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L. W. KING, M.A.,












1914. [All rights reserved,^





ST. martin's LANE, LONDON.


The present volume is a supplement to the " Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection," which was compiled by Professor C. Bezold, and published by the Trustees of the British Museum in five volumes during the years 1889-1899. It contains a full description and classification of three thousand, three hundred and forty-nine tablets, and fragments of tablets, from Kouyunjik.

Notwithstanding the excavations which had been carried on at Kouyunjik by the late Sir Henry Layard, Mr. George Smith, Mr Hoi-muzd Rassam, and myself, there still remained in 1891 a considerable portion of the mound to be examined, and a native guardian was appointed by the Trustees of the British Museum to prevent clandestine excavations. In 1901 Mr, L. W. King was despatched by the Trustees to Mesopotamia to report upon the condition of the mound of Kouyunjik, and of the other sites on which they had already made excavations ; and in the following winter a farman to re-open the mound of Kouyunjik was obtained. Work was begun by Mr. King in January, 1903, aiad was continued until the spring of 1905 ; during the last season he was assisted by Mr. R. C. Thompson, at that time Assistant in the Department.

The most important additions to the Kouyunjik Collection herein catalogued were obtained from the excavations made in 1903-1905. These became the property of the Trustees by arrangement with His Excellency O. Hamdi Pash^, Director of the Imperial Ottoman Museum in Constantinople. In preparing this volume for pubUcation opportunity was taken to include descriptions of a few portions of


cylinders and tablets from Koiiyunjik which have been acquired by purchase, and of a series of fragments from tlie earlier excavations at Kouyunjik which were not previously numbered or incorporated in the Collection. For convenience of reference, running numbers have been added to the descriptions in this Supplement, and space saved by this system in the General Index has been devoted to detailed classification. As the result of the continuous work on the Kouyunjik Collection during the last twenty-five years, it has been found possible to rejoin some two thousand, eight hundred and fifteen fragments, and a complete list of these will be found on pp. 265 ff. The relation of the recently-acquired texts to the older literary material from Kouyunjik is described in the Introduction, and their more important characteristics indicated.

This volume is the work of Mr. L. W. King, M.A., F.S.A.,

Assistant Keeper in the Department.


Department of Egyptian

AND Assyrian Antiquities, British Museuai,

January 5th, 1914.



List of Plates

Introduction :

I. Thk KocYUNJiK Collection and the Royal LiBEiBT at Nineveh

II. Plan of the Supplement to the Catalogue of the Koutunjik Collection .........

III. The Additions to the Kouyunjik Collection and the Royal Libeary

(i) HisTOBiCAL Inbceiptions and Foundation-eecoeds

(ii) EpisTotAiiT Texts, Royal and Official

(iii) Lesal and Commeboial Documents ....

(it) Mytholo&ical Legends ......

(t) Religious and Magical Texts .....


Kouyunjik Collection: Supplembnt

Indices :

I. Geneeal Index .........

II. Index to Collection-numbees in Supplement III. Index to Feaombnts Rejoined in the Kouyunjik Collection

Collotype Plates




xxvii xxxiv


xxxvi xxxvii 1-226


264 265-285



I. Letters and Despatches:

[Nos. 78, 13, 77, 4'.), 71, 479, 89, and 71] I

II. Contract-tablets:

[Nos. 80, 83, 58, 221, and 212] II

III. Mythological Legend, Astrological Omens, Clay-Sealing and

Bilingual Text:

[Nos. 56, 130, 465, 97, and 417] Ill

IV. Astrological Reports, Incantations and Directions for Ceremonies :

[Nos. 500, 76, 69, 498, and 477] IV

V. Prayers and Liver-omens:

[Nos. 167 and 191] V

VI. Explanatory Lists:

[Nos. 416 and 51] VI


I. The Kouyunjik Collection and the Royal Library at


In a Supplement to the Catalogue of the Kouyunjik Collection it is scarcely necessary to recapitulate the facts with regard to the general character and history either of the Kouyunjik Collection of tablets in the British Museum, or of the Royal Library established by King Ashur-bani-pal in his palace at Nineveh.^ But it may not be out of place to define somewhat more px'ecisely than is usually attempted the relationship between the Kouyunjik Collection and the Libiary. It is usually assumed that the two are identical, or rather, that, though parts of the Library are missing, the Kouyunjik Collection as a whole was once included in the Library. This, of course, is true for the great bulk of the Collection, but an exception must be made with regard to some important sections which never formed part of the Royal Library, although they were i-ecovered in the course of excavations in the palace-mound. Indisputable proof that a tablet formed part of the Libraiy Collection is furnished in many cases by the colophons which are found written at the close of a large number of texts. On tablets made to the king's order a space was arranged for the colophon, which was inscribed at the same time as the main body of the text ; others, not made specially for the purpose, were provided, on their incorporation in the Library, with a shorter colophon to the same effect, which was scratched on

' On these subjects cf. Bezold, Catalogue of the Cxmeiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Mtiseum, Vol. Y (1899), pp. xiii ff.

h 2


the surface of the clay.^ In consequence of the imperfect condition in which the documents have been recovered/ the colophon of a text is often missing. But in view of the large number of tablet-series and of duphcate texts in the Collection, the absence of the colophon is often of no great importance ; from a study of the contents of a text, no less than by epigraphical considerations, its place in the Collection may often be determined with certainty.

But among the inscriptions recovered during the series of excavations at Kouyunjik are a number wliich, it is equally certain,


1 The fullest and most usual form of Ashur-bani-pal's colophon, ignoring minor variants, reads: ehal (m. ilu) Asur-bani-apli Sar kissati sar {iiidtii)ASsw-{Ki) sa a-rui (ilu)Asur u {ilu)BelitlNiidil] tah-lum sa {ilu)Nabu u {ilii)Tas-me-tum uznu rapaStu is-rii-ku-us i-hu-tu-zu enu na-mir-tu ni-sik tup-sar-ru-ti Sa ina sa>-mni'(pl.) a-lik

•mh-ri-ia mimma Sip-ru su-a-tu la i-hu-vz-zu ni-me-ik {ilu)Nahti ti-hp sa-an-tak-ki ma-la ba-aS-mu ina tuppdm(p]. ni) as-tur ds-nik ab-ri-e-ma a-na ta-mar-ti Si-ta-as-si-ia ki-rih ekalH-ia u-kin etillu mudu nu-ur sar i/dni(^\.) {ilu)Asur man-nu sa itubhalu lu-u sum-hi it-ti sumi-ia i-Sat-ta-ru (iln)Asur u {il ti)Belit[N inliC] ag-r/is iz-zi-is lis-kip-u- su-ma sum-su zer-Su ina mdti U-hal-U-ku, "Palace of Ashur-bani-pal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who in Ashur and Belit[NinlilJ puts his trust, on whom Nabu and Tashmetu have bestowed an open ear, who has possessed himself of a clear eye, the choice art of tablet-writing, such as none among the kings my predecessors had acquired. The wisdom of Nabu, a wealth (?) of writing (?), all that there is, have I inscribed upon tablets, checking (?) and revising it, and, that I might see and read them, have I placed them within my palace. I am a prince who knows the light of Ashur, king of the gods. AVhosoever shall take (this tablet; away, or shall write his own name beside my name, may Ashur and Belit[Ninlil] in wrath and fury cast him down, and may they blot out his name and his seed from the land ! " When scratched upon the tablet, the library-colophon was reduced to a few signs, containing little more than Ashur-bani-pal's name and title.

2 Layard, who found the main body of the texts in two chambers of the " S.W. Palace," states that they entirely filled the rooms " to the height of a foot or more from the floor"; and he adds that "the greater part [were] broken into many fragments probably by the falling in of the upper part of the building"; cf. Nineveh and Babt/lon, p. 345. There is no doubt that from this centre fragments were widely scattered throughout the palace area. Those tablets which have been recovered from the "Northern Palace" were probably from another section of Asliur-bani-pal's Library, which was kept in that part of the palace buildings. But fragments from the South-West Section of the Library have been recovered over a wide area. Some, evidently kicked by the feet of fugitives when the palace was in flames, were found scattered around the main exit on the west, and they extended for some distance on to the paved terrace which overlooked the Tigris beyond the palace- fa9ade on this side.


were never in the Library. This is perhaps most obvious in the case

of those historical texts and building-records which are found

inscribed on prisms and barrel-cylinders of baked clay. The texts

of this class, without exception, were buried as foundation-records

in the foundations or within the walls of buildings upon the

palace-mound.^ A building so commemorated is invariably referred

to in the closing paragraphs of the inscription, but the long historical

summary, with which the text is usually introduced, is of greater

value and interest to the historian. On the strength of these

introductions such texts may legitimately be classified with the

historical inscriptions in the Library, as the extracts were undoubtedly

copied or compiled from records similar to those preserved in the ^

Library Collection.

An equally valid reason may be found for regarding the bulk of the royal and official letter-tablets from Kouyunjik as part of the Library. Those which deal with military campaigns, and were written and despatched to the king by his generals in the field, may well have been preserved, after the close of the campaigns which gave them birth, in virtue of their great historical interest. And when once a collection of epistolary texts had become recognized as a subsidiary branch of the Library, it is easy to understand that it would gradually have been enlarged to cover all royal correspondence of whatever character.^ Hence the inclusion of such documents as astrological reports and addresses to the oracle of the Sun-god, all of which had been received or issued in the king's name ; and these would have had, moreover, a permanent interest for the Assyrian chronicler. Many of the legal documents, census-returns and tribute- lists also fall under this category ; but there is no doubt that a large proportion of the contract-tablets, and all the account-lists and

1 They were usually buried or immured near entrances, often behind the limestone bulls which flanked an entrance to a room or passage-way.

2 It is indeed far from improbable that a collection of royal documents, of a non-literary character, originally formed the nucleus around which the Library gathered ; and this original character would doubtless never have been discarded, in spite of Ashur-bani-pal's enthusiasm for literary texts.


memoranda, though found on the palace-mound, were never part of the Royal Library. The Kouyunjik Collection, in fact, comprises all the inscriptions upon clay which have been found at Kouyunjik, even clay sealings which the Assyrians themselves never intended to preserve.

The probability has already been noted that one section of the Royal Library was stored in the "Northern Palace" of Ashur-bani-pal, and it is certain that some others of the texts, which Ashur-bani-pal collected, were placed by him, not in any portion of the royal palace, but in the library attached to a small temple of NabtJ near the com- plex of palace-buildings. This fact has long been recognized from the colophons upon K. 4323, K. 2529, K. 4614, etc., which record that Ashur-bani-pal, after having had those texts inscribed, deposited them in the library of the temple of Nabi^, his lord, "which is in Nineveh."^

1 That on K. 4323, after giving the number of the tablet in its series of explanatory texts, I'uus on : ki-i pi-i tiipp(ini(p].) u /(V(pl.) lal)iruti(\A.') gah-ri {mdlii. ilu)Assiir(Ki) u {mdlu)Akkadi{Ki) (ni. ilu)ASur-bani-apli Sar Ussati sar (mdtii. ilii)AsSiir{Yii) Sakkanakku kan-sa pa-lih ildni{^.) ra64<t'(pl.) mar (m. ilv) Asur-ah-iddina sar kissati sar {mdtu. ilu)Assiir (ki) vidr (m. Uu)Sm-ahe(\)\.)-riba sar kissati sar {mdlu. ihi)Assiir(Ki) sa {iht)Nahu u {ily)Niil<tba u-bal-li-tii-su-ma is-su-ru sarrii-

vs-[^s]u ni-me-ki-su-nu pal-ku-Su\^ ] a-na baldt napSdti{^\.)-

su\_ ] kun-nu /)aZe(pl.)-s«[ ] suh-du {isii)ktissi sarru-ti-

[s?t ] bii-un-ni-sii nam-ru-u-ti eU-su\^ j ina tub sere{pl.)

hu-vd lib-bi iia-mar ka-bit-ii sal-mes i-tal-lu-ku ma-har-su is-tur is-nik ibri-ma ina girginakki bit {ilu)Nabu bc'li-su sa ki-rib Ninua{K\) u-kin, "According to the old tablets and documents, originals of Assyria and Akkad (this copy has been made). Ashur-bani-pal, king of the world, king of Assyria, the humble ruler who fears the great gods, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, to whom Nabii and Nidaba have given life,

whoBe kingdom they have protected, and their broad wisdom [have ], for the

continuance of his life [ ], the establishment of his reign [ ], the

endowment of^ his royal throne with joy [ ], his bright counteiuiuce upon

him [ ], with health of body, joy of heart, and clearness of spirit, to walk

in safety before him [this tablet] has he written, checked (?) and revised, and in the library of the temple of Nabu, his lord, which is in Nineveh has he placed it " ; cf. C^tn. Inscr. of West. Asia, Vol. II, pi. 3G, No. 1, and Cuneiform Texts in the Brit. Mus., Pt. XVIII, pi. 37. The colophons on K. 2527, K. 4614, etc. (cf. Cun. Inscr., IV, 53, 28, etc.), name the temple as Ezida, and contain variant phraseology emphasizing the votive character of the act ; this is apparant in the closing prayer, in which Nabii is besought to behold the library with joy {yirginakka sii-a-tu ha-dis nap-lis-ma) and to shower blessings on Ashui'-bani-pal's head. It maybe noted that the colophons prove


Parts of" similar colophons are found upon Nos. 434, 444 and 648 of the Supplement, and it is certain that a number of other fragments, especially some of those inscribed with explanatory lists, are to be grouped with them. But such texts undoubtedly form a very inconsiderable proportion of the total number recovered at Kouyunjik, so that for all practical purposes the bulk of the literary, religious and explanatory texts in the Kouyunjik Collection may be regarded as coming from the Palace Library.

II. Plan of the Supplement to the Catalogue of the Kouyunjik Collection.

Since the publication of the Catalogue a number of additions have been made to the Kouyunjik Collection, and it is with these that the Supplement is concerned. The most important are those tablets which have been acquired as a result of excavations conducted by the Trustees on the palace-mound of Nineveh in the years 1903, 1904^ and 1905, including a small collection of the year 1902. These are arranged at the beginning of the Supplement in the chrono- logical order of the collections. The numbers which follow them are assigned to small fragments of texts which were obtained during the earlier expeditions, but were considered at the time of their accjuisition to be of too small an importance to justify their incorporation in the numbered collection of tablets. Hence, at the time the Catalogue was compiled, they remained unnumbered and were not included with the rest. But even comparatively small fragments of the Collection possess an importance, quite irrespective of their size, Prom tlie possibility of their joining other tablets and completing gaps in the literary texts. Though by tliemselves these fragments, after their inclusion in the Collection, would scarcely have justified the publication of a supplementary volume of the Catalogue, advantage has been taken of the issue of the present work to make them available for study.

that ■^■^ bf^ y^ ( girginakhu, cf. Meissuer, Seltene aasyrische Ideogramme, p. 363) was the word for a " library," at any rate for one attaclied to a temple. In his Palace Library colophons Ashur-baui-pal simply employs the word ekallu, " palace"; see above, p. xii, n. 1.


Whenever it has been possible to determine the date of the collection to which such a fragment belonged, the information has been included under the entry in the Catalogue. But for the sake of simplicity, and in view of the fact that it is impossible to ascertain the date at which many of them were acquired, consecutive " K -numbers" have been assigned to all, beginning with the number following the last entry in Vol. Ill of the Catalogue. The third and last class of accessions comprises some twenty-two pieces, which have been added to the Collection by purchase between the years 1901 and 1913. One of these had been long in private possession ; the rest, which mainly consist of fragments of foundation -prisms, were probably obtained by native digging.^ These purchases are grouped together and placed last in the Supplement, to allow of possible additions being made during the process of printing, without the necessity of breaking the sequence of collection -numbers.

The plan of the Supplement follows in all essentials that of the Catalogue, but some slight modifications have been introduced. As in the earlier volumes, the tablets are arranged in the order of their registration-numbei-s, but, for greater convenience of reference, a catalogue-number, printed in heavier type, has been prefixed to each entry. The catalogue-numbers run in an unbroken sequence throughout the volume, and their employment for reference in the General Index has proved far less cumbersome than the old method of citing the registration-numbers in full ; they have also rendered additional reference to the pages of the volume superfluous It is hoped that the use of heavier type, in place of spaced letters, for the principal words of description under each entry in the body of the book, will add to the clearness of the page.

The terminology of the Catalogue has also been retained as far as possible. Perhaps the most material departure consists in

1 The important prisms of Senuachei'ib, which give valuable informatiou with regard to the walls and gates of Nineveh, may well have come from the principal gate in the northern wall. The limestone bull and the adjoining colossal winged figure, which flanked a portion of this gateway up to a few years ago, have since been broken up for lime by the natives ; and the prisms may well have been found within the massive walls of uuburnt brick which were faced by the stone slabs.


the abolition of the dual classification of the augural texts, under the headings "Forecasts" and "Omens." Both classes here- share the general title of " Omens," while those texts, which were previously separated as " Forecasts," fall under the sub-sections of " Astrological Omens," and " Omens derived from observation of the Liver." The precise character of the Liver Omens has only been recognized since the publication of the Catalogue, but, even in the case of the astrological texts, the dual classification did not correspond to any essential difference between them and the Omens. This is apparent from the close correspondence of the apodoses in both, which are generally so nearly identical, that in the case of broken tablets, on which the protases are not preserved, it is often impossible to decide whether the predictions were based on celestial or terrestrial phenomena. The adoption of a single heading to cover both classes has thus the additional advantage of removing a possibility of error, which was necessarily present in classifying many of the smaller fragments.

A very similar point of uncertainty exists with regard to the character of many fragments of the religious and magical texts from Kouyunjik. In the case of a well-preserved tablet in either category there is little difiiculty, for example, in deciding whether it should be described as a "Prayer" or an "Incantation." It is true that few prayers have been recovered which do not share in some degree the aim and general character of the magical texts, and much of the phraseology of the latter, if taken from its context, suggests a far higher ethical standard than was actually attained. But in view of the fact that a real distinction can be traced in many of the compositions, the dual classification has in this instance been retained. The general heading of " Religious Texts " has also not been discarded, but an attempt has been made to reduce its propor- tions as far as possible by suggesting one of the sub-headings under which a fragment of this character might most probably be regarded as falling. A few other unimportant modifications in the terminology of the Catalogue need not here be discussed, as they are sufficiently explained by means of cross-references in the General Index.


III. The Additions to the Kouyunjik Collection and the

Royal Library : (i) Historical Inscriptions and


The texts of this class will be found in the General Index under the heading " Historical Inscriptions," or, when they have been identified, under the names of the kings by whose orders they were drawn up. The earliest are those of Tiglath-pileser I. One of these is part of an octagonal prism of baked clay,^ and is a duplicate of the famous prisms of this ruler which were recovered by Lajard in the foundations of the temple of Ann and Adad in the earlier Assyrian capital at Ashur. The concluding portion of the text, referring to the building in the foundations of which the prism must have been buried, is unfortunately wanting ; but the fact that the fragment was found in the debris of the palace-mound of Kouyunjik affords interesting evidence of Tiglath-pileser I's activity as a builder on the site of the later palaces at Nineveh. The other two fragments,^ to judge from the character of the writing and the clay, were also contemporary records, and we may assume that they were preserved as original documents in the Roytil Library ; their historical character is evident, one of the texts recording the receipt of spoil or tribute from the land of Kummukh.

It will be unnecessary here to refer in detail to the majority of the newly recovered historical inscriptions of Sennacherib, Esarhaddon, and Ashur-bani-pal, as it will be seen from the entries in the Supplement that they furnish duplicates, with some interesting variants, to texts already known.^ An exception may be made of the pentagonal prism of Esarhaddon, No. 38, which records the inauguration of his Babylonian policy. The text forms an

1 No. 116. 2 Nos. 453 and 488.

^ With the inscriptions of Ashur-bani-pal, cited on p. 229, may be included No. 792a (Th. 1905-4-9, 446; cf. p. 78), a duplicate of Rui. 1 (C««. Inscr. West. Asia, V, 1 ff.), Col. V, 11, 16-38 ; Col. VI, 11. 20-29.


interesting parallel to the " Black Stone Inscription " of Esarhaddon/ describing, as it does, the desolation of Babylon, and the king's restoration of the city at the beginning of his reign. The pentagonal form of the prism is most unusual, and was evidently dictated by the paucity of the material for record as yet at the disposal of the scribes.^

Another of the more valuable of the new historical texts is an octagonal prism of Sennacherib, No. 3330, which is in great part a duplicate of No. 3329,^ but omits the sections describing the campaigns of 696 and 695 B.C. It is dated in Marcheswan, 696 B.C., one year and nine months earlier than No. 3329, and its principal feature of interest is the variant account it gives of the gates of Nineveh during the reconstruction of the city by Sennacherib. The new text proves that in the interval between the two inscriptions Sennacherib changed the title of one of the gates, entirely renamed another, and pierced an additional gate on the west or river side. The classification of the gates, which also differs, enables us to fix their positions with greater certainty.

The course of Sennacherib's walls is now marked by lines ot high mounds, and, although the city had four sides, it is clear that the walls enclosed an area of irregular shape. The side which fronted the river faced south-west, and at right angles to this side, up stream, ran a shorter side facing north-west. Now in both inscriptions we have three groups of gates, the first described as " towards the sun-rise, facing south and east," the second group as "facing the north," and the third group as "facing the west." There can be no dcubt that the third and second groups were situated respectively in the river-wall and in the north wall running at right angles to it, to which we have just referred. Of the remaining sides of the city, as it can be traced at the present day,

1 Cf. Cun. Imcr. of West. Asia, "Vol. I, pi. 49.

2 The prism is dated in the month lyyar of the year of Esarhaddon's accession.

3 For No. 3329, see Cuneiform Texts in the Brit. Mus., Pt. XXVI, pll. Iff., No. 103000.

c 2



the wall away from the stream, but running parallel to it, forms the longest of the sides. It runs in a slight curve and faces roughly east-north-east ; while the remaining side of the city is very short, not more than one thousand yards in length, and it faces, approxi- mately, south. The greater number of the gates which form the first group in both inscriptions must have pierced the long wall, facing east-north-east, and referred to as facing " east " in the texts, for it is clear that Sennacherib's description of the orientation of the gates is approximate only. But some of the gates of the first group are referred to in the group's summary as facing south as well as east, so that we may infer that one or more, in both lists, were set in the southern wall of the city. The following table will serve to indicate which gates in the two lists correspond to one another :

696 B.C.











First Group: eight



Gates facing south -'




and east

[New title]













Second Group : three




Gates facing the "






[New name and title]



Third Group: three




Gates facing the ■" west






[See No. I]



[Fifth Gate on west side].

First Group: seven >■ Gates facing south and east.

Second Group : three y Gates facing the


I Third Group: five J* Gates facing the I west.

From the table it will be noted that in the new text the first group consists of eight gates in place of seven ; the second group consists of three gates in each list ; while the third group in the new text contains three gates in place of five. One of the most striking points of variation is that the XVth gate of the later


inscription, i.e., the last one on the west side is here counted as the first gate in the south (and east) group. From the fact that it could be counted as either in the south or the west wall of the city we may infer that it must have pierced the city-wall in the south- west corner, near the point of junction of the two walls. It is possible that its position may have been slightly altered in the interval ; but against this possibility it may be urged that the first gap in this corner of the walls at the present day is on the south rather than on the west side, and that the name and title both remained unchanged. We may conclude that it was quite close to the corner. This is an important fact, for it fixes definitely the position of the gate at the beginning and end respectively of the two lists, and renders the identification of the sites of the remaining gates more certain.

The remaining seven gates on the south and east sides correspond, except that one of the gates (V = IV) has on the new cylinder a different title,^ but retains its name " The Gate of Ninlil of the City of Kar- Ninlil." The third gate on the north side has, not only a new title, but a new name as well. In 696 B.C. it was known as " The Gate of the Gardens,"^ a name evidently suggested by its proximity to Sennacherib's famous gardens and plantations which lay partly on the north side of the city ; possibly one of the more important irrigation-channels for the gardens left the Tigris near the gate. This character was also reflected in the choice of the deity to whom it was dedicated, and in its title, which in the new text reads : " Igisigsig, who has made the fruit plantations luxuriant."^ But by 694 B.C. the gate was re-dedicated, this time to the Moon-god ; its title was changed to " Nannar who guards my lordly diadem,"* and the gate was known as " The Gate of Sin." ^ It is possible that it was re-named after re-construction, but even so, its position may well have remained unaltered.

1 See below, p. xxiii. s gge below, p. xxiv. s ggg below, p. xxiv.

■* The title runs (ilu) Nannar (ru) na-sir agi be-lu-ti-ia ; cf. C.T., XXVI, p. 18. ' Ahul (Uu)Sin.


On the west or river side we find that the XIITth Gate of the year 694 B.O. had not yet been constructed in G96 B.C. This was the gate known as " The Gate of the land of Bari," which bore the title " The presents of Surau'an and T6me enter it." It lay between the Gate of the Armoury (beside Nebi Yunus) and the Quay Gate, and was evidently built to give additional access to the river. Its name and title were probably chosen to com- memorate the receipt of certain tribute, which having arrived by river, or having been ferried across, may have been brought into Nineveh by the new gate. It has already been noted that Gate XV of the year 694 B.C. had formerly been reckoned as Gate I. Thus, at the earlier date, there were only three gates on the river side of the city in place of five. The following paragraphs give the passages in the two prisms in which the gates are referred to, together with a list of the variant readings in their names and titles supplied by the new text : ^

1st Gate (No. 3330, Col. VII, 11. 14 f.) = XVth Gate (No. 3329, Col. VIII, 1. 3). Variant : In title, a-a-hi (^) for a-a-ab.

Ilnd Gate (No. 3330, Col. VII, 11. 16 f.) = Ist Gate (No. 3329, Col. VII,

I. 74). Variant: In title, lil-bur, |<^ £V. for ^i-^^. t^e title reading, " May the representative of Ashur endure ! ", in place of, " May the representative of Ashur be strong I "^

Ilird Gate (No. 3330, Col. VII, 11. 18 f.) = Ilnd gate (No. 3329, Col. VII,

II. 75 f.). No variants.

IVth Gate (No. 3330, Col. VII, 11. 20 f.) = llird Gate (No. 3329, Col. VII, 1. 77). Variants : In title, pale{e), .-fc=y4- tf^, for pali-ia ; in name, {ilu)Sa-mas, ^4- ^ Hh. for {i/u)Sa>iias, -Hh"^!. and {mdUi)Ga-a-(jal? tyyy* y? t}", for {mdtu)Ga-gal.


1 The portion of Col. VII, which is preserved by No. 3330 of this Supplement, begins with Col. VII, 1. 63, of No. 3329 ; the only variants in the preliminary lines referring' to the walls and gates are : i-na for ina (1. 64), raJ>e(e) for rabi{i) in 1. 65, and <C^ for <('^ , as the total number of gates in 1. 70.

2 The interchange of the verb li-bur, from root "11M, "to be strong," with lil-bitr, from root-i^'^, lit., "to grow old," as applied both to persons and things, is not uncommon in votive texts and building-inscriptions.

3 This variant is interesting, as it settles the value of the first syllable of the name Gagal.


Vth Gate (No. 3330, Col. VII, 11. 22 f.) = IVth Gate (No. 3329, Col. VII, 11. 78 f.). Variants : No. 3330 gives an entirely different title for the gate, which reads, ^>f 2TT ""^ ?? t^ET <M '^^ ^. (^V^t)/«-ter za-nin irsiti-s2i (1), " Ishtar, patroness of his land(?)," bnt the name is imaltered.

Vlth Gate (No. 3330, Col. VII, 1. 24) = Vth Gate (No. 3329, Col. VII,

I. 80). No variants.

Vllth Gate (No. 3330, Col. VII, 11. 25 f.) = Vlth Gate (No. 3329, Col. VII,

II. 81 f.). Variant : In name of gate, (alu)Si-ba-[ni-b]i «-tyy •(y^ "-^f


in place of {alu)Si-ba-ni-ba ("i^y).

Vlllth Gate (No. 3330, Col. VII, 1. 27) = Vllth Gate (No. 3329, Col. VII,

I. 83). No variants.

Summary (No. 3330, Col. VII, 11. 28 f.) = Summary (No. 3329, Col. VII,

II. 84 f.). Variants : VIII {}}}]) ahulU{^\.) for VII (???) abulle{^\)., and {Sdru)sa-cli-e (tyj), for {sdru)sa-di-i (t^).

IXth Gate (No. 3330, Col. VII, 11. 30-32) = Vlllth Gate (No. 3329, Col. VII, 11. 86-88). Variant: In name, sa (mdtu)Am-ba-si for Sa Am-ba-si (tlie reading of No. 3329 and also of K. 4492, Eev., 1. 5), the whole name running, " The Gate of Adad of the land of Ambasi," proving that Ambasi is to be taken as a place-name.^

Xth Gate (No. 3330, Col. VII, 11. 33 f.) =.IXth Gate (No. 3329, Col. VII, 11. 89 f.). Variants: The title reads, -Hh -^f |-yy ►^ tyyys: tfyy y? y? ^, (ilu)U'r-ra mu-sam-Mt a-a-bi, " Urra, who overthrows my foes," in place of (ilu) Ur-ra sa-a-giS za-ma-ni-ia, " Urra, who destroys my enemies." In this reading of the title the new prism agrees with K. 4492, Eev., 1. 6, which reads [ -sa]m-kit a-a-bi-i[a].-

* Partly effaced.

' It is clear that yndtu is here a determinative and that the name is not to be rendered abvl {ilu)Adad sa mat am-ba-si, " The Gate of Adad of the fertile land " {lit., "land of fertility"); for in every other gate-name, in which there is an addition to the name of the patron, whether human or divine, this addition is of a geographical ciiaracter. Thus, the rendering "The Gate of Adad of the land of Ambasi," is paralleled by " The Gate of Ashur of the city of Ashur," " The Gate of Sennacherib of the land of Khaizi," "The Gate of Shamash of the land of GTigal," " The Gate of Ninlil of the city of Kar-Niulil," aud " The Gate of Nergal of the city of Tarbis." The gate-names may also be compared wliich contain a geographical term without the name of a patron, e.g., "The Gate of the city of Shibaniba (or Shibaniln)," " The Gate of the land of Khatamkhi," and "The Gate of the land of Bari " ; cf. Cun. Texts in the Brit. Mvs., Pt. XXVI, pp. 18 f., 27 f.

« Cf. Cun. Texts, Pt. XXVI, pi. 39.


Xlth Gate (No. 3330, Col. VII, 11. 35 f.) = Xth Gate (No. 3329, Col. VII, 1. 91). Variants: The title reads, ->f <y- ^|- ^^ ^ eyyfE: y- ^--fflf ^ ^ y? ^!, iiliC)Igi-sig-si(l mu-snm-me-ih sip-pa-a-te, " Igisigsig, who has made the fruit-plantations luxuriant," in place of (ilu)Iiannar{ru) na-sir agi be-lu-ti-ia, "Nannar, who guards my lordly diadem"; and the name reads, J:^? ly-- &y ^£Jf ]>*"-, ahid kirdti(-p\.), "The Gate of the Gardens," in place of ahiil {ilu)Sin, " The Gate of Sin." In both name and title K. 4492, Eev., 11. 8 f., agrees with No. 3330.

Summary (No. 3330, Col. VII, 11. 36-38) = Summary (No. 3329, Col. VII, 11. 92 f.). Variant: {sdru)il-ta-a-[ni] for (Mru)il-ta-ni of No. 3329 and K. 4492.

Xllth Gate (No. 3330, Col. VII, 11. 39 f.) = Xlth Gate (No. 3329, Col. VII,

I. 94). Variant: The name read.s, J^| |y- t] -SH ^ ^T?*- "^^^^ ma-as-ki-c for abul ma.s{'^)-Jd-e, thus supporting the reading of K. 4492, Rev., 1. 12.

Xlllth Gate (No. 3330, Col. VII, 11. 41 f.) = Xllth Gate (No. 3329, Col. VII, 1. 95). No variants.

[There is no equivalent in No. 3330 for the XIITth Gate of No. 3329, Col. VII, 1. 96-Col. VIII, 1. 1.]

XlVth gate (No. 3330, Col. VII, 11. 42 f.) = XlVth Gate (No. 3329, Col. VIII, 1. 2). No variants.

[For the XVth Gate of No. 3329, Col. VIII, 1. 3, see above, sub "1st Gate."]

Summary (No. 3330, Col. VII, 11. 44 f.) = Summary (No. 3329, Col. VIII,

II. 4 f.). Variant : III (yfy) aWfe(pl.) for V C^) ahulUijA.)

Of the foundation-inscriptions devoted entirely to records of build- ing operations at Nineveh, and not preceded by liistorical summaries, mention may be made of some interesting portions of barrel-cylinders^ bearing an inscription of Sin-shar-ishkun, one of the sons of Ashur- bani-pal and probably the last occupant of the Assyrian throne. These new pieces; when combined with the fragments of this ruler's barrel-cylinders which are already known, will serve to fill in a good many of the gaps in the text of his inscription. Of the royal votive

* Partly effaced.

1 Vf. Nos. 367, 368 and 372.


iuscriptions, which may also be included in this section, it may be noted that the inscribed clay plaque and clay fist of Ashur-nasir-paP were, like the votive clay bowls,^ intended for deposit in a temple and were not Included in the Royal Library.

(ii) Epistolary Texts, Royal and Official.

Among tlie best preseived texts in the new collections are some of the letters which the king received from the higher officials of his court. It is natural that but few royal letters should have been recovered, since copies were evidently only kept of the more impor- tant communications despatched. Fortunately we have one fine example of this class, in a comparatively good state of preservation. This is the letter written by Ashur-bani-pal to his high ofiicer Menana, concerning the Babylonian and Elamite revolt.^ Another fine specimen of a royal letter is that addressed to Ashur-bani-pal by his brother Shamash-shum-ukin, not a sign of which is wanting.* Less well preserved is the letter, also addressed to Ashur-bani-pal, from Tammaritu of Elam.^ Among the finer specimens of official correspondence may be mentioned a letter from Arad-Nana, the court physician, giving the king encouragement during a period of illness" ; or that from Marduk-ushallim-akh6, concerning victims for sacrifice,^ or the nearly complete letter from Ashur-khamatia.^ Among officials, whose letters have been recovered, the Royal Astrologers are well represented. One of the finest of these

1 Nos. 192 and 760.

2 Cf. pp. 262 f., and pp. 230 and 258, auh " Ashur-nasir-pal " and " Shalmaneser." The brick-inscription of Tuknlti-Ninib I (No. 415) was from the temple of Ishtar at Nineveh, the rebuilding of which it records.

^ No. 71 ; see the photographic reproduction on Plate I, the right-hand tablet in the second row.

* No. 79 ; see Plate I, the right-haud tablet in the third row.

6 No. 293.

" No. 13; see Plate I, the centre tablet in the first row.

7 No. 78 ; see Plate I, the left-hand tablet in the first row.

8 No. 89 ; see Plate I, the centre tablet in the third row.



astrological letters is that from Nabti-akh§-riba/ assuring the king that the time and circumstances were most propitious for granting an interview to the Crown Prince.

Other Royal Astrologers, who are represented in the series of letters, are Akkullanu, Arad-Gula, Balasi, Bel-ushezib, Ishtar-shum- eresh, Marduk-shakin-shumi, and Nergal-shum-iddina ; while the list of official correspondents also includes two eponym rulers, Sharru- imurani and Takl4k-ana-beli.^ Among the letters are also some interesting official ones, from which the names of the writers are wanting. Such is the letter, No. 218, addressed to the king by one of his astrologers, and referring to offerings that should be made to Marduk at the New Year's Festival. Some letters of this class, in which the opening lines are broken or wanting, are in other respects comjjaratively well preserved.'' It was to be expected that but few letters of a private character should be recovered. A fine specimen is No. 683, written by NabA-khammatua to Kushkaa {i.e., Kushkdia*), and evidently never despatched, as it was recovered with its envelope unbroken. On the obverse of the envelope are written the address and the writer's name, separated by an impression of the latter 's seaP ; and on the lower edge of the envelope Kushkaa had added an additional salutation, conveying "Warm greetings to my lord!" On pp. 244 ff. an attempt has been made to furnish a detailed classification of the letters and letter-fragments by their contents, to which the reader may be referred for further details.

Under this section a reference should perhaps be made to the fine specimens of clay-sealings which have been recovered." Several

1 No. 77 ; see Plate I, the right-liaud tablet in tlie top row.

2 For references, see the Geneial Index, p. 244. Prom two of tlie Royal Astro- logers mentioned, Nabu-akhe-riba and Ishtar-shum-eresh, we have also recovered astrological reports ; see below, p. xxxvii.

3 Cf., e.g., Nos. 49 and 479, Plate I, the left-hand tablets in the second and third rows.

* See below, p. 227, explanatory note. ^ See below, p. 71.

* For references, see p. 258.


of these are impressed with the regular official seal, oval in shape, and engraved with the royal figure in conflict with a lion. One of them is from a corded bundle which was despatched to Nineveh in the early part of Sennacherib's reign, since it is dated on the first of Marcheswan, in the eponymy of Ashur-bel-usur, 695 B.C. A novel series of sealings is preserved by Nos. 465-467, on which circular seals are impressed representing an Assyrian king, who stands beneath an umbrella held by an attendant, while before him is a rearing horse.^ The use of seals engraved with the royal figure was obviously only permitted to high officials in the king's service. The horse-design may well have distinguished the official seal of the king's Master of the Horse.

(iii) Legal and Commercial Documents.

As in the earlier collections from Kouyunjik, the majority of the legal deeds and documents are concerned with the transfer of landed property. They record in legal form the sale or hire of land and houses, and the division of estates. The contract-tablets also include sales of slaves, and loans of silver, copper and corn.^ One interesting find was a portion of the clay case from a contract,^ the tablet to which it belonged having been in the earliest consignment of docu- ments brought to England from Kouyunjik by the late Sir Henry Layard. The tablet records the loan of two camels, dated in the eponymy of Sharru-nliri, 674 B.C., and the newly-recovered case enables us to restore some missing portions of the text. Many of the documents bear seal-impressions upon spaces left blank by the scribe across the upper half of the obverse, and a number of specimens of sealed documents are reproduced by photography on Plate II. One of the larger tablets there given,* which records the sale of a

1 See the photograph of No. 465, which is reproduced on Plate III ; from the upper impression and that to the left below it, the design of the seal may be clearly made out in the photograph.

2 See below, pp. 233 f.

3 No. 866.

* No, 58, the left-hand tablet in the second row.

d 2


house in the town of Nibit-Ishtar, bears the impression of a cylinder- seal which has been rolled across the clay. The completely preserved case-tablet,^ recording a loan of silver in the year 667 B.C., also bears impressions of a cylinder-seal, which ha3 been rolled across the centre of the case on both its obverse and reverse. Examples of oval seal-impressions are represented by Nos. 83 and 221,^ which record sales of slaves dated respectively in the years 675 and 680 B.C. One specimen is figured which bears nail-marks in place of seal- impressions^ ; it records a sale of land in 741 or 727 B.C.

A complete list of the seal -impressions i.s included in the General Index,* and reference may here be confined to a single example of unusual interest, which is not described in detail under the catalogue- entry relating to its text. The contract in question belongs to the class of triangular or " heart-shaped " tablets which record loans of grain, and it bears on its obverse two impressions of a scarab.'' In the centre of each impression is a cartouche containing the prenomen of Thothmes III, Men-kheper-Kd, above the iieh-s\gn, and between two nefer-signs and two uraei wearing the White Crown. There is a design above the cartouche, possibly a winged disk, but it is not clearly impressed. The arrangement of the signs upon the impres- sions is as follows :


y i u

The scarab probably did not date from a period later than the end of the XXIInd dynasty, i.e., 750 B.C. ; the contract

1 No. 212, at the bottom of Plate II.

2 The right-hand tablets in the first and second rows on Plate II.

3 No. 80, the left-hand tablet in the first row. * See below, pp. 257 f.

5 The contract, No. 93, records the receipt of four homers of barley, in commis- sion (?\ i-napu-u-hi, by Garusu, y E:lfyfi^ ^ 1^^, f''om Bakhianii, y -,ty .s^ y^ £^. Garusu, the owner of the scarab, may well have been a Syrian or Aramean.



itself is dated in the eponymy of Shulmu-bel, who held office in the year 696 B.c.^

The following is a list of the dated documents, and of documents containing dates, which are arranged, as far as possible, in a chrono- logical sequence ; they are followed by documents of uncertain date, enumerated under the names of their eponyms in alphabetical order :



Day and Month.



Shar-p[ati-bel (?)], "

No. 840, Contract or

or 816

y liH ^ xT< ^E -HJ




y -^ t^ n -+ c^-i

20th Tisri

No. 659, Eeport.



17th Tel.et

No. 80, Contract-tablet.

or 727

y -n ^ -^ "^



19th Adiir

No. 753, Contract-



1 Other evidence of Egyptian influence at Nineveh may be seen in No. 414, a scarab inscribed v?ith the formula "a going to (Eastern) Thebes," vvfliich dates from the eleventh or tenth century n.c. and was probably carried to Nineveh by a merchant or other traveller who had visited Egypt (see below, p. 48). Another scarab. No. G27 (see pp. 66 f.), bears, like the impressions on No. 93, the prenomen of Thothmes III, but is rather later in date, about 700-650 b.c. The cartouche of blue paste, No. 413 (see p. 48), carved with a garbled form of the Egyptian royal name Seti, was probably the work of an Assyrian craftsman of about the eighth century b.c, in imitation of an Egyptian original.

^ It is possible that this eponymy is merely referred to on the reverse of No. 840, and is not to be taken as dating the document ; it is also possible that the tablet contains a copy of an older text. But the suggested restoration of the name is not certain.

8 The shape of the tablet, the clay of which it is composed, and the forms of the characters, are all in favour of assigning it to this comparatively early period. In that case we are enabled to restore the name of the eponym for the year 7'J9 B.C.,

only the first half of which, [y] >^ * J:^* Cf [ ] , is preserved in

Rawlinson, Cnn. Inscr. of Wesl. Asia, Vol. Ill, pi. 1, Col. Ill, 1. 18.

* On No. 753 Sin-taklak bears the title ^^ <y-^yyy. aharahhu, "grand-vizier."





Day and Month.




[ . . ] Tebet

No. 261, Contract-

T ^m A^* -HF-*




No. 1573, Letter.3



18th Nisan

No. 134, Contract-

T -4- ^y -H ^'




15th Tebet

No. 462, Contract-

y -4- ^! -n ^





No. 1956, Contract-

y* -^B -yyyy y? y?




10th Ab

No. 168, Contract-

y -n « y{ ^



y -A « y? ?«:

23rd Marcheswan

No. 464, Eoyal Sealing.



27th Elul

No. 195, Contract-





[f ^4- ^ ^a ^jyyy^

Cited, p. 223, note t-




No. 3330, Prism of

y <?^{??? -^ [-n]^


* Partly effaced.

1 It is possible that Lipkhur-ilu, written as \ e:|yj (var. ^Jt) 4^^ "-Hf-, is a variant of themxae Napkhur-ilu, | J:J;| .^^ ""Hh) bo'"iie by the eponyin for 729 B.C. This seems preferable to as.suming a value Up for jijij; see further, p. 37, n. ^ .

2 The name of Takliik-[ana-beli] doe.s not occur in a date-formula, but as the writer of the letter, No. Lt73 ; he may well be identified with the eponym of 715 B.C.

^ On No. 134 Shamash-bel-usur's title, as governor of Urzukhina or Arzukhina, is written f^ ^ \^ --yy t^ ^^:yy <^ >-ry; on No. 462 it is written gyy V

IKf* -^yy ^ >^y.

* Shidmu-shaiTi here bears the title " Governor of Khalzi-adbar," ^ V '-t]] ->-

-yy^ tey +■

* On the prism, No. 3330, Shulmu-belu is termed "Governor of Kimusi,"

£2?s V \^-^yy-yyi[-^My].





Day and Month.




18th Ab

No. 93, Contract-tablet;

Tl^ ^ -H


cf. also No. 3329.



1st Marcheswan

No. 468, Koyal SeaUug.



In date on No. 3329,

1 -V -n"^

Prism of Sennacherib.




No. 3329, Prism of





y ^4- ^ ay ^

9th Adar

No. 50, Contract-tablet.

688 2


[ ]

No. 183, Contract-

T ii?* ^1* ^* y— *




16th lyyar

No. 215, Contract-

T --V i^I?? ^Si -HF- ^




10th Msan

No. 221, Contract-

y Bii >^i ^'




1st Tebet

No. 66, Contract-tablet.




No. 213, Contract-

y V -«f 44f 11 £?f -j^*



[ Nergal]-shar-usur,

No. 1133, Letter or

[I -+ <-n] «'a-^


* Partly effaced.

^ In the date at the close of No. 3329, Ilu-ittia bear.s the title " Governor of Damascus," g^ ^ "i.^ -^yy M= Hr ^y.

2 The document .should possibly be assigned to the year 693 B.C.

3 Dananu bears the title "Governor of EshrS- ," t^ V "^"^ "^11 «*

■^g^ y«-«-. For tiie reference to Esarhaddon, constituting a double-date, see p. 33, note f.

* It is probable that SIta-Adad-aninu is merely a variant form of the name Ishtu- A dad-aninu.

^ The name may probably be restored as that of the eponym for 678 b.c. ; it does not occur in a date-formula, but is mentioned in the letter.





Day and Month.




Ist Sivan

No. 320, Contract-

y -+ ^ -^ y— -




1st [ ]

No. 83, Contract-tablet.



14th Tisri

No. 866, Coutract-

y « ^- -yyi




20th Tisri

No. 212, Contract-

r !=T -^y ^yri



A[ ]

11th Tisri

No. 219, Contract-

yy?-[ ]



Ashur-[ ]

28th lyyar

No. 226. Contract-

y-v*[ ]



Asluir-[shar (?)]-usur,

7th Marclieswau

No. 769, Memorandnni-

y-v[ ]A,


. . .


12th lyyar

No. 271, Account-

y -n ^ \^ y?




[• . .]

No. 862, Copy of Votive

[J] ^^* ^ - < y?


. . .



No. 766, Memorandum-

y ^Hh ^ ^ £^l


* >


21st Sivan

No. 3333, Prism of

y ^+ ^ « ^ y>- 1=


Nab{l-tappilti-[ ],


No. 367, Cylinder of

y-+-i^'f ^^--K[ ]




No. 94, Contract-tablet.

y -+ ^y « 2^, var.

y V Hh « ^^

* Partly effaced.

1 The whole document is not dated in this year, but only the first item in the Ust.

2 On No. 3333 he bears the title " Governor of Samaria," g^ -JY ►yj^ ^^77

>w EUl^y tg >-/"y.

' The variant is from the case of the contract-tablet.




Day and Month.


Shulmu-[ ]

T<r^>^*[ ]

Si[n- ],

!'-+<«*[ ]


T -+ « ^




[. .] Marcheswan

17th Ab 6th Marcheswan

No. 3317, Clay-sealing.

No. 240, Contract- tablet.

No. 756, Contract- tablet.

No. 457, Contract- tablet.

Three documents in the Supplement are dated, not by eponyms, but by the regnal years of the king. One of these, No. 478, is a Baby- lonian, not an Assyrian, text, and it is dated by the Babylonian king. It consists of a note, which accompanied the gift of a garment " for day wear,"^ sent by the scribe Atkal-ana-Bel from Babylon to Nineveh ; it was natural that the writer should date it by his own king. The note was written on the 17th Marcheswan, in the first year of Merodach-baladan, i.e., 720 B.C. The second dated docu- ment of this sort is No. 174, a contract-tablet, which is dated in the twenty-first year of Sennacherib, without any reference to eponym, month, or day. The date reads : «^ -Hf- -^I «T ] -^ ]>*■ '-«<yy « \* ,-J^ <(|gf, and, though the beginning of the line is broken, nothing is wanting ; but it is possible that a date by the eponym in office was given in the missing portion of the text, and that the document should therefore be classified as containing a " double date."^ The third document is No. 38, the pentagonal prism of Esarhaddon, which is dated simply in the year of his accession. At such a time it was

1 Silim-Aslnir


bears the title of "Second Minister," sukhiUi sant, ^ Tiie garment is described as tah-lu-uh-li sa u-rtm. 3 Before (or at the head of) the witnesses occurs the name Kannunaa, with the military title rab-Usir-Sa-sabe, y t^ >-fff ]] ]] ti^ EJ- {^ ^'-yyy< ^yy rrr"- "^T* [ ]• Kanuniia was eponym in Sennaclierib's third year, but there is no evidence that he shared the eponymy for his twenty-first year. If the tablet con- tained a " double date," the eponymy must have been referred to in the portion of the text tliat is missing. * Partly effaced.

XXXIV iNTnontumoN.

imXiiijil oiioii^ii Ut (liHi'D^^unl tliu cpoiiyiii, c!H]M,'ci;illy on a fouiKliitioii- priHiii, wliicli, in luldition to recording tlio erection of some building at Ninovoh, wiih mainly concorned with Esarhaddon's reversal of liiH fatlier'H policy towards Babylon/ by which he inaugurated his reign.


In lIk* Kouyunjik Collection a comparatively small proportion of thn lablots are inHoribed with mythological legends, and it is a nuUtcr for (ioiignitulation that one of the new texts should enable UH to restore n substantial portion of the text of the Gilyanu'sh Epic. Tho fnignicnt in question, No. 50, contnins part of the Third Tablet of th(^ tSerioH V --1^7 I^I cE -V" *!?! r mid the position of its text in the series is lixeil with ctM'tiunty, as 11. 2-22 of Col. I restore the lines, \\\o I'lids of wliicli ai'e |)n'S(>rv('d upon the tirst cohuun on K. 8558." The Tablet ojkmih with a, speech in which Cilgamesh, evidently wounded, is exhortetl to trust hiniHolf to Enkidu's guidance through the ('odar Wood. (lilgami^Hh desires to seek coun.sel from Ninsun, HO the two heroes giasp mr.h other by the hand and come safely to her (Jreut Palace. Here (Jilgamesh begins to relate their adventures, when the text breaks off. The fragment of the last ciilunni contains a duologue between the heroes on the subject dealt with in the opening spi^ech.

Two otln>r iVagments are possibly parts of the Gilgamesh Epic,* and other niythologieal legends include a fragnient of a fable of the llorsoand the Ox.'' and another concerning the Descent t>f the Gotldess Ishtar into the Underworld," which, however, adds nothing to the text already reciwered. Mention may also be made of a small fiMgnnMit. of the Etana Legend,' and of another concerning early liabyloi\ian king.s,'* the portion of the text pi-eserved referring to

' St>»> nlHiv.>, pp. xviij f. * .\ phototrraph of the obverse is given on Plate III. « S«> Ih>Io\v, y,\\ l\ (. * Cf\ Nos. 1480 oml 1525.

* N<».J«2. No. lOrt. No. 13.-<;).

* No. ISVH. lu tills catogiiry wo may alvso include No. 792 /. (Tli. 1905-4-9, 447 ; i^f\ p. 78), nuMusviring 3| in. by »^ in., and containing 23+18 linos.


Zabu, the third king of the Fii-st Dynasty of R^bylon. Other small fragments, which are probably inscribed with texts of a mythological character, ax-e euumenited on p. 243 of the General Index.

(v) Religious and Magical Texts.

The Geuei-al Index may also be consulted for classified lists of the fiur larger jumiber of texts which fall under this category. Reference has already been made to the retention in the Supplement of the distinction between "Prayers "and " Incj\ntations,''' Under the former heading- are ranged fragments of the Series -t^jf -CtJ ET

JT tTTT*2IIT }" 1^, or " Prayers of the Raising of the Hand" ;

portions of royal prayers, including some written for the use of Asliur-baiii-pil ; a few fntgments of prayers addressed to the greater deities;' and a number of other fragments, which from their con- tents, or from the character of their writing, appeiir to belong possibly to classes of compositions of a more personal or ethici\l character. The great bulk of the religious and mai[ic<\l texts are cltissifieil under the general heading of " Incantations."* The new texts include portions of the Series -V ^, Shurpu ; of the Series ET -SF mi tTTTt, MaUA; of tlie Series cTTTT ^ ^. ^f< nilru;^ and a number of incantations against evil spirits, several of which probably belong to the Series T»^y»^f <T-IfcJ T? T"*^- Many of the Sumerijui incantations are furnished with interlinear Assyrian trans- IiUions, and in one ease the text and translation are arraniwd in parallel columns.* Many of the incantations are accompanied by directions for ceremonies, and the fragments enumerated under the latter heading" should be consulteti for comj^arison, as the majority

* See mbore, p. xviL ' See below, p. 255.

* Cf., t^., the i>«yer to the M^wn-god, Xa 191, which b reproduced on Plate V.

* See below, pp. S40 f. A pliotograph of Na 500 is reprodoced on Plate IV, as an example of an Assyriau incautation-tejkt.

* See the nearly complete tabler, Xo. 477, inscribed* in Babylonian wiih a (lortion of the text of tliia series! of iucantationa, which is included on Plate IV.

* Xo. 417: see tiie photograph reproduce on Plate III.

* See p. *33 of the General Index.

« 2


probably belong to incantation-texts. The magical texts also include a considerable number of fragments belonging to series containing prescriptions for the sick.^ Of special interest is the Babylonian text, No. 498, which contains directions for offerings and for the due recital of incantations, in order to avert harm from evil portents which may have happened to a prince when travelling in his chariot."-' It should be added that this tablet is not one of those from the Royal Library ; from its colophon we learn that the text was copied from an original at Babylon, but that the copy had been made, not for Ashur-bani-pal's palace, but for the private use of Nabu-ushallim, the magician, the son of Egibi. It is interesting to find this famous Babylonian name on a tablet from Kouyunjik.

(vi) AuouRAL, Astrological and Astronomical Texts.

All the augural texts in the Supplement, as has already been noted,^ are described and classified under the general heading of " Omens," and it will not be necessary to recapitulate here the various sub-headings into which this large mass of material is broken up on pp. 252 ff. of the General Index. It will suffice to note that omens from terrestrial phenomena of various kinds are first enume- rated, beginning with those derived from births. Then follow the Liver-omens, classified by the separate parts of the liver, upon the observation of which the forecasts in the apodoses are based.* The numerous texts containing astrological omens are next given, arranged in groups according to the heavenly bodies, or the celestial phenomena, from wliich they are derived.^ It may be noted that some of the omen-texts contain references to Sargon and Naram-Sin of Akkad, and Ibil-Sin of Ur ; while a fresh fragment has been found

' To the texts of this class cited on p. 255 may also be added No. 792 c (Th. 1905-4-9, 448 ; cf. p. 78), the bottom right-hand corner of a tablet, 2J in. by lif in., containing 9 4- 10 lines froin the last column of the Obverse and the first of the Reverse. For Nos. 792a and J, see above, p. xviii, n. 3, and p. xxxiv, n. 8.

2 A photograph of the tablet is given on Plate IV. ^ See above, pp. xvi f.

* For a specimen of the texts containing liver-omens, see Plate V, No. 167,

'•> One of the texts containing omens derived from Mars, the Moon, etc., is included on Plate III, No. 130.


of the interesting omen-text relating to the Assyrian king Ashur- nirari.' With the astrological omens some of the miscellaneous fragments, cited under the heading " Astrological Texts, "^ should be compared.

Another group of texts, which falls under this section, are the Astrological Reports.^ Those on which the names of the writers are preserved include reports from the Royal Astrologers Tshtar- shiim-eresh, Nabu-akhe-riba, NabA-ikbi, NabA-mushesi, Tabia, Zakir, and probably Irashi-ilu. Photographs of two of these, Nos. 69 and 76, are included on Plate IV ; the former is from Ishtar-shum-eresh, the latter from NabA-ikbi. Under the heading of Astrological Reports may be included No. 90, a document in the form of a letter or communication to the king, which was evidently written by one of the Royal Astrologers.* The writer interprets the meaning of various astrological phenomena, which had recently been giving rise to anxiety. Not only had there been a solar eclipse and a diminu- tion of the normal rainfall, but certain observations had been taken of the planets Mars and Jupiter ; and in the view of the writer of the I'eport the movements of Mars had special reference to the Cimmerians. The additions to the Collection also include some fragments of purely astronomical texts, which record the relative positions of different stars ; it is to be regretted that so little is preserved of No. 3304, since it also included notes on their distances from one another.^

(vii) Syllabaries and Explanatory Texts.

The small fragments of syllabaries catalogued in the Supplement are enumerated under their three classes " S"," " S"* " and " S"," on pp. 260 f of the General Index ; two of the more interesting

' For references, see p. 252.

2 See below, p. 231.

* See below, p. 230.

■■ See tlie photograph of the tablet, which is reproduced on Plate 111.

'' For references, see p. 231


fragments of "S*"" are Nos. 1361 and 1 362. A number of explanatory texts, relating to different classes of literary compositions, are grouped together on p. 237. But the bulk of the texts of an explanatory character are classified on pp. 246 f. of the Index, under the heading " Lists, explanatory." The sub-headings follow the lines of the Index in Vol. V of the Kouyunjik Catalogue, and require no explanation. But attention may perhaps be called to two portions of explanatory lists which furnish interesting information. No. 119 includes some valuable glosses, giving the Sumerian pro- nunciation of certain sign-groups; and No. 419, which contains an explanatory list of ideograms and Sumerian phrases, arranged in groups according to their initial characters, furnishes several new equivalents for simple and compound ideograms. Two specimens of explanatory texts are included on Plate VI. The smaller tablet. No. 51, is an explanatory list of gods, arranged in three columns, and it enables us partly to restore the text of K. 171 + K. 2112. The larger tablet. No. 416, contains Grammatical Paradigms of a legal or commercial character and is a duplicate of K. .56 -|- K. 60, etc., the text of which it partly restores. Other tablets of" this class are noted on p. 238 of the General Index.

The following pages contain the Supplement to the Kouyunjik Collection, the plan of which has been already described. It may be added that the space saved by the employment of Catalogue-numbers for reference in the General Index has been there utilized for a more detailed classification than would otherwise have been possible. The second Index contains a list of the Collection-numbers repre- sented in the Supplement. In the third Index an attempt has been made to give a complete list of the fragments which have been rejoined in the whole of the Kouyunjik Collection up to the time of printing. The "joins" have been checked throughout with the tablets themselves, and in all cases of uncertainty the original registration of the separate fragments has been consulted.





1. Portion from the left half of a barrel cylinder of baked clay, 4|^ in. by 4J in. (greatest arc) ; 10 lines from the beginning and 16 lines from the end of the inscription. Part of a historical inscription of Sennacherib, recording his campaign against Merodach-Baladan at the beginning of his reign and his building operations at Nineveh. LI. 1-4 are duplicate of the Bellino Cylinder (K. 1680 ; Layard, Jiiscriptions, pll. 63 f.), 11. 1-4, giving the variant id-ktm (1. 3); and 11. 25 f. are duplicate of the Bellino Cylinder, 11. 63 and 64, giving the variants ar-kat u-me (1. 63), and mu-mr-ri-e and su-mc-ia (1. 64). LI. 5 ff. refer to Shutur-Nakhudu, king of Elam (whose assistance Merodach- Baladan had failed to secure in Sargon's reign), and to the Assyrian turtan, Imbappa; they read as follows: <^] ^V^^ ^"^ '-<y'-< itVi '%}]

^t ^i ty t-^* v,*m I T -+ <::^y ^^^^ m -^y ^^^ ^ ^sy <M??rs I y jy .m^ -+ -^y -yi ^^y ^ss ^*m i y a^

-^T tty ^ E^ !=s sHyyy ^*ii i y « <y- ^^ ^? y---- ^y <sy*ji-

The end of the inscription contains a variant account of Sennacherib's work at Nineveh, and includes descriptions of the cedars brought from Mount Amanus (1. 12, «^ tyyyy V ?|< ^y <^y), the adoption of a Hittite portal or entrance-hall to his palace, with eight colossal lions, " open at the knee," two columns, etc. (11. 13-15, t.]W -^y ^ IV ^y-^ "^y "^^ ^W ^V

V ^ x]x* "gn tt >^\ .^gfy ypii, ]\]] ny -bii y— *y- m

^t|E <|gf, etc., <y-ig[| yy --jife y- jy ^yyy -y^ xy^, etc.), and the

building of his irrigation-canal from Kisiri to the Khosr (11. 21 f.,

y? ^y ^ E::yy Vy ^yx t^ >^ ^ <!cy* [^giyjt ^ y? <y^ -tyy <|Ey

-yy -yyi y? m^m^ yy ^ ^- ^^^ w <^v -i^y m m y?B -yi -^yy m ^y v, v syy m m^* ><><' v, eih*?!)- the

blank space at the end of the inscription the scribe has added a note stating that the text consisted of 94 lines ; this reads y ^\ V ^yyy y? -Hf- »^ ^ xM- [Ki. 1902-5-10, 1]

Partly effaced. t Omitted by the scribe.


2. Portion from the base of a hexagonal prism of baked clay, 3| in. by lf| in. ; 7 + 8 lines from the bottom of the second and third columns of the text. Tart of a historical inscription of Sennacherib, referring to his Third and Fourth Campaigns. The end of Col. II (11. 3 ff.) is a duplicate of the Taylor Cylinder (55-10-3, 1 ; I R., pH. 37 ff.), Col. II, 11. 73-79, except that 1. 77 and 1. 78, as far as beli-ia, are omitted ; the traces of 11. 1 and 2 read gi5| , and 1^. -Hh ,^.| , the latter line possibly giving a variant expression for the phrase a-na an sil-li (I R, pi. 38, 1. 72). Col. Ill is a duplicate of the Taylor Cylinder, Col. Ill, 11. 50-58, and gives the following variants: 1. 51, read ina for i-na ; end of 1. 52, as-ku-nu {]>- <f^ ^; 1. 53, u-par-ri-ru el- lat-su omitted ; 1. 54, m ti-ib tahdzi-ia iz-zi omitted ; read Jgf for „jC^S^ ;

I. 55, and u-Sar-kib-ma in 1. 56, omitted ; 1. 56, <^ for J||^; 1. 57 |^? for ha-bal, and iv-^na-bif] for is-su-ris ip-pa-ris ; and 1. 58, >=f for ^J.

[Ki. 1902-5-10, 2]

3. Portion from the left-hand side, 2| in. by 3i in. ; 14 + 3 lines. Part of a religious text, arranged in sections. The lines on the Obverse f begin with ^ -^ <y^ "--j^, and those on the Keverse with .- <'f^ -^ ; Obv.,

II. 7 ff., tlie beginning of a new section, read :

[- ^•<y^ ^^= <m ^ mm

- y- <T^ -tfe -El! Id! ^^ T- -T!l ^ - ¥- <y^* [-i^]l

- -^ <i^ -tfe ^^ ^ii -+ Hh e- ^-y -y< <iMi ^*^*<y^*^^ ??<*^yy^ -y< -y< -i ^ - -^ <y^ i-^]

[Ki. 1902-5-10,3]

4. Portion out of the middle, 2| in. by 2| in. ; 8 + 2 + + 8 lines.

Part of an explanatory text, arranged in double columns and furnished with glosses. The text was copied from an original which was broken in places; cf. the note ^ ::: in Col. IV, 11. 5 f. [Ki. 1902-5-10, 4]

5. Portion from tlie upper lialf, hi. by 1| in. ; +5 + 9 + 5 +

+7 + 7+6 + lines. Part of an account-tablet

or inventory, arranged in narrow columns, containing lists of amounts and totals. [Ki. 1902-5-10, 5]

6. Portion of a barrel -cylinder, 2| in. by '2\ in. (greatest arc) ; 12 lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king, recording building operations at

* Partly effaced.

t Thie side appears to be tlie Obverse, to judge from the shape of the tablet.


Nineveh. Reference is made to Esarhaddon, and to the deities Sin and Ningal, Shamash and Aa ; vf. 11. 2 ff., which read :

^pp;ES<i -^yy v'<^ <if y? >^y -^ ^Hi*^ ^^1 ^y y^ ^ y- a\ - ^i^ ^h ^-^Ji^i\\^ ^| ^^^-ggyy* ^y^ ^y y? -^ ^y <y- i i^y M=i ^^a T^ -^^ -n ^H xy< I h-iiiM

[Ki. 1902-5-10, 6]

7. Portion from the right-hand side, If in. by 2| in. ; 15 + 13 lines. Part of a text containing omens ; only the ends of lines are preserved.

[Ki. 1902-5-1O, 7]

8. Portion from the centre of an octagonal prism of baked clay, 2| in. by 2 J in. ; 12 + 11 lines, from the fifth and sixth columns of the text. Part of a historical inscription of Ashur-bani-pal, referring to his Seventh and Eighth Campaigns. Col. V is a duplicate of Em. 1 (V E., pll. 1 ff.), Col. V, 11. 42-59, and gives the following variants : 1. 42, V' ->-^ <|EJ for Y' ->f- 4^ <|gf ; 1. 49, *y for -^ ; and 1. 55, < for tyfys: in the name {alu)Sa-am-u-mi. Col. VI is a duplicate of Em. 1, Col. VI, 11. 7-20, giving the variant "-^ for "^y in hi-kut-hi (1. 12), and omitting ina in 1. 20.

[Ki. 1902-5-10, 8]

9. Portion from the left-hand side, 2| in. by 2|^ in.; 15 -|- lines.

Part of an explanatory text, arranged in sections, referring to extracts from an augural composition ; cf. 11. 2 ff., which read : J "-^Hh 1^ <(f=y*

m -iA ^*m\ -l^Hh m <^y^ -^ p i y - t^^ ^y

ts\ ty ^ <y- sy wi I ^^i -m^ ^ .^^^ ^* ^ 1 1 jy ^i^yy -yy^

-+ ^y < -4- p I B ^^T\ -yyi ^ m -w m i A-m --yy * t^m it ?? y? ^y ^y ^y -mM it y - ^ « ^ ^^^y -^m i yy *y •^ m^'^*m\^^m\M^^m -im m i . etc.

[Ki. 1902-5-10, 9]

Id. Portion out of the middle. If in. by If in. ; 9 -I- lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing incantations, accompanied by rubrics for their due recital. [Ki. 1902-5-10, 10]

* Partly effaced. t End of seclion.

J A double line is here ruled horizontally across the tablet.



11. Portion from the top of a prism of baked clay, 2,^ in. by It^Iu. ;

+ "J + lines. Part of a historical inscription of Ashur-

bani-pal, referring to his Seventh Campaign. The te.xt is a duplicate of Ilm. 1 (V R., pll. 1 If.), Col. V, 11. 34, 35, and 39-49, omitting 11. 36-38, from su-ut a-ma-a-ti to ih-tn-a, and gives the following variants : 1. 40, i-\na] for a-na (si-hir-ti-sa) ; 1. 41, "gfl for V ; and 1. 42, |Em^y for ^Em*I-

[Ki. 1902-5-10, 11]

12. Portion of a decagonal prism of halved clay, 2i in. by 1 ■] in. ; +7

4-7-1- lines. I'art of a historical inscription of Ashur-bani-pal,

referring to his Eighth and Ninth Campaigns. The text is a duplicate of Em. 1 (V E., pll. 1 ff.), Col. VII, 11. 1-7, and Col. VIII, 11. 50-58 ; for ■i.ldni(])].) mM^iXpl.) in Col. VII, 1. 6, the te.xt apparently reads [ildn]i{-p\.)-ia, ||5_ y^^ -tyy. [Ki. 1902-5-10, 12]

13. Tablet, lower portion broken away, 1-^ in. by 2| in. ; 17 + 18 + 3 + 2

(on left-hand side) lines. Letter to the king from Arad-Nana, the court physician. The king, apparently suffering from sickness, had cited with approval the treatment former kings, when sick, had received at their servants' hands ; Arad-Nana seeks to encourage the king by a.ssuring him of the favour of the gods, and he discusses certain remedies. The text reads: Obv. (1) Vy ^1 fcl^^ -^ S^f ^!? I ^^^T --H T -^T -+ -^T

>^y iniiK i^ -^ ^Ei ^Wy « !=ET ^m « i ii >^i ^^-^ -n ^i?

.jp df- < .jf- ^^ .gy (5) mpf ^^ ^yyy ^ Trriy ^tfe ^^x \

[erasure by tlie scribe] gtyyy ^^ -^| f— I \ ^i ^- t^fe < £«:

■gyy elSw- !-- (10) -^11 m -<y< W A^ E^II ^Ji^ ^ep ^ I ey y? t^ -^y y--- i -^^ y? <igf ^Vr ^T -^ir I -^ I -t Bii -^ ^- ^ ^yyy t^ ty <^^ y^-^ \^t ^} ^ M i-T^ti IB] g^yyy i -t^ i yr <igf* ty?* tE ^y t-m W* Bll VI ^- (i5) m tE^m-* -^ m I

i^'^y ^y I WiM ^* I [f^® ^^8* o*^ ''^^^ Obverse, the bottom edge, and the


beginning of tlie Eeverse are wanting.] Eev. (1) j5|t''''^'''*TT*'^i'^";'^* I

mmm^m eyy t^^^umi y-- w ??< k- hi sEyyy'g^ Ey I -2^ 1 6i3s -< £ff ^ -^yy -yi "iyy -+ y--- (">) mi -m- -v -+ V + -^n < -+ ^ I "gyy ^yyy^ ^nyyy a m^ -^h &?? y? -^y i ^^- -s ^:^ -Ey -yyy- E^yy ^ * < i ^ iiii -yyy- bu ^:^~ ^s^ ^^- 1

y?-^y ?? y? ><y< -l y- ^yyy- -^H y? ^^^ l(io) ^yyy^ y-^-- lyy y?>^y j^- tyyyt t^ ^^ty -+ sw: I y? >^y yy I jy ^ tyyys^ ^^ ^yyy^ ^ xy< |

^E ^^ ^- iii-^ Vr ^1 y? ^ ^11 -ly ^-y!!< mi i "gyy y? <aEy ^^yy M= "gyy ^^i Bvi y? ^y i -^h s m= -yyy^ -yy y? ^^yy? « tE <T<yy iiH -yyi (15) ^ri^- ^m^t^-^t^ti y? y? -^y y- !=e ^w: 1

* Partly effaced. t Sic.


it- 11! £?m <M I iEy<y -+ ^i^^ '^ i^ -^!t tv i Edge: s=e* "5=11 « ^-Ti -n ci^ I ^ 1^ -B^* EI* y- - !^i iii t in -^^* -^^

tt Ig^ I Left-hand side: m i^^m-* i^^'^t^t] Vy -+ -^I --H Ml ^W^ i

rii jr<n* tw -'^ m?w -ET siin s^Ilu [ki. 1902-5-10, 13]

14. Portion from the right-hand end of a barrel-cylinder, 1,\ in. by 2| in.

(greatest arc); 22 lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king, probably recording building operations. Mention is made of Assyria, ^|_,^ ^EJ. Ijut only the ends of lines are preserved.

[Ki. 1902-5-10, 14]

15. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1 J in. ;3-t-8 + lines.

Part of a text containing an explanatory list of plants.

[Ki. 1902-5-10, 15]

16. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1||- in. by 1 J in. ; 7 -f lines.

Part of a text, written in clear characters and arranged in sections, probably containing incantations ; one short section of 5 lines ends with the words ■Mm I "-II l^- [Ki- 1902-5-10, 16]

17. Fragment out of the middle of a hexagonal prism of baked clay. If in. by

1^ in. ; -f- 7 -f 9 -I- lines. Part of a historical

inscription of an Assyrian king ; the right-hand column records his restoration of temples for the gods. [Ki. 1902-5-10, 17]

18. Fragment out of the middle of an octagonal prism of baked clay, IfJ- in. by

If in. ; 7 + 9 lines. Part of a historical inscription of Ashur-bani-pal. The right-hand column refers to his Fifth Campaign and mentions the city of Shapi-Bel, -tH V ^I- tE ""5=111*; Umanigash, I i^tW « &E ^. and Shamash-shum-ukin, f -4-* tl* [-<|5 -^ -H^ --^I], are also referred to as acting in alliance with one another in Elam. LI. 1-4 of the right-hand column correspond to Km. 1, Col. Ill, 11. 65-68 (V K., pl. 3).

[Ki. 1902-5-10, 18]

19. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by H in. ; 11 -f- lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing a Sumerian incantation, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. L. 2, the first line of a section, reads ^ffl ^ e|J^| '-BU <fgl <^W- [Ki- 1902-5-10, 19]

20. Fragment out of the middle, { in. by If in. ; 8 + lines. Part

of a religious text, arranged in sections. L. 5, a colophon-line following a section of 3 lines, gives a figure and reads: IJIH ^H* ^ '"^i.m-

[Ki. 1902-5-10, 20]

Partly effaced. t Sic.


21. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 1^^ in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing a prayer ; in many of the lines the caesura is indicated by halving the lines in writing. Keferenee is made to the Eiver god, >— y y^ t^Hr ' '"■"^^ to a deity described as " the son of Esagila," ^m i=im '^^=M- [Ki- 1902-5-10, 21]

22. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1-,^ in. ; 8 + lines. Part of

a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. Tiie text records the submission of conquered peoples, but the names are wanting ; 1. 7 possiVdy referred to Elam, || C^iM- [Ki- 1902-5-10, 22]

23. Fragment out of the middle, 1,^ in. by If^ in. ; 12 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological omens concerning eclipses, etc. [Kl. 1902-5-10, 23]

24. Fragment out of the middle, in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens.

[Ki. 1902-5-10, 24]

25. Fragment of an alabaster bowl, l^'g- in. by 1^ in. ; 1 line. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king, recording his name and titles ; the remains of the inscription read ||— « \^ ^. [Ki. 1902-5-10, 25]

26. Fragment out of the middle, in. by l^V in. ; 11 + lines.

Part of a carefully written text, apparently containing a copy of a letter or despatch. Reference is made to a king. [Ki. 1902-5-10, 26]

27. Fragment from the bottom edge, .f| in. by -ff in. ; + 5 +

+ lines. Part of a text containing an incantation against a

sorceress. The text forms part of the Third Tablet of the Series Maklu, t} -H IeU -!iy-. 11- 111-115, and is duplicate of K. 2728, Obv., Col. II, 11. 52-56. [Ki. 1902-5-10, 27]

28. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by 1^ in. ; 12 lines. Part of an explanatory list of gods. The fragment joins K. 29 (see Cuneiform Teds, Part XXIV, pi. 36), and restores the left halves of several lines towards the beginning of the last column on the Obverse. The new fragment gives readings which agree with those of the duplicate Em. 610 (see V R, pi. 46, No. 2, Eev.), except that the first title of Sarpanitum (1. 7) reads

^>y- Ae -yyyy -4- <M ' [K'- 1902-5-10, 28]

29. Bottom left-hand corner, 1^ in. by | in. ; 5 + 2 (on edge) + 4 lines. Part of a text containing an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god, with questions concerning certain troops. The Obverse of the tablet refers to Marduk, Nabfl, and other deities, in addition to Shamash ; the two lines on


the edge between the Obverse and Eeverse read <(yi^ tg '^*'M<^ "Hh <i- The tablet is smaller and more carefully written than the majority of texts of this class. [Ki. 1902-5-10, 29]

30. Fragment from the upper edge, 1^ in. by | in. ; 4 + 6 + lines.

Part of a text containing a Sumerian incantation for the sick, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. [Ki. 1902-5-10, 30]

31. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by f^ in. ; 4 + lines. Part

of an astrological text, probably containing omens. Eeference is made to the star £?:?►+ It "^' ^^^d to the south-wind, ^^ -j:yyylf |Eiy.

[Ki. 1902-5-10, 31]

32. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by -}^ in. ; 5 + lines. Part

of a legend containing a fable of the Horse, gr<te* -l"" t>^], and the Ox, [z.]^]. [Ki. 1902-5-10, 32]

33. Fragment from the upper edge, y|- in. by f in. ; 3 lines. Part of a text, probably from a contract-tablet. The portinn of the Eeverse that is preserved is uninscribed. [Ki. 1902-5-10, 33]

34. Portion from the left-hand side, 1 in. by 1| in. ; 7 -I- 9 -(- 4 (on left-hand side) lines. Part of a letter. [Ki. 1902-5-10, 34]

35. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by \^ in. ; 5 -|- lines. Part

of a text containing omens concerning houses. [Ki. 1902-5-10, 35]

36. Lower part of a stone tablet, 2\^ in. by 3^ in.; 25 lines; not from Kouyunjik. I'art of a tablet engraved with incantations ; the Eeverse is left blank. On the upper part of the Obverse are 7 lines from the close of an incantation referring to Ninib, >->|- 4-, " tbe first born [of Anil]," and Marduk, ->f- CZ^], "who dwells in Es[agila]." Then follow two incantations, consisting respectively of 10 and 8 lines, of which the first is addressed to a goddess ((/. 1. 12, ak-ki-ki me(pl.), etc.). The text is written in Assyrian, with a few Babylonian forms of characters (f/., e.g., £^). [Ki. 1902-5-10, 36]

37. Upper portion of a cone of baked clay, 5-j^ in. by 4| in. ; on head, 14 -f 15 -I- 8 lines, and on stem, 41 4 42 lines ; Old-Babylonian, not from Kouyunjik. Inscription of Samsu-iluna, tjfyyf ct^ "^ ^ "^f ^^, king of Babylon, commemorating building operati(ms in the city of Sippar,

^ M ^! <!|I- [Ki- 1902-5-10, 37]

38. Lower portion of a pentagonal prism, height 4| in., width of sides from 3 in. to 3^ in. ; 16 -f- 18 -F 14 -f 21 -F 11 lines. Part of a historical inscription of Esarhaddon, describing the desolation of Babylon and his restoration of the city at the beginning of his reign. The text is dated in the month lyyar of his accession-year, the colophon (Col. V, 11. 8-11)

Partly effaced.


reading : ►— ? tf^ tfy <y^ | >^ tyygjf: ^yi;^ fei— ^tl I y -+ --V

£^^ t^ <;y^ -Tl^ I fcISS ^^ --V <!!!• The following are extracts from the text: Col. I, 11. 8 ff. . . . . f? >^y tyy? 5^: | -* <Iif cyy? -tyy

<fgy iiu liiy I gy A^ Mil -Til s^I? I Mf --T <!- £1 1 *f "^H^ -&T ^y ^1 ^^H y? | ^4f Ml ^-+ V ^T !>- ^yi y? ??< y— I

ti y? iin - n£yy ^yyy^ i^^ii -y? s^yyy E^yy ih-j^im ^y i -yyi ^y? ^y

y? -^y -H £y; coi. n, n. 5ff; y? ^y £1-* ^ < ^VA y— I

-yi^ £?yyy* ^- ^y i -^yy -y^ -m* i y? -^i 4s <si v i <y-M <y-iKf igy t^^ ty?? ]»^ ^ I ^yc ^^ ^y i -y^^ ^- ^y Ey I <y--yyi -yy-

Ey m s^y -y< i ^yy "^ nu- ^h ^ mu- -+ -y? < m -iA i ^^y y-- <y-iH -t^ i ^^y ^ v yn v ??< -jn ^ a^ -k Col. Ill, 11. 4 ff. ^yy^ ^ y-'-jf-iiy ^i ]^ --y -y< i - &?;[< ::: ii ey Ey - -E -<|£ Ey i ^yyy^ Ijifl -yyi ^^ -<y^ m i -yi y---

.4- tyr I irY< y_ . -|| ^^y | g|| ^gy g^ -^ | ^ gvy, - ^y | ^ -^yf jy ^y ;

and Col. IV. 11. 9ff. ^Ey <iii ^y? Ey I -yy^i EUiiy ^-yyy Ey ?w i "-^ ^yy?

-+ <{t???? ^ Wr I -^H -Ey Ey I ty y^ < -yy^ gH y-- I - -<^ itt ty? ^yif <y- miy | i^y >-^yy -11 ^ m ^-yi -:£yy I y? y--

Vr ^4- ^- -yy- -y< i ^^y ^- ^yy -eii e??< e: ii ^ty ^jn ^-yi Ey i y? >^y Ey -Ey <m Mi -t^ \ -Bii -iK -Vr I s^yyy^ eih <y^._ For a

parallel text on the same subject, see the " Black Stone Inscription " of Esarhaddon (I 11., 49). [Ki. 1904-10-9, 1]

39. Portion from the left-hand side, 2| in. by 3^ in. ; 7 + 10 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text, written in bold charactei-s, and containing incantations. On the Reverse is inscribed a list of incantations enumerated by the first line of each. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 2]

40. Portion out of the middle, 4y^ in. by 2| in. ; 7 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 3]

41. Portion from the top and right-hand side, 4|-^ in. by 2| in. ; 8 -I- .j lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god ; a colophon at the end of the text contains the date 3<<^t ^^

yy % iy « V ^- [Ki. 1904-10-9, 4]

42. liight-hand side, 2| in. by of in.; 17 -I- 15 -t- 2 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 5]

43. Portion from the right-hand side, 2 J in. by in.; ( -f) 17 -f 15

(+ ) lines. Part of a text containing incantations, arranged in short

sections. Tlie first and second sections on the Obverse contain the couplet

^ty? ^yy^ -^y ^^h m h ti sy Ey V Ey ^ <Byy y--- -^irj.

* Partly effaced. t Written over an erasure.


which occurs twice in the second section. The Reverse refers to the gods Ninib, -+ -^EI HI. an^l Ura, [-Jf-] "-^I £^IT- The text is copied from an older original, imperfectly preserved; r/. the gloss .^ ^ ^•(^ l^ in Obv., 1. 11.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 6]

44. Portion out of the middle, 2| in. by 2^ in. ; 7 + lines ; Babylonian.

Part of a text containing an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god.

[Ki. 1904^10-9, 7]

45. Part of a tablet, the upper portion and the right-hand side wanting, If in. by 2^in. ; 16 + 1 -f 16 lines. Part of a letter to the king (fci^ "U. g£^ 1"*^ ^ "^ S^)- Mention is made of Nisibis, -t^'i >-^f tt]1 ^ >-^y, Khamede, ^JiH \}< f- <Q^ t]^, and Mashkhalsa, ^^A ^ ^_ Y|r»_ I^Ki. 1904-10-9, 8]

46. Portion out of the middle, 1| in. by Sjlg- in. ; 19 4- lines. Part of

a text containing omens concerning houses. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 9]

47. Top left-hand corner, 1| in. by 2^ in.; 9 + 13 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 10]

48. Portion from the right-hand side, 3 in. by 4f|- in. ; 30 -|- 17 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. Eeference is made to Elam, V" <^] EI <|gf, and to the god Ashur, -Hh^- ^fter the tablet had partly dried, five lines were added by the scribe on a blank space on the Reverse above the colophon ; the first two lines of the latter, containing the loyal name and titles, read ^^ ^ J^ l^^^ \^ -+ ^<gf ^^ ^| -jy^ --

-t-^ I IM* m <B -^y ^? -f mi m ^^ "-" -^B lei < g'^ m-

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 11]

49. Nearly complete tablet, 2 in. by 3| in.; 22 -f 2 -f 8 lines. Letter, the opening lines of which are broken. Eeference is made to the king, to y .-4- ^ ^ At y«-"-, and to the cities of Nineveh, -J:yy ^ <^ ]}, Calah, -t^] syy? ^, and Ashur, -t]J -^yyy -J:yy. A new section of the text, introducing the main body of the letter, begins : £^ TTK >~^1 "gyy

y ^+ 4: 1^^ ^ y..^ m ^t-'^m^\ -vi^ i^ s ti y? <m ^ ^^ ^yyy -^yy s^ ^ y? i y? -^y -^yy ^mAmm^-^?w\ <hm ^^ tyy^ m ^y -<-tH ^ <^ y---- 1 a-^ ?i< m < sw^t^Mi^ ^yyy -tiy ^^ly? ??< i - <-tu ^ <v y-- ^y a^ <h ?w i EI y? ^ y- 1- yy i^ ^y y- -^yy ^yyyy ^y y-- 1 ^^y -y< -yyi a^ ^^i syy ^y -4- -^y syy <?? -yy^ i s^yyy ^yyy s s^yyy^^ "^yy tgyy y? <y-iEii 1^ ^1 ^ ^ *y I Ey y? m ^e y -f ^ ►<* ^^y ^y £:^yyy -tyy ^yyy -^yy i ^y a^ -+ ^ Ey y? - <y- v -+ ^ M= -^ y-- ty? ^yyy &ii^. etc. [ki. 1904-10-9, 12]

* Parlly effaced.




50. Upper portion, 2,^111. by If in. ; 7 + 10 + 2 + 3 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, recording a sale of land. In a space between lines ruled near the bead of the Obverse are eight nail-marks, stated to be those of Shamash-iada', -df- ^ xf Jzgy? gElf^I 4^-+. -I'ld Danuni If gEf^I >^ SfF 8^E. parties to the deed. The document is dated on the 9th Adar, in the eponymy of Nabu-niukin-akhi, ix., 690 B.C. ; the date reads >- -£^? j^ ^1 W/ ^sE I <T- y- T -Hh 4= £^y -V- [Ki- 1904-10-9, 13]

51. Portion out of the centre, 3f in. by 3-jJg- in. ; 22 + 20 lines. Part of an explanatory list of gods, arranged in three columns. The text is a duplicate of K. 171 + K. 2112, which it partly restores; the Obverse corresponds to II E., pi. 59, Obv., 11. 31-51, and the Eeverse to Eev., 11. 21-40. The text of the Obverse, from which restorations of the text of K. 171, etc., may be taken, reads as follows :




ii[-4- ^-^y ] ^fcy*


^1-4- ^m -tB '^11

Mv m \

^f-HF- t-m £y <syy

^^m< ^tsi^tm.

^«[-f t-m 35? <m -M <?? ^yyy^

^im tyyy ^^ |


-+*[trEy] -BR

-+ -< <^m \

[-4- ] -SEIl

-+ t-tl -Bll

-4- ^ <^g 1


-4- .^ti ^gs -^yy^ ^y

-4- < <n^ :

[-+]^* -n -m

--f ^Ey -iiy

-4- -- e^ i

[-4-]- yy

-4- yy

V i=i^l^ i

mm§-^}A m h y?

-4- -tm y— y?

y-^^^j^^^ \

[-+] 4* :^yyy r

-+ -^ti t^yyy y^

"^Bl *l^m>'sf;3ft<«ysE.yi5fa5/'

3t5/cs.-^)f:3&c««cp|^ ^^ ,(^

-4- -H <Ie!

-4- [i^yyyy m


-+ -n ^yyy ^m bii

-+ [-yyyy y?]

iiy? 1^4-- ^y

-4- ^^ y? 1^4- £?yy

-+ [^yyyy y?]

m --yy ^^y

-4- ^^m --yy --y

-4- Myyy yn

^<y- tr< -<^

-+ ^Ey <y- ^< ^-

-4-* [^yyyy yii

w^* M m

-4- -n ^ M m

-+* [<:: ^y]


-+ ei5« <L< ^^u?? m

-4- [<« ^y]

^1^4-* <M y?

-4- ^5^ -4- <M yi

-4- [c: *y]


-+ fel^ c - <<x

-4- [<:: ^y]

-4-*^^1^4- -yy^ -^yy*




^£s:Y* J*p>?r^-<S?^*>'s5£?&«yi«


Partly effaced.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 14]


52. Upper portion of tablet, 3| in. by 2-j^in. ; 12 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king from Bel-usliezib, the royal astrologer. The letter begins f? .^ £^ \- \^ ^ ^ ^y? A^f 31^1 1 t^lA^m ^ ^ \ •Sryit '^I^^ < ^+ ^ I? .4 e^ -^ J^ Bl} It! ^ ^-. Tlien follows a quotation of three lines from a text of astrological omens, foretelling the various good results whicli follow the appearance of the moon on the jirst day of the month, beginning y* >-4- ^<(^ -^ T ^ ^Hi" ?" 2yty £^y -HF- ^ '^^ A ^^I- ^^^- Then comes tlie main body of the letter concerning a certain " son of lakinu, the governor of Babylon," and another person of importance, "the son of Enlil-zer-ibni," which begins

m^i 1^ T Bn if^y -^^ ^ ^< ?? -+ -^ 4 ^ +? ^^y y? ^if <:±rty ^ 1

ilSiy J^ I «T H I ^Ey £? s:<yy ^ IMT E? ^if ^ ^ II

li -+ "i^ y --^y^. £wy -^^^ Mf ^ S? -4 S^ ^ I. etc. On the Reverse mention is made of a certain Adad-nadin-akhi, y ■-'■f- .^>ff "^ ^^

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 15]

53. Eight-hand portion of tablet, 2| in. by 2|| in. ; 11 + 10 lines. Part of an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god; liiention is made of a king of Assyria, probably Esarliaddou, py ^^ ^^ ^>-^ <|gf .

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 16]

54. Portion from the lower part of the Reverse, 4| in. by 2^ in. ; +15

+ 3 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 17 -f 69]

55. Portion from the right-hand side, 2^ in. by 4i in. ; 29 -I- 29 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 18]

56. Portion from the top left-hand corner, 2|§ in. by 3J in. ; 27 + +

f 11 lines. Part of a mythological legend containing part of the

text of the Third Tablet of the Gilgamesh Epic, ^ -J:^ ^ E^& -^ iffl. The tablet restores a considerable portion of the missing text towards the beginning of the Third Tablet, Col. 1, 11. 2-22, restoring the lines whose ends are preserved upon K. 8558, Col. I.f Col. I of the text begins as follows :

^^nyt^CT*-+*s=y*imHhy?>^y-y!<^^i2f!=y?*'^*if^^ ^>^y -tH <y --y y? <^t a ^i -^b ifc= -m yr iHf -Bit -yyi ^ --y y? ^yyy- ^ ^y <m^ V -^y £iy !=£ ^y ^yyy- ^^ a^b i ^i cz*

Partly effaced.

+ For a further discussion of the tablet, see the Introduction.




^E* ^ ^yy "^ ^T ^^1??? ^y mw-^

E^yyy* ??< -yy^ y? em^y ^y e^'^ my -<* i^^* -■^yii ^ Hy -yyi -^^ ^^y <:: ^ ^ y? -^yy ^ <y-*

y? -^y e:^^? ^ gtyy y? ^y< ^ v l ^y^ -ey

!=E -^y ^- ^-Hfyy -yyi ?w ti m ^ m m} -^b ^^* -Ely "^ ^<^y ti tBii -11 m m ^i <y- ^^ -+ i=y mil 4- ^ y? I 5f: ^y ^y -^h !=yyy* ^ E^yy y? >^y ^-^yii <ih ^

yi, -tH HI -yyi sff ^^yy K y? ^i mi th -BU y? -^y -Bii -yyi -+ -c-ti <txi* iih -yy- ey- -'-y< -HF- ^£y <txy -II -yyy ^ ^yy* ^y< -^w -^y ey -^ i^ ^? "^yy ^yy <m ^t -ii^ !=^ y? >^y <^yy s^p !=y ^? -^ Ey ^y -^y -^y -m ^-yi -^yy m -+ &y EM -+ < ^-s^yii <M ^ ^li^yy -ti m i mi i^-*wm 1 ti Am -+ t-ti <txi EiH -yy- ^-*^m

«f -y im + ^vy ^ s.y? gy ^giy ^^ y? >^y <v^^^^i

Of the following lines (11. 23 ff.) only the first iialves are preserved,

reading :-»-+ t^ti <txi -t^Hh Esyy ^- m I IH -yi m ^1 ^yyy y? m I ^^lyt v -ty ^ ^*m i ^t v -ey ^*^ i ^t ^vm

The second and third columns of the text are entirely wanting; of the lower half of the fourth column the following remains of eleven lines are preserved :-^<t W I ^1§ yyi* -^[1 m i y?* -^1* t^^?*

^ E-yy y? tm*m i ^t ^y ^- ^--yyy -yyi sw^mi-m^-- w^ ti ^111 Hfr^ I -^yiKM £f^ ^ y? r^ I ^ Etyy ^ i hi -yyi -sii* ^m*m \^-^m\p^m^m\ ^mi-

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 19] 57. Lower portion of tablet, 3f in. by 2| in. ; 15 + 22 lines. Part of an astrological text, of an explanatory character. Reference is made to the planets Venus [Ct?-*!-] ^-x, and Mars, ^^^ ^ >>-< y^ "j^, and to the stars tj:?-^- ^y -yy-s^ and t-t]-"^ 1^^?-+. The last 8 lines of the Obverse and the first 4 lines of the Reverse read :

y y tth+ - ^yyy i ^h ^Hfyy "^" ^ m

y y yy I + ^-yi \" ^ ^< y?

y y yyy I + ^-yi ^y -ii^a v --f

y <y- ^^ 1} - + 4sy V -yi^ -yy> ^y y ^ ^e --y -+ ti

1 <-tH + 4sy V ^ £Hyyy m -m^ « m- <y- r i -+ s^yyy ti

* Partly effaced.

+ There is room for two characters in the break at tlie beginning of the line. X There is room for six or seven characters in the break at the beginning of the lino. § There is room for tliree or four characters in the break at the beginning of the line, which may be restored -^]^^ <Igf S?! HI ^yyi ^^(1 ^1 C:, "t--



^ '^













y ^ + ^y V ^ sByyyt t^-i ^y y- ^ ^^ -k - <h r i m ^m ti y <M ey E2 fcn ^- -^mi ^y s^yiy tm -^yy -n -yyyy ^ ^y-^ ^i ^^ n r ^ isii V ^! « ???? '^ ^ny^ ^!i? >^y t^y ey

Ekverse :

^^^if -+ ^y? ^^! ^ ?i< -yyyy ^yyy <yi <y- i^^ttzitima <i- et ^M^y -^ + 5sy ^ -11 "^yy £y < s^yyy t^^ «/- s^y ^ie y v sy E^yy bii ^m^ ^ s^yyy e^yy m ^<^^^ n -^y -^ kk4- <k ^ -yy^ -^y s,^ ^y ^m^ ^y ^ -+ £?yyy sy <m « <y' er

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 20]

58. Tablet with upper edge and portions of Eeverse wanting, 2^ in. by 3^ in. ; 14 + 4 + 16 Hues. Contract-tablet recording the sale of a house in the city of Nibit-Ishtar, >-J:yy ^ >^ "^ ■(J^ . A cylinder-seal has been rolled across a space left blank in the upper half of the Obverse. The date is wanting. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 21]

59. Lower half of a tablet, 1|| in. by 2| in. ; 13 + 4+14+2 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter probably addressed to the king, since it frequently refers to him, and on the Eeverse invokes on him the blessing of Marduk and Sarpanitum. Eeference is also made to the king's nobles, ^ ly- ^ ¥ C^ ^ -H ^. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 22]

60. Tablet with upper edge wanting, If in. by 2| in. ; 13 + 12 lines. List of vessels, garments, etc., arranged in sections with numbers and totals.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 23]

61. Tablet with lower portion of Obverse and right side of Eeverse wanting,

If in. by 2|f in.; 11 + 17 lines. Letter to the king from Ishtar-shum- eresh, y <^ -^ ^x. [Ki. 1904^10-9, 24]

62. Upper poition of tablet, 1| in. by 2| in.; 15 + 14 lines. Part of a letter to the king from Nabu-zer-ushteshir, y >-Jf- ^ >-^jf ty, and Adad-shum- UKur, y -Hf- ^4f >^ ^. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 25]

63. Portion from the left-hand side and lower edge, 1 in. by 2| in. ; 13 + 2 + 12 lines. Part of a letter probably addressed to the king. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 20]

64. Upper portion of tablet, 2^ in. by 1| in. ; 10 +11 + 2 lines. Part of a letter to the king from Ishtar-shum-eresh, y <('^* '^ [-^"^l- Eeference is made to the god Amurru, >-- y e:yy«- IS^^y, and the temple of Anu, tyyyy ^^ y^ .(^y. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 27]

65. Complete tablet, 2J in. by 1 J in. ; 5 + 1 + 2 lines ; Babylonian. Astro- logical report from Tabia, y "gy^y ^ ^y?, concerning the appearance of the moon on the thirtieth day of lyyar. [Ki. 1904^10-9, 28]

* Partly effaced.

t A gloss, reading probably S^yyj Has been inserted by tlie scribe between this and tlie pre- ceding line ; it is written above the end of the sign ^yyy and the beginning of £^ty, and immediately below


66. Nearly complete tablet, witli two corners wanting, 1-ff in. by 1^ in. ; 8+1 + 8 lines. Contract-tablet recording the hire of a house or of land. The deed is dated on the 1st of Tebet in the eponyray of Ishtu-Adad-aninu,

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 29]

67. Nearly complete tablet, upper edge and bottom left-hand corner wanting, 1^ in. by 2f in. ; 11 + 3 lines. List of oflQcials, the numbers of each class being generally given. The object for which the list was drawn up appears to have been stated in a note upon the Eeverse.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 30]

68. Lower portion of tablet, 2J in. by 2-j^ in.; 8+3+12 lines. Part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 31]

69. Nearly complete tablet, one corner wanting, 2^ in. by 1 in. ; 7 + 1 + 0 + 1 lines. Astrological report from Ishtar-shum-eresh, y ^'^ "t^ ^'~<,* concerning rain and thunder. [Ki. 1904—10-9, 32]

70. Nearly complete tablet, 1-/^ in. by 2j\ in.; 12 + 2 + 9 lines. Letter to the king from Nabii-shum-iildina, f ->{- ^ >^ ■-. Reference is made to the queen-mother. The letter was probably never sent, as the text in places has been partially obliterated by pressure while the clay was still soft. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 33]

71. Nearly complete tablet, If in. by 3| in.; 25+26 + 1 lines; Babylonian.

Letter from the king, Ashur-bani-pal, to Menana, y y>- ^^ ^:^* concerning the Babylonian and Elamite revolt. Eeference is made to Ummanigash, T "S^n "tl Ol^ S S. I ^n « 1^ ^i *. Shamash-shum-uk!n, y ty .—.4"- -^ ^f^ _^, and to tiie lands of Assyria, V -+ ^ 411. and Elam, \* <^y ^y 4|f. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 34]

72. Nearly complete tablet, the lower edge wanting, l-j^g- in. by If in. ; 12 + 4 lines. Letter to the king from Nei-gal-shum-iddina, y ->^ <^yy ■t^ , reporting an eclipse of the moon. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 35]

73. Tablet with much of the Pieverse wanting, 2 ^^ in. by l-,^ in. ; 9 + 9 + 1 lines ; Babylonian. Astrological report concerning the appearance of the moon on the thirtieth day of the month. [Ki. 1904-1U-9, 36]

74. Top left-hand corner and portion of left side ; 1^ in. by 2| in. ; 14 + 17 + 3+4 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 37]

75. Nearly complete tablet, 2^ in. by 1 in. ; 5 lines. Astrological report from the chief astrologer, g^ gy- ^ "^f]*, concerning the appearance of the moon on the thirtieth day of Tebet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 38]

Partly effaced.


76. Nearly complete tablet, 1| in. by | in. ; 5 + 1 lines ; Babylonian. Astrological report from Nab^-ikbi, [f] "^^ytl^ M^^ m, concerning a hurricane in the month Tebet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 39]

77. Complete tablet, 1^ in. by 2^ in. ; 15 + 1 +16 + 1 lines. Letter to the king from Nabil-akhe-riba, the royal astrologer, written in reply to an en(juiry from the king, whom he assures that the time and circumstances are most propitious for an interview between the king and the crown- prince. The text to the sixth line of the Reverse reads as follows :

Vr -^y ^:m I -n t^m I -+^ -+ <::^T n ^y ^^ i -a j^ei? m m ^- \ - <-^H "siy ^^:^\^ ^ ^ii sv -+ g^ i EI I? ^s ^ss? I s?iy --^y Vr - <y ^:?s i y? -^y ^y? E^yy y? - \ y? ^yy? « £?yy y? ^-y i ^y -^ -+ s^f ^yyy^ \^^^^- <h ^iss i

Edge: .^I^ X^]] \ ^^ ^ -^y | Eev.: ^+ -\ -^ ^ \ ^U- IM

m -yyim \^n^mi\^^-<^ -^n a^ i -:^? &?yy y? --y i

^y .4^ ^>f- >^ eyyys syy y^ -^y. Besides assuring the king that that very month and day were favourable, Nabu-akhe-riba adds, in tlie broken lines at the close of the Reverse, that the heavenly bodies, represented by Venus (Ct^>-4- >-x) and the Moon {-^ <(■(<(), were also propitious. One line of text on the left-hand side has been erased by the scribe.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 40]

78. Nearly complete tablet, 1^ in. by 2^ in. ; 15 + 3 + 1.3 lines. Letter to the king from Morduk-ushallim-akhe, y «-t|- "(^-^y |^ A^ y!-«-, concerning victims for sacrifice. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 41]

79. Complete tablet, If in. by 2f in. ; 17 + 17 lines. Letter to Ashur-baui-pal from his brother Shamash-shum-ukin concerning ships. The letter begins

y? -^y gi^ e:^^ ^Ey? i ^4f y -+ ^] -<^ ^ -yy^ >^y

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 42]

80. Nearly complete tablet. If in. by 3 in. ; 12 + 3 + 11 lines. Contract- tablet recording a sale of land. Tlie document is dated on the 17th Tebet, in the eponymy of B§l-kharran-bel-usur, i.e., 741 or 727 B.C. ; the date reads - -^? t^y ^^y '%- ^x | <y^ y^ y -^^ ^ ^ ^ . On a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse are five nail-impressions.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 43]

8L Lower half of tablet, If in. by 2^55- in.; 12 + 13 + 1 lines. Portion of

a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 44]

82. Tablet with upper part wanting, l-j^ in. by 2| in. ; 14 + 1 + 15 lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king ; reference

is made to the turtan, ^= ^^ ^^y ^, and to troops and horses.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 45]


83. Nearly complete tablet, 1^^ in. by 2f in.; 11 + 1 + 15 linos. Contract- tablet recording the sale of three slaves for thirty shekels of silver. The document is dated in the eponymy of Nabft-akhe-iddina, i.e., in 675 B.C. ; the date reads ^ ^T T &|E | H !* -+ ^ Ar I"-* ^- On the blank band across the upper part of the Obverse are three oval seal-impressions.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 46]

84. Tablet with upper portion wanting, 1^ in. by 2| in.; 17 + 4 + 17 lines; Babylonian. Portion of a letter to the king. Eeference is made to Assyria, V —V ^1!' ^^'^ to Naba-damik, the son of Zer-Babili, | "SrT^^ <y^t? M.^'i^ l^ 1^^ A ^"+? ^11- and other nobles of Erech, ^ |f J^ }<« ^ ^SS! ^1!- '^'he text invokes or mentions Bel, Nabft, Nana, and Ishtar, who is once referred to as " tlie Lady of Erech," >-«Jf- "g ^ ^Sl.1 ^|I-

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 47]

85. Portion from the right side and lower right-hand corner, IJ in. by 1| in.; 11-1-9 lines. Part of a letter. Eeference is made to the queen-mother, 1^ 5^ ^^. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 48]

86. Tablet with portions wanting from the upper and lower edge, 13 + 15 + 2 lines ; Babylonian. Portion of letter. Reference is made to the king of Elam, s:^ \^ <X| ^f ^, and to the king of Assyria, ^^ \^ ->^ ^.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 49]

87. Complete tablet, 2yV in- by 1-^ in. ; 3 + 1 + 1 lines. Memorandum- tablet, recording the receipt of seven oxen and eight sheep on the nineteenth day of the month from Shamash-ilia, | -^f ^f -4" !?> ^nd Ashur-li'ii, y ^^y^ -^yy. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 50]

88. Portion from the right-hand side, l-,^ in. by 2|^ in. ; 15 + 10 lines. Part of a text in the form of a letter containing omens. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 51]

89. Nearly complete tablet, IJ in. by 2f in. ; 15 + 4 + 16 -I- 2 lines. Letter to the king from Ashur-khamatia, y >->-'^ J^< V t^]}, referring to the priestly ofticials Nabu-epush, y -Hh ^ ^ 5f?^! E^ -!!?* '^ -+ -HTT 11 and Nabu-nadin-aplu, y -+ £?= ^r Tl t^ ^H HPff ^ITTT -+. and to " the temple " (eyyyy \^). [Ki. 1904-10-9, 52]

90. Nearly complete tablet, 2| in. by 1} in. ; 7 + 1 + 5 lines. Astrological report from Nabu-akhe-riba, y -Jf- ^ i3^ y—"- >-^yy, interpreting the results of observations of the stars Mulmul, E:J:|-Hf- tty'^Hf-. and Dilgan, J:j:^-Jf- >— 4w!' in connexion with the moon. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 53]

91. Upper portion and centre of tablet, with right-hand side wanting, -ff in. by

2 in. ; 12 lines. Part of a letter to the king from y y^ g|. The lower part of the Reverse is iminscribed. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 54]

* Partly effaced.


92. Portion of a tablet of which the greater part of the Eeverse is preserved, 3-j^in. by 1-f^in. ; 2 + 2 + 10 Hues; Babylonian. Part of an astrological report from Zakir, J ^ ^^. interpreting observations of solar and lunar haloes, the latter in connexion with the star Jity'-Hf" ^"HI ^"^ ""^ »-^*

[la 1904-10-9, 55]

93. Triangular tablet, If in. by 2| in.; 4 + 2 lines. Contract-tablet con- cerning grain. On the Obverse are two impressions of a scarab.f and at the upper corners are two holes by which straws or reeds were fixed to the tablet. The document is dated on the 18th Ab in the eponymy of Shulmu-

bei, -^? ^^cy ^y <???? c|E i<r- ^ y <y^ -=^ -n.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 56]

94. Small oblong case-tablet with the greater part of the Obverse wanting, 1-j^ in. by ^ in., l + 5-|-2-f-4-|-l lines ; with a portion of the case,

1^8^ in. by 1 in., + 3 H- 6 lines. Contract-tablet, dated on the

8th Elul, in the eponymy of Shamash-shar-ibni, -J^^ |E|^ *y \}W \ <y. ^ Y .^ ^y « ^; Case, ^ ^y ?n| !=^ | ^ y ^ 4. ^.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 57]

95. Lower half of tablet 2^ in. by 2f| in. ; 15 -|- 12 lines. Portion of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 58]

96. Lower portion of tablet, 1^ in. by 2J in. ; 20 + 2 + 18 lines. Part of a letter or communication to the king, written by a high astrologer and interpreting the meaning of various astrological phenomena of recent occurrence, including observations of the planets Mars and Jupiter, a solar eclipse, and a diminution in the normal rainfall which had taken place during that year, the observations with regard to Mars being regarded as having special reference to the Umman-manda Gimraa, or Cimmerians. Obv., 1. 14-Eev., 1. 4, read as follows :

y - -^]f E^y* tt^Hh m ^Vy ^ <hr t- \ f-- -y<y^ i-^ ^ Q -jA ^} « gyy

^? « gyy £^ <£yy mi ^ ^

^4- <t^ gyy ^ ^— ? gt^4— -+ -1 t<]i ^A-m < m

^ \i m ^iT "^^ n£yy -^^? <M -EI -^yy ^^^ ^y <y-iiiy ttv^ ^yy^ y- v m ^y -^yy ^-yi 4s <y-

<m ^y y^^ tyyy][ y^^ siy s^y {H} Ml < ^y


-+ ^y ^ ^yyy ^ <y^ \^ \}< yyy ^t yy^ gy ^j ^ ^g ^y ^ <y^

\^ -V <m "^"g%<M A^ ti gyy ^gg -n yy

t Ses further, the lutroductxon.


Eeverse :

<MEU ^ <^tH T? -+ !— glT ^ -4- -^I -4- ?«: >^T^

r^y ^m t^^i gyy xy< -^y -yy^nty-- mil ^^

-H V? Ml < ^l etc. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 59]

97. Portion of the Obverse, If in. by 2J in. ; 14 + lines. Part of a

letter to the king; the lower edge and Eeverse of the tablet are vitrified.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 60]

98. Top right-hand corner, lf| in. by 2^ in. ; + 18 + 22 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list of gods. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 61]

99. Left-hand portion of oblong tablet, 2-:^ in. by Iff in.; 10 -f 1 -|- 4 lines. Part of a contract-tablet inscribed with a list of thirty-one proper names enumerated in connexion with a transfer of landed property.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 62]

100. Portion from the left half of an oblong tablet, 2| in. by li|- in. ; 12 -I- 1 -f 9 lines. Part of a religious text, probably containing a prayer or an astrological report. Keference is made to Babylon, t^y -Hf~ * K^ * and Egypt, ^^ >^ <^. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 63]

101. Top right-hand corner. If in. by 3^ in. ; 4- 11 -F 24 -I- lines.

Part of a text containing Sumerian incantations, furnished with an inter- linear Assyrian translation, referring by name to the goddesses Ninmakh, -Hh -^tl "iElh Ningal, -Jf- ■^tl th, and Ninlil, -Jf- ^£lf &yn, and to the Sun-god, ->f- ^J. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 64]

102. Portion from the left-hand side, 2| in. by 1^ in. ; 8 -|- lines. Part

of a text containing omens. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 65]

103. Portion out of the middle, 3^ in. by 2| in. ; 14 -I- 13 -I- 10 -|- 24 lines. Part of an explanatory list. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 66]

104. Portion fi'om the bottom left-hand corner, 3 in. by 3| in. ; 23 -f- 22 lines. Part of a text, arranged in short sections, containing directions and prescriptions for the sick, in connexion with astrological phenomena or different months and days of the month. The first line of one section (1. 6 of the Obverse) reads || '"^* I -yi^ IH Ie! V ^Hf" t^* ^tl t^ tl t^lir PI; and the following section reads J* ^ -S^? t& ^1 111 E=B

{?< y---- "^Tyy^ ^h -^ -t$i mi^ii^ ^b i^ -yi^ -t^ ^t tvr< tE ^^^y* ?? <y- ^y ^ ^*m\ ^i <ii ^B-^^^i -yy^ ^yyy* ^ -ih -sii ^1 <yyy ^m\^ <^ ^-^^ ^i ti -«f iiiy n^yy

*T <m* ^B ii- [Ki. 1904-10-9, 67]

* Partly effsced. t Sic.


105. Portion from the right-hand side, 2f in. by 3^ in. ; 19 + 21 lines. Part of a text containing omens. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 68]

106. Portion from the upper edge, 2^ in. by 2;^ in. ; 4 + 3 lines. Part of an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 70]

107. Portion out of the middle of a solid barrel cylinder of baked clay, 3^ in. by If in. ; 11 lines, written in archaistic Babylonian characters, each line of the inscription being divided from the next by a line ruled across the clay. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Esarhaddon. Eeference is made to the temples Esagila and E[zida], and to the gods Enlil, -4- -I^Eiyyy, Shamash, -»f ^, and Marduk, ->f- C^^J; the text probably recorded building operations. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 71]

108. Portion out of the middle of a hexagonal prismoid of baked clay, 2| in.

by If in. ; + 12 -f 10 + hues. Part of

a historical inscription of Esarhaddon. The portion of the right-hand column which is preserved is a duplicate of Cylinders " A " and " C " of Esarhaddon (48-10-31, 2, etc. ; cf. I R., pll. 45 ff.). Col. IV, 11. 47-60 (Cylinder " C "). [Ki. 1904-10-9, 72]

109. Portion out of tlie middle of a hexagonal prism of baked clay, 2^ in. by

3 in.; -f 18 -t- 19 -|- + -i- Hues. Part of

a historical inscription of Esarhaddon, recording in the left-hand column his conquests of the peoples of Cilicia, V -^ ^III <(I0> ^^'^ [Tul-A.«hurri], [the Mannaa], and the Ashguzaa [\'' ^ ■^^] ?? y^ f^, this portion of the text being parallel to, but not a duplicate of the prism 48-10-31, 2, Col. II, 11. 10-32, publislied in I Pt., pi 4.5. LI. 12 ff. of the right-hand column record the conquest of Bazu, V "^t f? "^J'i, and are parallel to the same prism, Col. Ill, 11. 25 ff., pubUshed in I E, pi. 46. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 73]

110. Portion out of the middle of a decagonal prism of baked clay, 3J in. by

2i in. ; -t- + + 14 -h 12 + + +

-f- -f lines. Part of a historical inscription of

Ashur-bani-pal, the portion that is preserved recording his BaLyhuiian and Elamite campaigns. The left-hand column is a duplicate of the prism Em. I, Col. IV, 11. 107-118, and the right-liand column is a duplicate of the same prism. Col. V, 11. 107-1 1 7 (cf. V E., pll. 4 f.). [Ki. 1904-10-9, 74]

HI. Portion out of the middle of a barrel cylinder of baked clay, 2^ in. by 2f in. ; 17 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assjrrian king. Mention is made of the Elamite and the Chaldean (cf. 1. 5, l-t, ^^ .(^y gy

m t^ m ^y <hm t:^* m and of Babylon, t^:?' -+ t^ii <m-

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 75]

* Partly effaced.



112. Portion out of the middle of a barrel cylinder of baked clay, 2^ in. by 3-j^ in. ; 22 lines. Part of a historical inscription of Sennacherib, the portion preserved relating to his Second and Third Campaigns. The text corresponds to the Taylor Prism (55-10-3, 1), Col. I, 1. 67-Col. II, 1. 63 (c/. I E., pll. 37 f.). [Ki. 1904-10-9, 76]

113. Portion out of the middle of a barrel cylinder of baked clay, 2^ in. by 2J in. ; 9 lines. Part of a historical inscription of Sennacherib; tlie text is partly parallel to the close of the Bellino Cylinder, K. 1680.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 77]

114. Portion out of the middle of a decagonal prism of baked clay, 2f| in. by

3-j^ in. ; 13 + 19 + + + + + +

-f + lilies. Part of a historical inscription of Ashur-bani-

pal, the portion preserved relating to his First and Second Campaigns ; Col. II is a duplicate of Em. I, Col. II, 11. 20-31 (V E., pi. 2).

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 78]

115. Portion from the right-hand side of a barrel cylinder of baked clay, 1-j-^ in. by 3 in. ; 25 lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king, recording building operations. Eeference is made to the teinple-tower of the Temple of the goddess Ishtar at Nineveh, ^<^* ^ff -ff- tHyy -Jf- £r<yy «^.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 79]

116. Portion out of the middle of an octagonal prism of baked clay, 2 j in. by

2^ in. ; + + 16 + 10 + + + +

lines. Part of a historical inscription of Tiglath-Pileser I. The text is a duplicate of the prism K. 1621a + K. 13871, Col. Ill, 1. 95-Col. IV, 1. 7, and Col. V, 11. 1-10 (published in I E., pll. 9 fi'.), the variants following the readings of Cyhnder "C" (K. 1620« + K. 13714 + K. 13781 + 13788). In Col. V, 1. 8, the text inserts <y-IEU before tt} ^^ ^15^ T""* ^•

[Ki. 1904^10-9, 80]

117. Portion out of the middle of a decagonal prism of baked clay, 3 in. by

2| in. ; + + + + + + . . . + 7 ends

of lines + 17 + lines. Part of a historical inscription of Ashur-

bani-pal, the text preserved in the right-hand column being a duplicate of Em. I, Col. IX, 11. 74-89 (cf. V E, pi. 9). The text of Ki. 1904-10-9, 81, enables us to restore the gap at the end of 1. 87, of which the second half

should read -+ t^Ey ^W "VT ^11 *y -+ ^ CZ "'^11 ^^ -Hht-

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 81]

118. Bottom left-hand corner, 3 in. by 2 in. ; 9 + 11 lines. Part of a text containing an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 82]

* Partly effaced.

+ Jensen (Keilins. Bibl., II, p. 226) correctly suggested the restoratiou of a place-name at the end of the line. Ninlil, or Selit, is here used as a title of Ishtar of Arbela.



119. Portion out of the middle, 2| in

by 2^ in.

12 + 18 + +

(+ + ) lines. Part of an explanatory list of words, with

glosses in the left halves of the double columns giving the Sumerian pronunciation of the ideograms. The portion of the text which is preserved, consisting of the right half of one double column and the left half of the next, reads as follows, the glosses being placed within parenthesesf :


the double /Jl'ij m column ia 'y'^'^-'



^ ^y i^ ^^^ ^y- ^y t-m -yyi

i^ « y? -y<

g £?yyy ^ ^^


00 ^yniEy)




e:<yf yy)

(^yy^ ^yy yy)

-1 ^y


^yy yy) ^^ty)

(^ i^y JIU)

(Ey ^Ey m)



m m

?|^[Tliishalfof I "'"''- the double




column is j wanting.]


[Ki. 1904-10-9, 83]

120. Portion from the lower half, 2^ in. by 2| in ; 12 + 8+1 lines. Part of a text containing a letter or despatch, probably addressed to the king ; reference is made to troops, £:c.^ ^J \>*^. The tablet was of a larger size than usual. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 84]

121. Portion from the left-hand side, 2 in. by 2f in. ; 23 + 2;-5 + ( )

+ 16 + ( ) lines. Part of a list of words and verbal forms, arranged

according to their initial characteis. The portion of the last column which is preserved is uninscribed. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 85]

* Partly effaced.

t Ot the glosses the values Tcuttv. for py »^, and mutlu, matlu, malla, and gazinbu for ty ^*- are of interest.


122. Portion out of tlie middle, 2^ in. by 2| in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of an explanatory text relating to a Sunierian composition.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 86]

123. Portion from the left half of the Reverse, SJ in. by 1^ in. ; +

+ + 11 lines. Part of a text containing a Sumerian

incantation, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. The text probably belongs to the class of incantations against evil spirits ; 11. 7 ff., containing a mythological reference, read as follows:

<B £!- -m ih* m <H m s^fn <j-m >m ^i sir -+ 4,^ -+ ^jn m^ ^b i?

n V - ^n? <iej <!- HI --y -^^ ^ny^ -+ 4\-^ - -+ tfi -ni^ V -n^ --n El yn -^ y-- --yy ^w, ^y < ih ^y - ey i? -y< -^y i^yyy^^* ^hi tm

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 87]

124. Portion out of the middle of a decagonal prism of baked clay, 3 J in. by 3 in. ;

+ + +19 + 6+ + + +

+ lines. Part of a historical inscription of Ashur-

bani-pal, the portion preserved referring to his Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Campaigns. The text is a duplicate of the prism Em. 1, Col. IV, 11. 97-117, and Col. V, 11. 108-114, published in V R, pll. 4 f. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 88]

125. Portion out of the middle of a decagonal prism of baked clay, 3 in. by

If in. ; + + + + + +

+ + 7 + 10 lines. Part of a historical inscription of

Ashur-bani-pal. Tiie portion of the text which is preserved corresponds to the prism Em. 1, Col. IX, 11. 74-80, and Col. X, 11. 75-84, published in V E., pll. 4 f. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 89]

126. Portion from the base of an octagonal prism of baked clay, 2-j^ in. by

If in. ; + + + + + 7 +

+ lines. Part of a historical inscription of Ashur-bani-pal.

The portion of the text which is preserved records Ashur-bani-pal's vengeance on Gambulu, -tfy V' ^ j^"- IHI) the text corresponding to the prism K. 2732 + Sm. 1712 (Cylinder "B" of Ashur-bani-pal), Col. VI, 11. 69-74, published in III E., pi. 33, and George Smith, History of Assurhanipal, pp. 136 f., 11. 72-78, missing portions of which it restores. Thus 1. 71 ( = 1. 74 of George Smith) may be restored as "Sjy f « ^

<m ^ y— e:?s yy < y «y -^y ^- [^i. 1904-10-9, 90]

127. Top right-hand corner, 2| in. by 1| in. ; 6 + 6 lines. Part of a text containing an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 91]

Partly eSaoed.


128. Lower left-hand comer, 2| in. by 3^ in. ; 21 + 20 lines. Part of a text containing liver-omens derived from observation of the >-yf^; Eev., 11. 5 ff read :—

-^ -yy^ yy«< ^y a^ %i ^yyii^ n£yy ^* v, mi l \^ ^p ^ -yy^ yy«< y tgyy \ &<yy -yy^ hj^

-^ -yy^ in< ^yy Am ti ^yy? A4f - ^yyy ^ii

^ -yy^ yy«< <siy -yy^^ ^y ^i -^y^ ^yyy^ -yyi^w m -m ^ -yy^ yy«< <Eyy ^ tin sy -y< <m - -^yy m

^ -yy^ yy«< <-^h i ^^ ?? &yyyy m -yi

^ ^ <^-H -yy^ yy«< < iiii <y^ iiii ^^m

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 92]

129. Eight-liand portion of tablet, 2 in. by 3 in. ; 29 + 18 lines. Part of a prayer to a god; reference is made to the god Marduk, "^ "CZ^], and to the temple Esagila, &yyyy ^yy^ s^yyy^HlET- [Ki. 1904-10-9, 93]

130. Upper portion of tablet, 2| in. by 2-j^ in. ; 17 -r 13 lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens, those in the iirst section being derived from observations of the planet Mars, tt^*^ £^ >— < y^ •^, in relation to the Moon, -4- <«, the stars -J:^-Jf- &^ jys: and ^t}-^ -4- <^^y, and the planet Jupiter, t't}-*^ "^11^ h V- The text begins:—

y tt^Hh £^ -^ y? >/- < -+ ^^y <x< -^y ^yyyi= ??< y? i" ^ yr ^* y K^Hh £«: -^ y? ^ y? >^y tt^^- m Mi^ ^i A -m --y ^ y --?^HF- sff -< y? -^ yi>^y ^yyy -t^4- -+ <::^! -m ??< f? "-^ \* -^i-^* ^r

y-^^s^^ll^y?^y^yyy£^^+^Jh<::^y -Ely ey ^1 ^1

-^y^ ^^ < ^y?? y>


Five lines at the end of the Eeverse give the title of the composition and state that the tablet was the property, or work, of Marduk-shallim-akhS, evidently a pupil t in the School of Augury, and the son of Nab^-mushesi, the scribe ; they read as follows :

g^yyy &yy- >^y< -Hf- y— ^y- y^^^- ^ ^-yyy< xl< -Hf- <

gtyyy ^yy^ ^y< ^ m <h xi< m ^-yyy< -<y< €yyy ey y? m

<hm £^yi ^ <Sll tty feiH -^y -+ ^ysr-^y

mm ^h y -+ sn ^ <y- ^ y-- ^^ <^£e r ^^

f^ y ^4- Iff: ^* 1^* -eyy* g— y^ -^y

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 94]

131. Top right-hand corner, 2J in. by If in.; 14 -f 5 lines. Part of a text

containing omens. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 95]

Partly effaced. f C/.his title, lamalH siiru.


132. Portion from the left half, 2^ in. by 2| in.; 21 ±

lines. Part of a text containing a Sumerian composition with interlinear Assyrian translations. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 96]

133. Portion from the lower edge, 2| in. by 2J in. ; 9 + 9 lines. Part of an appeal to the Oracle of the Sun-god. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 97]

134. Upper portion of tablet, 2^ in. by 2\ in. ; 8 + 9 + 1 lines. Part of a contract-tablet recording a sale of land. On a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse are four nail-marks in place of seal-impressions. The document is dated on the 18th Nisau, in the eponymy of Shamash-bel- usur, the governor of Arznkhina, i.e., probably in the year 710 B.C. ; the date reads :-^^? £^Jf- ^T < ???? ^^ iV ^ ! -+ ^I -H -V I E3w V \^ -^n !=t^ "-!! 4 ■^I- [Ki- 1904-10-9, 98]

135. Portion out of the middle of a prism of baked clay, 2^ in. by 2\ in. ; 10

+ lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian

king ; reference is made to Assyrians, ^-^ <Tg yv yv_ Egyptians, V >t^ ^-y.?.. Etyy II y? and to charioteers, etc., f^ tf ^ If—, E^S V ^I ^ y—

V -H -yyy y— > and e^ tyy? ^yy? y . [Ki. 1904-10-9, 99]

136. Portion from the right-hand side, 2-^ in. by 2 in. ; -f- 12

-1-11 + lines. Part of a text containing liver-omens,

derived from observation of the -^yfy ; the text is illustrated by diagrams impressed upon the clay. [Ki. 1904-10^9, 100]

137. Portion out of the middle and right-hand side, 3J in. by 2f in. ; 14 + lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 101]

138. Portion from the left-hand side, 2f in. by 3| in.; 13 + ( + -I-)

16 lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from observation of the liver. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 102]

139. Portion from the left-hand side and bottom left-hand corner, 2-jJg- in. by 4^ in. ; 19 -h 18 lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from observation of the liver. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 103 + 114]

140. Portion from the lower edge and bottom right-hand corner, 3^ in. by I in. ; 2 4- 4 -f- 5 lines. Part of a contract-tablet ; on a blank band upon the Obverse are traces of circular or oval seal-impressions.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 104]

141. Bottom left-hand corner, 2^ in. by 2| in.; 11 -f ( + +)

12 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, with rubrics for their due recital ; reference is made to the goddess Gula >->^ ^^ -£y.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 105]


142. Portion from the left-hand side, 1^ in. by 2-j^ in.; 12 + lines.

Part of a text containing a Sumerian prayer or incantation, the lines of the composition being separated by lines ruled horizontally across the tablet ; an address is made to the god Shamash as " the exalted judge,'* -4- ^y l^ H>^^ -^||i|. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 106]

143. Portion from the centre and right-hand side of tablet, 3\^ in. by 3| in, ; 26 -f- 15 lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from births.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 107]

144. Upper portion of tablet, the surface much damaged, 3 in. by 4| in.; 16 -I- 19 lines. Part of a text containing a Sumerian incantation, accompanied by an interlinear Assyrian translation. A colophon-line, between the composition and a three-line rubric, reads :

The catch-Hne for the next tablet reads : |^>f- -+ *y -«f "^111 ^Wili^ll ^^* --n -^^^^^- [Ki. 1904^19, 108]

145. Portion from the base of an octagonal prism of baked clay, 3-^ in. by

2^ in. ; 9 -f- 8 -I- + -|- -|- -|- + lines.

Part of a historical inscription of Sennacherib, the portion of the text preserved relating to his First, Second, and Third Campaigns. The text is a dupUcate of the "Taylor Cyhnder" (55-10-3, 1), Col. 1,11. 57-64, and Col. ir, 11. 39-45, pubUshed in I P., pU. 37 f. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 109]

146. Portion out of the middle of a barrel-cylinder of baked clay, 4| in. by 42 in. (greatest arc) ; 41 4- 0 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king; mention is made of Babylon, JigiJ >-4- ^tfy <(|^, and Ddr-Iakini, -tyy glSf I -ET? <I^ m- [Ki- 1904^10-9, 110]

147. Portion from the right-hand side of a barrel-cylinder of baked clay, 4-^-^ in. by 2f in. ; parts of 3 lines from the beginning and of 12 lines from the end of the inscription. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king, recording building-operations. Of the first two lines of the inscription the following phrases are preserved:— g«e^:^* |* gf^^* l'^ —V <Ie! <^t -^T -^1

-4- ^n <III sl3S ^ -^B Ie!< Jf <Igf I mi* -^H -sy t] ^ -W-

'~ [Ki. 1904-10-9, 111]

148. Portion out of the middle, 2y% in. by 3-j^ in.; + 13 -f +

lines. Part of a text containing incantations; in one incantation

reference is made to Naru, the Eiver-god, ->^ y?Q',- and to Anu, -4- y? C^y- [Ki- 1904-10-9, 112]

Partly effaced.

+ Sic; scribal error for ^>^.



149. Portion from the left-hand side, 2-^ in. by If in.; 12 + 9 lines. Tart of a text containing liver-omens. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 113]

150. Fragment from the left-hand side, -i^ in. by 2| in. ; 11 ± lines.

Part of a text containing omens ; every tenth line of the text was marked by the figure < in the left-hand margin. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 115]

151. Portion from the right-hand side, If in. by 2f in. ; -1-6 lines. Part

of a text containing a prayer or incantation. A colophon-line refers to [^4-] ^J* ^. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 116]

152. Fragment from the right-hand portion, 2| in. by 1-ff in. ; 8 -f- 6 lines. Part of a text containing liver-omens. [Ki. 1904—10-9, 117]

153. Portion from the left-hand side, 2f in. by 2J in. ; 17 ± lines.

Part of a text containing incantations, with rubrics ; reference is made to the deities Ea, Shamash and Marduk, ►>![- tfffy y? -Hf- '^I < "Hh ■^-I<T-T E3h* [Al and to Ea (?), Shamash and Adad, ->f y* ->f ^y < -.f 4^4f

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 118]

154. Fragment out of the middle, 2 J in. by 2^ in. ; 9 -|- lines. Part of a

text, probably containing incantations and directions for ceremonies ; the text is written in a bold hand. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 119]

155. Top right-hand corner, 2^ in. by If in. ; 9 + lines. Part of a

text containing an incantation. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 120]

156. I'ortion from the upper half, 2^ in. by 2\ in. ; 13 -(- 3 lines. Part of a letter. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 121]

157. Portion from the lower edge, 3^ in. by 2f in. ; 11 -1- 5 lines. Part of an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 122]

158. Portion from the right-hand side, 2^ in. by 3J in. ; 4 H- 21 + +

lines. Part of a text containing incantations. Reference is made

to Assyria, and to the deities Anu, Enlil, Ea, Sin and their consorts.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 123]

159. Portion from the top right-hand corner and right side, If in. by 3| in. ; 4 -I- 15 4- 2 lines. Part of a contract-tablet; on a blank band between 11. 1 and 2 of the Obverse were nail-marks in place of seal-impressions.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 124]

160. Portion from the right-hand side, 3| in. by 4^ in.; 15 + 14 lines. Part of a text containing a prayer for the use of an Assyrian king ; reference is made to the gods Ashur, >-4" It "V. ^.ud Anu, ^>^ It ^> ^^^ ^''^ land of Assyria, V -•-V- ^'he text is written in bold characters on a tablet of coarse elaj-. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 125]

Partly effaced.


161. Portion of a bowl of baked clay, 2i in. by 2| in. ; 1 line. Part of a bowl inscribed with the name and titles of Shalmaneser; the text reads m-/"^ «l«m- _ [Ki. 1904-10-9, 126]

162. Portion of a l)0vvl of baked clay, 3^"^ in. by 1| in. ; 2 lines. Part of a royal inscription, giving the name and titles of Shalmaneser, mi^ ET -j^ 4- « m- [Ki. 1904-10-9, 127]

163. Portion frona the top left-hand corner, 3 in. by 3^ in. ; 12 + 2 lines. Part of a text containing omens ; the text formed a numbered tablet in a series, a colophon-line reading ^yyf \^. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 128]

164. Fragment from the top right-hand corner. If in. by 1^ in. ; 4 +

lines. Part of a text, probably containing a prayer or incantation.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 129]

165. Fragment out of the middle, 1-|-^ in. by 2 in. ; 11 + 11 lines. Part of a text containing omens. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 130]

166. Fragment from the side of a great vessel of baked clay, 7 in. by 45 in., and from 1| in. to 1^ in. in thickness; 6 lines. Votive inscription of an Assyrian king. The text is inscribed in bold characters from | in. to | in. in height, and the lines of the inscription are separated from each other by lines impressed on the surface of the clay. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 131]

167. Lower portion of tablet, 3| in. by 4-j^ in. ; 20 -f- 20 lines. Part of a text containing liver-omens derived from observation of the tf |E|.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 132]

168. Nearly complete tablet, 2| in. by 4J in. ; 19 -f 20 -I- 1 lines. Contract- tablet recording a sale of land. On a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse are five nail-marks in place of seal-impressions. The document is dated on the 10th Ab, in the eponymy of Bel-sharrani, 699 B.C. ; the date reads: ^'^} ^:^tl ^M -|E |<T-* ^M -H « I? SflF I -^^ ^

^1 -^H <y- 1 !=^ y? "-y. i^^- 1904-10-9, 133]

169. Portion out of the middle, 3| in. 1>y 3y^ in.; 25 + 13 lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from observation of the liver.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 134]

170. Central portion of tablet, 2-^ in. by 2f| in. ; 11 -h 13 -J- 2 lines. Part of a contract-tablet ; on a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse is an impression of a cylinder-seal. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 135]

171. Tablet with the bottom edge and part of the right-hand side broken, 2 J in. by 3| in. ; 12 + 14 -I- 1 -f 2 (on left side) lines. Contract-tablet recording a sale of land ; on a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse are two impressions of a circular seal. The document is dated on the 7th Tisri, but the name of the eponym is wanting. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 136]

Partly effaced.



172. Portion from the upper edge, 3-j^ in. by l^f in. ; 7 + 5 lines. Part ol" an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 137]

173. Portion from the left-hand side, If in. by 2-fg- in. ; 19 + 16 lines. Part of a Sumerian incantation against sickness, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation ; the separate lines or couplets are divided from one another by lines ruled horizontally across the tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 138]

174. Upper portion of tablet with the left side broken, 1-^- in. by 1| in. ; 2 + 8+3 lines. Part of a contract-tablet ; on a broad band across the upper part of the Obverse is the impression of a cylinder-seal. The document is dated in the 21st year of Sennacherib, and not by an eponymy ; the date, which is inscribed on the bottom edge, reads >^ "-^1- >-/"y ^^ T T KKK

^ y^^ ^<«<yy | \^ ^>.^ <jgy. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 139]

175. Portion from the left-hand side, l-j-| in. by 2 in. ; 9 -f 7 lines. Part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 140]

176. Portion from the upper edge and right side, If in. by 1-J-| in. ; 7 -f 4 lines. Part of a contract -tablet ; on a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse are traces of a seal-impression. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 141]

177. Portion from the upper edge, 1^ in. by If in. ; 8 lines. Part of an astrological report. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 142]

178. Fragment from tlie right-hand side, ly^ in. by 2 in. ; 7 -[- 7 lines. Part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 143]

179. Top right-hand corner of Eeverse, 1^ in. by If in. ; -I- 6 Imes. Part

of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 144]

180. Portion from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by 2| in.; 11 -|- 11 lines. Part of a contract-tablet; on a narrow band across the upper part of the Obverse were nail-marks, of wliich two are preserved.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 145]

181. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 2-jSg- in. ; -|- 3 -f 5 +

-f- 3 + 9 -|- lines. Part of a carefully-written

tablet of accounts, arranged in narrow columns and giving different amounts of grain with dates according to month and day.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 146]

182. Fragment from the right-hand side, IJ in. by If in.; 7 -f 5 lines. Part of a contract-tablet ; the fragment probably forms part of the same tablet asKi. 1904-10-9, 150. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 147]

183. Portion from the lower edge of a small oblong tablet, 2 in. by 1 J in. ; 5 + 6 lines. Part of a contract-tablet; across the centre of the Obverse


a band has been left blank for seal-impressions. The document is dated in the eponymy of Iddina-aklie, i.e., probably 688 B.C. ; the last line of the text, which contains the date, reads: pf <y- J- f ge?* >-<^y* .^* yf|.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 148]

184. Fragment ovxt of the middle, 1|| in. by 1-j^ in. ; 4 + lines. Part

of a tablet of coarse clay, on which only a few remains of characters are preserved; probably part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 149]

185. Fragment from the left-liand side, J in. by 2 in. ; 9 -I- 10 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, recording a sale of landed property ; across the upper part of the Obverse a blank space has been left for nail-impressiona, of which one is preserved. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 150]

186. Fragment from the lower edge, 1^-^ in. by ly^ in. ; 4 -f 3 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 151]

187. Portion out of the middle, 2i in. 1-^ in. ;7-f -I- -f-

lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from observation of the liver. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 152]

188. I.,ower portion of tablet, lyL in. by lf\ in. ; 6 -|- 6 lines. Part of a letter to the king from his Astronomer reporting the results of observations.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 153]

189. Tablet, much broken and damaged, If in. by 3} in. ; 21-|-l-Fl8-f3 + l lines. Inventory of certain property, containing lists of objects and commodities with amounts. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 154 -f 155]

190. Bottom left-hand corner, IJ in. by 1 in. ; 6 -f 2 -f- + 1 +

6 lines. Part of a text, arranged in narrow columns, containing inventories of property, consisting of flocks and herds, horses, garments, vessels, slaves, etc. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 156]

191. Central portion of tablet, 3| in. by 4y\; in. ; 21-1-13 lines. Part of a text containing prayers. The upper portion of the Obverse is occupied witli a prayer to tlie Moon-god, hailed as " Lord of the Horns of the Halo " {cf. 1. 7,

^^! ^m in? -+ -n ^ Sff -^n ^- -in ^-w ^r -<^

""lU "^y^ Hr^) ; the prayer is followed by the colophon-line :

A coiTCsponding colophon-line at the end of the prayer on the Eeverse reads ^t^ ><]<. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 157]

Partly effaced.


192. Portion from the edge of a large circular plaque of baked clay, decorated with colour on the upper surface, 5J in. by 4 j in. ; 2 lines of inscription. The two linos of text run round the plaque on its upper surface, at a distance of if in. from the edge. Votive inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Ashur-nasir-pal, described as a descendant (probably grandson) of Ashur-dan {cf. 1. 1, ^ ^^^* \\ ^^ tlf? ^ --V t\ A\ ^ ET. etc) ; the text recorded building operations. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 158]

193. Portion from the left-hand side, 3 in. by .3f in. ; 15 + lines. Part

of a mythological legend concerning the Descent of the Goddess Ishtar into Hades ; the text is a duplicate of K. 162, Obv., 11. 32-46, published in IV E., pi. 31. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 159]

194. Corner of a roughly shaped tablet of baked clay, 4J in. by 3J in., uninscribed. The surface of the clay bears impressions of short pieces of straw, Ijut the edges and surface suggest that it was intended to take a record and was not merely used as building material. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 160]

195. Tablet with top and bottom corners wanting on the left-hand side, 2^^^ in. by 3^ in. ; 14 -h 14 + 2 + 2 lines. Contract-tablet recording a sale of land ; on a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse are five hoi-izontal nail-marks in place of seal-impressions. The document is dated on 27th Elul, in the eponymy of Shulmu-sharri, governor of Khalzi-adbar, i.e., 698 B.C.; the date reads [^^?] |g|^* ^y « ?^? ^x \ [<y^ >¥*

y <y^ >^ ^^ I V* "i^ -^n -- -yy^ -sy +• [kl 1904-10-9, 161]

196. Top right-hand corner, 2-j% in. by 1-f ^ in. ; 6 -f 7 lines. Part of a contract-tablet ; on a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse are vertical nail-marks in place of seal-impressions. The document is dated in the eponymy of a governor of Avbela, whose name is wanting ; the date reads zik^^ I ilV* ^ -i\\ -£: -+ [Ki. 1904-10-9, 162]

197. Lower portion of Obverse, 2^^ in. by 2^'^ in.; 11 -|- 1 (on lower edge) + lines. Part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 163]

198. Portion from the right-hand side, 2y\ by 2^ in. ; 12-1- lines.

Part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 164]

199. Upper portion of tablet, P^everse nearly wanting, 1| in. by 2| in. ; 5-1-4 -1-4 (on upper edge) lines. Part of a contract-tablet; on a blank band across the upper half of the Obverse is an impression of a cylinder-seal.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 165]

200. Fragment from the lower portion, 1|| in. by 2^ in. ; 6 -F 11 lines. Part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 166]

* Partly effaced.


201. Tablet, with top left-hand corner and the greater part of the right-hand side wanting, 2| in. by 4| in. ; 18 -F 4 -J- 19 lines. Contract-tablet, recording a sale of landed property.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 1C7 + 194 -i- 235 + 251 + 252 + 258 + 264 -t- 309 + 312 -f 348 + 394 -f- 396 -f- 398 + 399 + 400]

202. Portion from tlie lower edge, 1-j^ in. by 1| in. ; 10 + lines. Part of

a Sumerian incantation, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation, each couplet being separated from the others by lines ruled horizontally across the tablet; the couplet, 1. 5 f., reads: ^ e^Hlf ^111**116'

^tyyyt v <— ^^yyy ^ MJ*^- [Ki. i904-io-9, 168]

203. Portion from the left-hand side, IJ in. by 2J in. ; 13 + 15 -f- 1 (on left- hand side) lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter; mention is made of the ^ "ET- "-^Idf '^•^<' t'he ^ ^y- ^y^y Z^, and other officials.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 169]

204. Fragment out of the middle, probably of a prism of baked clay, 1^ in. by IJ in. ; 8 + lines. Part of a historical inscription (?).

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 170]

205. Portion from the left-hand side and lower left-hand corner, 1^^ in. by 2^ in.; 20 -1- 3 -h 19 + 2 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter.

[Ki. 1904^10-9, 171]

206. Portion from the bottom left-hand corner, 2J in. by 2-ff in. ; 7 -f- 11 lines; Babylonian. Part of an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 172]

207. Fragment from the lower portion, 1-^ in, by 2y',5- in. ; 9 -|- lines ;

Babylonian. Part of an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god ; reference is made to Ashur-bani-pal, y "^^ ^ J^ ^^ ^f-*

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 173]

208. Fragment from the lower edge, l^V in- by in. ; 5 -t- G lines. Part of an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 174]

209. Fragment from the right-hand portion, 1| in. by 1| in. ; 11 -f lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 175]

210. Fragment out of the middle, 1-^^ in. by 1^ in. ; 9 -)- lines.

Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 176]

211. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by | in. ; 5 -f lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, probably containing incantations.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 177]

Partly effaced.


212. Complete tablet and case: tablet, If in. by ^ in., 8 + 1 + 6 lines; case 1| in. by 1^ in., 7 + 3 lines. Contract-tablet, recording a loan of silver. The document is dated on the 20th Tisri, in the eponymy of Gabbari, i.f., 667 B.C.; the date reads -Jijf <fgf ^y « 4^>-< (case ^) <f- -^ If t^ ^^T -yy|. Across the centre of the case on both Obverse and Keverse are impressions of a cylinder-seal, representing a priest with one hand raised, standing in the presence of a seated goddess holding a ring or wreatli, probably Ishtar ; before the goddess is a standard supporting a crescent, and in the field behind the priest are a ten-rayed star, the lozenge-symbol, and a scorpion.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 178 and 179]

213. Tablet, with the greater part of the Oljverse wanting, 2-^ in. by 1\ in. ; 7 + 2 + 7 lines. Part of a contract-tablet; reference is made to the city of Kakzi, -^yy* ^* '-yyj^. The document is dated in the month Marcheswan, in the eponymy of Sha-Adad-aninu ; the date reads -^v ^EEl <!- "^ T V -4- A^ Tt ^ "7^- ^ \i^aM^ band has been left across both Obverse and Reverse for seal-impressions, but these have apparently not been added. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 180]

214. Central portion of tablet, 2 in. by 2| in. ; 9 + 17 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, recording a sale of land ; among the witnesses to the deed is the governor of Nineveh, ||,^ >-ry -+ ^ t^ V <--H <1U <Ie!- On the Obverse a band has been left blank for seal-impressions, but these have not been added. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 181]

215. Complete tablet and part of case : tablet, 1/^ i"- ^7 rf '"■> 6+4 lines ; case, IfV ii^- ^7 ItV i"-. 2 + 1 + 5 lines. Contract-tablet, recording a loan of forty manehs of copper, <^< gy >-<^y tUX} ]»->*■ . Tlie document is dated on the 16th lyyar, in the eponymy of Ashur-daninani, i.e., 685 B.C.; the date reads -^? ty* ^y i]^^ ^ \ <y- y- --V s^yy? &I5S -+ ^• Of the case, portions of the lower edge and Reverse are preserved ; on a blank band across the Reverse is an impression of a cylinder-seal, repre- senting a priest with one hand raised before a winged disk above an altar, while in the field are a ci'escent, an ibex, etc.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 182 and 183]

216. Lower portion of tablet, 1 in. by If in. ; 10 + 4 + 9 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter ; mention is made of Cuthah, ^fXi^ ^\\ yj ^|y.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 184]

217. Tablet with top left-hand corner, bottom edge, and parts of Reverse wanting, 1^^ in. by 2f in. ; 14 + 13 lines : Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king from Sin-ibnL [Ki. 1904-10-9, 185]

* Partly effaced.


218. Lower portion of tablet, IJ in. by 2 in. ; 13 + 2 + 13 + 3 lines. Part of a letter to the king, from one of the royal astrologers, mentioning offerings that should be made to Marduk at the New Year's Festival in Nisan, and explaining the significance of certain portents.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 186]

219. Nearly complete tablet, the top right-hand corner wanting, 1\ in. by \^ in. ; 6 + 1 + 8 + 1 lines. Contract-tablet, recording a loan of silver. The

document is dated on the 11th Tisri, in the eponymy of A[ ]; the

date reads ^— f <fgT ^y <y tgE* I <T- T- T ^ -^•

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 187]

220. Nearly complete tablet, 1| in. by 1 in. ; 6 + 2 + 7 + 3 + 2 lines. Contract-tablet, recording a loan of silver. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 188]

221. Nearly complete tablet, lf|- in. by 3^ in. ; 17 + 1 + 19 lines. Contract- tablet, recording the sale of a slave ; on a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse are two impressions of an oval seal. The document is dated on the 10th Nisan, in the eponymy of Dananu, i.e., 680 B.C. ; the date reads: ^^? E^Hh ^U ^B \ <h ^ 1 Btl ^^f "3^ E35 V ^-^ "^11 «*

^^y_ I _ ^tyy ^>-V ^ eH? >^y ^^ \-* ^^v* m I -ey <M.t

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 189]

222. Tablet with the top right-hand corner and the greater part of the right side wanting, 2y3^ in. by 3| in. ; 1.5 + 1 + 15 + 1 lines. Contract-tablet, recording a sale of land ; the date is broken. In a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse are horizontal nail-marks in place of seal- impressions. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 190]

223. Lower part of tablet, 1^ in. by 1||- in.; 10 + 4 + 12 lines. Part of a letter; on the Obverse reference is made to cattle and horses, and on the Reverse the goddess Ereshkigal, •-►f- ^^y <(JEf ^y-, is mentioned.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 191]

224. Tablet, with portion of the left-hand side wanting, 2| in. by 4j^ in. ; 18 + 5 + 23 + 4 + 3 (on left-hand side). Contract-tablet, recording a sale of house-property ; on a band across the upper part of the Obverse are traces of three impressions of a circular seal. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 192]

225. Upper half of tablet, 2J in. by 34 in. ; 14 + 9 + 2 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, recording a sale of land ; on a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse are five nail-marks in place of seal-impressions.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 193]

Partly effaced.

f The addition of the reference to Esarhaddon's aocegsion was evidently dictated by his recent acknowledgment as king throughout Assyria.



226. Tablet, with upper and lower left-hand corners wanting and Reverse damaged, 1| in. by | in. ; 1 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 2. Contract-tablet, recording a loan of silver. The document is dated on the 28th Tyyar, in the

eponymy of Ashur-[ ] ; the date reads -Ji?* ^y^ *!* « 'w' A'^* I

[<M ^ T --V*ii [Ki. 1904-10-9, 195]

227. Left-hand portion of small oblong tablet, roughly formed, 1^ in. by 1-^ in. ; 5 lines. Part of a memoranduin tablet, inscribed witii amounts ; the reverse is uninscribed. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 196]

228. Left-hand portion of tablet, If in. by 1^ in. ; 6 -F 2 + 6 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, dated the 22nd Tisri, in the eponymy of Abu (?)"Aa f ;

the date reads g<fgT ^T « m ^^* T ^* -+ V, V,-

[Ki. 1904^10-9, 197]

229. Top right-hand corner, If in. by | in. ; 2 -|- 2 -f 2 (on bottom edge) lines. Part of a contract-tablet ; on a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse are remains of impressions of a circular or oval seal.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 198]

230. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1{ in. by 1| in. ; -f- 6 lines.

Part of a contract-tablet; only the beginnings of the names of some of the witnesses are preserved. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 199]

231. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1-j^ in. by 2^ in. ; 9 -f lines.

Part of a contract-tablet recording a sale of house-property.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 200 -l- 265]

232. Portion from the left-hand side, IJ in. by l-|-^in. ; + 12 lines.

Part of a text probably containing a votive inscription of an Assyrian king recording building operations ; mention is made of Aga[de].

[Ki. 1904-10-9.201]

233. Fragment from the upper portion of Eeverse, 1^"^ in. by If in. ; -1-

10 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 202]

234. Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by If in. ; 8 -|- lines. Part

of a text containing omens. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 203]

235. Fragment of clay, lyf in. by ly^ in., possibly part of clay sealing; uninscribed. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 204]

236. Fragment from the lower edge, 1^ in. by If in.; 10-1-8 lines. Part of a text containing incantations in short paragraphs of one, two or three lines ; reference is made to the Sibitti, "-4" '§? S> ^.nd to the Igigi, [-Hh] t7 TT-

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 205]

* Partly effaced.

+ The reading of the first part of the name is not certain ; the sign i3^ seems more probable than \|'-, and, if the reading be correct, it is possible that the name should be identified with that of 1 J^l —'^ yj J\, eponym in the year 887 B.C.


237. Lower portion of tablet, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; 8 + 9 lines. Part of a letter containing instructions concerning eleven men who are enumerated by name. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 206]

238. Bottom left-hand corner. If in. by If in. ; 11 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens derived from observation of the liver.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 207]

239. Bottom right-hand corner, If in. by 1| in. ; 9 + 9 lines. Part of a religious text, probably containing omens. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 208]

240. Fragment from the bottom left-hand corner, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; -f

7 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, dated in the month Marcheswan, in the

eponymy of Si[n- ]; the date reads -^? -^y ^y|| | <y-* y«-*

y ^^ «<*i|. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 209]

241. Top left-hand corner of small oblong tablet, ly^^ in. by -{-| in. ; 5 +4 lines. Part of a text containing epigraphs concerning the achievements of an Assyrian king. The text begins p«* \^ -"V « ^ "Ih tS= -t|: |

m«* m ¥- « I « ^ "^^ I s? V y -+ <::^! ^^^^mu

on the Reverse mention is made of Akkad, %^^ <(^ '~^-

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 210]

242. Bottom rigbt-hand corner, 1| in. by ly^^ in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a religious text, of which only a few signs are preserved.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 211]

243. Fragment out of the middle, IJ in. by 1 in. ; 3 + lines ; Babylonian.

Part of a text, written in bold characters, of a historical or religious character. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 212]

244. Bottom left-hand corner, 1 J in. by 1^ in. ; 5 -(- 1 lines. Part of a memorandum-tablet, recording amounts of gi'ain. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 213]

245. Fragment out of the middle, 1-^^^ in. by 1-j^ in. ; 10 + lines. Part

of a text, probably from a letter ; reference is made to the king.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 214]

246. Portion from the left-hand side and lower edge of the Eeverse, If in. by

-J^ in. ; + 5 + 1 (on edge) lines. Part of an astrological report,

informing the king of a lunar observation. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 215]

247. Fragment from the bottom left-hand corner, IJ in. by 1^ in. ; 4 -f

lines. Part of a letter. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 216]

248. Portion out of the middle, 1 J in. by 2 in. ; 10 -I- 7 hues ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological omens, derived from thunder, etc.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 217]

Partly effaced, t The name may probably be restored as Marduk-aplu-[iddina\, i.e., Merodaeh-Baladan.



249. Fragment from the upper right-hand portion, If in. by 2 in. ; 6 +

Hues. Part of a contract-tablet ; on a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse are traces of the impression of an oval cylinder-seal, repre- senting a winged disk above the sacred tree. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 218]

260. Fragment from the upper edge, IJ in. by 1 J in. -,3-^6 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text, probably containing an appeal to the oracle of the Sun- god. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 219]

251. Bottom left-hand corner. If in. by 1||- in. ; 9 + -t- 9 lines.

Part of a text containing prescriptions for the sick.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 220]

252. Portion from the right-hand side, If in. by 1^ in. ; 7 4- 7 lines. Part of a text containing a list of male proper names with titles.

[Ki. 1904^10-9, 221]

253. Lower edge of tablet, IJ in. by If in. ; 3 -1- 2 -|- 3 lines. Fragment of a letter or memorandum-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 222]

254. Fragment from the lower edge, 1^ in. by 3^ in. ; 3 -f 4 -I- 10 -I-

lines. Part of a religious text. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 223]

255. Tablet with left-hand edge broken, 1| in. by l^\ in.; 6 -I- 1 (on bottom edge) lines, the Reverse being uninscribed. Memorandum-tablet con- cerning various amounts of grain for cattle, etc., during the months Marcheswan and Kislev. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 224]

256. Portion from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by 2| in.; 12 -f lines;

Babylonian. Part of a letter; mention is made of Babylon, [^] '^'4^? ^].

[Ki. 1904-10-9. 225]

857. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by Iff in. ; 2 -I- lines.

Part of a text, probably of a religious character. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 226]

258. Top left-iiand corner, 2-iSj^ in. by If in. ; 6 -F + 4 +

lines. Part of a text of which only slight traces of characters are

preserved. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 227]

259. Portion from the lower edge, 2f in. by 2 in. ; 3 -I- 5 lines. Part of a text, probably of a commercial or legal character. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 228]

260. Bottom right-hand corner, 2^ in. by 1| in. ; + 9 + 3 +

lines. Part of a text, much vitrified, of which only traces of

characters are preserved. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 229]

261. Portion from the upper half, 2,^ in. by 2f in. ; 10 -F 12 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, recording a sale of landed property ; on a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse are nail-marks in place of seal-


impressions. The document is dated in the month Tebet, in the eponjmy of Lipkhur-ihi t ; the date reads -^? ttf ^f ^^ t^* | <I- -^ y till A^* -+* [Ki- 1904-10-9, 230 + 236 + 240]

262. Lower portion of tablet, If in. by 2| in. ; 12 + 2 + 7 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, recording a sale of house-property.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 231 -f 272 -I- 376]

263. Fragment from the lower edge. If in. by | in. ; 3 -|- 3 lines. Part of an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 232]

264. Top right-hand corner, If in. by 1 in. ; 7 + 5 lines. Part of an astro- logical report. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 233]

265. Complete tablet, 1{^ in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + 1 + 3 lines. Memorandum- tablet, inscribed with accounts. [Ki. 1904^10-9, 234]

266. Fragment from the right-hand side, | in. by 2-jJg- in. ; 13 + 10 lines. Part of a letter; mention is made of sacriiicial victims for the palace,

M <g^* !►-►► V tyyyy ^y-. [kl 1904-10-9, 237]

267. I^ower part of tablet. If in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + 7 lines. Part of contract- tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 238]

268. Fragment from the lower edge, 2-^^ in. by 1-j^g- in. ; 5 + 2 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, probably of a religious character.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 241]

269. Bottom left-hand corner, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 10 + lines.

Part of a carefully written text, arranged in sections, one of which contains an address by the god Marduk, in which he refers to the land of Elam, the god Nergal, and the goddess Nidaba ; the section reads : f ^ ^4* K^i I

-n -yi^ i>->-m I « ^ M -ii Kigf ^y M A-wm i y? -^y ^ <n Ey <M^ i ^1 1-- -+ y--^ ^ y? ^*ii I <v "^y^y y—

s^yyyy ^y? 1^^*M I -+ <B < ^4- ^ eItSS y ^^l (at tins point the column ends). The city of Babylon is referred to in the last line of the preceding section, which reads f -t^t tSp? -Hhil- [^^- 1904-10-9, 242]

270. Bottom right-hand corner, l-,^ in. by 1| in. ; 4 + lines. Fragment

of a text, carelessly written in large characters, possibly containing a prayer ; the last line ends with the verb <y* er ^x|i^* [Ki. 1904-10-9, 243]

* Partly effaced.

+ It is clear that y ^^^'^ -^^ ""Hf" '* i<lentieal with | ,Eyt -^^ ""Hf- of Em. 187 (see Bezold, Cat., IV, p. 1591), and the occurrence of this form proves that tlie name should be read as Lipkhur-ilu. This eponym we may probably identify with J ttj ■^^F "HF" ''^ '^''® Kponym List, who held office in 729 B.C. The character ^^| is quite clearly written upon K. 4329, but it is not therefore necessary to assume that tj^? also had the value lip ; for Napkhar-ilu may well have been a variant form of the name Lipklkt r.ilu.


271. Top left-hand corner, IJ in. by 1^ in. ; 5 + 2 + lines.

Part of a list, arranged in narrow columns, containing accounts. The first entry in the list is dated the 12th lyyar, in the eponyray of Bel-kharran- shadila, y -IJ^ ^ \^ y? . [Ki. 1904-10-9, 244]

272. Portion from the left-hand side, 8 + lines. Part of a list

of archaic characters. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 245]

273. Obverse or Reverse of roughly-shaped oblong tablet; 2J in. by If in.;

5 + lines. List of garments. In the centre is the impression of

a circular seal, proving that tlie list was intended as a receipt.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 246]

274. Top left-hand corner, 1^ in. by 1-^ in. ; 7 -|- traces of 4 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, recording a sale of house-property; on a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse are nail-marks in place of seal- impressions. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 247]

275. Bottom left-hand corner, 1| in. by IJ in.; 12 -t- 4 lines. Part of an astronomical text containing a descriptive list of stars and their positions in the heavenly sphere. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 248]

276. Left-hand portion of oblong tablet, 2^ in. by If in. ; traces of 11 -f 3 lines. Part of a text, nearly obliterated, which probably contained an explanatory Ust. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 249]

277. Fragment of clay sealing, 1^ in. by 1| in. by | in.; no inscription. The upper surface bears part of the royal seal-impression of the walking lion ; the under surface retains very clearly impressions of the cords and cloth of the bundle which it secured. [Ki. 1904r-10-9, 250]

278. Fragment out of the middle, l-/^ in. by If in. ; 6 + lines. Part

of a contract-tablet, recording a sale of land. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 253]

279. Portion from the bottom left-hand corner, 1^ in. by 1^ in.; 12 -f 1 -|- 11 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king ; mention is made of the son of Zabidu, "^i y ?? ^ E^y.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 254]

280. Bottom left-hand corner, 1 in. by If in. ; 6 -1- 8 hnes. Part of an account-tablet, recording amounts of commodities received, with dates.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 255]

281. Upper portion of tablet. If in. by 1| in. : 6 + lines. Part of

a letter to the king, from Marduk-bani-[apli(?)],t y -+ <^'^! ^11

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 256]

282. Portion out of the middle, 2f in. by 1|| in. ; 9 + lines. Part of

a religious text, arranged in short sections. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 257]

+ The restoration of the name is not certain ; itmiould possibly be read Mardulc-epush.


283. Bottom right-hand corner, If in. by If in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a list or inventory ; one entry refers to Abdi-Samsi, the Tyiian.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 259]

284. Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1| in. ; 2 4 5 lines. Part of a religious text. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 260]

285. Portion from the right-hand side, | in. by 2| in. ; 21 -i- 14 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter; mention is made of Akkad, '^^ ^'v'y .^^T*> Erech, ^mJ ^ET. and of a certain 8in-akhe-[ ] . T ^Hf" ,E<< "^ ^il-

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 261]

286. Right-liand portion, 1| in. by If in.; 7 -l- 8 -f 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of an astrological report concerning observations in connexion with the Pleiades, tt^'^ %] 4f^, the greater Twins, J:^^-»f 4- e= ^f gf- gf-, etc. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 262]

287. Fragment out of the middle, 2J in. by 1 f in. ; ( H- ) 11 -F 3 ( 4- )

lines. Part of a religious text, aiTanged in sections, copied from a defective original (cf. the note ^ ^ 1 in Obv., 11. 4 and 7, and 4^ ^ in 1. 10).

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 263]

288. Fragment from the left-hand portion, 1-J in. by 1| in. ; -f 6 lines.

Part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 266]

289. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; -I- 3 lines. Part of

a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 267]

290. Tablet with left-hand side wanting, 2 in. by 1 in. ; 6 + 1 linos. Astro- logical report from Ishtar-shuni-eresh, y '(^ «^ ^x <(<(<(, concerning a lunar halo and the star J:^?-^- tlij ^fe [Ki. 1904-10-9, 268]

291. Fragment out of the middle, 2| in. by 1-j^ in. ; 4 ± lines.

Part of a religious text. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 269]

292. Portion from the right-hand side, l^f in. by 2-^ in. ; 5 + 12 lines. Part of a text containing omens. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 270]

293. Portion from the upper half, 2 J in. by 2| in.; 17-1-6 lines. Part of a letter to Ashur-bani-pal from Tammaritu of Elam. The Obverse reads :

^mm^ SIT ^^ m i ^^mm i ^iri ^ ti -m ^r m i

[-Hh]t -n* -+ -tr>f -+ --V -Hh ^T -Hh ^ I [-+]t y--*

^ -^m i m ^t Ely ^^ ^ -^ ^i? ^-^ i m^ t-ti i-^-mi - <-m ^T?? !>-- !^ ^- ^w ^m fcEsip I - mi -t\ ti -+ y-^-^ t^^ KM ^ -+ Sff: ^t -mn ^m i y? -^y ^^ -^ ^m <^m I <y-iHy ^y <sy i -^ ^ >^i m tM^miM m^ s^yyy ^m i &i^ ^ -ggyy ^? <^ t^ -t^ -^gyy >m I <m ^ %!! -Hf- ^1}

* Partly effaced. Jif f Conjectural restorations.


m ^1 m- The Eeverse reads: pf^f T— * ^ O [tl <M] I

m -ti "5=1!^ m I i6^yr -^r £^ i ^ -n 77 -^t m* m 1

^►£1 tHJ^ j -gr tlij^t [Ki. 1904-10-9, 271]

294. Top left-hand corner, Ij in. by If^ in. ; 9 + 7 + 2 lines. Part of a religious or explanatory text. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 273]

295. Portion from the right-hand side, -fj in. by 1| in.; 11 + 10 lines. Part of a letter; mention is made of Subartu, ►^ff t^^? <^.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 274]

296. Top right-hnnd corner of small oblong tablet, 1-| in. by 1 in. , 7 -I- 3 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, recording a loan of silver ; mention is made of Carchemish, .--yf V ^W Wl [Ki. 1904-10-9, 275]

297. Portion out of the middle, 1-j^in. by 1^ in.; 14 -}- lines; Babylonian.

Part of a letter to the king, concerning horses ; mention is made of the city of Targibatu, --|f ^ -ff^ ^f yj ^y. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 276]

298. Fragment out of the middle, l^^in. by 1-/^ in.; 9 + lines.

Part of a religious text, probably containing an incantation ; mention is made of Enlil (cf. 1. 5, ^— ty ^ *;:^UM)- [Ki. 1904-10-9, 277]

299. Portion from the upper edge and top right-hand corner, 1-^ in. by ^-f in. ; 4 -f- 1 lines. Part of a contract-tablet ; on a blank space at tlie end of the Eeverse are three nail-marks in place of seal-impressions.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 278]

300. Bottom left-hand corner of small oblong tablet, 1^ in. by 1.^ in. ; 5 -|- 7 lines. Part of a letter or communication. [Ki. 1904r-10-9, 279]

301. Bottom right-hand corner of oblong tablet. If in. by 1 in. ; 6 + 2 -h 4 lines. Fragment of a text, probably containing an incantation.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 280]

302. Top left-hand corner, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; 6 -I- lines. Part of a text

beginning with a list of the names and titles of certain oflScials. The tablet is of the shape of a letter; the lower part of the Eeverse is uninscribed. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 281]

303. Portion out of the middle, 1-j^ in. by IJ in. ; 5 +4 lines. Part of an astrological report. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 282]

304. Portion from the edge, 2 in. by 1^ in. ; 6 ± lines ; Babylonian.

Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 283]

* Partly effaced. + The sign may probably be restored as —>f- .

i The text of the letter probably ends with this line, as after it a line has been ruled by the scribe horizontally across the tablet. \


305. Bottom right-hand corner, 1| in. by If in. ; 5+4 lines ; Babylonian. Fragment of a letter or contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 284]

306. Upper portion of tablet. If in. by l-,^ in. ; 8 4- 9 -F 3 lines. Part of a letter to the king, from the royal astrologer Akkulanu, y "-t^^f- '^ «-£! ■^.

[Ki. 1904-10-9. 285]

307. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^ in. by 1| in. ; + 7 lines.

Part of a contract-tablet ; only names of witnesses are preserved.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 286]

308. Fragment out of the middle, l^tg- in. by ly'g- in. ; 8 + lines. Part

of a letter to the king. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 287]

309. Fragment from the bottom right-hand corner, 1^ in. by 1-j^ in. ; 7-1-8 lines. Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies, including offerings to "the Lady of Babylon," -4- *-<. <^ ^J -pf gcIT <M-

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 288 -|- 345]

310. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + lines. Part

of a text containing a Sumerian incantation, arranged in short sections, furnished with glosses. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 289]

311. Portion from the left-band side, | in. by 1| in. ; 10-1-9-1-2 (on left-hand side) lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter; mention is made of men of Kar-Shamash, ^ ^Iff? -+ ^1*11. and of Akkad, ^ J^^ ^%] J^.


312. Left-hand side of small oblong tablet, 1-j^ in. by 1 in. ; 7 lines. Part of an astrological report. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 291]

313. Fragment from the left-hand side, 44 i^- by 1^^ in. ; + 5 lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 292]

314. Bottom right-hand corner, || in. by 1-/^ in. ; 6 + 3-1-8 lines. Part of a letter, referring to certain land. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 293]

315. Fragment from the right-hand side, -^ in. by 1^ in. ; + 7 lines.

Part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 294]

316. Fragment from the bottom edge, 1| in. by | in. ; 2 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text of a religious or legal character.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 295]

317. Bottom left-hand comer, f in. by 1-^ in.; 11 + 2 + 11 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter ; reference is made to the palace. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 296]

318. Bottom left-hand corner, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a Sumerian incantation ; the lines which are preserved begin til ^:^-y t^y SwI SffT. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 297]

* Pw tly effaced.



319. Portion from the top left-hand corner of the Reverse, 1 in. by 1^ in. ;

+1 (on edge) + 8 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter ; mention

is made of a Babylonian. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 298]

320. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by 2 in. ; 7-1-7+4 (on left-hand side) lines. Part of a contract-tablet ; across the upper part of the Obverse a blank space was left for impressions of seals or nails. The document is dated on the Ist Sivan, in the eponymy of Nabft-akhe-iddina ; the date reads: '-^}* ^^ ^y y t^* | <y- >^* y ->f ^ .S^ y>«- ^*, etc., i.e., 675 B.C. " [Ki. 1904-10-9, 299]

321. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 4 + lines. Part

of a text, probably of a religious character; only traces of signs are preserved. . [Ki. 1904-10-9, 300]

322. Fragment from the lower edge, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; 8 -I- lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 301]

323-329. Fragments from the centre, sides, and edges, from 1^ in. by | in. to 1 in. by 1^ in. Small fragments of texts of a religious or commercial character ; Nos. 306 and 307 are Babylonian. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 302-308]

330. Lower portion of olive-shaped tablet, 1 in. by -{-| in. ; 3-1-1 lines. Part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 310]

331. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by | in. ; 4 + lines. Part

of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 311]

332. Fragment from the left-hand side, 4^ in. by 1| in. ; -|- 4 lines.

Part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 313]

333. Fragment from upper edge, 1| in. by -J-g- in- ; 2 -f- 2 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, or docket, relating to grain ; in the top left-hand comer is a hole, in which a straw or reed was affixed for attachment.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 314]

334. Bottom left-hand comer, ly^^ in. by -fl in. ; 3 -I- 3 lines. Fragment of a religious or commercial text, referring to temple property.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 315]

335. Fragment from the right-hand side, ^ in. by 1^ in. ; 4 -f lines.

Part of a contract-tablet ; on a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse were circular or oval seal-impressions. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 316]

336. Fragment from the right-hand portion, 1 in. by 1| in. ; 8 + lines;

Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 317]

* Partly eAiced,


337. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 J in. ; 5 + lines. Part of a

boldly written text, probably a prayer, of which only a few characters and traces are preserved. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 318]

338. Fragment out of the middle, 1 J in. by 1^ in. ; traces of 4 lines. Part of a boldly written text, probably a contract or memorandum-tablet.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 319]

339. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by 15 in. ; +8 lines. Part of

a contract tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 320]

340. Fragment from the lower edge, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; 5 + lines !

Babylonian. Part of an astrological report, interpreting an observation of the planet Mars, [tt^-Hh] #^* --^ T? ^- [Ki- 1904-10-9, 321]

341. Bottom right-hand corner, 4-| in. by 1 in. ; 5-1-2 lines. Part of a boldly written text, probably a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 322]

342. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by f in. ; 2 + lines.

Part of a text, probably containing a prayer. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 323]

343. Fragment from the left-hand side, y|^ in. by ^ in. ; . . . + 6

lines. Part of a text of a religious or commercial character ; reference is made to certain officials. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 324]

344. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; 6 -f lines.

Part of a text, probably containing a prayer. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 325]

345. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by l-jJjr in. ; 4 -|- 6 -|- +

lines. Part of a text containing a list of names of ofllcials and their titles. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 327]

346. Bottom left-hand corner, 1^ in. by | in. ; 3 -f- 2 lines. Part of an inventory or tablet of accoimts. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 328]

347. Fragment out of the middle, J in. by 1^ in. ; 4 + lines. Part

of a boldly written text, probably a memorandum-tablet, of which only a few remains of characters are preserved. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 329]

348. Fragment from the lower edge of an oblong tablet, -ff in. by | in. ; 4 -f 2 lines. Part of a reUgious text. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 330]

349. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by | in. ; 4 H- 3 -|- lines.

Part of a text, arranged in columns, containing accounts relating to suppUes for different days of the month. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 331]

350. Fragment from the left-hand side, -ff in. by 1 in. ; 5 -|- lines.

Part of a text, probably of a religious character. [Ki. 1904r-10-9, 332]

Partly effaced.



351. Fragment out of the middle, -ff in. by 1 in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a religious or explanatory text. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 333]

352. Fragment of a bowl of baked clay, 1^ in. by | in.; 4 lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king, recording building operations.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 334]

353. Top right-hand corner, 1 in. by f in. ; 2 + lines. Part of a

contract-tablet ; across the upper part of the Obverse a band has been left blank, but no seal-impressions nor nail-marks have apparently been added.

[Ki. 190-^10-9, 335]

354. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by 4-| in- ; 2 -f- 3 -f- lines.

Part of a text, probably containing omens. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 336]

355. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by 1 in. ; 5+7 + 2 (on left-hand side) lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter; reference is made to troops, ^ ^? f«(, and to the king of Babylon (c/. Kev., 1. 6, ^ ^f^lf m^ t^ A ^^?*il)- [Ki. 1904-10-9, 337]

356. Fragment out of the middle, 4-f iu- by ^ in.; 4 + Hues.

Part of a reUgious text. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 338]

357. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by | in. ; + 6 lines. Part

of a text containing a Sumerian incantation with interlinear Assyrian version, each couplet of the text being separated from the rest by lines ruled horizontally across the tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 339]

358. Fragment from the right-hand side, \^ in. by -^ in. ; 3+5 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text, probably containing a letter.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 340]

359. Bottom left-hand corner, |-|^ in. by -f^ in. ; +4 Unes. Part of

a text, probably containing a letter or contract. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 341]

360-363. Small fragments out of the middle, from -J-f in. by ^ in. to -^ in. by I in. Parts of texts of which only a few characters or traces are preserved ; No. 347 is in a coarse Babylonian hand. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 342-344, 347]

364. Fragment from the right-hand side, -^ in. by f in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a letter ; mention is made of Akkad, [V] %^ <^.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 348]

365. Fragment out of the middle, -^ in. by \% in. ; traces of 5 lines + lines. Part of a text, probably containing incantations.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 350]

366. Fragment from the edge, f in. by ^ in. ; 1 + 1 + 1 lines. Part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 351]

* Partly effaced.


367. Portion from the left-hand side of a barrel-cylinder of baked clay, 5^ in. by 2^ in. (greatest arc) ; 6 lines from the beginning and 4 from the end of the inscription. Part of an inscription of Sin-shar-ishkun, recording building operations in Nineveh. The text begins :


-^T M T -HF- -H

--yy ^^ V

m J^


^t^ m >?^*i


^Ji <W -4- 4 -'^tAm -Hh t-&

^ny <B* -







-m m ^

-+ -+ tr^y*!


* J! ^y -+ s^ir -- TUT-

^ -^T



«- y? <y- -^i

The cylinder is dated in the mouth Tammuz, in the eponymy of Kabd-

tapputi-[ ]; the date reads -^| ^f V K^* -^y* "gBf! "^

y ^jf- ^^>{- ^ ^^ ^^y<( T.||_ [Ki. 1904-10-9, 352]

368. Portion out of the middle of a barrel-cylinder of baked clay, 3 J in. by 2f in. ; 11 lines. Part of an inscription of Sin-shar-ishkun recording building operations at Nineveh ; reference is made to his ancestor Sennacherib

(cf. 1. 6, ^<«* ^ !«*>► >i£yr ^^ ^* --^* <M tEi t£y ^ m)-

[Ki. 190.3-10-9, 353]

369. Fragment out of the middle of a decagonal prism of baked clay, 2 in. by

If in. ; -f- 2 -I- 8 + lines. Part of a historical

inscription of Ashur-bani-pal ; with 11. 1 f., 4 f., of the right-hand column, cf. V E., pi. 4, 11. 122, 124 f. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 354]

370. Fragment out of the middle of a decagonal prism of baked clay, l^-f in.

by 1-^^ in. ; -1-8+ lines. Part of a historical

inscription of Ashur-bani-pal ; the portion that is preserved relates to his Arabian Campaign, and is a duplicate of Em. 1, Col. VIII, 11. 35-45 (V E., pi. 8). [Ki. 1904-10-9, 355]

371. Fragment of a bowl of baked clay, 2 in. by If in. ; 2 lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king, possibly Adad-nirari, recording the rebuilding of the temple of Ishtar at Nineveh ; the text reads '^$^\ t^ ;^| | ^:^y ^^ ^^y g|. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 356]

372. Portion out of the middle of a barrel-cylinder of baked clay, 2 in. by 8-f^ in. (greatest arc) ; 7 lines. Part of au inscription of Sin-shar-ishkun, recording building operations at Nineveh. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 357]

373. Portion out of the middle of a barrel-cylinder of baked clay, 1^ in. by 1| in. (greatest arc) ; 10 lines. Part of a historical inscription of Sennacherib, the portion that is preserved relating to his Third Campaign, and corresponding to the Taylor Cylinder (55-10-3, 1), Col. II, 1. 77- Col. Ill, 1. 20 (c/ I E., pi. 38 f.). [Ki. 1904-10-9, 358]

* Partly effaced.


374. Portion out of the middle of a liexagonal prism of baked clay, 1^ in. by

2^ in. ; 4 + 9 + lines. Part of a historical inscription of

an Assyrian king; in the right-hand column mention is made of the gods Marduk, Nabft, Ninib and Nergal. [Ki. 1904^10-9, 359]

375. Fragment out of the middle of a hexagonal prism of baked clay, 2| in.

by If in.; 11 + 5+ lines. Part of a historical inscription

of an Assyrian king ; in the left-hand column mention is made of the land of Elam, \^ cry EI* [<mi and the Elamites, g^ O ET <M*i

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 360]

376. Fragment out of the middle of a bowl of baked clay, 2^ in. by 1| in. ; 4 lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king, probably recording building operations. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 361]

377. Fragment out of the middle of a decagonal prism of baked clay, 2 in. by

If in. ; -I- 11 + traces of 4 -f hues. Part of a

historical inscription of Ashur-bani-pal ; the portion that is preserved relating to his Sixth Campaign. The text of the left-hand column, 11. 6-11, is a duplicate of Em. 1, Col. IV, 11. 5-10 (c/. V E., pi. 4).

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 362]

378. Fragment out of the middle of a decagonal prism of baked clay, 1^ in.

by 1^ in. ; 7 + traces of 3 + lines. Part of a historical

inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Ashur-bani-pal.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 363]

379. Clay sealing, 3 in. by 2| in. by IfV in. ; uninscribed. On the upper surface are four circular impressions of the royal seal, from | in. to | in. in diameter, representing the Assyrian king in conflict with a lion. On the under surface impressions of the cords and cloth, in which the bundle was tied, are visible. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 367]

380. Portion of clay sealing, 2h in. by If in. by 1^^ in. ; uninscribed. On the upper surface are remains of three circular impressions of the royal seal, from I in. to f in. in diameter, representing the Assyrian king in conflict with a lion. On the under surface are very clear impressions of cords and coarsely woven cloth in which the bundle was tied. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 368]

381. Portion from the right-hand side, ^ in. by 1^ in. ; 3 -f- 2 lines. Part of a contract-tablet ; on a blank band across the upper portion of the Obverse are impressions of a circular seal, of which one is partly preserved.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 369]

382. Portion of clay sealing, 2f in. by If in. by 1^ in. ; uninscribed. On the upper surface are three impressions of a circular seal, \^ in. in diameter,

Partly effaced.


representing an official standing upright and clothed in a long robe reaching to the ankles ; from his riglit hand, which is raised to a level with the chest, falls an object possibly intended for a papyrus-roll. On the flat under surface the impression of a single cord is visible.

[Ki. 1904-10-9 370]

383. Tlu'ee-cornered docket of baked clay, 1 in. by If in. by | in. ; uninscribed. On one side is an impression of the royal seal, f in. in diameter, representing the king in conflict with a lion. In the upper part of the docket are two holes, one on each side, in which a straw or reed was inserted for attachment. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 371]

384. Fragment from the side of a tablet, f in. by 1^ in. ; uninscribed. The surface of both Obverse and Eeverse is wanting. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 372]

385. Top right-hand corner, 1 in. by f in. ; 3 + 4 4- 2 (on bottom edge) lines. Fragment of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 373]

386. Fragment from the edge, ^ in. by | in. ; .....+ 2 -|- 1 (on edge) lines. Part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 374]

387. Fragment from the right-hand side, | in. by 1-^ in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 375]

388. Fragment from the upper edge of Eeverse, f in. by f in. ; + 2 lines.

Part oF a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 377]

389. Fragment from the bottom edge, ^-f in. by f in. ; + 1 (on edge)

-f- 4 lines. Part of a letter. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 378]

390-393. Fragments from the centre and right-hand side, from f in. by -{-| in. to ^ in. by -^^ in. Small portions of contract-tablets.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 379-382]

394. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 4 4- lines.

Part of a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 383]

395. Fragment out of the middle, ^ in. by 1 in. ; 4 + lines. Part of

a religious text, probably containing an incantation. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 384]

396-403. Fragments out of the middle or from the edge, from -ff in. by | in. to ■j^ in. by | in. Small portions of contract-tablets.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 385-392]

404. Fragment from the left-hand side, -ff in. by -fl in. ; 3 4- 2 -|- 2 (on left- hand side) lines. Part of a contract-tablet ; across the upper part of the Obverse a band has been left blank for seal-impressions or nail-marks.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 393]

405. Fragment from the right-hand side, |^ in. by | in. ; 3 + lines.

Part of a text, probably containing a contract. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 395]


406. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by ^ in. ; 3 + lines. Part of

a contract-tablet. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 397]

407-410. Fragments from the sides and edge, from {^ in. by { in. to \ in. by 1^ in. Parts of contract-tablets. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 401-404]

411. Lower portion of tablet of black marble, with rounded corners, 1/g in. by I in. ; it is ^ in. in thickness in the centre and tapers towards the edge ; 5 lines. Part of an amulet, inscribed on the Obverse with an incantation. On the Eeverse the figure of a demon was drawn in outline, but only the legs, ending in eagle's claws, are preserved. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 406]

412. Fragment of clay, If in. by 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; uninscribed. The fragment is probably part of a lump of tablet-clay. [Ki. 1904-10-9, 410]

413. Upper portion of cartouche of Ijlue paste, -ff in. by 1^ in., carved with a garbled form of the royal Egyptian name Seti, probably Seti I ; the

signs are probably intended for T| j, ^ . The cartouche was doubtless

employed for inlaying an ivory ornament of the same class as the Nimrud panel, 48-7-20, 20,J and was probably the work of an Assyrian craftsman of about the eighth century B.C., in imitation of an Egyptian original.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 432]

414. Glazed steatite scarab, -j^ in. by | in. by -^ in., inscribed with the formula

"a going to (Eastern) Thebes," A ° r] HI. The scarab, which dates from

about the eleventh or tenth century B.C., was evidently carried to Nineveh by a merchant or other traveller who had visited Egypt.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 448]

415. Clay brick, 1 ft. If in. square, and from 2 in. to 2| in. in thickness ; 4 lines in archaic Assyrian characters. Inscription of Tukulti-Ninib I, recording his rebuilding of the temple of Ishtar at Nineveh. The text reads :

T ty TET ><>< -+ t-tl Id! I « <si y? -4- M Ey + I « <3«:

£yt i^-f ^! -+ -Vy I V -^y <^ ^ y? ^^r a translation of the inscription, see King, Records of the reign of Tukulti-Ninib I, p. 60, n. 1.

[Ki. 1904-10-9, 470]

416. Lower portion of tablet, 6|- in. by 8| in. ; 40 -I- 46 4- 42 + 44 lines. Part of an explanatory text containing grammatical paradigms ; the text consists of a collection of expressions of a legal or commercial character, such as occur upon contract-tablets, written in Sumerian, with their Assyrian equivalents arranged in parallel columns. It is a duplicate of K. 56 -f K. 60, etc. (see II E., pll. 14 f., and cf Vol. I, p. 15), Col. I

+ Sic. X Exhibited in the Nimroud Gallery, Case F, No. 69.



corresponding to K. 56, etc., Col. 1, 11. 8-47 ; Col. II to K. 56, etc.. Col. II, 11. 14 ff; ; Col. Ill to K. 56, etc., Col. Ill, 11. 6-46 ; and Col. IV to K. 56, etc.. Col. IV, 11. 9 if. At the ends of Cols. I and IV the duplicate restores several lines in the Semitic halves of the columns, and at the bottom of Col. II it restores several lines in the Sumerian half. [Th. 1905-4-9, 1]

417. Portion from the left-h-nid side and centre, 4 in. by 2^ in. ; 17 f 14 lines. Part of a Sumerian composition, with an Assyrian translation, aiTanged in parallel columns. The separate lines of the composition are divided from one another by lines ruled across the surface of the tablet.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 2]

418. Portion from the right-hand side, 2^ in. by .3^^ in. ; ( ) + 20 +

16 4- ( ) lines. Part of a text containing incantations against

evil spirits, etc., written in Sumerian. [Th. 1905-4-9, 3]

419. Upper portion of tablet, 5 in. by 5f in.; 25 + 16 + 12 + 19 Imes. Part of an explanatory list of ideograms and Sumerian phrases, arranged in groups according to their initial characters, and furnished with their Assyrian equivalents in pai'allel columns ; c/., e.g.. Col. 1, 11. 6 ff., which read :

tg tg tg tg



£?yyy y?






-y ^y<y y? ^m


The catch-line for the next tablet reads


^'tM, and the

* Partly effaced.

t The Bret eection of the text begins with tlie sign tf , for although the surface at the top left-band corner of the tablet is broken, it is clear that notliing is to be supplied before the sign ; cf. 1. 3, which gives the equation £:fc = \^na].a-/cu, and cp. Br. 3981.

t The lines quoted supply the following new equivalents of E:^ : ban4, amdru, kabA, atmH, tazzimtum, and aldru. For Cf we have the new equivalent tanaddtum, and for ££ ^^^^ J^y, i>'u.

§ With tp £l^ty = Jculru, cp. S.A.I. 2663. In this section other groups follow beginning with tf SS^tyii'itl 11. 21 f., the first lines of a new section give the equations: t^* "A- -^7 = ia-ba-lu and ta-zi-im-tum. Ideograms and expressions with initial t^ continue in the second column of the text. In Col. Ill the ideograms which are preserved begin with tyyy'*', and Col. IV ends with a section giving equivalents of '-^- .



colophon states that the text was the Fifth Tablet in a numbered series, and was the property of a certain Nabii-shiim-iddina, f ->f- gif: t^* *t^. The scribe has numbered every tenth line in the margin with the figure ^.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 4]

420. Top right-hand corner, 2-^ in. by 5 J in. ; + 11 + 30 +

lines. Part of a list of archaic characters. The portion of the Eeverse which is preserved is uninscribed. [Th. 1905-4-9, 5]

421. Central portion of tablet, 4^^ in. by 3| in.; 19 + 17 lines. Part of a text, written in archaic Assyrian characters, containing an address ; the text is probably of a religious rather than of a historical or epistolary character. [Th. 1905-4-9, 6]

422. Portion from the right-hand side, 2\ in. liy 'd-^-^ in. ; -h 27 4-

lines. Part of an explanatory list of ideograms with their

Assyrian equivalents, arranged in parallel columns. The text is divided into sections of 3 and 4 lines each ; 11. 14 ff. read : f


Ma D

[Th. 1905^-9, 7]

423. Portion out of the middle of an unbaked clay tablet, 2| in. by If in. ; 8-1- lines. Part of a text containing omens for the month Nisan.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 8]

424. Portion out of the middle, 2| in. by 2i in. ; -I- 5 + 9 + lines.

Part of a treatise on the liver, illustrated by diagrams, explaining the mark- ings which were regarded as significant in divination. [Th. 1905-4-9, 9]

425. Portion from the top right-hand comer and right-hand side, 2^ in. by 3^ in. ; ( -I- ) 23 -|- 7 ( -1- ) lines. Part of a text containing

+ In the preceding and following sections little more than the explanatory half of the coluoii) has been preserved. In 11. 7-10, which form a section, the equivalents read u-sa-tu, ta-U-ma-tu. ta-ha-na-tu, and a-fi-ba-tu; and in 11. 7-13, another section, they read Su-id-hu.lum, gu-fe-ffu-ru. and iu-te-nu-u.


a Sumerian prayer, ov incantation, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. Each line of the prayer with its translation forms a couplet, marked off from the others by lines ruled across the clay.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 10 + 12]

426. Portion from the left-hand side, 2f in. by 2| in. ; 7 + 15 lines. Part of a text containing a prayer; reference is made to Ninib, "-t-f- -^y, Sin, ^^ ,(<(.(^ Ashur, "the king of lieaven," ^^f ^^ e^^ "+ ^I?- ^^'^ ^'^ "*^^ stars of heaven," t-^'^'~'^ !«-«- -»f- tf?, and mention is made of portents, ^|.-^yy y>«-,and of different days of the month. One section, which begins

« ■? -flf! ^mS ^Iir- M <*li. m <-VyBM <- 1^, contains imprecations against any future prince or ruler who should destroy the inscrip- tion. The tablet, which probably contains a copy of an inscription on stone, dates from a period earlier than that of the Sargonids. [Th. 1905-4-9, 11]

427. Portion out of the middle, in. by 2^^ in. ; 1.3 + lines. Part

of a text containing a Sumerian incantation, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation ; each line of the text with its translation forms a single couplet, marked off from the others by lines ruled across the clay.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 1.3]

428. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1-^ in. ; 13 + lines.

Part of a religious or mythological text ; reference is made to Sin, >->^ ^<(<(.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 14]

429. Fragment out of the middle of an unbaked clay tablet, ly*^ in. by ly^^ in. ;

+ 5 lines. Part of the catch-line of a tablet, followed by

a colophon, probably of Ashur-bani-pal ; the traces of the catch-line read M^'^M [Th- 1905-4-9, 15]

430. Fragment from the lower edge, 1-^^ in. by 1 J in. ; 6 -f lines.

Part of a text of a religious or mythological character ; the last 2 lines of

the Obverse reads |i W g} 1 "J^ ^I -+ S^Il- ^^TV?) tVy< t^W I ^ <S^M.- [Til- 1905-4-9, 16]

431. Fragment out of the middle of an unbaked clay tablet, 2.^^ in, by If in. ;

traces of 6-1- lines. Part of a religious text, of which only

a few traces of characters are preserved. [Th. 1905-4-9, 17]

432. Bottom right-hand corner + 16 -I- 16 -f- lines.

Part of an explanatory list; only the right-hand portion of a column, containing the Assyrian equivalents, is preserved. [Th. 1905-4-9, 18]

433. Portion from the lower edge, If in. by ly% in.; -1-7-1-5 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations. The fragment probably forms part of the same tablet as Th. 1905-4-9, 23. [Th. 1905-4-9, 19]

* Partly effaced.




434. Top left-hand corner, 2-| in. by 1-^j. in. ; + + + 2 lines.

Part of a tablet from the Library of the Temple of Nabu at Nineveh ; only the last two lines of the colophon are preserved, which read :

im K^!I <I0 tyyyt MU " among the tablets [ ] in tlie

library of the Temple of Nabii, which is i[n Nineveh, he placed (it).]" The last line is restored from the last line of the colophon upon K. 4323 (II E., pi. 36, No. 1), a tablet from the same library.f [Th. 1905-4-9, 20]

435. Portion out of the middle, 2-^ in. by 1| in. ; 14 + lines.

Part of a religious text, probably containing a prayer or incantation ; reference is made to the Moon-god, ►»!- <(.«. [Th. 1905-4-9, 21]

436. Fragment out of the middle of an unbaked clay tablet, If in. by 1^ in. ;

10 -f- lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, probably

containing prayers or incantations. [Th. 1905-4-9, 22]

437. Portion out of the middle. If in. by 1 J in. ; 8 -|- lines;

Babylonian. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing incantations. The fragment probably forms part of the same tablet as Th. 1905-4-9, 19.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 23]

438. Fragment out of the middle of a barrel cylinder, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 11 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king ; mention is made of Mount Bikni, \^ ^ -y|4- [g^]. [Th. 1905-4-9, 24]

1 8

in. ; + 4 lines.

439. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by Fragment from tlie end of a religious text, including the first two lines of the colophon ; the " catch-line " for the next tablet reads ill- -+ -V -il- [Th. 1905-4^9. 25]

440. Portion out of the middle, 1 J in. by 1-^ in. ; 4 -|- 8 4- lines.

Part of a syllabary, or explanatory list, giving the pronunciation and meanings of sign-groups. The arrangement of the text is seen in 11. 2-7 of the second column, which read :


'- ^y* &

Partly effaced.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 26]

t See further, the Introduction.


441. Portion from the lower edge, l-j-g- in. by l-j>|r in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 27]

442. Top left-hand corner of Eeverse, 2^^ in. by 1-ff in. ; + 8

lines. Part of a religious text, arranged in short sections, probably containing incantations ; mention is made of the temples Emashmash,

tyyyy Hh + . Esagiia, [tyyyyj tyy^* ^wmi and Ezida, ^yyy] ^yy^ ^yy.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 28]

443. Portion from the left-hand side, 1-^ in. by 2^ in. ; 12 + 4 lines. Frag- ment of a list of various parts of the bodies of sheep, opposite proper names or titles, probably forming a list of offerings ; the parts include the

[^^x] ^^yy, ^^x* xy<, ^^x* ^y Hh^--yyi, ^^x* 4-4-HPf!,

^:^-<* e:^, ^^-< j:^, ^^x 4^ t^#, ^^x ^ly^ ti] ^^x ^ ^||. and the i^x -^^ V Z^x .;^.y¥^|. Prom a note on the Eeverse they appear to have been taken from the bodies of two sheep.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 29]

444. Top left-hand corner, 1^ in. by If in. ; 3 -|- -1-3 lines.

Part of a syllabary or explanatory list. The last three lines of tlie colophon, which stated that the tablet was deposited in the library of the Temple of Xab<i,t read >^^, ^yy .f^^*|i, ^ A^ 4^ T IJP-

[Th. 1905-4-9, 30]

445. Portion from the left-hand side, ly^^^ in. by 1| in. ; 11 -|-

-I- 12 lines. Part of an explanatory list of words.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 31 + 32]

446. Fragment from the right-hand side. If in. by 2-f\ in. ; 7 +

lines. Fragment of a text which probably contained a prayer ; only the last character in each line is preserved. [Th. 1905-4-9, 33]

447. Portion out of the middle of a barrel-cylinder, 3-j^ in. by 2f in. ; 18 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. [Th. 1905-4-9, 34]

448. Portion out of the middle, 1-j^ in. by 14^ in. ; 12 -|- lines;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations ; reference is made to a goddess described as " the lady of the gods," -^^ x ^^ --^f- ^f^ .

[Th. 1905-4-9, 35]

449. Top left-hand corner, 1^ in. by 1-^ in. ; 7 +3 lines. Part of a text beginning with a list of stones or stone objects. [Th. 1905-4^9, 36]

450. Fragment out of the middle, -J-f- in. by 1-^ in. ; 3 -I- 7 -f

Imes. Part of an explanatory text. [Th. 1905-4-9, 37]

Partly effaced. + See above, p. 52, No. 434.


451. Fragment -out of the middle, 1| in. by -i-|- in- ; 5 ± lines. Part

of a text, i)ossibly of a religious character ; use is made of the phrase <2<I* "i-* <|II* -tfe- [Til. 1905-4-9, 38]

452. Portion from the left-hand side, -f| in. by If in. ; 11 + ( + + )

4 lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological omens.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 39 + 50]

453. Fragment from the upper edge, ly'^ in. by 1-j^ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a historical inscription, probably of Tiglath-Pileser I to judge from the forms of the characters. The upper portion of the text contains a list of tribute or spoil from the land of Kummukhi (Commagene), ^"^ "f [^ ^]- [Th. 1905-4-9, 40]

454. Fragment out of the middle, l-fJ^ in. liy li in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text, probably of an astrological character ; mention is made of ^^« <{t|??? ^ ^y ti] and Sin, -Hh <«• [Th. 1905-4^9, 41]

455. Portion out of the middle, 2| in. by 2^ in. ; 10 + lines. Part of

a text, probably containing omens. [Th. 1905-4-9, 42]

456. Portion from the left-hand side, 1-j^ in. by 1| in. ; 7 + G -h 2 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, dated on the twenty-first of lyyar, the eponym's name being wanting. [Th. 1905-4-9, 43]

457. Nearly complete tablet, the lower edge broken, 1^ in. by 2^ in. ; 10 -I- 14 -f- 2 + 2 lines. Contract-tablet, recording the sale of a male slave. The document is dated on the 8i.\th of Marcheswan, in the eponymy of Silim-Ashur; the date reads ['-^U -^J* -'? |?| ^ <I- ^ | "5=11 <^ --V I tSf tyyy< yy tg . Ou a blank space upon the Obverse are two seal- impressions of Ritti-Ishtar, y yH >->Jf- {^ , the original owner of the slave. [Til. 1905-4-9, 44]

458. Lower portion oi tablet, 2J in. by 2f in.; 14 + 14 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, recording a sale of land ; the date is wanting.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 45]

459. Lower edge of tablet, Iff in. by J in. ; 2 + 2 -I- 2 lines. Part of a contract-tablet; the date is wanting. [Th. 190.O-4-9, 46]

460. Fragment from tlie left-hand side, 1{^ in. by If*^ in. ; 1 -h 6 -h 1 lines. Part of a contract-tablet; the date is wanting. [Th. 1905-4-9, 47]

461. Small oblong tablet, 1^ in. by -if in. ; 6 + 3 + 6 + 3 Unes. Contract- tablet, recording a loan ; undated. [Th. 1905-4-9, 48]

* Partly effaced.


462. Small oblong tablet, 1| in. by 1 in. ; 5 + 2 + 5 + 4 lines. Contract- tablet, dated on the tifteenth of Tebet, in the eponymy of Shamash-bel- usur, governor of Urzukhina, i.e., 710 B.C. ; the date reads -2^TJ tit] \

^1 <W A-< <h ^ ! -+ ^r -H "^ I BIT ^^ SH* "-TT ^ '^T-

[Th. 1905-4-9, 49]

463. Fragment from the lower edge, 1| in. by ||- in. ;2+ + 2 +

5 lines. Part of an explanatory list of words. [Th. 1905-4-9, 51]

464. Lump of clay, Ij in. by 1| in. by If in.; 3 lines. Sealing from a bundle secured with cords ; on the upper surface is an impression of the royal seal, 1^ in. in diameter, representing a king struggling with a lion. The sealing is dated on the twenty-third of Marclieswan, in the eponymy of Bel-sharrani, 699 B.C.; the date reads -^? -|ET ^I « W \ ih* h I ""11 « y? ^. [Th. 1905-4-9, 54]

465. Lump of clay, -}-| iu. by 2| in. by 2^ in. ; unin.'icribed. Sealing from a bundle wrapped in matting and corded; on the upper surface are three impressions of a circular seal, ^ in. in diameter, representing an Assyrian king, who stands beneath an umbrella held by an attendant, while before liim is a rearing horse. [Th. 1905-4-9, 55]

466. Lump of clay, 1 in. by 2| in. by 2^ in. ; uninscribed. Sealing from a bundle wrapped in cloth or linen and corded ; on the upper surface are three impressions of the same seal as on Th. 1905-4-9, 55.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 56]

467. Lump of clay, 1 in. by 2| in. by l|f in. ; uninscribed. Sealing from a bundle wrapped in cloth or linen and corded; on the upper surface are three impressions of the same seal as on Th. 1905-4-9, 55.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 57]

468. Lump of clay, 1^ in. by 1|-| in. by 1-j^ in. ; 3 lines. Sealing from a corded bundle ; on the upper surface are three impressions of a small royal seal, I in. in diameter, representing the king in conflict with a lion. The sealing is dated on the first of Marcheswan, in the eponymy of Ashur-bel- usur, 695 B.C.; the date reads -^? -^f'* ^f y ^.-< | <(y- ^ y ->-V < ^.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 58]

469. Fragment of clay bowl, 1| in. by 1^*^- in. ; 3 lines. Part of a votive inscription of an Assyrian king, probably recording building operations.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 59]

470. Portion of a clay bowl, 2 in. by 2f in. ; 3 lines. Part of an inscription of

Ashur-nasir-pal, giving his name, titles, and genealogy.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 60] * Partly effaced,


471. Part of a clay bowl, 2| in. by 2 in. ; 2 lines. Part of an inscription, probably of Ashur-nasir-pal, giving his name, titles, and genealogy.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 61]

472. Portion from the top of a decagonal prism of baked clay, 3| in. by 2^ in. ;

+ 13 + 9 4- lines. Part of a historical

inscription of Ashur-bani-pal ; the text of the left-hand column relates to Ashur-bani-pal's Second Campaign, 11. 4-13 corresponding to Em. I, Col. II, 11. 20-29 (V E., pi. 2), the text in the right-hand column giving a variant account of the close of his Third and the opening of his Fourth Campaign.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 62]

473. Fragment from the base of an octagonal prism of baked clay, 2\ in. by

lyS^ in. ; + 6 -I- 7 4- lines. Part of a historical

inscription of Ashur-bani-pal ; in the left-hand column mention is made of Teumman, king of Elam, [f] ^f* ^yflf « gf :^ \^ <^y <|gf, and in the right-hand column of Mannu[ ], f <^<( '^*'fi$-

" [Th. 1905-4-9, 63]

474. Fragment out of the middle of a barrel-cylinder of baked clay, IJ in. by 2 in. ; 9 lines. Part of a historical inscription of Sennacherib, corre- sponding to the Bellino Cylinder (K. 1680; Layard, Inscriptions, pll. 63 f.), 11. 1 tf., but giving a variant account of the campaign against Merodach- baladan. [Th. 1905-4-9, 64]

475. Fragment out of the middle of a barrel-cylinder of baked clay, 1^ in. by If in. ; 8 lines. Part of a historical inscription of Sennacherib ; the portion of the text which is preserved relates to his Second Campaign, and corresponds to the "Taylor Cylinder" (55-10-3, 1 ; I E., pll. 37 ff.), Col. I, 1. 75-Col. II, 11. 17 ff. [Th. 1905-4-9, 65]

476. Fragment out of tlie middle of a barrel-cyhnder of baked clay, IJ in. by 2 in. ; 10 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Sennacherib. [Th. 1905-4-9, 66]

477. Nearly complete tablet, 2} in. by 2| in.; 18 -I- 14 lines; Babylonian. Text containing incantations, beginning |>-4- SffJ ^ illl, with rubrics containing directions for their due recital. The incantation on the Eeverse of the tablet begins :

-+ ^Xl <Wi ^il il^I I? - ^m^ BV,

-+ w ^ gy gy ^ ^ "Ei^f -lit - -H -yr<r bi}

[Til. 1905-4-9, 67]

* Partlj effaced.


478. Complete oblong tablet, l\ iu. by \^ in.; 4 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Note, which accompanied a gift, consisting of a garment, sent by Atkal-ana-Bel, the scrilie : it is dated in Baliylon on tlie seventeenth of Marcheswan, in the first year of Merodachbaladan. The text reads: Obv. : "gf^f "^f

^/ 1st ^ K^ ^ ^ -^ I ^+? ■ET ^ I ^ r t^l ^} y? ^4 -^yf i

^ -^m -Sn i Kev.: T<iv .^yy ^ <??? ^^ | ^ y ^^ \ ^^ <«^y

[Th. I90.=;-4-9, 68]

479. Considerable portion of a tablet, 1-^^ in. by 2i in. ; 20 + 17 + 1 lines ;

Bal)ylonian. Letter to the king (S:^5= 'l^ V") from Nergal-[ ],

y ^dj- ,(^iyy ^J^^; mention is made of Ammeni-iln, y '^^■^ y- ^^ «->f-, the king of Babylon, tz^> 4 "^^^ illl.tlie City-gate of Sippar, ^^| -^y ^ -m 4 #$? -Ifflf 411. etc. [Th. 1U05-4-9, 69]

480. Top left-hand corner, If in. by li in. ; -t + 7 lines. Part of a contract- tablet : on a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse is a circular seal-impression; the date is broken and the name of the eponym is wanting. [Th. 1905-4-9, 70]

481. Fragment out of the middle, l-^ in. by ly^ in. ; 7 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a letter. [Th. 1905-4-9, 71]

482. Bottom left-hand coiner, 2-j\ in. by 2y\ in. ; 18 + -1-10-1-16 lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for accompanying ceremonies. [Th. 1905-4-9, 72]

483. Portion out of the middle, l|f in. by 2|^. in. ; 18 -f 24 + +

lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for accompanying ceremonies. [Th. 1905-4-9, 73]

484. Lower portion of tablet, 4Jj. in. by 3| in. ; 22 -|- 18 -i- 20 -I- 17 lines. Part of an explanatory list, compiled with the object of interpreting a literary composition. [Th. 1905-4-9, 74]

485. Fragment out of the middle of a decagonal prism of baked clay, 2 in. by

2^ in. ; -f- 5 -I- 5 -F lines. Part of a historical

inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Ashur-bani-pal.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 75]

486. Central portion of tablet. If in. by 2 in. ; 1 -F 10 lines. Part of a contract-tablet ; on a blank space across the uiiper part of the Obverse a small portion of the impression of a cylinder-seal is preserved.

[Til. 1905-4-9, 76]

487. Top right-hand corner, 1| in. by 2J in.; 15 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations. [Th. 1905-4-9, 77]

Partly effaeeU.



488. Portion out of the middle, 2f in. by 3^ in. ; 13 + 4 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an early Assyrian king, probably Tiglath- pileser I ; the forms of the characters are archaic. [Th. 1905-4-9, 78]

489. Fragment out of the middle, l^j; in. by 1 j in. ; 10 + lines.

I'art of a religious text, probably containing omens. [Th. 1905-4-9, 79]

490. Portion from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by ly'^in. ; 4-10 lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [Th. 1905-4^9, 80]

491. Portion out of the middle, 2^ in. by 11 in. ; + 8 + 7 +

lines. Part of a text containing incantations.

[Th. 190.5-4-9, 81]

492. Fragment ont of the middle, 1] in. by 1\^ in; slight remains of 7 lines. Part of a religious or historical inscription ; reference is made to " the gods," -4-* y.----*. [Til. 1905-4-9, 82]

493. Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by 2-f^ in. ; 15 + lines ; Babylonian.

Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king ; mention is made of Ur, JL^ «ST ^If- [Tl'- 1905-4-9, 83]

494. Piight-liand portion of an oblong tablet, 3^ in. by 2|in. ; 17 + 2 + 5 lines. Part of a carelessly written text containing a prayer or incanta- tion; some of the lines on the Obverse have been erased by the scribe and re-written. [Th. 1905-4-9, 84]

495. Portion out of the middle of an tinbaked clay tablet, 2f in. by 2J in. ; traces of 5 -|- 6 -|- 14 -|- 4 lines. Part of a list of objects witli numbers; several of the items have the determinative ^^y. [Th. 1905-4-9, 85]

496. Portion out of the middle, 3f^ in. by 3y\ in. : 23 + 3 lines. Part of a text arranged in sections, containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies for certain occasions. According to the colophon the text was copied from an older original. [Th. 1905-4-9, 86]

497. Portion from the upper edge, 4-7-1- -I- 15 + 19 -f-

lines. Part of a list of words arranged according to their

initial characters. [Th. 1905-4-9, 87]

498. Nearly complete text, 2-^ in. by 3-^^ in. ; 26 -t- 19 lines ; Babylonian. Text containing directions for offerings and the due recital of incantations, in order to avert harm from evil portents which have happened to a prince when travelling in his chariot. The text begins as follows :

B m ST ST ^ ^y tti •« "^y ^££ +^^^fe^ "Ey -m t>-^i -u '^} -1 a ^yy ^ ^^ ^y ^ -n -y a * -^ *

* Partly effaced.


-m ^ -y<^i -r a -^^ Ai^i ^ ^ ^y ^ i 4 -BVi I? £4e <^ '+f- -^ "EI i^-'M <h- B y -yyn <?-'^j "-" I ^ ^y ^? 4 -Ey^y sy gy ^sy ^y ty -yyyy t^ y? tn &^y 'gy "^ gyy g ^ ? ^y <Hiy ^ #^ ^y Ey I- ^ -^-yisyy y \" i,^ st -si y? .4 -4- -y^ 1^- ^ -+ fcn < -+ -r^'^? B <s:< <s< -^y^ ^Ey -+ 1^ s^- ^y^ -+ fciy < -4- 4«< "r^-^v y -yyyy +< +y -y a :~5:y x +«< "sy ^y^y 4ty ^ gy &? \ <tt ^ gi <fhi ^ ^-^y a^ ^- ^

The colophon, which states that the text was copied from an original in Babylon, and was the property of Nabu-ushallim, the son of Egibi, the magician, reads as follows:

' ^ii -^i #? -+ -iiy m ^1 ^ i^ m -Bi ^y >yyi

^■yf ^- wi y ^"^y^^ iy^y a^ ir y ^? >yf^ ^ ^ 4- ^

[Th. 1905-4-9, 88]

499. Lower portion of tablet, 21 in. by 2^ in. ; 19 + 17 lines. Part of a text containing directions for offerings and the recital of magical formulae for different occasions. [Th. 1905-4-9, 89]

500. Top right-iiand corner, 4^ in. by 3fV i"-; + 19 + 25 + 19 + 6

+ lines. Part of a text containing incantations, accompanied by

rubrics for their due recital, lleference is axade to the Fire-god, «-4- cy »f- , Ea, " king of the Abyss," ^Hh s^yyyy y? « ""^yy -^y. Marduk, " tlie minister of the gods," ^yyyy y^ ^*f y-^^^ -4- <n[^y], and to the goddesses Gula, -Hf- t^* "^y. and Ninakliaknddu, -Jf- ^^y ^ ^< «>^ S^y. Two colophon- lines read: -^H -^H ^y ^ <--H E^? y— I W* i'^l a'^'l -^H -^H

^y - <-sid ^yyy liii ^m* ^*- [t^- 1905-4-9, 90 + 95]

501. Portion from the left side and bottom left-hand corner, If in. by A^ in. ; 40 + 8 + 1 + 30 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing Sumerian incantations. The colophon -line at the end of tiie composition and the " catch-line " read :


3y!:y 3y^y sy %v«m v ^y^y t<i^

[Th. 1905-4-9, 91]

502. Portion from the left-hand side, 2|in. by 2i in. ; 12 + lines.

Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies. [Th. 1905-4-9, 92]

* Pnrtlv effaced.

H 2


503. Lower portion of tablet, 2f in. by 2| in. ; 17 + 23 lines ; Babylonian Part of a te.\t containing Sumerian incantations, furnished with Assyrian translations in parallel columns. [Tli. 190.")-4-9, 93]

504. Top right-hand corner and portion from right half of oblong tablet, 2-^-^ in. by2y''ifin. ; 10 + 8 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing directions for offerings and the recital of magical formulae. [Th. 1905-4-9, 94]

505. Portion from the right-hand side, 2 J in. by 2f in.; -H 13 4-

11 + lines. Part of an explanatory list. [Th. 190r)-4-9, 96]

506. Top right-hand corner, 2^"^ in. by If in. ; -|- 12 -I-

lines. Part of a historical inscription of Ashur-bani-pal ; the column of the text whicli is partly preserved contains a quotation from a despatch and begins : ^tl]l tl Vr >^1 M -EI JItT T -+ ^ ^ fr* I W -+ ^

T? -^y !^yy? -/- -y< -^h. «tc. [ti.. 1905-4^9, 97]

507. Central portion of an unbaked clay tablet, 3j| in. by 3J in. Part of a tablet, much damaged liy moisture, on which only .slight traces of the text are now visible; probably a religious text. [Th. 1905-4-9, 98]

508. Lower portion of tablet, 3g in. by 2^ in.; 13 -t- 10 lines. Part of a text containing omens. LI. 4 it read : f -J^^ D IHI >- ^yyyy y-*"- -^? ^

m -tt^m i m g^yyy « -^ ^ -^^ m mm^i n --^ <^^ -E ^mm I V ??< ^ Ey -^yyy -^ i ty -yi^ d mi ^nyyy -+ ^v, y ^yyy -^yy <x ^ <m y? ^n us^ < ^ n^yy ^ y^ '^ ??< cryy Eye-

[Th. 1905-4-9, 99]

509. Portion from left-hand side, 2f| in. by :)^ in. ; 28 -1- -t- +

23 lines ; Babylonian. Part of an astronomical text referring to the relative positions of various stars. Mention is made of the planet Venus, -^>f ^^, and -4- ^^} ->f ^4, and of the stars, -tf-Hh IH + -Hiy,

-y+ i! txy ^, tty^i- ^ ^i tj^Hh -+ ss^y -^ -^.l ^^F-f *^ -^l -?-+ "^ y?, tt?-+ v>^M' ^^F+ 1^ "^-. etc.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 100]

510. Portion from the upper edge, 2| in. by 2| in. ; 6 4- 20 -I- 21 -h 14 lines. Part of a syllabary, probably of the Third Class. The second column is devoted to the sign >-<, and in addition to the value iilim, repeated for thirteen meanings, gives also for the sign >-<| (11. 1-7) the values y t^ >A|^,

y m -m. yiri^i^t yi?y <^i^ \\ f^< «. y <y^ ^ an.i y -^

->f gyy. [Th. 1905-4-9, 101]

* Partly effaced. + Beginning of fresh sentence.


511. Bottom left-hand corner, 2-:^ in. by 2J in. ; 11 + 14 lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from observation of tlie moon.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 102]

512. Fragment from the upper edge, 1| in. by 2-j5jr in. ; 8 +

lines. Part of a text, probably of a religious character, of which traces of only a few signs are preserved. [Th. 1905-4-9, 103]

513. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 1-J in. ; 8 + lines;

Babylonian. Part of a text, probably containing omens.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 104]

514. Portion out of the middle, 2f in. by 2^ in. ; 13 + lines. Part of

a text containing omens. [Th. 1905-4-9, 105]

515. Fragment out of the middle, Ifij- in. by 2| in. ; 8 + lines. Part

of a text containing omens. [Th. 1905-4-9, 106]

516. Fragment out of the middle of an unbaked clay tablet, ly'^- in. by li in.;

+ 4 lines. Part of a religious text, arranged in short

.sections, probably containing incantations ; reference is made to the god

Ea, [-4-] tyyyy y?. [tii. 1905-4-9, io7]

517. Portion from the left-hand side, \\jr in. by 1^^ in. ; 11 + lines.

Part of a Ust of objects with numbers. [Th. 1905-4-9, 108]

518. Fragment out of the middle of an unbaked clay tablet, IJ in. liy 1 J in. ;

5 + lines. Small part of a text, probably of a religious

character. [Th. 1905-4-9, 109]

519. Portion from the right-hand side, l-j^ in. by If in. ; 8 + lines.

Fragment of a text, possibly of an explanatory character.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 110]

520. Fragment out of the middle, 64- lines ; If in. by 1^ in. ;

Babylonian. Part of a religious text. [Th. 1905-4-9, 111]

521. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by IJ in. ; + 9 lines.

Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies which probably accompanied the recital of incantations. [Th. 1905-4-9, 112]

522. Fragment out of the middle, 1|-^ in. by If in. ; 9 + lines. Part

of a Sumerian incantation, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. [Th. 1905-4-9, 113]

523. Portion from the bottom edge, 2f in. by 1^ in. ; 3 + 5 + 5 -t- 5 lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from the liver ; the lines at the end of the Obverse read »-< ^ '-<y< V <V/ '"-,§!< V "^Til? "^ ^ '-^y< V <77 «£: U ^y <£yy m- tl^^ K^^verse Ij^ins ^ 1^{^ £^|i ^ i]^ t£y ^. [Til. 1905-4-9, 114]


524. Portion out of the middle, If in. by If in. ; 2 + 12 + +

lines. Part of a text containing incantations, probably from the Third Tablet of the Shurpu Series. [Th. 1905-4-9, 115]

525. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 2| in. ; 12 + lines. Part

of a religious text, proljably containing an incantation. [Th. 1905-4-9, 116]

526. Portion from the lower edge, If in. by l-jTri"^- ; 8 + lines.

Part of a te.xt containing a prayer or incantation. [Tii. 1905-4-9, 117]

527. Fragment from the left-hand edge of an unbaked clay tablet, 2y*^ in. by

If in. ; + + + traces of four lines. Part of a text,

probably containing a list of objects or commodities. [Th. 1905-4-9, 118]

528. Fragment from the bottom edge, li in. by If in. ; 5 -f- ( + + )

10 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens, probably derived from births. [Th. 1905-4-9, 119]

529. Fmgnient out of the middle of an unbaked clay tiiblet, If in. by If in. ; traces of 12 + lines. Part of a text containing omens.

[Til. 1905-4-9, 120]

530. Central portion of tablet, 1-^ in. by Ij in.; 8 + 10 lines. Part of a carefully written letter, referring on tlie Obverse to the presentation of two doves, a male and female (flf ogPf >-y| |«->->- g^y ^ t^)> before Siiamash ; on the Ile\-erse, 11. 2 ft", read ^ -^f &yyyy ^^ <T< ^y -||y --y< -gy f f «=^ |

V g^ Tl -4- -t® ^ S y? -f -tgiy r^^-^ ^1^ MI -y^ -^& I

s eiid !=yyy-- ^ jh ?i< >^ -^& i <y-yy^ -^h ^yyy ^^yyy^- -^gyy 5s m '^-n i y? >^y ir -ti ^t m< -m m i - -yyyy + ^yy y? JH <lEyy -i ^ttu -^ WM ^^M. etc.

[Til. 1905-4-9, 121]

531. Top left-hand corner of small oblong tablet, -ff in. by 1-j^in. ; 11 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part of an incantation. [Th. 1905-4-9, 122]

532. Portion from the right-hand side of an unbaked clay tablet, 1-j^ in. by

1\^ in. ; 8 + lines. Fragment of a text, much damaged,

probably of a religious character. [Th. 1905-4-9, 123]

533. Portion from the right-hand side, 1^^ in. by 2| in. ; 17 + lines.

Part of a religious text. [Tii. 1905-4-9, 124]

534. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by 2^ in. ; + + +

7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a colophon. [Th. 1905-4-9, 125]

535. Fragment out of the middle, l^V in. by l|i- in. ; 11+

lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies; one section begins ^y ^f^ 1}& ^t tlW-

[Th. 1905-4-9, 126]


536. P'ragment from the upper edge, li in. by 1 in. ; 11 + lines;

Babylonian. Part of an astrological text, possibly from a letter or report.

[Th. 190.5-4-9, 127]

537. Top left-hand corner of small oblong tablet, 1 J in. by 1 J in. ; 10 + 9 lines. I'art of an astrological report containing omens from the star --;f..4- ^^yify. ^. [Th. 1905-4-9, 128]

538. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by ^ in. ; 6 + . lines.

Tart of a text containing omens. [Th. 1905-4-9, 129]

539. Fragment out of the middle, 1|- in. by li in. ; 6 + 8 + lines.

Part of a religious te.xt, probably ccmtaining incantations. Mention is made of the Sun-god, >->f ^] ^ £^^yri|. [Th. 1905-4-9, 130]

540. Portion from the left-hand side, 2| in. by 2-^-^^ in. ; 11 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens from thunder. [Th. 1905-4-9, l.'U]

541. Portion out of the middle of an unl)aked clay tablet, 2^ in. by 2y^^ in. ;

lo + lines. I'art of a text containing directions for

making offerings. [Th. 1905-4-9, l.]2]

542. Fragment from the right-hand side of an unljaked clay talilet, | in. by

1 J-^ in. ; traces of 9 + lines. Part of a text, probably of

a religious character. [Th. 1905-4-9, l.'io]

543. Fragment from the right-hand side of an unbaked clay tablet, -ff in- by 2|^ in.; traces of 16 + lines. Part of a religious text.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 134]

544. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by If in. ; 8 + lines.

I'art of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, referring to building operations ; reference appears to be made to Sennacherib, \ ^-^ (^ '^*^^-

[Th. 1905-4-9, 135]

545. PVagment from the left-hand side, lyjr in. by l^'jr in. ; 7 + 5 lines ; Bal^ylonian. Part of a text containing incantations selected from a larger work; one of the sections on the Obverse begins |-«^ -"Jf- ^f yj ■"+ ^VB: [Th. 1905-4-9, 136]

546. Fragment from the top edge, 2| in. by 1 in. ; + +

+ 5 lines. Part of a text containing a " hymn in paragraphs," probably addressed to the Sun-god. [Th. 1905-4-9, 137]

547. Fragment out of the middle of an unbaked clay tablet, If in. by If in. ;

traces of 11 + lines. Part of a text probably of a

religious character. [Th. 1905-4^9, 138]

Partly effaced.


548. Fragmeut out of the middle of an unbaked clay tablet, If in. by If in. ;

+ 12 + 13 lines; Babylonian. Part of an explanatory

Ust. [Th. 1905-4-9, 139]

549-556. Fragments from unbaked clay tablets, from 1| in. by \^ in. to 2^ in. by If in. Portions of texts, probably of a religious character, with the exception of No. 142 (a list); Nos. 140, 141, 14U and 147 are Babylonian.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 140-147]

557. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by | in. ; traces of 2 + lines;

probably Babylonian. Part of a contract-tablet. [Th. 1905-4-9, 148]

558. Fragment out of the middle of an unbaked clay tablet, 1-j^ in. by 1^ in. ;

4 + 3 + lines; Babylonian. Part of a te.\t containing

incantations. [Th. 1905-4-9, 149]

559. Fragment out of the middle of an unbaked clay tablet, li in. by If in. ; 10 + lines. Part of a religious text. [Th. 1905-4-9, 150]

560. Fragment from the left side of an unljaked clay tablet, 1 in. liy li in. ; 7 + ( + ) 4 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a religious text.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 151]

561. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1 in. by 4-| in- ; 3 + 5 lines. Part of a contract-tablet. [Th. 1905-4-9, 152]

562. I'ortion out of the middle, 1^ in. liy 2^% in. ; 9 + lines. Part of

a legal deed recording a gift of certain property. Mention is made of the Khiriti, y? B ^ -yU ^"K [Til- 1905-4-9, 153]

563. Fragment out of the middle of an unbaked clay tablet. If in. by 1^ in. ; 64-3 + lines. Part of a text, probably containing omens.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 154]

564. Fragment from the right-hand side of an unbaked clay tablet, | in. by 1| in. ; 3 + 9 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 155]

565. Fragment out of the middle of an unbaked clay tablet, IJ in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + lines; Babylonian. I'arl of a religious text.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 156]

566. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by If in. : 10 +

lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for their due recital. [Th. 1905-4^9, 157]

567. Fragment out of the middle of an unbaked clay tablet, 1 in. by f in. ; 4 +

lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text, probably of a religious

character. [Th. 1905-4-9, 158]


568. Fragment out of the middle of an unbaked clay tablet, IJ in. by 1 in.; 4

+ lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text of a religious or commercial

character. [Th. 1905-4-9, 159]

569. Portion from the lower edge of a small oblong tablet, !{ in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + 9 lines. Part of a report, probably of an astrological character.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 160]

570. Portion out of tlie middle of an unbaked clay tablet, 1^ in. by If in.; 8 + lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 161]

571. Fragment from the upper edge, y|- in. by f in.; 3 + lines;

Babylonian. Part of a contract-tablet recording a sale of land.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 162]

572. Fragment from the bottom edge, ly'jv in. by | in. ; 2 + 2 +

lines; Babylonian. Part of an incantation-tablet. [Th. iy05-4-9, 163]

573-576. Fragments of tablets of unbaked clay, from || in. by 1^ in. to 2| in. by lyj^ in. Parts of texts, probably of a religious character; No. 165 is Babylonian. [Th. 1905-4-9, 164-167]

577. Upper portion of tablet, If in. by |^ in. ; 6 4-5 + 2 lines. Part of a letter from Ashur-bel-usur to two correspondents, beginning ^>^ f --V "XL* \. [Th. 1905-4-9, 168]

578. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; 5 + lines. Part of

a text, probably of a historical or religious character.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 169]

579. Fragment from the bottom edge, 1/^^ in. by ^"^ in.; 2 + 3 + 2 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text, possibly of a religious character ; reference is made to the goddess Gula, [-Hf-] 1^** "%!■ [Th. 1905-4-9, 170]

580. Fragment out of the middle, IJ in. by ly\ in. ; 7 + 5 +

lines. Part of a text, probably containing directions for ceremonies.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 171]

581. Fragment from the upper edge, 1 in. by IJf in. ; 7 + lines. Part

of a text, probably of a religious character. [Th. 1905-4-9, 172]

582. Fragment out of the middle, 5 + lines. Part of a text containing

astrological omens ; reference is made to phenomena at sun-rise.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 173]

583. Fragment out of the middle, 1^',^ in. by IJ in.; 4+ lines;

Babylonian. Part of a text, probably of a religious character.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 174]

* Partly effaced.



584. Fragment from the right-hand side of an unbaked clay tablet, 1^ in. by 1 jSg- in. ; 4 + 2 lines. Part of a text, probably of a religious character.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 175]

585-596. Fragments of unbaked clay tablets, from 1 in. by | in. to 2 in. by 2 J in. Portions of texts, probably of a religious character ; No. 177 is Babylonian, others have only traces of signs. [Tli. 1905-4-9, 176-187]

597. Portion from the right-hand side of an unbaked clay tablet, 2^ in. by

2Y'ir in. ; lU -I- lines. Part of a text containing omens.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 188] 598-602. Fragments of unbaked clay tablets, from | in. by f in. to 2| in. by 2^ in. Portions of texts, probably of a religious character ; No. 189 is Babylonian and Nos. 192 and 193 are probably parts of the same taljlet.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 189-193]

603. Fragment out of the middle, -J | in. by || in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a penitential psalm or incantation. [Th. 1905-4-9, 194]

604. Fragment out of the middle, f in. liy ^ in. ; 6 + 2+ lines.

Part of a religious or historical inscrijition. [Tii. 1905-4-9, 195]

605. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by {-| in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens for different months.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 196]

606. Fragment from the bottom edge, 1^ in. by f in. ; 1 + 4 + 2 lines. Part of a list or memorandum tablet. [Th. 1905-4-9, 197]

607. Fragment of a lump of clay, 1-^^ in. by IJ in. I'art of a clay sealing, showing the impression of the matting or canvas in which the bundle was tied. [Th. 1905-4-9, 198]

608. Fragment out of the middle, ^ in. by yf in. ; 4 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text, probably containing incantations.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 199]

609. Fragment out of the middle, ff in. by ^ in. ; 6 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 200]

610. Fragment from the upper edge, f| in. by y\ in. ; + 4 lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text, probably of a historical character.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 201]

611-626. Small fragments of unbaked clay tablets, from f in. by -^ in. to -f f in.

by If in. Portions of religious texts, including incantations; Nos. 204 and

207-216 are Babylonian. [Th. 1905-4-9, 202-217]

627. Glazed steatite scarab; length -ff in., breadth -fj- in., height -^^ in. In the right half of the field a Nile-god is represented kneeling in



adoration before the obelisk of Amen, by the side of which is a disk. On the left is a cartouche containing the prenomen of Thothmes III, below a bee, emblematic of Lower Egypt, and a disk. A plain Une- border surrounds the whole. The scarab dates from the period of the XXIVth-XXVth dynasty; see Hall, Catalogue of Scarabs, p. 152, No. 1559.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 222]

628. Portion of a clay bowl, 3i in. by 3f in. ; 5 lines. Part of a votive inscription of an Assyrian king, recording building operations.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 225]

629. Portion of a clay bowl, 4^ in. by 3 in. ; 2 + 2 lines. Part of a votive inscription of an Assyrian king, recording the restoration of a temple.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 226]

630. Fragment of a clay bowl, 2^ in. by 1^ in. ; 3 lines. Part of a votive inscription of an Assyrian king, recording building operations.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 227]

631. Fragment of clay sealing, 1^"^ in. by 1^-^ in., bearing traces of two impressions of a circular seal. [Th. 1905-4-9, 228]

632. Portion from the left-hand side of an oblong clay cylinder, with six sides,

2-^ in. by 1-^ in. ; 5 + 5 + lines. Part of a historical

inscription of an Assyrian king ; mention is made of Ur, £^^ E<^1? ^M*' and the land of Shurda, \^ -^ BM- [Th. 1905-4-9, 230]

633. Portion of tablet, 2f in. by 23 in. ; 4- 7 +

lines. Part of an explanatory or religious text; only traces of a few characters are preserved. [Th. 1905-4-9, 231]

634. Upper portion, 2\ in. by If in. ; 4 + 3 lines. Part of a contract-tablet ; in a blank space near the head of the Obverse are six nail-marks, in place of seal-impressions. [Th. 1905-4-9, 232]

635. Portion out of tiie middle, 2^ in. by 2| in. ; 14 -|- ( -\-) 15

lines. Part of a text containing liver-omens. [Th. 1905-4-9, 233]

636. Portion out of the middle, 2 J in. by 2f in. ; 14 + lines. Part of

a text, probably containing a prayer or incantation. [Th. 1905-4-9, 234]

637. Bottom left-hand corner and part of lower edge, 2| in. by 1-^ in. ;

4-6+3-t-4-f3(-+- ) lines. Part of a list of

names of gods. [Th. 1905-4-9, 235]

638. Portion from the left-hand side, 2f in. by 4f in. ; 45 + +

49 lines. Part of a religious text arranged in sections ; mention is made of the Igigi, -4- ^ ""II-s^ "11^ > '1"^ of the lands of Sumer and Akkad, \^ ,11 I- -n^ <y-IEII ^% <M- [Th. 1905-4-9, 236]

* Partly effaced.

I 2


639. Portion from the lower edge, If in. by 2^ in. ; + 24 + 25 +

lines. Part of a religious text, arranged in section*, similar to Th. 1905^1-9, 236, of which it probaI)ly formed a part. [Th. 1905-4-9, 237]

640. Fragment from the right-hand side, H in. by 2 J in.; 13 + lines.

Part of a text containing prayers or incantations ; reference is made to the Igigi, -4- ^t -11 A -M- [Th. 1905-4-9, 238]

641. Portion from the left-hand side, 2^ in. by If in.; 9 +

lines. Part of an explantory text, arranged in sections.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 239]

642. Top right-hand corner, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 4 -f 9 -f 3 (on bottom edge) lines. Part of a text, written in bold characters, probably containing a copy of a royal votive inscription. Eeference is made to the temple Kidmuru, tfyyif* ^ ^ ^|. [Th. 1905-4-9, 240]

643. Bottom left-hand corner, 2 in, liy li in. ; 9 + -1-6 lines.

Part of an explanatory list. [Th. 1905-4-9, 241]

644. Portion out of the middle. If in. by 1^ in. ; 9 4- lines.

Part of a religious text, probably containing incantations.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 242]

645. Top right-hand corner, 1 in. by 2^-^ in. ; 16 -|- 13 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations. [Th. 1905-4-9, 243]

646. Top left-hand corner, 2^ in. by 2^^^ in. ; 9 4- 7 lines. Part of a text containing omens, copied from an older original ; the first four lines of the text read as follows :

^ E3S* m ^* -11^ ^-* ^y ^1 Vr i| ^ ^- ^111 £^ ^11^ ^^ ^1]^ ti Til

^n ti 1 m ?w ^i^u}*'§- ^ ^ ^111 ^ ^11^ im^itii r^^g

[Th. 1905-4-9, 244]

647. Portion from the left-hand side. If in. by 2| in. ; 11 -|- 9 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing Sumerian incantations, furnished with interlinear Assyrian translations. [Th. 1905-4^9, 245]

648. Top left-hand corner, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; G -f + 2 lines.

Part of a text containing prescriptions and incantations for the sick; the text begins :

T >^y 4s ^^ ^^yy I y « -y^pi y^y

The last line of the colophon, which begins >-* 4^>ff-*, proves that the

* Partly efEaced.


tablet had been deposited in the library of the Temple of Nabu ; see above, pp. 52 f., Nos. 434 and 444. [Th. 1905-4-9, 246]

649. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 5 + 8 +

lines. Part of a text, probably of an explanatory character.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 247]

650. Fragment out of the middle, 1^^ in. by f| in. ; 5 + 3 +

lines. Part of a text, probably of an explanatory character, including a list of gods. [Th. 1905-4-9, 248]

651. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by 1| in. ; 10 + lines.

Part of a text containing "grammatical paradigms" concerning legal subjects. [Th. 1905-4-9, 249]

652. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ by | in. ; 7 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological omens derived from observation of the planet Jupiter, [tt}-^] ^M* I- V-

[Th. 1905-4-9, 250]

653. Portion from the upper edge of Obverse or Reverse, 2| in. by 1 J in. ; 10 +

4 + lines. Part of a Sumerian composition, arranged

in short sections, and partly furnished with iuterhnear Assyrian translations ; mention is made of Enlil, -S=yi|^ &y|f ; [Th. 1905-4-9, 251]

654. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by 1| in. ; + 12

lines. Part of a text containing an explanatory list of woods and wooden objects. [Th. 1905-4-9, 252]

655. Bottom left-hand corner of Obverse or Eeverse, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + lines. Part of a text, probably of a religious character.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 253]

656. Fragment from the upper edge, 1| in. by 1^-g in. ; 5 + -t-

3 lines. Part of a text, probably containing omens. [Th. 1905-4-9, 254]

657. Eoughly formed tablet, 1 J in. by lif in. ; traces of 6 lines. Memo- randum-tablet containing a list of objects or animals, with the number of each class. [Th. 1905-4-9, 255]

658. Bottom left-hand corner, | in. by 1| in. ; 3 -I- lines.

Fragment of a religious text, probably containing an incantation, the couplets being separated from one another by lines ruled across the tablet.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 256]

659. Top right-liand corner of thick oblong tablet, 2| in. by If in. ; 10 -t- 9 + 1 (on lower edge) lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text, probably containing a report, and apparently written by an official named Urdu ; the text is dated on the twentieth of Tisri, in the eponymy of Mutakkil-Marduk, i.e.,

* Partly efEaeed.


799 B.C. (?). The text begins :—|i^^ >4< <^yi- "wf >4< | ^ hJK <'i=y*

"ET >^ I ^n? hk i^]^ >^T 'hk I iM -ysf T? t! >^ ^ V !? ^- 1

Mf Hfl^ ^ ■V'S: 1 ^ ^ ^ I ii y? 21^ "^gy, etc. The last two lines of the text, which form a colophon, read : 'f'^. y J^ ^t'i ^= y| 21 >

[Th. 1905-4-9, 257]

660. Portion from the right-hand side, |^ in. by 2| in. ; 18 + 9 lines. Part of an incantation-text, forming the Fourth Tablet of the Series " Shurpu," -V ■^'-- The Obverse contains eighteen ends of lines from the first section, each ending in ^-. The Reverse corresponds to 11. 80-87 with the " catch-line " (1. 89), and gives the variant reading ^^ ttlf in 1. 80 ; in 1. 83 it reads tyy--* tr^. and its arrangement of 1. 86, as a single line, agrees with that on K. 2333, against the division into two lines upon K. 2452 and K. 2938. [Th. 1905-4-9, 258]

661. Top left-hand corner, 1^ in. by ||- in. ; 3 -|- -I- 2 lines.

Part of an explanatory list. [Th. 1905-4-8, 259]

662. Top right-liand corner of Reverse, IJ in. by IJ in.; -1-5

-I- lines. Part of a religious text, probably containing

incantations. [Th. 1905-4-9, 260]

663. Portion out of the middle, l] in. by 1| in. ; 9 + lines. Part of a

text, probably of a religious character ; reference is made to Shamash and to a goddess. [Th. 1905-4-9, 261]

664-669. Fragments of tablets, measuring from 2 in. by 2^ in. to 1^ in. by If in., which are uninscribed, or have but slight traces of inscription. No. 262-264 and 266 and 267 are of unbaked clay.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 262-267]

670. Portion from the right-hand side, 1| in. by 2 J in. ; ( -1-) 15 + 9

(+ ). Part of a text containing prescriptions or directions for

ceremonies. [Th. 1905-4-9, 268]

671. Portion out of the middle, 2^ in. by 1 j^g in. ; -|- 3 -f 4

lines. Part of a religioiis composition, every tenth line of which was marked by < in the left-hand margin ; the last column contains traces of a colophon. [Th. 1905-4-9, 269]

672-674. Fragments of unbaked clay tablets, measuring from 1,^ in. by 1 J in. to IJ in. by | in., which are uninscribed, or have but slight traces of inscription. [Th. 1905-4-9, 270-272]

675. Portion out of the middle, 2f in. by 3 in. ; 10 + 20 lines. Part of a composition, of a religious or historical character. [Th. 1905-4-9, 273]

* Partly effaced.



676. Bottom left-hand corner, 1-j^ in. by 2-j^ in. ; 10 + 12 lines. Part of a text containing omens, each line beginning i^ ^ <Q^ ""!'{■

[Th. 1905-4-9, 274]

677-682. Fragments of tablets, measuring from 2 in. by ly'^ in. to | in. by -^ in., which have but slight traces of inscription. No. 276 is of unbaked clay, No. 277 preserves traces of a colophon. No. 278 is a fragment of a letter to the king, and No. 279 is in a fragment of a Babylonian composition, which reads ^^^^y -gy ^4f|i. [Th. 1905-4-9, 275-280]

683, 684. Complete tablet with envelope, the tablet measuring | in. by If in. and llie envelope 1^^ in. by 2^ in. ; 10 + 9 lines, and 4 lines upon the envelope. Letter to Nabd-khamniatua from Kuslikaa ; the text reads : -s^"^ y -4"

^ i?< r^ "-" < r? I -^1 -^H y m ^1 -m yn? i mi <i^ ^ Vy ^l -A V/ 1 <!^ -1} m I tVl -tyy ^yn y? y? i ly^y y? ^y -^y t^ g^ I ^ ^ £^ y ^>-V « ^ I ^yii - I ^ yr ^jn* xj<* I

<jii^i5 1 (Kev.) y? B] ^^ V <-tfcj -tr 1 1?^? ^ y? f y I !=4^ ^yy^ -^ I <y ^- tin I ^y yi ^^ i £:<yyy ^yyy « i ^y eIH Ei

^ -6^ I ly* A--W -yyi <y^ l ^ ^yyy « l TI'-^ envelope of the letter, which bears a seal-impression upon both Obverse and Keverse, is

addressed as follows :

Obverse of envelope.


-Hh ^ ?;< ^^

\^ < y?


-s^y >

tB 1 m ^1

-iH y?


Lower edge of envelope.

m <y^ ^ y?






[Th. 1905-4-9, 281 and 281a] 685, 686. Fragments out of the middle, measuring 1^ in. by 2| in. and 1^ in by If in., with but slight traces of characters, and uninscribed.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 284 and 285]

687. Fragment out of tlie middle, 6 + lines. Part of a text

containing prayers or incantations. [Tli. 1905-4-9, 286]

688. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1\ in. by 1| in. ; 7 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list of words, including names of wooden objects. [Th. 1905-4-9, 287]

* Partly effaced.


689. Fragment out of the middle, U in. by If in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text containing incantations, and directions for oft'erings before the goddess Gula, -Hh ^-*- ^tl- [Th. 1905-4-9, 288]

690. Fragment from the lower half of Eeverse, | in. by If in. ;

+ 3 lines. Part of a colophon from the end of a tablet.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 289]

691. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by 1| in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text, probably containing " grammatical paradigms" on religious subjects. [Th. 1905-4-9, 290]

692. Portion from the bottom edge, 1| in. by lj\ in.; 2 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations. [Tii. 1905-4-9, 291]

693. Portion out of the middle, If in. by 1^^^ in. ; 8 + 8 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations. The fragment probably formed part of the same tablet as Th. 1905-4-9, 291].

[Th. 1905-4-9, 292]

694. Bottom right-hand corner of Reverse, If in. by l^in. ;

+ 5+ lines. Part of an explanatory list of words.

[Th. 1905-4-9,293]

695. Portion out of the middle of an oblong tablet, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 8 +

lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian

king; reference is made to the turtanu, t^ ^Vi\ ^, and to Egypt, ^^ ,^ ^-^ ^_ [Th. 1905-4-9. 294]

696. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [Th. 1905-4-9, 295]

697. Fragment out of the middle, 1^^ in. by f|in.; 5 + lines.

Part of a text, of which only slight traces of characters are preserved.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 296]

698. Fragment from the lower part of lieverse, 1 in. by 1| in. ;

+ 4 lines. Part of a colophon from tlie end of a tablet.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 297]

699. Bottom right-hand corner, lj\ in. by | in. ; 4 -I- 3 (on bottom edge) -f- 4 lines. Part of a letter; mention is made of Shamash-shezib, If* -4" ^ ^ j^. [Til. 1905-4-9, 298]

700. Top right-hand corner, 1^ in. by ly»^ in. ; 5 + lines.

Fragment of a text containing omens. The text begins ?:^ gf ^] glf J$y ,(y^fy|. [Th. 1905-4-9, 299]

701-707. Fragments of tablets, measuring from 1^ in. by 1^ in. to ff in. by 1 in., on which only slight traces of characters are preserved ; No. 303 is part of a colophon from the end of a tablet. [Tii. 1905-4-9, 300-306]


708. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 4^ in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list. [Th. 1905-4-9, 307]

709-711. Fragments out of the middle, measuring from | in. by ^ in. to ^-g- in. by I in., on which only slight traces of characters are preserved ; No. 308 is part of a list probably of a commercial character.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 308-310]

712. Top right-hand corner of Eeverse, 1^ in. by 1-j^ in. ; + 6

+ lines. Part of a text containing incantations.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 311]

713. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text containing incantations; reference is made to a goddess under the title "the Lady of the gods," >->]f- >^ ^^ ->^ y«->*-.

[Th. 1905-4r-9. 312]

714-721. Fragments of tablets, measuring from 1^ in. by 1-j^ in. to^-f in. by

I in., on which only slight traces of characters remain ; No. 316 preserves

traces of a " catch-line " and Ashur-bani-pal's single-line colophon, and

No. 320 preserves part of a colophon from the end of a tablet.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 313-320]

722. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1| in. ; 8 -t- lines.

Part of an explanatory text. [Th. 1905-4-9, 321]

723. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by If in. ; 9 -I- lines. Part of

a text containing a Sumerian incantation, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation; the couplets are separated from each other by lines ruled across the clay. [Th. 1905-4-9, 322]

724. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 4~| in. ; uninscribed.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 323]

725. Fragment out of the middle, l^ in. by -J-|- in. ; 5 + lines. Part of

a text, probably containing a prayer or incantation ; reference is made to the Sibitti, ->f- ^ ^. [Th. 1905-4-9, 324]

726. Fragment from the lower part of Eeverse, | in. by j^ in. ; + 3

lines. Part of a colophon from the end of a tablet. [Th. 1905-4-9, 325]

727. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by f in. ; 6 -f- lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations. [Th. 1905-4^9, 326]

728. Fragment from the left-hand side, {^ in. by -ff in. ; 7 +

lines. Part of an astronomical text referring to the planet Venus, t-^^4- ^^. [Th. 1905-4-9, 327]

729. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by | in. ; 6 -1- lines.

Part of a text, arranged in short sections, probably containing directions for I ceremonies, accompanying incantations. [Th. 1905-4-9, 328]



730. Fragment of clay-sealing, ^ in. by | in., bearing remains of two impressions of an oval seal with linear designs. [Th. 1905-4-9, 329]

731-745. Fragments of tablets, measuring from 1-^ in. by If in. to f in. by I in., on which only slight traces of characters are preserved ; Nos. 330, 331, 335, and 336 are probably fragments of explanatory lists.

[Th. 1905-4-9,330-344]

746. Portion out of the middle, H in. by 1^^ in. ; 8 + 5 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list. [Th. 1905-4-9, 345]

747-751. Fragments of tablets, measuring from 1^ in. by 1| in. to ^ in. by ■fl in., on which only few characters are preserved; No. 34<S (If in. by

1^ in., 7 + lines) is part of an explanatory list.

[Til. 1905-4-9, 346-350]

752. Portion out of the middle, 3f|- in. by 2^in. ; 15 + lines. Part

of a bilingual text, containing a Sumerian prayer or incantation, furnished with interlinear Assyrian translation. [Th. 1905-4r-9, 352]

753. Upper portion of tablet, 2^ in. by 2^ in. ; 5 + 7 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, dated on the nineteenth of Adar in the eponymy of Sin- takkil, i.e., 739 B.C. ; the date reads ^^J ^ '^f <? '^ <I- "^ I T !:j^ m t^ ih^ll [Th. 1905^-9, 353]

754. Bottom left-hand corner, 2f in. by 2 in. ; 9 4- + + 5 +

9 + 10 lines. Part of an account-tablet, containing lists with amounts.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 354]

755. Portion from the right-hand side, 2^ in. by 14-f in. ; + 11 +

lines. Part of a religious text, arranged in short sections ;

cf. 11. 5 ff. which read :

Pi^ -+ i< -4- <7y I }Vr\ -11 A -^T y?

m nil y— I m I m m n£yy

<y -4- ^yyy m --y m t>-ti <i^ ^^- '(^ \

[Th. 1905-4-9, 355]

756. Tablet with the upper portion wanting, 1^ in. by 2^ in. ; 9+3 (on

lower edge) + 16 + (on upper edge) + 3 (on left-hand side) lines.

Contract-tablet, dated on the seventeenth of Ab, in the eponymy of Sin- shar-usur, y ■-►f- ^^<( ^•^ Ar- On a blank band across the centre of the Obverse are two seal-impressions; the seal is circular and represents a god seated upon a throne, while in the field are a crescent, a hound, and another emblem. [Th. 1905-4-9, 356]


757. Portion of a clay bowl, 4^ in. by 4^ in. ; 5 lines. Part of an InsCriptlort of an Assyrian king, recording the restoration of a temple. Reference is made in the text to a long period of time, at least seventy-five years (^| 4^ y^ ^^ t^ ^^ >-/-y !>♦«-), which apparently separated two dates on which the building was restored. [Th. 1905-4-9, 357]

758. Portion of a clay bowl, 2| in. by 2f in. ; 5 lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king, recording the restoration of the temple of Ishtar, tyyyy >->y- <('^ ; reference is made to the harvest in Assyria, cf. 1. 5, which reads: i;^^^^||:[ \^ —V <|gf Vil- [Th. 1905-4-9, 358]

759. Portion of a clay bowl, 2-ff in. by 2f| in. ; 3 lines. Part of an inscription of an Assjnrian king, probably recording building operations.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 359]

760. Conventional clay-fist, nearly complete, with only the wrist wanting, 4 in. by 3| in. by 2 in. ; 5 lines on left side. Votive object, deposited in the temple of Ishtar at Nineveh by Ashur-nasir-pal, king of Assyria, whose name and genealogy are inscribed upon it. The text reads :

y-^ ^

y? V


^ fcm

* [-V]



-+ 4-




-V* j


< ^?t^ V

>->f- >-<

tjn -

-V /







■En -^TT






[Th. 1905-4-9, 360]

761. Portion of large clay-sealing, 6^ in. by 4 in. by 2f in., bearing five impressions of the Assyrian royal seal, \\ in. in diameter, representing the king in conflict with a hon, within a cable border. [Th. 1905-4-9, 369]

762. Portion of clay-sealing, If in. by 1 in., with part of a seal-impression representing a figure, probably tliat of a priest, with one hand raised before a large jar supported on a wooden stand. [Th. 1905-4-9, 370]

763. Left-hand portion of a tablet of lapis-lazuli, If in. by 24-g- in. ; 13 -f- 13 lines, each separated by horizontal lines engraved across the tablet. Part of a prayer of Ashur-bani-pal, ^»f t> ^f-^ \\ « \* HI . The tablet was probably of similar shape to the clay tablets Bu. 91-5-9, 174 and 196, published by King, Zcils. fiir Assyriologie, XI, pp. 50 fi'., having a rect- angular projection at the top, pierced horizontally, by which it could be hung up. The last two lines of the Eeverse are inset and this portion of the text was probably continued upon the Eeverse of the projection. The name of the god, to whom the prayer is addressed, is wanting.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 371]

* Partly elTuced.

K 2


764. Top left-hand corner and part of left-hand side, 2f in. by 3f in. 26 + 17 lines. Part of a bilingual text containing Sumerian incantations against evil spirits, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. The couplets and single lines are separated from each other by lines ruled horizontally across the tablet. The " catch-line " for the continuation of the text reads ^->f- t^flfiifz "-^ry tjy^ -^f ^|^.

[Th. 1905^-9, 393]

765. Portion from the left-hand side, 1| in. by 3i in. ; 6 -|- 14 lines. Part of a bilingual text containing a Sumerian incantation to the god Ninib, >->-y ^ff ^Tf. furnished with an interUnear Assyrian translation, the couplets being separated from each other by lines ruled horizontally across the tablet. The text belongs to the same series as K. 2864, 8531, Km. 126, etc., which have been published by Hrozny, Mitteil. der Vorderas. Gesellschaft, 1903, pp. 159 ff. [Th. 1905-4-9, 394]

766. Complete tablet, 3^ in. by If in. ; 9 + 1 (on lower edge) 4- 7 lines. Memorandum-tablet, containing a list of various objects of gold, silver, copper and precious stones, recorded as votive offerings to Nabii from " the people of the palace," during the month Sebat, in the eponymy of Nabu-sakip. The last two lines of the text, giving the description and date, read : ^ ^jf

-Hh ^ >w J:^?- [Th. 1905-4-9, 395]

767. Bottom right-hand corner, 2^ in. by 1^ in. ; 4 + 3 lines. Part of a reUgious text; the Reverse begins gggy - <y^ ►tJ^ yy -^yyy V

T— . B V ^y? -^"^ < y? y -ii !=yyy-. etc. [Th. 1905-4-9, 396]

768. Top right-hand comer. If in. by 1^ in. ; + 6 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list ; the explanatory lialf

of the column, which is preserved, begins t^ ^ >-^yy. <(M ^y iffl V

-yy^, m mi m^^, ^^yy ^ i v ^yyy -yy^, etc.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 397]

769. Complete tablet, 2^ in. by 1 in.; 1 (on top edge) + 4 Unes. Memorandum- tablet, dated on the seventh of Marcheswan, in the eponymy of Ashur- 8ar(?)-usur, y —V iBWf ^- [Th. 1905-4-9, 398]

770. Portion out of the middle, 1| in. by l-j^ in. ; 12 -F 9 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list; in the explanatory half of the left-hand column,

11. 4ff. read: tg -^yy ^^u, }} ^yy^, tE -^yy -^yy, t^ -<'^, -y^^ m,

-yi* -^ M' etc. [Th. 1905-4-9, 399]

* Partly effaced.

t The traces of the sign are not those of ^^Y, so that the name cannot be read as that of Ashur-ddr-u^ur.


771. Bottom right-hand corner, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; + 8 + 8 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list, arranged in short

sections. The explanatory half of the last section on the Obverse (IL 5-8) reads Jgf* cffyc -, -tfcj ]} -, £?f* tf 4S ^^. IH^ tlH ; that of

the first section on the Reverse reads '^ff^^ --K -Hr i'^fAl t:^} ^- <,

EI fSE £^T! '^^'•'■flff E^H, the explanatory half of the following section beginning ^ ^ V', l^^* -jy- jr<g, etc. [Th. 1905-4-9, 401]

772. Portion out of the middle, If in. by 1^-^ in. ; 12 + lines. Part

of a text containing omens; the lines begin ^^!i^^ <Hyi ^U^ '^1-

[Th. 1905-4-9, 402]

773. Top left-hand corner of Ee verse, 1| in. by 44 i"- ; +3 (on bottom

edge) + 5 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, containing a record concerning the possession of certain land. [Th. 1905-4-9, 403]

774. Top left-hand corner, 1-j^ in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + lines. Part

of a list of gods, the names preserved beginning -i^- e£^ ; the first line of the column reads -+ ^^ tll^il- [Th. 1905-4-9, 404]

775. Fragment out of the middle, 1-^ in. by 2| in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a religious text, probably containing an incantation.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 405]

776. Fragment out of the middle, l.j^ in. by 1-j^ in. ; 2 + lines.

Part of a religious text, probably containing an incantation.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 406]

777. Fragment from the bottom edge. If in. by IJ in. ; 3 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list. [Th. 1905-4-9, 407]

778. Fragment from the lower edge, If in. by f in. ; traces of 6 +

lines. Part of a religious text ; only shght traces of signs are preserved.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 408]

779. Fragment out of the middle, IJ in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a religious text, arranged in sections. [Tli. 1905-4-9, 409]

780. Fragment from the lower edge, l-j^ in. by f in. ; 3 + 4 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list; the last two lines of the left-hand column read :

[Th. 1905-4-9, 410]

781. Fragment out of the middle, ^-^^ in. by 4^ in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a religious text, probably containing an incantation.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 411]

Partly effaced.

[ &£E< -^ ] [ ]


782. Portion from the lower edge of Reverse, IJ in. by 1| in. ; 4-

6 lines. Part of a colophon. . [Th. 1905-i-9, 412]

783. Portion out of the middle, 1^^ in. by 1,^ in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing a list of proper names. [Th. 1905-4-9, 413]

784. Fragment from the lower part of Eeverse, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ;

+ 4 lines. Part of a colophon. [Th. 1905-4-9, 414]

785. Portion out of the middle, l^!,^ in. by l^Jj. in. ; 10 + 10 +

lines. Fragment of a legend or mythological composition, every tenth line of which is numbered (•(). At the end of one section of the text a colophon-line reads ^fH fH (Col. II, 1. 4). [Th. 1905-4-9, 415]

786. Fragment out of the middle, |f in. by |-^ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [Th. 1905-4^9, 416]

787. Portion of a clay bowl, 3 in. by 2^ in. ; 5 lines. Part of a votive inscription of an Assyrian king, probably recording building operations.

[Th. 1905^-9, 417]

788. Fragment of a clay bowl, 2 in. by 1^ in. ; 4 lines. Part of a votive inscription of an Assyrian king, probably recording building operations.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 418]

789. Fragment of a clay bowl. If in. by If in. ; 3 lines. Part of a votive inscription of an Assyrian king, probably recording building operations.

[Th. 1905-4-9, 419]

790. Fragment of a clay bowl, ly\ in. by 1| in. ; 1 line. Part of a votive inscription of an Ass3rrian king. [Th. 1905-4-9, 420]

791. Fragment of a clay bowl, 1\ in. by 1-^^ in. ; 2 lines. Part of a votive inscription of an Assyrian king. [Th. 1905-4r-9, 421]

792. Fragment of clay, roughly shaped as an oblong plaque and bearing on Obverse and Eeverse an Assyrian seal-impression ; the subject engraved upon the seal is an attack on a castle by Assyrian archers, the defenders also using bows from the fortified towers which stand at each comer of the building. [Th. 1905^1-9, 422]

793. Portion from the right-hand side, | in. by 2-^^ in. ; 4-9

-f lines. Part of a text containing a Sumerian incanta- tion, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. [K. 14231]

794. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by 1-}-^ in. ; 9 + lines. Part of a

carelessly written account-tablet, giving amounts in ka. [K. 14232]


795. Fragment out of the middle, l{ in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + lines. Part

of a text, written in sections, containing lists of proper names, with relationships. [K. 14233]

796. Top right-corner, .J-|- i°- t'J li i^^- ; ° + '^ lines. Fragment of a contract- tablet. [K. 14234]

797. Fragment out of the middle, 1-jJg- in. by -ff in. ; 4 + lines. Part of a list

or contract-tablet; 1. 2 refers to amounts of silver (■(^\ ^] I"*"-)- [K. 14235]

798. Top left-hand corner, f in. by 1^ in. ; 5 -h 1 + 4 lines. Fragment of a letter, probably addressed to a lady; reference is made to the despatch of a sum of money. [K. 14236]

799. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by ly^^ in. ; 10 + lines.

Part of a list or inventory, written in sections of two lines, arranged in columns, giving various amounts followed by nanips of merchants, oiticials, etc.

[K. 14237]

800. Fragment from the left-hand side, -j^ in. by 1 in. ; -I- 5 lines. I'art

of a list or account-tablet, giving various amounts with totals. [K. 14238]

801. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by If in. ; 5 -t- 8 lines. Part of a text containing a list of stones; the lines on the lie verse begin J ^^??||-

[K. 14239]

802. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by If in. ; 10 -H lines.

Part of a carefully written text, referring to amounts of liquids, dates, etc., possibly for offerings or for use in ceremonies. [K. 14240]

803. Fragment from the left half, 1| in. by 1^ in. ;8-}-2 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in columns, containing a list of various objects, some of silver ; the items are preceded by the sign y. [K. 14241]

804. Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1 J in.; 6 + lines. Part of a legal

or historical inscription, referring to amounts of land, gardens, etc. ; 1. 6 mentions " [Tiglath-pil]eser,king of [Assyria]," glsi^HH ^ t^'d gl^;^ V'^g. The text is written in a bold hand, and the surface of the tablet has a pronounced curve from side to side. [K. 14242]

805. Bottom right-hand corner, f| in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + lines. Part of a

letter; 1. 2 appears to refer to temples or houses, [t]yifyf f"-"-. [K. 14243]

806. Bottom left-hand corner and lower edge, ||- in. by 1 in. ; 5 -|- 2 lines. Fragment of a letter, referring to sheep and other animals. [K. 14244]

807. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 11 -I- lines.

Part of a religious or explanatory text, containing a list of words, arranged roughly in column. LI. 2-7 Ijegin with ^i; e.g., ^< <^y tyyy tyy- [Etyy]g,

mi <!< mm m< ^i -n?^. etc. [k. 14245]


808. Fragment from the bottom edge, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 5 + 2 + 5 lines. Part of a contract or account-tablet. [K. 14246]

809. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by If in. ; + 6 +

lines. Part of an account-tablet, arranged in columns and sections, recording amounts; one section begins }]}* ty >^J ^V7*Si I SIT T *"^^^l^

[K. 1424"?]

810. Fragment from the left-hand side, -ff in. by 1| in. ; 7 + 8 lines. Fragment of a text of a religious or commercial character, containing short beginnings of lines ; II. 3 ff. of the Reverse, giving various figures, read

y -n^, yyr m^ '^m^'^m^^m- [k. 14248]

811. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by 1-J-f in. ; 11 4- 7 lines. Part of an account-tablet, recording amounts with totals ; 1. 9 of the Obverse mentions " eighteen talents." [K. 14250]

812. Bottom left-liand corner, | in. by 4^ in. ; 6 -t- 3 lines. Part of a descriptive list of animals, including ewes (*y ), j^regnant beasts, etc., preceded by figures giving the numbers in each case. [K. 14251]

813. Fragment out of the middle, {^ in. by 1^ in. ; 9 4- 10 +

lines. Part of a historical inscription, arranged in columns. The left-hand column mentions Arpad, [-tlT] <!-- ■yy<T iW ^TT. and Samaria, [►tyy ^] y- .-yyi »V"y; several of the lines in the right-hand column begin with numbers, possibly from a list of tribute. [K. 14252]

814. Bottom right-hand corner, If in, by 1^ in. ; 6 -I- 1 -I- 8 lines. Fragment of a text recording numbers with totals ; it includes the enumeration of men or soldiers (*][ y**'*), and probably formed part of a rough census-list.

[K. 14253]

815. Fragment out of the middle, ^ in. by 1| in. ; 3 + lines. Part

of a list or inventory, arranged in columns, tlie items including numbers of beasts and vessels. [K. 14254]

816. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by 1 J in. ; 6 -t- 4 lines. Part of an account-tablet or letter, recording amounts in figures. [K. 14255]

817. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by \^ in. Part of a census-list, arranged in columns, similar to K. 2017. [K. 14256]

818. Fragment out of the middle, 1-j^ in. by ly*^ in. ; 3 + lines.

Fragment of a text, arranged roughly in columns, probably part of a list or inventory; what is preserved of the right-hand column is uninscribeil.and the left-hand column preserves the ends of three words in the plural. [K. 14257]

819. Bottom left-hand corner, 1 J in. by | in. ; 4 -f 2 lines. Part of an account- tablet, recording amounts of wood, or wooden objects, etc., with totals.

[K. 14258] * Partly effaced.


820. Portion from tlie left-hand side, ^ in. by 2-^ in. ; 12 + 4 lines. Part of an account-tablet, recording amounts in figures opposite proper names. The text is divided into sections, at the end of which were notes giving totals. The hand is very similar to that of K. 14232.

[K. 14259 -I- K. 14276]

821. Portion from' the left-hand side, f in. by 1 in. ; 7 + 4 lines. Part of an account-tablet, arranged in columns and sections, recording amounts with totals ; one section of the Obverse gives amounts in shekels (Hl^y).

[K. 14261]

822. Portion from tlie left-hand side, i in. by IJ in. ; 7 -I- traces of 9 lines. Fragment of a list, recording numbers, with totals. From the use of the determinative V', it appears to enumerate people of different nationalities, and may be part of a list of slaves. [K. 14262]

823. Fragment from the upper edge, 1^ in. by l-j?g^ in. ; traces of 6 + 7 lines. Part of a list, arranged in colunms and sections ; the beginnings of lines in the riL,dit-hand column give a series of numbers, possibly from a list of animals for offerings. [K. 14263]

824. Bottom left-hand corner, 9 + lines ; f in. by 1^ in. Part of an ac- count-tablet, recording amounts, reckoned in talents, with totals. [K. 14264]

825. Left-hand side of a small oblong tablet, | in. by \^ in., 5-1-1-1-4 lines. Fragment of an account-tablet, recording numbers or amounts, vith totals. At the end of the Obverse a horizontal line marks the end of a section.

[K. 14265]

826. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 4-| in- ; + 5 -|-

lines. Part of an account-tablet or inventory, arranged

in colunms, recording amounts ; 11. 3-5, which form a single entry, read yy y>-

y « Wr ^yyy* h ^m\^ ^^^<^ ^ "^Bl m mSM- [K. 14266]

827. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by 1 in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of an account-tablet, arranged in sections, and probably in columns, recording amounts in relation to proper names. [K. 14267]

828. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a legal or historical inscription, mentioning silver (^J^ ^y) and iron (»-»y- Hh)- It is written in a bold clear hand, very similar to K. 14242.

[K. 14268]

829. Fragment from the left-hand side, -}-| in. by IJ in. ; 6 + lines. Part

of a letter, mentioning watchmen (C>|i; -IJ. "H ^|) and two hundred oxen.

[K. 14269] L


830. Lower poi'tion of tablet; 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 3 + 1 lines. Part of a letter; the Eeverse of the tablet is uninscribed, and the last line of the letter (tg "S^n JD is written on the bottom edge. [K. 14272]

831. Top left-hand corner, |- in. by -j-f in. ; 4 lines. I'art of a text

containing omens, written in short sections. The first line of the text reads y -s:y^y ^^1 ^U m-f [K- 14273]

832. Top left-hand corner, ^ in. l)y 1 in. ; 3-1-3 + 2 lines. Fragment of an account-tablet, recording amounts in gttr. The first line of the text reads ■-.- ^yy g| ; the last two lines of the text are written on the upper edge of the tablet. [K. 142Y4]

833. Fragment from the lower part of the left-hand side, | in. by 1 in. ; 5 +

hues. Part of a text containing a list of garments ; 1. 3 concludes a section of the text with a total of thirty-three giirments (^ yyy |gf g|). [K. 14275]

834. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by 1-^ in. ; 8 + lines. Part

of an account tablet, recording numbers or amounts, followed by a total.

[K. 14277]

835. Top left-hand corner of tablet, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; 7 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king from Enhl-bani, y *iij^ ^]

H ^*, beginning y? ^^ ^^ \^ \^ ^ ^ ^^*. [K. 14278]

836. Portion from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by li in. ; 8 + 10 lines. Part of a contract-tablet. [K. 14279]

837. Portion from tlie left-hand side, 1^ in. by 2 J in. ; +7 lines. Fragment

of a contract-tablet ; part of the hst of witnesses is preserved. [K. 14280]

838. Portion from the upper edge, | in. by f in. ; 5 + + 2 lines. Part

of a letter to the king, referring to certain lands (]\ ^yyy y«^). [K. 14281]

839. Top left-hand corner, i^ in. by i in. ; 3 lines. Fragment of text, possibly from a memorandum-tablet ; the Eeverse is uninscribed. [K. 14282]

840. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; 2 + 5 lines. Part of a contract or account-tablet. The fourth line preserved upon the Eeverse mentions the eponymy of Shar-pati-bel, giving the date 832 B.C., |^| y— y gtJ sM [K. 14283]

841. Portion out of the middle, 1 in. hv If in. ; + traces of 9 lines + 7

+ hues. Part of a list of names. [K. 14284]

842. Fragment from the upper part of the left-hand side, | in. by 1^^ in. ; 5 +

lines. Part of a contract-tablet. On a blank band across the upper

part of the Obverse are nail-marks in place of seal-impressions. [K. 14285]

* Paclly effaced.

t For ty^y gj^l -y^, «/. Meiasuer, H.AJ., p. 121, No. 2259.


843. Top left-hand corner, f in. by 1^^ in. ; 5 + traces of 3 + 1 (on upper edge) lines. Fragment of an account-tablet, recording numbers or

amounts, probably referring to contributions fi-om the city Kapa[ ].

The first two lines, which form a heading to the text, read : ^ ^ ""^Tr^l'

Hy -^yy -^y ^M> then foiiow the entries y <^ yyy y^^, y <y- lu iS ,

and yy <(y>- ,y^^^. A second line, inscribed on the upper edge of the tablet, has been erased by the scribe. [K. 14286]

844. Top left-hand corner, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; 4 -|- lines. Part of a contract- tablet. The first 4 hnes of the text which are preserved formed a heading to the contract and recorded the use of " nail-marks " in place of seals by the contracting parties. [K. 14287]

845. Fragment from the upper edge. If in. by f in. ; .3 + 2 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, recording a loan or payment of silver. [K. 14288]

846. Fragment out of the middle, 1 1 in. by -{-| in. ; 3 4- lines. Part of a

contract-tablet containing the names of Adad-bcl-usur (y ^ "'^ A^) and Eresh-ilu (y .^■>< ^<('( >-'>f-). Above the first line preserved a blank space was set aside for seal-impressions. [K. 14289]

847. Fragment out of the middle, -| in. by If in. ; +4 lines. Part of a

list or account-tablet, recording numbers or amounts. The portion of the text preserved probably comes from the end of a list and sums up the totals of the different items. [K. 14290]

848. Bottom right-hand corner, J in. by 1^ in. ; 6+4 lines. Fragment of a letter, probably written to the king, mentioning the land of Ararat, V" "M^W (Obv., 1. 4). Eeference is also made to a high officer, £3^* tyy^: (Obv., 1. 3) and to a king, |gyyyy gj^^* (Obv., 1. 5). [K. 14291]

849. Portion from the left-hand side, 1 J in. by 2f in. ; 6 + traces of 4 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, recording an advance of three homers of corn. Between 11. 4 and 5 of the Obverse, are remains of an oval seal- impression. The tablet is one of the so-called " heart-shaped " class, and on the broken portion of the Eeverse may be seen where the cord or reed, attached to the tal)let, was impressed in the clay. [K. 14292]

850. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by If in. ; 9 + lines. Part of

a text, written in sections, probably from a contract-tablet; 1. 4 mentions a weaver (^ g^y >f-). [K. 14293]

851. Portion from the left-hand side, | in. by 1| in. ; 7 + 4 + 1 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, recording a deed of sale. On tlie upper part of the Obverse is a portion of the sjiace reserved for the .seal-impressions. The fragment formed part of the 80-7-19 Collection. [K. 14294]

I'livtl;- effaced.

L 2


852. Fragment out of the middle, |f iu. by | in. ; + 6 lines. Portion

of a text, inscribed with proper names ; from a list of witnesses on a contract-tablet. [K. 14295]

853. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by 1-jJ^ in. ; 6 + lines ;

early Assyrian. Part of a text containing a list of estates. [K. 14296]

854. Fragment from the left-hand side, {^ in. by ||^ in. ; + 4 hues.

Part of a contract-tablet, preserving remains of the list of witnesses and a trace of the date. [K. 14297]

855. Fragment from the upper portion, from the right-hand side. If in. by 1 in. ;

2 + lines. Part of a contract-tablet, recording a sale of laud. Three

horizontal nail-marks are preserved on a blank band across the upper part of the tablet. [K. 14298]

856. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. l)y 1 1 iu. ; .5 + lines.

Part of a text containing a list of proper names. [K. 14299]

857. Bottom right-hand corner, 1 in. by \^ in. -,4-1-2 lines. Fragment of an account-tablet, referring to amounts reckoned in ka. [K. 14300]

858. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; G + lines.

Part of an explanatory list, arranged in columns and sections ; 1. 5 mentions the t^ ^ ^U.^1*- [K. 14301]

859. Fragment out of the middle, 1-j^ in. by ^ in. ;4-|-G+

lines. Part of a text, arranged in columns, including an inventory, or list, with numbers ; it possibly formed part of a list of tribute. [K. 14302]

860. Fragment out of the middle, f in by 1^ in.; -|- 2 lines.

Part of a text giving the name Nabii-akhe-erba, [f] -'>f-* g^ A^ y«-«- "-j^lJ*; it is possibly a fragment of a colophon. [K. 14303]

861. Fragment out of the middle, IJ in. by Ig in.; 11 + lines. Portion

of a list of eponyms, with notes as to the yearly expeditions undertaken by Assyria. [K. 14304]

862. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by If in. ; -f 4 lines. Part of a

text written in large archaic characters, followed by a note or colophon in a smaller Assyrian hand, dating the tablet in the eponymy of Bel-kharran- shadua, [f] «-JJ^* ^^ V ^ Tr- The fragment is probably part of an Assyrian copy of a votive inscription of an early Assyrian or Babylonian king. [K. 14306]

863. Left-hand side of an oblong tablet, 1 J in. by 1^ in. ; 5 -|- lines.

Part of an inventory or list of vessels ov liquids, with numbers against each item. [K. 14307]

* Partlv effaced.


864. Portion from the left-liand side, 1 in. by 2^"^^ in. ; +5 lines. Part of

a text written in large archaic characters ; between tlie second and third lines preserved is a broad space in which a note is written in a smaller Assyrian hand giving the date, " the 17th Elul," the year being In-oken away. The text is very similar to K. 14306, and may be part of an Assyrian copy of a votive inscription of an early Assyrian or Babylonian king.

[K. 14308]

865. Portion out of the middle, ^f in- W Is iii- j ^ + lines. Part of a

memorandum-tablet, inscribed with figures ; the majority of tliese appear to have been impressed when the tablet was nearly dry and hard. [K. 143 10]

866. Portion from the lower edge of an envelope of a contract-tablet, 1 j-^ in. by ^ in. ; 6 lines. The fragment is part of the case of K. 377, a deed recording the loan of two camels, in the eponymy of Sharru-niiri, T ^^ ^ ""III' ^'''i ^■'^■' ^^^^ ''^^*' 0^ whicli is published by Johns, Assyrian Deeds awl Documents, I, p. 72, No. 117; cf. also III, p. 193 f., and Oppert, Zeits. fur Assyr., XIII, p. 257 ; and for other references see Bezold, Cat., I, p. 9.5, sicb. K. 377. The case furnishes restorations of the text from Obv.,

I. 5, to Rev., 1. 1 ; it formed part of the 83-1-18 Collection. [K. 14313]

867. Fragment out of the middle, 1|- in. l)y 1 J in. ; 9 + G + lines.

Part of a list or inventory, arranged in columns and sections, and recording numbers with totals. [K. 14314]

868. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1 J in. ; 8 + lines.

Portion of a syllabary, or explanatory list. Of tlie text only a few words are preserved from a eohuiin of Assyrian equivalents, which read: (1) ^f <(;^|:, (2) ]d-ik-l{i-su], (3) ka-da-i^, (4) nis->-^^J^., (5) «k/-;/[m], (6) ^;3;-&a-/ai---ygj, (7) [lill-sur-ra-tu^ni], (8) g|?r-«,s-s«-,R^. The words in

II. 6 and 8 are of four syllables, in 1. 3 of three, and in 1. 4 of two syllables only; 1. 8 appears to conclude a section of the text. [K. 14315]

869. Fragment out of the middle, if in. by -^ in. ; 4 + 4 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list, arranged in columns. The i)ortion that is preserved of the right-hand column contains a list of stones. [K. 14310]

870. Top right-hand corner, 1^ in. by I in. ; + "

lines. Part of an explanatory list; the text consists of a few ends of words from a column of Assyrian equivalents. [K. 14317]

871. Bottom right-hand corner, 1-^-^^ in. by 1^ in.; 8 + 2 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of an explanatory text, appaiently arranged in columns; it probably refers to an astrological composition. [K. 14318]


872. Fragment out of tlie middle, 1-^^ iu. by 1^ in. ; 12 + linen. Part

of an explanatory list. Of the text a few signs are preserved from a column of Assyrian equivalents ; 11. 5-10 read : (5) [h]a-ha-a-lum, (6) [h]u-bul-Ium, (7) [ff], (8) Jf, (9) hn-ht-iU-ta-tum, (10) yf. [K. 14319]

873. Fragment from the right-hand side, If in. by 1| in.; 10 + lines.

Part of text, arranged in short sections ; the lines in each section, so far as they are preserved, appear to end in the ssime syllable. It is probable that the text is part of an acrostic or alliterative hymn, arranged in four-line sections, in each of which the lines began and ended with the same sign, the initial and final syllables, when read dcjwnwards, forming the same words. The text is similar to K. 8204, etc. [K. 14320]

874. Fragment out of the middle, in. by 1^ in. ; G + 5 -I- lines.

Part of an explanatory list. Three lines in the right-hand column appear to begin with the character £2??' ^^'^ probably contained explanations of official titles. [K. 14321]

875. Fragment out of the middle, ly"^ in. by l-j^^ in. ; 7 -f- lines.

Part of an explanatory list. The text is [jublished in Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets, etc., in the Brit. Mus., I'art XI, pi. 43.t [K. 14322]

876. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. liy 1\ in. ; traces of 6 -f 7 4-

lines. Part of an explanatory list; the portion that is preserved of the right-hand column, enumerating ideograms to be explained, reads : ">{-* tyf*

^EB*^ I MT giBi; I -yy Eiaii I ^ ^Bm i ^ gi® i ^*

877. Fragment out of the middle, l^in. by If in. ; 10 -f- Hues. Part

of an explanatory list; the text preserves a portion of the explanatory column, of which 11. 2-7 read : V -11'- tr^ D ^ I IT ^ "■^IT

^-y^inininin* V -s- [k. 14324]

878. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by |;| in. ;()+4-|- 4-

lines. Part of a list of temples or places ; the lines in the right-hand column begin with tfyyy. [K. 14325]

879. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1^ in. by ^ in. ; -|- -f

+ 2 lines. Part of a text, arranged iu columns, probably of an

explanatory character. L. 2 contains a colophon to the effect that the tablet was the property of Nabu-[ ], ^riyyyy* ^y- y -+ -H ^Kil-

[K. 14326]

* Partly effacod.

+ In C.T., Xr, pi. 43, and in Meissner, .^..4./., passim, for '■ K. 1-1332 " read " K. 14322."


880. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by If in. ; 8 + (+ +

) lines. Part of a text, probably of an explanatory character ; the

traces of each line that is preserved repeats the word sit-lu-lu. [K. 14327]

881. Fragment out of the middle, Ih in. by 1^ in. ; + + +

6 lines. Part of the concluding portion of an explanatory list. The last line of the text and the catchline read-

[ ]

[ ]



fcYI M

Below the ctitch-Une are portions of two lines of Ashur-hani-pal's colophon.

[K. 14328]

882. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. l)y | in.; 6 + + +

lines. Part of an explanatory list, arranged in sections. [K. 14329]

883. Fragment out of the middle, 1 1 in. l)y 1^ in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list, with glosses. [K. 14330]

884. Fragment out of the middle, 1-^ in. by | in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of ail explanatory list. The lines preserved are from the explanatory half of a column ; 11. 2-5 read: fj* ^ tV -^^ &T? 111*^ 't^U ^^ T- -m I D ^? ^- I n -^I +1- [K. 14331]

885. Fragment out of the middle, IJ in. by IJ in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14332]

886. Fragment out of the middle, ^ in. by 1^'^ in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list, arranged in sections. A new section begins with the fourth line ; 11. 4-6 read : e-m-u m g| | yy sa g| | tyyyy ^-y^i|.

[K. 14333]

887. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by ly'^ in. ; 8 + 1 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list, arranged in sections. The fifth line preserved of the left-hand column begins a section and reads: |^J^ ty? >:^|E.

[K. 14334]

888. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by ^ in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list, arranged in sections. A new section begins with the second line ; 11. 2-4 read : f$^ y? jy i- >-^y tp| | iiigtyiy E^yy - * ^m I ilV y? '^-m- "^ ' "[K. 14335]

889. Fragment out of the middle, \^ in. by f in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of an explanatory text. A portion of the explanatory lialf of a column is preserved, which reads: [yy] sa purus[si], [yy] .m a-bu-ii, [yy]*« a-bu-ti, [yy] Sa rim-k[{], [yy] /«-Hy^^. [K. 1433G]

Partly effaced.


890. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by -Li in. ; 4 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list. The text is probably part of a list of gods; the explanatory halves of 11. '1 f. define relationships. [K. 14.'337]

891. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by f in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list of countries and places, arranged in sections ; the portion of the text which is preserved contains little more than determinatives. [K. 14338]

892. Portion from the bottom edge of the lieverse, towards the left-hand side,

1-^ in. by 1| in. ; +2 lines. Fragment of a text, arranged

in columns, probaljly an explanatory list. The portion of the text preserved is from a shortened foini of the colophon of Ashur-bani-pal.

[K. 14339]

893. Fragment from the bottom edge of the Keverse, towards the left-hand side,

\\ir in. by \ in. ; + '1 linc>'. Part of a text, arranged in columns,

probably part of an explanatory list. The portion of the text preserved is from the concluding lines of Asluir-bani-pal's colophon. [K. 14340]

894. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by 4-5^ in- ; + 7 ±

lines. Part of an explanatory list of words, probably of

a grammatical character; 1. 2, and probably 11. 1, 3, and 4 also, end ife: ^!II -U- [K. 14341]

895. Fragment out of the middle, 1 J in. by 1| in. ; 5 4- 5 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list of words, probably of a grammatical character ; 11. 1-4 of the .second column preserved begin with "-^fSI- [K. 14342]

896. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1 in. by liin. ; -f 10 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list of words, probably of a

grammatical character ; the text is arranged in sections. [K. 14343]

897. Fragment out of the middle, ly'^ in. by l^in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a syllabary; the text only preserves the sign to be explained, which is ||^ in all five lines. [K. 14344]

898. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 2y\ in. ; 4 + lines.

Part of a list, arranged in columns and short sections. In the right half of the column which is preserved one section begins <( ^S'^ls';- the next £! £Tt -y<^- [K. 14345]

899. Fragment from the right-hand side, \ in. by 1 J in. ;

-1-8+ lines. Part of a text containing incantations.

Only ends of lines are preserved, ending in Hx"-^ , [ ]-ia ;

cp. Tablet II of the i/«l-/u-Series of incantations (ed. Tallqvist), Col. I, 11. 37 ti: [K. 14346]


900. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in. ; + 3 lines. Part

of a text, arranged in columns, probably of an explanatory character. L. 1 appears to preserve traces of the catch-line ; and 1. 2, which would be the first line of the colophon, reads : g^l^ t^ ^^MM- [K- 14347]

90L Fragment out of the middle, | in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a list of signs, or syllabary ; the portion of the te.xt jneserved enumerates the signs (1) i^§i , (2) -yf?f , (3) t^M^ . (4) t^M^. (5) -!!??=, (6) m . (7) -TI^ > (8) -TT^-* [K- 14349]

902. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by 1| in, ; 1 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in columns, probably of an explanatory character ; the line that is preserved, reads : g^<— | fMr S^ ^^lil [K- 14350]

903. Fragment from the bottom edge, 1| in. by If in. ; 11 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list of plants, similar to K. 274 + K. 598,6, K. 41406 + K. 4202, etc. The text is published in C.T., XIV, pi. 42.

[K. 14351]

904. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^ in. by 1|-| in. ; 9 -I-

-I- 2 lines. Part of a tablet, preserving only the sign y at the beginnings of the lines, both on Obverse and lieverse. The fragment is from a syllabary, hst, or omen-text. [K. 14352]

905. Top left-hand comer of the Eeverse, -J-l in. by f in. ;

-1-5-1- lines. Part of an explanatory list ; the text

preserves a few ends of words from the right-hand half of a column.

[K. 14353]

906. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^ in. by -J-^ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a list ; the lines begin T H ig [K. 14355]

907. Portion from the upper edge of the Eeverse, 2y\ in. by -j^ in. ;

-I- 2 lines ; Babylonian. Fragment of a religious text, possibly containing an incantation ; reference is made to the South wind. [K. 14357]

908. Portion from the left-hand side, | in. by Ifl in. ; 13 +

lines. Fragment of a text containing omens, probably derived from the moon ; the lines begin f ^<('( . [K. 14358]

909. Portion from the lower edge, 1| in. by 1^^ in. ; 7 -f- lines. Part

of a text containing omens, arranged in short sections ; the beginnings of the lines are not preserved. [K. 14359]

910. Top left-hand corner, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 8 -f lines. Part of a text

containing omens derived from the liver ; the lines begin »-< ^] tyy .

[K. 14360]

Partly effaced.


911. Portion from the left-hand side, J in. by 2| in. ; +18

Unes. Fragment of a text containing astrological omens derived from observations of the planet Vemis, tt^>->'^ -i^*. [K. 14361]

912. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 1 J in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text, probably containing astrological omens ; each line is divided from the next by a horizontal line ruled upon the clay. [K. 14362]

913. Fragment from the upper edge of the Eeverse, IJ in. by -{-^in. ; , .

+ 5 lines. Part of a text, probably containing a mythological legend ; L 3 mentions " the South wind that rides the " The text reads :

-tTTTi M ^cyy ^? m I mm e^ti -n -m i iii^k^^ [k. i4363]

914. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1| in. by 1| in. ;

-l-9-[- hues. Part of an astrological text, probably of

an explanatory character ; reference is made to the planets Jupiter, ¥M^WyV ^* n ^1 !?. and Mars, '^S^* ^* y?* y-. [K. 14364]

915. Fragment out of the middle, 1 J in. by 1 in. ; 8+ lines.

Portion of a text, probably containing astrological omens derived from eclipses and rain. [K. 1436.5]

916. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of an astrological text, arranged in short sections, possibly of an explanatory character; reference is made to the planet Mercury, >-4-* &y^ *y. [K. 14366]

917. Bottom left-hand comer, ^ in. by IJ in. ; 8 + lines.

Fragment of an astrological text, arranged in short sections, prolmbly of an explanatory character; reference is made to >-4- -s^ lUl- [K. 14367]

918. Fragment out of the middle, l-^*^ in. by f in. ; 6 -|- lines.

Part of an astrological text, arranged in short sections ; reference is made to the planet Mars, ?J^'-»f- ^ >-< y^. The fragment is much vitrified by fire. , [K. 14368]

919. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of an astrological text, arranged in short sections of one or two lines.

Mention is made of Akkad, "i^ g^ {^ ; 11. 5 f. possibly referred to divisions of the moon (e.g., yy«< ►^l). [K. 14369]

920. Fragment out of the middle, 1 J in. by ly'^ in. ; 5+9-1- lines.

Part of a text containing lists of gods and stars. [K. 14370]

* Partly effaced.


921. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by !■{). in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens; the fragment preserved refers to eclipses, clouds, etc. [K. 14371]

922. Fragment out of the middle, -ff in. by If in. ; + 8 lines. Part of

a hymn or mythological legend. The portion of the text preserved is from the closing lines of the composition ; reference is made to the city of Ur, t^i JKSIT <M. and the last line reads |^ ef?^ y-- s^ y«-"- <!- ""'"f SSI- 1j- 8 is part of a colophon, and stated the number of lines in the text ; 7t reads : g|: IV -'^* ^* ^MM- [K- 14372]

923. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1 in. by ly'^ in. ; 7 +

lines. Part of an astronomical text, recording the position of certain heavenly bodies. The text reads: H^^^cfiy | p-4-* II CI] ^] <<!! I

m^-^ ^^ I & T? £l6- [K. 14373]

924. Fragment from the left-hand side, J in. by 1^^ in. ; -1-10 lines.

Part of a text containing omens, probably derived from the moon (■(<('()•

[K. 14374]

925. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by IJ in. ; +4 +

lines. Part of a text containing omens, probably derived

from the moon ««) . [K. 14375]

926. Poi'tion from tlie top edge of the Peverse, 1| in. by f in. ; 5 +

lines. Fragment from a text which probably contained omens. [K. 14376]

927. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. Ijy 1^ in. ; + 6 lines.

Part of a text, arranged in short sections, and containing astrological omens. [K. 14377]

928. Fragment from the left-hand side, -^ in. by If in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, and probably containing astrological omens derived from thunder. The lines begin f >-Jf- -^['^]. [K. 14378]

929. Fragment from the left side, -^ in. by 1,^ in. : -t- 10 lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens, derived from observations of the planet Jupiter. The lines begin y r-CKHh Mfsf^ I- V- [K. 14379]

930. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by -ff in. ; 3 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens. L. 2 begins a section and reads M<SXi* <!#= ^^ "Hh ^1^ V*li- [K. 14380]

931. Fragment from the upper edge, 1^ in. by f| in. ; 5 4- 3 + traces of 1 lines. Part of an astrological text containing omens derived from an eclipse, etc. [K. 14381]

Partly effaced.

K 2


932. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, and containing astrological omens for different months. The section which begins with the fifth line referred to the month Sivan. [K. 14382]

933. Fragment from the lower edge, 1-J in. by ^ in. ; 2 + .3 + 3 Hues. Part of the text from the case of a contract-tablet; in the third line on the lower edge mention is made of the month Nisan. [K. 14383]

934. Fragment out of the middle, -J^ "i- by If in. ; 10 + lines.

Part of an astrological text referring to halos ; 1. 4 describes some astro- nomical phenomenon as hima ^^< IeU -T<^ |*^|. [K. 14384]

935. Fragment from the left-hand .side, y^ in. by If in. ; +

9 lines. Part of a text arranged in sections containing astrological omens. The lines begin f tt?"-*^ 'M.' witli the exception of 1. .3, the last of a section, which reads: J -«|- <«*^. [K. 1438S]

936. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by | in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of an astrological text, referring to different months ; mention is made of an eclipse. [K. 14386]

937. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. l)y -J-f i^^- ; ^ + lines.

Part of an astrological text, arranged in sections ; with the third line a new section begins, which has reference to the planet Saturn, j;^^>-»f- *

M ^ tyy^ g^y [k. i4387]

938. Fragment from the left-hand side, -j^ in. by 1| in. ; 7 -t-

-I- 7 lines ; Babylonian. Part of an astrological text ; the fourth line preserved on the Reverse begins y >->=|- "rtf >-<*^|^. [K. 14388]

939. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by -J-l- in. ; 8-1- lines.

Part of an astrological text, probably containing omens; the first line preserved refers to tt^'-Hh * Ktt- »g^ , and the second to the planet Mars, ->f gff ^ yr [¥-]■ [K- 14389]

940. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by 1-j^ in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, and probably containing omens.

[K. 14390]

941. Fragment out of the middle, IJ in. by If in. ; 4 + lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens derived from halos

[K. 14391]

942. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 -j^g^ ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens from births. [K. 14392]

* Partly effaced.


943. Fragment out of the niicltlle, f in. by IJ in.; 7 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens derived from observation of the moon during the month Ehil. [K. 14393]

944. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by 1^ in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens ; 1. 8 refers to an earthquake and reads m^^^m- [K. 14394]

945. Fragment out of the middle, ^ in. by 1 in. ; 10 + lines;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing a hymn or mythological legend, mentioning Ea, Tiamat or " the sea," and Adad ; 11. 3-9 read : '^l, ^

^y -+ ^y ^*m \m •g:y "^t y? h ^ h< 'm\m'>^ ^^mim^m £«? m\w^ ^y -+ A^f ^y^yi^i^^r? ^::¥ mm \ mm* y « -^m- [k- i4395]t

946. Fragment out of the middle, -^ in. by 1 in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of an astrological text, arranged in columns and sections, referring to halos ; 1. 4, the first hne of a section, ends gg |^0. [K. 14396]t

947. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1 J in. by 1^ in. ; 9 +

lines. Part of a text, possibly a letter, mentioning an eclipse. The text reads: ^^H* ^--fflf I W^ 11 IE ^* Wl y— -^H I i^ -^

HI I ^y— -- \m-mi^\m-'^<^\m-m\ m&M&-

[K. 14397]

948. Fragment from the left-hand side, \^ in. by 1| in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text, possibly a religious composition ; the text reads : s:g;*;'B| |

-^1 h i^:\-i -lit m 1 1} tty -^y m I ^yyy- ^^t -ni i ^m y— ^ [ sj^ ] <«^ I -yyyy i^- [k. 14398]

949. Fragment from the left-hand side, i in. by f in. ; 3 -|- ( + )

2 lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens; 1. 1, which either begins a new section or is a catch-line, reads : f tC?>-»|-^. [K. 14399]

950. Fragment from the left-hand side, |-f in. Ijy 1 in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text containing a list of stars and rivers. LI. 3 and 4, which probably refer to " the star of the Euphrates " and to the planet Jupiter, read : -{►+ ^ B*m I ^^h'^ -^^m- [K- 14400]

951. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by 1-^ in. ; 1 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens derived from eclipses, the days of the month being noted on which they take place. [K. 14401]

Partly effaced.

t In Cuneiform Teris, Part XI, pll. 9 and 44, tlie Nos. K. 14395 and K. 14.396 are incorrectly giveu.


952. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^ in. by ^ in. ; 6 lines, Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing astrological omens derived from observa- tions of the planet Jupiter, tt}-^ "^Ils^ h '^- [K- 14402]

953. Fragment from the right-hand side, || in. by || in. ; -I-

G lines. I'art (jf a text containing astrological omens. L. 5, the first line of a section, predicts frost ; it reads: ^^] ^J]]* t^ ^- ^W^-

[K. 14403]

954. Fragment out of the middle, \^ in. by J in. ; -1-3 lines ;

Babylonian. Part of an astrological text, probably containing omens.

[K. 14404]

955. Fragment out of the middle, J in. Ijy J in.; 4 + lines;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological omens derived from eclipses, the days of the month being noted on which they take place.

[K. 14405]

956. Fragment out of the middle, -J^^ in. by | in. ; G 4- lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens; 1.4 mentions Eegulus, tt^Hh fcl^. [K. 14406]

957. J"ragment out of the middle, 1 hi. by J in. ; 5 -|- lines.

Part of a text, arrange<l in sections, probably containing omens. L. 2, the

first of a section, reads : f$<^*0) >BlJ'i tB^ V "f ^y V ^il-

[K. 14407]

958. Fragment out of the middle, i in. by if in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, probably from a religious composition.

[K. 14408]

959. Fragment from the right-hand side, i-|^ in. by | in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of an astrological text ; in 1. 7 mention is made of the planet Venus, tth'^ - ^. [K. 14409]

960. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by f in. ; 3 + lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens; the prediction in 1. 2 probably depended on the occurrence of an earthquake in the night.

[K. 14410]

961. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by -j^ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing astrological omens.

[K. 14411]

962. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by f| in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of an astrological text, arranged in sections ; 1. 4, the first line of a section, reads : ^ t^|-Hf- <^ EB:*i|:. [K. 14412]

Partly effaced.


963. Fragment out of the middle, {^ in. by If in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of an astrological text, referring to certain stars ; cf. 1. 4, which reads :

964. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^"^ in. by 1| in. ; 5 +

lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens, derived from eclipses of the moon ; the lines begin ] -df- <t^ ^ Ef* [K. 14414]

965. Fragment from the left-hand side, -^ in. by | in. ; 4 +

lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens derived from the sun, probably in relation to the heliacal risings of the stars ; the lines begin T « \^ "ET* [K. 14415]

966. Fragment out of the middle, -f^ in. by ||- in. ; 4 + lines.

Part of an astrological text containing forecasts derived from observations of the planet Jujjiter under diiTerent aspects, [J:t^>-Hh] "^11?^ T"- ^ and -+ mWy ^ ^I [^I]- [K. 14416]

967. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by |^ in. ; 4 +

lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens or a list of officials; the line begins y ^i^. [K. 14417]

968. Fragment from the left-hand side, {-^ in. by ^ in. ; -t- 5 lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological omens; the lines begin y ttlf-Hh !^- [K. 14418]

969. Fragment from the left-hand side, -^ in. by f in. ; 4 +

lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens derived from the sun, probably in relation to the heliacal risings of the stars ; the lines begin y « \^*g|. [K. 14419]

970. Fragment out of the middle, | in. byf in.; 6 + lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens ; 1. 3 bases a forecast upon an eclipse. [K. 14420]

971. Bottom left-hand corner, 2{l in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + +

+ -I- traces of 2 -|- 6 lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections,

containing explanatory lists of words. In the left half of the first line of the last column the word scd-la-pit-tum is preserved. [K. 14421]

972. Top left-hand corner of Eeverse, 1-jig- in. by | in. ; -|- 3 lines.

Part of a syllabary, or explanatory list of signs. The text is published in Cuneiform Texts, Part XI, pi. 44. [K. 14422]

973. Fragment out of the middle, |f in. by 1^ in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing explanatory lists of v^ords ; 1. 9, in the right half of the column, preserves the word il-lu-ur-[tuvi]. [K. 14423]

Partly effaced.


974. Top left-hand corner, probably of the lie verse, 1^ in. by 1 J in. ;

+ 2 lines. Part of a Syllabary of the Third Class. The text is published in Cuneiform Texts, Part XI, pi. 37. [K. 14424]

975. Fragment from the left-liand side of a talilet, -ff in. by -^ in. ;

+ 6 lines. l*art of an explanatory list ; the portion of the text preserved appears to be of the nature of a syllabaiy and to give the values of signs and sign-groups. The text reads :


[K. 14425]

976. Fragment from the right-hand side, f iu. by | in. ; 6 +

lines. Part of a text, probably containing astrological omens.

[K. 14426]

977. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by If in. ; + -|-

-f 3 lines. Part of an explanatory Ust, wluch formed a tablet of

the Series " >->^ gf yfj "^l^ : sa-ku-u." The portion of the text preserved gives part of the title, and two lines of a colophon of Ashur-bani-i^al, cut in the clay after the talalet had been baked. [K. 14427]

978. Fragment from the right-hand side, lf\ in. by ^ in. ;

+ 7 + lines. Part of an explanatory list. LI. 3, 4, and 7

preserve, in the explanatory half of the column, the words la-a-ma-tum, ka-a-lum, and [k]u-u-lu. [K. 14428]

979. Portion out of the middle, 2f in. by 3^ in. ; + +

-1-4 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian

king, probably Ashur-bani-pal, arranged in columns. The portion pre- served is from the closing lines of the text ; the last words of the inscription, in 11. 3 and 4, describe the return of the king with his army to Nineveh. [K. 14429]

980. Portion from the right-hand side, l-f^ in. by 2f in. ; -|-

10 lines. Part of a draft or copy of a royal inscription to be engraved upon stone ; the portion of the text preserved contains invocations to future rulers to preserve the record, and to anoint it with oil, etc.

[K. 14430]


981. Portion out of the middle, 2^-^ in. by Iff in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Ashiu-bani- pal; 1. 5 contains a reference to Esarhaddon, y —^ Ar "^ ^ ^* b"^]- The lines of the text are divided from each other by horizontal lines ruled upon the- clay. [K. 14431]

982. Portion from the right-hand side. If in. by 2 in. ; + 10 lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing astrological omens. The Obverse and side of the fragment are much vitrified ; the tablet was evidently broken before the vitrification took place. [K. 14432]

983. Portion from the upper edge, probably of the Reverse, 2 J in. by 1| in. ;

+ 8 lines. Part of a text, arranged in short sections,

containing omens. . [K. 14433]

984. Portion from the left-hand side, l^V i"- t»y 2| in. ; 3 + 18 lines. Part of a text containing omens ; the lines on the Reverse begin f <(Jg ^| .

[K. 14434]

985. Fragment of a decagonal prism of baked clay, 1^'^ in. by 1^ in. ;

+ 10-1-8-1- lines. Part of a historical

inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Ashur-bani-pal. [K. 14435]

986. Fragment from the bottom edge, 2 in. by li| in. ; 4 + lines.

Part of a magical text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies for the benefit of the sick. L. 3, which concludes a section, ends with -£:T'^^"y* ^"-Hh* i 1- 4, a colophon-line, which possibly gives the title of the composition, reads: ^ y >^] ^y.flf- I && ^l]^ "^^M-

[K. 14436]

987. Portion from the right-hand side, l-J-g- in. by 2| in. ; 15 +

lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens ; only the ends of lines are preserved. [K. 14437]

988. Portion from the left-hand side, 2f in. by If in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens ; only the ends of lines are preserved.

[K. 14438]

989. Portion from the upper edge, 2-^ in. by 2 in. ; 15 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens derived from the liver; with the third line of the text a section begins which concerns the ty Jgf.

[K. 14439]

990. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1 in. by If in. ; 6 + 11 lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens ; only the ends of lines are preserved. [K. 14440]

* Partly effaced.



991. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1| in. by 1| in. ; +

11 lines. Part of a text containing directions for the making of offerings, in connection with magical ceremonies. [K. 14441]

992. Fragment from the bottom edge, 2 in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a historical inscription, probably of Ashur-bani-pal, recording a successful campaign in Elam. [K. 14442]

993. Poition from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by 2^ in. ; 4 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list of words. [K. 14443]

994. Fragment out of the middle, -J-g- iu. by 1^ in. ; 7 -I- Hues.

Part of a prayer, written in bold characters ; 1. 6 refers to " the anger of god and king," and 1. 7 closes a section of tlie text. [K. 14444]

995. Portion from the right-hand side, 2J hi. l)y l|f in.; 9 +

lines. Fragment of a text containing omens ; only the ends of lines are preserved. [K. 14445]

996. Upper riglit-hand corner, l-j^ in. 1^ in. ; 12 -f- 2 Unes. Fragment of a text containing omens. The second line of the Eeverse appears to have contained a " catch-line " which ended '^ft^f)' V" ; the lower part of the Reverse is uninscribed. [K. 14446]

997. Fragment from the right-hand side, 2y'^ in. by ^ in. ; 5 +

lines. Part of a text containing omens; only the ends of lines are preserved. [K. 14447]

998. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by 1 in. ; 7 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens, probably of an astrological character; 11. 2 and 4 contain the phrase ^^<( 4" V" ^ f- (var. f-^).

[K. 14448]

999. Upper right-hand corner. If in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens ; only the ends of hues are preserved.

[K. 14449]

1000. Fragment from the right-hand side, l.j^ in. by 1^ in. ;

-I- 5 lines. Part of a text containing omens; only the ends of lines are preserved. [K. 14450]

1001. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by If in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king ; 1. 4 mentions a body of high military officers, sud-sakS, ^^* ^] ^y fcff^ !"->-*.

[K. 14451]

* Partly eSaoed.


1002. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^ in. by 1-^ in. ; 11 +

lines. Part of a text recording various numbers or amounts opposite the names of different cities, the figures being written on the left-hand edge of the tablet. The fragment is probably part of a list of tribute. [K. 14452]

1003. Top left-hand corner of lie verse, 1 in. by li| in. ; + 7 lines.

Fragment of a text containing prescriptions for the sick ; 1. 3, which begins a section, reads: f >-^f V ^^S El* -^?fi l}^- 14453]

1004. Portion from the upper edge of a small tablet. If in. by | in. ; 2 +

lines ; Babylonian. Fragment inscribed with au extract from

a text containing omens ; 1. 1 reads : y >~^y »-< ^ "^y I "^jcJ^.

^ [K. 14454]

1005. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by If in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 14455]

1006. Fragment from the bottom edge, 1^ in. by 1-^ in. ; 4 -t-

lines. Part of a text which probably contained astrological omens derived from eclipses of the moon ; the portion of the text which is preserved refers to the different watches of the night. [K. 14456]

1007. Fragment from the upper edge, 1{ in. by 1 in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens. L. 3, the first of a section, reads: |g4 -Jf- ^^f £:<yy gtyyy ^ 4 S^M> and in 1. 6 reference is made to a rainbow, -Jf- ^£???? -+ [^1]- [K. 14457]

1008. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by If in.; 8 -I- lines.

Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Sennacherib.

[K. 14458]

1009. Fragment from the right-hand edge, -^ in. by l^-f in. ; 4-

15 lines. Part of a text containing omens; only the ends of lines are preserved. [K. 14459]

1010. Portion out of the middle of a prism of baked clay, 2 in. by 1| in. ;

+ 7 + lines. Part of a historical inscription of

an Assyrian king. LI. 1-3 give the close of a section recording the disposal of an enemy's corpse to which burial was denied. LI. 4 ff. contained an adjuration to any future king or prince whom Ashur might call to rule over Assyria. [K. 14460]

1011. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by IJ in. ; 10 -f-

lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens.

[K. 14461] Partly effaced.

N 2


1012. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by 1/^ in. ; +

8 lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections of two lines each, containing prescriptions ; the sign y is prefixed to each section. [K. 14462]

1013. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; +

4 lines. Part of a text containing omens ; the fragment is from the closing lines of the text, the lower part of the Eeverse being uninscribed.

[K. 14463]

1014. Fragment out of the middle,-^ in. by 1^ in. ; 9 -f- lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens. [X. 14464]

1015. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by 1^ in.;

+ 3 lines. Part of a text containing omens; cf. 1. 2, which gives a "catch-line," and reads: ^[s^] -|U* "^ |£:* L. 3 contains a colophon referring to the editing of the text, and reads : '^1 lf«-«- ^ << f -yy| 45 tMiy •*

[K. 14465]

1016. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1 in. by ly'^ in. ; 9 +

lines. Part of a text containing omeias; only the ends of lines are preserved. [K. 14466]

1017. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1| in. ; -1-9 lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing a composition, possibly of a historical character. [K. 14467]

1018. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by ly'^ in. ; +

10 lines. Part of a text containing omens; the lines begin with »-<.

[K. 14468]

1019. Fragment out of the middle, 44 i"- hy li| in. ; 14 -|- lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 14469]

1020. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; 11 -|- lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens. [K. 14470]

1021. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in columns, containing a list of words ending in ^^f. [K. 14471]

1022. Fragment from the right half of the tablet, 1 in. by 1| in. ; 12 + lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens.

[K. 14472]

1023. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by If in. ; 7 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing a list, possibly of an explanatory character. The lines in the column ai-e preceded by numbers whicli appear to run consecutively ; cf. 11. 2-4, which read : 5|x; '^ 3^1 I ^ m ^^1 ^- ^ SI ^ ^m- i'^- 14473]

* Partly effaced.


1024. Fragment from the upper edge, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of an astrological text, probably containing omens. [K. 14474]

1025. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by 4^ in; ; 3 + 6 lines. Part of a text, apparently containing omens ; the lines on the Obverse begin |^|, and those on the Eeverse f ^y||, y ^f <ig, f ^f <^f . [K. 14475]

1026. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 3 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 14476]

1027. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 6 4- lines.

Part of a text, ai'ranged in columns and sections, containing omens ; only the ends of Unes are preserved. [K. 14477]

1028. Fragment from the upper edge of the Eeverse, 1| in. by -^f in. ;

+ 5 lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing

omens with regard to a man and his house, apparently derived from the urn ^^1 ttll . [K. 14478]

1029. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 14479]

1030. Fragment out of the middle, -^f in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text, containing probably a votive inscription of an Assyrian king ; 11. 6 f. refer to Shamash and Adad and to a date : |^'-Hf-* ^f i, '~'^

A^m im'w -mi- -^? ^^t^*^- "' [k. 14480]

1031. Fragment out of the middle, 1 J in. by 1;^ in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a historical or votive inscription of an Assyrian king, arranged in sections. The portion of the text preserved is from the opening paragraphs containing the royal titles and genealogy. [K. 14481]

1032. Top right-hand corner of the Eeverse, f in. by 1 in. ; ... ; +

6 lines. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king, i.e., to Ashur- bani-pal, concerning Elamite affairs. The text mentions Te-umman, y* ^y ^yyy KK*> ^^^ makes a reference to a high military officer, a sud-SaH, t^* ^] ^y ^yy^Jf:. [K. 14482]

1033. Fragment out of the middle, ^ in. by IJ in. ; 11 -h lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing a composition, possibly of a historical or religious character. [K. 14483]

1034. Fragment from the left-hand side. If in. by -j^ in. ; -f

5 lines. Part of a text containing omens from incidents that may happen in a house, temple, or palace ; the lines appear to begin »-< >- ^yyyy E^; («/. L 3). [K. 14484]

* Partly eSao«d.


1035. Fragment out of the middle, | in. 'oy 1| in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens. [K. 14485]

1036. Fragment out of the middle, -ff in. by If in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens. L. 7 contains a colophon-line referring to the preceding section and reads : im ^ffyy I ?J^; the first Une of the next section, reads |i|^«< ill. [K. 14486]

1037. Bottom left-hand corner, | in. by f in. ; 4 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens; the lines begin with >-< written upon the edge of the tablet. L. 4, the first line of a section or a "catch-line," reads : >--< ET JI ^W*W- ^^e Obverse of the tablet has been vitrified. [K. 14487]

1038. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by | in. ; 5 -h lines.

Part of a text, written in bold characters, containing a composition of a historical or religious character, possibly a royal prayer. LI. 3 and 4, containing references to the godde.ss Sarpanitum and to Babylon, read :

m^*m^m'-^\ m^* -+ ttii mm- [k. 14488]

1039. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by | in. ; 7 -)- lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text, an-anged in short sections, containing omens.

[K. 14489]

1040. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by f in. ; 5 -)- 7 4- lines.

Part of a text, arranged in columns, containing lists of words ; those in the right-hand column, which appear to be arranged according to their initial characters, read: >^*j^ | ^^ | ^^y ^P I -£T ^^ I -£! ^M\

-EI "im I <^*m- [K- 14490]

1041. Fragment from the right-hand side, J in. by 1 in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a carelessly written text, containing an explanatory list, arranged in columns and sections, which reads :




1 T? ^:^fS

EEIH _^^ y

The dotted line marks the position of the right-hand edge of the tablet. The reading of the sign fcgTVy is quite certain ; though the right-hand corner of the sign is broken the interior character is clearly written ^, not ^. [K. 14491]

Partly effaced.


1042. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by | in. ; 7 + lines. Part

of a text, probably containing omens. [K. 14492]

1043. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by | in. ; 4 + lines. Part

of a text, an-anged in short sections, probably containing omens. [K. 14493]

1044. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by | in. ; 4 + 6 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in columns and sections, containing omens derived from the liver. In the right-hand column more than one line appears to begin »-< g:f |^* ; and 1. 5, the first of a section, begins >-< ^^*.

[K. 14494]

1045. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by || in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text, probably containing omens. [K. 14495]

1046. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by | in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens. L. 1 mentions the land of Amurrft, t$ '- ""^ E^II- "^ p| ; h 2, the first line of a section, reads : il ^^"^ ^ h IB- "' i^- 1*496]

1047. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^ in. by 1^ in. ; 9 +

lines. Part of a text containing omens. The lines begin >-< <(^ "^M-

[K. 14497]

1048. Top right-hand corner, 1^^ in. by 2^^ in. ; 14 + lines. Part of

a text, arranged in short sections, containing omens. The lower part of the Reverse is uninscribed. [K. 14498]

1049. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by 1^ in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens derived from thunder, etc. [K. 14499]

1050. Portion from the bottom right-hand corner, 2^-^ in. by 3| in. ; +

5 lines. End of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens ; the lower part of the Reverse is uninscribed and there is no catchline nor colophon.

[K. 14500 + Sm. 509]

1051. Fragment from the left-hand edge. If in. by l^ in. : 8 -f 8 lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from the liver; the lines begin ^ ty ^. [K. 14501]

1052. Fragment from the left-hand side, y\ in. by 1-^^ in. ; -I-

12 lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological omens; the lines that are preserved appear to contain omens derived from observations of the planet Venus, tt?-Hf- '■'-<■*■ [K- 14502]

* Partly effaced.


1053. Fragment from the lower half, near the lower edge, If in. by 1^'^ in. ; 7 + 13 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens from thunder, etc. [K. 1450.3]

1054. Fragment out of the middle, If iu. by 1^ in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 14504]

1055. Fragment from the left-hand side, J in. by 1| in. ; 9 + 10 lines. Part of a text containing omens from the liver; the portions of the text pre- served concern the "^^Jfy. The fragment formed part of the 80-7-19 Collection. [K. 14505]

1056. Fragment from the right-hand edge, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 10 + 4 lines. Part of a text, arranged in short sections, containing omens ; only the ends of lines are preserved. LI. 3 and 4 of the Reverse, containing part of a colophon, read : H {Sll ^W W^ 1^ <y-^- [K. 14506]

1057. Top right-hand corner of the Reverse, l^V in- hy xf in. ; -f- 5 lines.

Part of a text containing a Sumerian incantation furnished with an inter- linear Assyrian translation. [K. 14507]

1058. Fragment out of the middle, li in. by IJ in. ; 6-1-4-1-

lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens. [K. 14508]

1059. Fragment from the top edge, 1^ in. by | in. ; 4 + lines. Part of

a text containing omens. [K. 14509]

1060. Fragment from the upper edge, 1 J in. by 1-jSg- in. ; 6 + lines. Part

of a text containing omens from thunder, etc. [K. 14510]

1061. Fragment from the upper edge, | in. by f in. ; 4 -j- lines.

Part of a text containing omens ; reference is made to the city of Ur, tt^i E<SIT m- [K. 14511]

1062. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by If in. ; 11 + lines.

Part of an astrological text, probably containing omens. [K. 14512]

1063. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; 6 +

lines. Part of an astrological text, arranged in sections, probably con- taining omens. Mention is made of the star [j:!:?]'-'^- IfcJ ^^ "-ET and the constellation [tt^Jf-] -II* ^T ^1 Hh ^#- [K. 14513]

1064. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by |f in. ; 8 -I- lines.

Part of a text containing omens derived from observations of the Moon ; 1. 7 contains a reference to the month Nisan. [K. 14514]

Partly effaced.


1065. Fragment out of the middle, 4-| in. by 1 in. ; 6 + 4 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in columns and sections, apparently containing an explanatory list of stars. [K. 14515]

1066. Top left-iiand corner, 1^ in. by ||- in. ; 6 + lines. Part of a text

containing omens derived from atmospheric phenomena ; the lines begin T "Hh -^"ff The lower part of the Keverse is uninscribed. [K. 14516]

1067. Fragment from the left-hand side, 4f in. by ^ in. ; + 8

lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological omens derived from observations of the planet Venus, t4l«-"=|- "i^. L. 2, which forms a colophon-line or title, reads : f ^ it^Z «^ ■^ ffl. [K. 14517]

1068. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; 9 -f lines.

Part of a text containing omens ; only the ends of lines are preserved.

[K. 14518]

1069. Fragment out of the middle, 44 in. by f^ in. ; 4 4- lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens from thunder.

[K. 14519]

1070. Fragment out of the middle, f| in. by ^ in. ; 6 -|- lines.

Part of a text, probably containing astrological omens. [K. 14520]

1071. Fragment out of the middle, 1|^ in. by | in. ; 5 -t- lines.

Part of a text containing a Sumerian composition, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 14520a]

1072. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by 1 in. ; 8 -f lines.

Part of a text, arranged in short sections, containing omens; four of the lines foretell the fate of houses. [K. 14521]

1073. Fragment from the bottom edge, 1 in. by f-^ in. ; 3 -|-

lines. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 14522]

1074. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by | in. ; 5 -F lines.

Part of an astrological text, arranged in sections, probably containing omens. [K. 14523]

1075. Fragment out of the middle, -j^ in. by 1 in. ; 10 -|- lines.

Part of a text containing an incantation; 1. 4, which contains the word supHru, "a fold," reads: ^y S^^;f<g^|^*^ [K. 14524]

1076. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1| in. ; 10 -H lines

Part of a text, arranged iu sections, probably containing omens.

[K. 14525] Partly effaced.




1077. Top left-hand corner, f in. by IJ in. ; 8 + 3 lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens. The lines on the Obverse begin f tt^'-Hh '> those on the Eeverse appear to be the remains of a colophon. [K. 14526]

1078. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by ly\ in. ; 7 + lines. Part

of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens from births. The text appears to consist of extracts from the Series »>-< tf ^'- . [K. 14527]

1079. Fragment from the upper edge, l{l in. by l-j^^ in. ; 2 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens from births. [K. 14528]

1080. Fragment from the left-hand side, -f*^ in. by 2 in. ; + 8 lines.

Part of a text containing omens from births ; the lines which are pre- served, including the " catch-line," begin : .^ ■^ <!'-IIII* ["-^l-

[K. 14529]

1081. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by If in. ; 10 -f- lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens from births ; the lines begin J -^ . [K. 14530]

1082. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by | in. ; 7 +

lines. Part of a text containing omens from the birth of foals ; the lines begin : r^ ^ >^1^ \^ [^^yy] [K. 14531]

1083. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by | in. ; 5 + lines. Part of

a text containing omens from births. [K. 14532]

1084. Fragment from the upper edge, 1^ in. by ^ in. ; 3 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containiiig prescriptions for the sick; the first Une of the tablet reads: fp ^^ Vy <h- M- '^ %^r ^^< '^*M- The lower part of the Keverse is uninscribed. [K. 14533]

1085. Fragment from the right-hand side, IJ in. by 1| in. ; 7 4- 2 lines. Part of a text containing omens from births; only the ends of lines are preserved. The first line on the Eeverse appears to be part of a title or colophon stating that the omens form part of the series >-<* ^y [^-] ; this is followed by a short colophon of Ashur-bani-pal, cut in the surface of the tablet after the clay was hard. [K. 14534]

1086. Fragment out of the middle, ff in. by 1| in. ; 8 +

lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens derived from observations of the constellation [tJ:?]-Hf- ^MI -11^ ""Hf-* ['"'"T]

[K. 14535]

1087. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by IJ in. ; 11 -|- lines.

Part of an explanatory list ; 1. 6 contains a reference to the constellation

£:£:?-+ ^liii -yy^ * [-+ -^y] . [k. 14536]

* Partly effaced.


1088. Fragment from the upper edge, probably of the Reverse, 2^^^ in. by 4^ in. ; 3 + lines. Part of a text containing omens ; the first line reads :

m ^ <Miyf ^y -i¥ i— mi -^vm- [k. 14537]

1089. Fragment from the left-hand edge, | in. by 1 j^ in. ; 10 + 13 hnes. Part of a text containing omens, the lines beginning with j>-<, which is written on the left-hand side of the tablet. On the Eeverse, sets of consecutive lines begin with numbers in sequence ; cf., e.g., 11. 2 ff., which begin " when the

third ," " when the fourth ," " fifth," " sixth," " fifteenth," and

" twentieth," The Obverse of the tablet is vitrified. [K. 14538]

1090. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by if^ in. ; -I- 5 -|-

lines. Part of a text, arranged in columns, containing omens

for the different months. [K. 14539]

1091. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 14540]

1092. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; -1-9 lines.

I'art of a magical text, arranged in short sections, containing prescriptions for the sick. LI. 4 and 6, the first lines of new sections, read: f >~t^ ^Igf e^f ^.

[K. 14541]

1093. Fragment fi-om the left-hand side, f in. by 1|^ in. ; -I- 11

hues. Part of a text containing omens derived from the liver j many of the lines begin ^ :-<^y. [K. 14542]

1094. Bottom left-hand corner, 1 in. by 1^ in ; 6 -f- lines. Part of

a text, arranged in shoi-t sections, containing omens derived from storms, winds, etc. [K. 14543]

1095. Portion from the upper edge and top right corner, 1\^ in. by -J-g- in- ; 3 -t- 4 lines. Part of an astrological report; the name of the writer is not given. [K. 14544]

1096. Fragment out of the middle, 1 J in. by 1^^ in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens derived from incidents that may happen in a house, in a gate, etc. [K. 14545]

1097. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^^ in. ; 9 -f- lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens. The protasis in many of the lines ends with the verb >-]l^ >E=yy ; cf., e.g., 1. 4, which reads :

ify £^yiT -!i* -!! Ey*ii- [k. 14546]

1098. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1 J in. by 2-^ in. ; -f 14

lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from incidents that may happen to a man and a woman ; many of the lines begin y ^| <( ^.

[K. 14548]

Partly effaced.

o 2



1099. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1,2^ in. by 2T-'Vin. ; 19 + 18 lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from the liver. The lines on the Obverse begin >--< «<(, the sign >^ both on the Obverse and Eeverse being inscribed on the left-hand side of the tablet ; every tenth line of the text is also indicated on the margin by the sign ^. [K. 14549]

1100. Fragment from the right-hand side, || in. by 2| in. ; 11 -|- 11 lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens ; only the ends of lines are preserved. The fragment formed part of the 80-7-19 Collection.

[K. 14550]

1101. Fragment from the left-hand side, J in. by 1^ in. ; 3 -)- 6 lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens ; 11. 2 f. of the Eeverse probably contain an omen derived from tlie sun and moon " on the fourteenth day " of a month. [K. 14551]

1102. Fragment from the upper edge, 1^ in. by || in. ; 4 + lines.

Part of a text, containing a prayer, or incantation ; 1. 1, containing the phrase " hj the weapon of Shamash, my helper," reads |,^H^ t "^ ^I M

-+ ^T -m t-m m^ y? -^i?- " " [k. 14552]

1103. Fragment from the upper edge, 1^ in. by 1^^ i"- ; 6 + 4 lines. Part of an astrological report concerning an eclipse. [K. 1455:>]

1104. Fragment from tlie lower edge of the Eeverse, If in. by 1 in. ;

+ 5 lines. Part of a contract-tablet. The last two lines contain the date, the eleventh of Sivan, but the eponym's name is wanting; they read:

[-:^?]l^^^^r ^T <T t^ <F ^*^ I i? !^ ^yyy< W- On the edge are portions of two impressions of an oval seal, engraved with tlie figure of an ibex. [K. 14554]

1105. Portion from the right-hand side, ^g- in. by 1 J in. ; + 8 lines.

Part of an astrological report. [K. 14555]

1106. Top left-hand corner, | in. by f in. ; 4 -I- lines. Part of an

astrological report concerning the appearance of the moon on the first day of the month. [K. 14556]

1107. Fragment from the bottom edge, 1^^ in. by f in. ; 3 -I- 3 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god.

[K. 14557]

1108. Bottom right-hand corner, 1| in. by -ff in- ; 5 -I- 2 -f 5 lines. Part of an astrological report; only the ends of lines are preserved concerning rain, the state of the markets, etc. [K. 14558]

* Partly effaced.

t This sign may possibly be restored as ^•■'x- , in which case it would mark the beginning of the line.


1109. Eight-hand side, f in. by l^\ in. ; 5 + 4 lines ; Babylonian. Part of an astrological report ; only the ends of lines are preserved. The report was probably written by the royal astrologer Irashi-ilu, y JK <(^ «-»f-; cf. the last two Hnes on the Ee verse, which read: |^^* S:^=, ^| '^•

[K. 14559]

1110. Top right-hand corner of the Eeverse, 1|^ in. by f in. ; + 3 lines.

Part of an astrological report; only the ends of lines are preserved; mention is made of the land of Subartu, [-£yy] t^^? <|gf. [K. 14560]

1111. Fragment out of the middle, ^ in. liy 1-^ in. ; 5 + lines ; Baby- lonian. Part of an astrological report ; 1. 3 begins a new section, which concerns the fourteenth day of the month and refers to the evening watch.

[K. 14561]

1112. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens. [K. 14562]

1113. Eeverse, 1-^ in. by 1 in. ; 1 line. Eeverse of an astrological report from the royal astrologer Nabu-mushesi. The Eeverse is blank with the ex- ception of the writer's name, which is written in a single line in the centre as follows : |y<y y -.f- ^ .^ ^ j^yy. [K. 14563]

1114. Portion from the lower part and edge, 1 h in. by 44 "i- ; 5 -f- 1 -I-

lines ; Babylonian. Part of an astrological report concerning the appear- ance of the planet Saturn within the moon's halo. In 11. 1 and 2 the astrologer states the result of the observation: "^ "j+y >-<* '^S^|, i.e., -Hf- l±y '^ ^y^y 5sy l - -fflfn «<iil; ^^'^ ll- ^ f. he cites the forecast which applies to the circumstances, beginning y ^•( >- Hflltl *('('(* ^"f-

[K. 14564]

1115. Fragment out of the middle, IJ in. by 1^ in.; -I- 2 Hnes; Baby- lonian. Part of an astrological report from En[lil- ], y *;^y||^|^:.

[K. 14565]

1116. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by 1^ in. ; 9 +

lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter, probably concerning a revolt ; cf. 1. 4, which reads: ■^ ^ ^^T* ^11 ^M- V^- 1*566]

1117. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by -^ in. ; 3 + lines. Part

of a text which probably contained a contract; 1. 2 appears to give a proper name and reads: |^y {^ >^ ^|||. [K. 14567]

* Partly effaced.

f The text thus affords an additional proof of the use of the word "Sun" (^"0 for Saturn, " the Star of the Sun."



1118. Fragment froni llie upper edge, 2 in. by J in. ; 4 + 1 lines ; Babylonian. Part of an astrological report; tlie last line of the Eeverse mentions the city of Arbela and reads: f^ - .^jy t£= ->f ^#'''%^. [K. 14568]

1119. Portion from upper part and centre of Eeverse, 1^ in. by 1 in. ;

+ 8 Unes. Pragment of a letter, giving parts of the closing lines, and containing references to the temple of Ashur, tyfyf «->-''^. [K. 14569]

1120. Portion from the left-hand side, | in. by 1^^ in. ; 8 + 3 lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing lists of cities with totals. The text is carefully written, and it may give a list of subject cities, or it may have been compiled for purposes of revenue ; 11. 4-6, the closing lines of a section, read: --yy |?<^ | ^ ?[? EH | (6) ^t ^l^- ' [K- 14570]

1121. Top left-hand corner and part of the left side, -fl in. by ^tv i^i- ! 8 + 9 + 3 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king ; in 11. 6 f. mention is made of the country and people of Khubushki,

'^^ ^yi ^ ^-1^ y;f y^*, "^ -y^ ^ <|il- 'The writer of the letter is probaljly the same as that of lim. 978. [K. 14571]

1122. Portion from the right-hand side, f in. by 1^ in. ; + 8 lines.

Part of a letter; mention is made of the city of Urzuldiina, >-J:yy* jy

<<yy ^ ^y*. [k. 14572]

1123. Portion out of the luiddlo, 1 in. by -j^ in. ; 8 + Hues.

Part of a letter; mention is made of the city of Urzukhina, -tyy* jy ^yy ^ >-/"y , and of certain nobles, J:^ fy>- yw->*. [K. 14573]

1124. Fragment from the top edge, ^ in. by J-^ in. ; 3 -f lines.

Part of a letter to the king (c/. 1. 1 ?^|»-< g^: t^^%) from Ashur-la[ ],

iS-^-E!^. " " [K. 14574]

1125. Bottom left-hand corner, ^ in. by |f in. ; 6-1-2-1-5 Unes. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. [K. 14575]

1126. Bottom left-hand corner, lyL in. by f in. ; 2 -1- lines.

Part of a text containing a genealogy, probably from a copy of a historical or votive inscription. The text reads : "(1) [so]n of Arad-Ea [ ],

(2) descendant of M[u ]", (1) ff y* -£^y* -Hf" E^yyyy

ym, (2)*yyy -H* ^H^ y ^*i8- ^ third llne, the last on the Obverse, has been erased by the scribe. [K. 14576]

1127. Bottom left-hand corner, | in. by 1-j^ in. ; 14-7 lines. Part of a letter ; mention is made of two hundred and ninety-two animals, probably horses

(!! M«< yy i^m- i^- 14577]

* Partly efpaced.


1128. Portion from the left-hand side, y'^r in. by If in. ; 5 + 9 lines. Part of a letter, referring to horses, etc. Mention is made of the royal body-guard, ^ -IT ^-P- [K. 14578]

1129. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by If^ in- ; 6 + lines.

Part of a letter; mention is made of the month Marclieswan. [K. 14579]

1130. Upper portion, 1| in. by If in. ; 7 + lines. Part of a letter to

the king from [ ]-shum-iddina, '^^^* ^ "-^T; the first sign

preserved of the name is broken and is possibly >-(^ . [K. 14580]

1131. Fragment out of the middle, ^ in. by 1^ in. ; 6 -f- lines. Part of a

letter, mentioning a fortress, «-J:yy* "-^ ^^, and the city of Babylou,

m^-^m- [K. 14581]

1132. Fragment from the upper portion, 1^ in. by 1 yL in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a letter, mentioning men of the city of Ddr-Sharrukln, «-tyy* g£^ ^3St^nn?^-t [K. 14582]

1133. Fragment from the lower edge, 1 in. by f in. ; 2 -f 3 lines. Part of a

letter or report, mentioning a high official, [ ]-sar-u8ur, ^|'(<( >^

Jij,!^ fy>- ^* ,Eyc* ; the name may probably be restored as that of Nergal- shar-usur, y "^ ^yf « \, who was eponym in 678 B.c.J [K. 14583]

1134. Fragment from a clay sealing, 1| in. by 1| in. ; 4 lines. The inscription

on the sealing, written in bold characters, mentions the city of Kar-[ ] ,

and probably refen-ed to the destination of the packet, or to the place from which it was sent; it reads: lii?^^!^^'^ | ^ -J:yy "^TiVM I M'^V <--Id '■iM I iS&cS^li- Marks of the thongs, with which the packet was secured, are visible on the Reverse of the sealing. [K. 14584]

1135. Fragment from the right-hand side, f in. by 1 in. ; 7 -1- 8 lines. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king ; it refers to tlie king of Ela,m, ^^* \^ dV tV 'QM> and mentions the Elamite city of Bubilu, --yy ^- ^ M!- [K. 14585]

1136. Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by fl in. ; 5 + Hnes. Part of a

letter, mentioning " the chariots of the nobles," [ty] ^ y«-«- "gyy t^ th y*->-. [K. 14586]

1137. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by ^-g- in. ; 4 -I- lines. Part of a

letter, referring to fortifications ; cf. 1. 2, which reads ^^ -— ■^^ y>«- ^ ^y? -^*m- " "[K. 14587]

Partly efEaoed.

t In the break at the beginning of the line there is not room for the determinative '^, so that it is improbable that we should take the word as the female proper name (i. alu)D4r-Sarru-ui:ln-a-a- [i-ti], Ddr-Sliarrukin^iti (cf. I R., pi. 70, col. I, 1. 14).

X That Nergal-shar-usur held the office of J:>f^ ^y-- CS ,£|[& may be inferred from the year of his eponymy.



1138. Portion from the lower half and edge, 1-^ in. by 1^ in. ; 5 + Unes.

Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king, referring to the city of Der, I* ^4- <|gf«. [K. 14588]

1139. Portion from the left-hand side, | in. by 1^ in. ; 9 + 3 lines. Part of a letter, containing a reference to "copper vessels," ]} ^ ^^ ^Sfl^l- '^^^ lower portion of the Reverse was uninscribed. [K. 14589]

1140. Portion from the upper edge, 2 in. by i| in. ; 4 + 5 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god. The last three lines of the text read : i|^?* «--^* ^^^ ^ f -HF" "'^ W I Mm Hfl* gl r itt}^ MM I iKHif -"^M- The proper name in L 3 is to be restored as that either of Esarhaddon, or of Ashur-bani-pal. [K. 14590]

1141. Portion from the left-hand side, 4-f in- by I-it;- iu- ; + 5 lines. Part

of a letter; mention is made of "doors," elf >-y^.^ y«-«-. The lower part of the Eeverse is uninscribed. [K. 14591]

1142. Fragment from the upper edge, 1^ in. by | in. ; 3 + lines. Part of

a letter to the king from Nabu-aklii-[ ],] ►of -t^Hh -V W-

[K. 14592]

1143. Lower portion and lower edge. If in. by 2{ in.; 9 -f 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter, much mutilated, referring to Nabu-ushezib, ]* "►^y^glf: ■^ ^ /,andNabu-zer-ibni, [y ""ty^]!^ -<^ J^; the text also mentions cities, «^yy ^, and amount of silver, reckoned in shekels. [K. 14593]

1144. Lower portion, IJ in. by 1^ in. ; 6 4- 7 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text, written in sections, containing a letter or an address to an oracle ; reference is made to a revolt. [K. 14594]

1145. Lower portion, 1| in. by 1| in. ; 5 + lines; Babylonian. Part of a

text containing an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god. [K. 14594a]

1146. Top right-hand corner, l| in. by If in. ; 11 4- 1 hnes. Part of a tablet of the shape of a letter, inscribed with a text, probably containing a report, or note, concerning omens ; only the ends of lines are preserved. [K. 14595]

1147. Top left-hand corner, | in. by 1-^ in ; 8 -I- lines. Part of a letter.

The lower part of the Reverse is uninscribed. [K. 14596]

1148. Portion from the right-hand side, 4^ in. by 2^ ia ; 8 + 10 lines. Part of a contract- tablet ; only the ends of Knes are preserved. On the Obverse a space has been left blank for sealing ; a part of one oval seal-impression is preserved. [K. 14597]

* Partly effaced.


1149. Portion of the lower part, 1^ in. by -}-| in. ; 3 + lines. Part of a

small tablet, inscribed with a note or memorandum. [K. 14598]

1150. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + lines;

Babylonian. Part of a text, wiitten in bold characters, and probably con- taining a letter. [K. 14599]

1151. Top left-hand corner, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 7 -f- lines. Part of a letter

to the king from A8hur-[ ], If -"-^ ^. The lower part of the Reverse

is uninscribed. [K. 14600]

1152. Top right-hand corner, | in. by 1;^ in. ; 2 + 3 lines.. Fragment of a letter ; the lower part of the lleverse is uninscribed. [K. 14601]

1153. Top left-hand corner. If in. by 1^ in. ; 7 -I- lines. Part of a

contract-tablet, recording a division of property ; the lower part of the Eeverse is uninscribed. [K. 14602]

1154. Top right-hand corner, | in. by If in. ; 6 4- lines ; Babylonian.

Part of a letter from Marduk-shum-iddina, [->f-] <^'^y* '^* <<^<? ^^ ; the lower part of the Eeverse is uninscribed. [K. 14603]

1155. Fragment from the upper part of the Eeverse, ^-f in. by If in. ;

+ 11 lines. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. [K. 14604]

1156. Portion from the left-hand side, f in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + 4 lines. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. [K. 14605]

1157. Portion from the right-hand side, | in. by 1||- in. ; 12 + 8 Unes. Part of a letter ; only the ends of lines are preserved. The lower part of the Eeverse was uninscribed. [K. 14606]

1158. Top left-hand corner, | in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + lines. Part of a

letter to the king from y tg;§|; the lower part of the Eeverse was uninscribed. [K. 14607]

1159. Top left-hand corner, f in. by If in.; 5 + lines. Part of a

letter to the king ; the lower part of the Eeverse was uninscribed.

[K. 14608]

1160. Top left-hand corner, ^\ in. by 1^ in. ; 2 + 5 lines. Part of a letter, referring to offerings ; tiie end of the Eeverse was uninscribed.

[K. 14609]

1161. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by |f in. ; 3 + 7 lines. Part of a letter ; on the Obverse several men are referred to by name. [K. 14610]

Partly effaced.




1162. Fragment from the right-hand side, -}-| in. hy 1 J in.; 6 + lines.

Part of a text containing a mythological legend or an incantation; reference is made to the Sun-god, >-f|- ^^. [K. 14611]

1163. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1,^ in. liy 1{ in. ; +6 + 1

(on left-hand margin) lines. Part of a letter ; mention is made of Ilushu- [ ]>y-HF-?i.>^^. [K. 14612]

1164. Bottom left-hand corner, | in. hy IJ in. ; 3 + 4 + 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter; reference is made Ea-nas[ir] and tlie Babylonians; cf. Rev., 11. 3-5, which read: f -'J^flt ^IT ^4 -E^i I <H±! ^ A ^ +?* ?i I "tT 4- ^r >4<*ii- [K. 14613]

1165. Fragment out of the middle, -ff in. by 1^ in. ; +2 lines. Part

of a text, written in large characters, and probably containing a draft or copy of a royal inscription. [K. 14614]

1166. Portion out of the middle, | in. by 2 in. ; + 10 lines. Frag- ment of a letter, probably addressed to the king ; the text is written in a comparatively large hand and the lines are slightly spaced. [K. 14615]

1167. Fragment from the upper part, -f^ in. by 1^ in. ; 4 + 3 Unes. Part of a text, probably containing a letter; 1. 2 of the Obverse mentions an amount of arable land, i|£r<^* f? ^ITTil- The last line but one of the text apparently refers to [Mutak]kil-Ashur ; it reads : '^§'CJ -"^ 11|

[K. 14616]

1168. Portion from the upper edge, J in. by 1 in. ; 6 + 6 + 2 (on bottom

edge) lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter from Nabu-[ ],

y "-ty^^:!!; the first line of the letter reads |^ ^ "s^sg^, and probably gives the name of an official, sakin-sarri, to whom the letter was addressed. [K. 14617]

1169. Portion from the left-hand edge and centre, 2^ in. by -j^ in. ; 3 + 4 lines ; Babylonian. Fragment of a text, probably containing a Neo-Babylonian contract or report; mention is made of the (amSlu)GAL-LA. of Marduk- nasir, ^ %y ^%J ^ y ^df- <::*y -4 ^^ . [K. 14618]

1170. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a text, possibly containing a contract or report ; mention is made of Arad-Gula, y* -^y -4- •^'t -f y . [K. 14619]

1171. Fragment from the right-hand side, f in. by If in. ; +8 lines.

Part of a letter ; only the ends of lines are preserved. [K. 14620]

Partly effaced.


1172. Fragment from the right-hand side, ^ in. by If in. ; 6 + 8 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a carelessly written letter ; mention is made of the king. [K. 14621]

1173. Top right-hand corner, | in. by 1-j^ in. ; 8 -I- lines. Part of a

letter to the king from ^| >->^ ^| ; 1. 4 contains a reference to chariots, ty ^ Jx-y'. The lower part of the Eeverse was uninscribed. [K. 14622]

1174. Bottom left-hand corner, IJ in. by f in. ; 5-1-3 (on lower edge) -I- 3 lines. Part of a text, probably containing a letter or report. [K. 14623]

1175. Bottom left-hand corner, 1| in. by ^ in. ; 7 + 7 lines. Fragment of a letter ; only short beginnings of lines are preserved. [K. 14624]

1176. Portion from the left-hand side, f in. by 1^ in. ; 7 -H 4 lines. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. [K. 14625]

1177. Portion from the upper edge, IJ in. by | in. ; 3 -}- lines. Frag- ment of a memorandum, or report, concerning cities. [K. 14626]

1178. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1 in. by 1^^ in. ; + 7 lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a letter, possibly recording the completion (KJ '^] >--§) of certain work. [K. 14627]

1179. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by 1^ in. ; -|- 5 lines.

Part of a letter; mention is made of food (cf. 1. 3, ^ <-J:H V T"*"" l*Wd-

[K. 14628]

1180. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by 1 in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text, proliably containing a historical inscription ; 11. 3 f. read

m^^^mi ^T— * I ^t ^Hi m*m- [k. 14629]

1181. Fragment from the left-hand side. If in. by | in. ; + 10-1-2

(on left-hand edge) lines. Part of a letter concerning a city, etc.

[K. 14630]

1182. Fragment from the right-hand side, f in. by | in. ; 3 + lines.

Part of a text, possibly containing an astrological report ; 1. 2 reads ilSH "^^i '-tl [K. 14631]

1183. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by If in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a letter ; mention is made of Adad-[ ], y ^4" -^"ff ^1-


1184. Top left-hand corner, f in. by -J-f in. ; 3 + lines. Fragment of

a letter to the king from y ,^||; the lower part of the Eeverse was uninscribed. [K. 14633]

* Partly effaced.

p 2


1185. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by f in. ; 6 + lines. Part of

a letter, mentioning an earlier despatch ; c/. 1. 4, which reads : 'ii^^^ ^1]] ^

^i}-^mm- Tk. 14634]

1186. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1 in. by | in. ; 3 + lines.

Part of a letter, referring to professional singers, t>^ ^Eft y«-«-.

[K. 14635]

1187. Fragment from the right-hand side, | in. by 1^ in. ; 9 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter; reference is made to the king. [K. 14636]

1188. Bottom left-hand comer, | in. by -^l- in. ; + 2 (on bottom edge)

+ 4 lines. Part of a letter mentioning Babylon, g|y x^] -"f ^^11*;^^ 5 reference is also made to Sin, -»f- <((<(, and the goddess Aa, >->f- fj ^.

[K. 14637]

1189. Fragment from the right-hand side, f in. by 1 in. ; 6 + 2 lines. Part of a letter referring to Elam, '^^^^f* ET KM'' °"ly ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ''""^^ ^^^ preserved. [K. 14638]

1190. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1/^ in. by y'^ in.; 12 + 11 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king ; reference is made to [ ]-Naba, gl^tygf:^. [K. 14639]

1191. Bottom left-hand corner, l-,^ in. by | in. ; 2 + lines. Part

of a text, arranged in columns, referring to cities ; it possibly recorded a list of contributions. Mention is made of the city of KuUani, ^^jy >y- -^y ^* tg*. [K. 14640]

1192. Bottom left-hand corner, ^f in. by y\ in. ; 2 + 3 lines. Fragment of a letter ; only short beginnings of lines are preserved. [K. 14641]

1193. Fragment from the right-hand side, f in. by -^ in. ; 5 + lines. Part

of a letter concerning gold. [K. 14642]

1194. Fragment from the right-hand side, ^ in. by f in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king, containing a reference to the royal signet-ring, ty^J Tf^ ^^. [K. 14643]

1195. Fragment from the bottom edge, f in. by | in. ; 6 + 2 (on bottom edge)

+ lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the

king, concerning an eclipse. [K. 14644]

1196. Top right-hand corner, -^ in. by -fi- in- ; 5 + 4 + 3 (on lower edge) lines. Part of a letter to the king from Marduk-shakin-shunii, [y «-4-] <^**'y V "^ ; the writer of tlie letter is to be identified with the well-known astrologer of that name. [K. 14645]

* Partly effaced.


1197. Top left-hand corner, ff iu. by 1^ in. ; 7 + lines. Part of a letter ;

mention is made of a certain Shebu[ ]. T ^ ^""Sl- '^^^ lower part

of the Eeverse was uninscribed. [K. 14646]

1198. Fragment from the left-hand side, i| in. by If in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a letter to the king. [K. 14647]

1199. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^ in. by ly^^ in. ; 8 + Hnes.

Part of a letter; mention is made of " the eighth day," ^] ^^ ^'^^W-

[K. 14648]

1200. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ by 1^ in. ; 5 + lines ; Babylonian.

Part of a letter; mention is made of a certain Zaba[ ], f ^ ^f VM^-

[K. 14649]

1201. Bottom left-hand corner of Eeverse, If in. by 1| in. ; + 7-1-1 (on

left-hand side) lines. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 14650]

1202. Bottom left-hand corner of Reverse, 1-^ in. by 1^ in. ; -1-6 + 1 (on

bottom edge) lines. Part of a letter ; mention is made of " fifty of

his father's house," "gyf tyyyj j$y I <<<■ e:||. [K. 14651]

1203. Bottom left-hand corner, {^ in. by 1 in. ; 6 + 2 (on bottom edge) + 4 lines. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king; mention is made of a certain Khagal[ ], y ??< "gy- *i;|. [K. 14652]

1204. Fragment from the upper edge, ^f in. by y'g^ in. ; 3 + lines. Part

of a letter to the king. [K. 14653]

1205. Portion out of the middle, | in. by 1| in. ; 15 + lines. Part of a

letter to the king, concerning affairs in Elam ; cf. 1. 6, which reads: '^^^ ^

C2* m mm- [k.\4654]

1206. Fragment from the right-hand side, \^ in. by 1^^ in. ; + 8 lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 14655]

1207. Fragment from the left-hand side, -^j^ in. by -^ in. ; + 7 lines ;

Babylonian. Portion of a letter mentioning the ^s ^yyyyi^- ^^^ t^e ^ + 4i- [K. 14656]

1208. Bottom left-hand corner and edge, 1| in. by | in. ; 1 + 2 (on bottom edge) + 3 Hnes; Babylonian. Part of a letter, probably of an oblong shape. [K. 14657]

1209. Top right-hand corner, f in. by f in. ; 7 + lines. Part of a letter from

[ ]du, 1^1 £:;<y, mentioning Nabii-ikisha, [y] ►►f * ^Qf <<"y V'

and certain messengers, ^|z J\ g^ y«— . [K. 14658]

Partly effaced.


1210. Portion from the right-hand siile, | in. by 1^ in. ; 10 + lines.

Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 14659]

1211. Top left-hand corner, ^ in. by ly'^ in. ; 8 + Knes. Part of

a letter ; tiie lower part of the Reverse was uninscribed. [K. 14660]

1212. Fragment from the bottom edge, | in. by 1^^ in. ; + 3 (on bottom

edge) + 5 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king; mention is made of the Crown-prince, "gjl t^=|||, and of the king's forces, ^11 ty ^yyi I V t^ ^* ^*m- ' ' [K. 14661]

1213. Portion from the left-hand side, § in. by ly'^r in. ; -1-9 hnes. Part

of a letter, written in a small hand. [K. 14662]

1214. Bottom left-hand corner, 5 -I- 1 (on bottom edge) + 5 lines. Part of a letter to the king; mention is made of the J:,^^ ^f- tyyyy.

[K. 14663]

1215. Portion out of the middle, 1 J in. by l^'^ in. ; 8 + lines. Part of

a letter to the king; mention is made of Babylon, i^}* -4- KM-

[K. 14664]

1216. Portion out of the middle, f in. by 1^'^ in. ; 8 + lines. Pait of

letter to the king from Ashur-[ ], y >— ^ ^W<' conceining a previous

despatch. [K. 14665]

1217. Portion from the right-liand side, |^ in. by 1 J in. ; + 6 lines.

Part of a letter, mentioning " the son of my lord," c^ -^^ i^*-

[K. 14666]

1218. Bottom left-hand corner, |-| in. by 1-j^ in. ; 6 + 3 (on bottom edge) -f- 1 lines. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king; mention is made of the son of Da[ ], t^ y BT<T +il- [K- 14667]

1219. Fragment from the riglit-hand side, | in. by | in. ; 4 + 4 lines. Part of a letter ; mention is made of the king and of u certain Shulman-asaridu, ilb M: « +• [K. 14668]

1220. Portion from the right-hand side, | in. by 1^^ in. ; 11 -|- 11 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 14669]

1221. Top left-hand corner, 1 in. by J in. ; 3 4- lines. Part of a letter

to the king from an official, the t^ ^^^| ; the lower part of the Eeverse was uninscribed. [K. 14670]

1222. Portion from the right-hand side, f in by If in. ; 5-1-6 lines. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 14671]

* Partly effaced.


1223. Top riglit-hand corner, | in. by |f in. ; 4 + lines. Fragment of

a letter to the king from [ ]de, |f| |^ &:I|. [K. 14672]

1224. Bottom right-hand corner, fi- in. by -^ in. ; 4 + 2 (on bottom edge) + 3 lines. Fragment of a letter, concerning stone colossi; cf. 1. 2 of the Eeverse, which reads: || ^^? -4- e^^M -4- ^11? [K- 14673]

1225. Fragment from the right-hand side, \ in. by 1 in. ; 6 -J- 8 lines. I'art of a letter, mentioning the Ukkaa, ||^ -^ T? |?. [K. 14674]

1226. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by if in. ; 5 + lines. Part of

a text, iirobably containing a letter; mention is made of the city of

Khubushki, --yy -yi ^- 5^y*ii. [k. i4675]

1227. Top left-hand corner, 1 in. by 2^ in. ; + 10 lines. Part of a text,

arranged in sections, apparently containing the draft or copy of a royal despatch, possibly written in connection with a treaty. Each section of

the text begins with the words sa tas-picr[- ], "gyy ^ £V W^> and

appears to recite and then to comment on some statement or proposition from a letter already received. The tablet is not of the shape or size of an ordinary letter, and the text is written in the large clear hand employed by Ashur-bani-pal's scribes for many texts of a religious character.

[K. 14676]

1228. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + 6 lines. Part of a letter; reference is made to the king. [K. 14677]

1229. Top right-hand corner, IJ in. by 1{ in. ; 7 Lines. Part of a text containintc a letter or communication. The usual formulae of address appear to be omitted, and the taljlet is roughly shaped and written ; the Keverse is left unjnscribed. [K. 14678]

1230. Top left-hand corner, |- in. by -^ in. ; 5 + lines. Fragment of

a letter to the king from Balasi, y -^f -^1* ["^yy ^t] > the Royal Astrologer ; the lower part of the Eeverse was uninscribed. [K. 14679]

1231. Portion out of the middle, in. by If in.; 7+ lines;

Babylonian. Part of a letter; mention is made of the king and of Lanshg, y r-%] -+* [^ ^}] . [K. 14680]

1232. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by | in. ; 7+ lines. Part of

a letter ; mention is made of Elam, V <(^y tl "(^ > ^^'^ of a sattammu-

officiai, c^ '^yyy ^y.* [k. i468i]

1233. Portion from the left-hand side, J in. by 2^ in. ; 10 -t- 9 lines. Part of a letter, concerning horses, etc. The Obverse preserves remains of elaborate greetings at the beginning of the letter ; the lower part of the Eeverse was uninscribed. [K. 14682]

Partly «£Eaced.



1234. Fragment out of the middle, xi in. by in. ; +5 lines. Part

of a letter concerning the people of Urartu (Ararat) , V" * %^^ jj f? ; the lower part of the Reverse was uninacribed. [K. 14683]

1235. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + lines. Part

of a letter to the king concerning the people of Urartu (Ararat), V" ^^^ Vy [??]• [K. 14684]

1236. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by 1-^ in. ; 7 +

lines. Part of a letter concurning the people of Urartu, V" %^^* [I? y?] and a man of the city of Usna[ ], t^ '■^]1 ^-U '-'"T*il-

[K. 14685]

1237. Portion from the left-hand side, 1 in. by 1 in. ; 6 -f- lines. Part

of a letter mentioning the people of Urartu, \^ l^iy J^ y^.* [K. 14686]

1238. Top right-hand corner, 1^ in. by IJ in. ; 8 + lines. Part of a

letter concerning the people of Urartu V* Jv I? ^r> ^^^^ lower part of the Eeverse was uninscribed. [K. 14687]

1239. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by | in. ; 5 + lines. Part of

a letter ; mention is made of Assyria, V" -V ^M [K- 14688]

1240. Fragment from the left-hand side, -ff in. by 1 in. ; 5-1- lines.

Part of a text, written in bold characters, containing a list of officials. Mention is made of one nagir n-officisd, y ^t^!:; EHI^T*. and of a Ct:.^ tT- ^.

[K. 14689]

1241. Portion from tlie left-hand side, {^- in. by 1 in. ; 6 + 6 + 1 (on the left edge) lines. Part of a letter concerning the people of Gambulu, tSf^ \ ^•- ^*g|; mention is also made of the rab-mkil (?), t^:.^ gf- ^ff^* (?), and of the J:^ i-]}]* . [K. 14690]

1242. Portion from the left-hand side, J in. by 1 in. ; 6 -t- 3 lines. Part of a letter, mentioning a certain Ulluzu, \ <&y'6 |ty| <<yy ^|. [K. 14691]

1243. Portion from the right-hand side, 1| in. by ly^g in. ;

-1- 9 4- 2 + lines. Fragment of a text, arranged in sections,

containing incantations. One section, begins |^ >*<r "-fX^ "^^ %^'^ $ ^^^ is followed by a colophon-line reading ^^y t^. [K. 14692]

1244. Fragment from the left-hand side, -^ in. by 1^ in. ; -|-

9 lines. Part of a text containing a Sumerian incantation against evil spirits, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation ; it is probably a fragment of a tablet belonging to the Incantation Series fJfS^ l"^^! il^U^ fy y""*-

[K. 14693]

* Partly effaced.


1245. Portion out of the middle, If in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text containing an incantation, to be performed for the benefit of a man who is plagued by evil spirits. [K. 14694]

1246. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by If in. ; 12 + lines.

Part of a text containing a Sumerian incantation, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. The incantation was probably to be recited for the benefit of a sick man ; cf. the couplet, 11. 8 f., which reads :

il <g^^*m Wr SfF ^IT-ii [K. 14695]

1247. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; 6 + 3 +

lines. Part of a text containing incantations against evil spirits, probably belonging to the Incantation Series M^^^T <!-IH f? K-. The left- hand column contains a Sumerian incantation, of which several consecutive lines end t^ \- >^\ the incantation in the right-hand column has an interUnear Assyrian version. [K. 14696]

1248. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by \-^ in. ;

+ 9-1- Unas. Part of a text containing incantations

against evil spirits. [K. 14697]

1249. Fragment out of the middle, l^g in. by 1|- in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text containing incantations, possibly belonging to the Incantation Series l^I^«*^y KI-IH !? !"-"■• A colophon-line (1. 4) reads [-J:H] ""^fc!* ET 2^1' ^"^^ ^'^ fi^^t. Une of the following incantation reads :

mm.^ tm? %\ .iiT|. [k. i4698]

1250. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing prescriptions to be used against evil spirits. L. 4, the first hne of a section, reads : jffT <M X T

>^ '^yy yyy ^- "'[k- 14599]

1251. Fragment from the left-hand side, y^^ in. by 1 in. ; -f-

8 lines. Fragment from a text, probably containing incantations ; several consecutive lines begin |g[J <g|. [K. 14700]

1252. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by ||- in. ; 6 4- lines.

Part of a text containing incantations against evil spirits, probably belonging to the Incantation Series M^y>*^y ^-^^ \\ y-*"-- [K. 14701]

1253. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by -J-| in. ; 1 -|- 5 -I-

lines. Part of a text containing incantations, probably belonging to the

Incantation Series '^t:<\»~^'\ <y-|HJ? y«-"-. LI. 2 and 3 of the right-hand

column, the last two lines of an incantation, read >-»^ >-J:yyy<y»-y f E2m

4^ ^^M^ "Wt -Hh --'"y ^SE [<y-iIII]ii. and are followed by a

a colophon-Hne reading ^t^f "tH ^*Wi- [^- 14702]

* Partly effaced.

t Or, possibly, »-tyyj^>-y \ the reading of the second interior sign, ^y»-, ia certain.


1254. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by | in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text containing incantations, poasibly belonging to the Incantation Series |Vy^«*^y <T"-mf Ty T"-"- ; the portion of the text preserved is bilingual, with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 14703]

1255. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^ in.; 8 + lines.

Part of a text containing prayers and directions for ceremonies. L. 3, the closing line of a prayer, reads : '^f « "'-I'i "'Hh ^^mr SI' ^°*^ ^^ followed by a colophon-line reading: i| [ JIMiy^HHy y^^o- The text probably belongs to the series of " Prayers of the liaising of the Hand."

[K. 14704]

1256. Portion from the left-hand side, 1^ in. by ly\ in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text containing a prayer to Ishtar, belonging to the series of " Prayers of the Eaising of the Hand." L. 7, the colophon-line at the end of the prayer, reads : ^ |ff|. [K. 14705]

1257. Fragment out of the middle, IJ in. by -fl in-; 6 + lines. Part

of a text containing prayers, belonging to the series of " Prayers of the Eaising of the Hand." LI. 1-4 are from the closing lines of a ]Hayer to a goddess, followed by the colophon-line "t]^* "-^Idf EI M1*?M'' ^- ^> the first line of a prayer to the Moon-god, reads: [j-^"] >-+* KKK ""Hf" t:^i m mm- [K. 14706]

1258. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + lines. Part

of a text containing prayers and directions for ceremonies, belonging to the series of " Prayers of the liaising of tlie Hand." L. 3, the colophon- line at the end of the prayer, reads : [-ttH --H tl .^lyUl^V^ T^*W:-

[K. 14707]

1259. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by If in. ; 9 -I- lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, which proliably formed part of a text containing incantations; 11. 1-6 contain a rubric relating to the recital of a missing portion of the text. [K. 14708]

1260. Portion out of the middle, 2| in. by 3 in. ; 17 + lines. Part of

a text containing a prayer to a god ; in many of the Unes the halves of each verse are divided in writing. [K. 14709]

1261. Portion out of the middle, Z^ in. by 2^ in. ; 9 -I- 9 -F

lines. Part of a text containing incantations, probably belonging to the Incantation Series TrT^w-^y <|-][y ^ T""--. The left-hand column contains a Sumerian incantation, of which several consecutive lines end t^ y- -11^; the incantation in the right-hand column has an interhnear Assyrian version. [K. 14710]

Partly effaced.


1262. Portion out of the middle, 2fi- in. by 2f in. ; 8 + 9 + 10 + 12 lines. Part of a text containing incantations or prayers. Col. Ill contains part of an incantation or prayer addressed to Ishtar ; cf. 11. 6 f. which read : (6) % EI- -m ^'l^f^^. (7) W ^E -+ £^T^- [K. 14711]

1263. Lower portion, Z\ in. by lii in. ; 6 + 3 lines. Part of a text containing incantations against evil spirits, etc., to be recited for the benefit of a sick man. The .separate lines of the text are divided from one another by horizontal lines ruled across the tablet. [K. 14712]

1264. Fragment from bottom edge, 2^ in. by 1^ in. ; + 2 lines.

Part of a text containing incantations against evil spirits, probably belonging to the Incantation Series h\t:<\<^ <y-|H !? T""""-

[K. 14713]

1265. Fragment from the lower edge, 6 + lines. Part of a text,

arranged in columns and sections, containing incantations against witch- craft ; 11. 2 and 3 read : -^B --B^ I i^ ^* tlH Sff ^•

[K. 14714]

1266. Fragment from the right-hand side, \\ in. by 1} in. ; 8 +

lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing incantations ; 1. 5, the first line of a section, refers to the Euphrates, and reads : ^|[y?] 0* "^f ^-mT<M- "'[K. 14715]

1267. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by -f| in. ; 6 4- lines.

Part of a text containing Sumerian incantations, furnished with an inter- linear Assyrian version. The couplets are separated by horizontal Hnes ruled upon the clay. [K. 14716]

1268. Fragment out of the middle, ||- in. by 44 in. ; 5 -|- lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing incantations or prayers ; 1. 4, a colophon-line, reads -J:H* --H Elil- [K. 14717]

1269. Fragment out of the middle, \\ in. l)y 1 in.; 6 + lines.

Part of a text containing the Eighth Tablet of the Incantation Series -^ ^-, Shiirpu. The text is a duplicate of K. 2866, Eev., 11. 9-14 {cf. S. A. Smith, Miscellaneous Assyr. Texts, p. 18, and Zitnmern, S^irpu, pp. 42 f., 11. 45 fF.), portions of which it restores. The portions of the text preserved by the fragment read: (1) Hlgf* tiC^*|i, (2) §|»-<* |gft

w^*m, (3) ^^y* -< - ty HF- m*m^ (4) m ey ^ - y aiy ^*m^

(5) m&* -^ - y ey -^y ^^m^ (6) m^v -yy^* --y


[K. 14718]

Partly effaced.

+ K. 2866 also correctly reads ]^, not |EIj, as read by Smith and Zimmorn, tlie latter of whom amends the text.

Q 2


1270. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by ^f in. ; 5 + lines

Part of a text containing the Third Tablet of the Incantation Series -V 1^-, Shurpu. The text is a duplicate of K. 2390, Obv., 11. 26 ff. {cf. Zimmern, Surpu, pp. 14 f., pi. IV), to which it gives some variant readings. The portions of t!ie text preserved by the fragment read :

(1) m^* ^V <Sim, (2) tl ^ -HTT -4- ^t. (3) E! ^ eSE tl

-m*m, (4) ^y ^ -ggn ^m^t (S) et* •^* £?m* ^ii§-

[K. 14719]

1271. Fragment from the left-hand side, lf\ in. by 1| in. ; 9 (+ )

4-10 lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, apparently of a religious character. On the Obverse the lines tegin with ^ ; the Reverse refers to the deities -+ ^ "-^ -+ ^tl V, --H, -+ ^ET ^1 -IT^ £?!!*. and -Hh <«• [K- 14720]

1272. Fragment from the top edge of the Eeverse, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; -f-

5 lines. Part of a Sumerian composition, mentioning the god Tammuz ;

cf. 11. 2 f., which read: 13B?<l!R5 <?? ^^K sEp, ^2||KlFfT -+ ^ ^. [K. 14721]

1273. Fragment from the edge, IJ in. by | in. ; 1 line. Part of a tablet, on the edge of which has been preserved the note <y- tyyyf >Jf 1||. [K. 14722]

1274. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^ in. by 2f in. ; 17 +

lines. Part of a Sumerian composition, apparently furnished with an interUnear Assyrian translation. In the portion of the text which is preserved each couplet begins '(^-T;<T^*->^g. lt-l'^%- [K- 14723]

1275. Fragment from the right-hand side, f in. by If in. ; + 5 -|-

lines. Part of a Sumerian composition, furnished with an

interlinear Assyrian translation ; the couplets are divided by lines ruled across the column. [K. 14724]

1276. Fragment from the right-hand side, l-^:,^- in. by 1| in. ; 9 +

lines. Part of a religious composition, arranged in paragraphs, in each of which the Unes end with the same word {e.g., |^« tl^ ^: , ^| ^ <(t-t- t^y).

[K. 14725]

1277. Fragment from the left-liand side, -ff in. by l-j in. ; 8 + -I-

10 Unes. Part of an explanatory text, fiu-nished with glosses. The Obverse includes a list of vessels, or liquids, the lines beginning with ty^ ; five consecutive lines iipon the Eeverse begin with "-^^yyy. [K. 14726]

* Partly effaced.

t The text thus gives the variant reading ma-mit pafri parzilU, " the ban through an iron dagger " (in place of " a bronze dagger ") .

X The line should thus read ma-mit li-e-U (variant H-H) u-ma-mi ma-j-a-su, etc., " The ban through the slaying of a cow of the desert " (i.e., " a wild cow ").

§ K. 14719 here gives a variant to 1. 31, which ou K. 2390 reads ma-mit kur-ban-ni, etc.


1278. Fragment from the right-hand side, | in. by 2 in. ; 14 + •'

lines. Part of a legend concerning early Babylonian kings ; a portion of the text refers to Zahu, the third king of the First Dynasty of Babylon. The hnes, of which the ends only are preserved, read as follows : 'f^ ^^i * |

^- ^ I PI !^ I m^* ^\mi^-\Er-^'^\ m^ -m i

i|t^?J:^T«rK I [Blank space of one Hne] | il^^-I* MJ I ii^'f ?? ^^ I

k -m- 1 M m ^t I m ^-*t- [k- 14727]

1279. Fragment from the left-hand side,l| in. by 1||- in.; 13 + lines.

Part of a religious composition, in which twelve consecutive lines begin

tyyyi .-yyi^ >^||. [k. 14728 -i- k. 14729]

1280. Fragment from the bottom edge, If in. by ||- in. ; + 5 Hnes

(inscribed upon the bottom edge of the tablet). Conclusion of a text con- taining imprecations ; these were probably directed against anyone damaging the tablet, or possibly an inscription of which this may have been a copy. L. 3 refers to -+ 7 ^- i^- 14730]

1281. Fragment from the left-hand side, -i in. by 1-j^ in. ; 11-1-

lines. Part of a text containing a prayer, or incantation, to Shamash. Each Hne begins with ">{- ^^, and, since every alternate line is set in a Httle, the text was possibly in Sumerian, and furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. [K. 14731]

1282. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by 1 in. ; 6 + lines. Part

of a historical inscription ; each of the lines which are preserved reads : l^fl l^ &|^ T"-"-*cS- The fragment is possibly part of a clay prism.

[K. 14732]

1283. Fragment out of the middle, -f| in. by |f in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text, possibly containing omens. [K. 14733]

1284. Fragment from the upper left-hand corner, 1^ in. by If in. ; G +

lines. Part of a text, probably containing prescriptions against

witchcraft; 11. Iff. read: (1) -g^ ET &5w <^*li. (^) M < ^ 1>^^

I y «<] 4i> (3) ieu < -^^ I— I - <M --iAm, (4) iM < ^ -^ m Ml '-<*m> (5) M* <- Ml ^- -m- i^- 14734]

1285. Fragment from the lower edge, ^ in. by 1 in. ; 4 -(- Hnes.

Part of a text of a historical or religious character ; 11. 2 ff. read :

SET* II !? ^1 ^^ -^m. mntM^ ^h m> m ^t >^i ^i tBm-

[K. 14735]

Partly effaced.

+ The end of 1. 13 may probably be restored, from 1. 10, as *-*f" yT ^'"'


1286. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1^^^ in. by 1^ in. ; 9 +

hnes. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing a prayer or hymn, addressed to more than one deity ; the first Kne of the prayer reads :

^y ^ ^m ^T -m ^- [k. ursej

1287. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by l-^ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text, probably containing a prayer. [K. 14737]

1288. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by If in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing incantations. [K. 14738]

1289. Fragment out of the middle, li in. by 1 J in. ; 8 + 5 lines. Part of a text containing incantations ; the catch-line reads : ^l"^* -^ ^f^^^-

[K. 14739]

1290. Fragment from the right-hand side, \ in. by 2 in. ; 16 +

lines. Part of a Sumerian composition, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 14740]

1291. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 2| in. ; 2 -|- 14 -f

lines. Part of an explanatory text, arranged in columns, apparently referring to omens. [K. 14741]

1292. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1^ in. by Iff in. : 11 +

lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, probably of a religious character; 1. 9, the first line of a section, reads: gf^ -(^ ^'■- }>*^ |^|, and a colophon-hne (L 8), referring to the preceding section, reads: *I<ty^ ^ T? m- [K. 14742]

1293. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by If in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text, probably of a religious character; 1. 3 refers to the -Hh V ^ ^Hf- T- £T- h- [K. 14743]

1294. P\-agment out of the middle. If in. by 1-j^ in. ; 6 + hnes.

Part of a text, much damaged by fire, containing incantations. [K. 14744]

1295. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 1^ in. ; 12 -I- hnes. Part

of a text containing a prayer addressed to a god. [K. 14745]

1296. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by -J-l in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a text, probably of a religious character ; 1. 4 refers to Enlil, ^^m* i^TIT. [K. 14746]

1297. Fragment out of the middle, ly^j^ in. by ^f; 5 -H 3 lines. Part of an astrological report. [K. 14747]

1298. Fragment from the left-laand side, 1^ in. by 2f in. ; 7 +

hnes. Part of a religious or historical text, probably containing a prayer (c/. 1. 6, wliich reads ->f- T"---*!!). [K. 14748]

* Partly effaced.


1299. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by f in. ; + 5 +

Unes. Part of a text containing a list of gods. [K. 14749]

1300. Fragment out of the middle, 2| in. by U in. ; 7 + 7 +

lines. Part of a text containing a list of gods. [K. 14750]

1301. Fragment from the left-hand side, i in. l)y IJ in. ; 9 +

lines. Part of a text containing a list of gods. [K. 14751]

1302. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by 1} in. ; 10 +

lines. Fragment of a text containing a list of gods, including astral deities.

[K. 14752]

1303. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^ in. by 1| in. ; 8 -F

lines. Fragment of a text containing a list of gods. [K. 14753]

1304. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. liy l^'y, in. ; 3 + 5 +

lines. Part of a text containing an explanatory list of gods. [K. 14754]

1305. Fragment out of the middle, l^g- in. liy | in. ;5-)-4 +

lines. Part of a text containing a list of gods. [K. 14755]

1306. Fragment from the upper edge, f in. by If in. ; 5 + hues.

Part of a text, probably of a religious character, inscribed with names of gods. Among the deities mentioned are -Jf- IrET E^T -Ilf^* [|?yif], "^ s^ ""11^. ^'D'l ""Hh KKK- The text is probably part of a prayer.

[K. 14756]

1307. Fragment out of the middle, l^L in. by |f in. ;7-f-6 +

lines. Part of a text containing an explanatory list of gods. [K. 14757]

1308. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^|- in. by ly^ in. ; 8 +

lines. Part of a text containing a list of gods. [K. 14758]

1309. Fragment from the right-hand side, |- in. ]>j J-f in + 6

+ hnes. Part of a text containing an explanatory list of gods ;

for another part of the same tablet, see K. 14762 + K. 14767. [K. 14759]

1310. Fragment from the lower edge, | in. by 1 in. ; 2 + 7 -I-

hnes. Part of a text containing a list of gods. [K. 14760]

1311. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. Ijy f in. ; 5 -|- lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing incantations ; 1. 1, tlie first of a section, reads gpy -4- ^^f t^ <y^ h^ -t^ M- [K. 14761]

1312. Fragment from the right-hand side, ^ in. by l.j^ in. ; -I-

9 + lines. Part of a text containing an explanatory list

of gods; for another fragment of the same tablet, see K. 14759.

[K. 14762 + K. 14767]

* Partly effaced.


1313. Fragment out of the middle, l-j-f in. by 2^^. in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text, apparently containing a Sumerian incantation, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation; 1. 4 reads ?§^[->f-] -EI ??< &| -^fl ^^r li|. "^ [K. 14763]

1314. Bottom right-hand corner, ly'^ in. by ly',,^ in. ; ( + ) + 2

(on bottom edge) + 9 ( + ) lines. Part of a text containing an

explanatory list of gods; the Keverse gave a list of synonyms of the goddess Ninhl, -Hh -^tl ^111 [K. 14764]

1315. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + hnes.

Part of a text containing an explanatory list of gods. [K. 14765J

1316. Fragment from the upper edge, 1^ in. by |^ in. ; 4 +

lines. Part of a text containing a list of gods. [K. 14766]

1317. Fragment from the left-hand side, I iu. l)y 1| in ; 5 +

lines. Part of a text containing a list of gods. [K. 14768]

1318. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by f in. ; 6 + Knes.

Part of a text containing a list of gods. [K. 14769]

1319. Fragment from the upper edge of Eeverse, 2 J in. by 1^ in. ;

+ 3 + lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions for the

sick. [K. 14770]

1320. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a list, probably of an explanatory character ; three consecutive lines refer to dishes (-^ilftSTD- [K. 14771]

1321. Fragment out of the middle, 1-^ in. by l^ in. ; + 5 hnes.

Part of a text containing incantations for the sick ; 1. 3, which is a catch- line, reads : f^ <illj^ <ll^^*^- [K. 14772]

1322. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by ||- in. ; 6 + Hnes.

Part of a text, arranged in short paragraphs, prolmbly containing incantations. [K. 14773]

1323. Fragment out of the middle, lf| in. by IJ in. ; + 6 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list ; 1. 4, in the explanatory

column, reads pa-as-sur [ ]. [K. 14774]

1324. Upper right-hand corner, || in. by 1| in. ; 8 -|- lines. Part of

a text, probably containing a prayer or incantation ; 11. 3-5 mention the deities -Hf- \^ th, -+ irtl !=yn, and -Hh ^ t^^- [K. 14775]

1325. Lower left-hand corner, ^ in. by 1^ in. ; -f- 6 hnes. Part of

a text, probably containing a prayer. [K. 14776]

1326. Portion from the left-hand side, ly^ in. by IJ in. ; 6 hnes. Part of a text, apparently recording a royal deed of gift. The tablet is of the

* Partly effaced.



shape of an astrological report, and the Reverse is iininscribed. reads:

The text



[This portion of the tablet is wanting.]

[K. 14777]

1327. Upper right-hand corner, probably of Reverse, 1\ in. by 1-j^ in. ;

+ 7 Unes. Part of a Sumerian incantation for the sick, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. L. 1, with its rendering, reads: MM} <^T* Vv m-^* <V M MI- [K. 14778]

1328. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1^4 ^^- by 1 in. ; 9 +

lines. Part of a text, arranged in short sections, probably of a religious or explanatory character ; 1. 4 refers to Nusku, i^'-Hh* ^li!'- [K. 14779]

1329. Fragment from the right-hand side, Ifl in. by 1^ in.; 5-1-7 lines. Part of a text containing prayers or incantations. [K. 14782]

1330. Fragment out of the middle, l-j^ in. by If in. ; 12 + lines.

Part of a religious text, arranged in sections, probably containing incanta- tions; reference is made to Ea, ""fefll^ ^^ (1. 10), and to the Abyss, "^ly tcy (1. 3). The tablet has been much damaged by water.

[K. 14783]

1331. Fragment from the right-hand side, -J-j- in. by IJ in. ; -t- 10

+ lines. Part of a text, probably of a religious character.

[K. 14784]

1332. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 1 in. ; 7 + 3 -f- lines.

[K. 14785]

Part of a text containing prescriptions for the sick. 1333. Fragment out of the middle, ^ in. by IJ in. ; 8 -t-

. . . Unes. [K. 14786]

Part of a text containing prescriptions for the sick.

1334. Upper right-hand corner, If in. by 1 in. ; 5 -I- lines. Part of

a text, written in bold characters, containing a prayer ; the tablet was possibly prepared for the use of an Assyrian king. L. 1 reads '£$'"^ f«-«*- f y^ y«.M. ; the end of the Reverse was uninscribed. [K. 14787]

Partly effaced.

t Such appears to be the reading of 1. 6 j but both signs are badly preserred, and it is just possible that the line should be read as »-^^J ^J x;^ , giving the date of the document.



1335. Portion from the left-hand side, 1 in. by 1-^ in. ; 9 + of the legend of Etana. The text reads :

Unas. Part

* tE*

<si <;

-+^ !=y? £?!yy >^y



[-+ 5.y?] ^yyi

< y


[K. 14788]

1336. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 1-ff in. ; + 3 lines. Part

of a list of synonyiaous words. The text is a duplicate of K. 52, etc., Eev., 11. 47 f. ; c/. C.T., XVIII, pi. 6, where the fragment is referred to. [K. 14789]

1337. Lower left-hand corner of Eeverse, 1^ in. by If in. ; +

2 Unes. Part of a colophon from the Forty-eighth Tablet of a series. The colophon reads : ^yyyy <^< v? ^ iXM > ^^ ^^^ vacant space below it, Ashur-bani-pal's " official note " has been engraved after the tablet had been baked, reading: \^ y ^+ ^ .^-^* [y? « | « \^ ^Hf- ^ <;^].

[K. 14790]

1338. Fragment from lower edge, 1 J in. by | in. ; 3 4- Unes.

Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14791]

1339. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by | in. ; 6 + Part of an explanatory list.

. . . . lines. [K. 14792]

1340. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by f in. ; 7 -I- lines.

Part of an explanatory list ; two consecutive lines in the explanatory half of the column read : nab-ni-[tu], bu-un-na-an-[nu]. [K. 14793]

1341. Fragment out of the middle, 1^^ in. by If in. ; 10 -I- 2 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list ; three consecutive lines in the

explanatory half of the column read: tnas-ka-nu, yy sa duppi, [ ]-ka-nu.

[K. 14794]

1342. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by -J-f in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14795]

Partly efEaced,


1343. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by If in. ; 5 + + 2 lines.

Part of a text, possibly of an explanatory character. The Eeverse gives a catchline which reads: ||.^1f -^^ -fl f ^g| ; the first line of the colophon, which probably gave the name of the original owner of the tablet, reads: ^c^* f ►+ C:m- [K. 14796]

1344. Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1^ in., 7 + Unes.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing directions for ceremonies. Reference is made to the stone, ^^ ^f >-, and to Nusku, ■»|- ^J^.

[K. 14797]

1345. Fragment from the lower edge, 1^ in. by l-j\ in. ; 3 +

+ i lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text, possibly of a religious or explana- tory character ; the first line on the Reverse reads : |^ ^>- ^•- ^£:J: ^y«- (J'~ £^ <^. ' [K. 14798]

1346. Fragment from the right-hand side, }-| in. by If in. ; +

9 Unes. Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation. [K. 14799]

1347. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by 1 in. ; 7 + lines. Part of

a royal letter. Reference is made to the goddess Sarpanitum, -4- l^f] ^* [g^ £r<g], and to "the lord of Babylon," -^^ <T< ^E^* [<|eJ], i.e., Marduk ; the king also refers to his own nobles, ^^ £y«- y«-«- &yfft J\, and to the " forces of Bel," tzj^ >-^ ""^fll- a^nd appears to impress on his correspondent the need for haste (c/ 1. 6, ggJH -yy^ ^ ^^). [K. 14800]

1348. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by -J^ in. ; 5 -|- lines.

Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14801]

1349. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by 1 J in. ; 8 + lines. Part of

a letter to the king; reference is made to the gate of a city, ^;SSf;J* tl'- '"^Ty*M> ^°*i instructions sent by the king. [K. 14802]

1350. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by ^f in. ; 5 -f- lines. Part

of a text containing omens from monstrosities ; the Unes preserved draw deductions from the birth of creatures with two heads, yy tyy^Eniy ]>->-.

[K. 14803]

1351. Fragment from the upper edge, 1| in. by | in. ; 2 + Unes.

Part of an explanatory list, containing a list of gods or divine titles; 1. 1 reads: ^ty][ ^^ty | -+ ^ Cl -+^- [K. 14804]

1352. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1| in. ; 7-1- Unes.

Part of a text containing incantations; one of them, followed by the colophon-Une, «-J:JJ* "-tjty ^y^^, was intended for recitation by the mashmashu-^nest (of. 1. 3, g|yy y |gf ^ >f ||). [K. 14805]

* Partly eifaced.

B 2


1353. Fragment from the right-hand side, If in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + Knee.

Part of a text containing prayers, one of which was addressed to the Moon-god, Sin. The tablet was possibly one of the Series of " Prayers of the Eaising of the Hand " ; cf. the colophon-line (1. 6) which should possibly be restored as :

[-^H -^H ET gfj^Tiy^iii^y T^ --f] -r -^\\ >^t ^^e*

[K. 14806]

1354. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^ in. by 1-j^ in. ; 6 -F

lines. Part of a text, possibly an explanatory list. The text was copied from a very imperfect original, the only portions of the copy which are preserved being the notes by the scribe, -^ ^ or .^ ^ ^<5( |.

[K. 14807]

1355. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. Ijy If in. ; 10 +

hnes. Part of a text containing liver-omens, derived from observation of the £1 tyy ; the hnes begin PH^ITIf * tV B MI*^- [K. 14808]

1356. Fragment from the lower edge of the Eeverse, If in. by If in. ; 6 + 2 (on lower edge) lines. Part of a historical or votive inscription ; the lines of the text are separated by lines ruled across the tablet. The text was probably copied from a stone tablet or stele ; cf. the first line upon the lower edge, which reads: ^tfyft ^% ^^ jiv f]? l^%. [K. 14809]

1357. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 1 J in. ; 4 + lines.

Part of a religious text, possibly referring to offerings or ceremonies ; the lines which are preserved are separated by lines ruled across the tablet and read: p.^' <V nH T -+ ^- [K- 14810]

1358. Fragment from the upper edge, 1| in. by 1 in. ; 4 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list; 1. 2 reads: ptlllt* | -I:H --H ^TT ^yiT**^- {cf. V K., pi. 36, Col. I, 1. 35). [K. 14811]

1359. Fragment from the lower edge, 1^ in. by | in. ; 4 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list; three consecutive lines at the end of the explanatory half of the column read: Sul-tu-u, ha-nu-u, za-na-hi. [K. 14812]

1360. Fragment out of the middle, -fi- in- by -J-f in. ; 7 -t- lines.

Part of an explanatory list; two consecutive lines in one half of the column read : [g\a-la-du, \^pyi-ka-du. [K. 14813]

1361. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; + 7-1-

lines. Part of a Syllabary of the Second Class. The text is

* Partly effaced.



a duplicate of S^ U. 128-134 (c/. G.T., XI, pi. 16, Col. II, 11. 62-68), and enables us to restore 11. 130-134 as follows :

y 4s ^- EJ^yy y -^i iiy y <y- -^y ^^


-yyyy ]]<

tjii M !=ife -y<y y-- «^ -^y ^^

1362. Fragment from the upper edge, 1-^^ in. by ^ in. ; 2 + . . . . Part of a Syllabary of the Second Class. The text reads :

[K. 14814] lines.

[y [y

►£==y^ ^ t:S^ lEft

^ -^y* ^m

[K. 14815]

1363. Fragment from the right-hand side, -^ in. by 1^ in. ; + 11

4- lines. Part of a Syllabary of the Second Class. The text

is a dupUcate of ii\ 11. 264-274 (c/. C.T., XI, pi. 17, Col. IV, 1. 65-Col. V, 1. 6), and is publi.shed in C.T., XI, pi. 19. [K. 14816]

1364. Fragment out of the middle, 1^^ in. by If in. ; 8 + 9 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list. In the right-hand column of the fragment two consecutive Unas begin with "^yy^if: ,S^ Llfc]. and ^v;^ [][£:] ; cp. K. 2022, etc., in II K, pi. 29, 11. 5c and d, and 6c and d, and C.T., XVIII, pi. 45, Eev., 11. 7 f. [K. 14817]

1365. Fragment out of the middle, || in. by | in. ; 7 + Hnes ;

Babylonian. Part of a text, arranged in sections, probably containing prescriptions or directions for ceremonies. [K. 14818]

1366. Fragment out of the middle, ^ in. by If in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a small tablet, containing a list of wooden and stone objects.

[K. 14819]

1367. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text, probably of an explanatory character, including a list of wooden objects. [K. 14820]

Partly effaced.

t With "^'^ =«oWM.«i-*«, cp.S''170(C.2'.,XI,pl.l6,Col.in,1.36), ""^v (Sum. me.lv.

lu-tg) = pa-ltt.uk.lsu.

X The word may probably he restored as "^y *^| U^^] > *«-^-#«. in which case we may restore the sign as jK (Sum. <(-in) or >-<y< (Sum. ti-i).


1368. Fragment from the lower edge, 1 J in. by 1 in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a syllabary, probably of the Second Class. The text is published in G.T., XI, pi. 19.t [K. 14821]

1369. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1,^ in. ; 6 + 9 +

lines. Part of a text containing a list of plants. The text is pubUshed in C.T., XIV, pi. 26. [K. 14822]

1370. Top right-hand corner, If in. by 1^ in.; ( +) 5 + (+ )

lines. Part of a text containing a list of cities. The first three cities enumerated in the column are Nippur, gg|, tfyy <^, Sippar, f|,$f Hffflf ^, and Babylon, if^^gtyy * ^[gf. The Reverse of the fragment is uninscribed.

[K. 14823]

1371. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1^ in. by If in. ; + 8 lines.

Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14824]

1372. Fragment from the lower edge, 1^ in. by f in. ; -f- 4 -)- 3 +

lines. Part of a text, including a list of birds. [K. 14825]

1373. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 2|| in. ; 15 -1- 4-

+ lines. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14826]

1374. Fragment out of the middle, l-{'jr in. by 2| in. ; 14 + Unes ;

Babylonian. Part of a Sumerian incantation, furnished with an inter- Unear Babylonian translation. [K. 14827]

1375. Top left-hand corner, 9 -t- 6 Unes. Part of a Sumerian composition, furnished with an interUnear Assyrian translation. [K. 14828]

1376. Fragment out of the middle, \\^ in. by 1^ in. ; 8 -t- lines.

Part of a Sumerian composition, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. [K. 14829]

1377. Fragment out of the middle, li in. by l^V in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text containing prayers and ceremonies; 1. 2 reads: 'Hgf ty <n 5=T 5^IITi= -HT! &IH "^il- [K. 14830]

1378. Fragment from the lower edge, 3 + 1 (on edge) + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text, written in bold characters, probably from a contract-tablet. [K. 14831]

1379. Fragment out of the middle, IJ in. by 1 in. ; 8 -f lines.

Part of a text, probably containing omens. [K. 14832]

* Partly effaced.

t The text is tliere published as though it were a duplicate of S"", U. 216-220, but this is not the case. The traces of the sign in 1. 1 (tC!$|) are not those of gifz^T^y, and the sign in 1. 4 reads ^HS^'.not^fcH.


1380. Fragment from the upper edge of Eeverse, l^i in. by | in. ; +

1 + 4 lines. Part of a text, probably of an explanatory character ; 11. 1-3 of the left-hand column, referring to " corn and silver " and talents, read :

(1) ^ V ^ < <?? ^y, (2) m4:^m> (3) m^^^^- [k- i^sss]

1381. Fragment from the upper edge, | in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text, probably containing prescriptions. [K. 14834]

1382. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by {^ m.; 4 + lines.

Part of a text containing prescriptions for the sick. [K. 14835]

1383. Bottom left-hand corner, 2^ in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + 1 -I- lines.

Part of an explanatory text, arranged in columns. [K. 14836]

1384. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by f in. ; 3-1-4-1- lines.

Part of an explanatory text, containing a list of wooden objects.

[K. 14837]

1385. Fragment from the left-hand side, J in. by 1 in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text, probably of a religious character ; only a few beginnings of words are preserved. [K. 14838]

1386. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by If in. ; 4 -h 3 -f lines.

Part of a text containing a Babylonian Dynastic Chronicle. The text has been pubUshed and discussed by King, Chronicles concerning Early Babylonian Kings, Vol. I, pp. 182 f. [K. 14839]

1387. Fragment out of the middle, 1;^ in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + 2 -|- lines.

Part of a report, probably of an astrological character. [K. 14840]

1388. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^ in. by 2^ in. ; 17 +

lines. Part of a text containing an explanatory list of plants ; each hne begins with the determinative sHI^- [^- 14841]

1389. Fragment from the left-hand side, y^^ in. by | in. ; 5 +

Unes. Part of a text containing an explanatory list of plants.

[K. 14842]

1390. Fragment from the upper edge, If in. by 1| in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a religious text ; 1. 3 reads : l^ f"-»- l\] 't- ^-^ ^ ^ Mil-

[K. 14843]

1391. Fragment from the lower edge, IJ in. by -j^; -1-3-1- Hues;

not from Kouyunjik. Part of a text, written in archaic characters ; it appears to be part of the case from an early Babylonian contract-tablet.

[K. 14844]

1392. Fragment out of the middle, ^-f in. by If in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text containing an explanatory list, arranged in columns.

[K. 14845]


1393. Portion from the bottom left-hand corner, 2| in. by 3^ in. ;

+ 4 lines. Part of a copy of a composition, the last two lines of which begin with the words f]f —f] {"tj^. In the blank space below the scribe's colophon is scratched Ashnr-bani-pal's single-line colophon. [K. 14846]

1394. Portion from the left-hand side, 1| in. by 3^ in. ; +

2 lines. Part of a text containing incantations for the sick ; the catch- line for the next tablet reads: 1-+ ^ff^ <^A*^MM^^^^M-

[K. 14847]

1395. Portion out of the middle, 2J in. by 3^ in. ; 18 + lines.

Part of a religious text, probably containing an incantation. [K. 14848]

1396. Portion from the bottom right-hand corner of Reverse, 2^ in. by 2^ in. ;

-1-5 lines. Part of a copy of a historical or religious text ; 1. 2

contains the names of Ashur, Shamash, Adad, and Ishtar (^^•-►f-* "^^ ^^ i-y ^^ ^^* <(y^|Ejj ^^ <ty^y). The end of the texl was broken in the architype from which the scribe made his copy ; the lower part of the Eeverse is uninscribed. [K. 14849]

1397. Fragment from the top right-hand corner, 1\ in. by If in. ; 14 -f- 3 lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens. [K. 14850]

1398. Fragment from the bottom left-hand corner of the Eeverse, If in. by

1| in. ; -f- 1 line. Colophon of a tablet containing prescriptions

for the sick ; the text formed the Sixth Tablet of the Series y g^w

<m}A*m- [K 14851]

1399. Fragment from the lower edge of the Reverse, 1| in. by If in. ;

+ 2 lines. Portions of two colophon lines : the first states

that the text formed the Porty-third Tablet of a series, the second consisting of Ashur-bani-pal's single-line colophon engraved upon the clay after the baking of the tablet. [K. 14852]

1400. Fragment from the lower edge of the Reverse, 2^ in. by 1^ in. ;

+3 lines. Part of a text which ends with imprecatory

clauses; the last line reads : ||^f"#|'ff gy * ^* |* ^^* |* ^* ^^^* jejj

ay \^ K ^W -tl '^M-" A colophon reads: gg-gyy ,f2l t^ y? '(M ' probably implying that the text was copied from an original in Cuthah. . [K. 14853]

1401. Fragment from the lower portion of the Reverse, If in. by l-f^ in. ;

+ 4 lines. Part of the colophon of a tablet, belonging to

the great Series of astrological omens, | ^f -»f- --tm^ tyyy . The text

* Partly effaced.


was copied from an original in Babylon ; 11. 1-3 read: (1) pj'^y^y f ^f '-Hf-

^■^ir [mm> (2) m -"^ -m ^? -+ mi m*m, i^) m a ■^y Vr - -+ c:^y ^ --y v ^:mm- [k. i4854]

1402. Fragment from the lower portion of the Reverse, 1| in. by If in. ;

+2 lines. Portion of the last line of a text, followed by

Ashnr-bani-pal's single-line colophon engraved upon the clay. [K. 14855]

1403. Portion from the right-hand side, | in. by 2^ in. ; 15 -I- lines.

Part of a text, probably containing a hymn or incantation ; 1. 13, which runs over upon the edge of the tablet, reads : |jx< -j^yy '- "^ ttj'i'i y*-

[K. 14856]

1404. Portion from the upper edge, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; 8 + 13 +

hnes. Part of a text containing Sumerian incantations against sickness, furnished with interUnear Assyrian translations ; the text probably belongs to the Series of Incantations against Evil Spirits. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 14857]

1405. Fragment from the bottom right-hand corner, If in. by 1| in. ; 10 +

lines. Part of a text containing extracts from a longer religious

composition ; a colophon-line (1. 3) reads : f^ •^ i^ ^ ^41^i

'"[K. 14858]

1406. Fragment from the bottom left-hand corner, 1| in. by IJ in. ; 10 -I- 4 -I-

lines. Portion of a text, arranged in columns, probably

of an explanatory character. The fragment formed part of the Rm. Collecti.m. [K. 14859]

1407. Fragment from tiie bottom left-hand corner of Reverse, 1-j^ by If in. ; +3 lines. Part of a text, containing omens or prescrip- tions, which formed the Nineteenth Tablet of a series (cf. 1. 2, which reads : ^yyyy "(^ ^*l^)- The catohhue reads y ►->J||, and below is engi-aved Ashur-bani-pal's single-Uue colophon. [K. 14860]

1408. Fragment from the bottom left-hand corner of the Reverse, Iff- in. by

1^ in. ; +2 Unes. Part of a colophon from a text

which formed the Sixth Tablet of a series ; in the blank space below is engraved Ashur-bani-pal's single-line colophon. [K. 14861]

1409. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by ly^g^ in ; 12 + +

6 lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, probably containing prescriptions; a colophon-line below one section begins "-^^Jl '*^*^|. The fragment formed part of the Rm. Collection. [K. 14862]

1410. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1/^ in. ; -f- 7

Unes. Part of a text containing a prayer or rehgious composition.

[K. 14863]

Partly effaced.



1411. Fragment from the upper edge, 1^ in. l)y If in. ; 12 +

lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing a religious composition. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 14864]

1412. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. hy If in. ; 15 + hues.

Part of an explanatory list. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 14865]

1413. Fragment out of the middle, l^^in. hy If in. ; + 3 hues.

I'art of a colophon from a text, arranged in columns ; below is engi-aved in the clay Ashur-hani-pal's single-line colophon. [K. 14866]

1414. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. hy If in. ; +4 hnes.

Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms, 1 lelonging to the Series [<Igf <M i^yy? ^ Igf ^ y?] ^y* BA] H< l- The catchhne for the next tablet reads : l§— tl •^* [K- 1-1867]

1415. Fragment from the left-hand side, If in. by 1^ in.; +1

line. Part of a colophon from a text which formed the Eighty-second Tablet of a series (^yiff yi ^*gij. The fragment is partly vitrified by fire. ' [K. 14868]

1416. Fragment from the left-hand side, |^ in. by If in.;

-1- 2 lines. Part of a colophon from a text which formed the Second Tablet of a series ; in the blank space below is engraved Ashur-lmni-pal's single-line colophon. [K. 14869]

1417. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by l^V i"- ; 11+

lines ; Babylonian. Fragment of a text, probably containing omens ; mention is made of ^ %] g^y and '^ %1 ^] . A colophon-hne at the end of a section reads: ^ 'K<<y if ? ^y t&i "WM- The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 14870]

1418. Fragment from the left-hand edge, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; +2

hues. Part of a colophon of a text wliich formed the Sixteenth Tablet of a series ; below is engraved Ashur-bani-pal's single-hne colophon.

[K. 14871]

1419. Fragment from the left-hand edge, | in. by 1| in. ; 3 + ( +)

4 lines. Part of a text which formed the Second Tablet of a series ; the last Une of the text reads : ggf '^^■^1 W: Below is engraved Ashur-bani- pal's single-line colophon. [K. 14872]

1420. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by If in. ; 12 + 2-1-

lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens ; every tenth line is numbered (^) in the margin. The fragment formed part of the Em. CoUection. [K. 14873]

* Partly effaced.


1421. Fragment out of the middle, If iti. by 1 j^ in. ; 9 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 14874]

1422. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; + 3 lines.

Part of a text which formed the Sixteenth Tablet of a series ; below is engraved Ashur-bani-pal's single-line colophon. [K. 1487G]f

1423. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text containing an incantation or rehgious composition.

[K. 14877]

1424. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by | in. ; 4 4- lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 14878]

1425. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text containing incantations. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 14879]

1426. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by ^ in. ; + 2 lines.

Part of a colophon of a text, arranged in columns, which reads : HI '~'^J^^ ^I!! '-g^iy §1 ; below is engraved Ashur-bani-pal's single-line colophon.

[K. 14880]

1427. Fragment from the left-hand side, -^ in. by 1^ in.; 10 4-

hues. Part of a text containing a prayer to the Sun-god, «->^ ^f . The fragment formed part of the 80-7-19 Collection. [K. 14881]

1428. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by 1^ in. ; + 3

lines. Part of a text which formed the First Tablet of a series ; below is engraved Ashur-bani-pal's single-line colophon. [K. 14882]

1429. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^ in. by | in. ; -|- 2 lines.

Part of a colophon of a text, which formed the Eighty-second Tablet of a series ; below is engraved Ashur-bani-pal's single-line colophon.

[K. 14883]

1430. Top left-hand corner, 3 in. by 2^ in. ; 16 -I- ( + -f- )

-(-16-1-5 lines. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. The colophon appears to have described the tablet as a copy of one made in the reign of Ashur-nasir-pal ; the last four lines read : '0?:^ >t^ ££11 T """-V A;-

!i « <si I « ^-^ -V i iM ^y 10 -+ + m ^ « <^\

« 1"^ «V. [K. 14884]

1431. Portion out of the middle, 2f in. by 2J in. ; 8 -f ( ) + 5 lines.

Part of an explanatory list; reference is made in Col. I to [ttl^Hf"]

^]gjy >-|y^ ,~t^ t~t^. The tablet has been much damaged by moisture.

[K. 14885] t K. 14875 is a small fragment of a limestone bas-relief.

s 2


1432. Fragment out of the middle, IJ in. Ijy l|jl in.; 12 + lines.

Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms, probably concerning subjects of a legal character. [K. 14886]

1433. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by in. ; 4 + .3 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14887]

1434. Fragment from tlie right-hand side, 1 J in. by IJ-f in. ; 8 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list, arranged in short sections. [K. 14888]

1435. Fragment from the. upper edge; ( +)2 + 2-|-3+

( + ) lines. Part of an explanatory list ; the explanatory portion

of the first column preserved reads du-us-su-u. [K. 14889]

1436. Fragment out of the middle, in. Ijy fj} in. ; 4 + 3 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14890]

1437. Fragment out of the middle, 1 j in. l>y 1^',^ in. ; 7 + o +

lines. Part of an explanatory list of wooden objects. [K. 14891]

1438-1442. Fragments out of the middle, measuring from 1^ in. by f in. to ||. in. by 1 in. Parts of explanatory lists. [K. 14892-K. 14896]

1443. Fragment from the riglit-liauil side, J in. by IJ in. ; 4 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14897]

1444. Bottom right-hand cornier of a small oblong tablet, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; 8 -)- 7 lines. Part of a text containing an address to a goddess.

[K. 14898]

1445. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by If in. ; 7 -I- lines. Part

of a text containing a hymn, in sliort paragraphs ; each line of the portion of the text preserved is separated from the others by lines ruled across the tablet. [K. 14899]

1446-1448. Fragments out of the middle, measm-ing from 1-j^ in. by -fl in. to 1^ in. by 2^ in. Parts of explanatory lists. [K. 14900-K. 14902]

1449. Bottom right-hand corner, l-f| in. by -L| in. ; -t-4-f-

Hues. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14903]

1450. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1| in. ; 7 -I- 7 -t-

lines. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14904]

1451. Fragment out of the middle, 1-^ in. by 1-^ in. ; 9 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14905]

1452. Fragment from the right-hand side, IJ in. by l^in. ;

+ 10-1- lines. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14906]

1453. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by If in. ; 10 -1-

lines. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14907]


1454. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by 1 in. ; 5 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list of words, arranged in groups according to their initial characters ; the section which is preserved contains words beginning with ^ . [K. 14908]

1455. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by 1| in. ; 7 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list of words, arranged in groups according to their initial characters ; one section contains words beginning with <(^ .

[K. 14909]

1456. Fragment out of the middle, ly^^- in. by f in. ; -1-5 4-

lines. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14910]

1457. Fragment out of the middle, IJ in. by 1| in.; 10 -I-

lines. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14911]

1458. Fragment from the lower edge, 1^ in. by f in. ; 5 -|- +

1 lines. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14912]

1459. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1 in. by If in. ; 7 +

lines. Part of a text which probably contains a hymn in the form of an acrostic; the lines which are preserved end with the sign «-^yf .

[K. 14914]

1460. Fragment from the right-hand side, f in. by 1^ in. ; +

9 + lines. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14915]

1461. Bottom right-hand corner, If in. by 1^^ in. ; 4-6-1-

lines. Part of an explanatory list, wluch probably

enumerated synonymous words. [K. 14916 + K. 14918]

1462. Bottom right-hand corner, | in. by 1 in. ; 2 + lines. Part of a

copy of a text, written in archaic characters, probably from a votive inscription. [K. 14917]

1463. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by i| in. ; 5 4-4-1-

hues. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14919]

1464. Fragment of a clay bowl, 2 J in. by 1| in.; on the outer surface 5 lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king, recording building operations.

[K. 14921]

1465. Bottom left-hand corner, 1{ in. by 1| in. ; 4 H- 1 + 8 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king ; reference is made to the deities Marduk and Sarpanitum. [K. 14926]

1466. Fragment of a clay bowl, 1^*^^ in. by 1\ in. ; on the outer surface 3 lines. Part of an inscription of an Asayrian king, recording building operations

[K. 14927]



1467. Fragment of an alabaster slab, fin. by l|in. ; 2 lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king. [K. 14929]

1468. Portion from the right-hand side, 2J in. by 3J in. ; traces of 21 + 19 Unes. Fragment of a text, probably containing prayers or incantations.

[K. 14932]

1469. Portion from the right-hand side, If in. by 2J in. ; + 4

+ 9 + lines. Part of a text, probably containing incantations.

The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 14933]

1470. Top right-hand corner, 2^ in. by 1 J in. ; 15 + 6 lines. Portion of a text containing omens, some of which refer to the lands of Akkad, £r< %^\^ <(IE|, and Annirru, tyy«-* -gEf K^- The text upon the Eeverse, which is probably from the end of a colophon, contains references to Calah, Sinabu, and a king of Babylon; 11. 3 ff. read: Wt^* ^W ^H- W^'^'i

tyy? ??<, m "^^ -^n "^ir -^y ^-> mm^ ^^^ -+ ^yy imi

The fragment formed part of tlie Em. Collection. [K. 14934]

1471. Frngment out of the middle, 1-^ in. by |-^ in. ; 5 + 2 lines. Part of a syllabary, probably of the First Class; the left-hand column repeats <ysf= HU < . the name of the sign .— , five times. [K. 14935]

1472. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1 J in. ; 2 4- 9 +

lines. Part of a syllabary, possibly Ijelonging to the Series y ^^ >-yy^ ^

^yyy? ^^ '^ll ^im M ^ l ]• ^he fragment formed part of the

Em. Collection. The text reads :


^y . ^yyys^









M y?^ 1^ yiH

1473. Fragment out of the middle, 1\ in. by If in. ; 4 + ... . Part of a syllabary ; the text is published in Cun. Texts in Pt. XI, pi. 44.

1474. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by l|f in. ;

14 -f 7 -t- 4- lines. Part of a Syllabary

Class ; the text is published in Cun. Texts in the Brit. Miis. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 14936]


tiie. Brit. Mns., [K. 14937]

-I- +

of the Second

, Pt. XI, pi. 44.

[K. 14938]

* Partly effaced.


1475. Fragment out of the middle, -^f iu. by 2| in. ; 17 +

lines. Part of a syllabary ; the text is published in Oun. Tmts in the Brit. Mus., Pt. XI, pi. 44. [K. 14939 + K. 14940]

1476. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by |-| in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a syllabary ; the text is published in Gun. Texts in the Brit. Mus., Pt. XI, pi. 44. [K. 14941]

1477. Fragment out of the middle, 1 j^ in. by 1| in. ; 8 +

lines. Part of a syllabary ; the text is published in Oun. Texts in the Brit. Mus., Pt. XI, pi. 44. [K. 14942]

1478. Portion of an Assyrian planisphere, 4^ in. by 2| in. ; +

+ + + + + + + 1 + 5

+ 3 + 2 lines. The text has been published in Can. Texts in the Brit. Mm., Pt. XXXIII, pi. 12. [K. 14943 + 81-7-27, 94]

1479. Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by If in. ; 4 + 9 +

lines. Part of a text, arranged in short sections, containing Sumerian incantations. The fragment formed part of the Km. Collection.

[K. 14944]

1480. Fragment from the lower edge, 2^ in. by 1| in. ; 8 +

lines. Part of a mythological text referring to Gilgamesh, >->f- tf TTTEy [Hf-J probably belonging to a tablet of the Series V "-^ S:^ fcE "^ tffl. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 14945]

1481. Portion of a heart-shaped piece of clay. If in. by 1 in. by f in. ; probably not from Kouyunjik. The piece of clay bears seal-impressions, and was originally attached to a contract-tablet by means of a straw, which passed throxigh a hole in the upper part of it. [K. 14946]

1482. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by 1^ in. ; 8 +

lines. Part of a letter ; reference is made to the seventeenth day (^| <(»vl '^X [K. 14947]

1483. Portion from the left-liand side, 2f in. by 2| in. ; 11 + lines.

Part of a mythological legend, containing an account of the Creation. The text, which is a duplicate of K. 3445 + Em. 396, is published in Gun. Texts in the Brit. Mus., Pt. XIII, pi. 24 ; see also King, The Seven Tablets of Creation, Vol. I, pp. 197 ff. [K. 14949]

1484. Fragment from the top left-hand corner, 2f in. by 2J in. ; 11 +

lines. Part of a text containing a list of temples ;

the lower part of che Eoverse is uninscribed. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 14950]


1485. Portion out of the middle, 2| in. by 2f in. ; 14 + lines.

Part of a much mutilated tablet, probably containing a hiatorical inscrip- tion, arranged in sections ; in I. 12 mention is made of silver, gokl and certain stone. [K. 14951]

1486. Portion from the left-hand side, If in. by 3 in. ; 16 4-

lines. Part of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the 79-7-8 Collection. [K. 14952]

1487. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; 6 -I- lines.

Part of a text containing incantations; the last line of a short section reads : ii- IrHh T- ^y m- [K. 14953]

1488. Fragment from the upper portion of the Obverse or Reverse, 1| in. by

If in. ; 2 4- 5 + lines. Part of a text, written in a large

hand, probably containing a letter ; reference is made to the king.

[K. 14954]

1489. Fragment from the upper edge of the Obverse or Reverse, 1^ in. by 1{ in. ;

4 + lines. Part of a text containing an appeal to the

oracle of the Sun-god. [K. 14955]

1490. Portion from the right-hand side, 2f in. by 2^ in. ; 4 +

lines. Part of an astrological text, arranged in sections, probably containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Rm. 2 Collection.

[K. 14956]

1491. Fragment out of the middle, 2J in. by 2f in. ; 8-1- lines.

Fragment of a carefully written tablet, probably containing a religious text. The fragment formed part of the Rm. 2 Collection. [K. 14957]

1492. Fragment from the left-hand side, 2f in. by If in ; -f- 8

lines. Part of a religions text, arranged in paragraphs. The fragment formed part of the 81-2^ Collection. [K. 14958J

1493. Portion out of the middle of a barrel-cylinder of baked clay, If in. by If in.; 12 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king; mention is made of the Khindaru, £2m -^ e^S STT *W- [^ 14959]

1494. Part of a clay sealing. If in. by 1^ in.; uninscribed. On the broken surface, the impression of one of the cords which were sealed is visible.

[K. 14960]

1495. Fragment out of middle, 1| in. by If in. ; 4-6-1-

lines. Part of a text, arranged in columns, probably

containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Rm. 2 Collection.

[K. 14961] * Partly effaced.


1496. Bottom left-hand corner of Eeverse, If in. by If in. ; +

9 + 3 + 1 (on left-hand side) lines. Part of a text containing omens from pigs; the lines begin >-< >-^^eiJJ|^ (I"*"")- The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 14962]

1497. Top right-hand corner, If in. by If in. ; 12+ lines.

Part of a text containing a religious composition. [K. 14963]

1498. Portion from the right-hand side, | in. by 2| in. ; 16 + 12 lines. Part

of a letter from [ ]-ere8h, ^^^'^'-<* ^(,- The fragment formed

part of the 80-7-19 Collection. [K. 14964]

1499. Fragment of a clay vessel, If in. by 1^ in. ; 1 line. The clay is incised on the outer side with an inscription in large Assyrian characters, measuring 1 in. in height, which reads >J|| ^ '^W^ > the text may probably

be restored as " [ ]-eight k[a ]," and be taken to refer to

the capacity of the vessel. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 14965]

1500. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by If in. ; 9 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 14966]

1501. Fragment out of the middle, 1{^ in. by 1| in. ; 10 +

lines. Part of a text, probably containing omens from births. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 14967]

1502. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 14968]

1503. Fragment out of the middle, I in. by 1^ in. ; 4 + 8 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter. The fragment formed part of the 79-7-8 Collection.

[K. 14969]

1504. Portion from the left-hand side, IJ in. by 2 in. ; 15 +

lines. Part of a text containing omens, every tenth line of which was numbered in the margin ( ^ ). The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 14970]

1505. Portion from the left-hand side, 1{ in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + 4 lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens derived from the planet Venus, ttJ'-Hf- '"^- From the remains of the colophon it appears that the owner

of the tablet, or the scribe, was the son of Marduk-shu[m- ], the

descendant of Gabbi (rf. Eev., 11. 1 f., which read : t^» y ►>f- <^^y -^*i|, *yyy -S^y^ ►^y* y t^ ^ tE*i^)- The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 14971]

Partly effaced.



1506. Portion from the bottom edge, If in. by IJ in. ; + 6 +

lines. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms.

The fragment formed part of the 80-7-19 Collection. [K. 14972]

1507. Portion from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a list of names, or business document. [K. 14973]

1508. Fragment from the upper portion, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 10 + 6 lines. Part of a tablet containing a religious composition, copied from an older original for the Library of Asluir-bani-pal. The catch-line reads : '^^^ "^^ S^f I ] 4^^B|, followed by the colophon ^^<^* ^4f ^- gH <Igf *y-

^m mv Ey- T -+ ^ s^ ^mm ^355 vm. w* -+ -i^hf- < -4- yf t ^y^f 5^ ^m*m> ^^* ^-!i »^yy m ti m- The

fragment formed part of the Rm. Collection. [K. 14974]

1509. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1 in. by If in. ; +7

lines. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 14975]

1510. Eight-hand portion of a small oblong tablet. If in. by 1| in. ; 4 4- 4 -|- 1 lines. Part of a text containing a report or memorandum. The tablet formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 14976]

1511. Top left-hand corner, | in. by 1| in. ;6 -I- + 3 lines.

Part of a text containing prescriptions; it begins y >-/'y ^W^- The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 14977]

1512. Portion from the left-hand side, 2\ in. by f in. ; 15 -t- 1 lines. Frag- ment of a letter. The text formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection.

[K. 14978]

1513. Fragment from the bottom edge, 1| in. by 1| in. ; 8 -}-

-I- 2 Hues. Part of a text containing a prayer or hymn ; reference is made to the Anunnaki, ^4- ^ ^y||| >-ry ^]gf, and to a goddess, *-<. <^ -»f y«-»-. The fragment formed part of the 80-7-19 Collection. [K. 14979]

1514. Portion from the lower half, If in. by 1^ in. ; 8 -t- 10 lines. Part of a letter. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 14980]

1515. Part of a clay prism, | in. by If in. ; -|- 9 +

lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king; reference is made in the text to gold. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 14981]

1516. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by ly''^ in. ; 8-1- lines.

Part of a text, probably of a religions character. [K. 14982]

* Partly effaced.

t The variant "t^ ^f- for the name of Tashmetum is of interest.


1517. Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by 1| in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a letter. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection.

[K. 14983]

1518. Portion from the left-hand side, f in. by If in. ; 6 + 5 lines. Part of a text containing a list of the names of gods. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 14984]

1519. Fragment out of the middle, 1^^ in. by IJ in. ; 1 + lines.

Fragment of a text, possibly containing omens ; the line that is preserved refers to the occurrence of distress in the land (^^g!f: "^X, K KT^ ^I^ ^Ie - "l^'ig), and may be the eatchline of the tablet. [K. 14985]

1520. Portion from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 7 +

lines. Part of a text of a religious or explanatory character. The fragment formed part of the Rin. Collection. [K. 14986]

1521. Fragment from the upper edge, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a religious text. [K. 14987]

1522. Portion of tlie lower half, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + 1 + 2 lines. Part of a letter; reference is made in the text to silver. [K. 14988]

1523. Fragment from the base of a clay vase; l\ in. by ly^ in- by J in.; uninscribed. The fragment formed part of the Rm. 2 Collection.

[K. 14989]

1524. Portion from the right-hand side, | in. by 1^ in. ; 9 +

lines. Part of a text, probably containing a list of ofllcials ; reference is made to the city of Ashur, [-t|y] ^fj] -^ff. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 14990]

1525. Portion from the upper edge, 1^ iu. by 1^^ in. ;( +)3-f6-|-

o + (+ ) lines. Fragment of a mythological legend,

possibly part of the Gilgamesh Epic. The fragment formed part of the Rm. 2 Collection. [K. 14991]

1526. Lower portion of a small tablet, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; 2 lines. Part of a text, probably containing a letter or memorandum. Below the main body of the text is a date which reads: f%^ "^T « ^- [K. 14992]

1527. Top left-hand corner, f^ in. by 2yV in. ; 9 + 6 lines. Part of a text containing omens from the liver. The text begins with a series of omens derived from inspection of the J^ff. The fragment formed part of the Rm. 2 Collection. [K. 14993]

1528. Fragment out of the middle, || in. by If in. ; 12 4- lines. Part

of a text containing a Sumerian incantation, furnished with interlinear Assyrian translation. [K. 14994]

Partly effaced.

T 2


1529. Bottom left-hand corner, | in. by 1^^ in. ; 8 + 1 + 8 lines. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. [K. 14995]

1530. Portion out of the middle, f in. by 2 in. ; 10 + lines. Part of a

letter. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 14996]

1531. Portion from the right half, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; 8 + lines. Part

of a letter. ' [K. 14997]

1532. Portion from the left-hand side, ^ in. by IJ in. ; 8 + 5 lines. Part of a letter. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 14998]

1533. Portion out of the middle. If in. by ly^i^ in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens from the liver, derived from inspection of the J^yy and the -^yyy. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection.

[K. 14999]

1534. Portion of the upper half, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; 5 lines, the lower part of the Eeverse being uninscribed. Pait of an astrological report, concerning an observation of the planet Venus, [l:t:^«-'^] -"-<*, during the month Tisri. The tablet formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15000]

1535. Portion from the bottom edge, 1^ in. by 1^^ in. ; 6 + 10-1- -t-

-f- + lines. Part of a text containing omens

from the liver, derived from inspection of the «-/"y. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15001]

1536. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^ in. by If in. ; 10 +

-I- 11 lines. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15002]

1537. Bottom left-hand corner, | in. by l^Viii-; 7 + 5 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter referring to the king, £^3, tlie land of Elam, V K^>(T %1 ^^], and the goddess Ishtar, under the title " the Lady of Erech," -sf- "g V gp^y .^^T ; mention is also made of Sargon, y t^^ S^y ^|:

[K. 15003]

1538. Bottom right-hand corner, | in. by If in. ; 11 + 4 lines. Part of a letter. [K. 15004]

1539. Portion out of the middle, IJ in. by | in. ; 3 -|- lines. Part of

an astrological report. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15005]

1540. Fragment out of the middle, lj\ in. by 1| in. ; 9 -f-

lines. Part of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15006]

Partlj effaced.



1541. Top left-hand corner of a small tablet, | in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + 4 lines. Part of a list of horses, etc., giving numbers and totals. The tablet, which is in the shape of a letter-tablet, formed part of the Km. 2 Collection.

[K. 15007]

1542. Portion out of the middle, 1| in. by || in. ; 7 + lines. Part of

an astrological report, recording the result of an observation, and concluding with a message or letter to the king in a separate section.

[K. 15008]

1543. Fragment from the right-hand side, | in. by 1;^ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a letter ; reference is made to the king. [K. 15009]

1544. Bottom left-hand corner of Eeverse, 1 J in. by 1^ in. ; +2 lines.

Parts of the last two lines of a text, probably containing a letter or report. The fragment formed part of the 81-2^ Collection. [K. 15010]

1545. Bottom right-hand corner, fin. by Ifin. ; 10 -t- 7 lines. Part of a letter concerning horses. The tablet formed part of the Em. 2 Collection.

[K. 15011]

1546. Fragment out of the middle of an octagonal prism of baked clay, 1^ in.

by 1 J in. ; 6 -f 6 + lines. Part of a historical inscription

of an Assyrian king. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection.

[K. 15012]

1547. Portion out of the middle, 1| in. by 1| in. ; 6 -I- lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens derived from the direction of the wind at the time of an eclipse. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15013]

1648. Bottom right-hand corner, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; 1 -|- 2 4- 6 lines. Part of a letter ; reference is made to the king, to whom the letter was probably addressed. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15014]

1549. Bottom right-hand corner, -L*- in. by 1^^ in. ; 7 + 4 -I- 10 lines. Part of a letter, probably written by or to the king. Mention is made of the city of Turushpa, [►tyy] Tn§f tin ?^y ^ !?> and the king of Urartu, ^^ V '^^''^ I? !?• The fragment is partially vitrified through the action of fire; it formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15015]

1550. Fragment from the right half, | in. by 2-^^ in. ; 17 -f-

lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter, probably written by or to Ashur-

bani-pal. Mention is made of the Elamite kings Teumman, [f] ^J* "^X^ <<(,

and Indabigash, [f] f> %]<] ^ [^], of a certain Marduk- ,

y -HP <^*y 15^1, and of nobles, ^= ^>- "-f^, and messengers

[^]yrMHf«<- [K. 15016]

Vtrtij eff»ced.


1551. Bottom left-hand corner, fg- in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + 7 lines. Part of a letter, mentioning certain days of the month. [K. 15017]

1552. Fragment out of the centre, 1^ in. by 1 J in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text, probably of an astrological character. [K. 15018]

1553. Fragment from the top right-hand corner, -^ in. by 1-j^ in. ; 6-1-6 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter. [K. 15019]

1554. Bottom right-hand corner of a small tal)let, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; 4 -I- 1 4- 5 lines. Part of a text, probably of an explanatory character ; the first lines which are preserved read: f^^ ff gEfn -£^!T ^^ "^I ^T, ^ ^ IH --H -ni |I5S ^. mi ^l'^^^ ^ M l^- [K. 15020]

1555. Portion of clay sealing, 1^^^ in. by 1| in., uninscribed. The seal- impression represents a lion striding along with tail in the air ; on the Eeverse the impressions of cords are visible. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15021]

1556. Bottom left-hand corner of Eeverse, 1-^ in. by 1^ in. ; -1-7-1-1

lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter, probably written by or to the king. Mention is made of the Aramean tribe of Ru'a, ^ ^ -^ ^ ^, and the

people of Pekod, [^] ^►* ^^^ >£y<y yr yy^ and of Khir[a ], ^

^ ^ «JgH»|g; the cities of Erech, ^^] ^^], and Ur, ^^ t^y ^tl are also referred to. [K. 15022]

1557. Fragment from the bottom edge, 1-j^ in. by 1 J in.; 9 -f-

lines. Part of a religious text, arranged in sections, probably containing incantations ; reference is made to Nabu, >-»]f- -0. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15023]

1558. Fragment from the bottom right-hand corner, {^ in. by 1^ in. ; 6 -|-

lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter. The fragment formed part of

the 79-7-8 Collection. [K. 15024]

1559. Bottom right-hand corner, 6-1- lines. Part of a text,

probably containing a religious composition ; the last line of the Obverse reads : |X^ -yy^ tg ^yy| £-yy t^. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15025]

1560. Upper part of a tablet. If in. by |f in. ; 3-1-3 lines. Part of a letter, of which the Obverse is much vitrified. The tablet formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15026]

1561. Fragment out of the middle, l^in. byl^ in. ; 9 -H lines.

Part of a historical inscription. The fragment is probably from a clay prism ; it formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15027]

* Partly efEaced.



1562. Bottom edge of tablet, If in. by f| in. ; 3 + 5 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter ; mention is made of a high official, nagiru, ^> "e^SU ^^^ fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15028J

1563. Bottom left-hand corner, l\ in. by f in.; 3 + 1 + 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of a memorandum-tablet referring to soldiers, ^3 fe| |^. The fragment formed part of the 81-2^ Collection. [K. 15029]

1564. Portion out of the middle, If in. by If in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. The fragment. formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15030]

1565. Fragment from the top right-hand corner, 1^ in. by \^ in. ; 7 + 6 lines. Part of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15031]

1566. Fragment out of the middle, \\ by l-f| in. ; 13 + + +

(+ + ) lines. Part of a text containing

incantations against a sorceress, etc. [K. 15032]

1567. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; +6 lines ;

Babylonian. Part of an astrological text, an-anged in short sections. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15033]

1568. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by Ij^^ in. ; + .".'... +

+ + 9 + lines. Part of a Syllabary of the

Second Class, duplicate of S**, V, 11. 50-61. The text has been published in Cuneiforvi Texts in the British Museum, Pt. XI, pi. 43, and has been discussed by Hrozny, Zcits. fur Assyr., XIX, pp. 367 ff. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15034]

1569. Portion out of the middle, \ in. by 1|| in. ; 11 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15035]

1570. Portion from the left-hand side, \ in. by If in. ; 6 + 11 lines. Part of a letter; mention is made of a certain Ishpabara, f ^S^ ^ ->^\ ES^fl- The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15036]

1571. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1-^in. by l^in.; 9 +

lines. Part of a text which is probably of a historical or religious character ; mention is made of reins, g|>i£yy ^ y«* [K. 15037]

1572. Bottom right-hand comer, l^g-in. by | in. ; 5 + 2 + 5 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter; mention is made of Babylon, ^ ^•+J [4t|]. [K. 15038]


1573. Top left-hand corner, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; 4 + lines. Part of

a letter to the king from "Taklak[-ana-beli], J t^^ Wl* U ^UJf- The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 150,39]

1574. Fragment out of the middle, 1,^ in. by 1-j^ in. ; 13 +

lines. Part of a text containing incantations; reference is made to Marduk, -Hh --T<T4 E3^ 4^,and to gi<f-* <'^ ^M- The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15040]

1575. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by If in. ; ( -|- )

S + 8 ( + ) lines. Part of a text, probably of an

explanatory or religious character. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15041]

1676. Fragment from the upper or lower edge, 1-j^ in. by | in. ; 5 +

lines. Part of a text containing a prayer to the Sun-god.

The first line reads : |^ ►+*! -II th 41- [K. 15042]

1677. Fragment out of the middle, U in. by 1| in. ; 9 + 8 -|-

lines. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 15043]

1678. Fragment out of the middle, |4 in. by 1-^ in.; 9 +

lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter ; reference is made to troops.

[K. 15044]

1579. Fragment from the upper right-hand corner, 1 in. by IJ in. ; 6 -|-

lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king ; the

opening formulae contain an invocation of Sin and Ningal, >->f- ^<(^ ^ -^^ t^'gf %h- [K. 15045]

1580. Fragment out of the middle, l-j^ in. by f| in. ; 5 -|- 4 -I-

lines. Part of a text containing a copy of Old Babylonian laws. The text reads: Col. I (beginning a new section), |f^ t^^^^ | in <!-* t^s |

^■M t^T ET 1 11 £Hm Mj I mm^ and cd.' n, <i? ^im. y? ^m>

(beginning a new section) -gS^ [EI]!! | fW.- [K. 15046]

1581. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1| in. ; 6 + 7 -F

lines. Part of an explanatory list. The fragment formed part of the Rm. Collection. [K. 15047]

1582. Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by 1||- in. ; 13 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a letter ; mention is made of the king, to whom the letter was probably addressed. [K. 15048]

1583. Fragment from the bottom edge, 1^ by 1| in. ; 7 -f 2 lines. Part of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15049]

* Partly effaced.

t The writer of the letter may probably be identified with TaU^-ana-beli, the high official who held the office of eponym in 715 B.C.


1584. Top left-hand corner, 1 in. by If^ in., 4 + + 1 (on left-hand

side) lines. Part of a contract-tablet ; on the Obverse is the " nail-mark " of the owner of the land, the sale of which was recorded in the text. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15050]

1585. Portion from the left-hand side, 1^ in. by 1-| in. ; 10 -I-

lines. Part of a text containing liver-omens, derived from inspection of the -■]^ . The text was copied from a broken original ; cf. 1. 2, where the note

KKK t. occurs at the beginning of the line after i— ( . [K. 15051]

1586. Portion from the right-hand side, J in. by 1-j^ in. ; -f 7

lines. Part of a contract ; on the Obverse is part of an oval seal-impression, representing an ibex and a plant or bird. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15052]

1587. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 1^ in. ; 5 -|- lines.

Part of a text, probably of an astrological character ; mention is made of the god Pabilsag, -4- ^ £:^£y tfj^*. [K. 15053]

1588. Fragment out of the middle, 1} in. by 1^ in. ; 7 ±

lines. Part of a religious text ; the fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15054]

1589. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by If in. ; 10 + Hues ;

Babylonian. Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing prayers or incantations; one section begins ^||5| t^fc= ""^ ^? ^^. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15055]

1590. Fragment from the left-hand side, IJ in. by IJ in. ; 8 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15056]

1591. Fragment from the right-hand side, -}-J- in. by 1-^^ in. ; 4-7 lines.

Part of a letter ; mention is made of beams of wood, [tf] ^^IM.! ]""^

[K. 15057]

1592. Fragment from the lower edge, 1^ in. by l^V in.; 2 4-1 + 9 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter referring to troops ; mention is made of Amurru-zer-ibni, y ^Jf- V "^^ >j^^ f> *. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15058]

1593. Bottom right-hand corner, ^ in. by ly\ in. ; 6 -t- 6 lines. Part of a letter referring to the king, to whom it was possibly addressed ; mention is made of beams of wood, [tf] ^ e:????y fwi-. [K. 15059]

* Partly effuced.



1594. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by l/^ in. ; + 10 lines.

Part of a letter ; mention is made of Shep-Ashur, | ^^H ■-■-V

[K. 15060]

1595. Portion out of the middle, If in. by | in. ; 5 + 5 + lines.

Part of a religious text, possibly containing an address by Marduk ; the lines in the right-hand column begin y ]^ -4- -tJiy'i t^* [A]- The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15061]

1596. Fragment out of the middle, probably from a clay prism, 1^ in. by 1-^^ in. ;

6 -f lines. Part of a historical inscription, probably of

Ashur-bani-pal. Mention is made of a king of Egypt, probably Taharqa (Tarkii) ; rf. 1. 3, which reads : li&yyfE^t ^^ l* "^ <^*il- The fragment fonned part of the Rm. Collection. [K. 15062]

1597. Fragment from the right-hand side, -j^ in. by 1^^ in. ; 9 +

lines. Part of a text, probably containing a historical inscription; mention is made of Akkad, -l^* gV^* <IEf*- [K. 15063]

1598. Top right-haud corner, | in. by 1^ in. ; 8-1-6-1-2 lines. Part of a letter to the king from ^ <<y. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15064]

1599. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^f in. by | in. ; 5 -I-

lines. Part of an explanatory list of plants. [K. 15065]

1600. Portion out of the middle, 1| in. by f in. ; 11 -t- lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 15066]

1601. Portion out of the middle, IJ in. by IJ in. ; 7 -f- lines.

Part of a text containing incantations ; one is addrcjssed to a goddess described as "princess of the Igigi," tt -g^ ■^^11, "— T 'n TI. f"itl it also contains references to Asari (Marduk), -^f- '-J:y<T^y «-yy^, and Nudimmud (Ea), ""] ^ <£yy "MA*- The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection.

[K. 15067]

1602. Fragment out of the middle, W in. by \\ in.; 8 -f- lines;

Baliylonian. Part of a letter, referring to tlie Aramean tribe of Eakhiku, ^ "^n A [^^^ Iv !?]• The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15068]

1603. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by |f in. ; 5 + lines.

Fragment of a text, probably containing a historical inscription ; mention is made of Ann, ->f \\ <^y*, and EnHl, ^"^W tyyy. [K. 15069]

* Partly effaced.

t The restoration y ^^^ t:^^X ^^ is more probable than \ ^ (-I<y*) ^ ^^-


1604. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; 3 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing a letter or report. [K. 15070]

1605. Portion from the left-hand side, 1-^ in. by 1^ in. ; 7 +

lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king ; reference is made to "the kings [my] fathers " (rf. 1. 4, which reads : - ^^ y"-«- J^T*^!). The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15071]

1606. Portion from the left-hand side, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 9 +

hnes. Fragment of a historical inscription, including a building record.

[K. 15072]

1607. Bottom right-hand corner, 1 in. by if in. ; -1-7 lines. Portion

of a contract-tablet, recording a sale of land. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15073]

1608. Fragment from the right-hand side, f in. by 1 J in. ; 5-1-9 lines. Part of a letter to the king ; reference is made to the palace and to the month Nisan. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15074]

1609. Fragment from the right-hand portion, 1 in. by ^ in. ; 6 -1- lines.

Part of a contract-tablet, or list of proper names. [K. 15075]

1610. Portion from the right-hand side, f in. by If in.; 8 +

Hnes. Part of a text, arranged in short sections, probably containing a list of officials, etc.; mention is made of an [E^] th ^Ti\ &!??• The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15076]

1611. Bottom left-hand corner, J in. by 1^ in. ; 6 -f 3 + 7 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter. [K. 15077]

1612. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by 1{ in. ; 10 + Hnes ;

Babylonian. Part of a letter ; mention is made of a certain lianu[], y "^U* I? -^ m- [K. 15078]

1613. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by ^ in. ; + G +

lines. Part of a text containing a list of proper names.

[K. 15079]

1614. Portion from the right-hand side, ||- in. by 1^^^ in. ; 12 -+■

lines. Part of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15080]

1615. Bottom left-hand corner, ^ in. by | in. ; 6 4- 2 -f- 5 lines. Part of a letter; mention is made of several officials (e.g., the t^ ^^< Hf tiyft, ^ tyy?, and :^ tyj ^y^<, <fgy*^). The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15081]

Partly effaced.

u 2


1616. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^*^- in. ; 6 + lines. Part

of a letter to the king; mention is made of the men of Urartu,


%Wx^* Yy yj. The fragment formed part of the 81-2^ Collection.

[K. 15082]

1617. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 10 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 15083]

1618. Fragment from the left-hand side, -J-^ in. hj -ff in. ; 6 +

lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens, derived from observations of the star tt^-^f- ""^I. etc. [K. 15084]

1619. Fragment from the right-hand side, -ff in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + Unes.

Part of a letter; reference is made to the month Sebat. [K. 15085]

1620. Portion from the upper edge, li in. by 1^ in. ; 2 -f 4 -f- 1 lines ; Babylonian. Part of an astrological report. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15086]

1621. Top right-hand corner, ^J in. by | in. ; 4 -f 4 -|- 1 lines. Part of an astrological report referring to the planet Mars, ^|gff ''^ !? ^. etc. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15087]

1622. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by If in. ; 9 -f lines.

Part of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15088]

1623. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by 1| in. ; 8 -(- lines.

Part of an astrological text, probably containing omens ; reference is made to the planet Mars, ttj'-^f- £^ ''^ T? V^- The fragment found part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15089]

1624. Fragment from the left-hand side, 5 -f 4-3 (on left-hand side)

lines. Part of a letter. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection.

[K. 15090]

1625. Top left-hand corner of Eeverse, {f in. by l-j^ in. ; -f 1 -f 9 Unes.

Part of a letter; reference is made to the king. [K. 15091]

1626. Fragment from the left-hand side, -^ in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 15092]

1627. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1-Jg- in. ; 5 +

lines. Fragment of a religious text, probably containing a prayer or incantation. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection.

[K. 15093] * Partly effaced.


1628. Fragment from the lower edge, lj\ in. by -^-^ in. ; 5 + 2 lines. Part of a contract-tablet, or report. [K. 15094]

1629. Top left-hand corner, f in. hj 1^ in. ; 7 + lines. Part of

a letter to the king. [K. 15095]

1630. Fragment out of the middle, § in. by 1 in. ; 7 + 5 +

lines ; Babylonian. Fragment from a list of proper names. [K. 15096]

1631. Portion from the left-hand side, | in. by If in. ; G -I- 10 lines. Part of a letter. [K 15097]

1632. Fragment from the lower edge, | in. by 1|: in. ; 9 4-

lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 15098]

1633. Top left-hand corner, 1 in. by 1 in. ; 5 + lines. Part of a small

tablet, probably containing a report. The fragment formed part of the 81-2^ Collection. [K. 15099]

1634. Fragment from the lower edge, -^ in. by 1^ in. ; 6 -f

lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens. Keference is made to Sargon, the early Akkadian king ; cf. 11. 5 f., which read : |}| i^> "I W

^4 ? -^ I i6- iif ^4 y? ^ ^* m- ^'^ [K. 15100]

1635. Fragment from the lower edge, 1^ in. by ^ in. ; o -|- 3 -|- 3 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter ; reference is made to a governor, ^ ^ycy ^. [K. 15101]

1636. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^ in.; 1 +

lines. Part of a text, probably containing astrological omens. The frag- ment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15102]

1637. Fragment out of the middle, l-,^ in. by |f in. ; 7 +

Unes. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15103]

1638. Fragment from the right-hand side, | in. by 1-jig- in. ; 9 -f-

lines. Part of a carefully written text, arranged in sections, probably of a religious or explanatory character. [K. 15104]

1639. Fragment from the upper edge, 1 in. by lj\ in. ; 1 -f- + 8

lines. Fragment of a text, probably containing a report or letter. Eeference is made to Teumman, king of Elara, y* lij^y* &:^yyy <(^ H'^j, Ummanigasli, T ►-yyy « ^ t^, and the city of Erech i^] <|g; three additional lines, containing a further reference to Erech, have been added in the blank space at the end of the Eeverse, after the clay had partially dried. [K. 15105]

1640. Fragment out of the middle, 1-J in. by 1 in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text, possibly of a religious character ; three consecutive lines read: ii-tyyy ^ ^ ^||. [K. 15106]

* Partly effaced.


1641. Top left-hand corner, 1 in. by 1 in. ; 6 + + 2 (on top

edge) + 3 (on left-hand side) lines. Part of a letter from Arad-Gula, y "-^I't -4" ■J^'** [-£!]' the royal astrologer, to the king (Ashur-bani-pal).

[K. 15107]

1642. Fragment out of the middle, ly'^ in. by |-|- in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list of plants. [K. 15108]

1643. Fragment out of the middle, |- in. by IJ in. ; 10 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15109]

1644. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by ^ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, possibly from a clay prism; mention is made of Assyria, \^* "-*|-* ^* i^.* The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15110]

1645. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by 1^ in. ; -f 4 lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15111]

1646. Fragment out of the middle, ly\ in. by 1^ in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a text containing a prayer; reference is made to Babylon, l:^? -«f E-IT <M- The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection.

[K. 15112]

1647. Top right-hand corner, 1 in. by f in. ; 3 + 3 lines. Part of an astro- logical report; mention is made of Akkad, '^^x^ >(J^, and Amurru,

tyr-* -m <m- "^ [k. 15113]

1648. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a letter, probably reporting the result of a battle. [K. 15114]

1649. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by J in. ; 5 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text, probably containing omens. [K. 15115]

1650. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by If in. ; 9 -F lines.

Part of a historical inscription. [K. 1511G]

1651. Fragment from the left-band side, -^ in. by 1-^ in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 15117]

1652. Bottom left-hand corner, 4"! in. by I in. ; 6 + lines. Part

of a text containing omens; several of the lines begin y f^^ ">{- ■^'^^•

[K. 15118]

1653. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a historical inscription of Ashur-bani-pal; mention is made of Shamash-shum-ukin, y >->>f- ^1 "i^ "^ "^ll-^ '~^1> and Indabigash, y e^5» ^yy >^ l^]- The fragment is probably from a clay prism; it formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection [K. 15119]

Partly effaced. t Sic.


1654. Top left-hand comer, f in. by ff in. ; 4 + 5 + 1 (on bottom edge) + 1 (on left-hand side) lines. Part of a letter to f ->^ -^g^, from J ^i*^|.

[K. 15120]

1655. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by | in. ; 5 +

Hnes. Part of an account-tablet, containing a list of garments. The fragment formed part of the 80-7-19 Collection. [K. 15121]

1656. Fragment from the right-hand side, -ff in. by | in. ; 4-8

+ lines. Part of a text, probably containing a list of

gates, from a historical or explanatory inscription. The text, which enumerates " the Gate of Zamama," " the Gate of Marduk," " the Gate of Ishtar," " the Gate of EnHl," " the King's Gate," and " the Gate of Adad," reads: ^ ET-*t -+* ^1^. ^? th -+ ?? ^1 ^!> ^Ef- -+ <«^T>

and mElf"-* '-4"*i^f The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 15122]

1657. Fragment from the left-hand portion, 1| in. by | in. ; 5 -f-

lines. Fragment of a text containing liver-omens, derived from observa- tion of the ty ^ and the Jf tfy. [K. 15123]

1658. Portion out of the middle, |f in. by 1 in. ; 7 + lines. Part of

a letter to the king. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection.

[K. 15124]

1659. Fragment out of the middle, |i in. by | in. ; 8 -{- lines.

Part of an religious or explanatoiy text. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15125]

1660. Fragment out of the middle, lyV i°- ^J I i^- J 4 -f lines. Part

of a letter; mention is made of a high number, probably referring to

troops, iin <y^ ??? y^ y< v^. [k. 15126]

1661. Fragment out of the middle, -ff in. by | in. ; 9 + lines ; Baby- lonian. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. [K. 15127]

1662. Fragment out of the middle, -j-jj- in. by 1 in. ; 4 + lines.

Part of a text, probably containing a prayer ; the lines of the composition are divided from each other by lines ruled upon the clay. The fragment formed part of the 81-2-4 Collection. [K. 15128]

1663. Fragment from the right-hand portion, f in. by | in. ; 6 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a letter; reference is made to the city of Eridu,

•syy A- [K. 15129]

Partly effaced.

+ In each line we may probably restore the word t^Iif ^y*" i «*«"»•


1664. Fragiiieiit out of the middle, -{-J in. by J io. ; 5 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list. [K. 15130]

1665. Portion from the right-hand side, If in. by 2 1 in. ; + 14

+ lines. Part of an explanatory list, arranged in short

paragraphs. The fragment formed part of the Km. Collection.

[K. 15131]

1666. Portion from the left-hand side, 1 in. by 3^ in. ; 19 + 10 lines. Part of a text, arranged in short sections, containing omenB derived from locusts, serpents, etc., the lines begin y ^yfti^ 2?i. 1 Vy -fTl -^. T -Tl^?!!,

y -mm i ^-m<a. t crm. t ^^^*m. r -/-m, and y jy n.

The catchUne reads : y y <2^|:, and a colophon-line stated the numbered tablet in the Series to which the text belonged. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15132]

1667. Portion out of the middle, 2J in. by If in. ; 13 -t- lines. Part of

a text, arranged in short sections, probably containing omens. [K. 15133]

1668. Portion from the right-hand side, 1\ in. by 2-^g in. ; 8 -I- lines.

Part of a text containing omens; the portion of the Reverse which is preserved is uninscribed. The fragment formed part of the Rm. Collection.

[K. 15134]

1669. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by 2| in. ; 15 4- lines.

Part of a religious text, arranged in sections, probably containing omens ; the majority of the lines read: f0* - ^ Kf^: --y< <y^ -^yiyii- The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15136]

1670. Portion out of the middle, If in. by If in. ; 10 4- lines.

Part of an explanatory list. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15137]

1671. Lower portion, IJ in. by 2| in. ; 12 -h 8 Unes ; Babylonian. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king ; mention is made of Bit-Dakuru, g^y y 'gy<y "yiy ^ * The tablet formed part of the Em. Collection.

"" [K. 15138]

1672. Ijottom left-hand corner. If in. by 1 in ; 5 + 24-5 lines. Part of a roughly written copy of a text containing directions for ceremonies accompanying incantations ; the text is furnished with glosses. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15139]

1673. Portion from the left-hand side, 1^ in. by If in.; S +

lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions for the sick ; one section begins y >-^y t^ «-^yy < Hf- ^Wi- ^^^^ fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15140]

Partly effaced.


1674. Fragment from the upper portion, 1| in. by 2j=\ in. ; 13 +

lines. Part of a religious composition ; reference is made to the god Ashur, -jJf- ^, and to a goddess, [>-<] <^* =->^ I"-"-, whose name is wanting. [K. 15141]

1675. Portion out of the middle, IJ in. by 2 in. ; 12 + lines.

Fart of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies.

[K. 15142]

1676. Portion from the upper edge, If in. by If in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list. The fragment formed part of the Km. Collection. [K- 15143]

1677. Portion out of the middle, If in. by 1^ in. ; 10 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15144]

1678. Fragment out of the middle, 1-f^ in. by If in. ; 6 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text, probably of a religious character. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15145]

1679. Portion out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + Unas.

Part of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Km. 2 Collection. [K. 15146]

1680. Portion out of the middle. If in. by 2 in. ; 10 + 13 +

lines. Part of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15147]

1681. Portion from the right-hand side, 1 in. by 1{| in. ; 14 + ( + )

7 lines. Part of a text containing omens. The fragment formed jmrt of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15148]

1682. Fragment of a prism of baked clay; + 8 +

lines. Part of a historical inscription of Ashur-bani-pal ; the portion of the text which is preserved records the conquest of Van, in the course of his Fourth Campaign ; it is duplicate of Em. 1, Col. II, 1. 129— Col. Ill, 1. 2 (c/. V E., pll. 2 f.). The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection.

[K. 15149]

1683. Bottom right-hand corner, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; -I- 4 -f- 6

+ lines. Part of a text, containing prayers or incantations.

The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15150]

1684. Portion from the right-hand side, 2 in. by 4| in. ; 21 -t- 16 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. The fragment formed part of the Km. 2 Collection. [K. 15151]

* Partly effaced.




1685. Portion out of the middle, 2^ in. hy 2| in. ; 15 + lines. Part

of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15152]

1686. Top left-hand corner of Eeverse, If in. by If in.; + 6 lines.

Part of an explanatory list of the names of wooden objects, ships, parts of ships, etc., forming the F(jurth Tablet of the Series ^^ tt'i'i -I^ gM t^t. The text is a duplicate of K. 4338a + K. 4358a, Col. VI, 11. 25-29. For 1. 27, which in K. 4338a (restored from K. 4331, Rev., Col. Ill, 1. 5) reads: eilf -siyy "s^yy ^yyy | hir-na-a-ti yy (= elippi), K. 15153 gives the variant ideogram ^y ty tyy tyyy, the explanatory half of the column being wanting. The fragment formed part of the Pun. Collection. [K. 15153]

1687. Top left-hand corner, 1^ in. by U in. ; 3 -|- 7 -t- 2 + 3 lines. Part of a letter. The fragment formed part of the Pan. 2 Collection. [K. 15154]

1688. Portion out of the middle, If in. by 1-j^ in. ; 2 -|- 12 -f lines.

Part of a text containing liver-omens, derived from observation of the -Hllantlty Jg. [K. 15155]

1689. Portion out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^ in.; 10 -|- lines.

Part of an explanatory list. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15156]

1690. Portion out of the middle. If in. by 1| in. ; 11 -|- lines.

Part of a text, probably of a historical or religious character ; reference is made to a king (c/.l. 10). The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 15157]

1691. Portion from the left-hand side, | in. by 2^ in. ; 8 -h lines.

Part of a text containing astrological ontiens, derived from observation of the planet Venus, t:t?-+ «->-^. [K. 15158]

1692. Portion from the lower edge, U- in. by 1-^^ in. ; 6 -H 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of a Neo-Babylonian contract-tablet, recording a sale of land. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15159]

1693. Portion from the upper edge, If in. by If in. ; 4-1-12-1-

lines. Part of a text containing a list of gods ; 1. 1 of the second column reads: [-4-] ^^ ^W^ '^. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15160]

1694. Fragment from the upper edge of Eeverse, 1-rg-in. by | in. ; -f

4-1-3 lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions or directions for ceremonies. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15161]


1695. Portion from the left-hand side, | in. by If in. ; 7 + 9 lines; Babylonian. Part of a contract-tablet; on the Obverse a space has been left for seal- impressions. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15162]

1696. Bottom right-hand corner, 1^ in. by 1^'^ in.; 6 -)- 7 lines. Part of a Neo-Babylonian contract-tablet ; on the right-hand side of the tablet is a seal-impression, representing a bearded figure with the right hand raised. The fi-agment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15163]

1697. Fragment from the left-hand portion, l|f in. by 1 in. ; 8-1-

lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from the walls of a house.

[K. 15164]

1698. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by f in. ; 4 4- lines.

Part of a text, probably containing a prayer. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15165]

1699. Top left-hand corner, 1| in. by 1| in. ; 9 (-f -t- ) -f 6 lines.

Part of a text containing omens; on the Obverse the lines begin .-< - <IeI '^^W< ^%, and on the lie verse they begin .-( <|g ':^-W £^Ie*- The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15166]

1700. Bottom left-hand corner, 1^ in. by in. ; 9 -f- lines.

Part of a bilingual text containing a Sumerian religious composition, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15167]

1701. Portion from the right-hand side, 8 4-15 lines. Part of a text containing omens; the Eeverse of the tablet has been much vitrified by fire. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15168]

1702. Portion from the right-hand side, f*^ in. by 2 in. ; 14 4-

lines. Part of a text, probably of a religious or explanatory character. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15169]

1703. Bottom right-hand corner, f^ in. by l-j-f in.; 11 4- 11 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter, much vitrified by fire. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15170]

1704. Top right-hand comer, 1| in. by 2 in. ; ( 4- ) 5 4- (4- )

lines. Part of a text containing omens ; the lower part of the Eeverse is uninscribed. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 15171]

1705. Portion from the lower edge, 2f in. by | in. ; 1 + S lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15172]

Partly effaced.

X 2


1706. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1||- in.; ( +) 11 + 5

( + ) lines. Part of a religious text, probably containing incanta- tions. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15173]

1707. Portion out of the middle, IJ in. by 14^^ in. ; 12 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. The fragment fonned part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15174]

1708. Portion from the right-hand side, | in. by l-i-| in. ; 10 -I- 12 lines. Part of a letter, containing a reference to the crown-prince, t^* ^^.*', mention is made of the Chaldeans, ^J^ tjy^ ^ y| f^, and the Aramean tribe of Tunaa, [g^^] ^^* -^y ^ y?. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15175]

1709. Lower portion of tlie Eeverse, 1-j^ in. by If in. ; + 9 lines.

Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15176]

1710. Fragment from the left-hand portion, 1-^ in. by If in. ; 10 + 12 lines. Part of a text containing incantations against evil spirits; reference is made to the god Marduk, -Jf- <^'^y. [K. 15177]

1711. Portion from the left-hand side, If in. by l-j^t^ in.; 9 + lines.

Part of a bilingual text containing a Sumerian hymn to Ninib, >- Jf- ^tl IdOf. furnished with an interlinear Assyaian translation ; each line of the composition, with its translation, forms a couplet, marked off from the others by lines ruled across the clay. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15178]

1712. Portion out of tlie middle. If in. by If in. ; 8 -f lines.

Part of a religious tejct. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 15179]

1713. Portion from the right-hand side, 11 -|- lines. Part of a text

containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 15180]

1714. Portion from the left-hand side, 1 in. by IJ in ; 3 + + 6

lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions for the sick. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15181]

1715. Portion from tlie left-hand side, 1^ in. by 1|^ in. ; 6 -I- lines.

Part of a contract-tablet, recording the sale of a house ; on a blank band upon the Obverse are traces of a seal-impression, inclucUng a conventional representation of a tree. Tlie fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 15182]

* Partlj' effaced.

Kouytjnjik: collection. 165

1716. Portion from the upper edge of Eeverse, IJ in. by 1^ in. ; + 5 lines.

Part of a contract-tablet, or commercial document. The fragment formed part of the Ptm. Collection. [K. 15183]

1717. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by 2 in. ; 7 + 12 + ( +)

+ (+ ) lines. Part of a text containing incantations. The

fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15184]

1718. Portion from the left-hand side, If in. by 1| in. ; 7-1- lines. Part

of a text, possibly from a report, or prayer, containing invocations of Shamash, -Hf- ^f, Marduk, ->f- -tf?<y-yt E^ A. and Nabu, "-^IfB*. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15185]

1719. Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1| in. ; 13 -t- lines. Part

of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15186]

1720. Portion from the upper edge of Eeverse, If in. by 1 in.; -f +

-f- 5 lines. Part of a religious text. Tlie fragment formed part of

the Em. Collection. [K. 15187]

1721. Fragment from the right-hand portion of oblong tablet. If in. by | in. ; 5-1-4 lines. Part of a report refemng to beams of wood, ^„,e:;;»y y>«-. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15188]

1722. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by If in ; 8 -t- lines; Babylonian.

Part of a text containing incantations. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15189]

1723. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 1 1 in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text, probably containing a religious composition. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15190]

1724. Portion from the right-hand side, 1 in. by 1| in. ; 10 + Knes.

Fragment of a text, written in a bold hand, probably containing a report. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15191]

1725. Portion from the right-hand side, f in. by 1| in. ; 10 -f lines.

Part of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15192]

1726. Portion out of the middle, IJ in. by 1| in.; 6 -f- 6 (-1- )

-f + lines. Part of a text containing a historical oi- mytho- logical composition. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 15193] Partly effaced. t Sic.


1727. Bottom left-hand corner, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; 5 + 1 lines. Part of an astrological report. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 15194]

1728. Portion out of the middle, Ifin. by IJ in. ; 7 4- hnes. Part

of a text containing a historical or religious composition; mention is made of a god, who is described as " Laid of All," -I|^ |^0 . The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15195]

1729. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. hy 1^ in.; 10 + lines;

Babylonian. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. [K. 1519C]

1730. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by If in. ; 10 + 7 + lines.

Part of a text containing liver-omens, derived from observation of the -S^yyy. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15197]

1731. Portion out of the middle, 1/^ in. by If in. ; 7 + lines. Part

of a religious text, arranged in sections. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15198]

1732. Portion out of the middle of a baked clay prism, 1^ in. by 1 J in. ;

+ 6 + lines. Part of a historical inscription of

an Assyrian king. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection.

[K. 15199]

1733. Bottom left-hand corner, 9 + lines ; Babylonian. Part of a

text containing omens, derived from the observation of clouds, etc. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15201]

1734. Bottom right-liand corner. If in. by 2-^-^ in.; ( -I-) 5 -I- 15

(-1- ) hues; Babylonian. Part of an astrological text of an

explanatory character. Both fragments formed part of tlie Em. Collection.

[K. 15202 + K. 15204]

1735. Portion out of the middle, IJ in. by 1 in. ; 7 + lines. Part

of a text containing liver-omens, derived from observation of the t^jy, Ml ^n ' ^^^- '^^^ fragment formed part of the Em. 2. Collection.

[K. 15203]

1736. Bottom right-hand corner, -f^ in. by If in. : 11 + 15 hues ; Babylonian. Part of a letter concerning troops, probably addressed to the king. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15205]

1737. Upper portion of tablet, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 4 -f 1 -f 3 lines. Part of a contract-tablet. On a blank band on the Obverse are remains of a seal- impression, representing a stag's head and referred to as the seal of Bel-eresh, y "11'^'^ iKK- '^^^ names of the last two witnesses to the deed are Sharru- lu-dari, y « HU ^ -yy^, and Nabu-tabui-usur, y ->f- ^ &= ^ ^ t^ y? -^^y ^tyy. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15206]


1738. Bottom right-hand corner, 1-j^ in. by | in. ; 4+5 lines. Part of a religious text, probably containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Rni. Collection. [K. 15207]

1739. Top left-hand corner, || in. by If^ in- ; ^( + + ) + 4 lines.

Part of a text containing liver-omens ; several of the lines begin t^ ^ -yii A^ 01' "^ "^ ^"^T!^ A^- The first Une of the colophon, giving the number of the tablet in the series to which the text belonged, reads : ^yyyy ^f|, le., the Eighth or Ninth Tablet of the Series. The fragment formed part of the Rm. 2 Collection. [K. 15208]

1740. Portion from the left-hand side, -f^ in. Viy If in. ; 4-7 lines.

Part of a text containing liver-omens, derived from observation of the jy ^yy. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15209]

1741. Portion out of the middle, 1-j^ in. by l^V in- J 8 -f- lines.

Part of a religious text, probably containing a prayer or incantation ; reference is made to the gods Ami, [-4-] y^ <^y, and Ea, -Jf- ^yyyy y|*. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15210]

1742. Bottom right-hand corner, | in. by 1| in. ; 11-1-4 lines. Part of a text containing incantations. The fragment formed part of the Rm. 2 Collection. [K. 15211]

1743. Portion out of the middle, 1-j-'^ in. by 1\^ in.; 12 -f lines;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15212]

1744. Bottom right-hand corner, | in. by 1|^ in. ; + 9 -)- 8 -1-

lines. Part of an explanatory list of gods ; the end of

the text on the Obverse contained synonyms for the goddess Ishtar, [-pf-] £:<yy >*rr. The fragment formed part of the Rin. Collection.

[K. 15213]

1745. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^^ in.; 7 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, probably of an explanatory character ; the lines refer to different lengths of time, days, lialf days, the third day, etc. The fragment formed part of the Rm. 2 Collection. [K. 15214]

1746. Fragment out of the middle, 1-|-^ in. by IJ ; 8 -f lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing prescriptions; reference is made to the " Dog of Gula," IHf Ig -»f tr-*- ["W- The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15215]

* Partly efEaoed,



1747. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^^ in. ; 3 + 11 +

lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for accompanying ceremonies. ' [K. 15216]

1748. Portion out of the middle, If in. by ly^^ in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of un explanatory list. The fragment formed part of the Km. Collection. [K. 15217]

1749. Top left-hand corner of lleverse, 1^*^ in. by l-^\ in.; +7 lines.

I'art of a bilingual text containing Sumerian incantations, furnished with interlinear Assyrian translations, one of which is addressed to the Fire-god "Hf" S^S^y -yi-^ ; the couplets are divided from each other by lines ruled across tlie clay. The text is a duplicate of K. 44, Rev., 11. 3-9, and both tablets are by the same hand. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15218]

1750. Portion from the left-hand side, l|f in. by If^ in- ; 7 4-

lines. I'art of a list of objects with numbers. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15219]

1751. Portion from the right-hand side of Reverse, IJ in. by 1^ in. ; +

5 lines. Part of a text containing a religious text; ends of the last two lines, the catchline and the beginning of the colophon are preserved. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15220]

1752. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by li in. ; 7 -I- lines.

Part of a bilingual text containing a Sumerian composition, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. The fragment formed part of the Rm. 2 Collection. [K. 15221]

1753. Portion from the left-hand side, 1-jL. in. by 2 in. ; 13 -f

lines. Part of a text containing omens ; 11. 9 tf. read :

y >^y -n V <hm ifc ^yyy^^ ^ ^ y ^y ^s n ^ ^ -c-m ^r ^^m y >^y s=^ I y ^ ^ t-m ^i ^t -y<y**^ y >-^y y? :^* y? -<y< if ^'"'

The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15222]

1754. Fragment from the left-hand side, -|-| in. by 1| in. ; 4-1-5 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a religious text, referring to " stars," J:tJ'->f- 'f^^ , and "god.?," ->f- «f^; a colophon-hne reads Hf-t.il- [K. 15223]

* Partly eifaced.

t The sign is possibly ^y*-^^.


1755. Portion out of the middle, 1^^ in. by If in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of an astrological text, refening to halos, etc. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15224]

1756. Portion from the left-hand side, ^ in. by 1^ in. ; + 11 lines.

Part of a text, probably containing omens; several of the lines begin T ^T AM' o'' y <--il- The fragment is partly vitrified. [K. 15225]

1757. Fragment from bottom edge, 1| in. by f in.; 1 + 4 lines. Part of a bihngual text containing a Sumerian incantation with interlinear Assyrian translation ; each line of the composition, with its accompanying translation, forms a couplet marked off from the others by lines ruled across the clay. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 15226]

1758. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by If^ in. ; 7 + 6 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list, probably written for the purpose of interpreting a literary composition. Tlie fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15227]

1759. Fragment from tlie right-hand side, \f in. by l\l in. ; 10 +

lines. Part of a historical or religious text. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15228]

1760. Portion fi'om the upper edge, If in. by 1,5;. in. ; ( +) 10 -f 8

( + ) lines. Fragment of a religious text. The fragment formed

part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15229]

1761. Fragment out of the middle, |f in. by lyS^y in. ; -1-12-1-

+ lines. Part of a text, probably containing omens; several of

the lines begin f tf ^H*il- [K- 15230]

1762. Portion out of the middle. If in. by ly'V in. ; + 8-1- +

lines. Part of a historical inscription, referring to Sennacherib ;

r/. 11. 2 ff, which read: S^ &^^? >^y Hf- ^ T— El. ^Vl ^^ -IT^ £!

ti m*m' -* fcEs^ y— i? -mn ^ -bu. -nm^ m^* -^i -ii^

^}M' [-Hf- <«] t^^i y— n^yy « ^M- The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15231]

1763. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by ly^^ in.; 11 + lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens ; mention is made of the constellation Libra, tt}-"^* "-yf!^ ''■^y ^ >^Ie- The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15232]

* Partly effaced.



1764. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by If in. ; 10 + lines. Part

of a text, probably containing omens. [K. 15233]

1765. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by IJ in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a prayer or incantation; mention is made of Shamash (c/. 1. 2, m^* -+ ^y <F «^). [K. 15234]

1766. Portion from the left-hand side, ^ in. by 1^ in. ; + 8 lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing astrological omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15235]

1767. Portion from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by If in. ; ( -|-) 2 -{- 8

{+ ) lines. Part of a religious text, arranged in sections and

furnished with glosses. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection.

[K. 15236]

1768. Bottom left-hand corner. If in. by l-^^r in. ; 7 -f lines.

Part of a text containing a penitential psalm. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15237]

1769. Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1^ in. ; 9 -|- lines. Part of

a text containing prescriptions for the sick. [K. 15238]

1770. Portion out of the middle, If in. by 1| in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing prayers or incantations; a coloplion-line reads: fMK "^fcJ '^f^^*§|> and in the following section reference is made to Ishtar, -Hf- KW 4, y? ^hM- The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15239]

1771. Portion out of the middle of a barrel cylinder, | in. by 1^^ in. ; 10 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king; mention is made of a governor, J^f <(^ "t^l, and a captain of the chariots, tg^ >-|^ tj ]0 y"-"-*-. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15240]

1772. Portion out of the middle, l|f in. by 1^^ in. ; 11 -f- lines. Part

of a text containing astrological omens derived from observations of the planets Jupiter, tt^^^ "^I!^ h V. and Venus, J:J:?-»f -'^•

[K. 15241]

1773. Portion out of the middle, 1| in. by 1| in. ; 13 -f Hues ;

Babylonian. Part of a religious or explanatory text, furnished with

glosses ; reference is made to the temples Ezida, ^f j^-g %J^f, and

Esagila, ^f ^J^ ^^O The fragment formed part of the Em.

Collection. [K. 15242]

* Partly effaced.

t The restoration of the determinatiTe tSl is not certain.


1774. Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by If in. ; 12 4- lines. Part of

a text containing omens derived from thunder, rain, etc. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15243]

1775. Portion out of the middle, If in. by 1 in. ; 7 + lines.

Fragment of an explanatory list, possibly part of a Syllabary of the Third Class. [K. 15244]

1776. Portion from the upper edge, 1-^^ in. by ^ in. ; 5 +

lines. Part of a religious text. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15245]

1777. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a religious text. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 15246]

1778. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by If in. ; 9 + lines. Part

of a religious composition. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15247]

1779. Portion from the upper edge of Obverse or Eeverse, 1^ in. by i|- in. ;

+ 4: + + lines. Part of a prayer, the text of

which is divided into couplets by lines ruled across the clay. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15248]

1780. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; 10 +

lines. Part of a text containing omens for the different months of the year. [K. 15249]

1781. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by IJ in. ;5 + 6+ +

lines. Part of a text containing lists of proper names, arranged in sections. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15250]

1782. Portion from the left-hand side, ^r ii^- by 1^ in. ; +

11 lines. Part of a text containing incantations. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15251]

1783. Portion out of the middle. If in. by 1^^ in. ; 8 4- 7 + +

lines. Part of a text containing liver-omens, derived from observation of the "-^yyy, etc. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 15252]

1784. Portion out of the middle, 1| in. by l-j^'^ in. ; 9 -f lines.

Part of a religious text. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 15253]

1785. Portion out of tlie middle, 1 in. by IJ in.; 8 + lines.

Part of a religious text, arranged in paragraphs. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. .. [K. 15254]




1786. Portion from the left-hand side, ff- in. by 1/^- in. ; 10 +

lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens, derived from observations of the stars ^t'^<"^ I^HSf ''^"'l ^^y'"'^ Ml ^> mention is made of the planets Jupiter, ->f "^H^ T- [V] , and Mars, -^f- g^ >-< If? ['/-].

[K. 152.55]

1787. Portion from the left-hand side, 1 in. by 1|^ in. ; -1-12

lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens, derived from observations of the planet Mercury, >-4- JeU >-< sj^ ^y*, and from the gods Enlil, -tyU^ ':=yyy, Nergal, -+ <£:yy, and Ea. -+ ^yyyy ^. The fragment formed part of the Km. CoUectiou. [K. 15256]

1788. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 8 +

lines. Part of a text containing omens from halos, etc. [K. 15257]

1789. Fragment from the left-hand side, lyL in. by 1^^ in. ; 5 -|- 6 lines. Part of a text containing omens, probably derived from the fingei's (^y tyy y«-«-) of a newly-born child. [K. 15258]

1790. Portion from the bottom edge, l|f in. by lyL in. ; 7 -f lines.

Part of a text containing omens; mention is made of »->=|- ^gy ^^^<T<. The fragment formed part of the Pan. Collection. [K. 15259]

1791. Portion out of the middle, 1{ in. by l^ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text, probably containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Pvm. 2 Collection. [K. 15260]

1792. Portion from the left-hand side, 1^ in. by If in. ; + S lines. Part

of the Eighth Tablet of the Incantation Series Shurpu, -^ •i<^«-. The fragment is a duplicate of 11. 51-58 of the Eighth Tablet and enables us to restore some missing portions of the text ; thus 1. 51 begins ^gf gy «^ i^^^l, 1. 52 begins <I@ Ey ^ ->f '^tl. a'"^ 1- 53 begins <|Ey |y ^ tyyyy -!fflf<rTSIt- The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection.

[K. 15261]

1793. Portion from the right-hand side, 1 in. by 1^^^ in. ; -fll-f

+ lines. Part of an explanatory list of the names of temples. The

fragment refers to temples situated in the cities of Girsu, ->=yyy -^yy* [<mi Der, ^B -+• [<mi T^agash, ^{^ g^* [-^y <mi K^Ttha, -f^ E:-^* [y? <|e!]. Susa, -^y* m^Cl]] <^, the land of Sumashtu, -^yy* &^^? <I0, and the cities |^ ^ t^^ -^J* <^ and |t ^fe=y4- 4. ^ <|g, etc. ; it formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15262]

1794. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by 1-^^ in. ; 6 -F lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15263]

* Partly effaced.

+ On K. 2866 there is room for oue more word, of not more than two characters, between tarhasi and abulli.


1795. Portion out of the middle, 1-^ in. by If in. ; 10 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens, copied from a damaged original {rf. the note 4^ ^ ^<(^ [U in 1. 3). The fragment formed part of tlie Em. Collection. [K. 15264]

1796. Portion from the left-hand side, ^ in. by 2| in. ; 8 + 11 -f 4 (on loft- hand side) lines. Part of a contract-tablet ; on the Obverse a blank space was left for seal-impressions. [K. 15265]

1797. Portion from the right-hand side, -^jr in. by If in. ; 7 -1-7 lines. Part of a letter; reference is made to the month Adar. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15266]

1798. Lower part of a tablet, If in. by {4 i"- 1 5 -f 1 -f 4 + 2 (on left-hand side) lines. Part of a letter, referring to troops (£>^ ^^ !>«-) and supplies. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15267]

1799. Portion from the right-hand side, J in. by If in. ; 10 -f 6 lines. Part of a letter, referring to beams of wood, tf ^,^&;;;;y y-«-. [K. 15268]

1800. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by ^ in. ; 6 -|- lines.

I'art of a text, probably of a religious character ; mention is made of au arrow (cf. 1. 3, which reads : ^] ^ ty w^rr g^Ifl ^ "-fl). The fragment formed part of tlie Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15269]

1801. Lower part of tablet, If in. by ^ in. ; 3 -I- 1 lines. Part of a report, or memorandum-tablet ; reference is made to three men of Dilr-Sliarrukin- {c/. Obv., 1. 3, ^ in --fy ^^ « £iy*gg). Tiie fragment formed part of the Era. Collection. [K. 15270]

1802. Portion out of the middle, ly\ in. by |f in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 1 5271]

1803. Lower half, 6 in. by 4 in. ; 35 -I- -I- 19 -I- 26 -F 18 -H 27 lines.

Part of a text containing omens, partly referring to the Assyrian king Ashur-nirari, f --V '^\ i^ ; rf. Bezold, Catalo(jue, Vol. IV, p. 1584. The new fragment of the text, K. 15272, measuring If in. by 1^^^ in., contains portions of 8 lines of Col. II. [K. 15272 -|- Em. 120 + Em. 274]

1804. Top right-hand corner, 1| in. by 2J in. ; 2 -I- lines. Part of a

Sumerian incantation, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. The first coujilet of the text reads: '^^ S:^^! -^ >~^] -{rl*=t

^ty II ^|< ^^y g^ ^tti Ml^ -^M???- [k. 15272A]

* Partly effaced.

t The sign >-^^J jSz i* quHe clearly written, and is an abbreviated form of tlie combination -^ y? <Tffiy ' which is also written ^ ^^y ^y^ . The omission of the final J in the abbreviated form is possibly due to a mistake of the scribe, since jfefc is written small ; but the text is carefully written.


1805. Top left-liand corner, 1| in. by f|- in. ; 4+3 lines. Part of a copy of an inscription of Ashur-nasir-pal, probably recording the building of a temple; the text begins f* »— -^ A^ I? KK*M- The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15273]

1806. Top right-hand coraer, || in. by | in. ; 5 + 4 lines. Part of a letter to the king from Sharru-imurani, J <(y- y| ^. [K. 15274]

1807. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by If in. ; -l-

10 lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from events in palaces ; the lines begin ^ - tfyfy ^y^ or .- tll^ ^W th*- [K. 15275]

1808. Top left-hand corner, 1^ in. by l^in. ; 3 4-54-1 lines. Part of an account-tablet. Tlie fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection.

[K. 15276]

1809. Portion from the right-hand side, | in. by 1^ in.; 10 -f- 8 lines. Part of a letter, referiing to gold and lapis-lazuh ; mention is made of Nabd-akhe-

bnllit, [y] -+* #: t^i T— ^ <^, and [ ]-asharid,

WMa !? V ^- The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 15277]

1810. Portion out of the middle, IJ in. by If in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a Sumerian text containing incantations. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15278]

1811. Portion out of the middle, 1^^ in. by ^-f in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a religious text, probably containing incantations; reference is made to various deities, including Kubu or Agaz-gid, «->>f- ^|| ■^'"*, Nin-azu, -+ ^^y y^^ 2i|, Nin-agal, -+ trET ^iT th> Azag-gi (=:Enlil), -Hf- <{r -11 A> and Nin-zadim (= Ea), ^4- ^^y ^^. [K. 15279]

1812. Bottom right-hand corner, |f in. by 1^ in. ; 6 4-4 (on bottom edge) -f 11 lines ; Babylonian. Part of an explanatory list. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15280]

1813. Portion out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^^ in. ; 10 4- lines. Part

of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15281]

1814. Portion from the left-hand side, 1^ in. by -^ in. ; 9 -f lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens; some of the lines begin

y £:<yy ^^ g^: ^ [y? y-], y ^yy ^^ ^yy^ y^ v, T ^!T ^- ^m <y-iin - -4- ^IM- [K. 15282]

* Partly eiifaced.


1815. Portion from the upper edge, IJ in. by yf in.; 4 + 6 lines. Part of a text, probably containing a prayer or report; the first line of the composition reads: ^|^ »^ >-*|- "j^ ^lll^Wi' ^^^ ^ single colophon -line at the end of the Eeverse reads: [t-J^f]] th T -Hh 4i ^ IVM- The fragment formed part of the Ptm. 2 Collection. [K. 15283]

1816. Top right-hand corner, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; + 7 4- +

lines. Part of a Syllabary of the Second Class ; the text has

been published in Cuneiform Texts in tlie British Museum, Pt. XII, pi. 32, and is a duplicate of Sm. 23 + Em. 2, 39, Col. II, 11. 4-1 0 (cf. Cuneiform Texts, Pt. XI, pi. 24). The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 15284]

1817. Portion out of the middle, IJ in. by |f in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15285]

1818. Upper portion of tablet, 1 in. by 1^^ in. ; 8 + 3 lines ; Babylonian. I'art of a letter, beginning with the formula ^^ !*iMMlf^ It «-4f. T -Hh l^M^f^jJl^'* W*- '^''® fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

"^ [K. 15286]

1819. Bottom right-hand corner of Obverse or Eeverse, ^^ in. by 1^ in. ;

6 + lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter ; portions of the tablet

are completely vitrified. [K. 15287]

1820. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 1 in. ; 5 + . . . . . lines ; Babylonian. Part of a copy of a legal document, recording the sale of an estate. [K. 15288]

1821. Bottom left-hand corner, 1-^^ in. by || in. ; 7 -f 3 + 5 + 1 (on left-hand side) lines. Part of a letter referring to troops (^^ t|| «t^ IMI^). oxen, sheep, etc. [K. 15289]

1822. Portion out of the middle, 1| in. by 1-j^ in. ; 12 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15290]

1823. Portion from the right-hand side, y®g in. by li| in. ; 10 + lines.

Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king ; reference is made to Arbela, -tJI J:^ -+. and to " the court of the palace," -yHfCT* f^Wi t]"- The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15291]

1824. Fragment out of the middle, 1\ in. by |f in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a bilingual text, containing a Sumerian prayer or incantation furnished with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 15292]

Partly effaced.


1825. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by j-| in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. Tlie fragment formed part of the Km. Collection. [K. 15293]

1826. Bottom right-hand corner, 1 in. by 1| in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text, probably containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15294]

1827. Fragment out of tlie middle, 1 in. by IJ in. ; 7 -I- lines.

Part of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15295]

1828. Portion of a clay prism, from the left-hand side of a column, 1|-| in. by

1 in. ; 4-6-F lines. Part of a historical

inscription of Ashurbanipal, referring to Elamite affairs. Reference is made to Tammaritu, y ^f tl "^ll^"^, Pa'e, J ^ ^-'f * [&!?], and to

the defeat of Umman[ ] (probably Ummanaldasli), e^-^<^ ^y a]} y

t^iyyy ii*M', l- 2, which reads: -^>f * <!&[ ntl!. probably concluded a record of the beheadal of Teimiman. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15296]

1829. Portion from the left-hand side, 1| in. by l^); in.;

+ 9 lines. Part of a text containing a prayer to Marduk; reference is made to the Storm, ^ <(^ t^i> and to the Underworld, " the Land from whence none return," V '^ E'"!!-^ !t- '^^^^ fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15297]

1830. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by IJ in. ; 6 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king, who, in addition to the usual formula of address t^^ >-< n> Y/ , is referred to as J:^s V \^ «-Il n', " the king of the lands, my lord." The fragment formed part of the Km. 2 Collection. [K. 15298]

1831. Portion from the left-hand side of Eeverse, 1^ in. by 1| in. ;

-I- 12 lines. I'art of a religious text. The fragment formed part of the Km. Collection. [K. 15299]

1832. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by If in. ; 3 + lines.

Part of a religious text, possibly containing a prayer or incantation ; reference is made to Marduk, >->^* ^^^y*. The fragment formed part of the Km. Collection. [K. 15300]

1833. Portion out of the middle, If in. by ^ in. ; 6 -f lines. Part of

a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Km. 2 Collection. [K. 15301]

* Partly effaced.


1834. Fragment out of the middle, -fl in- by If in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens derived from the oljservation of halos, etc. [K. 15302]

1835. Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by 1/g in. ; 10 + lines.

Part of an explanatory list. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15303]

1836. Portion out of the middle, | in. by 1^ in. ; 12 + . . . . lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter; mention is made of Babylon, ^ "^"^^l ifET- The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. . [K. 15304]

1837. Portion from the right-hand half of the tablet 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 9 +

lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the

king; mention is made of the royal palace, ^J* ^J"- V ^^>> find of certain Babylonians, '^.^* ^'^l? ^%J ^. [K. 15305]

1838. Portion out of the middle, if in. by If in. ; 7 + lines. Part of

a letter; mention is made of Elam, V' <^y gf <|eJ*. [K. 15306]

1839. Portion from the right-hand side, | in. by l-j-Vin. ; 4 + 5 lines. Fragment of a text containing a prayer. [K. 15307]

1840. Top left-hand corner, f in. by 1^ in. ; 9 4- lines. Part of

a contract-tablet, inscribed with a deed recording a division of property.

[K. 15308]

1841. Bottom left-hand corner, 1 in. by |^ in. ; 4-1-2-1-3 lines. Part of a letter, possibly addressed to the king ; reference is made to ships,

gy tfyy y^>.. [K. 15309]

1842. Fragment from the right-hand portion, f in. by IJ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a letter, possibly addressed to the king; reference is made to a messenger, t^ t^ y-- ['-fy^]. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15310]

1843. Bottom right-hand corner, | in. by 1 in. ; 3-1-8 lines. Part of a text containing an incantation; the following couplet is apparently repeated twice at the end of the Obverse and twice at the beginning of the Eeverse : W^ 4i^ ^n. ^"5^ tE 4- ^- [K. 15311]

1844. Portion out of the middle of a barrel-cylinder, l^jrin. by 1-^ in. ; 6 lines. Part of a historical inscription of Sennacherib ; the portion of the text which is preserved refers to his Third Campaign and corresponds to the Prism Inscription ("Taylor Cylinder"), Col. II, 11. 42, 45, 48, 52, 56, and 59. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15312]

* Partly effaced.


1845. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by If in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing incantations. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15313]

1846. Fragment from the bottom left-hand corner, l-j^g in. by if iu. ; 7 -t-

lines. Part of a text, arranged in couplets, containing liver-omens derived from observation of the J^^ff. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15314]

1847. Fragment out of the middle, 1 J in. by 1 in. ;8 + 6 + lines.

Part of a text, probably containing directions for ceremonies.

[K. 15315]

1848. Fragment out of the middle, 1-^ in. by -fl- iu. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a letter; mention is made of a certain Marduk-aplu-iddina,

y* -4- cz^i T? m ^T- [K. 15316]

1849. Portion from the left-hand side, | in. by 1^ in. ; 8 4-4 lines. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king ; reference is made to troops,

} y-^^. [K. 15317]

1850. Portion out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^^ in. ; 3 -f- 9 + lines.

Part of a historical inscription; mention is made of the king of Babylon, ^^ E5?=? -+ ttlV [<ia], and of the Sea-land, 1^ f? ttf -^I*. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15318]

1851. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1|^ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in couplets, containing incantations against evil spirits. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15319]

1852. Portion out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 10 -H -I- -I-

lines. Part of a bilingual text containing a Sumerian hymn, furnished with an interhnear Assyrian translation. The text is a duplicate of K. 4629, Obv., Col. 1, 11. 10-19. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection.

[K. 15320]

1853. Bottom left-hand corner, -^ in. by 1 in. ; 4 -|- 2 lines. Part of a letter ; reference is made to the arrival of a messenger from a certain Ashur-

[ ]. ^ y? imu I gyy y -^ ^m- [k. 15321]

1854. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1 J^ in. ; 10 -f- lines. Part

of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15322]

* Partly effaced.


1855. Portion from the right-hand side, \f in. by 1| in. ; 10 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king about troops, ^| f^.

[K. 15323]

1856. Portion from the left-hand side, | in. by !{ in.; 9 + ..... + 3 (on left-hand side) lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter; reference is made to Bel-ibni, y '--yit HI 0^*. Marduk-aplu-iddina, [f] ->f U^^l Tl '^, Bel-nasir, y* '^'^'^11 ji^ ^, and a high official, the ^ ^ ^.

[K. 15324]

1857. Portion out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; + T +

lines. Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies

and offerings; reference is made to -t^ -^gy ^^y fy«-*. The fragment formed part of the lim. Collection. [K. 15325]

1858. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by |^ in. ; 3 -t- 5 -f

lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens. [K. 15326]

1859. Fragment from the lower portion, J in. by 1^ in. ; 10 4- lines.

Part of a letter; reference is made to Elam, "1^ <^y gy <Jgf*. [K. 15327]

1860. Top of tablet, 1| in. by ^ in. ; 2 -f 2 lines. Portion of a letter. The fragment formed part of the Km. 2 Collection. [K. 15328]

1861. Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by |f in. ; 7 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological omens; reference is made to Ur, ^^ ^^K] ^tl- The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15329]

1862. Bottom left-hand corner, 1 in. by |f in. ; 2 -|- 2 -f- 3 lines. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. The fragment formed part of the lim. Collection. [K. 15330]

1863. Fragment out of the middle of a column of a clay prismoid, 1^^ in. by

J in. ; 5 -I- lines. Part of a historical inscription of an

Assyrian king. [K. 15331]

1864. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by f in. ; 2 + lines.

Part of a contract-tablet. Of the two lines, of which traces are visible, the lower was written in cuneiform ; in a blank space above was an inscription in Phoenician characters impressed upon the clay, of which the single character 1 is the only one preserved. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15332]

Partly effaced.

z 2



1865. Fragment out of the middle, ly\ in. by 1 Jg- in. ; 2 + 5 +

lines. Part of a list of proper names, arranged according to their forms. The text may probably be restored to read as Ibllows :


^11 m

[??< y?

tir t^

[--f I?

^? ttr

[ T?

[Hffflf y?

yn yn


Of the names in the right-hand column it will be noticed that three, viz., Arba'ilaa, Tebetaa, and Kannunaa are tliose of Eponym rulers (cf. Ill E., pi. I, Col. VI, 11. 19 and 10 and Col. V, 1. 21), but they are not arranged in chronological order. The name Kalkhaa occurs in the list of proper names, K. 241 {cf. II R, pi. 63, Rev., Col. Ill, 1. 18), a tablet of the same class as that to which K. 15333 belonged. [K. 15333]

1866. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by 1| in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a religious text, probably containing incantations. [K. 15334]

1867. Fragment out of the middle, \^ in. by 1 in. ; 5 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a letter. [K. 15335]

1868. Fragment from the left-band side, ^ in. by | in. ; 6 +

lines. I'art of a bilingual text containing a Sumerian composition, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation ; 11. 2 ff. read : tf J^ f^

y? ^yyy*^ ii <- ^ -m, -m<m ^i-m ii <^ ^ii -m. ^y -w^m

[K. 15336]

1869. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by | in. ; 4 -f lines.

Part of an explanatory list. Collection.

The fragment formed part of the Km.

[K. 15337]

1870. Fragment from the right-hand portion, 1^ in. by 4-| in. ;

-f8-l- lines. Part of an explanatory list of words,

arranged according to their meanings. The fragment formed part of tiie Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15338]

1871. Fragment from the left-hand side, \^ in. by 1 J in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a letter ; mention is made of messengers, f ^ ^ * l^H^ ]>—*■ *.

[K. 15339]

* Partly effaced.


1872. Fragment from the right-hand edge, 1^ in. by || in. ; 7 +

lines. Part of a bilingual text containing a Sumerian composition, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation ; 11. 3 ff. read : n^^" -XJ^

[K. 15340]

1873. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by | in. ; 6 + 5 +

lines. Part of an explanatory list ; the words in the left-hand column have the termination ]] ]!, &yyyt. [K. 15341]

1874. Fragment from the left-hand portion, y'^in. by -ffin. ; 9 + lines;

Babylonian. Part of a letter, written in a very minute but clear hand. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15342]

1875. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by | in. ; 2 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text, probably from a report or memorandum.

[K. 15343]

1876. Portion from the right-hand side, IJ in. by lyg- in.; 11 -f lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15344]

1877. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in. ; -f- 7 -f

lines. Part of an explanatory list. . [K. 15345]

1878. Bottom left-hand corner, ^ in. by | in.; 6 -|- 2 -f- 4 lines. Part of a letter. [K. 15346]

1879. Portion from the top of a column of a clay prism, 2^ in. by f in. ; 4 +

lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian

king. [K. 15347]

1880. Portion of a clay prism, 2\ in. by 3-jSj^ in. ; 13 lines. Part of a historical inscription of Ashur-bani-pal, referring to his Eighth Campaign, directed against Ummanaldash, king of Elam, [J s:::yyy « s:|<J] |2yy* tyy ^^* V' ^^]* [Ey "(M] ; the portion of the text which is preserved is a duplicate of Em. 1, Col. V, 11. 106-117 (c/. V E., pi. 5). The text is made up of two fragments, which formed part of the Em. 2 Collection, and have been joined. [K. 15348]

1881. Portion from the left-hand side, 2^ in. by 2;^ in. ; 12 4- lines.

Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king ; reference appears to be made to a certain Bel-lA-dari, y "-tyU^* HU* [^ -Till, or Bel-ibni, y "-yil* HI* [Sp:]- The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection.

[K. 15349]

Partly effaced.


1882. Portion from the upper edge, 2| in. by 1| in. ; 7 + 4 lines. Part of a text containing oraens ; the Pieverse is inscribed with the close of Ashur- bani-pal's colophon. The fragment formed part of the Km. 2 Collection.

[K. 15350]

1883. Portion out of the middle, 1| in. by .3 in. ; 15 + lines. Part of

a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Km. 2 Collection. [K. 15351]

1884. Portion out of the middle of a decagonal clay prism, 2J in. by 1^ in. ;

11 + 4 + lines. Part of a historicalinscription, probably

of Ashur-bani-pal. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection.

[K. 15352]

1885. Portion from the right-hand side, If in. by 1^\ in. ; 12 + lines.

Part of a religious text relating to offerings. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15353]

1886. Upper portion of the right-hand side, If in. by Iff in. ; 11 + 12 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter ; reference is made to Bel-ikisha, If "^flj^ ^f ^ . The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15354]

1887. Portion of a clay prism, from the left-hand side of a column, 1-^ in.

by If in. ; 6 + lines. Part of a historical inscription of

Ashur-bani-pal, referring to his Seventli Campaign. Tiie portion of the text which is preserved records the capture and deportation of Imbappi, the prefect of Bit-Imbi and son-in-law of Ummanaldash ; it is a duphcate of Em. 1, Col. V, 11. 1-8 {cf. V E., pi. 5). The fragment formed part of the 80-7-19 Collection. [K. 15355]

1888. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 8 + lines. Part of

a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15356]

1889. Fragment from the lower half, f in. by \^^ in. ; 9 + 3 + 9 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter; reference is made to troops, ^\ ^•^.

[K. 15357]

1890. Portion from the left-hand side, lyV in. by 2^ in. ; 12 + lines.

Part of a bilingual text containing a Sumerlan composition, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. [K. 15358]

1891. Portion out of the middle, 1|| in. by l/^r in. ; G + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15359]

1892. Portion from the right-hand side, ^ in. by ly|-in. ; 11 -h 7 lines. Part of a letter, referring to horses and the palace. The fragment fonned part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15360]



1893. Portion out of the middle, If in. by 1| iu. ; 8 + 1 +

lines. Part of a religious or mythological text. [K. 15361]

1894. Portion out of the middle, || in. by 1| iu. ; 11 + lines.

I'art of a text containing astrological omens. The fragment formed part of the Pm. 2 Collection. [K. 15362]

1895. Portion out of the middle, IJ in. by 1| in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text containing liver-omens derived from observation of the >— /"J , etc. The fragment formed part of the Km. 2 Collection. [K. 15363]

1896. Fragment from the right-hand side, | in. by If in. ; +

10 (+ ) lines. Part of a text, probably from an explanatory

list. [K. 15364]

1897. Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by If in. ; 9 + lines. Part of

a bilingual text containing a Sumerian composition, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. Each line of the text with its translation forms a couplet separated from the others by lines ruled across the clay.

[K. 15365]

1898. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by |^ in. ; 7 + +

lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, recording the submission of an enemy. The fragment formed part of the Rm. 2 Collection.

[K. 15366]

1899. Portion out of the middle, \^ in. Vjy ly'^^ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens from births, derived from the number and position of the feet in the young of an animal. The fragment formed part of the Rm. Collection. [K. 15367]

1900. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; +

9 lines. Part of an explanatory list of words, arranged according to the signs with which they begin. Tho.se in the portion of the text pi-eserved begin with "-jy^, and may possibly be ideograms for different reeds {rf. 1. 8, probably pattH, "a reed-bed"); the names in the left-hand half of the column in 11. 5 ff. read : ^yy^ "tTS^'j, -J] 4^ -^g^y ^y, -yy^ -tg^ <B' -llA <hW Bll etc. " " [K. 15368]

1901. Portion out of the middle, l-j^ in. by If in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. The fragment formed part of the Rm. 2 Collection. [K. 15369]

1902. Portion of the left-hand side, f in. by .^^ in. ; 9 -f lines. Part

of a letter; reference is made to a river and a city, the names of which are wanting. [K. 15370]


1903. Portion out of the middle, 1-^^ in. 1^ in. ; 8 + lines.

Pait of a text containing omens, arranged in short sections. [K. 15371]

1904. Portion out of the middle, lyV in. liy IfV in. ;4 + 9 + +

lines. Part of a text containing liver-omens, derived from observation of the ty |gf, tgyy, and J| ^ff. The fragment formed part of the Em. 2 Collection. [K. 15372]

1905. Fragment from the right-hand side, f in. by -J^in. ; 7 + 5 lines. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. [K. 15373]

1906. Frngment from the left-hand side, | in. by 1-^ in. ;8-|-( + )

-I- 5 lines. Part of a text containing omens; the lines on the Obverse begin ^ - ^ M<^- [K. 15374]

1907. Portion out of the middle, f in. by 1 in. ; 8 + lines.

Purt of a text containing a prayer or incantation. The fragment formed part of the Em. Collection. [K. 15375]

1908. Bottom left-liand corner, li in. liy l^-f in.; 13 -f lines;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing a prayer; reference is made to Marduk, -»f <^^y, Tashmetum, ->f- ^ h ^M' a°<l Ninib, -Hf- ^^] Wf . Tlie fragment formed part of tlie Em. Collection. [K. 15376]

1909. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by ly\ in. ; + 7

+ lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens

derived from observation of the Fox-star, tE:^-Jf- ^EJt I?, the moon, etc.

[K. 15377]

1910. Top left-hand corner, ^ in. by 1 in. ; 7 + lines. Part of a letter

to the king. [K. 15378]

1911. Top left-hand corner, f in. by l^'g- in. ; 8 -f lines. Part of a

letter to the king ; tlie lower part of the Eeverse was uuinscribed.

[K. 15379]

1912. Top left-hand corner, y\ in. by | in. ; 5 -f 4 lines. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 15380]

1913. Upper portion. If in. by l-jL in. ; G -f 4 lines. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 15381]

1914. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1| in. ; 5 -f lines.

Part, of a text, wiitten in bold characters, possibly containing a letter or report to the king. Mention is made of Assyria, [V] ■-- ^ ^|£|.

[K. 15382]

1915. Bottom right-hand corner, 1| in. by If in. ; 7 + 9 lines. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. [K. 15383]


1916. Fragment from the left-hand side, J in. by i-| in. ; 6 + + 5

(on left-hand edge) lines. Part of a text, written in sections, containing a

letter; mention is made of certain t^ y«-w- -^yy ^^^ MJ*W' probably

Kassites. The text is possibly a copy of an earlier royal letter or despatch.

[K. 15384]

1917. Fragment from the bottom edge, -[^ in. by ^^ in. ; + 7 lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a letter ; reference is made to a letter or message from the king. [K. 15385]

1918. Top left-hand corner, ^ in. by f in. ; 2 + 4 + 1 (on bottom edge) lines. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. [K. 15386]

1919. Fragment from the right-hand side, -^ in. by | in. ; 5 + 3 lines. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. [K. 15387]

1920. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1 in. by -^| in. ; 6 + 5 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter ; reference is made to the month Nisan.

[K. 15388]

1921. Top left-hand corner, f in. by 1| in. ; 8 4 11 + 2 (on bottom edge) lines. Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. [K. 15389]

1922. Portion from the right-hand side, f in. by 1| in. ; + 7 lines.

Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. [K. 15390]

1923. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by |f in. ; 7 + lines. Part of

a letter; reference is made to the king and to Babylon, [ej^] •-'=f- ^J:yy <(^.

[K. 15391]

1924. Portion from the left-hand side, -^^ in. by 1^ in. ; 14+15 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter ; reference is made to the king. [K. 15392]

1925. Fragment from the left-liand portion, 2 in. by If in. ; 9 + lines ;

Babyloninn. Part of a letter ; reference is made to the city of Diir-Sharrukin,

^yy t^ty -^ [.yy^ ^^], and to camels, e^^^ ji t^y sy [Jf^].

[K. 15393]

1926. Portion from the left-hand side, 1| in. by 1^ in.; 9 + 6 lines. Part of a letter; reference is made to a foreign messenger, t^ yj l£.|!^'El^y ^fM-

[K. 15394]

1927. Portion from the left-hand side, 1 in. by l-J-f- in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 15395]

1928. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + hnes. Part of

a letter; reference is made to the king. [K. 15396]

Partly effaced.

2 A


1929. Bottom left-hand corner and lower part of left side, | in. by If in.; 11+2 +7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter; reference is made to a certain Nab{i-[ ], y -^y^^i|. [K. 15397]

1930. Fragment from lower edge, 1 in. by J in. ; + 2 + 3 lines. Part of

a letter referring to horses. [K. 15398]

1931. Fragment out of the middle, 1 J^ in. by f in. ; 4 + lines. Part

of a letter. [K. 15399]

1932. Bottom right-hand corner of Reverse, -ff in. by f^ in. ; + 3 + 5

(on bottom edge) lines. Part of a letter; reference is made to Nineveh,

-tyy gCiiy. [k. 15400]

1933. Fragment from the left-hand portion, f in. by 1-j^ in. ; + 13 lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a letter; reference is made to a ^> ^ {muttaggisu) and to the king. [K. 15401]

1934. Fragment from the right-hand side, | in. by f in. ; 4 + 4 lines. Part of a letter. [K. 15402]

1935. Fragment from the lower edge, | in. by f| in. ; 2 + 1 + 5 lines;

Babylonian. Part of a letter ; reference is made to a certain N'a[bft- ],

y -ty^^*^. [K. 15403]

1936. Portion out of the middle, \^ in. by 1^ in. ; 9 + lines ; Babylonian.

Part of a letter, probably addressed to the king. [K. 15404]

1937. Portion out of the middle, | in. by || in. ; 7 + lines. Part of

the copy of a letter, apparently written by an Assyrian king, probably Ashur-bani-pal ; the writer mentions his own fathers, X^ y^— i&,]*, and refers to the king of Elam, jj^^ V" <^^i, which may probably be restored

as \^ <:ry ey <©. " [k. 15405]

1938. Eight-hand bottom corner and part of right side, | in. by If in. ; traces of 9 + 1 + 6 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter ; reference is made to Ghaldea, r^] ^? if^y. [K. 15406]

1939. Portion out of the middle, 1-^ in. by IJ in. ; + 7 lines. Part of

a letter ; reference is made to the king. [K. 15407]

1940. Portion from the left-hand side, f in. by IJ in. ; + 9 + 2 (on

left-hand side) lines. Part of a letter ; reference is made to the king.

[K. 15408]

1941. Portion from the left-hand side, J in. by l-,^ in. ; 8 + 2 lines. Part of a letter; the god Ashur, «— -V, is the first deity invoked in the salutation- formula. [K. 15409]

* Partly effaced.




1942. Fragment out of the middle, fin. by I in.; 7+ lines; Babylonian.

Part of a letter. [K. 15410]

1943. Fragment from the right-hand side, ^ in. by 1-^ in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a letter; reference is made to the goddess Ishtar, -4- K'^I-'^T-

[K. 15411]

1944. Fragment from the right-hand portion, f| in. by ^ in. ; 5-1- lines.

Part of a letter ; reference is made to certain nobles, g^w tl'~ 1""^ I,-

[K. 15412]

1945. Fragment from the bottom edge, 1 in. by | in. ; 2 -f- 2 lines. Part of a letter referring to troops, E^l ^? T>«' ; mention is made of " Ashur- bani-pal, the king," gg^- --V ^ T? e^m*M- [K- 15413]

1946. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by f in. ; 5 -F lines. Part of

a letter ; mention is made of the king. [K. 15414]

1947. Bottom right-hand corner, -j^ in. by J in. ; 2 -f- 3 (on bottom edge) + 1 lines. Part of a letter; reference is made to gold. [K. 15415]

1948. Top right-hand corner of Reverse, f in. by 1| in. ; -f 2 + 6 lines;

Babylonian. Part of a letter; reference is made to the king. [K. 15416]

1949. Fragment from the right-hand portion, | in. by {|^ in. ; 7 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a letter; 1. 4 reads : f^ -IJ^ Hfffl '^ ^f '/-*M-

[K. 15417]

1950. Fragment out of the middle, -tb- in. by ^ in. ; 5 4- lines. Part

of a letter; reference is made to Calah, ^^ff &yy^ ^{*. [K. 15418]

1951. Fragment from the lower portion, IJ in. by 1^ in. ; + 5 lines.

Part of a bilingual text containing a Sumerian composition, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation ; each line of the text witli its translation forms a couplet separated from the others by lines ruled across the clay. According to a colophon-Une the text was copied from au older original, ^m* ^^ -tl t^ -TTl IM . [K- 15419]

1952. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by If in. ; 3 -f- lines. Part of

a contract-tablet ; in a blank space upon the Obverse is a trace of a circular seal-impression. [K. 15420]

1953. Portion from the top or bottom edge, If in. by | in. ; 1 + (2 4- 1, on

edge) + lines. Part of a contract-tablet ; on one side are traces

of a seal-impression. [K. 15421]

Partly efFaoed.

2 A 2



1954. Lower part of tablet, 1 in. by | in. ; 6 + 2 + 4 lines. Part of a list of objects and commodities, including spice {r.f. Obv., 1. 5, Y/* £^ X^ ^T*). with uunibers and amounts. [K. 15422]

1955. Portion from the left-hand side, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; 4 + 1 lines. Part of a text, written in bold characters, containing a prayer of an Assyrian king, probably Ashur-bani-pal. [K. 15423]

1956. Top right-hand corner .and portion of upper edge, 1| in. by \ in. ; 3 + 1 + 3 lines. Portion of a contract-tablet, recording a transaction in which Ninili-aplu-iddina, \ ^^ ^ JJ g^J "—^l*, vvas one of the contracting parties. The document is dated in the eponymy of Kanunaa, \* "iJ^ -fflpp y? T?. ^•''■> in 703 B.O. [K. 15424]

1957. Fragment out of the middle, W in. by \\ in.; 10 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, probably containing a list or letter.

[K. 1.5425]

1958. Fragment out of the middle, \ in. by | in. ; 4 + lines.

Part of a text, written in a hand very like that of K. 15425, probably containing a list or letter. [K. 15426]

1959. Portion from the right-hand side, 1| in. by 2| in. ; 11 + 3 lines. Part of a text containing a royal prayer to Sin, the Moon-god, against the evils following an eclipse of the Moon. The tablet belongs to the Series of " Prayers of the Lifting of the Hand," and the prayer corresponds to K. 155, 11. 1-29 (see King, Bah. Magic and Sorcery, pp. 3 ff., pll. 1 f., No. 1); it is written in large characters and the copy was evidently made for use on a special occasion. The colophon-line and catchline for the next prayer may be restored as follows :

i-f ^1 m ^! [-+ ^yy -^ -^h ^ *y ^t r y? -y<]

[K. 15427]

1960. Fragment out of the middle, ly^ in. by If in. ; 7 + +

lines. Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation ; reference is made to the goddess Ishtar, under the title " Queen of Kidniui-u," ^y -yy- E^yyy -^ -yyi. and to the goddess Aa, ->f-* ]} ]} , and to Nusku, -Jf- ^^.

[K. 15428]

1961. Portion from the right-hand side, If in. by 2 in. ; ( •+ )

+ 10 ( + ) lines. Part of a text containing prayers or

incantations. The upper portion of the text that is preserved contains the closing lines of a prayer to a goddess. [K. 15429]

* Partly effaced.



1962. Fragment out of Mie middle, 1 J in. by lyV in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text containing prayers or incantations; 11. 3 ff. contain the opening lines of a prayer to a god, who is hailed as " the minister of the

gods,"-yyf y- -+ y-^- [K- is^ao]

1963. Fragment out of the middle, 2^ in. by 1 in. ; 6 + lines. Part of

a text containing omens; 1. 2 reads: ^^ t^* ^M W "^IIT "^IIITt

<y- ■"'-y iin*ii- [k- 15431]

1964. Fragment from the left-hanci side, -j-A- in. by 1-,^ in.; 8 + .

lines. Part of a bilingual text, containing Sumerian incantations furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation ; addresses are miide to the goddess Damkina, ►•f IrsEy th Hff! -^I] ' ^nd to the god Marduk, [-+] --T<M <3i^^EE*m- [K- 15432]

1965. Portion from the left-hand side, -j^ in. by 2 in. ; +6

lines. Part of a text, probably containing prescriptions for the sick ; according to the colophon it formed the Third Tablet of a series, and the catchline for the next tablet reads: y >-^y ►Jgl. [K. 15433]

1966. Fragment out of the middle, l^V in- V 1^ i"- ; + + ^

+ 5 lines. Part of a text containing incantations. [K. 15434]

1967. Fragment out of the middle, 1^^ in. by 1^ in. ; + + 5

-|- lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions for the sick.

[K. 15435]

1968. Fragment out of the middle, 4-| in. by 1 J in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies accompanying incantations. [K. 15436]

1969. Fragment out of the middle, 1|^V in. by If in.; 8 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens. [K. 15437]

1970. Portion from the left-hand side, 2 in. by 1^ in. ; -f 1 line. Part

of a text containing incantations; only traces of the catchline for the next tablet are preserved. [K. 15438]

1971. Fragment out of the middle, 1\ in. by 1^ in. ; -fl4-2

lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from cities ; in the lower part of the last column are remains of Ashur-bani-pal's colophon scratched upon the clay. [K. 15439]

1972. Fragment out of the middle, l-iT^in. by 1^ in.; -|- 7 lines. Part

of a text containing prayers or incantations. [K. 15440]

Partly effaced. t 'StV.


1973. Top left-hand corner of Keverse, 1-^^ in. by l-^- in. ; + 4 Uues.

Part of a text containing incantations ; a colophon-line at the close of one incantation reads :

[K. 15441]

1974. Portion from the right-hand side, 1^,t in. by l|f in. ; -f- 1 line.

Part of a text, probably containing prayers or incantations ; below a blank space upon the Reverse, the end of the first line of a prayer is preserved, containing a reference to the Animnaki, .^f'-Hf" fl* "W* "^1 K^-

[K. 15442]

1975. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1|-| in. by | in. ; 8 + 5 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for accompanying ceremonies.

[K. 15443]

1976. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1 in. hj \f in.; -f-

6 lines. Part of a bilingual text containing a Sumerian prayer, or incan- tation, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. [K. 15444]

1977. Bottom left-hand corner, 1} in. by 1^ in. ; 8 -(- lines.

Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation. [K. 15445]

1978. Portion from the left-hand side, 1\ in. by {f in. ; 7 4- 2 lines. Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation. [K. 15446]

1979. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; 6 -|- lines.

Part of a text containing incantations and directions for accompanying ceremonies. [K. 15447]

1980. Fragment from the bottom edge, 1 in. by If in. ; +5

+ 2 lines. Pari of a text containing prescriptions for the sick.

[K. 15448]

1981. Fragment out of the middle, f in. liy f in. ; 4 + lines. Part of

a text containing prayers, belonging to tlie Series of " Prayers of the Raising of the Hand " ; a colophon-line at the end of a prayer addressed to a goddess (4.th ^^) reads:—

[^H -^H £T £n g^in^mgy y^* [ ^

[K. 15449]

1982. Top left-hand corner of the Obverse or Reverse, ^f in. by -ff in. ; 4 +

lines. Part of a bilingual text containing a Sumerian

incantation, furnished with an interlinear Assyrian translation. Each line of the composition, witli its translation, forms a couplet marked off from the others by lines ruled upon the clay. [K. 15450]

* Partly effaced.


1983. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by -ff in- ; 5 +

lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens, derived from observation of the planet Venus, K^-^f- '^•'-c , etc. [K. 15451]

1984. Fragment out of the middle, -J^ in. by f in. ; 3 + lines.

Part of a text containing incantations and directions for accompanying ceremonies. [K. 15452]

1985. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by Ij^ in.; 6 + lines.

Part of a text containing prescriptions for the sick. [K. 15453]

1986. Fragment from the left-hand side, -^ in. by If in. ; 6 +

lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions for the sick. [K. 15454]

1987. Portion out of the middle, 2| in. by 2| in. ; 6 + lines. Part of

a text containing astrological omens. [K. 15455]

1988. Portion from the lower edge, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 3 + 1 lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens. [K. 15456]

1989. Bottom left-hand corner, 1^^ in. by If in. ; 6 -|- 4 lines. Part of a text containing omens for the fourteenth day of the month Adar. [K. 15457]

1990. Upper part of tablet, 2^ in. by l^'i. in. ; 7 + Unes. Part of

a text containing astrological omens, derived from observation of the moon and the star ttJ-Hh *! ^lij "f^*- The Ee verse and edge of the tablet are completely vitrified. [K. 15458]

1991. Fragment from the left side, 1\ in. by l-^^irin.; 3 + lines;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological omens derived from observation of the planet Venus, tj^^-^f- "^^ [K- 15459]

1992. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by | in. ; 2 -f 5 -I-

lines. Part of a text containing omens for the different months of the year. [K. 15460]

1993. Fragment from the upper portion of Reverse, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; 4-

4 lines. Part of an astrological report. [K. 15461]

1994. Portion out of the middle. If in. by 2 J in. ; 9 -1- lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15462]

1995. Portion out of the middle, 2| in. by 2J in. ; +1 + 6

lines. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15463]

1996. Portion from the left-hand side. If in. by 2^ in. ; 8 (+ + )

+ 10 lines. Part of a text containing omens ; two sections on the Reverse begin >-< t^ ^ "^^ and ^ V ^^M respectively. [K. 15464]

Partly effaced.


1997. Portion from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by 2J in. ; 10 +

lines. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15465]

1998. Portion from the right-hand side, 1;^ in. by 2 in. ; +10

+ lines. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 16466]

1999. Portion out of the middle, 2| in. by If in. ; 3 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15467]

2000. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by li in. ; 6 + lines;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15468]

2001. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by -ff in. ; 8 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological omens. [K. 15469]

2002. Portion from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; ( -f- ) 11 +

5 ( + ) lines. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15470]

2003. Portion out of the middle, 2 J in. by 1 \ in. ;6 + 4 + +

lines. I'art of a text containing liver-omens, derived from observation of the Jl '!=yy. [K. 15471]

2004. Portion from the left-hand side. If in. by 1| in. ; 7 + ( +

+ ) 9 lines. Part of a text containing liver-omens, derived from

observation of the -^f and the -HI!, etc [K. 15472]

2005. Portion from the left-hand side, If in. by 1\ in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens from houses. [K. 15473]

2006. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 11 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens; in 1. 5 a gloss has been written in by the scribe. [K. 15474]

2007. Portion from the upper edge, li in. by 1 in. ; 7 + lines. Part

of a text containing omens ; the lower part of the Eeverse is uninscribed.

[K. 15475]

2008. Top right-hand corner, ii in. by 1^ in. ; 11 + lines. Part of

a text containing omens; the lower part of the Eeverse is uninscribed.

[K. 15476]

2009. Portion from the right-hand side, ly'^ in. by 1^ in. ; 8 +

lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15477]

2010. Portion from the left-hand side, 1|^ in. by | in. ; +6 + 1

(on left-hand side) lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens, derived from observation of the planet Mercury, tt]-'^ ][£iy >^ &f^ -^f , etc.

[K. 15478]



2011. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by If in. ; 4 + lines ; Babylonian.

Part of a text containing prayers to the oracle of the Sun-god.

[K. 15479]

2012. Top right-hand corner, f in. by |f in. ; 5 + Hues. Part of

a text containing omens ; the lower part of the Eeverse is uninscribed.

[K. 15480]

2013. Fragment out of the middle, l^V in. by 1^ in ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens from births. [K. 15481]

2014. Fragment out of the middle, ly'g- in. by If in. ; 8 -|- lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15482]

2015. Portion out of the middle, If in. by 1^ in. ; 4-8 lines;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological omens ; 11. 2-4 read :

m^l ty M' m^:^ "EI m^ 'Uh "Elil. aud^<- -EI^, and in the following line reference is made to Ninib, :>^^|'-'^* t^'gf Jdl "eEF "HF"

r '^mm- " [k. 15433]

2016. Portion from the upper edge, 1^ in. by | in. ; 6 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens derived from the appearance, probably of animals or insects, in houses. [K. 15484]

2017. Portion from the upper edge, 1^^ in. by 1^ in. ; Q + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in paragraphs of two lines each, containing astrological omens. [K. 15485]

2018. Portion from the right-hand side, l^'j^^ in. by IJ in.; -f-

10 lines. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15486]

2019. Portion out of the middle, 1-j^ in. by 1 J in. ', & + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15487]

2020. Portion out of the middle, 1^\ in. by 1| in. ; 7 -f lines;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15488]

2021. Top left-hand corner of Kcverse, 2-j^ in. by 1 in. ; -1-4 lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens for the months Nisau and Tisri, derived from eclipses, etc. [K. 15489]

2022. Portion out of the middle, IJ in. by 1^^ in. ; 17 + +

lines. Part of an explanatory list of an astrological character ; mention is made of [t^?]-+* M -11 A. [t^?]-4-* IH ^^ -EI- [^^?]-+* MI <h, [ttW-'^* ty* -4- 4if], and [C^?]-Hf- -^Ify e=*- The tablet was copied from an older text which was defective in places ; rf. the note ^^ ^ <[•(<( ^, in place of the names in 11. 6 and 9. [K. 15490]

* Partly effaced.

2 B


2023. Portion from tlie left-hand side, 1| in. by 1 J in. ; 8 + 6 lines ; Bnhylonian. Fragment of a te.xt, arranged in sections, containing omens, probably of an astrological character. [K. 15491]

2024. Fragment from the left-hand side, -J-n- in- by 4^ i"- J ^ +

lines. Part of a te.xt containing omens for the month Tamnmz, etc.

[K. 15492]

2025. Portion from the left-hand side, J in. by 1| in. ; 6 + ( -1- )

4- 7 lines. Part of a text containing omens for different months.

[K. 15493]

2026. Fragment out of the middle, ly^ in. by 1 in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens. [K. 15494]

2027. Portion from the right-hand side, If^^ in. by If in. ; -I-

12 lines. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15495]

2028. Portion from the right-liand side, 1^ in. liy IJ in. ; 9 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15496]

2029. Portion from the right-hand side, 1| in. by 1| in. ; 8 -f- lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15497]

2030. I'ortion from the right-hand side. If in. by 1| in. ; -1-11 lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15498]

2031. Portion from the left-hand wide, 1^ in. by 3-j^ in. ; 15 -f- 16 lines. Part of a text, probably containing omens; the lines begin f. [15499]

2032. Portion from the left-hand side, 2 in. by 1-^ in. ; 9 -|- lines.

Part of a text containing omens for the different months of the year.

[K. 15500]

2033. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by 2 in. ; 15 -f- lines. Part of

a text containing omens, probably derived from births; in two of the protases mention is made of a scorpion and " [the he]ad of a lion."

[K. 15501]

2034. Portion from the left-hand side, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; + 7 lines.

Part of a text containing liver-omens, derived from observation of the t^f |EJ. [K. 15502]

2035. Portion from the upper edge, If in. by 1^ in. ; 4 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15503]

2036. Portion out of the middle, IJ in. by 1| in. ; 9 + lines. Part of

a text containing liver-omens. [K. 15504]

2037. Portion from the right-hand side and bottom right-hand corner. If in. by 2 in. ; 11 -f- lines. Part of a text containing omens.

[K. 15505]



2038. Portion from the left-hand side, f in. by 2| in. ; 9 +5 lines. Part of a text, probably containing an explanatory list of words, including ofBoial titles; the lines on the Eeverse begin f B^M- U^- 15506]

2039. Portion out of the middle, If in. by 2f in. ; + 21 lines. Part of

a text, arranged in sections, containing omens; the protases and apodoses are written symmetrically in columns. [K. 15507]

2040. Portion out of the middle, 1-^ in. by 1-^ in. ; 2 + 5 + lines.

Part of an Assyrian copy of a votive or historical inscription of earlier date. In the right-hand column reference is made to Girsu and probably

to luigash, -^m -^yy <m <y-iEii -<ii- [k. 15508]

2041. Top right-hand corner, 1-j^ in. by 1| in. ; + 11 lines. Part of

a text containing omens. [K. 15509]

2042. Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2 in. ; 13 + lines. Part of

a text, arranged in sections, containing astrological omens ; one omen is taken from phenomena occurring on the first day of lyyar, in tlie first watch of the night. [K. 15510]

2043. Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by IJ in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text containing astrological omens for different months.

[K. 15511]

2044. Top right-liand corner. If in. by 1-^^ in. ; 5 + 10 Hnes. Part of a text containing omens ; the catchline for the continuation of the text reads : m^^l: [K. 15512]

2045. Portion from the i-ight-hand side, xf in. by 2 j in. ; 15 +

lines. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15513]

2046. Fragment from the right-hand side, -J^ in. by -J-f in. ; +

5 + lines. I'art of a text containing incantations ; in

1. 4, the last of a section, reference is made to Ishtar and Tammuz,

m <M mi -^wi < -+ ^^ -yy^. [K. 15514]

2047. Fragment out of the middle, 1-^^ in. by f in. ; 8 + 6 +

lines. Part of a text containing Sumerian incantations, furnished with interlinear Assyrian translations. [K. 15515]

2048. Portion from the lower edge, 2f in. by 2 in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in short sections, containing incantations for the sick ; one section is addressed to the Sun-god in his character as judge,

m-'^ ^im^^m- [k. 15516]

2049. Portion from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by 1| in. ; .....+

10 lines. Part of a text, arranged in sections, probably containing incantations. [K. 15517]

2 B 2


2050. Fragment out of the middle, ly*^ in. by If in. ; 4 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens derived from

thunder, etc. [K. 15518]

2051. Top right-hand corner of Eeverse, 1| in. by If in. ; + 9 lines.

Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15519]

2052. Portion out of the middle, IJ in. by 1^^ in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a text, arranged in sections, containing omens. [K. 15520]

2053. Top left-hand corner of Eeverse, -j^ in. by If in. ; -(- 7 lines.

Part of a text containing omens derived from houses ; in one instance the month is specified. [K. 15521]

2054. Portion out of the middle, 1-^ in. by 1^^ in. ; 7 4- lines.

Part of a text, probably containing astrological omens ; mention is made of tlie fifteenth day of lyyar. [K. 15522]

2055. Fragment from the left-hand side, |^ in. by i|- in. ; +

6 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens for the Second Adar, etc. [K. 15523]

2056. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by |^ in. ; 5 ± lines.

Part of a religious text containing an incantation. The last three lines of the text that are preserved are separated from each other by lines ruled across the clay; the catchline for the next tablet reads: ^l-s^^f £^^^1 ^IfJ-

[K. 15524]

2057. Fragment out of the middle, 2| in. by 2| in. ; -f- -f 7 -I- 1

lines. Part of a text, probably containing a mythological legend.

[K. 15525]

2C58. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by 1|- iu. ; 4-6-1-

lines. Part of a religious text, probably containing a prayer.

[K. 15526]

2059. Portion from the right-hand side, 1| in. by Ij^g-in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text of a historical or epistolary character. [K. 15527]

2060. Top right-hand corner, 1-^^ in. by if in. ; 5 4- lines. Part of

a text of a historical or mythological character. [K. 15528]

2061. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; 6 -|- lines. Part

of a religious or historical text ; reference is made to the great gods, ^^ y>^^ gy>. y^„,. [K. 15529]

2062. Fragment out of the middle, 1-J in. by |^- in. ; 6 4- lines.

Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation. [K. 15530]

2063. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by -ff in. ; 6 -f Unes. Part

of a text containing a prayer. [K. 15531]


2064. Fragment from the right-hand side, ^ in. by 1| in. ; 8 +

lines. Part of a religious text, arranged in short paragraphs, probably containing prescriptions for the sick. [K. 15532]

2065. Fragment from the left-hand side, -f |- in. by 1^ in. ; -f 6 -t- 1

(on left-hand side) lines. Part of a text containing a prayer or invocation ; a goddess is addressed who is closely associated witli Ezida {cf. the line on the side, which reads: i|^ t^ -11^ SI! V, <h ^ ^!!!M -^ ^W-

[K. 15533]

2066. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 8 -f 3 -I- lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies ; reference is made to Ea, -Hf- gf^y jj, and Marduk, ->f^ ^!<M ^ '^^ [K. 15534]

2067. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1-^ in. ; 8 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation.

[K. 15535]

2068. Fragment out of the middle, 1{^ in. by IJ in. ; 4 + lines.

Part of a text containing incantations; one section begins ^|-Vy?<?s?:y -^M^l -^m- [K- 15536]

2069. Fragment out of the middle, ly'^- in. by 1^ in. ; 11 + lines. Part

of a text of an explanatory character. [K. 15537]

2070. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; 10 -f lines.

Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation. [K. 15538]

2071. Upper portion of tablet, 3^ in. by 2^ in. ; 17 H- lines. Part of

a text containing omens, probably of an astrological character. [K. 15539]

2072-2085. Fragments of tablets, from 1| in. by 1^ in. to f in. by 2^ in. ; No. 2074 (K. 15542) is in Babylonian. Parts of texts containing omens.

[K. 15540-K. 15553]

2086. Fragment out of the middle. Iff in. by ly\ in. ; 5 + Unes.

Part of a text containing liver-omens, derived from observation of the

teyy. [k. 15554]

2087. Fragment from the right-hand side, | in. by 1^ in. ; 7 -f 8 Unes. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15555]

2088. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1| in. by 1-J-|- in.; 13 + Unes.

Part of a text containing omens for the different months. [K. 15556]

2089-2096. Fragments of tablets, from IJ in. by l-j^ in. to 1^ in. by 1^ in. ;

No. 2090 (K. 15558) is Babylonian. Parts of texts containing omens.

[K. 15557-K. 15564] 2097. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1 in. ; 3 -F Unes. Part of

a text containing astrological omens. [K. 15565]


2098. Fragment out of the middle, 1^^ in. by | in. ; 6 + lines. Part

of a text containing astrological omens. [K. 1556G]

2099-2107. Fragments of tablets, from 1^ in. by 1 in. to | in. by 1^ in. Parts of texts containing omens. [K. 15567-K. 15575]

2108. Fragment out of the middle, 1-j^ in. by ly\ in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens from incidents taking place in a man's house. [K. 15576]

2109-2113. Fragments of texts, from If in. by | in. to li in. by 1,-^; No. 2111

' (K. 15579) is Babylonian. Parts of texts containing omens; those on

No. 2112 (K. 15580) are derived from the sick. [K. 15577-K. 15581]

2114. Fragment from the left-hand side, y^ in. by 1^ in. ; 9 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological omens. [K. 15582]

2115. Fragment out of the middle, if in. by {f in. ; 7 + lines. Part

of a text containing omens. [K. 15583]

2116. Fragment from the upper edge of Eeverse, 1^ in. by yjy in. ; +

4 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens derived from the brickwork of a house. [K. 15584]

2117. Fragment out of the middle, ^ in. by IJ in.; 9 + lines. Part of

a text containing omens. [K. 15585]

2118. Fragment from the left-hand portion, | in. by -j-f in. ; 7 -|- lines.

Part of a text containing omens for the different months. [K. 15586]

2119-2123. Fragments of tablets, from 1\ in. by | in. to ^ in. by 1^ in. Portions of texts containing omens. [K. 15587-K. 15591]

2124. Fragment from left-hand portion, | in. by -^ in- ; '^ + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological omens, derived from observations of the planet Venus, t-t^-'^* -i— <. [K. 15592]

2125. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by -f| in. ; 6 -f- lines. I'art of

a text containing omens. [K. 15593]

2126. Fragment from the left-hand side, ^ in. by | in. ; 8 -J- lines.

Part of a text containing liver-omens, derived from observation of the

&:y 'j^ and ey tyy. [k. 15594]

2127. Fragment from the right-hand jjortion, f in. by f in. ; 5 +

hues. Part of a text containing omens. [K. 15595]

2128-2131. Fragments from the lower portion of the Eeverse, from 1 j^ in. by if in. to I in. by 1], in. Parts of colophons. [K. 15596-K. 15599]

Partlj- eSaced.



2132. Central portion of a. tablet, with the greater part of the surface wanting, li in. by 2f in. ; + 13 lines. Part of a letter. [K. 15600]

2133. Fragment from the left-hand portion, 1| in. by If in. ; 6 + hues.

Part of a letter. [K. 15601]

2134. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1-j^ in. by 1| in.; 6-1-5 hnes. Part of a letter; reference is made to the ^ glf- f|J|. [K. 15602]

2135. Fragment from the right-hand portion, i| in. by ly^^- in. ; -|-

' 10 lines. Part of a letter; reference is made to a high official, s^ E^TTK-

[K. 15603]

2136-2141. Fragments of tablets, from 1-^^ in. by 1| in. to | in. by 2 in. Parts

of letters. [K. 15604-K. 15609]

2142. Portion out of the middle, | in. by 1^ in. ; -1-11 lines. Part of

a letter; reference is made to the high official J^ <y'>E:^yyy. [K. 15610]

2143-2171. Fragments of tablets, from 1-^ in. by If in. to f in. by 1|^ in. j No. 2147 (K. 15615) and No. 2157 (K. 15625) are Babylonian. Parts of letters. [K. 15611-K. 15639]

2172. Fragment from the right-hand portion, | in. by ^ in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a letter; reference is made to troops, Ei^^ ^^ f"-"-. [K. 15640]

2173-2192. Fragments of tablets, from 1^ in. by 1 Jg in. to | in. by 1^^, in. Parts of letters. [K. 15641-K. 15660]

2193. Fragment from the left-hand side, J in. by 44 in- ; 7 ± lines.

Part of a letter; reference is made to troops. [K. 15661]

2194-2210. Fragments of tablets, from | in. by 1^^^ in. to ^ in. by ^ in. ; No. 2197 (K. 15065) is Babylonian. Parts of letters.

[K. 15662-K. 15678]

2211. Fragment out of the middle, j in. by i^ in. ; 6 + lines ; Babylonian.

Part of a letter; reference is made to a certain Shamash-unammir, T -4- 4 "^^ ^- [K. 15679]

2212-2217. Fragments from tablets, from f in. by -J-i in. to y\ in. by ||- in. Parts of letters. [K. 15680-K. 15685]

2218. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1;^ in. ; 8 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a letter. [K. 15686]

2219. Fragment from the lower edge, 1 in. by -J-f iu- ; 4 -|- 1 -|- 3 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter. [K. 15687]

2220. Fragment from the right-hand portion, | in. by | in. ; 5 -f 6 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a letter. . [K. 15688]


2221. Fragment out of the middle, l^jr in. by -j-| i^- > Babylonian. Part of a letter; reference is made to troops. [K. 15689]

2222-2225. Fragments of tablets, from ^ in. by 1 in. to -^ in. by 1^ in. ; Babylonian. Parts of letters. [K. 15690-K. 15693]

2226. Fragment from the left-hand portion, |^ in. by 1 in. ; traces of 6 lines. Part of a letter. [K. 15694]

2227-2249. Fragments of talilets, from |f in. by 1 in. to ^ in. by If in. ; Babylonian. Parts of letters. [K. 15695-K. 15717]

2250. Fragment from the lower right-hand corner, ^^^ in. by -^ in. ; Babylonian. Part of a letter; reference is made to a company of fifty soldiers, «< >£:];* [y^«]. [K. 15718]

2251. Fragment out of the middle, I in. by -i-| in. ; Babylonian. Part of a letter. [K. 15719]

2252. Fragment from the lower portion of Reverse, 2\ in. Ijy 2^ in. ; +

+ + 6 Hues. Part of a colophon. [K. 15720]

2253. Top right-hand corner, 2f^ in. by 2 J in.; traces of 15 -F 5 lines. Part of a religious text, much damaged by the action of water. [K. 15721]

2254. Top left-hand corner, 1| in. by 2^ in.; traces of 10 -f- 7 lines. Part of a religious text, much damaged by water. [K. 15722]

2255. Top left-hand corner. If in. by 1|| in. ; traces of 4 + 4 lines. Part of a religious text, much damaged by water ; of the text httle more than a few signs of the colophon are preserved. [K. 15723]

2256. Portion from the upper edge and top right-hand corner, 3-1-4 lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 15724]

2257-2265. Fragments from the lower portion of the Eeverse, from 1{^ in. by 1|^ in. to 1\ in. by If in. Parts of colophons. [K. 15725-K. 15733]

2266. Fragment from the lower portion of the Eeverse, 1 J in. by IJ in. ;

4-3 lines. Portion of a text, including traces of its last line and

the beginning of the colophon. [K. 15734]

2267-2279. Fragments from the lower portion of the Reverse, from 1^ in. by 1/^ in. to 1^ in. by 2^ in. Parts of colophons. [K. 15735-K. 15747]

2280. Fragment from the lower portion of the Eeverse, 1^ in. by 1 J in. ;

+ 4: lines. Part of a text containing a prayer, of which only part

of the catchline and the beginning of the colophon are preserved ; the catchline reads*: ^i^ >-< -g|:. [K. 15748]

* Partly effaced.



2281-2301. Fragments from the lower portion of the Eeverse, from Iff in. by fl in. to 1 in. by 1^ in. Parts of colophons. [K. 15749-K. 15769]

2302. Portion from the lower half of the Eeverse, 3| in. by 2| in. ; +

5 lines. Part of a religious text, which formed the Fifth Tablet of a Series. Only part of the colophon is preserved, the first line of which begins Km*'^*^*m- [K. 15770]

2303. Portion from the lower half of the Eeverse, 2| in. by 2| in. ; +

6 lines. Part of a colophon, much damaged by the action of water.

[K. 15771]

2304. Portion from the lower half of the Eeverse, 2 in. by 1^^ in. ; +

4 lines. Part of a colophon. [K. 15772]

2305. Portion from the upper edge, lf| in. by f in. ; 2 + 3 lines. Part of a text, probably containing a prayer or incantation. [K. 15773]

2306. Portion from the lower edge of the Eeverse, 2 in. by If in. ; +

2 lines. Part of a colophon. [K. 15774]

2307. Portion from the right-hand side, IJ in. by 2f in. ; + 11 lines.

Part of a text, probably containing prayers or incantations ; the catchline reads: 9^ <^W- [K. 15775]

2308-2318. Fragments from the lower half of the Eeverse, from 2| in. by 2| in. to 1^ in. by 2| in. Parts of colophons. [K. 15776-K. 1578(5]

2319. Top left-hand comer, 2^ in. by 1| in. ; traces of 4 -|- 3 lines. Part of a text, possibly containing omens. [K. 15787]

2320-2330. Fragments from the lower half of the Eeverse, from 2 in. by ff in. to li^ in. by 2j\ in. Parts of colophons. [K. 15788-K. 15798]

2331. Fragment from the upper edge, 1| in. by ly'g- in. ; traces of 3 -F 3 lines. Part of a religious text. " [K. 15799]

2332-2340. Fragments from the lower half of the Eeverse, from If in. by l-i^ in. to j^ in. by 2^^^ in. Parts of colophons. [K. 15S00-K. 15808]

2341. Fragment from the left-hand edge, 1-^ in. by Iff in. ; + 3 lines.

Part of a religious text, which formed the Fifth Tablet of a Series ; the first line of the colophon reads : ^JH 7/ A.'^M- [K- 15809]

2342-2350. Fragments from the lower half of the Eeverse, from 1-^ in. by 1{ in. to If in. by 1^ in. Parts of colophons. [K. 15810-K. 15818]

Partly effaced.

2 c


2351. Fragment from the left-hand side, lf\ in. by If^ in. ; + 5 lines.

Part of a religious text, which formed the Ninth Tablet of a Series ; the first line of the colophon reads : ^M ^* % 'WffM^ [K. 15819]

2352-2362. Fragments from the lower half of the Reverse, from If in. by If in. to 1| in. by If in.; No. 2360 (K. 15828) is Babylonian. Parts of colophons. [K. 15820-K. 158,30]

2363. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by 1^ in. ; + Q lines.

Part of a religious text, which formed a numbered tablet in a series. The traces of the catchline read '^*:^|, and the colophon begins ^yyif jl.^l-

[K. 15831]

2364-2366. Fragments from the lower half of the Reverse, from 1^ in. by 1^ in. to -^ in. by l|f in. Parts of colophons. [K. 15832-K. 15834]

236*7. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1^ ia. by If in. ; 1 +

lines. Part of a religious or explanatory text. [K. 15835]

2368-2373. Fragments from the lower half of the Reverse, from 1^ in. by 1,^ in. to 1 in. by l|f in. Parts of colophons. [K. 15836-K. 15841]

2374. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1 Jg- in. by 1^^ in. ; -1-

8 lines. Part of a text containing incantations. The catchline gives the beginning of an incantation to Ea and reads : I^Hp-* ""^11^ "(|il*^^

[K. 15842]

2375-2391. Fragments from the lower half of the Reverse, from l-f| in. by 1^\ in. to 1-^ in. by 1-^^ in. Parts of colophons. [K. 15843-K. 15859]

2392. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by 1^ in. ; -|- 3 lines.

Part of a religious text; the traces of the catchline read |^a^^ v^^-

I^K. 15860]

2393-2423. Fragments from the lower half of the Reverse, from 1^ in. by II in. to ^ in. by 1-^ in. ; No. 2415 (K. 15883), which gave the name and genealogy of the scribe, and No. 2420 (K. 15888) are Babylonian. Parts of colophons. [K. 15861-K. 15891]

2424. Top left-hand corner, 2 J in. by 2| in. ; 9 -1- 2 lines. Part of a rehgious text, probably containing a prayer or incantation. The text was a copy from an older original, and Ashur-bani-pal's single-hne colophon is scratched on the blank space at the end of the Reverse. [K. 15892]

2425. Bottom left-hand corner of Reverse, 2|^ in. by 1^ in. ; + 2 hues.

Part of a religious text which formed the Eighty-fourth Tablet of a Series, the colophon reading ^fffy V Ell- I" ^^^ blank space below is scratched Ashur-bani-pal's single-line colophon. [K. 15893]

Partly effaced.


2426. Bottom left-hand corner of Eeverse, 2| in. by 2| in. Part of an explanatory list, with Ashur-baui-iial's single-hue colophon scratched at the end. [K. 15894]

2427. Top left-hand corner, 1^ in. by 2y\ in. ; 7 -}- 3 lines. Part of a text containing omens, probably of an astrological character, which formed the Sixtieth Tablet of a Series. The colophon reads: ^fflfy ^^^ ^li|> ^i^d Ashur-baui-pal's single-Une colophon is scratched in the blank space below.

[K. 15895]

2428-2433. Fragments from the lower half of the Eeverse, from 2^ in. by 1| in. to 1^ in. by 1^ in. Parts of colophons of Ashur-bani-pal, in one or two lines, scratched at the end of the Reverse. [K. 15896-K. 15901]

2434. Fragment from the right-hand side, IJ in. by 1| in. ; + 2 lines.

Part of au astrological text, the catchline reading |^ Siji^-^- !"-"-• In the space below is scratched Ashur-bani-pal's colophon. [K. 15902]

2435-2448. Fragments from the lower half of the Eeverse, from If in. by 2^ in. to 1-^ in. by If in. Parts of colophons of Ashur-bani-pal scratched in the blank space at the end of each text. [K. 15903-K. 15916]

2449. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1-^ in. by 1^ in. ; -j-

7 hne.s. Part of a colophon. [K. 15917]

2450. Fragment out of the middle, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; + 3 Unes.

Part of a colophon. [K. 15918]

2451. Fragment from the bottom edge, 1-j^ in. by | in. ; +

5 lines. Part of a colophon from a text which was copied from an older original in Babylon, ^J ^Jf- g'TT <M, by Nabu-zukup-kini, f -^ ^Qf ->^n ^^i t-^ ^§, the descendant of Gabbi-ilani-eresh, f t^ ^ -«f T— *ii- " [K. 15919]

2452-2456. Fragments from the centre and left-hand side, from 1^ in. by If in. to t\ in. by IJ in. Parts of letters. [K. 15920-K. 15924]

2457. Fragment from the left-hand side, -ff in- by 1 in. ; -I-

5 lines. Part of a text containing astronomical omens. [K. 15925]

2458-2461. Fragments out of the middle and from the left-hand side and bottom corner, from 1^ in. by J in. to f^ in. by 1\ in.; No. 2461 (K. 15929) is Babylonian. Parts of astrological texts; No. 2459 (K. 15927) refers to tt];-+ JT -IJA . No. 2460 (K. 15928) to t-t^'^ fc|ij* Jft, and No. 2461 (K. 15929) to t;:^>f * -Hh ^4f> --F4- -^ ^, and t^l-Hh* ^ '-<; No. 2481 (K. 15929) is possibly part of a letter. [K. 15926-K. 15929]

* Partly effaced.

2 c 2


2462. Portion from the left-hand side, 1^ in. by IJ in. ; + 8 Hnes.

Part of a text containing astrological omens. [K. 15930]

2463. Fragment from the left-hand side, |^ in. by ^-f in. ; +

6 lines. Part of a text containing astrological omens, derived from observation of the planet Jupiter, tt?-+ "^TI^ I"-* [V] [K. 15931]

2464. Fragment out of the middle, 4^ in. by j-f in. ; 1 4- 5 -f-

Unes. Part of a text containing omens for the different months, probably of an astrological character. [K. 15932]

2465-2478. Fragments out of the middle and from the sides and edges, from 2^ in. by 2| in. to | in. by If in.; No. 2475 (K. 15943) is Babylonian. Parts of texts containing incantations, sometimes accompanied by directions for ceremonies. [K. 15933-K. 1594G]

2479-2482. Fragments out of the middle, from 1| in. by lf| in. to ^ in. by 1 J in. Parts of texts containing directions for ceremonies ; No. 2481 (K. 15949) refers to the ^^ . [K. 15947-K. 15950]

2483-2485. Fragments from the right-hand side and out of tlie middle, from 1| in. by | in. to IJ in. by If in. Parts of texts containing incantations, accompanied by directions for ceremonies. [K. 15951-K. 15953]

2486. Portion from the left-hand side, 2f in. by 2J in. ; 10 + 2 lines. Part of a religious text, probably containing incantations. [K. 15954]

2487. Portion from the right-hand side, 2^ in. by 3^ in. ; -I- 4 lines.

Part of a text containing a prayer, or incantation, to the goddess Ishtar, ^^ J^ry. [K. 15955]

2488. Fragment from the right-hand portion, 2 in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text containing incantations. [K. 15956]

2489. Fragment from tlie left-hand side, 11-1-6 lines. Part of a text containing prayers or incantations; a colophon-line at the end of the text reads :

Mi m^ imir ]

[K. 15957]

2490. Fragment from the right-hand portion, If in. by li in. ; 8 + lines.

Part of a text containing prayers or incantations. One section refers to Ea, -HP* tyyyy y^, Shamash, -4- ^y, and the "Lady of the Gods," -4- '-t- <^ -4- !«*. [K. 15958]

* Partly effaced.


2491-2494. Fragments from the sides and edges, from ly^^ in. by 1-j^ in. to 1 j^ in. by 1^ in. Parts of texts containing prayers or incantations.

[K. 15959-K. 15962]

2495. Fragment from the upper edge, 11 in. by If in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing prayers or incantations ; reference is made to Anu, ^^^ ^, and Ea, ->f &nyf [??]. [K. 15963]

2496. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1| in. by | in. ; 4 +

lines. Part of a copy of a text containing incantations ; the original text was broken in places (c/. the note in 1. 3, ^ ^ <(<(<( l). [K. 15964]

2497. Fragment from the right-hand side, | in. by li in. ; 10 + lines.

Part of a text containing prayers to Adad ; one section begins t$ [""Hf"] A^* -n. ^ -m [K.' 15965]

2498-2502. Fragments out of the middle, and from the left-hand side and the bottom edge, from If in. by 1^,^ in. to 1 J^^ in. by 2^^ in. Parts of texts containing prayers or incantations; No. 2501 (K. 15969) refers to Anu, -Hf- y? ^. and Ea, -Jf- &yyn ]}. [K. 15966-K. 15970]

2503. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1^ in. liy IJ in. ; -f 6 lines.

Part of a text containing extracts Irom an incantation-tablet ; reference is made in the last line to the temple Eshara, tjyyf 4^ ^tfy. [K. 15971]

2504-2514. Fragments (3ut of the middle, and from the right-hand side and top edge, from If in. by 1 in. to l|in. by If in. Parts of texts containing prayers or incantations. [K. 15972-K. 15982]

2515. Fragment from the right-hand side, -f^ in. by 1^ in. ; -|- 3 lines.

Part of a text containing a prayer to the god Ninib ; cf. the colophon-line at the close which reads: ^^y ^^ ^, and may probably be restored as

[-^-tHET Mim^mir -^l-^tVB

To judge from the character of the writing, the tablet was probably prepared for the use of Ashur-bani-pal. [K. 15983]

2516-2546. Fragments out of the centre, and from the sides and edges, from 2J in. by 3^ in. to ^ in. by 1^ in. Parts of religious texts, arranged in sections. [K. 15984-K. 16014]

2547. Fragment out of the nuddle, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; 1 + lines.

Part of an astrological text; mention is made of rain, y^ >-i^, and a

rainbow, -yyy<ry [K. 16015]

* Partly effaced.


2548. Fragment from the right-hand side, f in. by If in. ; 11 +

lines. Part of a text containing incantations. [K. 16016]

2549. Fragment out of the middle of an octagonal prism of baked clay, | in.

by li in. ; 48f5 + lines. Part of a

historical inscription of an Assyrian king. [K. 16017]

2550. Fragment out of the middle of a decagonal prism of baked clay, 1^ in.

by l^ij- in.; + s + 'j + lines. Part of

a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Ashur-bani-pal.

[K. 16018]

2551. Fragment out of the middle of a decagonal prism of baked clay, 1^ in.

by -J-g- in. ; 3 + 4 + lines. Part of a historical inscription

of Ashur-bani-pal. The portion of the text which is preserved of the second column refers to his Third Campaign and is a duplicate of llm. 1, Col. II, 11. 65-68 (cf. V II., pi. 2). [K. 16019]

2552. Fragment out of the middle of a prism of baked clay, If in. by li in. ;

+ 10 + lines. Part of a historical inscription

of an Assyrian king. [K. 16020]

2553. Portion from the bottom left-hand corner, 1| in. by If in. ; 10 -f-

Unes. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian

king. [K. 16021]

2554. Portion from the right-hand side, 2 in. by 3 in. ; 13 4- ( -f

+ ) 2 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king ;

reference is made in the last line to setting up a memorial in Nineveh, M^J <M <-y^ >-<■ [K. 16022]

2555. Fragment from the bottom edge, 1^ in. by ^ in. ; 2 + Unes.

Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king ; the last line of the Obverse records the movement of troops up to a river. [K. 16023]

2556. Fragment from the left-hand side, ly'g- in. by 1-^ in. ; 8 +

lines. Part of a historical inscription or mythological legend.

[K. 16024]

2557. Portion out of the middle, 1| in. by Ifi in. ; 1 -f- 9 + +

lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king ; reference is made to Nineveh, gpKf <|U . [K. 16025]

2558. Fragment out of the middle, 1-j^ in. by 1 in. ; 6 4- lines.

Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. [K. 16026]

2559. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; 8-1-

lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. [K. 16027]


2560. Portion out of the middle, 1|- in. by 1^ in. ; + 9 +

lines. Part of a historical inscription, including an address ;

reference is made to an image_^ £?/<£=^^ ^W ^W] th*> and to the

mio m- [K. 16028]

2561. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1-j^ in. ; + +

+ 8 lines. Part of a historical inscription ; reference is made to Ishtar of Arbela, [-Hh] <V/* V t^ -+ <IeJ- [K. 16029]

2562. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by IJ in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king ; reference is made to the deities Ashur, -Hf- ^ . ^i". -+ <«. Ishtar of Arbela, [-4- -(^ V] ►::yy t^ ►+, Ninib, ►Hh «f . etc. [K. 16030]

2563. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1 J in. by f in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a historical inscription ; reference is made to the city-gate of Der, t^? th ^B -+ m- [K- 16031]

2564. Fragment out of the middle of a prism of baked clay, | in. by ^-f in. ;

+ 4 + lines. Part of a historical inscription of

Ashur-bani-pal ; the portion of the text which is preserved refers to his Third Campaign and is duplicate of lim. 1, Col. II, 11. 70-74 (c/. V II., pi. 2).

[K. 16032]

2565. Fragment out of the middle of a prism of baked clay, ^ in. by J in. ;

+ 6 + lines. Part of a historical inscription of

Ashur-bani-pal. The portion of the text which is preserved relates to his Second Campaign and is duplicate of Em. I, Col. II, 11. 28-32 (c/. V E., pi. 2). [K. 16033]

2566. Tablet, much damaged on the Obverse, 1^ in. by 3 in. ; 4 -f- 4 lines. I'art of a list, or account-tablet, referring to sheep, cattle, etc.

[K. 16034]

2567. Top right-hand corner and part of right-hand side, IJ in. by 2^ in. ; 10 lines. Part of a tablet containing a note, or letter; the Eeverse of the tablet is uninscribed. [K. 16035]

2568-2589. Portions of tablets, from If^ in. by 2^f^ in. to f in. by ly| in. Parts of letters. Nos. 2581 (K. 16049) and 2585 (K. 16053) mention the king, and No. 2571 (K. 16039) mentions the temple of Ashur, tyfff ->-V ; No. 2578 (K. 16046) refers to a good harvest, ,.,^||| KI^X?; ^^^^ mention is made of certain rivers upon Nos. 2579 (K. 16047) and 2586 (K. 16054).

[K. 16036-K. 16057]

Partly effaced.


2590. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by 1-^ in. ; 6 + +1

(on left-hand side) lines. Part of a contract-tablet, recording a sale of house-property. . [K. 16058]

2591-2603. Portions of tablets, from f in. by 1|^ in. to J in. by 1^ in. Parts of letters, Nos. 2598 (K. 16066) and 2603 (K. 16071) being addressed to the king. No. 2603 (K. 16071) enumerated, on the Obverse, six cities in successive lines, and No. 2602 (K. 16070) refers to a city, -J:yy <J:J:g|, and to a temple, tyUf "-H^M' ^^ ^°- ^^^^ (K- 16064) mention is made of

Bada, I ^y ^yy y^ """ [k. 16059-K. 16071]

2604. Top right-hand corner, | in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + lines. Part of an

astrological report ; the lower part of the Keverse was uninscribed.

[K. 16072]

2605-2640. Portions of tablets, from 1 J in. by 1^ in. to If in. by f in. Parts of small tablets, the majority of which are letters. Nos. 2611 (K. 16079), 2617 (K. 16085), 2621 (K. 16089), 2622 (K. 16090), and 2637 (K. 16105) are addressed to the king, of which No. 2617 (K. 16085) appears to mention Arbela, ^|^Hf- <|gf. Nos. 2616 (K. 16084) and 2622 (K. 16090) refer to fortresses, and No. 2628 (K. 16096) to a river. No. 2623 (K. 16091) is possibly part of a report, and No. 2607 (K. 16075) is probably part of a memorandum, or account-tablet. No. 2618 (K. 16086) is in the Babylonian character. [K. 16073-K. 16108]

2641-2659. Portions of tablets, from | in. by f in. to 1 in. by 1| in.; Babylonian. Parts of letters, of which Nos. 2642 (K. 16110) and 2651 (K. 16119) were addressed to the king. On No. 2656 (K. 16124) mention is made of Erech, '^^] ^y, and on No. 2645 (K. 16113) there appears to be a reference to Diir-Sharrukin, i|£^* ^VM- ^o- 2658 (K. 16126) is partly vitrified. [K. 16109-K. 16127]

2660. Fragment out of the middle, 1^^ in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + lines. Part

of a letter from the king ; mention is made of the i^ gy- ^^y ^^ y— . [K. 16128]

2661-2674. Portions of tablets, from 1-^^ in. by 1^ in. to | in. by 2^ in. ; Babylonian. Parts of letters. On No. 2673 (K. 16141) mention is made of Ashur, '§^ ^ ^ S^= -Hf- --^, and on No. 2674 (K. 16142) the city of Eridu, "-tyy .^, is referred to; the latter fragment formed part of the Sm. Collection. [K. 16129-K. 16142]

* Partly effaced.


2675. Portion from the upper edge, 2y\- in. by 1^ in. ; 5 +

lines. Part of a text containing a list, probably of an explanatory character, of different nationalities, including inhabitants of Elain, f^f <::y^> Urartu, K?St E%^. Sumashtu, E^f ■^£1! m*t, Amurrd, E^t ^TT- <M*t and Akkad, ||;\^ g% <M*- [K. 16143]

2676-2758. Fragments out of the middle and from the sides, from | in. by ^ in. to 2y\ in. by 2i in. I'arts of explanatory lists ; Nos. 2676 (K. 16144), 2696 (K. 16164), 2704 (K. 16172), 2710 (K. 16178), 2725 (K. 16193), 2752 (K. 16220), and 2757 (K. 16225) are lists of gods; No. 2758 (K. 16226) is from a Ust of stars, and No. 2732 (K. 16200) from a list of plants. [K. 16144-K. 16226]

2759. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by 1^ in. ; + 5 +

10 hues. Part of a text containing a list of consecutive days, probably from a hemerology. [K. 16227]

2760. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by ly\ in. ; + 5 +

lines. Part of a list or account-tablet, with totals.

[K. 16228]

2761-2769. Fragments out of the middle or from the sides, from f in. by -fl-in. to If in. by 2 in. Portions of religious or explanatory texts, which formed part of the 80-7-19 Collection. No. 2768 (K. 16236) is Babylonian; it is from the edge of an oblong tablet, which probably contained a report.

[K. 16229-K. 16237]

2770. Fragment out of the middle, ly\ in. by | in. ; -f 7 +

lines. Part of a text containing a prayer for recital in

adversity; cf. 1. 2 which begins g^f g^ffy ^ ^ t^^i- L. 6, the last of the prayer, contains an invocation to Shamash and another deity, -+ *y < -+*p. [K. 16238]

2771-2773. Fragments out of the middle of prisms of baked clay, from ^ in. by 4^ in. to IJ in. by If in. Portions of historical inscriptions of Assyrian kings. [K. 16239-K. 16241]

2774. Fragment out of the middle, -}-f in. by l^g in. ; 5 +

lines. Part of an astronomical text, referring to the constellations S:^?-Hf- + ^ '-^VM and --?-+* ^MI "I!^^ -Hh "^y*- [K. 16242]

Partly effaced.

t Only the end of the tign is preserved, and the reading ^Jfw i' possible.

X AbbreTiated.

2 D


2775-2791. Fragments out of the middle and from the sides, from | in. by | in. to l^^r in. by If in. Parts of texts containing, with one exception, astro- logical omens. No. 2778 (K. 16246) contains omens derived from the Sun (^<() ; No. 2779 (K. 16247), which is in Babyhjnian, inchides an omen derived from a solar eclipse; and No. 2785 (K. 16253) inchides omens derived from observation of the planet Venus, >-»|- •-»—<, and the Sun, -+ ^y. Nos. 2782-2784 (K. 16250-K. 16252) contain omens derived from the Moon, -Hh <«; No. 2781 (K. 16249), and probably No. 2780 (K. 16248) contain omens from lunar eclipses. On No. 2777 (K. 16245), which is in Babylonian, reference is made to J:J:?-Hh Hffflf ^tl ', ancl No. 2787 (K. 16255) probably does not contain omens, but is of an astronomical character. [K. 16243-K. 16259]

2792-2797. Fragments out of the middle, from 1| in. by 1-^ in. to |i in. by ^ in. Parts of texts containing omens for the different months.

[K. 16260-K. 16265]

2798, 2799. Fragments out of the middle and from the left-hand side of

tablets, -fl- in. by 1-f ^ in. and y"^ in. by 1^ in. ; + 5 lines, and

8 + lines. Parts of texts containing omens frona births.

No. 2798 (K. 16266) contains parts of the closing lines and catchhne of a text; on No. 2799 (K. 16267) tlie Hnes begin >-< ^||, the sign «-< being written on the left-hand edge of the tablet. [K. 16266, K. 16267]

2800-2802. Fragments from the bottom left-hand corner and left-hand edge of tablets, from ly^^ in. by If in. to yg- in. by | in. Parts of texts containing omens derived from the liver. No. 2800 (K. 16268) contains omens derived from observation of the tj ^; No. 2801 (K. 16269) from observation of the ►-•-^111; and No. 2802 (K. 16270) from observation of the >-ry and Jf tfy. [K. 16268-16270]

2803-2832. Portions of tablets from the left-hand side, upper edge, and out of the middle, from 4^ in. by 3| in. to y\ in. by 1 in. ; Nos. 2808 (K. 16276), 2815 (K. 16283), 2823 (K. 16291), and 2831 (K. 16299) are Babylonian. Parts of texts containing omens. In Nos. 2803-2823 (K. 16271-K. 16291) the Unes begin with.-(; in Nos. 2824-2832 (K. 16292-K. 16300) with y.

[K. 16271-K. 16300]

2833. Fragment out of the middle, 1\ in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + lines. Part

of a text containing omens. One of the apodoses contains a reference to the conquest of Elam by Ibil-Sin, the king of Ur ; cf. 1. 3, which reads :

^y ^fe t^ty -+ V czi ^ m-M- " [K. 16301]


2834. Portion from the lower edge, 1-^ in. by 1| in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text containing omens derived from the liver. One of the sections refers to Sargon, king of Akkad; cf. 1. 3, which reads: m<«^l^^-m- ' [K. 16302]


2835-2873. Portions out of the middle and from the sides and edges, from 2^ in. by 4 in. to f in. by ^ in.; Nos. 2848 (K. 16.310) and 2870 (K. 16.3.38) are Babylonian. Fragments of texts containing omens; in Nos. 2857-2873 (K. 16325-K. 16341) only the ends of lines are pre- served. [K. 16303-K. 16341]

2874. Top left-hand comer, If in. liy IJ in. ; 6 -|- lines. Part of a

text containing an incantation to the Moon-god ; the incantation begins :

h^* -+ >^y ^si I ^yyy^ ^<^ ^ --^ IJ35 ^i^ F-^ I

[K. 16342]

2875. Portion from the right-hand side, 2^ in. by 2| in. ; -1-

12-|- hnes. Part of a text containing incantations, one

of which was addressed to the Sun-god, >->^ *y. [K. 16343]

2876. Portion from the left-hand side, If in. by 2| in. ; 12 -f- lines.

Part of a text containing an incantation ; mention is made of the Fire-god,

-4- ^^ty -yy^^i. [k. i6344]

2877. Fragment from the left-hand portion, ly^^ in. by If in. ; 10 -1-

. lines. Part of a text containing incantations, with

directions for accompanying ceremonies. [K. 16345]

2878. Fragment from the right-hand side, -j^ in. by 2^ in. ; + 9 lines.

Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation, arranged in paragraphs of two lines, each couplet being separated from the other by lines ruled across the clay. [K. 16346]

2879. Fragment out of the middle, 1^^ in. by 1 in. ; 6 + lines. Part

a text containing an incantation, to be performed for the benefit of a sick man; reference is made to the goddess Gula, [-Hh] '^^ "tT- [K- 16347]

2880. Top right-hand corner, 1 ^^ in. by | in. ; 5 + lines. Part of

a text containing a prayer or incantation. The first line of the composition, referring to Anu, reads : g|'^ -^^ yj <^y. [K. 16348]

2881. Top right-hand corner, 2^ in. by 2f in. ; 9 -f 2 lines. Part of a text containing incantations; that in the first section on the Obverse is addressed to a god and contains a reference to the goddess Gula, [►+] t^* ►£!• [K. 16349]

Partly offacetl.

2 D 2



2882. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1| in. by 1 in. ; + 6 lines.

Part of a text containing a mythological legend or incantation. Eeference is made to the pure water of the Euphrates and to the god Marduk ; 11. 2-5 read: V ^If -^T tS^t^P^*^^ \Vy & ^1 ^? -ffflf <III

<{? tyn^gg. [K. 16350]

2883-2898. Fragments out of the middle and from the sides and edges, from 1| in. by 2f| in. to | in. by -^ in ; No. 2897 (K. 16365) is Babylonian. Parts of incantations, with directions for thjeir due recital, usually with accompanying ceremonies. [K. 16351-K. 16366]

2899. Top left -hand comer of Eeverse, If in. by 4-| hi. ; + 5 lines.

Part of a text containing incantations, with directions for accompanying ceremonies; reference is made to the god ^4" fc^Sm ""^11! E^II-

[K. 16367]

2900. Portion from the left-hand side, 1|J in. by 2| in.; 11 +

lines. Part of a text containing incantations; reference is made to the Fire-god, -Hh s^T ^-- [K- 16368]

2901. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1-^ in. ; 8 -l- hues. Part

of a text containing incantations; reference is made to the goddess Ishtar, -+ <tl4^T- [K- 16369]

2902. Bottom right-hand comer, 1^ in. by 1-j^ in. ; 6 4- 5 lines. Part of a text containing incantations. The Obverse and the upper part of the Eeverse are inscribed with a prayer or incantation to a god, in which reference is made to Ea, -Hh* i'Wl !?• [K- 16370]

2903. Portion from the upper edge, 2J in. by | in. ; 3 -|- lines. Part

of a text containing a prayer or incantation ; the first line of the composition reads: ^ <JEJ tl -III <^^ &E >^T ^111 -iS- [K. 16371]

2904. Top right-hand corner, ^ in. by 1| in. ; 9 -f- lines. Part of

a text containing a prayer or incantation to a god ; reference is made to Marduk, -Hf- C^^I- [K- 16372]

2905. Fragment out of the middle. If in. by If in. ; 7 + Hues. Part

of a text containing a prayer or incantation, addi-essed to a god (cf. 1. 3, tM tyy -iidf*) ; reference is made to Marduk, -4- <:^^y. [K. 16373]

Partly effaced.


2906. Fragment from the right-hand side, li in. by 41 i^- 5 ^ +

]iucs. Part of a te.xt containing a prayer or incantation. Eefereuce is made to the Sun-god ; c/. 1. 3, which reads : ^ V <Igf £T "3^ IH -+ ^1 -Ti^ tin. ' [K. 16374]

2907. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 1^ in. ; 7 + 3 +

hnes. Part of a text containing incantations against evil spirits.

[K. 16375]

2908. Fragment from the right-hand side, 1^ in. by | in. ; + 6 lines.

Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation, addressed to a god ; reference is made to the Igigi, -HF" W IT- [^- 16376]

2909. Portion out of the middle, 1^ in. by If in. ; 10 4- lines. Part

of a text containing a prayer or incantation, addressed to a goddess.

[K. 16377]

2910. Fragment from the upper edge, 2^ in. by If in. ; 11-1-4 lines. Part of an incantation, arranged in short sections of two lines, each couplet l)eing divided from the next by lines ruled across the clay. [K. 16378]

2911-2932. Fragments out of the middle and from the sides and edges, from 2^^ in. by 1^ in. to | in. by 1 in. Parts of texts containing prayers or incantations, of which those on Nos. 2912 (K. 16380), 2916 (K. 16384), and 2921 (K. 16389) are addressed to gods; on No. 2932 (K. 16400) is a prayer to the goddess Gula. No. 2914 (K. 16382) is written iu a bold hand, and probably contains a prayer for the use of an Assyrian king. Of No. 2929 (K. 16397) parts of a few lines are preserved from the beginning of the Keverse, which read: ^ iW<!<i! | V - ^M I ^^T* ??< 19 ii I - <T-IH§i. [K. 16379-K. 16400]

2933-2993. Portions out of the middle and from the sides and edges, from 3 in. by 2f^ in. to J in. by || in.; Nos. 2965 (K. 16433) and 2993 (K. 16461) are Babylonian. Parts of texts containing prescriptions and incantations for the sick. On No. 2933 (K. 16401) one section begins y "^y "^ i*l5; and on No. 2936 (K. 16404) some lines begin y '"'"I "^M- ^°- 2966 (K. 16434) contains a colophon-line reading y >J-y *f,3ff; and on No. 2967 (K. 16435) a section begins f >^y t^ •yriy ^ Hf" ^IfM- The following beginnings of sections are also preserved : on No. 2991 (K. 16459), y ^ <y- g^^t tgl ; on No. 2992 (K. 16460), y ^y -^y^J; and on No. 2993 (K. 16461), y ^ Vr }MM- No. 2934 (K. 16402) contains an incantation beginning |»-Jf- <|g[ -^K^ .y^l' and No. 2939 (K. 16447) one beginning ^^ tyyyt :$y^^.

[K. 16401-K. 16461]

* Partly effaced.


2994. Top left-hand corner, 3 in. by 2|| in. ; 10 + traces of 4 lines. Part of a text, much damaged by moisture, containing incantations. Reference is made to the Fire-god, Nusku, "^ ^I@[- ^^^ to images of clay, ^ IfwH- .^>^ |«-^, evidently intended to be burnt in the accompanying magical rites. [K. 16462]

2995. Portion out of the middle, 2^ in. by If in. ; 4 -|- 8 -I-

lines. Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies and offerings.

[K. 16463]

2996. Fragment out of the middle, IfJ- in. by | in. ; -|- 5 lines. Part

of a text containing incantations, probably accompanied by directions for offerings. [K. 16464]

2997-3002. Fragments out of the middle and from the left-hand side and bottom edge, from l^-f in. by IJ in. to 1-j^ in. by | in. Parts of colophons from the end of tablets. On No. 2998 (K. 16466) the catchline and beginning of the colophon read: '^ I '^i^'^^'^f^M I "B *! ^-Wf^ I tiyyy ey- y ->Vi| I On Nos. 2999-3002 (K. 16467-K. I647O) Aslmr- bani-pal's colophon has been scratched on the surface of the clay after the tablets had been baked. [K. 16465-K. 16470]

3003. Portion from the right half of an oblong tablet, 3| in. by 2| in. ; 10 lines. Part of a text containing a note or address, possibly of a religious character. [K. 16471]

3004-3110. Portions out of the middle and from the sides and edges, from IJ in. by 1^ in. to ^ in. by j in. Parts of letters, of which Nos. 3005 (K. 16473), 3006 (K. 16474), 3010 (K. 16478), 3022 (K. 16490), 3024 (K. 16492), 3026 (K. 16494), 3030 (K. 16498), 3035 (K. 16503), 3061 (K. 16529), and 3102 (K. 16570) were probably addressed to the king. No. 3015 (K. 16483), which was also probably addressed to the king, refers to Bel-ibni, in connexion with certain fortresses ; (/. 1. 4 which reads : y -^. ^ - -::yy t^ &-yy*ii- No. 3032 (K. 16500) is part of a letter to the king from y ^'C^.; and the king is referred to on Nos. 3037 (K. 16505), 3038 (K. 16506), 3039 (K. 16507), 3068 (K. 16536), 3103 (K. 16571), and on No. 3094 (K. 16562), which also mentions fortresses, "tyy* ^ Etyy^l- Fortresses -i:]] »— - ^^^ y"-*. are also referred to on No. 3066 (K. 16534), and troops. ^^} y«*, on No. 3063 (K. 16528). No. 3108 (K. 16576) makes mention of the gate, or gates, of a city, and

apparently of the god Ashur, ^>— -V e^^ y<S|- -A- certain Ashur-

y —V^. is referred to on No. 3004 (K. 16472); and a certain Mannu-

Partly effaced.


kt-I[8htar-li'u], T « >^ <M <^^1> on No. 3055 (K. 16523). No. 3108 (K. 16476) refers to a diviner, g^ -^, and to sheep. Gold is mentioned on No. 3012 (K. 16480); and silver on No. 3070 (K. 16538); and No. 3019 (K. 16487) mentions a provincial governor, S^ ^|J^ >-y|^ , and certain sums of silver. [K. 16472-K. 16578]

3111-3148. Portion out of the middle and from the sides and edges, from I in. hy If in. to ^ in. by ^ in. ; Babylonian. Parts of letters, of which No. 3120 (K. 16588) is a letter to the king from y '^M*'M- Nos. 3133 (K. 16601) and 3146 (K. 16613) were probably addressed to the king, and the king is referred to on Nos. 3114 (K. 16582) and 3138 (K. 16606). The king of Babylon, t^ A 'S'+?*il> is mentioned on No. 3126 (K. 16594); and Babylon, ^ ^^f? :^tl. is referred to on Nos. 3122 (K. 16590) and 3136 (K. 16604); on No. 3113 (K. 16581) mention is made of |||>-Hf" ^^'^T £^?^Ti^' possibly to be identified with Merodach-Baladan. No. 3148 (K. 16616) contains references to Cuthah, 4:^ ^ii ]} m, and Dilr-Sharrukin, fe^-j t^^ll-

[K. 16579-K. 16616]

3149-3155. Portions out of the middle and from the sides and edges, from 1 in. by 1| in. to fl in. by |^ in. Parts of astrological reports.

[K. 16617-K. 16623]

3156. Bottom left-hand comer, 1^ in. by 1 in. ; +4 lines. Part of

an account-tablet, concerning sheep and cattle. [K. 16624]

3157. Portion from the left-hand side, ly"^ in. by 2| in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text, written in a large hand and with spaces between the lines, probably containing a prayer. Keference is made to the goddess Ishtar, -+ <^T^T- [K. 16625]

3158. Fragment from the upper edge, 1^ in. by -ff in. ; 4-1- 2 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god.

[K. 16626]

3159-3162. Fragments out of the middle and from the sides and edges, from

1 J in. by If in. to I in. by 1| in. Parts of contract-tablets. On No. 3161

(K. 16629), part of an oval seal-impression has been preserved which was

stamped upon a blank band across the upper part of the Obverse.

[K. 16627-16630] 3163. Portion from the top or bottom edge, 1-j^ in. by | in. ; traces of 1 -|- 1 lines. Part of the case of a contract-tablet, bearing remains of a seal- impression, representing two gryphons or mythological creatures beside a table of ofiferings. [K. 16631]

* Partly efEaced.


3164. Top left-hand corner of the outer case of a case-tahlet, | in. by | in. ; 1 + 2-1-3 (on bottom edge) -|- 2 (ou left-hand side) lines. Part of the case of a contract-tablet. [K. 16632]

3165. Fragment from the right-hand side, f in. by 1-^ in. ; -|- 8 lines.

Part of a text containing omens, arranged in sections. In the apodosis of one of the sections reference is made to Naram-Sin, [>~^]] D(^^]* -*^ ^K., the king of Akkad. [K. 16633]

3166. Fragment out of the middle, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; +84

lines. Part of a text containing omens. In one of tlie

apodoses reference is made to Ibil-Sin, king of Ur, tg £::^J:y <<(<( g^^*!!-

[K. 16634]

3167. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1 in. by 2^ in. ; 10 + ( + )

8 linos.- Part of a text containing omens derived from cattle, sheep, and goats. [K. 16635]

3168-3192. Portions from the sides and out of the middle, from l|i in. by ]|f in. to f in. by | in. ; Nos. 3190-3192 (K. 16658-16660) are Babylonian. Parts of texts containing omens.. [K. 16636-16660]

3193-3199. Fragments out of the middle and from the left-hand side, from 1^ in. by 1| in. to | in. by -ff in. Parts of texts containing Usts of consecutive days, probably from hemerologies. In all the fragments, with the exception of No. 3193 (K. 16661), the lines begin with the sign If.

[K. 16661-16667]

3200. Fragment out of the middle, lyL in. by | in. ; +4 hues. Part

of a text containing prayers or incantations, belonging to the Series of " Prayers of the Eaising of the Hand." The colophon-line to the last prayer and the catchline to the next tablet read :

[-£M -^H £T Ml m^mr y^ -Hf- [ %]

[1-4- ]-y<* ^ "^" ^E[ ]

[K. 16668]

3201. Fragment from the bottom edge, If in. by 1 J in. ; 5 +

lines. Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation ; it was written for, or on behalf of, Ashur-bani-pal, [J] -4"* -4 ^ ^S^!> whose name occurs in 1. 4. [K- 16669]

3202. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by |f in. ; 6 + hues.

Part of a text containing a prayer, written for Ashur-bani-pal, f "t^ -^ ^ V,*. [K. 16670]

* Partly effaced.


3203. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by 1^ in. ; 5 + lines.

Part of a text, apparently containing a royal prayer ; reference is made to the land of Assyria, ^^ ->f ^ <M [K. 16671]

3204. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by -J^ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text, .possibly containing a mythological legend, or directions for the recital of a prayer; reference is made to Shamash, »>f- ^y.

[K. 16672]

3205. Fragment out of the middle, lf\ in. by l^^,. jjj . 4 _|.

lines. Part of a text containing a Stunerian incantation. [K. 16673]

3206. Fragment from the right-hand side, ^-f in. by 1 in. ; +

6 + lines. Part of a text containing incantations,

belonging to the Series 1^4" ^Till ^ ^ [K- 16674]

3207. Fragment from the right-hand side, | in. by 1 in. ; 7 +

lines. Part of a text containing incantations addressed to the god Ea,

-4- s^yyyi y?- [k. 16675]

3208. Bottom left-hand corner, 1^ in. by 1\\ in. ; 9 + 4 lines. Part of a text containing incantations; mention is made of the Eiver-god, >-4- y? 0-

[K. 16676]

3209. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; + 6 lines.

Part of a text containing incantations. The catchhne for the next tablet reads: ^= --y< ►+ A\ -+ \\ <^*m- [K. 16677]

3210. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by l^L in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a prayer or incantation addressed to a goddess ; reference is made to the Moon-god, -4- <«. [K. 16678]

3211. Fragment from the left-hand side, f in. by 1^ in. ; -|- 9 lines.

Part of a text containing an incantation; reference is made to Anu, [-+] y? C^y- [K. 16679]

3212. Fragment from the right-hand side, \\ in. by 1 in. ; 5 -)- Unes.

Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation addressed to a god ; reference is made to Marduk, ->f- <^*y. [K. 16680]

3213. Bottom left-hand corner, |f in. by \-^ in. ; 6 -h 3 hnes ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations ; reference is made to Ea, '"!=y|X^ ^^.

[K. 16681]

3214. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; 6 -[- Hnes. Part

of a text containing an incantation; reference is made to the Fire-god Nusku, ^4- ^^. [K. 16682]

* Partly cfEaced.

2 E



3215. Fragment out of the middle, |f in. by 1 in. ; 7 + lines.

Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation ; reference is made to Shamash, -+ *T. and Marduk, ►Hh <:^[^y]- [K. 16683]

3216. Fragment from the right-hand side, ^ in. by ^ in. ; 7 +

lines. Part of a text containing incantations; reference is made to Nergal, ->f- <^yy, and the Sibitti, -+ ^? S. [K. 16684]

3217. Bottom left-hand corner, f in. by -| in. ; 5 + lines. Part of a

text containing a prayer or incantation ; reference is made to the Sun-god, -4- *|, at his rising. [K. 16685]

3218. Top left-hand comer, 1^ in. by -fliu. ; 5 -F lines. Part of a

religious composition, containing an incantation or mythological legend. The first line of tlie text, written on the upper edge of the tablet, reads : "Hf" 1} ^ ^E t^'4' ^S!?1*SI' t^"2 following three lines begiiniing «-»|- J^ ^%*Wi' ""^TO tiff *ll. and ->fi|. The lower part of the Eeverse was uninscribed. [K. 16686]

3219. Fragment out of the middle, \\ in. by 1^ in. ; 7 +

lines. Part of an incantation ; reference is made to the Fire-god Nusku, -Jf- ^^. [K. 16687]

3220. Portion out of the middle. If in. by ^ in. ; 4 -I- lines.

Part of a text containing incantations, one of which was addressed to the goddess Ishtar, ►>f- -VT- [K. 16688]

3221. Portion from the bottom edge, 1 in. by 1| in. ; 8 -)- lines.

Part of a text containing incantations. In one of them reference is made to Nudimmud, [^^f ] »/- <^yy -|^^,* and the city of Eridu, ^X^ ^.

^ [K. 16689]

3222. Fragment fi'om the left-hand side, 1^ in. by f in. ; 4 +

hues. Part of a text containing an incantation ; reference is made to the

temple Esagiia, tfyyy ^yy^ tyfy^uilj. [k. leeoo]

3223. Fragment out of the middle, | in. by 1^ in. ; 6 -I- lines.

Part of a text containing incantations, one of which was addressed to

Eniii, -'^y|j[&yyy. [k. i669i]

3224. Top left-hand corner, 1 in. by | in. ; 4 -f lines. Part

of a text containing an incantation addressed to Shamash and Adad. The first line of the text reads: ->f- *y -|^ \^ C^y -^f p. [K. 16692]

3225. Fragment out of the middle, 1-j^ in. by 1 in. ; 7 -|- lines.

Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation ; reference is made to the temple Esagiia, tyyyy tyv^ tyyy^IILEy. [K. 16693]

* Partly effaced.


3226. Top right-hand corner, ly^^- in. by 2 in. ; 15 + lines. Part of a

text containing a prayer or incantation addressed to a god. [K. 16G94]

3227. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by if in. ; 7 + lines. Part

of a text containing a prayer or incantation addressed to a goddess.

[K. 16695]

3228-3243. Portions out of the middle and from the sides and edges;

Nos. 3234 (K. 16702) and 3239 (K. 16707) are Babylonian. Parts of texts

containing incantations ; on No. 3239 (K. 16707) every tenth line of the

composition was indicated in the margin. [K. 16696-K. 16711]

3244. Fragment out of the middle, f^ in. by 1 in. ; 9 + lines.

Part of a text containing incantations ; reference is made to the goddess Gula, [-4-] ^* "&■ [K. 16712]

3245. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1| in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text containing incantations; reference is made to Adad, ^+ ^>^. [K. 16713]

3246. Portion from the upper edge. If in. by -fl in- 5 6 + lines. Part

of a text containing a prayer or incantation to Enlil ; the first Line of the text reads : ^^^ ^111 ^U^ -yy [-^Hlis- [K. 16714]

3247. Portion out of the middle, 1^^ in. by 1| in. ; 8 + lines. Part

of a text containing an incantation. Reference is made to Ninshakh, -Hf- -^£1 -£^M?TY. and Gula, ->f -j^^ -gy. [K. 16715]

3248. Bottom left-hand corner, If in. by If in. ; 7 -|- lines. Part of

a text containing an incantation; reference is made to the Sun-god, >->y- -^y.

[K. 16716]

3249. Fragment out of the middle, f in. by 1| in. ; 13 + lines. Part

of a religious text, probably containing an incantation. Eeference is made to Marduk, [^>f] -tyy<y-yt g^ ^, and to a diviner, ^^ ^.-.

[K. 16717]

3250. Fragment from the upper edge, IJ in. by 1 in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation. [K. 16718]

3251. Fragment from the right-hand side, IJ in. by 1/,,- in. ;.!... -|- 4 lines. Part of a text containing a prayer or incantation. The catchline for the next tablet reads: ^ ^y -+ "-III ^W- [K. 16719]

3252. Fragment from the upper edge, probably of the Eeverse, 1^ in. by 1^ in. ; ..'... + 3 lines. Part of a text containing an incantation, the lines of the text being .separated by lines ruled across the tablet ; reference is made to Marduk, -Hh* --!<t4* E^ ^- [K. 16720]

* Partly effaced. t Sie.

2 E 2



3253-3259. Fragments out of the middle, and from the top right-hand corner of the Eeverse (No. 3255, K. 1672.3), from 1| in. by 1^ in. to | in. by I in. ; No. 3254 (K. 16722) is Babylonian. Parts of texts containing incantations. On No. 3253 (K. 16721) the couplets are divided by lines ruled across the clay. On No. 3256 (16724) reference is made to Anu, -+ Vy <^T; on No. 3257 (K. 16725) to the temple Esagila, tyyyy tyy^ tyyy^miy*; on No. 3258 (K. I6726) to the Igigi, -Hh V7 IT; and on No. 3259 (K. 16727) to Marduk, ^Hf" CZ^h and the goddess Gula, ^^ ^^ ^gy * [K. 16721-16727]

3260. Fragment from the left-hand side, 1| in. by 1^ in. ; 4-

4 lines. Part of a text containing incantations. The catchline for the next tablet reads: '/^f^;' -s^ ""Hh ^^*'M> and the colophon, dedicating the tablet to Nabii, begintt y? '^f -tyH &^^y ^- ^y ^*M I

►^ m ^^yy *y y- ^ -^y^ <^*m i ^m ^ ^^yi^^.

[K. 16728]

3261-3263. Fragments out of the middle, and from the upper edge (No. 3263, K. 16731), from lf| in. by 1 in. to 1^ in. by 1-j^ in. Parts of texts containing incantations, of which Nos. 3262 (K. 16730) and 3263 (K. 16731) are in Rumerian, the first line on the latter reading:

i^^ -y^ -iim^i -+ -m ^i^ ^^^y ^^yyy m.i -m-

[K. 16729-K. 16731] 3264-3290. Portions out of the middle and from the sides and edges, from 2| in. by 2^ in. to J in. by |f in. ; No. 3285 (K. 16753) is Babylonian. Parts of texts containing Siunerian incantations, furnished with interlinear Assyrian translations. On Nos. 3277 (K. 16745) and 3278 (K. 16746) reference is made to Marduk, ►Jf- -ty<y^y t^ <s^ I i -Hf- <^'^y ; and on No. 3285 (K. 16753) to Enlil, ^^i^^^y. In. Nos. 3286-3290 (K. 16754- K. 16758) the couplets are separated by lines ruled across the clay ; the catchUne on No. 3289 (K. 16757) reads: iM^ tl -+ ^ <Igf ^H 51,^^

[K. 16732-K. 16758]

3291-3299. Fragments out of the middle and from the sides and edges, from

I in. by 3i in. to 1 in. by l-j\ in. Parts of texts containing prescriptions

for the sick. [K. 16759-K. 16767]

3300-3302. Fragments out of the middle, from 1| in. by 1 in. to IJ in. by IJ in. Fragments of explanatory lists. [K. 16768-K. 16770]

3303. Fragment out of the middle, -^ in. by ^ in. ; 6 + lines.

Part of a religious or explanatory text ; reference is made to the god Ea, -Hh* tyyyy y?, and to Nineveh, -tyy* t^y <iy. [K. 16771]

* Partlj effaced.


3304. Fragment from the left-hand side, | in. by -f |- in. ; 4 +

lines. Part of an astronomical text, noting the relative positions of different stars and their distances from one another. The text reads :

[K. 16772]

3305-3311. Fragments out of the middle of baked clay prisms, from If in. by I in. to f in. by | in. Parts of historical inscriptions of Assyrian kings, Nos. 3305 (K. 16773) and 3307 (K. 16775) being certainly parts of clay prisms, and the remaining fragments being probably so. On No. 3308 (K. 16776) mention is made of Babylon, t^^* -Hf" E-H <M; on No. 3310 (K. 16778), of Egypt, 1^ ►^ <^*; and on No. 3311 (K. 16779) of Assyria, \^* -Jf- ^ <|gf. [K. 16773-K. 16779]

3312. Portion from the lower edge, 2^ in. by IJ in. ; + 2 (on lower

edge) + 6 lines. I'art of a historical inscription; reference is made to Ashur, -4- --V- [K. 16780]

3313. Fragment from the upper edge. If in. by 1^ in. ; 3 + lines ;

Babylonian. Part of a historical or votive inscription of Ashur-bani-pal, [I] "-Hh* -^ 4^ ^^^I' written in bold characters, each line being separated from the preceding by a line ruled across the tablet.

[K. 16781]

3314. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1^ in. ; 4 + lines. Part

of a historical or votive inscription of an Assyrian king, written in bold characters. Reference is made to Babylon, Ji^y* "Hf" E^II '(M-

[K. 16782]

3315. Fragment out of the middle, If in. by | in. ; 3 lines. Part of a votive inscription, written in archaistic characters, the lines of the text being separated by lines ruled across the clay. [K. 16783]

3316. Fragment out of the middle of a clay bowl, \^ in. by 1| in. ; 2 lines. Part of a votive inscription of an Assyrian king. [K. 16784]

3317. Fragment of clay sealing. If in. by -f^ in- ^J f in- ; 3 lines. Marks of the cords are visible on tlie under side ; the inscription probably referred to the senders of the goods, and possibly contained a date (cf. 1. 3, which reads : ^i-^ f <J^ ^*^)- [K- 16785]

3318-3320. Fragments of clay tablets, from 1-^ in. by 1| in. to f in. by 1^ in., bearing impressions of circular seals. No. 3319 (K. 16787) is probably

* Partly effuced.


part of a contract-tablet. Nos. 3318 (K. 16786) and 3320 (K. 16788), the former of which is impressed with the royal seal of a king struggling with a lion, appear to be parts of tablets rather than of clay sealings.

[K. 16786-K. 16788]

3321-3325. Fragments of clay sealings, from 2| in. by If in. to 1| in. by ■^ in., bearing impressions of circular or oval seals. The designs of the seals impressed on Nos. 3324 (K. 16792) and 3325 (K. 16793) are enclosed within cable borders. [K. 16789-K. 16793]

3326. Top right-hand corner, | in. by 1^ in. ; 6 + 8 lines. Part of a letter, probably referring to the king. Mention is made of the land of Kaldu, \^ &|y{ <y^. [K. 16794]

3327. Portion out of the middle of an octagonal prism of baked clay, 2f in. by

24^ in. ; + + traces of 2 + 15 + + + +

lines. Part of a historical inscription of Ashur-bani-pal. The text

in the fourth column relates to his Seventh Campaign, and contains references

to Khiime, -;:n 4^ ^^yy y-, and Bit-imbi, -^yy &yyyy y ^4f ^*il; it

is parallel to Rm. 1, Col. IV, 11. 115 ff. (rf. V E., pi. 4), 11. 2-11 being duplicate of 11. 115-123. [1901-10-12, 89]

3328. Portion from the top of an octagonal prism of baked clay, 3J in. in

height and 3| in. in width ; + + -I- -f 18 + 19

-f 17 + lines. Part of a historical inscription of Sennacherib,

recording his earlier campaigns and his building operations at Nineveh. The text is a duplicate of No. 3329 (1909-3-13, 1), Col. V corresponding to Col. V, 11. 7-23; Col. VI to Col. VI, 11. 9-28; and Col. VII to Col. VII, 11. 7-24. The text of Col. V, which records the campaign of 695 B.C., is published in Cuneiform Texts in the Brit. Mus., Part XXVI, pi. 38, and translated ibid., pp. 15 f. [1909-2-13, 1]

3329. Complete octagonal prism of baked clay, from 14 in. to 14| in. in height, from 6| in. to 6^ in. in diameter from side to side, and from 6J in. to 7 in. from corner to corner, the faces of the prism varying from 2^ in. to 24^ in. in breadth ; 90 + 96 + 95 + 91 -{- 91 + 93 + 96 + 88 hues. Historical inscription of Sennacherib, giving an account of his principal achievements up to the year 694 B.C., including two campaigns which were omitted from the later prism-inscriptions. The object of the first of these was to put down a revolt in Tarsus and the coastal regions of Cilicia, and it took place in the eponymy of Shulmu-belu, y |^ >^ >-I|^, i.e., in 696 B.C. ; the second took place in the following year, in the eponymy of Ashur-bgl-usur, y «->-V ^\ \- The text has been pubUshed by King, Cuneiform Texts in the Brit. Mus., Part XXVI, pU. 1-37, and the new

* Partly effaced.





portions translated and discussed ibid., pp. 7-31, and Jouryml of Hellenic Studies, Vol. XXX (1910), pp. 327 ff. Col. V, 1. 23-Col. VIII, 1. 87, describe Sennacherib's buildings and fortifications at Nineveh, including the fifteen city-gates; the description of the royal gardens contains the earliest record of the cultivation and weaving of cotton (cf. Proc. Soc. Bihl. Arch., XXXI, pp. 339 £f.). The prism is dated in the month Ab, in the eponymy of Ilu-ittia, governor of Damascus, «-Si| E^^tf «-g^lf] "^ I "^ <Igf CEI? E5w V ^^^ --T! l^ Hr ^T. i-<-'; ill 694 B.C. K. 1674, Col. VIII, 11. 1-17 is duplicate of Col. VIII, 11. 70-87,f and lor another duplicate prism, see above, No. 3328, and below. No. 3330. [1909-3-13, 1]

3330. Lower portion of an octagonal prism of baked clay, 10§ in. in height, from 6J in. to 6| in. in diameter from side to side, and from 6f in. to 7^ in. from corner to corner, the faces of the prism varying from 2\ in. to 2|- in. in breadth ; 37 + 61 + 58 + 29 + 58+70 + 68-1- 33 lines. Part of a historical inscription of Sennacherib, giving an account of his first five Campaigns, the building of his palace at Nineveh, and the erection of the walls and gates of the city. The text is in great part a duplicate of No. 3329, but omits the sections describing the campaigns of 696 and 695 B.C. (it is dated in Marcheswan, in the year 696 B.C.), and gives variant descriptions of the building of the palace and the city-gates, etc. The following portions of the text are duplicate of No. 3329 (1909-3-13, 1): Col. I corresponds to No. 3329, Col. I, 11. 42-74 ; Col. II to Col. II, 11. 8-64 ; Col. Ill to Col. II, 1. 94— Col. Ill, 1. 50 ; Col. IV to Col. Ill, U. 82-90, and Col. IV, 11. 21-37 ; Col. V to Col. IV, 11. 58-60 (close of Fifth Campaign), followed by the formula in Col. V, 11. 15-22, and, beginning a new section. Col. V, 11. 23-28, followed, after a break, by Col. V, 11. 40-75 ; Col. VI contains a variant account of the building of the palace ; Col. VII records the building of the walls and gates of Nineveh, corresponding, with some interesting variants,t to Col. VII, 11. 63-95, and Col. VIII, 11. 2-15, these lines being followed by a variant account of work on the Khosr, etc. ; and Col. VIII corresponds to Col. VIII, 11. 50-63 and 76-87. The cylinder is dated in Marcheswan, in the eponymy of Shulmu-belu, the governor of Eimusi, i.e., in 696 B.C. ; the colophon reads : -^? ^|ET fc^ f? "^f [ . . . %] | ►^gn ^ T <M?U >^ [-\] I E35 V \" --ly -Tfl [^ ■5=11].

[1910-10-8, 142 + 144 + 145 + 147 + 148]

f K. 1674 includes an account of Sennacherib's Fourth Campaign, but omits all mention of the Fifth Campaign and the later expeditions. The prism is dated in the epoiijmy of ->5)<YYTc <(""* , governor of ^|I|ff "-/"f (cf. Cun. Texls.Vt. XXVl,pl. 38), i.e., NabtidAr-usur, who held office in 697 B.C. It is thus probable that the Fifth Campaign took place in the year 697 b.o., but that the report of the expedition had not reached Nineveh at the time K. 1674 was inscribed.

X For the new information afforded by the cylinder on the Gates of NiHeveh, see the Introduction.


3331. Portion out of the middle of an octagonal prism of baked clay, 3 in. by

3| in. ; + 19 + 12 ( + ) lines. Part of a historical

inscription of Sennacherib, the portion of the text which is preserved referring to his Eighth Campaign and to the rebuilding of his palace at Nineveh. The text is partly duplicate of the Taylor Prism (c/. I E., pll. 37-42), the left-hand column corresponding to Col. VI, 11. 14-31 ; on the right-hand column the account is continued of the rebuilding of the palace. [1910-10-8, 146]

3332. Portion out of the middle, 3^^ in. by 2| in. ; 18 + lines. Part

of an Assyrian copy of a diplomatic despatch, which was probably sent to the Assyrian Court from P)abylonia during an earlier period. Mention is made of the nobles of Assyria and of Akkad, £y>- y**"- ^ "V "'^ and ^f^ y«-^ ^ \^ ^V^ <Jgf, of the cities of Nippur, -|j;_ tyiff <^, Sippar, ■-tyy "^yy ^y, and Babylon, &?^y "Hh^i) ^^'^ of '^he exalted personages or rulers, Enlil-kudurri-usur, y "^yjl^ tyyy ^ tS^ t^i,* Ninib-tukulli- Ashur, y -4- >f-f ty |gf -.f i-J^, and Kharbi-Shikhu, "the Kbabiiite," y A^ ^ ih -II ?T< ^s^sE I? Vr The last two personages are mentioned on K. 212 + K. 4448 (c/. IV R., pi. 34), probably the upper part of the tablet to which the present fragment belonged. For a publication and translation of the text, see Pinches, Journ. Roy. Asiat. Soc, 1904, pp. 407 ff. ; ef. also Sayce, ibid., pp. 750 f. [1912-5-13, 2]

3333. Lower portion of heptagonal prism of baked clay, 6^ in. (greatest diameter) by 9| in. (greatest height) ; 52 + 5 -f- 10 + 4 + 4 + 43 -F 44 lines. Part of a historical inscription of Ashur-bani-pal, recording his first Eight Campaigns, and ending with his restoration to E-anna, her temple at Erech, of the statue of the goddess Nan4 which he had recaptured at Susa, and with the rebuilding of pait of the palace at Nineveh. The introductory portion of the text, Col. 1, 11. 2-2 1 , corresponds to Em. 1 (cf. V E., pll. 1 ff.), Col. I, 11. 18-33, and is followed by variant accounts of his First and Second Campaigns ; the few hnes preserved at the end of Col. II refer to the Fifth Campaign and correspond to Em. 1, Col. Ill, 11. 32-38 ; and the few lines at the end of Col. Ill refer to the Seventh Camjiaign, 11. 2-9 corresponding to Em. 1, Col. V, 11. 15-24 (but omitting 1. 15, after Umbakhabua's name, and the whole of 1. 16). Only traces of Col. IV and the ends of four lines of Col. V are preserved. Col. VI refers to the Eighth Campaign, 11. 1-27 corresponcUng to Em. 1, Col. VI, 1. 107— Col. VII, 1. 8 ; the historical section concludes with the restoration of Nana's statue to E-anna. The rest of Col. VI, and the upper part of Col. VII, record Ashur-bani-pal's restoration of the Bit-rid6ti, or women's quarters, in the

Partly effaced. t Variant ->f ^gy ^ .



palace at Nineveh, Col. VI, 11. 28-38, corresponding to Em. 1, Col. X, 11. 51-59; 11. 40-4-1 corresponding to Em. 1, Col. X, 11. 64-69; Col. VII, 11. 1-4, corresponding to Em. 1, Col. X, 11. 81-84 ; and Col. VII, II. 5-26, corresponding to Em. 1, Col. X, 11. 94-108A. The invocation and imprecatory clauses in Col. VII, 11. 27-42 correspond, with variant phrases, to Em. 1, Col. X, 11. 108-120. The cylinder is dated on the 21st of Sivan, in the eponymy of Nabu-shar-akheshu, governor of Samaria, the colophon at the end of the text reading : ^^} "J^^?:^^^ ^f « I tgE ih ^ T "-^-^

[1913-4-16, 147 + 148 + 150 + 151 + 152]

3334. Portion out of the middle of an octagonal prism of baked clay, 4fi- in.

by 6 in. ; + 37 + 44 + lines. Part of a historical

inscription of Ashur-bani-pal, the portions of the text which are preserved relating to lus Third, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Campaigns. With the text of the left-hand column, cp. Em. 1, Col. II, 11. 66 ff. and Cylinder B, Col. II, 11. 70 ff. ; and with the right-hand column, cp. Em. 1, Col. Ill, 11. 52-60, 66-69 (parallel to 11. 1-11), Col. IV, 11. 2-12 (parallel to 11. 15-21); and with II. 22 ff., cp. Col. IV, 11. 23 ff., 33 ff, and 110-124. [1913-4-16, 149]

3335. Portion out of the middle of an octagonal prism of baked clay, 2 in. by

2||. in. ; 13 -I- 16 4- -f + -f- + -|-

lines. Part of a historical inscription of Ashur-bani-pal. On the first column a part of the introduction to the annals is preserved, corresponding to Km. 1, Col. I, II. 8-12 and 18-24, 11. 13-17 being omitted. The portion which is preserved of the second column concerns the Third Campaign and records the submission of Sandasarme, the CiHcian, and his arrival with his daughter at Nineveh as a concubine for the king, II. 4-9 corresponding to Em. 1, Col. II, 11. 75-80 ; then follows a record of Mugallu's tribute of horses, and of the submission of lakinlu of Arvad and his sons, including Abiba'al, whose name is the only one preserved, 11. 10-16 corresponding to Cyhnder B, Col. II, 11. 72-79. [1913-4-16, 153]

3336. Porti(jn out of the middle of a heptagonal prism of baked clay, 5^ in. by

41 in. ; -|- -|- -f 30 -|- 28 -|- 27 -t- lines. Part of

a historical inscription of Ashur-bani-pal, the portions of the text which are preserved relating to his Seventh and Eighth Campaigns. Of the three columns, of which parts are preserved, that on the left corresponds to Em. 1, Col. V, 11. 51-78 ; that in the centre to Col. VI, 11. 3-21, 26-35, and 38-42; and that on the right to Col. VI, 11. 87 ff., 112-121. Although it does not join, it is certain that this piece formed part of the prism No. 3333, preserving central portions of the fourth, fifth and sixth columns. [1913-4-16, 154]

2 F


3337. Portion out of the middle of a decagonal prism of baked clay, 3f in. by

4i in. ; 25 + +22 lines. Part of a historical inscription

of Ashur-taani-pal, relating to his campaigns and building oi)erations. Tlie first column contains a record of Ashur-bani-pal's First Campaign, 11. 1 1 ff. corresponding to Rm. 1 (c/. V R., pi. 1), 11. 75-85. The last column of the text contains an invocation to future rulers to restore his building and to preserve his inscription, and ends with imprecatory clauses. The last line preserved was probably the last hue of the inscription, with the exception of the short colophon, giving the date of the prism, which is wanting.

[191.S-4-16, 155]

3338. Fragment out of the middle of a prism of baked clay, l-ji^ in. by 1 in. ;

+ 7 + lines. Part of a historical inscription

of an Assyrian king, probably Ashur-bani-pal ; the portion of the text which is preserved relates to a campaign in Elam, [V] -(^f* tl ^]M-

[191:3-4-16, 150]

3339. Fragment out of the middle, i| in. by ^ iu. ; G + lines.

Part of a religious text; two of the lines l)egin <-* ^ <(fg^ >-<y< (see above, p. 2, No. 3, Ki. 1902-5-10, :3). [1913-4-16, 157]

3340. Fragment out of the middle, -}f in. by f in. : + 6 +

lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king,

probably Ashur-bani-pal ; reference is made to Elam, V -(^f tl ["(Ie!]-

[1913-4-16, 157a]

3341-3346. Fragments out of the middle of baked clay prisms, from 1\ in. by 1-/V in. to iJJ- in. by A in.: from 9 to 3 lines. Parts of historical inscriptions of an Assyrian king, probably Ashur-bani-pal.

[1913-4-16, 158-160, 160a, and I6O15]

3347. Fragment from the angle of an octagonal prism of baked clay, 1^ in. liy

I in. ; -I- traces of 3 + lines. Part of a historical

inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Ashur-bani-pal. The portion of the right-hand column which is preserved is iminscribed, and was probably from the lower part of the last column of the text.

[1913-4-16, 160c]

3348. Fragment from the upper or lower edge of a prism of baked clay, 1 in. by f iu. by y^ iu. ; uninscribed. The fragment formed part of a prism bearing an inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Ashur-bani-pal.

[1913-4-16, 160d]

3349. Fragment out of the middle, if in. by {f in. ; -t- 5 -f-

lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian

king, probably Ashur-bani-pal. [1913-4-16, 160e]

Partly effaced.



Ix the translitei-ation of proper names given in this /nrfex it should be noted that: ^^-»X- = '«,'»', and ; tfy = e ; Ef y^ = ia (i.e , ia, yn) ; jJ fJ = «", though probably pronounced aia (i.e., aia, aya, e.g., MusrAa = Musrdia) ; ^^,J^ = akh, ilch and ukh j H^ = Ma ; ^y = Aa ; ^^ = sa ; "^ = sha ; I^yy = *i ; TTTEy = tu •, B-yy'^ = «/, the consonantal sounds in the last eiglit equations corresponding to the Hebrew characters n (Arab. ^), p.DiCJiU.tD i*"'! t- *" asterisk (•) is placed against signs which arc partly defaced. To facilitate tlie use of this Index with that in Vol. V of the Catalogue, the general headings and subheadings hare, as far as possible, been retained ; in cases of modification cross-references are given. The tablets are cited throughout by the running numbers of the Catalogue (Siipplemen/), which enable additional references to the pages of the volume to be dispensed with.

A[ ]. Epnnym rider, y y^ >-[ ],

in contract-tablet, 219.

A[ ]. Male proper name, y yj[ ],

letter to the king- from, 91.

Aa. Goddess, consort of Shamash. ""HF" I? Iv! in building-inscription, 6 ; in letter, 1188 ; in pra}-er or incantation, 1960.

Abdi-Samsi. TnhahUant of Tyre. } t&y


in list or inventory, 283.

Abiba'al. Son of lakinlu ofArvad, 3335.

Abu(?)-Aa. Eponi/m rider, 887 B.C. y ^ (?) ^jp yj yi , in contract-tablet, 228.

Abyss. Ill incantations, 1313, 1330.

Account-tablets, concerning sheep and cattle, 31i)G; concerning garments, 1C>')') ; concerning wood, wooden objects, etc., 819 ; concerning grain, 181, 794, 832, 8.57 ; fragments of, 5, 26.-., 271, 280. 349, 754, 809, 811, 820, 821, 825-827, 834, 1808; fragment possibly of, 816. See also Inventories, Lists, Memorandum-tablets.

Acrostics. See Hymns, alliterative.

Adad. Weather- ffod. <^'^ ■^^ i prayers or incantations to, 2497, 3224 (with Shamash) ; in hymn or m3'thoIogical legend, 945 ; in mythological reference in incantation, 123 ; in incantations, 123, 153, 3245; in astrological omens, 1007 ; in votive inscription, 1030 ; in historical or religious text, 1396 ; Star of, tJ:?-»f* -f -44f. 2461; Gate

of, [S?:?] %h* -+ A^*, 1056. See also Thunder.

Adad-[ ]. Male jiroper name.

y ^xf ^4f [ ], in letter, 1183.

Adad-bel-usur. Mate proper name.

y <( "^ \ , in contract-tablet, 846. Adad-nadin-akhi, or Adad-shum-usur

{q.v.). y -4- ^^ '^ il^ , in letter

to the king, 52.

Adad-nirari. Assi/rian king. B<jwl- inscription po.ssibly of, 371.

Adad-nirari III. Assyrian king, 911- 890 li.c. ^ ^1, fc!^, in genealogy,


2 F 2



Adad-shiim-usur. Royal astrologer. y ^tf ^^ >^ ^ , letter to the king from, 62.

Addresses, by Marduk, >~^ "^TKy-T E3S* [4], 1595; by Marduk, ->f C[^^f], referring to Elain, 2(59 ; to a goddess, 1444 ; to an ora^'le, or part of letter, 1144 ; in archaic Assyrian char- acters, probably religious, 421.

Agade. See Akkad.

Akkad (Akkadu). City in Northern

Babylonia. -Cfy Vr ^"^ [^^-T <M].

in votive inscription, 232.

Akkad (Akkadu). Northern Babylonia. C^) '%^m ^M, in historical inscrip- tions, 48, 1597; in building-inscription, 147 ; in epigraphs, 241 ; in letters, 96, 285, 364; in astrological report, 1647 ; in omens, 1470 ; in religious text, 638 ; nobles of, 3332 ; men of, 311, 2675.

Akkadu. See Akkad.

AkkuUanu. Royal astrologer, f -^^Hf" ■^ "&! '^> letter to the kiug from, 306.

Akrabu. Zodiacal constellation. See Scorpio.

Alabaster, inscribed bowl of, 23 ; in- scribed slab of, 1467.

AUul. Constellation, probably Cancer, tt^'-'^ &I<J ^Eyc, in Moon's halo, 290 ; ill relation to Mars, 130 ; in astrological text, 24C0.

Altar, in seal-impression, 215.

Amanus. Mvnntain in Northern Syria V" yT< Ey 'Q^> in historical inscrip- tion, 1.

Amen. Egyptian god. Obelisk of, 627.

Ammeni-ilu. Male proper name, f '^^^ J" j^ -H^, in letter to the king, 479.

Amulet, inscribed with incantation, 411.

Amurru. West country, including Syria

ami Palestine. (\^) tyy- -EI! «M) > in astrological report, 1647; in omen- texts, 1046, 1470; inhabitant of, £^ tyy- <gf (abbreviated), 2675.

Amurru. West-Semitic god. '^'^ ^yy- ^rf, in letter to the king, 64 ; Jf- V" £y«-, in prayer or incantation, 1324.

Amurru-z§r-ibni. Male proper name.

1 -^ ^K %V- ^^ ^* . in letter, 1592.

Anim.als, list of, possibly for offerings, 823. See also Beasts, Cattle, Goats, Horses, Pigs, etc.

Anshar. God. -«^ 4^ (or Ashur), in religious composition, 1674. See also Ashur.

Antasurra. Star-name. ^Hf-'^ -Hf-^^y ""¥ "^U' '" astronomical text, 509.

Anu. God. «-ty- yj ^^y, in prayers or incantations, 36, 148, 158, 2880, 3209, 3211, 3256 ; in religious text, 1741 ; in historical inscription, 1603 ; >->^ y^ ^, in prayer or incantation, 2495 ; in royal prayer, 160 ; in incantation or mytho- logical legend, 3218 ; temple of, tyyyy ""Hh fr ^^f ' in letter to the king, 64 ; " [path of]," in astronomical text, 923.

Anunnaki. Sjnrits of earth. "^ ]!, ""W '~^\ ^^> in prayer or hymn, 1513 ; ia prayer or incantation, 1974.

Apln. Stai'-name. tt;|»-Hf- ""EEJ) omens

from, 1618. Apsu. See Abyss.

Arabian campaign, of Ashur-bani-pal, 370.

Arad-Ea. Male proper Kume, posaibli/ oj rnler. ]* ^^] ^+ tyyyy ]],' in historical or votive inscription, 1126.

Arad-Gula. Royal astrologer. ] >-^ (sic)

-+ t^-^* ["tW, letter to the king from, 1641.


Arad-Gula. A/ ale proper name. | -^J Ashur. C'iti/. ^-^ff ^fff -tiyif, in letter,

""HF" t^^ "-Ey, in contract or report, 1170. 49 ; in list of officials, 1524.

Arad-Nana. Court physician. ] >-Si:f Ashur. Countrij. See Assyria.

. ' ,^ r 1, in contract-tablet, 226.

Ararat. See Urartu.

Arba'[ilaa]. Male p roller name, f -Sify Ashur-[ ]. 3fa/e proper name.

-^ [-+ T? y?], in list, 1865. y V [ ], letter to the king

Arba'ilu. See Arbeia. from, 1151.

Arbela. Assyrian city. ►-Jiyy J:^ ""Hf"' Ashur-[ ]. Male proper name.

in letter, 1823; in astrological report, y ^'^ [ ], letter to the king

1118; governor of, 196; Ishtarof, 2562; from, 1216.

Ninlil, Ladyof, 117; tS= -4- <lEl,iu ., r i »,

letter, 2617 : Ishtar of, 2561 ^f ^'i ^- ^'"'* '''''''' """'"•

. , . , ^ ,. y -V [ ], in letter, 3004.

Archaic characters, lists of, 272, 420. i l j'

Archers, Assyrian, in seal-impressions, Ashur-[ ]. Male proper name.

71(2. y —V -y[ ], in letter, 1^53.

Ar^ad. Syrian city, [^t]!] ih^lhl <W Ashur-akhu-iddina. See Esarhaddon.

£?yy, in historical inscription, 813.

Arpadda. See Arpad. Ashur-bani-pal. Assyrian king, 668-

Arrow, in religious text, 1800. ^^-^-it'Cvar y""^"^^ ^''^'' ^'''^' ^

Arvad. City on Syrian coast. lakinlu '~*^^' ^^''*''' 'T^'

of, 3335. Historical in-scriptions of . On

Arzukhina. Ciiy and disiric. f ><]] ^eptagonal prisms, 3333, 3336 ; on

;--^ ^ »-vv A. j-^ c io< octagonal prisms, 8, 18, 126, 473, 3327,

E^Xfe '^11 -^ '~'\> governor of, 134. "^ ^ > > > > > >

3334, 3335; on decagonal prisms, 12,

Asari. Title of Mavdak. -+ -ty<vy -yy^, j^q, 114, 117, 124, 125, 369, 370, 377,

in mcantatton, 1601. See also Marduk. 4^2^ 2551, 3337; on fragments of '

Ashguzaa. Inliabitantx of a district in prisms, 11, 1682, 1828, 1880, 1887,

Armenhi. [V' ^ tT*] Vy \] y|, in 2564, 2565 ; probably from prism, 1653 ;

historical inscription, 10'.*. on tablets, 506, 3313.

Ashshur, Ashur. Country. See Assyria. Historical inscriptions probably of

Ashur. God. -Hh'*^! '1 historical in- . On octagonal prism, 3347 ; on

scriptions, 48, 2562 ; in building- decagonal prisms, 378, 485, 1884, 2550 ;

inscriptions, 367; in dispatch, 506; on fragments of prisms, 333'^, 3340-

" the king of heaven," in prayer, 426; 3346, 3348; probably from prisms,

or Anshar, in religious composition, 1596,3349; on tablets, 979, 981, 9«5,

1('>74; -4- y? "-Vi in royal prayer, 160; 992. See also Historical inscriptions,

1-^ ^^ ^ in historical inscriptions, of Assyrian kings.

1010,3312; in historical or religious Letters from or to . To

text, 1396 ; in epistolary formula, 293 ; Menana, 71 ; from Sharaash-shum-ukin,

in letter, 2673; -- V, priest of, as 79; from Tammaritu, 293; letter

royal title, 760; in epistolary formula, probably from or to, 1550; letter

1941 ; in letter to the king, 13 ; temple probably from, 1937. See also Letters,

of, tyyyy -"-V, in letters, 1119, 2571. from and to the king.



Ashur-bani-pal contiimed.

Prayers or incanliitions written for

. On tablet of lajHS-Ianuli, 763 ;

on clay tablets, 3201, 3202 ; prayers probably written for, 1955, 2515.

Mentioned, in letter, 1945 ; in appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god, 207. See also Colophons.

Ashur-bel-usur. Epnnijm ruler, 695 b.c. y —V ^\ \, on clay sealing-, 4G8; in historical inscription, 3329.

. Male proper name. Letter from,


Ashur-dan III. Assyrian kinrj, about

920 B.C. —V S^yy?. in genealogy, 192.

Ashur-daninani. Eponym ruin; 685 b.c.

tract-tablet, 215. Ashur-khamatia. Official, y ,^J^ t^<

\^ ^zgy?. 'e'ter to t'le l<'"f? from, 89. Asll'Ur-la[ ]. .Male proper name.

[y] --V -£y [ ], letter to the

king from, 1124.

Ashur-li'ii. Male proper name, y >->-^ "iS^yy , receipt for oxen and sheep from,


Ashur-nasir-pal. A.^si/rlan king, 884- 860 B.C. y ■'^ A^ y?, grammatical paradigms from reigi) of, 1430 ; build- ing-inscription of, 1805; inscribed clay plaque of, 192 ; inscribed clay fist of, 760 ; bowl-inscription of, 470 ; bowl- inscription probably of, 471.

Ashur-nirari IV. Assyrian king, 754- 746 B.C. y --V '^?S='^. omens partly referring to, 1803.

Ashur-shar-usur. Male proper name. y --V « i^, i„ letter, 683.

Ashur-shar{P)-usur. Efiowim ruler.

y """^ [ ] \> i'l memorandum- tablet, 769.

Assyria. Countn/. V -4"^ '(M,

\^ —V <M, '\* —V, —V <M.

in historical inscriptions, 1644, 3311; ill building-inscription, 14 ; in letters, 71, 84, 86, 96, 1239, 1914 ; in epistolary formula, 293; in royal prayers, 160, 3203 ; in incantation, 158 ; in rojal titles, 6, 48, 147, 221, 241, 368, 1430 ; nobles of, in diplomatic despatch, 3332.

Assyrian king, on seal-impressions, .".79, 383, 464-4G8, 3318.

Assyrians, ->-V <M y? Vr> 'n historical inscription, 135.

Astrologers, royal. Letters from, 75, 96, 188, 218. See also Astrological reports. Letters.

Astrological omens. See Omens, astro- logical.

Astrological reports. From En[lil-

], 1115; fromlshtar-sbum-eresh,

69, 290; from Nabfi-akhe-riba, 90: from Nabfi-ikbi, 76 ; from Xabu- mushesi, 1113; from Tabia, 65; from Zakir, 92 ; from the Chief -Vstrologer, 75; probably from Israshi-ilu, 1109.

, concerning tiie appear-

ance of Saturn within the moon's halo, 1114; concerning an observation of Venus, 1534 ; concerning observations of Mars, 340, 1621 ; concerning Shugi, the greater Twins, etc., 286; containing omens from the constellation Scorpio, 537 ; concerning the appear- ance of the moon on the first of the month, 1 106 ; concerning the appear- ance of the moon on the thirtieth of the month, 23 ; concerning a lunar observa- tion, 246 ; concerning an eclipse, 1103. See also Moon. Halos, Hurricane.

, fragments of, 177, 264,

303, 312, 1095, 110.5, 1108, 1110, 1297, 1539, 1542, 1647, 1727, 1993, 2604, 3149 3155; fragments of Babylonian, nil, 1118, 1620; fragments probably of, 569, 1182, 1387.



Astrological reports, in the form of a letter, concerning' observations of Mars and Jupiter, a solar eclipse, etc., 96. See also I;etters.

Astrological texts, referring to Venus, 959; referring- to Saturn, 937; refer- ring to Mars, 918; referring to Shugi, 24.o9; referring to AUuI (Cancer), 2460 ; referring to the " Star of Adad," Scorpio, etc., 2461 ; referring to an eclipse, 936; referring to halos, 934, 946, 1755 ; referring to rain and a rainbow, 2547.

, containing omens from

Jupiter, 966; from an eclipse, etc., 931; proljably containing- omens, with referreuce to Mars, 1623 ; probably containing omens, 939, 954, 1024, 1062, 1063, 1074, 1490.

, of an explanatory charac-

ter, 57, 1734; probalily explanatory, 914, 917; possibly explanatory, with reference to Mercui-y, 916.

, possibly from letter or

report, 536.

, fragments of, 938, 962,

1567; fragments, probably from, 454, 1552, 1587.

Astronomical texts, recording the rela- tive positions of stars and their distances from one another, 3304 ; recording the relative positions of stars, 509, 923; referring to Venus, 728 ; referring to Gemini, 2774; with descriptive list of stars, 275 ; fragment of, 2787.

Atkal-ana-Bll. Bubi/ Ionian scribe.

! "5=^! ^? y? "^y "^^R. gift from, 478.

Azaggi. Title of Enlil. -+ <?? -II-s^, in religious text, 1811.

Azaggid (or Kubu). Divine name or title. -"Jf- ^^J j^-*, in religious text, 1811.


Babilu. See Babylon.

Babylon (Babilu). (-tfy) s^^? ->f-

(Etl!) (<M), <L< ^-??l? «m), its

restoration by Esarhaddon at the be- ginning of his reign, 38; revolt of, in letter from Ashur-bani-pal, 71 ; king of, in historical inscription, 1850, in letters, 355, 479, 3126, in colophon, 1470; governor of, in letter, 52 ; " Lord of," i.e., Marduk, in royal letter, 1347 ; •' Lady of," i.e., Sarpanitum, 309 ; texts copied from originals in, 498, 2451 ; gift from, 478; in historical inscriptions, 111, 146, 3308; in historical or votive inscription, 3314; in historical or re- ligious text, 1038 ; in list of cities, 1370 ; in diplomatic despatch, 3332 ; in letters, 256, 1131, 1188, 1215, 1572, 1836, 1923, 3122, 3136; in prayer, 1646; in prayer or astrological report, 100; in address, probably by Marduk, 269 ; in royal titles, 48, 147, 478. Babylonians, in letters, 319, 1164, 1837.

Bada. Mate proper name. I <<! ^<yf f?, in letter, 2596.

Balasi. Eoyal astroloyer. f "^f ^]* [tyy tg] , letter to the king from, 1 230.

Barbara. See Jackal-star.

Bazu. Country. \^ -^f ]] -^ff, Esar- haddon's conquest of, 109.

Beasts, in inventory, 815. See also Animals.

Bee, emblematic of Lower Egypt, 627.

Bel. Title of Marduk. '~'^%, -+ ^\, invoked in letter of Tammaritu, 293 invoked in letters to the king, 52, 84 referred to in letter to the king, 13 " the forces of," in royal letter, 1347.

Bel-eresh. Male proper name, y »-|^ ■^>< ^<('(, seal-impression of, 1737.

B§l-ib[ni], or Bel-lu-[dari], q.v. Male proper name. I -'^]\* HJ (?) [£^], in historical inscription, 1881.



Bel-ibni. Hi fjh officer. \''A\^ ^'

in letters, 1856, 3015. Bel - ikisha. Governor of Ganihulu.

y "^m H ?, in letter, 1886. Bel-kharran-b§l-usur. Epomjm ruler,

741 or 727 B.C. J >-I[. ^ —< A^,

in contract-tablet, 80. B§l-kharran-shadua. Eponym ruler.

y ^\ ^ \^ «) y?, in copy of votive

inscription, 862; in list of accounts,

271. Bel-lu-[dari], or Bel-ib[ni], q.u. Male

proper name. \-'^n^ HUCO [^ -yyiL

in historical inscription, 1881. Bel napkhari. Divine title, " Lord of

all." «-I|^ CCl' ^^ historical or religions

corapositiou, 1728. Bel-nasir. Astrologer. 'i*'^'^'m,JL^^,

in letter, 1856.

Bel-sharrani. Eponym ruler, 6"J'J u.c.

y "'^'i'i li >W' con tract- tablet, 168; on clay sealing, 464.

Bel-ushezib. Jfoyal astrologer. ] £^yi|^ ^ -^ /, letter to the king from, 52.

B§lit, or Ninlil, as "Lady of Arbeia," 117.

Belit-Babili. See Lady of Babylon.

Belit-ilani. See Lady of the gods.

Belit-sha-Uruk. See Lady of Erech.

Bikni. Mountain. ^^ ^ -y^^ [^], in historical inscription, 438.

Bilingual incantations. See Incanta- tions, Sunierian, witii Assyrian trans- lations.

Birds, list of. See Lists, explanatory ; see also Doves.

Bit - Dakuru. District in Clialdea. ^! y iry m si * letter, 1671.

Bit-Imbi. Elamite fortress. "^J] ^JW y '^'fif' « ^E' i" historical inscrip- tions, 1887, 3327.

Bit-nuru. &yyyy >^ illl, in title of incantation-series, 3206.

Bit-riduti. Women's quarters, in palace at Nineveh, 3333.

Bit-rimki. S^yyyy 0 <^, in historical

inscription, 2560. Body-guard, royal. In letter, 1128. Bowl, of alabaster, witii inscription of

Assyrian king, 25. Bowls, of claj', with royal inscriptions,

161, 162, 352, 371, 376, 469, 628-630,

757-759, 787-791, 1464, 1466, 3316. Bowmen, in historical inscription, 1. Bows, on Assyrian seal-impressions, 792. Brick, of Tukulti-Ninib I, 415. Brickwork, omens from, 2116. Bronze, ban tlirough dagger of, 1270.

Bubilu. Elamite city, -tyy 1^- ^ ^, in letter, 1135.

Building-inscriptions, 232 ; on prism, 17 ; on barrel cylinders, 6, 14, 115, 147, 367, 368, 372 ; on clay bowls, 352, 371, 628-630, 757, 758, 1464, 1466; clay bowls probably containing, 376, 469, 759, 787-789. See also Ashur- bani-pal, Ashur-nasir-pal, Esarhaddon, Sennacherib, Sin-shar-ishknn, Historical inscriptions, Votive inscriptions.

Bull of Heaven. Zodiacal constellation, Taurus. See Gudanua.

Calah(Kalkha.Kalkhi> City. >-t'^^WYn<'

in letter, 1950 ; in colophon, 1470 ;

"Cyy ^yy? ^, in letter 49. Camels, loan of, 866 : in letter, 1925. Cancer. Zodiacal constellation. See

Allul. Canvas, impression of, on sealing, 607. Carchemish (Gargamish). -^yy ^

E^yyy^ tjn, in comract-tablet, 296. Cartouche, of blue paste, for inlaying,

413. Castle, attacked by Assyrian archers, on

.seal-impression, 792.



Cattle, memorandum-tablet concerning grain for, 255 ; account-tablet con- cerning, 3156 ; ill list or account-tablet, 2566 ; in letter, 223; omens from, 3167.

Cedars, from Mt. Amanus, 1.

Census-lists, 814, 817.

Ceremonies, directions for ; referring to Nusku, 1344 ; referring to Ea and Marduk, 2066 ; including offerings to the "Lady of Babylon," 309; with offerings, 1857, 2995; accompanying incantations, 1377, 1672, 1968; pro- bably accompanying incantations, 521 ; fragments contaiuing, 502, 1847, 2479- 2482 ; fragments probably containing 580, 729. See also Incantations.

Chaldea(Kaldu). Cotintnj. V tyn<y§i!f:: , in letter, 3326; e^f ^? ^tf, in letter, 1938.

Chaldeans, ^^ tjlf? ti'\, on barrel - cylinder. 111; g^ i.]]] ^ f, ]], in letter, 1706.

Chariot, portents for a prince when in his, 498.

Charioteers, in historical inscription, 135.

Chariots, in letter to the king, 1 173 ; captain of the, 1771.

Chronicle, fragment of Babylonian dynastic, 1386.

Cilicia(Khilakki,Kue> ^^ 4i^Ml<M' ■4^ JZ^^ ty?, Sennacherib's expedition to, 3329; V ^ !=II! <M' Esarhad- don's conquest of, 109.

Cimmerians (Umman-manda, Umman- mauda Gimraa). ^1, « gyy , ^ « Klfy

tVm <SyT E-TI V, y?. i" relation to astrological phenomena, 96.

Cities, list of. See Lists, explanatory. Cloth, impression of, on clay sealings,

277, 379, 466, 467. Clouds, omens from, 921, 1733.

Colophons, fragments of, from First Tablet of a series, 1428 ; from Second Tablets of Series, 1416, 1419 ; from Sixth Tablet of a series, 1408 ; from Sixteenth Tablets of series, 1418, 1422; from Forty-third Tablet of a series, 1399; from Forty-eighth Tablet of a series, 1337 ; from Eighty-second Tablets of Series, 1415, 1429; of tablets from Library of Temple of Nabu, 434, 444, 648 ; fragments of, 429, 679, 690, 698, 704, 717, 721, 726, 782, 784. 1402, 1413,1426,2128-2131,2252,2257-2279, 2281-2301, 2303, 2304, 2306, 2308-2318, 2320-2330, 2332-2340, 2342-2350, 2352-2359, 2361, 2362, 2364-2366, 2368-2373, 2375-2391, 2393-2414, 2416-2419, 2421-2423, 2428-2433, 2435-2451, 2997-3002 ; fragment, possibly of, 860 ; fragments of Baby- lonian, 534, 2360, 2415, 2420.

Colossi, of stone, letter concerning, 1224.

Columns, in palace of Sennacherib, 1.

Commagene. See Kummukhi.

Contract-tablets, recording sales of slaves 83, 221, 457.

, recording sales of houses,

or house property, 58, 224, 231, 262, 274, 1715, 2590.

, recording sales of land.

or landed property, 50, 80, 134, 168, 171, 182, 185, 195, 201, 214, 222, 225, 261, 278, 458, 571, 855, 1584, 1607; Neo- Babylonian, 1692.

, containing list of names.

in connexion with transfer of landed property, 99.

, recording division of

properties, 1153, 1840.

, recording the hire of a

house or land, 66.

-, concerning the possession

of land, 773.

2 G



Contract-tablets, recording loans, of silver, 212, 219, 220, 226, 296; of copper, 215 ; of camels, 866 ; recording loans, 94, 461, 462 ; recording a loan or payment of silver, 845.

, heart-shaped or triangu- lar, recording a loan of corn, 849; concerning grain, 93.

- , fragments of, dated, 183,

228, 240, 320, 456, 753, 1956 ; dated, with seal-impressions, 174, 756, 1104; with seal-impressions, 140, 170, 176, 199, 229, 249, 381, 480, 486, 1148, 1586, 1696, 1737, 1953, 3161, 3319; with nail-marks, 159, 180, 196, 299, 634, 842, 844; with Phoenician characters, 1864; fragments of, 68, 81, 95, 175, 178, 179, 184, 197, 198, 200, 213, 230, 267, 288, 289, 307, 315, 330-332, 335, 339, 341, 353, 366, 385-388, 390-394, 396-404, 406-410, 459, 460, 561, 796, 836, 837, 846, 850, 851, 852, 854, 1796, 1952, 3159, 3160, 3162; fragments probably from, 33, 405, 1117; frag- ments of Babylonian, 186, 313, 557, 1695; Babylonian fragments probably from, 1378 ; or account-tablets, 808, 840; or commercial document, 1716; or docket, relating to grain, 333 ; or list of proper names, 1609 ; or memo- randum-tablet, 338; or report, 1169, 1170, 1628.

, fragments from cases of.

933, 3164 ; with seal-impression, 3163. - , fragment of early Baby-

lonian, 1391,

Copper, loan of, 215 ; vessels of, in letter, 1139; votive objects of, in list, 766.

Cords, impressions of, on clay sealings, 277, 379, 382, 464-468, 1134, 1494, 1555, 3317 ; or reed, on heart-shaped contract, 849.

Com, loan of, 849. See also Grain.

Cotton, earliest record of the cultivation and weaving of, 3329.

Countries, list of. See Lists, explanatory. Crescent, in seal-impressions, 215, 756 ;

suppoited by standard, 212. Crown-prince, referred to in letter,

probably to the king, 1212 ; in letter,


Cuthah(Kutu). City. jC^t^T^-dEJ, in letters, 216, 3148; iu explanatory list of temples, 1793 ; copy of an inscription in, 1400.

Cylinder-seals, impressions of. See Seal-impressions.


Da[ ]. Male proper name, f g^T*'!

.-y[ ], in letter, 1218.

Damascus (Dimashka). City, -t]] ^z

4- >^T. governor of, 3329. Damgalnunna. Goddess. See Damkina.

Damkina. Goddess. -4- ^^I* [KM ■— ^y], referred to, with Ba, in incanta- tion, 158; ►+ ^B! ET- [-fflpf -^y]-

address to, 1964. Dananu. Eponym ruler, 680 B.C. } ^^f

>^! ^ ESS V "^^ -tyy « ^^

y«-«*-i, in contract-tablet, 221.

Danuni. Male proper name, f ^y^T ■^ £^ tE) 'D contract-tablet, 50.

Date, double, on contract-tablet, 221.

Dates, attached to historical or votive texts, 367, 862, 3329, 3330, 3333.

, attached to contract-tablets, 50,

66, 80, 83, 93, 94, 134, 168, 183, 195, 212, 213, 215, 219, 226, 228, 240, 261, 320, 457, 462, 753, 756, 866, 1956. , attached to letters, reports, memo-

randa, etc., 271, 659, 766, 769, 840. -, attached to clay sealings, 464,

468, 3317.

, by regnal years, 38, 174, 478.

Demon, on amulet, 411. See also

Incantations, against evil spirits.



D§r. Babylonian city on Elamiie frontier. e^I -Hf- <M' in It'tter, 1138; in explanatory list of temples, 1793 ; city- gate of, in historical inscription, 2563.

Despatch, diplomatic, Assyrian copy of, 3332; draft or copy of, possibly in connexion with a treaty, 1227 ; quoted in inscription of Ashur-bani-pal, 506. See also Letters.

Diagrams, illustrating liver oraens, 136 ; in treatise on the liver, 424.

Dilgan. Constellation. tt^>l- 3|||, in astrological report, 90 ; in astro- nomical text, 509.

Dimashka. See Damascus.

Directions, for ceremonies. See Gere- monies.

, for offerings. See Offerings.

Disk, winged, on seal-impressions, 215, 249 ; solar, on scarab, 627.

Divination, markings of liver significant in, 424.

Diviner, EJJ^ "—, in incantation, 3249 ; in directions for ceremonies, 2481 ; in letter, 3108.

Division, of properties, 1153, 1840.

Docket, with impression of royal seal, 383 ; or contract-tablet, relating to grain, 333.

Dog, of Gula, 1746. See also Hound.

Doves, presentation of, before Shamash

530. Diunnzi. God. See Tammuz.

Dunann. Governor of Gambulu. y Eij >— ^f "j^, In historical inscription, 126.

Dunpauddu. A nameof the planet Jupiter. ►»f <JtV|YT ^ /-y -i|^ in astro- logical texts, 454, 914, 966.

Dfir-Iakini. Fortress in Bit-IaHni. --TT ^Sy T ^Tl <I0 ^, in historical inscription, 146.

D<ir-ila. See Der.

DUr-Sharrukin. City. (-::yy) ^gy « £iy, in letters, 1925, 2645, 3148; in report or memorandum- tablet, 1801.

, men of, ^tj]* ^0 i^^ ^1

y? y?, in letter, 1132. Dur-Sharrukinaiti. Female proper

name. Referred to, 1132.

Ea. God. -Hh e^yyyy yi, incantations to, 3207; " King of the Abyss," in incanta- tion, 500 ; with his consort, in incanta- tion, 158 ; ia hymn or mythological legend, 945 ; in prayers or incantations, 2490, 2495 ; in incantations, 1 53, 545, 2902 ; in ceremonies, 2066 ; in religious texts, 516, 1741 ; in religious or ex- planatory text, 3303 ; in omen-text, 1787; synonyms of, in explanatory list of gods, 51 ; priest of, in letter to the king, 89.

. "^y^ <M. incantation to, 2374 ;

in incantation or mythological legend, 3218 ; in prayer or incantation, 3213 ; in religious text, 1330.

. , «-i>f- y, referred to in incantation,

153. See also Ninzadim.

Ea-bani (or Enkidu). Friend and com- panion of Gilgamesh. ^*>^\3^ ^10 Sp, in Third Tablet of the Gilgamash Epic, 56.

Ea-nas[ir]. Male proper nam^. y '"'»^yij,

m ^^ 5^[n ^]' '«"«'•' "64.

Eagle, demon with claws of, 411. Eanna. Temple of Nana {Ishtar) at Erech.

tyyyy ^^ >-/-y, Ashur-baui- pal's

restoration of Nana's statue to, 3333. Earthquake, in the night, omen from,

960 ; in omens, 944. Eclipse, letter to the king interpreting

a solar, 96; omen from a solar, 2779;

letter to the king reporting a lunar, 72 ;

royal prayer against the evils following

a lunar, 1959 ; letter, probably to the 2 G 2



Eclipse continued.

king, concerning an, 1195; in letter, 947 ; astrological report concerning an, 1103 ; in astrological text, 936 ; omens from wind dnring an, 1547.

Eclipses, omens derived from, 23, 915, 921, 931, 951, 964, 970, 1006, 2021, 2781 ; fragment, probably containing omens from, 2780.

Egibi. Founder of a Babylonian family. y ^] ►yy^ ^, in colophon of Babylonian tablet. 498.

Egypt (Musur, Musuri). V" "^^ <^. V "^ ^^ -[yyi], in historical inscriptions, 695, 3310; in prayer or astrological report, 100; king of, in historical inscription, 1596 ; emblem of Lower, 627 ; Scarab from, 414.

Egyptian cartouche, imitation of, 413.

Egsrptians (Mnsraa). \^ -t^ '^"^X E^yy y? y?' i^ historical inscription, 135.

Eiam (Elamtu). \^ <n (ET) <M ' in historical inscriptions, 1, 18, 22, 48, 110, 375, 473, 992, 1828, 3338, 3340; in letters, 1032, 1189, 1205, 1232, 1537, 1838, 1859 ; report or letter concerning, 1 639 ; referred to in address by Marduk, 269 ; king of, in letter probably from Ashur-bani-pal, 1937 ; letters referring to king of, 86, 1135 ; revolt of, referred to in letter from Ashur-bani-pal, 71 ; gods of, invoked in letter from Tam- maritu, 293 ; Ibil-Sin's conquest of, in

omen-tablet, 2833; i^W* \_ ], in

royal title, 1.

Elamites. f^ Cl\ t] <M (C J)- '" historical inscriptions. 111, 375 ; in list, 2675.

Elamtu. See Elam.

Elul, a Second, in date in an appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god, 4 1 .

Emashmash. Temple oflshtar at Nineveh. S^yyyi + + . in religious text, 442.

Enbilulu. Name of Marduk. -^ "^ S Hn I^» in explanatory list of gods, 51.

Enki. Gnd ; identified with Ea. "-»|- '"^, ^M > i" explanatory list of gods, 51. See also Ea.

Enkidu. See Ea-bani.

Enlil. God. ^^yij^ eyyy, prayer or incantation to, 3246 ; incantation to, 3223 ; with his consort, in incantation, 158 ; in Sumerian incantation, 3285 ; in bilingual composition, 653 ; in catch-line of incantation-tablet, 3251 ; in omen-text, 1787 ; in religious text, 1296 ; in building-inscriptions, 107, 367 ; in fragment, probably of his- torical inscription, 1603 ; in colophon, 1426; "[patli] of," [^] ^]* ^y -tyjj^ tyyy , in astronomical text, 923 ; weapon of, t-] Igy ^f^yH [tyyy] , 298 ; Gate of, [^a ty* "Mlltyyy, in list of gates, 1656.

, .-t^ >-<, in royal titles, 760.

See also Azaggi.

En[lil- ]. Astrologer. } '^^

[tyyy ], astrological report from,


Enlil-banda. Title of Ea. -Hh -5. E^yyy ^ E?yy, in explanatory list of gods, 51.

Enlil-bani. Male proper name, y "^y^^ £^1 31 Jl?^*' letter to the king from, 835.

Enlil-kudurri-usur. Exalted personage

or ruler. ] "^y


in diplomatic despatch, 3332.

Enlil - zer - ibni. Male proper name.

y yH g^y K* HI -J^- . >n 'etter to the king, 52.

Entena-mashshig. Star-name. [J^ty-*^] -II* ^y '-^y HF- t^#. in astrological text, 1063.

Envelope, of letter, sealed and addressed, 684.



Epigraphs, concerning the achievements

of an Assyrian king, 241. Eponyms, list of, with notes of yearly

expeditions, 80 1. See also Dates.

Erech (Uruk). C^l| <(|gf, in letters, 285, 1556, 2G56;.in report or letter, 1639 ; temple Eanua at. 3333 ; " Lady of," i.e., Ishtar, in letters, 84, 1537 ; nobles of, in letter to the king, 84.

Eresh-ilu. Male proper name. J -^"^ ^<(<( "-4" 7 in contract-tablet, 846.

Ereshkigal. Goddess. -Hf" tr^KHf £1- , referred to in letter, 223.

Eridu. -t]] ^ , in letters, 1663, 2674 ;

in incantation, 3221 ; Star of, see

Nunki. Esagila. Temple of Marduk at Babylon.

mi ^yy^ m^mi, m cylinder- inscription, 107 ; in prayer, 129 ; in prayer or incantation, 3225; in incan- tations, 36, 3222, 3257 ; in religious text, 442 ; in religious or explanatory text, 1773 ; " the son of," in prayer, 21.

Esarhaddon (Ashur - akliu - iddina). Pentagonal prism of, 38 (f -»f- —-^

E:S« tE <i^ -yi^); hexagonal prisms of, 108, 109: barrel-cylinder, probably of, 107 ; in historical inscrip- tion, 981 (f ►-V .3^ ►-); referred to in building-inscription of an Assyrian

king, 6 (y* ^+4^ £— ^ ^ ^y) ;

in double date on contract-tablet, 221 (y --V «V ^ -^y); in appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god, 53 ; or Ashur- bani-pal, in appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god, 1140.

Esharra. Temple-name and divine title. tyyyy -<^ Etyy , in incantation, 2503.

Estate, sale of an, 1820.

Estates, fragment of early Assyrian list of, 853.

Etana. Babylonian hero. "^ t.]] g^yyy "-/"y, in fragment from Legend of, 1335.

Euphrates (Purattu). y? Qf 1!«^>- -yy>" >->-y<( , on prism of Esarhaddon, 38 ;

ym ^y £^? -mm^ inmythc

logical legend or incantation, 2882 ; in incantation, 1266; Star of the, 950. Evil spirits. See Incantations, against evil spirits.

Ewes, in list of animals, 812.

Explanatory lists. See Lists, explana- tory.

Explanatory texts, relating to Sumerian composition, 122 ; probably referring to an astrological composition, 871 ; referring to extracts from an augural composition, 9 ; apparently referring to omens, 1291 ; with glosses, including a list of vessels or liquids, 1277; with glosses, 4 ; or religious, 633, 1575 ; fragments of, 450, 641, 722, 1383, 20fi9 ; fragments probably of, 649, 879, 880, 900, 902, 1343, 1380, 1406, 1554, 1745 ; fragment probably of, including list of gods, 650 ; fragment possibly contain- ing, 519. See also Astrological texts (explanatory), Astronomical texts.

Ezida. Temple of Nabu at Borsippa, cyyyy "-yyi^ E^yyi in buHding inscrip- tion, 107 ; in prayer, 2065 ; in religious or explanatory text, 1773 ; in religious text, probably containing incantations, 442.

Feast, of the New year, offerings at, 218 ; in explanatory list, 780.

Fire-god, -+ t:At] -yy^^, Gibil, incantation to, 1749 ; in incantation,


, -Hf" ^y H^ 1 Girru, in incanta- tions, 500, 2900.

, -'^ »?=Ii! , Nuskn, in incanta-

tions, 2994, 3214, 3219. See also Nusku.

Fist, of clay, as votive object, 760.

Flocks, in inventory, 190.



Foals, omens from the birth of, 1082.

Forecasts. See Omens.

Fortress, Fortifications, letters refer- ring to, 1131, 1137, 3015, 3066, 3094.

Fox-star, i-th'^ ^fe f?, omens from, 1909 ; in astronomical text, 509.

Frost, predicted, 953.


Gabbari. Eponym ruler, 667 b.c. y t^^ "it:! "-yy^, in contract-tablet, 212.

Gabbi. Male proper name, y t^ ^ t£*, in colophon, 1505.

Gabbi-ilani-eresh. Male proper name.

y t^ S -4- !►►- [Sff: ^x <«], in colophon, 2451.

Gambulu. Aramean City, ^-i^ V '^ ^■" IeUi Ashur-bani-pal's vengeance on, 126; the people of, e^ ^ ■i«^- IHJ*^|;, letter concerning, 1241.

Gardens, of Sennacherib at Nineveh, 3329 ; in legal or historical inscription, 804 ; omens from, 1761.

Gargamish. See Carchemish.

Garments, lists of, 60, 273, 833, 1655 ;

in inventories, 190 ; garment for day wear, 478.

Gates, list of, 1656.

Gemini. Zodiacal constellation. See 'iVins, Astronomical texts, .■Astrological reports.

Gibil. See Fire-god.

Gift, royal or private deed of, 1326 ; note accompanying a, 478.

Gilgamesb. Babylonian hero and demi- god. -4- ty TT^ 4- , in Third Tablet of Gilgamesh epic, 56.

Gilgamesh epic. See Legends, mythological.

Gimraa. See Cimmerians.

Girru. See Fire-god.

Girsu. Sumerian city, a division of Lagash.

-^yyy n^II <M. in copy of early votive inscription, 2040 ; in explanatory list of temples, 1793.

Goats, omens from, 3167.

God, seated, in seal-impression, 756.

Goddess, holding ring or wreath, in seal -impression, 212. See also Incanta- tions, Prayers.

Gods. See Lists (explanatory), Incanta- tions, Prayers.

Gold, in liistoricalinsciiptions, 1485,1516; in letters, 1193, 1S09, 1947, 3012; votive objects of, 766.

Grain, contract-tablets concerning, 93, 333 ; account-tablets concerning, 181, 794, 832, 857 ; in memorandum-tablets, 244, 255. See also Corn.

Grammatical paradigms. Series

m <M ^ry? :^ m * yn ^y*

^y """yK i 1 fragment of, 1414.

, concerning religious sub- jects, 691 ; concerning legal subjects, 651 ; probably concerning legal subjects, 1432 ; concerning legal or commercial subjects, 416 ; from copy of text of Asbur-nasir-pal's reign, 1430 ; fragment of text containing, 1506.

Grjrphons, or mythological creatures, in seal-impression, 3163.

Gudanna. " The Bull of heaven," the Zodiacal constellation Taurus. [tI^|]»-Hh* ty* ^^ ^[^], in explanatory list, 2022.

Gula. Goddess. ">(- ■J>* «-^y, prayer to, 2932 ; incantation to Ninshakh and, 3247 ; invoked in letter to the king, 13 ; directions for offerings before, 689 ; in mcantations, 141, 500, 2879, 2881, 3244, 3259 ; iu tablet of prescriptions for the sick, 104; in religious text, 579; dog of, 1746.




Hades. See Underworld.

Halo, " Lord of the Horns of the," 191 ; Saturn within the Moon's, 1114; Aliul (probably Cancer) within the Moon's, 290.

Halos, solar and lunar, in astrological report, 92; omens from, 941, 1788, 1834; in astrological text, 934, 946, 1755.

Harvest, failure of, through drought, 96 ; in Assyria, 758.

Hemerologies, fragments probably of,

2759, 3193-3199. Herds, in inventories, 190. Hero, in conflict wiih winged mytho- logical beings, in seal-impressions, 684. Hire, of house or land, 66. Historical inscriptions, of Assyrian kings, referring to Egypt, 135, 695, 3310 ; refeiTing to Elam, 48, 375 referring to Arpad and Samaria, 813 referring to Babylon and Dur-Iakini. 146 ; refeiTing to Babylon and the Sea- land, 1850; referring to Ur and the land of Shurda, 632 ; referring to Der, 2563 ; refeiTing to Akkad, 1597 ; refer- ring to Sennacherib, 1762; including building-records, 544, 1606 ; on frag- ments of hexagonal prisms, 17, 374; on fragments of octagonal prisms, 1546, 2549 ; on fragments of prisms, 1010, 1515, 1732, 1863, 1879, 2552, 2771- 2773, 3305, 3307 ; on fragments probably from prisms, 204, 1282, 1561, 3306, 3308, 3309, 3311 ; on fragment possibly from prism, 1644; on fragments of barrel-cylinders, 111, 438, 447, 1493, 1771; fragments of, 22, 1001, 1605, 1650, 1684, 1685, 1705, 1881, 1898, 2553-2555, 2557-2562, 3312; fragments probably containing, 610, 1180, 1485, 1603; fragments possibly containing, 578, 1017, 1033, 1038, 1285, 1396, 1571, 1690, 1726, 1728, 1759, 2059, 2060, 2556; or votive, 1031, 1126, 3314;

Historical inscriptions continued. or votive, probably copied from stone inscription, 1356. See also Ashur-bani- pal, Esarhaddon, Sennacherib, Tiglath- pileser I, Building-inscriptions, Votive- inscriptions.

Hittite portal, inpalaceof Sennacherib, 1.

Horse, Fable of the, 32; on seal- impressions, 465-467.

Horses, letters referring to, 82, 223, 297, 1127, 1128, 1233, 1545, 1892, 1930; in inventories, 190 ; list of, 1541 ; tribute of, 3335.

Hound, as emblem, in seal-impression, 756. See also Dog.

House, hire of, 66 ; omens from brickwork of, 2116.

House-property, sales of, 224, 231, 262,

274, 2590.

Houses, sales of, 58, 1715; oniens from, 2005, 2053, 2108.

Hurricane, astrological report con- cerning, 76.

Hymns, or mythological legends, 922, 945.

, alliterative Cacrostics), 873, 1459.

, or incantations. See Incantations.

, Sumerian. See Incantations,


, "in paragraphs." See Incanta- tions, with the couplets separated by horizontal lines.

, with lines, or couplets, separated

by horizontal lines. See Incantations, do.


!(?)[ ]. Male proper name, f J:^[ ],

letter to the king from, 1158.

lakinlu. King of Arvad. In historical inscription, 3335.

lakinu. Male proper name, f ^fj ^gy ^,

in letter to the king, 52.



Ibex, on seal-impressions, 215, 1104,

1586. Ibil-Sin. King of Ur, about 2325 B.C.

tE £::^J:y -+ ^'('(' 'n omen-texts, 2833, 8166. Igigi. Spirits of heaven, "-ef- ""11^ "11-^' i'l prayer or incantation, 640; in religious text, 638; «->f- '^ ff, in prayers or incantations, 236, 2908, 3258 ; " princess of the," 1601.

Illat. God. ->f ^\^, in religious

text, 1271. Ilu-ittia. Eponym ruler, 694 B.C., and

governor of Damascus J ■-'■f- <(|EJ t^J^

E5S V "-^ -tyy l^ Hh "^y. in prism of Sennacherib, 3329.

Ilushu-[ ]. Mule proper name.

y -rf ^[ ], in letter, 1163.

Image, referred to in historical inscrip- tion, 2560.

Images, of clay, to be burnt in magical rites, 2994.

Imbappa. Assyrian turtan, or com- mander-in-chief y ^^ "-^^y t^y ^,

in barrel-cylinder of Sennacherib, 1. Imbappi. Prefect of Bit-Imbi. In

histoiical inscription of Ashur-bani-pal,

1887. Imprecations, from copies probably of

stone-inscriptions, 426, 1280, 1400;

from prism, 3337.

Incantations. Series Shurpu, -^ j^«-- Part of Third Tablet, 1270; portion, probably from Third Tablet, 524 ; part of Fourth Tablet, 660 ; portions of Eighth Tablet, 1269, 1792.

Series MakM, tl -S M f^W-

Fragment, possibly from Second Tablet, 899 ; part of Third Tablet, 27.

Series Bit u,h-u, tyyyy >^ ^jn,

Incantations continued.

1252-1254, 1261, 1264, 1404; Sume- rian, against evil spirits, 418 ; bilingual, probably against evil spirits, 123 ; bi- lingual, against evil spirits, the couplets separated by horizontal lines, 764 ; against evil spirits, the lines separated by horizontal lines, 1 263 ; against evil spirits, 1245, 1248, 1710, 1851, 2907.

, Sumeriau, 318, 501, 1810, 3205,

477, 3206.

, against evil spirits, probably

3262, 3263; with glosses, 310; with

the lines separated by horizontal lines,

142. See also Sumeriau compositions.

- , SuMierian, with interlinear As-

syrian translations, 19, 30, 101, 144, 357, 522, 647, 752, 793, 1057, 1246, 1290, 1374-1376,1528, 1804, 1824, 1976, 2047, 3264-3276, 3279-3284 ; fragment probably containing, 1313; for the sick, 1327 ; addressed to the Sun-god, 1281 ; including addresses to Marduk and Damgalnunna (Damkina), 1964 ; referring to Marduk, 3277, 3278 ; referring to Enlil, 3285. See also Sumeriau compositions.

■, Sumeriau, vith interlinear As-

syrian translations, tlie couplets sepa- rated by horizontal lines, 173, 202, 425, 427, 723, 1267, 1749, 1757, 1982, 3286-3290; addressed to Ninib, 765, 1711. See also Sumeriau compositions.

, Sumerian, with Assyrian trans-

lations, in parallel columns, 503. See also Sumerian compositions. , and directions for ceremonies.

55, 154, 441, 482, 483, 689, 986, 1675, 1747, 1975, 1979, 1984, 2483-2485, 2877, 2883-2898 ; fragment probably containing, 2996.

, addressed to Ea, 3207 ; to

belonging to the Series Jll^J»^y <h^ Vy l—> i-^ii, 1^^7, 1249,

Shamash and Adad, 3224 ; to the Moon- god, 2874 ; including one to the Sun- god, 2875 ; including one to Bulil, 3223 ; including one to Ishtar, 1262, 3220 ; to tlie " Princess of the Igigi," 1601 ; referring to Anu, 3211, 3256 ; referring



Incantations eoti tinued.

to Ea, 2902, 3213 ; referring- to Nu- dimmud, 3221 ; referring' to Adad, 3245 ; referring to the Sun-god, 3248 ; referring to Marduk, 1574 ; referring- to Liigal-girra, 2899 ; referring to Nusku, 2994, 3214, 3219 ; referring to the Fire-god, 2876, 2900 ; referring to the River-god, 3208 ; referring to tlie River-god and Anu, 148 ; referring to Ea, Shamash, Marduk, and Adad, 153 ; referring to the Fire-god, Ea and Marduk, 500 ; referring to Anu, Enlil, Ea, Sin and their consorts, 158 ; refer- ring to Ninib and Ura, 43 ; referring to Nergal and the Sibitti, 3216 ; refer- ring to the Sibitti and Igigi, 236 ; referring to the Igigi, 3258 ; referring to Marduk and Gula, 3259 ; referring to Ninsliakh and Gula, 3247 ; referring to Gula, 141, 2879, 2881, 3244 ; refer- ring to Ishtar and Tammuz, 2046 ; referring to Ishtar, 2901 ; referring to the " Lady of the gods," 448, 713 ; referring to Esagila, 3222, 3257.

, -with the Couplets separated by

horizontal lines, 546, 658, 1779, 2878, 2910, 3253 ; with the lines separated by horizonlal lines, 1445, 1662, 3252; with every tenth line numbered, 3239 ; for the sick, 1321, 1394, 2048 ; against •A sorceress, 1566 ; against witchcraft, 1265 ; on behalf of a prince when travelling, 498.

, list of, 39.

, fragments of. 10, 155, 322, 433,

437, 487, 491, .531, 558, 566, 572, 609, 64.5, 692, 693, 712, 727, 1075, 1243, 1259, 1266, 1294, 1311, 1352, 1403, 1425, 1479, 1487, 1500, 1717, 1722, 1742, 1782, 1843, 1845, 1966, 1970, 1973, 2056, 2068, 2374, 2465-2478, 2488, 2496, 2548, 3209, 3228-3238, 3240-3243, 3254, 3255, 3261 ; frag- ments probably containing, 16, 211, 301, 365, 608, 644, 1251, 1288, 1289, 1322, 1469, 1866, 2049, 2486; or

Incantations continued.

prayers, 1268 ; or religious composition, 1423 ; including list of incantations, 39 ; extracts from larger work con- taining, 545, 2503 ; on tablet dedicated to Nabu, 3260 ; on black marble amulet, 411 ; on stone tablet, 36. See also Prayeis, Religious texts.

Indabigash. Elamite king, y g^5w E^TT ^ [^], in historical inscription, 1653; in letter probably from or to Ashur- bani-pal, 1550.

Inlaying, of ivory, 413.

Inscriptions, of Assyrian kings. See Royal inscriptions. Votive inscriptions, Historical inscriptions. Building - in- scriptions.

Inventories, of property, 189, 190 ; or lists, 283, 859, 863 ; or account-tablet, 346. See also Account-tablets, Lists.

Invocations, to future rulers to preserve inscription, 980.

Irashi-ilu. Royal astrologer. Astrological report probably from, 1109.

Iron, ban through dagger of, 1270.

Irrigation- canal, from Kisiri to the Khosr, 1.

Ishpabara. ^[ale proper name. J >^ff ^ -■^y t^\], in letter, 1570.

Ishtar. Goddess. -4- -^y, ^ty^y,

-Hh <^}A}> -+ <-y^r. -+ <v/.

.-iJf- £r<yy >*r;r , prayers or incantations addressed to, 1256, 1262, 2487, 3220; of Nineveh, in building-inscription, 367 ; of Arbela, in historical inscriptions, 2561, 2562 ; in building- inscription,

367 ; as -+ E V eSII ^^y, "Lady of Erech," in letters, 84, 1537 ; in the Underworld, 193 ; with Tammuz, 2046 ; referred to in prajers or incantations, 1770, 1959, 2901, 3157 ; in historical or religious text, 1396 ; in letter, 1943 ; list of synonyms for, 1744 ; possible representation of, 212; temple of, 1 15, 371, 415, 7.58, 760; Gate of, [tS?:?] ty -Hh <W. 1656.

2 H


Ishtar-shum-eresh. Royal astrologer. Kar-Shamash. City. Inhabitants of,

y <"v ^ A^ ««). letters to the ^ tT\] -+ '^lf*[ ], in letter,

king from, 61, 64 ; astrological reports 311.

from, 69, 290; letter possibly from, Kashshuf]. Place-name, prohahly Kassite.

1498- &^ y— -J:yy ^ ^y* [ ], in letter,

Ishtu-Adad-aninu. Eponym ruler, 1916.

679 B.C. r tm -^A^ V, ?W ^^ Kha[ ]. City. ^^\\ ??<[ ], in

in contract-tablet, 66. ^^^^ ^j20

Ivory, in laying of, 413. Khabiraa. Geniilic name, Khahirite.

rii -^^^ y? y? ' in diplomatic despatch,

J .3332.

Jackal-star. ;:£:?-+ ^f ►+ '^J> Khagal[ ]. Male proper name.

in astronomical text, 509. y Tr^ ■gy^j- j^ j^ letter, 1203.

Jar, in seal-impression, 762. Khalzi-adbar. City. >--]] -- -yyi^

Jupiter. P/a,iet. (tt}"'^) "S^yy^ y- V. t^y Hh - governor of, 195.

omens from, 130, 652, 929, 952. 966, Khamanu. See Amanus. 1772, 1786, 1814, 2463; observation

of, in letter to the king. 96 ; in list, 950 ; Khamede. City, -tyy ??< y- if^ ty?,

^Hf- <Tj,vvrT ^ i^y ^j (yr)_ jq omen- '^"^'" *" ^^^ ''i"^' '^S-

text, 966; in astrological texts, 454, 914; Kharbi-Shikhu. Exalted personage, or

^ztJ-Hh J?^ ^ SI> in astronomical ruler, of Kkahiru. f ^^ ^ <y- -y|

text, 509. YY< -^t^ y^ y^ , in diplomatic despatch,


K Khatti. Syrian territorij of the Hittites.

Kakzi. Assyrian city. ^^W ^* ^yy^. "^^ ^ -<yx , in historicalinscription, 1.

in contract-tablet, 213. Khilakki. See Cilicia.

Kaldaa. See Chaldeans. Khilme. Elamite city, -^yy ^ SzD^yy y-,

Kaldu. See Chaldea. i" historical inscription, 3327.

Kal[khaa]. Male proper name. ] -tyy Khindaru. Aramean tribe, t^ A

&yy? [??< y? y?], in llst, 1865. i^SS Bll* [1M]> i" historical in-

Kalkha, Kalkhi. See Calah. scription, 1493.

Kan[nunaa]. Male proper name, y t^ Khi[r(P; ]. Male jiroper name.

HW y? Vyl in list, 1865. y'5^Ey-y*[ ]. letter to the king

V -^ T^ I -no from, 3120.

Kanunaa. Eponym ruler, WS B.C. '

y* ^-y J[yyy y^ yr, in contract-tablet, Khir[a ]. People or tribe. ^

1956. A ^ '^U*[ ]. in letter, 1556.

Kapa[ ]. City, -^yy Xy £^[ ], Khlritl. Canal. J\ & A. "Ill ""H'

in account-tablet, 843. in legal deed, 562.

Kar-[ ]. City, -^yy ^yy?*[ ], Khosr. Tributary of the Tigris. ^ Qf

on clay sealing, 1134. ""y-L^j^yy IHf. Sennacherib's work on,

Karduniash. Babylonia. V ^yy? 1' ^^^^•

(var. ^^y) (-4-) ■Q^]]]] Y/ TTY' in Khubushkaa. Inhabitants of KhubushH.

historical inscriptions, 1, 38. ^1, ^]l^ ^ ^t^ y? \], in letter, 1121.



Khubushki. City and district. -J:fy ^y^ ^- W* [<M]. in letter, 122G; A^ -Tl^ <IU, in letter, 1121.

Khusur. See Khosr.

Kidmuru. Title of the temple of Ishtar in Niaeceh. t-^* ^ >^ '^yy^, in votive inscription, 642; Queen of,

fcildf -TF m '^ -TR, in prayer or incantation, 1969.

King, on seal-impressions. See Assyrian king.

, letters to the. See Letters.

King's Gate. Name ofcity-yate. [c^?] ET-* fc|^,inlist, 16.50.

Kish. North Babjiloiiian 'it;j. <2<1 <^, ■(M 'Q"' in bilingual incantation, 123.

Kishi. See Kish

Kisiri. Villa/je to the east of Nineveh. ►tyy <^ tyy -yyi^, in historical in- scription, 1.

Kubu. See Azagg'Id.

Kue. See Cilicla.

Kuiiani. City, --yy -t-^ -gy £^* tg,

In list, 1191.

Kummukhi. Region in Northern Mesopo- tamia. \* ^ [^^ 4$i], list of tribute or spoil from, 453.

Kurgal. West Semitic god. See Amurru.

Kumunanki. Title of Sarpanitum.

""Hh "^ ""ffflf "Hh ^10 > in explanatory list, 28.

Kushkaa. Male proper name, y |gf ^I -tH y? y?, letter from, with sealed and addressed envelope, 683, 684.

Kiltu. See Cuthah.

Lady, of Babylon (Sarpanitum), ->.|- i— < <^ 5^? ►+ Etyy <Igf, 309; of Krech (Ishtar), -+ £ ^ -S<y 4lf- 84, 1537; of the gods, ^Hh "^ <^ ►^ y«.«- 448, 713, 2490.

Lagash. Sumerian city. ^<|& g^* [*"&! ^©]' in explanatory list of temples, 1793; probably in copy of early votive inscription, 2040.

Lakhamu. Deity. Possibly referred

to> [-+(?)] -Ey??<£y, in incantation, 1313.

Land, Landed property, sales of, 50, 80, 134, 168, 171, 182, 185, 195, 201, 214, 222, 225, 261, 278, 458, 571, 855, 1584, 1607, 1692; lu contract-tablet, 773; in legal or historical inscription, 804 ; transfer of, 90 ; hire of, &&.

Lan[she]. Male proper name. ] »-^y ■"■4-* [-^ S?:?]- in letter, 1231.

Lapis-lazuli, inscribed tablet of, 763; referred to in letter, 1809.

Laws, Old Babylonian. Assyrian copy of, 1580.

Legal documents, i-ecording sale of estate, 1820 ; recording gift of pro- perty, 562 ; or historical, 804, 828 ; or commercial, 259. See also Contract- tablets.

Legends, mythological. Assyrian ac- count of the Creation, 1483.

Series V "^M ^ -E

■^ ^III (Gllgame<h Epic), part of the Third Tablet, 56; fragment probably of, 1480 ; fragment possibly of, 1525.

, concerning the Descent

of Ishtar into Hades, 193.

, concerning fJtana, '-■>f- tf?

>^yyy -^y, 1335.

concerning early Baby-

lonian kings, 1278.

- , containing a fable of the

Horse and the Ox, 32.

, fragment of, 2057 ; frag- ments probably of, 913,2882; fragments possibly of, 785, 1162, 3204, 3218.

Leo. Zodiacal constellation. t-X^,"'^ |M t^i^ >-£y, in explanatory list, 2022; in astronomical text, 923 ; in astro- logical text, 1063,

2 H 2



Letters, from or to Ashur-bani-pal : from A. to Meiiaua, 71 ; to A. from Shamasli- shum-ukin, 79 ; to A. from Tammaritu, 293 ; probably from A., referrii)^ to Elam, 1937 ; probably from or to A., referring to Teumman, Indabigash, etc., 1550.

, from the king, 1347; from the

king, referring to the Chief of the merchants', 26G0 ; probably from or to the king, concerning Turushpu and the king of Uiartii, 1549; proliably from or to the king, referring to the people of Pekod, etc., 1556.

to the king : from A[ ], 91 ;

from AkkuUanu, the royal astrologer, 306; from Arad-Giila, the royal astro- loger, 1641; from Arad-Nana, the

court physician, 13; from Asljur-[ ],

1151; from Ashur-[ ], 1216 ; from

Ashur-khamatia, 89; from Ashur-

la[ ], 1124 ; from Balasi, the royal

astrologer, 1230; from Bel-ushezih, the royal astrologer, 52; from Eulil-bani,

835; from !(?)[ ], 1158; from

Ishtar-shum-eresh, the royal astro- loger, 61, 64, 1498 (possibly); from

Khi[r(?) ], 3120; from Marduk-

bani-[apli (?)], 281; from Marduk- shum-iddina, 1130 (possibly), 1154; from Marduk-shakin-shumi, the royal astrologer, 1196; from Marduk-ushal- liin-akhe, 78; from Naliii-akliG-riba, the royal astrologer, 77, 1142 (possibly); from Nabu-shum-iddina, 70; from Nabu-zer-ushteshir and Adad-shum-

usur, 62 ; from Neigal-[ ], 479 ;

from Nergal-shum-iddina, the royal astrologer, 72; from Sharru-imurani, the Epoiiym ruler, 1806 ; from Sin-ibni, 217; from Taklak-[ana-beli], the Eponym ruler, 1573 ; from correspon- dents, the ends of whoso names are preserved, 1209, 1223, 1598; from correspondents, of whose names only traces are preserved, 1173, 1184, 3032 ; from an official, 1221 ; from a royal astronomer, 188; fronj the chief

Letters con tinned.

astrologer, 75; from a royal astrologer, referring to offerings to Marduk at the New Year's Festival, 218 ; or com- munication to the king, from a royal astrologer, 96.

, to the king: referring to the

Urartians, 1235, 1616; referring to Elam, 1205 ; referring to Babylon, 1215 ; referring to Nisibis, Khamede and Mashkhalsa, 45; referring to the palace, 1608; referring to certain land, 838; fragments of, 97, 308, 680, 1159, 1198, 1201, 1204, 1214, 1222, 1349, 1629, 16.58, 1910-1913, 2.098, 2603, 2611, 2617, 2621, 2622, 2637.

, to the king, Babylonian : refer- ring to Elam, 1537 ; referring to Assyria and certain nobles of Erech, 84 ; referring to Ur, 493 ; with invoca- tion to Sin and Ningal, 1579 ; referring to horses, 297 ; referring to troops, 1855 ; fragments of, 74, 336, 1210, 1220, 1830, 2642, 2651.

, probably addressed to the king :

referring to Elam, 1032, 1135; refer- ring to Urartu, 848 ; referring to Khubushki, 1121; referring to Arbela, 1823; referring to Der, 1138; referring to Bel-ibni, 3015; referring to troops, 120, 1849; referring to the royal signet- ring, 1194; fragments of, 63, 1125, 1155, 1156, 1166, 1176, 1203, 1218, 1.529, 1548, 1709, 1729, 1862, 1905, 1915, 1918, 1919, 1921, 1922, 3005, 3006. 3010, 3022, 3024, 3026, 3030, 3035, 3061, 3102; possibly addresseil to the king, 1593, 1841, 1842; frag- ment possibly containing a letter or report to the king, 1914.

probably addressed to the king.

Babylonian: referring to Bit-Dakuru, 1671 ; referring to the crown-prince and the king's forces, 1212 ; referring to the tiiitan. and to troops, 82; re- ferring to troops, 1736; referring to the palace, 1837; concerning an eclipse.



Letters con tin ued.

1195 ; fragments of, 59, 279, 304, 1190, 1465, 1582, 1G61, 1936, 3133, 3146.

, referring to the king, 26, 49,

245, 1219, 1228, 1488, 1537, 1543, 1625, 1923, 1928, 1939, 1940, 1946, 2581, 2585,3037-3039, 3068, 3103; fragment probably referring to tlie king, 3326. - , referring to the king, Babylonian,

1172, 1187, 1231, 1917, 1924, 1933, 1948,3094, 3114,3138.

, to Nabu-khammatua from Kush-

kaa, with sealed and addressed envelope, 683, 684.

, probably to the sakin-sharri from

Nabu-[ ], 1168; probably to a

lady, 798; from Ashur-bel-usur, 577;

from Kar[ ], 1654.

, portions of : referring to King

Afhur-bani-pal, 1945; referring to a certain Marduk-aplu-iddina, 1848 ; refer- ring to the queen-mother, 85 ; referring to Elam, 1189, 1232, 1838, 1859 ; refer- ring to the Uraitians, 1234, 1236-1238; referring to the Rakhiku, 1602; re- ferring to the [UJkkaa, 1225; referring to the Tunaa, the Chaldeans and the crown-prince, 1706; referring to the jieople of Gambulu, 1241; referring to Urzukhina, 1122, 1123; referring to Khubushki, 1226; referring to Kash- 8hu[ ], 1916; referring to Snbartu, 295; refeiTJng to Akkad,364; referring to Babylon, 1131, 1188; refeiring to Cuthah, 216 ; referring to Assyria, 1239; referring to Nineveh, 1932; re- ferring to Diir-Shanukin, 1132, 1925; referring to Calah, 1950 ; referring to the temple of Ashur, 1119, 2571; in- voking Ashur in salutation-formula, 1941; referring to Ishtar, 1943; re- ferring to an eclipse, 947 ; referring to fortresses, 1137, 3066; probably re- jwrting the result of a battle, 1648; referring to foreign messengers, 1926; referring to nobles, 1944; referring to " the chariots of the nobles," 1136 ; re-. ferring to troops, 1660, 1798, 1821,

Letters continued.

2172, 2193, 3063; referring to horses, 1127, 1128, 1233, 1,545, 1892, 1930; referring to horses and cattle, 223; referring to sheep and other animals, 806 ; referring to watchmen and oxen, 829 ; referring to a diviner and to sheep, 3108; referring to sacrificial victims for the palace, 266; referring to the jnesentation of doves before Shamash, 530 ; referring to land, 314 ; referring to a good harvest, 2578 ; re- ferring to gold, 1193, 1947, 3012; referring to gold and lapis-lazuli, 1809 ; referring to silver, 1522, 3019, 3070; referring to stone colossi, 1224; re- ferring to wood, 1591, 1799; referring to doors, 1141; referring to copper vessels, 1139.

, portions of, 34, 156, 203, 237,

247, 389, 699, 805, 830, 1129, 1147, 1152, 1157, 1160, 1161, 1163, 1171, 1175, 1179, 1181, 1183, 1185, 1186, 1192, 1197, 1199, 1202, 1206, 1211, 1213, 1217, 1242, 1482, 1502, 1512, 1514, 1517, 1530-1532, 1538, 1551, 1560, 1570, 1594, 1600, 1615, 1619, 1624, 1626, 1631, 1651, 1687, 1797, 1853, 1860, 1871, 1878, 1902, 1927, 1931, 1934, 2132-2146, 2148-2156, 2158-2171, 2173-2192, 2194-2196, 2198-2210, 2212-2217, 2226, 2452- 2456, 2568-2570, 2572-2577, 2579, 2580, 2582-2584, 2586-2589, 2591- 2597, 2599-2602, 2605, 2606, 2608- 2616, 2619, 2620, 2624-2636, 2638- 2640, 3004, 3007-3009, 3011, 3013, 3014, 3016-3018, 3020, 3021, 3023, 3025, 3027-3029, 3031, 3033, 3034, 3036, 3040-3060, 3062, 3061, 3065, 3067, 3069, 3071-3093, 3095-3101, 3104-3107; fragment probably of, 1167.

- , portions of, Babylonian; referring

to the kings of Klam and Assyria, 86 ; referring to the king of Babylon, 355, 3126 ; referring to Marduk-aplu-iddina (possibly Merodach-baladan), 3113 ;



Letters con tinned.

referring to Bel-ibni, Marduk-aplu- iddina and Bel-nasir, 1856; referring to Babylon, 256, liui, 1836, 3122, 3136 ; referring to Babylonians, 1164; refer- ring to Chaldea, 1938; referring to Eridu, 1663, 2674 ; referring to Kar- Shamash and Akkad, 311 ; referring to Akkad and Erech, 285 ; referring to Eiecli, 2656 ; referring to Cuthah and Dur-Sharriikin, 3148 ; apparently re- ferring to Dur-Sliarrukin, 2645 ; refer- ring to troops, 1578, 1592, 1889, 2221, 2250; referring to a revolt, 1116; referring to the palace, 316 ; referring to silver, 1143.

, portions of, Babylonian, 205, 233,

319, 481, 1178, 1200, 1207, 1208, 1503, 1553, 1558, 1562, 1611, 1612, 1635, 1703, 1818, 1819, 1867, 1874, 1886, 1920, 1929, 1935, 1942, 1949, 2147, 2157, 2197, 2211, 2218-2220, 2222- 2225, 2227-2249, 2251, 2618, 2641, 2643, 2644, 2646-2650, 2652-2655, 2657-2659, 2661-2673, 3111, 3112, 3115-3119, 3121, 3123-312.5, 3127- 3132, 3134, 3135, 3137, 3139-3145, 3147; fragments probably of, 358, 1150.

or reports, 1133, 1174, 2623;

fragment probably from, 1544; Baby- lonian, 1604.

, or communications, 300, 1229 ;

or address to an oracle (Babylonian), 1144; fragments possibly containing, 253, 305 (Babylonian), 359, 1526.

Libra. Zodiacal constellation. tJ^J^^f-* -yy^ ^^y ^ gr<JE, in astrological omens, 1763.

Library, of the Temple of Nabu at Nineveh, 434, 444, 648 ; of Ashur-bani- pal, see Colophons, passim.

Linen, or cloth, clay-sealings with im- pressions of, 466, 467.

Lion, in seal-impressions, in conflict with king, 379, 383, 464, 468, 3318 ; in seal- impressions, striding, 277, 1555; in birth-omens, 2033.

Lions, colossal, in palace at Nineveh, 1.

Lipkhur-ilu. Eponym ruler, prohabhi in 729 B.C. y !=yy^ ^^ -»f . m contract- tablet, 261 ; y £ys: 4^^ -4-, cited p. 37, note.

Liquids, list of. See Lists, explanatory.

Lists, explanatory. Series "^ sETiy

-yi^ ^ V t^^zi tyyy^, 977.

Series ^^ t^W fl

^ t^t, Fourth Tablet of, 1686. , of the Classes " SV " S'',"

and " S"." See Syllabaries. , of words arranged in

groups according to their initial

characters, 121, 419, 497, 1040, 1454,

1455, 1900. , arranged in groups

according to the meanings of the

Assyrian words, 1870. , of Assyrian words with

similar meanings, 1336, 1825 ; frag- ment probably containing, 1461.

, with glosses, 119, 883.

, probably of a gram- matical character, 894-896.

, written for the purpose

of inter) ireting certain literary com- positions, 484 ; fragment probably con- taining, 1758. , of archaic characters.

272, 420.

, of gods, 28, 51, 98, 637,

650, 774, 1299-1301, 1303-1305, 1307- 1310, 1312, 1315-1318, 1351, 1518, 1693, 2676, 2696, 2704, 2710, 2725, 2752, 2757 ; fragment probably con- taining, 890; including synonyms of Ishtar, 1744 ; including synonyms of Ninlil, 1314; including astral deities, 1302 ; of gods and stars, 920.

. of stars, 2758 ; fragment

probably containing, 1065 ; of stars and their positions in the heavenly sphere, 275 ; of stars and rivere, 950 ; of an . astrological character, 2022 ; probably of an astrological character, 1087, 1431.



Lists, explanatory, of countries and

places, 801 ; of cities, 1370; of different

nationalities, 2675. , of temples, 1484 ; of

temples in different cities, 1793; of

temples or places, 878.

, of birds, 1372.

, of plants, 15, 801, 903,

1369, 1388, 1389, 1599, 1642, 2732. , of stones or stone objects,

449, 495, 869.

, of woods and wooden

objects, 654, 688, 1367, 1384, 1437 ; of wooden and slone objects, 1366.

, of vessels or liquids, 863,


, portions of, 103, 422,

4.32, 445, 463, 505, .548, 551, 643, 661, 694, 708, 746, 749, 768, 770, 771, 777, 780, 858, 870, 872, 874-877, 881, 882, 884-889, 892, 893, 905, 906, 971, 973, 978, 993, 1021, 1041, 1323, 1338-1342, 1348, 1354, 13.58-1360, 1364, 1371, 1373, 1392, 1412, 143.3-1436, 1438- 1443, 1446-1453, 1456-1458, 1460, 1463, 1.577, 1581, 1590, 1617, 1664, 1665, 1670, 1676, 1689, 1748, 1802, 1835, 1869, 1873, 1877, 2426, 2677- 2695, 2697-2703, 2705-2709, 2711- 2724, 2726-2731, 2733-2751, 2753- 2756, 3300-3302 ; fragments probably containing, 276, 731, 732, 736, 737, 1023, 1320, 1896, 2038,

, of gates, from historical or

explanatory text, 1656.

, of incantations. See Incantations.

, of proper names, 783, 841, 856,

1507, 1613, 1630, 1781, 1865; with relationships, 795 ; with official titles, 252, 302, 345. See also Lists of officials. , of officials, 67, 302, 874, 1240,

1524, 1610.

, of tribute, 453, 843, 1002 ; frag-

ments possibly of, 859, 1120, 1191 ; see also 813.

List, of estates, early Assyrian, 853.

, of slaves, fragment possibly of,


, from account-tablets and in- ventories: of horses, 1541 ; of .inimals, 812; of sheep, cattle, etc., 2566; including beasts and vessels, 815 ; jiossibly of animals for offerings, 823 ; probably of meat-offerings, 443 ; of vessels, garments, etc., 60; of garments, 273, 833 ; fragments of, 189, 271, 283, 495, 517, 527, 606, 657, 709, 7.54, 799, 800, 803, 818, 847, 867, 1750, 19,54, 2760 ; fragments possibly of, 797, 898, 1957, 1958. .See also Account-tablets, Inventories.

Liver, treatise (with diagrams) on the, 424 ; see also 13i;.

Liver-omens. See Omens, derived from the liver.

Loans, of silver, 212, 219, 220, 226, 296, 845; of copper, 215; of corn, 849; of camels, 866.

Locusts, omens from, 1666.

Lozenge-emblem, in seal-impressions, 212, 684.

Lugal. See Regulus.

Lugal-ankia. Title of Marduk. t~^

eJ^ -Hh <III II , in explanatory

list, 51. Lugal-girra. God. ^^ g^^ -&^yfy

E^yy, '" incantation-text, 2899. Lugal-idda. Title of Ea. ^^ jJJw

yiOf Syyi explanatory Ust, 51. Lugal-liddug (?). Title of Marduk.

-+ ei^ <^ <P<' '" explanatory

list, 51. Lugal-sag[ ]. Divine title.

-4- E^3ff ^yi^[ ]. i"

exiilanalory list, 77-1.

Lugal-Tintirki. Title of Marduk, as " Kiiiff of Babijloii:' -^f- gJ5^ ^ ^tl^v^ ^jgf ^ in explanatory list, 51.



Lugal-zuab. Title of Ea. ^^ ^^ Mar[duk- ]. Male propemame.

^>^yf ^^f , ill explaDatoiy list, 51. f -Jf- <^[^y ], in colophon,

Lulim. Star-name. [tS:?>>f * M! <!-> ^^^^'

in explanatory list, 2022. Marduk-[ ]. Male proper name.

y -.f r^-^y r 1, in letter, 15.50.

LuUa. Star-name. tXl^^ ^fe ^], ,, \, , I •^.- ,r ,

. ,. , . ' "^1 "^ Marduk - aplu - iddina. Male proper

in astrononucal text, .•)09. j; '

name. ]* «-»f- <,^^I ]} ^} "^J,

Lunar eclipses. See Eclipses. j^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^g . y ^^ ^^^ y^ ^_

Lunar halos. Sf.e Ilulos. in letter, 1856. See also Merodach-


M Marduk-bani-[apli (?)]. J/«/e proper

Makia Series. See Incantations. """"• T ^4" KH"^! ^C ]'

letter to the king- from, 281.

Mannaa, Esarhaddon's conquest of the, Marduk - nasir. Male proper name.

109. y ^^ ^-^y ^^ ^Jf^, in Neo-

Mannu[ ]. Male proper name. Habylonian contract-tablet or report,

y .^<^ ^ [ ], in historical in- 1169.

scription, 473. Marduk-shakin-shumi. /!ot/al astm-

Mannu-ki-akhg. GorernorofGamhdu. loger. Q -»f] <^*^y V '^. letter

y "(K ^ <(IU "V !"■"■' '" liistorical to the king from, 119G.

inscription, 126. Marduk-shallim-akhe. Pnpil in the

Mannu-ki-I[sMar-li'u]. Male proper School of Augwy. y ^tf ^ ^ <y-

name, y « "^ <|II <-y[^y --^yy], -^ !•*"*. •" colophon, 130.

in letter, 3055. Marduk-shu[m- ]. Male proper

Marble, inscribed tablet of black, 411. o'™*- T -+ C^"^! '^* C 3-

_^- ■, , in colophon, 1505.

Marduk. God. ^J- <r"-*y, address ^, ^,..

,„^r^ . Marduk - shum - iddina. /!/«/« proper

by, 269; prayer to, 1829; in prayers ^

or incantations, 36, 129, 500. 1311, 1710, """"■ U ^+J 1 ^.,,«T-^'

1832, 1908, 2904, 2905, 3212, 3215, letter from, 1154; letter possibly from,

3259, 3277, 3278 ; in hist(jiical inscrip- ■'^''"•

tion, 374 ; in building-inscription, 107 ; Marduk - shum - ikisha. Male p>roper

in appeal to the oracle of the Sun-god, name. -Jf- <^^y -^ -^y V> '"

29; in letters, 59, 77, 1347, 1465; colophon, 1401.

offerings to, at New Year's Festival, Marduk-ushallim-akhe. Male proper

218; Star of, -t^Hh -+ <^"1. name. ] -+ C^'^] W ^ I^.

omens, 130 ; Gate of, [C^J] tV ""Hh letter from, 78.

<^^y, in list, 1636; titles of, 51. jyiars. Planet. tt?-+ £«: ^ y? ■^^,

-4- --T<T-! (^'ar. -E:yy<y-y) E^ (-+) £^ >--( y^ -s^, omens from,

^.address by, 1595; in incantations, 130; in omen-texts, 1786, 1811; in

153, 1574, 3249, 3252, 3277, 3278 ; in- astrological reports, 340, 1621 ; in

vocation of, 1718; in ceremonies, 2066; astrological texts, probably explana-

in mythological legend or incantation, toiy, 57, 914; in astrological texts,

2882. 918, 939, 1623; in letter to the king,

[-+] -tT<y-y <g<E^ [ ]. i" ^'^■

incantation, 1964. See also Asari. Martu. See Amnrru.


Mashkhalsa. District. \^ + -^ tt*, HLoon-continued

m letter to the king, 45. to Mars, 130; in relation to Mulmul

Mashmashu - priest, in incantation- a'>d Dilgaii, 90 ; in relation to Venus,

tablet, 13.52. 77; its appearance on the first of the

Mashtabba - galgal. See Twins, the ™°"*''' -52; it appearance on the thirtieth

greater. of the i.-onth, fio, 73, 75 ; in astrological

Mat-tamti. See Sea-land '"'^P*"'*' ^'^^' ^^'^isions of the, 919. See

Matting, impressions of, on clay seaiings '''' ''"''^"'' '' ^"'"'' ^^^™l°gi«-'-

465, 607. -^ s , Moon-god, ->f <«, ^^ ^^^ ^^

Memorandum -tablets, with list of _'^' P'^^Jers or incantations to, 1257,

precious objects dedicated to Nabu S'l^ »'*' " ^'"'"'^ ""^ *^'^ ■^°™ °^ ^^"^

766; referring to troops, 1563; record- , ' ^^^ ' '" incantation, 3210; in

ing the receipt of oxen and sheep, 87 ; ' '^"°"' *'^'' ^^'- ^^ ^'''^° ^in.

referring to grain, 244, 245; frag- ^1^" ]• Male proper mme. y >^*

ments of, 227, 265, 057, 769, 839, 865; C ]• '" genealogy, 1126.

fragments probably of, 253, 347, 1177, MuUil-banda. Title of Ea. [^^ >^]

2607. See also Account-tablets. ' <-I^ ^]]] &^ ^]], in explanatory

Men-cheper-Ra. Prenomen of Thoth- ''^*' ^1-

mes III. On scarab, 627. Mulmul. Star-name. £:£:?— >f- E:^:^'-^-,

Menana. High officer. Y V- i? iV '" astrological report, 90; in astro- letter f,om Ashuf-hani-pal to,^. '"^'^"^^ *^^^' "•

lur T., w Musraa. See Egyptians,

Mercury. Planet, --f MI >-^ J^T* n/r i.,

^r*. omens from, 178?^ >-+* ^^, \, ^^^'^^' ^."^""- ^ee Egypt.

in astrological text, 916, ' [^^t^^kil-Ashur. Male proper name.

Merodach-baladan. Babylonian king, J-\T. -^^^ ^ -V, in letter, 1167.

721-710 and 70.3-702 bc T ►! ^utakkil - Marduk. Epomjm ruler,

<-^^ -jsm gi? >^r. i-n" hisLnl ff "" J.,^ ^"^ n -+ <::^r.

inscriptions, 1, 474 ; in epigraphs, 241 ; ^ '

in letter, 3113; in date, 478 ' Mythological beings, in seal -

Meslamtaea. God. ^^ ^^^ <in J'"?^'^-^^-"' ^84.

^il ^^r Vr. invoked in in^nta^n Mythological legends. See Legends.

477. ' ^

10 JO, i»4A I80.J, 18/1, 1926. invocations of, 52, 77, 84, 293, 1718 ;

^^C ]• C'«<y- --11 <::^ [ ], in letter, 13 ; in appeal to the oracle of

in letter, 2602. the Sun-god, 29; in religious text.

Moon (-^f ) <;<(^, omens from, 924, 925, ^^^'^ ' historical inscription, 374 ;

93.5, 94.3, 1064, 1990, 2782-2784; 7°^^^® objects dedicated to, 766;

omens from sun and, 1101; omens incantation-tablet dedicated to, 3260 ;

from eclipses of, 964, 1006, 2780, 2781 ; library in temple of, 434, 444, 648.

letter to the king reporting an eclipse Na[bu- J. Male proper name.

of, 72; royal prayer against evils I "Sry^gJf:* [ ], in letter, 1935.

following an eclipse of, 1959; Allul Nabu-[ ]. Alale proper name.

(probably Cancer) within halo of, 290; y -ty^^ (; j, letter from,

Saturn within halo of, 1114; in relation 1168.

21 ,


Nabu- [ ]• Male proper name.

y -ty^^ [ ], in letter, 1929.

Nabu- [ ]• Male proper name.

y ^^ ^0 ,-^[ ], tablet of, 879.

Nabu-akhe-buUit. Male proper name.

[y] ^4-* ^ t'^\ F- ® C:.

in letter, 1809.

Nabu - akhe - iddina. Eponym ruler, 675 B.C. y -+ Iif= -^ y«* ^1 in contract-tablets, 83, 320.

Nabu - akhe - riba. Royal astrologer. y ^^* ^ A^ y>«- -^yy, letter to the king from, 77 ; letter possibly from, 1142; astrological report from, 90.

, Male proper name.

[y] ^+* ^ \ ^^^ >i£yy* in

fragment possibly of colophon, 860.

Nabu - damik. Noble of Erech. y ';^y^^ iV^ JL^, in letter to the king, 84.

Nabu - danna - kalim. Scribe, y -4" ^ tyy? ^] --H <!-, i" contract- tablet, 168.

Nabu-dur-usur. Eponym mler, 697 B.C.


note. Nabu-epash. Priest of Ea. ] "^ ^ ^ ^y, in letter, 89.

Nabu-ikbi. Royal astrologer. [^] "^y^iy^ JS^^ ^ , astrological report from, 76.

Nabu - ikisha. Royal astrologer.

[yj ,^4-* ..0 ^y V, in letter, 1209.

Nabu-khammatua. Mile proper iiame.

y -4- ^ ??< t:A \^ < I?, letter to,

683, 684. Nabu - mukin - akhi. Eponym ruler,

690 B.C. y -4- ^ £^! -^i in contract- tablet, 50. Nabu-mushesi. Royal astrologer, y «-4"

1^ >^ ^ J$yy , astrological report

from, 1113. Nabu-mushesi. Scribe. 1 -4" *^ "^

t^ t&yy, in colophon, 130.


Nabu-nadin-aplu. Temple - watchman. y -4- ^ gg; y| , in letter, 89.

Nabu-sakip. Eponym ruler, y >-4" ^ ^ e£?, in memorandum-tablet, 766.

Nabu-shar-akheshu. Eponym ruler and Governor of Samaria. ] -4" ^ KK ^ y>«- ^, in historical inscription, 3333.

Nabu-shum-iddina. Royal astrologer. y ^4- ^ -^ , letters to the king from, 70, 72.

, Male proper name, y •-4"

^ '^* >^, tablet of, 419.

Nabu-tabni-usur. City-scribe, y >-4" ^ E= ^ A;-, in contract-tablet, 1737.

Nabu-tapputi-[ ]. Eponym ruler.

y .d^ .^4- ^ ^---y<[ ],

in building-inscription, 367.

Nabu-ushallim. Magician, y "^y^^

iy^y 4^ , tablet of, 498. Nabu - ushallim - akhe. Male prop( r

name. y -4- ^ M= A^ y— , in

letter, 49. Nabu-ushezib. Official, y* ^'^]^^

•^ ^ /, in letter, 1143. Nabu - zer - ibni. Male proper name.

[y -ty^]^ -<i- ^, in letter, 1143. Nabu-zer-shuzziz. 3Iale j^roper name

y ^4- ^ -<^ t£\ t-], in letter, 49.

Nabu-zer-ushteshir. Official, y •-4" g^ ^<(& ty, letter to the king from, 62.

Nabu-zukup-kini. Scribe. } "-4- ""SF

-^yy t^^\ ^^ HIA -^!]. in

colophon, 2451. Nail-marks, on contract-tablets, 50, 80, 134, 159, 168, 180, 185, 195, 196, 222, 225, 261, 274, 299, 842, 844, 855, 1584.

Names, lists of proper. See Lists. Nana, restoration of her statue to Erech, 3333 ; invoked in letter, 84.

Nannaru. Moon-god. "^ ^^^ "CiJ ^, prayer to, 1257.



Napkhar-ilu. Eponym ruler, 729 b.c. y tJ^ -s^S •"HF") possibly variant of the name Lipkhur-ilu, p. 37, note.

Naram-Sin. King of Akkad. {'^W a^g|* -4- <«, in omen-text, 3165.

Nam. See River-god.

Nasibina. City of Nisibis. -tiy "-^y -Eyy ti -'■y, in letter to the king, 45.

Nationalities, list of. See Lists, explanatory.

Nergal. God. ^4" <'^yy, in historical inscription, 374 ; in incantation, 3216 ; in omen-text, 1787 ; offerings to, 498 ; "^ '(Si 'w^ith the goddess Nidaba, 269.

Nergal-[ ]. Official. ] -+ <^yy

[ ]. letter to the king from, 479.

Nergal - shar - usur. Eponym ruler, 078 B.C. [y -Jf- <^yy] << ^^i in letter or report, 1133.

New Year. See Festival.

Nibiru. Planet Jupiter. ^X^f"^ ^>^ l;i^ ^, in astronomical text, 509.

Nibit-Ishtar. City. ><]] Sff >-^ -4- •('97 , sale of house in, 58.

Nidaba. Goddess. -^ ^ &E?5w> referred to with Nergal, 269 ; in prayer or incantation, 1324.

Nile-god, on scarab, 627.

Nimriid, ivory panel from, 413.

Nina. See Nineveh.

Ninagal. God. -4- <^t] ^{ tV, in religious text, 1811; in ceremonies, 1857.

Ninakhakhuddu. Goddess. "^ -^^ y? TY^ "^^ "^y> in incantation, 500.

Ninamashazagga. Divine title. >-4"

in explanatory list, 51. Ninazu. God. .->f tr£y }] ^^yy, in

religious texts, 1271, 1811. Ninella. Goddess, ►'f ^^y J^yyy T' .

in explanatory list, 51.

Nineveh, (-^yy) sQ^y «Iif). -^\ ^

^ y?, --yy ^ >^y v,, buiiding-

operations at, 1, 6, 367, 368, 372, 3328- 3331,3333; temple of Ishtar at, 115, 371, 415, 760 ; temple of Nabu at 434, 444, 648 ; in historical inscriptions, 979, 2554, 2557, 3335 ; in letters, 49, 1932 ; in religious or explanatory text, 3303 ; scarab carried from Thebes to, 414 ; governor of, 214 ; city-gates of, 3329, 3330.

Ningal. Goddess. -Hf" tr^y ^V^ in building-inscription, 6 ; in bilingual incantation, 101; in epistolary formula, 1579.

Ningallu, his tribute to Ashur-bani- pal, 3335.

Ningishzida. God. -4- -^t] ^] '-]]^ ^yy, in religious texts, 1271, 1306.

Ninib. God. -4- ^gy Hy, prayers, hymns, or inciintations to, 765, 1711, 2515 ; in prayers or incantations, 43, 477, 1908 ; in letter, 374 ; in astrological omens, 2015.

) "^ Hf~ ) in incantation, 36 ; in

historical inscription, 2562 ; in letter, 13.

) "'^ "^^i in prayer, 426.

Ninib-aplu-iddina. Male proper name. y ,>>f- 4- yv gJJ ,«ry * in contract- tablet, 1956.

Ninib-tukulti-Ashur. Exalted person- age or ruler. y >-4" ^ (y&T. •-4" tr^y HI) 5^y I^ -+ --V. in diplo- matic despatch, 3332.

Niniginangargid. Title of Ea. •-4- ■^Ey ^y*" t^ ^''> in explanatory list, 51.

Ninkasi. God. -4- ^^y --H "^yy. in explanatory list, 51.

Ninkharsagga. Goddess. '-4' l^EY (var. ^4*) A^ *^\W ^y> i" ex- planatory list, 51.

Ninkish. God of swine. '-^ittMUSi' in omen-text, 1790.

2 I 2



Ninlil. Goddess. -Jf- -^tl i'lll , as -4- ^ <^ -tyy -- -+. "Lady of Arbela," 117; in prayers or incanta- tions, 101, 158, 1324; in building-in- scription, 367; synonyms of, 1314.

Ninmadim. Divine title. --HF" ^ET £T *(£!!> in explanatory list, 51.

Ninmakh. Goddess. -4" trEI -^11, Iti incantation, 101 ; in explanatory list, 51.

Ninshakh. God. -«f ^^J -Si:?s|^^f incantation to, 3247.

Ninshar. Divine title. -4- trEf ^fcj. in explanatory list, 51.

Ninsun. Goddess. ->f •J^gf <sVf, in Gilgamesh Epic, 56.

Nintu. Goddess. -4- ^ff «-^y, in explanatory list, 51.

Ninua. See Nineveh.

Ninzadim. Title of Ea. -Hh tr£l ?T ^4w> religious text, 1811.

Nippur. r-\ eyyy <|gf , in diplomatic despatch, 3332 ; in list of cities, 1370.

Nisibis. See Nasibina.

Nobles, referred to in letters, 59, 1123, 1136, 1347, 1550, 1944 ; of Assyria and Akkad, 3332 ; of Erech, 84.

Note, accompanying a gift, 478; or letter, 2567 ; or address, 3003 ; or memorandum, 1149.

Nudimmud. Title of Ea. "-4" ^ <Sn ^TM. incantations, 1601, 3221.

Nunki. Star-name, ^^f^ -ffflf ^}, in astrological omens, 2777.

Nunuzkumea. Divine title. -4" ^t-^ 10 !•- 1^, in explanatory list, 51.

Nusku. Fire-god. •-^"•^M) in prayers or incantations, 1960, 2994, 3214, 3219; in ceremonies, 1344 ; in religious or explanatory text, 1328.

Offerings, directions for, 499, 504, 541, 802, 991, on behalf of a prince, 498 ; to Marduk at the New Year, 218 ; lo the "Lady of Babylon," 309; to Gula, 689 ; table of, in seal-impression, 3163.

Official, in seal -impression, 382.

Officials, list of, 67, 302, 1240, 1524, 1610; in explanatory list, 874. See also Lists of proper names.

Oil, for anointing inscription, 980.

Omens. Series *-< tj ^•-, 1085; ex- tracts from, 1078.

Series >-< tj >-]\l, 1751.

, derived from births, 143, 528,

942, 1079-1081, 1083, 1350, 1501, 1789, 1899, 2013, 2033, 2798, 2799; from the birth of foals, 1082. See also Series >-< tf 'ij^^.

, derived from the sick, 2112.

, derived from incidents that may

happen to a man and a woman, 1098.

, derived from cattle, sheep and

goats, 3167 ; from pigs, 1496 ; from locusts, serpents, etc., 1666 ; from the appearance of animals or insects in houses, 2016; from the tarlugallu-hwA, t%^ -yX. 831; from the ;;t??wT Etyy> 1028.

, derived from houses, 2005, 2053,

2108 ; from incidents in a house, gate, etc., 1096 ; from incidents in a house, temple, or palace, 1034 ; from incidents in a palace, 1807; from (he walls or brickwork of a house, 1697, 2116 ; from gardens, 1761 ; from cities, 1971.

•, referring to Sargon, king of

Akkad, 1634, 2834 ; referring to Naram- Sin, king of Akkad, 3165; referring to Ibil-Sin, king of Ur, 2833, 3166; referring to the Assyrian king Asliur- nirari, 1803; referring to Ur, 1061, 1861 ; with colophon referring to Calah, Sinabu, and a king of Babylon, 1470.



Omens, extract from text containing, 1004 ; extracts from, in letters, 52, 88, with numbered lines, 150, 1420, 1504; report or note concerning, 1146.

-, derived from the liver of a

sacrificial victim, 138, 139, 149, 152, 169, 187, 238, 523, G35, 1099, 1739, 2036 ; see also 424.

-, derived from the liver, from

inspection of the -HIT. 136 (with diagrams), 1055, 1730, 1783, 2801; from the -^Tfy and the tf |^, 1688.

, derived from the liver, from

inspection of the ■— /"f, 1093, 1535, 1895; from the -^J and the -Hyi- 2004; from the >-^y and the ^] tfj, 2802.

, derived from the liver, from

inspection of the "^^^ , 1585. , derived from the liver, from

inspection of the J^ff, 1527, 1846, 2086 ; from the J^Jf and the "^W], 1533 ; from the J^jy, the ^y ^yy, etc., 1735.

-, derived from the hver, from

inspection of the ty J|y, 167, 989, 1051, 2034, 2800; from the ty Igf and the ^y S:yy, 1C57, 2126; from the ty |gf and the -s^^, 1044; from the ty JEf, the tgyy and the ^\ ^yy, 1904. , derived from the liver, from

inspection of the ^y ^yy, 910, 1355, 1740, 2003. , derived from the liver, from

inspection of the -yy^, 128.

■, Astrological. Series y *y >-»y-

■"tyU^tyyy, HOI; from the Sixtieth Tablet, probably of the, 2427. , derived from observa-

tions of the sun, 2778; probably in relation to the heliacal risings of the stars, 965, 969 ; derived from pheno- mena at sunrise, 582; from sun and moon on the fourteenth of the month, 1101.

Omens, Astrological, derived from observations of the moon, 511, 908, 924, 925, 935, 943, 1064, 1990, 2780- 2784.

, derived from eclipses,

23, 915, 921, 931, 951, 964, 970, 1006, 2021, 2779, 278] ; fragment, probably containing, 2780.

, derived from halos, 941,

1788, 1834.

, derived from observa- tions of Venus {tXSf-^ ->--(), 911, 1052, 1067, 1505, 1691, 1983, 1991, 2124 ; from Venus and the sun, 2785.

, derived from observa- tions of Jupiter (ttf-HF- -yy^ y- v

or -+ <^???? ^ ^y ^V), 652, 929, 952, 966, 2463; from Jupiter and Venus, 1772. , derived from observa-

tions of Mercury (J:t?^4- IHI "^ ^]^ ^\ or -4- IgJ >-^ ty^ *y), 1787, 2010.

, derived from observa- tions of Mars (J:J:J^Hf- SfF "^ y? ^). in relation to the moon, Jupiter, etc., 130; with reference to Mars, 1623.

, derived from observa- tions of ^^-Jf- -^yyy g=, 537.

, derived from observa- tions of tCj^Hh "-^Ey. etc., 1618.

, derived from observa- tions of [tj:|>Hh ^iHj -yy:^

^^* [>^y], 1086. , derived

from observa- tions of J:^?>-Hf- ^yt y?, 1909. , derived from observa- tions of ::::?-+ jETTT'^y and ^^5-+ ,Ey iSp, 1786. , derived from observa- tions of ^i^^ -^y t]^ w-r*, 1990. referring to t!^^

^^, 956 ; referring to t':^^^ -Wi 4Ey. 2777.

derived from thunder,

248, 540, 928, 1049, 1053, 1060, 1066,



Omens, Astrological continued.

1069, 2050; from thunder, rain, etc., 1774 ; from rain, etc., 91.5 ; from a rain- bow, etc., 1007 ; from clouds, etc., 921, 1733 ; from storms, winds, etc., 1094 ; from the direction of the wind during an eclipse, 1547; from earthquake in the night, etc., 960 ; from earthquake, etc., 944.

, for the vaiious months,

605, 932, 1090, 1780, 1992, 2025, 2032, 2043, 208S, 2118, 2464, 2792-2797; for the month Nisan, 423 ; for the fourteenth of Adar, 1989 ; for the month Taminuz, etc., 2024 ; for the inter- calary month, the second Adar, 2055.

, fragments of, 137, 452,

570, 927, 949, 953, 961, 968, 976, 982, 1035, 1058, 1077, 1112, 1632, 1636, 1763, 1766, 1814, 1858, 1894, 1987, 1988, 2001, 2015, 2017, 2026, 2042, 2054, 2097, 2098, 2114, 2457, 2462, 2775, 2776, 2786. 2788-2791; frag- ments probably containing, 31, 912, 939, 954, 998, 1024, 1062, 1063, 1070, 1074, 1490, 1923, 2071.

, fragments of, 7, 24, 35, 46, 102,

105, 131, 163, 165, 209, 234, 239, 292, 490, 508, 513-515, 529, 538, 564, 597, 646, 676, 696, 772, 786, 930, 983, 984, 987, 988, 990, 995-997, 999, 1000, 1005, 1009, 1011, 1013-1016, 1018-1020, 1022, 1026, 1027, 1029, 1036, 1037, 1039, 1046-1048, 1050, 1054, 1056, 1059, 1068, 1072, 1073, 1088, 1089, 1091, 1097, 1100, 1397, 1421, 1424, 1486, 1509, 1536, 1540, 1564, 1565, 1569, 1583, 1614, 1622, 1637, 1643, 1645, 1652, 1668, 1677, 1679-1681, 1699, 1701, 1704, 1707, 1713, 1719, 1725, 1753, 1756, 1790, 1794, 1795, 1813, 1817, 1822, 1827, 1833, 1854, 1876, 1882, 1883, 1888, 1891, 1901, 1903, 1906, 1963, 1969, 1994-2000, 2002, 2006-2009, 2012, 2014, 2018- 2020, 2027-2030, 2035, 2037, 2039, 2041, 2044, 2045, 2051, 2052, 2072- 2085, 2087, 2089-2096, 2099-2107,

Omens continued. 2109-2111, 2113, 2115, 2117, 2119- 2123, 2125, 2127, 2803-2832, 283.5- 2873, 3168-3192.

-, fragments probably containing,

354, 455, 489, 563, 656, 9*26, 940, 957, 102.5, 1042, 1013, 1045, 1076, 1379, 1417, 1495, 1649, 1667, 1738, 1764, 1791, 1826, 2031 ; fragments possibly containing, 700, 967, 1283, 1407, 1519, 2319.

Oracle. See Sun-god.

Ox, Fable of the Eorse and the, 32.

Oxen, receipt for, 87 ; in letters, 829, 1821.


Pabilsag. God; identified with the Zodiacal constellation Sagittarius. >-Jf- ^ ^A'^1 ^Ifg^*, i'» text, probably astrological, 1587.

Pa'e. Elamite king, f ^ ^-Hf"* [&!?] in historical inscription, 1828.

Palace, refened to in letters, 1837, 1892 ; court of the, 1823; "people of the," 766 ; sacrificial victims for, 266.

Palaces, omens from, 1807.

Papyrus-roll, possibly represented in seal-impression, 382.

Paradigms. See Grammatical Para- digms.

Paste, cartouche of blue, 413.

Pekod. Aramean city and district. [^=] -S-* ^^i %V1 y? 11 people of, in letter, 1556.

Penitential psalms, or incantations, 603, 1768.

Phoenician characters, inscription on contract-tablet in, 1864.

Physician. See Arad-Nana.

Pigs, omens from, 1496.

Places, list of. See Lists, explanatory.

Plain, gods of the, 498.

Planisphere, pait of an Assyrian, 1478.

Plants, lists of. See Lists, explanatory.



Plaque, of baked clay, with royal inscrip- tion, 192 ; with impressions of an Assyrian cylinder-seal, 792.

Portents, in letter to the king-, 218 ; in prayer, 426 ; in directions for offerings, etc., 498.

Prayers, or incantations. Series --SiJ^

1258, 1981, 3200; prayer to Ishtar belonging' to, 1256 ; including prayer to Sin, 1257 ; prayer to Ninib belong- ing to, probably prepared for Ashur- bani-pal, 2515 ; royal prayer belonging to, against the evils attending an eclipse of the moon, 1959 ; fragment probably belonging to, 1255 ; fragment possibly belonging to, including prayer to Sin, 1353.

, to Enlil, 3246 ; to Mar-

duk, 1829 ; to Shamash or the Sun- god, 1427, 1576, 2770; to the Moon- god, 191; to Adad, 2497; to a god, with reference to Marduk, 2904, 2905 ; to gods, 1260, 1295, 2912, 2916, 2921, 3212, 3226 ; to Ishtar, 2487 ; to Gula, 2932 ; to goddesses, 2065, 2909, 3210, 3227; referring to Anil, 2880 ; referring to Ann andEa, 2495,2501 ; referring to Shamash or the Sun-god, 1765, 2906; referring to the Sun-god at his rising, 3217 ; referring to Shamash and Mar- duk, 3215 ; referring to Marduk, Tasli- motum and Ninib, 1908; referring to Marduk an I Esagila, 129 ; referring to Esagila, 3225 ; referring to Ninib, Sin and Ashur, 426 ; referring to Amurru, Ninlil and Nidaba, 1324 ; referring to Ishtar, 1770, 3157 ; referring to Ishtar, Aa and Nusku, 1960; referring to the Sibitti, 151, 725; referring to the Igigi, 640, 2908; referring to the Anunnaki, 1513, 1974 ; against the evils portended by the appearance of Hl^'^ ^^twjj gtfy in a house, 2929.

of Ashur-bani-pal, 763,

Prayers, or incantations continued. Anu and Assyria, 160 ; ro^'al, referring to Assyria, 3203 ; possibly royal, 1334, 2914 ; referring to Babylon, 1646. See also Series -^H --^ EI ^1-111^1111.1 P . E=B-

, fragments of, 21, 164,

210, 494, 526, 687, 994, 1102, 1286, 1329, 1316, 1589, 1683, 1698, 1743, 1839, 1907, 1961, 1962, 1972, 1977, 1978, 2062, 2063, 2067, 2070, 2089, 2280, 2489, 2491-2494, 2498-2500, 2502, 2504-2514, 2903, 2911, 2913, 2915, 2917-2920, 2922-2928, 2930, 2931, 3250, 3251 ; fragments probably containing, 337, 342, 344, 436,446, 636, 1287, 1325, 1468, 2305, 2307; frag- ments possibly containing, 270, 1410, 1815.

, Sumerian. See Incanta-



, Bilingual. See Incanta-

, with couplets, or lines,

separated by horizontal lines. See Incantations.

, and ceremonies. See

3201, 3202; probably of Ashur-bani- pal, 1955; royal, referring to Ashur,


Prescriptions, for the sick. Series

r £5S <|E^?A*[ J, Sixth

Tablet of tlie, 1398.

, Series [ ], Third

Tablet of the, 1965.

, portions of texts contain- ing, 104, 251, 496, 535, 648, 670, 1003, 1012, 1084, 1092, 1250, 1284, 1319, 1332, 1333, 1381, 1382, 1511, 1673, 1694, 1714, 1746, 1769, 1967, 1980, 1985, 1986, 2064, 2933-2993, 3291- 3299 ; fragments probably containing, 1365, 1409.

Priests, in seal-impressions, 212, 215, 762.

Proper names, lists of. See Lists.

Purattu. See Euphrates.



Queen-mother, referred to in letters,

70, 85.


Rabbu. Star-name. tX3f"^ "B^ "^Tt in astronomical text, 509.

Rab-shaku. Title of high militanj officer, t>^ th -T!^*, in letter, 1241.

Rab - tamkarS. Title, " Chief of the merchants." J:^ El'^'i^^f ^^ I"""") in letter from tiie king-, 2GG0.

Rain, omens from, 915, 1774 ; m astro- logical report, 69 ; in astrological text, 2547 ; in letter, 90.

Rainbow, in astronomical text, 509 ; in astrological omens, 1007 ; in astro- logical text, 2547.

Rakhiku. Aramean tribe. %

^^^ T? y?, in letter, 1602. Rakkumea. Goddess. -4" 1^ W-

y^, in explanatory list, 51. Ramman. See Adad. REnu[ ]. Male j)roper name, f "fcU*

It "J^ [ ]. in letter, 1612. Receipt, for cattle and sheep, 87 ; for

garments, 273. Reed, or straw, for attachment of docket,

333, 383, 849. Reeds, in explanatory list, 1900.

Regulus. Star. tt?»-Hf~ 6^^ ) in astro- logical omens, 956.

Reins, in historical or religious text, 1571.

Religious texts, probably containing prayers or incantations : 298, 395, 525, 658, 662, 775, 781, 1395, 1627, 1706, 1811, 2058,2424; referring to Ann and Ea, 1741; referring to Ea, 516, 1330; referring to Marduk, 1832, 3249; referring to Nabii, 1557 ; referring to Sharaash, 539 ; referring to the Moon- god, 435 ; referring to Ningishzida, Tammuz and Sin, 1306 ; referring to the South-wind, 907; referring- to Emashmash, Esagila and Ezida, 442.

Religious texts, possibly containing prayer, 100; possibly mythological in character, 428, 430, 1893; containing a religious composition, 671, 948, 1276, 1279, 1411, 1497, 1508, 1674, 1778 ; con- taining extracts from a religious com- position, 1405 ; fragments probably containing religious compositions, 681, 958, 1559, 1723; relating to offerings, 755, 1357, 1885 ; possibly relating to lucky and unlucky acts, 3, 767, 1669, 3339.

, fragments of, from the

Fifth Tablets of series, 2302, 2341; from the Nintli Tablet of a series, 2351; from the Eighty-fourth Tablet of ii series, 2425 ; from a numbered tablet of a series, 2363 ; fragments of, arranged in sections, 20, 268, 282, 287, 779, 1492, 1731, 1785, 2516-2546 ; arranged in sections and referring to various deities, 1271 ; in sections, with glosses, 1767 ; in sections and referring to the Igigi, and Sumer and Akkad, 638, 639.

, fragments of, 242, 254,

284, 291, 321, 348, 356, 431, 439, 520, 533, 343, 559, 560, 56.5, 611-626, 778, 1390, 1521, 1588, 1712, 1720, 1754, 1760, 1776, 1777, 1784, 1831, 2253- 2256, 2331, 2392 ; fragments probably containing, 257, 350, 451, 507, 512, 518, 532, 542, 547, 549, 550, 552-556,

567, 573-576, 581, 583-596, 598-602, 655, 1292, 1331,1385, 1491, 1516, 1678, 1800 ; fragment probably of, referring to Enlil, 1296 ; referring to Shamash, 663; referring to the Sibitti, 1293; referring to Gula, 579 ; fragment possibly of, 1640; or historical, 243, 492, 604, 675, 1298, 2061 ; or legal, or commercial, 316, 323-329, 334, 343,

568, 810; or explanatory, 294, 351, 807, 1328, 1345, 1520, 1638, 1659, 1702, 2367, 2761-2767, 2769, 3303 ; or explanatory, with glosses, 1773.

Reports, from Urdi, 659 ; or letter, referring to Teumman, Ummanigash and Erech, 1639 ; or note, concerning



Reports continued.

oineiis, 1146; concerning wood, 1721; or pra3'er, 1718; or memorandum- tablets, 1510, 1801, 1875; fragments probably from, 1633, 1724, 2768. See also Astrological reports.

Rimusi. at,,, -^n -III [^ "^H]'

governor of, 3330. Ring, or wreath, in seal impression, 212.

See also Signet-ring. Ritti-Ishtar. Male proper name, f ^III

i-Jf- ^Y^ , seal-impression of, 457.

River-god. >-4- It S> >" prajers or

incantations, 21, 148, 3208. Rivers, list of stars and, 950. Royal inscription, draft or copy of,

'J8(), 1105; on alabaster slab, 1407.

See also Historical inscriptions, Votive

inscriptions, Building-inscriptions.

Ru'aa. Aramean tribe. ^^^'sf^IH?' in letter, 1556.

Sacred tree, in seal-impression, 249.

Sacrificial victims. See Victims.

Sakin - sharri. Title of high official. tf^* ^' "^^^^ letter probably to, 1108.

Sales, of land, or landed property, 50, 80, 134, 168, 171, 182, 185, 195, 201, 214, 222, 225, 261, 278, 458, 571, 855, 1.584, 1607, 1692; of an estate, 1820; of houses or house-property, 58, 224, 231,202, 274, 1715, 2590; of slaves, 83, 221, 457.

Samaria. City and district, "t-^'i 4S ElUiT tt "-^y, governor of, 3333; MT 4S] I- -IIl-^I, i>i historical inscription, 813.

Samirina. See Samaria.

Samsu-iluna. King of Babylon, t^^fr ^^ H ^ Til .-il. inscribed cone of, 37. Sandasarme. Cilician prince. In his- torical inscription, 3335.

Sargon I. Kijig of Akkad. gf 5S .-J-y, iti omen-texts, 1634, 2834.

Sargon If. King of Assyria, 722-705 B.C. Keferred to, 1.

Sarpanitum. Goddess. -'^Ie^I] ^


^% in letters, 59, 1317, 1465 ; in historical or religious text, 1038 ; titles of, 28, 51; as -4- ^ <^ ^Sp, -+ E-yy <^, lady of Babylon, 309. Saturn. Planet. ?:J:?-Hf- (var. ^4") |gj >-< t:!!^ g^y, within the moon's halo, 1114; in astrological text, 937; <(^, as " the star of the sun," 1114. Scarab, from Nineveh, 414; impressions

of, (in contract-tablet, 93. Scorpio. Zodiacal constellation. I:ty^4" -Jilfyy &=, omens from, 537; in astro- logical text, 2461 ; in explanatory list, 2022. Scorpion, in omen from births, 2033;

as emblem, in seal-impression, 212. Sea-land. The littoral at the head of the Persian Gulf ^^ Tl --I ^-^I' •» historical inscription, 1850. Seal-impressions, of cylinder-seals : on contract-tablets, 58, 170, 174, 176, 199, 212, 457, 486, 1715, 3163; on case of contract-tablet, 215; on envelope of letter, 684 ; on clay sealing, with walk- ing lion, 277; on clay plaque, 792: on Babylonian clay sealing, 1481.

, of square seals, with

rounded corners: on contract-tablets, 1737, 1953. , of oval seals : on contract- tablets, 83, 221, 249, 1104, 1148, 1696,

3161. ■, of circular seals: (1) on

contract-tablets, 171, 224, 273, 381, 480, 750, 3319, 3320; (2) on clay sealings, 382, 631; representing king in conflict with lion, 379, 383, 464, 468, 3318; do., within cable-borders, 761; fragments of, within cable-borders, 3324, 3325; representing Assyrian king and rearing horse, 465-467.

2 K



Seal-impressions, broken, of circular or oval seals: on contract-tablets, 140, 229, 335 ; on sealings, 3321-3323.

Sealings, of day, 235, 277, 379, 382, 464-4G8, 607, 631, 730, 761, 762, 1134, 1481, 1494, 1555, 3317, 3321-3325.

Sennacherib. Assyrian king, 705- 681 B.C. y (^4-) (var. -^ -^H) t:^i (var. A,) T— -^yy (var. •-t:Ty >->^y), hexagonal prism of, 2 ; octagonal prisms of, 145, 3328-3331 ; barrel-cylinders of, 1, 112, 113, 373, 474-476, 1844; historical inscription, probably of, 1008; referred to in historical inscriptions, 544, 1762; iti building-iiiscriptiou, 368 ; in date on contract-tablet, 174 ; date of his Fifth Campaign, p. 223, rote.

Serpents, omens from, 1666.

Seti I, imitation cartouche, with garbled name of, 413.

Sha-Adad-aninu. Eponym ruler. ] V ""Hh -^"ff" It >ff- '^> ^" contract-tablet, 213.

Shalmaneser I. Assyrian king, about 1300 B.C. -Hf- M t] 4". i" brick- inscription, 415.

. Assyrian king. [ ] |^

gy iji^ >Jf-, bowl-inscriptions of, 161, 162. See also Shulman-asharidu.

Shamash. Sun-god. -+ ^y, incanta- tion to, 3224; invocation of, 1718; referred to in prayers or incantations, 153, 545, 1765, 2490, 2770, 3215; in religious texts, 663, 3204; in letters, 52, 293 ; in historical or religious text, 1396; in building-inscriptions, 6, 107; in votive inscription, 1030 ; weapon of, 1102; presentations of doves before, 530; -4- V +. in letter, 13. See also Sun-god.

Shamash - bel - usur. Eponym ruler, 710 B.C., and governor of Unnkhina. y ►J^ ^y -J^ A^, iu contract-tablets, 134, 462.

Shamash - iada'. .Wale proper name.

y -+ V 4- t^y? £Ey<y a-+, i"

contract-tablet, 50. Shamash - ilia. Male proper name.

y t~t^ ^y >-t^ yr, receipt for oxen and

sheep from, 87. Shamash - shar - ibni. Eponym ruler.

y ^Jf- ^y .(<; J^, in contract-tablet, 94. Shamash-shezib. ^fale proper name.

y* ->y- ^y ^ ^, in letter, 699. Shamash-shum-ukin. Babylonian king,

668-648 B.C. y "^ e^y --X^ "^

"11 A. '^h letter to Ashur-bani-pal from, 79; referred to in letter from Ashur-bani-pal, 71 ; in historical in- scriptions, 18, 1653.

ShEunash-unammir. A/ale proper name. y -Hf- iy ^ ^, in letter, 2211.

Sha-pi-Bel. City in Ganibulu. ^t\\ V ■^y- £:£ "^yilj* i" historical inscrip- tion, 18.

Shar-pati-bel. Eponym ruler, 832 b.c.

y ilH ^* ["^T< ^ ^Al '>! contract

or account-tablet, 840. Sharra. See Regulus. Sharru-imurani. Official, y <[<( ^y>-

yj g^f ' letter to the king from, 1806. Sharru-lu-dari. Male proper name.

y <<( JgJ ^ "-III.' '1 contract-tablet,

1737. Sharni-nuri. Eponym ruler, 674 b.c.

y ,^<( ^ ^yyi^, in contract-tablet, 866. Sharru-ukin. See Sargon. Sharru-ukin[ ]. Male proper name.

S:^ ti\ [ ], in letter, 1537. Sharur. Astrological god. "^ ^ ^t,

in astrological text, 917. Shebu[ J. Male proper name.

y ^ ^-[ ]. ifi letter, 1197.

Sheep, receipt for, 87; parts of, as

offerings, 443 ; in account-tablet, 3156 ;

in list or account-tablet, 2566; in

letters, 806, 1821 ; probably for divina- tion, 3108; omens from, 3167.


Shelibu. See Fox-star. Sibizanna. Star-name. tJ:?«f ^M

Shentur. Goddess. ["-«f ] ^ * ►!! -^J , -H^ ->f '-^T, omens from, 1086;

in explanatory list, 51. in connexion with lunar halo, 92 ; in

Shgp-Ashur. Male proper name, f <££!! astronomical text, 2774 ; in explanatory

--V> in letter, 1594. ^ "s'^' ^O^^, 1431.

Ships, explanatory list of, 1686 ; letters ®'°^- ^^"^ Incantations, Prescriptions.

about, 70, 1841. Signet-ring, royal, 1194.

Shud-shakti. Title of high military officer. ^'^^' •''*' °^- ^ ^''*'' Syllabaries.

£5w*Jf""f "5=11^, in letter, probably Silim-Ashur. Eponym ruler. ] fe|y <y-

to Ashur-bani-pal, 1032. "-V t^ ^ViV II t&, in contract-

,.,,•„ . w i^» „w J tablet, 457.

Shugl. Star-name. t-^fA- E? >-r\4,, „.,

in astrological report, 28T; 7n astm- S^^^^^' '^-^"^ "^' ^^^^ ^l". ^20, 226, 296 ;

logical texts, 57, 2459 ; in explanatory '°*" "'' P'^^'"''"* °^' ^^^ ^ ^'o*'^"^ °'^J'^«t«

list 2022 °' "'^*'' objects of, in list, 803; in

' ^ ' . letters, 1143, 3019, 3070; in historical

Shulman-asharidu. See Shalmaneser. inscription 1485.

-. Male proper name, nossiblii „. ,, , v ///

« w ,y w . . Sm. Moon-god. >->+- «<, prayer to.

/•o^a/. M= « 4-. in letter, 1219. ,,,, " T\\\,yy'=^^'J,

■*rr- \\ I . > 191 ; m prayers or uicantations, 158,

Shulmu-[ ]. Possibly name of 426 ; in religious texts, 428, 1271, 1306 ;

Eponym ruler. I <Q^ >^*[ ], in text probably astrological, 454; in

on clay sealing, 3317. historical inscription, 2562 ; in building-

Shulmu-b§lu. Eponym ruler, 696 b.c, ■■^sfJJ'iptions, 6, 367 ; in letters, 1188,

and governor of Rimusi. I ^^S:(||? "t^

(var. <I|i^ >^) r-\, in historical in- ^+] -H* -^11, prayer to,

scriptions, 3329, 3330; in contract- ^^•'^- See also Moon-god.

tablet, 93. Si[n- ]. Eponym ruler. ] ^4"

Shulmu-sharri. Epmym ruler, (\W^.c.. '^^*^*t ], in contract-tablet, 240.

and govei-nor of Khahi-adhar. I <I4: Sinabu. City, ^t]] ^H >-^I ^-, in

■^ fcl^W. '" contract-tablet, 195. colophon, 1470.

Shumeru. See Sumer. Sin-akhe-[ ]. M ale proper name.

Shupa. Star-name. X-^^ £f ^, ^^J^f -^ *^ ^C ]' -

omens from, 1786. „. , ' .,

Sm-akhe-riba. See Sennacherib.

Shurda. District. \^ -^ ^M, in singers, professional, in letter, 1186.

historical inscription, 632. „. .. . ^ , , . ., .„

Sm-ibni. Official I "f HI .1?^ >

Shurpu Series. See Incantations. letter to the king from, 217.

Shutu. See South-wind. Sin-shar-ishkun. Assyiian king, c.GOe>

Shutur-Nakhudu. Etamite king, 1\1- b-c- I ^^ ^^l ^^11 &l5S V ^11?,

699 B.C. I ^I ..f^^J?: ^4- '^I l>uil<ling-inscription8 of, 367, 368, 372.

>-I|^ tiy, in historical inscriijtion, 1. Sin-shar-usur. F.ponym ruler. I •^Hr

Sibitti. Sevenfold deity, ^^f- ;Rf; ^, « ^. in contract-tablet, 756.

in prayers or incantations, 151, 236, Sin-taklak. Epowjm ruler, 739 b.c.

477,725,-3216; in imprecatory clause, I t^ fcffl ^^ <I-^III, in

1280 ; in religious text, 1293. contract-tablet, 753.

2 K 2



Sipar. See Sippar.

Sippar. (>-^T) if #$? -p ill!, in building'-inscription, 37 ; in list of cities, 1370; city-gate of, 479; -^yy ■J^yy if, ill diplomatic despatch, 3332.

Slaves, sale of, 83, 221, 457; in in- ventories, 190; possible list of, 822.

Sorceress, incantations against a, 27, 15GG. See also Incantations.

South-wind, in mythological legend, 913; in religious text, 907; in astro- logical text, 31.

Spice, in list of commodities, 1954.

Spirits, of heaven and earth. See Igigi, Anunnaki.

, evil. See Incantations.

Stag, head of, on seal-iniprcssion, 1737.

Standard, supporting crescent, on seal- impression, 212.

Star, ten-rayed, on seal-impression, 212.

Stars, omens probably from heliacal risings of the, 965, 969 ; list of, 275, 950, 2758; fragment probably from list oF, 1065 ; in prayer, 426. See also Astrological reports, Astrological texts. Astronomical texts, lasts (explanatory). Omens (astrological).

Steatite, scarabs of glazed, 414, 627.

Stone tablet, inscribed with incantations, 36. See also Lapis-lazuli, Marble, Alabaster.

Stones, or stone objects ; lists of, 449, 495, 869.

, precious, votive objects of, 766.

Storms, omens from, 1094.

Straw, or reed, for attachment of dockets or sealings, 333, 383, 1481.

Subartu. -^fy t^^? <^, in letters or reports, 96, 295, 1110; in list of temples, 1793; inhabitant of, ^tm >l£yy <M (abbreviated), in list, 2675.

Sumashtu. See Subartu.

Sumer. "V" -t^ HJ, in Assyrian royal titles, 48, 147; \^ Jf y- >-]Jl, in religious text, 638.

Sumerian composition, referring to Tammuz, 1272. See also Incantations, Sumerian.

, explanatory text relating

to a, 122.

. , with an Assj-rian trans- lation, in parallel columns, 417. See also Incantations, Sumerian, etc.

Sumerian compositions, with inter- linear Assyrian translations, 132, 653, 1071, 1274, 1700, 1752, 1852, 1868, 1872, 1890. See also Incantations, Sumerian, etc.

, with interlinear Assyrian

translations, the couplets separated by horizontal lines, 1897, 1951.

Sun, omens from the, 965, 969, 2778 ; omens from moon and, 1101; omens from Venus and the, 2785 ; omen from eclipse of the, 2779.

Sun-god, -t|- ^y, address to the, 142 ; hymn to the, 546; prayers or incanta- tions to the, 1281, 1427, 1.J76, 2875; in mythological legend or incantation, 1162; in prayers or incantations, H>l, 142, 144, 2049, 2906, 3217, 3248; ill religious text, 539.

, appeals to the oracle of the, 29,

40-42, 44, 47, 53, 54, 106, 118, 127, 133, 157, 172, 206-208, 250, 263, 1107, 1140, 1145, 1489, 2011, 3158.

Sun-rise, omens from phenomena at, 582.

Surraa, Tj'rian, 283.

Susa. -Vy* I^ll£<ny <IEf. '" ex- planatory list, 1793 ; recovery of statue of Nana from, 3333.

Syllabaries. Series y <y^ -yy^^ -yyy?

^ "^yy c^yn? © ^ [ ]. f'-^g-

ment probably from, 1472.

, of the First Class ("S""), frag- ment probably from, 1471.

-, of the Second Class ("S»>"),

1361-1363, 1474, 1568, 1816; frag- ment probably from, 1368.

, of the Third Class (" S<= "), 974 ;

fragment probably from, 510 ; frag- ment possibly from, 1775.



Syllabaries, giving the pronunciation and meanings of sign-groups, but arranged differently to " S^," 440.

, fragments of, 897, 901, 972,975,

1473, 1475-1477 ; fragment possibly from, 904 ; or explanatory texts, 444, 868.

Tabia. Astrologer, y "tT^J ^ >tly, astrological report from, 05.

Tablet-clay, lump of, 412.

Taharqa. Egyptian king, c. 689-663 b.c. [f «>^ ^^^] tyyys:, probably referred to in liistorical inscription, 1596.

Taklak-[ana-beli]. Eponym ruler.

715 B.C. y t^ iM* [I -H].- letter to the king from, 1573.

Tanunaritu. Elamite king, y g^yyy t^ t\ -yil "^y, letter to Aslnir-bani- pal from, 293; y ^y ^} -V^l ^\, ill historical inscription, 1828.

Tammuz. God. -Hh t^ -yi^. re- ferred to, with Ishtar, in incantation, 2046; in SMmeriaa composition, 1272 ; in religious text, 1306 ; in list of gods, 1693,

Targibatu. City. -::yy ^ -yy^^ ^y

y^ ^y, in letter to the king, 297. Tarku. See Taharqa. Tarsus, Sennacherib's expedition to

(696 ii.c), 3329.

Tashmetum. Goddess. «>y- jy y-

»^£> '" pr'^yer, 1908. Taurus. Zodiacal constellation. See


Teb3t[aa]. Male proper name. \ "-J^t

' --y n? y?]' >" ust, ises.

Temple, of Ashur, 1119; of Ann, 64; of Ishtar, 115, 371, 415, 758, 760. See also Eaima, Kmashmash, Esagila, Esharra, Ezida, Kidmuru.

Temple property, text referring to, 334.

Temple-tower, in building-inscription,

115. Temples, restoration of, 17, 757; lists

of, 878, 1484, 1793. Teumman. Elamite king, y j^y ^yyy

<(•(, in historical inscription, 473; in

letters, 1032, 1550; in report or letter,

1639. Thebes, eastern portion of, 414. Thothmes III, prenoraen of, 627. Throne, in seal-impression, 756. Thunder, omens from, 928, 1049, 1053,

1000, 1069, 1774, 2050; astrological

report concerning-, 09.

Tiamat, or "the sea." '-<y'-< '^V', in

hymn or mythological legend, 94 5. Tiglath - pileser I. Assyrian king.

c. 1100 B.C. y ey ny ^y< &^g^y

^yyyy 4^ ttyy, octagonal pi ism of, II6; historical inscriptions probably of, 453, 488. Tiglath-pileser. Assyrian king, [y &y

legal or historical inscription, 804. Til-Ashurri. District. [^^ <fgy y? >W

"-lit]' 1" historical inscription, 109. Tiranna. God of the rainbow. >-Jf-

t^WV, [-4- >->'M in prayer, 1255. See also Rainbow.

Titles. See Lists of proper names. Lists of officials.

Towers, fortified, on Assyrian seal- impression, 792.

Tree, in seal-impression, 1715. See also Sacred tree.

Tribute, lists of, 843, 1002; from Kum-

mukhi, 453; in historical inscription,

813 ; fragments possibly containing, 859, 1120, 1191.

Troops, referred to in letters, 82, 120, 355, 1578, 1660, 1736,1798, 1821, 1849, 1855, 1889, 1945, 2172, 2193, 2221, 2250, 3063 ; in appeal to oracle of the Sun-god, 29.



Tukulti - apil - Esharra. See Tiglath-

pileser. Tukulti - Ninib I. Assyrian king,

c. 1275 ii.c. 1 ty ygf ><\x -4- ^EI

^; brick of, 415.

Tukulti-Ninib II. A ssyrian ling, 890- 885 B.C. <T-^ny -4- +. in gene- a'Ooyi 760; in colophon, 1430.

Tunaa. Aramean tribe, [t^] "tlf* ■^y y? y|, in letter, 170G.

Turtan. yls.syn'an Commander-in-chief. (i:'^) t^ £tyyy ^l, Iu historical inscriptions, 1, 695 ; in lettor, 82.

Turushpa. City on Lake Van. [-tyy]

' Hmy im £??<y ^ y?, in letter, 1549.

Twins. Zodiacal constellation. tJ:?-*^"

>y- fc= «->£^y [ ], in astronomical

text, 2774; tXS,^'^ Hh ^ ^-^I Ey- ^y>-, the Greater, in astrological report, 286.

Tyrian. See Surraa.


[Ujkkaa. luludjitants of the district of

ukku. [:^] ^E.* --H It y?.

in letter, 1225.

UUuzu. Male proper name. ] ■(^\i |EIJ <<yy,in letter, 1242.

Umbrella, on seal-impressions, 465-467.

Umman-manda. See Cimmerians

Ummanaldash. Elamiteking. ysCyyy'(<( -1<J Syy "^yy. in historical inscrip- tions, 1828, 1880, 1887.

Ummanigash. Elamite king, y t^yyy ^<( C^ ^, in historical inscription, 18; in report or letter, 1639; y tjl^f %]

^ £? -, y ^n « ^ ^^ m.

in letter from Ashur-bani-pal, 71.

Underworld, legend of Ishtar's descent

into the. 193; V ^ ^}]A V(^ i" prayer, 1829.

Ur. E:^^ E<SI? (var. KSI!) <IS. in historical inscription, 632; in letters, 493, 1556 ; in hymn or mythological legend, 922 ; in omen-texts, 1061, 1861.

Ura. Plague-god. -Hh -^y EJ:yy , in incantation, 43.

Urartaa. People of Urartu. •^ 'E'^w yj yj, letters concerning the, 1234- 1238, 1549, 1616.

Urartu. Armenia. "1^ "^^"J", in letter, 848 ; inhabitant of, in list, ^^ '^^, 2675.

Urdi. Male proper name, y ^f ^^y.

report from, 659. Urgula. Zodiacal constellation. See Leo. Uruk. See Erecli. Urzukhina. City, -t]] JH '-^]'i ^

"—/■y, in letters, 1122, 1123 ; governor

of, 462.

usnac ]. City, .^yy ^-yi ^y*

[ ], in letter, 1236.


Van, referred to, 1682. See also

Mannaa. Vase, of clay, uninscribed, 1523.

Venus. Planet. E;J^y""4" ""^t omens from, 1052, 1067, 1691, 1772, 1991, 2 1 24 ; omens from the sun and, 2785 ; in astronomical texts, 509, 728 ; in astrological report, 1534; in astrological tests, 959 ; in letter to the king, 77.

Vessels, of clay, inscribed, 166, 1499. See also Bowls.

-, referred to, in inventories, 190,

815; of copper, in letter, 1139 ; in list, 60. See also Lists (explanatory), of vessels.

Victims, sacrificial, in letters, 78, 266.

Votive inscriptions, of Assyrian kings, 642, 1030.

, copies of earlier, 862,

864, 1462, 2040, 3315.

, on clay bowls, 469, 787-

791, 3316. See also Bowls, Building- inscriptions.

on a great clay vessel,

166 ; on a circular clay plaque, 192.



Votive objects, of precious stones and metals, 766; clay fist as votive object, 760.


Watch, evening, in astrological report, nil.

Watchmen, in letter, 829.

Weaver, in contract-tablet, 850.

Weaving, of cotton, 3329.

Wind, omens from, ]094; omens from, during an eclipse, 1.547. See also South-wind.

Winged disk. See Disk.

Woods, Wooden objects. See Account- tablets, Letters, Lists (explanatory). Reports.

Words, Explanatory lists of. See Lists, explanatory.


Zaba[ ]. Male proper name.

y ?? ^y [ ], in letter, 1200.

Zabidu. Male proper name, f ^J ^ Sif , in letter, 279.

Zabu. Babylonian king of the First Dynasty. ->f ]\ ^'-, in legend, 1278.

Zag-muk. New Years Feast, f^ -^, explained as res satti, 780. See also Feast.

Zakir. Boyal astrologer. ] ]] ^^> astrological report from, 92.

Zamama. God. Gate of, t^J,* EI"- »>f l,] ^f ^y, iu list, 1656,

Zgr-Babili. Male proper name. ] .-<(*

4 ^ +T 411. '" letter, 84. Zibanitum. See Libra.

]-asharid. Male proper name.

[ ] y? V Sn , in letter, 1809.

Jba, or [ ]-ikisha. Letter

to the king from, 1598.

. . . .]de. Male proper name. [ ]|^

|gi{= %]], letter to the king from, 1223.

]du, or [ ]-ukiD. Letter

from, 1209.

j-Nabti. Male proper name.

[ ] '~'?=y^^, in letter, 1191.




The titles of Collections are printed in heavy type ; the figures which follow tUem refer to the running numberi of the Catalogue {Supplement).

K. : Nos. 793-3326. Sm. : No. 2674.

Rm.: Nos. 1404, 1406, 1409, 1411, 1412, 1417, 1420, 1421, 142,5, 1469, 1470, 1474, 1479, 1480, 1500, loOo, 1508, ir)20, 1.549, VAl, 1596, 1622, 16.56, 1665, 1666, 1668-1673, 1676, 1678, 1683, 1685, 1686, 1689, 1690, 1692-1696, 1698-1701, 1704, 1706, 1708, 1709, 17U-1713, 1715-1720, 1722, 1724, 1726-1728, 1731, 1734, 1736- 1738, 1740, 1743, 1744, 1746, 1748-1751, 1753, 175.5, 1757, 1759, 1760, 1763, 1766, 1768, 1771, 1773, 1774, 1776-1779, 1781-1784, 1787, 1790, 179.5, 1797, 1801, 1809, 1810, 1812, 1816, 1818, 1823, 182.5-1827, 1831, 1832, 183,5, 1842, 1844-1846, 1851, 1852, 18.54, 18.57, 1861, 1862, 1864, 1869, 1874, 1899, 1907, 1908.

Rm. 2: Nos. 1484, 1490, 1491, 1495, 1496, 1.501, 1504, 1510, 1511, 1515, 1518, 1523, 1525, 1527, 1530, 1533, 1535, 1540, 1541, 1,545-1548, 1557, 1559, 1564, 1567 - 1570, 1574, 1.583, 1,584, 1589, 1590, 1595, 1601, 1605, 1608, 1614, 1623, 1624, 1644, 1677, 1679-1682, 1684, 1687, 1702, 1703, 1705, 1707, 1714, 1721, 1723, 1725, 1730, 1732, 1733, 1735, 1739, 1741, 1742, 1745, 1752, 1758, 1762, 1767, 1770, 1785, 1791- 1793, 1798, 1800, 1802, 180.5, 1808, 181.3, 1815, 1817, 1822, 1828-1830, 1833, 1836, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880-1886, 1888, 1891, 1892, 1894, 1895, 1898, 1901, 1904.

79-7-8: Nos. 1486, 1503, 1558.

80-7-19 : Nos. 851, 105.5, 1100, 1427, 1498, 1506, 1513, 1655, 1887, 2761-2769.

81-2-4: Nos. 1492, 1499, 1512, 1514, 1517, 1524, 1532, 1534, 1539, 1544, 1555, 1560-1563, 1565, 1,573, 1.575, 1586, 1588, 1.592, 1598, 1602, 1607, 1610, 1615, 1616, 1620, 1621, 1627, 16,33, 1636, 1646, 1653, 1658, 1659, 1662.

83-1-18 : No. 866, 1901-10-12 : No. 3327.

Ki. 1902-5-10 : Nos. 1-37. Ki. 1904-10-9 : Nos. 38-415.

Th. 1905-4-9 : Nos. 416-792. 1909-2-13 : No. 3328.

1909-3-13 : No. 3329. 1910-10-8 : Nos. 3330, 3331.

1912-5-13: No. 3332. 1913-4-16: Nos. 3333-3349.




It sliould be noted that a tablet, made up of two or more fragments which have been rejoined, is arranged in tlie Collection under its lowest registration-number ; this number is printed in the Index in heaTy type. The first time a tablet is referred to in the Index, a complete list of its "joins" is given; afterwards a cross-reference to its first registration-number is included for each of its component parts. In only a few cases are numbers quoted whieli do not actually join ; when included in the list, sucl\ numbers are plticed within square brackets.

Hcgist ration No.

Fragments rejoineil.

Kegist ration No.

Fragments rejoined.

Registration No.

Fragments rejoined.





K. 3960


K. 237


Sm. 294


Ki. 1902- 5-1 0,28


K. 4382


K. 45


K. 277


KK. 2754, 5227,


K. 245


K. 2917

5295, 7525,


KK. 202, 3772,


K. 153

7632, 7633

3776, 3798,


KK. 243, 248

120 b

KK. 144, 3265,



K. 2081



K. 191


KK. 142, 2601


K. 4128


K. 200


K. 198


K. 2989


[Rm. 2, 101] 1


KK. 1699, 7084,


Bu. 89-4-26, 107


Sin.24; Rm.2,24



K. 3232


K. 4576


KK. 2237, 3522,


KK. 3352, 8751,


K, 4448

3573, 4049,



KK. 2105, 4343



K. 6682


K. 4046


K. 6827


K. 43


K. 163


KK. 60, 3195


K. 120 b


K. 2095


SSra. 900, 1511;


K. 4204


K. 2669

80-7-19, 124


K. 39


K. 2378


K. 56


KK. 246, 3220


KK. 3081, 3084


KK. 161, 2476,


K. 61


K. 3334



K. 218


K. 75


K. 2865; Sm. 15 ;


K. 2112


K. 71b

82-5-22, 317


K. 3038


KK. 4585 a, 5950

63 a

K. 3173




82-3-23, 137


KK. 2397, 10706

81-2-4, 231


K. 4574


K. 2592


K. 3755


K. 40


K. 7844


KK. 201, 2374,


K. 199


KK. 238, 6253,

2474, 2957,


K. 156

11R22; Sm.

3230, 3363


K. 40



K. 9295


KK. 2879, 10764 »

' Rm. 2, 101 fonned the upper part of the tablet of which K. 205 formed the lower part, hut the fragments do not join.

= It is possible that K. 8094 + K. 9782 formed part of this tablet.

2 I.





Pfagments rejoined.

KK. 250 251 256 257 260 262

267 273

274 277 304 346 352 353 377 399

410 424


451 1031 1080 1101 1113 1147 1169 1175



1229 1245

1251 1306 1335 1359 1362 1373 1412

1419 1436 1439 1446 1447 1458 1473 1478

1489 1492


KK. 7640, 13G77

K. 8521

KK. 3206, 5326

K. 2997

K. 4235, 10093

K. 4145 b ; Sm.

17 K. 6069 KK. 1944 b,

9064 K. 5986 K. 32 K. 9804 83-1-18, 355 8.3-1-18, 291 K. 1497 K. 14313 KK. 7357, 10448,

13056 83-1-18, 392 K. 1564 K. 1419 Sm. 1249 K. 1251 K. 12992 K. 1221 K. 1229 K. 1947 K. 4683 K. 1207 K. 1175 K. 1101 K. 1113 83-1-18, 107 K. 1031 83-1-18, 316 80-7-19, 335 K. 13197 K. 1923 83-1-18, 780 K. 1508 K. 441 K. 1523 Rm. 159 K.4285 83-1-18, 478 K. 1552 K. 10447 K. 1489 K. 1478 K. 1605 K. 353



KK. 1505

1 508 1513




15G4 1576 1601

1605 1609 1620 a

1621a 1622



1627 1628 1629

1632 1667 1668 a 1668 b

1671 1679 1697

1699 1700












1746 1752

Fragments rejoined.

K. 7407 K. 1412 82-5-22, 30 ;

Bu. 89-4-26,

123 K. 3594 K. 1436 K 1458 K. 424 Rm. 163 83-1-18, 484 K. 1492 K. 4699 KK.13714,13781,

13788 K. 13871 KK. 1623, 1624,

1627 ; Rin.

4 K. 1622 K. 1622 K. 1622 K. 1632 K. 6707 K. 1628 K. 6387 K. 1671 D.T. 6 K. 1668 a K. 8542 KK. 1817,

1818a K. 46 KK. 1836, 1844 ;

Sm. 2020 ;

D.T, 102 Rm. 2, 68 K. 1736 K. 1734 KK. 1738, 1768 Sm. 1989 K. 1723 K. 1720 K. 1730 KK. 1746, 1761a KK.6711, 13715,

13716, 13717,

13836, 13844,

13869, 14153 KK. 1811, 1852 K. 1739 K. 2730

Registration No.

Fra^mentB rejoined.

KK. 1753

1761 a! 1762 a 1762 b

1762 c 1762d 1762e

1762 f 17G2R

1763 d 1763e




1763 III 1763n 1765 1768

1769 1775 c 1775 e 1779 1780 1783

1793 1805

1811 1813 1815


1818 a 1822

1829 1832


1836 1842 1844 1850 a 1852 1859 1860 1921 1923 1944 b 1947

KK. 1765, 4291, 6236, 9797, 11937, 13448, 14249. 14271, 14312

K. 1739

KK. 1762c, 1762e

K. 1762 d

K. 1762 a

K. 1762 b

K. 1762 a

K. 1762 g

K. 1762 f

KK.1763e, 1763n

K. 1763 d

K. 1763 m

K. 17631

K. 1763 j

K. 176311

K. 1763 d

K. 1753

K. 1730

D.T. 100

K. 1775 e

K. 1775 o

Sm. 1878

K. 1842

KK. 1793, 1829, 18.50 a

K. 1783

Sm. 2018

K. 1741

K. 3749

K. 2733

K. 1697

K. 1697

Sm. 2046

K. 1783

KK. 5072, 5249; D.T. 5

81-7-27, 13

K. 1700

K. 1780

K. 1700

K. 1783

K. 1741

K. 18G0

K. 1859

K. 3488

K. 1362

K. 273

K. 1147




Fragments rejoined.

Kegist ration


Fragments rejoined.



Fragments rejoined.





K. 4467 ; Bu.


K. 6086


K. 2131

91-5-9, 193;


KK. 8944, 13680


K. 6298

[83-1-18, 425J1


K. 171


K. 3717


K. 34G6


K. 4098


K. 2927


K. 11294


K. 2283


K. 2320


KK. 7713, 11217,


K. 2247


K. 3624

13582, 14913


KK. 2137, 21.50


K. 3572


K. 63.54


K. 2134


K. 2152


K. 10075


K. 6270


K. 2305


KK. 4.563, .5435 a


KK. 8766, 13806


K. 3032

2016 a

KK. 4421, 5419b,


K. 2134


KK. 6157, 8679

8217, 8238,


KK. 2313, 12821,


KK. 6096, 7206,

9977, 12905;



Sm. 1332;


K. 11352


KK. 4971, 6022

82-3-23, 150


K. 2206


K. 2172

2018 a

K. 12525 ; SSm.


KK. 2195, 3510


K. 2200

477, 544, 1562


K. 5054


KK. 4015, 7830,


K. 4357 ; D.T. 14


K. 2344



KK. 13608, 13610


KK. 2431,2469,


KK. 2412, 2463,


KK. 2951, 2983

2475, 2480,

3237, 6447,


K. .3210

7814, 10454,

7086, 8800,

2030 a

K. 2043




K. 8490


K. 8912


K. 3212

2035 a

K. 4337


K. 3603


K. 3060


KK. 4253, 4308,


K. 3851


K.3193; Sm.389

4589, 7891;


K. 2164


K. 2787

Km. 903


Sm. 693


K. 2525


K.4394; Rin.3.j3


K. 2.348


K. 13791


K. 2030 a


K. 2162


K. 2464


KK. 4188, 5421 c


K. 11083


K. 191


79-7-8, 297


Sm. 629


K. 224


K. 11226


K. 5969


K. 3289


K. 2251


KK. 2958, 4376


K. 2106


K. 2084


K. 2891


K. 7.586


K. 3562


K. 47


K. 3893


K. 3771


K 2704


K. 65


K. 42


KK. 2994, 3578,


K, 5242


K. 352:5

3605, 3614


K. 2354


K. 2070


K. 2133


K. 9969


82-3-23, 26 ;


K. 2068


K. 2465; Km. 141

83-1-18, 421,


KK. 2602, 3321,


K. 2511


4486 ; Sm.


K. 3362


K. 219



KK. 2941,4265


K. 7636


KK. 2963, 3973


K. 2175


K. 215


K. 3735


Sm. 1899


KK. 2384, 3393,


KK. 4575, 9919,


K. 2849

6340, 8605,

12319; Sm.


KK. 2501, 2504,

8983, 9576,



9688, 11589,


K. 3527


K. 2975

12911, 13792,


K. 9102


K. 8757 ; SSm.



SSm. 675, 2152

32 b, 150, 1983

' The fragment, 83-1-18, 425, formed jjart of this tablet, though it does not join.

2 L 2



Registration No.

Fragments rejoined.



Fragments rejoined.

Registration No.

Fragmenta rejoined.




2452 ;

K. 2705


KK. 3425, .5000,


K. 3050


81-2-4, 194

710.5, 11683,

2704 K. 2241

2454 ;

KK. 2984, 3178

13389 ; Sm.

2705 !

K. 2452


K. 3936

821 ; DD.T.


KK. 7168, 12544


K. 7824

172, 371 ; Km.


K. 4056


K. 2354

2, 381; 79-7-8,

2714 !

KK. 3831, 4062


K. 2372

192; 82-3-2:3,


KK. 4012, 8817


K. 2418



KK. 3872, 4051


K. 2175


KK. 6950, 72-11,


K. 8207


KK. 6318, 6989

8997, 10321,


SSm. 1768, 1776


K. 191

1061 3, 12000 p,


K. 1752


K. 2175

12831, 13482;


Sm. 1712


K. 61

Sm. 1464; Bu.


K. 1815


KK. 2539, 9685

89-4-26, 155


KK. 3180, 3208,


K. 2175


KK. :i430, 3924,

5043, 6588,


K. 3987

4091, 10509,

6612, 6672,


K. 3898


6908, 7047,


K. 4364


KK. 4641, 5166,

8498, 9157,


KK. 2502, 2591

5229, 5256

9770, 10219,


K. 83.56


K. 7185

10497, 13431,


K. 2440


K. 2487



K. 2487


K. 67


K. 2743


K. 7819


KK. 2978, 2982


K. 2742


K. 2440


KK. 2944, 12832;


K. Ill


KK. 325.-), 4647,

D.T. 355.


81-7-27, 93

10124, 13466;


K. 2535


KK. 27.56b, 13874

Sm. 1425


, K. 3069

2756 b

K. 2756 a


K. 2421


!K. 43


K. 5234 b


K. 4101


K. 2252


K. 2440


D.T. 358


KK. 2633, 310 lb,


K. 2542


K. 2365



K. 2363


D.T. 7


K. 6408


KK. 4964, 49G6


KK. 8467, 8495,


KK. 2666, 2676


K. 7973



K. 4436


K. 3053; D.T. 252


K. 2598


KK. 2653, 2855


KK. 3047, 3049


KK. 2551,


K. 2608


K. 9490

3188, 5329,


Km. 2, 99


K. 8394



K. 2631


K. 6680


K. 2477


K. 3076


K. 6.593


KK. 2772, 6030;


K. 2677


K. 11454

DDT. 85, 170


K. 2627


K. 2439


K. 11572


K. 221


K. 9662


KK. 3470,




K. 2631


81-2-4, 186


K. 6090


KK. 3117, 3287.


K. 2627


KK. 5068, 5297

12920; SSm.


K. 2659


828, 1326


K. 2684


KK. 2868, 5065 a;


K. 7008


K. 8083

Rm. Ill


K. 2538


K. 2682


K. 62


K. 9152


K. 3762


K. 8174


K. 10475


K. 2687


KK. 2862


K. 5202


i K. 2686


K. 5025


Registration No.

Fragments rejoined.

Registration No.

Fragments rejoined.

Hegist ration


Fragments rejoined.





81-2-4, 396


81-2-4, 241


K. 156

2879 j

K. 249


K. 2360


KK. 3245, 6944,

2886 1

K. 2929 a


K. 2599

7813, 8925,

2891 !

K. 2236


K. 2656



K. 3011; SSm.


K. 6361


K. 191

1258, 1346


K. 3080


K. 138


K. 36


K. 3079


KK. 4828, 4842


KK. 2924, 8422


K. 228


K. 13386


K. 2919


K.3086:Sm. 2027


K. 5178


K. 2299


K. 228


K. 2354

2929 a

K. 2886


K. 3082


KK. 6426, 9487,


K. 2427


K. 4450



K. 2597


K. 2608


K. 3227


K. 12553


K. 2977


K. 2507


K. 12856


K. 2549


K. 120 b


K. 2966 ;


K. 2962


K. 8170

81-7-27, 152


Rm. 500


K. 7080


K. 2024


K. 4435


KK. 6255, 7644,


K. 3678


Rm. 244



K. 2964


K. 3137


K. 4824


K. 191


K. 3132


83-1-18, 457


K. 2235


K. 4816 a


K. 2549


KK. 2972, 13954;


K. 7379


K. 2379

Sm. 943; Bii.


K. 5244a;


KK. 33H3, 3421,

91-5-9, 1

83-1-18, 769

5880, 10078


K. 3120


KK. 3184, 3194,


K. 5868


K. 2263



K. 120 b


K. 2953


K. 7848


K. 10223


K. 2950


K. 63 a


K. 4237 b


Rin. 240


K. 2454


K. 3182


Sm. 4


K. 3381; Sm.


K. 3319


K. 2980; Sm.



K. 3317


31 HO

K. 2741


K. 2252


K. 2959


KK. 3187, 3312,


Rta. 941


K. 2445

5121, 5459,


Sm. 394: 81-2-4,


K. 31 ] 6

6823, 8232,



K. 2595

9699, 10587,


K. 235


K. 2970

13430, 13794;


K. 5002


K. 2595

SSm. 311,1398


K. 140


K. 2024


K. 3158


KK. 6639, 8953,


K. 2454


K. 3182



K. 135


K. 2538


K. 9047


K. 2246


KK. 7014, 8788


K. 2423


K. 257


K. 2361


K. 191


K. 2893


K. 3158


K. 5241


K. 2321


K. 56


K. 70«7


K. 182


K. 5379


K. 3179


D.l'. 8


K. 256


Rm. 621


K. 2802


K. 2741


K. 3294


K. 2802


K. 2025


K. 2106


K. 2694


K. 2355


K. 3469, 13165;


K. 2801


K. 3666

D.T. 122



Kegistratiou No.

Fragments rejoined.



Fragments rejoined.



Fragments rejoined.





K. 3934


KK. 8010, 8124


KK. 6479, 7211;


Stn. 2118


K. 2246

Sm. 1116


81-2-4, 187 ;


K. 2311


K. 7628

95-4-6, 4


K. 4009


KK. 7985, 10404,


KK. 6065, 6223,


K. 3215


6339, 8856,


KK. 6204, 8343,


K. 4105

10431, 10727

11281, 12387,


82-3-23, 57


K. 9069



K. 2193


K. 3294


KK. 6242,13966,


K. 7089


K. 2570



K. 12536


K. 8657


K. 2952


Sm. 383


K. 2574


Sm. 951


K. 3950


K. 8147


K. 3871; 81-7-27,


K. 4065


K. 9251



K. 3689


K. 2608


K. 6290; Rm. 102


K. 2723


KK. 4186, 42181),


K. 4124


KK. 7182, 8333;

4414, 4772,


K. 9113

Sm. 34



K. 5245


RRm. 88, 144


Rm. 641


K. 2285


K. 4651


Era. 396


KK. 4019, 12866


K. 6819


KK. 11152, 13728


KK. 6429, 6619,


K. 2396


K. 3935

8132, 9468,


K. 2485


D.T. 43

10133, 11575,


K. 115.54


K. 2003

11895, 12549

3904 a

K. 3904 b


K. 3397


K.6059; Rm.321

3904 b

K. 3904 a


K. 2544


K. 12516


K. 14354




K. 8802


K. 4033

79-7-8, 296


K. 4002


K. 2574


K. 8233; Sm.372


K. 2265


K. 3399


K. 1921


K. 4284


K. 3454


KK. 4444, 10235


K. 10543


K. 2455


K. 2164


K. 1813


Rm. -Z-IS


79-7-8, 68


K. 190


KK. 3986, 6297,


K. 47


K. 2685

6909, 10681,


K. 2083


K. 2077

10960, 11713,


K. 2267


K. 200

12316; 82-3-23,


K. 3777


K. 200



K. 2076


K. 3559


K. 4013


K. 8588


K. 200


K. 12645


K. 12396


K. 3833


K. 3860


K. 2312


KK. 4090, 9546


KK. 4050, 10580,


K. 47


K. 6777

12460, 12620;


K. 2246


K. 5414 a

D.T. 295


KK. 5015, 5154


K. 6739 ; Sm.


KK. 6285,


K. 1522




D.T. 75


K. 3835


KK. 6347,


K. 2184


K. 2714



K. 2246


81-2-4, 235


K. 28


K. 9897


K. 3811


Rm. 233


KK. 7330, 13114


K. 3823


K. 2263

The fragment, K. 12889, formed the upper left-hand corner of the reverse of this tablet, thougli it does not join.


Kegiatration No.

Fragments rejoined.



Fragments rejoined.

Registration No.

Fragments rejoined.





K. 12364;


K. 4183


K. 4379

Sm. 1667; 79-


K. 4.322


K. 10045

7-8, 221


K. 4583


KK. 4604, 10059


K. 6399


Sm. 57


K. 4170


KK. 6690, 11202;


K. 4402 ; Sm. 63


K. 13692

Sm. 241


K. 4006


K. 4243


K. 3945

4180 a

K. 8797


K. 2035 a


K. 2484


K. 4236

4338 a

K. 4358 a; 83-1-


K. 40H9


K. 4152

18, 455


K. 3734


K. 3436


79-7-8, 294


KK. 6394, 8295


K. 2045


K. 215


K. 4179


Rm. 2, 29


K. 4257


K. 3628


K. 4140 b


K. 4149


K. 2722


K. 4149


KK. 4349t, 14948


K. 3946


K. 152

4349 a

81-7-27, 51


K. 2350


81-2-4, 224 ;

4349 k

81-7-27, 54


K. 3725

83-1-18, 441

4349 n

K. 4349 u


K. 3919


KK. 8351, 10050

4349 o

K. 4349 V


K. 4037


K. 11399

4349 s

K. 4349 z


K. 4035


K. 4360

4349 t

K. 4349


K. 217

4218 a

Sm. 50

4349 u

K. 4349n


K. 12768


K. 3436

4349 V

K. 4349 o


K. 47


Km. 605

4349 z

K. 4349 s


K. 3951


KK. 10092, 11188


Sm. 1981


K. 2723


K. 4567


K. 2021 a


K. 4058


KK. 4250, 4544b;

4358 a

K. 4338 a


K. 2712

D.T. 9


K. 4216


K. 4053


KK. 4371, 4595,


K. 2486


K. 2714

4598, 5426 a,


K. 12284


K. 3867

11223, 11410


K. 4233


Sm. 552


K. 260


K. 8377


KK. 4133, 6803


K. 4181


K. 2235


K. 6773

4237 b

K. 3302


K. 4380


K. 3996


K. 4556


K. 4312


K. 3815


K. 4335; D.T. 128


K. 4377


K. 2574


K. 4230


K. 107


KKm. 93, 544


K. 2041


K. 200


K. 2128


KK. 4346, 4392,


K. 4257


K. 2514

4433, 4345 ;


K. 2042


K. 10623

Sm. 1634


Sm. 51)


K. 3843


KK. 7679, 7680,


K. 4418


79-7-8, 105

7681, 7768,


Rm. 854


K. 14356

7775, 7785,


K. 4177


K. 3697



Sm. 7


K. 134


K. 2427


K. 8405


K. 7046


K. 8976


K. 5431 a


K. 4081


K. 3742


K. 4602 ; Sm. 21


SSm. 1175, 2008


K. 1446


K. 8376

4140 b

K. 4202


K. 6332


K. 3436

4145 b

K. 262


KK. 9477, 9492


K. 4398


KK. 4203, 4.348;


K. 1753


K. 2016 a

Sm. 27


K. 2041


K. 13696





Fragments rejoined.



Fragments rejoined.



Fragments rejoined.





K. 4590


KK. 4889, 5038,


Sm. 1145


Km. 617

5130; D.T. 287


K. 4864


K. 8818


K. 2578


Rm. 110


K. 4257


K. 4810


K. 4610


K. 3127


K. 2507


K. 4857


K. 2630


K. 3883


K. 4632


K. 3500


lim. 2, 213


K. 493H


K. 212


K. 9367


K. 4631


K. 3098


KK. 4821. 4939,


K. 13742


K. 4515

5086. 5164,


KK. 4949, 5331,


Sm. 2133

5697, 1157G



K. 1989


K. 4681


8m. 2148


K. 2252


KK. 12974,


KK. 5294, 5303


K. 4453



D.T. 150; Km.


82-;')-22. 4!i!t


K. 4673


4544 b

K. 4230


K. 1159


KK. 4955,11110;


K. 4257


KK. 10119,

Rm. 269


KK. 7034, 8388

12905, 13196


KK. 4935, 13527


K. 4241


K. 1609


K. 11953


K. 2015


K. 10298


K. 4837


K. 8771


81-2-4, 386


K. 4916


KK. 40 01 1),


K. 10493


K. 4892



KK. 11396,


K. 4661


KK. 8651, 1413C

11410; Sm. 178


K. 5101


K. 4226


KK. 11918,


K. (;U43


K. 72.-. 1

13129, 13548


Rm. 2, 158


K. 242


K. 3436


K. 498,s


K. 2266


K. 10451


K. 4900


K. 208


Sm 977


K. 4911


D.T. 2


K. 4644


K. 5224

4579 a

K. 8018


K. 11029;


K. 4903


K. 4174

79-7-8, 65


K. 4962

4585 a

K. 240

4816 a

K. 3138


K. 2789


K. 2041


K. 4661


K. 2789


K. 4424


K. 3280


K. 4622


K. 4233


K. 3233


K. 2337


K. 4233


KK. 4844 a, 4970.


K. 4829


K. 4565

5055, 5090,


KK. .5050, 5230


K. 4411



K. 4947


K. 4319


SSm. 331, 1391


KK. r.l39, 5182


K. 4881


K. 3473


K. 2861


K. 5050


82-5-22, 558


K. 2570


K. 4970


K. 4927


K. 3343


79-7-8, 24


K. 3233


K. 5000 a


KK. 5115,

4844 a

K. 4829


KK, 5103, 6038,

12000 aa


K. 11708



K. 8810


K. 4887


K. 3586


K. 10205


K. 13311




K. 4894


K. 4869


[81-7-27, 249]i

' Tlie fragments K. 5129 and 81-7-27, 249, formed parts of tlie same tablet as K. 5020, though they do not join.


Kegist ration No.

Fragments rejoined.

Itegistration No.

Fraymeuts rejoiued.

Registration No.

Fragments rejoined.





K. 2869


K. 4982


K. 5096


K. 61

5234 b

K. 2761


K. 3297


K. 5064


K. 3372


K. 3294


K. 4632


K. 2410


K. 240


K. 2741

5244 a

K. 3152


K. 2226


K. 4982


K. 3711


K. 8746


K. 2168


K. 1832


K. 274


K. 4829


K. 5069


K. 10167


K. 4612


K. 2578


K. 10684

5060 a

K. 5009


K. 5187


K. 2337


K. 5037


K. 5146


KK. 8812, 9900 ;

5065 a

K. 2862


K. 5333 a

Sm. 1536


K. 2861


K. 8466


K. 7692


K. 5250


K. 8059


KK. 6627, 9364


K. 2544


K. 5344


K. 2542


K. 1832


K. 4904


K. 5014


K. 12030


K. Ill


K. 4943


K. 4661


K. 2861


K. 3730


K. 4829


K. 4829


K. 3409


KK. 5725, 13547


K. 256


Sin. 1063


K. 4942


K. 2538


K. 267


K. 5014


K. 4900


K. 2107


K. 8002

5333 a

K. 5268


K. 2859


K. 4626


K. 5133


K. 2333


K. 3182


K. 5292


K. 6148


[K. 5020]'

5348 b

K. 10202


K. 6141


K. 4632


K. 5369


K. 2323


KK. 5336, 9351


K. 5171


K. 12291


K. 4996


K. 7044


Sin. 307 ; Rm. 238


K. 5206


K. 4904


K. 6277


K. 13426


K. 4900


K. 3670


KK. 5266, 1387'.)


K. 5353


K. 6225


K. 3586


SSm. 438, 1337


KK. 6502, 9532,


KK. 5220, 12833


KK. 9806, 10846



K. 4661


K. 3197


K. 3409



5408 a

Urn. 145


K. 6207


K. 2578

5414 a

K. 3819


K. 1753


K. 5354

5419 b

K. 2016 a


K. 6279


K. 3235


K. 2045


K. 3671


K. 4996

542(; a

K. 4233


K. 8157


KK. .5259,

5427 a

K. 7741


K. 71b

12000 o

.5431 a

K. 4410


K. 6464


K. 8481

5435 a

K. 2015


K. 3272


KK. 10615, 12829


K. 3182


K. 2146


K. 2569


K. 5614


K. 6200


K. 5141


K. 5550


K. 6237


K. 5156


KK. 6749, 9522,


K. 9134


K. 4956

10643, 10808


K. 3952


K. Ill


Rin. 531


K, 6295


K. 2578


K. 4661


K. 3693

' See aboTe, p. 272, n. 1.

2 M



Registration No.

Fragments rejoined.

Keifistration No.

Fragments rejoined.

Hegistration No.

Fragments rejoined.





K. 6286


K. 6722


K. 46


K. 3945


K. 6555


K. 2354


K. 2284


Km. 236


K. 3377


Sm. 2082


K. 8300


K. 3854


K. 2472


K. 2741


K. 2570


KK. 814(;, 9337,


K. 6400


K. 6486

10361, 10657,


K. 80.H7

7156 t

K. 11034



K. 2832


K. 11830


K. 4289


K. 141


K. 2708


K. 3409


K. 3985


K. 3875


K. 2106

6694 1

K. 6701


K. 2586


K. 3957


K. 8069


K. 9802


K. 2011


K. 6694


K. 2333


K. 3077


K. 1629


KK. 9075, 13274


Sm. 1889


K. 1740


K. 3836


K. 1667


KK. 7070, 11658;


K. 2573


K. 4005

SSm. 321, 1386


K. 8339


K. l()i;5s


K. 6654


K. 4570


K. 3980


K. 3820


K. 7478


K. 6074


K. 5663


K. 3610


K. 6403


K. «464


K. 399


K. 6401


K. 4082


K. 3146


K. 2618


K. 3816


K. 12843; 82-3-


K. 13257


K. 12867

23, 99

6423 a

KK. 120001,


KK. 8081, 9791


K. 13192

12000 111


K. 4081


79-7-8, 146


K. 6652


K. 3886


K. 1505


K. 3242


K. 3182


K. 7299


K. 3726


K. 53




K. 04()0


K. 10583


K. 8451


K. 2354


K. 7948


K. 7568


K. 8459


K. 2741


K. 7564


K. 834rt


K. 3945


K. 2385


K. 6445


K. 9723


K. 8717; D.T. 363


K. 6254


K. 3227


K. 7027


K. 9706


K. 2573


K. 7626


K. 3836


K. 4565


K. 3837


K. 8068


K. 13998


K. Ill


; Sm. 791


K. 10740


K. Ill


K. 7144


K. 8345


K. 4547


K. 6209


K. .S()75


K. 2103


K. 6656


K. 2472


K. 3272


KE. 10387,


K. 2550


K. 250

10446, 10909


K. 3189


K. 11109


K. 2741


K. 7861


K. 11035


K. 2836


> K. 5361


K. 4263


K. 9341


K. 4129


K. 4263


K. 2741


1 K. 2741


K. 4263


K. 3726


K. 6720


KK. 7805, 13099


K. 6029


K. 3269


K. 7800


K. 3355


K. 7082


K. 6027


K. 6425


K. 7081


I K. 8770




Fragments rejoined.

Registration No.

Fragments rejoined.



Fragments rejoined.





K. 7705


K. 97821


K. 3875


K. 13198


KK. 8774, 13209


K. 7248


K. 7701


K. 3612


K. 3670


K. 2009


KK. 13002,


K. 6983


K. 5427 a

13134, 13201,


K. 6451


K. 8675

13202, 13205,


K. 4211


81-2-4, 245, 29C,

13212, 13213,


K. 8360


13221 ;Sm. 484


K. 9030


K. 4263


K 84.38


K. 2491


K. 4263


K, 3726


K. 11941


K. 4263


80-7-19. 105


K. 8352


K. 7798


K. 6324


K. 8373 2


K. 7788


K. 3432


K. 8372


K. 7683


K. 7829


K. 12000y


K. 7684


K. 6246


K. 4413


K. 3227


K. 10357


K. 4374


K. 2175


K. 47


K. 4547


K. 2503


K. 7942


K. 2813


K. 2462


KK. 11041,


83-1-18, 090


K. 8151

11684, 14058


K. 4408


K. 2350


K. 2866


K. 2919


K. 70


K. 3268


K. 8127


K. 3169


KK. 8192, 8193


K. 8049


K. 7042


K. 8191


K. 7561


K. 2041

8 1 93

K. 8191


K. 8926


K. 8167


KK. 8199, 8200


K. 6448


K. 6833


K. 8198


K. 6765


K. 8999


K. 8198


K. 5272


K. 2792


Sm. 1438


K. 2530


K. 3838


K. 2724


K. 12040


K. 3272


K. 2016 a


K. 9209


K. 5114


K. 8241


K. 5188


KK. 8845, 8941


K. 3182


K. 2032


K. 3612


K. 3474


K. 2530


K. 4579 a


K. 8235


K. 2741


K. 187


K. 8234


K. 9457


KK. 8441, 8760;


K. 2016 a


K. 251

81-2-4, 195


K. 13700


KK. 8533, 8534


K. 5290


82-3-23, 145


K. 8532


K. 8066


K. 8228


K. 8532


K. 8063


K. 13182


H2-5-22, 28


K. 6482


KK. 8257, 8259


K. 1679


K. 6697


KK. 8260, 9058


K. 8547


K. 6984


K. 8252


K. 8545


K. 6790


K. 8252


K. 3567


K. 2683


K. 8253


K. 2106


K. 6679


K. 4005


K. 4566


Km. 2, 23


K, 6663


K. 3429

' See above, p. 265, note 2.

^ The fragmente K. 4068 and Sni. 1657 probably formed parts of this tablet, though they do not join.

2 M 2




Fragments rejoined.



Fragments rejoined.

Registration No.

Fragments rejoined.



KK. i


K. 7749


K. 8253


K. 3815


K. 2323


K. ir.iic,


K. 10464


K. 9179 ;Rni. 223


K. 8787


K. 13207


K. 7592


K. 273


K. 2106


79-7-8, 107


K. 3416


Km. 2, 161


K. 5980


K. 2273

9612 !

K. 10760


K. 140


K. 3706

9655 i

K. 9868


Sm. 670


K. 6284


KK. 12254, 12617


K. 2449


K. 13332


K. 2852


K. 8049


K. 2558


Sm. 1351; Rin. 149


K. 2148


K. 2741

9675 i

K. 7207


K. 7697


K. 14260

9685 !

K. 2477


K. 4564


K. 8684

9688 K. 2106


K. 8103


K. 8478


K. 12S55


KK. 9060,10329,


K. 11809


K. 3182

12983, 12988,


K. 3434


K. 6477

13200, 13214,


K. 9339


K. 10723

13216, 13223,


KK. 12496, 12541


Rm. 2, 262



K. 9289


K. 6912


K. 3189


K. 13281


K. 13217


K. 4180 a


K. 9270


K. 13285


K. 2354


K. 9297


81-2-4. 256


K. 3733


82-5-22, 551


K. 2471


KK. 10238, 10888


K. 193


K. 109.58


K. 4627


K. 9290


K. 8094 1


K. 6026


K. 6324


K. 6790


K. 2722


K. 9259


K. 1753


K. 4429


K. 6594


K. 304


K. 10335


K. 3957


K. 5375


K. 12378


K. 5133


K. 11868


K. 2354


K. 9357


K. 11768


K. 8005


K. 9352


K. 7200


Rni. 2, 316


K. 6029


K. 9655


K. 3409


K. 4658


KK. 11657,11660


K. 8914


K. 2538


K. 3608


K. 2180


K. 10534


K. 6026


K. 8900


79-7-8, 162


K. 2266


K. 3227


K. 10518


Rm. 613


K. 8457


K. 8499


K. 13252


K. 8005


K. 3726


K. 2414


K. 2109


K. 4290


K. 2016 a


K. 2350


K. 3242


K. 10191


K. 3355


K. 2808


KK. 14270, 14309


K. 4266


; K. 4290


K. 4313


K. 2106


! K. 3242


K. 4211


K. 3355


K. 2333


K. 4319


K. 2573


K. 5663


K. 10080


K. 7953


K. 13996


K. 2014


K. 8355


K. 6209


K. 3294


K. 3358


K. 11837


K. 10061

' See above, p. 265, note 2.


Registration No.

Fragments rejoined.

Registratiun No.

Fragments rejoined.



Fragments rejoined.





K. 4224


K. 9442


K. 10353


K. 260


K. 9405


K. 4224


K. 10276


K. 3745


K. 14100


K. 13847


K. 10241


K. 3985


K. 4686


K. 3951


K. 2009


K. 2507


K. 6832


K. 4233


79-7-8. 350


K. 3182


K. 2059


K. 3726


K. 2573


Sm. 126


K. 6395


K. 5195


K. 11375


K. 6008


K. 4102


K. 3670


KK. 12101,12853


K. 11815


79-7-8, 352


K. 5014


K. 5663


K. 2006


K. 9984


K. 10926


K. 11356


K. 5348 b


K. 6324


K. 11975


K. 4630


K. 10689


K. 2154


K. 2741


K. 3945


K. 11325


K. 10403


K. 6012


K. 11233


K. 3300


K. 10660


K. 13043


K. 3500


K. 6324


K. 4754


K. 8805


K. 65


K. 4213


K. 10554


K. 2175


K. 4233


Rm. 2, 315


K. 9713


K. 4754


K. 10106


K. 3409


K. 11453; '83-1-


K. 140


K. 6977

18, 669


K. 4708


K. 9612


K. 11463


K. 2573


K. 249


81-2-4, 192


K. 8787


K. 6209


83-1-18, 549


79-7-8, 34


K. 12480


K. 11431


K. 8835


K. 5663


K. 2844


K. 10401


K. 10843


83-1-18, 556


K. 11159


K. 10837


K. 11441


K. 2530


K. 5375


83-1-18, 897


K. 8162


K. 14311


82-5-22, 986


K. 11932


K. 8805


80-7-19, 70


K. 6324


K. 6559


Sm. 908


K. 6559


K. 12029


80-7-19, 71 ;


K. 3838


K. 10655

83-1-18, 534


80-7-19, 345


K. 9779


Sm. 412


K. 3409


K. 3945


K. 12037


K. 6559


K. 12343


Bu. 91-5-9, 181


K. 1473


Sin. 1355


81-2-4, 190, 290


K. 399


K. 11000


Sm, 705


K. 4783


K. 10998


Sm. 1158;


K. 2175


K. 7663

83-1-18, 551


K. 12590


K. 8171


Bu. 91-,5-9, 170


K. 10350


K. 2207


K. 3903


K. 10220


K. 7661


K. 2543


K. 9565


K. 4911


K. 3726


K. 2566


K. 3227


K. 4661


K. 4747


K. 3447


K. 2106


K. 2741


Rm. 582


K. 11157


K. 2574


K. 11605; Rm. 338


K. 71b



Kegistration No.

Fragments rejoined.



Fragments rejoined .

Registration No.

Fragments rejoined.





K. 4813


K. 12200


K. 11494


K. 7156


K. 12823


K. 12365


K. 9881


K. 9660


K. 3949


K. 6720


K. 12195


K. 12368




K. 4370


K. 3952


K. 2570


K. 6159


K. 4047


K. 8171


K. 3945


KK. 13933, 13978

. 11708

K. 4855


K. 12391


K. 2152


K. 3945


K. 2266


K. 13964; Sin. 623


K. 2574


K. 10963


K. 12244


K. 9830


K. 123.s(;


K. 5195


K. 9213


K. 3978


K. 2573


K. 10630


K. 12044


K. 2597


K. 7157


K. 13175


K. 5156


K. 9537


K 12700


K. 12839


K. 9828


K. 8841


K. 12836


K. 13584


K. 12361


K. 14180


K. 3726


K. 3670


K. 7387


82-3-23, 70


K. 13101


K. 10173


K. 9059


K. 12318


K. 9697


K. 4767


K. 12403


K. 2949


K. 10360


K. 3568


K. 12050


K. 1753


K. 12417


K. 12423


K. 8358


K. 12411


KK. 12884, 13960


K. 4922


K. 12864


K. 3725


K. 11326


K. 12618


K. 6786

12000 aa

K. 4626


K. 3951


K. 3670


K. 6423 a


K. 12395


K. 13313

12000 m

K. 6423 a


K. 12497


K. 14037

12000 0

K. 5187


K. 12500


K. 12865

12000 p

K. 2573


K. 10801


K. 3838


K. 8374


K. 9262


Sm. 1743


K. 12005


K. 12479


[K. 3671J1


K. 12000


K. 12480


K. 12539


K. 12002


K. 12540


K. 2016 a


K. 12004


K. 3731


K. 2106


K. 14100


K. 2018 a


K. 2549


K. 10916


K. 3858


K. 4686


K. 5079


K. 12.S'.I7


K. 4675


K. 12030


K. 12511


K. l-2'.MO


K. 12034


K. 9262


K. 12977


K. 8475


K. 2708


K. 8787


K. 4263


K. 3726


K. 8787


K. 12863


K. 12552


K. 1080


K. 12053


K. 12551


K. 13070


K. 12052


K. 2945


K. 8125


K. 10173


K. 10456


Rm. 1022; Bu.


82-3-23, 81


K. 9660

91-.5-9, 05


KK. 13219,14091;


K. 12433


K. 11378

SSm. 505, 1401


K. 3951


K. 13119

' See above, p. 270, u. 1.




Fragments rejoined.

Registration No.

Fragments rejoined.


Fragments rejoined.





K. 399


K. 2507


K. 12883


K. 12994


K. 2573


K. 8171


H2-5-22, 85


K. 13570


K. 12180


K. 12388


K. 4916


K. 11191


SSm. 189, 347;


K. 5096


K. 12026

82-3-23, 87


K. 4767


K. 4566


K. 3610


K. 13506


Sm. 1617


K. 13047


K. 2009


K. 1740


K. 4767


K. 11890


K. 12840


Bii. 91-5-9, 103


K. 2022


K. 1753


K. 8125


K. 2022


K. 14276


K. 4675


81-7-27, 79


K. 9162


K. 3397


K. 46


K. 9996


K. 12367


K. 250


K. 1753


K. 8247


K. 2109


K. 14259


K. 7400


K. 4325


K. 8787


K. 4686


Rm. 365


K. 9996


K. 1359


K. 4423


K. 10867


K. 7702


K. 7683


K. 1753


K. 8787


K. 8239


K. 377


K. 8125


K. 1620 a


K. 3906


K. 8125


K. 1740


K. 4118


K. 8125


K. 1740


Sm. 509


K. 9572


K. 1740


K. 2152


K. 13215


K. 3447


K. 2009


K. 8103


K. 4899


K. 14918


K. 8125


K. 1620 a


K. 14916


K. 8125


K. 1620 a


81-7-27, 94


K. 8787


K. 2371


K. 4349


K. 13208


K. 2106


RKm. 120, 274


K. 8787


K. 2741


K. 9728


K. 3182


K. 12180


K. 2106


K. 8125


K. 2148


K. 8787


K. 3158


K. 9968


K. 1740



K. 6423


K. 1740


K. 2968


K. 13260


K. 10115


K. 4403


K. 13259


K. 1740


Sin. 1297


K. 7207


K. 1621a


-Sui. 980


K. 9280


K. 2756 a


Rm. 606


K. 9729


K. 5146


K. 62


K. 4863


K. 12787


K. 262


K. 1.2882


K. 2959


Riu. 614


K. 9136


K. 12865


K. 4411


K. 3436


K. 12822


Rm. 2, 39


K. 3234


K. 3671


K. 207


K. 2570


K. 12787


K. 4149


K. 5145


K. 9528


Sm. 83


K. 3182


K. 6973


79-7-8, 94


K. 2741


K. 14020

32 b

K. 2449


K. 1753


K. 14002


Rm. 2, 148



Kegistratiuu No.

Fragments rejoined.

Kecistration No.

Fragments rejoined.



Fragments rejoined.





K. 3875


K. 3474


Sm. 926


SSm. 215, 449,


K. 3859


Sm. 816

1245, 1372,


Sm. 757


Sm. 814

1452, 1628,


K. 2361


K. 2570



K. 3330


K. 2549


Sm. 1951


Sm. 988


Sm. 166


SSm. 799, 1017,


SSm. 176.3, 1781


Sm. 548



K. 11492


K. 59


Sm. 752


Sm. 360


Sm. 1652


K. 4218 a


K. 5373


K. 11485


Rm. 50 7


Sm. 199


Sill. 1287


K. 4395


Sm. 36


Sm. 666


K. 4175


Sm. 640


81-2-4, 215


81-2-4, 265


K. 2018 a


Sm. 804


K. 4177


K. 8125


K. 2959


Sm. 334


Sm. 7,50


Sm. 710


Sm. 1078


K. 12180


Sm. 787


Sm. 28


K. 14500


K. 3687


Rm. 425


K. 2018 a


Sm. 801


Sm. 1483


Sm. 887


K. 4807


K. 11230


K. 4080


Sm. 11


Sm. 2184


Sm. 199


Sm. 1050


K. 2449


Sm. 1364; Rm. 2,


Sm. 402


SSm. 600, 845,



Sm. 1731

1461, 1466,


Sm. 1892


RlJm. 464, 594

1567, 2062


Sin. 2155


Sm. 48




Sm. 207


Sm. 801


Sm. 1902


Sm. 166


Sm. 986


K. 13112


K. 12822


SSm. 1208, 1943


SSm. 447, 553


K. 2225


K. 6066


Sm. 590


Sm. 472


SSm. 1553, 2188


Sm. 36


Sill. 1407


Sm. 1149


Rm. 2, 210, 214


83-1-8, ,545


Sm. 78


Sm. 1543


82-5-22, 495


81-2-4, 297


K. 3985


Sm. 923


Sm. 1611


K. 3820


K. 8753


Sm. 1449


RRm. 135, 472;


K. 2279


K. 3836

Bii. 91-5-9,


Sill. 2070


K. 4865



K. 2196


Sm. 1075


Sm. 299


83-1-18, 380


K. 11505


K. 197


K. 11502


K. 4136


Sm. 271


Sm. 946


SSm. 1409, 1538


K. 6190


Sm. 487


Sm. 1061


82-5-22, 570


Sm. 49


Sm. 1221


K. 3182


SSm. 1352, 1651


Sm. 1220


K. 6720


Sm. 385


Sm. 36


K. 4830


Sm. 1650


K. 451


Sm. 67


Rm. 2, 93


K. 187


Sm. 1385


Sm. 949


K. 2893


K. 13112


K. 6483


Sill. 1271


Sm. 434


Sm. 48


Sm. 1262


80-7-19, 371


SSm. 952, 1024


Sm. 922


IJf'jiistratiiin No.

Fragments rcjuiiicd.

]tei;istrati(»u No.

Fragments rejoined.

Itegistration No.

Fragments rejoined.





Sm. 8


Sm. 406


K. 1668 b


83-1-18, 537


K. 2728


K. 2528


K. 2549


K. 2728


K. 3040


K. 2016 a


Sm. 406


K. 4230


K. 5373


K. 5165


K. 2021a


K. 2893


K. 3179


K. 3456


Sm. 48


Sm. 21S7


Rm. 2, 394


K. 9667


Sm. 1371


82-5-22, 27


Sm. 755


K. 1779


K. 3600


K. 10994


K. 2252


Sm. 2052


Sm. 554


K. 6363


K. 2542


Sm. 1877


Sm. 559


K. 1769


Sm. 36


K. 2970


K. 1700


Sm. 336


K. 2432


Sm. 2052


K. 6720


Sm. 187


D.T. 152


K. 4830


Sm. 1061


K. 3397


K. 3182


Sm. 37


K. 4243


K. 12180


Sm. 1687


K. 4905


Sm. 649


K. 4355


D.T. 119


Sm. 1190


K. 2449


D.T. 171


K. 2507


K. 1732


K. 2542


K. 8202


80-7-19, 162


D.T. 157


Sm. 1091


K. 4136


K. 2570


Sm. 36


K. 2674


D.T. 316


Sm. 166


K. 1805


D.T. 205


K. 2573


K. 1700


D.T. 198


Sm. 166


K. 3082


K. 2801


Sm. 107


81-7-27, 231


K. 4632


K. 71b


K. 1822


K. 3951


K. 59


DD.T. 76, 117


Rm. 555


K. 6026


Sm. 166


D.T. 180


Sm. 1190


Sm. 690


K. 2597


Sm. 239


K. 2266


K. 2518


Sm. 15(;i


K. 6306


K. 7592


Sm. 1074


Sm. 2109


K. 2570


Sm. 1552


Sm. 2103


K. 2018 a


K. 3401


Sm. 166


K. 4465


Sm. 1087


K. 4903



K. 14148


K. 2279


K. 1622


Sm. 36


Sm. 575


RRm. 6, 14


K. 4257


Sm. 134


Rm. 5


Sm. 36


Sm. 1868


Rm. 9


Sm. 764


Sm. 1074


Rm. 21 ; RRm. 2,


Sm. 755


82-5-22, 316

43, 44, 45, 47,


Sm. 901


83-1-18, 555

48, 50. 52, 53,


K. 3978

54, 60, 69, 71,


81-2-4, 103

72, 75, 82, 87,


Sm. 1962

88, 90, 552


K. 2732



Rm. 7


Sm. 992


K. 4579


Rm. 5


K. 12886


K. 1832


Rill. 2, 66

2 N



Registration No.

Fragments rejoined.


Fragments rejoined.

Registration No.

Fragments rejoined.



RRm. 2


Rm. 8


Sm. 100


Rm. 2, 46


Rm. 108


Rm. 521


Rm. 2, 46


Rm. 91


79-7-8, 122


Rm. 8


K. 3878


Sm. 1001


Rm. 2, 67


Rm. 86


Sm. 266


RRm. 2, 64, 604


K. 4097


Rm. 248


Rm. 2, 63


K. 3693


K. 3126


Rm. 20


Rm. 2, 111


Rm. 432


Rm. 2, 61


Rm. 44


K. 5692


K. 1719


K. 4872


K. 4097


Rm. 8


K. 2862


D.T. 308


Rm. 8


Rm. 405


Rm. 562


Rm. 8


Rm. 380


Rm. 560


Rm. 8


K. 15272


Sm. 55


Rm. 8


Sm. 266


Rm. 2, 177


Rm. 8


K. 2418


K. 11153


Rm. 8


K. 3878


Sm. 1001


Rm. 8


K. 5408 a


K. 4221


Sm. 785


81-2-4, 205, 237,


Sm. 13


K. 2647

238, 240, 312,


83-1-18, 591


[K. 205]i

449, 496


K. 9955


Rm. 273


K. 9667


Sm. 20


Rm. 106


K. 1439


K. 3473


79-7-8, 88


K. 1576


K. 4426


79-7-8, 102


K. 8684


K. 3382


80-7-19, 272


K. 3940


K. 3437


Rm. 268


K. 3970


K. 4401 a


Sm. 33


K. 6658


K. 2041


Rm. 2, 264


K. 6190


K. 3323


K. 4945


K. 2967


80-7-19, 178


K. 9585


K. 4905


K. 13017


Rm. 577


K. 3128


Rm. 2. 206


Rm. 481


Rm. 2, 203


Rm. 2, 140


RRm. 2, 423, 470


K. 4911

RRm. 2


Sm. 217


Rm. 2, 104


K. 8093


K. 4654


K. 15272


K. 207


Sm. 217


79-7-8, 136


K. 4194


K. 9716


RRm. 325, 375


Sm. 23


Rm. 2, 156


K. 3730


Rm. 8


80-7-19, 296


Rm. 311


Rm. 8


K. 10268


K. 11157


Rm. 8


K. 8846


K. 2042


RRm. 2, 51,57,59


K. 2570


K. 13695


Rm. 8


D.T. 49




Rm. 8


Rm. 2, 207


83-1-18, 461 a


Rm. 8


Sm. 554


Rm. 311


Rm. 2, 46


79-7-8, 180


Rm. 118


Rm. 8


Rm. 2, 207


K. 3445


Rm. 8


Rm. 8


Rm. 114


Rm. 8


Rm. 2, 63

' See above, p. 265, n. 1.




Fragments rejoined.



Fragments rejoined.

Registration No.

Fragments rejoined.





56-9-9, 201


79-7-8, 339


K. 3330


56-9-9, 143, 184


79-7-8, 333


K. 7752


56-9-9, 136


K. 10126


81-2-4, 446


56-9-9, 149


K. 11283


K. 9735


56-9-9, 147


Sm. 60


56-9-9, 153


K. 11498


56-9-9, 159



K. 7752


56-9-9, 151


K. 11479


Sm. 1085


56-9-9, 108, 191


K. 11489


Rm. 146


56-9-9, 152


80-7-19, 76


81-2-4, 239


56-9-9, 156


80-7-19. 72


K. 4727


56-9-9, 136


80-7-19, 134


K. 2871


50-9-9, 192


K. 8143


81-2-4, 255


56 9-9, 156


82-5-22, 549


Rm. 146


56-9-9, 189


K. 59


K. 7752


56-9-9, 200


80-7-19, 92


81-2-4, 486


56-9-9, 197


Bu. 89-4-20, 13


81-2-4, 153


56-9-9, 134


Sm. 2002


81-2-4, 473


Rm. 982


Rm. 146


Rm. 2, 138


Rm. 366



Rm. 366


K. 4623


Rm. 2, 279



K. 10330


K. 1335


81-7-27, 4


K. 4813


K. 10412


81-7-27, 2


K. 3511


80-7-19, 352


82-5-22, 26


79-7-8, 143


80-7-19, 350


K. 1833


Rm. 2, 115


Bu. 89-4-20, 2


81-7-27, 50


Sm. 29


Sm. 366


81-7-27, 49


Rm. 2, 130


K. 4349 a


K. 4110


K. 4349 k


K. 8730



K. 13646


79-7-8, 120


81-2-4, 475


K. 2756


79-7-8, 114


Sm. 1678


K. 14943


Rm. 455


K. 2674


81-7-27, 126


82-5-22, 523


K. 3403


81-7-27, 116


Rm. 306


K. 11498


K. 3689


79-7-8, 81


K. 11449


K. 2950


K. 7401


K. 2453


81-7-27, 183


K. 9432


K. 8049


81-7-27, 180


Rm. 2, 454


Rm. 146


Sm. 2030


K. 2570


Sm. 924


[K. 5020]!


K. 3978


K. 4206


79-7-8, 286


K. 187


79-7-8, 270


K. 3832


79-7-8, 265


Rm. 146



79-7-8, 243


Rm. 146


K. 2086


K. 4340


81-2-4. 384


K. 2570


K. 3473


Rm. 146


K. 3844


K. 2054


K. 3059


K. 11914

' See above, p. 272, n. 1.

2 N 2



Eegistratiou No.

Fragments rejoined.

lieKistration No.

Fragments rejoined.



Fragments rejoined.





K. 12167


[K. 1989] 1



K. 13112


K. 4206


K. 1513


K. 7387


K. 4338 a


K. 2573


83-1-18, 336


K. 3282


K. 136


K. 241


Rm. 367


K. 8240


83-1-18, 523


K. 2016 a


83-1-18, 482


K. 3945


K. 1447



83-1-18, 821



83-1-18, 476


K. 2959


K. 1601


Hu. 91-.^j-9, 37


83-1-18, 463


Bu. 91-5-9, 17



83-1-1 H, 5(')8


Bu. 91-.J-9, 122,


81-7-27, 8


K. 11489



D.T. 64


Sm. 1320


Bu. 91-5-9, 48


K. 8540


Sm. 657


Bu. 91-5-9, 44


K. 1513


K. 11450


Bu. 91-5-9, 163,




K. 11505

212, 234


K. 13087


Sm. 2485


Bu. 91-.5-9, 171


Sm. 2196


K. 11457


Bu. 91-.5-9, 98


K. 62


.S3-1-1S, 563


K. 13017


Sm. 660


83-1-18, 557


Bu. 91-.'J-9, 127


K. 4526


83-1-18, 531


Bu. 91-5-9, 151


79-7-8, 126


K. 11431


Bu. 91-5-9, 59


80-7-19, 118


82-5-22, 73


K. 13132


K. 9292


Rm. 608


Bu. 91-5-9, 41


K. 4835


K. 8398


Bu. 91-5-9, 84


Sm. 309


K. 3152


Bu. 91-5-9, 175,


K. 11473


83-1-18, 806,




Bu. 91-5-9, 41


K. 1373


Bu. 91-.5-9, 176


83-1-18, 770


Bu. 91-5-9, 95


83-1 18, 480


Bu. 91-5-9, 53



83-1-lH, »92


Sm. 266


K. 1245


83-1-18, 770


K. 11517


83-1-18, 397


83-1-18, 874


Bu. 91-5-9, 55


K. 352


K. 11467


Bu. 91-5-9, 129


K. 1306


Bu. 91-5-9,


83-1-18, 378



82-3-23, 134


K. 11495


83-1-18, 409



Bu. 91-5-9, 206


K. 346



Bu. 91-5-9, 215,


83-1-18, 331


80-7-19, 353



Sm. 701


80-7-19, 161


K. 1989


82-5-22, 73


Bu. 89-4-26. 81


Bu. 91-5-9, 129


K. 410


Bu. 89-4-26,


Bu. 91-5-9, 186


83-1-18, 259



Bu. 91-5-9, 53


83-1-18, 353


l!ii. «9-4-26, 108


Bu. 91-5-9, 191


K. 2086


Bu. 89-4-26,


Bu. 91-5-9, 191


K. 2086



Bu. 91-5-9, 53

' See nboTe, p. 267, n. 1.




Fra(;iiient.s rejoined.

Kegist ration


Fragments rejoined.



Fragments rejoined.





K. 3403












1902-5-10 28





K. 29


252 258

167 167 167



95 90










144, 145, 147,


Ki. 1904-10-9

































194, 235, 251,



252, 258, 264,








148, 150, 151,

394, 396, 398,

152, 153, 154

399, 400











Th. 1905-4-9




236, 240






272, 376
















Letters and DESPATejJEs







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[4 '7]

Mythological Legend, Astrological Omens, Clay Sealing AND Bilingual Text






I, <f / . f ^ fy »; I- >y '



Astrological Reports, Incantation* and Directions FOR Ceremonies




Prayers and Liver-omens


Explanatory Lists

PJ British Maseim. Dept, of

3711 Egyptian and Assyrian B7A25 Antiqtdties Suppl.l Catalogue


