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eB C. B. DENSON, © ao

‘Bo A 33


ei | 7 gS | Kelvyn Garden, Pittsboro’. Chatham County, N. G,

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+, [Spring Catalogue of Flower Seeds and Bedding Plants re i GS January Ist, 1872. und forwarded to any address.



“CATA i O GC ia

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PITTSBORO’ PCIENTIFIC ACADEMY, Kelvyn Garden, Pittsboro’, Chatham County, N.C.

[Spring Catalogue of Flower Seeds and Bedding Plants ready January ist, 1872, and forwarded to any address.




With the presentation of the Third Annual Catalogue - from Kelvyn Garden, the subscriber returns his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage of the past year, and would state that the stock of Plants, in all departments, has been largely augumented, in number and variety. Our determination is, in every case, to satisfy the purchaser as to the quality of the goods supplied, and the reasonableness ofthe charges. The Chatham Rail Road is now open near to Pittsboro’, and daily mail and express facilities have been supplied, since the last Spring trade, so that all orders will receive prompt attention. J

The Bulbs are now in hand, and of the finest quality of this season’s growth, in Holland, which has been unusually favorable. They are not the refuse bulbs, brought to this eountry as emigrants’ luggage, and sold cheap by the case, in New York, but they are the finest products of the Harlem florists. In the list, will be found some new and rare varie- ties.

We supply all the choicest ornamental Shrubs and Trees, Roses, Vines, Hardy Border Plants (many new and beauti- ful kinds of these,) Green-house and Hot-house Plants, Hedge Plants, Flower Seeds, &c.

We introduce this season various beautiful and rare Ever- greens, obtained through the Collector for the Experimental Garden and Conservatory of the United States, in his recent foreign tour, some of them are especially for Cemetery Planting.

Attention is called to the following points:


1. Trees, &c., furnished at any time from October 25 te May 15, except during a short season in January. Bulbs at all times when in season. Plants in pots at any time—also small evergreens in pots.

2. Terms cash, for orders under fifty dollars. Large or- ders will be liberally treated, and time given, upon satis- factory references.

3. We pack with care, charges for the same being only actual cost. After delivery to the Rail Road or Express, we are not responsible for delay by the forwarders. But any article forwarded by mail will be promptly replaced, if it fails to reach the buyer. Where selections of varieties are left to us, the purchaser will find it to his advantage. Plants sent out shall be healthy and strong, but we do not guar- antee their success, because we have no control of their planting and management. |

4. Please inform us of the arrival and condition of all or- ders sent out, as we desire all to be thoroughly satisfied.

Please remit by money order or registered letter. Seeds, Bulbs and most small Plants will be sent by mail free of postage. All letters answered by return mail. Send dupli- cate order be prevent delay if the first letter is not prompt- ly answered. Order anything you wish, whether on the list or not. We will obtain it for you, if practicable. We will duplicate any offer of any catalogue. For the character of the plants, see references. Time saved, is everything to perishable plants, and we can now forward daily. Floral Decorations, Crosses, Wreaths, &c., promptly supplied.

These superb flowers can be grown by any one, with trif- ling care. Plant in open ground, or pot, or in a glass, fill- ed with water. Forout-door planting, dig the soil two feet deep, add two inches cow-manure and some sand; plant nine inches apart, and one foot between rows, on a dry day, covering with three inches of earth. If potted, putins dark place, or bury in ashes to start the roots before the crown, and place in the light when the roots reach the bo® tom ofthe pot. They will also grow well, planted in moss, without any earth. From hundreds of sorts, we have select- ed the following distinct and beautiful varieties. Order -early, before the stock is broken.

Double Red and Pink,

Acteur, rose, shaded deep pink, very double,.......... 25 Czar Nicholas, pale blush, large bells,...........c.e0e 25 Temple de Apollo, light rose, very fine,...........0...- 30 William IT, dark rose, very earkyj soos <oisseih ss 0 ceases 30

Waterloo, or Bouquet Tendre, rose, changing to » dark red, 30 Double White.

La Vir poe white, with rosy Gy@6792 bees vane oo See 25 La Tour d’ Auvergne, pure white, showy aoe Sch teem 30 Penelope, fine white, with red eye, .... 062. e cee ee ee cee 25

Sceptre d’? Or, white bells, spike moderate,............ 30


BPoublic Bine and Percelain.

A la Mode, ight bine; early, yee) 5 oS els PAD 30 Blocksberg. violet blue, splendid bells,................. 35 King of the Netherlands, shaded blue, compact spike,... 25 Mignon;de Dreypheut, pale bluge fs. 3.3 46 let ose ede os 30 Lord Wellington, dark porcelain blue, fine,............ 30 Doaubie Yellow. Ophir d’ Or, splendid bells, good shade,.............. 30: Lowa d@”. Or imme dark yellow, 230 os 6 oss eek ses Fate a 39 Pet Fie, PRPC hn n'a s Gee os han eb e es ones Be 30 Goethe, waxy cream, beautiful spike,................. 35 Simgle Red. Amy, groseille; this will give great satisfaction,....... 30 Charlotte Marianne, deep red, striped,................ 25 Dielstsch Sabalskauskt, bright red, compact,............ 25 L’ Ami du Coeur, bright red, showy Spike,.asssereeres 29 Norma, delicate rose, large bells,...........--+«.---. Papel Robert Steiger, deep crimson, superb spike,.......-.-.. 35: Sultan's Faeortte, striped waxy rose, splendid,.......-. 30)

Single White. Blanchard, pure white, very early, most satisfactory,.... 30

Grand Vaingresr, pure white, dense bells,,............ 25 Grand Vedette, white, showy spike,............. ..--: 30 Rossian, pinky white, large bells,..................2-- 29 Victoria Regina, waxy bells, superb,.................. 30 | Single Bluc.

Baron Von Thuyll, violet, very early,............2..-- 25 Bleu Mourant, light blne, bells moderate,.............- 25 Charles Dickens, superb violet bells,...............005: 30 Hmicus, blue, dense bells, compact spike,............. 25 L’ Ami du Coeur, early, dense bells, beautiful,......... 25. L” Unique, pure dark violet,...... Eden oemttrace tt auc bbe 25

Tubal Cain, fine dark blue,... weet e eet ence eee es 25


Singie Biack.

ta Plus Noise, deap.soyal purple... ...«.\. (oak 4H. ae 39 Mimosa, deep indigo, magnificent spike,.............. 35

Single Yellow.

Adonia, rosy yellow, very good,....................-. 25 Fleur d’ Or, maize color, beautiful bells,.............. 30 Heroine, pale yellow, fair spike, showy bells,.......... B5

Roman White Eiyacinth.

This fine bulb produces five to eight fine spikes of pure white flowers. Will begin to bloom early in December, if planted early. Plant several in a medium sized pot, for fine io, See ne 25 cents each, $2.50 per dozen.

Mixed Hyacinth.

These are handsome bulbs, with colors, but without names. For massing, these are equal to named varieties. Single White, Red, Blue, or Yellow, 20c. or $2.00 per doz. Double White, Red, or Blue, ...... is He Oe 3

Assortments of our collection, 15 per ct. discount.

Plant four inches apart and two inches deep.

Early Dwarf Duc Van Thol Tulips, rose,......-.+++--- 15 6 ce Pee ar. Ht - BGARIGb oc = 6% 2 ae es 10 6 cc Sie eee. £6 = wiite. 2; pened 3 . 25 rT cs eee) (ee = vermillion, ........ 20 ce 7: 7: co 7: red and yellow, .... 8

cc c< Sie SL be fo a golden, ....--+----. 20


Early Single Flowering. Splendid colors—perfectly hardy—early flowers.

Alda Moria, extra shriped:- i: sepals .|..5. ces 6. os oe 20 Alva Ficgolis, cvestiey Wie 3: : De ci. oc ee ls ee ve msg 10 Bizard Pronkert, brown and yellow, ...........s..eee0- 10 Er CUAIIGL, SC EEA REE ONE ala «PRE ene 2 one ance Reales 10 aCResS le PF OPUME, TORICETUCU , A oo no ve aw Kgecno cle 10 ied" Drange 7 sen. ANG YellOWag es. a3. ive o.<'s sig aa sv oven ae 10 Keizer Kroon, yellow, bronze flake,.............00.22- 10 La Jicine Tole Bie WILE... « « Gaeneh bs n'vie « Weld ee PL 10 Lae Van Rhein, brown, white edge, ...........-.-.... 10 Ma Plus Aimable, brown and yellow,...........-.--0.. 10 Pattehe ear ae PRE TR... TI 6 6.0», <0. 5, 5yayejegn nium even 13 iP aitcaker,- yeh. acc <= Seas + = sania bie - es « 15 ose, Mundi, white, bordered Tose, .....-. 2-6 ene c er nee 15 Siloer Standard, red atid White, ...........0..eceecees 10 Double Tulips. Bonaparte, brown and red, ... .. gieminie= hess ose es 10 Belle Alliance, striped red,.......... Lie haces els 10 Couronne Hnperigie Crimis0n,,... Waikis« 6s 00s s «5 + Reie-.- 18 Dee Van Thol, red and yellow, <fe.-.-\~4<..-..-.-.. gee 6 Gloria Solis, scarlet and yellow,......2.....0ceecee.. 1S Jae CEndeur, Ware Witte. |... Laem ews ea \ eee 15 Mariage de Ma Fille, violet rose, .. «.0.-.02--+scccesece 20 Peony Gold, golden yellow,..... a ee ea 13 Page Uri, POLE. Lo.» - eee ngs ne = pee 15 Rosine, DYAPRUROSE, a. Saja s - ee os os ai w al 10 Tournesol Ted and Feuow, ..... Bemeee ee cee we o> «| See 10 Yellow Hoke, pure yellow, «.. ... = 23eB- Aa. Sess 8 10

Parrot Tulips, very large, curious, red, green. yellow,&c., 8 Bizarre Tulips, the famous flowers of Holland—very beau- tiful tints of crimson, purple, &c., on yellow ground, 15 Byblooms, like the above, except on white ground,..... 13 Rosy on White, rose, cherry and pink on white,........ 15


Breeders, self colors, and very large cups,............. 10 CPO TAI ees ps Soe is So Fae aw oh bad eeeae 50 Poiyanthus Narcissus,

Grand Monarque, white, yellow cup,............-2.02 20 Queen Victoruz, pure witite, .. 224. .62s0seesees rye eae 25 Albo Pleno Odorata, (Double) white, fragrant,.......... 15 Factions: (simple) wie. Fed Cups... 62. . 2 i ewes 20 DRGs RS IER ss 3 ht Sg c's «2's cine ae ae 20

Charming Spring favorites— plant from October to Janu- ary in glasses, pots, or open ground. They make a fine border, and increase from year to year.

Blue, Striped, Purple, White, Yelléw, Gold,....per doz., 25

Wry Large Deen GE BS 2 oes 2. sR BOSSE 30 Scotch, striped white and black, abundant

Dleemcri ge a ress os Re a ss 50 Mont Blane, beautiful large and new white,.... ‘* 40 Queen Victoria, purest white, .........2..-46.. gs 40 Cloth of Silver, purple stripe on white,........ a 40 Walter Scott, very large, lilac pencilling, purple

BWDE So) EECA feat. Re «eee ee Ue VE Ne Plus Ultra, light blue, tipped with white

rely DO fee, ee alee oo eye ed “§ 40 Othello, darkest purple, splendid,............. sf 50 Triz, Anglica, Winglish Tris, ... 220.22 ci eee cc eeere 10 Tris, Hispanica, Spanish Iris, ........00eeces- se cece 10 Tris, Pavonia, Peacock’s Ivis,.........e-eee- ee eeeeeee 15 Snowdrops, double flowering, ...-++--sereeeeee esis come 10

Amarylliss Formosissima, brilliant crimson,.........-.. 30


Anemones, scarlet, rose, blue, violet,.....:...-......-- 10 (These are hardy everywhere—plant in Fall or Spring.) - Babianas, cape bulbs for house; blue, white, crimson,.. 25 Bulbicodium Vernum, dark purple, very early,.......... 15 Ismene, for house culture, white, fragrant,............ 40 Lachenalias, for house, fleshy spotted leaves, pendent POT CIS: np ceateee es ots Mater eds ROEM, Bote a8

Two fine varieties—Orchiordes, green and yellow,...... 60

Quadricolor, scarlet and yellow,.... 60 Snow Mlake, (heucogreen Vernum,)......2.-.0.0-20+0 15 Oxalis, pot culture, many bright colors,............... 10 fzias, pot culture, curious, several colors in same fiower, 10 Scilla Amena, early bloomers, exquisite blue,.......... 12

Ranunculus, fine form, unequalled colors, many sorts,.. 10 Sparaxis, for pot culture, like the Ixia, beautiful con- tracts of color, white and Fish yellow and crimson, Bie: oes thes Ss See ME Mae wl ee. RES 20 Zephyranthes, for tie culture. We call special attention to these fine pure white Lily like bulbs, which bloom

within three weeks after planting, at any time,...... 25 Tritortca Aires, qot eu loure, 5295. fo PL. OE Se 25 Cyclamen Persicum, white, violet bordered, orneineeial

leaves, plant three months in bloom,................ 75 Peonies, ten choicest varieties, early and late,.......... 50

Gladiolus, Tuberoses, Lilies, &c., in Spring catalogue. Bulbs named in any other catalogue, will be forwarded without increase of charge, post-paid. We supply all the new and rare Lilies.

Aadigttis UI ANOS TS 20c. each, $1.75 per dozen. Tuberoses, finest double,........ 15c. each, $1.50 per dozen.


ri wa —¥i eS ee \ : -45=9 8

Ready in November. Splendid sorts, supplied until May. Japan Lilies—Lancifolium Albiens, white,...........6- 30 foseum, rose, Rubrum, red, 30

LL. Melpomene, deep crimson, white edge, 75

L. Auratum, ten inches across,.......... 50

L. Fortunti, scarlet, spotted black,...... 50 Auranviacum, orance yellow, ..-% . 22. Ss). Be ed we 30 Candidum, white,..... UPR ES er hh SoA tet! oy AE ge bh 20 Canadense, yellow, and black, anieaei, fs aoe eee 50 iirecisnm, pixiece tush, light-pait, oo... 2 Pek 75 Hemme, laree snowy white, 2s 250.260 Seer ee eS 73 Longifiorum, snow white, trumpet shaped, ............ 25 Superbum, pyramid of yellowish red flowers, 20 to 50,.. 50 Thunbergianum, orange, spotied black,..............4.. 60 Tigrinum, Tiger Lily, salmon orange, spotted,......... 15 DR tee ee os. a ss ..-perclump., 25


Price 75 cts each, except where noted. Large sizes extra. Small plants of many kinds at 50 cents. Acer, (Maple) English Cork-barked, globular, fine for lawn. Silver, well-known, rapid growth, quick

shade. Costorphine Plane, bright variagated RCAVES, . pease cai s Cre eae wae $1.50

European, under side of leaves purple, 1.00 Red Colchican, star-shaped leaves, young STowth, GMiMisOM,.: - 5-2 ./ess04 25 - 1,00


Acer, (Maple) Sugar, very fine foliage in Autumn. } Norway, beautiful shape, leaves deep green. Scarlet, brilliant foliage in Autumn. Zesculus, (Horse Chestnut) White, flowering, from Europe. Ohio Buckeye, pale yellow fiowers. Aisculus, (Horse Chestnut) Dwarf, pure white flowers. Aldus, (Alder) Huropean, very rapid growth. Cut-Leaved, very showy, divided leaves, 1.00 Amygdalus, (Almond), Soft Shell and Hard Shell, each, 60 Asimina (Papaw), leaves deep green, flowers purple, fruit sweet. Aralia Spinosa, (Prickley Ash). Betula, (Birch), White, drooping branches, white bark. Cut-leaved, very attractive fern-like leaves. Castanea, (Chestnut), Huropean, beautiful tree and fine fruit. American, native, nuts smaller but sweeter. Knights’ Dwarf, small bush, with very large fruit—rare,....:.. 2.00 Cercis, (Judas Tree) Japonica, superb novelty, with rare eolored Hawers, 23: .... ..;\Rae «sa eee es Lae 1.00 Chionanthus, Fringe Tree, flowers snow white, like fringe. Cladastris, Native, long racemes of white pea-shaped flowers. ae (Hawthorn) English,—also Double White and Double Red. Double Scarlet, brilliant, new. Weeping, grafted high, graceful,.... 1.50 Variegated-leaved, marked with white, 1.00 Cytisus, (Laburnum), small tree from England, very or- namental, with drooping racemes of golden yel- low flowers. °


Fagus, (Beech), American and European, with foliage different. We call attention to the very beautiful varieties named below: Fern-leaved, Copper-colored, Curled-leaved, Cut-leaved, Weeping, Blood-leaved, (foliage deepest purple), Silver Variegated and Golden Variegated. Each of these splendid sets, 022 s2V)) oe... $1.50 and up. Frazinus, (Ash), Huropean, clean, tall, fine for streets. Aucuba-leaved, spotted, gold and green.

Golden-barked, very remarkable,...... $1.00 Willow-leaved, Walnut-leaved, White Ash, &c.

Glyptostrobus, (Weeping Deciduous Cypress), from Japan. A conifer with deciduous leaves, foliage very pracetul mudidrpoping, 298268) oboe 1.50 Gymnocladus, (Kentucky Coffee Tree). Fine lawn tree. Juglans Nigra, (Black Walnut). Well known. Nigra, English Walnut. Very fine fruit, perfect- ly hardy. Kolreuteria. A Chinese tree, with fine yellow flowers | in July. Lariz, (Larch), European, delicate foliage, quick growth. Lirvwodendron, (Fulip Tree).. Native, large greenish yel- low flowers. Magnolia Acunminata, (Cucumber Tree). Rapid growth, yellow flowers. Heart-leaved, flowers golden yellow—trare,.... 1.50 Macrophilla, Great-leaved, leaves 2 to 3 feet long, flowers 10 inches wide, pure white, 3.00 Tripetala, (Umbrella Tree), creamy white. Grandifiora, the great Magnoiia of the South, $1.50 to $5.00 Purpurea, Asiatic sort, purple flowering.


Maynolia Leunei, new sort, from seed, flowers reddish

purple, .......ccessesccc sccm enna 2.50 Soulangeana, very handsome, distinct purple and white, .. ..0csssse.bsscs Meee 1.25

Nyssa, (Tupelo, or Sour Gum), leaves crimson in fall. Persica, (Ornamental Peach), Double White, Rose, Red, Purple and Striped sorts. These are very beautiful, with flowers double, as roses. Duarf, Van Buren’s Golden Dwarf, for growth in pots. Populus, (Poplar) Silver Abele, very rapid growth. Lombardy, tall, spire-like effect. Weeping Aspen, grafted high, this is beautiful, . 4 dave... oo usb eebewnee 1 25 Prunus, (Bird Cherry) European, fragrant white flowers, Pyrus (Flowering Apple) American Crab, large rose col- ored bloom. Chinese Crab, double, rose col- or of bright red fruit.

Pyrus Sorbus (Mountain Ash) Cymes of white flowers,

followed by clusters. Golden leaved Weeping, ...1 25 Oak-leaved, leaves downy

WHIRG) |. 35 6'5:0's o ce ee 1 25

Paulownia Imperialis, from Japan, blue flowers,.

Quereus (Oak) many varieties, as follows: White, Turkey, Scarlet, Mossy-cup, Pin, Willow, British,

Laurel leaved, &c.

Rhus, (Venetian Sumach) Purple Mist Tree, very orna-


Salisburia, (Japan Ginkgo) strange fair shaped leaves, bright yellow in fall, of rapid growth, bears cones, and is unlike anything else.

Salia, Willow, Common Weeping, Variegated Goat, Shin-

ing leaved, dic., ..... 212070. deetnac span


Saliz, Golden Kilmarnock, deep green, pendulous, very Denmiatily oe. es » sss oso PO eee 1 25 Sophora, (Japan Sophora) Acacia-like leaves, flowers cream color. |

Weeping Sophora, new and beautiful,........ 1 50 Tilia, (Linden) American, large, smooth leaves, fine for streets.

European, superb pyramidal tree. White leaved Huropean, from Hungary,

were waluable, yes ys ee 1 00 Weeping, exceedingly handsome, with downy white leaves,...............- 1 00

Ulmus, (Hlm) American, fine native tree, spreading head, English, rapid growth, small leaves. Scotch or Wych Hlm, large, dark green leaves. Campedorin Weeping, of peculiar beauty, 1 50 Weeping English Elin, very drooping, with

nueaeiee, SMe a ee 1 50 Purple leaved, slender branches, with tek purple green leaves,. 2... 5... 1 25

“PIR EQN pow bey A Lj} ee) *

Price 50 cts. except where noted. Small sizes of many sorts at 20 cents.

Azalea, Pontic. Hardy Azaleas, very beautiful, in white, pink, yellow, crimson and other colors,........ $1.25

Amorpha, Indigo Shrub. Spikes of purple flowers.

Amygdalus. Dwarf double-flowering Almond.

Andromeda, large white flowers.


Berbeus Berberry, purple leaves, yellow flowers, with fruit.

Buddleya Lindleyana.

Callicarpa, from Japan, rare, violet berries.

Calycanthus, well-known native shrub, with fragrant brown fiowers.

Caragana, Acacia-like, with drooping yellow flowers,

Chimonanthus, fragrant flowers.

Catalpa Bungevi, new sort, of low growth, very fine,..

Clethra, native shrub, white spikes of flowers, valuable

for late bloom. Cornus (Dogwood), variegated, fine white-edged foliage, EXOT RPO DES so nie oyn 6 Senn bine oe eR Corylus (Hazel Nut), fine shrub from Europe, with valua- ble fruit. Crategus, (Fiery Thorn), evergreen leaves and scarlet fruit. White-Fruited, improved, with pure white fruit, Corchorua, well-known, yellow flowers. Colutea, yellow bloom, constant bloomer. Coronetta, Scorpion Senna. Cytisus, flesh-colored, dwarf shrub, with profuse bloom. Cydonia, (Japan Quince), flowers abundant, splendid scarlet, very early; also white flowering, with pale blush flowers. Daphne, (Garland Flower), trailing, deep green, fragrant Junk flowers, /:. . . 2 As piece ce ees Mezereon, from Europe), round bush, early pink flowers. Deutzia, elegant shrub, from Japan, very hardy and beautiful, Crenata has a profusion of drooping white bells. Crenata Flori-Pleno, very double, and mar- gined with pink.





Deutzia Fortunti, new, foliage dark green, blooms large,

pure white. Gracilis, dwarf and graceful, beautiful in early spring.

Hlaeagnus, (Wild Olive), silvery white leaves. Euonymus,—European, American, Broad-leaved, €c.,

has red fruit in the fall, often seen in old gardens.

Forsythia, (Golden Beil) bright yellow flowers, often

blooming in February.


The first shrub for Spring bloom. We offer three varie-


Hibiscus, (Althaea) the Althwas will always be valued

for their fine bloom in Autumn. They make fine screens, and the varieties, we offer, are very handsome in bloom, consisting of double pure white, double white with red stripes, double violet, bright striped pink, very large double lilac, and Buist’s Variegated, a superb sort, with variegated leaves that stand the sun,

Hydrangea, (Hortensis} the well known Garden Hydran-

BO Os os «eee Ga ae on Sees 50 Imperatrice Eugenie, new, French flowers, PME ANIE SATe. . .. eo eon oe er Oe 1 25 Otaksa, new, from Japan, very large corym bs Grimerp Tose. colores ee ae a 1 00 Oak-leaved, Snowy-leaved, Variegata, &e.,... 7d Paniculata, new, very lovely, large pure white flowers, very hardy,.............. 1 00

Hypericum, (St. John’s Wort) compact shrub, with golden

yellow flowers.

Itea Virginica, native shrub, with pure white flowers, Lagerstremia, (Crape Myrtle) rose colored bloom. Tagustrum, (Privet) dark green leaves, white flowers

and purple fruit. 2


Tagustrum, Aurea Variegata, foliage marked with yel- low bands and spots. Lonwera, (Honeysuckle) erect shrubs, the climbing sorts are named under ‘‘Vines.’’ Ledebouria, bright red flowers, from California. Nigra, Black-fruited, from Europe. Tartarian, rose colored, pure white, and dwarf varieties. Rubra Grandiflora, the great red flowering, Ree SOG! Os eS ok ee es a TS Fly Honeysuckie, a large shrub, with cream colored bloom. Philadelphus, (Common Mock Orange, or Syringa. Sadsuman’s, smaller leaves and flowers, from Germany. Ribes, (Missouri Currant) yellow flowers, with delicious perfume. Trhedora,. (Purge Fg0Gre ) 0: ers © hs aves 6 eg Sa . Vie Roses, in several hundred varieties, see heading. Rubus, (Purple Flowering) large leaves, and purplish rose bloom. | Rosefolius, Bridal Rose, fine plants,........... 56 Sambucus, (Hilder) Variegated, broad white bands on leaves. Red-berried, and Maroon-leaved also. Spartium Scoparium, Scotch Broom. Spiraer. We offer all the best varicties of thiselegant shrub : Billard, bright pink in spikes. Opulifolia, Snowball-like blooms. Californica, dwarf, like Billardii. » Aurea, foliage of goiden color. Reevsie, pure white flowers, umbels. Reevsie Fl- Pl, exquisite double white sprays. Callosa, umbels, pink. ,


Spiraea, C. Alba, dwarf, pure white. Douglassi, delicate rose. Pruntfolia, very double, white, early. Ulmifolia, compact, round corymbs. Thunberju, small, Japanese sort. Stvartia, beautiful native shrub, with large white flowers Symphoricarpus, (Snowberry), white-fruited ; also, red- fruited. . Syringe, (Lilac).—Many varieties of this favorite plant. Persian, small size, flowers fragrant, purple. White, slender panicles, pure white bloom, cut-leaved. Common Purple, Charles X, Josikea V. Tamariz Indica, very graceful slender foliage blue green, flowers pink. Viburnum Lautana, (Wayfacing Tree,) old favorite. _ Opulus, (Cranberry Tree, ) flowers like Hydran- gea. Opulus Sterilis, (Snowball,) well known com- mon shrub. Plicatum, rare and very beautiful, from Japan. Flowers exceedingly large, in pure white pa OS ise iso.) . Beenie Lee Oe ee Weigelia. We offer many varieties of this splendid shrub, viz: Amabilis, irregular pink flowers. Alba, white flowers changing to blush. Variegata, variegated icaves. A. Grandiflora, cream and pink. Desboisii, deep rose color. Groenewegenii, very fine dark red. Rubra, light red. | Multifiora, blooms though the season. Purpurata, young shoots purple.



Weigelia, Rosea, beautiful bright rose. Hortensis Nivea, silvery white, new, very fine, forcesdin winter, pages FSS 735 One hundred Shrubs of our Selections, in 10 varieties, 20.00

Evergreen Broad Leaved Shrubs. Aucuba Japonica, hardy, in shade eight varieties, spot- ted with gold on green, called Japan Gold Dust Tree. Buzus, (Box,) Common Tree, Silver Variegated, Gold Va- riegated, Glaucous-leaved, Myrtle-leaved, Thyme- leaved, Japan, Chinese sorts, with large leaves, broad, round, long and narrov. Euonymus, Japanese sorts, Golden, Silver, Tri-Color, Baw-lemped Ses 8 A ae SS. 25 cts. to $1.00 Cerasus, (English Laurel), beautiful green leaves. Kalmia, (American Laurel), two varieties, crimson and

POSE, CRN RIED eee B'S ET a. 75 Mahonia, Holly-leaved, Japanese, and Bealii, all very fine, 75 Lass Tae oe Pee eS; SN er OS Ee 60 Laurus Noblis. (Spice Laurel), . 2822559220220 0045. ..% 75 Magnolia Fuscata, Banana Shrub, very fragrant,...... 7 Olea Pragraus, (Sweet Olive) es... S98 Ost. se... 50 Pittosporum Tobisa, beautiful leaves,................. 50

Thea-Bohea, Chinese Tea Plant. Easily raised from seed, intheopenair. Beautiful shrub. Wecan

Gry Supply Hemme s.). Fee. oo oe 3 ws ew ee 50 Rhododendron-Catawhtense, native of North Carolina, hardy, thick oblong leaves, clusters of purple


Ponticum, European, very fine.

Hybrid Sorts, white, cherry, pink, spotted,

errmsam ish. 5) Soe Oe tee. 2.00

Yucca Filamentosa, tropical looking, creamy bell flowers, 75



Price, 50 cents, except otherwise noted.

Akebia Quinata, new, from Japan, clusters of deep pur-

ple flowers,..... fy nls See A els iets er eee

Ampelopsis, Virginica, (Virginia Creeper, ) crimson in the fall.

Veitchii, very small leaves, tri-color, beau-

LNG s..3 a0 eek - (Sbeeb,- eevase -

Clematis.—No new plants have given greater satisfac-

tion than these beautiful blue, purple maroon,

lavendar and white, single and double large

flowers—some sorts five inches across. We have

tested them thoroughly, winter and summer.

Many splendid sorts, too numerous to name, 50 to 7

Hedera (Ivy,) Irish, English, Golden-berried, Doneraileuse, Miniature, Palmated, Roegnesiana, Digitata,

Rhomben Varicgaia, .. jetn Fie sejeeta nabs 40 to 7

Jasminum, (Shrubby Jessamine) smali yellow Jessamine. Nudifiorum, goiden yellow, very early in Spring. Variegatum, golden variegated, novelty, pure white, yellow and pink leaves. Keeps colors vivid in

the sun. Flowers white,..... 1

Lonicera, (Honeysuckle, ) Bicolor, Japan Evergreen, Goat Leaf, Canadian, Yellow Trumpet, Halliana, Douglass’ Red, English Woodbine, Monthly Duteh, red and yellow, Red Coral, and Japaam Gelden Veined. The last is very beautiful, with exquisitely netted golden and

green leaves,

Periploca. (Grecian Silk Vine.) Hardy, rich velvety purple flowers.






Fosa, Climbing Roses, Prairie, Triomphe de la Duchese, very fine.

Rhyneospermum Jasminoides. This lovely greenhouse climber, at the North, is hardy here. Nothing is finer, leaves deep glossy green, evergreen, flowers pure white, star like, numerous, and fragrant.

Solanum, evergreen, pure white flowers.

Jasminoides Var, beautiful silvery leaves.

Vinea, Trailing, evergreen, leaves deep green, flowers

LC 5 2s = <n. 5 Ge alee 2 ces Variegata, leaves splashed yellow, Alba, white OWERIII 5 ii a> 5 po eee = ee Wisteria, strong grower, racemes of pale blue flowers. American, purple flowers, Alba, White Chinese PEE BU IEE. a. . sb Rid nin «cto tecuemlag ne. Set of twelve handsome Climbing Plants for $5.00.


Price, 50 cents to one dollar, according to size, except as noted. Rarer sorts are small plants, but very fine large plants can be supplied at suitable rates, which will be as

reasonable as possible. Abies, (Spruce), Norway, superb tree, good in all soils, hardy and beautiful, 9 inches high, 16 cents,

12 inches, 25c., 2 feet, 50 to 75c., and up to, 1 50

Hemlock Spruce, drooping branches and dense

Lid ae oR eh ae i ee ae 75c. and up.

Slender, Black, Menzies’, Pyramidal, Oriental,

bE AO 7 ORR 6 a 1 00

Himaiayan, from China, very handsome, glaucous


Abies, Douglass, from California, exceedingly | eautiful, 2 00 A. Picea, Lovely Silver Fir, splendid introduction for

Prin... gee Sant 2: Se eee EAI 2 60 Balms wer well KnNOWH., ..... .., i 3. os bee 35 Cephalonian Fir, striking sharp, dark green Ee ee ee See et ss SUR eee 1 23 European Silver Fir, excellent, much better PURAMEG EEE SPAISOMN 20S oie wee 5 oo e's ats 50 to 50 Nadmarin’s Fir, the very tet evergreen for PRERRIEES . s s o o ciate om aes eo tet boaegea = BV 1 50 Biota, Chinese Arbor Vitae, Golden, Variegated, Weeping, EE Re Mele o's - = 9. See Sere on at ona arene 75 to 1 60

Small sizes of Arbor Vitae, very cheap, for hedging. Cedrus, Deodara, one of the most valued evergreens,

TB EES Ss. « 3 ee ete Oe 5 I ee 1 50

LIabani, (Cedar of Lebanon), highly prized,....1 26 Cephalorarus, Drupacea and Fortunii, two new and strik- ing evergreens for Cemetery planting, very oriental in style and perfectly hardy. The last has the larger

leaves, in long shining points,............... 75 to 1 00 Cryptomeria, Japonica, (Japan Cedar,) unlike anything else. This lovely plant is hardy as far North as Bal- timore. We could not supply our customers last sea-

son, but now offer fine plants at................... 1 00 Cunninghamia, Sinensis, novelty, 9 inches high,...... 60 Cupressus, Funebris, (Funeral Cypress,).............. “TS

Lawson’s, very handsome, foliage in green flowers, very fine plants,..... . raxeaeo tO 1 6D Nootka Sound, few plants as handsome,..... 1 25 Cashmere, Heath-leaved, Silver, &c. Plants FEOIA. FOUSS, «oo wrote eee yon a eek aed «robe 1 00 Juniperus, Hibernica, (Irish Juniper) upright green col- Hn tall sizes, from. 2e. nose 25 to 2 00

Suerica, Swedish, foliage yellowish, very eheap, from... 72. oa ee EAS Aa ae 25 to 2 00


Juniperus, Hedgehog, prized for cemetery lots, forms a dense ball one foot diameter, ............ 1 00 Weeping, long slender pale, green Prostrate, Variegated, Cracerian, &c.,......... 75 to 1 Libocedrus Decurrens, one of the most valuable new GVerpreens,. Sos. ny...» «eee ee ee 1 50 Pinus, (Pines) Austrian, White, Scotch, Corsican, &c., 50 to 75 Podocarpus, (Japanese Yew) hardy, long dark green leaves, fine for cemeteries. Retinospora, very beautiful new Japanese plants, superb novelties. Fricoides, heath-leaved. Obtusa, glossy green ‘‘ Tree of the Sun.” Leptoclada, \ike Arbor Vite. Pisifera, sharp pointed leaves. Sequoia Gigantea, the giant tree of California, rapid

OTOMWEN, oo 25g se enn os ain koe en 2 oe OE ee 2 00 Taxus, (Yew), Adpressa, from the East, dense, dark FOS VES Ay seis: <a abe pe Be 1.50 Baceata, (English,) rich glossy green, habit spreading.

Uprigel, (Irish,) plant like a deep green column, 1.50 -Golden.—The beautiful tints of this plant make it first of its kind. Dovastonii, (Weeping), golden-fruited, heart- | leaved, &c. Thinopsis, Japan Arbor Vitiue, Delabrata, axe-leaved, UTE wc Naka Seas 5 ann I 2 ec a ee came 1.00 Thuya, Western Arbor Vitae, Gigantea, lovely fern-like fobbagres \icy > 22 SRR te ee Aiea ae 1.00 Oczidentalis, American, very cheap, 15 cts. up, according to size. Parson’s, Booth's, Hoopes’, Hovey’s, Weeping and Reed's splendid. s@rig, 0.22 52 52 ee 50 to 75


Thuya, Siterian, Arbor Vitae, superb plants, very bushy, from 20 cts up. Torreya, (Florida,) Yew-leaved Torreya, rigid shining Siee GIS es a ae ae eam One ft 1.25 Many of the rarer Evergreens are pot-grown, to insure safety in transplanting. They are packed with care. Keep the roots damp until planted. Do not use fresh manure. Deep planting wiil kill the plant. Shade for a few days, and plant with Northern exposure, where practicable. Selections made up for five, ten, twenty and fifty dollars, at special rates. Correspondence invited from gentlemen who are planting their grounds. The advantages of pur- chasing Evergreens at home areundoubted. They can only be moved long distances at special seasons. Do not con- found the costly sorts with common plants. We send the cheap kinds at lower rates than those of any Southern cata- logue, and heavy Northern freights are saved.

Arbor Vita, American, 6 in. to 1 ft., price

reducéd?: fo.4: 550-4 os eee -.... $10.00 per 100 Norway Spruce, nine inches, pricereducedto 8.00 atacgus” Pur acanena, oo. Sos Caer. a fen'c 16,00). °>"% pelner Thori..1 year, 6. in) eee et 8.00 .* Golden Spiraea, one foot... ......+ 2... seit Oe ia: Osage Orange, very fine; price until Jan. Ist,

fe Apert GU en ss ee $4.50 per 1,000 Osage Orange, largely reduced in price, qual-

EGY PSE. OO YEATS. ao... Ue en. - athe 8.00 per 1,000

VRE TLU AACE VOR. = = 2 = on iy ee = = 30 cents.


All the best varieties of Hybrid Perpetual, Tea, Bengal, Bourbon, Moss, and Climbing Roses. For descriptions, see Catalogue No. 2. Plants from open ground, in Fall and Winter, very strong and fine, all leading kinds, at 33 cents each. Pot-grown plants, 50 cents each or $5 per dozen. We guarantee better satisfaction, if color is stated and name of variety left to us, as we can select the best plants. We are growing avery heavy stock for 1872, and constantly adding the best.

rT . aD Kae? === =i TENDER SHRUBS. = : 2NS S_ . a = Y) == Cy

For drawing room decoration in winter, we offer beautiful Camellias, white, red, and variegated, Azaleas, in all colors, ten styles of Oranges, Lemon, Lime, Citron, Shaddock, Gar- denia, (Cape Jessamine) Californian Laurel, (with spicy leaves) Daphne, (blooming at Christmas) Hupatoriums, white bloom, &c., at low rates.

Send for whatever you may wish. We cannot catalogue the varieties—see Spring Catalogue. Many rare and new sorts are now offered. We have just stocked a large house with hundreds of sorts, to which reference can be given, for any purchaser. All sorts of Bedding Plants sent in Spring. Hanging Baskets, with or without Plants.


Fine selections for fall planting, very cheap. Most hardy annuals do best when planted in the fall, if not in dry soil. Seeds for spring planting supplied of best quality, at dis- count of twenty per cent. or any other catalogue price, if ordered before April 1st. Gladiolus, Dahlias, Tuberoses, Seeds for Green-house Planting.

Hyacinth Glasses, 25 to 50 cents, with growing Bulbs, 50 cents to one dollar.

Fine Pots with growing Bulbs ready for bloom, January to March, 50 cents each.


We desire to present the cultivation of Hardy Herbaceous Plants as a specialty of Kelvyn. No plants are better suited to the wants of the people—cultivated with ease, perfectly hardy, full of variety in flowers and foliage, and returning in the Spring very early, without need of replanting, they commend themselves to all lovers of flowers. Many new sorts are very lovely. We are collecting every valuable sort. Want of room allows us only to give name and color to a portion. Price, 20 to 50 cents. One dozen, our selection, $2.00. Cheaper sorts, $1.50 per dozen.

Achillea, yellow, red, double white. Aconitum, blue, white.

Alyssum, yellow.

Amsorica, light blue.

Anchusa, bright blue.


Anemone, purple, white, blue.

Anthericum, white bells.

Antirrhinum, Snap Dragon, ear.

Aquilegia, blue, white, purple, scarlet, yellow, double and single. |

Artsema, Dragon, greenish yellow.

Armesia, white.

Aster, blueish purple, rosy purple.

Astilbe, lovely clusters of white.

Bambusa, striped foliage.

Baptisia, blue, faise indigo.

Calinhoe, purple.

Campanula, pale blue, dark blue.

Chelone, white, blue, red, like reptile’s head.

Chrysanthemum, many splendid varieties.

Convallaica, Lily of the Valley.

Delphinium, pale blue, dark blue.

Inanthus, Sweet William, Hunt’s fifty varieties. no Garden Pinks, in many sorts.

i Florist’s Pinks, white and maroon. Dicentra, Bleeding Heart, rose, white. Dictanensis, reddish, white.

Dodecatheon, cowslip of colors.

Fpilobuim, pale purple.

Epimedium, Alpine, pink.

Erigonium, bright blue.

Funkia, Day Lily, much esteemed, sorts white, blue, pink, variegated.

Galega, lilac.

Geranium, native, reddish blue.

Hemerocallis, Yellow Lily, two feet.

ss) Copper-colored, four feet. Hesperis, Double White Rocket.

Hibiscus, Rose Mallow, pink.



Hieracium, creeping, orange | Ibveris, Perennial Candytuft. white. frizs, many sorts of different height and color.

Lamium, rose, white.

Tiatris, Blazing Star, rosy purple.

Lotus, yellow, pea-shaped.

Lychnis, fine, pink, white, scarlet. ‘6 Floscucuii, double white.

Iythrum, purple, rose.

Nummelaria, Monewort, yellow.

(nothera, yellow, (evening primrose).

Opuntia, prickley pears (Cactus).

Orobus, purple vetch.

Pachysandra, pure white.

Paeonia, Peony, ali colors. (Have just received ten new rare sorts).

Poppy, deep red, orange scarlet.

Pentstemon, orange, blue, purple.

Phloz, splendid hybrid sorts, all colors.

Platicoden, formerly Companula Grand, blue, also the white, singie and demi-double.

Polemonium, blue, white, (from Greece).

Potentillo, lovely, crimson, orange, lemem, blush.

Primrose, varied colors.

Pyrethrum, Feverfew, single red, double white, perennial, drooping sprays of double white.

Ranunculus, double yellow.

Rudbeckia, yellow and purple.

Salevia, white, blue, reddish.

Sarracenia, pitcher plant, native.

Sazifraga, pink.

Seitla, Star Hyacinth, blue.

Sedum, stone-crop, many sorts, with curious leaves, yellow, pink, purple, &c.


Sempervivum, House Leek.

Silene, Catchfly.

Spiraza, beautiful sorts, herbaceous. Filipendula is the prettiest.

Talimum, round foliage, pink.

Thalictrum, Meadow Rue, yellow.

Thymus, Thyme, gold and silver variegated, dark blue,

| double blue, double white.

Tradescantia2, blue, pure white.

Trycirtis, splendid fiower, like an Orchid.. -

Verbena, Montana, hardy variety, bright pink. es Hardy, purple.

Veronica, white, pink, blue.

Viola, violet, pale blue.

Selections left tous, will be liberally treated. Seedlings of Annuals at proper season, furnished for 25 cts. per doz. 50 cents per larger size.

Attention is invited to a few extracts from letters con- stantly received. Every effort will be made to please pur- chasers, and correspondence carefully answered, on any subject connected with Ornamental Planting.


Extracts from Letters received from sur Patrons, WasuHineton, N. C., March 19, 1871. ‘‘My Roses arrived on the 11th, in good crder and well conditioned. The Flower-Seeds you sent me in January, are up finely. The ‘‘ Donald Berton’ geranimus, one of the papers you presented me, came up, every seed, and now

present a thriving appearance.” Very Respectfully,

(Mrs.) D. V. WARREN. OxrForD, N. C., April 26, 1871. ‘‘The box of Flowers reached me promptly and in guod order. Thank you very much for your kind liberality. With the best wishes for your success.”’ Very Truly Yours, (Mrs.) L. G. CRAWFORD.

Raueien, N. C., April 1, 1871. ‘‘The Plants are excellent selections.”’ Kemp P. BatTTLe. (Said in reference to an order of six to eight hundred Plants for the Raleigh Cemetery.)

Hinissoro’, N. C., March 15, 1871. ‘“My Hyacinths were very handsome.” (Mrs.) S. C. D. TURNER. FAYETTEVILLE, March 18, 1871. “‘T shall take pleasure in directing any person in want of Evergreens, Flowers, &c., to your assortment.”’ Very Respectfully, | JoHN D. WILLIAMS.


. OxrorD, March 30, 1871. ‘* Your specimens are beautiful.” Respectfully, S. A. ELLIorr. ASHEVILLE, N. C. ‘‘T take pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of my plants, and thanking you for your liberality and kindness.” Very Respectfully, H. N. JASPER. CHAPEL Hitt, July 6, 1871. ‘*T have been waiting until the Lilium Superbum opened, to write you of its success. I take pleasure in mentioning that it turns out to be the very flower, I have tried for many years to procure. Wishing you all success, I am,”’ Respectfully, Marion L. SPEAR. ASHEVILLE, September, 1871. ‘‘The Tuberoses bloomed beautifully.” . (Mrs.) H. K. Parton. Our thanks to many friends for kind notices—also to the Press.