CATALOGUE COLLECTION B I R D S' EGGS BRITISH MUSEUM. VOLUME V. LONDON: PllINTED BY OllDEll OF THE TilUSTEES. 1912. (^AU rhjhts reserved.) PR! K TED BY TATLOE AND FRANCIS, HED l.ION COLT.T. FI.EKT STKEF.T. CATALOG in: COLLECTION BIRDS' EGGS BElTISIl MUSEUM (NATUEAL HISTORY). VOLUME Y.-^ CARINATiE (PASSERIFORMES completed). W. II. OGILVIE-GRANT LONDON: PllINTED LY OllDER OF THE TllUSTEES. SOLD liV LONGMANS, GREEN & Co., 39 PATEKNOSTEU ROW, E.C. ; B. QUAlilTCH, 11 GRAFION STREET, NEW BOND STREET, W. ; DULAU & Co., Ltd., 37 SOIIO SQUAIiE, W. ; AKD AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CROMWELL ROAD, S.W. 19J2. P E E F A C E. The present volume, which brings the Catalogue of Birds' Eggs to a conclusion, has been retarded in its preparation bj' more than one cause. The principal reason for the delay in its appearance has been the large amount of additional work which was thrown on Mr. W. li. Ogilvie-Grant, the author, by the death of Dr. 11. Bowdler Sharpe at the end of 1909. The administratiou of the Bird lloom, the incorporation of large collections and the re- arrangement of the material already in hand, the planning of new Expeditions and the conduct of the voluminous correspondence involved by these fresh departures, added to the duty of dealing with the ceaseless stream of enquirers who visit or write to the Bird Eoom, might in themselves have been sufficient to have filled up all the available time. Mr. Ogilvie-Grant has done his work under considerable difficulties, and the delaj' has been unavoidable. British Museum (Natural History), Loudon, Septeuiber 13, 1912. SID2^EY r. H.YRMEll, Keeper of Zoolor/^/. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. Ix one or two instances only does the nomenclature used in the present volume differ from that followed in the fifth volume of the 'Hand-list of the Genera and Species of Birds.' The delay in the publication of the latter work greatly i-etarded the present volume of the Catalogue of Birds' Eggs which was commenced in 1906, the year in which the late Dr. Sharpe hoped to complete his Hand-list. Thus it happened that in the first sheets of the present work (" B-K ") which were printed concurrently with the Hand-list, the date of that work is wrongly refeired to as 1906; likewise in sheets "L-N" and "P" it is again wrongly quoted as 1£08. Dr. Shar|)e, at that time in failing health, was unable to complete the work as quickly as he had anticipated and it was not until 1909, shortly before Ids death, that the fifth volume of the Hand-list was actually published. Since that time the extra amount of official duties which have fallen to my share has rendered the completion of the present volume a slow and somewhat difficult matter. During the progress of this volume through tbo press several important collections of eggs have been added (o the Museum series, the principal of these being the large and very valuable Palasarctic collection presented by Mr. W. EadcliiTe Saunders and the South American collection presented by Mr. Ernest Gibson, while many smaller but valuable series from the Andaman Islands, various parts of Africa, Australia, etc., have been acquired by ifurchase or exchange. The MS. for this volume was commenced years ago bj- the late Mr. E. W. Gates, but was never completed, and the great additions Viii AUTHORS PREFACE. to the collection of eggs, as well as the recognition in the Hand-list of manj- more species and sub-species, has made it necessary to rewrite almost the whole volume. The total number of species dealt: with in the present volume is 1117, and the number of eggs catalogued 19,283, as shown in the following table : — No. of specinietis Family. No. of species. of eggs. Zosteropidre 20 186 Dicajidfe 17 103 Nectariniida? 48 281 Meliphagidae 70 546 Mniotiltida) 38 333 Motacillidce 59 2292 Akudidte 'to 1278 Fringillida? 297 6296 Coerebida; 13 48 Tanagridic 47 1 74 rioceidfe 130 2093 Icterida; 73 1074 SturnidiB 33 888 Eulabetidoj 23 183 Orioliilte 14 242 Dicruiida; 18 505 Paradiseidse 15 24 Corvidre 110 2704 Rtreperida3 7 28 Total .... 1117 19,283 iOth AuEusi, 1111 W. 11. OGILVIE-GIUNT. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Sub-Class CARINATiE. Order PASSERTFORMES (continued). Sub-Order A c R o m y o d i (continued). Passeres Normalcs (continued). Eamily Zosteropid-^. Zosterops, Vig. ^ Horrf. . . . . japonica, Tcmm. S( Schley. gouldi, Bonap sundevalli, Hartl xantliochroa, Gray ceylonensis, Hokhw annulosa, Swains madag'ascarieusis (Gmel.) palpebrosa (Temiu.) . . . , auieiventer, Hume basihiuica, Sfeere simplex, Swinh , stejnegeri, Seebohm iiatalis, Lister aignani, Hurtert fiavifrons [Gmel.) owstoni, Hartcrt hvpoxantba, Salvad. ... laterali-s {Lath.) flaviceps, Pcale tenuirostris, Gould , Family Dic.eid^. Dicajnm, Cuvicr cruentatuni {Linn.) . . . . nigrimeutum, Salrad. . . Lirundinaceum (Shaw) hajmatostictuin, Sharne VOL. V. Page trigonostigma (Scop.) .... 8 cinereigulare, Tweedd 9 chrysorrhoeum, Temm. . . 9 concolor, Jerdon 9 olivaceum, Waldvn 9 erythrorbvnchum (Lath.) . 10 Pardalotus, Vieill 10 ornatus, Temm 10 aflinis, Gould 10 punctatus (Shaiu) 11 melanocepbalus, Gould . . 11 quadragintiis, Gould .... 12 Piprisouia, Blyth 12 squalidum (Burton) .... 12 Melanocharis, Sclater 12 striativentris, Salvad 12 Family Nectariniid.e. Hedydipna, Cuh ]3 metallica (Licht.) 1.3 Nectarinia, Illif/er 13 famosa (Lijin.) 13 Cbalcostetba, Cab 14 pectoialis ( Temm.) 14 ^•Ethopyga, Cab 14 vigorsi, Si/hes 14 selieiife(7yc/,-e/0 14 siparaja (Liases) 15 magnifica, Sharpe 15 ignicaiida (Hodgs.) 16 govildiffi ( Vi(j.) 16 dabryi (Vcrr.) 16 bella, Tweedd 16 Eudrepanis, Sharpe 17 pulcberrima, Sharpe .... 17 Arachnecbtbra, Cab 17 asiatica (Lath.) 17 lotenia (Linn.) 18 5 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Leptocoma, Cab 18 niiniina, Si/kes 18 liasselti {Tomii.) 19 zeyloHica {Linn.) 19 Ilermiitimia, lieiclienh 19 corinna, Salvad 19 chri?tiaime ( Trislram) .... 20 aspasioides {Gray) 20 Ciniiviis, Cab 20 cupreus [Shaw) 20 notntns {F. L. S. M nil.).. 21 habessioicus (H. ^- E.) . . 21 erytlu'ocerius (Hartl.) . . 21 niariquensis (Smith) .... 22 osiiis (Fmsch) 22 osea, Bonap 22 leucogaster ( Vieill.) 23 souimanga {Gmd.) 2?> afer [Linn.) 23 chalybea (Linn.) 24 Chalcomitra, lieicJienb 2-4 acik (Antin.) 24 guttiiralis (Lin?!.) 24 aiiietbystina (Shaw) .... 2.!> ELneocei'thia, Reichenb 2.5 iusc.^ (Vieill.) 2.5 Cyrtostomus, Cab 20 flamnmxillaris (Z?/^//0 .. 26 andamanicus (Hnnie) .... 26 jugularis (Linn.) 27 frenatus (S. Miill.) 27 aurora, Tweecld 28 pectoralis (Horsf.) 28 zeiiobia (Less.) 28 Arachiiotbera, Temm 29 longirostris (Lath.) 29 magna (Jlo/b/s.) 29 everetti, Sharpe .30 Autbothrepte.?, Sicains 30 collaris ( Vieill.) 80 malaccensis (Scop.)* 30 Cbalcoparia, Cab 31 pbcenicotis (Temm.) .... 31 Family MELiPHAniD.i:. Melitbreptes, Vieill 31 atricapilhis (Lath.) 31 albigiilaris, Gould 32 gidaris, Gould 32 validirostri-s, Gould 33 brevirostris, Vig. Sf Horsf. 33 melanocepbalus, Gould . . 33 Plectorbamplius, Gray 33 lanceolatiis, Gould 33 Myzomela, Viy. ^- Horsf. .... 34 Page rubratra (Less.) 34 nigriventris, Pcale 34 sanguinolenta (Lath.) .... 34 nigra, Gould 35 ob.^cura, Gonld So Acaotliorbyncbus, Gould .... 3-5 tejiuirostris (Lath.) 3o .superciliosus, Gould 36 Glycipbila, Swains 3<5 melanops (Lath.) 36. albifrous, Gould 36 modepta, Gray 37 Conopopbihi, Reichenb 37 albigularis ( Gould) 37 rutigularis (Gould) 37 Certbionyx, Less 38 variegatiis, Less 38 Melipbaga, Leicin 38 pbryo-ia (Lath.) 38 Melile.stes, Salvad 38 poliopterus, Sharpe 38 Melipotes, Sclater 39 fumigatus, A. B. Meyer . . 39 Melirrbophetes, A. B. Meyer . 39 batesi, Shmye 39 Stigmatops, Gould 39 oculari.s (Gould) .39 Ptilotis, Swains 40 caruuculata (Gmel.) 40 procerior, I'insch S; Hartl. 40 aualoga, Reichenb 41 orientalis, A. B. Meyer . . 41 gracilis, Gould 41 sbarpei, Rothsch. ^- Hartert 42 fusca (Gould) 42 cbrysotis (Lath.) 42 provocator, Layard 42 sonora, Gould 4.3 cbrvsops (Lath.) 43 flav'icollis ( Vieill.) 44 leucotis (Lath. ) 44 aiiricomis (Lath.) 45 cratitia, Gould 45 oriiata, Gould 45 pluniula, Gould 46 penicillata (Gould) 46 leilavalensis. North 47 Xantbotis, Reichenb 47 lessoni, Sharpe 47 Ptiloprora, De Vis 47 guisei, De Vis 47 Meliornis, Gray 48 pyrrboptera {Loth.) 48 novpe-bollaiKliiB (Lath.) . . 48 longirostris (Gould) 49 sericea ( Gould) 49 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page niystacalis (Gov/d) 49 Antliornis, (Tirii/ 50 melamira (Sjmrrm.) .... 50 nielanocepliala, G'rai/ .... 50 Prostlieniadera, Grcn/ 61 iiovte-zealancliaj {Ginel.) . . 51 Manorliiiia, J'leill 51 melanoplirvs (Lath.) .... 51 JMjzantha, Vi'ff. ^- Hor.f. 51 g-arrula (Zrti!/^.) 51 obscura, Gould 52 flavigula, Gould 53 lutea, Gotdd 53 Acanthocli.'Bra, Vig. S) Horaf. . 54 carunculata (Lath.) ...... 54 inauris (Gould) 55 Aiiellobia, Cab 65 chrysoptera (Lath.) 60 Acanthogeu3's, Gould 65 nifigularis, Gould 65 Entomyza, Swains 56 cyanotis (Lath.) 56 Tiopidorhynclius, Vu/.^-Horsf. 56 subtuberosus, Hartert .... 56 arg-enticeps, Gould 57 buceroides (Swains.) .... 57 corniculatus (Lath.) .... 67 Phi]emon, Vieill 58 citreigularis (Go2i/d) .... 58 cockerelli, Scl 58 Family Mniotiltid.i;. Mniotilta, Vieill 59 varia (Linn.) 59 Ilelminthotlierus, Rafnesque. 69 venuivnrus (Gmel.) 69 Protouoiaria, Baird 60 citiea (Bodd.) 60 Verniivora, Swains 60 piiuis (Linn.) 60 celata (Sai/) 60 nibricapilla ( Tills.) 6] Panila, B^mup 61 americaiia (Linn.) 61 Dendrceca, Gray 62 {estiva (Gmel.) 62 bartboleinica, Sundev 63 maculosa (Gmel.) 63 Cferulescens (G?ne/.) .... 63 coionata (Linn.) 64 chrysoparia, Scl. ^- Salv.. . 64 penusylvanica (Linn.). ... 04 striata, Foist 65 vigorsi (Audub.) 05 discolor, Vieill , . 66 Oporornis, Baird yij formosa ( Wils.) . 60 Siuriis, Sivai7is (j7 auricapillus (Linn.) 67 iiiotacilla ( Vitill.) 67 noveboraceosis (Gmel.) . . 67 Geothlypis, Cab . . . 08 trichas (Linn.) 08 occidentalis, Brewst 08 cucullata (Lath.) 69 Icteria, Vieill. 69 viridis (Gmel.) C9 longicauda, Later 09 Granatellu.a, Bvnap 70 sallffii, B?'«??,) 1('8 canicauda, Chapman .... 168 siiperbus, Ridyw 169 igueus, Baird 169 Saltator, Vieill 169 atriceps, Less KiO medianus, Ridyw 170 magnus (Gmel.) 170 graudis {Licht.) 170 oliyascens, Cah 171 ca;rulescens, Vieill 171 azaraj, UQrb 171 auraiitiirostri.s, Vicill 171 albicoUis, Vieill 171 XIV SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page Priiigilla, Linn 172 teydea, Webh ^- Berth. . . 172 coeleba, Linn 172 maderensis, Shar^je 174 luoreleti, Pucker 174 caiiarieiisis, Vieill. 175 spodiogeiiys, Bonap 175 laontiti'ingilla, Li)m 175 Cavdiielis, Briss 177 cardtielis (Linn.) 177 britannica, Hartert 17 7 parva, Tschusi x Serious cauaria {Linn.) 178 africaua, Hartert 178 orientalis (^Eversm.) .... 178 Spinus, Koch 179 xanthogaster {Du Bus) . . 179 atratus {D ' Orb. ^^^ Lafr. ).. 179 spinus {Linn.) 179 citi'inellus {Linn.) 180 tottus, Sparrm 181 barbatus (Mo/(««) 181 ictericus (Licht.) 182 uotatus, I)u Bus 182 Ilypacantbis, Cab 182 spinoides ( Vig.) 182 Astragalinus, Cab 183 tristis {Linn.) 18-'3 pallidus {Mearns) 183 psaltria {Say) 184 arizouffi, Cones 184 mexicanus {Swains.) .... 184 croceus (Jouy) 184 colombianus {Lafr.) . . . 185 la.wrencei {Cass.) 185 Liuaria, Bechst 186 ilavirostris {Linn.) 186 brevirostris, Moore 187 cannabina (Linn.) 188 nana ( Tschusi) 189 linaria {Linn.) 189 liolboeJli {Brehm) 190 rufescens ( Vieill.) 191 exilipes {C'.nies) 192 hdrnemanni {Holboell) . . 192 Moutifringilla, Brehm 193 nivalis {Linn.) 193 alpicola {Pall.) 193 nemoricola (//bc/^s. ^ .... 194 aictoa {Pall.) 194 griseinucha (Z?ra?it?i^) .... 194 Ilhodospiza, Sharpe 194 obsoleta {Licht.) 194 Erytlirospiza, Bonap 195 giibagiuea {Licht.) 195 amantum, Hartert ..... 195 luongolica {Swinh.) 196 Page Petiouia, Kaup 196 peti'onia {Linn.) 196 puteicola, Festa 197 maderensis, Erlanyer .... 197 dentata {Sundew) 197 supeiciliaris, Blyik 198 Gymnurhis, Blyth 1 98 tiavicollis (Frankl.) 198 transfuga, Hartert 199 Carpospiza, Midler 199 bracbydactyla {Bonap.) . . 199 Passer, Brisson 1 99 niontanus {Linn.) 199 malaccensi.^, Dubois .... 201 domesticus {Linn.) 201 tingitanus, Loche 203 rutidorsalis, Brehm 203 indicus, Jard. Sj- Selby. . . . 203 pyrrbonotus, Blytli 204 italifE ( Vieill.) 205 hispaiiiolensis (TewiJH.) .. 205 transcaspicus, Tschusi .... 206 debilis, Hartert 206 rutilans, Tenim 207 melanurus (P. L. S. Mail.) 207 moabiticus, Tristram .... 208 yatei, Sharpe 208 luotitensis, Smith 208 ruticinctus, Fischer if Beiche?ioio 209 amruodendri, Severiz 209 sabavse, Frlanyer 209 swainsoui {Biijip.) 210 Alario, Bonap 210 alario {Linn.) 210 leucolsema, Sharpe 210 Auripasser, Bonap 211 euchlorus, Bonap 211 Sorella, Hartl. 211 emini, Hartl 211 Poliospiza, Bonap 211 albigularis (Smith) 211 crocopygia {Sharpe) .... 212 leucopygia (Sundev.) .... 212 gularis (Stnith) 212 tristriata (Bi'qyp.) 213 Seriniis, Koch 213 cauicoUis (Swains.) 213 sulpburatus (Liim.) .... 214 ilaviventris (Swains.) .... 214 marshalH (Shelley) 214 icterus ( Vieill.) 215 serinus (Linn.) ........ 215 canarius (Linn.) 216 syriacus, Bonap 217 pusillus (Pall.) 217 STSTEJIATIC INDEX. Page Sycalls, Boie -216 tlaveola (Linn.) liLS pelzelni, Scl 218 arveosis, Kittl '2\S Carpodaciis, Kaup 219 erythrimis (rail.) 219 roseatiis {HiKhp.) 220 saKiivXzo7i, Sliarpc 220 purpiireus (Gincl.) 221 caliibmicus, Baird 221 cassini, Baird 221 mexioamis (P. L. S. MiUl.) 222 frontalis {Say) 222 clemeutis, Mcanis 222 am pi us, Rid[/icaij 223 Propasser, J£odi/s 223 tluira, Bonup. S)- Sck/cr/. . . 223 Loxia, Lin72 223 cuivirustra, Lin)i 223 pityopsittafius, Borkh. . . 225 bifasciata (Brehm) 225 leucoptera, Ginel 225 ryrrliula, Brisi^ 226 pyrrhula {Linn.) 226 eiiiopfea, Vieill 226 riiiicolii, Vieill. 228 euucleatoi- {Linn.) 228 canadensis, Cah 229 Uragus, Kei/s. i,- Bias 229 sibiriciis {Pall.) 229 Pyrrhulorhyncba, Gifflioli . . 229 pyrrliuloides {Pall.) 229 Emberiza, Briss 230 scboenichis. Linn 230 pallasi, Cah 232 pusilla, Pall 232 rustica, Pall. 233 fucata, Pall 233 arcuata, Sharpe . . , 234 elegaus, Teium 234 chrysopbrys, Pall 235 flaviveutris {Steph.) 235 nielanocepbala, iScoji 236 luteola, Sparrnt 237 aureola, Pall 237 citrinella, Linn 238 sulpburata, Temm. <$• Schlet/ 240 personata, Temm 241 spodocepbala, Pall. 241 cirlus, Linn 242 bortulana, Linn 243 bucbanani, Bhjih 244 ciBsia, Crelzschm 244 fctuwarti, Blyfh 245 cia, Lin7i 246 stracheyi, Moore 247 godlewskii, Pucz 247 cioides, Brandt 247 cac.taneiceps, Moure .... 248 ciuj;sis, Bonap 248 jankowskii, Tacz 249 luucoCi'pbala, Gmel 249 Miliaria, Brehm 250 miliaria {Linn.) 250 Fringillaria, Sivains 251 capeusis {Linn.) 251 insularis, Grant Sf Forbes . 252 striiilata {Licht.) 252 sabarffi {Levaill.) 253 impetuani {Smith) 253 Melopbus, Swaiiis 254 melanicterus {Gmel.) .... 254 Plectropbenax, Stejneyer .... 254 nivalis {Linn.) 254 Calt/arins, Bechst 256 lappouicus {Linn.) 256 pictus {Swains.) 258 oruatus {Towns.) 258 Ivbyncbopbanes, Baird .... 259 maccowni [Laivr.) 259 Calamospiza, Bunap 259 melanocorys, Stejn 259 Spiza, Bonap 260 aniericana {Gmel.) 260 Cbondestes, Swains 260 granimacus {Say) 260 strigatus {Swains.) 260 Pooecetes, Baird 261 graniiueus {Gmel.) 261 coubnis, Baird 262 Passerculus, Bonap 262 princeps, Mai/nard 262 savanna ( M'ilson) 262 alandiiius {Bonap.) 263 Coturnicukis, Bonap 263 passerinus ( WiUon) 263 Ammodrounis, Sicains 264 maritimus ( Wilson) .... 264 caudacutus {Gmel.) .... 264 Myiospiza, Ridt/ivai/ 265 peruana, {Bonap.) 265 Plagiospiza, Ridyivau ..,,.. 265 superciliosa {Swains.) .... 265 Htemopbila, Swains 265 cassini ( Woodhouse) 265 Ampbispiza, Coues 266 bilineata (6'«-5«m) 266 deserticola, Ridyw 266 belli ( Cassin) 266 nevadeusis, Ridyvj 267 XVI SYSTEJIATIC INDEX. Page Poospiza, Cab 267 luelanoleuca {D'Orb. 4'- Znfr.) 2G7 Junco, Wiigler 268 lij'emalis {Limt.) 268 orefjoiius ( Totnisend) .... 268 caiiiceps ( Woadlwuse) , . . . 269 pliajoiiotus, Waffl 269 Spizella, Bonctp 269 nioiiticola {Gmel.') 269 ochracea, Brewster 270 socialis ( Wilsmi) 270 niexicana, Nelson 271 arizonse, Coues 271 pusilla ( Wilso)i) 272 arenacea, C/iadboiirne .... 272 atrogularis {Citb.) 272 pallida {Swains.) 273 breweri, Cassin 273 ZonotricLia, Swains 273 leucophrys (Forster) .... 273 g-ambeli (Nutiall) 274 inittalli, Hidffw 274 albicollis {Gmel.) 275 Brachyspiza, Midf/w 275 pileata {Budd.) 275 stiigicei^s {Gould) 277 Melospiza, Baird 277 nieloda ( Wilson) 277 Diontana (Hcnshaiv) 278 fallax {Baird] 278 beermanni, Baird 278 samiielis (Baird) 279 lincolni {Avdub.) 279 georgiana {Lath.) 279 Passerella, Strains 280 iliaca (Men-em) 280 Passerina ( Vieill.) 281 cyanea (Linn.) 281 amoena {Sai/) 281 ciris {Lvnn.) 281 Oreos]3iza, Bidf/m 282 chlorura ( totvnsend) .... 282 Pipilo, Vieill 282 megalnnyx, Baird 282 nregoiius, Bell 283 enthroplitbalmus (linn.). 283 alleni, Cones 284 fusciLS, Swains 284 niesoleuciis, Baird 284 albigiila, Baird 285 crissalis ( Vie/.) 285 Melozone, Beic'henh 285 liarcuatum {Brivost) 285 Airemonops, Bidf/w 28(3 rufivirgatus {Later.) 286 Page cliloi'onotus {Sahin) .... 286 richmoiidi, BidffW 286 Enibernagra, Less 287 platensis {Gmel.) 287 Emberizoides, Temm 287 macruius (Gmel.) 287 Pseudochloris, Sharpe 288 xiropvgialis {i>'Orb. Sj- Lafr.) 288 aureiventris {Philijjpi Sf Landh.) 288 Phrygilus, Cab 288 gayi {JSydotix <§■ Gervais) . 288 melanoderus (Quoy ^ Gaimard) 289 alaudmus {Kittl.) 289 Haplospiza, Cab 289 unicolor, Cab 289 Diuca, Beiclumb 290 diuca {Molina) 290 Rbodospingus, SJtarpe 290 cnientus {Less.) 290 Paroaria, Bonap 290 cucuUata (Lath.) 290 Gubernatrix, Less 291 cristata ( Vieill.) 291 Arremon ( Vieill.) 291 silens (Bodd.) 291 spectabilis, Sclater 291 auraDtiirostris, Lafr 292 Lysurus, Bidgw 292 castaneiceps {Sclater) .... 292 Atlapetes, Wac/ler 292 pileatus, JVaffler 292 guttiiralis (Lafr.) 293 Buarremon, Bonap 293 briimieimicha {Lafr.) .... 293 ela?oprorus, Scl. &,• Salv. . . 294 meridii?, Scl. l§- Salv 294 Family Ccerebid.^. Coereba, Vieill. 294 luteola (Cab.) 294 niexicana {Scl.) 295 flaveola {Linn.) 295 newtoni {Baird) 29.5 dominicana (TV/j//o;-) .... 296 atrata {Lawr.) 296 wellsi ( Cory) 296 Euneorris, Fitxinyer 297 campestris (Liyin.) 297 Diglossa, Wagler 297 sittoides (BOrh. >§• Lafr.). 297 albilateralis, Lafr. ...... 298 personata (Fraser) 298 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Diglossopis, Sclater 298 cjerulescens, Scl 298 Conirostrum, If Orb. ^- Lafr. . 299 sitticolor, Lajr ." . . . 299 Family Tanageid^. Euphonia, Desnuirest 299 Bigricollis ( T'u'il/.) 299 elegantissima (Bouaj}.) . . 2'J9 affinis, Less 300 liiriindioacea, £ona2) 300 Pjrriuiphonia. Bonap 301 Jamaica (ZiViH.) 301 Calospiza, Gray 301 paiadisea {tSicains.) 301 chrvsopbrvs {Scl.') 301 vitriolina (C«6.) 302 cayana [Linn.) 302 cucullata (Sicains.) 302 iiigiiviiidis (Lafr.) 303 cyanoptera {iSu'ams.) 303 atricapilla {Lafr.) 303 Stepliaiiophorus, 'iStricldayid . . 304 leucoceplialiis ( Vieil/.). . . . 304 Pceci)Otlirau])is, Cab 304 luiudata (Du Bus) 304 Tanai;ra, Lhin 304 episcopus, Linn 304 major, Bvrlepsch S; Siolz- mann 305 cana, Swains 30o cyaDoptera ( Vieill.) 306 sayaea [Linn.) 306 melanoptera, Scl 307 oruata, Sparrm 307 abbas, Licht 307 bonariensis ( Gmel.) 308 Spoi-uthraupis, Ridgxv 308 auricrissa {Scl.) 309 Spindalis, Jard. S^- Selhy 310 nigricepliala {Jameson) . . 310 Hbauipbocoelui!, Desm 311 brasilius {Linn.) ,. 311 nigrigularis, Sijiv 311 dimidiatus, Lafr 311 jacapa {Linn.) 310 papseriiiii, Bonap 310 costaricensis, Cherric 310 flammigenis, /ar^. S,- Selbt/. 311 icteronotus, Bonap 311 Pyianga, Vieill 311 a-stiva {Linn.) 311 rubra {Linn.) 312 bidentata Swains 312 riioeuicotbraupis, Cab 313 i rubicoides {Lafr.) 313 giUturalis, Scl 313 Tacliypbonus, Vieill 313 rulus {Bodd.) 313 coronatus ( Vieill.) 314 Tricbothraiipis, Cab 314 melanops, Vieill 314 Clilorospingus, Cab 315 regionalis. Bangs 315 flavipectus {Lafr.) 315 Hemispingus, Cab 315 riibriiostris {Lafr.) 315 Psittospiza, Bonap 316 rietleri {Buias.) 316 Orchesticus, Cab 316 abeiUei {Less.) 316 Family PLOCEiDiE. Diatropura, Oberh 316 progue {Bodd.) 316 Coliostrutlius, Sundev 317 ardeus {Bodd.) 317 Urobrachya, Bonap 318 axillaris {Smith) 318 phcenicea {Heiigl.) 318 Pyromelana, IJo>,ap 318 flammiceps (Swains.) .... 318 uigriventer {Cassin) 319 orix (Linn.) 319 franciscana (Isert) 320 A\aiAevLi?ita.( Fischer Si Reich.) 320 capensis (Linn.) 321 approximans {Cab.) .... 321 taha, Smith 321 afra {Gmel.) 322 Ploceipasser, Sinith 322 maliali. Smith 322 Philffiterus, Smith 322 socius (Lath.) 322 Pseudoiiigrita, Beichenow .... 323 firnaudi (Bonap.) 323 Pyrenestes, Swains 323 ostrinus ( Vieill.) 323 Quelea, Reichenb 324 erytbrops {Hart I.) 324 cardjiialis (Marti.) 324 quelea (Linn.) 324 Lepidopygia, Reichenb 325 poeiisis {Fraser) 325 nana {Pucher.) 325 Spermestes, Swains 325 cucullatus, Swai?is 325 scutatus, Heurjl 326 Amaiu-esthes, Reichenb 326 fringilloides {Lafr.) 320 SYSTEM^ATIC INDEX. Pape Oitvgospiza, Siindev 3:26 pohzona {Tfmm.) 826 utricollis ( T'kil/. ) 327 Il3')iargus, Iieic7w7ib 327 margaiitatus {Strickl.) . . 327 Lay:uuosticta, Cab 327 biunneiceps, Sharpe .... 327 riiberriiua, licich 328 ruf'opictn, Fraser 328 rubricata (Licht.) 328 Stictospiza, S/iarpe 328 formosa (Lath.) 328 Aniadina, Swains 329 fasciata {Gtiwl.) 329 erythrocepliala (Linn.) . . 329 Steganopleura, Reichenb 329 guttata {Shirw) 329 ZoniEgiuthus, C(th 330 bellus [Lath.) .330 oculatus ( Quoy S," Guim.) . . 330 Coccopygia, lieichcnh 330 dut'resnei ( Vieill.) 330 T»niop_vgia, Reichenb 331 castauotjs (Gould) 331 Stictoptera, Reichenb 331 bicheuovii ( Vig. 8)- Horsf.). 331 Sporreginthus, Cab 332 amandava (Linn.) 332 Havidiventris ( Wallace) . . 332 subflavus ( J7ej'W.) 332 melpodus ( Vieill.) 333 Munia, Hodgs 333 orizivora (Linn.) 333 inalacca (Linn.) 333 maja (Linn.) 3.34 atricapilla ( Vieill.) 334 jagori (Cab.) 334 brunneiceps, Walden .... 335 nigriceps, Ramsay 33-5 spectabilis, Scl 33o caniceps, Salvnd 335 pnnctiilata (Linn.) 335 subimdulata,6'of/e<;.-^itsm.) 446 Dissemurus, Gloger 446 paradiseus {Linn.) 446 Page Family Paeadiseidte. Craspedophora, Gray 447 intercedens {Sharpe) 447 alberti, Elliot 447 Astrapia, Vieill 447 stephanisB, Finsck ^- Meyer 447 Paradisea, Linn 448 apoda, Litin 448 raggiana, Scl 448 Phonygama, Lesson 449 jaiiiesi, Sharpe 449 Manacodia, Bodd 450 altera, Boths. ^- ILtrtert . . 450 jobiensis, Salvad 450 Lophorhina, Vieill. 451 minor, Bamsay 451 Aiublyornis, Elliot 451 inornatiis {Schleg.) 451 subalarLs (6',^«;7jf) 451 Chlamydodera, Gould 452 maculata, Gould 452 michalis {Jard. Sf Selby) . . 452 zEluroedus, Cab 452 stouei, Sharpe 452 melanocephalus, 7?«?«iY/y. . 453 Family Cop.vid.i5. Trypanocorax, Sundev 453 frugilegus {Linn.) 453 pastiuator (Gould) 454 Heterocorax, Sharpe 454 capensis {Licht.) 454 Corviis, Linn 455 corax, Linn 455 islandicu?, Hantzsch .... 456 bispaiius, Hartert Sf Kleiitschm , . . 45(3 canarieusis, Hartert l^ IQeinschni 457 tingitauus, Irby 457 lawiencei, Hume 458 umbrinus, Sundev 458 principalis, Bidgw 459 cryptoleucus, Couch .... 459 coronoides, Vig. ^- Horsf. . 460 cecilt^;, Mathews "... 4(i0 macrorhyiiclms, Wagl. . . 4(il japonensis, Bonap. \ 4G2 philippiniis, Bonap 462 piisillus, Tweedd 463 torquatus, Linn 4(33 scapulalu.=!, Baud. 464 comix, Linn 464 STSTEJUTIC INDEX. Pase sai'doniiis, KlcmxcJnn 4r)() sharpii, OdtcA 46(i capellanus, Scl 4G7 corone, Linn 41)7 orientalis, Eversm 468 caurinus, JBaird 4(38 ossifragu3, Wilson 469 spleiidens, Vieill 4(59 insolens, Hume 470 brachyrliynclius, Brehm . . 471 pasciius, Coues 471 liesperis, Rich/w 472 Cnrvnltuv, Lest:on 472 albicolHs (Lath.) 472 Colceus, Kaup 472 moiiedula {Linn.) 472 collaris (Drummond) .... 474 dauuricus (Pall.) 474 llhinocorax, Sharpe 474 allinis {Rilpp.) 474 Microcorax, Sharpe 475 jamaicensis (Gmel.) 475 Physocorax, Bonap 475 inoneduloides (Less.) .... 475 Macrocorax, Sharpe 475 fuscicapillus (Gray) 475 Nucifraga, Brisson 476 caryocatactes (Linn.) .... 476 Pica, Brisson 476 pica (Linn.) 476 melanonota (Brehm) .... 478 bactriana, Bo?inp 478 hudsouia (Sabine) 479 sericea, Gould 479 mauritanica, Mather be. . . . 479 nuttalli, Audub 480 Cyanopolius, Bonap 480 cyanus (Pall.) 480 japonicus, Parrot 481 swiiiboei, Hartert 481 cooki (Bonap.) 481 Urocissa, Cab 482 occipitalis (Dbjth) 482 erythrorbvuclia (Gmel.) . . 483 flavirostris (Bli/fh) 483 cieru\e>i (Gould) 484 whiteheadi, Of/ilvie- Grant 484 Dendrocitta, Gould 484 nifa (Scop.) 484 frontalis, McClell 485 himalayensis (Blyth) .... 486 sinensis (Lath.) 487 cinerascetis, Sharpe 487 Crypsirhina, Vieill 487 varians (Lath.) 487 Page Cissa, Bote 488 cliineusis (Bodd.) 488 Calocitta, Gray 488 coUiei ( Viyors) 488 Platysniurus, Reichenb 489 aterrimiis (Tenim.) 489 Garrulus, Brisson 489 glandarius (Linn.) 489 rutitergum, Hartert 490 caspius, Seebohm 491 minor, Verr 491 krynicld, Kalenicz 491 atricapillus, Geoffr 492 japonicus, Schley 492 brandti, Eversm . 492 whitakeri, Hartert 493 cervicalis, Bonap 49.3 bispecularis, Viyors 493 sinensis, Swi?ih 493 Laletes, Reiclienow 494 lauceolatus ( Vigors) .... 494 Cractes, Billberg 494 infanstus (Linn.) 494 canadensis (Linn.) 495 Cyanocitta, Strickl. 495 cristata (Linn.) 495 coronata (Strains.) 496 florincola, Coues 496 Aphelocoma, Cub , . . . . 496 californica ( Viyors) 496 woodhousei (Baird) .... 497 C3'anotis, Ridyw 497 Cyanocorax, Boie 498 chrysops ( Vieill.) 498 affiuis, Pelz 498 mystacalis (Geofr.) 499 C'jiv\x\e\\s (Vieill.) 499 Xanthura, Bonap 500 galeata, Ridyw 500 luxuosa (Less.) 500 glaucescens, Ridyw 500 guatemalensis, Bonap 501 Oissoloplia, Bonap 501 yucatanica (Dubois) .... 501 beeeheyi ( Viyors) 501 melanocyanea (Hart I.) . . 502 Psilorliinus, Rilpp 502 morio ( IVayler) 502 vociferus (Cabot) 503 Struthidea, Gould 503 einerea, Gould 503 Picathartes, Lesson 504 crymuoeeplialus, Tenun. . . 504 oreas, Reichenoio 504 Glaucopis, G^nel 504 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Paje cinerea, Gmcl. 504 Graculiis, Koch 504 graciilus {Lin//.) 504 Pyrrliocorax, Tl'eill 506 alpinus, Vipi/l 500 Corcorax, Lesson 500 melauorhamplms ( Vieill.) . 506 Podoces, Fischer 507 panderi, Fischer 507 humiJis, Hume 607 Page Family Streperidje. Strepera, Lesson 508 graciilina ( IVhite) 50S aro-uta, Gould 50S vieilloti, Matheivs 509 inelauoptera, Gould 509 plimibea, Gould 509 intermedia, Sharpe 510 fuligriuosa {Gould) 510 CATALOGUE OF BIRDS' EGGS VOL. V. Order PASSERIFORMES (continued). (Cf. Vol. iii. p. 165.) Sub-Order ACROMYODF (continued). (Cf. Vol. iii. p. 229.) PASSERES NORMALES (continued). (Cf. Vol. iii. p. 229.) Family ZOSTEROPID^. Genus ZOSTEROPS, Vig. ^ Rorsf. As a rule eggs of the White-eyes resemble each other closely in size, shape, and colour. They are of a pointed oval shape, exhibit very little gloss, and are of a pale blue or bluish-green colour, without markings. The tint is variable not only among eggs of the same species, but even among those of the same clutch. In some clutches all the eggs are white. Zosterops japonica, Temm. 4' Schl. Zosterops japonica, Shca-pe, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 160 (1884) ; Seebohm, B. Japan. Emj). p. 68 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Ek-rsamml. p. 78 (1899) ; Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zosterop. p. 11 (1901) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. -I-Il (1902) ; Shar2)e, Hand-l. v. p. 1 (1906). Zosterops palpebrosus japonicu.s, Hartert, Viio. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 315 (1905). ^ i 1 VOL. V. T> Z09TER0PI1).K. The eggs of the Japanese White-eye measure from -67 to -7 in length, and from -5 to -53 in breadth. 4-. Fujiyama, Hondo, Japan, lltliJ lily. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. 5. Subashiri, Fujiyama, 6th July. W. RadclifEe Saunders, Esq. Zosterops gouldi, Bonap. Zosterops chloronotus, Thien. Fortpjicmz. ges. Voff. tab. xxiii. fig. 14 (1845-54). Zosterops gouldi, Gould, Hanclb. Birds Austr. i. p. 588 (1865) ; Sliarpp, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 162 (1884); North, Nests ^- Egas Austr. Birds, p. 350 (1889); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 80 (1899); Canqibell, Nests ^- Eygs Austr. Birds, i. p. 350 (1901) ; Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zosterop. p. 12 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 2 (1906). Eggs of the Australian Green-backed White-eye measure from •62 to -7 in length, and from -48 to "5 in breadth. 4. West Australia. Gould Coll. 1. West Australia. Gould Coll. 2. West Australia. Gould Coll. 2. West Australia, 4th November Crowley Bequest. {A. J. Campbell). 2. Australia, 27tli December. Crowley Bequest. 3. Australia. Carter Coll. Zosterops sundevalli, Hartl. Zosterops pallida, Sharpe {nee Swains.), Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 160 (1884); Shelley, Birds Afr. ii. p. 187 (1900) ; Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zosferop. p. 50 (1901). Zosterops sundevalli, Sharpe, JSand-l. v. p. 2 (1906). Eggs of Burchell's White-eye measure from -65 to -66 in length, and from "44 to "46 in breadth. 3. 14 Streams, Vaal Kiver, November. R. B. W^oosnam, Esq. [C.]. Zosterops xanthochroa, Gray. Zosterops xanthochroa, Layard, Ibis, 1878, p. 259 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B.M. ix. p. 174 (1884); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 80 (1899); Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zosterop. p. 13 (1901); Sharpe, Hund-l. v, p. 2 (1906). Two eggs of the New Caledonian White-eye measure respectively 7 by -5 and -68 by -5. 2. New Caledonia (E. L. Layard : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). ZOSTEKOPS. O Zosterops ceylonensis, Hohhw. Zosterops ceylonensis, Legge, B. Cei/fon, p. .58-5 (1879) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 173 (1884); Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zosterop. p. 13 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 2 (1906). Three eggs of the Ceylon White-eye measure '6 by '47. 3. Ceylou, 12th August. E, C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [0.]. Zosterops annulosa, Swains. Zosterops capensis, Sundev. ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 171 (1884); Euschel, J.f. 0. 1895, p. 345: Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 80 (1899). Zosterops annulosa, Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zosterop. p. 14 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 2 (1906). Seven eggs of the Cape White-eye measure from "67 to -69 in length, and from '51 to -53 in breadth. 1. South Africa {E. L. Layard). Crowley Bequest. 2. Grahamstown, South Africa. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. Durban, Natal, 20th October. Major R. SpaiTow [E.]. 2. Durban, 24th December. Major R. Sparrow [E.l. 1. Durban, 1st February. Major R. Sparrow [E.J. Zosterops madagascariensis {Gmel.). Zosterops madagascariensis, Milne-Edwards ^ Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag., Ois. i. p. 291, pi. 302. tig. 15 (1879) ; Coivan, Proc. JR. Phijs. Soc. Edinb. vii. p. 148 (1882) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 170 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 80 (1899) ; Sharpe, ir«M(^-/. V. p. 3(1906). Zosterops maderaspatana, Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zosterop. p. 15 (1901). Six eggs of the Madagascar "White-eye measure from "OS to -69 in length, and from •49 to -5 in breadth. The six eggs in the Crowley Collection, purchased from Jamrach and said to have come from Madagascar, have been referred to the present bird. They appear, however, to belong to a different species, for they measure from •71 to •7'5 in length, and from "54 to -oo in breadth. Nehrkorn gives the measurements as '64 x "o (16 X 12^5 mm.). 4. Betsileo, Madagascar. Rev. W. Deans Cowan [P.]. 2. Uaka, S.E. Madagascar, 16th Nov. Crowley Bequest. ( W. Deans Coioan: Tristram Coll.). 6. [Madagascar.] Crowley Bequest. Zosterops palpebrosa {Temm.). Zosterops palpebrosa, Legqe, B. Ceylon, p. 582 (1879) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 165 (1884) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 214 (1889) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests Sf Egtjs Ind. Birds, i. p. 140 (1889); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 165 (1899); Barnes, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. v. p. 97, pi. (1890) ; Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zosterop. p. 17 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 4 (1906). B 2 4 Z0STEEOPID2E. The eggs of the Indian White-ej'e measure from -51 to -7 in length, and from -4 to -49 in breadth. 2. Kotgarh, Himalayas, 30th June. Hume Coll. 1. Almora, Himalayas, 1st Aug. Hume Coll. 2. North-west Provinces, 19th June. Huiue Coll. 1. Luckuow, 22nd May. Iluiiie Coll. 2. Lucknow, 2nd July. Hume Coll. 2. Allahabad, 18th July. Hume Coll. 2. Allahabad. Hume ColL 1. Jhansi, 7th August. Hume Coll. 3. Saugor, C. Provinces, 2nd Aug. Hume Coll. 7. Raipur, C. Provs. [F. R. Blewitt). Hume Coll. 9. Eaipur, 15th June {F. R. B.). Hume Coll. 1. Nilghiri Hills (Miss Cockburn). Hume Coll. 3. Nilghiri Hills ( Walhouse : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll). 2. Ootacamund, Nilghiri Hills, 11th Hume Coll. March. 2. Ootacamund, 14th March. Hume Coll. 1. Coonoor, Nilghiri Hills, loth March. Hume Coll. 2. Coonoor, 17th IMarch. Hume Coh. 2. Coonoor, 15th April. Hume Coll. 3. Dibrughar, Assam, 18th May Hume Coll. {J. R. Cripps). 1. Lunugala, Ceylon, May {A. L. Crowley Bequest. Butler). Zosterops aureiventer, Hume. Zosterops aureiventer, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 163 (1884) ; Fiiisch, Das Tierreich, Zosterop. p. 17 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 4 (1906). An egg of the Golden-bellied White-eye measures -59 by -45. 1. Java, 28th April. Crowley Bequest. Zosterops basilanica, Steere. Zosterops everetti, Shai-pe (nee Tweedd.), Cat. Birds B. 31. ix. p. 163 (1884). Zosterops basilanica, Finsch, Bas Tierreich, Zosterop. p. 19 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 5 (1906). Two (out of a chitch of three) eggs of the Basilan White-eye are white ; they measure -55 by '45. 2. BongaOjPhilippine Islands, 13th July Crowley Bequest. {A. H. Eierett). Zosterops simplex, Swinh. Zosterops japonicus, Sivinhoe (nee T. 4* S.), Ibis, 1861, p. 331. Zosterops palpebrosa Sharpe [nee Temm.), Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 165, part. (1884). Zosterops simplex, Slyan, Ibis, 1887, p. 227 ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 215 (1889) ; La Touche, Ibis, 1898, p. 367 ; 1899, p. 431 ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 80 (1899) ; Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zos- terop. p. 20 (1901) ; La Touche ^^ Itickett, Ibis, 1905, p. 31 : Sharpe, Iland-l. V. p. 5 (1906). The eggs of Swinhoe's White-eye measure from -6 to -07 in length, and from -47 to -5 in breadth. 1. Amoy, China {E. Swmhoe : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 4. Amoy, China [R. S.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Fooehow, China, 19th Juno. C. B. Eickett, Esq. [P.]. 2. Formosa, 28th April (P. A. Hoist). Seebohm Coll. 2. Formosa, 1st May (P. A. H.). Seebohm Coll. 2. Fomosa, 5th May (P. A. H.). Seebohm CoU. Zoster ops stejnegeri, Seebohm. Zosterops stejnegeri, Seebohm, Ibis, 1891, p. 273 ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 80 (1899) ; Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zosterop. p. 20 (1901) : Sharpe, Ilaml-l. V. p. 5 (1906). ^ ' ^ ' Zosterops palpebrosa stejnegeri, Sartert, Tog. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 315 (1905). Two eggs of Stejneger's White-eye are of a very pale bluish- white : they measure -7 in length, and from -5 to -51 in breadth. 2. Fatsizio, Seven Islands, Japan, W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq 13th April. [P.]. ^ Zosterops natalis, Lister. Zosterops natalis, Sharpe, in Andrews Monogr. Christmas Island, p. 49 (1900); Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zosterop. p. 23 (1901); Sharpe Hand-l. V. p. 7 (1906). -^ ' The eggs of the Christmas-Island White-eye in the Collection vary greatly in size. Four examples measure respectively : -68 bv •51 ; -7 by -51 ; -6 by -49 ; -6 by -5. 2. Christmas Island, Indian Ocean, Sir John Murray fP 1 9th Nov. (C. W. Andrews). '" ■-■■ 2. Christmas Island (C. W. A.). Sir John Murray [P.J. Zosterops aignani, Hartert. (Plate I. fig. 1.) Zosterops aignani, Hartert, Nov. Zool. vi. p. 210 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 11 (1906). The eggs of the St. Aignan White-eye measure from -62 to -72 in length, and from '5 to -55 in breadth. 3. St. Aignan, Louisiade Archipelago. Mr. A. S. Meek [C.l. 3. St. Aignan. Mr. A. S. Meek [C.l. 1. St. Aignan. Mr. A. S. Meek [CJ. ZOSTEKOl'IDiE. Zosterops flavifrons (Omel.). Zosterops flaYifrons, Tristram, Ibis, 1876, p. 262 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B.M. ix. p. 187 (1884); Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 80 (1899); Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zosierop. p. 30 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 11 (1906). Two eggs of the New Hebrides White-eye are pure white and of a rather long pointed oval shape. They measiire -8 by -56. 1. New Ilebiides, 24th October ( J". (?. Crowley Bequest. Paton : Tristram Coll.). 1. New Hebrides, 14th November Crowley Bequest. (/. G. 1\ : Tristram Coll.). Zosterops owstoni, Hartert. Zosterops semperi, Finsch {necllartl.), P. Z.S. 1880, p. 575; A^ehrk. Fat. Eiersamml. p. 80 (1899). Zosterops semperi owstoni, TTartert, Nov. Zool. vii. p. 2 (1900). Zosterops owstoni, Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zosterop. p. 31 (1901) ; Sharjje, Hand-l. v. p. 12 (1906). Two eggs of the Ruk Island White-eye measure respectively •68 by -5 and -65 by -5. 2. Ruk Island, Caroline Is., 10th June. Crowley Bequest. Zosterops hypoxantha, Salvad. Zosterops hypoxantha, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 178 (1884) ; Dahl, MT. Mus. Berlin, i. pp. 98, 210 (1899); Nehrk. Eat. Eier- samml. p. 80 (1899) ; Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zosterop. p. 35 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 14 (1906). Eggs of the New Pomeranian White-eye measure -65 by "5 and -62 by -48. 2. New Pomerania, Bismarck Archip. Crowley Bequest. 1. New Pomerania. Crowley Bequest. Zosterops lateralis {Lath.). Zosterops dorsalis, Thien. {nee V. ^ H.) Fortpjlanz. ges. Von. tab. xxiii, fig. 15 (1845-54). Zosterops caerulescens, Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 587 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 152 (1884) ; North, Nests ^- Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 233 (1889) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 79 (1899; ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 347, pi. 13 (1901) ; Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zosterop. p. 39 (1901). Zosterops lateralis, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 16 (1906). Eggs of the Australian Grey-backed White-eye measure from -61 to -8 in length, and from -45 to -59 in breadth. ZOSTEKOriD.E. DWMIOJE. 7 3. New South Wales. Gould Coll. 2. Sydney, N.S.W. Old Collection. 3. Canterbury, N.S.W. , lOth Nov, Crowley Bequest. (A. J. North). 3. Dobroyd, N.S.W. (JE. P. Ramsay : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 3. Roseville, 17tli October. A. J. North, Esq. [P.l 3. Melbourne, Victoria. A. J. Campbell, Esq. [P.]. 2. Melbourne. Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Mouth of Yarra R., Victoria, 4th Crowley Bequest. October (A. J. North). 3. Ballaarat Forest, Victoria. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 2. South Australia. Gould Coll. 2. Tasmania. Gould Coll. 5. New Zealand. Dr. H. J. Wharton [P.]. 2. Christchurch, New Zealand. Capt. R. Snow [P.]. Zosterops flaviceps, Peale. Zosterops flaviceps, Peale, U.S. Expl. Expecl. p. 95 (1848) ; Finsch 8; Hartl. Beitr. Faun. Centrcdpolyn. p. 52, pi. i. fi^. 7 (1867) ; Nehrk, J.f. O. 1879, p. 39G ; Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zosterop. p. 40 (1901) ; ShariK, Hand-l. v. p. 17 (1906). Zosterops westerneusis, Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 79 (1899) [part.]. Eggs of the Fijian White-eye measure from "66 to "68 by '5. 10. Fiji (E. L. Layard : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Zosterops tenuirostris, Gould. Zosterops tenuirostris, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 536 (1865) ; Sharjje, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 154 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 79 (1899) ; Finsch, Das Tierreich, Zosterop. p. 42 (1901) ; Sharp^, Hand-l. v. p. 17 (1906). In four eggs of the Norfolk-Island White-eye, the measurements vary from '72 to "8 in length, and from '56 to -6 in breadth. 4. Norfolk Island {^Dr. Croiofoot). Crowley Bequest. Family DIC^ID^. Genus DICiEUM, Cuv. Dicaeum cruentatum {Linn.). Dicseum cruentatum, Sharps, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 15 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiei-samml. p. 84 (1899) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 376 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eqgs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 270 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 21 (1906). " EkRs of the Scarlot-backed Flowcr-pccker are of a pointed oval shai^, plain wiiite and without any gloss. They vary from -50 to •58 in length, and from -38 to -42 in breadth. 1. Dibrugarh, Assam, 24th May {J. B. Hume Coll. Cripps). ^ _ „ 2 Pegu, 1st April {E. W. Oates). Gates Coll. 2 Pegu, 9th April {E. W. O.). Gates Coll. 1. Pegu, 28th March {E. W. 0.). Crowley Bequest. DicSBum nigrimentum, Salvad. Dicfeum nigrimentum, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 17 (1885) ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 21 (1906). Three eggs of the Black-chinned Flower-pecker are uniform white and of an elongate oval form. They measure from -53 to •58 in length, and from ^39 to -A in breadth. 3. Singapore, 10th March {J. White- Crowley Bequest. head). Dicaeum hirundinaceum (Shaw). Dicagum hirundinaceum, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 581 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 19 (1885) ; North, Nests Sf Eycjs Austr. Birds, p. 236 (1889) ; Campbell, Nests <^ Eygs Austr. Birds, i. p. 437 (1901) ; Sharpe, B.and-1. v. p. 22 (1906). The eggs of the Swallow Flower-pecker are of an elongate oval form, slightly glossy and plain white. They measure from '64 to •7 in length, and from -43 to -5 in breadth. 6. New South Wales. Gould Coll. 3. South Australia {G. F. Angas). Gould Coll. 1. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.]. Dicseum hsBmatostictum, Sharpe. Dicseura ha;matostictum, Sharp)e, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 35 (1885) ; Ogilme-Grant ^ Whitehead, Ibis, 1896, p. 553 ; 1898, p. 243, pi. vi. fig. 2 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 25 (1906). An egg of the Blood-breasted Flower-pecker is of a regular oval shape, without any gloss. It is pale greenish-white, spotted and blotched with pale olive-brown and clouded with lilac-grey. The markings are chiefly confined to the larger end of the egg. It measures '65 by ^49. 1. Canloan Volcano, Central Negros, J. Whitehead, Esq. [C,]. Philippine Islands, 19th March. Dicseum trigonostigma (Scop.). Dicseum trigonostigma, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 343 ; id., Cat. Birds B. M. X. p. 38 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 84 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 26 (1906). nicEUM. 9 An egg of the Orange-bellied Flower-pecker scut bj' Sir Hugh Low is of a pointed oval shape and devoid of gloss. It is pale grceuish-white, rather thickly speckled and spotted, especially at the broad end, with umber-brown and dull purplish-grey. It measures '62 by '42. 1. Labuan Island, Borueo. Sir Hugh Low [C.]. Dicseum cinereigulare, Tweedd. (Plate I. fig. 2.) Dicaeum cinereigulare, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 40 (1885) ; Ogilvie- Grant ^ Whitehead, Ibis, 1898, p. 243; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 84 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 27 (1906). The eggs of the Grey-throated Plower-pecker are of a pointed oval shape, slightly glossy and plain white. They measure from •59 to '(i'l in length, and from "42 to -45 in breadth. 2. Samar, Philippine Islands, July. J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. 2. Samar, July. J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.l. 2. Samar, July. J. Whitehead, ilsq. [C.]. 1. Samar, July. J. Whitehead, Esq. [ C.]. DicsBum chrysorrhoeum, Temm. DiciEum chrysorrhoeum, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 44 (1885) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Lid., Birds, ii. p. 378 (1890) ; Baker, Ibis, 1896, p. 348 ; Sharpe, Haiid-l. v. p. 27 (1906). Eggs of the Yellow-vented Flower-pecker are of a long oval shape, and duU white, devoid of gloss. They measure -Q in length, and from '41 to -42 in breadth. 2. Margherita, Assam, ISth June. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. Eicseum concolor, Jerdon. DicEeum concolor, Sharpe, Cut. Birds B. 31. x. p. 45 (1885) ; Oates, Faima Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 379 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests Sf Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 272 (1890) ; Shmpe, Hand-l. v. p. 28 (1906). The eggs of the Nilghiri Flower-pecker are elongate ovals, entirely devoid of gloss, and plain white. The average measure- ment of four examples is '64 by -43. 1. Nilghiri Hills, S. India, 19th Jan. Hume CoU. 2. Nilghiri Hills, April. Hume Coll. 1. NHghiri Hills, May. Hume Coll. DicsBum olivaceum, Walden. Dicaeum inornatum, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 45 (1885). ' Dicaeum oUvaceum, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 380 (1890) : Baker, Ibis, 1896, p. ;!49 ; Shar2ic, Hand-l. \. p. 28 (1906). 10 mcJsiDj;. Three eggs of the Plain-coloured Flower-pecker are of a rather broad oval shape, pure white, and devoid of gloss. They measure from -52 to -58 in length, and from -42 to -46 in breadth. 1. Maro-herita, Assam, 15th May. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. 2. Margherita, 15th August. E. 0. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. Dicsenm erjrthrorhynchum (LatJi.). Piceum minimum, Tick. ; Lec/ffe, Birds Ceylon, p. 574 (1879). Dicfeum ervthrorhyncluim, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 48 (1885) ; Barnes] Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. iv. p. 86 (1889) ; v. pi. (1890) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Lid., Birds, ii. p. 381 (1880) ; id., ed. mime, Nests S)- Eqgs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 274 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersainml. p. 84 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 28 (1906). Eggs of Tickell's Flower-pecker are of a somewhat narrow oval shape, and plain white, without gloss. They measure from •57 to "61 in length, and from -4 to -41 in breadth. 2. Sitapur, Oudh, 12th March (C. R. Hume Coll. Cock). , 3. Maimbhuni, Bengal, February (B. Crowley Bequest. C Beavan: Tristram Coll.) Genus PARDALOTUS, VieiU. Pardalotus ornatus, Temm. (Plate I. fig. 3.) Pardalotus striatus, Temm. ; Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 161 (1865). Pardalotus ornatus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 55 (1885) ; North, Nests ^- Bggs Austr. Birds, p. 384 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 84 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 440 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 29 (1906). The eggs of the Striated Diamond-bird vary from a narrow to a broad oval or spherical shape, and exhibit a small amount of gloss. They are plain white, and measure from '7 to 'To in length, and from '5 to -6 in breadth. 1. New South Wales ( Wilson). Gould Coll. 2. Wimmera District, "Victoria, 5th Crowley Bequest. September (A. J. No'-th). 3. South Australia [G. F. Angas). Gould Coll. 2. South Australia. Gould Coll. Pardalotus afiBnis, Oould. Pardalotus affinis, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 163 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 57 (1885) ; North, Nests S,- Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 51 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 84 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^- Eqgs Austr. Birds, i. p. 443 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 29 (1906). Four eggs of the Yellow-tipped Diamond-bird are of a broad oval P.VKDALOTUS. 11 shape, pure white, and vorj slif^litly glossed. They measure from •72 to -75 in length, and from '53 to "56 in breadth. 1. Tasmania. Crowley Bequest. 3. Tasmania. Crowley Bequest. Pavdalotus punctatus (Shaw). Pardalotus punctatus, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 157 (1865) ; Shtirpe, Cat. Bird^ B. M. x. p. 58 (1885) : North, Nests ^- Bycjs Austr. Birds, p. 48 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 84 (1899); Camphell. Nests ^- E()(js Austr. Birds, i. p. 444 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 29 (1906). The eggs of the Spotted Diamond-bird are of a broad oval shape and plain white, with a moderate amount of gloss. They measure from -63 to '7 in length, and from -5 to -53 in breadth. New South Wales. Dobroyd, New South Wales, Oc- tober {E. P. Bamsay ; Tristram Coll.). Chatswood, N. S. Wales, 26th October. Canterbury, N. S. Wales, 15th September (A. J. North). South Australia (White). Swan River (G. J. Bostock: Tristrain Coll.), Tasmania. Tasmania {Hinsby). Gould Coll. Crowley Bequest. A. J. North, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Gould Coll. Crowley Bequest. Gould Coll. Crowley Bequest. Pardalotus melanocephalus, Oould. Pardalotus melanocephalus, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 165 (1865) ; Skarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 60 (1885) ; NoHh, Nests i^- Ejys Austr. Birds, p. 52 (1889) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 84 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests Sf Eqys Austr. Birds, i. p. 447 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 29 (1906). The eggs of the Black-headed Diamond-bird are of a broad oval or spheroidal shape, slightly glossy, and plain white. They measure from -67 to "7 in length, and from -53 to -oQ in breadth. 3. Dawson River, Queensland, 21st Crowley Bequest. August (North Coll.). 2. Rockbampton, Queensland, 10th Crowley Bequest. January (North Coll.). 3. New South Wales (E. P. Bamsay) . Gould Coll. 3. New South Wales (G. F. Anyas). Gould Coll. 1. New South Wales (G. 1: ^.). Gould Coll. 1. Clarence River District, N.S.W., Crowley Bequest. September (E. P. B. : Tristram Coll.). 1. Clarence River District (J. Mac- Crowley Bequest. yillivray : Tristram Coll.). 12 DIC^IDJE. Pardalotus quadragintus, Goidd. Tardalotus quadragintus, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 160 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 62 (1885) ; North, Nests Sr Ecjys Amtr. Birds, p. 54 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 84 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests $> Bgt/s Austr. Birds, i. p. 449 (1901); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 30 (1906). Three eggs of the Porty-spotted Diamond-bird are spheroidal in form, white, and slightly glossed. They measure from -59 to -62 in length, and from -5 to -51 in breadth. 1. Tasmania. Gould Coll. 2. Tasmania. Crowley Bequest. Genus PIPRISOMA, Bhjtli. Piprisoma squalidum (Burt.). (Plate I. fig. 6.) Piprisoma agile, Beavan, Ibis, 1865, p. 416 ; 1867, p. 430, pi. x. ; Zec/ffe, Birds Ceylon, p. 579 (1879). Prionochilus squalidus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 73 (1885) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 84 (1899). Piprisoma squalidum, Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 382 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests S^ Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 277 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 32 (1906). The eggs of the Thick-billed Flower-pecker are of a regular oval shape and slightly glossy. They are pale pink, and densely marked with confluent blotches and clouds of chestnut-brown and lavender- grey *, They measure from "6 to -BS in length, and from •45 to •46 in breadth. 1. Northern India, 24th February. Hume Coll. 2. Mauubhum, 29th March (R. C. Crowley Bequest. Beavan: Tristram Coll.). 2. Maunbhum, 18th April {B. C. B. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Genus MELANOCHARIS, Sclater. Melanocharis striativentris, Salvcul. (Plate I. fig. 18.) Melanocharis striativentris, Salvad. Attn. Mus, Civ. Genov. (2) xiv. p. 150 (1894) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 33 (1906). An egg of Salvadori's Flower-pecker is of a broad oval shape and devoid of gloss ; the ground-colour is pinkish-white, blotched * Mr. Stuart Baker (Ibis, 1896, p. 350) has described the nests and eggs of the closely allied P. modestum. NECTAEINITD^. 13 and spotted with purplish-brown and purplish-grey, the blotches being more or less concentrated in an ii'rcgular zone round the larger end. It measures '8 in length by "57 in breadth. 1. Soiith-east New Guinea. Mr. E. Weiske [0.]. 1. South-east New Guinea. Mr. E. Weiske [C.]. Family NECTARINIIDtE. Genus HEDYDIPNA, Cab. Hedydipna metallica (Licht.). (Plate I. fig. 4.) Nectarinia metallica, Gmhw, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 8 (1884) ; Kuschel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 346. Hedydipna metallica., ShelleAj, Mo7iof/r. Ned. p. .3 (1876-80); id., Birds Afr. ii. p. 15 (1900) ; Sharjie, Hand-l. v. p. 34 (1906). An egg of the Blue-collared Long-tailed Sun-bird is of a long oval shape and slightly glossy ; it is pure white, with a few irregular scrolls and dashes of dull purplish-red, congregated near the larger end. It measures '59 by ■48. 1. Khartum, March. Major H. M. Dunn [P.]. Genus NECTARINIA, Illiger. Nectarinia famosa {Linn.). (Plate I. fig. 17.) Nectarinia famosa, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 13 (1876-80) ; Sharpie, ed. Bayard's Birds S. Africa, p. 306 (1875-84) : Gadow, Cut. Birds B. M. ix. p. 5 (1884)'; Kuschel, J.f. 0. 1895, p. 346; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 75 (1899); Stark, Faun. S. Afr., Birds, \. p. 276 (1900) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. ii. p. 19 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 35(1906). The eggs of the Malachite Sun-bird are of an oval shape and moderately glossy. They are greyish-brown, blotched all over with dark brown or olive-brown. In some examples, however, the markings are very fine and indistinct, and not much darker than the ground-colour of the egg. They measure '71 to -76 in length, by -5 to -52 in breadth. 2. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 2. Ca^q Colony {T. Atmore : Tristram Crowley Hen uest. Coll.). 2. Otjimbiuque, Damaraland, April Crowley Bequest. (C J. Andersson : 2'ristram Coll.). 14 KECTARINIIDiE. Gemis CHALCOSTETHA, Cah. Chalcostetha pectoralis {Temm.). Nectaiiuia pectoralis, Schleg. ^ Mull. Verhand. Zool, Aves, p. 57, pi. 9. fig. (1846). Clialcostetlia insignis, Shelley, Monogr. Ned. p. 87 (1876-80) ; Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 12 (1884). Chalcostetha pectoralis, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, u. p. 345 (1890 1 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 37 (1906). The eggs of Maklot's Sun-bird are of a long oval shape, with scarcely any gloss. In four specimens the ground-colour is whitish, thickly mottled and spotted all over with umber-brown, some of the spots being rounded and more intense in colour. In another specimen the ground-colour is greenish-white, blotched towards the larger end with purplish-grey and with scattered spots and small blotches of deep brown. They measure from -59 to -62 in length, and from -42 to '43 in breadth. 4. Sandakan, N. Borneo ( W. B. Pry or : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 1. Labuan Island, Borneo. Crowley Bequest. Genus .ffilTHOPYGA, Cab. JSthopyga vigorsi (Syl-es). (Plate I. lig. 10.) ^thopyga vigorsi, Shelley, Monoyr. Nect.f. 71 (1876 80) ; Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 18 (1884) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 350 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 250 (1890) ; Shar2}e, Hand-l. v. p. 38 (1906). An egg of Vigors's Yellow-backed Sun-bird is of a regular oval shape and without gloss. It is yellowish-bufl', very densely mottled with yellowish-brown. At the broad end there is a fine black hair- line, extending over a third of the circumference of the egg. This example measures "64 by "5. 1. Bhor Ghats, Western India Hume Coll. (H. Wenden). .ffithopyga seheriaB {Tick.). (Plate I. fig. 12.) ./Ethopygaseherise, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 67 (1876-80) ; Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 18 (1884) ; Oates, Favna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 348 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eygs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 249 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 38 (1906). The eggs of the Himalayan Yellow-backed Sun-bird are of a pointed oval form and devoid of gloss. They are white, speckled with pale chocolate-brown and purplish-grey. The markings. ZJTnOPYGA. 15 ■which aro small and well-defined, are more frequent at the hroad end of the egg than elsewhere, but do not form a conspicuous cap. Four examples measure respectively : "55 by '47 ; "57 by •■iS ; '59 by -44 ; -6 by -46. 1. Mongplioo, Dai'jiling, 2nd Aug. Hume Coll. {J. Gammie). 3. Sikhim Terai, 9th May (0. Moller). Hume Coll. .ffithopyga siparaja {Raffl.). (Plate I. fig. 7.) yEthopvga siparaja, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 57 (1876-80); Sharpe, P.'Z. S. 1879, p. 342 ; Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 21 (1884) ; Sharpe, Ibis, 1889, p. 422 ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 38 (1906). The eggs of the Malayan Yellow-backed Sun-bird are of a broad oval form and without gloss. The ground-colour varies from pinkish-white to pale salmon-pink, and the markings are of two ty|3es. In one, which appears to be the commoner, the egg is marked with large clouds of a darker pink than the ground-colour, and is also spotted and otherwise marked with rich purplish-red and chocolate-brown. In the other, the egg is densely streaked and mottled with rich chestnut, and has no other markings except a few specks of deep purplish-red, almost black in intensity. Specimens measure from "52 to 'G in length, and from '4 to "43 in breadth. 8. Labuan Island, Borneo. Sir Hugh Low [C.]. 1. Borneo (if. iow : Tristram Coll.). (Jrowley Bequest. 2. Mt. Kina Balu, 30th April (/. White- Crowley Bequest. head). .ffilthopyga magnifica, Shariu. .^thopjga magnifica, Shelley, Mouoqr. Nect. p. 51 (1876-80) ; Gaduw, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 24 (1884) ; Steere, List Birds c^ Majmn. Philipp. p. 22 (1890) ; 0(jilvie-Grant S)- Whitehead, Ibis, 1896, p. 550 ; 1898, p. 241, pi. V. figs. 5 & 6 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 38 (1906). The eggs of the Black-bellied Yellow-backed Sun-bird are of a somewhat lengthened oval shape and devoid of all gloss. They are pale pink, mottled with chestnut, the markings being extremely dense at the broad end and forming a zone or cap at that part. In one or two specimens a few very fine hair-like lines may be noticed at the broad end. One example differs from the above, and resembles the eggs of j^. siparaja of the first or commoner type. Two examples measure respectively : "Bo by "o ; '68 by •48. 2. Negros, Philippine Islands, Feb. Steere Exped. 2. Cauloau Volcano, Negros, 23rd J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. March. 1. Cauloau Volcano, 15th April. J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. 16 NECTAKlNIIDiE. JEtliopyga ignicauda (TTodgs.). yEthopyga ignicauda, Shelley, Monoffr. Nect. p. 45 (1876-80) ; Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 25 (1884) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Lid., Birds, ii. p. 351 (1890) ; SJiarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 39 (1906). Two oggs of the Fire-tailed Yellow-backed Sun-bird are of an elongate oval shape and devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is white, finely spotted and mottled all over with light reddish-brown. They measure respectively -75 by '49 and '73 by •49, 2. Darjiling, 27th May. B. B. Osmaston, Esq. [P.]. iEthopyga gouldiae ( Vig.). .^tbopyga goiddiffi, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 41 (1876-80) ; Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 27 (1884); Oate.i, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. .352 (1890) ; Baker, Ibis, 1896, p. 343 ; Sharjye, Hand-l. v. p. 39 (1906). Two eggs of Mrs. Gould's Yellow-backed Sun-bird are of a broad oval form and devoid of gloss ; the ground-colour is white, with spots and small blotches of umber-brown and dull lavender all over the shell, but concentrating towards the larger end so as to form a wide zone. They measure respectively "oG by '44 and "5 by •44. 2. Laisimg, North Cachar, 17th May. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. JEthopyga dabryi ( Verr.). yEthopyga dabryi, Shelley, Mo7iogr. Nect. p. 39 (187G-80) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 28 (1884) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. ■a. .353 (1890); Baker, Ibis, 1896, p. 344; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 39 (1906). Two eggs of Dabry's Yellow-backed Sun-bird are of abroad oval form and devoid of gloss; the ground-colour is white, spotted and blotched with reddish-brown and dull violet-brown, most of the markings concentrating so as to form a wide irregular zone round the larger end. They measure respectively -55 by ^42 and -53 by -41. 2. Hungrum, N. Cachar, 25th June. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. .ffithopyga bella, Tweecld. ^thopyga bella, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 77 (1876-80) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 29 (1884) ; Ogilvie-Grant ^$- Whitehead, Ibis, 1898, p. 242, pi. V. lig. 10 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 40 (1906). The eggs of the White-breasted Yellow-backed Sun-bird are of a regular oval shape and devoid of gloss. They are pinkish-white, blotched with lilac-red and chestnut-brown, especially at the broad end, where the markings are larger and confluent. In addition, ECTDREPANIS. ARACHXECHTHRA. 17 there are traces of lavender-grey markings underlying the chestnut and sometimes a few specks and lines of dark purplish-rod. Three examples measure respectively : '5 by "38 ; '51 by '39 ; "53 by •39. 3. Samar, Philippine Islands, 10th July. J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. Genus EUDREPANIS, Sliarpe. Eudrepanis pulcherrima {Sharpe). (Plate I. fig. 9.) Eudrepanis pulcherrima, /S/ie//ej/, Monogr. Ne.ct. p. 81 (1876-80) ; Or/ilvie- Grant ^ Whitehead, Ibis, 1898, p. 242 ; Sharpe, Hand-L v. p. 40 (1900). .^thopyga pulcherrima, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. is. p. 31 (1884). Three eggs of the Short-tailed Yellow-backed Sun-bird resemble those of ^Et7iopi/(/a slparaja of the first or commoner type, but are rather more dull in colour. Three examples measure respectively : •55 by ^43 ; -55 by ^42 ; -54 by -44. 3. Paranos, Samar, Philippine Islands, J, Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. 26th June. Genus ARACHNECHTHRA, Cab. Arachnechthra asiatica (Lath.). (Plate I. figs. 14 & 15.) Cinnyris asiaticus, Shelley, Moiiogr. Nect. p. 181 (1876-80) ; Legge, B. Ceylon, p. 566 (1879). Cinnyris asiatica, Gadoxc, Cat. Birds B. M. is. p. 56 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. 'Eiersamml. p. 77 (1899). Arachnechthra asiatica, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 359 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests 8^- Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 252 (1890) ; Skarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 41 (1906). The eggs of the Purple Sun-bird are normally of a narrow, pointed oval shape and they are moderately, and in some instances highly, glossy. Mr. Hume thus describes them : — " The ground- colour is greenish- greyish- or brownish-white ; in some but little, in others almost entirely obscured by the markings. These latter, always minute and ill-defined, are grey, purplish-grey, brown, or greyish-brown. A certain number of the eggs are pretty uni- formly speckled and freckled over the whole surface, but in the majority the markings are densest towards the large end^ where many exhibit more or less perfect caps or zones, and to which locality in some few specimens the markings are exclusively confined." The eggs measure from -6 to -7 in length, and from ^45 to -48 in breadth. 18 NECTARINIID.^. Sind (H. Gould). Hansi, Punjab, April. Hnnsi, 16th' April. Ilansi, 18tli April. Ilausi, 20tli April. Hansi, J uly. Gurgaon Uistrict, 23rd April. North-west Provinces. Agi-a, 18th June. Luc-know, 16th May. Mirzapur, 5th June'( W. E. Broohs : Tristrnjn Oill. ). Mirzapur, 14th March ( W. E. B. : Trishrim Coll.). Jhausi, Aug. (F. R. Blewitt). Maunbhum, 29th March (R. C. Beavan: Tristram Coll.). Maunbhum, 5th April {R. C. B. : Tristram Coll.). Kaipiir, C. Provs. {F. R. B.). CooDoor, Nilghiri Hills, 20th Feb. Kotaglierrv, Nilghiri Hills, 14th April [Miss Cockhurn). Kullar, Nilghiii Hills, 5th Feb. Tipperah ( V. Irwin). Gould Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Hume Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Araclinechthra lotenia (Linn.). Ciunyris lotenius, Shelley, Monogr. A\'cf. p. 177 (1876-80) ; Leyge, B. 'Ceylon, p. 563 (1879) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 60 (1884). Arachnechthra lotenia, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 858 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests <§• Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 251 (1890) ; Sharpe, B.and-1. v. p. 41 (1906). An egg of Loten's Sun-bird is of a somewhat elongate, rather pointed oval shape, and has very little gloss : the ground-colour is white, finely dotted and mottled all over with pale umber-brown, the markings being rather more concentrated towards the larger end so as to form an indistinct zone. It measures "69 by '48. 1. Lunuffala, Ceylon, 3rd May {A. L. Butler). Crowley Bequest. Genus LEPTOCOMA, Cah. Leptocoma minima (Syl-es). Clnnyris minimus, Shelley, Monogr. Xect. p. 143 (1876-80) ; Legge, B. Ceylon, p. 572 (1879). Cinnyris minima, Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 62 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 77 (1899). Arachnechthra minima, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 363 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests S,- Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 262 (1890). Leptocoraa minima, Shuri-e, Hand-l. v. p. 41 (1906). An egg of the Tiny Sun-bird in the Collection closely resembles LEPTOCOMA. HEEirOTIMIA. 19 some of tlie eggs of AracJinec7iihra asiatica. It is greenish-white, densely freckled with greyish-brown. It measures 'Gl by '42. 1. Nilo-biri Hills, S. India, Oct. Hume Coll. (JV. Baviso)!). Leptocoma hasselti (2'emm.), (Plato I. fig. 2-i.) Cinnvris hasselti, SheUei/, Monogr. Ned. p. 127 (187G-80) ; Gadoic, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. (iT (1884). Arachnechtlira hasselti, Oates,Faujia Brit, hid., Birds, ii. p. 360 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests ^- Bf/ffs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 258 (1890). Leptocoma hasselti, Shnrpe, Hand-l. v. p. 42 (1906). Two eggs of Van Hasselt's Sun-bird are of an ordinary oral form and rather glossy. They are brown, with a zone of a some- what darker shade of the same colour round the broader end and a few indistinct freckles elsewhere on the shell. Two examples measure respectively : '57 by -4 ; '58 by •4. 2. Salang, Malay Peninsula, 28th "Feb. Hume Coll. (J. Darling). Leptocoma zeylonica {Linn.). Cinnyi'is zevlonica, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 137 (1876-80) ; Leqqe, B. Ceylon, p. 669 (1879) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 64 (lS84) ; Nehrk. Kut. Eiersamml p. 77 (1899). Arachiierhtbra zerlonica, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 64 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests &■ Eggs Ind, Birds, ii. p. 263 (1890). Leptocoma zeylonica, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 42 (1906). The eggs of the Ceylonese, or Purple-rumped, Sun-bird do not differ from those of ArachnechtJtra asiatica either in colour or size. 2. Maunbhum, Bengal, 16th December Crowley Bequest, (i?. C.Beavan: Tristram Coll.). 1. Eaipur, C. Provinces (K B. Hume Coll. Bleioift). 2. Salem, Madras, Aug. (A. G. B. Hume Coll. Theobald) . 1. Suuthern ludia, 9th June. Hume Coll. 1. Lunugala, Ceylon, 6th April (A. L. Crowley Bequest. Butler). 1. Lunugala, May {A. L. B.). Crowley Bequest. Genus HERMOTIMIA, Reichenh. Hermotimia corinna, Salvad. Cinnvris corinnje, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 117 (1876-80). Cinnyris aspasire, Gadmr, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 68 (1884) [part.]. Hermotimia corinna, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 42 (^1906). An egg of the Duke of-York-Lsland Suu-bird is of an oval form 20 NECTAEINIIDJ;. with a slight, amount of gloss. The ground-colour is bluish- white, and the markings, which are mostlj' concentrated in an irregular zone round the larger end, consist of short black dots and scrolls and violet-grey uuder-markings. It measures -65 by -48. 1. New Pomerania. Crowley Bequest. Hermotimia christianse (Tristram). (riate I. fig. 23.) Cinnyris Christiana?, Tristram, Ibis, 1889, p. ooo ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 77 (1899). Hermotimia christiauaj, Shmye, Hand-l. v. p. 43 (1906). The egg of Tristram's Sun-bird is of a somewhat pointed oval form and slightly glossed ; the ground-colour is pinkish-white, thickly mottled all over with purplish -brown, the markings concentrating towards the larger end so as to form a distinct zone. Two examples measure respectively -72 by 'o and 'TS by '5. 2. Kiriwina Island, D'Entreeasteaux Is., Crowlev Bequest. 19th March {A. S. Meek). Hermotimia aspasioides {Gray). Cinnvris aspasioides, Shelley, Monogr. Kect. p. 109 (1876-80) ; Gudoiv, Cut. Birds B. M. ix. p. 70 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 77 (1899). Hermotimia aspasioides, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 43 (1906). An egg of the Ceram Sun-bird is of a somewhat pointed oval shape and slightly glossed ; the ground-colour is brownish-white, and the markings, which are mostly distributed over the larger end of the shell, around which they form an ill-defined zone, consist of purplish-grey blotches, with overlying irregular spots and scrolls of deep blackish-brown. It measures "68 by "46. 1. Amboyna {Nehrkom Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Genus CINNYRIS, Cab. Cinriyris cupreus (Shaiv). Cinnvris cupreus, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 191 (1876-80) ; Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 55 (1885); Hartert, J. f. O. 1886, p. 580; Kuschel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 347 ; Nehrk. Kaf. Eiersamml. p. 76 (1899) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. ii. p. 36 (1900) ; Sharpe, Rand-l. v. p. 44 (1906). The egg of the Copper-coloured Sun-bird is of a somewhat pointed form, with scarcely any gloss ; the ground-colour is of a brownish- white tint, and the markings, which are mostly concentrated in a CINNYEIS. 21 zone round the larger end, consist of purplish-grey blotches and irregular dark-brown spots and scrolls. It measures -61 by 41 '■ "^cS^I^JIir* ^^^^- Crowley Bequest. Cinnyris notatus (P. L. S. Miill.). Cinnyris notatus, Shelley Monogr. Neat. p. 19.5 (1876-80) ; Gado^o Cat Shelley, Birds Afr. u. p. 39 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hund-l. v. p. 44 (1906). An egg of the Madagascar Sun-bird has the ground-colour yellowish-white indistinctly mottled all over with duU lilac-grey (;VoWteJ3t^ -'^"^^ "^^'^'^^"^- '' -'''^'- ■' 'y^-^ '• 'i-^r Sr^;.i;;! ^^^^-^^^ CrowleyEe,uest. Cinnyris habessinicus (H. ^*- E.). (Plate I. fig. 5.) (1900); >S7..y.,/f-;^.rv.;^4.f a966) ''^' ^"'^^ ^'•^'■- "" ^".^^ Eggs of the Abyssinian Sun-bird are of an oval or somewhat po nted oval shape and moderately glossy. The three 6-^^ the Collechon are ot^two somewhat di4rent lypes : two examj^es from El roki have the ground-colour pale blue, marked all over with Tn^hfot^" :r7''^"^"^^^^'^°^^ '' ^^^y -<^ reddish biwn; m he other one trom Roseires, the ground-colour is pale greenish- brown" t"^^' "°f ^' ''' °^^^^"^^ «--^^i«^ -^d p'aleydlow h- 75^y'-5. ^""^ '"'''^''' respectively -67 by -42 and I' SrT'r'.?'"" ^.'\'' September. Major H. N. Dunn fP 1 2. El Toki, Hawash Valley. Sir Alfred E. Pere/£it. [P.]. Cinnyris erythrocerius (Heugl). Ciungs egthro^ri^, ^ p^^fjjg:,- ^^- P- ^^^i^f^^fO) ; Gad.e, (1900J; ^7..;y.e,^i-?:.'V45(19b6)^^^'^^ ''* ^^■^''^ "' P" '^ PointeTofff?' Heuglin's Wedge-tailed Sun-bird are of a rather oem^r. h .1 ' ^'i^ 1'"^' '' °" -^°^^' the ground-colour is mo [ed w H f ^^"i^l^-^hite, more or less thickly blotched and The rev blotch: ' '""' '"'l^f^'' yeUowish-brown. in one example the ,rej blotches are much larger, and large portions of the shell 22 NECTAEINIID^. are devoid of markings. They measure respectively -66 by -48, •GG by '45, and "Go by •4. 3. Entebbe, Uganda, May. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C.]. Cinnyris mariquensis, Smith. Ciiinyris nmriquensis, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 211 (1876-80) ; Gadmo, 'Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 44 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 76 (1899j; Shelley, Birds Afr. ii. p. 51 (1900); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 45 (1906). Eggs of the Southern Bifasciated Sun-bird are of a nearly perfect oval form and have very little gloss ; the ground-colour is pale bluish-white, and the entire shell is more or less thickly mottled all over ■with brown and grey, the brown markings being strongly doveloped in some specimens and very indistinct in others. They vary from -6 to -62 m length, and from -44 to -47 in breadth. 1 . South Africa. Crowley Bequest. 4. Damaraland ( C. J. Andersson : Crowley Bequest. Ti'istram Coll.). Cinnyris osiris (Finsch). Cinnyris osiris, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 215 (1876-80) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 44 (1884) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. ii. p. 5.3 (1900; ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 45 (1906). An egg of the Abyssinian Bifasciated Sun-bird is of a pointed oval shape, with scarcely any gloss ; its general colour is uniform dark smoky-grey, with some faint indications of markings round the larger end. It measures "66 by •45. 1. East Africa {KehrJM}-n Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Cinnyris osea, Bonap. Cinnrris osea, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 223 (1876-80) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 53 (1884) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamvil. p. 76 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 46 (1906). Three eggs of the Palestine Sun-bird are of a somewhat pointed oval shape and slightly glossy ; the ground-colour is yellowish- w-hite, clouded with indistinct brownish-grey markings, more or less concentrated so as to form a faint zone round the cap. Two examples measure 'G by •45. 1. Jericho, 13th April (H. B. Tris(ram). Crowley Bequest. 2. "SVadv Hanian, Genesaret, 23rd May Crowley Bequest. (H. B. T.). CINNTEIS. 23 Cinnyris leucogaster, Vieill. (Plate I. fig. 16.) Cinnyris talatala, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Africa, p. 318 (1875-84) ; 'Skelleij, Monot/r. Kect. p. 229 (187G-80). Cinnyris leucogaster, Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 40 (1884) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. ii. p. 58 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 46 (1906). An egg, said to be that of the South-African White-breasted Sun-bird, is of a regular oval shape aud devoid of gloss. It is pale greenish-grey, spotted with blackish-brown and lavender-grey. The markings are all small and distinct, but the edges of many of them are blurred and run into the surrounding ground-colour. This specimen measures -75 by '5. 1. Natal. Dr. Gueiuzius [C.]. Cinnyris souimanga (GmeL). Nectarinia souimanga, U. Newton, Ibis, 1863, p. 342, pi. xiii. fig. 1 ; Milite-Edtcnrds S)- Graudidier, Hist. Nat. Maday., Ois. i. p. 277, pi. 302. lig. 10 (1879); Coivan, Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb. vii. p. 148 (1882). Cinnyris souimanga, Shelley, Monof/r. Nect. p. 245 (1876-80); Gadow, 'Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 43 (1884) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. ii. p. (38 (1900) ; Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 48 (1906). The eggs of the Madagascar Buff-breasted Sun-bird resemble those of Arachnechthra asiatica so closely that they require no separate description. Eight examples measure from "SO to -Bo in length, and from -41 to -49 in breadth. 2. Madagascar {e.v Derby 3Itis. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. Madagascar (E. Newton : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tratn Coll.). 3. Betsileo, Madagascar. Rev. W. Deans Cowan [P.]. 3. Betsileo. Rev. W. Deans Cowan [P.]. 1. Betsileo. Rev. W. Deans Cowan [P.I. 1. Betsileo. Rev. W. Deans Cowan [P.j. Cinnyris afer (Linn.). Cinnyris afer, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Africa, p. 313 (1875-84) ; Shelley, Monoyr. Nect. p. 249 (1876-80) ; id., Birds Afr. ii. p. 72 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 48 (1906). Cinnyris afra, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 35 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 76 (li;599). An egg of the Greater Double-collared Sun-bird is of a broad oval shape and almost devoid of gloss. It is of a olive-grey colour, very densely mottled all over with dark greyish-brown. It measures •6 by -49. 1. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 24 NECTAKlNIIDiE. Cinnyris chalybea {Linn.). Cinnyris chalybffius, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Africa, p. 314 (1875-84). Cinnyris clialybeus, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 253 (1876-80) ; id., Birds Afr. ii. p. 76 (1900). Cinnyris chalybea, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 37 (1884) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 48 (1906). An egg of the Lesser Double-collared Sun-bird is of a very narrow oval form and devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is olive- grey and it is streaked and mottled with olive-brown, the markings forming a small und indistinct zone at the broader end of the egg. It measures -65 by -42. A second specimen, of a wider oval form, has the same type of markings, but the general colour is of a warm brown, and there are a few small spots of darker brown scattered over the shell. It measures '65 by '47. 1. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 1. ^ouih. Khic& (E. L. Layard : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Genus CHALCOMITRA, lleichenh. Chalcomitra acik (Antin.). Cinnyris acik, Shelley, Monoqr. Nect. p. 265 (1876-80) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 94 (1884). Chalcomitra acik, Shelley, Birds Afr. ii. p. 80 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 50 (1906). Eggs of the Acik Scarlet-chested Sun-bird vary in shape from a regular oval to a pointed oval and are very slightly glossed. The five odd eggs in the Collection represent two distinct types of coloration. In the first the ground-colour varies from piiikish- white to greenish-white, and the markings, which are scattered all over the shell, are pale violet-grey and dark brown ; some of the latter markings take the form of spots with blurred edges merging into the ground-colour, while others form short irregular lines and scrolls. In the second type the ground-colour is greenish-white, and the whole surface of the shell is finely and thickly mottled with dull olive-brown, or longitudinally smeared with cloudy streaks of the same colour. They measure from '66 to '79 in length, and from '48 to '53 in breadth. 5. Busoga, British East Africa, E. J. Jackson, Esq. [C.]. May. Chalcomitra gutturalis {Linn.). Cinnvris gutturalis, Shelley, 3Io)ior/r. Nect. p. 261 (1876-80) ; Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 91 (1884) ; Kuschel, J. f. 0. 1895, p. 347 ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 78 (1899) ; Marshall, Ibis, 1900, p. 236. CHALCOMITEA. EL JJOCERTIIIA . 25 Cbalcomitra gutturalis, Shelley, Birds Afr. ii. p. 93 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 50 (1900). An egg of the Southern Scarlet-chested Sun-bird is of a wide oval form, slightlj' pointed and devoid of gloss ; the ground-colour is white, finely spotted and speckled all over with grey and olive- brown. It measures "65 by 'SI. 1. East Africa {Kehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Chalcomitra amethystina (Shaiv). (Plate I. figs. 19 & 20.) Cinnyris amethystinus, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Africa, p. 315 (ISriJ-bi) ; 'Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 269 (1876-80) ; Kuschel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 340. Cinnyris amethystina, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 96 (1884) ; Nehrk, Kat. Eiersamml. p. 78 (1899). Cbalcomitra amethystina, Shelley, Birds Afr. ii. p. 103 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 61 (1906). The eggs of the Amethyst Sun-bird are extremely variable.. Two examples in the Collection are regular ovals and of a greyish cream-colour, longitudinally smeared with purplish-grey and spotted with dark sootj'-brown, these markings being much blurred and smudged. Two other eggs are narrow ovals and of a darker shade of greyish cream- coloiir, longitudinally streaked and smeared with pale lavender-grey and very sparingly spotted with dark brown. Other specimens are of quite a different character, being cream-coloured, densely mottled all over with brown and lavender- grey. Eight examples measure from -69 to -SI in length, and from •5 to *55 in breadth. 2. South Africa (Noukes). Crowley Bequest. 2. N&thl {T. Ay res). Sal vin-Godman Coll. 2. Na1al (7'. A.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Natal. Dr. Gueinzius [C.]. 2. Natal. Dr. Gueinzius [C.]. Genus EL^EOCERTHIA, Beiclienh. Elseocerthia fusca ( Vieill.). Cinnyris fuscus, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 285 (1876-80). Cinnvris fusca, Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 75 (1884) ; Kuschel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 346; Nehrk. Kot. Eiersamml. p. 77 (1899). Elffiocerthia fusca, Shelley, Birds Afr. ii. p. 115 (1900) ; Shaipe, Hand-l. V. p. 52 (1906). Eggs of the White-vented Black Sun-bird are of a regular oval form or slightly pointed, and are almost devoid of gloss. They vary considerably in colour and markings : four have the ground-colour greenish-white, finely mottled and clouded with lavender-grey and 26 NECTAKINHD^. brownisli-gTey ; in one of these the markings are mostly confined to the larger end of the shell, in the other three they are distributed all over the shell, and one egg is also marked with dark brown spots and scrolls. In the fifth egg the ground-colour is scarcely visible, being almost entirely hidden by dense clouded markings of dull lavender-brown. The measurements vary from -57 to -66 in length, and from -41 to '48 in breadth. 5. Damaraland (C. J. Andersson : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Genus CYRTOSTOMUS, Cah. Cyrtostomus flammaxillaris (BlijtTi). Cinnyris flammaxillaris, Shelleij, Monor/r. Nect. p. 161 (1876-80) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 83 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 77 (1899). Arachnechthra flammaxillaris, Outes, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 362 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests ^- E(j(js Ind. Birds, ii. p. 260 (1890). Cyrtostomus flammaxillaris, Skarpe, Ha7id-l. v, p. 55 (1906). The eggs of the Burmese Yellow-breasted Sun-bird are of a pointed oval shape and without gloss. They vary from greenish- white to pale stone-colour, and while some are densely mottled and streaked with two or more shades of brown, others are clouded and blotched with brown and purplish-grey. With few exceptions, the eggs of this species are sparingly spotted with deep purplish-red or chocolate-brown in addition to the other markings. They measure from -58 to "OS in length, and from -43 to -48 in breadth. 1. Pegu, 17th ^March {E. W. Oates). Crowley Bequest. 2. Pegu, 15th March {E. W. O.). Oates Coll. 2. Pegu, 15th March {E. W. 0.). Hume Coll. 2. Pegu, 15th March {E. W. O.). Hume Coll. 1. Pegu, 17th March (E. W. O.). Oates Coll. 1. Pegu, 14th July {E. W. 0.). Hume Coll. 1. Pegu, 30th July {E. W. O.). Hume Coll. 1. Pegu, 8th Sept. (E. W. O.). Oates Coll. 1. Salang, Malay Peninsula, 1st March Hume Coll. {J. Dnrliug). 1. Tapraw, Malay Peninsula, 6th May. Hume Coll. Cyrtostomus andamanicus {Hume). Cinnyris andamanicus, Shelli'y, Monogr. Nect. p. 157 (1876-80). Cinnyris andamanica, Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 83 (1884). Arachnechthra andamanica, Oates, ed. Hume, Nests S)- Egi/s Ind. Birds, ii. p. 262 (1890) ; id., Famm Brit, hid.. Birds, ii. p. 363 (1890). Cyrtostomus andamanicus, Skarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 55 (1906). Two eggs of the Andaman Sun-bird are of a somewhat pointed oval form, almost devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is white, sparingly marked with spots and blotches of lavender-grey and CYRTOSTOMUS. 27 •short markings and scrolls of deep brown, -which are mostly con- centrated towards the larger end of the shell. The eggs measure respectively '6 by -42 and -61 by -43. 2. Gopta Ka Bung, S. Andamans, Crowley Bequest. aOtli May {A. L. Butler). Cyrtostomus jugularis (Linn.). Ciiinyris jugularis, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 151 (1876-80) ; Gadotv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 84 (1884) ; Steere, List Birds Sf Mamm. Philipp. p. 22 ( IciOO) ; Oyilvie-Grant ^- Whitehead, Ibis, 1898, p. 243 ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 77 (1809). Cyrtostomus jugularis, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 56 (1906). The eggs of the Philippine Yellow-breasted Sun-bird are of a regular oval shape and devoid of gloss. They are greyish-white or bluish-white, smeared and blntched with pale lavender-grey and spotted or mottled with deep chocolate-brown. The spots, which are sparingly scattered over the surface, are of various sizes and frequently blurred at the edges. Three examples measure respectively : "63 by '47 ; '6 by -47 ; '65 by "48. 2. Philippine Islands, May {E. L. Crowley Bequest. Museley). 3. Marinduque, Philippine Islands, Steere Exped. 17th May. Cyrtostomus frenatus ('S*. Mull.). Nectarinia australis, Gould, Handb. Birds Aiistr. i. p. 584 (1865) ; Batnsaijf, Ibis, 1865, p. 85. Cinnyris frenatus, Shdley, Monogr. Nect. p. 153 (1876-80). Cinnyris freuata, Gadow, Cut. Birds B. M. ix. p. 85 (1884); North, Nests ^- Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 232 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 78 (1899) ; Robinson 1^- Laverock, Ibis, 1900, p. 633 ; Campbell, Nests 4- Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 345, pi. 13 (1901). Cj'rtostomus frenatus, Sluirpe, Hand-l. v. p. 56 (1906). The eggs of the Australian Yellow-breasted Sun-bird are of a narrow oval shape and almost devoid of gloss. They are pale greeuish-grey, mottled with brown and pale lavender. In two specimens the markings form a distinct zone round the broad end ; in another, an irregular cap ; and these three examples have, moreover, a few black specks and lines within the zone or on the cap. Four eggs measure respectively : '68 by '47 ; "68 by "49 ; •63 by -43 ; -67 by -45. An egg in the Crowley Collection (said to be of this species) differs greatly from the above, having the ground-colour white with blotches and spots of lavender-grey and irregular streaks, scrolls, and dots of deep brown, most of the markings being concentrated so as to form a zone round the larger end of the shell. It measures •68 by -46. 28 NECTAIUNIIDJE. 2. Somerset, N. Queensland, 5th Jan. 0. A. Barnard, Esq. [C.]. 2. Somerset. C. A. Barnard, Esq. [C.]. 1. Bo wen Downs, Queensland. Crowley Bequest. Cyrtostomv.s aurora, Tweecllale. Cinnyris aurora, Shelley, Monoqr. Kect. p. 149 (1876-80) ; Gadow, Cat. 'Birds B. M. ix. p."88 (1884). Cyrtostomus aurora, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 57 (1906). Two eggs of the Philippine Yellow-breasted Sun-bird are of a rather wide oval shape, slightly pointed and almost devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is greenish-white, mottled with lavender-grey, with scattered spots and marks of dark brown, and with long irregular hair-lines of the same colour traversing the cap. Two examjDles measure respectively '65 by '48 and "62 by •45. 2. Taguso, Palawan, 29th June Crowley Bequest. (J. Whitehead). Cyrtostomus pectoralis (Eorsf.). Cinnyris pectoralis, Shellei/, 3Ionoi/r. Xect. p. 165 (1876-80) ; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 341 ■, Gadoio', Cat. Birds B. 31. ix. p. 88 (1884) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 361 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Kests ^- Eqgs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 259 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 78(1899). Cyrtostomus pectoralis, Sharpe, Ea?id-l. v. p. 57 (1906). The eggs of the Malayan Yellow-breasted Sun-bird are extremely variable. They range from a narrow to a broad oval form and are without gloss. In some specimens the ground-colour is nearly pure white, in others greyish-white, pale greenish-grey, or brownish- white. Some eggs are densely mottled all over with brown and underlying lavender ; others are blotched and clouded with pale purplish-brown and lilac-grey ; others again are marked with -well- defined spots and blotches of purplish-grey and dark brown. Many specimens exhibit a large cap of confluent markings at the broad end, others are evenly marked all over. Many eggs, like those of C. flammaxillaris, are sparingly spotted with dark purplish- or chocolate-brown. Specimens measure from "57 to "7 in length, and from -41 to -48 in breadth. 42. Labuan I., Borneo. Sir Hugh Low [C.]. 1. Labuan I. Crowley Bequest. Cyrtostomus zenobia {Less.). Cinnvris zenobia, Shelley/, Monoqr. Nect. p. 173 (1876-80) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 90 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 78 (1899). Cyrtostomus zenobia, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 57 (1906). An egg of the Black-breasted Sun-bird is of a broad, somewhat pointed oval shape, and is slightly glossy. The ground-colour is ARACHNOTHERA. 29 pinkish-white, and the markings, arranged almost entirely in an irregular zone round the larger end, consist of smudgy purplish- grey under-markings with overlying spots, scrolls, and lines of deep brown. It measures -64 by -46. 1. Amboina {IS'ehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Genus ARACHNOTHERA, Temm. Arachnothera longirostris {Lath.). (Plate I. fig. 8.) Arachnotbera longirostra, Skellei/, Monogr. Ned. p. 857 (1876-80). Aracbnotbera longirostris, Gtidow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 103 (1884) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 371 (1890) ; Baker, Ihis, 1896' p. 345; Nekrk. Eat. Eiersumntl. p. 78 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 58 (1906). Eggs of the Little Spider-hunter are of a regular oval form and devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is white, and the markings, mostly concentrated into a strongly defined zone round the larger end of the shell, consist of pale violet-grey, and small, usually very small, closely approximated surface-spots of reddish-brown or light red. The eggs measure from -74 to -77 in length, and from -49 to •51 in breadth. 2. Margherita, Assam, 12th May. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. fCl. 3. Jdlalpur, Cachav, 4th April E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [0.1 (u. H. A. Hole). 1 L. J 2. Java, 23rd June. Crowley Bequest. Arachnotbera magna {Hodgs.). (Plate I. fig. 13.) Arachnotbera magna, Shelley, Monogr. Necf. p. 347 (1876-80) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 105 (1884) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, a. p. 369 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eyqs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 268 (1890); ^ehrk. Rat. Eiersaviml. p. 78 (1899); Sharpe, Hand-l. \. p. 58 (1906). The eggs of the Large Indian Spider-hunter are of a pointed oval form and very smooth and glossy. Two specimens are of a plain brownish-bronze colour ; another is entirely of a purplish- brown colour ; and other specimens are purplish-brown, mottled with a darker shade of the same. Six examples measure from •86 to •GT in length, and from -63 to -72 in breadth. 1. Darjiling, Sikhim (Z. Mandelli). Hume Coll. 2. Mongphoo, Darjiling {J. Ganmiie). Hume Coll. 2. Mongplioo (/. G.). Hume CoU. 1. Myawaddy, Tenasserim, 17th Hume Coll. April (C. T. BiiHiham). so NECTAEINIID^. Arachnothera everetti, Sharpe. Araclinorapliis everetti, Sharpe, Hn's, 1893, p. 861. Aracliiiothei-a everetti, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 59 (1900). Two eggs of Everett's Spider-hunter are of a long, rather pointed oval shape and somewhat glossy. The ground-colour is wliitish, finely mottled all over with dull purplish-brown, this colour becoming most dense towards the larger end, where it forms a clearly defined zone or cap. The eggs measure respectively : •88 by -6 and -9 by -6. 2. Mt. Kiua Balu, N. Borneo, 16th Crowley Bequest. March {J. Whitehead). Genus ANTHOTHREPTES, Swains. Anthothreptes collaris ( Vieill.). (Plate I. figs. 21 & 22.) Nectariuia eollnris, Gurney, Ibis, 1860, p. 208. Anthodiajta collaris, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Africa, p. 320 (1875- 84) ; Shelley, Monoyr. Nect. p. 339 (1876-80). Anthothreptes collaris, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 116 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 78 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 61 (1906). The eggs of the Natal Collared Sun-bird are of an ordinary oval form and exhibit little gloss. They vary much in colour ; two examples are bluish-white, marked, almost entirely in the form of a narrow zone round the broad end, with spots and short fine lines of dark umber-brown and lavender. Two others are pale greyish- buff, marked in a broad zone round the large end with confluent blotches and lines of purplish-brown and lavender. Two others are somewhat similarly marked, but on a pinkish-buff ground. Seven examples, which are all more or less imperfect, measure about "7 by •45. 2. Natal. T. Avres, Esq. [C.l. 2. Natal {T. Ayres). Salviu-Godman Coll. 2. Natal, Dr. Oueinzius [C.j. 1. [Natal] {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Anthothreptes malaccensis (Scojy.). (Plate I. fig. 25.) Anthreptes malaccensis, Shelley, Monoqr. Nect. p. 315 (1870-80) ; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 342. Anthothreptes malaccensis, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 122 (1884) ; Oates, Fauna Brit, hid.. Birds, ii. p. 366 (1890); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 79 (1899) : Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 62 (1906). The eggs of the Malaccan Brown-throated Sun-bird are of a regular oval shape and without gloss. They vary in ground-colour NECTAEINIID^. — MELIPHAGIDiE. 31 from white or pinkish-white to pinkish-grey, and they are elegantly marked all over with clouds and smears of underlying lavender- grey, and specks, spots, hieroglypliics, and fine hair-lines of pnrplish- brown or black, similar to those found on the eggs of many of the Buntings. Specimens measure from -05 to -76 in length, and from •49 to -53 in breadth. 18. Labuan I., Borneo. Sir Hugh Low [C.]. 2. Labuan 1. (Sir H. Loio : Tristram Ciowley Beques't. Coll.). 1. Labuan I. Crowley Bequest. 2. Labuan I., 27th May {J. Whitehead). Crowley Bequest. Genus CHALCOPARIA, Cah. Chalcoparia phoenicotis (Temm.). (Plate I. fig. 11.) Anthreptes phoenicotis, Shelley, Mon. Kect. p. 325 (1876-80). S/iarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 63 (1906). The eggs of the Euby-cheeked Sun-bird are of a blunt oval shape and without gloss. They are dull white or pale cream-colour, very densely mottled all over with lilac-grey, to such an extent in some specimens that very little of the ground-colour is visible. In some eggs there is a tendency for the markings to form a zone round the broad end. Seven examples measure from -65 to •7 in length, and from -44 to -49 in breadth. 2. Pegu, 1.5th March (E. TV. Oates). Gates Coll. 1. Pegu, 6th Julv (E. W. 0.). Hume Coll. 2. Pegu, Aug. {E. W. 0.). Hume Coll. 2. Pegu, 27th Aug. {E. W. O.). Crowley Bequest. Family MELIPHAGID^. Genus MELITHREPTES, VieiU. Melithreptes atricapillus {Lath.). Melithreptus lunulatus, Govl'l, Hamlb. Birds Austr. i. p. 568 (1865) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 204 (1884); North, Nests ^- Eqys Austr. Birds, p. 227 (1889) ; Nehrk. Nat. Eiersamml. p. 80 (1899) ; _ Campbell, Nests Sf Ei/ys Austr. Birdf, i. p. 359, pi. 13 (YM\). Mehthreptus chloropsis, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 570 (1805). Melithreptes atricapillus, Shai-pe, Hand-l v. p. 64 (1906). The eggs of the Lunulated Honey- eater are of a blunt oval shape 32 MELIPHAHIDxE. and very slightly glossy. They vary from pale salmon-pink to salmon-buif, spotted, almost cncirely at the broad end where the markings form an imperfect zoue or cap, with chestnut or purplish- red and underlying lavender or lilac-red. They measure from •65 to '8 in length, and from -53 to -64 in breadth. 1. West Australia. Gould Coll. 3. West Australia, 26th Oct. (G. J". Gould Coll. Anffcts). 2. Queensland. Gnuld Coll. 1. New South Wales (BracTce/tbridi/e). Crowley Bequest. 2. Dobroyd, N. S. Wales (E. P. Ram- Crowley Becpiest. say : Tristram Coll.). 3. New" South Wales {E. P. Ramsay). Gould Coll. 2. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.]. 3. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.I. 2. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.]. 3. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.J. 2. Hastings, Western Point, Victoria, Crowley Bequest. 15th October (.4. J. North). Melithreptes albigularis, Gould. Meliphaga albogulaiis, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vdy. tab. xvi. fig. 17 (1845-64). Melithreptus albogularis, Gould, Ilandb. Birds Austr. i. p. 571 (1865). Melithreptus albigularis, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 205 (1884) ; North, Nests Sr Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 228 (1 889) ; Le Souef, Ibis, 1900, p. 4G3. Melithreptus lunul.atus albigularis, Campbell, Nests >§• Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 362 (1901). Melithreptes albigularis, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 64 (190G). The eggs of the White-throated Honey-eater are of a narrow and blunt oval shape, and entirely devoid of gloss. They are pinkish-white, rather thickly spotted with chestnut, lilac-red, and lavender. Two examples measure respectively : "85 by "53 ; •72 by -52. 2. Port Essington, Australia (TnVso??). Gould Coll. Melithreptes gularis, Gould. Melithreptus gularis, Gould, Ilandb. Birds Austr. i. p. 666 (1866) ; Ramsay, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 697 ; Gadoiv, Cut. Birds B. M. ix. p. 205 (1884) ; North, NedsSf- Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 226 (1889) ; Caiiqiicll, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 363 (1901). Melithreptes gularis, Shar^ye, Hand-l. v. p. 65 (1906). The eggs of the Elack-throated Honey-eater are of an elliptical shape and slightly glossy. They resemble the eggs of AI. atrieapillus. Two examples measure respectively : -88 by -61 ; ^77 by '59. 2. New South Wales {G. Bennett). Gould Coll. 1. Adelaide, S. Australia, September Crowley Bequest. (J. W. Mellor). MFHTUREPTES. PLECTOEHAJIPHUS. 33 Melitlireptes validirostris, Gould. Melithreptus validirostris, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 206 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 80 (18119) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 364 (1901). Melithreptes validirostris, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 65 (1906). An egg of the Strong-billed Honey-eater is similar to those of M. atricajnllus, but is somewhat larger. It measures "9 by 'GS. 1. Tasmania. Crowley Bequest. Melithreptes brevirostris, Vig. 4~ Horsf. (Plate II. figs. 5 & 9.) Melithreptus brevirostris, Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 207 (1884) ; North, Nests c^- Eyqs Austr. Birds, p. 225 (1889) ; Campbell, Nests cS- Eggs Amtr. Birds, i. p. 304 (1901). Melithreptes brevirostris, Sharpie, Hand-l. v. p. 65 (1906). The eggs of the Short-billed, or Brown-headed, Houey-eater are somewhat elliptical in shape and exhibit a very small amount of gloss. They vary from flesh-colour to pale salinnn-colour or light buff and are marked in vaiious ways. Two examples are speckled with chestnut and lilac, but almost entirely at the broad end, where the markings form a broad zone. Two other eggs are mottled all over with pale brownish-purple, and others again are speckled with brownish-purple, chiefly at the larger end. They measure from "6 to "7 in length, and from '45 to '48 in breadth. 1. Rockhampton, Queensland. Crowley Bequest. 2. Dawson River, Queensland, 13th Crowley Bequest. Aug. {North Coll.). 2. Western Port, Victoria {E. P. Sey- Crowley Bequest. mour) . 2. IMelbourne, 9th Nov. [A. J. North). Crowley Bequest. Melithreptes melanocephalus, Gould. Mehthreptus melanocephalus, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 207 (1884) ; Campbell, Nests Sr Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 366 (1901). Melithreptes melanocephalus, Hharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 65 (1906). Three eggs of the Black-headed Honey-eater are similar to those of M. atricajiillus. They measure respectively "68 by -57 ; "77 by •58 ; -83 by -58. 3. Tasmania. Crowley Bequest. Genus PLECTORHAMPHUS, Gray. Plectorhamphus laiiceolatus, Gould. Meliphaga lanceolata, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Viiq. tab. xvi. fig. 14 (1845-54). Plectorhvncha lanceolata^ Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 525 (1805) ; North, Nests S( Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 209, pi. xiii. fig. 2 (1889). VOL. V. D 34 MELIPHAGID^. PlectorliTncLiis lanceolatus, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 208 (1884) ; Kelirk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 80 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests S,- Bggs Aiistr. Birds, i. p. 369, pi. 13 (1901). Plectorliamphus lanceolatus, Sharjie, Iland-l. v. p. 65 (1906). Eggs of the Lanceolate Honey-cater are of a blunt oval shape and slightly glossy. They are dull white, rather densely speckled, especially round tlie broad end, with pale reddish-brown and lavender. They measure from -9 to -96 in length, and from '65 to •7 in breadth. 1. New South Wales ( Wilson). Gould Coll. 3. DarliDgRiver,N.S.VV., 19th Oct. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. North). 3. Dariiug River, Oct. {A. J. N.). Crowley Bequest. Genus MYZOMELA, Vicj. Sf Horsf. Myzomela rubratra (Less.). (Plate II. figs. 11 & 13.) Wjzomela rubratra, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 129 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersa7uml. p. 79 (1899) ; Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 66 (1906). Three eggs of the Marianne-Island Honey-eater are of a wide oval form and somewhat glossy ; the ground-colour is white, and the markings, which are mostly confined to the larger end, consist of spots of light red, deep reddish-brown, purplish-brown, and lavender-grey. They measure from -68 to "74 in length, and from •51 to '55 in breadth. 1. Caroline Islards. Crowley Beque.«t. 1. Euk Island, Caroline Is., 1st April. Crowley Bequest. 1. Euk Island, 10th April. Crowley Bequest. Myzomela nigriventris, Feale. (Plate II. fig. 10.) Myzomela nigriventris, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 130 (1884) ; NehrTc. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 79 (1899) ; Sharp)e, Hand-l. v. p. 66 (1906). An egg of the Samoan Honey-eater is of a regular oval form and slightly glossy ; the ground-colour is pinkish-white, shading into reddish-buff towards the larger end, and the markings, mostly arranged in the form of a -confused ring of small indistinct spots round the larger end, are of sienna and purplish-brown. The example measures '68 by -49. 1. Samoa Islands. Crowley Bequest. llyzomela sanguinolenta (Lath.). Myzomela sanguinolenta, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 555 (1866) ; Bamtay, Ibis, 1865, p. 304 ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 131 (1884)"; North, Nests S,- Eqqs Austr. Birds, p. 222, pi. 13. tig. 20 (1889); Cumphell, Nests ■^' ^Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 352 (1901); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 66 (1906). MYZO:,IELA. ACAXinoiinYXCIIUS. 35 Two eggs of the Sanguineous Honey-eater are of a blunt oval shape and modci'ately glossy. The}' are white, marked round the broad end with a well-defined zone of chestnut-brown and lavender spots and small blotches. One specimen is also marked with a few blackish specks on or near the zone. They measure respec- tively : '57 by '45 ; "09 by •47. 2. New South Wales. Gould Coll. Myzomela nigra, Ooukl. Meliphaga nigra, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Viig. tab. xvi. fig. 1 (1845-54). Myzomela nigra, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 558 (1865); Gadotu, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 138 (1884) ; Ramsai/, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. (2) i. p. 1161 (1886) ; North, Nests S,- Eyys Austr. Birds, p. 223 (1889); Campbell, Nests 8,- Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 354 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 68 (190G). The eggs of the Black Honey-eater are of an oval shape and nearly devoid of gloss. They are yellowish-buff, marked round the broad end with a broad indistinct zone of more or less confluent specks of pale brownish-buff. Four examples measure respectively : •55 by -47 ; -58 by -46 ; -63 by -46 ; -63 by -47. 2. West Australia. Gould Coll. 2. South Australia. Gould Coll. Myzomela obscura, Gould. Myzomela obscura, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 659 (1865) ; Gaduto, Cat. Birds B. 31. ix. p. 1-J3 (1884) ; Campbell, Nests S,- Eqgs Austr. Birds, i. p. 356, pi. 13 (1901); Nicoll, Ibis, 1904, p. 64; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 70 (1906). An egg of the Dusky Honey-eater closely resembles that of M. rubratra both in form and markings. It measures "7 by '52. 1. Prince of Wales Island, Torres Earl of Crawford [P.]. Straits {M. J. Nicoll). Genus ACANTHORHYNCHUS, Gould. Acanthorliynclius tenuirostris (Lath.). Acauthorhynchus tenuirostris, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 551 (1865) ; Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. 31. ix. p. 144 (1884) ; North, Nests 4- Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 220, pi. xii. tig. 20 (1889) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 79 (1899); Campbell, Nests Sf Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 358 (1901) ; SharjK-, Hand-l. v. p. 71 (1906). The eggs of the Spine-bill are of a pointed oval form and slightly glossy. They are cream-colour or pale creamy-buff, marked, almost entirely at the broad end, with spots and small blotches, which in some specimens are entirely pale chestnut, and in others rich purplish-red and lavender. They measure from "7 to -76 iu length, and from -51 to -53 in breadth. 2. New South Wales. Gould Coll. 2. Rosoville, N.S.W., 17th November. A. J. North, Esq. [P.]. d2 36 JtKLTPnAGin.'E. 2. Fish Eiver {E. P. Ramsny). Crowley Bequest. 2. Dobroyd, N.S.W., October (i?. P. R. : Crowley Bequest. Tristrnm Coll.). 2. Ganterburv, N.S.W., 8th Nov. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. North). 2. Dandenong- Kano-es, Victoria, Oct. W. Radcliffe Saundei's, Esq. [P.]. 2. West Australia. Gould Coll. 2. Tasmania. Gould Coll. 1. Tasmauia. Crowley Bequest. Acanthorliynchus superciliosus, Gould. Acanthorhynchus superciliosus, Gould, Hnndb. Birds Austr. i. p. 6.53 (1865) ; Gado2o, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 145 (1884) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 221 (1889) ; Campbell, Nests 8f Eijqs Austr. Bird's, i. p. 357, pi. 13 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 71 (1906). The egg of the White-browed Spine-bill in the Collection is in fragments. It appears to be of a very pale buff-colour, spotted and blotched at the broad end with che-^tnut and lavender. The measurements of two eggs recorded by Mr. Campbell are respec- tively: -78 by -52; -75 by -53. 1. West Australia. Gould Coll. Genus GLYCIPHILA, Swains. Glyciphila melanops (Lath.). Meliphaga fulvifrons, Thien. Fortpjlanz. yes. Voy. tab. xvi. fig. 4 (1845-54). Glyciphila fulvifrons, Gould, Sandb. Birds Austr. i. p. 495 (1865) ; Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 210 (1884); North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, ^. 196, pi. xiii. fig. 6 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 81 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests |- Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 370, pi. 13 (1901). Glyciphila melanops, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 71 (1906). The eggs of the Fulvous-fronted Honey-eater are of a regular oval shape and slightly glossy. They are white, sparingly speckled and spotted with pale chestnut and lilac-red. Occasionally specimens appear to be spotted with deep purplish-brown and purplish-grey. The markings are chiefly confined to the broad end. Gould says some of the eggs of this s))ecies are quite white, without a trace of spots, but no such specimens are now in his collection. Examples measure from '78 to -9 in length, and from "6 to "63 in breadth. 5. West Australia. Gould Coll. 6. South Australia. Gould Coll. 2. Victoria, 10th Aug. (A. J. North). Crowley Bequest, Glyciphila albifrons, Gould. (Plate II. fig. 1.) Glyciphila albifrons, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 497 (1865) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 211 (1884) ; North, Nests Sj- Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 197 (1889) ; Campbell, Neds li,- Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 372 (1901 ; ; Shar2K, Hand-l. v. p. 72 (1906). GLTCIPHILA.— CONOPOPHILA, 37 . The eggs of the White-fronted Honey-eater do not appear to be m any way separable from those of MeUtJireptes albigularis, described above. They measure from -77 to -88 in length, and from -58 to -(i in breadth. 2. West Australia. Gould Coll. 7. South Australia. Gould Coll. Glyciphila modesta, Gi-ay. Glyciphila subfasciata, Ramsai/, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 385. Glyciphila modesta, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 215 (1884) • Metier Zeitschv. ges. Orn. 1884, p. 288, taf xviii. figs. 7 & 8 ; North, Neds & Efjgs Austr. Birds, pp. 198, 389, pi. xiii. fig. 10 (18SQ)-, Nehrk Kat. Eiersajmnl. p. 81 (1899) ; Bobinson 8f Laverock, Ibis, 1900 p. 634; Campbell, Nests Sf Eygs Austr. Birds, i. p. 376 pi 1-3 (1901) ; Skarpe, Band-l. v. p. 72 (1906). Ten eggs of the Erown-backed Honey-eater are of a rather narrow oval shape and moderately glossy. They are white, sparingly marked with minute, but very sharply defined specks of black. They measure from -7 to -78 in length, and from -5 to -55 in breadth. 2. Fergusson Island, British New C. A. Barnard, Esa TP 1 Guinea, 12th Oct. ' ^' ^ '^' 2. Herbert River, Queensland. S. Boyd, Esq [P ] 2. Herbert River. S. Boyd, Esq.' [P.l " 2. Herbert River, 10th Dec. {North Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 2. Aru Islands (Nchrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Genus CONOPOPHILA, Reichenb. Conopophila albigularis (Gould). (Plate II. fig. 14.) Conopophila albigiilaiis, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p 532 (1865) • -S'/w/V^e, IfrmZ-/. V. p. 73 (1906). " Entomophila albigularis, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 219 (1884) ; Campbell, Nests ^- Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 370 (1901). An egg of the W^hite-throated Honey-eater is of a regular oval shape and devoid of gloss. It is dull white, profusely speckled all over the shell with reddish-brown and lavender. It measures -73 by -51. 1. Port Essington, Australia, Gould Coll. 5th Dec. ( Wilson). Conopophila rufi^laris, Gould. Entomophila rufigularis, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 219 (1884) • Campbell, Nests Sf Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 378, pi. 13 (1901). ' Conopophila rufigularis, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p 5,33 dSOjl • SAarpe, Rand-l. v. p. 73 (1906). Eggs of the Iled-throated Honey-eater are similar to those of 38 MELIPnAGID.53. C. albigularin, but, in some specimens, the fine markings are con- centrated towards the larger end, and form an irregular zone or cap. They measure from -7 to '75 in length, and from -5 to -53 in breadth. 20. North Queenslaud. W. Radclifie Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus CERTHIONYX, Less. Certhionyx variegatus, Les^. Entomophila leucomelas, Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 220 (1884) ; Campbell, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p^ 380, pi. 13 (1901). Certhionyx variegatus, Hharpe, Uand-l. v. p. 73(1906), Eggs of the Pied Honey-eater vary in shape, from a broad to a pointed oval form, and are very slightly glossy. The ground-colour is white or yellowish- white and the markings of dark brown, purplish- brown, and lilac-grey take the form of numerous small spots and blotches, which are distributed all over the surface of the shell. They measure from -8 to -98 in length, and from -48 to -58 in breadth. 24. Gascoyne Eiver, West Australia. T. Carter, Esq. [C.]. Genus MELIPHAGA, Lewin. Meliphaga phrygia {Lath.). Meliphaga phrygia, Tliien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xvi. tig. 9 (1845-54) ; Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 527 (1865) ; Gadoiu, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 221 (1884) ; North, Nests ^- Eqqs Austr. Birds, p. 210, pi. xii. fig. 8 (1889) ; Nehrh. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 81 (1899) ; Camp- bell, Nests .^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 381, pi. 14 (1901); Sharps, Hand-l. v. p. 74 (1906). Xantliomvza plir^ygia, Ramsay, Trans. Phil. Sac. N. S. W. 1865, p. 319, pi. i.fig. 3. ■ Eggs of the Warty-faced Honey-eater are of a very broad oval shape and moderately glossy. They are of a rich salmon-butf colour, speckled and spotted with purplish-red and underlying lavender. The markings are rather dense at the broad end, but sparse elsewhere. Four examples measure from '9 to I'O in length, aud from '69 to "7 in breadth. 2. New South Wales ( Wilson). Guiild Coll. Genus MELILESTES, Salvad. Melilestes poliopterus, Sharpe. (Plate II. fig. 21.) Melilestes pnlioptera, Sharpe, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xvi. pp. 318, 4-38 (1882). Arachuothera polinptera, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. Ill (1884). Melilestes poliopterus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 75 (1906). MELIPOTKS. — STIGMATOPS. 39 Two eggs of the Grey-winged Honey-eater in the Collection are almost elliptical in shape and slightly glossy. They are pinkish- white, thickly mottled with pale reddish-brown, and feebly marked at the broad end with a few blotches of pale lavender. They measure respectively : -95 by -7 ; "95 by -72. 2. S.E. New Guinea. Mr. E. Weiske [C.]. Genus MELIPOTES, Sclat. Melipotes fumigatus, A. B. Meyer. (Plate II. fig. 7.) Melipotes fumigatus, Ifei/e?; Zeitschr. ges. Orn. iii. p. 22 (1886) ; Sharpe, Hancl-l. V. p. 76 (1006). Melipotes atriceps, Grant, Bull. B. 0. C. v. p. xiv (1895). Two eggs of the Black-headed Honey-eater are of a regular oval form and devoid of gloss ; they have the ground-colour pale pinkish- white, and the markings, which are mostly concentrated round tha larger end so as to form a cap, take the form of rather faint purplish- red blotches, more or less confluent towards the larger end. They measure respectively 1-22 by "81 and 1'07 by -79. 1. S.E. New Guinea. Mr. E. Weiske [C.J. 1. S.E. New Guinea. Mr. E. Weiske [C.]. Genus MELIRRHOPHETES, A. B. Meyer. Melirrhophetes batesi, Sharpe. (Plate II. fig. 12.) Melirrhophetes batesi, Sharpe in Gould's Birds N. Guinea, iii. pi. 35 (1886) ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 77 (1906). A damaged egg of Bates' Honey-eater appears to have been of a regular oval form and very slightly glossed. It has the ground- colour salmon-buif, becoming rather more intense towards the larger end, where it forms a zone, which is also indistinctly marked with spots of faint purplish-red. It measures 1*22 by "86. 1. S.E. New Guinea. Mr. E. Weiske [0.]. Genus STIGMATOPS, Gould. Stigmatops ocularis {Gould). Meliphaga ocularis, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vdg. tab. xvi. tig. 3 (1845-04). Stigmatops ocularis, Gould, Randh. Birds Austr. i. p. 500 (I860) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 198, pi. xiii. fig. 17 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 78 (190i)). Stigmatops subocularis, Gould, torn. cit. p. .501 . Glyciphila ocularis, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 213 (1884) [part.] ; 40 MELIPHAGID.-E. Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 81 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests S^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 374, pi. 13 (1901). Glycipbila subocularis, Le Souef, Ibis, 1900, p. 463 ; Campbell, tom. cit. p. 375. The eggs of the Brown Honey-eater are of a regular oval shape and almost devoid of gloss. They vary from white to cream-colour, and are very minutely speckled, almost entirely at the broad end, with pale rufous. They measure from -62 to -7 in length, and from •49 to -51 in breadth. 1. Australia. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Dawson Elver, Queensland. Crowley Bequest. 14th September (North Coll.). 2. New South Wales. Gould Coll. 2. New South Wales. Gould Coll. 2. West Australia. Gould Coll. Genus PTILOTIS, Swains. Ptilotis carunculata (Gmel.). (Plate II. fig. 3.) Ptilotis carunculata, Finsch ^ Hartl. Fauna Cenir.-Polgnes. p. 58, pi. i. figs. 1 & 2 (1867) ; Whitmee, Ibis, 1875, p. 438 ; Gadoto, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 225 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 81 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 79 (1906). Eggs of the Carunculated IIone3'-eater are ot a broad oval form and moderately glossy. They are of a pinkish-white or salmon-pink colour, spotted, chiefly at the broad end, with purplish- red and very pale underlying lavender. A few very dark, almost black, specks are sometimes found scattered over the shell. They measure from -96 to 1*0 in length, and from -06 to -72 in breadth. 5. Samoa. Rev. S. J. Whitmee [C.]. 1. Samoa. Crowley Request. Ptilotis procerior, Finsch cj- Hartl. (Plate II. fig. 8.) Ptilotis caruncidata, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 225 (1884) [part.]. Ptilotis procerior, Layard, P. Z. S. 1875, pp. 28, 431 ; Wiglesw. Abh. Mus. Dresden, 1890-91, No. 6, p. 34 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 79 (190G). Eggs of Einsch's Carunculated Honey-eater are usually of a broad regular oval form : one example in the Collection is, however, longer and more pointed ; the ground-colour is white, or pinkish- white ; the markings are most numerous towards the larger end and form a zone of spots which are purplish-red and pale lilac. They measure from -94 to 1"0 in length, and from -Go to '72 in breadth. 4. Ovalau, Fiji (E. L. Layard: Crowley Bequest. Tristrain Coll.). 4. Ovalau (E. L. L. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 41 Ptilotis analoga, Rekhenh. Ptilotis analojra, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 227 (1884) [part.] ; ^harpe, Hand-l. v. p. 80 (1906). rtilotis notata. North, Xests ^- Egys Austr. Birds, p. 209, pi. xiii. fig. 4 (1889) ; Le Souef, Ibis, 1898, p. 58 ; Campbell, Nests Sj- Eggs Austr. Birds, 1. p. 383 (1901). The eggs of the Yellow-spotted Honey-eater vary from a narrow to a broad oval shape and are moderately glossy. They are white, spotted and blotched with dark umber-brown or deep chocolate- brown. The markings are generally few in number and confined chiefly to the broad end of the egg. In two examples, however, in the Collection they are evenly spread over the whole shell, and are intermingled with other spots of underlying pale lavender. They measure from -88 to '91 in length, and from -Go to -7 in breadth. 1. Albany Island, N. Australia. Gould Coll. 2. Somerset, N. Australia, 2Gth Oct. D. Le Souef, Esq. [P.]. 2. Cape York, N. Australia. Capt. Owen Stanley [P.]. 1. Cape York. Capt. Owen Stanley [P.]. 1. Queensland, 24th Dec. T. Carter, Esq. [Cl. 1. Queensland, 22th Nov. T. Carter, Esq. [CI. Ptilotis orientalis, A. B. Meyer. (Plate II. fig. 19.) Ptilotis orientalis, Meyer. J.f. O. 1894, p. 92; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 80 (1906). Two eggs of Meyer's Yellow-spotted Honey-eater are of a blunt oval form and somewhat glossy ; the ground-colour is pale pinkish-white, marked, chiefly in a zone round the broad end, with spots of rich brownish-red and lavender. They measure respectively •83 by -6 and -85 by -61. 2. Sariba Island, British New Guinea, C. A. Barnard, Esq. [C.]. 6th October. Ptilotis gracilis, Gould. Ptilotis analoga, Gaduiv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 227 (1884) [part.]. Ptilotis gracilis, Le Souef, Ibis, 1898, p. 56, pi. i. ; 1900, p. 615 ; Camp- bell, Nests ^ Egys Austr. Birds, i. p. 384 (1901); Sharjie, Hand-l. V. p. 80 (1906). The eggs of the Lessor Yellow-spotted Honey-eater are of a blunt oval form and very glossy. Two examples are of a salmon-pink colour, turning to sienna-pink at the broad end, and spotted at that jmrt with rich chestnut and lavender. Both eggs measure "To by -58. 2. Somerset, N. Australia, 27th Oct. D. Le Souef, Esq. [P.]. 42 MELIPHAGIDiE. Ptilotis sharpei, Eotlisch. Sf Ilartert. (Plate II. fig. 18.) Ptilotis analopra, NeJirk. [nee Reichenb.) Kat. Eiersamml. p. 81, pi. iii. %. 24 (1899). Ptilotis arueusis sliarpei, Rothsch. Sf Ilartert, Nov. Zool. x. p. 442 (1903). Ptilotis sharpei, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 80 (1906). An egg of Sharpe 's Honey-eater is indistinguishable from that of P. analoga ; it measures '21 by -68. 1. Fergusson Island, 12th December. Mr. A. S. Meek [C.]. Ptilotis fusca {Gould). Ptilotis fusca, Ramsay, Trans. Phil. Soc. N. S. W. 1865, p. 321, pi. i. fig. 4; Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 520 (1865); Gadotv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 229 (1884) ; North, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 206 (1889) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 81 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^- Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 385 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 81 (1906). Eggs of the Fuscous Honey-eater are of a regular oval form and somewhat glossy. They are of a rich pinkish-buff colour, spotted all over, but rather sparingly, with pale pinkish-red and faint lilac. They measure from '76 to '8 in length, and from '57 to "6 in breadth. 1. Dawson River, Queensland, Crowley Bequest. 1.3th Aug. (North Coll.). 2. New South ^^'ales [E. P. Ramsay). Gould Coll. 2. New South Wales. Crowley Bequest. Ptilotis chrysotis, Lath. Ptilotis lewinii, Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 503 (1865) ; Ramsay, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 595 : Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 229 (1884) ; North, Nests i§- Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 199, pi . xiii. fig. 1 (1889) ; Neh7-k. Eat. Eiersamtnl. p. 81 (1899) ; Catnpbell, Nests ^- Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 386, pi. 14 (1901). Ptilotis chrysotis, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 81 (1906). An egg of Lewin's Honey-eater is of a regular oval shape and almost devoid of gloss. It is pinkish-white, spotted, chiefly at the broad end, with deep purplish-brown and lilac. It measures I'O by -73. 1. New South Wales ( Wilson). Gould Coll. Ptilotis provocator, Laym-d. (Plate II. fig. 2.) Ptilotis provocator, Layard, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 28 ; Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 230 (1884) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 81 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 81 (1906). Two eggs of the Kandavu Honey-eater closely resemble that of niLOTis. 4o P. cJinjsotis, but the ground-colour is more tinged with salmon- colour,' and the markings on one of the two specimens are more numerous and more generall.y distributed over the shell. They measure respectively 1*0 by '7 and 1*1 by •72. 1. Kandavu, Fiji Islands {E. L. Crowley Bequest. Layard: Tristram Coll.). 1. Kandavu {E. L. L. : Tristram Crowlev Bequest. Coll.). Ptilotis sonora, Gould. Ptilotis sonora, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 604 (1865) ; Gadoic, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 234 (1884) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 81 (1890) ; Campbell, Nests S,- Efff/s Austr. Birds, i. p. 390, pi. 14 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 81 (1906). Ptilotis vittata, North, Nests Sj^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 200 (1889). Eggs of the Singing Honey-eater are of a blunt oval form and almost devoid of gloss. They are flesh-colour, delicately speckled or mottled with faint rufous and lavender. Some specimens have an indistinct zone of rufous-bufE round the larger end. They measure from -76 to -92 in length, and from -6 to '66 in breadth. Queensland, 1st Mav, T. Carter, Esq. [CI. Queensland, 19th July. T. Carter, Esq. [C.]. Queensland, 19th. Sept. T. Carter, Esq. [C.]. Queensland. T. Carter, Esq. [C.]. South Australia [J. Gould : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 1. South Australia, Dec. Gould Coll. Ptilotis chrysops {Lath.). Ptilotis chrysops, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 521 (1865) ; Gadotv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 236 (1884) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 207, pi. xii. fig. 16 (1889) ; NehrJc. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 82 (1899) ; Ca7npbell, Nests ^ Egqs Austr. Birds, i. p. 392, pi. 14 (1901) ; Hharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 82 (1906). The eggs of the Tellow-faced Honey-eater vary from a narrow to a broad oval shape and are moderately glossy. They are of a pinkish cream-colour, freckled, spotted or blotched, generally more densely at the broad end than elsewhere, with various shades of red, ranging from light chestnut to deep purplish-red, and with lavender or lilac. The markings are often gathered into a broad confluent zone at the broad end, the remainder of the shell being sparingly spotted ; while, in some cases, they are evenly spread over the entire surface of the egg. Specimens measure from '77 ti '84 in length, and from -55 to -61 in breadth. 2. Cape York, X. Queensland {J. Crowley Bequest. MacGillivrai/ : Tristram Coll.). 1. New South Wales, 17th Sept. Crowley Bequest. {J. Gould). 1. New South Wales. Gould Coll. 44 MELIPHAGIDiE. 2. New South Wales ( JVilson). Gould Coll. 2. NewSoutliWales(£. P.i?«wwrt?/). Gould OolL 1. New South Wales. Gould Coll. 1. New South Wales. Gould Coll. 2. New South Wales. Gould Coll. 3. Dobroyd, N. S. Wales, Nov. Crowley Bequest. (E. P.R.: Tristram Coll.). 1. Roseville, N. S. Wales, 24th Sept. A. J. North, Esq. [P.]. 1. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.]. 3. Melbourne, Victoria. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Yandembah, Victoria, Oct. (A. J. Crowley Bequest. North). 2. Hastings, Victoria, 23rd Oct. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. N.). Ptilotis flavicollis, Vieill. Ptilotis flavigula, Govld, ?I(mdb. Birds Austr. i. p. 508 (I860). Ptilotis flavigularis, Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 239 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Biersamtnl. p. 82 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 394 (1901). Ptilotis flavicollis, North, Nests Sj- Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 201, pi. xii. fig. 13 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 82 (1906). Four eggs of the Yellow-throated Honey-eater are almost elliptical in shape and very slightly glossy. They are pinkish-white, speckled, chiefly at the broader end, with purplish-red and lavender. They measure from -9 to -03 in length, and from -69 to -7 in breadth. Two eggs, of a more pointed oval form, measure 'OS in length, and from -Q-^ to 'Go in breadth. 2. Tasmania, 4th Dec. Gould Coll. 2. Tasmania, Aug. Crowley Bequest. 2. Tasmania. Crowley Bequest. Ptilotis leucotis {Lath.). Ptilotis leucotis, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 510 (1865) ; Gadoir, Cat. Birds. B.M. ix. p. 240 (1884); North, Nests S,- Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 201, pi. xiii. fig. 5 (1881?) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamrnl. p. 82 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests c^ JEggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 396 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 82 (1906). The eggs of the White-eared Hone3'-eater are of a very broad oval or spheroidal shape and slightly glossy. They are cream- coloured, delicately spotted, chiefly at the broad end, with purplish- brown and lavender. They measure from '8 to '88 in length, and from '65 to "68 in breadth. 2. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.]. 1. Dandenong Ranges, Victoria, Oct. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. Gippsland, Victoria. F. A. Philbrick, Esq., K.O. [P.]. 3. Western Port, Victoria. Crowley Bequest. 45 Ptilotis auricomis (LatJi.). I'tilotis auricomis, Bainsai/, Ihi.'t, 1864, p. 248 ; Gould, Handb. Birdx Austr. i. p. 311 (18iio) ; Ecimsoy, Trans. Phil. Soc. N. S. W. 1865, p. 322, pi. i. fig. 5; Gadow, Cat. Birds 5. jlf. ix. p. 242 (1884); North, Nests ^- Egc/s Austr. Birds, p. 203, pi. xii. fig. 14 (1889); Nehrh. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 82 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ii- JS'r/z/s Austr. Birds, i. p. 398, pi. 14 (1901) ; Shar-pe, Hand-l. v. p. 82 (1906). The eggs of the Yellow-tufted Honey-eater are of a broad oval shape and slightly glossy. They are of a pinkish flesh-colour, speckled and spotted, chi«tly at the broad end, with chestnut-red or purplish-red and lavender. On some specimens the markings form a zone round the broad end ; on others they form an ill-defined cap. Examples measure from -82 to '9 in length, and from -63 to •68 in breadth. 3. New South Wales {E. P. JRamsay). Gould Coll. 3. New South Wales (E. P. P.). Gould Coll. 1. New South Wales, July {Sir D. Gould Coll. Cooper). 2. Canterbury, N.S.W., 30th Oct. Crowley Bequest. [with an e^^ of Ciwulus palli- dus (cf. Cat. Birds' Eggs B. M. iii.p. 114, 1903)]. 2. Dobroyd, N.S.W., 30th July Crowley Bequest. (E. P.P.: Tristram Coll.). 1. Dobrovd {E. P. R. .- Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 2. Dobroyd {E. P. P.). Crowlev Bequest. 3. Roseville,N.S_.W.,_ 24th Sept. A. J. North, Esq. [P.]. 3. Sandhurst, Victoria, 19th Sept. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. North). Ptilotis cratitia, Gould. Ptilotis cratitia, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 243 (1884) ; Catnpbell, Nests 4" Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 401 (1901) ; Sharpe, Kand-l. v. p. 83 (1906). The two eggs of the Wattled-cheeked Honey- eater collected by j\Ir. T. Carter differ from those described by Mr. Campbell in having the ground-colour pinkish-buff and salmon-colour respectively, instead of white. Both eggs are sparingly and finely spotted with reddish-brown and purplish-grey, tlie markings being most numerous round the larger end, where they form an irregular cap or zone. They measure respectively : "76 by 'Se and -78 by -55. 2. South Australia. T. Carter, Esq. [C.]. • Ptilotis ornata, Gould. Ptilotis ornata, Gould, Ilandh. Birds Austr. i. p. 515 (I860) ; Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 244 (1884) ; North, Nests i,- Eqgs Austr. Birds, p. 204 (1889) ; Nehrh. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 82 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eqgs Austr. Birds, i. p. 406, pi. 14 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 83 (1906). 46 MELIPHAGID^. The eggs of the Graceful Honej'-eater are richly coloured, and resemble those of P. (jracilis and P. fvsca. They are of a pinkish- buff or deep salmon-pink, spotted with chestnut-red and lavender or lilac. The markings are chiefly coniined to the broad end. Three examples measure respectively : '79 by "58 ; '78 by 'SO. 2. West Australia, 4th Sept. Gould Coll. 1. Fowday, West Australia, 4th Sept. Crowley Bequest. {J. Gould: Trisfratn Coll.). Ptilotis plumula, Gould. Meliphaga plumula, Thi4^7i. Fortpjlanz. ga. Vog. tab. xvi. fig. 8 (1845-64). Ptilotis plumula, Gould, Handb. Birds Aiistr. i. p. 51G (1865) ; Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 245 (1884) ; liorth, Nests ^- Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 205 (1889) ; Campbell, Nesls .S' JEggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 407 (1901) ; Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 83 (1906). The eggs of the Plumed Honey-eater in the Collection very closely resemble those of P. ornata. Two examples measure re- spectively : '79 by '59 ; -87 by •62. 2. West Australia, 7tli Dec. Gould Coll. Ptilotis penicillata {Gould). Ptilotis penicillata, Gould, Ilandh. Birds Austr. i. p. 519 (1865) ; Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 244 (1884) ; North, Nests <^- Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 205, pi. xii. fig. 15 (1889) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 82 (1899); Camphell, Nests ^- Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 403 (1901); Sharpe, liand-l. v. p. 83 (1906). The eggs of the White-plumed Honey-eater are of a pointed oval shape and slightly glossy. They are of a pinkish-cream-colour, speckled and spotted with purplish-red, purplish-brown, and under- lying lavender. In some examples the markings are confined to the broad end ; in others they are evenly spread over the entire surface of the shell. The ground-colour is often suffused with darker pink at the broad end. Specimens measure from •71 to •9 in length, and from -52 to -59 in breadth. 3. Australia. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Australia. Gould Coll. 1. Queensland. T. Carter, Esq. [C] 2. Bugan River, New South Wales, Crowley Bequest. 1.3th Sept. {A. J. North). S. Dohroyd, N.S. W., 9th Dec. Crowley Bequest. (A. J. N.). 3. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.]. 3. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.]. 2. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.]. 2. Melbourne, 5th Sept. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. PTTLOTrS. PTILOPEORA. 4 1 1. Gippsland, Victoria. F. A. Philbrick, Esq., K.C. [P.]. 2. South Australia {G. F. Avr/as). Gould Coll. 3. South Australia (G. J'', yl.). Gould Coll. Ptilotis leilavalensis, North. Ptilotis leilavalensis, North, Itec. Anstr. Mus. iii. p. 106 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests 4" E„. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xvi. fig. 5 (1845-54) Mehorms ^encea G.«/^. Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 490 (ISQoUGadol] li'I"] ■' P'-..^;';.^-- ^^ (1^^9); Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 414 (1901) ; Sharpe, Rand-l. ^ . p. 88 (1906). Two eggs of the White-cheeked Honey-eater are of a regular rififP v^fl^ Tl '[^^^^^^^ ^^''''^'- T^^^ ^^« P^i*' cream-colour, speckled, chiefly at the broad end, with reddish-brown and lilac-red Ihey measure respectively : -8 by -6 ; -77 by -6. 2. New South Wales. Gould Coll. Meliornis mystacalis (Gould). Meliphagamystacalis, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xvi. ^.. 6 (1845-54) 1. p. 410 (lyui) ; tiharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 88 (1906). .rW *^° ^^g^ «^ ^}^ Moustached Honey-eater in the Collection are of a rather broad oval shape and slightly glossy. They are of ZLlTrltri'^"'^'^^ f "^y '' '''' ^^°^^ ^^'i' ^it^ specks and spots of reddish-brown or deep chocolate-brow- and underlying lilac, Ihey measure respectively : -78 by -61 ; -8 by -6. ° 2. West Australia. Gould Coll. 50 melephagidjE. Genus ANTHORNIS, Oray. Anthornis melannra {Sparrm.). (Plate II. figs. 15 & 20.) Anthornis melannra, Potts, Trans. New Zeal. Inst. ii. p. 56 (1869) ; iii. p. 72 (1870) ; Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 255 (1884) ; Reischek, Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 1886, p. 186 ; Btdler, Birds New Zeal. 2nd ed. i. p. 85 (1888) ; Nehrh. Kat. Eiersamnd. p. 82 (1899) ; Shar2)e, Hand-l. V. p. 88 (1900). The eggs of the New-Zealand Bell-bird are of an ordinary oval shape and quite devoid of gloss. They vary from white to piakish- white, and are marked, chiefly at the broad end, with spots and blotches of different shades of red, varying from brick-red to pale lilac- red. On some specimens the markings are small and widely-scattered ; on others, they consist of large blotches, which are sometimes confluent and form a large cap at the broad end. Examples measure from "84 to -95 in length, and from '65 to '7 in breadth. 1. New Zealand {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 5. New Zealand. W. Radclifie Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 5. New Zealand. W. RadclifFe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 5. New Zealand. Dr. H. T. Wharton [P.]. 2. New Zealand {H. 0. Forhes). Crowley Bequest. 1. Blue Cliffs, N.Z., 26th Jan. [j. R. Crowley Bequest. Cook: Tristram Coll.). 1. Christchurch, N.Z. Capt. E. Snow [P.]. 3. Otago, N.Z. {E. P. Seymour). Crowley Bequest. Anthornis melanocephala, G^-ay. (Plate II. figs. 16 & 17.) Anthornis melanocephala, Buller, Birds Neio Zeal. 2nd ed. i. p. 92 (1888) ; Bharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 88 (1906). Eggs of the Chatham-Island Bell-bird are of a regular oval form and almost devoid of gloss. The ground-colour varies from pale pinkish-white to pale pink, and the markings of sienna or purplish- red, usually in the form of clouded blotches, are mostly confined to the larger end of the shell, but in one example (fig. 16) the markings are more in the form of spots. They measure from 1-01 to 1-06 in length, and from -69 to -76 in breadth. 2. Chatham Islands ("i^/eW Co//.). W. Radchffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Chatham Islands {Field Coll.). W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. Chatham Islands. Crowley Bequest. PROSTHE.UADERA. JirZAXTHA. Oi Genus PROSTHE MADERA, Graji. Prosthemadera novae zealandiae (Gmel.). Prosthemadera novis zealandisc, Walter, P. Z. >S. 1853, p. 192, pi. Ivi. fig. 2 ; Potts, Trans. JVew Zeal. Inst. ii. p. 55 (1869) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 257 (1884) ; Buller, Birdx New Zeal. 2nd ed. i. p. 94 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 82 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 88 (1906). The eggs of the Tui or Parson-bird are of a somewhat pointed oval shape and almost devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is white, m irked, often very sparingly, with pale rufous. The markings in some specimens consist of smears and blotches ; in others, of small specks and spots. They measure from 1'2 to 1'32 in length, and from '8 to '85 in breadth. 3. New Zealand. W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. New Zealand. W. RadclifFe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. New Zealand. Purchased. 1. New Zealand. Dr. H. T. Wharton [P.]. 1. Christchurch, New Zealand. Capt. R. Snow [P.]. 2. Ot&gQ,'ii.Z. [Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Genus MANORHINA, Vuill. Manorhina melanophrys {Lath.). Maaorhina melanophrys, Gould, Hand.h. Birds Anstr. i. p. 579 (1865') ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. Jtf. ix. p. 259(1884); North, Nests ^ Eggs Ausfr. Birds, p. 231 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 82 (1899) ; Campbell, Neds Sf Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 416, pi. 14 (1901); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 88 (1906). The eggs of the Bell-Miner in the Collection are of a narrow oval shape and slightly glossy. Two examples are of a pinkish flesh- colour and one of a salmon-pink colour, and they are spotted with chestnut or dark reddish-brown and underlying lavender. They measure respectively : -91 by -6 ; -93 by -62 ; -86 by -62. 1. New South Wales. Gould Cnll. 2. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.]. Genus MYZANTHA, Vvj. ^ Horsf. Myzantha garrula (Lath.). (Plate III. fig. 9.) Mehphaga garrula, Thien. Fortpfanz.ges. Vog. tab. xvi. fig. 16 (1845-54). -Myzantha garrula, Gcidd, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 574 (1865) ; North, NestxSrEggs Austr. Birds, p. 229, pi. xii. fig. 2 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hnnd-l. V. p. 80 (1906). e2 52 MELIPHAGIDiE. Manorliina p^arrula, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 260 (1884) ; Nehrh. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 82 (1899). Myzaiitha (Manorhina) garrula, Campbell, Nests Sf E(jqs Aiistr. Birds, i. p. 420, pi. 14 (1901). The egp;s of the Garrulous Honey-eater vary iu shape from narrow to broad oval and they are slightly glossy. They are cream- coloured, profusely spotted and blotched with rich chestnut and pivrplish-grey. The disposition of the markings varies considerably. On some specimens they are large and crowded together over the broader half, where they form a dense cap ; on others, they are smaller and pretty evenly distributed over the entire shell. Examples measure from '95 to 1*22 in length, and from '71 to "82 in breadth. 4. Australia. " W. RadclifFe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Dobroyd, New South Wales (E. P. Crowley Bequest. Ramsay : Tristram Coll.). 3. Macqiiarie Fields, N.S.W., October Crowley Bequest. {E. P.R. : Tristram Coll.). 3. Bogan River, N.S.W., 18th Sep- Crowley Bequest, tember {A. J. North). 2. Victoria. Gould Collection. 1. Gippsland, Victoria. F. A. Philbrick, Esq., K.C. [P.]. 3. Oakleigh, Victoria, November. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 3. Hastings, Western Point, \ ictoria, Crowley Bequest. 19th November {A. J. N.) 4. South Australia. Gould Coll. 3. South Australia. Gould Coll. 2. South Australia. Gould Coll. 4. South Australia. Gould Coll. 3. Tasmania. Gould Coll. 3. Tasmania. Gould Coll. 3. Tasmania. Gould Coll. 2. Tasmania. Gould Coll. 2. Tasmania. Gould Coll. Myzantha obscura, Gould. Myzantha obscura, Gould, Handb. Birds Avstr. i. p. 576 (1866) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 230 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 89 (1906). Manorhina obscura, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. is. p. 260 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 82 (1899). Myzantha (Manorhina) obscm-a, Campbell, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 421, pi. 14 (1901). The eggs of the Sombre Honey-eater are of a rather broad oval shape and slightly glossy. They are of a rich salmon-pink colour, blotched and clouded with pale purplish-red and grey. They measure from -92 to 1"06 in length, and from "74 to '78 in breadth. MTZANTHA. 53 2. West Australia. Gould Coll. 2. West Australia. Gould Coll. 2. West Australia (A. J. CainpbeU). Crowley Bequest. 3. West Australia. T. Carter. Esq. [C.]. 2. West Australia {J. (Jould: Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). 2. West Australia (/. G. : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Myzantha flavigula, Gould. (Plate III. figs. 6-S.) Myzantha flavigula, Gould, Ilnndb. Birds Austr. i. p. 578 (1805) ; Ctimphpll, Nests ^ Eqys Austr. Birds, i. p. 422 (1901) ; Sharpe, Iland-l. V. p. 89 (1906). Manorhina flavigula, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 261 (1884) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 82 (1899). The eggs of the Yellow-throated Miner are of a more or less pointed oval form and somewhat glossy. The ground-colour varies from pale pinkish- or buffy-white to pale brick-colour, and the markings, which consist of numerous spots and small blotches of purplish-brown, reddish-brown, and lavender, vary considerably in both tint and number in different examples. In all, they arc most numerous round the larger end, but in some examples they are thickly scattered over the whole surface of the shell. They measure from 1-1 to 1'15 in length, and from '71 to '75 in breadth. 3. Dawson River, Queensland, 2oth Crowley Bequest. September (North Coll.). 2. New South Wales {E. P. Rmnsny). Crowley Bequest. 2. New South Wales (Nehrkum Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 3. New South Wales, November. W. Iladeliffe Saunders, Esi. 3. Liverpool, N.S."\\ ., 14th October Crowley Bequest. {A. J. North). Myzantha lutea, Gould. (rjate III. figs. 13 & 16.) Myzantha lutea, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 577 (1865) ; Hall, Vict. Nat. xviii. p. 32 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. \. p. 89 (1906). Manorhina lutea, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 262 (1884). Two eggs in the Collection referred by Gould to the Luteous Honey-eater or Yellow Miner (see fig. 13) are of a narrow oval shape and devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is of a rich salmon-pink colour, rather profusely mottled and streaked with reddish-brown and lilac-grey, the markings being very evenly distributed over the entire surface of the shell. They measure respectively : 1"10 by "7 ; 1-11 by -71. The two eggs collected by Mr. T. Carter present a very different 54 MELIPHAGID^. type (see fig. 16), being of a short blunt oval form and somewhat glossy. The ground-colour is of a light brick- colour, and the markings of light red and lilac are mostly confined to the large end. Both eggs measure "95 by -7. 2. North Australia, 1 9th & aOth July. 2. Port Essington, North AustraUa. T. Carter, Esq. [C.J. Gould CoU. Genus ACANTHOCH.ffiRA, Vi^. ^ Horsf. Acanthochsera carunculata (Lath.). Anthocha?ra carunculata, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 538. Acanthochgera carunculata, Gado2v, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 263 (1884) ; Aorth, A^ests ^- Eygs Austr. Birds, p. 215, pi. xii. fig. 5 (1889) ; Nehrk. Eat. EiersammL p. 83 (1899) ; Cmnpbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 423, pi. 14 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 89 (1906). The eggs of the Eed-wattled Honey-eater are of a regular oval shape and slightly glossy. They are of a pale salmon-pink colour, spotted and blotched, chiefly at the broad end, with chestnut or deep purplish-red and underlying lavender. The markings often form a zone or small irregular cap at the broad end. Specimens measure from 1-15 to 1-3 in length, and from -83 to '92 in breadth. 3. Australia. W. Radcliffe Saunders, [P.]. Esq. 2. Australia. Gould Coll. 2_ West Australia. Gould Coll. ^) West Australia. Gould Coll. 1. W^est Australia. Gould Coll. 1. Swan River, \^^ Australia Nov. Crowley Bequest. {Trist7-am Coll.), 1. South Australia. Gould Coll. 2. South Australia. Gould Coll. 2. South Australia. Gould Coll. 4.' Nairn, near Adelaide. E. S. Moulden, Esq. [P.] 2. Nairn, 21st Dec. E. S. Moulden, Esq. [P.] 1. Gippsland, Victoria. F. A. Philbrick, Esq., [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, K.C. 2. Werribee, Victoria, 20th Nov. Esq. (G. French). [P.]. 2. Frankstone, Victoria, [A. J. North). 3rd Nov. Crowley Bequest. 3. Hastings, West Poin1 , Victoria, Crowley Bequest. 5th Oct. (.4. J. N.). 1. Tass River, New South Wales Cowley Bequest. (E. P. liamsay : Tristrmn Coll.). 2. Queensland. T. Carter, Esq. [C.]. ].' Queensland. • T. Carter, Esq. [C ]. 1. Queensland. T. Carter, Esq. [C.]. I ACANTHOCH^RA. — ACANTHOGENTS. 55 Acanthochaera inauris (Gould). (Plate III. fig. 14.) Authochsera inauris, Gvii/d, Handb. Birds Aiistr. i. p. 536 (1865). Acantliochffira inauris, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 263 (1884) ; North, Nests Sf Eggs Auslr. Birds, p. 214 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 83 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eqgs Austr. Birds, i. p. 425 (1901) ; Sharps, Hand-l. v. p. 89 (190(i)': The eggs of the Yellow-wattled Hone)--eater do not appear to be separable from those of A. caruncuJata. They measure from 1'22 to 1*4 in length, and from "89 to "95 in breadth. 1. Tasmania. _ Gould Coll. 3. Tasmania. Gould Coll. 2. Tasmania. Crowley Bequest. Genus ANELLOBIA, Cab. Anellobia chrysoptera (Lath.). Meliphaga mellivora, Thien. Fortpfianz. yes. Viig. tab. xvi. fig. 11 (1845-54). Anellobia mellivora. Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 541 (1865) ; North, Nests ^- Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 216, pi. xii. tig. 6 (1889). Acanthoc-bicra' mellivora, Gadoxo, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 264 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 83 (1899) ; Camp>bell, Nests ^ Eggs Aitsir. Birds, i. p. 425 (1901). Anellobia chrysoptera, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 90 (1900). The eggs of the Brush Wattle-bird are smaller than those of A. carunculata, but otherwise resemble them. They measure from 1-05 to 1-17 in length, and from -74 to -77 in breadth. 1. Australia. Crowley Bequest. 1. Australia. Gould Coll. 2. South Australia. Gould Coll. 1. South Australia (G. F. Angas). Gould Coll. 2. Inlanders, Western Pt., Victoria, Crowley Bequest. 11th November {A. J. North). 1. Dobroyd, N. S. Wales, October Crowley Bequest. (E. P. Ramsay: Tristram Coll.). 2. Tasmania. Crowley Bequest. Genus ACANTHOGENTS, Gould. Acanthogenys rufigularis, Gould. Acanthogenvs rufogularLs, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 534 (1865) ; North, 'Nests 4' Eggs Amtr. Birds, p. 213, pi. xii. fig. 10 (1889) ; Campbell, Nests ^- Egc/s Austr. Birds, i. p. 427, pi. 15 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 90 (1906). Acanthochffira rufigularis, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 265 (1884) ;, Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 83 (1899). 66 MELirHAGIDJi;. Two eggs of the Spiny-cheeked Honey-eater are of a rather long pointed oval shape and are very slightly glossed. The ground-colour is whitish-buff, most intense towards the larger eud, and the markings, which are mostly confined to the larger end, consist of a limited number of spots and small blotches of dark brown and lilac-groy. They measure respectively 1*1 by '67 and 1-05 by •?. 2. Wimmera District, Victoria, 11th Crowley Bequest. October (A. J. North). Genus ENTOMYZA, Sivains. . Entomyza cyanotis {Lath.). Entomyza cyanotis, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 560 (1865) : Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. 31. ix. p. 268 (1884) ; North, Nests ^ Egys Austr. Birds, p. 223, pi. sii. tig. 1 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 83 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Egr/s Austr. Birds, i. p. 429, pi. 15 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 92 (1906). Eggs of the Blue-faced Honey-eater do not differ from those of Acanthochcvra carunadata and A. tnauris except in size and shape, being of a rather longer and more pointed oval. They measure from 1'2 to 1'27 in length, and from -77 to -85 in breadth. 2. Dawson River, Queensland, 13th Crowley Bequest. August {North Coll.). 1. Dobroyd, New South "Wales Crowley Bequest. (JE^. P. Batnsay: Tristram Coll.). 2. Nr. Tass River, "N.S.W. {E. P. P. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 1. ]\Iurray River, Victoria, 13th Crowley Bequest. October {A. J. North). Genus TEOPIDORHYNCHUS, Vig. 6f Horsf. Tropidorhynchus subtuberosns, S. MilU. (Plate III. figs. 10 & 11.) Philemon novas guinese subtuberosns, Hartert, Nov. Zool. iii. p. 238 (1896). Tropidorhynchus subtuberosus, Sharpe, Ma7id-l. v. p. 92 (1906). Two eggs of the Fergusson-Island Wattled Honey-eater are of a rather broad and somewhat pointed oval form, and are almost devoid of gloss. One has the ground-colour pinkish-white finely speckled all over with purplish-red and lilac-grey, and with large blotches of the same colour distributed over the greater part of the shell, but most numerous towards the larger end. The second egg has the ground-colour pale brick-red, and is much more sparingly and less strongly marked with small spots and rather large blotches of light red and lavender-grey. The eggs measure respectively 1-3 by -96 and 1-33 by -91. 2. Fergusson Island, 5th December Crowlev Bequest. (A. S. Meek). TKOriDORHYNCnUS. 57 Tropidorhynchus argenticeps, Oould. (Plate III. fig. 15.) Tropidovh}'nclius argenticeps, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 548 (I860) ; marpe, Iland-l. v. p. 93 (1906). Philemon argenticeps, Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 272 (1884) ; Campbell, Nests S,- E(jgs Austr. Birds, i. p. 434, ii. App. p. 1080 (1901). Two eggs of the Silverj'-crowned Friar-bird are of a somewhat pointed oval form and very slightly glossy. The ground-colour is I^ale pinkish-white, rather sparingly marked all over with faint spots and small blotches of pale red and lilac-grey. In one example the markings are much stronger and form an indistinct zone round the larger end ; in the other they are nearly obsolete. The two eggs measure respectively 1*17 by -8 and 1-21 by 'SS. 2. Queensland, 29th October. T. Carter, Esq. [C.]. Tropidorhynchus buceroides (Swains.). TropidorlnTiclms buceroides, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p, 547 (1865) ; Shar^je, Hand-l. v. p. 93 (1906). Philemon buceroides, Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 272 (1884) ; Neh}-k. Kat. Eiersamml. j). 83 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests S,- Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 434, pi. 15 (1901). An egg believed to be that of the Helmeted Friar-bird is of a rather broad and somewhat pointed oval shape and distinctly glossy. The ground-colour is pale pinkish-brick-colour, spotted and blotched all over the shell with bright light-red and dull purplish-grey. It measures 1-3 by "91. This egg closely resembles the figure given by Campbell, op. cit. 1. X. Australia. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Tropidorhynchus corniculatus {Latli.). Meliphaga comiculata, Thien. Fortpjlanz. yes. Vog. tab. xvi. fig. 13 (1845-54). Tropidorhynchus corniculatus, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 545 (1865) ; North, Nests i^- Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 217 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. X. p. 93 (1906). Philemon corniculatus, Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. 31. ix. p. 271 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 83 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 432, pi. 15 (1901). Some of the eggs of the Friar-bird resemble those oi Acantliochcera carnnndata and are very distinctly marked. Others are spotted and mottled with very pale rufous and grey. Thej' measure from 1'18 to 1*4 in length, and from -87 to '95 in breadth. 2. Queensland. T. Carter, Esq. [C.]. 3. Diiwson Eiver, Queensland, Crowlev Bequest. 5th Nov. (North Coll.). 1. New South Wales ( W%ow). Gould Coll. 58 MELIPHAGID^. 1. New South Wales (E. P. Ravisay). Gould Coll. 2. Ne^y South Wales. Gould Coll. 1. Dobroyd, N.S.W., May Crowley Bequest, {J. Ramsay : Tristram Coll.). 2. Nr. Tass River, N.S.W. (/. E. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. Broadwood, N.S.W., 16th Nov. Crowley Bequest. (A. J. North). 3. South Australia. Gould Coll. Genus PHILEMON, Vieill. Philemon citreigularis {Gould). Tropidorhynchus citreogularis, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 549 (1865). Philemon citreogularis, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 277 (1884) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 219 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 83(1899); Camjjbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, \. p. 435, pi. 15 (1901) ; Sharjie, Hand-l. v. p. 94 (1906). Eggs of the Yellow-throated Friar-bird vary from a pointed to a blunt oval shape and have some gloss. They are cream-colour : one type is very distinctly and finely spotted with reddish-brown or purplish-red and purplish-grey. The markings are everywhere dense, but more so at the broad end than elsewhere. The other type is very different, having the whole surface of the shell blotched, clouded, and longitudinally streaked with light red and purplish- grey, and are indistinguishable from certain blotched eggs of Myzantlia garrula. They measure from '95 to 1-02 in length, and from '7 to -78 in breadth. 2. Queensland. Gould Coll. 3. Queensland. Gould Coll. 1. Victoria. Crowley Bequest. 1. Lower Murray River, Victoiia, Crowley Bequest, loth Sept. {A. J. North). Philemon cockerelli, Sd. (Plate III. fig. 12.) Philemon cockerelli, Sclata; P. Z. S. 1877, p. 104 ; Gadmv, Cat. Birds B. M. ix. p. 278 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 83 (1899) ; SharjJe, Hand-l. v. p. 94 (1906). Eggs of Cockerell's Friar-bird are of a long, somewhat pointed oval form, and slightly glossy. The ground-colour is pinkish-white or pale pinkish-brick-colour, finely spotted and blotched all over with light red and violet-grey. In one example the blotches form a heavy cap of purplish-red round the larger end. They much resemble eggs of Tropidorhynchus subtuherosus, but are longer in shape. They measure respectively 1"35 by -92, 1*4 by -9, 1-45 by -9, and 1-48 by -96. 2. New Britain. Crowley Bequest. 2. New Britain. Crowley Bequest. MNIOTILTID^. 59 Family MNIOTILTID^. Genus MNIOTILTA, Vieill. Mniotilta varia (Linn.). Miiiotilta varia, Cones, Birds N.-West, p. 45(1874); Baird, Breiver S,- Ridgiv. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 180 (1874) ; Salv. Sf Godm. Biul. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 110 (1880) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 251 (1885); Nehrk. Eat. Eiersmnml. p. 88 (1899); Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 96 (1906). The eggs of the Elack-and-White Creeping Warbler are of a regular oval shape and almost devoid of gloss. They are white, delicatelj' speckled with lilac-red and lavender. In the specimens in the Collection the markings are very profuse round the broad end, where they form a well-defined zone. They measure from •65 to -73 in length, and from -51 to -54 in breadth. 4. Concord, Massachusetts [Henshaw Salvin-Godman Coll. Coll.). 2. Pennsylvania, 1st June. W. Eadclifl'e Saunders, Esq. [P]- Genus HELMINTHOTHERUS, Rafinesque. Helminthotherus vermivorus (Gmel.). (Plate III. fig. 1.) Helmithems vermivorus, Baird, Brewer & Ridqw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 187 (1874). Helminthotherus vermivorus, Salvin «§• Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 112 (1880) ; Sharjie, Cat. Birds B.M. x. p. 230 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 87 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 97 (1906). A single egg of the Worm-eating Warbler in the Collection is of a wide oval form, slightly pointed towards one end, and somewhat glossy. The ground-colour is white very finely dotted with reddish- brown and lilac, the markings being most numerous round the larger end, where they form an irregular zone. It measures -63 by -5. 1. Pennsylvania, May. W. EadchfTe Sauuders, Esq. [P.]. 60 MNIOTILTID^. Genus PROTONOTARIA, Baird. Protonotaria citrea {Bodd.). (Plate III. fig. 3.) Protonotaria citrea, Coues, Birds N.- West, p. 47 (1874) ; Baird, Brewer Sr Hidffw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 184 (1874) ; Salv. ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Ajner., Aves, i. p. Ill (1880); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 249 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eier.mmml. p. 88 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 97 (1906). The eggs of the Golden Swamp-Warbler are spheroidal in shape and moderately glossj\ They are pinkish-white, more or less profusely mottled and blotched with reddish-brown, pale purple, and lilac. They measure from -63 to '7 in length, and from -52 to *56 in breadth. 5. Mount Carrael, Illinois (R. Ridg- Salvin-Godman CoU. way : Henshaw Coll.). 1. Mount Carmel {R.R.: HensJiaiv Salvin-Godman GoU. Coll.). 1. Burlington, Iowa, 2nd June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus VERMIVORA, Swains. Vermivora pinus (Linn.). Helminthophaga pinus, Baird, Brewer Sf Ridffic. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 195 (1874) ; Salv. ^ Godm. Biol. Cen'tr.-Amei-., Aves, i. p. 117 (1880). Helmiuthophila pinus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. .x. p. 237 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 88 (1899). Vermivora pinus, Sharpe, Sand-l. v. p. 98 (1906). Two eggs of the Blue-winged Warbler are of a more or less broad oval shape, slightlj' pointed at one end, and somewhat glossy. The ground-colour is white, and the purplish-red and lilac markings are mostly confined to the larger end, forming, in one example, an irregular cap. They measure respectively "58 by -49 and "62 by -46. 2. Connecticut, May. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Vermivora celata {Say). (Plate III. fig. 2.) Helminthophaga celata, var. celata, Baird, Brewer S,- Ridgiu. N. Amer. Birds, i. p'. 202 (1874). Helminthophaga celata, Coues, Birds Color. Valley, p. 226 (1878) ; Salv. ic Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 116 (1880). VEEMIVOEA. — PARULA. 61 Helminthophila celata, Sharps, Cat. Birds B. M. x p 244 (1885) • Ne/irk. Kaf. EiersaytDnl. Y>- ^8 {1899). Vermivora celata, Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 98 (1906). The eggs of the OraDge-crowned Warbler are of a broad oval shape and slightly glossy. Thoy are white, somewhat densely speckled and spotted with reddish -brown, lilac, and lavender, especially at the broad end. Three specimens measure respectively ' •68 by -51 ; -63 by -5 ; -66 by -51. ' 2. Oregon. Crowley Bequest. 1. Vancouver Island. Crowley Bequest. Vermivora rubricapilla ( Wils.). Helminthopliaga rudcapilla, Baird, Brewer ^ Ridgio. N. Amer. Birds i f^}^,^^ (18"^); ^''^"- ^- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 115 ( 1880). Helminthophila ruficapilla, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x p '^42 (1885) • Aehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 83 (1899). Vermivora rubricapilla, Sharpe, Haml-l. v. p. 99 (1906). Two eggs of the Nashville Warbler arc of a pointed oval form and but very slightly glossy. One specimen is white, profusely speckled, especially at the broad end, with reddish-brown and lilac. The other is also white, but is marked, almost entirely at the broad end, m the shape of a broad irregular wreath, with spots and small blotches of rich purplish- brown and lavender. They measure respectively : -62 by -47 ; '65 by -48. 2. Belmont, Massachusetts [Henshaiu Salviu-Godmau Coll. Coll.). Genus PARULA, Bona p. Parula americana (Linn.). (Plate III. figs. 4 & 5.) Parula americana, Baird Brewer 4" Hidffw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 208 (l^ii); Coues, Bu-ds N.-West, p. 47(1874); Sah, ^- Godnu Biol. k«A^v.Tibo(f906). '• ^"""'""' P- '' (^'''^' '''''■P'' Eggs of the Parula Warbler are of a pointed oval shape, with little or no gloss. They are white, finely speckled and blotched, chiefly at the broad end, with pale red, lilac, and lavender • and there are also a few markings of deep reddish-brown scattered tZ.ll% K ■ . Tliey measure from -66 to -09 in length, and from -48 to -5 in breadth. 4. Buffalo, New York, 27th May. W. Radchffe Saunders, Esq [P.J. ' ^' fi2 MNIOTILTID^. 1. Plvmouth, Massaclmsetts, SOtli "May. 3. Saybrook, Connecticut, 18tli June \J. N. Clarke). W. RarlclifEe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Genus DENDRffiCA, Grai/. Dendrceca aestiva {Gmel.). Svlvia festiva, Thien. Fortpjlanz. r/es. Viig. tab. xx. figs. 12 a, 12 b (1845-54). Dendrceca festiva, Ross, Cunnd, Nat. vii. p. 145 (1862) ; id., Nat. Hist. Heview, 1862, p. 280 ; Sa/v. Sf Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Ares, i. p. 124 (1880) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 273 (1885) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 88 (1899) ; Sharjje, Hand-l. v. p. 102 (1906). Dendroica aestiva, Baird, Brewer ^- Eidgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 222 (1874). Eggs of the Yellow Warbler, or Summer Yellow-bird, are of a pointed oval shape and moderately glossy. They are greenish- white, spotted and blotched with two or more shades of brown, and light purple or slaty-grey. The markings are sparse on the smaller half of the egg, but dense on the larger, where they often form a cap or a broad irregular zone. On two s])ecimens in the CoUectiou they are confined to a broad belt round the middle of the egg. Examples measure from "62 to -71 in length, and from "IS to '52 in breadth. 2. North America {Smiths. Inst.). 9. North America (Smiths. Inst.). 2. North America. 4. North America {Audubon : Tris- tram Coll.). 4. British Columbia [J. K. Lord). 3. British Columbia. 2. Fort Simpson, Canada. 1 . Fort Simpson. 4. Fort Simpson. 4. Fort Simpson. 3. Gt. Slave Lake (Smiths. Inst.). 4. York Factory, Hudson's Bay. 5. Fort Dufferin, Manitoba {G. M. Daiuson). 2. Andover, Massachusetts {T. M. Brewer: Tristram Coll.). 5. Old Saybrook, Middlesex, Con- necticut, 1st June (J. N.Mark). 4. New York (D. G. Elliot). 3. Ithaca, New York (C.J. rennoch). 3. Chester Co., Pennsylvania ( C. J. P.). 5. Princeton, N.J., 27th May ( W. E. D. Scott). 4. Morago Valley, California, 19th May {T. Liliencrantz). Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godmau CoU. Gould Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowlev Bequest. J. K. Lord, Esq. [P.]. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. B. R. Ross. Esq. [P.]. B. R. Ross,' Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Admiral A. II. Markham [P.]. N. Amer. Bound. Comm. Crowley Bequest. W. Radclifie Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Princeton University, N.J.rE.J. Princeton University, N .J. [E.J. Princeton University, N.J.[E.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. BENDRfECA. 63 Dendrceca bartholemica, Sundev. (Plate III. figs. 17 & 18.) Dendrceca sastlva, apud A. ^ E. Neicton, Ibis, 1859, p. 143, pi. xii. fig. 1. Dendrceca nificapilla, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M, x. p. 275 (1885) ; Nekrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 88 (1899). Dendrceca bartholemica, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 103 (1906). The eggs of the St. Croix Yellow Warbler are of the same general character as those of D. (estiva, but differ in the colour of the markings, which are either of a deep chocolate-brown and purplish-grey, or of a pale lilac-red and lavender. They measure from "7 to •7-1 in length, and from "53 to -o-i: in breadth. 3. St. Croix, West Indies {A. ^- E. Salvin-Godman Coll. Newton). 2. St. Croix (A. ^ E. N.). Crowley Bequest. Dendrceca maculosa (Gmel.). (Plate III. fig. 20.) Dendroica maculosa, Baird, Brewer ^ Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 232 (1874). Dendrceca maculosa, Salv. Sf- Godm. Biol, Centr.-Amer., AveSj'i.Ta.VIQ (1881); Sharps, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 309 (1885); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersanunl. p. 89 (1899) ; Sharpe, I£and-l. v. p. 105 (1900). Four eggs of the Magnolia Warbler are of a blunt oval form, slightly pointed towards one end and devoid of gloss. The ground- colour is white in all four specimens : in one the markings, which are almost entirely confined to the larger end, are much bolder and consist of blotches of rich chocolate-brown and lavender ; in the other three the markings of light purplish-red and lavender are mostly much smaller, and, though most numerous round the larger end, are scattered over the whole shell. They measure from -59 to •61 in length, and from -47 to -48 in breadth. 1. North America {Xehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 3. Michigan, lUth June. AV. Radcliffe Sauuders, Esq. [P.]. Dendrceca cserulescens {Gmel.). Dendroica cserulescens, Baird, Brcicer Sf Bidgto. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 254 (1874). Dendrceca cserulescens, Salv. ^- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 126 (1880); SharjK, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 329 (1885) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 89 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 105 (1906). The eggs of the Black-throated Blue Warbler are of an ordinary oval shape and almost devoid of gloss. They are cream-colour 64 MNlOTILTIDiTJ. spotted and blotched, chiefly at the larger end, with rusty-brown and lavender. Three examples measure respectively : -7 by -5 ; •71 by 51 ; -71 by -5. 3. North America (Jn^s^ram Co^/.). Crowley Bequest. Dendrceca coronata (Linn.). Sylvia coronata, Thien. Fovtnflimz. f/es. Vcir/. tab. xxii. fig. 2 (1845-54). Dendroica coronata, Ross, Canad. Nat. vii. p. 145 (1862) ; id., Nat. Hist. Revieiv, 1862, p. 279 ; Baird, Brewer 1^- Ridijw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 227(1874). DendrcBca coronata, Co«e.5, Birds N.- West, p. 57 (1874) ; Salv.Sf Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves,\. p. 127 (1880); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 311 (1885); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersanunl. p. 89 (1890); Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 106 (1906). An egg of the Yellow-rump, or Myrtle Warbler in the Collection is in fragments, but appears to be white, speckled and spotted, chiefly at the broad end, with reddish-brown and lavender. According to Dr. Coues, the eggs of this species measure about "72 by "54. A specimen recently acquired with the Crowley Bequest measures •76 by •57. It is dull white, spotted and blotched, chiefly in the form of a zone round the broad end, with pale chestnut and lavender. 1. Fort Simpson, Mackenzie River B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. District. 1. Nova Scotia, 2nd July {T. M. Crowley Bequest. Brewer: Tristram Coll.). Dendrceca chrysoparia, Sd. ^ Salv. Dendroica chrysopareia, Baird, Breiver ^ Bidgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 260 (1874). Dendrceca clirysoparia, Brewster, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Clvb, iv. p. 77 (1879) ; Salv. ^ Godm. Biol.Centr.-Anier., Aves, i. p. 139 (1881) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 295 (1885) ; id. Hand-l v. p, 107 (1906). Three eggs of the Golden-cheeked Warbler are of a somewhat pointed oval form and nearly devoid of gloss. They are white, profusely speckled and spotted, especially at the broad end, with lilac-red and lavender. They measure respectively : "7 by ^5 ; •GQ by -51 ; -68 by •SI. S. 70 miles N.W. of San Antonio, Texas, Salvin-Godman Coll. 15th April {H. P. Attwater). Dendrceca pennsylvanica {Linn.). (Plate III. fig. 21.) Dendroica pennsylvanica, Baird, Breicer Sf Ridgtv. N. A?ner. Birds, i. p. 245 (1874). DENDRCECA. 65 Deiulrceca peniisylvanica, Coues, Birds N.-West, p. 62 (1874); Salv. iif Godin. niol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 131 (1881) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B.M.x. p. 285 (1885); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 88 (1899); Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 108 (190G). Eggs of the Chestnut-sided Warbler are of a pointed oval shape and very slightly glossy. They are white, marked, almost entirely at the broad end, with spots and small blotches of light reddish and various shades of brown, mixed with lavender or purplish-grey. The markings generally form a wreath or zone round the broader end of the egg, and are frequently heavy and confluent. Examples measure from -6 to 7 in length, and from --IS to -52 in breadth. 28. North America (Henshaiv Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. North America (G. Welch : Salvin-Godman Coll. Smiths. Inst.). 2. North America (rm^rrort Co W.). Crowley Bequest. 4. Old Saybrook, Middlesex, Cou- W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. necticut, ?,lst May (/. N. Clark). [P.]. 1. Nantucket Island, 28th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Dendrceca striata {Forst.). (Plate III. fig. 19.) Dendroica striata, Moss, Canad. Nat. vii. p. 145 (1862) ; id., Nat. Hist. Rev. 1862, p. 279; Baird, Breioer 8^ Ridgiu. N. Amer. Birds, i p. 248 (1874). ' Dendro3ca striata, Coues, Birds N.-West, p. 60 (1874); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. X. p. 325 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 89 (1899) ; Slunye, Hand-l. v. p. 109 (190G). The eggs of the Black-poll Warbler are of a pointed oval shape and slightly glossy. They are white, speckled and blotched, chiefly in a zone or cap about the larger end of the Q^g, with reddish-brown, lilac-red and lavender, and occasionally marked here and there with a few deep brown specks and blotches. They measure from -7 to -S in length, and from -52 to -55 in breadth. 2. Yukon, mouth of the Porcupine Salvin-Godman Coll. River, Alaska, 9th June (J. Lockhart: Smiths. Inst.). 5. Mackenzie River District. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. 2. Fort Rae, Gt. Slave Lake, 3rd Salviu- Godman Coll. Jane (i. Clarke: Henshaiv Coll.). 2. Rupert's Land, Hudson's Bay Crowlev Bequest. {Tristram Coll.). Dendrceca vigors! (Auchth.). Dendroica pinus, Baird, Brewer S,- Ridgio. N. Amer. Birds, [. p. 268 (1874). Dendrreca pinus, Coues, Birds N.-West, p. 69 (1874) ; Sharpe, Cat Birds B. M. X. p. 323 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat, Eiersamml. p. 89 (1899). Dendrceca vigorsi, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 109 (1906) VOL. V. p ■66 MNIOTILTIBJ;. An egg of the Pine-Warbler resembles many of the eggs of D. cestiva. It measures •? by 'o. 1. North America (Smiths. Inst.). Crowley Bequest. DendrcBca discolor, Vieill. Dendroica discolor, Baird, Breioer ^- Ridgio. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 276 (1874). Dendrceca discolor, Cones, Birds N.- West, p. 63 (1874) : Sah. &f Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 142 (1881) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. X. p. 307 (1885) ; Coues, Auk, 1888, p. 405 ; Nelirk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 89 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 110 (1906). The eggs of the Prairie-Warbler vary from a narrow to a broad oval form and are sliglitly glossy. They are white, speckled, spotted and sometimes blotched, chiefly at the broad end, with reddish- brown, purplish-brown, and lavender or lilac. They measure from •62 to "67 in length, and from -46 to '51 in breadth. 1. North America (Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. North America (Ilenshmo Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Old Saybrook, Middlesex, Con- W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. necticut, 5th July [J. N. [P.] Clark). Oenus OPORORNIS, Baird. Oporornis formosa ( Wih.). (Plate IV. fig. 1.) Oporornis formosus, Coues, Birds N.- West, p. 73 (1874) ; Baird, Brewer 4- Eidffic. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 293 (1874). Oporornis formosa, Salv. S,- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 148 (1881); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 348 (1885) ; JVehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 89 (1-^99); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. Ill (1906). The eggs of the Kentucky Warbler are of a pointed, broad oval form and moderately glossy. They are white, speckled and spotted, rather densely at the broad end, with reddish-brown and lavender. A few larger markings, of the nature of blotches, are scattered over the shell, here and there. Specimens measure from '7 to '8 in length, and from "6 to "62 in breadth. 2. North America. Crowley Bequest. 1. North America (Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Washington, D.C., loth June (Ben- Salvin-Godman CoU. shaw Coll.). 1. Chester Co., Pennsylvania. Princeton University, N.J. [E.]. 2. Green Co., Pennsylvania, 28th May W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. (J. W. Jacobs). ' [P.]. 67 Genus SIURUS, Swains. Siurus auricapillus {Linn.'). (Plate IV. fig. 2.) Seiurus aurocapillus, Coues, Birds N.- West, p. 70 (1874) ; Baird, Breicer Sf Bidgio. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 280 (1874). Siurus auricapillus, Salv. Sf Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 144 (1881) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 339 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 89 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 112 (1906). The eggs of the Golden-crowned Water-Thrush are of a very broad and blunt oval shape and but verj- slightl)' glossy. They are white, spotted and blotched, more densely at the broad end -where the markings are more or less confluent and form a cap, with pale rufous, reddish-brown, lilac-red and purplish-grey, all these colours being usually combined on one egg. They measure from "78 to 'So in length, and from -6 to "Go in breadth. 6. North America {Henshmu Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. North America [Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. North America. Crowley Bequest. 2. North America {T. M. Bretver : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 1. Chester Co., Pennsylvania (C.J. Princeton University, N.J. Pennock). [E.]. 3. Hvde Park, Massachusetts, 29th W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 5lay.. [P.]. Siurus motacilla {Vieill.). Seiurus ludovicianus, Baird, Brewer S,- Ridgiu. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 287 (1874) ; Coues, Birds N.- West, p. 72 (1874). Siurus motacilla, Coites, Birds Color. Valley, p. 299 (1878) ; Salv. 8f Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p.l47 (1881) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. X. p. 342 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 89 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 112 (1900). Two eggs of the Louisiana Water-Thrush are inseparable from many of the eggs of S. auncapillus. They measure "8 b}' 'GS. 1. North America (Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Raleigh, North Carolina, 14th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Siurus noveboracensis (Gmel.). Seiurus noveboracensis. Boss, Canad. Nat. vii. p. 145 (1862) ; id., Nat. Hist. Rev. 1862, p. 279 ; Coues, Birds N.- West, p. 71 (1874) ; Baird, Bretcer &,- Ridgto. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 283 (1874). Sim-US noveboracensis, Salv. S,- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 145 (1881) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 112 (1906). f2 68 MNI0TILXIDJ2. Siurus Lffivius, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 343 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml.^. 89 (189i»). The eggs of the Water-Thrush do not appear to be separable from those of S. auncapiUus, except by their rather smaller size. They measure from -75 to -8 in length, and from -59 to -61 in breadth. 2. Fort Peel's River, Arctic America Salvin-Godmau Coll. (C. P. Gaudet : Smiths. Inst.). 6. Mackenzie River District. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. 3. York Factory, Hudson's Bav. Admiral A. H. Markham [P.]. Geuus GEOTHLYPIS, Cab. Geothlypis trichas {Linn.). Geothlypis trichas, Lord, Proe. R.A. Inst., Woolwich, iv. p. 338 (1865) ; Baird, Brewer ^- Ridgiv. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 297 (1874) ; Salt: ^• Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 150 (1881) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 351 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Biersamml. p. 89 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 113 (1906). The eggs of the. Maryland Yellow-throat, or Black-masked Ground-Warbler, are of a broad oval form and moderately glossy. They are white, speckled, spotted, blotched, and sometimes marbled, chiefly at the broad end, with reddish-brown, chestnut, purplish- brown, and lavender or lilac. They measure from -66 to -75 in length, and from -52 to -58 in breadth. 10. North America (S«8s7tnzo C'oZZ.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. North America. Old Collection. 1. North America {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. British Columbia. Dr. Lvall [P.]. 4. British Columbia. J. K. Lord, Esq. [P.]. 5. Chester Co., Pennsylvania, 3rd Crowley Bequest. June {T. H. Jackson). 1. Virginia {Dr. Koldock : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 3. Princeton, N. J., 26th Miiy (with Princeton University, N.J. 1 egg of Molothrus pecoris). [E.]. 3. Hyde Park, Massachusetts, 20th W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. May. [P.]. Geothlypis occidentalis, Brewst. Geothlypis occidentalis, Sliarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 351 (1885) ; Eidgw. Birds of North S,- Middle Amer. ii. p. 668 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. T. p. 114 (1906). An egg of the Western Yellow-throat closely resembles eggs of G. trichas, but is rather smaller. It measures -Qo by -5. 1. Corpus Christi, Texas, 2nd May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. GEOTHLYPIS. — ICTEPaA. 69 Geotlilypis cucuUata {Lath.). Geotlilypis velata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 3G3 (1885) ; Scl 8,- Muds. Argent. Orn. i. p, 20 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 90 (1899) ; von Iherinff, Rev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 203 (1900). Geotlilypis cucullata, Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 116 (1906). Two eggs of the Veiled Wood-singer are of an ordinary oval shape and exhibit a small amount of gloss. They are white, spotted and blotched, almost entirely at the broad end where the markings form a confluent cap, with brownish-pink, deep purplish- red, and lilac. They measure respectively : -72 by '51 ; '7 by ■52. 2. Argentiue Republic. Crowley Bequest. Genus ICTERIA, Vmll. Icteria viridis (Gmel.). (Plate lY. fig. 7.) Icteria vireus, Buird, Brewer S)- Bkhjio. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 307 (1874). Icteiia viridis, Stilv. S,- Godm. Biol. Cenfr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 157 (1881); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 3J. x. p. .'173 (1885) ; Kehrk. Kat. Eiersaviml. p. 90 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 117 (1906). The eggs of the Yellow breasted Warbler are of a blunt oval form and exhibit a small amount of gloss. They are white, spotted and blotched with reddish-brown and lavender, the markings being larger and often confluent at the broad end, where they form an irregular zone or thin cap. Specimens measure from "81 to "Dl in length, and from "G to -7 in breadth. 1. North America (Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 10. North America {Henshntc Coll.). Sahiii-Godiuan Coll. 3. Neosho Falls, Kansas {B. F. Goss: Crowley Bequest. S7niths. I7isf.). 3. Washington, loth June {Hcnshaw Salvin-Godman Coll. Coll.). 4. New Jersey {D. G. Elliot). Crowley Bequest. 2. New Jersey, 14th June (with two Princeton Univei'sity, N.J. eggs of Molothnis pecoris). \J^-\ 6. New Haven, Connecticut, 10th W. Kadclifte Saunders, Esq. July. [P.]. 1. Virsi-iuia {Trii,tra?n Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Icteria longicauda, Lawr. Icteria vlrens, var. longicauda, Baii-d, Brewer ^- Ridyio. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 309 (1874). Icteria longicauda, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 375 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 90 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hund-l. v. p. 118 (1906). Eggs of the Long-tailed Yellow-breasted Warbler do not appear 70 MNIOTILTIDjE. to differ from those of /. viridis. Four examples measure respec- tively : -8 by -65 ; -82 by -65 ; -83 by -68 ; -89 by -7. 1 North America. W. RadcUffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. Oregon. Crowley Bequest. 2. Mazatlan, Mexico. Crowley Bequest. Genus GRANATELLUS, Bonap. Granatellus sallaei, Bonap. Granatellus salleei, Salv. S^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 161 (1881) ; S/ia7-pe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 371 (1885) : Nehrh. Eat. Eiersamml p. 90 (1899) ; Shavpe, Rand-l. v. p. 118 (1906). The eggs of Salle's Warbler are of a regular oval form and devoid of gloss. They are white, very delicately speckled with blackish- brown, chiefly at the broad end, and in general appearance closely resemble certain species of Vireo. They measure -8 by '6. 1. Valladolid, Yucatan (G*. P. Gawmer). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Yucatan. Crowley Bequest. Genus WILSONIA, Boncqx Wilsonia mitrata {Gmel.). Sylvia mitrata, Thien. Fortpflanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxii. fig. 4 (1 845-54). Myiodioctes mitratus, Baird, Breicer ^ Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 314 (1874) ; Sah: 8( Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 167 (1881) ; Shmye, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 437 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 91 (1899). Wilsonia mitrata, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 118 (1906). The eggs of the Hooded Warbler are of a pointed oval shape and 1 slightly glossy. Four are white, sparingly speckled and spotted I with rich purplish-red and lilac; in the fifth, which is a broader and i shorter egg of rather a different type, the markings round the | larger end are bolder and more confluent, taking the form of ' blotches. They measure respectively : -77 by "55 ; •'i'A by -53 ; j •77 by -53 ; -71 by -57. | 1 , North America. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. I [P-]- ^ 1. Old Savbrook, Middlesex, Con- W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. I necticut, 30th May (/. N. [P.]. \ Clark). i 3, Mount Carmel, Illinois (R. Ridg- Salvin-Godman Coll. ' ?(w/. Henshaui Coll.). I' WILSONIA. SETOrnAGA. Wilsonia chryseola, Ridyw. '\^'ilsonia chryseola, Ridc/ic. Birds of North ^- Middle Atner. ii. p. 714 (iy02) ; Sharjje, Hand-l. v. p. 119 (1906). An egg of Ridgway's Warbler is of a rather wide, pointed oval shape and slightly glossy ; it is pure white, finely spotted all over the shell with light red and lilac, the markings being most numerous towards the larger end. It measures -6 by -48. 1. CaXi^m-m?i {R. Ridgicay : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Wilsonia canadensis {Linn.). Sylvia canadensis, Thien. Fortpjianz. yes. Vog. tab. xxii. fig. y (1845- . '^•^)- Myiodioctes canadensis, Baird, Breicer ^- Ridgw. N. Atner. Birds, i. p. 320 (1874) ; Coues, Birds N.-West, p. 80 (1874) ; Salv. ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer.,Ai;es, i. p. 166 (1881) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. X. p. 432 (1885) ; Nekrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 91 (1899). Wilsonia canadensis, Sharpe, Hand-l. y. p. 119 (1906). Four eggs of the Canadian Warbler are of a pointed oval shape and exhibit little or no gloss. They are of a yellowish-white, spotted and blotched with brownish-pink, reddish-brown, and lavender, the markings being confluent at the larger end and forming a dense cap or zone. They measure respectively : -76 by •56 ; -7 by -5 ; -7 by '48. 1. North America (aN"e;^>-Awn Co//.). Crowley Bequest. 3. North America (y^»(/e/-so?2; Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). Genus SETOPHAGA, Swains. Setophaga ruticilla (Linn.). Setophaga mitrata, Thien. Fortpflanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxix. fi"-. 11 (1845-54). Setophaga ruticilla, Ross, Canad. Nat. yii. p. 145 (1862); id., Nat. Hist. Rev. 1862, p. 280; Baird, Brewer^- Ridgw. N. Atner. Birds, i. ]x .323 (1874) ; Coues. Birds Colorado Valleg, p'. ;^37 (1878) ; S^ile. ^- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 178 (1881); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. X. p. 411 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersanunl. p. 90 (1899) ; Sharpe, Mand-l. y. p. 120 (1906). The eggs of the American Eedstart are mostly of a [.oiuted oval form and exhibit a small amount of gloss. They are somewhat similar to the eggs of Dendrcca cestiva, but the ground-colour is generally white, instead of greenish-white, and the brown markings have usually a decided rufous tinge. Specimens measure from -6 to •7 in length, and from -48 to -52 in breadth. 72 MNIOTILTID^. 3. North America {Henshaw Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. North America (Audubon : Tristram Cull.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Fort Simpson. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. 2. Fort Simpson. Z Fort Simpson. B. R. Ross, Esq. [PJ. 1. Grand Menan Islands. Crowley Bequest. 4. Bangor, Maine, 15th June W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq [Carl Braun). [P.]. 2. Hyde Park, Massachusetts, W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq 2nd June. [P-]- Genus MYIOBORUS, Baircl. Myioborus verticalis {Lafresn. ^ iVOrh.). Setophaga verticalis, Scl. ^- Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 495 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. X. p. 420 (1885). Myioborus verticahs, Shcnye, Hand-l. \. p. 120 (1906). The eggs of the Chestnut-capped Wood-singer are of a narrow- oval shape and almost devoid of gloss. They are white, speckled and spotted with reddish-brown and lavender or lilac, the markings being dense at the broad end, where they assume the form of a broad zone. Six examples measure respectively : '67 by "51 ; •7 by -5 ; -75 by -5 ; -73 by -51 ; "71 by -5 ; -68 by -5. 2. Sta. Elena, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia {T. K. Salmon). 2. Sta. Elena (7'. A'. *S'.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. U.S. Colombia. Crowley Bequest. Myioborus auvantiacus {Bainl). Setophap:a aurantiaca, Salv. S,- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 182 (1881) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 421 (1885). Myioborus aurantiacus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 121 (1906). Tkree eggs of the Orange-bellied Wood-singer are of a regular oval form, slightly pointed toAvards one end, and exhibit very little gloss. They are white, with numerous small spots and blotches of light red, brownish-red, and lilac, mostly concentrated and more or loss confluent round the large end, forming an irregular cap or zone. They measure respectively : -7 by '52; 'BS by -5 ; -69 by -49. 1. Cerchi, Costa Rica, 25th May. Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.l. 2. Cerchi, 3rd May. Mr. C. F. Underwood [0.]. Myioborus torquatus {Baircl). Setophaga torquata, Salv. 8( Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 183 (1881) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 424 (1885). Myioborus torquatus, Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 121 (IflOG). MYIOBORUS. — BASILEITTERTJS. 73 An egg of the Banded Wood-singer is of a regular oval shape, slighth' pointed towards one end and almost devoid of gloss. It is white, blotched at the larger end with jellowish-brown and with reddish-brown and lilac spots, forming together a distinct though rather irregular cap ; there are also a few small reddish-brown spots scattered over the rest of the shell. It measures "75 by '55. 1. Ranclio Redondo, Costa liica, Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.]. 25th May. Myioborus chrysops (Sah.). Setophaga chrysops, Scl. ^ Salv. P. Z. S. 1 879, p. 495 ; Shcaye, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 427 (1885) ; Kehrk. Kat. Eievsamml. p. 91 (1899). Myioborus chrysops, Sharjje, Hand-l. v. p. 121 (1906). Eggs of the Golden-faced Wood-singer appear to resemble the eggs of M. verticaUs very closely. Four examples measure respectively : "78 by -55 ; -75 by -52 ; '79 by -52 ; -8 by '52. 2. Frontino, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia (7'. K. Salmon). 2. Frontino {T. K. S.) Salvin-Godman Coll. Genus MYIOTHLYPIS, Cah. Myiothlypis nigricristatus (Lafresn.). (Plate IV. figs. 3 & 4.) Basileuterus nigricristatus, Scl. ^ Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 494 : Sharps, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 380 (1885) ; JVehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 90 (1899). Myiothlypis nigricristatus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 122 (1906). Two eggs of the Black-capped Wood-singer are of a pointed oval form and devoid of gloss. Thej' are white, speckled and spotted all over with reddish-brown and lilac, and one specimen is marked, in addition, with a large pale rufous blotch about the larger end. They measure respectively : "87 by '6 ; -79 by '6. 2. Sta. Elena, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia {T. K. Salmon). Genus BASILEUTEUUS, Cah. Basileuterus coronatus {Tsclmdi). Basileuterus coronatus. Scl. Sf Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 494; Sfiarpe, Cat- Birds B. M. x. p. '390 (1885) ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 124 (1906). Two eggs of the Crowned Wood-singer are very similar to those of B. nii/ricrislalus, but the markings are coarser and more dense, / 4 M0TACILLIDJ5. and neither of them exhibits au}- large blotch. They measure respectively : '78 by '6 ; -85 by -58. 2. Sta. Elena, Antioquia, U.S. Salviu-Godman Coll. Colombia {T. K. Salmon). Basileuterus leucopygius, Scl. & Salv. Basileuterus leucopvgins, Salv. Sf Godni. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 172 (1881); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 402 (1885); id., Hand-l. v. p. 127 (1906). Two eggs of the White-rum ped Wood-singer are of a regular oval form and slightly glossy. They are white, speckled and spotted, chiefly round the larger end, with reddish-brown and violet-grey. They measure respectively "8 by -oQ and '83 by '58. 2. Carrillo, Costa Rica, 7th May. Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.]. Family MOTACILLID^. Genus MOTACILLA, Linn. Motacilla lugubris, Temm. Motacilla yarrellii, Thien. Fortpjianz. yes. Vog. tab. xxv. fig. 2, a-c (1845-54) ; Hewitson, Egys of Brit. Birds, i. p. 163, pi. xli. tigs, i & ii (1856); Seehohm, Brit.' Birds, ii. p. 194, pi. 14 (1884); id., Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 259, pi. 58. figs. 17 & 18 (1896). Motacilla lugubris, Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 239 (1875 ) ; Shmye, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 460 (1885) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 197 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 137 (1906), Motacilla alba lugubris, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 301 (1905). The eggs of the Pied Wagtail are mostly of a broad oval form, and they are moderately glossy. They are white, greyish-white, or very pale bluish-white, densely speckled or mottled with greyish- brown and underlying lavender -grey. Some specimens are some- what darker than others, but, as a rule, the eggs of this Wagtail are very uniform. A few examples exhibit one or two short black hair-lines at the broad end. The eggs measure from -73 to '87 in length, and from "57 to 'BS in breadth. 5. Lochend, Inverness, May [Sargitt Seebohm Coll. Coll.). 5. England. Old Coll. 5. Stanwix, Carlisle, Cumberland, W. Radclifle Saunders, Esq. Juue. [P.]. 6. Stanwix, Carlisle, Otli Juue. W. Radclitie Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Stanwix, Carlisle, 26th June. W. Radclifie Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Dalston, Cumberland, 27tli May {Heyshain : Tridram Coll.). Hen Moss, Cuiuborland {Hcy- sham : Tristram Coll.). Near Scarborough, May. Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire. Water beach, Cambridgeshire,14th May. Sparham, Norfolk, 4tb June {F. Nvryate). Wortham Common, Suffolk, 22nd May {J. G. Tuck). Chesterton, Oxfordshire, 16th May. Finchley, Middlesex. Churt, Surrej'. Alton, Hants. Avington, Hants. East Fleet, Weymouth, Dorset, 5th June. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. E. Bond, Esq. [P.]. E. Bond, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-CTodman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. ])r. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Clutches containing an egg of the Cuckoo (Cucuhis canorus). Aldbury, Tring, Herts, 15th May (W.R.S.).' Reigate, Surrey, lltli June. Shipton, Oxfordshire, 4th June {li. W. Calvertt). Nr. Monmouth, 13th May {W. R. S.). Nr. Monmouth, 20th May {W. R. S.). W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P-l- W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Motacilla alba, Linn. (Plate IV. fig. 16.) Motacilla alba, Thwn. Fort jjjianz. yes. Voy. tab. xxv. fig. 1, «-e (1845-54) ; Baedeker, Eier Eur. Voy. tab. 35. fig. 12 (1855-63) ; Hewitso7i, Eyys of Brit. Birds, i. p. 166, pi. xli. figs, iii & iv (1856) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 233 (1875) ; Seelohm Sj- Harvie-Brown, Ibis, 1876, p. 125; ,Seebohm, Ibis, 1878, p. 343 ; id., Brit. Birds, ii. p. 199, pi. 14 (1884) ; marpe. Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 464 (1885) ; Seebohm, Eyys of Brit. Birds, p. 260, pi. 58. figs. 19 & 20 (1896); Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 200 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 137 (1906). Motacilla alba alba, Ilurtert, VHy. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 302 (1905). The majority of the eggs of the White Wagtail very closely resemble those of the Pied AVagtail, but the ground-colour is more generally of a decided bluish tinge. Some specimens, however, differ in having the markings coarser and of an olive-brown colour. A single specimen in the Collection (fig. 16) is almost uumarked except at the broad end, where there is a dense sooty-black cap. 76 MOTACILLIDJS. shading off into dark smoky brown. Examples measure from "71 to -85 in length, and from -57 to -64 in breadth. 6. Iceland (Proctor : Tristram Coll.). 5. North Iceland, 28th May. 6. Grange-over-Sauds, Lancashire, 20th May. 3. Holland. 1. Holland. 4. Holland. 5. Holland, 26th May. 2. Valkenswaard, Holland, June. 6. Valkenswaard, 21 st May. 6. Valkenswaard, 21st May. 4. Valkenswaard, 28th May. 4. Valkenswaard, 28th ilay. 6. Valkenswaard, 29th May. 4. Christiansund, Norway, May. 6. Copenhagen, Ist July (Ferslev). 4. Pomerania, 9th June (T. Holland). 3. Pomerania, 2oth June {T. H.). 5. Spandau, Brandenburg, 11th May. 5. Spandau, 20th May. Esq. Esq. Saxonv. Jura Alps, 24th May (T. H.). Szigetesep, Ilungar}', 11th June. Szigetcsep, Hungary, 24th May. Dicsoszentniarton, Transvlvauia, Gth May. Parnassus, Greece, 24th May (T. KrUper). Petchora River, Lat. 68= N., 19th June [H. Seehohm ^ J. H. Harvie-Broivn.). Yenesei River, Lat. 701° N., 3rd July (H. Seebohm). Clutches containing an egg of the Cuckoo {Cucidus canonis). W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]- Crowley Bequest. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godraau Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm CoU. Seebohm Coll. Mr. B. Hanson [P.], Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Seebolnu Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, W. Radcliffe Saunders, [P.l. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Brandenburg, 27th May. Moravia, 28th May. Moravia, 30th May. Neudorf, Moravia, 4th May. Neudorf, IGth June. Oslawan, Moravia, 20tli June. Oslawau, 20th June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.l. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders. Esq. [P.]. JIOTACILLA. 77 4. Padochau, Moravia, 27th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 3. Padochau, 3rd Juue. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Motacilla ocularis, SwinJi. (Plate IV. figs. 5 & G.) Motacilla ocularis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 471 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eicrsainml. p. 91 (18U9) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ltd., Birds, ii. p. 289 (1890); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 138 (1906). Motacilla alba ocularis, Hartert, J'off. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 307 (1905). Four eggs of the Streak-eyed Wagtail are similar to those of M. alba. They measure from '8 to '81 in length, and from •6 to -02 in breadth. 4. Lake Baikal {Nchrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Motacilla lugens, Kittl. Motacilla lugens, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 474 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersanmd. p. 91 (1899) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 198 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hund-l. v. p. 138 (1906). Motacilla alba lugeus, Hartert, VUg. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 308 (1905). Five eggs of the Japanese Pied Wagtail resemble those of M. alba. They measure respectively: "81 by '61; "8 by '62; •8 by -6 ; -76 by -6 ; -75 by -58. 2. Amur River (Nchrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Amur River {Nehrkom Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Amur River, 22nd April. Crowley Bequest. Motacilla personata, Gould. Motacilla personata, Wardlaiu Ba^nsay, Ibis, 1880, p. 60 ; Sharj)e, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 479 (1885); Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 290 (1890) ; id., ed. Hu7ne, Nests df Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 201 (1890) ; Tacz. Faune Orn. Siber. Orient, p. 367 (1891) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ix. [Suppl.) p. 143 (1895) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 91 (1899) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 201 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 139 (1906). Motacilla alba personata, Hartert, Tog. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 306 (1905). The eggs of the Masked Wagtail are inseparable from those of M. alba of the common type. Three examples measure re- spectively : -89 by -6 ; -88 by -G ; -88 by -59. 3. Ilariat Valley, Afghanistan, 28th Seebohm Coll. June (R. G. Ji'ardlaiv Banisag). 5. Kuldja, Mongolia, 18th April. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq [P.]. 2. Altai Mountains. Crowley Bequest. 4. Kobdo, Altai Mountains, 8tb xMay. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Es.i [P.]. 78 M0TACILLID.3C. Motacilla leucopsis, Gould. (Plate IV. figs. 8 & 9.) Motacilla luzoniensis, Sivinhoe, Ibis, 1860, p. 5-5 ; 1863, p. 308. Motacilla leucopsis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 482 (1885) ; Oates, Fauna Brit, lad.. Birds, ii. p. 288 (1890) ; Tacz. Faune Orn. Siher. Orient, p. 368 (1891); Hartert, Nov. Zool. i. p. 672 (1894); La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 412 ; Nehrk. Kat. Fiersamml. p. 91 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 139 (1906). Motacilla alba leucopsis, Hartert, Vik/. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 304 (1905). Eggs of the White-faced Wagtail resemble those of 3L alba, both types being represented ; that is to say, a finely marked grey-brown type, and a more densely mottled olive-brown type. They measure from "66 to "8 in length, and from -52 to -6 in breadth. 1. East Siberia {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 5. Koko-Nor, Tibet ( Tancre Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Amov, China (Ii. Swinhoe). Seebohm Coll. 5. Kuat'un, Fohkieu, China, loth C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. May (J. D. La Touche). 2. Kuatun, 16th May (J. D. La T.). C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. 1. Fohkien, 10th May. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. 4. Fohkien, 12th May. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.'. 5. Fohkien, 16th May. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P. . 5. Fohkien, 16th May. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.". 3. Fohkien, 17th May. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.;. Motacilla hodgsoni, Blyih. Motacilla hodgsoni, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 486 (1885) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 291 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests iSr F(/ffs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 202 (1890) ; Nehrk. Eat. Fiersainml. p. 91 (1899); Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 199 (1902); Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 139 (1906). Motacilla alba hodgsoni, Hartert, Tor/. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. .307 (1905). The three eggs of Hodgson's Pied Wagtail in the Collection are inseparable from eggs of the common type of M. alba. They measure respectively : '8 by 'Q (2) ; '77 by "62. 2. Kashmir, 22nd May ( C. R. Cock Hume Coll. & ^ W. E. Brooks). Crowley Bequest. 1. Kashmir, 23rd May ( C. M. C. ^ Hume Coll. W. E. B.). Motacilla vidua, Sundev. (Plate IV. fig. 10.) Motacilla vidua, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 488 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 91 (1899) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. ii. p. 268 (1900) ; Stark, Birds S. Afr. i. p. 255 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 139 (1906) Three eggs of the African Pied Wagtail are perfectly similar in MOTACILLA >7Q an jespects to those of M. Ju.ulris of the more densely spotted 1. Afi;i,^a (Nehrk^rn Coll.). Crowlev Bequest. 1. i -t-bti-eams, \aal River Nnv t? tj -vxr H '^•"'- 2. Pondoland ' ' S" B- Woosmm, Esq. [C] Ci-owley Bequest. Motacilla maderaspatensis, Gmel (Plate IV. figs. 11 & 12.) Motacilla maderaspatensis, Zmoe, ^ir^^^oj, bharpe, Huncl-l. v. The eggs of the Large Pied Wagtail are of an oval shane and moderately glossy. They are greenish-white, pale grey o? pale trom 8 to 1-0 in length, and from -59 to -7 in breadth. • 1. Saharunpur, N.W. Provs., 2:3rd Hume Coll March {G. F. L. Marshall). ^°^'- 2. Saharunpur, 26th April (G. F. Hume Coll 1. Saharunpur, 21st June {G. F Hume Coll. l f.':Z'-\^Y^^^l^^-^^ (A. O.Hume). Hume Coll. 1 ■ ? r ' '' in ^ .^r'""^^^ (^^- ^- ^•)- W""ie Coll. 1. Etawah, 19th March (A. O. H.). Hum^ Coll 1. Etawah, 16th March (W F rl j-d lirnnL . t!.- , r, ,k C'-Qwley Bequest. -D/ook,s: in.nram Coll.). '■ ■'^'Xac""^'"' "'"' '*'"" ''^' •'■ ""°'» Coil. 4: £';S„''°'SX-J;''"">-<^-''-^'>- ""-Coll. J. ftilgbiti Hills, Apiil. Hume Coll, 80 MOTACILLIDJI. Motacilla capensis, Linn. ' (Plate IV. fig. 20.) Motacilla capensis, Thien. Fortpflanz. ges. Vo//. tab. xxv. fig. 3 (184-5-64) ; Gume;/, Ibis, 1860, p. 208 ; A)/irs, Ibis, 1869, p. 292 ; Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Africa, ^. 547 (1875-84); Butler, Feilden Sf Reid, Zo'ul. 1882, p. 3.37 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 493 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 91 (1899) ; Haayner, Ibis, 1901, p. 15; Sharpe, Satid-l. v. p. 140 (1906). Eggs of the Cape Wagtail are of a pointed oval form and moderately glossy. They are cream-colour or greyish-white, freckled, especially at the broad end, with pale grey or light brown. On some eggs the markings are so faint that they are hardly noticeable. Specimens measure from '76 to -85 in length, and from -58 to '61 in breadth. 4. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P. J. 5. Transvaal, October ( T, Ayres : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. 14-Streams, Vaal River, November. R. B. Woosnam, Esq. [C.]. 2. Natal. T. Ayres, Esq. [C.]. 1. Eadysmith, 18th November. Capt. Savile G. Reid [P.]. 3. Blue Krautz, Natal, Nov, Capt. Savile CI. Reid [P.]. 3. Pondoland. Crowley Bequest. 3. Cape Colony. Gould Coll. 2. Cape Colony (T. Atmore: Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). 1. Cape Colony [E. L. Layard: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 3. Deelfontein, 4th Nov. {E. Sei- Col. Sloggett [P.]. mund). 3. Deelfoutein, 8th Dec. (.E". S.). Col. Sloggett [P.], 3. Kuruman, 17th Dec. R. B. Woosnam & R. E. Dent, Esqrs. [C.]. Motacilla clara, Sharpe. (Plate IV. fig. 13.) Motacilla longicauda, Riipp. (nee Gmel.), Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 495 (1885) : Shelley, Birds Afr. ii. p. 274 (1900) ; Stark, Birds S. Afr. i. -p. 257 (1900). JNIotacilla clara, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 140 (1906). Two eggs of the Long-tailed Pied Wagtail are of a pointed oval form and slightly glossed. The ground-colour is white, densely freckled with greyish-brown and lavender-grey ; one example has a few black hair-lines at the larger end. They measure respectively •79 by -6 and -81 by -59. 2. East Africa. Crowley Bequest. MOTACILLA. 81 Motacilla flaviventris, Ven: Motacllla flaviventris, liuch S,- E. Newt. Ibis, 1862, p. 273 ; E. Ncict. Ibis, 18(J;J, p. .'US ; Miliie-Edwardfs 8f Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag., Ois. I. p. .'Ui, pi. .•{().■}. fig-. 6 (1879) ; Cowan, Proc. It. Phijs. S'oc. Edinh. vii. p. 148 (1882) ; Sfiarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 49(5 (1885) ; NehrJi. Kat. Eiersaiiwd. p. 92 (1899) ; S/iarpe, Ilaiid-l. v. p. 140 (19UG). Eggs of the iladagasoar Wagtail vary from a broad to a narrow oval shape aud are very glossj'. The eggs in the Collection are of three types. In one the ground-colour is pale greyish-green, and the whole surface of the shell is densely mottled with greyish- brown and lavender. In another, the eggs are dull white, blotched and mottled with uraber-brown and lavender. In the tliird type, the egg is cream-colour, densely mottled with purplish-brown and lilac-grey. They vary from 'Ti to '8 in length, and from -57 to •G3 in breadth. 2. Madagascar. Crowley Bequest. 3. Betsileo, Madagascar, Rev. W. Deans Cowan [P.]. 3. I^'etsileo. l!ev. W. Deans Cowan [P.J. 2. Betsileo. lie v. W. Deans Cowan [P.]. Motacilla boarula, Limi. Motacilla boarula, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Viig. tab. xxv. fig. 4, a-c (1845-54) ; Ifeiuitson, Ei/c/s of Brit. Birds, i. p. 107, pi. xlii. tig. i (1856); Hharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 140 (1906). Palleuura sulphurea, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vti//. tab. 35. fig. 11 (1855-63). Motacilla sulpluu-ea, S'eebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 203, pi. 14 (1884) ; id., E;/(/s of Brit. Birds, p. 261, pi. 58 a. tig. 1 (1896). Motacilla uielanope, Dresser [nee Pall.), Birds Eur. iii. p. 251 (1875) ; Sliarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 497 (1885) [part.] ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 202 (1902) [part.]. Motacilla boarula boarula, Hartert, Foi/. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 298 (1905). Eggs of the Grey Wagtail are of a broad pointed oval shape and very glossy. The commonest type of egg is pale grey or bluish- white or sometimes cream-colour, mottled all over with light brown of various shades. Another type, which appears to be much less common, is white or greyish-white, mottled with umber-brown and lavender-grey. In this type the markings are most dense on the broad end, where they form a more or less confluent cap. A few examples in a large serits have one or two black hair-lines at the broad end of the egg. Specimens measure from •? to vS in length, and from -54 to -6 in breadth. 6. Dunvegan, Isle of Skye, 15tli May. J. Steele Elliott, Esq. fP.]. 6. West lloss-shire, 7lh May {W. W. Iladclirte Saunders, Esq. atirlinc/). [P.]. 5. Strathpell'or, 1st May. W. lladcliffe Sauuders, Esq. rp 6. Kirriemuir, Enrfarshire, 18th June W'. Radoliffe Saunders, Esq. (/v. Kennedy), [P-]- VOL. v. (J 82 JlOTAClI-LIT)ir.. 'i. Nortlnimberland, •'5th j\Iay. 4. Durham. 6. Clitheroe, Lancashire ( IV. Peferkin). 3. Ashopton, Derhvshire, SOth April (H. SecMim). 2. Ashopton, 17th May (H. S.). 1. Uowles, Worcestershire, May. 4. Taplow, Berkshire. 5. Co. Waterford, Ireland, 10th April (E. J. Uss/ier). r,. Co. Waterford, 23rd April (R. J. U.). 5. Co. Waterford, 24th April {R. J. U.). 5. Co. Waterford, 8th May ( R. J. U.) . 4. Yosoes Mts., France {Mougel ; Haniitt Coll.). Q>. Giessen, Hesse, 30th May. 5. Parnassus, Greece, 6th May (//. Seebohm 4" T. Kriijier). 4. Parnassus, 13th May (H. S. Sf T. K.). 2. Parnassus, 24th May (H. S. * T. K). 5. Parnassus, 6th June {H. S. ^- T. K.). 5. Parnassus, 16th June ( H. S. S,- T. K.j. 2. Parnassus {H. S. ^- T. K.). 4. Tenerife, 18th March. 1. Tenerife, April {Tristram Coll.). Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm CoU. Seebohm Coll. J. Steele Elliott, Esq. [P.]. Gould Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Piadclifte Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Clutch containing an egg of the Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). 3. Oslawan, Moravia, 29th Mav. W. Radclifte Saunders. Esq. [P.], Motacilla melanope, rail. Motacilla melanope, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 4&7 (188-5) [part.] ; Odfes, Fatma Brit. Lid., Birds, ii. p. 293 (1890); id., ed. Hume, Ne.'its a- Bf/(/s Ind. Birds, ii. p. 207 (1890) : Osmaston, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hisi.'Soc. xi. p. 67 (1897) ; 8harpe., Hand-l. v. p. 141 (1906). Calobates melanope, Tucz. Fnune Orn. Siber. Orient, p. 375 (1891). Motacilla boarula melanope, Hurtert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 300 (1905). Eggs of the Eastern Grey Wagtail appear to be of two types : the tirst resembles that of the Common Grey Wagtail, having a cream-coloured or whitish ground mottled, sometimes very faintly, with yellowish-brown. A specimen taken in Kashmir represents a second type, in which the ground-colour is pinkish, mottled Avith a darker shade of the same. Taezanowski states {op. cit.) that some eggs of this species taken in Siberia are tinged with rose-colour. No such tint is observable in any European egg of the Western form. Kashmir, 25th May ( IF. E. Brools). Fuii-yania, Hondo, Japan, 20th May. Hume Coll. W. Radclilie Saunders, Esq. [P.]. JIOTACILI,.\. 83 Motacilla schmitzi, Tschm^i. (Plate IV. fig. 19.) MotiicWla sn\phurea, Goilman {nfic Beckst.), Ibis, 18(56, p. OCi ; id., 'Nat. Hid. Azores, p. I'.i (1870). Motac;illa boarula .scliiuitzi, Ilartcrt ^ Grant, Nov. Zool. xii. p. 120 (1905) ; Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 301 (1905). Motacilla schmitzi, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 141 (1906). Eggs of Sclimitz's Grey Wagtail resemble pale forms of the Common Grey Wagtail, having the ground-colour creamy-white, densely, but more or less faintly, marked with light yellowish- brown. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. Salvm-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-(Todraan Coll. Hon. Walter Rothschild [P.]. llou. Walter Rothschild [P.]. 5. Agua de Pena. Madeira, 1st June {E. Schmitz). 3. Sau Miguel, Azores, April (F. D. God man). 1. San Mlouel, April (F. D. G.). 3. Terceira, Azores, May (F. D. G.). 2. (Out of clutch of 4 ; hard set) Above Calheta, 1 r^OOIt., St. Jorge, Azores, 9th May ( W. R. Ogilme-Grant). 4. Below Caldeira, Fayal, Azores, 27th May ( W. R. O.-G.). Motacilla citreola, Pall. Budytes citreola, Tacz. J.f. 0. 1873, p.82,taf. ii. fig. 20; Seebohm ^5- Harvie- Broim, Ibis, 1876, p. 123 ; Tacs. Faune Orn. Siber, Orient, p. 387 (1891). Motacilla citreola, Dresier, Birds Eur. iii. pp 245, 249 (1875) ; Bree, Birds Eur. 2ud ed. iii. p. 91, pi. (1875) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. X. p. 503 (1885); Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 298 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 92 (1899); Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 203 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 141 (1906). Motacilla citreola citreola, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 296 (1905). The eggs of the Yellow-headed Wagtail are so similar in general character to those of M. hoarula of the commoner type, that they cannot be separated from them. They measure from -72 to -82 in length, and from -56 to -6 in breadth. A very small example measures only '06 by '5, and is one of a clutch of six eggs. 5. Petchora River, 68° N. Lat., 19th June {H. Seebohm^- J. A. Harcie- Brotcn). 6. Petchora River, 68° N. Lat., 19th June (//. S. ^- J. A. H.-B.). 4. Petchora River, 68° N. Lat., 22nd June {H. S. S,- J. A. H.-B.). 6. Petchora River, 68° N. Lat., 27th June (H. S. Sf J- A. H.-B.). 5. Petchora River, 08° N. Lat., 23rd June (II. S. i- J. A. H.-B.: Tris- tram Coll.). 5. Amur River, 2ud June. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seeb(;hm Coll. Crowley Bequest. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. g2 84 jioTAcirxTDj:. Clutch containing an eaadcliffe Saunders, Esq. ~ [P.]. 5. Clitheroe, Lancashire ( 71 . Peterkin). Crowley Bequest. 4. Cumberland (Hei/shum). Gould Coll. 5. Preston, Yorks, 27th May. AV. Radclitfe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 5. Shifual, Shropshire, 20tb June. W. Badcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 6. Sparham, Norfolk, 24th May Seebohm Coll. (F. JVurf/ate). 3. Sparham, 25th May (F. N.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Sparham, 4tli Jnne (F. N.). Seebojjra Coll. 3. Sparham, lOtli June (F. A.). Seebohm Cull. 5. Sparham (F. N.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Ilickling Broad, Norfolk, 29th May Seebohm Cull. (F K). MOT.UILI.A. 85 r,. Ilickliiig- Rioiul, lOtli July (F. N.). Secbohm Coll. 2. Upwell, L'aml)ii(lfrt', ^'^tli June. yalvin-tTodmau Coll. 4. Ditldii, Caiuliridge, Kith Juuu. Salvin-Goduiaii Coll. 5. Taplow, ])i'rksliii-e, Ma^-. Gould Coll. .5. Avinprtoii, Hants. Dr. 1\. Howdler Sharpe [P.]. (■>. jNIiddlen'x. Seebohm Coll. 3. Ilaiiipstcad, Middlesex. Salviu-Godmaii Coll. ti. Cliurt, Surrey, May {>'^init/u'rs). Crowley Eequest. 5. Churt, May (^S?iiil/icrs). Crowley Bequest. i>. Cliiui, May (Smit/iers). Crowley Bequest. (). Chart, 31 ay (Hiiiit/iers). Crowley Bequest. '}. Cliurt, May. (iould "CoU. .■■). Churt, May. (iould Coll. 4. AN'alton Heath, -jth June. \V. liadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Clutch containing an egg of the Cuckoo {CuciiJuti ckdui-us). '2. Bushey Parle, SuiTev, I'Oth Mav. W. Radcliffe Sauuder.*, E^q. Motacilla campestris, Pull. ;Motacilla ran;pestri.s, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 510 (188.5) fpart.]; i(/. Hand-l. V. p. 142 (1906). Motacilla tlava campe.stris, 7f«/-^f';-^, Viiij. Pal. Fuuii. yt. iii. p. l'94 (l&Oo). Eggs of the Eastern Yellow Wagtail are indistinguishable from those of M. raiji. 2. South Russia. Crowle}- Bequest. Clutch containing an egg of the Cuckoo {Cucidus canorus). 2. South Uussia, i'4th Mav. W. Badclitfe Saunders, liisn. rp.]- Motacilla flava, Linn. Motacilla flava, Thii-u. I'artpJiaHZ. 4th June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Clutch containing au egg of the Cuckoo {Cmulus canorus). 4. Laplaud, 17th June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Motacilla cinereicapilla, Savi. (Plate IV. fig. 17.) Motacilla cinereicapilla, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 526 (18So) • id., Haiid-l. v. p. 143 (1906). v ^ » Motacilla Hava cinereocapilla, Kartert, J'o//. Pal. Faun. pt. iii v 292 (190o). ■ ' Eggs of the Eastern Grey-headed Wagtail closely resemble the various types of M. raiji, but are, on the whole, a trifle smaller. 5. Kirghiz Steppes, 2nd June. Crowley Bequest. 4. Lenkoran, Caspian Sea (Nehrkom Crowley Beq uest. Coll.). 1. Susa, Tunis, .Tune (r.5o(7o; 7/-JS- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). 4. Susa, J une ( J'. B. : Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Motacilla taivana, Swinh. Motacilla taivana, Sharp/-, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 514 (1885) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 208 (1902); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 143 (1906). ^ Motacilla fiava taivanus, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 293 (1905). Two eggs of Swinhoe's Yellow-browed Wagtail are of a wide * Evideutly part of the clutch mentioned in tlie ' Ootheca WoUeyana ' {vide supra) as having been sold at Stevens'. 88 ^iotacillidj:. oval shape, ratlitr ixjiiited towards one end, and f;iirly glossy. The ground-colour is brownish-white, densely speckled and mottled all over with umber-brown, especially towards the larger end, which, in one egg, is also marked with a long Idack hair-line. They measure respectively '70 by -50 and "75 by -o'J. •2. Albasin, Anuu- River, 15th June. W. Eo.dclit^e Sauuders, Esq. [P.]. Motacilla feldeggi, Michah. Motaeilla melanocephala, Thien. Forfjrflanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxv. fig. 6, «, b (1845-54) ; Dresser, Birds Evr. iii. p. 273 (18^5) ; Bree, Birds Mir. 2nd ed. iii. p. 93, pi. (1875) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 207 (1902) [part.]. Motacilla feldepgi, Sharjyp, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 527 (1885); Oates, Fmma Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 297 (1890) ; Isehrk. Kut. Eiersamml. p. 92 (1899) ; Sharjje, Hand-l. v. p. 143 (190G). Motacilla flava melanocephala, Hartert, Tciy. Pal. Fatni. pt. iii. p. 295 (1905). The eggs of the Black-headed Wagtail in the Collection resemble those of il/. jlava a))d its allies. They measure from '(JO to "75 in length, and from "52 to '55 in breadth. 3. Missolongbi, Greece, 27th May Seebohm Coll. (JET. Seehuhm). 1. Missolongbi, June (W. H. Simp- Crowley Bequest. son : Tristram Coll.). 4. Smyrna, Asia Minor, June. W. Eadchfl'e Sauuders, Esq. [P.]. 1. Smyrua, 13th Juue (M.S.: Tris- Crowley Bequest. tru77i Coll.). « 1. Erzerum, Armenia. Old Collection. 6. Sbu-az, Persia, 3rd May. H. F. Witberby, Esq. [P.]. Motacilla melanogrisea {Homeyer). (Plate IV. fig. 21.) Motacilla feldeggi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. x. p. 527 (1885) [part.] ; Nehrk. Kut. Eiersamml. p. 92 (1899). Motacilla tiava melanogriseus, Hartert, Yog. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 290 (1905). Motacilla melanogrisea, Sharpe, Hand-l, v. p. 143 (1906). Two eggs of Homeyer's Black-headed Wagtail are much like those of M. flava and M. citreoki, being of a pointed oval form and somewhat glossy, with the ground-colour yellowish-white, indis- tinctly mottled all over with pale yellowish-brown. Both examples are marked with an irregular black hair-line at the larger end. They measure respectively -8 by "59 and -81 by -oS. 2. Altai Mountains [Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. DENDHANTIIUS. ANTnUS. 89 GeuuH DENDRANTHU3, Bh/lh. Dendranthus indicus {Gmel.). (Plate IV. fig. 22.) Liinoiiidroimis indicus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 5:12 (ISSo) ; Tacz. Faiinc Orn. 8iber. Orient. 13.390 (1891); Nehrk. Kat. Eicrsaminl. p. m (1899) ; Dresser, Man. Fal. Birds, pt. i. p. 209 (1902j. Dendrantlius indicus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 144 (19()(!). Dendronauthus iadica, Ilartert, Voff. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 309 (1905). Two eggs of the Forest Wagtail are of aa ordinary oval shape and perfectly devoid of gloss. They are grey with a purple tinge, marked with spots and small blotches of umber-brown and underlying lilac-grey. They measure respectively -8 by -ob and "77 by -57. 2. Ussuri River, E. Siberia {Dorries : Crowley Bequest. Nehrkorn Cull.). Genus ANTHUS, Bechst. Anthus chloris, Licht. (Plate V. figs. 1 & 2.) Antlius cliloris, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 539 (1885); Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 243 (1900) ; Shelleij, Birds Afr. ii. p. 295 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 144 (1906). Three eggs of the Small Yellow-tufted Pipit are of a somewhat pointed oval form and almost devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is white or yellowish-white, densely speckled and spotted all over with dull laveiider-grej' and yellowish-brown, the marking being somewhat more dense round the larger end. They measure respectively : "9 by 'oo ; -82 by '6 ; '82 by •59. 3. Suuth Africa {Noakes). Crowley Bequest. Anthus trivialis, Linn. Anthus arboreus, Thien. F^ortpflanz. ges. Tofj. tab. xxv. fig. 7, a-e (1845-54); Heicitson, Fijys of Brit. Birds, i. p. 171, pi. xliii. (1856) ; Seehoh7n, Brit. Birds, "ii. p. 219. pi. 14 (1884) ; id., Etjjs of Brit. Birds, p. 263, pi. 58 a. figs. 5-8 (1896). Deudronantlnis arboreus, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vcig. tab. 38. fig. 8 (1855-63). Anthus trivialis, DressM-, ^tV> The eggs of the Nilghiri Pipit are of a somewhat narrow oval shape and moderately glossy. The five speeiniens in the Collection vary considerably. Three examples are greyish-white, very den.sely ANTiirs. 93 mottled with brown and purplish-grey; another o^g is cream- coloured, densely mottled with p;ile reddish-brown and purplish-grey ; and a fifth is pale buff, densely mottled with pale brown. They measure respectively : So by '62 ; -88 by '61 ; -8 by '6 ; "8 by 62 ; •82 by -57. 4. Neddivatam, Nilgliiri Kills, CjOO Hume Cull. feet, Mav ( If. Davison). 1. Nilfihiri Hills. Hume Coll. Antlius brachyuras, Sundev. (Plate V. fig. 3.) Anthus brachvuius, Gurney, Ibis, 1863, p. 327 ; Sliaiye, ed. Layaril, Birds S. Africa, p. 5:39 (1875-84); id., Cut. Birds B. M. x. p. 551 (1885) ; Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 248 (1900) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. ii. p. 303 (1900); Shnrpe, Hand-l. v. p. 145 (1906J. The eggs of the Cape Short-tailed Pipit are of a blunt oval shape and possess very little gloss. They are white, freckled with pale brown and grey. The markings form an irregular zone round the broad end of the egg and are sparingly distiibuted elsewhere. Three examples measure respectively : -^b by -52 ; '68 bv '52 ; -67 by -52. 3. Natal. Dr. Gueiiizius [C.]. Antbus vaalensis, Shdleij. (Plate V. fig. 6.) Aiitlius gouldi, Gtirneif, Ibis, 1860, p. 208. Antlius leiicophrvs, Layard, Ibis, 1869, p. 368. Autluis pviThouotus, Sharpe {tiec Vieill.), ed. Layard, Birds S. Africa, p. 537 (lb75-84) [pt.] ; Bvtler, Feilden ^- Beid, Zool. 1882, p", 336; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 555 (1885) [pt.] ; Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 250 (1900) [pt.]. Antlius vaalensis, SJielley, Birds Afr. ii. p. 311 (1900) ; Sharjye, Hand-l. v. p. 146 (190U). Eggs of the Tawny Plain-backed Pipit vary from an ordinary, somewhat pointed oval shape to a broad, blunt oval, and are very slightly glossy. They are whitish or cream-coloured, more or les3 densely speckled and mottled all over, or sometimes blotched, with brown and underlying lavender. Two eggs from Lindley differ in having all the surface-markings of a light rusty-brown or sienna. Examples measure from '78 to -bo in length, and from -oS to '67 in breadth. 7. Tr.insvaal (7'. .^/''f-"' Tristram Col/.). Crowley Eequest. 3. 14-Streanis, Vaal liiver, Nov. Ii. B. Woosnam, E.=q. [CI. 2. Lindlev, O.R.C, 22nd Dec. M»yn- 11. Sparrow [P.]. 1. Newcastle, Natal, 10th Oct. Capt. Savile G. Reid [P.]. 3. Newcastle, lOlh Nov. (i?.^.^?«//«-.) Crowley Bequest. 94 iioTAcriJ.inji:. Anthus sordidus, Eiipp. (Plate V. figs. 7 & 8.) Antluis sordidus, Shnrpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 560 (l8So) [part.]; Nehrh. Kat. Ek-rmmml. p. 92 (1899) : Shelhxj, Birds Afr. ii. p. 314 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 146 ^19^J). The eggs of the Dingy liock-Pipit are of a blunt oval form, approaching the elliptical, and are but very slightly glossed. Thev are white, thickly mottled and blotched with deep umber-brown and underlying purplish-grey. The markings are very evenly distributed over the entire surface of the egg. Four examples measure respectively : "9 by "67 ; '9 by "66 ; -89 by -Go ; '92 by •67. 2. Adho Ulmellus, Sokotra, 3700 feet Roval Society [P.]. ( W. R. OgUvie-Grant ^ H. 0. Forbes). 2. Iladibii Plain, Sokotra, loth Dec. Royal Society [P.]. (jr. R. O.-G.Sf H. O. F.). Anthus cockburniae, Oates. (Plate V. fig. 9.) Autbus sordidus, Sharpe {nee R'ipp.), Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. r^HO (188-5) [part.] ; Oates, ed. Hume, Nests S;- Er/f/s Ind. Birds, ii. p. 212 (1890). Antliui oockbumiie, Oates, Fauaa Brit. Ltd., Birds, ii. p. 305 (1890); Shar2x; Hai,d-l. v. p. 147 (1906). Three eggs of the Rufous Rock-Pipit closely resemble those of A. sordidus • the fourth, as shown in the Plate, is of quite a different type, the ground-colour being white rather sparingly marked with small blotches and spots of purplish-brown and lilac-grey, the markings being most numerous round the large end, where they form an irregular zone. They measure respectively : '81 by '61 ; "87 by -62; -89 by -65; -92 by -64. 4. Nilghiri Hills, S. India {Miss Hume Coll. Coclchirn). Anthus jerdoni, Fi.nscJi. Agrodroma jerdoni, Wardlaw Ramsay, This, 1880, p. 61. Anthus jerdoni, .SViar/je, Cat. Birds B. M. s.. p. o()2 (1885); Oates,ed. Hume, Nests l^- Et)gs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 212 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 147 (1906). Anthus similis, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 306 (1890) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ix. {Suppl.) p. 151 (1895) ; id., Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 220 (1902). Anthus leucophrys jerdoni, Hartert, T5g. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 270 (1905). The eggs of the Brown Rock-Pipit are of a blunt oval form and very slightly glossy. Tliey are white, rather thicldy speckled and blotched with reddish-brown and purplish-grey. Five examples measure from '82 to "88 in length, and from '(Jl to '65 in breadth. AXTUUS. 95 4. Afohanistan, 22nd June (7i'. G. Seebolim Coll. Wardlair Ramtai/). 1. Murree, N.W. Ilimalavas {C. H. Hume Coll. T. Marshall). Anthus richardi, Vieill. Anthus ricliardi, Thien. Furtpflanz. gen. Viig. tab. xxv. fig. 14, a, b (1845- 54) ; Heioifwn, Ef/gs of Brit. Birds, \. p. 175, pi. xliv. fig. iv (18o()) ; Di/howski, J. f. 6. 1808. p. 334 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 325 (1874) ; Seebolun, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 233, pi. 14 (1884) ; Shurpe, Cat. Birds B. .1/. x. p. 564(1885); Oates, Fauna Brit. Lid., Birds, ii. p. 307 (IsnO); Tacz. Faune Or??.. Siher. Orient, p. 395 (18'Jl); Seebohm, Eijiis of Brit. Birds, p. 206, pi. 58 A. fig. 4 (1896) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eicrsinmnl. p. 92 (1899) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt, i. p. 219 (1902) ; Skurpe, Iland-l. v. p. 147 (1906). Corydalla ricliai-di, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Viig. tab. 35. fig. 1 (1855-63) ; Tacz. J.f. O. 1873, p. 83, tab. ii. fig. 21. Antbus ricbardi ricliardi, Hartert, Yog. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 265 (1905). Eggs of llichard's Pipit arc almost elliptical in sbape, the two ends being closely alike in colour, and moderatel)* glossy. They are greenish-white or grey, profusely mottled with brown and underlying lavender-grey. Eight examples measure from '82 to •92 in length, and from '65 to '68 in breadth. Four examples, forming a clutch taken by Mr. Rickett, are smaller, and instead of being densely mottled are distinctly spotted and blotched. They measure '8 by '6. 3. Darasun, Dauria, June (Z>y6o?t's^« : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 3. Darasuu, June (Dyhoicshi). Seebohm Coll. 2. Turkestan (.'?('m-i'~(*y). Seebohm Coll. 4. Foochow, China, 10th May. C. B. Kickett, Esq. [P.]. Anthus striolatus, Bhjth. (Plate Y. fig. 15.) Corvdalla stiiolata, Lcyge, Birds Ceylon, p. 628 (1879). Anthus .striolatus. Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 568 (1885) ; Oafes, Fauna Brit, hid., Birds, ii. p. 308 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hund-l. v. p. 147 (1900). The two eggs of Blyth's Pipit are of a blunt oval shape and very glossy. They are creamy-whire, densely and finely freckled with yellowish-brown and very pale underlying lavender. They measure respectively : -85 by -64 ; -84 by -63. 2. Nilghiri Hills, S. India, 16th May. Hume Coll. Anthus campestris (Linn.). Anthus campestris, T/iien. Forfji/lanz. t/es. Tin/, tnb. xxv. fig. 13, a-c (1845-^54); Dresser, Birds ^w. iii'. p. 317 (1874) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 239, pi. 14 (1884) : Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 569 (1885) ; Seebohm. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 267 (1896) ; Nehrk. Kaf. Eiersamml. p. 92 (1899); Dresser, Mati. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 218 (1002) ; Sbarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 147 (1906). MOTACII.LID.T:. Corydalla caraTpestvis, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vd(j. tab. 35. fig. 2 (185o-6;3). Anthiis rufescens, Salcin, Ibis, 1859, p. 310. AgTodroiiias campestris, Sau7iders, Ibis, 1871, p. 216. Authus campestris campestris, Hartert, Viig. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 267 (1905). The eggs of the Tawny Pipit are generally of a broad oval form, frequently pointed, sometimes l)lunt, and man}' specimens are highly glossy. The ground-colour varies from white to pale greenish- or greyish-white. The markings are of two general types. In one type, iihe egg is thickly marked with fine distinct and roundish dots of purplish -brown and underlying lavender. In the second type, the surface is streaked and blotched, rather coarselj', with umber-brown or reddish-brown and underlying lavender or purplish-grey. These are the two extreme types, and intermediate forms between them are of common occurrence. Specimens measure from '78 to -93 in length, and from '58 to '7 in breadth. 4. Valkenswaard, Holland, 29th May (if. Seebohm). Granada, Spain, 27th May {H. Saunders). Seville, Spain (A. Ruiz). Colnienar,Malaga, Spain, 30th May {H. Saunders). Colmenar [H. S.). Parnassus, Greece, 21st May {T. Krilper). Parnassus, 24th Mav ( T. K.). Athens, Ist June (t. K.). Huleh, Waters of 31erom, 27th May (H. £. Tristram). Near Jerusalem, Palestine, 26th April (H.B.T.). Kuldja, Mongolia {Nehrkorn Coll.). Madracen, Algeria, 30th May ( 0. Salvin) . Madracen, 30th May (//. B. T.). C'hemora, Algei-ia, 19th May (O. S.). Ain I)jendeli, Algeria, 11th May (0. s.). Ain Djendeli, 13th May (O. ,S'.). Ain Ij'jendeli, 18th Mav (0. S.). Ain lijendeli, 29th May (O. -S'.). Ain Djendeli, 14th May (O. S. : Tristram Coll.). Ain Djendeli, 14th May (O. S. : Tristram Coll.). Ain Djendeli, 18th May (0. S. : Tristram Coll.). Brandenburg {Dresser Coll.). 4. Brandenburg, 2nd June. 2. Halle, Saxony, 20th June. Seebohm Coll. Sebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-GodiLian Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sahin-(i(uhuan Coll. Salvin-(i(idnian Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. W. RadcliRe Saunders, Esq. [P.], W. Iladcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. A^'. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. ANxntTs. 97 ;5. Frankfurt, Main, 28th May. \V. Radclifie Saunders, Esq. 5. Mostar, Herzegovina, 15tli June W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. iO.Eeiser). [P.]. 3. Albania, 16tli May (O.ii.). W. Radclilfe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Albania, 18th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Clutch containing an egg of the Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). 2. Szig'etcsep, Hung-ary, IDth June W. Radcliffa Saunders, Esq. (F.A. Cerwa). [P.]. Clutch containing an egg of the Crested Lark {Galerida cristata). 4. Szigetcs(5p, Hungary, loth June W. Radchffe Saunders, Esq. {F. A. C). [P.]. Anthus rufulus, Vielll. (Plate V. iigs. 10-12.) Corydalla rufula, Legqe, Birds Ceylon, p. 625 (1879). Anthus caffev, Butler, Feilden Sf lieid, Zool. 1882, p. 335. Anthus rufulus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 574 (1885) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 308 (1890); id., ed. Hume, Kests ^• Hfff/s Bid. Birds, ii. p. 213 (1890); Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 251 (1900) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. ii. p. 319 (1900) ; Sharpe, Rand-l. V. p. 148 (1906). The eggs of the Small Rufous Pipit vary iu form from a narrow pointed to a broad oval, and exhibit a small amount of gloss. They are white or greyish, marked in various ways with different tints of brown, reddish-brown, purplish-red, and underlying lavender or lilac. In many specimens the markings are all small and distinct ; in others they are large and blotchy, and between these extremes many variations of pattern occur, but in every case a large amount of the ground-colour remains visible. The markings are often larger and closer together at the broad end than elsewhere, but they seldom form any well-defined cap. Specimens measure from "75 to •86 ill length, and from "57 to "63 in breadth. 5. Eadvsmith, Natal, S. Africa, 18th Capt. Savile G. Reid [P.]. Kov. 3. Sunday River, Natal, 17th Nov. Capt. Savile G. Reid [P.]. 2. Saharunpur, X.W. Provs., India, Hume Coll. 24th March (G. F. L. Marshall). «. Sikhim Terai, 10th March. Hume Coll. 3. Sikhim Terai, 3rd April. Hume Coll. 3. Sikhim Terai, 9th April. Hume Coll. 2. Sikhim Terai. 20th April. Hume Coll. 2. Sikhim Terai, 25th April. Hume Coll. 3. Sikhim Tevai, 28th April. Hume Coll. 3. Sikhim T.'rai, 29tb April. Hume Coll. 3. Sikhim Terai, 1st May. Hume Coll. 5. Sikhim Terai, 4th Mav. Hume Coll. 1. Sikhim Terai, 9th xMay. Hume CoU. 98 MOTACILLID^. April Sildiim Terai, 12tli May. Sikhim Terai, IStli May. Raipur, C. Provs., 15th (F. R. Blemtt). Belcraum, 19th April {U. A. Butler). Eeliraum, 2.3rd April (E. A. B.). Beluaum, 9th May {F. A. B.). Belfraiini, 10th Mav {E. A. B.). Belijaum, 14th Juiie (E. A. B.). ]?elg-aum, 26th June [E. A. B.). Wvnand, S. luiiia. Niio-hiri Hill.-:. Kotag-herry, Nilohivi Hills, 5th April (Miss Coclcbiirii). Kotasrherry, Cockburn). Kotafflierry, Cockhiirn). Kotad'eiry, 10th May {Miss Cockburn). Klan?, Malay Peninsula, 29th March (IF. Drii'i.'^nn). Klan?, 3rd April ( IF. B.). Klano-, 23rd April ( W. D.). Eiserat, Jalor, 18tli Julj'. loth April {Mi^s 3rd May [Miss Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Plume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. H. C. Robinson, Esq. [P.]. Anthus pratensis {Linn.). Anthus praten.sis. Thien. Fortpjlanz. r/es. Viig. tab. xxy. fipf. 8, «-c (1845- 64) ; Baedeker, Eier Eur. Voq. itab. 35. fio:. 5 (1855-63) ; Heicitson. Eqqs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 173^ pi. xliy. fig:?, i & ii (1856) : Dresser Bi'rds Eur. in. p. 285 (1874) ; Seebohm ^- Harvie-Broim. Ibis, 1876, p. 121 ; Scehohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 224, pi. 14 (1884) ; Sharpe, Cat Birds B. M. X. p. 580 (1885); Seehohm, Eqqs of Brit. Birds, p. 264, pi. 58 a. fio-s. 9 & 10 (1896) ; Dresser, Manl Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 210 (1902) ; Radcliffe Saunders, Bull. B. 0. C. xiv. no. ciii. p. 42 (1904) Hartert. Voq. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 275 (1905); Shar2)e, Hand-l. y. p. 148 (1906). The ej?gs of the Meadow-Pipit are, for the most part, of a pointed oval shape and moderately glossy. The ground-colour varies from greyish- or brownish-white to pale stone-colour and sometimes it is pale blue. The markings on the majority of the eggs are of various shades of brown and underlying lavender or purplish-grey. On some specimens they are very dense and form a confluent mass, concealing nearly the whole of the ground-colour ; and on others they are comparatively sparse and separate, permitting quite half of the ground-colour to be seen. Some examples are almost uniformly of a stone-colour, marked with a few spots and fine hair-lines of dark brown or black ; others are very faintly mottled all over with minute streaks and dots. A clutch of five eggs taken at Seasalter, Faversham, are very abnormal in coloration. They are almost uniform pale blue, with a few spots, blotches, or hair-streaks of yellowish-brown, purple-brown, and lilac-grey, mostly confined to 99 the larger end. Specimens measure from from '53 to '63 in breadth. Jo to "So in length, and 5. Faroe Islands, 10th May {H. C. Mil Her). 3. Faroe Islands, 25th May {H. C. 3f.). 5. Faroe Islands, 28th May (H. C. M. ) . 5. Faroe Islands, 3Ist Max (H. C. M.). 5. Faroe Islands, 12t]i June (H. C. M.). 6. Fariie Islands, 1 4th J un e ( //. C. M. ) . 6. Faroe Islands, 2fc)th June (if. C. M.). 5. Faroe Islands (if. C. M. : Hargitt Coll.). 5. Faroe Islands (if. C. M. ; Hargitt Coll.). 4. Faroe Islands, 4th May {II. C. M. : Hari/itt Coll.). 5. Faroe Islands, loth May {H. C. M.: Hargitt Coll.). 5. Faroe Islands. 13th June (H. C. M.: Hargitt Coll.). 6. Faroe Islands, 14th June {II. C. M.: Hargitt Coll.). 5. Faroe Islands, 16th June {H. C. M. : Harqitt Coll.). 6. Faroe Minds. 24tli June (if. C. M. : Harqitt Coll.). 4. Cluny, Eoss-shiro {Hargitt Coll.). ?,. Cluny [Harqitt Coll.). A. Cluny, 20th' May (Hargitt Coll.). 4. Cluny, 28th May (Hargitt Coll.). 4. Cluny, 28th May (Hargitt Coll.). 5. Loch Luine, Eoss-shire, 19 th May (Hargitt Co'L). 4. Glen Luine, 19th May (Harqitt Coll.). 4. Glen Luine, 19th May (Harqitt Coll.). 5. Glen Luine, 19th May (Hargitt Coll.). 3. Loch Luichart, Ross-shire (Har- gitt Coll.). .y 4. Loch Luichart (Hargitt Coll.). 4. Loch Luichart (Hargitt Coll.). . /•'■ 5. Loch End, Inverness, 1st June (Hargitt Coll.). 4. Coquet Island, Northumberland, 16th June. 1. Castle Eden. Durham (Tristram Coll.). 1. .\]iiilehy, Westmorland. 4. ("andiridgesliire. 4. Tbftlord, Norfolk. L Kiniberley, Norfolk (J. H. Gttrneg: Triittrmn Coll.). 4. Jladdenhani, Bucks. 2. Maidenhead, Berkshire, 18th May. Seehohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebolmi Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Cull. Crowley Bequest. L. Johnston, Esq. [P.l. F. Bond, Esq. [IM Salvin-Godman CoU. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Old Collection. h2 100 MOTACILLIDiE. o. Seasalter, Faversham, Kent, 26tli xMay {H. T. Booth). 3. Chuvt, Kent {Smithers). 3. Cbiirt [Smithers). 6. Cliurt [Smithers). 5. lleigate, Surrey, 18th May. 5. Brighton, Sussex, June. 4. Wolmer Forest, Hants, 28th April. 4. Ring-wood, Hants, 18th April [8. H. WaUis). 4. Rockfield, Monmouth, June. 3. Ilalliugsdal, Norway, June (R. Collett). 4. Valkenswaard, Holland, 26th May. 5. East Pomerania, 25th Ajnil (7*. Holland). 5. East Pomerania, 14th Mav [T.H.). 6. East Pomerania, 20th May ( T. H.). 4. East Pomerania, May ( 2'. H.). 5. Petchora River, N. Lat. 68=, 3rd July [R. Seebohm ^- J. A. Ilarvie-Brown). 4. Southery Manor, near Downham, Norfolk, 10th May. 4. Southery Manor, 2yth May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. ^^^ Radclitfe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. Col. H. W. Feilden [P.]. W. Radchffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. LP-]- Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Clutches containing an egg of the Cuckoo (Cucidus canorus). Scotstown Moor, Aberdeenshire, 1st June. Carlisle, Cumberland, 17th May. 5. Carlisle, 3rd June. 5. Burnley, Lancashire, 5th June. 5. Scarborough, Yorkshire, 30th May. 2. Lakeaheath, Suffolk, 28th May. 4. Hayes Common, Kent, 20th June. 3. New Forest, Hants, 13th June. 3. Wyke Regis, Dorset, 20th May. 3. Dolwyddelen, Carnarvonshire, N. Wales, 15th May [R. W. Calvertt). W. Radcliffe Saunders, Eaq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, E.sq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. A\. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. \^'. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.l. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.1. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Clutch containing two eggs of the Cuckoo {Cuculus canorus). Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire, 3rd June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. • [P.]. 101 Anthus cervinus {Pall.). Antlius rufogularis, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vcig. tab. 35. fig. 7 (1855-63). Anthus cei'vimis, Drea.ser, Birds Eur. in. p. L'99 (1874) ; Bree, Birds Ear. 2nd ed. iii. p. il8, pi. (187'")) ; Seehohm 4" Rarvie-Broivn, Ihi.s, 1876, p. 12-2 ; Se,-lM2t' List Chilian Birds, p. 1 (1892) ; Holland, Ibis, 1892, p. 195 ; Aplin, Ibis, 1894, p. 163, pi. v. tig. 1 ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 93 (1899) ; Iherinq, Rev. 3Itis. Paulista, iv. p. 202 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 150 (190K). The eggs of the Cachila Pipit are in most instances inseparable 108 MOTACILLID^. from those of A. obscurus, but there appear to be some typos which do not occur among the eggs of that species. Examples from Uruguay are greyish-white, speckled with pale yellowish-browu and lavender ; while those from the Argentine Republic are cream- colour, speckled and blotched with brown and lavender, quite half of the ground-colour remaining visible. Specimens measure from "76 to "95 in length, and from -58 to "69 in breadth. Uruguay. Argentine Republic, Sept. Argentine Republic, Sept. Buenos Ayres (with au egg of Molothrus bunariensis) . Central Chile, Oct. Falkland Islands (C. C. Abhott: 7)-i'stram Coll.). Falkland Islands ( C C. A.). Falkland Islands {€'. C. A.). Falkland Islands. Falkland Islands, Nov. Falkland Islands, 29th Nov. Port Stanley, Falkland Islands. O. V. Aplin, E?q. [P.]. A. II. Holland, J':sq. [C.]. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C. |. W. H. Hudson, Esq. [P.]. Berkeley James Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould Coll. Voy. H.M.S. 'Challenger.' McCormick Bequest. jNfcCormick Bequest. Rev. T. W. Huthwaite [P.]. Anthus gustavi, Sivinh. (Plate V. figs. 22 & 23.) Antbus seebohmi. Dresser, Birds Ear. iii. p. 295 (1875) ; Seebuhm ^ Harvie-Brown, Ibis, I87(), p. 120. Anthus gustavi, Seebuhm, Ibis, 1878, p. 341; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B.M. X. p. 613 (1885); Tacz. Fame Orn. Siber. Orient, p. 398 (ISUl) ; Popham, Ibis, 1898, p. 500; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 217 (l!)02); Hartert, Vbg. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 274 (1905); Sharpe, Hajid-l. V. p. 151 (1906). The eggs of the Petchora Pipit are of a narrow pointed oval shape and but very slightly glossy. The clutches in the Collection vary considerably. The eggs of two clutches are cream-colour, profusely mottled with brown, to such an extent that in some specimens hardly any portion of the ground-colour is visible. The markings form a confluent cap at the broad end. The eggs of a third clutch are \)o\e greyish- or purplish-white, very evenly blotched all over with pitrplish-bi'owu and lavender. Specimens measure from "8 to -9 in length, and from "57 to '6 in breadth. 3. Petchora River, 29th June. 1. Alexievka, Petchora Delta, 26th J une ( H. Seebuhm S; J. A. Harvie- Bruicn). 5. Alexievka, 26th June {H. S. Si- J. A. H.-B.). 5. Alexievka, 26th June {H. S. ^ J. A. H.-B.). 4. Yenesei River, Lat. 70^° N., 3rd July {H. Seebvhiu). W. Radcliffe Saunders, Etq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. ANTlirs. 1Q9 Anthus australis, Vi(j. cj- Ilomf. Antliiis austi-alis, T//ien. Fovtpflanz. ges. Vikj. tab. xxv fio- 12(184o-54)- (imM Ilandh. Birds Aush: i. p. 39:^' (1865) ; Sharps, Cat. Birds B M. X. p. (;io (1885) ; North, Nests S- E(,qs Austr. Birds, p lo8 i^^'iO)- Aehrlc. Knt. Eiersrmiml. p. 93 (1-99) ; Campbell, Nests & ilimm)^"''^'' '■ ^' "^^''^ ^''' ^'"^ ^^''°^^' *^""^"' ■^'""'''- ^• The egors of the Auslraliaii Pipit are of a regular oval shape and moderately glo.^sy. They are greyish-white, densely mottled with brown and lavender. Specimens measure irom -86 to -91 in leno-th and from •(> to -68 in breadth. " ' 3. Dawson River, Queensland, 19th Crowlev Beauest Sept. (North Coll.). ' ^ 1. Moreton Bay. Hould Coll 0. Moreton Bay. fiould Coll. -■ ^e"' «^"ith ^Va]es. Gould Coll. 3. Dobroyd, N.S.W., Oct. (E. P. Crowley Bequest. Ramsay: Tristram Coll.). .3. Canterbury, N.S.W., 14th Oct. A. J. North, Esq. [P.]. .3. Albert Park, Melbourne, Victoria. Crowley Bequest ;. &outh Australia. Gould Coll. ■\- South Australia. Gould Coll. 2. Tasmania. Gould Coll. ■2 Tasznama. (J. Gould: Tristram Coll.). Crowlev Bequest 8. Australia. Carter Coll. Anthus novae-zealandiaB (Gmd.). (Plate V. figs. IG & 17.) Anthus novEe-zealandia>, Potts, Trans. Neiv Zeal. Inst, ii t, G1 (\Rm\ ■ Bulkr Birds Neiv Zeal. 2nd ed. i. p. 63 (1888) ; Nehrk Kat Eier- samml. p. 93 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. V 151 (1906). Eggs of tje New Zealand Pipit are of an ordinary oval shape nl'otfl'!; fX ^^"!t\ ^^'^ "'" greyish-white, profusely mottled or spotted with brown, especially round the broad encl where a wide confluent zone is sometimes formed. Thev measure from -88 to -92 in length, and from -62 to -69 in breadth 1. Ohristchurch, New Zealand. Capt. R. Snow rp 1 J. ago (Croirfoot) (;,ovvley Bequest. ^' ■ '^ ' Q ,^t7- ^*.'/"''""-)- Crowley Bejuest. 1. Otago, 19th Dec. (Seymour). CrowWy Bequest. Anthus steindachneri, EeiscJiel: Anthus steindachneri, Peisckek, Tr. N Z Inst. xxi. p. 388 (1889) ; Sharpe Bull. B. O. a x.ii. no. xcvn. p. 59 (1903); id. Hand-l. y. p. 151 (iKj Two eggs of the Antipodes Island Pipit, in a very broken con dition appear to have been of a rather long oval shape and are very slightly glossed. Ihe ground-colour is greyish-white, finely mottled 110 MOIACILLID^. and clouded all over with greyish-brown ; one of the eggs has a dark hair-line at the larger end. 2. Antipodes I., New Zealand. Lt. Keunett Dixon, R.N. [P.]. Genus OPvEOCORYS, Sharpe. Oreocorys sylvanus (Hodgs.). (Plate VI. figs. 2&3.) Oreocorys sylvanus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 622 (1885) ; Oates, Fauna Brit, hid.. Birds, ii. p. -"US (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs hid. Birds, ii. p. 217 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 152 (1906;. The eggs of the Upland Pipit are of abroad oval shape and moderately glossy. They are purplish- white, profusely speckled and spotted with reddish- or purplish-brown and underlying dark purplish-grey or lavender. The markings, though dense everywhere, are very crowded together at the broad end and form a contluent cap or zone. Specimens measure from -82 to "98 in length, and from "03 to '72 in breadth. 9. Kotgarh, Himalavas (A. 0. H.). Iluuie Coll. 1. K.3tfrarh, 2ad April {A. O. H.). Hume Coll. 1. Kotgarh, 4th May {A. O.H.). Hume Coll. 3. Kotgarh, 6th Mav {A. O. H.). Hume Coll. 8. Kotgarh, 15th May [A. 0. H.). Hume Coll. 1. Kotgarh, 26ih May (A. O. H.). Hume Coll. 2. Kotgarh, 29tb May {A. O. H.). Hume Coll. 2. Kotgarh, 3rd June (A. O. II). Hume CoU. 4. Kotgarh, 4th June (A. 0. II). Hume Coll. 1. Kotgarh, 15th May (A. O. H. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Genus MACRONYX, Simins. Macronyx capensis, Linn. (Plate VI. figs. 1 & 4.) Macronyx capensis, Sharpe, ed. Lai/ard, Birds S. Africa, p. 530 (1875-84); Butler, Feilden Sf Reid, Zool. 1882, p. 335 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M, X. p. 623 (1885); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 93 (1899); Stark, Fawi. S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 238 (1900) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iii. p. 2 (1902) ; Shar2)e, Hand-l. v. p. 153 (1906). The eggs of the Cape Long-clawed Pipit are of a very blunt oval shape and slightly glossy. The eggs of one clutch in the Collection are cream-colour, profusely mottled and streaked all over with lilac-red and pale lavender. Those of two other clutches are dull white, spotted and blotched with pale brown and underlying dull purple. They measure from "92 to 1-0 in length, and from -OS to •72 in breadth. 2. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.] 3. Natal. T. Ayres, Esq. [C.]. 2. Ladysmith, Natal, Nov. Capt. Savile G. Reid [P.]. 9. Trausvaal ( r. ^;/res ; TristrainColl.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Johannesburg, Transvaal, Dec. C. C. Roberts, Esq. [P.]. ALACWDJE. Ill Macronyx croceus (Vieill.). (Plate YI. figs. 5 & 8.) Macronyx cvocens, Gurney, Ibis, I860, p. 208; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. X. p. 626 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. liiersammh p. 93 (1899) ; tHark, Fami. S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 239 (1900) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iii. p. 4 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. \. p. l^S (1906). Macronvx striolatus, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Africa, p. 532 (1875-84) The eggs of the Tello^v-bellied Long-clawed Pipit are of a blunt oval shape and moderately glossy. The eggs of one clutch are white, thickly marked all over with spots and small blotches of reddish-brown and pale purplish-grey. Other eggs are similarly marked, but with pale brown and lavender. Two other examples are greyish-white, rather sparingly freckled and blotched with pale rufous and lavender. They measure from -93 to 1"02 in length, and from "68 to "To in breadth. 3. Natal. Old Collection. 2. Natal (T. Ayres). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Natal. T. Ayres, Esq. [C.]. Family ALAUDID.E. Genus CERTHILAUDA, Swains. Certhilauda capensis (Bodd.). (Plate VI. figs. 6 & 7.) Alauda capensis, Thien. Fortpfianz. yes. Viiy. p. 387, tab. xxvi. fig. 11 (1845-54). Alauda africana, Thien. torn. cit. p. 379, tab. xxvi. fig. 13. Eggs of the Cape Long-billed Lark are of a blunt oval form and very slightly glossy. They are variable in colour. Four specimens, taken by Layard, are cream-colour or whitish, densely mottled and spotted with brown and underlying lavender. Four examples from the Gould Collection are also cream-colour, but marbled all over with very faint brown and pale grey. Eight eggs vary from "83 to -yt) in length, and from -64 to -OS in breadth. 4. South Africa. Gould Coll. 2. South Africa. E. L. Eayaid, Esq. [P.]. 2. South Africa (i?. L. Layurd). Crowley Bequest. 112 ALAUDID.?;. Certhilauda albofasciata, Lafr. (Plate VI. figs. 10 & 12.) Certhilauda rufula, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Afr. p. 496 (1875-84) ; Emitter, Fcilden S( Reid, Zool. 1882, p. 297 ; Sh'arpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 515 (1890) ; Nfihrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 132 (1899) ; Sfark, Faun. S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 234 (]900). Cevthilauda albofasciata, Shelley, Birds Afr. iii. p. 22 (1902) ; Sharpe, Iland-l. V. p. 154 (1906). Eggs of the Piufous Long-billed Lark are of a pointed or blunt oval shape and moderately glossj-. They are usuallj- dull white or greenish-white, more or less densely speckled all over with yellowish-brown and purplish-grey. One egg is dull white, blotched with lavender and brownish-yellow. Two eggs taken at Maribogo are creamy-white, densely spotted with yellowish-brown, the spots forming a wide yellowish-brown zone round the larger end. They measure from "74 to "84 in length, and from "55 to "6 in breadth. Newcastle, Natal. Newcastle, 16th Oct. Ingagagiie Uiver, near Newcastle, 27th Sept. (E. A. Butler). Maribogo, 50 miles N. of Vrybiirg, O.R.C, 3rd April. Bloenifontein, O.R.C., 3rd Sept. liloemfontein, O.R.O., 27th Sept. Kroonstad, O.K.C., 18th Nov. Itietfontein, O.R.C., 11th Aug. Potchefstroom, Trausvaal (7". Ayres Tristram Cull.). Gapt. Savile G. Pteid [C.]. Major Pi. Sparrow [P.]. Crowley Bequest. R. B. Woosnam, Esq. [C.]. R. B. Woosnam, Esq. [C.]. R. B. Woosnam. Esq. [C.]. ]\raior R. Sparrow [P.]. Major R. Sparrow [P.]. Cjowley Bequest. Genus ALJEMON, Ke)/s. cf- Blasii's. Alsemon alaudipes {Desf.). (Plate YI. figs. 9 & 11.1 Alauda desertorum, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. J^Of/. tab. xxvi. fig. 12, a, h (1845-54). Certhilauda desertorum, Tristram, Ibis, 1859, p. 427 ; Loche, Expl. Set. Alger., Ois. ii. p. 43 (1867) ; Dresser, Birds Fur. iv. p. 275 (1874). Alauda bifasciata, Bree, Birdji Fur. 2nA ed. iii. p. 105, pi. (1875). Certhilauda alaudipes, Dresser, torn. cit. p. 273 (1881) ; Shelter/, Birds Afr. iii. p. 19 (1902); Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 375 (1902). Alsemon alaudipes, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 518 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat.Eiersamml.V- 132 (1899); Whitaker, Birds Tunis, i. p. 241 1 (1905) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 154 (1906). Four eggs of the Western Desert-Lark, or Bifasciated Lark, are of an ordinary oval form and entirely devoid of gloss. They are greyish-white, spotted and blotched, more densely at the broad end than elsewhere, with pale olive-brown and pale purplish-grey. AI^irON. CHKRSOPniLUS. 113 In ono spcciraon the blotches of yellowish-hrown are very large. They measure respectively l-Oi by -72 and 1-1 by 'TS. 1. Alp-eria {Loche). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. El Ag-liouat, Alrreria, April {Loche: Crowley Bequest. Tn'iifrrim Coll.). 2. South of El Aa-houat, April {Br. Salvin-Godman Coll. & Rebond: Tristi'atn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Alsemon pallida {Blyth). (Plate VI. fig. 13.) Alaemon desertorum, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 519 (1890) [part.]; Gates, Fauna Brit. Itid.. Birds, ii. p. 318 (1890); id., cd. Hume, Nests Sr Ez/ffS Lid. Birds, ii. p. 219 (1890). Alaemon pallida, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. loo (1906). Two eggs of the Eastern Desert-Lark are of the same shape an those of A. alaudipes, but have an appreciable amount of gloss. One specimen is very pale greenish-white, spotted and blotched with pale olive-brown and dark purplish-grey. The other is also greenish-white, but is thickly mottled with olive-brown, not blotched as iu the first specimen, and the underlying purplish -grey markings are few and inconspicuous. They measure respectively : 1-02 by -74; -98 by -71. 2. Jask. Persian Gulf, 15th April Hume Coll. {Ffttich). AlaBmon damarensis, Sharpe. (Plate VI. fig. 14.) Alsemon damarensis, Sharpe, Lbis, 1904, p. 361 ; id., LLand-l. v. p. loo (1906). Two eggs of the Damaraland Desert-Lark are of a rather broad and slightly-pointed oval shape and almost devoid of gloss. They are dull white, with fine spots and small blotches of yellowish- brown and lavender-grey scattered all over the shell, but most numerous towards the larger end. They measure respectively •97 by -7 and -92 by -71. 2. Otjimbinque, Damaraland {C. J. Crowley Bequest. Andersson : Trktram Coll.). Genus CHERSOPHILUS, Sharpe. Chersophilus duponti ( Vieill.). (Plate VL fig. 15.) Certhilauda duponti, Tristram, Ibis, 1859, p. 427 ; Loche, Rrpl. Sci. Ahjer., Oi.<. ii. p. 42 (1867) ; L)r(:s.9er, Birds Eur. iv. p. 279 (187;i) ; id., Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 376 (1902). VOL. v. I 114 ALAUD1I).15. Alauda dupontii, Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iii. p. 109, pi. (1875). Cbersophiliis dnponti, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 526 (1800) ; Nelirk. Kat. Eiersamvd. p. 132 (1899) ; Whitaker, Birds Tunis, i. p. 245 (1905) ; Shmye, Hand-l. v. p. 156 (1900). Cbersophilus dnponti duponti, Hartert, Yog. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 252 (1905). Cbersophilus duponti margaritas, Hartert, t. c. p. 253 (1905). Eggs of Dupont's Lark are of a rather broad, slightly-pointed, oral shape and are somewhat glossy. The ground-colour varies from ■white or greenish-white to pale buff, and is spotted and blotched, sometimes densely, with yellowish-brown and dull lavender-grey. The markings, as a rule, are heaviest towards the larger end, where they occasionally form a more or less irregular zone. They measiire from -21 to '97 in length, and from -66 to -7 in breadth. 1. Algeria {Loche). SaIviu-C4odman Coll. 2. South of El Afihouat, April {Dr. Crowley Bequest. BelMiud: Tristram Cull.). 1. Between El Aghouat and Bishon Crowley Bequest. {Loche: Tristram Coll.). 1. Nagab {Loche : Tristram Cull.). Crowley Bequest. 3. Kasrin, Tunis, 4th June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Sfax, S. Tunis, April (f.Boffo: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 4. Ain bon Dries, 27tli May (P. Crowley Bequest. Spatz). Genus RHAMPHOCORYS, 5o/!«p. Ehamphocorys clot-bey {Bonap.). (Plate VI. fig. 16.) Ehamphocorys clot-bey, Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 383 (1873) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 527 (1890) ; Koenig, J. f. 0. 1895, p. 263, pi. xiv. ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 377 (1902) ; Whitaker, Birds Tunis, i. p. 287 (1905) ; Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 156 (1906). Four eggs of the Thick-billed Lark are of a very broad pointed oval shape and distinctly glossy. The ground-colour is greenish- white, spotted and blotched all over with yellowish-brown and dull lavender-grey. They measure respectively : "91 by '72 ; "94 by -71 ; •97 by -74 ; -98 by -75. 4. Algeria, 21st April (P. Spat::). W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus OTOCORYS, Bonap. Otocorys alpestris {Linn^. (Plate VI. figs. 17 & 19.) Eremophila alpestris, Baird, Brewer •$■ Tlidgio. N. Amcr. Birds, ii. p. 141 (1874). Otocorys alpestris, Bendire, Life-Hist. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 330 (1895) ; Slutrpe, Iland-l. v. p. 157 (1906). 0T0C0RT3. 1 1 5 Otocoris alpostris alpestris, Oherholser, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xxiv. n. 807 (1902). ^ Eremophila alpestris alpestris, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 255 (1905). ^ . ./ 11 _ Eggs of the Horned Lark are of a pointed oval shape and are distinctly glossy.^ They are greenish-white, profusely freckled all over with greeuish-grey or pale olive-brown, with traces of pale lavender underlying the other markings. Some specimens exhibit a few black specks and fine lines on the broad end. The markings are often very dense at this end, and form a well-defined confiuent zone. Specimens measure from -86 to -98 in length, and from -6 to -68 in breadth. 2. Greenland (T'mi'rawj Co//.). Crowley Bequest. 2. North America {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Labrador. Crowley Bequest. 5. Labrador (Bidwell Coll.). Crowlev Bequest. 2. Repulse Bay, Arctic America. Dr. J. Rae [P.]. Otocorys flava {Gmel.). Alauda alpestris, Thien. Fortfiflanz. ges. Vog. p. 385, tab. xxvi. fig. 3, a-d (1845-54) ; Hewitson, ijgc/s of Brit. Birds, i. p. 178*, pi. xlv.* (1856); Wheelwright, Spring's,- Sumnifr in Lapl. p. 290 (1871); Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 284, pi. 15 (1884); id., Eyqs of Brit. Birds, p. 259, pi. 58. fig. 15 (1896); Bey, Eier Vog. Mitiekurop. p. 252, pi. 35. tiirs. 9-12 (1900). " Phileremos alpestris, Baedeker, Eier Enr. Vog. tab. 66. fig. 1 (1855-63) . Otocorys alpestris, Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 387 (1874) [part.] ; Seeholnn, Ibis, 1878, p. 341 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 541 (1890) [part.] ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 133 (1899) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. i?irrfs, pt. i. p. 378 (1902). Otocoris alpestris flava, Otjerholser, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xxiv. p. 810 (1902). ^ Eremophila alpestris flava, Hartert, Viig. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 255 (1905). v V Otocorys alpestris, Sharjx, Hand-l. v. p. 157 (1906) [pt.]. Eggs of the European Horned Lark are indistinguishable from those of the typical North- American form, 0. alpestris, both in colour and size. They measure from -85 to l-0.*3 in length, and from -6 to -05 in breadth, 1. Norway (Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Varanger Fjord, Norway, 3rd June Seebohm Coll. {R. Collett). 4. Varanger Fjord, 24th .Tune (Nordvi). Seebohm Coll. 4. Varanger Fjord, 30lh June (J/ews). Seebohm Coll. 4. Varanger Fjord, loth June. VV. KadcliHe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 3. Vadso, 25tli June. Seebohm Coll. 4. Vadsb, 15th June. \V. EadcliiTe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. i2 116 ALA U DICE. 1. Nyborg:, Lapland, 7th June (rastor Salvin-Godman Coll. Som77ierfelt). 3. Tornea, Lapland, 19th Jnne. W. EadclitFe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Tornea, 20th June. W. Radcliffe Sauuders, Esq. [P.]. 5. Tornea, 23rd June. W. Eadclifte Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Quicldock, Norway (7/. IHieel- Crowley Bequest. wriffht). 2. Yenesei River, Siberia, Lat.7U°N., Seebohm Coll. June {H. Seeholnn). 3. Novava Zemlva, 15th July (Korn). W. IJadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Otocorys tilopha (Temm.). Otocorys bilopha, Sliarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. -ViT (1800) ; Whitaher, Birds Tunis, i. p 291 (1905) ; Skarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 158 (1906). Otocoris bilopha, Oherholser, P. U. S. Nat. Miis. xxiv. p. 873 (1902). Eremophila alpestris bilopha, Hurtert, Vcit/. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 257 (1906). Eggs of the Desert Horned Lark resemble those of 0. alpestris, but are rather more strongly marked than in average specimens of that species. One egg has the markings yellowish-brown, forming a zone of confluent blotches round the larger end. In the other three eggs the markings are olive-brown ; in two thej- are evenly distributed over the whole shell, but in the third they form a rather dense cap at the larger end. They measure respectively : -94 by '67 ; •95 by -68 ; -96 by -66 ; -99 by -68. 4. Syria, 16th April. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Otocorys brandti, Dresser. (Plate YI. fig. IS.) Otocorvs brandti, .S/(ff>yf, Cat. Birds B.M.xm. p. 53G (1890); Ne/ir7;. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 133 (1899 1 ; Sharpe, B.and-1. v. p. 158 (190(5). Otocoris longirostris sibirica, Oherholser, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xxiv. p. 872 (1902). Eremophila alpestris brandti, ILirtert, Voff. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 257 (1905). The eggs of Brandt's Horned Lark are somewhat smaller than those of 0. elwesi, but do not otherwise appear to differ. Three examples measure respectively : '88 by '63 ; "9 by -62 ; -85 by •G2. 3. Altai Mountains, Central Asia. St.George Littledale,Esq.!"P.]. 2. Altai Mountains (Nelirhom Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Altai Mountains, 20th April. Crowley Bequest. OTOCORYS. 117 Otocorys elwesi, Blanf. Otocorvs elwesi, Sharpe, Cat. L'inl^ B. M. xiii. p. 534 (1890) ; Oaivs, Fauna Brit. Lid., Birds, ii. p. 3:^1 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests 4- Eyas Ind. Birds, ii. p. -220 (1890) ; Skarpe, Handel, v. p. 1.58 (1906). Otocoris loiigirostris elwesi, Oberhulser, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xxiv u 808 (1902). ^' Eremophila alpestris, Hartert, Toe/. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 260 (^190o), The eggs of Elwes's Horned Lark iu the Collection are of a bhint oval shape and moderately glossy. They are greyish-white, pro- fusely mottled with pale olive-brown and underlying pale purplish- grey. They measure respectively : -9 by -Qb ; -9 by -67. 2. Native Sikhim, 20th June Hume Coll. (i. Mandelli). Otocorys penicillata (Gould). Otocorys penicillata, Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 395 (1874) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 530 (1890) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 319 (1890) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, i. p. 381 (1^02) ; 8hurpc, Hand-l. V. p. 159 (1906). ' ^ > Otocoris penicillata penicillata, Oberholser, P. U. S. Nat. Mus xxiv p. 874 (1902). Eremophila alpestris penicillata, Ilartert, Voa. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 201 (1905). f f The eggs of the Eastern, or Gould's, Horned Lark are of a pointed oval shape and moderately glossy. They are greenish-white, pro- fusely mottled with greenish-grey and underlying grey or pale lavender. The markings are dense everywhere, but tbey are more BO at the broad end, where they form cither a slight cap or an irregular zone. Five examples measure from -9 to -94 in length, and from -60 to -7 in breadth. 5. South-east Russia (H. F. Mosckler). Seebohm Coll. Otocorys balcanica, Beichenow. Otocoris penicillata balcanica, Obei-holser, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xxiv ^ p. 876 (1902). Eremophila alpestris balcanica, Ilartert, Voa. Pal. Faun. pt. iii p. 202 (1905). ^ Otocorys balcanica, Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 159 (1900). Three eggs of the Balkan Horned Lark closely resemble those of 0. elwesi described above, but are of a rather longer oval shape. The ground-colour is whitish densely mottled and freckled with olive-brown and greyish. They measure respectively : -91 bv -07 : •95 by -68 ; -97 by -67. 3. Servia, 27th May (0. Beiser). W. Radcliffo Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 118 ALATTDIIXJE, Otocorys albigula, Bonap. Eremopliila alpestris albigula, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 202 (1905). Otocorjs albigula, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 159 (1906). Six eggs of the Transcaspian Horned Lark are of a pointed oval form and glossy. They vary somewhat in appearance : four have the ground-colour greenish-white, thickly mottled all over with olive-brown and grey, the markings being most numerous round the larger end, where they form a more or less defined zone, while one has also well-defined black hair-lines on the larger end. A fifth specimen has the ground-colour dull yellowish- white, the markings fewer and often in the form of blotches, while in the sixth specimen the whole surface is thickly hut indistinctly mottled with fine speckles of brown and grey. They measure respectively : •89 by -62; -9 by -66 ; -95 by -68 ; (2) -98 by -69 ; -99 by -68. 4. Issik Kul, Turkestan, 7th May. W. RadclifFe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Askabad, North Persia, 26th May. Crowley Bequest. Otocorys bicornis, Brelim. Otocorys penicillata, Tristram (nee Gould), Ibis, 1866, p. 288. Otocoiis penicillata bicornis, Obcrholser, P. U.S. Nat. Mus. xxiv. p. 878 (1902). Eremophila alpestris bicornis, Hartert, Viig. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 263 (1905). Otocorys bicornis, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 159 (1906). An egg of the Palestine Horned Lark closely resembles those of 0. penicillata described above, but is rather larger and not quite so heavily marked. It measures 1-0 by "BS. 1. Pass above Cedars of Lebanon, Crowley Bequest. Palestine, 24th May (/. H. Coch- rane: Tristram Coll.). Otocorys leucolaBma (Coues). Otocoris alpestris leucolsema, Oberholser, P. U. S. Nat. Mt/v ^P (1899) ^;?--'-- Man. Pa). Bii-ds, pt p.^l t!p 1^2^906) ' P-^^^^l'^O^)' S/JrpeJand-l. Melamj-orypha calandra calandra, Hartert, Voy. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 208 The eggs of the Calandra Lark vary from a pointed to a blunt oval form and are sometimes very glossy. They vary in ground- colour from greyish-white to very pale greenish- or olive-white, and are marked with rather coarse spots and blotches of olive-brown and umber-brown, together with underlying blotches and smears of alltvt^r^' 7 r^' ^"'"n '^^ ^^^^ '"^'■'^■"-^ -^' - - -le, dense all over the shell, especially on the broad end, where the^ often J.^'!n'"T^° "" 111 ' '^'"^ *'"™ ^" i'"P«rfect cap ; but three examples fiom Dinos Albania, present a rather different type of colorat on being sparingly marked with pale reddish-broiii and lavender' .Numerous specimens measure from -86 to 1-05 in length, and from DQ to •/&> in breadth. Spain, 2iid June (Bidicell Coll.). Spain, 11th June (//. Saunders: Haryitt Coll.). Malajra, Spain, 3rd June (H. S ). Seville, Spain, 23rd April (H.S.). Seville, May (H. S.). Seville, 14th May (II. S.). Seville, 14th May (H. S.). Balinatia. Cemasko, Montenegro, May. Dinos, Albania, 23rd June lieiser). Dinos, 23rd June (O. P.). (O. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohni Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Tiiienemann Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. A^. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 122 ALATJDTDiE. 4. Ernazeralja, Albania, 13tli May W. Uadcliffe Saunders, Esq. (O. a.). [P.]. 3. Greece, 24th June (Bulwell Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Athens, 28th May (T. Krilper). Seebohin Coll. 2. Athens, 1st June {T. K.). Seebobm Coil. 2. Kustendji, Turkey {Dr. Cullen : Seebohm Coll. Harqitt Coll.). 4. Asia Minor, 12th May (C. G. Seebohm Coll. Danfonl). 4. Tunis. L. Fraser, Esq. [C.]. 4. Djebel Drer, Tunis, 3rd May W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. (P. ^patz). [P.]. 1. Ain Beida, Algeria, 4th May Salvin-Godman Coll. (O. Salvin). 3. Ain Eeida, May (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Ain Beida, May (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Ain Beida, May (0. V Eggs of the lilack Lark cannot be distinguished from those of 124 ALAUDIDJ5. M. cttlandra. Thej- measure from TO to 1"1 in length, and from •7 to '12 in breadth. 1. Yolg-a R., S. Russia {Xehrkorn Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 4. Astraklmn (Henl-e). yeebohm Coll. 2. Ivir^'hiz Steppes, 8th June. W. Radclili'e Saunders, Esq. . . . tP-]- 2. Irkutsk, S. Siberia, 17th May. Crowley Bequest. Genus TEPHROCORYS, Sharpe. Tephrocorys cinerea (Gmel.). (Plate VII. figs. 2-4.) Tephrocor3'S cinerea, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Africa, p. 511 (l»75-84) ; Butler, Feilden S^ Reid, Zool. 1882, p. 302 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 561 (1890^; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersanunl. p. 133 (1899) ; Stark, Faun. S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 222 (1900) ; Shelleij, B. Afr. iii. p. 123 (1902) [part.] ; M«?;^je, Hand-l. v. p. 104 (1906). Eggs of the Red-headed Lark are of a regular oval shape and slightly glossy. They are white or greenish-white, mottled all over with brown and purplish-grey. They measure from "82 to '9 in length, and from 'oO to "62 in breadth. 2. South Africa {E. L. Layard). Crowley Bequest. 2. South Africa. ' E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 4. Newcastle, Natal, 7th Nov. Capt. Savile G. Reid [C.]. 1. Newcastle, 9th Nov. [E. A, Crowley Bequest. Butler). 2. Newcastle, 9th Sept. Major R. Sparrow [P.l. 2. Newcastle, 30th Oct. Major K. Sparrow [P.J. 3. Ileilbron, O.R.C., Sept. R. B. Woosnam, Esq. [C.]. 2. Bloemfontein, 6th Sept. R. E. Lent, Esq. [C.]. Tephrocorys anderssoni (Tristr.). (Plate YIL fig. 5.) Tephrocorvs anderssoni, Snarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 5G4 (1890) ; Stark, Faun. S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 224 (1900). Tephrocorvs cinerea, Shelley, B. Afr. iii. p. 123 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 164 (1906) [part.]. Two eggs of Andersson's Red-capped Lark are of a regular oval shape and without any gloss. The ground-colour is white, marked all over with reddish-brown and violet-grey ; in one example all the markings are small, but in the one figured there are a number of reddish-brown blotches, especially round the larger end. They measure respectively "76 by 'ob and '76 by "57. 2. Otjinibinque, Damavaland (C. J. Crowley Bequest. Andersson : Tristram Coll.). 125 Genus SPIZOCORYS, Sumlev. Spizocorys conirostris (Sunehv.). (Tlate Vir. figs. 8 & 9.) Spizocorys conirostris, S/iivpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 564 (ISOO) ; Stark, Faun. S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 220 (1900) ; S/uirpe, Hand-l. v. p. ICo (1906). Calandrella couirostris, Shellei/, B. Afr. iii. p. 133 (1902). Eggs of the rink-hilled Lark are of a somewhat pointed oval shape and slightlj' glossy; the ground -colour is white or pale greenish-white, spotted all over, especially round the larger end, with olive-hrown and purplish-grey. In four eggs from Wolvehoek the ground-colour is white and the markings are mostly very fine, but in the set from Heilhron the ground-colour is pale greenish- white and the markings are much bolder, many taking the form of small rounded blotches. They vary from 'T-l to "8 in length, and from '51 to -54 in breadth, X Heilhron, O.R.C., Xov. R. B. Woosnani, Esq. [C.]. 2. Wolveho«k, O.K.C, Jan. R. R. Woosnam, Esq. [G.J. 2. Wolvehoek, 8th Jan. R. B. Woosnam, Esq. [C.]. Genus ALAUDA, Linn. Alauda arvensis, Linn. Alauda arvensis, Thien. Forfpflmiz. ges. Vog. p 377, tab. xxvi. fis'. 1, n-e (184o-o4) ; Baedeker, Bier Bur. Vog. tab. 66. lig. 4 (1855-63) ; Heicitsun, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 176, pi. xlv. fig. i (1856) ; Dresser, Birds Em: iv. p. 307 (1871); Seebokm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 266, pi. 15 (1884) ; id.. Birds Japan. Emp. p. 118 (1890) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 567 (1890) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 324 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests Sc Eqgs Iiid. Birds, ii. p. 220 (1890) : Seebokm, Egr/s of Brit. Birds, p. 256, pi. 58. figs. 11 & 12 (1896); Beg, Eier t'or/. Miffe/europ. p. 251, pi. 36. tifrs. 1-5 (1900) ; Dresser, Man. Pat. Birds, pt. i. p. 387 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 166 (1906). Alauda arvensis arvensis, Hartert, T'og. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 244 (1905). Eggs of the Sky-Lark vary from a pointed to a blunt oval form, but the majority are pointed and a few are pyriform. Many specimens exhibit a high gloss, others are comparatively dull. The ground-colour varies from dull white to grey and greenish- white, and is, as a rule, profusely mottled with various shades of brown and underlying purplish-grey or pale lavender. The markings are frequently tinged with olive, and occasionally with rufous ; and while in some specimens they are evenly spread over the entire surface of the shell, in others they are disposed more densely at the broad end and form a cap or zone. Specimens measure from -85 to 1-02 in length, and from -61 to -72 in breadth. 126 4. Enp-land. 2. Laid in confinement, England. 4. Carlisle, Cumberland, 1st June ( r. Fenl). 5. Fame Islands, 4tli June {Hargitt Coll.). 1. Coquet Island, 16th June (0. Salvin). 3. Wilstrop, Yorkslilre, 27tli May {Harr/itt Coll.). 4. Sheffield, Slst June (H. Seehohm). 4. Sherwood Forest, Notts, June. 6. Cambridgeshire. 4. Cambridgeshire. 5. Cambridgeshire, 7. Cambridge. 3. Burwell Fen, Cambridge, 17th April (0. Salvin). 4. Sparham, Norfolk, 20th June {F. Nurc/ate). 4. Sparham, 20th June {F. N.). 4. Finchley, Middlesex. 4. Faversham, Kent, 14th April. 4. Faversham, 23rd May. 4. Alton, Hants, May. 4. Alton, May. 4. Alton, Mav. Headley, Ilants, 22nd May (H. Saundei's). Bentlev, Hants, 13th May (//«?•- gittColl). Hythe, Ilants, 29th April. Langton, Dorset, 12th June {'S". H. Wallts). Valkenswaard, Holland, 28th May. Halle, Saxony, 20th May. 4. Urbo, Hungary, 2nd June ( W. R. S.) Old Collection. Mrs. E. Bell [P.]. W. RadcliiTe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. F. Bond, Esq. [P.l. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Clutches containing an egg of the Cuckoo (Cunilus canorus). W. Radcliffe Saunder.s, Esq. "W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 3. Shifnal, Shropshire, 26th May. 3. Hockenden, Kent, 5th July. 8. Horsemonden, Kent, 10th June W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.J. Alauda liopus, Hodgs. Alauda arvensis, Oates, ed. Hume, Nests Sf Eggs lad. Birds, ii. p. 220 (1890). Alauda arvensis subsp. ?, Hartert, Vng. Pal. Favn. pt. iii. p. 247 (1905). Alauda arvensis, Shurpe, Hand-l. v. p. 160 (1906) [pt.]. ALAUUA. 127 An egg of Hodgson's 8ky-Lark is of a wide, somewhat pointed, oval form and slightlj' glossy. The groiind-coloui' is greyish-white, thickly speckled with olive-brown and lavender-grey ; the markings being most numerous round the broid end, where they form an indistinct zone. It measures "85 by "66. 1. Sonamurg, Kashmir, 2nd May Hume Coll. ( Cock). Alauda pekinensis, SwbJt. (Hate VII. fig. 10.) Alauda avvensis pekinensis, Hartert, Viig. T?al. Faun. pt. iii. p. 248 (190o). Alauda arvensis, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 166 (190G) [pt.]. Two eggs of the East Siberian Sky-Lark closely resemble the above in shape. The ground-colour is dull grey or greenish-white, spotted with umber-brown and lavender-grey, most of the markings being concentrated round the larger end, where they form a more or less wide confluent zone. They measure respectively -88 by -GG and -94 by -65. 1. South Amuiland, 20th April. Crowley Request. 1. South Amurland, 1st May. Crowley Bequest. Alauda gulgula, Franll. (Plate VII. figs. G & 7.) Alauda gulgula, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 575 (1800) [pt.] ; Oatfs, Fauna. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 326 (1890) [pt.] ; id., ed. Hume, Nests i,- Ef/i/s hid. Birds, ii. p. 221 (1890) ; NeJtrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 133 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-/, v. p. 1G7 (190G). Alauda gulgula gulgula, Hartert, Viig. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 249 (1905). Eggs of the Indian Sky-Lark vary in shape from a rounded oval to a somewhat wide pointed oval and are more or less glossy. The ground-colour varies from white to greenish-white, and even to pale buff, and is usually marked all over with either reddish- brown, olive-brown or greyish-brown, and with lavender-grey ; in some specimens the markings are very fine and dense, in others they are less numerous, some taking the form of small blotches, while in one example most of the markings are concentrated into a heavy olive-brown zone round the larger end. They vary from •75 to "85 in length, and from "56 to "Gl in breadth. One clutch of three eggs from Akola presents an altogether different type of coloration, being of a dull greenish-white, densely but obscurely mottled all over with greenish-brown and grey ; they closely resemble the eggs of Cahndrella brachydactyla. 7. Sind (/. H. Gould). Gould Coll. 1. Aluinraii, Himalayas, 11th May Hume Coll. (Tf. E. Brooks'). 128 ALAUDIDJ!. 1. Almorah, 30th Mnv (jr. ^. 7?.). Hume Coll, 1. Alm.n-ah, 16th June (W. E. B.). Hume Ooll. 3. Akola, liwar, 8tli Au;?. (/?. Hume Coll. Aitke7t). 2. Akola, 10th Aup;. (/?. A.). ITinno Coll. 2. Belo-auni, 17th Sept. {E. A. Crowley Bequest. Biithr). 4. Pegu, March (E. IV. Oates). Hume Coll. 2. Pegu, 17th ]\[arch (E. W. O.). Oates Coll. 2. Pegu, 29th March (R TV. O.). Oates Coll. 1. Pegu, 2Sth Dec. (£". W. 0.). Oates Coll. Alauda guttata, Bnol-s. Alauda sulgula guttata, Hartert, Viig. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 249 (190.5). Alauda guttata, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 167 (1900). Four specimens of the Tibetan Sky-Lark closely resemble those o^ A. arveyisis both in size and appearance. They measure respectively •81 by 65 ; -83 by -65 ; -88 by -G ; -88 by -65. 4. Tibet, 20th April. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Alauda australis, Broolcs. (Plate Vn. figs. 11-13.) Alauda gulgula, Ler/ge (nee FranJ^L), Birds Ceylon, p. 630 (1879) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. .575 (1890) [pt] ; Oates, Fawia Brit. Ind. Birds, ii. p. 326 (1890) [pt.] ; id., ed. Hume, Nests i. ^-IG (1890): Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 133 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 169 (1906). Four eggs of the Indus Sand-Lark resemble those of A. raytal, but are larger, and in some specimens the markings are concentrated round the larger end, and form a more or less marked zone. Four eggs measure respectively : -76 by -58; -8 by -57; -8 by -58; -81 byG. 1. Jhelum River, Punjab, 20th March Hume Coll. (C. R. Cock). 3. Sind. Crowley Bequest. Alaudula heinei {Homey er). Calaudr.'lla pispoletta, Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 355 (1873) ; id., 3Ian. I'ul. Birds, pt. i. p. 395 (1902). Alaudula pispoletta, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 587 (1890). Alauda pispoletta, Rey, Eicr Viig. Mitteleurop. p. 259, pi. 35. tig's. 5-R (1900). k2 132 ALATJDIDJ!;. C'alandrella iiiinor lieiuei, llartoi, J'dr/. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 210 (1904). Alaudiila heinei, Sharpe, Ilavd-l. v. p. 169(1900). Ejigs of Heine's Short-toed Lark resemble those of OidavdrelJn hracJii/dactiila of the various types : the markings being greenish- brown, olive-brown, or reddish-brown and lilac-grey in different specimens. They measure from -77 to S in length, and from -59 to '62 in breadth. 3. S.E. Europe. Crowley Bequest. 2. S.E. Europe. Crowley Bequest. 2. Kuldja, Mongolia, 18th May. Crowley Bequest. Alaudula cheleensis, Swinh. Alauda hrachydactyla, Swinhoe (nee Leisler), Ibis, 1861, p. 255. Alaudula cheleensis, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 390 : Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. iy3 (1899) ; 8harpe, Hand-l. v. p. 170 (1900;. Alaudula cheeleensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 589 (1890). Calandrella minor cheleensis, JIartcri, Yog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 220 (1904). The eggs of the Chinese Short-toed Lark are indistinguishable from those of Calandrella hrachydactijla, and measure from -7 to •78 in length, and from -56 to -G in breadth. 4. Talien Bay, N. China, July Seebohm Coll. (It. Swinhoe). 4. Talien Bay, July [R. S.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Talien Bav, July (i?. S.). Sepbohm Coll. 4. TalienBay, Juiy (i?. .S'.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Talien Bay, July (i?. 6'.). Seebohm Coll. Alaudula bs3tica. Dresser. Ciilandrella bfetica, Dresser, Birds Fur. iv. p. 351 (1873) ; Saunders, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, ii. p. 91 (1877) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. .395 (1902). Alauda bastica, Bree, Birds Eur. iii. p. 117, pi. (1875). Alaudula bajtica, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 588 (1890) ; id., Hand-l. V. p. 170 (1906). Calandrella minor baetica, Hartert, Vliy. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 218 (1904). The eggs of the Andalusian Short-toed Lark are of a pointed oval shape and moderately glossy. Five are pure white, spotted and blotched, especially at the broad end where the markings form an irregular zone, with hair-brown or pale yellowish-brown, and pale underlying lavender. Three exami)les are greenish-white, more or less freckled with olive-brown and lilac, and resemble the common type of egg laid by Calandrella hracliydactyla. Eight examples measure from -73 to -8 in length, and from -55 to -59 in breadth. 3. Seville, Spain, 3rd May Seebohm Coll. {H. Saunders). 2. Seville, 3rd Mav [H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Seville, 20th Mav- W. RadclifTe Saunders, Esq. ALAUDULA. 133 Alaudula minor (Cab.). C.aluudrella minor, Drcs.icr, Birds J-au: iv. p. 349 (1873) ; id., Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. ;i94 (190:^) ; Whitaker, Birds Tunis, i. p. 283 (190r)). Alaudula uiiuor, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 588 (1890j [pt.] ; id., Iland-l. V. p. 170 (1900). Calaudrella minor minor, Hartert, Voi/. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 218 (1904). Two eggs of the Lesser Shorl-toed Lark are of a wide, pointed oval form. They have the ground-colour pale greenish-white, lilutched with olive-brown and lilac-grey : in one specimen most of llio markings are concentrated towards the larger end so as to form a cap, in the second they form a zone round the middle of the shell. They measure respectively : 'TO by "58 ; 'To by "57. 2. Algeria, lOth April. Crowley Bequest. Alaudula rufescens ( Vieill.). Alaudula miuor, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 588 (1890) [pt.]. Callandrella minor rufescens, Hartert, Voff. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 217 (1904). Alauda rufescens, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 170 (1906). Five eggs of the Tenerife Lark are indistinguishable from those of Calaudrella brachydacfi/la, and vary equally in colour and markings. They measure from -7(3 to -83 ia length, and from -oS to -0 in breadth. 5. Tenerife, Canary Islands. W. Radclitfe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Alaudula polatzeki, Hartert. Alaudula minor, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 588 (1890) [pt.]. Calandrella minor polatzeki, Hartert, V'og. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 217 (1904). Alaudula polatzeki, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 170 (1906). Eggs of the Fucrtaventura Lark do not differ from those of A. rufescens. They vary from -71 to -79 in length, and from -55 to •58 iu breadth. ('). Fuertaventura, Canary Islands. W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Fuertaventura, March {Percy Crowley Bequest. Rendall: Tristram Coll.). 3. Fuertaventura, Alarch (P. R. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 134 Ar,AtrDiDJ5. Genus MIRAFRA, tlorsf. Mirafra nivosa (Swains.). (Plate VII. fig. 16.) Alsemon nivosa, Sharpe, ed. Layarcl, Birds S. Africa, p. 501 (1875-84) ; id., Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 522 (1890) ; 'Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 132 (1899) ; Stark, Faun. S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 230 (1900). Mirafra nivosa, Shellei/, Birds Afr. iii. p. 33 (1902) : Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 170 (1906). Seven eggs of the Cape Lark are of a blunt oval form and slightly glossy. They are cream-coloured, profusely mottled with brown of two shades and grey. They measure from •82 to '95 in length, and from '65 to -67 in breadth. 2. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 1. Northern Cape Colony (y. ^v Eequest. 2. Lahore, Punjab, 7th June ( C. 11. Hume Coll T. Marshall). 2., C. Provs., June (F. B. Hume Coll. Bleiritt). 2. .Ihansi, 27th July {F. B. B.). Hume Coll. 1. Jhausi, Aug. (F. B. B.). Hume Coll. 1. Hoshungabad, C. Provs., IGth Hume Coll. April (F. a Nutm). Mirafra damarensis, Shurpe. ^lirafra damarensis, Sharim, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 612 (1890) • St-irk J-rtw/* ,S'. 4/-,-., Birds, i. p. 211 (1900) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iii. p. -W (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 173 (1906). Eggs of the Damaraland Bush-Lark arc of a rounded or some- what pointed oval form and very slightly glossed. The ground-colour IS whitisli, more or less profusely mottled, spotted, or speckled with reddish-brown, yellowish-brown, and lilac-grey. They measure from ■74 to -8 in length, and from -58 to -61 in breadth. 3. Ondonga, Ovami)oland {C. J. Crowley Bequest. Andersson : Tristram Coll.). 2. Ondonga, I9th January (C. /. A. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 136 ALAUDID^. Mirafra africana, Smith. (Plate Yir. fig. 19.) Megalophonus planicola, Ai/res, Ibis, 1871, p. 259. Mirafra africana, ISharpe, ed. Laxfarcl, Sirds S. Africa, p. 519 (1875-84) ; id., Cat. Birds B. M. xiii." p. G07 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 134 n899) ; Stark, Faun. S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 212 (1900) ; Shelley, Birds Afr.ui. p. 51 (1902) ; Sharpe, Kand-l. v. p. 173 (1906). Three eggs of the Ilufous-naped Bush-Lark are of an elongate oval shape and slightly glossy. They are greyish-white, delicately freckled with pale reddish- or j-ellowiah-hrown and lavender, the markings heing somewhat denser at the broad end. Three examples measure respectively : '91 by -61 ; -89 by -62; "87 by -do. 3. Natal (T. Ai/res). Salvin-Godman Coll. Mirafra assamica, McClell. Mirafra assamica, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. xiii. p. 609 (1890); Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 334 (1890) ; id., ed. Rmne, Nests ^ Fi/gs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 229 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Fiersanunl. p. 134 (1899.) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 174 (1906). Eggs of the Bengal Bush-Lark vary from a pointed to a blunt oval shape, and exhibit a considerable amount of gloss. They are greyish-white, profusely marked with various shades of brown, ranging from pale yellowish-brown in some eggs to deep purplish- brown in others. There are, in addition, underlying spots and blotches of lavender or pale purple. The surface-markings are usually more dense at the broad end, and vary considerably, being merely fine specks and freckles in some specimens, and com- paratively bold blotches in others. Numerous examples measure from "7 to 'SS in length, and from -56 to -63 in breadth. 4. Saharunpur, N.W. Provs., 19tb Hume Coll. June (G. F. L. Marshall). 2. Sikhim Terai, 3rd April. Hume Coll. 1 . Sik'iim Terai, 24th April. Hume Coll. 1. Sikhim Terai, 9th May. Hume Coll. 4. Sikhim Terai, 14th Mav. Hume Coll. 3. Sikhim Terai, 29th May. Hume Coll. 3. Sikhim Terai, loth June. Hume Coll. 2. Faridpur, Bengal, 22nd May Hiuue Coll. (J. R. Cripi *)• Mirafra erythroptera, Jerdon. Mirafra erythroptera, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 612 (1890) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 334 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests Sr Fyys Ind. Birds, il -p. 231 (1890); Nehrk. Kat. Fiersamml. -p. 134 (1899) ; ShariJe, Hand-l. v. p. 174 (1906). The eggs of the Eed-winged Bush-Lark are not separable from MIKAFKA. Sl'IZALAUDA. ir.i tliose of M. assamlca. They measure from "7 to 'So in length, and from '55 to '62 iu breadth. 1. Delhi, N.W. Provhices, India, Hume Coll. 21 St July ( C. T. BiiKjham). 1. BareiUy, N.W. Provs., 24th May. Hume Coll. 2. Etawah, N.W. Provs., 24th March Crowley Bequest. ( J/'. E. Brooks : TristramCoU.). ;i. Mir/.apur, N.W. Prov.s., 22iKlJuue Crowley Bequest. ( IV. E. B. : Tristram Cull.). 1. IIoshunj,^abad, C. Provs., 22ud July Hume Coll. {E. C. Ntain). ]'). Jhnusi, Aug. (F. li. Bleicitt). Hume CoU. ■2. Saugor, C. Provs. {F. R. B.). Hume Coll. 2. Saugor, 14th July (F. R. B.). Hume Coll. o. Kaipiu', C. Provs., J uue (F. R. B.). Hume Coll. Mirafra affinis, Jerd. (Plate VII. fig. 22.) MirafraafEnis,Zf(/r/e, ^'iVf?s Ceylon, y- 634(1879); Sliarpe, Cat. Birda B. M. xiii. p. f.14 (1890) ; Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 335 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Kvsts &■ Eygs hid. Birds, ii. p. 233 (1890j ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 134 (i899j ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 174 (1906). Two eggs of the Madras Bush-Lark are of a rather long oval shajje and slightly glossy. The ground-colour is whitish, profusely spotted and speckled with reddish-brown aird lilac- grey, the markings being most numerous towards the broad end of the shell, Nvhere they are larger and more or less confluent, forming an ill- detined cap. They measure respectively -91 by '152 and "91 by "63. 2. North Central Province, Ceylon, Crowley Bequet-t. 12th June {A. L. Butler). Genus SPIZALAUDA, Blyth. Spizalauda deva {Sykes). (Plate VIII. figs. 2-4.) Spizalauda deva, Sharpe, Cut. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 621 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 134 (1899); Sharpe, Hand-l v. p. 177 (1906). Galerita (leva,, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 338 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eygs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 236 (1890). The eggs of Sykes's Crested Lark are typically of a pointed oval shape, and they usually exhibit a considerable amount of gloss. The majority- are greyish-white or cream-colour, profusely speckled and mottled with yellowish-brown or olive-brown, the markings being particularly dense at the broad end, where they are generally confluent and form a cap or zone. Some specimens differ in being 138 ALAlDin.E. distiiictl)' spotted and blotched with rich purplish-brown and lavender, and others are similarly marked with yellowish-brown and purplish-grey. They measure from "71 to "89 in length, and from 'oo to "66 in breadth. 11. 2. Lahore, Punjab, 7th June. Hume Coll. Jhansi, Aug. (F. R. Blewitt). Hume Coll. Seoni, C. Provs., Aug. Hume Coll. Saugor, C. Provs. (F. R. £.). Hume Coll. Saugor, 29th July (F. R. B.). Hume Coll. Saugor, 4th Aug. (F. R. B.). Hume Coll. Saugor, 5th Aug. (F. R. B.). Hume Coll. Saugor, 10th Aug. (F. R. B.). Hume Coll. Sholapur, 30th June (J. Davidson). Hume Coll. Sholapur, 1st Julv {J- D.). Hume Coll. Sholapur, 3rd Julv {J. D.). Hume C,)ll. Sholapur, 4th July {J. !>.). Hume Coll. South India. Crowley Bequest. Genus GALERIDA, Bnie. Galerida cristata {Linn.). Alauda cristata, Thien. Fortpflanz. f/e?. Voff. p. 380, tab. xxvi. fig. 2, a-d (184-5-54) ; Hetvitson, Ef/gs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 178, pi. xlv. fig. ii (1856) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 201, pi. 15 (1884) ; id., Er/gs of Brit. Birds, p. 2.55, pi. 68. figs. 9 & 10 (1896); Rey, Eier Vog. Mittelenrop. p. 255, pi. 36. figs. 18-22 (1900). Galerita cristata, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 66. fig. 8 (1855-63) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 285 (1873) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 626 (1890) [pt.]. Corydus cristatus, Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. .390 (1902) [pt.]. Galerida cristata cristata, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 228 (1904). Galerida cristata, Sharpe, Hand-l. \. p. 178 (1906). The majority of the eggs of the Crested Lark are of a broad oval shape, but some are comparatively narrow and elongate. They exhibit a large amount of gloss and vary very greatly in size and coloration. The ground-colour ranges from a nearly pure white to a greyish-white or a greenish-white. The markings are of various shades of brown, ranging from pale brown through yellowish- brown to umber-brown and dark olive-brown. The underlying markings of purplish-grey or lavender are generally very con- spicuous. Many specimens are coarsely blotched, others are some- what finely speckled, and others again are profusely mottled all over. Examples measure from "S to I'O-l in length, and from -0 to •72 in breadth. 13. Elbeuf, France (Noury : Hargitt Coll.). 5. Pomerania, 10th May {T. Holland). 5. Pomerania, 29th May {T. H.). 4. Berlin {Dresser G-ll). 5. Szisret Csdp, Hungary, 1st June ( W. R. S). Seebohm Cull. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm CoU. Crowley Bequest. W. Radcliff'e Saunders, Esq. [P.]. GALEKIUA. 139 5. Sziget Csep, 21st May (TF.i?.^.)- W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 5. Sziget Cs^p, 1st June ( W. Ji. S.). W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Sziget Csep, 6th June ( W. R. S.). \\. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 6. Sziget Csep, 20tli May (F. A. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. Cenva). [P.]. 5. Metkovic, Herzegovina, 2oth W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. April (O. Reiner). [P.]. 4. Smyrna, Asia Minor, 12'th May Seebohna Coll. (Dr. T. Kriiptr). 4. Nymphio, Asia Minor, 2nd June Seebolim Coll. ■(//. S.). Clutch containing an egg of the Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). 4. Sziget Cs(5p, Hungary, 7th June W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. (W. R. S.}. [P.]. Galerida pallida, Brehm. (Plate VIII. figs. 1 & 5.) Galerita cristata, Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 217. Galerida cristata pallida, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. ii. p. 231 (1904). Galerida pallida, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 178 (1906). Eggs of the Spanish Crested Lark resemble certain types of 0. cristata in colour and size, having the ground-colour whitish, more or less profusely spotted and freckled with reddish-brown, olive-brown, and lavender ; the markings in some specimens being concentrated round the larger end, where they form a more or less well-defined zone. 5. South Spain, 8th May {Bidwell Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 3. Malaga, S, Spain, 17th May Seebohm CoU. (H. Saunders: Hargitt Coll.). 5. Seville, Spain, May (A. Ruiz). Seebohm Coll. 3. Seville, 4th May {II. Saunders). Seebohm Coll. Galerida kleinschmidti, Erlawjer. (Plate VIII. fig. 6.) Galerida cristata kleinschmidti, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 231 (1904). Galerida kleinschmidti, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 178 (1906). Six eggs of the Marocco Crested Lark resemble certain specimens of G. cristata in colour and size, being boldly marked, especially round tho larger end, with spots and blotches of nmber-brown, yellowish-brown, or olive-brown and lavender-grey. 6. Tangiers {Foster Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1-iO ALAUDJD^E. • Galerida macrorhyncha, Tristram. (Plate VIIT. figs. 7-9.) Galerida macrorhyncba, Tristram, His, 18o9, pp. 57, 420; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 178 (1900). Galerida cristata, Salvin, Ibis, 1859, p. 314. Galerida cristata macrorliyucha, Hartert, Vbg. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 202 (1904) ; Whitaker, Birds Tunis, i. p. 254 (1905). Eggs of Tristram's Crested Lark resemble those of G. cristata in every respect, all the same types of coloration and markings being represented in the series in the Collection. 2. Tunis, 20th March. Crowley Bequest. 1. Ketena, Tunis, 23rd May. W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. Kef Laka, Algeria, 22nd April Salvin-Godman Coll. (0. Sahin). 2. Zana, N. Alfreria, 18th June(0. -S'.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Zana, 24th June {H. B. Tristram). Crowley Bequest. 1. Sidi Khalifa Cherif, 8th May Salvin-Godman Cull. (0. 8.). 1. Aiii Beida, Algeria, 5th May Salvin-Godman Coll. (O. S.). 2. Ain Djeudeli, Algeria, 2nd May Salvin-Godman Coll. (0. -S'.). 3. Ain Djeudeli, 12th May (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. .\iu Djeudeli, 13th May (O. -S'.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Ain Djendeli, 14th May (O. .S.). Salvin-(Todman Coll. 1. Ain Djeudeli, 16th May (O. .S'.). Salvin-Godman Coll. ] . Ain Djendeh, llth May (if. B. T.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Ain Djendeli, 20th May (H.B.T.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Ain Oussera, Algeria (i)r.ii;e6o2«;). Crowley Bequest. Galerida arenicola, Tristr. Galerida arenicola, Tristram, Ibis, 1859, pp. 58, 426 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 179 (1906). Galerida cristata arenicola, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 232 (1904) ; Whitaker, Birds Tunis, i. p. 257 (1905). Eggs of the Pale Long-billed Crested Lark are similar to those of G. cristata in coloration and size ; but all the eggs in the Collection are of the browner type, being densely spotted and speckled, and in some cases blotched, with umber-brown, yellowish-brown, and lilac-grey. 4. Sahara, Tunis, 21st May. W. liadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Sidi el Hani, Tunis, 28th March. W. RadclifFe Saunders, Esq. 3. Iladj el Aioum, Tuuis, 7th April. W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 141 Galerida brachyura, Tridmm. (Plate VIII. figs. 10 & 11.) Galerida brachyura, Tristram, P. Z. S. 1804; p. 43-5 ; Sharpe, Haiul-l. v. p. 179 (1900). Alaiida isabellina, Tristram, Faini. Sr Flora Palestine, p. 78 (1884). Galerida cristata brachyura. Ilurtert, Voy. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 2.34 (19U4). Eggs of the Short-tailed Crested Lark are indistinguishable from those of 0. arenicola described above. 2. Jericho. Palpstine, 29th March Crowley Bequest. (//. IJ. I'ristrmn). 2. Jericho, 30th 3Iarch {II. B. T.). Crowley Bequest. 4. Kl Ghor, Palestine, IPth May Crowley Bequest. {H. B. T.). Galerida magna, Hume. (Plate VIII. fig. 12.) Galerida cristata magna, Withei-bij, Ibis, 1903, p. 525 ; Ilurtert, Vofj. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 235 (1904). Galerida magna, iSharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 180 (190G). Eggs of Hume's Crested Lark resemble those of G. arenicola described above. They measure from -88 to -9 in length, and from •6G to -68 in breadth. 5. Shiraz, Persia, 3rd Mav. II. F. Witherby, Esq. [P.]. 4. Jask, Gulf of Oman, 23rd March. S. Butcher, E.-q. [P.j. 4. Jask, 29th March. S. Butcher, Esq. [P.]. 3. Jask, 29th March. S. Butcher, Esq. [P.]. 2. Jask, 30th March. S. Butcher, Esq. [P.]. Galerida chendoola {Frankl.). (Plate VIII. figs. 13 & 14.) Galerida cristata,, Faun. Brit. Inch, Birds, ii. p. 337 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nesti ^- Ei/ijs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 233 (1890). Galerida cristata chendoola, Ilartert, Vor/. Pal. Faun. \A. ii. p. 2-36 (1894). Galerida chendoola, Sharpe, lland-l. \. p. 180 (1900). Eggs of the Indian Crested Lark resemble those of G. cristata in colour and markings, but are, as a rule, considerably smaller. The coloration of one clutch from Delhi is remarkable, the three eggs being white, finelj- and somewhat sparingly spotted with blackish- grey and Idac-grey, and with a few markings of deep olive-brown, sixteen examples measure from 'bl to "88 in length, and from "tj^to •68 in breadth. One egg from E. Narra is exceptionally long ; it measures 1-05 by 'QS. 142 4. Sind, N.W. India (J. H. Gould). Gould Coll. 1. East Narra, Siud {S. Doi(j). Hume CijII. 3. Lnliore, Punjab, 7th June. Hume Coll. 3. Delbi, Punjab, 23rd April (C. T. Hume Coll. Binyhani). 2. Saharuupur, N.W. Provs., 29th Hume Coll. March {G. F. L. Marshall). 2. Bareilly, N.W. Provs., 11th May. Hume Coll. 2. Bahraich, Oudh, lOLh April. Hume Coll. Galerida theklse, Brelim. (Plate VIII. fig. 21.) Galerita thecklse, Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 134 (1899). Galerida thecklaj, Shurpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 633 (1890) [pt.] ; id., 7/««fW.v. p. 180(1906). Alauda thekL-e, Rey, Eier Voff. Mittfleurop. p. 257, pi. 36. fio-s. 10 & 11 (1900) [pt.]. Galerida thekla theklse, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 237 (1904). Eour eggs of the Short-billed Crested Lark resemble those of G. cristata of the olive type, being greenish-white, spotted and blotched with olive-brown and grey. They measure respectively •88 by -6 ; -90 by -58 ; -90 by 7 ; -91 by -69. 4. South Spain. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.J. Galerida harterti, Erlanger. Galerida abyssinica, Tristram, Ibis, 1859, p. 425. Galerita isahelliua, Tristram, Ibis, 1859, p. 425 ; Locke, E.vpl. Sci. Alg^r., Ois. ii. p. 40 (1867) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 303 (1873) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 635 (1890) [pt.]. Galerida theklse harterti, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 238 (1904). Galerida theklse major, Whitaker, Birds Tunis, i. p. 259 (1905). Galerida harterti, Sharjye, Hand-l. v. p. 181 (1906). Three eggs of Hartert's Crested Lark are of a broad oval shape and very slightly glossy. Two are greyish-white, profusely mottled, especially at the broad end, wdth reddish- or yellowish-brown and purplish-grey. The third is more sparingly marked, and displays several rather large blotches of lavender-grey. They measure respectively '8 by -09, -83 by -67, and -85 by -63. 1. Algeria (Locke). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Zin, Algeria, 20th March. Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Ain Oussi'ra, Algeria, May (Dr. Crowley Bequest. Reboiid: Tristram Cull.). Galerida superflua, Hartert. Galerida theklas superflua, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Fau7i. pt. ii. p. 238 (1004) ; Whitaker, Birds Tunis, i. p. 264 (1905). Galerida superflua, Sharpe, Hund-l. v. p. 181 (1906). GALKiuDA. — nii,r,ur,A. 143 Egfjs of the Pale Short-billed Crcstorl Lark arc similar to those of G. harterti. They measure respectively : '90 by •04 ; 'SS by •C() ; •Si by -Gi). 1. El Aghouat, Central Alfjeria, INIaj' Crowley Bequest. {Dr. liehoud: Tristram Coll.). 2. VA Au'liotiat (Loche : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coil.). Galerida malabarica (Scajj.). (Plate VIII. tigs. 15 & 16.) Galerita malabarica, Sharpe, Cat. Birth B. M. xiii. p. ('33 (1890) ; Oafc.'f, Fauna Brit. Ltd., Birds, ii. p. 338 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests Si' E(/(/s Ind. Birds, ii. p. 237 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersumml. p. 134 (1899). Galerida malabarica, Sharpe, Hund-l. v. p. 182 (190(J). The eggs of the Malabar Crested Lark closely resemble those of Spi:al(iuda deva. They measure from -71 to •O in length, and from •57 to ^62 in breadth. Ratnagiri, West Coast of India, Hume Coll. 5th Oct. [G. Tidal). RiitiiaL'-iri, 23rd Oct. (G. V.). Hume Cull. i;atna-iri, 27tb Oct. {G. V.}. Hume Coll. l!;itna-iri, 3rd Nov. ((7. F.). Hume Coll. Ilatnaiiiri, 10th Nov. (G. T'.). Hume Coll. 4. Itatnaiiiri, 2.3rdNov. (6--. T). Hume Coll. 3. Nil^hiri Hills, 8th April {Miss Hume Coll. Cockbiirn). 2. Curztm, Nilghiri Hills, 8th May Hume Coll. { Cockburn). Genus LULLULA, Kaup. Lullula arborea {Linn.). Alauda uemoros.n, Thien. Fortpfianz. yes. Viig. tab. xx\i. fig. 4 a-d (1845-54). Alauda arborea, Baedeker, Ficr Fur. Vfy. tab. 66 fig. 5 (lS.";5-03) ; Heivit- son, Ec/i/s of Brit. Birds, i. p. 179, pi. xlv. lig. iii (1856) ; 'jh-e.sser. Birds Fur. iv. p. 321 (1873) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 256, pi. 15 (1884) ; Whitehead, Ibix, 1885, p. 40; SeeboJnn, Fqas of Brit. Birds, p. 2.)5, pi. 58. tig. 8 (1896); Bey, Fier Viiq. Mittelturop. p. 258, pi. 36. tigs. 13-17 (1900) ; Dresser, Man. Bat. Birds, pt. i. p. 389 (1902). ^ ^ LuUuhi arborea, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 636 (1890) ; Ilartert, Viig. Pal. Faun. pt. iii. p. 241 (1905) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 182 (1900). V ." /- > I The eggs of the Wood-Lark are mostly of a broad pointed oval shape and moderately glossy. They are white or greyish-white, thickly speckled and mottled with 'dull reddish-brown or olive- brown, and underlying lavender or grey. The markings on the eggs of this Lark are almost invariably tine and speckly, and they 144 ALATTPIDzE. seldom attain the dimensions of blotches. They are generally very dense at the broad end of the egg, where they become contliicnt and often form a large cap or a wide wreath. Specimens measure from • 7 to -9 in length, and from -6 to -69 in breadth. .3. Thetford,Norfolk {Tristram Coll.). 4. Elvcdon, Suffolk. 3. Elvedon, 27th March. 3. Holland. 4. Holland. 2. Elbeuf, Frnuce {Nounj : Ilanjitt Coll.). 2. Vosges, France (Tt/oi/f/e/; llargitt Coll.). 4. Vosges {Mouriel: Hargitt Coll.). 2. Vagney, Vosges {3Iouyel : Hargitt Coll.). 5. Corsica, 13th May. 2. Pomerania, German v, 11th May (T. Holland). 3. Pomerania, 11th May (T. H.). 4. Brandenburg, 25th April. 3. Brandenburg, 26th June. 4. Cassel, Westphalia, 2nd May. 4. Hesse, 10th May. 4. Alsace, 21st May. 4. South Spain, 4th May. 4. Herzegovina, 2 ad June. 5. Parnassus, 14th Mav (T. Kr'dper). 3. Parnassus, 20th May [T. K.). 5. Parnassus, 23rd May (T. K.). 4. Parnassus, 28th May (T. A'.). Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. SaUin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. RadclifEe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. ^^ . Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Clutch containing an egg of the Cuchoo {Cuculus canorus). 3 Hesse, Germany, 30th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus CALENDULA, Siuains. Calendula crassirostris (VuilL). (Plate VIII. figs. 17 & 18.) Alauda crassirostris, Thien. Fortpjl. ges. Tog. p. 379, tab. xxvi. rig. 9 (1845-54). Calendula crassiiostiis, Thorpe, ed. Lnyard, Birds S. Africa, p. 513 (1875-84) ; id., Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. G39 (1890) ; Nehrl: Kat. Eiersamml. p. 134 (1899); Stark, Faun. S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 202 (1900) ; &/iellcij, B. Afr. iii. p. 115 (1002) ; Shai-pe, Hand-l. v. p. 182 (1906j. AMMOMANES. 145 Hi'j^^s of the Thiek-billod Lark are of a regular oval shape and devoid of gloss. Some are cream-coloured, densely mottled with brown and lavender- or purplish-i^rey, especially at the broad end. Others are greenish-white blotched with olive-brown and lilac-grey. They measure from -So to -93 in length, and from -Gl to '(JO in breadth. 1. South Africa. Gould Coll. 1. South Africa {E. L. Layard). Salvin-Godmau Coll. 2. South Africa {E. L. L. : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 2. South Africa. Crowley Bequest. ;'. Bloemfontein,0. R. C. ,22nd April. R. B. Woosnam, Esq. [C.]. Genus AMMOMANES, Cah. Ammomanes phoenicura (FranJd.). (Plate VIII. figs. 19 & 20.) Ammomanes phoenicura, S/tarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. (342 (1890) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. :'-i9 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests i^ Effffs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 240 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. ]3o (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 183 (1908). The eggs of the Rufous-tailed Desert-Lark are mostly of a broad pointed oval shape and slightly glossy. They are of a creamy- or pale yollowish-white, speckled and freckled all over, but most densely at the broad end, with yellowish- or pale reddish-brown and underlying purplish-grey. They measure from "78 to "9 in length, and from '55 to 'OS in breadth. 3. Uoshungabad, C. Provs., India, Hume Coll & 28th April {E. C. Nunn). Crowley Bequest. 1. Raipur, C. Provs., April {F. B. Hume Coll. Blewitt). 2. Raipur, 15th April (F. B. B.). Hume Coll. 14. Raipur {F. B. B.). Hume Coll. Ammomanes grayi, Waldb. Ammomanes grayi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 643 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 135 (1899) ; Stark, Faun. S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 198 (1900) ; Shellei/, Birds Afr. in. p. 103 (1902) ; Sharpe, ILmd I. v. p. 185 (1908j. Two eggs of Gray's Desert-Lark closely resemble certain types of those laid by A. phoenicura, having the ground-colour white, densely and finely freckled over the entire surface of the shell with yellowish-brown and lilac-grey. They measure respectively : "SB by •6 ; -86 by -6. 2. Ondonga, Ovampoland, 25th April Crowley Bequest. (C.J.Andersson: Tristram Coll.). VOL. v. r. 140 ALATJDTDj;. Ammomanes algeriensis, Sharpe. Alauda deserti, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tob. 66. fig. 11 (1855-63).^ Ammomanes isabelliuus, Loche, Expl. Sci. Alger., Ois. ii. p. 24 (186/). Ammomanes algeriensis, Sharpc, Gat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 645 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eieisamml. p. 135 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 185 (1908). Ammomanes deserti algeriensis, Kartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 221 (1904) ; Whitaker, Birds Tunis, i. p. 274 (1905). Eggs of the Algerian Desert-Lark are of a bluut oval shape and slightly glossy. The}' are white or creamy-white, speckled, generally profusely, all over with pale reddish-brown and lavender, the markings in some specimens being most numerous towards the larger end. They measure from -81 to -9 in length, and from -63 to -69 in breadth. 2. Djebel Sidi Aich, C. Tunis, 9th Crowley Bequest. April (P. Spafz). 1. Djeb"l Sidi Aich, 15th April Crowley Bequest. {P.S.). 2. Algeria {Loche). Salviu-Godman Coll. 2. Algeria, 2nd April. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 2. Morocco, 23rd May. Crowley Bequest. Ammomanes isabellina (Temm.). (Plate VIII. tig. 22.) Ammomanes isabellina., Tristram, Ibis, 1859, p. 422. Alauda lusitania, Bree, Birds Eur. iii. p. 112, pi. 4 (1875). Ammomanes deserti. Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 329 (1874) [part.] ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 646 (1890^ ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 135 (1899) ; Witherby, Ibis, 1903, p. 524. Ammomanes deserti fraterculus, Hartert, Vikj. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 223 (1904). Ammomanes isabellina, Sharps, Hand-l. v. p. 185 (1908). Eggs of the Palestine Desert-Lark are of a somewhat pointed oval shape and slightly glossy. They are creamy-white or greenish- white profusely speckled with pale brown or yellowish-brown and lavender, the marliings being usually more dense round the broad end. They measure from -78 to -87 in length, and from '57 to -61 in breadth. 1. Wilderness of J iidea, Palestine, Salvin-Godman Coll. 22nd April {H. B. Tristram). 2. Between Jerusalem and Masseh, Crowley Bequest. 26th April [H. B. T.). 4. Jericho, 4tli May. W. Radclifi'e Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Kamariz, S.W. Persia, 30th March. H. F. Witherby, Esq. [P.]. AMiroMvxi;s. 147 Aminoinaues plioenicuroides {Blijtli). Ammnniftiies pliajnicuroid'es, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 047 (1890); Qates, Fauna Bnt. Ind.,' Birds, ii. p. 340 (1890); id., ed. Hume, Nests ^- Eyqs Ind. Birds, n. p. 242 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 184 (1908). Ammomanes deserti phceiiicuroides, Hartert, Viir/. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 224 (1904). The eg^s of BIyth'a Desert-Lark are of a regular oval shape and moderate!}' They are pale greyish-white, speckled and spDttod with pale brown and underlying purplish-grey. The markings are more dense at the broad end, where they form a small cap. Two examples measure respectively : '77 by -6 ; "82 by "6. 2. Nowshera, Pesliawur Valley, Hume Coll. Punjab, 4th May [C. R. Cock). Ammomaues arenicolor {Sundev.). .'Vmiinmanes elegans, Locke, F.vpl. Set. Alr/er., Ois. ii. p. 2(5 (1867). Ammomaues cinctura, Dresser, Birds Fur. iv. p. 335 (1875); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 044 (1890) ; Xehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 135 (1899). Aramciiianes phcenicura arenicolor, Hartert, Vur/. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 224 (1904). Ainmomanes cinctura arenicolor, Whitaker, Birds Tunis, i. p. 277 (1905). Ammomanes arenicolor, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 183 (1903). Eggs of Gould's Desert-Lark are of a regular oval shape and entirely devoid of gloss. They are white, rather thickly marked, especially at the broad end, with specks and very small spots of deep purplish-brown and lavender. They measui-e from "S to -82 in length, and from -59 to -6 in breadth. 3. Sillousa, Tunis, 10th April. W. Radclitfe Saunders, Esq. LP-l- 4. .\lgeria, 7th April (P. Spatz). W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. Algeria (Locke). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. El Aghouat, C. Algeria (Loche : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Ammomanes erythrochlamys (SmifJi,). Ammomanes ervthrochlam v.s, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. J/, xiii. p. 648 (1890) ; Stark, Faiin. S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 199 (1900) ; Shullexj, Birds Afr. iii. p. 95 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 185 (1908). Two eggs of the Daraaraland Desert-Lark are very similar to those of A. isabellina, having the ground-colour white profusely spotted and freckled all over with dark purplish-brown, reddish- brown, and lavender. They measure -82 by "oS. 2. Otjimbiuque, Damaraland, 13th Jan. Crowley Bequest. (C. J. Andersson : Tristram Coll.). l2 148 ALAUDIDJJ. Gein;s EREMOPTERYX, Kavp. Eremopteryx australis (Smith). (Plate VIII. fig. 23.) PyiTliulauda australis, Ayres, Ibis, 1871, p. 258 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 651 (1890) ; Nehvk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 135 (1899) ; Stark, Faun. S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 194 (1900) ; Sheik;/, Birds Afr.iii. p. 76 (1902). Eremopteryx australis, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 186 (1908). Three eggs of the Dark-naped Finch-Lark are of a regular oval shape and very slightly glossed. They are greyish-white, profusely speckled and spotted all over with olive-brown and lavender-grey, the markings being somewhat concentrated round the larger end so as to form a more or less distinct zone. They measure from "7 to •71 in length, and from "5 to -oS in breadth. Potchefstroom, Transvaal [T. Ayres: Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Eremopteryx grisea {Scop.). Pyrrhulauda grisea, Leyye, Birds Ceylon, p. 637 (1879) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 652 (1890) ; 'Outes, Fauna Brit. Bid., Birds, ii. p. 341 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, JSests Sf Fgqs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 234 (1890) ; Nehrk. Rat. Eiersanunl. p. 135 (1S99). Eremopteryx grisea, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 187 (1908). The eggs of the Ashy-crowned Finch-Lark are mostly of a pointed oval form and exhibit a moderate amount of gloss. The ground- colour is white, tinged with grey or green, and is thickly speckled and mottled with two or more shades of brown and underlying lavender. In two specimens the markings are of a purplish-brown colour and cover nearly the whole of the shell, but as a rule the markings, though dense, permit a considerable portion of the ground- colour to be seen. Specimens measure from "69 to "79 in length, and from -5 to '6 in breadth. N.W. Provinces {A. Anderson : Tristram Coll.). N.W. Provinces ( W. E. Brooks: Tristram Coll.). Bareillv, N.W. Provs., lOtb April. Aligarh, N.W. Provs., 30th March {G. F. L. Marshall). Jhansi, N.W. Provs. Hoshungabad, C. Provs., 6th April (E. C. Nu?in). Saugor, C. Provs. {F. B. Blewitt). Raipur, C. Provs. {F. R. B.). Raipur {F. R. B.). Sholapur, Rombay Pres., 18th July {J. Davidson) . Sholapur (J. D.). Salem, jMadras, 21st Aug. {A. G. R. Theobald). Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. FKIXGILT,ID,T-,. 149 Eremopteryx melanauclien (Cab.). Pyrrhuliuida melanauclien, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 655 (1890) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 343 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests 4- JEffffs I?id. Birds, ii. p. 248 (1890). Pj'rrhulauda frontalis, Shelleij, Birds Afr. iii. p. 79 (1902). Eremopteryx melanauchen, iihcuye, Hand-l. v. p. 187 (1908). Eggs of the Black-crowned Einch-Lark resemble those oi E. grisea, but appear to have a purer white ground and, as a rule, the markiugs are coarser and bettor-defined. Thej' measure from '69 to •81 in length, and from "5 to '6 in breadth. 27. Eastern Xarra, Sind {S. Doit/). Hume Coll. ]. Eastern Xarra, 25th Aug. (S. D.). Hume Coll. ]. Eastern Narra, 27th Aug. {S. D.). Hume Coll. Eremopteryx verticalis (Smith). Pvrrhulauda verticalis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 656 (1890) ; Stark, Faun. 8. Afr., Birds, i. p. 195 (1900) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iii. p. 83 (1902). Eremopterj'x verticalis, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 186 (1908). Two eggs of the Grej-backed Einch-Lark are perfectly similar to those of E. australis. They measure respectively "BS by "5 and -7 by "5. 2. Ondonga, Ovampoland, 31st March Crowley Bequest. ' (C. J. Andersson : Tristram Coll.). Family FRINGILL1D.E. Genus LIGURINUS, Koch. Ligurinus chloris {Linn.). Fringilla chloris, Thien. Fortpjlanz. qes. Voy. p. 409, tab. xxxvi. fig. 4, a-c ( 1845-54) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 74, pi. 12 (1884) ; id., Eyys of Brit. Birds, p. 239, pi. 56. tig. 13 (1896). Chlorospiza chloris, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Voy. tab. 20. fig. 1 (1855-63). Coccothraustes chloris, Hetvitso7i, Eyys of Brit. Birds, i. p. 204, pi. Iii. fig. i (1856). Ligurinus chloris, Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 219; JJresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 567 (1875) ; Bei/, Eier Viiq. Mitteleurop. p. 315, pi. 39. tigs. 17-21 (1900) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 283 (1902) [part.] ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 196 (1908). Chloris chloris, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 21 (1888) [part.]; Jourd. Eyys Europ. Birds, p. 46, pi. x. tigs. 17-21 (1906). Chloris chloris chloris, Hartert, Voy. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 61 (1903). The eggs of the Greenfinch are of a regular oval shape and possess a fair amount of gloss. The ground-colour varies from 150 FEINGILLID,?;. bluish-white to pale blao or bluish-greeu, and this is marked, principally over the larger half of the egg, with specks, spots, and small blofches of deep purplish-brown and underlying spots, small clouds and smears of pinkish-brown. Occasionally markings of both kinds are equally distributed over the whole shell. Numerous specimens measure from •? to -9 in length, and from -5 to -62 in breadth. 10th Mity Dochfour, Inverness-shin May {Huryitt Coll.). Wilstrop, Yorkshire, '17i\\ (Hargitt Coll.). Wilsti-op, L'9th May {Haryitt Coll.). Alport, Derbyshire. Cambridgeshire. Waterheach, Cambridge, 9th May (O. Salvin). Southery, Norfolk, 20th April ( W. 'R. *'.). Southery, 25th May ( W. JR. S.). Sparham, Norfolk, 25th May {F. Norgate). Luton Park, Bedfordshire, 28th May {H. Seebohm). Taplow, Berkshire. Avington, Hants, 8th May {G. E. Shelley: Hanjitt Coll.). Bentley, Hants {Hargitt Coll.). Alton, Hants, Mav. Isle of Wight. Marlborough, Wilts, May {J. G. Millais; Hargitt Coll.). Marlborough, May (J. G. M.: Har- gitt Coll.). Nether Stowey, Somerset, ( IF. E. S.). Finchley, (0. S.). Highgate, Middlesex. Churt, Suri'ey. Pomerania (T. Holland). Pomerania (T. H.). Pomerania, 21st May {T. H.). Pomerania, 3rd June (T. H.). Sziget-Csep, Hungary. 20th Mav ( W. R. S.). Parnassus, Greece, 5th May (7". Kriiper). Parnassus, 5th May (T. A'.). Parnassus, 7th May {T. K.). Parnassus, 7th May (T. K.). Parnassus, 9th May ( T. K). Parnassus, 21st Mav (T. K.). Parnassus, 21st May {T. K.). Parnassus, 21st May [T. K.) May Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godmau Coll. F, Bond, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. liadclitfe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebolim Coll. Seebohm Coll. Gould Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll, Crowley Bequest. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Eadclift'e Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Salviu-Godman Coll. Salviu-Godmau Coll. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. LIGURINUS. loT Clutches containing au egg of the Cuckoo (^Cuculus canOrus). 4. Rabraliaui, Cambridgeshire, 18th W. Radcliff'e Saiuiders, Esq. Mav. [P.]. ■■'>. AldbuiT. Tring, Herts, 29tli Mav W. RadcliffiB Saunders, Esq. {JV.'Ji.S.}. " [P.]. Ligurinus auranteiventris, Cah. Ligurinu.s auranteiventris, Cab. Miis. Hein. pt. i. p. 158, note (1850); Sharpe, Rand-l. v. p. 106 (1908). Ohloris chh)ris, Sharpe, (M. Birds B. M. xii. p. 21 (1888) [part.]. Chloris chloris auranteiventris, Hartert, Vdg. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 63 (190;>). Ligurinus chloris auranteiventris, Whitaker, Birds Tunis, i. p. 198 (1905). Eggs of the North-African Greenfinch are perfectly similar in all respects to those of L. chloris. o. Setubal, Portugal, 26th April. Don L. Gouzaga do Nasci- mento [P.]. 5. Malaga, Spain, 4th May (R- Saun- Seebohm Coll. ders). 5. Malaga, 5th June (if. -S'.). Seebohm Coll. Ligurinus chloroticus {Bonaj^).). Chlorospiza chlorotica, Tristram, Ibis, 1868, p. 206. Chloris chlorotica, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 26 (1888); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 104 (1899). Chloris chloris chlorotica, Hartert, J'o(/. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 63 (1903). Ligurinus chloroticus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 196 (1908). Eggs of the Syrian Greenfinch are very similar to those of L, chloris. Specimens measure from "7 to -70 in length, and from "56 to "6 in breadth. 0. Safed, Palestine, 11th May {J. H. Seebohm Coll. Cochrane). 4. Palestine (7'/7siina, 29th May. J. D. La Toiiche, Esq. [C.]. 4. Chin-kiaug. 2!1th Mav. .!. U. La Touclie, Esq. [C.]. 1. CLin-kiaiiL', lOlh June. J. U. La Touche, Esq. [C.J. Genus HESPERIPHONA, Bonap. Hesperiphona montana, Eidgw. (Plate IX. fig. 1.) Hesperiphona vespertina, var. montana, Jlidyio. iti Baird, Brcioer ^^ Ri!gillid.t:. larger end -where the markings form a dense cap. They measure respectively -82 by -o-l and -82 by -56. 2. Grenada [J. G. Wells). Crowley Bequest. Pyrrhulagra barbadensis, Cory. Loxigilla barbadensis, Cory, Auk, iii. p. 382 (1880) ; Feilden, Ibis, 1889, p. 483. Loxigilla noctis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 84 (1888) [part.]. Pyrrhulagra barbadensi.s, Ridgic. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 5G1 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 206 (1908). Six eggs of the Barbados Grosbeak are of a rather narrow oval shape and devoid of gloss. They are white, speckled and blotched with pale reddish-brown and underlying violet-grey. The markings generally form a broad zone round the larger end of the Q%g. They measure from "77 to -S in length, and from -55 to '6 in breadth. 3. Barbados, l-5th May. Col. H. W. Feilden [P.]. 3. Barbados, 18th May. Col. H. W. Feilden [P.]. Genus LOXIIPASSER, Bnjant. Loxiipasser anoxanthus (Gosse). Spermophila anoxantha, Gosse, Birds Jamaica, p. 247 (1847). Loxigdla anoxantha, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 85 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. lUo (1899). Loxipasser anoxanthus, Ridgio. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. i. p. 546 (1901). Loxiipasser anoxanthus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 207 (1908). Eggs of the Yellow-shouldered Grass-quit are of an oval shape and without gloss. They are white, speckled and blotched, more thickly on the broader half of the egg than elsewhere, with pale reddish-brown and underlying grey. They measure from "7 to "77 in length, and from -ol to "57 in breadth. 5. Jamaica. Salvin-Godmau Coll. 1. Jamaica ( W . Osburn : Tiistram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Genus SPOROPHILA, Cah. Sporophila grisea (Gmel.). (Plate IX. fig. 9.) Spermophila grisea, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 96 (1888). Sporophila grisea, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 208 (1908). Four eggs of the Venezuelan Seed-eater are of an almost perfect oval shape and slightly glossy. In three the ground-colour is white, blotched and spotted all over with reddish- or purplish-brown and lilac-grey and with a few scattered spots of dark brown. In Sl'OKOl'HILA. 1(>1 the fourth e^g the creamy-white ground-colour is almost entirely hidden, being densely spotted and blotched all over -with dull reddish-umber-brown and grey.. They measure respectively : '68 by •5 ; "GS by -5 ; -7 by "48 ; and -7 by -5-4. 1. Venezuela. W. Eadcliffe Saunders. Esq. 1. Venezuela. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. '2. [\ enezuela.] Crowley Bequest. Sporophila obscura (Tacz.). (Plate IX. fig. 10.) Spermopbila obscura, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 101 (1888) ; Holland, Ibis, 1892, p. 196. Tiie White-throated Finch, Holland, Ibis, 1890, p. 426. Sporophila obscura, Sharpe, Hatid-l. v. p. 209 (1908). The eggs of the White-throated Grosbeak are somewhat broad ovals and devoid of gloss. Two specimens are very pale bluish- white, speckled sparingly, and only on the larger half of the egg, with blackish-brown and pale pink. Two other specimens are bluish-white, spotted and blotched with black, umber-brown and dull underlying grey. The markings are most dense at the broad end and are there intermingled with a few fine black lines and scrolls. Four examples measure respectivelj" : '68 by '5 ; •67 by -.51; -65 by -52; -tiS by -51. 2. Argentina, Nov. A. H. Holland, Esq. f C], 2. Argentina, Nov. A. H. Holland, Esq. ^C.]. Sporophila minuta (Linn.). Speruiophila minuta, Scl. ^- Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 506 ; Salv. ^' Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 351 (1884) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 109 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 105 (1899) ; Iheriiuj, Bev. 3Ius. Paulista, iv. p. 213 (1900). Sporophila minuta minuta, Ridgio. Birds NoHh 8^ Middle Amer. i. p. 5G7 (1901). Sporophila minuta, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 209 (1908). Eggs of the Red-bellied Seed-eater are of a blunt oval shape and without any gloss. They are white, sparingly marked with blotches and spots of dark chocolate-brown and profusely sprinkled all over with small specks and dots of pale rufous and lilac-grey. They measure from -Go to '66 in length, and from "o to 'b'6 iu breadth. 2. Medellin,Antioquia, U.S.Colombia Salvin-Godman Coll. (J". K. Salmon). 2. Medellin [T. K. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Medellin (Tm^ram CoW.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Medellin {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. VOL. v. M 162 PRIXGILLIDiE, Sporophila torqueola (Bonap.). Spermopliila torqueola, Salvin ^- Godman, Biol. Cenir.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 351 (1885) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 119 (1888) [part.]._ Sporophila torqueola, jRidqw. Birds North ^ Middle Amer. i. p. 677 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 211 (1908). Two eggs, said to be those of the Cinnamon-rumped Seed-eater, are of a rather long oval form, devoid of gloss, and of a uniform pale bluish-white. They are not unlike two eggs of ;S'. obscura collected by Mr. A. H. Holland, but these latter have the ground- colour nearly white and have a few small spots and mai-kings towards the larger end. They measure respectively '62 by '48 and •68 by -48. 2 [S.W. Mexico.] Crowley Bequest. Sporophila moreleti (Bo)uqh). (Plate IX. figs. 11 & 12.) Spermopliila moreleti, Sol. S,- Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 17 ; Salv. Ihis, 1859, p. 468 ; Merrill, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. i. p. 129 (1878) ; Salv. Sr Godm. Biol. Centr.-Ayner., Aves, i. p. ;352 (1885) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. xii. p. 123 (1888) ; Nehrk. Knt. Eiersamml. p. 105 (1899). Sporophila morelleti, Ridyw. Birds North 4" Middle Amer. i. p. 575 (1901). Sporophila moreleti, Sharpe, Hand-l. \. p. 212 (190S). Eggs of Morelet's Seed-eater are of a blunt oval form and possess a small amount of gloss. The ground-colour varies from greenish- white to pale greenish-blue, and is sparingly blotched and spotted with dark brownish-black and thickly covered with clouds, streaks and blotches of various shades of pale rufous and violet-grey. In eleven specimens the markings are equally distributed over the surface of the shell, except the dark ones, which are chiefly at the larger end. In two others, the markings form a dense cap at the larger end, and the smaller half of the egg is entirely unmarked. Specimens measure from '62 to '68 in length, and from "48 to -52 in breadth, 2. [Guatemala] {Gould Coll.: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 4. Duenas, Guatemala {O. Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. British Honduras {F. Blancaneau.x'). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3, Irazu, Costa Rica, July. C. F. Underwood [C.]. Sporophila caerulescens ( Vieill). Spermophila caerulescens, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 126 (1888) ; Scl. ^ Huds. Arg. Orn. i. p. 46 (1888) ; Nehrh. Kat. Mersamtnl. p. 105 (1899) ; Enter, Rev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 31 (1900) ; Iheriiiff, Rev. Mus. Panlista, iv. p. 213 (1900). Sporophila caerulescens, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 212 (1908). Sl'OKnTllir.A. IGil Egg:.? of the Screaming Sccil-eater are of a rather long oval form and almost devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is white or bluish-white, and the markings in most of the specimens are similar to those of -S'. moreletl described above. A set of five eggs from the Crowley Collection differs considerably, being heavih* marked with chocolate-brown blotches and markings, chiefly distributed around the larger end. The measurements vary from "62 to •~1 in length, and from '47 to "5 in breadth. 0. Brazil (Nehrkorn Coll. ; Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 4. [Brazil.] AV. Radcliife Saunders, Esq. [P-] 1. Argentina. Crowley Bequest. 1. Buenos Ayres. Crowley Bequest. Sporophila gutturalis (Licht.). (Plate IX. fig. 13.) Spermophila gutturalis, Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. o80 ; Scl. S,- Sah: P. Z. S. 1879, p. 507 ; Salv. i^- Godtii. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 354 (1885) : Sharjye, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 128 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 105 (1899) ; Iliering, Rev. Mas. Paulista, iv. p. 213 (1900). Sporophila gutturalis, Ridgw. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. i. p. 569 (1901) ; Skarpe, Hand-L v. p. 212 (1908). Eggs of the Yellow-bellied Seed-eater are of an elongate oval shape and devoid of gloss. Six are pale greenish-white, sparingly marked with small blotches and some lines of chocolate-brown and densely streaked, smeared and clouded with purplish-brown and purplish-grey. In one specimen the markings are mostly concen- trated round the larger end where they form a dense reddish-umber- brown cap. They measure from "65 to '71 in length, and from •48 to -51 in breadth. 2. Medellin, Antioquia, U.S. Colombia Salviu-Godmau ColL (T. K. Salmon). 5. Medelliu {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Sporophila iineola {Linn.). Spei-mophiJa Iineola, Skarpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. xii. p. 131 (1888) ; Xeftrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 106 ( 1899). Sporophila Iineola, Skarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 213 (1908). An egg of the Guiana Seed-eater is similar to the first type of S. gutturalis described above. It measures -7 by -49. 1. Cayenne (Tristram Coll.), Crowlev Bequest. 104 PRINGILLID^. Sporophila corvina (ScL). Spermopliila corvina, Salv. 8( Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 355 (1885); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. xii. p. ] 37 (1818); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml .-p. 106 (1899). Sporophila corvina, Riclimond, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xvi. p. 492 (1893) ; Ridqiv. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 571 (1901) ; Sharpe, Ha'nd-l. V. p. 214 (1908). Pour eggs of the Black Seed-eater resemble those of S. gutturalis so closely as to render any separate description unnecessary. They measure respectively : -7 by -52 ; -69 by '5 ; -68 by -5 ; '64 by -52. 2. British Honduras {F. Blancaneavx). Palvin-Godman Coll. 2. Chiriqui, Panama {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Genus MELOPYRRHA, Bonap. Melopyrrha nigra {Linn.). Melopyrrha nigra, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 141 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 1 06 (1899) ; Ridgic. Birds North ^ Middle Amer. i. p. 562 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 215 (1908). An egg of the Cuban Seed-eater is of a rather long oval shape and devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is creamy-white, densely clouded with pale purplish-brown and purplish-grey and with a few small markings and line hair-lines of chocolate-brown. It measures •71 by -52. 1. Cuba {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Genus EUETHIA, Reichenh. Euethia olivacea {Linn.). (Plate IX. fig. 15.) Spermophila olivacea, Gosse, Birds Jamaica, p. 249 (1847). Spermophila adoxa, Gosse, torn. cit. p. 25.3. Phonipara lepida, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 145 (1888) [part.l; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 106 (1899) [part.]. Euethia olivacea olivacea, Ridgw. Birds North <§■ Middle Amer. i. p. 530 (1901). Euethia olivacea, Sharpe, Hand-l. p. 215 (1908). The eggs of the Yellow-faced Grassquit are of a regular oval shape and have a slight trace of gloss. They are white, speckled and blotched with pale rufous and underlying violet-grey. The markings are densest over the larger e.nd of the egg, and in many specimens they coalesce at that part and form a cap. Examples 165 measure from "65 to -71 in length, and from '49 to 'ol breadth. 1. Havana, Cuba (rm^rrtw Co//.). CrowJey Bequest. ~. Cuba. Crowley Bequest, o. Jamaica. Salviu-Godman Coll. 6. Jamaica. Salvhi-Godman Coll. Euethia pusilla (>Swaiiis.). (Rate IX. fig. 16.) Phouipara pusilla, Scl. ^- Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 507 ; Salv. S; Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aues, i. p. 359 (1885) ; SAarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 147 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 106 (1899). Euethia olivacea pusilla, Ridgw. Birds North iV Middle Amer. i. p. 534 (1901). Euethia pusilla, Sharpe^ Hand-I. v. p. 21G (1908). The eggs of the Mexican Grassquit are inseparable from those of I'j. olivacea and E. marclii. Four examples measure respectively : •7 by "52 ; -67 by -5 ; "67 by 5 ; -65 by -5. 1. Mexico {Gould Coll.: Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 1. Irazu, Costa Kica, 30th July. C. F. Underwood [C.]. '2. Medellin, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia (7'. K. Salmon). Euethia omissa, Jard. Phouipara bicolor, A. S,- E. Neioton, Ibis, 1859, p. 147, pi. xii. fig. 2; Lairrence, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. i. p. 58 (1878) ; Sharps, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 149 (1888) [part.]. Euethia bicolor, Verrill, Trans. Conn. Ac. Sci. viii. p. 338 (1892). Euethia bicolor omissa, Ridgw. Birds North c^ Middle Amer. i. p. 538 (Uioi). ■ Euethia omissa, Sharpe, Hand-l. t. p. 216 (1908). Twelve eggs of the Carib Grassquit are of a regular oval shape and arc almost devoid of gloss. Nine of tliem resemble those of E. oJivacen, but the remainiug three have the entire shell finely mottled and clouded with dull brick-red, the markings being densest towards the larger end. They measure from '65 to *69 in length, and from '47 to -52 in breadth. 3. St. Croix, West Indies (.4. S)- E. Salvin-Godman Coll. Newton). 3. St. Croix {A. (§• E. N). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. St. Croix (A. !^- E. N. : Tristram Crowley Bequest. CoU.). 3. St. Vincent, W. I. {3Irs. H. H. Salvin-Godman Coll. Smith). 166 i'KIXGlLLID^, Euethia marchi (Bainl). Spermophila bicolor, Gosse, Birds of Jamaica, p. 252 (1847"). Euethia bicolor, Lairi-ence, P. U.S. Nat. Mus. ix. p. 614 (1886) ; Feilden, Ibis, 1889, p. 484; Nicoll. Ibis, 1904, p. 557. Phonipara marchii, Skarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 150 (1888) [part.]; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 106 (1899).. Euethia bicolor marchii, Ridgiu. Birds North S/- Middle Amer. i. p. 541 (1901). Euethia marchi, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 216 (1908). Eggs of March's Grassquit are well represented in the Collection and are very similar to those of E. oUvacea, but some are of a broader oval form, and in some the markings round the larger end form a densely marked zone or cap. They measure from -61 to '7 in length, and from '48 to •b'2 in breadth. 6. Jamaica, Wost Indies. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Kiiifiston. Jamaica,31stMay (C'.i?. Crowley Bequest. Tnyl(ir). 4. Barbados, \V. I., June. Col. H. W. Feilden [P.]. 4. Barbados, June. Col. H. W. Feilden [P.]. 3. Barbados, 16th Jan. {M. J. Nicoll). Earl of Crawford [P.]. 3. Barbados, 16th Jan. {M. J. N.). Earl of Crawford fP. 1. 1. Barbados, 16th Jan. (M. J. A:). Earl of Crawford [P.]. 1. Grenada, W. 1., 29th Jan. \,M. J. N.). Earl of Crawford [P.]. 6. Grpuada (.7. G. Wells). Crowley Bequest. 4. Grenada (/. G. W.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Grenada (/. G. W.). Crowley Bequest. Genus VOLATINIA, Heichenh. Volatinia jacarini (Linn.). Volatinia jacarini, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 152 (1888) [part.]; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersaviml. p. 106 (1899) ; Euler, liev. Mus. Paitlista, iv. p. 30 (1900); Ihering, Eev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 213 (1900); ShariK, Hand-l. v. p. 217 (1908). According to Nehrk orn, the eggs of the Jacarini Grassquit resemble those laid by the various species of Eiuilda. An egg said to be of this species, but more probably that of some species of Elainea, is of a blunt oval shape and almost devoid of gloss. It is pale creamy-white with a few scattered spots and dots of chocolate-brown, mostly situated round the larger end. It measures -GS by '5. 1. Jji-iizil {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Volatinia splendens {Vieilh). (Plate IX. fig. 17.) Volatinia jacarina, Scl. S- S'alr. (nee Linn.) P. Z. S. 1879, p. .507 : Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 336; Lawrence, P. L'.S. Nat. Ma?, ix. p. 615 (1886). PrRRHtTLOXIA. 1(57 Volatima splendens, Sah: ^- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 357 {i^oSo) ; tS/iarpe, Ilcind-l. V. -p. 217 {1908). Volatinia jacarini, Sluaye, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 152 (1888) Tpart 1 "^'''Jjg^j^^^'''""" spl^ndens, Ridyw. Birds North ^ Middle Amer.i. p.'526 Eggs of the Blue-black Grassquit are of a blunt oval shape and slightly glossy. They are white, speckled and blotched with reddish-brown of two shades. The markings are dense at the arger end of the egg, where they form a zone or cap of greater or lesser extent. Eight examples measure from -6 to 7 in len"-th and from -5 to -54 in breadth. ° ' J- ll^^i<:"- Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Mexico Gould Coll. 1. Irazu Costa Rica, October. C. F. Underwood [CI 2. MedeUm Autioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia ( T. K. Salmon). 2. MedellinCT-.A-. ,S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Genus PYRRHULOXIA, Bonap. Pyrrhuloxia sinuata, Bonap. (Plate IX. fig. 14.) Pyrrhuloxia sinuata, Baird, Bveicer S,- Ridgio. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p 95 (lb/ 4) [part.]; Sennett, Bidl. U. S. Geol. Survetj, iv. p. 21 (1878) • Salv.^- Godm Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i.p^343 (1884); Sharpe, nlfoo^^'t;^- ^^^V^"- P- 1^*^ (1^^^) 5 ^^^'•^- ^«<- Eiersamlnl. p. 106 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 218 (1908). Pyrrhuhxxia sinuata sinuata, Ridgw. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. Three eggs of the Western Texas Cardinal-Gosbeak are of a broad rounded oval form and have a small amount of gloss They are white, speckled and blotched all over, but more densely at the broad end than elsewhere, with umber-brown and underlying purphsh-grey. They measure respectively : -89 by -72 • -94 bv •76''- and -95 by -76. j ' j , 1. Texas (Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. - -^exas. Crowley Bequest. Pyrrhuloxia texana, Ridgw. Pyrrhuloxia .«inuata texana, Ridgw. Birds North &■ Middle Amer i. p. 628 (1901). Pyrrhuloxia texana, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 218 (1908). Three eggs of the Southern Cardinal-Grosbeak resemble those of P. sinuata, but are of a regular oval form. They measure re- spectively : -9 by -68 ; -92 by -68 ; and -96 by -69. ": San Autonio, Texas, 30th April. W. Eadclifle Saunders, Esa rp.\ 168 t'KixfiiLrjiLE. Gemis CAEDINALIS, Bonap. Cardinalis cardinalis {Linn.). Cardinalis Tirginianus, Bnird, Brewer ^- Bidr/w. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 100 (1874) [part.] ; Beid, Bull. U.S. A at. Mus. no. 25, p. 200 (1884); Salv. c^ Godm. Biol. Cenfr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 340(1884) [part.] ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 10(5 ( 1899). Cardinalis cardinalis, S'harpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 161 (1888) ; id. Hand-l. v. p. 219 (1908> Cardinalis cardinalis cardinalis, Bidijw. Birds North S^ Middle Amer. i. p. 635 (1901). Eggs of the Cardinal are of an elongate oval shape and possess a considerable amount of gloss. The ground-colonr varies from white to ashy or greenish- white, and is very thickly covered with spots, streaks and blotches of ashy-brown and underlying purplish- grey. On many specimens the markings are large and more or less confluent; on others they are fine and distinct. In most cases they form an ill-defined cap at the larger end. Numerous specimens measure from '89 to 1*1 in length, and from '62 to "78 in breadth. 2. North America (Henshaiu CoU). Salviu-Godman Coll. 2. North America {Hensfiaw Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. North America (Henshaiv Coll.). Salviu-Godman Coll. 3. North America (Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Bermuda. Salviu-Godman Coll. 3. Bermuda (S. G. B.). Capt. Savile G. Eeid [P.]. 4. Bermuda (.S. G. i?.). Capt. Savile G. Keid [P.J. 4. Bermuda {S. G. B.). Capt. Savile G. Reid [P.]. 2. Bermuda (J. Martuche : Tristr((m Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 1. Bermuda (/. i)/. .• Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Bermuda (J. M. : Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Ireland I., Bermuda {Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Cardinalis canicauda, Chapman. (Plate IX. figs. 18 & 19.) Cardinalis virginianus, Sennett, Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. iv. p. 21 (1878). Cardinalis cardinalis cauicaudus, Bidyio. Birds North iS,- Middle Amer. i. p. 639 (1901). Cardinalis canicauda, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 219 (1908). Nine eggs of the Grey-tailed Cardinal resemble the finely spotted examples of C. cardinalis described above, and do not difier either in shape or in size. 4. Texas, 20th jNIarch. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P-]- 5. San Antonio, Texas, 3rd iMay, W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. CAKDINALIS. SALTATOR. 169 Cardinalis superbiis, Ridgw. (Plate IX. fig. 22.) Cardinalis cardinalis superbus, Ridqiv. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. i. p. 645(1901). Cardinalis superbus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 220 (1908). An e^g of the Arizona Cardinal is of a rather pointed oval shape and somewhat glossy. It is white, finely spotted all over, but especially towards the larger end, with pale umber-brown and purplish-grey. It measures 1*0 by '72. 1. Tucson, Arizona, 26th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Cardinalis igneiis, Baird. Cardinalis virginianus, var. igneus, Baird, Brewer ^- Ridq^c. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 10.3 (1874). Cardinalis igneus, ISalv. 8f Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 341 (18S4) [part.]; .''GILLID.l!;. 2. Medellin, Antioquia, U.S. Colombia Salviu-Godman Coll. ( T. K. iSalmon). 2. 'MM^nllm {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 6. Venezuela. Crowley Bequest. 2. \enez\\e\&, {Nehrkorn Coll: Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). Genus FRINGILLA, Linn. Fringilla teydea, Webb 4' Berth. (Plate X. fig. 16.) Fringilla tevdea. Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 25 (1873) : Skarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 170 (1888) ; Gomez, Ibis, 1889, p. 260 ; Meade- Waldo, Ibis, 1889, p. 517 ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 310 (1902) ; Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 129 (1904) ; Sharjie, Hand-l. v. p. 225 (1908). Two eggs of the Teydean Chaffinch are of a rather long pointed oval shape and slightly glossy. They are j'^ile blue, spotted and blotched at the larger end with dark chocolate-brown and pale purplish-grey. They measure respectively '95 by "tJS and "95 by -62. 2. The Peak, 6000 ft., Tenerife, 25th W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq. June {R, V. Thanner). [-P-J- Fringilla ccelebs, Linn. Fringilla ccelebs, Thien. Fortjrflanz. r/es. Viif/. p. 410, tab. xxxvi. fig. 5, a-e (1845-54) ; Baedeker, Fier Eur. Vog. tab. xii. fig. o (1855-63) ; Heioitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 192, pi. xlix. fig. i (1856) ; Di-esser, Birds Fur. iv. p. 3 (1873) ; Seehohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 100, . nl. 13 (1884) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 171 (1888) ; See- bohm. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 243, pi. 56. figs, 19 & 20 (1896) ; Reij, Fier Tog. Mitteleurop. p. 328, pi. 39. figa. 1-8 (1900); Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 306 (1902) ; Jourd. Eq//s Europ. Birds, p. 82, pi. 10. figs. 1-8 (1906j ; Shar2)e, Hand-l. v. p. 225 (lyos). Fringilla ccelebs cculebs, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 125 (^1904). The eggs of the Chaffinch are typically of a broad oval form, and possess a moderate amount of gloss. They are of many types of coloration. In the commonest, the ground-colour is pale purplish-grey sufi'used with soft clouds of pale rufous, especially at the broad end, where the markings are, as a rule, most numerous. These consist of spots of various sizes, and occasionally of short crooked lines of deep chocolate-brown, the edges being blurred and merging into the surrounding rufous clouds. In a second type, the egg is pale bluish-green, the large end covered with a cap of faint rufous and marked with a few tiny dots and spots of dark brown. In a third type, the egg is pale bluish-green, either plain or marked with a few minute specks. In a fourth type, the egg is pale bluish-green marked, mostly at FRIXGILLA. 173 the broad end, with lilac blotches and chocolate-brown spots. Eggs of this type have sometimes a wreath of tangled lines round the broad end in addition to the other markings. In a fifth type, the egg is a clear bluish-green, delicately marked with small, well-defined chocolate-brown spots, chieHy disposed over the broad end and intermixed with a few faint grey under- lying specks. The eggs measure from •? to -So in length, and from -52 to -03 in breadth. 3. Kuockie, luverness-shire, 21st May {Hanjitt Coll.). 3. Locheud, June (Hargitt Cull.). 4. Lochend, 5th June ( //«;•(/(>'(' Coll.). 4. Port Olair, near Fort Augustus, In- verness-shire, 15th May t^Hart/itt Coll.). 4. England. 5. England. 5. England. 5. Ilackness, Yorks, 17tli May. 4. Cambridgeshire. 4. Cambridgeshire. 3. Cambridge, 2nd ]May. 5. Southery Manor, near Dnwnham, Norfolk, 22nd May ( Jr. It. S. ). 5. Taplow, Berkshire, April. 5. Wemblev, Middlese.v, Srd May (H. f. Booth). 2. Finchley, Middle.«e.\. 3. Fhieliley. 4. Finchley. 4. Ilonisej', Middlesex. 5. Tilford, Surrey. 5. Churt, Surrej', May. 5. Alton, Hants. 4. Avington, Hauts, loth May (Hargitt Coll.). 4. ToUar, i)orset, 1st June (8. 11. Wallis). 3. Valkenswaard, Holland, KJth May. 4. Sundal Valley, Norway, June. 4. Sundal Valley, June. 4. Sundal Valley, 2ord June. 4. Sundal Valley, 23rd June. 4. Sundal A'alley, 23rd June. 5. Sweden. 5. Offenbach, Hesse, 5th June. 4. Mark Brandenberg, 1st May. 4. Mark Brandenberg, 29th -Slay. 5. Pomerania, lOth Mav (T. Holland). 5. Pomerania, 20th May (T. H). 5. Pomerania, 30th May (/'. //.). Seebohm Coll. Seebolim Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Old Collection. Old Collection. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. F. Bond, Esq. [P.l F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. T. E. Hailstone, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Gould Coll. W. Radclifle Saunders, Esq. Salvm-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P."]. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe fP.]. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. Gould Coll. Crowley Bequest. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P]. \V . Radcliife Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Cull. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. 174 FRINGILLIDJi;. 5. Tomerania, 1st June (T. H.). Seebolim Coll. 4. Pomerania, 2nd June (r. jy.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Pomerania, 2nd June ( T. H.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Moravia, May. W. Radclitfe Saunders, Esq. 3. Parnassus, Greece, 5tli May Seebohm Coll. {H. Seebohm Sf T. Kriqyer). 4. Parnassus, 7th May {H. 8. Sf T. K.). Seebobm Coll. 5. Parnassus, 8th May {H. S. ^ T. K.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Parnassus, 9th May [H. S. |- 7. K.). Seebohm Coll. Clutclies containing an egg of the Cuckoo (Cumins canorus). 4 High Wycombe, Bucks, 11th June. W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 5. Near Brighton, Sussex, 20th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 1. Hungary, 26th May, W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. Fringilla maderensis, Sliarpe. Fringilla maderensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xli. p. 175 (1888) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 308 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-L V. p. 226 (1908). Fringilla coeleJas maderensis, Hartert, Tog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 128 (1904). Pour eggs of the Madeira Chaffinch are indistinguishable from those of the second type of F. coelehs described above. 4. Porto da Cruz, Madeira, 20th May. Padre E. Schmitz [C.]. Fringilla moreleti, Puclier. Fringilla moreleti, Godman, Ibis, 1866, p. 97 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 176 (1888J ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 308 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 226 (1908). Fringilla tiutillou. Dresser {nee Webb 4'- Berth.), Birds Fur. iv. p. 9 (1873). Fringilla moreletti, Koenig, J.f. O. 1890, p. 277. Fringilla coelebs moreletti, Hartert, Vbg. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 128 (1904). Eggs of the Azoreau Chaffinch resemble those of the common type of F. coelebs and are not distinguishable from them by any character. 4. St. Michael's, Azores, June (F. D. Salvin-Godman Coll. Godman). 2. Ponta Delgada, St. Michael's, Dr. Percy Lowe [P.]. 2yth May (P. L.). 2. Fayal, Azores {F. D. G.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Terceira, Azores, June (F, D. G.). Salvin-Godman Coll. FRINGII.LA. ] 7d Fringilla canariensis, VieiU. Fringilla canariensis, >'^harpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 177 (1888) • id. Hcmd-I. X. p. 226 (1908). Fringilla tintillon, Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 307 (1902). Fringilla coelebs canariensis, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 129 (1904). Eggs of the Cauarian Chaffinch resemble those of the common type of F. coelebs in all particulars. 3. Canary Islands {Dr. A. C. Stark). W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Orotava,Tenerife (i?rt??io?i GWjpc). Crowley Bequest. Fringilla spodiogenys, Bona^i. Fringilla spodiogena, Salvin, Ihis, 18.")9, p. 313; Tristram, Ibis, 1860, p. 152; Dresser, Birds Fur. iv. p. 13 (1873). Fringilla spodiogenys, Sharpe. Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 177 (1888) ; Koeniij, J. /.' O."l890, p. 277 ; Isehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 107 (1899) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 309 (1902) ; Whitaker, Birds Tunis, i. p. 214 (1905) ; 6/iarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 226 (1908). Fringilla coelebs spodiogenys, Hartert, l^oij. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 127 (1904) : Jourd. Eggs Furop. Birds, p. 84 (1906). Fringilla coelebs africana, Levaill. ; Hartert, Tog. Pal. Faun, pt ii p. 127 (1904). Fringilla africana, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 226 (1908). Eggs of the Algerian Chaffinch resemble those of the common type of P. ccelebs. They measure from -8 to -86 in length, and from -6 to '61 in breadth. 2. Algeria, 12th April. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. Algeria, 6th May (H. B. Tristram). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Near Algiers, June {H. B. T.). Crowley Bequest. 4. Near Algiers, May {H. B. T.). CrowleV Bequest. 3. Tunis. Mr. L.'Fraser [C.]. 4. Gafsa, Tunis, 19th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq, [P.]. Fringilla montifringilla, Linn. Fringilla montifringilla, Thicn. Fortpjlanz. ges. Fog. p. 41.3, tab. xxxvi. fig. 6, a-e (1845-54) ; Baedeker, Fier Eur. Vog. tab. 12. fig. 2 (1855- 63) ; Hezvitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 194, pi. xlix. tfgs. ii & iii (1856) ; Dresser, Birds Fur. iv. p. 15 (1871) ; TJlieelivright, A Spring and Summer in Lapland, p. 297 (1871) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds ii p. 96, pi. 13(1884); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 3L xii. p. 178(1888); Seebohm, Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 243, pi. 67. fig. 1 (1896) ; Bey, Fier Vog. Mitteleurop. p. 330, pi. 39. tigs. 9-16 (1900) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 311 (1902) ; Newton, Ootheca Wolleya7ia, pt ii p. 396, pi. xi. figs. 25-30 (1902) ; Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 130 (1904) ; Jourd. Eggs Furop. Birds, p. 85, pi. 10. figs. 9-16 (1906) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 226 (1908). Many of the eggs of the Brambling are quite inseparable from the common type of egg of F. coelebs. Others resemble the eggs of 176 KRINGILLIDJ2. the fourth type. Some are pale bluish-green, thickly freckled all over with dull rufous ; others are nearly uniform greyish-blue, with few or no markings, and others again are intermediate between the types of eggs of F. ccelebs already described. They measure from 'T to -S in length, and from -53 to -6 in breadth. 4. Norway. ■2. Norway, 29tli May {J. T. Thomas- son; Han/itt Coll.). 4. Norway, 61'^' N. lat., 29th May (J. A. liarvie Brown). 3. Norway, 68° N. lat. (Meres). 2. Norway, 68° N. lat., 6th .Inly {H. Seehohm). 6. Sundal Valley, Norway, 2.3rd .Tune. 2. Sundal Valley, 23rd Jane. ,3. Bodci, Norway, 9tli May (P. Godmmi). (). Bodo, 19th .tune (P. G.). 1. Bodo, 16th June (P. G. : Tristram Coll.). 6. Lapland, 1.3th June. 7. Lapland, 22nd June. 3. Lapland. 3. Lapland. 3. Lapland {Meves). ?,. Lapland {H. Wheelwright). 6. Tornea, Lapland, 10th June. 6. Tornea, 23rd June. 7. Tornea, 2oth June. .5. Qulckiock, Lapland {R. W. : Har- ffitt Coll.). 3. Quickiock (H. W.). 3. Quickiock, 4th June (If. W. : Tris- tram Coll.). 4. Dickapala, Lapland, 12th June (Tristram Coll.: Haryitt Coll.). 6. Kautokino, Lapland. 4. Uoma-vaara, Sadio. Kemi Lapp- mark (/. Wollei/: Tristram Coll.}. 1. Kaaressuandoi, Kemi Lappmark 25th July (J. TV.). Clutches containing an egg of the 3. Kittila, Lappmark, 16th June. 3, Peltoruoma, Lappmark, 26th June. 5. Peltoruoma, 20th June. 5. Riska Kareleu, Finland, 24th June. Gould Coll. Seehohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P-l. Dr. E. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salviu-Godinaji Coll. Crowley Bequest. W. Radcliffe Sa under.", Esq. [P.]. W. Radchffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seehohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. W. liadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seehohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Seehohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. T. Parkin, Esq. [P.]. Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.J. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [R]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 177 Gomis CARDUELIS, Briss. Carduelis carduelis (Linn.). Fring'illa carduelis, Thien. Forfjjjlanz. ges. Fog. p. 407, tab. xxxv. lig. 9, rt-f (18-40-54). Carduelis elegans, Baedeker, Eler Eur. Viii/. tab. 20. fif>-. 3 (1855-6.3) ; Uanford, Ibis, 1878, p. :^3 ; Dresser, Man. Ful. Birds, pt. i. p. i!74 (1902) [part.]. Cavduelis oarduelis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 182 (1888) [part.] ; Itet), Eier Voy. MiUeleurop. p. 319, pi. 40. figs. 16-20 (1900) ; Hhcaye, Hiuid-l. V. p.' 227 (1908). Acantliis carduelis carduelis, Harf.ert, Vcir/. Bid. Fauna, pt. i. p. 67 (1903). Carduelis carduelis carduelis, Jotird. Eggs Europ. Birds, p. -50, pi. 11. figs. lG-20 (190G). The eggs of the European Goldfinch are of a pointed oval shape, and many are moderately gloss)-, while some are quite devoid of gloss. The ground-colour varies from bluish-white to pale greenish-blue and is marked, eliietly over the broader half of the e^g, with specks, spots, and short lines, which vary in colour from pinkish-brown to dark chocolate-brown. At the broad end there are usually many spots and clouds of lilac, underlying the other markings. The eggs measure from -62 to -71 in length, and from •48 to oi in breadth. 5. Parnassus, Greece, 5th May (if. &e- Seebohm Uoll. bohm Sj' T. Krilper). 4. Parnassus, 6th Mav (IT. -S". ^- T. K.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Paruassu.s, 7th May (7/. 6'. 1.^-r. A'.). Seebohm Coll. fl. Parnassus, 9th May {H. S. .y T. K.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Parnassus, oth June (//. »S'. i^'- 2'.^.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Asia Minor (C. G. Danford). Sdebohm Coll. 3. Asia Minor, 27th April (C. 0. I).). Seebohm Coll. 1. Syria. Crowley Bequest. Carduelis britaniiica, Hartert. Fringilla carduelis, Ilewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 196, pi. 1, fig. i (1856) ; Heebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 87, pi. 12 (1884) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 241, pi. 56. fig. 17 (189.1). Acautliis carduelis britannicus, Hartert, log. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 68 (190:J). Carduelis carduelis britannica, Jourd. Eggs Europ. Birds, p. 49 (1906). Carduelis britannica, Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 227 (1903). Eggs of the British form of the Goldfinch do not differ from those of its Conlinental representative, described above. 5. Co, Donegal, Ireland, 20th May. J. Steele Elliott, Esq. [P. 4. Cappagli, Co. Waterford, 29tli May Seebohm Coll. {li. J. Ussher). 5. Cnppagl), 4lh June [li. J. I'.). Seebohm Coll. VOL. V. N 178 FRINGILLID^. 4. Shifnal, Shropshire, 4th June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Epsom, Surrey, 17th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 5. Reigate, Surrey, 22ad May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 3. Oare. Favershara, Kent, 23rd May W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. (H. r. Booth). ' [P.]. 4. Near Selling, Kent, 20th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [R]. 6. Alton, Hants. Crowley Bequest. 6. Alresford, Hants, May. Crowley Bequest. Carduelis parva, Tschusi J x Serinus canaria (Linn.) 5 . Four eggs laid hy the Canary are of a rather broad, somewhat pointed oval shape and almost devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is pale greenish-white, rather faintly and finely mottled all over with pale rufous and purplish-grey. They measure from "68 to -7 in length, and '5 in breadth. 4. [Madeira.] 2nd April. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq, Carduelis africana, Hartert. Carduelis elegans, Saloin, Ibis, 1859, p. 313 ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 220. Acanthis carduelis africanus, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 69 (1903). Carduelis carduelis, Whitaker. Birds Tunis, i. p. 191 (190.5). Carduelis carduelis africana, Jourd. Eggs Europ. Birds, p. 51 (1906). Carduelis africana, Sharps, Hand-l. v. p. 228 (1908). Eggs of the Iberian Goldfinch are indistinguishable from those of the European form. They vary from -62 to •? in length, and from •5 to "52 in breadth. 5. Setuhal, Portugal, 6th May. 5. Colmenar, S. Spain, loth June (H. Saunders: Harqitt Coll.). 4. Malaga, S. Spain, 19th May {H. S. : Hargitt Coll.). 4. Ain Djendeli, Algeria, 12th May (O. Salvin). 1. Ain Djendeli, 13th May (H. B. Tristram). 1. Ain Djendeli, 18th May (H.B. T). Don L. Gonzaga do Nasci- mento [P.]. Seebohoi Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Carduelis orientaiis (Eversm.). Acanthis caniceps orientaiis, Hartert, Voq. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 70 (1903). Carduelis orientaiis, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 229 (1908). Eggs of the Eastern Goldfinch are similar to those of C. carduelis,: srixr?. 179 but rather lar<3:er. They measure from '"l to •72 iu length, and from '51 to -52 iu breadth. 2. Altai Mts., 3rd June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Altai IVIts. (Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Kuldja, Mongolia, 5tli June. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Kuldja, .5th June. Crowley Bequest. 5. Astrabad, N. Persia, 8th May. W. Ra'dclifle Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus SPINUS, Koch. Spinus xanthogaster {Du Bus). Chrysomitris xanthogastra, Set. S)- Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 508. Chrysomitris xanthooaster, Salv. tV Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 430 (1886) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 209 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 107 (1899). Spinus xanthogaster, liich/w. Birds North Si- Middle Amer. i. p. 105 (1901) ; Sharpe, Haud-l. v. p. 230 (1908). Eggs of Bryant's Siskin are of a pointed oval shape, and without gloss. Thuy are pale green, speckled with deep reddish-brown and underlying lilac, tliickly at the broad, end and sparingly elsewhere. Four measure respectively : -67 by '49 ; '69 by *48 ; "67 by '52 ; and '67 by "5. 1. U.S. Colombia. Crowley Bequest. 2. Santa Elena, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia ( T. K. S(ilmon). 2. Santa Elena {T. K. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Spinus atratus (D'Orb. 4' Lafr.). (Plate X. fig. 2.) Chrysomitris atrata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 212 (1888). Spinus atratus, Sharpe, Haud-l. v. p. 230 (1908). An egg ill the Collection, said to be that of the Black Siskin, is of a regular oval shape and almost without gloss. It is pale greenish- white, finely spotted over the entire shell with yellowish-brown and lilac-grey. This egg, if correctly identified, is of a diiferent type I from those of the allied species. It measures -81 by "6. I 1. Tumbez, Peru. Crowley Bequest. Spinus spinus (Linn.). Fringilla spinus, Thien. Fortpfianz. ges. Viig. p. 399, tab. xxxv. fig. 14. rt, 1), c. (1845-54) ; Hewitson, Eqgs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 198, pi. 1. lig. ii (18.56); Seehohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 92, pi. 12 (1884); id. Lgys of Brit. Birds, p. 242, pi. 5G. lig. 18 (1896). y2 180 FRINGILLIDiK. Chrysomiti'is s-[nnm, Bucdcker, Eier Eiu: Viiff. tab. 20. fis'. 2 (1855-63) ; Dresser, Birds Ear. iii. p. 541 (liSjC) ; iS/iarjie, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 212 (1888) ; Rey, Eier Viiff. Mittekurop. p. 321, pi. 40. figs. 21-25 (1900) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 276 (1902). Acanthis spinas, JIartert, Vii;/. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 71 (1903). Caiduelis spiiius, Jourd. Eqijs Eitrop. Birds, p. 62, pi. 11. figs. 21-25 (1900). Spiiuis spiniis, SItarpe, Iland-l. v. p. 230 (1908). Eii;gs of the Siskin are typically of a poiuted oval form and very slightly glossy. They are blnish-white, speckled and blotched, more thickly over the hroad end than elsewhere, with pale rufous and underlying lilac. The majority of the specimens are marked in addition, and almost entirely at the broad end, with a few specks and lines of deep chocolate-brown or black, and are not separable from the eggs of the Goldfinch. They measure from '6 to "72 in length, and from "45 to "53 in breadth. 4. Co. Wicklow, Ireland, 22nd April {Allan Ellison). 4. Scotland. 4. Ross-shire. 4. Scotsburn Wood, Ross-shire (J. Hancock). 5. West Ross-t^hire, 26th April {W. Stirlitiff). 5. West Ross-shire, 26th April ( W. S.). 5. Balnagowu, Ross-shire, 30th May (A. McDonald). 5, Balnagown, June {J. Haricoclc: Tristram Coll.). 1. Elyedon, Suffolk, June. 3. Heudou, Middlesex. 6. Hornsey, Middlesex. 1. Sweden [Tristram Coll.). 3. Stockholm, June (Tristram Coll.). 4. West Gothland, Sweden, 11th April. 3. Esthonia, Baltic Provs., 10th May {Eussow). 2. Reval, Baltic Provs. (liussoiv). 5. Mark Brandenburg, 14th June. 5. Harz Mts., 17th May. 5. Issyk Kul, Turkestan, 3rd June. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. Crowley Bequest. W. Radclifle Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Sauuders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. W. Radclille Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radclille Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radclifle Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Spinus citrinellus {Linn.). Fringilla citrinella, Thien. Fortpjlanz. (/es. ViU/. p. 402, tab. xxxv. fig. 16, a, h (1845-54) ; Brce, Birds 'Eur. iii.' p. 100, pi. (1867) ; id., torn. cit. 2nd ed. iv. p. 30, pi. (1875). Citrinella alpina, Baedeker, Eier Evr. Vcir/. tab. 20. fig. 4 (1855-63). Chrysomitris citrinella, Dresser. Birds Eta: iii. p. 535 (1877) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 230 (1888) ; liey, Eier Vog. Mitteleurop. srrNUs. 181 p. .S20, pi. ;j9. fig-3. 22-26 (11)00) ; Drrssn; Mem. Pal. Bmh, pt. i. p. 278 (1902). Acauthis citriuella citriiiella, Ilartcvt, Vvy. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 81 (1!J03). Carduclis citriuella, Jourd. Egys. Europ. Birds, p. G4, pi. 10. figs. 22-2G (1906). Spinus citrinellus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 231 (1908). The eggs of the Citril Einch resemble those of the Goldfinch and Siskin so closely that they cannot be separated from them. One clutch of eggs from Zurich is pale bluish-white and unsijotted. Specimens measure from -O to •? in length, and from •■18 to -52 in breadth. 5. Switzerland, 7tli May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.J. 5. Switzerland. Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Switzerland, 23rd June. Crowley Bequest. 4. Zurich, Switzerland, 2nd June. W. Radclitl'e Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Jura Mountains, 3rd May {T. Hoi- Seebohm Coll. land). 1. Jura Mountains, 16th May (T. jr.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Jura Mountains, 6th June (7'. if.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Sicily, 18th May. W. Radclitfe Sauuders, Esq. [P.J. Spinus tottus iSparrm.). Chrvsomitris totta, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 231 (1888) ; Stark, 'Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 182 (1900) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iii. p. 175 (1902). Spinus tuttus, Iteickenoiv, Vog. Afr. iii. p. 276 (1904) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 231 (1908). An egg in the Collection, said to be that of the South-African Siskin, is of a broad oval shape and devoid of gloss. It is whitish (probably faded), with one or two spots of dark brown and pale brownish-lilac near the larger end. It measures '71 by •52. Stark describes eggs of this species as being " pale bluish-green, sparingly spotted and sometimes zoned with reddish-brown of two shades. They average ^72 x •54." 1. Capo Colony [Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Spinus barbatus (Molina). Chrysomitris magellauica, Abbott, Ibis, 1861, p. 216. Chrvsomitris barbata, Shar/>e, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 216 (1886). Spinus barbatus, S/iarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 231 (1908). Two eggs of the Patagouiau Siskin are elliptical in shape, sliglitly glossy, and of a very pale bluish-white colour. They measure respectively : -69 by •ol ; -1 by •o. Two eggs froju the Crowley Collection, also believed to be of this 182 FEINGILLIDiE. species, are of a rather pointed oval shape. One is greyish-white and the other greenish-wliite, and both are unspotted. They measure respectively •? by -52 and -71 by 'oS. 2. South America. Old Collection. 2. [South America.] Crowley Bequest. Spinus ictericus (Licht.). Chrysomitris magellauica, Gibson, Ibis, 1880, p. 30. Chrysomitris icterica, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 217 (1888) ; Scl. ^- Huds. Argent. Orn. i. p. 04 (1889) ; Holland, Ibis, 1892, p. 197 ; Nehrk. Kat. Eierscunml. p. 107 (1899) ; Ihering, Rev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 213 (1900). Spinus ictericus, S/iurpe, Hand-l. v. p. 231 (1808). The eggs of the Black-headed Siskin are of a regular oval form, devoid of gloss, and of a plain bluish-white colour. They measure from -Bo to '68 in length, and from -49 to "SI in breadth. The eggs of this species are said to be sometimes spotted. 2. Aro;entiua, Oct. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C.]. 3. Argentina, Oct. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C.j. Spinus notatus {Da Bus). Chrv?omitris notata, Salv. i^ Godni. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 428 "(1886) ; Nehrk. Kat. Biersamml. p. 107 (1899). Spinus notatus notatus, Eidijw. Birds North 8^ Middle Amer. i. p. 102 (1901). Spinus notatus, ShariK, Hand-l. v. p. 232 (1908). The two eggs of the Mexican Black-headed Siskin are of a pale bluish-white colour, entirely devoid of markings. One is of a rather blunt oval shape, the other more pointed, and both arc devoid of gloss. They measure respectively "60 by "42 and -58 by '44. Probably the eggs described by Nehrkorn as being of this species have been wrongly identified : they are apparently much too large (19 by 12| mm.). 2. Mexico. Gould Coll. Genus HYPACANTHIS, Cab. Hypacanthis spinoides ( Vig.). Chrvsomitris spinoides, Sharj^e, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 201 (188S) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 277 (1902). Hypacanthis spinoides, Oafe.9, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 231 (1890) ; id., ed. Hvme, Nests lOG (1888) [part.]. Astnicjalinus psaltiia croceus, Ridyiv. Birds North & Middle Amcr. i p. 118(1901). Astragaliiius croceus, Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 234 (1908). The eggs of the Central-American «iskin are of a narrow, blunt oval form, without gloss, and plain bluish-white. Three' examples measure respectively : -61 by -^7 ; -61 by -46 • -6 by -45. 2. Central America. Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Dueuas, Guatemala. Salviu-Godmau Coll. Astragalinus colombianus (Lafr.). Chrysomitris Columbiana, Scl. ^- Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 508 : Nchr7c Kat JEiersamml.-p.mi {ISm). 'f , Chrysomitris colombiaua, Sharjjc, Cat. Birds B. 31. xii. p. 208 (1888) Astragalinus psaltria columbianus, Iiid. roiiierania, Ii^th .Tune (T. II.). Seebohui Coll. G. ronu'rania, iL'th June {T. IL). Seebohm Coll. 6. Livonia, Baltic Provs., 30th July Seebohm Coll. [Russoto). 4. Sziifet Csdp, Ilung-avv, 27th April W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. ( W. R.S.). " [P.]. f). Malta (Beecher). Seebohm Coll. 4. Parnassus, Greece, 5th May (//. Seebohm Coll. Secbalun ^- T Kriiper). 3. Parnassus, 6* Mav ( //. -S'. ^- T. K). Seebohm Coll. 3. Parnassvis, 8th May ( //. ,S'. S,- T. K.). Seebcjhin Coll. :;. .lericho, Palestine (,/. H. Cuchntne). Seebohm Coll. Clutches coutaiiiiiig an egg of the Cuckoo (^Cuculus canorus). 5. Kent, 13th June. W. Ptadcliffe Saunders, Esq. 3. Shitnal, Shropshire, 1st June. W. Ifadclille Saunders, Esq, Linaria nana ( Tschusi). Acanthiscannabina nana, Hartcrt, Vor/. Pal. Fami. i. p. 75 (1903). Acanthis caiuinbina, Whifaker, Birds funis, i. p. 218 (1905). Liuaria nana, Shmye, Hand-l. v. p. 236 (1908). Eggs of the North African Linnet measure from -Go to "7 in length, and from -5 to -51 in breadth. 4. Agua de Pena, Madeira, 14th May VV. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. (Pe. E. Schmitz). [P.]. 3. I'orto Santo Is., INIadeira, 11th Hon. C. Baring & W. R. April. Ogilvie-Grant, Esq. [P.]. Linaria linaria {Linn.). Fiingilla linaria, Thien. Forfpfjinz. ge^. Vor/. p. 403, tab. xxxv. fig. l?,,n-c (1.^4o-54) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 116, pi. 12 (la84) -^ id. Ems of llrif. Birds, p. 246, pi. 57. tiffs. 6 & 7 (1896). Acanthis linaria, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vo//. tab. xx. fig. 15 (1855-63) ; Nelson, Report Nat. Hist. Alaska, p. 179 (1887) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii.p. 245 (1888); MacFarlane, Pioc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiv. p. 441 (1892) ; Rey, Eier Viuj. Mitteleurop. p. 326, pi. 40. figs. 11-15 (1900). r i- c Fringilla canescens, Ilewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 202 * d1 li * ^ (1856). ■ ^ 'F- • /Egiothus linarius, Ross, Ca7iad. A'at. vii. p. 146 (1862) ; id. Nat. Hist. Rev. 1862, p. 281; Baird, BreiverS,- Ridt/w. N. Ame'r. Birds, i. p 493 (1874). ■ ^ Fringilla borealis, Wheelwright, A Spring ^- Summer in Lapland, p ''99 (1871). Linota canescens, Seebohm S,- Harvie -Brown, Ibis, 1876, p. 110. 190 fringilltd.t;. Linota linaria, Dresser, Birds Ear. iv. p. 37 (1877) ; Seehohin, U)is, 1878, p. 335; Dresser, Man. Pal. Burls, pt. i. p. 315 (190l') [part.]; Newfoii, Ootheca WoUeyana, pt. ii. p. 40S, pi. xi. tigs. 31-36 (1902). Acantliis tiammoa tlammea, Hartert, Vdy. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 77 (1903). Carduelis tlammea, Jourd. Eygs Eiirop. Birds, p. 59, pi. 11. figs, ll-lo (1906). Linaria linaria, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 237 (1908). The eggs of the Mealy Redpoll measure from -63 to -7 in lengtli, and from -45 to -54 in breadth. 3. Bodo, Norway, 20tli June {P.God- man). 4. Norweuian Lapland, 26th June {Meves). 4. Quickiock, Lapland {H. Whcel- wrif/lit). 2. Jeris-jarvvi, Finland (.7. WoUei/). 4. Sweden. 5. Petchora. Lat 68" N., 23rd June {H. S.). 4. Petchora, Lat. 68° N., 23rd June (H. S.). 6. Yenesei River, Lat. 701" N., 12th July {H. S.). 4. Yenesei River, Lat. 70^° N., 14th July (if. -S'.). 4. Alaska (£. W. Nehon: Henshaw Coll.). 3. St. Michael's, Alaska, 22ud May {E. W.N.: Henshaw Coll.). 4. St. Michael's, 5th June {E. W. N. : Henshaiv Coll.). 3. Anderson River, Arctic America, June (R. MacFarla7ie ; Hen- shaw Coll.). 2. Mackenzie River Dist.,N. America. 3. York Factory, Hudson's Bay, August. 3. Lahrador. Salviu-Godman Coll. Seehohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Seehohm Coll. C^ould Coll. Seehohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. Seehohm ColL Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godiuan Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. Admiral A. H. Markham [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Linaria holhoelli (Brehm). Acanthis holhoelli, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 250 (18.88). Acanthis tlammea holhoelli, HarUrt, Vdr/. Pal. Faiui. pt. i. p. 79 (1903). Linaria holhoelli, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 237 (1908). Eco-s of Holboell's BedpoU measure from -61 to "71 in length, and from -48 to -49 in breadth. 3. Lapland, 19th May. Crowley Bequest. 3. Lapland. 5th June. Crowley Bequest. 0. Muonioniska, Lapland, 12th June Crowley Bequest. (Emile Hont/berr). 5. Muouiovaara, Lapland (J. Wdley : Crowley Bequest, Tristram ColL). LINAIUA. 5. Tornea R., Lapland, 2iid June. 5. Tornea R., L^9th June. 6. Tornea R., 6tli July. 4. Kaaressuando, Kenii Lappniaik, [14th June. 1. Finland {Nehrkorn Coll.). 101 W. Radcliffe Saunders, Ef^q. [P.]. W. Radclifle Saunders, Esq. "W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Linaria rufescens ( VielU.). Fring'illa linaria, Hejcitsoti, luiys of Brit. Birds, i. p. 201, pi. li. fig. ii (1850). Linota rufescens, Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 47 (1877) ; id. Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 316 (1902). Fringilla rufescens, Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 116, pi. 12 (1884) ; id. E(j(is of Brit. Birds, p. 246, pi. 57. fig. 5 (1896). Acantiiis r'n^^&mns, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 252 (1888) ; Rey, Eier Viiff. Mitteleurojy. p. 326, pi. 29. fig. 11 (1900). Acanthis flauunea cabaret, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 80 (1903). Carduelis flammea cabaret, Juurd. Eggs Europ. Birds, p. 61, pi. 38. lig. 11 (1906). Linaria rufescens, Sharpe, Hand-l. t. p. 237 (1908). The eggs of the Lesser Eedpoll measure from -59 to -62 in length, and from •43 to "5 in breadth. 4. Cappagh, Co. Waterford, Ireland, 12th June {R. J. Uss/ier). 3. Loch Luicbart, Ross-shire, Scot- land {Hargitt Coll.). 5. Carlisle, Cumberland, 29th May. 6. Stan-wix, Carlisle, May. .-). Stanwix, 10th June {T. Peal). Sheffield, Yorkshire, 4lh .luiie (H. .•^eehohm). Sheffield (//. S.). Sheffield (H. S.). Scarborough, Yorkshire, 20th May. 4. River Derwent, Derbyshire (C Fleming: Hargitt Coll.). 6. Bowden, Cheshire {F. Nicholson). 4. Leicestershire. 6. Leicestershire. 5. Kent, June. 6. Kent, June. W. Radcliffe Saimders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. "W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. "W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. \\ . Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 192 fringillidjE. Linaria exilipes (C'oues). Acanthis exilipes, Sharpe, Cat. Jiirds B. M. xii. p. 254 (1888); Hey, Eier ViH/. Mitteleurop. p. 320, pi. 29. fig-. 13 (1900). Liuota exilipes, Dresser, Man. l\il. Birds, pt. i. p. 317 (19G2). Acanthis horuemannii exilipes, Hartert, Viig. Fal. Faun. pt. i. p. 81 (1903). Linaria exilipes, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 237 (1908). Egss of Cones' Redpoll measure from -oS to •? in length, and from -45 to -5 in breadth. 3. Lapland, 19th May. Crowley Bequest. 2. Lapland. Crowley Bequest. 4 Kaaressuando, Kemi Lappmark, W. liadclifie Saunders, Esq. 22nd May. [P.]. 5 Archanael, Russia, 6th June. ^^^ Kadcliife Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 5 Archangel, 6th June. ^V. IJadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. o II Amur, E. Siheria, 4th June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. >'orth America {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Linaria hornemanni {Holboell). Fringilla borealis, Thien. Fortpjianz. ges. Vog. p. 404, tab. xxxv. fig. 12, a-c (1845-54). Frinoilla homenianni, Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 117, pi. 12 (1884) ; k Fggs of Brit. Birds, p. 247, pi. 67. fig. 8 (1896). Acanthis "hornenianni, SharjJa, Cut. Birds B. M. xii. p. 256 (1888). Acanthis canescens, liey {tH-C Gould), Eier Toy. Mitteleurop. p. 326, pi. 29. fig. 12 (1900). Linota horneuianni. Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 317 (1902)._ Acanthis horuemannii horneuiannii, Hartert, Joy. Fal. Fauu. pt. i. p. 81 (1903). Carduelis hornemanni horneuianni, Jourd. Fygs Europ. Birds, p. 63 (1900). Linaria hornemanni, Sharpe, Iland-l. \. p. 237 (1908). The eggs of the Greenland Redpoll measure from -68 to -71 in length, and from -5 to -do in breadth. 4. Greenland. Gould CoU. 9 Greenland. Salvin-Godman Coll. C.' Greenland, 2nd June. W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq. 4 Greenland. 8th July. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2 Greenland. Crowley Bequest. 3'. Greeuland, 25th May. Crowley Bequest. 2. Upernivik, Greenland. Seebohm Coll. 4. Christianshaab, Greenland, June Seebohm Coll. (Feitcker). MOXTIKRIXGILLA. 193 1, Iceland {W. Proctor: Tristra7n Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 3. 'Iceland, May ( W. P. : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Cull.]. 4. Iceland, 5th July. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.l. Genus MONTIPSINGILLA, Brehm. The pgga of all the species of this genus are more or less glossy and pure white. Montifringilla nivalis (Linn.). Fringilla nivalis, Thien. Fortpflanz. ges. Vog. p. 427, tab. xxxvi. fig. 7 (1845-54) ; Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd e^l iv. p. 34, pi. (1875). Montifringilla nivalis, Baedeker, Bier Eur. Vby. tab. 12. tig. 4 (1855- 63) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 617 (1876) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 259(1888); Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 297 (1002); Jourd. Egys Europ. Birds, p. 86 (1906) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 238 (1909). Montifringilla nivalis nivahs, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 132 (1904J. Eggs of the Snow-Finch are of a pointed oval form, and measure from -91 to 1-02 in length, and from -6 to -"1 in breadth. 6. Simplon Pass, Switzerland, 30th Seehohm Coll. JNIay. 2. St. Gotthard, Switzerland. Seebohm Coll. 4. St. Gotthard. Seebohm Coll. 4. Airola, St. Gotthard, 19th June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Lenk, Berne?e Alps {Linden : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 1. Gemmi Pass, Bernese Alps(ZiWe«.- Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. Basses Alps, 11th June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Montifringilla alpicola (Pall.). Montifringilla alpicola, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 260 (1888); Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 298 (1902) ; Sharpe, Randal, v. p. 238(1909). Montifringilla nivalis alpicola, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 133 Pour eggs of the Caucasian Snow-Finch measure from -88 to -89 in length, and from -61 to -62 in breadth. 4. Caucasus Mountains, 19th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. VOL. V. 0 194 FElNGILLIDJi:. Montifringilla nemoricola (Ilodg/i.). Montifrinp-illa nemoricola, Skarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 268 id., Hand-l. v p. 239 (1909). Fringalauda nemoricola, Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 302 (1902). Montifrinj^illa nemoricola nemoricola, Hartert, Viiy. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 136 (1904). Two eggs, which have been identified as those of M. gir/lioli, are probabi}' those of Hodgson's Snow-Finch. They measure respectively -82 by '63 and -83 by -62. 2. Sin-ing, Kausu, W. China, Crowley Bequest. 21st May. Montifringilla arctoa (Pall.). Montifringilla arctoa, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 272 (1888) ; id., Hand-l. V. p. 239 (1909). Leucosticte arctoa. Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 303 (1902). Montifringilla arctous, Hartert, Viig. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 138 (1904). Two eggs of the Siberian Snow-Finch measure respectively "91 by -62 and -92 by -65. 2. Kuldja, Mongolia, 25th May. Crowley Bequest. Montifringilla griseinucha (Brandt). Leucosticte griseonucha, Dnll, P. Cal. Acad. Sci. v. pp. 27, 273 (1873) ; Nelson, Report Nat. Hist. Alaska, p. 176 (1887) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 304 (1902). Leucosticte tephrocotis, var. griseinucha, Baird, Breicer Sf Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 508 (1874). Montifringilla griseinucha, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 275 (1888) ; id., Hand-l. V. p. 240 (1909). Leucosticte tephrocotis griseonucha, Ridgm. Birds North ^ Middle Amer. i. p. 72 (1901). Montifringilla tephrocotis griseonucha, Hartert, Voq. Pal. Faun. pt. ii p. 140 (1904). Eggs of the Aleutian Snow-Finch resemble those of M. vivalis in all respects, 4. [Alaska] [Henshaw Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. St. George's Island, Alaska, May Salvin-Godman Coll. & ( JV. H. Dull : Smitbs. Inst.). Crowley Bequest. Genus RHODOSPIZA, Sharpe. Rhodospiza obsoleta (Licht.). (Plate X. fig. 3.) Rhodospiza obsoleta, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 282 (1888); Hartert, Viig. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 91 (1903) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 241 (19C9). ERYTHKOSPIZA. 195 Erytliri spiza obsoleta, Radde ^ Waltet; Ornis, v. p. 25 (1889). Bucanetes obsoletus, Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i, p. 330 (1902) ; td., Ibis, 1904, p. 108, pi. iii. figs. 4-6. Five egj^s of the Persian Desert-Bullfinch are of a somewhat pointed oval shape and almost devoid of gloss. They are pale blue, sparingly marked, chiefly towards the larger end, with isolated purplish-black spots and dots. They vary from '7 to "71 in length, and from 'oS to -54 in breadth. 5. Meru, Syria, 29th April. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus ERYTHROSPIZA, Bonap, Erythrospiza githaginea (Lkht.). Bucanetes githagineus, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 76. fig. 13 (1855- 63) ; Loche, Expl. Sci. Ali/er., Ois. i. p. 164 (1867). Erythro.-'piza githaginea, Tristram, Ibis, 1859, p. 294 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 85 (1875) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 284 (1888) [part.] ; Nehrk. Knt. Eiersaminl. p. 108 (1899) ; Dresner, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 329 (1902) [part.]; Whitaker, Birds Tunis, i. p. 220 (1905); Joard. Egys Europ. Birds, p. 68, pi. 26. fig. 6 (1906) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 242 (1909). CarpodacLis githagineus, Bree, Birdi Eur. iv. p. 13 (1875). Erythrospiza githaginea githaginea, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 88 (1903). Eggs of the Trumpeter Bullfinch are of a pointed oval shape and slightly glossy. They are pale blue, marked, almost entirely at the broad end, with specks of deep chocolate-brown and grey. They vary from -74 to -So in length, and from -/iS to -6 in breadth. 1. Algeria (Loche). Salviu-Godman Coll. 2. El Aghouat, Algeria [Loche: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 5. Gabes, Tunis, 11th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Erythrospiza amantum, Hartert. Erythrospiza githaginea, Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 329 (1902) [part.]. Erythrospiza githaginea amantum, Hui-tert, Vog. Pal. Fawi. pt. i. p. 89 (1903). Erythrospiza amantum, Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 242 (1909). Eggs of the Cauarian Bullfinch are similar lo those of Bhodoxjriza obsoleta and E. githaginea, some being marked with purplish-black, others with chocolate-brown and grey. They vary from -7 to '79 in length, and from -52 to '61 in breadth. 4. Tenerife, Canarv Islands. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq, [P.]. 6. Fuertaventura, Canarv Islands, W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 13th March [B. Gomez). [P.J. o2 196 TKIXGILLID,!!. 4. Fiiertaventuva, Canary Islands, H. E. Dresser, Esq. [E.]. March (i?. G.). 4. Eiiertaventura, March {R. G.). Crowley Bequest. 4. Fuertaventura, JMarch {R. G.). Crowley Bequest. 5. Fuertaventura, March (R. G.). Crowley Bequest. Erythrospiza mongolica {Swlnh.). Ervthrospiza mongolica, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 287 (1888); Ilnrtert, Tiig. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 89 (1903) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 242 (1909). Bucanetes mongolicus, Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 331 (1902). Eggs of the Mongolian Bullfinch are similar to those of E. amantum. They vary from •? to -79 in length, and from 'oS to •57 in breadth. 2. Mountains of Tekke, Turkestan, Crowley Bequest. 15th May. 4. Issyk-Kul, Turkestan, 2nd May. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq, [P.]. 5. Kobdo, Altai Mountains, 12th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq, [P.]. Genus PETRONIA, Kaup. Petronia petronia (Linn.). Fringilla petronia, Thien. Fortuflanz. ges. Viig. p. 423, tab. xxxiv. fig. 18, a-c (1845-54). Petronia rupestris, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Tog. tab. 12. fig. 10 (1855-63). Petronia stulta, Dresser, Birds Eur. iii, p. 607 (1877); id., Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 295 (1902) [part.]. Pyrgita petronia, Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 218. Passer petronia, Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iv. p. 43, pi. (1875) ; Rey, Eier Vog. Mitteleurop. p. 309, pi. 42. figs. 21-24 (1900). Petronia petronia, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 289 (1888) [part.]; Jourd. Eggs Europ. Birds, p. 88, pi. 12. figs. 21-24 (1906) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 242 (1909). Petronia petronia petronia, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 141 (1904), Nine eggs of the Eock-Sparrow are of a broad oval form and slightly glossy. They are dull white or j^ale grey, densely streaked, blotched, and marbled with umber-brown in some cases, and with f* purplish-brown and lilac in others. In some specimens the markings are very evenly distributed over the shell ; in others they are extremely dense at the large end, where they form a cap, and sparse elsewhere. Examples measure from "8 to '92 in length, and from -6 to '64 in breadth. 5. Araujuez, Spain, May (if. jS«M??f?er«). Seebohm Coll. 4. Parnassus, Greece, 28th May {H. Seebolim Coll. Seebohm &■ T. Krilper) PETROMA. 197 Petronia puteicola, Festa. Petronia stulta, Tristram {nee (hnel.), Ibis, 1868, p. 204. Petronia petronia puteicola, Harfert, Vikj. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 144 (1904V Petronia puteicola, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 243 (1909), Eggs of the Palestine Rock-Sparrow are of a broad oval shape and very glossj-. They are dull white, densely marked all over with purplish-brown and purplish-grey. In some the markings take the form of blotches and spots, while in others they are very fine and evenly distributed over the entire shell. The eggs vary from "8 to -86 in length, and from -6 to -64 in breadth. 4. Bethany, Palestine, 22nd April Salvin-Godman Coll. {H. 'B. Tristram). 5. Betliany, 22Md April {H. B. T.). Canon Tristram [0.]. 4. Bethany, 23rd April {II. B. T.). E. Cavendish Taylor Bequest. Petronia maderensis, Erlanger. (Plate X. fig. 4.) Petronia petronia madeirensis, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 141 (1904). Peti'onia maderensis, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 243 (1909). Eggs of the Madeira Rock-Sparrow are generally of a rather long oval shape and very glossy. They vary considerably in markings, and exactly resemble some of the commoner types of eggs laid by Parser domesiicus. lu all of them the ground-colour is white ; the markings vary from a warm brown to purplish-grey, and either cover the entire shell, or are most numerous and heavy towards the larger end. The eggs range from '79 to "92 in length, and from •6 to -62 in breadth. I 6. Porto Santo Is., Madeira, 12th April W. Radclifie Saunders, Esq. I (Padre E. Schmitz). [P.]. 6. Porto Santo Is., 24th April (E. S.). W. RadcHffe Saunders, Esq. i [P-]. I 6. Porto Santo Is., 1st June {E. S.). W. RadcHffe Saunders, Esq 4. Tenerife, Canary Islands, 11th April W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. {R. Gomez).' [P.]. 4. Tenerife, March {R. G.). Crowley Bequest. Petronia dentata {Sundev.). Petronia dentata, S/iarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 295 (1888) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iii. p. 261 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 244 (1909). The only egg of the Lesser Rock-Sparrow in the Collection was laid in captivity and is, no doubt, abnormally coloured. It is of a regular oval shape and devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is pale greenish-white, heavily capped at the larger end with sooty black. It measures "72 by -o'd. 1. Laid in captivity. Dr. A. G. Butler [P.]. 198 FRINGILLID^, Petronia superciliaris, Blyth. Petronia petronella, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 297 (1888) ; Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. ]o7 (1900J. Petronia flavigula, Shellet/, Birds Afr. iii. p. 265 (1902). Petronia superciliaris, Beichenotc, Viig. Afr. iii. p. 244 (1904) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 244 (1909). An egg believed to be that of the Southern Hock-Sparrow is of a regular oval shape and very glossj". It has the ground-colour yellowish-white, heavily blotched and clouded all over with umber- brown, and measures '82 by "oS. 1. South Africa, Crowley Bequest. Genus GYMNORHIS, Blyth. GymnorMs flavicoUis {Franli.). Passer flavicollis, Legge, Birds Ceylon, p. 605 (1879) ; Sharpe, Ibis, 1891, p. 105. Petronia flavicollis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 293 (1888) [part.] ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 297 (1902) [part.]. Gymnorhis flavicollis, Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 235 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests S,- Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 157 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 244 (1909). Gymnoris flavicollis flavicollis, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 145 (1904). The eggs of the Yellow-throated Sparrow vary in shape from a broad to a narrow oval and are moderately glossy. They are greenish-white, marked with streaks and blotches of dark umber- brown, chocolate-brown, purplish-grey, and dull lilac. In some eggs the markings are so dense as to entirely conceal the ground- colour, in others but little of this latter is visible, and in others again the markings are comparatively sparse and well defined, leaving about half the ground-colour visible. Numerous specimens measure from '66 to -8 in length, and from '5 to '58 in breadth. 1. India. Hume Coll. 2. Hissar, Punjab. Flume Coll. 1. Hansi, Punjab, 15th April, Hume Coll. 2. BareiUv, N.W. Prov., 12th May. Hume Coll. ]. Bareilly, 16th May. Hume Coll. 1. Bareillv, 17th Mav, Hume Coll. 1. Etawaii, N.W.Prov., 11th April. Hume Coll. 1. Etawah, loth April ( W. F. Brooks: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 19. Raipur, Central Provs. Hume Coll. 1. Manbhum, Bengal {R. C. Beavan: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.) 2. Berachalee, Bengal, 5th April Crowley Bequest. {R. C. B. : Tristram Coll.). I GYMNORniS. rASSER, 199 Gymnorhis transfuga, IJartert. (Plate X. figs. 5-7.) Gymnoris flavicollis trausfuga, Hartert, J'ot/. Pal. Faun. pt. li. p. 145 (1904). Gymnorhia transfuga, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 244 (1909)= Two clutches of eggs of the Persian Yellow-throated Sparrow resemble those of 0. flavicollis of the paler and darker types. Three eggs from the Persian Gulf are remarkably ditt'erenr. from the above : in these the ground is cream-colour, thickly mottled with minute specks and streaks of pale rufous. They measure from "68 to "76 in length, and from '50 to '52 in breadth. 13. Fao, Persian Gulf. VV. D. Gumming, Esq. [l"-]- 3. Fao, Persian Gulf. W. D. Gumming, Esq. [P.J. Genus CARPOSPIZA, Muller. Carpospiza bracliydactyla {Bona]).). (Plate X. fig. 8.) Petronia bi'achvdactvla, Tristram, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 447 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xi'i. p. 292 (1888) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 296 (1902). Carpospiza brachydactyla, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 145 (1904) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 245 (1909). Three eggs of the Desert Rock-Sparrow are of a rather pointed oval shape and somewhat glossy. They are white, with a few small scattered spots and dots of purplish-black or purplish-chocolate. They measure from •75 to "78 in length, and from "52 to '57 in breadth. 1. Plains of Sahra, Syria, 7tli June Crowley Bequest. {H. B. Tristram). 2. Plains of Sahra, 14th June {H. Crowley Bequest. B. T). Genus PASSER, Briss. Passer montanus (Linn.). Fringilla montana, Thien. Fortpflanz. yes. Viig. p. 426, tab. xxxiv. tig. 13, a-d (184.5-54). Paaser montanus, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Viig. tab. 12. fig. 6 (1855-63); Heicifson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 207, pi. liii. figs, i & ii (1856) ; Swinhoe, Ibts, 1860, p. 61 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 597 (1876) ; Seebohm if Harvie-Brown, Ibis, 1876, p. 114 ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 69, pi. 13 (1884) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 301 (1888) [part.] ; Oates ed. Hume, Nests ^- Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 162 (1890) [part.] ; La Touche, Ibis, 1892, p." 427 ; Seebohm, Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 238, pi. 56. figs. 14 & 15 (1896); lieg, Eier 'Viig. 200 fRINGILLlD^. Mittelcurop. p. S07, pi. 42. figs. 11-20 (1900) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. £ rch, pt. i. p. 293 (ly02) [part.] : Jourd. Eggs Europ. Birds, p. 94, pi. 12. tigs. 11-20 (1904) ; Sharpe, H.and-1. v. p. 245 (1909). Passer montana montana, Harterf, Vdff. Pal. Eaun. pt. ii. p. 160 (1904). The eggs of the Tree-Sparrow vary in shape from a pointed to a blunt oval and have a moderate amount of gloss. The ground- colour is white, greyish-white or pale bluish-white, speckled and spotted, blotched, smeared or streaked, in some eggs sparingly but in the majority densely, with vai-yiug shades of brown and violet- grey. These markings are generally densest and darkest at the broad end, where they often form a cap or broad zone. In this, as in other Sparrows' eggs, a clutch seldom consists entirely of eggs quite of one type, one specimen generally differing markedly from the others in the distribution and density of the markings. The eggs taken bj' Swinhoe in Amoy are extremely varied in colour, the most remarkable type being a white egg with a dense rufous cap at the broad end. Eggs of the Tree-Sparrow measure from "7 to '86 in length, and from -48 to '6 in breadth. 5 St. Kilda, Outer Hebrides, 7th June (J. S. E.). 4. Cluny, luyerness-shire. 5. England. 4. "Wilstrop, Yorkshire, May. 4. Wilstrop, 22nd May. 3. Cheshire (jF. ^'ic/io'lson : Hargitt Coll.). 4. Crewe, Cheshire. 4. Dogsthorpe, Peterborough, 4th July (C. Beech). 4. Cambridgeshire. 6. Cambridgeshire. 5. C^ambridgeshire. 4. Cambridgeshire [F. Bond). 4. Cambridge. 5. Waterbeacb,Cambridge,9tb May (O. S.). 5. Welney, Cambridge, 21st May ( W. Farren). 5. Upware, Cambridge, 13th May (O. S.). 4. Harrow, Middlesex, 11th June {H. T. Booth). 6. Gravenev, Faversham, Kent, 29th May (il. T. B.). 4. Clav," Hythe, Kent, 16th May (6. S.). 4, Vosges, France {Mougel: Har- gitt Coll.). 3. Elbeuf, Normandy {Noury : Hargitt Coll.). 4. 'EAhmi (Nonry : Hargitt Coll). 5. Yalkenswaard, Holland, 12th Mav {H. S.). J. Steele Elliott, Esq. [P.]. Seebnhm Coll. Old Collection. Seebohm Coll. Seebolim Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. F. Bond, Esq. 1 P.]. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. ;P.]. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman CoU. Seebohm CoU. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. 201 5. Vallteiiswaard, 12th May (H. S.). 5. Valkenswaard, 26th May {H. S.). 5. Yalkenswaai-d, ^Sth May ( //. S. ). 5. Valkenswaard, :^4th June (H.S.). 6. Berlin ( T. Holland). 5. Sziojet Csep, Hungary, 28th April (F. A. Ceriva). 6. Szit(et Csep, l(Jth May (F. A. C). 6. Sziget Csep, 31st May ( W. li. S.). 5. Sziget Csep, 12th June {F.A. C). 5. Sziget Cs^p, 14th June (F.^.C). 5. 4. 4. 3G. 3. 1. 3. 3. 4. 4. 6. Petchora Eiver, 66° N. Lat., 2ud June {H. Seebohm Si- J. A. Harme-Broxvn). Petchora liivei", 66° N. Lat., 2nd June (H.S.^ J. A. H.-B.). Lebong, Sikhim. Mongphoo, Sikhim {J. Gammie). Amoy, China {R. Swinhoe). Foochow, China. Foochow, April. Foochow, 14th April. Foochow, 10th May. Foochow, 4th June. P'oochow, 6th July. Fujiyama, Hondo, Japan, 1st July. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. M . Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Seebohm Coll. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.] C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.'^ C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.' C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.J W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Passer malaccensis, Dubois. Passer montana malaccensis, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Fmm. pt. ii. p. 161 (1904). Passer malaccensis, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 246 (1909). Eggs of the Malayan Tree-Sparrow are indistinguishable from those of P. montunus, but are on the whole a trifle smaller. They measure from -68 to "78 in length, and from -51 to -o-l in breadth. 2. Pegu, Burma, 23rd Nov. {E. W. Gates Coll. Oates). Moulmein, Tenasserim, 12th May Hume Coll. ( W. Davison). Moulmein, 12th May ( W. D.). Hume Coll. Moulmein, 12th Mav ( W. D.). Hume Coll. Moulmein, 12th May ( W. D.). Hume Coll. Klang, Malay Peninsula, 29th May Hume Coll. ( W. D.). Passer domesticus {Linn.). Fringilla domestica, Thien. Fortpjlanx. ges. Vog. p. 424, tab. xxxiv. fig. 15, a-e (184.5-54i. Passer domesticus, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 12. fig. 7 (1855-63) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 218 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 587 (1876) ; 202 FRINGIXLIDJ. Seehohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 63, pi. 13 (1884) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 307 (1888) [part.]; id., Ibis, 1891, p. 105; Seebohm, Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 238, pi. 56. fios. 10, 11, & 12 (1896) ; Bvy, Bier Fog. Mitte/mroj). p. 302, pi. 42. figs. 1-10 (1900) ; Jonrd. Eqgs Europ. Birds, p. 90, pi. 12. tigs. 1-10 (1906); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 246 (1909). Passer domestica domestica, Hartert, Viig. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 147 (1904). The eggs of the House-Sparrow diflPer from those of the Tree- Sparrow in being larger in size and in having the markings, as u rule, more distinct and less dense. The markings are most commonly spots, specks, and blotches pretty sharply defined, and in many specimens quite half of the ground-colour is clearly visible. The disposition, shape, and varying shades of brown of the markings are, however, endless, and it is seldom that eggs even of the same clutch closely resemble each other, one or two being generally of a different type to the others. Numerous specimens measure from •68 to 1-0 in length, and from -50 to -(Ji) in breadth. 5. Stanwix, Carlisle, Cumberland, 1st June. 4. Wilstrop, Yorkshire (IIar(/ilt Coll.). 5. Wilstrop {Hargitt Coll.). 9. Wilstrop, May (Hargitt Coll.). 6. Robin Hood Bay, Yorkshire, 1.5tli July. 6. Edwinstowe, Notts, June (//. Seebohin). 5. Norfolk, 26th May [F. Norgatc). 5. Norfolk, 26th May {F. N.). 6. Norfolk, 16th June (F. ^\). 4. Southery Mauor, near Downham, Norfolk, 20th May ( W. B. S.). 6. Canibridgeshii-e. 6. Suffolk, June. 18. Finchley, Middlesex (0. S.). 7. Weybridge, Surrey, 24th June. 3. Blackheath, Kent. 3. Bentlev, Hants, 14th May (Har- gitt Coll.). 4. Bentley, 14th Mav (Hargitt Coll.). 4. Beutley, 14th May (Han/itt Coll.). 4. Bentlev, 14th May (Hargitt Coll.). 2. Alton, Hants. 4. Eockfield, Monmouthshire, June. 6. Longburgh, Gloucestershire, 2nd June. 7. Longburgh, 7th June. W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq. [P.J. Seehohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. W. Radelitfe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm CoU. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [R]. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. Dr. A. Giinther [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. E. Jukes, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm ColL Crowley Bequest. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Sauuders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. PASSER. 203 5. LoDgburgli, 7tb June. W. Radcliife Saunders, Esq. [P.]. ^ 6. Devonshire, June {W. H. S.). W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esa [P.]. ^" 5. Torquay, Devonshire, 6th May W. RadclifFe Saunders, Esq {W.Ii.S.). [P.]. ^ 3. Smyrna, 26th May (T. Krilper). Seebohm Coll. 3. romerania(7'. /^o//a«(^). Seebohm Coll. 2. Malta. Gould Coll. 5. Parnassus, Greece, 16th May (if. Seebohm Coll. 8eehohm i^- T. Kriwer). 6. Parnassus, 16th May (It. S. ^- Seebohm Coll. T. A'.). 5. Parnassus, 16th May {H. S. ^' Seebohm Coll. T. A'.). 2. Plainfield, New Jersey, U.S.A., Princeton University N J l^th April ( JV. E. B. Scott). [E.]. ' ' 3. Plaiiitield, 9th April ( Tl'. E. Princeton University, N J -0. &)• [E.J. ^ ' ' Passer tingitanus, Locke. Passer tingitanus, Loche. E.vpl. Sci. AUjir., Ois. i. p. 132 (1867) • Shanw Hand-l. v. p. 246 (1909). ' ' Passer domestica tingitanus, Hcirtert, T'dff. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 149 (1904:). Eggs of the Algerian Sparrow are indistinguishable from those of P. domesticus. They vary from -8 to -So in length, and from -oO to •61 in breadth. 5. Algeria (Loche). Seebohm Coll. 5. Algeria (Loche). Seebohm Coll. Passer rufidorsalis, Brehm. Passer domestica arboreus, Kartert, Vog.Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p 150 (1904) Passer rufadorsalis, Sharpe, Rand-l. v. p. 246 (1909). Eggs of the Nil£ Sparrow resemble those of P. domesticus, but are somewhat smaller They yary from -78 to -88 in length, and from ■5o to -62 in breadth, 4. me (S. Stafford Allen). Gould Coll. 4. Nie(&&^.). Gould Coll. 4. ISile (S. S. A.). Gould CoU Passer indicus, Jard. 4- Selb. Pa-sser domesticus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 307 (1888) fpart 1 • Oates ed. Hume, Nests S,- Egys Lid. Birds, ii. p. 159 (1890). ' passer domestica indicus, Bartert, V(k/. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 151 (1904^ Passer ^i^ic^^,Wardlarc.Ranisay, Ibis, 1880, p. 63; Sharpe, Hand-l. y. Eggs of the Indian Sparrow resemble those of P. domesticus but are generally somewhat smaller. They vary from -68 to -8 in length, and from -52 to -58 in breadth. 204 FRIXGILLlDj;. 4. Jask, Gulf of Oman, 23ia March. 8. Fao, Persian Gulf. 2. Hariab Valley, Afghanistan, 16th June (A. G. Wardlaw- Bamsay). 3. Kotgarh, llimalaj-a, 27th May. 1. Kot;^arh, July. 6. Siud {J. H. Gould). 30. North-West India. 8. Jodhpur, Rajpixtana, 4th April. 3. Delhi, Punjab, 2t)th May (C. T. Biw/ham). 4. Delhi", 27th June ( C. T. B.). 2. Etawah, N.W. Provs. 1. Etawah, 30th March. 2. Etawah, 12th April. 3. Aligarh, N.W. Prov., Aug. 26. Hoshungabad, C. Provs. i^E. C. Nunn). 1. Barrackpur, Bengal, 17 th May (B. U. Beavan). 3. Beraclialee, Bengal, 29th March (i2. C. £.: Tristram Coll.). 9. Nilghiri Hills. 3. Nilghiri llilh {Tristra>n Coll.). 3. Ootacamund, Nilghiris, 20th May. 2. Ceylon {B. L. Lmjard). 4. Pegu, Burma, 25th Feb. [E. W. Oates). 3. Pegu, Oct. & Nov. (-E. W. ().). S. Butcher, Esq. [P.]. W. D. Gumming, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Gould Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Cull. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Hume Coll. C^rowley Bequest. Hume Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Hume Coll. Oates Coll. Passer pyrrhonotus, Blyth. Passer pyrrhonotus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 316 (1888^ ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 238 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests if Effc/i, Ind. Birds, ii. p. 162 (1890) ; Sharpe, Rand-l. v. p. 247 (1909). Passer domestica pyrrhonotus, Hartert, Vog. Fal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 151 (1904). The eggs of the Rufous-backed Sparrow are inseparable from those of the Tree-Sparrow. Of three specimens in the Collection, two are densely streaked and mottled, leaving little of the ground- colour visible. A third example is blotched and clouded with brown and grey on a whitish ground, fully one-half of which is exposed to view. They measure respectively : •" by '5 ; '69 by •51 ; -67 by -52. Eastern Narra, Sind, 4th April {S. Doig). Hume Coll. PASSER. 20.3 Passer italiae ( Vieill.). Passer italiae, Bafideker, Eier Eur. Viig. tab. 12. tig. 8 (1855-6.3) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 585 (1876): Whitehead, Ibis, 1885, p. 39 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 315 (1888) ; Dresser, Man. J'dt. Bird.f,])t. i. p. 1'90 (1902); Hartert, Fog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 152 (1904); Jinird Eggs Eur op. Birds, p. 92, pi. 26. fig. 9 (1906); Sharpe, thmd-l. v.' p. 247 (1909). Passer domesticiis cisalpiiuis, Bree, Birds Eur. 2rid ed. iv. p. 49, pi. (1875). The eggs of the Italian Sparrow do not appear to differ from those of P. domesiicns. They measure from '8 to '9 in length, and from -oS to "62 in breadth. 5. Corsica. J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. 4. Italy, 21st April. "W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Tieino, N. Italy, 20th May Seebohm Coll. (T. Holland). 5. IMilau, Italy, loth May {Count Seebohm Coll. Turatt). 4. Palermo, N. Sicily, 16th April. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 4. Sferra f'avallo, Corsica, 14th April. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Passer hispaniolensis (Temm.). Fringilla salicaria, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Tog. p. 426 (1845-54). Frinafilla hispaniolen.sis, Thien. torn. cit. tab. xx.xiv. fig. 14, a-c. Passer salicicola, Baedtker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 12. fig. 9 (1855-63) ; Salrin, Ibis, 1859, p. 314 ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 218. Passer salicarius, Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iy. p. 62, pi. (1875). Passer hispaniolensis, Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 593 (1876) ; Beid, Ibis, 1887, p. 434 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 317 (1888) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 291 (1902); Whitaker, Birds Tunis, i. p. 205 (1905) ; Jourd. Ef/r/.i Europ. Birds, p. 92, pi. 26. fig. 10 (1906) ; Sharpe, Band-l. y. p. 248 (1909). Passer hispaniolensis hispaniolensis, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 156 (1904). Passer hispaniolensis fliickigeri, Kleinschm. ; Hartert, t. c. p. 158 (1904). Passer fliickigeri, Sharpe, Hand-l. y. p. 248 (1909). The eggs of the Spanish Sparrow are very uniform, and agree closely with some of the eggs of the House-Sparrow. The ground- colour is bluish- or greyish-white ; and the markings, which are Tery distinct and well-defined, consist of spots and small blotches of dark brown and underlying layender-grey distributed over the entire shell, but more thickly on the larger half of the egg than elsewhere. They measure from -8 to 1"0 in length, and from "58 to •66 in breadth. 6. South Spain, 7th May, W. Radcliffe Saimders, Esq. [P.]. 5. Andalucia, S. Spain, 16th April. AV. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 206 FRINGILLID^. 2. Seville, S. Spain, 30tli April {H. Saunders). 5. Seville, 6tli Mav {H. S.). 5. Coria, Spain, 18th May (H. S.). 3. Nyinphia, Greece, 7tli June. 6. Smyrna, Asia Minor, L'3rd May {T. Kriiper). 6. Canary Islands. 5. Alg:eria (Locke). 2, Zana, Algeria, June (0. Salvin). 1. Zana, l(:th June [H. B. Tristram). 12. Chemora, Algeria, Mav (O. S.). 6. Chemora, 23rd May {H. B. T.). Seebohm Coll. Seebohni Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Capt. Savile G. Reid [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Passer transcaspicus, Tschusi. Passer salicarius, Tristram, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 446 ; Witherby, Ibis, 1903, p. 523. Passer hispaniolensis transcaspicus, Hartert, Voff. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 157 (1904). Passer transcaspicus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 248 (1909). Eggs of the Transcaspian Sparrow are similar to those of P. hispaniolensis. They measure from -79 to -88 ia length, and from -6 to '65 in breadth. 4. Bethany, Palestine, 22nd April {H. B. Tristram). % Bethany, 22ud April (//. B. T.). 2. Bethany, 23rd April (R. B. T.). 2. Nudan, S.W. Persia, 17th April. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. H. F. Witherby, Esq. [P.], Passer debilis, Hartert. Passer cinnamomea, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 325 (1888) [part.]; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, n. p. 240 (1890) [part.]; id., ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 164 (1890). Passer rutilans debilis, Hartert, Vdg. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 162 (1904). Passer debilis, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 249 (1909). Eggs of the Cinnamon Tree-Sparrow pass through the same variations as those of P. montanus, and cannot be separated from them. They measure from •? to '9 in length, and from -54 to 'GS in breadth. 1. Mm-ree, Himalaya, 12th June. Crowley Bequest. 4. Simla, Himalaya {A. O. Hume). Hume Coll. 6. Kotgarh, Himalaya {A. 0. H.). Hume Coll. 3. Kotgarh, 15th May (A. O. H.). Hume Coll. 2. Kotgarh, 17th May (A. O. H.). Hume Coll. 3. Kotgarh, 6th June {A. O. H.). Hume Coll. 3. Kotgarh, 6th June (A. O. H.). Hume Coll. 2. Kotgarh, 8th June (A. 0. H.). Hume Coll. 12. Kotgarh, 21st JuLe (A. O. //.). Hume Coll. 6. Kotgarh, 22nd June (A. O. H.). Hume Coll. 1. Kotgarh, 27th June (A. O. H.). Hume Coll. PASSER. 207 Passer rutilans, Temm. Passer rutilans, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 329 (1888) • Nelirh Kat Etemnnml^. 109 (1899); La Touche, Ibis, 1900, p. So"-' a909)" ' ' ^^^^' ^" ^^' ^^"'''''' ^"'"^-^- ^- P- 24^ Passer rutilans rutilans, Hartert, Vog. Pal. laun. pt. ii. p. 161 (1904). One e^^ of the Russet Sparrow is of a narrow blunt oval form and almost devoid of gloss. It is greyish-white, blotched and spotted with brown and ashy-grey. The other example has a yellowish-white ground-colour densely clouded all over with c_lioeolate-brown. They measure respectively -73 by -52 and * / o oy *o-T, 1. Kuatun, Fohkien, China, May. 1. Auioy, Cliina [R. Swinhoe : Tristram Coll.). C. B. llickett, Esq. [P.j. Crowley Bequest. Passer melanurus {P. L. S. Midi.). Fringilla arcuata, TMen. Fortpflam. ges. T'cia. p. 426 tab xtyW fig. 16, a-e (1845-54). ^ ' xxxiv. Passer arcuatus, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Africa, p. 478 (1876-84^ • id., Cat. Birds B. M. .xii. p. 333 (1888) fnart 1 ■ Ni^hrl- S^,/' Eiersan^nl.^. 109 (1899); iark, Fauna S. %.', Birds [Am (I9S2).' ''""'""'' ''''' ''^'' P- ''' ''^*^' Bi;ds^:m. t 248 _ The eggs of the Cape Sparrow are as varied as those of P. domes- turn and cannot be separated from them. They measure from bb to -88 m length, and from ■52 to -6 in breadth. 7. South Africa. South Africa. South Africa. South Africa. South Africa. South Africa. Cape Colony (F. L. Layard). Cape Colony {F. L. Layard: Trist- ram, Coll.). Cape Colony {E. L. Layard: Trist- ram Coll.). Deelfontein, Cape Colony, 31st Oct. {F. Si'imund). Beelfonteiu, 31st Oct. (F. S.). Deelfontein, 31st Oct. {F. S.). Deelfontein, 31st Oct. {F. S.). Deelfontein, 31st Oct. (F. S.). Deelfontein, 31st Oct. {F. S.). Deelfontein, lOth Nov. {F. S) Deelfontein. 20th Nov. {F. S.). Deelfontein, 20th Nov. (F. S.). W. Radchffe Saunders, Esq [P.]. ^• Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. E. L. Layard, Esq. 'P.J. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Col. A. T. Sloggett [P.]. Col. A. T. Col. A. T. Col. A. T. Col. A. T. Col. A. T. Col. A. T. Col. A. T. Col. A. T. Sloggett [P.J. Sloggett [P.]. Sloggett [p.]. Sloggett [P.J. Sloggett "P.l Sloggett 'P.J. Sloggett [P.J. Sloggett 1 P.l. 208 FBINGILL1D.E. 2. Peelfonteiii, 3]st Dec. (J?. -S.). Col. A. T. Sloggett [P.]. 3. Transvaal, 27tli Sept. Dr. R. Dowdier Sharpe [P.]. 8. Potchefstroom, Transvaal, Oct. Crowley Bequest. {T. Ayres : Tristram Coll.). 2. 14 Streams, Vaal River, Trans- R. D. Woosnam, Esq. [C.]. vaal, Nov. 2. 14 Streams, Nov. R. B. Woosnam, Esq. [C.]. Passer moabiticus, Tristram. Passer moabiticns, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 321 (1888) ; id., Hand-l. V. p. 250 (1909). Passer moabiticus moabiticus, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 155 (1904). Eggs of the Palestine Sparrow are similar to those of P. indicus, but are often of a somewhat narrower oval shape. They measure from "7 to '8 in length, and from -5 to "53 in breadth. 5. Palestine. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.1. 4. Palestine. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 6. Jordan Valley, Palestine, 23rd W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. April. [P.]. 5. Jordan Valley, 28th April. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. Passer yatei, Sharpe. Passer vatii, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 322 (1888) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 291 (1902) ; id. Ibis, 1903, p. 405, pi. x. figs. 1-4. Passer moabiticus yatii, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 155 (1904). Passer yatei, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 250 (1909). Three eggs of Yate's Sparrow are of a rather pointed oval shape and fairly glossy. The ground-colour is dull white, densely and finely freckled all over with dull purplish-grey. Two measure respectively u by '5 and -73 by 'S. 3. Seistan, E. Persia {N. Sarudny). H. E. Dresser, Esq. [E.]. Passer motitensis, Smith. (Plate X. fig. 1.) Passer motitensis, Andersson, B. Damaral. p. 186 (1872) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 324 (1888); Stark, Faun. S. Afr., Birds, \. p. 1G2 (1900); Shelley, Birds Afr. iii. p. 244 (1902); Reichenow, Vog. Afr. iii. p. 240 (1904) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 250 (1909). Two eggs of the Damara-land Sparrow are of a rather broad oval form and slightly glossy. They are white, sparsely spotted with brownish-grey and lavender-grey round the larger end, and in the epecimen figured there are a few scattered spots over the rest of the shell. They measure respectively -82 by -6 and -8 by "61. 2. Arljab River, Damara-land, 22nd Crowley Bequest. Oct. (C. J. Andersson: Tristram Cull). 209 Passer ruficinctus, Fischer j- llcklunow. Passer ruficinctus, Shiirpe, Cat Birds B. M. xii. p. 325 (1888) ; Xe/irk. Kat. Eiermmml. p. 109 (1899) ; lieichemnc, Vor/. Afr. iii. p. 241 (1904) ; Sharpv, Iland-l. v. p. 251 (1908). Tliree oggs of Fischer's Sparrow are of a broad oval shape and sliglitly gloss}'. The ground-colour is dull white or yellowish- white, blotched and spotted with pale chocolate-brown and with underlying clouded markings of violet-grey. They measure re- spectively '"o by "58, '"S by "59, and "7^ by "G. 3. Lake Kaivasha, B. E. Africa, F. J. Jackson, Esq., C.B. [C.]. 7th July. Passer auimodendri, Severtz. Passer aniinndendri, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B.M. xii. p. 337 (1888) ; ? Xvhrk. Kat. jEitr.. Auripasser euchlorus, Bonap. (Plate X. tigs. 17 & 18.) Tasscr eiK-liIoru.s, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 341 (1888) ; Yerbury, /ZiM, 18116, p. 27; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersumml. p. 109(1899); Ogiloie Grant, Nov. Zool. vii. p. 24(5 (1900) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. ill. p. 259 (1902). Auripasser euclilovus, Reirlienmri, Voy. Afr. iil. p. 250 (1904) ; Sharjie, Hand-l. v. p. 2.j:i (IQOQ). The eggs of the Arabian Yellow Sparrow taken b}" Colonel Yer- burj- are not separable from many of the eggs of Passer montanus. They are of an ordinary oval form and slightly glossy. The ground-colour is greyish-white, streaked and blotched with ashy- brown and underlying laveuder-grey. Three examples measure respectively : '7:^ by "52 ; -73 by 'SI ; '68 by -5. 3. Aden, Arabia, May. Col. J. \V. Yerbury [P.]. Genus SORELLA, Hartl. Sorella emini, Hartl. (Plate X. fig. 14.) Passer emini, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 332 (1888) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iii. p. 256 (1902). Auripasser emini, lieicheiwjv, Vog. Afr. iii. p. 248 (1904). Sorella emini, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 253 (1908). Eggs of Emiu's Sparrow are of a regular oval shape or slightly pointed at one end, and almost devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is white or pale bluish-white somewhat sparingly spotted with brownish-black, grey, and lilac. They vary from -Qiy to -76 iu length, and from '49 to '54 in breadth. 4. Njemps, Lake Raringo, B. E. Africa, V. ,). .lacksou, Esq., C.B. [C.]. ' 10th J ulv. 4. Xj.'mps, 16th .Tulv. V. .). .Tackson, Esq., C.B. [C.l. 4. iS'ienips, Kith .Jiilv. F. .1. Jackson, Esq., C.B. \cX 4. Njemps, 16th .luly. F. J. Jackson, Esq., C.B. [C.]. Genus P0LI03PIZA, Bomtp. Poliospiza albignlaris (Hndtlt). Crithagra albogularis, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Africa, p. 485 (1875- 84). Serinus albigularis, Sharpp, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 360 (1888) ; Usehrk Eat. EierMimnd. ]). 1 10 (ISO!)) ; Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 174 (1900) ; Shrllcy, />'.,•,/>■ Afr. iii. p. 223 (1902). 212 FEINGlLLIDiE. Polio.«piza albigularis, Reichenow, Viicj. Afr. iii. p. 2^)2 (1904) ; Sharpc, Handel, v. p. 254 (1908). Four eggs of the White-throated Finch closely resemble the eggs Serinus suJjihurntus. Two examples are spotted with chocolate- hrown only ; two others are marked both with chocolate-brown and with lilac. They measure respectively : -81 by -55 ; -79 by '6 ; •85 by -58 ; -8 by '6. 4. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. Poliospiza crocopygia (Sharj^e). (Plate X. fig. 10.) Serinus crocopvgius, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 360 (1888; Shellei/, Birds Afr. iii. p. 222 (1902). Poliospiza crocopygia, Reichenow, Vog. Afr. iii. p. 25-3 (1904) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p." 254 (1908). Five eggs of the Damaralaud White-throated Finch are of a rather wide and somewhat pointed oval shape and moderately glossy. The ground-colour is white, with spots, blotches, and irregular markings of deep chocolate, umber-brown, and faint underlying lilac-grey, arranged in a ring round the larger end. They measure from -74 to rSl in length, and from -58 to -59 in breadth. 5. Otjimbinque, Damaraland, 12th Jan. Crowley Bequest. (C. J. Andersson : Tristram Coll.). Poliospiza leucopygia (Sundev.). Serinus leucopvgius, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 366 (1888) ; Shellei/, Birds Afr. iii. p. 216 ( 1 902 ) . Poliospiza leucopvgia, Reichenow, Vog. Afr. iii. p. 255 (1904) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. \.-p.'2o5 (1908). Two eggs of the White-rumped Canary laid in captivity are of a long oval shape and slightly glossy. Both are white : one is sparingly marked about the larger end with very small spots and dots of blackish-brown ; in the other the markings are indicated by very minute dots. They measure respectively "64 by "44 and •65 by -43. 2. Laid in captivit.v. Crowley Bequest. Poliospiza gularis (tSmith). Poliospiza gularis, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Africa, p. 482 (1875- 84) ; id.. Cat. Birds B. M. xii". p. 343 (1888); Nehrk. Eat. Eier- sanmd. p. 109 (1899) ; Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 165 (1900) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iii. p. 226 (1902) ; Reichenow, Vog. Afr. iii. p. 258 (1904) ; Sharped Hand-l. v. p. 256 (19C8). Four eggs of the Streaky-headed Seed-eater are of a somewhat POLIOSPIZ.V. SERINUS. 213 pointed oval shape and moderatclj- glossy. They are bluish-white, and two arc sparingly spotted at the broad end with deep chocolate- brown, while the others are almost uniform. They measure respectively : '73 by "55 ; "To by -oo; '78 by •58 ; and -83 by •57. 2. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 2. Swelleudaiu, Cape Colony (r. ^<- Crowley Bequest. more: Tristram Cull.). Poliospiza tristriata (Bupp.). Poliospiza tristriata, Shnrpe, Git. Birds B. M. xii. p. 345 (1888) ; Shelleij, Birds Afr. iii. p. ■1-2'd (190i') ; Ueichenoio, Vog. Afr. iii. p. 229 (1904) Sharpe,' Haml-l. v. p. 256 (1908). Two ei^'gs of Riippell's Seed-eater are of a regular oval shape and almost devoid of gloss. They resemble small eggs of Liyurinus chhris, having the ground-colour pale greenish-white, with spots and irregular markings of chocolate-brown and lilac-grey, mostly confined to the larger end. They measure respectively -71 by '52 and •72 by -53. 2. Ilarar, Abyssinia, 10th .Tune. Mr. P. Zaphiro [C.]. Genus SEEINUS, Koch. Serinus canicollis (Sivains.). Seriaus canicollis, Sharpe, id. Layard, Birds S. Africa, p. 488 (1875-84) ; id., Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. .350 (1888); Nehrk. Kat. Eier- samvil. p. 110 (1899) ; Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 168(1900) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iii. p. 186 (1902) ; JReicJienow, Voi/. Afr. iii. p. 262 (1904) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 257 (J 908.. Crithagra canicoihs, Butler, Feilden, ^- Reid, Zool. 1882, p. 301 . Eggs of the Cape Canary are of a pointed oval shape and possess a small amount of gloss. They are white or very pale bluish-white, speckled, almost entirely at the broader half, with lilac and purplish- brown or deep chocolate-brown. They measure from -66 to "72 in length, and from -49 to 'bi in breadth. 4. Cape Colony {E. L. Layard; Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. Cape Colony [Miss Dacres: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 4. Mooi Iviver, Natal, Nov. Capt. Savile G. Reid [P.] .3. Mooi Kiver, 13ih Dec. Major R. Sparrow [E.]. 4. Mooi River, Dec. Major R. Sparrow [E.|. 7. I'otchefstroom, Transvaal, Oct. Crowley Bequest. ( T. Ayns : Tristram Coll.). 214 FRTNGILLTD.q:;. Serimis sulphuratus {Linn.). (riate X. fig. 13.) Critliap-ra sulpluuata, Sharpc, ed. Layai'd, Birds S. Africa, p. 486 (1870-84'. Seriinis sulphuratus, Shnrpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 352 (1888) ; Nehrh. Kat. Eiersnmml. p. 110 (189!)) ; Stark, Fauna 8. Afr., Birds, i. p. 1 69 (1900) ; Shdley, Birds Afr. iii. p. 204 (1902) ; Beichenotv, VSg. Afr. iii. p. 265 (1904) ; Shar2)e, Hand-l. v. p. 257 (1908). Eggs of the Large Yellow Seed-eater are of a pointed oval shape and possess but little gloss. They are white or white tinged with blue, speckled, spotted, and sometimes streaked at the broad end M'ith deep chocolate-brown. One example has, in addition, some lilac specks. They measure from '7 to '8 in length, and from -49 to •55 in breadth. 3. South Africa. E L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 2. Cape Colony ( T. Atmore : Tris- Crowley Bequest. trarn Coll.). 1. Cape Colouy (E. L. Laijnrd : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Serinus flaviventris {Swains). Seriims flaviventris, 8harpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 353 (1888) ; Kehrh. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 110 (1899 ; Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 170 (1900) : Shelley, Birds Afr. iii. p. 199 (1902) ; Beickmou; Tikj. Afr. iii. p. 267 (1904) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 258 (1908). Four eggs of the Yellow-bellied Seed-eater are of a rather blunt oval shape and somewhat glossy. They are bluish-white, more or less sparingly marked round the larger end with spots, streaks, aud hair-lines of deep chocolate-brown. They measvire from -67 to -68 in length, and from '50 to -53 in breadth. 4. Deelf ontein. Cape Colony, 4th Nov. Col. A. T. Sloggett [P.]. {E. Seinmnd). Serinus marshalli, Shellei/. (Plate X. fig. 20.) Serinus marshalli, SlfHey, Birds Afr iii. p. 200 (1902) ; Sharpe. Hand-l. V. p. 258 (190b;. Four eggs of Marshall's Canary are of a rather narrow ])ointed oval shape and somewhat glossy. They are pale greenish-white, marked round the larger eud with spots and streaks of deep choco- late-brown and underlying smudges of reddish-lilac. They measure from '71 to -72 in length, and from '49 to '50 in breadth. 4. Kurumau, Bechuaualand. 27th Feb. K. B. Woosnam, Esq. [C.]. 215 Serinus icterus ( VieilL). Trltliagra chrysopyga, Amlerss. Birds Danuira-Lil. p. l-^^ (1872). Orithiip:rH ictera, Sharpe, ed. Lai/ard, Birds IS. Africa, p. 484 (1875-84) R. B. >^- J. D. S. Woodward, Ibis, 1897, p. 411. Serinus icterus, H/uirpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. ool) (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersaminl. p. 110 (1899); fStark, Fauna S. Afr.. Birds, i. p. 173 (1900) ; Reichenow, Vog. Afr. iii. p. 269 (1904)'; Sharpe, Rand-l. v. p. 2.38(1908). Sevinus butyraceus, Shelley, Birds Afr. iii. p. 193 (1902). Eggs of the Goldea-rumpedFinch resemble the eggs oiS.canicoUis. They measure from 'Gl to -69 in length, and from "46 to "51 in breadth. 1. [South Africa] (Nehrkoni Coll.). Crowley Bequest. .'}. Niit'. G.). Hon. Walter P.othschild [P.]. Hon. Walter Rothschild [P.]. lion. Walter Kotlischild [P.]. Hon. Waller Rothschild \F. ,. Hon. Walker Rothschild [F.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. Radclitfe Saunders, [P.]. \\ . Itadcliffe Saunders, Crowley Bequest. W. Radclitfe Saunders [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders [P-]- W. Radclitfe Saunders, [I'-]- Esq. Esq. Esq. Esq. Esq. \ 21' ()iMtava,Tenorif,>, April (J. 11. Leach). Seebolim Coll. ( )i'atiiva, Airt'il (./. H. L.). Seebolim Coll. Laid in captivity, Essex. yalvin-GoJman Coll. Carduelis parva, Tschusi c? X Serinus canarius (Linn.) 5 • See page 178. Serinus syriacus, Bonap. Serinus aurifrons, Tristram, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 447. Seriiuis cauouicus Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 171 (1870) ; Sharfie, Cut. Bird-i B. M. xii. p. o72 (1888); Nehrk. Knt. Eiersamml. p. 110 (18!)9j ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 281 (1902). Serinus syriacus, Newton, Outheca WoLleynna, pt. ii. p. 4-"»4 (1902") ; Hartert, J'oi/. I'al. Faun. \)t. i. p. 83 (1903); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 2.59 (1908). Eggs of Tristram's Serin-Finch resemble those of S. canarius, several different types being represented among those in the Collection. In one especialU" handsome set the markings are mostly red-violet and form a more or less irregular cap round the larger end. They measure from -Go to -71 in length, and from '50 to "51 in breadth. 3. Moimt Lebanon, Palestine, 2nd May. W. Radclille Saunders, Esr^. 2. JMount Lebanon, 4th May (//. B. Crowley Bequest. Tristram). '). MomitLebanon, 16th June (//./?. 7".). Crowley Bequest. 3. Mount Ilernion, Palestine, 19th May Crowley Bequest. (//. B. T.). Serinus pusillus (PnU.). Serinus pusillus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 373 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 110 (1899) ; Rey, Eier Vog. Mitteleurop. p. 318, pi. 29. tig. 10 (1900) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 282 (1902) ; Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 85 (1903); Jourd. Eygs Europ. Birds, p. (Si, pi. 38. tig. 10 (U»06) ; Sharpe, Rand-l. v. p. 260 (1908). Metopouia pusilLi, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 230 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eygs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 158 (1890). Eggs of the Gold-fronted Serin-Einch resemble those of S. cauicollis and :S. icterus. They measure '6 by 'Gl in length, and "48 by "oO in breadth. 3. Derbend, E. Caucasus, loth June. "\V. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. ■'>. Kulilja, -Mongolia, 8th Mav. "^^ . Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Clutch containing an egg of the Cuckoo l^CucaJus canorus). .3. Is-vk Kul, Turkestan, 26tli May. W. KadcliH'e Saunder.s, Esq. 21S FRTNGILLID,?;;. Genus SYCALIS, Boie. Sycalis flaveola {Linn.) Svcalis flaveola, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 377 (1888) ; Kehrk. Kut. Eiermmml. p. 110 (18'J9) ; Eulev, liev. Mus. Paulista, iv.p. 26 (1900) ; Ihcriruj, Mev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p 214 (19C0) ; Berlepsch ^ Hnrtert, Nov. Zool. ix. p. 27 (1902) : Sharpe, Hcuid-l. \. p. 201 (1908). Two eggs said to be those of the Yellow Seed-Finch are of a regular or slightly pointed oval form and faintly glossy. The ground-colour is pale greenish-white, very finely spotted all over with maroon-red and lilac-grey, the markings being concentrated towards the larger end and forming, in one specimen, especially, a rather strongly marked cap. They measnre respectively -78 by -59 and -8 by -6. 2. [Brazil] CVowley Bequest. Sycalis pelzelni, Sdater. (Plate X. fig. 9.) Sycalis pelzelni, Durnford, Ibis, 1877, p. 172 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 380 (1888)"; Scl. ^- Huds. Argent. Orn. i. p. 66 (1889) ; Hol- land, Ibis, 1892, p. 197; Nehrk. Kat. FAersamml. p. 110 (1899); Iherimj, Rev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 214 fl900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 261 (1908). Eggs of Pelzelu's 8eed-Finch are of a pointed oval shape and nearly devoid of gloss. Those in the Collection are of two types. In one the ground is cream-colour, very thickly streaked and mottled all over with brown and greyish-brown. In a second the ground-colour is pale green, streaked and blotched, but not very densely, with brown and lavender-grey. They measure from •78 to "85 in length, and from -5 to -57 in breadth. 3. South Brazil, Auia, 2bth June. W. Raddifle Saunders, Esq. 3. Moscow, Iiussia, loth June. Salviii-GodmaTi Coll. 5- Moscow, 3Uth May. Crowle}' Bequest. •i. Moscow, 7tii June (Lorcuz). Seebohm Coll. 1. iSibeiia. Crowley liequest. 4. Darasuu, Dauria, S. Siberia, June Seebohm Coll. (Di/boifski). 4. Darasun {Bi/bowski). Seebohm Coll. 2. Darasuu, June {Dybotvski: Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). 5. Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, . Tune (5.76o;-i). Seebohm Coll. 5. Krasnoyar.sli, June (Kibort). Seebohm Coll. Carpodacus roseatus (Hodgs.). Carpodacus erythrinus, Biddulph, Ibis, 1881, p. 83 ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 219 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, A'ests c^ Bff(/s Ind. Birds, ii. p. 153 (1890). Cai-podacus erythrina roseata, Hartert, Voa. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 108 (1903). Carpodacus roseatus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 263 (1908). Pive eggs of Hodgson's Rose-Finch are indistinguishable from those of C. erifthrinus. They measure from -73 to "S in length, and from -51 to -oS in breadth. 2. Altai Mountains, Central Asia. Crowley Bequest. 2. Altai Mountains. Crowley Bequest. 1. Cilgit, Kashmir, 10,000 ft., July Hume Coll. {J. Bidduljih). Carpodacus severtzovi, Sharpe. (Plate X. fig. 11.) Pyrrhospiza puuicea, Stoliczka (tiec Hodgs.), J. A. S. B. xxxvii. pt. ii. p. 60 (1868). Carpodacus rubicilla, Pekeln (nee Giildenst.), Ibis, 1868, p. 318. Carpodacus se-vertzovi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 400 (1888) ; Oates, Fauna Brit, hid., Birds, ii. p. 220 (1890); id,ed. Hume, Nests i^- Byys Ind. Birds, ii. p. 154 (1890) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 319 (1902); id., Ibis, 1904, p. 107, pi. iii. tigs. 1 &3; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 264 (1908). Carpodacus rubricilla severtzovi, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 100 '(19U3). Mr. Hume has shown (I. c.) that there can be no doubt about the authenticity ot the eggs of Severtzoif's Eose-Pinch found by l)r. Stoliczka in Western Tibet. These eggs are of a broad pointed oval form and jiossess a small amount ot gloss. They are blue, sparingly spotted and speckled, almost entirel}- at the broad end, with deep black. They measure respectively : -9.5 by -69 ; 1 by -OS ; 1 by -09 ; -98 by •?. 4. Ankhang, Province of Rupshu, Hume Coll. West Tibet, 14,000-15,000 feet. 7th July [F. Stoliczka). CARPODACUS, 221 CarpoJacus purpureus {Gmd.). ^""fi'i^o^^r'"' ^'"'' ^'■'^^""^- ^''- ^''^- P- ^1"' tab. XXXV. fi. 4 Carpojh^us purpureas Z?«,>^5..,.r. 4- 7^/rf^,.. .y. .4w.. Dirds,\. p. 462 hav^^? verl^'sli^hT'''' ^'^T"^!"'^/^ ^^^ «f ^^ I-inted oval shape and liavL a veiy bliuht amount ot gloss. Tliey are blue spotted and speckled wzth dark brown or blaok and underlying pal^ S .rev The markings a,e most frequent over the broader half of the°eS' and sometimes form a wreath or .one round the We enf' bSr" """" '™" ''''' ■' "^ ^'^■'°^"'' -^ f™- •- To -0 in 1. North America. ^oi,;,,/^..! /^ n Carpodacus californicus, Baird. Carpodacus purpureus, var. californicus, Baird, Brewer & Ridnm V ^''^[pS'J. P^-'P"'-*^"^' '^^'«'^-' ^«^- ^-/^- ^- ^^/. xii. p. 409 (1888) Carpockcus^purpureus californicus, Ridy^c. Birds Sortk 4' Middle A.ner. Carpodacus californicus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 26-5 (1908). thotroTr"'^ '^' Californian Kose-Finch is indistinguishable from those ot C. purpureus. It measures -79 by -56. 1. Western North America. W.^Radcliffe Saunders, E.-cl Carpodacus cassini, Baird. (Plate X. fig. 19.) Carpodacus cassini, &harpe, Cat. Birds B. M xii n 41 •> ^«^S^. P-^ ancfsl"hT.fos^v"'Th''""^"fK' "" "■'. ^ ^°"'" ^'''^'''^ "-^ form ano silently gWj . Ihey are either uniform pale blue or with a 222 FRINGILLIDJ!. few minute black mai'kiiig.s about the lari^er end. They measure from -78 to "8 in length, and from '5 to '52 in breadth. 4. Rouse Co., Colorado, U.S.A., W. Iladcliffe Saunders, Esq. 24th May (K. R. Christie). [P.]. Carpodacus mexicanus (P. L. S. M'uU). Carpodacus mexicanu.s, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 422 (1888) Sharpe, Hund-l. v. p. 265 (1908). Carpodacus mexicanus mexicanus, Ridyw. Birds of North 4" Middle Amer. i. p. 131 (1901). Two eggs of the Mexican Rose-Finch resemble those of C. pur- jnireus described above. Tliey measure respectively -72 by -56 and •75 by -5.5. 2. South-east Mexico. Crowley Bequest. Carpodacus frontalis {Say). Carjiodacus frontalis, Baird, Brewer i§- Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 46.5 (1874); Coues, Birds N.- West, p. 107' (1874); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 420 (1888); ISehrk. Kat. Eiersmmnl. p. Ill (1899) ; Shavpe, Hund-l. v. p. 205 (1908). Carpodacus mexicanus frontidis, Ridyw. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. i. p. 137 (1901). Eggs of the Crimson-fronted Rose-Finch are pale bluish-white, speckled and spotted, but almost entirely at the broad end, with deep chocolate-brown. One of the specimens in the Collection is of a narrow, pointed oval shape ; another is of a broad, blunt oval form. They measure from "72 to -8 in length, and from -5 to -.58 ill breadth. 1. North America (Smiths. Inst.). Salviu-Godmau Coll. 2. Calliormn (T. M. Brewer : Iris- Salviii-Godman Coll. & tra77i Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 4. California. Crowley Bequest. 2. San Francisco, California ( T. Ilej)- hi. E. Dresser, Esq. [E.]. burn). 8. San Diego, California, 5th May W. RadclifEe Saunders, Esq. (M. Belden). [P.]. 2 San Diego. W. RadcliU'e Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. Tucson, Arizona. Crowley Bequest. ]. Texus (Neh7-korn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Carpodacus dementis, Meams. Carpodacus dementis, 3Iearns, Auk, xv. p. 258 (1898) ; Sharpe, Hand-1. V. p. 266 (1903). Carpodacus mexicanus dementis, Ridyw. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 140 (1901). CAUPODACUS. — LOXIA. 1S6 The eggs of the San Cleraeute Kose-Finch are of a blunt oval form and almost devoid of gloss. Tiiey are pale bluish-green, very sparingly speckled at the broad end with black and lilac. Four examples measure respectively : '~'A by '57 ; '7 by "oS ; '7 by "53 ; '72 by 'oo. 4. Santa Oiiiz Island, Santa liarljara Salvin-Gudmau Coll. Islands, 8. California, 8th May {R. H. Beck). Carpodacus amplus, liidijuay. (Plate X. fig. 22.) Carpodacus amplus, Bnjant, Bull. Cal. Ac. Sci. no. 6. p. 293 (1887) ; S/iarpe, Cat. Binh B. M. xii. p. 424 (1888); Ridyiv. Birch North ^- Middle Amer. i p. 142 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 266 (1908). Six eggs of the Guadalupe Rose-Finch are of a regular oval form and moderately glossy. They are pale bluish-green, sometimes plain, sometimes marked at the broad end with a few minute blackish specks. They measure from -8 to '82 in length, and from •() to -62 in breadth. 0. Guadalupe Island, Lower Cali- A. W. Anthony, Esq. [P.]. fornia, 24th March. Genus PROPASSER, Ilo'hjs. Propasser tliui*a, Bonap. 6f iSchl. (Plate X. fig. 12.) Carpodacus thura. Sharpe, Vat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 425 (1888) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 327 (1902). Propii-sser tlinra, Gates, Fauna Brit. Lid., Birds, ii. p. 213 (1890): id., ed. Hume, Nests S,- B^r/s Lid. Birch, ii. p. 152 (1890) ; iSharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 2U6 (1908). Carpodacus thura thura, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 101 (1903). An egg of the White-browed Rose-Finch is of a greenish-blue colour, marked with a few brown specks at the broad end. Ii is of a regular oval shape, moderately glossy, and measures "89 by "61. 1. Darjiling, Sikhini, 1st Aug. Hume Coll. Genus LOXIA, Linn. Loxia curvirostra, Linn. Loxia curvirostra, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Toi/. tab. xxxvi. fig. 18, n-c (1845-54); Baedeker, Eier Ear. Vcig. tab. 20. tig. 8 (1855-63); Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 212, pi. liv. figs, ii _& iii (1856) ; U'heehvrighl, A Spring S)- Summ. in Lap/, p. 301 (1871) ; iJresser, 224 FEINGILLID.'E. Hinls Eur. iv. p. 127 (1872) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 30, jil. 13 (18S4) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 435 (1888); Seehohm, Bqi/s of Brit. Birds, p. 234, pi. 66. fi?. 1 (1896); Bey, Bier Vo(j. Mittel- enroj). p. 311, pi. 42. figs. 2«-29 (1900) ; Dresser, 3Ian. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 339 (1902) ; Newton, Ootheca Wulleyana, pt. ii. p. 432 (1902) : Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 209 (1908). Loxia curviro~tia curvirostia, Hartert, Toy. Bal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 117 (1904) ; Jourd. Bygs EurojJ. Birds, p. 78, pi. 12. tigs. 2U-29 (190('.). Loxia ciir\irostra anglica, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 119 (1904) ; Jourd. Eggs Europ. Birds, p. 77 (1906). Loxia anulica, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 269 (1908). Loxia curvirostra scotica, Hartert, Toy. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 120 (1904) ; Jourd. Eyyi Europ. Birds, p. 7f), pi. 26. fig. 8 (1906). Loxia sco\ac-a,' Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 269 (1908). Eggs of the Comtnon Crossbill are usually of a regular oval form, but sometimes they are much pointed. They have a considerable amount of gloss. The grouud-colour varies from white to pale greenish-blue, and this is marked, chieily at the larger end, with spots, specks, small blotches, and short crooked lines of deep chocolate-brown or reddish-brown and underlying lilac. These markings sometimes form a wreath round the larger end of the oo-o- or an ill-defined cap, but as a rule they are sparse and scattered. Specimens measure from "8 to -96 in length, and from '6 to '68 in breadth. 3. Ross-sliire. 4. Ross-shire, May. 4. IScotsbuvD, Ross-shire, 2nd April {R. Macdonald). 3. Scotsburn, April (R. iJ/.). 3. Balnagowan, Ross -shire, 30th March {R. M. : Tristram Coll.). 4. Balnagown, 11th March (R. M.). 6. Cheviot Hills, 2iid June. 4. Christiania, Norway, 23rd March {R. Collett). 4. Sweden, 12th Feb. (7/. IVheel- v:riyht). 3. Werniland, Sweden, 27th Feb. 4. Wermland, 24th March. 4. Werniland, 11th April. 4. Carlstad, Wermland (If. W. : Tristj'am Coll.). 4 Card si o, Sweden, 30th Mav {H. W.). Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe Salviu-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [I'.J. Seebohm Coll. Gould Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Loxia pityopsittacus, Borl-h. Loxia pityopsittacus, Thiol. Forfpflanz. qes. Voi/. tab. xxxvi. fip". 17 a, h (1840-54) ; Baerleker, Eier Eur. Votj. tak 76. fio-. 12 (18.55-63) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. T[). 121(1872)'; Bet/, Eier Vog. Mitteleurop. p. 810, pi. 42. fig-. 2.) (1900) : Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 340 (1902) ; Newtmi, Ontheca Wolleyana, pt. ii. p. 430 (1902) ; Sharpe. Iland-l. V. p. 270 (1909). Loxia curvirostra, Seebohm, E'/as of Brit. Birds, p. 234, pi. ^^C). fig. 2 (1896). Loxia pytvopsittaniis, Ilnrterf, l^og. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 122 (1904) ; Jourd. Eyfjs Europ. Birds, p. 79, pi. 12. (i^. 25 (1906). The cgp;s of the Parrot-Crossbill resemble those of L. curvirostra both in size and colour. 2. Sweden. Gould Coll. 2. Sweden (H. Wheelwright). Seebolim Coll. 4. Wermland, 8th March'(Mey<\s). Seebohm Coll. 2. AVevmland, 20th March (3/fyfts). Seebohm Coll. 4. Wermland, y7th March (Mews). Seebohm Coll. 3. AVermland, 13th April (Meres). Seebohm Coll. 4. Wermland, 27th March. W. Kadeliffe Saunders,[. [P.]. 4. "Wermland, 18th Feb. (Nilsson). Crowley Request. 3. Carlstad, Wermland (H. W. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 4. Nerike, Sweden, 30th March. W. Radcliffo Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Loxia bifasciata (Brehm). Loxia bifasciata, Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 37, pi. 19 (1884) ; id., Eg. Invermoriston, Inverness-shire, 22nd May (Haryitt Coll.). 2. Lochend, Inveruess-shire, 1st June (Uargitt Coll.). 3. Inverness, 11th May {Harc/itt Coll.). 1. Castle Eden, Durham {Tristrara Coll.). 4. Spariiam, Norfolk, 26th May (F. Norgate). 5. Sparham, 26th Mav {F. A'.). 4. Cambridgeshire (/. Baker). 3. Luton Park, Bedfordshire, 28th Mav. 6. Luton" Park, 28th May. 9. Middlesex. 5. Wembley Hill, Middlesex, 4th Mav. 4. Wembley Hill, 6th June. ■'). Til ford, Surrev, June. o. Tilford. T). Kent ( Hargitt Coll.). 5. Kent (Hargitt Coll.). 4. West MeoD, Hants, 3rd June {S. H. Wallis). 5. Torquay-, Devon, 1st Jane {H. P. Saunders). 5. Coblenz, Germany, 10th May. 3. Cassel, Germany, 20th May. 3. Altenkirchen, Germany, 18th May. 3. Altenkirchen, 18th May. 6. Altenkirchen, 2nd June. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Beqiiest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godnian Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. "Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godraan Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders. Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll, Seebohm Coll. Clutch containing an egg of the Cuckoo (Cucidus canorus). 3. StrawberryHill, Surrev, 10th June. W. RadcUffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. «2 228 FRINGILLID^. Genus PINICOLA, Vieill. Piiiicola emicleator (Linn.). Friiipilla enucleator, Thicn. Furtpfnuz. yes. J'ot/. p. 418, tab. xxxvi. fig. 1 (1845-54), Cory thus enucleator, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vcig. tab. 20. fig. 11-, tab. 76. fig. 11 (1855-63) ; WheelivricjU, A Spring t^f- Suinm. in Lapl. p. 308 (1871). Pvrrlmla enucleator, Heicitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 210*, pi. liii* " (1850). Pinicola enucleator. Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. Ill (1874) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. xii. p. 459 (1888) [part.] ; Beg. Eier Vog. Mitteleiirop. p. 334, pi. 41. figs. 13-17 (1900) ; Neiuton, Ootheca Wolleyana, pt. ii. p. 417, pi. xii. (1902) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 338 (1902) ; Jourd. Eggs Europ. Birds, p. 74, pi. 9. figs. 13-17 (1006) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v! p. 273 (1909). Loxia enucleator, Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 41, pi. 12 (1884) ; id. E(/(/S _ o/"^/v<. ^iV^ii, p. 235, pi. 56. fig. 4 (1896). Pinicola enucleator enucleator, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 114 (1904). Eggs of the Pine-Grosbeak are mostly of an elongate oval form and are usually rather glossy. The ground-colour is greenish-blue, boldly spotted and blotched v.ith chocolate and reddish-brown and underlying lilac-grey. The markings are distributed over the entire shell, but they are denser and larger over the broader half of the egg, where they often form a zone and are more or less confluent. Hpecimens measure from '98 to 1-12 in length, and from '67 to "72 in breadth. 2. Quickjock, Sweden (H. Wheel- Crowley Bequest. Wright). 6. Lapland (J. Wolley). Palvin-Godnian Coll. 2. Lapland (H. W. : Hargiit Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Lapland (//. W.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Lapland (//. W.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Kyrrowara, Lapland, 10th June Seebohn/ Coll. ' {Hargitt Coll.). 4. Tornea, Lapland, June (Sieves). 4. Tornea, 24th June. 4. Tornea, 19th June. 5. Tornea, 24th May. 4. Tornea, 28th May. 4. Muonioniska, Lapland, 30th May. 3. Muonioniska, 12th June. 3. Muonioniska, 12th June. 4. Muonioniska, 13tli June. 2. Russian T^apland, 23rd June (J. 7f'.). 2. Regen Selka, 16th June. 2. Finland (. Kyro, Finland, 23rd June (Tris- tram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. W. Eadclifl'e Saunders, Esq- [P-]- W. RadcLffe Saunders, Esq. [P.l. W. Eadclifle Saunders, Esq. [R]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [R]. D. Meinertzhagen, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seeb(dim Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowlev Bequest. riNICOLA. — PYRRHULORnYNCHA. 229 Pinicola canadensis, Cah. I'inicola enucleator, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 459 (1888) [part.] ; Nchrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. Ill (1899) [part.]. I'inicola enucleator canadensis, Ilidyw. Birds North c^" Middle Amcr. i. p. 60 (1901). Pinicola canadensis, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 274 (1909). An egg of the Canadian Pine-Grosbeak does not differ from that of P. enucleator. It measures I'OS by •?. 1. Canada {yehrJcorn). Crowley Bequest. Genus URAGUS, Kfijs. c^- Bias. Uragiis sibiricns {Full.). (Plate X. fig. 21.) Uragus sibiricus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. xii. p. 464 (1888) Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. Ill (1899) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 332 (1902); Sharpe, Rand-l. v. p. 274 (1909). Uragus sibirica sibirica, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. i. p. 86 (1903). Eggs of the Long-tailed E.osefinch are of a pointed oval shape and slightly glossy. They are pale greenish-bine, sparingly spotted and marked round the lai'ger end with black, and sometimes with a few pale grey undermai'kiugs. They measure from 'Tl to '79 in length, and from "52 to -SS in breadth. 4. Dauuria, 19th June. W. Uadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. • 2. Dauuria. Crowley Bequest. 2. Darasun, Dauuria, June {Dijhowski: Crowley Bequest. 2'ristram Coll.). Genus PYRRHULORHYNCHA, Giglloli. Pyvrhulorhyncha pyrrhuloides (Fall.). Pyrrbulorlivncha pyrrhuloides, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 475 (IBSS)"; id. Hand-l. v. p. 275 (1909). Scboenicola schoeniclus pyrrhuloides, Pei/, Eier Vog. Mittelettrop. p. 293, pi. 123. fig. 3 (1904). Emberiza pyrrhuloides. Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 372 (1902) ; Jourd. 'Eggs Europ. Birds, p. 116, pi. 15. fig. 3 (1906). Ijinberiza pyrrhuloides pyrrhuloides, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 198 (1904). Eggs of the Thick-billed Reed-Bunting are of a broad pointed oval shape and distinctly g'lossj^ They closely resemble those of Emheriza schoeiriclus, and the ground-colour is purplish-gre}-, olive- grey or clay-colour, more or less heavily marked with twisted and knotted lines and spots of deep chocolate-brown which are often 230 FRIXGILLID.i:. blurred at the edges and shade oflf into the surrounding ground-colour. Pale violet-grey underlying markings are usually present. They measure from -78 to '83 in length, and from -58 to '6 in breadth. 4. S.E. Europe. Crowley Bequest. 5. Orenburg, E. Russia, 20th May. W. Radclifle Saunders, Esq. 4. Orenburg, 25th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. fP.]. 2. Astrakhan, tiSth April. Crowley Bequest. Genus EMBERIZA, Briss. Emberiza schoeniclus, Linn. Emberiza schojnielus, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vo(/. p. 3G9, tab. xxxiii. tig. 9, a-c (18J5-54) ; Heivitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 187, pi. xlvii. fig. i (1856) ; Seehohvi Sf Harvie-Bruwn, Ibin, 1876, p. 117 ; Dresser, Birch Fur. iv. p. 241 (1878) ; Seebohm, Ibis, 1878, p. 339 ; id., Brit. Birds, n. p. 13-5, pi. 15 (1884) ; S/iarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 480 (1888) ; Seebohm, Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 248, pi. 57. figs. 13 & 14 (1896) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 370 (1902) ; Jourd. Eqqs Europ. Birds, p. 113, pi. 14. figs. 2-6 (1906) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. y. p. 276 (1909). Sch(]enicolaarundinacea,^flefM-er, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 3. fig. 4 (1855-63). Schoenicola schceuickis, Rey, Eier Vog. Mitteleurop. p. 292, pi. 38. figs. 2-6 (1900). Emberiza schceniclus schoeniclus, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 19 1 (1904). Eggs of the Reed-Bunting are of a broad, pointed oval form and have a considerable amount of gloss. The ground-colour varies from olive-grey to a purplish-clay-colour, and is spotted and more or less covered with a tracery of coarse twisted and knotted lines of a dark purplish-brown colour, almost black at times. These sjjots and lines are frequently blurred at the edges and run into the surrounding ground-colour, and are coarser and more numerous at the larger end of the egg than elsewhere. The underlying markings consist of smaller spots and finer lines of violet-grey. As a rule there is a great uniformity among the eggs of this Bunting, but in one clutch from Tilford, the ground-colour of three of the eggs is pale greenish-blue, while in a fourth it is nearly pure white. The markings consist of spots and blotches of pale violet-grey and brownish-grey, and on three of the eggs there is an irregular black hairline across the broad end, where the markings are most numerous. They measure from •? to 'So in length, and from -54 to -Q in breadth. 5. Carlisle, Cumberland, 10th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 5. Carlisle, June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 5. Near Clunv, Ross-shire, 30th May Seebohm Coll. [Hargiti Coll.). EMBERIZA. 231 . Corbie Loch, Aberduenshire, 14tli May. . Crieti, Perthshire, June. . Eno-land. . England, I'lth June (ILtrgitt Coll.) . Cheshire {F. Nicholson: Harnitt Coll.). ^ . Little Eaton, Derbyshire, 9th May (//. Seebiihm). . Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire. Cambri dsfesh ire. Cambridgeshire. Cambridge, IfJth INLiy (O. Salmn). Iladdenham, Bucks," 23rd 3Iay. Haddenham. Tilford, Surrey. Tilfbrd. Qneenwood (P. Crowley). Kent. Opwey, nr. Weymouth, Dorset, 29th May (^S'. H. WnHi.f}. Valkenswaard, Holland, 14th May {H. S.). Valkenswaard, 16th May (H. S.). Valkeuswaard, 21st May (If. S.). Valkenswaard, 21st May {H. S.)'. Varauirer Fjord, Norway {Nordvi). Trondhjem, Norway, 30th June. Mukka-uoma, Lapland (J. Wolley: Tristram Coll... Pomerania {T. Holland). Brunswick [A. Nehrkorn). Brandenburg, 2nd June. Petchora River, Lat. 67i° N., 19th June [H. Seebohyn ^- '' J. A. Hnrvie-Broivn). Petchora River, Lat. 68° N 23rd June (H. S. & J. A. H.-B). Yenesei River, Lat. 70^= N 2nd July (//. -$•). W. Radcliffe Saunders, E.sq. [P.j. ^ W. K. Ogilvie-Grant, Esq. [P.]. Old Collection. . Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. F. Bond, Esq. ("P.]. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Montagu Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq [P.]. • ^ Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Clutches containing an egg of the Cuckoo {Cucidus canorus). ■2. Staines, Middlesex, 3rd June. VV. Radclifife Saunders, Esq [P 1 3. Offenbach, Germany, 2nd June. W. R:,dclifle Saunders, Esq 232 FRTNGILLIBiE. Emberiza pallasi {Cuh.). EDiLeriza passerina, 8/iarjie (nee Pall.), Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 485 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eienamml. p. Ill (1899) ; Dresner, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 371 (lil02). Emberiza pallasi, Hartert, ]'o(j. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 194 (1904) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 277 (1909). Eggs of Pallas's Bunting are similar to those of E. schcenidus. They measure from '7 to wo in length, and from "55 to '57 in breadth. 5. Irlrutsk, E. Siberia, 3rd May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.l. 2. Amur River {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Emberiza pusilla, Pall. Emberiza pusilla, Brce, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iii. p. 173 (1875) ; Seebohm Sr Harvie-Broum, Ibis, 1876, p. 110; Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 235 (1877) ; Seebohm, Ibis, 1878, p. 337 ; id., Brit. Birds, ii. p. 144, pi. 15 (1884) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 487 (1888) ; Oates, Eavna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 255 (1890) ; Tacz. Faune Orn. Siher. Orient, p. 694 (1891) ; Seebohm, Efjcjs of Brit. Birds, p. 250, pi. 57. figs. 15 & 16 (1890); Popham, Ibis, im7, -p. m; 1898, p. 503; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 112 (1899) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 863 (1902) ; Hartert, Voq. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 188 (1904) ; .Imird. Egqs Evrop. Birds, p. 112,' pi. 15. tig. 6 (190C) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 277 (1909). Schoenicola pusilla, Bei/, Eier f'cig. Mittclenrop. p. 294, jd. 123. lig. 6 (1904). The eggs of the Little Bunting are of abroad oval form, somewhat sharply pointed and slightly glossy. The ground-colour is variable. In some eggs it is lavender-grey ; in others pale ashj'-blue or pale green, and in others again pale pinkish-buff. The markings are more uniform, consisting of spots, streaks and twisted lines of rich purplish-brown or reddish-brown, so intense at times as to appear almost black. These surface-markings are more or less blurred at the edges and blend with the surrounding ground-colour. The underlying shell-markings consist of blotches and clouds of lavender- or lilac-grey. Numerous eggs measure from '65 to "79 in length, and from "5^ to '6 in breadth. 2. East Finmark, 22ud June (A''o/'rfi'/). Seebohm Coll. 2. Archangel, N. Russia, 22nd June. Crowley Bequest. 5. Pinega, Archangel, 27tli May. W. Radcliffe >Sauuders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Peichora River, Lat. 68" N., 23rd Seebohm Coll. June {H. Seebohm Sf J. A. Har- nie-Brown). 6. Yenesei River, Lat. 67° N., Cth Seebohm Coll. June (II. S.). 5. Yenesei River, Lat. 665'^ N., 23rd Seebohm Coll. June (//. S.) EMBERIZA. 233 ?,. Yonesei Kivcr, Lat. GG^°N., 27lh Soebohm Coll. June (//. jS.). 3. Yenesei River, Lat. G7° N., SOtli Seebohm Coll. June (IL S.). 1. Amur River (Nehrkoni Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Emberiza rustica, Fall. Hvpocentor nisticus, Baedeker, Eier Fad-. Viig. tab 12. fig. 13 ; tab. 76. «f?. 10(1855-63). Euiberi/a rustica, Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iii. p. 157, pi. (1875) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 229 (1877) ; Setbohni, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 140, pi. 15 (1884) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 4i)0 (1888) ; Tacz. Faune Oni. ISiber. Orient, p. 572 (1891) ; Seebohvi, Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 249, pi. 58. tig-. 5 (1896) ; Neivton, P. Z. S. 1897, p. 893, pi. li. tigs. 8 & 9 ; ^'ehrk. Kat. Eiersaminl. p. 112 (1899) ; Dresser, Man. Fed. Birds, pt. i. p. 362 (1902) ; Hartert, Viig. Fat. Faun. pt. ii. p. 188 (1904 ) ; Jourd. Eggs Europ. Birds, p. Ill, pi. 14. tig. 7 (1900) ; Jb'harpe, Hand-l. v. p. 277 (1909). Euspiza rustica, Rey, Eier Vog. Mitteleurop. p. 297, pi. 38. fig. 7 (1900). Eggs of the llnstic Bunting are of a blunt oval shape and moderately glossy. Two eggs have the ground-colour pale greyish- green, mottled all over with two shades of greenish-brown and a black hair-line across the larger end. Under these markings, which are very thickly disjjosed over the shell, may be detected traces of underlying greyish spots. Eight eggs have the ground-colour pale blue or greenish-blue, spotted and blotched, especially towards the larger end, with olive-brown and lavender-grey, the latter colour forming a more or less distinct zone round the broad end. They measure from -78 to -81 in length, and from -55 to -01 in breadth.* 2. Archangel, X. Russia, 16tli June. Seebohm Coll. 4. Arcbiingel, 3rd June. Crowley Bequest. 4. Pinega, Archangel, 20th June. W. Radclifte Saimders, Esq. [P.]. Emberiza fucata, Pall. (Plate XI. figs. 1-4.) Emberiza fucata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 493(1888); Taez. Faune Orn. Siber. Orient, p. 577 (1891) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersa^nnd. p. 112 (1899) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 360 (1902) ; La Tonche, Ibis, 1906, p. 631 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 277 (1909). Emberiza fucata fucata, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 187 (1904). Eggs of the Grey-headed Bunting vary from a broad oval to a * Baedeker's fifrures of Uie eggs of this Bunting are good, but Bree's repro- duction of one of them is altogether wrong and unrecognizable. Mr. Dresser's description of the eggs in the ' Birds of Europe ' applies to those of some other species of Bunting, and he was evidently misled by his correspondent. He subsequently obtained genuine eggs. (C/. Jsewton, I. c.) 234 fringillid.t;. nearly circular form and are distinctly glossy. The ground-colour is white or yellowish-white and the markings are of two types. In five clutches the entire surface of the shell is more or less thickly and finely mottled all over with dull reddish-brown or purplish-brown and underlying violet-grey. In two other clutches the markings take the form of distinct spots and small blotches of reddish-brown and pale lilac, and one has additional fine irregular lines and spots of burnt-sienna. They measure from '72 to "82 in length, and from -58 to '65 in breadth. The roundest egg measures "75 by -eo. 1. Amur River, E. Siberia {Dy- Crowley Bequest. bowski: Tristrayn Coll.). 1. Amur River {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 5. Chiu-kiaiig, China, 28th May. C. B. Rlckett, Esq. [P.]. 4. Chin-kiang, 28th June. J. D. La Touche, Esq. [C.]. 4. Cliin-kiang, 2nd July. J. D. La Toucbe, Esq. [C.J. 5. Fujiyama, Hondo, Japan, 1st W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. .July. [P.]. 5. Fujiyama, 29th June. W. Radchffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Einberiza arcuata, Sharpe. (Plate XI. fig. 5.) Emberiza arcuata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 494 (1888) ; Dresser, Ma?i. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 361 (1902); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 278 (1909). Emberiza fucata, Oafes, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 252 (1890) ; id., ed. Hmne, Nests ^- Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 166 (1890). Emberiza I'ucata arcuata, Harlert, Tog. Pal. Fuun. pt. ii. p. 187 (1904). Two eggs of the Himalayan Grey-headed Bunting taken at Simla are of a regular oval or pointed oval shape and moderately glossy. They are pale greenish-grey, densely speckled and mottled all over with very pale umber-hrown and underlying grey. The markings are more dense at the large end than elsewhere and form an ill-defined cap. They measure respectively : "85 by -57 ; '79 by '56. 2. Simla, Himalaya, June. Hume Coll. Emberiza elegans, Temm. Emberiza elegans, Radde, Reis. Siberia, ii, p. 165, pi. v. (1863); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 497 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. JEiersamml. p. 122 (1899); Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 355(1902); Hartert, Vliq. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 174 (1904) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v, p. 278 (1909). Two eggs of the Yellow-throated Bunting are of a rather broad and somewhat pointed oval shape and very glossy. The ground- colour is whitish faintly clouded with lilac-grey, and somewhat EMBERI/A. 235 sparingly marked with small spots and a few irregular lines of deep chocolate-brown. They measure respectively -73 by 59 and '79 by -6. •2. Amur River (Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Emberiza chrysophrys, Pall. (Plate XI. figs. 6 & 7.) Euiberlza clirysophrvs, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 498 (1888) ; Dresser, 3Ian. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 356 (1902) ; Hartert, Voy. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 189 (1904) ; J(jurd. Eggs Europ. Birds, p. 113 (1906 ) ; Hharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 278 (1909). Three out of the four eggs of the Yellow-browed Eunting in the Collection are very similar to the eggs in the last-meutioned clutch of E. f acuta, described above. They are of a very broad oval shape and distinctly glossy. The ground-colour is white, clouded with pale lilac-grey, and smudged with pale umber-brown and with irregular lines, dashes, and spots of dark umber-brown. In the fourth egg (tig. 6) the whole surface is heavily clouded with pale umber-brown, the lilac-grey markings being hardly apparent, though the dark mai kings are similar to those in the other three eggs of the clutch. Tliey measure from 'OS to '73 in length, and from '57 to '58 in breadth, 4. Sidemi, E. Siberia, lOtli June. W. Radcliffe Saundprs, Esq. [P.]. Emberiza flaviventris (Steph.). Emberiza flaviventris, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 499 (1888); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 112 (1899) ; Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 184 (1900) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iii. p. 143 (1902); Reichenow, Vog. Afr. iii. p. 284 (1904) ; Haagner ^- Ivy, Jour^i. S. African Orn. Union (2) i. uo. 1, pi. iii. hg. 3 (1907); Sharpe, Sand-l. v. p. 278 (1909). An egg of the Golden-breasted Bunting is of a rather broad and poimed oval form and very glossy. It is very pale bluish-white, wreathed round the larger end with a tracery of fine irregular lines and markings of dark chocolate-brown and lilac-grey. It measures "79 by "59. Stark describes the eggs of this species as being " white thickly marked all over with scrawls and hair-like zigzag lines of verj' dark purplish-brown or black." 1. Grahamstown, South Africa. A. Haagner & R. H. Ivv, Esqs. [P.]. 2.36 FEINGILLID^. Emberiza melanocephala, Scojj. Emberiza melanocephala, Tliien. Fortpflanz. ges. Vog. p. 360, tab. xxxiii. tio-. 3, a-c (1845-54) ; Dresser, Birds Ear. iv. p. 151 (^187::!) ; Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iii. p. 133, pi. (1875); beehohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 1G5, pi. 15 (1884) ; ;sharpe, Vat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 503 (1888) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ltd., Birds, ii. p. 261 (1890) ; Seebohm, Ei/gs of Brit. Birds, p. 254, pi. 58. fi?s. 6 & 7 (1896) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 34l) (1902) ; Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 170 (1904) ; Jourd. Eqqs Europ. Birds, p. 101," pi. 14. iig.s. 12-15 (1906) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v." p. 279 (1909). Euspiza melanocephala, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Voq. tab. 3. fig. 9 (1855-63) ; Bei/, Eier Vog. Mitteleurop. p. 298, pi. 38. tigs. 12-16 (1900). The eggs of the Black-headed Bunting vary iu shape from a broad to an excessively long narrow oval and are moderately glossy. They are very pale greenish-blue, varying somewhat in shade, speckled and spotted all over with dull reddish-brown and under- lying lavender-grey, the markings being more dense afc the larger end. On some eggs the spots are large and might almost be termed blotches ; on others they are all fine ; while sometimes both large and small markings are combined on the same specimen. The eggs vary greatly in size, measuring from -82 to 1'03 in length, and from -6 to -7 in breadth. 4. Montenegro, 15th June. Dalmatia. Greece {T. Krilper). Greece {T. K.). Missolonghi, Greece, 3rd June ( W. H. Simpson : Tristram Coll.). Attica, Greece, 20th Mav (7'. A'.). Attica, 27thMay (T. A'.). Attica, 1st June (T. K.). Attica, 1st June (T. K.). Attica, 4th June. 3. Skopelos I., Greece, 1st June. 4. Skopelos I., 1st June. Parnassus, bohni). Parnassus, Parnassus, Parnassus, Parnassus, Parnassus, Parnassus, Parnassus, Parna.ssus, Parnassus, Parnassus, Greece, May {H. Sce- 17th May (S. S.). 18th Mav {H. S.). 19th May (i/.-S'.). 19th Mav (H. S.). 2l8t May (IL S.). 21st Mav {H. S.). 21st Mav {H. S.). 21st May (H. S.). 21st MaV {H. S.). 21st Mav {II. S.). W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. r-p.]. Dr. Thienemann. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. W. Eadchff'e Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radchffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radclitie Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. EMBERIZA. 237 3. Parnassus, 21st May (//. .S'.). Seebohm Cull. C. Parnassus, 21st May (/f. -S.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Asia Minor, 4th June. Seebohm Coll. 4. Asia Minor, 4th June. Seebohm Coll. 5. Smyrna, 16th May {T. Kriiper). Seebohm Coll. 3. Smyrna, 17th May (T- -^')- Seebohm Coll. 4. Smyrna, 18th May (T. A'.). Seebohm Coll. 2. Smyrna, 2oth May (T. A'.). Seebohm Coll. r>. Smyrna; 1st June (T. A'.). Seebohm Coll. 1. Smyrna, 2nd June {T. A'.). Seebohm Coll. 4. JBaluchistan, .3rd May. W. Kadclifl'e Saunders, Esq [P.]. ^• Clutch containing an egg of the Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). 3. South Iiussia, 30th May. W. Eadclitle Saunders E^^n [P.]. ^• Emberiza luteola, Sparrm. Embeviza luteola, Scully, Stray Feath. iv. p. 167 ('1876); Sharpe Cat Birds B. M. xii. p. 506 (1888) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii p. 202 (1888); Dresser, Birds Eur. ix. {Sttppl.) p. 211 (1895); NehrJi. Kat. Eicrsamml. p. 112 (1899) ; Dresser, Man. Pal Birds' pt. i. p. 347 (1902) ; id., Ibis, 1904, p. 109, pi. iii. fio-g. 7-9 ; Hartert, Vot/. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 171 (1904) ; Jourd. Eyqs Europ Birds p. 102, pi. 14. iigs. 10, 11 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. y. p. 279 (1909).' Euspiza luteola, Wurdlaw-Bamsay, Ibis, 1880, p. 66; Meu Eier Von Mitteleurop. p. 299, pi. 38. figs. 10, 11 (1900). Eggs of the Red-headed Bunting closely resemble those of E. vtelanocepJiala. They are of a broad oyal shape and have a con- siderable amount of gloss. The ground-colour is very faint bluish- \yhite, minutely speckled or spotted all oyer with umber-brown and underlying lilac-grey, the markings in some specimens forming an irregular wreath round the broad eud. They measure from -78 to •90 in length, and from -57 to -63 in breadth. 2. Askabad, 25th May. W. Ptadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Afghanistan, 19th June {P. G. Seebohm Coll. WardUnc-Pamsay). 3.' Issyk-kul, Turkestan, 17th May. W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq [P.]. 2. Saisan-Dor, Turkestan, 1st May. Crowley 2. Saisan-nor, 8th June. Crowley Bequest. Emberiza aureola, Pnll. Hypocentor aureola, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 12. fig. 11 (1855-63). Euspiza aureola, Baedeker, J. f. O. 1856, p. 33, tab. ii. fio-. 15 • Tacz. Fuune Orn. Siber. Orient, p. 603 (1891) ; Pey, Eier Voy. Mitteleurop p. 296, pi. 38. figs. 8, 9 (1900), Emberiza aureola. Dresser, Birds Eur. iy. p. 223 (1871); Bree Birds Eur. 2nd ed, iii. p. 164, pi. (187-5); Sharpe, Cut. Birds B. M. xii. p. 509 (1888); Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 259 (1890); uXelrk. Kat. Eiersaniml. p. 112 (1899); Dresser, Ma7i. Pal. Birds, 238 FRITrGlLLID.lj;. pt. i. p. 349 (1902) ; Ilartert, Tog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 173 (1904) ; Jourch Eqgs Europ. Birds, p. 103, pi. 14. figs. 8, 9 (190(3) ; Sharpe, Ha?id-l. V. p. 279 (1909). The eggs of the Yellow-breasted Bunting are mostly of a broad oval form and have a considerable amount of gloss. They are very variable. Some are quite inseparable from eggs of E. schoenidus. Others are greyish-green, blotched and smeared with two shades of olive-brown, and some underlying lavender-grey, and with some spots and short lines of deep brown or black. Others again are purplish-grey marked with spots, specks, and lines of deep purplish- brown and clouds and smears of lilac-grey. They measure from '72 to -85 in length, and from -58 to -62 in breadth. 3. Archangel, Russia {Nordvi). Seebohm Coll. 1. South Russia (Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 5. Moscow, 9th June (Lorenz). Seebohm Coll. 2. Darasun, Dauria, S. Siberia Seebohm Coll. [Dybowski). 2. Darasun (Dijbvwski). Seebohm Coll. 3. Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, 9th June Seebohm Coll. (Kibort). 5. Krasnoyarsk, 9th June {Kibort). Seebohm Coll. 4. Krasnoyarsk, 24th June {Kibort). Seebohm Coll. 4. Krasnoyarsk, 8th June. W. Radcliffe Sauuders, Esq. [P-] 3. Krasnoyarsk, 8th June. AV. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 6. Krasnoyarsk, 13th June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. Altai Mountains (7'rt?zc/-e'). Seebohm Coll. 2. East Siberia (i'j/6o?i)sA:i; Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 5. Saporo, Yezo, Japan, L5th June. VV. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Eniheriza citrinella, Lina. Emberiza citrinella, Thien. Fortpflanz. yes. Vog. p. 363, tab. xxxiii. fig. 4, a-d (1840—54) ; Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 3. fig. 8 (1855-63) ; Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p 188, pi. xlvii. tig. ii (1856) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 171 (1871) [part.]: Seebohm. Brit. Birds, ii. p. 160, pi. 13 (1884) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds, B. M. xii. p. 515 (1888) [part.] ; Seebohm, Eqqs of Brit. Birds, p. 253, pi. 58. figs. 3 & 4 (1896) ; Rey, Eier Vog. Mitteleurop. p. 284, pi. 37. tigs. 6-11 (1900) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 353 (1902) ; Jourd. Eggs Europ. Birds, p. 98, pi. 13. figs. 6-11 (1906); Sharpe, Hand-l. v . p. 279 (1909). Emberiza citrinella citrinella, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 167 (1904). The eggs of the Yellow Bunting or Yellow Ammer are of a broad oval form and are frequently highly glossy. The ground- colour varies from purplish-white to pale pinkish-buff. The markings consist chiefly of spots and an intricate network of lines of a deep purplish-brown or black. The spots are generally small >a9 and few in number ; the lines vary in thickness from that of the finest hair to that of an ordinary pin and are distributed in a very irrefjular manner over the whole shell, but they are more numerous and more tangled at the broad end of the egg than elsewhere. The shell-markings, which are sometimes very prominent, are pearly- grey in colour and in some specimens consist of clouds and smears, causing a marbled a])pearance, and in others of specks and fine lines only. The eggs measure from -8 to "Oo in length, and from -6 to •08 in breadth. Some curious abnormally shaped eggs of this species were received in the Crowley Bequest. 3. Lochend, Inveruess-shire (Hargitt Coll.). I.ochend (Ilarr/itt Coll.). Lochend {Hcm/itt Coll.). England. Burgh-by-Sands, Carlisle, Cum- berland, 1st June. Stanwix, Carlisle, 6tli June (7*. Peal). Keswick, Cumberland. Scarborough, Yorkshire, May. 6. Scarborougrh, 2r)th June. Sparham, Norfolk, 20th May {F. Nor (J ate). Sparhaui, June {F. N.). Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire. Gos: Magog Hills, Cambridge, i23rd May. Tilford, Surrey. Tilford. Churt, Surrev. Chart. Eppiug Forest, Essex. Bentley, Hampshire, 26th April (Han/itt Coll.). Little Haven Wood, Pembroke, 27th April. Uiugdong, Penzance, 1st June. Two mile Copse, nr. Wevmouth, Dorset, 7th Jure (H. Wallis). Valkenswanrd, Holland, 14th May {H. Seehohm). Valkenswaard, 14th May [H. S.). Valkenswaard. 16th May {H. S.). Valkenswaard, 16th May {H. S.). Valkenswaard, 21st May {I£. S.). Valkenswaard, 25th May (// S.). Valkenswaard, 29th May {H. S.). Valkenswaard, 29th May (//. -S.). Pomeiania {T. Holland). Esq. Esq. Esq. Seebohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. Seebohra Cnll. Old Collection. W. Kadclitie Saunders, [P.]. "VV. RadclifFe Saunders, [P.]. Seebohm Coll. AV. Radcliffe Saunders [P.]. _ W. Radcliflfe Saunders, Esq. [P-]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. F. Bond, Esq. [P.t Salvin-Godmau Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.l. \A'. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebobm Cull. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. 240 FKINGTLLIDiE. 5. Ponierauia, 4tli May {T. H.). Seebolim Coll. 6. Pomerania, 10th May ('/./f.)- Seebohm Coll. ."). PomevaDia, lltli Julie (7'. 1/.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Pomerania, 25th June (7'. //.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Spaiidau, Berlin, Germany, 5th W. Tlndcliffe Saunders, Esq. May. ' [P.]- o. Szio:etcsi5p, Ilunp-ary, 20th May. W. Rndcliffe Saunders, Esq. iP.]. 5. Szis-otcs^p, 11th June. \\ , Radchffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 3. Szisetcsep, 12th June. W. Raddifte Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Clutches containing an egg of the Cuckoo {Cuculus canorus). ?,. Fayersham, Kent, 1st July. 3. Tollar, Dorset, 4th June. 3. Neudorf, Morayia, 2nd May. 1. Padochan, Morayia, 19th May. 3. Oslawan, Moravia, 19th May {F. A. Cerio(i). 4. Oslawan, 27th May {F. A. C). 2. Oslawan, June {F. A. C). 1. Oslawan, 9th June {F. A. C). 2. Oslawan, 13th June {F. A. C). W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.J. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. ^^ . Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. _ _ W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]- W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Emberiza sulphur ata, Temm. 6f Schl. (Plate XI. fig. 8.) Emheriza sulphurata, Blakist. 8,- Fryer, Birds Japan, p. 171 (1882) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 519 (18S8) ; Seebohm, Birds Japan. Fmp. p. 135 (1890) ; NeJirk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 112 (1899) ; Dresser, Man. Pal Birds, pt. i. p. 351 (1902) ; Ilartert, Yog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 178 (1904) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 280 (1909). The eggs of Siebold's Bunting are of an ordinary oval shape and more or less glossy. They are of a pale brownish-white colour, smeared and mottled with lavender-grey and pale brown, and also marked with spots, streaks, and short twisted lines of chocolate- brown, the edges of which more or less blend with the surrounding colours. Specimens measure from -72 to '78 in length, and from •55 to -6 in breadth. 3. Japan {H. Pryer). 3. Japan [H. P.). 5. Fujiyama, Hondo, Japan, 6th June. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radclitle Saunder.- [P.]. Esq. 241 Emberiza personata, Temm. (Plate XI. figs. 9-11.) Emberiza personata, Blahlst. Sf Fryer, Birds Japan, p. 170 (1882): ,,.. .. 1.. „..„ ,...„_, , -.,_,/,., „..._ .. ..p. 280 (1909). Emberiza spodocephala personata, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 177 (1904j. Three eggs procured by Pryer and said to be those of Temminck's Japanese Bunting are of the same type as those of E. sttljiJutrata and may be of tliat species. They differ in having the ground- colour greyish-white and the surface-markings larger, better defined, and of a darker chocolate-brown. The shell-markings also cover less of the ground-colour. Five other clutches are of a very different type, the ground-colour is pale greenish-white more or less heavily blotched all over with maroon-brown, purplish-brown, and purplish- grey, with irregular lines, spots, and even blotches of deep purplish- brown scattered over the shell. They measure from -T-i to -S in length, and from "57 to '62 in breadth. 5. Japan. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Japan (H. Fri/er). Seebohm Coll. 6. Fujiyama, Hondo, Japan, 2nd June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq [P.]. 2. Fujij-ama, 8th June. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. lujiyama, 17th June. H. E. Dresser, Esq. [E.]. 3. Gotemba, Hondo, 24th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Emberiza spodocephala, Pall. Emberiza spodocephala, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M, xii. p. 522 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 113 (1899) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 350 (1902); id. Ibis, 1904, p. 109, pi. iii. figs. fO & 12; SAarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 280 (1909). Emberiza spodocephala spodocephala, Hartert, Viig. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 176 (1904). Eggs of the Black-faced Bunting are of a broad, rather pointed oval shape and more or less glossy. The ground-colour varies from pale greenish-white to pinkish-white. The markings vary greatly. Some eggs are like those of E. personata, heavily blotched and spotted all over with maroon-brown, purple-brown, or umber-brown and purple-grey, and have often irregular darker markings scattered over the shell. Other eggs are clouded and mottled over the entire shell with umber-brown or dull maroon. Two eggs from Sidemi, received in the Crowley Bequest under the name of E. sidjjlmrata, are of quite a different type and in colour and markings resemble eggs of E. chnjsophri/s, described from the same locality. They are, however, of a much narrower and more pointed oval shape. Possibly VOL. v. B 242 feingillid.t:. these two eggs are wrongly identified and should be referred to the latter species. The eggs measure from "7 to "8 in length, and from •55 to -62 in breadth. 4. Darasun, Dauria (Dyhowski). 4. Darasun, June {Di/boivski : Tristram Coll.). 2. Amur {NehrJ;orn Coll.). 5. Amur, 25th May. 2. Sidemi, 26th Mav. 2. Sidemi, 26th May. H. E. Dresser, Esq. [E.j. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. W. KadclifFe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Emberiza cirlus, Linn. Emberiza cirlus, Thien. Fortpfianz. ges. Voq. p. 365, tab. xxxiii. fig. 5, a-c (1845-54); Baedeker, Eier Eur. V'og. tab. 3. fig. 7 (1855-63); Hewitson, Egc/s of Brit. Birds, i. p. 190, pi. xlviii. fig. ii (1856) j Salmn, Ibis, 1859J ^. 314; Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 177 (1871); Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 217 ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 156, pi. 13 (1884); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 525 (1888); Seebohm, Eqgs of Brit. Birds, p. 252, pi. 58. figs. 1 & 2 (1896) ; Rey, Eier v'og. Mitteleiirop. p. 287, pi. 37. figa. 12-15 (1900) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 354 (1902) ; Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 175 (1904) ; Jourd. Eggs Europ. Birds, p. 104, pi. 13. figs. 12-15 (1906); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 280 (1909). Eggs of the Girl Bunting are of the same type as those of E. citrinella. They differ generally in having the ground-colour much paler and often tinged with green and the lines much coarser. They measure from -77 to -9 in length, and from -6 to '7 in breadth. Cambridgeshire. Falmer, Sussex, 5th Mav. 4. Falmer, 6tli May. 5. Falmer, 18th May. 3. Falmer, 2nd June. 1 . Hampstead Heath, Middlesex. 6. Hampshire. 5. Alton, Hants, May (E. Ajidrews). 5. Alton, June {E. A.). 4. Alton, June {E. A.). 4. Isle of Wight. 4. Freshwater, Isle of Wight, June. 5. N. Devonshire, 30th April (71'". R. S.). 4. N. Devonshire, 2nd June ( W. R S.). 4. N. Devonshire, 4th June ( W. R. S.). 3. Torquay, Devonshire, May ( Tris- tram Coll.). F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. KadclifFe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. /^■^- W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll, Crowley Bequest. Crowle3' Bequest. Crowlev Bequest. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. W. Radclifle Saunders, Esq. W. liadcliife Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. liadcliffe Saunders, Esq, [P.J. Ci-owley Bequest. EMREKIZA. 243 4. Elbeuf, France, April (Xoui-i/ ; Ilargitt Coll.). ?>. Elbeuf, June (Xoun/ : Han/ it/ Coll.). 3. Elheui {Nouri/ : Haryitt Coll.). ;i. Elbeuf (A'oitry; Hargitt Coll.). 5. Malaga, Spai'u, 28th May (H. Saunders). 4. Malaga, 28tli .Alay (//. 5'. .• Har- (jiit Coll.). 4. Malaa-a, 5tli June [H. S.: Hur- giit Coll.). .'!. Malaga, ISth June (If. S.). ?>. Malaga, 18tli June (if. .S'.). 4. Bilek, Herzegovina, April. 5. Parnassus, Greece, 18th May {H. Seebohm !^' T. Kriiper). 3. Parnassus, 18th May (H. S. S,- T. K.). r>: Parnassus, 19th Mav (7f. S. ^^ T. K.). 5. Parnassus, 2nd June {H. 8. ^- T.K.). 3. Smyrna, 5th June [T. Kniper). 2. Alg-eria. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. AV. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Emberiza liortulana, Linn. Eniberiza hortulana, Thteti. Fortpjianz. yes. Voy. p. 267, tab. xxxiii fig. 7, a~d (1845-54) ; Baedeker, Eier Eur. Voy. tab. 3. tig. 5 (1855 63) ; Hewitson, Eyys of Brit. Birds, i. p. 191, pi. xlviii. tig. i (1856) Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 185 (1871) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii p. 153, pi. 15 (1884) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 530 (1888) Seebohm, Eyqs of Brit. Birds, p. 251, pi. 57. figs. 18 & 19 (1896) Rey, Eier Voy'. Mittelcurop. p. 288, pi. 37. figs. 16-20 (1900) Dresser, 3Ian. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 356 (1902); Hartert, Voy. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 180 (1904) ; Jourd. Eggs Europ. Birds, p. 106, pi. 13 tigs. 16-20 (1906) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 281 (1909). Eggs of the Ortolan Bunting are of an extremely broad oval form and highly glossy. They are greenish-white in some cases, greyish- pink in others, spotted, streaked, and blotched with rich purplish- or chocolate-brown. A few specimens are beautifully marked with a delicate tracery of fine lines round the broad end, i'orming a wreath or zone, but the majority are marked with spots and short streaks only. The underlying markings are purplish-grey, but they are faint and indistinct. The eggs measure from •71 to -8 in length, and from '57 to •67 in breadth. 5. Holland {J. Baker: Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 5. Holland, 30th May. Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Holland, 2nd June. Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Valkenswaard, Holland {J. Baker). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Valkenswaard. Seebohm Coll. 5. Valkenswaard. Seebohm Coll. b2 1^44 TRINGILLID^. 5. Valkenawaard. 5. Norway, 6th June [R. Culktt). 5. Sweden, May. 5. Sweden, 24th May [R. W. Wheel- wriyht). '5. Gaerdsjo, Sweden, 12th May (//. W. W.). 4. Gardsjo, 9th May {H. W. W.). 0, Denmark (Benzon). 2. I'omerania ( T. Holland'). 4. Mark Brandenburg, Germany, 15th May. 1. Lake of Geneva {Tristram Coll.). 5. Mostar, Herzegovina, 14th May (O. Reiser). 5. Parnassus, Greece, 14th May (H. Seebohm &■ T. Kriiper). 4. Parnassus, 19th Mav (H. S. ^ T. K). 4. Parnassus, 23rd May (H. S. ^ T. K.). 4. Smyrna, 15th May f T. Kriijier). 4. Orenburg, East Russia, 12th June. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Gould Coll. Gould CoU. Crowley Bequest. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P-]- Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.1. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Emberiza buchanani, Bhjth. (Plate XI. figs. 12 & 13.) Emberiza buchanani, Shnrpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 533 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 113 (1»99^ ; Hartert, Voq. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 182 (1904): Jonrd. Eggs Ei(rop. Birds, p."l07 (1906); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 281 (1909). Emberiza huttoni, Bhjth ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 357 (1902). Eggs of the Grey-necked Bunting resemble those of E. hortulana. They measure -75 to '8 in length and -58 to -62 in breadth. An exceptionally large egg in the clutch from Altai measures •88 by -62. "NV. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. 3. Astrabad, N. Persia, 8th May. 3. Astrabad, 9th May. 4. Saisan-nor, 1st May {Nehrkorn Coll.). 4. Altai. Emberiza csesia, Cretzschm. Emberiza csesia, Tristram, Ibis, 1867, p. 367: Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 213 (1871); Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iii. p. 149, pi. (1875); Siuirpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 535 (1888) ; i?py, Eier Vog. Mittel- europ. p. 290, pi. 37. figs. 21, 22 (1900) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds', EMBEKIZA. 245 pt. i. p. 358 (1902) ; Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 182 (1904) ; Jourd. Eqgs Europ. liircls, p. 108, pi. 13. fig3, 21,22 (190G) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 281 (19U9). Eggs of C'retx8chmai-'s Banting vary from a rather broad to a very broad oval form, and have a moderate amount of gloss. The ground-colour is greyish-white, with sometimes a tinge of pink or brownish-pink, marked all over with spots, scratches, and small blotches of deep chocolate-brown and some faint grey under- lying smears. They measure from '69 to '8 in length, and from •55 to '62 in breadth. 2. Parnassus, Greece, 6th May {H. Seebohm Coll. Seehohvi 4" T. Kriiper). 3. Parnassus, 7th May {H. S. ^ Seebohm Coll. T. K.). 3. Parnassus, 20th April (T. K.). W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Athens, Greece. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Kedesh Napthali, Palestine, 11th Crowley Bequest. May (H. B. Tristram). 2. Mount Carmel, Palestine, 22nd Crowley Bequest. April [H. B. T.). 3. Safed, Palestine, 19th May {U. Crowley Bequest. B. T.). Emberiza stewarti, Blyih. Emberiza stewarti, Wardlaxv-Ramsay , Ibis, 1880, p. 64 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 547 (1868) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 256 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eyys Ind. Birds, ii. p. 167 (1890); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 113 (1899) ; Dresser, Man. Fal. Birds, pt. i. p. 367 (1902) ; id.. Ibis, 1904, p. 110, pi. iii. fig-. 14; Hartert, Voq. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 179 (1904) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. \. p. 281 (1909). The eggs of the White-capped Bunting are of a regular oval form and moderately glossy. The ground-colour is white, tinged with blue or grey, and thickly mottled with purplish-grey, over which are scattered many spots and blotches of very deep reddish- or purplish-brown. Both the grey underlying and the brown surface-markings are very evenly spread over the entire shell, and there is no tendency whatever to the formation of a cap at the broad end. Specimens measure from '7 to "8 in length, and from •57 to '61 in breadth. 4. Afghanistan, 28th May (i?. O. Seebohm Coll. Wardlaw-Ramsaij) . 4. Afghanistan, 28th May [R. O. Seebohm CoU. W.-R.). 1. Kashmir, 18th June (C R. Cock). Hume Coll. 1. Kashmir, 4th July (C. R. C). Hume Coll. 246 Fr.lNGILLlDJ5. Emberiza cia, Linn. Emberiza cia. Thien. Fort2)flanz. ges. Vog. p. 366, tab. xxxiii. fia-. 6, a, b (1845-54); Baedeker, Eier Evr. Voq. tab. 3. fig. 6 (1855-63); Tristram, Ihis. 1867, pp. 88, 368 ; Saunders. Ibis, 1871, p. 217 Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 205 (1872) : Bree, Birds Eur. 2iid ed. iii. p. 152, pi. (1875); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. xii. p. 537 (1888); Beg, Eier Vog. Mitteleurop. p. 283, pi. 37. figs. 23-26 (1900) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 368 (1902) ; Whitaker, Birds Tunis, i. p. 238 (1905) ; Jourd. Eifgs Europ. Birds, p. 109, pi. 13. figs. 23-26 (1906) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 281 (1909). Emberiza cia cia, Ilartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 183, tig. 36 (1904). The eggs of the Meadow-Bunting and its allies are somewhat of | the same type as the eggs of E. citrindla and E. cirlu^, but may be separated from them and, indeed, from the eggs of all the othei Buntings in the Collection by reason of the delicate and intricate tracery of fine lines, which constitute the markings. The gi'oundi colour is bluish-white, jjurplish-white, or very pale stone-colour, and is covered, more thickly on the broader half of the egg than elsewhere, with a multitude of hair-like lines of deep purjjlish- brown which wind round the egg several times without a break and generally form a tangled cap or zone. There are but few spots or blotches. The underlying markings consist of smears and veins of purplish-grey. The eggs of the Meadow-Bunting measure from '8 to "92 in length, and from -6 to -65 in breadth. 4. Hammerstein, River Rhine, 22nd April. 3. Vosges, France [Mougel). 1. Vosges {Mougel). 3. Vosges (Mougel). 3. Vosges, 5th April {Mougel). 5. Malaga, Spain, 16th May. 1. Malaga {E[. Saunders). 3. Malaga {H. S.). 6. Malaga {H. S.). 4. Andalucia, Spain, 20th April. 1. Parnassus, Greece, 22nd May {T. Eriiper). 5. Parnassus, 24th May (T. K.). 5. Parnassus, 1st June (T. A'.). 4. Parnassus, 6th July. 4. Afka Pass, Lebanon, Palestine, 16th June (If. B. Tristram). 3. Afka Pass, ]6th June {H. B. T.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliiie Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm CoU. W. Radclitfe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radclifie Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Clutch containing an eg 4. Germany {E. Beg Coll.) of the Cuckoo (Cucuhis canorus). W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. fP.]. 247 Emberiza stracheyi, Moore. Emberiza straclievi, Shnrpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 539 (1888) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Lid., Birds, ii. p. 257 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests 4 Eggs Lid. Birds, ii. p. 1G8 (1890) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 368 (1902) ; id.. Ibis, 1904, p. 110, pi. iii. figs. 13 & 15 : Sharpe, Rand-l. v. p. 282 (1909). ^ f > Emberiza cia stracheyi, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 184 (1904). The eg. Jai)an (//. P.). Seebobm Coll. 5. Fniivama.lloiulo, Japan, 30th May. W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Fuiivama, L'Otli June. W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Clutches containing an egg of the Cuckoo {Cuculus canorus). 3. Fiijivania, Hondo, Japan, loth June. W. Piadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 3. Vamauashi,Kai, Hondo, 11th June. W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.J. Emheriza jankowskii, Tacz. Emberiza jaukowskii, Tacz. Ihis, 1888, p. 317; Baiiert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 180 (1904) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 282 (1909). Two eggs of Jankowski's Bunting resemble the paler, white- grounded forms of E. cioiisis. They measure respectively '74 by •59, and -75 by -59. 2. Sidenii, Amur-land, E. Siberia, Crowley Bequest. 1st June. Emberiza leucocephala, Gmd. Emberiza leucocepliala, Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 217 (1871) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 549 (1888); Oates, Fauna Brit. Ltd., Birds, ii. p. 254 (1890j ; Tacz. Faune Orn. Siber. Orient, p. 590 (1891); h'ehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 113 (1899); Rey, Eier Viig. Mitteleurop. p. 285, pi. 38. fig. 1 (1900) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 359 (1902) ; Hartert, T'og. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 169 (1904) ; Jourd. Egqs Europ. Birds, p. 100, pi. 14. tig. 1 (1906) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. y'. p. 283 (1909). Emberiza pithyornus, Gmel. ; Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iii. p. 145, pi. (1875). The eggs of the Pine-Bunting are of a broad oval form and moderately glossy. They are pinkish cream-colour, profusely marked with dots, specks, streaks and fine lines of rich purplish-brown. On some specimens the lines are short and, as a rule, very tine ; on others they are long, forming loops and knots and often encircling the egg. The underlying markings, which are faint and in- conspicuous, consist of small smears and spots of lilac-grey. The eggs measure from "78 to •87 in length, and from '6 to '68 in breadth. 2. East Siberia (Dyboicski). 11. E. Dresser, Esq. [E.]. 4. Amur-laud, 3rd June. W, Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Dauuria (Dyhowski). Seebobm Coll. 3, Dariisuu, \)i\\iuni\.,i\.\nc {Dyhowski: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 250 FRIXGILLID^. Darasun, 26tli May. Lake Baikal, E. Siberia (Di/boicski). Lake Baikal {Di/bojvsAi). Ki'asnoyarsk, 23rd May {Kibort). 2 Altai. W. Eadclifie Saunders, Esq. [P.J. Seebohm Coll. Seebobm Coll. W. lladcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Genus MILIARIA, Brelim. Miliaria miliaria {Linn.). Einberiza miliaria, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. p. 361, tab. xxxiii. fig. 8, a-e (18J5-54) ; Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 186, pi. xlvii. fig. iii (1856) ; Salvin, Ibis, 1859", p. 314 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 163 (1871); Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 217; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 148, pi. 13 (1884) ; id.. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 251, pi. 57. tigs. 17 & 20 (1896) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 343 (1902). Cyucliramus miliaria, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 3. tig. 3 il855-63). Miliaria miliaria, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 652 (1888) ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 283 (1909). Emberiza calandra, Rer/, Eier Voq. 3Iiiteleurop. p. 290, pi. 37. figs. 1-5 (1900) ; Jourd. Eggs Europ. Birds, p. 96, pi. 13. figs. 1-5 (1906). Emberiza calandra calandra, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Fmin. pt. ii. p. 165 (1904). The eggs of the Common or Corn-Bunting vary in shape from a narrow to a broad oval, and have a considerable amount of gloss. The ground-colour is sometimes bluish-white, at others creamy, and very frequently of a pinkish stone-colour. The markings, which consist of spots, blotches, streaks and lines, both fine and thick, of very dark purplish-brown or chocolate-brown, are boldly disposed over the broader half of the egg and sparingly elsewhere. Many specimens are very profusely marked with blotches and smears of lilac- and lavender-grey, while others have these underlying^ markings almost entirely wanting. The eggs measure from "87 to 1*04 in length, and from -63 to -74 in breadth. 4. BaUynagaul, Ireland, 5th July. England. Sparham, Norfolk, 13th June (F. Norgate). Hickling, Norfolk, 18th June Seebohm Coll. {FN.). Cambridgeshire.. Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire. Babraham, Cambridgeshire, loth May. Tilford, Surrey. Reigate, Surrey, 4th July. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. LP-]- Old Collection. Seebohm Coll. 2. Finchley. Middlesex (O. S.). 4. Finchley (0.;S.). 3. Epping Forest, Essex. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. F. Bond, Esq. [P.I. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. W. Radchfie Saunders, Esq. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salviu-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. MILIARIA. — FRINGILLARIA. 251 a. Bi-iitol (Harnitt Coll.). .'). Devonsliire. 9. Brighton, Sussex. 5. Falmer, Sussex, 24th June. 5. Malaga, Spain, 10th May {A. Ruiz). 0. Malaga, 7th June {A. li.). 3. South Spain, 11th June {II. Sfiunclers). ."3. Pomerania,4th ^une (T.IIollrmd). G. Pomeiania, 10th June (T. II.). 4. roinerania, l.'>th June (T. II.). 0. Halle, Germany, 1st July. 5. Mark Brandenburg, 1st June. 4. Mark Brandenburg, 20th June. 6. Sziget-Csep, Hungary, 4th May. 4. Monor, Hungary, 29th May. 4. Podgoritza, Montenegro, May. 4. Greece {Hargitt Coll.). 15. Parnassus, Greece, 24th May {T. Kriiper). 3. Asia Minor, 6th June ( T. E.). 2. Chemora, Algeria, 11th May (O. Sahin). 4. Aiu Djeudeli, Algeria, Mav ( 0. S.). 4. Ain Diendeli, 12th xMay (0. S.). 2. Ain DjendeU, 18th May (H. B. Tristram). 1. Madracen, Algeria, 27th Mav {H. B. T.). Seebohm Coll. Montagu Coll. Crowley Bequest. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.l. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. RadcUffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. "\\ . Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowlej' Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Clutch contaiuing an egg of the Cuckoo (Cuculiis canorus). Wantage, Berkshire, 19th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus FRINGILLARIA, Swains. Fringillaria capensis (Linn.). (Plate XI. figs. 18 & 19.) Fringillaria capensis, Sharpe, cd. Layard, Birds S. Africa, p. 489 (1875-84); id., Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 565 (1888); Nehrh. Kat. Eier.mmml. p. 113 (1899); Starl; Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 187 (1900); Shellei/, Birds Afr. iii. p. 150 (1902); Beichenow, I'off. Afr. iii. p. 288 ('1904) ; Sharjje, Hand-l. v. p. 284 (1909). Eggs of the Cape Bunting arc of a regular oval shape aad slightly 252 FRINOILLID^. glossy. The ground-colour is white or very pale bluish-white, densely speckled and blotched with pale reddish-brown and lavender-grey. The markings sometimes coalesce over the broad end of the egg so as to form a cap. They measure from '75 to -8 in length, and from '58 to '59 in breath. 6. South Africa (JE'. i. Za^rtr(i). Crowley Bequest. 1. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 3. Deelfontein, Cape Colony, 19th Col. A. T. Sloggett [P.]. Nov. {U. Seimund). Fringillaria insularis, Grant ^- Forbes. (PlateXI. figs. 20&21.) Fringillaria insularis, Grant ^- ForbeB, Bull. Liverp. Mus. ii. no. 1, p. 2 (1900) ; iid. Nat. Hist. Sokotra, p, 29 (1903) ; Sharps, Hand-l. t. p. 285 (1909). Eggs of the Sokotra Rock-Bunting closely resemble those of F. striolata. The ground-colour is greenish-white ; and while in one clutch the eggs are very densely mottled and blotched with dark brown and lavender-grey, in the second clutch they are densely but distinctly speckled with reddish-brown and purplish-grey. Five examples measure from •? to "75 in length, and from -oi to '55 in breadth. 3, Homhil, E. Sokotra, 1500 feet, Royal Society [P.]. 2-4th Jan. ( W. R. OyUvie-Graut Sf H. 0. Forbes). 2. Homhil, 1500 feet, 21st Jan. Royal Society [P.]. ( W. H. O.-G. Sr H. O. F.). Fringillaria striolata (Licht.). (Plate XI. fig. 22.) Emberiza striolata. Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 197 (1871) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 264 (1890) ; id., ed. Hmne, Nests Sf Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 170 (1890) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 344 (1902). Fringillaria striolata, Shai-pe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 561 (1888) ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 285 (1909). Emberiza striolata striolata, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 191 (1904). The eggs of the Striolated Bunting are of a somewhat narrow oval shape and very slightly glossy, They are greyish-white or pale bluish-white, very densely freckled and mottled with reddish-brown of various shades, dark on some eggs, pale on others. Though everywhere dense, the markings are particularly so on the broad end, where in some specimens they form a very broad confluent zone. The underlying markings consist of blotches and small FBINGILLARIA. 253 smears of purplish-pjrcy and are very prominent on some examples. Five c'sjgs measure from '75 to '8 in length, and from "53 to '56 in breadth. 3. Ajmere, Rajputana, India, 12th Hume Coll. Nov. {A. O. Hume). 2. Ajmere, IGth Nov. {A. O. II.). Hume Coll. Fringillaria saharse {Levaill.). Frino-illaria saharffi, Tristram, Ihis, 18.59, p. 295 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 563 (1888) ; Nehrk. Cat. Eiersainml. p. 113 (1899); Whitaker, Birds Tunis, i. p. 228 (1905) ; Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 285 (1909). Eraberiza sahavfB, Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 345 (1902). Emberiza striolata sahari, Hartert, Vog. Pal. Fatal, pt. ii. p. 190 (1904). Eggs of the House-Bunting resemble those of F. capensis described above. Six eggs measure from -69 to -75 in length, and from '54 to -57 in breadth. 1. El AlfBeni,Mzab, Algerian Sahara, Crowley Bequest. April [J. H. Gurnet/ : Tristram Coll.). 4. South Tunis, 17th May (P. Spaiz). W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. Gafsa, S.Tunis, 26th May (P.. S.). W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Fringillaria impetuani (Smith). Fringillaria impetuani, Lat/ard, Ihis, 1868, p. 247 ; Gttrney, in Anderss. Birds Damaral. p. 189 (1872) ; Sharjje, ed. Lat/ard, Birds S. Africa, p. 489 (1875-84) ; id., Cat. Birds B. 31. xii. p. 56.3 (1888) ; Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 190 (1900) ; Shellet/, Birds Africa, iii. p. 159 (1902) ; Eeichetioiv, Vog. Afr. iii. p. 292 (1904) ; Sharjw, Hand-l. V. p. 285 (1909). Two eggs of the South-African Lark-Bunting in the Collection are much the same as those of the other species of the genus. They are of a broad blunt oval shape and slightly glossy. The ground- colour is white, finely spotted all over with brown and violet-grey. One egg measures "69 by •52, Layard gives the measurements as '7 by "55, and Stark as -72 by -6. 2. Otjimbinque, Damaraland (C J. Crowley Bequest. Andersson : l^ristram Coll.). 254 FRTNGII.LID.^. Genus MELOPHUS, Swahis. Melophus melanicterus (Gmel.). (Plate XII. figs. 1 & 4.) Melophus melanicterus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 568 Oates, Fauna Brit. Inch, Birds, ii. p. 265 (1890) ; irl., ed. Hume, Nests S) Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 173 (1890) ; La Tonche, Ibis, 1900, p. 38; Sharpe, Hand-l. x p. i'86 (1909). Eggs of the Crested Black Banting are of a broad blunt, oval form •and have a moderate amount of gloss. The ground-colour is pale greenish-white in some, pinkish-white in others, and they are thickly speckled, streaked and mottled with dull reddish-brown and underlying lavender-grey. The markings are everywhere dense, but especially at the larger end of the egg, whei-e they coalesce so as to form a more or less irregular and ill-defined cap. They measure from '7 to '9 in length, aud from '6 to -69 in breadth. 2. Himalaya, 27th June {Nehrkorn Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 2. Almora, Himalaya, 16th May. Hume Coll. & Crowley Bequest. 15. Sikliim {J. Gammie). Hume Coll. 2. Hansi, Punjab, Aug. Hume Coll. 2. Jhansi, N. W. Provs., July [F. R. Hume Coll. Bleivitt). 6. Saugor, Central Provs., 25th Hume Coll. July. 3. Saugor, 28th July. Hume Coll. 2. Saugor, 5th Aug. Hume Coll. 2. Saugor, 5th Aug. Hume Coll. 1. Kuatun, Fohkein, China, 17th C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. May. 4. Kuatun, 13th May. J. D. La Touche, Esq. [C.]. Genus PLECTROPHENAX, Stejneger. Plectrophenax nivalis (Linn.). Emberiza nivalis, T/iien. Foripjlanz. ges. Vog. p. 373, tab. x.v.xiii. fig. ll,a-e (1845-54) ; MarkJiam, Whaling Cruise Baf. Bay, p. 285 (1875); Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 125, pi. 15 (1884) ; id.,^Egqs of Brit. Birds, p. 247, pi. 57. figs. 9 & 10 (1896). Plectroplianes nivalis, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 3. tig. 1 (1855-63) ; Heivitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 184, pi. xlvi. fig. lii (1856) ; Dresser, Birds Em: iv. p. 261 (1873) ; Baird, Brewer ^- Bidgjo. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 512 (1874) ; Feilden, Ibis, 1877, p. 404 ; id. in Nares's Narr. Voy. Polar Sea, ii. p. 209 (1878) ; Seehohm, Lbis, 1878, p. 340 ; Rey, Eier Vog. Mitteleurop. p. 300, pi. 38. figs. 17-21 (1900); Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 374 (1902); Neaton, Ootheca Wol/egana, pt. ii. p. 443 (1902). PLECTEOPHEXAX. 255 Plectrophenax nivalis, Shorpe, Cot. Birds B. M. xii. p. 572 (1888) ; Grant, Urn, 1893, p. 569 ; 1894, p. 136 ; Pearson, Ibis, 1898, p. 193 ; ''S/iarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 28(3 (1909). Passeriiiii nivalis nivalis, Riilyw. B. North i)- Middle Amer. i. p. 148 (1901) ; Ilartert, T'oi/. Pat. Faun. pt. ii. p. 202 (1904). I'asserina nivalis, Joiird. Egijs Europ. Birds, p. 118, pi. 14. figs. 17-21 (1906). Eggs of the Snow-Bunting are of a pointed oval shape and are moderately glossy. The ground-colour is generally pale bluish- white, but in some specimens it is yellowish-white or cream- colour. The surface-markings, consisting of streaks, spots, and blotches, are reddish- or orange-brown, and there are generally, in addi- tion, some sharply-detined markings of deep chocolate-brown, but these are almost entirely confined to the larger end of the egg. The underlying markings, which are usually large and conspicuous, consist of blotches and clouds of rich lilac-grey and pale purple. The markings are always densest at the large end, where they are often confluent and form a zone or irregular cap. The eggs measure from "8 to 1"05 in length, and from -G to "GS in breadth. 3. North America. 1. North America (Henghaiv Coll.). 3. Arctic America. 4. York Factorv, Hudson's Bay, Aug. 1. Grinnell Land. N. lat. 82° S3', 24th J Line (//. W. Feilden). 11. Discovery Bav, Grinnell Land (C. Hart). ■ 4. Greenland. 4. Greenland. 4. Greenland. 4. Greenland {E. Fentker : Hargitt OoU.). 4. Greenland, N. Lnt. (JF, 25th Jane. 5. South Greenland (H. C. Midler). 7. Godhaab, Greenland, 12th June. 2. Icelan-d ( IV. Proctor : Tristram Coll). 5. Icelnnd ( W. P. : Tristram Coll.). 6. Iceland, 18th June. 2. Iceland. 0. Iceland, 6th July. 24. Iceland [Steineke : Hargitt Coll.). 7. Iceland. 6. Iceland, 3rd June. 5. Iceland, 12th June. 10. Iceland ( W. Proctor). 7. Kevkiavik, Iceland, 4th June. Crowley Bequest. yalviu-Godman Coll. Dr. Rae [P.]. Admiral A. II. Markham [P.]. Voy. H.M.S. ' Alert.' Voy. H.M.S. ' Discovery.' Old Collection. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Old Collection. Seebohai Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radclitl'e Saunders, Esq. W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. L-"- -J- 256 FRINGILLID^. 2. Stromne93, Orkney Is. {R. Dunn). Crowley Bequest. .'). Ben Avon, Banffdliire, 370tJ feet, Capt. S. G. Reid & W. R. 5tli June. Ogilvie-Grant, E«q. [P.]. 2. Lapland. Seebolim Coll. 1. [Lapland.] Crowley Bequest. 4. Spitsbergen, 24:tli June (Sir II. Seebolim Coll. S. Boynt(m). 4. Taimyr Peninsula, Siberia, 3rd Seebobm Coll. July {Muldendurff). 5. Yenesei River, Lat. 715° N., June Seebolim Coll. {H. Seebolim). 4. Yenesei River, Lat.71|°N., June Seebolim Coll. {H.S.). 3. Yenesei River, Lat. 71|°N., June Seebohm Coll. [H. S.). Genus CALCARIUS, Bechst. Calcarius lapponicus (Z^ni)i.). Emberiza lapponica, Thien. Fort}^flanz. ges. Vog. p. 371, tab. xxxiii. fig. 12. a-d (1845-.54) ; Wheelicright, A Spring ^ Summer in Lapland, p. 294 (1871); Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 131, pi. 1.5 (1884); id., Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 248, pi. 57. tigs. 11 & 12 (1896). Plectrophanes lapponicus, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 3. fig. 2 (1855- 63) ; HeuHtion, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 182, pi. xlvi. figs, i & ii (IS'-jG) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 253 (1872) ; Baird, Breiver, ^ Ridyw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 515 (1874) ; Seebohm ^- Harvie-Brown, Ibis, 1876, p. 117; Seebohm, Ibis, 1878, p. 341. Calcarius lapponicus. Nelson, Report Nat. Hist. Alaska, p. 183 (1887) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 579 (1888) ; MacFarlane, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiv. p. 441 (1892) ; Reg, Eier Vog. Mittdeurop. p. 295, pi. 38. figs. 22-26 (1900) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. i. p. 373 (1902) ; Newton, Ootheea Wolleyana, pt. ii. p. 451, pi. xi. tigs. 19-24 (1902); Jourd. Egqs Europ. Birds, p. 117, pi. 14. figs. 22-26 (1906) ; Sharpe, Han'd-l. v. p. 287 (1909). Calcarius lapponicus lapponicus, Ridqw. Birds North .(Sj- Middle Amer. i. p. 155 (1901) ; Hartert, Vog. Pal. Faun. pt. ii. p. 200 (1904). Eggs of the Lapland Bunting are of a somewhat narrow and pointed oval shape and moderately glossy. The coloration is very variable. In one type the ground-colour varies from pale grey to pale brown, and is almost completely concealed by confluent clouds and smears of yellowish-brown, liver-brown or dull reddish-brown, over which are to be seen spots, short lines and scrawls of deep chocolate-brown. In another type the ground-colour is decidedly greenish, blotched and clouded with lilac-grey and also marked with spots and scrawls of rich purplish-brown, chiefly at the broad end. In a third type, which appears to be rare, the ground-colour is greenish-grey, and the whole shell is thickly speckled with light greenish-brown. Intermediate forms also occur. They measure from "74 to -9 in length, and from -57 to -68 in breadth. 257 2. Arctic America. ]. Arctic America. 5. St. Michael's, Alaska, 5tli June (£. W. Nelson : Henshatv Coll). 6. St. Michn(.rs,9th .Time {E. W.N.: Henxhaw Coll ). 5. St. Michael's, 12th June {E. W. N. ■ Henshaw Coll.). 1. St. Michael's, Jiuie {E. W. N.). 4. Franklin Bay, Anderson River, Arc'.ic America {R. W. Mac Far- lane : Henshaiv Coll.). 1. Anderson River, 26th June (R. W. MacF.: Henshaw Coll.). 6. Greenland (Tristram Coll.). 3. Greenland. 2. Greenland (Holboll). 4. Greenland. 4. Greenland. 3. Greenland. 4. Greenland (Erichsen). 2. Greenland (Erichsen). 3. Greenland. 3. Greenland. 5. Holsteinburg, Greenland, 26th May. 5. Egedesminde, Greenland, 17th June. 4. Godshavn. Greenland (Erichsen). 2. Iceland ( W. Proctor). 5. Lapland, 20th June. 6. Lapland, 17th June. 1. Lapland (Hargitt Coll.). 2. Quickiock, Lapland, Lst June (//. Wheehoriyht : Tristram CoU.). C. Quickiock, 9th June (H. W.: Tristram Coll.). 3. Tornea, Lapland, 20th June. 5. Muonioniska, Lapland (H. IF.). 6. Enontekis, Lapland, 22nd June. 5. East Finmavk {Nordvi). (j. East Finmark (A'o7-(fz'j). 4. East Finmark (Nordvi). .5. East Finmark, 3rd June (Meves). 5. Finland, 25th June. 5. Petchora River, Lat. 68° N., 22nd June (//. Seebohm ^- J. A, Harvie- Brown). Dr. Rae [P.]. Sir John Richardson [P.]. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Governor Holboll [C.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. Radclift'e Saunders, Esq. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. fP.]. Seebohm CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esa. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.], Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll, Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. 258 FIUNGILLID.?;. 5. Petchoi-a River, Lat. G8° N., 23id Seebobm Coll, June {H. S. S,- J. A. H.-B.). 5. Yenesei River, Siberia, Lat. Seebohm Coll. 711° N., July (if. -S.). 6, Yenesei River, Lat. 71^° N., July Seebohm Coll. {H. S.). Calcarius pictus (Swains.). (Plato XII. fig. 2.) Plectrophanes pictus, Baird, Bz-ewer Si' Ridf/ic. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 518 (1874) ; Coties, Birds N.- West, p. 121 (1874). Calcarius pictus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. .584 (1888) ; MacFar- Icme, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiv. p. 441 (1892) ; Nekrk. Kat. Eier- samml. p. 114 (1899) ; Ridgw. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 160 (1901) ; S/iarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 287 (1909). The eggs of the Painted Bunting closely resemble some of the eggs of 0. lapponicus. They measure from -79 to '87 in length, and from -59 to -65 in breadth. 3. Arctic America. 2. Anderson River, British North America, 22rid June [R. W. MacFarktne : Tristram Coll.). 3. Anderson River, 24th June {R. IF. MacF. : Smiths. Inst). 4. Anderson River (-R. W. MacF.: Henshaw Coll.). Sir John Richardson [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Calcarius ornatus (Towns.). (Plate XII. fig. 5.) Kat. Eiersajnml. p. 114 (1899); Ridqiv. Birds North ^ Middle Amer. i. p. 162 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l v. p. 287 (1909). The eggs of the Chestnut-collared Bunting are of an ordinary oval shape and glossy. They are greyish- or pinkish-white, marked with underlying clouds and blotches of lilac- or lavender-grey and with surface spots, scratches, and small blotches, which are bright reddish-brown in some specimens and deep purplish-brown in others. They measure from '69 to -78 in length, and from -56 to •62 in breadth. 2. British Columbia (J. K. L.). 3. 49th Parallel {G. M. Daw6on). 3. 49th Parallel. (r;..l/. i».). 1. 49th Parallei:((?. M. J).). 3. Short Creek, 49th Parallel, 9th June [G. M. I).). J. K. Lord, Esq. [P.]. N. Amer. Boundia-y Comm. N. Amer. Boundary Comm. N. Amer. Bouudiry Comm. N. Amer. Boundarv Comm. RHTXCQOrUANES. CALAMOSI'IZA, 259 '2. Short Creek, 10th June (G. M. D.). N. Amer. Boundary Comm. 2. Short Creek, lOth June ( G. M. D.). N. Amer. Boundary Comm. 1. South Dakota, U.S.A., ISth Mav. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus RHYNCHOPHANES, Baird. Rhynchophanes maccowni {Lawr.). (Plate XII. %. 3.) Plectrophanes maccowni. Baud, Breicer ^- Itidyw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 523 (1874). Rhvncophanes maccowni, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 589 (188S) ; ' Is^ehrl;. Kat. Eiersmnml. p. 114 (1899) ; Ridyio. Birds North ^-Middle Amer. i. p. 165 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 288 (1909). Two eggs of Maccown's Bunting are elliptical in shape, and have a considerable amount of gloss. They are pale creamy- or brownish-buff, very indistinctly mottled with pale lavender and grey, and marked with some specks, scratches, scrawls and fine lines of umber-brown. Thev measure respectively : "81 by 'oQ ; •82 by -59. 2. Traders' Road, 49th Parallel X. Amer. Boundary Comm. 1(6-'. M. l)awso7i). Cal.imospiza bicolor, Baird, Breicer 4'- R'dqic. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 61 (1874) ; Coues, Birds N.- West, p. 163 (1874) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 593 (1888) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 114 (1899). Calamospiza melanocorvs, Ridgic. Birds North S; Middle Amer. i. p. 168 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 288 (1909). Genus CALAMOSPIZA, Bonap. Calamospiza melanocorys, Stejn. The eggs of the American Lark-Bunting are of a very broad oval shape and frequently spheroidal. They are very smooth, glossj% and of a pale blue colour. Many eggs are uniform, others are spotted with light rufous at the broad end. They measure from "79 to -9 in length, and from .62 to -7 in breadth. 4. Near Souris, 49th Parallel, 13th N. Amer. Boundary Comm. June (6r. M. Dawson). 2. 49th Parallel {G. 31. D.). N. Amer. Boundarv Comm. 4. 49th ParaUel {G. M. D. : Hen- Salviu-Godmau Coll. shaiu Cull.). 1. Dane Co., VVisconsiu ( Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 1. Denver, Colorado, 10th June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 260 frixgilltd.t:. Genus SPIZA, Bonap. Spiza americana (Gmel.). Euspiza americana, Baird, Breicer Sf RvJqiv. N. Amei: Birds, ii. p. 65 (1874) ; Coues, Birds N.-West, p. 164 (1874). Spiza americana, Salv. ^- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 416 (1886) ; Shnrpe, Cnt. Birds B. M. xii. p. 770 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. JEiersami7il. p. 118 (1899) : Bidff7v. Birds North ^ Middle Amer. i. p. 171 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l.\. p. 288 (1909). Eggs of the Black-throated Bunting appear to be very variable in shape. One specimen iti the Collection is almost spherical, another is nearly a perfect ellipse, and a third is a narrow pointed oval. The eggs are glossy and of a plain bluish- green colour. They measure from -79 to -82 in length, and from '6 to -64 in breadth. 1. North America [Henshmo Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. San Antonio, Texas (Dr. Heer- Salvin-Godman Coll. ma7in). 2. San Antonio {Dr. Heermnnn : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 5. Cook Co., Illinois, 6th Jan. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. Genus CHONDESTES, Swains. Chondestes grammacus {Say). Chondestes grammaca, Baird, Brewer 4' Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 562 (1874) [part.]. Chondestes grammica, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 591 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 114 (1899). Chondestes grammacus grammacus, iZ^'oI^zt'. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 176 (1901). Chondestes grammacus, Shatpe, Hand-l. v. p. 289 (1909). The eggs of the Lark-Sparrow are of a broad oval shape and highly glossy. They are white, or very pale creamy-white, marked, almost entirely at the broad end, with spots, blotches, scratches and hair-lines of deep purplish-brown or black and some faint cloud and spots of lavender-grey. They measure from -75 to '82 length, and from -6 to -66 in breadth. 4. North America {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. North America. W. EadcIiHe Saunders, Esq. [P.J. Chondestes strigatus (Swains.). (Plate XII. fig. 9.) Chondestes gi-ammacus strigatus, Bidfftv. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. i. p. 178 (1901). Chondestes strigatus, Sharpe, Natid-I. v. p. 289 (1909). nd ds in I ?61 Eggs of the Western Lark-Sparrow arc indistinguishable from those of C. granimuctis. 6. Laramie, Wvoniing, U.S.A., 30th May (Ilenshuw Coll.). 5. Poway, Cahfornia, 2nd May. 4. Poway, 26tl) May. .'J. San Pedro, Texas (fl. E. Dresser : Tristram Coll.). 3. San Antonio, Texas {Dr. Heer- mann : Tristram Coll.). Salviu-(iudinan Coll. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esr[. [P.]. W. RadcHffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowle}' Crowley Bequest. Genus POOECETES, Baird. Pocecetes gramineus (Gmel.). Fringilla graminea, Thien. Fortpflanz. ges. Vog. p. 380, tab. xxxiv. fig. 8, a, b (1845-54). Poocajtes gramineus, Baird, Breicer 8) Bidgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 545 (1874). PocEcetes gramineus, Coues, Birds N.-West, p. 129 (1874) ; Sharpe. Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 070 (1888); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. ■^. 116 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 289 (1909). Pocecetes gramineus gramineus, Bidgw. Birds North S,- Middle Amer. i. p. 182 (1901). Eggs of the Vesper Sparrow are of a pointed oval form and almost devoid of gloss. They are greyish-white, mottled with underlying lilac-grey or pinkish-brown, and sparingly marked with some surface-spots, lines, scratches, and small blotches of reddish-brown or deep purplish-brown. The markings are usually rather evenly distributed over the surface of the egg, but in some instances the}' form a confluent zone round the broad end. S|)ecimeiis measure from "77 to "87 in length, and from '56 to '62 in breadth. 3. North America {D. G. Elliot : Tridram Coll.). 2. North America {D. G. E. : Tris- tram Coll.). 1 . North America. 0. North America (Henxhaw Coll.). 4. North America {Smiths. Inst.). 3. North America {Smiths. Inst.). 3. Ohio, July (N. A. Chapman : Smiths. Inst.). 4. Chester Co., Pennsylvania (C J. Pennock). 2. Massachusetts {T. M. Brewer: Tristram Coll.). 0. West Newburv, Massachusetts, 20th May {G. F. Gilmaii), Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Princeton Uuiversitv, N. J. [E,]. Crowley Bequest. W. RaddifTe Saunders, Esq. 262 FRINQlLLlDiE. Pocecetes confinis, Baird. (Plate XII. fig. 7.) Pocecetes gramineus, var. confinis, Hensh. Rep. Wheeler's S'ltrv. v. p. 256 (1875). PocBcetes gramineus, Coues (nee Gmel.), Bull. U. S. Geol. Sf Geogr. Surv. Terr. iv. p. 589 (1878). Pocecetes confinis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 672 (1888); id. Hand-l. v. p. 289 (1909). Pocecetes gramineus confinis, Ridyw. Birds Middle S,- North Amer. i. p. 184 (1901). Eggs of the Western Vesper Sparrow are indistinguishable from those of P. gramineus. Thej- measure from -76 to "84 in length, and from '57 to "63 in breadth. 4. Larimore, Washington, D.C., IBlh Crowley Bequest. July. 4. Olvmpia, Washington, 23rd May W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. \F. W. Andres). [P.]. 3. Olvmpia, 23rd May {F. W. A.). W. Radclifle Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus PASSERCULUS, Bonap. Passerculus princeps, Maynard. (Plate XII. fig. 6.) Passerculus princeps, Baird, Brewer S^ Bidqic. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 540 (1874) ; KS/uirpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 679 (1888) ; Ridgiv. Birds North 8) Middle Amer. i. p. 189 (1901) : Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 290 ri909). Two eggs of the Ipswich Sparrow are of a rather broad and pointed oval form, almost devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is pale creamy-white, spotted and blotched all over with brown or dull reddish-brown, and sparingly with lavender-grey. They measure respectively '78 bj' "58 and '78 by "57. 2. Grand Manan T., Bay of Fundy, Crowley Bequest, Nova Scotia ( '/. M. Brewer : Tristram Coll.). Passerculus savanna ( Wilsoji). Passerculus savanna, Baird, Brewer Sf Ridqiv. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 533 (1874) ; Cones, Birds N.- West, p. 127 (1874) [part.] ; id. Bull. U. S. Geol. 4" Geoqr. Surv. Terr. iv. p. 588 (1878) ; &harpe, Hand-l. v. p. 290 (1909"). _ Passerculus sandwicbensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 674 (1888) [part.] ; Nehrli. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 116 (1899). Passerculus sandwicbensis savanna, Ridyw. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 192 (1909). The eggs of the Savanna Sparrow are of a pointed oval form and PASSERCITLUS. COTUEMCTJLUS. 263 almost devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is greenish-white or sometimes creamy-white, denselj- mottled, speckled and blotched with various shades of reddish-brown and pale underlj-ing lavender- grey. Specimens measure from -74 to -SS in length, and from -55 to '6 1 in breadth. 1. North America. Old Collection. 1. North America. Salvin-Godman Coll. 'A. North America {Ilcnshaio Coll.). Salvin-Godmau Coll. 4. North America (Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godmaa Coll. 5. Rhode Island, U. S. America, 2ad W. lindclifle Saunders, Esq. June. [P.]. Passerculus alaudinus {Bonap.). (Plate XII. tig. 8.) Passerculus savanna, var. alaudinus, Baird, Brewer Sj- Ridyw. N. Amer Birds, i. p. 537 (1874). Ammodramus sandwichensis alaudinus, Nelso7i, Hep. Xat. Hi^t. Alaska, p. 187 (1887). Passerculus sandwichensis, SharjK, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 674 (1888) [part.]. Passerculus sandwichensis alaudinus, Ridgic. Birds North §• Middle Amer. i. p. 194 (1901). Passerculus alaudinus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 290 (1909). Eggs of the Western Savanna Sparrow resemble those of P. savanna, but some clutches are more boldly marked with larger blotches of reddish-brown, and others are spotted and scratched with deep purplish-brown. They measure from "7 to '79 in length, and from '53 to "6 in breadth. 5. St. Michael's, Alaska, 16th June Salviu-Godiuan CjII. (E. JJ'. Ne/son: Henshaw Co/l.). 5. St. Michael's {K W. N. : Henshaiu Salvin-Godman Coll. Coll.). 2. Yukon River, Alaska, 9th June Salvin-Godman Coll. (J. Lockhnrt, : Smiths. Inst.). 0. Salt Lake Citv, Utah, loth June. W. RadclitTe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus COTURNICULUS, Bonap. Coturnicxilus passerinus ( Wilson). (Plate XII. figs. 15, 19.) Cotumiculu=! passerinus, Baird. Brewer ^- Bidgiv. N. Am^r. Birds, i. p. 5.5.3 (1874) [part.]; Salv. ^- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 384 (1886) [part.]; Sharpe, Hmid-l. v. p. 292 (1909). Ammndromus savaunarum, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 687 (1888) [part.]; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersninml. p. 116 (1899). Cotumiculus savannarum passerinus, Ridgic. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 207 (1901). 264 PEINGILLIT)^. Eggs of the Grasshopper-Sparrow are of a very rounded oval 6hai)e and moderately glossy. They are white, speckled and blotched, chiefly at the broad end, with light red and deep lavender- grey, the markings often forming a zone or cap. They measure from 65 to '73 in length, and from "53 to -6 in breadth. 1. North America (HensJunc Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. North America {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. North America (Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 3. Winnebago. Minnesota, U.S.A. Crowley Bequest. (H. W.Tulman: Ti-istramColl.). 4. Winnebago, 2ud June. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Illinois, 2nd June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus AMMODEOMUS, Swains. Ammodromiis maritimus {Wilson). (Plate XII. figs. 18, 23.) Ammodromus maritimus, Baird, Breicer Sf Itidqiv. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 560 (1874) [part.] ; Sharpe, Cat. 'Birds B. M. xii. p. 683 (1888) [part.] : Nehrk. Kat. Eiersaviml. p. 116 (1899) ; Shaipe, Hand-l. v. p. 293(1909). Ammodromus maritimus maritimus, Ridyw. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 214 (1901). Eggs of the Seaside Sparrow are of a blunt oval shape and moderately glossy. They are greenish-white, spotted or blotched with reddish-brown and underlying grey, the markings being generally concentrated about ''-he larger end. They measure from •75 to '81 in length, and from "57 to -63 in breadth. 1. North America (jSwiiV^s. /?«s<.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. North Ameiica {Ife7ishatv Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Massachusetts {T. 31. Brewer: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 4. New Jersey (D. G.Blliot: Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). 1. Say brook, Connecticut, 2nd June. W. Radeliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Ammodromus caudacutus {Gmel.). (Plate XII. fig. 16.) Ammodromus caudacutus, Baird, Brewer Sf Ridyw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 557 (1874) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii! p. 685 (1888) [part.] ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 116 (1899J; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 294 (1909). Ammodromus caudacutus caudacutus, Ridyw. Birds North 4" Middle Amer. i. p. 220 (1901). Seven eggs of the Sharp-tailed Sparrow are of a blunt oval form JIYIOSPIZA. HiEMOPHIIA. 265 and moderately glossy. They are greyish- or greenish -white, more or less densely mottled and freckled with various shades of reddish- lirown and some underlying lavender-grey. They measure from -72 to '79 in length and from '53 to '6 in breadth. 1. North America (Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. North America {Henshaiv Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Salt Marshes, New Jersey Crowley Bequest. ( Tristram Coll.). Genus MYIOSPIZA, Ridijw. Myiospiza peruana (Bonap.). Coturnicidus peruanus, Scl. i.^- Huds. Argeyit. Orn. i. p. 60 (1888) ; Holland, Ibis, 1893, p. 484. Ammodromus peruanus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 693 (1888). Myiospiza peruana, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 295 (1909). The eggs of the Yellow-shouldered Sparrow are of a rather narrow pointed oval shape and exhibit a considerable amount of gloss. They are plain white. Four examples measure respectively: •bl by -58 ; -82 by -55 ; -85 by -56 ; -77 by -55. 4. Argentina, Oct. A. 11. Holland, Esq. [C.]. Genus PLAGIOSPIZA, Ridgw. Plagiospiza superciliosa (Swains.). (Plate XII. figs. 21, 22.) Ilremophila superciliosa, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 722 (1888). Plagiospiza superciliosa, Bidyiv. Birds North i^- Middle Amer. i. p. 229 (1901) : Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 295 (1909). Two eggs of the Striped Sparrow are of a rather broad, somewhat pointed oval form and distinctly glossy. The ground-colour is white, with dots, spots, and small blotches of light red, dark reddish-brown and lilac-grey, scattered over the entire shell, but most numerous about the larger end. They measure respectively •95 by 68 and -92 by -67. 2. Durango, Mexico, 30th April. Crowley Bequest. Genus H^ffiMOPHILA, Swains. Hsemopbila cassini ( Woodlwuse). Peucfea cassini, Buird, Brewer S,- Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i, p. 42 (1874) ; Merrill, P. U. S. JS'at. Mas. i. p. 128 (1878) ; S/iarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 712 (1888); Saluin 4- Godman, Biol Ctntr.- Amer., Aves, i. p. 391 (1886). Aimopliila cassini, liidyw. Birds A'orfh &■ Middle Amer. i. p. 253 (1901). llaeuiophila cassini, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 298 (1909). 266 FRINGILLID^. The eggs of Cassia's Sparrow are of a regular oval form, moderatelj^ glossy, and plain white. They measure from -68 to -79 in length, and from •54 to -6 in breadth. 3. North America (S7niths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. North America, 20th Mav. W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.l. 3. Texas, April. W. EadclifFe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus AMPHISPIZA, Copies. Amphispiza bilineata (Cassin). Poospiza bilineata, Heermann, Hep. Pacif. R. R. Suro. x. pt. iv. p. 14 (1859) [part.; San Antonio, Texas] ; Baird, Brewer Sf Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 690 (1874) [part.]. Amphispiza bilineata, Salv. 8^ Godm. Biol. Cent r.- Amer., Ares, i. p. 367 (1886) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 628 (1888) [part.] : id. Hand-l. V. p. 300 (1909). Amphispiza bilineata bilineata, Ridgic. Birds North 8j- Middle Amer. i. p. 263 (1901). Three eggs of the Black-thi'oated Sparrow are of a regular oval shape, very glossy, and plain white. They measure from -65 to -73 in length, and from -52 to -So in breadth. ]. Eio Madeira, Texas (A. L. Ree)-- Crowley Bequest. mann : Tristram Coll.) 3. Rockport, Texas, May. W. Ptadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Amphispiza deserticola, Eichjiu. Poospiza bilineata, HensJiaw, Rep. TVheele7-'s Surv. v. p. 274 (1875). Amphispiza biliueata deserticola, Ridgio. Birds North ^ Middle Amer. i. p. 265 (1901). Amphispiza deserticola, Shai-pe, Hand-l. v. p. 300 (1909). Three eggs of the Desert Sparrow are of a rather broad oval form, distinctly glossy, and plain bluish-white. They measure respectively : "7 by "58; -71 by -57 ; '71 by -57. 3. Arizona {S. W. Senshaiv). Salvin-Godman Cell. Amphispiza belli {Cassin). (Plate XII. fig. 17.) Amphispiza belli, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 629 (1888) ; id. Hand-l. v. p. 300 (1909). Amphispiza belli belli, Ridgw. Birds North 8,- Middle Amer. i. p. 267 (1901). Four eggs of Bell's Sparrow are of a regular oval shape and AMPHISPIZA. POOSPIZA. 267 slightl}' gloss}'. Tlie ground-colour is pale greenish-white, finely tipottcd all over with reddish-brown and with underlying small blotches and spots of violet-grey, the markings being most numerous round the larger end. They measure from '71 to "72 in length, and from '53 to '55 in breadth, 4. San Diego, California, 12th April W. Eadclifte Saunders, Esq. (O. W.Kniyht). [P.]. Amphispiza nevadensis, R'ulyw. (Plate XII. fig. 20.) Poospiza belli, var. nevadensis, Baird, Bre^cer ^ Rid. North America. Crowley Bequest. 2. Fort Resolution, Great Slave Lake, Crowley Bequest. British N. America, June. jTinco caniceps ( Woodhouse). Junco caniceps, Aiken, Amer. Sportsrn. v. p. 370 (1875) ; Brewer, Bull. Nutt. Orn. C. iii. p. 72 (1878) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 654 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 115 (1899) ; Ridi/ic. Birds Norfh 4- 3Iiddle Amer. i. p. 295 (1901) ; Sknrpe, Hand-l. v. p. 305 (1909). .funco cinereus caniceps, Drew, BulL Nutt. Orn. C. vi. p. 90 (1881). Two eggs of the Grey-headed Junco are much like those of /. Jujemalis. They measure respectively -74 by "61 and -73 by '59. 2. Western United States. Crowley Bequest. Junco phEBOnotus, Wagler. Junco cinereus, Sharpe {nee Linn.), Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 653 (1888) ; Nehrh. Kat. Eiersaimnl. p. 115 (1899). Jimco phasonotus phEeonotus, Bidffw. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. i. p. 299 (1901). Janco phseonotus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 305 (1909). Two eggs of the Mexican Junco are of a regular oval form, slightly glossy, and of a pale blue colour with spots of minute dark brown scattered over the larger end. They measure respectively '78 by "6 and -8 by '6. 2. Mexico, 2nd July (AW«)-^o?'M t'oW). Crowley Bequest. Genus SPIZELLA, Bonap. Spizella monticola (Gmel.). Spizella monticola, Baird, Brewer Sf Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 3 (1874) [part.] ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. Al. xii. p. 657 (1888) [part.] ; Nchrk. Kat. Eiersamml, p. 115 (1899) ; Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 306 (1909). Spizella monticola monticola, Bidgiv. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. i. p. 307 (1901). Two eggs of the East-American Tree-Sparrow are of a regular oval shape and slightly glossy. They are of a pale green colour, densely and very finely speckled and spotted all over with pale reddish-brown and lilac- or lavender-grey. They measure re- spectively -9 by '65 and -83 by -65. 2. Massachusetts {T. M. Brewer: Crowlev Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 270 feingillid.t:. Spizella ocliracea, Brewster. (Plate Xn. fig. 12.) Spizella monticok, Ross, Nat. Hist. Rev. 1862, p. 282; id., Canad. Nat. vii. p. 147 (18G2) : Baird, Brewer Sf Rklgw. N. Anier. Birds, ii. p. .3 (1874) [part.]; MaoFarlane, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiv. p. 443 (1892). Spizella nionticola ochracea, Nelson, Report Nat. Hist. Alaska, p. 190 (1887) ; Rldgw. Birds North ^^ Middle Amer. i. p. 309 (1901). Spizella ochracea, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 659 (18S8) ; id. Hand-l. v. p. 306 (1909). Some eggs of the West-American Tree-Sparrow resemble those of S. monticola, but the majority of those in the Collection are more brightly coloured and in some clutches the markings are much larger. The ground-colour is pale green, spotted aod mottled with bright reddish-brown, the markings being often dense and confluent at the broad end, where they sometimes form an imperfect cap. Underlying the surface markings are many smears and clouds of purplish-grey. Eggs of this species, if all are correctly identified, vary greatly in size. The larger ones closely resemble the eggs of Zonotrichia leucophri/s and its allies and should possibly be referred to one of those species. They measure from •? to -86 in length, and from "55 to -63 in breadth. 4. St. Michael's, Alaska 20th June (K W. Nelson). 4. Fort Anderson, Arctic America {R. MaoFarlane: Henshaw Coll.). 4. Fort Anderson, 10th June {R. MacF. : Tristram Coll.). 3. Fort Anderson, 18th June {R. MacF.: Tristram Coll.). 5. Fort Andeison, 13th June {R. MacF.: Smiths. Inst.). 4. Fort Anderson, 22nd June (R. MacF.: Henshaw Coll.). 3. Souris River, North Dakota, 2ud June (G. M. Dawson). 4. Fort Simpson, Mackenzie River District. 8. Fort Simpson. Salvin-Godni.m Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Cull. N. Amer. Boundary Comm. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. Spizella socialis ( Wilson). Fringillasocialis, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vcig. p. 392, tab. xxxv. fig. 17, a, b (1845-54). Spizella socialis, Ross, Nat. Hist. Rev. 1862, p. 2S2; id., Canad. Nat. vii. p. 147 (1862); Baird, Brewer S( Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 3 (1874) [part.J ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds, B. M. xii. p. 660 (1888) [part.]; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 115 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 306 (1909). Spizella socialis socialis, Ridgir. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. ."511 (1901). 271 The eggs of the Chipping Sparrow are of a pointed oval shape and moderatelj' glossy. Tliej' are greenish-blue, spotted and blotched, almost entirely at the broad end, with dark purplish-brown or blnck, and lilac-grey or pinkish-brown. The markings are sparse and small in size and rarely extend to the smaller half of the egg. Hpecimens measure from -Q to "72 in length, and from '5 to "od in breadth. 4. North America. 4. North America {Sinifhs. Inst.). 4. Fort Simpson. 4. Fort Simjisoa. 4. Flirt .Siiiiiisiin. :.'. Fo\'t Ufsolution, Grrat Slave Lake {B. Ji. Hoss : Smiths. Inst.). 5. Bangor, Maine, i'Oth May (T. Bailey). 4. New York [D. G. Elliot: Tristram Coll. >. r>. Massachusetts [Hemhmo Coll.). 4. Massachusetts (T. M. Brewer: Tristram Coll.). 3. West Newbury, Massachusetts, 28tb May. 3. Chester Co., Pennsylvania {C. J. Pennock). 4. West Chester Co., Peunsvlvania, 10th June. 2. Good Ground, Long Island (C. B. Lowe). Gould Coll. Saivin-Godman Coll. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. R. R. Ross, Esq. I P.I. B. R. Ross, E.sq. [P.]. Salvin-Godmau Coll. \V. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. Princeton Universitv, N. J. [E.]. Crowlej' Bequest. Princeton Universitv, N. J. [E.]. Spizella mexicana, Nelson. Spizella socialis mexicana, Riclyw, Birds North ^ Middle Amer. i. p. 313 (1901). Spizella mexicana, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 306 (1909). Eggs of the Mexican Chipping Sparrow are indistinguishable from those of S. socialis. They measure respectively -69 by 5 and -72 by -51. 1. Mexico. 1. Mexico. Gould CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Spizella arizonse, Coues. (Plate XII. fig. 10). Spizella socialis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 660 (1888) [part.]. Spizella socialis arizonse, Ridgw. Birds North ^ Middle Amer. i. p. 315 (1901). Spizella arizonse, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 307 (1909^. Eggs of the Western Chipping Sparrow are perfectl)' similar to those of S. socialis. They measure from '63 to -71 in length, and from •') to "53 in breadth. 272 FRINGILLID^. 4. British Columbia. Crnwley Bequest. 4. British Columbia. J. K. Lord, Esq. [P.]. 5. Salt Lake City, Utah, 10th June. \V. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Spizella pusilla ( Wilson). Fringilla juncorum, Tliien. Fortpfianz. ges. Vog. p. 392, tab. xxxiv. fig. 12, «, 6 (1845-54). Spizella pusilla, Baird, Bretcer S) Rldqiv. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 5 (1874); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 664 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 115 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 307 (1909). Spizella pusilla pusilla, Ridgw. Birds North ^- Uliddle Amer. i. p. 318 (1901). Eggs of the Field-Sparrow are of much the same type as those of S. monticola, but are more delicately marked. The ground-colour is faint greenish-white, densely speckled on the broader half and sparingly on the smaller half with dull brick-red and lilac-grey. The markings sometimes form a cap at the broad end. The eggs measure from "65 to "75 in length, and from '5 to -6 in breadth. 2, North America [Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 14. North America {He?ishaiv Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. North America. W. liadclitiij Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Massachusetts (T. M. Brewer: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll. 4. New Jersey (Z). G. Elliot : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 1. Chester Co., Pennsylvania (C. Princeton Universitv, N. J. J. Pennock). [E.]. Spizella arenacea, Chadhoume. Spizella pusilla arenacea, Ridgiv. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 320 (1901). Spizella arenacea, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 307 (1909). Three eggs of the Western Field-Sparrow are similar to those of S. pusilla. They measure respectively "67 by "50 ; '66 by "49 ; •66 by -50. 3 . Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A., 10th W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. June. [P.]. Spizella atrogularis (Cab.). Spizella atrigularis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 6G9 (1888). Spizella atrogularis, Bidqiu. Birds North ^ Middle Amer. i. p. 322 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 307 (1909). Two eggs believed to be those of the Black-chinned Sparrow are of a rather pointed oval shape, somewhat glossy and uniform pale blue. They measure respectively -72 by -51 and -73 by -52. 2. California, 28th April. Crowley Bequest. SPIZKLLA. ZOXOTRICniA. 273 Spizella pallida (Sivains.). Spizella pallida, Baird, Brewer Sc Richjw. N. Ainer. Birth, ii. p. 11 (1874) ; Coues, Birds N.- West, p. 148 (1874) ; Ridyw. Birds North Si- Middle A7ner. i. p. 324 (1901) ; Skarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 307 (1909). Spizella pusio, Sharjx, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 666 (1888) ; Nehrk. Knt. Eiersamml. p. 115 (1899). Three ejjgs of the Clay-coloured Sparrow closely resemble those of S. socialis. They measure respectively : "64 by -5 ; '64 by -49 ; •71 by -52. 1. North America {Smiths. List.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Wisconsin, U.S.A. W. Radcliffe Sauuders, Esq. [P.]. Spizella breweri, Cassin. (Plate XII. fig. 14.) Spizella pallida, var. braweri, Baird, Brewer^- Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 13 (1874) ; Coues, Birds K- West, p. 151 (1874). Spizella breweri, Bendire, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. xix. p. 119(1877); Salv. ^- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 379 (1880) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 668 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 115 (1899); Ridyw. Birds North ^- Middle Ainer. i. p. 327 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 308 (1909). The eggs of Erewer's Sparrow do not appear to differ in any respect from those of S. socialis. Four examples measure -0^5 by -48. 3. North America (Henshaw Coll.). Salviii-Godman Coll. 1. Eagle Lake, California, 5th July Salviu-(.Todman Coll. (H. If. Ilenshaic). Genus ZONOTRICHIA, Sivains. Zonotrichia leucophrys (Forster). Frirgilla leucophrys, Thien. I'ortpjlajiz. yes. T'oy. p. 395, tab. xxxiv. tig. 2, a-c (1845-54). Zonotrichia leucophrys, Baird, Breicer Sf- Ridgiv. N. Amer. Birdi, i. p. 566 (1874; ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 603 (1888) [part.]; Sharpe, Haiul-l. v. p. .308 (1909). Zonotrichia leucophrys leucophrys, Ridyiv. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 336 (1901). Eggs of the White-crowned Sparrow are of a broad oval shape and moderately glossy. They are pale greenish-white, mottled with brick-red and some underlying grey spots. The densitj' of the markings varies considerably, some eggs having the ground-colour almost entirely concealed, whereas iu others it is plaialy visible, VOL. V. Ii 27-4 FRINGILLIDJ!. especially at the smaller end of the egg. They measure from -SI to "SS in length, and from "6 to -66 in breadth. Zonotrichia gamheli {Nuttall). Zonotrichia gambelii, Ross, Nat. Hist. Review, 1862, p. 281 ; id. Canad. Nat. vii. p. 147 (1862); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 606 (1888) [part.]; id. Hand-l. v. p. 308 (1909). Zonotrichia leucophrys, var. gambeli, Baird, Brexoer ^ Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 569 (1874). Zonotrichia leucophrys intermedia, MacFarlane, Proo. U.S. Nat. Mus, xiv. p. 442 (1892). Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii, Ridgw. Birds North (^ Middle Amer. i. p. 339 (1901). Eggs of Gambel's Sparrow resemble those of Z. leucophrys. They measure from '77 to -SB in length, and from "SS to -65 in breadth. 4. Anderson River, Brit. N. America Salvin-Godman Coll. (R. W. MacFarlane ; Henshaw Coll.). 5. Anderson River {R. W, MacF. : Salvin-Godman Coll. Henshaw Coll.). 4. Anderson River, 15th June {R. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. MacF. : S7}iiths. Inst.). 4. Anderson River, 15th June (R. Crowley Bequest. W. MacF. : Tristram Coll.). 2. Anderson River, 22nd June {R. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. MacF. : Smiths. Inst.). 4. Mackenzie River District. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. 3. Maelieuzie River District. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. 2. iortliesolution,Great Slave Lake, Crovrley Bequest. 13th May (J. Lockhart : Tris- tram Coll.), Zonotrichia nuttalli, RiJgiv. Zonotrichia leucophrys, Lord [nee Forster), Proc. R. A. Inst. Woolwich, iv. p. 338 (1865). Zonotrichia gambeli, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 606 (1888) [part.]. Zonotrichia gambelii, Nehrk. {nee Nuttall), Kat. Eiersamml. p. 114 (1899). Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalh, Ridgw. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. i. p. 342 (1901). Zonotrichia nuttalli, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 309 (1909). The eggs of Nuttall's Sparrow resemble those of Z. leucophrys. They measure from '8 to 'O in length, and from -6 to 'Go in breadth. 4. Vancouver Island. J. K. Lord, Esq. [P.]. 4, Vancouver Island {Dr. Lyall). Voy. H.M.S. ' Plumper.' 1. Los Angeles, California, 20th Mav. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. ZOXOTElCniA.^BRACHYSPIZA. 275 Zonotrichia albicollis (Gmel). Zonotrirhia albicollis, Baird, Brewer Sf Ri'lc/io. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 674 (1874); Coues, Birds N.-West, p. lol (1874); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 598 (1888); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersnmml. t;,. 114 (1899); Ridi/w. Birds North ^ Middle Amer. i. p. 343 (1901); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 309 (1909). The esgs of the White-throated Sparrow resemble those of Z. leucophrijs. They measure from '75 to '85 in length, and from •6 to "63 in breadth. 4. North America {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godnian Coll. 2. North America (Henshaw Coll.). Salvin-Godnian Coll. 1. North America {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. North America {J. J. Audtibon : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 4. Charlottetown, Prince Edward I., Crowley Bequest. New Brunswick, 7th June. 1. North Conwaj', New Hampshire, W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 30th Mny. [P.]. 4. East Wallingford, Vermont, 3rd W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. June ( Wyatt Kent). [P.]. Genus BRACHYSPIZA, Ri,hjw. Brachyspiza pileata (Bodd.). Emberiza matutiua, d'Orbiyny, Voy. dans fAmer. Merid. iv. pi. 47. fig-. 3 (1835-44). Fringilla matutina, Thien. Fortpflanz. ges. Voy. p. 397, tab. xxxiv. figs. 10, a, h (1845-54). Zonotrichia pileata, Sol. ^ Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 18; iid., P. Z. S. 1879, p. 507 ; Balyleish, Proc. R. Phi/s. Soc. Edinb. vi. p. 246 (1880-1) ; Salv. ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 370 (1886) ; Scl. 8f Huds. Aryent. Orn. i. p. 58 (1888) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. Q\6 (1888) ; Jatnes, New List Chiliati Birds, p. 2 (1892) ; Holland, Ibis, 1892, p. 197; Aplin, Ibis, 1894, p. 169; Lam, Ibis, 1897, p. 20; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 114 (1899); Gosse, in FitzyerakVs Highest Andes, App. C, p. 348 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l, V. p. 309 (1909). Zonotrichia capen^is, Euler, Rev. Mus. PauUsta, iv. p. 27 (1900) ; Iheriny, Rev. Mus. PauUsta, iv. p. 214 (1900). Brachyspiza capensis peru\iana, Ridyw. Birds North Sf Middle Ajner. i. p. 347 (1901). The eggs of the Chingolo Song-Sparrow resemble those laid by the species of the genus Zonotrichia. The ground-colour varies from bluish- or greenish-white to a pale blue. The markings are dull brick-red and vary considerably. Some eggs are only very faintly speckled, while others are thickly covered with spots and blotches which cover more than half the shell, and between these two types there are numerous intermediate forms. Many specimens are fairly evenly marked all over, others have the markings more thickly disposed at the broad end, where they form a zone or cap. Many I t2 276 FEINQILLID^, eggs exhibit underlying markings of lilac-grey. Specimens measure from '75 to -91 in length, and from "6 to '65 in breadth. 1. Duenas, Guatemala, 29t)i May (O. Salein.). 2. Duenas (O. S.). 4. Duenas {W. Wyld). 4. Duenas (W. W.). 2. Costa Rica, 14th May. 2. Costa Rica, 16th May. 2. Costa Rica, 30th June. 2. San Pedro, Costa Rica, August. 2. San Pedro, August. 1. San Pedro, August. 1. I'^.S. Colombia, S. America. 3. Antioquia, Colombia (7'. K. Sal- mon). 1. ]Medellin, Antioquia [T. K. S.). 2. Quito, Ecuador, May. 2. Arequipa, Peru, March (H. Whitely : Tribti-am Coll.). 3. Chile. 4. Central Chile, Oct. {A. Lane). 3. Central Chile, Oct. {A. L.). 3. Central Chile, Nov. {A. L.). 4. Central Chile, Nov. {A. L.). 3. Central Chile, Nov. (A. L.). 3. Central Chile, 9th Nov. {A. L.). 3. Central Chile, Dec. 2. Argentina. 3. Argentina. 4. Argentina. 2. Punta de las Vacas, Andes of Argentina (P. Gosse). 4. [Brazil.] 2. Rio de Janeiro. 3. Paraguay, 17th Oct. 3. Paraguay, 18th Oct. 3. Paraguay, 4th Nov. 2. Paraguay, 8th Nov. 3. Paraguay, 11th Nov. 3. Paraguay, 26th Nov. 2. Paraguay, 29th Nov. 3. Paraguay, 1st Dec. 2. Uruguay. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. & Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Cull. C. F. Underwood, Esq. [C], C. F. Underwood, Esq. [C], 0. F. Underwood, Esq. [C], C. F. Underwood, Esq. [C.j C. F. Underwood, Esq. [C C. F. Underwood, Esq. [C Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Old Collection. Berkeley James Coll. Berkeley James Coll. Berkeley James Coll. Berkeley James Coll. Berkeley James Coll, Berkeley James Coll. Berkele}' James Coll. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C.]. A. H. Holland, Esq. [Cl. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C.J. E. A. Fitzgerald, Esq. [P.], W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Alexander Fry, Esq. W. Foster, Esq. W. Foster, Esq. \V. Foster, Esq. "VV. Foster, Esq. W. Foster, Esq, [C. c. W. Foster, Esq. [C.l. W. Foster, Esq. [C.]. W. Foster, Esq. [C.J. O. V. Aplin, Esq. [P.]. [P.]. Clutches with au egg of the Cow-bird {MolotJirus honariensis). 3. Brazil. 3. 3. 4. 2. Brazil. Brazil. Brazil. Brazil. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. BRACHYSPIZA. — MELOSriZA. 277 Clutch with 3 eggs of the Cow-bird (Moloihrus bonariensis). 1. Buenos Ayres. W. II. Hudson, Esq. [P.]. Brachyspiza strigiceps (Gould). Zonotrichia strigiceps, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 608 (1888) ; Scl. Sr Huds. Argent. Orn. i. p. 60 (1888). Brachyspiza strigiceps, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 310 (1909). An egg said to be that of the Stripe-headed Song-Sparrow is similar to those of B. pileata. It measures "76 by '6. 1. [Argentina.] Crowley Bequest. Genus MELOSPIZA, Baird. Melospiza melodia ( Wihon). Fringilla melodia, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Tog. p. 895, tab. xixiv. tig. 4, a, 6 (1845-54). Melospiza melodia, Baird, Brewer Sc Eidgio. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 19 ([H7i); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 310 (1901)). Melospiza fasciata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p 701 (1888) [part.] ; Thompson, P. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiii. p. 604 (1891) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml.^.in (IQQQ). Melo:-piza cinerea melodia, Ridgiv. Birds North ^ Middle Amer. i. p. 354 (1901). The eggs of the Song-Sparrow are of a broad oval shape and moderately glossy. The ground-colour is greenish-whito, or very pale greenish-blue, spotted and blotched with rather bright brick- red or purplish-red and lilac-grey. The markings are generally confluent at the broad end, but on the remainder of the shell they are distinct and well-defined. Specimens measure from '7 to '85 in length, and from "59 to -65 in breadth. 2. North America (/. J. Audubon: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 21. North America (Henshaio Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 8. North America [Smiths. Init.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 8. North America (//. Buckleg : Crowley Bequest. [ Tristram Coll.). I 1. North America. Old Collection. I 3. New York (D. G. Elliot : Tris- Crowley Bequest. I tram Coll.). ! 4. Newbury, New Hampshire, 19th W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 1 May (G. E. Gilman). [P.]. I 2. Massachusetts (T. M. Breiver). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Princeton, New Jersey, 15th Princeton University, N.J. May ( W. E. D. Scott). [E.]. 3. Princeton, 16th May ( JV. E. Princeton University, N.J. B. &'.). [E.]. 2. Princeton, 16th May ( TV. E. Princeton University, N.J. ■ D.S.). [E.]. _ _ 4. Princeton, 5th June ( If. E. Princeton University, N.J. n. s.). [E.]. 278 FEIXGILLID^. Melospiza montana (HensJiaiv). Melospiza fasoiata heermauni, Townseud, P. U. S. Kat. Mus. x. p. 219 (1887). Melospiza fasciata, Shmye, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 701 (1888) [part.]. Melospiza cinerea montana, Ridgw. Birds North S,- Middle Amer. i. p. 358 (1901). Melospiza montana, Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 310 (1909). Two eggs of the Mountain Song-Sparrow are similar to those of M. melodia. They measure respectively 'SO by -62 and -82 by -60. 2. Colorado, 13th June. W. RadclitTe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Melospiza fallax (Baird). Melospiza melodia, var. fallax, Baird, Breicer ^ Ridgw. N. A?ner. Birds, ii. p. 22(1874). Melospiza fallax, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 703 (1888) [part.]; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 117 (1899); Sharpe, Hand- 1. \. -p. 311 (1909). Melospiza cinerea fallax, Ridgw. Birds North ^- Middle Arner. i. p. 362 (1901). Eggs of the Desert Song-Sparrow in the Collection are of three types. Two of these correspond well with the two types of the eggs of M. georgiana described below. In the third type the egg is greyish-white, very densely freckled all over with orange-brown. Specimens measure from "7 to '8 in length, and from '58 to -6 in breadth. 1. California {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Salt Lake City, Utab, 15th May. W. Eadclitle Saunders, Esq. [P.J. 6. Tuczon, Arizona (Stmths. Inst.), Salviu-Godman Coll. Melospiza heermanni, Baird. Melospiza heermanni, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 704 (1888) [part.] ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 117 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v, p. 311 (1909). Melospiza cinerea heermanni, Ridgiv. Birds North & Middle Amer. i. p. 3tJ4 (1901). Eggs of Heermann's Song-Sparrow resemble those of M. melodia. They measure from '78 to '8 in length, and from '6 to '62 in breadth. 1. California (T. M. Brewer: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 4. San Bernardino, California, 26th W. Radchffe Saunders, Esq. April {F. Ball). [P.]. MELOSPIZA. 279 Melospiza samuelis (Baird). Melospiza samucHs, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 705 (1888) [part.] ; KeArk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 117 (1899); Sharpe, Hand-l.v. p. 3l2 (1909). Melospiza cinerea samuelis, Bidyio. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. i. p. ;J(J9 (1901). Eggs of Samuels' Song-Sparrow are similar to those of M. melodia. They measure from '78 to '8 in length, and from "58 to "6 in breadth. 2. San Francisco, California, 14th H. E. Dresser, Esq. [E.]. April (/. Hepburn). 4. Oakland, California, 5th April W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. {T. Lilieytcrantz). [P.]. 4. Los Angeles, California, 16th W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. .Tune. [P.]. I Melospiza lincolni {Auduh.). Fringilla lincolni, Thien. Fortpjianz. ges. Tog. p. 394, tab. xxxiv. tig. 6, a-^ (1845-54). Melospiza lincolni, Ross, Nat. Hist. Rev. 1862, p. 282 ; id. Canad. Nat. vii. p. 147 (1862); Baird, Brewer 4' Ridgiv. N. Amer. Birds, li. p. 31 (1874) ; Bagg, Btdl. Nutt. Orn. C. vi p. 246 (1881) ; Salv. ^• Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 386 (1886); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 698 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eieisamml. p. 116 (1899); Ridqiv. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 379 (1901); Sharpe, Han'd-l. \. p. 313 (1909). The eggs of Lincoln's Sparrow are of a regular oval shape and possess a small amount of gloss. Thej' are greyish-white, thickly blotched with dull brick-red and underlying lavender-grey. The blotches are densest on the broad end. where they become confluent and form an irregular zone or cap. The eggs measure from "67 to •8 in length, and from '56 to "B in breadth. 1. North America. Crowley Bequest. 2. North America {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1. North America {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. North America. Old Collection. 13. Fort Simpson, Brit. N. America. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. Melospiza georgiana {Lath.). Fringilla georgiana, Thien. Fortpjianz. ges. Viig. p. 390, tab. xxxiv. tig. 7, a, b (1845-64). Melospiza palustris, Baird, Brewer ^- Ridgw, N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 34 (1874). Melospiza georgiana, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 697 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 116 (1899) ; Ridgw. Birds North ^ Middle Amer. i. p. 382 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 313 (1909). Eggs of the Swamp-Sparrow vary from a broad oval to a narrow FEIXGILLID^. oval shape and are slightly glossy. Some are greenish--white, mottled and smeared with pale hrown and marked with a few spots of a darker brown. Others are greyish-white, or greenish-white, smeared and blotched with dull brick-red and pale underlying lavender-grey or very finely marked all over with the same colour. They measure from -7 to -83 in length, and from 'oo to -6 in breadth. 3. North America (//. Buckley : Crowley Bequest Tristram Coll.). North America (Smiths. Inst.). North America [Henshaw Coll.). Princeton, New Jersey, 24th May ( W. E. B. Scott). Princeton, 28th May [W. E. D. S.). Princeton, Cth June ( W. E. D. S.). Pennsylvania ( T. M. Brewer). Taunton, Massachusetts, 2nd June. 3. Taunton, 2nd June. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Princeton University, N.J. [E.]. Princeton University, N.J. Princeton University, N.J. [E.]. H. E. Dresser, Esq. [E.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq, W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus PASSERELLA, Sivains. Passerella iliaca (Merrem). Fringilla iliaca, Thien. Fortpjtanz. ges. Viiff. p. 394, tab. xxxiv. fig. 3, a-c (1845-54). Passerella iliaca, Ross, Nat. Hist. Rev. 1862, p. 282 ; id. Canacl. Nat. vii. p. 147 (1862); Baird, Brewer S^ Ridgiv. N. Amer. Bii-ds, ii. p. 50(1874); Coues, Birds N.-West, p. 160 (1874j ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 716 (1888) ; MacFarlane, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiv. p. 443 (1891) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersa7n7>il. p. 117 (1899) : Sharpe, Rand-l. V. p. 314 (19U9). Passerella iliaca iliaca, Ridgiv. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 386 (1901). The eggs of the Fox-coloured Sparrow vary from a blunt oval to a perfectly elliptical shape and are moderately glossy. They are very pale green, densely mottled, blotched and smeared with bright brick-red. Here and there, traces of underlying grey may be detected. The surface-markings are confluent over the broad end and frequently over the whole surface of the egg. Specimens measure from -9 to '96 in length, and from -62 to •? in breadth. 2. 100 miles N. of the Porcupine R., Alaska (J. Lockhart : Tris- tratn Coll.), 2. Peel River, British N. America {J. L. : Smiths. Inst.). 5. Fort Simpson, British N America. 2. Fort Simpson. 3. Fcrt Simpson. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.J. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]- 281 Genus PASSERINA, VleiU. Passerina cyanea (Linn.). Cyanospiza cvanea, Baird, Brewer ^- liidqw. N. Amer. Birds, il. p. 82 (1874); 'Coues, Birds N.-West,^. 171" (1874); ISnlv. ^- Godm. Biol. Cent r- Amer., Aves, i. p. 364 (188G) ; Skarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 617 (1888); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 114 (1899); Ridyio. Birds North S,- Middle Amer. i. p. 582 (1901). Passerina cyanea, Sharps, Hand-l. v. p. 315 (1909). Eggs of the Indigo-Bird vary much in shape, one being a long oval, one an ordinary oval, and a third almost a sphere. They are plain white tinged -with blue or green, and glossy. They measure from '7 to '83 in length, and from '52 to 'oS in breadth. 2. Nortli America {Henshaw Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. North America {Smiths. I?ist.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. North America. Crowley Bequest. 4. Massachusetts, 2nd June. W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Hebron, New York, 12th June. Captain Savile G. Reid [P.]. Passerina amcena {Sa>/). Cyanospiza amcena, Baird, Brewer Si- Eidgu\ N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 84 (lb74) ; Cones, Birds N.-Jf'esf, p. 170 (1874) ; Sah\ j- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 363 (1886) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 620 (1888); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 115 (1899); Ridytv. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 584 (1901). Passerina amoena, Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 315 (1909). Eggs of the Lazuli Bunting are of a narrow oval shape, plain bluish-white, and possess a small amount of gloss. They measure from -74 to "77 in length, and from 'o to "So in breadth. 3. N. America. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. N. America (^ehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 3. 1). Columbia ' D. G. Elliot : Trist- Crowley Bequest. ?•«?« Coll. ). 2. American Fork, Utah, 11th July W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. (J. Borrott). [P.J. 4. California, 7th May. Crowley Bequest. 1. Honey Lake, California, 17th June Salvin Godman Coll. {ll. W. Henshaw). Passerina ciris {Linn.). Cjanospiza ciris, Baird, Brewer >S" Bidf/w. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 87 (1874); Salr. ^- God7n. Biol. Ce7itr.-Amer., Aves, i. -p. 'Ado {1886) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 614 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersam/nl. p. 114 (1899) ; Bid(/w. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 586 (1901). Passerina ciris, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 315 (1909). Eggs of the Nonpareil or Painted Bunting vary from a blunt to a rather long oval form, and are moderately glossy. They are 282 FBINQILLID^. white, densely speckled with brick-red or purpliah-red and lavender- grey, the markings being sometimes evenly distributed over the entire shell, but more often concentrated towards the larger end, where they form an irregular cap or zone. They measure from '7 to '84 in length, and from "oo to "58 in breadth. 1. North America {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Texas, June (D. Off den). H. E. Dresser, Esq. [E.l 5. Texas, 8th June. Captain Savile G. Raid [P.]. 4. Texas, 26th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. San Antonio, Texas (Z). G. Elliot: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. San Antonio (H. E. Dresser : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. San Antonio {A. L. Heermann: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 3. San Antonio, June {H. E. D.). II. E. Dresser, Esq. [E.]. Genus OREOSPIZA, Ridyw. Oreospiza chlorura {Townsend], Pipilo ehlorurus, Baird, Breicer 8^ Ridgic. N. Awier. Birds, ii. p. 131 (1874); Coves, Birds N.-West,^. 177 (1874); Henshaiv, Hep. Orn. Wheeler's Sum. v. Zool. p. 307 (1875) ; Bendire, P. Bast. Soc. N. H. 1877. p. 121. Atlapetes ehlorurus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 738 (1888); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 118 (1899). Oreospiza chlnrura, Bidc/w. Birds North Sc Middle Amer. i. p. 400 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 316 (1909). Four eggs of the Green-tailed Towhee are of a blunt oval form, approaching the elliptical, and slightly glossy. They are white, very minutely mottled all over with light reddish-brown, the markings being very uniform over the whole surface of the egg. At the broad end there are occasionally a few very minute darker specks. Eour examples measure respectively : "87 by •68 ; "9 by •68 ; -87 by -67 ; '8 by -66. 1. California (Nehrhorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 3. Honey Lake, California, 17th June Salvin-Godman Coll. {H. W. Henshaw). Genus PIPILO, Vieill. Pipilo megalonyx, Baird. Pipilo maculatus, var. megalonyx, Baird, Brewer 8f Ridgiu. N. Amer, Birds, ii. p. 113 (1874). Pipilo megalonyx, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 748 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 118 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 318 (1909). _ Pipilo maculatus megalonyx, Ridgw. Birds North &■ Middle Amer. i. p. 415 (1901). Four eggs of the Spurred Towhee are of a regular oval shape and pipiLo. 283 slightly glossy. The gronud-colour is white, minutely spotted over the entire surface with brick-red or maroon and lilac-grey, the markings being rather more numerous towards the larger end and sometimes forming an irregular zone or cap. They measure from -y to 1-1 in length, and from -69 to '74 in breadth. 1. CAWtorn'm {T. M. Breiver : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 3. Waterville, California, 10th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Pipilo oregonus, Bell. Pipilo maculatus, var. oregonus, Balrd, Breioer ^- Ridyic. N. Amer. Birds, [i. p. 116 (1874). Pipilo oregonus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 749 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. m-rsamml.-p. 118 (1899) ; SJiarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 318 (1909). _ Pipilo maculatus, var. oregonus, Ridc/w. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 420(1901). An egg of the Oregon Towhee is similar to that of P. meyalonyx. It measures "92 by •?. 1. Portland, Oregon, 2nd June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Pipilo erythrophthalmus {Linn.). Fringilla erythropthalma, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vbg. p. 388, tab. xxxir. tig. 1, «, 6 (1840-.54). Pipilo erythrophthalmus, Baird, Breirer S)- Ridgto. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 109 (1874) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 744 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersainml. p. 118 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 319 (1909). Pipilo ervthrophthalnius ei-ythrophthalmus, Ridyiv. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. i. p. 423 (1901). Eggs of the Towhee or Chewink are of a blunt oval form with the smaller end much rounded, and they are moderately glossy. The ground-colour is white, densely speckled and mottled, especially at the broad end, where a cap is often formed, with brick-red or maroon and lavender-grey. They measure from -8 to 1*0 in length, and from "65 to 'I'd in breadth. 4. North America. Gould Coll. 4. North America. Gould Coll. 4. North America. Gould Coll. 2. North America {Smiths, hist.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 10. North America (Henshaw Cull.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. New York (J). G. Elliot : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). 1. Massachusetts (T. M. Brewer: Crowlej' Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. Princeton, New Jersey ( W. E. Princeton Universitv, N.J. D. Scott). [E.]. 284 FRINGILLID^. Pipilo alleni, Coues. Plpilo alleni, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 746 ( 1888) ; Nehrk. KaL Eiersamml. p. 118 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 319 (1909). Pipilo erythrophthalmus alleni, Ridyw. Birds North i^ Middle Amer. i. p. 426 (1901). An egg of the Florida Towhee is similar to those of P. eri/thro- phthahnus. It measures '9 by •73. 1. Jacksonville, Florida, 2nd June. W. Radcliflfe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Pipilo fuscus, Sivains. Pipilo fuscus, Salv. ^- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Ares, i. p. 409 (1886) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 752 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 118 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 319 (1909). Pipilo fuscus fuscus, Ridgiv. Birds North Sf Middle Anter. i. p. 430 (1901). An egg of the Mexican Towhee in the Collection is of a blunt oval, or nearly elliptical, shape and almost devoid of gloss. It is pale blue, sparingly spotted, scratched and lined with black, and faintly marked with underlying slaty-grey. The scratches and lines on the egg of this bird resemble those usually seen on the eggs of the Buntings, and are chiefly confined to the broad end. It measures I'O by "To. 1. Mexico (Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Pipilo mesoleucus, Baird. Pipilo fuscus, var. mesoleucus, Baird, Brewer Sf Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 125 (1874). Pipilo mesoleucus, Breu\4er, BtJl. Nuft. Orn. C. vii. p. 197 (1882) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 754 (1888); Nehrk. Kat. Eier- samml. p. 118 (1899) ; Bendire, Ank, vii. p. 22 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 320 (1909). Pipilo fuscus mesoleucus, Ridgiv. Birds Noi-th S/- Middle Amer. i. p. 432 (1901). The eggs of the Caiion Towhee are of much the same type as those of P. fuscus and P. crissalis. In one clutch, the eggs are white, rather thickly blotched and spotted, especially at the broad end where the markings form a wreath or zone, with rich purplish- brown and lavender or lilac. In a second clutch, the eggs are very pale blue and almost unmarked, except at the broad end, where a number of delicate markings form a well-defined wreath. The markings consist of spots, short twisted lines and streaks, and are of a rich chocolate-brown and lilac-colour. Four specimens measure respectively : -87 by -67 ; '91 by -68 ; -94 by -69 ; 1-02 by -71. 2. Tuczon, Arizona (Henshaw Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Tuczon {Henshaw Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. riPiLo. — iiKLozoNE. 285 Pipilo albigula, Baird. Pipllo fuscus, var. albigula, Baird, Breiver 8f Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 127 (1874). Pipilo albifiula, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 755 (1888); Ridgw. Birds Sorth ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 433 (1901,' ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 3l'0 (1909). Two eggs of the Saint Lucas Towhee closely resemble the eggs of the second clutch of P. mesoleucus described above and require no separate description. They measure respectively : -88 by -Cu ; •88 by -66. 2. Cape St. T-ucas, California, l^th Salviu-Godmau Coll. Aug. {J. Xantug : iSiniths. Inst.). Pipilo crissalis ( Vir/.). Pipilo fuscus, var. crissalis, Baird, Brewer i^- Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 122 (1874). Pipilo crissalis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 753 (1888) ; id. Hand-l. V. p. 320 (1909). Pipilo crissalis crissalis, Ridgw. Birds North i^- 3Tiddle Amer. i. p. 434 (1901). Eggs of the Californian Towhee closely resemble the egg of P. fuscus described above, but are rather smaller. They measure from -94 to I'O in length, and from -68 to -73 in breadth. 2. California (R. Ridgway : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 1. California, 12th April. VV. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 1. California, 24tli April. Crowley Bequest. 4. California (Henshaw Coll.). Salvin-Godnian Coll. 4. Moraga Valley, California, 24th W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. May (T. Liliencrantz). [P.]. Genus WELOZO'S'E, Reiclienb. Melozone biarcuatum {Prcvost). Pyrgisoma biarcuatum, Scl. ^- Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 18, pi. v. fig. 2; Salv. (§■ God7n. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 401 (1886); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. xii. p. 733 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 117 (1899). Melozone biarcuatum, Ridgw. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. i. p. 443 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 321 (1909). The eggs of Provost's Ground-Sparrow are of a regular oval shape and moderately glossy. They are white or creamy-white, marked with specks, spots, and small blotches of rather bright brick-red and lilac. The markings are very dense at the broad end, where 286 FRINGILLID^. they form a large irregular cap, and somewhat sparse elsewhere. They measure from "86 to "97 iu length, and from "GG to •? in breadth. 4. Duenas, Guatemala, 30th May Salvin-Godman Coll. (O. Sahii7i). 2. Diienas (O. S.). Salvin-Gndman Coll. 4. Duenas (O. S.). Coll. Genus AREEMONOPS, Ei>Jgw. Arremonops rufivirgatus (Lawr.). Embernagra rufivirgata, Merrill, Bull. Nutt. Om. C. i. p. 89 (1876) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 760 (1888). Arremonops rufivirgatus ruiivirgatus, Ridyw. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. i. p. 447 (1901). Arremonops rudvirgatus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 322 (1909). An egg of the Texas Sparrow is of a regular oval shape, some- what glossy aud plain white. It measures -yS by •64. 1. Texas. W. RadclifFe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Arremonops chloronotus (Sahin). Embernagra chloronota, Salt: t^- Gudm. Biol. C'entr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 413 (188t)); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 764 (1888). Arremonops chloronotus, Ridyio. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 452 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 323 (1909). Two eggs of the Green-backed Sparrow in the Collection are of a pointed oval shape, slightly glossy and plain white. They measure respectively : "88 by "64 ; '88 by •66. 2. British Honduras {F. Blancaneau.r) . Salvin-Godman Coll. Arremonops richmondi, Ridcjiv. Embernagra striaticeps, Sharpe (nee Lafr.), Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 762 (1888) ; Nehrh. Kat. Eierisumml. p. 118 (1899) ; Richm. P. U. S. Nat. Mm. xvi. p. 493 ( 1893). Arremonops conirostns richmondi, Ridyw. Birds North Sf Middle Ainer. i. p. 453 (1901). Arremonops richmondi, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 323 (1909). Eggs of Richmond's Sparrow resemble those of A. rufivirgatus but are rather larger. They measure from "94 to 1"03 in length, and from ^69 to '12 in breadth. 1. Carillo, Costa Rica, May. C. F. Underwood, Esq. [C.]. 2. Chiriqui, Costa Rica (Nehrkorn Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 2. Chiriqui (Nehrkorn Coll.), Crowley Bequest. EJIBERNAGRA. EUBERIZOIDES. 287 Genus EMBERNAGRA, Less. Embernagra platensis (Gmcl.). Embernagra platensis, Scl. 4" Huds. Argetit. Orn. i. p. G2 (1888) ; Sharve, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 758 ( 1888) ; Dsilr/leish, Proc. R. Phys. Sue. Edmb. X. p. 77 (1888-90) ; Holland, IhU, 1892, p. 197 ; 1895, p. 21o ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 118 (1899); Iheriny, Rev. Mas. Paulista, iv. p. 215 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 323 (1909). Eggs of the Red-billed Ground- Finch are of a regular oval form and very glossy. They are white or pinkish-white, marked, but almost entirely at the broad end, in various ways. Some eggs are spotted with rich chocolate-brown and underlying lavender ; others are smeared with pale brownish-pink and lilac, and blotched with very rich chestnut-brown; others again are very beautifully marked with an intricate tracery of lines, intermingled with spots and streaks, of extremely rich purplish- or chocolate-brown. With the exception of the broad end, the surface of the egg is unmarked, or very sparingly speckled with rufous. Eggs measure from '9 to 1-02 in length, and from 'tJS to "To in breadth. 2. Argentina, Oct. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C 3. Argentina, Nov. A. H. Holland, Esq. fc' 2. Argentina, Nov. A. H. Holland, Esq. fc' 3. Argentioa, Nov. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C. 4. Argentina, Nov. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C. 3. Argentina, Nov. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C.J Genus EMBERIZOIDES, Temm. Emberizoides macrurus (Gmel.). Emberizoides macrurus, Scl. ^- Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 507 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 768 (1888) ; id. Hand-l. v. p. 324 (1909). The eggs of the Long-tailed Finch are of a pointed oval shape, rather glossy, and white, verj^ sparingly and delicately speckled with black. A few of the markings are larger than the others, but none are larger than the head of an ordinary pin. In two specimens the specks are distributed over the entire shell ; in another they are chiefly collected about the larger end, where there are also a few hair-lines. Three examples measure respectively : •92 by -65 ; -9 by -68 ; -91 by -66. 2. Medellin, Antioquia. U.S. Co- Salvin-Godman Coll. Inmbia ( T. K. Salmon). 1. Medellin [T. K. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 28S FRlKGILLir^. Genus PSEUDOCHLORIS, Shca-j^e. Pseudochloris uropygialis {D'Orh. 4- Lajr.). Paeudochloi'is uropygialis. Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 77G (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersnmml. p. 119 (1899) ; Sliarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 325 (1909). An egg of the Grey-backed Seed-Finch is of a regular, rather pointed, oval form, and very slightly glossy. The ground-colour is pale bluish-white speckled all over with brown and grey, the markings being rather more numerous round the larger end. It measures •83 by -6. 1. Peru {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Becjuest. Pseudochloris aureiventris {Fhilqqn 4' Landb.). Pseudoclilori.* aureiventris, iS/iarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 777 (1888) ; James, New List Chilian Birds, p. 2 (1892) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 325 (1909). The eggs of the Yellow-bellied Seed-Finch are of a regular oval shape and slightly glossy. They are white, sparingly speckled on the broader half of the shell with chestnut-brown and lilac. Six examples measure from '7 to 'To in length, and from -54 to -58 in breadth. These eggs are of a totally different type to that referred to P. uropygialis. 3. Central Chile (Landbeck). Berkeley .Tames Coll. 3. Central Chile (Landbeck). Berkeley James Coll. Genus PHRYGILUS, Cab. Phrygilus gayi {Eijdoux 4' Gervuis). Phrygilus gayi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 781 (1888) ; Gosse, in ~ Fitzqer aid's Hiyhest Andes, App. C, p. 347 (1899) ; Sharpe, Haind-l. V. p." 326 (1909;. Three eggs of Gay's Finch resemble those of P. melanoderus. They are greenish-blue, spotted and speckled with dull chestnut- brown and lilac-grey. They measure respectively : -82 by -63 •8 by -63 ; -8 by -65. 3. Puente del Inca, Andes E. A. Fitzgerald, Esq. [P.]. (P. if. Gosse). IMIRTGIf.US. HAPLOSPIZV. 289 Phrygilus melanoderus (Q»oj/ ^1" Guimard). (rkteXIII. figs. 2&1?.) :\relaiioaera tvpica, Gould, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 9o. I'liiTfjilus melanoderus, Ahh'df, Ibis, ISHl, p. lo3 : Scl. S;- SaliK ZooL Voi/. ' Challoi'/i'r,'' ii. pt. viii. p. 100 (1880) ; Scl. t. c. p. loO; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 78(J (1888) ; id. Hand-l. v. p. 327 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kid. Eiersamml. p. 321 (1910). E2;g.s of tbe Falkland Islands' Finch are of a narrow oval forra and somewhal. gloss}-. They ai'e light greenish-blue or dull greenish, mottled and speckled with reddish-brown and lilac-grey ; the markings, which are fairly numerous in some specimens and more heavily marked in others, are generally densest on the broad end. Specimens measure from "85 to 1 in length, and from "62 to •QQ in breadth. 4. Falkland Islands (C. a .4/.i!.o«)- Gould Coll. 1. Falkland Islands {C. C. A.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Falkland Islands (C. C. A. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. Falkland Islands. Voy. H.M.S. ' Challenger.' Phrygilus alaudinus (KItfl.). Fringilla alaudina, Fraser, P. Z. S. 1843, p. 113. Phrygilus alaudinus, Scl. ^ Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 568 ; S/iarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 793 (1888); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 119 (1899) ; Shiirpe, Hand-l. v. p. 328 (1909). Three eggs of the Peruvian Lark-Finch are quite of the Bunting type. They are of an ordinary oval form and moderately glossy. The ground-colour is pinkish-grey, marked with specks, spots, small blotches and short lines of chocolate-brown and smudges and clouds of lavender-grey. The markings are not numerous and are chiefly disposed over t he broader half of the egg. The specimens measure respectively : -87 by -62 ; -88 by -m ;\nd -86 by -6. 2. Peru {H. Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Arequipa, Peru, March [H. W. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Genus HAPLOSPIZA, Cah. Haplospiza unicolor, Cab. llaplospiza unicolor, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. G26 (1888) ; id Hund-l. V. p. 329 (1909); Nekrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 321 (1910). An egg believed to be that of Lichtenstein's Flinch is of a pyriform shape, somewhat glossy and pure white. It measures -"o , by -58. ! j 1- Brazil. Crowlev JJcquest. I VOL. v. V 290 T'RINGILLIU.E. Genus DIUCA, liekhenh. Diuca diiica {Molina). (Plate XIII. fig. 9.) Diuca wrisea, Sd.Sf Hiids. Argent. Orn. i. p. 55 (1888) ; James, New List Chilian Birds, p. 2 (1892) ; Lane, Ibis, 1897, p. J 8. Diuca diuca, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 800 (1888) ; Nehrlc. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 119 (1899), p. 321 (1910) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 330 (1909). The eggs of the Diuca Finch are of an elongated oval shape and have a considerable amount of gloss. They are pale green, spotted, mottled and streaked with dark brown and lavender-grey. Some specimens are so thickly marked that but little of the ground-colour is visible ; others are distinctly spotted and blotched, and others again present a streaky appearance. Tliey measure from -89 to 1'02 in length, and from '66 to u in breadth. Chile. Old Collection. Chile. E. C. Keed, Esq. [P.]. Chile (Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Central Chile, Oct. Berkeley James Coll. Central Chile, Oct. Berkeley James Coll. ('entval Chile, Oct. Berkeley James Coll. Central Chile. Oct. Berkeley James Coll. Central Chile, Oct. Berkeley James Coll. Central Chile, Oct. Berkeley James Coll. Central Chile, Nov. Berkeley James Coll. Valparaiso, Chile, 10th Oct. (L. Crowley Bequest. Fraser: Tristram Coll.). Rio Bueuo, Chile, 9th Jan. Crowley Bequest. Genus RHODOSPINGUS, Sharpe. Rhodcspingus cruentus {Less.). Rhodospingus cruentus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 808 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 119 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 332 (1909). An egg of the Eed-crested Finch, laid in captivity, is of a short, rather wide, pointed oval form, somewhat glossy and pure white. It measures -69 by '55. 1. Laid in captivity. Crowley Bequest. Genus PAROARIA, Bonap. Paroaria cucullata {Lath.). Fringilla cucullata, D'Orb. foy. dans VAmir. Merid. iv. pi. 45. fig. 4 (1835-44); Thien. FortpHanz. ges. Tog. p. 422, tab. xxxv. fig. 1 (1845-54). Loxia cucullata, UOrb. t. c. pi. 50. fig. 4. GUBEENATKIX. ARKEMON. 291 Paroaria cucullata, Gihuon, Ibis, 1880, p. 19 ; Scl. ^ Huds. Argent. Orn. i. p. 47 (1888); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 809 (1888); Holland, Ibis, 1892, p. 197; AiMn, Ibis, 1894, p. 168; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 119 (1899), p. 321 (1910); Iherint), Rev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 216 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 382 '(1909). Paroaria domiuicana, Dalrjleish, Proc. It. Phys. Sue. Edinb. vi. p. 246, pi. vii. fig. 5 (1880-1). Eggs of the Cardinal Fincli so closely resemble those of Diuca diuca as to render any separate description unnecessary. They measure from -87 to 1*02 in length, and from '63 to '68 in breadth. 2. Argentina, Nov. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C.]. 3. Argentina. Crowley Bequest. 2. Argentina. Crowlev Bequest. 2. Uruguay. O. V. Aplin, Esq. [P.]. Genus GUBERNATRIX, Less. Gubernatrix cristata ( Vieill.). Gubeniatrix cristata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 815 (1888); Iherinq, Rev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 216 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. y. p. 333 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 322 (1910). Two eggs of the Yellow Cardinal are of a regular oval shape and decidedly glossy. They are pale bluish-white sparingly marked with rounded spots and dots of black which are most numerous round the larger end. They measure respectively '95 by '71 and •9 by -7. 2. Argentina. Crowley Bequest. Genus ARREMON, Vieill. Arremon silens {Bodd.). Arremon silens, Sclater, Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 273 (1886) ; Sharpe, Handel, v. p. 333 (1909). Two eggs, said to be those of the Black-billed Arremon, are of an elongate oval shape and somewhat glossy. They are creamy- white with larger and smaller spots of dull chestnut-red, and with an underlying tracery of pinkish-grey all over the shell. They measure respectively "81 by "58 and -81 by -59. 2. British Guiana {H. Whitely). Crowley Bequest. Arremon spectabilis, Sclater. Arremon spectabilis, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 275 (1886) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 333 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 322 (1910). Tlie eggs of Sclater's Arremon are of a narrow oval shape, with u 2 292 FRINGILLIDiK. a slight gloss. They are white, very sparingly speckled with black, chiefly at the broad end. Two examples measure respectively : •93 by -62; and -95 by -62. 2. Nanegal, Ecuador (X. Fraser). Salvin-Godman Coll. Arremon aurantiirostris, Lafr. Arreaion am'antih-ostvis, Salv. ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 324 (1883); Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 276 (1886); Richmond, Fr. U. S. Nat. Mus. xvi. p. 490 (1893) ; Ridf/iv. Birds North i^ Middle Amer. i. p. 455 (1901) ; Shar2}e, Hand-l. v. p. 334 (1909). An egg believed to be that of the Orange-billed Arremon is of a rather broad oval shape ; the ground-colour is greenish-white, marked all over the shell, especially towards the broader end, v\ ith small spots and dots of rust-colour and purplish-red. It measures •95 by -68. 1. [Costa Rica.] Crowley Bequest. Genus LYSURUS, Rldgw. Lysurus castaneiceps (Sdater). (Plate XIII. fig. 7.) Buarremon castaneiceps, Scl. Sr Salv. F. Z. S. 1879, p. 505 ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. 31. xi. p. 261 (1886). Lysurus castaneiceps, Sha?ye, Hand-l. v. p. 335 (1909). The eggs of the Chestnut-capped Sparrow are of a blunt oval shape and slightly glossy. They are white, thickly sprinkled with specks and small blotches of chestnut and pale lavender, especially at the broad end, where the markings form an ill-defined cap. Two examples measure respectively : 1'03 by "72, and ^96 by "72. 2. Frontino, Antioquia, U.S. Co- Salvin-Godman Coll. lombia (T. K. Salmon). Genus ATLAPETES, Wagler. Atlapetes pileatus, Wagler. Atlapetes pileatus, Sale, i.^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 405 (1886) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xii. p. 740 (1888) ; id. Hand-l. v. p. 335 (1909). Allapetes pileatus pileatus, Ridyw. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. i. p. 460 (1901). An egg believed to be that of the Rufous-capped Sparrow is of a ATLAPKTES. BTJARREMON. 293 rafcber long oval form and slightly glossy. It is white, finely spotted with maroon, pale pinLish-red, and grey ; the markings are very numerous round the larger end, where they form a w^ell-marked zone, atui fairly numerous over the rest of the shell. It measures •96 by -08. 1 . Mexico. Crowley Bequest. Atlapetes gutturalis (Lafr.). Jktairemou guttuialis, Sd. ^- Sale. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 504 ; Salv. S,- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 320 (1884); Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 259 (1886). Atlapetes gutturalis, Ridyw. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. i. p. 461 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 335 (1909) : Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 322 (1910). The eggs of the Yellow-throated Sparrow are of a somewhat ]>ointed oval shape and moderately glossy. They are bluish-white in colour, some being quite plain and others very sparingly speckled with light brown. Seven specimens measure from "91 to -98 in length, and from "67 to -12 in breadth. 2. Medellin, Antioquia, U.S. Co- Salvin-Godman Coll. lombia (7'. K. SahiioTi). 2. 'SledelYm {T. K. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Costa liica, 15th May. Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.]. 4. Loj Cuadros de San Tedro, Costa Crowley Bequest. Rica, July (C. F. U.). '.'>. Ti.nzu, Costa llica, May. Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.]. Genus BUAEREMON, Bonap. Buarremon brunneinucha {Lafr.). Buariemon brunneinucha, Scl. ^- Salv. P.Z.S. 1879, p. 604; Salv. 4r Godm. Biol, Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 319 (1384) ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 258 (1886) ; Ridgw. Birds Middle 8f North Amer. i. p. 465 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 336 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 375 (1910). Eggs of the Collared Sparrow are of a rather narrow oval form and exhibit a considerable amount of gloss. They are plain bluish-white, and measure respectively : 1*12 by '71 ; 1*1 by "76 ; 1-03 by -73; and 1-08 by -79. 2. Santa Elena, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia (7'. K. Sabnon). 2. Santa Elena ( T. K. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Costa Rica, 3rd May. Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.l. 294 cujREBiDJi:. Buarremon elseoprorus, Sd. 4' '^^'^v. Buarremon elffioprorus, Scl. Sr Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 504, pi. xlii. fi4 (1902). Euneornis campestris {Linn.), Sliarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 344 (1909). An egg of the Orange Quit is of a blunt oval shape and exhibits scarcely anj' gloss. It is of a pinkish-white colour, blotched and mottled all over the shell with brown and pale lilac-red. It measures -73 by -oS. 1. St. Andrew, .Jamaica. Urowley Bequest. Genus DIGLOSSA, Wagler. Diglossa sittoides (D'Orb. d- Lafr.). Diglossa sittoides, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 4 (1886) ; Sharps, Hund-l. V. p. 345 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 323 (lOlOj. Eleven eggs, believed to be those of the Rufous-throated Sugar- bird, vary considerably in size and shape as well as in the colora- tion of the ground and markings. They vary in shape from a somewhat long and pointed oval to a very broad blunt oval, and are almost devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is pinkish- white, greenish-white, or pale green, and is generally thickly spotted all over the shell with brown or reddish-brown and dull lilac ; in some there are well-marked spots and blotches of deep brown. They vary in size from "Oo to "74 in length, and from •48 to 'So in breadth. 11. Venezuela. Crowley Beque.-t. * Dr. Sbarpe has tniicle use of this name, which has priority over Glosd- pfUa, Sclater ; the latter name appeared in the 'Proceedings of the Zoological Society,' no. eccxvii., which was not received irom tile printer till the U6tb January, 1857 (fide C. D. Sberborn). 298 cceeebid.t:. Eiglossa albilateralis, Lafr. (Plate XIII. fig. 18.) Diglossa albilateralis, Scl. Sf Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 496 ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 9 (1886) ; h^ehrk. Kat. Eimsamml. p. 94 (1899) ; Shmye, Hand-l. v. p. 346 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 323 (1910). The eggs of the White-sided Sugar-bird are of a blunt oval shape and devoid of gloss. They are pale blue thickly spotted and blotched, especially towards the larger end of the egg where the markings become confluent, with dull reddish-brown and lilac- grey. Five examples measure respectively: "73 bv ■r<4 ; -71 by •5 ;" -7 by -5 ; -68 by -5 ; -63 by '5. 2. Santa Elena, Autioquia, U.S. Sahin-Godman Coll. Colombia (T. K. Sahno7i). 1. Santa Elena {T. K. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. U.S. Colombia. Crowley Bequest. Diglossa personata {Fmser). Diglossa personata, Scl, Sf Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 496, pi. xlii. fig. 1 ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 10 (1886) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 94 (1899), & p. 323 (1910) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 346 (1909). The eggs of the Masked Sugar-bird are of a broad oval form and devoid of gloss. They are pale greenish-blue, spotted and blotched, sometimes densely and especially at the larger end where the markings form a zone or cap, with dull reddish-brown and lilac. Five examples measure respectively : -81 by "58 ; -8 by '6; •79 by -59 ; "79 by -6 ; and -79 by -58. 2. Santa Elena, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia ( T. K. Salmon). 2. Santa Elena (T. A'. j ; Ridgto. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. ii. p. 21 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 357 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 324 (1910> Five eggs of Lesson's Euphonia are of a blunt oval form, slightly glossy, and of a uniform pale greenish-blue colour. They measure respectively: '72 by '52; -69 by -55; -69 by "5; -09 by "48; and -68 by -52. 1. Valladolid, Yucatan (6^. i^. G((MWier). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Yucatan. Crowley Bequest. 2. Mexico {Ae/irkoru Coll.).] Crowley Bequest. Euphonia hirundinacea, Bonaj). Euphonia hirundinacea, Sidv.Sf- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Ainer., Aves, i, p. 261 (1883) ; 8cl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 75 (1886) ; *C/ierrie, 'Auk; ix. p. 24 (1892) ; Bidffjv. Birds North ^' 3Iiddle Amer. ii. p. 27 (1902) [part] ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 359 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 325, pi. iii. fig. 29 (1910). The eggs of Bonaparte's Euphonia resemble those of E. affinis, both in colour and size. 1. Valladolid, Yucatan {G.E. Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Yucatan. Crowley Bequest. 2. Yucatan {Nehrkorn Coll). Crowley Bequest. * Oherrie described the eggs as being " white, thickly speckled in a ring about the larger end witii liglit walnut-brown and Ofer this some larger spots | of seal-brown," &c. Tliis description agrees witli the eggs of E. elegantissimaA which spec-ies was also procured. Possibly some mistake has been made by the collector in identifying the parent bird. Eggs of E. kiriiiidiiiacca described j and figured by Nelii'koj-n resemble those procured by G. F. Gaumer, and are! of a uniform greeiiish-bhie colour. ; PYRRlIUPIIO.VrA. — CAI.OSl'IZA. 301 Gemis PYRRHUPHONIA, llonap. Pyrrhuphonia Jamaica {Linn.). (Plate XIII. fig. 20.) Kiiphonia Jamaica, Gosse, Birds of Jamaica, p "3S a847) Pyrrhuphonia Jamaica, Scl. Cat Birds li. M.x\ p 80 /iRfifiV ;?•; Birds North .f Middle Anier. ii. p. 3I ( mof: A/i -,1 L t'" p. 360 (1909). ^ My"-j, Maipe, Iland-l. v. Four eggs of the lilae Quit are of a somewhat pointed oval shape and shghtly glossy. The ground in all four e^gs is white .. two most or the markings, consisting of purplish-red and lavender spots are eoneentrated round the largel- e„d and form zone ; in the other two, numerous markings of pale purplish-red are sea tered over the entire shell, though they are mos^t numerou at the larger end where they form a zone. They measure resnec tively: -78 by -o?; -78 by -55; -79 by -55 = and 77 by -57. ^ 1. Jamaica. Crowley Bequest. 6. St. Andrew Jamaica, '.>ah Airil Crowley Bequest. (I . B. J ai/lor). ^ Genus CALOSPIZA, Gra,,. Calospiza paradisea {Simdns.). C'alliste tatao, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. x\. p. 96 (1886) Lalospiza paradisea, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 363 (1909). . Two eggs said to be those of the Paradi.e Tanager, are spheroidal m form slightly glossy. The ground is wlnt^ or g een th white with numerous spots and blotches of lilac and purpish red most abundant round the larger end, where they form a one ^ cap. Ihey measure -78 by -62; and "78 by -,9. 2. [British Guiana.] p,.„„,i r> J Crowley Bequest. Calospiza chrysophrys (-SV/.). (Plate XIII. tig. 17.) ^Oalliste guttata, Sd. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 105 (1886) fnartl Calospiza chrys.,p'inys, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 365 (1909). Two eggs of the Yellow-browed Tanager are of a re-uhr ovol shape and almost devoid of gloss Thev are whifl 1 I } etched and finely marked with\lark Vr.lish- r ^\:f frl ' tho markings being mostly confined to the broader halt of tie 302 TANAGKIB.E. shell. One specimen is much more strongly and coarsely marked than the other. They measiu-e respectively : '89 by '59 ; and "80 by -59. 2 Cerchi, Costa Rica, 20th May. Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.]. Calospiza vitriolina (C'ah.). CalHste vitriolina, 8cl. Mon. Callist. p. 39 ( 18o7") ; Scl. ^ Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 498, pi. xlii.fig. 2; ScL Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. Ill (lS8n) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 95 Q899). Cidospiza vitriolina, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 367 (1909). Two et>:g3 of the Xew-Grenada llafoas-headed Tanager are of a regular oval shape and devoid of gloss. They are creamy- ■white, thickly mottled and blotched with brown and lilac-grey. In both examples the markings form a wide but irregular zone round the broad end. They measure respectively : "87 by '62 ; and "85 by '6 2. Medellin, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia ( T. K. Salmcoi). Calospiza cayana (Linn.). Oalliste cayana, Scl. Mon. Callist. p. 41, pi. 19 (1857) ; id. Cat. Birds B. M.xi. p. Ill (1886). Calospiza cayana, Sharpe, Sand-l. v. p. 367 (1909); Nehrk. Cat. Eiersamml. p. 325 (1910). Three eggs, said to be those of the Guiana Tanager, are of a nearly perfect oval shape and somewhat glossy. The ground- colour is pale blue, spotted with dark purplish-red and blotched with lilac-grey, chiefly at the larger end, though the markings are scattered over the entire shell. They measure respectively : '87 by '6 ; -87 by 'bb ; and -85 by '53. 2. Venezuela. Crowley Bequest. 1. Venezuela. Crowley Bequest. Calospiza cucullata (Sivcmis.). Calliste versicolor, LauT. (nee Lawr. 1878) P. U. S. Nat. Mus. ix. p. 013 (1886) ; Scl. Cat. Birds B.M. xi. p. 113 (1886) [part.]. Calospiza cucullata, Ridijiv. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. ii. p. /52 (1902) ; Sharpe, Ha'nd-l. v. p. 367 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 325 (1910). Four eggs vary in shape from a somewhat broad rather pointed oval to a nearly perfect oval. They are white, spotted, blotched CALOSPIZA. 303 and marked with purplish-brown and lilac-grov. They measure respectively: -91 by -66 ■ -'JO by -(50; -39 by -Co"; -88 by -6:3. 2. Island of Grenada, W. I., 26th Crowley Bequest. May {J. G. Wells). 2. Island of Grenada, W. I., 20tli Crowley Bequest. May (/. G. W.). Calospiza nigriviridis {Lafr.). Calliste nigriviridls, Scd. Mun. Callist. p. 77 (1857) ; Sd. Sr Sah. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 499; id. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 122 (188ij). Calliste cyanescens, 8cl. Mon. CalHst. p. 79 (1857). Calospiza nigriviridis, Sharpe, Haiid-l. v. p. i569 (1909) ; NeJirk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 325 (1910). Eggs of the New-Grenada Blue-and-Black Tanager resemble very closely those of G. vitriolina already described, but are rather smaller. One egg measures -81 by '57. 1. Santa Elena, Antinquia, U.S. Salviu-Godman Coll. Co'oml)ia ( 7'. K. Salmon). 1. Wo'^oUi (Tristram Coll.). Crowlej' Bequest. Calospiza cyanoptera {Siuains.). Calliste cyanoptera, Scl. Mon. Callist. p. 53, pi. 24 (1857); id. Cat Birds B. M. xi. p. 135 (1886). Calospiza cyanoptera, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 372 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat Eiersamml. p. 325 (1910). An egg, said to be that of the Blue-winged Tanager, resembles the eggs of 0. cucullata described above, but is larger and the markings are less numerous, while some of the larger spots are of a dark purplish -brown. It measures '98 by "7. 1. [Venezuela.] Crowley Bequest. Calospiza atricapilla (Lafr.). Calliste atricapilla, Scl. Mon. Callist. p. 73 (1 857) ; Scl. S; Sah'. P Z S 1879, p. 499 ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 136 (1886). Calospiza atricapilla, SJunye, Hand-l. v. p. 372 (1909). Two eggs of the Black-capped Tanager are of a broad pointed oval shape and devoid of gloss. They are pale greenish-white. One example is thickly mottled and speckled, especially at the larger end, with brown and lilac-grey ; the other is thickly mottled with 304 TANAGRIDJC. lilac and spariiio;ly spotted with deep reddish-brown. In the latter specimen the markings form a very broad, but ill-defined zone round the broad end. They measure respectively : -72 by -G ; and "T-i by '6. 2. Frontino, Antioquia, U.S. Salviu-Godman Cnll. Colombia (T. K. Salmon). Genus STEPHANOPHORUS, Stricldand. Stephanophorus leucacsphalus (ViciU.). (Plate XIII. fig. 11.) Stephanophorus leucocephalus, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 14-3 (1886) ; Scl. ^- Hudson, Ai'ff. Orn. i. p. 38 (1888) ; Shnrpe, Hand-l. v. p. 373 (1909) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersaminl. p. 325 (1910). An egg said to be that of the "White-capped Tanager is of a rather long oval form and somewhat glossy. It is greenish- white, densely mottled all over the shell with olive-brown, which nearly obscures the ground-colour ; there are also a number of scattered blackish-brown surface-markings. It measures I'Oo by '69. 1. Rio Grande do Sul (^Nehrkorn Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Genus POECILOTHRAUPIS, Cab. Pcecilothraupis lunulata {Du Bus). Paecilothraupis lunulata, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 144 (1886) ; ShanK, Haad-l. v. p. 374 (1909). Two eggs said to be those of the Black-throated Tanager are of a wide oval shape, rather pointed at the smaller end, and some- what glossy. The ground-colour is pale greenish-white densely and iinely mottled all over, but more especially at the larger end, with small reddish-brown and violet-grey spots. One egg measures •82 by -Go. 2. Boixota, U.S. Colombia (Tridram Crowlev Bequest. C.ll.). Genus TANAGRA, Linn. Tanagra episcopus, Linn. Taufig a episcopus, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 154 (1886); Shar^e, Hand-l. v. p. 377 (1909) ; Ae/wA. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 326 (1910). An egg said to be that of the Guiana Blue Tanager is of a rather broad shape, somewhat pointed at the smaller end, and distinctly glossy. The ground-colour is white tinged with green TANAGKA. 305 rather thiclcly marked all over with lavender-grey and ])ale brown, and with a few markings and spots of deep chocolate-brown scattered over the shell. It measures -89 by -66. ]. [British Guiana.] Crowley Bequest. Tanagra major, Berhpsch cf- Stolzmann. 'J'anagra uiaj ir, Slutrpe, lland-l. v. p. .377 (1009). Tanafi-ra ccelestis, Schtfei; Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 15."3 (1886) [part., Peru] ; Nerhrk. {nee SjJt'.v) Kat. Eiersnmml. p. 32G (1910). An egg of the Blue-grey Tanager is of a spheroidal form and sliglitly glossy. It is white, thickly spotted all over with lilac- grey and with conspicuous scattered surface-spots of deep brown, the markings being most numerous towards the larger end. It measures "TS l)y -Go. 1. Peru {Nehrhom Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Tanagra cana, Swains. Tanagra cana, Scl. ^- Sale. F. Z. S. 1879, p. 503 ; Salv. ^- Godm. Biol. Ceyitr.-Amei-., Aves, i. p. 277 (1883) ; 8d. Cat. Birds B. M. si. p. 156 (1886); Nehrl;. Kat. Eiersatnml. p. 95 (1899), p. 826 (1910); Iherimi, Bev. Mus. Paidista, iv. p. 209 (1900) ; Bidgic. Birds Norths,- Middle Amer. ii. p. 55 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 377 (1910). Some eggs of the Silver-blue Tanager are of a blunt oval shape, a])proaching the elliptical, and without gloss. Tiie ground is cream-colour, but this is almost entirely concealed from view by the markings, which consist of more or less confluent smears, streaks and clouds of two or more shades of rich brown. Some examples are also minutely spotted with dark reddish-brown, almost black in intensity. Other eggs collected by Blancaneaux are of a somewhat narrow oval shape and are less densely marked, quite half the ground-colour being visible. They are speckled and mottled with brown, purplish-brown and lavender-grey. Some of these have hair-lines of a dark colour at the broad end. Specimens measure from "83 to 1 in length, and from '6 to -66 in breadth. 2. U.S. Colombia. Crowley Bequest. 3. Medeliin, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia ( T. K. Salmon). 1 1. Costa Bica, IGth May. Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.]. I 2. Irnzu, Costa Bica, Maj-. Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.]. 2. Ivnzu, May. " Mv. C, F. Underwood [C.]. 4. Cuadrosde San Pedro, Costa Bica, Crowley Bequest. June & July (C jf-^ U.). 5. Brit. Honduras (-F. i^/rt«<"«7i<>a(/j-). Salvin-Goduian Coll. 306 TANAGRIDJE. Tanagra cyanoptera ( VieiU.). Tanaora cyaBoptera, &cl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 157 (1886) T^ehrk. Kai. Eiermmml. p. 95 (1899), p. 326 ^1910) ; Tlierinii, Beo. Mies. PauHsta, iv. p. 209 (1900) ; Shm-pe, Hand-l. v. p. 378 (1909). Two eggs of the Blue-shouldered Tanager resemble those of T. oniata*, and differ entirely from those of the other species of the genus represented in the Collection. They are pale blue, sparingly marked all over with small, well-defined, roundish spots of very dark purj)lish-black. One example measures -9 by -7. 2. l!io de .Janeiro. Alexander Fry, Esq. [P.]. Tarajra ayaca, Linn. (Piute XIII. figs, 5 & 8.) Tanagra sayaca, Evh-r, J.f. O. 1807, p. 410; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 1.58 (1880): Berlepsch, J.f. O. 1887, pp. 6, 115; Eider, Bev. Mils. Paidistu, iv. p. 20 (1900) ; Iherinq, Bev. Mus. Paidista, iv. pp. 153, 209 (1900) ; Sharps, Hand-l. v. p. 378 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kut. Eiersamml. p. 326 (1910); CJmhb, Ibis, 1910, p. 025. Eggs of the Grey-breasted Tanager vary in shape from a very long poir;tod oval to nearly spheroidal. The ground varies from white to creamy- white or greenish-white. In some examples the markings are remarkably like those found in the commonest type of Passer domesticus, the entire shell being thickly clouded and l)lotched with grej'-brown and umber-brown. In others a large part of the ground-colour is visible, the markings, which consist of cloudings, spots and streaks of purplish-grey and dark purplish- brown, being mostly confined to the larger end of the shell. In a third type all the markings are fine and there are no very distinct dark spots or streaks, the larger end of the shell being surrounded by a heavy clouded zone. They vary from "87 to !•! in length, and from '61 to -67 in breadth. 3. Sapucay, Paraguay, 4th Nov, Mr. W. Foster [C.]. 1. Sapucay, 24th Nov. I\rr. W.Foster rC". Mr. W. Foster "C. 2. Sapucay, 25th Nov. 2. Sapucay, 30tli Nov. Mr. W. Foster [C. I o Sapucay, 1st Dee. Mr, W. Foster [O.j, 2. Sapucay, 11th Dec. Mr. W. Foster [C.]. Mr. W. Foster [CJ. i! Sapucay. 1. Sapucay. Mr. W. Foster [0.]. * Tlie eggs of both this species and T. cyanoptcra presented by Mr. Fry were accompanied by skins of the birds, and there is therefore uo reason to doubt their authenticity. :30i Tana^a melanoptera, S'duier. Tana^ra palmarmn, Scl. S,- Sah. [nee Max.) P. Z. S. 1879, p. 500 ; Salv. iS- Godiii. Bi)l. CeiUr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 279 (1883) [part.] ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 159 (1880) [part.]. Tanagra palmaruin melanoptera. liidgiv. Birds of North S,- Middle Amer. ii. p. 58 (1902) ; Berlepsch ^- Hartert, JVov.' Zool. ix. p. 20 (1902). Tauagra melanoptera, Sharpe, Uand-l. v. p. 378 (1909). Two eggs of the Bluck-wingcd Tanager vary considerably. One example is nearly a perfect ellipse in shape, cream-coloured, and very thickly freckled all over with pale brown and lavender. At the broader end there are a few fine hair-lines of black. The second example is of a pointed oval shape, cream-coloured, densely mottled all over with pale brown, dark brown and lavender-grey. They measure respectively : '91 by -Q^ ; 'OS by '65. 2. Remedios, Antioquia, U.S. Salviu-Godman Coll. Colombia (T. K. Sa'moit). Tanagra ornata, S2y(rrm. Tanagva ornata, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 161 (188G) ; Ne/irk. Kat. Eivrsamm'. p. 96 (1899) ; Iherimj, Rev. Mm. Paulista, iv. p. 209 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 378 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 326 (1910). An Q^g of the Archbishop Tanager is of a long pointed oval form, and dis})lays scarcely any gloss. It is white, thickly clouded and blotched all over the shell with purplish-grey, with scattered spots, streaks and irregular markings of deep purplish-brown. It measures 1"1 by "Tl. 1. Iguape, Sao Paulo, 4th Oct. Crowley Bequest. Tanagra abbas, Licht. Tanagra vicarius, Bonap. ; Scl. Sf Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 16, pi. v. fig. 1. Tanagra abbas, Salv. 8f Godm. Biol. Cent r.- Amer., Aves,\. p. 278 (1883) ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 162 (1886) ; Ridgwaxj, Birds North & Middle Amer. ii. p. 60 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 378 (1909). The eggs of the Blue-headed Tanager resemble those of Calospiza atricapilla in many respects. They are of a broad oval shape, and exhibit a considerable amount of gloss. The ground-colour is dull greenish-white rather thickly marked, especiallj' at the broad end, where the markings are more or less confluent, with spots and blotches of brown and lavender-grey and with a few specks and spots of very deep chocolate-brown. Two examples measure respectively -ST by "67 ; '89 by "65. 2. Dueiias, Guatemala, 30th Mav Salviu-Godman Coll. (O. Sah'in). x2 SOS TANAGKIDJ,. Tanagra boiiariensis {G'mel.). Tanagra striata, GmeL ; Tacz. Orn. P6rou, ii. p. 489 (1884). TaiiMgva bonarieiibis, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 1(14 (1880) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 370 (1909) ; Nehrk. Eat. EUrsamml. p. 326 (1910). An egg of the Bhie-aiul-Yellow Tanager resembles those of T. alias, described above, but is somewhat larger and the dark .specks and rounded spots on the larger end are deep black. It measures abont 1"05 Ity 'OS. 1. Eio Grande do Sid {Nehrhont Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Genus SPOROTHRAUPIS, lildgiv. Sporothraupis auricrissa (ISdater). (Plate XIII. fig. 10.) Tanagra cvnnocephnla, Scl. ^- Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 501; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M'. xi. p. 1C>2 (1886) [part.]. Sporotliraupis auricrissa, Sharpe, Uand-l. v. p. 379 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 326 (1910). The eggs of the Elue-capped Tanager arc of a narrow oval shape and exhibit a small amount of gloss. They are cream-colour, boldly spotted and blotched with lilac-brown, purplish-brown and laTcnder- grey. The markings are generally more numerous towards the larger end of the egg, and sometimes form an ill-defined cap. Pour examples measure respectively: 1'02 by "7; I'Ol by "07; 1-04 by -04; -92 by -68. 1. US. Colombia. Crowley Bequest. 1. Santa Elena, Aiitioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godmau Coll. Colombia [T. K. Salmon). 2. Santa Elena (7'. K. S.). Salviu-Goduian Coll. Genus SPINDALIS, Jar J. cj- Selh>/. Spindalis nigricephala (Jameson). Tana2;ra zena, Gosse, Birds Jamaica, p. 231 (1847j. Spindalis nigricephala, 8c/. Cat Birds B. M. xi. p. 166 (1886) ; Bidf/w. Birds North S,- Middle Amer. ii. p. 64 (1902). Spindalis bilineata, Jard. Sf Selbij ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 380 (1909). Eggs of the Cashew Bird or Jamaican Spindalis vary in form from subspheroidal to a somewhat long oval, pointed at tiie smaller end. Thoj' are devoid of gloss. In two eggs the ground-colour is greenish-white heavily, maiked and blotched all over with burnt- umber and with underlying spots and blotches of paler greyish- brown, the markings being thickest towards the larger end, where they almost obscure tlie ground-colour. They measure respectively EHAMrnOCCELTIS. 309 •81 by 'OS ; '89 by 'Go. In a tbinl egg the markings, wbicb arc much smaller and less numerous, are reddish-brownish and reddish lilac. It measures '79 by -6. 2. [Jamaica] (Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1. [Jamaica.] Crowley Bequest. Genus RHAMPHOC(ELUS, Dcsm. Rhainphoccelus brasilius (Linn.). (Plate XIII. fig. 15.) Eamj)liocelu3 brasilius, Eulcr, J. f. O. 1867, p. 409; id., Bev. Mus. I'duUsta, iv. p. 20(1900). lihauiphocoelus brasilius, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 170 (188G) ; Ihevin;/, Bev. Mus. Panlishi, iv. p. I'lO (19(0); S/uirpe, Hund-l. v. p. 38 L (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersam7nl. p. 326 (1910). Four eggs of the lirazilian Tanager are of a broad oval shape, and slightly glossy. They are pale blue, sparingly marked with .spots of deep black, and with small underlying markings of blackish-grey and grey. Thej' measure respectively: '9 by -7; "9 by "72; "9 by •G8 ; -88 by -08. 2. lliode Janeiro. Alexander Frj', Esq. [P.]. 2. Iguape, Sao_Paulo, 7th Xov. Crowley Bequest. Rhamphocoeliis nigrigularis {Spix). Ramphocojlus nigrigularis, Scl. Sj- !:(di\ F. Z. S. 1866, p. 180 [Upper Ucayali]. Ilhamphocoikis r.igiigularis, &cl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 171 (1886) S/iarpe, Iland-l. \. p. 381 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eienfamml. p. 356 (1910). Two eggs of the Black-throated Tanager are similar to those of Jl, brasilius but somewhat smaller. They measure respectively -SB by -58 and -82 by -62. 1. Upper Amazonia (Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Up])er Ucaj^ali (E. Bartlett ; Crowley Bequest, Tristram Coll.). thamphoccelus dimidiatus, Lafr. Raiuphocadus dimidiatus, Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 326 ; Scl. S,- SaliK P.Z.S. 1879, p. 501; Salu. ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 283 (1883). RhampliocQ}lus dimidiatus, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 172 (1886) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 96 (1899), p. 326 (1910) ; Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. xxi. p. 293 (lOOo) ; SItarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 381 (190',)). The eggs of the Red-bellied Tanager are of a normal oval shape and fairly glossy. They are pale blue, sparingly spotted and 310 TANAGRID^. marked with lines of deep chocolate-brown or black and a few specks of lavender-grej'. Two specimens in the Collection are marked with spots only ; the other two with both spots and lines. They measure respectively: -9 by -68; "9 by '65; '85 by '65; '85 by -65. 1. U.S., Colombia. Crowley Bequest. 2. Remedies, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia {T. K. Salmon). 1. Remedies {T. K. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Rhamphoccelus jacapa {Linn.). Rampbocelus jacapa, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 14. Rhaniphocoelus jacapa, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 174 (1886) ; Sharpe, Hancl-l. V. p. 382 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 326 (1910). Two eggs of the Red-breasted Tanager are of exactly the same type as those already described. They measure respectively "85 by -Qo and -9 by -72. 2. Venezuela (Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Rhamphoccelus passerinii, Bonap. Rhamphoccelus passerinii, Salv. i^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Anier., Aves, i p. 281 (1883); Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 176 (1886) ; Nehrk Kat. Eiersamml. p. 96 (1899), p. 329 (1010) ; Sharpe, Band-l. v p. 382 (1909). Ramphocoelus passeriuii, Bichm. P. U. S. Nat. Mvs. xvi. p. 489 (1893) Eidgw. Birds North 8f Middle Amer. ii. p. 109 (1902). Eggs of the Lesser Red-rumped Tanager are inseparable from those of B. dimidiatus. Almost all are entirely wanting in line- markings. They measure respectively : -90 by '7; "92 by '7; "89 by -65. 3. British Ilonduras (F. Blanc- SHlvin-Godman Coll. aneau.v). 1. Caclii, Costa Rica, 2Gth :May. Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.]. 2. Veragua {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 3. Cliiriqui, Veragua {Nehrkorn Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 2. Chiriqui {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Rhamphoccelus costaricensis, Cherrie. Rampliocoelus costaricensis, Ridijio. Birds North ^ Middle Amer. ii. p. Ill (1902). Rhamphoccelus costaricensis, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 382 (1909j. Three eggs of Cherrie's Tanager scarcely differ from those of E. passerinii, but the markings, which are mostly confined to the cap, are more confluent and irregular. They measure respectively : 1 by -63 ; -89 by -63 ; -88 by -61. RnAMPIIOC(ELUS. — PTUANGA. 311 1. Pico Aziil, S.W. Costa llici, Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.]. June. 2. rico Azul, June. , Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.]. Ehamphoccelus dammigerus, Jard. Sf Selly. Ithampliocojlus flammiurerus, Scl. Sf Sal v. P. Z. S. 1879, p. -501, pi. xlii. lit,--. 3; Sd. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 177 (1886); Nehrk. Kat. Eier- scnnml. p. 96 (1899), p. 327 (1910) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 383 (1909). The e^gs of the Larger Red-rumped Tanager resemble those of 11. dimidintus. One example is marked with spots only ; the others in the Collection are marked with spots and with some short crooked linos. They measure respectively : lbv7; l'05by-72; 1 by -7; 1 by -09; 1-07 by -OG. 1. Antioquia, U.S. Colombia. Crowley Bequest. 2. Medellin, Antioquia ( r. A'. Salviu-Goduian Coll. Salmon). 2. Medellin (r.A'. &). Salvin^Godman CoU, RhamphoccElus icteronotiis, Bonajy. Rliamphoccehis icteronotus, Scl. ^ Sal v. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 501 ; Sah;. ic Godm. Biol. Verdr.-Amer., Ares, i. p. 28J (1883); Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 177 (1880) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 96 (1899), p. 3_'7 (1910) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 383 (1909). The eggs of the Yellow-rumpcd Tanager resemble those of 11, jxisserinii, but are rather more spotted. Four examples measure respectively : -97 by "71 ; "95 by -7 ; '95 by '69 ; '91 by '6(3, 1. U.S. Colombia. Crowley Request, 1. Antioquia, U.S. Colombia. Crowley Bequest. 2. Remedios, Antioquia (7*. K. Salviu-Godman Coll. Salmon). Geums PYRANGA, Vidll. Pyranga aestiva (Linn.). Pyrauga iestiva. Brewer, Bull. Nuft. Orn. C. iv. p. 213 (1879) ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 182 (1886); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 384 (1909j ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 327 (I910j. Piranga rubra rubra, Ridgio. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. ii. p. 79 (1902). Three eggs of the Summer-Tanager are of a regular oval shape and somewhat glossy. They have the ground-colour greenish-blue, freckled or spotted with various shades of brown and lilac-grey, mostly concentrated in an irregular zone round the larger end. They measure respectively: "Ol by "65 ; '85 by -68; -84 by '65. 312 TANAGRID^. Browor records e:?gs with the ground-colour of " a liglit shade of emerald-green, marked with various shades of brown, more or less tinged with lilac, purple and slate." 3. Near Kansas Citv, Missouri. 18th W. Radcliflfe Saunders, Esq. June. ' ' [P.]. Pyranga rubra (Linn.). (Plate XIII. fig. 12.) Pyranga rubra, Baird, Brewer i^ Rir. Birds, i. p. 43-5 (1874) ; Salo. ^- Godvi. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Ares,i. p. 287 (1883) ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 188 (183Li) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 96 (1899), p. 327 (1910) ; Sliarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 386 (1909). riranga erythromelas, Eidgw. Birds North l^ Middle Amer, ii. p. 88 (1902). The eggs of the Scarlet Tanager are of a broad oval shape and exhibit a small amount of gloss. They are pale greenish-blue, thickly spotted and blotched with pale reddish-brown and lilac- grey. The markings are more numerous as well as larger at the broad end, and in one example form a large ill-defined cap. They measure from '85 to -96 iu length, and from -68 to u'2 in breadth. 2. North America {Henshmu Coll.). Salviu-Godmam Coll. 1. Pennsylvania (6'. J. /'«i«ooA-). Princeton Ui iversity, N.J. [E.]. 1. New Jersey (D. Cr. Elliut : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Cull.). 3. Eastford, Connecticut, 6th June Crowley Bequest. (Rev. J. 4. Ilyds Park, Illinois, 2ud June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Pyranga bidentata, Swains. Pyranga bidentata, Scdv. ^- Godin. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aies, i. p. 290 (1883); Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 190 (1886) [part.J ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 386 (1909); Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p._327 (1910). _ Piranga bidentata bidentata, Ridffiv. Birds North i^ Middle Amer. ii. p. 95 (1902). An egg of Swainson's Tanager is of a regular oval shape and slightly glossy. The ground-colour is pale greenish-blue sparingly marked, almost entirely at the larger end, with small spots of purplish-black and lilac-grey. It measures '97 by "72. 1. Escasu, Costa Pica, lOtli May. Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.]. riKENICOTHRAI^riS. — TACHYPHOKUS. 313 Genus PH(ENICOTHRAUPIS, Cab. Phcenicothraupis rubicoides [Lnfr.). Pliceiiicotliraupi.s rubicoides, Sah\ S,- Godtn. Biol. Centr.-Ayner., Aves, i. p. 300 (18S3); Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 107 (1886); Sharpe, 7/a«r/-/.v. p. 380(1909). riiQjnicotbraupis ruLica rubicoides, Ridgiv. Birds North S)- Middle Amer. ii. p. 144 (1902). The eggs of the Mexican Ant-Tanager appear to be of two types. Those taken by Salvin in Guatemala are of an ordinary oval shape and slightly glossy. They are white, thickly mottled, but chiefly at the broad end, with pale brownish-yellow and faint lavender. They measure respectively : "92 by '67 ; "9 by "7 ; "04 by "68. Eggs taken by Blancaneaux in British Honduras are of a narrow oval shape and exhibit a considerable amount of gloss. They are plain white, and measure respectively : 1 by -69 ; 1 by •67. 3. Forest of Vera Paz, Guatemala, SaU-in-Godman Coll. March (O. Salvin). 2. British Honduras {F. Blanc- Salvin-Godman Coll. ajieuu.v). Phoenicothraupis gutturalis, Sclater. Phcenicothraupis gutturalis, Scl. *§■ Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 502, pi. xlii. fig. 4 ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 201 (1886) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 390 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersmmnl. p. 327 (1010). An egg of the Red-throated Black Tanager is of an elongated oval shape and slightly glossy. It is white, thickly speckled and mottled, especially at the broad end, with dull reddish-brown and pale lavender. It measures 1 by -7. 1. Medellin, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia (7". K. Salmon). Genus TACHYPHONUS, Vieill. Tachyphonus rufus (Bodd.). Taclivplionus rufus, Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. iii. p. 3o0 (1891) ; Iherinr/, iiev. Mu.^. rauli.^fa, iv. p. 210 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 302 (1909) : Xehrh. Kat. Eiersamml. p. .".27 (1910). Taclivplionus nigenimus, Euler, J. f. O. 1897, p. 408. TachVphonus raelaleucus, Scl. ^- Sdh: P. Z. S. 1879, p. 503, pi. xlii. fig. n ; Salv. ^- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 309 (1883) ; &/. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 236 (1886). Tachyphonus melanoleucus, Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 97 (1899). The eggs of the Black Tanager vary in shape from a narrow to a broad oval and exhibit a small amount of gloss. They are greyish-pink, marked with some isolated spots, blotches, and twisted lines of the deepest chocolate-brown or black. The 314 TANA G RID JE. edges of the blotches are frequently reddish and blend with the surrounding ground-colour. The underlying markings are few and inconspicuous and consist of spots and veins of pale lavender. Five examples measure from '95 to 1*03 in length, and from '7 to •78 in breadth. 2. U.S. Colombia (Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 3. Medelliu, Antioquia, U.S.C. (7'. -BT. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salmon) . 2. Medellin (7'. A*. »S'.). Sahin-Gcdman Coll. 1. Venezuela. W. Radcliti'e Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. Yeneznela, (Trtstrain Coll.). Cruwley Bequest. 2. San Estebau. Crowley Bequest. Tachyplionus coronatus ( ViaUl.). (Plate XIII. fig. 14.) Tachvphonus coronatus, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 213 (1883); Nehrk. Knt. Eiersamml. p. 97 (1899), p. 327 (1910,; Elder, Iti-v. Mus. Paitlist I, iv. p. 21 (1900) ; Iherinq, Rev. Mus, Paulista, iv. p. 210 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 392 (1909). Eggs of the lled-crested Black Tanager in the Collection are of a blunt oval form and slightly glossy. They are pale salmon-pink, spotted, blotched and smeared with reddish-brown and chocolate- brown. Four examples measure respectively : '915 by "71 ; "9 by •67; -89 by -68; -86 by -68. 2. Tlio de Janeiro Alexander Fry, Esq. [P.]. 1. Rio de Janeiro (Nelrkorn Coll.) Crowley Bequest. 1. Iguape, Sao Paulo, 4tk Nov. Crowley Bequest. Genus TRICHOTHRAUPIS, Cah. Tricliothraiipis melauops, Vkill. (Plate XIII. fig. 13.) Trichothraupis quadricolor,F«et7Z. ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 220 (1886). Trichothraupis melanops, Euler, Rev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 22 (1900) ; Ihcrin'4, Rev. Mus. Paidista, iv. p. 211 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 395 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 328 (1910). Two eggs of the Yellow-crested Tanager are of a regular blunt oval form and somewhat glossy. The ground-colour of one is pinkish-white, marked at the broader end with spots and patches of brownish-red and lavender, overlying which are a few short scrolls and spots of deep purplish-black. The other example has the ground-colour pink, marked all over the shell with tine spots and larger patches of Indian-red and with some spots and fine lines of dark reddish-brown scattered over the entire surface. They measure respectively -9 by -71 and -88 by •12. Iguape, Sai Paulo, 23rd Oct. Crowley Bequest. CHLORCSPINGrS. HEMISPlKGUS. 315 Genus CHLOROSPINGUS, Cuh. Chlorospingus regionalis, Banrjs. Cliloro.-])iiigus regionalis, Ba7igs, Vroc. Biol. Soc. Washiv(jto77, xix. p. 112 (lUOtJ) ; Shtirpe, Iland-I. v. p. 401 (1909). Chlorospingus alljiteiiiporalis, Sclater, Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 239 ClSSe") [part.]. Chlorospingus albitenipora, Nehrk. (nee Lafr.) Kiit. Eicrsainml. p. S28 (1910). An egg of tlie Costa Eica CMurosjmujus is of a rather bhmt oval shape and slightly glossy. The ground is white, spotted and finely marked all over with Indian-red and pale lavender, the markings being much more numerous towards the broad end, where they form an irregular zone. It measures -82 by -64. 1. Escasu, Costa Rica, 4th June. Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.]. Chlorospingus flavipectus {Lafr.). Chlorospingus flavipectus, Scl. ^- Scdo. P. Z. S. 1379, p. 503, pi. xlii. fig. G; -SV/. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 242 (1880) ; Shurne, Hand-l. v. p. 402 (l'J09). Five eggs of the Yellow-breasted Chlorospingus are of a blunt oval form and devoid of gloss. They are creamy white, thickly speckled and mottled, especially at the broad end where a cap is formed, with chestnut-broAvn and lilac-grey. They measure respec- tively: -83 by -6 ; -81 by -61 ; -8 by -02 ; -8 by -61 ; -79 by -0. 1. U.S.Colombia. Crowley Bequest. 2. Santa Elena, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia ('/'. K. S(d?no)i). 2. Santa Elena ( T. K. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Genus HEMISPINGUS, Cah. HemispingTis rubrirostris {Lafr.), Chlorospingus rubrirostris, Scl. S,- Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 504; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 246 (1886); Nehrk. Eat. Eiersajnml. p. 97 (1899). Ilemi.spingus rubrirostris, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 403 (1909). An egg of the Eed-billed Tanager is of a regular oval ishape and exhibits a small amount of gloss. It is creamy-white, thickly mottled over the broader half of the egg, sparingly elsewhere, with very pale roddish-brown and lavender. The markings form a dense cap at the broad end. It measures -9 by -67. 1. Santa Elt-na, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia ('/'. K. Salmon). 316 TANAGEID-E. rL0CEIDJ5. Genus P3ITT0SPIZA, Bon(q\ Psittospiza riefferi (Boiss.). r^itt spiza riefferi, Scl. ^ Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 505, pi. xUi. fig. 8 ; Scl. Vat. Birds D. M. xi. p. 281 (1886) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 40l) (1909). All egg of RiefFer's Tanager is nearly elliptical in shape, the two ends being much alike, and moderately glossy. It is greyish-white, thickly mottled and freckled, especially at the broader end, with pale brown and lavender-grey. It measures 1-18 by "S. 1. Santa Elera, Autioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia ('/'. K. Salmon). Genus ORCHESTICUS, Cah. Orchesticus alDeillei {Less.). (Plate XIII. fig. 6.) Orchesticus abeillii, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 297 (188G) ; Sharpe, Iland-l. V. p. 407 (1909). Two eggs of the Brown Tanager are of a very regular oval shape and -without gloss. They are white with a slight tinge of pink, marked with large blotches of pale chestnut, smaller blotches of deep reddish-brown and a few specks of lavender. The markings are chiefly confined to the broad end of the egg. They measure respectively : '83 by -05 ; -81 by "63. 2. Ivio de Janeiro. Alexander Fry, Esq. [P.]. Family PLOCEID.E. Genus DIATROPURA, Oberh. Diatroptira progiie {Bodd.). (Plate XIV. fig. 1.) C'hera progue, Chamey, Ibis, 1868, p. 465 ; Laynrd, Ibis, 1869, p. 74 ; S/iarpe, ed. Laifard, Birds S. Africa, p. 458 (1876-84) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 213 (1890). Chera procne, Kuschel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 338. Coliopasssr procne. Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 139 (1900). Coliuspasser progue, Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 32 (1905). Diatropura progne, Reich. Viig. Afr. iii. p. 144 (1904) ; Sharpe, Ilund-l, v. p. 410 (1909). Diatropura procne, Nehrk. Kat. Biersamnd. p. 329 (1910). Eggs of the Great-tailed Widow-bird are of a regular oval shape DlATROriTKA. — COLIOSTRTJTHFS. lUT iind somewhat gloss)-. Tlie p;round-colonr is pale oreenish--\vliite, Bpottcd and blotched all over with olive-brown, or brown and grej-, 8oiiH'tiracs forming a zone or cap at the larger end. In &01110 specimens the markings are smaller and less numerous and much of the ground-colour is visible. Others are very heavily marked. 'J'iicy vary in length from '81 to -88, and in breadth from '02 to -05. 3. Transvaal (T. Ayres : Tiidvani Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 2. Johannesburg, 12th Dee. 0. C. Roberts, Esq. [P.]. 3. Doojiikop, Orange Eiver CoIodt, Major l\. Sfarrow [E,]. l^jjth Nov. 3. Mooi Kiver, Natal, Dec. Major R. Sparrow [E.]. 1. Estcourt, Natal, nth Jan. G. .\. K. Marshall, Ei^q. \V.\ 1. Freie, Griqualaud East, 25th Dec. G. A. K. Marshall, Esq. [I'.]. Genus COLIOSTRUTHUS. Sundev. Coliostinithus ardens {Bodd.). (Plate XIV. fig. 2.) Vidua rubritorques, Gurney, Ibis, 18G0, p. 211. Vidua ardens, S/nvpe, ed. Laiiavd, Birds 8. Africa, p. 455 (1875-84) : f It. B. ^- I. D. S. Woodicard, Ibis, 1897, p. 410. Penthetria ardens, SJiaipe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 215 (18^0). Goliopasser ardens, Stark, Fataia S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 142 (1900) ; Siiarroic. J. S. Afr. Orn. U. i. p. 10 (1905) ; Ellemon, t. c. p. 18, pi. iii. ; Bucknill ^- Gronvold, t. c. ii. p. 1, pi. i. fig. 1 (1906). Coliuspasser ardens, Beich. Vog. Afr. iii. p. 135 (1904) ; Slielleij, Birds Afr. iv. p. 40 (1905). Coliostruthus ardens, Sharpe. Hand-l. y. p. 410 (1900); Nehrh. Kat Eiersaviml p. 329 (1910). Eggs of the Red-collared Widow-bird are of a regular oval shape and distinctly glossy. They are bluish-gieen, finely spotted and mottled, especially towards the larger end, with pale umber-browu and lavender-grey. In some specimens the markings are somewhat larger and form small blotches. They vary from "72 to -76 in length, and from •54 to "oS iu breadth. The little white-speckled eggs attributed to this species by Messrs. Woodward have no doubt been incorrectly identified {i.e.). 3. Willow Grange, Natal, 30th Dec. jNIajor R. Sparrow [E.]. 2. Highlands, Natal, 23rd Dec. Major R. Sparrow fE.]. 2. Kareign, Cape Colony, Nov. (7?. B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.l. E. J.]. 2. lilaauwKranlz, Cape Colony, Nov. B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.l. (i. Palmer). 3. Blaauw Krautz, Dec. (L. P.). B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.]. 2. Blaauw Krantz, Dec. (Z. P.). B. E. Jupp, Esq. IC.]. 2. Blaauw Krantz, Jan. {L. P.). B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.]. 318 plooeid.t;. Genus UROBHACHYA, Bomqi. Urobracliya axillaris (Smith). (Plate XIV. fig. 4.) Vidua axillaris, Gurnei/, Ihis, 1860, p. 211. Penthetria axillaris, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Africa, p, 461 (1875-84). Urobi-acbva axillaris, Butler, FeildenSf- Reid, Zool. 1882, p. 298 ; Sharpe, Cat 'Birds B. M. xiii. p. 224 (1890) ; Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 1:34 (1900); Reich. Ydq. Afr. iii. p. 129 (1904); SheUexj, Birds Afr. iv. p. 60(1905); Sharpe, Hand-/, v. p. 412 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersimml. p. 323 (1910). The eggs of the Ked-shouldered Widow-bird are of a regular oval shape and fairly glossy. They are bluish-green, blotched and smeared with various shades of brown and pale lavender-grey. The markings are more or less confluent at the large end and form an irregular cap. They measure from -71 to 'SS in length, and from 'oS to -6 in breadth. Salvin-Godmau Coll. T. Ayres, Esq. [ C.]. Capt. Savile Reid [P.]. Major R. Sparrow [I'v.]. Major R. Sparrow | E.l. Major R. Sparrow [E.J Urobracliya phoenicea {Heugl.). Urobrachva pbcenicea, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 225 (1890) ; Kuschel, J. f. O. 1895, p. 338 ; Reich. Vog. Afr. iii. p. 130 (1904) ; Sharpe, Hcind-l. v. p. 413 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 329 (1910). Urobrachya axillaris, Kuschel (nee Smith), J.f. 0. 1895, p. 337. Two eggs of Heuglin's Fan-tailed Widow-bird referable those of U. axillaris, but are smaller. They measure respectively : "7 by ■52; -74 by -57. 1. East Africa (Fischer). Crnwley Bequest. 1. [East Africa.] Crowley Bequest. Genus PYROMELANA, Bomqj. Pyromelana flammiceps (Swains.). Euplectes flammiceps, Fischer S,- Reich. J. f. O. 1878, p. 283. Pyromelana flammiceps, Kuschel, J. f. O. 1895, p. 337 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 228 (1890) ; Reich. Voc/. Afr. iii. p. 118 (1904) ; Shellei/, Birds Afr. iv. p. 104 (1905) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 414 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 329 (1910). Eggs of the Fire-crowned Bishop-bird are of a regular oval form. 3. Natal (T. Ayres). 3. Natal. 4. Natal, Dec. 2. Mooi River, Natal, 13th Dec. 3. Mooi River, 16th Dec. 3. Mooi River, 30th March. rTROUELAKA. 319 somctimca sHj^litly pointod at tlie cuds, and distinctly glossy. They are pale blue or greeiiisli-blue and generally uniform, but occa- sionally there arc a few minute dots of black scattered over the shell. They vary from '69 to -75 in length, and from '52 to '55 in breadth. 1. Abutja, Niger River, Sept. E. Kemp, Esq. [C.]. 1. Gaboon ( T/'Mfrani Co//.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Bitye, near Ja River, Cameroon, G. L. J3ates, Esq. [C.]. ];5th Nov 2. "\^"itu, B. E. Africa. Crowlev Bequest. 4. AVitu, Mav. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C.l. 11. Ruo River, B. C. Africa. A. B. Percival, Esq. [C.]. Pyromelana nigriventer (Cassin). Pyromelana nigriventris, Fisc/ier, J. f. O. 1877, p. 171 ; Sharpe, Caf. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 230 ( 1890J ; Kuschel, J.f. 0. 1895, p. 337 ; Reich. Voff. Afr. iii. p. 125 (1904) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 89 (1905). Pvromelana nigriventer, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 414 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kut. Eiersmninl. p. 330 (lOlOj. Four eggs of the Black-bellied Bishop-bird are of an ovul or sonieAvhat pointed oval shape and distinctly glossy. The ground- colour is pale greenish-blue. Two examples are sparingly marked with scattered dots of lavender-grey and darker grey ; the other two are plain. They measure respectively : -60 by "48 ; -Go by '48 ; •U4 by -5 ; -64 by -49. 2. Witu, B. E. Africa Crowley Bequest. 2. Witu. Crowley Bequest. Pyrcmelana orix {Linn.). Fringilla orvx, TMen. Fori pjliin:: . ijes. Tmj. p. 432, tab. XAXvi. fig. 9 (1845-54). Euplectes sundevalli. Gurnet/, Ihis, 1808, p. 465. Euplectes oryx, Buckley, Ibis, 1874, p. 381. Pyromelana orvx, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S.Africa, p. 402 (1875-84); id., Cat. Birds B. 31. xiii. p. 230 (1890); Kuschel, J. f. O. 1895, p. 337 : Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 124 (1»99) ; Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 126 (1900) ; Duncan, J. S. Afr. Orn. U. i. p. 57 (1900). Pyromelana orix, 7iV/c7i. Voy.Afr. iii. p. 120 (1904) : Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 95 (1905); Sharpe,' Hand-l. x. p. 414 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 330 (1910). The eggs of the Hed Bishop-bird arc chiefly of a blunt oval form. They are greenish-blue and have a considerable amount of gloss. Some specimens exhibit a few very faint bro^\ n lines or specks. They vary greatly in size, the largest in the series measuring •83 by -59, and the smallest -63 by -5. 4. South Africa {E. L. Layard : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 8. South Africa. Gould Coll. 320 5. South Africa. 6. South Africa. 4. South Africa. 2. Pondoland. 8. Winterberg District, Cape Colony, Jan. (Moorcruft). 3 Deelfontein. Cape Colonj', 19th Nov. (E. Seimmid S( C. H. B. Grant). 2. Deelfontein, 19th Nov. {E. S. ^^ a H. B. G.). 1. Deelfontein, 19th Nov. {E. S. Sf C. H. B. G.). 2. Kurunian, British Bechuanaland, 19th Dec. 2. Kurunian, 19th Dee. 2. Ondonp^ I, Ovanipo'.aud, Feb. ( C. J. Andersson: Tristram OilL). 6. Transvaal {T. Aijres : Tristram Coll.). G. Johannesburg, Transvaal, Dec. 2. Johannesburg, Dec. 2. Koodoo's Pooit, Transvaal, 13th Jan. (C. B. Horshrugh). 1. Euo River, B. C. Africa. W. Eadclille Saunders, Esq, [P.]. E. L. Lavard, Esq. [P.]. J. D. S. Par.y-Evans, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.]. Colonel A. T. Sloggett [P.]. Colonel A. T. Sloggett [P.]. Colonel A. T. Sloggett [P.]. R. B. Woosnam & R. E. Dent, Esqrs. [C.]. R. B. Woosnam & R. E. Dent, Esqrs. [C.]. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. C. C. Roberts, E.^q. [P.]. C. C. Robert-, Ksq. fP.]. Hon. J. A. Bucknill [P.]. A. B. Percival, Esq. [C.]. Pyromelana franciscana (Isert). (Plato XIV. fig. 3.) Euplectes frauciscanus, Ileia/l. Orn. N.O.-Afr. i. pt. 2, p. 571 (1870). Pyromelana franciscana, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 23.". (1890) ; Renda'd, Ibis, 1892, p. 220 ; Euschel, J. f. O. 189.i, p. 337 ; Nchrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 124 (1899), p. 330 (1910) ; Reich. Voq. Afr. iii. p. 122 (1901) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 90 (1905) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 415 (1909). Eggs of the lled-throatcd Bishop-bird are of a regular oval shape, very glossy, and of a pale blue colour. They measure from -7 to -75 in length, and from -5 to -53 in breadth. 1. Senegambia (Tristram Coll.). 3. River Gambia, W. Africa, Aug. 3. Omdurman, White Nile. Crowley Bequest. rth Dr. P. lieudall [P.]. Capt. II. N. Dunn [P.]. Pyromelana diademata ( F/srAf ;• ij- BeicJienow). I Pyromelana diadeiuata, SJiarpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. xiii. p. 236 (1890); id., Hand-l. v. p. 416 (1909) ; NehrJc. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 330 (1910). An egg said to that of the Tire-fronted Bishop-bird is of rather a wide oval shape and distinctly glossy. The ground-colour is pale greenish-white, rather profusely marked over the greater part of the shell with distinct dots of reddish-cb.cstnut and lilac-grey. PYitojn;r..vjfA. 321 It moasuro. -r^ l.y -44. This specimen agrees exactly w^th the dcscnption and ineasurements given by xYehikorn. Lrowlej Bequest. Pyromelana capensis {Linn.). (PlateXIV. fig. 6.) (ift(O-M) ?^/ (at. Buds B. M viii n '>-^R nsnn> a- / 7' r- J?tem™»«/. p. 11.4 (1899) V mo Wm %7 l^ ^^hrk.Kut. Birch i ,, nonqOflr tA ;/ d- ^/^f^^! '^'^-'«'''''^' -^'"'"« S. Afr., x)//«.',, 1. p. loU (jyuU) ^helleu, Birds Air iv n TSnuOf^^. w Hand-l. v. p. 41G (1909). ^ ^" '"^C^^^^); li>]turpe, O1711X capensis, Kuschd, J. f. O. 1895 p 3:37 Luplectes capensis, Eekh. Voy. Afr. iiif p. 120 (1904). _ Eggs of the Black-and- Yellow Bisbop-bird are almost ellintical in shape tbe two emls being but very slightly dissimiTa, • h -u^ omewha glossy They are of a pale-green colour, thickly bSle- a.d streaked w,th asb-bro^n and pale purplish-gro; The marki 4 are more or less confluent over the whole shell They ntet ul .from -75 to -88 in ler.gth, and from -58 to -63 in breadth! 6. South Africa. p T t j t-. r^-, 2. South Africa. ftilr'"''^^^'^- C^;]- 3. South Africa (E. L. L ) fVovviJv "^'^-^''J'''^' Esq. [P.], * •'• Lrovvley Bequest. Pyromelana approximans {Cahanis). PyromeW n.iucr illeichenh.), Skarje, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 003 Eupleetes capensis approximans, i?«V/,. Voi/.Afr.m p \^7 aoc)X\ Ivrome lana capensis minor, Sparrow, J. SlAf: Om Vi nioil90^) Pvromelar.a approxnnans, SAarjM^, Hand-l. v. p. 410 (1909).'^' ' ^' , One egg of the Lesser Black-and-Yellow Bishop-bird is similar It measures -8 by -50. i-'/Jtuas. 1. Highlands, Natal, 27th Dec. M.j,,, r, Sp,,,^«. [e.j. Pyromelana talia (Smith). (Plate XIV. fig. .5.) Euplrctes taha Gnrm;/, in Avderssoii's Bird.^ Bamarai ,3 171 n^79, Pyromelana taha, ,S/>arpc, eink, and faintly mottled with pinkish-grey. It measures "92 by -(Jo — a measurement which appears to be unusually small. Stark gives I'D by 0'72. 1. Kruger's Drift, Modder River, Hon. J. A. Bufkuill [P.]. O. R. C, 2ud Oct. {C. B. Hoisbrugh). Genus PHILiETERUS, Smith. Philseterus socius {Lath.). Philetaerus socius, Andcrss. Birds Damaral. p. 167 (1872) ; Kuschel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 3.35 : Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 115 (1900). Philoetferus socius, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Africa, p. 449 (1875-84). I'liilffiterus socius, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 249 (1890) ; id., ira/;o'-/. v. p. 419(1909). PSETJDONrCPJTA. — PYRESESTE3. ^23 riiiletaiius sooiiis, Reich. Voq. Afr. iii. p. i!42 (lUOi); Shdley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 130 (190.J). Two e,2;2:8 of the Sociable Weaver-bird are of a broad oval shape and devoid of gloss. They are of a very pale yellowish-white colour, densely speckled and mottled all over wilh purplish-grey. They measure respectively : '78 by 'G2 ■ '8 by -92. Another e^g, also referred to this species, is pale bluish-grcon sparingly spotted Avith distinct spots and dots of dark broAvn and purplish-grey. It measures about -77 by -50. The description given in Sharpe's edition of Layard seems to refer to an egg of this type. 2. Ondonga, Ovampoland (C. ./. Crowley Bequest. Andersson : Tristram Coll.). 1. Kalahari Desert (/. J. Weir). Crowley Bequest. Genus PSEUDONIGEITA, lieichenow. Pseudouigrita arnaudi (Bonap.). (Plate XIV. fig. 8.) Nigrita arnaudi, Heut/l. Orn. N.O.-Afr. i. p. 541 (1871) ; Fischer, Zeit. qes. Or7i. i. p. 329 (1884); Hart/. J. f. O. 18S7, p. 310; Kuschel, >./. O. 1895, p. 3;36. Philretenis arnaudi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 250 (1890). Pseudouigrita arnaudi, Reich. Vd(j. Afr. iii. p. 171 (1904) ; Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 421 (1909). Philetairus aruaudi, Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 132 (1905). An egg of Arnaud's Social Weaver is of a regular oval shape and devoid of gloss. It is white with small spots and dots of yellowish- umber scattered all over the shell, but most numerous towards the larger end. It measures '77 by 'ol. 1. Machakos, B. K Africa, 4th April. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C.]. Genus PYRENESTES, Swains. Pyrenestes ostrinns ( VieilL). Pyrenestes ostrinus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 252 (1890); Kuschel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 336; Reich. Voy. Afr. iii. p. 100 (1904) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 284 (1905); Sharpe, Haiul-l. v. p. 422 (1909; ; I-iehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 330 (1910). Four eggs of Tieillot's Kuotch-billed Weaver are of a rather short oval shape, pure white and without gloss. Tney measure respectively : -68 by 'SS ; -68 by -55 ; 08 by -52 ; and -67 by -53. Eggs of this species have been described by Nehrkorn and others as yellowish-white or salmon-colour, with underlying yellowish- brown marks and clear reddish-brown spots. There is no reason to doubt the coriv ctness of ^Ir. Kemp's identi- fication, and probably those described by Nehrkorn liave been wrongly referred to this species. 4. Abutja, R. Niger, Sept. I{. Kemp, Esq. [C.]. 324 Genus aUELEA, Eenhenh. Cluelea erythrops (Hartl.). Quelea ervtlirnps, Sharpe, Cat. Binh B. M. xiii. p. 255 (1890) : KvxcheJ, J. f. 'O. 1895, p. 336; JRcirh. Voq. Afr. iii. p. Ill (1904); Shdlei/, Birds Afr. iv. p. 117 (1905) ; 'Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 422 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eivrsamml. p. 331 (1910). An egg of the Dark-tbroated Dioch is of a I'aMicr short oval shape and almost devoid of gloss. It is dull olive-green with fine scattered spots of a darker shade, most numerous towards the larger end. It measures "7 by •55. 1. "West Africa (Nckr7.-orti Coll.). Crowley Eequest. Guelea cardinalis {Hartl.). (Plate XIV. fig. 11.) Ilvpliantica Cfirdinalis, Hartl. Abhnndl. Nat. Ver. Bremen, vii. p. 102 (1881) ; Fischer, Zeit. qes. Orn. i. p. 328 (1884). Quelpa cardinalis, Sliorpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 256 (1890); Beich. Vfig. Afr. iii. p. 112 (1904) ; Shellei/, Birds Afr. iv. p. 119 ;]905) ; f^karpe, Hand-l. v. p. 423 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kelt. Eiersamml. p. 331, pi. iii. fig. 34 (1910). Eggs of the Cardinal Dioch vary in shape from a rather short oval to a pointed oval, and exhibit a certain amount of gloss. The ground-colour is greenish-white or white more or less thickly spotted all over the shell with reddish-brown or purplish-brown and underlying spots and small l)lotches of grej'. They vary in size from '67 to -72 in length, and from -47 to -5 in breadth. 4. Njemps, B. E. Africa, lOtli July. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C.]. 1. Isjenips, 16tli Julv. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [0.]. N.iemps, 19th Sept. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [CI. Njemps, 19tli Sept. F. J. Jnckson, Esq. [0.]. Nandi, 13. E. Africa, 7th May. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C.]. Cluelea quelea (Linn.). Quelea quelea, Sharjje, Cat. Birds B. 31. xiii. p. 257 (1890) : SJiclleij, Birds Afr. iv. p. Ill (1905) ; Sliarjje, Hand-L v. p. 423 (1909). Quelea sanguinirostris, Reich. Vog. Afr. iii. p. 108 (1904). Two eggs of the Elack-fronted Dioch laid in captivity are of a short wide oval shape, devoid of gloss and pure white. They measure respectively : "75 by -G, and "08 by "55. Dr. Reichenow describes an egg., also laid in captivity, as being ]iale blue with small reddish-brown and grey spots. It measured .81 by -55. 2. Laid in captivity {J. J. JJ^eir). Crowley Bequest. LEPiDorreiA. — sPi:RMr;sxEs. 'd2o Genus LEPIDOPYGIA, Rnchenh. All the species of this genus api)ear to lay pure while eggs, devoid oi gloss. Lepidopygia poensis (Fraser). Spermestes poensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. AI. xiii. p. 262 (18:J(Jj ; Iteich. Tog. Aft: iii. p. 152 (1904) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 164 (1905). Ljpidopygia poensis, Sharpe, Hani-l. v. p. 425 (1909). Four eggs are of a moderately long oval form ; they average •bb by •4. 4. Santa Isabel, Fernando Po, 11th Subscribers to Fernando Po Jan. (C. E. Seimund). Exped. [P.]. Lepidopygia nana (Piu-Jier.). Spermestes nana. Cowan, Proc. R. Pki/s. Soc. Edin. vii. p. 149 (1882) ; Mibie-Ed^uards Sf Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madaq., Vis. ii. p. 455, pi. 304. tig. 10 (1885) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 266 (1890) ; Nehrk. Cat. Eiersamml. p. 125 (1899) ; Shellei/, Birds Afr. iv. p. 174 (1905). Lepidopygia nana, Sharpe, Uand-l. v. p. 426 (1909) ; Nehrk: Kat. Eier- samml. p. 331 (1910). The eggs of the Madagascar Mannaliiu are of a regular oval form They measure from -bb to "59 iu length, and from -41 to -44 in breadth. Messrs. Milne-Edwards and Grandidier {I. c.) describe and figure the eggs of this bird as green spotted with brown. 4. Madagascar. W. RadclifFu Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Madagascar ('//-isfrrtm C«/^.). Crowley Bequest. 4. Betsileo, Madagascar. Rev. W. Ueaus Cowan [P.]. 6. Tamala, Madagascar {W.D.C.: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Genus SPERMESTES, Swains. Spermestes cncullatus, Swains. Spermestes cucullata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 264 (1890) ; liendall. Ibis, 1892, p. 221 ; Kmchel, J. f. O. 1895, p. 340; Reich. Vol/. Afr. iii. p. 149 (1904) ; Shelleq, Birds Afr. iv. p. 167 (1905) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 331 (1910). Spermestes cucullatus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 426 (1909). An egg said to be that of Swainson's Bronze Mannakin is of a perfect oval shape, and pure white devoid of gloss. It measures •5 by -41. 1. [West Africa.] Crowley Bequest. 32G TLOCEID.TE. Spermestes sciitatus {Hengl.). Spermestes scniata, Newfon, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 299: Fi'^ch. S,- I^eirh. J. f. O. 1878, p. 26(1; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 265 (1890) ; Starh, F.mna S. Afr., Birch, i. p. 112 (1900) ; Beirh. Voy. Afr. iii. p. 150 (1904) ; SM/e;/, Birds Afr. iv. p. 170 (1905). Spermestes scutatus, SJutrpe, Iland-l. v. p. 426 (1909). The eggs of Heaglin's Bronze 'JIannakin vary somewhat in shape from a ]icrfect oval to a rather long oval ; they are pure white and devoid of gloss. The average measureaient is -52 by '45. 12. Durban, i^atal, A^ov. Mfjor R. Sparrow [l'].]. 1. Pondoland. Crowley Bequest. Genus AMAURESTHES, ReirJunh. Amauresthes fringilloides (Lafr.). Amaurestbes fringilloides, Fisch. i^- Beieh. J. f. O. 1878, p. 265 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 267 (1890) ; Kusehel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 340; Beirh. rail. Afr. iii. p. 155 (1904) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 427 (1909) ; i\WH-A-. Kut. Eiersamml. p. 331 (1910). Spermestes fringilloides. Stark, Favnn S. Afr., Birds, i. p. Ill (If 00) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 100 (1905). An egg said to be that of the Magpie Mannahin is of a wide oval form, pure white and devoid of gloss. It measures -7 by '57. These measurements are larger than those given in some of the works quoted above. Shelley gives '6 by -44 ; Reichenow '58 by "4 ; and Xebrkorn "Bl by '4. 1. [^y. Africa.] Crowley Bequest. Genus ORTYGOSPIZA, Sundev. The eggs of both members of this genus are pure white and slightly glossy. Grtygospiza polyzona {Temm.). Ortygospiza polyzona, Ayres, Ibis, 1878, p. 297 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 209 (1890) ; Kvschel, J. f. O. 1895, p. 340; Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 109 (1900) ; Beich. Vcig. Afr. iii. p. 202 (1904); Shillei/, Birds Afr. iv. p. 155 (1905); Sharpe, llund-l. v. p. 427 (1909). Eggs of the Bar-breasted Mannakin are of a regular oval shape. Tliey vary from -55 to '6 in length, and from -43 to "45 in breadth. 4. Blesbokfontein, O. R. C, 4th Sept. IMiijor R. Sparrow [E.l. 5. I.iiidley, 0. K. C, 28th Jaa. Major R. Sparrow [E.J. OKTYGOSriZA. LACiOXOSTICT.V . Ortygospiza atricollis ( Vieill.). Ortvgospiza atvicollis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 270 (1890) ; 'Reich. Voq. A/r. iii. p. 202 (1904); Siie/laj, BircU Afr. iv, p. 153 (lOOo) ; iihnrpe, Hand-l. v. p. 427 (1909) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 331 (1910). An egg of Vieillot's Bar-breasted ilannakia measures '5 by '44. 1. West Africa {Nehrkoni Coll.). Crowley Berj[^ue9t. Genus 'B.l'Sk.'RQtJJS, lieichenb. I Hypargiis margaritatus (Strickl.). Lagnnosticta margaritata, Skarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 275 (1890) ; lieich. Voi/. Afr. iii. p. 158 (1904). Ilypargos margaritatus, Sfielleij, Birds Afr. iv. p. 240 (1905). llvpargus margaritatus, C. Grunt, Bull. B. 0. C. x.xi. p. GO (1908) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 428 (1909). An egg saiil to be that of Strickland's Twin-spot is of a regular oval shape and pure white. It measures "oS by -44. 1. [S.E. Africa.] Crowley Bequest. Genus LAGONOSTICTA, Cah. Eggs of the various species of Fire-Finch are of a regular oval shape, pure white and somewhat glossy. Lagonosticta brunneiceps, Shar^e. Lagonosticta brunneiceps, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 277 (1890) ; Stark, Fauna S. Afr. Birds, i. p. 94 (1900) ; Reich. Viir/. Afr. iii. p. 196 (1904) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 258 (1905) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 429 (1909); ^ehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 331 (19J0). Lagonosticta minima, Heugl. {nee Vieill.) Orn. N.O.-Afr. i. p. 612 (1870) ; Euschel, J.f U. 1895, p. 339. Eggs of the Erown-cappcd Fire-Finch, also called the Little lluddy Waxbill, viry from -57 to '6 in length, and from -43 to -45 in breadtli. 4. Ilarrav, S. Abyssinia, June. Mr. P. Znpbiro [C.]. 2. Ondonga, Ovampoland, 29th Mar. Crowley Bequest. (C. J. Andersson : Tristram Cull.). 328 PLOCEID-E. Lag"onosticta ruterrinia, Rticlienow. Lagouo^-ticta brunueiceps niberriiua, Reich. Viic/. Afr. iii. p. 198 (1904). Lagonosticta i-iiberrima, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 429 (1909) ; Oyilme- Grant, Trans. Zml. Sue. xix. p. 301 (1910). Three eggs of the Equatorial form of the Brown-capped Fire- Finch measure 'ho l)y -44 ; "54 by "45 ; and -53 by •44. 3. Molda, S.E. RuwHnzovi, 3400 ft., Sabpcribers to the Eiiwenzori 10th June (i?. B. Woomam). Exped. [P.]. Lagonosticta rufopicta (Fraser). Lagoiinsticta rufopicta, Ussher, Ibis, 1874, p. 70 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 278 (1890); Euschel, J. f. O. 1895, p. 339; Reich. Vog. Afr. iii. p. 198 (1901) ; Shellei), Birch Afr. iv. p. 2J2 (1905) ;" Sharpe, Hund-l. v. p. 430 (1909). An egg of the Bar-breasted Fire-Finch measures 'Gl by •45. 1. Lado, River Nile {Xehrkom Cull). Crowley Bequest. Lagonosticta rubricata {LU-ht.}. Lagonosticta rubricata, Sharjyn, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 281 (1890) ; Starl-, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 92 (1900); Reich. Vog. Afi: iii. p. 199 (1904): S'hellei/, Birds Afr. iv. p. 254 (1905); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p 430 (1909). Eggs of the South African E.nddy Fire-Finch are of a broad oval form. They varj- in length from '58 to •G, and in breadth from •46 to •47. 5. Blaauw Krantz, Cape Colony, Dec. B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.]. 2. Blaauw Krantz, Jan. (O. Palmer ). B E. Jupp, Esq. [C.J. Genus STICTOSPIZA, S7ia>-pe. Stictospiza formosa (Lath.). IStictospiza formosa, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. xiii. p. 287 (1890) ; Oates, Fauna Brit, huh, Birds, ii. p. 191 (1890); id., ed. Hume, JS'esfs i,- Eiigs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 145 tl890) ; Sharj>e, Hand-l. v. p. 432 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 331 (1910). The eggs of the Green Munia are of a long, pointed oval eliape, plain white, and measure from •Gl to •~ in length, and from -45 to '45 in breadth. 11. Bundari District, C. Piovs., L.dia, Hume Coll. 17th Julv {F. R. Blewitt). AjiABixA. — strGAXorxErnA. 329 Genus AMADINA, Swains. Amadina fasciata (Gmel). Amndina fasciala, Sharpe, Cut. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 289 (]890) ; Buller, Foreujn Finches in dipt. p. 193 (lt!l»4); Enschel, J. f. 0. 1895, p. 339 ; Aehrk. Kat. Jj'ersamvil. p. 125 (1899), p. 331 (1910); licic/>. Toi/. Afr. iii. p. 14G (1904) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 123 (1905) : Sharpe, Hcmd-l. V. p. 432 (1909). Three eggs of the Bauded "Weaver-rincli or " Ciit-throat " Finch are of a very Limit oval forru, devoid of gloss, and plain white. Thej- measure -Gti hy -53. 1. West Africa. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. \\' est Africa (Zrw/rc^wi Coll.). Crowley IJeqiust. Amadina erytiirocephala {Linn.). Anmdina erytbrocephala, Sharpe, ed. Loyard, Birds S. Africa, p. 4(i7 (1875-84) ; id., Cot. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 290 (1890) ; Kuschel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 339 ; Nehrk. Kat. Biersinnml p. 126 (1899), p. 331 (1910); Stark, Fanna S. Afr., Birds i. p. 118 ^1900) ; Beich. Im/. Afr. iii. p. 147 (1904); Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 126 (1905); Sparrow, J. S. Afr. On U. i. p. 10 (1905) ; Eoberts, J. S. ^^ 0)11. U. ii. p. 10 (1906); Teschemaher, Avicutt. May. iv. p.'-tf.j4 r-i (190^); Sharpe, Band-l. Y. -p. 43-:i (1909). V Three eggs of the Eed-hcadcd Weaver-Finch are of a broad oval form, devoid of gloss and ] Jain -white. They measure respectively : •75 by -6 ; -75 by -58 ; and '73 by -58. / 1. Otjimbinque,Damara]and, 28th Aug. Crowley Bequest. / (C.J. Aiidersson: Tristram Coll.). ^ 1. Deelfonteir, Cape Colony, 19th Aug. Col. A. T. S]o"o-ett \V \ (C. H. B. Grant). re l j 1. Laid in confiu.ment. W. 11. Beemau. Esq. [P.]. Genus STEGANOPLEUEA, Bciclunh. Steganopleura guttata (Shaw). Steganopleura giitlata, Gould, Handh. Birds Av.itr. i. p. 417 (1865); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 433 (1909) ; ISehrk. Kat. Eiersaiuml. p. 332 (1910). ^ Staganopleura guttata, North, Nests &,■ Ft/f/g Austr. Birds, p. 164 (1889) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. .xiii. p. 292 (1890) : Nehrk. Kat. Fiersamnd. p. 126 (1899) ; Camphell, Netts Sf Eyqs Austr. Birds, i. p. 478 (1901 ) ; North, Nests ^- Fyys Aiistr. Birds, ii. p. 268 (1909). Eggs of the Spotted-sided Finch are white and of a very broad oval shape. They measure from -65 to -75 in length, and Irom '52 to -55 in breadth. 7. Queen!ro\vn-licaded ^^funia measure from '6 to ■? in length, and from '42 to -4:7 in breadlh. 5. Borneo (7/. Zo?«,' Tristram Coll.). Crowley Request. 1. Borneo, 16th Nov. Crowley Bequest. 9. Labuau, Borneo. Sir Hugh Low [C.]. 4. Lahuan, 3rd June (.7. Whitehead). Crowley Bequest. Munia nigriceps {Jiamsnij). Munia nigriceps", Sharpe, Cat. Birdis B. M. xiii. p. 431 n890) ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 441 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 333 (1910). An egg of the Black-cheeked Munia is of the usual type. It measures '57 by '45. 1. New Guinea, 4th .lau. Crowley Bequest. Munia spectabilis, Sclater. Munia spectabilis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 342 (1890) ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 441 (19U9) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 333 (1910). Four eggs said to be those of the New Britain Munia measure respectively : 'G by •45 ; 'oD by '4 ; -57 by -41 ; -55 by -41. 4. [New Britain.] Crowley Bequest. Munia caniceps, Salvad. Munia caniceps, narpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 345 (1890) : id., Hand-l. v. p. 441 (1909). The eggs of the Grey-headed Munia measure respectively : •61 by -44 ; "6 by -45; -6 by -47 ; "61 by -43. 4. S.E. New Guinea. Mr. E. Weiske [C.]. Munia punctulata (Linn.). Munia punctulata, Leqqe, Birds Ceylon, \). &^Q (1879) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 346 (1890); id., Hand-l. v. p. 442 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 333 (1910). Uroloncha punctulata, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Bii-ds. ii. p. 189 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Kests S;- E(/f/s Ind. Birds, ii. p. 141 (1890) [part]. The eggs of the Spotted Munia vary from -59 to -75 in length, and from "44 to "52 in breadth. 336 PLOCEID^. 2. Simla. India, 13tli Aug. Iliinie Coll. 2. Siiulai 14th Auir. Hume Coll. 2. Simla, 2oth Auf?. Hume Coll. 3. Raipiir, C. Provs., Uth Aug. (7''. Hume Coll. R. BlennfJ). 24. Salem, Madras, Aug. {A. G. R. Hume Coll. Theobald). 3. Nilghiri Hills. Hume Coll. 3. Nilghiri Hills, May. Hurau Coll. 3. Coouoor, Nilghiris, 3i-d March. Hume Coll. 2. Cjonoor, 28th Au2-. Hume Coll. 4. Kotagherry, Nilghiris, 10th J ily Hume Coll. (Miss Cockhum). 1. Csylon (E. L. Laynrd : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Cull.). 2. Mauritius (K Newton : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 1. Lucia, Mauritius {E.N.: Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). Munia subundulata, Godw.-Aus'en. Muuia subundulata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 350 (1890) ; id., Hand-l. V. p. 442 (1909). Amadina puuctulata, Oates, Birds Burmah, i. p. 368 (1883). Urolonclia puuctulata, Oates, ed. Hume, Nests Si' Eggs hid. Birds, ii. p, 141 (1890) [part]. Eggs of the Barmese Spottei Munia are indistinguishable from (hose of M. punctidata. 4. Cachar, 4th Oct. Hume Coll. 1. Pegu, 20th June (2?. IF. 0/«fes). Oaies Coll. 5. Pegu, 22nd July (K IF. O.). Oates Coll. 4. Pegu, 20th Aug. {E. W. 0.). Oates Coll. Mimia topela, Swinh. Mania topela, Sicinh. Ibis, 1803, p. 3S0 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 331 (1890); id., Hand-l. v. p. 442 (190:)); Nehrk. Kat. Eier- samml. p. 333 (1910). Eggs of the Formosan Munia arc perfectly similar to those of M. puHctulata. 300. Formosi {R. Swijihoe). 11. Formosa (R. 8.). Seeh.jhm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Munia nisoria {Temm.). Muuia nisoria, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 3.52 (1890) ; Biittikofer, Notes Lei/den Mas. xiv. p. 202 (1892) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 442 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 333 (1910). Two eggs said to be those of the Javan Munia measure re- spectively : '62 by "42 ; and "6 by 'I. 2. Java, 24th April. Crowley Bequest. XJROLONf'HA. 337 Genus UROLONCHA, Cah. The eggs of the species of this genus do not differ in shape or colour from those of the Munias of the genera SponTyinUias and Munia. Urolonclia acuticauda {Hodgs.). Uroloncha acuticauda, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 3o6 (1890); Oate.'i, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 184 (1890) ; id., cd. Hume, Nests Sf E3. Sikhim (J. Gammie). Hume Coll. % Sikhini, 10th June {J. G.). Hume Coll. 4. Mongplioo, Darjiling (J. G.). Hume Coll. 6. Lebong, Sildiiiu, July {L. Man- dt'lii). Hume Coll. 4. Tavoy, Tenasserim, IGth March ( IF. Davison ). Hume Coll. 1. Kussoom, Malav Peninsula, 23rd Feb. ( ir. n.). Hume Coll. 8. Salano-, Malav Peninsula, 23rd Feb. (fr. i».). Hume Coll. 2. Salang. Crowley Uroloncha squamicollis, Sharpe. Uroloncha squamicollis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 3o9 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 127 (1899), p. 333 (1910); Sharpe, Haml-l. V. p. 443(1909). IMimia acuticauda, La Touche, Ihis, 1892, p. 427. Five eggs of the Chinese Munia measure respectively: "6 by "4 ; •63 hj -42 ; -65 by -44 ; and (2) -65 by -45. 1. Foochow, Cliina, April. 2. Foochow, 9tli May. 2. Formosa {B. Swinhoe: Tristram Coll.). C. 13. Ricliett, Esq. [P.l. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. Crowley ISequest. Uroloncha striata (Linn.). Munia striata, Legcje, Birds Ceylon, p. 660 (1879). Uroloncha striata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 359 (1890) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 185 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests i^- Erpis Ind. Birds, ii. p. 133 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 127 (1899), p. 333 (1910) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 443 (1909). The eggs of the White-backed Munia measure from 'bb to '05 in length, and from -42 to -47 in breadth. VOL. V. Z 338 n.ocF.iD.E. 1. India ( Jf. E. Brooks: Tristram C'l'owley Bequest. CoU.). 1. Eaipur, Central Provinres, India. Hume Coll. 8. r?aipur. 2ud .Ian. (F. R. Blewiit). Ilnme Coll. 2. Vereand, Nilip- bell, Nests 8) Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 494 (1901); North, Nests Sr Eor;s Austr. Birds, ii. p. 29.5 (1909); Sharpe, Hund-l. v. p. 447 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 334 (1910). The eggs of the Banded or Black-throated Grass-Finch are of a somewhat pointed oval form. They measure from "Bl to '65 in length, and from -45 to -5 in breadth. 1. Queensland (Dr. Key). 1. Queensland (Nehrkorn Coll.). 3. Herbert River, Queensland. 5. Herbert River. 6. Dawson River, Queensland, 9th Mar. (A. J. North). 1. New South Wales, 20th Nov. (Wilson). Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. S. Boyd, Esq. [P.J. S. Boyd, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Gould Coll. ERYTHRURA. — NlOOCnill.V. 343 Genus ERYTHRURA, Swants. Erythrura psittacea (Gmel.). Erytlinii-a psittacea, Lui/anl, Ibis, 1878, p. 200, 1882, p. 522 ; Skarpe, C(tf. Birds B. M. xiii. p. .:382 (1890); Butler, Foreiipi Finches in Capt. p. 105 (1894) ; Kehrk. Kut. Eiersamml. p. 127 (1901), p. 334 ( 1910) ; Sharpe, liand-L v. p. 448 (1909). The eggs of the Parrot-Finch are of a pointed oval form, devoid of gloss, and plain white. Four examples laid in confinement measure respectively : -07 by -49 ; -64 by •46 ; -72 by -5 ; and -69 by -49. The other two eggs are shorter and broader; they measure •6 by 'ol, and ho by '49. 4. Laid in confinement. A. Wiener, Esq. [P.]. 2. Noumea, New Caledonia {E. L. Crowley JJequest. Laijard : Tristram Coll.). Erythrura tricliroa (Kittl.). Erythrura trichroa, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 38j (1890) ; Hartert, Noo. Zool. vii. p. 0 (1900); Sharpe, lland-l. v. p. 448 (1909) ; ISehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 335 (1910;. Two eggs of Kittlitz's Parrot-Finch are of a rather wide pointed oval shape, pure white, and devoid of gloss. They measure respectively 'OG by "5, and -(J" by "S. 2. Hack, Carolines, 2nd June {A. Crowley Bequest. Owstv7i). Genus NEOCHMIA, Bonap. Neochmia phaeton {Homhr. 4' Jacq.). Neochuiia phaeton, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 415 (1865) ; North, Nests ^ Eijf/s Austr. Birds, p. 163 (1889) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B.M. xiii. p. 389 (1890) ; Le Souef, Vict. Nat. xvi. p. 09 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests S,- Eyqs Austr. Birds, i. p. 499 (1901); North, Nests Sf Er/ys Austr. Birds, ii. p. 300 (1909) ; Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 450 ^909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 335 (1910). Eggs of the Crimson Finch are of a regular oval form, plain white, and devoid of gloss. They vary from -59 to "GO in length, and from -44 to '46 in breadth. 2. North Queensland, 0th Jan. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 3. North Queouslaud, 3rd Feb. W. Radclitfe Saunderf-, Esq. [P.]. 344 PLociiD^. 2. North Queenslaud, 20tli Feb. W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Herbert River, Queenslaud. S. Boyd, Esq. [P.] 4. Herbert Eiver, 7tli Jan. (J. A. Crowlev Bequest. JJoi/d : North Coll.). Genus ESTRILDA, Swuinson. The eggs of all the menabers of this genus are of a rather broad oval shape, aud pure white devoid of gloss. Estrilda astrilda {Linn.). Estrelda astrWd, Gurney, Ibis, 186'2, pp. 31, L56 ; Sharpe, ed. Zai/ard, Birds S. Africa, p. 470 (1875-84); Reich. Vog. Afr. iii. p. 178 ( 1904) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 194 (1905). Estrilda astrilda, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 391 (1890) ; Bvtler, Foreiqn Finches in Qipt. p. 142 (1895) ; Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 98 (1900) ; Sparrou; J. S. Afr. Orn. U. i. p. 10 (1905) ; Sharpe, Band-l. v. p. 450 (1909) ; iS'ehrk. Kat. Fiersamml. p. 335 (1910). The eggs of the Common Waxbill measure from "52 to 'Go in length, and from -4 to •46 in breadth. 5. Natal {T. Atjres). Salvin-Godman Coll. 8. Natal. Capt. S. G. Keid [C.l. 2. Pinetown, Natal, 17th Mar. Capt. G. E. Shellev [P.]. 2. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 5. Deelfontein, Cape Colony, 18th Nov. Col. A. f. Sloggett [P.J. (E. Seimu7id ^- C. H.' B. Grant). 2. Mauritius {F. Netcton : 2'ristrmn Crowlev Bequest. Coll.). 2. Lucia, Mauritius, April ( Tristram Crowlev Bequest. Coll.). 3. Blaauw Krantz, Cape Colony, Dec. B. E. Jupp, Esq. fC.]. 1. Grahamstown, Cape Colony, Feb. B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.]. Estrilda cinerea ( Vieid.). Estrilda cinerea, Shaipe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 394 (1890) ; Heich. Voff. Afr. iii. p. 182 (1904); Shellei/, Birds Afr. iv. p. 203 (1905); Sliarpe', Hand-l. v. p. 452 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 335 (1910). Habropyga cinerea, Kuschel, J.f. 0. 1895, p. 338. Three eggs, said to be those of the Black-rumped Waxbill, measure respectively : '56 by "43 ; "54 by -41 ; and •52 by "41. 2. [N.E. Africa.] Crowley Bequest. ] [N.E. Africa] {Bey Coll.). Crowley Bequest. BSTRILUA. — URJiGINTHTS. 345 Estrilda vinacea {Ilartl.). Lafronosticta vinacea, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 286 (1890). Estrilda vinacen, Reich. Voi/. Afr. iii. p. 191 (1904); Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 224 (1905) ; IShurpe, Uand-l. v. p. 455 (1909). An egg of the Vinaccous Waxbill is of a narrow oval form, ■without gloss, and plain white. It measures -65 by •45. 1. Laid in coufiuement. Mrs. F. Villiers [I'.]. Genus UR^GINTHUS, Cahanis. The ejrgs of all the members of this genus are oval in shape, pure -white, and -without gloss. Uraeginthus phcenicotis, Swainson. Urseginthus phanicotis, Ileugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. p. 619 fl871); Kuschel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 839; Sharpe, Hcmd-l.' \. p. 450 (1909); ^'ehrk. Kat. Eiersaniml. p. 335 (1910). Estrilda phrenicotis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 400 (1890). Uraeginthus beugalus {Linn.), Beich. Voi/. Afr. iii. p. 207 (1904) ; Shellei/, Birds Afr. iv. p. 180 (1905). Eggs of the liuby-cheeked Cordon-bleu vary in length from •57 to '65, and in breadth from -4 to "43. The eggs from Witu are smaller and the majority are unusually rounded. They measure about '48 by "41. 3. Laid in confinement. Mrs. F. Villiers [P.]. 2. Laid in continenient (Co/oHc/i-'i'?(/«?/). Crowlev Bequest. 1. Elgevu, B.E. Africa, llth July." F. J. Jackson, E.sq. [C.l. 8. \\itii, B.E. Africa, lOtb iMay. F. J, Jackson, Esq. [C.]. Ursegintlius angolensis {Linn.). Estrilda angolensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. xiii. p. 402 (1890) ; Starl; Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 102 (1900) ; S^/moiids, J. S. Afr. Orn. U. ii. p. 28 (1906); Neaie (wee Beichenotc, 1902), Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. : Manchester, li. no. 10, p. 95 (1907). TJrjegiuthus bengalus angolensis, lieich. Voff. Afr. iii. p. 209 (190-1). Urseginthus angolensis, Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 182 (1905) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 457 (1909). Two eggs of the Angola Cordon-bleu measure respectively: •6 by -42, and -57 by -4. 1. Petanke, N.E. Bhnde>ia,2nd March. S. A. Xeave, E>q. T.]. 1. East Coast of Xatal. 26th Nov. G. .\. K. Marshall; Esq. [R]. 346 UrsBginthus damarensis, llekhemw. Mariposa eyanogastra, Gurney, in Anderss. Birds JJamaraL p. 179 (1872); Urneginthiis beng-alus damarensis, Reich. Vuj. Afr. iil. p. 209 (1904). Unegiiithii,s damareusis, Sliarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 457 (1909). Two eggs of the Damaraland Cordou-bleu measure respectively : 'bo by -45, and -52 by •4l!. 2 (out of 4). Ondonga, O'ampoland, Crowley Bequest. 29th Mar. (C. J. Anderssun : Tristram Cull.). Genus SPOROPIPES, Cabanis. Sporopipes squamifrons {Smith). (Plate XIV. tigs. 10 & 12.) Sporopipes squamifions, Guniei/, in Anderss. Birds Damaral. p. 177 (1872); Sharpe, ed. Lui/ard's Birds S. Afr. p. 451 (1875-84); id., Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 407 (1890); Kuschel, J. f. 0. 1895, p. ;J36; Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 86 (1900) ; Beic/i. Vdr/. Afr. iii. p. 16 (1904); Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 298 (1905); Roberts, J. S. Afr. Orn. U. ii. p. 11 (1906) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 457 (1909). Four eggs of the Scaly-fronted Weaver-bird are of a slightly pointed oval form and devoid of gloss. In three the ground-colour is ])ale greenish-white heavily blotched over the greater part of the shell with ash-brown and dull lilac ; with a few scattered spots and twisted scrawls of darker brown. In the fourth the ground- colour is pale blue heavily mottled and clouded, especially about the larger end, with dark lilac-grey with rather indistinct and blurred umber-brown spots and markings round the middle. They measure respectively : 'Oo by -46 ; -63 by -46 ; '61 by 45 ; -6 by •43. 1. Bloemfontein, O.R.C. {B. Hors- Hon. J. A. Bucknill [P.]. briiffh). 3. Potchefstroom, Transvaal, Oct. Crowley Bequest. [T.Ayres: Tristram Cull.). Genus MALIMBUS, Vieill. Malimbus rubricoUis {Swaids.). Maliiubus rubricoUis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 478 (1890)j Reich. Voy. Afr. iii. p. 19 (1904); Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 346 (1905) ; Sharix, lland-l. v. p. 460 (1909) ; JSehrk. Kat. Biersaiuml. p. 335 (1910). An egg of Swainson's Malimbe is of a regular oval shape, slightly pointed at one end, and devoid of gloss. It is uniform pale bluCj and measures "86 by "Gl. 1. Senegainbiii {Trittra7n Coll.). Crowley Bequest. SYCOBROTUS. — OTII VPHANTES. 347 Goiuis SYCOBROTUS, Cahanis. Sycobrotus gregalis (LicJiL). (Plate XIV. fig. 13.) Sycobrotus bicolor, Sharpe, ed. Latjard, Birds S. Afr. p. 432 (1875-84) SSharpe {7iec VieilL), Cat. liirds B. M. xiii. p. 4-Ji' (1890) ; Suirk, Fauna S. Afr., liirds, i. p. 7'2 (19U0) ; Sparrow, J. S. Afr. Orn. U. i. p. 9 (190o) ; JSchrk. Kut. Eiersaminl. p. 33G (1910). Ploceus gregalis, Reich. Vwj. Afr. iii. p. 32 (1904). Sycobrotus gregali.'=, Slielley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 3C6 (1905) ; Sharpe, Ilaiid-l. y. p. 4(J3 (1909). Twelve eggs of the Elack-backed Weaver-bird differ but little iu colour, shape, and markings. They are of a rather long oval shape, Avith little or no gloss. The ground-colour is pale blue or pale greenish-blue, profusely spotted all over the shell with light red and lilac-grey, the markings varying from the size of a pin's head to minute dots. They vary in length from So to '91, and iu breadth from "6 to '02. 3. Bliiauw Krantz, Cape Colony, Dec. B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.]. (i. rainier). 1. Blaauw Krantz, 11th Dec. B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.]. 4. Blaauw Krantz, Jan. (Z. P.)- B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.]. 1. Blaauw Krantz, '2ad Jan. (L. P.). B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.J. 3. Ilowieson's Poort, near Grahams- B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.J. town, 3id Dec. Genus OTHYPH ANTES, Shelleij. Otliyphantes reiclienowi {Fischer). (Plate XIV. fig. 9.) Ileterhypliantes reichenowi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 418 (1890). Ploceus reichenowi, Reich. Voij. Afr. iii. p. SB (1904). Othvphantes ivichenowi, Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 451(1905); Sharpe, ' liund-l. v. p. 465 (1909;. The eggs of Iteichenow's Weaver-Finch are of a rather long oval form and devoid of gloss. The ground is pale pinkish white, with small blotches and spots of light red and lilac-grey scattered over the entire shell, but rather more numerous towards the larger end. They measure respectively : '89 by '6, and 'bS by "6. 2. Busoga, B. E. Africa, 10th May. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C,]. 348 PLOCEIDJI. Genus HETERHYPHANTES, Sharj^e. Heterhyphantes melanoxanthus (Cab.). Heterhvpliantes lnelano:^:antllns, Shame, Cut. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 416 (1890) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p! 38:', (1905) ; Shar2)e, Hand-l. v. p. 467 (1909); Nehrk. Kut. Eiersamml. p. 336 (1910). Syniplectes melanoxanthus, Kuschel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 334. I'loceus melanoxanthus, Reich. Vog. Afr. iii. p. 43 (1904). Two eggs of C'abanis' Black-and-Yellow Weaver-Finch are of a rather long pointed oval form and devoid of gloss. The ground is white, blotched and spotted almost entirely towards the larger end with dull purplish-red and lilac-grey. They measure respec- tively : "83 by "So, and -SO by "So. 2. Witu, B.E. Africa. Crowley Bei^uest. Heterhyphantes nigricoUis (Vieill.). (Plate XIV. figs. 14 & 15.) Heterhyphantes nigricollis, Shnrpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 415 (1890); Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 381 (1906); Sharpe, Huud-l. v. p. 467 (1909). Symplectes nigricollis (Tieill.), Kuschel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 335. Ploceus nigricollis, Beich. Voy. Afr. iii. p. 44 (1904). One egg of Yieillot's Black-and-Yellow Weaver-Finch is of a somewhat elongate oval shape and slightly glossy. The ground- colour is pale greenish-blue, with small and rather blurred spots of reddish-brown and faint violet-grey scattered all over the shell, but rather more numerous towards the larger end. It measures •85 by -58. Two eggs collected by Mr. Bates have the ground pinkish-white, and are finely freckled all over with small spots and dots of pale light red and lilac-grey, the markings being most numerous at the larger end. They measure respectively : "83 by "6, and "75 • by -58. 1 (from clutch of 3). N'Dallo Tando, Dr. W. J. Ansorge [C.]. K. Angola, 21st Dec. 2. Ditve, Iviver Ja, Cameroon, 22ad G. L. Bates, Esq. [C.]. May. Genus HYPHANTURGUS, Cahank. Hyphanturgus ocularius (Smith). (Plate XIV. figs. 18, 19,' & 20.) Ploceus ocularius, Gurtey, Ibis, 1862, p. 37 ; Beich. J'riy. Afr. iii. p. 46 (1904). HYl'ltAXTlJRGUS. 34y Ilypliauturgiis oculariiis, S/iarpe, ed. Lai/ard, liirds S. Afr. p. A-'>') (1875-84); Shellei/, Birds AfrAv. p. 385 (1905); Sharpe, Uand-l. V. p. 4G7 (190!») ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiermminl. p. 336 (1910). Sltagra ociilaria, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 427 (1890) ; Star/,-, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 66 (1900) ; Sjmrroiv, J. S. Afr. Orn U i. p. 9, pi. i. (1905). Symplectes oculariiis, Kusc/iel, J.f. 0. 1895, p. 334. Eggs of Smith's Weaver-bird are of a rather long and somewhat pointed oval form. The ground is white, pinkish-white, pale greenish-white, or very pale blue, and generally spotted more or less all over the shell with dull maroon or pale brown and purplish- grey. They vary from -8 to -96 in length, and from -58 to -61 in breadth. 2. Natal. T. Avres, Esq. [C.]. 3. Durban, Natal, Nov. MajoV R. Sparrow [E.l 3. Durban, Nov. Major I\. Sparrow I E.J. 3. Durban, Nov. Major 11. Sparrow [E.J. 3. South Africa. Crowley Eequest. 2. Grahamstown, Cape Colonv, Oct. W. Hadcliffe Saunders, Em 1. Blaauw Krantz, Cape Colony, Nov. B. 1']. Jupp, Esq. [C.]. (Z. Palmer). Hyphanturgus brachypterus (Sjvains.). Sitagra brachyptera, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 4i^9 (1890). Symplectes brachypterus, Kusc/ie/, J.f. O. 1895, p. .'134. Ploeeus ocularius brachypterus, lleich. Vii;/. Afr. iii. p. 47 (1904). Hyphanturgus brachypterus, Skel/ei/, Birds Afr. iv. p. 389 (1905)- Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 468 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p 336 (1910). ^ Four eggs of Swainson's Spectacled Weaver-Finch are of a rather long oval shape and devoid of gloss. They vary much in colour and markings. The ground is very pale greenish-blue or white ; two of the eggs are rather thickly and finely spotted with light red and lilac ; another has a few rather distinct scattered reddish-brown spots, mostly towards the larger end ; the fourth is white with a few faint smudges of umber. Three eggs measure respectively • •9 by -63; -81 by -G ; and -S by -0. 1. Senegambia (7"/-/s/j-fl'?n Co//.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Gunnal, Portuauese Guinea, 15th Dr. W..T. Ansor^e TC 1 .July. " '^ 2. Gunnal. L'7tli .luly. Dr. \V. ,1. Ansorge [C.J. Hyphanturgus aurantius (Vieill.). (Plate XIV. figs. 16, 17, & 21.) Hypbantornis aurantius, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 444 (1890). Ploeeus aurantius, Reieh. Viiy. Afr. iii. p. 49 (1904). 350 ru)Cv.iJ)M. Xanthopliiliis aur.intius, S/ie/k;/, Birds Afr. iv. p. 472 (1905). Ilyplicanturgus auvantius, S/iarpe, Iland-l. v. p. 468 (1909) ; KihrJc.Kat. Eiersamml. p. 337 (1910). Ten eggs of the Orange Weaver-Finch taken hy Mr. Jackson at Entebhe are of a rather long oval shape and without gloss. They present two different typos of coloration. In one clutih the ground is pale blue, rather thickly marked all over with spots and small blotches of dull purplish and lilac. In the other four clutches the ground, which is mostly obscured, varies from pale greenish-buff to grejish, and is more or less densely clouded or blotched and spotted with purplish or dull chestnut and lilac. Some have the markings more or less clearly defined, in others they are suffused. Thev vary in length from -85 to -9, and in width from -55 to 'SD. Entebbe, 13th Jan. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C.]. Entebbe, 13th Jan. F.' J. Jackson, Esq. [C]. Entebbe, 13tb Jan. E. J. Jackson, Esq. [C. '. J^ntebbe, 6th Feb. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C], Entebbe, 24th Feb. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C.]. Genus MELANOPTERYX, Reichenow. Melanopteryx nigerrima ( Vieill.). Melanopteryx nigerrima, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. xiii. p. 476 (1890) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 362 (1905); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 469 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 337 (1910). ITyphantornis nigerrima, Kuschel, J.f. O. 1S95, p. 334. rioceus nigerrimus, Reich. Vog. Afr. iii. p. 50 (1904). Eo-o-s of Yieillot's Black Weaver-Finch vary in shape from a long pointed oval to a rather wide pointed ova], one egg being pointed at both ends. They are without gloss, and vary in colour from a uniform very pale blue to pale blue. They vary in length from '82 to 1-03, and in breadth from 08 to -68. 2. Entebbe, Uganda, 13th Jan. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C.J. 2. Entebbe, 13th Jan. F. . I. Jackson, Esq. [ C.J. 2. Entebbe, 13tb Jan. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C.]. 2. Entebbe, 18tb Feb. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [CI. 2' Entebbe, 19tb Feb. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C.J. 2. Entebbe, 19th Feb. F. J. Jackson, Esq. rc."!. 2. Entebbe, lOtli Feb. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C 2. Entebbe, 19tb Feb. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C 2. Entebbe, 24th Feb. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C. , 2! Entebbe, 24tli Feb. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C] Entebbe, 4th March. F. J. Jackson, Esq. (C.J. Entebbe, 4th March. F. J. .lackson, Esq. [C.J. Entebbe, 4th ^Slarch. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C. I. Entebbe, 9th March. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C.J. Bimbl, Cameroon, 12ili Dec. Crowley Bequest. MKT,ANOPTERYX. HYm ANTORMS. 351 Melanopteryx castaneofusca (Less.). Cinnaninptorvx castaneofuBca, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 472 (J81I0) {shAhnj, Biiequest. Hyphantornis spilonotus ( Viij.). Ploceus spilonotus, Gurney, Urn, 1860, p. 212; Reich. T'oj. Afr. iii. p. 64 (1904). Jlyphantornis spilonotus, Sharjie, ed. Layard, Birds S. Afr. p. 437 SITAflRA. 3r)3 (187;'-84); Sharpe, Cat. Binh II. Af. xiii. p. 4(;8 (1890); Kuschel, J. f. O. 189"), p. 3:U : Stark, Fauna 8. Afr., Birds, i. p. 60 (1900) ; Shelley, Birth Afr. iv. p. 416 (1905); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 471 (1909'j ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 337 (19I0> Eggs of tho Spotted-backed Weaver-Finch vary from a regular oval to an elongate narrow oval shape, and are without gloss. They are of two distinct types : those with the ground greenish- hlue and those with the ground Avhite. Each type is either plain or profusely frccldcd all over Avith small blotches or very small spots of pale purplish-red and lilac. They vary in length from '88 to 1-03, and in width from 63 to -07. 21. BlaauAv Krantz, Cape Colony, JR. E. Jupp, I'^sq. [0.]. Jan. (Z. Palnier). 3. Natal. T. Ayres, Esq. [C.]. 2. Stangci, Natal, 21st Oct. Major 11. Sparrow [E.l. 2. Stanger, 21st Oct. IMajor R. Sparrow fE.]. 2. Stanger, 21st Oct. Mapr R. Sparrow [E.l. 2. Slauger, 22nd Oct. Major R. Sparrow [E.|. 2. Stanger, 22nil Oct. Major R. Sparrow [E.]. 1. I'ondoland. Crowley Bequest. Genus SITAGRA, lieiclienh. Sitagra aliena, Shdrpc. Sitagra alicna, Sharpc, Bull. B. O. C. xiii. p. 21 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 472 (1909) ; Oyihne-Grant, Trans. Zool. Soc. xix. p. 279, pi. xix. fig. 18 (1910). Pldceus alienus, Reich. 1 (hi. Afr. iii. p. 68 (1004). Ilyphauturgu.s alienus, Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 392 (1905). Two eggs of the Alien Weaver-Finch are of a long oval shape and devoid of gloss. The ground is crcam)'-white, thickly speckled Avith brick-red and with a few underlying spots of lavender-grey. They measure respectively : '93 by "58 ; and -88 by 'SO. 2, Mubuku Vallev, E. . Ruwenzori, Subscribers to the Ruwenzori 6000 ft., 23rd Jan. {D. Car- Exped. [R]. rut hers). Sitagra jacksoni, Shelley. Hyphantornii^ dimidiatus, Sharpe {nee Antin. ^- Salvad.), Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 459 (1890). I Ploceiis jacksoni, Shelley, Ibis, 1888, p. 293 ; Beich. Vdg. Afr. iii. p. Q^ I (1904). } Hyphantoriiis jacksoni, Kuschel, J. f. 0. 1895, p. 333 : Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 435 (1905); Ogilne-Gra7it, Trans. Zool. Soc. .xix. p. 276, pi. xix. figs. 2 & 4 (1910). I Sitagra jacksoni, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 472 (1909); JS'ehrk. Kat. Eier- \ samml. p. 337 (1910). Eggs of Jackson's Golden-backed Weaver-Finch are of a blunt VOL. V. 2 a. 354 PL0CEID,T3. oval form and devoid of gloss. The ground is pale greenish-blue, ill one instance creamy-white, and the markings are of three different tj-pes : (1) finel}' and closely fi'eekled all over with dull purplish-brown and lilac-grey ; (2) thickly blotched and spotted with the same colours, the markings being concentrated towards the larger end and forming a moie or less irregular cap ; (3) rather Ri)aringly marked Avith distinct rounded spots, marks, and blotches of deep chocolate-brown and pale lilac. They vary from 'TG to "86 in length, and from '55 to -58 in breadtli. 3. Entebbe, Uganda, March. F. .T. Jackson, Esq. [C.]. 2. Entebbe, Mai'cli. F. .T. .Tackson. Esq. | CX] 2. iMitebbe, March. F. .T. .lackson, Esq. [C.]. 2. Entebbe, March. F. .T. .lackson, Esq. [C.I. 2. Entebbe, March. F. J. Jaclison, I':sq. [O.J. 2. Elgeyu, Kaniassia ]\Its., B. E. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C.J. Africa, •'•rd March. ElgHVii, 1 1th .Tulv. F. J. .Tack-son. Rsq. [C.]. Elgeyu, 14th August. F. .1. .Jackson, Esq. [C.]. Elgeyu, 14th August. F. .J. Jackson, Esq. [Cj. Elgeyu, 14th August. F. J. Jackson, Esq. fC.J. 2. p:io-eVu, ]4tli Au-rust. F. J. .lackson, Esq. [C.j. 4. Witu, B. E. Africa (Dr. Fischfr). Crowlev Bequest. Sitagra dimidiata, Antin. J,' Salmd. Hyphantovnis dimidiatus, Atitin. S;- Salrad. Atli E. Acad. Torino, 187S, p. 3G0; She/lef/, Birds Afr. iv. p. 4.S6 ( 1905). Ilyphantornis fischeri, S'/iarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 4.")8 (1890) ; Kmchcl, J.f. (). 189.-), p. ;i.32. rioceus iischeri, Beiih. Toy. Afr. iii. p. 70 (1904). 8itagra dimidiata, Sliarpe, Iland-l. v. p. 472 (1909). Silagra Iischeri, S/uirpe, Hund-l. v. n. 472 (1909); Neh-h. Kat. Eicr- samml. p. 338 (1910). Eggs of Fischer's Weaver-Finch are stated by Nehrkorn to display the same amount of variation as those of *S'. jacksoni described above. The only sjjecimen in the Collection has the ground greenish-l»hie, and is densely and rather faintly freckled all over witii pale umber and grey. It measures -77 by 55. 1. East Africa. Croi^ley Bequest. Sitagra melanocephala (Linn.). Ilvphantoruis melanocephalus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 457 (1890) ; Eendall, Ibis, 1892, p. 220 ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 439 (1905). Ploceus melanocephalus, Beich. V, Cat. Birds B. M.iim. p. 430 (18;)0) ; id., Ilmid-l. V. p. 475 (lyOO) ; Nehrk. Kut. Eiersamml. p. 338 (191C). Ilypbantornis capensis, Kuschil, J. f. O. 189"), p. 331. Ploceus capensis, Reich. VHf/. Afr. iii. p. 86 (1904). Xantliopliilus capensis, Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 462 (1905). Eggs of the Cape Weaver-FiBch are of an elongate oval shape, the two ends being much alike. They are devoid of gloss, and of a deep blue colour. They measure t'rom •91'' to 1-05 in length, and from 'Go to •? in breadth. 4. South Africa. W. Radclifie Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 6. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 1. South Africa [E. L. Layard). Salvin-Uodnian Coll. 3. South Africa. Gould Coll. t>. Cape of Good Hope. 11. E. Walter, Esq. [P.]. 2. Cape of Good Hope {E. L. L. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Sitagra olivacea {HaJm). Hyphanlui-ous olivaceus, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Afr. p. 433 (1875-84) [part.]. Ilypbantornis capensis, Butler, Feilden ^- Beid, Zool. 1882, p. 256. Sitagra catl'ra, Sharje, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 431 (1890). Sitftgra capensis catlra. Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. j). 70 (1900). Ploceus capeusis olivaceus, Jieich. Viiy. Afr. lii. p. 87 (1904). Xanthophilus olivaceus, Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 465 (1905J. Sitagra ulivacea, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 475 (1909). The eggs of the Natal Weaver-Finch are indistinguishable from those of tS. capensis. 3. Blaauw Krautz, Cape Colony, B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.I. 18th Nov. [L. Palmer). 3. Hards Veldt, Cape Colony, 5tb B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.l. Nov. (Z. P.). 3. Hards Veldt, 5th Nov. (B. E. J.). B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.]. 5. Newcastle, Natal, 13th Jan. Major IJ. Sparrow. 4. Newcastle, 4th Sept. Capt. Savile G. Iteid [P.]. 3. Natal, Dec. Capl. Savile G. Beid [P.J. 3. Transvaal (7'. Ayres : Tristram Ciowley liequest. Coll.). 3, Belfast, Transvaal, 3rd Jan, Capt. W. A. Payn [P.]. 359 Sitagra subaurea (SjhM). (Plate XV. lig-s. U & lU.) ]Tv])liiintornis subaureu.*, Oi'r>ii'i/, Ihis, 187;5, p. :2o5 ; Ai/res, Ibis, 1873, p. I'si'; Shurpe, Vat. liinls B. M. xiii. p. 445 (]890) ; hit a rh, Faint. h>. Afr., Uirdg, i. p. 6-3 (li)OOj ; Sjnin-uw, J. .S'. .4/)'. 0/v(. U. i. p. 9 (lyOy). Ploceus subaureus, Jleic/i. 77)//. ^4/V. iii. p. 90 (1904). Xrtnthoplnlus subameiis, Slwllei/, Birds Afr. iv. p. 482 (190o). Sitagi'a subaurea, Sliarpc, Iland-l. v. p. 476 (1909) ; Neltrk. Kat. Eicr- saininl. p. 339 (1910). The eggs of the Algoa Ba}- Weavcr-Fincli arc of an elongate pointed oval shape and without glos.s. The ground varies from pure while or pale cream-colour to bluish-white or pale blue. Some are uniform, while others are rather sparingly dotted and spotted with reddish-brown and violet-grey. They measure from •85 to '95 iu length, and from -57 to •6.5 in breadth. 10. Natal. T. Avres, Esq. [C.]. Sitagra aureiflava (iSii)itJi). Ilvpbantoruis aureiflavus, S/iarpc, Cat. Birds B. M. .\iii. p. 446 (18.90) ; Kuschel, J.f. O. 189o, p. 331. Ploceus aureoflavus, Reich. !!)f. xiii. p. 442 (1890) ;■ Knschel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 331. Ploceus galbula, Reich. Viii/. Afr. iii. p. 95 (1904). Xanthophilus galbula, Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 474 (1905). Sitagra galbula, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 477 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eier- samml. p. 3.39 (1910). The eggs of the Golden Weaver-Finch are of an elongate oval shape and devoid of gloss. They are of two types : those with the ground pale blue, and those with the ground white or creamy-white. The pale blue eggs are either thickly speckled and spotted with lilac and pale reddish-brown, or marked with numerous specks and some spots of dark chocolate-brown or purplish-black and under- lying pale purple. The white or cream-coloured eggs are either heavily blotched and spotted with light red and purplish-grey, or more finely marked with small spots and dots of purplish-brown and lilac-grey. They measure from '8 to "88 in length, and from •54 to '6 in breadth. 3. Lahej, Aden, 1.5th April. Col. J. W. Yerbury [P.]. 1. Keren, Bogosland (7'A. Ilcvylin). Crowley Bequest. SITAGKA. FOUDIA. 361 2. Harrar, S. Abyssinia, 9tli June. Mr. P. Zapliiro [C.]. y. Harrar, lOtli June. Mr. V. Zapliiro [0.1. 3. Harrar, 13tli June. Mr. P. Zaphiro [C.I. 4. Wad Medina, Blue Nile, 20tli C'apt. H. N. Dunn [P.]. Sept. 4. Wad Medina, 20tli Sept. Capt. II. N. Dunn [P.]. Sitagra castanops (Shellei/). (Plate XV. fig. 13.) Hypliantornis castanops, Sharpc, Cat. Birch B. M. xiii. p. 443 (1800). Ploceus castanops, Beich. Vog. Afr. iii. p. ti6 (1904). Xautliophilus castanops, Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 471 (1905). Sitasra castanops, Shnrpe, Hand-l. v. p. 477 (1909) ; Aehr/i. Kut. Eier- \amml. p. 339 (1910). Three eggs of the Nile Brown-throated Weaver-Finch vary in shape, two being of a rather pointed oval form and the thiid a perfect ellipse. They are without gloss, and the ground-colour in all three is pinkish-white ; the elliptical egg is almost unmarked, but the other two are covered with fine indistinct markings of pinkish- brown and yellowish-brown, most dense towards tlie larger end where tliey form a cloudy cap. They measure respectively : 'So by •59 ; -8 by -58 ; and -74 by 'oS. 3. Entebbe, I'gar.da, 6th April. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [C.]. Genus FOUDIA, liek-henh. Foudia madagascariensis (Limi.). Foudia madagascariensis, Coicaji, Proc. M. Fhy$. Sue. Edln. vii. p. 149 (1882) ; Sharpe, Vat. Birda B. M. xiii- p. 433 (1890); Shelley, Birds Afr.'w.-^. 488 (1905); Shorpe, Iland-l. v. p. 478 (1909) ;" A>/i;-/v. Kut. Eiersamvil. p. 339 (1910). Ploceus madagascariensis, Milne-Eduards *$■ Grandidier, Hist. JSat. Madag., Ois. ii. p. 449, pi. 304. fig. 9 (1885). The eggs of the Madagascar AVeaver-Finch are of a pointed oval form, fairly glossy, and of a very pale blue colour. They measure from '67 to •78 in length, and from -Sy to "oS in breadth. One specimen which is almost spherical in shape measures 'Ol by "57. 4. Madagascar {Tristram Cull.). f'rowley Bequest. 4. Madagascar (Bev. IT'. Beans W. Badcliffe Saunders, Esq. Cou-an). [P.]. 12. Betsileo, Madagascar. I!ev. W. Deans Cowan [P.]. 2. Mauritius (ii. A'e2i, Birds Afr. iv. p. 495 (r.i05j ; Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 479 (1909). Two G^^s of the llodriguez Weaver-Finch are of a regular oval shape, slightly glossy, und of a very pale blue colour. They measure respectively: '75 hy '51 ; and "7- by "52. 2. Rodriguez {G. GuUirer : ' Transit Eoyal Society [F.]. of Venics ' leaped.). Genus NELICURVIUS, Bouap. Nelicurvius nelicourvi {Scojk). Hyphantornis pensilis, Cowan, Froc. li. I'hys. Soc. Edin. vii. p. 149 (188i0- ... Ploceus pensilis, 31 ihie-Bdwards ^- Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madai/., Ois. ii. p. 446, pi. 304. fi^•s. 8, 8 a (1885). Nelicurvius uelicourvi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. J/, xiii. p. 436 (1890) ; Shellei/, Birds Afr. iv. p. 4£9 (1905); Sharpe, Ilund-l. v. p. 479 (1909) ; Nchrh. Eat. Eicrsamml. p. 339 (1910). The eggs of Cowan's Weaver-Finch are almost elliptical in shape (the two ends being nearly alike), slightly glossy, and of a pale blue colour. They measure from "8 to "S^ in length, and from -58 to '6 in breadth. 4. Madagascar (r/'/s/^-fl?)! Co//.). Crowley Ferpiest. 3. Madagascar (T'rfsfrftwi Coll.). Crowley I'equest. 5. Belsileo, Madagascar. Itev. W. Deuus Cowau [P.]. Genus PLOCELLLA, Gates. Ploceella javanensis {Less.). (Plate XV. figs. 17 & 20.) Ploceella javanensis, Oates, Eaima Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 180 (1890) ; id., ed. Hume, Nests S,- Eqgs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 124 (1890) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p."474 (1890) ; id., Iland-l. v. p. 480 (1909) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 339 (1910). The eggs of the Burmese Golden AVeaver-Finch are generally of a pointed oval shape and possess a considerable amount of gloss. They are varied in colour and Mr. Hume thus describes them:— "The ground-colour is white, greenish or greyish-white, a delicate dove- grey or pale purplish stone-colour; and "while one or \.\\o of the PLOCEELL.i. rLOCETJS. 3G3 latter colour are quite free from markings, the great majority are some thinly, some thickly, speckled and finely freckled with pale greyish, greenish or purplish neutral tint. The markings, except an occasional black hair-line, are, in at least two-thirds of the eggs, BO minute that, looked at from a distance of a couple of feet, the eggs appear to be of one uniform grey, some darker, some lighter, some with a sepia tinge, some with a slight brown tinge, some with the faintest possible inirple shade, some greenish ; but a grey si one- colour is the prevailing tint of a large body of eggs, amongst which perhaps one in twenty or thirty is pure Avhite with only a few brown specks scattered here and there, and a good many, perhaps one in ten, are a very pale grey, which look Avhite amongst tlie darker varieties, though when placed beside a white egg they are distinctly grey."' They measure from -08 to '78 in length, and from '52 to -58 in breadth. 13. Pegu, .Tune (E. W. Oate.-i). Hume Coll. 20. Pegu, July {E. W. ().). Hume Coll. 21. Pegu, Aug. (^. [f. O. ). ilume Coll. 47. Pegu, .Tune (E. W. ().). Gates Coll. 27. Pegu, .Inly (E. W. ().). Gates Coll. C. Pegu, Aug. (E. W. O.). Gates Coll. 7. Pegu, Sept. (£•. Jr. O). Gates Coil. 1. Pegu, 24th Aug. [E. W. O.). Crowley Bequest. 3. Thatoue Creek, Teuasseiiiu, 4tli Crowley Bequest. Get. (Capt. li. C. Bc.avnn; Tristram Coll.). 3. Tliatone ('reek, 4th Oct. {li. C. Crowley Bequest. L'. : Tristram Coll.). 6. Siam, Juue(i.irtyfo-(/; Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Genus PLOCEUS, Cavio: Ploceus baya, Bhjtli. Ploceus ]ihilippinus, Latjard, A. M. N. R. 2iid ser. xiii. p. '2~)7 (1854) ; Le(/(ie, Jj'irds Cet/loii, ]). 041 (1879). Ploceus baya, Gates, Fauna Brit. Iiid., Birds, ii. p. 175 (1890); id., ed. Hume, Xests 4'- Er/ffs Jnd. Birds, ii. p. 114 (1890); ISharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii." p. 488 (1890); id., Hand-l. v. p. 480(1909); Nehrk. Eat. Eiersumml. p. 340 (1910). The eggs of the Baya or Common Indian "Weaver-Finch are long ovals, pointed at the smaller end. They have a slight gloss and are plain white. They measure from '72 to -9 in length, and from •52 to -62 in breadth. 3. Saharnnpur, N.AV. Provinces, Ilume Coll. Indiit. 29tli .June. 2. Agra, oOth July. Hume Coll. 2. Agra, olli .\ug. Ilume Coll. 2. Agra, 16t!i Aug. Ilume (!oll. 2. Agra, li-'ird .\ug. Hume Coll. 2, Agra, 4tli Sept. Hume Coll. 364 4. Api-a, 5tli Sept. Hume Coll. 3. Aligarh, July. Hume Coll. 5. Aligarli, Aug. Hume Coll. 3. Luckuow, llth Auof. Hume Coll. 5. Allahabad, 20tli July. Hume Coll. 4. Mirzapur, loth Sept. (W. E. Brooks: Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Jhansi. Hume Coll. 6.' Jliansi, Aug. Hume Coll. 3. Belgaum {Capt. IF. Pack Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 3. Saugnr, C. Provinces. Hume Coll. 3. Salem, Madras, Aug. Hume Coll. 1. Nilghiria ( IVulliouse : Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 13. AVynaad, S. India, 28th Sept. Hume Coll. 1. Ceylon {E. L. Layard). Salviu-Godman Coll 3. Ceylon. Seebohm Coll. Ploceus atrigula, Hochjs. Ploceus megarhynchus, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 17G (1890) ; id., ed. mime. Nests 8^ Er;gs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 119 (1890). Ploceus atrigula, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 491 (1890) ; id., ILand-l. v. p. 480 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 340 (1910). The eggs of the Eastern Baya or Weaver-Finch are not separable from those of P. bat/a, but on the whole they are rather larger. 5. 3. 15. Sikhim Terai, 5th May. Hume Coll. Sikhim Terai, 10th May. Hume Coll. Sikhim Terai, 27th May. Hume Coll. Sikhim Terai, 30th May. Hume Coll. Sikhim Terai, 1st June. Hume Coll. Sikhim Terai, llth June. Hume Coll. Sikliim Terai, 2nd July. Hume Coll. Sikhim Terai, IGth July. Hume Coll. Sikhim Terai, 25th July. Hume Coll. Sikhim Terai, 3rd Aug. Hume Coll. Pegu, 1st June (E. W. Oates). Oates Coll. Pegu, loth July (E. TF. O.). Oates Coll. Pegu, 25th July (E. IF. O.). Oates Coll. Bangoon, 2oth Aug. {E. W. 0.). Oates Coll. Klang, Malay Peninsula, 12th Jan. Hume Coll. Ploceus "bengalensis {Linn.). Ploceus bengalensis, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, u. p. 177 (1890); id., ed. Hume, Nests 8,- Eqqs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 120 (1890) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 493 (1890; ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 480 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 340 (1910). The eggs of the Black-throated Weaver-Finch are quite indis- tinguishable from those of P. baya. Seven specimens measure from •75 to '8 in length, and from -54 to -6 in breadth. Etawah, India, 4th Sept. Etawah, llth Sept. Hume CoU. Hume Coll. PLOCKIS. — AMliLYOSPIZA. 3G5 2. Jheeiyuck.Thil, Etawab, ]5lL Sept. Hume Coll. (ir.K Brooks). 2. Jbeenjurk Jhil, 14tli Oct. (jr. Hume Coll, K B.). 1, Faridpur, Bengal, 18tli June {J. Hume Coll. H. Cripps). Ploceus manyar (Horsf.). Ploceus manyar, Leff(/e, Birds Ceylon, p. 646 (1879) ; Oafes, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p.' 179 (1890) • id., ed. Hnme, Nests ^- Eqqs Ind. Birds, ■ ii. p. 121 (1890); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. xiii. p. 496 (1890) ; id., Iland-l. T. p. 481 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 340 (1910). The eggs of the Striated Weaver-Finch are not separable from those of P. baija. 7. Sind, India {J. II. Gould). Gould Coll. 2. Etnvra.h,4thSe])t. {IV. JE. Brooks: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. Bburtna, 27th .July (Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 2. Fvzabad. Hume Coll. 13. Milana, Deesa, Sept. {E. A. Hume Coll. Butler). 2. Nilg-biris {WaUiou.'^e : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 26. Pegu, 20th June {E. W. Gates). Hume Coll. 6. Pegu, 29tli Sept. {E. W. O.). Oates Cull. Geuus AMBLYOSPIZA, Sundev. Amblyospiza albifrons (Vir/.). (Plate XY. figs. 18 & 19.) Amblyospiza albifrons, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 501 (1890) ; Kuschel, J. f. 0. 1895, p. 336; Stark, Faun. S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 80 (1900); Reich. Tog. Afr. iii. p. 98 (1904) ; Shellei/, Birds Afr. iy. p. .303 (1905) ; Sparrow, J. S. Afr. Dm. U. i. p. 10 (1905) ; Sharpe, Hund-l. V. p. 481 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersainml. p. 340 (1910). Eggs of the Southern Grosbeak-Weayer are of an ordinary or rather loug oval shape and without gloss. The ground varies from white to creamy-white or pinkish-white. Some eggs are rather heavily marked all over the shell with spots and dots of pinkish- brown or maroon and lilac-grey ; in others the markings take the form of minute dots, which become rather dense towards the laj'ger end where they form a sort of cap. Some again have but few markings, and these are almost entirely confined to the larger end, while others are sparingly marked with small rcddit'h-brown spots scattered over the entire shell. They measure from -^2 to 'SG in length, and from "61 to -65 in breadth. 3f)0 pi.oceio.t:. 3. Pilaauw Krantz, Cape Colony, Dec. J5. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.j. (L. Palmer). 3. Natal, Nov. Major R. Sparrow [E.]. ?,. Natal, Nov. jMa'jor II. Sparrow [E.]. 3. Uuigeui Kiver, Natal, 3rd Dec. ]\lajor R. Sparrow [E.J. 3. Umgeni Uiver, 3rd Dec. Major U. Sparrow [E.j. Amblyospiza iinicolov { Fischer 4' JiclcJienow). (Plate XV. fig. 16.) Pvrenestes uuicolor, Fischrr, J. f. O. 1878, p. 283 ; 1880, p. 193. Aniblvuspiza unicolor, ■S/iarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 503 (1890); Kiir.clu'l, J. f. O. 189o, p. .336; Hoick. Vor/. Afr. iii. p. 99 (1904); ^hellei/, Birds Afr. iv. p. 300 (190o) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 481 (1909; ; Kehk. Kat. EievMiniml. p. 340 (1910). Eggs of the Black Grosbeak-Weaver resemble those of A. albi- frons. Two are si)aringly marked with reddish-brown on a pinkish- white ground; one is very haud'^omely marked, being heavily blotched round the larger end with purplish-red. They measure respectively: S'S by -59; -88 by -61 ; -95 by -63. 3. East Africa. Crowlev Bequest. Amblyospiza melanonota (lleurjl.). Amblyospiza melanonota, Sharpe, Cat. Itirds B. M. xiii. p. 504 (1890) ; ileirh. I'd;/. Afr. iii. p. 100 (1904); Hhcllei/, Birds Afr. iv. p. 307 (1905) ; S/iarpr, Hand-l. v. p. 481 (1909) ; Kihrk. Kat. Eiersamml. ].. 340(1910); Ofjilvie-Grunt, Tram. Z-jul. Sue. xix. p. 282, pi. xix, tigs. 15 & 10 ( 1910). Eggs of Heuglin's Grosbeak-Weaver resemble those of A. albi- froiis ; one set of three eggs has the ground-colour pale pinkish- white, spotted, especially towards the larger end, with maroon-red ; a second set of two eggs has the ground-colour pale reddish-white, marked all over with spots of light red. They measure from -85 to '9o in length, and from 'oS to "0 in breadth. 2. Moukia, S.E. Eawenzori, 3400 ft., Subscribers to the Euwenzori 17th Miiy [JD. Carruthers). Exped. [P.]. 3. Moukia,22adMay [Hou.Gerald Leq^e) . Subscribers to the Ruwenzori Ivxped. [P.]. Amblyospiza capitalba (Bomqi.). Amblyo.spiza capitalba, Sharpe, Cat. Birds li. 31. xiii. p. 504 (1890); Jieich. Vo(/. Afr. iii. p. 101 (1904) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. iv. p. 309 (1905) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 481 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 340 (1910). Amblyospiza saturata, Sharpe, Ibis, 1908, p. 353 ; Grant, in Bates, Ibis, 1909, p. 48. iCTEKin.K. 367 Efr^s of tlie Ashauteo {_)^l•^V^eaver resemble those of A. alhifron!^. They vaiT from 86 to -92 in length, and from 'G to ■t)3 in breaJtli. 1. West Africa (AV//;V,7>r/; CoIL). Crowle^^ Bequest. 1. Bitve, Ja River, Uameroim, 10th G. L. Bates, Esq. 'P.J. Oct. 1. Bitve, 13th Nov. G. I.. Bitns, Esq. [P.]. 3. N'Dalla Tamlo, N. Ano-ola, L'l'iid Dr. W. J. Ansorge [0.]. Dee. ?,. N'Dalla Tand,>, ;10tii Dec. Dr. A\'. .J. Ansorge [C.]. Family ICTERID.E. Genus ZARHYNCHUS, Ohcrholser. Zarhynclius wa^leri (Grai/). Ocyalus was'lori, Sd. S,- Salv. P. Z. -V. 187;). p. r,08, )il. xliii. fi^r. 3. Eucorvstes wajilevi, 8cl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 31:2 (18S6); Sah. S; Godin. Biol. Ceiifr.-Amti:, A/;cs, i. p. 43G (18S6; ; Nehrk. Knt. Eiersamml. p. 98 (l<-s99). Zarhynchus wagleri wagleri, liidi/w. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. ii. p. 17t3 (190i'). Zarhynchus' wagleri, 8/iiirpe, llaud-l. \. p. 483 (1903) ; Nehrlt. Kat. 'Eiersamml. p. 340 (1910). Eggs of Wagler's Hangnest vary much in shape, some being of a rather wide oval form, others of a much elongate and pointed oval shape: they exhibit only a trace of gloss. The ground is ])alo, spotted and blotched, chiefly at the broad end, with pale sc])ia-brown, darlc chocolate- brown and lilac-grey. The markings of the last-named colour ai'c few, small and inconspicuous ; the other marldngs are large and frequently confluent. They vary in length from Tli to 1-5. and in breadth from -86 to -99. 3. Panama (McLcdiinmi). Salvin-Gcdman Coll. 2., Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godmau Coll. Colombia ( 7'. K. Saliunn). 2. Savanillas de Pirns, Costa liiea, Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.]. 4th .March. 2. Savanillas de Pirris, 4th JNlarch. Mr. C. F. Underwood fC.l. 1. Savanillas de Pivris, 4th ^March. Mr. C, F. Underwood fC.]. 1. Savanillas de Pirris, 4th March. Mr. C. F. Underwood [0.1. 1. Savanillas de Pirris, 25th April. Mr. 0. F. Underwood [C.]. 36S ICTEUIILE. Genus GYMNOSTINOPS, Sclater. Gymnostinops montezumae {Less.). (Plate XVI. fig. 9.) Ostinop? montezurafe, Boncard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 5S. Gymnostinops montezmnse, Sol. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 31.3 (1886); Sitlu. 4" Goclm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 437 (1880); Gossc, Aide, V. p. 27 (1838) : Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 484 (1909) ; Kehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 840 (1910). Gymnostinops montezuma, Ridqw. Birds North 3( Middle Ainer. ii. p. 180 (1902). An eg^ of the Montezuma Hangnest is of a long pointed oval form and devoid of gloss. The ground is pinkish-white, rather sparingly marked with short irregular streaks and a few blotches of dark chocolate-brown and underlying clouded markings of pale lilac-grey. It measures l'(3 liy 1-05. 1. Costa Puca, March. Mr. G. F. Underwood [C.l. Gymnostinops guatimozinus (Bomq-).). (Plate XVI. fig. I.) Ostinops g-uatemozinus, Scl ^- Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 508. Gymnostinops guatimozinus, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. .114 (1886) ; Snlv.Sf Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 439 (1886); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 98 (1899), p. 340 (1910;; Ridgio. Birds North 4- MuUle Amer. ii. p. 182 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 484 (1909). Two eggs of the Colombian Hangnest are of a regular oval form, slightly glossy, rough in texture, and covered with small pores. They are pinkish-white, very sparingly blotched with chocolate- brown and lilac-grev. They measure respectively : I'SS by -98 ; 1-33 by -98. 2. Remedios, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia ('/'. K. Salmon). Genus OSTINOPS, Cahanis. Ostinops decumanus {Pt. ' ■ 'Tr;«tr;.Ti;^;t, ^^■vi.-Goa,!,,. con. \^±. Ii.. O.J. toalviu-Godmau Coll. Genus CACICUS, Lacej^dde. Cacicus persicus (Linn.). Cassicus persicus &/. ^- Salo PZ. S 1873, p. 20G; Zayard, Ihis, 1873 p. 381 ; Scl. Cat. Buds B M. xi. p. 321 (188G) ; An, Bull. An J- VOL. V. Op' 370 ICTERIDiE. jVus. X. 11. iii. p. .']77 (1891) ; GoelJi, Ibis, 1897, p. 3G1 ; Eh/p,; lieo. Mux. Piiitlista, iv. p. 33 (1900) ; Ilierinr/, Rev. Mux. Panlisfa, iv. p. 219 (1900) ; Goeldi, Bol. Mus. Paraeme, iii. p. 203 (1901). Oacicus persicus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 486 (1009J ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 341 (1910). Two eggs of the Yellow Hangnest, also known as the " Japim," are of a somewhat pointed oval shape and without gloss. The ground is white, sparingly marked, chiefly towards the larger end, with spots and small blotches of deep chucolatc-brown and lavender- grev. They measure respectively: 1-15 (about) by '74, and 1-07 by -72. 1. San Esteban. Crowley Bequest. 1. Peru. Crowley Bequest.' Cacicus vitellinus (Lain:). (Plate XYI. fig. 8.) Cassicus flaAiciissus, JVi/a/t [nee Scl.), /i/s, 1871, p. 329; Sri. ^- Sak. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 509 ; ScL Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 322 (188G) ; Salv. (!j" Godm. Biol. Cf'iitr.-Amer., Ares, i. p. 441 (1886); Nehrk. Eat. Eierscmml. p. 99 (1899). Cacicus vitelliuus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 486 (1909) : Nehrk. Eat. Eier- samml. p. 341 (1910j. The eggs of the Yellow-vented Hatignest are of a narrow, pointed oval shape, without gloss and somewhat rough in texture. They are white, spotted and blotched, chiefly at the broad end, with chocolate-brown and lavender-grey. Four examples measure re- spectively : 1-25 by -77 ; 1-25 by -72 ; MS by -8 ; 1-12 by wJi. 2. U.S. Colombia. Crowley Bequest. 2. liemedios, Antioquia, U.S. Salviu-Godman Coll. Colombia {T. E. Salmon). Cacicus haemorrhous {Linn.). (Plate XVI. fig. 4.) Cassicus hffimonhous, Max. Bcitr. iii. p. 1230 (1831) ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 324 (1880). Cacicus hfemorrhous, Sharpe, JIand-l. v. p. 487 (1909); Nehrk. Ent. Eiersamml. p. 341 (1910). Two eggs of the Ked-rumped Hangnest are of a rather elongate oval form and without gloss. The ground is white, spotted or lieavily blotched with reddish-brown and with underlying dots of lilac-grey. They measure 1*11 by '75 and I'OS by "7^ respectively. 2. Iguape, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Crowlev Bequest. 17th October. AMBLyCKRClTS. CASSTCULUS. CASSIDTX. 371 Genus AMBLYCERCUS, Cabanis. Atnblycercus solitarius ( Vielll.). (Plate XV I. figs. 5, 6.) Amblycereus solitarius, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 326 (188R) ; Aph'n, J/)is, 18'J-i, p. 171 ; Iheriitf/, Bei: Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 219 (1900); tShnrpe, Iland-l. v. p. 487 (1909): Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 341 (1910). Two eggs of the Solitary Cassique, also kuown as the " Boyero," are of a long pointed oval form, pure white, and devoid of glos!^ ; one egg h;is a few scattered spots and markings of deep brownish-black and dull purpli-sh-brown, the other has a few large irregular blotches of pur[>lish-brown and smaller markings of the same colour scattered over tiie shell. They measure 1-12 by "T-l and 1-2 by -75. 2. Argentine Hepublic. Crowley Bequest. Genus CASSICULUS, Swains. Cassiculus nielanicterus {Bonap.). (Plate XVI. fig. 10.) ( 'assiculus nielanicterus, Laivr. Mem. Bost. Soc. N. H. ii. p. 278 (1874) ; (1901); Sharpe, Uand-l. v. p. 488 (1909) ; Nehrk. Knt. Eiersamml. p. 341 (1910). Cassidix orvzivora violea, Pidjica^ Birds North ^- Middle Amer. ii. p. 197 (l!liJ2)". 2b2 372 ICTERID^, Two eggs of the Ruffed Hangnest arc of very differeut size and shape. Both are plain white, without gloss, and coarse in texture. One example is an elongate oval and measures 1*42 by '9 ; the other is a short, blunt oval, and measures 1-15 by -85. Nehrkorn describes the eggs as being dull bluish with a few blackish-brown spots and hieroglyphics. This bird, being parasitic in its nesting-habits, appears to lay eggs of varied colouring. 2. Remediof, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia {^T. K. Salmon). Geuus rOLICHONYX, Siuains. Dolichonyx oryzivorus (Linn.). Dolichonyx orvzivora, Baird, Breicer Sf Ridgxv. JV. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 149 (1874) ; Coucs, Key N. Avier. Birds, p. 400 (1884) ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. 31. xi. p. 331 (1886) ; Sah. v.V Godm. Biol. Cetitr.-Amer., Ave.<<, i. p. 44S (1886) ; Bendire, Life-Hist. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 429, pi. vi. fig-a, 1, 2 (1895); Aekrk. Knt. Eiersamml. p. 99 (1899); Ihering, Rev. Mus. Paidista, iv. p. 219 (1900) ; Ridgivai/, B. North ^ Middle Amer. ii. p. 370 (1902) ; Shai-pe, Hand-l. v. p. 489 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersavi7nl. p. 341 (1910). The eggs of the Bobolink, or American Rice-bird, are of a regular oval shape, smooth and glossy. They are pinkish-white or grey, smeared, blotched and marked in various ways with rich brown, pale purplish- or reddish-brown, and lavender-grey. The markings, though often dense all over the shell, are more so at the broad end than elsewhere. They measure from '82 to "92 in length, and from •6 to -66 in breadth. 3. North America ( T. Buckley : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 1. North America [Henshaio Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. North America. Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Rockingham, Vermont, 31st May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. South Carolina ('/'. M. Brexver : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Genus TANGARIUS, Lesson. Tangarius involucratus. Less. Molothrus asneus, Oiven (neic WcujL), Ibis, 1801, p. 01 ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 334 (1886) [part".] ; Salv. ^- Godm. Biol. Cetitr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 451 (1887) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 100 (1899). Tangarius involucratus, Sharpe, Hand-l. y. ^. ABd (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 342 (1910). The eggs attributed to the Red-eyed Cow-bird by ITr. R. Owen are broad ovals, very glossy, and of a very pale blue colour. There are a few small spots on some of the specimens, but they are I TANGARIUS. — MOLOXHRUS. 373 probably stains acquired in the course of incubation. Seven exaini)les measure from -9 to 1-02 in length, and from ■" to '76 iu breadth. These eggs agree with the description given by Nehrkorn. 7. S. Gcronimo, Guatemala, 2nd June Salviu-Godmau Coll. (li. Given). Taugarius aeneus ( Tr«^?.). (Plate XYI. fig. 7.) Molothrus seneus, Later. Mem. L'ost. Soc. N. H. ii. p. 281 (1874) ; Scl. Cat. B. Brit. Mas. xi. p. 335 [part.] (1885). Callothrus teneus iEiieus, Riclgzu. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. ii. p. 203 (1902). Tangarius Kceus, Sharps, Hund-l. v. p. 489 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kut. Eier- samml. p. 342 (1910). Two eggs, said to be those of the Bronzed Cow-bird, are of a long pointed oval shape and devoid of gloss. They are greyish-white, vith crooked and twisted lines and markings of deep chocolate- brown and a few slighter lines of dark purplish-grey. They measure respectively l'U9 by "65, and 1-0 by -G. 2. Mazatlan, Mexico {A. Forrer). Crowley Bequest. Genus MOLOTHRUS, Swains. Cf. Ludwig Holtz, J. f. 0. 1872, p. 193, Taf. i. figs. 2, a-e. Molothrus ater {Bodd.). Icterus pecoris, Thien. Fortpfianz. yes. Vog. tab. xxxvii. fig. 1, a, b (1845-54). Molothrus pecoris, Verrill, Pr. Essex Inst. iii. p. 151 (1802) ; Baird, Brewer ^- Bidi/w. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 154 (1874); Coues, Birds N.-West, p. 180 (1874) ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 333 (1886) [part.] ; Salv. ^- Godnt. Bid. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 450 (1887) ; ISiehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 99 (1899). Molothrus ater, liendire, Life-Hist. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 434, pi. vi. li-s. 3-6 (1895) ; Sharpe, Uand-l. v. p. 490 (1909) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 342 (1910). Molothrus ater obscurus, Bcndire, t. c. p. 441, pi. vi. figs. 7, 8. Molothrus ater ater, Ridgiv. Birds Aorth ^- Midaie Amer. ii. p. 207 (1902). The eggs of the Xorth-Amcrican Cow-bird are of a somewhat broad oval shape and moderately glossy. They are white or greyish-white, densely sptckled and mottled, csiiecially at the brond end, with brown or dull reddish-brown and underlying lavender- grey. They measure from -S to '92 in length, and from -63 to 7 in breadth. 374 2. Nortli x\uierica {T. M. Bretver : Tristram Coll. ). 4. Nortli America (Z>. G. Elliot: Tristram Coll.). 2. North America {Smiths. Inst.). North America (Sunt/ts. Inst.). North America, loth J una {Smiths. Inst.). North America (Henshmo Coll.). Bangor, Maine, 1st June (&. Shep- herd) (in nest of Sialia sialis). Itliaa, New York, 25th June ( W. E. It. Scott). Massachusetts {Henshaiv Coll.). Princeton, New Jersey {W.E.D.S.). 1. Princeton, 26th May (with o eggs of Gcothli/pis trichas). 1. Princeton, ISth June ( W.E U.S.). 2. Princeton, 14tli June (with 2 eggs oi Icteria viridis). 1. Columbus, Ohio (P. M. Whealer : Tristram Coll.) (in nest of Eophophanes bicolor) . Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Princeton Univeisity, N.J. , [K.]. Salviu-Godraau Coll. Salviu-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. Radclitie Saunders, Esq. lP-]- . . .. Princeton University, N.J. [E.]. Salvin-Godraan Coll. Princeton University, N.J. ["■^' . .. Princeton University, N.J. Princeton University, N..J. Princeton University, N.J. [E.]. Crowley Bequest. Molotlinis obscurus {Gmel.). (Plate XVI. figs. 14 & 18.) Molothrus ater obscurus, Sennett, Bull. U.S. Geol. Sf Geoqr. Snn\ Terr. V. p. 396 (1879) ; Nehrlivg, Bull. Niitt. Orn. C. vii. "p. 166 (1882) ; Bidgw. Birds North Sf Middle Amer. ii. p. 210 (1902). Molothrus pecoris, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 333 (18S6) [part.]. Molothrus obscurus, Sharpe, Hcmd-l. v. p. 490 (1909) ; Nelirk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 342 (1910). Four eggs of the Dwarf Cow-bird are similar to those of M. ater, but smaller. They measure respectively: -83 by '62; '8 by "0 ; •75 by "6 ; "75 by '58. 4. San Antonio, Texas, May (in nests of Vireo belli). W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Molothrus bonariensis {Gmel.). Icterus bonariensis, Thien. Fortpjlunz. ges. Tdi/. tab. xxxvii. fig. 12 (1845- 54). Molothrus sericeus, Burmrister, La Plata Beise, ii. p. 494 (1861); Iloltz, J. f. O. 1870, p. 15, Taf. i. fig. 1. Moloth'rus bonariensis, Svl. P. Z. S 1872, p. 862 ; Hudson, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 153 ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 335 (1886) ; Scl. Sf Huds. Ar(/ent. Orii. i. p. 72 (1888) ; Holland, Ibis, 1892, p. 198; Aplin, Ibis, 1894, p. 172; Kehrk. Kat. Eicrsainml. p. 100 (1899); Euler, Rev. Mus. PauUsta, iv. p. 35 (1900) ; Ihering, t. c. p. 220 (1900); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 490 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 342 (1910) ; C. Grunt, Ibis, 1911, p. 103. MOLOTHRUS. 375 The egf^s of the Argentiae Cow-bird are of an extremely short, broad oval form, many spocimens being spheroidal, and they possess a considerable amount of gloss. They are very variable in colour. Jifany are plain white ; others are white marked with specks of" grey or faint lavender ; others are white or cream-colour, densely speckled with chestnut and lavender ; and others again are not only speckled as in these last, but are also heavily blotched, espoci;illy at the broad end, with deep chestnut-red and purplish- grc}'. They measure from '8 to 1 in length, and from "7 to '8 in breadth. 2. TirazW {Nehrhorn Coll. : Tristram Coll.). 1. Brazil (with 2 eggs of Brachij- tipiza inleuta, see p. 270). 1. Brazil (with 3 eggs of B . pileata) . 1. Brazil (with 3 eggs of B. pileata). 1. Brazil ( wiili 4 q^^a of B. pileata). 1. Brazil (with 3 eggs of B. pileata). 19. Argentine Republic, Sept.-Dec. 6. Argentine Tlepublic. 5. Argentine Republic ( W. H. Hud- son). 8. Buenos Ayres ( W. H. II.) (with 1 egg ot Milvitlux ti/runnus). 3. Buenos Ayres (with egg of Brachysjiiza pileata) . 2. But'.nos Ayres (with &^j, Birds North .y Middle Amer. ii. p 304 380 ICTERID^. Ad egg of the Tricoloiired Blackbird resembles those of A. phce- n'lceus iu colour, markings, and size. 1. California (Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Agelaeus thilius {Mol.). (Plate XVI. figs. 16 & 17.) Icterus tliilius, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vdg. tab. xxxvii. fig. 9 (184o-54). Agelfeus thilius, ScL C, 1892, p. 198; Ihering, Eev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 221 (1900) ; S/iarpc, Hcmd-l. v. p. 495 (1909) ; Xehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 343 (1910). The eggs of the Eed-brcasted Marsh-bird are of a rather broad oval shape and moderately glossy. They are greyish-white or very pale green, profusely speckled and mottled with reddish-brown and lavender-grey. In some instances the markings form a dense cap over the broad end. Eleven examples measure from -87 to -96 in length, and from '62 to -73 in breadth. 3. Argentine Republic, Oct. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C.]. 2. Argentine Republic, Oct. A. H. Holland, Esq. 10.]. 4. Argentine Republic, Oct. A. H. Holland, Esq. [G.J. 2. Argentine Republic, Oct. A. H. Holland, Esq. lC.J. 382 Genus XANTHOCEPHALUS, Bonap. Xanthoceplialus xanthocephalus {Bonnp.). XantliocepLaliis icteroceplialus, Baird, Brewer Sf Ridgw. {nee Linn.) IS!. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 167 (1874). Xanthocephalus longipes, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 350 (18861 ; S(dv. 8f Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Ares, i. p. 455 (1887) ; Nehrh. Kut. Eiersnmml. p. lUO (1899). Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, Bendire, Life-Hist. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 44(3. pi. vi. iigs. 10-12 (1895); Bidyw. Birds North Si- Miadle ^we»-.'ii. p. 347 (1902); Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p 495 (1909); Nehrh. Kat. Eiersumml. p. 343 (1910). The ego;s of the Yellow-headed Troupial are mostly of au elongate oval shape and fairly glossy. They vary from greyish- white to greenish-white, and are densely speckled and mottled wivh various shades of brown, grey, and pale rufous. The markings are most dense on the broad end of the egg, but seldom form a conspicuous cap. Numerous specimens measure from 1 to 1'2 in length, and from •? to -78 in breadth. 2. North America (Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 12. Washoe Lake, Nevada (Hen- Salviu-Godman Coll. shaiv Coll.). 9. Minnesota, 2nd June (Henshaw Salvin-Godman Coll. Coll.). 1. Beaver Dam, Wiscnnsin (T. M. Crowley Bequest. Brewer: Tristram Cull.). 4. Iowa, 10th .lune. Crowley Bequest. 6. Des Moines, Iowa, 24th Mav W. Badclitie Saunders, Esq. {J. B. Green). ' [P.]. Genus AMBLYRHAMPHUS, Leach. Amblyrhamphus holosericeus (Scop.). Amhlyrhamphus ruber, Burm. Ln Biota Beise, ii. p. 491 (1861). Ambljrhamphus holoserictrus, \ Mm. PauUsta, iv. p. -34 (1900) ; Iheriw/, t. c. p. 2l>1 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-L v. p. 495 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. JEierscnninl. p. SU (1910) ; C'/mbb, Ibis, 1910, p. G42. Eggs of the Yellow-backed ilarsh-bird are of a broad oval shape, sometimes almost S[)heroidul, and distinctly glossy. The ground is pinkish-white mottled with pinkish and likic-grey ; towards the lar'ier end the shell is spotted and blotched with deep chocolate and brown-pink or maroon, some of the dark chocolate markings taking the t\)rm of irregular lines and sometimes partially bordering the brown-pink biotclies. They vary from -9 to 1-08 in length, and from -7 to 'S in breadth. 8. South Brazil. Crowley Bt^quest. 2. South Brazil. Crowley Bequest. 10. Sapucav, Parairuny, 20th Nov. W. Foster, Esq. fC.]. 2. Sapucay. " W. Foster, Esq [C.j. Pseudoleistes virescens (Vieill.). Pseudoleistes virescens, Scl. Cut. Birds B. M. xi. p. 352 (1886) ; Scl. Sf Huds. An). Orn. i. p. 102 (1888J ; Holland, Ihi.s, 1892. p. 199; Nehrk. Kat. Uiersamml. p. 101 (lS99), p. 344 (1910) ; Eider, Jiev. Mus. Paidista, iv. p. 34 (1900) ; Iherimj, t.c. p. 221 (1900) ; Sharpe, ILand-l. V. p. 496 (1909) ; C. Grant, Ibis, J 911, p. 107. The eggs of the Tellow-breasted Marsh-bird closely resemble eggs of P. (juirahuro, and are of a broad oval shape and glossy. They are white or pinkish-white, densely speckled and blotched with rich reddish-brown, brown-lake or maroon, and lavender-grey. The markings are more or less continent at the broad end of the egg, and form an irregular zone or imperfect cap. Examples measure from -94 to 1*11 in length, and from -72 to -8 in breadth. 2. Argentine Republic. Crowley Bequest. 5. Argentine Kepublic. ' Crowley Bequest. o. Argentine Republic, Nov. A. 11. llollaud, Esq. PC.]. 5. Argentiue Republic, Nov. A. IT. llollaud, Esq. [C.J. 3. Argentine Republic, Nov. A. II. Holland, Esq. [C.]. 4. Buenos Ayres (with one (^ijtr of W. 11. Ilud.^ou, F.sq. [P.]. Molothrus bonaricnsis) (see p. 375). 3. Buenos Ayres (with three eggs of W. H. Hudson, Esq. [P.]. M. humirinisis). r>. Ajo, Buenr.s Ayres, .30th Oct. (C. Ernest Gibson, E.4th'Dec. (C H. £. Grnnf). ' ?''!!'1''""J ^'^•''"''' ^^- <^- Abbott). -ralkland Islands (CCA) Falkland Islands. ' Falkland Islands (C. C. A ■ Trk tram Coll.). Falkland Islands. Old Collection. Crowley Bequest. Berkeley James Coll. Berkeley James Coll. Berkeley James Coll. Berkeley James Coll. Berkeley James Coll. Berkeley James Coll. Crowley Bequest. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C.]. Ernest Gibson, Esq. [P.]. Gould Coll. Sah-in-Godman Coll. Purchased. Crowley Bequest. A. F. Cobb, Esq, [P,]. Trupialis bellicosa {De Fil.). (Plate XVir. fig. 3.) Sturnella bellicosa, Scl. ^ Salv. P. Z. S. 18(38, p 569 Trupuvhs bellicosa, Scl. Cat. Birds £. M xi 7%7 n8^R^ A^ 7 ; p. 490(1909). '^' P (19I«); 'Sharpe, Band-l. v. According to Nehrkorn eggs of the Allip,! Ar,. i, c. i- semble those of T. militari^fX^ examt es in tbf r , r " "T not bear out this statement. They areTf an e HnHc. 1 ? " "^^ what pointed at both ends, and Ililhtlv 'Xs v^ Th '' 'T'" white RTirintlori ,^-+u • """^ ^''^'o^i'^3 glossy. Ihe ground is rnseiy Tt the bTo d °''?*' ^'^' "^ '^'^''^''^ ^^^ lavender. Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Arequipa, S.W. Peru, March (H Whitel,/). ^ ■ 2- [Peru.] '' n , r. L rowley Bequest. Trupialis defilippii, Bouap. (Plate X VI L figs. 10 & 13.) Trupialis defilippii, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. si. p .-^7 ^880) ■ ^rl ^ tt , J II. 1. p iuo (l»&t<) Holland, Ibis 189.5 n •'JIt- A'"^; 7 -HaC. Eiersamml. p. 101 flSW) n "^ii nni'n A ^- "J ^c'»-J>-. Paulista, iv. p. 2-A (1900) SVn; l ^] /^ ' ^^''""ff'^''''- ^u.. vor, V ' ' '^^"^'-^^' ^a«<^-/. V. p. 490 (1909). 2c 386 ICTERID.E. The eggs of De Filippi's Marsh-Starling closelj- resemble those of T. viilitaris, but are somewhat smaller. Two specimens, how- ever, difler remarkably from the others in being of a narrow elongate oval form, and in being cream-colour, densely mottled all over with pale chestnut-brown. Examples measure from '92 to 1-12 in length, and Irom -68 to -78 in breadth. 2. Argentine Republic, Oct. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C.]. 3. Argentine Republic, Oct. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C.J. 3. Argentine Republic, Oct. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C.J. 4. Argentine Republic, Oct. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C.J. 1. [Argentine Republicj {Nehrkurn Crowley Bequest. Cull.: Tristram Coll.). Genus STURNELLA, rinll. Sturnella magna {Linn.). Sturnella magna, Baird, Breiver &)• Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 174 (1874j ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 358 (1886) [part.J ; Sale. S,- Godm. Biol. Ctntr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 456 (1887) [part.J ; Bendire, Life-Hist. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 458, pi. vi. tigs. 20, i^ (1895); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 101 (1899), p. 344 (1910) ; Sharpc, liand-l.^. p. 497 (1909). Sturnella magna magna, liidijw. Birds North ^ Middle Amer. ii. p. 357 (1902). The eggs of the Meadow-Lark are generally of a broad oval form and moderately glossy. They are white, speckled, spotted, and blotched in some cases with pale chestnut-brown or pinkish- brown, in others with dark chocolate-brown, and again in others with a combination of the two colours. All have, moreover, numerous underlying markings of pale lavender-grey. The mark- ings, especially the larger ones, are generally densest on the broad end of the egg, but they seldom form a well-defined zone or cap. Some specimens are marked entirely with small spots, but the majority have both spots and blotches. They measure from -91 to 1'2 iu length, and from "75 to "9 in breadth. 5. N. America. Crowley Bequest. 2. '^. AvaQnc& (T. M. Brewer : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). 3. N. America {J. H. Giirney : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). 8. '^. AM\e.v'ic&, {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. N. America {Henshaw Coll.). Salviu-Godman Coll. 6. Minnesota, 21st Mav. W. Radclitfe Saunders, Esq. [P.J. 5. Summerfield, Munroe Co., Michi- W. Itadcliffe Saunders, Esq. gan, oth May (J. Tromhley). [P-]- 4. Pennsylvania {D, G. Elliot .• Tris- Crowley Bequest. trum Coll.). STUENELLA. 3S7 4. Barnef^at, New Jersev, 28th June Princeton L'uiversitv, N.J. (W. E. B. Scott).' [E.]. 2. Princeton, New Jersey ( W. E. Princeton University, N.J. D. S.). [E.]. Sturnella mexicana, Sdater. Sturnella hippocrepis, Scl. S,- Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 19. Sturnella mexicana, .Sr^ /&!".«!, 1861, p. 179; Sharpe, IIand-1. v. p. 497 (1909) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersanunl. p. 344 (1910). Sturnella magna, Salv. Sc Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 4oG (1887) [part., Guatemala]. Sturnella magna mexicana, Bendire, Life-Hist. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 461, pL vi. fig. 22 (1895) ; Ridi/w'. Bird^ North ^- Middle Amer. ii. p. 362 (1902). Eggs of the Mexican Meadow-Lark do not differ from those of S. magna. 4. Diieiias, Guatemala (0. Snlvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. Sturnella inexpectata, Ridgw. (Plate XYII. figs. 15 & 16.) Sturnella magna inexpectata, Ridgiv. Birds North ^' Middle Amer. ii. p. 364 (1902). Sturnella inexpectata, Sharpe, Hand-l. t. p. 497 (1909). Three eggs of the Central American Meadow-Lark resemble the more strongly marked and blotched types of S. magna. One specimen has a well-marked zone of pinkish-brown and lilac-grey spots and blotches round the larger end. 2. Irazu, Costa Rica, 15th May. Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.j. 1. San Pedro, Costa Rica, 17th May. Mr. C. F. Underwood [C.J. Sturnella neglecta, Audvh. Sturnella neglecta, Lord, Proc. B. A. Inst. Woolwich, iv. p. 339 (1865) ; Ridgic. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. ii. p. 365 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hnnd-l. v. p. 498 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 344 (1910). Sturnella ludoviciana, rar. neglecta, Allen, Broc. Bost. Soc. N. H. xvii. pp. 46, 48, 60 (1874). Sturnella magna neglecta, Bendire, Life-Hist. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 462, pi. Ti. figs. 23, 24 (1895). Eggs of the Western Meadow-Lark are indistinguishable from those of -S' magna. 2. Victoria, Vancouver, B.C. ( Ward: Crowlev Bequest. H. Noble Coll.). 9. British Columbia, May {J. K. N. Amer. Boundary Comm. ' Lord). 2 0 2 388 ICTEEID^. 3. Nevada, 3rd June {Renshaiv Salviu-Godmau Coll. Coll.). 1. Carson City, Nevada, 21st April Salvin-Goduian Coll. {Henshaio Coll.). 4. Santa Cruz, California, 17th May. Crowley Bequest. Sturnella meridionalis, Sdater. Sturnella meridionalis, Scl. Ibis, 1861, p. 179; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 498 (1909) ; iVV/u-A;. A'«^ ^'/er.snwiwi. p. 344 (1910). Sturnella magna, Ihering {nee Linn.), Rev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 222 (1900). An egg of the Venezuelan Meadow-Lark is similar to that of S. magna. 1. Venezuela [Nehrliorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Genus ICTERUS, Brisson. Icterus laltimore (Linn.). Icterus baltimore, Thie7i. Fortpjianz. ges. Vog. tab. xxxvii. fig:. 3, a, h (1845-54) ; Baird, Brewer ^- Ridgio. N. Amer. Bwh, ii. p. 195 (1874); Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 364 (1886); Salo. (^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Ares, i. p. 460 (1887) ; Nehrk. Knt. Eier^nnunl. p. 101 (1899), p. 344 (1910) ; Sharpe, Hund-l. v. p. 498 (1909). Icterus galbula, Bendire, Life-Hist. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 4S2, pi. vii. figs. 6-9 (1895) ; Bidgio. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. ii. p. 310 (1902). The eggs of the Baltimore Hangnest are of a narrow and sharply-pointed oval shape and moderately glossy. They are greyish-white, marked with spots, blotches and lines, both tine and thick, of black, brown or chocolate-brown and underlying lavender. The lines at the broad end of the egg in one specimen are complex and tangled, forming an irregular cap. The eggs vary from '86 to 1 in length, and from -6 to -65 in breadth. 2. North America {Henshaiv Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. North America (Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Fort Dufferiu, N.A., 14th June N. Amer. Boundary Comiu. (G. M. Dawson). 4 Cedar llapids, Iowa, 5th June W. Radclift'e Saunders, Esq. {F. L. Pircks). [P.]. 4. Chester, Pennsylvania {C. J. Pnnceton University, N.J. Pennock). [E-]. 5. Summit, New Jersey ( W. E. D. Princeton University, N.J. Scott). [E.]. 4 rrinceton, N. J., Gth June ( TF. J?. Princeton Universitv, N.J. D. S). [E.]. 7. Philadelphia (7'?7S)';-fl'HJ Co//.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Massachusetts (T. M. Brewer: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 389 Icterus bullocki {Swains.). Icterus bullocki, Lord, Proc. E. A. Inst. Woolwich, iv. p. 339 (1865) ; Baird, Brewer Sf Bidffw. N. Atner. Birds, ii. p. 199 (1874); Sennett, Bull. U.S. Geol. Geoyr. Surv. Terr. iv. p. 25 (1878) ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 365 (1886); Salv. ^- Gudin. Biol. Centr.- Aiiier., Aves, i. p. 462 (1887) ; Bendirc, Life-Hist. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 486, pi. vii. fii>-.s. 10-13 (1895); Nehrk. Kat. Etersamml. p. 101 (1899), p. 344 (1910): Eid,iti\ Birds North ^- Middle Amer. ii. p. 314 (190;>) ; Sharpe, Hau'd-l. v. p. 498 (1909). Tho* eggs of Bullock's Hangnest are very similar to those of I. baltimore already described. In three specimens in the series, the system of lines at tho broad end of tho egg is very intricate, and in two others the lines are fewer or altogether absent at that part. Specimens measure from -Si to 1 in length, and from "6 to •67 in breadth. 1. North America (Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. British Columbia, July (/. K. N. Amer. Boundary Comm. Lord). 1. Salt Lake City, Utah, 27th May Salvin-Godman Coll. (R. Ridyway : Henshcno Coll.). 2. California (T. M. Brewer: Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll. ). 5. Los Anofeles, California, 6tli June W. Radclitfe Saunders, Esq. [A. Hunter). [P.]. Icterus spurius {Linn.). Icterus spurius, Baird, Breioer Sf Ridgtv. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 190 (1874); Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 366 (1886); Salo. if Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 4U4 (1887) ; Bendire, Life-Hist. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 479, pi. vii. figs. 3-5 (1895) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eier- samml. p. 101 (1899), p. 344 (1910) ; Ridiiw. Birds North S,- Middle Amer. ii. p. 275 (1902) ; Shar2K, Hnnd-l.'\. p. 499 (1909). Icterus spurius affinis, Senneit, Bull. U.S. Geol. Geoyr. Suru. Terr. v. p. 397 (1879). The eggs of the Orchard Hangnest are of a pointed oval shape and somewhat glossy. They are greyish-vrhite or faint bluish- white, marked, chiefly on the broader half of the egg, with spots, small blotches and hieroglyphic-like streaks of black, purplish- brown and lavender. The eggs of this species lack entirely tho long and intricate tracery of lines to be found on the eggs of /, baltimore and /. hulloclci. The few lines present are all com- paratively short. Specimens measure from '8 to -9 in length, and from -oS to -0 in breadth. 4. North America. W. RadclifTe Saunders, Esq. [P.l. 4. North America {Smiths. List.). Salvin-Godman Cull. 390 Nortli America (.7. G. Veil: Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). Nortli America {Henshaiv Cull.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Chester, Pennsylvania {C. J. Princeton University, N.J. Pennocfc). [E.]- Louisiana (HensJtaiv Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Princeton, New Jersey, l^tli June Princeton University, N.J. ( W. E. D. Scott). ' [E.]. Pliiladelpbia {TrUtram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. New Mexico (6'. F. Baird : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). Icterus pyrrhopterus {Vieill.). Icterus pyrrliopterus, Sd. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 368 (1886) ; Scl. Sc Hiids. Arg. Orn. i. p. 107 (1888J ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 499 (1009) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eicrsamml. p. 344 (1910). An egg said to be that of the Chestnut-shouldered Hangnest resembles egga of /. spurius in lacking the tracery of lines. It is faint greenish-white, with small blotches and spots of chocolate- brown and lilac-grey, mostly confined to the larger end. It measures "87 by "O. 1. [S. Brazil.] Crowley Bequest. Icterus cayauensis {Linn.). (Plato XVII. fig. 14.) Icterus cajennensis, Thien. Fortjrftanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxvii. fig. 6 (1845- 54). Icterus cayanensis, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 369 (1886) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 102 (1899), p. 345 (1910) ; Ihering, Rev. Mus. Fauliita, iv. p. 222 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 499 (1909). Four eggs believed to be those of the Yellow-winged Hangnest are of a broad and blunt oval shape, and glossy. They are stone- colour or pinkish-grey, marked, almost entirely in the form of a zone or cap at the broad end, with spots, blotches and short lines of black, chocolate-brown and lavender. They vary from -88 to 1 in length, and from -64 to -71 in breadth. Nehrkorn describes eggs of this species as being blue-grey spotted with violet and black over the entire shell. 4. South America. Old Collection. Icterus wagleri, Sdater. (Plate XVII. fig. 17.) Icterus wagleri, -SV(/i'. Fbis, 18r,9, p. 468; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 372 (1886) ; Sah: ^- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amcr., Aves, i. p. 466 ICTIORIS, 391 (1887); Xelirk. Kat. Eiermmml. p. J02 (1890), p. 345 (lOlO); Itidqic. Birds North ^ Middle Aiiwr. ii. p. I'y? (1902); Shurjw, llaud-l V. p. 500 (1909). The eggs of Wagler's Hanguest are iiearlj- cUii^iical in shape, and Bomewhat glossy. They are white, spotted and blotched, almost entirely at the broader end, with deep umber- or chocolate-brown and purplish-grey. Three examiiles measure respectively : 1-01 by •7 ; 1 by -7 ; '94 by ■" . Nohrkoru says that eggs of this species resemble those of 7. bitltimore, which are of an entirely different character to those described above. It is not unlikely that the eggs referred by him to I. ivagleri are really those of /. prosthemelas. 3. Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala, 24th Salvin-Godraau Coll. July (O. iSalcin). Icterus prosthemelas {StricM.). Icter •us prosthemelas, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 373 (1886) ; Sah. Sc Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Avcs, i. p. 466 (1887) ; Ridgw. Birds North S,- Middle Avier. ii. p. 269 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 500 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kut. Eiersamml. p. 345 (1910;. Eggs of Lesson's Hangnest resemble those of I. Laltimore. Mexico (Xehrkurn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. (Described by Nehrkorn as /. wuyleri.) Yucatan. (.'rowlej- Bequest. Icterus parisorum, Bonap. Icterus parisorum, Baird, Brewer Sf Bidyio. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 188 (1874); Sd. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 374 (1886) ; Snlv. ^'- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 463 (1887); Bendire, Life-Hist. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 471, pi. vi. figs. 28, 29 (1895); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 102 (1899), p. 345 (1910); Bidf/iv. Birds North ^■ Middle Amer. ii. p. 308 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. ^. 501 (1909). An egg of Scott's Hangnest is of a pointed oval shape and without gloss. It is white, sparingly spotted with black and lavender, and measures 'O by •G7. ]. North America {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll, Icterus melanocephalus (War/l.). Icterus melanocephalus, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 375 (1886) [part.] ; Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 501 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersam^nl. p. 345 (191U). Icterus melanocephalus melanoceplialus, Bih/'V. Birds North >5" Middle Amer. ii. p. 280 (1002). 332 icTERiDJi;. Two eggs believed to be those of the Black-headed Hangnest resemble eggs of /. sjmrius. They measure respectivelj' : '75 by ■55 ; 'TS by -o'S. 2. Mexico (H. Buckley: Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Icterus auduboni, Glraud. Icterus melanocepbalus, var. auduboni, Baird, Brewer 4" Bidgw. N. Ainer. Birds, ii. p. 186 (1874). Icterus melauocephalu(<, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 375 (1886) [part.] ; Salv. ^- Godm. Biol. Cenir.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 468 (1887) [part.]. Icterus auduboni, Sennctt, Bull. U.S. Geul. Geoyr. Snrv. Terr. v. p. 399 (1879); Bendire, Life-Hist. N. Anier. Birds, ii. p. 469, pi. vi. fif- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Ares, i. p. 470 (1887) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 102 (1899), p. 345 (1910) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 502 (1909). Icterus mesomelas mesomelas, Bidyio. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. ii. p. 305 (1902). Eggs of the Yellow-tailed Hangnest are of a pointed or elongate oval form and slightly glossy. They are greyish-white, marked with lines of dark chocolate-brown and lavender. Some of the lines are short and blotchy ; others are fine and encircle the egg in an irregular manner, but most of the markings are confined to the larger end. Four specimens measure respectively: I'lS by •? ; 1-15 by -7; 1-06 by -75; 1-06 by -7. ] . Mexico {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Vera I'az, Guatemala, Nov. (^'e^?-- Crowley Bequest. korn Coll. : Tristram Coll.). 1. Valladolid, Yucatan {G. F. Gem- Salvin-Godman Coll. mer). 1. Honduras. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Icterus giraudi, Cassia, (Plate XYII. fig. 19.) Icterus giraudi. M. Sf Salv. F. Z. S. 1879, p. 509 ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 379 (]88(>); Halv. ampropsar dives, Boucnrd, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 446. Dives sumichrasti, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 392 (1886) ; Salv. ^- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aies, i. p. 481 (1887) ; Xehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 103 (1899). DITES. — QUISCALrS. 397 Dives dives, Ridgtii- Birds North S{ Middle Amer. ii. p. 254 (1902) ; Sharpe, Band-l. \. p. 606 (1900) ; Kehrk. Kat. Eifrsamml. p. ^4(5 Eggs of Sumichrast's Graclde vary from a regular oval to a pointed oval shape, and are moderately glossy. One is blue, marked at the broad end with a few black blotches, spots, and intertwined lines which form an irregular wreath. It measures 1-17 by -8. Some eggs have only a few spots and closely resemble eggs of the Song Thrush {Turdus musicus). They vary from 1-04: to 1-16 in length, and from -77 to -81 in breadth. 3. Yucatan. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Ejq [P.]. 2. "i ucatan {Nehrhorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 3. "i ucatan. Crowlev Bequest. 1. A alladolid, Yucatan {6-'.i^.G«M/Hp;-). Salvin-Godman Coll. Genus aUISCALUS, VidU. Cluiscalus quiscalus (Linn.). Icterus quiscalus, T/tieti. Fortphmz. c/es. Viig. tab. xxxvii. fin-. V: a h c (1845-64). ° > > » Quiscalus purpureus, Baird, Breim- ^- Bidcno. N. Amer. Birds ii p '>14 (1^7-^) ; Corns, Birds N.-West,^. 2QQ (1874). ' '~ Quiscalus versicolor, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi, p. 394 (1886) • NeJirk Kat.Eiersamml.^.'[0^(\m'd). \ /f Quiscalus quiscula, Bendire, Life-Hist. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p 497 pi vii figs. 21-23 (1895). ' i'-^'^^'P^-^"- Quiscalus quiscula quiscula, Bidffir. Birds North ^- Middle Amer ii ]i. 215 (1902). Quiscalus quiscalus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 507 (1909) • Nehrk Kat Eiersamml. p. 346 (1910). ' " The eggs of the Purple Grackle, or Changeable Troupial, are mostly of a regular oval shape and moderately glossy. The ground- colour is of some shade of green, varying from greenish-white and greyish-green to pale greenish-blue. The markings are coarse and consist of blotches and thick twisted lines of black and deep purplish-brown. Most specimens are also marked with smears and clouds of various shades of brown, chiefly pale, and some spots and blotches of underlying lavender. A few examples are mottled all over with pale reddish-brown to such an extent that little of the ground-colour is left visible. On these, the dark blotches and lines, so characteristic of most of the eggs of this species, are entirely absent. They measure from 1-1 to 1-3 in length, and irom -8 to -9 in breadth. 8. North America. Crowley Bequesr. 2. ^sorth America (D. G. Elliot: CrowleV Bequest Tristram Coll.). ' ^ 4. North America (Dresser Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 393 ICTEIilD.E. 6. North America [llcnshaiv Coll.). 4. North America. 4. North America {Field Coll.). 4. North America {Smiths. Inst.). 3. North America {Smiths. Inst.). 4. North America. 2. Saskatchewan. 3. Manitoba {G. M. Dcnvson). 3. Souris River, 12 .June {G. M. D.). 2. Fort Diifferin, 7th June ( G. M. I)). 4. Buchanan Co., Iowa, 17th May {Henshaiu Coll.). 1. New Brunswick {H. E. Dresser). 4. jNIiddlesex, Connecticut, 17th May. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. Iladcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. RadclifiTe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Salviu-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Old Collection. Mens. Bourgeau [C.]. N. Amer. Boundary Comm. N. Amer. Boundary Comm. N. Amer. Boundary Comm. S.ilvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. Radclitto Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Q,uiscalus aglaeus, Baird. Quiscalus purpureus, rar. aglseuss, Baird, Brewer S^- Ridf/ic. K. Amer. Birds, u. p. 221 (1874).' Quiscalus versicolor, Sal. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 394 (1886) [part.]. Quiscalus quiscula aglseus, Bendire, Life-Hist. N. Ayner. Birds, ii. p. 50, pi. vii. tisrs. 24, 2o (1895) ; Ridgw. Birds North 8,- Middle Amer. ii. p. 217 (1902). Quiscalus aglseus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 507 (1907) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 346 (1910). Eggs of the Florida Gi'ackle do not differ from those of Q. quis- calus. 4. [Florida.] 4. Tampa, Florida, 26th May. \V. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. "W. Radcliife Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Quiscalus aeneus, Eidgw. Quiscalus purpureus, var. Eeneus, Baird, Breicer S) Ridytc. K. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 218 (1874). Quiscalus versicolor, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 394 (1886) [part.]. Quiscalus quiscula feneus, Deacon, Biol. Rev. Ontario, i. p. 69 (1894) ; Bendire, Life-Hist. iV. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 501, pi. vii. figs. 26, 27 (1895) ; Ridf^v. Birds North ^ Middle Amer. ii. p. 219 (1902). Quiscalus asneus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 608 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamnd. p. 346 (1910). Eggs of the Bronzed Grackle do not differ from those of Q. quiscalus or Q. anlanis described above. 4. North America. 0. Austin, Texas, '2nd June. W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radclitfe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. llKGAQnSCAI.rS. 399 Genus MEGAaUISCALUS, Casshi. Megaquiscalus major ( Vieill.). Quiscalus major, Baird, Brewer Sf RiJyio. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 222 (1874); Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 395 (1880); Bendire, Life- Hist. A. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 506, pi. vii, figs. 30, 31 Q895) ; Sehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 103 (1899). Megaquiscaliis major, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 50S (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. " Eiersumml. p. 347 (1910). Megaquiscalus major major, Ridyw. Birds North 4" Middle Amer. ii. p. 23G (1902). The eggs of the Boat-tailed Grackle are of an ordinar}' oval sliape and t'airh- glossy. Thej- are of a pinkish stone-colour, marked with some blotches and numerous long straggling lines of black or deep purplish-brown. Some of these markings are blurred at the edge and run into the surrounding ground-colour. A few examples exhibit traces of underlying lavender spots. Eggs measure from 1-1 to 1-3 in length, and from -82 to -9 in breadth. Crowley Bequest. North America {J. G. Bell: Tris- tram Coll.). North America. North America [Ilenshaio Coll.). North America (Smiths. Inst.). North America ( W. E. D. Scott). Hog Island, Virginia, 22nd May {U'.E.U.S.j. Newport, N. Carolina, 3rd June {0. J. Biirroirs). Clear Water Harbour, Florida, loth May (W. E. D. S.]. Clear Water Harbour, loth May {J. H. Eevereu.r). Clear Water Harbour, loth May (/. //. D.). Clear Water Harbour, 15th May (J. H. D.). Texas [H. E. Dresser). Brownsville, Texas, 5th June. W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. Salvin-Codnian Coll. Salvin-Codnian Coll. Princeton Ui.iversitv, [E.]. Princeton University, [E.]. Crowley Bequest. N.J. N.J. Princeton University, N.,!. [E.]. Princeton L niversitv, N.J. Princeton University, N.J. [E.]. Princeton [E.]. Crowley Bequest. W. Radclille Saunders, Esq [P.]. University, N.J. Megaquiscalus macrurus {Swains.). Quiscalus macrurus, Scl. ^ Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 20; Merrill, Pr. U.S. Xat. Mus. i. p. 135 (1879); Sennett, Bull. U.S. Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr. v. p. 400 (1879) ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 396 (1886) ; Salv. Sf- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amrr., Ares, i. p. 482 (1887) ; Bendire, Lijf-Hist. y. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 504, pi. vii. tigs. 28, 29 (1895) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 103 (1899). Quiscalus major, apud Salvin, Ibis, 18()6, p. 104. Qui.«calus major, »•«?-. macrurus, Baird, lireirer Si- Bidyir. X. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 22o (1874). 400 MegaquiscaUis major macrourus, Ridgiu. Birds North Si Middle Amer.W. p. 238 (1902). Megaquiscalus macrurus, Sharpe, TImid-l. v. p. 508 (1909) ; Nelirk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 347 (1910). The eggs of the Great-tailed Grackle closely resemble those of ]\1. major. The ground-colour is. however, frequently tinged with green. Specimens measure from 1"26 to 1-54 in length, and from •82 to -93 in breadth. 4. North America. 4. North America. 4. North America. 4. Tampico, Mexico, 22nd May, 5. Victoria, Tampico, 23rd April ( W. B. Richardson). 2. Mexico. 2. Oaxaca, Mexico. 3. Matamoras (L. B. Couch: Hen- shaw Coll.). 1. Dueiias, Guatemala (O. Salvin : Tristram Coll.). 1. Dueiias (O. S. : Tristram Coll.). 2. Dueiias, 'Sth May (O. S.). 1. Duefias, 19th May (0. «.). 3. Dueiias, 27th May (O. S.: Tris- tram CoU.). 1. Duenas, 27th May (0. .S'.). 4. Duenas, 28th May (O. ,S'.). 4. Duenas, 29th May (O. -S'.). 2. Duenas, 29th May (O. S.). 3. Duenas, 29th May (O. S.). 2. Dueiias, 29th May (O. .S',). 3. Dueiias, 29th May (O. ;S'.). 1. Duenas, 29th May {0. S.). 1. Glover's Reef, Honduras. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.J. W. Eadclifle Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.|. Salviu-Godman Coll. Old Collection. C. G. Richards, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salviu-Godmau Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin- Salvin- Salvin- Salvin- Salvin- Salvin- Salvin- Salvin- Salvin- Godman Godman ■Godman •Godman ■Godmau ■Godman Godman ■Godman Godman Coll. Coll. Coll. Coll. Coll. Coll. CoU. Coll. Coll. Megaquiscalus tenuirostris (Swains.). (Plate XVIII. fig. 9.) Quiscalus tenuirostris, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 397 (1836) ; Sah: ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Atner. Aves, i. p. 485 (1887). Megaquiscalus tenuirostris, Bidgw. Birds North iS" Middle Amer. ii. p^ 243 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 509 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 347 (1910). Two eggs of the slender-billed Grackle resemble those of M. major and M. macrurus but are rather smaller. They measure respectively 1-2 by -82, and 1-09 by -8. 2. Mazatlan,W. Mexico (J. i^or/rr). Crowley Bequest. 4. Jamaica. 4. Jamaica. 4. Jamaica. 1. Jamaica ( Jr. Osburn : Coll). Tristram 1. St. Thomas, .Jamaica, (C. B. Tai/lor). 7tli June HOLOQUrsr'ALUS. 4i)l Genus HOLOaUISCALUS, Cassin. Holoquiscalus jamaicensis i^Duud.). (Plate XVIII. figs. 1 & 2.) Quiscalus crassirostri.s, Gosse, Birds Jamaica, p. 217 (1847) ; Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 398 (1886) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 104 (1899). Holoquiscalus ja'-aaicensi.s, Ridgw. Birds North 1^ Middle Amer. ii. p. 227 (1902); Shnrjje, Hand-l. v. p. o09 (1909) ; Ne/irk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 347 (1910). The eggs of the Jamaica Grackle resemble those of Me{/nqnisccthis macrurus. The}' measure from !•! to 1-18 in length, and from •8 to -88 in breadth. Salvin-Godmau Coll. Rev. Barliani Zincke [0.]. Rev. Earliam Zincke [C], Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Holoquiscalus fortirostris (Lawr.). (Plate XYIII. figs. 7 & 8.) Quiscalus fortirostris, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 400 (1886); Feilden, Ibis, 1889, p. 485 ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 104 (1899). Iloloqiiiscalus fortirostris, liid'/ic. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. ii. p. 229 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hund-l. v. p. 510 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 347 (1910). The eggs of the Barbados Grackle resemble those o{ Megaquiscalus macrurus and H. jamaicensis so closely as to require no separate description. Four examples measure respectively : 1-1 by "76 ; 1-03 by -71 ; 1-03 by 76 ; 1 by -74. 3. Barbados, 6th Julv. Col. H. W, Feilden [P.], 1. Barbados, 6th July. Col. H. W. Feilden [P.], Holoquiscalus luminosus {Lawr.). (Plate XVIII. figs. 5 & 6.) Quiscalus luuiiiiosus, Scl. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 402 (1886) : Lan-r. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. IX. p. 615 (1886). Holoquiscalus luminosus, jRidr/ic. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. ii. p. 232 (1902) ; Sharpe, Iland-l.'v. p. 510 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 347 (1910). Eggs of the Grenada Grackle resemble those of Megaquiscalus TOL. T. 2d 402 icTEUiDj;. major but are mucli smaller. They vary from "99 to 1'14 in length, and from "73 to "79 in breadth. 3. Soubise, Grenada, Oth June (/. G. Crowlev Bequest. Wells). 3. Grand Brasland, Grenada, IGth Crowley Bequest. April {J. G. W.) Genus HYPOPYRRHUS, Bonajj. Hypopyrrhiis pyrypogaster (De Tarr.). Hypopyrrhus pyrrhogaster, Sd. S,- Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 510, pi. xliii. fig. 4. Hypopyrrhus pyrypogaster, Sd. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 403 (1886) ; Nehrk. Kat. 'Eiersainnil. p. 104 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hund-l. v. p. 511 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 347 (1910;. Three eggs of the Red-bellied Grackle are of a regular oval shape and glossy. They are pale greenish-blue, spotted and blotched at one end with deep purplish-brown and pale lavender. They measure respectively : 1-2 by -8 ; 1-21 by "S ; 1-15 by -8. 2. Santa Elena, Antinquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia (T. K. Salmon). 1. U. S. Colombia. Crowley Bequest. Genus GNORIMOPSAR, Richmond. [Richmond, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xxxv. p. 584 (1908).] Gnorimopsar chopi ( Vieill.). Psarocolius uuicolor, Burin. Syst. Ueber. iii. p. 281 (1856). Aphobus chopi, Sd. Cat. Birds B. M. xi. p. 405 (1886) ; Sd. Sf Iluds. Arrjent. Orn. i. p. 108 (1888) ; Dahjleish, Pr. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb. X. 'p. 78 (1889) ; Euler, Bev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 34 (1900) ; Ihering, t. c. p. 222 (1900). Aptus chopi, Sharpe, Hand-l. y. p. oil (1909). Gnorimopsar (Aphobus) chopi, Nehrk, Kat. Eiersamml. p. 347 (1910). Two eggs of the Chopi Boat-tail are of a somewhat pointed oval shape and glossy. They are pure white, and measure respectively 1-2 by -83, and"l-15 by -82. Azara and Hudson say that the eggs of this species are pure white ; and Dalgleish that they are pale blue, finely streaked with hair-like markings and with a few spots of ver}' dark purple, chiefly round the larger end ; while JS^ehrkorn describes them as sky-blue with deep black vermiform lines and hieroglyphics round the broad end. They seem to vary like the eggs of Icterus cucuUatiis. 2. Argentine Republic. Crowley Bequest. ETL'RXlUj;. 403 Familj' STURXID.E. Genus STURNUS, Linn. Sturnus vulgaris, Liniu Stui'iiiis VLilf^aris, Thien. Fortpflanz. ges. Vo(/. tab. xxxviii. fag. 1, a, b (1840-54:); Hewitson, Ei/i/s of Brit. Birds, i. p. 216, pi. Iv. fig. 1 (18o6) ; Dresser, Birds Eilr. iv. p. 405 (1874) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 12, pl. 11 (1834) ; Sharjye, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 27 (1890); Seebohm, Ei/r/s of Brit. Birds, p. 230, pl. 54. lig. 13 (1896) ; Dresser, Man. PaL 'Birds, i. p. 3i>9 (1902); Ret/, Eier Voy. 3Iif.telei(rnp. i. p. 349 (1905) ; Jourd. Er/tjs Europ. Birds, i. p. 34 (1906) ; Dresser, Eqqs Birds Europe, p. 340, pl. xxiii. figs. 1 & 2 (1908) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 512 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 348 (1910). Sturnus varius, Baedeker. Eier Eur. Tot/, tab. 50. fig. 12 (1855-63 ). Sturnus vulgaris vulgaris, Hartert, J'of/. pal. Faun. i. p. 41 (1910). The eggs of the Common Starling are mostly of an ordinary oval shape and highly glossy. They vary in colour from bluish-white to a pale greenish-blue. They measure h'om 1-08 to 1-3 in length, and from "S to -9 in breadth. 3. Keswick, Cumberland. 15. Cambridgeshire. 6. Iladdenham, Cambridgeshire, 23i'd May. 4. Southi^ry, Norfolk, 28th April. 5. Southery, 20tk May. 5. Southery, 10th June. 4. Cookham, Berkshire, April. 3. Cookham, April. 7. Berkshire, 25th April. 6, Alton, Hants, Mav. 5. Bentley, Hants, ioth April (//. If. Iiir/ram: Hurr/itt Coil.). 5. Bentley, lath May. 5. Finchley, Middlesex (0. Saliun). 6. Stolp, I'omerania, Jst May (T. IIol/a)id). 5. Stolp, 8th Mav (7". 7/. >. 5. Stolp, 20th May (T. IL). 5. l^Muback, Vorarlberg, Tvrol, 30ih Mav. Seebohm Coll. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. Radcliife Saunders, Esq. W. BadcliiTe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. RadclifJe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm C'nll. W. Iladclilib Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Sturnus faroensis, Feilden. Sturnus vulgaris, Feilden, Zoologist, 1872, p. 3219; Dresser, Egijs Bird Europe, p. 340; pl. xxiii. fig. 3 (190S). 2i) 2 404 8TURXIDJ5. Sturnus faroensis, Feilden, Zoologist, 1872, p. 3257 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 513 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat.'Eiersamml. p. 348 (1910). Sturnus vulfjaris faroensis, Hartert, Toe/, pal. Faun. i. p. 44: (1903) ; Juurd. E(j(js Europ. Birds, i. p. 37 (1906). Eggs of the Faroe Island Starling resemble those of S. vulgaris, but are rather larger. The)' measure from 1-15 to 1-35 in length, and from -8 to -9 in breadth. 6. Faroe Islands, 3rd June. Crowle_y Bequest. 3. Faroe Islands, 25th May {Hargitt Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 3. Faroe Islands, 2nd June {H. C. Seebohm Coll. Midler). 6. Faroe Islands, 4th June (H. C. M.). Seebohm Coll. 2. Faroe Islands, 8th June {H. C. M.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Faroe Islands, 12th June {H. C. M.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Faroe Islands, 22nd June ( H. C. M.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Faroe Islands, 23rd June {H. C. M.). Seebohm Coll Sturnus indicus, Hochjs. Sturnus humii, Oateg, Fauna Brit. Lid., Birds, i. p. 520 (1889); id., ed. Hume, Nests S,- Egcjs Ind. Birds, i. p. 369 (1889). Slurnus uvWcw^, Shnrpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 35 (1890); Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 120 (1899), p. 348 (1910); Shcaye, Hand-l. v. p. 513 (1909). Sturnus vulgaris humii, Hartert, Viig. pal. Faun. i. p. 45 (1903). The eggs of the Himalaj'an Starling resemble the paler eggs o£ S. vulgaris, but are rather smaller. Thej' measure from 1-04 to 1-15 in length, and from '75 to '82 in breadth. 1. Kashmir, 30th May ( W. E. Brooks : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. Kangan, Kashmir, 22nd May ( JJ'. Hume Coll. E. B.). 3. Baramoola, Kashmir, 30th Mav ( IF. Hume Coll. E. B.). 5. North India. W. Kadcllffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Sturnus poltaratskii, Finscli. Sturnus poltaratsltyi, Finsch, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 712. Sturnus poltoratzs'kii, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 36 (1890) ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 513 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. .348 (1910). Sturnus vulgaris poltaratskyi, Hartert, Viig. pal. Faun. i. p. 44 (1903). Two eggs resemble those of S. vulgaris. Thev each measure 1-1 by 0-8. 1. Altai Mountains (iNWjrAwn Co//.). Crowley Bequest. 1 Kuldja. Crowley Bequest. sTURxrs. 405 Sturnus caucasicus, Lorenz. Sturnus caucasicus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 37 (1890) ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 514 (1909) ; H^elu-k. Kat. Eitrsamml. p. 348 (1910). Sturnus vulgaris caucasicus, Jlarfvrf, Tog. pol. Faun. i. p. 46 (1903) ; Juurd. B(/ffs Europ. Birds, i. p. 37 (1900). Two eggs of the Caucasus Starling are similar to those of S. vahjaris. They measure respective!}- : 1'18 by '85, and 1-19 by -84. 2. Lenkoran, Talish, 8th May. Crowley Bequest. Sturnus purpurascens, Uould. Sturnus purpurascens, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 37 (1890); Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, i. p. 400 (1902) ; id., Eqys Birds Europe, p. 342, pi. xxiii. fig. 5 (1908); Sharpe, Iland-L v. p. 514 (1909J; A'ehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 348 (1910). Sturnus vulgaris purpurascens, Hartert, T'or/. pal. Faun. i. p. 46 (1903) ; Joiirdain, Ein'riiiiamis, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 538 (1889J ; id., ed. Hume, Nesfs 4" Fff^js Ind. Birds, i. p. 381 (1889) ; ISharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 84 (1.^00); id., Iland-l. v. p. 520 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 349 (1910). The eggs of the Bank Myua resemble those of A. tristis, but they are smaller and pale varieties a])pear to be less frequent. They measure from -95 to 1"15 in length, and from -72 to '87 in breadth. 38. Eastern Narra, Sind (uke of York, Bismarck Arcliip. Crowley Bequest. 2. New Britain, Bismarck Archip. Crowley Bequest. Aplonis brevirostris ( Peale). (Plate XVIII. fig. 16.) Aplonis brevirostris, Whitmee, Bis. 1875, p. 440; Sliarpe, Cat. Bn-dn B. M. xiii. p. 1.30 (1890); Nehrk. Kat. Elevs'imml. p. 122 (1899), p. 850 (1910) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 527 (1909). The eggs of the Short-billed Tree-Starling are of an elongate oval form and possess a small amount of gloss. They are pale greenish- blue, S])otted and blotched with chestnut, lilac, and purplish-grey, and are inseparable from some eggs of Lamprocorax metallica. They measure respectively: 1'08 by •" ; l"li^ by 'I'd. 2. Samoa, ^March. Be^-. S. J. Whitmee [C.]. Aplonis vitiensis, Lai/ai-d. (Plate XVIII. fig. 17.) Aplonis tabuensis, Layard {nee Gmel.). P. Z. S. 1875, p. 435. Aplonis vitiensis, Lai/ard, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 502 ; id., Ibis, 1876, p. 392; Shnrpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 131 (1890) : id., Hand-l. v. p. 527 (1909) : Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 350 (1910). Three eggs of the Fiji Islands Tree-Starling are of a very broad oval shape and slightly glossy. One has the ground white, while in two it is of a pale greenish-blue: all are spotted and blotched with reddish-brown and lilac, and in one the markings are dense at the broad end and sparse elsewhere. They measure respectively: 1-09 by -8 ; 1-08 by -72 ; and 1-0 by -76. 1. Fi]ils\!ind%Oct.(F. M. Bm/ner). Yoy. H.M.S. ' Herald.' 2. W^akaya, Fiji Islands, 26th Dec. Crowley Bequest. {B. L. layard : Tristram Coll.). Aplonis atrifusca, Feale. Sturnoides atrifusca. Whitmee, Ibis, 1875, p. 440 ; Layard, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 494. Aplonis atrifusca, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 134 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 122 (1899), p. 351 (1910) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 528 (1909). The eggs of the Blackish-brown Tree-Starling are of a narrow oval shajje and almost devoid of gloss. They are of a greenisli- blue colour, with a very few minute specks of lilac scattered here APr.ONIS. r.A.Ml'UOCOKAX. 421 and there over the shell. The specimens measure respectively : l-'^o by "91 ; 1*4 by '9. The measuremeuts of an egg givea by iS'ehrkoru are considerably less : 1"18 by "80. 2. Samoa, Sept. Kev. S. J. Whitmee [C.]. Aplonis kittlitzi, FinscJi lJ- Hani. (Plate XVIII. tig. 12.) Aplonis kittlitzi, Sharpv, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 136 (1890) ; Hartei-t, Aov. Zuul. vii. p. 6 (ISJOO); S/iarpe, Hund-l. v. p. 528 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersainml. p. iJol (1910). Three eggs of Kittlitz's Tree-Starling are indistinguishable from rliose of A. cantoroides. They measure respectively : 1*21 by "82 ; 1-2 by -82; and 1-1 by -82. 1. Pelew Is., Carolinos (7*. Kubary : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. Ruk Is., Carolines, 2Gth May. Crowley Bequest. Genus LAMPROCORAX, Bonap. Lamprocorax metallica {Temm.). Caiornis metallica, Gould, Handh. Birdx Ausfr. i. p. 477 (1865) ; Ramsay, P. Z. 8. 1875, p. 59:3 ; Lmjard, Ibis, 1880, p. 295 ; North, Nests V Eijys Birds, Austr. p. 190 (1889); ^harpe. Cat. Birds B. M. xu\. p. I;j8 (1890) ; Le Souef, Ibis, 1898, p. 52 ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 122 (1899j; Campbell, Nests 4" Ei/ys Austr. Birds, i. p. 475, pi. 16 (1901) ; North, Nests Sf Eygs Birds Austr. ii. p. 265 (1909). Lamprocorax metallica, Sharps, Hand-l. v. p. 529 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 351 (1910). The eggs of the Shining Caiornis are of a somewhat pointed oval shape and exhibit a considerable amount of gloss. They are of a pale greenish-blue colour, marked with spotn and blotches of chestnut, lilac and purplish-grey. Some specimens are boldly blotched at the broad end only ; others are spotted pretty evenly all over ; and others again are very feebly marked with only a few specks. Examples measure from 1 to 1*18 in length, and from '74 to '8 in breadth. 4. Trobriaud I., D'Entrecasteaux Crowley Bequest. ArchipelajiO, 3rd April (A. S. Meek). 1. Xew Britain, Bismarck Archipela^'o. Crowley Bequest. 1. Mioko, Duke of York I., October Crowley Bequest. (E. L. C. Lai/ard : Tristram Coll.). 1. St. Aigiiau, Louisiadc Arcbi- A. S. Meek, Esq. ^C,]. pelajro. 3. St. Aignan. A. S. Meek. Esq. [C.'. 422 EULiUETIDiE. 2. N.W. Australia. 3. Somerset, Cape York, Queenslaod, /itli Jan. 4. Somerset, 5tli Jan. 4. Gape York l^C'apt. Stanley^. 4. Cape York. 1. C&-^&\o\:\i{J.MacgilJivraij: Tris- tram Coll.). T. Carter, Esq. [C.]. C. A. Barnard, Esq. [C.]. C. A. Barnard, Esq. [C.]. Voy. H.M.S. ' Rattlesnake.' Gould Coll. Crowley Bequest. Lamprocorax chalybea {Horsf.). (Plate XVIII. tigs. 18 & 19.) Calornis cLalybea, Shmye, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 34-5 ; id., Cat. Birch B. M. xiii. p. 143 (1890) ; Nehrk. Knt. Eier.mmml. p. V2-2 (1899). Calornis chalybeius, Oates, Fauna Brit, hid., Birds, i. p. 514 (1889) ; Oates, ed. Hume, Nests Sf Eygs Ind. Birds, i. p. 367 (1889). Lamprocolius chalybeus, Kuschel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 330. Lamprocorax chalybea, Sliarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 530 (1909); Nehrl;. Kat. Eiersamml. p.'351 (1910). The eggs of the Glossy Calornis resemble those of L. metaUicn, hut have a slightly darker ground-colour. They measure trom -93 to 1"15 in length, and from '71 to "79 in breadth. 6. [Malay Peinnsula.] W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Hume (!oll. 3. Ko?souui, Malay Peiunsula 9th May ( W. iJuuison). 3. Laugat, Malay Peninsula, April ( W. b.). 10th Hume Coll. 3. Labuan, Borneo, June, Sir Hugh Low [C.]. 1. Jjabuau. Sir Hugh Low [C.J. 2, I^abuan ^ A. H. Everett). Crowley Bequest. \. [Labuan], 14th June. (/rowley Bequest. 1. [Labuan], Crowley Bequest. Lamprocorax panayensis {Scop.). Calornis panayensis, SJiarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 147 (1890) ; Ogilvie-Grant ^- Whitehead, Ibis, 1898, p. 244, -^l. vi. fig. 1 ; Sharpe, mmd-l. V. p. 530 (1909). The eggs of the Panay Glossy Calornis cannot be separated from the eggs of L. chaJyhea. The}' measure from -97 to 1-OS in length, and from '77 to -79 in breadtli. 2. Philippine Is., 9th May {E. L. Crowley Bequest. Mosi'ley). 3. Province of Isabella, North-east J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. Luzon, Phihppine Is., 28th April. 2. Province of Isabella, 28th April. J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. I rVEROCHIRA. — AMYDKUS. 423 Genus PYEROCHIEA, lielchcnh. Pyrrochira caflfra (Linn.). (Plate XIX. tig. 1.) Pyn-liocheira caffer, Shavpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 169 (1890). Aniydrus carter, i^harpe, td. Luijard, Birds 8. Afr. p. 43U (J87'J-84) ; 'stark, Fauna 8. Afr. Birds,' \. p. 28 (1900). P3irhoclieira catii-a, Kuschel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 330; Beich. Vo(j. Afr. ii. p. 697 (1903). Onychognathiis caJi'er, Shellcij, Birds Afr. v. p, 103 (1900). Pyrroclura cati'ra, Sharpe, Mand-l. v. p. 534 (1909). I'yrrliocliira catlra, Ne/ir/c. Kat. Biersamnil. p. 351 (1910). An egg of the Pale-winged Starling is of a rather pointed oval shape and somewhat glossy. It is pale blue, finely freckled and spotted all over with reddish-brown and lilac, the markings being most numerous towards the larger end. It measures 1'3 by 'liQ. I. Nels Poort, Cape Colony {T. C. Crowley Bequest. Atnwre : Tristram Coll.). Genus AMYDRUS, Cahanis. Amydrus morio {Linn.). Lamprotornis morio, T/iieii. Fortpfianz. qes. Vo(j. tab. xxxviii. fig. 8 (1845-54). jVmydrus morio, Sharjye, ed. Layard, Birds S. Africa, p. 431 (1875-84) ; ' Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. .xiii. p. 161 (1890): Kuschel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 330 ; B. B. i)J. U. 8. Woodward, Ibis, 1897, p. 406 ; i\ehrk. Kat. Fitrsanvnl. p. 133 (1899) ; Stark, Fauna 8. Afr., Birds, i. p. 26 (1900) : Beich. Vog. Afr. ii. p. 699 (1903) ; Bncknill, Journ. 8. Afr. Orn. Union, ii. p. 74 (1908) ; 8harpe, Hand-l. v. p. 535 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Fiersamml. p. 351 (1910). Ouychoguathus morio, Shelley, Birds Afr. v. p. 105 (1906). Eggs of the Cape Glossy Tree-Starling vary m shape from a regular oval to a blunt oval and exhibit a moderate amount of gloss. They are of a greenish-blue colour, sjjaringly speckled and spotted with rufous, deep purplish-brown and lilac. They vary in length from 1"1 7 to 1-47 ; and in breadth from -b'S to "99. The eggs of this species are said to be sometimes uniform blue without markings. 4. South Africa. Crowlev •2. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 4. Graliainstown, C. Culouv, 25th Oct. B. E. Jupp, I'^sq. |_C.j (B. E. J.). 424 EULABETinJK. S. Grahanistown, 3rd Feb. {J. H. B. E. Jiipp, Esq. [C.]. Ben a). 3. Upper Kareiga, Grahamstowii, 13. E. Jupp, Esq. [C]. Nov. (Feachei/). 3. Blaauw Krautzj C. Colony, Dec. E. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.]. (i. Palmer). 3. Blaauw Krautz, Jan. (L. P.) B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.]. 1. Blaauw Kraiuz, 2nd Jan. (i. P.). B. E. Jupp, Esq. [CJ. 3. Blaauw Krantz, Kith Jan. (Z. P.). B. E. Jupp, Esd. [(J.j. 3. Blaauw Krautz, IGth Jan. (i. P. ). B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.J. 3. Blaauw Krantz, 22nd Jan, (i. P.). B. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.j. 3. Waschbniik, Natal, 4th Nov. Mai or R. Ciparrow [E.J. (P. S.). \ 8. Rosetta, Natal, 1st Dec. (R. S.). Major R. Sparruw [E.]. Genus ONYCOGNATHUS, IJartlauh. Onycogrnatbus blythi, Bartl. Aniydrus blythi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 1(34 (1890); Oyilvie- Grant ^y Forbes, ]S\ Hist. Sokotra, Aves, p. 22 (1903). Onychognathus blythi, Reich. Vwj. Afr. ii. p. 701 (190oj ; Shelley, Bird.'f Afr. V. p. 109 (1906). Onycognathus blythi, Sharpe, Haiul-l. v. p. 530 (1909). Three eggs said to be those of BIyth's Chestnut- winged Starling are indistinguishable from those of /^YMr«?{s vulgaris. They measure respectively : 1-23 by -9 ; 1-22 by -89 ; and 1-19 by -87. 3. Sonialiland. W. Radclilie Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus LAMPEOCOLIUS, iSaudev. Lamprocolius splendidus ( VieilL). Lamprocolius splendidus, Sharpe, Cat, Birds B. M. xiii. p. 17o (1890) ; Reich. Fiiy. Afr. ii. p. 692 (1903) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 539 (1909; ; Ogilvie-Grani, Tr. Zool. Soc. xix. p. 264 (1910) ; Bates, litis, 1911, p. 542, pi. ix. figs. 7 & 11. Lamprotornis splendidus, Shelley, Birds Afr. v. p. 65 (1906). Lamprocolius splendidus glaucovirens, Bates, Ibis, 1909, p. 37. Two eggs of the Splendid Glossy Starling are of a regular oval shape and almost without gloss. The ground-colour is pale greenish-blue, sparingly marked all over with spots and small blotches of pale reddish-brown and lilac-grey. They measure respectively 1-23 by -95 ; and 1-lS by -87. 1. Bitye, Cameroon, Aug. (595). G. L. Bates, Esq. [P.]. .1. Bitye, Sept. (110). G. L. Bates, Esq. [P.]. LVMPKOCOLirs. 4"2o Lamprocolius purpureus (P. L. >S. Miill.). Ijainprocolius purpureus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. ^'If. xiii. p. 175 (ISHO) ; lieich. ]'ii;i. Afr. li. p. 091 (190:^) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 539 (^1909) ; Nehrlc. Kat. Eierscuninl. p. 351 (1910). I^amprotomi.s purpureus, Shelley, Birds Afr. v. p. 78 (1906). An egg said to be that of the Purple Glossy Starling is of a pointed oval shape and somewhat gloss)-. It is pale blue, spotted all over with brown and lilac-grey, the markings being most numerous round the larger end. It measures 1*17 by 'SS. 1. ^\'est Africa. Crowley l^t^quest. Lamprocolius phcenicopterus {!Swuin.s.). (Plate XIX. figs. 2&3.) Lauiprocolius phcenieopterus, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Afr. p. 4:25 (1875-84); Sharps., Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 180 (1890) ; Kmchel, J. f. O. 1895, p. 330 ; B. B. ^- J. D. S. Wsodward, Ibis, 1897, p. 405 ; Stark, Faun. S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 38 (1900) ; Reich. Viiy. Afr. ii. p. (3ii:^ (1903) ; Bucknill, Journ. S. Afr. Orn. Union, ii. p. 76 (1908) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 541 (1909) ; Nehrh. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 35 (1910). Laniprotorois phrenicopterus, Shelley, Bird.s Afr. v. p. 70 (1906) [part.]. Eggs of the lled-shouldercd Glossy Starling are of a long oval shape and distinctly glossy. The ground-colour varies from pale blue to bluish-green, mari?ed all over with rather small spots of pale reddish-brown and lilac-grey. Thev vary m length from 1"1 to I'lS, and in breadth from '77 to -82. 3. Grahamstowu, C. Colonv, 30th K. E, Jupp, Esq. [0.]. Nov. (B. E. J.). 3. Belmont, nr. Grahamstowu, 4th 13. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.]. Dec. [L. rainier). Lamprocolius bispecularis (StricH.). Lamprocolius bispecularis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 181 (1890) ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 541 (1909). Lamprocolius phcenicopterus bi.specula)is, Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 39 (1900) ; Beich. Vck). Afr. ii. p. 686 (1903) ; Bucknill, Journ. S. Afr. Orn. Union, ii. p. '76 (1908). Lamprotornis phoinicopterus, Shellei/, Birds Afr. v. p. 70 (190G) [part.^. Eggs of the Lesser Red-shouldered Glossy Starling resemble those of//. )>h(i'iiic(ipferi(s. They measure I'lo by '72; I'l by •7'5. Gne taken by Dr. W. .1. Ansorge from the oviduct of a female is uniform bright bluish-green. It measures I'Oo by -b. 426 EULABETID.'E. '2. Ovampoland, Damaraland, March Crowley Jleqiiest. {C. J. Andcrsson : Tristram Cull). 1. X'Dalla Tando, N. Angola, -JOtli Dr. W. J. Ansorye [C.]. Oct. Genus SPREO, Lesson. Spreo bicolor (Gmel.). (Plate XIX. figs. 4 & 6.) Lamprotornis bicolor, Thien. Fortpjlanz. yes. Voy. tab. xxxviii. fig. 9 (1845-54). Spreo bicolor, Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. ^/nca, p. 429 (] 875-84) ; Butler, Feilden Sf Beid, Zuul. 1882. p. 25tj ; iSkarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 187 (1890); Kuschel, J.f. O. 1895, p. 330; Nehrk. Kut. Eiersamml. p. 123 (189rj), p. 352 (1910) ; IStark, Fauna S. A/r., Birds, i. p. 30 (lyOO) ; Beich. Voy. Afr. ii. p. (573 (1903) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. v. p. 85 (litOlJ) ; Haayner l^ ley, Journ. S. Afr. Or it. Uition, iii. p. 78 (1907) ; BncknUl, Journ. A'. Afr. Orn. Union, iv. p. 75 (1908) ; Sharpe, Hand-L v. p. 542 (1900). The eggs ol: the Comuioa Cape Tree-Starling are mostly of a pointed oval shape and slightly glossy. They are of a deep bhiish- green colour, tiie majority being plani, and others spotted witli pale lilac-red. They measure Irom 1-14 to \-'6 in length, and from ■'H'J. to •y in breadth. 3. South Africa. 3. South Africa. 4. South Africa. 4. South Africa. 1. Cape Colouy {T. C. At more : Tristram Coll.). 2. CaDe Colony [E. L. L. : Tristram 'Coll.). 4. Howiespoort, Cape Colony, 5th Dec. (i. Palmer). (With one egg oi Indicator major.) 3. Howiespoort, 28th Dec. [B. E. J.). (Witli one egg of Indicator major.) 1. Deelfontein, Cape Colony, 23rd Nov. ( C. H. B. Grant '<^- E. C. Seitnund). 1. Kuruman, British Bechuanaland, 2nd Jan. 4. Kuruman, 2Dd Jan. 5. l!i&tal (T. Ayres : Tristram Coll.). 4. Ladysoiith, Natal, Nov. 5. Amersfoort, E. Transvaal, (Jet. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliiie Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. B. E. Jupp, Esq. [P.]. B. E. Jupp, Esq. [P.]. Colonel A. T. Sloggett [P.]. B. B. Woosnam & R. E. Deut, Esqrs. [C. ]. K. B. Woosnam & R. E. Dent, Esqrs. [C.]. Crowley Bequest. Capt. Savile G. Raid [C.]. Hon. J. A. Bucknill [P.]. 427 Genus CREADION, VieiU. Creadion carunculatus {Gmel). (Pkte XIX. fig. 5.) Creadion canmciilutus, S/iarjw, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 144 (1877) ; lieischek. Trans, if I'roc. A\ Zeal. l?ist. xix. p. 188 (1887) ; Biiller, Birds N. Zeal. L'lid ed, i. p. 18 (1888) ; »/., Sujipl. ii. p. 161 (19U.J) ; ISharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 644 (1909). An egg of the " Sadrlle-Eack " is of a rather long and someAvhat pointed oval shape, almost without gloss. The ground-colour is pale greyish-pink, with spots and blotches of umber-brown, dark lilac-grey and pale lavender-grey, the markings being mostly con- centrated round the larger end where they partially blend and form an irregular cap. It measures 1'25 by "SS. The white egg marked and spotted with purplish-brown and measuring 1-4 by I'U referred to this species by Jiuller {vide supra) has no doubt been wrongly identified. He also describes a second egg which agrees in every respect with the specimen in the British Museum. 1. New Zealand. W. Eadcliti'e Saunders, lisq. [P.]. I Family ORIOLID^. Genus ORIOLUS, Li,in. Oriolus galbula, Linn. Oriolus galbula, Thien. Fortpflanz. yes, Tciff. tab. xxvii. figs. 11, n~c (l84/;-.',4) ; Baedeker, Ewr Bur'. ]'ii(j. tab. 60. tig. 10 (1855-y;3) ; llewitsoii, BS.). Salvin-Godman Cioll. Salvin-Godniau Coll. Sah'in-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebobni Coll. Heebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. iSeebohm Coll. Si-ebuhm Coll. W. Kadclift'e Saunders, Esq. [P.]. \\ . Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. \\. liadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. \\ . lladclitie Saunders, Esq. ^^ . liadcliHe Saunders, Esq. Oriolus kundoo, Sijkes. Oriolus kundoo, S/iarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 194 (1877); Oates, Fauna Brit. Iiid., Birds, i. p. 504 (1889) ; Gates, ed. Hume, Nests ^■ Eyqs hid. Birds, i. p. 354 (1889) ; Dresser, Ibis, 1904, p. 48fl, pi. x. figs. 16 & 18; S/iarpe, Hund-l. v. p. 547 (1909); Nehrk. Kut. Fiersamml. p. 352 (1910). Oriolus oriolus kundoo, Hartert, V6(j. pal. Faun. i. p. 53 (1903). The eggs of the Indian Oriole are so similar to those of 0. galhula that they rcqttire no separate description, but, on the whole, they appear to be more sparingly spotted. They measure from 1-03 to l-'6'2 in length, and from •75 to •87 in breadth. 2. Jerripani, Mussoorie, Himalayas Huuie Coll. (T. Hut ton). 2. Lahore, Punjab, 15th June. Hume Coll. 1. Hansi, 1st Julv ( W. Bleuntt). Hume Coll. 2. Hansi, 14th July ( W. B.). Hume Coll. 1. Sanibhur, 9th June. Hume Coll. 1. Sambhur, 26th June. Hume Coll. 1. Sambhur, 10th July. Hume Coll. 1. Sambhur, 14th Julv, Hume Coll. 429 ]. Sambluir, li'itli July. Hume Coll. 1. Sambhur, 17th July. Hume Coll. 1. Sambhur, 2(3th July. Hume Coll. .'1 Delhi, 28tli Juue (I'. T. Biw/ham). Hume Coll. 3. Agra, 24th June (A. O. Hunw). Hume Coll. 1. Agra, 26th July [A. O. II.). Hume Coll. 2. Bareilly, 25th May {A. O. H.). Hume Coll. 1. IWeillv, 17th June {A. O. H.). Hume Coll. 1. Bareilly, 21st June (.-4. O. 7f.). Hume Coll. 1. P.areillv, 28rd June (A. O. H.). Hume Coll. 1. Baraitch. 20th ]May (A. O. H.]. Hume Coll. 2. Lucknow, 2ndJuly (r?. 7?. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.]. Nov. [B.E.J.). Oriolus trailli, Vu/or.t. Oriolus trailli, Skarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 222 (1877) ; Nehrl-. Kat. Ekrsamml. p. 19 (1899) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. ■'jU8 (1889) ; Gates, ed. Hume, Nests^ Ec/gs Ind. Birds, i. p. 362 (1889) ; Shnrpe, Hond-I. v. p. 5r33 (1909) ; 'Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamvd. p. 353 (1910). The eggs of the Maroon Oriole aie qnite inseparable from those of 0. nu'hmocephalus. The gronnd-colour is pinkish-white, and tlie mai-lvings, which are deep purplish-broAvn and dull lavender, are chiefly collected together about the broad end of the egg. One example measures 1-11 by -S. The others are broken at the small end and cannot be accurately measured. 1. Nanitcbu, Native Rikliiin, 3rd Hume Coll. April [L. Mimde/ii"!. •2. Sikbiu), 20th April (.7. A. Hume Coll. (i'(U)im-e). Genus MIMETA, Kinrf. Mimeta flavocincta {King). Mimeta flavocincta, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 466 (1865) ; Meyer, Zeitschr. qes. Grn. 1884, p. 292, taf. xvii. fig. 1 ; S/inrpe, Ha'nd-l. V. p. .553 "(1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 353 (1910). Oriolus fiaviciuctus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 206 (1877) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamnd. p. 19 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests 8c Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 80 (1901) ; North, Nests ^- Eggs Birds Austr. i. p. 79 (1902). An egg of the Crescent-marked Oriole is of a pointed oval form and possesses a considerable amount of gloss. It is of a light creamy buff-colour, spotted and blotched with dark umber-brown, light yellowish-brown, and pale underlying lavender. The mark- ings are more frequent as well as larger round the broad end of the egg, where they form an irregular zone. It measures 1"25 by -SG. This specimen does not agree well with the egg figured by Meyer. 1. Somerset, N. Queensland, 7lh Dec. C. A. Barnard, Esq. [C.]. 433 Mimeta sagittata (/-«(!/(.). (Plafe XIX. figs. 11 & 12.) Oriolns viridis, limmny, Ihix, 1803, p. 179; Sharpp, Cat. Binh B. M. iii. p. -IVl (1877) ; Nchrk. Kat. Eiermmml. p. 19 (1899) ; Campbell, Xesfs S,- i:f/(/s An^fr. Birds, i. p. 81, pi. 6 (1901). ^riuieta viridis, Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 462 (180-")) ; North, Xi'sts Sr Egr/s Birds Austr. p. 183 (1889). Oriolns saprittatus, North, Nfists S; Eggs Birds Austr. i. p. 7-> (1902). Miiiipta sauittata, Shurpe, Hand-l. v. p. 55-') (1909) [part.]; Nehrk. Kat. Eier.samml. p. 3o3 (1910). The eggs of the Xew South Wales Oriole are of precisely the same type as the single egg of M. Jluvocincta described above, but are rather larger. In one specimen, however, the dark umber- brown markings are entirely absent, and the shell is thickly covered with spots, blotches, and clouds of yellowish-brown and inky-purple. In all the examples the markings are vi-y numerous :ind prominent at the broad end, where they form an irregular zoTie or cap. They measure from 1'28 to l"3o in length, and from -91 to -^'y in breadth. Australia. New South Wales. Dobroyd, N. S. Wales. Victoria (J. Gonld : Trisfram Victoria, 2i)d Sept. {A. J. Nurt/i). Mctoria. Gippsland, Victoria. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Gould Coll. (Jould Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Govt, of Victoria [P.]. F. A. Philbrick, Esq. [P.]. Mimeta affinis, Could. (Plate XIX. figs. 13 & 14.) JMiiueta afliiiis, Crndd, Uaridh. Birds Austr. i. p. 4G-'i (186"j) ; North, Nests V.V Eggs Birds Austr. p. 184, pi. xi. fig. 12 (1889). Oriolus affinis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 188 (footnote, 1877); Itamsag, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi. p. 576 (1881) ; Le Souef, Vict. Nat. XVI. p. 62 (1899); Nchrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 19 (1899): Cninpbcll. Nests (^- Eqqs Austr. Birds, i. p. 79 (1901) ; North, Nests ^- Eggs Birds A ustr'. i. p. 78 (1902). Mimeta sagittata, Sharjje, Hand-l. v. p. Ooo (1909) [part.]. The eggs of the Xorth Australian Oriole vary much in size and shape, some being of a broad oval, others much more elongate ; ihey are fairly glossy. The ground varies from white to pale creamy-white, marked all over, but not very thicklv, with well-defined spots and sijccUs of dark umber-brown and underlying dull lavender. They vary in length from 1-23 to 1 -42, and iu VOL. V. 2 F 434 breadth from "87 to 'QS. One exceptionally small egg from Doorook measures 1-02 by -93 inch. Port Essingtou, N. Australia, 4tli Dec. Doolaloo, N. Queensland, 4tli Jan. Doolaloo, 8th Jan. Doolaloo, 17th Jan. Doolaloo, 18th Jan. Doolaloo, 18th Jan. Doolaloo, 19th Jan. Doolaloo, 23rd .Tan. Doolaloo, 24th Jan. Doolaloo, 28th Jan. Doolaloo. 1. Doorook, N. Queensland, 3rd March. 2. Dawson Eiver, Queensland, Oct. (A. J. Xort/i). Gould Coll. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Uadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.l. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Kadclifte Saunders, Esq. t-P-^- . . .. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [R]. Crowley Bequast. Genus SPHECOTHERES, VleilJ. Sphecotheres maxillaris {Latli.). Sphecotheres maxillaris, GouM, Hnmlh. Birrls Ausfr. i. p. 467 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 224 (1877) ; Fitzqerahl, Pr. Litin. Soc. N.S. W. (2) ii. p. 970 (1887) ; North, Nests ^- Eggs Birch Avstr. p. 185. pi. xi. fig. 11 (1889) ; id. Bee. Ausfr. 31t/s. i. p. 113 (1891); Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 82 (1901) ; North, Nests ^- Effi/s Birds Austr. ' i. p. 81 (1902) ; Shari^e, Hand-l. v. p. 555 (1909) ; iVWir/v. Kat. Eiersumml. p. 353 (1910). Three eggs of the Fig-bird resemble the greener forms of S.flavi- ventris described below. They are pale greyish-green spotted with chestnut, orange-brown, and pale pur])lish-red, the markings being rather more numerous toAvards the larger end of the shell. They measure respectively : 1-38 by -96 ; 1-36 by -9 ; and 1-32 by -9. 3. East Queensland. T. Carter, Esq. [C.]. DTCRrRTDJ5. 435 Spliecotheres fiaviventris, Gould. (Plate XIX. tigs. 15 & 10.) Rpliecotlieres flaviveutris, Gould, Hamlb. Birds Ausfr. i. p. 468 (1865) ; Shnrpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 22o (1877); Le Souef, Vict. Nat. xvi. p. 62 (1809) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 19 (1899) ; Robinson ^- Laverock. Ibis, 1900, p. 026; Campbell, Nests Sj- Ec/gs Austr. Birds, i. p. 84, pi. 6 (1901); North, Nests S,- Eyr/s Birds Ausfr. i, p. 83 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. u55 (1909) ;' '^Nehrk. Kat. Eier- samml. p. 353 (1910). The eggs of the Yellow-bellied Fig-bird are of a somewhat pointed oval t'orin and have a small amount of gloss. The ground is pale gre)-ish-greeu, or vrarm pinkish-grey tinged with green, marked with specks, spots and small blotches of chestnut, orange-brown, and underlying pale purplish-red. The markings are thickly- disposed over the broad end of the shell, where they form an irregular zone, and sparingly elsewhere, but one example in the series has the markings very evenly distributed over the whole surface of the shell. They measure from 1-17 to V6'2 in length, and from "87 to "9 in breadth. 2. N. Australia, 20th Sept. Crowley Bequest. 1. Somerset, N. .\ustralia. C. A. Barnard, Esq. [C.]. 2. Somerset, Slst Dec. C. A. Barnard, Es(i. TO.]. 2. Somerset, 1st .Fan. G. A. Barnard, Esq. [C.]. 1. Woomangu, Xortk Queensland, W. Radclitl'e Saunders, Esq. 4th Dec. [P.]. 1. Wooaiangu, 14th Dec. W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq. 2. Woomauofu, 21st Dec. \V. Radclifte Saunders, Esi. [P.]- 1. Woomaugu, 28tlj Dec. W. T^adcliffe Saundars, Esq. Family DICRURID.E. (ienus DICRURUS, ViciU. Dicrurus annectens {Ilodgs.). (Plate XX. figs. 1-3.) Dicrurus annectens, Sliarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 231 C1S77) ; Onfes, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 312 (1889) ; Baker, Ibis, 1906, p. 2o7 ; Sliarpe, Haad-l. v. p. 556 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 354 (1910). Eggs of the Crow-billed Drongo are of a broad oval shape, some- what pointed towards the smaller end and slightly glossy. The eggs are of two tvpes : iu one the ground is white with spots and 2 F 2 blotches of deep chocolate-brown and pnrplish-grey, most of the markings being confined to the larger end. In the second typo the ground is pinkish-white or pale pink, blotched and spotted with light red and pale lavender-grey, the markings, thongh most numerous at the larger end, being also distributed over the rest of the shell. They vary from 1 to 1-1 in length, and from -75 to "79 in breadth. ;i Margherita, Assam, 15th May. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. 2. Margherita, Si'nd May. E. C. Stuart Balvev, Esq., & Dr. H. Coltart [P.]. 4 Maro-herita, 1st June. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. P, Margherita, 1st .June. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq., & Dr. H. Coltart [P.]. Genus CHIBIA, Hodgson. Chibia hottentotta (Linn.). Chibia huttentotta, Swinlwe, Ihis, 1861, p. 411, 1863, p. 96; Sharpe, Ccd. Birds B. M. iii. p. 235 (1877) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind. Bird.% i. p. 320 (1889) ; Gates «<^- Hmne, Kests S,- Eqgs Ind. Birds, i. p. 213 (1889); NeJirk. Kat. EiersammJ. p. 19 '^1899), p. .354 (1910); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 557 (1909). Chibia brevirostris, Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 378 ; Nehrl: t. c. p. 20. The eggs of the Hair-crested Drongo are typically of a pointed oval shape, but some have the smaller end blunt or rounded. The maiority are devoid of gloss, but a few exhibit some trace of it. The colour is extremely variable. The ground ranges from greyish- white to pinkish-white and pale salmon-pink. The markings are of many types. In one they consist of a few faint specks, barely visible till the egg is closely examined ; in another the egg is closely stippled all over with pale lilac and rufous; in another the markings consist of specks and spots of pale chestnut and lavender, which often form a cap at the broad end ; in a fourth type the shell is closely speckled and spotted with lavender, umber-brown and rufous ; and lastly, there is another type in which the egg is densely spotted, streaked and blotched with pale chestnut and lavender, the markings generally forming an irregular cap. A few specimens have, moreover, some minute round black specks at the broad end. The eggs measure from DOl to 1-3 in length, and from -78 to -86 in breadth. 1. Darjiling, Sikhim, 14th May [J. Hume Coll. Gammie). 2. Monu-phoo, Darjiling, 5th {f.G.). .Tune Hume Coll. 2. Sikbim Terai, 26th April. Hume Coll. 2. Sikhim Terai, 7th Ma^^ Hume Coll. 3. Sikhim Terai, 8th May. Hume Coll. 0 Sikhim Terai, 13th May. Hume Coll. CHIBIA. UICKUKOPSIS. 437 2. Hikliim Terai, L'Uth May. ;>. .Sikhim Terai; -Jntli May. 4. Silihini Terai, 4tli June. 8. Sikliini Terai, 7tli June. 2. Dibrughur, Assam, loth May {J. It. Cripps). 1. Dibrughur, 17tli Alay {J. li. C). 1. IJibrughur, 5th June (/. H. C). '1. Aracau, Burniah, 3rd June. 3."5. Anioy, China (7i'. Sininhoe). '6. Anioy (R. S. : Tristram Coll.). 'I. Fohkien, China, 19th May. •"). Fohkien, liist May. 4. Fohkien, i^lst JMay. ;i. Fohkien, 24th Mav. 2. Fohkien, L>i;th May. 1. Foochow, loth May, '2. Foochow, 21st May. 6. Foochow, 26th May. 7. Foochow, 27th May. 2. Foochow, 1st Jiiue. II lime Coll. Ilunie Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Crowley IJequest. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. C. B. Uickett, lisq. | P, C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.' C. B. Kickett, Esq. [p. C. B. Ilickett, Esq. [P. C. B. Kickett, Esq. [P.' C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.', C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.] C. B. Kickett, Esq. P. I C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.J Uenus DICRUEOPSIS, Salvad. Dicruropsis bracteata {Gould). (Piute XX. figs. 4 & 5.) Chibia bracteata, (Jvuld, Uandh. Birds Austr. i. p. 235 (1865) ; Ishavpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 236 (1877) ; Nekrk. Kat. Eiersumml . p. 20 (1899) ; Jiobinso7i vij- Laverock, Ibis, 1900, p. 624 ; Campbell, Nest': i.y Ei/(js Aiistr. Birds, i. p. bo, pi. 6 (1901); North, Nests 'l^- £i/ys Birds Aiistr. i. p. 85 (1902). Dicruropsis bracteata, iS/uirpe, Iland-l. v. p. 558 (1909) ; Ne/trk. Kat. Btersaiiiinl. p. 354 (1910). The eggs of the Australian Hrongo resemble some of the eggs of Chibia Jiottcutoita. They are wiluout gloss. lu some the ground- colour is creamy-white, .speckled and spotted with jjule reddish- brown and purple. In others, the ground is white or pinkish- white, boldly blotched and streaked with umber-brown or chestnut and pale lavender. Others again are white, with scattered rounded spots of purplish-black and small blotches of lilac-grey. In most of the clutches the markings are more frequent at the larger end than elsewhere, and in one example they form a well-defined cap or zone. tSpecimens measure from 1-07 to 1 '24 in length, and from '76 to -tiL} in breadth. 1. (iueenslanil, 1st Nov. 1. (Queensland, July. 2. Xonh giieensland, lOth Dec. Crowlej' Bequest. W. Radclitte yauuders, I'^sq. [P.]. \\ . luidclill'e f?aunders, Esq. 438 dtcrurid.t;. 3. Norlh Queeuslaiid, 22ud Dec. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 3. Noitli Queensland, 30th Dec. W. Ivadclitfe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 3. Somerset, Cape York, N. Queens- C. A. Barnard, Esq. [C.]. laud, 31st Dec. 4. Somerset, 1st Jan. C. A. Barnard, Esq. [0.]. Dicruropsis carbonaria {Bonap.). Chibia carbonaria, Skarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 238 (1877) ; Rothsch. S) Hartevt, Nov. Zoul. iii. p. 236 (1896). Dicruropsi.s carbonaria, Salvad. Orn. Pap. ii. p. 177 (1881); Sliarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 559 (1909) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamnd. p. 354 (1910). Two eggs of the Papuan Drongo are of a somewhat long oval shape, rather pointed at the smaller end, and very slightly glossy. One has the ground white sparingly spotted all over with deep chocolate-brown and lilac-grey : the other has the ground pinkish- white, more densely marked with light purplish-brown and lilac- grey. In both eggs the markings are rather more numerous towards the larger end. They measure respectively 1-15 by '8 ; and 1"1 by -76. Dr. Hartert describes other specimens collected by Meek as having tlie ground creamy-white spotted with larger patches of brownish-l)rick-red and purplish-grey, so no doirbt all the different types laid by Chibia hottentotta would be found in a larger series of eggs of the present species. 1. FerguRSon I., N.E. New Guinea, Crowley Bequest. 1st Dec. (A. 8. Meek). 1. Fergussou I., 1st Dec. (A. S. M.). Crowley Bequest. Dicruropsis laemosticta (Sd.). Cliibia Ifemosticta, Shurpe, Cat. Binh B. M. iii. p. 241 (1877). Dicruropsis Ifemosticta, Salvad. Orn. Pap. ii. p. 174('1881): Skarpe, Hund-l. V. p, 559 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eicrsamml. p. 354 (1910). An egg said to be that of the New Britain Drongo is much like some of the eggs of D. hracteafa described above. It is pinkish- Avhite, spotted and scrolled with various shades of chocolate-brown and blotched and clouded with lilac-gre)' all over the shell. It measures 1*18 by 'S'S. 1, [New Britain] [Nehrkorit Cull.). Crowley Bequest. Dicruropsis borneensis, Sharpe. (Plate XX. tig. 8.) Chibia borneensis, Skarpe, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 246; id., Ibi.s, 1889, p. 187 UlcGret/ur, Manual Philipp. Birds, p. 707 (1909). Dicruropsis borneensis, Skarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 560 (1909). CHAPTIA BUCHAXGA. 439 Two eggs of the Bornean Drongo are of a rather wide oval shape, somewhat ])ointed towards the smaller end, and devoid of gloss. The ground is i)ale ])iiikish-white, with small spots and dots of light iiniber-brown and lilac-grey distributed all over the shell, but rather more numerous towards the larger end. Both eggs measure M by -82. 2. Kina Balu, X. Borneo, 20th May Crowley Bequest. (/. Whitehead). Genus CHAPTIA, Hodgson. Chaptia senea ( FieilL). (Plate XX. fig. 11.) Chaptia renea, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii, p. 243 (1877) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Tnd., Birds, i. p 318 (1889) ; Oates, ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eyys lad. Birds, i. p. 210 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 20 (1899), p, 351 (1910) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 562 (1909). The eggs of the Bronzed Drongo are of a regular oval form, some- times ratlier pointed at the small end, and have but little gloss. The ground varies from a pinkish-fawn colour to a salmon-pink, marked, chiefly in a zone round the large end, with specks and clouds of pale pinkish-brown, inclining to purple. The specimens in the Collection are remarkably uniform in colour and markings. They measure from -76 to '88 in length, and from -6 to 64 in breadth. 1. Himalaya (i\W;r7.-o/7i Co//.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Uarjiling, yikhim, Cth April. Hume Coll. 3. Mongpboo, Darjiling, 15th May Hume Coll. (J. Gamniie). 2. Faridpur, Bengal, 1st May (/. R. Hume Coll. Crqops). 1. Pegu, 23rd April (^. W. Oates). Oates Coll. •"!. Meplay liiver, Teuasserim, 10th Hume Coll. March (C. 2\ Bingham). 2. Mepliiy liiver, loth March Hume Coll. (C. T. B.). 2. Tavoy, 2yth March (.7. Darling, Hume Coll. Junior). Genus BTJCHANGA, Hodgson. Buchanga atra (Hermann). (Plate XX. figs. 6 & 7.) Dicvnrus longus, Thien. Fortpflanz. ges. Vog. p. 334 (1845-o4). Edolius longus, Thien. torn. cit. tab. xxx. fig. 12. Dicrurus uiacrocerciis, Beavan, P. Z. S. ]8iJ4, p. 375. 440 DICKrEID.E, Buchaiifra atra, Sharjic, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 240(1877); Lef/ye, Birds Ceylon, p. 386 (187!)); Shai^^e, Uand-l. v. p. 562 (lyU9) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiermmvil. p. 3o6 (1910). Dicnmis ixtnY, Gates, Faima Brit. Iml, Birds, i. p. 312 (1889); Oates, ed. Hume, Nests ^- Lygs hid. Birds, i. p. 19^ (1889). The eggs of the Black Drongo are typically of a pointed oval form, but the small end is sometimes blunt and rounded, and they are generally without gloss. They are of two distinct types. In one the ground is white, often spotless, at times marked with a varying number of specks and spots of black or very dark reddish- brown. In some of these eggs, the markings are few and minute. In others, they are numerous and almost invariably collected together over the broad end. In the second type, the ground varies from pinkish-white to rich salmon-pink, and is generally rather profusely marked, chiefly at the broad end where the ground itself is often darker than else- where, with specks and spots of lavender, rich purplish-brown, and black ; the edges of the spots are frequently blurred and they blend with the surrounding pink ground. The eggs measure from •87 to 1"15 in length, and from -7 to 'So in breadth. Bombay (J. H. Gould). Bombav (J. H. G.). Bombay {J. H. G.). Lahore, Punjab, lOlb June. Lahore, loth June. Sultanpur, 9th July. Sanibhur, loth June (i?. M. Adam). Sambhur, 20th June (R. M. A.). Sambbur, 28tb June (R. M. A.), Sambhur, 6tb July [R. M. A.). Sambhur, 10th July (R. M. A.). Sambhur, lith Jufy (R. M. A.). Sambhur, 12th July (R. M. A.). Delhi, 6tli June {C. T. Biiu/hmi,). Delhi, ]2tli June (C. T. B.). Delhi, 22nd June (C. T. B.). Agra, 16th June (A. O. Hume). Agra, 17th June [A. O. H.). Agra. ]8th June {A. 0. II.). Agra, 19th June {A. O. IL). Agra, 21si June (A. O. H.). Agra. 21st June (A. O. 7/.1. Agrai 24th June (A. O. H.). Agra, loth July (A. O. II.). Agra, 27th July (A. O. H.). Agra, 28th JulV {A. 0. H.). Bareillv, Gtli .\iav (A. 0. II.). Bareillv, 11th M"ay {A. O. H.). BareillV, 20th May {A. O. H.) Bareillv, 22nd May [A. O. H.). Bareilly, 24th May (A. O. H.). Bareilly, 2oth May (A. O. H.). Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Hume (Joll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coli. Hume Coll, Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. [lume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. RL'CUANGA. 441 Dareillv, 2()tli Mnv (.4. O. //.). BiireillV, i'7tli May (.1. O. H.). j5aieillV, l'>'. 390 (1879) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 20 (l«y9), p. 355 (1910) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 563 (1909). Buchauga pyrrbops, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 251 (1877). Dicrurus longicaudatus. Gates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 314 (1889) ; Gates, ed. Hume, Nests ^- Eyys Ind. Birds, i. p. 203 (1889). The eggs of the Indian Ashy Drongo are typically of a blunt oval form. Many are moderately glossy, but some are entirely Avithout gloss. The colour is very variable. The ground ranges from pure -white to pinkish-white, pale pink, and rich salmon- pink, and is speckled, spotted, and blotched with black, deep reddish-brown or chestnut. The underlying markings are pale grey or lavender and are usually very conspicuous. As a rule the broader half of the egg is densely marked and the smaller half more sparinglv. Those eggs in which the ground is white gene- rally have the markings small and separate ; those in which the ground-colour is of some shade of pink have them large, undefined, and frequently confluent. Numerous specimens measure from "85 to I'Oo in length, and from -08 to -75 in breadth. 2. India. 3. India. 2. Kotgarh, Punjab, •22nd 3Iay. 4. Mussoorie {T. Hutton). 4. jMussoorie (r. //.). 1. Almorah, 12th Mny ( TF. E. Broohs). 1. Almorah, 16th May (If". E. B.). 1. Sikhim. 2. Sikhini Terai, 30th April. 1. Darjiling, 8th June. W. IJadcliS'e Saunders, Esq. [P.]. . C)ld Collectiou. Hume CoU. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Crowley Bequest. Iliune Coll. BrCHANGA. 443 21. INfonsplioo, Daijilinp: (.7. rrV/H;?///('). Plume Coll. 4. Momplioo, •2:\rd April (.7. G.). Iliiiiie Coll. 1. JMonfrplloo, I'fith April (./. Ct'.). Hume Coll. ■J. jMonpphoo, 2f)th April (J. G.). Hume Coll. ■2. MoiiKphoo, L>9tli April [J. G.). Hume Coll. 'A. Monjjplioo, 30th April (,7. G.). Hume Coll. ■2. Moiiophoo, .-iOth April (.7 Tr'.). Hume Coll. 2. Mono-phoo, 6th May {J. G.). Hume Coll. -'. Mongphoo, 7th May (J. G.). Hume Coll. Buchanga nigrescens, Oates. Dicrurus nigrescens, Oates, Faim. Brit, hid.. Birch, i. p. 315 (1889) ; Oatifs, ed. Hume, Kesfs ^- Eyys Ind. Birds, i. p. 208 (1889) ; Stuurt Baler, Ibis, 1906, p. 258. IJuehangii nigrescens, Shar-pe, Hand-/, v. p. 563 (1909) ; Nehrk. Rat. Eiersanunl. p. 355 (1910). Eggs of the Teuasserim Ashy Drongo are of a hlunt oval sha])e and without gloss. They do not differ from those of B. Jonc/i- nmxhita. They measure from "SI to 1 in length, and from "67 to •I'.i in breadth. 3. Margherita, Assam, 2na May. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. 2. Margherita, 1st June. E. C. 8tuart Jiaker, Esq., & Hr. H. Coltart [P.]. 2. North Cachar Hills, 23rd A]iril W. Kadcliffe Saunders, E.sq. {E. C. Stuart Baler). TP.]. 2. Xorth Cachar Hills, 28th April W". Iladcliffe Saunders, Esq. (E. C. S. B.). [P.]. •). North Cachar Hills, 22nd IMav. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. TO.]. 2. North Cacbar Hills, 26th May. E. C. Stuart P>aker, Esq., & ])r. H. Coltart [P.^. 3. North Cachar Hills, 23rd Aug. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq., & ]h-. H. Coltart [P.]. 2. Pegu, L7ih April (-C. IV. Gates). Oates Coll. & Crowley Bequest. Buchanga leiicogenys, Walden. Buchnnga leucngeuys, S/iarpe, Cat. Birds B. HI. iii. p. 251 (1877) ; Sti/an, Il'is. 1887, p. 224: Ae/ul: Eat. Eiersamml. p. 20 (1899), p. '355 (IttiC) ; Sharpe, Hand-I. v. p. 564 (1809). Bicrurus leucogenys, Oates, Fatin. Brit, hid., Birds, i. p. 317 (1889). The eggs of the White-cheeked Drongo vary from a blunt to a pointed oval shape and are ■without gloss. The ground varies from cream-colour to pale salmon-pink, and is spotted and blotched, mostly at the broad end, with chestnut and underlying lilac or lavender. The markings on some eggs are large and blotchy, on others small, roundish, and well-defined. Numerous specimens measure from -So to 1-04 in length, ar.d from •" to -75 in breadth. 4. Fohkien, 18th ^Fay. C. B. Itickett, Esq. [P.]. 4. Fohkien, 23rd May. C. B. Pickett, Esq. [P.]. 444 Foochow, Foochow, Foochow, Foochow, Foochow, Foochow, Foochow, Foochow, Foochow, Foochow, Foochow, Foochow, MCRUPaD.i:. China, ITtli M ly. C. B. Rickett, Esq, [P.] 24th May. C. B. llickett, Esq. [P.J 24th May. C. \i. Uickett, Esq. [P. J 2(Jth iMav. C. B. Uickett, Esq. [P.] 2t)th May. 0. B. Kickbtt, Esq. [P.\ 26th May. C. B. Ptickett, Esq. [P.]. 29th May. C. B. liickett, Esq. [P.J. 29th May. C. B. Kickett, Esq. [P.J 30th May. U. B. Ptickett, Esq. [P.J 2ud J une. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.J. fcilh JlUlB. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.J. 9th June. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.j Buchanga cserulescens {Linn.). (Plate XX. tig. 17.) Buchanga cserulescens, Shaiye, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 252 (1877); id., Mund-l. V. p. 564 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. EiersammL p. 355 (1910). Bicrurus cserulescens, Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 316 (1889) ; Oates, ed. Huvie, Nests ^ Eygs hid. Birds, i. p. 209 (1889). Two eggs of the White-bellied Drongo resemble the more heavily blotched eggs of B. Icucoijeni/s and other allied species. The grotmd is pinkish-white blotched with reddish-brown and violet-grey, tho markings being most numerous round the larger end. Tliey measure 0'9 by 0-7. Cuddapah Dist., Southern India, April. Rev. 11. 11. Campbell [P.]. Buchanga leucopygialis {Bhjth). (Plate XX. tigs. IS & 19.) 15uchanga eucopygialis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 253 (1877); Lei/ije, Birds Ceylon, p. 392 (1879) ; S/iurjje, llund-L v. p. 5(J-± (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 356 (1910). Dicruvus leucopygialis, Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 316 (1889); Oates, ed. Mume, Nests i^ B(/?mston. J. Bomb. I Nat. Hist. Soc. xvii. p. 156 (1906) ; Shurpv, Hand-l. v. p. 565 I (1909). Eggs of the Small Andaraanese Drongo are of a regular oval shape and without gloss. They vary considerably in colour and markings. One set is white, rather sparingly marked all over with small spots and dots of dark purplish-brown and lavender-grey, the markings in two specimens being most numerous towards the larger end and forming an ill-defined zone. In a second set the ground is pinkish-white, with irregular marks, short dashes, and small blotches of light red and with larger blotches and markings of lilac-grey. A third set has the ground dull greyish-salmon-pink marked all over, but especially towards the larger end, with light umber-brown and lilac-grey spots which are mostlv rather small. They vary in length from -98 to l-Qo, and in breadth from -7 to •7(5. 3. Tort Bhiir, S. Andamans, 25th B. B. Osmaston, Esq. [O.J. April. ?,. Port Bialr, 1st I^fav. B. B. Osmaston, Esq. [0.1. 3. Port Blair, :iva .Miiy. B. ]'.. Osmaston, Es(i. [C.]. 446 DICRrRTD.T;. Geiuis BHRINGA, Ilothjson. Bhringa remifer {Temm.). (Plate XX. iig. 21.) Bhringa remifer, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 257 (1877) ;, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. ol'4 (1889); Oates, ed. Hume, Neds S^~ Ht/gs Ind. Birds, i. p. 210 (1881)) ; Nekrk. Kat. Eiersnmml. p. 20 (1899), p. 355 (1910) ; Sharpe, lland-l. v. p. 565 (1909). Three eggs of the Lesser llacket^tailed Drongo are of a regular oval form and fairly glossy. The ground is of a rich salnion-piiiJi colour. Two speciineus are rather thickly spotted and l^lotched with chestnut and lavender ; the third is smeared with dull chestnut and purplish-grey. In all the markings are chiefly distributed over the broad end of the shell and are more or less confluent. They measure respectively : I'OT by "73 ; 1'07 by "75 ; ■97 by -72. 2. Darjiling, Sikhim, 15th May Ilunie Coll. (./. Gammie). ]. Darjiling, 20th May {J. G.). llame Coll. Genus DISSEMURUS, Glorjer. Dissemurus paradiseus {Linn.). Dissemurus paradiseus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 258 (1877) ; Lerjge, Birds Ceylon, p. 399 ( 1879) ; Gates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 325 (1889) ; Gates, ed. Hume, Nests !; id.. Hand-l. v. p. 572 (1909); Goodfellow, Avicult. Mai/. (3) i. p. 283 (1910) ; 0x of tlie Great liiid-of-l' is of a regular oval pliapo, slij^htlj' com])ressc(l towards tho smaller cnri, and distinctly glossy. Tho ground is salraon-cream-colour, longitudinally streaked with burnt sienna and vai'ious shades of light and dark lilac-grey, the streaks being chiefly disposed round the larger half of the shell, the pole marked with a few spots only. It measures 1-54 by 1-U8. 1. Silbattabatta, Wanunibai, Wokan Mrs. E. J. Johi.stone [P. "I. I., Am Is., linii Dec. ( Tf. Goodfelluw). Paradisea raggiana, Sdakr. J^aradisea raggiana, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 169 (1877) ; liaiitsa;/, P. L. S. A'. S. W. viii. p. 26 (1883); Sharpe, Munoqr. Paradis. i.y Ptilon. i. p. 48 (18'J6) ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 573 (1909); Ilartert, Nov. Zool. xvii. p. 489, pi. x. tig. 3 (1910) ; Of/ilrie-Grant, Ibis, 19lL^ p. 114, pi. iii. fig. 1. Two eggs of the Marquis Eaggi's Bird-of-Paradise are very similar to that of P. apoda, but the ground is of rather a deeper salmon-cream colour and the longitudinal streaks are rather more numerous and confluent at the larger end. They measuio respectively 1-4 by l-UC) ; and 1-3S by 'Dl. 1. Koicada, north side of Owen Captain F. 11. Barton [P. J. Stanley Mts. 1. Wamai, south side of Owen Captain F. II. Barton [P.]. Stanley Mts. Genus PHONYGAMA, Lesson. Phonygama jame^i, Sharpe. Phonvgama jaraesi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. ISl (1877): id., Hand-l. V. p. 579 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamitd. p. 356 (1910). Phonygama purpureo-violacea, Mei/er, Zeitsehr. yes. Orn. ii. p. 375 (1885) ; Sharpe, Monogr. Paradis. i^- Ptilon. ii. p. 5 (1894). PLonvgammus janiesi, Hartert, Nov. Zool. xvii. p. 490, pi. x. lig. 10 (1910). Two eggs believed to be those of James's Manucodo are of a regular oval shape, slightly compressed at the smaller end ; a third egg is much pointed, and all are glossy, Tho ground differs in each specimen, being pinkish-grey, l)utf tinped with j)ink, or rather bright salmon-buff. All three eggs are marked, mostly towards tiio broad end, with short more or less longitudinul streaks or sjiots of reddish-brown and lilac-grey; in the egg with the pinkish-buff ground, the markings are rather indistinct and blurred, while in the other tvv'o specimens tho red-brown surface-markings stand out rather clearly from the lilac uuder-mai kings. vuL. V. 2 Ii 450 PAEA.DISKID^. The eggs agree with the desoriptioii given by llerr Nehrkorn and with that figured by Dr. Hartert. They measure respectively : 1'5 by "95 ; 1-44 by "OS ; and 1-43 by 1. 2. South-east New Guinea. Herr Weislte [C.]. 1. Kagi, nr. JNIt. Victoria, (iOOO ft., Captain F. R. Barton [P.]. Owen Stanley Range. Genus MANUCODIA. Bodd. Manucodia altera, liothsdiUd ^- Hartert. Mauueodia atra, Le Sou'ef, Ihi.t, 1900, p. 012, text-fig. 1. ^lanucodia ater altera, Rothsch. Sf Hartert, Nov. Zool. x. p. 84 (1903). Manucodia altera, S/iarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 679 (1909). Manucodia atra altera, Hartert, Nov. Zool. xvii. p. 490, pi. x. tig. 12 (1910). An egg believed to be that of Rothschild's Manucode is of a long oval shape, slightly compressed towards the smaller end, and somewhat glossy. The ground is white with a faint pinkish tinge, spotted profusely at the large end, very sparingly elsewhere, with chocolate-brown, purplish -brown and lilac-grey, the spots, es])ecially those round the pole, extending longitudinally. It measures 1"55 by -99. This egg agrees closely with the specimen procured in the Aru Islands by H. Kiihn and figured by Dr. Hartert. 1. South-east New Guinea. Ilerr Weiske [C.j. Manucodia jobiensis, Sulvad, Manucodia jobien>'i«, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 184 (1877) ; id., Monogr. Parudis. Sf I'tilon. ii. p. 13 (1898) ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 580 (1909). Two eggs of the Jobi Manucode are of a wide oval shape, very slightly compressed towards the smaller end, and almost without gloss. The ground is greyish-pink marked thickly round the broad end and very sparingly elsewhere with several shades of red-brown and lilac-grey, the latter markings being fused and forming a zone round the pole. They measure respectively: 1'25 by -97 and 1-25 by 9-5. 2. Pai-imau, Mimika R., S. Dutch Subscribers to the B. 0. U. New Guinea, iSth Dec. (C. if. Exped. Dutch N. Guinea B. Grant). [P.]. LOPIIORniXA. AMBr.VORNIS. 4ol Genus LOPHORHINA, rieill Lophorhina minor, liammy. Lophorliina superba minor, Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. J['. x. p. 24:2 (IS80). Lophorhina niinoi', Sharpe, Monogr. Paradis. S,- Ptilon. ii. p. 41, pi. xxiii. (1895); id., Hand-l. v. p. 583 (1909); Ojilvie-Gnmt, lbis,Yd\-2, p. 116, pi. iii. %. 0. Lophorina sn])erba minor, Uarfcrf, iVor. Zool. xvii. p. 487, pi. x. figs. 22, 23 (1910). An egg of the Lesser Superb Bird-of-Pai-adise is of a regular oval shape, somewhat compressed at the smaller end, and dis- tinctly glossy. The ground is pale brownish-cream-colour, thickly and finely spotted and dotted all over the shell with pale yellowish- brown and heavily marked round the broader end with longitudinal streaks of vandyke-browu and dark lilac-grey, the latter being more or less confluent. It measures 1-24 by "bS. Two eggs figured and described by Dr. Hartert agree in size and general ajipearance with the above ; but the longitudinal markings are distributed all over the shell. One has the ground-colour brownish-buff and the brownish-grey and pale brown markings rather faint; the other has the ground cream-colour, and the reddish-brown and bluish-grey markings much stronger. 1. Kagi, nr. :Mt. Victoria, 6000 ft,, Capt. R R. Barton [P.]. Owen .Stanley Range. Genus AMBLYORNIS, Elliot. Amblyornis inornatus {Schl.). Amblyornis iuornata, Beccari, A)in. Mus. Cii\ Genov. Ix. p. 382 (1879) ; Gould, Birds Nezv Guinea, i. pi. 4t)(lS79); Sharpe, Cut. Birds B.M.\i. p, 394(1881); id., Moimjr. Pnradin. S,- Ptilon. ii. p. 51 (1893) ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 584 (1909). An egg of the Gardener Bower -bird is of a narrow oval shape and moderately glossy. It is of a uniform cream-colour, and measures 1'65 by l-(l9. 1. S.E, New Guinea, Jlerr Weiske [C,]. Amblyornis subalaris, Sharpe. Amblyornis subalaris, Guuld, Birds Neic Guinea, i, pi, 47 (1886) ; Shar/f, Monor/r. Paradis. ^- Ptilon. ii. p. 55 (1894) ; icl., Hand-l. v. p. 584 (1909). An egg of the Orange-crested Bower-bird is of a regular oval shape and moderately glossy. It is of a uniform cream-colour, and measures 1"G by I'll. 1. S.E. New Guinea. llerr Weiske [C.]. 2Q-2 452 PARADISEIDJi;. Genus CHLAMYDODERA, Gould. Chlamydodera maculata, Gould. Clilixmj'dodera maciilata, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 450 flSOo) ; liainsny, P. Z. S. 1874, p. GOo ; id., Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. vii. p. 409, pi. 3. fig. 2 (1832); id., op. cit. 2nd ser. i. p. 1059, pi. 19. fig. 1 (1880) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 389 (1881) ; North, Proc. Li7in. Soc. N. S. W. 2nd ser. i. p. 1157 (1886) ; id.. Nests .^ J^f/l/s Birds Austr. p. 178, pi. xi. fig. 5 (1889); Sharpe, Moii'xjr. Paradis. ^ Ptilon. ii. p. 71 (1898) ; Campbell, Nests Sf Eqgs Austr. Birds, i. p. 198, pi. 9 (1901) ; North, Nests ^ Egqs Birds Austr. i. p. 41 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 586 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eier- samml. p. 357 (1910J. The eggs of the Spotted Bower-Bird are of a somewhat pointed oval shape and moderately glossy. They are of a very pale green colour, covered, but most densely ahout the middle portion of the egg, with blotches and an intricate entanglement of lines, both coarse and fine, of an umber-brown, sienna, and blackish-brown colour. In addition, there are numerous underlying lavender blotches. Three examples measure respectively: 1*45 by 1*03; 1-39 by 1 ; and l-3o by -98. 1. Australia. P. L. Sclater, E.sq. [P.]. 2. Moravia Oomeli River (a tributary Gould Coll. to the Dawson River), Queens- land {J. A. Foot). Chlamydodera nuchalis {Jard. i^ Selhy). Chlamydodera nuchalis, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 448 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 391 (1881) ; Le Souef, Vict. Nat. xvi. p. 66 { 1899) ; id.. Ibis, 1899, p. 359 ; Sharpe, Monogr. Pardis. lS- Ptilon. ii. p. 79 (1898) ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 580 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamnd. p. 357 (1910). Clilamydera nuchalis, Campbell, Nests S;- Eijrjs Austr. Birds, i. p. 203 (1901). Cblaraydeva nucljalis uuchalis, Uartert, Nov. Zool. xvii. p. 486 pi. x. figs. 15, 16 (1910). An egg of the Great Bower-Bird is of a narrow oval shape and moderately glossy. It is of a pale buff colour, profusely covered with blotches, clouds, and linear markings of umber-brown and underlying purplish-grey. It measures 1*7 by 1*16. 1. Port Essington, N. Australia. Gould Coll. Genus .ffiLURffiDUS, Cahanis. ^uroedus stonei, Sharj^e. ^lurcedus stonei, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 387 (1881) ; Gould, Birds New Guinea, i. pi. 37 (1881); Sharpe, Monocjr. Paradis. t^ Ptilon. ii. p. 101 (1893) ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 587 (1909). An egg said to be that of Stone's Cat-Bird is of a very narrow coKYiBj;. 453 oval sliape and sliglitly glossy. It is of a uniform rich cream- colour, and measures l'C5 by 1. 1. S.E. New Guinea. Ilerr Weiske [C.]. iElurcedus melanocephalus {Ramsay). -^lurcedus melanocephalus, Gould, Birds Nexo Guinea, i. pi. 42 (1888) ; Sharpe, Monogr. Paradis. Sf Ptilon. ii. p. 91 (1897) ; id., Iland-l. v. p. 588 (1909). An egg said to be that of the Black-naped Cat-Bird is of a pointed oval shape and slightly glossy. It is of u uniform rich cream-colour, and measures 1"8 by 1*22. 1. S.E. New Guinea. Herr Weiske [C.]. Family CORVID^. Genus TRYPANOCORAX, Sundev. Trypanocorax frugilegus {Linn.). Corvus frugilegus, J'/iien. Foiijifanz. r/es. T'Uff. tab. x\. fig. 2, a-e (1845-54);' Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vi);/. tab. 28. fig. 5 (1855-63); Jleivitson, Eijys uf Brit. Bii-ds, i. p. 220, pi. lix. (1856); Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 551 (1875) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 549, pi. 16 (1883); id., Ei/cjs of Brit. Birds, j.. 225, pi. 55. fig. 11 (18i)6'; Newton, Ootheca Wolleijana, pt ii. p. 504 (1902); Dresser, JIan. Pal. Birds, i. p. 426 (1902) ; Bei/. Eier I'dq. Mitteleurop. i. p. 361, pi. 49. figs. 1-7 (1904); Jourd. E(jgs Eur'op. Birds, i. p. 11, pi. 4. figs. 1-7 (1906) ; Dresser, E(/qs Birds Europe, pts. xiii. & xiv. p. 439, and pts. .\i. & xii. pi. 6. figs. 7-12 (1908). Trypanocorax frugilegus, Loche, E.rjil. Sci. A/c/er., Ois. i. p. 113 (1867) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B.M.iii. p. 9 (1877); id., Hand-l. v. p. 589 (1909) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 357 (1910). Corvus frugilegus frugilegus, Surtert, Vot/. pal. Faun. i. p. 13 (1903). Eggs of the Common Rook so closely resemble the eggs of the Raven (Corvus corax) described below, that they require no separate description. They measure from 1-44 to 1"78 in length, and from 1-08 to 1-2 in breadth. 4. Dumfiies, Scotland [Ilarrjitt Seebohm Coll. Coll.). 1 6. Sheffield, Yorkshire, 30th March Seebohm Coll. (U. fieebohin). 14. Middlesex. Seebohm Coll. 4. Wenton Hill, Middlesex, 17th W. Radchfte Saunders, Esq. April [H. Booth). [P.]. 2. Finchley, Middlesex. Salviu-Godmau Coll. 5. Tilford, Farnham, Surrey Crowley Bequest. (Cojiper). 5. Tilford (Copper). Crowley Bequest. 454 roRviD.^5. 5. Loxwooil, Sussex, 4lh Maicli Salvin-Godman Cdll. (P. (jodnuai^. 4. Alton, Ilauts, 2iul April. Crowley Bequest. tj. Maiden Newton. Dorset, 17tli W. Eadclifle Saunders, Esq. April (It. WuUis). [P.]. 6. Maiden Xewton, 2Gth April W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. (7^. W.). [r.j. 7. Co. Antrim, Ireland, 31st March W. Radclifte Saunders, Esq. {S.M.SUars). [P.I. ± Sweden. S. O. Sahlin, Esq. [P.]. 3. Valkenswaard, Holland, 21st Seebohm Coll. May. F). Vomerama (T. Holland). SeeLolim Coll. 5. lllieuish Prussia, 22nd April. Seebolim Coll. Trypanocorax pastinator {Gould). (Plate XXT. figs. G& 7.) Corvus pastinator, Siviiihoe, Ibis, 1861, p. 336. Trypanocorax pastinator, Shaiye, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 10 (1877) ; Tacz. Faun. Orn. Siher. Orient., Mem. Ac. St. Petersb. (7) xxxix. p. 537 (1891) ; AW-to/i, Ootheca JV')!/ei/ana, pt. ii'. p. 506 (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 589 (1909); Xthrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 357 (1910). Corvus frugilegus pastinator, Ilartert, Vd(/. pal. Faun. i. p. 14 (1903). Eggs of the Eastern Rook cannot be separated irora the more densely marked examples of the eggs of T. fruijilerjas. They vary in length from 1-5 to 1-65, and in breadth from 1-08 to 1-12. 1. \Q,hma](Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 3. Amov, China {R. Sicinhoe). Seebohm Coll. 4. Chin-kiang, E. China, 9th April. J. D. La Touclie, Esq. [C.]. Genus EETEROCORAX, Shar^^e. Heterocorax capensis (Licht.). (Plate XXI. figs. 4 & 5.) Corvus montanus, Tliien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Toy. tab. xxxix. fig. 7, a-c (1845-54). Corvus capensis, Andersson, Bird.s Damaraland, p. 155 (1872) ; Marshall, Ibis, 1900, p. 223; Starh. Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 14 (1900) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. v. p. 152 (1906). Heterocorax capensis, Sharpe, ed. layard, Birds S. Africa, p. 415 (1875-84); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 12 (1877): Butler, Feilden ^- Reid, Zool. 1882, p. 255 ; Nehrk. lurt. Eiersamml. p. 13 (1899); Reich. Viiq. Afr. ii. p. 637 (1903); Sharpe. Hand-l. v. p. 590 (1909); Nchrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 357 (1910). Heterocorax capensis minor, Reich. Viit/. Afr. ii. p. 638 (1903). The eggs of the African Rook are of a narrow, pointed oval shape and moderately glossy. They vary from reddish-white to salmon-pink, and are marked with rich chestnut, lilac-red, or pale nETEROCOEAX. CORVrS. 4o5 reddisli-browu and uiulerlyiiig lavender or lilac-grey. The markings on sonie eggs are small and extremely dense, covering the greater part of the ground-colour; those on other eggs are bold and com- paratively sparse, the larger blotches being of a very rich colour and the smaller ones paler. The eggs vary greatly in size, the smallest example in the Collection measuring 1-55 by l-Oo, and the largest 2-12 by 1-34. 3. Kaka, near Fashoda, VV^hite Nile, 19th April. 3. Kaka, 30th April. 4. South Africa. 3. youth Africa. 4. South Africa. 1 . South Africa. 1. South Africa. 2. South Afiica {E. L. Lai/nrd). 5. South Africa. 2. Cape Colony (E. L. L. : Tris- tram Coll.). 2. Cape Colony ( T. C. At inure : Trisinnn Coll.). 2. Blaauw Krantz, Grahamstowu. C.C, 2Md Jan. {B. E. J.). 1. Blaauw Krantz. 2. Olifant's Kloof, Dec. (li. B. Boicker) (with one egg of Cocct/stes r/la/nhirius, ef. vol.iii. ^ p. 102). ; 1. Newcastle, Natal, 23rd Sept. 4. Tiansvaiil ( T. Ai/re.s : Tri.'^triim Coll.). 3. Potchefstrooiu, Transvaal [T. A.). 1. Namaqualand. R. McD. Hawker, Esq. [P.]. R. McU. Hawker, l-^sq. [P.]. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Sir A. Smith [P.]. W. Radclitfe Saunders, Esc [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. ]]. E. Jupp, Esq. [C.]. B. E. Jui)p, Esq. [C.J. B. E. J upp, Esq. [C ]. Capt. Savile G. Reid [C.]. Crowley Bequest. Sf>ebohni Coll. Crowley Bequest. Genus CORVUS, L'uin. Corvus corax, Linn. Corvus corax, Thien. Fortpjlanz. yes. Viig. tao. xxxix. fig. 1, a-f n84o-54) ; Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 220, pi. Ivii. (1850); Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 507 (1875) [part.]; Sharpe, Cut. Birds B. M. iii. p. 14 (1877) : Seehohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 532, pi. 16 (1883) ; id., Eqqs of Brit. Birds, p. 223, pi. 55. figs. 7 & 9 (1806); Xeale,Rep. Cardiff Soc. xxxii. p. 49, pi. (1901); Newton, Oothera WoUeyana, pt. ii. p. 514 (1902) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, i. p. 423 (1902); Bei/, Eier Vii'j. Mitteletirop. i. p. 356 (1904), pi. 4S (1900) ; Jourdnin, Eggs Europ. Birds, i. p. 1, pi. i. (1906) ; Dresser, Eqqs Birds Europe, pts. xiii. & .xlv. p. 434, pts. xi. & xii. pi. 5. figs. 1-7 (1908) [part.]; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 590 (1909); Xehr/c. Rat. Eiersamml. p. 357 (1910). Corvus littoralis, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 34. fig. 4 (18oo-63). Corvus sylvestris, Baedeker, torn. cit. tab. 34. fig. 3. Corvus corax corax, Hartert, Vog. pal. Faun. i. p. 2 (1903). The eggs of the Common Raven vary from a pointed to a regular 456 COEVID-E. oval shape, and usuallj- exhibit o fair amount of gloss. Tlio ground-colour varies from a clear greeuish-blue to a dingy olive- green, marked with different shades of brown, varying from pale greenish-brown to blackish-brown or even black, and underlying lavender. The markings on many specimens are small, distinct and sparse, on others blotcliy or cloudy and frequently confluent on the larger half of the egg, where tliey form a very irregular cap. between those two extreme types, variations of every kind may l)e found in a large series. Examples measure from 1"66 to 2-1 in length, and from 1-2 to 1-42 in breadth. 2. Hoy, Orknevs. Philip Crowley, Esq. [P.]. 1. Skye, Hebrides, 24th March. Seehohm Coll. 3. I. of Islay, Hebrides, May (,iJ. ./. Crowley Bequest. Elives). 4. Inverness-shire, 2nd March (^«r- Seehohm Coll. r/itt Coll.). 2. NorfoUc, l.'Jth March. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Lnndy Island, Bristol Channel. Seehohm Coll. 5. Beacon Point, Devon, 31st March W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. (/. //. W«//«>). [P.]. .5 Kingston, Devon, 24th March W. Piadcliffe Saunders, Esq. {J.H. JV.). [P.]. 1. Cornwall. 5th March. Seehohm Coll. (!. Pomerania ( T. Holland). Seebohra Coll. 4. Pomerania {T. IL). Seebohra Coll. 3. Pomerania, 28th March (?'. H.). Seehohm Coll. G. Politz, near Stettin, I9th March Seehohm Coll. (T.IL). 4. Dorpat, Baltic Provinces, lltli Seehohm Coll. March {liiissow). .5. Mark Brandenburg, 24th March. W. Badclifl'e Saunders, Esq. [P.l. 4. Si\esm (SacJise). Seehohm ColL 7. Russia. Seehohm Coll. Corvus islandicus, Ilantzsch. Corvus islandicus, HantzxcJt, Orn. Monatsh. xiv. p. 130 (1906) ; S/iarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 591 (1909). C. cor ax. 2. Iceland. Seehohm Coll. 2. Iceland (Prodor; Trist yam Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Corvus Mspanus, Ilartcrt S,- Kleinsclim. Corvus corax, Sawulers {nee Linn.), Ibis, 1871, p. 221. Corvus corax hispanus, Hartert t^j- Kleinschm. Nov. Zool. viii. p. 45 (1901) ; Hartert, Vo[/. pal. Faun. i. p. 5 (1903) ; Jourd. Et/gs Europ. Birds, i. p. 4 (1906). Corvus hispanus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. .^)91 (1909). coRYus. 457 Eggs of the Spanish Raven are indistingnishablo from those of C. cord.x: (!. Sierra Nevada, Spain, 20th April Seebohm Coll. (-//. Saunders). Corviis canariensis, Ilartert i|- Kleinsclim. Corvus tingitauus, Bcid (nee Irhi/), Ibis, 1888, ^p. 82; Koenig,J.f. O. 1890, p. 359, pi. viii. fig. 10 ; 'iMccuh- Waldo, Ibis, 1893, p. 194. Corviis corax cauariensis, Ilartert H,- Klcinschm. Nov, Zool. viii. p. 45 (1901) ; Hurtert, Viiy. pal. Faun. i. p. 6 (190.'\). Corvus canariensis, Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 592 (1009) ; Kehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 357 (1910). Eggs of the Canary Island Haven are indistinguishable from those of C. corax. 5. Fuertaventiira, Canaries. Crowley Bequest. 3. Fuertaventiira, March (//. B. Crowley Bequest. Tristram). 4. Tenerife, Canaries. Capt. Savile G. Reid [C.]. 3. Teuerife, March. \V. Radclifie Saunders, Esq. [R]. Corvus tingitanus, Irhy. Corvus corax, Tristram (nee Linn.), Ibis, 1859, p. 291 ; Salvin, Ibis, 1859, p. 312 ; Loche, B.tpl. Sci. Ah/er., Ois. i. p. 108 (1867). Coivus tingitanus, Irby, Ibis, 1874, p. 264; Dresser, Birds Enr. iv. p. 503 (1875) ; Irby, Orn. Str. Gibr. 2nd ed. p. 84 (1895) ; Erlanyer, J.f. 0. 1899, p. 492; Dresser, Eygs Birds Europe, pts. xiii. & xiv. ]). 437, pts. xi. & xii. pi. 0. tigs. 1-5 (1908) [part.]; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 592 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 358 (1910). Corvus leptouvx, SItarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 19 (1877) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, i. p. 425 (1902) [part.]. Corvus corax tingitanus, Ilartert, V'og. pal. Faiin. i. p. G (1903) ; Whitaker, Birds Tunis, ii. p. 17 (1905) ; Jourdain, Eggs Euro]y. Birds, i. p. 4 (1906). Eggs of Irbj''s Raven are inseparable from the eggs of C. corax. Examples measure from 1'72 to 2"05 in length, and from 1"2 to 1-3S in breadth. 1. Algeria. Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Ain Djendeli, Algeria, 12th Maj' Salvin-Godman Coll. (O. Salvin). 1. Ain Djendeli, 20th May (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Kef Laks, Algeria, 2lst April Salvin-Godman Coll. (O.S.). 1. Kef Laks, 22nd April (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Morocco, 20th .luue. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [R]. 1. Morocco. Crowley Request. 458 Corvus laurencei, Hume. Corvus corax, Outes (nee Linn.), Fauna lirit. Inch, Birds, i. p. 14 (1889) ; Oates, ed. Humes Nests i^ Hijgs Ind. Birds, i. p. 1 (1889). Corvus corax laurencei, HaHert, Vog. pal. Faun. i. p. 7 (1903). Corvus lawrencei, Shurpe, Haml-l. v. p. 592 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eier- samml. p. 358 (1910). Eggs of the Persian Raven do not differ in any way from those of C. corax. w. Sirsa, Punjab. Hume Coll. 2. Sirsa, Dec. Hume Coll. l". Sirsa, 15th Jan. Hume Coll. 2_ Sir.?a, 25th Jan. Hume Coll. 2. Sirsa, 11th Feb. Hume Coll. 2. Sirsa, 15th March. Hume Coll. 1.' Sirsa, 20th March. Hume Coll. 1. Sirsa, 28th March. Hume Coll. 2. Sirsa, loth April. Hume Coll. 3.' Sirsa, 20th April. Hume Coll. 1. Hansi, Punjab, 19th Dec. Hume Coll. 1. Hansi, 15th Jan. Hume Coll. 3. Hansi, 15th Jan. Hume Coll. 1. Hansi, 20th Jan. Hume Coll. 1. Hansi, 6th Feb. Hume Coll 4. Hansi, 16th March. Hume Coll 2. Hansi, 17th March. Hume Coll. 4. Hansi, 19th March. Hume Coll 2. Bhawulpur, Punjab, 15th Feb. Hume Coll A. Mahowalla, Hansi, [H. S. Niel). 4th Feb. Hume Coll 2. Soolekhara, Hansi, (H. S. N.). 26th Feb. Hume Coll 1. Delhi, 15th Jan. Hume Coll Corvus umbrinus, Sundev. Corvus umbrinus, Tristram, Ihis, 1866, p. 70; Taylor, Ibis, 1867, p. 66; Shelley, Birds Egypt, p. 158 (1872) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 577 (1874) ; Sharpe, Vat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 17 (1877) ; Erlanger, J. f. O. 1899, p. 495; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, i. p. 424 (1902); Beieh. Vog. Afr. ii. p. 633 (1903) ; Whitaker, Birds Tunis, ii. p. 22 (1906) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. v. p. 149 (1906) ; Dresser, Eyqs Birds Europe, pts. xiii. & xiv." p. 436, pts. xi. & xii. pi. 5. fi^s. 8 & 9 (1908) ; Sharpe, Ha7id-l. v. p. 592 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 358 (1910). Corvus corax umbrinus, Hartert, Fog. pal. Faun. i. p. 8 (1903). Eggs of the Brown-necked Eaven resemble those of the G. corax, being clear greenish-blue, marked with different shades of brown and underlying lavender. One example is merely marked with a very few specks and small smears, while two others are rather densely mottled. The other specimens are intermediate in colora- tioD. They measure from 1"7 to 1'86 in length, and from V2 to 1'27 in breadth. 450 0. Wad)' Kelt, nv. Jericlio, Palestine, J9lh April {II. B. Tridram). '1. Near Jericho, 16tli;; April (//. B. T.). 2. Near Jericho, 23rd April {U. B. T.). 1. Egypt, 2nd Feb. {J. H. Cochrane). 1. ]*:gypt, 2rjth Feb. {J. II. C). 2. Esjypt, 11th March (/. //. C). 2. Giza, Egypt, 2Gth March (/. II. 4. Giza, 2nd April (E. C. T.). 2. yecond Pyramid, 21st March [E. a T.). 3. Ombos, (Jth ]Maich {E. C. T.). Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohni Coll. yalvin-Godruan Coll. Salvin-Godiuan Coll. Seebohm Coll. E. Cavendish Taylor Bequest. E. Cavendish Taylor Bequest. E. Cavendish Taylor Bequest. Corvus principalis, Eidaw. Corvus carnivorus, Bartram; Blakiston, Ibis, 1862, p. 7. Corvus corax vctr. carnivorus, Baird, lireicer i^ Ridywcuj, North American Arrfs, ii. p. 234 (1874). Corvus corax principalis, Bendire, Life-Hist. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 400, pi. iv. fig. 3 (1895) ; Ridgiv. Birds North ^*j- Middle Amer. iii. p. 259 (1904). Corvus principalis, Sharpe, lland-l. v. p. 592 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eier- sainml. p. 358 (1910). C. corax. 2 Greenland, 28th April (Midler). Greeulaiul. Greenland. Dislio, Greenland. Christiansbaab, Greenland, 5th April (E. Fencher : Ilaryitt Coll.). 1. Fort Yukon, Alaska, March (/. Lovkhart : Smiihs. Inst.). 1. Carlton, N. America, 28th April (T. W. Blakiston). Crowley Bequest. Governor Holboll [C.]. Governor Holboll [C.J. McCormick Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Goduian Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Corvus cryptoleucus, Couch. Corvus cryptoleucus, Baird, Brewer S,- liidf/tv. N'. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 242, iii. p" 518 (1874); Sharpe, Cat. Burls B. M. iii. p. 15 (1877); Beyidire, Life-IIist. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 402, pi. iv. figs. 4-7 (1895); Ilidqu-. Birds North ^ Middle Ainer. iii. p. 265 (1904); Sharpe, Ilaml-l. v. p. 593 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 358 (1910). Eggs of the American White-necked Kavon are similar to those of C. corax, but smaller. They vary from 1-58 to 1-72 in length, and from 1-12 to 1-17 iu breadth. 1. North America (Smiths. Inst. 7. Nortli America [Field Coll.). Salvin-Godinau Coll. Crowley Bequest. 400 CorviTS coronoides, Vi(j. cf- Horsf. Corvus coronoides, Ilnnimy, Ibis, I860, p. 303 [part.] : Le So'U'f, Ibis, 1895, p. 4l'-2 ; Oyiloie-Gmnt, Bidl. B. O. C. xxix. p.' 73 (19li>). Corvus australis, Gould, Handb. Birds Ausfr. i. p. 475 (1865) [part.]; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 593 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 358 (1910). Corone australis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 37 (1877) ; North, Nests i^- Eggs Birds Austr. i. p. 187, pi. vii. fig. 7 (1889) ; Camjjbc/I, Nests S)- Eyils Austr. Birds, i. p. 55 (1901); North, Nests i^- Eggs Birds Atistr. i. p. 5 (1901). Eggs of the Australian Raven, or White-eyed Crow, do not appear to differ from those of C. corax. They measure from 1-6 to 1"92 in length, and from 1"1 to 1-25 in breadth. The eggs are generally considerably larger than those of C. cecihe and often more heavily marked. 4. South Australia {Field Coll.). W. Radcliife Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. South Australia. Old Collection. 3. South Australia. Gould Coll. 2. South Australia. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Burra-burra, South Australia, E. S. Moulden, Esq. [P.]. 8th July. 2. Wimmera^ Victoria, 20th Novem- W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. bar {S. French). [P.]. 3. Wimmera, 7th September {A. J. Crowley Bequest. North). 4. Lachlan River, Victoria (E. P. Crowley Bequest. Bainsag). 4. Werribee Plains, Victoria. Miss A. Chiruside [E.]. 1. Gippslaud, Victoria. F. A. Philbrick, Esq. [P.]. 2. New South Wales. Crowley Bequest. 1. Tasmania. Gould Coll. Corvus cecilae, Matheivs. Corvus australis, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 475 (1865) [part.]. Corvus coronoide.s, Bamsag, Ibis, 1805, p. 303 [part.] ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 20 (1877) [part.]; North, Nests Sf Eggs Birds Austr. i. p. 186, pi. vii. fig. 8 (1889); Campbell, Nests" ^- Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 54 (1901) ; North, Nests ^- Eggs Birds Austr. i. p. 1 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 593 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eier- samml. p. 358 (1910). Corvus corouoides cecilfe, Mathews, Nov. Zool. xviii. p. 442 (1912). Corvus cecilce, Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. B. O. C. xxix. p. 74 (1912). The eggs of the Australian or Brown-eyed Crow resemble many of the eggs of C. corax, but are generally smaller. They vary from 1"42 to 1"7 in length, and from 1*02 to 1'18 in breadth. 3. Bourke, New South Wales, 11th Crowley Bequest. Sept. {A. J. North). 4. Meruugle, New South Wales, Crowlev Bequest. 18th Oct. {A. J. N). 401 [). Dawson liiver, (^uooiislaiul, 28tli Sept. (A.J. N.). 2. North Australia {Field Coll.). 1. rt. Cloates, N.W. Australia, 27th March. 2. Pt. Clcates, 18th June. 4. Pt. Cloates, 2Stli Juue. 1. Pt. Cloates, 12th July. 1. Pt. Cloates, 1st August. 2. Pt. Cloates, 3rd August. 1. Pt. Cloates, 8th August. Crowley Bequest. W. RadclilFe Saunders, Esq. T. Carter, Esq. [C.]. T. Carter, Esq. [C.J. T. Carter, Esq. [C ' T. Carter, Esq. [C T. Carter, Esq. [C, T. Carter, Esq. [C.]. T. Carter, Esq. [C.]. Corvus inacrorhynchus, War/l, Corvus culniinatus, Layard, Ann. Mag. N. H. 2rid ser. xiii. p. 213 (1854); Beavan, F.Z.iS. 18«4, p. 37G; Sharpie, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 20 (1877j. Corone niacrorhvncha, Sharpe, torn. cit. p. 38; Lecjge, Birds Ceylon, p. 34G (1879). Corone levaillanti, Sharpe, torn. cit. iii. p. 39. Corvus macrorhynchus,, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 17 (1889) ; Oates, I'd. Hume, Nests S)- Ff/ys Ind. Birds, i. p. 4 (1889) ; Sharpe, Ilatid-l. V. p. 693 (190!i) ; Ne'hrk. Kat. Fiersamml. p. 358 (1910). The eggs of the Indian Jungle-Crow are not separable from those of C. comix and V. corone. They measure from I'o to l-Sti in length, and from 1-09 to 1*2 in breadth. 1. ludia. 3. Sind. 3. Agrore Valley, 30th April. 5. Bursahir, Himalaya, 30th March. 1. Bursahir, 3rd April. 1. Kotghar, IlimalMva, 3rd April. 5. Kotghar, 10th May. 1. Kotghnr, 12th May. 4. Kotghar, 16th May. 2. Lahore, 17th March. 2. Bareilly, N.W. Provs., 10th May. 2. Lucknow, 24th March. 4. Etawah, 11th March. 8. Allahabad. 1. Mirzapur, 1st April (IV . E. Br. Corrie (Hari/itt Coll.). (j. Knockie, luverness-shire [Har- yitt Coll.). 3. Kiioclde, 15th April {Ilan/itt Coll.). 4. I. of Islay, Hebrides (7/.5'«?o(r7<>r,<). li. I. of Arran, May {Martin Barry). 1. Rathlin Island, Ireland, April. 6. Co. Waterford, 8th April [E. J. msherX 5. Co. Waterford, 9th April (E. J. U) . 4. Co. Waterford, 1 0th April ( E. J.U.). 4. Co.Waterford,L^6th April (E.J. U.). 4. Co. Waterford. 1st to 6th :Mav [E. J. U.). 4. Lapland (7?. Z)«/). 2. Norway, April. 3. Bodo, N. Norway ( Tristram Coll.). L Christiansund, Norway, May. 3. Christiansund, May. 4. Smcilftn Islands, ISorway, !May. 3. Skarrholmeu, Norway, 28th Nlay. 4. Dorpat, Baltic Provs., April [Eu.s- sow). 5. Pomerania (T. Holhmd). 3. Pomerania ( 7'. if.). 4. Spandau, Brandenburg, April. 3. South Spain, 17th May Cwith one ego- of Cocq/stes glandurins). 4. Szigetcs(5p, Hungarv, 4th Jlav ( W. E. S.). 4. Egypt (G. E. Shelleii). 4. Cairo, March. u. Abnormal eo-frs. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salyin-Godman Coll. Crowlej' Bequest. B. Hanson [P.]. B. Hanson [P.]. A. Eosbach, Esq. [P-]- Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. EadclifFe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. E. Cavendisli Taylor Bequest. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Coi'vus sardonius. KlcinM-hm. C'orvus sardonius, Kleinschm. Orii. Monatsb. xi. p. 92 (1903); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 596 (1909). t'oryus cornix sardonius, Hartert, J'off. pal. Faun. i. p. 10 (1903) ; Jourdain, Ibis, 1911, p. 196. Eggs of the Sardinian Hooded C^o^v are indi.stiiiguisliable froai those of €. cornix. 4. Cor.sica, 28th April. .T. Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. Corvus sharpii, Oat^'s. Corvus sharpii, Oafes, Fauna Brit. Ivd., Birds, i. p. 20 (1889); Sharpe, Hand-l. y. p. 597 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 358 (1910). Coryus onrnix sharpii, Hartert, Vlir/. pal. Faim, i. p. 10 (1903) ; ll'itherhi/, Uis. 1907, p. lOo; 1912. p. 515. 46; Eggs of the Siberian Hooded Crow are iiidistiiiguishabk' from those of C. comix. ] . Yenesei R., Lat. 661'' N., 21 ,st >rav (//. Srebo/im). 4. Mai Aiiiir, Soutli Persia, 6o()0 ft.. 15th April (7/. B. J/Ws««//(). Seehohm Coll. Col. A. C. J5aihvard [P.] Corvus capellanus, Sdater. Corone capellaiia, 'S/iarpc, Vnt. llinh B. M. iii. p. .32 (1877); id., Ibis, 188(3, p. 477. ( 'orvus capellanus, Oafe.i, Fnwia Brit. Tin?., Bird.';, i. p. 20 (1889); Sharjie, Haud-l. V. p. 597 (1900) ; Xehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 358 (1910). Corvus cornix capellanns, Hartert, T'rif/. pal. Faun. i. p. 11 (1903) ; Jorirdain, Eyys Europ. Bird.s, i. p. 8 (1900). The eggs of the Persian Hooded Crow very closely resemble those of C. comix. They measure from 1-G to I'S in length, and from 1"1 to I'ln in breadth. 5. Fao, Persian Gulf. r>. Fao, 20th Feb. 4. Fao, 27th March. W. D. Ciimmiug, Esq. W. U. Gumming', Esq. ^^^ I). Camming, Esq. P.]. Corvus corone, Liim. (Plato XXI. fig. S.) Corvus corone, Thien. Fortpfiaiiz. ges. Vog. tab. xl. fig. 1, a-q (1845-54) ; Baedeker, Eier Eur. J'<>.Srd May. 3. Ducksworth Wood, Finchley. 3. Finchley (O. Sah-iii). 6. Valkenswaard, Holland, 21st May (H. Seehnhm). 3. Valkenswaard, 21st May {H. S.). 3. Valkenswaard , 21 st May ( H. S. ) . 4. Valkenswaard, 21st May (H. S.). 4. Valkenswaard, 21st May {H. ,i). AV. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Oates Coll. Hume Coll. Seebohm Coll. Oates Coll. Oates Coll. Oates Coll. Hume Coll. Oates Coll. Hume Coll. 471 Corvus brachyrhynchus, Brehm. Corvus brachjrliyncbos, Bre/nii, Beitr. zur Viiyeikunde, ii. p. 56 (1822). Corvus americamis, Blcikiston, Ibis, 1862, p. 7 ; Baird, Brewer Sf Ridyw. N. A/ner. Birds, ii. p. 24:3 (1874); Beid, Bull. U. S. Nat. ihus. no. 25, p. 204 (1884); Bis/iop, Auk, 1889, p. 147; MacFarlane, P. U. S. Naf. Mus. xiv. p. 439 ( 1891) ; Be7idire, Life-Hist. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 405, pi. iv. ligs. 8-12, pi. v. tigs. 21 & 22 (1895). Corone americaua, !Sharpe, Cut. Birds B. M. iii. p. 34 (1877). ('orviis americamis americanus, Rid(/%u. Birds North if Middle Amer. iii. p. 267 (1904). Corvus bracliA'rh yuchos brachyrbyDchos, Bid(/iv. t. c. p. 746. Ccrvus brachyrbyuclius, S/uirpe, Hand-l. v. p. 598 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Hiersainnd. p. 359 (1910). The eggs of the Common American Crow are of the same character as those of C. corax and 0. comix. Examples measure from I'ot to 1'85 in length, and from 1"09 to 1-10 in breadth. 3. N. America (Z). G. Elliot: Tris- Crowley Bequest. trcnn Coll.). 3. Saskatchewan {Field Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Saskatcliewan, 7th May [Field Crowley Bequeat. Coll.). 1. Saskatchewan. Mons. Bourgeau [C.]. 1. Carbon, Canada, 25th May(r. W. yalviu-Godmau Coll. Blakiston). 2. Lake Winnipeg. Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Massachusetts. Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. New York, l(ith April. W. Eadclitfe Saunders, Esq. 4. Ithaca, New \ork, 20th April. Princeton Univpi-sitv, N.J. lE.1. . ' 3. Ithaca, 20th April. Princeton University, N..I. tE.]- 4. Princeton, New .Jersey, 22nd April Princeton L niversitv, N.J. ( W. E. I). Scott).' [E.J. 5. Fulton, Illinois, 5th April ( W. S. W. Kadclifte Saunders, Esq. Strode). [P.]. 3. Bermuda, 27th April. Capt. Savile G. lieid [C.]. Corvus pascuus, Coues. Corone floridana, Baird; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 35 (1877). Corvus americanus floridanus, Bendire, Life-Hist. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 413, pL iv. tigs. 13, 14 (1895). Corvus americanus pascuus, Bidt/iv. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. iii. p. 269 (1904). Corvus brachyrhynchos pascuus, Ridgic. t. c. p. 746 (1904). Corvus pascuus, Sharpe, Hand-l. y. p. 598 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersaniml p. 359 (1910). Three eggs of the Florida Crow resemble those of C. hrachy- rhi/nchus. 3. Tampa, Florida, 4th May. ^^^ Ivadcliire Saunders, Esq. 472 CORVID.K. Corvus hesperis, RUgw. (Rate XXI. figs. 1 & 3.) Corvus (americaniis var.) cauriuus, C'oojxr {nee Baircl) P. Ca!. Acad. Set. vi. p. 197 (187G), Corvus amerieaiuis, JJemlire, Life-Hist. N. Amer. Birds, u. p. 40o (189-)) [part.] ; Cooke, Birds Colorado, p. 9^ (1897). Corvu.s ainericanus hesperis, Ridyw. Birds North S,- Middle Amer. iii. p. 270 (1904). Corvus brachyrhynchos hesperis, Ridyu\ t. c. p. 746 (1904). Corvus hesperis, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 598 (1909). Four eggs of the Western Crow resemble those of C. hrarhy- rhynchus. 4 San Diego, California, 1st May W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. (Z>. P. Williams). [P.]. Genus CORVULTUR, ic.wo,,. Corvultur albicollis {Lath.). Corvultur albicollis, TAien. Fortpjianz. (jes. Vog. tab. xxxix. fig. 4, n, 6 (1845-54); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. i'4 (1877); Sharpe, ed. Layard, Birds S. Afr. p. 417 (1875-84) : Stark, Fauna S. Afr., Birds, i. p. 10 (1900) ; Reich. Viki. Afr. ii. p. (340 (1903J ; Shlley, Birds Afr. v. p. 134 (1906) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 599 (1909) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 359 (19iO). An egg of the White- necked Haven is much like those of C. corax. It is of a rather broad oval shape slightly constricted towards the smaller end, and without gloss. The ground is pale greenish-white, spotted all over and blotched about the broad end with two shades of umber-brown. It measures 2-02 by 1-45. 1. Pondoland, S. Africa. Crowley Bequest. Genus COLCEUS, Kaup. Colceus monedula (Linn.). Corvus monedula, Thien. Fortpjianz. r/es. Vbij. tab. xl. fig. 4, a-d (1845-54); Baedeker, Eier Eur. too. tab. 28. fig. 4 (1855-63); Eewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 232, pi. Ix. fig. ii (1850) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iv. p. 523 (1875) : Seebuhm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 556, pi. 16 (1883) ; id., Eygs of Brit. Birds, p. 226, pi. 55. fig. 8 (1896); Ne2vton, Ootheca Wolleyayia, pt. ii. p. 499 (.1902); Dress/r, Man. Pal. Birds, i. p. 419 (1902); id., Ei/qs Birds Europ. pts. xiii. & xiv. p. 429, pts. xi. & xii. pi. 2. figs. 1-2 "(1908). Monedula turrium, Loche, E.vpl. Sci. Alyer., Ois. i. p. 114 (1867). Colceus monedula, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 26 (1877) ; id., Hand-l. V. p. 599 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 359 (1910). Colceus monedula monedula, Hartert, Vog. pal. F\iun. i. p. 15 (1903) ; Jourd. Eggs Europ. Birds, i. p. 16 (1906). Colceus monedula spermologus, Harfert, t. c. p. 16 (1903) ; Jourd. t. c. p. 14, pi. V. figs. 7-14 (1906j. 473 Lycos monedula, Rey, Eier Voy. Mitteleuvop. p. 363 (1904), pi. 47. figs. 7-14 (lyuuj. Coloeus spei'Luoloyus, S/iarpc, Hand-l, v. p. 599 (1909). The eggs of the Jackdaw vary from a narrow to a broad oval shape and exhibit a considerable amount of gloss. The ground- colour ranges from bluish-wliite to pale bluish-green and the eggs are marked with dark greenish-brown, umber-brown or browu and underlying lavender. The markings on some sjiecimcns consist entirelj' of spots and specks ; in others of spots and bold blotches. They are generally evenly distributed over the shell, but in a small proportion they are somewhat more dense at the broad end than elsewhere. Two examples in the Collection are bluish-white, marked with merely a tew blotches of pale lavender. Specimens measure from 1*28 to 1-6 in length, and from '91 to I'Ob in breadth. Dochfour, Inverness {Haryitt Seebohm Coll. Coll.). Cumberland [Heysham). Gould Coll. Sherwood Forest, Notts, 7th May Seebohm Coll. (H. S.). Sherwood Forest (H. S.). Sherwood Forest, 7tl) May [H. S.). Sherwood Forest, 7th May (H. S.). Sherwood Forest, 7th May [11. S.). Sherwood Forest, 17thMay \H. *',). Cambritlge. Xiuu's Chapel, Cambridge. Holkliitm, Norfolk, 26th May {F. Bradfurd). Taplow, Berkshire. Chart, Surrey, May. Middlesex. Middlesex. Middlesex. Faversham, Kent, 24th May (//. Booth). Ashford, Kent, 16th May. Frenshara, Kent, May. New Forest, Hants (//. Saun- ders). Aviugton, Hants, 14th ]\lav ( Har- yitt Coll.). Aviiigtuu, 14th Miiy (Ilan/itt Coll.). Burgate, Salisbury, April. Burgate, May. Ijiu'gate, May. Luhvorth, Dorset, May. Katclili'e Head, Dorset. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Goduiaii Coll. W. IladcliU'e Saunders, Esq. [P-]- Gould Coll. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. W. liadcliffe Saunders, Esq. W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. 1. Sweden. 6. Pomerania (T. HoUond). o. .Xnderaeh, Khenisb Prussia, 12th April yT. H.). Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salviu-Godruan Coll. Salviu-Godman Coll. Salvin-Goduian Coll. Crowley Bequest. W. lladclitie Saunders, Esq. [P.]. S. t). Sahhn, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. 474 coRviD.E. Colceus COllaris (Drummond). Coloeus collaris, Sharpc; Cat. Birds 1>. M. iii. p. 27 (1877) ; id., Hand-l. v. p. COO (1909) ; ^\'h-k. Kat. Jueisamml. p. 359 (1910). Corvus monedula, Oafe,s (nee Liim.), Fauna Brit, hid., Birds, i. p. 2'2 (1889) ; Oates, ed. Hume, ^ests &,- Ef/gs Ind. Birds, i. p. 12 (1889). Corvus collaris, A'ewton, Ootheca H'oliei/ana, pt. ii. p. 503 (1902). Coloeus inouedula collaris, Hartert, Voi/. pal. Faun. i. p. 17 (190:>) ; Jourd. Et/ys Furup. Birds, i. p. 17 (19u(>). E^gs of the East European Jackdaw arc iiidistinguisliable from those of C. monedula. 2. Gerasli, beyond Jordan, 4tli May Crowley Bequest. {H. B. Tristram). 1 Erzerum, Armenia (Dresser Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Kashmir. Prof. Oldham [I'.J. 6. Kashmir, 13th May ( If. 77»-«6(//r/). Hume Coll. 1. Kashmir, 22nd June. Ilume Coll. Coloeus daxiuricxis (Fall.). Coloeus dauuricus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 28 (1677) ; Hartert, Voff. pal. Faun. i. p. 18 (1903) ; Skarpe, Hand-l. v. p. GOO (1909) ; Nelirk. Kat. Eiersavnnl. p. 3-59 (1910). Corvus dauuricus, Newton, Ootheca Wol/eyana, pt. ii. p. 504 (1902) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, i. p. 419 (1902). Eggs of the Dauriau Jackdaw are similar to those of C. monedula. 1. Siberia. Crowley Bequest. 4. Amurliind. Crowley Bequest. 4. China, 9th May, W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus RHINOCORAX, Sharpe. Rhinocorax affinis {li'npp.). Rhinocorax affinis, Sharpe, Cat. BirdsB. M. iii. p. 4(3 (1877) ; id., Hand-l. V. p. 600 (1909) ; Eeieh. Vog. Afr. ii. p. 639 (1903). Corvus affinis, N. C. Eothschild l^- Wollaston, Ibis, 1902, p. 13; Shelley, B. Afr. V. p. 140 (1906) ; Dresser, Eggs Birds Europe, pts. xiii. & xiv. p. 438, pts. xi. & xii. pi. 6. fig. 6 (1908). Four eggs of the Fan-tailed Itaveii resemble those of Corvus corax. Those obtained at Luxor are smaller and measure respectively : 1*7 by 1"13, and 1-7 by 1-12. Those from Jericho are larger, measuring 1-98 by 1-24, and 1-9 by 1-28. The two eggs recorded by Mr. Dresser, and taken \>y Dr. Koenig at Jericho, appear to be intermediate in size, varying from 1*69 to 1"81 in length, and from 1-16 to 1-26 in breadth. 2. Jericho, Palesliue, 20th April. W. Iladcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Luxor, Egvpt, 31 st March (iN'.C.ii\ Hon. N. C. Rothschild & ^- A.F.E.W.). A. F. 1!. Wollaston, Esq. [P.]. M ICKOCOKAX. — MACROCORAX. 475 Genus MICROCORAX, Sluu-j^e. Microcorax jamaicensis (Gmel.). Corvus jamaicensis, de la Scqjra. Hid. Cuba, p. 12:2 (1839), pi. xxxii. fig. 2:! (1850); liidqw. Birdit Aortk ^- Middle Amer. iii. p. 277 (1904). Microcorax jamaicensis, S/iA;7c. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 359 (1910). Two eggs of the New Caledonian Crow are much like those of Trypanocorcuv frugilegus in shape, colour, and markings. They are fairly gloss)' and the ground is pale greenisli-blue, spotted and blotched all over with two shades of umber-brown and underlying lavender. They measure 1-51 by 1-04, and 1-57 by 1"07. 2. Moindou, New Caledonia, 20th Oct. Crowley Bequest, (i,'. L. Layard : Tristram Cull.). Genus MACROCORAX, Sharjje. Macrocorax fuscicapillus (Gray). Macrocorax fuscicapillus, tS/iarpe, Cat. Hird.s B. M. iii. p. 51 (1877); Salrad. Orn. I'ap. ii. p. 488 (1881); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 602 (1909). Two eggs, believed to be those of the Great-billed Crow, are much like some eggs of Trypanocorax friigilegtis. They are of a long pointed oval shape, almost pyriform, and without gloss. The ground is pale greenish-white, heavily spotted at the broad end and sparingly elsewhere with darker and lighter umber-brown and underlying lavender-grey. They measure respectively : i-Sl by l-2r), and 1-75 by 1-1^8. ' These eggs, ])urchased at Stevens's Sale Kooms in 1802, were sold as being those of Manucodia utra, which they certainly are not. 2. ]\Iv9ol. Old Collection. 47G Genus NUCIPRAGA, Brisson. Nucifraga caryocatactes (Linn.). Ccrvus caryocatactes, Thien. Fortpjlanz. "S of the Eastern Blue Magpie are of a blunt oval shape and CTAXOl'OI.lUS. -431 somewhat jjlossy. The ground varies from pale olive-wliite to dull olive-grey, marked, especially towards the broader end, with a greater or less number of rather small spots of umber-brown and underlying lavender-grey. They measure from 1"01 to l^l in length, and from "78 to '80 in breadth. 2. X.E. Asia. Crowley Bequest. 1 . Rauria, Siberia. Oowley Bequest. 1. Onon, Dauria, Mny {B. Di/boicski Crowley Bequest. (^ A. Parrex : Tristram Coll.). 1 . Amur. Crowley Bequest. 3. Laid in captivitv. Zoological Societv of Loudon [P.]. Cyanopolius japonicus, Parrot. (Plate XXIL figs. 11 & 12.) Cyanopica cyanus japonica, Parrot, Orn. Monatsb. xiii. p. 2G (1905). Cyanopolius japonicus, Hharjje, Hand-l. v. p. 606 (1909). Two eggs of the Japanese Elue ^fagpie resemble those of C. cyanus in having the ground pale greyish-olive, while in two others it is greenish-white ; all four specimens are marked with small spots and blotches of dark brown and lilac-grey. They measure respectively : 1-4 by -8 ; 1-2 by -82; 1-2 by -83; I'l by -81. L'. Fiijivama, Hondo, Japan, 30th W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. May. [P.]. 1. Fujivama, 4th Jime. ^^'. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Cyanopolius swinhoei, Hartert. Cyanopolius cyanus, Sharpe, Cut. Birds B. M. iii. p. 68 (1877) [part.]. Cyanopolius cj'anus swinhoei, Ilarte?-f, Vfig. pal. Faun. i. p. 24 (1903). Cyanopolius swinhoei, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 606 (1909). Eggs of the Chinese Blue Magpie do not differ from those of C. cijanus. 3. China. J. Whitehead, Esq. TP.]. 3. China. J. Whitehead, Esq. [P.]. ]. Chin-kiang, Kiang-su, 29th May. C. B. liickeit, Esq. [P.]. Cyanopolius cooki (Bonnp.). Corvus cvaneus, Thien. {nee Pall.) Fortpjlanz. yes. Viig. tab. xli. fig. 8 (1845-54). Cyanopica cooki, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Toff. tab. 50. fig. 15 (1855-63); Lilford, Ibis, 1866, p. 382, pi. x. figs. 3-8; Irhi/, Orn. Str. Gibraltar, p. 82 (1895) ; yetcfov, Oofheca IFullei/nna, pt. ii. p. 495 (1902): Dres-^er, Man. Pal. Bird.s, i. p. 416 ("1902); Bet/, Eier Viig. Milteleurop. i. p. 376. taf. 125. figs. 12-16 (li)04) ; Dresner, Eggs Birds Europe, pts. xi. & xii. p. 426, pi. 3. figs. 11 16 (1908). VOL. V. 2 I 482 Cyanopolius cooki, Sliarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 69 (1877) ; id., Hcmd-l. V. p. 606 (1909) ; Nelirk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 360 (1910). Cyanopica cyanus cooki, Harterf, Vciff. pnl. Faun. i. p. 24 (1903). Oyanopica cyana cooki, Jourd. Eggs Europ. Birds, i. p. 20, pi. 41. figs. 12-15 (1906). Eggs of the Spanish !^^agpie do not differ from those of C. cynviis, bnt in one clutch from Seville the ground-colour is pale greenish- "white. 4. Spain {E. C. T.). 3. Spain, May (H. E. Dresser: Har- gitt Coll.). 1. IMadrid, -Spain {H. Saunders). 2. Madrid, Maj (H. E. D.). 6. Madrid, INlay (H. E. D.). 3. Madrid (ir.'.S'..- Tristram Coll.). 4. Madrid, May (Lord Lilford: Tristram Coll.). 2. South Spain. 6. South Spain, 11th May. 6. South Spain, 11th May. Seville (Bm'z). Seville (Buiz). Seville, 13th March (Bmz). Seville, May (H. Samiders). Seville, MiiV (7/. S.). Seville, MaV (II. S.). Seville, May (H. S.). Seville, Mhy (H. S.). Seville, 1.5th :Mav {II. S.). Seville, nth June {II. S.). Castile. Barreiro, South of Lishon, Portu- gal, 20th May. Chitches with one egg of C'ocrystes glandarius. Barreiro, 20th May. Malaga, S. Spain, 29tli April. Malaga, 2nd June. E. Cavendish Taylor Bequest. Seehohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crovi'ley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. Eadcliife Saunders, Esq. [P.]. "W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Seebnhm Coll. Seehohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. Seehohm Coll. Lord Eilford [P.]. Seehohm Coll. W. Eadclitfe Saunders, Esq. "W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus UROCISSA, Cahanis. Urocissa occipitalis (BJi/th). (Plate XXII. figs. 1 & ,3.) Urocissa occipitalis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 70 (1877) ; Bingham, Str. F. ix. p. 191 (1880); Dates, Faim. Brit. Ind., Birds, \. y. '2Q (1889) ; Oates, ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 14 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 606 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 360 (1910). 483 Eggs of the Ked-billed I5lue Magpie are of a regular oval sliape, and almost devoid of gloss. The ground is pale buff or pale cream- colour, marked all over the shell, but especiallj" at the larger end, with small spots and dots of umber-brown or reddish-browu and underlying lilac-grey; there are also a few small blotches of the latter colour, mostly about the larger end. They vary iu length from 1-22 to 1-35. and in breadth from -92 to -97. Mussoorie ( T. Hiittoti). Mvawadi, Tlioungyeen, Tenas- "serim, 19th March (C. T. Bing- ham). ^lejilav River, Tenasserim, oth Maich (C. T. B.). Meplav Kiver, 14th April (C. T. B.). Hume Coll. Hume Ooll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Urocissa erythrorhyncha (Gmel.). Urocissa erythvorhvnclia, SJiarpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. iii. p. 71 (1)^77) ; id., Hcoid-l. V. p. 606 (1909) ; Xehrk. Kat. Eier.^amml. p. 360 (1910). Urocissa sinensis, David iS" Oustal. Ois. Chine, p. 375 (1877). Eggs of the Chinese Ilcd-billed Blue Magpie resemble those of U. ocdjjitalis described above, but vary much in the colour of the ground aud markings ; the former maj' be greenish-white, ])ale olive, or olive-brown, and the latter vary from very small dose-set spots to rather large scattered spots of umber-brown and lilac-grey. China (M. Sicinhoe : Ti-inirant Crowlej' Bequest. Coll.). Pekiu [R. S.). Chin-kiang, Kiang-sn, 12th June. Kuatun, Foh-kien, 28th April. Foochow, April. Foochow, May. Foocliow, May. Foochow, 3rd May. Foochow, June. Amoy {R. S.). Seebohm Coll. J. D. La Touclie, Esq. J. I). La Touche, Esq. J. D. La Touche, Esq. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P, C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P, C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P, C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P Seebohm Coll. [C.l, [C. '•]. Urocissa flavirostris {BJyth). Urocissa flavirostris. Cock Sf Marshall, Sir. F. i. p. 357 (1873) : Hitme Sf Marshall, Lahore to York. p. 242 (1873) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 72 (1877); Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 27(1889); Gates, ed. Hitme, JS'e.'^ts Sf Eqqs Ind. Birds, i. p. 16 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 606 (1909) ; ]S;ehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 360 (1910). Eggs of the Yellow-billed Blue Magpie do not differ from those of U. occipitalis. One egg with a pale greyish-olive ground has almost the whole of the markings concentrated in a dense zono round the larger end ; another has the markings mostly at the smaller end. 484 coRviDJ-. 1. North India (Dr. Pnrher). Crowley Bequest. 1. Uharmsala, Punjab, 16th May Hume Coll. (C. R. Cock). 1. Dharmsala, 20th May (C. H. C). Hume Coll. 1. Kotgarh, Punjab, Mav. Hume Coll. 1. Koto-arh, ard Mav. ' Hume Coll. 4. Kot^arh, 4th MaV. Hume Coll. 1. Kotgarh, 19th May. Hume Coll. Urocissa casrulea (Gould). Urocissa cajrulea, Shm-pe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 74 (1877); Ogilvii'- Grant S^ La louche. Ibis, 1907, p. 159; Sharpe, Haiid-l. v. p. tiO(J (1909). An egg of the Formosan Blue Magpie does not differ from those of U. occipitalis. It measures 1-29 by -95. 1. Lalaili, Formosa, 22nd Mav (P. A. Seebohm Coll. Hoht^. Urocissa whiteheadi, Ogilvie-Grant. Urocissa wliiteheadi, Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. B. 0. C. x. p. xviii (1899); id., P. Z. S. 1900, p. 462: S/mrpe. Hand-l. v. p. 606 (1909); Hartei-t, Nov. Zool. .wii. p. 254, pi. vi. (1910). Eggs of Whitehead's Magpie are of a regular oval shape and almost devoid of gloss. The ground is pale blue or pale greenish- blue, sparingly spotted or marked with short irregular lines and dashes of light brown, with a few underlying spots and small blotches of lilac-grey. They vary in length from 1*3 to 1-4, a»d in breadth from -95 to -99. 6. Five Finger Mountains, Central J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. Hainan, April. Genus DENDROCITTA, (huhl Dendrocitta rufa {Scop.). (Plate XXIT. figs. 4-6.) Dendrocitta rufa, SJuirpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 76 (18V7); Oafrs, Fann. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. .30 (1889); Gates, ed. Hume, Nests ^■ Eqgs Ind. Birds, i. p. 19 (1«89) ; Shar2w, Hand-l. v. p. 607 (190!i) ; Nehrh. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 360 (1910). Eggs of the Indian Tree-Pie are uf a regular oval shape and very slightly glossy. The ground ranges from white or creamy-wliite to pale greenish- and bluish-white or pale green, and, in one remarkable clutch, to dull greyish-green. The markings are also DENDKOCITTA. 485 very variable, and range from light chestnut and reddish-brown to yellowish-umber or dark umber-brown, while the underlying shell- markinj;s are grey or lilac-grey. In some clutches the markings arc rather faint and distributed all over the shell, but generally more numerous towards the larger end ; in the majority, however, the markings are more or less concentrated towards one end, usuallv the larger, and in the more heavily spotted examples form a zone or cap. The markings vary much in shape, in some eggs they take the form of large irregular spots and small blotches, while in others only small rounded spots are to be seen. They vai'y in length from l*i to 1"2, and in breadth from -72 to -89, [North- West Provinces.] ^^^ Uadcliffe Saunders, I']sq. ]. [North-West Provinces], [Field Coll.). ] St May Crowley Bequest. o Hausi, Punjab, 21st Apri Hume Coll. 4. llansi, 3rd May ( J/'. JJlcivitt). Hume Coll. 4. llausi, 14th May. Hume Coll. ii. llansi, 26th May. Hume Coll. 6. llansi, 4th J uue. Hume Coll. 4. Mussoorie (7'. Hut/on). Hume Coll. 3. Bareillv, 8th May {A. 0. Hume). Hume Coll. 1. Bareilly, 19th Mav [A. 0 H.). Hume Coll. 2. Bareillv, 22nd Mav (A. 0 H.). Hume Coll. 1. Bareillv, 3rd June"^(.4. 0. H.). Hume Coll. •) Bareillv, KJth June (.4. 0 H.). Hume Coll. 2. Agra, yth Aug. {A. 0. II J- Hume Coll. 2. Luckuow, 8th May. Huuje Coll. 2. Luckuow, loth May. Hume Coll. 3. Luckoow, 17th May. Hume Coll. •'j Lucluiow, 21st Mav. Hume Coll. 1. Allahabad, 9th July Binijhani). (C T. Hume Coll. 3. Mirzapur, 23rd May ( Brooks). W. E. Crowley Bequest. 2. Barrackpur (R. C. Bearan ). Salvin-Godman Coll 2. Sikhhii Terai, India, IGth April. Hume Coll. 2. Sikhim Terai, 2nd May. Hume Coll. 5! Sikhim Terai, 8th Mav. Hume Coll. 5. Sikhiiu Terai, 12th xM'av. Hume Coll. 3. Sikhim Terai, 13th Ma'v. Hume Coll. 3. Sikhim Terai, 27th May. Hume Coll. 4. Saugor, Central Provinces, 8th Hume Coll. July. 3. Saugor, 20th July. Hume Coll. Dendrocitta frontalis, McCIell. Dendrocitta frontalis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 78 (1877) ; Oates, Faun. Brit. Bid., Birds, i. p. 33 (1889); Htuart Baker, Journ. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii. p. 1G6 (1893); id.. Ibis, 189.5, p. 41 ; id., Ibis, 1906, p. 8.5; Sharjjc, Haiid-l. v. p. (307 (1909); Xc/irk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 360 (1910). 486 Eggs of the Black-browed Tree-Pie are of an oval shape and verj- slightly glossj-. They are very Shrike-like in ap])earance. The ground is cream-colour, sometimes tinged with greenish, and spotted and blotched with yellowish- or reddish-umber-brown and lilac-grey, the markings being mostly concentrated in a heavy ring or cap round the larger end. Six eggs vary in length from 1-OG to 1"16, and in breadth from "78 to 'SG. Mr. Stuart Baker says that eggs of this species can nearly all bo matched with eggs of D. riifa or D. hinialaijcHsis, but are on the whole more richly marked. Margherita, Assam, 31st May (E. C. S. B.). Dibnighur, Assam, 17th May {E. C. S. B.). E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [r.]. Dendrocitta himalayensis {Bhjth). Dendrocitta himalayensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 79 (1877) ; Oates, Faun. Brit, hid., Birds, i. ]>. 32 (1889); Oateg, ed. Hume, Nests &■ Ei/f/s Lid. Birds, i. p. 23 (1889) ; Sharpe, Haiid-l. v. p. 6U7 (1909)'; Kehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 3G0 (1910). Eggs of the Himalayan Tree-Pie resemble those of B. rufa and 1). frontalis. 1. [N.W. Provinces, India] (i\'cAr^or« Coll.). 1. Slussoorie, Tn.W. Provinces {T. Hatton). 2. Sikliim (J. Gammic). 2. Sikbim, 7th May (J. G.). 3. Darjiliug. 6. Darjiling (J. G.). 5. Darjiliug (/. G.). C. Darjiliug {J. G.). 1. Darjiling (/. G.). 3. Native Sikhiiu, June {L. Man- delli). 3. Mungphoo, Darjiling, 15th May. 4. Mungphoo. 4. Mungphoo. 4. Mungphoo. 4. Mungphoo. 3. Mungphoo. 3. Mungphoo. 3. Mungphoo. 1. Dibrughur, Assam, loth June (J. R. Cripps). 3. North Cachar Hills, 14 th May. 2. North Cachar Hills, 2oth May. Crowley Bequest. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. (Jrowle)' Bequest. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Ilume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. ^^''. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.l. ^^ . Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. DEXDROCriTA. — CKYPSIREIXA. 487 Lendrocitta sinensis {Lath.). Dendrocitta sinensis, Swinhoe, Ibis, 18(J8, p. {i2, 1870, p. 351 ; id., P. Z. S. 1871, p. 382; S/iarpe, Oat. Birds B. 31. iii. p. 81 (1877); id., Hand- 1. V. p. 608 (1909); Nuhrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 360 (1910). An egg of the Ciiinese Tree-Pie does not differ in any way frona eggs of D. frontalis described above. 1. Anioj, China {R. Stvinhoe). Seebohm Coll. Dendrocitta cinerascens, Sharpe. (Plate XXII. fig. 7.) Dendrocitta cinerascens, S/tarpe, Ibis, 1879, p. 2-50, 1889, p. 81 ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 608 (1909). An egg of the Kiua Balu Tree-Pie is much like that of Pica pica. The ground is greeuisii-white, finely spotted all over with two shades of umber-brown and lilac-grey, the marliings being, however, chiefly concentrated round the larger end, wiiere they form a dense zone almost hiding the ground-colour. It measures 1'2 by 'SO. 1. Kina Balu, X. Borneo, 13th March Crowley Bequest. \J. Whitehead). Genus CEYPSIRHINA, Vieill. Crypsirhina varians {Lath.). Crypsirhina varians, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 83 (1877) ; Oates, iStr. F. V. p. 159 (lf577) ; id., Birds Burmah, i. p. 40 1 (1883); id.. Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 35 (1889) ; Oates, ed. Hume, Nests ^ Fyys Ind. Birds, i. p. 25 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 608 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 300, pi. i. tig. 3 (1910). Eggs of the Black Racket-tailed Magpie are precisel}' like that of Dendrocitta cinerascens described above, but are much smaller. They vary in length from -88 to 1-09, and in breadth from "GS to •75. 3. Pegu, 7th June {E. IV. Oates). Hume Coll. 2. Pegu, 7th June {E. fV. O.). Hume Coll. 4. Pegu, 10th June (E. IV. O.). Hume Coll. 4. Pegu, 25th June {E. W. O.). Hume Coll. 3. I'egu, 25th June {E. W. O.). Hume Coll. 2. Pegu, 4lh Julv (E. JV. O.). Hume Coll. 2. I'egu, 6th July {E. W. O.). Hume Coll. 3. Pegu, 2ud June {E. W. O.). Oates Coll. 1. Pegu, 12th Julv iE. ir. O.). Oates Coll. 2. Pegu, 15th JulV {E. W. O.). Oates Coll. 488 coKviP-ii:. 1. Pegu, 2.5th July (E. If'. O. ; Crowley Bequest. Seebohn Coll.). 1. Myitkvo, Pey:u, L'ud June (E. W. Crowley lietjuest. " 0.1. Genus CISSA, Bole. Cissa chinensis (Bodd.). Cissa speciosa, Biix/ham, Sir. F. v. p. 85 (1877). Cissa cliinensis, Shmye, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 85 (1877) ; Oates, Birds Biirmah, i. p. 406 (1883) ; id., Faun. Brit. Lid., Birds, i. p. 28 (1889) ; Oates, ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eyf/s Ind. Birds, i. p. 17 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 608 (1909) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 361 (1910). Eggs of the Green Magpie are of abroad oval shape and distinctly- glossy. The ground is white or yellowish-white, uniformly freckled all over the shell with yellowish- or reddish-brown and lavender. In some specimens the markings are so small and numerous all over the shell that they almost entirely hide the ground-colour, but in the majority they are densest at the broader end, where they form a cap or zone. They measure from Til to 1-24 in length, and from •9 to -91 in breadth. 3. Sikhim, 2l9t April (i. Mmidelli). Hume Coll. 1. Sikhim, 2Sth April [L. M.). Hume Coll. 3. Thouuiryeen li., Tenasserim, 8th Hume Coll. April (C. T. BiiKjham). 3 Thoungyeen IL, 10th April (C. Hume Coll. T. B.). 3 Sinzaway,Teuasserim, 18th April Hume Coll. (C. T. B.). Genus CALOCITTA, Gran. Calocitta colliei (Fi^ors). (Plate XXII. fig. 10.) Calocitta colliel, Ltnvr. Mem. Bost. Soc. N. H. ii. p. 284 (1874) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 89 (1877) : Sale, i^- Godm. Biol. Centr.- Amer., Aves, i. p. 507 (1887) ; Jotiy, Pr. U. S. Nat. Mas. xvi. p. 782 (1893); Bide/w. Birds North ^- Middle Amer. iii. p. 294 (1904); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 610 ^1909) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 361 (1910). Three eggs of Collie's Magpie-Jay are of a regular oval shape, somewhat compressed towards the smaller end, and distinctly glossy. The ground is dull greyish-white, sparingly spotted all over with dark vaudyke-brown and more thickly with lighter and I PLATYSMPRUS. GAHUri-tTS. 489 darker lilac-pro}-. They measure respectively: J-44 liy MJ ; 1-4j! hy -99 ; and l-^Jy by -96. 2. Mazatlan, Sinalosi, \V. Mexico Crowley Beiiuest. {A. Forrer). 1. Mazatlan {A. F.). Crowley Bequest. Genus PLATYSMURUS, Ih-ichenh. Platysmurus aterrimus {Temm.). Platysiiiurus aterrimu-s, 'Hharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 91 ^18"7) ; id., Hand-l. V. p. UlU (1909J. An egg of the Black Boruean Jay is of a broad oval shape and apparently without gloss. The ground is white, finely spotted all ovei", but especially towards the larger end where the markings form a rather dense cap, with yellowish-brown and grey, the latter colour greatly predominating. 1. Earam Dist., X. Borneo, '2\ii June. Dr. C. Hose [P.]. Genus GARRULUS, Brisson. Garrulus glandarius {Linn.). Corvus glandarius, Thien. Fortpjlanz. yes. Vd(j. tab. xli. figs. 6, a-f (184.5-54). Garrulus glandarius, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Voy. tab. 50. fig. 17 (1855-6.3) : tShurpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 93 (1877) [part.]; Newton, Ootheca WoUeijana, pt. ii. p. 493 (1902) [part.]; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, i. p. 411 (1902J [part.] ; Bey, Eier Toy. Mitteleurop. i. p. 371 (1904), pi. 40. tigs. 1-0 ^1900) ; Uresser, Eqqs Birds Europe, pts. xi. & xii. p. 421 (i'908); ^harpe, Iland-l. v. p! Oil (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eier- saviml. p. 301 (1910j. Garrulus glandarius glandarius, Hartert, Vog. pal. Faun. i. p. 29 (1903) ; Jourd. Eyys Europ. Birds, i. p. 26, pi. 7. tigs. 1-6 (1906). Eggs of the European Jay are of an oval shape and glossy. The ground varies from pale green to pale bufl', and is finely freckled all over the shell with lighter or darker umber-brown and lilac- grey. Some specimens have the ground almost completely hidden by the markings, while in others it is plainly visible and the markings are comparatively few : in some clutches a well-marked zone of concentrated spots is found round the broader end, and occasionally round the smaller end. Irregular black hair-lines are often jjresent. They measure from 1-22 to 1-3 in length, and from -85 to •95 in breadth. 6. Valkenswaard, Holland, 10th May Seebohm Coll. (H. Seebohm). o. Valkenswaard, 19th May [H. S.'). Seebohm Coll. 6. Valkenswaard, l'8ih May (i/. S.). beebohm Coll. 490 3. Pomerania {Dr. T. Holland). 4. Altenkirchen, Rhenish Prussia, 26th April (Sache). 6. Alteukirchen, 23r(i May (Sac/ie). 6. Warsaw, Poland, i'Oth'Mav. 4. ElbeuF, France (A'otiri/ : Hanjitt Coll.). 3. Elbeuf (iV"oi«7/ : Han/itt Coll.). 6. Foret de Bord, Eleuiuf, 5th April {Noury : Uaryitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. Seebohni Coll. Seebohm Coll. AN'. Radclitl'e Saunders, Esq. LP.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Garrulus rufitergum, Hartert. Garrulus glandarius, Hewitson, Eqys of Brit. Birds, i. p. 237, pi. Ix. Hg. 1 (1856) ; &eebohm, Eyys Brit. Birds, p. 228, pi. Iv. fig. 1 (1896) ; Ne2vto7i, Oof/ieca Wolleyana, pt. ii. p. 493(1902) [part.]; IJresser, Man. Val. Birds, i. p. 411 (1902) [part.]. Garrulus glandarius rufitergum, Hariert, Tog. pal. Faun. i. p. 30 (1903) [part.] ; Jourd. Eyys Europ. Birds, i. p. 24 (1906). Garrulus rufitergum, iSharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 611 (1909). The eggs of the British Jay do not differ from those of G. glandarius described above. Cumberland {Hey shorn). Cumberland {Heysham). Carlisle, Cumberland, May ( W. R. S.). Burgh-on-Sands, Cumberland, 20th June. Bowden, Cheshire {F. Nicholson). Sheflield, Yorkshire (H. S.). Wyre Forest, Shropshire, 17th May. Sherwood Forest, Nottingham- shire, 28th April. Sherwood Forest, 28th April. Sherwood Forest, 7th Maj'. Sutton Coldfield Park, Warwick, 12th May. Cambridgeshire. Epping Forest, Essex. Epping Forest, 18th May {T. Cooke) . Highgate, Middlesex. Fiiichley, Middlesex. Churt, Surrey. Alton, Hants, May. Alton, May. Alton, May. New Forest, Hants (H. Saunders). Burley, New Forest, 9th May. 5. Burley, 16th May. 8. Morchard Bishop, Devon (//. B. TristraJii). Gould Coll. Gould Coll. W. Radclifie Saunders, Esq. [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. J . S. Elliott, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm CoU. Seebohm Coll. Seebolmi Coll. J.S. Elliott, Esq. [P.]. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Gould Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Goidd Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequejt. Seebohm Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [R]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. Crowley Bequest, GAKRULU8. 491 Garrulus caspius, Seehohm, Garriilus atiicapillus, suhqj. caspius, Seebohm, Ibis, 1883, p. 8. Garruhis glandarius caajiius, Hartert, Vdy. pal. Faun. i. p. 31 (1903) ; Jow(L l-jjij^ Eurup. Birds, i. p. 27 (IQ^B). Garrulus caspius, Sharpe, Hand-/, v. p. 611 (1909); Nehrk. Eat. Eier- sanntil. p. 301 (1910). The eggs of the Lenkoran Jay do not differ from those of G. glandarius. 2. Lenkoran, Talish {Nehrkorn Coll.). Cnwley Bequest. 7. Lenkurau, loth April. \N'. IJadclifte Saunders, Esq. [P.]-. Garrulus minor, Verr. Garrulus minor, Lnche, Expl. Sei. Ali/er., Ois. i. p. 122 (1867) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 96 (1877) ; Dresser, Eqys Birds Europ. pts. xi. & xii. p. 422, pi. 3. tigs. 3 & 4 (1908) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 611 (1909). Garrulus oeuops, Whitaker, Ibis, 1898, p. 606. Garrulus glandarius minor, Hartert, Voy.pal. Faun. i. p. 31 (1903). Eggs of the Lesser African Jay are indistinguishable from those of 6r. glandarius. 8. lliif. North Morocco, 8th April. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Garrulus krynicki, Kalenicz. Corvus melanocephalus, Kritper, J.f. O. 1869, p. 33. Garrulus stridens, Elives ^- Bucldeij, Ibis, 1870, p. 191. Garrulus kryuickii, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 99 (1877) ; Nejvton, Ootheca Wollei/ana, pt. ii. p. 494 (1902); Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, i. p. 414 (1902j ; id., Ejtjs Birds Europe, pts. xi. & xii. p. 424, pi. 3. figs. 7 & 8 (1908) ; Sharpe, Iland-l. v. p. 612 (1909) ; liehrk. Kut. Eiersamnd. p. 361 (1910). Garrulus glandarius krynicki, Hartert, Tog. pal. Faun. i. p. 32 (1903) ; Jourd. E(j(js Europ. Birds, i. p. 27 (1906). Eggs of the Turkish Black-headed Jay are quite like those of G. glandariui. 2. Smyrna, Asia Minor, 20th ]\[ay Seebohm Coll. ( T. Kriiper) . 4. Smyrna, 1st June (T. A'.). Seebohm Coll. 2. Smyrna, 1st June (7'. A'.). Seebohm Coll. 1. Smyrna, 9th June ( T. A'.). Seebohm Coll. 2. Smyrna, 16th June (7'. A'.) Crowley Bequest. 6. Mersina, Asia Miuor, 7th April W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. (O. Beiser). [P.]. 2. Lenkoran, Talish (Xehrkoru Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 492 Garrulus atricapillus, Geoffr. Garrulus atricapillus, S/iarpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. ill. p. 612 (1877j ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, i. p. 41;i (1902) ; id., Eqys Birds Europ. pts. xi. & xii. p. 424 ^1908) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 612 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kut. Eiersamml. p. 361 (1910). CTarrulus glandariiis atricapillus, Hartert, Tlk/. pal. Faun. i. p. 32 (1903) ; Jourd. Eyys Europ. Birds, i. p. 26 (1906). Eggs of the Sj-rian Jay do uot differ from those of G. ghin- dariiis. 2. Olive Grove, near Jerusalem, 26th Crowley Bequest. April (H. B. Tristram). 4. Beirut, 27th April. "W. Radcliii'e Sauuders, Esq. [P-J- Garrulus japonicus, ScJde(j. Garrulus japonicus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 95 (1877); Dresser, Man. Fat. Birds, i. p. 4lo (1902) ; Lujram, Ibis, 1908, p. 149 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 612 (1909); Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. c;61 (1910). Garrulus glandarius japonicus, Hartert, Vdy. pal. Faun. i. p. 32 (1903). Eggs of the Japanese Jay do not ditler from those of G. ylan- darius described above. 5. J'ujiyauia, Houdo, Japan, 23rd Crowlev Bequest. Mdy {A. Owstnn: Heat ley Noble Coll.). 6. Kanagawa, ur. Yokohama, 11th W. RadclitFe Saunders, Esq. xMay. [P.]. 4. Noriiiuravama, Hondo, 28th May. AV. iiadclifle Saunders, Esq. [I'.J. Garrulus brandti, Eversmanti. Garrulus brandti, Dybowski 3,- Pur rex, J. f. O. 1868, p. 332 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 96 (1877) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, i. p. 413 (1902) ; id., Eqys Birds Europe, pts. xi. & xii. p. 423, pi. 3. tigs. 5 & 6 (1908) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 612 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 361 (1910). Garrulus glandarius brandti, Hartert, Voy. pal. Faun. i. p. 33 (1903) ; Jourd. Eyys Euro}). Birds, i. p. 28 (1906). Eggs of Brandt's Jay are of the usual type, and are indistinguish- able from those of G. ylandarius. 1. East Siberia {B. Dyhowski ^- A. Crowley Bequest. Parrex ■ Tristram Coll.). 2. Amurland, 19th April. Crowley Bequest. 1. Amurland, 4th May. Crowley Bequest. 3. Amurland, ' W. Ra'dclitfe Saunders, Esq. [P-J- I GAERrLrs. 493 Garrulus whitakeri, Hartert. Garraliis olandai-iiis wliitakeri, Hartert, Viig. pal. Faun. \. p. 3.3 (1903) ; Whitaker, Birds Tunis, ii. p. 10 (1905). Garrulus whitakeri, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 012 (1900). Eggs of Whitaker's Jay are similar to those of G. (jlandarius. 4. Morocco, 4th April. W. Radclifte Sauuders, Esq. [P.]. Garrulus cervicalis, Bonap. Garrulus cervicalis, Loche, E.vpl. Sci. A/f/£r., Ois. i. p. 120 (1867) ; Sharpp, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 98 (1877) ; AVw/7, ,/. f. O. 1896, p. 216, pi. vi. fig. 5; Erlanqer, J. f. O. 1899, p. -189 ;' Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, i. p. 414 (1902)'; THiitaker, Birds Tmii.':. ii, p. 9 (1905) ; Dresser, Eqgs Birds Europe, pis. xi. & xii. p. 42."), pi. :i. Hjrs. 9 & 10 (1908) ; Shnrpr, Hand-l. v. p. 612 (1909) ; Nvhrl;. Kat. Eier.-th May. G. B. Pickett, Esq. [P.]. J. Kuatun, 1 1th :tlav. " C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. Kuatun, 21st April. J. P. La Touche, E.sq. [C.\ Kuatun, 7tli .Miiv. J. D. La Touche, Esq. [C.]. 494 Genus LALETES, Rekhenow. Laletes lanceolatus ( Vigors). Garnilus lanceolntu.«, Hvtton, .7. Asiat. Snc. Beng. xvii. pt. ii. p. 5 (1848) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 101 (1877) ; Oates, Faun. Brit, hid., Birds, i. p. 38 (1889) ; Oates, ed. Hume, Nests ^- Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 26 (1889). Laletes lanceolatus, Shnrpe, Hand-l. v. p. 613 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eier- samml. p. 361 (1910). Eggs of the Black -throated Jay are similar to those of Garrulus qlandarius but are smaller, as in G. hispecularis. 1. Himalaya. Purchased. 2. Murree, Punjab, 2oth Mav (Br. Crowley Bequest. Parker). 4. Kotgarh, Punjab, 4th April. Hume Doll. 5. Kotgarh, 30th April. Hume Coll. 2. Kotgarh, 16th May. Hume Coll. 5. Kotgarh, 24th Juiie. Hume Coll. 5. Mussoorie, N.W. Provinces (7". Hume Coll. Hntton). a. Mussoorie (T. H.) Capt. .1. Hutton [P.]. 3. Upper Garhwal, April. Hume Coll. Genus CRACTES, BiUherg. Cractes infaiistus (Linn.). Perisoreus infaustus, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 76. fig. 5 (1855-63) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. iii. p. 103 (1877) [part.] ; Newton, Ootheca Wolleyaiia, pt. ii. p. 478, pi. xiii. (1902) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, i. p. 410 (1902) Tpart.] ; Eeg, Eier Viig. Mitteleurop. i. p. 375 (1904), pi 46, fios. 7-13 (1900) ; Dresser, Eggs Birds Europe, pts. xi. & xii. p. 420, pi. i. figs. 13-16 (1908). Perisoreus infaustus infaustus, Hartert, Vog. pal. Faun. i. p. 34 (1903). Cractes infaustus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 614 (1909) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 361 (1910). Eggs of the Siberian Jay vary in shape from a long rather pointed oval to a very wide oval, and are somewhat glossy. The ground is some shade of greenish-white or rarely pale greyish-green, spotted and blotched all over, but especially towards the larger end where the markings are often confluent and form a zone or irregular cap, with umber-brown, ashy-brown and lilac-grey. They vary in length from 1*1S to 1-32, and in breadth from •St5 to -93. 8. Lapland (Hawkins). W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Lapland (H. WheehcriSaIvin-Godniau Coll. River, Centrjd Texas, 5th April {H. P. Attwater). 498 Genus CYANOCORAX, Boie. Cyanocorax chrysops ( VieilL). Cyanocorax chrysops, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 120 (1877) ; Chubh, Ibis, 1910, p. 646; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 619 (1909) ; Nelnk. Kat. Mersamml. p. 362 (1910). Eggs of the Urraca Jay vary in shape from a broad to a somewhat pointed oval, and are slightly glossy. The ground varies from greyish-white to creamy-white and whitish-buff, and is generally thickly freckled all over with yellowish-brown and lilac-grey, the markings being usually most numerous at the broad end. In some clutches the markings are small and comparatively speaking few, in others they are much coarser and liave a somewhat blotched appearance. In one abnormally coloured set the ground is pale blnish-white with small very dark brown spots and ash-grey under- markings, mostly concentrated about the large end. They vary in length from 1-18 to 1-4, and in breadth from -88 to -98. 3. Sapucav, Paraguay. W. Foster, Esq. [C] 3. Sapucay. AV. Foster, Esq. [C.]. 8. Sapucav. W. Foster, Esq. fCl. 2. Sapucay, Ist Oct. W. Foster, Esq. [C.]. 2. Sapucav, 2nd Oct. W. Foster, Esq. [C.J. 3. Sapucay, 8th Oct. W. Foster, Esq. [C.J. 4. Sapucav, 11th Oct. W. Foster, Esq. [C.]. 2. Sapucay, 12th Oct. W. Foster, Esq. [C.l. 4. Sapucay, 13th Oct. W. Foster, Esq. [C.J. 3. Sapucay, 13th Oct. AV. Foster, Esq. [C.]. 2. Sapucav, 13th Oct. W. Foster, Esq. [C.J. 4. Sapucav, lUth Oct. AV. Foster, Esq. [C.]. 3. Sapucav, 11th Nov. AV. Foster, Esq. fC.]. 2. Sapucav, 1 2th Nov. AV. Foster, Es-q. [C.]. 2. Sapucav, 13th Nov. AV. Foster, Esq. [C.J. 3. Sapucav, 22Dd Nov. AV. Foster, Esq. [C.J. 4. SapucaV, 4th Dec. AV. Foster, Esq. [C.J. Cyanocorax affinis, Pelz. Cyanocorax nffinis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 121 (1877) ; Scl. &,■ Sab. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 510 ; Allen, Bull. Amer. Mas. xxi. p. 290 (1905) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 619 (1909) ; JS'ehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 362 (1910). Two eggs of the Colombian Jay do not differ in any way from typical examples of C. chrysops, ^ith the ground-colour M'hitish- buff. They measure respectively: 1-36 by '96, and 1-32 by '99. 2. Remedios, Antioquia, [r.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia {T. K. Salmon). CYANOCORAX. 499 Cyanocorax mystacalis (O'eoff,-.). Cyanocorax mystacalis, S/iar])^, Cat. Birds D. 31. iii. p. 124 (1877) : Tacz. Ont. reroii, ii. p. 398 (1884); S/iarpe, JIavd-l. v. p. 620 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersavwd. p. 362, pi. i. lig-. 2 (1910). An egg of the Ecuador Jay is like some of the very finely spotted examples laid by C. clirijsojts. The ground is pale whitish- butt", minutely dotted all over with ])oiiits and small well-defined spots of dark brown and lilac-grey. It measures 1'25 by -93. 1. N. Peru [Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest, Cyanocorax csaruleus ( VieilL). (Plate XXII. tigs. 13 & 15.) Cyanocorax Cieruleus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. iii. p. 126 (1877); HeUmaiir, Nov. Zool. xiii. p. 305 (1906); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 621 (1909);' Chubb, Ibis, 1910, p. 646; Xehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 363, pi. i. fig. 1 (1910). Eggs of the South Brazilian Blue Jay vary from a wide to a regular oval shape, sometimes somewhat pointed towards the smaller end, and are very slightlj' glossy. The large series collected by Mr. Foster at Sapucay is remarkably uuiform in appearance. AJl have the ground pale blue, boldly spotted and blotched with reddish chocolate-brown and lilac-grey of .several shades. In most examples the markings are distributed all over the shell, but in one or two they are more numerous at the larger end and form an irregular wreath. They vary in length from I'l to l-3l', and iq breadth from -83 to •91. 8. Sapucav, Paraguay. W, Foster, Esq. [C. 2. Sapucav^ 1st Oct. " W. Foster, Esq. [C, 2. Sapucay, 2nd Oct. W. Foster, Esq. [C.J. 5. Sapucav, 6th Oct. W, Foster, Esq. [C], 1. Sapucav, 13th Oct. W. Foster, Esq. [C.]. 3. Sapuca'v, 18th Oct, W. Foster, Esq. |C.]. 4. Sapucay, 4tli Nov, "\V, Foster, Esq, [C.].' 5. Sapucay, i3th Nov, W. Foster, Esq. I C], 4. Sapucay, 3rd Dec, W, Fostt-r, Esq. [C.]. 1. Brazil. Spencer Moore, Esq. [P,]. 2. Serra do Mar, Siio Paulo, Brazil, Crowley Bequest. 3id Oct. Three eggs from Brazil and Serra do Mar also referred to tho present species have a very difierent type of marking, the ground being pale greenish-blue closely freckled all over with umber-brown and lilac-grej'. These eggs agree exactly with the figure given by Herr Xehrkorn. 2k 2 5ua Genus XANTHURA, Bonap. Xanthura galeata, Ridgwcuj. Xanthura yncas, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 129 (1877) [part.]; Nehrk. Kut. Eiersamml. p. 363 (1910). Cyanocorax incas, Scl. ^- Sah\ {nee Bodd.) P. Z. S. T879, p. 510. Xautliouva yncas galeata, Ridgw. Auk, xvii. p. 27 (1900). Xanthura galeata, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 621 (1909). Two eggs of the Helmeted Inca Jay are of a rather wide oval shape, a third is more pointed, and all are slightly glossy. The ground is dull greenish-white densely freckled all over with fine maikiugs of yellowish-umber, brown and lilac-grey. In one specimen the markmgs are concentrated at the larger end and form an irregular cap. They measure respectively : 1-22 by -85; 1*2 by •84 ; and 1-12 by -85. 1 . U.S. Colombia. Crowley Bequest. 2. Santa Elena, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia (T. K. Salmon). Xanthura luxuosa {Less.). Xanthura luxuosa, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 132 (1877) [part.]; Salvia i^ Godman, Biol. Centr.-Anter., Aves, i. p. u02 (1887) [part.]; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 621 (1909). Xanthoura luxuosa luxuosa, Rid(jw. Birds North ^ Middle Amer. iii. p. 306 (1904). Four eggs of the Green Jay are much the same as those of X. galeata but are smaller and less densely spotted. The ground is white or pale greenish-white, spotted all over and blotched towards the larger end with various shades of yellowish-brown and lilac-grey. They measure respectively: 1"06 by '84; 1"03 by -8 ; 1 by -81 ; and 1 by -8. 3. Tampico, Tamaulip.'vs, E. Mexico, Salvin-Godman Coll. 3rd June ( W. B. Biehardson). 1. Tampico, 3rd June (Tf. i?. J2.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Xanthura glaucescens, Ridgway. Xanthura incas var. luxuosa, Merrill, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cluh. i. p. 89 (1876). Xanthura luxuosa, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. iii. p. 132 (1877) [part.] ; Sennett, Bull. U. S. Geol. ^- Geogr. Surv. iv. p. 29 (1878); 3Ierrill, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. i. p. 136 (1878) ; Salvin ^- Godm. Biol. Cenir.- Amer., Ares, i. p. 502 (1887) [part.]. _ Xanthoura luxuosa, Bendire (nee Less.], Life-Hist. N. Amer. B. ii. p. 383, pi. iii. tigs. 15-17 (1895). Xanthoura luxuosa glaucescens, Bidgw. Birds North 4" Middle Amer. iii. p. 308 (1904). Xanthura glaucescens, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 621 (1909). XANTIITJRA. CISSOLOPHA. 501 Eggs of the Tiio Grande Green Jay resemble those of A', r/aleata, but are rather smaller. 4. [South-western Texas.] W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Xanthura g^uatemalensis, Bonap. Xanthura luxuosa, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M, iii. p. 132 (1877) [part.]; Salv. 4* Gothn. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Ave^, i. p. 502 (1887) [part.]. Xanthoura luxuosa guatemalensis, i?it/^!i'. Birds North i^' Middle Amer, iii. p. 310 (J904). Xanthura guatemalensis, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 622 (1909). Xanthura luxuosa. Nelu'k. Kut. Eiersamml. p. 363 (1910). Eggs of the Guatemalan Green Jay resemble those of X. galeata, but are not quite so heavily spotted. They measure respectively : 1-lS by -82; 1-09 by '82; and 1-08 by -8. 1. Yucatan {G. F, Gaumer). Gould Coll. 2. Yucatan. Crowley Bequest, Genus CISSOLOPHA, Bonap. Cissolopha yucatanica (Dubois). Xanthura yucatanica, Sharpe, Cat, Birds B. M. iii. p. 133 (1877). Cyanocitta yucatanica, Boiward, P. Z. S. 188-3, p. 440. Cyanolyca yucatanica, Salu. i^'- Godnu Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 498 (1887). Cissiiopha yucatanica, Ridyw. Birds North ^~ Middle Amer. iii. p. 315 (1904). Cissolopha yucatanica, Sharpe, Hand-l. y. p. 622 (1909) ; Nehrh. Kat, Eiersamml. p. 363 (1910j. Eggs of the Yucatan Jay are of a broad oval form, sometimes somewhat pointed towards the smaller end, and distinctly glossy. The ground varies from pinkish-white or dull purpli,sh-white to pale pinkish-brick-colour, and is thickly or sparingly spotted with light red, chestnut, or brown, and underlying marks of purplish- grey. They vary in length from 1"08 to 1-23, and in breadth from '75 to -92. 2. Yucatan. Crowley Bequest. 2. Yucatan {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Yucatan (Nehrkor7i Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Yalladolid, Yucatan (G. F. Gould Coll. Gaiwter). 2. Zoological Gardens, London. Zoological Society Coll. Cissolopha beecheyi ( Vigors). (Plate XXII. fig. 14.) Xanthura beecheii, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 133 (1877). Cvanolvca beecheyi, Sahnn 4" Gndm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 497 (1887). 502 COKVIDJi. Cissilnplia beecheii, Eidffu: Birds JS'orth i^- 3Iiddle Ainer. iii. p. 316 (1904). Cissolopha beecheyi, SJiarpe, Hand-l. y. p. 622 (1909) ; Nvhrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 3G3 (1910). Two eggs of Beechey's Jay are of a rather long oval shape and somewhat glossy ; the ground is light pinkish brick-colour, thickly spotted at the broad end, and somewhat sparingly elsewhere, with light chestnut and reddish lilac-grey, the markings at the broad end being more or less confluent. They measure respectively ]-35 by -94 and 1-35 by -94. 2. Mazatlan, W. Mexico, 17th May Crowley Bequest. {A. Forrer). Cissolopha melanocyanea (Rartl.). Cyanocitta melanocyanea, Scl. ^- Sr/lv. Ibis, 1859, p. 21, pi. v. fig. 6. Xanthura melanocyanea, Sharpe, Cat. Birds li. 3/. iii. p. 134 (1877). Cyanolyca melanocyanea, Salvin ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Ares, i. ' p. 498 (1887). Gissilopha melanocyanea, Bidgto. Birds North Sj- Middle Amer. iii. p. 317 (1904). Cissolopha melanocyanea, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 623 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 363 (1910). Eggs of Hartlaub's Jay are of two types : the first, with a light pinkish-brick ground and light chestnut and reddish-lilac markings, resembles the eggs of C. heechei/i described above; the other type, said to be also of this species, resembles the eggs of C. yncatavica, having the ground pinkish-white with dark chestnut and lilac-grey spots scattered all over the shell. They measure from 1'08 to 1-23 in length, and from -81 to -89 in breadth. 1. Mexico {Nehrkom Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1. San Geronimo, Guatemala (O. Salvin-Goduian Coll. Salrin). 3. San Geronimo, 29th April (O. S.). Salvin -Godman Coll. 1. Duenas, Guatemala, 28tli May Salvin-Godmau Coll. (O. S.). S. Dueiias, 31st May (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll, Genus PSILOEHIITUS, Blii^p- Psilorhiniis morio ( Wagl.). Tsilorhintts niorio, Sumichrast, Mem. Bast. Soc. N. M. i. p. 554 (1869) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. J 39 (1877); Salvin 4" Godman, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Ares, i. p. 505 (1887) ; Sharpe, tiand-l. v. p. 625 (1909) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamtid. p. 363 (1910). Psilorhinus mexicanus, Salvin ^- Godman, t. c. p. 506 (1887). i^silorhiniis morio morio, Bidrpc. Birds North S, Middle Amer. iii. p. 299 (1904). An egg of the Brown Jay is of a somewhat pointed oval shape PSILORIflNUS. — STRUTHIDEA. 503 and withoub gloss. The ground is creamy-white, densely and finely freckled all over with very small spots of umber-brown and grey. It measures 1-39 by '95. 1. Mexico (Tristravi Col/.). Crowley Bequest. Psilorhinus vociferus (Calot). Corviis vociferus, Cabot, Pr. Bast. Sac. N. H. i. p. 155 (1843). Psilorhinus mexicaims, Bouearcl, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 447. Psilorhinus mexicanus vociferus, Ridgiv. Birds Nsrth t^- Middle Amer. iii. p. 303 (1904). Psilorhinus vociferus, Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 626 (1909). Three eggs of the Yucatan Brown Jay are indistinguishable from those of P. morio, but are somewhat glossy. One example has the markings most dense at the broad end and some of the brown spots are rather large in size. They measure respectively 1-35 by -97 ; 1-35 by -98; 1-32 by -92. 2. Yucatan. Crowley Bequest. 1. Valladulid, Yucatan (&'. F. Salvin-Godmau Coll. Gaunicr). Genus STRUTHIDEA, Gould. Struthidea cinerea, Gould. Struthidea cinerea, Gould, Ilandb. Birds Austr. i. p. 472 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 140 (1877) ; North, Nests Sf Eygs Birds Austr. p. 188, pi. viii. fig. 8 (1889) ; Camjibell, Nests S,' -E(/f/s Austr. Birds, i. p. 63 (1901); North Nest Sf Eggs Birds Austr. i. p. 18 (1901); Barnard, Emu, vii. p. 188 (1908) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 626 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 364 (1910). Eggs of the Apostle-bird or Grey Jumper are of an oval shape and slightly glossy. The ground is white with a few distinct scattered spots of brown of various shades or even black, and underlying ashy-grey or lilac-grey, the markings being nearly always round the larger end. They vary from 1-03 to I"23 in length, and from -75 to -9 in breadth. 2. Queensland. Gould Coll. 2. New South Wales, 18th Oct. Gould Coll. [J. Gould). 3. Ivanhoe, N. S. Wales, 7th Sept. Crowley Bequest. (A. J. North). 5. Dubbo, N. 8. Wales, Oct. {A. J. N.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Gippsland, Victoria. F, A. Philbrick, Esq. [P.]. 504 CORVID^. Genus PICATHARTES, Lesson. Picathartes gymnocephalus, Temm. Picathartes gymnocephalus, Ussher, Ihis, 1874, p. 67, pi. ii. ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 141 (1877) ; Reich. Vog. Afr. ii. p. 044 (1903) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. v. p. 151) (1906) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 626 (1909). An eg^ of tlie White-necked Bare-headed Crow is of a rather long oval shape and without gloss. The ground is creamy-white, densely mottled all over with rather small spots and markings of yellowish-brown, umber-brown, and ashy or lilac-grey. It measures i-57 by 1-06. 1. Denkera, Fantee {S. D. Auhinn). Dr. II. B. Sharpe [P.]. Picathartes oreas, litichenow. (Plate XXII. fig. 8.) Picathartes oreas, Reich. ifoV/. Afr. ii. p. 614(1903) ; Shelley, Birds Afr. V. p. 160 (1906) ; Sharpe, Ibis, 1908, p. 357 ; id., Hand-l. v. p. 626 (1909). An egg of fhe Grey-necked Eare-headed Crow resembles that of F. gymnocephalus. It measures 1-57 by 1'06. 1, Cameroon. G. L. Pates Esq. [C.]. Genus GLAUCOPIS, Gmel. Glaucopis cinerea, Gmel. (Plate XXII. fig. 2.) Glaucopis cinerea, Sharije, Cat. Birds B. iV/. iii. p. 142 (1877) ; Campbell, Tr. New Zeal. Inst. xii. p. 249 (1879) : Buller, Birds N. Zeal. i. p. 5 (1888), Suppl. ii. p. 164 (1905) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 627 (1909). Two eggs of the Orange-wattled Crow are of a somewhat pointed oval shape and are very slightly glossy. The ground is dull purplish- grey, rather sparingly spotted and blotched with sepia-brown and grey of various shades. Thev measure i-espectively 1'53 by 1"1 and 1-61 by 1-08. 2. New Zealand {Field Coll.). W. Eadclifie yaunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus GRACULUS, Koch. Graculus graculus {Linn.). Corvus graculus, Thien. Fortpjlanz. yes. Voy. tab. xli. fig. 3 (1845- 54). Pyrrhocorax graculus, Tristram, J/'W, 1 859, p. 292 ; Salvin, Ibis, 1859, pp. 313; 358 ; Seebohm, Byys of Brit. Birds, p. 228, pi. 55. fig. 2 505 (1896) ; NeXbton, Ootkeca Wolleyana, pt. ii. p. 471 (1902) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, i. p. 405 (1902) ; Rey, Eier Voy. Mitteleurop. i. p. .369 (1904), pi. 50. lips. 8-11 (1900) ; Whitaker, Birds Tunis. \\. p. 7 (1905) ; Dresser, Eqys Birds Europ. pts. xi. & xii. p. 415, pi. 2. Hg-s. 7-9 (1908). Fregilus gvaculus, Locke, Expl. 8ci. Alyir., Ois. i. p. 116 (1867); Hume &' Headers. Lahore to Yark. p. 243 (1873). Graculus graculus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 146 (1877) ; id., Ha7id-l. V. p. 627 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 364 (1910). Graculus ereiuita. Gates, Faun. Brit. Lid., Birds, i. p. 43 (1889) ; Oatet, ed. Hume, Nests ^- Efjys Ind. Birds, i. p. 31 (1889). Pyrrbocorax pyrrhocorax, Hartert, Vciq. puL Faun. i. p. 35 (1903) ; Jotird. Eyys Europ. Birds, i. p. 30 pi. 2. figs. 8-11 (1906). Eggs of the Chough vary in shape from a broad or regular oval to a somewhat pointed oval, and are almost devoid of gloss. The ground is white, creamy-white, or j^ale greenish-white, marked all over the shell, sometimes sparingly, sometimes densely, with spots and small blotches of umber-brown and lilac-grey of different shades, the markings being usually more numerous and rather larger at the broad end. European eggs vary in length from 1-47 to 1'62, and in breadth from 1-01 to 1-lG. An Algerian egg measures 1*42 by 1. The egg laid by the larger Tibetan race, named Frecjilus Mmalayanus, Gould, is much larger than any other specimen in the Collection and measures 1"74 by 1'2. It does not differ in any other respect. 1. I. of Islay, Inner Hebrides (Har- (jitt Coll.). 6. Trwyn - cilan, Carnarvon, 26th April {E. Evans). 5. Trwyn-cilan, 10th May (E. E.). 5. Pembrokeshire. 5. Ramsey I,, Pembroke, 16tli May (jr. Morya7i). 1. Portland Bill, Dorset [Tristram Coll.). 4. Lulworth, Dorset, May (P. Cr 07V ley). 7. Lulworth", June (P. C). 3. Lulworth, 29th April. 4. Lulworth, May. 1. Ratlilin I., Antrim. 2. Pathlin I. 3. Rathlin I., 22ud April. -2. The Breaches, Wicklow, 14th ^lav {H. Sotmders). 4. Waterford, 28th April (R. J. Ussher). 4. Waterford, 4th May [R. J. IL). 5. Waterford, 6th May {R. J. U.). 4. Cappoquin, Waterford (-R. /, U.). ISeebohra Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. |P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Gould Coll. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godmau Coll, Sfiebuhm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll, Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll, 606 COETID^. 4. Kerry, 8tb May {E. J. U.). Seebolim Coll. 3. Spanish side of Pyrenees {Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). 5. Zelengora, Bosnia, IGtli June. W. Radclifle Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. Algeria. Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Chumbi, Tibet, 8th May (Z. Hume CoU. Matidelli). Genus PYRRHOCORAX, Vieill Pyrrhocorax alpinus, VieW. Corvus pyrrhocorax, Thien. Fortpflanz. ges. Vog. tab. xlii. figs. 2, a~d (1846-54). Pyrrhocorax alpinus, Sharjye, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 148 (1877) ; Oates, Farm. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 44 (1889) ; Seebokm, Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 229, pi. 55. fig. 4 (1896) ; Neicton, Ootheca Wollei/ann, pt. ii. p. 47a (1902) ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, i. p. 40G (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 627 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 364 (1910). Pyrrhocorax pyi-rhocorax, Bey, Eier Vog. Mitteleurop. i. p. 368 (1904), pi. 49. figs. 8-11 (1900). Pyrrhocorax graculus, Harterf, T'og. pal. Faun. i. p. 36 (1903) ; Jourd. Eggs Europ. Birds, i. p. 33, pi. 4. figs. 8-11 (1906). Eggs of the Alpine Chough are similar to those of Graculus r/racuhis, but smaller. They vary in length from 1-34 to l-o5, and in breadth from 1 to 1*07. 3. Europe. Old Collection. 1. Lenk, Switzerland {Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 2. Parnassus, Greece, 20th May ( r. Seebohm Coll. K?ilper). 5. Parnassus, 22nd May (T. jST.). "VV. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 4. Parnassus, 22nd May (T. ^.). W. Radclifie Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus CORCORAX, Lesson. Corcorax melanorhamplius ( Vieill.). Corcorax melanorhamphus, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 470 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. iii. p. 149 (1877) ; North, Nests S,' Eggs Birds Austr. p. 189 (1889) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, I. p. 65, pi. (1901) ; North, Nests S( Eggs Birds Austr. i. p. 21 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 628 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eier- samml. p. 364 (1910). Eggs of the White-winged Chough are of a broad or regular oval shape, somewhat pointed, and distinctly glossy. The ground is creamy-white, with rather large scattered blotches and spots of PODOCES. 507 vandj ke-brown and purplish-grey of various shades distributed over the whole shell. In some specimens the surface-markings aro almost absent. They vary in length from 1*4 to 1"81, and in breadth from 1-06 to 1-2. 1. New South Wales. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. New South Wales. W. RadcUffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. New South Wales. T. Carter, Esq. [C.]. 3. Yandembah, N. S. Wales, Sept. Crowley Bequest. (A.J. North). 2. Merungle, N. S. Wales, 14th Oct. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. iV.). 2. Fish River, N. S. Wales (E. P. Crowley Bequest. Ratiisny). 4. Victoria. Government of Victoria [P.]. 3. Murrav River, Victoria, otli May Crowley Bequest. (A.'J. X.). 1. Gippsland, Victoria. F. A. Philbrick, Esq. [P.j. 2. South Australia. Gould Coll. 5. South Australia. Gould Coll. 7. South Australia. Gould Coll. Genus PODOCES, FiscJier. Podoces panderi, Fischer. Podoces panderi, Cahanis, J. f. O. 1873, p. 63, pi. 3. figs. 37 & 38 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 150 (1877) ; Nexvton, P. Z. S. 1897, p. 893, pi. h. lig. 10 ; Dresser, Man. Pal. Birds, i. p. 406 (1902) ; Hartert, Vw/.jml. Faun. i. p. 39 (1903) ; Dresser, Ff/ffs Birds Europ. pts. xi. &. xii. p. 417, pi. i. figs. 6 & 7 (1908) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 628 (1909J ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 364 (1910). Eggs of Pander's Ground-Chough are of a rather broad oval shape, somewhat pointed towards the smaller end, and slightly glossy. The ground is pale greenish-white, spotted all over with light umber-brown and blotched with lilac-grey of various shades, the markings being generally most numerous round the larger end and forming a rather Avell-defined wreath. They vary in length from 1-01 to 1-21, and in breadth from "7 to -83. 3. Transca.-pia, 4th April (A'. Za- W. Radclifl'e Saunders, Esq, rudny). [P.]. 2. Trauscaspia, 2nd May {X. Z.). II. E. Dresser, Esq. [E.]. Podoces humilis, Hume. Podoces humilis, Hume ^- Henders. Lahore to Yarkand, p. 247 (1873) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 152 (1877) ; Hartert, Vmj. pal. Faun. i. p. 40 (1903); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 629 (1909); Nehrk. Fat. Eiersamml. p. 364 (1910). 508 COEVIBJi:. — STREPERIDJE. Two eggs of the Dwarf Ground-Chougli are of a rather long and somewhat pointed oval shape, slightly glossy and pure white. They measure -91 by "62 and -88 by -62. 2. Koko-nor, Eastern Tibet (Roth- Crowley Bequest. schild Coll.). Family STREPERIDiE. Genus STREPERA, Lesson. Strepera graculina ( White). (Plate XXII. fig. 9.) Strepera graculina, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 168 (I860); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B.M. iii. p. 67(1877) ; North, Nests S,- Eggs Birds Austr. p. 55 (1889) ; Campbell, Nests Sr Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 58 (1901) ; North, Nests Sf- Eg(is Birds Austr. i. p. 8 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. \. p. 629 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersumml. p. 364 (1910). Two eggs of the Pied Crow-Shrike are of a broad oval form, and slightly pointed towards the smaller end. The ground is dull greyish-pink, rather sparingly spotted with umber-brown and lilac-grey of several shades. In one egg the markings are more numerous round the larger end and form an ill-defined wreath. They measure respectively: 1-69 by 1-21 and 1-65 by 1-22, 2. Liverpool, New South Wales, Oct. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. North). Strepera arguta, Gould. Strepera arguta, Gotdd, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 171 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 59 (1877) ; North, Nests ^- Eggs Birds Austr. p. 57 (1889) ; Campbell, Nests Sf Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 59 (1901) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Birds Austr. i. p. 10, pi. B i. fig. 9 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hatid-l. v. p. 629 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 364 (1910j. Four eggs believed to be those of the Hill Crow-Shrike are much like eggs of S. graculina in having the ground-colour greyish-pink, but the markings are in the form of scattered rounded chocolate- coloured spots, with blurred edges and minute dots of the same colour ; there is also an indistinct tracery of pale chocolate-pink smears and lines, more apparent in some of the eggs than in others. They measure respectively: 1-68 by 1-15; 1-62 by 1-17; 1-59 by 1-14; and 1-56 by 1-14. A fifth egg is much smaller, and has the ground-colour greyish- pink, with spots and small blotches of burnt-sienna and bluish- grey, most of the markings being rather faint. It measures 1"49 by 1-06. 6. [Tasmania.] Crowley Bequest. STREPEEA. 509 Strepera vieilloti, Mathews. Strepera cuneiraudata, North, Nests H,- Eggs Birds Atistr. p. .5.5, pi. vii. fig-. 1 (1S8H); Campbell, Nesfs S,- Egc/s Atistr. Birds, i. p. GO (1901) [part.] ; North, Nests S,- Eggs Birds Austr. i. p. 14, pi. B i. fis. 13 (1901) [part.]. i- ' f Strepera versicolor, Sharpe, Hnnd-l. v. p. 630 (1909) [part.]. Strepera versicolor vieilloti, Matheus, Nov. Zool. xviii. p. 444 (1912). Eijgs of Vieillot's Crow-Shrike resemble those of S. (jraculina in markings, but tho ground-colour varies from almost cream5'-white, pale greyish-pink, and pale brownish-pink to pale pinkish brick- colour. Some specimens have more or less marked blackish hair- lines round the larger end. They vary from 1-63 to 1-78 in length, and from 1-16 to l-'2'3 in breadth. 1. Victoria. ^ ^ Gould Coll. 3. Victoria, 17tb Sept. Crowley Bequest. tJ. Cranbourne, 'S'ictoria, 11th Dec. CrowleV Bequest. (A. J. North). 1. Mitcham, Victoria, 9th Oct. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.l. 1. Gippsland, Victoria. F. A. Philbrick, Esq. [P.]. Strepera melanoptera, Gould. Strepera arguta, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 171 (1865) [part.]. Strepera melanoptera, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 61 (1877); North, Nests S,- Eggs Birds Austr. p. .56 (1889); Campbell, Nests S^- Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 61 (1901); North, Nests Sf Eqgs Birds Austr. i. p. 12, pi. B i. tig. 10 (1.901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. V. p. 629 (1909) [part.] ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 364 (1910). Four eggs of the Black-winged Crow-Shrike are similar to those of *S^. gracuJlna, all having the same markings and ground-colour of greyish-pink. Three measure respectively : l-GObyl-2; 1'63 by 1-18; and 1-62 by 1-19. 1. South Australia. Gould Coll. 1. South Australia. Gould Coll. 2. South Australia. Gould Coll. Strepera plumbea, Gould. Strepera anaphonensis, Goidd {nee Temin.), Handb. Birds Austr. i p. 173 (1865). Strepera plumbea, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 60 (1877) ; North, Nests ^- Eggs Birds Austr. i. p. 16 (1901); Sharpe, Hand-l. v. p. 630 (1909) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. .364 (1910). Strepera cuneicaudata plumbea, Campbell, Nests if Eggs Austr. Birds i. p. 60, pi. (1901). Eggs of the Leaden Crow-Slirike have the ground-colour gene- rally darker than in S. gracidina, and vary from pale rcddish- brick-colour or dull pinkish-grey to darker brownish-red ; the markings are the same, and one egg has a black hair-line as in /S. arguta. In one specimen from [W. Australia^, believed to be of this species, the markings are concentrated in a broad zone 510 STREPERID^. round the larger end. They vary in length from 1'52 to 1-71 , and in breadth from 1*17 to 1-2. 2. West Australia. Gould Coll. 1. [West Australia.] Crowley Bequest. 1. West Australia. T. Carter, Esq. [C.]. 1. Swan River, W. Australia, Nov. Crowley Bequest. {Heu. G. J. Bostock : Tristram Coll.). Strepera intermedia, SJiarpe. Strepera intermedia, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 59 (1877); North, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. >S. W. (2) ii. p. 405 (1887) ; North, Nests ^ Eqij^ Birds Anstr. p. 50 (1889) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Egc/s Audr. Birds, i. p. 62 (1901). Strepera fusca, Ashh/, Emu, v. p. 27 (1905) ; SJiarpe, Hand-l. v. p. 6.30 (1909). Two eggs of Sharpe's Crow-Shrike are similar to those of (S. gracultjia, the ground-colour being pale greyish-pink in both specimens ; the markings are most numerous towards the smaller end. They measure respectively: 1-55 by 1-25 and 1-02 by 1-21. There can be no doubt that S. fusca, Ashby, from York Peninsula, is synonymous with S. intermedia, Sharpe, from Port Lincoln; and that the latter is quite distinct from S. melanoptera, Gould, with which Sharpe himself has united it in his Hand-list. 2. York Peninsula, South Australia, Crowley Bequest. 14th Oct. (A. J. North). Strepera fuliginosa (Gould). Strepera fuligiuosa, Gould, Hnndb. Birds Aiistr. i. p. 170 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iii. p. 61 (1877) ; North, Nests ^- Eggs Birds Austr. p. 57 (1889) ; Campbell, Nests ^' Egys Austr. Birds, i. p. 62 (1901); North, Nests ^ Egqs Birds Austr. i. p. 17, pi. B i. lig. 11 (1901); Sharpe, Hand-l.\. p. 630 (1909); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamtnl. p. 364 (1910). Five eggs of the Sooty Crow-Shrike resemble those of S. gracu- lina, but all are of a rather more elongate oval shape and distinctly pointed towards the smaller end. The ground varies from pinkish- cream-colour and greyish-pink to pale brick-colour. In the paler eggs the umber-brown and lilac-grey markings are somewhat faint, while the darker eggs from King Island are more strongly and densely marked and show traces of black hair-lines round the larger end. North assures us that S.fuliginosa is the species found on the Islands in Bass Strait, and that it is especially common on the shores of King Island. Thev measure respectively : 1-88 by 1-12; 1-82 by 1-24; 1-8 by 1-25;' 1-75 by 1-12; and 1-7 by 1-16. 2. King Island, Bass Strait, 18th Crowley Bequest. Sept. {A. J. North). 1. Tasmania {E P. Seymour). Crowley Bequest. 1. Tasmania [Hinsby Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Tasmania. Gould Coll. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. abbas (Tanagra), 307. abeillei (Orchesticus), 316. abyssinica (Galerida), 142. abyssinicus (Hypbant- ornis), 351. abyssinicus (Ploceus), 351. Acantbocbrera, 54. Acantbogenys, 55. Acantborbyncbus, 35. acik (Cbalcomitra), 24. acik (Oinnyris), 24. Acridotberes, 413. acrorbyncbus (Oriolus), 430. actia (Otocoris), 120. actia (Otocorys), 120. acuticauda (Muuia), 337. acuticauda (Poepbila), 341. acuticauda (Uroloncba), 337. acuticaudus (Anumbius), 375, 377. adamsi (Alaudula), 131. adoxa (Spermopbila), 1(>4. adsimilis (Buchanga), 441. ^gintba, 340. .a;iuroedii8, 452. jenea (Chaptia), 439. teneus (Callotbrus), 373. SBiieus (Alolotbrus), 372, 373. seneus (Quiscalus), 308. teneus (Tangarius), 373. sestira (Dendroeca), G2, 63. sestiva (Dendroica), (52. astiva (Pyranga), 311. astiva (Sylvia), 62. j^tbiopsar, 415. jEthopyga, 14. afer (Ciunyris), 23. al'er (Dicrurus), 441. affiiiis (Corvus), 474. affiiiis (Cyanocorax), 498. affinis (Euphonia), 300. affinis (Icterus), 389. affiuis (Mimeta), 433. affinis (Mirafra), 136. affinis (Oriohis), 433. affinis (Pardalotus), 10. affinis (Rbinocorax), 474. afra (Cinnyris), 23. afra (Pyromelana). 322. at'ricana (Alauda), 111. afi'icana (Carduelis), 178. africana (Fringilla), 175. africana (Mirat'ra), 136. Agelosus, 378. agile (Piprisoma), 12. agilis (Pipastes), 92. aglaius (Quiscalus), 398. Agropsar, 411. Aidemosyne, 339. aignani (Zosterops), 5. Algernon, 112. Alario, 210. alario (Alario), 210. alascensis (Budytes), 86. alascensis (Motacilla), 86. Alauda. 125. Alaudida;, HI. alaudina (Fringilla), 289. alaudinus (Passerculus), 263, alaudinus (Pbrygilus), 289. alaudipea (AlaMnon), 112. Alaudula, 131. alba (Motacilla), 74, 75. alberti (Craspedopbora), 447. alberti (Ptilorbis), 447. albiciuctus (jEtbiopsar), 416. albicollis (Saltator), 171. albicollis (Zonotricbia), 275. albifrons (Amblyospiza), 3(i5. albifrons (Glycijibila), 36. albigula (Eremopbila), 118. albigula (Otocorys), 118. albigula (Pipilo), 285. albigularis (Oonopo- piiilaj, 37. albigularis (Entomo- pbila), 37. albigularis (Melitbrep- tes), 32. albigularis (Melitbrep- tus), 32. albigularis (Poliospiza), 211, 212. albigularis (Serinus), 211. albilateralis (Diglossa), 298. albitempora (Cbloro- spingus), 315. albitemporalis (Cbloro- spingus), 315. albocinctus (.^thiopsar), 416. albofasciata (Certhi- lauda), 112. albogularis (Critbagra), 211. albogularis (Meliphaga), albogularis (Melitbrep- tus), 32. algeriensis (Ammo- manes), 146. aliena (Sitagra), 353. alienus (Hypbanturgus). 353. 512 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. alien US (Ploceus), o"'?. alien i (Pipilo), 284. alpestris (Alaiida), 115. alpestria (Eremophila), 114, 115, 116, 117. alpestris (Otocoris), 115. alpestris (Otocorys), 114, 115. alpestris (Philereiuos), 115. alpicola (Montifringilla), 193. alpiiia (Citrinella), 180. alpinus (Pjrrhooorax), 5U6. altera (Manucodia), 450. Amadina, 329. amandava (Sporsegin- thus), 332. amantum (Erytlirospiza), 195. Aniauresthes, 326. Amblycerciis, 371. Amblyornis, 451. Amblyospiza, 365. Ainblyrhainplius, 382. americana (Curone), 471. americana (Eiispiza), 260. americana (Parula), 61. americana (Spiza), 260. americanus (Corvus), 468, 471, 472. auiethystina (Chalco- mitra), 25. amethystina (Cinnyris), 25. aniethystinus (Cinnvris), 25. animodendri (Passer), 209. Aramodromus, 264. Amuioinanes, 145. amoena (Cyanospiza), 281. amoena (Passerina), 281. Ampbispiza, 266. amplus (Car|X)dacas), 223. analoga (Ptilotis), 41, 42. anapbonensis (Strepera), 509. andamanensis (Disse- muroides), 445. andamanensis (Oriolus), 430. andamanensis (Poli- opsar), 407. andamanensis (Spodiop- sar), 407. andamanensis (Sturnia), 407. audanianica (Aracb- necbthra), 26. andamanica (Cinnyris), 26. andainauicus (Cinnyris), 26. andamanicus (Cyrto- storaus), 26. anderssoni(Tephrocory8), 124. Anellobia, 55. anglica (Loxia), 224. angoleusis (Estrilda), 345. angolensis (Ura-giutbiis), 346. annectens (Disrurus), 435. annulosa (Zosterops), 3. anoxantba (Loxigilla), 160. anoxantba (Spermo- pliila), 160. anoxanlbus (Loxigilla), 160. anoxantbus(Loxiipas8flr), 160. anoxautbus (Loxipasser), 160. Antlioriiig, 50. Antbotbreples, 30. Antbus, 89. Annmbius, 375, 377. Apbelocoma, 496. Aplonis, 419. apoda (Paradisea), 448. approximans (Eujilectes), 321. approximans (Pyro- melana), 321. aquaticus (Antbus), 104. Aracbnecbtbra, 17. Aracbnotbera, 29. arborea (Alaiida), 143. arborea (Lulhila), 143. arbureus (Antbus), 89. arboreus (Dendro- nautbus), 89. arboreus (Passer), 203. arctoa (Lecosticte), 194. arctoa (Montifringilla), 194. arctous (Montifringilla), 194. arcuata (Emberiza), 234. arcuata (Fringilla), 207. arcuatus (Passer), 307. ardens (Coliopasser), 317. ardens (Coliostrutbus), 317. ardens (Coliuspasser), 317. ardens (Pentbetria), 317. ardens (Vidua), 317. arenacea (Spizella), 272. arenicola (Galerida), 140. arenicolor(Animomanes), 147. argenticeps (Pbilemou), 57. argenticeps (Tropido- rhyucluis), 57. arguta (Strepera), 508, 609. arizonte (Astragalinus), 184. arizoiia3 (Cbrysomitris), 184. arizonce (Spizella), 271. arnaudi (Nigrita), 323. aruaudi (Pbilieterus), 323. arnaudi (Pbiletairus), 323. arnaudi (Pseudonigrita), 323. Arremon, 291. Arremonops, 286. aruensis (Ptilotis), 42. arnndinacea (Scbceui- cola), 230. arvensis (Alauda), 125, 126. 127. arvensis (Sycalis). 218. asiatica (Aracbnecbtbra), 17. asiatica (Oiunyris), 17. asiaticus (Oinnyris), 17. aspasiaj (Oiunyris), 19. aspasioides (Cinnyris), 20. aspasioides (Hermo- tiuiia), 20. assaraica (Mirafra), 136. as.-iniilis (Bucbanga"), 441. Astragalinus, 183. Astrapia, 448. astrild (Estrelda), 344. astrilda (Estrilda), 344. ater (Dicrurus), 440. ater (Manurodia), 450. ater (Molotbrus), 373. aterrimus (Curaeus), 384. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 513 aterriraus (Platysmurus), 489. Atlapetes, 292. ati-a (Buchanga), 439, 440. atra (Manucodia), 450, 475. atrata (Certhiola), 290. atrata (Cbrjsumitris), 179. atrata (Ocereba), 29G. atratus (Spinns), 179. atricapilla (Calliste\ 303. atricapilla (Calospiza), 303. atricapilla (Munia), 334, 335. atricapillus (Garrulus), 491, 492. atricapillus (Melithrep- tes), 31. atriceps (Melipotes). 39. atriceps (Saltator), 169. atricollis (Ortygospiza), 327. atrifusca (Aplonis), 420. atrifusca (Sturnoides), 420. atrigula (Ploceus), 304. atrigularis (Spizella), 272. atrocastaneus (Ostinops), 369. atrogularis (Spizella), 272. atropvgialis (Poephila), 342. aiuluboni (Ictprus), 302. aiilaudipps (Certbilauda), 112. auranteiventris (Cbloris), 151. auranteiventris (Liguri- uus), 151. aurantiaca (Setopliaga), 72. aurantiacus (Myioborus). 72. aurantiirostris (Arro- mon), 292. aurantiirostris (Saltator), 171. aurantius (Hypbantor- uis), 349. aurant,ius (Hvphantur- gus), 349, 350. aurantius (Ploceus), 349. avirantius (Xantlio- pbilus\ 350. VOL. V. auratus (Hartlaubius), 419. aurea (Fringilla), 358. aureitlava (Sitagra), 359. aureiflavus (Hypbantor- nis), 359. aureiveuter (Zosterops), 4. aureiventris (Pseudo- cbloris), 288. aureoflavus (Ploceus), 359. aureoflavus (Xantbo- pliihis), 3.59. aureola (Emberiza), 237. aureola (Euspiza), 237. aureola (Hypocentor), 237. auricapilla (Sitagra), 357. aurieapillus (Ploceus), 357. aurieapillus (Siurus), 67. auricomis (Ptilotis), 45. auricrissa (Sporo- tbraupis), 308. aurifrons (Serinus), 217. Auripasser, 211. aurocapillus (Seiurus), 67. aurora (Cinnyris), 28. aurora (Cvrtostonuis), 28. au8tralasiana(Licbuiera'l, 4«. australasiana(Meliornis), 48. australis (Alauda), 128. australis (Antbus), 109. australis (Coroue), 460. australis (Corrus), 460. australis (Eremopteryx), 148. australis (Nectarinia), 27. australis (Pyrrbulauda), 148. axillaris (Pentbetria), 318. axillaris (Urobracbya), 318. axillaris (Vidua), 318. azara' (Saltator), 171. bactriana (Pica\ 478. badius (Molotbru<), 375, bfetioa (Alaudula), 132. balcanica (Ereuiopbila), 117. balcanica (Otocoi-i>), 117. balcanica (Otocorvs), 117. baltiinore (Icterus), 3S8. barbadeiisis (Loxigilla), 160. barbadensis (Pvrrbu- lagra), 160. barbata (Cbrysomitris), 181. baibatus (Spinas), 181. bartbolemica (Dendroeca), 63. basilauica (Zosterops), 4. Basileuterus, 73. batesi (MelirrboiAetes), 39. Balbilda, 341. baya (Ploceus), 363. beeelieii (Cissolopba), f)02. beeelieii (Xantbura), 501. beeebeyi CCissolopba), 501. beeclieyi (Cvanoljca), 501. bella (.Etbopyga), 16. belli (Ampbispiza), 26ti, 267. bellieosa (Sturnella), 385. bellieosa (Trupial.s), 385. bellus (Zonaeginthus), 330. bengalensis (Ploceus), 364. bengalus (Ura^giuthus), 345. bertbeloti (Antbus), 102, 103. Bhringa, 446. biarcuatum (Melozone), 285. biarcuatum (Pvrgisonia), 285. bicbenovii (Stictoptera), 331. bicolor (Calamospiza), 259. bicolor (Euetbia), 165, 166. b'color (LaniprGtornis), 426. bicolor (Pboniiiarai, 165. 1' L 514 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. bicolor (Spermophila), lfi6. bicolor (Spree), 426. bicolor (Sj'cobrotiis), 347. bicornis (Eremophila), 118. bicornis (Otocoris), 118. bieornis (Otocorys), 118. bidentata (Piranga), 312. bidentata (Pyranga), 312. bifasciata (Alauda), 112. bifaseiata (Loxia), 22.5. bilineata (Ampbispiza), 266. bilineata (Poospiza\ 266. bilineata (Spindalis), 308. bilopha (Eremopbila), 116. hilopha (Otocoris), 116. bilopha (Otocorys), 116. biojaculala (Melano- corypha), 122. bispecularis (Garrulus), 493. bispecularis (Lampro- coliiis), 42.1. blakistoui (Anthus), 104. blythi (Aniydriis). 424. blythi (Ouycognathus), 424. blythii (Poliopsar), 408. blythii (Spodiopsar), 408. blythii (Sturnia), 408. boarula (Motacilla), 81. bojeri (Hyphantornis), ■3.59. bojeri (Ploceus), 3.o9. bojeri (Sitagra). .359. bojeri (Xanthophilus), ■359. bonariensis (Icterus), 374. bonariensis (IMolotbrns), 276. 277, 374. 377. bonariensis (Tanagra), 308. borealis (Budytes\ 86. borealis (Frliigilla), 189, 192. borealis (Motacilla), 86. borneensis (OInbia), 438. borneeusis (Dicruropsis), 4.38. brachvdactvla (Alauda), 129, 132" brachydactvla (Calan- drella), 129, 130. brachvdactvla (Carpo- spiia), 199. brachydactvla (Petronia), 199. brachvptera (Sitagra), 349". brachypterns (H\-phan- turgus), 349. brachvpterus (Ploceus), 349". brachvpterus (Syni- piectes), 349. brachyrhvnchos(CorTus), 471,472. bntchvrhynchu3(Corvus), 471". Bracbyspiza. 27.5, 375. brachyura (Galerida), 141. brachvurus (Anthus), 93." bracteata (Chibia), 437. bracteata (Dicruropsis), 437. brandti (Eremophila), 116. brandti (Garrulus), 492. brandti (Otocorys), 116. brasilius (Rhampho- cehis), 309. brasilius (Rhampho- ccfilus), 309. brevirostris (Acanthis), 187. brevirostris (Aplonis), 420. brevirostris (Chibia), 436. brevirostris (Linaria), 187. brevirostris (Linota), 187. brevirostris (Melithrep- tes). 33. brevirostris (llelithrep- tus), 33. breweri (Spizella), 273. britannica (Carduelis), 177. britannicus (Acanthis), 177. brunneieeps (Lagono- sticta), 327, 328. brunneieeps (Munia), 335. brunneinucha (Buarre- inon), 29.3. Buarrenion, 293. buceroides (Philemon), 57. buceroides (Tropido- rliynchus), 57. buchanani (_Emberiza), 244. Buchanga, 4.39. ballocti7 Icterus), .389. burmanicus (Poliopsar), 407. burmanicus (Spodiopsar), 407. burniannica (Sturnia), 407. butvraceus (Serinus), 215. cabanisi (Hvphantornis), 355. cabanisi (Ploceus), 3-55. cabaret (Acanthis), 191. cabaret (Carduelis), 191. Caeicus, .369. CEerulea (Guiraca), 147. ci^rulea (Urocissa), 484. crerulesceus (Buchanga), 444. crerulescens (Dendroeca), (i3. caBrulescens (Dendroica), 63. Cffrulescens (Dicrurus), 444. C£Erulescens (Digloss- opsis). 298. crerulescens (Saltator), 171. Ciprulescens (Spermo- phila), 162. crerulesceus (Sporopbila), 162. crerulescens (Zosterops), 6. Cffiruleus (Cvanocorax), 493. cresia (Eniberiza\ 244. caffer (.\mydrns), 423. cnffer (Anthus), 97. caffer (Ouychoguathus), 423. caffer (Pyrrhocheira), 423. caffra (Fringilla), 358. caffra (Pyrrhocheira), 423. caffra (Pyrrochira), 423. caffra (Sitagra), 423. cajennensis (Icterus), ■390. Calamospiza, 259. calandra (Alauda), 121. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 515 calandra (Emberiza), •2bO. calandra (Melano- corvpha), 121. Calaiulrella, 1-29. Caloariiis, 250. Calendula, 1-14. cal i fornica (Aplielocoma\ 49fi. californicus (Carpo- dacus), 221. Calocit'a, 488. Calospiza, 301. calvus (Sarcops), 417. canipestris (Agro- dromas), 9fi. canipestris (Anthus), 95, 9(5. canipestris (Corvdalla), 9(i. cainpesti-is (Euneoi'nis), 297. canipestris (llotacilla'), 84, 85. cana (Tanagra), 305. canadensis (Cractes), 495. canadensis (Myiodioctes), 71. canadensis (Perisoreus), 495. canadensis (Piuicola), 229. canadensis (Sylvia), 71. canadensis (Wilsonia), 71. canaria (Fringilla), 21(5. canaria ^Serinus), 178, 21(5. canariensis (Corvus), 457. canariensis (Friiigilla), 175. canarius (Serinus\ 21(5, 217. canescens (Acantliis), 192. canescens (Fringilla), 189. canescens (Linota), 189. canicauda (Cardinalis). 1(58. canicaudiis (Cardinalis), 168. caniceps (Junco), 2(59. canicepa (Mania), 335. canicoUis (Crithagra), 213. canicoUis (Serinus), 213. cannabiiia (Acanthis), 188, 189. cannabina (Carduelis), 188. cannabina (Fringilla), 188. cannabina (Linaria), 188. cannabina (Linota), 188. canoniens (Serinus), 217. eanorus (Ciiciilns), 85, 100, 102, 139, 155, 174, 17fi, 187, 217, 227, 231, 2.37, 240, 246, 249, 251. cantans (Aidemosyne), 340. cantans (Ilabropyga), 340. cantans (Uroloncba), 340. cantillans (Mirafra), 1 35. cantor (Calornis), 419. cantoroidcs (Aplonis), 419. capellana (Corone), 4G7. capellanus (Corvus), 4G7. capensis (Alauda), 111. capensis (Brachyspiza), 275. capensis (Certbilauda), HI. capensis (Corvus), 4.54. capensis (Euplectes), 321. capensis (Fringillaria), 251. capensis (Heterocorax), 454. capensis (Hypliantornis), 358. capensis (Macronyx), 110. capensis (Motacilla), 80. capensis (Orynx), 321. capensis (Ploceus), 358. capensis (Pyromelana), 321. capensis (Sitagra), .358. capensis (Xantbophilus), 358. capensis (Zosterops), 3. capitalba (Amblvospiza), 366. carbonaria (Chibia), 438. carbonaria (Dicruropsis), 438. Cardinalis, 168. cardinalis (Cardinalis), 168. cardinalis (Hypbantica\ 324. cardinalis (Quelea), 324. Carduelis, 177. carduelis (Acanthis), 177. carduelis (Carduelis), 177, 178. carduelis (Fringilla), 177. carneipes (Mycerobas), 1.55. carneipes (Pyenorham- plnis), 15.5. carnivorus (Corvus), 459. carolinus (Euphagus), 395. carolinus (.?coIeco- pliagus), 395. Carpodacus, 219. Carpospiza, 199. carunculata (Acantho- cliKra), 54. carunculata (Antho- chajra), 54. carunculata (Creato- phora), 409, 410. carunculata (Ptilotis), 40. carunculatus (Creadion), 427. carunculatus (Dilopbus), 409. carunculatus (Perissor- nis), 409. carvocatactcs(Nucifraga), 476, caspius (Garrulus), 491. Cassiculus, 371. Cassidix, 371. cassini (Aimophila), 265. ca8^ini (Carpodacus), 221. cassini (ITjeinopliila), 265. cassini (Molotbrus), 376. Ciissini (PeuciEa). 265. castaneiceps (Buarre- mon), 292. castaneiceps (Emberiza), 248. castaneiceps (Lvsurus), 292. castaneofusca (Cinna- niopteryx), 351. castaneofusca (Hypban- tornis), 351. castaneofusca (Ploceus), 351. castaneofusca (Melano- pteryx), 351. castanops (Hvphan- tornis), .361." castanops (Ploceus\ 361. castanops (Sitagra). 361. castanops (Xautho- philusl.361. 2l2 516 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. castnnotis (Tajniopygia), 331. caucasicus (St.uvnus), 405. cauciacutus (Ainruodro- nius), 264. cauc]a(a (Pica), 476, 479. caurina (Corone), 468. CJiurimis (Agelseiis), o70. caurimis (Agelaius), 37!>. cauriiius (Corviis), 468, 472. cayaiia (CMlliste), 302. cayaiia (Calospiza), 302. cayanen.sis (Icterus), 390. Cecils! (Corvus), 460. celata (Helminthopbaga), 00. celata (Helmintbopliila), 60. celata (Veriiiivora), 60, 61. Certhilaiida, 111. Certliionyx, 38. cervicalis (Garruhis), 493. corvinus (Antlius), 101. cevlonensis (Zosterops\ ■3. Chalcomitra, 24. Cliakoparia, 31. Chalcostetha, 14. chalybajns (Cinnyris), 24. chalybea (Calornis), 4'J.'J. cbalybsa (Cinnyris), 24. cbalybea (Lauiprocoi-ax), 422. cbalybei'us (Calornis), 422. cbalybeus (Cinnyris), 24. cbalybeus (Lampro- coliiis), 422. Cbaptia, 439. cheeleensis (Alaudula), 132. cbeleeiisis (Alaiidula), 132. ebeleeusis (Calandrella), 132. cbendoola (Galeridaj, 141. Cbei-Eophilus, 113. Cbibia, 436. cbinensis (Cis-^ia), 488. cbinensis (Oriolus). 430. Cblamydodera, 4J'i2. cbloris (Antbus), 89. cbloris (Cbloris), 149, 151. cbloris (Cblorospiza), 149. cbloris (Coccotbraustes), 149. cbloris (Fringilla), 149. cbloris (Ligurinus), 149. cbloronota (Eiiiber- natrra), 286. cbloronotiis (Arreino- nops), 286. cbloronotiis (Zosterops), 2. cbloropsis (Melitbrep- ttis), 31. Cblorospiiigus, 315. cblorotica (Cbloris), 151. cblorotica (Cblorospiza), 151. chloroticus (Ligurinus), 151. eblorura (Oreospiza;, 282. cblorurus (Atlapetes), 282. cblorurus (Pipilo), 282. Cbondestes, 260. cbopi (Apbobus"), 402. ehopi (Aptus), 402. cbopi (Gnorimopsar), 402. cbristianaj (Cinnyris), 20. cbristianfe(Herraotiniia), 20. cbrvseola (Wilsonia), 71. cbrysopareia(Dendroica), 64. cbrysojiaria (Dendrccca), 64. cbr\sopbrys (Calospiz^i), 301. cbrTsopbrys (Emberiza). 235. cbrvsops (Cyanoeoras), 498. cbrvrops (Myioborus), 73. cbrysops (Ptilotis), 43. cbrvsops (Setopbaga), 73. cbrysoptera (Anellobia), 55. cbrysopyga (Critbagra), 216. cbrysorrbceum (Dica?um), 9. chrvsotis (Ptilotis), 42, 47. cbrvsotis (Xantbotis), 47. cia (Emberiza), 246. 247. cincta (Poepbila), 342. cinctura (Ainmomane.«), 147. cineraceus (Poliopsar), 406. cineraceus (Spodiopsar), 406. cineraceus (Sturnns), 406. cinerascens (Dendro- eitta), 487. cinerea (Estrilda), 344. cinerea (Glaiicopis), 504. cinerea (Habropvga), 344. cinerea (Melospiza), 277, 279. cinerea (Strntbidea), 503. cinerea (Tepbrocorys), 124. cinereicapilla (Motacilla) cinereigulare (Dicieum), 9. cinereocapilla (Mota- cilla), 87. cinereus (Junco), 269. cinnainomca (Passer), 206. Cinnyris, 20. cioides (Emberiza), 247, 248. ciopsis (Emberiza), 248. ciris (Cyanospiza), 281. ciris (Passerina), 281. cirbis (Emberiza), 242. cisalpinus (Passer), 205. Cissa, 488. Cissolopba, 501. cilrea (Protonotaria), 60. citreigularis (Pbilemon), 58. citreogularis (Philemon), 58. citreogularis (Tropido- rbyncbus). 58. citreola (Budytes), 83. citreola (Motacilla), S3, citreoloides (Motacilla), 84. citrinella (Acantbis), 181. citrinella (Carduelis), 181. citrinella (Cbrysomitris), 180. citrinella (Emberiza), 238. citrinella (Fringilla), 180. citrinellus (Spinus), 180, 181. clara (Motacilla), 80. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 517 clenietitis (Carpodaciis), -li- flot-bey (Khamphocorvs), 114. Ooccop3'gia, 3.30. Coceotliraiistes, lo.j. cuccotbraiistes (Coceo- tliraiistes), 153. coceotliraiistes (Frin- gilla), 153. cockbiirni;e (Anthus), 94. cockerelli (Pliileuion), .58. coelebs (Fringilla), 172. ccelestis (Tanagra), 3U5. fuelivox ( Alaiida), 129. Ctereba, 294. CcerebidiB, 294. Uoliostriitluis, 317. collaris (Aiithodiata), 30. collaris (Antliotbreptes), 3U. collaris (Coloeus), 474. collaris (Corvus), 474. collaris (Nectarinia), 30. colliei (Calocitta), 488. Coloeus, 472. colombiana (Cbrjso- tuitris), 185. colombianus (Astra- galimis), 185. coluiiibiaiia (Cliryso- mitris), 185. concolor (Dicffiiim), 9. confiiiis (Pooeeeies), '262. conirostris(Arremoiiops), 28G. conirojtris (O.ilaiidrclla), 125. conirostris (Spizocorvs), - 125. Couirostruin, 299. Conopoplula, 37. contra (Stiirnopastor), 408. cooki (Cyano])ica), 481, 482. cooki (Oyanopoliiis), 481. corax (Corvus), 455, 457, 459. Corcoi'ax, 50(). corinna (lleriiiotiii)ia), 19. coriiin;e (Cinnyris), 19. corniculata (Meliphaga), 57. coriiiciilatiis (Philemon), 57. corniculatus (Tropido- rbynclnis), 57. comix (Coroue), 464. coniix (Corvus), 4()4, 4(50, 4I>7. coronata (CyanoeiLta), 496. coronata (Dendroeca), 64. coronata (Dendroiea), 64. coronata (Sylvia), (;)4. coronatus (Basileuteriis), 73. coronatus (Tachyplio- nus), 314. corona (Coroue), 407. corona (Corvus), 467, 468. coronoides (Corvus), 4'iO. correndera (Antbus), 107, 375. Corvid-Ti, 453. corvina (Spermopbila), 164. corvina (Sporopliila), 164. Corvultur, 472. Corvus, 453, 455. costaricensis (Rampho- coelusj, 310. costaricensis (Rbampbo- coelus), 310. Coturuiculus, 263. Cractes, 494. Craspedophora, 447. crassirostris (Alauda), 144. crassirostris (Calendula), 144. crassirostris (Oryzo- borus), 158. crassirostris (Quiscalus), 401. cratitia (Ptilotis), 45. Creadion, 427. Oreatopliora, 409. crissalis (Pipilo), 285. eristata (Alauda), 138. cristata (Cyanocitla), 495. cristata (Galerida), 1.38, 140. cristata (Galerita), 138, 139. cristata (Guberuatrix), 291. cristatellus (Acrido- theres), 416. cristatellus (.i-Etbiopsar), 416. cristatus (Corvus), 495. cristatus (Corydus), 138. cristatus (Cyanocitta), 495. croceus (Astragaliuus), 184, 185. croceus (Macronyx), 111. crocopygia (Poliospiza;, 212. crocopygius (Serinus), 212. criientatum (Dicfeuiu), 7. cruentus(lihodospiiigus), 290. Crypsirhina, 487. cryptoleucus (Corvus), 459. cucullata (Calliste), 302. cuciillata (Calospiza), 302. cucullata (Fringilla), 290. cucullata (Geotblypis), 69. cucullata (Loxia), 290. cucullata (Paroariaj, 290, 291. cucullata (Spermestes), 325. cucuUatus (Hyphantor- nis), 352. cucuUatus (Ictertis), 392, 393. cucuUatus (Ploceus), 352. cucuUatus (Spermestes), 325. Cuculus, 8.5, 100, 102, 139, 155, 174, 17ti, 187,217,227,231,237, 240, 246, 249, 251. culniiua(us(Coyvu3), 461. cuneicaudata (Strepera), 609. cupreus (Cinnyris), 20. Curwus, 384. curvirostra (^Loxia), 223, 224, 225. cyana (Cyanopica), 480. cyanea (Cyanopica), 480. cyanea (Cyauosi^iza), 281. cyanea (Passcrina), 281. cyanescens (Calliste), 303. c_vaneus (Corvus), 481. cyanocephala (Tauagra), 308. cvanocepbaliis (Euplia- ■ gus). 396. cyanocepba'.us (Scoleco- pliagus), 396. Cyanocitta, 495. Cyanocompsa, 158. Cyanocorax, 498. cvanogastra (Mariposa), "346. Cyan opol ins, 480. 518 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. cyanoptera (Calliste), ' yu3. cyanoptera (Calospiza), cyanoptera (Tanagra), 305. cyanotis (Aphelocoma), 497. cyanotis (Entomyza'), 56. cyanus (Cyanopiea), 480, 481. cvanus (Cyanopoliiis), ' 480, 481. Cyrtostomus, 26. dabryi (^Ethopyga), 16. damarensis (Alajuion), 113. damarensis (Mirafra), 135. damarensis (Ura^gin- thiis), 346. dauuricus (Colceus), 474. dauuricus (Corvus), 474. debilis (Passer), 206. decuinanus (Icterus), 368. decunianus (Ostinops), 368, 369. defilippi (Trupialis), 385. Dendranthus, 89. Dendrocitta, 484. Dendroeca, 62. dentata (Petronia), 197. deserti (Alaiida), 146. deserti (Ammomanes), 146. deserticola (Ampbispiza), 2(i6. desertorum (Alsemon), 113. desertorum (Alauda), 112. desertorum (Certhi- lauda), 112. deva (Graleiita), 137. deva (Spizalauda), 137. diademata (Pyroinelana), 320. Diatropura, 316. Dicasidas, 7. Dicseum, 7. Dicruridie, 435. Dicruropsis, 437. Dicrurus, 435. diffusus (Oriolns), 429. diffiisus (Passer), 210. Diglossa, 297. Diglossopis, 298. dimidiata (Sitagra). £54. diuiidiatiis (llyphan- tornis), 353, 354. dimidiatus (Raniplio- coelus), 309. dimidiatus (Rbampbo- coelus), 309. discolor (Dendroeca), 65. discolor (Dendroica), 65. discolor (Molotbrus), 376. Dissemuroides, 445. Dissemurus, 446. Diuca, 290. diuca (Diuca), 290. divaricata (Bucbanga), 441. Dives, 396. dives(Dives), 396, 397. dives (Lainpropsar), 396. Dolicbonys, 372. domestica (Fringilla), 201. domestica (Passer), 202, 203. domesticus (Passer), 201, 203. dominioana (Certhiola), 296. dominicana (Coereba), 29(i. dominicana (Paroaria), 291. dorsalis (Zosterops), 6. dufresnei (Coceopygia), 330. dufresneii (Coceopygia), 330. dufresneii (Estrelda), 330. dufresneii (Neisna), 330. duponti (Alauda), 114. duponti (Certbilauda), 113. duponti (Cbersopbilus), 113, 114. Edolius, 445. Elmocertliia, 25. eUeoprorus (Puarremon), 294. elegans (Ammomanes), 147. elegans (Carduelis), 177, 178. elegans (Emberiza), 234. elegantissima (,Eupho- uia), 299. elwesi (Eremopbila), 117, elwesi (Otocons), 117. ehvesi (Otocorys), 117. Emberiza, 230. Emberizoides, 287. Emberuagra, 287. euiiui (Auripasser), 211. emini (Passer), 211. eraini (Sorella), 211. Entomyza, 56. enucleator (Corytlius), 228. enucleator (Fringilla), 228. enucleator (Pinicolor), 228, 229. enucleator (Pyrrbula), 228. Eopbona, 152. episcopus (Tanagra), 304. eremita (Graculus), 505. Eremopteryx, 148. erytlirina (Oarpodacus), 219. erytbrina (Fringilla), 219. erytlirinus (Carpod.acus), 219. erytlirocepbala (Ama- diua), 329. erythrocerius (Cinnyris), 21. erytlirocblamys (Ammo- manes), 147. erytliropblbalma (Pi- pilo), 283. erytbropbtbalmus (Pi- pilo), 283, 284. erytbrops (Quelea), 324. erythroptera (Mirafra), 136. erytbrorhyncba (Uro- cissa), 483. erytbrorbyncbum (Di- cvHini), 10. Erytbrospiza, 195. Erytbrura, 343. Estrilda, 344. eiicblorus (Auripasser), 211. eucblorus (Passer), 211. Eudrepauis, 17. Euelbia, 164. Eulabea, 418. Eulabetidse, 417. Euneornis, 297. Eupbagus, 395. Eupbonia, 299. europjea (Pyrrbula), 226, 227. everetti (Aracbnorapbis), 30. everetti (Aracbnothera), uO. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 519 everetti (Zosterops), 't. exilipes (,Acantliis), 192. exilipes (Liiiuria), 102. exilipes (Linotii), 11J2. fallax (Melospiza), 278. t'aiaosa (Neefcarinia), 13. faroeiisis (Sturuua), 4U3, 404. fasciata (Amadina), 3'20. fasciata (Melospiza), 277, 278. feldeggi (Motacilla), 88. femininus (Hypban- toriiis). 351. fen-iiijiiieus (Scoleco- pliau;iis\ 395. fl.scheri (^Hyphantornis\ 354. fiscberi (Ploceus), 354. flanimaxillaris (Aracb- nec'btbra), 2fi. flaniiuaxillaris(Cinuyris), 26. llamniaxillaris (Cyrto- stoinus), 26. flauiiiiea (Acantbis), 190, 191. flammea (Oariliielis), 190. llainmiceps (Eupleotes), 318. flaininioeps (Pyrome- lana), 318. llaniinigeriis (Ilbauipbo- coehis), 311. ilava (Buclytes), 85, 86. llava (Ereinopliila), 1 15. Ilava (Motacilla), 85, 86, 87, 88. flava (Otocoris), 115. tlava (Otocorys), 115. Uaveola (Certbiola), 295. llaveola (Ooereba), 295. llaveola (Sycalis), 218. ilavencens (Serinus). 215. Ilavicaii3 (Foiulia), 3li2. llaviceps (Zosterops), 7. ilavicinctus (Oriolu.-), 432. flavicoUis (Gymnorbis), 198. flavicollis (Passer), 198. llavicollis (Petroiiia), 198. llavicollis (Ptilotis), 43. Ilavicrissu.s (Cassicus), 370. flavidiventris (Spor- iEgintbus), 332. flavit'roiis (Zosterops), G. flavigula (Manorliina), 63. flavigiila (Myzantba), 53. flavigula (Petronia), 198. flavigula (Ptilotis), 44. tlavigularis (Ptilotis), 44. tlavipectus (Chlorospiii- giis), 315. flavirostria (Acantbis), 186. flavirostris (Carduelis), 18(). flavirostris (Fringilla), 186. flavirostris (Linaria), 186. flavirostris (Liiiota), 186. flavirostris (Urocissa), 483. flaviventris (Einberiza), 235. flaviventris (Motacilla), 81. flaviventris (Serinus), 214. flaviventris (Spbeco- tberes), 435. flavocincta (Mimeta), 432. flavus (AgeliBus"), 380. flavus (Budytes), 86. flavus (Icterus), 380. flavus (Xantbostomus), 380. floridana (Corone), 471. floridanus (Corvus), 471. florincola (Cyanocitta), 496. fluckigeri (Passer), 205. forficatus (Dicrurus), 445. forficatus (Edolius), 445. formosa (Oporornis), 66. formosa (Stictospiza), 327. formosus (Oporornis), 66. fortirostris (Holoquis- calus), 401. fortirostris (Quiscalus), 401. Foiidia, 361. franciscana (Pyro- melana), 320. franciscauus (Euplectes\ 320. fraterculua (Aiumo- uianes), 146. frenata (Cinnyris), 27. frenatus (Oinnyris), 27. frenatus (Cyrtostomus), Fringilla, 172. Fringillaria, 251. FringillidiE, 149. fi-iiigiibjides (Auiau- restbes), 326. fringilloides (Sper- niestes), 326. frontalis (Carpodacus), 222. frontalis (Dendrocitta), 485. frontalis (Pyrrbulauda), 149. frugilegus (Corvus), 453, 454. frugilegus (Trypauo- corax), 453. fucata (Eniberiza), 233, 234. fuliginosa (Strepera), 510. fulvifrons (Glyeipbilaj, 36. fulvifrons (Melipbaga), 36. funiigata (Uroloncliii), 338. funiigatus (Melipotes), 39. funereus (Oryzoborus), 159. furcatus (Antbus), 107. Furnarius, 376. fusea (Oinnyris), 25. fusca (BL-Bocertbia), 25. fusca (Pt,ilotis), 42. fusca (Strepera), 510. fuscans (Munia), 338. fuscans (Uroloncha), 338. fuscicapillus (Macro- coras), 475. fuscus (Acridotberes), 415. fuscus (.Ethiopsar), 415. fuscus (Cinnyris), 25. fuscus (Pipilo), 284, 285. galbula (llypbantoruis), 3()0. galbula (Icterus), 388. galbula (Oriolus). 427. galbula (Ploceus), 360. galbula (Sitagra), 360. galbula (Xantbopbilus), 360. galeata (Xantbura), 500. Galerida, 138. gauibeli (Zonotricliia), 274. 520 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. garrula (Manorliina), 52. gaiTLila (Melipliaga), ol. garrula (^Myzantba), ul, 62. Garrulus, 489. gayi (Phrygihis), 288. georgiana (Fringilla), 279. georgiana (Melospiza), 279. Geothlypis, 68. giiiginianus (Acrido- tLieres), 415. giraudi (Icterus), 393. giraudi (Otocons), 119. giraudi (Otocorys), 119. g:tliagiiiea (Erytbro- spiza), 195. githagineus (Buc^anetes), 196. githagineus(Carpodacu8), 195. glandarius (Corvus), 489. glandarius (Garrulus), 489, 490, 491, 492, 493. glaucescens (Xaiitboura), 600. glaucescens (Xantbura), 500. Glaucopis, 504. glaucovirens (Lainpro- coliusj, 424. Glossiptila, 297. Glycipbila, 3ti. Gnonmopsar, 402. godlewskii (Emberiza), 247. gouldi (Antbus), 93. gouldi (Zosterops), 2. gouldiiB (^Etbopyga), 10. gracilis (Ptilotisj, 41. graculiua (Strepera), 608. Graculipica. 412. Graculu^, 504. gracubis (Corvus), 604. graculus (Eregilus), 504. graoulus (Graeulus), 504. graeulus (Pyrrbocorax), 505, 506'. graininea (Fringilla), 261. gramineus (Pooca'tes), 261. gnuniueus (PocBceteri), 261, 262. grauimaca (C'boudestee), 260. gi-animica (Cbondesles), 260. Granatellus, 70. grandis (Acridotberes), 416. grandis (^-Etbiopsar), 416. grandis (Saltator), 170. grayi (Ammomaiies), 146. gregalis (Sycubrotus), 347. grenadensis (Pyrrbu- lagra), 159. grisca (Diuca), 290. grisea (Ereiuopteryx). 148. gri?ea (Pyrrbulaudaj, 148. grisea (Spermopbila), 160. grisea (Sporojibila), 160. griseinuoba(Leucostictej, 194. griseinucba (Monti- fringilla), 194. griseonueba (Leuco- sticte), 194. griseonueba (Monti- fringilla), 194. guatemalensis . (Xan- tboura), 601. guatemalensis (Xan- tbura), 50l. guatemozinus (Gymno- stinops), 368. Gubernatiix. 291. Guiraca, 157. guiraburo (Pseudo- leislcs;), 383. guisei (Ptiloprora), 47. gularis (Icterus), 394. gularis (Melitbreptes), 32. gularis (Melitbreptus), 32. gularis (Poliospiza), 202. gulgula (Ahuida), 11.7, 128, 129. gusta-vi (Antbus), 108. guttata (Alauda), 128. guttata (Calliste), 301. guttata (Calospiza), 301. guttata (Stagaiiopleura), 329. guttata (Steganopleura), 329. gutturalis (Atlapetes), 293. gutturalis (Buarreuion), 293. gutturalis (Oiia'.comitra), 24. 25. gutturalis (Cinnyris'l, 24. gutturalis (Pbccuico- tbraupis), 31.3. gutturalis (Spermopbila), 163. gutturalis (Sporopbila), 163. gyumocepbalus (Pica- " tbartes), 504. Gymuorbis, 198. Gymuostinops, 368. babessiuicus (Ciunvris), 21. bajuiatostictum (Di- cajuni), 8. Ha'inopbila, 265. ba'uiorrbous (Cacicus), 370. bffiuiurrbous ''Cassicus), 370. Haplospiza, 289. barterti (Galerida), 142. Hartlaubius, 419. basselti (Aracbnecbtbra), 19. basselti (Cinnyris), 19. basselti (Lepiocoma), 19. Hedydipna, 13. beermauui (Melospiza), 278. Helminthotherus, 59. Hemispingus, 315. Hermotimia, 19. Hesperipnona, 153. be.speris (Corvus), 472. Heterbypbantes, 34t>. Heterocorax, 454. bieuiali.s (Junco), 268. iiimalayensis (Uendro- citta), 486. biiiei (Alaudula), 131. bippocrepis (Sturnella), 387. birundinacea(Eupbonia), 300. birundinaceum (Di- Cieum), 8. hispaniolensis (Fringilla), •Mb. iiispaniolen-sis (Passer), ■M5. bispanus (Corvus), 456. bodgsoni (MotaciUa), 78. holboelli (Acantbis), 190. bolboelli (Linaria), 190. Holoquiscalus, 401. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 521 ]K)T((Reri('eiis (Ambly- riiiunpliiis), 3(Si!. liDnieiiiaiini (Acantiiis), I'M. ligintlius ), 333. mcridre (Buarrenioii), 294. nieridionalis (Serinus), 215. nieridionalis (Sturnella), 388. Merula, 376. mesoleucus (Pipilo), 284. uiesomelas (Icterus), 393. metallica (Calornis), 421. metallica (Hedydipna), 13. metallica (Lamprocoiax), 421. metallica (Neotarinia), 13. mexicana (Certbiola), 295. mexicana (Ccereba), 295. mexicana (8pizella), 271. mexicana (Sturnella), 387. uiexicanus(Astragalinus), liS4. niexicanus (Carpodaciis), 222. niexicanus (Cbryso- mitris), 184. luexicanus (Psilorbiiuis), 502, 503. Microcorax, 475. Miliaria, 250. miliaria (Cyncbramus), 250. miliaria (Emberiza), 250. miliaria (Miliaria), 2.')0. militaris (Icterus), 384. militaris (Sturnella), 384. militaris (Trupialis), 384. MilruUis, 375. Mimeta, 432. lUimus, 376. minima (Araclmecbtbra), 18. minima (Cinnyris), 18. minima (Lagonosticta), 327. minima (Leptocoma), 18. minimum (Dieteum), 10. minimus (Cinn^ ris), 18. minor (Alaudula), 133. minor (Calandrella), 133. minor (Garrulus), 491. minor (Heierocorax), 454. minor (Lopborbina), 451. minor (Pyromelana), 321. minor (Pyrrbula), 226. minor (Sturnus), 405. minuta (Spermopbila), 161. minuta (Sporopbila), IC.l. Mirafra, 134. niitrata (Setopbaga), 71. iiiilrata (Sylvia), 70. niitrata (Wilsoiiia;, 70. milratus (Myiodioctes), 70. Mniotilta, 59. Mniolillidffi, 59. inoabiticus (Passer), 208. modesta (Aidemosvue), 339. modesta (Glycipbila), 37. modestum (Piprisoma;, 12. modulator (Mimus), 576. Molotbrus, '276, 277, 373. mohicca (Uroloncba), 339. inonedLila (Colceus), 472. mouedula (Curvus), 474. nionedula (Lycos), 473. monecluloides (Pbyso- corax), 475. mongolica(£rythrospiza), 196. mongolica (Melanocory- pba), 123. mongolicus (Bucanetes), 196. montana (fringilla), 199. ALPnABKTICAL INDEX, 525 moTitfinii (iresperipliona), 153. inontana (Melospiza), 27S. montaiia (Passer), 200. moiitaiuis (Passer), 199. iiiontezimioe (Gyiun- ostitiops), 3fi8. monteziimse (Ostinops), 3C.8. inonticola (Spizella), 2G9, i'70. Moiitifriiigilla, 19;?. moiit i I'ringilla (Fringilla), 175. innntium (Fringilla), 18K. montiimi (Linota), 1&>. iiioroleti (Fringilla), 1~4. luoreleti (SperinophiUO, 162. moreleti (Sporophila), Ui2. niorelleti (Sporophila), 1C.2. nioreletli (Fringilla), 174. niorio (Aniydrus), 42.3. niorio (Laniprotornis), 423. morio (Ouycliognatlius), 423. morio (Psilorliinus), 502. Motacilla, 74. niotacilla (Sinrus), 67. Motacillidre, 74. niotitensis (Passer), 208. Mania, 338. musio'iis (Dicrurus), 441. IMycerobns, 165. Myioborus, 72. l\[yios[)iza, 285. Myiotiilypis, 73. uiystacalis (Cyanoeorax), 499. niTstacalia (Meliornis), "49. niTstacalis (Meliphaga), '49. jryzanthn, 51. Myzoinela, 34. nn?viu3 (Siurns), 68. nana (Acantliis), 180. nana (Lepidopygia), 325. nana (Linaria), 189. nana (Sperniesles), 325. natalis (Zosterops), 5. Nectarinia, 13. Nectariniidrc, 13. neglecta (Sturnella), 387. nelioourvi (Nelicurvius), 362. Neliciirvius, 362. uenioricola (Fring- alaiida), 194. uemoricola (Monti- fringilla), 194. nemoricola (Sturnia), 408. nemoricolus (Poliopsar), 408. nemoricolus (Spodi- opsar), 408. neniorosa (Alauda), 143. Neouhmia, 343. neutralis (Agelicns), 379. iieutralis (Agelaiiis), 379. nevadensis (Amphispiza), 267. nevadensis (Poospiza), 267. newtoni (Certhiola), 29.5. newtoni (Coereba), 295. nigerrima (Hyphan- tornis), 350. uigerrima (Melan- opteryx, 350. nigerrimua (Ploceiis), 350. nigerrimus (Tachy- pboniis), 313. nigra (Meliphaga), .35. nigra (Melopyrrha), 164. nigra (Myzoraela), .35. nigrescens (Buclianga), 443. nigrescens (Dicrurus), 443. nigricans (Serphojihaga), 375, 376, 378. nigricepbala (Spindalis), 308. nigriceps (Hyplian- tornis), 352. nigriceps (Munia), 335. nigriceps (Ploceus), 352. nigricollis (Euphouia), 299. nigricollis (Graculipica), 412. nigricollis (Gracupica), 412. nigricollis (Heter- byphantes), .348. nigricollis (Ploceus), 348. nigricollis (Symplecles), 348. nigricristatus (Basileu- terus), 73. nigricristatus (Myiotbly- pis), 73. uigrigularis (Rampho- coelus), 309. nigrigularis (Rbanipbo- cu?lus), 309. nigrinientum (Dicii3uui), 8. nigriventer (Pyro- melana), 319. uigriventris (Myzoniela), 34. nigriventris (Pyrome- lana), 319. uigriviridis (Calliste), 303. nigriviridis (Calospiza), 303. nigrotecta ^Poephila), 342. nilgbiriensis (Antbus), 92. nisoria (Munia), 336. nivalis (Fringilla), 19.3. nivalis (Montilringilla), 193. nivalis (Emberiza), 254. nivalis (Passerina), 255. nivalis (Plectropbanes), 254. nivalis (Plectrophenas), 254, 255. nivosa (Alfemon), 134. nivosa (Mirafra), 134. noctis (Loxigilla), 159, 160. notata (Chrysomitris), 182. notata (Ptilotis), 41. notatus (Cinnyris), 21. notatus (Spinus), 182. novre boUandia) (Meli- ornis), 48. 49. novre guinea; (Philemon), 56. nov.T-zealandi;c (Anthus), 109. nova: zealandise (Prosthe- niadera), 51. noveboracensis (Seiurus), 67. noveboracensis (Siurns), 67. nuclialis (Chlamydera), 452. nuclialis (Chlamjdo- dera), 452. Nucifraga, 476. iiuttalli (Pica), 480. 526 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. nuttalli (Zonotrichia), 274. obscura (Antlius), lOo. obscura (Manorhina), i'>2. obscura (Myzantlia), 52. obscura (Myzoraeia), -35. obscura (Spermopbila), 161. obscura (Sporopbila), 161. cbsc'irus (Antbus), 104, 107. obscurus (Molotbrus), 373, 374. obsoleta, (Erythrospiza), 195. obsoleta (Kboclospiza), 194. obsoletus (Bucanetes), 195. occidentalis (Geollilypis), 68. occidentalis (Oryzo- borus"), 159. occidentalis (Otocoris), 120. occidentalis (Otocorys), 120. occipitalis (Vrocis^a), 482. ocbracea (Spizella), 270. ocularia (Sitagra), 349. ocularis (Glyciphila), 39. ocularis (Melipbaga), 39. ocularis (Motacilla), 77. ocularis (Stigmatops), 39. ocularius (Hypbantur- gus), 348, 349. ocularius (Ploceus), 348. ocularius (Symplectes), 348. oculatus (Zonsegintbus), 330. oculeuB (Zonaeginthus), 330. cenops (Garrulus), 491 . olivacea (Sitagra), 358. olivacea (Spermopbila), 164. olivaeeum (Dica;uni), 9. olivaceus (Hypbantur- gus), 358. olivaceus (Ploceus), 358. olivaceus (Xantbo- pbiUis), 358. olivascens (Saltator), 171. ouiissa (Euetbia), 165. Onyeognatbus, 424. Oporornis, 66. Orcbesticus, 316. oreas (Picatbartes), .504. oregonus (Juneo), 268. Oregon us (Pipilo), 283. Oreocorys, ] 1 0. Oreospiia, 282. orientalis (Acanthis), 178. orientalis (Aidemo.syne), 340. orientalis (Carduelis), 178. orientalis (Corvus), 468. orientalis (Ptilotis), 41. Oriolidff, 427. Oriolus, 427. oriel us (Oriolus), 427, 428. orix (Pyromelana), 319. orizivora (Munia), 333. ornata (Ptilotis), 45. ornata (Tanagra), 307. ornatus (Calrarius), 258. ornatus (Pardalotus), 10. ornatus (Plectropbanes), 258. Ortygospiza, 326. oryx (Euplectes), 319. oryx(Fringilla), 319. oryx (Pyromelana), 319. oryzivora (Cassidix), 371. oryzivora (Dolicbonyx), 372. oryzivora (Padda), 333. orvzivorus (Dolicbonyx) '372. Oryzoborus, 158. osea (Cinnyris), 22. osiris (Cinnyris), 22. ossifragus (Coloeus), 469. ossifragus (Corvus), 469- Ostinops, 368. ostrinus (Pyrenestes), ■323. Otbypbantes, 347. Otocorys, 114. owstoni (Zosterops), 6. pagodarum (Sturnia), 412. pagodarum (Temi- nucbus), 412. pallasi (Einberiza), 2.32. pallida (Alsemon), 113. pallida (Galerida) 139. pallida (Spizella), 273. pallida (Zosterops), 2. pallidus (Astragalinus), 183. palmarum (Tanagra), 307. palpebrosa (Zosterops), 1,3,4,5. palustris (Melospiza), 279. panavensis (Calornis), 422. jjanayensis (Lampro- corax), 422. pander! (Podoces), 507. Paradisea, 448. paradisea (Calospiza), 301. Paradiseida?, 447. paradiseus (Dissemurus), 446. Pardalotus, 10. parellina (Cyanocompsa), 1.58. parisorum (Icterus), 391. Paroaria. 290. Parula, 61. parva (Carduelis), 178, 217. pascuus (Corvus), 471. Passer, 119. Passerculus, 262. Passerella, 280. passeriaa (Emberiza), 232, Passerina, 281. passerinii (Rampbo- coelus), 310. passerinii (Rbampbo- coelus), 310. passerinus (Coturni- culus), 263 pastinator (Corvus), 454. pastinator (Trypano- corax), 4.54. Pastor, 410. pecoris (Icterus), 373. pecoris (Molotbrus), 373, 374. pectoralis (Cbalcostetha), 14. pectoralis (Cinnyris), 28. pectoralis (Cyrtostomus), 28. pectoralis (Munia), 338. pectoralis (Nectariuia), 14. pectoralis (Uroloncba), 338. pekinensis (Alauda), 127. pelzelni (Icteropsis), 355. pelzelni (Ploceus), 355. pplzelni (Sitapra), 355. ])i-l7.pl_ni (Sycalis), 218. IH'nicillata (Eremophila), 117. penirillata (Otocoris), 117,118. penicillata (Otocorys), 117,118. ' penicillata (Peilotis), 46. pennsylvanioa (Den- drceca), 64. pe'=iiisylFanicus (Anthus). 104. pensilis (Ilypbantornis), 3(52. pensilis (Ploceus), 362. pensilvauica (Anthus), KU. Perissospiza, 15.5. persieua (Oaeiciis), 369, 370. persicus (Cassicus), 369, personata (Diglossa), 208. personata (Eniberiza), 241. personata (Motacilla), 77. peruana (Myiospiza), 265. periianus (Ammodro- mus>, 265. penianus (Coturniculus'), 265. peruviana (Bracliyspiza), 27.5. petronella (Petronia), 198. Petronia, 196. petronia (Frinpilla), 196. petronia (Passer). 196. l)etronia (Petronia), 196. petronia (Pyrgita), 196. l)ha3onotns (Junco), 269. pliaefon (Neoelimia), 343, Pliila>terus, .322. Philemon, 58. philippina (Corone), 462. ])hilippinus (Corvus), 462. philippinus (Ploceus), 36.S. phfenicea (Urobrachva), 318. phoeniceus (Agelajus), 378, 379. ph,T-nieeus (Agelaius), 378. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. phoeniceus (Icterus), 378. phoenicopterus (Lampro- colius), 425. phrenicopterus (Lampro- tornis), 425. Phoenicothraupis, 313. phoenicotis (Antho- threptes), 31. phoenicotis (Authreptes), 31. phoenicotis (Chalcoparia), 31. phoenicotis (Estrilda), 345. phosnicotis (Urisegin- tbus), 345. phoBnicura (Ammo- manes), 145. phoenicuroides (Ammo- manes), 147. Phonygama, 449. phrygia (Meliphaga), 38. phrygia (Xanthomyza), 38. Phrygilus, 288. Physocorax, 475. Pica, 476. pica (Corvus), 476. pica (PicaX 476, 477, 478, 479, 480. Picathartes, 504. pictus (Calcarius), 2.58. pictus (Plectrophanes), 268. pileata (Bracbyspiza), 275, 375. pileata(Zonotrichia), 275. pileatus (Atlapetes), 292. Pinicola. 223. piuus (Dendroeca), 65. pinus (Dendroica), 6.5. pious (Helminthophaga), 60. pinus (Helminthophila), 60. pinus (Vermivora), 60. Pipilo, 282. Piprisonia, 12. pispoletta (Alauda), 131. pispoletta (Alaudula), 131. pispoletta (Calandrella), pithyorniis (Emberiza), 249. pityopsittacus (Losia), 225. Plagiospiza, 265. planicola (Megalo- phouus), 136. 527 platensis (Embernagra), 287. PlatysDiurus, 489. Plectorhaniphiis, 33. Plectrophenax, 254. Ploceella, .362. Ploceidm, 316. Ploeeipasser, ,322. Ploceus, 36.j!. plumbea (Strepera), 509. pliiniula (Meliphaga), 46. plumula (Ptilotis), 46. Podoces, 507. Pwcilothraupis, 304. poensis (Lepidopygia), 325. poensis (Sperniestes), 325 Poephila, .341. Pooecetes, 261. polatzeki (Alaudula) 1.33. ' polatzeki (Calandrella) 133. poiioptera (Arachno- thera), 38. poiioptera (Melilestes), 38. poliopterus (Melilestes), 38. Poliospiza, 211. poltaratskii (Sturnus), 404. poltaratstyi (Sturnus). 404. poltoratzskii (Sturnus) 404. ' polyzona (Ortygospiza), 326. Poospiza, 267. porphyronotus (Sturnus), 405. ' pratensis (Antbus), 98. praficola (Otocorys), 119, pratincola (Otocoris). 119. ' princeps (Passerculus), 262. principalis (Corvus), 459. procerior (Ptilotis), 40. proene (Chera), 316. procne (Coliopasser), 316. proene (Diatropura), 316. progne (Chera), 316. progne (Coliuspasser) 316. progne (Diatropura) 316. ' Propasser, 223. Prostbemadera, 51. 528 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. prosthemelas (Icterus), 391. Protonot.avia, fiO. j)rovocator (Ptilotis), 42. psaltria (Astragalinus), 184. psaltria (Chrvsomitris), 184. Pseurlochloris, 288. Pseudoleistes, 375, 376, 377, 383. Pseudonigrita. 323. Psilorbinus, 502. psittaeea (Erythrura), 343. Psittospiza, 316. Ptiloprora, 47. Ptilotis, 40. piilcherrima (Eudre- panis), 17. piilcherrimus (^lltho- pyga), 17. punctatus (Pardalotns), 11. punctulata (Miinia), 335, 336. p\mctulata (Urolonclia), 335, 336. punipea (Pyrrhospiza), 220. purpurascens (Stiirnus), 405. purpurea (Fringilla), 221. purpureo-violacea (Plio- nygama), 449. purpureus (Carpodacus), 221. purpureus (Lampro- colius), 425. purpureus (Lampro- toruis), 425. purpureus (Quiscalus), 398. pusilla (Emberiza), 232. pusilla (Euetliia), 165. pusilla (Metoponia), 217. pusilla (Phonipara), 165. pusilla (SchcEnicoIa), 232. pusilla (Spizella), 272. pusillus (Corvus), 463. pusillus (Serinus), 217. pusio (Spizella\ 273. pustulatus (Icterus), 394. puteicola (Petronia), 197. Pyranga, 311. Pyrenestes, 323. Pyromelana, 318. Pyrrhocorax, 5(56. pyrrhoeorax (Oorvus), 506. pyrrhocorax (Pyrrho- corax), 505, 506. pyrrhogaster (Hjpo- pyrrhus), 402. pyrrhogenys (Sturnia), 411. pyrrhouotus (Anthus), "93. pyrrhouotus (Passer), 204. pyrrhops (Buchanga), "442. pyrrhoptera (Meliornis), 48. pvrrhopterus (Icterus), *390. Pyrrhula, 226. pyrrhula (FringiUa), ■ 2i.'6. pyrrhula (Pyrrhula),226. Pyrrhulagra, 159. pyrrhuloides (Emberiza), 229. pyrrhuloides (Pyrrhulo- rhyncha), 229. pyrrhuloides (Sehoeni- cola), 229. Pyrrhiilorhyucha, 229. Pyrrliiilosia, 167. Pyrrhuplionia, 301. Pyrroeliira, 423. pyrypogaster (Hypopyr- rhus). 402. pytvopsittacus (Loxia), ■ 225. quadragintus (Parda- iotus), 12. qiiadricolor (Tricho- thrau])is), 314. Qiielea, 324. quelea (Quelea), 324. Quiscalus, .397. quiscalus (Icterus), 397. quiscalus (Quiscalus), 397. quiscula (Quiscalus), 397. raggiana (Paradisea), 449. raii (MotaciUa), 84. rayi (Motacilla), 84. niytal (Alaudula), 131. regionalis (Cblorospin- gus), 315. relchenowi (ITeter- hypbantes), 347. reicbenowi (Othy- pb antes), 347. reicbenowi (Ploceus), 347. religiosa (Eulabes), 418. religiosa (Gracula), 418. religiosus CMainatus), 418. reuiifer (Bbringa), 446. Rbamphocoelus, 309. Rbamphocorys, 114. Rhinocorax, 474. Rhodospingus. 290. Rhodospiza, 194. Rhyncbophanes, 259. ricbardi (Anthus), 95. richardi (Corydnlla), 95. richmondi (Arremonops), 286. riefferi (Psittospiza), 316. rixosa (Maclietornis), 376. rosaceiis (Antlius), 102. roseatus (Antbus), 102. roseatus (Carpodacus), 220. roseus (Pastor), 410. roseus (Sturnus), 410. rubea (Otocoris), 120. rubea (Otocorys), 120. ruber (Ambh-rbanapbus), 382. ruberrima fLagono- sticta), 327. rubiea (Pbcenico- thraiipis), .313. ruTiieoides (Phoenico- tbraupis), 313. (Cinnamo- pteryx), 351. rubiginosa (Melano- pteryx), 351. rubiginosiis (HTypban- tornis), 351. rubiginosus (Ploceus), 351. rubra (Piranga), 311, 312. rubra (Pyranga), 312. rubrata (Myzoinela), 34. rubricapilla (Verniivora), 61. rubricata (Lagonosticta), 327. rubricilla (Carjiodacus), 220. I'ubricoUis (Malimbus), 310. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 529 rubrirostris (Cbloro- spingiis), 315. rubrirostris (Hemi- spiugus), 315. rnbritorques (Vidua), 317. rubroniger (Munia), 334. nifa (Dendrocitta), 484. rufescens (Alaiula), 133. rufesceus (Acanthis), 191. rufescens (Alaudula), 133. rufescens (Anthus), 96. rufescens (Calandrella), 133. rufesceus (Fringilla), 191. rufescens (Linaria), 191. rufescens (Linota), 191. ruficapilla (Dendroeca), 63. ruficapilla (Helniintho- phasa), 61. rulica))illa (Helmintho- phila), 61. ruflcaplllus (Aeelisus), 381. ruficauda (Bathilda) 341. ruficinctus (Passer), 209. ruficollis (Glossiptila), 297. ruficollis (Pjrrhulagra), 159. I'uficollis (Tanagrella), 297. i-ufldorsalis (Passer), 203. rufigularis (Acantho- chasra), 55. i-ufigularis (Acantho- genys), 55. rulitergum (Garrulus), 490. rufiventer (Merula), 376. rulivirgata(Euibernagra) 286. rufivirgatus (Arremo- nops), 286. rufoaxillaris (MololLrus), 375, 376. rufogularis (Acantbo- genys), 55. rufogularis (Anthus), 101. rufopicta (Lagonosticta), 327. rufula (Certbilauda), 112. rufula (Corydalla), 97. rufulus (Anthus), 97. rufus (Funiai-ius), 376. rufus (Tachyphouus), rupestris (Autbus), 107. rupestris (Petronia), 196. rustica (Emberiza), 2.33. rustica (Euspiza), 233. rustica (Pica), 476, 477, 478. rusticus (Hypocentor), ruticilla (Setophaga), 71. rutilans (Passer), 206, 207. sagittata (Minieta), 4.33. sagittatus (^Oriolus), 4.33. saharai (Emberiza), 253. saharae (Fringillaria), 253. sahara3 (Passer). 209. salicaria (Fringilla), 205. salioarius (Passer), 205, 206. salicicola (Passer), 205. sallffii (Granatellus), 70. saliuoni (Ostinops), 369. Saltator, 1 69. saniuelis (Melospiza), 279. sandwichensis (Passer- culus), 262. sanguiuii-ostris (Quelea), 324. sanguinolenta (Myzo- niela), 34. Sarcops, 417. sardonius (Corvus). 466. saturata (Aniblyospiza), 366. savanna (Passercubis), 262. savannarum (Ammodro- nius), 263. sayaca (Tanagra), 306. scapulatus (Corvus), 464. schniitzi (Motacilla), 83. schoeniclus (Emberiza), 230. schoeniclus (Schoenicola), 230. sclateri (Icterus). 394. scotica (Loxia), 224. scutata (Spermestes), 326. scutatus (Spermestes), 326. seebubnii (Antbus), I OS. seheria (Jiltbopyga), 14. semperi (Zosterops), 6. sennetti (Icterus), 392, 393. sericea (Meliornis), 49. sericea (Meliphaga), 49. sericea (Pica), 479. sericeus (Molothrus), 374. Serinus, 213. serinus (Fringilla), 215. serinus (Serinus), 215. Serphophaga, 375, 376. Setophaga, 71. severtzovi (Carpodacus), 220. sharpei (Ptilotis), 42. sharpii (Corvus), 466. sibirica (Alauda), 122. sibirica (Melauocorypba), sibirica (Otocoris), 116. sibirica (Uragus), 229. sibiricus (Uragus), 229. silens (Arremon), 291. siniibs (Anthus), 94. simplex (Oorospiza), 209. simplex (Pa.sser), 209. simplex (Zosterops), 4. sinensis (Dendrocit(a), 487. sinensis (Garrulus). 493, sinensis (HetMrornis). 411. sinensis (Oriolus), 4.30. sinensis (Sturnia), 411. sinensis (Urocissa), 483. sinica (Obloris), 151, 152. sinica (Chlorospiza), 151. sinicus (Ligurinus), 151. sinnata (Pyrrbuloxia), 167. siparaja (.Ethopyga), 15. Sitagra, 353. sitticolor (Conirostrum), 299. sittoides (Diglossa), 297. Siurus, (>7. socialis (Fringilla), 270. socialis (Spizella), 270, 271. sooius (PhiL-eterus), 322. socius (Philefarus), ,322. sooius (PhiletairuB), 322. socius (Pbiloetairus), 322. solitarius (Amblycercus), 371. sonora (Ptilotis), 43. sordidus (Anthus), 94. Sorella, 211. 2ii 530 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. souimarga (Ciniiyris), 23. souimanga (Nectariuia), 23. speciosa (Cissa), 488. spectabilis (Arremon), 201. spectabilis (Muuia), 335. Spermestes, 325. spennologus (ColcEus), 472, 473. Sphecotheres, 434. spilonotus (Hypbantor- nis), 352. spilonotus (Ploceus), 352 Spindalis, 308. spinoides (Acantbis), 182. spinoides (Chrysomitris), 182. spinoides (Hypaeantbis), 182. spinoletta CAntbus), 103, 104, 105. Spinus, 179. spiniis (Acantbis), 180. spiniis (Carduelis), 180. spinus (Cbrysomitris), 180. » spinus (Fringilla), 179. spinus (Spinus), 179, 180. spipoletta (Anlbus), 103. Spiza, 260. Spizalauda, 137. Spizella, 269. Spizocorys, 125. splendens (Corone), 4fi9. spleudens (Corvus), 469. splendens (Volatinia), 166, 167. splendidus (Lanipro- colius), 424. splendidus (Lampro- tornis), 424. spodiogena (Fringilla), 175. spodiogenys (Fringilla), 175. Spodiopsar, 406. spodocepbala (Emberiza), 241. Spoiwgintbus, 332. Sporopbila, 160. Sporopipes, 346. Sporotbi-aupis, 308. Spreo, 426. spurius (Icterus), 389. squaliduni (Piprisonia), 12. squalidus (Prionocbilus), 12. squamicollis(Uroloncha), 337. squaiuifrona (Sporo- pipes), 346. Steganopleura, 329. steindacbneri (Anthus), 109. stejnegeri (Zosterops), 5. stepbanite (Astraphia), 448. steplianife (Astrarchia), 448. Stepbanopborus, 304. stewarti (Euiberiza), 245. Stictoptera, 331. Stictospiza, 327. StigiTiatops, 39. stonei (iElura?dus), 4.52. stracbeyi (Emberiza), 247. Strepera, 508. striata (Dendrceca), 65. striata (Dendroica), 65. striata (Munia), 337. striata (Tanagra), 308. .striata (Uroloncha), 337. striaticeps (Embernagra), 286. striativentris (Melano- cbaris), 12. striatus (Pardalotus), 10. stridens (Garrulus), 491 . strigata (Otocoris), 120. strigata (Otocorys), 120. strifi;atus (Ohondestes), 260. strigiceps (Bracbyspiza), 277. strigiceps (Zonotricbia), 277. striolata (Oorydalla), 95. striolata (Euiberiza), 252, 253. striolata (Fringillaria), 252 striolatus (Anthus), 95. striolatus (Macronyx), 111. Strutbidea, 503. stulta (Petronia), 196, 197. Sturnella, 386. Sturnia, 411. Sturnidffi, 403. sturnina (Sturnia), 41 1. sturninus (Agropsar), 411. Sturnopastor, 408. St urn us, 403. subalaris (Amblyornis), 451. subaiirea (Sitagra), 358. subaureus (Hypban- tornis), 359. subaureus (Ploceus), 359. subaureus (Xantho- pbilus), 359. subfasciata (Glyciphila), 37. subflava (Estrelda), 332. subflavus (Sporsegintbus), 332. subocularis (Glyciphila), 40. subocularis (Stigtnatops), 39. subtuberosus (Philemon), 56. subtuberosus (Tropido- rhyncbiis), 56. subundulata (Munia), .S36. sulpburata (Crithagra), 214. sulpburata (Emberiza), 240. sulpburatus (Serinus), 214. sulpburea (Motacilla), 81,83. sulpburea (Pallenura), 81. sumichrasti (Dives), 396. sundevalli (Certbiola), 296. sundevalli (Euplectes), 319. sundevalli (Zosterops), 2. superba (Lopborbina), 451. superbus (Cardinalis), 169. superciliaris (Leistes), 381. superciliaris (Petronia), 198. superciliaris (Saltator), 171. superciliaris (Sturno- pastor), 409. superciliosa (Haemo- pbila), 265. superciliosa (Plagiospiza), 265. superciliosus (Acantho- rhyncbus), .36. superflua (Galerida), 142. swainsoni (Passer), 210. swinboei (Cyanopolius), 481. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 531 Sycobi'otus, 347. sjlvaniis (Oreocorys), 110. sylvestris (Corvus), 455. Synallaxis, 37G. syriacus (Seriuiis), 217. tabuensis (Aplonis), 420. Tachyplionus, 313. Tffiiiiopygia, 331. taha (Euplectes), 321. taha (Pyroineluna), 321. tahatali (Hyphautornis), 357. taivana (Motacilla), 87. taivanus (Motacilla), 87. talatala (Cinnyris), 23. Tanagra, 304. TauagridaB, 299. Tangarius, 372. tartarioa (Alauda), 123. tatao (Calliste), 301. Temeniichus, 412. temporalis (^gintha), 340. tenuirostris (Acantho- rliyncliiis), 35. teuuirostris (Megaquis- calus), 400. tenuirostria (Oriolus), 430. tenuirostris (Quisoalus), 400. tenuirostris (Zosterops), 7. Tephrocorys, 124. tepbrocotis (Leucosticte), 194. tephronotis (Montifrin- gilla), 194. texana(Pyrrbuloxia), 1G7. teydea (Fringilla), 172. thecklie (Galerita), 142. tbekhu (Alauda), 142. tbekliB (Galerida), 142. tbilius (Agelffus), 380. tbilius (Icterus), 380. tluira (Carpodacus). 223. tbura (Propasser), 223. tingitanus (Corvus), 457. tini,'itaiuis (Passer), 203. tintillon (Fringilla), 174, 175. topela (Munia). .336. torquata (Setopbaga), 72. torquatus (Corvus), 463. torquatus (Myioborus), 72. t(irquei)Ia (Sperniopliilal, 102. torqueola (Sporopliila), 162. torridus (Oryzoborus), 158. totta (Cbrysomitris), 181. tottus (Spinas), 181. trailli (Oriolus), 432. traillii (Oriolus), 432. transcaspicus (Passer), 206. transfuga (Gymnorhis), 199. transfuga (GymnoriB), 199. triobas (Geotblypis), 68. Trichotbraupis, 314. tricbroa (Erytlirura), 343. tricolor (Agelteus), 379. tricolor (Agelaius), 379. trigonostigma (Dicieuui), 8. tristis (Acridotberes), 413,414. tristis (Astragalinus), 183. tristis (Cbrysomitris), 183. tristriata (Poliospiza), 213. trivialis(Antbus), 89,90. ■Troglodytes, 376. Tropidorbyncbus, 56. Tn.pialis, 384. Trypanocorax, 453. turdil'ormis (Terae- nucbus), 411. turrium (Monedula), 472. typica (Melanodera), 289. tyrannus (Milvulus), 375. uliiensis (Ilypbantornis), 357. uluensis (Ploceus), 357. uluengis (Sitagra), 357. umbrinus (Corvus), 458. unicolor (Amblyospiza), 366. unicolor (Haplospiza), 289. unicolor (Psarocolius), 402. unicolor (^Pyrenestbes), 366. unicolor (Sturnus), 406. Ura'gintbus, 345. Uragus, 229. Urobracbya, 318. Urocjssa, 482. Uroloncba, 337. uropygialis (Pseudo- cbloris), 288. ussuriensis (Cbloris), 152. ussuriensis (Ligurinus), 152. vaaleusis (Autbus), 93. validirostris (Meli- tbreptes), 33. validirostris (Meli- tbreptus), 33. varia (Mniotilta), .59. varians (Crypsirbina), 487. variegatus (Certhionyx), 38. varius (Sturnus), 403. velata (Geotblypis), 69. velata (Sitagra), 356. velatus (Hypbantoruis), 356, 357. velatus (Ploceus), 356. Vermivora, 60. vermivorus (llelmin- tberus), 59. vermivorus (Helmintho- tberus), 59. versicolor (Quisoalus), 397, 398. versicolor (Strepera), 509. verticalis (Eremopteryx), 149. verticalis (Myioborus), 72. verticalis (Pyrrbulaud;i), 149, verticalis (Setopbaga), 72. vespcrtina (Cocco- tbrausteg), 153. vespertina (Hesperi- phona), 1.53. vicarius (Tanagra), 307. vidua (Motacilla), 78. vigors! (^Etbopyga), 14. vigorsi (Dendroeca), 65. vinacea (Estrilda), 34.^. vinaoea (Lagonosticta), 345. violacea (Losigilla), 159. violacea (Pyrrbula), 159. violaoea (Sturnia), 411. violea (Cassidix), 371. virens (Icteria), 69. vireseens (Pseiidoleistes), 375, 376. 377, ;i83. virginianus (Cardiiialis), 108. 1' M 2 532 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Tiridis (Buclytes), 86. Tiriclis (Icteria), 69. viridis (Mimeta), 433. viridis (Motacilla), 86. Tiridis (Oriolus), 433. vitellinua (Cacicus), 370. ■vitellinus (Hyphan- tornis), 357. vitiensis (Aplonis), 420. vitriolina (Onlliste), 302. vitriolina (Calospiza), 302. vittata (Ptilotis), 43. vocifei'us (Oorvus), 303. vociferus (Psilorhiuus), 603. Volatinia, 166. vulgaris(Coccotbraus(es), 163. ■vulgaris (Pyrrliula), 226. ■vulgaris (Stunius), 403, 404, 405. wagleri (Eucorystes), 367. wagleri (Icterus), 300. ■wagleri (Ocyalus), 367. ■wagleri (Zarhynchus), 367. wellsi (Coereba), 296. westernensis (Zosterops), 7. wbitakeri (Garrulus), 493. whitelieadi (Urooissa), 484. Wilsoiiifi, 70. ■woodliousei (Apbelo- conia), 487. ■woodward! (Mirafra), 135. Xanthocepbalus, 382. xanthooepbalus (Xaiitbo- ceplialus), 382. xantbochroa (Zosterops), 2. xanthogaster (Chryso- niitris), 179. xanthogaster (Spiuus), 179. xantbogastra (Chryso- mitris), 179. xantboptera (Sitagra), 360. xautbopterus (Ilypban- tornis). 3IK). xanthopterus (Ploceus"), 360. xantliopterus (Sitagra), 360. xantbopterus (Xantbo- pbilus), 360. Xantbotis, 47. Xantbura, 500. yarrellii (Motacllla), 74. yatei (Passer), 208. yatii (Passer), 208. yeltoniensis (Alauda), 12.3. yeltoniensis (Melano- corypha), 123. yncas (Xantbura), 500. yucatanica (Cissilopba), 501. yucatanica (Cissolopba), 501. yucatanica (Xantbura), 601. Zamelodia, 156. Zarhvncbus, 367. zena'(Tanagra), 308. zenobia (Cinnyris), 28. zenobia (Cyrtostomus), 28. zeylonica (Aracb- necbtlira), 19. zeylonica (Cinnyris), 19. zeylonica (Leptocoma), ■]9. Zonregintbus, 330. Zonotricbia, 273. Zosteropidfie, 1. Zosterops, 1. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Platk I. Fig. 1, Zosterops aiqnam. 2. Dic(.ei(in cinereiyulare. 3. Pardalotus ornatus. 4. Hedydi^jna metcdlica. 5. Cbmyris habessinicus. (3. Pijirisoma squalidum. 7. ^Eihopyga siparaja. 8. Arachnothera lonr/irostris. 9. Eudrepanis pidcherrima. 10. ^Ethopijga vigorsi. 11. CJialcoparia ph(jeiiicotis. 12. uEtliopyga selierue. Vi. Arachnothera magna. 14, Araclinechtlira asiatka. 15. l(i. Cinnyris leucogaster, 17. Nectar inia faniosa. 15. Melanocharis striaticcntris. 19. Chalcomitra ametlujstina. 20. 21. Antlwthreptes colhiris. 22. 23. Hermotbnia cJiristiaiui'. 24. Leptocoma hasseltl. 25. Antltotlireptes mcdacccnsis. 534 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Plate II. rig. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ghjcij:)lnla alhifrons. Ptilotis provocator . „ earunculata. Meliornis longirostris. Melithrepies brevirostris. Xantlwtis lessoni. 7. Melipotes fumigatus. 8. Ptilotis procerior. 9. Melithreptes brevirostris. 10. Mijzomela nigriventris. 11. ,, ruhratra. 12. Melirrlioplutes batesi. 13. Mijzomela rubratra. 14. C'onopophila albigularis. 15. Antliornis melaimra. 1 6. „ vielanocepliala . 17. 18. Ptilotis sharpei. 19. ,, orientalis. 20. Antliornis melanura. 21. Melilestes poliopteriis. 22. Ptiloprora guisei. Plate III. . 1. Hehnin thotherus vermivonis. 2. Vermivora cdata. 3. Protonotaria citrea. 4. Parula americana. 6. )) 5! G. Myzantlia jlavigula. 7. 1> ?5 8. ,, ,, 9. ,, garrula. 10. 'rropndorhijnchus subtuberosus 11. u M EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 535 Fig. 12. Philemon cockerelli. 13. Myzantha lutea. 14. AcantJiocJicera inauris. 15. Tropidorhijnclius argenticeps. 16. Myzantha lutea. 17. Dendr ceca hartholemica. 18, ft ,, 19. „ striata. 20. ,, maculosa. 21. „ pennsyh'anica. Plate IV. 'is. 1. Oporornis funnosa. 2. Siurus awicapillus. 3. Myiothlypis nvjricrist'.dus. 4. 5) 55 5. Motacilla ocularis. 6. ,, ,, 1 . Icteria viridis. 8. Motacilla leucopsis. 9. >) )) 10. ,, vidua. 11. ,, ynaderasputoisis . 12. ») 5> 13. „ clara. 14. ,, borealis. 15. 5) )> 16. „ alba. 17. „ cinereicapilla. 18. „ citreoloides. 19. ,, schmitzi. 20. „ capiensis. 21. „ melanogrinea. 22. Dendranthus indicus. 536 explanation of the plates. Plate Y. Fig. 1. Aiitlius cMovis. 8. „ br, dnmarensis. lo. Chersojjhilus duponli. 1<». lihamphoconjs clot-he i/. 17. Otoco7-tjs (djiestris. -'"• ,) fji-andti. l^'- ), (dpestris. --"• J. occideuttdis. 21. Melanoconjpha himacidata. Plate VII, Fig. 1. ^lelcDiocorijplia motujollca. 2. Teplirocorijs cinerea. ^- "' )T underssoiii. 6. Alauda julgida. 7. ,, ,, 8. S^nzocon/s conirostris. 9. 10. Alauda pelinensis. ■'I' ,) australis. 12. „ 13. l"^' ,, ctelivox. lo. Alaudula ra}jtal. 16, Mirafra nivosa. 1 ' • J, horsfieldi. ^8. ,, woodwardi, !•'• )) africana. -0- 5, cantillans. 21. 22. affiiiis. 538 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Plate VIII. Fig. 1. Galerida pallida. 2. Spizalaiida deva. 3. ?» M 4. ,, „ 5. Galerida pallida. 6. „ Meinsclimidti. 7. „ macrorhyncha. 8. 5> ») 9. !) " 10. „ brachyura. 11. i> ?> 12. „ magna. 13. „ cJiendoola. 14. „ „ 15. „ malaharica. 16. ,, ,, 17. C« lendida crassirostris. 18. 5> ») 19. Ammomanes plicenicura. 20. ,, „ 21. Galerida theclda'. 22. Ammomanes isahellinu. 23. Eremopteryx ausiralis. Plate IX. tV 1. Hesperipliona montana. 2. Mycerobas carneipes. 3. Perissospiza icieroides. 4. ,, ,, 5. Zamelodia melanocephala 6. Oryzoborus crassirostris. 7. Pyrrhidayra rjrenadensis 8. ,, ruJicolUs. 9. Sporophila yrisea. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 539 Fig. 10. Sporophila ohscura. 11. ,, moreleti. 12. )j J) 13. ,, giitturulis. 14. Pyrrliuloxia sinuata. 15. Etiethia oUvacea. 16. „ pusilla. 17. Volatinia splendens. 18. Cardiualis canicauda. 19. ,, ,, 20. Saltator medianus. 21. ,, ,, 2"? CardinaUs suDf.rhus. Plate X. Fig. 1. Passer motitensis. 2. Sijimts atratus. 3. Rhodospiza obsoleta, 4. Petfonia maderensis. 5. Gymnorliis transfuya. 6- » „ 7. 8. Carpospiza brachydactyla. 9. Syccdis pelzelni. 10. Poliospiza crocopyyia. 11. Carpodacus severtsovi. 12. Propasser thura. 13. Serinus sulphur atus, 14. Sorella emini. 15. Alario ulario. 16. Frinyillu teydea. 17. Auripasser eucMorus. 19. Carpodacus cassini. 20. Serinus marshaUi. 21. Urayus sibiricus. 22. Carpodacus amplus. 540 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Plate XI. Yi'^. 1. Emheriza fucdta. 3. ) )> 4. ,5 „ 5. ,, arctiata. 6. „ ch)\i/so/>Jir>/s. 7. 9"" ?^ 8. ,, sulj^iharata. 'J. „ ijersonata. 10. „ ,, 11. ,, ,, 12. ,, buchanani. 13. „ „ 14. ,, casta neici'ps. 15. ,, „ 16. „ ciopsis. 17. ,, „ 18. FniKjillariu capensis. 19. 20. ,, insidaris. 21. 22. ,, striolata. Plate XII. Fig. 1. Melophus melanicteras. 2. Ccdcarlus pictus. 3. MhyncJiophanes maccowni 4. Melophus melanicterus. 5. Calcarius ornaius. 6. Passerculiis pn-inceps. 7. Pocecetes confinis. 8. Passerculiis alaudinus. 9. Chondestes strigatus. 10, Spizella arizonT op THE PLATES. F'S- n. Poospiza melanoleuca. 12. Sphella ochracea. 13. Junco hijemali/t. 14. Spizella bretveri. 1 ^>. Coturniculus passerinus. lf>. Ammodromus caadacufns. 1 ~. Amphispiza belli. 18. Ammodromus maritimns. 19. Cottirnicuhis passerhms. 20. Amphispiza nevadensis. --1. Plaijiospiza superciliom. 22. -3. Ammodromus maritimus. 541 Plate XIII. Fig. 1 Coereba flaveola. Phriigilus melanodenis 3. 4. Coereba atrata. 5. Tmuifira scujaca. 'o. Orcliesticus abeilh'i. I . Lifsni-Hs castaneicepft. 8. Tanaura sayaca. 9. Dinca diuca. 10. SporoUiraupis rniricrissa. 1 1 . 'S/e^ ,/, anophorus leucocqdudm. 12. Pip-anga rubra. 13. Trichothrnupis melanops. 14. Tachi/pJionns coronniiiy. 15. llhamphocmlns brasiUvs. 16. Diijlossopis ccervlescenK. 17. Caloxpiza chrijsophrys. 18. Duflossa albilateralh. 19- Euiieornis camjustria. 20. Pi/rrlivphonia Jamaica. 542 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES, Plate XIV. Fig. 1. Diatropura 2)'>'ogne. 2. Coliostrutlms aniens. 3. Pyromelann franciscana. 4. Urobrachya axillaris. 5. Pyromolana talia. 6. „ capensis. 7. Ploceipasser mahali. 8. Pseudonigrita arnaudi. 9. OthypTiantes reicJienoiui. 10. Sporopipes squamifrons. 11. Quelea cardinalis. 12. Sporopipes sqxiamifrons . 13. Sycohrotus gregalis. 14. HeterhypJianies nigricollis. 15. 16. Ilyphanturgus aurantius. 17. 18. „ ocularius. 19. 20. 21, ,, auranth(S. Flate XV, Fig 1. Sifagra aurie.apilla. 2. Hyplmniornis femiiiiims 3. •» 4. Sitagra uhievsis. 5, „ hojeri. 6. !» ?) 7. )? )? 8. i> 5» EXPtANATION OF THE PLATES. 543 Fig. 9. Sitagra suhaurea. 11- „ xanthoptera. 12- 13. ,, castanops. 14. „ gaVnda. 15. 16. Amhhjospiza unicolor. 17. Ploccella javanensis. 18. Amhhjospiza ctlhifrons. 19- 20. Ploceella javanensis. Plate XVI. Fig. 1. Gymnostinops guatimozhms. 2. Ostinops decumanus. 3- 4. Cacicus hamorrhous. 5. Amhlgcercus solitarixts. 7. Tangarius aneiis. 8. Cacicus vitelUnus. 9. Ggmnostinops monfeziimce. 10. Cassiculus melanicterns. 11. MoJothrus rufo-axillaris. 12. ,, cassini. 13. „ rufo-axillaris. 14- ,, obscurus. 15. Agelceus caurinus. 16. ,, tliiliiis. 18. Molothrus obscurus. 544 ICXPLANATIOX OF THE PLATES. Plate XVII. Fig. 1. Acjelonis flavus. 2. 3. Trnpialis hellicosa. 4. Leistes superciliaris. 5. 6. Pseudolcistes yuirahuro. 7. Agelceus rujicapillus. 8. Curceiis aterrhmis. 9. Pseucloleistes yuirahuro. 10. Trupialis dejilipjni. 11. „ militaris. 12. 13. ,, defilippii, 14. Icterus cayanensis. 15. Sturnella inexpectata. 16. 17. Icter\(s ivayleri. 18. ,, Jeucopteryx. 19. ,, yiraudi. 20. „ mesomelas. 21. ,, leucopiteryx. Plate XVIII. Fig. 1. Iloloqitiscalus jamaicensis. — • 5? )> 3. Dives dives. 4. „ „ 5. Ilolofjuiscnhm lumiiwsiis. 6. 7. ,, fortirostris. o. ,, ,, EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 545 1 ig. 9. Mejaquiscalus iemiv-ostris. 10. Sarcnj^ts melanonotus. 11- )) calvus. 12. Aplonis MttUtzi. 13. Eulabes intermedia. !■*• M religiosa. 15. 16. Aplonis brevirostris. !'• I, vitiensis. 18. Lamprocorax chalt/bea. 19. ^0. Hartlaubiiis aunitas. J^ig. 1. Plate XIX. Pyrrhochit-a caffra. 2. Lcunprocolius i^^i-cemcopter, 3. 4. Sjireo bicolor. 5. Creadion cwunc'ilatin 6. Spreo bicolor. 7. OrioJus acrorliynchus. 8. ,, larvatus. 9. " >■• 10. ,, 11. Mimeta nagitiata. 12. " 5) 13. ,, affinis. 14. 15. Sphecotheres Jlaviventris. 16. VOL. V. 546 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Plate XX. Fig. 1. Dicrurus annectens. 3. 4. Dicruropsis bracteata. 5. 6. Buchanga atra. 7. 8. Dicruropsis borneensis. 9. Biuhanr/a assimilis. 10. 11. Clmptid cenea. 12. Buchanga assimilis. 13. 14. ,, longicaudata. 15. 16. 17. „ ccerulescens. 18. ,, leucopygialis. 19. 20. Dissemuroides andcimaneusis. 21. Bhringa remifer. Plate XXI. Fig. 1. Corvus hespieris. 2. ,, piisilhts. 3. ,, hesperis. 4. Heterocorax cope >i sis. 5. fi. Tryp>ri.nocora.x pastinator. 7. ,, ^^ 8. Corvus corone. 9. „ philippinus. 10. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES, 54"; Platk XXII. ig. 1. Urocissa occipitalis. 2. Glaucojns cinerea. 3. Urocissa occipitalis. 4. Dendrocitta rufa. 5. 6. '• ,1 cinerascens. 8. Picathartes areas. 9. Strepera graculina. 10. Calocitta colliei, 1 1 . Cyanopoliiis japonicus. 13. Cyanocorax cceruleus. 14. Cissolopha heecheyi. 15. Cyanocorax avruleus. Plil.NTF.D BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. Cat Eggs Brit.Mus.v: PL.I. .-**.■-.?»«, ^'^ ^^ ^% m'mM 10 :^^ •.,;.\ 17 ,:-: .:^:^ ^^ 22 18 19 ft 20 .^■^ rf*'^ 23 PaSSERIFORMES: ZOSTEROPID^. DlC/El D/E. N ECTAR 1 N 1 1 D/E. Cat.EggH Brit. Mus. V PL.IJ. /•■•' ^ ^ /ff^f^ 10 •<>» • ^ ■■'■■\r ^ 6 t . 1 iS 18 22 PaSSERI FORMES: MeLIPHACI D/E. Cat Eggs Bnt.MusV: PLIII. ,.'-''tf ■ i 20 Passeriformes; Meliphagid/e Mn10TILTID/£. Car.EggsBrit.Mus. v: PLTS^. /^ '^% %':■'.'- >>'''^H5, .. V,..f. . »ya «%<; *^ ^ ;"l^ PaSSERI FORMES: Mn10TILTID>£, MOTACILLID>£ Cat. Eggs Brit. Mus.V: PLV 'v^^ € ite tJv 16 f iff PasseriformeS: Motacillid>e. li- '<■ '■''^'.J^.ji, l^l' Cat. Eggs Brit.Mus. Y PLVI /m 0 ^^^i^^^ 13 PaSSERIFORMES: MOTACILLID>E.ALAUDlDyE. Cat. Eggs Brit. Mus.V PL VII y '.-•/■ ; ■-» '^^ ^*7^ 14 m V^^f PasseriformeS: Alaudid>e. Cat Eggs Brit. Mus.v: pLvm >Vv.' ^x ■ * "' , ■* I. k iF.iiftrirri-'v^-" PaSSERIFORMES: ALAUDiDvt. Cat. H:4K«1^ >•"-'' '^^■ I'lR. ^ /^ 1^ )P^ ^r^ m^ ^^ 0. "% ^ 20 21 22 PASSER1FORNES-. FRINGILLID/E . .f%~y' Cal. i:,^i;s IWil.Miis \: l^J.X :^:-'^. f .^^ 10 4 12 14 1 1 -. 15 16 /•V;j^ ^=:* •- ^-ap- V ^» • 20 ?2 Passeriformes: Frincillid>!e. /; i:«gs Bnt.Mus.V. I'l.Xl &■ ■r \ ■.■'♦•a ■ * 12 14 15 16 m «.ij* .» r.'-:-v. J/ 20 v^-?>^s. 21 :4 22 Passer 1 FORMES. Fringillid/e. Cat. Kj'V's I'.iit.MTis.V. I'l XU i' '■^ # .•;'^ ^>^^ ^^^^ 10 fT*-*%' 15 > 16 17 f ^-- ^ 19 20 .^•^> ^-4^:^ ./ji. V , w 22 23 Passer I FORMES: Fringillid/e Vl. XUI. 3^ • z.^f, »f ,^^, .%^^ * 'f ',t^. /*^^■*. BID?£ It Eggs Biit.Mtis. V PI. XIV. ^^M 9 •1 i 4i^- Passer I FORMES -.Ploce I D?E ^1.^' ^> Cat l-s^sBrit.Mus V ^^t^ t 0 m /^•^.'*rS f • Passeriformes: Ploceid^ Cat. liggsbrit. Mils V. i /i- 4 • 4 -v^. i_. V Fl*J^ 4^^^^V ff"^ ,t' PASSER1FORMES-. ICTERIDA lit. Nils V I'l XVII f -■;■■ ..4 •• /2?^^T^ v^ 20 :5: 1CTE.R1D/E K,<';^s I'.i f^' 'Fi' y Tl^'- ^ :m; ""•♦ » *■' f. i- . • •■ -*»•?■« '^*'C ^ PASSERIFORMES:ICTERlD/E.Ei Ksft^ P.rit.Mus \' I'l.XK ..Jr % V \ ?•>< PASSERIFORMES:EULABETlD/E.0RIOLiu/c ^ CatEgjis Uiit.Mivs V M\ k -^ «j;>;.'. .^ ■•■•.• ■■■,V "i •-..^. f% "^ /^^ I • PASSERIPORMES: DlCRURlD/E i! Kviiis Urit.Nus. V Passer I FORMES: Corvid>e. iiil Miw \' Passer I FORMES: Cnpvin^ Strepl^ /■ B.M. (N.H.). No. 21. LIST OF THE CURRENT NATURAL HISTORY PUBLICATIONS OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. The following publications can be pui'chased through the Agency of Messrs. Longmans & Co., 39, Paternoster Row, London, E.G. ; Mr. QUARITCH, 11, Grafton Street, New Bond Street, W. ; and Messrs. DuLAU & Co., Ltd., 37, Soho Square, W.; or at the NATURAL History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, S. W. The History of the Collections contained in the Natural History Departments of the British Museum : — Vol. I. Libraries ; Botany ; Geology ; Minerals. Pp. xvii., 442. 1S04, 8vo. 15s. Vol. II. Separate historical accounts of the several collections included in the Department of Zoology. Pp. 782. 1906, 8vo. 11. 10s. Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History). Compiled by B. B. Woodward, Assistant in charge of the General Library, with some clerical assistance : — Vol. I. A— D. Vol. TI. E— K. Vol. III. L— 0. Pp. viii., 500. 1903, 4to. II. Pp. 501-1038. 1904, 4to. II. Pp. 1039-1494. 1910, 4to. II. Catalogue of the Specimens and Drawings of Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes of Nepal and Tibet. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., to the British Museum. 2nd edition. By John Edward Gray. Pp. xii., 90. [With an account of the Collection by Mr. Hodgson.] 1863, 12mo. 2s. M. (23355r— 29.) VVt. 37276—54. 2000. 3/12. D & S. (&) A 2 LIST OP PUBLICATIONS OF THE Report on the Zoological Collections made in the Indo- Pacific Ocean during the voyage of H.M.S. "Alert," 1881-2 Pp. XXV., 6Si. 54 Plates. 1884, 8vo. 11. 10s. Summary of Ihe Voyage By Dr. R. W. Coppinger. Mammalia ... „ 0. ThomaB. Aves „ R. B. Sharpe. Reptilia, Batrachia, Pisces ... ... „ A. Giinther. Mollusca ,, E. A. Smith. Echinodermata „ F.J.Bell. Crustacea „ E. J. Miers. Ooleoptera „ C. O. Waterhouse. Lepidoptera ... ... ... ... „ A. G. Butler. Alcyonaria and Spongiida „ S.O.Ridley. Report on the Collections of Natural History made in the Antarctic Regions during the Voyage of the " Southern Cross." Pp. ix., 344. 53 Plates. 1902, Royal 8vo. 21. Mammalia By Capt. G. B. H. Barrett-Hamilton. Notes on Antarctic Seals ... ,, E. A. Wilson, M.B. Extracts from the " Diary " j of the late Nicolai Hanson. | Aves „ Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pisces G. A. Boulenger, F.R.S. Tunicata „ Prof. W. A. Herdman, F.R.S. Mollusca „ E. A. Smith. Echinoderma „ Prof. F. J. Bell. Insecta „ G. H. Carpenter and Hon. N, C. Rothschild. Arachnida , Dr. E. L. Trouessart, Crustacea ... ,, T. V. Hodgson. Polychseta ,, Dr. A. Willey. Gephyrea „ A. E. Shipley. Nematoda Cestoda Dr. von Linstow. ?o& ::: ::: J - R-Kirkpatrick. Anthozoa „ Dr. L. Roule and S. J. Hickson, F.R.S. Actiniae „ J. A. Clubb. Hydrozoa „ E. T. Browne. Cryptogamia „ A. Gepp, V. H. Blackman, and Miss E. S. Barton. Rock Specimens „ Dr. G. T. Prior. National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1904. [Discovery Report.'] Natural History : — Vol.1. Geology (Field-Geology : Petrography). Pp. xii., 160 : 10 plates, 72 text-figures, 2 maps. [With Index.] 1907, 4to. II. 10s. Field-Geology By H. T. Ferrar, M.A., F.G.S. Rock-Specimens „ G. T. Prior, M.A., D.Sc, F.G.S. Vol. II. Zoology (Vertebrata : Mollusca : Crustacea). Pp. xiv., 355 : 33 plates (17 coloured), 146 text-figures, 1 map. 1907, 4to. 3Z. Mammalia (pp. 69 : 5 pis. [3 col.], ) 36 figs.) V By E. A. Wilson, M.B. Aves (pp. 121 : 13 pis. col., 46 figs.) ... ) Anatomy of Penguins (pp. 9,8 : 1 pi., „ W. P. Pycraft. 8 figs.) BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURA.L HISTORY). 3 National Antarctic E>cp9 Utioii, V)Ol-l%i --30)Uiniied. Vol. II — continued. Fishes (pp. 5 ; 2 pis.) Cephalodiscus (pp.67: 7 pis. [1 col.], 17 figs.) Mollusca. I. — Cephalopoda (pp. 2 : Ifig.) ,, II.— Gastropoda ((pp.12, 1:1 „ III. — Amphineura \ 2 pis.) f ,, IV. — Nudibranchiata (pp. 28 : 1 pi., 30 figs.) ., V. — Lamellibranchiata(pp.7: 1 pi.) Brachiopoda (pp. 2 : 4 figs.) Crustacea I. — Decapoda (pp. 7) ,, II. — Cumacea (pp. 6 : 1 pi., 4 figs.) Vol. Ill, Zoology and Botany (Invertebrata : Marine Alga3, Musci). Pp. vi., 273: 51 plates, 8 text-figures, and 1 chart. 1907, 4to. 21. 10s. On CoUectmg in Antarctic Seas (pp. 10) Mollusca. VI. — I'teropoda (pp. 15 : 2 pis.) - (pp. 39: Crustacea. III. — Amphipoda 13 pis.) ., IV. — Leptostraca (pp. 2 : 2 figs.) ,, V. — Ostracoda (pp. 9 : 3 pis.) ,, VI. — Cirripedia (pp. 4 : 1 pi.) Pycnogonida (pp. 72 : 10 pis.) ... Acari (pp. 6 : 1 pi.) ... Chsetognatha (pp. 6 : 1 chart) ... Nematoda (pp. 4 : 1 pi.) Cestoda (pp. 6 : 1 pi.) ... Coelentera. I. — Alcyonaria (pp. 15 : 2 pis.) ,, II. — Hydroid Zoophytes (pp. 34 : 4 pis.) By G. A. Bouleager, F.R.S. „ W. G. Ridewood, D.Sc. „ W, E Hoyle, D.Sc. E. A. Smith, I.S.O. Sir Ohas. Eliot, K.C.M.G., LL.D. E. A. Smith, I.S.O. W. T. Caiman. D.Sc. By T. V. Hodgson, F.L.S. „ Sir Charles Eliot, K.C.M.G., LL.D. „ A. 0. Walke'-, F.L.S. Dr. J. Thiele. Prof. G. S. Brady, F.R.S. Prof. A. Gruvel. T. V. Hodgson, F.L.S. Dr. E. L. Trouessart. Dr. G.H. Fowler, F.L.S. Dr. 0. von Linstow. A. E. Shipley. F.R.S. Prof. S. J. Hickson, F.R.S. Prof. S. J. Hickson. F.R.S., and F. H. Gravely. Dr. J. Rennie. „ III. — Tentacles of a Siphono- phore(pp. 3 ; 5 figs.) Porifera. I. — Hexactinellida (pp. 25 : 7 pis.) Marine Algfe. I. — Phasophycese and Floridese (pp. 15 : 4 pis.) ., ,, II. — Corallinaceaj (pp. 2 : Ifig.) Musci (pp. 6 : 2 pis.) Vol. IV. Zoology (various Invertebrata). Pp. iv., 281 65 plates, 1 text-figure. 1908, -Ito. 1^. 15s. MoUuBca. VII.— Solenogastres (pp. 13 : By Dr. H. F. Nierstrasz. 2 pis.) Insecta. — Apt«ra (pp. 5 : 1 pi.) R. Kirkpatrick, A. Gepp and j\Irs. E. S. Gepp. M. Foslie. J. Cardot. Crustacea. VII. — Schizopoda (pp. 42 8 pis.) „ VII r. — Copepoda (pp. 44 7 pis.) G. H. Carpenter. B.Sc, M.R.I.A. W. M. Tattersall, M.Sc. R. Norris Wolfenden, M.D. 4 LIST OP PUBLICATIONS OP THE National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1904 — continued. Vol. lY — continued. Echinoderma (pp. 16 : 5 pis.) By F. Jeffrey Bell, M.A. Echinoderm LarvEe (pp. 9 : 1 pi.) ... „ E. W. McBride, M.A., F.R.S., and J. C. Simpson, B.Sc. Myzostomidse (pp. 26 : 1 pi. and 1 figure) ,, Dr. Rudolf Ritter von Stummer-Traunfels. Sipunciiloidea (pp. 6) ... ,, W. F. Lanchester, M.A. Coelentera. IV. — Actini£e(pp.l2 : 3pls.) „ J. A. Clubb, M.Sc. Porifera. II. — Tetraxonida (pp. 56 : „ R. Kirkpatrick. 1 9 pis.) „ III.— Calcarea (pp.52 : 12 pis.) ,, C. F. Jenkin, B.A. Vol. V. Zoology and Botany. Pp. ix., 212 : 28 plates, and 19 text-figures. [With a Summary of the Contents of Vols. II.-V.l 1910, 4to. II. 10s. Vertebrata. Ia. — Mammalia (Seal-Em- By Dr. H. W. Marett bryos) (pp. 21 : 2 pis., 1 text-figure) Tims. Tunicata (pp. 26 : 7 pis., 2 text-figures) ,, Prof. W. A. Herdman, D.Sc, F.R.S. Crustacea. IX. — Isopoda (pp. 77 : 10 pis) „ T. V. Hodgson, F.L.S. Nemertinea (pp. 15 : 1 pi., 16 text- ,, Prof L. Joubin. figures) Coelentera. V. — MedusEB (pp. 62 : 7 pis.) „ Edward T. Browne. Lichenes (pp. 11 : 1 pi.) ... ,, Dr. 0. V. Darbishire. A Monograph of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) : Physical Features and Geology by C. W. Andrews, B.A., B.Sc, F.G.S., with descriptions of the Fauna and Flora by numerous contributors. Pp. xv.,337: 22 plates (7 coloured), a map, and 27 illustrations in text. [With Index.] 1900, 8vo. 11. First Report on Economic Zoology. By Fred. V. Theobald, M.A., &c. [With an Introduction, containing a Classifica- tion of Animals from the point of view of Economic Zoology, by Prof. E. Ray Lankester, LL.D., F.R.S.] Pp. xxxiv., 192. 18 Woodcuts. 1903, Roy. 8vo. 6s. Second Report on Economic Zoology. By Fred. V. Theobald, M.A., &c. Pp. x., 197. 29 Illustrations. 1904, Roy. 8vo. MAMMALS. Catalogue of the Bones of Mammalia in the Collection of the British Museum. By Edward Gerrard. Pp. iv., 296 1862, 8vo. 5s. Catalogue of Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fruit-eating Bats in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. viii., 137. 21 Woodcuts. 1870, 8vo. 4.9. Catalogue of Carnivoroup Pachydermatous, and Edentate Mammalia in the British Museum. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. vii., 398. 47 Woodcuts. 1869, 8vo. &s. &d. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 5 Catalogue of Seals and Whales in the British Museum. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &c. 2nd Edition. Pp. viil, 402. 101 Woodcuts. 1866, 8vo. 8s. Supplement. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &c.. Pp. vi., 103. 11 Woodcuts. 1871, 8vo. 2s. 6d. Catalogue of Ruminant Mammalia {Pecora, Linnaeus) in the British Museum. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. viii., 102. 4 Plates. 1872, 8vo. 3s. 6d Monograph of the Okapi. By Sir E. Ray Lankester, K.C.B., M.A., D.Sc, F.R.S., &c. Atlas. Compiled with the assistance of W. G. Ridewood, D.Sc. 48 Plates, with xxii. pp. of Explanations, &c. 1910, 4to. IZ. 5s. Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotreniata in the Collection of the British Museum. By Oldfield Thomas. Pp. xiii., 401. 4 Coloured and 24 plain Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes,] 1888, 8vo. II. 8s. BIRDS. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum : — Vol. VII. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Gichlomorphce : Part IV., containing the concluding portion of the family Timeliidte (Babbling Thrushes). By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xvi., 698. Woodcuts and 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1883, 8vo. Ih 6s. Vol. VIII. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Gichlomorplice : Part V., containing the families Paridse and Laniidae (Titmice and Shrikes) ; and Certhiomo7'2)hce (Creepers and Nuthatches). By Hans Gadow, M.A., Ph.D. Pp. xiii., 386. Woodcuts and 9 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1883, 8vo. 17s. Vol. X. Catalogue of ihe Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. FringilJifurmes : Part I., containing the families Dicseidae, Hirundinidae, Ampelidae, MniotiltidEe, and Motacillidae. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xiii., 682. Woodcuts and 12 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 1/. 2s. Vol. XI. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. FringilUformes : Part II., containing the families b LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum — continued Ccerebidse, Tanagridae, and Icteridae. By Philip Lutley Sclater, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. xvii., 431. Woodcuts and 18 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1886, 8vo. 11. Vol. XII. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Frmgilliformes : Part III., containing the family Fringillidse. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xv., 871. Woodcuts and 16 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1888, 8vo. 11. 8s. Vol. XIII. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. SturniformeSy containing the families Artamidae, Sturnidae, Ploceidae, and Alaudidae. Also the families Atrichiidae and Menuridae. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xvi., 701. Woodcuts and 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1890, 8vo. 1/. 8s. Vol. XIV. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Oligumyodce, or the families Tyrannidee, Oxyrham- phidae, Pipridae, Cotingidae,Phytotom.id8e,Philepittidae, Pittidae, Xenicidse, and Eurylaemidae. By Philip Lutley Sclater, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. xix., 494. Woodcuts and 26 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1888, 8vo. 11. 4s. Vol. XV. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Tracheophonce, or the families Dendrocolaptidae, Formicariidae, Conopophagidae, and Pteroptochidse. By Philip Lutley Sclater, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. xvii., 371. Woodcuts and 20 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1890, 8vo. 1/. Vol. XVI. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Ujnqjcs and Trochili, by Osbert Salvin. Coracice, of the families Cypselidae, Capri- mulgid*, Podargidae, and Steatornithidae, by Ernst Hartert. Pp. xvi., 703. Woodcuts and 14 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1892, 8vo. IL 16s. Vol. XVII. Catalogue of the Picarife in the Collection of the British Museum. Coracice (contin.) and Haley ones,\i\ih. the families Leptosomatidae, Coraciidae, Meropidae, Alcedinid£e,Momotidae,Totidae and Coliidae, by R. Bowdler Sharpe. Bucerotes and Trogones, by W. R. Ogilvie Grant. Pp. xi., 522. Woodcuts and 17 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1892, 8vo. 11. 10s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 7 Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum — continued. Vol. XVIII. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Scansores, containing the family Picidae. By Edward Hargitt. Pp. xv., 597. Woodcuts and 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1890, 8vo. 1^. 6s. Vol. XIX. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Scansores and Coccyges : con- taining the families Rhamphastidae, Galbulidae, and Bucconidae, by P. L. Sclater ; and the families Indi- catoridae, Capitonidae, Cuculidae, and Musophagidae, by G. E. Shelley. Pp. xii., 484 : 13 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1891, Svo. 11. 5s. Vol. XX. Catalogue of the Psittaci, or Parrots, in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Salvador!. Pp. xvii., 658. Woodcuts and 18 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1891, Svo. 11. 10s. Vol. XXI. Catalogue of the Columbae, or Pigeons, in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Salvador!. Pp. xvii., 676. 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1893, Svo. 1/. 10s. Vol. XXII. Catalogue of the Game Birds (Pterocleies, Gallince, Ojjisthocomi, Hemijjodii) in the Collection of the British Museum. By W. R. Ogilvie Grant. Pp. xvi., 585. 8 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1893, Svo. 11. 6s. Vol. XXIII. Catalogue of the Fulicariae (Rallidae and Heliornithidae) and Alectorides (Aramidas, Eurypy- gidse, Mesitidae, Rhinochetidae, Gruidae, Psophiidae, and Otididae) in the Collection of the British Museum. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xiii., 353. 9 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1894, Svo. 1/. Vol. XXIV. Catalogue of the Limicolae in the Collection of the British Museum. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xii., 794. Woodcuts and 7 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1896, Svo. 11. 5s. Vol. XXV. Catalogue of the Gaviae and Tubinares in the Collection of the British Museum. Gaviae (Terns, Gulls, and Skuas), by Howard Saunders. Tulbinares (Petrels and Albatrosses), by Osbert Salvin. Pp. xv., 475. Woodcuts and 8 coloured Plates. [With Syste- matic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1896, Svo. 11. Is. 6 LIST OP PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum — continued. Vol. XXVI. Catalogue of the Platalese, Herodiones, Steganopodes, Pygopodes, Alcse, and Impennes in the Collection of the British Museum. Platalese (Ibises and Spoonbills) and Herodiones (Herons and Storks), by R. Bowdler Sharpe. Steganopodes (Cormorants, Gannets, Frigate-birds, Tropic-birds, and Pelicans), Pygopodes (Divers and Grebes), Alcas (Auks), and Im- pennes (Penguins), by W. R. Ogilvie-Grant. Pp. xvii,, 687. Woodcuts and 14 coloured Plates. [With Sys- tematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1898, 8vo. 11. Sa. Vol. XXVII. Catalogue of the Chenomorphse (Pala- medese, Phoenicopteri, Anseres), Crypturi, and Ratitae in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Salvador!. Pp. xv., 636. 19 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1895, 8vo, 11. 12s. A Hand-list of the Genera and Species of Birds. [Nomen- clator Avium tum Fossilium tum Viventium.] By R. Bowdler Sharpe, LL.D. : — Vol. IV. Pp. xii., 391. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1903, 8vo. 10s. Vol. V. Pp. XX., 678. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1909, 8vo. 11. List of the Specimens of Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Robert Gray : — Part III., Sections III. and IV. Capitonidse and Picidae, Pp. 137. [With Index.] 1868, 12mo. Is, &d. Part IV. Columbaj. Pp. 73. [With Index.] 1856, 12mo. Is. M. Part V. Gallinaj. Pp. iv., 120. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1867, 12mo. Is. &d. Catalogue of the Birds of the Tropical Islands of the Pacific Ocean in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Robert Gray, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 72. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1859, 8vo. Is. 6rf. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 9 Catalogue of the Collection of Birds' Eggs in the British Museum (Natural History) : — Vol. I. Ratitse. Carinatse (Tinamiformes — Lariformes). By Eugene W. Gates. Pp. xxiii., 252. 18 Coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1901, 8vo. 11. 10s. Vol. II. Carinatas (Charadriiformes — Strigiformes). By Eugene W. Gates. Pp. xx., 400. 15 Coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1902, 8vo. 11. 10s. Vol. III. Carinatae (Psittaciformes — Passeriformes) By Eugene W. Gates and Capt. Savile G. Reid. Pp. xxiii., 349. 10 Coloured Plates. [With Syste- matic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1903, 8vo. 11. 5s. Vol. IV. Carinatae (Passeriformes continued). By Eugene W. Gates, assisted by Capt. Savile G. Reid. Pp. xviii., 352. 14 Coloured Plates. [With Syste- matic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1905, 8vo. 11. 10s. REPTILES. Catalogue of the Tortoises, Crocodiles, and Amphisbsenians in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. viii., 80. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1844, 12mo. Is. Catalogue of Shield Reptiles in the Collection of the British Museum. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &c.: — Appendix. Pp. 28. 1872, 4to. 2s. 6d. Part II. Emydosaurians, Rhynchocephalia, and Amphis- baenians. Pp. vi., 41. 25 Woodcuts. 1872, 4to. 3s. 6d. Hand-List of the Specimens of Shield Reptiles in the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. Pp. iv., 124. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1873, 8vo. 4s. Catalogue of the Chelonians, Rhynchocephalians, and Crocodiles in the British Museum (Natural History). New Edition. By George Albert Boulenger. Pp. x., 311. 73 Woodcuts and 6 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1889, 8vo. 15s. 23355 B 10 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OP THE Catalogue of the Lizards in the British Museum (Natural His- tory). Second Edition. By George Albert Boulenger : — Vol. II. Iguanidse, Xenosauridse, Zonuridae, Anguidae, Anniellidse, Helodermatidse, Varanidse, Xantusiidse, Teiid«, Amphisbsenidse. Pp. xiii., 497. 24 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 11. Vol. III. Lacertida3, Gerrhosauridse, Scincidse, Anelytro- pidae, Dibamidse, Chamseleontidae. Pp. xii., 575. 40 Plates. [With a Systematic Index and an Alphabetical Index to the three volumes.] 1887, 8vo. 11. 6s. Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum (Natural History). By George Albert Boulenger, F.R.S., &c. : — Vol. I., containing the families Typhlopidae, Glauconiidse, Boidse, Ilysiidae, Uropeltidae, Xenopelticlae, and Colu- bridse aglyphae (part). Pp. xiii., 448 : 26 Woodcuts and 28 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1893, 8vo. 11. Is. Vol. II., containing the conclusion of the Colubridae aglyphge. Pp. xi., 382 : 25 Woodcuts and 20 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1894, 8vo. 17s. 6d. Vol. III., containing the Colubridae (Opisthoglyphas and Proteroglyphae), Amblycephalidae, and Viperidse. Pp. xiv., 727 : 37 Woodcuts and 25 Plates. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index to the 3 volumes.] 1896; 8vo. IZ. 6s. Catalogue of Colubrine Snakes in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Albert Gunther. Pp. xvi., 281, [With Geographic, Systematic, and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1858, 12mo. 4s. BATRACHIANS. Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia in the Collection o£ the British Museum. By Dr. Albert Gunther. Pp. xvi., 160. 12 Plates. [With Systematic, Geographic, and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1858, 8vo. 6s. PISHES. Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum. Second Edition. Vol. I. Catalogue of the Perciform Fishes in the British Museum. Vol. I. Containing the Centrarchidse, BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 11 Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum — continued Percidae, and Serranidse (part). By George Albert Boulenger, F.R.S. Pp. xix., 394. Woodcuts and 15 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1895, 8vo. 15s. Catalogue of Lophobranchiate Fish in the Collection of the British Museum. By J. J. Kaup, Ph.D., &c. Pp. iv., 80. 4 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1856, 12mo. 2s. Catalogue of the Fresh-water Fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History). By G. A. Boulenger, F.R.S, : — Vol. I. Pp. xi., 373 : 270 text-figures. [With Syste- matic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1909, imp. 8vo. 11. 12s. M. Vol. II. Pp. xii., 529: 382 text-figures. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1911, imp. 8vo. 21. 5s. MOLLUSCA. Guide to the Systematic Distribution of Mollusca in the British Museum. Part I. By John Edward Gray, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c. Pp. xii., 230. 121 Woodcuts. 1857, 8vo. 5s. Catalogue of Pulmonata, or Air Breathing Mollusca, in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. By Dr. Louis Pfeiffer. Pp. iv., 192. Woodcuts. 1855, 12mo. 2s. 6f^. Catalogue of the Auriculidfe, Prosorpinidse, and Truncatellidsb in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Louis Pfeiffer. Pp. iv., 150. Woodcuts. 1857, l2mo. Is. M. List of the Mollusca in the Collection of the British Museum. By John Edward Gray, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c. :— Part II. Olividfe. Pp. 41. 1865, 12mo. Is. Catalogue of the Conchifeni, or Bivalve Shells, in the Collection of the British Museum. By M. Deshayes : — Part I. Veneridas, Cyprinidre, Glauconomidae, and Petricoladae. Pp. iv., 216. 1853, 12mo. 3s. Part IT. Petricoladae (concluded) ; Corbiculadae. Pp. 217-292. [With an Alphabetical Index to the two parts.] 1854, 12mo. &d. 12 LIST OP PUBLICATIONS OF THE BRACHIOPODA. Catalogue of BracMopoda Ancylopoda or Lamp Shells in the Collection ot the British Museum. {^Issued as " Catalogue of the Mollusca, Part IV."] Pp. iv., 128. 25 Woodcuts. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1853, 12mo. 3s. POLYZOA. Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa in the Collection of the British Museum. Part III. Cyclostamata. By George Busk, F.R.S. Pp. viii., 39. 38 plates. [With a Systematic Index]. 1875, 8vo. 5,s. CRUSTACEA. Catalogue of the Specimens of Amphipodous Crustacea in the Collection of the British Museum. By C. Spence Bate, F.R.S., &c. Pp. iv., 399. 58 Plates. [With an Alpha- betical Index.] 1862, 8vo. II. 5s. ARACHNIDA. Descriptive Catalogue of the Spiders of Burma, based upon the Collection made by Eugene W. Gates and preserved in the British Museum.' By T. Thorell. Pp. xxxvi., 406. [With Systematic List and Alphabetical Index,] 1895, 8vo. 10s. Qd. INSECTS. Goleo2iterous Insects. Nomenclature of Coleopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum : — Part VII. Longicornia, I. By Adam White. Pp. iv., 174. 4 Plates. 1853, 12mo. 2s. 6d. Part VIII. Longicornia, II. By Adam White. Pp. 237. 6 Plates. 1855, 12mo. 3s. M. Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Coleoptera in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Lycidse. By Charles Gwen Waterhouse. Pp. x., 83. 18 Coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1879, 8vo. 16s. Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of Madeira in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Vernon Wollaston, M.A., F.L.S. Pp. xvi., 234 : 1 Plate. [With a Topographical Catalogue and an Alphabetical Index.] 1857, 8vo. 3s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 13 Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of the Canaries in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Vernon Wollaston, M.A., F.L.S. Pp. xiii., 648. [With Topo- graphical and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1864, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Catalogue of Halticidse in the Collection of the British Museum. By the Rev. Hamlet Clark, M.A., F.L.S. Physapodes and CEdipodes. Part I. Pp. xii., 301. Frontispiece and 9 Plates. 1860, 8vo. 7s. Catalogue of Hispidae in the Collection of the British Museum. By Joseph S. Baly, M.E.S., &c. Part I. Pp. x., 172. 9 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1858, 8vo. 6s. Hymenopterous Insects. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Frederick Smith. 12mo. : — Part II. Apidse. Pp. 199-465. 6 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1854. 6s. Part III. Mutillidse and Pompilid^. Pp. 206. 6 Plates 1855. 6s. Part IV. Sphegidse, Larridaj, and Crabronidse. Pp. 207- 497. 6 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1856. 6s. PartV. Vespidse. Pp.147. 6 Plates. [With an Alpha- betical Index.] 1857. 6s. Part VI. Formicidse. Pp. 216. 14 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1858. 6s. Part VII. Dorylidse and Thynnidae. Pp. 76. 3 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1859. 2s. List of Hymenoptera, with descriptions and figures of the Typical Specimens in the British Museum. Vol. I., Tenthredinidse and Siricidse. By W. F. Kirby. Pp. xxviii., 450. 16 Coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1882, 8vo. 1/. 18s. Dipterous Insects. A Monograph of the Culicidse, or Mosquitoes. Mainly com- piled from the Collections received at the British Museum from various parts of tJie world in connection with the 14 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Investigation into the cause of Malaria conducted by the Colonial Office and the Royal Society. By Fred. V. Theobald, M.A., &c. :— Vol. III. Pp. xvii., 359 : 17 plates, 1 diagram, and 193 illustrations in text. 1903, 8vo. 11. Is. Vol. IV. Pp. xix., 639 : 16 plates and 297 text-figures. [With Index.] 1907, 8vo. IZ. 12s. 6d. Vol. V. Pp. XV., 646 : 6 plates and 261 text-figures. [With Index.] 1910, 8vo. 11. 5s. Handbook of the Tsetse-Flies [Genus Glossina]. By Ernest Edward Austen. With 10 coloured plates and 24 text- figures, by A. J. Engel Terzi, and 1 map. Pp. x., 110. [With Index.] 1911, roy. 8vo. 5s. 6d. Illustrations of African Blood-sucking Flies other than Mosquitoes and Tsetse-Flies. By Ernest Edward Austen, with coloured figures by Grace Edwards. Pp. xv., 221 : 13 coloured plates, 3 text-figures. 1909, roy. 8vo. IZ. 7s. 6d. Lepidopterous Insects. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalsense in the British Museum. By Sir George F. Hampson, Bart. : — Vol. I. Catalogue of the Syntomidas in the Collection of the British Museum. Pp. xxi., 559 : 285 woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1898, 8vo. 15s. Atlas of 17 Coloured Plates, 8vo. 15s. Vol. II. Catalogue of the Arctiadae (Nolinae, Litho- sianae) in the Collection of the British Museum. Pp. XX., 589 : 411 woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1900, 8vo. 18s. Atlas of 18 Coloured Plates (xviii.-xxxv.), 8vo. 15s. Vol. III. Catalogue of the Arctiadae (Arctianae) and Agaristidae in the Collection of the British Museum. Pp. xix., 690 : 294 woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1901, 8vo. 15s. Atlas of 19 Coloured Plates (xxxvi.-liv.), 8vo. 16s. Vol. IV. Catalogue of the Noctuidae [Agrotinae]. Pp. XX., 689 : 125 woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1903, 8vo. 15s. Atlas of 23 Coloured Plates (Iv.-lxxvii.), 8vo. 16s. Vol. V. Catalogue of the Noctuidae [Hadeninas]. Pp. xvi., 634 : 172 woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1905, 8vo. 15s. Atlas of 18 Coloured Plates (Ixxviii.-xcv.), 8vo. 15s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 15 Catalogue of Lepidoptera Phalaeuae — continued. Vol. VI. Catalogue of the Noctuidse [Cucullianse]. Pp. xiv., 532 : 172 woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1906, 8vo. 15s. Atlas of 12 Coloured Plates (xcvi.-cvii.), 8vo. 10s. Vol. VII. Catalogue of the Noctuidae [Acronyctinae]. Pp. XV., 709 : 184 woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes. | 1908, 8vo. 17s. Atlas of 15 Coloured Plates (cviii.-cxxii.), 8vo. 13s. Vol. VIII. Catalogue of the Noctuidae [Acronyctinae, II.]. Pp. xiv., 583: 162 woodcuts. [With Table of the Phylogeny of the Acronyctinse, and Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1909, 8vo. 15s. Atlas of 14 Coloured Plates (cxxiii.-cxxxvi.), 8vo, 12s. Vol. IX. Catalogue of the Noctuidae [Acronyctins, III.] Pp. XV., 552 : 247 woodcuts. [With Table of the Phylogeny of the Acronyctinae, and Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1910, 8vo. 15s. Atlas of 11 Coloured Plates (cxxxvii.-cxlvii.), 8vo. 12s. Vol. X. Catalogue of the Noctuidas [Erastrianag]. Pp. xix., 829 : 214 woodcuts. [With Table of the Phylogeny of the ErastriansB, and Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1910, 8vo. 11. Atlas of 26 Coloured Plates (cxlviii.-clxxiii.). 1911, 8vo. 1^. Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocei'a in the Collection of the British Museum : — Part V. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. xii., 74. 78-100 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic Index.] 1881, 4to. 21. 10s. Part VI. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. xv., 89. 101-120 Coloured Plates. [With a Sj'-stematic Index.] 1886, 4to. 21. 4s. Part VII. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. iv., 124. 121-138 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic List.] 1889, 4to. 21. Part VIII. The Lepidoptera Heterocera of the Nilgiri District. By George Francis Hampson. Pp. iv., 144. 139-156 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic List.] 1891, 4to. 21. Part IX. The Macrolepidoptera Heterocera of Ceylon. By George Francis Hampson. Pp. v., 182. 157-176 Coloured Plates. [With a General Systematic List of Species collected in, or recorded from, Ceylon.] 1893, 4to. 21. 2s. 16 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of the Collection of Palsearctic Butterflies formed by the late John Henry Leech, and presented to the Trustees of the British Museum by his Mother, Mrs. Eliza Leech. By Richard South, F.E.S. Pp. vi., 228. 2 Coloured Plates. With a Portrait and Biographical Memoir of Mr. Leech. 1902, 4to. 1/. Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera described by Fabricius in the Collection of the British Museum. By Arthur Gardiner Butler, F.L.S., &c. Pp. iv., 303. 3 Plates. 1869, 8vo. 7s. 6f/. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker. 12mo. :— Part XXV. Pp. 1281-1477. 1862. 3s. PartXXVIII. Tortricites and Tineites. Pp. 287-561. 1863. 4s. Part XXXI. Supplement. Pp. 1-321. 1864. 5s. Part XXXIII. Part 3. Pp. 707-1120. 1865. 6s. Neuropterous Insects. Catalogue of the Specimens of Neuropterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. H. Hagen. Part I. Termitina. Pp. 34. 1858, 12mo. 6rf. Orthqpterous Insects. Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museiim. Part I. Phasmidae. By John Obadiah Westwood, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 195. 48 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1859, 4to. 3Z. Catalogue of the Specimens of Blattarise in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 239. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1868, 8vo. 5s. 6d. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 17 Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., &c. :— Part II. Locustidae (continued). Pp. 225-423. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1869, 8vo. 4s. 6d. Part III. Locustidae (continued). — Acrididae. Pp. 425- 604. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1870, 8vo. 4s. Part IV. Acrididse (continued). Pp. 605-809. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1870, 8vo. 6s. Part V. Tettigidae. — Supplement to the Catalogue of Blattarias. — Supplement to the Catalogue of Dermaptera Saltatoria (with remarks on the Geoeraphical Distri- bution of Dermaptera). Pp. 811-850 ; 43 ; 116. [With Alphabetical Indexes.] 1870, 8vo. 6s. Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera. By W. F. Kirby : — Vol. I. Orthoptera Euplexoptera, Cursoria, et Gres- soria. (Forficulidte, Hemimeridas, Blattidse, Mantidae, Phasmidse.) Pp. x., 501. [With Index.] 1904, 8vo. 10s. Vol. II. Orthoptera Saltatoria, Part I. (Achetidae et Phasgonuridae.) Pp. viii., 562. [With Index.] 1906, 8vo. 15s. Vol. III. Orthoptera Saltatoria, Part II. (Locustidae vel Acridiidae.) Pp. vii., 674. [With Index.] 1910. 8vo. 11. Hemipterous Insects. Catalogue of the Sjjecimens of Heteropterous Hemiptera in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., &c. 8vo. :— Part VI. Pp. 210. [With Alphabetical Index.] 1873. 5s. Part VII. Pp. 213. [With Alphabetical Index.] 1873. (,s. Homopterous Insects. A Synonymic Catalogue of Homoptera. Part I. Cicadidae. By W. L. Distant. ^Pp. 207. [Index.] 19U6, Svo. 5s. 18 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE VERMES. Catalogue of the Species of Entozoa, or Intestinal Worms, contained in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Baird. Pp. iv., 132. 2 Plates. [With an Index of the Animals in which the Entozoa mentioned in the Catalogue are found, and an Index of Genera and Species.] 1853, 12mo. 2s. ANTHOZOA. Catalogue of Sea-pens or Pennatulariidse in the Collection of the British Museum. By J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. iv,, 40. 2 Woodcuts. 1870, 8vo. Is. 6d. Catalogue of Lithophytes or Stony Corals in the Collection of the British Museum. By "j. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. iv., 51. 14 Woodcuts. 1870, 8vo. 3s. Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British Museum (Natural History) : — Vol. I. The Genus Madrepora. By George Brook. Pp. xi., 212. 35 Collotype Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes, and Explanation of the Plates.] 1893, 4to. 11. 4s. Vol. II. The Genus Turbinaria ; the Genus Astrajopora. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A. Cantab., F.L.S., F.Z.S. Pp. iv., 106. 30 Collotype and 3 Lithographic Plates. [With Index of Generic and Specific Names, and Explanation of the Plates.] 1896, 4to. 18s. Vol. III. The Genus Montipora ; the Genus Anacro- pora. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A., &c. Pp. vii., 192. 30 Collotype and 4 Lithographic Plates. [With Syste- matic Index, Index of Generic and Specific Names, and Explanation of the Plates.] 1897, 4to. 1/. 4s. Vol. IV. The Family Poritidse. I. — The Genus Goniopora. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A. Pp. viii.^ 206. 12 Collotype and 4 Lithographic Plates. [With Index of Generic and Specific Names, and Explanation of the Plates.] 1903, 4to. 11. Vol. V. The Family Poritidas. II.— The Genus Porites. Part I. — Porites of the Indo-Pacific Region. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A. Pp. vi., 303. 35 Plates. [With Index of Generic and Specific Names and Explanation of the Plates.] 1905, 4to. 1/. 15s. Vol. VI. The Family Poritidaa. II.— The Gt?nus Porites. Part II. — Porites of the Atlantic and West Indies, with the European Fossil Forms. The Genus Goniopora, a supplement to Vol. IV. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A. Pp. vi., 173. 16 Collotype and 1 Lithographic Plates. [With Index of Generic and Specific Names, and Explanation of the Plates.] 1906, 4to. 11. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 19 BRITISH ANIMALS. Catalogue of Brifish Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Robert Gray, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. Pp. xii., 248. [With a List of Species.] 1863, 8vo. 3s. 6d. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera in the Collection of the British Museum. Second edition. Part I. Andrenide and Apidse. By Frederick Smith, M.E.S. New issue Pp. xi. 236. 11 Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Index.] 1891, 8vo. 6s. Catalogue of British Fossorial Hymenoptera, Formicidse, and Vespidae in the Collection of the British Museum. By Frederick Smith, V.P.E.S. Pp. 236. 6 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1858, 12mo. 6s. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera of the Family Chalcididse. By Claude Morley, F.Z.S., F.E.S. Pp. 74. [Index.] 1910, 8vo. 3s. 6d. Illustrations of British Blood-sucking Flies, with notes by Ernest Edward Austen, Assistant, Department of Zoology, British Museum (N.H.). Pp. 74. 34 Coloured Plates. 1906, roy. 8vo. 11. 5s. A Catalogue of the British Non-parasitical Worms in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Johnston, M.D., Edin., F.R.C.L., Ed., Ll.D., Marischal Coll., Aber- deen, &c. Pp. 365. Woodcuts and 24 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1865, 8vo. 7s. Catalogue of the British Echinoderms in the British Museum (Natural History). By F. Jeffrey Bell, M.A. Pp. xvii., 202. Woodcuts and 16 Plates (2 Coloured). [With Table of Contents, Tables of Distribution, Alphabetical Index, Description of the Plates, &c.] 1892, 8vo. 12s. 6d. List of the Specimens of British Animals in the Collection of the British Museum ; with Synonyma and References to figures. 12mo. : — Part V. Lepidoptera. By J. F. Stephens. 2nd Edition. Revised by H. T. Stainton and E. Shepherd. Pp. iv., 224. 1856. Is. 9f/. Part VI. Hymenoptera. By F. Smith. Pp.134. J 851. 2s. Part VII. Mollusca, Acephala and Brachiopoda. By Dr. J. E. Gray. Pp. iv., 167. 1851. 3s. 6d. Part Vin. Fish. By Adam White. Pp. xxiii., 164. (With Index and List of Donors.) 1851. 3s. 6d. 20 LIST OP PUBLICATIONS OF THE List of the Specimens of British Animals in the Collection of the British Museum — continued. Part XI. Anoplura, or Parasitic Insects. By H. Denny. Pp. iv., 51. 1852. Is. Part XII. Lepidoptera (continued). By James F. Stephens. Pp. iv., 54. 1852. 9d. Part XIII. Nomenclature of Hymenoptera. By Frederick Smith. Pp. iv., 74. 1853. Is. M. Part XIV. Nomenclature of Neuroptera. By Adam White. Pp. iv., 16. 1853. U. Part XV. Nomenclature of Diptera, I. By Adam White. Pp. iv., 42. 1853. Is. Part XVI. Lepidoptera (comcleted). By H. T. Stainton. Pp. 199. [With an Index.] 1854. 3s. PLANTS. Illustrations of Avistralian Plants collected in 1770 during Captain Cook's Voyage round the World in H.M.S. " Endeavour." By the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., K.B., P.R.S., and Dr. Daniel Solander, F.R.S. [Being a series of lithographic reproductions of copper- plates engraved after paintings by F. P. Nodder, James Miller, J. F. Miller, and John Cleveley.] With Introduc- tion and Determinations by James Britten, F.L.S., Senior Assistant, Department of Botany, British Museum : — Part I. — 101 Plates, with 31 pages of descriptive text. 1900, fol. 1/. 5s. Part II.— 142 Plates (pis. 101-243), with 41 pages of descriptive text (pp. 35-75). 1901, fol. 11. 15s. Part III.— 77 Plates (pis. 244-318, 45a, and 122), with 26 pages of descriptive text, including Index to the whole work (pp. 77-102), and 3 maps. 1905, fol. 11. 5s. Catalogue of the African Plants collected by Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch in 1853-61 :— Vol. I. Dicotyledons. By William Philip Hiern, M.A., F.L.S., &c. :— Part I. [Ranunculacese to RhizophoraceaB.] Pp. xxvi., 336. [With Portrait of Dr. Welwitsch. Introduction, Bibliography, and Index of Genera.] 1896, 8vo. 7s. 6d Part II. Combretacese to Rubiaceae. Pp. 337-510. [With Index of Genera.] 1898, 8vo. 4s. Part III. Dipsacese to Scrophulariaceae. Pp. 511- 784. [With Index of Genera.] 1898, 8vo. 5s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 21 Catalogue of the African Plants collected by Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch in 1853-61 — continued. Vol. I. — continued. Part IV. Lentibulariaceas to Ceratophylleae. Pp. 785- 1035. [With Index.] 1900, 8vo. 5s. Vol. II. Monocotyledons, Gymnosperms, and Crypto- gams : — Part I. Monocotyledons and Gymnosperms. By Alfred Barton Rendle, M.A., D.Sc, F.L.S., Assis- tant, Department of Botany. Pp. 260. [With Index of Genera.] 1899, 8vo. &s. Part II. Cryptogamia. Pp. 261-566. [With Table of Errata, and General Index to the whole work.] 1901, 8vo. 6s. Vascular Cryptogams ...By William Carruthers, F.R.S. Mosses Hepatics Marine Algse ... „ Antony Gepp, M.A., F.L.S. ... „ F. Stephani. ... „ Ethel S. Barton. Freshwater Algee ... DiatomaceEe ... „ W. West, F.L.S., and G. S West, B.A. ... „ Thomas Comber, F.L.S. Lichenes ... „ E. A. Wainio. Fung: .,. „ Annie Lorrain Smith. Mycetozoa ... „ Arthur Lister, F.R.S. Flora of Jamaica, containing descriptions of the Flowering Plants known from the Island. By William Fawcett, B.Sc, F.L.S., etc., and A. B. Rendle, M.A., D.Sc, F.R.S., F.L.S., etc. Vol. I. Orchidacea3. Pp. xx., 150 : 32 Plates. [With Index of Genera and Species.] 1910, 8vo. 10s. 6d Synopsis of the British Basidiomycetes : a Descriptive Catalogue of the Drawings and Specimens in the Depart- ment of Botany, British Museum. By Worthington George Smith, F.L.S. Pp. 531. 5 Plates and 115 Figures in Text. [With Index.] 1908, 8vo. 10s. A Monograph of Lichens found in Britain : being a Descrip- tive Catalogue of the Species in the Herbarium of the British Museum : — Part II. By Annie Lorrain Smith, F.L.S. Pp. [viii.,] 109 : 59 Plates. [With List of Plates, Glossary, and Index.] 1911, 8vo. 1/. A Monograph of the Mycetozoa : a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species in the Herbarium of the British Museum. By Arthur Lister, F.R.S., F.L.S. Second Edition, revised by Gulielma Lister, F.L.S. Pp. 302. 201 Plates (120 coloured). 56 Woodcuts. [With Indexes, Biblio- graphy, Glossary, etc.] 1911, 8vo. 1/. 10s. List of British Diatomaceae in the Collection of the British Museum. By the Rev. W. Smith, F.L.S., &c. Pp. iv., 55. 1859, 12mo. Is. 22 LIST OP PUBLICATIONS OP THE FOSSILS. Catalogue of the Fossil Mammalia in the British Museum (Natural History). By Richard Lydekker, E.A., F.G.S.:— Part I. Containing the Orders Primates, Chiroptera, Insectivora, Carnivora, and Rodentia. Pp. xxx., 268. 33 Woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 5s. Part II. Containing the Order Ungulata, Suborder Artiodactyla. Pp. xxii., 324. 39 Woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 6s. Part III. Containing the Order Ungulata, Suborders Perissodactyla, Toxodontia, Condylarthra, and Ambly- poda. Pp. xvi., 186. 30 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1886, 8vo. As. Part IV. Containing the Order Ungulata, Suborder Proboscidea. Pp. xxiv., 235. 33 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1886, 8vo. 5s. Part V. Containing the Group Tillodontia, the Orders Sirenia, Cetacea, Edentata, Marsupialia, Monotremata, and Supplement. Pp. xxxv., 345. 55 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1887, 8vo. 6s. Catalogue of the Fossil Birds in the British Museum (Natural History). By Richard Lydekker, B.A. Pp. xxvii., 368. 75 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1891, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum (Natural History). By Richard Lydekker, B.A., F.G.S. :— Part I. Containing the Orders Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria, Squamata, Rhynchocephalia, and Pro- terosauria. Pp. xxviii., 309. 69 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1888, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Part II. Containing the Orders Ichthyopterygia and Sauropterygia. Pp. xxi., 307. 85 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1889, 8vo. 7s. Gd. Part III. Containing the Order Chelonia. Pp. xviii., 239. 53 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species including Synonyms.] 1889, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Part IV. Containing the Orders Anomodontia, Ecaudata, Caudata, and Labyrinthodontia ; and Supplement. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 23 Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum — continued. Pp. xxiii., 295. && Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species to the entire work.] 1890, 8vo. 7s. M. A descriptive Catalogue of the Marine Reptiles of the Oxford Clay. Based on the Leeds Collection in the British Museum (Natural History), London. Part I. By C. W. Andrews, D.Sc, F.R.S. Pp. xxiii., 205 : 94 Text- figures, 11 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes, List of Illustrations, Explanations of Plates, &c.] 1910, ito. II. 5s. Catalogue of the Fossil Fishes in the British Museum (Natural History). By Arthur Smith Woodward, LLD., F.R.S., F.G.S., &c. :~ Part I. Containing the Elasmobranchii. Pp. xlvii., 474. 13 Woodcuts and 17 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 1889, 8vo. 11. Is. Part II. Containing the Elasmobranchii (Acanthodii), Holocephali, Ichthyodorulites, Ostracodermi, Dipnoi, and Teleostomi (Crossopterygii and Chondrostean Actinopterygii). Pp. xliv., 567. 58 Woodcuts and 16 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 1891, 8vo. 11. Is. Part III. Containing the Actinopterygian Teleostomi of the Orders Chondrostei (concluded), Protospondyli, Aetheospondyli, and Isospondyli (in part). Pp. xlii., 544. 45 Woodcuts and 18 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 1895, 8vo. ILls. Part IV. Containing the Actinopterygian Teleostomi of the Suborders Isospondyli (in part), Ostariophysi, Apodes, Percesoces, Hemibranchii, Acanthopterygii, and Anacanthini. Pp. xxxix,, 636. 22 Woodcuts and 19 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 1901, 8vo. 1/. Is. A descriptive Catalogue of the Tertiary Vertebrata of the Fayiim, Egypt. Based on the Collection of the Egyptian Government in the Geological Museum, Cairo, and on the Collection in the British Museum (Natural History), London. By C. W. Andrews, D.Sc. Pp. xxxvii., 324 : 98 Text Figures and 26 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1906, 4to. 1/. ]5s. Systematic List of the Edwards Collection of British Oligocene and Eocene MoUusca in the British Museum (Natural 24 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OP THE History), with references to the type-specimens from sim.ilar horizons contained in other collections belonging to the Geological Department of the Museum. By Richard Bullen Newton, F.G.S. Pp. xxviii., 365. [With table of Families and Genera, Bibliography, Correlation-table, Appendix, and Alphabetical Index.] 1891, 8vo. 6s. Catalogue of Tertiary Mollusca in the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History). Part I. The Austra- lasian Tertiary Mollusca. By George F. Hai'ris, F.G.S., &c. Pp. xxvi., 107. 8 Plates. [With Table of Families, Genera, and Sub-Genera, and Index.] 1897, 8vo. 10s. Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (Natural History) : — Parti. Containing part of the Suborder Nautiloidea, con- sisting of the families Orthoceratidfe, Endoceratidae, Actinoceratidse, Gomphoceratidse, Ascoceratidae, Poterioceratidae, Cyrtoceratidse, and Supplement. By Arthur H. Foord, F.G.S. Pp. xxxi., 344. 51 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1888, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Part II. Containing the remainder of the Suborder Nautiloidea, consisting of the families Lituitidae, Trochoceraticiae, Nautilidse, and Supplement. By Arthur H. Foord, F.G.S. Pp. xxyiii., 407. 86 Wood- cuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1891, 8vo. 15s. Part III. Containing the Bactritidfe, and part of the Suborder Ammonoidea. By Arthur H. Foord, Ph.D., F.G.S., and George Charles Crick, A.R.S.M., F.G.S. Pp. xxxiii., 303. 146 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index of Genera and Species, and Alphabetical Index.] 1897, Svo. 12s. 6d. List of theTypes and Figured Specimens of Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (Natural History). By G. C. Crick, F.G.S. Pp. 103. [With Index.] 1898, 8vo. 2s. 6d A Catalogue of British Fossil Crustacea, with their Synonyms and the Range in Time of each Genus and Order. By Henry Woodward, F.R.S. Pp. xii., 155. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1877, 8vo. 5s. Catalogue of the Fossil Bryozoa in the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History): — The Jurassic Bryozoa. By J. W. Gregory, D.Sc, F.G.S., F.Z.S. Pp. [viii.,] 239 : 22 Woodcuts and 11 Plates. [With List of Species and Distribution, Bibliography, Index, and Explanation of Plates.] 1896, Svo, 10s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 25 Catalogue of the Fossil Bryozoa in the British Museum — cont. The Cretaceous Bryozoa. By J. W. Gregory, D.Sc, F.R.S., &c. :— Vol. L Pp. xiv., 457 : 64 Woodcuts and 17 Plates. [With Index and Explanation of Plates.] 1899, 8vo. 16s. Vol. II. Pp. xlviii., 346. 75 Woodcuts and 9 Plates. [With List of Localities, Bibliography, Subject and Systematic Indexes, and Explanation of Plates.] 1909, 8vo. 13s. Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the Geological Department of the British Museum (Natural History), with an account of the morphology and systematic position of the group, and a revision of the genera and species. By Robert Etheridge, jun., of the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural Historv), and P. Herbert Carpenter, D.Sc, F.R.S., F.L.S. (of Eton College). Pp. xv., 322. 20 Plates. [With Preface by Dr. H. Woodward, Table of Contents, General Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c.] 1886, 4to. 1/. 5s. The Genera and Species of Blastoidea, with a List of the Specimens in the British Museum (Natural History). By F. A. Bather, M.A., F.G.S., of the Geological Department. Pp. X., 70, 1 Woodcut. 1899, 8vo. 3s. Catalogue of the Palaeozoic Plants in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology, British Museum (Natural History). By Robert Kidston, F.G.S. Pp. viii., 288. [With a list of works quoted, and an Index.] 1886, 8vo. 5s. Catalogue of the Mesozoic Plants in the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History). By A. C. Seward, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., University Lecturer in Botany and Fellow of Emanuel College, Cambridge : — Part I. The Wealden Flora. Part I. Thallophyta— Pteridophyta. Pp. xxxviii., 179. 17 Woodcuts and 11 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c.] 1894, 8vo. 10s. Part II. The Wealden Flora. Part II. Gymnospermag, Pp. viii., 259. 9 Woodcuts and 20 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c.] 1895, 8vo. 15s. Part III. The Jurassic Flora. Part I. The Yorkshire Coast. Pp. xii., 341. 53 Woodcuts and 21 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c.] 1900, 8vo. 1^. 26 LIST OP PUBLICATIONS OP THE Catalogue of the Mesozoic Plants in the Department of Geology, British Museum — continued. Part IV, The Jurassic Flora. II. — Liassic and Oolitic Floras of England (excluding the Inferior Oolite Plants of the Yorkshire Coast). Pp. xv., 192. 20 Woodcuts and 13 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c.] 1904, 8vo. 10s. Catalogue of the Fossil Plants of the Glossopteris Flora in the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History). Being a Monograph of the Permo-carboniferous Flora of India and the Southern Hemisphere. By E. A. Newell Arber, M.A., F.L.S., F.G.S. Pp. Ixxiv., 255 : 51 Text-Figures and 8 Plates. [With Bibliography and Alphabetical Index.] 1905, 8vo. 12s. M. GUIDE-BOOKS, Etc. A General Guide to the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W. Twelfth Edition. With 59 woodcuts, 2 plans, 2 views of the building, and an illustrated cover. Pp. x., 117. 1909, 8vo. 'id. Guide to the Specimens illustrating the Races of Mankind (Anthropology), exhibited in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). [By R. Lydekker, F.R.S.] Illustrated by 16 Figures. Pp.31. 1908, 8vo. id. Guide to the Galleries of Mammals (other than Ungulates) in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History). Eighth Edition. Pp. 101. 52 Woodcuts and 4 plans. Index. 1906, 8vo. 6rf. Guide to the Great Game Animals (Ungulata) in the Depart- ment of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). Pp. 93. 53 Text and other figures. With list of Horns, Antlers and Tusks, and Index. 1907, 8vo. Is. Guide to the Elephants (Recent and Fossil) exhibited in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History). [By Dr. C. W. Andrews, F.R.S.] Illustrated by 31 text-figures. Pp. 46. 1908, 8vo. M. Guide to the Specimens of the Horse Family (Equid^) exhibited in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). [By R. Lydekker, F.R.S.] Pp. 42. 26 Figures. 1907, 8vo. Is. Guide to the Domesticated Animals (other than Horses) exhibited in the Central and North Halls of the British Museum (Natural History). [By R. Lydekker, F.R.S.] Illustrated by 24 Figures. Pp. 55. [With table of Contents, List of Illustrations, and Index.] 1908, 8vo. Qd. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 27 Guide to the Whales, Porpoises, and Dolphins (ordei- Cetacea) exhibited in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). [By R. Lydekker, F.R.S.] Illustrated by 33 Figures. Pp. 47. [With Index.] 1 9U9, 8vo. U. Guide to the Gallery of Birds in the Department of Zoology. British Museum (Natural History). [By W. R. Ogilvit) Grant.] Second Edition. Pp. iv., 228. 25 Plates, and 7 Illustrations in text. [With Index.] 1910, 4to, 2s. Gf/. Guide to the Gallery of Birds in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). [By W. R. Ogilvie Grant.] : — Part I. General Series. Pp. 149. [With Index.] 190.5, 4to. %d. Part II. Nesting Series of British Birds. Second Edition. Pp. 62. 4 Plates. [Index.] 1909, 4to. M. Guide to the Gallery of Reptilia and Amphibia in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History). [By R. Lydekker, F.R.S.] Illustrated by 76 text and other Figures. Pp. iv., 75. [With Table of Contents.] J 906, 8vo. M. Guide to the Gallery of Fishes in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History). [By Dr. W. G. Ridewood.] Illustrated by ^^<6 Figures. Pp. v., 209. [With Preface by Sir E. Ray Lankester, Table of Classification, and Index.] 1908, 8vo. Is. Guide to the British Vertebrates Exhibited in the Depart- ment of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). [By W. P. Pycraft.] Pp. iv., 122. 26 Text-Figures, 1 Plan. [With Index.] 1910, 8vo. Is. Guide to the exhibited series of Insects in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). By C. 0. Waterhonse. Second Edition. Pp. 65 : 62 text- and full- page Illustrations. [With Table of Contents and Index.] 1909, 8vo. Is. Guide to the Crustacea, Arachnida, Onychophora and My- riopoda exhibited in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). (By W. T. Caiman, D.Sc, A. S. Hirst, and F. .1. Bell.) Pp. 133 : 90 Text-Figures. [With Table of Contents and Index.] 1910, 8vo. Is. Guide to the Shell and Starfish Galleries (Mollusca, L^olyzoa, Brachiopoda, Tunicata, Echinoderina, and Worms). Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). Fifth Edition. Pp. iv., 133. 125 Woodcuts, Plan and Indexes. 1908, 8vo. &d. Guide to the Coral Gallery (Protozoa, Porifera or Sponges, Hydrozoa, and Anthozoa) in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). Second I'Mition. Pp. [iv., 8] 73. 90 Illustrations, Plan and Index. 1907, 8vo. Is. 28 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE A Guide to the Fossil Mammals and Birds in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History). Ninth Edition. [By A. S. Woodward, LL.D., F.R.S.] Pp. xvi., 100. 6 Plates, 88 Text-Figures. [With List of Illustrations, Table of Stratified Rocks, and Index.] 1909, 8vo. 6d. A Guide to the Fossil Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fishes in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (^Natural History). Ninth Edition. [By A. S. Woodward, LL.D., F.R.S.] Pp. xviii., 110. 8 Plates and 116 Text-Figures. [With Table of Contents, Lists of Illustrations, Geological Time-Scale, and Index.] 1910, 8vo. 9d. A Guide to the Fossil Invertebrate Animals in the Depart- ment of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History). [By F. A. Bather, D.Sc, F.R.S.] Second Edition. Pp. x., 183. 7 Plates and 96 Text-Figures. [With List of Illustrations, Geological Time scale, and Index.] 1911, 8vo. Is. List of British Seed-plants and Ferns exhibited in the Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). [By A. B. Rendle, D.Sc, F.R.S., and J. Britten, F.L.S.] With table of Sequence of Orders, and Index of Genera. Pp. 44. 1907, 8vo. 4rf. Guide to Sowerby's Models of British Fungi in the De- partment of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). Second Edition, revised. By Worthington G. Smith, F.L.S. Pp. 85. 91 Woodcuts. With Table of Diagnostic Characters, Glossary, and Index. 1908, 8vo. Ad. *Guide to Mr. Worthington Smith's Drawings of Field and Cultivated Mushrooms, and Poisonous or Worthless Fungi, often mistaken for Mushrooms, exhibited in the Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). Pp. 24 : 2 Plates, containing 28 coloured figures ; 4 text-Figures. 1910, 8vo., Is. ■ Guide to the British Mycetozoa exhibited in the Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History), [By Arthur Lister, F.R.S.] Third Edition, revised. Pp. 49. 46 Woodcuts. Index. 1909, 8vo. 3d. A Guide to the Mineral Gallery of the British Museum (Natural History). Eleventh Edition. Pp. 32. Plan, 1911, 8vo. Id. The Student's Index to the Collection of Minerals, British Museum (Natural History). Twenty-fourth Edition, Pp, 36. With a Plan of the Mineral Gallery. 1911, 8vo. 2d. * The plates may^be had separately in one sheet mounted on linen and varnished. Price Is., or ].y. 2^. post free. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 29 ""le^' T^^ «f Minerals, with a Guide to ^st|rtE^s|4si^^ rp. i^,}. 41 Woodcuts. With Plan nf +u^ i\,r- i Gallery and Index. 1910, 8vo. 6U ^'""^'^^ An Introduction to the Study of Rocks and Pn^i. . ^u Museun. Collection,_ Four'th miut^^'u^lue: T^'ltr f n^- . ^P- ^•^^- [^^^*h Pl^" «f the MLeral Gallery Table of Contents, and Index.] 1909 8vo Is '^^^'''^^' ^ mI^*'*'*^.''''"'''' *^ ^^'^ ^*"^y «f Meteorites, with a List of th« Special Guides. Pp. J 9. 4 Plates. 1909, 8vo. 4c/ ■^•^•. -U.bc, j^. K.S.J memorate the Bicentenary of hif Birth fRv in" RencUe M,A.. D.SC.] Pp/ie. 2 ?,att:"'i=,07%.1k''- °^'t •~^'''^°"^^^ of Charles Darwin- a CollPPtinn ^ Manuscripts, Portraits, Medals, Books and k^uraTnltorl Specimens to commemorate the CeAtenai^ of hi« R f^ Ortin'^f ^f *^^' Anniversary of thrPuWic'atioVo ^t'^^ Urign of Species." (Second Edition.) TBy W G Ride wood,D.Sc.],50. 2 Plates. 1910, 8vo."6j " No .X -Guide to the Exhibition of Animals, Plants and Mine^^ls mentioned in the Bible. Second "Editfo" x-p. vu., /5. 7 iext-figures. 191 J, 8vo. 6d. Instructions for Collectors. Handbook of Instructions for Collectors is^n^rl k^ .i, British Museum (Natural HistonO With^^^^^^^^^ Third Edition. pI,. 144. Index!' 1906 8vo.{r6r°^'- Instructions for Collectors :— "Te^'lvo™"'' ''°°''"' '^'""°"- ^l'- **• Text iHust. "miS^li,^"'""' ^*«""- P"- '»■ 5 figures in text. ''Ec,it-i7nOn'ri2.*?;?o"K"^, ^"" '"*^»- [T'"" """iSltl'orfi" """" ^'^'«""- ■^"- "• Text illu... 30 LIST OP PUBLICATIONS, &G. (NATURAL HISTORY). N'o. 5. — Diptera (Two-winged Flies). Third Edition. Pp. 16. Text illust. 1908, 8vo. M. No. 6.— Mosquitoes (Culicidas). [Third Edition.] Pp. S. 1 Plate, 1 figure in text. 1904, 8vo. M. No. 7. — Blood-sucking Flies, Ticks, &c. By E. E. Austen. Third Edition. Pp. 24 : 13 figures in text. 1907, 8vo. 3d. No. 8. — Spiders, Centipedes, &c. Second Edition. Pp. 4. 1906, 8vo. M. No. 9. — Soft-bodied and other Invertebrate Animals ; Shells of Molluscs. Third Edition. Pp. 18. 1909, 8vo. M. No. 10.— Plants. Fourth Edition. Pp.10: 3 figures in text. 1909, 8vo. M. No. 11.— Fossils and Minerals. Third Edition. Pp. 8. 1906, 8vo. M. British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W. March, 1912. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, By DARLING & SON, Ltd., 34-40, Bacon Street, E. 1912.