A ^w 1849 & 1843. OF THE MOST CHOICE AND SPLENDID VARIETIES, CULTIVATED AT THE LINNJEAN BOTANIC GARDEN AND NURSEHIES, FLUSHINGj NEAR NEW-YORK. lyilliaasi R. Frisice & €o. in addition to the immense stock under cultivation in the establishment, the proprietors make very large annual importations of the choicest new varieties from Europe. The following have been selected with great care from the finest foreign collections, and are remarkable for their size, beauty and Keculiarity, and for the delicacy of their tints. In the selection no expense as been spared, and great exertions and large disbursements have been made, in order to obtain the most beautiful varieties of every class. It can, there- fore, with the utmost confidence be asserted, that this collection is unrivalled in extent and variety. The whole are cultivated under the same names by which they vv^ere imported, and the prices are greatly rcdvced, and arc lover IhoAt have ever before been offered to the public, the great increase of our stock enabling- us to tender this advantage to purchasers. Those who purchase to re-vend, will be dealt with on the most reasonable terms ; and where no wholesale prices are named, a deduction of 25 per cent, will be made from the retai! prices. ^ At the conclusion of the present Tlatalcgue the necessary directions are given for their culture, &c. Where the prices are by assortment, or by the dozen, the selection of the varieties is to be made by the proprietors ; but if applicants will name such as they already possess, those varieties will be omitted in the selection. * denotes the earliest varieties, most proper for blooming in glasses or pots. f denotes those that are tender. DOUBLE HYACINTHS. Dark Blue and Purple. 1 Atalante 2 Bailif de*Amstelland 3 Bleu fonce 4 Buffon 1 5 Buonaparte 1 6 *Caeruleus imperialis, purple 7 Commandant, early 8 Count d'OyeWiers^arge, varie- gated and curious 9 Count Veri 10 *Datames, purple 11 Dominante 12 *Duc de Normandie 13 *Epaminondas 14 Gloria INlundi, or Glory of the World 2 15 Hannibal 16 ^Incomparable azure, striped 17 Jupiter, fine 18 Keizer Titus 19 King's Spear, very dark 20 Kroon des ]Mooren, or Crown of the 3Ioors 21 *Kroon van Indien, or Indian Croitm 22 *L'Amitie, very dadf 23 *La bien aimee ..-<*^'^V?v, 24 La rosee, or Th^ rosary 25 La Trophee 26 *Le lustre, semi-doubk 27 L'importante 23 Linnoeeus, fine 29 *Lord Wellington 30 *Lord Pitt 31 Marshall of France, superior 32 Martinet 33 *Nigritienne 34 Noir veritable 35 Pourpre imperiale 36 Pourpre superbe 37 Quirinus 38 Rex negros 39 Roi Baleua Each $ els 50 20 20 25 31 40 25 50 40 75 50 40 37 88 31 30 30 75 S9 very dark 45 42 Royal Tyriau 31 43 *Tro=^bloem, or Bouquet des fleurs 50 44 Pourpre de Tyre, or Tyrian purple, superior . 45*tJnis \ 35 45 46 ^Velours noir 50 And 20 other varieties. Porcelain, Amthe, and Grisdelin Blue. 47 ^Admiral de Ruyter 20 48 *Aclivite 20 49 *A la mode 30 50 Ariadne 25 51 'Aspasia panache 50 52 *Belle Agathe, very pale 30 53 Bouquet Constanta 60 54 *Bucentaurus 38 55 Captaia General, superior 60 56 Celestina 45 57 Count de St. Priest, pale 85 58 *Countess of Salisbury 30 59 ^Dageraad 38 60 Dome d'Utrecht 37 61 Envoye 45 62 Epicharme 25 63 Flora, superior 50 64 Globe terrestre 37 65 Gloria florom 1 50 66 Grand Holland, }Kde 30 67 Grand merveilleuse, superior 25 68 *Grand Sultan 25 69 Grand Vedette 1 00 70 ^Habit brilliant 50 71 Joh bouquet 50 72 La gentiilesse, pale 45 73 *La ville de Marseilles 25 74 Locatellij 25 75 *Mignon de Drijfhout, semi- double 30 76 Monsieur, superior 1 00 77 Monsieur Necker, superior 50 78 Nouvelle mode 20 79 Orandatus 75 80 *Paniififfli^«V 81 ^PaitrtBoot^lb 45 50 82 Pa^nin, pale%, 45 83 *PdSsetout ,^ 20 84 *Prince Henry de Prusse, su- perior v. ,- 85 Victor Amadeus 25 25 86 William 1 00 87 Zegenpraal 25 And 25 other varieties. Red and Crimson, 88 Amarante Trone 30 89 Amelia Gallotti 30 90 Beaute Supreme 45 91 Belle interessante 37 92 Betty, monstrous helh 100 Each S Ct3 31 37 25 50 50 95 Count Bathiany 96 *Count de la Coste 97 Couronne d'or 93 <. ramoisie royale, superior and tipped Willi j:,recn 75 99 Delice du printenips 25 100 Dido 20 101 *Donna Eleonora 25 102 *Dutchest« de Parma 50 103 *Flos sangnineus 25 104 General More 1 25 105 *Illustrc pyramidale 25 106 *Laomedon 45 107 *La fidele, superior 35 lOS La victoire 1 00 109 Le royale 25 110 Leo 37 111 Madame Elizabeth 75 112 ^Madame Zoutman 40 113 Maria Louisa - 85 114 Marquis de Veirac 85 115 *Perruque royale 85 116 Prince Roos 20 117 Prince William the V. a5 118 Princess Autrichienne 20 119 Professor Brngman 85 120 *Rex Rubrorum 45 ^ 121 ''Rose Mignone 25 122 Rc'Ubis briiliante 1 25 123 ^Rouge charmante 25 124 Rouge, pourpre, et noir 1 40 125 Sans rival 75 126 *Soleil royale 45 127 Souverain Vorst 70 128 Vors van Dessau 20 129 "Waterloo, or Bouquet tcndre 50 And 25 other varieties. Pale Red and Rosy. 130 Beaute honteuse 131 Charlotte de Montmorency 132 Countess de Hollande 133 Euterpe 134 Favorite des dames 135 Gloriosa superba 136 *Goudbeurs, or Bourse d'or 137 Groot Voorst, or Grand Duke of Russia, st^fiior 138 *Habit nupiitrfr)' 139 *Hugo grotiub^'' 140 *II pastor fido 141 JuUa 142 La Magnifique, superior, with purplish centre 143 L'honneur d' Amsterdam 144 *Madelaine 145 *Marquis de la Coste 146 "Matilda 147 Morgen zon, or Soleil du matin 148 Penelope 149 *Pha3nix 150 Princess Louisa 50 25 75 35 50^ 6S 45 45 30 25 20 25 75 50 25 85 45 45 25 25 25 151 Reine de Prusse 152 Rose virginale 153 Rose surpassante, superior 154 Rose sceptre 155 *Rose agreeable 156 ^Temple of Apollo And 20 other varieties. Each ^ ct- 1 09 50 50 50 20 3) Pure White. 157 Alcibiades 153 Andromeda 159 Aster, superior and tipped with green 160 Cook 161 Countess de Eechtre 162 Countess de Welderen, large and beautiful 163 Dea florum 164 "Duchess de Berri 165 Gloria florum 166 *Grand monarque de France 167 *I-Iermoine 16B .Teannette 169 La Deese 170 *La mode epuisee 171 *Minerva 172 Pamelowna 173 Prince of Waterloo 1 174 R aad van Ptaten 175 Rider van Maltha 176 Sultan Achmet 177 Suprema alba, monstrous bells 1 178 *Triumph blandina 179 Van de Kasteleen 180 *Virgo And 15 other varieties. White with a yelloiv eye . ISl Bien aimee 182 Count de Wallestein 183 *Don gratiiit 184 Fl-ivo snperbe, tipped ivith green 185 *Gulde Vryheid 186 Heroine, svperior 187 La grande magnificence ISS Margrave of Baden 189 *Nannette 190 *Periander 191 Perle brilliante 192 Sceptre d'or White, ivifh either red or pink eyes- 193 Admiral Zoutman 194 Archduchess, Aardshertogine 195 *A la mode, tipped ivith green 196 *Altesse royale 197 ^America 198 American Congress, very large, tipped ivith green 1 199 Anna Maria 200 Beante sanspareille 201 Belle blanche incarnate, curious. has a red tube 202 203 294 205 206 207 203 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 Each $ cts Belle forme 37 Dea florum ^ 50 Diana of Ephesus, very singular 60 *Duke of Berri 35 General Washington 1 00 Gloria florum suprema 90 *IIerm:tn langue 50 Illustre beauie 30 * Josephine 1 25 Juno, superior, and tipped with green King Solomon, tipped with green *La Belle Noailles *Lafayette La precieuse Madam de St. Simon, superb *Montepquieu Montgolfier Og, King of Bashan *PeneIope Prince William Frederick Queen of England Virgo vestalis White, V'ilh violet and purple eyes. 224 Beaute tendre 225 *Bijou des amateurs 226 *Candidus violaceus 227 'Constantia Elizabeth 228 David's harp, fine 229 Dr. Franklin 230 *Flavius Josephns 231 La cherie, beautifid, ivith blue centre, and tipped ivith green 232 L'amusante 233 L'eclat 234 Miss Kitty 235 Paris de Marmontel 2:36 *Pas?e Virgo 237 Pius Vn 2.38 Ponrpre royale 239 Prince of Nassau 210 *Sophie 241 Sphera mundi 1 2-12 Violette superbe 50 50 37 75 25 50 65 50 80 31 40 75 70 Yclloir and Orange, with various eyes. 243 *Bouquet orange ^. 1 00 244 '^Chrysolora 50 245 Couleur de paille /'^ 1 35 246 '^Duc de Berri d'or : " 83 247 Erasmus 65 248 Gekronde^ geel, or Jaune couronne » 50 249 Gold of Ophir SO 2-50 Grand Alexander 1 50 251 Heroine 2 OO 252 Jaime constants 45 253 La favorite 1 00 254 »L'or vegetable 30 255 L'or de Peru 1 00 256 Louis d'or 45 257 •Melisfoke 258 Pyramide jaune 259 »Pure d'or 266 *"Vainqueur, or Conqueror Each ^ cts 35 45 85 Note. — Above ICO other varieties of double Hyacinths can be supplied, if more 1 QO\kinds are desired. SINGLE HYACINTHS. In regard to Single Hyacinths an incorr-^ct prejudice exists, arising from the fact that their p -culiar merits are but little known. For early floicering, and particularly lor g'rtsjcs or ;)o/.s, they are extremely desirable: tKev conibiiie the niost briliiiint rriours, and surpass the double vaiieties in the profusion of their bells It may m fact be said that they precede the double varieties, and thus in a general collection extend the period during whith we may enjoy the beauties and fragrance of this delightful class of flowers. Each Each ^ cts ^ Ct3 Blue and Purple. 305 Eclatante perfaite, crimson 50 261 ^milius, porcelain 262 Aimcns, dark 3( 306 Flamboyante, red 1 40 2v. 307 Fleur de parade 45 263 Aviastasius 25 308 (rrand maitre royale, rosy 50 264 A;)pius, very dark 265 Belle porcelain, jJaZe and fine 4(i 309 Henrietta Wilhelmina, superb 50 5C: 310 La Singuliere 35 266 Chapeau noir 1 0'. 311 La Balaine, rosy and large 45 267 Crepiscule, purple . 7C- 312 La Beaute inexpressible 85 26S General in Ch}ei, porcelain 1 2£ ?;13 Laboureur 45 2C9 General Hoche, extra fine and 314 Leclair, superb a5 dark 75 315 Lord Wellington, rosy 65 270 G^n Uonvdxizof^, porcelain 4i) 316 Madame de Pompadour 75 271 Goliah, supccior 5C 317 Mars, superb crimson 85 272 Grand pandcur, dark 45 318 Plaisir des dames 1 00 273 La modeste li 319 Princesse Esterhazy, or Pai X 274 L'ami du c Le plus noir, very dark 8" 320 Pyramide royale , 70 276 L'ombre, dark 65 321 Raphael, very fine 75 2:n Lord Duncan, TJorccZam 45 322 Piegina rubrorum 37 278 Leyera, porcelain 279 Mad'lle Yaliere, purple 25 323 Hose bouquet 20 4r 3?4 Rose Hendrica 85 28!) Zoutman, dark 7( 325 Temple of Apollo, rosy and 281 Noirfonce 37 very large 32G Thalia 30 282 Ne plus ultra, dark 2^ 37 283 Orondates, porcelain 40 — 284 Plutarchu.s, dark 20 White. 285 Porcelain imperiale 4( 227 Belle Galathe 20 286 PronkiuM^eel, «a/e 287 St ites Genf r.'.l, porcelain 20 328 Due de Cumberland 40 2r 329 Flora Mundi 25 288 Vr-ltaire, porcelain 40 330 Fortunatus 40 289 Vulcan, very dark 8- 331 Grand blanche imperiale 40 290 Zenophon, dark 50 332 I-Iercules 40 333 Heroine 62 Rosy and Crimson. 334 Le candeur 40 291 Acteuv, msj/ 20 335 Melpomene 25 292 Adriana Cornelia 88 3S6 Nimrod, very large 45 "293 Amiable Louiec, rosy 20 '337 Premier noble 25 294 Anna Maria 85 338 Prince de Galitzin 35 295 Beaute supreme 296 Belle alUance 40 339 Prince de Lichtenstein 50 1 00 340 Pyramide superbe 20 297 Bouquet rouge, crimson 45 341 Roi de Bashan 45 298 aimable, rosy 20 342 Staatsraad e5 299 Chapeau Cardinale, a-imson 3 00 343 Triumph blandma ^ 25 300 Cochineal 3 50 344 Vainqueur 65 301 Countess de Laval 45 — 302 Dame d'amour 85 Yclhux. 303 Diademe de flore 25 ai5 Adonia 20 304 Diana 50 346 Aurora d'or ^ ^7 Beaute jaune a48 Couleur de jonquille 349 Couronne jaune 350 Couronne van Audan 351 Croesus 352 Emilia Werther 353 Isabella Each $ cts 50 20 37 25 65 30 40 354 Jaune tendre 355 Le chasseur 356 Pluie d'or 357 Point de jour 358 Prince d'Orange 359 Sulpherina 3S0 Toison d'or HYACINTHS — Various Species and Varieties. cents 361 Blue grape hyacinth Hyacinthus botryoides 10 362 Pale blue grape pallidus 12 363 Large purple grape purpiireus 10 364 White grape albus 10 365 Tassel, or two colored, very singular comosus 30 366 Nutmeg, or I\Iusk muscari 25 367 Large nutmeg major 25 368 Small purple feathered plumosus 25 369 Large purple feathered monstrosus 25 870 Blue harebell nonscriptus 25 371 "White do albus 25 372 Rosy do rosens 25 373 Red do rubra 25 374" Cluster flowered racemosus 15 375 Greenish flowered viridis 25 Each $ cts 25 45 25 1 00 50 20 20 Each Dozen $ cts 75 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 50 2 00 2 50 llYKCl^^Tll^— In Assortments. The first assortment of 100 roots, comprising 100 exquisite double varie- ties, with their names #35 00 Half of the above, being 50 roots 20 00 The second assortment of 100 roots, of 100 fine double varieties, one of each, with names 30 00 Half of the above, being 59 roots 17 OO The third assortment of 100 roots, of 50 fine double varieties, two of each, with names 25 00 Half of the above, being 50 roots of 25 sorts 14 00 The fourth assortment of 100 roots, of 25 good double varieties, with names 20 00 Half of the above, being 50 roots of 13 sorts 12 00 The fifth assortment of 100 roots, of 20 double and single varieties, with names 15 00 Half of the above, being 50 roots of 10 sorts 9 00 Various kinds and colors mixed, per 100 12 00 Smaller Assoiiments. An assortment of 25 superb double varieties, one of each, with names 11 00 Half of the above, being 12 varieties, one of each 6 00 An assortnent of 25 very fine double varieties, one of each, with names 7 50 Half of the above, being 12 varieties, one of each 4 00 An assortment of 25 good double varieties, one of each, with names 6 00 Half of the above, being 12 varieties, one of each 3 50 An assortment of 25 superb single varieties, one of each, with names 10 00 Half of the above, being 12 varieties, one of each 5 50 An assortment of 12 Une single varieties, one of each, with names 2 50 Fine double blue, red and white Hyacinths, mixed sorts, but colors distinct per dozen 1 75 Fine single do do do do do 1 75 Double mixed, all colors 1 50 Single do do 1 50 TULIPS. Early Tulips. These comprise every shade, on white and yellow grounds, and begin to bloom about two weeks previous to all others. Each ^ CIS 1 Aimable royale, striped ^0 2 Aimable blanche 20 3 Bizar plaisante, producing often several flowers on one stalk 25 4 BizarBlyhof,/»e 20 -6 ver(iiset,_/ine 25 6 Brilliante ^ 10 7 Cerice panache,. /I'/ic 8( 8 rectifie, extra 5{, 9 Clairmonde 25 10 Count Holstein,yine 2(, 11 Cramoisie de Baden 20 12 Damiathe blanche, ivhite 25 13 Drapeau royale 20 14 Duke van Thol lO 15 pure ivhite 5i> 16 de Holstein 20 17 Blyhoft' . 12 18 Favorite des Cerices 30 19 Fire of Brabant 10 20 Graf-florus 25 21 Hecuba 10 22 Isabella, .^nc 25 23 Jason 10 24 Keiser's kroon 1 25 Lac bon flos, striped leaved 25 26 Lac van Khyn 10 27 Marquis de Westenrade 20 28 Millhiades, white 20 29 Monument 20 30 Olympiad 25 31 Paars morlion 10 32 Paragon constant 25 33 Pottebaker 20 34 Princess van Oostenrvk _ 20 35 Waterloo " * 10 36 AVhite Swan 12 37 Yellow and lied van Leyden 25 Bizarre Tidips. These are Violet, Purple, Brown, Picd Verniilion, Hose colored, and all inter mediate shades on yellow grounds. 38 Abbadon 37 39 African, striped leaved 37 40 Anacrcon, SM7W6 40 41 Archidali.i, very fine 50 42 Aurora bo re nils,' wn/yjnc <» 50 43 Baron de lleisach, large 20 44 Baroness 20 45 Beaute parfaite,ji?ne 40 46 Belle financiere 40 47 Bell's kin? GO 48 Blazerius, very fine 5() 49 Bri^J^ittp, singiifar 20 50 Garig'ila, .S7tj?er6 - 45 51 Chapeau transparente 45 52 Charbounicr ncir, very dark stripes 60 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 73 79 SO 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 83 89 90 m 92 93 94 95 m 97 93 99 109 101 102 103 104 105 106 Cloyis, large and fine Croix de St. Andre 'Doree,fine Duke or Kichmond,yin6 of Anjou,^»ic Duchess of Parma, large Eclat du diademe Emperor Napoleon Estime, very fine Gargantua,^^(e Gloria mundi, fine Gordianus, very fine Goudbeiirs, veiyfine Goude Munt, very fine Goudring, superb Grand monarque,y?7ie patriarch triumph, very fine .Tovis L'eveillc, fine La Li van La Reine La singuliere L'Autrichien Le Doeuil Le Leur Lib anus Lion d'llollande Lord Mayor, supcrh Louis L'efTroi, very fine Lustre de Flora Mandello, fi)te Merveille d'Alo?t IMetropolitun, la)ge andfi^ne Miroir, very fine Nouveau triumphant Pain d'epices, fine Passe Tourbier Perfect a, very f.ne Pierre Francais Pont d'Arcolc, extra sit per b Prince Ferdinand, very fine Reine de France Rex indiarum, very fine Robin Roi de Goigonda Roi des tulipcs Sans mere, very large Semper Augustus, (this tvns sold during the mania for ^4000) 1 Struis Vogel Timoles Yiceroi van Ireland, {this tens sold during the mania for #10.000) Viola qui surpasse Yellow crown Each $ Ct8 30 40 30 50 50 35 60 50 50 50 25 40 40 60 50 45 40 30 45 65 45 50 30 25 25 25 20 30 75 30 1 00 68 25 45 37 ?■;> 45 50 00 35 20 Violet Biblocm Tidips. These combine Black, Purple, Violet, and Brown, and all intermediate shades on a white ground. 107 Aigle noir 25 108 Alexander magnu?, large 50 109 Anibassadeur de HoUande 110 Arius, fine 111 Belie forme agathe 112 fond noir 113 Belle Jacomine 114 Belle Margarette 115 Bien fait incomparable 116 Cassandra 117 Cro9nvogel 118 Cupido 119 Duke de bonfleurs 120 Duke de Lancaster 121 Grand Tamerlane, fine 122 Conquette INlarchal 123 Grotius 124 Hof van Denmark 125 Holmes' King 126 Impcratrice llomaine, /i?ie 127 de Marocque 128 Incomparable Cyrus 129 Kmg George, ^^iie 130 Koning Adoii'ia 131 Koning van Prussien 132 La Comptesse,^^«c 133 La couronne de Denmark 134 La gentille,/tijc 135 La majestueuse 136 La mere biune 137 La Reine 138 L'inapproachable 139 Maitre partout 140 Prince Mauritz, fine 141 _ hereditaire,/r/ie 142 Princess of Au:4ria 143 Queen of the Moors 144 Reine de Peru 145 Roi de Brazil, fine 146 Roi de Macedon 147 Roi de t^iam, or de Congo, very fine 143 Sang de Poeuf 149 Tour de Sali^^bury 130 Triomphe de Liile 151 Violet Anthonia 152 Dorathe,//«c 153 fond n oh, fine 154 Grand Turk,/it?!e 155 grisdelin 156 imperiale 157 la Becq 168 La reine 159 ma favorite, very fine 160 Prince de Galitziu 161 rem arguable 162 "Washington Each $ cts 1 65 45 45 75 37 60 65 35 20 40 25 20 40 45 68 65 1 35 40 1 70 ?i 7.)j 35; eS; 501 37i 1 00' 75 68 8c 7c 4c 3( 1 Ov Eacli d cts Bacchus 85 Belle berdine, fine 20 Cerice superbe, extra fine 85 ^ a belle forme 1 25 Cramosi velonia 20 Count de Vergennea 1 35 Danae 45, Eleonora,/nie 25 Globe terrestre 25 La beauie,/««c 25 La Couronne imperiale 45 La Comtesse, fine 75 La grande rose royale 45 La ravisante, striped leaved ]je van Dicque, fine 25 175 L'arbre de Diana 45 Manteau ducal, fine 1 00 Maria Louisa 1 50 INIaria Stuart 85 Mr. Pitt 75 Perle de Torient 85 Ponceau sanspareille 30 Princess d'Asturie 45 de Galitzin 60 Queen of England, siqyirb 85 Reine des Amazones 30 des roses 1 50 Roi dcs cerices 45 Rose agathe 60 Aniadis 1 35 blaudinaj extra fine 45 brilliante 85 Cerice 35 Constantine 1 25 du print ems 35 favorite briquee 85 gentille 20 Hebe 85 imperalrice 1 25 la belle Helene, very fine 40 Merveille d'Europe 25 Ornement du Park 45 j>retiosa 65 quarto Rebecca 85 175 superbissima 65 Thalestris 170 tricolcv 45 Triumph royale 1 75 Unique 37 Soomert.-choon 20 Rose Bibtocms. These combine Red, Rosy, Crimson, Vermilion, Cherry and Scarlet, on a white ground. 163 Advdglohe , very large and fine 50l 164 Arhalia 1 25 165 Absalom, //hc 37 166 Agrandeuf, large 50 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 188 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 193 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 'rimo Baguct and Grand Baguet Rigaut Tulips. The varieties of this class are rarely met with — they have very tall stems and large fine shaped cnps, broken with brown and purple shades on a white ground, and are allied to the class of Violet BiUoems. 218 Admiral General 62 219 Altesse royale 37 220 Amphion 60 75 221 Bonaventura Each $ cts 222 King David 50 223 L'Empereur 37 224 Lycurgns 62 225 M^rveille du Monde 50 226 Penelope 62 227 Samson 25 228 Thales 62 Double Tulips. 229 Admiral Kingsbcrgen 30 230 Azor panache, yellow fiamed 35 231 Bijou 'nw'^iiv'idXe, yellow fiamed A^ 232 Bizare Canelle 10 233 Blanc borde bleu 10 234 pour pre, {prodti- cing sometimes several flow- ers on one stalk) 25 235 Blanc borde rouge 12 236 Buonaparte 02 237 Bleu celeste 50 238 Cafie bnm,fcam€d 20 239 Gourde Versailles 25 240 Couronne royale, striped 45 241 Couronne imperial e, striped 50 242 de Bretagne 40 243 d'or, yellow fiained 20 244 Couronne blanche, white 50 245 Couronne violette 18 246 Duke van Thol, very early 20 247 van Utrecht ' 35 248 of York, violet and yellow 40 249 E:iephant 20 250 Exiremite d'or 2 251 Fine variegated 3 252 Gaillarda 50 253 Golden Pseony, yellow andred 12 254 Grand Alexander 20 255 La belle alliance 35 256 La sublime, .s?//>mor 50 257 La Candeur, ivhife and early 40 258 La Cour de PortugaU^iwe 40 259 Lion de Hollandc,/«2e 35 260 ?vfarquise, yellow) flamed 261 Marriage de ma fille, itriped 50 262 Mode d 'Holland e 201 Inote. — Uovc 150 other varieties of Tulips can be supplied if desired. TULIPS— /n Assortments The first assortment of 100 roots, comprising 100 exquisite varieties, witli their names Half of the aoove, being 50 roots The second assortment of IC^-) roots, of 50 fine varieties, with names Half of the above, being 50 roots, of 25 varieties The third assortment of 100 roots, of 25 good varieties, with names Half of ditto, being 50 roots, of 12 varieties 263 Mount Vesuvius 264 Non plus ultra 265 Ophir 266 Paeony red 267 Polche roos, b/ight red Each $ cts 45 20 50 10 20 268 Pourpre imperiale, uc/y /ar/2fc 40 269 Prince Karelj^tne crimson and yellow 50 270 Prince Charles, crimson and yelloiv variegated 271 Rex rubrorum, crimson and early 272 Rosa inundi 273 Rose eclatante,^ne 274 Rose hlinche,Jine 275 Salamander, /me 276 Sophie, large crimson 277 Superville,yi?ie 278 Tournesol, very early 279 Warrande 280 Xenophon, crimson and yel- loiv, variegated 281 Yellow rose, very fragrant 25 Parrot Tulips. The flowers of these have feathered edges, and in addition to various other colors, some of them combine shades of green, which no other tulips do ; from these circum- stances their appearance is unique and interesting. 282 Chevalier vevt, green flowered 10 283 Constantinople, Woorf co^/- 10 284 Couleur de Cali'e, brown 25 285 Lutea major, or large yellow 12 286 Minor yellow 25 287 Margrave ef Baden, red and yellow striped 12 288 Perfecta, led, yellow and green striped 12 389 RL'd and yellow 37 39i) Rubro major, or Large red 10 391 Rubro minor, or Minor red 25 392 YeUow Fioreiitrae, very sweet 25 ^30 00 17 50 20 00 12 00 18 00 10 00 9 The fourth assortment of 100 roots, of 20 varieties, with names Half of ditto, being 50 roots, of 10 varieties Fine mixed, various colors and kinds, per 100 Good mixed do do per 100 Common mixed, per 100 4 Smaller Assortments. An assortment of 25 splendid varieties, one of each, with their names Half of the above An assortment of 25 fine varieties, one of each, with their names Half of the above An assortment of 25 double varieties, with their names Half of the above Fine mixed Early Tulips, of all colors, per dozen Ditto Bizarre do do do Do pjibloem do do do Do Parrot do do do Do Double do do do Fine mixed, of all colors, ^7 per 100, or per dozen 1 Good mixed do !^5 do do 80 cts Common mixed ^4 per 100, or per dozen 60 cts ^15 CO 8 00 7 50 6 00 to 5 00 ^9 00 5 00 7 50 00 50 50 50 50 50 30 30 to 1 25 to 1 00 to 75 1 Chapeau de Prince, scarlet 30 2 Chinese 25| 3 Common red 20 4 yellow 20 5 Crown on Crown, red 40 6 do yellow 50 7 Couleur de cuivre 37| 8 Double yellow 50 9 red 50 10 Duapeau orange, orange \ colored 30 11 Grand Alexander, red 62 12 Great Mogul 75 13 Large red 20, 14 vellow, Flore aureo 20, CROWIN IMPERIALS. Eafhl dnz ;' 3 40,15 hio-KxiT^xxs, monstrous red 2 00 IG Pileus cardinal is, crimson 2 00 17 Royal standard, rewith Orange Cups. Eachj doz. Bouquet triumphant, yellow 20 2 00 2 75 2 25 orange 2 75 17 Grand soleil d'or, yellow I and orange 75 18 Juno }]9 La Mignonne, yellow 25 20 Primo Zeelaader, yellow 2 50 2 50 14 D.igeraad, yellow 20 2 25 15 Glorieux, yellow and orange 20 2 00 16 Good van ophir, yellow and 25 2 50 20 2 25 25|2 25 25,2 50 252 5D 6 other fine named varieties 25i2 50 Mixed varieties Pure nnnte. 2 5021 Compte.?se I22 Diana 2 50 23 Morgenstar 2 00 24 Reine blanche Four other fine nanied varie- ties Mixed Polyanthu.s Narcissus, all sorts and colors 2 50 II 75 2 50 2 50 2 25 2 25 2 50 1 75 11 Polyanthus J\^arcissus, v-ith double Single JVarcissvs. cups. Ea( 3h do2. Each doz. 39 Poetic, white, with crimson ' 25 Aimable 30 2 50 nectarv 10 75 26 B(^lle Catharine 25 2 75 40 Bifiorus, Twin flowered 12 1 27 Belle bonne 30 2 50 41 Bifrons, or Golden Star 25 2 28 La Montreuse 35 2 75 42 Bulbocodium, or Hoop 29 Lycurgus 30 2 50 petticoat 20 1 75 30 Me moire 30 2 50 43 Incomparable 12 31 Noblisslmo 35 2 75 44 Moschatus, or Long white 32 Roman, early and very ! flowered 20 1 75 fragrant IS 1 40 45 Nana, or Dwarf 12 — 46 Nana Major 12 Double JMxrcissus' or Daffodil. \a1 Reflexed, or Triandrus 25 33 White fragrant, or Poetic 10 75 48 Sulphur trumpet 12 34 Incomparable 10 75 49 Trumpet major 12 35 Orange Phoenix 10 75 50 marin 12 36 Sulphur Crown 10 75 51 Aestivus 25 37 Tratus cantus, or Hundred i Mixed varieties 10 75 leaved 10 75 38 Van Zion, double yellow 10 75 Jonquils. Mixed varieties lo! 75 52 Double fragrant 12 1 Do per 100 $4^ ' 53 Large single 12.1 54 Small fragrant .101 75 CROCUS. Each doz. pr 100 Each dozlpr 100 cts cts $ cts cts cts ^ cts 1 Cloth of gold, yellotc 9 Striped or Flamed 6 50 2 50 and brown 6 45 2 10 White Swan 6 50 2 50 2 Flavius, yelloio 6 50 2 50 11 Saffron, or Autumnal S Large white 5 45 2 flowering 8 62 3 50 4 pale blue 5 50 2 50 12 Mountain autumnal 10 75 4 5 dark blue 5 45 2 Spring flowering Crocus, 6 purple 5 45 2 assorted of 25 named 7 yellow 5 40 2 . varieties 65 4 50 8 Scotch, white and Ditto, mixed 40 2 50 purple 5 45 2 50 GLADIOLUS, Sword Lily, or Corn Flag Eachi doz cts.^cts 121 121 18 1 50 1 Communis, purple 2 Large red 8 Rose colored 4 Carneus, or flesh colored 35 3 50 5 White 6 Byzantinus, or Turkish fla2 fine purple 7 t Africanus, large and fine 8 t Alatus, or Wing flowered, 181 50 20 2 25 75 6 I 454 50 orange 9 t Cardinal is, or Large scarlet, | superb 45 3 75 Each cts 10 t Floribundus, or Cluster flowered 11 t Fragrans recurvis, or Fra- grant curved 12 t Hirsutus rosea, or Hairy rose colored 13 t Natalensis, vel Psittacina, or Parrot-like, new and very splendid 14 t Triste, or Sad flowered $1 15 t Watsonius, or Watson's $1 16 t Yellow African f 1 Mixed varieties 12 45 45 40 25 1 doz. I^cts 4 50 4 50 4 25 2 25 6 7 50 6 50 1 12 IRIS, Fleur de Lis, or Flower de Luce. y- ^ English Bulbous Iris, of 25 splendid named varieties ■ Ditto, various colors mixed §2 Spanish Bulbous Iris of 25 splendid named varieties Ditto, various colors mixed *Z Double flowering Spanish Iris 4 Early dwarf Persian, t>er3//rag:/rm^ 5 t Peacock spotted, or Pavonia, beautiful 6 Chalcedonian, splendid and peculiar 7 t Snake's head, or Tuberous N. B. For other species of Iris, see Catalogues 1 and 3. ORNITHOGALUM, or Star of Bethlehem. 1 Pyramidal white 2 Common white umbelled 3 Striped Neapolitan, beau- tiful 4 Yellow Each] doz ctsf ct.s 252 50 el 50 30,3 37.3 55 Greenish spiked White Neapolitan Blue do t Golden Arabian t White do ach doz. Cts !f|;ct3 20 2 25 15 1 50 12 88 10 75 75:6 10 88 45|4 50 504 50 25 2 50 Each doz. $ cts !j^' cts 37 3 40 ^ 50 40 4 50 1 00 1 00 SC ILL A, or Squill. Each f doz. 1 Siberian blue, very early and beautiful 2 Amaena, fme blue 3 White Peruvian, or starry 4 Blue do do cts ;,f cts I 5 t Officinal, or maritiraa 25 2 50 6 t Wave leaved 20|2 |7 H}^acinthine 504 sols Autumnal 50i4 50'9 Campanulate Each ^ cts 1 1 38 38|2 252 doz. ^cts Double Persian, 50 splendid | RANUNCULUS. Each doz cts.'Scts varieties with names Eachf doz. CtS:$CtS Finest double mixed varieties 12|l 00 20 2 25 Fine do do do 10 75 I I Do do do $5 per 100 1 ANEMONE. Each cts. Finest double, 50 varieties, with names 20 Finest double mixed varieties 12 doz. ,^cts 2 25 1 Each cts. Fine double mixed varieties 10 Do do do ^5 per 100 Anemone hortensis, double crimson 25 doz. •"Jfcts 75 CYCLAMEN. 1 t Cvclamen persicum, or Persian red cyclamen, blooms in spring 2 t ' album, or Persian white, blooms in spring 3 t bicolor, or Persian white and red, blooms in spring 4 roseum, or Rose colored 5 coum, or Round leaved, spring flowering € europEeum, or Red autumnal, blooms in August and Sept. Each , 2 00 about 800 varieties of Fruits, in 2 vols, j NEW CATALOGUES, tvith reduced prices, v/hich are distributed gratis, on application, post paid. No. 1. Fruit and Hardy Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Plants. 2. Bulbous and Tuberous rooted Plants, Double Dahlias, &;c. 3. Greenhouse Trees, Shrubs and Plants. 4. American Indigenous Trees, Shrubs, and Plants 5. A Catalogue of Garden and Flower Seeds, with reduced wholesale prices 6. Do. do. do. in French. 7. A Catalogue of the most splendid Double Dahlias, The Books and Catalogues can be transmitted by mail, at a postage of li to 2^ cents per sheet. N. B. The Proprietors will supply the following classes of plants in large or small Assortments^ at very reduced rates. Camellia Japonica, or .lapan Kose, of 300 varieties. China Roses, and other classes of Roses, comprising above 1000 varieties, and including all the new and choice kinds as enumerated in Catalogue No. 1, and also 40 very splendid new varieties of the Tea Pose, and 70 fine new varieties of the Ciainese Daily, Nosette, Isle de Bourbon, Microphylla, Banksii, and other choice Roses. Geraniums, of 200 varieties, comprising above 100 that are entirely new, and remarkable for the magnitude of their flowers, and for the brilliant and varied hues which distinguish them. Passion Plowers, of 30 species and varieties, including the different Scarlet flowering kinds. Chinese Azaleas, of above 80 varieties, comprising the most brilliant colors, and which during their bloom in tbe winter months, present a display second only in brilliancy and variety of hues to the Camellia family- Magnolia. — The entire collection comprising all the species and varieties known. Plants of the rare Thompsonia and Soulangiana varieties, of blooming size and at reduced prices. Hardy Azaleas, of above 100 magnificent varieties, ernbracing the most choice and rare that could be selected from the collections of Europe and America. Chrysanthemums, above 70 varieties, as enumerated in Catalogue No. 1, and at the low prices therein stated, and 30 new and very splendid varieties just imported and never before offered to the public. Greenhouse Plants will be supplied in Assortments of 25, 50, or 100 or more pots, each a distinct species or variety, at very reasonable rates, and such omitted as the applicant already possesres. Hardy Herbaceous Flowering Plants will also be supplied in assortments of 25 to 50 species, or more, at moderate pr-ccs. Orders for Bulbous roots should be forwarded from September to December inclusive. In o]K-n winters they may be planted at any time when the ground is workable, and the bulbs have not grown too much. 33 ORNAMENTAL TP.EES, SHRUBS AND PLANTS, OMITTED m THE 32d. EDITION OF THE GE.^EKAL CATALOGUB. Double rose colored Hawthorn Crataegus rosea pi. Purple flowering Laburnum Cytisus Adami Double white Alihea, with variegated leaves Hibiscus albo pi. varieg. Single flowering Corchorus Kenia Japonica, vel Corchorus Chinese blue Wistaria Wistaria consequana Do. red do. new v. rubra American Grapes. Davenport Grape Vitis var. Red River do. Georgian Le noir do. Alendra of Vevay do. Allston do. Longworth's Ohio do. Maddox do. Northern SeedUng do. Rose colored Tartarian Honeysuckle Xylosteum tartaricum roseum Flesh colored, or pale pink do. latifolium Pyrenean rose colored do. pyrenaicum roseum Yellow fruited Cornelian cherry Cornus mascula lutea Acute leaved Spiraea Spiraea acutifolia Alpine do. alpina Johikea's splendid lilac Syringa Johikea Silver striped leaved do. • • fol. argen. Herbaceous. New French double white Rocket Double purple do. Double Rose Campion Double Mule Pink Daisy, 10 beautiful new imported varieties, each Paeonia anemoniflora " odoratissima grandiflora " carmosina Myatt's British Queen strawberry Prince Albert do. Ross Phoenix do. Prince's Conqueror do. Early Montevideo scarlet do. Higgins' Seedling do. Taylor's Chih do. Carnations, 100 new and very splendid imported varieties, e»tirely new, each 75 cts to 1 00 Picotees and Pinks, 40 very beautiful new varieties, recently imported, each 75 cts to 1 00 Phlox, 15 beautifal new varieties, each 50 Primrose, 6 new single, and 10 splendid double varieties, each 60 cts to 75 $ cts 60 100 100 1 00 50 3 00 1 00 75 60 37 50 100 60 50 60 60 im 60 50 50 60 50 50 100 75 100 50 50 2 00 2 00 100 NEW CHRySANTHEMUM.S, Each 37 cents, NOT INCLUDED IN THE 32d. EDITION OF OUR GKNERAL CATALOGUE. Campistroni, crimson purple Minerva, pink and buff Duke dn Calignani, scarlet crimson Princesse Marie, rosy lilac General Foy, shaded and mottled purple Quilled Aster, fine pink King, large pale rose Venus, {dnk, and very double Lucidum, pure white 34 NvB. CHINA ROSES, Each 37 to 50 cents, OMITTED IN THE 32l). KDITIOPI OF THE GENERAL CATALOGUE. Those not noted as Tea Roses, are Bengal Daily Roses. Adeline Tea, Admiral de Rigny, rosy lilac, Aurora Tea, blush and straw colored. Baroness Amelie, Belle de China, Belle Margueritte Tea, Belle Isodore, deep rosy, Belle Archinto, incarnate. Bonne Silene Tea, rosy, Bougere Tea, deep blush, Camellia, Camellia rouge, Calvertia purpurea, Caroline Tea, Cels, red tea, Centifolia, or Hundred Leaved, Chaussee, Clara Sylvain Tea, Cluster Tea, Countess of Albemarle, lilac rose, Daniel Webster, Eugene Pirolle, deep blush, Fenelon Tea, Hibbertia, deep roseate. Knight's Animating, Lafayette, La tendresse, bright roseate, Lawrencia rubra, Lilacina Tea, Louis Philippe, Madame Despres Tea, Madame Ersant, creamy roseate, Marjolin, brilliant red, Microphylla striata, Odoratissima Tea, rosy lilac. Princess Marie Tea, Purple Lawrencia, Queen of Lombardy, cherry, Roi des Cramoisies, bright crimson, Victoria, deep roseate, William Wallace Tea, pink. HYBRID ROSES, Each 62 cents to $1. • Lady Ibbotson's, La Tourterelle, Las Casas, Miralba, 62 cts, ^^u Marechal Mortier, Ne plus ultra, 50 cts, Rosine Dupont, Triomphe de Guerin, d'Angers, 75 cts, — de Laffay, Victor Tracy, 62 eta, Wellington, 62 cts. Belle de Rosny, Belle Thurette, Bonne Genevieve, 62 cts, Bouquet Blanc, Celine, 62 cts, Claire d'Alban, Duke of Devonshire, Eugene Barbet, 60 cts, Gerieral A Hard, General Lamarque, 62 cts. General Thiars, 62 cts, George the Fourth, 62 cts. Hybrid blanche, 62 cts. In addition to the splendid collection in the General Catalogue, importations have been made of a great Tariety of Tea, Daily, Nosette, Hybrid, Bourbon, Moss, Provence, and other classes of Rose&, a Catalogue of which will be sent to amateurs, A great variety of ingrafted Tree Roses, comprising a number of every class, are also comprised in the collection. Th Names. Albidum Alba multiflora Alexandrina Adela Alicia superb Annette Ariel Beauty of Ware Cambridge Beatrice Bridegroom SPLENDID NEW GERANIUMS, most choice and recherche yet introduced to our country. Description. Blush lilac White, v\ ith purple spot Fine white, with dark spot Roseate crimson, with beautiful spot White, with fine black spot Superb flower Delicate pink, fine crimson spot Large splendid flower Deep rose Beautiful blush, with fine spot Upper petals dark crimson, lower petals pale fpse J cts 75 37 75 6-2 76 1 50 75 75 75 1 50 150 35 Clouded perfection Clarissa Climax Conqueror Corinne Conservative Cupid Diadematum Diogenes Decorum Dr. Hawtrey Duchess of Kent Dowager Queen Erectum Firebrand Fanny Garth Firefly Florence Grand Turk Gem General Washinglon Georgian a Hill's Hector Helen of Troy Incarnatum superoum Joan d'Arc Jewess King of Geraniums, (Gaines',) Lord Byron Elphinstone Lady Douro Lifeguardsman Matilda Mary of Burgundy Nymph Nonsuch Niobe Orange Boven Ophelia Premiere Perfection, (Garth,) Perfection, (Dennis,) Rienzi Rosetta Rival Green Roseum elegans Rosinante Scitulum Siddonia Sir John Sebright Sylph Sultan Tarn O'Shanter Una Victory Wildfire Dark and white mottled 75 Upper petals deep crimson, beautifully pencilled, loWer petals fine pink 2 00 Rose, with fine dark spot 75 Large rose 75 Rose, with fine dark spot 1 50 Upper petals very dark, lower petals dark rose ; extra splendid 1 50 White, with purple spot 62 Pale rose 62* Beautiful rose 75 Purple crimson 75 Deep rose _ 75 Deep rose, dark spot ; fine dwarf habit 1 00 Fine rose, with beautiful spot 1 00 Beautiful scarlet crimson, with black spot, splendid 2 GO Brilliant, superb flower 1 50 Orange scarlet, with black eye 1 60 Beautiful rose, with dark spot 75 Beautiful pink, with fine spot 1 00 Showy flower, dark 1 00 Deep rose 62 Deep rose 75 Delicate pink, with beautiful spot 75 Bright rose, splendid truss 75 Deep rose 62 Pale rose, beautiful 62 Upper petals very dark crimson, lower petals bright pink, white centre, splendid 2 00 Orange scarlet, with fine black spot 1 25 Scarlet crimson, fine I 00 Superb ruby crimson 75 Deep rose 62 Beautiful rose, with dark crimson spot 1 50 Lower petals rose, upper, light pink, margined with crimson 2 00 Pale rose, with large dark crimson feather, superb 2 GO Fine rose, dark spot 75 Splendid rose pink, fine habit 2 00 Splendid flower 2 00 Deep rose, fine spot 75 Novel color, fine 1 50 Fine rose 1 00 Dark rose, large showy, and beautiful spot 1 25 Pale rose, extra fine spot 75 Deep rosy lilac, very fine 75 Upper petals purple crimson with black spot, veined, lower petals rose, superb 1 50 Splendid rose 1 50 White, with beautiful purple spot 75 Upper petals rosy purple, with black spot and deeply lined, lower petals rose, superb 1 50 Rose, with dark spot 62 Large white 62 Carmine, finely pencilled, beautiful 1 00 Superb deep rose 75 Splendid blush, with dark velvet spot 1 50 Crimson purple, with fine black spot, superb 2 00 Rosy lilac, beautiful spot 75 White, with crimson scarlet feather 1 00 Upper petals rich dark crimson, lower petals blush white, superb and distinct 2 50 Splendid scarlet 2 00 36 AZALEA BELGIC^, INDIC^ AND SINENSIS. The greatest attention has been paid to a selection of the most splendid varieties of the above classes of the Azalea family, and the collection now comprises above 200 varieties, the most brilliant in color, and beautiful in development, a distinct Catalogue of which is now in preparation for amateurs. Twelve varieties, half of the Indica, and half of )he Belgian varieties, will be supplied for $8. Twenty-five varieties for $'12, FRUIT TREES OF NEW AND RARE VARIETIES. lu addition to the immense assortment of the choicest Fruits of every class embraced in the 32d edition of the General Catalogue, we have obtained all the other noted Belgic varieties originated by Professor Van Mons and others, and all the most select varieties recently noticed and recommended by the London, and other European Horticultural Societies, and also every superior variety comprised in the collection of the late Robert Manning, a Supplementary Catalogue of which will be sent to those who desire it, and grafts as well as trees will be supplied. In all cases. Specimen Trees are planted in our experimental orchards, and as nearly all the varieties contained in our Catalogues have borne fruit and been thus proven in our grounds, and many of them also in the grounds of our late esteemed friend Robert Manning, between whom and ourselves a continual correspondence has existed on the subject of our mutual experiments and discoveries, we do not hesitate to pronounce our collection of Fruits as unrivalled in accuracy and in excellence by any other in this country or in Europe. We have prepared explanatory notes as to the qualities of the various fruits, which we shall give to the public ere long in a condensed work, far more com- prehensive and at less expense than any work on Pomology that has ever yet appeared. PRICES OF THE VARIOUS ARTICLES. It is well known that there exists a considerable variation in the prices charged at the different Nurseries of the Union, and it is the determination of the Proprietors of this Establishment to supply all articles as cheap, and in most cases much cheaper than than they are obtainable elsewhere. It should neverthe- less be understood that a similarity or diminution in price does not in all cases constitute cheapness. The first question to be considered by the purchaser is the genuineness of the articles, and this especially applies to Fruits, and to the most rare and valuable Flowering Shrubs and Plants. The second question should refer to the size and vigor of the respective Trees and Plants, there being an important difference to the purchaser whether these are well grown and of E roper size, or on the other hand mere offsets or small specimens. It is in these ighly important points that this ancient Establishment possesses preeminent advantages, derived from the abundant stock of strong and well-grown Trees aud Shrubbery, and also from the opportunities which time and investigation have afforded for proving the accuracy and excellence of the Fruits, and the beauty and value of the Ornamental Shrubs, &c. We have only further to say that it is our determination that those who may deal extensively with us, shall find it to their interest to do so, as well m regard to the prices charged, as in many other important particulars. CIRCULAR TO THE PROPRIETORS OF NURSERIES. In addition to the Ti^es, Shrubbery, &c. of all kinds enumerated in our Catalogues, which are offered to you of the usual size at a liberal discount from the regular prices, we have on hand a very large stock of less size, from one year's growth upwards, which we will sell at diminished rates in proportion thereto. Where the quantity taken is large and not less than than 12, or at the least 6 of any one kind, the proportionate trouble being thereby lessened, the prices will be put at the lowest rates. The same arrangement will be applied to all articles in the other departments, and a Catalogue rated according to size and quantity will be s«nt to applicants. CAUTION.— A person by the name of Winter, and another by the name of Garretson, have been making use of the title of this Establishment without any authority, and the public are cautioned against the deception.