doubtfully referred by Lydekker to R. zmctstvus (Kaup) : see Cat. Foss, Mamm. B. M., pt. ii), 1886, p. 149. Loc. Red Crag ; Suffolk. [ Zee¢h.] tichorhinus, Fischer. v. Rhinoceros antiquitatis. RHINOLOPHUS, A. G. Desmarest, Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat., vol. v, 1803, p. 111, and vol. xix, 1803, p. 383. ferrum-equinum (Schreber), R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 15, woodcut 6; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 361; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B.M., pt. i, 1885, p. II. Vespertilio ferrum-equinum, J.C. D. von Schreber, Saugethiere, vol. 1, 1775, p. 174. . Loc. Cave; Kent’s Hole. [Portions of skull and mandible ; Brit, Mus.| 382 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. Saiga tarbarica, Pallas [? ¢artarica, Linnzus], H. Woodward, Geol. Mag., vol. vi, 1869, p. 67 ; probably fragment of Capra (E. T. Newton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, p. 290). SCIURUS, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 86. ? vulgaris, Linnzus, 7d7d., p. 86; (?) E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. viii, 1881, p. 259, and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 92, pl. xiv, f. 12; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. 1, 1885, p. 209. Loc. Forest Bed; Ostend, Norfolk. [Humerus; Brit. Mus.] SIPHNEWS, A. Brants, Geslacht der Muizen, 1827, p. 19. sp. (cf aspalax, Pallas), A. Brants, zd¢d., p. 20. Mus aspalax, P. S. Pallas, Nov. Spec. Glirium, 1778, p. 165, pl. x. Georychus aspalax, R. Owen (errore), Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxii, 1874, p. 365. Loc. River Deposit ; near Salisbury. SOREX, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 73. fodiens, Owen (ervrore). v. Sorex pygmeeus. moschatus (Linneus), Dawkins. wv. Myogale moschata. ? pygmeeus, P. S. Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., vol. i, 1831, p. 134; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 97, pl. xy, fo 01, 2. ? Sorex fodiens, R. Owen (errore), Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 28, woodcut 14, no. 1; J. Morris (ervove), Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 301. ? Crossopus fodiens, R. Lydekker (evrore), Cat. Foss. Mamm. B.M: pt. 1, 1885;-p. 17. Loc. Forest Bed; Ostend and West Runton. [Aandib. ramus; Brit. Mus.| remifer, Owen (errore). v. Sorex vulgaris. vulgaris (Linnzus, Mus. Adolp. Frid.,1754, p.10); H. Nathusius, Wiegmann’s Archiv, vol. iv, 1838, p. 46; R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 28; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 361; E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 97, pl. xv, f. 5-10. ? Sorex remifer, R. Owen (errore), Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 28, woodcut 14, no. 3; J. Morris (evvore), Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 361. [Mandib. ramus; Brit. Mus.| ? Crossopus remifer, R. Lydekker (evvore), Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. 1, 1865,"p. 17. Loc. Forest Bed ; Ostend and West Runton. [MJandzd. ramus ; Mus. Pract. Geol.). Caves ; Kent’s Hole and Teesdale. ? sp., R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 16. Loc. Pleist.; Grays, Essex. [Portions of mandib.; Brit. Mus., no. 28079. } ——on MAMMALIA. 333 SPALACODON, E. Charlesworth, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xiv, 1844, p. 350, and London Geol. Journ., 1846, p. 6. sp., E. Charlesworth, zézd., 1846, p. 6, pl. ii, f. 5; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 361. Loc. U. Eocene; Hordwell. [Mandib. ramus ; Oxford Mus. (olim J. W. Flower Coll.)] :e SPALACOTHERIUM, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. x, 1854, p. 426. brodiei, J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 361; misprint for Macellodus brodiet. [REPTILIA.] minus, Owen. v. Peramus minor. tricuspidens, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. x, 1854, p. 426, woodcuts 9-11 (wom 12), and Palzontology, ed. 2, 1861, p. 350, woodcut 117, and Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 21, pl. i, f. 32-38; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 292, woodcut 43. [See also Peralestes sp. | Loc. M. Purbeck; Durdlestone Bay. [Portion of mandib. ramus ; Brit. Mus. ] T. SPERMOPHILUS, F. Cuvier, Mém. Mus. Paris, vol. ix, 1822, p. 293 (Spermophile). | ? altaicus, E. Eversmann, Addenda ad Pallasii Zoogr. Rosso- | Asiat., fasc. ii, 1841, p. 3; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] Vol. ix, 1882, p. 51, pl. ii. Spermophilus eversmanni, J. F. Brandt, Bull. Sci. Acad. Imp. St. Pétersbourg, vol. ix, no. 195, 1841 (1842), p. 43. Loc. Arctic Freshwater Bed; Mundesley. [Zzeth and bones ; Mus. Pract. Geol.| erythrogenoides, H. Falconer, Palzont. Mem., vol. ii, 1863, Pp. 453, pl. xxxv, f. 1-3; W. A. Sanford, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 128; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B; M,, pt. 1, 1885, p. 212: Spermophilus sp. (cf. cttillus), W. B. Dawkins and W. A. Sanford, Brit. Pleist. Mamm., pt.i (Pal. Soc., 1866), p. xxxviii. Spermophilus, R. Owen, Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxii, 1874, p. 365 ; R. W. Cheadle, Proc. W. London Sci. Assoc., vol.i(1876), p. 71. Loc. Pleist.; Erith. River Deposit ; Fisherton. Cave ; ? Bleadon, ? Sandford Hill. SQUALODON, J. P. S. de Grateloup, Actes Acad. Bordeaux, 1840, p. 208. antwerpiensis, P. J. Van Beneden and P. Gervais, Ostéogr. Cétacés (? 1872), p. 438; E. R. Lankester, Quart. Journ. ) | Geol Soce., vol. xxi, 1865, p. 231, pl. xi, f. 4, and zd, vol. xxvi, 1870, p. 512. [//oplocetus, pars. | Sgualodon sp., W. H. Flower, Cat. Osteol. Dent. Vert. Mus. | R. Coll. Surgeons, 1884, p.566. [Three molars ; Ipswich Mus. ] | Loc. Red Crag ; Felixstowe and Woodbridge. [Zeeth, Wood- wardian Mus., York Mus., etc.] sp., Lankester. wv. Balenodon physaloides, 384 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. STEGODON, Falconer. v. Elephas. STEREOGNATHUS, E. Charlesworth, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1854 (1855), Sect., p. 80. ooliticus, E. Charlesworth, zézd., p. 80; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1856 (1857), Sect., p. 73,and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiii, 1857, p. 1, pl. 1, and Paleontology, ed. 2, 1861, p. 345, weodcuts 115,116, and Brit. Mesez. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 18, pl. i, f. 27-30; J. Phillips, Geol. Oxford, 1871, p. 236, woodcut Ixxxill. Loc. Stonesfield Slate. [Portion of jaw, with teeth; Mus. Pract. Geol.] T. STRONGYLGCERGS, Owen, vw, Cervus. spelceus, Owen. v. Cervus elaphus, STYLODON, R. Owen, Geol. Mag., vol. iii, 1866, p. 199. pusillus, R. Owen, zézd., p. 199, pl. x, f. 1, 2, and Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 45, pl. ii, f. 15-19 (#o# f. 14), pl. iii, f. 2, 3; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 290; H. F. Osborn, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1888, p. 299. [See also Kurtodon pusillus.] Loc. M. Purbeck; Durdlestone Bay. [Mandib. ramus] TT. robustus, R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 52, pl. iii, f. 1; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B.)M., pt. 9 1887, p. 290; H. F. Osborn, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., i888, p. 299. LOG, a ies Durdlestone Bay. [Mandib. ramus; Brit. Mus. SUS, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 102 ; R. Lydekker, Palzont. Indica [10] vol. iii, 1884, p. 49. antiquus, J. J. Kaup, Ossem. Foss. Mus. Darmstadt, pt. ii, 1833, p. 8, pl. iii; R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. xii, 1856, p. 223, woodcut II. Sus sp. [allied to S. exymanthius|, R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. 11, 1885, p. 268, and zézd., pt. v, 1887, p. 337, and Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. xlii, 1886, p. 366. [Tooth ; Ipswich Mus.] Loc. Red Crag ; Ramsholt and Sutton. [7Zoo¢h.] palewocheerus, J. J. Kaup, Ossem. Foss. Mus. Darmstadt, pt. ii, 1833, p. 11, pl.ix; R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xii, 1856, p. 223, woodcut 10; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B.. M., pt. ii, 18855. ps 273. Loc. Red Crag; Suffolk. [Zeeth.] palustris, Ritimeyer. v. Sus scrofa. scrofa, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 102 ; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1843 (1844), p. 228, and Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 426, woodcuts 172-174; M. Fisher, Zoologist, vol. 1, 1843, p. 348; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., MAMMALTA. 385 o SUS scrofa (continued)— 1854, p. 362; W. R. Wilde, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. vii, 1859, p. 208, woodcuts 12, 13; R. Howse, Trans. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, vol. v (1861), p. 112; C. C. Blake, Geologist, 1862, p. 218; S. ‘Haughton, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. [2 ] vol. il (Sci. ), 1876, p. 483 ; Bet, Adams, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. [2] vol. iii (Sci.), 1878, p. 90, and Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc., vol. ii, 1880, p. 74; J. E. Harting, Brit. Anim. Extinct, 1880, p. 77 ; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. vii, 1880, p. 449, and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv. ay F882), Ds 43, pl. vi, f. 4; pl. ix, f. 3; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M. , pt. il, 1885, p. 260 ; M. Browne, Vert. Animals Leicester., 1889, p. 35,(alsa S. palustris, ibid, p- 36). Sus scrofa-ferox, C. Moore, Proc. Bath Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. ii (1870), p. 52; G. Rolleston, Journ. Anthrop. Inst., vol. vi, 1876, p. 22; H. Woodward, Trans. Essex Field Club, vol. iii, 1883, p. 7. Sus scrofa ferus,V. Ball,Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. iii (1885), pe 330.; H. H. Winwood, Proc. Bath Nat. Hist. Club, vol. vi (1886), p. 95. ‘Hog,’ W. Buckland, Phil. Trans., 1822, p. 235, pl. xxv, f. 30-33, and Reliq. Diluv., 1824, p. 59, pl. xi, f. 30-33 ; ie Lyell, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, 1840, p. 188, woodcut 2. ' ped J. C. Bellamy, Nat. Hist. S. Devon, 1839, p. 438, pl. xiv, “Fi 8E Loc. Forest Bed ; Happisburgh, Kessingland, Sidestrand. Pleist. and Preise. Beckford, Bath, Burwell Fen, Brent- ford, Brighton, Burnt Fen Clacton, Colchester, Durham, Deftord, Fisherton, Freshfield, Grays, Hammersmith, Ilminster, Lambeth, Larkhall, Leicester, Croft (Lincoln- shire), Maidstone, New bury, North B ridge, Ouse River (Newport Pagnell), South Shields, Walthamstow, Wooler. — Ballycumber Bridge, Ballingderry Lough, Dunslaughlin, Lough Gur (Ireland). Caves; Abinger, Arnside Knott, Bacon Hole, Bleadon, Bosco’s Hole, Crow Hole, Heathery Burn, Hutton, Kent’s Hole, Long Hole, Minchin Hole, Oreston, Paviland, Portland (fissure), Ravenscliff, Spritsail Tor, Teesdale, Uphill, Vale of Clwyd, Yealm Bridge.— Ballynamintra, Knockninny (Ireland). scrofa-ferox (ferus), auct. v. Sus scrofa. sp., Lydekker. v. Sus antiquus. TALPA, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 73. europea, Linneus, ee p. 73; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. viii, 1881, p. 259, and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. ae pl. xv, f. 1-4; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 15. Talpa vulgaris, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 19, woodcut 8; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. oe Ec 386 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. TALPA europea (continued)— ‘Saurian,’ C. Green, Hist. Bacton, 1842, p. 66, pl. [Skeleton ; Norwich Mus.] Loc. Forest Bed; Bacton, Ostend, West Runton. Cave ; Teesdale. magna, Pomel. v. Myogale moschata. vulgaris, Owen. v. Talpa europea. TAPINODON, Meyer. v. Anthracotherium. gresslyi, Meyer. v. Anthracotherium gresslyi. TAPIRUS, Cuvier, Tabl. Elément. Hist. Nat., 1798, p. 152. priscus, J. J. Kaup, Oss. Foss. Mus. Darmstadt, pt. ii, 1833, p. 4 ; R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xii, 1856, p. 222, woodcuts 8, 9. Tapirus elegans, R. Lydekker (? 702 Pomel), Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. ili, 1886, p. 3. Loc. Red Crag ; Woodbridge, Sutton. [TZee¢h.] TETRALOPHODON, Falconer. v. Mastodon. THERIDOMYS, A. J. L. Jourdan, Comptes Rendus, vol. v, 1837, p. 483. ?aquatilis, A. Aymard, Ann. Soc. Agric. Sci. du Puy, vol. xiv, 1850, p. 82; R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. i, 1884, p. 445, and Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 237. Loc. Headon Beds; Hordwell and Headon Hill. [Mandzb. rami, Brit. Mus.] THY LACOTHERIUM, Prevost. v. Amphitherium and Phas- colotherium. bucklandi, Valenciennes. v. Phascolotherium bucklandi. prevosti, Valenciennes. v. Amphilestes broderipi and Amphi- therium prevosti. TRIACANTHODON, Owen. v. Triconodon. serrula, Owen. v. Triconodon mordax. TRICHECODON, Lankester. wv. Trichechus. huateyi, Lankester. v. Trichechus huxleyi. TRICHECHUS, Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 49. TRICHECODON, E. R. Lankester, Quart. Journ. Geol. ao vol. xxi, 1865, Patezo- huxleyi, E. R. Lankester, Trans. Linn. Soc. [2] Zool., vol. ii, 1882, f.213, pl. xxl, f. 1-7; E. T. Newton);WVert. Moress Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 26, pl. v, f. 3; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pte 1885, p. 197. SS ———— MAMMALIA. 387 TRICHECHUS huxleyi (continued)— Trichecodon huxleyi, E. R, Lankester, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxi, 1865, p. 226, pl. x, f. 1- a 5) GO; PL xt, f. x le 1880, p. 154. T. (7; richecodon.) Alactherium huxley?, P.J.Van Beneden, Ossem. Foss. Environs d’Anvers, pt. i, 1877, pp. 47, 53: Loc. Red Crag ; Essex, and Felixstowe, Suffolk, [Portion of tusk ; Brit. Mus.] Forest Bed ; Cromer, between Cro rosmarus, Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, Pp. 49; T. Southwell, Science Gossip, vol. xili, 1877, Pp. 3, 178; W. Davies, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. v, 1878, p. 97; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 197. Loc. Dredged ; Dogger Bank, Eastern Coast. [Mandible ,; Brit. Mus.] Peat ; near Ely. TRICONODON, R. D. F641, TRIACANTHODON, R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. 1571), p.. 72. ferox, R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 64, pl. iii, f. 11-13, 17-19, pl. iv, f. 1; R, Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 260. Triconodon mordax, R. Owen (errore), Soc., 1871), Pp. 64, pl. iii, f. 8, ? Triconodon occtsor, R. Owen, roid, p. 69, pl. iv, f. 2. [Man- dible ; Brit, Mus. ] Loc. M. Purbeck ; Durdlestone Bay. Mus. ] major, R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), v. 70, PLAY, figs" R: Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 262. Loc. M. Purbeck ; Durdlestone Bay. Mus. ] mordax, R. Owen, Encyclop. Brit., ed. 8, vol. xvil, 1859, p. 161, woodcut 86, and Palzxontology, 1860, p. 318, woodcut Ql, and Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), p. 58, pl. i, i. 7 oss. Mamm. B. M., Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. Vii, mer and Sidestrand. [Skull ; Cambridge Anat. M. ws. ] Owen, Encyclop. Brit., ed. 8, vol. XVii, 1859, Mamm. (Pal. Soc., Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. [Mandib. ramus ; Brit. [Mandib. ramus ; Brit. (?.9, 10, on f. 8); R. Lydekker, Cat, F pt. v, 1887, p. 258, woodcuts 38, 39. [See also 1. ferox.] ? Triconodon mordar (?), E. Willett, Quart. Journ. Geol, Soc., Vol. xxxvii, 1881, p. 378, woodcut. [Mandib. ramus ; Mus. Pract. Geol.] ? Triacanthodon serrula, R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), P. 72, pl. iv, f. 7,8; O. Thomas, Phil, Trans., 1887, pt. B, p. 448, pl. xxvii, f. 10, [Mandib. ramus, etc. ; Brit. Mus. ] DP. ( Triacanthodon.) Loc. M. Purbeck ; Durdlestone Bay. [Mandib. ramus ; Brit. Tus. ] T. 388 BRITISH FOSSTO? VERTEBRA TA. TRICONODON (con/inuwed)— a occisor, Owen. v. Triconodon ferox. sp., R. Owen, Brit. Mesoz. Mamm. (Pal. Soc., 1871), pp. 62, 63, pl. in, f. 25, 16; 20, 21, pl. iv, f. 5,6; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 263. Loc. M. Purbeck ; Durdlestone Bay. [{Mandib. rami; Brit. Mus. ]} TRILOPHODON, Falconer. v. Mastodon. TROGONTHERIUM, G. Fischer de Waldheim, Mém. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, vol. ii, 1809, p. 250. cuvieri, Cuvier (? ex Fischer, MS.), Ossem. Fossiles, ed. 2, vol. v, pt. i, 1823, p. 59; R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 184, woodcuts 71-73, and Geol. Mag., vol. vi, 1869, p. 49, pl. iii, woodcuts 1-4; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 362; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. viii, 1881, p. 256, and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 65, pl. x1, f. 1-20; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 216. Trogontherium, G. Fischer de Waldheim, Mém. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, vol. ii, 1809, p. 250; A. Savin, Proc. Norwich Geol. Soc., vol. 1 (1878), p. 27. Castor trogontherium, Cuvier, Ossem. Fossiles, ed. 1, vol. v, pt. 1, 1823, p. 59. Loc. Norwich Crag; Thorpe. [Portion of femur; Brit. Mus.| Forest Bed ; Bacton, Cromer, Kessingland, Mundesley, W. Runton, Walker’s Cliff. [Various bones and teeth ; Brit. Mus. and Mus. Pract. Geol.) T. TURSIOPS, P. Gervais, Hist. Nat. Mamm., vol. 11, 1855, p. 323. ?tursio (Bonnaterre), R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 84. Delphinus tursio, Bonnaterre, Encycl. Méthod. (Cétologie), 1789, p. 21. Loc. Pleist.; Grays, Essex. [Lumbar vertebra; Brit. Mus.| sp., R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 84. Loc. White Crag; Ramsholt. [Caudal vertebra; Brit. Mus, no. 35042 a.| URSUS, Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 69 ; H. Falconer, Palzont. Mem., vol. ii, 1868, p. 466. arctoideus, Blumenbach. wv. Ursus spelzeus. arctos, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 69 ; R. Owen, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1842 (1843), p. 69, and Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p.77, woodcut 24, and in R. Ball, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. iv (1849), p. 416; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 362; W. R. Wilde, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. vii, 1859, MAMMALIA. 389 URSWUS arctos (con/inued)— p. 192, woodcut 1; A. Carte, Nat. Hist. Rev., vol. vi (1859), p- 502 ; E. Brenan and A. Carte, Journ. Roy. Dublin Soc., vol. ii, 1860, p. 344, pls. xi, xii; H. Denny, Proc. Geol. Polyt. Soc. Yorksn., vol. iv (1864), p. 349, pl. x, f. 2; W. B. Dawkins and W. A. Sanford, Brit. Pleist. Mamm., pt. i (Pal. Soc., 1866), p. xxii ; G. Busk, Phil. Trans., 1873 (1874), p. 532, pl. xlvi, f. 3-5 (?8, 10), and pl. xlvii, f. 16-18: A. L. Adams, Journ. Roy. Geol. Soc. Ireland, vol. iv, 1877, p. 246; J. A. Smith, Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scotland, n.s., vol. i, 1879, p. 360, woodcuts 2, 3; J. E. Harting, Brit. Anim. Extinct, 1880, p- 11, woodcuts ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., Bt. i, 18385 /9r 7s. Loc. Pleist. and Prehist. ; Crayford, Grays, ? Murston, Manea Fen (Camb.).— Dumfriesshire (Scotland).—Ballymahon, Kilrathmurray, Westmeath (Ireland). Caves; Bleadon, Brixham, Deborah’s Den, Durdham Down, Hutton, Kents Hole, Kirkdale, Llandebie, Oreston, Paviland, Sandford Hill, Spritsail Tor, Wookey Hole. ? arvernensis, J. B. Croizet and A. C. G. Jobert, Ossem. Foss. Puy-de-Dome, 1828, p. 188; E. R. Lankester, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] vol. xiv, 1864, p. 358, pl. viii, f. 1-4 ; J. Gunn, Geol. Norfoik, 1864, p. 19; A. Savin, Proc. Norwich Geol. Soc., vol. 1 (1878), p. 28; W.B. Dawkins, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxviil, 1872, p. 417, and Cave Hunting, 1874, p. 418 (recorded from Forest Bed); E. ‘I. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), pp. 5-16 (‘no description of a specimen of U. arvernensis from these deposits has ever been published, and if such a specimen is in existence its resting place is not known’). Loc. Red Crag; Sutton. [7Zee¢/.] eultridens, Cuvier. v. Machzrodus cultridens and M. latidens. ? etruscus, Cuvier, Ossem. Foss., ed. 2, vol. iv, 1823, p. 380. Doubtfully recorded from Forest Bed by J. Prestwich, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvii, 1871, p. 466: see also E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), pp. 5, 6. ferox-fossilis, Newton. 7. Ursus horribilis. ferox-spelwus, Adams. wv. Ursus spelzeus. fossilis, Goldfuss. v. Ursus horribilis. horribilis, Ord, in Guthrie’s Geography, 2nd American ed., vol. ii, 1815, pp. 291, 299; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 166. Ursus fossil’s, Goldfuss, Nova Acta Acad. Czs. Leop.-Carol., vol. x (2), 1821, p. 261. Ursus fossilis sive ferox, A. 1. Adams, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. [2] vol. iii (Sci.), 1878, p. 94. 390 BRITISH FOSSIL VERiE BRATA. URSUS horribilis (continied)\— Ursus fossilis vel ferox-fossilis, A. L. Adams, Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc., vol. 11, 1880, p. 49, pl. iv, f. 1-3, 8, 9. Ursus planafrons, H. Denny, Proc. Geol: Polyt. Soc. York- shire, vol. iv (1864), p. 347, pl. x, f. 1 (see also Adams, Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin Suc. [2] vol. ii, 1878, pp. 52, 53). [Skull ; Leeds Mus.] Ursus priscus, Goldfuss, Nova Acta Acad. Czs. Leop.-Carol., vol. xi (2), 1823, p. 468 ; R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, pp. 82, 106, woodcuts 25, 35; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. ae 1854, p. 362; G. Busk, Phil. Trans., 1873 (1874), p. 532, pl. “XIvi ok 2m 7, pl xlvii, Ea: W. B. Daw kins, eee Journ. Geol. Sec, Vol .Xxxi, 1875, p. 251, woodcut 1; R. Johnson, Trans. Norfolk and Norwich Nat. Soc., vol. ii (1877), p. 291. Ursus ferox=U. priscus, G. Busk, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxiii, 1867, p. 342. Ursus ferox, G. Busk, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi, 1875, p. 684; W. B. Dawkins, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. XXX], 1875, p. 250, woodcuts 1, 3; A. L. Adams, Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. xxvi (Sci.), 1876, p. 225. ? Ursus ferox ?, U. arctos?, W. B. Dawkins, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxill, 1877, p. 598. Ursus ferox-fossilis, E. T. Newton, Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 5, pl. i, f. 5, pl. iii, f. 10. Ursus (ferox) ‘horribilis, Vv. Ball, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. 111 (1885), p. 334. Ursus maritimus, A. Carte (errore), Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, vol. x, 1864, p. 114; A. L. Adams, Journ. Roy. Geol. Soc. Ireland, vol. iv, 1877, p. 247 (fails to perceive the resem- blance and refers the bones to U. sfeleus=U. ferox); A. L. Adams, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. [2] vol. iii (Sci.), 1878, p. 94. Loc. ? Forest Bed; Mundesley. Pleist.; ? Copford, Grays, ? Ilford, Ipswich, Kew Bridge, ? Murston, Stonehouse, ? Tewkesbury, Woodbridge, ? Walton, ? Whitstable. — Ballinamore, Clonbourne, Kilrathmurray, King’s Co., Longford, Lough Gur, Water- ford, Westmeath (Ireland). Caves ; Brixham, ? Deborah’s Den, Gower, Kent’s Hole, Kirkdale, Minchin Hole, Oreston, Spritsail Tor, Vale of Clwyd, Wookey Hole, Windy Knoll.—Ballynamintra, Kildare, Shandon (Ireland). duscus, Linnzus. v. Gulo luscus. maritimus, Carte (evrore). uv. Ursus horribilis. metles, Linnzus. v. Meles taxus. planafrons, Denny. v. Ursus horribilis. priscus, Goldfuss. v. Ursus horribilis. MAM MALTA. 391 re) URSUS (continued)— speleus, J. C. Rosenmiiller, Oss. Fossil. Anim., 1794, p. 18, pl.; J. C. Bellamy, Nat. Hist. S. Devon, 1839, p. 439, pl. xvi, f. 2; W. Buckland, Phil. Trans., 1822, p. 184, pl. xx, f. 1, and Reliq. Diluy., 1824, p. 261, pl. vi, f. : ; R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 86, woodcuts 29, 30, 32, 34-36; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 362 ; A. Carte, Nat. Hist. Rev., vol. vi (1859), p. 501; J. MacEnery, Cavern Researches, 1859, pl. D, f. 2-6, pl. E, f. 3, 4; H. Falconer, Palzont. Mem., vol. ii, 1868, p. 469; G. Busk, Phil. Trans., 1873 (1874), P3532, ple xivi, f. 1, 7, pl xiv, f..1, 6, 11,'( CU. speleus?) ; W. B. Dawkins, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi, 1875, p. 251, woodcut 2, and Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, vol. xiv, 1875, p. 6(‘ = £&zson’), and zbid., vol. xv, 1876, p. 150 (‘= U. ferox-fossilis”\ ; J. Plant, Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Man- chester, vol. xv, 1876, p. 107; R. Johnson, Trans. Norfolk and Norwich Nat. Soc., vol. ii (1877), p. 290; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. [2] vol. vii, 1880, p. 153, and Vert. Forest Bed (Mem. Geol. Surv., 1882), p. 5, pls. i, ii, iii; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 159. ? Cf. Ursus speleus, G. R. Waterhouse, in J. Brown, Quart. Journ. | Geol. Soc., vol. viii, 1852, p. 188, woodcut 2. Ursus ferox-speleus, A. L. Adams, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1881), p. 201, pl. xiv, f. 1-5. Ursus arctoideus, J. MacEnery, Cavern Researches, 1859, pl. D, f. 1; S. J. Mackie, Geologist, 1863, p. 333. ‘Fossil different from the white bear,’ J. Hunter, Phil. Trans., 1794, p- 417, pl. xix, f. 2 (foreign). ‘Bear,’ J. Rutter, Delin. County Somerset, 1829, p. 155. Loc. Forest Bed ; Bacton, East Coast. Pleist.; ? Bedford, ? Murston, ? Windsor. [Copford, Grays, Whitstable (Owen, ? U. sfel@us).| Caves; Bosco’s Hole, Bleadon, banwell, Bacon Hole, Bur- rington Combe, Brixham, Crow Hole, ? Deborah’s Den, Durdham Down, Hutton, Kent’s Hole, Kirkdale, Kirby Moorside, Long Hole, Minchin Hole, Paviland, Ravens- cliff, Sandford Hill, Spritsail Tor, Vale of Clwyd, Windy Knoll, Wookey Hole, Yealm Bridge.—? Shandon (Ireland). sp.: Ursus, C. Lyell, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, 1840, p. 188. ‘Ursus smaller than U. sfel@us, R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm* 1846, p. 106. Loc. Red Crag ; Newbourne. [Crown of molar; 07/2 W. Col- chester Coll.] sp., W. Davies, Cat. Pleist. Vert. Coll. Brady, 1874, p. 2. [Pro- visionally referred to U. horribilis by R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 171.] Loc. Pleist.; Ilford. [Portions of skeleton; Brit. Mus.] Urus priscus, Bojanus. v. Bison bonasus. 392 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. VESPERTILXIO, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 46. ferrum-equinwm, Schreber. v. Rhinolophus. noctula, Schreber. wv. Vesperugo noctula. sp., Morris. v. Insectivorous Bat. [MISCELLANEOUS MAMMALIA. ] VESPERUGO, A. von Keyserling and J. H. Blasius, Wirbelthiere Europa’s, vol. i, 1840, pp. xiv, 45. ? noctula (Schreber), Keyserling and Blasius, zdzd., p. 46; W. H. Flower, Cat. Osteol. Dent. Vert. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, 1884, p. 658. Vespertilio noctula, J. C. D. von Schreber, Saugethiere, vol. i, 1775, p. 166, pl. hi; R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 11, woodcut 5; J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 362. Loc. Caves; Banwell, Burrington Combe, Hutton. VIVERRA, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, vol. i, 1766, p. 63. hastingsizw, W. Davies, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. i, 1884, p. 433, pl. xv ; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p- 100, woodcuts II, 12. see ae Beds; Hordwell. [Cranium and mandible; Brit. ius. Vulpes vulgaris, auct. v. Canis vulpes. XIPHODON, Cuvier, Ossem. Fossiles, ed. 2, vol. iii, 1822, p. 62. platyceps, W. H. Flower, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1876, p. 3, pl. i, and Cat. Osteol. Dent. Vert. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, 1884, p.335- Loc. Red Crag; Woodbridge. [Cranium; Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons. } ZEUGLODON, R. Owen, Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iii (1839), p. 24, and Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi (1841), p. 70. wanklyni, H. G. Seeley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxii, 1876, p. 428. ‘Zeugloaon, H. G. Seeley, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1872 (1873), Sect., p. 122 (title only). Loc. Barton Clay; Barton. [Imperfect skull ; o¢¢# A. Wanklyn Coll. ] ZIPHIUS, Cuvier, Ossem. Foss., ed. 2, vol. v, pt. i, 1823, p. 352- angulatus, Owen. v. Mesoplodon angulatus. angustus, Owen. wv. Mesoplodon angustus. compressus, Owen. v. Mesoplodon compressus. cuvieri, Owen. v. Choneziphius planirostris. gibbus, Owen. v. Mesoplodon gibbus. longirostis, Cuvier and Du Bus. v. Mesoplodon longirostris. medilineatus, Owen. v. Mesoplodon longirostris. planirostris, Cuvier. v. Choneziphius planirostris. planus, Owen. v. Choneziphius planus. tenuirostris, Owen. v. Mesoplodon tenuirostris. MAMMALIA. 303 MISCELLANEOUS MAMMALIA. “ Carnassial tooth of a Carnivore, allied to Hyzenodon and Pterodon,’ R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xii, 1856, p. 230, woodcut 20. Loc. Red Crag ; Woodbridge. “ Carnivore,’ W. Davies, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. i, 1884, p. 437; R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. 1, 1885, p. 106. Loc. Headon Beds; Hordwell. [Imperfect cranium; Brit. Mus., no. 36791.] *Castoroid Rodent,’ R. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. i, 1885, p. 221, woodcut 30 ; ‘ Beaver,’ J. Brown, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. vii, 1852, p. 188, woodcut 3. Loc. Pleist.; Copford. [Tooth; Brit. Mus.] Cetacean remains are recorded by :—R. Bald, Edinb. Phil. Journ., vol. i, 1819, p. 393, and Keddock, Edinb. Phil. Journ., vol. xi, 1824, p. 415 (‘Whale’; Airthey, near Stirling) ; W. Richardson, Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. iii, 1839, p. 99 (‘Whale’; Herne Bay) ; H. W. Crosskey, Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, vol. v, 1863 (1854), p. 243 (‘Cetacean’; Banks of R. Irvine) ; Hardy, Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, vol. v, 1866, p. 32 (‘Cetacean vertebra’; near Twisley, Yorkshire) ; J. F. Stewart, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. vi (1879), p. 49 ( Whale’; Stirling) ; R. Lydekker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliii, 1887, p. 16, and Cat. Foss. Mamm. B. M., pt. v, 1887, p. 84 (‘ Cetacean periotics and tympanics’ from White Crag, Beccles Old Abbey, and Red Crag, Woodbridge). *Cetacean vertebre,’ Newton, 1886. wv. Balzena biscayensis. ‘Cetaceous Animal, Owen, 1861. v. Paleeocetus sedgwicki. ‘ Dama, fossil, of Ireland,’ Hamilton Smith, 1827. v. Cervus giganteus. ‘Deeply grooved bones,’ Neill, 1819. v. Rangifer tarandus. “Deer’s horns,’ Knowlton, 1747. v. Cervus elaphus and C. giganteus. ‘Didelphe,’ Cuvier, 1824. v. Amphitherium prevosti. “ Didelphys, small? Buckland, 1837. v. Amphitherium prevosti. ‘Elk,’ auct. wv. Cervus giganteus. ‘Femur and humerus of small mammal,’ Seeley, 1879. v. Phascolo- therium sp. ‘Fossil tooth,’ W. Smith, 1816. v. Mastodon arvernensis. *Group of bones,’ C. Green, Hist. Bacton, 1842, p. 59, pl. The remains noticed by Green are referred to by R. Owen in the Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1842 (1843), p. 57, as resembling Anoplotherium, though subsequently (p. 74), regarded as ‘partly Roebuck and other Animals.’ [See also E. Charles- worth, London Geol. Journ., pt. i, 1846, p. 25.] * Hart’s horn,’ Borlase, 1758. wv. Cervus elaphus. “ Horns of antelope,’ J. Collet, Phil. Trans., 1757, p. 112, and S. Wood- ward, Syn. Tab., 1830, p. 39 (Pleist. ; Newbury). = undeter- mined Cervus. 394 BRITISH FOSSIL VERTEBRATA. ‘Horn of the stag kind,’ Hopkins, 1733. v. Cervus elaphus. ‘Hyzenoid wolf,” Falconer, 1868. v. Lycaon anglicus. ‘Insectivorous bat,’ R. Owen, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, 1840, p. 194, woodcut 3; ‘ Cheiropterous (?) insectivore,’ R. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm., 1846, p. 17, woodcut 7 ; Vespfertilio sp., J. Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, p. 362. Loc. L. Eocene Sand; Kyson (Kingston), Suffolk. [Teeth ; Ipswich Mus.] ‘Large deer,’ Buckland, 1822. wv. Cervus elaphus. ‘Large horns,’ Molyneux, 1697. v. Cervus giganteus. ‘Large Strongyloceros, Falconer, 1868. v. Cervus verticornis. ‘Large teeth,’ Nevile and Molyneux, 1715. v. Elephas primigenius. ‘ Moschus, Pratt, 1835. wv. Dichodon cervinus. ‘Opossum jaw,’ Charlesworth, 1839. wv. Didelphys colchesteri. ‘Quadrumanous Animal,’ S. V. Wood, 1839. v. Hyracotherium cuniculus. ‘Stag of Canada,’ Leigh, 1700. vw. Cervus elaphus. *Stag’s head,’ Baker, 1785. v. Cervus elaphus. ‘Strange bones,’ Somner, 1699. wv. Rhinoceros antiquitatis. ‘Tiger, MacEnery, 1859. wv. Felis leo. ‘Whales, two species of,’ Gunn, 1864. v. Balzenoptera sp. a ” ” ” Got ggg-60") ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Page 2, etc. The locality Wardie, near Edinburgh, is often quoted as Newhaven or New Haven in the earlier memoirs. 7, etc. Though /efzs is a feminine Greek word, the universal custom of regarding it as masculine when employed in scientific names is followed in this work. g. The fragment of dentition of Aefodatis figured in R. Damon, Geol. Weymouth, ed. 2, 1880, Suppl., pl. xii, f. 1, is evi- dently an Eocene fossil ; it is now in the British Museum. 14. The undescribed type of Asteracanthus stutchburyi is in the Bristol Museum ; it is of doubtful age. 17. Leryx microcephalus and 2. radians are first named im Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., Feuill., 1835, p. 55. 40. Since the earlier sheets were printed the negotiations for the purchase of the E. W. Binney Collection by the Man- chester Museum have failed. The types of Hofplopy gus binneyt and Strepsodus saurotdes are therefore not yet preserved in a public collection. 49. ddd CTENACANTHUS dubius, J. W. Davis, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. [2] vol. i (1883), p. 340, pl. xliv, f. 7. Loc. L. Carb. Limest.; Armagh. [Spine; Brit. Mus.] 65, line 6, de/e Passage Beds. 67. The type of Dzttodus divergens is now in the British Museum. 74. Figures of Elonichihys caudalis, egertont, oblongus, and semistriatus are also given by J. Ward, Trans. N. Staffs. Inst. Mining Engin., vol. x, 1889, pl. iv, f. 1, 2, pl. v, f. 4-6. 80, line 4, for J. W. Salter read F. M‘Coy. 82. The type of Ganacrodus hastula is now in the British Museum. Iol. Mr. Edward Wilson is unable to recognise the type of Hybodus leviusculus in the Bristol Museum, and considers that the spine named /. /eftodus is probably a Rheetic fossil. 130, line 28, for J. W. Salter read F. M‘Coy. 132, line 11, for 1843 vead 1837. 146. ddd PHLYCTZENIUS, R. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. [3] vol. vii, 1890, p. 21, with the single British species, P. anglicus, to be described and figured, zé¢d., February 1890. Loc. L. Old Red Sandst. ; Herefordshire. [Imperfect shield ; Edinburgh Mus.] 396 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Page 166, line 30, for vol. xii, 1856, p. 100, vead vol. xvii, 1861, p. 166. ” ” 188, line 4, defore J. E. Lee zzsert E. R. Lankester, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxiv, 1868, p. 547. 202. The various Labyrinthodonts from Warwick described by Owen in the Trans. Geol. Soc. [2] vol. vi, are also noticed in the Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1841 (1842), p. 181. 270. Add PLESIOSAURWS platydeirus, R. Owen, Cat. Foss. Rept. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, 1854, p. 59, Loc. L. Lias ; Lyme Regis. [Vertebra; Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons. | 330, line 27, add S, Laing, Prehist. Remains Caithness, 1866, p. 50, woodcut 58 (antlers from Keiss). 333. The following reference is omitted because it relates to a tooth from the Red Crag which must be regarded as speci- fically indeterminable :—J//egaceros hibernicus, R. Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xii, 1856, p. 226, woodcut 18. Among the Pleistocene Mammalia, mere lists of occurrences not verified by specialists are ignored ; and it has been necessary to omit many records, from their being noted without scientific precision under English names. The term ‘Prehistoric’ is employed in the sense defined by Professor Boyd Dawkins. 197 LONDON : Printed by SrRANGEWaYs AND Sons, Tower Street, Cambridge Circus, W.C. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY | P&A Sci. | %, “4 ¥ } oy! . Sess ENE he Dacre ye Sate we wy She Be ; £ 4 yt Be nae ds 4y if es : t carey tet ih 34 $3) 5 “tt a hey inst eee Src ia ont ty r . ee Uy aah be nai he i Ben gels Re Feat hiss . ie Me jh edyees HEA A cs ia ; fever, wor Pea Pee Ap DE Calis ita rb y iba. 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