CATALOGUE OF THE BULLER EMORIAL LIBRARY CANADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CATALOGUE DE LA BIB Lit) 1 HL\) U L COMMEMORATIVE BULLER 630,4 C212 1226 ISTÈRE DE L'AGRICULTURE DU CANADA c.3 ! LIBRARY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OTTAWA. ONTARIO Book N0...S.2.Q.+A.. C212 Pub.,...JL226 C«jg This book should be returned two weeks from date of loan. No stamps are necessary. AL 36 27915— FSM— 461 py 7 .7 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada CATALOGUE OF THE BULLER MEMORIAL LIBRARY Compiled by Kent D. Oliver, Librarian Research Station, Winnipeg, Man. RESEARCH BRANCH CANADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Publication 1226 1965 CATALOGUE DE LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE COMMEMORATIVE BULLER Compilé par Kent D. Oliver, bibliothécaire Station de recherches, Winnipeg (Man.) DIRECTION DE LA RECHERCHE MINISTÈRE DE L'AGRICULTURE DU CANADA Crown Copyrights reserved © Droits de la Couronne réservés Available from the Queen's Printer, Ottawa, and at the following Canadian Government bookshops: OTTAWA Daly Building, Corner Mackenzie and Rideau TORONTO Mackenzie Building, 36 Adelaide St. East MONTREAL AZterna-Vie Building, 1182 St. Catherine St. West or through your bookseller. A deposit copy of this publication is also available for reference in public libraries across Canada Price $3.00 Catalogue No. A53-1226 Price subject to change without notice Roger Duhamel, F.R.S.C. Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery Ottawa, Canada 1965 En vente chez l'Imprimeur de la Reine à Ottawa et dans les librairies du Gouvernement fédéral : OTTAWA Édifice Daly, Mackenzie et Rideau TORONTO Édifice Mackenzie, 36 est, rue Adelaide MONTRÉAL Édifice Alterna-Vie, 1182 ouest, rue Ste-Catherine ou chez votre libraire. Des exemplaires sont à la disposition des intéressés dans toutes les bibliothèques publiques du Canada Prix $3.00 N° de catalogue A53-1226 Prix sujet à changement sans avis préalable Roger Duhamel, M.S.R.C. Imprimeur de la Reine et Contrôleur de la papeterie Ottawa, Canada 1965 lM-31864-2:65 CONTENTS Page Lending Policy 6 Foreword 7 Scientific Section 17 Nonscientific Section 63 TABLE DES MATIÈRES Page Service de prêts 6 Avant-propos 7 Section scientifique 17 Section non scientifique 63 80085 Professor A. H. R. Buller, 1936 Professeur A. H. R. Buller, 1936 Part of the Buller Memorial Library Partie de la Bibliothèque commemorative Buller LENDING POLICY The Buller Library is a private library and, as such, has a restricted loan practice. Books marked with an asterisk cannot be borrowed. Books without an asterisk can be borrowed through a library using regular inter- library loan channels. Borrowing libraries can write either Library, Canada Department of Agriculture, Research Station, Box 6200, Winni- peg 1, Manitoba; or Main Library, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa 1, Ontario. SERVICE DE PRETS La Bibliothèque Buller est une bibli- othèque privée et n'a qu'un service limité de prêts. Les livres marqués d'un astérisque ne sont pas prêtés; les autres le sont par l'entremise des bibliothèques dotées d'un service de prêts entre bibliothèques. Ces biblio- thèques n'ont qu'à écrire à: La Bibliothèque, Station de recher- ches, Ministère de l'Agriculture du Canada, C.P. 6200, Winnipeg 1, Manitoba; ou La Bibliothèque cen- trale, Ministère de l'Agriculture du Canada, Ottawa 1, Ontario. 6 FOREWORD AVANT-PROPOS The Buller Memorial Library is the personal collection of books of Arthur Henry Reginald Buller, Pro- fessor of Botany at the University of Manitoba from 1904 to 1936. It is being kept intact at the Research Station, Canada Department of Agriculture, Winnipeg, as a perma- nent memorial to a great botanist and a colorful personality. This foreword explains how Pro- fessor Buller's personal library came to be housed at the Research Station. Also, since time blurs the outlines of even the most distinguished reputations, it gives a brief account of his career and achievements. Among Professor Buller's many interests was the collection of im- portant scientific books, particularly the botanical classics. This he could well afford to do as he was a bache- lor and came from a well-to-do family. On his frequent trips to England — he made 65 transatlantic crossings during the years he lived at Winnipeg — he spent much time collecting books. He had arrange- ments with book dealers to notify him when certain botanical classics became available. They would cable him the price and he, in return, would cable instructions as to whether or not he would meet the price. As the years went by his La Bibliothèque commemorative Buller (Buller Memorial Library) est la collection personnelle d'ou- vrages de feu Arthur Henry Reginald Buller, professeur de botanique à l'université du Manitoba de 1904 à 1936. Cette collection est conservée intacte à la Station de recherches du ministère de l'Agriculture du Canada, à Winnipeg, pour garder le souvenir d'un grand botaniste doué en même temps d'une personnalité remarquable. Nous voulons ici expliquer d'abord comment il se fait que la biblio- thèque personnelle du professeur Buller se trouve maintenant à la Station de recherches du ministère de l'Agriculture du Canada. En outre, comme la renommée des personnages même les plus éminents s'estompe toujours avec le temps, nous tenons aussi à rappeler briève- ment sa carrière et son œuvre. Le professeur Buller s'intéressait à toutes sortes de choses, entre autres à la collection d'ouvrages scientifi- ques importants, particulièrement les grands classiques de la botanique. Célibataire et appartenant à une famille aisée, il pouvait, en effet, se permettre ce luxe. Au cours des fréquents voyages qu'il fit en Angle- terre,— il traversa 65 fois l'Atlanti- que durant les années qu'il vécut à Winnipeg — il consacra beaucoup de temps à la recherche des ouvrages; il avait même chargé des libraires 8 library grew until it contained many of the botanical classics from the days of the herbals to his own time. His interest was greatest in myco- logieal literature, which is particu- larly well represented. In his later years, after much thought on the ultimate disposal of his library, he expressed to the trustees of his estate the wish that it should go to the Dominion Rust Research Laboratory at Winnipeg, of which he considered himself, and justly so, one of the founders. His connection with that institu- tion deserves mention, not only be- cause of his wish that it should acquire his library but also because it throws light on Professor Buller the scientist. Professor Buller was primarily what is sometimes referred to as a 'pure scientist.' His interest was chiefly in knowledge for its own sake, and most of his research re- flected that attitude. But he also felt strongly that science should serve mankind to its fullest capacity. Dur- ing the early years of his stay at Winnipeg, he had observed with con- cern the ravages of stem rust, which periodically devastated the wheat fields of Manitoba, eastern Sas- katchewan and the adjoining Ameri- can states to the south. After the great rust epidemic of 1916, which reduced the wheat yield of Western Canada by an estimated one hundred million bushels, he decided that the resources of science must be brought to bear on the solution of this prob- lem. At the beginning of 1917 he de l'aviser lorsque certains ouvrages classiques de botanique seraient dis- ponibles. Les libraires lui télé- graphiaient alors le prix et il ré- pondait par télégramme également s'il acceptait ou non le prix. Sa bibliothèque s'accrut avec les années. Elle renfermait finalement beaucoup d'ouvrages classiques qui comptent parmi les plus importants du do- maine de la botanique à partir de l'époque où les ouvrages de botani- que ne traitaient que des plantes médicinales. Il s'intéressait surtout aux ouvrages de mycologie, particu- lièrement bien représentés dans sa collection. Vers la fin de sa vie, il manifesta à ses exécuteurs testamentaires le désir de voir sa bibliothèque passer au Laboratoire fédéral de recherches sur la rouille, établi à Winnipeg. Il se considérait, à juste titre, l'un des fondateurs de ce laboratoire. Il faut dire un mot de ses relations avec cette institution, non seulement parce qu'il voulait lui léguer sa bibliothèque, mais aussi parce qu'- elles nous font mieux connaître le savant qu'était le professeur Buller. Il représentait avant tout ce que l'on appelle parfois un «adepte de la science pure». Il recherchait la science pour elle-même, attitude que traduit d'ailleurs la majeure partie de ses recherches, mais il croyait fermement aussi que la science doit servir l'humanité. Pendant les pre- mières années de son séjour à Winni- peg, il avait observé avec inquiétude les ravages causés par la rouille de la tige qui dévastait périodique- ment les champs de blé du Manitoba, de l'est de la Saskatchewan et des États américains avoisinants. Après 9 visited the University of Minnesota, where research on the grain rusts had recently been initiated. After his return he exerted all his influence toward the founding of a research laboratory designed to investigate stem rust in all its aspects, with particular emphasis on breeding, if possible, agronomically satisfactory wheat varieties resistant to the rust. After the founding of the Dominion Rust Research Laboratory, in 1925, he took a close personal interest in all its research and gave freely of his advice, especially on fundamental research. After Professor Buller's death, in 1944, his expressed wish that his library should be housed by that institution could not be implemented for many years because of his stipu- lation that the library should not become its property until a fireproof room was available for housing it. This could not be complied with until 1957, when the Laboratory was incorporated into the Research Sta- tion. In a new building, completed in 1957, provision was made for the independent housing of Professor Buller's library. It was officially opened on May 30, 1958, when the staff of the Research Station and more than fifty of Professor Buller's friends gathered to pay honor to his memory and to place his ashes in a receptacle in the wall of the library beneath his portrait. Professor Buller was born in Birm- ingham, England, on August 19, 1874. He received his early education la grande épidémie de rouille de 1916, qui avait réduit d'environ 100 millions de boisseaux la production de blé de l'ouest du Canada, il décida qu'il fallait faire appel à toutes les ressources de la science pour résoudre le problème. A la fin de 1917, il alla visiter l'université du Minnesota, qui venait de commencer des recherches sur la rouille des céréales. De retour à Winnipeg, il usa de toute son influence pour amorcer la fondation d'un labora- toire de recherches qui étudierait la rouille de la tige dans tous ses aspects, particulièrement en vue de créer, autant que possible, des variétés de blé de bon rapport mais résistantes à cette maladie. Une fois le Laboratoire fédéral de recherches sur la rouille fondé en 1925, il s'in- téressa personnellement à tous ses travaux de recherches sans ménager ses conseils, particulièrement sur la recherche fondamentale. Le professeur Buller mourut en 1944. Il fut, toutefois, pendant long- temps impossible de donner suite au désir qu'il avait exprimé de voir sa bibliothèque logée dans le Labora- toire parce qu'il avait posé entre autres conditions qu'elle ne devrait pas passer à cette institution tant qu'on ne pourrait l'installer dans des locaux à l'épreuve du feu. C'est seulement en 1957 que cette condi- tion fut réalisée. A ce moment-là, cependant, le Laboratoire fédéral de recherches sur la rouille faisait partie de la Station de recherches du ministère de l'Agriculture du Ca- nada. En construisant les nouveaux bâtiments de cette Station, qui fut terminée en 1957, on avait réservé des pièces séparées pour la biblio- 10 at Queen's College, Taunton, and at Mason College, now the University of Birmingham, and received a B.Sc. degree at the University of London. He studied at the University of Leipzig under Professor Pfeffer from 1897 to 1899, and while there won the 1851 Exhibition Scholarship and received a Ph.D. degree. From 1899 to 1901 he studied under Professor Hartig at Munich and spent the summers at the International Marine Biological Station at Naples, where he studied the fertilization of the eggs of sea urchins. From 1901 to J 904 he served as lecturer in botany at the University of Birmingham, and while there was awarded a D.Sc. degree. In 1904 he was appointed to the University of Manitoba, where he organized the botany department which he headed until his retirement in 1936. His interest in research on fungi crystallized during his lectureship at Birmingham. He continued research on them for the rest of his life, and published the seven beautifully written and splendidly illustrated volumes of his Researches on Fungi. The last of these was edited after his death by his friend Dr. G. R. Bisby. In addition to these seven volumes, which constitute his mag- num opus, he published many papers in scientific journals. Among these special mention might be made of "The Diploid Cell and the Diploid- isation Process in Plants and thèque du professeur Buller. Elle fut inaugurée le 30 mai 1958: le person- nel de la Station de recherches et plus de cinquante amis du professeur se réunirent alors pour rendre hom- mage à sa mémoire et placer ses cendres au bas de son portrait, dans un vase encastré dans le mur de la bibliothèque. Né à Birmingham (Angleterre) , le 19 août 1874, le professeur Buller étudia d'abord au Queen's College, de Taunton, et au Mason College, aujourd'hui université de Birming- ham, et il reçut le diplôme de bachelier es sciences à l'université de Londres. De 1897 à 1899, il étudia à l'université de Leipzig sous la direction du professeur Pfeffer et obtint le titre de Ph.D. (Philosophise Doctor) en 1899. Durant ses études à Leipzig il gagna la «1851 Exhibi- tion Scholarship». Il étudia ensuite avec le professeur Hartig à Munich et, en quittant l'Allemagne, il séjourna un an à la Station inter- nationale de biologie marine de Naples où il étudia la fécondation des œufs de l'oursin. De 1901 à 1904, il fut maître de conférences de botanique à l'université de Birming- ham et y obtint un doctorat es sciences. En 1904 il fut nommé pro- fesseur à l'université du Manitoba où il organisa le Département de botanique qu'il dirigea jusqu'à sa retraite, en 1936. Pendant qu'il enseignait à l'uni- versité de Birmingham, il commença à s'intéresser véritablement aux champignons en tant que domaine de recherche. Il continua alors ses travaux dans ce domaine pendant le reste de sa vie et publia sept volumes remarquablement rédigés et 11 Animals, with Special Reference to the Higher Fungi," published in 1941. In all his researches, it was the living plant that appealed to him. Herbarium material held little inter- est for him. Among his favorite subjects for study were the mecha- nisms of spore discharge in the fungi and the modes of migration of nuclei through fungus mycelia, neither of which could be effectively studied by use of dead material. Similarly, in his teaching, it was living material that he emphasized. This is well borne out by a story told by one of his laboratory assistants who asked him for vials of algae for his morphology class. "Miss — ," he said, "I never teach from dead plants. Go to the aquarium and see what algae you can find." Although laboratory research was his main scientific activity, he was a good general botanist and loved nothing better than his frequent col- lecting forays on which he could study higher plants and fungi in their natural habitats. His interest in the fungi, and the realization that Western Canada was virtually un- explored territory as far as the identities and distributions of its fungi were concerned, directed his activities toward a survey of the fungus flora of Manitoba. In his work he collaborated with Dr. G. R. Bisby and John Dearness. The result of this collaboration was The Fungi of Manitoba, published in 1929. Later collaboration with Bisby, magnifiquement illustrés intitulés Researches on Fungi dont le dernier parut après sa mort grâce aux bons soins de son ami G. R. Bisby. Outre ces sept volumes, il publia dans des revues scientifiques de nombreux articles parmi lesquels il faut men- tionner particulièrement «The Di- ploid Cell and the Diploidisation Process in Plants and Animals, with Special Reference to the Higher Fungi», qui date de 1941. Dans tous ses travaux de recher- ches, la plante vivante constituait pour lui le matériau par excellence. Les spécimens d'herbier l'intéres- saient peu. Parmi ses sujets d'étude préférés, il faut mentionner le mécanisme de la libération des spores dans les champignons et les modes de migration des noyaux par l'intermédiaire du mycélium, deux questions que l'on ne pouvait étudier efficacement en employant des plantes mortes. Dans ses cours, il insistait également sur l'emploi de matière vivante. A l'une de ses auxiliaires de laboratoire qui lui demandait un jour des fioles d'algues pour ses étudiants en morphologie, il répondait: «Mademoiselle, je ne me sers jamais de plantes mortes dans mon enseignement. Allez à l'aquarium chercher les algues qu'il vous faut». Tout en consacrant la majeure partie de son activité à la recherche au laboratoire, il était un très bon botaniste et aimait beaucoup aller herboriser afin d'étudier les plantes supérieures et les champignons dans leur habitat. S'intéressant profondé- ment aux champignons, et voyant que l'on n'avait presque rien fait encore dans l'ouest du Canada pour 12 Dearness, Professor W. P. Fraser, and Dr. R. C. Russell led to the publication of The Fungi of Mani- toba and Saskatchewan in 1938. Other publications are Practical Botany, issued in 1929, and Essays on Wheat, in 1919, the latter the outcome of his interest in the crop that was basic to the prosperity of Western Canada in his time. Among his unpublished writings is a history of mycology, left incomplete at the time of his death. Another publishing activity in which Professor Buller played a major role was the production of an English version of one of the myco- logical classics: Selecta Fungorum Carpologia, by the brothers Tulasne. He served as coeditor with Dr. C. L. Shear of W. B. Grove's translation of this work and he played the major part in arranging for the financing of the publication, which was issued in three large volumes in 1931. Professor Buller was a fine lec- turer and will be remembered by all who heard him for the vividness and clarity of his presentation. His repu- tation grew with time, and in his later years he was widely sought as a lecturer on botanical subjects. He was Norman Wait Harris Founda- tion lecturer at Northwestern Uni- versity in 1927, summer lecturer at Louisiana State University in 1941, Hitchcock Professor at the Univer- sity of California in 1942, and Schiff Foundation lecturer at Cornell Uni- versity in the same year. les identifier et en déterminer la répartition, il entreprit un relevé de la flore mycologique du Manitoba, travail dans lequel il collabora avec G. R. Bisby et John Dearness. C'est ainsi que parut en 1929 l'ouvrage intitulé The Fungi of Manitoba. Plus tard, en 1938, paraissait The Fungi of Manitoba and Saskatche- wan, fruit de sa collaboration avec les deux auteurs précités ainsi qu'avec le professeur W. P. Fraser et R. C. Russell. Il publia aussi Practical Botany en 1929 et Essays on Wheat en 1919, cette dernière publication étant le résultat de l'intérêt qu'il portait à une culture alors essentielle pour la prospérité de l'ouest du pays. Parmi ses œuvres inédites figure une histoire inachevée de la mycologie. Le professeur Buller joua aussi un rôle très important dans la publica- tion d'une version anglaise, établie par W. B. Grove, de l'un des grands classiques de la mycologie, soit Selecta Fungorum Carpologia, des Frères Tulasne: l'ouvrage qui com- prend trois gros volumes, parut en 1931. Le professeur Buller, aidé de C. L. Shear, en avait dirigé la publi- cation et il avait réuni les fonds nécessaires à cette fin. Le professeur Buller était un con- férencier recherché caractérisé sur- tout par une présentation pittores- que et claire. Il acquit graduellement une grande réputation et fut vers la fin de sa vie invité très souvent à donner des conférences de botanique. Il fut conférencier de la Norman Wait Harris Foundation à l'uni- versité Northwestern en 1927, con- férencier d'été à l'université d'État de la Louisiane en 1941; en 1942, il 13 His list of memberships or fellow- ships in scientific societies is too long to be recounted here. He was the first resident of Western Canada to be made a fellow of the Royal Society of London, to which he was elected in 1927. He was president of the Royal Society of Canada in 1927-28. He was made associate member of the Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique in 1921, and corresponding member of the Netherlands Botanical Society in 1935. Among the many honors he re- ceived may be mentioned the follow- ing: Hon. LL.D., University of Manitoba, 1924; Hon. LL.D., Uni- versity of Saskatchewan, 1928; Fla- velle Medal of the Royal Society of Canada, 1929; Hon. D.Sc, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 1933; Medal of the Manitoba Natural History Society, 1936; Royal Medal of the Royal Society (London), 1937; and Hon. LL.D., University of Calcutta, 1937. Professor Buller seemed to be so absorbed in scientific work, his own and that of others, that slight personal contact with him might give the impression that he had no other interests. This would have been an entirely false conclusion. He had a strong artistic inclination. He was fond of music and played the piano well. He was well versed in the literature of the past and was partic- ularly fond of poetry, as is well attested by the numerous volumes of poetry listed in this catalogue. He fut conférencier à la chaire Hitch- cock de l'université de Californie et à la Fondation Schiff de l'université Cornell. L'espace manque pour énumérer toutes les sociétés savantes dont il était soit membre soit fellow. Il fut le premier citoyen de l'ouest du Canada à être nommé fellow de la Société Royale de Londres, dans laquelle il avait été admis en 1927. Il fut président de la Société Royale du Canada pendant l'année 1927- 1928. Il fut nommé membre associé de la Société royale de botanique de Belgique en 1921 et membre corres- pondant de la Société de botanique des Pays-Bas en 1935. Mentionnons quelques-unes des nombreuses distinctions qui lui furent attribuées: docteur en droit honoris causa de l'université du Manitoba en 1924; docteur en droit honoris causa de l'université de la Saskatchewan en 1928; médaille Flavelle de la Société Royale du Canada en 1929; docteur es sciences honoris causa de l'université de Pennsylvanie en 1933; médaille de la Société d'histoire naturelle du Manitoba en 1936; Royal Medal de la Société Royale (Londres) en 1937 et docteur en droit honoris causa de l'université de Calcutta en 1937. Le professeur Buller semblait à tel point absorbé par son travail scientifique et celui des autres que ceux qui n'ont pas été beaucoup en contact avec lui auraient pu croire que là s'arrêtait son intérêt: cela aurait été entièrement faux. Il avait en effet des goûts artistiques pro- noncés. Il aimait la musique et jouait bien du piano. Versé dans la littérature du passé, il aimait parti- 14 was known, on occasion, to recite from memory long passages from Shakespeare and Milton. Humor and wit in poetry had a strong appeal to him, and he was skilful in com- posing light verse, particularly in that difficult form, the limerick. His widely known limerick on relativity, first published in Punch and often attributed to others, is given below: There was a young lady named Bright, Whose speed was far faster than light. She set out one day In a relative way, And returned home the previous night. Later, after Einstein's theory had been extended to include the rela- tions between mass, energy, and speed, he wrote this supplementary stanza : To her friends said the Bright one in chatter, "I have learned something new about matter: As my speed was so great, Much increased was my weight, Yet I failed to become any fatter/' In manner and behavior, Professor Buller was the epitome of the English gentleman of his time. He had a stately courtesy, rendered in- conspicuous, however, by a liveliness of action and speech. Humor and wit were never far from the surface and apt quotations, often of a humorous kind, were common occurrences. An example was once quoted by his friend Dr. Robert Newton: At a conference on the need of a national botanical garden, Dr. M. 0. Malte, Director of the National Herbarium, spoke of inspecting an experimental culièrement la poésie comme en dé- montrent les nombreux volumes de vers qui figurent dans le présent catalogue. On l'a entendu parfois réciter de mémoire de longs passages de Shakespeare et de Milton. Doué d'humour et d'esprit, il excellait à composer des vers du type badin, particulièrement le poème comique en cinq vers («limerick»). Voici celui, bien connu, qu'il écrivit sur la relativité, qui parut d'abord dans Punch et que l'on a souvent attribué à d'autres: There was a young lady named Bright, Whose speed was far faster than light. She set out one day In a relative way, And returned home the previous night. Par la suite, une fois la théorie d'Einstein élargie de façon à com- prendre les relations qui existent entre la masse, l'énergie et la vitesse, il ajouta la stance suivante: To her friends said the Bright one in chatter, "I have learned something new about matter: As my speed was so great, Much increased was my weight, Yet I failed to become any fatter/' Par ses manières et son comporte- ment le professeur Buller était la personnification du gentleman an- glais de son époque. Il était d'une courtoisie un peu imposante que masquait jusqu'à un certain point, cependant, la vivacité de son allure et de sa parole. Son humour et son esprit transparaissaient souvent et des citations opportunes, souvent pleines d'humour, lui venaient fré- quemment à la bouche. En voici un exemple que nous rapporte son ami Robert Newton: lors d'une confé- rence sur la nécessité d'établir un 15 farm, where he asked his guide about a certain yellow-flowered plant they came across. "Oh," said the guide, "it's a kind of buttercup." "Actually," said Dr. Malte to the conference, "it was a primrose." Immediately, Professor Buller broke in with: A primrose by the river's brim A buttercup it was to him, And it was nothing more. Professor Buller's personality and scientific acumen left a strong im- pression on those who came into close contact with him. This is especially true of his graduate students, many of whom admired him almost to the point of idolatry. His death on July 3, 1944, deprived botanical science of one of its dis- tinguished figures but it by no means terminated his influence, which con- tinues through the research of his many students. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES Further information on his life and scientific career may be obtained from the following obituaries, the last of which contains a list of his publications. Bisby, G. R. Nature, Lond. 154: 173. 1944. Brodie, H. J., and C. W. Lowe. Science 100: 305-307. 1944. Thomson, R. B. Trans, roy. Soc. Canada, 3d series, 39: 79-81. 1945. jardin botanique national, M. O. Malte, directeur de l'Herbier na- tional, racontait qu'ayant inspecté une ferme expérimentale régionale, il avait demandé au guide quel était le nom d'une certaine plante à fleur jaune qu'il venait de voir. «Oh, répondit le guide, c'est une espèce de renoncule (buttercup) .» «En réalité, dit M. Malte aux assistants, il s'agis- sait d'une primevère (primrose)1.» Immédiatement, le professeur Buller intervint avec les trois vers suivants: A primrose by the river's brim A buttercup it was to him, And it was nothing more. 1 Les deux noms anglais de plantes sont conservés entre parenthèses pour aider le lecteur à saisir l'à-propos des trois vers (Note du traducteur). La personnalité et l'esprit scienti- fique pénétrant du professeur Buller ont laissé une forte impression sur ceux qui ont été en contact étroit avec lui. Cela est particulièrement vrai des diplômés qui avaient été ses élèves, dont beaucoup lui vouaient une admiration voisine de l'idolâtrie. Son décès, survenu le 3 juillet 1944, a privé la botanique de l'une de ses figures éminentes mais elle n'a nulle- ment mis fin à son influence qui con- tinue de se faire sentir dans les recherches poursuivies par de nom- breux étudiants qu'il a formés. Ceux qui aimeraient obtenir d'autres renseignements sur la vie et la carrière scientifique du professeur Buller en trouveront dans les notices nécrologiques publiées par les pério- diques suivants, dont la dernière renferme une liste de ses publica- tions. Bisby, G. R. Nature, Londres, 154: 173. 1944. Brodie, H. J. et C. W. Lowe, Science 100: 305-307. 16 Hanna, W. F., C. W. Lowe and E. C. Thomson, R. B. Trans, roy. Soc. Canada, Stakman. Phytopathology 35: 577-584. 3e série 39: 79-81. 1945. 1945 Hanna, W. F., C. W. Lowe et E. C. Stakman. Phytopathology 35: 577-584. 1945. T. Johnson, Director T j0HNS0Nj directeur Research Station Station de recherches Winnipeg, Man. Winnipeg (Man.) December, 1962. Décembre 1962 SCIENTIFIC SECTION SECTION SCIENTIFIQUE Acloque, A. Les lichens; étude sur l'anatomie, la physiologie et la morphologie de l'organisme lichénique. Paris, J. B. Baillière, 1893. 376 p. illus. (Biblio- thèque scientifique contemporaine) Adams, Henry Gardiner. Beautiful butterflies; described and illustrated with the history of a butterfly through all its changes and transformations; and an explanation of the scientific terms used by naturalists in reference thereto. London, Groombridge, 1871. 133 p. illus., plates. Adams, Henry Gardiner. Beautiful shells; their nature, structure, and uses familiarly explained, with directions for collecting, cleaning and arranging them in the cabinet, and descriptions of the most remarkable species. London, Groom- bridge, 1871. 156 p. illus., plates. Ahles, W. von. Allgemein verbreitete essbare und schâdliche Pilze. [2d éd.] Stutt- gart, J. F. Schreiber [1898?] 52 p. plates. [Ainsworth-Davis, James Richard] An elementary text-book of biology. 2d ed. London, Charles Grifiin, 1893. 2 v. illus. Aix-Marseille, Université d', Faculté des sciences, Marseille. Annales. v. 20. Publiées sous les auspices de la municipalité et avec le concours du Conseil général des Bouches-du-Rhône. Marseille, 1911. 245 p. illus. Allen, Grant. The colours of flowers as illustrated in the British flora. London, Macmillan, 1891. 119 p. illus. American Association for the Advancement op Science. The genetics of patho- genic organisms. Edited by Forest Ray Moulton. [Lancaster, Penn.] Published for the Association by Science Press, 1940. 90 p. illus. (Its Publication no. 12) Anderson, Tempest. Volcanic studies in many lands. London, John Murray, 1903. 202 p. illus. Annales mycologici; editi in notiam scientiae mycologicae universalis, v. 1-12. Edited by H. Sydow and others. Berlin, R. Friedlaender, 1903-14. illus. Vol. 1-9 are bound. Arber, Agnes (Robertson). Herbals; their origin and evolution, a chapter in the history of botany, 1479^-1670. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1912. 253 p. illus. Arber, Agnes (Robertson). Monocotyledons; a morphological study. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1925. 258 p. illus. Arber, Agnes (Robertson). Water plants; a study of aquatic angiosperms. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1920. 436 p. illus. Arber, Mrs. E. A. Newell. See Arber, Agnes (Robertson). Arber, Edward Alexander Newell. The natural history of coal. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1912. 163 p. illus. Arthur, Joseph Charles. Manual of the rusts of the United States and Canada Lafayette, Ind., Perdue Research Foundation, 1934. 438 p. illus. Arthur, Joseph Charles, and others. The plant rusts (Uredinales). New York, John Wiley, 1929. 446 p. illus. 17 18 Atkins, William Ringrose Gelston. Some recent researches in plant physiology. London, Whittaker, 1916. 328 p. illus. Atkinson, George Francis. First studies in plant life. Boston, Ginn, 1901. 266 p. illus. Atkinson, George Francis, and others. Studies of American fungi: mushrooms, edible, poisonous, etc. Ithaca, N.Y., Andrus and Church, 1900. 275 p. illus. Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st baron. Flowers, fruits and leaves. London, Macmillan, 1894. 147 p. illus. Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st baron. On British wild flowers considered in relation to insects. London, Macmillan, 1893. 194 p. illus. Badham, Charles David. A treatise on the esculent funguses of England, containing an account of their classical history, uses, characters, development, structure, nutritious properties, modes of cooking and preserving, etc. Edited by Fred- erick Currey. London, Lovell Reeve, 1863. 152 p. plates. Bailey, Liberty Hyde. Beginners' botany. Adapted for Canadian schools by B. J. Hales. Toronto, Macmillan, 1915. 214 p. illus. Bound with Hales, B. J. Selected western flora, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta. Toronto, 1915. Bailey, Liberty Hyde. Plant breeding; being five lectures upon the amelioration of domestic plants. New York, Macmillan, 1897. 293 p. illus. Bainier, G. Etude sur les Mucorinées. Paris, F. Pichon et A. Cotillon, 1882. 136 p. plates. Balfour, John Hutton. Class book of botany; being an introduction to the study of the vegetable kingdom, pt. 2, Physiological botany. Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, 1854. 755 p. illus. Balfour, John Hutton. Class book of botany; being an introduction to the study of the vegetable kingdom. 3d ed. Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, 1871. 1118 p. illus. Balfour, John Hutton. A manual of botany; being an introduction to the study of the structure, physiology, and classification of plants. 5th ed. Edinburgh Adam and Charles Black, 1875. 854 p. illus. Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. Astronomy. 7th ed. London, Longmans, Green, 1892 152 p. illus. Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. The cause of an ice age. 2nd ed. London, Kegan Paul Trench, Trubner, 1892. 180 p. illus. Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. The earth's beginnings. London, Cassell, 1901. 384 p illus. Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. The story of the heavens. London, Cassell, 1900. 568 p illus. Ball, William Platt. Are the effects of use and disuse inherited? An examination of the view held by Spencer and Darwin. London, Macmillan, 1890. 156 p. Banks, Sir Joseph, bart. A short account of the cause of the disease in corn, called by farmers the blight, the mildew, and the rust. London, Printed for H. D. Symonds [pref. 1805] 14 p. fold plate, pamphl. Barla, Jean-Baptiste. Les champignons de la province de Nice, et principalement les espèces comestibles, suspectes ou vénéneuses, dessinées d'après nature. Nice, Canis frères, 1859. 137 p. plates. Barrett, Sir William Fletcher. Psychical research. London, Williams and Norgate [pref. 1911] 255 p. (Home university library of modern knowledge) Library has 2 copies. 19 Bary, Anton de, and M. Woronin. Beitràge zur Morphologie und Physiologie der Pilze. [Series 1-5] Frankfurt-am-Main, Christian Winter, 1864-82. 5 pt. in 1. plates. Bary, Anton de. Comparative morphology and biology of the fungi, mycetozoa and bacteria. [Translated] by Henry E. F. Garnsey; revised by Isaac Bayley Balfour. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1887. 525 p. illus. Bary, Anton de. Untersuchungen iiber die Brandpilze und die durch sie verursachten Krankheiten der Pnanzen mit Rucksicht auf das Getreide und andere Nutz- pflanzen. Berlin, G. W. F. Muller, 1853. 144 p. plates. Bary, Anton de. Vergleichende Morphologie und Biologie der Pilze, Mycetozoen und Bactérien. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1884. 558 p. illus. Bass, Florence. Nature stories for young readers. Plant life. Boston, D. C. Heath, 1895. 107 p. illus. Bastian, Henry Charlton. The nature and origin of living matter. London, Watts, 1910. 144 p. illus. Bates, Walter Henry. The naturalist on the River Amazons. London, J. M. Dent [n.d.] 407 p. illus. (Everyman's library) Bateson, William. Mendel's principles of heredity. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1909. 396 p. illus. Bateson, William. The methods and scope of genetics; an inaugural lecture delivered 23 October, 1908. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1908. 49 p. *Battarra, Giovanni Antonia. Fungorum agri ariminensis historia. [2d éd.] Faventiae, typis Martinianis, 1759. 80 p. illus. *Bauhinus, Johann. Historia plantarvm vniversalis, nova, et absolvtissima, cvm consensv et dissensv circa eas. Auctoribus Ioh. Bavhino et Ioh. Hen Cherlero. Iuris verô publici fecit Franciscvs Lvd. a Graff enried. Ebrodvni, 1650-51. 3 v. illus. ♦Baxjhinus, Kaspar. Pinax ["Pinax" in Greek] theatri botanici; sive Index in Theo- phrasti Dioscoridis, Plinii et botanicorvm qui à seculo seripserunt opera plantarvm circiter sex millivm ab ipsis exhibitarvm nomina cum earundem synonymijs & différentes methodice secundum genera & species proponens. Basileae, impensis Joannis Regis, 1671. 518 p. Bound with the author's Prodromus theatri botanici . . . [2d éd.] Basileae, 1671. ♦Bauhinus, Kaspar. Prodromus ["Prodromus" in Greek] theatri botanici, in quo plantae supra sexcentae ab ipso primum descriptae cum plurimis figuris proponuntur. [2d éd.] Basileae, impensis Joannis Regis, 1671. 160 p. illus. Bound with the author's Pinax theatri botanici . . . Basileae, 1671. Beck, Conrad. The microscope; a simple handbook. London, R. and J. Beck, 1921. 144 p. illus. Beddard, Frank Evers. A text-book of zoogeography. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1895. 246 p. illus. Bennett, Alfred William, and George Murray. A handbook of cryptogamic botany. London, Longmans, Green, 1889. 473 p. illus. Bennett, Frederick T. Outlines of fungi and plant diseases; for students and practi- tioners of agriculture and horticulture. London, Macmillan, 1924. 254 p. illus. Bennett, Richard, and John Elton. History of corn milling. London, Simpkin Marshall, 1898-1904. 4 v. illus. (2 fold.). 20 Bergen, Joseph Young, and Otis W. Caldwell. Introduction to botany. Boston, Ginn [cl914] 368 p. illus. Bound with Bergen, J. Y. Key and flora; northern and central states. Boston [cl908]. Bergen, Joseph Young. Key and flora; northern and central states. Boston, Ginn [cl908] 267 p. illus. Bound with the author's Introduction to botany. Boston [cl914]. Bergen, Joseph Young, and Bradley M. Davis. Laboratory and field manual of botany. Boston, Ginn [cl907] 257 p. illus. Bergen, Joseph Young, and Otis W. Caldwell. Practical botany. Boston, Ginn [cl911] 545 p. illus. Bergen, Joseph Young, and Bradley M. Davis. Principles of botany. Boston, Ginn [cl906] 555 p. illus. Berkeley, Miles Joseph. Introduction to cryptogamic botany. London, H. Baillière, 1857. 604 p. illus. (Library of illustrated standard scientific works, v. 12) Berkeley, Miles Joseph. Outlines of British fungology; containing characters of above a thousand species of fungi and a complete list of all that have been described as natives of the British Isles. London, Lovell Reeve, 1860. 442 p. plates. Library has 2 copies. Berlese, Augusto Napoleone. Icônes fungorum omnium hucusque cognitorum ad usum Sylloges Saccardianae adcommodate. Pergola [Italy] sumptibus auctoris, typis Eduardi, 1894-1902. 4 v. plates. Imprint of v. 2-4: Patavii [Italy] typis seminarii. Berry, Arthur John. The atmosphere. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1913. 146 p. illus. Biological symposia, v. 1. Edited by Jacques Cattell. Lancaster, Pa., Jacques Cattell Press, 1940. 238 p. illus. Bisby, Guy Richard, A. H. Reginald Buller, and John Dearness. The fungi of Manitoba. London, Longmans, Green, 1929. 194 p. illus. Library has 2 copies. Bisby, Guy Richard and others. The fungi of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Ottawa, National Research Council, 1938. 189 p. illus. *Bolton, James. An history of fungusses, growing about Halifax. 3 v. and suppl. Huddersfield [Eng.] The author, 1788-91. plates. Bonorden, Hermann Friedrich. Handbuch der allgemeinen Mykologie; als Anleitung zum Studium derselben, nebst spueciellen Beitragen zur Vervollkommung dieses Zweiges der Naturkunde. Stuttgart, Schweizerbart, 1851. 336 p. Bonorden, Hermann Friedrich. Handbuch der allgemeinen Mykologie als Anleitung zum Studium derselben [plates only] Stuttgart, Schweizerbart, 1851. Bornet, Edouard, and G. Thuret. Notes algologiques, recueil d'observations sur les Algues. Fasc. 1 et 2. Paris, G. Masson, 1876-80. 196 p. plates. Bose, Sir Jagadis Chunder, éd. Life movements in plants, v. 4. London, Longmans, Green, 1931. 211 p. illus. (Transactions of the Bose Research Institute, Calcutta, v. 6, 1930-31) Bose, Sir Jagadis Chunder. The motor mechanism of plants. London, Longmans, Green, 1928. 429 p. illus. Bose, Sir Jagadis Chunder. The physiology of the ascent of sap. London, Longmans, Green, 1923. 277 p. illus. Bose, Sir Jagadis Chunder. Plant autographs and their revelations. London, Long- mans, Green. 1927. 231 p. illus. 21 Boudier, Emile. Des champignons au point de vue de leurs caractères usuels, chimiques et toxicologiques. Paris, J. B. Baillière, 1866. 131 p. illus. Boulger, George Simonds. Wood; a manual of the natural history and industrial applications of the timbers of commerce. London, Edward Arnold, 1902. 369 p. illus. Bourdot, Hubert, and A. Galzin. Hyménomycetes de France. Ouvrage publié sous les auspices de la Société mycologique de France. Sceaux, M. Bry, dessinateur imprimeur, 1927. 761 p. illus. (Contribution à la flore mycologique de La France. 1) Bouvier, Eugène Louis. The psychic life of insects. Translated by L. C. Howard. New York, Century, 1922. 377 p. illus. Bower, Frederick Orpen. Botanjr of the living plant. London, Macmillan, 1919. 580 p. illus. Bower, Frederick Orpen. The ferns (Filicales) ; treated comparatively with a view to their natural classification, v. 1, Analytical examination of the criteria of comparison, v. 2, The Eusporaniatae and other primitive ferns. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1923-26. 2 v. (359, 344 p.) illus. (Cambridge botanical handbooks) Bower, Frederick Orpen. Plant-life on land considered in some of its biological aspects. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1912. 172 p. illus. Library has 2 copies. Bower, Frederick Orpen. Size and form in plants with special reference to the primary conducting tracts. London, Macmillan, 1930. 232 p. illus. Boyle, Hon. Robert. The sceptical chymist. London, J. M. Dent [19 — ] 230 p. (Everyman's library) The first English edition was published in 1661. Boys, Charles Vernon. Soap-bubbles and forces which mould them. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1890. 178 p. illus. Bracken, John. Crop production in Western Canada. Winnipeg, Grain Growers' Guide, 1920. 422 p. illus. Bracken, John. Dry farming in Western Canada. Winnipeg, Grain Growers' Guide, 1921. 386 p. iUus. Bragg, Sir William Henry. Concerning the nature of things; six lectures delivered at the Royal Institution. London, G. Bell, 1929. 231 p. illus. Brefeld, Oscar. Untersuchungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Mykologie. v. 1-3, pt. 1-13. Leipzig, Arthur Felix, 1872-1905. illus. Parts 1-4 published with title: Botanische Untersuchungen uber Schimmel- pitee. Brenchley, Winifred Elsie. Weeds of farm land. London, Longmans, Green, 1920. 239 p. illus. Bresadola, Giacomo. Inconographia mycologica et supplementum curantibus dr. J. B. Traverso, dr. L. Fenaroli, comm. G. Catoni, dr. J. B. Trener. Mediolani [Società Botanica Italiana, Sezione Lombarda] 1927-41. 27 v. illus. Vol. 27, by E. J. Gilbert, issued in 3 fascicles. Briggs, William, and G. H. Bryan. The elements of coordinate geometry, pt. 1, The equations and properties of the right line and circle. 2d ed. London] W. B. Clive [pref. 1891] 220 p. illus. British Association for the Advancement of Science. London and the advancement of science. London, 1931. 321 p. 22 British Museum (Nat. Hist.) Dept. of Geology. A guide to the fossil remains of man in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History). 3d ed. London, 1922. 34 p. illus. pamphl. British Mycological Society. Transactions, v. 1-3. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1897-1911. illus. Brock, Kate Ursula. The fragrance of flowers; a nature-lover's anthology. [London?] Hodder and Stoughton, n.d. 245 p. Brongiart, Adolphe [Théodore] Essai d'une classification naturelle des champignons; ou, Tableau méthodique des genres rapportés jusqu'à présent à cette famille. Paris, F. G. Levrault, 1825. 99 p. plates. (In Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles, v. 33) Bound with Persoon, C. H. Traité sur les champignons comestibles. Paris, 1818. Brown, James. The forester; a practical treatise on the planting, rearing, and general management of forest trees; with an improved process for transplantation of trees of large size. 2d ed. Edinburgh, William Blackwood, 1851. 526 p. illus. Brown, William Henry. A textbook of general botany. Boston, Ginn [cl925] 484 p. illus. Brunner, Samuel. Einiges iiber den Stein-Loecherpilz (Polyporus Tuberaster Jacq. et Fries) und die Pietra fungaja der Italiener. Neuenburg, in der Buchdruck- erei von Petitpierre, 1842. 19 p. plates. Buchner, Paul. Tier und Pflanze in intrazellularer Symbiose. Berlin, Borntraeger, 1921. 462 p. illus. Bullen, Frank Thomas. Creatures of the sea; being the life stories of some sea birds, beasts and fishes. London, Religious Tract Society, 1904. 430 p. illus. Buller, Arthur Henry Reginald. Essays on wheat. The discovery and introduction of Marquis wheat. The early history of wheat-growing in Manitoba. Wheat in Western Canada. The origin of Red Bobs and Kitchener. The wild wheat of Palestine. New York, Macmillan, 1919. 339 p. illus. Library has several copies. Buller, Arthur Henry Reginald. Practical botany; an elementary course in the general morphology and physiology of plants especially adapted for the requirements of students at the University of Manitoba. London, Longmans, Green, 1929. 275 p. illus. *Bulliard, Pierre, and E. P. Ventenat. Herbier de la France, v. 1-2, Histoire des champignons de la France, v. 3, Histoire des plantes vénéneuses et suspectes de la France, v. 4, Histoire des plantes médicinales. Paris, Leblanc, Imprimeur-libraire, 1784-1812. 4 v. in 6. plates. Vol. 1, pt. 1 by M. Bulliard, 1791 ; v. 1, pt. 2-v. 2, pt. 1-2, by M. Bulliard and E. P. Ventenat, 1809-12; v. 3 by M. Bulliard, 1784; v. 4 by M. Bulliard, 1809. Vol. 3 published by M. Bulliard. *Bulliard, Pierre. Histoire des champignons de la France; ou, Traité élémentaire, renfermant dans un ordre méthodique les descriptions et les figures des champignons qui croissent naturellement en France; tome premier. Paris, l'auteur, 1791. 368 p. illus. The library also has this book, with plates, as part of the first 2 v. in the series Herbier de la France, by Pierre Bulliard. Bunge, Gustav von. Lehrbuch der physiologischen und pathologischen Chemie. In neunundzwanzig Vorlesungen fiir Arzte und Studierende. [4th ed] Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1898. 510 p. tables. 23 Burbridge, Frederick William Thomas. The narcissus; its history and culture, by F. W. Burbidge; [and] a scientific review of the entire genus, by J. G. Baker. London, L. Reeve, 1875. 95 p. plates. Burgeff, Hans. Saprophytismus und Symbiose; Studien an tropischen Orchideen. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1932. 245 p. illus. Burroughs, John. Birds and bees and other studies in nature, with a biographical sketch and portrait. Boston, Houghton Mifflin [cl896] 104 p. port. Busgen, Moritz. Bau und Leben unserer Waldbâume. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1897. 230 p. illus. Butler, Edwin John, and G. R. Bisby. The fungi of India. Calcutta, Govt, of India Central Publication Branch, 1931. 237 p. illus. (Scientific monograph no. 1) Buttel-Reepen, Hugo Berthold von. Man and his forerunners. [Translated] by A. G. Thacker. London, Longmans, Green, 1913. 96 p. illus. Cameron, Alexander Thomas. Radiochemistry. London, J. M. Dent, 1910. 174 p. illus. Cameron, Alexander Thomas. Radium and radioactivity. London, Society for Pro- moting Christian Knowledge, 1912. 184 p. illus. Campbell, Douglas Houghton. An outline of plant geography. New York, Mac- millan, 1926. 392 p. illus. Campbell, Douglas Houghton. The structure and development of mosses and ferns ( Archegoniatae) . 3d ed. New York, Macmillan, 1928. 708 p. illus. Canada. Dept. of the Interior. Forestry Branch. Native trees of Canada, by B. R. Morton. Ottawa, 1917. 233 p. illus. (Its bulletin no. 61) Candolle, Alphonse Louis Pierre Pyramus de. Origin of cultivated plants. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, 1884. 468 p. Candolle, Alphonse Louis Pierre Pyramus de. La phytographie ; ou, L'art de décrire les végétaux considérés sous différents points de vue. Paris, G. Masson, éditeur, 1880. 484 p. Carpenter, Alfred, and D. Wilson-Barker. Nature notes for ocean voyagers; being personal observations upon life in "the vasty deep" and fishes, birds, and beasts seen from a ship's deck; with popular chapters on weather, waves, and legendary lore. London, Charles Griffin, 1915. 181 p. illus. Castle, William Ernest, and others. Heredity and eugenics; a course of lectures summarizing recent advances in knowledge in variation, heredity, and evolu- tion and its relation to plant, animal, and human improvement and welfare. Chicago, University of Chicago Press [cl912] 315 p. illus. Cauchois, A. Manuel du champignonniste; professionnel et amateur. Paris, Librairie horticole, 1904. 199 p. illus. Catchpool, Edmund. A text-book of sound. London, W. B. Clive [pref. 1894] 203 p. illus. (Tutorial physics, v. 1) Cavers, F. Botany for matriculation. London, University Tutorial Press, 1909. 568 p. illus. Cavers, F. Plant biology; a text-book of elementary botany arranged for modern methods of teaching. London, University Tutorial Press, 1907. 460 p. illus. Cavers, F. Practical botany. London, University Tutorial Press, 1911. 408 p. illus. Centenaire de Marcelin Berthelot; comités pour l'édification de la Maison de la Chimie. [Paris, Vaugirard, 1927] 373 p. port. Comes in a leather case entitled Centenaire de Marcelin Berthelot, Paris — October, 1927, which also includes a pamphlet, Souvenir du centenaire de Marcelin Berthelot. 24 Chandler, Asa Crawford. Animal parasites and human disease. New York, John Wiley, 1918. 570 p. illus. Charles Darwin; memorial notices reprinted from Nature. London, Macmillan, 1882. 82 p. port. Chatin, Adolfe. La truffe; botanique de la truffe et des plantes truffières. Paris J. B. Baillière, 1892. 370 p. illus. Church, Arthur Harry. On the relation of phyllotaxis to mechanical laws. London, Williams and Norgate, 1904. 353 p. illus. Church, Arthur Harry. Types of floral mechanism; a selection of diagrams and descriptions of common flowers arranged as an introduction to the systematic study of Angiosperms. pt. 1. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1908. 211 p. illus. Clements, Frederic Edward. The genera of fungi. Minneapolis, H .W. Wilson, 1909. 227 p. Clements, Frederic Edward, and Cornelius L. Shear. The genera of fungi. New York, H. W. Wilson, 1931. 496 p. illus. Clements, Frederic Edward. Minnesota mushrooms. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, 1910. 169 p. illus. (Minnesota plant studies, 4) Clifford, William Kingdom. Seeing and thinking. London, Macmillan, 1879. 156 p. illus. Clodd, Edward. Pioneers of evolution from Thaïes to Huxley, with an intermediate chapter on the causes of arrest of the movement. London, Grant Richards, 1897. 250 p. illus. Clodd, Edward. Pioneers of evolution from Thaïes to Huxley, with an intermediate chapter on the causes of arrest of the movement. London, Watts, 1909. 114 p. tables. Bound with Darwin, Charles. On the origin of species by means of natural selection. London, 1909. Coker, William Chambers. The Clavarias of the United States and Canada. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press, 1923. 209 p. illus. Coker, William Chambers, and John Nathaniel Couch. The Gasteromycetes of the eastern United States and Canada. Chapel Hill [N.C.] University of North Carolina Press, 1928. 201 p. plates. Coker, William Chambers. The Saprolegniaceae, with notes on other water molds. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press, 1923. 201 p. plates. Coleman, Arthur Philemon. Ice ages recent and ancient. New York, Macmillan, 1926. 296 p. illus. Coleman, William Stephen. British butterflies; figures and descriptions of every native species, with an account of butterfly development, structure, habits, localities, mode of capture, and preservation. London, George Routledge [1860] 179 p. illus., plates. Coleman, William Stephen. Our woodands, heaths and hedges. A popular descrip- tion of British trees, shrubs, wild fruits, etc., with notices of their insect inhabitants. London, George Routledge, 1907. 140 p. illus. Constable, Frank Challice. Personality and telepathy. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1911. 330 p. Cook, Melville Thurston. The diseases of tropical plants. London, Macmillan, 1913. 317 p. illus. Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. British edible fungi; how to distinguish and how to cook them. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1891. 237 p. plates. 25 Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. Freaks and marvels of plant life; or, Curiosities of vegeta- tion. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge [1881] 463 p. illus. Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. Fungi: their nature, influence, and uses. Edited by M. J. Berkeley. 3d ed. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, 1882. 299 p. illus. Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. Grevillea; a monthly record of cryptogamic botany and its literature, v. 1-20. London, Williams and Norgate, 1872-91. 13 v. illus. Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. Handbook of British fungi, with full descriptions of all the species and illustrations of the genera. London, Macmillan, 1871. 2 v. illus. Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. Handbook of British fungi, with descriptions of all the species. 2d éd., rev. London, 1883. 398 p. Issued as an appendix to Grevillea. Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. Illustrations of British fungi (Hymenomycetes) , to serve as an atlas to the Handbook of British Fungi. London, Williams and Norgate, 1888-90. 7 v. plates. The plates listed in "Systematic Index to Supplement" (see Supplement) are included in v. 1-7. Supplement. London, William and Norgate, 1889-91. 20 p. plates. Supplement is v. 8 in set. Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. Introduction to the study of fungi; their organography, classification, and distribution for the use of collectors. London, Adam and Charles Black, 1895. 360 p. illus. Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt, illus. Mycographia seu icônes fungorum; figures of fungi from all parts of the world, v. 1. Discomycetes, pt. 1. London, Williams and Norgate, 1879. 267 p. illus. Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt, tr. The Myxomycètes of Great Britain, arranged according to the method of Rostafinski. London, Williams and Norgate, 1877. 96 p. plates. (Contributions to Mycologia Britannica) A translation and revision of the section of Monografia Sluzowce, by Joseph Rostafinski, which deals with British species. Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. A plain and easy account of British fungi, with especial reference to the esculent and economic species. 3d éd., rev. London, Hard- wicke and Bogue, 1876. 166 p. illus. Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. A plain and easy account of British fungi, with especial reference to the esculent and economic species. 6th ed. London, W. H. Allen, 1898. 166 p. illus. Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. A plain and easy account of British fungi, with especial reference to the esculent and economic species. Edinburgh, John Grant, 1904. 166 p. illus. Identical to 3d ed., rev., 1876, except for t.-p. Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. Rust, smut, mildew, & mould; an introduction to the study of microscopic fungi. London, Robert Hardwicke, 1865. 238 p. illus. Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. Vegetable wasps and plant worms; a popular history of entomogenous fungi, or fungi parasitic upon insects. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1892. 364 p. illus. Corda, August Carl Joseph. Anleitung zum Studium der Mycologie, nebst kritischer Beschreibung aller bekannten Gattungen, und einer kurzen Geschichte der Systematik. Prag, Friedrich Ehrlich, 1842. 223 p. plates. Corda, August Carl Joseph. Icônes fungorum hucusque cognitorum. Abbildungen der Pilze und Schwaemme. Prague, apud J. G. Calve, 1837-54. 6 v. in 2 and 1 v. of plates. 26 Corda, August Carl Joseph. Pracht-flora europaischer Schimmelbildungen. Leipzig, Gergard Fleischer, 1839. 55 p. plates. Costantin, Julien Nôel, and L. Dufour. Nouvelle flore des champignons pour la détermination facile de toutes les espèces de France et de la plupart des espèces européennes. [4th éd.] Paris, Librairie générale de l'enseignement [190-?] decade uncertain. 318 p. illus. Couch, John Nathaniel. The genus Septobasidium. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press, 1938. 480 p. illus. Coulter, John Merle, and Charles J. Chamberlain. Morphology of spermatophytes. New York, D. Appleton, 1901. 188 p. illus. Coulter, John Merle, Charles Reid Barnes, and Henry Chandler Cowles. Text- book of botany for colleges and universities, v. 2, Ecology. New York, Ameri- can Book Company [cl911] 479 p. illus. Crabtree, J. H. British fungi and how to identify them. London, Charles H. Kelly [n.d.] 62 p. illus. Crane, Morley Benjamin, and W. J. C. Lawrence. The genetics of garden plants. London, Macmillan, 1934. 236 p. illus. Crawford, Mattie Rose, and others. Guide to nature-study; for the use of teachers. Toronto, Copp, Clark [cl902] 355 p. illus. Crawshay, Richard. The spore ornamentation of the Russulas. London, Baillière, Tindall and Cox, 1930. 179 p. illus. Crew, Francis Albert Eley. An introduction to the study of sex. London, Victor Gollancz, 1932. 160 p. illus. Crookes, Sir William. The wheat problem; based on remarks made in the presidential address to the British Association at Bristol in 1898; revised, with an answer to various critics, by Sir William Crookes. 3d éd., preface and additional chapter bringing the statistical information up to date, and a chapter on future wheat supplies by Sir R. Henry Rew. London, Longmans, Green, 1917. 100 p. illus. La culture des champignons comestibles, v. 1-5, April 1907/ June 1912; ser. 2, v. 6, no. 1-12, Oct. 1912/Sept. 1913; and v. 7, no. 14, 18-20, Nov. 1913/May 1914. Vol. 1-4 are bound. Cunningham, Gordon Herriot. Fungous diseases of fruit-trees in New Zealand and their remedial treatment. Auckland, N.Z., New Zealand Fruitgrower's Assoc, 1925. 382 p. illus. Cunningham, Gordon Herriot. The rust fungi of New Zealand, together with the biology, cytology and therapeutics of the Uredinales. Dunedin, N.Z., Printed privately by John Mclndoe, 1931. 261 p. illus. Curtis, Charles Henry, and W. Gibson. The book of topiary. London, John Lane, 1904. 80 p. illus. Czapek, Friedrich. Biochemie der Pflanzen. [3d éd.] Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1922-25. 3 v. tables. Czapek [Friedrich] Chemical phenomena in life. London, Harper, 1911. 151 p. D'Herelle, Felix H. See Herelle, Felix H. d'. 27 *Dalechamps, Jacques. Historia generalis plantarum, in libros XVIII per certas classes artificose digesta, haec, plusquam mille imaginibus plantarum locu- pletior superioribus, omnes propemodum quae ab antiquis scriptoribus, Graecis, Latinis, Arabibus, nominantur: nee non eas qua in Orientis atque Occidentis partibus ante seculum nostrum incognitis, repertae fuerunt, tibi exhibet. Habes etiam earundem plantarum peculiaria diversis nationibus nomina: habes amplas descriptiones è quibus singularum genus; formam, ubi crescant et quo tempore vigeant, natiuum temperamentum, vires denique in medicina proprias cognosces. Lyon (Lugduni), apud Gulielmum Rovillium, 1586-87. 2v. illus. Dallimore, William. The pruning of trees and shrubs; being a description of the methods practised in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. London, Dulau [1925] 92 p. illus. Dampier, Sir William Cecil Dampier. The foundations of science, by William Cecil Dampier Whetham. London, T. C. and E. C. Jack [1915?] 93 p. Library has 2 copies. Dampier, Sir William Cecil Dampier. An introduction to eugenics, by William Cecil Dampier Whetham and Catherine Durning Whetham, his wife. Cambridge [Eng.] Bowes and Bowes, 1912. 66 p. pamphl. Dampier, Sir William Cecil Dampier. The recent development of physical science, by William Cecil Dampier Whetham. London, John Murray, 1909. 347 p. illus. Dampier, Sir William Cecil Dampier. Solution and electrolysis, by William Cecil Dampier Whetham. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1895. 296 p. illus. Darbishire, Arthur Dukinfield. Breeding and the Mendelian discovery. London, Cassell, 1911. 282 p. illus. Darbishire, Otto Vernon. A plant book for schools; being an introduction to the study of plant life. London, Adam and Charles Black, 1908. 168 p. illus. Darlington, Cyril Dean. Chromosomes and plant-breeding. London, Macmillan, 1932. 112 p. illus. Darwin, Charles Robert. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. 2d ed. London, John Murray, 1890. 693 p. illus. Darwin, Charles Robert. The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species. London, John Murray, 1888. 352 p. illus. Darwin, Charles Robert. The effects of cross and self fertilization in the vegetable kingdom. 3d ed. London, John Murray, 1891. 487 p. tables. Darwin, Charles Robert. The foundations of the Origin of species, a sketch written in 1842. Edited by his son Francis Darwin. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1909. 53 p. port. Darwin, Charles Robert. Insectivorous plants. New York, D. Appelton, 1886. 462 p. illus. Darwin, Charles Robert. Journal of researches during the voyage of H.M.S. "Beagle." [2d ed.] London, Collins, n.d. 512 p. illus. Darwin, Charles Robert. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world. London, J. M. Dent [1916] 496 p. illus. (Everyman's library) Darwin, Charles Robert. The movements and habits of climbing plants. London, John Murray, 1891. 208 p. illus. 28 Darwin, Charles Robert. On the origin of species by means of natural selection; or, The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London, Watts, 1909. 203 p. "This edition .... is an exact reprint of the first edition (published 1859-60), which has now gone out of copyright. The third and subsequent editions were considerably revised and amplified by Mr. Darwin." — publisher's note. Bound with Haeckel, Ernest. The evolution of man, v. 1-2. London, 1908- 09; Laing, Samuel. Human origins. London, 1911; Laing, Samuel. Modern science and modern thought. London, 1911; Clodd, Edward. Pioneers of evolution from Thaïes to Huxley. London, 1909. Darwin, Charles Robert. The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. 2d ed. London, John Murray, 1888. 300 p. Davis, James Richard Ainsworth. See Ainsworth-Davis, James Richard. Davis, John Jefferson. Parasitic fungi of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. [Democratic Printing Co.] 1942. 157 p. De candolle, Alphonse Louis Pierre Pyramus. See Candolle, Alphonse Louis Pierre Pyramus de. De Vries, Hugo. See Vries, Hugo de. Dickson, William Elliot Carnegie. Bacteriology; man's microbe friends and foes. London, T. C and E. C. Jack [1915?] 95 p. illus. *Dillenius, Johann Jakob. Catalogus plantarum circa Gissam sponte nascentium; cum observationibus botanicus, synonymiis necessariis, tempore & locis, in quibus plantae reperiuntur. Francofurti ad Moenum, apud Joh. Maximilianum à Sande, 1718. 240 p. Bound with the author's Catalogus plantarum sponte circa Gissam nascent- ium. Cum appendice. *Dillenius, Johann Jakob. Catalogus plantarum sponte circa Gissam nascentium. Cum appendice. Francofurti ad Moenum, apud Joh. Maximilianum à Sande, 1719. 160 p. illus. Bound with the author's Catalogus plantarum circa Gissam sponte nascent- ium; cum observationibus botanicus . . . Francofurti ad Moenum, 1718. Dixon, Hugh Neville. The student's handbook of British mosses; with illustrations, and keys to genera and species, by H. G. Jameson. Eastbourne [Eng.] V. V. Sumfield, 1896. 520 p. plates. Dodge, Carroll William. Medical mycology; fungous diseases of men and other animals. St. Louis, C. V. Mosby, 1935. 900 p. illus. Doncaster, Leonard. Heredity in the light of recent research. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press [1911] 143 p. illus. Drewitt, Frederic George Dawtrey. Latin names of common plants; their pronuncia- tion and history. London, H. F. and G. Witherby, 1927. 68 p. Duckworth, Wynifrid Laurence Henry. Prehistoric man. Cambridge [Eng.] Uni- versity Press, 1912. 156 p. illus. Dudeney, Henry Ernest. Amusements in mathematics. London, Thomas Nelson, [pref. 1917] 258 p. illus. Dugdale, Robert L. The Jukes; a study in crime, pauperism, disease and heredity. 4th ed. New York, G. P. Putnam, 1910. 120 p. illus. Duggar, Benjamin Minge. Fungous diseases of plants, with chapters on physiology, culture methods and technique. Boston, Ginn [cl909] 508 p.' illus. Duggar, Benjamin Minge. Mushroom growing. New York, Orange Judd, 1920. 250 p. illus. 29 Eames, Arthur Johnson, and Laurence H. MacDaniels. An introduction to plant anatomy. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1925. 364 p. illus. Earle, Mrs. Charles William. See Earle, Maria Theresa (Villiers) "Mrs. C. W. Earle." Earle, Maria Theresa (Villiers) "Mrs. C. W. Earle." Pot-pourri from a Surrey- garden. 22d ed. London, Smith, Elder, 1900. 381 p. illus. Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley. The nature of the physical world. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1928. 361 p. illus. Edgar, William Crowell. The story of a grain of wheat. London, George Newnes [1904] 195 p. illus. Edmonds, Henry. Elementary botany; theoretical and practical. Revised by J. Bretland Farmer. London, Longmans, Green, 1922. 284 p. illus. Edwardes, Tickner. The lore of the honey-bee. [2d ed.?] New York, E. P. Dutton, 1911. 196 p. Ellacombe, Henry Nicholson. The plant-lore and garden-craft of Shakespeare. New ed. London, Edward Arnold [pref. 1896] 383 p. illus. Ellis, Havelock. The task of social hygiene. London, Constable, 1912. 414 p. Ellis, Job Bicknell, and B. M. Everhart. The North American Pyrenomycetes ; a contribution to mycologie botany. New Field, N.J. [The authors] 1892. 793 p. plates. Eltringham, Henry. The senses of insects. London, Methuen [1933] 126 p. illus. Engler, Adolph, ed. Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten insebsondere den Nutzplanzen, unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher hervorragender Fachgelehrten begriïndet von A. Engler und K. Prantl, fortgesetzt von A. Engler. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1897-1909. 17 v. illus. The work is divided into 4 sections ("Teile"), which are subdivided into "Abteilungen." Nachtrage zum I. Teil, 2. Abteilung, iiber die Jahre 1890 bis 1910. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1911. 284 p. illus. Nachtrage zum II .-IV. Teil. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1897. 380 p. (unbound). Nachtrage II und III zum II.-IV. Teil, iiber die Jahre 1897 bis 1904. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1900-08. [463] p. illus. Gesamtregister zum I. Teil. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1909. 242 p. Gesamtregister zum II. bis IV. Teil. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1899. 462 p. Engler, Adolph, ed. Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten insbesondere den Nutzpflanzen, unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher hervorragender Fachgelehrten begrundet von A. Engler und K. Prantl. [2d ed.] Band 8, Lichenes (Flechten). Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1926. 263 p. illus. Eriksson, Jakob. Fungoid diseases of agricultural plants. Translated from the Swedish by Anna Molander. London, Baillière, Tindall and Cox, 1912. 208 p. illus. Errera, Léo. Recueil d'œuvres de Leo Errera; botanique générale. Bruxelles, H. Lamertin, 1908-09. 2 v. illus. Evans, Arthur Thompson. A laboratory manual for First course in botany. Boston, Ginn [cl928] 155 p. illus. 30 Evolution in the light of modern knowledge; a collective work. Cosmogony, by J. H. Jeans; The evolution of the earth as a planet, by H. Jeffreys; Geology, by W. W. Watts; Biology, by C. L. Morgan; etc. London, Blackie, 1925. 528 p. illus, Fabre, Jean Henri Casimir. The life and love of the insect. Translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. London, Adam and Charles Black, 1911. 262 p. illus. Fabre, Jean Henri Casimir. The wonders of instinct. Translated by Alexander Teixeira De Mattos and Bernard Miall. London, T. Fisher Unwin [1918] 320 p. illus. Faraday, Michael. Experimental researches in electricity. London, J. M. Dent [1912] 336 p. illus. (Everyman's library) Consists of Series 1-7, 16 and 17 of the original issue in 3 volumes (1839-55). Farlow, William Gilson. Icônes Farlowianae; illustrations of the larger fungi of eastern North America, with descriptive text by Edward Angus Burt. Cam- bridge, Mass., Farlow Library and Herbarium, Harvard University, 1929. 116 p. 103 plates. Farrow, Ernest Pickworth. Plant life on East Anglian heaths; being observational and experimental studies of the vegetation of Breckland. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1925. 108 p. illus. Fawcett, Howard Samuel. Citrus diseases and their control; with sections on oriental citrus diseases by H. Atherton Lee. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1926. 582 p. illus. Fayod, V. Prodrome d'une histoire naturelle des Agaricinés. [Paris?] Institut de France, 1889. [230] p. plates. (Anns, de se. nat., T.9, p. 181-411, 1889) Published as a memorial to author. Figuier, Louis. The world before the deluge. Newly edited and revised by H. W. Bristow. London, Cassell [1872] 518 p. illus. Translated from the French. Fink, Bruce. The lichens of Minnesota. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1910. 269 p. illus. (Contributions of the United States National Herbarium, v. 14, pt. 1). Fischer, Alfred. Vorlesungen uber Bakterien. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1897. 186 p. illus. Fischer, Eduard, and Ernst Gaumann. Biologie der pflanzenbewohnenden para- sitischen Pilze. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1929. 428 p. illus. Fison, Alfred Henry. Recent advances in astronomy. London, Blackie, 1900. 242 p. illus. Fitzpatrick, Harry Morton. The lower fungi — Phycomycetes. New York, McGraw- Hill, 1930. 331 p. illus. Flower, Sir William Henry. The horse; a study in natural history. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner, 1891. 196 p. illus. Flower, Sir William Henry, and Richard Lydekker. An introduction to the study of mammals living and extinct. London, Adam and Charles Black, 1891. 763 p. illus. Forel, Auguste Henry. Sexual ethics. 2d ed. London, New Age Press, 1909. 62 p. France, Raoul Heinrich. Die technischen Leistungen der Pflanzen. Leipzig, Veit, 1919. 296 p. illus. Frank, Albert Bernhart. Die Krankheiten der Pflanzen. [Zweite Auflage] Breslau, Eduard Trewendt. 1895-96. 3 v. illus. 31 Frankland, Percy Faraday. Our secret friends and foes; expanded from lectures delivered before popular audiences in London, Edinburgh and elsewhere. [2d éd.] London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1894. 204 p. illus. Frankland, Percy Faraday. Our secret friends and foes; expanded from lectures delivered before popular audiences in London, Edinburgh and elsewhere. 5th ed. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1909. 265 p. illus. Fraser, Sir James George. Spirits of the corn and of the wild. [3d éd.] London, Mac- millan, 1919. 2 v. (His Golden bough) Fred, Edwin Broun, and Selman A. Waksman. Laboratory manual of general micro- biology, with special reference to the microorganisms of the soil. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1928. 145 p. illus. Freeman, Edward Monroe. Minnesota plant diseases. St. Paul, Minn. [University of Minnesota] 1905. 432 p. illus. (Minnesota. Geological and Natural History Survey. Report of the Survey, botanical series 5) Fresenius, Georg, i.e., Johann Baptist Georg Wolfgang. Beitrage zur Mycologie. Frankfurt-am-Main, Heinrich Ludwig Bronner, 1850-63. Ill p. plates. * Fries, Elias Magnus. Elenchus fungorum, sistens commentarium in Systema myco- logicum. Gryphiswaldiae, sumptibus Ernesti Mauritii, 1828. 2 v. in 1. *Fries, Elias Magnus. Epicrisis systematis mycologici, seu Synopsis hymenomycetum. Upsaliae, sumtibus auctoris, 1836-38. 610 p. Fries, Elias Magnus. Hymenomycetes europaei sive epicriseos systematis mycologici. Editio altera. Upsaliae, typis descripsit Ed. Berling, 1874. 755 p. *Fries, Elias Magnus, éd. Icônes selectae hymenomycetum nondum delineatorum. Holmiae, P. A. Norstedt, 1867-84. 2 v. plates, port. *Fries, Elias Magnus. Monographia hymenomycetum Sueciae. v. 1. Upsaliae, typis exscripsit C. A. Leffler, 1857. 484 p. Fries, Elias Magnus. Sveriges âtliga och giftiga Svampar tecknade efter naturen. Stockholm, A. J. Salmson [1860-69] [53] p. plates. *Fries, Elias Magnus. Systema mycologicum, sistens fungorum ordines, genera et species, hue usque cognitas, quas ad norman methodi naturalis determinavit. Lundae, ex officina Berlingiana, 1821-32. 3 v. Imprint on v. 2 and 3: "Gryphiswaldiae, sumptibus Ernesti Mauritii, 1823." and ". . . 1832." Vol. 3 in 2 pt. (paged continuously) ; also contains index for set. Fritch, Felix Eugene. See Fritsch, Felix Eugene. Fritsch, Felix Eugene, and E J. Salisbury. Botany for students of medicine and pharmacy. London, G. Bell, 1921. 357 p. illus. Fritsch, Felix Eugene, and E. J. Salisbury. An introduction to the study of plants. London, G. Bell, 1914. 397 p. illus. Fritsch, Fellx Eugene. The structure and reproduction of the algae, v. 1. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1935. 791 p. illus. Fuchs, Walter. Die Chemie des Lignins. Berlin, Julius Springer, 1926. 327 p. tables. Gadow, Hans Friedrich. The wanderings of the animals. Cambridge [Eng.] Univer- sity Press, 1913. 150 p. maps. Gager, Charles Stuart, and Orland E. White. General botany, with special reference to its economic aspects. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, 1926. 1056 p. illus. Galton, Sir Francis. Essays in eugenics. London, Eugenics Education Society, 1909. 109 p. tables. 32 Galton, Sir Francis. Inquiries into human faculty and its development. [2d éd.] London, J. M. Dent, n.d. 261 p. illus. (Everyman's library) Gamble, Frederick William. The animal world. London, Williams and Norgate, n.d. 255 p. illus. (Home university library of modern knowledge) Gardiner, Charles Irving. An introduction to geology. London, G. Bell, 1914. 186 p. illus. ♦Gardiner, William. Twenty lessons on British mosses; or, First steps to a knowledge of that beautiful tribe of plants. 2d ed. Edinburgh, David Mathers, 1846. 50 p. illus. (dried specimens). Garnett, William. An elementary treatise on heat. 4th ed. Cambridge [Eng.] Deighton, Bell, 1887. 266 p. illus. Gates, Reginald Ruggles. Heredity and eugenics. London, Constable, 1923. 288 p. illus. Gaumann, Ernst Albert. Comparative morphology of fungi. Translated and revised by Carroll William Dodge. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1928. 701 p. illus. Gaumann, Ernst Albert. Vergleichende Morphologie der Pilze. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1926. 626 p. illus. Geddes, Sir Patrick, and J. Arthur Thomson. Biology. London, Williams and Norgate [1925] 254 p. illus. Geddes, Sir Patrick, and J. Arthur Thomson. Evolution. London, Williams and Norgate [cl911] 256 p. (Home university library of modern knowledge) Geddes, Sir Patrick, and J. Arthur Thomson. The evolution of sex. London, Walter Scott, n.d. 322 p. illus. Geddes, Sir Patrick, and J. Arthur Thomson. Sex. London, Williams and Norgate [1914] 255 p. illus. (Home university library of modern knowledge) Library has a second copy, printed in 1927. Geikie, Sir Archibald. Elementary lessons of physical geography. [3d ed.] London. Macmillan, 1900. 393 p. illus. Geikie, Sir Archibald. Text-book of geology. 4th ed., rev. London, Macmillan, 1903. 2v. illus. Gibson, Arnold Hartley. Natural sources of energy. Cambridge [Eng.] Universitv Press, 1913. 131 p. illus. *Gleditch, Johann Gottlieb. Methodvs fvngorvm; exhibens genera, species et varietates cvm charactere, differentia specifica, synonomis, solo, loco et observa- tionibvs. Berolini, svmtibvs Scholae Realis [ex typographia Georg. Ludov] 1753. 162 p. illus. Goebel, Karl. Organographie der Pflanzen insbesondere der Archegoniaten und Samenpflanzen. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1898-1901. 838 p. illus. Goebel, Karl. Organographie der Pflanzen insbesondere der Archegoniaten und Samenpflanzen. v. 1. [3d ed.] Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1928. 642 p. illus. Goebel, Karl. Outlines of classification and special morphology of plants. A new edition of Sach's Text-book of botany, book II, authorized English transla- tion by Henry E. F. Garnsey. Revised by Isaac Bayley Balfour. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1887. 515 p. illus. Gortner, Ross Aiken. Outlines of biochemistry; the organic chemistry and the physico-chemical reactions of biologically important compounds and systems. New York, John Wiley, 1929. 793 p. illus. 33 Gosney, Ezra Seymour, and Paul Popenoe. Sterilization for human betterment; a summary of results of 6,000 operations in California, 1909-1929. New York, Macmillan, 1931. 202 p . Gramburg, Eugen. Pilze der Heimat. v. 1-2. [3d éd.] Leipzig, Quelle & Meyer, 1921. illus. Grant, Frederick W. Creation in genesis and in geology. New York, Loizeaux Bros., n.d. 61 p. pamphl. Gray, Asa. Structural botany; or, Organography on the basis of morphology, to which is added the principles of taxonomy and phytography and a glossary of botanical terms. 6th ed. London, Macmillan, 1887. 442 p. illus. (The Botanical text-book, pt. 1) Gray, James. Ciliary movement. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1928. 162 p. illus. (Cambridge comparative physiology) Great Britain. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Edible and poisonous fungi. London, H.M. Stationery Office, 1934. 1 v. (various pagings). illus. (Its bulletin no. 23) Green, Joseph Reynolds. A history of botany, 1860-1900; being a continuation of Sach's History of botany, 1530-1860. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1909. 543 p. Green, Joseph Reynolds. The soluble ferments and fermentation. 2d ed. Cam- bridge [Eng.] University Press, 1901. 512 p. Gregory, John Walter. The making of the earth. London, Williams and Norgate [cl912] 256 p. illus. (Home university library of modern knowledge) Gregory, R. A., and H. E. Hadley. A class book of physics. London, Macmillan, 1911. 487 p. illus. Gremli, August. The flora of Switzerland. Translated into English by Leonard W. Paitson. Zurich, Orell Fussli [1888] 454 p. Greville, Robert Kaye. Scottish cryptogamic flora; or, Coloured figures and descrip- tions of cryptogamic plants, belonging chiefly to the order Fungi; and intended to serve as a continuation of English botany. Edinburgh, Maclachlan and Stewart, 1823-28. 6 v. plates. *Grew, Nehemiah. The comparative anatomy of trunks, together with an account of their vegetation grounded thereupon; in two parts: the former read before the Royal Society, Feb. 25, 1674/5; the latter, June 17, 1675. The whole explicated by several figures in nineteen copperplates; presented to the Royal Society in the years 1673 and 1674. London, Printed by J. M. for W. Kettilby, 1675. [92] p. fold, plates. Groom, Percy. Elementary botany. Toronto, Copp, Clark [cl899] 272 p. illus. Bound with Penhallow, D. P. A manual of the more common herbaceous plants of Quebec and Ontario. Grove, William Bywater. The British rust fungi (Uredinales) ; their biology and classification. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1913. 412 p. illus. Grove, William Bywater. British stem and leaf-fungi (Coelomycetes). v. 1, Sphaeropsidales. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1935. 488 p. Guilliermond, Alexandre. Les levures. Paris, Octave Doin, 1912. 565 p. illus. (Encyclopédie scientifique, t. 9) Guilliermond, Alexandre. The yeasts. Translated and revised by Fred Wilbur Tanner. New York, John Wiley, 1920. 424 p. illus. Guppy, Henry Brougham. Plants, seeds, and currents in the West Indies and Azores; the results of investigations carried out in those regions between 1906 and 1914. London, Williams and Norgate, 1917. 531 p. front. 3 maps (1 fold). 34 Guppy, Henry Brougham. Studies in seeds and fruits. London, Williams and Nor- gate, 1912. 528 p. illus. Gussow, Hans Theodor, and W. S. Odell. Mushrooms and toadstools; an account of the more common edible and poisonous fungi of Canada. Ottawa, Canada Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Botany, 1927. 274 p. illus. Library has 2 copies. Guyau, Jean Marie. Education and heredity; a study in sociology. Translated from the second edition by W. J. Greenstreet. London, Walter Scott, 1891. 306 p. Gwynne-Vaughan, Dame Helen Charlotte Isabella (Fraser). Fungi; Ascomycetes; Ustilaginales; Uredinales. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1922. 232 p. illus. Gwynne-Vaughan, Dame Helen Charlotte Isabella (Fraser), and B. Barnes. The structure & development of the fungi. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1927. 384 p. illus. Haas, Paul, and T. G. Hill. An introduction to the chemistry of plant products. London, Longmans, Green, 1913. 401 p. illus. Haberlandt, Gottlieb Freidrich Johann. Eine botanische Tropenreise, Indo- Malaiische vegetationsbilder und reiseskizzen. Dritte Auflage. Leipzig, Wil- helm Engelmann, 1926. 296 p. illus. Haberlandt, Gottlieb Friedrich Johann. Die Lichsinnesorgane der Laubblâtter. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1905. 142 p. plates. Haberlandt, Gottlieb Friedrich Johann. Physiologische Pflanzenanatomie ; 2. neubearb. und verm. Aufl. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1896. 550 p. illus. Haberlandt, Gottlieb Friedrich Johann. Physiologische Pflanzenanatomie; 6. neubearb. und verm. Aufl. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1924. 671 p. illus. Haberlandt, Gottlieb Friedrich Johann. Sinnesorgane im Pflanzenreich ; zur Percep- tion mechanischer Reize. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1901. 163 p. plates. Haeckel, Ernst. The evolution of man; a popular study. Translated from the 5th ed. by Joseph McCabe. London, Watts, 1908-09. 2 v. illus. Bound with Darwin, Charles. On the origin of species by means of natural selection. London, 1909. Haeckel, Ernst. The riddle of the universe; at the close of the nineteenth century. Translated by Joseph McCabe. [5th éd.] London, Watts, 1911. 144 p. The wonders of life; a popular study of biological philosophy; supple- mentary volume to The riddle of the universe. Translated by Joseph McCabe. London, Watts, 1910. 160 p. Haire, Norman. Hymen; or, The future of marriage. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1928. [96] p. Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson and Julian Huxley. Animal biology. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1927. 344 p. illus. Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson. The causes of evolution. London, Longmans, Green, 1932. [235] p. illus. Hales, Benjamin Jones. Forests and trees. Toronto, Macmillan [cl919] 205 p. illus. Hales, Benjamin Jones. Selected western flora, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta. Toronto, Macmillan, 1915. 181 p. illus. Bound with Bailey, L. H. Beginners' botany. Toronto, 1915. Hall, Henry Sinclair, and S. R. Knight. Algebraical exercises and examination papers with answers. 3d ed. London, Macmillan, 1899. 203 p. 35 Hall, Henry Sinclair, and F. H. Stevens. A text-book of Euclid's elements for the use of schools; books I-VI and XI. London, Macmillan, 1892. 430 p. illus. Halliburton, William Dobinson. The essentials of chemical physiology; for the use of students. 2d ed. London, Longmans, Green, 1896. 170 p. illus. Hambidge, Gove, ed. Hunger signs in crops; a symposium prepared by George M. Bahrt [and others] and edited by Gove Hambidge. Washington, American Society of Agronomy and the National Fertilizer Association [cl941]. 327 p. illus. Hanna, William Fielding. Contributions to the study of the problem of sex and inheritance in fungi; a series of papers submitted as a thesis to the University of Manitoba. Winnipeg [University of Manitoba?] 1928. 1 v. (various pagings) . illus. Hard, Miron Elisha. The mushroom, edible and otherwise; its habitat and its time of growth; with photographic illustrations of nearly all the common species. Columbus, Ohio, Ohio Library Co. [cl908] 609 p. illus. Author's edition. Hariot, Paul. Les urédinées (rouilles des plantes) . Paris, Octave Doin, 1908. 387 p. illus. (Encyclopédie scientifique, t. 5) Harker, Alfred. Petrology for students: an introduction to the study of rocks under the microscope. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1895. 396 p. illus. (Cambridge natural science manuals) Harrow, Benjamin. From Newton to Einstein; changing conceptions of the universe. London, Constable [1921] 95 p. Harshberger, John William. A text-book of mycology and plant pathology. Phila- delphia, P. Blakiston [cl917] 779 p. illus. Hartig, Robert. Lehrbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten ; fur Botaniker, Forstleute, Land- wirthe und Gartner. [3d ed.] Berlin, Julius Springer, 1900. 324 p. illus. Hartig, Robert. Wichtige Krankheiten der Waldbaumme. Berlin, Julius Springer, 1874. 127 p. plates. Hartig, Robert. Die Zersetzungserscheinungen des Holzes der Nadelholzbâume und der Eiche in forstlicher, botanischer und chemischer Richtung. Berlin, Julius Springer, 1878. 151 p. plates. Hartmann, Max. Geschlecht und Geschlechbestimmung in Tierund Pflanzenreich. Berlin, Walter de Grunter, 1939. 110 p. illus. Harvey, Edmund Newton. Living light. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1940. 328 p. illus. Harvey, Edmund Newton. The nature of animal light. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott [cl920] 182 p. illus. Harvey, William. An anatomical disquisition on the motion of the heart and blood in animals. Translated from the Latin by Robert Willis. London, J. M. Dent [pref. 1906] 239 p. (Everyman's library) Harvey-Gibson, Robert John. Outlines of the history of botany. London, A. and C. Black, 1919. 274 p. Harzer, Karl August Friedrich. Naturgetreue Abbildungen der vorziiglichsten essbaren, giftigen und verdachtigen Pilze, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die verschiedenen Altersstufen von der ersten Entwickelung bis zum ausgebildeten Wachsthume. Dresden, Adler und Dietze, 1842-45. 136 p. plates. Hastings, Somerville. Toadstools at home; sixty photographs from nature. London, Gowans and Gray, 1906. 75 p. (chiefly illus.). 36 Hawks. Ellison. Bees shown to the children. London, T. C. and E. C. Jack. [pref. 1912] 120 p. illus. Heald, Frederick De Forest. Manual of plant diseases. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1926. 891 p. illus. Health, Robert Samuel. Solid geometry; including the mensuration of surfaces and solids. London, Percival, 1891. 106 p. illus. *Hedwig, Johann. Theoria generationis et frvctificationis plantarvm cryptogamicarvm Linnaei, retracta et avcta. Lipsiae, ex officina Breitkopfio-Haerteliana, 1798. 268 p. plates. Heese, Rudolph. Die Hypogaeen Deutschlands. v. 1, Die Hymenogastreen. v. 2, Die Tuberaceen und Elaphomyceten. Halle [Germany] Ludw. Hofstetter, 1891-94. 2 v. in 1 (various pagings). plates. Henslow, George. The story of wild flowers. London, Hodder and Stoughton, n.d. 249 p. illus. Henslow, John Stevens. The principles of descriptive and physiological botany. London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1835. 322 p. illus. Herbst, William. Fungal flora of the Lehigh Valley, Pa. Allentown, Pa., Berkemeyer, Keck, 1899. 229 p. illus. Herelle, Felix H. d\ Immunity in natural infectious disease. English edition by George H. Smith. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1924. 399 p. Heroes of invention and discovery; lives of eminent inventors and pioneers in science. Selected by the editor of Risen by perserverance, etc., etc. Edinburgh, W. P. Nimmo, Hay and Mitchell, n.d. 216 p. port. Herschel, Sir John Frederick William, bart. Outlines of astronomy. 8th ed. London, Longmans, Green 1865. 731 p. illus. Hertwig, Oskar. The biological problem of to-day. Preformation or epigenesis? The basis of a theory of organic development. Translated by P. Chalmer Mitchell. London, William Heinemann, 1896. 148 p. illus. Hertwig, Richard, i.e., Karl Wilhelm Theodor Richard. Lehrbuch der zoologie. [4th éd.] Jena [Germany] 1897. 612 p. illus. Hesler, Lexemuel Ray, and Herbert Hice Whetzel. Manual of fruit diseases. New York, Macmillan, 1917. 462 p. illus. Heurck, Henri van. Synopsis des Diatomées de Belgique; atlas. Anvers [Belgium, The author] 1880-81. various pagings. plates. Hewitt, Charles Gordon. House-flies; and how they spread disease. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1912. 122 p. illus. Hibbert, Shirley. New and rare beautiful-leaved plants. London, Bell and Daldy, 1870. 144 p. illus. Hiley, Alfred. Recapitulatory examples in arithmetic; for the use of candidates for the Oxford and Cambridge local examinations and others. London, Longmans, Green, 1884. 162 p. Hiley, Wilfred Edward. The fungal diseases of the common larch. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1919. 204 p. illus. Hill, Thomas George. The essentials of illustration; a practical guide to the reproduc- tion of drawings and photographs for the use of scientists and others. London, William Wesley, 1915. 91 p. illus. *Hoffman, Georg Franz. Enumeratio lichenum, iconibus et descriptionibus illustrata. Fascic. I, lepra tubercularia Scutellaria. Erlangae, sumtibus Wolfgangi Waltheri, 1784. 102 p. plates. Penciled note on t.-p.: "Complete. 1 only fasc. issued." 37 Hofmeister, Wilhelm Friedrich Benedict. On the germination, development, and fructification of the higher Cryptogamia, and on the fructification of the Coniferae. Translated by Frederick Currey. London, Published for the Ray Society by Robert Hardwicke, 1862. 506 p. plates. Holleman, Arnold Frederik. Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie fiir Studierende an Universitaten und technischen Hochschulen. Leipzig, Von Veit, 1889. 452 p. illus. Holman, Richard Morris, and Wilfred W. Robbins. A textbook of general botany for colleges and universities. 2d ed. New York, John Wiley, 1927. 624 p. illus. Holman, Richard Morris, and Wilfred W. Robbins. A textbook of general botany for colleges and universities. 3d ed. New York, John Wiley, 1934. 626 p. illus. Holman, Richard Morris, and Wilfred W. Robbins. A textbook of general botany for colleges and universities. 4th ed. New York, John Wiley, 1939. 664 p. illus. Holtermann, Carl. Mykologische Untersuchungen aus den Tropen. Berlin, Born- traeger, 1898. 122 p. plates. Hortus sanitatis [minor] Hortus sanitatis/deutsch /Peter Schoffer/ Mainz 1485/ TFaksimile ausg. Miinchen, Verlag der Munchener drucke, 1924] facsim. 360 1. illus. Hough, Romeyn Beck. The American woods; exhibited by actual specimens and with text. pt. 1. Lowville, N.Y., The author, 1888. 76 p. plates (mounted sections) . Consists of descriptive text and 75 sections of wood mounted on 25 plates in portfolio. Hudson, William Henry. The naturalist in La Plata. [4th ed.?] London, J. M. Dent, 1912. 394 p. illus. Huggins, Sir William. The Royal Society; or, Science in the state and in the schools. London, Methuen [1906] 131 p. illus. Hussey, Mrs. Thomas John. Illustrations of British mycology. London, Lovell Reeve, 1849-55. 2 v. plates. Hutchison, Henry Neville. Extinct monsters; a popular account of some of the larger forms of ancient animal life. 5th ed. London, Chapman and Hall, 1897. 270 p. illus. Hutchison, John. The families of flowering plants, v. 1, Dicotyledons, v. 2, Monocotyledons. London, Macmillan, 1926-34. illus. Huxley, Julian Sorell. The individual in the animal kingdom. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1912. 167 p. illus. Huxley, Leonard. Life and letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker; based upon materials collected and arranged by Lady Hooker. London, John Murray, 1918. 2 v. illus. Huxley, Thomas Henry, and H. N. Martin. A course of elementary instruction in practical biology. London, Macmillan, 1881. 279 p. Huxley, Thomas Henry. Darwiniana; essays. London, Macmillan, 1893. 475 p. (His Collected essays, v. 2) Huxley, Thomas Henry. Evolution and ethics and other essays. London, Mac- millan, 1894. 334 p. (His Collected essays, v. 9) Huxley, Thomas Henry. Man's place in nature and other essays. London, J. M. Dent [1908] 372 p. illus. (Everyman's library) Huxley, Thomas Henry. A manual of the anatomy of vertebrated animals. London, J. and A. Churchill, 1871. 431 p. illus. Huxley, Thomas Henry. Methods and results. London, Macmillan, 1894. 429 p. (His Collected essays, v. 1) Huxley, Thomas Henry. Science and Hebrew tradition. London, Macmillan, 1893. 372 p. (His Collected essays, v. 4) Huxley, Thomas Henry. Science and tradition. London, Macmillan, 1894. 419 p. (His Collected essays, v. 5) Hyslop, James Harvey. Science and a future life. Boston, Herbert B. Turner, 1905. 372 p. Imms, Augustus Daniel. A general textbook of entomology; including the anatomy, physiology, development and classification of insects. London, Methuen [1925] 698 p. illus. Imms, Augustus Daniel. Social behaviour in insects. London, Methuen [1931] 117 p. illus. Index Londinensis to illustrations of flowering plants, ferns and fern allies; being an emended and enlarged edition continued up to the year 1920 of Pritzel's Alphabetical register of representations of flowering plants and ferns compiled from botanical and horticultural publications of the XVIIIth and XlXth centuries, prepared under the auspices of the Royal Horticultural Society of London at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, by 0. Stapf. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1929-31. 6 v. Added t.-p.: Iconum botanicarum index Londinensis. Ingold, Cecil Terence. Spore discharge in land plants. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1939. 178 p. illus. International Congress for Microbiology. See International Congress of Micro- biology. International Congress of Botany. 4th, Ithaca, N.Y., 1926. Proceedings of the International Congress of Plant Sciences, Ithaca, New York, August 16-23, 1926. Edited by B. M. Duggar. Menasha, Wis., George Banta, 1929. 2 v. illus. International Congress of Botany. 5th, Cambridge, Eng., 1930. Report of proceed- ings. Edited for the executive committee by F. T. Brooks and T. F. Chipp. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1931. 679 p. International Congress of Microbiology. 3d, New York, 1939. Report of the pro- ceedings. New York, International Association of Microbiologists [cl940] 883 p. illus. International Congress of Plant Sciences. 4th, Ithaca, N.Y., 1926. See Inter- national Congress of Botany. 4th, Ithaca, NY., 1926. International Eugenics Congress. 1st, London, 1912. Problems in eugenics, papers communicated to the First International Eugenics Congress held at the Univer- sity of London, July 24th to 30th, 1912. [London] Eugenics Education Com- mittee, 1912. 490 p. illus. Istvanffi, Gyula. Etudes et commentaires sur le Code de l'Escluse augmentés de quelques notices biographiques. Budapest, L'auteur, 1900. 287 p. illus. Added t.-p. in Hungarian; text in Hungarian and French; L'Escluse 's work in Latin. Jackman, Wilbur Samuel. Nature study for the common schools. 2d ed. New York, Henry Holt, 1894. 448 p. illus. Jackson, Benjamin Daydon. A glossary of botanic terms with their derivation and accent. 4th ed. rev. and enl. London, Duckworth [1928] 481 p. 39 Jackson, Vincent William. A manual of vertebrates of Manitoba; fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals. Winnipeg, University of Manitoba [pref. 1934] [42] p. illus. James, Charles Canniff. Agriculture. 4th ed. Toronto, George N. Morang, 1901. 203 p. illus. James, William. Talks to teachers on psychology: and to students on some of life's ideals. London, Longmans, Green, 1911. 301 p. James, William Owen. An introduction to plant physiology. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1931. 259 p. illus. Jeans, Sir James Hopwood. The mysterious universe. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1930. 154 p. illus. Jeans, Sir James Hopwood. The stars in their courses. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1931. 188 p. illus. Jennings, Herbert Spencer. Prometheus; or, Biology and the advancement of man. New York, E. P. Dutton [cl925] 86 p. Jepson, William Linn. The trees of California. 2d ed. Berkeley, Cal., Sather Gate Bookshop [cl923] 240 p. illus. Jones, Daniel Evan. Examples in physics. London, Macmillan, 1888. 260 p. illus. Jones, Donald Forsha. Genetics in plant and animal improvements. New York, John Wiley, 1925. 568 p. illus. Jones, Francis. The Owens College junior course of practical chemistry. London, Macmillan, 1889. 201 p. illus. Jones, William Neilson, and M. C. Rayner. A textbook of plant biology. London, Methuen [1920] 262 p. illus. Judd, John Wesley. The coming of evolution; the story of a great revolution in science. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1910. 171 p. port. Jukes-Browne, Alfred John. The building of the British Isles; a study in geographical evolution. 2d ed. London, George Bell, 1892. 465 p. maps, illus. Jukes-Browne, Alfred John. The student's handbook of historical geology. London, George Bell, 1886. 597 p. illus. Jukes-Browne, Alfred John. The student's handbook of physical geology. 2d ed. London, George Bell, 1892. 666 p. illus. *Jussieu, Antoine Laurent de. Genera plantarum; secundum ordines naturales disposita, juxta methodum in Horto regio Parisiensi exaratam, anno M.DCC.LXXIV. Turici, Helvetorum, sumtibus Ziegleri & filiorum, 1791. 526 p. Kapp, Gisbert. Electricity. London, Williams and Norgate [1912?] 252 p. illus. (Home university library of modern knowledge) Karling, John Sidney. The Plasmodiophorales ; including a complete host index, bibliography, and a description of diseases caused by species of this order. New York, The author, 1942. 144 p. illus. Kauffman, Calvin Henry. The Agaricaceae of Michigan. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford, 1918. 2 v. illus. (Michigan Geological and Bio- logical Survey, publication 26, biological series 5) Library has 2 sets. Keeble, Sir Frederick. Life of plants. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1926. 256 p. illus. Keeble, Sir Frederick. Plant-animals; a study in symbiosis. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1910. 163 p. illus. Keen, William Williams. I believe in God and in evolution. 4th ed. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott [cl925] 109 p. illus. 40 Keith, Sir Arthur. Ancient types of man. London. Harper, 1911. 151 p. illus. Keith, Sir Arthur. Darwinism and its critics. London, Watts [1935] 56 p. port. (Forum series, no. 20) Keith, Sir Arthur. The human body. London, Williams and Norgate, n.d. 256 p. (Home university library of modern knowledge) Kelly, Howard Atwood. Some American medical botanists commemorated in our botanical nomenclature. Troy, N.Y., Southworth Co., 1914. 215 p. illus., ports. Kendall, Arthur Isaac. Bacteriology; general, pathological and intestinal. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Lea and Febiger [cl921] 680 p. illus. Kerner, Anton Joseph, ritter von Marilaun. Flowers and their unbidden guests, by Dr. A. Kerner. Translation revised and edited by W. Ogle. London, C. Kegan Paul, 1878. 164 p. plates. Kerner, Anton Joseph, ritter von Marilaun. The natural history of plants; their forms, growth, reproduction, and distribution; from the German of Anton Kerner von Marilaun. Translated and edited by F. W. Oliver with the assistance of Marian Busk and Mary F. Ewart. London, Blackie, 1894-95. 2 v. illus. Kidd, Benjamin. Social evolution. London, Macmillan, 1896. 388 p. King, Franklin Hiram. Irrigation and drainage; principles and practice of their cultural phases. New York, Macmillan, 1899. 502 p. illus. Kirchner, Oskar von. Die Krankheiten und Beschadigungen unserer landwirtschaft- lichen Kulturpflanzen ; eine Anleitung zu ihrer Erkennung und Bekâmpfung fur Biologen, Landwirte, Gartner u.a. [3d éd.] Stuttgart, Eugen Ulmer, 1923. 679 p. Klebahn, Henrich. Haupt- und Nebenfruchtformen der Askomyzeten. Eine Darstel- lung eigener und der in der Literatur niedergelegten Beobachtungen iiber die Zusammenhânge zwisehen Schlauchfruchten und Konidienfruchtformen. v. 1. Leipzig, Borntraeger, 1918. 395 p. illus. Klebahn, Henrich. Die wirtwechselnden Rostpilze; versuch einer Gesamtdarstellung ihrer biologischen Verhàltnisse. Berlin, Borntraeger, 1904. 447 p. charts. Klebs, Georg. Die Bedingungen der Fortpflanzung bei einigen Algen und Pilzen. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1896. 543 p. illus. Klein, Edward Emanuel. Elements of histology. Philadelphia, Henry C. Lea, 1883. 352 p. illus. Kligman, Albert Montgomery. Handbook of mushroom culture. Kennett Square, Pa., J. B. Swayne [cl942] 152 p. illus., pamphl. Kniep, Hans. Die Sexualitàt der niederen Pflanzen; Differenzierung, Verteilung, Bestimmung und Vererbung des Geschlechts bei den Thallophyten. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1928. 544 p. illus. Knowlton, Frank Hall. Plants of the past; a popular account of fossil plants. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1927. 275 p. illus. Knox, Gordon Daniell. The spirit of the soil; or, An account of nitrogen fixation in the soil by bacteria and of the production of auximones in bacterized peat. London, Constable, 1915. 242 p. illus. Konrad, Paul, and A. Maublanc. Icônes selectae fungorum. Paris, Paul Lechevalier, 1924-35. 9 v. (unbound). plates. Krieger, Louis Charles Christopher, comp. Catalogue of the Mycological Library of Howard A. Kelly. Baltimore, Priv. print. [J. H. Furst] 1924. [260] p. 41 Krieger, Louis Charles Christopher. Field key to the genera of the gill mushrooms. Baltimore, Norman, Remington, 1920. 6 p. fold. chart. Krieger, Louis Charles Christopher. A popular guide to the higher fungi (mush- rooms) of New York State. Albany, The University of the State of New York, 1935. 538 p. illus. (New York State Museum, handbook 11) *Krombholz, Vincenz Julius, edler von. Naturgetreue Abbildungen und Beschrei- bungen der essbaren schàdlichen und verdâchtigen Schwamme. Prag, J. G. Calve, 1831-46. 10 pt. in 1 v. and atlas of 76 col. pi. Kûster, Ernst. Pathologische Pflanzenanatomie ; in ihren Grundzugen. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1903. 312 p. illus. Kûster, Ernst. Pathologische Pflanzenanatomie; in ihren Grundzugen. 3., neu bearb. Aufl. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1925. 558 p. illus. Lafar, Franz. Technical mycology; the utilization of microorganisms in the arts and manufactures; a practical handbook on fermentation and fermantative processes, v. 1, Schizomycetic fermentation, v. 2, pt. 1-2, Eumycetic fermenta- tion. Translated by Charles T. C. Salter. London, Charles Griffin, 1898-1910. 2 v. in 3. illus. Vol. 2, pt. 1-2, paged continuously. Laing, Samuel. Human origins. London, Chapman and Hall, 1892. 437 p. illus. Laing, Samuel. Human origins. Revised by Edward Clodd. London, Watts, 1909. 142 p. illus. Bound with Darwin, Charles. On the origin of species by means of natural selection. London, 1909. Laing, Samuel. Modern science and modern thought. London, Watts, 1911. 121 p. illus. Bound with Darwin, Charles. On the origin of species by means of natural selection. London, 1909. Lang, Andrew. Social origins, by Andrew Lang; Primal law, bjr J. J. Atkinson. London, Longmans, Green, 1903. 311 p. Lankester, Sir Edwin Ray. More science from an easy chair. London, Methuen [1920] 295 p. illus. Lankester, Sir Edwin Ray. Science from an easy chair. [16th éd.] London, Methuen [1925] 292 p. illus. Laplanche, Maurice Coujard de. Dictionnaire iconographique des champignons supérieurs (Hyménomycètes) qui croissent en Europe, Algérie et Tunisie; suivi des tableaux de concordance (pour les Hyménomycètes). Paris, Paul Klincksieck, 1894. 542 p. Copy imperfect: all after p. 272 wanting. Lapworth, Charles. An intermediate text-book of geology. Edinburgh, William Blackwood, 1899. 414 p. illus. Leach, William. Plant ecology for the student of British vegetation. London, Methuen [1933] 104 p. illus. *Leeuwenhoek, Anthony van. Epistolae ad societatem regiam Anglicam et alios illustres viros. [n.p.] apud Joh. Arnold Langerak, 1719. 429 p. illus. *Leeuwenhoek, Anthony van. Epistolae physiologicae super compluribus naturae arcanis; ubi variorum animalium atque plantarum fabrica, conformatio, proprietates atque operationes, novis et oculis exhibentur; item peculiares et hactenus incognitae rerum quarumdam qualitates explicantur. Delphis [Netherlands] apud Adrianum Beman, 1719. 446 p. illus. Leighton, Gerald Rowley. Huxley, his life and work. London, T. C. and E. C. Jack [pref. 1912] 94 p. port. 42 Le Maout, Emmanuel, i.e., Jean Emmanuel Marie, and Jh. Decaisne. Traité général de botanique descriptive et analytique. Paris, Didot frères, 1868. 745 p. illus. Le Maout, Jean Emmanuel Marie. See Le Maout, Emmanuel, i.e., Jean Emmanuel Marie. Lenz, Harald Othmar. Botanik der alten Griechen und Rômer. Gotha [Germany] E. F. Thienemann, 1859. 776 p. Lenz, Harald Othmar. Die nutzlichen und schâdlichen Schwamme. [3d éd.] Gotha [Germany] E. F. Thienemann, 1862. 148 p. plates. *Léveillé, Joseph Henri. Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessinées d'après nature, gravées et coloriées, accompagné d'un texte nouveau présentant la description des espèces figurées, leur synonymie, l'indication de leurs propriétés utiles ou vénéneuses, l'époque et les lieux où elles croissent. Paris, J. B. Baillière, 1855. 135 p. port., plates. Lindau, Gustav. Hilfsbuch fiir das Sammeln parasitischer Pilze mit Berûksichtigung der Nâhrpflanzen Deutschlands, Osterreich-Ungarns, Belgiens, der Schweiz und der Niederlande nebst einem Anhang liber die Thierparasiten. Berlin, Borntraeger, 1901. 90 p. Lindau, Gustav, and P. Sydow, comps. Thesaurus litteraturae mycologicae et licheno- logicae ratione habita praecipue omnium quae adhuc scripta sunt de mycologia applicata. v. 1, Complectens enumerationem alphabeticam autorum A-L. v. 2, Complectens enumerationem alphabeticam autorum M-Z. v. 3, Com- plectens corrigenta supplementum enumerationem alphabeticam titulorum annorum 1907-10. v. 4-5, Respiciuntur non primae litterae titulorum, sed argumenta. Lipsiis, Fratres Borntraeger, 1908-18. 5 v. Vol. 3-5 are bound. Lindley, John, and Thomas Moore, eds. The treasury of botany; a popular dictionary of the vegetable kingdom; with which is incorporated a glossary of botanical terms. London, Longmans, Green, 1866. 2 v. illus. *Linné, Carl von. Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm, et proportionem omnium fructificationis partium. Editio sexta ab auctore reformata et aucta. Holmiae, impensis direct. Laurentii Salvii, 1764. 580 p. * Linné, Carl von. Philosophia botanica, in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica cum deflnitionibus partium, exemplis terminorum, observationibus rariorum. Editio secunda. Viennae, typis Joannis Thomae, 1783. 360 p. illus. *Linné, Carl von. Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas. Editio tertia. Vindobonae, typis Joannis Thomae de Trattner, 1764. 2 v. (paged continuously). Lister, Arthur. A monograph of the Mycetozoa; a descriptive catalogue of the species in the herbarium of the British Museum. 3d ed. Revised by Gulielma Lister. London, British Museum, 1925. 296 p. illus. Lloyd, Curtis Gates. Index of the Mycological writings of C. G. Lloyd. See Lloyd, Curtis Gates. Mycological writings of C. G. Lloyd. Lloyd, Curtis Gates. Mycological writings of C. G. Lloyd. Cincinnati, Ohio [1898]- 1929. 7v. illus. The parts composing these volumes were originally issued independently and later grouped in volumes with general t.-p. reading Index of the Myco- logical Writings of C. G. Lloyd. 43 Lloyd, Francis Ernest. The carnivorous plants. Waltham, Mass., Chronica Botanica, 1942. 270 p. illus. Lloyd Library, Cincinnati. Bibliographical contributions from the Lloyd Library, Cincinnati, Ohio. Vol. I-III, no. 7, 1911/14-Oct., 1918. v. 1, Bibliography relating to the floras, v. 2-3, Bibliography relating to botany exclusive of flora. Compiled by Edith Wycoff. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1911-18. 3 v. illus. Lock, Robert Heath. Recent progress in the study of variation, heredity, and evolu- tion. London, John Murray, 1907. 299 p. illus. Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman. Astronomy. London, Macmillan, 1886. 151 p. illus. Lodeman, Ernest Gustavus. The spraying of plants. New York, Macmillan, 1902. 399 p. illus. Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph. Continuity; the presidential address to the British Associ- ation, Birmingham, 1913. London, J. M. Dent, 1913. 118 p. Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph. Life and matter; a criticism of Professor Haeckel's Riddle of the Universe. 4th ed. London, Williams and Norgate, 1907. 200 p. Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph. Pioneers of science. London, Macmillan, 1905. 404 p. illus. Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph. Raymond ; or, Life and death, with examples of the evidence for survival of memory and affection after death. 8th ed. London, Methuen [1917] 403 p. illus. Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph. The survival of man; a study in unrecognized human faculty. London, Methuen [1909] 357 p. illus. Loeb, Jacques. Regeneration; from a physico-chemical viewpoint. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1924. 143 p. illus. Lohnis, Felix, and E. B. Fred. Textbook of agricultural bacteriology. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1923. 283 p. illus. Lowe, Edward Joseph, and W. Howard. Beautiful leaved plants; being a description of the most beautiful leaved plants in cultivation in this country; to which is added an extended catalogue. London, Groombridge, 1861. 144 p. illus., plates. Lowe, Edward Joseph. Ferns; British and exotic. London, Groombridge, 1858-65. 8 v. plates. Lowson, John Melvin. A text-book of botany. 2d ed. London, University Tutorial Press [1900] 396 p. illus. Lowson, John Melvin. A text-book of botany. 5th ed. London, University Tutorial Press, 1910. 607 p. illus. Lowson, John Melvin. A text-book of botany. 6th ed. London, University Tutorial Press, 1925. 638 p. illus. Ludovicus, Theodorus Fridericus. Radix plantarum Mycetoidearum. Bonnae, sumptibus Adolphi Marcus, 1820. 19 p. chart. Lutman, Benjamin Franklin. Microbiology. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1929. 495 p. illus. Lyell, Sir Charles, hart. The student's Lyell; a manual of elementary geology. Edited by John W. Judd. London, John Murray, 1896. 635 p. illus. Based primarily upon Lyell's Student's Elements of Geology, 1871, but expanded and revised from Lyell's other works by the editor. McAlpine, Daniel. The rusts of Australia; their structure, nature, and classification. Melbourne, R. S. Brain, Govt. Print., 1906. 349 p. illus. At head of title: Department of Agriculture, Victoria. 44 McAlpine, Daniel. The smuts of Australia; their structure, life history, treatment and classification. Melbourne, J. Kemp, Govt. Print, [pref. 1910] 288 p. plates. At head of title: Department of Agriculture, Victoria. MacBride, Thomas Huston. The North American slime-moulds; a descriptive list of all species of Myxomycètes hitherto reported from the continent of North America with notes on some extra-limital species. New and rev. ed. London, Macmillan, 1922. 347 p. McCubbin, Walter Alexander. Fungi and human affairs; with special reference to plant diseases. Yonkers-on-Hudson, N.Y., World Book Co., 1924. Ill p. illus. McDougall, Walter Byron. Mushrooms; a handbook of edible and inedible species. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1925. 151 p. illus. McDougall, Walter Byron. Plant ecology. Philadelphia, Lea and Febiger [cl927] 326 p. illus. McIlvaine, Charles, and Robert K. Macadam. Toadstools, mushrooms, fungi, edible and poisonous. One thousand American fungi; how to select and cook the edible; how to distinguish and avoid the poisonous; with full botanic descriptions. Indianapolis, Bowen-Merrill [cl902] 729 p. illus. MacKenzie, James Stuart Fraser. Botanical names of wild flowers; what they mean; how pronounced. London, Holden and Hardingham, n.d. 228 p. McMurrich, James Playfair. The development of the human body; a manual of human embryology. 5th ed. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston [cl9151 493 p. illus. McMurrich, James Playfair. A text-book of invertebrate morphology. New York, Henry Holt, 1894. 661 p. illus. Macoun, John. Autobiography of John Macoun, M.A., Canadian explorer and naturalist, 1831-1920. A memorial volume. [Ottawa] Ottawa Field Naturalist's Club, 1922. 305 p. illus. Maeterlinck, Maurice. The life of the ant. Translated by Bernard Miall. London, Cassell [1930] 192 p. Maeterlinck, Maurice. The life of the bee. Translated by Alfred Sutro. Toronto, Musson [1911] [356] p. Magnus, Sir Philip, hart. Hydrostatics and pneumatics. 6th ed. London, Longmans, Green, 1889. 166 p. illus. Magnus, Sir Philip, hart. Hydrostatics and pneumatics. 7th ed. London, Longmans, Green, 1890. 166 p. illus. Maksimov, Nikolai Aleksandrovich. The plant in relation to water; a study of the physiological basis of drought resistance. Edited by R. H. Yapp. London, George Allen and Unwin T1929] 451 p. illus. Maksimov, Nikolai Aleksandrovich. A text-book of plant physiology. Translated from the Russian. Edited by A. E. Murneek and R. B. Harvey. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1930. 381 p. illus. Marie-Victorin, frère. Flore Laurentienne ; illustrée de 22 cartes et de 2800 dessins par frère Alexandre. Montréal, Imprimeries de la Salle, 1935. 917 p. illus. Marr, John Edward, and A. E. Shipley, eds. Handbook to the natural history of Cambridgeshire. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1904. 260 p. maps. Marshall, Arthur Milnes, and C. Herbert Hurst. A junior course of practical zoology. 3d ed. London, Smith, Elder, 1892. 478 p. illus. Marshall, Arthur Milnes. Lectures on the Darwinian theory. Edited by C. F. Marshall. London, David Nutt, 1894. 236 p. illus. 45 Marshall, Nina Lovering. The mushroom book; a popular guide to the identification and study of our commoner fungi, with special emphasis on the edible varie- ties. New York, Doubleday, Page, 1902. 167 p. illus. Marshall, William. Bilderatlas zur Zoologie der Dogel. Leipzig, Bibliographisches Institut, 1898. 194 p. illus. Marshall, William. Bilderatlas- zur Zoologie der Fische, Lurche und Krierchtiere. Leipzig, Bibliographisches Institut, 1898. 152 p. illus. Marshall, William. Bilderatlas zur Zoologie der Siiugetiere. Leipzig, Biblio- graphisches Institut, 1897. 198 p. illus. *Marsigli, Luigi Ferdinando, conte. Dissertatio de generatione fungorum ad illustris- simum & reverendissimum praesulem Joannem Mariam Lancisium, cui accedit ejusdem responsio una cum dissertatione de Plinianae villae ruderibus atque ostiensis litoris incremento. Romae, ex officina typographica Francisci Gonzagae, 1714. 40 p. illus. Marsilii, Ludovicus Ferdinandus de. See Marsigli, Luigi Ferdinando, conte. Massart, Jean. Éléments de biologie générale et de botanique, v. 1, La Biologie générale. Les Protistes, v. 2, Les Métaphytes. La Physiologie et l'éthologie. La Paléobotanique et la géobotanique. Bruxelles, Maurice Lamertin, 1920-23. 2 v. in 3 (unbound), illus. Vol. 1, fasc. 1, incomplete: p. 17-48 wanting. Massart, Jean. Sommaire du cours de botanique fait en candidature en sciences naturelles à l'Université libre de Bruxelles. Bruges [Belgium] imprimerie Daveluy [pref. 1906] 172 p. Library also has 2d éd. published in 1912. Massée, George Edward. British fungi; with a chapter on lichens. London, George Routledge [1911?] 551 p. illus. Massée, George Edward. British Fungus-flora; a classified text-book of mycology. London, George Bell, 1892-95. 4 v. illus. Massée, George Edward. Diseases of cultivated plants and trees. London, Duck- worth, 1910. 602 p. illus. Massée, George Edward. European fungus flora Agaricaceae. London, Duckworth, 1902. 274 p. Massée, George Edward, and Ivy Massée. Mildews, rusts and smuts; a synopsis of the families, Peronosporaceae, Erysiphaceae, Uredineae and Ustilaginaceae. London, Dulau, 1913. 229 p. illus. Massée, George Edward. Text-book of fungi; including morphology, physiology, pathology, classification, etc. London, Duckworth, 1906. 427 p. illus. Matthews, Velma Dare. Studies of the genus Pythium. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press, 1931. 136 p. illus. Maublanc, André. Les champignons comestibles et vénéneux. Paris, Paul Lechevalier, 1921. 110 p. illus. (Encyclopédie pratique du naturaliste, v. 8) Cover title: Les champignons de France. Maunder, Edward Walter. Astronomy without a telescope; a guide to the constella- tions, and introduction to the study of the heavens with the unassisted sight. London, "Knowledge" Office [pref. 1902] 280 p. illus. Mayer, Alfred Goldsborough. Sea-shore life; the invertebrates of the New York coast. [New York] New York Zoological Society, 1905. 181 p. illus. (New York Aquarium nature series, no. 1) Mehta, K. C. Further studies on cereal rusts in India. Calcutta, Government of India Press, 1940. 224 p. illus. (Imperial Council of Agricultural Research, scientific monograph no. 14) 46 Mercier, Charles Arthur. Crime and insanity. London, Williams and Norgate, n.d. 254 p. (Home university library of modem knowledge) Miall, Louis Compton. The early naturalists; their lives and work (1530-1789). London, Macmillan, 1912. 396 p. Miall, Louis Compton. Object lessons from nature; a first book of science. London, Cassell [1910-11] 2 v. illus. Miall, Louis Compton. Round the year; a series of short nature-studies. London, Macmillan, 1911. 295 p. illus. Michael, Edmund. Fiihrer fur Pilzfreunde. v. 1-3. [revised by] Roman Schulz. Zwickau [Germany] Fôrster und Bornes, 1924-27. illus. Michael, Edmund. Unfere wichtigsten Pilze. Leipzig, Quelle & Meyer [pref. 1918] 94 p. illus. *Micheli, Pierantonio. Nova plantarvm genera iuxta Tovrnefortii disposita quibus plantae MDCCCC recensentur, scilicet fere MDCCCC nondum observatae, reliquae suis sedibus restitutae; quarum vero figuram exhibere visum fuit, eae ad DL aeneis tabulis CVIII graphice expressae sunt; adnotationibus, atque observationibus, praecipue fungorum, mucorum, aflmiumque plantarum sationem, ortum & incrementum spectantibus, interdum adiectis. Florentia, typis Bernardi Paperinii, 1729. 234 p. 108 plates. Millar, Andrew. Wheat and its products; a brief account of the principal cereal: where it is grown, and the modern method of producing wheaten flour. London, Isaac Pitman [pref. 1916] 134 p. illus. Miller, Edwin Cyrus. Plant physiology; with reference to the green plant. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1931. 900 p. illus. Miller, Hugh. The old sandstone; or, New walks in an old field. [7th éd.] London, J. M. Dent, n.d. 363 p. illus. (Everyman's library) Miller, John. See Millier, Johann Sebastian. Millikan, Robert Andrews. The electron; its isolation and measurement and the determination of some of its properties. Chicago, University of Chicago Press [cl917] 268 p. illus. Molisch, Hans. Anatomie der Pflanze. [2d éd.] Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1922. 153 p. illus. Molisch, Hans. Botanische Versuche ohne Apparate; ein Experimentierbuch fiir jeden Pflanzenfreund. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1931. 200 p. illus. Molisch, Hans. Leuchtende Pflanzen; eine physiologische Studie. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1904. 168 p. illus. Molisch, Hans. The longevity of plants (Die Lebensdauer der Pflanze). Translated by Edmund H. Fulling. New York, The translator, 1938. 226 p. illus. Molisch, Hans. Mikrochemie der Pflanze. [3d. éd.] Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1923. 437 p. illus. Molisch, Hans. Pflanzenphysiologie als Théorie der Gârtnerei. [5th éd.] Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1922. 337 p. illus. Molisch, Hans. Populare biologische Vortrage. [2d éd.] Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1922. 306 p. illus. Môller, Alfred. Phycomyceten und Ascomyceten. Untersuchungen aus Brasilien. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1901. 319 p. (unbound), illus. (Botanische Mittheilungen aus den Tropen, Bd. 9) Môller, Alfred. Die Pilzgarten einiger sudamerikanischer Ameisen. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1893. 127 p. (unbound) . plates. (Botanische Mittheilungen aus den Tropen, Bd. 6) 47 Moore, Benjamin. Biochemistry; a study of the origin, reactions, and equilibria of living matter. London, Edward Arnold, 1921. 340 p. Morgan, Thomas Hunt. The scientific basis of evolution. 2d ed. New York, W. W. Norton [cl935] 306 p. illus. Morgan, Thomas Hunt. The theory of the gene. New Haven [Conn.] Yale Uni- versity Press [c 1926 3 343 p. illus. Morris, Francis Orpen. A history of British butterflies. 6th ed. London, John C. Nimmo, 1890. 184 p. plates. Morris, Francis Orpen. A natural history of British moths. London, John C. Nimmo, 1894. 4 v. plates. Mottier, David Myers. A practical laboratory guide for the first year in botany. Bloomington, Ind., Craven Brothers, 1902. 123 p. Mûller, Herman. The fertilization of flowers. Translated and edited by D'Arcy W. Thompson. London, Macmillan, 1883. 669 p. illus. *Mûller, Johann Sebastian. An illustration of the sexual system of Linnaeus, by John Miller. London, The author, 1779-89. 2 v. plates. Title varies: v. 2, An illustration of the termini botanici of Linnaeus. Cover title: Miller's sexual system. Munch, Ernst. Die Stoffbewegungen in der Pflanze. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1930. 234 p. illus. Munro, Robert. Prehistoric Britain. London, Williams and Norgate [1914] 256 p. illus. (Home university library of modern knowledge) Murrill, William Alphonso. American boletes. New York, The author, 1914. 40 p. Murrill, William Alphonso. Edible and poisonous mushrooms; a descriptive hand- book to accompany the author's colored chart of edible and poisonous mush- rooms. New York, The author, 1916. 76 p. pamphl. Library does not have chart. Murrill, William Alphonso. MurrilPs and Saccardo's names of polyspores compared. New York, The author, 1918. 31 p. pamphl. Murrill, William Alphonso. Northern polyspores. New York, The author, 1914. 64 p. Murrill, William Alphonso. Southern polyspores. New York, The author, 1915. 66 p. Murrill, William Alphonso. Tropical polyspores. New York, The author, 1915. 113 p. Murrill, William Alphonso. Western polyspores. New York, The author, 1915. 36 p. Myers, Frederic William Henry. Human personality and its survival of bodily death. Edited and abridged by Leopold Hamilton Myers. New York, Longmans, Green, 1909. 470 p. Naumann, Carl Friedrich. Elemente der Minéralogie. [13th ed. revised by] Ferdinand Zirkel. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1898. 798 p. illus. Nees von Esenbeck, Theodor Friedrich Ludwig, and A. Henry. Das System der Pilze. Bonn, Henry & Cohen, 1837-58. 2 pt. in 1. plates. Part 2 compiled by Theodor Bail. *Nees von Esenbeck, Theodor Friedrich Ludwig. Das System der Pilze und Schwamme. Wurzburg, in der Stahelschen Buchandlung, 1817. 234 p. plates. *Nees von Esenbeck, Theodor Friedrich Ludwig. Radix plantarum mycetoidearum. Bonnae, sumptibus Adolphi Marcus, 1820. 19 p. fold, chart. 48 Neger, Franz Wilhelm. Die Krankheiten unserer Waldbâume und der wichtigsten Gartengeholze ; eine kurzgefasstes Lehrbuch fur Forstleute und Studierende der forstwissenschaft. [2d éd.] Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke, 1924. 296 p. illus. Negri, Giovanni. Atlante dei principali funghi; commestibili e velenosi. Torino [Italy] Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, 1908. 106 p. illus. New York. State Museum, Albany. [Report of the state botanist] 1868-1913. [Albany, N.Y., 1869-1915] 5 v. illus. (In Reports of the state cabinet, 1869-70; and Reports, and Bulletins of the state museum, 1871-1913) Until 1880 entitled: Report of the botanist. Cover title: Peck's report. Charles H. Peck, State Botanist. Library also has 1895 report published in a separate vol. New York. State Museum, Albany. Report of the state botanist on edible fungi of New York, 1895-99. Albany, N.Y., 1900. [99] p. plates. (Its memoirs, v. 3, no. 4, Nov., 1900) Newland, C. Bingham. What is instinct? Some thoughts on telepathy and sub- consciousness in animals. London, John Murray, 1916. 217 p. illus. Newman, Horatio Hackett, ed. The nature of the world of man, by W. C. Allie [and others] [2d éd.] Chicago, University of Chicago Press [cl927] 562 p. illus. Norton, William Harmon. The elements of geology. Boston, Ginn [cl905] 461 p. illus. Nusslin, Otto. Forftinfektenkunde. [4th ed. edited by] L. Rhumbler. Berlin, Paul Parey, 1927. 625 p. illus. Oliver, Francis Wall, ed. Makers of British botany; a collection of biographies of living botanists. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1913. 332 p. illus., ports. Onslow, Hon. Muriel (Wheldale). The anthocyanin pigments of plants. 2d ed. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1925. 314 p. Ontario. Dept. of Lands and Forests. Forestry in Ontario [Toronto, 1930?] 73 p. illus. Ostwald, Wilhelm. Outlines of general chemistry. Translated by James Walker. 2d ed. London, Macmillan, 1895. 391 p. illus. Otto, Johann Gottfrted. Versuch einer auf die Ordnung und den Stand der Lamellen gegrlindeten Anordnung und Beschreibung der Agaricorum. Leipzig, Gerh. Fleischer, 1816. 106 p. illus. Oudemans, Cornelius Antoon Jan Abraham. Enumeratio systematica fungorum. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1919-24. 5 v. Vol. 5 is an index generalis. Our Canadian Prairies. Toronto, C. Blackett Robinson [cl895] 162 p. tables. (Manitoba course of agriculture, 1st series) Library has 2 copies. Owens, Charles Elmer. Principles of plant pathology. New York, John Wiley, 1928. 629 p. illus. Page, David. Introductory text-book of geology. Revised by Charles Lapworth. 12th ed. Edinburgh, William Blackwood, 1888. 316 p. illus. Patouillard, Narcisse Théophile. Essai taxonomique sur les familles et les genres des Hyménomycètes. Lons-le-Saunier [France] imprimerie et lithographie Lucien Declume, 1900. 184 p. illus. 49 Patouillard, Narcisse Théophile. Les Hyménomycètes d'Europe; anatomie générale et classification des champignons supérieurs. Paris, Paul Klincksieck, 1887. 166 p. illus. Pattison Muir, M. M. The story of alchemy and the beginnings of chemistry. London, George Newnes, 1902. 185 p. illus. Pattison Muir, M. M. The story of alchemy and the beginnings of chemistry. London, Hodder and Stoughton [pref. 1902] 185 p. illus. Pattison Muir, M. M. The story of the wanderings of atoms; especially those of carbon. London, Hodder and Stoughton [pref. 18991 192 p. *Paulet, Jean Jacques. Traité des champignons, ouvrage dans lequel on trouve après l'histoire analytique & chronologique des découvertes & des travaux sur ces plantes, suivie de leur synonymie botanique & des tables nécessaires, la description détaillée, les qualités, les effets, [etc.] Paris, Imprimerie nationale executive du Louvre, 1793. 2 v. Pearson, Karl. National life from the standpoint of science. 2d ed. London, Adam and Charles Black, 1905. 106 p. Penhallow, David Pearce. A manual of the more common herbaceous plants of Quebec and Ontario for use in connection with Groom's botany. (Adapted from Gray's manual.) Toronto, Copp, Clark, 1899. 208 p. Bound with Groom, Percy. Elementary botany. Toronto [cl899] *Persoon, Christian Hendrik. Commentarivs D. lac. Christ. Schaefferi. Fvngorvm Bavariae indigenorvm icônes pictas, differentiis specificis, synonymis et observa- tionibvs selectis illvstrans. Erlangae, apvd loan. lac. Palm., 1800. 130 p. *Persoon, Christian Hendrik. Mycologia Europaea, seu Compléta omnium fungorum in variis Europaeae regionibus detectorum enumeratio, methodo naturali dis- posita. Erlangae, impensibus Ioanni Iacobi Palmii, 1822-28. 3 v. plates. *Persoon, Christian Hendrik. Synopsis methodem fungorum. Sistens enumerationem omnivm hvc vsqve detectarvm speciervm, cvm brevibvs descriptionibvs nee non synonymis et observationibvs selectis. Gottingae, apvd Henricvm Dieterich, 1801. 2v. (paged continuously), plates. Index botanievs; sistens omnes fvngorvm species in D. C. H. Persoonii Synopsi methodica fvngorvm envmeratas, vna cvm varietatibvs et synonymis, confectvs a D.G.H.L. [i.e. George Heinrich Luenemann] Gottingae, apud Henricvm Dieterich, 1808. 36 p. [With Persoon, C. H. Synopsis methodica fvngorvm. Gottingae, 1801, pt. 2] *Persoon, Christian Hendrik. Traité sur les champignons comestibles; contenant l'indication des espèces nuisibles; précédé d'une introduction à l'histoire des champignons. Paris, Belin-Leprieur, 1818. 276 p. plates (partly fold.) Bound with Brongiart, Adolphe. Essai d'une classification naturelle des champignons. Paris, 1825. Petch, Thomas. The physiology & diseases of Hevea brasiliensis, the premier planta- tion rubber tree. London, Dulau, 1911. 268 p. illus. Pfeffer, Wilhelm Friedrich Phillip. Pflanzenphysiologie ; ein Handbuch der Lehre vom Stoffwechsel und Kraftwechsel in der Pflanze. 2. vôllig. umgearb. Aufl. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1897-1904. 2 v. illus. Phantom flowers; a treatise on the art of producing skeleton leaves. Boston, J. E. Tilt on, 1864. 96 p. plates. Cover-title : Skeleton leaves and phantom flowers. Phillips, Leslie. Medicated baths in the treatment of skin diseases. London, H. K. Lewis, 1893. 103 p. 50 Phillips, William. A manual of the British Discomycetes ; with descriptions of all the species of fungi hitherto found in Britain, included in the family and illustrations of the genera. 2d ed. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1893. 462 p. plates. (International scientific series, v. 61) Picton, Harold Williams. The story of chemistry. London, Isbister [18891 384 p. illus. Piney, Alfred, ed. Recent advances in microscopy; biological applications. London, J. and A. Churchill, 1931. 260 p. illus. Pitfield, Robert Lucas. A compend of bacteriology including pathogenic protozoa. 4th ed. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston [cl922] 297 p. illus. Plants of Manitoba. [London, Marcus and Ward, n.d.] 40 col. plates (unbound), folder. Ploetz, Karl Julius. Auszug aus der alten, mittleren und neueren Geschichte. [11th rev. ed.] Berlin, A. G. Ploetz, 1895. 434 p. Plowright, Charles Bagge. A monograph of the British Uredineae and Ustilagineae ; with an account of their biology including the methods of observing the germination of their spores and of their experimental culture. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, 1889. 347 p. illus. Podmore, Frank. Telepathic hallucinations: the new view of ghosts. London, Milner [1909] 128 p. illus. Pool, Raymond John, and Arthur T. Evans. First course in botany. Boston, Ginn [cl928] 414 p. illus. Pool, Raymond John. Flowers and flowering plants; an introduction to the nature and work of flowers and the classification of flowering plants. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1929. 378 p. illus. Porter, Charles Walter. The carbon compounds. 2d ed. [Boston] Ginn [cl931] 469 p. tables. Potter, David. A laboratory manual for general botany. Milwaukee, Bruce Publish- ing Co. [cl927] 2 pt. Part 2 is a volume of plates. Prairie agriculture. Winnipeg, Consolidated Stationery Co., n.d. 259 p. illus. (Manitoba course of agriculture, 2d series) Prantl, Karl Anton Eugene. An elementary text-book of botany. Edited by S. H. Vines. 5th ed. London, Swan Sonnenschein, 1893. 344 p. illus. Pratt, Anne. Wild flowers. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1853-55. 2 v. plates. Pre-Adamite man ; or, The story of our old planet and its inhabitants, told by scripture and science. 3d ed. London, Saunder, 1860. 334 p. Pritzel, Georg August. Thesaurus literaturae botanicae omnium gentium, inde a rerum botanicarum initiis ad nostra usque tempora, quindecim millia operum recensens. Curavit G. A. Pritzel. [Rev. éd.] Lipsiae, F. A. Brockhaus, 1872. 576 p. Proctor, Richard Anthony. Half-hours with the stars; a plain and easy guide to the knowledge of the constellations. [3d ed.?] London, Longmans, Green, 1903. 22 p. 12 plates (maps). Pryde, James, ed. Mathematical tables consisting of logarithms of numbers 1 to 108000, trigonometrical, nautical and other tables. London, W. and R. Chambers, 1892. 454 p. Punnett, Reginald Crundall. Mendelism. Cambridge [Eng.] Macmillan and Bowes, 1905. [63] p. 51 Punnett, Reginald Crundall. Mendelism. 3d ed. London, Macmillan, 1911. 176 p. illus. Punnett, Reginald Crundall. Mendelism. 7th ed. London, Macmillan, 1927. 236 p. illus. Ramsbottom, John. Fungi; an introduction to mycology. London, Ernest Benn [1929] 80 p. illus. Library has 2 copies. Ramsbottom, John. A handbook of the larger British fungi. Based on the Guide to Sowerby's models of British fungi in the Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History), by Worthington George Smith. London, British Museum, 1923. 222 p. illus. Rankin, William Howard. Manual of tree diseases. New York, Macmillan, 1929. 398 p. illus. Raunkiaer, Christen. The life of plants and statistical plant geography; being the collected papers of C. Raunkiaer. [Translated and edited by] K. Gram [and others] Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1934. 632 p. illus. Rawitscher, Felix. Der Geotropismus der Pflanzen. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1932. 420 p. illus. *Rat, John. Methodus plantarum emendata et aucta. In quâ notae maxime charac- teristicae exhibentur, quibus stirpium genera turn summa, turn infima cognoscuntur & à se mutuo dignoscuntur, non necessariis omissis. Accedit Methodus graminum, juncorum et cyperorum specialis. Eodem auctore. Londini, apud C. A. Myntsing, 1733. 196 p. fold, charts. Rayner, M. Cheveley. Mycorrhiza; an account of non-pathogenic infection by fungi in vascular plants and Bryophytes. London, Wheldon and Wesley, 1927. 246 p. illus. Rea, Carleton. British Basidiomycetae ; a handbook to the larger British fungi. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1922. 799 p. *Rebentisch, Johann Friedrich. Index plantarum circa Berolinam sponte nascentium, adjectis aliquot fungorum descriptionibus. Berlin, Schuppel, 1805. 46 p. Reed, Howard Sprague. A short history of the plant sicences. Waltham, Mass., Chronica Botanica, 1942. 320 p. illus. Renouf, L. P. W. Plant and animal ecology. London. John Murray [1933] 197 p. illus. Ricken, Adalbert. Die Blâtterpilze (Agaricaceae) ; Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Lander, besonders Oesterreichs und der Schweiz. Leipzig, Theodor Oswald Wiegel, 1915. 480 p. and atlas. Rigg, George Burton. College botany; with special reference to liberal education. Philadelphia, Lea and Febiger, 1930. 442 p. illus. Roberts, Herbert Fuller. Plant hybridization before Mendel. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1929. 374 p. illus. Library has 2 copies. Roger, R. S. Some developments in orchidology. [Sydney, Australia, 1933] [35] p. table. (In Report of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science, v. 20, [3311-365 [1932]?) Presidential address, Sydney, 1932. Rohde, Eleanour Sinclair. The old English herbals. London, Longmans, Green, 1922. 243 p. illus. Rolfe, Robert Thatcher, and F. W. Rolfe. The romance of the fungus world; an account of fungus life in its numerous guises, both real and legendary. London, Chapman and Hall, 1925. 309 p. illus. 52 Ross, Hermann. Die Pflanzengallen (Cecidien) Mittel- und Nordeuropas; ihre Erreger und Biologie und Bestimmungstabellen, von H. Ross. [2d éd.] von H. Hedicke. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1927. 348 p. illus. Rostafinski, Jozef Tomasz, and M. Woronin. Uber Botrydium granulatum. Leipzig, Arthur Felix, 1877. 18 p. plates, pamphl. Rostrup, Emil, i.e., Frederik Emil George. Danish fungi as represented in the herbarium of E. Rostrup. Revised by J. Lind. Copenhagen, Glydendalske, 1913. 647 p. illus. Rousseau, Jacques. Notions élémentaires de génétique. [2d éd.] Montreal, Jardin botanique, 1941. 153 p. illus. (Bulletin du Jardin botanique de Montreal, no. 2, 1941) Routledge, Robert. A popular history of science. 2d éd. London, George Routledge, n.d. 673 p. illus. Rowan, William. The riddle of migration. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1931. 151 p. illus. Royal Horticultural Society, London. Lily year-book, 1933. London, 1932 + illus. Royal Society of Canada, Ottawa. Fifty years retrospect ; anniversary volume, 1882- 1932. [Ottawa, 1932?] 179 p. Royal Society of Canada, Ottawa. Proceedings and transactions, ser. 3, v. 2-29, 1908-35; 37, 1943. Montreal, 1882 + Royal Society of London. The record of the Royal Society of London for the promotion of natural knowledge. 4th ed. London, Printed for the Royal Society by Morrison & Gibb, Edinburgh, 1940. 578 p. illus. Russell, Sir Edward John. Lessons on soil. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1911. 131 p. illus. (Cambridge nature study series) Rutley, Frank. Mineralogy. 6th ed. London, Thomas Murby [pref. 1894] 241 p. illus. Sachs, Julius von. History of botany (1530-1860). [Translated] by Henry E. F. Garnsey [and] revised by Isaac Bayley Balfour. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1890. 568 p. Sachs, Julius von. Lectures on the physiology of plants. Translated by H. Marshall Ward. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1887. 836 p. illus. Sachs, Julius von. Text-book of botany; morphological and physiological. Edited by Sydney H. Vines. 2d ed. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1882. 980 p. illus. Sargent, Frederick Leroy. Plants and their uses; an introduction to botany. New York, Henry Holt, 1913. 610 p. illus. Sartory, Auguste. Champignons parasites de l'homme et animaux. [Paris?] [ca.1925] 2 v. [973 p.] illus. Scarth, George William. An elementary course in general physiology: pt. 1, principles and theory, by G. W. Scarth; pt. 2, laboratory exercises, by F. E. Lloyd and G. W. Scarth. New York, John Wiley, 1930. 258 p. illus. Schaeffer, Asa Arthur. Ameboid movement. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1920. 156 p. illus. *Schaeffer, Jakob Christian. Fvngorvm qui in Bavaria et Palatinatv circa Ratis- bonam nascvntvr coloribvs expressae. Editio nova commentario avcta a Dr. C. H. Persoon. Erlangae, apvd Ioannem Iacorvm Palmivm, 1800. 4 v. in 2. plates, port. Schàfer, Sir Edward Albert. Sec Sharpey-Schafer, Sir Edward Albert. Scharlieb, Dame Mary Ann Dacomb (Bird). Womanhood and race-regeneration. London, Cassell, 1912. 63 p. (New tracts for the times) 53 Schimper, Andreas Franz Wilhelm. Pflanzen-Geographie auf physiologischer Grundlage. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1898. 876 p. illus. Schleiden, Matthias Jakob. Grundzuge der wissenschaftliehen Botanik; nebst einer metholologischen Einleitung als Anleitung zum Studium der Pflanze. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1861. 709 p. illus. Schmidt, Harry. Relativity and the universe; a popular introduction into Einstein's theory of space and time. [Translated] by Karl Wichmann. London, Methuen [1921] 134 p. Schottelius, Max. Bakterien, Infektionskrankheiten und deren Bekâmpfung. Stuttgart, Ernest Heinrich Mortiz, 1905. [pub. 1904] 237 p. illus. Schwarz, Frank. Die Erkrankung der Kiefern durch Cenangium abietis. Beitrag zur Geschichte einer Pilzepidemie. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1895. 126 p. (unbound). plates. Science and religion, by seven men of science: Oliver Joseph Lodge [and others] London, W. A. Hammond [1914?] 138 p. ports. Scott, Charles B. Nature study and the child. Boston, D. C. Heath, 1900. 618 p. illus. Scott, Dukinfield Henry. The evolution of plants. London, Williams and Norgate [cl911] 256 p. illus. (Home university library of modern knowledge) Library has 2 copies. Scott, Dukinfield Henry. Extinct plants and problems of evolution; founded on a course of public lectures delivered at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, in 1922. London, Macmillan, 1924. 240 p. illus. Scott, Dukinfield Henry. Flowerless plants. 10th ed. Edited by F. T. Brooks. London, A and C. Black, 1932. 332 p. illus. Scott, Dukinfield Henry. Studies in fossil botany. London, Adam and Charles Black, 1900. 533 p. illus. Seaver, Fred Jay. The North American cup-fungi (Operculates). New York, The author, 1928. 284 p. illus. Seifriz, William Ernest. Protoplasm. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1936. 584 p. illus. Selby, Augustine Dawson. A brief handbook of the diseases of cultivated plants in Ohio. [Wooster, Ohio] Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, 1910. [149] p. illus. (Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, bulletin 214) Semper, Karl Gottfried. The natural conditions of existence as they affect animal life. 3d ed. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, 1883. 472 p. illus. (Inter- national scientific series, v. 31) Senn, Gustav. Die Gestalts- und Lageverànderung der Pflanzen-Chromatophoren ; mit einer Beilage: die Lichtbrechung der lebenden Pflanenzelle. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1908. 397 p. illus. Seton, Ernest Thompson. Life-histories of northern animals; an account of the mammals of Manitoba, v. 1, Grass-eaters, v. 2, Flesh-eaters. New York, Scribner, 1909. 2 v. illus. Seton, Ernest Thompson. Wild animals I have known. Toronto, Morang, 1905. 358 p. illus. Seward, Albert Charles, ed. Darwin and modern science; essays in commemoration of the centenary of the birth of Charles Darwin and of the fiftieth anni- versary of the publication of The origin of species. Cambridge [Eng.] Uni- versity Press, 1909. 595 p. illus. Seward, Albert Charles. Links with the past in the plant world. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1911. 142 p. illus. 54 Seward, Albert Charles. Plant life through the ages; a geological and botanical retrospect. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1931. 601 p. illus. Seymour, Arthur Bliss. Host index of the fungi of North America. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1929. 732 p. Seynes, Jules de. Essai d'une flore mycologique de la région de Montpellier et du Gard; observations sur les Agaricinés suives d'une enumeration méthodique. Paris, J.-B. Baillière, 1863. 156 p. maps, plates. Seynes, Jules de. Recherches pour servir à l'histoire naturelle des végétaux inférieurs. Paris, F. Savy, 1874-88. 3 fasc. plates. Library has 2 copies of 2d fasc. Sharp, Lester Whyland. An introduction to cytology. 2d éd. New York, McGraw- Hill, 1926. 581 p. illus. Sharpey-Schafer, Sir Edward Albert. The essentials of histology, descriptive and practical, by E. A. Schafer. 4th ed. London, Longmans, Green, 1894. 302 p. illus. Sharpey-Schafer, Sir Edward Albert. The essentials of histology, descriptive and practical, by E. A. Schafer. 9th ed. Philadelphia, Lea and Febiger, 1914. 571 p. illus. Shirai, Mitsutaro. A list of Japanese fungi hitherto known. Revised by Kanesuke Hara. 3d ed. n.p., 1927. 448 p. Shull, Aaron Franklin. Heredity. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1926. 287 p. illus. Singleton, Esther, ed. Wonders of nature, as seen and described by famous writers. Edited and translated by Esther Singleton. New York, P. F. Collier [cl900] 366 p. illus. Sinnott, Edmund Ware. Botany; principles and problems. 2d ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1929. 441 p. illus. Sinnott, Edmund Ware. Botany; principles and problems. 3d ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1935. 525 p. illus. Sinnott, Edmund Ware, and L. C. Dunn. Principles of genetics. 2d ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1932. 441 p. illus. Small, James. A textbook of botany for medical and pharmaceutical students. London, J. and A. Churchill, 1921. 681 p. illus. Smith, Annie Lorrain. Lichens. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1921. 464 p. illus. (Cambridge botanical handbooks) Smith, Annie Lorrain. A monograph of the British lichens; a descriptive catalogue of the species in the Department of Botany, British Museum, pt. 1, 2d ed. London, British Museum, 1918. 519 p. plates. Smith, Erwin Frink. An introduction to bacterial diseases of plants. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1920. 688 p. illus. Smith, Gilbert Morgan. Phytoplankton of the inland lakes of Wisconsin, pt. 1-2. Madison, Wis., The State [of Wisconsin] 1920-24. 2 v. illus. (Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, bulletin no. 57, scientific series no. 12) Pt. 2 published by the University of Wisconsin. Smith, Gilbert Morgan, and others. A textbook of general botany. New York, Macmillan, 1924. 409 p. illus. Smith, Gilbert Morgan, and others. A textbook of general botany. 3d ed. New York, Macmillan, 1935. 574 p. illus. Smith, Sir James Edward. The English flora, v. 5, pt. 2. London, Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1824-36. 386 p. Vol. 5, issued in 2 pt., comprises v. 2 of Dr. William Jackson Hooker's British flora. 55 Smith, James Hamblin. Elementary algebra. London, Rivington's 1885. 398 p. Smith, Worthington George. Guide to Sowerby's models of British fungi in the Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). 2d ed. [London] Printed by order of the Trustees [of the British Museum] 1908. 85 p. illus. Société Française de ChrysanThémistes. Répertoire de couleurs pour aider à la détermination des couleurs des fleurs, des feuillages et fruits. Paris, 1905. 2 v. (unbound), illus., plates. Includes a pamphlet of instructions. Société Mycologique de France. Bulletin. Vol. 1-26, 1885-1910. Paris, 1885 + Imprint varies. Bound, 2 years to a volume. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London. Chemical research in its bearings on national welfare. London, 1912. 80 p. Soddy, Frederick. Matter and energy. London, Williams and Norgate [cl912] 255 p. table. (Home university library of modem knowledge) Sollas, William Johnson. Ancient hunters; and their modern representatives. London, Macmillan, 1911. 416 p. illus. Spilger [Ludwig?] Adna Sammlung aus der Natur. [Band 4-5, Pilze] Stuttgart, K. C. Lutz [pref. 1925] 96 p. plates. Stein, Robert Otto. Die Fadenpilzerkrankungen des Menschen. [2d éd.] Munchen, J. F. Lehmanns, 1930. 128 p. illus. (Lehmanns medizinische Atlanten, Bd. 12) Step, Edward. Toadstools and mushrooms of the countryside; a pocket guide to the larger fungi. London, Hutchinson [1913] 143 p. illus. Step, Edward. Wayside and woodland trees; a pocket guide to the British sylva. London, Frederick Warne, 1908. 182 p. illus. *Sterbeeck, Franciscus van. Theatrum fungorum; oft, Het tooneel der campernoelien. T'Anterwerpen, By I. Iacobs, 1675. 396 p. plates. Stevens, Frank Lincoln. The fungi which cause plant disease. New York, Mac- millan, 1913. 754 p. illus. Stevens, Frank Lincoln. Plant disease fungi. New York, Macmillan, 1925. 469 p. illus. Stevens, William Chase. Plant anatomy; from the standpoint of the development and functions of the tissues and handbook of micro-technic. 3d ed. Phila- delphia, P. Blakiston [cl916] 399 p. illus. Stevens, William Chase. Plant anatomy; from the standpoint of the development and functions of the tissues and handbook of micro-technic. 4th ed. Phila- delphia, P. Blakiston [cl924] 398 p. illus. Stevenson, John. British fungi (Hymenomycetes). Edinburgh, William Blackwood, 1886. 2 v. illus. Stevenson, John. Mycologia Scotia; the fungi of Scotland and their distribution. Edinburgh, Cryptogamic Society of Scotland, 1879. 443 p. map. Stewart, Robert Wallace. A text-book of heat. London, W. B. Clive, n.d. 286 p. illus. Stewart, Robert Wallace. A text-book of light. London, W. B. Clive, n.d. 208 p. illus. Stirling, William. Outlines of practical physiology; being a manual for the physio- logical laboratory. 3d ed. London, Charles Griffin, 1895. 402 p. illus. 56 Stoklasa, Julius. Die Beschâdigungen der Vegetation durch Rauchgase und Fabrik- sexhalationen. Berlin, Urban und Schwarzenberg, 1923. 487 p. illus. Stone, Herbert. The timbers of commerce and their identification. London, William Rider, 1904. 311 p. plates. Stopes, Marie Charlotte Carmichael. Ancient plants; being a simple account of the past vegetation of the earth and of recent important discoveries made in this realm of nature study. London, Blackie, 1910. 196 p. illus. Strasburger, Eduard. Handbook of practical botany for the botanical laboratory and private student. Edited from the German by W. Hillhouse. London, Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey, 1887. 425 p. illus. Strasburger, Eduard. Handbook of practical botany for the botanical laboratory and private student. Translated and edited from the German by W. Hillhouse. 5th ed. London, Swan Sonnenschein, 1900. 519 p. illus. Strasburger, Eduard. Handbook of practical botany for the botanical laboratory and private student. Translated and edited from the German by W. Hillhouse. 7th ed. London, George Allen, 1911. 527 p. illus. Strasburger, Eduard, and others. Lehrbuch der Botanik fur Hochschulen. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1898. 570 p. illus. Strasburger, Eduard, and others. Strasburger's text-book of botany. Re-written by Hans Fitting [and others] 6th ed. Translated from the 17th German edition by W. H. Lang. London, Macmillan, 1930. 818 p. illus. Strasburger, Eduard. Ueber das Verhalten des Pollens und die Befruchtungsvorgânge bei den Gymnospermen. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1892. 158 p. (unbound). illus. (His Histologische Beitrage, Heft 4) Sullivan, John William Navin. Isaac Newton, 1642-1727. New York, Macmillan, 1938. 275 p. Swanton, Ernest W. Fungi and how to know them; an introduction to field mycology. London, Methuen [1909] 210 p. plates. Sydenham, Robert. All about sweet peas. 5th ed. [Birmingham, Robert Sydenham Ltd.] 1910. [131] p. Swingle, Deane Bret. A textbook of systematic botany. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1928. 254 p. illus. Tabernaemontanus, Jacobus Theodorus. See Theodorus, Jacobus. Tansley, Arthur George, and T. F. Chipp, eds. Aims and methods in the study of vegetation. London, British Empire Vegetation Committee, 1926. 383 p. illus. Taplin, Alfred Betts. Hypnotism. Liverpool, Littlebury, 1912. 133 p. Tavel, Franz von. Vergleichende Morphologie der Pilze. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1892. 208 p. illus. Thatcher, Roscoe Wilfred. The chemistry of plant life. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1921. 268 p. tables. Theobald, Frederick Vincent, and John Ramsbottom. The enemies of the rose. London, National Rose Society, cl925. 165 p. illus. (National Rose Society handbook) *Theodorus, Jacobus. New vollkommenlich Krâuter-Buch, mit schonen und kiinstlichen Figuren aller Gewâchs der Bâumen, Standen und Krâutern, so in Teutschen und Welschen Landen, auch in Hispanien, Ost- und West-Indien. [3d ed.] Beschrieben werden durch Jacobum Theodorum Tabernaemontanum ; verbessert durch Casparum Bauhinum; vermehret durch Hieronymum Bauhinum. Basel, Johann Konigy',1664. 1529 p. illus. 57 Theophrastus (370-285 B.C.?). Enquiry into plants and minor works on odours and weather signs, with an English translation by Arthur Hort. London, William Heinemann, 1916. 2 v. port. Greek and English text on alternate pages. *Theophrastus (370-285 B.C.?). Theophrasti Eresii de historia plantarum libri decern, Graece, cum syïlabo generum et specierum, glossario, et notis. v. 1, Curante Joh. Stackhouse. Oxonii, excudebat S. Collingwood, 1813. 241 p. illus. Thoday, D. Botany; a text-book for senior students. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1915. 474 p. illus. Thom, Charles, and Margaret B. Church. The Aspergilli. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1926. 272 p. illus. Thom, Charles. The Penicillia. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1930. 644 p. illus. Thome, Otto Wilhelm, and Alfred W. Bennett. Text-book of structural and physiological botany. 5th ed. London, Longmans, Green, 1885. 480 p. illus. Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth. On growth and form. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1917. 793 p. illus. Thomson, Sir John Arthur. The gospel of evolution. London, George Newnes [cl926] [211] p. port. Thomson, Sir John Arthur. Heredity. London, John Murray, 1908. 605 p. illus. Thomson, Sir John Arthur. Introduction to science. London, Williams and Nor- gate [cl911] 256 p. (Home university library of modern knowledge) Thomson, Sir John Arthur. Outlines of zoology. 2d ed. Edinburgh, Young J. Pentland, 1895. 820 p. illus. Thomson, Sir John Arthur, and Patrick Geddes. Problems of sex. London, Cassell, 1912. [62] p. Thorpe, Sir Thomas Edward. Essays in historical chemistry. London, Macmillan, 1894. 381 p. Tieghem, Philippe Edouard Léon van. See Van Tieghem, Philippe Edouard Léon. Tilden, Josephine Elizabeth. The algae and their life relations; fundamentals of phycology. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1935. 550 p. illus. Tilden, Josephine Elizabeth. Minnesota algae, v. 1, The Myxophyceae of North America and adjacent regions, including Central America, Greenland, Bermuda, the West Indies and Hawaii. Minneapolis [Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota, 1910] 328 p. plates. Tilden, Sir William Augustus. Introduction to the study of chemical philosophy; the principles of theoretical and systematic chemistry. London, Longmans, Green, 1891. 340 p. illus. Tilden, Sir William Augustus. Watt's manual of chemistry; theoretical and practical (based on Fownes' manual), v. 1, Physical and inorganic chemistry. London, J. and A. Churchill, 1889. 544 p. illus. Tit, Tom, pseud. Scientific amusements. Translated from the French by Cargill G. Knott. London, Thomas Nelson, n.d. 413 p. illus. *Tode, Heinrich Julius. Fvngi Mecklenbvrgenses selecti. fasc. I, Nova fvngorvm genera complectens. fasc. II, Genera novorvm appendicem et Sphaeriarvm acavlivm svbordines III priores complectens. Lvnebvrgi, apvd I. F. G. Lemke, 1790-91. 2 v. in 1. Todhunter, Isaac. Plane trigonometry, for the use of colleges and schools. Revised by R. W. Hogg. London, Macmillan, 1893. 405 p. illus. 58 Todhunter, Isaac. Trigonometry for beginners, with numerous examples. London, Macmillan, 1866. 192 p. illus. Todhunter, Isaac. Trigonometry for beginners, with numerous examples. 2d ed. London, Macmillan, 1868. 200 p. illus. Tory, Henry Marshall, ed. A history of science in Canada, by Frank Dawson [and others] Toronto, Ryerson Press [cl939] 152 p. illus. *Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de. Institutiones rei herbariae. Editio altera, gallica longe auctior. Parisiis, e Typographia regia, 1700. 3 v. Vol. 1, text; v. 2-3, plates. Trog, Jakob Gabriel. Verzeichniss schweizerischer Schwamme. Bern, Haller'sche Buchdruckerel, 1844. 76 p. Troup, Robert Scott. Silvicultural systems. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1928. 199 p. illus. Tubeuf, Karl, freiherr von. Diseases of plants induced by ciyptogamic parasites; introduction to the study of pathogenic fungi, slime-fungi, bacteria, and algae. English ed. by William G. Smith. London, Longmans, Green, 1897. 598 p. illus. Tubeuf, Karl, freiherr von, and others. Monographie der Mistel. Miinchen, R. Olden- bourg, 1923. 832 p. illus. ♦Tulasne, Louis-René, and Charles Tulasne. Fungi hypogei; histoire et mono- graphie des champignons hypogés. Paris, Friedrich Klincksieck, 1851. 222 p, plates. ♦Tulasne, Louis René, and Charles Tulasne. Selecta fungorum carpologia, ea documenta et icônes potissimum exhibens quae varia fructuum et seminum genera in eodem fungo simul aut vicissim adesse demonstrent. v. 1, Erysiphei. v. 2, Xylariei, Valsei, Sphaeriei. v. 3, Nectriei, Phacidiei, Pezizei. Parisiis, in Imperiali Typographeo excudebatur, 1861-65. plates. Tulasne, Louis René, and Charles Tulasne. Selecta fungorum carpologia of the brothers L. R. and C. Tulasne. v. 1, Erysiphei. v. 2, Xylariei, Valsei, Sphaeriei. v. 3, Nectriei, Phacidiei, Pezizei. Translated into English by W. B. Grove. Edited by A. H. Reginald Buller and C. L. Shear. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1931. plates. Library has 2 copies of v. 1. Turrill, William Bertram. The plant-life of the Balkan peninsula; a phy to- geographical study. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1929. 490 p. illus. (Oxford memoirs on plant geography) Tylor, Sir Edward Burnett. Anthropology; an introduction to the study of man and civilization. London, Macmillan, 1895. 448 p. illus. Tyndall, John. Essays on the floating-matter of the air in relation to putrefacation and infection. London, Longmans, Green, 1881. 338 p. illus. Underwood, Lucien Marcus. Moulds, mildews and mushrooms; a guide to the systematic study of the fungi and Mycetozoa and their literature. New York, Henry Holt, 1899. 236 p. plates. Unger, Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolas. Die Exanthème der Pflanzen und einige mit diesen verwandte Krankheiten der Gewâchse, pathogenetisch und nosographisch dargestellt. Vienna, Gerold, 1833. 422 p. illus. ♦Vaillant, Sébastien. Botanicon Parisiense; ou, Dénombrement par ordre alphabétique des plantes, qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris, compris dans la carte de la Prévoté et de l'Election de la dite ville par le Sieur Danet Gendre année 1722; avec plusieurs descriptions des plantes, leurs synonymes, le tems de fleurir et de grainer, et une critique des auteurs de botanique. [Illustrated by] Claude Aubriet. Leide et Amsterdam, chez Jean et Herman Verbeek et Balthazar Lakeman, 1727. 205 p. plates, fold map. 59 Vallée, Arthur. Michel Sarrazin, 1659-1735; sa vie, ses travaux et son temps. Québec, imprimé par Ls-A. Proulx, 1927. 291 p. At head of title : Un biologiste canadien. Vallery-Radot, René. The life of Pasteur. Translated from the French by Mrs. R. L. Devonshire. New York, Doubleday, Page, 1924. 484 p. port. van Heurck, Henri. See Heurck, Henri van. van Sterbeeck, Francis. See Sterbeeck, Francis van. Van Tieghem, Philippe Edouard Léon. Traité de botanique. [2d éd.] Paris, F. Savy, 1891. 2 v. illus. Vernon, Horace Middleton. Variation in animais and plants. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner, 1903. 415 p. illus. Vines, Sydney Howard. Lectures on the physiology of plants. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1886. 710 p. illus. von Esenbeck, Nées, Theodor Friedrich Ludwig. See Nées, Theodor Friedrich Ludwig, Esenbeck von. von Schweinitz, Lewis David. Synopsis fungorum in America boreali media de- gentium. [Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1832?] [175] p. pamphl. This copy of the paper, presumably, was printed as a separate in 1832 (see Mycologia,, v. 9, p. 196, 1917). The paper later came out in 1834 as p. 141-316 of v. 4 of the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Vorhees, Edward Burnett. First principles of agriculture. Boston, Silver, Burdett, 1900. 212 p. tables. Vries, Hugo de. Die Mutationstheorie ; Versuche und Beobachtungen uber die Entstehung von Arten in Pflanzenreich. Leipzig, Veit, 1901-03. 2 v. illus. Vries, Hugo de. Species and varieties; their origin by mutation. Edited by Daniel Trembly MacDougal. 2d ed. Chicago, Open Court Publishing Co., 1906. 847 p. port. Vuillemin, Paul. Les champignons; essai de classification. Paris, Octave Doin, 1912. 425 p. illus. (Encyclopédie scientifique, t. 2) Walker, Norman. An introduction to dermatology. 8th ed Edinburgh, W. Green, 1925. 373 p. illus. Wallace, Alfred Russel. Darwinism; an exposition of the theory of natural selec- tion with some of its applications. London, Macmillan, 1890. 494 p. illus. Wallace, Alfred Russel. Island life; or, The phenomena and cause of insular faunas and floras, including a revision and attempted solution of the problem of geological climates. 2d ed. London, Macmillan, 1895. 563 p. illus. Wallace, Alfred Russel. My life; a record of events and opinions. [2d ed.?] London, Chapman and Hall, 1908. 408 p. illus. Wallace, Alfred Russel. Vaccination a delusion; its penal enforcement a crime: proved by the official evidence in the reports of the royal commission. London, Swan Sonnenschein, 1898. 96 p. illus. pamphl. Waller, Augustus Désiré. An introduction to human physiology. 3d ed. London, Longmans, Green, 1896. 640 p. illus. Ward, Harry Marshall. Diseases in plants. London, Macmillan, 1901. 309 p. Ward, Harry Marshall. Diseases of plants. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1896. 196 p. illus. Ward, Harry Marshall. The oak; a popular introduction to forest-botany. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner, 1892. 175 p. illus. Ward, Harry Marshall. Timber and some of its diseases. London, Macmillan, 1889. 295 p. illus. 60 Ward, Henry Baldwin, and George Chandler Whipple. Fresh-water biology. New York, John Wiley, 1918. 1111 p. illus. Ward, Nathaniel Bagshaw. On the growth of plants in closely glazed cases. 2d ed. London, John Van Voorst, 1852. 143 p. illus. Wardle, Robert Arnold. The problems of applied entomology. New York, McGraw- Hill, 1929. 587 p. illus. Weaver, John Ernst, and Frederic E. Clements. Plant ecology. New York, McGraw- Hill, 1929. 520 p. illus. Weaver, John Ernst. Root development of field crops. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1926. 291 p. illus. Weaver, John Ernst, and William E. Bruner. Root development of vegetable crops. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1927. 351 p. illus. Weber, Josef Carl. Die Alpen-Pflanzen Deutschlands und der Schweiz. [4th éd.] Munich, Christian Kaiser, 1880. 4 v. plates. Plants identified in English, French, German and Latin. Vol. 1-2, 1880; v. 3-4, 1879. Weismann, August. The evolution theory. Translated by J. Arthur Thomson and Margaret R. Thomson. London, Edward Arnold, 1904. 2 v. illus. Went, Friedrich August Ferdinand Christian. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Botanik. Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1933. 422 p. illus. West, G. S. A treatise on the British freshwater algae ; in which are included all the pigmented Protophyta hitherto found in British freshwaters. Revised by F. E. Fritsch. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1927. 534 p. illus. Wheeler, Seager. Seager Wheeler's Book on Profitable grain growing, with a biographical sketch by Hopkins Moorehouse. [2d éd.] Winnipeg, Grain Growers' Guide, 1919. 351 p. illus. Wheeler, William Morton. Social life among the insects; being a series of lectures delivered at the Lowell Institute in Boston in March, 1922. New York, Harcourt Brace, 1923. 375 p. illus. Whetham, William Cecil Dampier. See Dampier, Sir William Cecil Dampier. Whetzel, Herbert Hice. An outline of the history of phytopathology. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1918. 130 p. ports. White, Gilbert. The natural history and antiquities of Selborne, with observations on various parts of nature and the naturalist's calendar, by Rev. Gilbert White. Edited, with notes, by Sir William Jardine. London, George Rout- ledge, 1891. 475 p. illus. White, Gilbert. The natural history of Selborne, with a naturalist's calendar and additional observations. London, Walter Scott, 1887. 366 p. White, James Herbert. The forest trees of Ontario, and the more commonly planted foreign trees; a guide to their identification. Toronto, C. W. James, King's Printer, 1925. 80 p. illus. At head of title: Department of Lands and Forests, Ontario, Forestry Branch. Wtiedersheim, Robert. Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Trans- lated from the 3d German edition by W. N. Parker. 2d ed. London, Mac- millan, 1897. 488 p. illus. Wiedersheim, Robert. Grundris der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbelthiere fiir Studierende bearbeitet. [4th ed.] Jena [Germany] Gustav Fischer, 1898. 559 p. illus. 61 Wiesner, Julius. Anatomie und Physiologie der Pflanzen. [3d éd.] Wien, Alfred Holder, 1890. 350 p. illus. (His Elemente der wissenschaftlichen Botanik, Bd. 1) Wiesner, Julius. Biologie der Pflanzen; mit einem Anhang; die historische Entwick- lung der Botanik. Wien, Alfred Holder, 1889. 305 p. illus. (His Elemente der wissenschaftlichen Botanik, Bd. 3) Wiesner, Julius. Die Elemenstarstructur und das Wachsthum der lebenden Substanz. 'Wien, Alfred Holder, 1892. 283 p. Wiesner, Julius. Elemente der Anatomie und Physiologie der Pflanzen. [2d éd.] Wien, Alfred Holder, 1885. 2 pt. (unbound; paged continuously). illus. (His Elemente der wissenschaftlichen Botanik, Bd. 1) Wiesner, Julius. Elemente der Organographie, Systematik und Biologie der Pflanzen; mit einem Anhang: die historische Entwicklung der Botanik. Wien, Alfred Holder, 1884. 449 p. illus. (His Elemente der wissenschaftlichen Botanik, Bd. 2) Wiesner, Julius, and others. Jan Ingen-Housz ; sein Leben und sein Wirken als Naturforscher und Arzt. Wien, Carl Konegen, 1905. 252 p. port. Wiesner, Julius. Die naturlichen Einrichtungen zum Schutze des Chlorophylls der lebenden Pflanze. Vienna, K. K. Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft, 1876. 31 p. Wiesner, Julius. Organographie und Systematik der Pflanzen. [2d éd.] Wien, Alfred Holder, 1891. 368 p. illus. (His Elemente der wissenschaftlichen Botanik, Bd. 2) Wiesner, Julius. Die Rohstoffe des Pflanzenreiches. 4 Aufl. v. 1, Alkaloide bis Hefen. Unter mitwirkung von F. Boas, K. Bouront [u.a.] Hrsg. von Paul Krais und Wilhelm von Brehmer. Leipzig, WTilhelm Engelmann, 1927. 1122 p. illus. Willis, John Christopher, and others. Age and area; a study in geographical dis- tribution and origin of species. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1922. 259 p. illus. Wilson, Carl Louis, and Julia M. Haber. An introduction to plant life. New York, Henry Holt [cl935] 493 p. illus. Wilson, Edmund Beecher. The cell in development and heredity. 3d ed. New York, Macmillan, 1925. 1232 p. illus. Wilson, Edmund Beecher. The cell in development and inheritance. 2d ed. New York, Macmillan, 1902. 483 p. illus. (Columbia University biological series, v. 4) Withering, William. A systematic arrangement of British plants. Corrected and condensed by W. MacGillivray. 4th ed. London, Scott, Webster, and Geary, 1837. 407 p. plates. Wollenweber, Hans Wilhelm, and O. A. Reinking. Die Fusarien, ihre Beschreibung, Schadwirkung und Bekampfung. Berlin, Paul Parey, 1935. 355 p. illus. Wood, Thomas Barlow. The story of a loaf of bread. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1913. 140 p. illus. Library has 2 copies. Woodhead, Thomas William. The study of plants; an introduction to botany and plant ecology. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1915. 440 p. illus. Woods, Henry. Elementary palaeontology; invertebrate. Cambridge [Eng.] Univer- sity Press, 1893. 222 p. illus. 62 Wright, John. Mushrooms for the million; a practical treatise on the cultivation of the most profitable outdoor crop known. 6th ed. London, Journal of Horticulture, 1889. 152 p. illus. Wrightson, John. Agricultural text-book; embracing soils, manures, tillage, rotations of crops, and live stock. [2d ed.?] London, William Collins, n.d. 263 p. illus. Wunsche, Otto. Exkursionsflora fiir das Kônigreich Sachsen und die angrenzenden Gegenden; die hoheren Pflanzen. [7th ed.] Leipzig, B. G. Teibner, 1895. 475 p. Yapp, R. H. Botany; a junior book for schools. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1923. 193 p. illus. Youngken, Heber Wilkinson. Pharmaceutical botany; a text-book for students of pharmacy and science. 3d ed. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston [cl921] 479 p. illus. Youngken, Heber Wilkinson. Pharmaceutical botany; a text-book for students of pharmacy and general science. 4th ed. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston [cl923] 538 p. illus. Youngken, Heber Wilkinson. Pharmaceutical botany. 5th ed. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston [cl927] 692 p. illus. Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten; Organ fiir die Gesamtinteressen des Pflanzen- schutzes. v. 1-24, 1891-1914. Edited by Paul Sorauer. Stuttgart, Eugen Ulmer, 1891 + illus. Vol. 1-20 are bound, 2 years to a volume. Zellner, Julius. Chemie der hoheren Pilze. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1907. 257 p. Tables. Zimmermann, Albrecht. Botanical microtechnique; a hand-book of methods for the preparation, staining, and microscopical investigation of vegetable struc- tures. Translated from the German by James Ellis Humphrey. New York, Henry Holt [cl896] 296 p. illus. Zopf, Wilhelm Friedrich, comp. Die Pilze ; in morphologischer, physiologischer, biologischer und systematiseher Beziehung. Breslau [Germany] Eduard Trewendt, 1890. 500 p. illus. Zopf, Wilhelm Friedrich. Die Pilzthiere oder Schleimpilze. Breslau [Germany] Eduard Trewendt, 1885. 174 p. illus. Zopf, Wilhelm Friedrich. Untersuchungen iiber Parasiten aus der Gruppe der Monadinen. Halle [Germany] Max Niemeyer, 1887. 39 p. (unbound). plates. 63 NONSCIENTIFIC SECTION SECTION NON SCIENTIFIQUE Abbott, Edwin Abbott. Via Latina: a first Latin book. London, Seeley, 1903. 328 p. Cover title: Abbott's first Latin book. Acland, Sir Arthur Herbert Dyke, and Cyril Ransome. A handbook in outline of the political history of England to 1882; chronologically arranged. 2d ed. London, Rivingtons, 1882. 287 p. Aeschylus. The tragedies of Aeschylus. Re-edited with an English commentary by F. A. Paley. 2d ed. London, Whittaker, 1861. 656 p. Text in Greek. Aitken, Sir Max. See Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, baron. Allardyce, Paul, pseud. See Macdonell, George Paul. Allen, Grant. Evolution in Italian art. London, Grant Richards, 1908. [372] p. illus. An almanack for the year of Our Lord 1904, by Joseph Whitaker. London [Whitaker] 1904. 792 p. tables. Cover title: Whitaher's almanack, 1904- Amiel, Henri-Frédéric. Amiel's journal; the journal intime of Henri-Frédéric Amiel. Translated with an introduction and notes by Mrs. Humphrey Ward. London, Macmillan, 1890. 318 p. port. Angell, Sir Norman. Prussianism and its destruction, with which is reprinted pt. II of The great illusion. Toronto, Mclelland, Goodchild and Stewart [1914?] 240 p. The Arabian nights entertainments. Translated from the Arabic. Edinburgh, William P. Nimmo, 1870. 540 p. illus. Aristoteles. The ethics of Aristotle, with introductory essay by George Henry Lewes. (The Nieomachean ethics.) Chase's translation newly revised. London, Walter Scott [1890] 333 p. Arnold, Matthew. Dramatic and early poems. London, J. M. Dent, 1902. 274 p. port. Arnold, Matthew. Essays in criticism; first [and] second series. London, Mac- millan, 1907-08. 2 v. Arnold, Matthew. Poems, narrative, elegiac and lyric. [4th ed.] London, J. M. Dent, 1905. 277 p. port. Arnold, Matthew. The poems of Matthew Arnold, 1840 to 1866. [2d ed.?] London, J. M. Dent [1910] 367 p. (Everyman's library) Ashford, Daisy. The young visiters; or, Mr. Salteena's plan. New York, George H. Doran [cl919] 105 p. port. "The unaided effort in fiction of an authoress of nine years." — Pref. Auden, George A., ed. A handbook for Birmingham and neighbourhood; prepared for the 83rd annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Birmingham, Cornish Brothers, 1913. 637 p. illus. Auden, George A., ed. A handbook to York and district prepared for the 75th meet- ing of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1906. York, John Sampson, 1906. 365 p. illus. Aunt Friendly, pseud. Aunt Friendly 's nursery favourite. London, Frederick Warne, n.d. 1 v. (unpaged). illus. 64 Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus, emperor of Rome, 121-180. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus to himself; in English by Gerald H. Rendall. London, Macmillan, 1901. 167 p. front. Austen, Jane. Pride and prejudice. London, Cassell, 1908. 364 p. Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st baron. The use of life. London, Macmillan, 1895. 303 p. Bacon, Francis, viscount St. Albans. Bacon's essays; with annotations by Richard Whatley. London, Longmans, Green, 1899. 620 p. Bacon, George Washington. Bacon's new map of London. Drawn and engraved by G. W. Bacon. London, Cassell, n.d. col. map 96 X 70 cm. fold, to 20 X 13 cm. Scale 1 inch to 4 miles. Presented with pt. 1 of The people's edition of Cassell's Old and New London. Baedeker, Karl, firm, publisher, Leipzig. Switzerland, and the adjacent portions of Italy, Savoy and the Tyrol; handbook for travellers; with 39 maps, 12 plans, and 12 panoramas. 15th ed. Leipsic, Karl Baedeker, 1893. 496 p. illus., maps. Bailey, John Cann. Milton. London, Williams and Norgate [19271 256 p. (Home university library of modern knowledge) [Baker, Ray Stannard] Great possessions, by David Grayson [pseud.] London, Hodder and Stoughton, n.d. 259 p. illus. Barbusse, Henri. Under fire; the story of a squad (Le Feu). Translated by Fitzwater Wray. New York, E. P. Dutton [1917] 358 p. [Barham, Richard Harris] Ingoldsby legends, by Thomas Ingoldsby [pseud.] [69th éd.] London, Richard Bentley, 1879. 417 p. Barham, Richard Harris. The Ingoldsby legends. London, Collins, n.d. 518 p. illus. Barker, Marie Louise. Basic German for science students. 2d ed. Cambridge [Eng.] W. Heffer, 1934. 181 p. Barker, Marie Louise. Basic German reader for beginners; with questions, selected idioms and complete vocabulary. Cambridge [Eng.] W. Heffer, 1934. 121 p. illus. Barker, Marie Louise. A handbook of German intonation for university students. Cambridge [Eng.] W. Heffer, 1925. 102 p. *Baxter, Richard. The saints' everlasting rest. Abridged by Isaac Crewdson. 8th ed. London, Fisher, 1832. 211 p. Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, baron. Canada in Flanders, by Sir Max Aitken, M.P. [14th ed.?] London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1916. 243 p. maps. (Official story of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, v. 1) Bede, Cuthbert, B.A. pseud. See Bradley, Edward. Beebe, Charles William. Edge of the jungle. New York, Garden City Publishing Co., 1927. 303 p. port. Beebe, Charles William. Jungle peace. New York, Henry Holt, 1919. 297 p. illus. [Beith, John Hay] The oppressed English, by Ian Hay [pseud.] Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Page, 1917. 88 p. Belloc, Hillaire. The French Revolution. London, Williams and Norgate [1914] 256 p. (Home university library of modern knowledge) Bennett, Arnold. The card; a story of adventure in the five towns. 26th ed. London, Methuen [1927] 256 p. 65 Bernhardi, Friedrich Adam Julius von. Britain as Germany's vassal, by General Friedrich von Bernhardt; together with Kriegsbrauch The customs of war (published by the German General Staff, Berlin, 1902) and extracts from regulations adopted by the Hague Conference, 1907, and subscribed to by Germany. Translated by J. Ellis Barker. London, William Dawson, 1914. [255] p. Bible. English. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments. Translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently com- pared and revised, by His Majesty's special command. Oxford, University Press, 1883. 1 v. (unpaged). Bible. English. Authorized? [The Holy Bible. Authorized King James version? Comprising the Old and New Testaments .. .n. p., n.d.] 1278 + p. Copy imperfect: all after p. 1278 wanting. Bible. English. Authorized. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testa- ments, to which are appended: notes analytical, chronological, historical, and geographical; a Biblical index [etc.] Oxford, University Press [189-?] various pagings. maps. Bible. English. Rev. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments. Translated out of the original tongues; being the version set forth A.D. 1611, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised. Oxford, University Press, 1892. [900] p. Bible. N.T. English. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command. London British and Foreign Bible Society, n.d. 240 p. Bible. O.T. Isaiah. English. Isaiah. Edited with an introduction and notes by Richard G. Moulton. New York, Macmillan, 1907. 260 p. (Modern reader's Bible) Bible. O.T. Job. English. Rev. The book of Job. Edited, with an introduction and notes by Richard G. Moulton. New York, Macmillan, 1907. [177] p. Boccaccio, Giovanni. The Decameron; or, Ten days' entertainment of Boccaccio, with introduction by Thomas Wright. Nottingham, n.d. 532 p. illus. "Printed for private circulation." Bompas, George C. Life of Frank Buckland, by his brother-in-law. London, Smith, Elder, 1886. 433 p. port. Borrow, George Henry. The Bible in Spain; or, The journeys, adventures and imprisonments of an Englishman in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the peninsula. London, John Murray, 1899. 838 p. illus. Boswell, James. The life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Comprending an account of his studies, and numerous works, in chronological order; with his correspondence and conversations, by James Boswell. [5th ed.?] with notes by Edward Malone. London, Griffin, Bohn, 1862. 576 p. Bradley, Edward. The adventures of Mr. Verdant Green, by Cuthbert Bede, B.A. [pseud.] [London] T. Nelson [1911] 369 p. illus. British and German ideals; the meaning op war. The schism of Europe. Germany and the Prussian spirit. The Austro-Serbian dispute. [London, Macmillan, 1915] 119 p. These articles are reprinted from the September, 1914, and March, 1915, numbers of the Round Table. British Association for the Advancement of Science. A guide to Leicester and district. Leicester [Eng.] 1907. 420 p. illus. maps. Prepared for the Association's meeting in Leicester in 1907. 66 British Association for the Advancement of Science. Handbook and guide to Dundee and district. Dundee [Scot.] 1912. 683 p. illus., maps. Prepared for the members of the Association on the occasion of their visit to Dundee in 1912. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Handbook and guide to Sheffield. Sheffield, J. W. Northend, 1910. 502 p. illus., maps. Library has 2 copies. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Handbook of Birmingham. Prepared for the members of the British Association. 1886. Birmingham, Hall and English, 1886. 378 p. illus., maps. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Handbook of Canada. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1924. 449 p. illus., maps. "Issued by the local committee on the occasion of the meeting of the Association at Toronto, August, 1924." British Association for the Advancement of Science. A handbook to Winnipeg and the province of Manitoba; prepared for the 79th annual meeting of the British Association, 1909. Winnipeg, 1909. 301 p. illus., maps. Library has 2 copies. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Mersej^side ; a handbook to Liverpool and district prepared on the occasion of the meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in Liverpool, September, 1923. Edited by Alfred Holt. Liverpool, University Press of Liverpool [1923] 330 p. illus. Brontë, Charlotte. Villette. London, Collins, n.d. 624 p. illus. Brooke, Rupert. The complete poems of Rupert Brooke. London, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1933. [166] p. port. Browning, Elizabeth (Barrett). Poetical works. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell [pref. 1887] 612 p. port. Browning, Robert. Pocket volume of selections from the poetical works of Robert Browning. London, Smith, Elder, 1894. 319 p. Browning, Robert. The ring and the book. London, J. M. Dent [1916] 534 p. (Everyman's library) Bryce, James Bryce, viscount. Impressions of South Africa. 3d ed. London, Mac- millan, 1899. 499 p. fold. map. Buckle, Henry Thomas. History- of civilization in England. London, Longmans, Green, 1873. 3 v. Bulfinch, Thomas. The age of fable; or, Beauties of mythology. Edited by J. Loughran Scott. Rev. ed. Philadelphia, David McKay [cl898] 501 p. illus. Contains a classical index and dictionary. Bulow, Bernhard Heinrich Martin Karl, Furst von. Imperial Germany, by Prince Bernhard von Billow. London, Cassell, 1914. [284] p. port. Bunyan, John. The pilgrim's progress. London, Cassell, 1902. 415 p. illus. Preliminary pages: Life of Bunyan, by John Brown. Bunyan, John. The pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come. London, Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, n.d. [400] p. illus. Burnaby, Frederick Gustavus. A ride to Khiva; travels and adventures in central Asia. London, Cassell, n.d. 398 p. Burns, Robert. The poetical works of Robert Burns. London, Grant Richards, 1903. 607 p. 67 Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th baron. The poems & plays of Lord Byron, v. 3. Don Juan. The two Foscari. Werner. The deformed transformed. London, J. M. Dent [1933] 537 p. (Everyman's library) Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th baron. Poetry of Byron; chosen and arranged by Matthew Arnold. London, Macmillan, 1905. 276 p. Engraved t.-p. with vignette (portrait). Canada, Commission of Conservation. Committee on Fisheries, Game and Fur- bearing Animals. Fur-farming in Canada, by J. Walter Jones. Montreal, Gazette Printing Co., 1913. 166 p. illus. Canada. Dept. of the Interior. Canada. [An account of its resources and develop- ment] [Ottawa, 1904?] 90 p. illus. Carlyle, Thomas. Carlyle's essay on Burns, with The cotter's Saturday night and other poems from Burns. Edited by Willard C. Gore. New York, Mac- millan, 1914. 186 p. port. Carlyle, Thomas. The French revolution; a history, v. 1, The bastille, v. 2, The constitution, v. 3, The guillotine. London, Chapman and Hall, 1893. 3 v. Carlyle, Thomas. On heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history. London, Chapman and Hall, 1893. 235 p. Carlyle, Thomas. Past and present. London, Chapman and Hall, 1893. 268 p. Carroll, Lewis, pseud. See Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge. Cassell's Latin dictionary (Latin-English and English-Latin). Revised by J. R. V. Marchant and Joseph F. Charles. London, Cassell, 1910. 927 p. Cassell's new German dictionary. By Elizabeth Weir. London, Cassell, 1889. 1112 p. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Don Quixote de la Mancha. New York, A. L. Burt, n.d. 377 p. Translated from the Spanish. Chambers, Robert, ed. Cyclopedia of English literature; a history, critical and biographical, of British authors, from the earliest to the present times. Edin- burgh, William and Robert Chambers, 1843-44. 2 v. illus. Title varies: v. 1, Cyclopedia of English literature; consisting of a series of specimens of British writers in prose and verse; connected by a historical and critical narrative. Chambers's English dictionary. Edited by James Donald. London, W. and R. Chambers, 1879. 955 p. [Chater, R. D.] Latest sleights, illusions, mind reading and new card effects, by Hercat [pseud.] New ed. rev. and enl. London, Dean, 1906. 157 p. illus. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Edited by Alfred W. Pollard [and others] London, Macmillan, 1908. [772] p. Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. The Victorian age in literature. London, Williams and Norgate [cl913] 256 p. (Home university library of modern knowledge) The children's companion. London [Religious Tract Society] 1883. 192 p. illus. (no. 169-180, Jan./Dec, 1883) The children's friend. London, Seeley, Jackson and Halliday [1881] [188] p. illus. Church, Alfred John, and William Jackson. The history of Tacitus. London, Macmillan, 1888. 247 p. fold. map. Church, Alfred John. Stories from Homer. London, Seeley, Jackson and Halliday, 1878. 307 p. illus. 68 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Select letters of Cicero. Edited by G. E. Jeans. London, Macmillan, 1902. 113 p. illus. Clark, John Willis. A concise guide to the town and university of Cambridge; in four walks, with an additional walk through Efy Cathedral. Cambridge [Eng.] Macmillan and Bowes, 1904 220 p. illus. At head of title: British Association for the Advancement of Science, Cambridge Meeting, 1904. [Clemens, Samuel Langhorne] The adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer's comrade), by Mark Twain [pseud.] Toronto, Musson. n.d. 293 p. [Clemens, Samuel Langhorne] Is Shakespeare dead? From my autobiography, [by] Mark Twain [pseud.] New York, Harper, 1909. [150] p. illus. Clough, Arthur Hugh. Poems. 11th ed. London, Macmillan, 1885. 329 p. Cobbett, William. Cobbett's legacy to parsons; or, Have the clergy of the established church an equitable right to the tithes? In six letters. 6th ed. London [Printed by Mills and Son] 1835. 190 p. Cole, Grenville Arthur James. The growth of Europe. London, Williams and Norgate [1914] 256 p. illus. (Home university library of modern knowledge) Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. The rime of the ancient mariner, by Samuel Taylor Cole- ridge, with an introduction and notes by P. T. Creswell. London, Macmillan, 1904. 62 p. The collegiate atlas, n.p., William Collins, n.d. 48 p., 50 col. maps. Collier, Price. England and the English from an American point of view. Toronto, McClelland and Goodchild [cl909] 360 p. Compton-Rickett, Arthur. A primer of English literature. London, Thomas Nelson [1925] 208 p. ports. Conner, Ralph, pseud. See Gordon, Charles William. Conrad, Joseph. Within the tides. New York, Doubleday, Page, 1916. 300 p. Cowper, William. The complete poetical works of William Cowper, with life, and critical notice of his writings. Edinburgh, Gall and Inglis [pref. 1853] 516 p. illus. Cowper, William. Poems of William Cowper. London, Walter Scott [1894?] 334 p. Cox, Harold, and John E. Chandler. The House of Longmans, 1724-1924, with a record of their bicentenary celebrations. London, Longmans, Green, 1925. [95] p. illus. Cox, Samuel. Miracles: an argument and a challenge. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, 1884. 140 p. [Craigie, Pearl Mary Teresa (Richards)] The school for saints, by John Oliver Hobbes [pseud.] London, Collins, n.d. 314 p. illus. Cramb, John Adam. Germany and England. London, John Murray, 1914. 137 p. Crawford, Alexander Wellington. Hamlet, an ideal prince; and other essays in Shakespearean interpretation. Boston, Richard C. Badger [cl916] 317 p. Curtis, Lionel. The problem of the commonwealth. London, Macmillan, 1916. 247 p. illus. Gushing, Luther Stearns. Manual of parliamentary practice; rules of proceeding and debate in deliberative assemblies. Philadelphia, John C. Winston [cl907] 239 p. The Daily Mail year book for 1915. Edited by David Williamson. London, Associ- ated Newspapers [1914?] 293 p. illus. 69 Dampier, Sir William Cecil Dampier. The family and the nation; a study in natural inheritance and social responsibility, by William Cecil Dampier Whetham and Catherine Durning Whetham, his wife. London, Longmans, Green, 1909. 233 p. illus. Dante Alighieri. The vision; or, Hell, purgatory, and paradise. Translated by Rev. Henry Francis Cary. [3d ed.?] London, Henry G. Bohn, 1860. 543 p. port. Davidson, Thomas. A history of education. New York, Charles Scribner, 1901. 292 p. De Quincey, Thomas. The confessions of an English opium-eater. [3d éd.] London, J. M. Dent, 1900. 335 p. port. Defoe, Daniel. The adventures of Robinson Crusoe. London, Grant Richards, 1902. 309 p. (His works, v. 1) Defoe, Daniel. A journal of the plague year. London, Cassell, 1909. 298 p. Desmond, Frank. Everybody's guide to conjuring. London, S. G. Madgwick, n.d. 150 p. illus. Deutsche Lyrik. Selected and arranged by C. A. Buchheim. London, Macmillan, 1900. 415 p. Dickens, Charles. The adventures of Oliver Twist. London, Cassell, 1908. 432 p. Dickens, Charles. Christmas books: A Christmas carol. The chimes. The cricket on the hearth. The battle of life. The haunted man. London, Chapman and Hall, n.d. 483 p. illus. Dickens, Charles. The life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. London, Chapman and Hall [1907] 803 p. front. Dickens, Charles. The posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club. London, Chapman and Hall, n.d. 497 p. illus. [Dickens, Charles] Sketches by Boz [pseud.] London, Collins, n.d. 558 p. illus. [Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge] Alice's adventures in wonderland, by Lewis Carroll [pseud.] London, Macmillan, 1898. 174 p. illus. Bound with the author's Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there. [Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge] Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there, by Lewis Carroll [pseud.] London, Macmillan, 1898. 211 p. illus. Bound with the author's Alice's adventures in wonderland. London, 1898. Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich. The idiot. London, J. M. Dent [1916] 605 p. (Everyman's library) Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. The great Boer war. London, Smith, Elder, 1900. 552 p. maps. Drinkwater, John. A pageant of England's life presented by her poets, with a running commentary by John Drinkwater. London, Thornton Butterworth [1934] [222] p. illus. Drinkwater, John. Victorian poetry. London, H odder and Stoughton. [1923] 191 p. Dryden, John. Palamon and Arcite. Edited with notes and an introduction by Wil- liam Tenney Brewster. New York, Longmans, Green, 1898. 105 p. port. Durand, Hippolyte Théodore, éd. Les grands prosateurs; recueil des meilleures pages des plus célèbres écrivains français. [4th éd.] Paris, J. Hetzel, n.d. 387 p. 3d éd., 1873. Durkin, Douglas Leader. The heart of Cherry McBain. Toronto, Musson [cl919] 325 p. 70 Eayrs, Hugh S., and T. B. Costain. The amateur diplomat, a novel. London, Hodder and Stoughton, n.d. 313 p. Eliot, George, pseud., i.e. Marian Evans, afterwards Cross. The mill on the Floss. Edinburgh, William Blackwood, n.d. 486 p. illus. (Her novels, v .2) Eliot, George, pseud., i.e. Marian Evans, afterwards Cross. Mr. GimTs love-story. London, John Long, 1924. 195 p. Eliot, George, pseud., i.e. Marian Evans, afterwards Cross. Romola. Edinburgh, William Blackwood, n.d. 504 p. (Her novels, v. 6) Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson. London, George Rout- ledge, 1902. 634 p. port. Essays, etc., read before the members of the Banbury Mutual Improvement Society, during its first session, in the winter of 1862-3. Banbury [Eng.] Stone and Hartley, The library, 1863. 48 p. Eugène-Fasnacht, G. The student's comparative grammar of the French language, with an historical sketch of the formation of French. 11th ed. London, Williams and Norgate, 1888. 156 p. tables. An evening from among the thousand evenings which may be spent with Punch. London, Bradbury, Agnew, 1900. 189 p. illus. Cover title: An evening with "Punch." Every boy's annual. Edited by Edmund Routledge. n.p., George Routledge, 1886. 570 p. illus. Fawcett, Millicent (Garrett), "Mrs. Henry Fawcett." Political economy for beginners. London, Macmillan, 1880. 211 p. Fellows, Sir Charles. A journal written during an excursion in Asia Minor. London, John Murray, 1839. 347 p. illus. Fiedler, Hermann Georg, and F. E. Sandbach. A fiirst German course for science students. London, De La More Press, 1906. 99 p. illus. Library also has 1912 edition. Fiedler, Hermann Georg, and F. E. Sandbach. A second German course for science students. London, De La More Press, 1906. 76 p. Fielding, Henry. The history of Tom Jones, a foundling. London, George Routledge, 1886. 2 v. illus. Fowler, Hon. Ellen Thorneycroft, "Mrs. A. L. Felkin." A double thread. London, Hutchinson, 1899. 376 p. Fowler, Henry Watson, and F. G. Fowler. The King's English. 2d ed. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1925. 370 p. Fowler, William Warde. Rome. [9th ed.] London, Thornton Butterworth [1928] '256 p. France, Anatole. The crime of Sylvestre Bonnard. [Translated] by Lafcadio Hearn. 'London, John Lane [1925] 310 p. France, Anatole. Thai's. [Translated] by Robert B. Douglas. London, John Lane [1924] 243 p. Fraser, Sir John Foster. Canada as it is. London, Cassell, 1905. 303 p. illus. A French and English dictionary. Compiled from the best authorities of both languages by Professors De Lolme and Wallace and Henry Bridgeman. Revised by Professor E. Roubaud. London, Cassell [pref. 1881] 1122 p. Cover title: Cassell's French- English, English-French dictionary. 71 Frith, Henry. How to read character in handwriting; or, The grammar of graphology described and illustrated by Henry Frith. London, Ward, Lock, Bowden, n.d. 138 p. Frobenius, Herman. The German empire's hour of destiny, by Colonel Frobenius. London, John Long, 1914 [138] p. Fyffe, Charles Alan. History of Greece. London, Macmillan, 1906. 127 p. maps. Gardiner, Alfred George. Life of George Cadbury. London, Cassell, 1923. 324 p. illus. Gardiner, Alfred George. The pillars of society. London, J. M. Dent [pref. 1916] [320] p. ports. Gardner, Helen. Understanding the arts. New York, Harcourt Brace [cl932] 336 p. illus. Garnett, Richard. Life of Thomas Carlyle. London, Walter Scott, 1887. 186 p. Garvin, John William, comp. Canadian poems of the Great War. Toronto, Mc- ' Clelland and Stewart [cl918] 256 p. Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn (Stevenson). Cranford. Birmingham, E. F. Hudson, n.d. 245 p. port. Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn (Stevenson). Cranford. London, J. M. Dent, 1923. 245 p. port. Gayley, Charles Mills. Beaumont, the dramatist; a portrait, with some account of his circle, Elizabethan and Jacobean, and of his association with John Fletcher. New York, Century, 1914. 445 p. illus. Gell, Hon. Edith Lyttleton. The cloud of witness; a daily sequence of great thoughts from many minds, following the Christian seasons. London, Henry Froude [pref. 1891] 552 p. port. George, Henry. Progress and poverty; an inquiry into the cause of industrial depres- sions and of increase of want with increase of wealth. 25th anniv. ed. New York, Doubleday, Page, 1907. 568 p. Gibbon, Edward. The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. London, G. Virtue [184-?] decade uncertain. 2 v. illus. Gibbon, Edward. The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Edited, with introduction, by J. B. Bury. London, Methuen, 1896-1900. 7v. illus. Gilkes, Martin. On poetry. Birmingham, Cornish, 1933. 32 p. pamphl. Glaucia, the Greek slave. By the author of Faithful, but not famous, etc., etc. London, Religious Tract Society, n.d. 259 p. illus. The globe song folio : a collection of popular songs, duets, and sacred solos. London, Bayley and Ferguson, 1903. 238 p. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Criticisms, reflections, and maxims of Goethe. Trans- lated, with an introduction, by W. B. Rônnfeldt. London, Walter Scott, n.d. 261 p. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust; eine Tragôdie von Goethe, v. 2. Leipzig, Philipp Reclam jun., n.d. 208 p. (Universal-Bibliothek. 2) Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Iphigenie auf Tauris; a drama. Edited by C. A. Buchheim. 3d ed. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1888. 168 p. (Clarendon Press series, German classics, v. 5) *Goldsmith, Oliver. Dr. Goldsmith's abridged History of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the death of George II. To which is added a very extensive and faithful continuation to the death of George III, by J. Bigland; and also of the first seven years of the reign of George IV. Derby [Eng.] Henry Mozley, 1827. 418 p. illus. 72 Goldsmith, Oliver. The vicar of Wakefield. London, Collins, n.d. 314 p. illus. Goldsmith, Oliver. The vicar of Wakefield, by Oliver Goldsmith, with [his] poems and plays. London, Walter Scott, n.d. 460 p. illus. [Gordon, Charles William] The foreigner, a tale of Saskatchewan, by Ralph Conner [pseud.] Toronto, Westminster Co. [cl909] 384 p. Graves, Robert. I, Claudius; from the autobiography of Tiberius Claudius. London, Arthur Barker, 1934. 494 p. Gray, Thomas. The poetical works of Thomas Gray; English and Latin. Edited with an introduction, life, notes, and a bibliography by John Bradshaw. London, George Bell, 1901. 319 p. port. Grayson, David, pseud. See Baker, Ray Stannard. Great Britain. War Office. The King's regulations and orders for the army. 1912. Reprinted with amendments published in Army orders up to 1st August, 1914. London, H.M. Stationery Office, 1914. 574 p. Great Britain. War Office. Manual of military law. War Office, 1914. London, H.M. Stationery Office, 1916. 908 p. Grenfell, Edward Frederic. German exercises. Adapted to Vecqueray's German accidence for the use of schools, pt. 2. London, Rivingtons, 1878. 98 p. Haeckel," Ernst Heinrich Philipp August. Die Welthr&thsel. Gemeinverstândliche Studien iiber monistische Philosophie. [5th éd.] Bonn [Germany] Emil Straus, 1900. 473 p. port. Halévy, Ludovic. L'abbé Constantin. Edited by George Petilleau. London, Hachette, 1888. 316 p. Halfpenny, J., and Lilian B. Ireland. How to be healthy. Toronto, Educational Book Co. [cl911] 242 p. illus. Hall, Radclyffe. Adam's breed. London, Cassell [1927] [360] p. Happyman, Horace pseud. A box of stories; packed for young folks. London, Blackie, 1883 [1882] 184 p. illus. Harbou, Thea von. Metropolis. London, Reader's Library, n.d. 250 p. Hardy, Thomas. Desperate remedies; a novel. London, Macmillan, 1926. [474] p. map. {Wessex novels, v. 12) Hardy, Thomas. Far from the madding crowd. London, Macmillan, 1921. [476] p. {Wessex novels, v. 2) Hardy, Thomas. A pair of blue eyes. London, Macmillan, 1924. [454] p. map. (Wessex novels, v. 6) Hardy, Thomas. The return of the native. London, Macmillan, 1919. [507] p. map. (Wessex novels, v. 5) Hardy, Thomas. The trumpet-major John Loveday, a soldier in the war with Buonaparte, and Robert his brother/ first mate in the merchant service. London, Macmillan, 1928. [372] p. map. Hardy, Thomas. Two on a tower. London, Macmillan, 1927. [333] p. map. (Wessex novels, v. 7) Hardy, Thomas. Under the greenwood tree; or, The Mellstock quire, a rural painting of the Dutch school. London, Macmillan, 1929. [273] p. map. Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. Walks in Rome. 15th ed. (rev.) London, George Allen, 1900. 2 v. illus. Hay, Ian, pseud. See Beith, John Hay. Hazlitt, William. Sketches and essays. London, Henry Frowde [1905] 244 p. (His works, v. 2) 73 Hazlitt, William. Table-talk; essays on men and manners. London, Henry Frowde [1909?] 450 p. (His works, v. 1) Hearn, Lafcadio. Kokoro; hints and echoes of Japanese inner life. London, Harper, 1898. 388 p. Heine, Heinrich. Das Buch der Lieder. Halle [Germany] Otto Hendel [1887] 186 p. port. Heine, Heinrich. Buch der Lieder. Berlin, S. Fischer [1902] [250] p. port. Hercat, pseud. See Chater, R. D. Herodotus. The history of Herodotus. Translated by George Rawlinson. [Edited and revised by E. H. Blakeney] London, J. M. Dent [1910] 2 v. (Every- man's library) Original Rawlinson translation published in 1858. Herrick, Robert. Poems. London, John Land, 1923. [136] p. Hertz, Joseph Herman. A book of Jewish thoughts. Selected and arranged by the chief rabbi (Dr. J. H. Hertz). London, Oxford University Press, 1921. 367 p. Hichens, Robert Smythe. The garden of Allah. 10th ed. London, Methuen [1905] 520 p. Hobbes, John Oliver, pseud. See Craigie, Pearl Mary Teresa (Richards). Hoffman, Professor, pseud. See Lewis, Angelo John. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. The autocrat of the breakfast-table ; every man his own Boswell. London, Grant Richards [1904] 271 p. (His works, v. 1) Homerus. Homer's Iliad. Translated by George Chapman. 2d. ed. London, George Routledge, 1886. 320 p. Homerus. The Odyssey of Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope. Oxford, Univer- sity Press [1925] 380 p. Hood, Thomas. Memorials of Thomas Hood. Collected, arranged, and edited by his daughter, with a preface and notes by his son. Rev. ed. London, E. Moxon, 1869. 468 p. illus. Hood, Thomas. Poems. 17th ed. London, Edward Moxon, 1864. 388 p. port. Horace. See Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Horace, the Odes, Carmen seculare and Epodes, with a commentary by E. C. Wickham. pt. 1-2. New ed., rev. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1887. 2 v. in 1 (paged separately). Horton, Robert Forman. Oliver Cromwell; a study in personal religion. London, James Clarke, 1897. 208 p. Horton, Robert Forman. "This do." Six essays in practice. London, James Clarke, 1892. 153 p. Houseman, Alfred Edward. The name and nature of poetry. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1933. [51] p. *Hoyle's games improved; being practical treatises on whist, quadrille, piquet, chess, back-gammon, draughts, tennis, quinze, hazard, lansquenet, billiards, and goff or golf. Revised and corrected by Charles Jones. London, Printed for J. F. and C. Rivington [etc., etc.] 1790. 290 p. illus. Hudson, William Henry. Green mansions; a romance of the tropical forest. New York, Modern Library [cl916] 289 p. Huish, Marcus Bourne. Happy England; as painted by Helen Allingham, R.W.S., with memoir and descriptions by Marcus B. Huish. London, Adam and Charles Black, 1904. 204 p. col. plates, port. 74 Hult, Gottfried Emanuel. Reveries and other poems. New York, G. P. Putman, 1909. 148 p. Hume, David. Essays, moral, political and literary. London, Henry Frowde [1904] 616 p. Humperdinck, Engelbert. Hànsel und Gretel. Mârchenspiel in drei Bildern von Adelheid Wette; music von Engelbert Humperdinck. Elberfeld [Germany] S. Lucas, n.d. 39 p. pamphl. Hunt, Leigh. The poetical works of Leigh Hunt and Thomas Hood [selected]. Edited by J. Harwood Panting. London, Walter Scott, n,d. 288 p. Hurd, Sir Archibald Spicer. The fleets at war. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1914. 212 p. illus. Hurd, Sir Archibald Spicer. Our navy. London, Frederick Warne, 1914. 270 p. Hutchinson, Arthur Stuart-Menteth. If winter comes. [38th éd.] London, Hodder and Stoughton [1921] 318 p. Hutton, William Holden. Highways and byways in Shakespeare's country, with illustrations by Edmund H. New. London, Macmillan, 1914. 448 p. illus. Huxley, Thomas Henry. Hume, with Helps to the study of Berkeley. London, Macmillan, 1894. 319 p. (His collected essays, v. 6) Ibsen, Hendrik. Brand. Translation and introduction by C. H. Herford. New York, Charles Scribner, 1911. 262 p. (His collected works, v. 3) Ibsen, Hendrik. A doll's house; [and] Ghosts. New York, Charles Scribner, 1911. 295 p. (His collected works, v. 7) Ibsen, Hendrik. An enemy of the people [and] The wild duck. New York, Charles Scribner, 1910. 400 p. (His collected works, v. 8) Ingoldsby, Thomas, pseud. See Barham, Richard Harris. Irving, Washington. Old Christmas. London, Collins, n.d. 142 p. front. Irving, Washington. The sketch book. London, George Routledge, 1891. 432 p. Irving, Washington. The voyages and discoveries of the companions of Columbus. London, Henry G. Bohn, 1850. 962 p. ports. Jameson, Anna Brownell (Murphy). Shakespeare's heroines; characteristics of women, moral, poetical and historical. New York, A. L. Burt, n.d. 413 p. ports. Johnson, Mrs. T. Fielding. Glimpses of ancient Leicester, in six periods. 2d ed. London, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, 1906. 439 p. illus. Keats, John. The poetical works of John Keats. Edited by William T. Arnold. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, 1888. 349 p. port. King, Charles Daly. Obelists en route. London, W. Collins [cl934] 315 p. King Jack of Haylands ; a table of school life, by the author of Hope on, Susy's flowers, etc., etc. London, Thomas Nelson, 1882. 160 p. illus. Kipling, Rudyard. Life's handicap; being stories of mine own people. London, Macmillan, 1891. [352] p. Klinghardt, Hermann, and M. de Fourmestraux. French intonation exercises. Translated by M. L. Barker. Cambridge [Eng.] W. Heffer, 1928. 94 p. Kluge, Hermann. Geschichte der deutschon national-Litteratur. [14th rev. éd.] Altenburg I Germany ] Osfar Bonde, 1883. 234 p. Krause, J. M., tr. Love poems. Translated from the Latin. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner, 1912. 136 p. 75 Lamb, Charles. The essays of Elia and Eliana. London, Bell and Dadly, 1867. 512 p. port. Landor, Walter Savage. Selections from the writings of Walter Savage Landor. Arranged and edited by Sidney Colvin. London, Macmillan, 1882. 375 p. port. The large-picture primer. [London, Routledge, 1878?] 96 p. illus. Larive et Fleury. Dictées correspondant à l'année préparatoire de grammaire. Paris, librairie Armand Colin, 1907. 134 p. (Cours Larive et Fleury) Leacock, Stephen Butler. Literary lapses; a book of sketches. Montreal, Gazette Printing Co., 1910. 125 p. Lechner, A. R., ed. Easy German passages. London, Rivingtons, 1888. 210 p. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. A history of England in the eighteenth century. v. 1-4. London, Longmans, Green, 1878-82. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe. London, Longmans, Green, 1897. 2 v. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. The map of life, conduct and character. London, Longmans, Green, 1901. 353 p. Leonard, Robert Maynard, ed. Love poems. Oxford, University Press, 1914. 128 p. Leonard, Robert Maynard, ed. Patriotic poems. Oxford, University Press, 1914. 128 p. Leonard, Robert Maynard, ed. Sonnets. Oxford, University Press, 1914. 128 p. [Lewis, Angelo John] Conjuring tricks with coins, watches, rings, and handkerchiefs, from Modern Magic by Professor Hoffman [pseud.] London, George Rout- ledge, 1893. 123 p. illus. The little cyclopedia of common things, by Sir George W. Cox. 4th ed. London, W. Swan Sonnenschein, 1885. 660 p. illus. Locke, William John. Stella Maris. 3d ed. London, John Lane, 1913. 357 p. illus. Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph. Parent and child; a treatise on the moral and religious education of children. New York, Funk and Wagnell, 1910. 73 p. Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph. The war and after; short chapters on subjects of serious practical import for the average citizen in A.D. 1915 onwards. 3d ed. London, Methuen [1915] 240 p. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Longfellow's poetical works. London, George Routledge, 1883. 564 p. illus. Lucas, Edward Verrall. Roving east and roving west. 3d ed. London, Methuen [1921] 144 p. front. Lucianus, Samosatensis. Lucian, with an English translation by A. M. Marmon. v. 1-2. London, William Heinemann, 1913. Lunn, Arnold Henry Moore. The Alps. London, Williams and Norgate [1914] 256 p. (Home university library of modern knowledge) Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1st baron. The Caxtons: a family picture. London, George Routledge, 1904. 591 p. McCarthy, Charles. The Wisconsin idea. New York, Macmillan, 1912. 323 p. illus. McCarthy, Justin. A history of our times, from the accession of Queen Victoria to the general election of 1880. London, Chatto and Windus, 1880. 4 v. Macaulay, Rose, comv. The minor pleasures of life. London, Victor Gollancz, 1934. 751 p. 76 Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1st baron. Lays of ancient Rome, with selections from the Essays. London, Cassell, n d. 382 p. [Macdonnell, George Paul] "Stops"; or, How to punctuate; a practical handbook for writers and students, by Paul Allardyce [pseud.] London, T. Fisher Unwin, n.d. 91 p. McIlwaine, Colin, ed. Laughter in court; an anthology of humour from bench and dock. London, John Lane [1933] 84 p. illus. Maclaren, Ian, pseud. See Watson. John. MaoPhail, Sir Andrew, comp. The book of sorrow. London, Oxford University Press, 1916. 500 p. McWilliams, Roland Fairbairn, and M. S. McWilliams. Russia in nineteen twenty- six. London, J. M. Dent, 1927. 128 p. Maeterlinck, Maurice. The blue bird; a fairy play in six acts. Translated by Alexander Teixeira De Mattos. 17th ed. London, Methuen [1910] [286] p. Maeterlinck, Maurice. Monna Vanna. Translated by Alfred Sutro. Toronto, Musson [1911] [179] p. Malot, Hector Henri. Capi et sa troupe; épisode de Sans famille. Selected for use in English schools. Edited by Francis Tarver. 2d ed. London, librairie Hachette, 1889. 210 p. Malthus, Thomas Robert. Parallel chapters from the first and second editions of An essay on the principle of population. New York, Macmillan, 1895. 134 p. Marriott, James William, ed. Short stories of to-day. London, George G. Harrap [1925] [286] p. front. Martin, Chester Bailey, W. Stewart Wallace, and T. C. Routley. eds. The book of Canada. Toronto, Canadian Medical Association, 1930. 258 p. illus. Published for the meeting of the British Medical Association in Winnipeg, August, 1930. Martin, Chester Bailey. Lord Selkirk's works in Canada. Toronto, Oxford Univer- sity Press, 1916. 240 p. maps. (Oxford historical and literary studies) Masefield, John. Reynard the fox; or, The Ghost Heath run. London, William Heinemann, 1922. [124] p. Masefield, John. The tragedy of Nan, and other plays. London, Grant Richards [1922] [114] p. Masefield, John. William Shakespeare. London, Thornton Butterworth [1933] 256 p. (Home university library of modern knowledge) Maskelyne, John Nevil. The fraud of modern "Theosophy" exposed; a brief history of the greatest imposture ever perpetrated under the cloak of religion. 2d ed. London, George Routledge [pref. 1912] 95 p. port. Meissner, Alfred L. The public school German grammar. 3d ed. London, librairie Hachette, 1889. 413 p. Melville, Herman. Omoo; a narrative of adventure in the South Seas. London, Oxford University Press [1924] 333 p. Mencken, Henry Louis. Selected prejudices. 2d series. London, Jonathan Cape [1927] 223 p. Meredith, George. Rhoda Fleming; a stody. London, Constable, 1920. 416 p. Merejkowski, Dmitri. See Merezhkowskii, Dmitrii Sergieevich. Merezhkovskiï, Dmitriï Sergieevich. The romance of Leonardo da Vinci. Trans- lated from the original Russian by Bernard Guilbert Guerney New York, Modern Library [cl928] 637 p. 77 Merritt-Hawkes, Onera Amelia. The cottage by the common. London, Williams and Norgate, 1924. 199 p. front. Merritt-Hawkes, Onera Amelia. Persia; romance & reality. London, Ivor Nicholson and Watson, 1935. [324] p. illus. *Mickle, William Julius. The poetical works of William Mickle, with the life of the author. London, C. Cooke [ca. 1802] [136] p. port. Mill, John Stuart. On liberty. London, Longmans, Green, 1892. 68 p. Milton, John. The poetical works of John Milton, with introduction by David Masson. London, Macmillan, 1907. 625 p. Mitford, Mary Russell, ed. Tales and stories. London, Frederick Warne, n.d. 367 p. illus. The modern county atlas of England and Wales. Edinburgh, W. and A. K. Johnston, 1889. 57 col. maps, 62 p. Modern history; brought up to 1878. London, W. and R. Chambers, n.d. 558 p. At head of title: Chambers's educational course. * Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin. Oeuvres; tome second: Sganarelle ou Le cocu imaginaire. Dom Garcie de Navarre ou Le prince jaloux. L'école des maris. Les fascheux. L'école des femmes. Paris, chez Damonneville, 1760. 320 p. More, Sir Thomas. Utopia. Translated into English by Raphe Robynson. London, J. M. Dent, 1901. 183 p. port. Based on 2d ed. of Utopia. Morley, John Morley, viscount. Voltaire. London, Macmillan, 1897. 365 p. Morris, Richard. English grammar. London, Macmillan, 1896. 126 p. (Literature primers) Morris, Richard. Historical outlines of English accidence; comprising chapters on the history and development of the language, and on word-formation. Revised by L. Kellner. [2d ed.] London, Macmillan, 1896. 463 p. [Mortimer, Mrs. Favell Lee (Bevan)] Line upon line; or, A second series of the earliest religious instructions the infant mind is capable of receiving; with verse illustrative of the subjects. By the author of The peep of day, etc., etc. London, Hatchards, 1883. 2 v. illus. Morton, Henry Canova Vollam. In search of Scotland. 13th ed. London, Methuen, 1931. 288 p. illus. Mûgge, Maximillian A. Heinrich von Treitschke. London, T. C. and E. C. Jack [pref. 1915] 92 p. port. Myres, John Linton. The dawn of history. London, Williams and Norgate [1915] 256 p. (Home university library of modern knowledge) Newman, John Henry, cardinal. University teaching; considered in nine discourses. London, Longmans, Green, 1908. 232 p. Nuovo dizionario inglese-italiano e iTALiANO-iNGLESE. Compilato da B. Melzi. Milano, Fratelli Treves, 1899. (607 [579] p.) Oliver, Mildred Alice (Thompson). Letters from Egypt, n.p., Euston Press, 1933 59 p. illus. pamphl. Omar Khayyâm. Rubâiyât of Omar Khayyam. Rendered into English verse by Edward Fitzgerald. Portland, Maine, Thomas B. Mosher, 1894. [74] p. Gives parallel texts of 1st and 4th editions. Onions, Charles Talbut. A Shakespeare glossary. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1911. 259 p. 78 Otto, Emil. German conversation-grammar; a practical method of learning the German language. Revised by Francis E. Sandbach. 29th ed. Heidelberg, Julius Groos; sold by David Nutt, London, 1911. 421 p. map. At head of title: Method Gaspey-Otto-Sauer. Paley, William. Horae Paulinae; or, The truth of the Scripture history of St. Paul, evinced by a comparison of the Epistles which bear his name with the Acts of the Apostles and with one another, by William Paley; with notes and a supplementary treatise entitled Horae apostolicae, by T. R. Birks. London, Religious Tract Society, n.d. 412 p. map. Palgrave, Francis Turner, ed. The golden treasury. Selected from the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language. Rev. ed. London, Macmillan, 1908. 387 p. Patmore, Coventry Kersey Dighton. The angel in the house. 7th ed. London, George Bell, 1896. 153 p. Patterson, John Henry. The man-eaters of Tsavo and other African adventures, by Colonel J. H. Patterson, D.S.O. London, Macmillan, 1912. 351 p. illus. Petronius Arbiter. Petronius (Trimalchio's banquet), with introduction b}*- Michael J. Ryan. London, Walter Scott, n.d. 78 p. Piper, Clarence Brett. Principles of the grain trade in western Canada [2d ed.] Winnipeg, Empire Elevator Co. [cl917] 248 p. tables. Pitman, Sir Isaac. Pitman's shorthand instructor; a complete exposition of Isaac Pitman's system of phonography or phonetic shorthand. London, Isaac Pitman, 1893. 231 p. Plato. The republic of Plato. Translated into English, with an analysis, and notes, by John Llewelyn Davies and David James Vaughan. [3d ed.?] London, Macmillan, 1892. 370 p. The prize. [London?] Wells Gardner, Darton, 1883. 140 p. illus. (no. 1-12 [new series] 1883) Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas. A lecture on lectures. New York, Harcourt, Brace [cl928] 60 p. (Hogarth lectures on literature) Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas. On the art of writing; lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge 1913-1914. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1919. 251 p. Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas, ed. The Oxford book of English prose. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1925. 1092 p. Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas. Studies in literature; first series. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1924. 307 p. Reade, Charles. The cloister and the hearth; a tale of the middle ages. London, Chatto and Windus [1888?] 509 p. Reade, Charles. Hard cash; a matter-of-fact romance. [2d ed.?] London, Chatto and Windus, 1894. 474 p. Renan, Ernest. The life of Jesus. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner, 1893. 311 p. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Sir Joshua Reynolds' discourses. Edited by Helen Zimmern. London, Walter Scott, 1887. 283 p. Richet, Charles Roberts. The natural history of a savant. Translated from the French by Sir Oliver Lodge. London, J. M. Dent, 1927. 155 p. Ripley, Robert Le Roy. The new Believe it or not! [2d series] London, Stanley Paul, n.d. 191 p. illus. 79 Roberts. Richard Ellis. Hendrik Ibsen; a critical study. London, Martin Seeker, 1912. 205 p. port. Robertson, J. S. The life of David Livingstone, LL.D., the great missionary explorer. London, Walter Scott [pref. 1882] 320 p. illus. Rogers, Samuel. Italy, a poem. London, Edward Moxon, 1842. 320 p. illus. Rosengarten, Albert. A handbook of architectural styles. Translated from the German by W. Collett-Sandars. London, Chatto and Windus, 1896. 509 p. illus. Rossetti, Christiana Georgina. Poems of Christina Rossetti. Chosen and edited by William M. Rossetti. London, Macmillan, 1907. 332 p. port. Rousseau, Jean Jacques. The confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau. Translated from the French. London, William Glaisher, 1883. 568 p. illus. Ruskin, John. Praeterita; outlines of scenes and thoughts perhaps worthy of memory in my past life. London, George Allen, 1899-1907. 3 v. illus. Ruskin, John. Sesame and lilies; three lectures. London, George Allen, 1908. 228 p. Ruskin, John. The seven lamps of architecture. London, George Allen, 1908. 444 p. plates. Rutherford, Mark, pseud. See White, William Hale. [Sadler, Ralph] Vox clamantis. London, Kegan Paul. Trench, Trubner, 1891. 305 p. Preface signed: Ralph Sadler. Sandbach, Francis Edward. Commercial correspondence. Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 1908. 291 p. Partly in German. Sandbach, Francis Edward. The heroic saga-cycle of Dietrich of Bern. London, David Nutt, 1906. 68 p. pamphl. (Popular studies in mythology, romance and folklore, no. 15) Sandbach, Francis Edward. The Nibelungenlied and Gudrun in England and America. London, David Nutt, 1904. 200 p. Sauer, Charles Marquard. See Sauer, Karl Marquardt. Sauer, Karl Marquardt. Italian conversation-grammar; a new and practical method of learning the Italian language, by Charles Marquard Sauer. 6th ed. Heidelberg, Julius Groos; sold by David Nutt, London, 1891. 432 p. At head of title: Method Gaspey-Otto-Sauer. Saul, John C, ed. A complete geography. 2d ed. Toronto, Morang, 1906. 506 p. illus., maps. At head of title: Tarr and McMurray's geographies. Sayers, Dorothy Leigh, and Robert Eustace. The documents in the case. London, Ernest Benn [1930] 287 p. Schmitz, A. Meine Seele lobpreise den Herrn; vollstandiges catholisches Gebet- & Andachtsbuch. Fiinfte Auflage. Mainz, Joh. Rottges [1870] 472 p. front. Schreiner, Olive. Dreams. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1909. 182 p. Scott, Duncan Campbell. Labor and the angel. Boston, Copeland and Dav, 1898. 59 p. Scott, Sir Walter, hart. Anne of Geierstein; or, The maiden of the mist. London, J. M. Dent [1907] 475 p. Scott, Sir Walter, bart. The lady of the lake. London, W. and R. Chambers, 1887. 192 p. Scott, Sir Walter, bart. The monastery. London, J. M. Dent, 1898. 2 v. fronts. 80 Scott, Sir Walter, bart. The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, with life. Edinburgh, Gall and Inglis, n.d. 624 p. illus. Shakespeare, William. The merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare; with preface and glossary, etc., by Israel Gollanez. London, J. M. Dent, 1929. [131] p. Shakespeare, William. A midsummer night's dream. Edited by Edmund K. Chambers. Boston, D. C. Heath, n.d. 199 p. Shakespeare, William. Much ado about nothing. Edited by J. C. Smith. Boston, D. C. Heath, n.d. 173 p. Shakespeare, William. Othello, the Moor of Venice. Edited by C. H. Herford. London, Blackie, n.d. 160 p. Cover title: The Warwick Shapespeare: Othello. Shakespeare, William. Timon of Athens [by William Shakespeare] with notes and comments by Henry Norman Hudson [and others] New York, Bigelow, Smith [cl909] 139 p. port. (The Aldus Shakespeare) Title in the original edition: The life of Timon of Athens. Shakespeare, William. Titus Andronicus [by William Shakespeare] with notes and comments by Henry Norman Hudson [and others] New York, Bigelow, Smith [cl909] 122 p. front. (The Aldus Shakespeare) Running title: The tragedy of Titus Andronicus. Shakespeare, William. Twelfth night; or, What you will. Edited by Arthur D. Innes. Boston, D. C. Heath, n.d. 153 p. Shakespeare, William. Twelfth night; or, What you will. Edited by Arthur D. Innes. London, Blackie, n.d. 171 p. Cover title: The Warwick Shakespeare: Twelfth night. Shakespeare, William. The works of William Shakespeare. Edited by Charles Knight. London, George Routledge, 1900. 3 v. ports. Shakespeare, William. The works of William Shakespeare; containing his plays and poems, from the text of the editions by Charles Knight; with glossarial notes; and facts connected with his life and writings. 8th ed. London, H. G. Bohn, 1862 1080 p. illus. Shakespeare's England; an account of the life and manners of his age. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1916. 2 v. illus. Shaw, George Bernard. The intelligent woman's guide to socialism and capitalism. New York, Brentano, 1928. 495 p. Shaw, George Bernard. The quintessence of Ibsenism, now completed to death of Ibsen. London, Constable, 1913. 210 p. Sheppard, Thomas, ed. Handbook to Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire. London, A. Brown, 1922. 532 p. illus. Prepared for the members of the British Associaion for the Advancement of Science on the occasion of their visit to Hull in September, 1922. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Butler. The dramatic works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. London, Cassell [ca. 1894] 381 p. Simpson, Sir George. Journal of occurrences in the Athabasca department, 1820 and 1821, and Report. Edited by E. E. Rich. [London] Hudson's Bay Record Society, 1938. 498 p. illus., maps. (Publications of the Hudson's Bay Record Society, [v. 1]) Cover title: Simpson's Athabasca journal. Skertchly, Sydney Barber Josiah. Skertchly's physical geography. 21st ed. London, Thomas Murby, n.d. 220 p. illus. 15th ed., 1877. 81 Smith, Erwin Frink. For her friend and mine: a book of aspirations, dreams and memories. Washington, Priv. print, [by Gibson Bros.] 1915. 379 p. port. "In memory of Charlotte May Buffett, Sometime Wife of Erwin F. Smith." Smith, Sir George Adam. The life of Henry Drummond. 2d ed. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1899. 506 p. port. Smith, Percy J. Quality in life. London, John M. Watkins, 1919. 85 p. Smith, Percy J. Twenty-one studies and etchings of Palestine. London, Soncino Press, 1934. 21 p. plates. Smith, W. M'Combie. The romance of poaching in the highlands of Scotland, as illustrated in the lives of John Farquharson and Alexander Davidson, the last of the free-foresters. Stirling [Scot.] Eneas Mackay, 1904. 190 p. illus. *Smith, William. A new and compendious history of the county of Warwick, from the earliest to the present time, comprising views of the principal towns, buildings, modern improvements, seats of the nobility and gentry, ecclesiastical edifices, etc., etc. Birmingham, W. Emans, 1830. 379 p. plates. Sonnenschein, Edward Adolf. A Latin grammar for schools, v. 1, Accidence, v. 2, Syntax. London, Swan Sonnenschein, 1889. 2 v. Soviet Union year-book, 1926. Edited by Louis Segal and A. A. Santalov. London, George Allen [1925] illus. Spenser, Edmund. The poetical works of Edmund Spenser. Edited with critical notes by J. C. Smith and E. De Sélincourt. Oxford, University Press, 1912. 736 p. port. Stevenson, Robert Louis. A child's garden of verses. London, Longmans, Green, 1919. 155 p. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 19th ed. London, Longmans, Green, 1893. 141 p. Stevenson, Robert Louis. The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and other fables. London, Longmans, Green, 1922. 219 p. Stopes, Marie Charlotte Carmichael. A journal from Japan, a daily record of life as seen by a scientist. London, Blackie, 1910. 280 p. illus. Strauss, David Friedrich. The life of Jesus, critically examined. Translated from the 4th German edition by George Eliot. 2d ed. London, Swan Sonnen- schein, 1892. 784 p. Sunshine for 1884, for the home, the school, and the world. Edited by W. Meynell Whittemore. London, George Stoneman, 1884. 188 p. illus. Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels. Edited by G. Ravenscroft Dennis. London, George Bell, 1899. 308 p. port. (His prose works, v. 8) Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the world. London, Henry G. Bohn, 1864 306 p. illus. Swinburne, Algernon Charles. The works of Algernon Charles Swinburne, v. 1. Poems. Toronto, Musson, n.d. 661 p. port. Symonds, John Addington. Walt Whitman; a study. London, George Routledge [pref. 1893] 160 p. Tales from the travels of Baron Munchausen. [4th ed.] London, Horace Marshall, n.d. 60 p. illus. pamphl. (Books for the bairns, no. 23) Taylor, Isaac. The origin of the Aryans. An account of the prehistoric ethnology and civilisation of Europe. 2d ed. London, Walter Scott, 1892. 339 p. illus. 82 *Taylor, Jeremy. Antiquitates Christianae; or, The history of the life and death of the Holy Jesus: as also The lives, acts and martyrdoms of his apostles, pt. 1, The life of Christ, by Jer. Taylor, pt. 2, The lives of the apostles, by William Cave. 10th ed. London, Printed for J. Walthoe [etc.] 1742. 622 p. Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st baron. The works of Alfred Tennyson, Poet Laureate. London, Strahan, 1871-74. 11 v. Vol. 11 published by W. Isbester, London. Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st baron. The works of Alfred Lord Tennyson, Poet Laureate. London, Macmillan, 1895. 900 p. port. Tennyson, Hallam Tennyson, 2d baron. Alfred Lord Tennyson; a memoir by his son. London, Macmillan, 1897. 2 v. illus. Thackeray, William Makepeace. The four Georges and the English humourists of the eighteenth century. London, Cassell, 1909. 388 p. Thackeray, William Makepeace, ed. The history of Henry Esmond, esq., a colonel in the service of Her Majesty Queen Anne, written by himself. London, Smith, Elder, n.d. 448 p. Thackeray, William Makepeace. The Virginians; a tale of the last century. London, Thomas Nelson, 1900. 928 p. (His works, v. 9) Tillyard, Henry Julius Wetenhall. Greek literature. London, T. C. and E. C. Jack, n.d. 92 p. Tim Peglar's secret. London, Religious Tract Society, n.d. 127 p. illus. Timmins, Samuel. A history of Warwickshire. London, Elliott Stock, 1889. 300 p. (Popular county histories) Tower, Charles. Germany of today. London, Williams and Norgate [1913?] 256 p. (Home university library of modern knowledge) Tree, Sir Herbert Beerbohm. Henry VIII and his court. 6th ed. London, Cassell, 1911. 104 p. ports. Tupper, Martin Farquhar. Proverbial philosophy. London, E. Moxon, n.d. 445 p. port. Twain, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. Uncle John, pseud. The children's joy; pictures, stories and music. London, Cassell, n.d. 86 p. illus. Uncle John, pseud. Pretty pictures and pleasant stories. London, Cassell, n.d. 86 p. illus. United States. Geological Survey. Guidebook to the western United States; pt. A, the Northern Pacific route, with a side trip to Yellowstone park, by Marius R. Campbell and others. Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1915. 212 p. illus. (Its bulletin no. 611) Vecqueray, John William Joseph. A German accidence for the use of schools. London, Rivingtons [ca. 1883] 40 p. Vergilus Maro, Publius. [Aeneid, Book] VI. Edited by A. Sidgwick. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1887. 1 v. (various pagings). Title in Latin. Vergilus Maro, Publius. Aeneid, Book VI. Edited by A. H. Allcroft and B. J. Hayes. London, W. B. Clive, n.d. 1 v. (various pagings). Vergilus Maro, Publius. Aeneid, Book VII. Edited by A. H. Allcroft and T. M. Neatby. London, W. B. Clive, n.d. 1 v. (various pagings). Villari, Pasquale. The life and times of Niccolô Machiavelli. Translated by Linda Villari. [2d ed.?] London, T. Fisher Unwin [1898?] 2v. in 1. port. 83 von Bûlow, Bernard Heinrich Martin Karl. See Billow, Bernhard Heinrich Martin Karl, Fiirst von. von Harbou, Thea. See Harbou, Thea von. [Watson, John] The days of auld lang syne, by Ian Maclaren [pseud.] London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1895. 358 p. Watts, Isaac. Divine and moral songs for children. London, Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, 1866. [116] p. illus. * Watts, Isaac. The world to come: or, Discourses on the joys or sorrows of departed souls at death, and the glory or terror of the resurrection ; to which is prefixed an essay toward the proof of a separate state of souls after death. Liverpool, Printed at the Caxton Press by Nuttall, Fisher, and Dixon [1815] 430 p. illus. Watts-Dunton, Theodore. Aylwin. 7th ed. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1899. 472 p. Webb, Mary Gladys (Meredith). Poems and The spring of joy. London, Jonathan Cape [1935] Wells, Herbert George. First and last things; a confession of faith and rule of life. London, Archibald Constable, 1908. 246 p. Wells, Herbert George. Mr. Britling sees it through. New York, Macmillan, 1917. 443 p. front. Whates, Henry Richard. Canada, the new nation; a book for the settler, the emigrant and the politician. London, J. M. Dent, 1906. 284 p. illus. Wheeler, Charles Bickersteth, ed. Six plays by contemporaries of Shakespeare. The shoemaker's holiday, by Thomas Dekker. The white devil, and The Duchess of Malfi, by John Webster. The knight of the burning pestle, and Philaster, by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. A new way to pay old debts, by Philip Massinger. Oxford, University Press [1909] 595 p. [White, William Hale] The autobiography of Mark Rutherford [pseud.] Edited by his friend Reuben Shapcott [pseud.] 12th ed. London, T. Fisher Unwin, n.d. 139 p. [White, William Hale] Mark Rutherford's deliverance. Edited by his friend Reuben Shapcott [pseud.] 6th ed. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1896. 179 p. [White, William Hale] The revolution of Tanner's lane, by Mark Rutherford [pseud.] Edited by his friend Reuben Shapcott [pseud.] 6th ed. London, T. Fisher Unwin, n.d. 388 p. Whitman, Walt. Poems by Walt Whitman. Selected and edited by William Michael Rossetti. London, Chatto and Windus, 1910. 320 p. port. Why we are at war; Great Britain's case, by the members of the Oxford faculty of modern history. 3d ed. rev. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1914. 264 p. map. Wilder, Thornton Niven. The woman of Andros. New York, Albert and Charles Boni, 1930. 162 p. Williams, Ernest Edwin George. "Made in Germany." 5th ed. London, William Heinemann, 1897. 175 p. William, Montagu Stephen. Leaves of life. London, Macmillan, 1890. 374 p. port. Windle, Sir Bertram Coghill Alan. Life in early Britain; being an account of the early inhabitants of this island and the memorials which they left behind them. London, David Nutt, 1897. 244 p. illus. Wood, Ellen (Price) "Mrs. Henry Wood." The Elchester college boys, and other stories, by Mrs. Henry Wood. London, Cassell, n.d. 90 p. front. 84 Wood, Mrs. Henry. See Wood, Ellen (Price) "Mrs. Henry Wood." Wooley, Charles Leonard. The Sumerians. Oxford, Clarendon Press [1929] 198 p. illus. Wordsworth, Christopher. Athens and Attica; notes of a tour. 3d ed. London, John Murray, 1885. 251 p. illus. Workman, Eric Walter. Cost organization for engineers. London, Sir Isaac Pitman. 1923. 86 p. illus. Workman, Herbert Brook. John WTydif; a study of the English medieval church. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1926. 2 v. illus. Workman, Herbert Brook. Methodism. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1912. 133 p. port. Library has 2 copies. Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Willie's trouble and how he came out of it. London, Frederic Warne, n.d. [64] p. front. DATE DUE MM? r 6 ?00b Mledz fio"? 1 i GAYLORO PRINTED IN U.SA WmPiLi BIBLIOTHEQUE AGRICULTURE CANADA OTTAWA «M 0C5 3 =1073 000b7flfll S £ 3 <■ • *f J